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RESET: Vladimir Putin Says That Russia Is Ready To Do It’s Part To Rebuild Ties With America Under Trump
RESET: Vladimir Putin Says That Russia Is Ready To Do It’s Part To Rebuild Ties With America Under Trump Vladimir Putin earlier became one of the first world leaders to congratulate Trump via a telegram for his surprise triumph over Hillary Clinton. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Moscow is ready to contribute to rebuilding relations with the United States with Donald Trump as president. EDITOR’S NOTE: Since Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s failed “Russian Reset” back in 2009, international relations between Russia and the United States have been a chilly 5 or 6 degrees above freezing. For the past year and a half, Russia and America have not talked at all, with Russia assuming power in the Middle East in Syria. Just hours after Donald Trump’s historic Electoral College landslide, Vladimir Putin has extended the olive branch of friendship and it could not have come at a better time. “We have heard the pre-election statements by then-candidate Trump, which were directed at rebuilding relations between Russia and the US,” Putin said during a speech before several ambassadors in the Kremlin. “We understand that this will not be an easy path considering the unfortunate degradation of relations,” he said. “But Russia is ready and wants to restore full-fledged relations with the US.”“We are ready to do our part and do everything to return (US-Russian) relations to the trajectory of development,” he said. “This would be in the interest of Russian and American people and would positively affect the general climate in international relations, considering the special responsibility of Russia and the US for ensuring global stability and security.” Remember this unqualified disaster? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spearheaded the disastrous “Russian Reset” back in March of 2009 which only served to further damage relations with Russia. They couldn’t even spell the words on the thing properly. With reporters looking on, Clinton met Lavrov and handed him a gift – a green box tied in green ribbon. He unwrapped it to reveal a “ reset button ” a lighthearted reminder of Vice President Joe Biden’s recent remark that the administration of US President Barack Obama is hitting the reset button with Russia after years of friction during the Bush administration. The trouble was , the Russian-language label the Americans put on top of the button had the wrong word. Before she realised the mistake, Clinton assured Lavrov her staff had “worked hard” to get it right. Was it right? she inquired with a smile. “You got it wrong,” Lavrov responded, also smiling. He said the word the Americans chose –“peregruzka”– meant “overloaded” or “overcharged” rather than “reset”. Clinton quickly retorted with: “well, we won’t let you do that to us, I promise”. It was an embarrassment for the United States, to say the very least. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov wants people to stop asking him about the failed “reset” with Russia because he says “it was the invention of Hillary Clinton and Obama administration.” Putin earlier became one of the first world leaders to congratulate Trump via a telegram for his surprise triumph over Hillary Clinton. Putin has tacitly supported Trump during the campaign, while Trump repeatedly flattered and praised the Russian leader and said he was willing to work with him. Russia’s parliament on Wednesday broke into applause upon learning of Trump’s win, and Russian markets climbed up, against the global slump on the news. source SHARE THIS ARTICLE
DAPL Protesters Proven Right as Largest Gas Pipeline in U.S. Experiences Massive and Deadly Explosion
By Claire Bernish A massive explosion of a gas pipeline in Shelby County, Alabama — near the site where the same pipeline leaked some 336,000...
DONALD TRUMP JR. Had The Best Reply Ever When He Discovered A Certain Republican Was Planning To Run Again In 2020
Earlier today, the disgraced former host of MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, tweeted a picture of conservative Tomi Lahren, and admonished her for using the U.S. flag as apparel . Donald Trump used a screen shot of his tweet and placed it next to a photo of Olbermann wrapped up in an American flag with the flag resting on the ground around him. Trump Jr. s tweet said: Life is hard; it s even harder when you re stupid. Trump Jr. s tweet went viral.Life is hard; it s even harder when you re stupid. pic.twitter.com/rpS7svtfvf Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 29, 2017Only a little more than 4 hours later, the New York Post reported that Ohio Gov. John Kasich is plotting his third run for president.The New York Post tweeted:John Kasich is reportedly plotting another run for president https://t.co/4bQnEN3esS pic.twitter.com/FCn1HqF5A6 New York Post (@nypost) October 29, 2017Kasich, who s term in Ohio ends in 2018, has kept a skeletal campaign staff from last year s race and they re helping him decide whether he should pursue a primary run as a Republican or as an Independent in the general election in 2020, the magazine said.He denied he s plotting a run, saying that s just not where my head is right now during an interview Sunday on Fox News Sunday. But he told the magazine the Republican Party needs to update its platform. I think we need to be pro-environment, he told New York for this week s edition. I think we need to completely redo education. Look, I loved Ronald Reagan. I met Ronald Reagan. But Reagan was then. Now we gotta move on. A persistent critic of the president s coarse tone, Kasich told the publication that Trump s election and the failure of Republican leaders to publicly condemn his actions is a momentary lapse of reason. He said he would represent a different viewpoint, insisting he wants to restore basic principles of caring, of love, of compassion, of connectedness. There has to be a fundamental change, in my opinion, with all of us. I m willing to be part of that. I want my voice to be out there. I want it very, very much, he said.But criticizing the commander in chief is one thing, launching a Republican challenge to a sitting president is another.Donald Trump Jr., had a simple, but perfect reply that pretty much sums up how most Republicans feel when they think of Governor John Kasich running for President again LOL!LOL https://t.co/li2EMoreBd Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 29, 2017Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican, lashed out at Kasich, saying His behavior if not that of a regular Republican. He s also been criticized in his home state for being a RINO Republican in Name Only after he supported expanding Medicaid, a move that put him at odds with GOP hardliners.
Russia Has Been Reading the Art of War - Blake Franko
The National Interest Last week, the New York Times ran a news story on inflatable jets and missile launchers being added to the Kremlin’s arsenal. Using balloons as weapons of war may sound strange and lead one to think Moscow has concocted a novel method of war. Upon deeper analysis, what the Russians are doing is nothing particularly new. The British and American military famously employed inflatable tanks in World War II in order to deceive the Germans. The Serbs more recently used decoys during the intervention in the Balkans to trick NATO bomber pilots. The method to this inflatable madness is based on well-established military thinking, going all the way back to ancient China. To get a better sense of what the Russians are doing and how they understand warfare, one only needs to pick up a copy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War . “Warfare is the Way (Tao) of deception. Thus although [you are] capable, display incapability to them. When committing to employ your forces, feign inactivity. When [your objective] is nearby, make it appear to be distant; when far away, create the illusion of being nearby.” This line from Sun Tzu is especially important in Russian military thinking of recent years. The Kremlin’s use of misinformation in the media is a particularly obvious example of deception, but the actual movement of men and material is just as important—especially to nations sharing a border with Russia. Moscow is intent on ensuring the West that Russian troops can mass at a moments notice and be rapidly deployed to far-flung corners of the country. Russia could inject itself into numerous theaters on its periphery and beyond, including the Baltic states with the threat of little green men, to continued military drills with China in the South China Sea to the risk of rekindling war in Nagorno-Karabakh . All of these scenarios prove irksome for policy makers in Washington. Dealing with rapidly deployable troops, that have the ability to stoke conflicts thousands of miles apart, makes deciphering the Kremlin’s actions a frustrating ordeal. “Probe them to know where they have excess, where an insufficiency.” NATO pilots have been working overtime to deal with frequent Russian incursions into allied airspace. The most recent incident occurred only two weeks ago, in which Norway, the United Kingdom, France and Spain scrambled aircraft to confront Russian TU-160 bombers flying near their territory. Russia’s high-profile encounters, including a very close flyby of a U.S. Navy ship and barrel rolling over an American reconnaissance aircraft, clearly demonstrates that it is trying to determine how and in which ways NATO will respond. These actions aim to keep allied forces on their toes, judging reaction times and what assets are used to counter their forces. “Thus one who excels at moving the enemy deploys in a configuration (hsing) to which the enemy must respond. He offers something that the enemy must seize. With profit he moves them, with the foundation he awaits them.” The Russians are very fond of this method, which is usually characterized by instigating incidents in order to execute their so-called reflexive control . This concept focuses on creating international incidents and forcing others to react them, in which the only plausible outcome is usually in favor of the Kremlin. The most notable case of this logic was applied in Russia’s entry into the Syrian civil war. Although Moscow’s intervention has had its pitfalls, largely driven by having to work with troublesome allies in Tehran and Damascus, it has made itself the primary external actor in the country. The slow American response to the Syrian war allowed Moscow to enter the fray and change the reality on the ground. In doing so, the momentum of the conflict swung in favor of the Russian-led coalition with President Assad’s grip on power secured. Whether the West likes it or not, the Russians will now be part of the peace process. Calls by France and the United States to investigate Russia’s bombing campaign as a war crime will not change this reality. The end result is that the Russian-led coalition is setting the pace in the conflict, with Washington and the West struggling to keep up. These selected passages from the Art of War help shed light on the Kremlin’s calculus. A strong case can be made that the Russian are employing these means in order to maximize the effectiveness of their armed forces in the face materially stronger opponents like the NATO alliance. Although these deceit-based tactics are signs of weakness, it does not make their use any less dangerous. If one is to believe Moscow is undermining the American-led world order, forcing NATO to continually be on alert is certainly resource draining and creates domestic pressure through the questioning of the alliance’s worth and purpose. While Putin may not be a grand strategist—given the hardships Russia faces through its own actions—he has been doing his homework on war. In order to avoid direct conflict with Moscow and better understand its methods, policy makers would be wise to read up on its approach to war and tactics they are likely to employ. Blake Franko is an assistant editor at the National Interest.
BREAKING: FEMALE #SanBernardino Shooter Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Before Massacre [VIDEO]
How long do you think our President has known about this? Anyone else sick of this Muslim Sympathizer In Chief? The mysterious Pakistani woman who with her husband gunned down 14 Wednesday at a Southern California holiday party pledged her allegiance to ISIS before the massacre, according to a government source, in what appears to be concrete evidence that the rampage was at least inspired, if not directed, by the terrorist group.Tashfeen Malik posted the pledge to ISIS leader and self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before the attack, in which she and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, stormed a San Bernardino party for his co-workers before escaping, Fox News confirmed through a law enforcement source who said the post was recovered despite the pair s attempts to erase their digital trail. The couple died hours later in a shootout with police, and in the aftermath the 29-year-old Pakistani woman has remained largely a name without a face. No confirmed pictures of her have surfaced, and few details have emerged.The pledge, posted on Facebook under another name and then deleted, was reported by The Associated Press, citing federal sources. It provided a fresh clue to Malik s identity and motivation. The aura of mystery surrounding Malik has given rise to suspicions she may have been the radicalizing force who turned her new husband from an aloof county restaurant inspector into her cohort in carnage, an Islamist fanatic capable of murdering co-workers who had embraced him for years. Tashfeen remains the biggest mystery, said a leader of the area s Pakistani-American Muslim community. She s the one no one knows anything about and has little to no presence on the Internet or having interacted with others in the Muslim community. Tashfeen remains the biggest mystery. She s the one no one knows anything about and has little to no presence on the Internet or having interacted with others in the Muslim community. Southern California Pakistani-American leaderThe aura of mystery surrounding Malik has given rise to suspicions she may have been the radicalizing force who turned her new husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, from an aloof county restaurant inspector into her cohort in carnage, an Islamist fanatic capable of murdering co-workers who had embraced him for years. Usually it s ISIS supporters trying to radicalize young girls online as they try to find new wives, but this may be the first case I know of where the opposite happened, said Ryan Mauro, a national security analyst for Clarion Project, which tracks international terrorism.Mauro noted that Farook s older brother, who shares his name, served in the U.S. Navy, which would seem to indicate that Farook s radical leanings did not come from within his own family. It is possible that she radicalized him or that suspected terrorists inside America he was communicating with are responsible for the radicalization, which led him to be attracted to a more hardline Salafi girl, Mauro said.What is known is that Malik met Farook online and that the two became engaged after Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia in September 2013. Malik applied for a K-1 visa at the American embassy in Islamabad in May, 2014 and two months later Farook again traveled to Saudi Arabia, met her there and brought her to the U.S. on a K-1 visa, a 90-day visa given to fianc s planning to marry Americans.They were married on Aug. 16, 2014, in nearby Riverside County, Calif. according to their marriage license. The marriage and passage of criminal and national security background checks using FBI and Department of Homeland Security databases resulted in a conditional green card for Malik in July 2015, two months after she gave birth to their baby daughter.Malik and Farook, an American citizen born in Chicago and raised in Southern California by parents of Pakistani descent, lived with their daughter and his mother, Rafia Farook, in a Redlands, Calif., apartment described by one investigator as an IED factory and ammo arsenal. Via: FOX News
U.S. general says concerned about Iran's long-term activities in region
TAMPA, Fla (Reuters) - The head of U.S. Central Command said he was concerned about Iran s long-term activities in the region and he would continue to focus on protecting U.S. troops, even as Iran has said U.S. regional military bases would be at risk if further sanctions were passed. Iran is kind of a long-term destabilizing actor in the region and so we remain concerned about their activities as well, U.S. General Joseph Votel told reporters. Trump is expected to unveil a broad strategy on confronting Iran this week, likely on Friday. Leadership will make the decisions and we will be prepared to do what we need to do to continue to protect ourselves and particularity to protect our interests in the region, Votel added.
Trump is 'well aware' of what U.S. policy has been on Taiwan: spokeswoman
(Reuters) - Donald Trump is “well aware” of what U.S. policy has been on Taiwan, Trump’s spokeswoman said, after the U.S. president-elect spoke by phone on Friday with Taiwan’s president, a move likely to infuriate China. “President-elect Trump is fully briefed and fully knowledgeable about these issues on an ongoing basis, regardless on who is on the other end of the phone,” Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told CNN.
Unreal! Minnesota Governor Tells Constituents To Leave The State If They Don’t Like The Massive Influx Of Muslims [Video]
GOVERNOR TELLS CITIZENS TO LEAVE STATE:Who the heck voted this guy in as governor? His constituents should be his first priority! If you haven t heard, Minnesota s Muslims have been a problem from the beginning. Here s a video to fill you in on just how much they don t want to assimilate. Sharia for everyone: Governor Mark Dayton took advantage of a St. Cloud NAACP Community Conversation to express his feelings toward constituents who would rather live in Minnesota than in New Somalia: Look around you. This is Minnesota, Dayton said. Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state. Minnesota isn t what it was like 5 years ago. The government is displacing the population with unskilled Muslims from Africa at a blitzkrieg pace.Apparently some Minnesotans who have to pick up the tab for the welfare colonists don t appreciate having their state given away to the modern equivalent of a conquering army. Dayton s message to them is clear: If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It s not that in Minnesota. It s not going to be again. Governor Dayton: In the past, most people would fight to the death to prevent their society from being invaded and destroyed by a hostile and utterly alien foreign culture. But liberals are sure that if they just brandish the word racist, citizens will meekly cringe and cower.Unsurprisingly, the Hamas-affiliated Islamic advocacy group CAIR was present:CAIR Minnesota Executive Director Jaylani Hussein, who had previously addressed the crowd on his concerns on racial tension said his organization is not affiliated with terrorist groups.This of course is a brazen lie. But it hardly matters. Thanks to the participation of our treasonous ruling class, hijrah has become a more effective form of jihad than terrorism.It could not be more obvious that our liberal rulers are as hostile as they are arrogant toward the people they supposedly represent. They are deliberately destroying our society through the massive importation of largely unassimilable and government-dependent immigrants from the Third World.They do not expect us to like it. They just expect us to bite the pillow and take it. The price for doing so instead of rising up against these quislings will be the highest a society could possibly pay: the future.Via: moonbattery
BREAKING: FINALLY! New Wikileaks Email…”We are going to have to dump all those emails”
This latest Wikileaks email is evidence of more than just smoke where Hillary s concerned it places her in the middle of the fire. Will the FBI finally take the appropriate actions and give Hillary the same treatment every other American would receive, if they were caught in a major cover-up and the destruction of evidence while under subpoena? With her hacker-friendly private email servers that appear to have been penetrated by foreign intelligence agencies, Clinton is now in the company of Aaron Burr, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden all of whom betrayed the public trust. The failure to hold her accountable is yet more proof that the Clintons are above the law. No matter what they do the legal system always treats them with kid gloves. FrontpageIn today s, 25th, Wikileaks release of hacked Podesta emails, one of the notable highlights is a March 2, 2015 exchange between John Podesta and Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in which the Clinton Campaign Chair says On another matter .and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails. The email, which may indicate intent, was sent just days before the NYT story revealing the existence of Hillary s email server, and Hillary s press conference addressing what was at the time, the stunning revelation that she had a personal email account, and server, in her home.Mills response: Think you just got your new nick name. It is unclear which Lanny is referred to: the infamous former DOJ staffer Lanny Breuer who quit in January 2013 after telling Frontline that some banks are too big to fail, or, more likely Lanny Davis, special counsel to President Bill Clinton, and spokesperson for the President and the White House on matters concerning campaign-finance investigations and other legal issues.Lanny Davis is the former special counsel for the Clinton White House and one of Clinton s most dogged public defenders. He also referred to the former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina as nasty. (So Trump apparently doesn t have the market on that word.) When Clinton s team turned down an April invite from Fox News Sunday to defend her from allegations in Peter Schweitzer s book Clinton Cash, Davis stepped up to the plate, unflinching in his devoted defense of his old boss and his old boss s wife. He also took a co-starring role in the emails from her private server that the State Department has released, regularly offering obsequious praise and imploring her for favors.It is also unclear for now which emails Podesta is referring to in the thread, but Podesta adds: better to do so sooner than later. We can hope that a subsequent response, yet to be leaked by Wikileaks, will provide more color.This is the first time that particular exchange has emerged among the Podesta emails.The fact that Mrs. Clinton destroyed email evidence evidence subject to a congressional subpoena, no less is already evidence in itself that she obstructed justice through spoliation of evidence. Spoliation means you can take as evidence the fact that evidence has been destroyed. Courts are entitled to draw spoliation inferences and convict an accused person on that basis alone.And in a separate email sent out just days later by Clinton campaign communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, we get yet another confirmation that the president actively mislead the public when he said he didn t know Hillary was using a private email address:Suggest Philippe talk to Josh or Eric. They know POTUS and HRC emailed. Josh has been asked about that. Standard practice is not to confirm anything about his email, so his answer to press was that he would not comment/confirm. I recollect that Josh was also asked if POTUS ever noticed her personal email account and he said something like POTUS likely had better things to do than focus on his Cabinet s email addresses.Perhaps while the DOJ/FBI is taking a second look into Huma Abedin s emails, it can also take a repeat look at some of these, especially the ones involving POTUS.Via Zero Hedge
Peru's Kuczynski dares Congress to dismiss entire Cabinet
LIMA (Reuters) - The government of Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told opposition lawmakers on Wednesday that they would have to dismiss the entire Cabinet - and move closer to facing removal themselves - if they try to oust a second education minister. Kuczynski accused the opposition-ruled Congress of trying to sabotage his education reforms as the right-wing Popular Force party prepared a motion to censure Education Minister Marilu Martens over her handling of a teachers strike that dragged on for two months. The president said ousting Martens would be completely unfair. It would be the second education minister censured and purely over political preferences, Kuczynski said. By turning the censure vote on Martens into a vote of confidence on his whole Cabinet, Kuczynski hopes to check Popular Force s ability to threaten his ministers. The president can dissolve Congress if it dismisses the Cabinet twice. Congress has already forced Kuczynski s former education and finance ministers to resign, while his ex-transportation minister quit to avoid a censure vote. Popular Force lawmakers said they would study the request for a vote of confidence on the Cabinet and noted they had not yet formally presented the censure motion for Martens - a sign they might back off. They re putting the governability of the country at risk over one minister? said Luz Salgado, an influential lawmaker with Popular Force, which controls Congress. It s completely irresponsible. The gamble could force Kuczynski, a former Wall Street banker, to appoint 19 new ministers as he tries to revive the economy and his slipping popularity in opinion polls. However, it might also give him a freer hand to govern during the remaining four years of his term. A prime minister has not challenged Congress to renew its confidence in a cabinet in decades, said political analyst Fernando Tuesta, underscoring how rapidly relations between the executive branch and Congress have deteriorated in Kuczynski s year-old government. Kuczynski took office last year after narrowly beating long-time favorite Keiko Fujimori, the eldest daughter of jailed former leader Alberto Fujimori. Kuczynski s party won less than 15 percent of congressional seats while Fujimori s party, Popular Force, won an absolute majority.
Ted Cruz victory shows GOP's impossible conundrum (+video)
The Wisconsin GOP primary suggests that, no matter what the Republicans do from here on out, they will anger some major faction of a fractured party. Ted Cruz accomplished what he set out to do in the Wisconsin Republican primary: beat front-runner Donald Trump soundly, winning most of the state’s delegates and raising the probability of a contested GOP convention in July. But Senator Cruz’s big victory – he beat Mr. Trump by 13 points, 48 percent to 35 percent – doesn’t prove that he is “uniting the Republican Party,” as he claimed in his victory speech Tuesday night. It merely demonstrates that the Texas senator is consolidating his role as the “anti-Trump” in a presidential nomination race that has plunged the GOP into crisis. The Wisconsin exit polls tell the story. “More than half of Cruz’s supporters, and two-thirds of [Ohio Gov.] John Kasich’s, said they were ‘scared’ of what Trump would do in the White House – a remarkable rejection of the leading candidate in the race,” write analysts for ABC News. “Notably, among Cruz’s own voters, only a quarter were excited about what he’d do as president – further suggesting that he garnered substantial anti-Trump, not necessarily, pro-Cruz, support.” Governor Kasich underperformed in Wisconsin with only 14 percent of the vote, but he remains adamant about taking his campaign to the convention as the only “mainstream” Republican still in the race. The effect, though, has been to split the anti-Trump vote. Perhaps more troubling for the GOP were responses to how Wisconsin Republicans would vote in the general election. If Trump is the party’s nominee against Democrat Hillary Clinton, only 61 percent of GOP primary voters said they would vote for him; 19 percent said they would vote for a third-party candidate, 10 percent said they would vote for Mrs. Clinton, and 8 percent said “no one.” If it’s Cruz vs. Clinton in November, only 66 percent of Wisconsin Republicans said they’d back Cruz; 18 percent said they’d vote third party, 6 percent said Clinton, and 6 percent said “no one.” These numbers are similar to national polling that shows a deep divide within the GOP between Trump supporters and Republican voters who oppose him. It’s also true that, inevitably, as Election Day nears, many unhappy voters will surely end up holding their nose and voting for their party’s nominee anyway. Clinton, in particular, inspires revulsion among many Republicans. But Trump is no mere Republican candidate. The brash billionaire inspires rock-solid loyalty among a third of the GOP electorate, including the first-time voters he has lured into the process with his populist, nativist message. If Trump is not the nominee, many of his supporters say, they will abandon the party altogether – especially if they believe Trump is treated unfairly at the convention. On the issue of “fairness,” one exit poll question was particularly devastating to the Republican establishment: If no one wins a majority of the delegates before the convention, whom should the party nominate? voters were asked. A majority,  55 percent, said “the candidate with the most votes in the primaries.” Only 43 percent said “the candidate who the delegates think would be the best nominee.” “In all likelihood, Donald Trump will go to the convention with the most delegates. Wisconsin doesn’t really change that,” says Matthew Kerbel, chairman of the political science department at Villanova University in Philadelphia. If Trump arrives at the convention without a majority of the delegates, then it becomes easier to deny him the nomination. “But the cost of denying him is to split the party,” says Professor Kerbel. “And the cost of not denying him is it becomes his party, and Donald Trump becomes the face of the party.” That could have a profound impact on other Republicans on the ballot. Among general election voters, Trump has sky-high negatives. Cruz and Clinton also have high negatives – but not close to Trump’s. Kasich argues he’s the most electable, and general election matchups bear that out, but his path to the nomination through a contested convention is impossibly narrow. He’ll need to convince a deadlocked convention that a candidate who finished at the back of the pack deserves to jump the line. His argument is “electability” – polls do show him performing better than Trump or Cruz against Clinton. But Tuesday’s exit polls showed electability held little sway with voters. The next test comes in two weeks with the New York primary – home turf for both Trump and Clinton, who, like Trump, needs to overcome an embarrassing defeat in Wisconsin. Clinton’s 13-point loss to Bernie Sanders – 56 to 43 percent – was nevertheless expected. Wisconsin’s electorate is largely white, and very liberal, both playing to the Vermont senator’s strengths. Trump also wasn’t a good fit for Wisconsin, both demographically and culturally. Before Wisconsin, New York polls showed both Trump and Clinton well ahead of their top competitors. If either underperforms, it will be clear that Wisconsin was a turning point. Both will be damaged, but still on track to head to their respective conventions with the most delegates. The math, at this stage in the race, is almost impossible to overcome.
Conspiracy Galore – Get Your Tinfoil Hats Ready – 11/11/16
Mobile users should click the link below to visit our mobile site. The site is a better fit for your screen and you will get all the articles without having to scroll all the way down. ← Prepper Website home Conspiracy Galore –Page 4 The page for all the conspiracy nuts out there! Here you will find a ton of links to articles all in one place. If I’m missing a website, please let me know – todd [dot] sepulveda @ prepperwebsite [dot] com. Ron Paul Warns Trump That 'Shadow Government' Seek To Destroy Him 11/12/2016
A Martian Looks at Election Day
by Lambert Strether By Lambert Strether of Corrente . Tomorrow, election day will be only one week away. In this post I want to talk about two distinct subjects. First, I want to talk about the sort of calculation that a Martian might make when confronted by the choice we will face in the voting booth. Then, I’d like to paint a brief picture of what election day would look like, in a world where I didn’t want to claw out my eyeballs. A Martian Looks at Election Outcomes in 2016 I say “Martian,” because a Martian is so detached that the 30,000-foot view looks like a close-up, and I think in this election detachment is a virtue (see above at “claw out my eyeballs”). So a Martian would feel that despite the all the sound and fury, the numbers have not been that crazy (assuming one trusts them). Among registered voters: Emphasizing how remarkably stable the '16 race has been — going back to Sept. 2015 https://t.co/odFykkIm8m pic.twitter.com/2CKuS9Qi9G — Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) October 31, 2016 RealClearPolitics has a similar chart averaging all the polls with a vertical scale that makes the swings a lot bigger. To me, the pattern of the race is that Clinton starts out with, and retains, a natural institutional advantage of around four points. Again from the head-to-head RCP chart, Trump has closed and then pulled even six times: September 2015, December 2015, February 2016, May 2016, July 2016, and September 2016. And each time either Clinton’s institutional advantages have re-asserted themselves, or Trump has shot himself in the foot (take your pick). Trump is closing now. Can he pull ahead and close the deal? Unknown. Based on past performance, no. Then again, as I remarked before the latest email eruption, “a week is a long time in politics,” Wikileaks has yet to drop its final shoe, and each campaign probably has a garbage truck full of oppo fired up and ready to go. Paradoxically, Martians are not warlike, since the thin air, small population, and harsh conditions on Mars make war a species-threatening event. For the same reason, Martians prize the deep memories of elders while treating every child as precious. And Martians resist “Marsization,” because the one time there actually was a single, Mars-wide, cosmopolitan class of elite overlords they tried to invade the Earth, and who knows where that would have led! So if you were a Martian, and you believed that Clinton’s election would lead to a new war , and you believe that endorsing Bowles-Simpson and “hemispheric trade” in a speech at Goldman Sachs mean a Grand Bargain and TPP passage respectively, then you might look askance at a likely Clinton victory. What do do? If you had a Martian friend who followed American elections obsessively — this is similar to Southeast Asian countries where people obsessively follow English Premier League football — this is what your friend might tell you: The last thing you want is for Clinton to be able to enact her (real, private) agenda. Sure, she might make some small good changes, but if you throw war, a Grand Bargain, and the surrender of national sovereignty with another so-called trade deal on one side of the scale, it’s hard to see what outweighs them on the other, at least in terms of concrete material benefits.[1] So, working on the assumption that Clinton will win, what you need is: A Republican House . Here, the checks and balances built into the American system favor gridlock, and gridlock is your friend, since little legislation will get passed. Whether the House Republicans impeach Clinton if the Senate is in Democrat hands is an open question, but with Clinton having privatized the email server for her public office and the shenanigans at the Clinton Foundation , the Clinton administration will provide a target-rich environment. I woudn’t put it past them to try to take Clinton’s security clearance away! A Democrat Senate . The emergence of left(ish) party barons with independent power bases is the untold story of election 2016. Warren is at least sound on banksters and financial power, and Sanders, while not a Bolshevik, is well to the left of the Democrat mainstream. That’s a Good Thing. Both are prolific fundraisers who don’t need the DNC. If the Republicans hold the Senate, the tendency will be for Democrats to stick together. If the Democrats do, then Baron Warren and Baron Sanders (and allies like Sherrod Brown ) will feel more free to drag the party left. A close race . If Clinton wins, she’ll claim a mandate if the margin is a tenth of a percent. But in the same way that anybody can print money, but the trick is getting other people to accept it, others will be less likely to accept her claim the closer the result is. (I think the result would have to be better than the four points Obama beat Romney by — 51.1% to 47.2% — and as of today, Clinton’s margin is 2.8% in RCP’s four-way average .) Of course, Bush claimed a mandate in 2004, too — true story: I managed to Google-bomb “Bush mandate” to Mandate magazine, back in the day when Google-bombing wasn’t hard — and proceeded to try to gut Social Security, whereupon the Democrats promptly gutted him and went on to win the 2006 mid-terms. But why make it easy? So, that’s the Martian perspective on the race. Surprisingly or not, the personal characteristics of puny Earthling candidates are not a factor! Nor are cultural or class markers! Elections on Mars Here is how Election Day works on Mars. Again because of planetary and cultural characteristics, Martians reserve tricky and complex electronic devices for important things, like distributed Martian parallel chess, or space operas. They are also convivial, and they hate to be manipulated by large and opaque forces (that time the Jovians invaded). Obviously, I can’t provide links for most of this — the Uniform Resource Locator is a global standard, not an interplanetary one — but in short form: 1. On Mars, Election Day is a national holiday. That’s because Martians, unlike American Earthlings, think that everybody should have an equal opportunity to vote. Voting is equally easy for almost every Martian, whether they work or not. 2. The Martians use hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public. This is remarkably similar to international standards on Earth (which the United States does not use): Last March, the country’s highest court found that secret, computerized vote counting was unconstitutional. Unfortunately, the country was Germany, and the Constitution violated by e-voting systems was the one that the U.S. wrote and insisted Germans ratify as part of their terms of surrender following WWII. Paul Lehto, a U.S. election attorney and Constitutional rights expert, summarized the German court’s unambiguous, landmark finding : “No ‘specialized technical knowledge’ can be required of citizens to vote or to monitor vote counts.” There is a “constitutional requirement of a publicly observed count.” “[T]he government substitution of its own check or what we’d probably call an ‘audit’ is no substitute at all for public observation.” “A paper trail simply does not suffice to meet the above standards. “As a result of these principles,…’all independent observers’ conclude that ‘electronic voting machines are totally banned in Germany’ because no conceivable computerized voting system can cast and count votes that meet the twin requirements of…being both ‘observable’ and also not requiring specialized technical knowledge. Hand-counting paper ballots is no good at all, argue critics, unless you really want to know who the actual winner of the election was… After the verdict in the case — filed by a computer expert and his political scientist son — Lehto wondered how it could be that open, observable democracy is seemingly an inviolable right for “conquered Nazis,” but not, apparently, for citizens of the United States… 3. The Martians throw a big party at the precinct after the paper ballots have all been hand-counted. That’s partly because Martians are convivial, but also because the Martians think that democracy is important and ought to be celebrated. (Again, because the Martian population is small, they wish to begin the conciliation process between winner and loser immediately, lest fratricidal violence result, and there’s no better way to do that than over food.) 4. The Martians regulate all forms of political advertising for size (small) and frequency (not often), whether for candidates or policies. That’s because the Martians wish to minimize manipulatio by encouraging face-to-face forms of persuasion and deliberation in public venues wherever possible. 5. The Martians ban published polling data thirty days before the election. That’s because Martians believe that they each should vote for their own reasons, and that elections (unlike markets) are not (manipulative) beauty contests. Conclusions Crazy Martians! What are they thinking? NOTES [1] Sadly, the time for an all-out assault on Republican “obstructionism” was 2009, when all the stars had aligned: The Republicans had no credibility, and the Democrats had the House, the Senate, the most powerful orator of our time (so it was said), in the White House, and a mandate for “hope and change.” Of course, Obama (assuming good faith) squandered this opportunity, starting with his inaugural speech, if not before. APPENDIX And then there’s Evan McMullin, doing well in Utah . I haven’t seen any actual evidence that he’s Mitt Romney’s straw in case of some kinda electoral college debacle…. 0 0 0 0 0 0
DNC WILL SPEND $60 MILLION To Coronate Crooked Hillary…Says It’s Nobody’s Business Where Money Is Coming From
At least they re consistent and crooked to the core just like their candidate Hillary Clinton will be crowned the Democratic presidential candidate in Philadelphia next week at event costing estimated $60 million Democrats have a $15 million credit line with the city in case their fundraising falls short Independent journalist is fighting for names of the donors to be made public before convention begins But host committee tells court hearing that donations should be kept secretThe host committee for the Democratic National Convention wants to keep its donor list under wraps until after the convention even though a state open records agency has ordered its release.A Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee lawyer told a judge Thursday the release of fundraising records could harm the organization s last-minute efforts to seek donations and negotiate vendor contracts.The host committee set out to raise about $60 million from private sources, but secured a $15 million line of credit from the city as a safety net. The committee must therefore file financial updates with the city.Read entire story: Daily Mail
Checks for free: a Mexican plan to combat poverty
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - An opposition alliance in Mexico wants to launch a universal basic wage to combat the poverty that blights the lives of almost half the population, touting an experimental reform discussed globally as a solution to job losses from automation. The center-right National Action Party and center-left Party of the Democratic Revolution are running on a joint ticket with the leftist Citizens Movement (MC) for next July s presidential election, and the income plan is a key part of their manifesto. Officials inside the alliance say details of the plan are still being worked out, though its contours are emerging. A basic income of 10,000 pesos ($537) per year for everyone, including children, could be provided by consolidating funds from federal, state and municipal welfare programs, Jorge Alvarez, an MC congressman working on the plan told Reuters in a recent interview. If you multiply that by four or five, which is the typical size of a Mexican family, you get an annual income of 40,000 to 50,000 pesos per family, Alvarez said, adding that providing the income to children could be conditional on school enrollment. Home to the richest man in Latin America, Carlos Slim, Mexico is laden with oil and minerals, boasts a large manufacturing base and has the world s 15th biggest economy. But poverty has remained stubbornly stuck above 40 percent of the population for decades. Government social development agency Coneval defines poverty as a person living on no more than 2,925 pesos a month in cities and 1,892 pesos in rural areas. The agency also takes into account other factors like healthcare and education. Getting to 40,000 or 50,000 pesos per family could be achieved without increasing taxes, Alvarez said. Still, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development argues that providing an unconditional basic income to everyone of working age would do little to combat poverty if not funded by extra taxes. The idea of universal basic income has gained currency due to the increasing robotization of the workforce. Finland is running a pilot project to test whether unconditional payments could serve as a plausible alternative welfare model. Mexico has seen job growth in recent years thanks to a manufacturing boom, and could face a smaller workforce as robots take over more tasks. Swiss voters rejected a basic income plan in a referendum last year, while the defeated Socialist candidate in France s presidential election this year, Benoit Hamon, championed it, saying it would be funded by a tax on robots that replace human labor. Mexican gross domestic product was worth $1.046 trillion in 2016, according to the World Bank, but some 53.4 million Mexicans, or 43.6 percent of the population, live below the poverty line, according to Coneval. ($1 = 18.6239 Mexican pesos)
HANNITY AND TUCKER CARLSON: THE 5 MAJOR FORCES Aligned To Take Down President Trump [Video]
Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson went after the deep state with commentary on who they believe is trying to harm Trump: Five entities in government and the media are trying to cripple the Trump administration. The leaks are also putting our National Security at risk. This is not just fun and games politics anymore. This is the deep state at war with a sitting president!The destroy Trump propaganda media, the Washington deep state, Democrats, establishment Republicans and never Trumpers are now working together in an unprecedented attack against a sitting president Sean Hannity:Tucker Carlson:
Qatar says no sign Arab states willing to negotiate over boycott
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar s foreign minister said on Wednesday that his country was willing to negotiate an end to a Gulf diplomatic rift but had seen no sign that Saudi Arabia and other countries imposing sanctions on Doha were open to mediation. Kuwait and the United States are trying to heal a bitter dispute between Qatar and four Arab countries that has damaged business ties and disrupted travel for thousands of citizens in the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Emirates severed political and trade ties with the small gas-rich country on June 4, accusing it of supporting terrorism. Doha denies the charges. A visit this week to the UAE and Qatar by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov showed no signs of having eased tensions among the Gulf Arab powers. Qatar maintains its position that this crisis can only be achieved through a constructive dialogue ... but the blockading counties are not responding to any efforts being conducted by Kuwait or other friendly countries, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani told reporters in Doha on Wednesday at a news conference with his Russian counterpart. The UAE s ambassador to the United States, Yousef al-Otaiba, in an interview with U.S.-based magazine the Atlantic on Monday, said his country would negotiate with Qatar so long as Doha did not set any preconditions for talks. Sheikh Mohammed said on Wednesday Qatar planned to bolster trade with Russia, one of the world s biggest gas exporters, and that Qatar could no longer rely on neighboring states to support its economy or guarantee food security. Lavrov said if face-to-face negotiations started, Russia would be ready to contribute to the mediation and that it was in Russia s interest for the GCC to be united and strong .
Britain has 10-day "absolute deadline" to deliver on key Brexit issues: Tusk
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain has only 10 days left to deliver on all three areas of its divorce terms with the European Union if London wants to start talks on a transition period after Brexit and a future relationship, the chairman of EU leaders Donald Tusk said. We need to see progress from UK within 10 days on all issues, including on Ireland, Tusk tweeted on Friday after a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May in Brussels. Sufficient progress in Brexit talks at December council is possible but still a huge challenge, he said on Twitter. An EU official said that May agreed in the one-hour discussions that Dec. 4 was the absolute deadline to allow the EU s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier to recommend moving onto the next stage on trade and future ties. Tusk presented the timeline ahead of the December European Council, with Dec. 4 as the absolute deadline for the UK to make additional efforts, allowing Barnier to be in a position to recommend sufficient progress, the official said. May agreed to this timeframe, the official said. The official said Tusk had warned that if there was no progress within next 10 days, that would make moving forward impossible. The official said that the way Ireland s border with Northern Ireland functioned after Britain leaves the EU in March 2019 was still an issue. The UK will need to give credible assurances as to how to avoid a hard border before Dec. 4, as it is still unclear how this can be done, the official said.
Kerry encouraged by Colombia peace talks after Havana meeting
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was encouraged by progress in the Colombian peace process after meeting on Monday in Havana with representatives of Colombia’s Marxist FARC guerrilla group and the Bogota government, a State Department spokesman said. Kerry, in Cuba as part of U.S. President Barack Obama’s historic visit to the Communist-run island, met the two sides separately and called for them to redouble their efforts to resolve the remaining issues in the talks, spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement. Kerry told both sides he was “encouraged that the ‘end of conflict’ issues are now front and center in the negotiations, including a formal bilateral ceasefire monitored by the U.N. Security Council, a timetable for disarmament, and security guarantees post-conflict for all lawful political actors,” according to the statement. His involvement at the request of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos marked the first time a U.S. secretary of state had met with negotiators from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia since peace talks started in Havana more than three years ago. The meeting between the Colombian government delegation and Kerry was “very productive,” lead government negotiator Humberto de la Calle told journalists. “There were extraordinarily concrete elements,” de la Calle said. “For example, the announcement of help from the United States relating to the security of people who lay down arms, which is a critical subject at the talks.” The FARC thanked the U.S. for its support of the peace talks and said they hope to reach a final peace agreement in the coming months. “On a not-distant date we will give good news to the country and the world - that Colombia has reached peace,” the rebel group said in a statement on its website. Last year, the two sides agreed a March 23 deadline for a final accord, but negotiators have said a deal by that date now looks unlikely. Washington designated the FARC a foreign terrorist organization in 1997, and many of its leaders have been indicted in the United States on charges of cocaine trafficking. The United States sees the Colombian peace talks hosted by Cuba as an example of how restoring normal relations with Havana can help it achieve its wider goals in Latin America. The Colombian war is the region’s longest-running conflict, with some 220,000 people killed and millions of others displaced since 1964.
What Does Trump’s Executive Order Against Obamacare Actually Do? - The New York Times
Donald J. Trump ran on a campaign promise to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. So it should not come as a surprise that he has signed an executive order urging his administration to fight it as much as possible. But that order, alone, won’t allow President Trump to unwind the sprawling health law known as Obamacare. Mr. Trump and Republican leaders in Congress are engaged in negotiations about legislation that might substantially undo or replace the health law. Even before the inauguration, Congress took a first step toward gutting major provisions. But as that process underscores, major changes to health policy will require new legislation. The Trump executive order should be seen more as a mission statement, and less as a monarchical edict that can instantly change the law. Mr. Trump has sent a strong signal that he intends to fight the health law, but he sent signals that were strong on the campaign trail, too, just in less legalistic language. And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law. ” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.) The order spells out the various ways that a Trump administration might fight the parts of the health law until new legislation comes: by writing new regulations and exercising discretion where allowed. Regulations can be changed, but, as the order notes, only through a legal process of “notice and comment” that can take months or years. On matters of discretion, the administration can move faster, but there are limited places where current law gives the administration much power to quickly change course. How much of the order is bluster and how much it signals a set of significant policy changes in the pipeline is unclear. The order was not specific and did not direct any particular actions. “Right off the bat, what do they do — something incredibly cryptic that nobody understands,” said Rodney Whitlock, a vice president of M. L. Strategies, a Washington consulting firm. Mr. Whitlock was a longtime health policy aide to Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa. The easiest way for the Trump administration to undermine the health law would be to stop defending a lawsuit brought by the House of Representatives. That suit said that the Obama administration lacked the authority to pay certain Obamacare subsidies. A lower court ruled for the House, meaning that by simply withdrawing from the appeal, the Trump administration could start a process to eliminate those subsidies and cause a collapse of the insurance market. Mr. Trump’s order said nothing about that policy choice. Another important area of discretion has to do with exemptions to the law’s unpopular individual mandate to obtain insurance. Under the law, all Americans who can afford it are expected to obtain health insurance, unless they have experienced some hardship that would make it impossible. People who feel there has been such a hardship can apply for an exemption, and employees in the Department of Health and Human Services and the Internal Revenue Service can decide on their case. Under a Trump administration, it might become easier to claim hardship and get out of the requirement to buy insurance. But people seeking those exemptions will still have to apply for them, in writing, and can do so only at particular times of the year. Current law requires them to provide documentation supporting their claim that they have recently filed for bankruptcy, for example, or been evicted, and they must legally attest to their honesty. The Trump administration could create new categories of hardship, but that would take time. And rules that effectively eliminate the requirement would almost certainly result in litigation. “It’s not a hardship to have to comply with the law, almost by definition,” said Timothy Jost, a professor of law at Washington and Lee University. Mr. Jost, who supports the health law, has examined the underlying regulations in detail. Defanging the individual mandate could have significant consequences for the individual insurance markets. If fewer healthy people buy insurance, the costs of insuring everyone else will rise, leading insurance companies to raise prices or flee the market. Last week, the Congressional Budget Office published its estimate of what would happen under a law that eliminated the mandate and some other provisions: 18 million people would lose their insurance next year alone. It’s possible that insurers will look at the language of the order and get skittish, setting off a market collapse next year. But the order itself doesn’t yet change any rules. The health and human services department and the I. R. S. will have to take further action. “Is this mostly a symbolic gesture or a signal that they intend to take apart the law piece by piece to the extent they can?” said Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health research group. “At a minimum, this creates a lot of uncertainty for insurers at a pretty critical time. ” The order directs the administration to give states more autonomy in directing health policy. And there’s a clear mechanism for that: Medicaid law provides a process in which states can waive many of the program’s usual rules to attempt “demonstration projects. ” Administrations have latitude under the law to decide what sort of new programs qualify. Mr. Trump’s selection for the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Seema Verma, has been an innovator in pushing this process in more conservative directions. Her selection, even more than the order, was a sign that the Trump administration would become more open to new Medicaid rules, including possible work requirements to obtain coverage, or premiums even for very poor Americans. But, as with the exemptions, there is still a process for such policy changes. States must submit detailed applications for waivers for the rules, and there is a legal review process that typically takes months. Mr. Trump recently promised that his team was developing a health care plan far better than the Affordable Care Act, that would insure more people and lower their costs. For people who heard that and thought Mr. Trump had gone soft on Obamacare, his executive order may come as a shock. But nothing in the order changes the law on its own. Whether Mr. Trump’s intention is a smooth transition or a rapid disruption in current policy will be determined by what comes next.
“WHAT A WUSS!” CNN Political Hack Attacks Trump Adviser In On-Air Rant…She’s a Republican Strategist??? [Video]
CNN s Ana Navarro becomes totally unhinged in an attack on president Trump and one of his advisers. Her on-air tirade is so unhinged that the co-hosts just sit there in shock. The irony is that she speaks in hateful terms of Trump while claiming he s going to cause someone to harm the news media. That s pretty funny since she said nothing when a play depicting Trump being assassinated was all over the news and that Kathy Griffin beheaded Trump too! This woman is supposed to be a Republican strategist ???Cry me a river CNN is not the victim and a meme is not inciting violence. The left can t handle being called out! pic.twitter.com/3ESWMqrQXD Corryn (@Corrynmb) July 2, 2017The Republican party sure has some work to do to call out this supposed Republican strategist for being a total fraud! She just tweeted this morning that she will never accept Trump as her President. Well, it s going to be a looong 8 years for this political fraudster!Did she forget about all of the past Presidential moves that were much, much more offensive .Bill Clinton? No, she won t mention that sexual deviant because the truth is that Navarro is a DEMOCRAT!Get this woman off of the cable shows as someone speaking on behalf of the Republican Party!
U.S. top court denies bid to block mercury air pollution rule
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Obama administration on Thursday in rebuffing a bid by 20 states to halt an Environmental Protection Agency rule to curb emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from power plants. The action came about a month after the high court put on hold federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s strategy to combat climate change. Chief Justice John Roberts denied a petition made last week by the states, led by Michigan, to put the rule on hold after a federal appeals court decided in December to leave it intact while the EPA reassessed costs of implementing the regulation. The states had argued that a stay was necessary because the Supreme Court had “already held that the finding on which the rule rests is unlawful and beyond the EPA’s statutory authority.” The Supreme Court ruled last June that the EPA should have considered compliance costs when it decided to limit emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants mainly from coal-fired power plants, and returned the case to the appeals court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit subsequently said the regulations could remain in place while the government responds to the high court’s June ruling. The appeals court gave the EPA until April 15 to come up with compliance costs. The EPA rule, which went into effect last April, applies to about 1,400 electricity-generating units at 600 power plants. Many are already in compliance. EPA spokeswoman Melissa Harrison said the agency was “very pleased” with Roberts’ action, noting that power plants are the largest source of mercury pollution in the United States. “These practical and achievable standards cut harmful pollution from power plants, saving thousands of lives each year and preventing heart and asthma attacks,” Harrison said. Environmental groups and 15 other states that had asked the court to reject the stay request applauded Roberts’ action and called on the attorneys general in the group of states led by Michigan to end their legal challenge to the rule. The rule is “safeguarding millions of American children from poisons such as mercury, arsenic and acid gases,” said Vickie Patton, general counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund anti-pollution advocacy group, a party to the case.
Bangladesh wants 'safe zones' to ease Rohingya crisis, but seen unlikely
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh has proposed creating safe zones run by aid groups for Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar s Rakhine state to stop hundreds of thousands of refugees crossing into its territory following a military crackdown. The plan, the latest in a string of ideas floated by Dhaka, is unlikely to get much traction in Myanmar, where many consider the Rohingya community of 1.1 million as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. That will leave Bangladesh, one of the poorest nations in the world, with little choice but to open new camps for refugees. Dhaka sent the proposal to the Myanmar government through the International Committee of the Red Cross to secure three areas in Rakhine, home to the Rohingya community, suggesting that people displaced by the violence be relocated there under the supervision of an international organization, such as the United Nations. The logic of the creation of such zones is that no Rohingya can come inside Bangladesh, said Shahidul Haque, Bangladesh s foreign secretary, the top civil servant in the foreign ministry. The Red Cross confirmed that it had passed on the request to Myanmar but said that it was a political decision for the two countries to make. A Myanmar government spokesman did not respond to a request for comment. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh, a mostly Muslim nation of 160 million, from Buddhist-majority Myanmar in recent years. The decades-old conflict in Rakhine flared most recently on Aug. 25, when Rohingya insurgents attacked several police posts and an army base. Since then, an estimated 270,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, joining more than 400,000 others already living there in cramped makeshift camps since the early 1990s. There are widespread fears that tens of thousands more could try to cross if the violence doesn t abate. Recent pictures from the border between the two countries show hundreds of Rohingya men, women and children trying to cross over into Bangladesh on foot and by boat. The humanitarian crisis next door has left Bangladesh scrambling to deal with people that it does not welcome either. In recent days, Bangladesh officials have said they plan to go ahead with a controversial plan to develop an isolated, flood-prone island in the Bay of Bengal to temporarily house tens of thousands of refugees, drawing fresh criticism from the international community. It bowed to pressure on Thursday, with government officials saying that Dhaka would now make another 1,500 acres (607 hectares) of land available for camps to house refugees near Cox s Bazar, where many refugees already live as it is near the border with Myanmar. They will be given temporary shelter, said Kazi Abdur Rahman, additional deputy commissioner of Cox s Bazar. But Rahman added that the refugees would be fingerprinted and confined to the camp so that they did not mix with the local community. These measures, however, do not offer a long-term solution to the crisis, and Dhaka says it is getting little support from its neighbor, which has been accused of trying to engineer ethnic cleansing within its borders. Bangladesh officials said they had proposed joint patrolling along the border but did not receive a response from Myanmar. Earlier this week, Bangladesh lodged a protest after it said Myanmar had laid landmines near the border between the two countries. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Laureate, has come under pressure to halt violence against Rohingya. She has said that her government was doing its best to protect everyone in Rakhine but did not refer specifically to the Rohingya exodus. The solution lies in Myanmar. The UN hopes that Myanmar can address the root causes of the problem, said Shinji Kubo, head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Bangladesh. Kubo said the Bangladesh government was doing its best by accepting the refugees instead of sending them back. Bangladesh officials are turning to the international community for help, claiming support from countries such as Turkey, which has promised aid. On Friday, a Malaysian coast guard official said the country will not turn away Rohingya Muslims and is willing to provide them temporary shelter. But any such voyage would be hazardous for the next few months, because of the annual monsoon. The world community must come forward to help them, not by putting pressure on Bangladesh but by putting pressure on Myanmar not to resort to these atrocities and violence, said H.T. Imam, a senior aide to Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The only solution is to force Myanmar to take back their citizens through international pressure. And we are working with our partners on that, Imam said. Besides the creation of internationally-controlled safe zones in Rakhine state, Bangladesh has also mooted creating a buffer zone along the border, where the international community could set up camps and provide for the refugees, the officials said. Further details of the plan could not be learned. We will give aid agencies access. But we are not interested to give them shelter here. We are already overburdened, said Mostafa Kamal Uddin, Bangladesh s home secretary.
Trump’s Approval Rating Makes SHOCKING Change With His Own Supporters (IMAGE)
Donald Trump likes to whine about any poll that doesn t show him in a favorable light, calling the data biased or dishonest but here s one poll that he cannot ignore.A new Politico/Morning Consult poll covering numbers as recent as March 24-25 shows that Trump s approval ratings are plummeting even among his own supporters. Trump has been shown to be failing in more balance polls, which is no surprise but to see his support dwindling so quickly among Republicans is quite shocking. According to the data, Trump s ratings are now as follows: Overall, 38 percent of voters strongly disapprove of Trump, compared to only 23 percent who strongly approve. To make matters even worse for Trump, this national tracking poll had a tendency to lean pro-Trump, which made the findings far higher than a more balanced poll like Gallup s most recent data, which shows Trump s approval rating at a pathetic 38%.It appears as though Trump s disastrous failure with the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare) had an extremely negative impact on his approval rating, which fell 6% points among his own supporters. The Politico/Morning Consult poll reported: The decline in Trump s approval rating was sharper among Republicans and independents than among Democrats. In the latest survey, 81 percent of Republicans and 39 percent of independents approve of the job Trump is doing. A week prior, 85 percent of GOP voters and 44 percent approved. And among those who self-identified as Trump voters last year, the president s approval rating shrunk from 90 percent last week to 84 percent this week. However, it s not just Trump s health care debacle that is impacting his numbers so much his Russia scandal is also working against him: Twenty-nine percent of voters call Russia an enemy of the U.S., and 30 percent say it is an unfriendly nation. Only 7 percent call Russia an ally, and another 22 percent say it s friendly but not an ally. Five weeks ago, voters were divided evenly on whether Russia was friendly toward the United States. Trump was an extremely unpopular president to begin with, and he has failed to redeem or prove himself to the American people. In fact, he hasn t even tried and his supporters are catching on. They ve practically disappeared and seem ashamed to defend him after his corruption, humiliating behavior, and broken campaign promises have come to light. With numbers this pathetic, Trump and his policies don t stand a chance.Featured image via Gage Skidmore / Flickr
Request to Halt Construction of DAPL Declined
21st Century Wire says A request by Native American tribes seeking to halt the construction of the final link in the highly politicized and controversial Dakota Access Pipeline has been declined by a federal judge in Washington DC.The tribes at Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux were not successful in claiming that the project will prevent them from conducting religious ceremonies at Oahe Lake but District Court Judge James Boasberg declined their request citing no imminent harm to the tribes practices could be shown.As noted by RT and AP below, the project is headed up by Energy Transfer Partners, who s representatives argued that this halt in construction request over the issue of preventing tribes religious ceremonies was exceedingly tardy and not construction related. The denial of this request is not coming as a surprise to many who are well aware that the DAPL project was more than 90% complete back when Obama signed a temporary hold on the project, which could have been largely a political move, leaving this issue for the Trump administration to handle. RTA federal judge in Washington, DC has dismissed a request by a group of Native American tribes seeking to stop construction of the final link of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.Standing Rock Sioux and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes claimed the project will prevent them from practicing religious ceremonies at Oahe Lake which they say is surrounded by sacred ground. District Court Judge James Boasberg stated there was no imminent harm to the tribes religious practices as oil is not flowing through the pipeline yet.The ruling will allow Energy Transfer Partners, the company building the $3.8 billion, 1,170 mile pipeline, to finish the final 1,100ft (335m) connection under Lake Oahe in North Dakota, completing the project.The company s stock rose 0.3 percent after the announcement, according to Seeking Alpha.Boasberg will more thoroughly consider the request at a February 27 hearing, AP reported.The US Army Corp of Engineers filed documents favoring Energy Transfer Partners, having granted the final easement for DAPL last Tuesday. The Corps said that the tribes will have plenty of time to argue their case before the pipeline begins working, thus a work stoppage wasn t warranted.Energy Transfer Partners had argued that the tribes argument that the work threatened their religion was exceedingly tardy and not construction-related, AP reported.The decision allows construction on DAPL to continue while the lawsuits against the project to proceed.Boasberg previously rejected a request by tribes to block the project in September. However, that ruling was superseded by the Obama administration s decision in December to delay construction, pending an environmental review.However, one of President Donald Trump s first acts in office was to sign a presidential memoranda ordering the removal of obstacles to the construction of both the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL Continue this report at RTREAD MORE DAPL NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire DAPL FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
GOP Rep Gohmert: ’No Collusion’ Between Trump Admin, Russia - ’We Can Drop’ the Special Counsel - Breitbart
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox Friends First,” Rep. Louie Gohmert ( ) argued now that we know there is no collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government, we can drop the special counsel probe headed up by former FBI Director Robert Mueller. “[W]e now know there is no collusion between this administration and Russia — so we can drop the Independent Counsel, the Special Counsel — there is no further need,” he said. Gohmert argued instead that a spotlight should be shined on the collusion within the Department of Justice. “And now that we know the collusion between Comey and Mueller,” he continued. “He ran things by Mueller before he testified. He also ran things by other people in the Justice Department when he did the memo. There is so much collusion — real collusion in the Justice Department. ” “[Mueller] needs to recuse himself from this matter,” Gohmert added. “We don’t need a special counsel. That was a ruse, once again, by the dishonest Comey. ” Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
BREAKING UDATE: IRAN CONFIRMS $1.7 BILLION Was RANSOM Payment For Prisoners And NOT Part Of “Nuclear Deal” ORIGINAL STORY: OBAMA AND KERRY Agree To Give Iran $1.7 BILLION U.S. Taxpayer Dollars As “Settlement”
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!The United States sent Iran $400 million in debt plus $1.3 billion in interest, and the money was disbursed as a ransom payment for four American hostages of the Islamic regime, a top Iranian commander said Wednesday afternoon. Therefore, the U.S. paid the Iranian regime $425 million dollars per American hostage, according to the commander. The annulment of sanctions against Iran s Bank Sepah and reclaiming of $1.7mln of Iran s frozen assets after 36 years showed that the US doesn t understand anything but the language of force, said Iranian Basij Commander Brig Gen Mohammed Reza Naqdi, addressing his forces in Tehran. This money was returned for the freedom of the US spy and it was not related to the (nuclear) negotiations, he claimed, according to state-controlled Fars News Agency.Four Americans who were held hostage by the Islamic Republic Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, Pastor Saeed Abedini, and Nosratollah Khosrawi Roudsari (who decided to stay in Iran) were part of the deal that included the ransom payment, along with the release of seven Iranians who were sitting in American jails on charges of thwarting international sanctions, and the delisting of 14 Iranian nationals from Interpol s Red List, which seeks international criminals for extradition.A fifth American, Matthew Trevithick, who was imprisoned by Tehran, was also released, but under the terms of a separate deal, according to reports.The U.S. State Department tells Breitbart News that the payment to Iran was separate but simultaneous, and not a ransom. We did not pay ransom to secure the return of these Americans. The funds that were transferred to Iran were part of a separate but simultaneous arrangement we agreed to with Iran related to the U.S.-Iran Claims Tribunal at the Hague, a State Department spokesperson told Breitbart News late Wednesday.State Department spokesman Mark Toner told reporters earlier on Wednesday in Washington that no ransom was paid, rejecting the remarks of the Iranian commander. There was no bribe, there was no ransom, there was nothing paid to secure the return of these Americans who were, by the way, not spies. We ve spoken to this in the days after their release on Sunday morning in great detail about how this process worked. There was this consular channel that was opened up to secure their release, Toner said. Via: Breitbart NewsHere is the question we posed after discovering the interesting timing of this $1.7 BILLION payment to Iran while 4 American prisoners were being simultaneously released:Was this transfer of funds to a terrorist state (via the American taxpayer), the REAL reason the prisoners (hostages) Iran was holding were suddenly released? Did the incompetent Obama-Kerry duo use this settlement as a bargaining chip to make it appear as though freeing these hostages was part of the Iran nuclear deal all along? This is absolutely sickening The United States and Iran on Sunday settled a longstanding claim at the Hague, releasing to Tehran $400 million in funds frozen since 1981 plus $1.3 billion in interest, the State Department said.The funds were part of a trust fund once used by Iran to purchase military equipment from the United States but which was tied up for decades in litigation at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal.The settlement announcement was made after Tehran released five American detainees in a prisoner swap as a nuclear deal was implemented. Via: Business Insider
Trump to nominate former NASA chief Griffin for defense undersecretary
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Michael Griffin, a former administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, the White House said on Monday. The White House had said in October that Trump intended to tap Griffin for principal deputy undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics. Monday’s announcement did not give a reason for the change. Griffin most recently served as chairman and chief executive officer of the Schafer Corporation, a provider of scientific, engineering, and technical services and products in the national security sector, the White House said. He held the top NASA job from 2005 to 2009.
Death Valley ‘Super Bloom’ Marks The Death Of Climate Change Denier Antonin Scalia (VIDEO)
Call it tasteless and inappropriate if you will, but the entire planet is breathing a sigh of relief now that Climate Change denier Antonin Scalia has shed his mortal coil. And what better way to celebrate the end of one of the most persistent obstructions to lowering carbon emissions than a super bloom in Death Valley one of the hottest spots on the planet?On Monday, the park posted an Instagram video showing thousands of tall yellow flowers vibrating the breeze. We got you a valentine s day present it s thousands of flowers, the post read.A report on the website DesertUSA called the area south of Copper Canyon especially jaw-dropping. Photos showed fields of yellow against the stark mountains in the background.Millions of beautiful flowers are blooming in a place named after death itself. Message recieve, Gaia. (Credit: Death Valley NP)The conservative wing of the Supreme Court has long stood in the way of taking any kind of action to curb America s carbon footprint. Justice Scalia was the ringleader of the climate science denying circus with breathtakingly stupid comments like this one made in 2007: The issue was simply whether carbon was an environmental pollutant or not, he said. I did not think it was ever regarded as that. It is not the Atmospheric Protection Agency. It s the Environmental Protection Agency. That was the basis for my dissent. The atmosphere is not part of our environment? This was a sitting Supreme Court Justice and he knew less about the planet than your average 10 year old. Or rather, he probably knew how stupid he sounded but his pro-corporate agenda was more important than his dignity.To put this in context, if Scalia s kind of thinking had been acceptable in the 1980s, The United States would have blocked the Montreal Protocols, ignored the depletion of the Ozone Layer and pretended that the sudden massive increase of skin cancer was perfectly natural. After all, we can t legislate the atmosphere, right?Just to be clear on how intent Scalia was on blocking any kind of Climate Change legislation, he dropped this little gem of ignorance in 2006:James Milkey, assistant attorney general of Massachusetts, corrected Justice Antonin Scalia, saying: Respectfully, Your Honor, it is not the stratosphere. It s the troposphere. Troposphere, whatever, Justice Scalia replied. I told you before I m not a scientist. Over a brief flutter of laughter from observers, he added, That s why I don t want to have to deal with global warming, to tell you the truth. Scalia also was not a doctor but he was more than eager to give women his expert medical opinion about why they shouldn t be allowed to have abortions or birth control.I m sure his friends and family will miss him but the billions of people most impacted by Climate Change will have a chance to survive now that Corporate America s champion of denial is gone. I m not going to pretend I m not glad Scalia s seat is empty and, apparently, neither is the planet.Here s an Instagram video posted by the Death Valley National Park Service:We got you a valentine s day present it s thousands of flowers. #YoureWelcome #BestValentineEverA video posted by Death Valley National Park (@deathvalleynps) on Feb 15, 2016 at 6:51am PSTFeatured image via Death Valley National Park Service
The United States Government Has Told Trump To Go F*CK Himself
When Trump began his disinformation campaign and then started trying to muzzle federal agencies, employees of some of these agencies went to Twitter to openly defy him. They call themselves AltGov, and there are dozens of these accounts that are making a point of pushing out the very facts that Trump wishes would disappear, as well as openly fighting his alternative facts, and overall disinformation campaign. Many have been verified by Snopes, who now keeps a running list of trusted AltGov accounts.However, no matter who they are, they are all very clear about the fact that they are not doing this on behalf of their agencies. They re operating these accounts independently and are not official U.S. government Twitter accounts, and they re dedicated to maintaining the flow of information from the government to the people that we enjoyed under previous administrations (Please note: Their work does not appear to include any sensitive information, and they appear to be very careful to keep it that way).Below are some of the agencies and departments where members of AltGov work, have inside knowledge of, or can otherwise speak the truth about what the government is doing:There are also two alternate accounts dedicated to sending out facts under the name Alt. Sarah H. Sanders (@altUSPressSec), and Alt. Alt. Press Sec (@altaltPressSec). In addition to directly and loudly calling out the Trump administration on its lies, Alt. Alt. Press Sec speaks truth to power for those who block @altUSPressSec, who has been blocked by none other than Trump himself. Back when Sean Spicer was still Trump s press secretary, @altUSPressSec tweeted out a short description of what AltGov stands for.We are not scientists. We are civil servants and Federal contractors united for the preservation of democratic norms. We support our #altGov Alt. Sean Spicer (@AltUSPressSec) January 26, 2017This is an anti-Trump resistance movement within the United States government that caught on like a wildfire in a forest canopy shortly after he decided to muzzle the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service back in January. There are also many, many supporting accounts who aren t government, but who support the movement and have ways to help. What we see here is the backbone of the federal government, along with concerned contractors and friends, telling Trump to fuck right the hell off with his alternative facts and muzzling bullshit. They will not be silenced.Featured image by Andrew Harrer via Getty Images
WHOA! BLACK WOMAN FED UP WITH BLACK RACISTS NAILS IT: “Many Black People Voted For Barack Obama Simply Because He Was Black…And Now Your Black god Has Failed You!” [VIDEO]
WOW This woman absolutely nails it!
Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally
SAN JOSE, Calif. —Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate’s supporters. Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs and stole “Make America Great” hats off supporters’ heads before burning the hats and snapping selfies with the charred remains. Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information. “The San Jose Police Department made a few arrests tonight after the Donald Trump Rally,” police said in a statement. “As of this time, we do not have specific information on the arrests made. There has been no significant property damage reported. One officer was assaulted.” In one video circulating widely on social media, two protesters tried to protect a Trump supporter as other protesters attacked him and called him names. Another video captured a female Trump supporter taunting protesters before being surrounded and struck in the face with an egg and water balloons. Police eventually cleared the protest, which they called an “unlawful assembly.” The incidents were the latest in a series of increasingly violent altercations between protesters, Trump supporters and police at the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign events. A week ago, it was Albuquerque descending into chaos as the city was shaken by raucous riots and arrests outside a Trump rally. A month earlier it was Costa Mesa, Calif. Thursday was San Jose’s turn to take center stage in what is quickly becoming a traveling fiasco. Before the event, the San Jose Police Department issued a press release saying it “recognizes and respects everyone’s right to express their First Amendment [rights], and we will do everything possible to ensure the event is safe for all attendees and surrounding neighborhoods.” As the night unfolded, however, it became clear that the chaos seen at Trump campaign stops across the country had found its way to San Jose. Trump supporters were surrounded and, in several cases, attacked as they left the rally. In one incident captured on camera, a Trump supporter was struck hard over the side of the head as he was walking away from a group of protesters. The attack left him with blood streaming down his head and onto his shirt. “I was walking out with a Trump sign and he grabbed my Trump sign, saying I was like a racist and stuff,” the man told bystanders and local media. “Then he followed me, like, spit on me.” The Trump supporter said all he had done was chant the candidate’s name before trying to walk away. Another Trump supporter was also bloodied after being attacked, his shirt torn almost completely off his body. Videos circulating on social media showed swirling, furious fights spilling from street corner to street corner, often with no police in sight. Marcus DiPaola, a freelance photographer following the Trump campaign, posted video of someone getting punched violently in the face. Reached by phone Thursday night, DiPaola said the sucker punch happened at 8:08 p.m. just outside the convention center where the Trump rally was held. “It wasn’t completely unprovoked,” he said. “The guy with the flag was waving it in front of the victim’s face. The victim kind of pushed the flag out of the way and then walked quickly away. You saw what happened next.” DiPaola said he called 911 but was put on hold and so hung up. He said he told one police officer about the beating but was told SJPD “didn’t have the manpower” to intervene. “Morons,” he said. “How do you not staff 911 for an event of this size?” DiPaola wasn’t the only journalist to condemn the cops’ handling of the protest. Many of the protesters were peaceful. Some waved Mexican flags in an apparent response to Trump calling Mexican immigrants “rapists.” According to the San Jose Mercury News, many of the protesters were Latinos from East San Jose opposed to what they saw as racism from the GOP candidate. “We’re here to support Latinos, black people; we’re not rapists,” Cindy Zurita, a 23-year-old student, told the Mercury News as she held a sign reading: “Mr Hate leave my state.” ABC reporter Tom Llamas, however, said that some of the protesters were “throwing up gang signs.” “There were [people] who came to demonstrate & some who just wanted to brawl,” he tweeted, calling it “the most violent demonstrations we’ve seen.” At times, protesters began to fight among themselves. In one instance, two female protesters pleaded for nonviolence while trying to protect a Trump supporter from an angry crowd. Despite their efforts, someone snatched the Trump supporter’s hat. A handful of the bright red “Make America Great Again” hats were set on fire by protesters, who then snapped photos of the scene or hung the charred hats from street signs. Some protesters said they were disappointed to see violence undermine their message. “It’s sad to see San Jose representing like this,” student Martha Garcia told the Guardian. “Trump is the one igniting the hate. You can’t fight fire with fire.” Perhaps the most jarring scene was that of a young female Trump supporter being attacked by a crowd of protesters. In multiple videos of the incident, the woman initially appeared to be happily posing in her Trump football jersey in front of the mostly male protesters, some of whom can be heard whistling and shouting at her. Then an anonymous arm rises over the crowd and tosses an egg at the woman, striking her in the head and eliciting howls and laughter from the crowd. A second later, a red water balloon bursts against the woman’s arm. At first, the woman tries to shrug off the attacks, smiling while appearing to reach out toward the Mexican flags that some protesters are waving. Objects keep crashing into the convention center windows behind her, however, and protesters can be heard screaming expletives at her. Suddenly, another projectile strikes her hard in the face. Eventually, someone comes to help her and, after she indicates that she is having trouble seeing, she is ushered back inside the convention center. The ugly scenes of violence toward Trump supporters Thursday appeared to be the inverse of similar incidents earlier in the campaign in which Trump protesters, not supporters, were targeted. The sucker punch captured by DiPaola, for instance, echoed an incident in March when a 78-year-old Trump supporter sucker-punched a protester at a rally in Fayetteville, N.C. [Trump protester sucker-punched by supporter in brutal video of Tucson rally] Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’s campaigns both condemned the violence in San Jose. John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clinton for America, tweeted that “violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election.” Mike Casca, Sanders’s rapid response director, tweeted that “we cannot stop Trump’s violent rhetoric with violence — only peaceful protest in a voting booth can do that.” Blame for the attacks circulated almost as rapidly as images of the violence, with Trump supporters accusing Democrats and members of the media of having a double standard. Many liberals, meanwhile, including the Democratic mayor of San Jose, suggested that Trump’s angry and divisive rhetoric made him at least partly responsible for the violence at his events. “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,” Mayor Sam Liccardo told the Associated Press, praising the city’s police while adding that “we’re all still holding our breath to see the outcome of this dangerous and explosive situation.” Things inside the rally were more subdued — if only slightly. Politico reported that one of its journalists was removed from the rally for reporting at the event without the campaign’s permission. Trump, meanwhile, was interrupted a handful of times by protesters. Responding to Clinton’s blistering attack on him earlier in the day, Trump attacked her over her email controversy, going so far as to say “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail.” “She does not look presidential — that I can tell you,” he said, according to Bloomberg. “This is not a president. Four more years of this stuff and we’re not going to have a country left.”
GOVERNMENT SANTA CANDIDATE Gets Another Huge Endorsement… Just In Time For Christmas
The USPS is drowning in debt, has lost every one of its life-lines and has mismanaged its funds for decades. No worries though, the US Postal Union is quite certain Socialist Santa Claus will fix everything Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won the endorsement of the American Postal Workers Union on Thursday, giving the self-described democratic socialist a boost as he seeks more support from organized labor in the Democratic primary.APWU represents 200,000 U.S. Postal Service employees and retirees. It s the second major national union and member of the AFL-CIO labor federation to endorse Sanders over rival and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.Sanders stands above all others as a true champion of postal workers and other workers throughout the country, said Mark Dimondstein, the union s president, in a statement. The endorsement came from the union s 13-member executive board.The United States Postal Service (USPS) lost $5.5 billion last year. That is the eighth annual loss in a row and the third-highest ever. The only silver lining is that the loss was below the red-ink tsunami of $15.9 billion in 2012.Why does the federal government deliver the mail? Why does it have a monopoly over delivering the mail?Admittedly, the Postal Service is one of the few government programs with actual constitutional warrant. The Constitution authorizes Congress to establish post offices. And early American politicians rushed to take advantage of their opportunity, creating the Post Office Department in 1792.With politics rather than service as the post office s priority, Congress took the next step and approved the Private Express Statutes, which prevented anyone from competing with the government in delivering first-class mail. And Uncle Sam enforced his monopoly, fining would-be competitors, including celebrated libertarian author Lysander Spooner.The feds continue to prosecute anyone with the temerity to compete with the USPS, even threatening the Cub Scouts for once offering to deliver Christmas cards.Believing that Americans existed to serve the USPS left the system ill-equipped to adapt to changing circumstances. In 1971, Congress turned the Post Office Department into the semi-independent USPS. That removed its direct role in politics, but the USPS still is exempt from taxes and regulations, including local parking restrictions. Congress retained its control over postal policies and, of course, preserved the system s delivery monopoly.But banning competition could not preserve the postal market. The number of pieces of mail peaked in 2001 and continues to fall despite a rising population. Mail pieces dropped from 213 billion in 2006 to 155 billion last year, and the number is expected to decline to 130 billion by 2020. The USPS s last profitable year was 2006. Since then, losses have run between $2.8 billion and $15.9 billion. The Postal Service has maxed out its borrowing from Uncle Sam and missed four retiree program payments. With characteristic understatement, the Government Accountability Office observed, Given its financial problems and outlook, USPS cannot support its current level of service and operations. The postal unions insist that nothing is wrong at least, nothing that a federal bailout wouldn t solve. They reserve particular ire for the requirement that the USPS prefund workers retirement. Had this rule not been in place, noted former postmaster general Patrick Donahoe, the Postal Service would have earned money last year.But prefunding protects taxpayers. Washington s unfunded (government) retirement liability is about $800 billion and growing every year. That no other agency is required to prefund is unfair to taxpayers, not the Postal Service, since every agency should have to set aside sufficient money to fulfill its financial promises. With the Postal Service earning too little to pay and with nothing left of its federal credit line, the USPS has defaulted four times over the last three years on its mandated contributions.Sanders has long been a vocal backer of a robust postal service, particularly during the postal reform debate of recent years. APWU views itself as fighting a battle against postal service privatization, and it counts the Vermont senator as perhaps its leading defender.As the postal service bleeds millions in losses mostly due to unique funding mandates placed upon it by Congress Sanders has staunchly opposed the closure of postal facilities and cuts in postal service, such as Saturday delivery. He is also a leading proponent of the concept of postal banking, which would allow post offices to provide small loans and compete with payday lenders. Postal banking is a top issue for APWU, and Sanders has sought to make it a campaign issue.In his statement, Dimondstein noted Sanders long history of standing with workers on picket lines, as well as his support for a national $15 per hour minimum wage. Sanders spoke at a protest against Verizon last month that was held by the Communications Workers of America union, and he joined a Fight for $15 rally outside the U.S. Capitol building earlier this week.Via: Huffington Post
Genius Kid Trolled White House Halloween Party, Idiot Obama Didn’t Notice
Genius Kid Trolled White House Halloween Party, Idiot Obama Didn’t Notice Posted on November 1, 2016 by Robert Rich in Politics Share This During certain holidays, Barack and Michelle Obama invite a few kids to the White House to join them in the festivities. However, the most recent incident wasn’t like all the rest as one kid decided to troll everyone there with a genius costume idea – and our idiot president didn’t even seem to notice what he did. Yesterday, a few kids were invited to the White House Rose Garden in order to dress up for the annual Halloween trick-or-treat event. Although most kids were there for the candy and games, there was one costume that stood above the rest – a duck. Now, this wasn’t exactly your typical duck costume with a kid inside, and he wasn’t your ordinary kid either. As can be seen in a picture posing with Obama, the duck was actually bandaged with its arm in a sling, thereby actually making it a “ lame duck .” Obama meets kid dressed as "lame duck" for Halloween at WH pic.twitter.com/5q4l04b5pM — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 31, 2016 Of course, Obama is about to adopt that name after the election as he begins the home stretch of his presidency. Although he hasn’t done anything except for forcing his legacy down America’s throat, these are the few months where slacking off is actually accepted from a man in his position. At this point, a few things are unclear, including whether this kid was suggesting that Obama was a lame duck for his entire presidency or if our so-called Commander-in-Chief actually caught the genius pun. While some say he took the comedic jab with a bit of humor, others suggest the moron missed the subtle trolling entirely as it was just one of the endless droves of children in costumes that he took a picture with. It’s unknown who was actually in the costume or if the idea came from the child or their father, but it’s being shared around social media for good reason. Obama has been nothing but a lame duck for the past 8 years after idiot voters actually believing the “hope and change” spiel voted for the man twice. Fortunately, his days of freeloading and kicking back are about to become a thing of the past. Although nothing will change during his “lame duck” months, freeloaders of our nation are about to get a kick in the backside when Donald Trump is elected. We have been doing nothing for far too long – it’s time we kick things into high gear and actually do some great things, just like we used to do.
Numerous Fatalities in Orlando Workplace Attack, Gunman Dead as Well
Five people were reportedly shot and killed around 8 a. m. in a Florida business, with the attack being viewed as a scene of workplace violence rather than terrorism. [The gunman is also dead and law enforcement officials report the situation is contained. According to WFTV, the business where the shooting occurred is located in a manufacturing where businesses include “Gerber Collision Glass and Fiamma Inc. a manufacturer of RV awnings. ” The Orange County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) tweeted: OCSO on shooting scene multiple fatalities. Situation contained, Now investigating tragic incident will soon have accurate information, — OCSO FL News (@OrangeCoSheriff) June 5, 2017, The FBI is on scene with the OCSO. CNN reports that “Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs and Sheriff Jerry Demings are also on the scene. ” WKMG 6 reports that the gunman was a “disgruntled employee. ” According to the Associated Press, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings says that gunman in the Orlando workplace attack was a former employee who “had been involved in a previous workplace violence incident. ” He said the suspect had also been “accused of battering another employee inside the business. ” UPDATE 3:17 pm ET: Law enforcement identified the suspect in Monday morning’s shooting as John Robert Neumann, Jr. saying he killed five individuals at Fiamma Inc — a manufacturing company in Orlando — then turned the gun on himself. CNN quotes Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings describing an attack where certain people were targeted. The sheriff said, “He was certainly singling out the individuals he shot. ” At some point during the incident the gunman came across a temporary employee and “told her to leave. ” He killed Robert Snyder, Brenda Kevin Clark, Kevin Lawson, and Jeffrey Roberts. AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of “Bullets with AWR Hawkins,” a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart. com.
Trump tries to soothe Polish-Americans' concerns about his NATO stance
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday sought to allay the concerns of Polish-Americans who questioned him about his commitment to Poland given his tough stance on NATO and talk of working with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump, at a small roundtable meeting with Polish-American leaders, heard their concerns about his demand that NATO nations bear more of the financial burden of their defense and his words of praise for Putin. “As president I will honor Poland’s sacrifices for freedom. We’re committed to a strong Poland, very committed, totally committed, and a strong Eastern Europe as a bulwark for freedom and security,” Trump said. Trump has rattled NATO allies and many U.S. national security experts by saying that if elected on Nov. 8, he would demand that NATO members pay up their defense contributions of 2 percent of GDP or else have to pay for their own security. Many nations in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have lagged in their defense spending, to the frustration of U.S. leaders, but there has never been a move to cut them out of the U.S. security umbrella because of this. In Chicago, Trump hailed Poland as being up to date with its defense contributions. “We want NATO to be strong which means we want more nations to follow the example of Poland,” Trump said. “If all made the same contributions as Poland, all our allies would be more secure.” There are an estimated 9.5 million Americans of Polish descent in the United States, many of them clustered in Midwestern states that may play an important role in deciding who wins the election. Tim Kuzma, president of a group called the Polish Falcons of America, told Reuters that during the small roundtable event Trump was asked about whether he would be a strong friend to Poland. The message to Trump was “Would a Trump administration support Poland?” Kuzma said. “Would a Trump administration honor the commitments to NATO? And he was very affirmative that he would and that he believes in a strong NATO.”
Key House Republican says progress seen on healthcare sticking point
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Mark Walker said after a meeting of House Republicans on a revamped healthcare bill on Tuesday night that they made good progress on the issue of high-risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions. Walker, who is chairman of the Republican Study Committee, told reporters more discussions on other sticking points in the legislation would be held on Wednesday.
Remember This When You Talk About Standing Rock
Donate Remember This When You Talk About Standing Rock Dan Nanamkin during the treaty camp’s confrontation with militarized police force on Thursday afternoon. Photo by Adam Alexander Johansson. By Kelly Hayes / yesmagazine.org This piece is very personal because, as an Indigenous woman, my analysis is very personal, as is the analysis that my friends on the frontlines have shared with me. We obviously can’t speak for everyone involved, as Native beliefs and perspectives are as diverse as the convictions of any people. But as my friends hold strong on the frontlines of Standing Rock, and I watch transfixed with both pride and worry, we feel the need to say a few things. I’ve been in and out of communication with my friends at Standing Rock all day. As you might imagine, as much as they don’t want me to worry, it’s pretty hard for them to stay in touch. I asked if there was anything they wanted me to convey on social media, as most of them are maintaining a very limited presence on such platforms. The following is my best effort to summarize what they had to say, and to chime in with a few corresponding thoughts of my own. It is crucial that people recognize that Standing Rock is part of an ongoing struggle against colonial violence. #NoDAPL is a front of struggle in a long-erased war against Native peoples — a war that has been active since first contact, and waged without interruption. Our efforts to survive the conditions of this anti-Native society have gone largely unnoticed because white supremacy is the law of the land, and because we, as Native people, have been pushed beyond the limits of public consciousness. The fact that we are more likely to be killed by law enforcement than any other group speaks to the fact that Native erasure is ubiquitous, both culturally and literally, but pushed from public view. Our struggles intersect with numerous others, but are perpetrated with different motives and intentions. Anti-Blackness, for example, is a performative enforcement of structural power, whereas the violence against us is a matter of pragmatism. The struggle at Standing Rock is an effort to prevent the construction of a deadly, destructive mechanism, created by greed-driven people with no regard for our lives. It has always been this way. We die, and have died, for the sake of expansion and white wealth, and for the maintenance of both. The harms committed against us have long been relegated to the history books. This erasure has occurred for the sake of both white supremacy and US mythology, such as American exceptionalism. It has also been perpetuated to sustain the comfort of those who benefit from harms committed against us. Our struggles have been kept both out of sight and out of mind — easily forgotten by those who aren’t directly impacted. It should be clear to everyone that we are not simply here in those rare moments when others bear witness. To reiterate (what should be obvious): We are not simply here when you see us. We have always been here, fighting for our lives, surviving colonization, and that reality is rarely acknowledged. Even people who believe in freedom frequently overlook our issues, as well as the intersections of their issues with our own. It matters that more of the world is bearing witness in this historic moment, but we feel the need to point out that the dialogue around #NoDAPL has become extremely climate oriented. Yes, there is an undeniable connectivity between this front of struggle and the larger fight to combat climate change. We fully recognize that all of humanity is at risk of extinction, whether they realize it or not. But intersectionality does not mean focusing exclusively on the intersections of our respective work. It sometimes means taking a journey well outside the bounds of those intersections. In discussing #NoDAPL, too few people have started from a place of naming that we have a right to defend our water and our lives, simply because we have a natural right to defend ourselves and our communities. When “climate justice”, in a very broad sense, becomes the center of conversation, our fronts of struggle are often reduced to a staging ground for the messaging of NGOs. This is happening far too frequently in public discussion of #NoDAPL. Yes, everyone should be talking about climate change, but you should also be talking about the fact that Native communities deserve to survive, because our lives are worth defending in their own right — not simply because “this affects us all.” So when you talk about Standing Rock, please begin by acknowledging that this pipeline was redirected from an area where it was most likely to impact white people. And please remind people that our people are struggling to survive the violence of colonization on many fronts, and that people shouldn’t simply engage with or retweet such stories when they see a concrete connection to their own issues — or a jumping off point to discuss their own issues. Our friends, allies and accomplices should be fighting alongside us because they value our humanity and right to live, in addition to whatever else they believe in. Every Native at Standing Rock — every Native on this continent — has survived the genocide of a hundred million of our people. That means that every Indigenous child born is a victory against colonialism, but we are all born into a fight for our very existence. We need that to be named and centered, which is a courtesy we are rarely afforded. This message is not a condemnation. It’s an ask. We are asking that you help ensure that dialogue around this issue begins with and centers a discussion of anti-Native violence and policies, no matter what other connections you might ultimately make, because those discussions simply don’t happen in this country. There obviously aren’t enough people talking about climate change, but there are even fewer people — and let’s be real, far fewer people — discussing the various forms of violence we are up against, and acting in solidarity with us. And while such discussions have always been deserved, we are living in a moment when Native water protectors and water warriors have more than earned both acknowledgement and solidarity. So if you have been with us in this fight, we appreciate you. But we are reaching out, right now, in these brave days for our people, and asking that you keep the aforementioned truths front and center as you discuss this effort. This moment is, first and foremost, about Native liberation, self determination and Native survival. That needs to be centered and celebrated. Thanks, K and friends Kelly Hayes is a direct action trainer and a co-founder of The Chicago Light Brigade and the direct action collective Lifted Voices. She blogs at TransformativeSpaces.org , where this article originally appeared, about U.S. movements and her work as an organizer against state violence. 4.0 ·
Tale of two cities: Kurdish vote lays bare political divisions
SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Some Kurdish leaders describe Monday s referendum on independence as a historic chance for the ethnic group to shape its own destiny after decades of oppression. Yet there was little enthusiasm for voting in the city of Sulaimaniya. No long queues snaked around buildings in early voting as one might expect of a people who have dreamed of their own nation all their lives. Only about 30 people were casting their ballots nearly two hours after polling stations opened, and much of Sulaimaniya was subdued. The sharp contrast with celebrations in the other major Kurdish city of Erbil highlighted divisions between the main political parties, suggesting problems ahead for the administration of any future state. Some officials in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), based in Sulaimaniya, have cautioned that the vote could invite trouble from Turkey and Iran and a referendum should be held at a more appropriate time. Those neighboring countries fear independence will encourage their own restive Kurdish populations to press for change. The Baghdad government says the vote is unconstitutional. Iran banned flights to and from Kurdistan on Sunday, while Baghdad asked foreign companies to stop oil trading with Kurdistan and demanded that the KRG hand over control of its international airports and border posts with Iran, Turkey and Syria. Tensions are high between Kurdish fighters and Iranian-backed Shi ite militias. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Erbil argues that it is time for the Kurds to run their own affairs after many years of persecution at the hands of Saddam Hussein and others. Polling stations opened at 8:00 a.m. (0500 GMT) and should close at 6:00 p.m. Final results are expected within 72 hours. The vote, expected to deliver a comfortable yes for independence, is not binding and is meant to give Masoud Barzani s KDP a mandate to negotiate secession of the oil producing region with Baghdad and neighboring states. There were few referendum banners in Sulaimaniya urging people to vote. Those who did turn out said they would back an independence from Iraq. I say yes, yes, yes to a Kurdish state. I am from now on the son of a Kurdish state, said Dirshad Ahmed, a writer. Like others who voted, he preferred to enjoy the moment instead of asking tough questions about internal Kurdish divisions and hostility to the vote from regional powers and the Baghdad government. Kurdistan has long been plagued by political disunity between Barzani s KDP and decades-old rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), headed by Jalal Talabani. It was most recently exacerbated by the extension of Barzani s term. The two sides fought a civil war during the 1990s. Some Sulaimaniya residents kept their distance from the referendum, preferring caution. I will not vote. The referendum is not good. It could be dangerous because of the threat from Turkey and Iran, said shop owner Ali Ahmed. The Kurds began moving toward semi-autonomy after a U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein, ending what some called genocide against the ethnic group. But friction with Baghdad over oil and other issues led the Kurds to press harder for independence in a region that has been relatively stable compared to other parts of the country where sectarian blood spilled between Sunnis and Shi ites. Iraq has been struggling to come up with a formula for stability since the fall of Saddam. Some Iraqis have suggested the country should be split into Kurdish, Sunni and Shi ite regions as a way of managing sectarian and ethnic tensions. Kamran Ahmed, a university economics professor, said at a polling station: We will never again surrender to any Arab leader in Iraq. He had high hopes for a Kurdish state and said Iraq could be broken up, the kind of talk that infuriates regional powers and Baghdad. If there is a Sunni region then that s fine and the same goes for Shi ites. If our experiment is successful it could benefit the Sunnis and Shi ites, he said. At another polling station, Kurdish security guard Sarbast Saeed urged the Shi ite-led Baghdad government to rein in militias instead of complaining about a Kurdish state. They have no right to attack us when they let the militias attack Sunnis. Give the Sunnis their own state, he said. It s that kind of bitterness that all sides will face as the Kurds work toward a viable state.
Senate joins House to pass sweeping new health bill
(Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to support sweeping legislation that will reshape the way the Food and Drug Administration approves new medicines. It will also provide funding for cancer and Alzheimer’s research, help fight the opioid epidemic, expand access to mental health treatment and advance research into precision medicine. Two years in the making, the 21st Century Cures Act was passed last week by the House of Representatives and will now go to President Barack Obama to sign into law. Supporters say it will speed access to new drugs and devices, in part by allowing clinical trials to be designed with fewer patients and cheaper, easier-to-achieve goals. “For the second consecutive year, the Senate is sending the President another Christmas miracle for his signature,” Senator Lamar Alexander, a Republican from Tennessee said in a statement. “Last year, it was the Every Student Succeeds Act, and this time, it’s the 21st Century Cures Act — a bill that will help virtually every American family.” Critics of the legislation say it gives massive handouts to the pharmaceutical industry and will lower standards for drug and medical device approvals. “This gift – which 1,300 lobbyists, mostly from pharmaceutical companies, helped sell – comes at the expense of patient safety by undermining requirements for ensuring safe and effective medications and medical devices,” consumer watchdog Public Citizen said in a statement. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren was among the handful of senators who voted against the bill, as was independent senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Each decried what they described as big handouts to the pharma industry. Even so the bill passed 94-5. The House passed it by a vote of 392-26. The $6.3 billion act, sponsored by Republican Representative Fred Upton, authorizes $4.8 billion for the National Institutes of Health and $500 million to the Food and Drug Administration. It also calls for $1 billion over two years to battle the opioid epidemic. On Tuesday the Drug Enforcement Administration issued a report showing that in 2014 about 129 people died every day as a result of drug poisoning. Of those, 61 percent are opioid or heroin related. “Opioids such as heroin and fentanyl - and diverted prescription pain pills - are killing people in this country at a horrifying rate,” Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg said. “We face a public health crisis of historic proportions.” The bill also calls for $1.8 billion in funding for Vice President Joseph Biden’s Cancer Moonshot initiative designed to bolster cancer research by reducing bureaucracy and promoting research collaboration. Critics note that the money described in the bill must be appropriated by separate funding bills and that the money may ultimately never materialize. Yet the changes to the clinical trial process, something long sought by the drug industry, will be set in stone regardless of whether money for the research projects is forthcoming. Among those changes: Greater prominence will be given to “real world” evidence gathered outside the framework of a randomized, controlled clinical trial, the gold standard for determining whether a drug is safe and effective. Such evidence could be much easier for drug companies to collect. “The passing of 21st Century Cures Act is a show of extraordinary bipartisan unity after a divisive election that should be celebrated,” said Ellen Sigal, chair of the patient advocacy group Friends of Cancer Research. Under the Act patient input will be formally incorporated into the FDA’s drug review process. Funding for the Act will be offset by reductions in some Medicaid payments and through the sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The White House supports the bill but said earlier it was concerned that draining the Petroleum Reserve “continues a bad precedent of selling off longer term energy security assets to satisfy near term budget scoring needs.”
Ammon Bundy’s bodyguard sentenced in Oregon standoff case
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 26 (UPI) — Brian Cavalier, the personal bodyguard of Ammon Bundy, on Tuesday was sentenced to time served in custody, exactly 9 months, for his role in the 41-day Oregon wildlife refuge standoff earlier this year. U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown delivered the sentence in a downtown Portland federal courthouse. “You’ve fulfilled the custody provision of the sentence,” Brown told Cavalier, who remains under U.S. Marshals Service custody while awaiting transfer to Nevada where he faces federal charges from a 2014 armed standoff. Cavalier pleaded guilty on June 29 to one charge of conspiring to prevent federal workers from the Bureau of Land Management and the Fish and Wildlife Service from carrying out official work through intimidation, threat or force, and one charge of possession of a firearm in a federal facility. Cavalier will also face three years of post-prison supervision that would begin after or occur concurrently with any supervision ordered by Nevada should Cavalier be sentenced in that case, The Oregonian reports. Bundy, his brother Ryan Bundy, and five others — including Cavalier — were charged with conspiracy, while other defendants have been charged with theft of government property and carrying a firearm in a federal facility, Oregon Public Broadcasting reports. The Oregon incident began in early January in the town of Burns, where protesters were voicing support for ranchers Dwight Hammond, 73, and his son Steven, 46, who were convicted of arson in 2012 and served time in prison but whose sentences a court later ruled were too short. The protesters, led by Bundy, would later occupy Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in a tense 41-day standoff with federal authorities. Bundy is the son of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who gained international attention in 2014 after staging an armed standoff with federal authorities over a grazing dispute with the Bureau of Land Management. Cavalier will stand trial for the 2014 Nevada standoff in February. He is the first of the 26 defendants indicted in the Oregon conspiracy case.
Megyn Kelly TORCHES Mike Huckabee For Defending Trump’s KKK Support (VIDEO)
Megyn Kelly became the only Fox News host to take Donald Trump s endorsement by the KKK seriously when she cornered Mike Huckabee on Monday night.After Mitt Romney told Kelly during an earlier interview that Trump is coddling the KKK and their former leader David Duke, Mike Huckabee feigned surprise that the former Republican presidential nominee would say such a thing. Trump has repeatedly disavowed David Duke, disavowed the Klan, Huckabee claimed.Almost immediately, Kelly put pressure on Huckabee. When did he repeatedly disavow the Klan, she demanded to know.Huckabee insisted that Trump disavowed Duke and the KKK on Twitter, and further insisted that nobody he knows has ever called Trump a racist.But Huckabee should probably read Trump s Twitter feed again because the Republican front-runner only weakly disavowed Duke and said nothing about disavowing the endorsement of the KKK.As I stated at the press conference on Friday regarding David Duke- I disavow. pic.twitter.com/OIXFKPUlz2 Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 28, 2016Kelly mentioned that it was weird how Trump disavowed Duke on Friday but acted like he had never heard of him during the interview with Jake Tapper on CNN on Sunday, and Huckabee could only admit that he couldn t explain it.Huckabee then tried to excuse Trump s terrible interview by claiming that his earpiece wasn t working, something Kelly called him out on swiftly. But Trump heard David Duke in that ear piece, you know that, because he repeated back, David Duke, to Jake Tapper, she brutally reminded the former Arkansas Governor.Huckabee responded by repeating his assertion that he doesn t believe Trump is a racist and went on to trash the KKK as an abominable organization that he can t believe still exists.Kelly said that it s hard to believe that Trump could fumble on something that is such a no-brainer. Political candidates just do not accept endorsements from hate groups like the KKK. Such an endorsement is damaging and is usually quickly denounced to protect the image and reputation of the person running for public office.But Trump took a long time to finally disavow Duke, and it appears he only did so reluctantly.Kelly even reminded Huckabee of other racist incidents involving Trump, the most recent of which occurred when he decrided a judge for being Hispanic as the reason why a court ruled against him in a fraud case against Trump University. Huckabee responded by calling this election silly. Here s the video via YouTube.Kudos to Megyn Kelly for not joining her Fox colleagues in defense of a racist. Featured image via video screenshot
Wikileaks: NSA Spied on UN Secretary-General and World Leaders’ Secret Meetings
InverseWikileaks released tonight a new cache of documents, showing that the United States National Security Administration bugged private meetings between major world leaders, including the United Nations Secretary General.The N.S.A. bugged meetings between U.N.S.G. Ban Ki-Moon, German chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and several representatives from other major world governments, listening in on their conversations on climate change, global economics, and even how to deal with Obama, according to the new documents. Today we showed that U.N. Secretary General Ban KiMoon s private meetings over how to save the planet from climate change were bugged by a country intent on protecting its largest oil companies, said Wikileaks founder and editor Julian Assange, who is currently wanted by several world governments.Assange continued, in a statement that came out in conjunction with the data dump: We previously published Hillary Clinton s orders that U.S. diplomats were to steal the Secretary General s D.N.A. The U.S. government has signed agreements with the U.N. that it will not engage in such conduct against the U.N. let alone its Secretary General. It will be interesting to see the U.N. s reaction, because if the Secretary General can be targeted without consequence, then everyone from world leader to street sweeper is at risk. Continue this story at InverseREAD MORE NSA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire NSA Files
UK PM May is focused on tackling extremism, spokesman says in response to Trump
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is fully focused on tackling extremism, her spokesman said on Thursday, responding to a tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump telling her to focus on destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism . Asked if May was focused on tackling extremism: her spokesman said: Yes. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law-abiding people who abhor extremism in all its forms. The prime minister has been clear ... that where Islamist extremism does exist it should be tackled head on. We are working hard to do that both at home and internationally and ... with our U.S. partners.
Pew: 8 Million Illegal Immigrant Workers in the U.S. in 2014
Pew: 8 Million Illegal Immigrant Workers in the U.S. in 2014 Joseph Lawler, Washington Examiner, November 3, 2016 There were about 8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. workforce in 2014, a number that didn’t change significantly since the end of the Great Recession in 2009, according to the Pew Research Center. But as a share of the overall labor force, illegal immigrants have declined slightly from 2009 to 2014, from 5.2 percent to 5 percent. Thursday’s report, written by researchers Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn and based on U.S. Census figures, indicates that the country’s reliance on unauthorized labor hasn’t changed much since the 2008 financial crisis, which drastically slowed or even reversed migration from Mexico. The report examines the illegal immigrant workforce up through 2014. Before the crisis, especially as the housing bubble inflated, the share of unauthorized labor soared, from below 3 percent of the labor force in the 1990s to 5.4 percent just prior to the crash. {snip} About 10 percent of the illegal immigrant workforce has been protected from deportation, according to Pew, by executive orders from President Obama . Hillary Clinton has said that she will expand on those orders. {snip} {snip}
U.S. ELECTIONS May Already Be In Serious Jeopardy : ACORN Gives OH Man Cigarettes And Cash To Register To Vote 72 Times…Several More Horror Stories
If you haven t already signed up to help protect the sanctity of our vote in some way do it TODAY! Leisa and I have worked in polling places where crime rate is high and most poll workers are afraid to work. In the city of Detroit, we were surprised to find some very well run polling places. In Pontiac, MI, we experienced something quite different. We saw people using pill bottles as a form of identification. We were physically and verbally threatened by the poll supervisors and watched workers call in reinforcements to stand within our field of vision in an attempt to intimidate us. We are in a war with the Left who has no issue with bending or breaking the rules to win. We re not advocating that anyone put themselves in harms way. We are only suggesting you get involved in some way to protect the sancticy of the vote. Contacting the non-partisan voter integrity organization True The Vote is the best first step. Election integrity and voters rights organization True the Vote announced that it successfully worked with officials in Ohio to remove duplicate voter registrations prior to the Ohio primary. These registrations were originally submitted by left-leaning and Democrat organizations, including ACORN.Approximately 30 percent of voters registered twice in the Cleveland area and they did so with falsified birth dates, social security numbers, and other identification. These were submitted not only by ACORN, but by Field Works, The Strategy Network, Organizing for America, and other left-of-center organizations, says True the Vote (TTV) in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas.Upon receipt of True the Vote s research, 711 duplicate voter registrations were removed in Cuyahoga County and 465 sets were processed in Franklin County. TTV says it has been notified that thousands of duplicate voter registrations have also been removed in North Carolina. Because of Ohio s consistent role as a decisive swing state in America s elections, it has a duty to ensure that its voter records are in the best shape possible, True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht said. Having duplicate voters in Ohio s poll books not only creates confusion at the polling place, but raises the possibility of fraudulent double voting. The Buckeye State has recently seen first-hand just how far some are willing to go to see their candidate or cause win. TTV notes that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) had a well-established track record of giving local election officials questionable voter registration forms for years, especially in Midwestern and other political battleground states.ACORN bragged about submitting more than 1.3 million voter registrations in 2008 alone. After the organization was formally shutdown, 18 employees were convicted or admitted guilt to committing election crimes.A large percentage of the work that ACORN engaged in has been officially questioned.A Cleveland man said he was given cash and cigarettes by ACORN in exchange for registering 72 times. The complaints started an investigation into the organization and witnesses were subpoenaed to testify against the organization.The New York Post reported in 2009 that eleven ACORN workers in Florida were arrested after submitting approximately 1,400 applications of which about 900 were falsified.More than 2,000 applications were falsified in Indiana and submitted just hours before the registration deadline.As it relates to the 30 percent of Cleveland voters that registered twice, TTV founder Engelbrecht said, While many voter records may become duplicated due to data management breakdowns, you have a different issue entirely when nearly a third of the irregularities show a pattern of intentional forgery. Engelbrecht warned, Americans working in the polls and casting ballots must be extra vigilant this year to help spot irregularities that can throw an entire election into question. Via: Breitbart News
George W. Bush to make first appearance for brother Jeb
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush on Monday will seek to generate a fresh burst of enthusiasm for his brother Jeb Bush’s White House bid in South Carolina, marking the former president’s first appearance on the campaign trail this year. George W. Bush will appear with his younger brother at a rally in North Charleston, S.C., the Jeb Bush campaign said on Thursday. The 6 p.m. EST event will be held at the North Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center. The 69-year-old former president is highly popular in the Republican Party, particularly among South Carolina Republicans, who supported his 2000 and 2004 races for president. George W. Bush’s decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003 remains a topic of debate in the race to find a successor to President Barack Obama, with Republican front-runner Donald Trump noting that he had opposed the war. Bush’s image has improved among Americans in the years since he left office in 2009. A CNN/ORC poll last June found that 52 percent of adults had a favorable impression of him, compared with about a third of Americans when he left office. The Bush campaign believes the ex-president can have a positive impact in South Carolina, which has a sizable number of U.S. military facilities and military veterans who have supported the former commander-in-chief. It will be the most public role George W. Bush has taken to date in his brother’s campaign. Jeb Bush, whose father was also president, played down his famous family roots for most of last year in his pursuit of the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, but in need of a boost, he has been relying more heavily on his family ties. His 90-year-old mother, Barbara Bush, campaigned with him last week in New Hampshire. George W. Bush has headlined several private fundraisers for him and reporters were allowed in at one of them, in Houston last October. On Wednesday his voice was heard on a radio ad in South Carolina. “We need a strong leader with experience, ideas and resolve. There’s no doubt in my mind that Jeb Bush will be a great commander-in-chief for our military,” the former president says in the ad. Jeb Bush has drawn large crowds during his appearances in South Carolina on Wednesday and Thursday after experiencing something of a comeback with a fourth place finish in New Hampshire. He has some ground to make up in South Carolina, however, with Trump enjoying a big lead there ahead of the Feb. 20 primary vote. “President Bush has been incredibly supportive of his brother’s campaign and Governor Bush is excited to have him out on the trail,” said Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell. (Reporting By Steve Holland; Editing by Steve Orlofsky) SAP is the sponsor of this content. It was independently created by Reuters’ editorial staff and funded in part by SAP, which otherwise has no role in this coverage.
Smaller EU states need stronger voice, not Brussels, says Czech election favorite
VARNSDORF, Czech Republic (Reuters) - The Czech Republic and smaller states like it should have a stronger voice in the European Union, not Brussels officials, the billionaire frontrunner in next month s parliamentary election said. Andrej Babis, head of the poll-leading ANO party, has been a critic of the EU s migration policy and says Prague should not adopt the common currency until the euro zone sorts itself out. Neighboring Hungary and Slovakia strongly oppose EU plans for migrant resettlement quotas for each member state, calling instead for stronger border controls. Babis has taken a similar tough line on the issue heading into the Oct. 20-21 election. In a campaign trail interview, Babis said member states needed more powers at the expense of the bloc s executive, led by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. And he took shots at French President Emmanuel Macron, who has accused eastern member states of treating the EU like a supermarket . The heads of government and presidents must have stronger power and not Mr Juncker, Babis told Reuters on Thursday in Varnsdorf, a town on the German border. Mr Juncker s ideas are off the mark and that is also why the EU is viewed badly. (The EU) is a great project, we certainly need to stay in Europe, but we have to play a more active role. The real solution to the migrant influx was to solve the conflicts driving people to flee their countries. We will not solve the migration problem without solving problems in Libya or Syria, he said. He said Brussels could not force member states to accept its policies. I do not think there is a core Europe and that we are on the sidelines, he said. We need to fight for our Czech national interests. Babis s ANO party, in a Social Democrat-led government since 2014, has a double-digit poll lead, putting him on course to be the next prime minister. But he is facing possible police charges that he abused EU subsidies almost a decade ago while heading his food, chemicals and media company Agrofert. Other parties say Babis should not be in the next government if charged. Babis told Reuters the investigation was a political ploy, saying there was no reason he should not be in the next government. The Czech Republic has enjoyed solid growth in recent years and has the lowest unemployment in the EU. Wages are rising fast and the state posted its first budget surplus for 21 years in 2016. Babis was finance minister from 2014 until this May. The businessman, who has placed his assets in a trust fund to meet conflict-of-interest legislation, said the state could be run more efficiently and could help the economy fulfil its potential. He said it was a paradox that EU states which failed to meet the bloc s rules limiting budget deficits, like France, were not punished. Macron irked eastern states in June by saying countries could not pick and choose which EU rules they followed, referring to clashes including over the policy on migrants. He is commenting on eastern Europe (but) should concentrate on France, Babis said. The Czech Republic pledged when it joined the EU in 2004 to eventually adopt the euro. Babis asked why Czechs should be on the hook for Greece s debts. In this moment it is not beneficial. I certainly don t want the euro, he said. (For a graphic on the Czeck legislative Election, click tmsnrt.rs/2vO4hPW)
By Seizing the Definition of ‘Populism,’ Reuters Warns Us of Chaos to Come
By Seizing the Definition of ‘Populism,’ Reuters Warns Us of Chaos to Come By Daily Bell Staff - November 10, 2016 After Trump & Brexit, populist tsunami threatens European mainstream … Back in May, when Donald’s Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election seemed the remotest of possibilities, a senior European official took to Twitter before a G7 summit in Tokyo to warn of a “horror scenario”. Imagine, mused the official, if instead of Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, David Cameron and Matteo Renzi, next year’s meeting of the club of rich nations included Trump, Marine Le Pen, Boris Johnson and Beppe Grillo. -Reuters Back in June, we identified what has become an overarching elite meme: “populism versus globalism.” We’ve never fully defined populism, and this Reuters article gives us an opportunity to examine the word and the context in which it is being used. With Trump’s triumph over his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, the populist tsunami that seemed outlandish a few months ago is becoming reality, and the consequences for Europe’s own political landscape are potentially huge. In 2017, voters in the Netherlands, France and Germany – and possibly in Italy and Britain too – will vote in elections that could be colored by the triumphs of Trump and Brexit, and the toxic politics that drove those campaigns. The lessons will not be lost on continental Europe’s populist parties, who hailed Trump’s victory on Wednesday as a body blow for the political mainstream. “Politics will never be the same,” said Geert Wilders of the far-right Dutch Freedom Party. “What happened in America can happen in Europe and the Netherlands as well.” We can see from these excerpts that “populism” is not seen by Reuters as positive description. In fact, the synonym in the above excerpt is “toxic.” “Populism” is contrasted to the “political mainstream” as well. This informs us that populism is irregular, even aberrant. We are living through unusual times and populism is the result. Watching the “populism versus globalism” meme advance is fascinating because it is such a significant positioning of propaganda. We can see clearly that in many ways mainstream media around the world is not at all hesitant to reveal the basic organizational structure behind it. There is no way that populism – and, contrastingly, globalism – would appear ubiquitously in so many arenas without considerable unity among supposedly disparate media. In other words, the organization behind this is formidable. It’s not just this one example either that provokes our observations. The powers-that-be were not shy about illustrating the essential linkages between publications during Trump’s election. The mainstream sounded as one when it came to Trump. And top-down control was obviously evident, and commented on as well. The emergence of “populism versus globalism” doesn’t just provide us with evidence of editorial control. Even more importantly it shows us how those who secretly run our societies find this sort of meme-making to be a priority because it anticipates trends and reinterprets them. By beginning to disseminate the meme in the summer, elite media shapers were able to position fall’s narrative – Trump’s win in particular – within the larger context they’d already defined. We would suggest that the wave of “populism” sweeping over the US and Europe is at heart a resurgence of a yearning for freedom that is obviously slipping away – not that there was much of it to begin with. But the Internet has raised people’s consciousness about what they are losing, and why. As a result, more than ever, people are coming to understand the globalist narrative and are registering their disgust. But this is NOT going to be how the mainstream media interprets what is going on. We can already see that people’s determination to shake off political, monetary and military control is going to be interpreted as essentially greedy and selfish. We could see this interpretation emerge within the context of Trump’s increasing appeal. Over and over we were told that his support was “rural” and “white” – and that these individuals were flocking to Trump because they were feeling “left out” of the current prosperity and thus resentful. Of course, one can interpret this trend much differently. Our perspective is that globalism is at fault here. Initiated and expanded by a tiny group of banking interests, globalism seeks to consolidate worldwide power with a tiny group of massive corporations, governments and technocratic leaders. No wonder why so many people in the West feel left out. This vision provides them no room to grow or prosper. In fact they are not – but their emotion at what’s occurring is perfectly reasonable and logical. We wouldn’t characterize it as resentment so much as rightful anger and frustration. But Reuters and the other mainstream media have gotten here first and are busily redefining what’s taking place. We’ve pointed out that the mainstream may be actively enhancing the meme now that they have gotten control of it. The idea is to marry this emergent propaganda with “directed history” and create a series of economic and political disasters that can be directly (if illegitimately) linked to “populism.” As populism is denigrated, globalism, in our view, will be uplifted. We’ll be subject to considerable contrasts between “toxic” populism and erudite – “mainstream” – globalism. We’ve already indicated that we believe this meme is a cultivated one. We don’t believe that the sudden emergence of populism throughout the West is simply coincidental or even evolutionary. We think this meme is being deliberately cultivated and that it is part of a larger Hegelian dialectic that is intended to reinforce globalism in the long-term. You can see some additional speculation here. Here at DB we analyze elite memes, their significance and impact. It’s clear to us that the mainstream media is “out front” when it comes to defining “populism” and that there are forces urging it on. The conclusion of the meme will probably involve a series of catastrophes that will further cultivate and expand globalism. It’s happened before, especially after the 20 th century’s world wars. There is no real reason to think the playbook has been significantly adjusted. Conclusion: This meme is not only of the utmost importance, it is clearly warning us of considerable distress to come.
TWISTED! Anti-American Riots By Illegals Portrayed As Anti-Trump: “This is our land” [Video]
More protests are probably happening today at the California State GOP Convention. Anti-American thugs will once again cause violence and a loss of freedoms in the age of the open borders Obama administration. You wanted fundamental transformation with Obama well, you got it! RIOTERS BURN AMERICAN FLAG: We don t need a white man telling us that he s gonna build a wall in our land we want him out! #CAGOPconventionhttps://t.co/qkviXbP7vS Fusion (@ThisIsFusion) April 29, 2016 WE VE GOT NEWS FOR THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA TRYING TO TWIST THE RESON FOR PROTESTS: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH ANTI-AMERICANISM! I want to go to college! This #CAGOPconvention protester is fighting on behalf of undocumented students:https://t.co/EP5mFxYF9f Fusion (@ThisIsFusion) April 29, 2016
OOPS! MEDIA LIED…Transgender Surgery For Military Members Cost Taxpayers A LOT More Than #FakeNews Is Telling Americans
Liz Harrington, a writer for the Washington Free Beacon appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show to discuss the real cost of sex reassignment surgery for transgenders in the military. Harrington debunked the fake numbers the media s been peddling to the American public about the cost of the sex assignment surgeries, in an effort to discredit President Trump s decision to ban transgenders serving in the military. It turns out the media hasn t been exactly honest about actual cost of allowing transgenders to serve in our military. The media s been saying the costs are only a few million per year, but according to Harrington, the actual estimated cost is more like $1.3 billion to taxpayers over a 10 year period. Additionally, the military members who have these surgeries take an estimated 238 days off to recover.As a side note, the $1.3 billion cost to taxpayers doesn t even include the very costly hormone treatments that transgenders in the military will need following the costly surgeries.The Washington Post has done their part to mislead the American public about the cost of transgenders serving in our military. They re not interested in taking an honest look at the costs to the American taxpayer. For the media, this issue has nothing to do with the cost to American taxpayers or with our national security. It s simple a matter of political correctness. And for The Washington Post, who Americans used to rely on for actual news, political correctness trumps truth every time.The Washington Post published an article on July 26th titled that supposedly addressed the cost of transgenders in the military. Instead, the article was written and titled to reinforce a false narrative that our president is a homophobe , a racist and a misogynist .Trump s argument against transgender soldiers echoes one used against gays, women and blacksHere is a portion of their article:Seemingly out of the blue on Wednesday morning, President Trump took to Twitter to announce that he would not allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. The rationale? The military cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. The question of costs presumably referring to procedures like gender reassignment surgery was addressed in a Rand report that estimated a 0.04- to 0.13-percent increase in military health-care expenditures should transgender people be allowed to serve. Trump has proposed a 10 percent bump in overall military spending, which could certainly absorb that increase.Can anyone explain why members of Congress would vote to increase spending on our military that would then be used for sex reassignment surgery for transgenders serving in our military? What in the world does sex reassignment have to do with defending our nation?
IT’S A WIN! Karen #Handel Beats Democrat…Crowd Chants “Trump, Trump, Trump!” [Video]
Karen Handel won a hard fought Congressional seat in Georgia s 6th district. The Democrats poured 50 Million dollars into Jon Ossoff s campaign making it the most expensive Congressional race ever! Handel spoke and thanked President Trump the crowd went nuts and chanted Trump, Trump, Trump!Congratulations Karen Handel. Love the #GA06 chant! pic.twitter.com/VaH3RvmiM0 Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) June 21, 2017 LONG FACES AT CNN AFTER KAREN HANDEL WINS!PRICELESS .. Liberal Tears CNN IS ISIS #GA06 #Handel #Ossoff pic.twitter.com/cGQdKK0TqS STOCK MONSTER (@StockMonsterUSA) June 21, 2017 ONE OF THE BIGGEST ISSUES WAS THAT OSSOFF DIDN T LIVE IN THE DISTRICT: Democrat Jon Ossoff said Tuesday that he believes voters in Georgia s sixth congressional district do not care that he does not live in the district he is running to represent, dismissing questions on his residency. Well, he did work for Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson for 5 years Johnson famously said the island of Guam would tip over but was reelected anyway. Details, meh Ossoff s residency has been a persistent problem for him during his special election campaign to fill Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price s vacant House seat.OSSOFF SAID HE LIVES DOWN THE STREET BUT IT TOOK A WASHINGTON FREE BEACON REPORTER OVER 2 HOURS TO WALK FROM OSSOFF S HOUSE TO THE 6TH DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS!The Georgia Democrat lives a two-hour walk away from the sixth district, so that his fianc e can walk to her medical school classes.The question of where he lives came up again when Ossoff appeared on MSNBC. Host Stephanie Ruhle asked why, in such a close race, Ossoff has not made a greater effort to address his residency outside of the district. Voters just aren t asking me this question, Ossoff responded. Folks here in Georgia s sixth district care about how their representation is going to impact their daily lives, he added.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9M5h99tq9c I grew up in this community. As you mentioned, I live a couple of miles down the road to support my fianc e while she finishes medical school, Ossoff said. I m running to serve my home town in Congress, and I want to make them proud. Ruhle pushed Ossoff on why he would not address the issue in such a tight race. Since the special election, where you were at 48.1 [percent], things have only moved to 48.8, with 50 million bucks under your belt. Voters care about a lot. If you look back on this and things are that tight, wouldn t you say to yourself, just get an apartment in the district? Ruhle asked. If voters were raising that as a serious concern, Steph, maybe I would, Ossoff said. But voters care about how policy and about how representation is going to impact their daily lives, he continued. They know I grew up in this community. They know I grew up in the sixth district. They know why I m a couple of miles south of the line. It s just not a major issue in the race. Because he lives outside of the district, Ossoff cannot vote for himself on Tuesday in his congressional bid against Republican Karen Handel.Via: WFB
Remember That Time Hypocrite Trump Tweeted Obama Should Comply With Record Releases
With Donald Trump handing out nicknames left and right, one nickname that has come to mind for him would be Hypocrite Trump. First of all, he doesn t apparently realize that the internet can document the things you say for years after you say them. Secondly, he also doesn t seem to realize that those things that he said can and will come back to haunt him.For instance, back in 2012, Trump, on top of previously requesting President Obama s birth certificate, also demanded that he release his college transcripts.Trump tweeted out on October 30, 2012, only days before the 2012 presidential election: Why does Obama believe he shouldn t comply with record releases that his predecessors did of their own volition? Hiding something? Why does Obama believe he shouldn't comply with record releases that his predecessors did of their own volition? Hiding something? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2012And of course President Obama wasn t hiding anything, and Trump was just trying to stir up trouble to make people believe the president was up to no good.Now, flash forward to today and Trump refuses to release his tax returns. Documents that every presidential candidate releases to show the nation financial transparency. Of course, Trump has lame excuse after lame excuse as to why he can t release them. All of which have been debunked.So, please, by all means, let s remind Trump of his blaring hypocrisy. Clearly, according to himself, he s hiding something.Featured Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images Twitter
Кто любит Стивена Сигала?
Политика Помните первые видеосалоны 1990-х, с их атмосферой полузапретного плода и незабываемым насморочным голосом переводчика? Именно благодаря видеосалонам жители бывшего СССР впервые познакомились с творчеством Стивена Сигала. Пусть он немного уступал по популярности Шварценеггеру и Ван Дамму, но зато как дрались на экране его герои – мастер айкидо, отважный детектив, лихой корабельный кок и прочие супермены! Как восхищённо бились сердца мальчишек, мысленно ставивших себя на место актёра! Даже то, что в фильме “Мерцающий” главный герой, среди прочего, боролся с вездесущей русской мафией, не охлаждало воображения юных фанатов. А потом девяностые закончились, и с ними закончился и Сигал. То есть он и дальше снимал фильмы, и сам снимался, но кассовые сборы с каждым новым фильмом всё падали и падали. А расходы на них всё росли и росли: не успел актёр стать в первый раз дедом, как родился седьмой, последний его ребёнок. Пока последний. В такой ситуации – когда популярность ушла, а семья и расходы на неё велики – российские угасшие звезды начинают пресловутый “чёс по провинции”, не брезгуя ни домом культуры железнодорожников, ни детским санаторием “Солнышко”. Что же до звёзд зарубежных, то они начинают усиленно окучивать постсоветское пространство. Сигал, до того, как уже говорилось ранее, героически боровшийся с русской мафией на тогда ещё весьма широком экране, вдруг вспомнил о своих русских корнях. Воспоминание пришлось очень кстати: в России Сигала приняли настолько тепло, что его вояжи в страну быстро стали регулярными. Знакомства с известными политиками, вплоть до президента, толпы поклонников, внимание журналистов из серьёзных изданий – на Западе о таком Сигал и мечтать не мог, даже в лучшие годы. Быстро войдя в образ почётного гостя, Сигал попробовал себя и в роли политической фигуры, дав ценный совет президенту США — дружить с Россией. На днях заслуги Сигала в области единоборств, кино и политики были вознаграждены: указом президента он принят в гражданство РФ. Формальными основаниями, которые озвучил пресс-секретарь президента Д. Песков, стали не только “тёплые чувства” в адрес России, но и тот факт, что Сигал является достаточно известным актёром И напрасно скептики кривят губы: и то, и другое – правда. Вне сомнения, Сигалу искренне симпатична российская публика (а равно и сербская, и белорусская): ведь больше он никому уже не интересен. А что до известности, так ведь и элита, и значительная часть общества — родом из 90-х, а воспоминания детства и ранней юности – это свято и навсегда. Так что с нетерпением ждём присвоения российского гражданства Сталлоне, Ван Дамму, Дитеру Болену, Си Си Кетч и полному актёрскому составу сериала “Просто Мария”. С Депардье-то получилось!
SARAH PALIN’S SON BREAKS Into Family Home…Savagely Beats Dad…Leaves Him Covered In Blood
The eldest son of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin beat the daylights out of his own father after he broke into his parents home in a drunken rage, according to documents released by local police.Track Palin, 28, was busted Saturday and charged with first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault and criminal mischief, and remains in custody.A court document said that the younger Palin wanted to visit the home to retrieve a truck.But his father, Todd Palin, told him to stay away because Track Palin was drunk and on pain medication, according to a police affidavit and charging documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times. Track told him he was [going to] come anyway to beat his ass, according to an affidavit filed by Wasilla Police Officer Adam LaPointe.Todd Palin answered the door armed with a pistol when his son arrived, but Track broke a window to get into the house and then started savagely beating him, cops said.The younger Palin threw his dad to the ground and hit him repeatedly on the head, leaving him covered in blood and with a liquid oozing from his ear, the documents said.Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, called police at 8:30 p.m. and said her son was freaking out and was on some type of medication. When cops arrived, they saw the parents fleeing the house in separate vehicles, Todd Palin with blood running down his face and Sarah Palin looking visibly upset, the paper reported.Police confronted Track Palin, who called them peasants, and told them to lay down their weapons, according to the documents. Eventually, Palin left the house and was handcuffed.He told cops that had told his father to shoot him several times, according to the documents. NYP
MSNBC Host Makes Emotional Plea To Trump Voters: Wake Up, ‘It’s A Scam’ (VIDEO)
Donald Trump and his campaign have been scrambling to do damage control after his multiple attacks on the Khans, Gold Star parents whose Muslim son died fighting for his country. One of Trump s latest pathetic attempts to recover was to meet with Gold Star families so he could brag about it later.But MSNBC s Mika Brzezinski wasn t impressed, and was able to see right through Trump s act. In a segment about Trump s latest attempt to fool America, she had a direct message for Trump supporters: wake the f*** up. Brzezinski insisted that Trump s entire campaign was a scam and his meeting with these families was no different Trump was just trying to fool gullible Americans into believing that he cares about things other than himself.Visibly upset that a person running for president would do something so heartless and take advantage of trusting Americans this way, the MSNBC host said: I m just trying to because, look, Trump supporters, people who support Donald Trump, are people who should be respected for how they feel. Brzezinski became emotional several times while trying to beg Trump s supporters to be more critical. As her voice cracked with emotion, she continued: But I worry that they don t understand that they re being scammed, and they re being scammed by somebody who s really good at it, so it s not like, you know, it s their fault. But I will say that it s a scam, what Trump is selling. Remarking on just how heartless Trump s attacks had been on the Khans, Brzezinski urged voters not to be fooled. Talking to Gold Star families after the biggest gaffe in probably presidential politics, candidacy s history, what he did with the Khans he s just trying to clean up. I mean, do you want someone who speaks from the heart and says nothing or says anything, or do you want someone who speaks from the heart and has some principle behind it and sticks to his word? This is a scam, and it seems like he has a lot of followers. You can watch Brzezinski make her emotional plea below:Trump meets with Gold Star families @morningmika: It s a scam, what Trump is selling https://t.co/aFouAvW80u Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 4, 2016Featured image is a screenshot
Weather Apps to Download and Store Up for Winter - The New York Times
LIKE it or not, winter is coming. Apart from layering up, you can turn to your phone to help you brave the rain, wind or snow ahead. Weather apps are abundant in mobile app stores, and my new favorite is Fire + Rain. Unlike many other weather apps, it keeps weather data simple. Built on information from the Weather Network, the app’s display is streamlined and easy to understand. The screen’s color corresponds with the forecast, and the temperature is displayed in large type. Alongside this are a small icon and a simple phrase describing the weather, like “light rain” or “cloudy with showers. ” You get, at a glance, everything you need to know about the coming weather where you are. Swipe down the screen to see hourly and daily forecasts tap to swap between a detailed forecast and a forecast. If you see the words “heavy snow” in tomorrow morning’s forecast, you’ll know to make the necessary preparations tonight. Fire + Rain is free on iOS. For people who like detailed weather forecasts, there is RainAware. This app belongs to the new breed of weather apps that try to deliver extremely accurate weather data based on the time and your precise location. The app uses GPS to detect where you are, and then it pulls forecast data from its system, including detailed radar scans. Instead of the typical approximation other weather apps might offer, like “50 percent chance of storms,” RainAware has concrete alerts, like “It’s going to rain in 30 minutes. ” The app’s radar maps are also neat: They show how rain clouds are moving near you and predict where they will go next, so you can see how the weather is going to change. RainAware has a lot of features, including a weather clock showing the forecast in increments, so it may take some getting used to. But it’s an excellent option. It costs $5 on iOS and $4 on Android. Another app, Storm Radar from Weather Underground, is a source that television weather forecasters consult before they step in front of the camera. This weather app has radar maps and algorithms to figure out if you are in the path of a nearby weather event. It even has lightning alerts for a radius around your location. Data on variables like dew point and humidity can be viewed as colored patterns on a map, or as graphs or charts. You can also get highly localized weather alerts — for example, the app told me there were two “coastal event” alerts as high winds and high tides threatened the seafront zone near my home. If you prefer a forecast, Storm Radar offers that too. There is a lot to discover in this app, and if you plan to use it you may need to spend some time on Google to get a full understanding of what all the data means. But it is free on iOS, and its interface is both attractive and easy to interact with. MeteoEarth, another scientific weather forecast app, shows animated maps that contain a wealth of forecasting information for your location. The maps can show data on rainfall, wind, temperature and pressure, and can even track tropical storms. The app also offers access to live weather webcams around the world that give a sense of the conditions in a particular location. MeteoEarth takes some figuring out, but its slick graphical interface is satisfying to use. It’s free on iOS and Android. Lastly, it may be worth keeping the free FEMA app (iOS, Android) on your phone in case your home is subjected to the worst of the winter weather. In addition to an alert system from the National Weather Service, the app offers guidance about what to do before, during and after a disaster. The naturalist Sir David Attenborough has been making television programs about the wonders of life for 60 years, and now over 1, 000 clips from his body of work are available in a new app: Attenborough’s Story of Life (free on iOS, Android). Browse it with your children and enjoy learning about nature from the soothing voice of Sir David himself.
How To Eliminate Stress With Color?
in: Natural Medicine , Sleuth Journal , Special Interests Color is everywhere and has many functions. In nature, animals and plants use color for camouflage and to facilitate mating. Humans decorate and dress with color for expression. Color preference has a psychological affect on mood and affects people on a subconscious level. Color and Wellness Encouraging mental wellness through the use of color is a very old practice that exists in many cultures. Practitioners of Feng Shui, acupuncture and other adjustments for better living introduce various colors in the form of gemstones , colored fabric, candles, and prisms. If you’ve ever chosen clothing of a specific color based on your mood (perhaps you chose black clothing when you felt down, or bright yellow when you were feeling energetic) then you’ve practiced colorology, also known as chromotherapy. Chromotherapy is actually an alternative medicine that uses color and light to balance a person’s energy where it is lacking — mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. Color for Stress Management Different colors produce different psychological, emotional, and physical effects. Some colors are calming and can help you relax and release your worries; some colors are stimulating. Surrounding yourself with the right colors can be an excellent stress management tool . If you are suffering from stress , consider changing the colors in your environment. The Effects of Different Colors The color chart below outlines the different effects of different colors. Wearing the colors or decorating with them is a great way to harness their specific benefits. Red Red is not the color to use for stress management. It is an exciting and stimulating color, usually associated with passion and vigor. Use this color when you need to lift yourself out of an emotional slump. Pink Pink is soft and tranquil. Its peacefulness promotes a better balance of energy. Orange Like red, orange is not calming but, rather, stimulating and intense. It can help invigorate you when you are feeling down. Yellow Yellow is sunny and cheerful but softer than red or orange. It’s a great color to lift your spirits and combat stress. Green Green is restful and quiet. It’s a soothing color that invites harmonious feelings that diffuse anxiety. Blue Blue is tranquil and peaceful. It has a tremendous stress management quality that encourages calmness. Personally, I’ve found that dark blue has the most calming effect. If you’re stressed, or anticipating stress, try wearing dark blue. Violet Violet represents strength, peace and wisdom. It can encourage feelings of inner peace when worn. Decorating with violet can give your space a peaceful feeling that relieves stress. White White is symbolic of clarity and freshness. However, it needs to be a clean, bright white. Dingy or dull white can cause your emotions to be dull. Black Black exudes power and elegance that is strong but can be overpowering at times. Conversely, it can also represent submission. It’s a color that can impact your world either way; be mindful when decorating with or wearing black. How do you use color to influence your mood? Do you find color therapy beneficial for stress management? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us. Submit your review
With Algeria's future uncertain, Macron unlikely to dwell on past during visit
PARIS/ALGIERS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron is likely to use a visit to Algeria on Wednesday to look to the future and turn the page on the colonial past, but stop short of apologizing for his country s actions as some demand. The trauma of the 1954-1962 independence war, in which hundreds of thousands of Algerians were killed and tortured was used on both sides, has left deep scars. Former French leader Francois Hollande sought a more conciliatory tone describing his country s colonization of Algeria as brutal and unfair and Macron is unlikely to go further. With President Abdelaziz Bouteflika rarely seen in public since a 2013 stroke, Macron will focus on the generational shift and importance of enhanced economic and security within that context. On a visit to Algeria in February as a candidate, Macron, 39, already shocked many at home when he said France s 132-year colonial rule was a crime against humanity. The president had strong words. It was appreciated by Algerians, but today the idea is to turn the page and build a new relationship with Algeria, a French presidential source said, adding that youth was his key message. During a three-day tour in Africa last week Macron again addressed the colonial past. While recognizing the crimes of the European colonizers, he also pointed to the positives of the era and made clear that his generation should not be blamed. Facing high unemployment, low oil prices, austerity and political uncertainty, Algeria s youth is likely to warm to Macron s call to look to the future more than the war veterans. It s very difficult to have a relationship between one partner (Macron) that is young, vibrant and wants renewal and the other partner (Bouteflika) who represents such a severe contrast, said Pierre Vermeren, a North Africa specialist at the Paris Sorbonne university. Economic ties between the two countries have marginally progressed since 2012 and France is now behind China as the main partner. Annual trade stands at about 8 billion euros compared with 6.36 billion five years ago. More than 400,000 Algerians are given visas for France annually, almost twice as many as in 2012. If Macron makes it easier to get a visa, that will be great for me. As for the history stuff I really don t care, said Slimane Khalifa, 25 who is an engineer at a state firm. POST-BOUTEFLIKA TEST Political jostling around Bouteflika has intensified as his health has waned, fuelling questions about the transition if he steps down before his term ends in 2019. With more than 4 million people of Algerian origin in France, all with ties to the North African state, any upheaval across the Mediterranean would have a serious impact on Paris. Macron s biggest foreign policy test could be Algeria because the state of Bouteflika s health is a worry and potentially what happens after could have huge ramifications on us, said a French diplomat. Macron s friendship visit, downgraded from an official visit, is also an opportunity to appease some anger in Algiers after he traveled first to arch-rival Morocco earlier this year, a taboo for previous French leaders. Many hope Macron will go one step further when it comes to the past. France should not only apologize, but also pay for its crimes during occupation, Lakhdar Brahimi, retired diplomat and close friend of the 80-year-old Bouteflika said last week. Brahimi, like Bouteflika, belongs to the war veterans who fought against French occupation and among that generation Macron is seen as his last chance for history to remember Bouteflika as the man who obtained an official apology. However, it remains a sensitive issue across France and Macron s comments in February led to a drop in poll ratings and uproar across various strands of society forcing him to clarify his stance. With the generational change yet to take place, Macron for now needs Algeria to help resolve the crisis in neighboring Libya and to prevent Islamist militants from stoking problems in the Sahel region, where some 4,000 French troops, roam close to the Algerian border. All the Algerians want is for France and the Barkhane force to get out of Mali and away from its border, said a senior French diplomat.
Israel: Ancient Papyrus Proves Jerusalem Belongs To Israel
Videos Israel: Ancient Papyrus Proves Jerusalem Belongs To Israel Israel is using a fragment of an old tax bill is meant to undercut Muslims', and UNESCO claims to the important site. | October 27, 2016 Be Sociable, Share! A view of the Dome of the Rock Mosque in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, Monday, May 2, 2016. While the UNESCO resolution which recognized the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as a “Muslim holy site of worship” was barely reported around the world, and considered fairly non-controversial, Israeli officials have been expressing fury over the matter for two solid weeks. And the Muslims may have a huge, ancient mosque that has been a key part of Islam for 1,300 years, but Israel has a small strip of papyrus they found in a cave, which they’re pretty sure is a far more conclusive document, since it mentioned the word Jerusalem and was written in Hebrew. Israeli officials have claimed that the UNESCO resolution, in recognizing the mosque as important to Islam, was tantamount to denying Israel’s absolute and eternal control over the entire city of Jerusalem. Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev said the papyrus strip proved Jerusalem “was and will remain the eternal capital of the Jewish people.” The al-Aqsa mosque was built on a site which is believed to have previously housed an important Jewish temple, and some Israelis advocate the eventual destruction of the mosque and the construction of a new temple, though the details of such a construction would be hugely religiously complicated, and since the destruction of the mosque would undoubtedly start a massive war, it is considered unlikely. Still, the far-right government wants to ensure that they have some international precedent for their claim to the territory. This entry was posted in Daily Digest , Foreign Affairs and tagged Al Aqsa Mosque , Israel , Jerusalem , Muslim holy site , Palestine , UNESCO . Bookmark the permalink . tapatio Contrary to the propaganda of the Judeo-fascists, the Palestinians DID have a state – called Canaan, that lasted for over 2000 years and built the city of Jerusalem – until they were destroyed by ethnic cleansing and genocide by the J6ws for the purpose of stealing the land now called Palestine. The survivors of that genocide are in Palestine and scattered throughout the region. When the Jews were finally driven out of Palestine, for treachery and terrorism, the great majority of them went North into Eastern Europe. Some scattered into other regions of the Middle East and North Africa, where they integrated and lived among the other tribes before and after the transition to Islam. The J6ws that went into Europe, over the centuries, were driven from state to state because of their conspiracies, treachery, arrogance, usury and all of the other characteristics they exhibit today in Palestine and on Wall and Fleet Streets. After the Jewish “kingdom” in Canaan was defeated, by the Assyrians in 351 BCE, the Jews never were allowed to rise to power again. Their >600 year reign in Canaan was marked by oppression of non-Jews, marauding and attacks on the most heavily traveled trade route in the world. After 66 BCE, for a time, Rome made the error of trying to allow the Jews limited self-rule, which ended in rioting, conspiracy and terrorist attacks by the J6ws on both Romans and the other tribes of Palestine. From the time of the final defeat of the last Jewish terrorists in 135 CE, until the early 20th Century, Palestine was one of the most peaceful regions of the world. It benefited from a lack of obvious oil resources – avoiding attention from Western greed. The only upsets during that almost 2000 years were the defeat of the Byzantines (the remnants of the Roman Empire), the European “Crusades”, a couple of Asian incursions and a few tribal squabbles. By 1900, Palestine was one of the most productive agricultural regions of the Middle East and a major exporter of citrus and olives. Its “Jaffa Brand” oranges were famous throughout the world (I’ve never eaten one. But, I have a crate with most of the paper label in my office). The Jew claim that all of the land they obtained in Palestine was purchased is ludicrous. They went to some FORMER land owners of the DEFUNCT Ottoman Empire and paid them something to sign bills of sale to land they didn’t own and had probably never seen. I read one report by a British officer in the Palestine Mandate. His unit was sent to investigate an attack on a small Palestinian town. They found the ENTIRE POPULATION of the town slaughtered, many of the bodies mutilated and most of the women and girls raped, with some tortured. The animals, including house pets, had all been killed and many mutilated. After further investigation, the British Army concluded that the massacre had been carried out by Irgun terrorists and that Menachem Begin almost certainly led the slaughter. This is the sort of sub-human that Jews “elect” as their Prime Minister. The Zionists have the delusion that they can re-write history to suit their cult. They are sadly mistaken. Lonny Not contrary to you being a racist @$$hoIe, you spend every day of your life whining about Jews for several hours a day. tapatio NO, JEW-BOY, I SPEND PART OF MOST DAYS HELPING TO BRING ABOUT THE DAY WHEN THE DISEASE, OF WHICH YOU ARE PART, IS ERADICATED AND HUMANS CAN HAVE PEACE AND DECENCY. Lonny You spend part of your days hating Jews and the other part blowing jihadis, tapaDILDO. Hating Jews doesn’t make you decent. It makes you a racist lowlife. Kagey1 Mint Press, you disingenuously fail to state the true objection of Israel to the UNESCO vote. That it fails to also include the Jewish origins of the site. In fact, the resolution appears to state that Jerusalem is only holy to Muslims. It negates the prior Jewish and Christian connections. That is the objection, not the inclusion of the later Muslim connection. tapatio Lonny TapaDILDO still trying to get negative attention from Jews. Little crybaby never got enough attention from mommy. tapatio Since the Jews invaded and committed GENOCIDE in Canaan/Palestine about 3000 years ago – yup, they were there before Muslims or Christians. The Christians appeared 2000 years ago and the Muslims came 1400 years ago. But, since the Jews’“claim” to Palestine is based on their genocide of the Canaanite kingdom after the Jews were driven from Egypt, that claim would seem to be shaky at best. And, ancient Judaism became functionally extinct at tel Megiddo in 135 CE – 1881 years ago. The “Jews” that we see today are the descendants of Eastern European barbarians who were converted to Judaism by the few survivors of their terrorist war against Rome. Today’s Jews and their ancestors NEVER saw Palestine until Rothschild’s Zionist disease. The FEW (about 17,000) Jews that lived in Palestine before Zionism were ALL Europeans, living on European charity – mostly in Jerusalem. They were ultra-orthodox whose entire function was to “study” the Torah and pornographic Talmud – the NEVER worked. Humanity really needs to comprehend fully that this cult, that has been driven from more than 100 countries in the last 2000 years is NOT “PERSECUTED”. JUDAISM IS A TOXIC CULT-URE THAT LIVES ON THE BLOOD OF OTHERS – VAMPIRES, AS THEY HAVE BEEN CALLED BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, VOLTAIRE AND OTHERS. GREAT JEWISH LEADERS There goes Tapadildo inventing a fake history again, as always. Jews didn’t invade. Jews lawfully immigrated under the Ottomans and so did the Arabs. Jews committed no genocide there. The Arab population grows at one of the fastest rates on the planet. There hasn’t been a Canaan for 3500 years… but you’re whining about it as though it was last week. No mention of all the genocides against non-Muslims over the last 1400 years? How about the ones this year? Hating Jews has turned you into a frothing lunatic, obviously. DumbTwat. ivanacardinale YOU ARE GREAT!!! WITH THIS, YOU JUST SHUT UP LOONY TUNES!!! tapatio Thanks, but don’t count on that shutting up Lonny. They are assigned to sites and he probably won’t quit unless he quits/is fired from his job. Lonny Why don’t you lead by example and show everyone how to shut-up, TapaDILDO. Nah, you thrive on several hours’ worth of negative attention from Jews every day. ivanacardinale He might be one of those Mossad trollies, being paid to do the job, the social media counterattack Lonny You might be one of those racistCUNTS… Wait, “might?”… sorry. ARE. ivanacardinale The War on UNESCO: Al-Aqsa Mosque is Palestinian and East Jerusalem is Illegally Occupied http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/10/27/the-war-on-unesco-al-aqsa-mosque-is-palestinian-and-east-jerusalem-is-illegally-occupied/ Lonny Sorry, racistCUNT… there is no law which says Jerusalem is illegally occupied. Who do you claim it belongs to, racistCUNT? Jews were also “Palestinians” and were “Palestinians” longer than any Arabs were, racistCUNT. ivanacardinale So, you are palestinian then!!! Is in your DNA!! Lonny Jews are the actual Palestinians, racistCUNT. It’s in your DNA to be a racistCUNT. tapatio NO Jew has more than a trace of Semitic DNA. That was almost eradicated at tel Megiddo in 135 CE. The traces that exist in SOME Jews are from the terrorists that managed to escape from Megiddo (all men) and breed with the barbarians of Southeastern Europe. The Iranian and other native Middle Eastern Jews are not Semitic, but Persian, Ethiopian, etc., so far as I know and I taught anthropology for 35 years. Lonny TapaDILDO and his 1.5 terabytes of insane Jew-hate. Too funny. moosehorn So the sorry sad son of wxxre that you are admits that Palestinians exist? Lonny Sorry, stupid… did you think you wanted to engage in a conversation about what constitutes a “Palestinian”? moosehorn Lol, you are a sorry stupid piece of crap. Lonny Says the phuqqstain who couldn’t engage in a topic if his worthless life depended upon it. moosehorn Ivana was right by referring to you as loony toones. Lonny I’m right by referring to you as a dumbschitt. tapatio You already showed us what you had for lunch today, TapaDILDO. moosehorn You keep proving that you are a mentally challenged Axxhole. Lonny The day you offer a mental challenge to anyone is the day you stop being a phuqqstain and graduate into average idiocy. moosehorn Bravo, couldn’t come up with a better description. Lonny Of what pours into your Jew-hating mouths. tapatio https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77ca2bb6a1767c6776e94afaf505f28bad3b6bb346e4d3d500d1dd0f010ddc9a.jpg moosehorn I bet your parents are siblings, such stupidity and ignorance is but the result someone conceived by incest. Lonny I bet that’s a jihadiQoqque banging against your tonsils. Such blowing skills are the result of someone who’s practiced a lot. tapatio No “might” about it. He/she/it is a hasbara troll, either working out of Palestine (and paid with money stolen from the American taxpayer) or is some Jewish escuincle working out of his mama’s Brooklyn apartment. Lonny There ‘s a definite about this: You are one dumb Jew-obsessed, racist @$$hoIe. tapatio It’s obvious. So is the lunacy and stupidity behind this obsession. tapatio BTW, discussions in other venues STAY on those venues. ivanacardinale Well, then America belongs to the native, original peoples, so, the rest of us should start packing their bags and go back to where we come from. Same thing with Europe. It was a Roman Empire, so, Europe belongs to the Italians then. Can the “israelis” stop the crap of ancient documents? in which world they think they are living? During thousands of years everybody invaded, killed and squattered each other. So, if we go for history, NOTHING BELONGS TO NOBDY!! Michael Hess The supreme irony is that Islamophobes are always going on about how backwards Muslims are wanting to protect their culture going back to ancient times, yet Hasbarians do the same thing. Meanwhile, as the article states, there is simply nothing at all that is controversial in this resolution, the scandal is as made up as Benghazi and Ambassador Stevens and Hillary. The fact is, there was no state of Israel prior to May 14th, 1948. So these people need to get it out of their heads because you cannot claim sovereignty to a single dunam of land before that. Of course, as more people learn that Palestine was an officially and legally created country twenty-four years before Israel, things are getting far more interesting. Worse yet still for Israel, the rogue state has no legal hold over Jerusalem at all in the real world not rules by little fragments of papyrus and religious imagery back when people did not bathe and thought that the stars were oil lamps that someone lit up each night. UN Security Council resolution 476 and about eighteen others prove that Israel holds no legal sovereignty in Jerusalem whatsoever, this is precisely why the US Embassy Act of 1995 is waived every six months because by moving the embassy, that would put the US in violation of more than several Security Council resolutions. Lonny Sorry, moron. You are always lying about Jews. Who’s criticizing Arabs for protecting their culture? You mean, when there are those among them who ATTACK OTHER cultures that you think is an attack on Islamic culture? You think it’s a preservation of Islamic culture when ISIS began perpetrating a genocide on the Yzidis? There is something controversial, numbnutted goatface… They refuse to use the Jewish terms for the places, even though those are the terms which have been the prolific ones for thousands of years. The fact is, goatfaced Jew-hater… Israel was around 2000 years ago, so there was a state of Israel before May 14, 1948, and Jews have been praying at the Western Wall for millennia. And they certainly had sovereign land there historically. You really are one heck of a Jew-hating loser, goatface! Israel has plenty of legal hold over Jerusalem in the real world, goatface. See how it exercises its legal hold? Who are you claiming it belongs to? You know who REALLY never had sovereignty over a single dunum of the land over there? Palestinian Arabs. Your misapplication of what you think are laws are not credible. And misusing the 4th Geneva Convention is what is not valid. ivanacardinale You puke violence through your words, and also ignorance. Violence is the weapon of the people that has no reason. We know very well the history of that land. And you seem to invent it. And I laugh when i read every year about “Israel Independence”. From whom got the independence? From which Empire? the Palestinian? the Roman? the ottomans? or from the UN? Most countries has battle for years for independence against an empire. Israelis got it through what? as far as we know, you are being called the haggana? Lonny Actually, the only reason people puke around you is they see your face. Violence is what you use to defend yourself, stupid. You come on here and attack me… I never attacked you… and then you want to pretend you’re innocent on top of it! What a dumb hypocrite! You clearly don’t know the history if you think there wasn’t a Jewish kingdom there before. Israel got independence from a region which hadn’t been sovereign in 2000 years. The last people who ruled it were the Ottomans, and very temporarily the British. There were no nation-states in that region at the time. Suddenly, there were, because that’s how the Allies set it up after beating Germany and the Ottomans. Didn’t know that, did you? Before there was even a Hagganah, the Jews were struggling for independence there, and even when it was under Ottoman rule they asked for independence. You don’t know much of anything. Now, prattle back at me and pretend that I’m violent, when you’re the ignorant one who opened up their mouth at me first. tapatio Easy-bake monkey, STFU. THIS IS JUDAISM in Palestine . A cult capable of committing, supporting and defending the crimes below IS A DISEASE and should be eradicated from this Earth . Jews Blow Up and Kill Palestinian Boy By Force-Feeding Him Gasoline Lonny Jew-hate is a form of psychosis. See your stupid little list, Jew-hate weenie? If I posted all the Arab terrorist acts, the ratio would be over 1000 to 1. tapatio You might note that TRUTH is not “hate” Jew-boy, 99% of the “Arab” terrorists are from THIS source – JEW OWNED . AS SUBORDINATES OF THE ROTHSCHILD-BILDERBERG EMPIRE, WASHINGTON, ISRAEL AND SAUDI ARABIA BUILT AND OPERATE AL QAEDA, ISIS AND THE OTHER TERRORIST GROUPS OPERATING IN SYRIA (and elsewhere) TO DESTABILIZE COUNTRIES AND ESTABLISH A “CALIPHATE” THAT WOULD “COOPERATE” WITH THE EMPIRE. LIKE THE TERRORIST GROUPS THEMSELVES, THAT CALIPHATE WOULD BE JUST AS OPPRESSIVE AND VICIOUS AS ITS PARENT (established by Jewish/British bankers, 100 years ago) – SAUDI ARABIA. SAUDI ARABIA AND THE TERROR GROUPS SPAWNED THEY ARE THE GUTTER SCRAPINGS OF ISLAM – EQUAL IN ALL RESPECTS TO THE ZIONIST DISEASE. Global Warfare: “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1438.htm “Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right” AND http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor (9/11 – PERFECTION). Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.” (p 63) AMERICA’S “RASPUTINS” RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANNING THE LAST 15 YEARS OF DEATH – JEWISH ZIONISTS ALL CLEAN BREAK Dov Zakheim Lonny Tapadildo and his usual psychotic copy/pastes needs a lot of negative attention from Jews. Has for YEARS. tapatio ANYONE WHO TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT JUDAISM IS GOING TO GET A LOT OF NEGATIVE ATTENTION FROM THAT DISEASE. MOICHE FEIGLIN IS DEPUTY SPEAKER OF THE ISRAELI KNESET. BELOW IS THE HEBREW TEXT FROM FEIGLIN’S FACEBOOK PAGE. THIS CREATURE IS TYPICAL OF THE JEWISH ANIMALS THAT HAVE INVADED PALESTINE. TRANSLATION OF FEIGLIN’S FACEBOOK POST………….. With God’s Help Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mr. Prime Minister, We have just heard that Hamas has used the ceasefire to abduct an officer. It turns out that this operation is not about to be over any too soon. The failures of this operation were inherent to it from the outset, because: a) It has no proper and clear goal; b) there is no appropriate moral framework to support our soldiers. What is required now is that we internalize the fact that Oslo is finished, that this is our country – our country exclusively, including Gaza. There are no two states, and there are no two peoples. There is only one state for one people. Having internalized this, what is needed is a deep and thorough strategic review, in terms of the definition of the enemy, of the operational tasks, of the strategic goals, and of course, of appropriate necessary war ethics. (1) Defining the enemy: The strategic enemy is extremist Arab Islam in all its varieties, from Iran to Gaza, which seeks to annihilate Israel in its entirety. The immediate enemy is Hamas. (Not the tunnels, not the rockets, but Hamas.) (2) Defining the tasks Conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters. (3) Defining the strategic goal: To turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians. (4) Defining war ethics: “Woe to the evildoer, and woe to his neighbor” In light of these four points, Israel must do the following: a) The IDF [Israeli army] shall designate certain open areas on the Sinai border, adjacent to the sea, in which the civilian population will be concentrated, far from the built-up areas that are used for launches and tunneling. In these areas, tent encampments will be established, until relevant emigration destinations are determined. The supply of electricity and water to the formerly populated areas will be disconnected. b) The formerly populated areas will be shelled with maximum fire power. The entire civilian and military infrastructure of Hamas, its means of communication and of logistics, will be destroyed entirely, down to their foundations. c) The IDF will divide the Gaza Strip laterally and crosswise, significantly expand the corridors, occupy commanding positions, and exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain. d) Israel will start searching for emigration destinations and quotas for the refugees from Gaza. Those who wish to emigrate will be given a generous economic support package, and will arrive at the receiving countries with considerable economic capabilities. e) Those who insist on staying, if they can be proven to have no affiliation with Hamas, will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem. f) When the fighting will end, Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip, the people evicted from the Gush Katif will be invited to return to their settlements, and the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities. Mr. Prime Minister, This is the a fateful hour of decision in the history of the State of Israel. All metastases of our enemy, from Iran and Hizballah through ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, are rubbing their hands gleefully and preparing themselves for the next round. I am warning that any outcome that is less than what I defined here means encouraging the continued offensive against Israel. Only when Hizballah will understand how we have dealt with Hamas in the south, it will refrain from launching its 100,000 missiles from the north. I call on you to adopt the strategy proposed here. I have no doubt that the entire Israeli people will stand to your right with its overwhelming majority, like myself – if only you will adopt it. With high regards, respectfully, ORIGINAL HEBREW TEXT FROM FEIGLIN’S FACEBOOK (Just in case he removes the comment, as they frequently do) ב”ה ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו אדוני ראש הממשלה זה עתה נודע כי החמאס ניצל את הפסקת האש בכדי לחטוף קצין. מסתבר שהמבצע הזה לא עומד להיגמר כל כך מהר. הכשלים במבצע היו טמונים בו מתחילתו כי: א – אין לו מטרה נכונה וברורה. ב – אין מעטפת מוסרית ראויה התומכת בחיילינו. מה שנדרש כעת הוא להפנים שאוסלו נגמר, שזו ארצנו – רק ארצנו, כולל עזה! אין שתי מדינות ואין שני עמים – יש רק מדינה אחת לעם אחד. בעקבות ההפנמה הזו נדרש שינוי אסטרטגי עמוק ויסודי – הן בהגדרת האויב, הן בהגדרת המשימה, הן בהגדרת היעד האסטרטגי וכמובן – בהגדרת מוסר הלחימה הנכון והנדרש. 1 – הגדרת האוייב האויב האסטרטגי הוא האסלאם הערבי הקיצוני על כל גרורותיו מאיראן ועד עזה המבקש לחסל את ישראל כולה. האויב בעין הוא החמאס. (לא המנהרות, לא הרקטות – החמאס) 2 – הגדרת המשימה: כיבוש הרצועה כולה וחיסול כל הכוחות הלוחמים ותומכיהם. 3 – הגדרת היעד האסטרטגי: להפוך את עזה ליפו. עיר ישראלית פורחת עם מינימום אזרחים עוינים. 4 – הגדרת מוסר הלחימה:“אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו” לאור ארבעת הנקודות הללו על ישראל לבצע מיד את הפעולות הבאות: א – צה”ל יגדיר שטחים פתוחים על גבול סיני ובסמיכות לים בהם תתרכז האוכלוסייה האזרחית- הרחק מהשטח הבנוי ואזורי השיגור והמנהור. באזורים אלו יוקמו מחנות אוהלים עד לאיתור יעדי הגירה רלוונטיים. אספקת החשמל והמים לאזורים שהיו מאוכלסים – תנותק. ב – האזורים שהיו מאוכלסים יופגזו בכוח אש מקסימלי. כל מתקני החמאס האזרחיים והצבאיים, אמצעי הקשר והלוגיסטיקה – יחוסלו עד היסוד. ג – צה”ל יבתר את הרצועה לאורכה ולרחבה, ירחיב מאוד את הצירים, ישתלט על אזורים שולטים וישמיד קיני ההתנגדות במידה וייוותרו כאלה. ד – ישראל תחל באיתור מדינות ומכסות הגירה לפליטי עזה. המעוניינים להגר יזכו בחבילת סיוע כלכלית נדיבה ויגיעו לארצות הקולטות עם יכולת כלכלית משמעותית. ה – מי שיתעקש להישאר ויוכח כי אין לו כל קשר לחמאס, יידרש לחתום באופן פומבי על הצהרת נאמנות לישראל ויקבל תעודת זהות כחולה בדומה לזו של ערביי מזרח ירושלים. ו – עם שוך הקרבות יוחל החוק הישראלי בכל הרצועה, מגורשי גוש קטיף יוזמנו לשוב ליישוביהם והעיר עזה ובנותיה ייבנו כערי תיירות ומסחר ישראליות לכל דבר. אדוני ראש הממשלה! זוהי שעת הכרעה גורלית בימיה של מדינת ישראל. כל גרורות האויב, מאיראן והחיזבאללה ועד דע”ש והאחים המוסלמים – חוככות כעת את ידיהן בהנאה ומכינות עצמן לסבב הבא. אני מתריע שכל תוצאה שהיא פחות ממה שהוגדר כאן, משמעותה עידוד המשך האופנסיבה נגד ישראל. רק אם יבין החיזבאללא כיצד טופל החמס בדרום, ימנע מלשגר את 100,000 הטילים שלו – מצפון. אני קורא לך לאמץ את האסטרטגיה המוצעת כאן. אין לי כל ספק שכמוני, עם ישראל כולו יעמוד ברוב מוחץ לימינך – אם רק תאמצנה. בכבוד ובהערכה רבה משה פייגלין Lonny TapaDILDO has all of his Jew-hate copy/pastes rolling to get negative attention from Jews. Such an infantile little Jew-hater… uses JihadiCokk as a pacifier. tapatio https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6862a06b7dca0b6b4e7021675a233af3ef12f5a747576a7a076f7e66e15d3a52.jpg Lonny TapaDILDO still trying to get negative attention from Jews by showing them what he just ate for lunch. tapatio APPARENTLY THIS BEANIE-BABY CAN’T READ. BUT, HIS MAMA PROBABLY CAUGHT HIM IN A TEL AVIV BACK ALLEY. HARDLY A WOMAN IN THAT CULT WITHOUT A COIN SLOT IN HER FOREHEAD. Lonny Apparently, you’re too stupid to understand that I pointed out what you ate for lunch, Jew-hate infant. tapatio Jew-boy, you fail to comprehend that I couldn’t care less about your ad hominem drivel. It only reinforces the reality that Judaism, especially the Zionist form is a FILTHY DISEASE – just like its cells – YOU. For more than 3000 years, from their expulsion from Egypt and from the money changers Jesus is said to have driven from the temple steps to the predatory global Rothschild banking cartel to the lowest loan shark in NY, to the Internet propaganda shill, the IDF thug and Mossad scum and their rabbis preaching the delusion of a “chosen” master-race, this predatory cultl posing as religion and ethnicity has most closely resembled a malignant cancer metastasizing through our world, corrupting and spoiling everything it touches. When one or a few cultures find a particular culture toxic, it could be bigotry. When almost EVERY culture finds Judaism toxic, JUDAISM IS TOXIC . Every expulsion of Jews below was preceded by widespread and extreme crime and abuses BY JEWS. The Jews have been expelled from more than 100 countries. Listed below are ONLY expulsions that could be directly linked to RAMPANT JEWISH CRIME. They had NOTHING to do with “persecution” of Jews. However, often, innocent Jews suffered because of guilt by association with their predatory culture. The expulsions of Jews were acts of SELF-PRESERVATION by non-Jewish cultures. Expulsions of Jews
WATCH TRUMP SUPPORTERS CRASH Pro-Sanctuary City Press Conference Where Radicals Call for Open Borders [Video]
Supporters of the rule of law crashed a pro-illegal rally on August 4, 2017 at San Bernardino City Hall. This was a reaction to San Bernardino getting a letter from Jeff Sessions threatening to withhold their federal funds. Using the left s tactics on them is pretty great:Did you listen to the rhetoric coming from the speakers who were pushing open borders? Shame on them for using religion to break the law! The SEIU has been called Obama s Purple Army so they bussed in protesters for the protest They are usually paid to attend protests. They are more like Obama s useful idiots because they lose if more illegals come to take their jobs.The Press Enterprise reported:Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcement that San Bernardino would not be eligible for crime-reduction funding spurred a demonstration outside San Bernardino City Hall on Friday, Aug. 4.On Thursday, Aug. 3, Sessions sent letters to four cities struggling with gun violence, including San Bernardino, telling them they would not be eligible for a program that provides money to combat drug trafficking and gang crime unless they confirm their cooperation with immigration officials.The letter asks if correctional and detention facilities will honor a written request from the Department of Homeland Security to hold a foreign national for up to 48 hours beyond the scheduled release date.In San Bernardino, that s up to the San Bernardino County Sheriff s Department, not the city. Regardless, the Sheriff s Department, in a statement, said it can t comply because it would be unconstitutional. San Bernardino is not going to be bullied, said Kesha McGee, a lead organizer with Inland Congregations United for Change, at the planned demonstration.McGee said the interfaith group wanted to show support for the San Bernardino immigrant community. We are a community of unity, she said. We all deserve to be here. Religious leaders from tInland Congregations United for Change and immigrant rights activists from the Inland area planned the Friday press conference outside City Hall to condemn Sessions announcement. Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes, D-San Bernardino, was at the event.
Trump Holds ‘Pittsburgh, Not Paris’ Rally In D.C. After Being Told Pittsburgh Voted Hillary (VIDEO)
It s like something out of a dystopian novel: Having just abandoned America s leadership position in fighting climate change and realizing the move was deeply unpopular, Trump ordered a day of celebration for himself. The event was titled Pittsburgh, not Paris, a reference to a line he used to justify pulling out of the Paris climate deal.President Donald Trump s campaign announced a Pittsburgh, not Paris rally across from the White House on Saturday to celebrate the United States withdrawal from a global climate agreement.Here s the twist: Trump is holding it in Washington D.C. not Pittsburgh. Why? Because he s too scared to actually go to Pittsburgh and face the wrath of the people he just screwed over.Hours after invoking the Pittsburgh, not Paris line, the mayor of Pittsburgh made it abundantly clear that the city hates Trump and found it disgraceful that they used their city s name as a pretext to destroy the planet.The president may carry around a little map of the election results, but he clearly doesn t look at it very closely. Pittsburgh residents almost all voted against him. The industrial city is a steadfast Democratic stronghold. And in fact, one of the reasons it remains so Democratic is that it knows full well what happens when Republicans don t hold factories and companies to environmental standards.As Mayor Bill Peduto explained: Pittsburgh is the example. We were that city that China is like today where the smoke was so, filled the air so much, that the streetlights would stay on 24 hours. That legacy, and the willingness not to return to it, has led Pittsburgh and many other cities to announce that they will adhere to the environmental standards laid out by the Paris agreement even if the president is too dim-witted to do so for the country-at-large. Mayor Peduto made his contempt for Trump s actions abundantly clear on CNN:Trump: I was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not ParisPittsburgh Mayor: We voted for Hillary Clinton with nearly 80% of the vote pic.twitter.com/X6TRCebnj6 The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) June 1, 2017Mayor Peduto s comments and the knowledge that Pittsburgh hates Trump may have led him to schedule his Pittsburgh rally in a park next to the White House. There he can prevent people who disagree with him from coming and booing. Like everything Trump does, it was about image. People booing would have been a much more accurate depiction of where the country stands on Trump s decision everyone from policy experts to scientists to politicians to average Americans found Trump s bankrupting of America s role in fighting climate change to be disgusting and dangerous. Instead, like so many of these campaign-style rallies Trump holds, the thing will be one long exercise in vanity for the man who once claimed to be working for the people. The symbolism of holding his anti-climate rally in the swamp of Washington D.C. is a bit on the nose.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Top Democrat says Trump firing of Mueller could provoke 'constitutional crisis'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, responding to escalating Republican attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, said on Wednesday that if President Donald Trump fires Mueller, it “has the potential to provoke a constitutional crisis.” Speaking on the Senate floor, Senator Mark Warner denounced attacks on Mueller’s impartiality and said the special counsel’s investigation of ties between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia must be “able to go on unimpeded.” Russia denies meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and Trump has denied any collusion. While Trump’s political allies have increased their criticism of Mueller, the president said on Sunday he was not considering firing him. Republican lawmakers have seized on anti-Trump texts by a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who was involved in the Russia investigation as evidence of bias in Mueller’s team. Mueller removed the agent from his team after the texts came to light. Republicans on several House of Representatives committees have also announced their own probes into long-standing political grievances, including the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. Clinton, a Democrat, was Trump’s opponent in last year’s election. “Over the last several weeks, a growing chorus of irresponsible voices have called for President Trump to shut down Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation,” said Warner, adding that the attacks were “seemingly coordinated.” “Firing Mr. Mueller or any other of the top brass involved in this investigation would not only call into question this administration’s commitment to the truth, but also to our most basic concept of rule of law,” Warner said. “It also has the potential to provoke a constitutional crisis.” Warner called for Congress to make clear to the president that firing Mueller would have “immediate and significant consequences.” House Democrats had circulated rumors last week that Trump would fire Mueller this Friday, just before the Christmas holiday. Trump’s White House lawyer, Ty Cobb, said in a statement on Wednesday that the administration “willingly affirms yet again, as it has every day this week, there is no consideration being given to the termination of the special counsel.” “If the media is going to continue to ask for responses to every absurd and baseless rumor, attention-seeking partisans will continue to spread them,” Cobb added.
Brits Fined and Prosecuted for Weeds, Weeping, and Whippoorwills
Email Petty tyranny is alive and well in the home of the Magna Carta, thanks to a sweeping 2014 crime act. According to a new report from the Manifesto Club, a British civil-liberties organization, U.K. residents are being cited and fined — under the threat of criminal prosecution for failure to comply — for such offenses as not weeding their gardens, crying too loudly in their own homes, posting signs critical of local government policies, or even feeding wild birds. The Anti-social Behavior, Crime and Policing Act — passed at the urging of Theresa May, then home secretary and now prime minister — gave local officials the authority to issue Community Protection Notices (CPNs) to individuals 16 or older whenever officials believe that “the conduct of the individual … is having a detrimental effect, of a persistent and continuing nature, on the quality of life of those in the locality.” An official may issue a CPN on the spot, with only minimal warning to the individual being cited, for any offense he deems worthy, including things occurring within someone’s home. The CPN may demand that the cited individual either refrain from a particular activity or take specific actions, or both; and it may impose a fine of up to $124. In addition, if an individual refuses to comply with a CPN, he may be subjected to criminal prosecution and, if convicted, fined as much as $3,100. CPNs, noted the Manifesto Club, do “not have to go through a magistrates’ court, and the standard of proof is significantly lower” than that for civil injunctions. “CPNs therefore give council officials unprecedented powers to direct the behavior of particular individuals, backed up by the force of the criminal law.” The group found that between October 2014 and October 2015, councils issued 3,943 CPNs and 9,546 CPN warnings. Between April 1, 2015, and December 31, 2015, there were 254 prosecutions for failure to comply with a CPN; 200 of those were successful. A number of CPNs concerned activities taking place inside the home. Most were related to noises that could be heard in adjoining properties, including apartments. Shouting, swearing, and even crying that could be overheard were forbidden, as was “noise from televisions, sound equipment (stereo systems), radios, musical instruments, domestic appliances and power tools.” Four councils issued CPNs prohibiting people from feeding birds in their gardens — this despite the fact that the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds actually encourages people to do just that. “Such orders,” wrote the Manifesto Club, “undermine the privacy and sanctity of the home. If you cannot cry within your own house, or feed the birds in your garden, then the home has no significant meaning as a private space which is protected from the demands of the outer world.” Moreover, “The noise restrictions specified in these orders are unrealistically low: it is rare that TVs or music cannot be overheard to some extent in adjoining properties, and a certain background noise is part and parcel of living in a flat or terraced house. It may be that some of these individuals’ behavior would qualify as a statutory nuisance, but the issued CPNs set the conditions so low as to criminalize very ordinary behavior.” Many, if not most, of the CPNs concerned the conditions of people’s yards, or “gardens” in British parlance. While some requested the removal of waste such as sofas, others were merely for gardens that were not kept up to the standards of the official issuing the CPN. Several councils issued CPNs to individuals unfortunate enough to have Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant species, pop up in their gardens. Should those individuals fail to eradicate the weed — a lengthy and difficult process requiring deep excavation — they could end up with criminal records. “Councils can also use the measures to stifle criticism of council policy,” the Manifesto Club found. A man in East Lancashire was threatened with a CPN ordering him to take down “inflammatory” signs that criticized a new housing development sanctioned by the council. The signs were on his back gate and on a tree on the edge of his property. The council’s community protection coordinator said: “This notice would ultimately give the council the ability to enter the land and remove the signs.” CPNs have been used to force people to maintain their houses in keeping with others’ tastes. One homeowner was threatened with prosecution if he did not clean his windows both inside and out. Another was cited for keeping a bicycle collection on his property. Furthermore, CPNs can require people to take expensive remedial actions. If an individual refuses to comply, the council can have the work performed and then bill the homeowner for it. Sources of overheard noise can be seized and destroyed. “There appears to be little respect for the rights of home ownership or the notion that your house or garden are [sic] places that you can manage as you see fit,” observed the Manifesto Club. “Now it is the complainant outsider, and not the home owner or occupier, who appears to have the weight of authority and the balance of the law on their side.” Councils have also used CPNs to target particular individuals’ public behavior rather than going through the messy and public process of enacting general restrictions or obtaining civil injunctions. At least two councils have no laws against begging or public sleeping — one, in fact, was forced to withdraw a previous order prohibiting them because of public protest — but have used CPNs to enforce de facto bans on these activities. Some CPNs were issued to people who clearly needed help rather than prosecution, such as a homeless, mentally ill man who insisted on sleeping in the woods on hospital grounds but was harming no one. It’s not hard to figure out why local officials love CPNs: They can make up “laws” on the spot — some councils’ CPN forms don’t specify particular offenses but allow officers to write in whatever they please — and enforce them (and collect fines) without the bother of proving their case in court. “It is a principle of law that more specific powers should be preferred to more general ones,” argued the Manifesto Club. “In fact, we are seeing the opposite: the more general CPN power is being preferred to more specific powers. A quick-fix, all-purpose measure is being used in areas where other powers could be used, which means that the punishment of offences such as neighbor nuisance is occurring beyond the purview of formal law and procedure.” The Manifesto Club, along with other civil-liberties organizations, is calling on the government to greatly curtail the use of CPNs. They also note that individuals can appeal CPNs in court and encourage more to do so. The good news, the group’s Josie Appleton told CNSNews.com , is that the CPN statute hasn’t become entrenched law yet. “I think it’s very early days,” she said. “I’m hopeful.” Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment Thank you for joining the discussion at The New American. We value our readers and encourage their participation, but in order to ensure a positive experience for our readership, we have a few guidelines for commenting on articles. If your post does not follow our policy, it will be deleted. No profanity, racial slurs, direct threats, or threatening language. No product advertisements. Please post comments in English. Please keep your comments on topic with the article. If you wish to comment on another subject, you may search for a relevant article and join or start a discussion there.
U.S. lawmakers ask Wells about taking back bonuses linked to scam case
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five Democratic U.S. Senators have asked Wells Fargo if it plans to take back bonuses and other compensation to executives linked to the 2 million phony bank accounts that employees created to meet sales quotas. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and other regulators announced last week that they had reached a $185 million settlement with the bank over the scam. “...We write to ask whether the Board of Directors will invoke Wells Fargo’s clawback authority to recover any of the compensation the company has provided to its senior executives, including Carrie Tolstedt, the former senior executive vice president of community banking,” they wrote in a letter dated Thursday and released on Friday. The five - Massachusetts’ Elizabeth Warren, Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, Rhode Island’s Jack Reed, New Jersey’s Robert Menendez, and Oregon’s Jeff Merkley - said Wells Fargo has cause to claw back money under a policy it instituted after the 2007-09 financial crisis. “These clawback provisions are designed to prevent exactly what happened with Ms. Toldstedt: Shareholders and consumers bearing the burden of bank misconduct while senior executives walk away with multimillion-dollar awards based on what the company later finds out are fraudulent practices,” they wrote. Toldstedt led the bank division running the incentive program that pushed the employees to create fake accounts under real customers’ names, often hurting those customers’ credit scores, and received more than $20 million in annual bonuses between 2010 and 2015, they wrote. Wells CEO John Stumpf will testify on Tuesday before the Banking Committee, where Brown is the most senior Democrat.
SHOCKER! GRAMMY ATTENDEE Wears “Make America Great Again” Gown…Press Goes Nuts!
Singer/songwriter Joy Villa decided to follow the political theme at The Grammy s tonight by wearing a gown that says Make America Great Again on the front and TRUMP on the back It might not be what the producers expected LOL! WE LOVE IT!If you tweet, PLEASE support this young artist with a retweet! She s being royally abused by the liberals She needs some love from the Deplorables!She s getting lots of attention from the press:From Villa s Website:Who is Joy? True to the lyrics of her song Vagabonds , Joy Villa is a singer songwriter who s never slowing down. Having lived in Hollywood, Seattle, Las Vegas, and now residing in NYC, touring extensively since 2012 to Asia, Australia the US and Europe.Joy s favorite genre has always been rock and roll, and she considers herself lucky to be a female that looks different than the normal Rockstar . A classic renaissance woman, she also paints, models, acts, dances, composes poetry, and writes screenplays and books.Photo credit: Aaron FortnerVia: GP
5 Unanswered Questions About ABC’s Cancellation of ’Last Man Standing’
ABC’s decision to cancel its popular comedy series Last Man Standing shocked fans, as it was one of the network’s comedy series in its most recent sixth season. [The series stars (or starred) Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, the marketing director for sporting goods store Outdoor Man and a family man who splits time between work and managing his household, which includes his wife Vanessa (Nancy Travis) and daughters Mandy (Molly Ephraim) Eve (Kaitlyn Dever) and Kristin (Amanda Fuller). The series was unique in that it was one of the few (if not the only) broadcast network shows to explore the life of a politically conservative working man and his experience coming to terms with today’s culture. So when ABC canceled the show last week, fans were quick to accuse the network of making the decision for political reasons. The show is (though reportedly written by liberal writers) and star Allen is himself politically conservative and a supporter of President Donald Trump. ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey held a press call Tuesday morning to discuss the network’s Fall lineup, which, for the first time in six years, does not include its rated comedy. While some reporters asked about Last Man‘s cancellation, the press call raised more questioned than it answered. Here are five questions that remain about the network’s decision to cancel the show. 1. Was the cancellation of the show motivated by politics in any way, either by the series’ own worldview or by star Tim Allen’s own politics? Despite getting this exact question on the conference call, Dungey avoided answering it directly. “I cancelled Last Man Standing for the same business and scheduling reasons I cancelled The Real O’Neals, Dr. Ken, The Catch, American Crime,” Dungey said. “It was challenging because it was a steady performer but when we made the decision not to continue with comedies on Friday, that’s where it landed. ” The Real O’Neals, Dr. Ken and American Crime were ratings disasters (and none of them moved the cultural conversation much, with the exception of O’Neals, which appeared to exist solely to piss off Christians) so there’s no surprise in those cancellations. But Last Man Standing was a ratings highlight in its sixth season, which brings up the next puzzling question … 2. If comedy “remains a priority” for the network, as it said on Tuesday’s call, why would it cancel its comedy series? Last Man Standing was ABC’s comedy only behind the critically adored (and decidedly progressive) Modern Family. The sixth season finale of LMS drew 6. 06 million viewers and a respectable 1. 1 rating in its March 31 broadcast, good enough to make it the primetime program that night in a tie with CBS’ Blue Bloods. In fact, the entire sixth season averaged 6. 41 million viewers, down just five percent from its previous season, a rare feat for a show at this point in its run. When considering Last Man‘s Friday night time slot, that’s a downright miracle, considering Friday night is where broadcast network shows typically go to die a more prolonged death. For comparison, in its second season, Dr. Ken drew an average 4. 41 million viewers, down a steep 16. 3 percent from its first season. The Real O’Neals fared even worse in its sophomore season, drawing an average of 3. 07 million viewers, a drop of 22 percent. Those cancellations were obviously . Which then begs the question … . 3. Why did ABC bring back the perpetually Quantico when it draws of Last Man Standing‘s viewership? If you haven’t seen the network’s government spy thriller Quantico, you’re hardly alone. The show’s second season averaged just 2. 8 million viewers per episode, down a whopping 35. 7 percent in viewership from its first season and an absolutely astonishing 45 percent in the key demo. So what to do when faced with these embarrassingly awful figures? Dungey confirmed Tuesday that ABC was bringing back Quantico for a third season, albeit with a smaller initial order of episodes. We’re “optimistic and excited about it,” Dungey said. She said the smaller episode order would allow the network to “see how it performs for us. ” Of course, there’s no way the renewal has anything to do with the show’s open hostility toward President Donald Trump and his supporters, right? Right? 4. Why would ABC move one of its flagship series, Marvel’s Inhumans, to Friday night, traditionally a wasteland for unwanted shows? Dungey said on the call that the network wants to make Friday night a “destination” for and fantasy fans. To achieve that, ABC set its series Once Upon a Time at 8 p. m. Friday, followed by Marvel’s Inhumans, a superhero and then once Inhumans finishes its run, the network will run Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. in its place. Here’s the question: Inhumans is set to air its first two episodes in IMAX theaters for two weeks ahead of the show’s launch on TV. It’s ostensibly a show for the network, and undoubtedly costs a ton of money to produce. Why would the network move this show to the 9 p. m. hour on Friday when it is traditionally the time on television? And it isn’t just me who has asked this question: “Did ABC Already Doom Marvel’s Inhumans With Its Timeslot?” wondered CinemaBlend’s Mick Joest on Tuesday. Maybe the network just doesn’t believe it’s going to be very good. The move to Friday does make at least a little bit of sense for Once Upon a Time after a stellar first four seasons and a modest drop in Season 5 (and after the departure of most of its core cast members) the sixth season of the fantasy drama averaged just 3. 2 million viewers and a 0. 94 in the key demo, down 28. 3 percent and 31. 6 percent, respectively. Then again, the network just renewed Once for a total reboot in its seventh season. Why would ABC move its premiere family show from its comfortable Sunday night family slot to be a for Inhumans? Instead, Sunday nights will begin with America’s Funniest Home Videos, then move to To Tell the Truth, then reality show Shark Tank, and then new Kyra Sedgwick drama Ten Days in the Valley. Which seems an odd sort of lineup for a traditional family TV night. 5. Is there any other show in history that has not only retained its audience but has beaten most other comedies of its type that has been cancelled as abruptly? Ever? Tim Allen broke his silence Tuesday to say he was “stunned and blindsided” by ABC’s decision. He likely joins many of the fans of his show (at least 138, 000) who now feel as if the only family entertainment they could enjoy has been taken off the air, for reasons that can’t possibly boil down to ratings and scheduling. A representative for ABC did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but the article will be updated if we hear from them. Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum
Commissioner Starts to Press Cleveland Indians About Logo - The New York Times
CLEVELAND — The Cleveland Indians returned home to Progressive Field on Tuesday for the first time since an agonizing Game 7 defeat to the Chicago Cubs in the World Series. They raised the 2016 American League pennant and handed out rings before the focus turned back to the current season. It is a season in which the Indians may again be one of the top teams in baseball, but it is also one in which they may have to wrestle increasingly with the issue of Chief Wahoo, the smiling caricature that has long been an Indians logo but has come to be seen as offensive and wildly outdated. Among those who think it is time for the club to decisively move away from the logo is the Major League Baseball commissioner, Rob Manfred, who in continuing discussions with the team’s ownership is beginning to apply a little bit of pressure on the club to come up with a plan of action. In a statement to The New York Times, Pat Courtney, a spokesman for Major League Baseball, said Manfred, in his talks with the Indians’ owners, had made clear his “desire to transition away from the Chief Wahoo logo. ’’ “We have specific steps in an identified process and are making progress,’’ Courtney added. “We are confident that a positive resolution will be reached that will be good for the game and the club. ’’ Although Manfred had previously acknowledged a willingness to engage in talks with the Indians about the logo, Courtney’s statement appears to be the first time that Manfred is identified as having staked out a clear position on the issue. It is an issue, however, that may not be that easy to resolve. Although many people, including baseball fans around the country, would welcome the removal of Chief Wahoo, there is a significant segment of the Indians’ fan base that still cherishes the logo, which has existed in various forms since 1947. “Chief Wahoo is the Cleveland Indians,” said Karen Hale, a local Indians fan who was outside the stadium before Tuesday’s game. “I think there comes a time when you have to take a stand for what you believe in. I don’t think it’s hurting anybody. ” Philip Yenyo, the executive director of the American Indian Movement of Ohio, has been protesting at the Indians’ opening day games for years and vehemently disagrees with Hale and others with similar views. He would prefer the team eliminate the logo, and the Indians name as well, but he would be happy for the club to start with the logo. During this year’s protest, Yenyo engaged in a cordial conversation with a team employee. And Yenyo said that over the years the Indians had been very cooperative in arranging for security to protect the two dozen or so protesters who do show up outside the stadium. Still, as Yenyo spoke through a megaphone at Tuesday’s demonstration, a man barreled through the protesters and yelled at him: “It’s a caricature. Get over it. ” Bob DiBiasio, the Indians’ senior vice president for public affairs, said during Tuesday’s home opener that the club understood the passion on both sides of the issue and that in some ways the team was caught in the middle, trying to find an amicable solution. “We certainly understand the sensitivities of the logo, those who find it insensitive and also those fans who have a longstanding attachment to its place in the history of the team,” he said. DiBiasio called the continuing talks productive between Manfred and Paul Dolan, the Indians’ chairman and chief executive. With their sights set on a return to the World Series, the Indians would prefer to address Chief Wahoo after the season to avoid any distractions that could alienate a large swath of fans while games are being played. “Our primary focus right now is on the team,’’ he said. And it may be a really good team, especially with the addition of Edwin Encarnacion, the slugger who left Toronto to sign a $60 million contract with the Indians. The club has already sold 1. 3 million tickets for the 2017 season, DiBiasio said, noting that it did not reach that mark until the end of July last year. In 2016, Cleveland’s attendance was 28th out of 30 teams with 1. 59 million tickets sold, but in the wake of the Indians’ 2016 postseason run, that number is now likely to soar. Manager Terry Francona noted Tuesday that his team seemed to thrive when the stadium was full, as it was Tuesday, when the Indians prevailed in extra innings against the Chicago White Sox. And sure enough, many of the fans in attendance wore the Chief Wahoo logo on their hats and shirts. The move to do away with the logo appeared to begin when Mark Shapiro, who is now running the Blue Jays, was the Indians’ team president for baseball operations. Shapiro was the driving force behind the block C logo, which has been seen on Cleveland caps since 1902 and has recently become more prominent on various uniform and cap combinations the Indians use, as well as around the stadium. During last year’s American League Championship Series between the Blue Jays and Indians, Shapiro said that he was personally troubled by the Wahoo logo and suggested that its days were numbered. “I think there will be a day, whenever that is, that the people that are making decisions here decide that Chief Wahoo is no longer fitting,” he said then. When the Jays playoff series moved to Toronto last October, an indigenous Canadian citizen filed for an injunction to prevent Cleveland from using the Wahoo logo while in Canada. Major League Baseball joined the Indians in opposing the injunction, which was not granted. But in its statement at the time baseball said it also welcomed dialogue about the logo. That dialogue began in the weeks after the World Series and will most likely continue until a resolution is reached. At Tuesday’s game, the Chief Wahoo logo could not be seen anywhere on the stadium building or on the field, but it was on the left sleeves of the blue jerseys worn by the Indians players and on their caps. And it was on the white uniform shirts worn by the Cleveland sports legends Jim Brown, Austin Carr and Jim Thome when they went to the mound to throw out the celebratory first pitches before the game. The logo could also be found on many items in the team souvenir shop, along with stickers depicting an even harsher representation of Chief Wahoo from an earlier period. For now, at least, the logo still survives and even thrives.
Hillary Clinton Supporters Now Calling for a Recount of Votes in Battleground States
The person who received the most votes free from interference or tampering needs to be in the White House. It may well be Donald J. Trump, but further due diligence is required to ensure that American democracy is not threatened. 21st Century Wire says Although the election was called on Nov 8th, the Democratic Party s ongoing campaign to delegitimize the new incoming President is still ongoing. For those of us with long enough memories, the Democratic Party, their media operatives and the Clinton Campaign were claiming that Trump and the GOP would be engaged in this very same behavior after Hillary Clinton won the Presidency (as expected).Notice how the shoe is now on the other foot.It s interesting reading past stories by news sources linked to the Clinton Campaign and John Podesta as Politico has, who ran a feature on Aug 16th entitled, Why the GOP Will Never Accept President Hillary Clinton which lays out the case of Hillary s lock on the White House and how the evil Republicans will not accept her eventual election victory. Will Donald Trump respect the peaceful transition of power? howled CNN s Wolf Blitzer in the run-up to the election. The question now is: will the Democrats respect the result, and simply Move On, as they say?Of course, we now know that journalists like Wolf at CNN were getting their talking points directly the Clinton Campaign.As it turns out, the only thing illegitimate about the 2016 Election was the mainstream corporate media. More form the Guardian John Swane The GuardianA growing number of academics and activists are calling for US authorities to fully audit or recount the 2016 presidential election vote in key battleground states, in case the results could have been skewed by foreign hackers.The loose coalition, which is urging Hillary Clinton s campaign to join its fight, is preparing to deliver a report detailing its concerns to congressional committee chairs and federal authorities early next week, according to two people involved.The document, which is currently 18 pages long, focuses on concerns about the results in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. I m interested in verifying the vote, said Dr Barbara Simons, an adviser to the US election assistance commission and expert on electronic voting. We need to have post-election ballot audits. Simons is understood to have contributed analysis to the effort but declined to characterise the precise nature of her involvement.A second group of analysts, led by the National Voting Rights Institute founder John Bonifaz and Professor Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan s center for computer security and society, is also taking part in the push for a review, and has been in contact with Simons.In a blogpost early on Wednesday, Halderman said paper ballots and voting equipment should be examined in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, warning that deadlines were rapidly approaching. Unfortunately, nobody is ever going to examine that evidence unless candidates in those states act now, in the next several days, to petition for recounts, he said.The developments follow Clinton s surprise defeat to Donald Trump in the 8 November vote, and come after US intelligence authorities released public assessments that Russian hackers were behind intrusions into regional electoral computer systems and the theft of emails from Democratic officials before the election Continue this article at The GuardianREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
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Poland to ban Ukrainians with 'anti-Polish views'
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland plans to bar Ukrainians with anti-Polish views , its foreign minister said on Thursday, emphasizing the nationalist credentials of his ruling party that often talks of the historic wrongs inflicted on Poles by their neighbors. Witold Waszczykowski said the policy was a reaction to disrespect shown at a Polish cemetery in the western city of Lviv, which was part of Poland before World War Two. The foreign ministry said lion sculptures at the cemetery s entrances that hold shields inscribed with the Polish phrases Always faithful and To you, Poland had been covered up with boxes. Waszczykowski said Ukrainians who express anti-Polish sentiments or make it difficult to maintain ageing Polish symbols in Ukraine would be refused visas. He did not say how the policy would be applied in practice. At the moment, we are launching procedures that will not allow people with extremely anti-Polish views to come to Poland ... Those who demonstrate and use administrative instruments against Poland will also bear the consequences, Waszczykowski told state-run TVP1 television. Poland is home to between 1.5 million and 2 million Ukrainians who left their country seeking jobs after the 2014 Maidan uprising and conflict with pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine plunged their economy into recession. Despite Poland s support for an independent Ukraine that can stand up to Russia, tensions over the countries troubled shared history have risen since the Law and Justice (PiS) party came to power in Poland two years ago. Poland last year passed a resolution that declared the World War Two-era killing of tens of thousands of Poles by units in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) genocide . Ukraine rejects that label, saying the killings were tragic and calling for reconciliation and forgiveness. Waszczykowski said Poland s sympathy for Ukraine s struggles with Russia must not push historical issues into the background. It cannot be that geopolitics, that the Russian aggression will be an excuse and that for years we will not settle the issues that divide us, Waszczykowski said.
GRAND SLAM! After Hearing FBI Reopened Her Case, Trey Gowdy Gives Hillary EXACTLY What… | EndingFed News Network
Email Print One of my top candidates for Attorney General just gave Hillary Clinton a little truth bomb for dinner. While appearing with Megyn Kelly and discussing the reopening of the FBI investigation against Hillary Clinton, Gowdy said Hillary’s attitude and defensiveness is “…just too rich.” In essence, she is getting exactly what she deserves… Gowdy stated something I commented on earlier in the day, stating, “The same person who went to great lengths to make sure that these emails were private now, all of a sudden, wants it all made public.” This is grandstanding by Hillary, nothing more. As an attorney, and as Secretary of State, Hillary knows the FBI CAN NOT release any information about an ongoing investigation. She also knows that due to the complexity of the case, it could take months before We the People hear anything from the FBI about this investigation. This is nothing Comey is doing to hurt her in the campaign or any type of conspiracy, this is just how the system works. The arrogance of Clinton is now demanding we get that information immediately, which would mean expediting her case and devoting thousands of extra man hours, probably all overtime, at tax payers expense! That, my friends, is what we would call privilege. And I don’t want to hear her argument that because she is running for president she is entitled because We the People were also supposed to be entitled to a Secretary of State that was not corrupt! Hilary wrote this narrative on her own. She decided to use a private server for government communications, something NOBODY else in our government was doing or was allowed to do. She broke the rules, and now that there is an attempt to hold her accountable for it, she wants exceptions. Gowdy is right, this is rich, because if Hillary had simply followed the rules, she would not be in this mess in the first place! But, then again, there is a reason we have jails… because criminals never follow the rules! And Mr. Gowdy, if Hillary truly gets what she deserves, her address will be changed to one of those prisons very soon! What did you think of Gowdy’s response to the reopening of the case against Hillary Clinton? Please share this story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear YOUR voice! Join us on Facebook to Stop The Takeover. Click on the button to subscribe. Leave a comment...
She Disappeared Without A Trace In 1850, Then They Found This Years Later
posted by Eddie Olive Oatman was born in Illinois in 1837. At the tender age of 14, Olive’s family were travelling alone to seek a better life in California. On the fourth day of their journey, family was attacked by a group of Native Americans. Only three of the Oatmans survived the attack. Olive’s parents and four of their children were killed, and Olive’s brother Lorenzo was clubbed and left for dead. Fortunately, he eventually reached a settlement and was able to carry on his journey, believing his entire family dead. Olive and her seven-year-old sister Mary Ann were captured by the Yavapai people, and were sent to their tribe to be used as slaves. For over 60 miles, the two girls were led through the Sonoran Desert to the tribe’s village. After a year, a group of Mohave Indians visited the village and traded two horses, vegetables, blankets, and other trinkets for the captive girls. Head over to the next page to find out the incredible story of what happened next. Both Oatman girls were tattooed on their chins and arms, in keeping with the tribal custom. During 1855, the tribe experienced a dire shortage of food supplies and ten-year-old Mary Ann died of starvation, along with many Mohaves. Because Olive did not know that her brother had survived the massacre, she believed she had no immediate family left, and the Mohave raised her as their own. She was given a clan name, Oach, and a nickname, Spantsa, a Mohave word having to do with unquenchable lust. Head over to the next page to discover how Olive finally managed to escape. After several years, rumours eventually began to surface of a white woman living with the Mohaves. Finally, after some intense negotiations with the Europeans, it was agreed she should be set free. When she arrived at what was to be her new home, Olive was dressed in traditional Mohave attire, which meant she wore nothing above the waist. Olive’s topless look is one echoed in the present day by women’s movement leader Inna Shevchenko. The following video, which was shot during a far right rally in Paris, four topless Ukrainian feminists occupied a rooftop holding a sign that read “Sextermination for Nazism”. The women were eventually brought down by firemen and shielded from the attacking demonstrators by police. Source:
Rep. Marsha Blackburn: FCC Rule-Change Vote Eliminates Obama Admin Internet Tax and Regulatory Power Grab
Rep. Marsha Blackburn ( ) discussed the possible elimination of the FCC’s 2016 broadband privacy rules on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow. [“The Senate, under the leadership of Sen. Flake, took this up last week,” Blackburn said. “What we are doing is recalling a privacy rule that the FCC issued right at the end of the Obama administration, and the reason we are doing this is because it is additional and duplicative regulation. ” “The FCC already has the ability to oversee privacy with broadband providers,” she explained. “That is done primarily through Section 222 of the Communications Act, and additional authority is granted through Sections 201 and 202. Now, what they did was to go outside of their bounds and expand that. They did a swipe at the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission, the FTC. They have traditionally been our nation’s primary privacy regulator, and they have done a very good job of it. ” “What the FCC did was clearly overreach. It gives you two sets of regulators that you’re trying to comply with, not one. So we are recalling the FCC’s rule, and that authority will go back to the FTC,” she said. Blackburn said Congress wants to ensure “privacy is being overseen, protected, and that when there is a necessity for enforcement, that it’s being exercised — if there is a necessity for penalties, that they are being placed. ” “In the physical space, that has rested with the FTC,” she noted. “So if someone were to abridge your online privacy and sell your information without your knowledge, without your consent, that would be something that the regulators would go after. Let’s say if someone starts to wholesale sell your data, and you said, ‘Do not share my data. Do not share my information,’ that’s the kind of effect that it has. ” She said Congress was aware of the need for more privacy and legislation, as opposed to regulations promulgated by agencies. “The other thing with the broadband providers, let’s say your ISP which is holding data, and they were to scoop up that data and then begin to sell that history without your knowledge. They are prohibited from doing that, and the FCC currently has the authority to go after them. The FTC has the ability to protect consumers, and that is what they do. They are the primary regulator. But let’s say an ISP begins to sell that data, then there would be complaints filed, and the FCC would go after that broadband provider under the regulations that are on the books,” Blackburn said. Marlow raised criticism that Internet users will be exploited by aggressive advertisers if the 2016 FCC rule is recalled. “What the Obama administration did — and I will say they did this against this, against the wishes of a lot of Democrats — they reclassified your Internet service as Title II, which is a common carrier classification. It is the rule that governs telephone usage,” Blackburn responded. “Those rules were put on the books in the thirties. So what the Democrats did, and this was pushed by the White House in the last administration, they reclassified Internet, which is an information service, as a telephone service, and then put those rules on top of your Internet service. ” “They did that so they could tax it, so they could begin to regulate it. Then one of the additional regulations — which is going to cost money for compliance and paperwork and additional bureaucrats — one of those regulations is privacy. But as we say, the authority that they need to oversee broadband is already articulated in Section 222 of the Communications Act,” she said. “You don’t need another layer of regulation. It’s like flashing alerts: We don’t need net neutrality. We don’t need Title II. We don’t need additional regulations heaped on the Internet under Title II. The Internet is not broken. It has done just fine without the government controlling it. That’s the way it should stay,” she contended. Blackburn said Democrats “think government is the solution for all things. It should be either the bureaucracy or the courts that are solving the problems. ” “To them, another added layer of regulation, where you are having a federal agency require compliance of businesses, so now they’re having to file compliance papers with two regulators, not one — they don’t see a problem with that,” she charged. “What we’re saying is, it is unnecessary it’s an added cost to doing business. Who pays those costs of doing business? It’s the consumer. It’s the end user. ” Blackburn said Ajit Pai is “doing a great job as chairman of the FCC. ” “He was my pick to lead the FCC, and I’m thrilled that he is there,” she said. “He understands the utilization of the Internet, all the components. He understands the backbone of the Internet and what and how it works. He understands why we need to be careful with spectrum so that we increase broadband deployment and utilize that spectrum in the Internet of Everything. Ajit knows that these components are critical for economic growth and jobs growth in this country. ” “We are very fortunate to have someone with skill set and understanding as we turn the corner and put the focus on broadband expansion in the country. I’m looking forward to working with him. I talk with him regularly,” she said. “We are going to go through reauthorization of the FCC, which has not been done since the early nineties. We are going to go through reauthorization of the NPIA. We’re going to put some emphasis on spectrum management and spectrum utilization from a government and also a private sector standpoint and do what we can to get broadband into these unserved areas across the country. We’re full steam ahead on that,” she promised. Marlow suggested unsolicited robocalls are an annoyance the American public would like to see controlled more tightly. “That is something that’s called the TCPA. Looking at how individuals interface with their customers is what we will do in that,” Blackburn replied, referring to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991. “We’ll pull that up after we do reauthorizations and then do a revisit on some of the components of the TCPA. ” “People who want to work with their customers need the ability to do with them, but we also want to make certain that people are not harassed, if you will, by unwanted marketing calls,” she said. Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Eastern. LISTEN:
Ted Cruz Is Forced To Explain His Bigotry To Gay Republican On National Television, It Didn’t Go Well (VIDEO)
A gay man cornered Ted Cruz on Monday and the Republican presidential candidate couldn t handle the simple question posed to him.During a forum on ABC s Good Morning America hosted by Robin Roberts, an openly gay Republican restaurant owner concerned about so-called religious liberty laws being passed by states like North Carolina and Mississippi asked Cruz how he would protect LGBT people from discrimination if he were to become president. I ve noticed a lot of religious freedom laws and somewhat institutionalized discrimination laws happening around the country. What would you as president do to protect me and my husband? Todd Calogne directly asked.And Cruz didn t waste time going into spin-mode.The Texas Senator claimed that the anti-LGBT laws protects everyone even though they blatantly allow business owners to discriminate against LGBT customers and employees by shielding their bigotry with the Bible under the guise of religious freedom. Religious liberty, it applies to Jews, it applies to Christians, it applies to Muslims, it applies to atheists, Cruz said even though he has repeatedly stated his intention to violate the religious liberty of Muslims and atheists. Also, being gay isn t a religion, it s a sexual orientation. And all of us, we want to live in a world where we don t have the government dictating our beliefs, dictating how we live, Cruz continued. We have a right to live according to our faith, according to our conscience. And we shouldn t have a right to force others to give up their faith and give up their belief. And I think that keeping government out of the way of your lives protects the freedom of every one of us. Cruz dodged Calogne s question but Robin Roberts didn t let him get away with it. A lot of people would say, doesn t everyone have the freedom to be treated equally? she asked. Don t we all have the freedom to be equal? Of course we do, Cruz flat-out lied to the faces of every American watching. Cruz then declared that the First Amendment protects everyone equally, it protects our faith before launching into how he intends to push for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, which finally gave Calogne the answer he had been waiting for. Under the Constitution, marriage is a question for the states. And so if someone wants to change the marriage laws, I don t think it should be five unelected lawyers down in Washington dictating that. If you want to change the marriage law, convince your fellow citizens to change the laws. In other words, Cruz would NOT protect the rights of gay people as president. He would strip rights from them and treat them like second-class citizens.Here s the video via ABC: ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos Religious liberty laws like those in North Carolina and Mississippi allow anti-gay business owners to openly discriminate against gay people. It s legalized bigotry similar to the kind experienced by black people in the 1960s during segregation. And Republicans are literally hiding behind religion to justify and protect their bigotry.Featured Image: Flickr
Trump Gets ANNIHILATED On Twitter After He Pretends He Didn’t Just Trash Police Officers (TWEETS)
On Monday, Donald Trump fulfilled his duty as a presidential candidate by praising law enforcement for catching Ahmad Khan Rahami, who was responsible for the Saturday bombing in New York City.TwitterThis would have normally been a nice gesture, if it hadn t been a contradiction of something Trump had said just a few minutes before. Fortunately, whenever Trump flip-flops or lies, Americans are able to instantly respond and call him out on his bullsh*t via social media and they didn t hesitate to remind Trump that just a few minutes before he congratulated law enforcement for Rahami s capture, he d dissed the NYPD for allowing political correctness to interfere with catching terrorists. Among the first to point this out was MSNBC s Christopher Hayes, who tweeted: Twitter Hayes was referring to a disrespectful comment Trump had made on Fox and Friends shortly before he congratulated the police officers, in which he said: You know, our police are amazing, our local police. They know who a lot of these people are, they are afraid to do anything about it, because they don t want to be accused of profiling, and they don t want to be accused of all sorts of things. Yup Trump had accused the NYPD of being cowards and knowing who terrorists are, yet he has the nerve to congratulate them in almost the same time frame. Other people recognized this epic fail as well, and blasted the Republican nominee for being so untrustworthy and two-faced:TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterThis tweet was particularly funny, and I m sure there will be some backlash for Trump to deal with:TwitterThroughout his presidential campaign, Trump has defended law enforcement far more fiercely than African American police brutality victims to help paint the picture that he is a law and order candidate. But thanks to his asinine comments about law enforcement having blood on their hands by assisting terrorists, Trump has probably just ruined a year of pro-law enforcement campaigning.Featured image via Spencer Platt / Getty Images
WATCH: The moment police realised homeless man was bombing suspect
I cannot believe this ahole has been released?? Duuhhh?? WTFrick? however he has since been released on a $5.2 million bail. The video at fist seems to capture the seemingly standard conversation between New Jersey police and a homeless man seeking shelter on a rainy day. The officers were responding to reports that a man was sleeping on the steps of Merdie's Tavern, unaware they were talking to Ahmad Rahimi. Rahimi is alleged to have injured 31 people when he detonated two bombs in New York and New Jersey last month. Moments after the conversation began Rahimi opened fire at Linden Police officer Peter Hammer and four other officers who had been called as backup. No one was killed in the shoot-out which followed, but everyone was injured, including Rahimi. The fugitive had given police the alias Ahman Khan and said he did not have any identification when pressed by officers.
College Punishes Success By Not Allowing Yacht Club At Prestigious School [VIDEO]
The shaming of the rich should not surprise anyone coming from a whacked out college that actually offers a major in the non-belief of God. The Left s attempt to redefine the core values and beliefs that make America the greatest country in the world offends us. California College Denies Student Yacht Club, Says Yacht Clubs Are OffensiveAre yacht clubs in and of themselves offensive? According to Pitzer College in Claremont, California, the answer is yes.Last week, the student Senate at Pitzer voted to deny instating a yacht club at the school as the majority of Senators found the name yacht club to have a particularly offensive association with yacht clubs and a recreation known for being exclusive, according to Taylor Novick-Finder, a Pitzer College Senator.This morning on Fox and Friends, Anna Kooiman welcomed Claremont Independent publisher Steven Glick to the program to discuss. I think the P.C. police have been going further and further every day with what they re deeming offensive, said Glick, who is also a student at nearby Pamona College. It s becoming increasingly trivial, concerning what should be censored or banned. It s unfortunately not a surprise to see, he added.Via: FOX News
The World Is Actually Becoming A More Peaceful Place
The World Is Actually Becoming A More Peaceful Place Nov 17, 2016 0 0 Is it too good to be true? Is the world actually becoming more peaceful? With the advancement in technology and the rise of alternative media continuing to spread, we are now witness to many things we previously were not. With that, some might reject the statement that the world is becoming a more peaceful place, however, it is simply that we are now catching on camera and video some acts of violence that then spread on social and alternative media. We see that it is not that the world is becoming more hostile and violent, it is just that we are now catching these things on camera more than ever. As Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker says , “The news is a systematically misleading way of viewing the world.” In fact, there is statistical and real-world evidence to support the statement that the world is becoming a more peaceful place. As we can see in the image below, the amount of deaths around the world due to war has trended downward for quite some time, outside of the small uptick in the past couple years. Data comes the Peace Research Institute of Oslo. In his 2011 book, “ The Better Angels of Our Nature ,” Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker states that the decline of violence is, “the most significant and least appreciated development in the history of our species.” He also stated that between 1945 and 1990 there were 30 wars that killed over 100,000 people each, which included wars in Tibet, Uganda, Greece, China, Mozambique, Algeria and Guatemala. Pinker adds , “With the exception of last year’s small wars in Ukraine, the zone of war has contracted to a crescent from Central Africa through the Middle East into South Asia.” The Harvard psychologist also said that in his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, he has proven statistically that other forms of violence has also declined, including murder, capital punishment, torture and domestic violence. In regards to violent war, it is happening in fewer places than what we might believe due to the media’s influence. Recent Examples of Peace In somewhat recent years, wars in Iran, Peru, Chad, Angola, Sri Lanka and Lebanon have ended, which is another positive and continuing trend. While it is on shaky grounds, there also still exists a ceasefire in Ukraine. Additionally, the Afghanistan government in late September signed a peace deal with Hezb-i-Islami, which is the first peace deal signed by the Afghanistan government since war with the Taliban broke out in 2001. In October, thousands of Palestinian and Israeli women marched together for two weeks on a peace march which they called March of Hope. The march ended in front of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home in Jerusalem, which was done in attempt to get peaceful dialogue started again between Israel and Palestine. Just a few weeks ago a United Nations resolution was passed in which 123 nations voted for (38 against) a ban on destructive nuclear weapons, which will be discussed starting in March of 2017. As Kate Hudson, the chairwomen for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said, “It’s very encouraging to see so many countries say loud and clear it’s time for the world to move on from nuclear weapons.” Also, less than one week ago, the Colombian government and the FARC Rebels signed a revised peace treaty, which is ending a war that has been occurring there for over the past 50 years. What We Can Do As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr once said, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” Synchronized meditations is an easy way to effectively organize. One way to “effectively organize” is to participate in synchronized meditations, which is meditating with other people at the same time. Before this is dismissed as fantasy and wishful thinking, it must be remembered that group intention and synchronized meditation has been studied over 600 times, in 33 countries and by over 250 independent research institutions. The result of synchronized meditations has been labeled the “ Maharishi Effect .” It’s most notable study was when 7,000 individuals meditated over a period of three weeks each morning and evening, which lowered global terrorism by 72%. While it might sound unbelievable to some, in the fields of social science, social psychology and quantum physics, it is a very serious and respected topic. While there are numerous things we can do to cultivate more peace in our lives and the world around us, such as using non-violent communication, smiling more often, gardening, connecting with ourselves in a deeper way, or being more grateful, synchronized meditations are an extremely beautiful and powerful way for people to organize and create ripples of peace in the fabric of our world. What can you do in your life right now that creates more peace within yourself and with the world around you? Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science-Health Coaching and offers health coaching services through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health Facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself, your friend or family member as well as view other inspiring articles.
Doug Schoen: Comey Leak ’Smells to High Heaven’ - Breitbart
On Sunday’s New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Democratic pollster Doug Schoen reacted to former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Although Schoen told host John Catsimatidis that does not think Comey leaking memos is illegal, he did say it “smells to high heaven. ” “It’s perfectly clear that he did leak,” Schoen stated. “I am not sure what he did was illegal, I’m not sure it was inappropriate, but from a public relations point of view, it smells to high heaven. ” Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
Saudi-led air strikes support Yemen's Saleh as he shifts against Houthis
ADEN (Reuters) - A Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes on Yemen s capital, Sanaa, local media said, lending support to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh after he signaled he was abandoning his support of the Iran-aligned Houthis - a shift that could pave the way to end three years of war. In a speech on Saturday, Saleh appeared to indicate the end of his loyalists alliance with Houthi fighters. He said he was ready to turn a new page in ties with the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis, if it stopped attacks on Yemeni citizens and lifted a siege. Residents on Sunday, however, said a coalition air strike overnight killed 12 Yemeni civilians in one family in the northern province of Saada, the home territory of the Houthis. The attack could not be verified. Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television said on Sunday coalition aircraft pounded Houthi outposts in southern Sanaa overnight, but gave no details on casualties. Separately, the Houthis, who together with Saleh s loyalists, control most of northern Yemen, said they had fired a cruise missile toward a nuclear power plant under construction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a report quickly denied by the UAE. Saleh s announcement on Saturday was welcomed by the Saudi-led coalition, which has been backed by the United States and other Western powers. The coalition, which includes the United Arab Emirates, is trying to help Yemen s internationally recognized President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi back to power, but it has struggled to advance against Houthi-Saleh forces. A split between Saleh s armed allies and the Houthis could tip the balance of power. Army units loyal to Saleh have been clashing with Houthi fighters in the past five days, adding a new layer to an already complex situation in Yemen. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash appeared to back Saleh s side in remarks on his official Twitter page. The events in Sanaa are murky, but its national uprising needs support ... to protect the Arabian Peninsula from Iranian expansion, he said. Residents in Sanaa reported on Sunday that the Houthis appeared to be clawing back some territory lost to Saleh over the previous four days, and Houthi tanks were deployed amid heavy gun battles in the city s central Political District. The area is a stronghold of Saleh s loyalists under the command of his nephew Tareq, an influential army general. The fighting has cut off the airport road, prompting the United Nations to try to evacuate at least 140 aid workers from Sanaa, according to U.N. and other aid officials. The U.N. was awaiting approval from the Saudi-led coalition, they said. Residents earlier said Houthi fighters seized the television studios of Yemen Today, a news channel owned by Saleh, after clashes that damaged the building. Residents said 20 employees were trapped inside. The Red Cross said dozens of people have been killed in clashes over the past five days and called for civilian lives to be spared. In Tehran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi called for calm and restraint. All internal disputes should be resolved through dialogue to block the grounds for any abuse by the enemies of the Yemeni nation, he said, according to a statement on the ministry s website. Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, and the proxy war between the Iran-aligned Houthis and the Saudi-backed Hadi has created widespread hunger and disease, in one of the worst humanitarian crises of recent times. More than 10,000 people have died since 2015, more than two million have been displaced and nearly a million have been infected by a cholera outbreak. Famine threatens much of the country. Yemen descended into violence in late 2014 when the Houthis, a group that follows the Zaidi branch of Shi ite Islam, marched on Sanaa and seized control of the government. Backed by government troops loyal to Saleh, the Houthis fanned out across the country, forcing Hadi to flee to Riyadh. His ouster led the alliance headed by the Saudis to join the fighting. The Houthis said the missile fired on Sunday was directed toward the al-Barakah nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi, but provided no evidence of any attack. There were no reports of any missiles reaching Abu Dhabi. The country s crisis management authority said the al-Barakah was well protected and urged the public not to listen to rumors. The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority denies claims by the coup trumpets in Yemen that they fired a missile toward the airspace of the United Arab Emirates, the department said in a statement carried by state news agency WAM. It said the nuclear power project was fortified and sturdy against all possibilities. And enjoys all measures of nuclear safety and security that such grand projects require . The Houthis had said Abu Dhabi, a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting against them since 2015, was a target for their missiles. The Barakah project, which is being built by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (015760.KS), is expected to be completed and become operational in 2018, the UAE energy minister has said. It is the second time this year the Houthis have said they have fired missiles toward the UAE. A few months ago, they said they had successfully test-fired a missile toward Abu Dhabi, but there were no reports of any rockets being intercepted by or falling in the UAE.
SUPER SATURDAY SHOCKER: Cruz Crushing Trump In KS, Projected To WIN Maine
Maybe its Trump s announcement that he s softening his stance on H1B visas. Maybe Trump supporters are concerned that he s talking about suing newspapers, which many see as a disregard of our First Amendment. Or maybe it was the huge applause Trump got when he told a large crowd at a MI rally that he d gladly waterboard and more suspected terrorists, only to say later in the day said he had changed his mind and would follow international law stating, I will use every legal power that I have to stop these terrorist enemies. I do, however, understand that the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters. Whatever the reason might be, Ted Cruz is on a Super Saturday roll and appears to be leaving Donald Trump in the dust. We ll keep you up-to-date with the rest of the results as they come in.Cruz WINS Kansas:CNN projects @TedCruz will win the Kansas Republican caucuses https://t.co/DkPyle0Wrv pic.twitter.com/oZYtQxK6LB CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) March 5, 2016Cruz WINS CPAC Straw Poll:#ICYMI #BREAKING: @tedcruz wins 2016 #CPAC Straw Poll! pic.twitter.com/oAvlAiJW9L CPAC 2018 (@CPAC) March 5, 2016Cruz is projected to WIN Maine:Anecdotal reports have Cruz crushing in the rural counties and even winning Portland narrowly. Maine looks like his state. Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) March 5, 20165:47: Cruz says the scream and howl you hear from Washington is utter terror at what we the people are doing together. He says the last two weeks have been extraordinary. Cruz said there were 17 candidates in the race a year ago and now Republicans, libertarians and men and women who love freedom and the Constitution are standing as one behind his campaign. He says everyone understands the countries at risk and our Constitutional rights are under assault each and every day. He says voters know America has receded from the world and the world is a much dangerous place because of it. Cruz says he is here with a word of hope because people are waking up all America. Cruz says jobs, freedom, and security will be the three top issues in the election.via: Breitbart News
ANTI-TRUMP ANARCHISTS Attack Pro-Trump Rally Participants…Trump Supporters Fight Back! [Video]
THE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA RALLY WAS PRETTY BIG WITH LOTS OF AMERICAN FLAGS DISPLAYED AND THEN THE ANTIFA ATTACKERS CAME WEARING ALL BLACK HERE S WHAT THE RALLY LOOKED LIKE BEFORE THE ANTIFA ARRIVED: Violence In Huntington Beach, CA (@theCindyCarcamo)pic.twitter.com/524Lc0iNvf Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 25, 2017THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS HAVE BEEN TAUNTED AND ATTACKED ENOUGH SO THEY RE FIGHTING BACK HERE S ANOTHER LOOK:Absolute unrest at the #MAGAmarch, anti-Trump protestors defending themselves while being ganged up on by Trump supporters. pic.twitter.com/7c8xu0J7N3 budo (@hectorarzula) March 25, 2017LIVE: Trump Supporters Clash with Antifa in California https://t.co/Zj7WUyJ3ke Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 25, 2017WE HAVE A NEW HERO:
Britain, EU clinch Brexit 'breakthrough' with move to trade talks
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Britain and the European Union struck a divorce deal on Friday that paves the way for arduous talks on future trade ties, easing immediate pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May and boosting hopes of an orderly Brexit. May rushed to Brussels before dawn to seal a European Commission agreement that sufficient progress had been made to begin talks about trade and a two-year Brexit transition period that will start when Britain leaves the EU on March 29, 2019. Negotiators in London, Brussels and Dublin worked through the night before breaking an impasse over the status of the Irish border, the last major obstacle to the opening of trade talks which EU leaders are due to bless at a summit on Dec. 15. But though the Irish prime minister called a British pledge to avoid a destabilising hard border for Northern Ireland a bullet-proof commitment, one senior EU official conceded that wording to appease May s Belfast allies was a fudge which had simply put off until later the need to square the circle . While Northern Ireland would remain aligned with the rules of the EU s single market and customs union under which member state Ireland operates, May s government is officially committed to leaving both the single market and customs union. Actual negotiations on a trade pact that may take several years to agree may not start for some months. But EU officials said they should be ready to start rapid talks in January to give May the transition period she wants to reassure business that not much will change for a couple of years after Brexit. Speaking before sunrise at the EU executive s headquarters after a hurried flight on a Royal Air Force plane, May said opening up trade talks would bring certainty for citizens and businesses about Britain s future after quitting the EU. The most difficult challenge is still ahead, European Council President Donald Tusk cautioned. We all know that breaking up is hard. But breaking up and building a new relationship is much harder. May, looking weary after just a couple of hours sleep, spoke after Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced the breakthrough, first in English and then in German and French. The move to agree trade talks 18 months after the United Kingdom s shock vote to exit the EU allayed some fears of a disorderly Brexit that could disrupt trade between the world s biggest trading bloc and its sixth-largest national economy. Sterling was dented when last-minute objections from Belfast forced May to abort a deal on Monday while already in Brussels, but it climbed to a six-month high against the euro EURGBP=D3 on Friday. It later gave up earlier gains and turned lower on the day against the EU common currency as investors took profits after a sharp rally in recent days. Facing 27 other members of the bloc, May largely conceded to the EU on the structure, timetable and substance of the negotiations. Moving to talks about trade and a Brexit transition was crucial for May s own future after her premiership was thrown into doubt when she lost the ruling Conservative Party its majority in an unwisely called snap election in June. I very much welcome the prospect of moving ahead, said May, a 61-year-old Anglican vicar s daughter who herself voted to stay in the EU in the June 2016 referendum but has repeatedly insisted Britain will make a success of Brexit. A senior British banker said the deal signalled May would stay in power for now and that Britain was heading toward a much closer post-Brexit relationship with the EU than many had feared. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar agreed. ...What phase one was always about was narrowing the parameters, and we are now funnelling and directing things into a situation where I believe the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland will remain in alignment with the EU on lots of regulations, he told Irish national broadcaster RTE on Friday evening. Heralding pitfalls ahead, however, Scotland s leader Nicola Sturgeon swiftly cited the promise of free trade on the Irish border as removing an argument used to dissuade Scots from breaking their union with England to rejoin the European Union. Draft guidelines showed the transition period, which would start on March 30, 2019, could last around two years, as May has requested. During that time, Britain will remain part of the EU s customs union and single market but no longer take part in EU institutions or have a vote. It will also still be subject to EU law. Pro-Brexit Conservative lawmakers rallied around her after the deal. This looked like a signal that the party, which has been split over EU membership for generations, was not preparing to ditch her immediately despite the election fiasco in June that left her government dependent on the support of Northern Ireland s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who spearheaded the 2016 Brexit campaign, congratulated May, adding that Britain would now take back control of its laws, money and borders. Supporters of a radical Brexit were tougher. Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage struck a jarring note saying it was extraordinary a British premier had conceded so much in the middle of the night, agreeing to all the demands of Juncker, Tusk and EU negotiator Michel Barnier. The British prime minister has to fly through the middle of the night to go and meet three unelected people, who condescendingly say: Now, jolly well done May, you ve met every single one of our demands, thank you very much, we can now move on to the next stage . Asked for an example of the EU conceding something to London, which says it will pay 40-45 billion euros over many years to meet EU obligations, Barnier said Brussels dropped a demand that Britain bear relocation costs for two EU agencies that are leaving London - costs in the hundreds of millions. Juncker once put the Brexit bill at some 60 billion euros ( 52.7 billion) but Barnier said it was not possible to calculate a firm figure as much depended on future developments. Jeremy Corbyn, the socialist leader of Britain s main opposition Labour party, said on Friday he wanted to see much more information about the divorce deal before he could judge whether it was a breakthrough. Corbyn said Labour had consistently called for maintaining the benefits of belonging to the EU s customs union and single market during a transitional period as Britain leaves the bloc. The transitional period is unspecific and I think she needs to bring some clarity to that, he said on a visit to Geneva. The EU had insisted it would only move on to trade talks if there was enough progress on three key issues: the money Britain must pay to the EU; rights for EU citizens in Britain and British citizens in the EU; and how to avoid a hard border with Ireland. I believe we have now made the breakthrough we needed, Juncker said. On citizens rights, London and Brussels agreed to offer equal treatment on social security, healthcare, employment and education and that Britain will enable its judges to ask the European Court of Justice to weigh in when necessary for eight years after Brexit, aiming to create a common body of law. But the crucial breakthrough was on the future of the 310-mile (500-km) UK-EU land border on the island of Ireland. The Northern Irish DUP had vetoed a draft deal on Monday. May stayed up most of the night into Friday, grabbing just a couple of hours sleep, as she worked the phones from Downing Street to secure agreement from Dublin, Brussels and the DUP. They agreed to avoid a hard border which might upset the peace established after decades of Protestant-Catholic violence, but said the details would be agreed as part of talks about the future relationship, according to a 15-page negotiators report. Britain agreed that should London and Brussels fail to agree a final Brexit deal, the United Kingdom will maintain full alignment with those rules of the internal market and customs union that help protect north-south cooperation in Ireland. In all circumstances, the United Kingdom will continue to ensure the same unfettered access for Northern Ireland s businesses to the whole of the United Kingdom internal market, it said. The DUP gave only a conditional endorsement of the new terms: We cautioned the prime minister about proceeding with this agreement in its present form given the issues which still need to be resolved, its leader Arlene Foster said. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed and how we vote on the final deal will depend on its contents. It remains unclear how Britain can fully meet all three key pledges it has made on the border: keeping Northern Irish rules in line with the EU, keeping Northern Ireland aligned with the UK mainland and allowing the UK to diverge from EU regulations. It s still a fudge, said one senior EU official. They put off squaring the circle till later. But how can they do it? For Brussels and Dublin, however, the key commitment was the first. The rest is Theresa May s problem, the official said. ($1 = 0.8510 euros)
Tony Fadell Steps Down Amid Tumult at Nest, a Google Acquisition - The New York Times
Time to move on. That is the explanation Tony Fadell, a former star executive at Apple known for his aggressive management style, offers for his departure from Nest, a maker of digital versions of household staples like thermostats and smoke detectors that he helped found and sold to Google. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, announced on Friday that Mr. Fadell was leaving Nest after leading it for six years, including the last two under the ownership of Google, which bought it for $3. 2 billion in 2014. His departure comes after months of controversy regarding his leadership. Mr. Fadell, the company said, will become an adviser to Alphabet and to its chief executive, Larry Page. In a recent interview in his Palo Alto office, Mr. Fadell, 47, talked about his career. At Apple, he led the engineering team that created the iPod digital music player and worked on the first three versions of the iPhone. In 2010 he founded Nest with Matt Rogers, a young Apple engineer. “I’m a guy who’s at the beginning of things,” Mr. Fadell said. “I don’t like to do maintenance mode. It’s not what gets me out of bed. ” But he is leaving after articles on the technology news sites The Information and Recode describing a harsh corporate culture at Nest and abrasiveness on his part that led to resignations, stymied product development and disappointing revenue growth. The sharpest attack came from Greg Duffy, the founder and former chief executive of Dropcam, the home video camera and service that Nest acquired for $555 million in 2014, about six months after Google bought Nest. Mr. Duffy clashed with Mr. Fadell, remained at Nest for eight months and briefly moved to another post at Google before departing last September. Writing on Medium in late March, Mr. Duffy said he regretted selling Dropcam to Nest and noted his “extreme differences on management style with the current leadership at Nest. ” In the interview, which Mr. Fadell agreed to on the condition that it not be published before Alphabet announced he was leaving, he had answers for most of the criticisms of his tenure. He described the staff departures as a small fraction of Nest employees and in line with the turnover in Silicon Valley, where switching jobs is common. Mr. Fadell said that Nest had “strong ” revenue growth from the outset. In a statement on Friday, Mr. Page, citing Nest’s achievements, noted that its revenue growth was “in excess of 50 percent” a year since it began shipping products in 2011. Mr. Fadell characterized Nest as healthy, with 1, 100 workers and strong teams in design, software and services around its three product families — its “learning” thermostat, smoke detector and video camera. Yet the larger issue is not Nest’s past performance but what impact Mr. Fadell’s departure will have on its future. Nest is the linchpin of Alphabet’s bet on the emerging smart home market — devices and software to automate homes for convenience, energy savings and security. Mr. Fadell will be succeeded by Marwan Fawaz, a former executive vice president of Motorola Mobility, the mobile phone maker Google bought for $12. 5 billion in 2011. Google unloaded Motorola three years later to Lenovo for the fire sale price of $2. 9 billion, though a sizable share of Motorola’s value was its thousands of patents. In the troubled Motorola acquisition, Mr. Fawaz led a financial bright spot, Motorola Home, a television box business. He pared its product line, cut costs and oversaw its sale in 2013 for $2. 35 billion to the Arris Group, a cable television equipment maker. In the Alphabet portfolio, Nest is a leading entry among the parent company’s “other bets,” its effort to build businesses beyond Google’s lucrative franchise in online search and advertising. Google’s record with acquired hardware businesses, notably the Motorola deal, has not inspired confidence. When the Nest thermostat was introduced in 2011, it was an innovative reimagining of a product category, much as the iPod was a reinvention of the MP3 music player and the iPhone was a new take on the cellphone. It was a stylish piece of hardware, a circle of brushed stainless steel, reflective polymer and a color display. Inside, the Nest thermostat houses sensors for detecting motion in the room and clever software to learn and adjust room temperatures, according to whether people are present or not, to curb electric bills. Priced at $249, the Nest thermostat was far more expensive than traditional models. Rivals scoffed but later offered their own models. Honeywell, for example, now has a $249 model that resembles the Nest oval. The pace of product introductions in the home necessarily will be more gradual, which critics often miss, Mr. Fadell said. A thermostat typically lasts 10 or 12 years. “Some people expect us to be a gadget factory,” he said. “But you don’t want your thermostat to be like your smartphone, replacing it every two or three years. ” More is done with software, especially updates, sent over the internet and wirelessly connected to Nest devices. Relying on software, of course, opens the door to software bugs. In 2014, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission ordered a recall of more than 400, 000 Nest Protect smoke and gas detectors because a defect could cause users to turn them off unintentionally. Nest halted sales for a while and fixed the problem by updating the software. The software is what allows its devices to communicate with each other. The Nest Protect, for example, can detect a carbon monoxide leak and tell the Nest thermostat to turn off the furnace. Mr. Fadell points to the 18, 000 software developers working with Nest software, 12, 000 retail stores that sell Nest devices and more than 100 utility companies, many of which offer consumer rebates to buy Nest thermostats, for their energy saving potential. “We’re not a products company,” Mr. Fadell said. “We’re a products, services and software company. ” And, he added, building up those networks “takes a long time. ” It will be up to others to do that building now. Yet Mr. Fadell expresses no regrets. Selling to Google, he insists, was the right choice to give Nest the financial ballast it needs for the long term. When Nest started, the technology giants were not in the smart home market. But now, Samsung has SmartThings software and devices, Apple has HomeKit software, and Amazon has the Echo voice command device. Nor does Mr. Fadell apologize for his management style. He described his strength as “holding people to a higher standard than they thought they could achieve and pushing them beyond what they thought they could achieve. ” Mr. Fadell said he had no immediate plans but he would spend more time looking at technology . In the last decade, he has quietly invested in and advised many fledgling companies. His current investments include Impossible Foods, which synthesizes beef without cattle Airwave, an operating system for drones Mousera, sensor technology to speed insights from preclinical drug trials on lab animals and Phononic, heating and cooling. “I’m not a scientist,” Mr. Fadell said. “I’m looking for technology that is about to come out of the lab and has the potential to transform a business. I like to see these technologies raw. ”
LEGAL EXPERT JONATHAN TURLEY Shoots Down Joe Scarborough’s Case Against Trump: “Not obstruction” [Video]
Legal Expert Jonathan Turley listened as Joe Scarborough laid out a lengthy timeline to make a case of obstruction on President Trump. His response is awesome and very precise in its reasons for not recommending obstruction charges. Turley is a Democrat but is a very fair legal expert who rules according to the law how refreshing! While the left freaks out about nothing, the people like Turley who are REALLY qualified to judge this are saying it s a nothingburger. We don t even have evidence of wrongdoing but talk of impeachment is all over the place.Please sit back, relax and listen to the voice of reason Professor Jonathan Turley: There was ample reason to fire Sally Yates when, as acting Attorney General, she instructed the Department of Justice not to enforce President Trump s executive order on immigration. Obstruction of justice requires that you act to obstruct or interfere usually with a judicial or congressional proceeding, neither of which was pending at this time. You also tend to show it was done for a corrupt, or corruptly, to use the statutory term. This doesn t meet the usual definition of that.
YouTube Reinstates MILO’s Livestream Morning After Event - Breitbart
Yesterday afternoon, MILO’s YouTube channel was tagged with a warning for a video calling the Democrats “The Party of the Cuckold,” and promptly had it’s livestream privileges revoked hours before his University of New Mexico event on immigration. Now, the morning after, it’s finally been reinstated. [YouTube addressed the appeal this morning, with this: “Thanks for contacting YouTube. I hope this email finds you well. Regards,
Nevada Sheriffs: Bloomberg-Backed Background Checks Aren’t Going to Happen - Breitbart
The universal background checks passed under Nevada’s Question 1 were scheduled to go into effect January 1, but the state’s sheriffs are making clear that it’s not going to happen. [In fact, sheriffs say the December 28 opinion handed down by Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt basically renders the checks moot by proving them unenforceable. Breitbart News reported that Laxalt pointed out how the language of Question 1 actually ensnared those who framed it, rendering it “unenforceable” by presuming the FBI would do that which the FBI refuses to do while simultaneously failing to grant the Nevada Department of Public Safety the authority to act in the FBI’s stead — as a “Point of Contact” (POC) for sales in Nevada. Framers of Question 1 wanted licensed gun dealers to serve as POCs throughout the state, but the FBI refused this plan of action in a letter dated December 14. The FBI said they were willing to let the Nevada DPS serve as POC on the universal checks, but that is not possible because the DPS was not granted authority to do so by those who designed the Nevada checks. The Journal is reporting that sheriff’s across the state reacted to Laxalt’s opinion by making clear that they have no plans to enforce the background checks once the January 1 effective date arrives. For example, the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office voiced “support” for Laxalt’s opinion, saying, “We will not enforce any provisions of this ballot initiative until the issues have been resolved. ” Washoe County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Bob Harmon said, “Based on the Nevada Attorney General’s opinion, the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office cannot enforce this law at this time. ” And the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is advising residents of its county to “proceed with private party firearm sells and transfers as they did prior to the passing of ballot question #1. ” Storey County Sheriff Gerald Antinoro went even further, saying Question 1 “is not enforceable even without the opinion. ” The bottom line — Bloomberg Co. appear to have acted prematurely in celebrating the passage of gun control in Nevada. AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of “Bullets with AWR Hawkins,” a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart. com
Amid election jitters, many big funds stay aggressive but cash tempts
BOSTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks are listing, bonds are drifting and suddenly gold is back in vogue. Global investors appear to be facing the prospect that next week’s U.S. presidential election may not play out as they have been expecting. Until last Friday, when the FBI said it had re-opened a probe of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, the prevailing view among the investment set had her coasting to victory. And most investors have said in surveys they were more comfortable with that outcome than a victory by Republican Donald Trump. Now, though, several polls depict an ever-tightening race as the clock counts down to Election Day on Tuesday, although the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Clinton still with a 6-point lead. Investors generally see Clinton as a known quantity who would not make major changes that would upend financial markets, while Trump’s positions have been difficult to nail down. Yet against the tumultuous political backdrop, some of the biggest American stock funds remain either too sanguine, too confused or too focused on extending the bull market to guard against an Election Day result that could shock the world like the Brexit vote did in June. U.S. large-cap mutual funds, which oversee $4 trillion in assets, are heading into the showdown for the White House with only a thin layer of cash to absorb any potential shocks from the stock market. Gerry Sullivan, who runs USA Mutuals’ $234 million Barrier Fund, said it would be hard to reposition his portfolio even if he knew the election results ahead of time. “There is so much confusion,” Sullivan said. U.S. funds that invest in stocks with large market capitalizations are not showing any drastic moves toward precaution. Overall, they have only 3.1 percent of their assets dedicated to cash, according to the latest data from Morningstar Inc. These same funds held more cash, about 3.4 percent, before Barack Obama defeated John McCain in 2008. Multi-asset investors are more defensively positioned, especially those outside the United States, according to the latest Reuters asset allocation poll. Funds in Europe held 8.1 percent of their portfolios in cash in late October, while U.K.-based funds had some 9.6 percent of their holdings parked on the sidelines. “Investors are holding higher-than-normal levels of cash,” said Mark Haefele, global chief investment officer for UBS Wealth Management in London, who oversees around $2 trillion in assets. “That’s one way of hedging the uncertainty.” Nonetheless, Haefele said: “We’ve not seen significant de-risking around the election, but we have seen generally a consistent level of caution in the global client base.” With uncertainty about the outcome on the rise, a risk-off mood has enveloped markets around the world. The S&P 500 index has declined for eight days in a row, its longest losing streak since the market crash in October 2008, while a benchmark for global stocks, the MSCI All-World Index, has dropped for seven of the last eight sessions. Both sit near four-month lows. Safe-haven bonds, recently under pressure from expectations the U.S. Federal Reserve is on track to raise interest rates this year, have seen only a modest boost in the meantime, but gold has surged to a one-month high near $1,300 an ounce. “The trades you’re seeing in the market at the moment will go further in the event of a Trump victory,” said Mike Bell, global market strategist at JP Morgan Asset Management in London. “You’d expect more downside to U.S. equities, the dollar and Treasury yields.” More than half of the stock and bond fund managers polled by Northern Trust in the third quarter said they expected the election to cause a large increase in market volatility. Prices for certain S&P 500 index options expiring in the days after the election indicate a market swing of between 2 and 4 percent, in either direction, by then. Still, portfolio managers sitting on a lot of cash, some with more than 20 percent of assets, say the stockpile is not a sign of worry about the outcome of the race. “It’s due to the diminished risk-reward profile of investment opportunities in a mature profit cycle,” said Meggan Walsh, a portfolio manager at the $18 billion Invesco Diversified Dividend Fund. “We do not feel the election is an investable event.” Some value-oriented large-cap fund managers say the stock market is over-valued and they are on high alert for a market correction as the election coincides with a bull market nearing completion of its eighth year. “It can be tempting to forget that nasty downturns happen with some regularity, and there is never a bell rung to announce their arrival,” portfolio managers Arik Ahitov and Dennis Bryant recently warned investors in the $800 million FPA Capital Fund. After Britain surprised the world with a vote to leave the European Union, the S&P 500 Index tumbled nearly 4 percent on June 24. It soon recovered, however, and had regained record territory by mid-August. Even in Britain, the referendum’s unexpected outcome has yet to show it has long-lasting effects for investors outside of the currency market, where the British pound has sunk to a three-decade low against the dollar. London’s FTSE 100 index is up around 14-percent from its post-Brexit trough. The FPA Capital Fund managers had nearly 28 percent of the fund’s $800 million in assets in cash during the third quarter. They see the stock market as too expensive and are ready for a high level of panic, if that happens, according to their October letter to investors. “An elevated level of forced selling, combined with a lack of liquidity, might result in challenges for many fully invested products such as index funds, many ETFs, and funds that have no to very low levels of cash cushions,” the FPA Capital Fund portfolio managers said. “In a down market, cash helps mitigate losses and affords one the opportunity to buy when others are being forced to sell, generally the best time to buy.”
Senate confirms retired generals as first two Trump cabinet members
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed the first two members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet on Friday, voting overwhelmingly to approve two retired four-star Marine generals as his secretaries of defense and homeland security hours after Trump was sworn in as commander-in-chief. The Senate voted 98-1 to confirm James Mattis to lead the Pentagon, and 88-11 to confirm John Kelly for homeland security, a sprawling department responsible for everything from domestic antiterrorism to border security and disaster prevention. The Senate also voted 89-8 to clear the way for a vote on Monday on another member of Trump’s national security team, Republican U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo, his nominee to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Trump’s fellow Republicans, who hold a 52-seat majority in the 100-member Senate, have been sparring with Democrats over confirmations of nominees for cabinet posts and other senior positions. Republicans had hoped to confirm at least seven on Friday, but Democrats objected, complaining that Republicans were trying to force votes too quickly on nominees who were too slow to provide financial and ethics information. Republicans accused Democrats of playing politics and risking public safety by delaying national security team nominations that they knew would eventually go through. The CIA post is one of the most highly charged in Washington, amid controversy surrounding Russian attempts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in Trump’s favor. The last CIA director, John Brennan, who had criticized Trump, resigned Friday. Trump belittled the agency as he questioned its conclusion that Russia was involved in cyber hacking that interfered with the vote, in which Trump, a New York businessman and reality television star, defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state. “We face threats foreign and domestic. It’s critical for the president to have a full national security team today, day one,” said Republican Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand was the only senator to vote against Mattis, a 66-year-old commander revered by Marines. She was also the only member of the Armed Services Committee to vote against him when the panel approved him by 26-1 earlier this week. Gillibrand has said she admires Mattis. But she objected to waiving a law on civilian control of the U.S. military to allow him to lead the Pentagon only 3-1/2 years after retiring from the Marines, instead of the seven required by the statute. The law had only been waived once before, in 1950, to allow George Marshall, the post-war Secretary of State, to serve as Secretary of Defense. Congress passed Mattis’ waiver last week, and Trump signed it just after he was inaugurated on Friday. Eleven Democrats voted “no” on Kelly, also 66. While the 40-year military veteran is also very popular, some Democrats said he had not done enough to assure them that he would oppose some of Trump’s most controversial proposals. For example, they said he had not rejected rounding up and deporting thousands of people who entered the United States illegally as children, but have been productive members of society. That group, known as “Dreamers,” were protected from deportation by an executive order signed by former President Barack Obama. Trump has promised to rescind many such orders. Trump said he was pleased that Mattis and Kelly were confirmed. “I call on members of the Senate to fulfill their constitutional obligation and swiftly confirm the remainder of my highly qualified cabinet nominees, so that we can get to work on behalf of the American people without further delay,” he said in a statement.
Iraq plans to take control of Kurdistan region's border 'in coordination' with Iran, Turkey
ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq plans to take control of the borders of its autonomous Kurdistan region in coordination with Iran and Turkey, the Iraqi Defence Ministry said on Friday. The statement did not give more detail or indicate specifically whether Iraqi forces were planning to move toward the external border posts controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) from the Iranian and Turkish side. The move to seize the border posts is a response to a Kurdish referendum on Monday that produced a vote in favor of secession from Iraq. Following the vote, Iraq, Iran and Turkey demanded that the KRG relinquish control over its external border crossings with Turkey, Iran and Syria. Backed by Ankara and Tehran, the Iraqi government has demanded that the Kurdish leadership cancel the result of the referendum or face the prospect of sanctions, international isolation and possibly a military intervention. Earlier on Friday, a ban imposed by Iraq s central government on international flights to Kurdistan went into effect after the KRG rejected a demand to hand over control of its international airports in Erbil and Sulaimaniya. The KRG also refused to relinquish control of its border crossings, Erbil-based TV Rudaw said on Friday, citing a Kurdish official. The Iraqi Defence Ministry said the implementation of central government decisions to take over management of all the border posts and airports was going as planned in coordination with the relevant authorities and neighboring countries, and there is no delay in the procedures . Iraqi state television said an Iraqi military delegation had visited the Kurdistan border from the Iranian side. An Iraqi force is also deployed on the Turkish side of the border as part of joint drills with the Turkish army.
Anti-Semitism growing in Europe
While I understand this sentiment is coming from a place of concern, European Jews should not leave out of fear and should push their leaders to defeat anti-Semitism and radical Islamist terrorism. That said, none of this is surprising. After all, we've recently witnessed murderous terrorist attacks on the Jewish communities of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Paris, attacks that have shaken an already fearful community to its core. Each attack adds to the feelings of insecurity among European Jews and adds more levels of necessary security. As a result of the intensified wave of anti-Semitism and Islamist terrorism, Jews in Europe are eschewing Jewish identifying symbols and are afraid to attend prayers and to send their children to their Jewish schools. This has led to an unprecedented desire to leave their home countries and flee to greater freedom and security. But seeing schools doubling as high-security facilities sends a message to our children -- who are the next generation of European Jewry -- that their lives are in constant danger. Of course, it is understandable and natural that the authorities choose to take heightened security measures to prevent further loss of life. But the fight must be taken to the perpetrators rather than allowing it to infringe further upon the everyday lives of the victims. If, in the words of European leaders, they would like the Jews of Europe to stay and not to emigrate, then they must find a way to return a semblance of normalcy to the everyday lives of Jews across the continent. To defeat this bloody and belligerent strain of terrorism and the specter of radical Islamism and Jew-hatred, European authorities must be more proactive in hunting down terrorists before they act and not grant them a victory by further imposing restrictions on Europe's Jews. The threat is not country specific, so the response must be found in Europe as a union. European nations need to immediately and urgently come together to form a pan-European authority to deal with anti-Semitism and this new form of homegrown radical Islamist terrorism, with significant resources tasked with finding concrete practical solutions. The first step that has to be taken is to bolster and improve intelligence-gathering and sharing across Europe. The current system is neither efficient nor vigilant enough. Many of the perpetrators of the recent massacres of Jews were well-known to the police. Many crossed borders, seemingly with little trouble, before and after they committed their bloody acts. Police and law enforcement also need to be strengthened. This includes actively enforcing laws against incitement and anti-Semitic speech and taking a firmer approach against those who promote hate and violence. Enforcement authorities must enter and act within largely Muslim areas where police might ordinarily be reluctant to enter Additionally, new legislation to combat radical Islamist terrorism and anti-Semitism must be passed. The reality is that Europe is dealing with a new threat using an infrastructure that was not built to deal with homegrown terrorists who run freely in Europe and kill people seemingly at will. In short, European authorities have to change the current mode of action and move from a paradigm of almost pure defense onto the attack. Our continent has known in the past how to deal with threats to our way of life, and as in the past, the best chance of victory is to be found in a continentwide unity of purpose. Any weakness in a European-wide response to this new threat -- not just to Jews, but also to the very essence that our union was built upon, like freedom of thought and speech -- will be exploited by the terrorists and their supporters. There are probably dozens of attacks at various stages of planning taking place in towns and cities across Europe. It is not enough just to increase security at any possible target, because this policy alone is not working and cannot be a long term answer. It is time Europe went on the offensive.
Penny Mordaunt appointed new UK aid minister: PM May's office
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May s office confirmed that Penny Mordaunt has been appointed Britain s new minister for international development, replacing Priti Patel who resigned on Wednesday over undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials that breached protocol.
Death toll from Malaysia construction site landslide at 11
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Eleven foreign workers were killed in a landslide at a construction site in northwest Malaysia on Saturday, authorities said. Earlier estimates had put the George Town death toll at 14, but three workers had managed to escape, said Ervin Galen Teruki, deputy operations head of the Fire and Rescue Department in Penang state. A seventh body was found on Sunday morning. Fire officials earlier identified the victims as foreign workers from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan. The construction site supervisor, a Malaysian, remains missing. The landslide occured on Saturday morning at a site where two 49-storey condominium towers are being built. The cause has yet to be determined. A stop-work order had been issued for the development, pending investigations, according to the Penang Island city council mayor Maimunah Mohammad Sharif. Several residential and commercial towers are still under construction in the area. Local media reported anger among residents and activists, some of who said they had previously protested against the increasing development of hillslopes around the area.
Germany's Merkel working toward spring meeting with Trump: sources
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel is working to set a date this spring for a meeting with Donald Trump, who will be sworn in as U.S. president on Friday, German government sources said on Monday. Merkel had offered to meet Trump in the United States in her capacity as chairman of the Group of 20 leading economies, the sources said. The chancellor has spoken with Trump only once, shortly after his election to succeed U.S. President Barack Obama. In a joint interview published by the Times of London and Germany’s Bild newspaper on Monday, Trump said he had always had “great respect” for Merkel, but described her 2015 decision to allow in a wave of a million migrants as a “catastrophic mistake” that opened the door to terrorist attacks. Merkel refused to comment on the interview during a news conference with New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English, saying she would wait until after Trump’s inauguration and then planned to work with him at all levels of government.
Putin, ahead of election, says opposition would destabilize Russia
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that some of his opponents would destabilize Russia and usher in chaos if they were elected in a presidential election next year, but promised genuine political competition. Putin, who is running for re-election in March, was answering a question at his annual news conference about opposition leader Alexei Navalny who looks unlikely to be allowed to contest the election due to what Navalny says is a trumped up criminal case. The question was put to him to Ksenia Sobchak, a television personality who has said she plans to run against Putin in the same election, which polls suggest Putin will comfortably win. Putin, in response, accused Sobchak, who has said she wants to attract voters who are against all candidates, of not offering any positive solutions to the problems facing Russia. He likened Navalny to former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili who came to power in his own country in 2004 after a peaceful revolution and is now heavily involved in politics in Ukraine, where he is calling for the impeachment of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Do you want tens of people like Saakashvili to be running around public squares? Putin asked Sobchak, when asked about Navalny not being allowed to take part in the election. Those who you ve named (Navalny) are the same as Saakashvili, only the Russian version. And you want these Saakashvilis to destabilize the situation in the country? Do you want attempted coups d etat? We ve lived through all that. Do you really want to go back to all that? I am sure that the overwhelming majority of Russian citizens do not want this. Putin said the authorities were not afraid of genuine political competition and promised such competition would exist. Navalny, commenting on social media, said Putin s response showed the reasons for barring him from taking part in next year s presidential election were due to a political decision. It s like he s saying we re in power and we ve decided that it (Navalny running) is a bad idea, Navalny said.
Suicide Hotlines Get Record Number Of Calls After Trump Win: “Phones Have Been Ringing Off The Hook”
Comments (4) Read by 130 people Things have gotten steadily worse for Democrats after Donald Trump’s election to the Presidency of the United States. Scores of celebrities are freaking out across social media, Hillary supporters are holding “Cry Ins” to help each other cope, visits to Canada’s immigration website have skyrocketed , and coping videos are starting to make the rounds online. While many shocked Clinton supporters have found solidarity with thousands of others by protesting and rioting in the streets, some, like movie star Robert DeNiro, have fallen into a depressive state . And according to The Hill , those overwhelming feelings of depression have led to suicidal thoughts in many. So much so that suicide hotlines across the country are struggling to keep up: Phones have been ringing off the hook at suicide hotlines since Donald Trump was named president-elect Tuesday. According to multiple reports, many of those calling or texting into hotlines are members of the LGBTQ community, minorities and victims of sexual assault who are worried about Trump’s victory. The Suicide Prevention Lifeline told “ The Washington Post” it is seeing calls “unmatched in the hotline’s history,” with a response unlike that in 2008 or 2012. … Election stress is nothing new. Psychologists have noted upticks in anxiety and stress during and following contentious election cycles. This specific election, many have observed, is no exception and is exceeding average numbers in those seeking mental care and counseling. If you are someone you know can’t handle the stress, please share this video. Mac Slavo Views: Read by 130 12th, 2016 Website: www.SHTFplan.com Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to www.shtfplan.com. Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.
FBI Gave Emails To WikiLeaks To Prevent ‘Clinton Coup’
posted by Eddie The emails released by WikiLeaks were leaked by brave members of the US intelligence community in an effort to expose Hillary Clinton’s corruption and stop her being elected, according to State Department insider Steve Pieczenik . The Clintons have initiated a “ silent coup ” in their bid for power, Pieczenik claims, explaining that the White House, judiciary, CIA, FBI, Loretta Lynch and James Comey have all been “ co-opted ” through political cronyism. But Piecezenik, a State Department veteran who has served in seven administrations, claims there is mutiny within the intelligence community and a “ counter-coup ” is in operation. “ In order to stop this coup we in the intelligence community have informally got together and with their permission I am starting to announce that we have initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. “ Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker, and served the administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush as deputy assistant secretary. He is a legitimate insider with connections in all departments and agencies. FBI Mutiny His claims might explain the unprecedented and mysterious actions by the FBI on Tuesday. The FBI Vault silently and unexpectedly made documents relating to the investigation into Hillary Clinton available to the public – documents that were not due to be declassified until 2041. We can finally stop blaming Russians. Pieczenik states clearly that US intelligence – brave men and women in the FBI, CIA and wider intelligence community – submitted the emails to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks in order to thwart “ the second American revolution .” This counter-coup is working against Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Their goal is a peaceful transition of power away from the corrupt Clintons. “ Something had to be done to save the republic ,” he explains. source:
Obama: Hillary Clinton Pardon Could Heal Divided Nation
Note to President Obama: a Hillary Clinton pardon could heal a divided nation. After all, if it was good enough for Richard Nixon, it is certainly good enough for Clinton. The difference being that Tricky Dicky was actually guilty of the crimes insinuated against him, whereas the former Secretary of State, who was thoroughly investigated and cleared of any criminal wrongdoing twice, continues to be maligned and persecuted by the right-wing establishment, as well as politicos with decades-old grudges who view the Clinton witch hunt as their opportunity to exact revenge on the woman who should be America’s first female President of the United States , and proved it by carrying the nation’s popular vote if not the antiquated electoral college. As originally proposed by one-time presidential hopeful, Rev. Jesse Jackson, the nation should call upon President Barack Obama to issue a blanket pardon to the twice-exonerated Clinton, in order to call an end to the drawn-out attack on every aspect of the former New York senator’s character once and for all. In the 21st century, it is unthinkable to believe that U.S. citizens are so narrow-minded and circumspect that they seek to stop an empowered, idolized public servant from holding the highest office in the nation simply because she is a woman. While it is abominable and heartbreaking to lend credence to this theory, there is strong evidence to support its existence, especially when considering some examples from other nations who have female world leaders: — Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (1966-77; 1980 to Oct. 31, 1984 (her assassination)) — British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (1979-90). Thatcher was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and first woman to have held the office. — Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (1969-74) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel (2005-present) — Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom (U.K.), Great Britain, and Northern Ireland (1952-present) — South Korean President Park Geun-hye (2013-present) — Prime Minister Theresa May of U.K., Great Britain, and Northern Ireland (2016-present) — Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed of Bangladesh (1996-2001; 2009-present) From countries great and small, these women and countless others have achieved the ultimate seat of power in their respective nations. Some of these countries have a long, storied legacy of woman leaders that spans decades and even generations, while others are relatively new to welcoming a female presence as their central figurehead. Nonetheless, women all over the globe have been given the opportunity to lead their countries into a new era and provide their citizens with a different perspective, with the glaring exception of the United States, a nation that could benefit immensely from female influence at the helm. Presidential pardons are not a foreign concept. Every U.S. president has the authority to grant pardons, which is also known as clemency, to anyone of their choosing. However, unlike most executive powers, presidential pardons are unchecked by Congress and cannot be blocked, overturned, or reviewed. The purpose of this power exists to help ease tensions, correct historic injustices, and heal political wounds. If any situation calls for its implementation, this scenario could not be more fitting. Yet, this authority does not come without controversy. In addition to President Gerald Ford’s pardoning of Richard Nixon in 1974, other controversial acts of clemency include President Bill Clinton’s pardon of Symbionese Liberation Army sympathizer and publishing heiress Patty Hearst in 2001, President Richard Nixon’s offer of clemency to Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa in 1971, and President Jimmy Carter’s commutation of Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy’s prison sentence in 1977. As evidenced by the vitriol of the 2016 Campaign and subsequent General Election , a Hillary Clinton pardon by President Obama could be the only way to end the vicious cycle of recrimination and violence observed throughout the so-called Democratic process , which has encountered its own foibles and criticisms. Namely, the ongoing debate about the necessity of the electoral college and its all-or-nothing allotment, which many consider unjust and obsolete. Instead, many believe the winner of the popular vote should be elected as U.S. commander in chief, which would have resulted in President-elect Clinton occupying the Oval Office. In the aftermath of the controversial election results, a blanket pardon for the veteran politician could be the first step in healing a divided nation, which has truly demonstrated its fractured populace via the chaotic antics and disdainful actions observed throughout the extended 2016 Campaign cycle, as well as in the aftermath of its divisive conclusion. Opinion Written and Edited by Leigh Haugh Sources: Personal Opinions and Observations of the Author Detroit Free Press –Obama Should Pardon Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson Says New York Times –Hillary Clinton, in Emotional Speech, Implores Supporters to Keep Believing in America MTV –We Need Female Politicians Now More Than Ever Washington Post –Here Are the Dozens of Democracies That Have Elected a Female Leader All Article Images Courtesy of WikiMedia Commons – Creative Commons License clinton , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , jesse jackson , President Barack Obama , Presidential Pardons
Megyn Kelly’s Jump to NBC From Fox News Will Test Her, and the Networks - The New York Times
For Megyn Kelly, the shift from Fox News to NBC — where she will host a daily daytime show and a Sunday newsmagazine program — will be a test of whether she can connect with a broader audience in a different format and reach another level of television stardom. But her move, announced Tuesday, has broader implications for the television news industry, raising new questions about the future of Fox News, where she was a countervailing presence in an opinion lineup heavy with ideology, and of NBC News, which has been a longtime bête noire for conservative press critics. And it comes as all news organizations gird for a new era of media coverage that arrives Jan. 20 with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. The Murdoch family, which controls Fox News’s parent company, 21st Century Fox, had become so invested in Ms. Kelly as a franchise that they were prepared to pay her a salary of more than $20 million a year. People inside and outside the network widely took that to mean the Murdochs were staking the network’s future on a journalist who effectively made her name by upending the expectations for a Fox News anchor — for instance, by publicly taking on the Republican nominee for president. But now Fox News, long the cable news ratings leader and an influential voice in the national political debate, is on course to begin coverage of a new administration with no anchor with Ms. Kelly’s history of challenging Mr. Trump. Her show, “The Kelly File,” was sandwiched between the program of Bill O’Reilly — she was regularly second to him in the cable news ratings — and that of Mr. Trump’s major booster, Sean Hannity. Her departure, coming after that of Greta Van Susteren, also means that Fox faces the prospect of having no female host in prime time. That is a potentially troubling development for the network as its seeks to move past last summer‘s sexual harassment scandal involving its and former chairman, Roger Ailes, in which many women described experiencing harassment or intimidation. (Fox is said to be looking at several potential female successors for Ms. Kelly.) For NBC, the addition of Ms. Kelly, 46, may help address a challenge confronting many major news organizations: connecting with a politically diverse audience. In bringing Ms. Kelly to NBC, Andrew Lack, the chairman of the news division, is adding a journalist schooled in the preferences and worldviews of the conservative Americans who helped elect Mr. Trump, and whose anger so many news organizations failed to appreciate. Ms. Kelly’s closely watched career move capped months of drama in the political sphere, in which she was often at the center of Mr. Trump’s intense, campaign, and in the media world, where she became a key figure in the events that led to Mr. Ailes’s ouster. Ms. Kelly was the most prominent among a group of women at the network who told internal investigators that Mr. Ailes had engaged in inappropriate behavior. (Mr. Ailes has denied all the accusations.) Despite having made a generous offer to Ms. Kelly, Rupert Murdoch, an executive chairman of 21st Century Fox, whose negotiation tactics are legendary, offered a supportive statement about her decision to leave. “We thank Megyn Kelly for her 12 years of contributions to Fox News,” the statement read. “We hope she enjoys tremendous success in her career and wish her and her family the best. ” Though the loss of Ms. Kelly is a blow to Fox News, the network has a winning formula that has kept it atop the ratings for many years, and helped it to avoid the its rivals experienced in the weeks after Election Day, as The Associated Press reported. And now the nation has a new Republican president whose approach speaks to the sensibilities of many of Fox’s viewers. Company executives said the Murdochs knew Ms. Kelly was a flight risk their offer included keeping her in prime time, and she had made it clear she was seeking a job that would give her more time for her family. Ms. Kelly had spoken with top executives at ABC News, CNN and in the syndication industry, as well as NBC News, but NBC remained largely under the radar as a landing spot. One person briefed on Ms. Kelly’s deliberations said that Mr. Lack won her over by starting the talks with a question about what she was seeking, instead of flatly offering possibilities. He then came back with a deal that was tailored to her preferences. A daytime show would give her a schedule that would allow her to see her children off to school and to have dinner with them and her husband, Douglas Brunt, a novelist. People briefed on the talks, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, declined to disclose what Ms. Kelly’s new annual salary would be at NBC. Fox News rivals who sought to hire Ms. Kelly away, including NBC News, had indicated that they could not match the $20 million offer from Fox, the cable news leader for the last 15 years running. But even a modest raise for Ms. Kelly would place her among television’s journalists. The Wall Street Journal recently reported she was to collect $15 million for the final year of her contract. Her high price tag was worth it for Mr. Lack, who took over leadership of NBC News and MSNBC in 2015, 14 years after he had ended an tenure running the divisions. Executives at NBC Universal turned to him to stabilize the network after the suspension of the nightly news anchor Brian Williams for embellishing accounts of his reporting in Iraq, and as MSNBC floundered in the ratings. Among his moves since returning has been to direct MSNBC back toward more traditional, hard news coverage during its daytime hours — like its cable news rivals, it hit record ratings highs last year — and away from its yearslong market position as a answer to Fox News, which at times colored the reputation of its sister, NBC News. Ms. Kelly will not be reporting for MSNBC, which still has hosts like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell. In a brief interview, Mr. Lack said he would be closely involved in the creation of Ms. Kelly’s daytime show, which will run Monday through Friday at a time to be determined, as well as the one she will anchor on Sunday nights. That show will be in the vein of CBS’s “60 Minutes,” where Mr. Lack worked early in his career. “The thing about this that is challenging but exciting as hell is that we love making new shows,” he said. “You don’t get that opportunity that often any more, and you don’t get the opportunity to do that with a talent like Megyn. ” Yet the move has its risks for all involved, especially the daytime program. Daytime television has been notoriously difficult for news stars. People involved in the discussions said that the program was not planned to be in the mold of a traditional daytime talk show, nor much like the special Ms. Kelly hosted last May on the Fox broadcast network, which drew some harsh criticism (some of which Ms. Kelly dismissed as liberal disappointment over a friendly interview with Mr. Trump). In an interview with Charlie Rose on “CBS Sunday Morning” last year, Ms. Kelly described the television show of her fantasies. “How about if we merge a little Charlie Rose, a little Oprah, and a little me all together,’’ she said. “And we serve that up as an hour? Wouldn’t you watch that?” Ms. Kelly kept a relatively low profile on Tuesday, addressing her own news at the end of that night’s edition of “The Kelly File. ” “This was a tough decision for me,” Ms. Kelly said, thanking the Murdochs and attributing the move in part to her desire for more time with her children. Her last show on Fox is on Friday.