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Can nuclear war break out on the Korean Peninsula?
Can nuclear war break out on the Korean Peninsula? 02.11.2016 Print version Font Size Does China support Pyongyang? Can the Chinese intervene in a possible conflict between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States? Senior officer at the Center for Korean Studies at the Institute of the Far East, Yevgeny Kim, gave an interview to Pravda.Ru, in which we spoke about North Korea's nuclear program and the possibility of the denuclearization of South-East Asia. "North Korea is a closed and little known country in many ways. Yet, who raised the question of a nuclear threat? After all, there are American atomic bombs in South Korea." "China has been involved in this actively during the recent years, but one should not attach much importance to it. The mandate of the six-party talks was about the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The question is not only about the elimination of nuclear weapons in North Korea . One should remove US nuclear bombs from South Korea and exclude a possibility for any type of nuclear weapons to appear on the Korean Peninsula on the whole. "US nuclear-powered submarines with nuclear weapons, US aircraft carriers with nuclear weapons and US aircraft with nuclear weapons violate the regime of the nuclear-free zone in South Korea. Look at the Goa Declaration that was signed by the leaders of Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. There are more than one hundred articles in this lengthy declaration, but it contains no word about the North Korean nuclear issue."Last year's BRICS declaration did not mention anything about the the North Korean nuclear issue. Therefore, the leaders of the five countries do not believe that North Korea is guilty of this problem." "Vladimir Putin said once that no one will touch a country if this country has a nuclear bomb. If it does not have a nuclear bomb, this country may experience the fate of Libya. What is Russia's stance on North Korea? Does Russia recognize the right of North Korea to have a nuclear bomb?" "The Americans would have shipped air defense systems to South Korea regardless of what kind of weapons North Korea would have had - nuclear or not. Russia is one of the great powers that has nuclear weapons, but Russia is not interested in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Of course, Russia would not like to see the emergence of new nuclear powers in the world. "At the same time, Russia understands why other countries have nuclear weapons. Russia always says that all countries should proceed from the interests of equal security. Why should the USA be worried about the presence of nuclear weapons in North Korea? North Korea cannot attack the USA. Even if North Korea has launched missiles into space , it does not mean that those missiles can carry nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons have to be delivered to the territory of another state, and a missile has to reenter the atmosphere, where plasma can destroy it, but the missile has to remain guidable in such conditions to deliver its nuclear weapons to the target. North Korea does not have the technology." "Why does China keep silence?" "China understands the reason, for which North Korea has to develop its nuclear weapons. The Chinese realize that the Americans deploy air defense complexes to contain China and Russia, not North Korea. The Americans do not even hide the fact that they have another nuclear warhead to be delivered to Germany. Nowadays, one can test and further improve nuclear weapons without a physical explosion, and North Korea would need to switch to methods of mathematical analysis." "What will determine the economic development of North Korea - Sangun or reforms?" "Reforms, definitely. Sangun - the policy of the supremacy of the army - appeared in the mid-1990s, when the country was in dire straits. The country was forced to unite as a military camp and create the mobilization economy. Sangun made it possible to overcome a very difficult period in the history of North Korea, and the country continued its development, where rigid military control was not required. Now they conduct reforms." "Do you think a nuclear war may break out on the Korean Peninsula?" "No, a nuclear war will not break out on the Korean peninsula, as North Korea will not use military weapons first. The Americans have a theory of pre-emptive nuclear strike on North Korea, and Russia too, by the way. North Korea does not have such a theory." Interviewed by Said Gafurov Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru North Korea threatens USA with 'unique' war
Neuroscientist Says Fasting Reduces the Risk of Brain Disease But Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know | Underground Health
Christopher David Leave a Comment There are many things that we assume are good for our health. We assume these things because it is the norm, and we have heard them for our entire lives. Most of them are true, but these assumptions about healthy living are not always beneficial. In fact, some of them could even be harmful. What is even more disturbing than the falsity of our assumptions is the reason why they are “common knowledge” in the first place. For instance, we know that the normal human diet consists of three meals a day and occasional snacks. Right? The common assumption that we should eat three times a day, without fasting, may not actually be backed by science. Instead of research and scientific study, this assumption could be fueled by money. Lots and lots of money. This was the topic of recent TED Talks discussion with Professor Mark Mattson. Professor Mattson is a professor of Neuroscience at John Hopkins University. He is also the Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute of Aging. He is one of the foremost researchers in the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disorder and Alzheimer’s disease. Professor Mattson has received multiple awards and accolades for his contributions to these fields including Alzheimer’s Association Zenith Award. So basically, he’s pretty smart when it comes to brain stuff. During the TEDx, Professor Mattson described his research into fasting and the positive effects it could have on the human brain. It is a fascinating subject that makes one wonder why it is not more commonly discussed. Professor Mattson also delves into the reason for this, and it is a bit unsettling. Neurological Disorders According to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America , 5.1 million people in the United States may have Alzheimer’s disease as of 2015. Research shows that the the chance of developing Alzheimer’s doubles every five years over the age of 65. As the population is aging– particularly in the instance of the Baby Boomers– the incidence of the Alzheimer’s is rising. Between 2010 and 2050, the number of Americans over the age of 65 will increase by more than double. The number of people over the age of 85 will increase by more than triple. According to Professor Mattson, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s will triple by 2050. The disease does not only effect seniors or the elderly. It is estimated that over 500,000 people in the United States have some form of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. This is commonly referred to as “early onset” dementia. Once it develops, it is estimated that between one to four family members are required to act as caregivers to the individual with the disease. Even if you are not personally impacted by the disease, you probably know someone who is. There is also an increasing chance that you will be affected as you get older. Although it is not as prevalent, there are similar statistics for other neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease . Currently, nearly one million people in the United States are affected by Parkinson’s, and the number is rising. Every year, nearly 60,000 new cases of Parkinson’s disease are diagnosed in the U.S. alone. The average age for the onset of the disorder is 60, but symptoms can progress for periods of longer than 20 years. Early onset instances of Parkinson’s disease generally occur around age 50 and account for approximately five to ten percent of diagnosed cases. These numbers do not even include other neurological disorders such as muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Overall, it is estimated that over 6.1 million Americans suffer from some form of neurological disorder such as these. As of now, there is no known cure for any of them. That is why any possible method of prevention is vital. According to Professor Mattson, he believes he has found a way to do just that. Fasting and Reducing Caloric Intake Professor Mattson and his team have done extensive research and published multiple papers on how reducing caloric intake can extend lifespan. In his TEDx discussion, he mentions that they were able to increase the lifespan of laboratory animals by 30 to 40 percent simply by reducing how much they eat. This was due to slower degeneration of brain cells by energy intake. While he does not simply state one should eat less to live longer, Professor Mattson does believe that periodic fasting can have a similar effect in humans. For centuries, humans have believed fasting to have both physical and spiritual benefits. As far back as Plato, anecdotal evidence exists of periodic fasting being a key factor in people living extended life. In Upton Sinclair’s 1911 book “ The Fasting Cure ,” he discusses several real-life instances of people who have experienced positive health results and recovered from disease as a result of fasting. The reason Professor Mattson believes that fasting has positive results for your brain is due to how your brain reacts to stress. During times of fasting, your brain will become stressed and develop “adaptive stress response pathways” that will help it cope with the lack of energy. These adaptation help your brain remain strong and resist neurological disease. There is also evidence of this in evolutionary terms. When an animal is deprived of food, its brain will activate these adaptive stress response pathways. Basically, it is a mechanism of the brain telling the animal: “Go get me some food.” In this way, fasting has similar effects as exercising. Like physical exertion, fasting creates a psychological challenge and stimulates the creation of neurotrophic factors. These are sciencey thingies that can help prevent the degeneration of nerve cells in your brain and even, in one of the brain, help to generate new ones. Fasting will also help to create “ketones” in the brain that provide an alternative fuel and increase the metabolism of the brain. Basically, fasting causes your brain to exercise. Through this exercise, it grows stronger in its ability to fight degenerative diseases and retain cognitive abilities. So, why don’t we know this stuff? According to Professor Mattson: “Why is it that the normal diet is three meals a day plus snacks? It isn’t that it’s the healthiest eating pattern, now that’s my opinion but I think there is a lot of evidence to support that. There are a lot of pressures to have that eating pattern, there’s a lot of money involved. The food industry — are they going to make money from skipping breakfast like I did today? No, they’re going to lose money. If people fast, the food industry loses money. What about the pharmaceutical industries? What if people do some intermittent fasting, exercise periodically and are very healthy, is the pharmaceutical industry going to make any money on healthy people?” As he stated, this is only his opinion, but there is evidence that indicates the possibility of pharmaceutical companies interfering with medical research. In an article titled “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,” John P.A. Ioannidis of the Stanford University School of Medicine argues just that. Particularly relating to the influence of large corporations and pharmaceutical companies in research, Ioannidis states a research finding is less likely to be true when there is “greater financial and other interest and prejudice.” Ioannidis also found that many current research studies simply reinforce current assumptions or prove the prevailing bias. Ionnadis and Mattson are far from alone in these beliefs. The Editor and Chief of The Lancet Dr. Richard Horton recently published a similar study showing that much of the scientific literature published today is either inaccurate, biased or simply untrue. According to Dr. Marcia Angell , the former Editor in Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine, “[the] pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth.” The increasingly common belief that many of our common beliefs could be untrue is unsettling, to say the least. It has long been an accepted fact that financial gains influence almost every aspect of our culture, so it should not be hard to believe that they influence health research. Fasting for Brain Power If Professor Mattson and his team are correct about how reducing caloric intake can improve and protect our cognitive abilities, you will probably want to start doing so. However, it is important to be responsible and not just stop eating because you heard it would help your brain. If you did that, you might not have the best of brains anyway. There are many modern diets that already stress the importance of fasting and the health benefits that come with it. The method that Professor Mattson recommends is what is called the “5:2 Diet” method of fasting. Simply put, this involves eating normally for five days of the week and fasting for two. On the fasting days, you would eat approximately one quarter of the calories you eat on your regular days. As is the case with any new changes to your health habits, it is important to check with your doctor first. Particularly if you plan on implementing a big change like periodic fasting, it is also smart to do your research first. There are several books an millions of articles available on the subject to help you find which method works for you. Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Comment
As a Catholic I m offended by this Pope s political meddling in our Presidential election beyond words Pope Francis met U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in the Vatican on Saturday morning and the two discussed the need for morality in the world economy before the pontiff left for a visit to the Greek island of Lesbos.Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs told Reuters that the meeting took place in the Vatican guesthouse where the pope lives and where Sanders had spent the night after addressing a Vatican conference on social justice.The Vatican had said that a meeting between the two was not planned, and Sanders said he did not expect to meet the pope during his trip. He is a beautiful man, Sanders said in an interview with ABC News after the meeting. I am not a Catholic, but there is a radiance that comes from him. Sachs said Sanders, who was accompanied by his wife, spoke with the pope for about five minutes. Sachs, his wife, and Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, head of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, were also in the room. I just conveyed to him my admiration for the extraordinary work he is doing raising some of the most important issues facing our planet and the billions of people on the planet and injecting the need for morality in the global economy, Sanders told ABC.The Democratic hopeful from Vermont has campaigned on a promise to rein in corporate power and level the economic playing field for working and lower-income Americans whom he says have been left behind, a message echoing that of the pope.When Sachs, who has advised the United Nations on climate change, was asked if the meeting could be interpreted as political, he said: This was absolutely not political. This is a senator who for decades has been speaking about the moral economy. The meeting came just days before Tuesday s Democratic party primary in New York, where polls say he is trailing Hillary Clinton. After he won seven of the last eight state contests, a loss in Sanders home state would give front-runner Clinton a boost toward the party s presidential nomination.Sanders, the Brooklyn-born son of Polish Jewish immigrants, has said the trip was not a pitch for the Catholic vote but a testament to his admiration for the pontiff. Via: Reuters
LEFTIST HATE ON STEROIDS: Donald Trump Tombstone Appears In NYC
Suggesting a person should be killed because the Left disagrees with his desire to make America great again is beyond the pale But lets discuss micro aggressions and demands for safe spaces A tombstone for Donald Trump mysteriously appeared in Central Park this weekend, just one week after over a thousand avowed communists, socialists, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16% fans, and pro-illegal immigration activists took part in an anti-Trump protest in Central Partk.The Gothamist posted a tweet showing the tombstone, which reads Made America Hate Again. Photo: You Can Visit Donald Trump's Tombstone In Central Park https://t.co/jetfxBxUFj pic.twitter.com/JvBKYsMKUI Gothamist (@Gothamist) March 27, 2016 As Breitbart News has reported, while the media and even other Republicans have castigated Trump for violence, in fact the calls for Trump s death have gone unpunished on social media sites like Twitter.The following tweets are just a sample from the last 24 hours:I think I m gonna assassinate Donald Trump (@Inuyashiha) March 27, 2016im going to hire someone on the deep web to assassinate donald trump fat cube head (@IovegIow) March 27, 2016@FaZeBlaziken 10 likes and I will assassinate trump Adam Gomez (@kingprimoLoL) March 27, 2016@patrickfoster Personally, I can t understand why there isn t a Kickstarter to assassinate Trump, yet. Eric Karjaluoto (@karj) March 27, 2016Meanwhile, an Assassinate Donald Trump page has been reposted on Facebook. The page s creator said that they don t personally plan to kill Mr. Trump, but they believe it should be done :Assassinate Donald TrumpMarch 25 at 3:10pm I find it important to say for my own protection that I have no intention or interest in assassinating a presidential cacandidate. Rather, I think it s something that should be done and I think the page needs to exists again, since the Republicans whined it down. Via: Breitbart News
The attacks on George Stephanopoulos are getting the problem backward
On the one hand, I find it weird that George Stephanopoulos donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation. He should have known how it would look. On the other hand, look is really the operative word there. It's not as if Stephanopoulos's ties to the Clintons were some kind of closely guarded secret: Stephanopoulos worked on Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign for president. He was communications director in Clinton's White House. The sudden realization that Stephanopoulos might be, in his heart of hearts, sympathetic toward the Clintons is a bit odd. It's easier to see what's going on here when you realize Stephanopoulos wasn't the only media figure to donate to the Clinton Foundation. Dylan Byers reports that the hyper-conservative Newsmax gave more than a million dollars. So did James Murdoch — yes, he's one of those Murdochs — and the News Corporation Foundation, the Murdoch family's philanthropy, threw in at least another $500,000. But no one much cares about those donations because no one really thinks Newsmax or Fox News are going to end up biased toward the Clintons. They care about Stephanopoulos's donation because they think Stephanopoulos is already biased toward the Clintons, and this just proves it. But the attacks on Stephanopoulos are getting the possible scandal almost exactly backward. Stephanopoulos, Murdoch, Newsmax, and all the other Clinton donors weren't donating to the Clinton Foundation because they're biased toward the Clintons; they were donating to the Clinton Foundation because they want the Clintons to be biased toward them. After all, if you're a powerful media figure trying to help out the Clintons on the sly, the last thing you want to do is publicly donate $75,000 to them so everyone thinks you're in their pocket. But if you're a powerful media figure — or a giant corporation — who wants to keep good relations with the Clintons, maybe you do want to make that donation. Bill Clinton, after all, was watching those donations carefully, and he was grateful to the people and institutions that stepped up to support a project he cared about. It's hard to remember now, but Clinton managed, for a moment, to depoliticize his foundation pretty effectively. At the time Stephanopoulos made his contribution, supporting Clinton's charity was almost as bipartisan as supporting Simpson-Bowles. This was a moment when Mitt Romney and Donald Trump were also supporting the Clinton Foundation, after all. But that speaks to the deeper corruption of the Clinton Foundation, which became, to all appearances, a way for pretty much anyone to buy some goodwill with the Clintons. Look at the other names on Byers's list of media or media-related companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation: Carlos Slim, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg L.P., Time Warner, AOL, HBO, Twitter, Google. These titans and institutions weren't donating to Clinton Foundation just because they liked the Clintons — they were donating to the Clinton Foundation because they wanted the Clintons to like them. Which is all to say that while it was a mistake for Stephanopoulos to donate to the Clinton Foundation, it didn't change much: he's either biased toward the Clintons in a way that affects his coverage, or he isn't, and that would have been true with or without his contribution. The more worrying question is whether the Clintons are biased toward the people and companies who give millions of dollars to their foundation.
They Said What?!: Find Out What Miles Teller, Kelly Slater, And Meghan Markle Have To Say
Email Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day: “ Emails are pretty much the only way to communicate these days. Talking is over with. The second my grandma opens up her mouth to wish me a happy birthday, I tell her: ‘Send it in an email.’ ” —Miles Teller On email “ Waves should be so big that only Godzilla could surf on them. He should be world champion, and surfers should call him their friend. The world’s big surf competition should be called Godzilla Grand Prix. ” —Kelly Slater On surfing “ Prince Harry didn’t want someone dating him just because he’s a prince, so for the first few months I was seeing him, he wore a sack over his head and spoke in a low hiss, saying only, ‘I am not a prince.’ Finally he pulled off the sack and said, ‘I am actually a prince!’ I tried to act surprised, but honestly I’d smelled that he was a prince the moment I’d met him. ” —Meghan Markle
Polls are tightening, but is the US presidential election rigged?
Interviews US Democratic presidential nominee former Hillary Clinton boards her campaign plane at Westchester County Airport on October 27, 2016 in White Plains, New York. (Photo by AFP) One of the most important questions is will US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton rig the election to win the White House like she did in the primaries against Bernie Sanders, asks Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. Recent polls show that Clinton’s national lead over Trump is shrinking as the Election Day is approaching. The former secretary of state has the support of 49 percent of likely voters, while the billionaire businessman has 44 percent support, according to the CNN/ORC survey released on Monday. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has 3 percent support among likely voters, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein has 2 percent support. “In every election the race tightens towards the end,” Hoenig told Press TV on Thursday. “It’s really hard to imagine that there is any flux in this election as the supporters of both sides absolutely hate the other. With Obama and Romney, or even Gore and Bush, many of the issues were shared and the voting was often done on personalities or the historical nature of a first black president, regardless of who was pulling whose strings,” he said. “This election is more polarized than ever. With the Podesta leaks showing Clinton’s overt racism (calling Donna Brazille a buffalo) as well as proving that President Obama lied to the public about when he learned of Clinton’s inappropriate use of her emails, and with the news of Trump’s ACCESS Hollywood tape receding into America’s short term memory span, it’s no wonder the polls are tightening,” the analyst stated. “The question of the day is will Clinton rig the election like she did the primary, being the only way she could have won,” he asked. “We’re also seeing both Johnson’s and Stein’s numbers dropping but so many are not polled that those numbers are harder to verify,” the commentator noted. “This is the biggest crap shoot of an election in years!” he said in his concluding remarks. Loading ...
Spicer: It Would Be ‘Misguided And Wrong’ To NOT Handcuff 5-Year-Old Muslim Children (VIDEO)
There was a time when a brutal dictator would strip children from their parents, handcuffing and detaining them simply because of their religion. It was a shameful time in our world s history that we must be careful not to repea oh, this happened over the f*cking weekend?If you haven t seen it yet, one incident stemming from the chaos caused by Trump s Muslim ban perfectly demonstrates how far we have fallen. On Saturday, a 5-year-old U.S. citizen was stripped from his family thanks to President Asterisk s Muslim ban. The Maryland boy was traveling to Washington Dulles airport with another family member to meet his mother, who is from Iran, when they were stopped and the child was handcuffed and detained for hours. The Huffington Post reports:A 5-year-old boy who was swept up in President Donald Trump s executive order was reunited with his mother Saturday after enduring a several-hour detention, emotional video shows.The little boy, who U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) identified as a U.S. citizen and Maryland resident, was seen being showered with kisses as his mother embraced him at Washington D.C. s Dulles International Airport, WJZ-TV reported.The child s mother, who is reportedly from Iran, declined an interview as she rushed out of the airport. Family surrounding the mother and son meanwhile clutched balloons and sang Happy Birthday to the boy, who had been flying with another family member.But not to worry. On Monday, White House press secretary assured us that this would never happen again just kidding, he doubled down on the decision to treat a 5-year-old U.S. citizen like a terrorist. To assume someone because of their age or gender, that they don t pose a threat, would be misguided and wrong, Spicer said during a press conference when asked about the situation.If you thought there would be any repentance over the disaster that was this past weekend, you were also misguided and wrong. The United States has entered a terrifying time in its history, one we can only survive if we stick together and continue to stand up for the oppressed including those who are too small to be heard on their own.Fuck you, Spicer. Watch it below:Featured image via screengrab
Trump adding CIA back to National Security Council: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will amend his recent National Security Council reorganization to add the CIA to the group, the White House said on Monday. White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the CIA had not been part of the national security forum since 2005, but he said Trump was making the change out of respect for Director Mike Pompeo and others at the agency. Susan Rice, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, on Sunday tweeted to ask why the CIA was not part of the group. Trump was also criticized for adding chief strategist Steve Bannon, a political adviser, to the National Security Council.
ANTIFA: Self-Appointed Radical Revolutionaries or Neoliberal Thought Police?
Antifa (Photo: Twitter)Diana Johnstone 21st Century Wire Fascists are divided into two categories, the fascists and the anti-fascists ~ Ennio FlaianoIn recent weeks, a totally disoriented left has been widely exhorted to unify around a masked vanguard calling itself Antifa, for anti-fascist. Hooded and dressed in black, Antifa is essentially a variation of the Black Bloc, familiar for introducing violence into peaceful demonstrations in many countries. Imported from Europe, the label Antifa sounds more political. It also serves the purpose of stigmatizing those it attacks as fascists .Despite its imported European name, Antifa is basically just another example of America s steady descent into violence.Historical PretensionsAntifa first came to prominence from its role in reversing Berkeley s proud free speech tradition by preventing right wing personalities from speaking there. But its moment of glory was its clash with rightwingers in Charlottesville on August 12, largely because Trump commented that there were good people on both sides . With exuberant Schadenfreude, commentators grabbed the opportunity to condemn the despised President for his moral equivalence , thereby bestowing a moral blessing on Antifa.Charlottesville served as a successful book launching for Antifa: the Antifascist Handbook, whose author, young academic Mark Bray, is an Antifa in both theory and practice. The book is really taking off very fast , rejoiced the publisher, Melville House. It instantly won acclaim from leading mainstream media such as the New York Times,The Guardian and NBC, not hitherto known for rushing to review leftwing books, least of all those by revolutionary anarchists.The Washington Post welcomed Bray as spokesman for insurgent activist movements and observed that: The book s most enlightening contribution is on the history of anti-fascist efforts over the past century, but its most relevant for today is its justification for stifling speech and clobbering white supremacists. Bray s enlightening contribution is to a tell a flattering version of the Antifa story to a generation whose dualistic, Holocaust-centered view of history has largely deprived them of both the factual and the analytical tools to judge multidimensional events such as the growth of fascism. Bray presents today s Antifa as though it were the glorious legitimate heir to every noble cause since abolitionism. But there were no anti-fascists before fascism, and the label Antifa by no means applies to all the many adversaries of fascism.The implicit claim to carry on the tradition of the International Brigades who fought in Spain against Franco is nothing other than a form of innocence by association. Since we must revere the heroes of the Spanish Civil War, some of that esteem is supposed to rub off on their self-designated heirs. Unfortunately, there are no veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade still alive to point to the difference between a vast organized defense against invading fascist armies and skirmishes on the Berkeley campus. As for the Anarchists of Catalonia, the patent on anarchism ran out a long time ago, and anyone is free to market his own generic.The original Antifascist movement was an effort by the Communist International to cease hostilities with Europe s Socialist Parties in order to build a common front against the triumphant movements led by Mussolini and Hitler.Since Fascism thrived, and Antifa was never a serious adversary, its apologists thrive on the nipped in the bud claim: if only Antifascists had beat up the fascist movements early enough, the latter would have been nipped in the bud. Since reason and debate failed to stop the rise of fascism, they argue, we must use street violence which, by the way, failed even more decisively.This is totally ahistorical. Fascism exalted violence, and violence was its preferred testing ground. Both Communists and Fascists were fighting in the streets and the atmosphere of violence helped fascism thrive as a bulwark against Bolshevism, gaining the crucial support of leading capitalists and militarists in their countries, which brought them to power.Since historic fascism no longer exists, Bray s Antifa have broadened their notion of fascism to include anything that violates the current Identity Politics canon: from patriarchy (a pre-fascist attitude to put it mildly) to transphobia (decidedly a post-fascist problem).The masked militants of Antifa seem to be more inspired by Batman than by Marx or even by Bakunin.Storm Troopers of the Neoliberal War PartySince Mark Bray offers European credentials for current US Antifa, it is appropriate to observe what Antifa amounts to in Europe today.In Europe, the tendency takes two forms. Black Bloc activists regularly invade various leftist demonstrations in order to smash windows and fight the police. These testosterone exhibits are of minor political significance, other than provoking public calls to strengthen police forces. They are widely suspected of being influenced by police infiltration.As an example, last September 23, several dozen black-clad masked ruffians, tearing down posters and throwing stones, attempted to storm the platform where the flamboyant Jean-Luc M lenchon was to address the mass meeting of La France Insoumise, today the leading leftist party in France. Their unspoken message seemed to be that nobody is revolutionary enough for them. Occasionally, they do actually spot a random skinhead to beat up. This establishes their credentials as anti-fascist .They use these credentials to arrogate to themselves the right to slander others in a sort of informal self-appointed inquisition.As prime example, in late 2010, a young woman named Ornella Guyet appeared in Paris seeking work as a journalist in various leftist periodicals and blogs. She tried to infiltrate everywhere , according to the former director of Le Monde diplomatique, Maurice Lemoine, who always intuitively distrusted her when he hired her as an intern.Viktor Dedaj, who manages one of the main leftist sites in France, Le Grand Soir, was among those who tried to help her, only to experience an unpleasant surprise a few months later. Ornella had become a self-appointed inquisitor dedicated to denouncing conspirationism, confusionism, anti-Semitism and red-brown on Internet. This took the form of personal attacks on individuals whom she judged to be guilty of those sins. What is significant is that all her targets were opposed to US and NATO aggressive wars in the Middle East.Indeed, the timing of her crusade coincided with the regime change wars that destroyed Libya and tore apart Syria. The attacks singled out leading critics of those wars.Viktor Dedaj was on her hit list. So was Michel Collon, close to the Belgian Workers Party, author, activist and manager of the bilingual site Investig action. So was Fran ois Ruffin, film-maker, editor of the leftist journal Fakir elected recently to the National Assembly on the list of M lenchon s party La France Insoumise. And so on. The list is long.The targeted personalities are diverse, but all have one thing in common: opposition to aggressive wars. What s more, so far as I can tell, just about everyone opposed to those wars is on her list.The main technique is guilt by association. High on the list of mortal sins is criticism of the European Union, which is associated with nationalism which is associated with fascism which is associated with anti-Semitism , hinting at a penchant for genocide. This coincides perfectly with the official policy of the EU and EU governments, but Antifa uses much harsher language.In mid-June 2011, the anti-EU party Union Populaire R publicaine led by Fran ois Asselineau was the object of slanderous insinuations on Antifa internet sites signed by Marie-Anne Boutoleau (a pseudonym for Ornella Guyet). Fearing violence, owners cancelled scheduled UPR meeting places in Lyon. UPR did a little investigation, discovering that Ornella Guyet was on the speakers list at a March 2009 Seminar on International Media organized in Paris by the Center for the Study of International Communications and the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. A surprising association for such a zealous crusader against red-brown .In case anyone has doubts, red-brown is a term used to smear anyone with generally leftist views that is, red with the fascist color brown . This smear can be based on having the same opinion as someone on the right, speaking on the same platform with someone on the right, being published alongside someone on the right, being seen at an anti-war demonstration also attended by someone on the right, and so on. This is particularly useful for the War Party, since these days, many conservatives are more opposed to war than leftists who have bought into the humanitarian war mantra.The government doesn t need to repress anti-war gatherings. Antifa does the job.The Franco-African comedien Dieudonn M Bala M Bala, stigmatized for anti-Semitism since 2002 for his tv sketch lampooning an Israeli settler as part of George W. Bush s Axis of Good , is not only a target, but serves as a guilty association for anyone who defends his right to free speech such as Belgian professor Jean Bricmont, virtually blacklisted in France for trying to get in a word in favor of free speech during a TV talk show. Dieudonn has been banned from the media, sued and fined countless times, even sentenced to jail in Belgium, but continues to enjoy a full house of enthusiastic supporters at his one-man shows, where the main political message is opposition to war.Still, accusations of being soft on Dieudonn can have serious effects on individuals in more precarious positions, since the mere hint of anti-Semitism can be a career killer in France. Invitations are cancelled, publications refused, messages go unanswered.In April 2016, Ornella Guyet dropped out of sight, amid strong suspicions about her own peculiar associations.The moral of this story is simple. Self-appointed radical revolutionaries can be the most useful thought police for the neoliberal war party.I am not suggesting that all, or most, Antifa are agents of the establishment. But they can be manipulated, infiltrated or impersonated precisely because they are self-anointed and usually more or less disguised.Silencing Necessary DebateOne who is certainly sincere is Mark Bray, author of The Intifa Handbook. It is clear where Mark Bray is coming from when he writes (p.36-7): Hitler s final solution murdered six million Jews in gas chambers, with firing squads, through hunger an lack of medical treatment in squalid camps and ghettoes, with beatings, by working them to death, and through suicidal despair. Approximately two out of every three Jews on the continent were killed, including some of my relatives. This personal history explains why Mark Bray feels passionately about fascism . This is perfectly understandable in one who is haunted by fear that it can happen again .However, even the most justifiable emotional concerns do not necessarily contribute to wise counsel. Violent reactions to fear may seem to be strong and effective when in reality they are morally weak and practically ineffectual.We are in a period of great political confusion. Labeling every manifestation of political incorrectness as fascism impedes clarification of debate over issues that very much need to be defined and clarified.The scarcity of fascists has been compensated by identifying criticism of immigration as fascism. This identification, in connection with rejection of national borders, derives much of its emotional force above all from the ancestral fear in the Jewish community of being excluded from the nations in which they find themselves.The issue of immigration has different aspects in different places. It is not the same in European countries as in the United States. There is a basic distinction between immigrants and immigration. Immigrants are people who deserve consideration. Immigration is a policy that needs to be evaluated. It should be possible to discuss the policy without being accused of persecuting the people. After all, trade union leaders have traditionally opposed mass immigration, not out of racism, but because it can be a deliberate capitalist strategy to bring down wages.In reality, immigration is a complex subject, with many aspects that can lead to reasonable compromise. But to polarize the issue misses the chances for compromise. By making mass immigration the litmus test of whether or not one is fascist, Antifa intimidation impedes reasonable discussion. Without discussion, without readiness to listen to all viewpoints, the issue will simply divide the population into two camps, for and against. And who will win such a confrontation?A recent survey* shows that mass immigration is increasingly unpopular in all European countries. The complexity of the issue is shown by the fact that in the vast majority of European countries, most people believe they have a duty to welcome refugees, but disapprove of continued mass immigration. The official argument that immigration is a good thing is accepted by only 40%, compared to 60% of all Europeans who believe that immigration is bad for our country . A left whose principal cause is open borders will become increasingly unpopular.Childish ViolenceThe idea that the way to shut someone up is to punch him in the jaw is as American as Hollywood movies. It is also typical of the gang war that prevails in certain parts of Los Angeles. Banding together with others like us to fight against gangs of them for control of turf is characteristic of young men in uncertain circumstances. The search for a cause can involve endowing such conduct with a political purpose: either fascist or antifascist. For disoriented youth, this is an alternative to joining the US Marines.American Antifa looks very much like a middle class wedding between Identity Politics and gang warfare. Mark Bray (page 175) quotes his DC Antifa source as implying that the motive of would-be fascists is to side with the most powerful kid in the block and will retreat if scared. Our gang is tougher than your gang.That is also the logic of US imperialism, which habitually declares of its chosen enemies: All they understand is force. Although Antifa claim to be radical revolutionaries, their mindset is perfectly typical the atmosphere of violence which prevails in militarized America.In another vein, Antifa follows the trend of current Identity Politics excesses that are squelching free speech in what should be its citadel, academia. Words are considered so dangerous that safe spaces must be established to protect people from them. This extreme vulnerability to injury from words is strangely linked to tolerance of real physical violence.Wild Goose ChaseIn the United States, the worst thing about Antifa is the effort to lead the disoriented American left into a wild goose chase, tracking down imaginary fascists instead of getting together openly to work out a coherent positive program. The United States has more than its share of weird individuals, of gratuitous aggression, of crazy ideas, and tracking down these marginal characters, whether alone or in groups, is a huge distraction. The truly dangerous people in the United States are safely ensconced in Wall Street, in Washington Think Tanks, in the executive suites of the sprawling military industry, not to mention the editorial offices of some of the mainstream media currently adopting a benevolent attitude toward anti-fascists simply because they are useful in focusing on the maverick Trump instead of themselves.Antifa USA, by defining resistance to fascism as resistance to lost causes the Confederacy, white supremacists and for that matter Donald Trump is actually distracting from resistance to the ruling neoliberal establishment, which is also opposed to the Confederacy and white supremacists and has already largely managed to capture Trump by its implacable campaign of denigration. That ruling establishment, which in its insatiable foreign wars and introduction of police state methods, has successfully used popular resistance to Trump to make him even worse than he already was.The facile use of the term fascist gets in the way of thoughtful identification and definition of the real enemy of humanity today. In the contemporary chaos, the greatest and most dangerous upheavals in the world all stem from the same source, which is hard to name, but which we might give the provisional simplified label of Globalized Imperialism. This amounts to a multifaceted project to reshape the world to satisfy the demands of financial capitalism, the military industrial complex, United States ideological vanity and the megalomania of leaders of lesser Western powers, notably Israel. It could be called simply imperialism , except that it is much vaster and more destructive than the historic imperialism of previous centuries. It is also much more disguised. And since it bears no clear label such as fascism , it is difficult to denounce in simple terms.The fixation on preventing a form of tyranny that arose over 80 years ago, under very different circumstances, obstructs recognition of the monstrous tyranny of today. Fighting the previous war leads to defeat.Donald Trump is an outsider who will not be let inside. The election of Donald Trump is above all a grave symptom of the decadence of the American political system, totally ruled by money, lobbies, the military-industrial complex and corporate media. Their lies are undermining the very basis of democracy. Antifa has gone on the offensive against the one weapon still in the hands of the people: the right to free speech and assembly.***Diana Johnstone is author of the introduction to her father s memoir, From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning, by Paul H. Johnstone (Clarity Press).READ MORE FASCIST NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Fascist FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
Trump’s Possible DHS Pick Threatened To DESTROY Medical Examiner For Exposing Sickening Truth
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisc., is possibly in line to become the next Secretary of Homeland Security. He s ruthless, he s extreme right, he s abusive, and he s just flat terrifying. Prisoners have died under his watch, too, for reasons such as labor and thirst. When the Milwaukee County medical examiner released standard reports on two of these deaths, Clarke absolutely lost it.Brian Peterson told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that Clarke called him at the end of October and verbally pummeled him because of those reports. He threatened to contact the state s medical licensing board to have Peterson s license revoked, or at least to get him sanctioned. Peterson said: I haven t been talked to like that since I was probably 5. Is this really someone we want in charge of an entire federal department? Someone who s going to threaten to destroy those who expose the truth about him? It s actually no wonder Trump would consider him that s what Trump does. Eliminate anyone who makes you look even slightly bad.What s worse is that Peterson contacted the county s executive office about it a day later, and it came out that they aren t totally unfamiliar with Clarke s bullying behavior. This isn t an isolated incident.Clarke has excoriated Black Lives Matter as an anarchist group and a hate group, and predicted that they d join forces with ISIS at some point to destroy America. He s also a member of an extreme anti-government group known as the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Organization, which should make him unfit to serve as Secretary of anything at all.That organization promotes the idea that the county sheriff is the supreme law enforcement entity in the country, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.Clarke s office contacted the county executive s office to claim that they had a recording of the entire conversation and paint Peterson as a liar. But, surprise, surprise, they refused to provide it even though it could have cleared Clarke. Then again, nonexistent tapes can t clear anybody, so that answers that.This disgusting excuse for a law enforcement officer and human being is the one who should lose his job. Nobody should be allowed to abuse anyone, and Clarke is guilty of many, many abuses.Featured image by Joe Raedle via Getty Images
Texas moves toward post-Harvey recovery; gas prices slip
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Texas on Monday edged toward recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey as shipping channels, oil pipelines and refineries restarted some operations and authorities lifted an evacuation order for the area around a once-burning chemical plant. Port operations across the U.S. Gulf Coast oil and gas hub were resuming, although many still had restrictions on vessel draft, according to U.S. Coast Guard updates. U.S. gasoline prices fell in expectation that the area can get back on its feet after Harvey cut a path of destruction across more than 300 miles (480 km). The storm’s record rains and flooding killed as many as 60 people, according to local officials, and displaced more than 1 million. Benchmark U.S. gasoline futures fell by more than 3 percent on Monday. The Coast Guard allowed some barge traffic to enter Port Arthur, Texas, home of the country’s largest oil refinery, and is considering allowing ships to enter on Tuesday, a spokesman said. Flooding from Harvey caused fires at the Arkema SA chemical plant in Crosby, some 25 miles (40 km) northeast of Houston. But on Monday, the company said the Crosby Fire Department had lifted a 1.5-mile (2.4-km) evacuation zone around the plant, allowing people to return to their homes. The lifting of the order may help residents like Paul Mincey, a 31-year-old tugboat engineer who has been kept out of the ranch home he shares with his girlfriend, return to normal. “It could be full of snakes for all we know. We have no idea what’s in there,” Mincey said from aboard a tugboat in the Houston Ship Channel, which he said was polluted by floating railroad ties, trees and trash strewn by the storm. Like others forced from the evacuation zone, Mincey said he was eager to assess water damage and begin repairs while hoping for financial aid to deal with property damage. (To view a graphic on Harvey's energy impact, click tmsnrt.rs/2xzso1S) As the recovery from Harvey picked up speed, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard in preparation Irma, a dangerous Category 4 hurricane closing in on a string of Caribbean islands. Irma could pummel the U.S. territory on Wednesday and it also poses a threat later in the week to the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Florida, which declared a state of emergency on Monday evening. The U.S. National Hurricane Center cautioned that it was too early to forecast the storm’s exact path or what effect it might have on the U.S. mainland. But some weather models show Irma entering the Gulf of Mexico, where Harvey dealt a major blow to the most important energy hub in the United States, taking up to one-fourth of the country’s oil refining capacity offline and driving up fuel prices. Colonial Pipeline Co on Monday said it restarted one of its fuel lines shut because of Hurricane Harvey, with another line scheduled to restart on Tuesday. Colonial is the biggest U.S. fuel system, with pipelines that connect refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast to markets in the Northeast, transporting more than 3 million barrels a day of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. With more pipelines coming on line, concerns about supply should ease. Most ports in Texas were open on Monday, some with restrictions on traffic and vessel size, said Colonel Lars Zetterstrom, head of the Army Corps of Engineers’ regional office in Galveston. (To view a graphic on storms in the North Atlantic, click tmsnrt.rs/2gcckz5) The question of how to pay for hurricane recovery was consuming Washington after Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Sunday increased his damage estimate to between $150 billion and $180 billion. Abbott on Monday requested seven additional Texas counties be added to the Federal Disaster Declaration previously granted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). That would bring the total number of counties receiving assistance to 43. Some 190,000 homes were damaged and another 13,500 destroyed, the Texas Department of Public Safety said. At least 33,000 people sought refuge in Texas shelters overnight, with another 1,300 doing so in Louisiana, the American Red Cross said. Republicans and Democrats returning to Washington after a month-long break will need to put differences aside in order to approve an aid package. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sunday challenged Congress to raise the government’s debt limit in order to free up relief spending. The U.S. House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on $7.85 billion in emergency relief funds for the FEMA and the Small Business Administration and plans another vote later this month on a separate $6.7 billion sought by President Donald Trump. In one indication of funding needs, the Texas Department of Public Safety on Monday estimated damage to public property at $382.3 million. (To view a graphic on Hurricane costs, click tmsnrt.rs/2vGkbHS)
Alexander Acosta, Labor Nominee, Dismisses Concerns Over Political Pressure - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s second pick to lead the Labor Department told senators on Wednesday that he would not allow partisan political considerations or conservative ideologues to shape his department, pushing back against accusations by Democrats that he had looked away as subordinates at the Justice Department stacked his office with ideological allies during the George W. Bush administration. R. Alexander Acosta, the nominee for labor secretary, also defended his decision as the United States attorney in Southern Florida to offer a lenient plea deal to a wealthy New Yorker accused of paying underage girls for sexual acts. For nearly three hours in front of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Mr. Acosta, 48, defended his record, explained how he might deal with budget cuts to the department and dismissed the concerns of several senators who asked how he would avoid any pressure from the president to pass policies based on politics and not on the best interest of workers. Mr. Acosta, who would be the only Hispanic in Mr. Trump’s cabinet, promised not to evaluate workers based on their political leanings. “If confirmed, I will work to enforce the laws under the department’s jurisdiction fully and fairly,” Mr. Acosta said in his opening pitch to senators. “As a former prosecutor, I will always be on the side of the law and not any particular constituency. ” Mr. Acosta, the dean of Florida International University’s law school, was nominated after the president’s first choice for labor secretary, the executive Andrew F. Puzder, withdrew from consideration after coming under fire for past labor practices and domestic abuse allegations. Mr. Acosta, a former prosecutor from Miami who headed the Justice Department’s civil rights division, appeared to be a far less contentious choice. But Democratic senators did not go easy on him. Senator Patty Murray of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the committee, wanted more details on his promise not to politicize the department. “I expect our next secretary of labor to be someone who can withstand inappropriate political pressure, and prioritize workers and the mission of the Labor Department over, hypothetically speaking, President Trump’s business associates or Steve Bannon’s frightening ideology,” she said, referring to the senior White House adviser. She and other Democrats pointed to a 2008 report by the Justice Department’s investigator, which found that under Mr. Acosta his office had violated federal law and department policies by weighing political affiliations in hiring and assessing employees. Mr. Acosta acknowledged that the violations had happened on his watch but said that the report laid most of the blame on a subordinate, Bradley Schlozman. “Political views in the hiring of career attorneys and staff should not be used,” Mr. Acosta said. “If I am asked to do that, I will not allow it. ” Mr. Acosta had a lengthy discussion with Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia, on what critics said was the lenient plea deal given to Jeffrey E. Epstein, a wealthy financier accused of paying underage girls for sexual massages. Mr. Acosta defended the deal and said it was offered based on the evidence. Mr. Epstein, he noted, was required to register as a sex offender. Mr. Acosta also seemed to question Mr. Trump’s proposal to cut the Labor Department’s budget by 21 percent, saying he opposed cuts as well as targeting specific programs. “The principle that needs to be used to guide the spending is, ‘How successful is the program? ’” Mr. Acosta said. He pledged to consult with local officials before making cuts to the department. He added that he hoped to help Americans “find good jobs, safe jobs. ” Most of the confirmation hearing was given to senators’ interrogating Mr. Acosta about how much of Mr. Trump’s agenda he would back and how he would help fulfill the president’s promises to create jobs and stop companies from moving jobs overseas. Mr. Trump “ran for president saying he was going to make that huge difference — he was going to bring jobs back,” said Senator Michael Bennet, Democrat of Colorado. “What’s the plan?” Mr. Acosta answered that he would work with other agencies, like the Department of Education, in carrying out the president’s executive order directing department heads to review regulations. Two Republican senators, Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas, both like Mr. Acosta, introduced and praised him as an example of the American dream. Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee and the chairman of the committee, said Mr. Acosta would be a labor secretary who “understands how a job is critical to helping workers realize the American dream for themselves and for their families. ” The Senate labor committee is expected to vote next week on whether to advance Mr. Acosta’s nomination to the full Senate. The Senate Agriculture Committee is scheduled to begin a confirmation hearing on Thursday for Sonny Perdue, the former governor of Georgia, to be Mr. Trump’s agriculture secretary.
This Trump Supporter Is Going To Jail, And He Could Take Donald’s Campaign With Him
While Donald Trump has staked a large part of his campaign on being tough on terror, one of his own supporters is going to jail for plotting a terror attack against Muslim Americans. Trump is yet to release a single word condemning this genuine threat to life, and any right-thinking world, that should end his campaign.55 year old William Celli, of Richmond in California, received a 90 day jail term and three years probation for a plot to explode a bomb in an act of domestic terrorism against Muslims.The court heard how Celli yelled, I m going to kill you all! outside the Islamic Society of West Contra Costa County.Later, the bomb squad was called to his home, where they found an explosive device which Celli had planned to use against the mosque. The would-be terrorist accepted a plea deal.The case is another cause of great concern for the Muslim community, who have faced a spike in hate crimes since the San Bernardino shootings. Muslims are being attacked on the streets, and their places of worship are being violated and even burned to the ground. While responsible lawmakers and political leaders attempt to bring America together, Donald Trump has staked his campaign on quite the opposite.After the attacks on Paris, Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US, even Muslim Americans attempting to return from holiday. After the Brussel s bombings, he made further despicable comments against Muslims in general while failing to even express sympathy with those who lost their lives of loved ones.This attitude, the leveraging of fear into hate, has done wonders for his presidential campaign but very little for social cohesion in the country. Now, one of his own supporters has taken the next logical step inside Trump s logic, he went to war with Muslims.As Raw Story reports:He appears to be a strong admirer of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump who was stoking Islamaphobic fears in the weeks prior to Celli s arrest in the wake of mass shootings in Paris and San Bernardino, California. Donald trumps on again I m happy leaders okay but this guys a great point man I ll follow this MAN to the end of the world, Celli posted Oct. 21. Donald Trump s on again I m feeling good about myself, he posted Oct. 28. While Trump commented immediately with gross generalization about Muslims in the wake of terrorist acts half way round the world he is yet to utter a single word on this attempted act of domestic terrorism. He has neither denounced Celli, or the views the wannabe attacker espoused. He has also failed to reassure the Muslim community of any actions he would take as President to protect their lives, businesses and places of worship from such domestic terrorists.This is because Donald Trump fails to understand the central responsibility of being President of the United States. If elected, he has to be President of all of it; every man, woman and child in the country, whether they voted for him or not, whether they share his religion or world view or not.This may fly straight over the heads of die-hard Trump supporters, willfully ignored. But it must not be overlooked by the broader American public. It is moments like this that will kill the Trump campaign when his race to win over Republicans is complete, and he is faced with the impossible task of winning over a very different kind of audience.Featured image via Facebook
Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States
by Jon Rappoport — Jon Rappoport’s blog Oct 31, 2016 Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines Okay. She finally did it. On Monday, Bev Harris ( blackboxvoting.org ), the great investigator of vote fraud, appeared on the Alex Jones show and laid it all out . The GEMS vote-fraud system, “fraction magic,” the way the vote is being stolen. Not just in theory, but in fact. Listen to the whole interview and get the word out. Bev’s findings are staggering. Below the video is the original piece I did on this earlier this month. —- High Alert: the election can still be rigged Votes counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers …[A]mazingly, the vote-rigging system it describes has not gotten widespread attention. The system can be used across the entire US. As we know, there are a number of ways to rig an election. Bev Harris, at blackboxvoting.org , is exploring a specific “cheat sheet” that has vast implications for the Trump vs. Hillary contest. It’s a vote-counting system called GEMS. I urge you to dive into her multi-part series, Fraction Magic (Part-1 here ). Here are key Harris quotes. They’re all shockers: “Our testing [of GEMS] shows that one vote can be counted 25 times, another only one one-thousandth of a time, effectively converting some votes to zero.” “This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.” “GEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade names: Global Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election Systems, Dominion Voting Systems, and Election Systems & Software, in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors. At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide in Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont, and for counties in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is also used in Canada.” “Instead of ‘1’ the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number.” “Weighting a race [through the use of GEMS] removes the principle of ‘one person-one vote’ to allow some votes to be counted as less than one or more than one. Regardless of what the real votes are, candidates can receive a set percentage of votes. Results can be controlled. For example, Candidate A can be assigned 44% of the votes, Candidate B 51%, and Candidate C the rest.” “All evidence that [rigged] fractional values ever existed [in the GEMS system] can be removed instantly even from the underlying database using a setting in the GEMS data tables, in which case even instructing GEMS to show the [rigged] decimals will fail to reveal they were used.” “Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers [i.e., rigging] are inserted multiple times in the GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.” A contact who, so far, apparently wishes to remain anonymous states the following about the history of the GEMS system: “The Fractional vote [rigging] portion traces directly to Jeffrey W. Dean , whose wife was primary stockholder of the company that developed GEMS. He ran the company but was prohibited from handling money or checks due to a criminal conviction for computer fraud, for which he spent 4 years in prison. Almost immediately after being released from prison he was granted intimate access to elections data and large government contracts for ballot printing and ballot processing.” I see no effort on the part of the federal government, state governments, or the mainstream press to investigate the GEMS system or respond to Bev Harris’ extensive analysis. It’s not as if media outlets are unaware of her. From shesource.org, here is an excerpt from her bio : “Harris has been referred to as ‘the godmother’ of the election reform movement. (Boston Globe). Vanity Fair magazine credits her with founding the movement to reform electronic voting. Time Magazine calls her book, Black Box Voting , ‘the bible’ of electronic voting… Harris’s investigations have led some to call her the ‘Erin Brockovich of elections.’ (Salon.com)… Harris has supervised five ‘hack demonstrations’ in the field, using real voting machines. These have been covered by the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and in formal reports by the United States General Accounting Office…” So far, her analysis of GEMS seems to be labeled “too hot to handle.” Press outlets prefer to report the slinging of mud from both Presidential candidates’ camps. Meanwhile, the actual results of the coming elections—including Congressional races—appear to be up for grabs, depending on who controls GEMS. Update: From what I understand, each state government appoints a “consultant” to manage GEMS on election night. That person would be capable of rigging the vote. Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED , EXIT FROM THE MATRIX , and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX , Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29 th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here .
China welcomes Myanmars efforts to alleviate situation in Rakhine
BEIJING (Reuters) - China s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China welcomes the measures taken by Myanmar s government to alleviate the situation in Rakhine state. Wang made the comments in New York on Thursday on during a meeting on the sidelines of the annual United Nations General Assembly with Myanmar officials, according to a Foreign Ministry statement. More than 400,000 Muslim Rohingya have fled from Rakhine across the border to Bangladesh following a counter-insurgency offensive by Myanmar s army in the wake of militant attacks on security forces. U.N. officials have described Myanmar s strategy as ethnic cleansing .
Facebook lets advertisers exclude users by race
Imagine if, during the Jim Crow era, a newspaper offered advertisers the option of placing ads only in copies that went to white readers. That’s basically what Facebook is doing nowadays. The ubiquitous social network not only allows advertisers to target users by their interests or background, it also gives advertisers the ability to exclude specific groups it calls “Ethnic Affinities.” Ads that exclude people based on race, gender and other sensitive factors are prohibited by federal law in housing and employment. […] When we showed Facebook’s racial exclusion options to a prominent civil rights lawyer John Relman , he gasped and said, “This is horrifying. This is massively illegal. This is about as blatant a violation of the federal Fair Housing Act as one can find.”
Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born Taylor Swiftmi sog y ny m s j n /Submit noun dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Becoming friends with Lena without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she says what she says, why she stands for what she stands for has made me realize that I ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so, she said at the time.Taylor Swift has decided to use her platform as Maxim magazine s June cover girl to address feminism, and says her music is unfairly categorized as whiny because of society s systematic misogyny.The 25-year-old singer, who has won seven Grammy s and is worth an estimated $200 million, explained to the men s publication why she believes there is a double standard when it comes to how others analyze her music. A man writing about his feelings from a vulnerable place is brave; A woman writing about her feelings from a vulnerable place is oversharing or whining, she said. Misogyny is ingrained in people from the time they are born. So to me, feminism is probably the most important movement that you could embrace, because it s just basically another word for equality, she added.The seemingly impressionable mega star, who hadn t previous identified as a feminist, told the Guardian last August how one of her closest friends, Lena Dunham, put it into perspective for her.Approximately two months after she spoke to the Guardian, Swift told David Letterman how empowering Dunham was, while explaining how the two became friends. She direct messaged me, and she said We need to be best friends. I feel like you ve been my best friend in my head for months and almost years now. So, I need to see you in person; then I will lavish you with complements in person, Swift recounted.Fortune Magazine named Swift as the world s most influential female leader in March, citing her savvy business nature.While Swift speaks of a double standard surrounding her music, it has yet to affect her album sales or stop her from selling out two or three stadium shows every week.Just this past Sunday, the Shake it Off singer nabbed eight recognitions at the Billboard Music Awards, including top female artist, top artist, top Billboard 200 artist, top Billboard 200 album, top streaming song, and top Hot 100 artist.Watch: Taylor Swift Likes Lena Dunham- David Lettermanhttps://youtu.be/jFZsQKdR20UWhat was supposed to be Her Year has in fact turned out to be five-alarm disaster for Lena Dunham, the creator of HBO s Girls. A year ago, closing out 2014 had to look pretty exciting to the 28 year-old. No matter how good or bad it was, her memoir would be released to guaranteed critical acclaim (she is Lena Dunham after all), there were two major Golden Globe nominations, and the publicity surrounding the 4th season premiere of Girls was going to be bigger than anything anyone could have ever imagined.2014 was going to be Dunham s breakthrough; the year she went mainstream. Along with the gushing reviews of her memoir and slavish coverage from The New York Times, there would be countless magazine covers, talk show appearances, and a thousand slathering articles obsessing over her every tweet and utterance. The entertainment media was on board. The mainstream media was on board. And at first it all went according to plan.Things went so well there was even talk of Lena Dunham starring in a Ghostbusters remake. You don t get any more mainstream than that. And you certainly don t get any more mainstream than having a best friend forever like Taylor Swift.Then, in three words, it all fell apart: Hypocrisy, lies, children. Hypocrisy: Dunham demanded people vote then it was discovered she did not vote.Lies: Dunham claimed in her non-fiction memoir that she had been raped in college by a campus Republican named Barry. She lied. And in the process indicted an innocent family man as her alleged rapist. Worse, Dunham and her publisher Random House stood silent for two months even after they knew the memoir had placed a cloud of suspicion over an innocent man.While attempting to run to Dunham s defense, Gawker tripped over itself and was forced to report their belief that Dunham s alleged rapist is wait for it, wait or it a Democrat.No one is questioning whether or not Dunham was raped. Something no one else is questioning, though, is that her behavior in this matter was breathtakingly selfish and craven.Children: Dunham s unnatural sexual behavior towards her much younger sister creeped everyone in America out not named Jimmy Kimmel.Those are just the top 3. The Wrap dug up 3 more PR disasters. The mainstream media desperately tried to save Dunham from herself, especially the cowardly and wildly dishonest Savannah Guthrie and Bill Simmons. But they just ended up sullying their own reputations.Via: Breitbart News
Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times
If Donald Trump secures the Republican presidential nomination, he would start the general election campaign as the least-popular candidate to represent either party in modern times. Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents, 80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents. Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating — making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates. Head-to-head matchups show Hillary Clinton, as well as her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, leading Trump, often by double digits. Even his two remaining fellow GOP contenders this week backed away from earlier promises to support the eventual nominee. And with each passing day, Trump makes moves that add further uncertainty to his ability to pivot to the general election. His defiant defense this week of his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who was charged with battery for yanking the arm of a female reporter, as well as Trump’s remarks Wednesday that women who get illegal abortions should be punished, might play well with his followers, but could further alienate the broader electorate. “Normally, when you’re in a hole, the best advice is to stop digging. That doesn’t appear to be his inclination,” GOP strategist David Carney said. “It’s like taking a wagon full of nitroglycerine across the prairie. It’s great if you get to the mountains and blow them up for gold. But it’s pretty unpredictable.” Peter Hart, a veteran Democratic pollster who has studied public impressions of Trump, said voters’ views of him are “exceptionally rancid.” “In terms of any domestic personality that we have measured, we’ve never seen an individual with a higher negative,” Hart said. Trump has drawn huge crowds and built a passionate base of supporters who have helped him amass a big delegate lead in the battle for the nomination. But his success among a segment of the Republican electorate stands in contrast to his weaknesses in a general election decided by all voters. In that broader context, his dismal standing by all traditional measures points to a big question underlying his nontraditional candidacy: whether Trump, as the GOP nominee, could leverage his celebrity persona and unusual appeal among disaffected voters in both parties to overcome his glaring disadvantages. Trump’s unpopularity in the Post-ABC poll was driven in part by sharply negative ratings from Democrats and lukewarm Republicans. The greatest risk for his general election viability stems from the unusually poor ratings he gets from swing-voting independents and white college graduates. A silver lining for Trump is that voters overall also feel antipathy for Clinton, the Democratic front-runner. The distaste for Clinton is not as strong as it is for Trump — 52 percent of voters see her unfavorably — but Clinton’s vulnerabilities, combined with Trump’s unpredictability, haunt many Democrats. Guy Cecil, chief strategist for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA, urged Democrats to “postpone the ticker-tape parade,” warning that Trump is not as weak a general election candidate as the current atmosphere would suggest. “I am skeptical of the polls showing such large leads, and it’s incumbent upon us to view this as a close race,” Cecil said. “He’s going to attempt to throw everything, including the kitchen sink and maybe the refrigerator and stove, at Hillary. And I would not be surprised if he changes his views on policy issues.” Overcoming his hurdles likely would require either a massive influx of working-class white male voters — Trump’s base — or dramatic changes in his policies and presentation that might reverse the strongly negative views of him held by women and minorities. Trump and his advisers say they have plans to accomplish both objectives. They say he can reverse his favorability ratings over time by framing the fall contest around issues on which they think Trump’s positions resonate powerfully across traditional demographics: the economy, trade and national security. Since Trump is not tethered to any particular ideology, his test may be convincing voters that he is not a hostile force and is fit to be president, rather than persuading them to buy into a sweeping conservative ideological project. The Trump team insists that the power of his personality and the potency of his planned attacks on Clinton would win him converts. And it is wagering that millions of working-class voters who for a generation have been politically dormant will rush to the polls and offset Trump’s sizable deficit with the ascendant electorate of women, minority and young voters. “What you’ll find is across the board, in states like Pennsylvania or New York or New Jersey or Michigan, you’re going to have a bunch of blue-collar workers who have supported Trump in the past and will continue to do so,” Lewandowski said. “That broad appeal allows him to expand the electoral map.” Concerned about his standing in the polls, Trump’s allies are offering advice about how to make up ground with important demographic groups. Newt Gingrich, a former Republican House speaker who is unaffiliated but has informally counseled Trump on several occasions, suggested he campaign in black neighborhoods, send targeted messages on social media and embrace his outsider approach to government. “Imagine Trump on the South Side of Chicago saying, ‘People shouldn’t be killed, schools ought to actually work, you ought to have jobs in your neighborhood and you know that Hillary can’t deliver any of those because she is the system,’ ” Gingrich said. The shift from a primary fight to the general campaign would be Trump’s crucible, requiring him to communicate persuasively with an entirely different electorate than the primary voters he has courted for the past year. Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who endorsed Trump after dropping out of the Republican presidential race, said he has advised Trump to turn his attention to education reform and charter schools as a means of supplementing his core pitch on trade and immigration to grow his support with young and minority voters. “Creating ladders of opportunity, such as school choice, is one way to do that,” Carson said. “He’s been very enthusiastic about that suggestion. He’ll have to follow through and get through to those kids and families who don’t feel like they’re getting the best possible education.” There are stylistic changes Trump can make, as well, Carson said. “A little humility would go a tremendous distance, no question about it,” he said. “Hopefully, he will find that on his own.” Frank Luntz, an unaligned GOP pollster, said Trump could erase at least some his deficit if he capitalizes on the fall debates and other events, noting that history is littered with examples of candidates doing just that. “The big moments cause people to change,” Luntz said. “And let’s face it, we may have a moment outside of conventions and debates that’s even bigger. If you have a Paris or a Brussels on American soil, that can completely change the dynamic.” It is a tall order, however, for Trump to undo the damage his rhetoric has already done to his image with the rising national electorate that includes Latinos, single mothers and millennials. “Donald Trump’s whole message is somewhat backward looking,” said Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Republican pollster who wrote a book, “The Selfie Vote,” about these voters. Referring to Trump’s slogan, she added: “ ‘Make America Great Again’ sounds like an attempt to turn back the clock to a time most young voters don’t remember.” Pennsylvania, a Democrat-leaning battleground that Trump hopes to target, is a case study of Trump’s upside and downside. While he has picked up endorsements and blue-collar support in the state’s industrial regions, centrist Republicans from Philadelphia and its vote-rich suburbs have kept their distance. Trump needs to make inroads to win a state Republicans last carried in 1988. “Ticket-splitting Republicans in the Philadelphia suburbs went for [President] Obama — and if they don’t feel comfortable with Trump, they could go for Clinton,” said G. Terry Madonna, a professor at Franklin & Marshall College, which conducts polling in Pennsylvania. Madonna said that more than 120,000 voters statewide, mostly Democrats and independents, have switched their registration to Republican since January. But he cautioned against interpreting the moves as a Rust Belt tilt toward Trump. “Even if these children of Reagan Democrats love his talk about manufacturing and American pride, he’s going to have to make sure he’s not losing the Republicans who are the heart of the party,” said John Brabender, a GOP strategist who has guided the political career of former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.). “That will require a campaign of surgical precision.”
Kremlin says Putin ready to welcome any U.S. candidate keen to mend ties
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Wednesday it was ready to welcome any U.S. presidential candidate who wanted to improve relations after Donald Trump said he might visit Russia if he wins next month’s election. “I want to remind you of President Putin’s words that he is ready to welcome any candidates who stand for improving relations and dialogue between our countries,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “Moscow is ready to react positively to any attempt for dialogue.”
Trump APOLOGIZED To Dictator After Protesters Attacked His Guards’ Fists With Their Faces
Donald Trump has spent a lot of time cozying up to dictators during his time as what we are forced to call President, but he just did something that should have every single American outraged: he apologized to Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdo an over an incident earlier this year in which his bodyguards brutally attacked American protesters.Eleven Americans were injured (including a police officer) and nine were hospitalized when Erdo an s security forces charged a group of peaceful protesters outside the Turkish ambassador s residence. We are communicating our concern to the Turkish government in the strongest possible terms, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said at the time.Apparently, that translates to: I m sorry Daddy, please don t be mad at me. Can I still have a pony? Erdo an told PBS NewsHour on Tuesday that Donald Trump called about a week ago about this issue. And Trump certainly took a stand against Americans: He said that he was sorry and that he was going to follow up on this issue when we come to the United States within the framework for an official visit. The White House, which regularly lies in press conferences and releases, denies that an apology was made.Last month, a grand jury indicted 19 defendants (including 15 of Erdo an s security guards) for the brutal attack on protesters. The Hill reports:The defendants, 16 of whom were charged in June on criminal complaints, were indicted on a charge of conspiracy to commit a crime of violence. Many of the 19 were also indicted on additional charges including assault with a dangerous weapon and aggravated assault.The charges stem from Turkish President Recep Erdogan s visit to Washington in May to meet President Trump. Guards for Erdogan attacked protesters near the embassy in a brawl that was caught on video.The Turkish Embassy defended the guards at the time, saying they were acting in self-defense and claiming the protesters were aligned with a terrorist group from Turkey.But Washington s police chief said the attack was unprovoked.Two defendants have been arrested, but the rest are currently at large.Was Erdo an lying? Maybe but at this point, he is more trustworthy than our serial liar-in-chief who regularly shows his disdain for the majority of the people he is supposed to lead.Donald Trump is disgusting, as is anyone who works for him willingly and anyone who voted for him.Featured image via screengrab
BREAKING: DNC HACKER FIRED For Bank Fraud…Blames Islamophobia and “Ultra Right-Wing Media”
Apparently breaking the law and scamming the government is excusable if you can conveniently blame discrimination. And when the media is ignoring your illegal activity, who s stopping you from getting away with anything? After being detained for bank fraud charges on Monday, Imran Awan s attorney recently released a statement blaming islamophobia and the ultra right-wing media :This Pakistani family was under criminal investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police for abusing their access to the House of Representatives information technology (IT) system. Abid, Imran and Jamal Awan accessed Congressmen and Congress people s computer networks unauthorized and engaged in a myriad of other questionable schemes besides allegedly placing ghost employees on the congressional payroll.Capitol Police revoked the Awans access to the congressional IT system in February 2017 after a major data breach was detected. Their access had allowed them to read emails and files of dozens of members, including many serving on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.Imran Awan, his wife Hina, and brothers Abid and Jamal collectively netted more than $4 million in salary as IT administrators for House Democrats between 2009 and 2017. Yet the absence of signs of wealth displayed among them raise questions. Was the money sent overseas or did something other than paychecks motivate their actions? Both Imran and his wife were traveling to Pakistan earlier this week carrying $12,000. However, Imran was arrested before he could board the plane.Today, Awan s attorney released a statement claiming the attacks on Mr. Awan and his family began as part of a frenzy of anti-Muslim bigotry in the literal heart of our democracy, the House of Representatives. He goes on by saying that they have had utterly unsupported, outlandish, and slanderous statements targeting Mr. Awan coming not just from the ultra-right-wing pizzagate media but from sitting members of Congress. The attorney claims the couple were traveling to see their family for the first time in months after being abruptly and unjustly fired. Read more: The Gateway Pundit
Boiler Room #61 – Hello From the Gutter
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Randy J of 21Wire, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blog Spot and Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East. Tonight the Boiler Gang discusses some twisted trends in identity politics some that you probably don t even know exist and may just blow your concept of what is coming down the pipeline with regard to the PC nightmare of life being nothing more than a choose your own adventure. The crew goes deep on the Orlando shooting in Florida for the entirety of the show after the hideous ice breaker topic!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Reference Links:
Daily Mail Editor Triggers Article 50
November 8, 2016 Notoriously mild-mannered editor of the Daily Mail, Paul Dacre, made his move to trigger Article 50 today, arguing that 49 articles about Brexit in his paper each day just wasn’t enough to get his message across. ‘We’ve tried everything. ‘Take a Bow Britain’, ‘Enemies of the People’, ‘You’re all a bunch of European-loving t****’, noted Dacre placidly. ‘However, some people remain unconvinced by the softly-softly, measured, evidence based headline-making that is our hallmark. It’s time for more drastic measures.’ All features in the paper will now be expected to have a Brexit angle, with the exception of the daily filler piece on the dangers of statins, for which copy is already in the can for at least the next five years. Early sightings of tomorrow’s paper reveal a front-pager on the big overnight news from the US, revealing ‘Meghan Markle looking Supreme, that’s the Judgement of everyone, as she looks for a quick Brexit back to Stateside’. Crossword answers must now be drawn from a series of approved words, which include Brexit, May, Article 50, invoke, the, people, have, spoken, timetable, for, exit, now, now and NOW! The regular free garden seeds promotion will feature a new ‘sovereign Brtain’ bloom which the paper hopes will blossom ‘sometime in 2017′, but which the planting notes caution will need much attention and care from May. Some at the paper are said to be uncomfortable with Dacre’s new editorial policy, but they know that arguing with him is ultimately a futile exercise. ‘Colleagues say that likes to impose his will on the paper’, said one insider. ‘At least that’s what I think they meant when they talked about that big cock on the Mail.’ 8th, 2016 by chrisf chrisf UK News 0
Black Racists Tried To Shut Her Up By Threatening And Intimidating Her…BIG Mistake! [VIDEO]
Conservative badass and girlfriend of active duty Navy Seal hits back HARD after black racists attack her on social media The result is spectacular and spot on. Enjoy!
Obama will not endorse candidate in Democratic primary race
President Obama will not endorse a Democratic candidate in the 2016 presidential primary race, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said Sunday. "That's not our job,” McDonough said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “That's the job of the party to make those decisions and then they'll take a look at the agendas and the positions of those candidates." McDonough said that Obama, in the final 11 months of his presidency, will wait until voters pick a nominee, as he has in the past. “When the nominee will be set, then the president will be out there," McDonough said. Obama undoubtedly will back a fellow Democrat -- either front-running Hillary Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders or former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley. The president has recently suggested that he will nevertheless get involved in 2016 Senate races in which gun control is an issue, following his recently announced plans to tighten federal gun laws through a series of executive orders that side-step Congress. Obama’s decision not to issue an endorsement, however, has some precedent among recent two-term presidents. George W. Bush didn’t endorse his party’s nominee in 2008 until March 5, by which point Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had just about locked up the bid. Ronald Reagan didn’t endorse his sitting Vice President, George H. W. Bush, as the Republican nominee until May 1988. Reagan said he wanted to wait until the outcome of the nomination race was clear. Bill Clinton was the only two-termer in the past 30 years to break with the tradition. He endorsed his sitting vice president, Al Gore, in December 1999.
Push by ‘John Doe’ to Block Release of List Adds Mystery in New Jersey Bridge Scandal - The New York Times
Add another mystery to the murky case of the disappearing traffic lanes at the George Washington Bridge: Who is John Doe and why is he putting up such a struggle to shield his identity? A man known only by that alias has hired a lawyer from a prominent Manhattan firm to plead with two federal courts in five days to keep his name out of the impending prosecution of the alleged criminal conspiracy known broadly as Bridgegate. So far, he is winning the fight for anonymity. On Tuesday, an appellate court in Philadelphia blocked the scheduled release of a list of people who prosecutors believe were somehow involved in the scheme to tie up traffic at the New Jersey end of the bridge in September 2013. The court set a hearing on John Doe’s appeal for June 6. So, the riddle of John Doe’s identity and motivation will keep the politically curious guessing for a few more weeks, at the least. Who, they wondered, could have played a notable role in the highly publicized scheme and still hope to avoid being linked to it? And why did he wait until the eve of the scheduled release of the list of “unindicted ” to try to suppress it? “There are no coincidences in New Jersey politics,” said John S. Wisniewski, a Democratic state assemblyman who was of a legislative committee that investigated the scheme. “I’m certain that there is an important reason for whoever John Doe is to have retained counsel, a reason that only recently came up. ” Whoever he is, Mr. Wisniewski said, John Doe had the resources and connections to hire Jenny Kramer, a former federal prosecutor who is now with the Chadbourne Parke law firm. Ms. Kramer filed a motion in federal court in Newark last week, arguing that her client would be “publicly branded a felon” by his inclusion on the list, even though he has not been charged with a crime. Prosecutors have not said how many names are on the list, but they have obtained indictments against only three former allies of Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, suspected of plotting to tie up traffic in Fort Lee, N. J. They contend that the three — Bill Baroni, David Wildstein and Bridget Anne Kelly — sought to punish the borough’s mayor, Mark Sokolich, a Democrat, for declining to endorse Mr. Christie for in 2013. Mr. Baroni was the governor’s top executive appointee at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the bridge. Mr. Wildstein, who pleaded guilty to two counts of conspiracy last May, was a deputy to Mr. Baroni at the agency. Mr. Baroni and Ms. Kelly, who was a deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie, are scheduled to stand trial in September on nine counts, including conspiracy to commit fraud. Mr. Wildstein has stated that there is evidence that Mr. Christie knew about the scheme while it was being carried out, but the governor has said he found out about it afterward and quickly informed the public. Unless those denials have been refuted by prosecutors, Mr. Wisniewski said, “it probably is unlikely that the governor is on this list. ” He declined to speculate about John Doe’s identity, but trying to puzzle it out has been something of a parlor game among those who have continued to follow the case. Holly Schepisi, a Republican state assemblywoman who was on the committee with Mr. Wisniewski, called it a “Bridgegate fantasy league” that had people swapping rosters of possibilities and wishes. “There are some people out there who still hold out hope, for whatever diabolical reason, that John Doe is somebody very senior,” Ms. Schepisi said. Brigid Harrison, a professor of political science at Montclair State University, said in an interview on Tuesday that there was “widespread speculation” that John Doe could be Mr. Christie. “It is someone who has an enormous amount to lose,” Ms. Harrison said. “Who has the most to lose?” Ms. Harrison noted that Donald J. Trump, the Republican candidate for president, was scheduled to attend a rally in New Jersey on Thursday that will raise money to pay for Mr. Christie’s aborted presidential campaign. “So there is at least some advantage he has gained from the delay of this,” she said, referring to the governor. But Assemblywoman Schepisi said she was reasonably certain that John Doe was not Mr. Christie, but another current or former public official or government employee. Beyond that, she said, she had heard plenty of guesses, but “everybody’s speculating. ” Susan Wigenton, the judge in the United States District Court in Newark who denied John Doe’s motion to keep the list confidential, said that the public’s right to know outweighed the interests of privacy of the people on the list, for “whom the government has sufficient evidence to designate as having joined the conspiracy. ” Ms. Schepisi said she thought John Doe had a strong argument against being implicated in a conspiracy without being charged and having a chance to defend himself. She said she imagined he had good reason to want to keep his presence on that list a secret. “When people hear the phrase ‘unindicted ’ the implication is no longer, unfortunately, O. K. you didn’t commit a crime it is, you very probably did something criminal and somehow you skated,” Ms. Schepisi said. “It’s like having a big scarlet letter put across your chest for the rest of your life. ”
WSJ: Trump Will Sign Executive Order to Roll Back Dodd-Frank - Breitbart
President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Friday unraveling the 2010 financial reform. The move comes as part of a comprehensive plan to rescind regulations set in the wake of the financial crisis. [The White House will also enact another executive action that will dismantle the Department of Labor’s controversial Fiduciary Rule that critics argue would upend the advisory business. The Fiduciary Rule requires retirement advisors to act in the best interests of their clients. The new executive order will ask the Labor Department to revise or revoke the Fiduciary Rule. White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn says that limits consumer choice. Cohn said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, “Americans are going to have better choices and Americans are going to have better products because we’re not going to burden the banks with literally hundreds of billions of dollars of regulatory costs every year. The banks are going to be able to price product more efficiently and more effectively to consumers. ” The Trump White House will plan to draft additional orders to revise the rules regarding the Federal Stability Oversight Council, the agency responsible for designating entities such as insurance firms like MetLife as “systemically important financial institutions,” or SIFIs, adding regulation on the firms. White House Economic Council Director has said previously, “We don’t think nonbanks should be SIFIs. ” President met with business executives, including J. P. Morgan Chase Co. CEO Jamie Dimon, and BlackRock Inc. CEO Laurence Fink, pledging to dismantle as well as provide a health care and tax overhaul. Director Cohn contends that the regulations are so onerous that it has stifled banks’ ability to lend, and consumer’s financial choice has been limited as well. “We have the best, most highly capitalized banks in the world, and we should use that to our competitive advantage,” he added. “But on the flip side, we also have the most highly regulated, overburdened banks in the world. ” Mr. Cohn also hopes to overhaul mortgage finance giants and which has been placed into conservatorship, under control of the Treasury Department since the financial crisis. The White House will seek a more direction for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, by replacing current Director Richard Cordray with a new director. The CFPB is largely responsible for regulating mortgage and credit card rules, and Cohn said that change will start at the top, “Personnel is policy. ” Donald Trump has been critical of 2010 financial law, calling a “disaster. ” He promises, “We’re going to be doing a big number on . ”
WHOA! ‘SESAME STREET’ Using Bert And Ernie For Sexually Transmitted Diseases Ad
Wrong target audience? What the heck is going on that anyone thinks it s ok to take a kid s character and do this? Sesame Street swears that Muppets Bert and Ernie are only friends, but that hasn t stopped the maker of a new at-home test for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases to suggest that the two fuzzy BFFs have something much more intimate in mind.In a promotion for Mately, the puppets are shown looking at test results. See Ernie, you ve got nothing to worry about, everything is positive, it reads.It is part of Mately s edgy campaign to promote its subscription service that provides both discrete testing and results, and allows users to then broadcast those results on dating apps or directly through Mately.Read more: WT
Bakari Sellers: Not All Trump Supporters Are Bigots But They Support One (VIDEO)
Political analyst Bakari Sellers appeared on CNN s State of the Union Sunday where he defended Clinton s basket of deplorables statement and explained why he and voters of color are terrified of Trump.Diane Black, a Republican Congresswoman from Tennessee called for both candidates to tone down their name-calling: I think for presidential candidates; they need to get away from this name-calling on both sides. This is about teaching our children and our grandchildren on how to act. Of how to have healthy relationship with other people who disagree with you. Sellers shot back at Black, saying: I don t have much respect for bigots, for misogynists, for xenophobes, he told her. For him to embrace that at certain points I was backstage, on set, when Jake Tapper asked him multiple times about David Duke, and he embraced that. He did not repudiate that. Sellers didn t stop there. He continued his condemnation of Trump supporters, saying that: There s a certain point when you have to take some leadership and say that is not what this country is built upon. The people who wear Confederate flag T-shirts at the rallies and say let s make America great again ? That petrifies me. It literally petrifies me, because that is not what our country is about. It s interesting to witness the conservative backlash against Hillary Clinton s deplorables comment. Clinton s biggest problem with regards to the matter was her apologizing for the comment. The comment wasn t meant to be an in-depth dissection of Trump s supporters. At least a significant portion of Trump s supporters could be described as being deplorable, or at least hold deplorable views for that matter. Keep in mind, Trump has the support of just about every hate group in the United States behind him.Sellers makes his best point during the segment when he says that: Not all Donald Trump supporters are bigots. Not all of them, by any stretch. However, they do have to be okay with supporting a bigot. Sellers commentary is spot on. Trump has used hateful, vile rhetoric towards just about every political minority in the United States. He doesn t have a coherent policy proposal in his platform and his supporters do not seem to care. That makes the idea of having an issues based election impossible to have.You can watch the segment below in full.Featured image from video screenshot
Iraqi Kurdish opposition party Gorran calls on Barzani to step down
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Gorran, a main opposition party to Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, called on Sunday for his resignation, and for a national salvation government to be formed to deal with crisis pitting the Kurds and the central Iraqi authorities. Gorran, or the Change Movement, blamed Barzani for the disaster facing the Kurds after the loss on Oct. 16 of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, captured by Iraqi forces in retaliation to a Kurdish independence referendum held last month despite warnings from Baghdad and neighboring Iran and Turkey. The Kurdistan presidency must be dissolved and a national salvation government be formed to overcome the current situation, said a statement published by the party leadership after meeting in the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya. Gorran supports the right of Iraq s Kurds for self-determination but it opposed holding the referendum on Sept. 25, saying the timing was ill-chosen.
America’s ‘Hottest’ Conservative Joins Fox News Team
Tomi Lahren recently told The Hollywood Reporter that news networks need to hire more conservatives as commentators: It seems as though the only diversity some networks won t embrace is diversity of opinion Well, FOX News just hired Lahren as a contributor. Is Fox news trying to win back some conservatives who have turned them off? What do you think about Lahren joining Fox?The outspoken conservative has been known to cause controversy with her fiery brand of commentary. She gained a following via Facebook and is unconventional in her rise to news notoriety. LAHREN JOINS FOX: It seems as though the only diversity some networks won t embrace is diversity of opinion, said Lahren, who had been suggested as a potential fit for a CNN contributor role in the wake of Jeffrey Lord s and Kayleigh McEnany s departures.CNN, as it turns out, wasn t in the cards, but Lahren was able to snag a contributor role on Fox News, where she will discuss the news on the network s opinion shows and work on an FNC digital product currently in development. I am blessed and honored to join the Fox News team, Lahren said in a statement on her Facebook page. This exciting new step will allow me to give voice to all the America-loving patriots who have had my back since day one. I will remain a solid and passionate advocate for you. Lahren s tenure as a Fox News contributor kicks off tonight, when she will appear on Sean Hannity s show. While Lahren is not new to television, she made her name primarily on nonlinear platforms like Facebook, where she developed a huge following. She s also hosted shows for two conservative networks, Glenn Beck s The Blaze and One America News Network.Via: Hollywood Reporter
HUNGER GAMES’ Effie Trinket? Clinton Cackles Her Way Through Testimony [Video]
If you ve ever watched the Hunger Games movies you know that Effie Trinket is a psychotic woman who looks at murder as a game. She plays along with the Hunger Games and expects everyone else to just ignore the horror going on around them. She sends the young tributes out to play the game knowing all but one will be murdered.Hillary Clinton is our very own Effie Trinket playing along in a very sick game of politics and murder. Wonder if she s even thinking about the families of the murdered American heroes.Hillary Laughs at GOPer s Benghazi Question, Immediately Scolded: It s Not Funny
Trump and Brexit Defeat Globalism, for Now Anyway
Trump and Brexit Defeat Globalism, for Now Anyway 14, 2016 Trumpism as a stress test for democracy …. A series of populist anti-globalism shocks is a test for Western democracies. Trump’s stunning ascent to the White House is the clearest signal yet of an anti-establishment revolt unfolding in major democracies, stretching across the Atlantic. – Swiss Info Tech Was Trump’s victory actually created by the very globalist elites that Trump is supposed to have overcome? There are some who believe the elites are actually splintered into numerous groups and that domestic US elites have positioned themselves against the banking elites in London’s City. We see no fundamental evidence of this. The world’s real elites in our view may have substantive histories in the hundreds and thousands of years. US elites are basically in the employ of a handful of families, individuals and institutions in our view. It is confusing because it is hard to tell if Hillary, for instance, is operating on her own accord or at the behest of higher and more powerful authorities. It is probably a combination of both but at root those who control central banks are managing the world’s move towards globalism. History easily shows us who these groups are – and they are not located in America. This is a cynical perspective to be sure, and certainly doesn’t remove the impact of Trump’s victory or his courage in waging his election campaign despite what must surely be death threats to himself and his family.. But if true, this perspective corresponds to predictions that we’ve been making for nearly a decade now, suggesting that sooner or later elites – especially those in London’s City – would have to “take a step back.” More: The vote to propel Trump to the US presidency reflects a profound backlash against open markets and borders, and the simmering anger of millions of blue-collar white and working-class people who blame their economic woes on globalisation and multiculturalism. “There are a few parallels to Switzerland – that the losers of globalisation find somebody who is listening to them,” said Swiss professor and lawyer Wolf Linder, a former director of the University of Bern’s political science institute. “Trump is doing his business with the losers of globalisation in the US, like the Swiss People’s Party is doing in Switzerland,” he said. “It is a phenomenon which touches all European nations.” Again, this article presumes that Trump has “won” and that he intends to attack the larger globalist enterprise and the bankers funding it. On the other hand, it could be that both Trump and Brexit have been engineered to look as if the tide is turning against globalism when it is not. Why would those in charge want to portray this point of view when it may not be so? Because of what we call the “Internet Reformation” that has blasted open the secretive manipulations of the globalist elite in the past decade or so. It is almost impossible for globalists to promote internationalist memes in this environment. Yet it is the secretive injection of internationalist memes into the body politic that moves society toward the globalist enterprise. As we have suggested before, it is perfectly possible that a decision has been made to pretend to grant the larger society a “victory” over internationalism. Following this analysis, certain trends would be identified and encouraged that would seem to portray globalism as falling back on its metaphorical heels. In truth, if this analysis is correct, globalism’s retreat is a kind of pretense that will steer society less obviously in a globalist direction. One way this could happen is by ensuring the splintering of Europe – but not in a way that actually reduces control from Brussels. It will APPEAR to be so but won’t actually happen. The same thing could take place in the USA under Trump. Again, this is not to say that Trump is party to this plot or even approves of it. But the idea that Trump is part of a co-option is certainly a feasible alternative to an alternative analysis that takes what is happening at face value. Nonetheless, even if an alternative elite strategy has been decided on to realize globalism in another fashion, it ought to be pointed out that things have changed. And the Internet and its revelations are surely responsible. This is a very big deal and it is one that ought to be emphasized repeatedly. Brexit and Trump could be, somehow, the result of a different elite approach – but the approach HAS changed nonetheless. Think of it this way: Hillary represented the blunt approach toward the realization of further globalism. Her way included an aggressively expanded war and the pursuit of other globalist trends. Trump, rhetorically anyway, has a different approach in mind that would gut many internationalist trends. If Trump follows through on his rhetoric, the trend toward an internationalist world will be reduced. And while there is controversy over Trump’s recent staff appointments we should also bear in mind that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) both seem to be failing now. If indeed Trump’s election has damped the progress of TPP, and TTIP, this is a huge event. As we’ve pointed out, both agreements effectively substituted technocratic corporatism for the current sociopolitical model of “democracy.” The elites were trying to move toward a new model of world control with these two agreements. This is similar to what happened after the advent of the Gutenberg Press when the elites of the day moved away from royal control and apparently swapped in democracy. It seems evident that internationalism is now going to take a longer time to realize than we thought. However, this observation may not be entirely accurate if Trump turns out to be something other than his rhetoric suggests – or if Brexit is denied in Europe. Additionally, one of the elite’s most powerful, operative memes today is “populism vs. globalism” that seeks to contrast the potentially freedom-oriented events of Trump and Brexit to the discarded wisdom of globalism. See here and here. The reality of these two events, the victories of both Trump and Brexit, stand as signal proof that elite stratagems have been defeated, at least temporarily. Though whether these defeats have been self-inflicted as part of a change in tactics remains to be seen. Conclusion: But the change has come. One way or another the Internet and tens of millions or people talking, writing and acting has forced new trends. This can be hardly be emphasized enough. Globalism has been at least temporarily redirected
After terrorizing America with Zika scaremongering, Washington Post now admits Zika virus doesn’t cause brain deformities after all
March 2, 2016: Zika PAYDAY! Obama wants to funnel $1.8 billion for vaccine research and more I even published a mini-documentary revealing the published science that shows how DEET insecticide causes brain damage in humans. You can watch it at this link or view the video below: If anyone from the Washington Post bothered to read Natural News and learn about real science, they would have learned that Zika has infected tens of millions of people throughout South America for decades , with absolutely no measurable increase in neurological deformations. (But facts be damned, the WashPost had a panic to push!) Nation after nation records tens of thousands of infections with ZERO birth defects… Despite the factual reality of the situation, the state-controlled propagandists writing for rags like the Washington Post — a bogus newspaper that has lost all credibility in the minds of intelligent people — continued to pummel home their kooky science theories that claimed much of the U.S. South would be overrun by brain damaging mosquitoes, turning Southerners into shrunken-brained mutants while pregnant women fled northward to survive the airborne insect onslaught. Instead, nothing happened . No explosion in shrunken-headed babies. No wave of birth defects across Florida, even as city officials desperately bombarded their own cities with brain-damaging insecticides. No national emergency declared by Obama to bring back DDT and eradicate baby-murdering mosquitoes by dousing our open streets with thick clouds of organophosphate neurotoxins. Instead, the rate of neurological birth defects in most countries approached zero. Via the Washington Post’s own graphic: (partial list) Venezuela: 60,791 Zika infections… ZERO birth defects Honduras: 31,933 Zika infections… ONE birth defect Guadalupe: 30,969 Zika infections… ZERO birth defects Puerto Rico: 29,084 Zika infections… TWO birth defects Mexico: 4,837 Zika infections… ZERO birth defects From the WashPost article: Brazilian officials were bracing for a flood of fetal deformities as Zika spread this year to other regions of the country, Marinho said. However, “we are not seeing a big increase.” Gee, really? The vast majority of the brain defects, it turns out, came from just one small region of Brazil. A total of 2,033 children are so far recorded with neurological defects there, even while most other countries throughout the region had ZERO birth defects (or near zero). So what gives? Zika mosquitoes apparently carry geopolitical maps so they can solely target Brazil You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that the stupid science theories of the mainstream media are total hokum and bunk . If Zika really did cause brain defects, it would have spread all across South America by now. It would have spread into Florida, California, Mississippi and Louisiana. It would have devastated the American South, Cuba, Haiti, Curacao and all the other island nations across the Caribbean. Yet the neurological defects were limited almost exclusively to Brazil. Somehow, if we believe the illiterate Washington Post science writers — who may in fact be the only brain damage victims of Zika in North America — mosquitoes carry MAPS to make sure they only activate their brain damage voodoo in Brazil . “…[A]lthough the outbreak has spread this year to more than 50 nations and territories across the Western Hemisphere, U.N. data shows just 142 cases of congenital birth defects linked to Zika so far outside Brazil,” says WashPost. Yes, my friends: GPA-carrying Zika mosquitoes are very careful to limit their pandemic voodoo to just one region of Brazil. By sheer coincidence, that’s the same region where larvacide chemicals were dumped into the public water supply. Apparently, there isn’t a single “official” scientist in the entire global government who has thought to test the water. Just freaking WOW… Let’s throw these morons out of power in every election, okay? They don’t deserve any positions of authority over anyone else. They’re all so incredibly stupid, they couldn’t survive at all unless they functioned as parasites on the taxpayers. They aren’t giving up hope just yet… science writers desperately hope for more brain damaged babies to prove them right Enthusiasm for more brain damaged babies runs high at the Washington Post, which explains why they are all in for Hillary Clinton, the candidate of choice for brain damaged adults . Writing with a sense of real enthusiasm, the Washington Post can’t wait for more brain damaged babies to appear: Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are closely watching Puerto Rico, which has reported more than 26,800 cases of Zika. More than 7,000 pregnant women could be infected by the end of the year, according to the CDC. (Yippee?) And now, the loony tunes quack science of the Zika “scientists” goes apoplectic, grasping for silly metaphors to try to obscure the fact that they are all stupid beyond belief . Via the WashPost: “Now we’ve settled on Zika as the smoking gun, but we don’t know who pulled the trigger,” said Marques, speaking from Recife, where he is working with government researchers. Huh? Wha? The metaphor doesn’t even make any sense. Maybe the problem is too much fornicating. Seriously, this is now part of their idiotic theory: “Sexual habits and hygiene may also play a role,” he said, explaining that researchers are looking at whether sexual transmission can infect the uterus and placenta with the virus, potentially exposing the fetus to elevated risk. “We suspect the villain has an accomplice, but we don’t know who it is,” Marques said. Huh? Do they seriously think that people only have sex in Brazil but not other South American countries? Where does the Washington Post find these morons? I’m a real scientist saying all this As you read all this, remember that I have rapidly become one of the world’s leading research scientists on the quantitation of cannabinoids in hemp extracts using mass spec instrumentation. I led the team that developed the most pioneering (and accurate) CBD mass spec analysis method in existence today. You can read about it at this link . I also routinely test water, food and environmental samples for heavy metals, pesticides and a multitude of chemical contaminants. When I say these Zika scientists are complete morons, that’s the educated opinion of an accomplished scientist correctly pointing out the lunacy of Zika scaremongering. I could have solved this entire problem in the first few days by analyzing and detecting brain-damaging larvacide chemicals in the public water supply in Eastern Brazil. The entire project would have taken just a few days and cost almost nothing. Instead, Obama handed $1.8 billion to the vaccine companies in the midst of the Zika panic pushed by laughable rags like the Washington Post. It’s all a racket, of course, just like their coverage of elections and political candidates. Everything you read at the Washington Post is a deception of one kind or another . The paper exists solely to promote the propaganda of the state so that the population can be manipulated and controlled. The Washington Post exists to terrorize the citizens with fascist propaganda parading as science As you’ve also learned by now, the corrupt leftist establishment of junk science, criminal politicians and idiotic journalists isn’t interested in legitimate scientific solutions . They all function as extensions of a fascist state that must routinely terrorize its citizens with pandemic boogeyman scare stories in order to demand absolute obedience to the vaccine mandates that actually do damage the brains of children. Thus, SCIENCE be damned. They’ve got an agenda to push, and it doesn’t matter to them whether that agenda is based on a single shred of real science. Zika is dangerous because they told you so, in exactly the same way they told you Hillary Clinton is totally honest, Obamacare would make health care more affordable, there’s no such thing as voter fraud in America, and GMOs and vaccines are really, really good for you. So you can put down the DEET and stop poisoning your skin like an obedient idiot. Yes, it was all a scam. Yes, the official “science” was totally rigged. Yes, the media lied to you yet again. Yes, the CDC is a criminal racket. Yes, all the health “officials” were completely full of s**t. And no, Zika is not going to cause your babies to be born with shrunken heads. VACCINES, on the other hand, will most definitely cause brain damage, as they still contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin the Washington Post ridiculously insists becomes magically neutralized when you inject it into the body of a child.
SHOCKING PHOTOS Raise Questions On Hillary’s Health
Photos of multiple staffers helping Hillary Clinton up stairs to a house were recently making the rounds on social media these photos have raised questions about Clinton s health. Twitter is all abuzz over the photos which show Clinton struggling to get up the stairs. What s up with this or is it no big deal? Hillary has a history of trip and fall
U.S. asks China to cut off oil supply to North Korea
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States has asked China to cut off oil supply to North Korea, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Wednesday, warning that if war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed. We have never sought war with North Korea, and still today we do not seek it. If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday, Haley told the U.N. Security Council, referring to Pyongyang s ballistic missile launch on Tuesday.
Last year Obama added an action to his manifesto that would forever put him in the cross-hairs of Americans nationwide when he announced that he would be normalizing diplomatic relations with Communist-Cuba. Cuban-Americans were deeply offended and angered that Obama would extend the hand of friendship to the very regime that ha tortured and murdered their family members for years simply for having an opinion.Here are just a few facts from Obamas Policy on Cuba:*General tourist travel is still prohibited, but Americans authorized to visit Cuba for any of a dozen specific reasons can do so without first obtaining a special license from the government. The 12 categories of acceptable travel include family visits, official visits, journalistic, professional, educational and religious activities, and public performances.*Licensed U.S. travelers to Cuba can use credit cards and spend money in the country, and are able to import $400 worth of goods from Cuba, including up to $100 in tobacco and alcohol products. *Americans can send more money to Cubans, up to $2,000 every three months instead of the $500 currently permitted. *U.S. citizens can bring home small amounts of Cuban cigars. *U.S. companies will be able to export cell phones, televisions, memory and recording devices, computers and software to Cuba. Cuba is known to have poor Internet and telecommunications infrastructure.Thankfully in Miami on Friday, Trump announced at his rally that when elected he would be undoing that order unless Cuba met OUR demands first.Trump promised to stand with the Cuban people in their fight against communist oppression and condemned Obama s concessions to the Castro regime. All of the concessions that Barack Obama has granted the Castro regime were done through executive order, which means the next president can reverse them, and that, I will do, unless the Castro regime meets our demands not my demands, our demands. Obama can t really seem to shock us anymore however, he has made deals and woven ties with numerous terroristic countries over his 8 years in office, and yet we still see no actually improvement in our own country. January 2017 will be a blessing for sure.H/T [ Conservative Tribune ]
US military: 'Reasonably certain' airstrike killed notorious ISIS militant 'Jihadi John'
U.S. military officials said Friday they were “reasonably certain” an airstrike in Syria targeting "Jihadi John" killed the masked British national seen in videos depicting the beheading of hostages held by ISIS. Earlier, a U.S. military official, discussing the airstrike in Raqqa targeting the notorious jihadist, told Fox News, "we are 99 percent sure we got him." Col. Steve Warren said the U.S. military is “reasonably certain” that Mohammad Emwarzi, better known as “Jihadi John,” was killed in the U.S. drone strike Thursday night. In a Pentagon briefing Friday from Baghdad, Warren, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, sought to downplay the airstrike calling it more a “blow to the prestige" of ISIS than a military victory. Warren called the strike “routine” and said similar strikes against mid-to high value ISIS leaders has occurred every two days since May. But Warren later said that Jihadi John’s death is “significant” blow to ISIS. "This guy was a human animal and killing him is probably making the world a better place," he added. Warren said the driver of the vehicle carrying Jihadi John was also killed after being struck by a hellfire missile fired from the U.S. drone. The killing of Jihadi John comes as the U.S. military is stepping up airstrikes throughout Iraq and Syria. Warren said Operation Tidal Wave II, a U.S.-led bombing campaign targeting ISIS’s oil infrastructure in eastern Syria near the city of Dayr as Zawr has been underway in recent days to destroy oil infrastructure controlled by ISIS.  ISIS receives two-thirds of its revenue from oil, according to Warren. Despite earlier attempts to destroy the refineries in eastern Syria, Warren said the damage inflicted earlier was repaired in a 24-hour period on average. The first “Tidal Wave” operation dates back to World War II when the U.S. targeted Nazi Germany’s oil infrastructure, according to Warren. Warren said the strikes going on today in eastern Syria against the oil refineries require “replacement parts that ISIS doesn’t have” and parts that, if ordered, could be tracked by the coalition. “We wanted them broken longer,” said Warren when asked why the strikes did not occur earlier.  Warren said strikes in the past year produced damage to infrastructure that was “easy to replace.” A senior military source told Fox News Emwazi was being tracked by the drone for most of the day Thursday while he met with other people. The source said the strike took place shortly after Emwazi came out of a building in Raqqa, when he was "ID'd and engaged." Sky News, citing sources inside Raqqa, reported that Emwazi was badly hurt in the air strike but still alive when he was brought to the hospital there. Later, however, the same sources said the hospital was sealed off to the public. Locals say the hospital is usually closed when an ISIS figure is killed, which allows the group to go on social media and claim he is still alive. A representative of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the Daily Telegraph, "a car carrying four foreign Islamic State leaders, including one British jihadi, was hit by U.S. air strikes [near] the governorate building in Raqqa city. "All the sources there are saying that the body of an important British jihadi is lying in the hospital of Raqqa," the activist added. "All the sources are saying it is of Jihadi John but I cannot confirm it personally." Emwazi, believed to be in his mid-20s, has been described by a former hostage as a bloodthirsty psychopath who enjoyed threatening Western hostages. Spanish journalist Javier Espinosa, who had been held in Syria for more than six months after his abduction in September 2013, said Emwazi would explain precisely how the militants would carry out a beheading. Those being held by three British-sounding captors nicknamed them "the Beatles" with "Jihadi John" a reference to Beatles member John Lennon, Espinosa said in recalling his months as one of more than 20 hostages. Emwazi is seen in videos showing the beheading of journalists Steve Sotloff and James Foley, American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, and a number of other hostages. In the videos, a tall masked figure clad in black and speaking in a British accent typically began one of the gruesome videos with a political rant and a kneeling hostage before him, then ended it holding an oversize knife in his hand with the headless victim lying before him in the sand. A counterterror analyst told Fox News that Emwazi became so sought-after following his appearances in the beheading videos that he was shunned by ISIS leadership. The analyst said Emwazi had become the "Typhoid Mary" of the terror group, noting that his presence had prompted airstrikes on meetings, buildings, and other commanders. British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday the drone action was "a strike at the heart" of ISIS, as well as "an act of self-defense" and the right thing to do. Cameron said Britain has been "working, with the United States, literally around the clock to track him down." "This was a combined effort," he said. "And the contribution of both our countries was essential." Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in Tunisia Friday that extremists “need to know this: Your days are numbered, and you will be defeated.” Sotloff’s parents, Art and Shirley Sotloff, responding to the reports that Emwazi was killed issued a statement that said, “This development doesn’t change anything for us; it’s too little too late. Our son is never coming back.” “His death does not bring Jim back,” they said. “If only so much effort had been given to finding and rescuing Jim and the other hostages who were subsequently murdered by ISIS , they might be alive today.” Haines’ daughter, Bethany Haines, told Sky News Friday that she felt an 'instant sense of" relief" when she heard Emwazi may have been killed. She said her feeling was because of "'knowing he wouldn't appear in any more horrific videos." Emwazi was identified as "Jihadi John" last February, although a lawyer who once represented Emwazi's father told reporters that there was no evidence supporting the accusation. Experts and others later confirmed the identification. Emwazi was born in Kuwait and spent part of his childhood in the poor Taima area of Jahra before moving to Britain while still a boy, according to news reports quoting Syrian activists who knew the family. He attended state schools in London, then studied computer science at the University of Westminster before leaving for Syria in 2013. The woman who had been the principal at London's Quintin Kynaston Academy told the BBC earlier this year that Emwazi had been quiet and "reasonably hard-working." Officials said Britain's intelligence community had Emwazi on its list of potential terror suspects for years but was unable to prevent him from traveling to Syria. He had been known to the nation's intelligence services since at least 2009, when he was connected with investigations into terrorism in Somalia. The beheading of Foley, 40, of Rochester, New Hampshire, was deemed by IS to be its response to U.S. airstrikes. The release of the video, on Aug. 19, 2014, horrified and outraged the civilized world but was followed the next month by videos showing the beheadings of Sotloff and Haines and, in October, of Henning. Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson, Jennifer Griffin, Catherine Herridge, Greg Palkot and The Associated Press contributed this report. Click for more from Sky News.
Deportation Arrest Highlights Tensions in Los Angeles on Immigration - The New York Times
LOS ANGELES — Shortly after dropping off his youngest daughter at school, Romulo saw lights flashing from a black car following him, signaling for him to pull over. The car was unmarked and Mr. Avelica, along with his wife and another daughter, who were also in the car, did not know why he was being stopped. Officers wearing jackets emblazoned with “police” in large yellow letters on their backs emerged and demanded that Mr. Avelica get out of the car. When he asked what he had done wrong, the officers yelled back, “Be quiet, you know you have a deportation order. ” Mr. Avelica’s daughter Fatima, 13, and her mother began to cry. As Mr. Avelica, 48, stepped out of the car and was handcuffed, Fatima pulled out her cellphone and began recording the arrest. “My dad kept telling us to calm down, that everything would be O. K.,” Fatima said in an interview. “I didn’t understand what was happening and how they could have known who he was. ” “Don’t cry,” her mother told her as she filmed. “We have to be strong. ” As news quickly spread of Mr. Avelica’s arrest, local activists and leaders responded with anger and dismay that an arrest could happen so close to a school and in front of a child. Outraged local officials said that the tactics showed a new kind of aggressiveness from immigration agents. Mr. Avelica’s case is the latest example of the growing tension building in Los Angeles between federal immigration enforcers and local officials. The fraught relationship could continue to fray as the Trump administration ramps up arrests and detentions. Local leaders in California and other parts of the country are increasingly criticizing federal immigration agents, saying their actions threaten to erode the trust between local law enforcement officials and immigrants, whom they depend on to report crimes. California officials have for years declined to help enforce immigration laws, but they do not have the power to stop roundups of immigrants living in the United States illegally. Mr. Avelica had been convicted of driving under the influence about a decade ago and was ordered deported in 2014. He has lived in the country for nearly 25 years. But it is unclear precisely why immigration officials targeted him for arrest last week. “It’s very unsettling the way things are being carried out,” said Hilda Solis, a member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors who represents the neighborhood east of downtown where Mr. Avelica was arrested. “This man was not an immediate danger to the community. The situation is very scary and alarming for so many of our families and there are a lot of implications for that. I think the federal actions are deliberate and they are trying to send a message. ” Battles over immigration enforcement between local and federal officials are playing out in other cities too. The Santa Cruz police chief, Kevin Vogel, accused Department of Homeland Security officials of lying to him after agents arrested several people for immigration violations during a raid on gang members in the city. Law enforcement officials in El Paso and Denver have also raised concerns that victims of domestic violence are no longer coming forward out of fear of being deported. The mayor in Austin, Tex. wrote a letter condemning recent immigration arrests, saying they made the city less safe. This month, the Los Angeles mayor, the City Council president and the city attorney sent a letter to Immigration and Customs Enforcement asking its employees to stop identifying themselves as police. The day after Mr. Avelica’s arrest, two students from the school his daughters attend, Academia Avance, were stopped by the police. Worried that rumors could spread that they had been stopped by immigration officials, Ricardo Mireles, the executive director of the school, urged students to carry school identification at all times. That was only the start of Mr. Mireles’s warnings to students. Like other public schools, Academia Avance does not know whether students or their parents immigrated legally. But last week, Mr. Mireles gathered all of the students at the small charter school and urged them to ask their parents whether they are living in the United States legally. During parent conferences in the coming days, he said, teachers will ask parents directly if they have made plans in case they are deported. As far as he knows, Fatima and her sister Yuleni are the first students at the school with a parent who has been placed in deportation proceedings. But he does not think they will be the last. For now, there is no way to know how many students are undocumented immigrants or have parents who are Mr. Mireles estimated about 20 percent. But when asked who had undocumented relatives, nearly all of the students in one junior class raised their hands. “This is a lot to ask of you, to put all this responsibility on you, but there’s no other choice,” he told the class. “You need to be prepared. The fact is that fear is being created and terrorism is being inflicted on our community. This father is not a criminal. He’s a person who has made some mistakes but proven his commitment to the United States. ” After Mr. Mireles spoke to the class, one boy approached him crying, saying that his parents would not allow him to ride his bike outside because they were afraid he could be picked up. Mr. Mireles is not allowing anyone who is not a citizen to participate in a senior class trip to New York, fearful that someone could be detained at an airport. Initially, immigration officials told Mr. Avelica that he would be deported to Mexico immediately. But lawyers from the National Day Laborer Organizing Network stepped in, pressing local officials to call the field director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to voice their concerns and asking activists to do the same. ICE officials said that Mr. Avelica would have been a target under the Obama administration because of his conviction and order of removal. Officers abided by the agency’s sensitive locations policy, which generally restricts arrests in schools, and stopped him about half a mile from the school, not knowing that one of the daughters remained in the car, the officials said. Since receiving his deportation order, Mr. Avelica has occasionally talked with his children about the possibility that he could be sent back to Mexico. He worked for years in restaurants, shifts, six days a week, his family said. He tried to avoid any contact with law enforcement officials. His two adult daughters warned their younger sisters two weeks ago that he could be in danger, but they cut the conversation short before making any specific plans. Jeff Gorell, the Los Angeles deputy mayor for public safety, said the circumstances of Mr. Avelica’s arrest were concerning enough that he wanted more information. “There’s certainly heightened focus here on the activities of ICE,” he said. “Any incident that affects our neighborhoods with the kind of response that a detention gets of course gives the mayor concern. That’s one of the reasons we called immediately. ” Pablo Alvarado, the executive director of the day labor organization, said the involvement from local officials probably helped keep Mr. Avelica in the country for now. He is being held at a detention center about two hours east of Los Angeles. “Political leaders are trying to understand what’s rhetoric and what’s real, but I think they are starting to see that we’re not just talking about hypothetical,” Mr. Alvarado said. “There are going to be real dilemmas for elected officials about how complicit they are willing to be. ”
Republican Debate: Trump's absence leaves three winners and two losers
The intentional winner of the Fox News Republican debate Thursday night was Marco Rubio. He had a really good debate.  He was substantive and sharp, clear and polished.  He came across as likable.  He came across as someone who knows foreign policy. The accidental winner, though, was Ted Cruz.  The debate got off to a rough start with Cruz. The other candidates were piling on the man in the center seat.  His campaign had expected it. His engagement with the moderators made him seem less likable. But the moderators, unintentionally and accidentally, solidified Cruz’s support for him and got fence sitters between Trump and Cruz off the fence. “What about ObamaCare?” the moderators asked Cruz.  He wanted it repealed and replaced. “Why does Washington hate you?” they asked Cruz.  That question let Cruz give a dissertation on his efforts to clean up and shrink Washington. Then there was the issue of the ethanol lobby that gave Cruz a minute of clear answers on level playing fields and ending government subsidies. Cruz could not have asked for a better set up of questions at a time when his favorables are vastly higher than other Republicans in Washington. Without Donald Trump, the tone of the debate was lower energy, but filled with much more optimism. The “Megyn Kelly Accountability Project” was a welcome addition to the debate and forced the candidates to own their records or flip-flops. Jeb Bush had a far better night without Trump there. I was surprised there was not a clash with Kasich, given his rise in Iowa.  But Bush held his own and Kasich annoyed as always. The ultimate winner, however, was Megyn Kelly.  After days of being beaten up by the Trump forces, she showed she is a sharp, credible journalist who is willing to ask tough questions and hold the candidates accountable for their prior statements. The video montages and prior records of the candidates were fair game and she forced them to answer. Overall, though the debate had lower energy than prior ones, it was wonderful to have the candidates have to own their records. As for losers, that had to be Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, who had their “kneel before Zod” moment showing up at a Donald Trump rally where everyone treated Donald Trump as the conquering hero. It was like conquered kings being traipsed before Rome. Their campaigns are over. Erick Erickson is a Fox News contributor. He is host of "Erick on the Radio" and founder/editor of The Resurgent. He is the founder of RedState.com. Follow him on Twitter @EWErickson.
Trump, Republicans face tricky task of averting U.S. government shutdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans who control Congress face their first major budget test next week, with the threat of a U.S. government shutdown potentially hinging on his proposed Mexican border wall as well as Obamacare funding. With Republicans controlling the White House and both chambers of Congress, keeping the federal government operating is a basic test of their ability to govern, but their task could become even more complicated if they insist on using the spending legislation to bring about contentious policy changes. Not only must Republicans overcome intraparty ideological divisions that stopped major healthcare legislation last month, but they will have to win over some opposition Democrats with provisions that could be distasteful to conservatives. With the Senate reconvening on Monday and the House of Representatives on Tuesday after a two-week recess, lawmakers will have only four days to pass a spending package to keep the government open beyond April 28, when funding expires for numerous federal programs. “I think we want to keep the government open,” Trump said on Thursday, adding he thinks Congress can pass the funding legislation and perhaps also a revamped healthcare bill. Democratic support depends on what provisions Republicans demand in the bill. Democrats have signaled they would not cooperate if it contains money for one of Trump’s top priorities, a southwestern border wall intended to combat illegal immigration, or if it ends federal subsidies to help low-income people buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, which Republicans want to repeal. Democrats also want federal funds maintained for Planned Parenthood, which many Republicans oppose because the women’s healthcare provider performs abortions. Another obstacle would be if Trump demands large defense spending increases coupled with deep cuts to domestic programs Democrats want to protect. Late on Thursday, leading House Democrats were voicing skepticism a deal could be reached by the deadline. In a telephone call for House Democrats, Representative Nita Lowey, the senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, said: “I don’t see how we can meet that deadline” and avoid having to pass a short-term extension, according to an aide on the call. The second-ranking House Democrat, Representative Steny Hoyer, told his fellow Democrats that they should only support such a short-term measure if a deal on long-term bill is reached and only finishing touches remained, the aide said. Republican leaders face a familiar balancing act: satisfying the party’s most conservative members while not alienating its moderates. Rules in the 100-seat Senate mean Trump’s party also would need the support of at least eight Democrats even if the Republicans remain unified, giving the opposition party leverage. House Republican leaders would need some Democratic votes if the most conservative lawmakers object to the bill, as they did to the healthcare plan championed by Speaker Paul Ryan. With congressional elections looming next year, Republicans acknowledge the stakes are high. “Even our most recalcitrant members understand that if you shut down the government while you’re running it and you control the House and the Senate, you can’t blame anybody but yourself,” said Representative Tom Cole, a senior House Appropriations Committee Republican. White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said the Trump administration was willing to talk to Democrats about funding for Obamacare subsidies in exchange for their agreement to include some Trump priorities such as the wall, the defense hike and more money for immigration enforcement. “It is ripe for some type of negotiated agreement that gives the president some of his priorities and Democrats some of their priorities. So we think we’ve opened the door for that,” Mulvaney said. Democrats reacted negatively. “Everything had been moving smoothly until the administration moved in with a heavy hand. Not only are Democrats opposed to the wall, there is significant Republican opposition as well,” said Matt House, a spokesman for Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer. The government was last forced to close in October 2013, when Republican Senator Ted Cruz and some of the most conservative House Republicans engineered a 17-day shutdown in an unsuccessful quest to kill Democratic former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law. “These kind of bills can’t pass without a reasonable number of the party of the minority in the Senate, and we are optimistic we will be able to work all that out,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said at the start of the spring recess. A deal is needed because Congress was unable to approve funding for the entire 2017 fiscal year that ends in September and has relied on stop-gap spending legislation. Congress has passed no major legislation since Trump took office in January, and he has ambitious hopes for major tax-cut legislation, infrastructure spending and other bills. With the difficulty passing a bill with so many divisive elements, lawmakers next week might need to buy time by passing a short-term bill lasting possibly one to three weeks, maintaining current spending levels. “That would be a setback: not catastrophic, but not a good thing, and a sign that you can’t govern,” Cole said. A federal closure would shutter National Park Service destinations like the Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. Government medical research would be suspended. Thousands of federal workers would be furloughed with thousands more working without pay until the shutdown ends, including homeland security personnel. Some veterans benefits could be suspended. Time would stand still in the U.S. Capitol with nobody on duty to wind the 200-year-old “Ohio Clock” just outside the Senate chamber.
HILLARY SUPPORTER SAYS MURDERS WILL HAPPEN At Anti-Trump Riots: “There Will Be Casualties On Both Sides….People Have To Die To Make A Change…” [VIDEO]
Keep in mind, a group funded by one of Hillary and Barack Obama s largest campaign contributors globalist, George Soros is advertising to pay people to attend these violent rallies.https://youtu.be/Td4-UeLqikc
Poverty Kills As The Rich Live Longer Than Ever (INFOGRAPHIC)
The Republican war on poor people has been killing Americans and now we have the proof. A study published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows clearly that poverty compounded by Republican refusal to spend money on the poor is unnecessarily shortening the lives of millions of people. We know that it s unnecessary because in the parts of the country where the poor are not treated like animals, they live longer.It s so bad that in some of the poorer parts of America, people have a life expectancy on par with developing African nations:The poor in some cities big ones like New York and Los Angeles, and also quite a few smaller ones like Birmingham, Ala. live nearly as long as their middle-class neighbors or have seen rising life expectancy in the 21st century. But in some other parts of the country, adults with the lowest incomes die on average as young as people in much poorer nations like Rwanda, and their life spans are getting shorter.Meanwhile, the rich continue to live longer because in America, even longevity is for sale to the highest bidder: the gap in life spans between rich and poor widened from 2001 to 2014. The top 1 percent in income among American men live 15 years longer than the poorest 1 percent; for women, the gap is 10 years. These rich Americans have gained three years of longevity just in this century. They live longer almost without regard to where they live.Here s the map put together by the New York Times color coded for average lifespan. Notice that most of the low-end life expectancy is located squarely in Republican controlled states:This is a direct result of Republicans refusing to lift a finger to help those most in need. Between refusing to expand Medicaid, savage cuts to food stamps and a general attitude of die quickly, conservative politics are killing people with their greed and inhumanity.But it s more than just a lack of access to doctors that is killing the poor. By denying them any kind of economic help, the poor are forced to eat junk food because that s all they can afford. By denying them a proper education and job opportunities, the poor are highly stressed, already bad for your health, and have been turning to drugs and alcohol to cope:Life expectancy for the poor is lowest in a large swath that cuts through the middle of the country, and it appears in pockets in the rest of the country, in places like Nevada. David M. Cutler, a Harvard economist and an author of the paper, calls it the drug overdose belt, because the area matches in part a map of where the nation s opioid epidemic is concentrated.The good news/bad news is that in the places where the poor are not treated like lepers, they love much longer and healthier lives. Birmingham, Alabama took numerous measures to improve the public s health and, shockingly, it helped:In the area in and around Birmingham, Ala., the life span for adults in the bottom quarter of income rose 3.8 years for men and 2.2 years for women from 2001 to 2014.Clearly, they must have used the big government to tell you what size soda to drink, right? Well, not so much:The county expanded availability of preventive health care like vaccinations and mammograms by opening clinics in poorer neighborhoods in the 1990s and early 2000s (though recently it has closed some of the clinics). Although a relatively high percentage of the population lacks health insurance, a portion of local taxes goes to hospital care for those who cannot pay. The county has been ahead of the rest of Alabama in banning smoking in restaurants and workplaces, with a law enacted in 2012. And philanthropic foundations backed by old industrial money have funded campaigns to make people healthier in the Birmingham area.If the Republican-controlled legislature of Alabama had expanded Medicaid instead of throwing a temper tantrum, these measures would be even MORE effective. Still, Birmingham proves that even with a state government dedicated to hurting the poor, local governments can, and do, still mitigate much of the damage.The bottom line here is that while the rich reap the benefits of better doctors, less stress and access to healthy foods, the poor in large swathes of the country are denied the same, mostly by the rich and their puppets in the Republican Party. The net result is that millions of people are dying before their time so a small group of people can amass more wealth and power. Sadly, this drive to succeed at the expense of others is the new American Dream.The only silver lining here is that many of those same poor people have finally, finally figured out that Republicans are not going to help them. Sure, they turned to Donald Trump for leadership but even after he s gone, they ll remember who s been stabbing them in the back for decades. They may never embrace the Democrats but maybe, just maybe, they ll start demanding Republicans stop catering to the rich while throwing the poor the crumbs.We can only hope.Featured image via NY Times
Trump Biographer: The Donald Has A Long History Of Lying About Taping People To Intimidate Them
Donald Trump has made quite the fuss about tapes of conversations between himself and former FBI Director James Comey. Problem is, no one is even convinced that these tapes exist. According to biographer Tim O Brien, this wouldn t be the first time Trump has lied about taping people when he didn t as a method of intimidation.O Brien authored the book, TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald. But Trump subsequently lost his sh*t and filed a lawsuit in 2005 because O Brien s book said he was only worth a measly $250 million. Suing ended up being a big mistake, as Trump ended up busted for making at least 30 false statements during a deposition. His loose association with the truth becomes problematic when he s confronted with documents, O Brien told CNN host Brian Stelter during an interview on Sunday morning. We ve had decades now of Trump frequently lying or exaggerating about a wide range of things. The author also let it be known that Trump has a long history of lying to people about tapes of conversations just so he can try to intimidate them into doing what he wants. He s said this over the years to reporters when they go into the Trump organization, I just want to let you know that I m taping you right now, O Brien said. And he said it multiple times during my interviews with him. He said that into my own tape recorder when I recorded our interviews. But when he sat down for the deposition, my attorney said, Mr. Trump, do you have a taping system? he added. And he said no. And [my attorney] said, Why did you say this to Mr. O Brien. And he essentially said, I wanted to intimidate him. O Brien s comments make it even more doubtful that Trump actually as any tapes of Comey at all. Which is actually quite disappointing since they would almost certainly show that Comey was telling the truth when he testified under oath that Trump had tried to get him to drop the Russia investigation and pledge loyalty, which is clearly obstruction of justice. What a pity. If there really were tapes we would be that much closer towards getting this moron out of the White House.You can watch O Brian s interview here:Featured image via video screen capture
Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia - Breitbart
With headlines swirling and lawmakers meeting behind closed doors, it’s not difficult to conclude there is trouble in the Trump White House. [But a deeper dive reveals that lots of people who would not consider themselves Trump supporters admit there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign regarding alleged collusion with Russians. Here’s a list of some of those who fall into the “no evidence” column: “The last time we spoke, Senator, I asked you if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and you said to me — and I’m quoting you now — you said, ‘not at this time.’ Has anything changed since we spoke last?” asked CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “Well, not — no, it hasn’t,” Feinstein said. “But I just want to be precise, Senator. In all of the — you’ve had access from the intelligence committee, from the Judiciary committee, all of the access you’ve had to very sensitive information, so far you’ve not seen any evidence of collusion, is that right?” Blitzer pressed. “Well, evidence that would establish that there’s collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. There are newspaper stories, but that’s not necessarily evidence,” Feinstein admitted. “But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet,” Sam Stein of the Huffington Post asked. “No, it has not been,” Waters said. “What I have found appalling is the number of leaks that have taken place over the last several months,” Brennan said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, the annual gathering of managers and other financiers. “This needs to be stopped. ” “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task. ” “Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told MSNBC’S Andrea Mitchell on Friday that there could be evidence of collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign,” CNN reported. But, “There was no evidence that rose to that level, at that time, that found its way in to the intelligence community assessment, which we had pretty high confidence in,” Clapper said of collusion between Trump campaign aides and Russians, referring also to the U. S. intelligence assessment that Russia tried to influence the presidential election in favor of Trump. “That’s not to say there wasn’t evidence, but not that met that threshold,” Clapper said. Reuters ran a story on Thursday with the headline “Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians sources” But buried in the story is the real headline: “In January, the Trump White House initially denied any contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. The White House and advisers to the campaign have since confirmed four meetings between Kislyak and Trump advisers during that time. The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far. ”
France: Muslim Screams ‘There is Only One Master — Allah’, Punches Teacher in Front of Pupils
France: Muslim Screams ‘There is Only One Master — Allah’, Punches Teacher in Front of Pupils Oct 28, 2016 Previous post This is the France of today and the France of the future, courtesy the suicidal Muslim immigration policies that French authorities (and European authorities in general) continue to pursue, even to the point of national suicide. “Attacker Says ‘There is Only One Master — Allah’, Punches Teacher in Front of Pupils,” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart , October 21, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace ): A primary school teacher was beaten outside his classroom by two young men who called him a racist after seeing the man rebuke a child of non-European origin. The teacher was violently attacked near the entrance of his school while walking back from Marais Stadium, in Argenteuil in Val-d’Oise, with his pupils after a PE class. After Paul Langevin reprimanded one of the children in his class on Monday who was being disruptive and using bad language, two young men jumped out of their car screaming “Don’t you talk to her like that, racist”, at the 50 year old. Mr. Langevin protested: “But I am their master”, using the word maître, which also means ‘primary school teacher’ in French. One of the men replied: “And I am a thug” as the other knocked him to the ground FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE CLICK LINK
Sen. McCain says will support changing rules to confirm Gorsuch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. John McCain on Monday announced that he will support an upcoming effort by his fellow Republicans to win Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court by changing the chamber’s rules in order to overcome Democratic opposition. McCain, in remarks to reporters, said he had “no choice” but to go along with a change in rules ending a tradition of 60 votes in the 100-member Senate needed to advance Supreme Court nominees to a final vote. He said he would support the rule change “because we need to confirm Gorsuch.” In the past, McCain has strongly opposed such a change.
Senate passes budget blueprint, key to Trump tax effort
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s drive to overhaul the U.S. tax code cleared a critical hurdle on Thursday when the Senate approved a budget blueprint for the 2018 fiscal year that will pave the way for Republicans to pursue a tax-cut package without Democratic support. By a 51-to-49 vote, the Republican-controlled Senate approved the budget measure, which would add up to $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit over the next decade in order to pay for proposed tax cuts. “With this budget, we’re on a path to deliver much-needed relief to American individuals and families who have borne the burden of an unfair tax code,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said after it passed. “Great news on the 2018 budget @SenateMajLdr McConnell - first step toward delivering MASSIVE tax cuts for the American people!,” Trump tweeted early on Friday. But Democrats are likely to oppose the Trump administration’s tax plan, which promises to deliver up to $6 trillion in tax cuts to businesses and individuals. “This is not a bad budget bill, it is a horrific budget bill,” Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who ran for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said before the vote. “At a time of massive income inequality, this budget provides $1.9 trillion in tax breaks for the top 1 percent.” The resolution has to be reconciled with a markedly different version passed by the House of Representatives, where Republicans say negotiations on a unified measure could take up to two weeks. The House budget resolution calls for a revenue-neutral tax bill and would combine tax cuts in the same legislation as $203 billion in spending cuts to mandatory programs including food assistance for the poor. The Senate version instructs the Energy and Natural Resources Committee to save at least $1 billion over the next decade. It also contains a legislative tool called reconciliation, which would enable Republicans, who control the 100-seat Senate by a 52-48 margin, to move tax legislation through the Senate on a simple majority vote. Otherwise, tax reform would need 60 votes and would likely fail. After failing to approve Trump-backed legislation to overturn Obamacare, Senate Republicans are under intense pressure to succeed on tax reform. Although Democratic votes will likely not be needed to pass tax legislation, Trump sought the support of six Senate Democrats at a Wednesday meeting with Finance Committee members from both parties. Five of the six Democrats, whom the White House described as open to working with Trump on taxes, are up for reelection next year in states that Trump carried in the 2016 election. The White House contends that the Republicans’ plan to slash the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent would create jobs and boost wages for blue-collar workers. But Senator Ron Wyden, the top Democrat on the tax-writing Finance Committee, who attended the White House meeting, said he made clear to Trump that Democrats believed his plan would benefit the wealthy, raise taxes on some middle-class Americans and increase the federal deficit.
#Podesta21: Clinton’s ‘Twisted’ Behavior ‘Smacks of Acting Above the Law’
A leading US attorney warned staffers that many Americans view Hillary Clinton’s contradictory remarks over her choice to use a private email server as “twisted” and illegal behavior. It’s just one of the revelations from the latest Wikileaks dump of emails hacked from the Clinton presidential campaign. WikiLeaks has dumped yet another batch of emails from the account of Hillary Clinton’s beleaguered campaign chair, John Podesta. This is the 21st batch of messages to be published by the whistleblowing site. RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 21 #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails21 #HillaryClinton https://t.co/wzxeh70oUm pic.twitter.com/kkdyFXmTLD — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 28, 2016 The damage to Hillary Clinton’s campaign can not be underestimated and there is still more to come. WikiLeaks have said there will be a total of 50,000 emails released in the lead up to the November 8 US presidential election. Friday’s batch brings the total so far to 35,594. In them, an email from leading US attorney Erika Rottenberg to Clinton staffers reveals that many US lawyers had serious doubts over the legality of Hillary Clinton using a private server for her emails, when she was the US Secretary of State. In an exchange dating to June 2015, Rottenberg suggests that Clinton’s actions are both suspicious and hypocritical. “I know when I talk to my friends who are attorneys we are all struggling with what happened to the emails and aren’t satisfied with answers to date. “While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in.” Rottenberg goes on to imply that Clinton may be guilty of illegal activity. “It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I’ve either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for.” Hillary Clinton has never been able to shake the specter of her emails scandal and while questions of legality, as well as of potential security breaches, remain unanswered, the debacle continues to wound her campaign’s chances. In an effort to redirect the US public’s attention, other Clinton staffers urged their candidate to better pander to “dumb” millennials to get them “to fall in line.” In February 2016, marketing executive Wendy Bronfein told Clinton insiders that Bernie Sanders was appealing to young voters, and that Clinton needed to do so too. “She may not be the best face of it so maybe it’s trending figures to advocate for her b/c that’s the crap that young people pay attention to. I hate to generalize a generation but by social media nature, they ‘follow’. So if someone they identify as cool endorses — they will likely fall in line with that.” In a dismissive aside, she ended: “Don’t forget Bill had ‘don’t stop’ campaign song, that was a pop culture play and had his Saxophone moments. It’s f$*king dumb but being ‘cool’ counts for more than it maybe should.” The patronizing tone of such exchanges has enraged many voters, who have take to social media to protest. Earlier in January 2015, another campaign insider urged Clinton to pander to ethnic minorities. Neera Tanden is a long standing Clinton insider, at the same time as being the president of the think tank, the Center for American Progress. One email from Friday’s WikiLeaks batch shows Tanden challenging Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta himself. “I’m not the diversity police but there is grumbling on the 4 white boys running next presidential cycle. So I recommend rolling out some people who look like the rest of America soon!” Podesta’s response: “Really, don’t you think I know that?” If only Podesta had known then that tens of thousands of his emails were soon to be hacked… Source: Sputnik News
STUNNING BETRAYAL! 43 REPUBLICANS, In Dark Of Night Vote To Approve Obama’s Transgender Bathroom Decree
Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the support of so many Republicans we fought so hard to elect, as our last hope to stop Obama s fundamental transformation of America Many are asking what Republicans plan to do to stop Obama s executive war on culture and religious liberty in pursuit of cultural Marxism. Now we know that not only will this party do nothing to stop Obama, they will use their control of Congress to codify Obama s agenda into law.Late Wednesday night, Republicans allowed a vote on an amendment from Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), which codified Obama s executive order 13672 making transgenderism the law of the land. Obama s executive order, promulgated in July 2014, instructed bureaucrats to sever contracts with companies that don t follow the Obama mandated sexual identity agenda. This could include companies that don t allow men into female bathrooms in their private corporate offices. The Maloney amendment to the $37.4 billion FY 2017 Energy &Water Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5055) codified that unilateral act into law.The amendment passed 223-195 with 43 Republicans supporting it. The GOP House just supported arguably the most radical Democrat agenda item in the dead of night.Enshrining Obama s specific edict into law and then passing vanity language reaffirming the general importance of religious liberty is like doing CPR on a dead body. GOP leaders are always twisting arms to get conservative members to vote for bad bills. Somehow we are to believe they were impotent in ensuring moderate members (what is moderate about transgenderism?) adhere to the party s platform?The reality is that Paul Ryan has long been a supporter of ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act), the legislative vehicle for enshrining transgenderism into law and mandating adherence to its dogma on private businesses. That is why he s been absent in this fight. Moreover, Republicans have failed to allow a single anti-religious bigotry bill to the floor since the illegal gay marriage decision was issued by the Supreme Court, despite the ubiquitous threats against private businesses, states, and private property.Clearly, whipping against this vote was not a priority.Once the Maloney amendment passed with GOP votes, Republicans proceeded to do what they always do so well. They offered side-by-side amendments in an attempt to cover up the damage.They passed the Pitts amendment as a second-degree by voice vote to affirm the constitutional importance of religious liberty. Then they passed the Byrne Amendments to reaffirm that RFRA is still in place and the government cannot discriminate against religious individuals. Well, as we all know, the Constitution and RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) have been in place for the entire Obama administration, yet he is still able to get away with anti-religious bigotry edicts by claiming they don t interfere with religious beliefs.To begin with, this entire spending bill was something that should never have come to the floor. It increased spending and retained a number of green energy programs for a department that shouldn t even exist.Now that leadership has loaded this already sub-par spending bill with transgenderism, conservatives should vote against final passage on Thursday. It s bad enough that a Republican House cannot be used as a tool to go on offense against cultural Marxism and anti-religious-liberty initiatives. To pass a bill placing an exclamation mark on that agenda is unforgivable.Via: Conservative ReviewHere is the list of Republicans who voted to assist Obama in his fundamental transformation of America:Amash (MI)Brooks (IN) Coffman (CO) Costello (PA) Curbelo (FL) Davis, Rodney (IL) Denham (CA) Dent (PA) Diaz-Balara (FL) Dold (IL)Donovan (NY) Emmer (MN) Fitzpatrick (PA)Frelinghuysen (NJ) Gibson (NY) Heck (NV) Hurd (TX) Issa (CA)Jolly (FL)Katko (NY) Kinzinger (IL)Lance( NJ) LoBiondo (NJ)MacArthur (NJ)McSally (AZ) Meehan (PA) Messer (IN) Paulsen (MN) Poliquin (ME) Reed (NY) Reichert (WA) Renacci (OH) Rooney (FL) Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Shims (IL) Stefanik (NY) Upton (MI) Valadao (CA) Walden (OR) Walters, Mimi (CA)Young (IA) Young (IN) Zelda (NY)Via: Conservative Review
Eric Trump Unveils New Haircut In The Style Made Famous By Alt-Right Neo-Nazis (PHOTO)
Eric Trump has a new haircut and that haircut looks to be an outrageously offensive political statement.Moving away from the slicked back caricature of a Wall Street sleazeball, Eric landed on a hairstyle that is, at this moment, mostly popular with a collection of up-and-coming neo-Nazis. As the Washington Post described it last year in a article titled Does this haircut make me look like a Nazi? , the style looks as follows:It is short on the sides and long on the top. It is clean and tidy, with a military sheen. It s been popular among young people for several years. But now this haircut is making us ask ourselves, with seriousness that seems unthinkable in 2016: hipster or Nazi?Thanks to high profile Nazis like Richard Spencer, the answer in 2017 is: Nazi.The look, once popular with hipsters, is now decidedly one meant to symbolize an alt-right ideology. In fact, the cut was co-opted by Nazis because it had connections to Hitler. The style was a modern take on one made popular by the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany. You re probably familiar with it:(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)Now, it s obvious that not everyone with that particular haircut is associated with white supremacy. It s a haircut. But within white supremacy circles, the haircut is used to signal to other members that the wearer is part of the team. In the same way a particular piece of clothing or hand gesture can identify you as a member of a group, the haircut has become the calling card of many prominent neo-Nazis.Here s Spencer today still with the haircut along with his buddy wearing a slightly shorter variation of the same haircut:Nathan Damigo! pic.twitter.com/YNr4X8YFD4 Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) June 25, 2017And now Eric Trump has it, too:Eric Trump has a fascist haircut.This cannot possibly be unintentional. pic.twitter.com/9mqUbwENqQ Ali Gharib (@Ali_Gharib) June 25, 2017Is it intentional? You d be forgiven for thinking so. Eric and his brother Donald Jr. s behaviors since the election are only fueling the controversy. Since their father s win, the family has been growing increasingly close with the alt-right, a group that breeds neo-Nazis. Donald Jr, in particular, has globbed onto the group, retweeting articles and figureheads of the alt-right movement. Now Eric is styling himself, physically, after them.That s a lot of smoke and the question we need to ask ourselves now is, Where s the fire? Featured image via Fox News
Bill O’Reilly Pathetically Defends Trump: ‘Jesus Never Put Out His Tax Returns!’ (VIDEO)
Fox News host Bill O Reilly and Fox Business host Lou Dobbs made a pathetically lame attempt to defend Donald Trump s hesitance to release his tax returns. In doing so, they made a disgraceful comparison between the presumptive Republican nominee and Jesus Christ.Succeeding in making himself look even more suspicious, Trump has recently broken his previous promise to release his tax returns before election day. Announcing the news on Wednesday, Trump said his sorry excuse was that a federal audit needed to be completed before he could release them which is an absolute lie that O Reilly and Dobbs failed to call him out on.On O Reilly s show, Dobbs came to the business mogul s defense: Why should he turn over his tax returns when he s being audited? [H]e is facing a hostile national media that no matter how pristine those returns, it s going to find something to pick at and blow up. And then use it as some shiny object to distract from the issue. O Reilly pointed out that releasing those documents would be a good move on Trump s part, considering that his honesty was questioned by partisans. It would not only be a good idea it would be standard practice. Trump is now the first nominee not to disclose his tax returns since 1976. Even former President Richard Nixon, who was under audit, didn t hesitate to release his tax returns a fact that makes Trump s secrecy look more shady than ever.Dobbs pushed logic aside and said, After the first billion, I lose interest. He also failed to answer O Reilly when he asked if there was anything that Dobbs hadn t liked about Trump s campaign. Dobbs refused to give him a straight answer, because you d be just like the rest of those guys in the national media, you just focus on it. O Reilly pushed back and said, I m asking you as an analyst. You are not willing to say one thing. When Dobbs continued to dance around the question, O Reilly yelled: If he is Jesus, how can you analyze him? Dobbs said, How can I analyze him? Because I have a superior mind that competes at least fairly favorably with your own. O Reilly giggled and replied with something truly idiotic: Okay. Let s just recap. According to Dobbs, Donald Trump is Jesus. And Jesus never put out his tax returns! Ever! Dobbs completely threw all intelligence out the window when he said, That s a line that I can actually agree with. You can watch the puzzling clip below:Featured image via Jim McIsaac / Getty Images
Erdogan Condemns U.S. for Bodyguard Warrants over May Beating: ’What Kind of Law Is This?’ - Breitbart
In remarks from Ankara on Thursday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was harshly critical of the U. S. arrest warrants for twelve of his bodyguards. [“What kind of law is this? If my bodyguards cannot protect me then why am I bringing them to America with me?” Erdogan exclaimed, as reported by Hurriyet Daily News. Washington, DC, police issued warrants for the bodyguards on Thursday, at a press conference decorated with photos of the men stamped “WANTED” in red. The charges involve assault against protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in D. C. on May 16, during Erdogan’s visit to the United States. “We all saw the violence that was perpetrated against peaceful protesters, and it’s not something that we’re going to tolerate,” said D. C. Police Chief Peter Newsham. He added that the suspects are all believed to have returned to Turkey and are thus unlikely to land in an American courtroom unless they surrender themselves, but he stated they would be arrested if the ever return to the United States. The U. S. State Department has not ruled out demanding their extradition. In his remarks, Erdogan claimed the protesters were all affiliated with the violent separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) which is the Turkish government’s name for the followers of exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, currently a resident of Pennsylvania. The Turkish government insists Gulen is the mastermind behind last year’s unsuccessful coup attempt against Erdogan. “The U. S. police did nothing. Can you imagine what the response would have been if a similar incident had taken place in Turkey?” Erdogan asked, insinuating that the protesters were a threat to his safety. It’s something of a trick question because it is not very difficult to imagine how Erdogan’s security forces would respond to a protest by suspected PKK and FETO members that got within 50 feet him. Turkey’s Foreign Ministry summoned U. S. Ambassador John Bass on Thursday to declare the arrest warrants against Erdogan’s bodyguards “unacceptable. ” The statement repeated Erdogan’s allegations that local security authorities were at fault. “This incident would not have occurred if the US authorities had taken the usual measures they take in similar visits and therefore that Turkish citizens cannot be held responsible for the incident that took place,” the Foreign Ministry said. The UK Guardian quotes Center for Strategic and International Studies analyst Bulent Aliriza, who stressed the Turks are very serious about the matter and worried the U. S. relationship with Turkey could suffer significant damage if the warrants are allowed to stand. “There will be demands for action that may ultimately damage the diplomatic relationship to the point of ambassadors being yanked back, which is unprecedented,” Aliriza said.
Elizabeth Warren SHREDS Trump With Call To ‘Nasty Women’ Everywhere, And It’s F**king AMAZING (VIDEO)
While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire on Monday, Elizabeth Warren just did what she does best, pulverize Donald Trump and his abusive rhetoric and actions. She went directly for the jugular and attacked his nasty woman comment from the last presidential debate, as well as his clear disrespect for women.Warren lays it all out there and tells the crowd: Donald Trump disrespects, aggressively disrespects, more than half the human beings in this country. He thinks because he has money that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. He thinks because he is a celebrity he can rate women s bodies from one to ten. He thinks that because he has a mouth full of Tic Tacs that he can force himself on any woman within groping distance.I got news for you, Donald Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And nasty women have really had it with guys like you.Get this, Donald, Nasty women, are tough. Nasty women are smart, and nasty women vote. And on November 8th, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. This received uproarious applause and was a sure sign nasty women everywhere are about to make sure Donald Trump gets nowhere near the Oval Office.Watch Warren shred Trump and ignite nasty women everywhere to get out and vote: Elizabeth Warren to Trump: We nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever! pic.twitter.com/epCA13EZfo Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) October 24, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Ann Coulter Thinks We Need To Get Rid Of The ‘Utterly Useless’ CIA (AUDIO)
Conservative political analyst (and all around vile human being) Ann Coulter has decided that in the wake of the whole fiasco with Russia interfering in our election, we should just get rid of the Central Intelligence Agency altogether. Poof! Problem solved!During an interview on Sean Hannity s radio show, Coulter was asked about the recent CIA revelations that Russia interfered in our election not just to undermine confidence in U.S. elections, but in an attempt to help Donald Trump win the White House. What do you think of this effort to undermine first it was the recount, then it was the Russians hacked, even though there s no new evidence at all and the FBI and director of national intelligence disagree. And I know because I ve interviewed a number of these people, electors being harassed to change their votes away from Trump. What do you make of the effort to delegitimize him? Hannity asked.Coulter s answer was even more jaw-droppingly stupid that what we have come to expect from her.It doesn t make any sense, the FBI disputes it. One of the main proponents of this, of this Russia I mean, the articles in The New York Times and The Washington Post, they re all anonymous sources from the CIA, an agency we really need to get rid of because it is utterly useless and it eats up a lot of tax money. And this isn t something I m bringing up for the first time now; my loyal readers know I ve been making fun of US intelligence for a good decade now. We have the worst intelligence collecting in the world. Worse than Burkina Faso, it s worse than Walmart s intelligence, because the Democrats decided to destroy the CIA after Watergate.Seriously. This woman thinks that because the CIA called out Russia for their blatant meddling in our election, we should just get rid of the entire agency completely. And, of course, it s all the Democrats fault. Naturally. The CIA busted Trump s buddy Putin interfering in our presidential election, on Trump s behalf, and this is her response. You really do just have to take a step back and marvel at the mental gymnastics at play here.You can listen to the interview here, via Media Matters: Featured image via Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
Breaking Silence, Officer Testifies About Killing of Walter Scott - The New York Times
CHARLESTON, S. C. — The defendant, one of the most vilified police officers in recent American history, stood alone before a judge on Tuesday and made a simple declaration: He would testify in his own defense against the accusation that he had murdered an unarmed black man. Minutes later, that defendant, Michael T. Slager, the North Charleston police officer who shot and killed Walter L. Scott during a traffic stop and foot pursuit, ended nearly 20 months of silence and told a jury that he had been consumed by “total fear” in the moments before he opened fire on April 4, 2015. “I see him with a Taser in his hand as I see him spinning around,” Mr. Slager, 35, said as he described the fatal encounter with Mr. Scott, 50. “That’s the only thing I see: that Taser in his hand. ” But Mr. Slager also conceded that given the benefit of hindsight, the encounter could have ended much differently, with an outcome that did not leave a man dead and a police officer on trial for murder. “Going back 18 months later and looking at everything,” he said, “things could have been different. ” Still, to a prosecutor who was skeptical and sneering during the Mr. Slager was a lawman with questionable judgment, a selective memory and a finger quick to pull the triggers of his Taser and his handgun. “It seems like you’re not remembering things that are bad for you,” said D. Bruce DuRant, the chief deputy solicitor for Charleston County. Before the jury of 11 white people and one black man, Mr. DuRant accused Mr. Slager of exaggerating the confrontation with Mr. Scott. “You’re starting to make up things as we go along, aren’t you?” he asked. Mr. Slager, who was fired after the shooting, said his recollection of the day was hazy or nonexistent. “I don’t remember everything that happened,” he said. The defense rested its case, and closing arguments were expected Wednesday, after which jurors are to begin deliberations. They will have a trove of evidence to weigh, including a bystander’s recording that showed Mr. Slager firing eight times at Mr. Scott’s back. If found guilty, Mr. Slager could be sentenced to life in prison. The jurors again saw the video, at some moments, on Tuesday, as the man who recorded it, Feidin Santana, sat in the front row. Mr. Slager insisted that specific facts confirmed by the recording, including that Mr. Scott did not have the officer’s Taser when he was shot, were not apparent amid the stress and commotion of an encounter that occurred after Mr. Scott fled from a traffic stop for a broken taillight. Instead, Mr. Slager said that he thought Mr. Scott was “running for some reason,” and that he felt he was outmatched and “going to lose” the struggle with Mr. Scott. Soon, according to Mr. Slager, Mr. Scott seized the Taser and appeared ready to fire it. “I pulled my firearm, and I pulled the trigger,” said Mr. Slager, who said he suffered from nightmares after the shooting. “I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do. ” By the time Mr. Slager squeezed the trigger of his Glock, Mr. Scott was at least 17 feet away, a distance Mr. Slager suggested he did not recognize in the chaos. Mr. Scott, whose family believes he initially fled because of unpaid child support obligations, crumpled to the ground. Not long after the shooting, Mr. Slager dropped his Taser next to Mr. Scott’s body, a decision he could not easily explain on Tuesday, but one that prosecutors view as proof that he was trying to plant evidence to cover up a murder. The murder statute in this state is a decidedly unembellished one: It defines murder as “the killing of any person with malice aforethought, either express or implied. ” Although prosecutors have not brought conspicuous evidence of racial animus on Mr. Slager’s part, they have depicted him as an officer who broke the law and local policies, including one that stipulates that “the preservation of life must always take priority over apprehension of criminals. ” Until the Saturday morning when he killed Mr. Scott, Mr. Slager had not fired his handgun while on duty. But to prosecutors, and to a defense team plainly worried about Mr. Slager’s being seen as a rogue officer, his history of using other types of force could be crucial to the jury. Part of that history, first detailed by The New York Times in May 2015, shows that Mr. Slager often relied on his Taser to defuse a situation. In 2014, for instance, he alone accounted for about 4 percent of Taser use by the police force in North Charleston. Under questioning, Mr. Slager denied that his Taser use was a reflection of his temperament. But he did say that Mr. Scott had behaved in ways that heightened his suspicions and fears. Mr. Slager also said that had he known about Mr. Scott’s limited criminal record — he was apparently flagged in a law enforcement database as a wanted person with “violent tendencies” — he would not have pursued him alone. As Mr. Slager neared the end of his testimony, he became emotional about the aftermath of the shooting. “My family has been destroyed by this,” he said. “The Scott family has been destroyed by this. It’s horrible. ”
Professor: Political Ignorance is “Going To Have Consequences”
21st Century Wire says Are we already seeing the results of political ignorance?In the first episode of a new video interview series, Stuart J. Hooper speaks with the University of New Mexico s Professor Mike Rocca.Rocca explains how civic ignorance has become an issue in society, and is asked what it means to have politically ignorant leaders holding seats with political power: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Story Of Severely Disabled Man And His Mom Shows Just How Cruel The GOP ‘Healthcare’ Bill Really Is
By now, everyone has seen the monstrosity that is the GOP Senate s so-called healthcare bill. At its core, it really is just a huge tax cut for the rich at the expense of the healthcare of poor, elderly, sick, and disabled Americans. We have all watched how disabled members of ADAPT, a decades-old disability rights organization that is largely responsible for the modern day Americans With Disabilities Act, were dragged bodily from their wheelchairs and other medical devices from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell s (R-KY) office, all for exercising their First Amendment rights to protest the inhumane stripping of their life-saving care.We ve been talking about the political price of all of this for years. The GOP is in power, and they are determined to do what they have been wanting to do for the last seven years, which is take the healthcare President Barack Obama gave the nation away. They want to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. However, what we haven t been talking about is the real effects of all of this on real people.Mike Phillips appeared on MSNBC s The Last Word with Lawrence O Donnell, with Ari Melber sitting in for Lawrence, on Friday night. Mike had a pre-typed statement; you see, he cannot move or speak, but he can move his fingers long enough to communicate via a computer. It takes a very long time, though, and thus his statement was pre-written. His mother, Karen, takes care of him full time. He also has a personal caregiver. Many of these services are provided through Medicaid, which the cruel GOP massive tax cut for rich people healthcare bill cuts.If this bill becomes law, Mike and those like him and others living with all kinds of disabilities will be relegated to substandard nursing homes or institutions. Mike s mother explained that there is no facility in Florida, where they live, that is equipped to deal with Mike s needs. Therefore, not only would Mike be ripped from his home and loved ones, he d have to be shipped away to some institution for people with severe disabilities in another state, where his family would either have to relocate, or he d be surrounded by strangers, completely helpless and unable to speak out if he is being neglected or mistreated.One might ask the same question, Karen, Mike s mother asks in the video you are about to watch how could this country treat its citizens this way? How could they harm and drag people from wheelchairs for standing up for their rights? How can they take healthcare from the most vulnerable among us?I ll tell you how. It s because Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell exist and they are in charge, that s how. Paul Ryan admitted that he has been dreaming of ripping Medicaid to shreds since he was at college keggers, despite the fact that he used Social Security to get through college after his father died. He might have a pathological hatred of social programs now, but he wouldn t be where he is today without them. Mitch McConnell had polio as a child and grew up dirt poor. While he didn t get government care, he still recovered due to the kindness of strangers at a facility built by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In other words, without help, McConnell would be poor, disabled, and likely in some kind of facility. However, thanks to this outside help. he somehow made it, and has spent his entire career outrunning his past as a poor kid with a disability. He s still running, as his number one mission in life is to deny the type of kind, compassionate care he received in his hour of need to those in similar situations today. These two men don t care who they hurt along the way they just want to prove that who they are now has nothing to do with how they grew up.In other words, the two most powerful men in America are also the most dangerous to the most vulnerable Americans. They are out to prove that folks who didn t or couldn t pull themselves up by their bootstraps, or those who they believe are not properly contributing don t deserve to live and eat like the rest of us.Think the GOP isn t heartless? Watch the video below for your proof. Thank you, Mike and Karen, for sharing your story. Without further ado, here you are:Featured image via video screen capture
Republicans block Democrats' bid to see Treasury files on Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday shot down a legislative effort by Democrats to obtain Treasury Department documents that could show any ties between the finances of President Donald Trump, his inner circle and the Russian government. The bill was rejected amid intense sparring with Democrats openly wondering whether or not Trump, a Republican, is compromised by a foreign power and Republicans dismissing it as a political stunt. Representative Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chair of the House Financial Services Committee that rejected the proposal, said the panel would not be spending any time exploring Trump’s financial network. Hensarling cited open investigations by congressional committees and a special counsel into conclusions by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election campaign to help New York businessman Trump win. Moscow has denied any meddling and Trump has denied and collusion between his campaign and Russian officials. The bill, known as a “resolution of inquiry,” is a rarely used legislative tool that allows Congress to formally request certain documents from the executive branch. But following Tuesday’s voice vote in the committee, the bill is not expected to receive consideration by the full House of Representatives. Specifically, the bill sought documents that may have been unearthed by the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that could show any ties between Trump’s finances and Russia. Democrats on the committee have been trying for months to obtain financial records tied to Trump. In particular, they have pressed for information involving his business dealings with foreign banks, and any potential connection to Moscow. “Clearly we have something afoot in this country that leads right to the top,” said Representative Earl Perlmutter, a Democrat. “We need to make sure that this nation isn’t under the thumb of another nation because of financial leverage or whatever it might be.” The resolution asked for any records of loans or credit from a number of banks to Trump, and 22 of his closest associates, including family members and top White House and campaign advisers. The banks include Deutsche Bank AG and Russian lenders Sberbank and Gazprombank. Hensarling chided Representative Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the panel who has called for the president’s impeachment, for pushing the bill. He said it was “frankly and regrettably, a procedural tool that is blatantly political of nature and one that I do not necessarily consider to be worthy of debate.”
ISIS Executes 300 Iraqi Civilians by Firing Squad North of Mosul
ISIS Executes 300 Iraqi Civilians by Firing Squad North of Mosul 7 Shares 0 1 Member of Nineveh Provincial Council, Hossam al-Din al-Abbar, announced, that the ISIS executed 300 civilians and former security members, north of Mosul. Abbar said in a press statement, “Today, ISIS members executed 300 persons for collaborating with security forces,” pointing out that, “The ISIS was detaining them in its prisons, and then executed them by firing squad in Moshairefa village, north of Mosul.” “ISIS filmed the execution after the so-called Sharia Court issued the death sentence in Wilayet Nineveh,” Abbar added. The ISIS executed thousands of Mosul residents after capturing the city in June 2014, on different charges, especially for collaborating with the security forces. Recommended For You
Alabama’s Chief Justice Just Spit On The Constitution: Reinstates Ban On Gay Marriage
One would think that to hold a position like Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court you would have to know a thing or two about the law. Justice Roy Moore, the same guy who lost a battle and his job over the statue of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama State House, is looking to once again defy the Supreme Court of the United States and the Constitution he is sworn to uphold and protect.Moore sent word on Wednesday that the SCOTUS ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide doesn t apply to Alabama. Citing the fact that the case was ruled on for other states not Alabama and how right Kim Davis was to refuse to do her job, Moore laid down the gantlet to his next impeachment.Apparently Moore doesn t quite understand how the judicial branch of the federal government works, nor does he understand the 14th Amendment. The gay marriage ruling was specifically intended to extend the rights of couples in one state to all states in the union.Pesky little things like facts, procedure and protocol don t matter to Moore, whose Administrative Order reads: Until further decision by the Alabama Supreme Court, the existing orders of the Alabama Supreme Court that Alabama probate judges have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment or the Alabama Marriage Protection Act remain in full force and effect, Moore and other opponents of equality have said there is confusion about the actual meaning of the Supreme Court s historic Obergefell v Hodges ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in every state in the union. Confusion and uncertainty exist among the probate judges of this state as to the effect of Obergefell on the existing orders,' he wrote.Those existing orders, essentially an archaic ban on a now-legal practice, were more than clarified when a federal judge ordered in July that the SCOTUS ruling was binding on all probate judges in Alabama. Judges from two counties have discontinued licensing for the time being, but could ultimately face the same fate as Kim Davis if they continue to violate a federal order.Roy Moore told CNN that the vendetta he has against same-sex marriage isn t a religious issue; it s about the law. Roy Moore is full of crap. He is and always has been nothing but a southern crusader for Christianity.Featured image via screen capture
Clearing the “Jungle”: The Calais Refugee Operation
Clearing the “Jungle”: The Calais Refugee Operation Clearing the “Jungle”: The Calais Refugee Operation By 0 36 We don’t know yet where we are going, but it will obviously be better than the Jungle, which was made for animals, not humans. — Wahid, Afghan refugee, PRI, October 24, 2016 It grew out as an organic consequence of failure – a failure on the part of Europe’s authorities to come to some measure of proportionate and even handed procedures to assess and process desperate refugees who have very little intention of returning back to their countries. Calais’ informal camp, which came to be known as the Jungle, had 7,000 residents from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, among other countries, living in squalid conditions, an assemblage perched tantalisingly close to the English coast. Since Monday, more than 4,000 individuals have been moved. The operation has involved the tearing down of wooden shacks and the deployment of diggers to remove debris. Aware of the political message it might convey, French authorities have insisted on a dismantling process to be done essentially by hand. This has merely cloaked the cynicism further, as it would make little difference to some of the residents determined to make a fist of keeping the “Jungle” tradition alive in some form. The promise of sub-camps sprouting in the environs of the Channel coast is already being made. The Jungle tradition has not merely seen residents dig in their heels in the hope of making a stand, but local, sometimes violent resistance. Forms of violence, in short, have proliferated, be…
Israeli, American Jewish Leaders Slam UN Secretary-General For ’Occupation’ Statement
TEL AVIV — The of the United Nations was roundly condemned Tuesday by both and Israeli leaders for a statement slamming the ongoing “occupation” of Palestinian territories. [Marking the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, António Guterres issued a statement saying that the 1967 defensive war “resulted in Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Syrian Golan and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Syrians” that “fueled recurring cycles of violence and retribution,” while making no mention of Israel’s right to defend itself at the time against the threat of annihilation from combined Arab armies. “Ending the occupation that began in 1967 and achieving a negotiated outcome is the only way to lay the foundations for enduring peace that meets Israeli security needs and Palestinian aspirations for statehood and sovereignty. It is the only way to achieve the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,” Guterres said. “This occupation has imposed a heavy humanitarian and development burden on the Palestinian people,” he added. “Among them are generation after generation of Palestinians who have been compelled to grow up and live in ever more crowded refugee camps, many in abject poverty, and with little or no prospect of a better life for their children. ” Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, accused the of disseminating “Palestinian misinformation. ” “Any attempt at a moral equivalency between killing innocent people and the building of homes is absurd,” he said. “It is preposterous to blame terror and violence in the Middle East on the one true democracy in the region,” he said. “The moment the Palestinian leadership abandons terror, ceases to incite against our people and finally returns to direct negotiations, then real progress can be made towards peace. ” Danon later slammed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad for opening a session of the UN Human Rights Council by decrying Palestinian suffering. “It comes as no surprise that he chose to spread lies about Israel before he even mentioned the massacres in Syria. The Commissioner has forgotten that it is his job to care for human rights throughout the world, not to incite against Israel,” Danon said in a statement. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely called on Guterres to “correct the [UN’s] distortion” of “occupation. ” “On the day when the UN sticks to the facts and ceases the misguided use of the term ‘occupation’ it will restore its credibility as an organization founded to uphold justice and truth,” she said in a statement. Israel is celebrating the 50th anniversary of “the liberation of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, and these are the facts,” she added. The League (ADL) also slammed Guterres for what it described as an “incomplete and misleading” statement. “We are troubled by the ’s incomplete statement on the anniversary of the War and urge him to clarify his remarks,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement. “While we share his desire for a return to negotiations to achieve a solution, this anniversary cannot be viewed in a vacuum. It is grossly misleading to examine only the enduring effects of the war while ignoring the context in which the war took place — the belligerence of the Arab states in the spring of 1967, and the silence of the international community in the face of these threats and its failure to ensure the rights to free passage of international waterways. ” Greenblatt added his appreciation for Guterres’ “supportive statements on Israel, including recognizing the double standard with which Israel is treated at the UN, and his labeling as the delegitimization of Israel’s right to exist. ” “We would have hoped that he would use this anniversary to address the Palestinian condition and call for peace and resolution in a and historically accurate manner,” Greenblatt concluded. The UN coordinator for humanitarian aid and development also marked the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War by condemning Israel. “It should be obvious, but it bears repeating, that occupation is ugly,” Robert Piper said in a statement released Tuesday. “Living under foreign military rule for years on end, generates despair, suffocates initiative and leaves generations in a kind of political and economic limbo,” he said.
Trump Wants The Supreme Court To Punish Lawyers Who Win Cases Against His Administration
This is yet another egregious abuse of power.If the Supreme Court caves in to Donald Trump s latest demands, it will truly be the end of the rule of law as we know it.Two weeks ago, a 17-year-old migrant (known as Jane Doe in court records) sought an abortion but was denied the procedure by the Trump Administration.The government forced her to remain in a refugee center in Texas rather than allow her to exercise a constitutional right.So the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took the Trump Administration to court and asked the judge to grant their client the ability to seek the medical care she needed.To make a long story short, she won. And she won again when the Trump Administration appealed. The girl then went to a doctor and got an abortion.But, of course, this made the Trump Administration angry.Despite the fact that the girl legally received an abortion, Trump s Justice Department is throwing a temper tantrum because they think the girl should have informed them so that they could block her by appealing to a higher court. This was a total surprise. And we re disturbed about it, disgraced Attorney General Jeff Sessions whined.Let s make this clear. The girl had the abortion following a ruling by a federal appeals court judge that granted her request to seek the procedure. She did not have to wait nor did she have to inform the government. It is the government s responsibility to file appeals quickly. But the Trump Administration did not file quick enough.And now the Trump Administration is demanding that the Supreme Court punish the ACLU lawyers for winning their case and helping their client get the abortion she wanted.According to the Tribune Washington Bureau,On Friday, new Solicitor General Noel Francisco filed an appeal that asks the Supreme Court to set aside the lower court s rulings and to consider disciplinary action against the ACLU.They kept the government in the dark about when Ms. Doe was scheduled to have an abortion, he told the justices. Given the extraordinary circumstances of the case, the court should consider sanctions against one or more of the ACLU lawyers, he said.Trump s Administration is stooping to a new low. The Supreme Court should not be used as a tool to punish or attack lawyers who help their clients win. The ACLU won their case twice and their client exercised her right to have an abortion in accordance with the court decision. They were not required to inform the federal government. That would have been a violation of their client s privacy. If the Trump Administration wanted to appeal, they should have done it much faster instead of expecting a teen girl and her lawyers to keep them informed about her every move.ACLU legal director David Cole reacted strongly to Trump s demand. This administration has gone to astounding lengths to block this young woman from getting an abortion. After the courts cleared the way for her to get her abortion, it was the ACLU s job as her lawyers to see that she wasn t delayed any further not give the government another chance to stand in her way. Our lawyers acted in the best interest of our client and in full compliance with court orders and federal and Texas law. That government lawyers failed to seek judicial review quickly enough is their fault, not ours. If the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court go along with this demand, it will only further erode the credibility of the court and our justice system. And Trump would have a new weapon to use against anyone who opposes him in a court of law.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
BREAKING NEWS: Hollywood Kingpin, and Top Hillary Donor, Harvey Weinstein Just Got Some VERY BAD NEWS From His Own Company
Last week, after the news about Hollywood kingpin Harvey Weinstein being hit with multiple accusations of sexual harassment, Donald Trump Jr., asked if Hillary would disavow the embattled Hollywood producer who made significant contributions to her campaign for President against his father. Weinstein also held considerable influence over Hollywood dolts to support her.Will She/they all Disavow? Embattled Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein Raised Big Bucks For Hillary Clinton & Dems https://t.co/6PHQaAQFNm Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 6, 2017That s a great question Donald Jr. And what about Pocahontas, aka Senator Elizabeth Warren? Will she disavow and return campaign contributions from the guy who championed women in office, while simultaneously using his position to sexually harass them? How very Hollywood.Does anyone remember the outrage and the Hollywood celebrities including Ashley Judd, who is now one of his accusers who took to DC wearing p*ssy hats to show their disgust for a conversation between two men that was recorded about a certain female? How many of those same women were simultaneously begging Harvey Weinstein, who was apparently a well known sexual predator, for a job? Well, today Harvey got some very bad news Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced co-founder and CEO of The Weinstein Company, has been fired effective immediately, his board of directors said on Sunday.The statement said: In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately. The company has been under intense pressure since The New York Times broke an investigative story on Thursday detailing three decades of sexual misconduct, including propositioning actresses and harassing female employees. More ugly stories continued to dribble out over the weekend, including a vulgar report by a news anchor that Weinstein masturbated in front of her and other stories of inappropriate propositions.Internally Weinstein continued to fight for his survival, insiders have told TheWrap. His advisors including his brother Bob told him that he needed to take the allegations seriously and not merely pay lip service. They wanted him to leave for six months and get treatment for sex addiction or whatever his behavior may be called.Weinstein told TheWrap in an interview on Thursday that he was sincere in his apology and intention to make amends. But reports continued to leak out of the company internally that the CEO was determined to dictate the terms of his leave of absence and treatment.Harvey and Bob Weinstein co-founded the indie film company Miramax in 1979 and grew it into a powerhouse brand that made art-house films mainstream and reshaped the Academy Awards race with aggressive marketing and buzz.The company was bought by Disney in 1993, where the brothers continued to run the company and dominate the Oscar race until they left in 2005 to launch the new privately held The Weinstein Company. The brothers have a 44 percent stake in the firm, according to the Times.For entire story: The Wrap
Feminist Leader Phyllis Chesler: Women Strike Movement Hates Israel
TEL AVIV — Leaders of the International Women’s Strike have no idea about the meaning of feminism and have hijacked the movement to protest the “occupation of Palestine” and “Israeli apartheid” instead of speaking out against the “occupation of women’s bodies” and “Islam’s religious and gendered apartheid,” a leading feminist told Breitbart Jerusalem. [According to Dr. Phyllis Chesler, emerita professor of psychology at City University of New York and a bestselling author, following Israel’s 1967 defensive war, Palestinians replaced women as “the favored victims of the month” in liberal circles. “Now, it was formerly colonized Arab men of color, symbolized by the Palestinians, that became an obsession,” she told Breitbart Jerusalem. Even feminists themselves, Chesler noted, were no “longer concerned with the occupation of women’s bodies worldwide, but rather with the alleged occupation of a country that had never existed: Palestine. ” Chesler, considered a second wave feminist leader, said her generation was focused on “the sexual objectification of women economic parity abortion rights and on all the violence that took place mainly against women: rape, incest, sexual harassment, pornography, and prostitution. ” But then, “ and postmodernism swept the Western Academy,” she said. Indeed, organizers of Wednesday’s Women’s Strike published on their website that they “stand for an uncompromising and feminism” first and foremost the “decolonization of Palestine. ” As Chesler notes, women’s rights have been pushed out the picture in favor of a warped view. “The West, including Israel, became the world’s worst colonialists. Israel, not Islam, was accused of practicing apartheid. In reality, Islam is the largest practitioner of both gender and religious apartheid, but Israel served as the scapegoat for all the crimes perpetrated by Muslims including slavery, racism, conversion via the sword, persecution of religious minorities, imperialism, colonialism — and the most barbaric abuse of women,” Chesler said. “Feminists and other Western academics and progressives simply do not want to know about Islam’s history or current nature. Those who critique Islam, however mildly, are accused of being racists and Islamophobes and may be sued or killed,” she added. Chesler said that feminists today should be focusing on combating “forced forced child marriage, female genital mutilation, polygamy, and femicide, or honor killing. ” “Sadly, tragically, the feminists who are being funded by Soros the feminists who proudly wore the hijab at the march simply do not understand that girls and women are killed for refusing to wear the hijab,” she said. She praised Israel for having robust feminist and gay rights movements and mused that any activists hoping to spearhead similar movements in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Pakistan, would end up being “jailed, tortured, raped, and murdered, perhaps beheaded. ” Women like Rasmea Odeh and Linda Sarsour, the faces behind Wednesday’s women’s strike as well as January’s Women’s March, are not feminists, Chesler said. As Breitbart Jerusalem reported, Odeh, who together with other strike organizers are calling to “decolonize Palestine” and protest the “white supremacists in the current government,” is a convicted terrorist accused of bombing attacks in the late 1960s that killed two Israeli university students and injured nine more. In 1980, Odeh was freed from an Israeli jail as part of a prisoner exchange deal, and a decade later emigrated to the U. S. She recently made headlines again after being charged with immigration fraud for lying about her terrorist background when applying for U. S. citizenship. For her part, Linda Sarsour is an activist who made headlines for becoming the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit against Trump’s executive order on immigration.
Why Jeb Bush’s campaign has gone so wrong
The Bushes are burning as they consume the news. Bush family patriarch George H.W. Bush is alarmed, bewildered and irritated, the New York Times reported over the weekend, that his son Jeb is doing so poorly in a Republican presidential primary battle dominated by Donald Trump. The 41st president summoned his son George W., the 43rd president, Jeb and Bush money men to Houston for meetings Sunday and Monday to sort out what has gone so wrong that Jeb is now cutting staff. They didn’t have to look far for an explanation. All they had to do was listen to Jeb on Saturday in South Carolina. “If this election is about how we’re going to fight to get nothing done, then I don’t want any part of it,” the candidate said. “. . . I’ve got a lot of really cool things that I could do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. That is a joke. Elect Trump if you want that.” I don’t want any part of it? I’ve got a lot of really cool things I could do? Elect Trump if you want? The self-described “joyful tortoise” may have just delivered the most petulant political speech since the future 37th president said “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore.” Bush is correct that Trump’s campaign of insults has made the 2016 GOP primary race an ugly affair. But his response — suggesting he’d take his ball and go home rather than sully himself — is precisely what has sunk Bush’s candidacy so far. Angry voters want a fighter, and Bush, justifiably dubbed “low-energy” by Trump, doesn’t seem to have it in him. The way to combat Trump’s demagoguery and race-baiting is not to look down your nose at him and say “Tut-tut.” It’s to hit Trump back with as much force as he delivers. The alternative for Bush and other Republicans is to accept a situation that looks more gruesome by the day. This weekend gave us the spectacle of Trump going after Ben Carson — who just passed Trump in Iowa polls — for his religion. “I’m Presbyterian,” Trump told a crowd Saturday in Florida. “Boy, that’s down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.” This was vintage Trump — making his opponents seem alien, or something other than normal Americans. He led the birther campaign to portray President Obama as foreign-born. He warns of invading Mexican rapists, demonizes Univision and threatens to deport millions. And now he’s disparaging the (Protestant) faith of a rival. Trump said he wouldn’t apologize to Carson, who like half of Seventh-day Adventists is nonwhite. Carson, who has questioned the fitness of Muslims to serve as president, may have had it coming. But that hardly justifies Trump’s campaign of insults. On Monday morning, at an event in New Hampshire hosted by NBC’s “Today” show, Trump continued the vilification, informing voters that Bush and Carson are both “weak” and that Obama “doesn’t get along with anybody.” [Carson and Trump are dominating, but their chummy rapport turns cool] “People are tired of stupid people running our country, and we have, believe me, stupid people,” he said. “. . . It can’t always be the dummy United States led by people that are incompetent.” When Trump wasn’t praising himself (“I deal with the biggest people. . . . I’ve done very iconic things”) or making vague policy pronouncements (“I would build our military so strong and so good. . . . We’re going to have a country that will be so amazing”), he was peddling fear about people “pouring across our borders” and raping, sodomizing and killing Americans. He said he wouldn’t admit a single one of the thousands of Syrian refugees destined for the United States, because “these people could be ISIS.” He would instead “take a big swatch of land” to serve as a safe zone for them in the Middle East. A “swatch” of land — as if he is choosing fabrics for a hotel, not dooming thousands to their likely deaths. Jeb Bush understands — sort of — why he needs to answer such Trump lunacies. “If we don’t stand for people that will die because of their faith, wow, we have really lost our way,” he said Saturday, according to CNN, even as he fretted about a possible Twitter response from Trump. Damn the Twitter attack, governor, and stop fussing about whether we’ve “lost our way.” Americans are better than Trump. A strong candidate would argue that with passion — not muse about all the “cool things” he could be doing instead. Read more from Dana Milbank’s archive, follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on Facebook.
Defense Secretary Mattis promises support to Ukraine, says reviewing lethal aid
KIEV (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on a visit to Ukraine on Thursday said Washington would keep up pressure on Russia over what he called its aggressive behavior and signaled his personal support for providing weapons to Kiev. Mattis said Russia had not abided by the Minsk ceasefire agreement meant to end the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine and that the United States would maintain sanctions on Moscow. Despite Russia s denials, we know they are seeking to redraw international borders by force, undermining the sovereign and free nations of Europe, Mattis told reporters, alongside Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Mattis s visit, timed for Ukrainian Independence Day, is the second high-profile show of U.S. support in as many months, after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson came to Kiev in July. Ukraine has counted on U.S. support against Russia since a pro-Western government took power following street protests in 2014 when the Kremlin-backed president fled the country. But some of President Donald Trump s comments during the election campaign last year, such as appearing to recognize Crimea as part of Russia, stoked fears in Kiev that Trump might mend ties with Moscow at Ukraine s expense. While emphasizing Trump had yet to take a decision on the issue, Mattis signaled his personal support for a longstanding Ukrainian request for defensive weapons, which could include anti-tank Javelin missiles and anti-aircaft systems. Mattis also played down fears, voiced by the previous White House administration under Barack Obama, that supplying weapons could escalate the situation. On the defensive lethal weapons, we are actively reviewing it, I will go back now having seen the current situation and be able to inform the secretary of state and the president in very specific terms what I recommend for the direction ahead, Mattis said. Defensive weapons are not provocative unless you are an aggressor and clearly Ukraine is not an aggressor since it is their own territory where the fighting is happening, Mattis said. Poroshenko said he was satisfied with the progress on discussions about weapons, and also said he and Mattis had discussed the possibility of a U.N.-backed armed force being sent to eastern Ukraine. Relations between Ukraine and Russia went into freefall after Moscow s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent outbreak of a Kremlin-backed separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine that has killed more than 10,000 people. Russia denies sending troops and weapons to eastern Ukraine. According to U.S. officials, a plan to provide defensive weapons to Ukraine has made its way to the White House but has not been signed. Thus far the Pentagon says it has provided $750 million in non-lethal aid to Ukraine since 2015, which includes radars and uniforms. Supplying weapons will be a huge boost of support to Ukraine, said Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the region. Carpenter said the weapons under discussion cannot effectively be used to take territory, which means providing them would help stabilize the situation. U.S. Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee, also pressed the Trump administration to act. Secretary Mattis visit to Kiev provides yet another opportunity for the United States to correct its policy toward Ukraine and provide the lethal defensive assistance the country needs to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, McCain said in a statement on Wednesday. Mattis strong words against Moscow on Thursday are likely to reassure eastern European allies who are concerned about Russia s military activity in region, including planned war games in September. Russia and Belarus aim to hold joint exercises that some North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies believe could number more than 100,000 troops and involve nuclear weapons training, the biggest such exercise since 2013. Earlier this year, Estonia s defense minister said Russia may use the exercises to move thousands of troops permanently into Belarus in a warning to NATO. Russia has dismissed Western worries about the war games as buffoonery .
Cities Across America Are Replacing Columbus Day With Indigenous People’s Day
It won t be long before the progressives start demanding we rename Christmas the Winter Holiday. God forbid we start offending the Left with our Christian holidays Several city councils across the country are voting to abolish Columbus Day and celebrate the holiday as Indigenous People s Day.Officials in Portland, Ore., on Wednesday became the most recent to approve the new name for the holiday.The day which is traditionally celebrated on the second Monday in October celebrates Christopher Columbus discovering the so-called New World.However, historians and activists over the years have tried to dethrone Columbus reign as a famed explorer and instead hold him responsible for the mass genocide and enslavement of natives who had been in the Americas long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Learning about the history of Columbus and transforming this day into a celebration of indigenous people and a celebration of social justice allows us to make a connection between this painful history and the ongoing marginalization, discrimination, and poverty that indigenous communities face to this day, Kshama Sawant, a Seattle City Council member told the Seattle Times in 2014.In recent weeks, more city councils throughout the U.S. have voted to abolish Columbus Day in their towns and recognize Native American indigenous populations on the day.Seattle similar to cities like Albuquerque, N.M., and Minneapolis, Minn. approved changing the meaning of the holiday in 2014.Officials Berkeley, Calif., replaced Columbus Day with the celebration of Indigenous People s Day in 1992.Columbus Day, which is next Monday, is known to many Italians as a celebration of Columbus voyage from Europe and discovering the Americas. Via: NYDailyNewsh/t Weasel Zippers
It’s No Accident: Advocates Want to Speak of Car ‘Crashes’ Instead - The New York Times
Roadway fatalities are soaring at a rate not seen in 50 years, resulting from crashes, collisions and other incidents caused by drivers. Just don’t call them accidents anymore. That is the position of a growing number of safety advocates, including groups, federal officials and state and local leaders across the country. They are campaigning to change a mentality that they say trivializes the single most common cause of traffic incidents: human error. “When you use the word ‘accident,’ it’s like, ‘God made it happen,’ ” Mark Rosekind, the head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said at a driver safety conference this month at the Harvard School of Public Health. “In our society,” he added, “language can be everything. ” Almost all crashes stem from driver behavior like drinking, distracted driving and other risky activity. About 6 percent are caused by vehicle malfunctions, weather and other factors. Preliminary estimates by the nonprofit National Safety Council show deadly crashes rose by nearly 8 percent in 2015 over the previous year, killing about 38, 000 people. Dr. Rosekind has added his voice to a growing chorus of advocates who say that the persistence of crashes — driving is the most dangerous activity for most people — can be explained in part by widespread apathy toward the issue. Changing semantics is meant to shake people, particularly policy makers, out of the implicit nobody’ attitude that the word “accident” conveys, they said. On Jan. 1, the state of Nevada enacted a law, passed almost unanimously in the Legislature, to change “accident” to “crash” in dozens of instances where the word is mentioned in state laws, like those covering police and insurance reports. New York City adopted a policy in 2014 to reduce fatalities that states the city “must no longer regard traffic crashes as mere ‘accidents,’ ” and other cities, including San Francisco, have taken the same step. At least 28 state departments of transportation have moved away from the term “accident” when referring to roadway incidents, according to Jeff Larason, director of highway safety for Massachusetts. The traffic safety administration changed its own policy in 1997, but has recently become more vocal about the issue. Mr. Larason, a former television traffic reporter, started a blog called “Drop The A Word” and has led a campaign to get major media outlets to stop using the term. Last year, he enlisted supporters to join with groups in urging The Associated Press to clarify how reporters should use the word “accident. ” In April, The A. P. announced a new policy. When negligence is claimed or proven in a crash, the new entry reads, reporters should “avoid accident, which can be read by some as a term exonerating the person responsible. ” (The New York Times’s style guide does not take any position on the terminology.) But use of “accident” has its defenders, as Mr. Larason discovered in 2014 when he posted his thoughts on the word in a Facebook group popular among traffic reporters. “Why can’t human error be an accident even if the error is preventable,” one person wrote. “What is being solved by having this debate? What injustice are we correcting?” And when Mr. Larason suggested to officials at the Virginia Department of Transportation that they stop using “accident,” he received a note saying that drivers are familiar and comfortable with the word. Virginia officials also wrote that drivers might not consider a minor incident to be a “crash,” and so the change could be confusing. Mr. Larason counters that accident is simply the wrong word. “I’m betting it’s one of the most commonly used words that is used inappropriately,” he said. On Facebook, he posted a definition that describes accident as “an unexpected happening” that “is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured. ” The word was introduced into the lexicon of manufacturing and other industries in the early 1900s, when companies were looking to protect themselves from the costs of caring for workers who were injured on the job, according to Peter Norton, a historian and associate professor at the University of Virginia’s department of engineering. The business community even developed a cartoon character — the foolish Otto Nobetter, who suffered frequent accidents that left him maimed, immolated, crushed, and even blown up. The character was meant to warn workers about the risks of inattention. “Relentless safety campaigns started calling these events ‘accidents,’ which excused the employer of responsibility,” Dr. Norton said. When traffic deaths spiked in the 1920s, a consortium of interests, including insurers, borrowed the word to shift the focus away from the cars themselves. “Automakers were very interested in blaming reckless drivers,” Dr. Norton said. But over time, he said, the word has come to exonerate the driver, too, with “accident” seeming like a lightning strike, beyond anyone’s control. The word accident, he added, is seen by its critics as having “normalized mass death in this country,” whereas “the word ‘crash’ is a resurrection of the enormity of this catastrophe. ” These days, the pressure to change the language stems partly from aggrieved families using social media like Facebook clubs and Twitter to lobby for change. Safety advocates often post Twitter messages to journalists and policy makers, urging them to stop using “accident” to describe a crash. When New York City changed its policy in 2014, it did so partly in response to such efforts, including from a group called Families for Safe Streets. The group is led by parents like Amy Cohen, whose son, Sammy, was run over and killed in Brooklyn in 2013. She helped start a campaign called “Crash Not Accident,” and said that the drivers in deadly wrecks should not be given the presumption of innocence just because they have lived to tell their side of the story. “Whose story do you have at the time of the crash? The driver! The victim is dead,” Ms. Cohen said. “The presumption should be to call it a crash, which is a neutral term. ”
Donald Trump Jr. Says Bragging About Sexual Assault Is Just ‘A Fact Of Life’
Donald Trump Jr. tried in vain to brush off his dad s boasts of being able to sexually assault women, arguing that when men talk, these kinds of remarks are just a fact of life. During an interview with KIRO radio 97.3 on Friday, Junior said that men always say such lewd things about women as grab em by the pussy and it is just an inevitability of life. Obviously he s not happy about that, but I think we probably all know guys who have had conversations with other guys that go a little bit in that direction, that s a fact of life, Trump Jr. said. I think he s able to relate to ordinary Americans because in many cases he is still very much like that. He does do that. He hasn t spent his whole life sitting there polishing every statement he s ever made, every conversation he s ever had, he added.Trump Jr. started to say that his father speaks from the heart and then cut himself off, apparently realizing that this argument wasn t exactly helping the situation. He finally admitted that yes, his father s comments were a mistake, but explained that all men who aren t politicians talk like this because the only reason you don t brag about sexual assault is to con people into voting for you. He speaks from the heart, that one is obviously one that we don t want to that was a mistake, he recognizes that, he realizes it but he s able to make a mistake because he hasn t spent his whole life just trying to be a politician. Trump s campaign has been in a tailspin following the release of the 2005 Access Hollywood tape that featured Donald bragging about being able to sexually assault any woman he pleases thanks to his celebrity status. During the second presidential debate, he claimed that he had never actually done these kinds of things to a woman. But in the days that followed, at least ten women have stepped forward to accuse Trump of doing to them exactly what he described on the bombshell tape.Featured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Egyptian court acquits Irish citizen of murder in mass trial
CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian court on Monday acquitted Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa and his three sisters of charges including murder in a mass trial that has been going on for over four years, during which he was in jail. Halawa was part of a trial in which nearly 500 people were charged with, among other crimes, breaking into a mosque, killing 44 people, including a policeman, and illegal possession of firearms in violence that followed the military s ouster of former Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in 2013.
BENGHAZI WIDOW Hits Back At Hillary’s Heartless “Let’s move on” Comment On Benghazi
Dorothy Woods, the wife of an ex-Navy SEAL killed in the Benghazi attacks, responds to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton s comments on the Benghazi reports.
Ann Coulter Tweet About Alleged Illegal Immigrant Rape Flagged as ’Hate Speech’ by Twitter - Breitbart
Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter had a tweet linking to a recent article flagged as “hate speech” by Twitter. [Ann Coulter posted a link to a recent article on her website titled “To Say, ‘Stop Raping Me!’ In English, Press ‘1’ Now” on Twitter earlier this week. She added the comment, “Liberals are all for rape, provided that the penis forcibly inserted in you is attached to an illegal immigrant. ” Liberals are all for rape, provided that the penis forcibly inserted in you is attached to an illegal immigrant. https: . — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) May 10, 2017, Coulter said she received an email from Twitter support informing her that the tweet had been flagged as violating Twitter’s hateful conduct policy. Twitter’s policy defines hateful conduct as: Coulter replied to the complaint by stating, “This warning is absolutely in error! It has obviously been generated by a computer because a human would read the linked column and find the proof that this tweet is completely, 100% truthful — fact by fact, in cases. It is not a joke, not ‘hate,’ it is just the truth. ” Twitter has a lengthy history of ignoring “hate speech” when it comes from those on the left, such as Ghostbusters (2016) actress Leslie Jones or rapper Talib Kweli, who called Breitbart News’ Jerome Hudson a “coon,” yet Coulter’s tweet was quickly flagged by the social media platform. Twitter’s warning email also noted, “if it is determined that the flagged content does not violate our hateful conduct policy, Twitter may still withhold content in Germany if the content appears to violate the laws of Germany. ” In April, Germany’s Cabinet approved a bill that would fine social media sites like Twitter up to 50 million euros “if they fail to swiftly remove illegal content such as hate speech. ” Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart. com
New al Qaeda-linked group claims responsibility for major Egypt attack
CAIRO (Reuters) - A previously unknown militant group with links to al Qaeda claimed responsibility on Friday for an attack in Egypt s Western Desert that killed at least 16 policemen two weeks ago, announcing the start of a holy war against the Egyptian state. The new group, Ansar al-Islam, gave no evidence for its claim of responsibility for the Oct. 21 attack but said Abu Hatem Emad al-Din Abd al-Hamid, a fighter suspected by the authorities of involvement, was one of its leaders. He was killed this week in an air strike. We have started our jihad with the battle of the Lion s Den in the Bahariya Oasis area on the borders of Cairo and were victorious against the enemy s campaign, the statement said. Two security sources and a forensic doctor said DNA analysis of bodies of militants killed in the air raid showed Abd al-Hamid was among them. The security sources said he was the deputy of Hesham al-Ashmawy, a former Egyptian military officer turned jihadist who has operated out of the city of Derna across the border in Libya and is blamed for past attacks. The two men graduated from Egypt s military academy the same year and were both fired from the army for adopting radical Islamist beliefs. Ashmawy is known for being loyal to al Qaeda, which means that if Ansar al-Islam s claim of responsibility is verified it could herald the emergence of a new Egyptian cell of the network founded by Osama bin Laden. In recent years most attacks on security forces in Egypt have been blamed on fighters claiming allegiance to the Islamic State group. Ashmawy is believed to have switched allegiance from Islamic State to al Qaeda, which operates more on a system of linked cells rather than a formal hierarchy. We have information that Ashmawy and Abd al-Hamid broke away from (Islamic State) after a third colleague of theirs was killed and also for doctrinal issues, said one officer with Egypt s Homeland Security agency on condition of anonymity. Three security sources said at the time of the Oct. 21 attack that at least 52 police officers and conscripts had been killed when their patrol was struck by militants. The interior ministry denied that figure the next day, saying 16 policemen had been killed. The attack was the latest to plague Egypt s security forces who face an Islamic State insurgency mostly focused in the Sinai Peninsula but which has expanded to mainland Egypt. Other militant groups are active in Cairo and other cities. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi appointed a new military chief of staff after the militants struck. The Interior Ministry dismissed several high-ranking officials. Security forces responded with two raids in the span of a week, killing dozens of militants and freeing a police officer who was taken hostage during the attack. Ansar al-Islam said it used rocket-propelled grenades in the attack but provided no estimate for how many people were killed. It said the Egyptian air force struck 11 days later, killing several members including Abd al-Hamid. Security sources say Ashmawy has carried out some of the most high-profile attacks in Egypt, including the attempted assassination of a former Interior Minister in 2013 and the killing in 2015 of Egypt s top public prosecutor in a car bomb. Ashmawy moved in 2014 to Derna, a hotbed of Libyan Islamist radicalism near the border with Egypt, where he runs an al-Qaeda cell, security sources say. Derna has been hit in air strikes by both the eastern-based Libyan National Army and its ally Egypt. Both denied carrying out air strikes on Derna on Monday which killed at 1east 15 people, however. Ansar al-Islam s statement was carried by groups with al-Qaeda links, including Guardians of Sharia, whose social media feeds carry statements from al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Boston men jailed for Trump-inspired hate crime attack
BOSTON (Reuters) - Two Boston brothers accused of urinating on and beating a homeless Mexican man and telling police “Donald Trump was right: All these illegals need to be deported,” were sentenced to prison on Monday, prosecutors said. Scott Leader, 38, and Steve Leader, 30, had previously pleaded guilty to indictments charging them with causing bodily injury while committing a civil rights violation, as well as assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, among other charges. Scott Leader was sentenced to three years in prison and Steve Leader was sentenced to 1-1/2 years, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office said in a statement. The pair will also be on probation for three years after their prison sentences end. The Leaders were arrested on Aug. 19 on suspicion of beating Rodriguez, then 58, as he slept in a subway station. The men told police they targeted their victim because they believed he was an illegal immigrant. The victim, Guillermo Rodriguez, said in a statement that he was in fact a permanent resident. “I came to this country many years ago and worked hard in the farm fields to provide produce to people here. I actually became a permanent resident of this country years ago, although if I had been undocumented I still would not have deserved to be beaten this way,” Rodriguez said in a prepared statement read by Assistant District Attorney Nicole Rimar before the sentencing. The pair punched and kicked Rodriguez, and one of the men repeatedly struck him with a metal pole, before the two walked off laughing, prosecutors said. According to a police report, they told officers, “Donald Trump was right: All these illegals need to be deported.” Prosecutors said Scott Leader told arresting officers that he believed the attack was justified because the victim was homeless and Hispanic. The pair also allegedly threatened police officers while in custody. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the U.S. presidential race, has been vocal on immigration, proposing to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and promising, if elected, to deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States. Trump, a real estate developer and reality television personality, initially described the attack as an outcome of passionate views on immigration but later called it “terrible.” Lawyers for the two men could not be reached for immediate comment on Monday night.
A Round with Rory McIlroy on St. Patrick’s Day Weekend - Breitbart
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day weekend, I followed Ireland’s and arguably the world’s greatest golfer at the Bay Hill Classic. [Rory started Friday one over par and far back of the leader, Charley Hoffman, who sat at 10 under. Consequently, it was an earlier than usual tee time. He played with Jim Herman, a journeyman who had his first tour win at the Shell Houston Open last year. Rory walked up onto the first tee and shook hands with all the volunteers and scoring officials. He immediately started chatting up Herman. He’s a natural conversationalist. If you’re a golfer or a first baseman, it’s important to always have something to talk about because there’s a lot of waiting around. After the players tee off there’s a mass exodus from the stands as most people are there to follow Rory’s group. First Rory makes a pedestrian par. I ran into his dad Gerry McIlroy on the first green. I met him a few times over the years at tournaments and he’s one of the most affable guys around. He was so welcoming, in fact, that I had visions of him really taking a liking to me and asking if I would become Rory’s business manager. That never happened sadly, but he still sort of remembers me. Maybe there’ still a chance I could take over Rory’s finances. Second Hole — Rory misses the green on a tough par three and thins a chip shot 20 feet past the hole. The ball was on a severe downhill but he still elected to chip it. I asked my buddy Gerry if he agreed with that call, and he said, “Yes, without a doubt. ” That’s good enough for me. All’s well that ends well as he drains the putt for par. Third Hole — Another par for Rory. On his tee shot some idiot in the crowd yelled, “Bababooey. ” I made an effort to track him down and box their ears to no avail. I’m doing my part as a golf vigilante, though. Fourth Hole — Rory is under par for the round with a great up and down for birdie. His second shot into the hole went left into the crowd but he hit a classy chip to six feet and made the putt. Fifth Hole — Rory hits an iron off the tee to get into position for the short par four. Nobody clapped after the shot even though it appeared perfect. If one person had started clapping then everyone else would have. It’s like singing in church. This phenomenon should have a name if it doesn’t already. He just misses a downhill and makes par. Sixth Hole — This is a beautiful par five that bends around a lake. An osprey diving into the water for fish entertains the crowd. The bird actually caught a fish and flew to a nearby tree to consume his catch. It’s the Nature Channel and the Golf Channel. We are definitely getting our money’s worth. Rory hits a huge drive and a monster long iron over the flag. He two putts for par and is now two under and looking sharp. Seventh Hole — Rory hits a towering iron shot on the long par three. There is an audible gasp from the crowd as the ball reaches its apex. It’s really a sight to behold and McIlroy is the only player in the world that can hit these shots. It goes 15 feet past the hole but he misses the birdie putt and makes par. Eighth Hole — Rory gets another birdie chance on the tough par four. I approach Gerry, and say, “How about he makes this and shoots a 65?” Gerry says, “Sounds good to me. ” So, he’s onboard. He misses the birdie. Ninth Hole — Another birdie putt goes begging on the tough ninth. Rory is two under for the round but could easily be four or five under with the way he’s striking the ball. As the crowd walks to the tenth hole, U. S. Open and Olympic gold medalist Justin Rose tries to walk the other way to the range. Pretty funny to see Rose fight the crowd while carrying a bucket of range balls. One guy nonchalantly says, “Hey Justin” and Rose, to his credit, was nice enough to smile and “Hey” back. Tenth Hole — Rory opens the back nine with a birdie to get to three under. As he walks to the next tee an inebriated college kid yells, “Rory you have to shake my friend’s hand, he has the same name as you. ” I ask him if his friend’s name is Rory McIlroy, but, unsurprisingly, it’s just the first name. Rory passes up the chance to shake his friend’s hand but fist bumps with drunk college guy because his extended fist is blocking his way. Drunken college guy is a treat. He’s in a good spot now still fun and coherent. It’s only noon, so I shudder to think what 5 p. m. will bring. He did tell me about how Rory’s playing partner Jim Herman received sponsorship from Trump early in his playing career. Trump played a lot of golf with Herman, who served as an assistant pro at Trump’s course in Bedminster, New Jersey. He saw how good Herman was and implored him to follow his dream on the PGA Tour. Trump’s instincts are correct once again. As Herman walks by drunk college guy yells out, “Herman!” and then “Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!” Good times. Eleventh Hole — Another birdie to get to four under for the round! We may have something brewing here. A guy had an awesome Fathead of Rory and I wanted to take a picture for the article. But every picture I took he was grabbing his girlfriend’s butt. Unacceptable. What kind of a website does he think we’re running around here? Twelfth Hole — On the reachable par five, Rory’s drive just trickles into the sand. Gerry says no way he can reach in two. He hits out to 85 yards. After an indifferent approach shot, he drains an for his third birdie in a row. There’s now a buzz in the air. Thirteenth Hole — After a good drive and an excellent approach shot, Rory has for birdie. He just misses and that is deflating. It looked like four birdies in a row. I see his lovely mom Rosie and try and worm my way into the McIlroy’s good graces even more. I approach her and ask if she’s Gerry’s better half? She doesn’t hear me and I then mumble hello. Not a good start. I ask if she is staying with Rory at his house in Jupiter, Florida. She looks at me dumbfounded as if to say, no, my son is worth over 100 million dollars, I think he can afford to buy us a house in Florida. It’s looking unlikely I’ll ever get control of the McIlroy fortune. She was very nice though and was happy to hear about Jim Herman’s Shell Open win late in his career. Fourteenth Hole — Tough par three and he hits a decent shot 20 feet below the pin. Putt just misses and what could have been a phenomenal round may just be a good round. I’m seeing a lot of pretty girls on the course. This is expected at PGA events. They get dolled up as well. A number of these woman are wearing wedge shoes. They can barely stand, let alone walk around the course. Very impractical ladies. We appreciate the effort but would rather you just wore running shoes so we wouldn’t have to worry about you turning an ankle. Fifteenth Rory makes par on the difficult par 4. As he waits on the green for Herman to putt, he’s looking down and fiddling with his ball. A young kid in my area jokingly asks those around him, “is he texting?” There’s hope for this next generation. Sixteenth Hole — This is an easy par five but Rory’s tee shot goes well right into the high rough and on a downhill slope. It’s a really difficult shot as he also faces a creek in front of the green. People in crowd think he will lay up but he chooses to go for the green. He somehow digs it out and gets it pin high but just off the green. His chip is decent but he can’t make the birdie putt. Facing two very tough finishing holes it looks like he will be lucky to hold on and shoot five under. Seventeenth Hole — On the treacherous par three over water, Rory hits an excellent tee shot to 14 feet. He then drains the putt. The gallery is now twice as big as when he started. Eighteenth Hole — This is the second most difficult hole on the course. Rory hits a huge drive then stuffs an approach shot to 14 feet. My prediction to Gerry of a 65 is definitely in play. Speaking of Gerry, I haven’t seen him in four holes. There’s a chance the whole McIlroy clan is avoiding me. Rory, with a flair for the dramatic, drains the putt to shoot 65! He vaults himself back into contention for the championship. What a great day at Bay Hill. Check back here for Dan Redmond’s recap of the final round tomorrow.
'Sacrificing a Chicken to Moloch' — The Clinton-Podesta Email Scandal is All About SATANISM
'Sacrificing a Chicken to Moloch'— The Clinton-Podesta Email Scandal is All About SATANISM The Clinton-Podesta email scandal is truly an astonishing and revealing exposé. Although, to be fa... http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/sacrificing-chicken-to-moloch-clinton.html The Clinton-Podesta email scandal is truly an astonishing and revealing exposé. Although, to be fair to those researchers studying the dark underbelly of the New World Order conspiracy, it is more revealing than astonishing, since we have known for some time that the inner echelon of the New World Order is heavily into pedophilia and Satanism . Now, however, there is proof in black and white in the form of the leaked emails of John Podesta, former lobbyist and Clinton campaign manager. Thanks to WikiLeaks, we now have the verified, authentic emails of Podesta. They are replete with references to pedophilia and Satanism – although the pedophilia is couched in code language. The code is still being worked on by various independent researchers around the web.Despite the fact we don't know the exact meaning, it is still very clear that it is some kind of code, since some of the sentences and context are completely unnatural and deliberately cryptic. Hopefully, even though Hillary Clinton will no longer be the next US president, enough people will take the time to inform themselves about this crucial connection – the link between our "elite" criminal leaders and their adherence to Satanism (devil worship, black magic , etc.) which propels them into dark activities such as pedophilia . Satanic References in Clinton-Podesta Email Chains: Sacrificing a Chicken in the Backyard to Moloch It's tempting to write this all of as wild conspiracy and rationalize it away, but you can't when the proof is right in front of your face. Check out this email, number 30489 , from the WikiLeaks archive (image above): "W ith fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . ." Sacrificing a chicken to Moloch. This may be taken literally, or it quite possible that in pedophilia code that chicken means child , in which case it may be referring to child sacrifice . Either way, the line is an apparent reference to Moloch, a favorite god of Satanism and a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Moloch is the deity worshiped at Bohemian Grove as a giant 40 foot owl. Thanks to the footage obtained by Alex Jones when he broke into Bohemian Grove in the year 2000, we know that the NWO conspirators who gather there partake in a dark ceremony known as the "Cremation of Care" which features human sacrifice. That particular video appears to show mock sacrifice, but there are people who have personally gone through the horror of being hunted at Bohemian Grove (such as Kathy Collins ) and lived to tell the story. Even if you don't believe that, the very fact that people are gathered around in secret worshiping dark forces and deliberately trying to destroy the compassion, empathy and love inside of themselves ("cremate care") is a very disturbing reality – especially when you consider these are the people running our world . Here are even more Satanic references. Click the following image to enlarge (or save it to your computer and read it zoomed in): Pedophilia Code: Pizza, Pasta, Cheese, Walnut Sauce and More Sites such as WeAreChange have already done a great job exposing Marina Abramovic and her invitation to the Podesta brothers (both John and Tony) for spirit cooking dinners at her house, where the participants would engage in weird Satanic rituals involving body fluids such as blood, semen and breast milk, and using animal (?) blood. — Read more on the subject here . WikiLeaks Podesta email 15893 revealed the spirit cooking invitation. In a different email chain (below), Hillary Clinton asks her assistant Huma Abedin if Marina will be going with Huma. From WeAreChange: "Abramovic is known for her often-gory art that confronts pain and ritual. Her first performance involved repeatedly, stabbing herself in her hands. The next performance featured her throwing her nails, toenails, and hair into a flaming five-point star ..." These are some of the words Marina painted in blood on her wall during her supposed spirit cooking: "Fresh morning urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams ... with a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger of your left hand feel the pain ..." Meanwhile, numbers 43113 , 35581 and 32795 (among many many others) all contain strange and unnatural references to food items such as pizza, pasta, cheese, walnut sauce, ice cream and more. Who speaks like this? "Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it." Some have suggested the code is something like this: Dominos = domination / BDSM
Conservatives Attack The Pope And DEFEND HITLER After The Pope Warns Against Donald Trump (TWEETS)
As Donald Trump was being sworn in as Grand Wizard of the United States, Pope Francis was throwing shade at our new President-With-An-Asterisk in an interview with a Spanish newspaper.He didn t address Trump directly in his interview with El Pais after all, where s the fun in that? but instead talked about someone of whom many Trump supporters are fond, Adolf Hitler: Germany was looking for a leader, someone who would give her back her identity and there was a little man named Adolf Hitler who said I can do it . Hitler did not steal power. He was elected by his people and then he destroyed his people. The Germans at that time also wanted to protect themselves with walls and barbed wire so that others cannot take away their identity. It doesn t take much imagination at all to see the similarities. Immediately after Trump assumed office, any mention of civil rights disappeared from the White House website and he immediately signed an executive order aimed at taking healthcare away from millions of Americans. The case of Germany is classic, he said, adding that Hitler gave his citizens a deformed identity and we know what it produced. In other words, Germany first, America first, it s all the same. But Pope Francis says to give Trump a chance to prove him right: Let s see. Let s see what he does and then we will evaluate. Naturally, conservatives are furious. Responding reports on Trump s statements, the Right lashed out at Pope Francis for insulting their god:@RT_com @RobertNTaupier Is it sacrilegious to tell a Godless Commie Pope to go **** himself? Thomas Pine (@ameripundit) January 23, 2017@RT_com stuff it The worst Pope ever who totally politicizes everything for his socialists cronies E Publius Unum (@CesquireCowen) January 23, 2017@RT_com This pope is hurdling Christianity towards extinction. Lowest numbers in recent history. 1 9 1 6 (@PepeWillsItV3) January 23, 2017@RT_com the Pope is a Jesuit Marxist Lisa M B (@LisamLouisiana) January 23, 2017@RT_com just another old guy and his old opinions. Hopefully the church starts to be taxed so they can act responsible raisemmmk (@raisemmmk) January 23, 2017@RT_com a leftist, papal imposter. He is probably only a layman since they changed the rites of ordination after vatican 2. Not Catholic! Procinctu (@TheProcinctu) January 23, 2017@RT_com You look into your business Mr poop sorry , Mr pope. silako silmi (@gilmaparty) January 23, 2017@RT_com I've looked at history, Hitler,wasn't a bad person,just trying to protect Germany from SATAN,if he had completed his work,better PL (((Andros))) (@MrRealAndros) January 23, 2017@FoxNews Passing judgement isn't his place.Has he read the bible.? Time 4 a new pope this one is defective Sharon (@SharonM67714628) January 22, 2017@FoxNews Passing judgement isn't his place.Has he read the bible.? Time 4 a new pope this one is defective Sharon (@SharonM67714628) January 22, 2017@sexxxylisa @FoxNews I Agree with you 100% ! Yes NOT a nice old pope. He's an evil old Jesuit GLOBALIST NWO pope. Liziz Fine (@LizizFine) January 22, 2017This isn t the first time the Pontiff has attacked President Cheeto. In February, shortly after The Donald warned Trump about lying about his religion: A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges, is not Christian I d just say that this man is not Christian if he said it this way. If Donald Trump s presidency feels like the rise of Hitler to you, you re not alone and it is your duty as an American to stand up to the threat every day of your life until it is no longer present. It s going to be a long and terrible four years, but we must stand together against this unpresidented threat to our country, minimize the damage, and rebuild when he is gone in four years.Featured image via Getty Images (Franco Origlia)/screengrab
Key U.S. House Democrat to push for expanded Russia probe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Democrat said on Wednesday he would push the panel’s Republican chairman to expand a probe of Russian hacking to include the calls to a Russian diplomat made by President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser. Representative Adam Schiff said he would make his case to Republican Devin Nunes, the committee’s chairman, when he met with him later on Wednesday.
Don Lemon Flipped Larry Wilmore The Bird After Being Utterly Humiliated By Him Publicly (VIDEO)
There are quite the number of mixed reviews coming in this morning of Larry Wilmore s monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Wilmore, who runs The Nightly Show on Comedy Central, took some pretty serious stabs at the mainstream media, particularly CNN.At one point, Wilmore asked where Wolf Blitzer was by saying, Speaking of girls, where s Wolf Blitzer. The camera showed a profile of an unamused Blitzer as Wilmore went on to trash him and The Situation Room, as the crowd went silent except for a few jeers and oooohs :Wolf Blitzer looks less than amused with Larry Wilmore s jokes screen capture+Wilmore seemed to be, for the most part, bombing here. The crowd, which arguably is full of the people Wilmore has decided to insult, isn t being kind to the anti-media position. That didn t stop Wilmore from trudging on, coming to Don Lemon and delivering an epic roast that earned him more than just a few laughs, It earned Don Lemon s middle finger:Don Lemon couldn t show a little restraint, opting to show the bird to Larry Wilmore instead screen captureTo be fair, Larry Wilmore laid a smackdown on Lemon that probably warranted a little comeback, but seriously, Don? At the WHCD? The president and the first lady are in that room get a grip.Here s the exchange between Wilmore and Lemon that had fingers flying:The line, in case you missed it, was, America s finest black journalists are here tonight. Don Lemon s here too. Lemon reacted, poorly, and he ll catch a lot of grief for it. Wilmore, on the other hand, has taken a few hits for what people called a horrible performance and also been heavily praised by people who think we SHOULD question the status quo. CNN Doesn t get a pass just because they aren t Fox News anymore. When President Obama delivered his monologue, he made notes of some journalists who had made moves away from the White House Press Corps and then he zinged Jake Tapper for leaving journalism to join CNN. It was a rough night for the media, that s for sure.Featured image by Getty Images Pool/ Screen capture
Watch Reporter’s Face As He Recounts Trump Going Full-Narcissist During Oval Office Interview (VIDEO)
On his 100th day in office, a listless Donald Trump sat down with Reuters to talk about his accomplishments. As fate would have it, Trump had just been told that two servicemembers had been killed in an anti-ISIS raid in Afghanistan, his re-re-remade healthcare bill was dead on arrival, and his plans to build a wall were going up in flames. But he had other things on his mind. For Donald Trump, every day is November 8th, 2016.To the three reporters, Trump passed out a printed picture of the United States, with counties he won in the election colored in red.More than five months after his victory and two days shy of the 100-day mark of his presidency, the election is still on Trump s mind. Midway through a discussion about Chinese President Xi Jinping, the president paused to hand out copies of what he said were the latest figures from the 2016 electoral map. Here, you can take that, that s the final map of the numbers, the Republican president said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he won marked in red. It s pretty good, right? The red is obviously us. Later he posed for photos, insisting on holding up the map. (Note: Trump s White House photographer, who formerly worked in the Bush White House, likes to take pictures of Trump from really far away. It s unclear exactly why.)So this happened today pic.twitter.com/UqtgvoyIRj SalenaZito (@SalenaZito) April 28, 2017here's a pic from reuters of Trump with the electoral maps he showed to reporters yesterday pic.twitter.com/1X3edpeJDQ Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) April 28, 2017Reporter Jeff Mason recounted the surreal moment the President of the United States interrupted questions on North Korea and China to brag about a map of the election he had won more than 5 months earlier. His expressions cycle from disbelief to pity to humor and back to disbelief.CNN s Chris Cuomo asked the reporters the obvious question: Is Trump really so insecure that he still feels he has to prove that he won the election? Mason said it could be a lot of factors (all troubling from a mental health standpoint): I think that s a good question and it s hard for me to answer that. I think he just wanted to relish in the fact that this map, uh, looks good for him and he said the red is obviously us and the red are areas in the country that he won. So he s just very proud of it. And whether that s rooted in a sense that he still has to prove that he won or that he s upset that the media got it wrong in terms of the predictions ahead of time it s hard for me to say. Trump, a 70-year-old billionaire, craves the attention one might give a child for a project they made in art class. He may as well have asked the reporters to pin the map up on their refrigerator doors.Making it even more clear that Trump is suddenly feeling very small, he later admitted that being president is really hard, and it s not as fun as his old life. The fact that running the country wouldn t be as easy as being a semi-retired billionaire and reality tv show host was something that apparently never occurred to Trump prior to being elected. I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier. At least he s got his map.Featured image via CNN
Sanders: Democratic Party hasn't been fair to me
"One should not insist on nailing [Trump] into positions that he had taken in the campaign," he said.
Children’s Headphones May Carry Risk of Hearing Loss - The New York Times
These days, even wear headphones, and as the holidays approach, retailers are well stocked with brands that claim to be “safe for young ears” or to deliver “100 percent safe listening. ” The devices limit the volume at which sound can be played parents rely on them to prevent children from blasting, say, Rihanna at hazardous levels that could lead to hearing loss. But a new analysis by The Wirecutter, a product recommendations website owned by The New York Times Company, has found that half of 30 sets of children’s headphones tested did not restrict volume to the promised limit. The worst headphones produced sound so loud that it could be hazardous to ears in minutes. “These are terribly important findings,” said Cory Portnuff, a pediatric audiologist at the University of Colorado Hospital who was not involved in the analysis. “Manufacturers are making claims that aren’t accurate. ” The new analysis should be a call to parents who thought technology offered adequate protection, said Dr. Blake Papsin, the chief otolaryngologist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. “Headphone manufacturers aren’t interested in the health of your child’s ears,” he said. “They are interested in selling products, and some of them are not good for you. ” Half of to listen to music daily, and nearly of teenagers do, according to a 2015 report with more than 2, 600 participants. Safe listening is a function of both volume and duration: The louder a sound, the less time you should listen to it. It’s not a linear relationship. Eighty decibels is twice as loud as 70 decibels, and 90 decibels is four times louder. Exposure to 100 decibels, about the volume of noise caused by a power lawn mower, is safe for just 15 minutes noise at 108 decibels, however, is safe for less than three minutes. The workplace safety limit for adults, set by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in 1998, is 85 decibels for no more than eight hours. But there is no mandatory standard that restricts the maximum sound output for listening devices or headphones sold in the United States. When cranked all the way up, modern portable devices can produce sound levels from 97 to 107 decibels, a 2011 study found. A team at The Wirecutter used two types of sound to test 30 sets of headphones and earbuds with an iPod Touch. First, they played a snippet of Major Lazer’s hit “Cold Water” as a example of the kind of thumping music children listen to all the time. Second, the testers played pink noise, usually used to test the output levels of equipment, to see whether the headphones actually limited volume to 85 decibels. Playing 21 seconds of “Cold Water” at maximum volume, half of the 30 headphones exceeded 85 decibels. The loudest headphones went to 114 decibels. With pink noise, roughly exceeded 85 decibels the loudest was recorded at 108 decibels. Complete results are available at thewirecutter. com. To pinpoint the earbuds that did reduce volume, the Wirecutter team hooked up a computer to a simulated ear with a microphone inside and a coupler that models the acoustics of an ear canal. Brian Fligor, an audiologist who is a member of the World Health Organization’s working group on safe listening devices, advised the team on how to compare its results to data on the workplace limit. (Headphones and earbuds are much closer to the ear, obviously the workplace limit was devised with open areas in mind.) Lauren Dragan, an editor at The Wirecutter, also corralled a children, 3 to 11 years old, to try on each model, choose favorites and compile a “hate list” of ones they would never use. In the end, the overall pick for the children was a Bluetooth model called the Puro BT2200 ($99. 99). The headphones were by both toddlers and tweens, had excellent sound quality, offered some noise cancellation features and adequately restricted volume as long as the cord wasn’t used. The battery lasts an impressive 18 to 22 hours, and the wired connection is used only as a backup. But that cord must be plugged in as labeled, with one particular end to the headphones and the other to the music device. If inserted the wrong way, “it’ll play really loud,” said Brent Butterworth, an audio expert who helped test all the headphones. “If they are using it in Bluetooth mode, it’s impossible to make too loud,” he added. Most of the other models relied on resistors, which impede electrical currents, inside the cord to reduce volume, but they sometimes failed to work. Both of the overall were not Bluetooth, however despite the cords, their maximum volumes did not exceed 85 decibels. Toddlers liked the fit of Onanoff Buddyphones Explore ($29. 99) but will most likely outgrow them, the analysis found, and the sound quality didn’t compare to that of the Puro. The corded pick for older children, ages 4 to 11, was JLab JBuddies Studio ($29. 99). The Wirecutter team also assessed the headphones’ ability to reduce ambient noise. Children often wear headphones in noisy places, like car back seats and planes. Without noise cancellation, the natural tendency is to pump up the volume to hear over the background noise. Only four of the 30 sets of headphones tested blocked a significant amount of low frequency sound similar to that in a car or an airplane cabin. A pair of earbuds — Etymotic ETY Kids 3 ($49) and Puro IEM200 ($29. 99) — did the best job at blocking outside sounds. (The other two were Direct Sound YourTones ($119. 95) and Nabi ($69. 99).) Dr. Papsin recommended buying headphones that both limit volume and cancel outside noise. “It’s worth the money,” he said. But the analysis based its top three on their capacity. “Unless you’re on a plane or in a car, you don’t need to worry as much about isolation,” Ms. Dragan said. Even with headphones that effectively limit maximum sound, supervision is crucial. “ decibels isn’t some magic threshold below which you’re perfectly safe and above which your ears bleed,” Dr. Fligor said. Audiologists offered some tips for listening: First, keep the volume at 60 percent. Second, encourage your child to take breaks every hour to allow the hair cells in the inner ear to rest. Nonstop listening can eventually damage them. Finally, Dr. Jim Battey, the director of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, offered this practical rule: If a parent is an arm’s length away, a child wearing headphones should still be able to hear when asked a question. Let that sink in: If they can’t hear you, “that level of noise is unsafe and potentially damaging,” Dr. Battey said. Whether this generation of children suffers greater hearing loss than previous ones is the subject of scientific debate. Studies have shown mixed results. In 2010, a nationally representative study suggested that hearing loss among adolescents had increased to 19. 5 percent in from 14. 9 percent in . But those figures included both loss usually associated with noise and loss linked to ear infections or even impacted earwax. Most of the hearing loss found in that study was minor, and in one ear. In 2011, a study that used the same data but excluded more adolescents found no statistically significant increases in hearing loss overall. But there was an increase in hearing loss among girls. “Boys and men have always had worse hearing,” Dr. Fligor explained, partly because historically they have been more likely to engage in extremely loud activities. The 2011 study in Pediatrics suggested that girls were catching up. Even if there were an indisputable increase in hearing loss among adolescents, it is not at all clear that the main culprit is cranking Skrillex at full blast. Children are exposed to other hazardous noise: lawn mowers, rock concerts, firearms, sporting events and police sirens. “It may be premature to blame music players,” Dr. Portnuff said. Still, he added, “we know that a substantial segment of the population choose hearing levels that put them at risk for hearing loss. ” Dr. Papsin, a father of five, argued that it was too late to put the horse back in the barn — adults are going to let children wear headphones to watch the movie and to stay entertained in a dozen other ways. “I’m not going to get on a high horse as an old man and say, ‘Don’t do this.’ Every parent should have a flight to themselves. ” Still, he said, “you have to know your free time isn’t costing your child lifelong hearing problems. ”
Trump Just Signed Away Our Environment, And Americans Are Sick Of His Bullsh*t (TWEETS)
Donald Trump betrayed Americans on Tuesday by proving to be exactly as large an environmental threat as was predicted. Trump gloated on Twitter that he was signing authorizations to move forward both with the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Signing orders to move forward with the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines in the Oval Office, Trump tweeted Tuesday afternoon. The Washington Post reports:Dealing a blow to former President Barack Obama s legacy on climate change, President Donald Trump signed executive actions Tuesday to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, a move cheered by congressional Republicans and decried by environmentalists.Trump told reporters at the White House that the actions on the pipelines will be subject to the terms and conditions being negotiated by U.S. officials.Not everyone is happy about Trump s new order. Americans know this pipeline was unfairly rerouted towards our nation and without our consent. The existing pipeline route risks infringing on our treaty rights, contaminating our water and the water of 17 million Americans downstream, said Dave Archambault II, chairman of the Standing Rock tribe with whom thousands upon thousands of protesters have joined in opposition to a plan to route the Dakota pipeline under a lake near the tribe s reservation. Such a move, anyone with critical thinking skills realizes, would threaten the area s water supply and sacred Native American sites.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers agreed late last year to begin an environmental assessment and consider alternative routes, but it is unclear what will happen now that Trump has given his go-ahead. It seems the whole of Twitter also disagrees with the move. Angry Americans lashed out at Trump via his Twitter account:Signing orders to move forward with the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines in the Oval Office. pic.twitter.com/OErGmbBvYK Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2017.@realDonaldTrump on the same day you claimed to "be an environmentalist" and after months of demonstrations to stop it.Truly shameless. Isaac Saul (@Ike_Saul) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump THIS is what makes a great president. Destroying the environment, displacing indigenous groups, ruining the water supply Jules Suzdaltsev (@jules_su) January 24, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Why is everyone in that room white? You know other races and ethnicities exist right? Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump yes, please run the pipeline through the Oval Office. Sean Hartofilis (@BeachPillows) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump Who knew that the genocidal madman who destroy the sacred land and water supply of Native people would be so orange!? pic.twitter.com/sTToUrq6RF Kristina Wong (@mskristinawong) January 24, 2017.@realDonaldTrump "We must get lead out of the drinking water in Flint, and put chemicals in the drinking water everywhere else." Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump If the pipeline went through one of your hotels, would you be cool with it? Gavin (@GavinWakeUpCall) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump I'm sure everyone's REALLY happy about that! Kris Sanchez (@KrisSanchez) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump wow! & the voice of the people is ignored .again. Kyle McMahon (@KMacMusic) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump You are betraying the Native American people and all Americans. How could you, Trump? Ben Rachinger (@BenSRachinger) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump Well I guess there's a new winner for oiliest part of your administration, you Ballsack. Bird Peterson (@birdpeterson) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump History will judge your ass-backward dive into fossil fuels harshly, along with all climate change deniers. Shame on you. MatthewDicks (@MatthewDicks) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump = 28K+ jobs VS millions of citizens getting sick from grossass water. Plus-beware: Native American ghosts don't play! =( xo Randall (@Randallsanimals) January 24, 2017@realDonaldTrump Clean drinking water has gotten away with being drinkable for far too long. Tim Duffy (@TimDuffy) January 24, 2017.@realDonaldTrump @POTUS Let's have you and all your family move next to that pipeline and see how you feel about it. Matthew Rodrigues (@RodriguesMatt) January 24, 2017So far, Trump has signed executive orders attacking Americans healthcare and women s rights, as well as this new one that will act as a yuge assault on our environment. At every turn, it is becoming more and more clear that he views you and me as enemies. We must resist Trump at every turn if our country is to survive the next four years.Featured image via Twitter
IS A REVOLUTION COMING? Former Congressman Throws Down Gauntlet On Obama’s Executive Gun Grab: “It’s War, Defy His Executive Actions”
Spoken like a true American Former Congressman Joe Walsh tweeted on Thursday, On Monday, Obama, on his own, to go after guns. It s war. Defy his executive actions. Time for Civil disobedience. Walsh, who is now a radio host on AM 560 The Answer in Chicago linked to a CNN article that announced that President Obama is expected to take new executive action on guns in order to expand background checks on firearm sales.On Monday, Obama, on his own, to go after guns. It's war. Defy his executive actions. Time for Civil disobedience. https://t.co/DasTdwv9EQ Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) December 31, 2015The Obama administration s imminent announcement comes ahead of the January 12th State of the Union address. Obama s executive actions would further his unilateral steps of gun control.Via: Daily Callerh/t Weasel Zippers
Exclusive—Rep. Jim Jordan on Trump’s First 100 Days: ‘I Think We’re Off to a Great Start’ - Breitbart
Congressman Jim Jordan, former chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, spoke with Breitbart News about his thoughts on President Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office. [Jordan said, “Neil Gorsuch. Jeff Sessions. I mean the cabinet, the executive orders, the travel ban, the things we’re seeing on the federal hiring freeze, the regulatory freeze, and eliminating two regulations for every regulation proposed, I think we’re off to a great start. I think this is exactly what the campaign was about. I think that’s all very positive. ” Jordan told Breitbart News that confirming Neil Gorsuch as a Supreme Court justice and Jeff Sessions as attorney general were his two favorite moments of the last 100 days. He explained: So much of the campaign was about the Supreme Court and the Justice Department becoming so politicized under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Neil Gorsuch I believe was first in his class all the way from kindergarten to high school. I think Gorsuch was an outstanding pick. Those two things show how amazing it is to have Donald Trump in the White House as compared to Hillary Clinton. There’s even been a marked decrease in illegals crossing the border since this administration has been in office and Jeff Session has served as attorney general. Congressman Jordan echoed the sentiments of Congressman Meadows, saying that the House Republicans soon will strike a deal on health care. He said: You know we haven’t passed health care yet, but I’m cautiously optimistic that we’ll get it done in the next week or two. Our chairman Mark Meadows has been working very hard over this break. So I think there’s a chance to get an amendment put in the bill that will result in premiums coming down for a lot of American families. I think that we can get it done in a way that is consistent with what we told voters we’re going to do. Jordan continued, “I think that our jobs are too complicated, the voters sent us to repeal Obamacare, reform a broken tax code that’s not conducive to economic growth. I think that’s the attitude of the White House. My attitude is that we’re off to a good start. I think there’s a chance that we get Obamacare repeal and get that done in the next couple of weeks. That’s what we’ve been trying to do. ” The Ohio congressman supports the president’s initiative to reorganize the federal government and cut down on waste, fraud, and abuse. He said, “I fully support the president and hope that we can help the president restructure and trim down the government. As a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee it should be a big focus, we have a number of Freedom Caucus members to help and support that. ” Jordan summarized his thoughts on Trump’s first 100 days, he said, “Winning beats losing every single time. So let’s keep putting up wins for the American people. ”
Trump: Government ’Involves Heart,’ Business Does Not - Breitbart
President Donald Trump compared his current job as to his days spent in business before he became president in an interview Sunday. [“Here, everything, pretty much everything you do in government involves heart, whereas in business most things don’t involve heart,” Trump told the Associated Press. “In fact, in business you’re actually better off without it. ” The interview comes as Trump approaches 100 days serving as president and Congress debates legislation that would keep the government funded. Trump stressed that there is a “human responsibility” that comes with the job. He provided an example of that human responsibility to the AP when he explained how much risk went into the decision to strike Syrian President Bashar ’s military. “When it came time to, as an example, send out the 59 missiles, the Tomahawks in Syria,” he said. “I’m saying to myself, ‘You know, this is more than just like 79 (sic) missiles. This is death that’s involved because people could have been killed. This is risk that’s involved. ’” Trump is expected to hold a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 29 on the 100th day of his presidency, the same night as the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Trump is also looking to cement his legacy in the first 100 days even further, saying in a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni that he expects both health care and government funding to pass this week.
Will American Law Enforcement Lie, Cheat and Forge Police Reports? Answer: Yes.
21st Century Wire says The issue of honest policing and institutional corruption within law enforcement has been exercised over and over, with every high-profile controversy. Certainly, 2015 had its fair share of these kind of incidents.The issue of institutional corruption still goes unattended however, as media seem to prefer the obsession of spinning every story in terms of race, or class, rather than seriously looking at the problem of devolving so much power and blind authority that are by their very nature often corrupt.Where is the DOJ, and where is the President weighing-in? Where are the race mobs? Is this story not sexy enough for the media?This latest story should be a warning to everyone about what would likely be systemic in the fully-functioning police state which Washington DC is currently attempting to construct under the noses of its citizens Matt Kessler GuardianSince 26-year-old Ricky Ball was shot and killed by police in October, the black community in Columbus, Mississippi, has grappled with questions that don t have clear answers.Why did police shoot Ball that night? Why did a string of police officials resign in the months that followed? And why did police claim Ball stole a gun from a police officer s home only after his death?Attempts to obtain police documents about the case have raised a new question: why did police release two different versions of events from the shooting?Documents obtained by the Guardian show police altered a document labeled uniform incident report in Ball s death. An initial version published by the Commercial Dispatch said an officer tased Ball before he fled. A new version of the incident report released to the Guardian does not include any mention of Taser use. One of these two reports is not true Continue this story at the GuardianREAD MORE POLICE STATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Police State Files
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BUSH-HINCKLEY NEXUS: Reagan Gunman Released, Reviving Conspiracy Suspicions
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOn the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the man implicated in shooting the 40th President of the United States will be released from captivity after 35 years.The attempted assassination of US President Ronald Reagan is one of the most infamous crimes of the 20th century. Like the assassination of JFK, it was an act that will forever be shrouded in conspiracy, intrigue and mystery. CALCULATED CRIME Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn HeltonAlthough it s been over three decades since John Hinckley Jr. reportedly shot Reagan and three others at the Washington Hilton Hotel in the spring of 1981, many questions regarding the traumatic event continue to persist to this day.The importance of this dramatic incident should be emphasized, as it revealed a rather uncanny family connection between the Bush family and the Hinckley family, highlighted by a series of strange circumstances prior to the shooting itself, as well as a crime scene that was largely left unexplained A DARK DAY According to analysts and researchers such as John Judge, Reagan had already been struck under his left arm after raising his left arm to the crowd outside the Hilton Hotel. Image Source: (lawabsolute) The Reagan Shooting Prior to being shot outside the Washington Hilton Hotel on March 30th, 1981, Reagan had been giving a speech to the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO. During that builders speech, Reagan outlined a budget cut plan that received a restrained response from those concerned over union jobs according to reports. Contrary to most mainstream reports about the incident, Reagan s exit on the south side of the Hilton on Florida Avenue following his speech, as we ll find out later, was anything but routine.According to the official story, Hinckley is stated to have crouched and fired a .22 caliber R hm RG-14 revolver during a rainy afternoon in the nation s capital.Reagan, his press secretary, James S. Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy J. McCarthy and District of Columbia policeman Thomas K. Delahaney, had all been shot in a sea of reporters, Secret Service members, police and plain clothes police, as well as unknown spectators at the location according to NBC cameraman Shelly Fieldman, one of those who filmed the chaotic ambush as it happened.The assassination attempt occurred just 69 days into the Reagan presidency and the apparent motive seemed born out of a Hollywood studio back lot, as Hinckley was supposedly trying to impress actress Jodie Foster by reenacting would-be-assassin Arthur Bremer s assassination attempt on then Presidential candidate, George Wallace, which in turn was fictionalized for Martin Scorsese s motion picture Taxi Driver, a film that co-starred Foster. Evidence of a note to Foster is said to have materialized out of Hinckley s room at the Washington Hilton Hotel following the shooting. PLANTED STORY? An all to familiar Hollywood narrative grafted onto a crime was Hinckley inspired by an actress and a film? (Image Source: upi)Incidentally, in 1992, George Wallace Jr. asserted that President Richard Nixon s campaign had prior knowledge of Bremer s whereabouts before the shooting of his father, something which prompted the family to call for a new investigation. The complaint emerged after an article appeared in New Yorker magazine stating that Nixon and one of his aides had talked about planting George McGovern s campaign literature in Bremer s apartment.According to other reports, The plan had to be dropped because the F.B.I. quickly sealed the apartment, according to the article. George Wallace s top aide Elvin Stanton, was later on record stating that government insiders may have been involved in a conspiracy to take Wallace out of the 1972 Presidential race. So was there a larger conspiracy behind the attempt on Reagan s life? STAY-BEHIND - Vice President George Bush seen here with Rita Clements first lady of Texas Governor Bill Clements, Texas Secretary of State George Strake and Dallas Congressman Jim Collins on an Austin tarmac waiting on Reagan s prognosis. (Image Source: dallasnews)Absent from the shocking scene at the Hilton, was Vice President George H.W. Bush, who had traveled to Fort Worth to dedicate a historical plaque at the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency. After news of the failed assassination on Reagan, he continued travelling to Austin to speak at the Tarrant County Convention Center to talk with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. Some researchers have stated that Bush was waiting on the tarmac in Austin not only to learn of Reagan s prognosis, but to possibly be sworn in as Reagan s successor, if the commander-in-chief did not survive the shooting.Incidentally, the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency where Bush had been on March 30th, was once known as Hotel Texas, the same hotel that President John F. Kennedy stayed at On November 21, 1963 one day before being assassinated in Dealey Plaza.On March 24th, at the behest of National Security Adviser Richard Allen who was in command of the Situation Room, Reagan appointed Bush as the head of his crisis management team less than a week before the attempt on his life. Allen s National Security Council team was tapped to provide support for Bush s crisis squad.Amid a contentious atmosphere between Bush loyalists and Reagan loyalists at the White House, Secretary of State Alexander Haig famously declared, I am in control here. This prompted some to suggest that the move was an erroneous PR faux pas and at worst a grab for power while Reagan was being treated for injuries at the hospital. Others have suggested that Haig, was merely protecting the Reagan-led White House until an investigation into all elements of the shooting could be completed. Additionally, some also believed his comments may have been taken out of context in relation to an actual succession of the presidency.According to the author Dr. Peter Knight, Haig, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and others were aware of an apparent North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) exercise set to take place on March 31st, 1981, the very next day after the shooting. However, due to concern about the timing of the NORAD operation, amid the turbulent political wake of the Reagan shooting, the White House supposedly canceled it.Some five hours later after the shooting Vice President Bush arrived in Washington. While there should have been a lengthy investigation given the nature of the crime itself, the shooting was ruled an isolated incident, without conspiracy, according to the newly tapped leader of the White House crisis management team. RAWHIDE S EXIT The Secret Service code name used for Reagan was Rawhide. Though it was reported that agents maintained a diamond-shaped security formation surrounding Reagan, some suggest the group s alignment went askew as the President walked out in the open towards the limousine which was parked away from the exit. (Image Source: pbs.org)On the morning of March 30th, Reagan had apparently been advised that wearing a protective vest was not necessary because there would be minimal public exposure after his speech from the hotel and to the limousine and that there were no credible threats for safety that day.Reportedly, after being hit Reagan had been delayed on the way to the hospital and apparently according to well-known researcher John Judge, he was slated to be brought to Bethesda Medical Center but allegedly due to the coloration of his face and the blood he d been coughing up, he was transported to the much closer George Washington University Hospital though Brady was said to have arrived several minutes before Reagan.Interestingly, even though initial reports stated Reagan was never in any serious danger, nothing could have been further from the truth, as Reagan reportedly lost 3,400 cubic centimeters of blood, or about 3.7 quarts, there are 5 or 6 quarts held in an average body.According Dennis S. O Leary, dean of clinical affairs at GWU Hospital Reagan had a relatively simple procedure, receiving a fresh frozen plasma transfusion. Dr. Frank C. Spencer, chief surgeon at New York University Medical Center, was quoted as stating the following when asked about Reagan s health, Why would you give that amount of blood if he was not in a life-threatening situation and the patient s life was no in serious danger? Additionally, some have asserted that the cold blood or frozen plasma used to save Reagan, could have potentially caused other health problems for the President.On another note, Secret Service agent Joe Trainor, who was tasked with gathering evidence at the hospital after the shooting, oddly stated that Reagan s wound, was no bigger than a paper cut, and a thin dime-sized fragment was given to the FBI for processing.Here NBC cameraman Fieldman is interviewed by host and journalist John Chancellor on NBC Nightly News, discussing details of the incident. Notice that one of the still images appears to depict a bullet hole in the back of the limousine Unexplained ForensicsAll of shooter Hinckley s bullets could be accounted for according to the FBI, and gunman had deadly accuracy, supposedly landing out 4-6 shots on those at the scene, if you are to believe the official story.John Judge explained the following concerning the various pathways concerning Hinckley s apparent Devastator bullets, primarily used by air marshals to thwart hijackers in the 1970 s: Hinckley had six bullets in the gun. One hit Delahanty, a cop, and threw him to the ground by nicking, grazing his shoulder and neck. Another one into the groin of Agent McCarthy, a 160 pound man, it lifted him up and threw him back to the other end of the limousine. Another bullet, the initial bullet fired by Hinckley, hit Mr. Brady in the head, knocked him to the ground and did considerable brain damage. One bullet nicked the windshield of the limousine. One bullet went into the Universal office building across the street and one bullet went into the trunk of the car and you can see when you look at photos closely very clear hole, and not a ricochet or a scar mark but a hole going into the car penetrating the outer metal wall. The bullet that hit Reagan hit him by all accounts at an early point. Judge concluded, as others have contended, there was a second shooter at the Hilton Hotel located in the Bushy Knoll (a term Judge coined), as the limo waiting for Reagan was some 40ft down the curb. Reagan was allegedly shot, as Judge stated, [with] a very specific weapon developed by the intelligence agencies which is a CO2 propelled fleshet. This would account for the thin slit reported by Secret Service and others.Here s a description of the Devastator or exploding bullet from the National Center for Biotechnology Information: It should also be noted that individuals can easily obtain instructions for the creation of their own bullets. The most infamous use of such bullets was the attempted assassination of President Reagan in 1981 by John Hinckley, who used Devastator bullets (Bingham Limited, USA) composed of a lacquer sealed aluminium tip with a lead azide centre designed to explode on impact. Although frequently referred to in works of fiction, they are rarely encountered in forensic practice, because sales have been restricted following the incident in 1981. POSING WITH GUNS Several images surfaced during Hinckley s trial depicting heavy-handed symbolism for dramatic effect. (Image Source: nydailynews)Releasing Hinckley?Though Hinckley would later be declared not guilty by reason of insanity, he was ordered to have ongoing treatment as a forensic patient at St. Elizabeth s hospital located in the southeast quadrant of the nation s capital.Flash forward more than three decades Over this past summer, it was reported that the 61-year-old Hinckley would be released from St. Elizabeth s maximum security mental hospital. Here s a passage from a mainstream media report that discusses the latest developments in the case and the court s reason for release: Judge Paul L. Friedman of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia wrote in his opinion that Mr. Hinckley, 61, no longer posed a danger to himself or others. The report continued adding that, Since 2014, Judge Friedman has allowed Mr. Hinckley to have 17-day stays in Williamsburg, where he has voluntary jobs doing landscaping at a Unitarian church and working in the library and cafeteria of a psychiatric hospital. Interestingly, Judge Friedman has banned Hinckley from corresponding with news media and has allowed the infamous shooter access to drive a 30-mile radius from Williamsburg unaccompanied in addition his ability to drive to monthly hospital appointments in the Washington DC area.Whether you believe the official story of the Reagan shooting or not, it is unconscionable to think that a person reportedly responsible for shooting a president, along with other law enforcement agents and a White House cabinet member, could see the light of day after such a high-profile crime.Hinckley s release will only serve to highlight the bizarre series events associated with the attempt on Reagan s life, which many believe has been covered up to this day. ASSASSIN S CREED Hinckley seen posing in front of Ford s Theater, the site of Abraham Lincoln s assassination. (Image Source: rawhidedown)Bush-Hinckley Family TiesThe Houston Post reported, the Hinckley s reportedly made large contributions to Vice President Bush s political campaign.According to the former dean of the University of Montana School of Journalism Nathaniel Blumberg the events of March 30th, were far from uncovered.The following is a passage from his book THE AFTERNOON OF MARCH 30: A Contemporary Historical Novel, where Blumberg discussed the Bush-Hinckley connection made by NBC s John Chancellor: John Chancellor, eyebrows raised, informed the viewers of NBC Nightly News that the brother of the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted with the son of the man who would have become president if the attack had been successful. As a matter of fact, Chancellor said in a bewildered tone, Scott Hinckley [brother of John Hinckley Jr] and Neil Bush [brother of George W. Bush] had been scheduled to have dinner together at the home of the vice president s son the very next night. According to the Missoulian, Blumberg called it a contemporary historical novel, and it centered on his belief that Neil Bush son of President George H.W. Bush and his wife Sharon were co-conspirators in John Hinckley s attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. On March 9th, 1985, in an article entitled New novel questions probe of Reagan shooting, published by UPI, Blumberg s self-published novel, The Afternoon of March 30th, also discussed the following: The Hinckley oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting, that it faced a $2-million fine for overpricing oil. The possible charges were never mentioned after Hinckley s attempt. The widely accepted official story that Hinckley was trying to get the attention of actress Jodie Foster was based entirely on a letter that Hinckley was said to have written, but which the public and the media never saw. Additionally, Scott Hinckley was a Vice President for John Hinckley Sr. s Vanderbilt Energy and was reportedly friends with Neil Bush who had been working for AMOCO, in Denver. The Bush s Zapata Oil was said to have bailed out Vanderbilt Energy some time during the 1960 s.Other interesting connections concerning Hinckley were made by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: The club records, mementos, and clippings that normally mark a student s passage through a university are nonexistent in the case of Hinckley. Official university transcripts and records were taken by Texas Tech administrators almost by the time President Reagan and the other victims reached a hospital Monday. Continuing, the journal outlined another curious connection in the Bush-Hinckley nexus: Jim Francis, operations manager of the Dallas oil firm Brighton Co., and a fundraiser for Gov. Bill Clements, was Hinckley s basketball coach in the fourth through sixth grades. In 1974, the Hinckley s moved from Texas to Evergreen, Colorado, while John Jr. reportedly stayed behind. However, prior to the Reagan shooting, Hinckley s primary home was listed in Evergreen.Other investigators have gone even further by citing the work of John Judge in support of a clear case for George H W Bush as the assassin of President Ronald Reagan.Hinckley was said to have had no criminal record before being arrested previously in Nashville, Tennessee by Metropolitan Airport Police in Nashville on Oct. 9, 1980, for carrying firearms. That same day, then President Jimmy Carter, was holding a town hall meeting at the Grand Ole Opry, while Reagan reportedly cancelled a stop in Memphis during that time frame.The guns confiscated at the time included a .38 and two .22-caliber pistols according to officials. Although the Hinckley s issued a statement about their son s mental health issues following the Reagan shooting, Nashville authorities could not find any information related to him being mentally ill in the past.Below is a montage of several clips discussing Hinckley s background and his family s relationship to the Bush family ABC s Charles Murphy discusses mysterious phone calls that Hinckley received each day at a phone booth while staying at a motel in Denver A touch of irony, the young man walking with the elder Hinckley is 30-year-old Scott Hinckley, John Jr. s brother, he and Vice President Bush s son Neil, are friends, they had planned to have dinner together in Denver tonight the plans have been cancelled Stephen Geer ABC News SHOCK & AWE During Reagan s campaign he often criticized Bush for being linked to the globalist designs of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. (Image Source: pinterest)A Shooter s Odyssey: Lone Gunman & Parallel PlotsAs 21WIRE has covered in recent years, very often there is much more involved behind-the-scenes when it comes to sensationalized shootings in America, particularly of those said to be lone wolf , or lone gunman events. The incidents themselves are quickly taken out of the political and forensic realm, giving way to a hyper-realized account, often defying logic and reason. Though simple elements of a shooting may defy explanation, authority actors will rapidly emerge with emotionally charged narratives along with some evidence; the grafting of parallel motives viewed in other crimes, the stacking of circumstantial evidence, a ready-made manifesto or gripping photographic imagery used to direct perception.The Hinckley case, like other more modern mass shootings and the shootings of JFK, RFK and MLK (as well as John Lennon who was killed by Mark Chapman who worked for the Hinckley linked organization World Vision), was certainly no exception.Below, researcher and writer John Judge takes through the winding conspiracy surrounding the attempt on Reagan s life. Watch carefully, as he pieces together one of the most enigmatic crimes of the 20th century Here s a news compilation of the reportage concerning the Reagan assassination attempt In SummaryOverlapping political narratives often dovetail a crisis, staged or otherwise, and the shooting of Reagan (as with other events) was no different, as tension was building in Europe there were critical new developments abroad and according to the CIA, [ by] mid-November 1981, Haig sent President Reagan a memorandum outlining the implications of what he described as a peaceful revolution underway in Poland under the leadership of Solidarity, the national trade union. Interestingly, Haig, who was believed to have protected the Reagan Administration during the March 30th shooting, saw the situation change, as the so-called peaceful revolution ended abruptly in December when the Polish regime imposed martial law throughout the country to challenge the movement. However, that event in Poland is accepted by most historians as one catalyst which eventually led to an end to the Iron Curtain, and then the Soviet Union.In a world full of foreign policy game changers, sudden shifts in international narratives may contain valuable clues to solving some of history s most perplexing events. And another story begins READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Russia's Lavrov says Russia committed to Iraq territorial integrity: RIA
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart that Moscow is committed to Iraq s territorial integrity, RIA news agency reported on Monday. Russia has economic ties with the Iraqi Kurds, who voted for independence from Iraq in late September.
Social media helps U.S. millennial voters register, turnout worries linger
NEW YORK (Reuters) - As the youngest members of the millennial generation became old enough to vote in this year’s U.S. presidential election, states and social media platforms poured efforts into online registration, hoping to attract these tech savvy voters who now rival Baby Boomers as the country’s largest demographic. With Election Day just two days away, political experts are skeptical that a record number of millennials who signed up to vote will actually result in the 18-34 year-old age group turning out at the polls in proportion to their relative size of the U.S. population. Millennials make up approximately 31 percent of U.S. citizens eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center, on par for the first time with Baby Boomers, who are typically aged 52-70 years old. There are an estimated 225.8 million eligible U.S. voters. Millennials have so far, however, turned out in much lower numbers in elections than Baby Boomers. In 2008, a record year for millennial turnout, just 50 per cent of those eligible to vote did so, the National Census Bureau said. That compared with turnout rates of 69 per cent for Baby Boomers and 61 percent for people aged 36 to 51, also known as Generation X. This year, a number of efforts on social media by states and non-profits aimed to change that, including Facebook reminders on users’ accounts, Twitter hashtag campaigns, celebrities creating Snapchat and an Instagram post urging people to vote. According to a survey of state electoral officials and voter non-profits around the United States, these social media campaigns have paid off, at least when it came to getting young voters registered. A survey of 2,000 millennials conducted by social media platform Yik Yak, which is known for its popularity among college students and teens, showed that 62 percent registered to vote for the first time this year and, of those, 9 percent registered online following a social media prompt. In California, roughly 31 per cent of all registered voters are now aged 18-35. A Facebook reminder on May 16 coincided with 143,255 people registering or updating their registrations online that day in the state, compared to an average of 23,166 per day that month, said California Secretary of State spokesman Sam Mahood. Other states reported similar spikes. In Oregon, more than 420,000 people registered to vote online in 2016, up from 2012 when 163,545 used the online system. Digital voter enrollments in Washington jumped by roughly 135,000 in 2016, compared to 2012. From January through mid-October this year, 381,318 people used the online system in Indiana, nearly three times as many as in 2012. “Let’s face it - that’s where [younger voters] are; they’re on social media,” said Denise Merrill, the secretary of state for Connecticut, which used social media campaigns, including a dedicated hashtag and Facebook’s banner ads, to drive registrations. “Whatever we’re doing, we’re having pretty dramatic results.” Like a lot of experts, Donald Green, a professor of political science at Columbia University, is skeptical that an increase in young voter registration will correspond with millennials unseating the Baby Boomers as the most active voting bloc. Green conceded that there was “change afoot,” but said he thought it would far more gradual. By his estimate, it would be 25 years before millennials overtake Baby Boomers, or what he dubbed “generational replacement.” “In presidential elections the translation of new registration to votes is more like one half or one third,” he said. Michael Cornfield, an associate professor of political management at George Washington University, agreed that registering someone to vote does not guarantee they’ll show up on Election Day. “It’s up to the campaigns to do the last bit, which is to say make sure the right millennials in the right battleground states are being targeted,” said Cornfield. Some political experts said that, in general, millennials tend to vote more for Democratic Party candidates than Republicans. Laura Wray-Lake, an assistant professor at the University of California-Los Angeles, said the increase in millennial registration could be a boon for Democrats if they could harness some of the social media techniques used to register voters to get them to the polls. With many political experts expecting overall voter turnout to be lower this year, millennial voters in swing states are a bloc that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton could hope to turn out. Clinton leads Republican candidate Donald Trump by 27 percentage points among likely voters ages 18-34, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. “Young people have huge potential for political impact” Wray-Lake said. “I think eventually these millennials will be deciding the future of the country.” For a graphic on Online voter registration, click tmsnrt.rs/2fjdh4j
U.N. denounces air raids on Idlib hospitals, seeks protection system
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations condemned air raids on five hospitals and two humanitarian warehouses in Idlib, Syria, this week and called for setting up a system so warring sides would protect civilians and medical facilities near terrorist groups. Jan Egeland, U.N. humanitarian adviser on Syria, said it was not clear who had carried out the attacks, but said it was part of an escalating trend to attack humanitarian lifelines including hospitals, ambulances and health workers. We urgently need a workable and respected system of notification for these protected localities that armed actors will respect, he told reporters, although he conceded that some aid agencies were reluctant to share their GPS coordinates with the warring sides.
How to Pick a Preschool in Less Than an Hour - The New York Times
As soon as I walked into Celia Rojas’s prekindergarten class in Union City, N. J. I was sucked in by the hum of activity. Art plastered the walls, plants were hanging from the ceiling, and in every nook there was something to seize a child’s imagination. Some kids were doing cutouts of paper clothing and others were at an easel, painting. A bunch of children were solving puzzles on a computer, while another group was building a pink cardboard chair, which they called “A Chair for My Mother. ” In the reading nook a girl was learning about how, when the wasp larva hatches, it eats the spider. Three classmates were playing trying on old felt hats and checking themselves out in the mirror. The teacher was everywhere — praising kids, offering suggestions when they were stumped and, sometimes, peacemaking. Two boys were peering at insects through a microscope when they started fighting over who got to look next. Ms. Rojas deftly diverted them. “How many parts does an insect body have?” she asked. The boys knew: “Three parts — the antenna, abdomen and legs. ” “How about an insect salad — would you want to eat it?” she inquired. “Ugh,” the boys chorused. “Why not — are they bad for you?” she asked. The boys thought about it. “Maybe if you chopped them up they’d be O. K.,” one volunteered. At that moment I wished that I were 4 years old and could join the festivities. But most classrooms look entirely different. After surveying preschools nationwide, Robert Pianta, dean of the University of Virginia Curry School of Education, concluded that “superficial task demands, including giving directions and assigning routine tasks, predominate over children’s involvement in appropriate conceptual or activities. ” A preschool in Chicago that I visited a few years earlier boasted that it was certified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping seal. But it didn’t merit that encomium. A big room that might once have been a storeroom had been split into each about 15 feet square, separated by partitions. Noise reverberated throughout the building. “Stay within the lines,” a teacher commanded a boy. “You’re not tracing the triangle. ” After he started coloring, she returned, exasperated. “You weren’t paying attention during circle time. Only color the triangles, not the circle or the heart. ” The teacher turned to me. “I like the kids when they stay within the lines and color beautiful,” she said. In another class, children were told to paint the bottom section of a pyramid. The directions were the same: Stay within the lines. It turned out that the kids were painting the food pyramid, but they didn’t know that’s what they were doing. What I saw made me wish that I could round up a passel of children and make a run for safety. Deborah Stipek, a professor of education at Stanford, makes the point more bluntly: “What I see in a lot of preschools is much worse than coloring between the lines. It’s teachers yelling at kids all day. ” These two prekindergartens serve very different populations, but perhaps not the ones you might expect. The “stay within the lines” enrolls mainly youngsters, whose parents pay to send them there, while Ms. Rojas’s classroom is in a public school in a poor immigrant community. Though I’ve spent many hours crouching in these classrooms, I’m no expert. What I witnessed should be obvious to any mom or dad. That’s why, even if you are an parent, you can rapidly determine whether you want to send your child to a particular preschool. You may also be able to save a boatload of money, since public preschools are often as good as their $30, 000 alternatives. When you walk in the door of a prekindergarten, check out the walls — they should be festooned with children’s projects, and not, as is too often the case, plastered with posters that are calculated to please adults and mounted too high for to see. Look around. There should be lots of different things for children to do. If the kids say hello, and quickly return to what they have been doing, that’s a good sign, for it suggests that they’re developing social skills. But if they mob you, you have your answer: This isn’t the place for your child. You might consider yourself to be a fascinating person, but you shouldn’t be more interesting than whatever activity these and are engaged in. Is the class silent? I’ve talked with parents who equate obedience with quality, but unless you want your child in boot camp, that’s unhealthy. (Of course, running wild isn’t a good thing either that energy belongs on the playground.) Kids should be quiet, if a bit squirmy, during circle time, when they are gathered around their teacher. But mostly they should be engaged with one another, because that’s when most learning occurs. Their teacher should be talking with them, not at them. And if the classroom looks like a healthy mix of kids from different backgrounds, that’s all to the good. Children learn a lot from their classmates, and kids with different experiences have much to contribute to one another. That’s it, more or less. If you have a chance to talk briefly with the teacher, ask her how she decides to spend time with one group or another. Inquire about how she handles children who haven’t fully learned how, as the argot goes, to use their words, take turns or share. While the answer matters, you mostly want to make sure she has really thought about those things. Winging it doesn’t make for good teaching. I imagine many readers believe that I’ve committed heresy. To them, Montessori or HighScope, Reggio Emilia or Waldorf, or some other school of pedagogy embodies the Holy Grail. But there’s no reason to believe that one of these is better than the others. The key is how well a particular model of teaching is being carried out. A class can be a joy when the teacher truly understands how properly to use, say, the HighScope approach, which has the children decide what they want to do that day, then tackle the chosen project and later review what they’ve learned. But these techniques are devilishly hard to pull off. When done badly the result is a mighty mess. That’s why the school district in the first example allows the best teachers to design a curriculum that, while borrowing from approaches, makes the most sense for their kids. For parents, the bottom line is simple: Watch closely what’s happening in the classroom, pick a preschool that you wish you had gone to, and your child will do just fine.
China’s Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter - The New York Times
Robert O. Work, the veteran defense official retained as deputy secretary by President Trump, calls them his “A. I. dudes. ” The breezy moniker belies their serious task: The dudes have been a kitchen cabinet of sorts, and have advised Mr. Work as he has sought to reshape warfare by bringing artificial intelligence to the battlefield. Last spring, he asked, “O. K. you guys are the smartest guys in A. I. right?” No, the dudes told him, “the smartest guys are at Facebook and Google,” Mr. Work recalled in an interview. Now, increasingly, they’re also in China. The United States no longer has a strategic monopoly on the technology, which is widely seen as the key factor in the next generation of warfare. The Pentagon’s plan to bring A. I. to the military is taking shape as Chinese researchers assert themselves in the nascent technology field. And that shift is reflected in surprising commercial advances in artificial intelligence among Chinese companies. Last year, for example, Microsoft researchers proclaimed that the company had created software capable of matching human skills in understanding speech. Although they boasted that they had outperformed their United States competitors, a A. I. researcher who leads a Silicon Valley laboratory for the Chinese web services company Baidu gently taunted Microsoft, noting that Baidu had achieved similar accuracy with the Chinese language two years earlier. That, in a nutshell, is the challenge the United States faces as it embarks on a new military strategy founded on the assumption of its continued superiority in technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence. First announced last year by Ashton B. Carter, President Barack Obama’s defense secretary, the “Third Offset” strategy provides a formula for maintaining a military advantage in the face of a renewed rivalry with China and Russia. Well into the 1960s, the United States held a military advantage based on technological leadership in nuclear weapons. In the 1970s, that perceived lead shifted to smart weapons, based on Silicon Valley technologies like computer chips. Now, the nation’s leaders plan on retaining that military advantage with a significant commitment to artificial intelligence and robotic weapons. But the global technology balance of power is shifting. From the 1950s through the 1980s, the United States carefully guarded its advantage. It led the world in computer and material science technology, and it jealously hoarded its leadership with military secrecy and export controls. In the late 1980s, the emergence of the inexpensive and universally available microchip upended the Pentagon’s ability to control technological progress. Now, rather than trickling down from military and advanced corporate laboratories, today’s new technologies increasingly come from consumer electronics firms. Put simply, the companies that make the fastest computers are the same ones that put things under our Christmas trees. As consumer electronics manufacturing has moved to Asia, both Chinese companies and the nation’s government laboratories are making major investments in artificial intelligence. The advance of the Chinese was underscored last month when Qi Lu, a veteran Microsoft artificial intelligence specialist, left the company to become chief operating officer at Baidu, where he will oversee the company’s ambitious plan to become a global leader in A. I. And last year, Tencent, developer of the mobile app WeChat, a Facebook competitor, created an artificial intelligence research laboratory and began investing in United A. I. companies. Rapid Chinese progress has touched off a debate in the United States between military strategists and technologists over whether the Chinese are merely imitating advances or are engaged in independent innovation that will soon overtake the United States in the field. “The Chinese leadership is increasingly thinking about how to ensure they are competitive in the next wave of technologies,” said Adam Segal, a specialist in emerging technologies and national security at the Council on Foreign Relations. In August, the China Daily reported that the country had embarked on the development of a cruise missile system with a “high level” of artificial intelligence. The new system appears to be a response to a missile the United States Navy is expected to deploy in 2018 to counter growing Chinese military influence in the Pacific. Known as the Long Range Missile, or L. R. A. S. M. it is described as a “semiautonomous” weapon. According to the Pentagon, this means that though targets are chosen by human soldiers, the missile uses artificial intelligence technology to avoid defenses and make final targeting decisions. The new Chinese weapon typifies a strategy known as “remote warfare,” said John Arquilla, a military strategist at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, Calif. The idea is to build large fleets of small ships that deploy missiles, to attack an enemy with larger ships, like aircraft carriers. “They are making their machines more creative,” he said. “A little bit of automation gives the machines a tremendous boost. ” Whether or not the Chinese will quickly catch the United States in artificial intelligence and robotics technologies is a matter of intense discussion and disagreement in the United States. Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu, said the United States may be too myopic and to understand the speed of the Chinese competition. “There are many occasions of something being simultaneously invented in China and elsewhere, or being invented first in China and then later making it overseas,” he said. “But then U. S. media reports only on the U. S. version. This leads to a misperception of those ideas having been first invented in the U. S. ” A key example of Chinese progress that goes largely unreported in the United States is Iflytek, an artificial intelligence company that has focused on speech recognition and understanding natural language. The company has won international competitions both in speech synthesis and in translation between and texts. The company, which Chinese technologists said has a close relationship with the government for development of surveillance technology, said it is working with the Ministry of Science and Technology on a “Humanoid Answering Robot. ” “Our goal is to send the machine to attend the college entrance examination, and to be admitted by key national universities in the near future,” said Qingfeng Liu, Iflytek’s chief executive. The speed of the Chinese technologists, compared to United States and European artificial intelligence developers, is noteworthy. Last April, Gansha Wu, then the director of Intel’s laboratory in China, left his post and began assembling a team of researchers from Intel and Google to build a car company. Last month, the company, Uisee Technology, met its goal — taking a demonstration to the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas — after just nine months of work. “The A. I. technologies, including machine vision, sensor fusion, planning and control, on our car are completely ” Mr. Wu said. “We wrote every line by ourselves. ” Their first vehicle is intended for controlled environments like college and corporate campuses, with the ultimate goal of designing a shared fleet of autonomous taxis. The United States’ view of China’s advance may be starting to change. Last October, a White House report on artificial intelligence included several footnotes suggesting that China is now publishing more research than scholars here. Still, some scientists say the quantity of academic papers does not tell us much about innovation. And there are indications that China has only recently begun to make A. I. a priority in its military systems. “I think while China is definitely making progress in A. I. systems, it is nowhere close to matching the U. S.,” said Abhijit Singh, a former Indian military officer who is now a naval weapons analyst at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi. Chinese researchers who are directly involved in artificial intelligence work in China have a very different view. “It is indisputable that Chinese authors are a significant force in A. I. and their position has been increasing drastically in the past five years,” said Lee, a artificial intelligence researcher who played a key role in establishing both Microsoft’s and Google’s research laboratories. Mr. Lee, now a venture capitalist who invests in both China and the United States, acknowledged that the United States is still the global leader but believes that the gap has drastically narrowed. His firm, Sinovation Ventures, has recently raised $675 million to invest in A. I. both in the United States and in China. “Using a chess analogy,” he said, “we might say that grandmasters are still largely North American, but Chinese occupy increasingly greater portions of the A. I. scientists. ” What is not in dispute is that the close ties between Silicon Valley and China both in terms of investment and research, and the open nature of much of the American A. I. research community, has made the most advanced technology easily available to China. In addition to setting up research outposts such as Baidu’s Silicon Valley A. I. Laboratory, Chinese citizens, including government employees, routinely audit Stanford University artificial intelligence courses. One Stanford professor, Richard Socher, said it was easy to spot the Chinese nationals because after the first few weeks, his students would often skip class, choosing instead to view videos of the lectures. The Chinese auditors, on the other hand, would continue to attend, taking their seats at the front of the classroom. Artificial intelligence is only one part of the tech frontier where China is advancing rapidly. Last year, China also brought the world’s fastest supercomputer, the Sunway TaihuLight, online, supplanting another Chinese model that had been the world’s fastest. The new supercomputer is thought to be part of a broader Chinese push to begin driving innovation, a shift from its role as a manufacturing hub for components and devices designed in the United States and elsewhere. In a reflection of the desire to become a center of innovation, the processors in the new computer are of a native Chinese design. The earlier supercomputer, the Tianhe 2, was powered by Intel’s Xeon processors after it came online, the United States banned further export of the chips to China, in hopes of limiting the Chinese push into supercomputing. The new supercomputer, like similar machines anywhere in the world, has a variety of uses, and does not by itself represent a direct military challenge. It can be used to model climate change situations, for instance, or to perform analysis of large data sets. But similar advances in computing being made by the Chinese could be used to push ahead with research, which would have military applications, along with more typical defense functions, such as simulating nuclear weapons tests or breaking the encryption used by adversaries. Moreover, while there appear to be relatively cozy relationships between the Chinese government and commercial technology efforts, the same cannot be said about the United States. The Pentagon recently restarted its beachhead in Silicon Valley, known as the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental facility, or DIUx. It is an attempt to rethink bureaucratic United States government contracting practices in terms of the faster and more fluid style of Silicon Valley. The government has not yet undone the damage to its relationship with the Valley brought about by Edward J. Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance practices. Many Silicon Valley firms remain hesitant to be seen as working too closely with the Pentagon out of fear of losing access to China’s market. “There are smaller companies, the companies who sort of decided that they’re going to be in the defense business, like a Palantir,” said Peter W. Singer, an expert in the future of war at New America, a think tank in Washington, referring to the Palo Alto, Calif. founded in part by the venture capitalist Peter Thiel. “But if you’re thinking about the big, iconic tech companies, they can’t become defense contractors and still expect to get access to the Chinese market. ” Those concerns are real for Silicon Valley. “No one sort of overtly says that, because the Pentagon can’t say it’s about China, and the tech companies can’t,” Mr. Singer said. “But it’s there in the background. ”
Donald Trump Previews ‘Big Announcement’ on Tax Reform Next Week - Breitbart
President Donald Trump previewed a major announcement on tax reform next week, as he signed a series of executive orders and spoke to reporters at the Treasury Department. [“The process began long ago, but it really formally begins on Wednesday,” he said, referring to tax reform. The executive orders will allow the Secretary of the Treasury, Stephen Mnuchin, to start looking for ways to simplify the tax code and change the cumbersome regulatory burden on businesses. “People can’t do their returns. They have no idea what they’re doing. They’re too complicated,” Trump said. “I look forward to taking a hard look at the regulatory burden of our tax code, which consumes billions of productive hours and compliance costs. ” Trump said that his administration would continue to press for tax reform, promising that it would help “struggling Americans achieve their financial dreams. ” “Together, we will restore prosperity to this nation, a nation that we so dearly love, and to bring people who call this home into a great, great way of living and a great way of life,” he said.
STUDY REVEALS MASSIVE SPENDING: Shocking Welfare Use By Immigrants Cannot Go On!
THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES IS AMAZING AT GETTING TO THE FACTS IN THE IMMIGRATION BATTLE: They bring to the table a huge set of figures that should shock every American into action on the state AND federal level. The bottom line is that YOU are paying way too much for legal AND illegal immigrants to come to America and live off of your tax dollars! We cannot and should not go on like this! Please read up and share!A new study on the use of welfare benefits by illegal and legal immigrants in the U.S. finds that households headed by immigrants use an average of $6,200 in benefits annually, fully 41 percent higher than the rate used by native born welfare recipients:This study comes on the heels of another study finding that 51 percent of immigrant households are signed up for at least one welfare program. Immigrants are such heavy users of welfare not because they don t work, but because, on average, they have little education and thus earn low wages, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). If we continue to permit large numbers of less-educated people to move here from abroad, we have to accept that there will be huge and ongoing costs to taxpayers. The study, based on the Census Bureau s 2012 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), notes that the higher use of welfare benefits because by and large the current wave of immigrants are less educated and have fewer needed job skills and are therefore more apt to apply for welfare benefits.The study found the average immigrant household receives 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native-born applicants. Additionally, the highest amount of welfare is taken by immigrants from Central America and Mexico at $8,251 per household, a rate 86 percent higher than native citizens. The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives, CIS said in a press release. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households. While it is important for Americans to understand the rate of welfare use among immigrants, expressing that use in dollar terms offers a more tangible metric that is tied to current debates over fiscal policy. With the nation facing a long-term budgetary deficit, this study helps illuminate immigration s impact on the problem, said the report s author, Jason Richwine. Richwine also noted that even as illegal immigrants are supposed to be barred from receiving welfare they receive it anyway by applying for benefits for their American-born children, often called anchor babies. Via: Breitbart
Senate Republicans shove tax bill ahead as Democrats fume
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans rammed forward President Donald Trump’s tax-cut bill on Tuesday in an abrupt, partisan committee vote that set up a full vote by the Senate as soon as Thursday, although some details of the measure remained unsettled. As disabled protesters shouted: “Kill the bill, don’t kill us,” in a Capitol Hill hearing room, the Senate Budget Committee, with no discussion, quickly approved the legislation on a 12-11 party-line vote that left Democrats fuming. Republican committee members quickly left the room after the vote as Democrats complained about a lack of discussion on a bill that would overhaul the U.S. tax code and add an estimated $1.4 trillion to the $20 trillion national debt over 10 years. After the vote, Trump told reporters: “I think we’re going to get it passed,” adding that it would have some adjustments. Republicans are hurrying to move their complex tax legislation forward, hoping to avoid the protracted infighting that doomed their effort to repeal Obamacare four months ago. Since Trump took office in January, he and fellow Republicans in command of both chambers of Congress have approved no major legislation, a fact they want to change before facing voters in the 2018 congressional elections. If the Senate approves its tax measure later this week, it would need to be reconciled with a version already approved by the House of Representatives before anything could be sent to the White House for Trump to sign into law. Republican leaders conceded that they had yet to round up the votes needed for passage in the Senate, where they hold a narrow 52-48 majority. “It’s a challenging exercise,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said at a news conference. Democrats have called the Republican tax plan a giveaway to corporations and the rich. The Senate bill would slash the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent after a one-year delay. It would impose a onetime, cut-rate tax on corporations’ foreign profits, while exempting future foreign profits from U.S. taxation. Tax rates for many individuals and families would also be cut temporarily before rising back to their previous levels in 2025. Key tax breaks would also be curbed or eliminated, making the bill a mixed bag for some middle-class families. Some taxes paid by wealthy Americans would be repealed. Wall Street moved higher on the news that the bill would move to a full Senate vote, with the benchmark S&P 500 .SPX index closing up a little over 1 percent. As written, the bill would widen the U.S. budget deficit by an estimated $1.4 trillion over 10 years. Republicans maintain that gap would be narrowed by additional economic growth. Senator Bob Corker, one of few remaining Republican fiscal hawks in Congress, said he worked out a deal satisfying his concerns that the tax cuts add too much to the national debt. He said the bill would be modified to automatically raise tax revenues if growth targets were not reached. “We got a commitment that puts us in a pretty good place,” he said. Although details were not immediately available, Corker said he expected more information to come out on Thursday as part of the bill. The concession immediately drew a detractor as Republican Senator John Kennedy told reporters he “would rather drink weed killer than vote for the thing,” adding: “I don’t like voting for automatic tax increases.” The Corker concession was one of several lingering uncertainties in the bill that Senate aides said would be nailed down as the measure neared a floor vote. Republican Senator Susan Collins, who remains undecided on how she will vote on the bill, said “productive discussions” continued and that she would offer an amendment preserving the $10,000 deduction for property tax payments. The deduction is in the House bill, but not the Senate version. Republican Senator Ron Johnson voted for the bill in the Budget Committee, even though he had said it did not cut taxes deeply enough for some non-corporate businesses. The final version could address his concerns. Aides said tax writers were working to change the tax rate for non-corporate businesses, preserve an individual deduction for property tax payments, and incorporate Corker’s tax revenue idea. Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley told MSNBC that the Corker concession was “an absolute gimmick” that could be undermined later. “It’s just a justification to let those who have argued that they don’t believe in increasing the deficit actually vote for a bill which does exactly that,” Merkley said. As the tax fight played out, a new battle opened on another front as Democratic congressional leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi skipped a White House meeting with Trump to discuss spending, immigration and other issues after Trump criticized them on Twitter. Lawmakers must renew government funding before it expires on Dec. 8 or risk a shutdown. Democrats hope to use their leverage on the budget issue to renew protections for young immigrants who entered the country illegally as children.