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Jewish Family’s Hanukkah Destroyed By Vandalism; Trump Supporters Make It Worse (IMAGE)
A Chandler, Arizona family awoke early one morning to see that the Menorah sculpture on their lawn had been vandalized and turned into a swastika. Clearly, this was bad enough for the Jewish family, but when Fox 10 Phoenix posted the picture, things got really ugly. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump s name was mentioned a lot.[It takes] A very ignorant, shallow person, a coward, said Gary Guadagnino, who has lived in the neighborhood for more than two decades. The Menorah decoration belonged to her neighbor, Naomi, and her husband.According to Naomi, she and her husband built the religious symbol two years ago, and it was brought back by popular demand. Naomi said her family has no idea why someone would do this, especially in their accepting, welcoming community. Someone full of a lot of hate and prejudice would do it, said Naomi. I can t imagine that someone from this community or this neighborhood would do something like that. Facebook users weren t as sympathetic as the neighbors. Some thought the Holocaust symbol was amusing:Others blamed liberals and people who didn t vote for Trump:Others blamed the homeowners:Some, like this guy with a Confederate flag, thought the swastika was no big deal:The United Nations did it? Really?John Kerry even got the blame:And there were some proud Nazis saying that the Jewish family brought it on themselves for being Jewish.This guy hates Jews too:This voice of sanity got absolutely zero likes:Part of the blame for this belongs with the conservative media, who has been jumping on a few faked hate crimes to try to delegitimize true hate crimes, and trust me, there s been no shortage.As the comments show, racists and antisemitics feel empowered now, and for that we can blame Donald Trump. While the right-wing media is pointing to 10 or maybe 17 instances of faked hate crimes, the Southern Poverty Law Center has collected more than 1,000 incidents of hate crimes, just since the election. 108 of those have included a swastika and 33 have been anti-semitic. These weren t done by liberals or by people who voted for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump brought this on.Featured image via screen capture from embedded Facebook post
TAKE IT DOWN! BLM Supporter, Dem Congressman Hangs COP-HATING, Race-Baiting Art-Work In U.S. Capitol Building
A piece of art depicting cops as animals that are killing minorities that has no business hanging in our US Capitol building Artistic expression, or one congressman s political statement masquerading as student art? A very offensive depiction of police hands in the U.S. Capitol complex, and Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay is drawing heat for placing it there.For several months the painting, called Untitled #1, has hung in the House building connecting hall, depicting police as animals seemingly engaged in the act of brutalizing minorities. BPRIn February 2015, Democratic Congressman Clay suggested that prosecutors are responsible for fixing outcome of racially charged cases that involve cops when he claimed that in Ferguson and in Garner s death we saw an all-too-familiar pattern of local prosecutors who work hand-in-hand with police every day, essentially prewiring the grand jury process to produce a known outcome. In a released statement, Clay said, Members of Congress support student art competitions in our districts but we do not select the young artists and we do not judge the artwork. I had no role in selecting the winner of this student art competition and I would never attempt to approve or disapprove artistic expression. The U.S. Capitol is a symbol of freedom, not censorship. The young artist chose his own subject and the painting will not be removed. He also told the St. Louis Post Dispatch that the painting was the most creative expression that I ve witnessed in the last 16 years. Take it down, Bolling said, telling viewers to call your congressman or call Lacy Clay s office. TAKE IT DOWN! Anti-cop crap must stop. This "art" hangs in US Capitol-Contact Rep Lacy Clay (D-MO) demand it removed https://t.co/bXmi3zeI6n Eric Bolling (@ericbolling) December 31, 2016Joe Patterson, president of the St. Louis County Police Association, said that we are not about censorship, but good art and good taste are sometimes not the same thing. This is an extraordinarily disrespectful piece at a minimum, he said. We in the law enforcement community have been continuing to work to build bridges and come to a better understanding with our minority community and then we have irresponsible leadership from elected officials pouring gasoline on bridges haven t even finished being built yet, Patterson said of Clay. He s picking at these wounds that we re trying to heal. When the winning piece was chosen last spring, Clay told the St. Louis American that he considered it the most creative expression that I ve witnessed in the last 16 years of the competition. SLPD
May's Conservatives win vote to bolster party's numbers on committees
(Reuters) - British lawmakers voted on Tuesday in favor of handing the governing Conservatives greater say on committees that scrutinize laws, a move denounced by the opposition as an attempt to rig parliament . The government won by 320 votes to 301, a day after lawmakers passed legislation to sever ties with the European Union. May lost the Conservatives majority in a June election, forcing her government to rely on the support of a small Northern Irish party to pass laws.
Trump administration outlines how it will wind down 'Dreamer' program
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration outlined on Tuesday how it will dismantle a program that shielded from deportation undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children and allowed them to work in the country. The winding-down of the program was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who said that Congress would have six months to decide on an alternative. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke issued a memo that rescinded a 2012 DHS memo that established the program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The DHS will provide a limited window for some DACA recipients whose work permits expire before March 5, 2018 to apply to renew those permits. Such individuals must apply for renewal before Oct. 5, administration officials said in a briefing call with reporters. Former DACA recipients whose work permits expire will be considered to be in the United States without permission and are eligible for removal, but they will be a low priority for immigration enforcement, the officials said.
Clinton leads Trump 48-43 percent in Washington Post-ABC tracking poll
(Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a five-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the latest Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll released early on Sunday. In the Post-ABC poll released on Friday, Clinton led Trump by 47 percent to 44 percent. Clinton had an advantage in affirmative support, the poll said, with 55 percent of backers saying they are mainly supporting her, compared with 43 percent of Trump voters. More Trump voters say they “mainly oppose Clinton.”
Our Landfill Economy
Leave a reply Charles Hugh Smith – Correspondent Bart D. (Australia) captured the entire global economy in three words: The Landfill Economy. Stuff is manufactured, energy is consumed shipping it somewhere, consumers buy it and shortly thereafter it ends up as garbage in the landfill. This is of course the definition of “economic growth”: waste, inefficiency, environmental destruction–none of these matter. Only two things matter: maximize “growth” by any means necessary, and maximize profits by any means necessary. The Landfill Economy now encompasses the entire planet. The swirling gyre of plastic trash the size of Texas between Hawaii and California: it’s just one modest example of the planetary trash dump that “growth” and profit generate as byproducts/blowback. The planet’s oceans are one giant trash dump. Everything from plastic water bottles to abandoned fishing nets to radiation to containers that fell off ships is floating around even the most distant corners of the seas. Seabirds nesting in remote islands die of starvation as their guts fill with plastic bits of “permanent growth.” Globalization has turned the planet’s land masses and rivers into trash dumps.Want to make a quick profit along a tropical sea coast? Dig some big holes near the coast, dump in baby prawns, food and chemicals to suppress algae blooms and diseases and then harvest the prawns to ship to the insatiable markets of the developed world. Once the prawn farms are poisoned wastelands, move on and despoil another coastline elsewhere. Globalization has greased the slippery slope from factory to landfill by enabling the global distribution of defective parts. Whether they are pirated, designed to fail or just the result of slipshod quality control, the flood of defective parts guarantee that the entire assembly they are installed in–stoves, vacuum cleaners, transmissions, electronics, you name it–will soon fail and be shipped directly to the landfill, as repairing stuff is far costlier than buying a new replacement. QE/ZIRP Is Crushing the Global Supply Chain, Product Quality and Profits (October 17, 2016) The Keynesian Cargo Cults that rule global economics love The Landfill Economy because it means more “growth”. Never mind the poisoned seas, rivers and land, or the immense waste of energy, commodities and labor that result from the global manufacture and distribution of shoddy products: if it adds to “growth,” it’s all good in the warped view of the Keynesian Cargo Cults. We got your “growth” right here. People are also tossed on the trash heap with careless abandon. The health of workers is a cost that reduces profits, so it’s ignored unless it can be turned into a profit center via state funding for managing preventable diseases, i.e. sickcare. A worker sickened by industrial waste or lifestyle illnesses who becomes a profit center is a wonderful source of “growth” and profits. A worker who can’t generate a corporation or state a profit is dumped on the trash heap as a matter of routine. A worker who can’t generate somebody a profit or “growth” by taking on more debt to spend spend spend is worthless. If a robot or software can do the same work, then it is self-destructive for an enterprise to pay a human worker: if profits fall, Wall Street will crucify the enterprise and competitors will eat it alive. This “maximizing growth and profits is the highest good” mode of production is insane. It doesn’t have to rule the world. As I outline in my book A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology & Creating Jobs for All , other more efficient, sustainable and humane modes of production are within reach if we escape from the global grip of the destructive “growth by any means” cult. Charles Smith is a Contributing Writer for Shift Frequency SF Source Of Two Minds Nov. 2016 Share this:
One Of the Biggest Geniuses Ever Issues A Warning About Donald Trump
Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is internationally renowned for his insights into space, time, and the fundamental nature of the universe and how it was formed. Despite all this knowledge, Hawking is confounded by the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.For Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned expert in theoretical physics and cosmology, the success of Donald Trump s presidential campaign is a mystery.Hawking called Trump a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator, during an appearance on the United Kingdom s ITV network.In addition to his scientific work, Hawking, who has a slow-progressing form of ALS, is a vocal advocate for individuals with disabilities. Trump drew criticism late last year on the campaign trail when he appeared to mock a New York Times reporter with a disability at a rally in South Carolina. Trump later denied mocking the reporter and said he had never met him.Hawking is far from the first prominent British citizen to speak out on Trump. The GOP standardbearer has been so extreme in his rhetoric, especially when it comes to attacking Latinos (he called Mexicans criminals and rapists ) and Muslims (Trump called for a ban on Muslim travel to the United States), that Prime Minister David Cameron was compelled to speak out.While Cameron disagreed with some who called for a ban on Trump traveling to the United Kingdom, he described the proposal as divisive, stupid and wrong. Trump responded to the slam by indicating that he would hold it against Cameron should he be elected president, creating distance between the two countries and their famously strong alliance.Unlike Hawking and Cameron, Trump s anti-Muslim leanings have shown to be popular with Republicans, as polls have shown that a majority of the party s voters support it, including voters who backed candidates other than Trump in the primary.Featured image via Flickr
Graham’s 2020 Tax Law for POTUS Candidates Unconstitutional
Sen. Lindsey Graham ( ) is proposing a federal law that would require all candidates for president to release their 1040 personal income tax returns, including President Donald Trump. But such a law should not survive a court challenge, because it would be unconstitutional. [Article II of the Constitution sets forth three criteria to be eligible for president. A person must be (1) a natural born citizen, (2) at least 35 years of age, and (3) been residing in the United States for at least 14 years before the election. That is all. Everything else is left to the voters to decide whom they want as commander in chief. Consequently, a federal statute requiring submitting tax returns would impose a requirement beyond what the Constitution specifies. Any candidate running for the presidency in 2020 would have legal standing to challenge the statute’s legality in court. Several Supreme Court cases involving Congress buttress the idea that Graham’s idea would not pass constitutional muster. In Powell v. McCormick (1969) the Court held that the Constitution’s provision that a simple majority of the U. S. House (or Senate) can decide the qualifications of its new members before allowing them to be sworn into Congress is limited to the criteria set forth in the Constitution (citizenship, age, and residency). Excluding a duly elected candidate for any other reason amounts to expelling that person from Congress, which requires a vote by Congress, instead of 51 percent. More recently, in U. S. Term Limits v. Thornton (1995) the justices split on whether states can impose term limits on people from that state in Congress (there, six years for House members and 12 years for senators) voting that such limits imposed by states are unconstitutional. Justice Thomas dissented, joined by the conservative justices plus one moderate justice, arguing that under the Tenth Amendment each state has sovereign authority to add its own conditions for people from that state. The Supreme Court is currently divided on whether state lawmakers can impose additional requirements to qualify for various federal offices on each state’s ballot, but there is likely no disagreement regarding requirements imposed by federal lawmakers to qualify for the ballot. Both the majority and the dissent in Term Limits seemed to indicate that Congress could not impose additional requirements beyond the Constitution’s. The only other constitutional provision relevant to this discussion gives Graham no support. The Elections Clause in Article I says that while states have primary jurisdiction over elections, Congress can pass laws altering the “times, places and manner” of elections for federal office. That Article I provision does not include Graham’s proposed law. This has nothing to do with an election’s time (such as having federal elections on a Tuesday in November) place (polling locations) or manner (such as allowing requirements to cast a ballot). This would instead add a requirement on who can be listed on the ballot. This has nothing to do with transparency or making information available to the public. This is instead about who gets to decide such matters. In this case, the Constitution sets forth what conditions must be satisfied to run for president. The voters can impose whatever additional requirements they choose as shown by who they vote for, but that is between the candidate and the electorate, not legislators who seek to insert themselves into the voting process in ways not authorized by the Supreme Law of the Land. Ken Klukowski is senior legal editor for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @kenklukowski.
AP fakes the news
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:00 PM *To:* Kendall, David *Subject:* Hi again from AP (inquiry about thumb drive) Hi David, We have been told, and we are preparing to report, that the FBI has taken possession of the thumb drive that was once in your possession. This is what we have been informed, and we wanted to see whether there was any sort of comment that could be provided. If you wanted to steer us away and say that we are misinformed, then I would gladly accept that as well . But we have solid reason to believe this. We’d welcome any comment you can offer. Thanks very much. Eric Associated Press reporter says he knows it’s true, but will gladly print that it’s false What’s truly astonishing in this email is how AP reporter Eric Tucker says he will gladly LIE to cover for the Clintons . In plain English, he explains that he has “solid reason” to believe the report about the thumb drive, but he will gladly publish a false narrative via the Associated Press , and he even suggests what that false narrative should be: “If you wanted to steer us away and say that we are misinformed, then I would gladly accept that as well.” In other words, he’s not just corrupt, dishonest and fraudulent as a journalist, he’s also SUGGESTING the false narrative the Clintons should use! This is the exact same way the AP talks to the CDC about vaccines and measles, by the way. Essentially, the Associated Press reporters say, “We are total media whores, we will bend over and grab our ankles while you shove your fake story down the throats of our readers who foolishly think we’re a credible news organization.” You gotta love Eric Tucker for this. The guy takes the prize for finally spelling out in black and white what we’ve known for years: the AP is a total joke when it comes to real journalism . Note carefully that the AP won’t even fire Tucker for this admission. He’ll probably get a prize of some sort. How many other Associated Presstitutes have deliberately LIED to cover up Clinton crimes? It all brings to mind the obvious question: How many other Associated Presstitutes deliberately lied to cover up Clinton crimes? Just what percentage of AP stories about the Clinton scandals are actually FAKE NEWS pretending to be credible journalism? (Answer: Probably about 99%.) It’s not just AP, either. It’s the same story at every other mainstream news organization across America: They’re all liars and crooks, and they’re all working for Hillary Clinton, the serial killer and rape excuser. SF Source Dreamcatcher Nov. 2016 Share this:
In First, Trump Condemns Rise in Anti-Semitism, Calling It ‘Horrible’ - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Trump said on Tuesday that the rise of in the United States since his inauguration was “horrible” and “painful,” reacting publicly for the first time to mounting threats targeting Jewish people and institutions after he drew criticism for being slow to condemn them. During a visit to the National Museum of History and Culture, Mr. Trump said he was reminded of the need to combat hatred “in all of its very ugly forms. ” He spoke one day after 11 bomb threats were phoned in to Jewish community centers around the country and a Jewish cemetery in University City, Mo. was vandalized. “The threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible, and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil,” Mr. Trump said. The statement came after weeks of private complaints from leaders of major Jewish organizations to members of Mr. Trump’s inner circle, including his Jared Kushner, about the president’s seeming unwillingness to speak out forcefully against acts. His failure to do so stoked concern among some Jewish leaders that Mr. Trump, whose presidential campaign drew the support of racist and groups including the Ku Klux Klan, was at best willing to stay silent about such actions and at worst quietly condoning them. Mr. Trump’s comment on Tuesday was a rare concession to the demands of outside forces by a president who prides himself on standing his ground. Despite the questions that arose during his campaign, Mr. Trump has never proactively delivered a statement condemning . “The president’s sudden acknowledgment of is a on the cancer of that has infected his own administration,” said Steven Goldstein, the executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. “When President Trump responds to proactively and in real time, and without pleas and pressure, that’s when we’ll be able to say this president has turned a corner. ” He added, “This is not that moment. ” The White House was criticized by Jewish groups last month when it issued a statement honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day that did not mention the six million Jews who perished, instead broadly mentioning “the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror” and “those who died. ” Pressed on the matter, Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, defended the statement as “inclusive” of all of those targeted during the Holocaust, including Gypsies, priests and gay people, and he called the criticism “pathetic. ” Concern mounted among Jewish leaders after a news conference last week at which Mr. Trump reacted angrily to a question about his response to the increasing number of acts around the nation. The president called the query insulting and demanded that the questioner, who works for a Jewish publication, sit down. The League called the president’s reaction “ . ” Mr. Trump, who was criticized during his campaign for being slow or halfhearted in condemning hate speech, has been particularly stung by accusations that he is or that he has nurtured the rise of such sentiments. Such accusations have been leveled against both the president and his chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, a former chairman of Breitbart News, a website that has cultivated a white nationalist following. The president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, who converted to Judaism to marry Mr. Kushner, an observant Jew, wrote in a Twitter post on Monday: “America is a nation built on the principle of religious tolerance. We must protect our houses of worship religious centers. #JCC. ” JCC is the abbreviation for Jewish community centers. Morton A. Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America and a strong supporter of Mr. Trump, said, “One of the issues here is that President Trump and Steve Bannon are very upset and very frustrated that so many Jewish organizational leaders have accused them of being which is very unfair and simply inaccurate. ” Mr. Klein added, though, that “President Trump needed to, himself — not through a statement by his daughter that didn’t even mention — speak up against this kind of hatred and urge law enforcement to do all they can to find these perpetrators and hold them accountable. ” The president’s slow response, he argued, may have been in part because Mr. Trump “wants to make these decisions on his own and not feel like he’s being told what to do. ” The proliferation of acts in the United States and the president’s failure to address them publicly were frequent topics of conversation in Jerusalem over the weekend, where the leaders of American Jewish groups gathered for meetings, according to attendees who described the private discussions on the condition of anonymity. On Tuesday, several organizations issued statements praising Mr. Trump’s comments. “We appreciate that President Trump spoke directly to this matter,” said Nathan J. Diament, the executive director for public policy at the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. “The words of a president of the United States carry great weight, and it is important that Mr. Trump addressed the American Jewish community and all our fellow Americans at this time. ” Still, some leaders said they wished Mr. Trump had made a personal call for his administration to find and prosecute perpetrators of the recent threats. The Simon Wiesenthal Center urged Mr. Trump to present a plan for combating and called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to form a task force on the matter. Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks activities, said the wave of threats was “really worrying,” especially because of the “tendency on the part of this administration to completely overlook terrorism and political violence from the domestic radical right. ” Mr. Potok also welcomed Mr. Trump’s comments, but he criticized them as tardy. “It’s very nice that President Trump opposes these crimes,” Mr. Potok said. “It might have been helpful if he had done so months or even years earlier. ” Mr. Spicer complained on Tuesday that Mr. Trump was being treated unfairly. “It’s ironic that, no matter how many times he talks about this, that it’s never good enough,” he said at a briefing with reporters. He declined to respond to a shouted question about whether Mr. Trump would ask the Justice Department to prosecute those responsible for the acts. Mr. Trump has mentioned his Jewish grandchildren and daughter when questioned about his commitment to combating . Yet defenses of Judaism that do not involve fealty to Israel have proved tougher for a man raised in New York, a city heavily populated with Jews. In an interview with Jake Tapper of CNN at the end of February 2016, soon after Mr. Trump won the South Carolina primary, Mr. Trump demurred when pressed repeatedly about the support offered to him by David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader. “Honestly, I don’t know David Duke,” Mr. Trump said at the time. Asked by reporters days later why he would not simply disavow Mr. Duke, Mr. Trump shrugged and said, “I disavow, O. K.?”
LOL! OBAMA WARNS VOTERS Donald Trump Is Unvetted, Unserious…”This is not a reality show”
Says the guy who was a Jr. Senator and Community Organizer prior to becoming President of the United States. And who can forget our selfie President?And then there s the famous Nelson Mandela funeral selfie:President Obama skewered Donald Trump on Friday, warning that the Republicans presumptive nominee isn t serious enough for the presidency, his plans aren t plausible, and his ideas haven t been vetted sufficiently.Let s not forget that when Obama was living in his own little narcissistic world and making a contribution to absolutely no-one Trump was busy creating jobs.Obama continued: He has a long record that needs to be examined. And I think it s important for us ot take seriously the statements he s made in the past, Obama said. We are in serious times and this is a really serious job. This is not entertainment. This is not a reality show. These were Obama s first extended comments about Trump since the New York mogul cemented his role as the presumptive GOP nominee on Tuesday night. He spoke in the White House briefing room, using remarks on the economy and a crackdown on tax evasion as an opportunity to air his views. It was clear he expected questions about Trump, and intended to use the appearance to discuss the new phase of the election. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States and what that means is that every candidate, every nominee needs to be subject to exacting standards and genuine scrutiny, he said.Via: Dallas Morning NewsSpeaking of scrutiny :Here is a Breitbart News top ten list of things that Obama has refused to release (a complete list would fill volumes):10. State senate papers. In the 2008 primary, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for not releasing papers from her eight years as First Lady but failed to produce any papers from his eight years in Springfield. They could have been thrown out, he said.9. Academic transcripts. His supposed academic brilliance was a major selling point, but Obama (by his own admission) was a mediocre student. His GPA at Occidental was a B-plus at best, and his entering class at Columbia was weak. Can he prove his merit?8. Book proposal. Obama s literary agent claimed he was born in Kenya for sixteen years. His original book proposal exists biographer David Maraniss refers to it and seems to have embellished other key details of his life. Yet it has never been released.7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctor s note.6. Small-dollar donors. In 2008, the McCain campaign released the names of donors who had contributed less than $200, though it was not required to do so. But the Obama campaign refused, amidst accusations it had accepted illegal foreign contributions.5. The Khalidi tape. In 2003, Obama attended a party for his good friend, the radical Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi. The event featured incendiary anti-Israel rhetoric. The LA Times broke the story, but has refused to release the tape and so has Obama.4. The real White House guest list. Touting its transparency, the Obama White House released its guest logs but kept many visits secret, and moved meetings with lobbyists off-site. It also refused to confirm the identities of visitors like Bertha Lewis of ACORN.3. Countless FOIA requests. The Obama administration has been described as the worst ever in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests for documents. It has also punished whistleblowers like David Walpin, who exposed cronyism in Americorps.2. Health reform negotiations. Candidate Obama promised that health care reform negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN. Instead, there were back-room deals worth millions with lobbyists and legislators the details of which are only beginning to emerge.1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal and Obama did just that.In addition to the above, Obama and his campaign have lied about many facts about his past his membership in the New Party; his extensive connections with ACORN; and his continued relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, among other examples. Obama s own memoir is filled with fabrications. And now he is lying about his opponent s honorable record in business. He and the media have no shame.And oh yeah one more thing that we almost forgot:
Brazil's largest ever corruption probe nearing its end, judge says
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazilian federal Judge S rgio Moro on Monday said the Car Wash probe, Brazil s largest ever corruption investigation, is nearing completion in the southern city of Curitiba, where it started in 2014. There are still investigations under way, but a large part of the work has been done, Moro told reporters in Sao Paulo after a ceremony where he received a distinction from U.S.-based Notre Dame University for his work leading the probe. Brazil s largest corruption probe started almost by accident in Curitiba, when investigators went to a local Car Wash to ask owners why the small company had done several international money transfers. From there it spread to several state-controlled companies, politicians, parties and private engineering groups. But Curitiba remained the host city for almost the whole investigation. Moro said he is a bit tired due to the workload resulting from the spreading probe, but he ruled out leaving the operation until it is concluded. He also dismissed suggestions that he could run in next year s election, despite the huge popularity he gained among Brazilians. Some pollsters such as Datafolha have included Moro s name in some early surveys. They are losing their time, because this is not going to happen. Simple as that , he said, adding that he is a professional federal judge and will remain so. Despite the prospect of work related to the Car Wash investigation to end in Curitiba, Moro said they it will go on in other cities who host higher court instances and also in Brasilia, where several parts of the probe are being conducted by the Supreme Court.
OBAMA’S LIST OF 21 MEDAL OF FREEDOM Recipients Reads Like A Who’s Who Of The Far Left
CBS Reporter Asks Putin How Comey’s Firing Will Affect Russia…His Answer Is PRICELESS! [VIDEO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin got sassy with the press when he was approached by a reporter and asked about Comey: What do we have to do with it? I m off to play hockey with my fans Putin s answer when asked how Comey s firing will affect Russia PRICELESS!HAHAHA #Putin reacts to #ComeyFiring What do we have to do with it? I m off to play hockey with my fans #RussiaInvestigation pic.twitter.com/jLEe6Qw8Uu TRUMP ANOMALY (@ANOMALY1) May 10, 2017THIS ISN T THE FIRST TIME PUTIN S GOTTEN SASSY WITH THE PRESS: PUTIN Steals Famous President Bush Quote In Forceful Denial Of Russian Interference In U.S. ElectionsRussian President Vladimir Putin has denied interfering in the U.S. elections, and he did it by using a famous quote from a U.S. president. Watch my lips, no, Putin said.The Russian strongman made the claim when asked point-blank whether Russia had interfered and whether any evidence to the contrary would get found.He invoked former President Reagan, although the Read my lips quote was actually used by his successor, George H.W. Bush, speaking at a CNBC event on Arctic issues.Putin said claims of Russian interference were lies used for domestic American politics.All those things are fictional, illusory and provocations, lies, Putin continued. All these are used for domestic American political agendas. The anti-Russian card is played by different political forces inside the United States to trade on that and consolidate their positions inside. Then he delivered a friendly message to U.S. audiences. We said on numerous occasions and I reiterate that we are confident And know for sure that opinion polls in the Unites States show that very many people are friendly towards the Russian Federation and I d like to tell these people that we perceive and regard the United States as a great power with which we want to establish good partnership relations. House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday in an interview with CBS News, We all knew Russia was trying to meddle with our election. And we already know right now they re trying to do it with other countries. Ryan continued: The world s super power, the American government needs to do everything we possibly can, not only to undercut what they re trying to do but to uncover what they re trying to do and help our allies prevent it from happening. Putin also said Thursday he is ready to meet with Trump if Finland hosts an Arctic summit. Finland is set to take over the rotating leadership of the Arctic Council.For entire story: Daily Mail
HILARIOUS TRUMP CHRISTMAS VIDEO: “It’s The Most Wonderful Time In 8 Years” [Video]
Amy Adams on Eyes That Deceive - The New York Times
Amy Adams has received five Oscar nominations and this year is poised to land her sixth, for her performance in Denis Villeneuve’s “Arrival,” a stirring drama about a linguist and mother tasked with communicating with aliens. She also stars as an unhappy Hollywood gallerist in Tom Ford’s “Nocturnal Animals. ” Ms. Adams sat down with the Bagger for a brief chat on, of all days, Nov. 9. Ms. Adams steered clear of politics — “it’s a time for reflection,” is all she would say — but confessed to having slept little the night before. She spoke about what she describes as “the blank nature of my face” and the unexpected joy of not preparing to get naked onscreen in front of Mr. Ford. Here are edited excerpts from the conversation. At the beginning of your career you were known for more joyful roles, but in these two movies, these are somber and even, in the case of “Nocturnal Animals,” tortured women. Do you feel like there’s a natural evolution to that? Definitely. It takes you to a more reflective place, as you get older. Before I was just sort of working to find a niche, and now it feels like I’m taking roles with more intention. I feel more in control of my instrument, so I feel like, ‘Yeah, let’s do that, let’s try different things. ” Let’s take, and I say [here she made air quotes] risks, because at the end of the day I’m only risking humiliation. I’m not really risking my life or anything. Yet you’re very vulnerable you can see it in your eyes. You’re known for that, this sort of naked thing. The thing is, my eyes photograph on camera really big. I don’t know if it’s the color, the shape. The sort of blank nature of my face. I have one of those faces, without makeup, it’s literally a gesso canvas. On my flight, the steward came up and said, “I kept thinking I knew you from somewhere!” He only recognized me after he heard my voice. That must be nice, being able to slip by unnoticed in everyday life. I love it, I get to be a mama. I get to navigate the world for the most part. You said you initially felt not much of a connection with the role, until you had a conversation with Denis about what the core of the story was about. Can you talk about that? I think I was more concerned [with] how it would play in the final film. I knew that it was going to be and that it was written as a very intimate portrayal of a mother telling a very complicated, scientific, nuanced story to her daughter, about the decisions she made. It just felt commercially risky. But Denis was onboard. And I could tell from the way he spoke that he had this emotional, he had an intellectualism. That’s probably not the word. For someone who plays a linguist it takes me a long time to find the right word. Emotional intelligence? There it is. That’s what I’m looking for. This is what today has done to me. [Denis] has an emotional intelligence that I trusted when I met him. He looks you in the eyes. I trust that. “Nocturnal Animals” came after that and you wore these gorgeous clothes. Were you able to eat at all? I did get to, which was nice, especially for the scenes when I was younger, because I wanted my face to look younger [by looking more rounded]. You know films shoot out of order. One night, they said, “Can we shoot the shower and bathtub scene?” And I was like, “You gotta give me time. I’m still on solids!” I say that as a joke. But it made me more because I hadn’t spent all this time thinking about what I needed to look like. You’ve been nominated for Oscars five times — is it stressful going through the whole process again and again? It’s easy to get caught up, not in the nominations — not in the aspect of it, but just in everything that it becomes. The red carpets and the overimportance. It’s easy for that to sort of take center stage in that moment, especially when you’re a young woman. For me, it definitely at times is overwhelming, that whole process. But I’m always grateful because the nomination for “Junebug” and campaigning launched what is my current career. So I can’t the process.
Brazil judge suspends aspects of J&F leniency, asset sales in limbo
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A Brazilian judge on Monday suspended criminal aspects of the leniency agreement of J&F Investimentos SA, a holding company run by the scandal-ridden Batista family, adding to uncertainty about billions of dollars of asset sales. Federal Judge Vallisney de Souza Oliveira held up the criminal immunity of additional J&F executives until the Supreme Court makes a final ruling on Joesley Batista s plea bargain in a corruption probe, whose benefits were revoked due to evidence he had hidden some crimes from prosecutors. Police flew Batista to Brasilia on Monday following his surrender to authorities in Sao Paulo over the weekend after he lost immunity from prosecution. Police also raided J&F s headquarters and Batista s home on orders from Supreme Court Justice Edson Fachin. Uncertainty about J&F s leniency agreement could threaten an estimated 14 billion reais ($4.5 billion) of recent asset sales and jeopardize the future of a company that diversified from meatpacking into fashion, energy, wood pulp and banking over the past five years. J&F lawyers said Joesley Batista did not lie or omit information in his plea deals. A lawyer for Batista did not take calls seeking comment. JBS SA (JBSS3.SA), the world s largest meatpacker and the crown jewel of the Batistas empire, also signed terms last week to participate in the J&F leniency agreement. On Monday, JBS agreed to sell its British poultry unit Moy Park to U.S. subsidiary Pilgrim s Pride Corp (PPC.O) for $1 billion. Civil aspects of the J&F s leniency agreement, which was signed in June and ratified by Judge Oliveira on Friday, remain in effect, according to a statement late on Monday from federal prosecutors. J&F reached a deal with prosecutors earlier this year agreeing to pay a record fine of 10.3 billion reais for its role in a corruption scandal involving the bribery of hundreds of politicians. That settlement was based on a plea bargain signed by Joesley Batista and collaborators in May to deliver evidence including a recording of his conversation with President Michel Temer, which led to a corruption charge against the leader. But additional evidence later handed to prosecutors included another tape that appeared to show that Batista had been helped by federal prosecutor Marcelo Miller in crafting the plea deal and concealing certain crimes, according to prosecutors. Police also raided Miller s Rio de Janeiro home on Monday. His lawyers said he cooperated with the search and with investigators. The scandal was the latest shock to Brazil s business and political establishment after three years of investigation into widespread political bribery and kickbacks on contracts with state-run companies. The recording of President Temer provided to prosecutors by Batista allegedly revealed him endorsing hush payments to a possible witness in the graft probe. Temer has repeatedly denied the accusations and the lower house of Congress voted against him standing trial at the Supreme Court. ($1 = 3.10 reais)
DELINGPOLE: Revealed - The Real Reason Trump Pulled Out Of Paris...
… Is because he has a very powerful bullshit detector. We know this thanks to a fascinating and unwittingly revelatory article in the German newspaper Der Spiegel.[ The paper reveals how, in the days running up to President Trump’s decision to quit the UN Paris accord, he received a series of deputations from EU leaders urging him to change his mind. “For me it’s easier to stay in than step out,” Trump told them. This is perfectly true. Since his momentous Rose Garden speech announcing his plans to pull out of Paris, Trump has taken more flak than a raid over Berlin in ’44. He has upset his daughter Ivanka, his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, his financial advisor Gary Cohn. On top of that, he has given the entire liberal half of the planet, plus sundry conservative squishes, the perfect excuse they needed to dismiss him as a loon in thrall to Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Evil, etc … If Trump pulls the US out of the #ParisAgreement he will be committing a traitorous act of war against the American people. My statement: pic. twitter. — Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) May 29, 2017, USA to Earth: FUCK YOU, — Michael Moore (@MMFlint) June 1, 2017, Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 1, 2017, So what was it that tipped Trump over the edge? Well sure, as he made clear in his brilliant White House speech, it was about American jobs. But while I’ve no doubt that that fact provided the rational basis for his bold, principled decision, I think we can look elsewhere for the tipping point. And here it is, in black and white, in Der Spiegel‘s account of how the G7 leaders tried to badger Trump at the summit in Taormina, Sicily. Leaders of the world’s seven most powerful economies were gathered around the table and the issues under discussion were the global economy and sustainable development. The newly elected French president, Emmanuel Macron, went first. It makes sense that the Frenchman would defend the international treaty that bears the name of France’s capital: The Paris Agreement. “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries,” Macron said. Then, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reminded the U. S. president how successful the fight against the ozone hole had been and how it had been possible to convince industry leaders to reduce emissions of the harmful gas. Finally, it was Merkel’s turn. Renewable energies, said the chancellor, present significant economic opportunities. “If the world’s largest economic power were to pull out, the field would be left to the Chinese,” she warned. Xi Jinping is clever, she added, and would take advantage of the vacuum it created. Even the Saudis were preparing for the era, she continued, and saving energy is also a worthwhile goal for the economy for many other reasons, not just because of climate change. At which point, Trump’s bullshit detector must have been bleeping off the scale. Let’s examine those arguments, one by one. First, Mummy’s Boy Macron’s line that “Climate change is real and it affects the poorest countries. ” The first half is trivially true: climate has indeed been changing for the 4. 5 billion years of the planet’s existence. But the notion that recent climate change is catastrophic, unprecedented and significantly is a shaky theory, not a proven fact. And in any case it is beside the point. Even supposing that climate change is all those things, it doesn’t alter the fact that Paris is a pointless waste of money, especially for countries like the U. S. which are expected to bear the burden of the cost. As Bjorn Lomborg has calculated, using the alarmists’ own models and data, if every signatory nation sticks to Paris then the effect will be to reduce global warming by 0. 17 degrees C by 2100. At a cost in excess of $100 trillion. As for the “affects the poorest countries” part — even if this is true, there are better ways of helping poor countries than bombing the U. S. economy to the dark ages. Like, promoting a flourishing economy which yields more to spend on foreign aid. Next, Canadian Prime Minister Bieber on the Ozone Layer. As Matt Ridley shows in some detail here, the vanishing ‘ozone layer’ is more or less an urban myth trotted out by environmentalists mainly to justify their insatiable advocacy of . For reasons I will explain, this news deserves to be taken with a large pinch of salt. You do not have to dig far to find evidence that the ozone hole was never nearly as dangerous as some people said, that it is not necessarily healing yet and that it might not have been caused mainly by CFCs anyway. The timing of the announcement was plainly political: it came on the 25th anniversary of the treaty, and just before a big United Nations climate conference in New York, the aim of which is to push for a climate treaty modelled on the ozone one. See how these memes get repeated, over and over again, as memes are? That piece was from 2014. You can lay money that it won’t be the last time some environmentalist or politician brings it up to “prove” that concerted intergovernmental legislation works because it “healed the ozone layer. ” Finally, the Mutti of all Globalists herself, Mrs Merkel. “Renewable energies, said the chancellor, present significant economic opportunities. ” Yes, I suppose they do, if like Elon Musk you’ve got your snout buried deep in the subsidies trough, or like Warren Buffett you like to profit off the tax credits or like wind and solar developers everywhere you just don’t care about the bats and birds sliced and diced, the countryside spoiled and the people who have their sleep disturbed and their property values trashed. But strip away the subsidies and the green lies and renewables make no economic or environmental sense at all. As for the green Chinese. The green Chinese are laughing at us. As, by the way, are the Indians. And here’s why … Now do you see what I mean? President Trump pulled out of Paris for a lot of sensible reasons. But the one that tipped him over the edge was quite simply this: when you’ve got your fellow leaders of the free world insulting you with arguments you know to be bullshit and treating you like you’re some kind of an idiot, well suddenly it all becomes crystal clear what you’ve gotta do … You call those charlatans’ bluff and remember why it was that people voted you to be President of the U. S. A: because they wanted someone real doing the job, for a change, and not yet another of those charlatans …
Exclusive: From Russia with fuel - North Korean ships may be undermining sanctions
MOSCOW (Reuters) - At least eight North Korean ships that left Russia with a cargo of fuel this year headed for their homeland despite declaring other destinations, a ploy that U.S. officials say is often used to undermine sanctions. Reuters has no evidence of wrongdoing by the vessels, whose movements were recorded in Reuters ship-tracking data. Changing a ship s destination once underway is not forbidden and it is unclear whether any of the ships unloaded fuel in North Korea. But U.S. officials say that changing destination mid-voyage is a hallmark of North Korean state tactics to circumvent the international trade sanctions imposed over Pyongyang s nuclear weapons program. Changing course and the complex chain of different firms many offshore involved in shipments can complicate efforts to check how much fuel is supplied to North Korea and monitor compliance with a cap on fuel imports under U.N. sanctions. As part of North Korea s efforts to acquire revenue, the regime uses shipping networks to import and export goods, U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Marshall S. Billingslea told the congressional Foreign Affairs Committee this month. North Korea employs deceptive practices to conceal the true origins of these goods. Pyongyang has been found to routinely falsify a vessel s identity and documentation. The eight vessels identified in the tracking data set sail from the Far Eastern Russian port of Vladivostok or nearby Nakhodka and registered China or South Korea as their destination with the Information System for State Port Control. After leaving Russia, they were next recorded off the North Korean ports of Kimchaek, Chongjin, Hungnam or Najin. None went on to China and most went back to Russia. All had a cargo of diesel, a source at the company that services vessels in Vladivostok said. Their cargo capacity ranged from 500 tonnes to 2,000 tonnes. One of the vessels was the Ma Du San, owned by North Korea s Korea Kyongun Shipping Co. It took on a cargo of 545 tonnes of marine fuel at Vladivostok s Pervaya Rechka terminal, owned by Russia s Independent Petroleum company (IPC). Reuters obtained a bill of lading a receipt for goods issued when a ship loads up dated May 19 showing the Ma Du San s cargo came from Khabarovskiy NPZ, a refinery owned by IPC. The ship set sail on May 20. Documents filed with Russia s Information System for State Port Control stated its next destination as the Chinese port of Zhanjiang and the bill of lading showed it as Busan in South Korea. The Ma Du San s next recorded location after Vladivostok was inside the perimeter of the port of Kimchaek all the other ships were tracked only in the vicinity of ports. North Korean ships intermittently turn off their transponders, and satellites cannot track them at such times, U.S. officials say. Allegations outlined in two U.S. Treasury Department sanctions orders and a legal complaint filed by the U.S. government match the information Reuters obtained on the Ma Du San though the U.S. documents do not name the vessel involved. On June 1, the U.S. Treasury Department included IPC on its sanctions blacklist, saying it provided oil to North Korea and may have been involved in circumventing sanctions. On Aug. 22, the U.S. government sanctioned two more companies, both registered in Singapore Transatlantic Partners and Velmur Management Pte. Ltd. The legal complaint, also filed on Aug. 22, accused the two firms of money laundering on behalf of sanctioned North Korean banks seeking to buy petroleum products, citing a bill of lading for May 19 for a cargo of diesel sold by IPC to Velmur and loaded in Vladivostok the same date as the bill of lading for the Ma Du San. Andrey Serbin, who represents Transatlantic Partners, said the firm had not received payments from a sanctions-hit bank and that ownership of the fuel changed after it was loaded. We sold the fuel to a Chinese company, Serbin, who has been blacklisted by the U.S. government for operating in the energy industry in the North Korean economy and working to purchase fuel for delivery to North Korea, said of several shipments where the company acted as middleman. There s no way we can control them (the goods), he said. Serbin did not identify the vessels Transatlantic Partners loaded fuel on to, but a source in a company that services ships in Vladivostok said the Ma Du San was among them. The bill of lading named the recipient of the Ma Du San s cargo as a company called LLC Sky Shipping Limited. Reuters was unable to find any record of such a firm. Velmur said it could not have known where the cargo would end up and did not knowingly help anyone dodge sanctions. IPC did not respond to a request for comment. Its parent company, Bermuda-registered Alliance Oil Company Ltd., denied having any contractual relations with North Korean companies when U.S. sanctions were imposed on IPC. The U.S. Treasury and State departments declined to answer questions about Reuters findings. Russia s foreign ministry did not respond to questions about fuel exports to North Korea but has said Russia complies with the sanctions. Russia s customs service said it could not provide information about movement of goods across borders. Since the U.S. sanctions were imposed on IPC, all North Korean-flagged vessels that had been in Vladivostok port have left, according to the tracking data. They departed with no cargo, an employee with a shipping agent in Vladivostok said. This is confirmed by documents seen by Reuters. Russian supplies of oil and oil products to North Korea are much smaller than volumes shipped by China, Pyongyang s only major ally. Beijing has acted to reduce the flows, but Russia s trade in all goods with North Korea more than doubled in the first quarter of 2017 to $31.4 million. Moscow s trade with Pyongyang is under closer scrutiny following a series of missile launches by North Korea and a test involving what it said was a hydrogen bomb. (GRAPHIC - After Russia, ships located off North Korea click tmsnrt.rs/2xvVgL0) (This story fixes punctuation in paragraph 5)
BOYCOTT BACKFIRES! Ivanka Trump Clothing Line Reports Record Sales
Ivanka Trump s eponymous women s fashion line is reporting record sales figures despite calls for a boycott and controversies surrounding President Trump. Since the beginning of February, they were some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand, Abigail Klem, the president of the Ivanka Trump fashion brand, tells Refinery29 in an interview published Tuesday. For several different retailers Ivanka Trump was a top performer online, and in some of the categories it was the [brand s] best performance ever. The news of a sales surge comes after Nordstrom announced in early February that it would no longer carry the 35-year-old s clothing and accessories, citing poor product sales. The move caused President Trump to tweet shortly after the announcement that his daughter was being treated so unfairly by the luxury department store giant.Also last month, Neiman Marcus stopped carrying the first daughter s jewelry line on its website, and employees of T.J. Maxx and Marshalls stores were instructed to throw away any signage advertising her wares. The Office of Government Ethics recommended disciplinary action against White House adviser Kellyanne Conway after she urged viewers to go buy Ivanka s stuff during a February interview on Fox & Friends. A campaign called Grab Your Wallet, which is critical of the Trump administration, asked shoppers to boycott retailers with any Ivanka or Donald Trump-branded products.According to the e-commerce aggregator Lyst, from January to February, Ivanka Trump sales increased 346 percent, Refinery29 writes.Read more: The Hill
UK government still undecided on final Brexit aims: Hammond
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s government has not yet decided what it wants from a final Brexit deal because it is still waiting to clear preliminary talks with Brussels, finance minister Philip Hammond said on Wednesday. With the clock ticking towards Britain s scheduled March 2019 exit from the European union, the government is focused at the moment on getting a green light for the negotiations on future trade relations with the EU, Hammond said. The cabinet has had general discussions about our Brexit negotiations but we haven t had a specific mandating of an end-state position, he told lawmakers in Britain s parliament. Prime Minister Theresa May s top ministers have big differences over what Brexit should mean for Britain, and over the extent of concessions that the country should offer in return for preferential access to the EU s single market. Hammond said a group of key government ministers would deal with the issue once Britain is given the go-ahead by other EU countries that it can proceed with negotiations for a new, post-Brexit trade deal. That go-ahead is on hold pending an agreement by the bloc s other 27 member states that Britain has done enough on the terms of its divorce, now stuck on differences over how open the future border between Ireland and Northern Ireland should be. We are not yet at that stage and it would have been premature to have that discussion until we reach that stage, Hammond told parliament s Treasury Committee. A spokesman for May, asked about Hammond s comments, told reporters that government ministers would discuss the preferred outcome of the Brexit talks before the end of the year. We re not into phase two (of negotiations) yet, and Brussels have been clear that they re not prepared to discuss end state , the spokesman said. Earlier on Wednesday Brexit minister David Davis inflamed critics of the government s handling of Brexit when he said he had not conducted formal sector-by-sector analyses of the effect of Brexit on the economy, arguing they were not yet necessary. Hammond has previously said he favors striking a pragmatic deal with the EU to minimize Brexit s impact on businesses and the economy, angering some Brexit supporters who favor a more definitive rupture with Brussels. On Wednesday, Hammond reiterated that Britain would leave the EU s single market and its customs union but that need not represent a big change to Britain s relationship with the bloc, if Britain replicates most of the current arrangements. Now, that would have consequences and some of our colleagues would not find that palatable, but it would be logically possible to approach it in that way, he said. May hopes to secure the launch of the second phase of the Brexit negotiations when she meets other EU leaders next week. But she suffered a setback this week when her allies in a political party from Northern Ireland objected to proposals for post-Brexit rules for the border with Ireland. The Democratic Unionist Party said on Wednesday the stand-off increased the likelihood of a no deal Brexit - the nightmare scenario for many British businesses.
Comment on Actor Jon Voight’s plea to save America by Auntie Lulu
Transcript: “My dear fellow Americans, We are all feeling tremendous anxiety with only a few weeks left to the election. This will be the most important election in American history. We were once a country a freedom, and now we’re becoming a country of tyranny. We are witness to our own people burning down and looting our cities: Ferguson, Missouri; Milwaukee; Atlanta; Florida; Baltimore. We are all witness to our own people killing our policemen. Islamic terrorists have killed thousands of people all over our country, and Hillary and Obama want to be politically correct and pretend all the killings are not happening. How many Americans are aware of George Soros? — an evil man who turned hundreds of Jewish people over to the Nazis to be exterminated during World War Two. He was interviewed on ’60 Minutes’ and was asked if he feels guilty for what he’s done, and arrogantly he said, ‘Absolutely not. If I didn’t do it, someone else would have.’ Soros is a billionaire who makes most of his money manipulating currencies and almost bankrupting many countries. He supports hate groups responsible for taking down our cities. He’s a close friend of Hillary Clinton and a major supporter of her campaign. Robert De Niro is a millionaire, as are so many of our Hollywood stars who are voting for Hillary, and who have absolutely no tolerance for anyone of a different opinion, forgetting that that is what our country is founded on — freedom of choice. But they will not be affected by Hillary’s open borders. Only the poor and middle class will suffer. Thousands of refugees will flood our nation, and no one will know the good guys from the bad guys. It will kill our economy, which is at an all time low now under years of Obama’s presidency, and Hillary boasts of how proud she will be to continue Obama’s legacy! No one can afford health insurance now. Prices for health care have gone through the roof. Thanks to Obamacare, our once reasonable health care is gone. With Hillary as president, we will lose our Second Amendment with our right to bear arms. Freedom of religion will be attacked, and Hillary will try to stop all conservative voices on TV and radio. Our highest courts will become socialists, and she will restrict what America was founded on — our freedom to become a small business owner, and pursue our own personal dreams. She has blood on her hands from the Benghazi terrorist raid. Four of our American patriots died. And when the parents stood over their loved ones’ coffins, she lied to them about the cause of their sons’ deaths. The pendulum of freedom is not balanced. Hillary and her followers are running a cruel campaign to stop and degrade all of Trump’s followers. Her words were echoed loud and clear for all Americans to hear. Hillary said, ‘Trump’s followers are a basket of deplorables. They are unredeemable.’ May God protect the real truth, and may Donald Trump win this presidency. He will save our America, and he will certainly make it great again. Thank you.”
Dems sue GOP over Trump's 'rigged' complaints
Dems sue GOP over Trump's 'rigged' complaints Claim argument designed to suppress vote in minority communities Published: 2 hours ago (CNN) The Democratic National Committee is suing the Republican National Committee for aiding GOP nominee Donald Trump as he argues that the presidential election is “rigged,” claiming that Trump’s argument is designed to suppress the vote in minority communities. The suit, filed Wednesday in US District Court in New Jersey, argues that the RNC has not sufficiently rebuked Trump for the line of attack, which he has used as a rallying cry and is assumed to be a way to explain away a potential loss on Election Day. What (more) we’ve learned about Clinton’s circle, Neera Tanden from email hack
Trump's march stirs growing sense of dread among U.S. Republicans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans in Washington are coming to grips with what many of them not long ago considered an unimaginable reality: Donald Trump is likely to be their presidential nominee and standard-bearer. The prospect of Trump winning the Republican primary had been the stuff of Washington jokes, whispered hallway conversations and eye-rolls, even as he led in public opinion polls for months and dominated debate after debate. But with the brash billionaire now winning three straight contests in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada, denial is giving way to a mostly gloomy acceptance that he may have too much momentum to be stopped, especially if wins big in key Southern primaries next week that look favorable to him. “It fills all of us with concern and dread,” said Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, who has endorsed fellow Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, considered the main hope of the Republican establishment to derail Trump’s march to the nomination. That march was given a boost on Friday when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican presidential candidate who dropped out of the race after a dismal finish in New Hampshire, became the first major establishment Republican to endorse Trump. “There is no better fighter than Donald Trump,” Christie said at a news conference with Trump in Texas. Trump has vowed to scrap U.S. trade deals, slap a tariff on imported goods and raise taxes on hedge-fund managers, as well as retain some sort of mandate to purchase health insurance - clashing with the free-market principles that have long underpinned Republican economic policy. Some Republicans in Congress, such as Flake and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, said a Trump nomination would do enormous damage to the party and predicted a heavy election defeat in November to the eventual Democratic nominee. “I am like on the team that bought a ticket on the Titanic after we saw the movie,” said Graham, contending that Trump would be “slaughtered” in the general election. In a Republican presidential debate in Houston on Thursday night, another Trump rival, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, challenged him on his electability, citing ties to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton such as a donation to the Clinton Foundation. Trump responded by ridiculing Cruz for his inability to win more than the early voting state of Iowa and taunted him for being behind the billionaire in opinion polls in Cruz’s home state of Texas. Said Trump, “If I can’t beat her, you’re really gonna get killed, aren’t you?” Another Rubio supporter, Representative Carlos Curbelo of Florida, told Reuters he would not back Trump if he were the nominee. “If the nominee is a fraud, and someone who’s offensive, and incapable of being an effective president like Donald Trump, I won’t support him,” Curbelo said. Other Republicans tried to be more optimistic. “I don’t think his nomination would be catastrophic,” said Senator Susan Collins of Maine. She said she did not believe, as some strategists fear, that having Trump on the ballot in November would hurt Republican chances for holding onto control of the Senate, where the party currently has a 54-46 edge. Conservative economist Arthur Laffer, an adviser to former President Ronald Reagan who has been counseling Trump on tax policy, said he was convinced the real estate mogul was open to sound advice. Laffer recalled Trump telling him: “‘Look, if you’ve got a better idea than I’ve got, tell me, and I’ll change.’” Senator John Thune of South Dakota suggested Trump’s presence could help by bringing more voters to the polls. “There’s a lot of energy, a lot of intensity on our side,” Thune said. Privately, lobbyists, economists, and analysts expressed deep concern about having Trump, who has proposed building a wall along the southern U.S. border and imposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, as the face of the party. “There are a lot of people who are really freaked out,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who was the chief economic policy advisor to 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain. “He seems to be winging it.” Conservative policy-makers worry that Trump’s pitch to voters is based on his management skills rather than conservative principles. Juleanna Glover, a prominent Republican communications consultant, told Reuters that Trump’s ascent “spells the death of the party’s sentient and cohesive governing framework.” Two Republican business lobbyists, who also asked to remain unidentified, told Reuters that they are very concerned about Trump, chiefly because they do not know what he stands for. They said they have no sense of certainty because Trump’s positions on issues such as tax, trade, and regulation range from being only vaguely understood to completely unknown. By vowing to make America “win” again abroad while going into little detail on his foreign policy plans, Trump is also stirring concern in Washington national security circles. A high-ranking official at a conservative think-tank, who spoke on condition of anonymity because his job requires him to steer clear of partisan politics, said: “Every serious student of American strategy is sick to their stomach about the possibility of Trump being the Republican nominee.” Robert Kagan, a conservative foreign relations expert at the Brookings Institution think tank, said in a column for the Washington Post on Thursday that he would vote for Clinton rather than Trump. “The party cannot be saved, but the country still can be,” he wrote. Paul Ryan, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and a leading voice on conservative economic policy, was asked Thursday whether he could work with someone like Trump if he became the nominee. “We’ll cross these bridges when we get to it,” Ryan said. “But I do believe that we will be able to unify as a party.” Asked about the hand-wringing in the Republican establishment about Trump, his campaign manger, Corey Lewandowski, said, “Look, we’ve got relationships with those guys and we talk to them all the time. “But I think what you find is that, you know, politics as usual in Washington, D.C., is not something that the American people want,” he said. Lewandowski added that voters “sent a very clear message” in the three early voting states where Trump won nominating contests “that they want someone who is going to make fundamental change.” Asked if Trump’s campaign would work harder to win establishment endorsements as he got closer to the nomination, Lewandowski pointed to former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, an early establishment favorite who quit the race on Saturday. “If endorsements mattered,” he said, “Jeb Bush would be the nominee.” (Reporting by Susan Cornwell, Richard Cowan, Kevin Drawbaugh, Jason Lange, Arshad Mohammed, David Morgan, James Oliphant, Matt Spetalnick and Emily Stephenson; Writing by James Oliphant; Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Frances Kerry) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
Outgoing U.S. envoy says U.N. needs to 'push' Iran on arms embargo
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council needs to push Iran to abide by an arms embargo, outgoing U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power said on Wednesday amid U.N. concerns that Tehran has supplied weapons and missiles to Lebanese Shi’ite group Hezbollah. Most U.N. sanctions were lifted a year ago under a deal Iran made with Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, the United States and the European Union to curb its nuclear program. But Iran is still subject to an arms embargo and other restrictions, which are not technically part of the nuclear agreement. In her last appearance at a public Security Council meeting before U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration steps aside on Friday, Power said that recognizing “progress on Iran’s nuclear issues should not distract this council from Iran’s other actions that continue to destabilize the Middle East.”Under a Security Council resolution enshrining the 2015 deal, the U.N. secretary-general is required to report every six months on any violations of sanctions still in place. U.N. political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman briefed the 15-member council on the second U.N. report and said there had been no reports of nuclear-related or ballistic missile-related violations of the council resolution. However, the report expressed concern that Iran may have violated the resolution by supplying arms to Hezbollah. Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator said in 2015 that Tehran had no intention of complying with the arms embargo or ballistic missile restrictions. “We on the council need to come together to push Iran to effectively implement the binding provisions of resolution 2231 - especially restrictions that ban Iran’s export of arms and related material,” said Power. She did not specify how. The council could impose further sanctions over breaches of the arms embargo, but Russia and China - which are council veto powers along with the United States, France and Britain - were unlikely to agree to such a move, diplomats said. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has threatened to scrap the nuclear agreement or seek a better deal. Trump’s nominee to replace Power, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, said it would be better to review the deal rather than withdraw from it. She also told lawmakers at her Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday that Iran should be held accountable for sanctions violations. She said: “Anytime that we put sanctions forward we should follow through on those when there are violations.”
Comment on Scientists Find A Plant That Could Treat Diabetes & Kill Cancer Cells by Scientists Find A Plant That Could Treat Diabetes & Kill Cancer Cells – Collective Evolution | SFO
More recently, bitter melon juice was shown to kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in mice in a study done by the University of Colorado. Considering the results were seen in both in vitro and in vivo tests, the effectiveness of bitter melon juice in treating pancreatic cancer, and potentially other cancers, at a clinical level are promising.[ 1 ] “IHC analyses of MiaPaCa-2 xenografts showed that BMJ(Bitter Melon Juice) also inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and activates AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) in vivo . Overall, BMJ exerts strong anticancer efficacy against human pancreatic carcinoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo , suggesting its clinical usefulness.” Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat due to the fact that it is often discovered late, leaving very little time to treat. Since traditional therapies (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery etc) were not showing promising results and littler advancement was being made, researchers have been looking elsewhere to find treatment. Interestingly, cannabis, specifically cannabinoids, have been shown to induce apoptic (programmed) death of human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and stop pancreatic tumor growth in vivo.[ 4 ] Cannabis is perhaps one of the most popular treatments being aggressively pursued right now given its promising results both in labs and anecdotally. Scientific Evidence Many cancerous tumors have insulin receptors which move glucose to cancer cells helping them to grow and divide. Studies have shown that insulin encourages pancreatic cancer cells to grow in a dose dependant manner, since bitter melon has been shown to help regulate insulin levels, this could help prevent pancreatic cancer over the long-term. The Colorado University study was led by Dr. Rajesh Agarwal. They examined effects of bitter melon on 4 different lines of pancreatic cancer cells (in vitro) and in mice. For the in vivo studies, mice were injected with pancreatic tumor cells and were randomly divided into one of two groups. One group of mice received water, which was the control group, and the other group was given bitter melon juice for six weeks. [6] Researchers studied the tumors at the end of the study and results showed that bitter melon juice not only inhibited cancer cell proliferation but also induced apoptosis (programmed cell death). Compared to the control, tumor growth was inhibited by 60% in the treatment group and there were no signs of toxicity or negative effects on the body. With toxicity and negative effects being a huge role in traditional mainstream treatments, this was positive to see. Diabetes A number of clinical studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of bitter melon for treating diabetes. Since it is believed that diabetes is a precursor for pancreatic cancer, researchers felt bitter melon could treat diabetes as well after seeing pancreatic cancer results. In 2011, results of a four week long clinical trial were published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology that showed modest hypoglycemic effects and significant fructosamine management for those taking 2000mg/day of bitter melon. As published by the study: “Bitter melon had a modest hypoglycemic effect and significantly reduced fructosamine levels from baseline among patients with type 2 diabetes who received 2,000 mg/day. However, the hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon was less than metformin 1,000 mg/day.”[ 3 ] Another study published in 2008 in the international journal Chemistry and Biology indicated that compounds in bitter melon improved glycemic control, helped cells uptake glucose and improved overall glucose tolerance. This study was done in mice and led to promising advancements in treating diabetes and obesity with bitter melon.[ 4 ] In contrast, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology in 2007 did not show significant benefit of the treatment of diabetes by bitter melon but 2 years later in the British Journal of Nutrition it was stated that “more, better-designed and clinical trials are required to confirm the fruit’s role in diabetes treatment.” Since that 2007 study, more studies have been done to show beneficial effects which perhaps was a result of better design. Conclusion When it comes to bitter melon juice, the current research available is showing strong results for specific types of cancer cell destruction, diabetes treatment and potential prevention of pancreatic cancer. Further research and clinical trials would be helpful to better understand how effective this plant can be and in what specific cases. It remains a very promising option that could be explored under the correct supervision. Other Uses of Bitter Melon Bitter melon has been used as a traditional medicine for a long time. It has been used to treat: colic, fever, burns, chronic cough, painful menstruation and skin conditions.[ 5 ] The Sacred Science follows eight people from around the world, with varying physical and psychological illnesses, as they embark on a one-month healing journey into the heart of the Amazon jungle. You can watch this documentary film FREE for 10 days by clicking here. "If “Survivor” was actually real and had stakes worth caring about, it would be what happens here, and “The Sacred Science” hopefully is merely one in a long line of exciting endeavors from this group." - Billy Okeefe, McClatchy Tribune
Zimbabwe's ruling party says will never succumb to army threats
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s ruling ZANU-PF party said on Tuesday it would never succumb to military pressure and described a statement by the armed forces chief that he would intervene to end a purge within the party as treasonable conduct . In the statement, ZANU-PF said it stood by the primacy of politics over the gun and accused armed forces chief Constantino Chiwenga of trying to disturb the peace and stability of the impoverished southern African nation.
MEDIA BUSTED ON LATEST Lie About Trump…Here’s Why It’s So Important [Video]
The press has been lying about President Trump since day one but it s never been more evident than during the 9-day trip the POTUS and FLOTUS just finished.The press claimed that Melania Trump swatted the president s hand away during a walk. Not true!The press decided that the president manhandled a guest at the G7 when he moved forward to take his assigned spot. Not true!The latest lie is that President Trump chose not to listen and not wear headphones during a speech. Not true!The big problem with all of this is that the video of Trump watching the speech went viral and the tweet making the false claim was retweeted thousands of times. The retraction was retweeted about 42 times. Fake news and false allegations against our president end up becoming truth to those who read the fake news put out by the main stream media. In fact, the BBC reporter who put out the video and tweet STILL has the lie up on his twitter page!Here it is below:A short clip that sums up this G7 summit: look who has chosen not to hear a translation of his Italian host s speech #G6 pic.twitter.com/6pXbBlfvof James Landale (@BBCJLandale) May 27, 2017Frank Luntz tweeted out just how important it is when the press lies it becomes truth:
Russian Official Apologizes for Doping Problem but Says Athletes Shouldn’t Be Barred - The New York Times
Russia, facing deepening scrutiny over accusations that it orchestrated a doping campaign during the Sochi Olympics in 2014, on Sunday made a public plea for its track and field athletes to be allowed to compete in this summer’s Games in Rio de Janeiro. Writing in The Sunday Times, a British newspaper, the Russian sports minister said Russian officials, coaches and athletes made “serious mistakes,” but he stopped short of specifying them or admitting to any state role. “We are very sorry that athletes who tried to deceive us, and the world, were not caught sooner,” wrote the sports minister, Vitaly Mutko. “We are very sorry because Russia is committed to upholding the highest standards in sport and is opposed to anything that threatens the Olympic values. ” But he added: “It cannot be right that clean athletes should suffer for the behavior of others. In no other walk of life would this happen. ” The accusations of an elaborate drug operation at the 2014 Winter Olympics, published last week in The New York Times, have led to growing calls to bar Russia and its powerhouse track and field team from the Rio Games, which are set to open in August. Craig Reedie, the president of the World Agency, told the BBC on Saturday that it was “highly unlikely” that Russia’s antidoping agency would be declared compliant with world sports rules in time for the Games. Russia was provisionally suspended from international track and field competition by the International Association of Athletics Federations in November after WADA issued a report that outlined a pervasive culture of doping among the country’s sports programs. The I. A. A. F. is expected to decide next month whether the country has done enough to fix the problems and have its eligibility reinstated. In the New York Times report, Grigory Rodchenkov, a former director of Russia’s antidoping laboratory, detailed how a doping program that involved dozens of athletes unfolded at the Sochi Games. Dr. Rodchenkov said state antidoping experts and members of the intelligence service covertly replaced tainted urine samples with clean ones collected from the athletes months earlier, before they started doping. Russia has reacted to the accusations with statements both deploring the use of drugs by its athletes and vigorously rejecting contentions that it was involved. On Thursday, the Russian sports ministry acknowledged in a statement that doping problems existed among its athletes while expressing “shock” over Dr. Rodchenkov’s disclosures. Speaking to reporters the next day, a spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin said, “All this simply looks like slander by a turncoat. ” The deputy sports minister, Yuri Nagornykh, said Russia and the athletes named in the Times article were considering whether to file a defamation lawsuit. On Sunday, Mr. Mutko struck a much more conciliatory tone. He said Russian officials were doing all they could to stamp out doping by the country’s athletes. He also said that aspiring Olympians would be subjected to additional tests and that two “international experts” were now based in Moscow to supervise the country’s antidoping agency. “We have done everything that has been asked of us by the I. A. A. F. in order to be reinstated,” Mr. Mutko wrote in The Sunday Times. However, he added, the scourge of doping extends worldwide. To single out Russia would be unfair, he said. “The Olympic Games should be a cause of unity,” he said. “Barring Russia’s athletes from competing in Rio would risk tearing this unity apart. ” Peter Donnelly, the director of the Centre for Sport Policy Studies at the University of Toronto, said on Sunday that Mr. Mutko had touched on a legitimate problem with how doping violations are handled by sports governing bodies. The International Olympic Committee and world sport federations need to find ways to target punishments at those who are complicit in an athlete’s doping, Dr. Donnelly said, adding, “It’s difficult for me to see how punishing all pending Russian Olympic track and field athletes can be considered as justice. ”
Kellogg to Cut 250 from American Workforce - Breitbart
As a long list of companies announce new initiatives to add jobs and enlarge investment in the U. S. economy in the coming age of Trump, Kellogg Co. is announcing that it intends to cut another 250 jobs in America. [The famed breakfast cereal company has confirmed recent reports that it intends to scale back its workforce, according to USA Today. The move is intended to make the company more efficient and is to be “focused on eliminating work that doesn’t drive the highest returns. ” Kellogg was still trading on Wednesday near its low, closing at $71. 98, which was five cents below its Tuesday closing. “The majority of the impacted employees work at our headquarters in Battle Creek, and changes are taking place across most functions in the organization,” the company told the media. “As you would expect from Kellogg, we’ll help our impacted people through these transitions, including offering severance benefits and outplacement services. ” Kellogg has manufacturing plants across the country as well as in 17 other countries. But the company’s profits have been slipping for several years, now, resulting in a cutting of several thousand jobs since 2014. Last November the company announced it was cutting up to seven percent in its international workforce, and that was even after the company cut jobs at its Tennessee Eggo plant in June. And in 2014 Kellogg closed down a plant in London, Ontario, Canada with a loss of about 500 jobs. The announcement of yet another round of job cuts comes after the company decided to cut its advertising with Breitbart News at the end of 2016, thereby snubbing Breitbart’s 45, 000, 000 readers. In November, Kellogg noted that Breitbart News’s conservative readers are not “aligned with our values as a company. ” While the decision by Kellogg to cease advertising made virtually no revenue impact on Breitbart. com. it did represent an escalation in the war by leftist companies like Target and Allstate against conservative customers whose values propelled Donald Trump into the White House. Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at igcolonel@hotmail. com.
DOES NANCY NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION? Watch As Nancy Pelosi Stumbles Over Everyday Words A 3rd Grader Can Pronounce [VIDEO]
Thank you to the American Mirror for putting this video together showing Nancy s very bad week.Nancy Pelosi is apparently the best leadership Democrats have to offer America, so drink it in.During two public appearances this week, she confused Iran with Iraq, pronounced words strangely, and claimed Republicans are offering a Mini Me or Mickey Mouse budget. Ends her very strange press conference by saying, I don t know. But there s no there there . We re beginning to wonder if Nancy is still there ?Is Nancy so flustered and panicked by Trump s presidency and her diminished role in Congress that she is no longer able to speak in public? Or, is it possible (all kidding aside) that she needs to be examined by a medical professional?You be the judge
THIS Test Will Tell If You Are An Indigo, A Crystal Or A Rainbow Child!
Many people believe that there has been a wave of individuals being born in order to change the old ‘Iron’ and industrial way of life to more ‘enlightened’ and spiritual. You’ve probably heard about ‘ Indigo Children ’ and ‘ Lightworkers ’ across the internet. Lightworkers are just a consequence the ways of the modern world have brought to the human psyche. A Lightworker is a person who can sense that there’s a lot of healing to be done on a large scale to the world. The modern ways of life are disharmonious and harmful to ourselves and Nature, which we are all a part of. This results in subconscious awareness that something needs to be done, especially in people who are born into the modern society. Newer generations are unbound from ‘the chains’ people who were constructing the modern society have been imprisoned with. The chains I am referring to are actually their investment of energy, their mindset and character developed in a different era, with far less available information. These new generations can clearly see the bigger picture and what doesn’t work. That’s why they have a heightened sense to fix the world. Just like there are popular terms in the science community addressing these new generations as ‘generation x’, ‘generation y’and ‘generation z’, there are terms in the spiritual movement addressing these generations as ‘ Indigo Children ’, ‘ Crystal Children ’ and ‘ Rainbow Children ’. WHAT KIND OF LIGHTWORKER ARE YOU? Check what kind of lightworker you are. What aspect has most traits that describe you? INDIGO CHILDREN: Born between the 1960s and the 1990s; Rebellious and warrior in spirit; Despises the system; Loves to isolate; Fond to addictions; Stubborn; CRYSTAL CHILDREN: Born between 1980s and 2000s; Strong and pure hearted; Highly developed imagination and creativity; Extremely empathetic and emotional; Passionate about supernatural phenomena and superheroes; Easygoing; RAINBOW CHILDREN: Born after the new millennium; Positive and happy; Technologically advanced and easy in understanding new gadgets; Loving and hard to contain; Loves animals, Nature and possibly vegan; Free; THIS IS WHAT THESE LABELS MEAN: Indigo children are born between the 1960s and the 1990s really similar as the baby boomers of the generation x. They are rebellious and unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They are warriors in spirit. They want to rage against the corrupted system that governs society and this trait projected itself into the art, the music, the movies, the movements and the lifestyle of their youth. They experimented with psychedelic substances, they forced their mind to be opened. All of this resulted in creation of new businesses and inventions that changed the future forever, like the internet. Crystal children are most likely to be the children of people from generation x. They are born around 1990s and 2000s slightly differing from generation y which addresses people born between 1980s and 2000s. However, the characteristics of crystal children and generation y individuals are almost exactly the same. They are intuitive, spiritually aware and passionate about supernatural subjects. They have highly developed imagination and creativity. They understand things easily, they are extremely empathetic and very easy going. This contradictive schism between their emotions forces them to use drugs, to visit psychiatrists, feel high levels of anxiety, have panic attacks and sometimes even more serious issues with their mental health. They are born in a transition time, in a period where humanity made its biggest leap with technological advancement which affected all areas of society. They grew up in times without internet and times when you cannot imagine how you lived without internet. This transition happened in only 10 years period, which is REALLY small amount of time for such great change. This affected their way of seeing the world. It’s like they were forced to raise their consciousness in an accelerated rate. But that’s ok because they are strong enough, like crystals. They always see the world with pure eyes, which additionally adds to their ‘crystal children’ description. Because of their imagination, purity of heart and strength, they are attracted to the superhero phenomena. Their art, music, movies, businesses, even their lifestyles are inspired and driven by various superheroes they idolized while they were growing up. Rainbow children are the newest generation of people, or generation z, born after the new millennium. They are modern and more technologically advanced than generation x and y because they are raised in a period where humans are more connected than any time in the known human history. They had almost all of the information in the world available to them while they were growing up, only by pushing few buttons. These kids are happy and positive. They are like a breath of fresh air. They are bringing happiness and joy to the whole world through various inventions, platforms and mediums that the generation x has developed and generation y perfected. Their light and positivity makes them freer than any generation in modern history. They love traveling, they hate being tied up to one person and they cannot stand the old conformistic ways. It feel like prison to them. Think of them like light; they give warmth, life and cannot be captured. Their whole being is pure and that’s why most of these kids are vegan. THE GREATEST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE 3 GENERATIONS IS THIS: The Indigos are here to destroy what’s not working and pave the way for a better world. The crystal children are the ones who need to create, develop and build the new ways uniting the best from the old and the new. The rainbow children are here to give life and fertilize the new and improved world that’s in harmony with Nature and the human potential. All of these 3 spiritual archetypes need to work together so there will be a real change to the way humanity further develops. However, it doesn’t mean that if you are an indigo you cannot be a crystal or a rainbow child. You can evolve through all of these 3 archetypes depending on your environment, understanding and purpose. And a lot of people do. These are simply 3 different aspects of one larger program called being a ‘Lightworker’ which works to heal the world. HERE IS HOW WE ARE ALL A PART OF THIS SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION: This spiritual revolution is a consequence of the collective human psyche. To understand this you must understand how we are all connected. You must grasp the fact that EVERYTHING connects to everything else, even our thoughts. Émile Durkheim first introduced the collective conscious back in 1893 and described as the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. However, just like our collective conscious Carl Jung called a phenomena ‘Collective Unconscious’ which is the subconscious mind shared by all of humanity. This is how we are all connected. This is how all of us, unintentionally created the perfect environment for ‘Lightworkers’ to be developed and act as an antidote to the virus that could have destroyed us. Maybe that was the defensive mechanism of our collective subconsciounsess or a higher plan of our collective psyche to help us thrive together as species. Life Coach Code SOURCE
FL Pastor Targets Neighbor With Nazi Flag Display Over Boating Laws (IMAGE)
Naples, Florida pastor John Gursoy is outraged over new boating regulations in the gated community where he lives. The new regulations include limiting the number of boats that can be parked at one dock and raising the age of boat operators from 13 to 14. Volunteer board members for the community association also voted to uphold a longstanding ban on two-stroke engines. The new regulations so infuriated the Florida pastor that he went to Kinkos and printed off a Nazi flag.Upon returning home, Gursoy raised the flag on a cherry picker in his yard. He also hung a sign slandering neighbor Peter Rietz, who volunteers his time to serve on the board.The sign reads Peter Rietz Fascist? Discriminates. Image credit: Naples Daily NewsUpon seeing the display, some members of the Florida community were disturbed enough to call police.Because the flag and sign are on private property, local law enforcement officers say no crime is being committed.When asked about the display by Naples Daily News, Gursoy said: This flag is symbolic of the most discriminatory, selective enforcement of rules ever in the history of mankind. He went on to explain how the boating regulations, which were designed to protect the environment and members of the community where he lives, compare to Nazi Germany, saying it was all that kept coming to my mind. Gursoy told Naples Daily News that he put the sign up as a warning to the community that this is the direction we re going with the current board. Because clearly not being able to park ten boats on a single dock or let a 13-year-old drive a watercraft is just like Nazi Germany all over again. It s very frustrating, Peter Rietz said during an interview with Naples Daily News. My wife is up in arms. Our neighbors are all up in arms. The police have been here. It s obviously in poor taste and reflects on the individual. He added, It s hard to believe how someone who holds himself out as a Christian would behave in this fashion. According to Naples Daily News Gursoy is a youth minister at Celebration Community Beach Church.Image credit: Naples Daily News
Trump ordered Syrian air strike before dinner with Xi
WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH (Reuters) - In a secure room at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, President Donald Trump’s top military advisers presented him with three options for punishing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a poison gas attack that killed dozens of civilians. It was Thursday afternoon, just hours before 59 U.S. cruise missiles would rain down on a Syrian military airfield in response to what Trump had called “a disgrace to humanity.” Trump was at his Florida estate for his first summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping. But that summit took a backseat to the top-secret briefing by U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, an official familiar with the briefing told Reuters. McMaster and Mattis presented Trump with three options, which were quickly narrowed to two: bomb multiple airfields or just the Shayrat airfield near the city of Homs, where the military jet carrying the poison gas had taken off, the official said. At least 70 people, including 20 children, were killed in the gas attack in northern Syria. Russia, which has military forces in Syria aiding Assad’s government, says the deaths were caused by a gas leak from a depot where rebel groups stored chemical weapons, a charge the rebels deny and U.S. intelligence officials say is false. After listening to an argument that it was best to minimize both Russian and Arab casualties, the official said, Trump chose the minimum option and ordered the launch of a barrage of cruise missiles against the Shayrat air field. Mattis and McMaster argued that choosing that target would draw the clearest line between Assad’s use of nerve gas and the retaliatory strike, the official said. In addition, the living quarters occupied by Russian advisers, Syrian airmen and some civilian workers were on the periphery of the airfield, which meant it could be destroyed without risking hundreds of casualties — especially if the attack occurred outside the base’s normal working hours. Another official privy to the discussions said the administration has contingency plans for possible additional strikes as early as Friday night, depending on how Assad responds to the first attack. “Whether this is over is up to President Assad,” said this official. “We have additional options ready to go.” Confronting his first foreign policy crisis, Trump relied largely on seasoned military officers — Mattis, a former Marine general, and McMaster, a U.S. Army lieutenant general — rather than the political operatives who had dominated his policy decisions in the first weeks of his presidency, said three officials involved in the deliberations. After news of the gas attack first surfaced on Tuesday, Trump immediately requested a list of options to punish Assad, according to two senior officials who took part in those meetings. The officials all spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations and intelligence matters. Senior administration officials said they met with Trump as early as Tuesday evening and presented options including sanctions, diplomatic pressure and plans for a variety of military strikes on Syria, all of them drawn up well before he took office. The most aggressive option on the shelf, one of the officials said, called for a “decapitation” strike on Assad’s presidential palace, which sits alone on a hill west of downtown Damascus. “He had a lot of questions and said he wanted to think about it but he also had some points he wanted to make. He wanted the options refined,” one official said. On Wednesday morning, intelligence officials and Trump’s military advisers said they were certain which Syrian air base was used to launch the chemical attack and that they had tracked the Sukhoi-22 jet that carried it out. Trump told them to focus on the military plans. “It was a matter of dusting those off and adapting them for the current target set and timing,” said another official. On Wednesday afternoon, Trump appeared in the White House Rose Garden and said the “unspeakable” attack against “even beautiful little babies” had changed his attitude toward Assad. Asked then whether he was formulating a new policy on Syria, Trump replied: “You’ll see.” At about 3:45 p.m on Thursday afternoon, General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff called an unscheduled meeting of the service chiefs at the Pentagon to finalize the plan for the military strikes. Shortly after 4 p.m., Trump signed off on the missile attacks, according to the White House. Two U.S. warships – the USS Ross and the USS Porter – fired 59 cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean Sea at the targeted air base. They began landing at around 8:40 p.m. ET (00:40 GMT), just as the two presidents were finishing their meals.
TRUMP HITS BACK After Cowgirl Congresswoman Trashes Him Over Words Said to Grieving Widow
The left is going ballistic over supposed words said by President Trump to a grieving military widow. President Trump made a call to Myeshia Wilson that s been turned into a political football by the left to make Trump out to be crazy . Wilson s husband was killed in Niger while serving in our military so President Trump was making a sympathy call to Mrs. Wilson. Unfortunately, Wilson s family has been put in the middle of an effort to bash Trump.The media also wasted no time covering this story. They re doing their best to try and make Trump look as bad as possible Just another day in the life of the lefty media.Far left Congresswoman Frederica Wilson jumped right in to trash Trump after the call. She s following the left s narrative by claiming Trump is a sick man . It s pretty funny that Wilson calls Trump crazy while wearing a glittery cowgirl hat 24/7.The Resist movement includes Wilson who refused to go to Trump s inauguration. Wilson also attacked the president in May when she said said he needs psychological help and is desperate for attention. Perhaps Cowgirl Wilson should look in the mirror .According to left leaning propaganda news NBC: He said, But you know he must ve known what he signed up for, the Democrat recounted Trump saying more than once during the call to express his sympathy. According to Wilson, the conversation lasted somewhere from three to five minutes. Everyone knows when you go to war you could possibly not come back alive but you don t remind a grieving widow of that, Wilson said. That s so insensitive. Trump didn t even remember his name, Wilson recalled Myeshia Johnson telling her after the call ended, the congresswoman told MSNBC s Morning Joe Wednesday. She hung up the phone and said, He didn t even remember his name, Wilson said. That s the hurting part. The White House said Tuesday that the president had called the families of all four service members who were killed. He offered condolences on behalf of a grateful nation and assured them their family s extraordinary sacrifice to the country will never be forgotten, the White House said.Asked about Wilson s characterization of the call, a White House official said Tuesday night that the president s conversations with the families of American heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice are private. PETE HEGSETH POINTED OUT THAT THIS IS HOW FAR THE LEFT WILL GO TO TRASH TRUMP:Pete Hegseth said on Fox & Friends that this is another example of Trump s opponents taking every opportunity to twist or spin his words, even if it involves a fallen soldier. They want to question at every turn what he says he s committed to, Hegseth said. There s no one more committed, I believe, to our service members, to our veterans than this president. He said this shows how committed Democrats are to resisting Trump no matter what.TRUMP HITS BACK:Trump hit back at the claims saying he has proof of what was said on the call:Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2017Wilson took no time in shooting back that Trump is a sick man . She s clearly milking this for all it s worth. It s sick that this Democrat would use this call to a grieving widow to bash our president.
UK's May needs parliament to back deal with N.Irish party - campaigner
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May must seek parliamentary approval for a billion-pound deal with a Northern Irish party that propped up her government after an inconclusive election, a legal campaigner quoted government lawyers as saying on Monday. After losing her majority at the June 8 election, May s Conservative Party secured the support of the small Democratic Unionist Party which allowed her to form a minority government. Northern Ireland would get 1 billion pounds ($1.3 billion) extra funding as part of the deal, the government said at the time. [nL8N1JN0LL] But, citing correspondence with government lawyers, campaigner Gina Miller, who defeated ministers in an earlier high-profile legal case over the process for triggering Britain s exit from the European Union, said the deal could not be executed without parliamentary approval. Alongside a statement condemning the government for not making the need for parliamentary approval public, Miller released a letter from the government s legal department. The agreement does not, and could not, involve the Government providing or committing itself to any provision of additional funds to Northern Ireland which would not be authorised under standard procedures, including the consent of Parliament, the letter said. A spokesman from May s office said all government spending required parliamentary authorisation, and that its focus in Northern Ireland was on ending a political stalemate that has left it without a regional government for eight months. Any parliamentary vote would be expected to pass with the support of Conservative and DUP lawmakers, but could invite further unwelcome scrutiny of a deal which has been heavily criticised by political opponents. The opposition Labour Party described it as a bribe and said the government needed to be clear about how it would be paid for. In January, Miller successfully challenged the government s plan to begin EU divorce proceedings without first seeking parliamentary approval. After a Supreme Court ruling sided with Miller in that case, May was forced to pass legislation through parliament.
Stockholm Attacker Was ’Rejected Asylum Seeker’: British Citizen Among Dead
Swedish police revealed Sunday the Uzbekistan citizen suspected of driving a stolen lorry into crowds killing four on Friday was a rejected asylum seeker who was wanted for deportation. [The man was due to be expelled from Sweden, reports the country’s newspaper AftonBladet. Police commander Jonas Hysing told the paper “we do not know where they are, so we can not enforce expulsion” speaking of the many migrants who should be deported from the country but the government keeps no records of their whereabouts. The officer also confirmed police were aware that the suspect had expressed an interest and sympathy for the Islamic State online. According to the report, the man applied for a residence permit in 2014, and that it took until 2016 for it to be rejected, with the Asylum board ruling he should be deported. Officers called at his registered address in February 2017 but found he didn’t live there. Two months later it is believed the suspect stole a delivery lorry and drove through crowds and then into a department store in Stockholm, killing four and injuring 15. One of those identified as having died in the attack was a British citizen. Another was Belgian, and two more were Swedish citizens. No identities other than nationalities have yet been made public. Breitbart London reports Sunday that the suspect travelled to Sweden to make money in the construction trade. A source said of the man “He just wanted to make money, that’s why he was in Sweden and worked as a construction worker. His wife and children still live abroad”. This is not the first time in recent history that a rejected asylum seeker due to be deported by the Swedish government has gone on to launch an attack against citizens in the country. Breitbart London reported on the Ikea attack in August 2015 where Eritrean migrant Abraham Ukbagabir took a packet of knives in the shop’s kitchenware department and stabbed two shoppers to death before attempting to kill himself. He later told investigators he struck because he wanted “revenge” against Sweden for having his asylum application rejected. Despite having been so keen to stay in Sweden in 2015, the killer has since complained he doesn’t like Swedish prisons and wants to be transferred to one in Eritrea.
Actor Mark Ruffalo Joins Activists In ND To Protest Dakota Access Pipeline
Mark Ruffalo is one the movie industry’s most outspoken advocates on environmental issues. In addition to confronting Monsanto’s CEO and declaring that the biotech company is poisoning people,...
Mexico expresses ire over U.S. migration policy, vows more dialogue
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Senior Mexican officials expressed “worry and irritation” to U.S. counterparts regarding President Donald Trump’s policies on Thursday, while both sides pledged further dialogue on sensitive migration, trade and security issues facing the two neighbors. Mexico’s foreign and interior ministers Luis Videgaray and Miguel Angel Osorio Chong spoke to reporters along with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security chief John Kelly following closed-door meetings in the Mexican capital.
Zimbabwe court grants bail to U.S. citizen charged with subversion
HARARE (Reuters) - A high court judge in Zimbabwe said on Thursday the state s case against a U.S. citizen charged with trying to subvert President Robert Mugabe s government lacked facts and ordered that she be granted bail. Martha O Donovan has been in prison since Saturday, a day after she was arrested on accusations of insulting Mugabe in a Twitter post. Police later leveled the more serious charge of subversion, which carries a possible 20-year jail term. She denies both charges. O Donovan works for Magamba TV, which describes itself as Zimbabwe s leading producer of political satire. In granting her bail, High Court Judge Clement Phiri said there was a patent absence of facts in the state s case. The applicant has demonstrated that she should be granted bail. It is my finding that it is in the interests of justice that the applicant be given bail, Phiri said. O Donovan was not in court. Phiri ordered her to deposit $1,000 with the court, surrender her passport and report to the criminal investigations department twice a week as part of her bail conditions. Her lawyer Obey Shava said O Donovan would be released on Friday after completing administrative procedures. Amnesty International said in a statement the case showed that Zimbabwean authorities had contempt for freedom of expression. The state s case centers on a Twitter post it says she wrote in October calling Mugabe a selfish and sick man . The government set up a Ministry of Cyber Security last month. Zimbabwe is facing acute shortages of foreign exchange and cash. The country is also concerned with who will succeed Mugabe, 93, who has ruled since independence from Britain in 1980. He plans to contest next year s election. This week Mugabe fired his deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa from the government and ruling party for disloyalty . Mnangagawa was seen as a potential successor. Formal opposition to Mugabe is limited but the government is wary of social media. Last year, activists including pastor Evan Mawarire used it to organize the #ThisFlag movement. Its stay-at-home demonstration was the biggest protest in a decade.
2 Reminders to Ignore the "Trump is Doomed" Polls
2 Reminders to Ignore the "Trump is Doomed" Polls We've recently had two object lessons in the worthlessness of the "Trump is Doomed" polling saga. A few days ago, the media was loudly trumpeting that Hillary's victory was inevitable, that the polls were in and she was going to ignore Trump and focus on building her administration and winning downticket races. And then, just like last time around, the numbers turned around again. I was recently asked to predict the race. I answered that the one thing I could predict is that the media will claim a landslide for Hillary right before the election. That much is very likely. It's in the media's interest to spread FUD by promoting polls that predict not just a Hillary win, but a landslide, creating the perception that voting is useless. The more Republicans feel that the outcome is futile, the less likely they will be to go out and vote. But the scandal polling numbers have a history of rebounding. This remains a challenging and very unusual election. The premature panic we've seen in some circles is unhealthy. We shouldn't completely ignore poll numbers, but neither should we treat them as inevitable. We've had two major lessons in why that's short sighted.
Catalans have no choice but to delay, says former adviser
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Catalonia s president has no choice but to suspend secession since it is unlikely anyone will recognize the Spanish region on the basis of a disputed referendum, a former British diplomat who has advised the Catalans and other secessionist movements said. Carne Ross, who as founder of the diplomatic consultancy Independent Diplomat has worked with Kosovo, South Sudan, Western Sahara and Catalonia on their respective bids for sovereignty, said there would be no solution to the crisis without a legal plebiscite agreed to by Madrid. To get there would require pressure from Spain s European Union partners, Ross told Reuters in a telephone interview. A full declaration of independence would have been very problematic, would have led to obvious confrontation with Madrid and he (Catalan President Carles Puigdemont) was under enormous pressure not to declare independence, including I assume from the countries that Catalonia would look to for recognition, said Ross. At the end of the day, if you re to be independent, you need to be recognized as such. I think they are only likely to get international recognition if there is a legal referendum that Madrid accepts. Puigdemont declared on Tuesday that Catalonia had the mandate for independence but proposed suspending sovereignty to allow for talks with Madrid on an agreed solution. On Wednesday, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called for clarity as to whether or not Catalonia had declared independence and raised the specter of Madrid suspending the region s autonomy. Catalonia s Oct. 1 referendum was declared illegal by a Spanish high court and mustered only 43 percent turnout as many independence opponents stayed at home. Hundreds of people were injured by baton-wielding police as they intervened to close polling stations. Ross said many Catalans had been radicalized by Madrid s resistance and police behavior. Fuel has been added to the fire, he said. In my view, legitimate independence can only be legitimately declared when it has a clear majority of the population. I don t think it is right to declare independence when you don t have that clear majority. And as things currently stand, Catalonia does not have that clear majority. Ross formerly headed the Middle East section of the British mission to the United Nations but resigned from the civil service in 2004 over the invasion of Iraq. His work with Independent Diplomat was the subject of the documentary Accidental Anarchist that was broadcast in July on the BBC. Ross, who advised the Catalan government between July 2013 and September 2015 and is a committed advocate of self-determination, said it was unrealistic to expect a mediated solution resulting in, for instance, greater autonomy for Catalonia. He cited the examples of Montenegro and Scotland, in which referendums were held on the basis of negotiated terms in 2006 and 2014 respectively. Montenegro narrowly voted to leave a state union with Serbia, while a majority of Scots opted to remain with Britain. I think that the international community should be calling for Madrid to do what Britain did with Scotland, which is to allow a legal referendum to resolve this once and for all. French President Emmanuel Macron has rejected a call by Puigdemont for EU mediation, but Ross said the bloc should state clearly to Madrid that it needs to find a more consensual solution . Asked if the Catalans had erred in holding a referendum that Madrid did not agree to, Ross replied: They had no other option to build up the pressure for that dialogue.
Turkish air strikes kill 29 Kurdish militants in northern Iraq: army
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes hit Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq on Monday and killed 29 of the group s militants, Turkey s armed forces said. The PKK fighters were believed to be preparing an attack on Turkish border posts from the Hakurk and Metina regions of northern Iraq, the army said in a written statement. Several caves and shelters used by the militants were destroyed in the air strikes, it said. The PKK, which has been waging an insurgency in southeast Turkey since the 1980s, is designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. More than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
BUSTED: The Oh So Objective ABC News Chief Anchor, George Stephanopoulous Made Huge Donation To Clinton Foundation
Just like Hillary Stephanopoulos claims it was an honest mistake not to disclose his donations to the corrupt Clinton slush fund ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has given $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, charitable contributions that he did not publicly disclose while reporting on the Clintons or their non-profit organization, the On Media blog has learned.In both 2013 and 2014, Stephanopoulos made a $25,000 donation to the 501 nonprofit founded by former president Bill Clinton, the Foundation s records show. Stephanopoulos never disclosed this information to viewers, even when interviewing author Peter Schweizer last month about his book Clinton Cash, which alleges that donations to the Foundation may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton s actions as Secretary of State.In a statement to the On Media blog on Thursday, Stephanopoulos apologized and said that he should have disclosed the donations to ABC News and its viewers.Watch George discuss the problem with donations to the Clinton Foundation on the Daily Show with John Stewart, and how it might make people question if donations to the Foundation could be seen as pernicious : I made charitable donations to the Foundation in support of the work they re doing on global AIDS prevention and deforestation, causes I care about deeply, he said. I thought that my contributions were a matter of public record. However, in hindsight, I should have taken the extra step of personally disclosing my donations to my employer and to the viewers on air during the recent news stories about the Foundation. I apologize. Stephanopoulos is the chief anchor and chief political correspondent for ABC News, as well as the co-anchor of ABC s Good Morning America and host of This Week, its Sunday morning public affairs program. Prior to joining ABC News, he served as communications director and senior advisor for policy and strategy to President Clinton. He also served as communications director on Bill Clinton s 1992 presidential campaign.In its own statement on Thursday, ABC News said it was standing behind its star anchor. As George has said, he made charitable donations to the Foundation to support a cause he cares about deeply and believed his contributions were a matter of public record, the network s statement read. He should have taken the extra step to notify us and our viewers during the recent news reports about the Foundation. He s admitted to an honest mistake and apologized for that omission. We stand behind him. ABC News later told the On Media blog that it would not take any punitive action against Stephanopoulos: We accept his apology, a spokesperson said. It was an honest mistake. Sources with knowledge of Stephanopoulos charitable giving said he gives to dozens of charities Stephanopoulosevery year and that the total sum of these annual contributions is in the millions of dollars. Those sources said that the Clinton Foundation contributions represent a very small percentage of the total.On the April 26 edition of This Week, Stephanopoulos interviewed Schweizer and challenged the author s assertions that Hillary Clinton may have committed a crime because there was a troubling pattern between donations to the Foundation and Clinton s actions as Secretary of State. We ve done investigative work here at ABC News, found no proof of any kind of direct action, the host told Schweizer. An independent government ethics expert, Bill Allison, of the Sunlight Foundation, wrote this. He said, There s no smoking gun, no evidence that she changed the policy based on donations to the foundation. No smoking gun. Later in the interview, Stephanopoulos said, I still haven t heard any direct evidence and you just said you had no evidence that she intervened here. He also noted that other news organizations that used Schweizer s research haven t confirmed any evidence of any crime. Among the more notable revelations to come out of Schweizer s research is the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, a former Canadian mining company that was taken over by Russia in 2013 with U.S. government approval. Between 2009 to 2013, Uranium One s chairman donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.Hillary Clinton has said that there is not an inherent conflict of interest between the Foundation donations and her decisions at the State Department. Her campaign has consistently dismissed the accusations as partisan attacks.Via: Politico
U.S. carries out first strikes against Islamic State in Somalia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States carried out its first air strikes against Islamic State militants in Somalia and killed several terrorists, the U.S. military said on Friday. The Pentagon s Africa Command said the first strike was carried out at midnight local time (2100 GMT, Thursday) and another one at 11 a.m. on Nov. 3. Several terrorists were killed, the military said in a statement, adding that the strikes were conducted in coordination with Somalia s government. U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist threats, the statement said. Islamic State has been gathering recruits in the region, although experts say the scale of its force is unclear and it remains a small player compared to the al Shabaab group. Last month, a group loyal to Islamic State seized a small port town in Somalia s semi-autonomous Puntland region, the first town it has taken since emerging a year ago. The group, which refers to itself simply as Islamic State, is a rival to the larger al Shabaab force, which is linked to Islamic State s rival al Qaeda and once controlled much of Somalia. The United States has occasionally carried out strikes against al Shabaab militants in Somalia, which retains a strong presence in parts of the south and center and carries out gun and bomb attacks. The al Shabaab group aims to drive out the peacekeepers, topple Somalia s Western-backed government and impose its strict version of Islam on the Horn of Africa state. More than 350 people were killed in twin bombings in the Somali capital Mogadishu last month, the deadliest attack in the country s history. Earlier this year, the White House granted the U.S. military broader authority to carry out strikes in Somalia against al Shabaab.
Obama says Chinese-led trade deal shows need for TPP: Washington Post
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday that a Chinese-led regional trade deal demonstrated the urgent need for Congress to approve the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. Obama has been pushing to finalize the TPP before he leaves office on Jan. 20, but he needs to overcome strong anti-trade sentiment from both the left wing of his own Democratic Party as well as from the right flank of the Republican Party. Voter anxiety over the impact of trade deals on jobs and the environment has featured large in the campaigns of Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner for the Nov. 8 presidential election, and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who is running against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In an opinion piece published on the website of the Washington Post on Monday, Obama said he understood voter skepticism but that “building walls to isolate ourselves from the global economy” would backfire on the American economy. “China is negotiating a trade deal that would carve up some of the fastest-growing markets in the world at our expense, putting American jobs, businesses and goods at risk,” Obama said in the piece. Obama was referring to the 16-member Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, and noted that China was seeking to finalize the deal by the end of the year. “That trade deal won’t prevent unfair competition among government-subsidized, state-owned enterprises. It won’t protect a free and open Internet,” Obama said, also criticizing the RCEP’s lack of protections for intellectual property, labor standards and the environment. Obama, who plans a visit to TPP partners Japan and Vietnam later this month, argued the TPP would allow America to “call the shots” on trade with Asia. “That’s why my administration is working closely with leaders in congress to secure bipartisan approval for our trade agreement, mindful that the longer we wait, the harder it will be to pass the TPP,” he said. Asked about Obama’s comments, China’s Foreign Ministry said global trade rules should be discussed by all countries, not just set by one. China has an open attitude towards TPP, which should be promoted together along with RCEP to help achieve the goal of a free trade zone in the Asia Pacific, ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing in Beijing.
Trump, Clinton tension seeps into jokes at annual charity dinner
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. presidential campaign tensions seeped into a high-profile charity dinner on Thursday as Donald Trump joked about sending Hillary Clinton to prison and she alluded to Trump’s statements about women by estimating how he might rate the Statue of Liberty’s attractiveness a four, maybe a five. The candidates shared the stage at a formal dinner in New York City named for the state’s former governor, Alfred E. Smith, less than 24 hours after finishing their third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas on Wednesday. The annual event, which raises money for needy children, typically offers presidential hopefuls a respite from the tension of the campaign trail. But Trump and Clinton opted to instead trade sharpened barbs that reflected the acrimony of the 2016 White House campaign. Trump spoke first and set the room on edge with bitter jabs at his rival, with his label of Clinton as “corrupt” drawing boos. “With all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other,” Trump said. “In fact just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very civilly said, ‘Pardon me.’” “And I very politely replied, ‘Let me talk to you about that after I get into office,’” said Trump, a Republican whose supporters chant “lock her up” at rallies. Clinton, whose remarks elicited both polite applause and derision, riffed off Trump’s derogatory remarks about women’s appearances, such as joking in a 2002 radio interview that they become less attractive after age 35. “Donald looks at the Statue of Liberty and sees a four, maybe a five if she loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair,” Clinton said of the New York City landmark. “Come to think of it, you know what would be a good number for a woman? 45,” Clinton said. The president elected on Nov. 8 will be the 45th in U.S. history. Trump and Clinton sat just a seat apart on the dais, separated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York. At the event’s conclusion, they shook hands – a gesture they avoided at Wednesday’s debate. But the tone of both candidates’ remarks was a departure from the past, when political figures and presidential candidates have stuck to a largely self-deprecating and good-natured brand of humor. At one point at the event, which raised $6 million for Catholic charities supporting children, Trump said Clinton was “pretending not to hate Catholics.” Trump was referring to the apparently hacked personal emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, which show Clinton staffers criticizing high-profile figures for embracing Catholicism as the most “politically acceptable” of socially conservative religions. Alfred Smith IV, the evening’s host, perhaps best reflected the tension in the room, and the campaign, in his introductory remarks: “This has been a campaign for the history books,” he said. “It has also been a campaign for the psychiatry books.”
How U.S. Schools Can Improve Math Education - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Clinton Staff Readies EMP Launch To Disable All Nation’s Electronic Devices NEW YORK—In an effort to prepare for any new revelations that might emerge about her emails during her tenure as secretary of state, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reportedly told her staff Tuesday to ready the launch of several electromagnetic pulses to disable all of the nation’s electronic devices. Doctors Restore Ken Burns’ Full-Color Vision After Removing Massive Tumor From Filmmaker’s Visual Cortex CLEVELAND—Speaking to reporters following the successful eight-hour procedure Tuesday, neurosurgeons at the Cleveland Clinic confirmed they had removed a golf ball–sized tumor from the visual cortex of filmmaker Ken Burns, restoring the documentarian’s ability to see in full color. Mom Produces Decorative Gift Bag Out Of Thin Air LEXINGTON, MA—Conjuring the item into existence along with several sheets of perfectly coordinated tissue paper, local mother Caroline Wolfson, 49, reportedly produced a decorative gift bag out of thin air Tuesday within a mere fraction of a second of her daughter mentioning she needed to wrap a present. Paul Krugman’s Facebook Friends Excitedly Posting About New Article He Got Published In ‘The New York Times’ NEW YORK—Sharing the link on their news feeds with captions such as “You have to read this!” and “Check out what a buddy of mine wrote,” Paul Krugman’s Facebook friends reportedly spent Tuesday morning excitedly posting about a new article of his that was published in The New York Times. End Of Section
NWO Horror: Duterte says he want all Foreign Troops OUT of Phillipines!!!
NWO Horror: Duterte says he want all Foreign Troops OUT of Phillipines!!! On NPRSeeks closer ties with China! Anonymous Coward Re: NWO Horror: Duterte says he want all Foreign Troops OUT of Phillipines!!! Page 1 Mail with questions or comments about this site. "Godlike Productions" & "GLP" are registered trademarks of Zero Point Ltd. Godlike™ Website Design Copyright © 1999 - 2015 Godlikeproductions.com Page generated in 0.011s (10 queries)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Federal Government May Ban Passengers from Checking Guns in Baggage
In the wake of the January 6 shooting in the Ft. International Airport zone, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz ( ) makes clear that the federal government may no longer allow passengers to check a gun in their baggage. [According to NBC 6, Wasserman Schultz indicated that she wants to see the federal government do something. She said, “We certainly need to revisit and review whether or not you should be allowed to check firearms in your checked baggage and travel with them. ” She also floated the option of creating a secure area where people who check guns have to go to pick up their firearm. And her third option was a ban on checking ammunition. Lost on Wasserman Schultz is the fact that Florida is one of only six states where it is illegal for concealed carry permit holders to carry a gun in unsecured areas for . So large groups of unarmed innocents stand together in areas of the airport that lack security it is a mass public attacker’s dream come true. Banning guns in checked baggage would do nothing to stop further attacks, as a criminal or terrorist with a gun can walk into the unsecured areas from the pickup curb and kill easily. The solution here is clear: eradicate the law that mandates that concealed carry permit holders be disarmed in baggage claim areas. This is a action, rather than a federal one, and Representative Jake Raburn ( ) has already introduced legislation to repeal the requirements. Under Raburn’s plan, criminals and terrorists will have to deal with the fact that citizens can shoot back. AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of “Bullets with AWR Hawkins,” a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart. com.
“COMEDIAN” CHRIS ROCK WAS A RACIST BEFORE IT WAS COOL: “You can’t beat white people at anything…nothing. But you can knock ’em out.” [VIDEO]
To watch a black comedian with a net worth of $70 million in a country with a majority white population whine about his victimhood is just pathetic. And for anyone who thinks it s okay for Rock to spew this kind of hatred for whites in a video because he s a comedian, you may want to watch this video (especially starting at the 3:10 mark) because there s nothing funny about anything he has to say: My dad used to say: You can t beat white people at anything nothing. But you can knock em out.' In my neighborhood, there s like 3- 4 black people in my neighborhood in Alpine. It s me, Gary Sheffield, Mary Jane Blige, Patrick Ewing. Hall of Famer, Hall of Famer, greatest R & B singer of our time. Who lives next to me? What s the white man next to me? He s a dentist. He didn t invent anything, he s just a dentist. That s what America is.(So, going to college and becoming a successful dentist is something that was given to him?) Tell the third generation white coal miner about his white privilege Chris. Tell the white single mom flipping burgers by day and cleaning hotel rooms by night about her white privilege Chris. Maybe, just maybe, if you took off your racist goggles for 5 minutes, you might see that blacks don t have the market on victimhood. And if you think anything has changed since victim Chris Rock made this racist video, here is a video he made about the Confederate flag 3 years ago. Watch as he attempts to mock every white person (or cracker as he calls them). The best line is when he calls Al Sharpton Martin Luther King with a perm :
Democratic fund-raising group for Congress candidates confirms hack
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A committee that raises money for Democratic candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives confirmed on Friday it had been hacked in an intrusion possibly linked to Russian hackers, similar to an earlier breach targeting another Democratic Party group. In an incident that escalated concerns about the potential for Russian meddling in U.S. politics, Reuters first reported on Thursday that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing the hack at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC. The intrusion took place from at least June 19 to June 27, though it may have been longer, according to analysis conducted by U.S. network security company FireEye. The committee said in a statement it has hired cyber security firm CrowdStrike to investigate. “We have taken and are continuing to take steps to enhance the security of our network,” the committee said. “We are cooperating with federal law enforcement with respect to their ongoing investigation.” The DCCC hack may be related to an earlier hack against the Democratic National Committee, which raises money and sets strategy for Democratic candidates nationwide. The DNC and DCCC occupy the same office building in Washington. Potential links to Russian hackers in both incidents were likely to heighten accusations, so far unproven, that Moscow is trying to meddle in the U.S. presidential election campaign to help Republican nominee Donald Trump. The Kremlin denied involvement in the DNC cyber attack. In June, a bogus website was registered with a name resembling a DCCC donation site. For some time, donation-related internet traffic that was supposed to go to a donation-processing firm instead went to the fake site. The DCCC intrusion may have been used to compromise the computer systems of donors who visited the spoof site, rather than to collect their personal information, said John Hultquist, manager of cyber espionage analysis at FireEye. Several major Democratic donors contacted by Reuters on Friday said they had not been notified of the hack and were not concerned about their information being accessed. “I’m less concerned about that than I am about my Amex being hacked,” said John Morgan, 60, a Florida attorney. Cindy Miscikowski, 68, a California donor, said she would be upset if hackers got her bank information, but otherwise she was not worried because donations are disclosed publicly. The timeframe of the DCCC hack would place it days after the DNC went public with its breach and said the hackers had been kicked out of its systems. Sources said the numerical Internet address of the spurious DCCC site resembled one used by a Russian government-linked hacking group, one of two suspected in the DNC breach. Rich Barger, co-founder of security intelligence firm ThreatConnect Inc, said his analysis of the fake donation site tied it to the group linked to Russian military intelligence. He said the web domain name was set up through a service that accepts bitcoin, with a contact email address that had been used to set up websites involved in a major German hack, which also was attributed to the Russian group. Cyber experts and U.S. officials said this week there was evidence that Russia engineered the DNC hack to release sensitive party emails and influence U.S. politics. The DNC hack raised concerns among Democrats at the party’s convention in Philadelphia, where Hillary Clinton was nominated as the party’s candidate in the Nov. 8 presidential election. The new hack at the DCCC could add pressure on the Obama administration to make a public accusation or retaliate. The Justice Department and other agencies have said it is important for deterrence to “name and shame” cyber adversaries. “Any efforts on a nation state’s part to interfere with U.S. politics through cyber attacks would appear to cross a line that would demand a response from the U.S. government,” said D.J. Rosenthal, a former Justice Department and National Security Council official. A former White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said any formal accusation would require overwhelmingly certain evidence. Staffers for the Republican National Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said separately that those campaign organizing groups had not been hacked.
Strong jobs number holds risks for Clinton
Killing Obama administration rules, dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early to-do list.
Officials to Close Standing Rock Protest Campsite - The New York Times
Citing public safety concerns, federal officials plan to close access to a campsite where demonstrators have protested the construction of a crude oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota and create a “free speech zone. ” The Army Corps of Engineers, in a letter Friday to the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Dave Archambault II, said the decision had been made to “protect the general public from the violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement officials that have occurred in this area. ” Mr. Archambault said in a statement that the tribe was “deeply disappointed” by the decision. “It is both unfortunate and disrespectful that this announcement comes the day after this country celebrates Thanksgiving — a historic exchange between Native Americans and the first immigrants from Europe,” he said. “Although the news is saddening, it is not all surprising given the last 500 years of mistreatment of our people. ” The authorities will close the area north of the Cannonball River, including the Oceti Sakowin camp, about 40 miles south of Bismarck, where opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline have gathered for months. Native American tribes, led by the Standing Rock Sioux, have been protesting the pipeline project. They fear it would pollute the Missouri River and harm sacred cultural lands and tribal burial grounds. There have been large protests at the Lake Oahe crossing the Missouri River is the tribe’s primary source of drinking water. Mr. Archambault said the best way to protect demonstrators during the winter and to reduce conflicts with the police “is to deny the easement for the Oahe crossing and deny it now. ” The letter from the district commander of the Army Corps, Col. John W. Henderson, said the emergency services and facilities needed to protect demonstrators camped north of the Cannonball River during the harsh North Dakota winters could not be provided. “I do not take this action lightly but have decided that it is required due to the concern for public safety and the fact that much of this land is leased to private persons for grazing haying purposes as part of the corps’ land management practices,” he wrote. He said anyone found on the land after Dec. 5 could be charged with trespassing. The project has spurred months of clashes between the police and demonstrators. The most serious injury happened early Monday. An explosion during a protest badly damaged the left arm and hand of woman who grew up in the Bronx, Sophia Wilansky, 21. Her father, Wayne Wilansky, said that someone from the police lines had thrown a device he described as a grenade the police suggested that fellow demonstrators had caused the explosion, and said officers did not use concussion or flash grenades at any time. On Monday, the police confronted hundreds of protesters. Nearly 300 people were treated for injuries resulting from the use of police force, according to the Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council. The pipeline project was delayed in September when the Obama administration temporarily blocked it from crossing under the Missouri River. President Obama called on both sides to show restraint and revealed that the Army Corps of Engineers was considering an alternative route for the project. But Kelcy Warren, chief executive of the pipeline company, Energy Transfer Partners, told The Associated Press it would not consider a different route. Though the project has been delayed by legal disputes, the pipeline is nearly complete.
U.S. Commando Killed in Yemen in Trump’s First Counterterrorism Operation - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — One American commando was killed and three others were wounded in a fierce firefight early Sunday with Qaeda militants in central Yemen, the military said on Sunday. It was the first counterterrorism operation authorized by President Trump since he took office, and the commando was the first United States service member to die in the yearslong shadow war against Al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate. Members of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 carried out the surprise dawn attack, and the military said that about 14 Qaeda fighters were killed during a nearly hourlong battle. A Qaeda leader — a of Anwar the cleric and top Qaeda leader in Yemen, who died in a drone strike in 2011 — was believed to have been killed. After initially denying that there were any civilian casualties, American officials said they were assessing reports that women and children had died in the attack. The military’s Joint Special Operations Command had been planning the mission for months, according to three senior American officials. Obama administration aides had deliberated extensively over the proposed operation, weighing the value of any information that might be recovered against the risk to the Special Operations forces plunging into hostile territory. But administration officials ultimately opted to hand the decision on the mission to their successors. Mr. Trump, who has vowed to increase pressure on militant groups worldwide, was quickly persuaded that the rewards were worth the gamble, and he authorized the mission last week, military officials said. Commandos waited for a moonless evening on Saturday to exploit their advantage of fighting at night. As helicopter gunships and armed Reaper drones provided cover, the commandos carried out the attack against the home of the Qaeda leader in the rugged mountainous region of Bayda Province, a part of Yemen that has been a focal point of United States military operations over the past month. The main target was computer materials inside the house that could contain clues about future terrorist plots. In a statement on Sunday, Mr. Trump called the raid “successful” and said that it had captured “important intelligence that will assist the U. S. in preventing terrorism against its citizens and people around the world. ” He also lamented the loss of the American service member “in our fight against the evil of radical Islamic terrorism. ” The military’s Central Command said in an earlier statement on Sunday that “similar operations have produced intelligence on Al Qaeda logistics, recruiting and financing efforts. ” In previous raids in Iraq, Syria and Somalia, commandos have recovered laptop computers, thumb drives and cellphones that yielded important information about militant leaders’ locations, activities and associates. A United States military aircraft helping with the operation experienced a “hard landing” near the site of the raid, resulting in injuries to two other service members, military officials said. That aircraft, identified by a senior American official as an Osprey that was evacuating the troops wounded in the firefight, was unable to fly after the landing and was deliberately destroyed by American airstrikes. The wounded troops and the Osprey’s crew were lifted to safety by another American aircraft. American officials and analysts said the Qaeda leader who was believed to have been killed was Abdulrauf al Dhahab. The raid took place in Yemen around the time that Mr. Trump was signing a directive in Washington on Saturday afternoon ordering Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to devise within 30 days a more aggressive plan to defeat the Islamic State. The Islamic State was born from Al Qaeda’s branch in Iraq, but the two terrorist organizations are now sworn rivals not only in Iraq and Syria, but also in other hot spots like Yemen and Afghanistan, where both groups have affiliates. Because Mr. Trump had been explicit about his intention to ask for the review to accelerate the fight against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, American military planners had begun drafting classified options to present to the new commander in chief. Some of those options, like pushing more authority to conduct strikes to commanders in the field or loosening restrictions designed to limit the risk to civilians, could also be applied to attacks against Qaeda fighters and Islamic State insurgents. There were no immediate indications that the rules of engagement had been loosened for the mission in Yemen, military officials said. The Central Command’s statement did not elaborate on details of the raid or identify the commando who was killed. A local resident who witnessed the raid, speaking by phone, said he had seen warplanes bombing several houses in the village around 2 a. m. Sunday. The man said he had seen at least three buildings being struck before he fled. He did not want to be identified because he feared that speaking out would endanger his life. A Yemeni government official in Bayda Province said the targeted buildings belonged to the Dhahab family, which is known for its ties to Al Qaeda. Two male members of the family have been killed in drone strikes over the past two years. The Yemeni official said that at least eight women and seven children, ages 3 to 13, had been killed in the raid. Qaeda supporters said that Mr. Awlaki’s young daughter was among the dead and denied that any senior Qaeda leaders had been killed, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist communications. Faisal Mohamed, a Bayda official whose two sons witnessed the attack, said it severely damaged a school, a health facility and a mosque. “I was on the way back to town when they called and said that there were Americans everywhere, so I knew I should not go,” Mr. Mohamed said by phone from nearby Marib Province. “My kids told me that the sky was crowded with helicopters and that they saw people jumping out of planes. ” “The last thing they said to me was that the whole town is devastated now,” Mr. Mohamed said. Just over a week ago, United States drone strikes killed three other men suspected of being Qaeda operatives in Bayda Province, the first such killings reported in the country since Mr. Trump assumed the presidency. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the group’s branch in Yemen, has long been seen by American intelligence and counterterrorism officials as among the most dangerous branches of the global terrorist network, and the one posing the most immediate threat to United States territory. The group’s leaders have sought in at least three cases to detonate bombs hidden aboard American commercial jetliners. All of those plots were thwarted. The raid on Saturday night was the latest in a series of Special Operations drone strikes and ground attacks in Yemen in recent years. In November 2014, Special Operations commandos and Yemeni troops rescued eight hostages being held in a remote part of eastern Yemen by Al Qaeda’s affiliate there. After landing, the commandos hiked some distance in the dark to a mountainside cave, where they surprised the militants holding the captives. A month later, in December 2014, United States commandos stormed a village in southern Yemen in an effort to free an American photojournalist held hostage by Al Qaeda. But the raid ended in tragedy, with the kidnappers killing the journalist and a South African held with him.
AWESOME! JEWISH DEMOCRAT LEADER Hits Back At Harry Reid To Defend Trump Appointee: [Video]
Turkey orders arrest of 110 people over Gulen links: media
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish authorities issued arrest warrants for 110 people from a seized company over alleged links to the U.S.-based cleric who Ankara says orchestrated last year s attempted coup, Dogan news agency and other media said on Friday. It said the police operation to seize the suspects, who were managers, partners and employees of the publishing group Kaynak Holding and related companies, was focused on Istanbul but spread across 24 provinces. Kaynak Holding was seized by the state in 2015 over links to the movement of Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. He has denied involvement in the July 2016 abortive putsch. Hundreds of firms like Kaynak, many of them smaller provincial businesses, were seized by authorities in a post-coup crackdown and are now run by government-appointed administrators. Under the crackdown, more than 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial over alleged links to Gulen, while 150,000 people have been sacked or suspended from jobs in the military, public and private sectors. In a separate operation centered in Ankara, 38 former employees from schools owned by the Gulen network were arrested on Friday, according to Turkish media. The schools were closed by a decree after the failed coup. The government dismisses rights groups concerns about the crackdown, saying only such a purge could neutralize the threat represented by Gulen s network, which it says infiltrated institutions such as the judiciary, army and schools.
Wingsuit flyer vs. tree
Next Prev Swipe left/right Wingsuit flyer vs. tree Here’s your anxiety-inducing clip for the day – Eric Dossantos shared this video of a wingsuit flight in which he hit a tree so hard the top 20 feet snapped off. Remarkably he suffered no serious injuries. Here’s the non sped-up version.
Former Yemeni strongman Saleh played his last hand and lost
DUBAI (Reuters) - Yemen s steely former president of 33 years, Ali Abdullah Saleh, made his last political gamble and lost on Monday, meeting his death at the hands of the Houthi movement, his erstwhile allies in the country s multi-sided civil war. Officials in his General People s Congress party (GPC) confirmed to Reuters that the 75-year-old Saleh had been killed outside the capital Sanaa in what Houthi sources said was an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) and gun attack. A master of weaving alliances and advancing his personal and family interests in Yemen s heavily armed and deeply fractious tribal society, Saleh unified his country by force, but he also helped guide it toward collapse in its latest war. The Middle East s arch-survivor once compared running Yemen to dancing on the heads of snakes , ruling with expertly balanced doses of largesse and force. He outlived other Arab leaders who were left dead or deposed by uprisings and civil wars since 2011. Cornered by pro-democracy Arab Spring protests, Saleh wore a cryptic smile when signing his resignation in a televised ceremony in 2012. Saleh waged six wars against the Houthis from 2002 to 2009 before he made an impromptu alliance with the group that seized the capital Sanaa in 2014 and eventually turned on him. The two sides feuded for years for supremacy over territory they ran together. The Houthis probably never forgave his forces for killing their founder and father of the current leader. Fearing the Houthis are a proxy for their arch-foe Iran, the mostly Gulf Arab alliance sought to help the internationally recognized Yemeni government win the conflict. Saleh s army loyalists and Houthi fighters together weathered thousands of air strikes by a Saudi-led military coalition in almost three years of war. As the conflict wrought a humanitarian crisis, mutual sniping about responsibility for economic woes in northern Yemeni lands that they together rule peaked on Wednesday when the capital erupted in gunbattles between their partisans. ARCH-SURVIVOR Saleh had seemed unshakeable in one of the world s poorest and unstable countries. He managed to play his enemies off against each other as tribal warfare, separatist movements and Islamist militants destabilized Yemen. He survived a bomb attack in his palace mosque in 2011 which killed senior aides and disfigured him. As other leaders were toppled by the Arab Spring uprisings, he found a way to retire peacefully to his villa in the capital and plot a comeback. Despite being forced to step down in 2012 under a Gulf-brokered transition plan following protests against his rule, Saleh won immunity in the deal and remained a powerful political player. The ever-nimble Saleh was a pivotal figure in the war, which has killed at least 10,000 people, displaced 2 million from their homes, led to widespread hunger and a cholera epidemic. Saleh became the ruler of North Yemen in 1978 at a time when the south was a separate, communist state, and led the unified country after the two states merged in 1990. Opponents often complained that Yemen under Saleh failed to meet the basic needs of the country s people, where two of every three live on less than $2 per day. Saleh managed to keep Western and Arab powers on his side, styling himself as a key ally of the United States in its war on terrorism. He received tens of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid for units commanded by his relatives. After the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks against U.S. cities, Yemen came onto Washington s radar as a source of foot soldiers for Osama bin Laden s al Qaeda network. Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia though his family came from Yemen s Hadramaut region. Saleh cooperated with U.S. authorities as the CIA stepped up a campaign of drone strikes against key al Qaeda figures, which also led to scores of civilian deaths. Born in 1942 near Sanaa, he received only limited education before joining the military as a non-commissioned officer. His first break came when President Ahmed al-Ghashmi, who came from the same Hashed tribe as Saleh, appointed him military governor of Taiz, North Yemen s second city. When Ghashmi was killed by a bomb in 1978, Saleh replaced him. In 1990, the collapse of the Soviet Union helped propel North Yemen under Saleh and the socialist South Yemen state into a unification. Saleh angered Gulf Arab allies by staying close to Saddam Hussein during the 1990-91 Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, leading to the expulsion of up to 1 million Yemenis from Saudi Arabia. But he then won plaudits from Western powers for carrying out economic reforms drawn up by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and made efforts to attract foreign investors. He swept to victory when southerners tried to secede from united Yemen in 1994 and drew closer to Saudi Arabia, which he allowed to spread its radical Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam. Saleh s son, Ahmed Ali, lives under house arrest in the United Arab Emirates, where he once served as ambassador before it joined ally Saudi Arabia to make war on the Houthi-Saleh alliance. Ahmed Ali, a powerful former military commander whom his father appeared to be grooming to succeed him, may the family s last chance to win back influence.
BREAKING: CLOSE AIDE TO BILL CLINTON: “I arranged for $50 million in payments to Bill Clinton”
A close aide to Bill Clinton said he arranged for $50 million in payments for the former president, part of a complicated mingling of lucrative business deals and charity work of the Clinton Foundation mapped out in a memo released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday.The report was written by Doug Band, who has transitioned from his job as a Clinton aide to a partner in Teneo Consulting, a company whose client roster now includes some of the biggest companies in the world. Along the way, Band wrote, he also pushed his clients and contacts to donate millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and to help win business deals for Bill Clinton.Band wrote the memo in November 2011 to John Podesta, now chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign, and sent copies to other key Clinton aides, apparently to explain and justify his work in the face of criticism from others in the Clinton orbit notably Chelsea Clinton.WikiLeaks has been releasing thousands of hacked emails from Podesta s account in recent weeks, revealing the rivalries and controversies roiling inside the Clinton family network as Hillary Clinton prepared to run for president.In the memo, Band depicts himself as the indispensable linchpin of the Clinton family s finances even as he acknowledges that the arrangement is unusual: We appreciate the unorthodox nature of our roles, Band wrote.A spokesman for the Clinton campaign declined to comment; the campaign has refused to confirm whether the emails are authentic. Band did not immediately respond to a request for comment.In the November 2011 memo, Band lays out how he founded Teneo five months earlier with Declan Kelly, one of Hillary Clinton s top fundraisers during her 2008 presidential campaign. When Clinton became secretary of State, Kelly was named an envoy to Northern Ireland, holding the post even as he continued to represent several clients. Rightly or wrongly, Band said, because other fundraisers couldn t deliver, he and Kelly pushed their clients to donate to the foundation; he also lined up speaking and consulting deals for Bill Clinton. In some cases, it worked the other way, with Teneo winning consulting contracts from foundation donors.One example, he said, was Laureate International University, the for-profit international school that donated more than $1.4 million to the Clinton Foundation and was paying Bill Clinton $3.5 million a year to serve as honorary chancellor. The company paid Clinton more than $17 million before the relationship ended last year, as Hillary Clinton was launching her presidential bid.Read more: Detroit News
It’s On: Between Duterte and America
shorty BY PETER LEE I ’ve written a couple pieces of the smoking hot issue in Pivotland, Philippine president Duterte’s swerve toward a pro-PRC foreign policy, and what the U.S. and pro-American sector of the Manila elite are going to do about it. The first piece, Reports of death of US-Philippine alliance may be exaggerated, addresses the fact that Duterte’s freedom of movement is constrained by the need to keep the Philippine military happy, and notes that ex-prez and retired general Fidel Ramos, who facilitated Duterte’s entrance on the national political stage, is signaling dissatisfaction with Duterte. The second piece, Duterte Plays the ‘Mamasapano’ Card, covers a Duterte counter-attack: a threat to relitigate the death of 44 Philippine National Police commandos at Mamasapano in Mindanao, a 2014 special ops fiasco conducted under the aegis of the United States which a) exposes ex-president Aquino to serious legal jeopardy b) posits that the US alliance is doing a better job of killing Filipinos than the PRC can ever hope to do. The US seems to be embedded in a colonial mindset when it comes to the Philippines, something along the lines of “we’ve been selflessly looking after the Philippines for a century, and that thug Duterte won’t be allowed to screw that up during his brief (maybe curtailed) presidency.” It takes a pretty superficial view of Philippine history, one that accepts the US self-definition as the Philippines’ security savior while ignoring the distortions and shortcomings of the colonial and neo-colonial relationship. For me this tunnel vision was typified by the US media crowing over the formal delivery of a refurbished C-130 transport to the Philippine government by outgoing ambo Philip Goldberg. Message: here’s the US making provisions for Philippine defense at the same time Duterte’s selling out the country to China. To me, the inadvertent message was 1) here’s the US blindly stroking the pivot fetish while Duterte tries to solve the Mindanao insurgency that has cost at least 400,000 lives over the last century, win his drug war, and find a place for the Philippines in Asia that doesn’t give primacy to the US preoccupation confronting the PRC and 2) the U.S., in my opinion, pretty much has a policy of keeping the Philippines flat on its behind as an independent military force by trickling out second-hand gear to the Philippine military while the sweet stuff is dangled in front of it during US joint military maneuvers and port calls. But the United States is trying to find political leverage wherever it can and the Western media will, I’m sure, put its shoulder to the wheel to help out. Feelings of nationalism are pervasive in the US, but Americans have difficulty understanding why people in other nations may harbor animosity toward them on account of their colonialist and imperialist experiences. P hilip Goldberg sat down for a 45-minute exit interview with Rappler. As befitting Rappler’s origins in the Soros/Omidyar network of pro-US globalization advocacy, the interview was a stream of softballs about what to do about Duterte’s disregard of the awesomeness of the American relationship, an awesomeness that is acknowledged by virtually all Filipinos who inexplicably (and, if the US has anything to do about it, temporarily) at the same time give Duterte approval ratings of over 80%. It’s worth watching if you have the patience. Goldberg is a smooth cat, and the Rappler tonguebath gives you no inkling of the fact that he intimately familiar with the wet work of end-arounding national governments to cultivate secessionist movements, you know, like what he did in Bolivia (declared persona non grata as a result) and Kosovo, and like that thing in Duterte’s home province of Mindanao, which in my opinion probably the main reason why Duterte wanted him out of the Philippines. Goldberg also discretely plays the economic threat card, concern-trolling that anti-US attitudes will dismay “foreign investors”. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in subsequent weeks. As far as I can tell, the biggest U.S. factor in the domestic Philippine economy is the call-center industry. I doubt US corporations are interested in actually pulling their operations out and subjecting them to the English-language mercies of India, but certainly a call from the State Department or White House would convince them of the wisdom of at least making the threat. And I also wonder if expected President Hillary Clinton will find it necessary to drop the hammer on Duterte, in order to demonstrate to a rather dubious Asia that there is no alternative to loyalty to the pivot. I expect the next few months, in other words, to be very interesting. NOTE: ALL IMAGE CAPTIONS, PULL QUOTES AND COMMENTARY BY THE EDITORS, NOT THE AUTHORS
World's Oldest Person Had Smoked For 76 Years
Report Copyright Violation World's Oldest Person Had Smoked For 76 Years actually, i think i remember a few of these people over the years who had hit significant milestones had had at least some 'bad' habits, such as smoking or drinking (but probably not to excess). Guess it depends on the person.World's oldest person turns 115Aug. 22, 2006. 05:30 AMASSOCIATED PRESSISABELA, Puerto Rico — The world's oldest person celebrated his 115th birthday Monday, offering advice on healthy living at a party where he was serenaded by a well-known Puerto Rican singer.Emiliano Mercado del Toro, who was a boy when the United States seized Puerto Rico from Spain in 1898, attributed his long life to a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol."I never damaged my body with liquor," said Mercado, who quit a 76-year smoking habit when he was 90.Mercado was declared the world's oldest person by the Guinness Book of Records last year."I never thought I would last so long," he said.An ambulance carried him to an outdoor plaza where family, friends and the mayor gathered for the party. His favourite performer, Iris Chacon, crooned a birthday tune set to mariachi music."I feel happy," said the wheelchair-bound Mercado, who has difficulty hearing and has been blind for four years. He lives with a niece in the northwestern coastal town of Isabela.Mercado was recruited into the U.S. army in 1918, during the last months of the First World War. He was still in training when the war ended in November of that year.As a young man, Mercado said he worked for 50 cents US a day driving animals loaded with sugar cane to processing centres.The mayor of Isabela, Charlie Delgado, said a residence for the elderly would be named for Mercado in honour of a man who "ate healthy, had no major vices and who has put this island on the world stage."Guinness had recognized another Puerto Rican as being the world's oldest person. Ramona Trinidad Iglesias Jordan died May 29, 2004, after a bout with pneumonia. She was 114.Get great home delivery subscription deals here! Anonymous Coward ( OP )
Kuwait arrests five over video deemed offensive to crown prince
DUBAI (Reuters) - Kuwait arrested five suspects accused of posting a video on social media considered offensive to the Gulf state s crown prince, the interior ministry said on Tuesday. The accused were government employees with positions at important institutions within the state , the interior ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency KUNA. In recent days, a clip has circulated on social media showing the crown prince jabbing his finger at dignitaries at a Gulf football event, apparently trying to tell them who should be first to shake the hand of the ruling emir. It was not immediately clear if that video was the subject of the legal charges.
Ivanka Trump Tweets About Dead Syrian Children, And Twitter Has The PERFECT Response (TWEETS)
Ivanka Trump s father, the man who calls himself President of the United States, obviously follows world events even if it seems like he follows them so he can exploit them. His children, Ivanka included, tend to either follow him or walk in lockstep with him on virtually everything. While there s absolutely nothing wrong with expressing grief over Syria s president, Bahsar al-Assad s decision to murder innocent people including children, there are times when the irony of such expression is just too much to handle.Ivanka tweeted the following anger and dismay over Assad s gas attack on his own people earlier this week:Heartbroken and outraged by the images coming out of Syria following the atrocious chemical attack yesterday. Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) April 5, 2017One man had the wherewithal to point out the horrific irony in that outrage:Wait until you find out that your Dad signed an executive order banning those same people from entering the United States https://t.co/7JHPCmJ8NF Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) April 6, 2017We d be in a far better position to justify total outrage over this if we d been behaving in a humanitarian manner towards Syria in the first place. We, or rather, Trump, haven t been. At the same time Trump is lamenting children who died at the hands of a brutal dictator, he s prohibiting those same children from coming to the U.S. because of some misguided fear about a Trojan horse of terrorism.Others are less-than impressed with her tweet too, in light of her father s attitude towards refugees. Considering we may have just made more refugees, the hypocrisy stands out in starker relief than ever:@speechboy71 @kimchi1380 She doesn t care. Refugees can t afford to buy her clothes Virginia Bourne (@Southviabirth) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 @rohaniroop @IvankaTrump Ivanka had to say something she didn t want to look complicit. Lauren Krajenta (@Hitandmisses4) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 But she doesn t know what #Complicit means. #SyriaGasAttack @IvankaTrump Suzy Howell (@howellsuzy) April 6, 2017@IvankaTrump Fuck you Sean T. Collins ? (@theseantcollins) April 5, 2017@IvankaTrump Gonna blame Obama too? Alt. Sean Spicer (@AltUSPressSec) April 5, 2017@IvankaTrump You do realize it s YOUR policy that let this happen. This kind of statement is the definition of complicit. #trumprussia #holdthefloor Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 5, 2017@Frankatrinastei @Alisonnj @IvankaTrump Has she held a job that daddy DIDN T give her? Chris Beasley (@logan48227) April 5, 2017@speechboy71 @MalcolmNance @IvankaTrump What the hell do you or ur father care about those poor refugee? U ban refugees fleeing for their lives! Your words are empty! tula holmes (@tulaholmes) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 @JoyAnnReid How many of those women, children, and babies could have been saved if allowed refuge in the US and their allies? Deborah Carmody (@smokerisesOH) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 @JoyAnnReid @IvankaTrump If you didn t fight against Daddy s refugee ban or Jr s poison skittles comment, you are #Complicit friedpearl (@friedpearl) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 @007kzman Oh, no. She s just heartbroken enough as long as they re not here. If they are here, she s less than enthused. Imagine This (@HeyThatsMyPen) April 6, 2017@speechboy71 @IvankaTrump Hey, Ivanka, if you re so concerned, are you going to expedite refugee visas for these poor kids?? Betcha don t. V. Williams (@gecko46) April 6, 2017Unless she openly stands up to her father when he makes things harder for people like Syrian refugees everyone s right. She has a chance to have some real influence for good and she s squandering it this way.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
Kellyanne Conway SHUTS DOWN ABC News Hack George Stephanopoulos After He Tries To Convince Viewers Trump Isn’t Legitimate President [VIDEO]
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Wentworth said that If Trump wins, we ll start looking at real estate in Sydney, Australia. No crime, no guns. The couple s plans pour further scorn over Stephanopoulos s supposed objectivity given his role as a prominent interviewer for ABC, having interviewed Donald Trump twice over the election cycle. BreitbartNotice how ABC starts out the interview between Stephanopoulos and Conway by flashing a screen shot of Hillary s popular vote numbers compared to Trump s when they have nothing to do with the context of the conversation. This is called subliminal messaging, proving the mainstream media has mastered the art of manipulation. Watch the interview here. Stephanopoulos and his wife s connections to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are well documented, with Stephanopoulos having previously worked as an adviser to Bill Clinton and the couple also having donated over $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation.Trump himself pointed out Stephanopoulos s ties to the Clinton Foundation in their most recent interview. On the subject of his regrets, he admitted he had many but added that Stephanopoulos should regret donating to the foundation.These mainstream media hacks who have been given a pass by Republicans for decades are finding themselves in the very difficult position of having to defend themselves against their obvious biases:
Lawmakers urge U.S. to craft targeted sanctions on Myanmar military
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 40 lawmakers urged the Trump administration on Wednesday to reimpose U.S. travel bans on Myanmar’s military leaders and prepare targeted sanctions against those responsible for a crackdown on the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority. In a letter sent to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, a group of Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives called for “meaningful steps” against Myanmar’s military and others who have committed human rights abuses in an offensive that has driven more than 500,000 Rohingya Muslims out of the Southeast Asian nation. “Burma’s authorities appear to be in denial of what has happened,” stated the letter. “We urge you to do everything possible to ensure protection and security for those trapped inside Burma or willing to return, as well as oppose forcible returns from neighboring countries.”
‘Solar Winds’ Spur Geomagnetic Storm That May Affect Power
« on: Today at 08:41:54 PM » ‘Solar Winds’ Spur Geomagnetic Storm That May Affect Power 25 October 2016 , by Brian K Sullivan (Bloomberg) - Geomagnetic storms can cause voltage corrections, false alarms- Space weather center lowered alert to “moderate” level storm Also see:
Syrian, Iranian backed forces advance in border area near Israel
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias pushed deeper into the last rebel-held enclave near a strategic border area with Israel and Lebanon in a new expansion of Tehran s influence in the war-torn country. The army and the Shi ite forces helped by Druze militias in the area advanced east and south of the Sunni-rebel held bastion of Beit Jin backed by some of the heaviest aerial bombing and artillery shelling since a major assault began more than two months ago to seize the area, rebels said. The Syrian army said it had encircled the village of Mughr al Meer at the foothills of Mount Hermon as troops moved toward Beit Jin amid fierce clashes. On Monday, the army said they had cut off insurgent supply lines and made further advances. The enclave is the last rebel bastion left in the southwest of Damascus known as the Western Ghouta that had since last year fallen under government control after months of heavy bombing on civilian areas and years of siege tactics that forced rebels to surrender. A western intelligence source confirmed rebel reports that Iranian-backed local militias alongside commanders from the powerful Lebanese Hezbollah Shi ite group were playing a major role in the ongoing battles. Tehran was pushing to establish a strategic presence along the Israeli border in the Syrian Golan Heights, the source said. Rebels said they had repelled several attempts to storm their defenses and denied reports they were about to surrender. The Iranian-backed militias are trying to consolidate their sphere of influence all the way from southwest of Damascus to the Israeli border, said Suhaib al Ruhail, an official from the Liwa al Furqan rebel group that operates in the area. Worried by Iran s expanding influence in Syria after the defeat of Islamic State, Israel has in recent weeks stepped up its strikes against suspected Iranian targets inside Syria. Early this month there was an Israeli strike on a base near Kiswah, south of Damascus, that was widely believed to be an Iranian military compound, a Western intelligence source said. Israel has been lobbying Washington and Moscow to deny Iran, Lebanon s Hezbollah and other Shi ite militias any permanent bases in Syria, and to keep them away from the Golan, as they gain ground while helping Damascus beat back Sunni-led rebels. The southwest of Syria is part of a de-escalation zone in southern Syria agreed last July between Russia and the United States, the first such understanding between the two powers. The area has not seen Russian bombing, unlike other ceasefire areas in Syria. Diplomatic sources say several thousand Shi ite and Druze fighters are pitted against hundreds of Sunni jihadists and mainstream Free Syria Army (FSA) rebels closing ranks under the banner of Itihad Quwt Jabal al Sheikh, or Union of fighters of Jabal al Sheikh . They are mainly drawn from local fighters from the area. With the army and Iranian backed offensive widening, the Sunni rebels have called on youths to enlist, while mosque imams in Beit Jin called on people to take up arms and fight the army. Rebels still have a sizeable presence in central and southern Quneitra, in the Syrian Golan Heights. Western diplomatic sources say the crushing of the Sunni rebel presence in areas they have been in since 2013 will allow Lebanon s Hezbollah to open another secure arms supply line from its border in southern Lebanon into Syria. Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, Iran has had a growing presence in the country, deploying thousands of Shi ite fighters drawn from Iraq and Afghanistan who have fought against both mainstream Sunni rebel groups and more militant groups.
WHOA! EBT CARD DENIED So Woman Goes On A Rampage In Store [Video]
This viral video shows a woman ransacking a store after her EBT card had been declined. We re all for help if you need it but food stamp cards are being given out like candy. The BIG question is why it took so long for the people in the store to push her out! Geez!
Trump likely to face questions over travel ban in meeting with CEOs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will likely face questions about his executive order restricting some travel to the United States when he meets with the CEOs of major U.S. companies at the White House on Friday. Companies whose chief executives are expected to attend the meeting of the president’s business advisory panel include JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), General Motors Co (GM.N), Blackstone Group LP (BX.N), IBM Corp (IBM.N), Uber Technologies Inc [UBER.UL] and Walt Disney Co (DIS.N), two officials briefed on the meeting said on Wednesday. Activists are already pressuring the CEOs to raise concerns about the travel restrictions at the meeting, which comes at the end of another turbulent week for the Trump administration. Trump’s order last Friday, barring travel into the United States by people from seven Muslim-majority countries, touched off public protests and stirred unease among employees at many big U.S. companies. CEOs have been faced with difficult choices to either criticize Trump’s move at a time when they are trying to win White House support on tax and trade policies, or remain silent and take heat from consumers and employees dismayed by the order. The Trump administration says the travel ban is aimed at strengthening national security. Backlash over the measure knocked the wind out of the post-inaugural stock market rally, although major indexes rebounded on Wednesday. Trump’s executive order put a 120-day halt on the U.S. refugee program, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely and imposed a 90-day suspension on people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Along with protests it has prompted legal challenges in the United States and drawn criticism from several leading U.S. companies. Among those critics, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick wrote in an email to employees Saturday that “the ban will impact many innocent people — an issue that I will raise this coming Friday when I go to Washington for President Trump’s first business advisory group meeting.” Trump will kick off the two-hour meeting with an address lasting 10-15 minutes and will be followed by Stephen Schwarzman, the billionaire founder of private equity group Blackstone (BX.N), who chairs the panel and assembled it at Trump’s request. Four topics will be discussed — regulatory relief, women in the work force, tax and trade, and infrastructure — with two to three people talking briefly about each subject to help shape “how the administration should be thinking,” according to a person familiar with the matter. Investors said the CEOs would be mindful of Trump’s penchant for rebuking companies publicly. “Given recent history, being called out publicly is something that the CEOs in that room and other CEOs will absolutely be mindful to avoid,” said Jim Russell, vice president at Bahl & Gaynor Inc, which oversees $17 billion and owns shares in several of the companies attending Friday’s meeting. “I’m sure they will pick their fights carefully and articulate them carefully.” It was not clear if all 19 members of the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum would attend Friday’s meeting. Other members include the CEOs of Tesla Inc (TSLA.O), Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N) and Boeing Co (BA.N). Tesla founder Elon Musk said this week that the travel order should be modified and he would seek a consensus among members of the advisory council. Ford Motor Co (F.N) Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr. and CEO Mark Fields have also criticized the travel measure. GM has declined to take a position. On Wednesday, a group of religious investors, human rights groups other activists urged members of the business advisory panel to speak out against the travel restrictions at the meeting with Trump. In a joint letter to the corporate leaders, the group said Trump’s order “undermines respect for human rights and the lives of workers and their families in the U.S. and beyond, and disrupts economic activity and company operations.” The letter was signed by dozens of people, including representatives of firms focused on socially-responsible investing like Calvert Research and Management and Domini Impact Investments. Others included representatives of the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable, the Institute for Human Rights and Business and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. Companies that have been most critical of Trump’s immigration orders include Netflix Inc (NFLX.O), Apple Inc (AAPL.O), and Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O), none of which form part of the business advisory panel.
HILLARY’S STATE DEPARTMENT BLOCKED Min Wage Hike For Haiti’s Poorest Citizens To Keep Costs Down For U.S. Owned Factories
Corporations first Unfortunately, the poor factory worker in Haiti couldn t help Hillary or her campaign Hillary But just ask her, she ll tell you she s always looking out for the little guy! So much for the champion of the factory worker or the champion of the poor In Haiti, people work for peanuts. Slave wages. Less than $5 per day, but they supply the U.S. with tons of affordable clothing from big-name brands like Levi s, Hanes and Polo. Haiti s big advantage, compared to Asia, is their proximity to us, and thousands of Haitians are employed in the textile industry in part because of that. When Haiti passed a wage raise from $.24 per hour to $.61 per hour, American companies were predictably outraged.Enter Hillary s State Department Hillary Clinton colluded with big business to maintain slave wages for workers in one of the world s poorest countries, according to the host of an RT American comedy news show.Comedian and activist Lee Camp of RT s Redacted Tonight mocked Clinton s efforts to keep 37 cents per hour out of the hands of destitute Haitians. In 2009, while Bill Clinton was setting up one of the family s shell companies in New York, in that same year Hillary Clinton was at the State Department working with U.S. corporations to pressure Haiti not to raise the minimum wage to 61 cents an hour from 24 cents, Camp said April 17. Seriously. Memos from 2008 and 2009 obtained by Wikileaks strongly suggest, but don t prove without a doubt, that the State Department helped block the proposed minimum wage increase. The memos show that U.S. Embassy officials in Haiti clearly opposed the wage hike and met multiple times with factory owners who directly lobbied against it to the Haitian president.The Clinton campaign (as expected) refuted the claim, and the State Department didn t comment.- PolitifactThis took place in 2011, and Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State. Our corporations were successful, and Haitians continued to work for worse slave wages than they otherwise would have, all so U.S. corporations could take home higher profits.At the time, the U.S. Embassy said that the wage increase didn t take economic realities into account, and that it was a move designed specifically to appeal to the unemployed and underpaid masses of Haiti. Imagine that. Imagine trying to help your people have a better life instead of catering to huge corporations at your people s expense. The horror. News.groopspeakHOPE, not changeIn 2011, Wikileaks made nearly 2,000 cables available to the progressive magazine, The Nation, and Haiti Libert , a weekly newspaper in Port-au-Prince.The two media outlets assessed the cables and found, among many other revelations, that the U.S. Embassy in Haiti worked closely with factory owners contracted by Levi s, Hanes, and Fruit of the Loom to aggressively block a paltry minimum wage increase for workers in apparel factories.The Wikileaks cables show U.S. Embassy officials began monitoring the minimum wage issue as early as 2008, when the Haitian Parliament began discussing doubling or tripling the daily minimum wage of 70 Haitian gourdes to keep up with inflation. That s roughly equal to $1.75 a day, or about 22 cents per hour.(Some context here: Three quarters of Haitians live on less than $2 a day, according to the United Nations World Food Program, while garments constitute about 90 percent of Haiti s exports, according to the Guardian. Haiti increased the daily minimum wage to the equivalent of $5.11 in 2014.)But back in 2008 and 2009, embassy officials repeatedly told Washington that a hike would hurt the economy and undermine U.S. trade preference legislation known as HOPE.The program, shorthand for the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2006, gives garments manufactured on the island duty free access to U.S. markets. Levi Strauss, Haneswear, Nautica, and Dockers are just some of the American companies that benefit from HOPE. Congress passed HOPE II in 2008, extending the program for another 10 years.In January 2008, Ambassador Janet Sanderson wrote that representatives of the business community including the man tasked with implementing HOPE had met with embassy officials and criticized Haitian President Ren Pr val s efforts to raise the minimum wage as the wrong medicine for the ailing economy.An unsigned embassy cable sent to Washington in December 2008 echoed the private sector s assessment and reported that increasing the minimum wage would have significant impact on business.The State Department continued to promote HOPE as an economic boon for the island. In memos prepping U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and Clinton for their visits to Haiti, charg d affaires Thomas Tighe told the diplomats to urge the Haitian government take advantage of HOPE and HOPE II.For entire story: Politifact
Silent But Deadly - Russia Developing Devastating ‘Carrier Killer’ Torpedo - Alexander Vershinin
Military Silent But Deadly - Russia Developing Devastating ‘Carrier Killer’ Torpedo While shrouded in secrecy, the ‘Khishchnik’ is thought to have characteristics that are an improvement on those of the well-known Shkval torpedo Originally appeared at RBTH In early October, Russian military analysts reported that a group of designers working for the navy were completing work on a completely new high-speed torpedo. The widely-known Shkval (“Squall”) torpedo, which for a long time was a global leader in terms of speed and the destructive force of its warhead, will be replaced by a new torpedo, called Khishchnik (“Predator”). No specific information is available yet on what the new torpedo is like and what its technical characteristics are: The project is classified. It is only known that it is being developed by the Elektropribor design bureau, which specializes in aviation technology. The connection is not accidental – after all, what is being developed is not just a torpedo but what is in effect an underwater missile whose engine has a lot in common with its airborne equivalents. One thing is certain: In terms of its main specifications, the Khishchnik will exceed its famous predecessor, the Shkval. Underwater record breaker The project brief to develop a fundamentally new torpedo capable of carrying a nuclear warhead was issued in the USSR back in the 1970s. The resulting Shkval torpedo was accepted into service in 1977 and, despite its venerable age, remains the world’s record breaker among underwater projectiles. 3601159_original.jpg The Shkval torpedo / Source: Anatoly Sokolov / Oruzhie Rossii An ordinary torpedo has a speed of no more than 140 kilometers per hour (87 mph), which allows a ship targeted by it to maneuver and avoid being hit. The Shkval, however, leaves the enemy practically no chance: Its speed is nearly three times the speed of a standard torpedo. This means that a targeted ship has just a third of the standard time for maneuver. In real naval combat that means a nearly inevitable hit. The secret of the Shkval’s speed is in its special engine, which runs on solid fuel. While an ordinary torpedo gains speed with the help of spinning propellers, the Shkval uses supercavitation. A special design of its engine makes it possible to achieve a unique physical effect, whereby a gas bubble forms around the moving torpedo. That allows the projectile to move virtually in a vacuum, minimizing drag. The Shkval torpedo remains one of the top-secret Russian military designs. Although it has been in operation for nearly 40 years, some of its technical characteristics continue to be classified. It is therefore not surprising that it was Shkval-related documents that featured in an early 2000s spy scandal involving U.S. businessman Edmond Pope. That said, most of the attempts to replicate this torpedo abroad have failed. It was only in 2005 that the German Navy received an underwater rocket with specifications close to those of the Shkval, though even then it failed to beat its Russian equivalent in terms of speed. Cold War legacy in the 21st century Like many other military designs that originated in the Cold War, the Shkval has outlived the Soviet-U.S. global confrontation. It was originally created as a Soviet response to the development of U.S. naval air defense. Soviet aviation was no match for the powerful American navy and reactive torpedoes emerged as a know-how aimed to make up for that deficiency. As an effective anti-naval weapon, the Shkval remains popular still. Back in 1992, Russian designers developed a dedicated export version of the torpedo. This is somewhat inferior to the original in terms of its range and speed but is still superior to foreign equivalents. And yet the Shkval has considerable potential for improvement. It has a relatively short firing range and the depth capability of its carrier is limited. This makes a Shkval-enabled submarine susceptible to active enemy defense. A torpedo traveling at a high speed generates noise that makes it easy to detect it. Finally, it does not have a homing guidance system. One can assume that all these considerations were taken into account in the development of the Khishchnik. After all, things that were technically impossible 40 years are quite achievable today.
Trump to nominate retired General Mattis for Pentagon
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said on Thursday night he would nominate retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, known as “Mad Dog” and renowned for his tough talk and battlefield experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, to lead the Pentagon. “We are going to appoint ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as our secretary of defense,” Trump told a rally in Cincinnati. He said the formal announcement would be made on Monday. The choice of a seasoned military strategist would be another indication that Trump, a Republican, intends to steer U.S. foreign policy away from Democratic President Barack Obama’s increased reliance on U.S. allies to fight Islamist militants and to help deter Russian and Chinese aggression in Europe and Asia. Mattis is a revered figure in the Marine Corps and known for his distrust of Iran. The Washington Post and CNN reported earlier that Trump had chosen Mattis, but Trump spokesman Jason Miller said earlier on Twitter that “no decision has been made yet with regard to Secretary of Defense.” While the nomination of the 66-year-old Mattis would likely be popular among U.S. forces, it would have to clear a bureaucratic hurdle. Because he retired only in 2013, Mattis would need the U.S. Congress to waive a requirement that a defense secretary be a civilian for at least seven years before taking the top job at the Pentagon. His impressive combat record, however, may deter some Senate Democrats from trying to block his nomination. Trump has described Mattis as “a true general’s general.” The New York real estate magnate famously asserted last year: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do.” Mattis, whose past assignments include leading Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East and South Asia, is known for his colorful expressions that unashamedly embrace the job of the U.S. armed forces: fighting wars. In one famous line in 2003 attributed to Mattis, the general told Marines in Iraq: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” In a 2016 question-and-answer session, Mattis appeared to be moved by a Marine’s question about how far out he could inflict casualties with his knife hand, known as a “kill-casualty radius.” “Once you get to be a high-ranking officer, the kill-casualty radius is whatever your Marines make it, and by the time I got up to the senior ranks it was hundreds of miles,” he said in a video for the Marine Corps. Still, such tough talk has gotten him in hot water. He was once rebuked for saying in 2005 that “it’s fun to shoot some people.” His talk, however, belies a more thoughtful side. Mattis once said the most important 6 inches in a combat zone was “between your ears.” Now a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Mattis is also a scholar who was praised by then-U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates in 2010 as one of the country’s great strategic thinkers. Mattis reads avidly, frequently quotes history and is proud that he grew up with a large library and no television. After meeting Mattis on Nov. 19, Trump described him as a strong, dignified man who persuasively argued against waterboarding, an interrogation tactic that involves pouring water over someone’s face to simulate drowning. Trump had promised during the campaign he would not only revive use of waterboarding, which is widely regarded as torture and was banned under President Barack Obama, but bring back “a hell of a lot worse” if elected. “(Mattis) said: ‘I’ve always found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I do better with that than I do with torture.’ And I was very impressed by that answer,” Trump told The New York Times. The Senate Armed Services Committee will consider Mattis’ nomination. In a statement on Thursday night, its chairman, Republican John McCain, called him “one of the finest military officers of his generation and an extraordinary leader.” Mattis would be the first former U.S. general to become defense secretary since George C. Marshall took the job in 1950. The decision adds to Trump’s national security team another Pentagon veteran who served during the Obama administration but often had a testy relationship with it. Officials who knew him before he retired in 2013 said Mattis clashed with top administration officials when he headed Central Command over his desire to better prepare for potential threats from Iran and to win more resources for Afghanistan. Trump has given the job of national security adviser to Michael Flynn, a retired three-star Army general who was pushed out of the top job at the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 by Obama’s administration. Flynn was fiercely critical of Obama during the 2016 campaign, adopting much of Trump’s rhetoric. Along with Flynn and Trump’s choice for CIA director, U.S. Representative Mike Pompeo, Mattis has been critical of the deal to curb Iran’s suspected nuclear weapons program, saying the threat from Tehran should outrank more immediate concerns about Islamic State or al Qaeda. “The Iranian regime, in my mind, is the single most enduring threat to stability and peace in the Middle East,” Mattis said. Speaking about the Iranian nuclear deal, Mattis said: “Hoping that Iran is on the cusp of becoming a responsible, modern nation is a bridge too far.” If Mattis wins Senate confirmation, he will work side by side with another Marine - General Joseph Dunford, who is chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Having two Marine generals in those top jobs would be highly unusual for a service that prides itself on being the most elite U.S. fighting force. It would also raise questions about how Mattis and Dunford might divide up tasks. Both Dunford and Mattis share battlefield experience, including in Iraq. In 2003, Mattis led the 1st Marine Division during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. He has said one of the toughest things he had to do was oversee the retreat of his forces from the city of Falluja in 2004, something he feared would hurt morale, but did not. “We just don’t take refuge in self-pity or any of that kind of stuff. And so as a result, the Marine Corps remains a very feared organization in this world. As it should be,” he said.
Internet Destroys Imbecile Who Wants To Make Rape Legal, Get His Meet-Ups Cancelled (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Misogynist blogger Daryush Valizadeh, better known as Roosh V., owner and operator of the He-Man Woman Haters site Return of Kings, is finally getting his comeuppance. Roosh had organized an International Tribal Meetup Day, for men like himself who believe that women are nothing more than property, and therefore rape should completely legal on private property. Some of the meetings of the rape supporting men were to take place in Seattle and Everett, Washington that is until the public got wind of this douchebag s plans.Outrage quickly ensued, and rightfully so. Here are just a few of the tweets from citizens calling for Roosh s blood:This is sickening. @SPLBuzz a heads up~ 'Pro-rape' blogger organizes meetings for men across U.S.Seattle https://t.co/caQ8OJraUd via Q13FOX Jasmine Boothroyd (@jazzvictoria) February 3, 2016Seriously. Wow: 'Pro-rape' blogger organizes meetings for men across U.S. including Seattle, Everett https://t.co/ZFzd8nAmka via @Q13FOX Maggie Morse Howard (@MaggieMoHo38) February 3, 2016.@ReturnofKings Your pro-rape, misogynistic, homophobic garbage is not welcome in Ottawa #its2016 #TurnAwayReturnOfKings Jim Watson (@JimWatsonOttawa) February 2, 2016Poor @rooshv having to cancel his meet-ups because people think rape is a bad thing. Guess this is what it feels like to be "targeted" Kahn Johnson (@Kahnjohnson) February 4, 2016Proud to see a stance on #RooshV 's proposed meninist event on Saturday. It has no place ANYWHERE let alone in #NCL pic.twitter.com/GBxxvn8WXk Ellie Radcliffe (@ellieradcliffe9) February 4, 2016Roosh V has cancelled his events because he cannot guarantee the safety of his supporters. Now you know how women feel, you spunk nugget. Kellie (@BigFashionista) February 4, 2016RooshV and his army of wannabe rapist have cancelled all those meetings fukin cowards lol papa andru (@netflixnwill) February 4, 2016Roosh V is a terrorist TWIABP&IANLATD (@twiabp) February 4, 2016When @RooshV says, "Let's make rape legal," is HE asking to be raped? Because no one else is. #fem2 #humanrights pic.twitter.com/r7p386Vi8Q Jon Hutson (@JonHutson) February 2, 2016And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There has also been a Whitehouse.gov petition to classify Return of Kings group as a terrorist organization. There was even a safety alert posted to social media by local police warning women to steer clear, and saying that there is concern that this may be a ruse to commit rape. Even heavily conservative Texas Governor Greg Abbott has come out in strong condemnation against the group when he learned of their plans to hold meetings in Texas, saying in a statement: This pathetic group and their disgusting viewpoints are not welcome in Texas. I ve spent much of my career protecting women from such vile and heinous acts, and it won t be any different on my watch as Governor. After the outrage continued, Roosh V. finally released the following statement, announcing the cancellation of all of the meetups: I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most of the meetups can not be made private in time. While I can t stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meetups. The listing page has been scrubbed of all locations. I apologize to all the supporters who are let down by my decision. While your fellow misogynists may be let down, Roosh, the rest of the world is breathing a collective sigh of relief. You should be locked up with the key thrown away, for advocating the commission and legalization of a heinous violent crime. You are nothing more than a misogynist hate group leader, and I, for one, am glad the sane people of the world spoke out and made sure that you d be too afraid to continue doing what you do.Watch a video news report below, via DFW CBS below:Featured image from Change.org
The GOP Will Hate This Humiliating Fact Harry Reid Just Pointed Out About SCOTUS Nominations
Politifact just humiliated Senate Republicans big time.During an appearance on Meet The Press on Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid pointed out that Democrats have never held up a Supreme Court nominee the way Republicans are doing now. You have to look at what has happened, Reid said. We have never held up a Supreme Court nomination. Since 1900 in a lame-duck session, there have been six that have all been approved. Here s the video via NBC:Republicans are probably crying foul at this point, but Politifact took up the case and investigated Reid s claims, and conservatives are definitely not going to like the results.As it turns out, Politifact rated Reid s claim as Mostly True. Despite Republican claims that Democrats started some kind of precedent for their own actions in the present day, the fact-checking organization found that only Republicans have ever not held hearings for a Supreme Court nominee.Politifact pointed out that when President Bush nominated Harriet Miers to a fill a vacancy on the high court both Democrats and Republicans objected, therefore, Democrats are not solely responsible for denying a nominee a full hearing. Miers also at least was allowed to meet with the Senate Judiciary Committee, which under Republican control is flatly denying current nominee Merrick Garland a meeting of any kind.Then Politifact moved on to the 1987 nomination of extreme conservative Robert Bork, which was highly contentious. Democrats did, indeed, launch much public opposition against him, but in the end, even Bork received a full hearing and lost.The nomination of Samuel Alito in 2005 drew filibuster attempts by Democrats, including Reid and then-Senator Obama, but as Reid pointed out to Chuck Todd, Alito is sitting on the Supreme Court bench now because Democrats dropped their filibuster effort and he was confirmed.Despite the latter two contentious nomination battles, Politifact ruled that they can t find a time when a Democratic Senate refused to hear a Republican president s nominee. Even if they were opposed, they allowed the nominee to come to a confirmation vote. In short, only Republicans have refused to even hold hearings for a Supreme Court nominee and it s not because of some non-existent tradition started by Democrats or some non-existent precedent that goes back 80 years regarding election year nominations. It s because Republicans are throwing a temper tantrum because they don t want the black president to extend his legacy through the Supreme Court. That and they think only a conservative is entitled to replace Scalia.The bottom line, however, is that Senate Republicans need to suck it up and do their jobs because the American people and the Constitution demand it.Featured image: Cagle
Case on Trump worker contract raises conflict of interest question
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has often boasted about the strict confidentiality pledges he exacts from his employees. Now a legal challenge to one of those agreements is pending before a U.S. agency over which he will soon have influence, potentially posing an early test of concerns about conflicts of interest between Trump’s public role and his business empire. In September, a worker-advocacy group filed a charge with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) claiming a nondisclosure contract used by Trump is unlawfully broad. The contract prohibits employees, independent contractors and even volunteers from ever disclosing any information that Trump deems confidential about his personal, business or political life. The NLRB has said that sweeping or unclear contracts inhibit workers from discussing working conditions or speaking to union organizers. The five-member NLRB currently has two vacancies that Trump is slated to fill early in his term, likely tipping what has been a liberal-leaning agency under President Barack Obama to a more business-friendly posture. If the NLRB rules against Trump, it could free up workers to be more vocal about their concerns and strengthen their bargaining power. In addition to the confidentiality case, there are about 10 other Trump-related cases pending at the NLRB. The cases involve alleged labor violations at the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas, where management has refused to bargain with the Culinary Workers Union. It was not clear if the confidentiality contract was intended for workers on Trump’s election campaign or employees in his businesses, and Reuters could not independently verify its authenticity. Representatives of the Trump Organization did not respond to requests for comment. The case is at a very early stage and could be settled or dismissed before reaching a full hearing before the five-member NLRB. The board’s decisions may be appealed in a federal court. The NLRB is comprised of three members from the sitting president’s party and two from the opposing party, a system that typically results in wide policy shifts between administrations. In addition to the current two vacancies, another will arise when a current member’s term expires next December. Under the Obama administration, the NLRB has struck down confidentiality agreements and other employment contracts that could discourage workers from organizing at T-Mobile USA Inc, Quicken Loans, DirectTV and a number of other companies. Government ethics experts and labor lawyers said that if Trump’s handpicked NLRB members uphold the contract, it could suggest favoritism. “There is an appearance of bias and political pressure that could undermine the legitimacy of the agency,” said Richard Painter, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School who was the chief White House ethics lawyer under Republican President George W. Bush. The NLRB cases represent one of several areas where concerns may arise over potential conflicts of interest raised by Trump’s new role and his sprawling business interests. Trump last week said he would allow his children to run his businesses while maintaining his ownership interest via a “blind trust.” If the current cases are ruled upon by the NLRB, one possible solution to the potential conflict could be for Trump appointees to recuse themselves from cases involving his business organization, said a former NLRB chairman, William Gould. Gould said that during his tenure at the agency, in the mid-1990s, members recused themselves from cases that raised any chance of a conflict. Gould, who is now a professor at Stanford Law School, said he disqualified himself from cases involving a union of which his son was a member. Several experts, however, said recusal would not be legally required unless Trump’s appointees represented him or his companies in the past or were otherwise involved in his business. The challenge to Trump’s confidentiality agreement was filed by David Rosenfeld, a California labor lawyer, on behalf of the Committee to Preserve the Religious Right to Organize, a worker advocacy group that he created. Reuters reviewed a copy of the employment agreement that Rosenfeld filed with his complaint, which targeted both the Trump Organization and the Trump campaign. Rosenfeld said he copied it from the campaign website, but that the agreement was no longer posted there. It was not clear how many employees signed this version of the agreement, and Reuters was unable to find a copy on the website. The agreement prohibits disclosure of details about Trump’s “personal life, political affairs and/or business affairs,” as well as anything “Mr. Trump insists remain private or confidential.” It forbids employees from publicly disparaging Trump and his wife, children, grandchildren, siblings and other relatives. Confidentiality agreements are common, but labor law experts said they can be unlawful if they are too broad or don’t specify what types of information will be deemed confidential. Trump defended a similar confidentiality agreement in a case earlier this year involving a former campaign aide, whom Trump accused of giving information about other staffers to reporters. In a statement, the Trump campaign said confidentiality agreements were “standard practice” for entities that need to safeguard sensitive information. The case settled for undisclosed terms.
Moms march to demand end to police brutality, racial injustice
Mothers whose children have been killed by police officers marched in Washington, D.C., on Saturday to call attention to police brutality and racial injustice. The Million Moms March was sponsored by Mothers for Justice United, an organization of mothers whose children have been killed by police officers and others, and the Coalition for Justice. The march moved from the U.S. Capitol to the U.S. Department of Justice, where demonstrators demanded changes in police practices. Maria Hamilton founded Mothers for Justice United and helped organize the march of mothers and their supporters. Hamilton's 31-year-old son, Dontre Hamilton, was shot 14 times and killed by a former Milwaukee police officer. "This is a call for everybody to wake up," Hamilton said as the march began Saturday afternoon. "We are here on behalf of our babies to tell the United States government that we aren't going anywhere. We aren't going to continue to keep burying our babies. Do something and do it now." Hamilton said as moms walked through the streets they aimed to honor "stolen lives" in solidarity. "We will continue to lift our babies up," she said. "They live through each and every one of us. They are gone physically but we have our own personal angels now." As demonstrators moved through the streets Saturday, some in the crowd shouted, "No justice. No compromise," and "Black lives matter." Many of the mothers and other protesters held photos of young men and women killed by law enforcement officers. Others clutched bright yellow balloons, flowers and held hands. Mothers for Justice United, which also includes family members, clergy and concerned citizens, is focused on halting the killing of unarmed people of color by police and vigilantes through direct action, legislation and community building, the group says. Marion Gray-Hopkins, whose 19-year-old son Gary was killed by a police officer in Maryland in 1999, told NBC News she planned to participate. "Enough is enough," Gray-Hopkins told the network. "We need to put about some changes in laws and practices that will stop the senseless killing of our unarmed children."
Details of first Putin-Trump meeting not yet settled: Kremlin
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and the United States are still discussing the timing of the first face-to-face encounter between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, expected to take place at a G20 summit in Germany later this week, a Kremlin aide said on Monday. Since Trump was elected U.S. president, Russian has been keenly anticipating his first meeting with Putin, hoping it would trigger a reset in U.S.-Russia relations that plunged to post-Cold War lows under Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama. But with Trump embroiled in a row at home over his associates’ links to Moscow, the encounter with Putin has become a minefield. Too warm a meeting would allow Trump’s domestic opponents to accuse him of being a Kremlin stooge. Kremlin foreign policy aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters the Trump-Putin meeting would happen on the sidelines of the G20 summit, in Hamburg, but it was not yet finalised how it would fit into the summit’s schedule. “We will be looking for certain breaks, windows to hold this, the most important, meeting,” Ushakov said. “We have a lot of issues, which should be discussed at the highest level ... That’s why this meeting, this first personal contact, is so important.” Asked about the agenda for the meeting, Ushakov said: “I’ve heard the Americans want to raise the issues of terrorism and Syria. It seems to me that would be pretty reasonable.” Ushakov said that ties between Russia and the United States were at “zero level.” The Kremlin aide urged the United States “to save us from the need to retaliate” against Washington for expelling Russian diplomats and seizing two Russian diplomatic compounds on U.S. soil, one in Maryland and the other on Long Island. Barack Obama ordered the expulsion of the 35 Russians in late December last year, seized the compounds, and imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies over what he said was their involvement in hacking political groups in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. Russian has denied interfering in the U.S. election. Putin said at the time he would not retaliate immediately, in the expectation that relations would improve under Trump. With no thaw materializing yet, Russian officials have said this month that they may now have to take “symmetrical” steps in retaliation.
Judge orders search of new Clinton emails for release by September 13
(Reuters) - A U.S. judge ordered the State Department on Thursday to release by Sept. 13 any emails it finds between Hillary Clinton and the White House from the week of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, among the thousands of additional emails uncovered by federal investigators. The order came after the Federal Bureau of Investigation gave the department a disc earlier this month containing 14,900 emails to and from Clinton and other documents it said it had recovered that she did not return to the government. Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has been criticized for using an unauthorized private email system run from a server in the basement of her home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, a decision she says was wrong and that she regrets. The issue has hung over her campaign for the White House and raised questions among voters about her trustworthiness. Judge William Dimitrouleas of the U.S. District Court in southern Florida made his order in response to a request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which is suing the State Department for Clinton-era records under freedom of information laws. Spokesmen for Clinton did not respond to requests for comment. At least one other judge has said the department will eventually have to release all the newly recovered work emails, and at least some are expected to appear before the Nov. 8 presidential election. After the system’s existence became more widely known, Clinton returned what she said were all her work emails to the State Department in 2014, and the department released them in batches to the public, some 30,000 in all. The FBI took her server in 2015 after it was discovered she had sent and received classified government secrets through the system, which the government bans. Clinton has said she did not know the information was classified at the time. After a year-long investigation, FBI Director James Comey said last month that Clinton should have recognized the sensitivity of the information and that she had been “extremely careless” with government secrets. But he said there were not enough grounds for a prosecution, a decision criticized by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and other Republicans. It remained unclear if there were any newly discovered emails that related to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed. “Using broad search terms, we have identified a number of documents potentially responsive to a Benghazi-related request,” Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, said in a statement. “At this time, we have not confirmed that the documents are, in fact, responsive. We also have not determined if they involve Secretary Clinton.”
Rice aides, Powell got classified info on personal email accounts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and aides to his successor, Condoleezza Rice, both received classified information a handful of times via personal email accounts, the top Democrat on a congressional oversight panel said on Thursday. The findings come after nearly a year of controversy over Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s decision to set up a private email server for her work as secretary of state. Democratic lawmakers and staff on Clinton’s presidential campaign seized on the report as vindicating some of their defenses of the controversial arrangement. Representative Elijah Cummings said the disclosures about Powell’s and Rice’s aides’ emails were made by the State Department’s inspector general, who is reviewing the email practices of the last five secretaries of state. That office told the State Department on Wednesday that it found 12 emails containing classified information sent to Rice’s aides or Powell, according to Cummings, who is the ranking Democrat on the House of Representatives Oversight Committee. In a statement, Powell said the two emails he received were not judged to contain confidential information at the time they were sent to him by American ambassadors. “I wish they would release them,” Powell told NBC News, “so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, ‘What’s the issue?’” A representative for Rice, who, as with Powell, served under Republican President George W. Bush, said the 10 emails sent to her aides did not contain intelligence information. More than 1,500 of Clinton’s emails, which are being made public on a federal judge’s order, have been found to include classified information so far, according to the State Department. Clinton both sent and received information the State Department now deems to be classified, including the privately shared thoughts of foreign leaders, as well as highly classified U.S. intelligence agency secrets. It became public last March that Clinton set up a private email server in her New York home for her work as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Accusations that she exposed government secrets to hackers and tried to side-step record keeping laws have since dogged her campaign, and the arrangement is being examined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Clinton’s campaign staff suggested the findings announced on Thursday helped vindicate her claim that she did nothing wrong or unusual and repeated their accusation that the State Department is overclassifying her emails, an idea the department has dismissed. “Hillary Clinton agrees with her predecessor that his emails, like hers, are being inappropriately subjected to over-classification,” John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, said in a statement, calling for their unredacted release. J. William Leonard, who oversaw the government’s classification regime as the Information Security Oversight Office director until 2008, said so-called “spillage” of classified information into unsecured email systems was common. “That’s why from the get-go it was exceedingly poor judgment to set up a private email account because of this very real fact,” Leonard said in an interview, referring to Clinton’s arrangement. The government forbids sending classified information via email, but the .gov email system, which Clinton circumvented, is monitored and protected on the assumption that classified information spills into it. Powell has said the State Department was technologically backward when he joined in 2001 and that he had to fight to get an Internet-connected computer installed in his office, from which he continued to use his personal email account. Georgia Godfrey, Rice’s chief of staff at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, said Rice did not use email while at the State Department, and that the 10 emails to her staff were reports on “diplomatic conversations.” Government regulations require that information shared in confidence by foreign government officials should be treated as classified.
Obama scolds Senate Republicans for Supreme Court threat
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed to pick an indisputably qualified nominee for the Supreme Court and chided Republicans who control the U.S. Senate for threatening to block him from filling the pivotal vacancy. Obama told senators he has a constitutional duty to nominate a new justice after Saturday’s death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and reminded them of their constitutional obligation to “do their job” and vote to approve or reject his nominee. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the seat on the nation’s highest court should remain vacant until Obama’s successor takes office in January so voters can have a say on the selection when they cast ballots in the Nov. 8 presidential election. “I’m amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the Constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there,” Obama said. “The Constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen now,” Obama, a former constitutional law professor, told a news conference at the close of a two-day meeting with leaders from Southeast Asia. In Washington, Scalia’s chair in the court’s ornate chamber was draped with black wool crepe in accordance with court tradition following a justice’s death. The court said Scalia’s body will lie in repose at the Supreme Court building on Friday before his funeral Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on Saturday. Obama’s nominee could shift the balance of power on the court, which had five conservatives and four liberals before Scalia’s death. The president said he understood the high stakes for Republican senators under pressure to vote against his pick for the lifetime appointment, who conceivably would be the deciding vote in cases where the court is split. Obama said the “venom and rancor in Washington” has led to the Senate routinely blocking his nominations for lower courts and other posts but said the Supreme Court is too important to get trapped in political gridlock. “It’s the one court where we would expect elected officials to rise above day-to-day politics,” he said. But Republicans have pointed out that Obama and members of his cabinet, who were then in the Senate, were not above trying to block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Samuel Alito by then-President George W. Bush in 2006. “While he complained about filibusters today, he joined filibusters while in the Senate,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Asked about his record, Obama acknowledged Democrats have played politics with nominations, too, through what he described as “strategic decisions” that ultimately did not block the president’s nominee. “But what is also true is Justice Alito is on the bench right now,” Obama said. Obama shed little light on whom he would choose or how the White House will try to finesse his choice through Congress. “We’re going to find somebody who is an outstanding legal mind, somebody who cares deeply about our democracy and cares about rule of law,” Obama said. “I’m going to present somebody who indisputably is qualified for the seat, and any fair-minded person, even somebody who disagrees with my politics, would say would serve with honor and integrity on the court,” he added. Asked directly if that meant he would choose a moderate candidate, Obama said, “No.” He said there was “more than enough time” for the Senate to hold hearings and vote on his nominee without the White House needing to resort to a procedure known as a recess appointment to get around the Senate when it is not in session. But he did not explicitly rule out a recess appointment. Republican Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, whose panel weighs Supreme Court nominations, said on Tuesday he will wait until Obama names his pick to fill the vacancy before deciding whether to hold confirmation hearings. Grassley has offered mixed messages since Scalia’s death on how the Senate should proceed on the vacancy, alternating hardline views on blocking any nominee with comments not ruling out hearings. “I would wait until the nominee is made before I would make any decisions” about confirmation hearings, Grassley said, according to Radio Iowa. “In other words, take it a step at a time.”
WATCH: Not A Single Woman Will Vote Trump After Seeing This Video
A new ad from a conservative super PAC absolutely destroys Donald Trump, and it uses his own words to do the job. The commercial comes from Our Principles PAC, and it showcases ordinary everyday women reading a series of horribly sexist and misogynist quotes from current Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.A few choice quotes from the ad include:These are the sorts of quotes that have terrified the Republican establishment about what Trump would do to the party in the general election. Even with candidates without misogynist comments like these on the ballot, Republicans have struggled to convince female voters. In 2012, 55 percent of women voted for Barack Obama, a number that was almost the same at 56 percent in 2008. Even when John Kerry lost the election in 2004, he still got 51 percent of the women s vote.You can hear the audio of Trump himself making many of these sexist comments in a story compiled by Buzzfeed. They went through Trump s appearances on radio shows like Howard Stern:Trump appeared upwards of two dozen times from the late 90s through the 2000s with the shock jock, and BuzzFeed News has listened to hours of those conversations, which are not publically available. The most popular topic of conversation during these appearances, as is typical of Stern s program, was sex. In particular, Trump frequently discussed women he had sex with, wanted to have sex with, or wouldn t have sex with if given the opportunity. He also rated women on a 10-point scale.This Super PAC ad is designed to derail Trump s path to the Republican nomination, but it may be too late for that. But a similar ad, broadcast from coast to coast by Democrats and their affiliated super PACs would likely be extremely devastating.Featured image via YouTube
Dog Waited Faithfully For Over A Month After His Owners Left Him Behind
There have been horror stories of families leaving behind their pets when they move out, but usually they’re left inside the house where real estate agents can find them. For Boo the dog, he...
Patriotism is alive and well at this Florida school!COOPERGATE SCHOOL S FACEBOOK PAGE HAS A STATEMENT ON WHAT TWO YOUNG PATRIOTS DID: This is what RESPECT looks like at Coppergate. Two of our safety patrols, Nate and Isaac, quietly went to the courtyard and completed their flag duty in a driving rainstorm.Not only did they bring the flag down, they also stood in the wind and rain and calmly completed the 13 folds. Then Nate protected the flag as he walked with honor and respect to retire it for the day. We are so proud of Nate and Isaac for their responsibility, respect, devotion to duty, and love of country.HERE S THE STORY: Two Florida elementary school students are being praised for their show of respect for the American flag despite the pouring rain.Isaac Davis and Nate Helmath, both 11 years old, are safety patrols at Coppergate Elementary School in Middleburg and are in charge of lowering Old Glory at dismissal time.However, last week, a torrential rainstorm passed over the school, making flag duty a wetter-than-usual experience. Still, driving rains could not stop Isaac and Nate from doing their duty.The two brought the flag down and completed the 13 folds while standing in the pouring rain.Via: FOX News
WATCH: Trump Threatens Saturday Night Live During Today Show Appearance
Matt Lauer gave Donald Trump a chance to stop acting like a petulant child but he only doubled down.On Wednesday morning after bragging about somehow being picked by Time Magazine as their person of the year, Trump was asked by Lauer if he would be better off not watching Saturday Night Live. You know, because Trump has more important shit he should be dealing with like the presidency. Can we agree, Mr. President-elect Trump, that at this stage it would be better for you to simply stop watching SNL? Lauer asked. As opposed to watching it and then complaining about it? As we all know, Trump has repeatedly thrown a temper tantrum every time he watches Alec Baldwin s perfect impersonation of him on the longtime comedy skit show.After Baldwin s latest performance, Trump took to Twitter to whine.Just tried watching Saturday Night Live unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can t get any worse. Sad Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016But Trump refused to answer Lauer s question and proceeded to trash the show instead. There s nothing funny about it, Trump claimed, even though millions of Americans watch the show because it is hilarious. The skits are terrible. I like Alec but his imitation of me is terrible. But you can t bring yourself to stop watching it? Lauer tried again.And this time, Trump made a veiled threat suggesting that he ll try to force Saturday Night Live off the air once he gets into office if the show doesn t stop mocking him. Frankly, the way the show is going now and when you look at the work they re doing who knows how long that show s gonna be on? It s a terrible show. Here s the video via YouTube.When Trump talks like this it needs to be taken seriously. Freedom of speech is in serious jeopardy and Trump is actng like a typical dictator who can t handle being the butt of a joke.Former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi also whined about being the the subject of satire, and that led to Bassem Youssef, who hosted a Daily Show-like political satire program, to be arrested and persecuted. His show was eventually forced off the air. It sounds like Trump is laying the groundwork to do the same to shows that make fun of him.Featured Image: Ty Wright/ Getty Images
Protesters flood Barcelona demanding release of separatist leaders
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of Catalan independence supporters clogged one of Barcelona s main avenues on Saturday to demand the release of separatist leaders held in prison for their roles in the region s banned drive to split from Spain. Wearing yellow ribbons on their lapels to signify support, they filled the length of the Avenue Marina that runs from the beach to Barcelona s iconic Sagrada Familia church, while the jailed leaders families made speeches. Catalonia s two main grassroots independence groups called the march, under the slogan Freedom for the political prisoners, after their leaders were remanded in custody on charges of sedition last month. The protest is seen as a test of how the independence movement s support has fared since the Catalan government declared independence on Oct. 27, prompting Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to fire its members, dissolve the regional parliament and call new elections for December. An opinion poll this week showed that pro-independence parties would win the largest share of the vote, though a majority was not assured and question marks remain over ousted regional head Carles Puigdemont s leadership of the separatist cause. Look at all the people here, said 63-year-old Pep Morales. The independence movement is still going strong. Barcelona police said about 750,000 people had attended, many from across Catalonia. The protesters carried photos with the faces of those in prison, waved the red-and-yellow striped Catalan independence flag and shone lights from their phones. The Spanish High Court has jailed eight former Catalan government members, along with the leaders of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Omnium Cultural, while investigations continue. The High Court last week issued arrest warrants on charges of rebellion and sedition for Puigdemont, who flew to Brussels after being deposed, and four other former government members who went with him. Your light reaches us in Brussels and illuminates the path we must keep following, Puigdemont tweeted during the protest. On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled to release on bail the Catalan parliament s speaker Carme Forcadell and four other lawmakers, who enabled the declaration of independence by overseeing a parliamentary vote. Another lawmaker was released without bail. Forcadell left jail on Friday after agreeing to renounce any political activity that went against the Spanish constitution, in effect banning her from campaigning for independence in the December election. Those terms threaten to undermine the independence movement just as cracks are starting to appear and tensions rise between the grassroots and their leaders. Puigdemont s PDeCAT party has failed to agree on a united ticket to contest the election with another secessionist party, the ERC, denting the pro-independence camp s hopes of pressing ahead after the election. On Saturday, the ERC said its leader, jailed former Catalan vice-president Oriol Junqueras, would be its candidate in December and he would campaign from behind bars. Pepita Sole, a 61-year-old pensioner in the crowd on Saturday, said she understood the Oct. 27 declaration was symbolic but now wanted the real thing. They better understand that we re not faking.
UK PM May says takes allegations of Russian interference seriously
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May said on Wednesday she took reports of Russian interference in elections seriously, following an ongoing investigation in the United States over alleged Russian meddling in its 2016 presidential vote. Earlier on Wednesday, Britain s electoral commission said it had opened an investigation into funding of the leave campaign in last year s Brexit referendum. We take very seriously issues of Russian intervention, or Russian attempts to intervene, in electoral processes or in the democratic processes of any country, May told parliament.
November 11: Daily Contrarian Reads
November 11: Daily Contrarian Reads My daily contrarian reads for Friday, November 11th, 2016. You need to login to view this content. David Stockman’s Contra Corner isn’t your typical financial tipsheet. Instead it’s an ongoing dialogue about what’s really happening in the markets… the economy… and governments… so you can understand the world around you and make better decisions for yourself. David believes the world -- certainly the United States -- is at a great inflection point in human history. The massive credit inflation of the last three decades has reached its apogee and is now going to splatter spectacularly. This will have lasting ramifications on how governments tax and regulate you… the type of work you and your family members will have available and what you get paid… the value of your nest egg… and all other areas comprising your quality of life. Login
Second prototype of China's C919 jet conducts test flight: state TV
BEIJING (Reuters) - A second prototype of China s home-built C919 passenger jet took off for a test flight in Shanghai on Sunday, state television reported, another step forward in the country s ambitions to muscle in to the global jet market. A total of six prototypes will eventually conduct test flights, China Central Television reported, with engine tests to be a particular focus. The aim was to conduct another long-distance test flight in late January, chief engineer Wang Wei was quoted as saying. More than 1,000 tests would be carried out. The narrow-body aircraft, which will compete with Boeing s 737 and the Airbus A320, is a symbol of China s ambitions to penetrate the global passenger jet market, estimated to be worth $2 trillion over the next 20 years. The C919 made its maiden flight on May 5 after numerous delays. Analysts have questioned the long periods between previous test flights. It completed its first long-distance flight on Nov. 10, flying for 2 hours and 23 minutes from Shanghai to the central Chinese city of Xi an, covering more than 1,300 km (800 miles) and reaching an altitude of 7,800 meters (25,590 feet). Its manufacturer, the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (COMAC) [CMAFC.UL], called the maiden flight a milestone that marked the plane s move into an airworthiness certification phase. COMAC is aiming to obtain certification for the plane from Chinese regulators as well as Europe s aviation safety regulator, which agreed in April to start the certification process. The plane has dozens of customers who have placed orders and commitments for 785 jets, COMAC has said.
Malaysia says no decision yet on new offers to search for missing MH370
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia said on Tuesday it has received proposals from three companies offering to continue the search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which has been missing since 2014, but no decision has been made yet. MH370 vanished three years ago somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people aboard. Its disappearance has become one of the world s greatest aviation mysteries. Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said proposals were received from U.S.-based seabed exploration firm Ocean Infinity, Dutch firm Fugro and an unidentified Malaysian company. We wont be deciding anything now on whether we are embarking on a new search or not, Liow told reporters on the sidelines of an event in Kuala Lumpur. We have to discuss with the companies. It will take some time as it s some detailed discussions, he said. Liow was commenting on media reports from Australia that said Malaysia could resume the search as early as this week. Australia, Malaysia and China called off a A$200 million ($159.16 million), two-year search for the plane in January, amid protests from families of those onboard. Liow said the proposals would eventually be presented to the other countries in the tripartite committee - China and Australia - before a decision was taken. Representatives for Ocean Infinity have said the company would only want to be paid if the aircraft was found. The Boeing 777 aircraft disappeared on March 8, 2014, and is thought to have been diverted thousands of miles off course out over the southern Indian Ocean before crashing off the coast of Western Australia.
Trump says he has narrowed potential running mate picks to five or six: AP
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he had narrowed his potential vice presidential choices to five or six experienced politicians, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, told AP in an interview that he had not ruled out New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a former rival now supporting Trump’s bid for the White House. “I have a list of people that I would like,” Trump was quoted as saying, adding he wanted his running mate to have political experience to help him “with legislation, getting things through” Washington if he wins the Nov. 8 presidential election. The New York billionaire businessman also said choosing someone who previously held elected office would make it easier to do background checks, in part because that person would have already been checked out by voters, the news media and to some extent, the government, according to the AP. “For the most part, they’ve been vetted over the last 20 years,” it quoted him as saying. Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, is heading up the vetting effort, a campaign aide said on Tuesday. The vetting group includes former rival Ben Carson and Trump himself, the AP quoted the billionaire businessman as saying.
Hillary Clinton KNEW 5 years ago Anthony Weiner was a Pedophile - Wikileaks
A WikiLeak’s email released on Monday reveals Clinton staffers knew as early as 2011 that Anthony Weiner had been messaging an underage girl but chose to take no action. In June of 2011, John Podesta, chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign – received news of an investigation into Weiner’s online contact with a 17-year-old Delaware high school student. The email , sent by Jennifer Palmieri, the current Clinton campaign communications director, detailed lurid claims of private messages to an underage girl being investigated by police. Now it is only LOGICAL to say that if these people knew, Hillary Clinton knew as well. Podesta’s reaction suggested he was undisturbed by the news. He replied to the email, “Oof.” Palmieri’s email also included snippets of a Fox News report at the time, saying police were investigating Weiner’s communication with the girl. “Police on Friday afternoon came to the home of a 17-year-old high school junior to ask her about direct online communications she has had with Rep. Anthony Weiner,” the Fox News article said. Sources close to the 17-year-old at the time told Fox News that the girl and Weiner had direct-messaged each other on Twitter. The girl openly expressed her feelings for the disgraced congressman, who followed her on Twitter. She also expressed her affinity for married men, according to Patterico.com . At the time, Wiener was married to Huma Abedin, Clinton’s confidante and vice chairwoman, who is now a centerpiece of a fresh FBI investigation into the handling of classified material while Clinton was in office. The scandal was one of many committed by the former congressman, whose return to the public eye has infuriated Democrats . On Sunday, FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI was re-opening its investigation into Clinton’s private email server, having discovered new emails that “appear to be pertinent.” Weiner is at the center of the investigation, along with his estranged wife, Abedin. Law enforcement officials told The New York Times that the emails were uncovered after the FBI seized devices belonging to Abedin. Comey has come under fire for his decision, but he has vigorously defended the integrity of the probe. “You can call us wrong, but don’t call us weasels. We are not weasels,” Comey said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing in September. “We are honest people, and whether or not you agree with the result, this was done the way you want it to be done.” Clinton has demanded the FBI “come clean” with more specifics, and some Democrats have gone as far as to accuse Comey of interfering with the election and violating the Hatch Act . “We’re not going to be distracted, no matter what our opponents throw at us,” Clinton told a Florida rally. Abedin separated from Weiner in August after it emerged that he was exchanging lewd messages with a woman on social media. Such behavior had destroyed his congressional career and his 2013 mayoral campaign. Source
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Morgan asked to leave agency
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan has been asked to step down as the agency moves toward tougher enforcement of immigration laws under the Trump administration, a Department of Homeland Security official told Reuters on Thursday. Morgan, a longtime former Federal Bureau of Investigation official, is expected to leave his post by the end of the month, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection said. President Donald Trump announced a broad plan to crack down on border security on Wednesday, including directing the construction of a wall along the border with Mexico. The border patrol union, which endorsed Trump’s presidential campaign and applauded his executive orders, had been critical of Morgan for supporting former President Barack Obama’s plans to safeguard certain undocumented immigrants from deportation. The executive board of the National Border Patrol Council called Morgan arrogant and a “disgrace to the Border Patrol” in an opinion piece published by conservative website Breitbart News on Nov. 30. Unlike many border patrol officers, Morgan did not climb the chain of command within the agency but spent most of his career with the FBI. Acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan issued a statement thanking Morgan for his service. “On behalf of the men and women of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Border Patrol, I want to thank Mark Morgan for his unwavering dedication to our border security mission, and recognize his life-long career in service to the nation,” the statement said.
Minnesota lieutenant governor to replace Franken in Senate
(Reuters) - Minnesota’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith was appointed as U.S. senator on Wednesday to replace Al Franken, who resigned after being accused of sexual harassment. Smith, 59, will serve a one-year term concluding in January 2019, Governor Mark Dayton said at a news conference, and will run in a special election for the seat in November next year. Dayton said he listened to the views of many Minnesotans before deciding on Smith. “There is no one I trust more to assume the responsibilities of this important office,” Dayton said. “I know that she will be a superb senator, representing the best interests of our state and our citizens.” Smith told reporters at the news conference that she will be a fierce advocate on behalf of the state, pushing for economic opportunity and fairness. “This is a difficult moment for us but even now I am now filled with optimism,” she said. “Though I never anticipated this moment, I am resolved to do everything I can to move Minnesota forward.” Smith became lieutenant governor in January 2014. She previously worked as Dayton’s chief of staff and held positions at General Mills and Planned Parenthood. Last week Franken, 66, also a Democrat, announced his resignation from the seat he has held since 2009. The former comedian has denied some of the allegations against him and questioned others. Reuters has not independently verified the accusations against him. During Wednesday’s news conference, Smith thanked Franken for his service and called him a “champion” for the state. She said she respected his decision to resign. “Sexual harassment is disrespectful to people and can’t be tolerated,” Smith said. “I can promise you that I’ll be working on these issues when I get to Washington, D.C.” Smith will be an excellent senator, Franken said. “Her record of accomplishment as Lieutenant Governor demonstrates that she’ll be an effective senator who knows how to work across party lines to get things done for Minnesota,” Franken said in a statement on Wednesday. Minnesota will soon have two women senators, as Smith will join fellow Democrat Amy Klobuchar, 57, who in 2006 became the state’s first female elected senator and was re-elected in 2012. Minnesota’s first female senator, Muriel Humphrey, was appointed in 1978 to fill the seat of her husband, Hubert Humphrey, following his death. The Republican Party of Minnesota said Smith will be entering office with what it called the “political baggage” of the Dayton administration, as well as a “well-established track record of far-left policies.” “Minnesota Republicans look forward to electing a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 2018,” its chairwoman, Jennifer Carnahan, said in a statement. The Republican Party’s slim majority in the U.S. Senate will not be affected by the move to replace Franken. Democrats will gain a seat to cut Republican’s majority in the 100-member Senate to 51 after Tuesday night’s victory by Doug Jones over Republican candidate Roy Moore in a special election in Alabama.
Swiss ready to provide platform for dialogue in Catalan row: Swiss TV
ZURICH (Reuters) - Neutral Switzerland is ready to provide a platform for dialogue between the Spanish government and Catalonia amid a row over independence for the region, Swiss state broadcaster RTS reported on Friday. It cited the foreign ministry as saying Swiss authorities were in contact with both parties and that it considers all requests for mediation. Foreign ministry officials were not immediately available to confirm the report.
Study: Statin Cholesterol-lowering Drug Use Linked to Increase in Parkinson’s Disease
Medscape Excerpts: BALTIMORE — New findings from a large national claims database show the use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to be associated with an increased risk for Parkinson’s disease (PD), contrary to previous research suggesting the drugs have a protective effect for PD. “We identified 20,000 Parkinson’s disease patients and looked at whether using statins was associated with a higher or lower risk, and we found people using statins have a higher risk of the disease, so this is the opposite of what has been hypothesized,” senior author Xuemei Huang, MD, PhD, vice chair for research at Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania, told Medscape Medical News . While high cholesterol has been shown to have a protective effect on the risk for PD, the role of statin use has been the subject of debate. Published on October 31, 2016
WATCH: Bill Maher’s “Translation” of Hitler’s Speech Shows Where Trump Gets His Crazy Ideas
Whether during the time of the ancient Greeks, the 1930s, or 2016, a demagogue is a demagogue. Bill Maher proved this last night on his show Real Time when he had a speech of Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler translated to English in order to contextualize Donald Trump s hate speeches. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPAVj8NCt8I]It has been reported that Trump has kept a compilation of Hitler s speeches next to his bedside over the years and according to his wife Ivanka, he would go through it sometimes. As first reported in a 1990 Vanity Fair profile of Trump, this alarming practice has been added to the arsenal some in the crumbling Republican party are using to try and potentially block a Trump nomination at the Republican Convention in July. Here s the transcript of Mahar s translation : We re going to make Germany great again, that I can tell you. Germany doesn t win anymore. England, France, America they re laughing at us. The Treaty of Versailles? A terrible deal! And look, I love the Jews nobody loves the Jews more than me, but folks, either we have a Fatherland or we don t. So we re gonna have to build a camp. And I will make the Jews pay for it. When putting Trump s words in the context of both Hitler s words and deeds, Trump s statements and antics are truly revealed for their xenophobic and racist tones. After all, a demagogue is a demagogue whether then or now. Featured image via Wikimedia Commons.
Obama to unveil U.S. Supreme Court nomination soon: Senator Reid
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is close to submitting to the U.S. Senate a Supreme Court nomination to fill the vacancy left by the Feb. 13 death of Justice Antonin Scalia, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Wednesday. Reid, speaking on the Senate floor, said it was the chamber’s “duty” to perform a confirmation process on a nomination, “which we will have in a matter of a week or so.” Reid did not give any hints of who the nominee might be. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reiterated that the Senate will ignore any Supreme Court nomination from Obama and will instead await a choice from whoever replaces Obama as president next January.
Obama just cancelled oil and gas drilling on sacred Blackfeet land
Tom Cahill | November 17, 2016 In a stunning move, President Obama has announced he won’t allow any oil and gas leases on land deemed sacred by the Blackfeet Tribe. After the announcement, Devon Energy, which was hoping to drill on 130,000 acres in Montana — some of which housed Glacier National Park and Blackfeet land — will have all of its oil and gas leases cancelled on the disputed land. The Bureau of Land Management had previously granted 15 leases to Devon Energy in the northwestern part of the Big Sky State. “We are proud to have worked alongside the Blackfeet Nation, U.S. Forest Service and Devon Energy to achieve this important milestone, rolling back decades-old leases and reinforcing the importance of developing resources in the right ways and the right places,” said Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell in a public statement . National Parks Conservation Association official Michael Jamison told the Washington Post that the cancellation of the leases is an important milestone for the preservation of various protected species like wolf, bear, and elk. “There aren’t many places like this left in the lower 48,” Jamison said. The move is particularly significant in the context of the ongoing protests at the construction site of the Dakota Access Pipeline, where hundreds of indigenous tribes have gathered with the Standing Rock Sioux to prevent the pipeline from being built. Protesters say the pipeline, which would run underneath the Missouri River, would endanger a crucial drinking water supply for millions of people in several states. For its part, Devon will receive a little over $200,000 for the cancellation of the leases, which were issued in the 1980s with no drilling occurring since the leases were granted. Tom Cahill is a writer for US Uncut based in the Pacific Northwest. He specializes in coverage of political, economic, and environmental news. You can contact him via email at [email protected]
CLOAKED ORDER: Who’s Really Behind ‘New Authority’ for CIA Drone Strikes?
21st Century Wire says Earlier this week, the mainstream media reported that the Trump administration granted the CIA a new secret authority broadening their ability to conduct drone strike operations against suspected terrorists. The new drone provision said to be without oversight from the Pentagon, was brought to our attention by unnamed sources published in the Wall Street Journal But is this the full story?As big media rushed to condemn the Trump administration over the supposedly brand new drone policy given to the CIA, the public has been left without a complete picture.While the new powers allowing the CIA to conduct larger-scale drone operations overseas should be of concern to the public you have to wonder if it was truly issued by the Trump administration or already under place during the Obama administration.While it s no secret that Trump has openly discussed being tough on terror and might be involved with the CIA drone order in some capacity, we should also consider the fact that many Obama and Democratic Party loyalists would like nothing more than to paint the new president in a less than agreeable light, potentially looking to create a political tripwire to derail his first term.Over the past few years the Obama administration was said to be shifting more drone operations away from the CIA but was that what really happened?In 2015, the NY Post published the following: President Obama secretly granted the Central Intelligence Agency more flexibility to conduct drone strikes targeting terror suspects in Pakistan than anywhere else in the world after approving more restrictive rules in 2013, according to a published report. The Wall Street Journal, citing current and former U.S. officials, reported that Obama approved a waiver exempting the CIA from proving that militants targeted in Pakistan posed an imminent threat to the U.S. In particular, the drone report outlined that while on the surface it appeared that Obama issued a directive to get rid of signature strikes conducted by the CIA many of the changes specified in the directive either haven t been implemented or have been works in progress. A signature strike can be conducted without presidential approval against any suspected militants.The NY Post then admitted that CIA had in fact a much broader latitude to target individuals under the Obama administration: The paper also reports that the CIA s Pakistan drone strike program was initially exempted from the imminent threat requirement until the end of U.S. and NATO combat operations in Afghanistan. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reported the following drone statistics under Obama: Pakistan was the hub of drone operations during Obama s first term. The pace of attacks had accelerated in the second half of 2008 at the end of Bush s term, after four years pocked by occasional strikes. However in the year after taking office, Obama ordered more drone strikes than Bush did during his entire presidency. The 54 strikes in 2009 all took place in Pakistan.Strikes in the country peaked in 2010, with 128 CIA drone attacks and at least 89 civilians killed, at the same time US troop numbers surged in Afghanistan. Pakistan strikes have since fallen with just three conducted in the country last year. QUESTION: Is it possible that the CIA drone policy was just transferred from one administration to another?More from the Wall Street Journal below (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton). By Gordon Lubold and Shane Harris Wall Street JournalPresident Donald Trump has given the Central Intelligence Agency secret new authority to conduct drone strikes against suspected terrorists, U.S. officials said, changing the Obama administration s policy of limiting the spy agency s paramilitary role and reopening a turf war between the agency and the Pentagon.The new authority, which hadn t been previously disclosed, represents a significant departure from a cooperative approach that had become standard practice by the end of former President Barack Obama s tenure: The CIA used drones and other intelligence resources to locate suspected terrorists and then the military conducted the actual strike. The U.S. drone strike that killed Taliban leader Mullah Mansour in May 2016 in Pakistan was the best example of that hybrid approach, U.S. officials said.The Wall Street Journal continues here READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV