[ { "role": "user", "content": "I've been pre diabetic for the last several years. I recently had a fasting glucose test and it showed my blood sugar was 142.. which is basically the diabetic range, I redid the test the next week and I dropped back down to 118 the prediabetic range. I've never spiked to the diabetic range until that day. Could lack of sleep and stress maybe have spiked the glucose that high?\n\nAlso I asked my doc if there were any meds I can be put on for prevention sakes, and he said no because then he said I would have to check my blood sugar and treat myself as if I was a diabetic. Is this true or are there any prediabetics out there that are on meds? Although I do realize exercise and dietary changes are the most beneficial. Looking forward to hearing about your stories." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Since the level of BG needed to DX diabetes is arbitrary and has been going down over the years many believe there is no difference between pre-diabetes and diabetes. \n\nyes, stress can raise BG...  however a non diabetic would not have high BG even under stress.  \n\nSo your BG control system is not 100%" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am trying to avoid being a diabetic." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Eat low carb.  Carbs coming mostly from non starchy vegetables,  full fat unsweetened dairy,  nuts.  Avoid fruits,  grains,  sugars,  sweetened foods (including artificial sweeteners)." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am trying to avoid being a diabetic." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Carbs from whole grains and/or carbs with fiber will help you maintain more stable blood sugar.\n\nHere is some information on better carbs for diabetes. \n\n\n\n\nYou can find these articles in the Eat Right section of the Sugar Sense app; tap the bar menu in the upper lefthand corner and scroll down to find the Health Guide." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am trying to avoid being a diabetic." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "As far as your pancreas is concerned a carb is a carb is a carb." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am hypoglycemic. I ate breakfast, had eggs, bacon & whole grain bread w peanut butter. 3 hours later I ate chicken, green beans and brown/quoina rice. I checked my sugar at 1pm sugar was 103. I check my sugar again at 230ish because I was feeling a headache and sugar was about the same at 103. Why would my sugar be the same hours apart. The same thing happened the other day and I had blurred eye vision even though my sugar was at a \"normal\" #. So I got nervous today and drank a little juice thinking the same thing was going to happen." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello!\nI've hypoglycemia too.  I get the feelings of a sugar drop, because mine drops quickly.  For example:. Before I ate lunch it was 90, after lunch (1 hour) it was 120, but later about snack time I'm feeling ick I check and it's dropped to 85.  \n\nMy endocrinologist says my sugar may be showing in normal levels, but that it doesn't mean I'm not having drops.  Sometimes my sugar drops 20 points in an hour maybe more.  He said the dramatic drop causes my symptoms.  \n\nIt could be yours went up and dropped without your knowledge.  \n\nI don't get headaches a whole lot with hypoglycemia.  I get lightheadedness, dizziness, I get cold, and I shake like a leaf.  My body warns me with hunger pangs.  If I don't heed them, I get sick.  I don't eat a lot either because of Adderall and gluten allergies.  So, when I'm hungry I have to pay attention. \n\nHope my ramblings are helpful.\n\nCheers, \n\nCarolyn" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am hypoglycemic. I ate breakfast, had eggs, bacon & whole grain bread w peanut butter. 3 hours later I ate chicken, green beans and brown/quoina rice. I checked my sugar at 1pm sugar was 103. I check my sugar again at 230ish because I was feeling a headache and sugar was about the same at 103. Why would my sugar be the same hours apart. The same thing happened the other day and I had blurred eye vision even though my sugar was at a \"normal\" #. So I got nervous today and drank a little juice thinking the same thing was going to happen." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I had another episode this morning. BG was 91 at 640am. I ate about 715am. On my way to work about 740 and had to turn around due to starting to get blurry vision. Checked sugar was 115. Drank juice and blurred vision went away in about 10-15 mins. Not sure why keeps happening. Dr. can't figure it out. Been stressed! Read and saw that cortisol hormones may be a cause. Can't sleep for past week.  Keep waking up at 3am with BG about 88." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nSorry you are not feeling well.  Your blood glucose levels are totally normal, not low.  \n\nThe result of 88 at 3 am in the morning is also totally normal. \n\nSo your symptoms are not being caused by blood sugar.\n\nMaybe stress or anxiety is playing a role in this.  Next time this happens, stop, relax, breathe deeply and see if it makes you feel better.   \n\nBest wishes to you." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am hypoglycemic. I ate breakfast, had eggs, bacon & whole grain bread w peanut butter. 3 hours later I ate chicken, green beans and brown/quoina rice. I checked my sugar at 1pm sugar was 103. I check my sugar again at 230ish because I was feeling a headache and sugar was about the same at 103. Why would my sugar be the same hours apart. The same thing happened the other day and I had blurred eye vision even though my sugar was at a \"normal\" #. So I got nervous today and drank a little juice thinking the same thing was going to happen." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nYour blood sugar levels of 103 are totally in the normal range considering what you ate.  When you are eating frequently then your blood sugar will likely stay fairly stable.  This is why you saw no change. \n\nHypoglycemia/ low blood sugar would be considered blood sugar levels less than about 70.  Your result of 103 is normal, not hypoglycemia. \n\nIt is likely that your symptoms may be from other causes.  Sometimes headaches can be a sign of not drinking enough - so a glass of water and a few minutes to relax / be quiet - may help a lot. \n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I just recently found out I was prediabetic after having blood work done at my obgyn and my a1c was high. They told me to see my MD and follow up with him so I did. About a year ago before being diagnosed I passed out a couple of times without knowing what was wrong. I went to the dr then and he said I was neurocardiogenic syncope. I mentioned doing blood work then since when I was younger my sugars were high in my urine. He said no that wasn't what was causing me to pass out. So when I visited him after finding out I was prediabetic all he told me was to eat better and to follow up with him in 6 months. He didn't seem to concerned. Should I look into finding a new dr?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello, with your symptoms and history, you definitely should be taken seriously.  What was the result of your hba1c?  Do you know that non-diabetics have results of < 5.0? \n\nYou need some further testing, and you need to be getting a blood sugar meter so you can measure the impact of what you eat and then use that information to plan your meals.  \n\nThe best way of eating for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, or even at risk for diabetes is low carb, moderate protein and higher fat (enough healthy fats to get the calories you need).  This can be similar to the paleo eating plan, or just avoiding sweets, sugars, most grains etc." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I just recently found out I was prediabetic after having blood work done at my obgyn and my a1c was high. They told me to see my MD and follow up with him so I did. About a year ago before being diagnosed I passed out a couple of times without knowing what was wrong. I went to the dr then and he said I was neurocardiogenic syncope. I mentioned doing blood work then since when I was younger my sugars were high in my urine. He said no that wasn't what was causing me to pass out. So when I visited him after finding out I was prediabetic all he told me was to eat better and to follow up with him in 6 months. He didn't seem to concerned. Should I look into finding a new dr?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Yes find a new md that will take YOUR health seriously" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am setting my fitness pal goals to help keep track of my diet.  Trying to figure out calorie/carb/fat/protein ratio. For someone pre-diabetic/possibly type 2.  I am 5'4 195 lbs.  I have it set for 1200 cal 25%carb 30%fat 45%protein.  I have had blood sugar issues but haven't been sticking with the program.  I have been feeling crappy lately so I started tracking sugars again and it's not so great.  I plan to got to the Dr. next week to have my a1c1 checked.  It's been a while.  Any advice would be great." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "You say your having problems with BG, carbohydrates raise BG  all carbs do is raise BG.\n\nIf its time to eat, if your BG is too high why eat a food (carbs)  that will only raise BG more?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am setting my fitness pal goals to help keep track of my diet.  Trying to figure out calorie/carb/fat/protein ratio. For someone pre-diabetic/possibly type 2.  I am 5'4 195 lbs.  I have it set for 1200 cal 25%carb 30%fat 45%protein.  I have had blood sugar issues but haven't been sticking with the program.  I have been feeling crappy lately so I started tracking sugars again and it's not so great.  I plan to got to the Dr. next week to have my a1c1 checked.  It's been a while.  Any advice would be great." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi Amy, \n\nI also use my fitness pal.  I eat low carb (keto style - < 20 g / day). However, some people don't want to be that strict and just eat lower carb). \n\nFor me I am tracking both macros and also have a target daily calories of about 1400 calories.   In my case my macro targets are 5% carbs (20g), 15% protein (60g) and 80% fats. \n\nA small scale is useful for weighing foods.   Read labels. Focus on eating unprocessed foods.\n\nAs a general guideline when eating low carb the easiest way is to cut out all grains and added sugars. No sweetened foods either.  Fruits will be limited to small portions of low carb fruits such as berries.  \n\nPlenty of salad and non-starchy vegetables, particularly green vegetables.    Fats should come naturally with the foods (such as fatty meats, avocado, nuts, full-fat dairy) and avoid processed fats. \n\nLet us know what your a1c is.  \n\nHope this response is helpful for you.   Please ask questions." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Thank you!" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "So this is going to be long, please forgive me! I just want to make sure I don't miss any details. \n\nI'm a 31 yo female, I have a long history of anxiety and it was self managed.  I have always coped with it appropriately.  Unfortunately, my form of anxiety/phobia is fear of health problems.  My main issue being fear of hypoglycemia. \n\nIn short, I'm trying to get to the bottom of my symptoms, they are becoming debilitating and are effecting my daily life.  This all went from 0-60 within the past 2 weeks, as before then I was managing just fine. \n\nNow onto the details.  I have no history of diabetes or pre-diabetes.  I'm a non smoker, non drinker, and I have a 2 year old son and am married.  I am on no medication. My blood work has all returned normal (thyroid, cbc, glucose, insulin, a1c).   \n\nI have these episodes, which started back in 2012, but at that point were infrequent, where I suddenly get anxious, shaky, vision impaired, sometimes sweaty, heart racing, and feeling like I will pass out.  This also is coupled with shaky legs.  Each time this happens, by the time I see a medical professional, via an urgent care, or hospital or EMS, my sugars have been normal and the symptoms dissipate slowly.   \n\nMy most recent extreme episode of this was two Friday's ago.  I had eaten within the hour, and had no test strips (I had not had the urge to test in quite some time, so never reordered since I was never diagnosed) I was driving home from work when suddenly I felt sluggish and weird, and within minutes my heart started racing, then faster and faster and faster until I couldn't catch my breath.  Then I felt like my vision was blurry, and I was rushing to get to my house.  I was stuck in traffic so this made my \"anxiety\" about this all worse.  By the time I got to my house, barely, I pulled into the driveway and could barely make it out of my car into the house because I had become so shakey and jello-legged, I felt like I couldn't even walk.  I'd like to mention that I had had sugar in the car, in the form of starbursts, so I did eat a few in the car during this episode. \n\nAs soon as I got home I rushed and ate some chicken leftovers, thinking my blood sugar kept dropping but couldn't determine this because I had no strips.  I felt better within a minute.   \n\nSince then, I have repeatedly had these episodes that occur at the same time of day, but now I have test strips again and my sugars are usually normal. (80's) but today I had my most recent episode and was at 78 during the beginning stages (heart racing, clammy hands and feeling sluggish).  I did not have any blood sugar spikes as my readings earlier today were in the mid 80s. \n\nI was in the ER last week for a similar issue, but this time my sugar was 68, and I made my husband call 911 after I felt like I was about to faint.  I know I slightly panicked from seeing the low(er) number, but I'm wondering if I'm having hypoglycemia AND anxiety, and that is why I'm not being correctly diagnosed.   \n\nI am beyond frustrated because my Dr. keeps telling me i'm fine, but I don't feel fine.  I'm constantly nauseated now, and usually wake up anxious and with a pounding heart (sugars normal then).  But I feel that I have something undiagnosed! \n\nPlease help! :(" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Research POTS...kinda sounds like that to me" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "So this is going to be long, please forgive me! I just want to make sure I don't miss any details. \n\nI'm a 31 yo female, I have a long history of anxiety and it was self managed.  I have always coped with it appropriately.  Unfortunately, my form of anxiety/phobia is fear of health problems.  My main issue being fear of hypoglycemia. \n\nIn short, I'm trying to get to the bottom of my symptoms, they are becoming debilitating and are effecting my daily life.  This all went from 0-60 within the past 2 weeks, as before then I was managing just fine. \n\nNow onto the details.  I have no history of diabetes or pre-diabetes.  I'm a non smoker, non drinker, and I have a 2 year old son and am married.  I am on no medication. My blood work has all returned normal (thyroid, cbc, glucose, insulin, a1c).   \n\nI have these episodes, which started back in 2012, but at that point were infrequent, where I suddenly get anxious, shaky, vision impaired, sometimes sweaty, heart racing, and feeling like I will pass out.  This also is coupled with shaky legs.  Each time this happens, by the time I see a medical professional, via an urgent care, or hospital or EMS, my sugars have been normal and the symptoms dissipate slowly.   \n\nMy most recent extreme episode of this was two Friday's ago.  I had eaten within the hour, and had no test strips (I had not had the urge to test in quite some time, so never reordered since I was never diagnosed) I was driving home from work when suddenly I felt sluggish and weird, and within minutes my heart started racing, then faster and faster and faster until I couldn't catch my breath.  Then I felt like my vision was blurry, and I was rushing to get to my house.  I was stuck in traffic so this made my \"anxiety\" about this all worse.  By the time I got to my house, barely, I pulled into the driveway and could barely make it out of my car into the house because I had become so shakey and jello-legged, I felt like I couldn't even walk.  I'd like to mention that I had had sugar in the car, in the form of starbursts, so I did eat a few in the car during this episode. \n\nAs soon as I got home I rushed and ate some chicken leftovers, thinking my blood sugar kept dropping but couldn't determine this because I had no strips.  I felt better within a minute.   \n\nSince then, I have repeatedly had these episodes that occur at the same time of day, but now I have test strips again and my sugars are usually normal. (80's) but today I had my most recent episode and was at 78 during the beginning stages (heart racing, clammy hands and feeling sluggish).  I did not have any blood sugar spikes as my readings earlier today were in the mid 80s. \n\nI was in the ER last week for a similar issue, but this time my sugar was 68, and I made my husband call 911 after I felt like I was about to faint.  I know I slightly panicked from seeing the low(er) number, but I'm wondering if I'm having hypoglycemia AND anxiety, and that is why I'm not being correctly diagnosed.   \n\nI am beyond frustrated because my Dr. keeps telling me i'm fine, but I don't feel fine.  I'm constantly nauseated now, and usually wake up anxious and with a pounding heart (sugars normal then).  But I feel that I have something undiagnosed! \n\nPlease help! :(" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "dsorvillo, we also have an anxiety community that is pretty active. perhaps some there have experienced what you have and can help.\n\n\n\nThanks for coming to MedHelp for advice, and please do stick around, share with others, and stay in touch." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "So this is going to be long, please forgive me! I just want to make sure I don't miss any details. \n\nI'm a 31 yo female, I have a long history of anxiety and it was self managed.  I have always coped with it appropriately.  Unfortunately, my form of anxiety/phobia is fear of health problems.  My main issue being fear of hypoglycemia. \n\nIn short, I'm trying to get to the bottom of my symptoms, they are becoming debilitating and are effecting my daily life.  This all went from 0-60 within the past 2 weeks, as before then I was managing just fine. \n\nNow onto the details.  I have no history of diabetes or pre-diabetes.  I'm a non smoker, non drinker, and I have a 2 year old son and am married.  I am on no medication. My blood work has all returned normal (thyroid, cbc, glucose, insulin, a1c).   \n\nI have these episodes, which started back in 2012, but at that point were infrequent, where I suddenly get anxious, shaky, vision impaired, sometimes sweaty, heart racing, and feeling like I will pass out.  This also is coupled with shaky legs.  Each time this happens, by the time I see a medical professional, via an urgent care, or hospital or EMS, my sugars have been normal and the symptoms dissipate slowly.   \n\nMy most recent extreme episode of this was two Friday's ago.  I had eaten within the hour, and had no test strips (I had not had the urge to test in quite some time, so never reordered since I was never diagnosed) I was driving home from work when suddenly I felt sluggish and weird, and within minutes my heart started racing, then faster and faster and faster until I couldn't catch my breath.  Then I felt like my vision was blurry, and I was rushing to get to my house.  I was stuck in traffic so this made my \"anxiety\" about this all worse.  By the time I got to my house, barely, I pulled into the driveway and could barely make it out of my car into the house because I had become so shakey and jello-legged, I felt like I couldn't even walk.  I'd like to mention that I had had sugar in the car, in the form of starbursts, so I did eat a few in the car during this episode. \n\nAs soon as I got home I rushed and ate some chicken leftovers, thinking my blood sugar kept dropping but couldn't determine this because I had no strips.  I felt better within a minute.   \n\nSince then, I have repeatedly had these episodes that occur at the same time of day, but now I have test strips again and my sugars are usually normal. (80's) but today I had my most recent episode and was at 78 during the beginning stages (heart racing, clammy hands and feeling sluggish).  I did not have any blood sugar spikes as my readings earlier today were in the mid 80s. \n\nI was in the ER last week for a similar issue, but this time my sugar was 68, and I made my husband call 911 after I felt like I was about to faint.  I know I slightly panicked from seeing the low(er) number, but I'm wondering if I'm having hypoglycemia AND anxiety, and that is why I'm not being correctly diagnosed.   \n\nI am beyond frustrated because my Dr. keeps telling me i'm fine, but I don't feel fine.  I'm constantly nauseated now, and usually wake up anxious and with a pounding heart (sugars normal then).  But I feel that I have something undiagnosed! \n\nPlease help! :(" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nYour reported blood sugars are all in the normal range.  Normal blood sugars are typically in the range of 70 - 90ish.  Consider that your meter has a small error margin, so 68 is also well within normal for a non-diabetic woman. \n\nIt does sound like a panic attack, and they can be very disturbing.\n\nAnyway, to keep blood sugars stable you are recommended to eat a diet that is high in healthy naturally occurring fats, moderate amounts of protein, with plenty of vegetables and some fruits.  Sugar, and sweetened foods will actually place you at more risks of potential hypoglycemia. \n\nIn case you were 'low\", it takes very little sugar to raise blood sugar to normal.  Your blood only has about 2 tsp of sugar in it for your entire body.   So a single piece of hard candy would be enough to bring you up from 68 - 80 or so. \n\nCan you work with a psychologist to develop techniques to handle the anxiety / panic attacks?  It is likely that the more attacks you have the more you may fear having an attack and the more likely that you may have another attack (as you are already fearful / anxious). \n\nFrom what you've said I can reassure you that your sugars are normal! \n\nWishing you health." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "my wonderful girlfriend is type 1. i'm still learning what that all means. curiously asking questions she tested my blood sugar and it was 160 4 hours after last meal. she freaked. i've been testing multiple times throughout the day now and she is very concerned that my levels are all over the place. 40 riding Harley, 144 after fasting, sudden drops, prolonged 'highs' and now is attributing my numb limbs and wrist issues to diabetes. i have to sleep with braces due to 15 years on a computer. numbness is from nerve damage from multiple sports injuries / surgeries. i'm a business owner so i don't have insurance. she's pressing me to go to the doctor but i won't go here in the US. i promised her that if 80% of the responses here say i should fly down to Costa Rica (JCI accredited hospital) to get proper, affordable testing, i will. and yes, she gets to come and we get to surf :) Seriously though, are her concerns valid? should I get tested and if so what test(s) should i get? THANK YOU!!!" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "She may be right to be concerned.  I think it may be wise for you get some proper testing.  What she is observing seems not be quite normal...\n\nEating lower carb, unprocessed foods may also help .  You can also do some more testing; fasting, 2hours after eating and then before next meal to get some data.  You also then see the benefit of eating different foods; which make you high, and which don't." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "my wonderful girlfriend is type 1. i'm still learning what that all means. curiously asking questions she tested my blood sugar and it was 160 4 hours after last meal. she freaked. i've been testing multiple times throughout the day now and she is very concerned that my levels are all over the place. 40 riding Harley, 144 after fasting, sudden drops, prolonged 'highs' and now is attributing my numb limbs and wrist issues to diabetes. i have to sleep with braces due to 15 years on a computer. numbness is from nerve damage from multiple sports injuries / surgeries. i'm a business owner so i don't have insurance. she's pressing me to go to the doctor but i won't go here in the US. i promised her that if 80% of the responses here say i should fly down to Costa Rica (JCI accredited hospital) to get proper, affordable testing, i will. and yes, she gets to come and we get to surf :) Seriously though, are her concerns valid? should I get tested and if so what test(s) should i get? THANK YOU!!!" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Yes her concerns are valid BG of 160 4 hours after eating is high.  Fasting BG of 144 is high.  BG of 40 is very low and you risked passing out while riding.  \n\nBeing a T1 she eats and uses insulin to control her BG.  *most likely* you are a T2  for T2 many people find that eating a low carb high fat LCHF diet helps to control there BG.  carbohydrates raise BG even whole wheat will raise BG.  do get checked out sooner rather than later pssing out while riding will ruin your hole day." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am on a strict diet and excercising. Why is my blood sugar (122-147) in the AM. After meals it is 111. I take no meds and very healthy. Very confused" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I test when I wake up in the AM and a few hours after eating dinner." }, { "role": "user", "content": "More to the point  Your BG numbers are high because you have diabetes.  what that means is your body cant control your BG so you have to.\n\nCarbohydrates raise BG... all carbs raise BG.  Drugs, exercise lower BG.\n\nTry testing 1 hour after eating that will tell you how high your BG goes from the food you eat." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am on a strict diet and excercising. Why is my blood sugar (122-147) in the AM. After meals it is 111. I take no meds and very healthy. Very confused" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "You probably have DP (dawn phenomenon)  Your liver is helping you to get going in the morning by providing energy in the form of glucose.  Every ones liver does this.  The problem is your body cant handle all that glucose so your BG goes up.   Metformin helps to reduce the liver output of glucose, Metformin also increases insulin sensitivity.\n\nWhen do you test \"after eating\" ( 1 hour or 2 hours...)?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "today blood sugar test has been done. blood suar fasting 103 mg & taking meals after 2hours report 116 mg.pls advice me about report" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "thanks for your thing i want to ask you that i am taking my meals without any sugar materials. i am taking medicine Formin 500SR one tab daily. then why l am loosing weight regularly. now a days my weight is 64 kg." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Hi, maybe you are losing weight because of the metformin (it is a known side effect which is beneficial for many).  You may also be losing weight because you are eating less calories. \n\nDo you want to lose weight?  If you do, continue what you are doing. \n\nIf you don't want to lose weight, you will need to eat more calories.  These should be from more healthy fats (full fat dairy, butter, cream, olive oil, avocado etc), or by adding more protein (meats, eggs, nuts, etc). \n\nHope this hlps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "today blood sugar test has been done. blood suar fasting 103 mg & taking meals after 2hours report 116 mg.pls advice me about report" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nthe fasting of 103 is just marginally higher than normal.  the 116 2 hours after eating is normal. \n\nSuggest you take lifestyle measures to be sure that you maintain normal situation.  This includes avoiding processed and sweetened foods, lower carb eating (unprocessed and plenty of veges is ideal, along with quality protein), regular exercise, and keeping weight at optimum level." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have my mom's old blood sugar tester. I test it from time to time because she died from complications of diabetes. It has always been somewhere between 90 and 110. The bottom of my feet have been numb this week, and of course having anxiety issues, I google search it and it comes up diabetic. Ok, so then I checked my blood sugar last night and it was 148, however, it was within an hour of eating a sandwich. I just took it again now and it was 111. I haven't eaten since noon and it is after 5:30 now." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi, \nAtkins diet is a low carb diet.  If it worked for you weight and health wise you probably should go back on it. \n\nOn a low carb diet, you can still eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables, which are also good for health." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have my mom's old blood sugar tester. I test it from time to time because she died from complications of diabetes. It has always been somewhere between 90 and 110. The bottom of my feet have been numb this week, and of course having anxiety issues, I google search it and it comes up diabetic. Ok, so then I checked my blood sugar last night and it was 148, however, it was within an hour of eating a sandwich. I just took it again now and it was 111. I haven't eaten since noon and it is after 5:30 now." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "The other test to do is called Hba1c, which measures your average blood sugar over the last 3 months.  This is a blood test done by your Dr. \n\nIf you are prone to diabetes (family history), it may be worth adopting lifestyle measures that can help prevent / or delay onset.  These include regular exercise, normalizing weight, and eating a lower carb diet. \n\nGiven the family hsitroy you should be monitored at least annually to track how things are going. \n\nA blood sugar level of 148 an hour after eating is a little on the high side, but not alarmingly so.  You may wish to eat lower carb foods.  Your blood sugar level of 111 after 5 hours of not eating, is not high, however, after 5 hours of not eating your blood sugar levels should have gone back down to fasting levels (these are ideally in the 70 - 95 range).\n\nOf course, there is the chance that the meter is old and not working properly.... However, best y ou get this looked into and adopt appropriate lifestyle measures, as mentioned." }, { "role": "user", "content": "I had my blood test done about 2 years ago and it was perfect. I do not eat sweets at all, no cake, no candy bars, no candy. I've been on and off of the Atkins diet through the years but I have not been on it in about 10 months. I am 45, weigh 218 (5'10\")\n\nAnd I mean, when I say I don't eat sweets, I may have had a half of a donut in the past 3 weeks and that is it." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Its NOT sugar its carbohydrates.  Your body turns ALL carbs into BG (blood sugar)  pasta, potatos, rice, bread...  All get converted to BG." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Like i said before, I had it checked a couple of years ago and it was fine. However, the Atkin's diet was great but I \"fell off the wagon.\" Should I consider going back on it?\n\nI went from 240 to 200 in just 6 months. I am at 218 now." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have my mom's old blood sugar tester. I test it from time to time because she died from complications of diabetes. It has always been somewhere between 90 and 110. The bottom of my feet have been numb this week, and of course having anxiety issues, I google search it and it comes up diabetic. Ok, so then I checked my blood sugar last night and it was 148, however, it was within an hour of eating a sandwich. I just took it again now and it was 111. I haven't eaten since noon and it is after 5:30 now." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Rather than worry, go see an MD and tell them of your concern.  \nAsk for a GTT (glucose tolerance test) It needs to be done properly, your BG needs to be tested every 15 to 20 minutes for 3 hours.  That will tel you a lot about your  bodies response to carbohydrates, Like your phase 1 and phase 2 insulin response.\nBetter to know than to worry.\n\nGood luck" }, { "role": "user", "content": "Also If its an old meter make sure the strips are NOT old too  Old strips could give bad reading" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My homeopath diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and said that its best to only have 50 grams of carbs a day. Is this a reasonable carb intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I eat under 50gr of carbs a day.  \nReasonable or not depends on who you ask.  We do know  carbs are what your body turns to Blood Glucose (BG).  Dont confuse the carb with the stuff its mixed with, vitamins, minerals.  All those are available in other foods without the carbs." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My homeopath diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and said that its best to only have 50 grams of carbs a day. Is this a reasonable carb intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "<20g!  \n\nGo full Keto, bro!\n\nI did and am shedding even more weight than when I did <500 cal a day liquid diet!\n\nBe warned, there is a \"Keto flu\" phase. But think of it as your initiation to greater energy and health." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My homeopath diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and said that its best to only have 50 grams of carbs a day. Is this a reasonable carb intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I am for this for carb intake:\nBreakfast 6g\nLunch 12g\nDinner 12g" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My homeopath diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and said that its best to only have 50 grams of carbs a day. Is this a reasonable carb intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "50g of carbs a day is a good place to start. I personally eat a Ketogenic diet of 20g or less net carbs a day. Most of my diet comes from meat, cheese and non-starchy vegetables. The high levels of fat in my diet help keep me satiated and promotes weight loss. I also tend to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I eat gluten free and grain free." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My homeopath diagnosed me as pre-diabetic, and said that its best to only have 50 grams of carbs a day. Is this a reasonable carb intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nWould be best to get a blood sugar meter and to use it to determine what foods do and don't affect your blood sugars.  To do this, test about 90 minutes to 2 hours after eating and see what your blood sugars are.  Target is < 120, though ideally < 100.\nLow carb is used by many to help control blood sugar levels.  Whether you can eat 50 g of carbs per day, or more, or less will depend on your sugar levels.\nWhen eating low carb, most of your carbs will come from non-starchy vegetables.  Grains and sweetened foods, and even most fruits will be very limited if at all.   To ensure you have enough calories with this approach, you need to eat higher fat foods (healthy fats - this is unprocessed fats such as cream, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, fatty fish, meats, nuts, avocado).  Avoid vegetable oils as these are highly processed and not so healthy.  And also eat quality protein.\n\nPaleo approach or mediteranean (without the potato, pasta, bread, etc) would be examples of the approach." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "58 is a bit on the low side.  \n\nHowever, considering you are taking no medications for diabetes it may not be dangerous, though you wouldn't want to go much lower.   \n\nIdeally though blood sugars stays in the 70 - 90 range for fasting and less than 120 after eating. \n\nIf you are prone to low blood sugar, then eat regularly.  Eat lower carb meals and stay active." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Thanks for the response.\n\nI am trying to lose weight by trying a low cal, liquid diet.  Doc said I was pre-d a year ago, and so I want to try and burn as much stored fat as possible.  \n\nI drink 2-3 diet shakes a day ranging between 140-190 cal each, and half a cup of non-starchy veggies a day.  \n\nThis is why the 58 didn't concern me too much, and remember... I have anxiety and I know about the hypo-unaware issue too.  \n\nMy BP is now in the normal range from prehypertension.  It wasn't too drastic... just numbers like 121/72 and sometimes 128/70, and 114/76.  Notice how one of the two numbers will be normal and the other in the pre-h range?  But now, at day 5 of this diet, they're in the normal ranges." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "142lbs now!  On a serious diet!\n\n58 BG this morning.  But not hypo... not that I know of. Didn't have any bad symptoms.  In fact, I felt great!\n\nAnyone out there?" }, { "role": "user", "content": "58 is a Hypo Medically speaking anything under 70 is considered hypo.  Not being able to tell is called hypo-unaware and is a dangerous condition.  It can lead to dangerously low BG." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Also, is it possible to be prediabetic and experience Neuropathy symptoms?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I'm afraid of it all.\n\nBut mostly... I'm afraid of complications.  Heart disease, kidney issues, etc.\n\nJust my recent bout of athlete's foot was enough to have me afraid.\n\nI got the True2Go meter.  64bg after fasting for 16+ hours, and 80 at hour 1 and in the 70s for hours 2, and 3 after I ate a nice steak with mushrooms, onions, and a bit of A1 sauce.\n\nIt seems a lot more accurate.  Cause again, at pre and having eaten 2 meatballs and a sausage, and it took 13+ hours to get under 100!?  And it was like 118 according to that first meter 2 hours after eating those meatballs.  So it took my body 13hrs to go from 118 to 96?  No way.  \n\nI am 5'3\" and 146.2lbs, only 11.2 lbs overweight.  That crappy meter did motivate to work out even harder and have even less cheat meals though." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "At 6% your a pre-diabetic  meaning you have not crossed the  magical line in the sand to become diabetic.  \n\nThe question is are you afraid of the lable diabetic OR are you afraid of the complications from UN-CONTROLLED diabetes?\n\nIf your afraid of the label do nothing and you wont get the label.  If your afraid of the complications then go get a GTT* (Glucose Tolerance Test).  That will give you info that you can use to control your BG so you dont get the complications.\n\n* GTT to be useful must be done properly.  BG should be checked every 15 or 20 minutes for 3 hours to see how well you body responds to carbohydrates." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I suffer from some anxiety and such.  Last year I freaked when my doc told me my A1C was 6.0.\n\nExactly one year ago my fasting numbers were always perfect even though he said I had a higher than normal A1C.\n\nAnyway, yesterday I ate 2 meat balls and a sausage for lunch while I work.  Weird choice of food, I know, but those were the least \"Carby\" foods.\n\nThat was at 3pm... at like 8pm(5hrs post) my sugar was 107(or close) and then at 11pm(8 hours post) it was 96.  \n\nIt took THAT long for my sugar to be below 100 again!  That was NEVER the case last year.  Last year it was a matter of two hours and done!\n\nDoes this mean my a1c is in the diabetic range and I'm full blown?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Okay, never mind.  I just read the reviews for Wally world's Reli-On meter.\n\nIt is VERY inaccurate and can be as high as 30-70 points difference in numbers when comparing with other devices.  Not surprising when I paid $9." }, { "role": "user", "content": "your assuming its the meter thats wrong.\n\nAll meters are only 80% accurate... meaning there is a 20% error on meters." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been pre diabetic diagnosed for 2 weeks but my BG is all over the place will it settle down soon ?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I was diagnosed with it 6 months ago. You need an appointment with a dietition. I had to realize I had control over what I put in my mouth. I cut out all sweets, bread, most pasta, & anything I drink is without sugar. I joined a health club & swim & use water weights every day. I have lost 10lbs. So far. I had to ask myself am I living to eat or eating to live. Once I did that I set out to get healthy." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been pre diabetic diagnosed for 2 weeks but my BG is all over the place will it settle down soon ?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "No it will not.  Diabetes IS un-controlled BG  .  You have to control your BG.\nCarbohydrates raise BG...ALL carbs raise BG.\nexercise lowers BG\ndrugs lower BG (I mean diabetic drugs not the ones fun to take)\n\neat less carbs have less BG rise.\n\ngoogle \"eat to your meter\"" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hello all. Please I need help and answers. What if in a day one does fasting three times that is after breakfast, lunch and dinner and notice the blood sugar is only high ie above 120 only once or maybe twice, am I and my baby still safe? Or is itokay?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello, \nIf your blood sugar is only slightly high (target is less than 140 all the time) then your baby is likely fine.  However diabetes in pregnancy trends to get worse as the pregnancy progresses,  so you will need to keep monitoring,  watching your duet,  and working with your medical team,  including medications if necessary,  through the rest of your pregnancy. \n\nBest wishes" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been instructed by my health assessment to join this community as part of credit earning. I know it's because of my BMI being high. But is it a way to redirect me to turn my weight around before I do become diabetic? I am confused as to why I need to do this for my health credits." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Since I dont give the \"health Credits\" I have no Idea why you need to be here.  Ask who ever gives the \"credits\".  As for being over weight  only 12% of the over weight people develop diabetes,  6% or 9% (I dont remember which) non obese people develop diabetes." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been instructed by my health assessment to join this community as part of credit earning. I know it's because of my BMI being high. But is it a way to redirect me to turn my weight around before I do become diabetic? I am confused as to why I need to do this for my health credits." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "To address your BMI, you may look at eating a low carb diet, avoiding sweets and sugars, and eating modest portions of food; such that you feel satisfied after eating, but not stuffed.\n\nDaily exercise will also be very beneficial.  Walking, biking, swimming for aerobic benefit, and then ideally some weight exercises for muscle strength. \n\nIf you are overweight, it would be recommended to have annual checking of blood sugars (fasting, and Hba1c - average 3 month blood sugars) to be sure you are not developing diabetes.\n\nHowever, as mentioned by diabetes86, being overweight is not a guarantee that you will get diabetes.  nor is being slim a guarantee that you won't." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Recently diagnosed pre diabetic. Fasting has been 92-111. Last 2 weeks. This orange \"meter\" in this app seems to say that's in range, but afraid it's too high. I am doing all I can to lower, have been very educated, thank God. Wondering how it can take for lifestyle changes to get it down.  At what point is medication needed?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nIdeal fasting levels will be < 95.  Perhaps the app is saying this is in range because blood sugar levels are only considered diabetic once they are 125 or higher for fasting.\n\nAre you eating low carb?  Many find this is very helpful to lower blood sugar.  A small snack at night (low carb / fat/ protein based), may actually help your fasting numbers (because it makes it less likely for your liver to put out glucose in the early morning - called dawn phenomenon.\n\nUsing your meter you can also test after eating (about 2 hours target is < 120), and using this information you can then adjust what you eat. \n\nYou may also find it better to eat your heaviest meal earlier in the day.  A walk after meals if you can may also help. \n\nThis is all about experimentation to find what works for you and your body.\n\nIf your sugars are not too high, then I would give 2 - 3 months of earnest lifestyle measures.  If this still doesn't get you to target ask your Dr to prescribe metformin (first line treatment for type 2, which is often very effective).\n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Board line" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nDo you have problem with blood sugars?\n\nHave you been tested?  Testing will be the best way to know what is going on.." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I dont know how to classify myself\nEither type 2 or prediabetic\nWhat are the governing numbers?\nI am now for 2 eeaks on low carb diet and no medication" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi\n\nPrediabetic and diabetic are a continuum. Going by hba1c truly normal is less than 5.0, 5.7 or so wool get you diagnosed as Prediabetic, 6.5 or so diabetic  - depending on the lab ranges. \n\nFasting < 95 normal, 95 - 124 Prediabetic, 125 + diabetic. \n\n2 hour post eating should be < 120 to be normal. \n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I dont know how to classify myself\nEither type 2 or prediabetic\nWhat are the governing numbers?\nI am now for 2 eeaks on low carb diet and no medication" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thanks a lot" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Yesterday my morning BG was 92. I had very low carb meals with the daily total being 52 carbs. This morning my initial BG was 108 and I cant understand why, or what more I could do the keep this reading under 100. Any thoughts that could help me understand?  Thanks so much." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,  in my experience it v is nut just carbs but also total calories,  and physical activity that affect your blood sugar. You need to look at pattern  over time rather than just 1 or 2 days, results.  Stick with low carb,  exercise,  and keep monitoring." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Yesterday my morning BG was 92. I had very low carb meals with the daily total being 52 carbs. This morning my initial BG was 108 and I cant understand why, or what more I could do the keep this reading under 100. Any thoughts that could help me understand?  Thanks so much." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Lots of things effect BG\n\nFor one thing your meter has a 20% error in it so your BG 92 and 108 could be the same \n\n92 X 20% = 18.4  added to 92 meant your actual BG could have been 110.4\n\nAnd BG always changes,  so you will unlikely get the exact same reading every morning.\n\nYou dont say if you have been DX as prediabetic or not but diabetes IS the body's in ability to properly regulate BG, so one would expect changes in BG\n\nInfection or illness can raise BG even before you know you are sick." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "today i have done my blood test. fasting 97mg & after meal 81 mg. still i am takinf formin 500 SR tab daily. pl advice me whether i wii continue the medicine" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello,\n\nYour blood sugar appears to be close to normal.  However, this good result may be due to your taking medication.  It is good that the medicine is working well. \n\nPlease do not stop taking medication.  Discuss any concerns with your Doctor." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "today i have done my blood test. fasting 97mg & after meal 81 mg. still i am takinf formin 500 SR tab daily. pl advice me whether i wii continue the medicine" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "pls inform me the report is normal?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "was 68.5 kg in october 2015 & now is 65 kg.I am taking one tab daily." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thats great that you lost weight.  What needs clarification?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "was 68.5 kg in october 2015 & now is 65 kg.I am taking one tab daily." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "It is well known that metformin is beneficial for some patients in helping them lose weight.  It does this by reducing insulin resistance.\nThat is great!" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "was 68.5 kg in october 2015 & now is 65 kg.I am taking one tab daily." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I neen to say that Formin 500  SR tab is also useful for reducing weight?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "What exactly is it that i should focus on? I know staying active is very important but as far as food? sweets of course is a big thing but i herd of so many foods you shouldn't eat. I'm not sure what's ok and what's not any more? should i focus on carbs? or just calories? or fat?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello,\n\ndiabetes is a problem with metabolism of carbohydrates.  Therefore the foods that you need to restrict are carbohydrates.\n\nThe carbs which should be restricted are sugars, sweetened foods, foods made from grains (bread, pasta, noodles, rice, corn), sweet fruits, starchy carbs such potato. \n\nVegetables are healthy and should be eaten abundantly, aside from the starchy ones.  Salad vegetables also ok.\n\nProtein has minimal effect on blood sugar, and good quality proteins should be eaten.  Fats don't impact blood sugar.  Healthy fats should be eaten to make up energy requirements.  These will include unprocessed oils (olive, coconut, nut oils, avocado) and animal fats; butter, cream, lard, fish oils.  Avoid transfats, manmade fats such as margarine and heavily processed oils such as vegetable oils.  \n\nMost of your food should be unprocessed or minimally processed.  Avoid foods with many ingredients, particularly with additives and chemicals. \n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "What exactly is it that i should focus on? I know staying active is very important but as far as food? sweets of course is a big thing but i herd of so many foods you shouldn't eat. I'm not sure what's ok and what's not any more? should i focus on carbs? or just calories? or fat?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Have you been diagnosed?  \nwhat are your BG numbers like fasting?  1 hour after eating?\nwhat do you eat?\nActivity is VERY important.\n\nMy grandmother knew that bread made you fat... then in the 70s the FDA decided that fat was bad and carbs were good... Now we have a obesity epidemic." }, { "role": "user", "content": "I do not have diabetes yet but my blood readings showed high so I am now attending a pre diabetes program once a week. We have not covered the food subject yet but i know that is my biggest problem so I would really like to find out what foods to stay away from other than sweets." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "A couple of months ago i ran a blood sugar test and the result had increased from 84mg/dl to 106mg/dl,I was then advised by the doctor to watch my carbohydrate intake and eat healthy. I will like to state here that my favorite kind of meals are carbs, and i only managed to hid to the doctors advise of taking vegetables and fruits for about 1-2 weeks after the result.I recently noticed that i urinate frequently at night and that has brought fear and concern again to my sugar levels. Please what do i eat or take to lower it as soon as possible?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Carbohydrates raise Blood Sugar (BG)  ALL carbs raise BG.\nEat carbs have high BG.\n\nexercise works well at reducing BG.  Metformin helps your body to use your own insulin better to reduce BG.  Met also reduces your liver dumping BG into your blood." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I've had hypoglycemia symptoms  for about 2-3 months unaware & when I found out I've had my sugar low for a long time I started checking my sugar & correcting it. But now from one day to another my sugar will NOT stabilize. I used to be between 70-90 now it goes from 47-198!\nI feel terrible all the time. \nI'm convinced I did this to myself \"accidentally\"\nI have a severe anxiety disorder so I'm always worried & nervous & have constant panic attacks throughout  the day- I can't afford treatment\nI have clinical depression\nInsomnia\n& I'm an extremely picky eater\n& I stress eat\nI don't drink water because I don't get thirsty\nI think at first the stress & anxiety would make my sugar drop giving me nightmares & panic attacks. \nI first had a super low blood sugar 'Attack' on Black Friday night. I showed all the symptoms (before I knew what they were) but worse. My sugar was down to 47 & had had a SEVERE panic attack the night before I had one big one & then lots of small ones every 5 minutes that only last about 3-5 minutes. \nI was irritated\nGrumpy\nAnxious\nTired\nShaky\nNauseas \nAnd all I wanted to do was sleep. \nMy boyfriend made me check my sugar (his moms machine) & it was 47. They gave me some sweets & I perked right up. That night I did a lot of research & found out I've been probably been having hypo for about 2-3 months. \n3-4 days went by after my conclusion & I was taking care making sure I ate enough (I ate maybe once a day occasionally twice) & had emergency oj & candy around the house. I felt adventurous one night & decided to pig out on a burger & small fries w/oj at around 8-9pm\nI woke up drenched in sweat & panicking & had to check my sugar & it was the highest I'd ever seen it, 198. \nI had another panick attack because of it & probably spiked it even more. \nNow my sugar won't go down. The highest it's been while I was \"healthy\" was 97\nLast time I checked it was around June/August. \nNow I wake up with 114,118,171 but never past 198-yet \n2 hours fasting still high ish 108,119,121\nI've made a huge change in diet, it wasn't that bad to begin with all I eat is chicken, fruits, some veggies & drink tea. I don't really eat red meat or pork & I don't eat fish \n I eat fast food once a week when j see my boyfriend but it's usually chicken teriyaki, chipotle chicken bowls & sometimes tacos & club sandwiches. \nI LOVE potatoes & pastries -I know bad-\nBut it's not everyday. \nNow I eat like half a whole grain bagel, with 1/4 banana & half a tablespoon of peanut butter with green tea & water for breakfast & my sugar is still too high. It's only been since Friday night/Saturday morning since my sugar has spiked & today is Tuesday. \nI can't afford any medical treatment whatsoever, not even medical or Medicaid. I don't know What's going on I've had stress & panic attacks since then. I can't eat I'm nauseas all the time & I'm really really scared. \nI've been going on walks everyday since then 30 min, an hour & today for about 3-4 hours & I just always feel horrible. \nWhenever I work out my sugar spikes & I don't know how to bring it down & it gives me anxiety which only makes it worse. If I don't work out its still high. \nI've stayed between 70-90 fasting\n& maybe 90-100 after food. \nI'm an avid hiker & amateur rock climber. I've played sports all my life & I've been a camp Counsler since 2009. I try to stay active as possible despite my weight. I've always been chunky around 250-260lbs as an adult\nNow I'm down to 241\nI was 247 last week\nI'm only 22\n& I've never been this messed up in life & I'm terribly terribly scared. \nI'm obsessing over this & I'm making myself sicker.  My boyfriend tells me not to worry because 100-140 aren't bad, but I don't want it to go past 100 because I'm terrified of becoming diabetic. \nI'm eating & working out as if I already were diabetic but I'm just miserable, sad, hungry & sick. It's made my depression worse & I've had to stop taking all my Meds because they all lower my sugar or might make me insulin resistant." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi, \n\nFirst thing take a deep breath.  As you well know your anxiety isn't helping anything.   You will need to make a conscious effort on managing it. \n\nIt is also not recommended to stop taking your anxiety meds.  You need to keep your anxiety under control so you can deal with other things in your life.\n\nIdeally you will get in to see a dr when you can and get properly checked.   \n\nBlood sugar levels of 100 - 140 are NOT an emergency, and don't automatically make you diabetic.  Nor will you automatically progress to diabetes.  You have time to deal with this.   \n\nThe way to manage possible diabetes with diet (and this should also help with your anxiety) is with low carb, high healthy fats, and moderate protein diet.  This way of eating is similar to paleo, new atkins induction, ketogenic.   \n\nI am actually diabetic and have to use insulin.  I follow the ketogenic eating approach and my fats intake is about 80% of energy, protein is about 15% of energy, and carbs are about 5% of energy.  With this approach my blood sugars are excellent and I have greatly reduced how much insulin I need to use.     With the ketogenic way of eating I have also managed to slowly lose weight. \n\nExercise daily.  Find ways to manage your stress.   \n\nBreakfast will ideally be protein and fat (not bagel, banana and peanut butter, which combined are nearly all carb).  For example eggs fried in butter, some cheese, and some green veges. \n\nLunch and dinner for me are typically some sort of fatty meat and plenty of non-starchy vegetables.  My snacks are nuts, cheese, vegetables. \n\nHope this is helpful for you." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Thank you for your input!\nI've never had medication or treatment for my anxiety so my meds aren't anxiety meds. \nI have to use a steroid nasal spray\nOxytocin \nNaproxen\nAmoxicillin \n& I'm currently on the Depo shot. I read that All but the oxytocin can cuase  blood sugar problems &/or insulin resistance so I've stopped taking all except the oxytocin.  \nI'm incredibly scared of eating anything so far so I'm still looking for things to eat. I'm incredibly poor & food is hard to come by so I eat what I can get & right now I have bagels :/ \nAll other food in my house is super bad for blood sugar. Potatoes, white bread, tortillas, orange juice, banana, oranges etc. \nI need to control my anxiety but it's really really hard. Usually it's irrational anxiety but I've been under enormous stress for the past 3-6 months. I've lost my 3rd job this year (thanks anxiety) I had to drop out of college, my mother just left back to her home country last night (this is literally the root of my current anxiety I'm sure) & I might lose my apartment. The last thing I need is diabetes. I ran out of test strips today, I used my last one today at 3 after my walk & I was at 124. \nI read that normal blood sugar for a non diabetic is supposed to be between 70-90 & that's why it's freaking me out. I feel like everyone just thinks I'm melodramatic but I am getting sick from my sugar going past 100. I'm shaky, nauseas, anxious & I feel like I need to vomit. My heart keeps beating fast & I get cold sweats & chills. \nI've never wanted my sugar to be low the way I want it to be now. At least when it's low I can eat somewhat comfortably. Whenever I eat when it's it's 100+ I gag while chewing & I cannot swallow because food is just disgusting." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I've had hypoglycemia symptoms  for about 2-3 months unaware & when I found out I've had my sugar low for a long time I started checking my sugar & correcting it. But now from one day to another my sugar will NOT stabilize. I used to be between 70-90 now it goes from 47-198!\nI feel terrible all the time. \nI'm convinced I did this to myself \"accidentally\"\nI have a severe anxiety disorder so I'm always worried & nervous & have constant panic attacks throughout  the day- I can't afford treatment\nI have clinical depression\nInsomnia\n& I'm an extremely picky eater\n& I stress eat\nI don't drink water because I don't get thirsty\nI think at first the stress & anxiety would make my sugar drop giving me nightmares & panic attacks. \nI first had a super low blood sugar 'Attack' on Black Friday night. I showed all the symptoms (before I knew what they were) but worse. My sugar was down to 47 & had had a SEVERE panic attack the night before I had one big one & then lots of small ones every 5 minutes that only last about 3-5 minutes. \nI was irritated\nGrumpy\nAnxious\nTired\nShaky\nNauseas \nAnd all I wanted to do was sleep. \nMy boyfriend made me check my sugar (his moms machine) & it was 47. They gave me some sweets & I perked right up. That night I did a lot of research & found out I've been probably been having hypo for about 2-3 months. \n3-4 days went by after my conclusion & I was taking care making sure I ate enough (I ate maybe once a day occasionally twice) & had emergency oj & candy around the house. I felt adventurous one night & decided to pig out on a burger & small fries w/oj at around 8-9pm\nI woke up drenched in sweat & panicking & had to check my sugar & it was the highest I'd ever seen it, 198. \nI had another panick attack because of it & probably spiked it even more. \nNow my sugar won't go down. The highest it's been while I was \"healthy\" was 97\nLast time I checked it was around June/August. \nNow I wake up with 114,118,171 but never past 198-yet \n2 hours fasting still high ish 108,119,121\nI've made a huge change in diet, it wasn't that bad to begin with all I eat is chicken, fruits, some veggies & drink tea. I don't really eat red meat or pork & I don't eat fish \n I eat fast food once a week when j see my boyfriend but it's usually chicken teriyaki, chipotle chicken bowls & sometimes tacos & club sandwiches. \nI LOVE potatoes & pastries -I know bad-\nBut it's not everyday. \nNow I eat like half a whole grain bagel, with 1/4 banana & half a tablespoon of peanut butter with green tea & water for breakfast & my sugar is still too high. It's only been since Friday night/Saturday morning since my sugar has spiked & today is Tuesday. \nI can't afford any medical treatment whatsoever, not even medical or Medicaid. I don't know What's going on I've had stress & panic attacks since then. I can't eat I'm nauseas all the time & I'm really really scared. \nI've been going on walks everyday since then 30 min, an hour & today for about 3-4 hours & I just always feel horrible. \nWhenever I work out my sugar spikes & I don't know how to bring it down & it gives me anxiety which only makes it worse. If I don't work out its still high. \nI've stayed between 70-90 fasting\n& maybe 90-100 after food. \nI'm an avid hiker & amateur rock climber. I've played sports all my life & I've been a camp Counsler since 2009. I try to stay active as possible despite my weight. I've always been chunky around 250-260lbs as an adult\nNow I'm down to 241\nI was 247 last week\nI'm only 22\n& I've never been this messed up in life & I'm terribly terribly scared. \nI'm obsessing over this & I'm making myself sicker.  My boyfriend tells me not to worry because 100-140 aren't bad, but I don't want it to go past 100 because I'm terrified of becoming diabetic. \nI'm eating & working out as if I already were diabetic but I'm just miserable, sad, hungry & sick. It's made my depression worse & I've had to stop taking all my Meds because they all lower my sugar or might make me insulin resistant." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Your are obsessing, look at the length of your post.  stress can lower BG or raise BG.  \n\nwe do know that carbohydrates are what raise BG\n\nbagels raise BG\nbanana raise BG\npeanut butter has less carbs than a bagel so will raise it less. \n\nclub sandwich has 3 slices of bread... bread raises BG\n\nif it has carbs it will raise BG\n\ngoogle \"eat to your meter\"\n\nstrenuous workouts will raise BG,  less strenuous workouts lower BG" }, { "role": "user", "content": "So is yoga & a 30 min stroll better exercise?\n\nI'm used to intense workouts & that's what I've been doing. Yesterday I did 5 minutes of pushups, 5 minutes of squats & 5 minutes of step aerobics & another 5 of just stretching. I did a yoga cool down, a 45 minute hot bath & went to bed & actually managed to sleep throughout the night without waking up in a panic at 3am because my sugar hits 108-119. \nI never really thought about the carbs I was eating. I just ate. Food has always been an issue, I don't like eating much or drinking water much. I eat because I have to & when I do it's 'bad' food (carbs) & I only really started drinking water everyday because my boyfriend makes me. I do not like sodas much-only ginger ale  & I don't like caffeine but I love milk tea & regular tea. \nYes I know I am obsessing but that's just a side effect of my anxiety. I need 100% control & understanding because it helps me cope & ease anxiety symptoms. One of the first things I'm going to tackle besides my blood sugar/diet is finally getting treatment for my mental illnesses that also contributed to my blood sugar. \nI am also more than willing to cut out all carbs." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am newly diagnosed prediabetic. I gave up artificial sweeteners over a year ago. I useblue agave for coffee and honey for tea. What can i sub without returning to artificial sweeteners. Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I like blue agave but ut is 16 grams if sugar. I would assume it will up my sugars??" }, { "role": "user", "content": "yes. if blue agave is 16 g of sugar then it will definitely raise your blood sugars if you are diabetic....  Likely the same amount as 16 g of regular table sugar, 16 g of honey sugar, etc." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am newly diagnosed prediabetic. I gave up artificial sweeteners over a year ago. I useblue agave for coffee and honey for tea. What can i sub without returning to artificial sweeteners. Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nsugar raises blood sugar, even honey and agave.  However, artificial sweeteners are man-made chemicals and also not good for health. \n\nStevia, as mentioned may be an option.  \n\nAn alternative is to simply become accustomed to having unsweetened tea and coffee.  It will taste funny for a few days but then you'll get used to the unsweetened taste and won't miss the sugar at all." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am newly diagnosed prediabetic. I gave up artificial sweeteners over a year ago. I useblue agave for coffee and honey for tea. What can i sub without returning to artificial sweeteners. Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I've heard that Stevia is a good, natural option." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am newly diagnosed prediabetic. I gave up artificial sweeteners over a year ago. I useblue agave for coffee and honey for tea. What can i sub without returning to artificial sweeteners. Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Well, honey is going to raise your BG its a sugar, all sugars are carbohydrates.  its carbohydrates that raise BG not just sugars.  \n\nso whats wrong with blue agave?" }, { "role": "user", "content": "Stevia is good, others spike my BS, also I read that the leaf lowers your BS" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Is ghere a meter mire reliable than another m?  Di you calibrate wuth your doctor or something?  Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi!Some meters come with a control solution or a control solution can be ordered for some meters.  I personally know that the Freestyle Lite  and Bayer Contour Next have a control solution for calibration.  You would probably need to ask your Pharmacist about ordering the solution.  Another reason why you might be strange readings is that the battery in the meter needs to be changed.  I would recommend that you keep extra batteries on hand for your meter and change the battery every 6 months.Good luck and I hope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Is ghere a meter mire reliable than another m?  Di you calibrate wuth your doctor or something?  Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Some meters are more accurate than others.  Some perform better than the minimum required range of 20%.  I also compare my meter with my doctors from time to time.  For some meters, the manufacturer may offer a standard solution so you can test the accuracy of your meter." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Is ghere a meter mire reliable than another m?  Di you calibrate wuth your doctor or something?  Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I dont know where you are so I dont know what meters you have to choose from.  In the USA all meters have to be 80% accurate.  \n\nI take my meter to the MD and when they do a blood test I do too I try to use the same blood drop." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hello, everyone!\n\nI was diagnosed as PRE-diabetic a year ago.  Recently been on the Keto diet, and taking in zero carbs other than the few in leafy veggies.\n\nAnyway, I noticed my BG is about 70-74 fasting in the morning since on Keto.  Before that I was on a 500 cal a day liquid diet, and my fasting was 58-69.\n\nSo I've noticed that after a jog that my BG will rise.  Once to 100, another time to 96, and this morning to 83.  \n\nDoes this mean anything?  Does it mean I'm a full blown diabetic?  Where's my body getting glycogen from(I know liver) if I'm not consuming carbs?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hahaha!  Experiment and find out.\n\nThere's two things in life I don't want to know.  The day I die, and just what my carb limit is.\n\nI'm happy you're on the diet.  It is absolutely amazing!  I have so much energy." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hello, everyone!\n\nI was diagnosed as PRE-diabetic a year ago.  Recently been on the Keto diet, and taking in zero carbs other than the few in leafy veggies.\n\nAnyway, I noticed my BG is about 70-74 fasting in the morning since on Keto.  Before that I was on a 500 cal a day liquid diet, and my fasting was 58-69.\n\nSo I've noticed that after a jog that my BG will rise.  Once to 100, another time to 96, and this morning to 83.  \n\nDoes this mean anything?  Does it mean I'm a full blown diabetic?  Where's my body getting glycogen from(I know liver) if I'm not consuming carbs?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "98 or 100 is NOT high BG  Your doing just great" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hello, everyone!\n\nI was diagnosed as PRE-diabetic a year ago.  Recently been on the Keto diet, and taking in zero carbs other than the few in leafy veggies.\n\nAnyway, I noticed my BG is about 70-74 fasting in the morning since on Keto.  Before that I was on a 500 cal a day liquid diet, and my fasting was 58-69.\n\nSo I've noticed that after a jog that my BG will rise.  Once to 100, another time to 96, and this morning to 83.  \n\nDoes this mean anything?  Does it mean I'm a full blown diabetic?  Where's my body getting glycogen from(I know liver) if I'm not consuming carbs?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nI am also following ketogenic diet and it does wonders for the blood sugar management - though I do still need to use some insulin.  Do make sure you are getting enough leafy and green veges. :)\n\nYour fasting numbers are quite normal at 70 - 74.  On the low side of normal, but nothing to be concerned with at all. \n\nIt is normal for your blood sugar to rise after exercise.  The levels that your sugar is rising to are again absolutely nothing to be concerned with. \n\nOn a ketogenic diet, your body and your brain will mostly use ketone bodies for energy.  However, your body can also break down protein to make glucose, and obviously there is some glucose in your body because your blood sugar levels are stable.\n\nOn your ketogenic diet your levels are totally normal. However, on this diet there is very little demand on your pancreas. \n\nif you increase your carbs, depending on the health of your pancreas, you may or may not have high blood sugar levels.  So we cannot know if you are diabetic.   \n\nYou do not have diabetic numbers on this diet.  You may however still have the predisposition to become diabetic if you eat a lot of carbs. \n\nHow much is a lot?  That would be up to you to experiment and find out, if you wanted." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Fist thing in the morning my sugar is low most the time never gets above 115 after eating but for the last two days my numbers have been 135. My doctor never told me what my range should be only to check it and eat something if it's below 60, any input??" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "If your sugars are 'off' for fasting in the morning, you may want to make sure that you have a 'bedtime' snack that is high in protein- no/very low carbs.  Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting about 20 minutes of exercise each day.  \n\nYou may want to get more specifics from your doctor and some guidance about your goals- this article can help give you a general idea about testing: \n\n\nAlso, if you have a smart phone, Sugar Sense is a great app and tool to help you.  Here's a link to the apps you can check out: \n" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Fist thing in the morning my sugar is low most the time never gets above 115 after eating but for the last two days my numbers have been 135. My doctor never told me what my range should be only to check it and eat something if it's below 60, any input??" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nnormal and target fasting should be 70 - 95. \n\n2 hours After eating should be < 120.  Ideally it will be not much higher than your fasting nubmers. \n\nIf your blood sugar is high after eating, you may wish to try eating less carbs at that meal next time.  You can adapt what you eat to reduce how high your sugars go. \n\nYou want to be < 140 al the time, if possible." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "My habit is 5.6 and morning blood sugar is 113. Is it blood sugar ? What steps I have to take to control it?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\n\nif your Hba1c is 5.6 then your average blood sugar is around 120.   Your fasting blood sugar is close to this.  YOu are almost at the cutoff where you can be diagnosed as diabetic. \n\nTo address your blood sugar, the following are recommended:-\n\n1. Losing weight if you are overweight (this will most easily happen on a lower carb diet).\n2. Reduce processed foods in your diet, cut sugars, and eat lower carb.  This will help greatly in managing blood sugars. \n3. Exercise daily.  Ideally 30 minutes or longer.  If you can take a walk or other exercise after eating, this will also help. \n4. Get a home blood sugar meter and test your sugars about 2 hours after eating.    This number will tell you if what you ate raises your blood sugar or not.  ideally your post eating results will be < 140 (even better if they are < 120 or close to 100). \n5.  You may ask your doctor to prescribe an insulin sensitizer drug such as metformin / Glucophage.  This can be very useful for many. \n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Has anyone tried going grain free? My a1c was a 6.4 and average fasting BG was in 120s.\n\nI've been grain free for about 6 weeks (I did cheat a couple of times and felt sick when I did) and my fasting BG is now in the 90s.\n\nWas hard at first but cravings went away and notice I eat a lot less.\n\nHas anyone else had success going grain free?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I went low carb (carbohydrate)  Diet that necessitates low grain.  Lots of us go LCHF to control BG (Low Carb High Fat)" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Vitamin d is way too low.  You need to supplement with d3. Probable 5000 - 10000 iui / day. Check again in 3 months to guide on how to assist dose.  What are the reference ranges for the other tests?" }, { "role": "user", "content": "Ok. I will but d3 tomorrow. The problem is that I have not got the reference ranges for the other tests." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Vitamin d is way too low.  You need to supplement with d3. Probable 5000 - 10000 iui / day. Check again in 3 months to guide on how to assist dose.  What are the reference ranges for the other tests?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thank you for your tips. I have got some more results.\nVitamin B12, cortisol, ACTH are ok.\nVitamin D      6.7 ng/mL  (30-100)\nInsulin 0'       5.5 uU/mL \nInsulin 60'     25.2\nInsulin 120'   27.6\nI am still waiting for PTH result." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Looks like you have hashimoto (you have high antibodies).  In this thyroid levels can fluctuate, but overall will continue to get worse over time.  Most people feel best with thyroid levels for FT3 and FT4 at least midrange.  YOurs are below that for both tests, even though your TSH was higher in January.\n\nI think you should ask your dr if you can be treated even with low dose  thyroid meds.  It may help how you feel. \n\nESR is high, indicating inflammation.  Maybe part of immune attach. \n\nActually, your cholesterol levels are not bad at all.  Your HDL (good cholesterol) is higher than range.  This is not a concern, it is very good.  Your LDL is only just at top of the range and this should not be so big a concern given that your HDL is high.  \n\nWould recommend that you look into not taking statin drugs, even if they are recommended by your Dr.  and look into managing with diet and exercise (ie. lifestyle management).   \n\nPlease let us know when you have more results." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nJanuary:\nTSH 4.8 (0.3-5.5), FT3 4.27 (3.66-6.72), FT4 13.0 (12.4-20.4), aTPO 23 (<34), aTG 360 (<115).\nApril:\nTSH 1.310 (0.440-3.630), FT3 4.67 (3.66-6.72), FT4 13.4 (12.4-20.4), aTPO 26 (<34), aTG 304 (<115).\n\nHDL-cholesterol 2.04 (1.03-1.55)\nLDL-cholesterol 2.60 (<2.58)\nESR 26 (<20)\nI am still waiting for full results of OGTT, acth, pth, cortisol, Ca, vit.b12 and vit.d3\n\nThank you for medhelp:)" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Please post your actual thyroid test results and the ranges for all of the tests.\nTop of the reference range is actually not normal, particularly if you are having symptoms.  I would be wanting a second opinion in y our case.\n\nPlease post your results.\n\nAlso, there is a great thyroid forum on medhelp where you can get more inputs." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nMy Doctor has tested TSH, FT3, FT4, aTPO and aTG. Sometimes my TSH is very high but usually is in the normal range and that is why my GP does not want to treat me. I have to check TSH every 3 months and will get treated when TSH will be high all the time. Do you think my GP is right? I do not feel very well and can not get any tablets from him.\nI have very healthy diet and active lifestyle- I cycle to work 5 days a week, about 40 minutes each way. Thank you for suggesting me low carb diet I will try to cut out some carbs from my diet. \nP.S. Sorry for my English." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nwith hypothyroid you will have a harder time losing weight.  Are you properly treated?  Has your Dr tested Ft3 and FT4 (and medicated based on these levels), or are they just looking at TSH.\n\nMy hypothyroid diagnosis came 9 years before my diabetes diagnosis.  These are both autoimmune conditions and often seen comorbidities.\n\nLow carb diet  may help with weight management.  I have also had to add in intermittent fasting, and it is still a battle to stay just overweight and not obese.\n\nHang in there.  Focus on healthy and active lifestyle.  Life can be good despite health issues.  though I have found we really need to be well educated about our conditions and our own personal best advocates." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thank you very much for your answer. I pay attention to healthy diet and I exercise a lot and I still can not lose any weight.  I have been diagnosed with hashimoto's disease a month ago. My GP transferred me to check my glucose and insulin levels. Maybe that is why I can not lose my weight. My aunt has diabetes so I am may have diabetes in the futer." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Hi,\nI had a glucose tolerance test(75gram)yesterday. My results:\n-5.29(fasting blood glucose level)\n-5.01 (one hour test)\n-5.35 (two hour test)\nMy glucose tolerance curve is very flat. What does it mean?\nI am waiting forward to hearing from you soon.\nRegards,\nMonica" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nI don't think that the doctors will say anything much about the flat curve.  Maybe even consider it normal.  however, it does bear monitoring over time, and do pay attention to healthy diet, plenty of exercise etc.\nI had a flat curve many years ago.  About 8 years after that flat curve I got diagnosed with diabetes.  Doesn't mean you will be, but I believe it is worth being dilligent over in terms of lifestyle  and monitoring from time to time." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am 70 weigh 185 and 5-10. Have had pre-d for over 10 years with a1c range 0f 5.7 to 6.0\n\nMy doctor doesnt seem very concerned only advising low carbs, exercise and losing a few lbs.\n\nAs I have been studying the subject lately I have read that the condition may be caused by  pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin, or I might be insulin resistant.   Are there tests that could be done to actually identfy the cause, and that may help to help better  my problem.\n\nThanks for any insight" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hello,\n\nGiven your age and the fact that this hasn't progressed for 10 years likely means that you are type 2 and maintained on diet and exercise.  For type 2 the root cause is typically insulin resistance.    If you are type 2 a drug like metformin / Glucophage, an insulin sensitizer may be useful." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I am 70 weigh 185 and 5-10. Have had pre-d for over 10 years with a1c range 0f 5.7 to 6.0\n\nMy doctor doesnt seem very concerned only advising low carbs, exercise and losing a few lbs.\n\nAs I have been studying the subject lately I have read that the condition may be caused by  pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin, or I might be insulin resistant.   Are there tests that could be done to actually identfy the cause, and that may help to help better  my problem.\n\nThanks for any insight" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "How would your treatment change if you knew the cause?\n\nIt would still be low carb exercise and loose weight in ether case." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hi,\nThis is a very old post.  You might want to sstart a new post so we can easily see your comments.  Let us know how you go once you get results back." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I'm having same problem and under Dr care , they are running all test and will have answers on test tomorrow... but dr thinking diabetic..." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thanks so much for the feedback, I appreciate the advice! I do plan to get the meter and testing strips this week and try to get a handle on this craziness! I do carry excess weight - tho am working on it- and am obviously am concerned about diabetes (hence my joining in on this site!). I know how serious it can be, but as my initial posting indicated am not knowledgeable about it and thought that it would be  either high- or low, did not know it went both ways. I greatly appreciate ya'll taking time to post the great advice, and I plan to take it! thanks again, seeksinfo1" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "I have exactly what you are describing. Essentially, irregular heart beats or PVC's more so than ever and I know its because my blood sugar is completely out of sinc. I get irregular beats when too low and too high... Strange. My guess is that you like me are in prestages of diabetis. I was told to excercise, eat well and loose fat around the stomach area which I do carry. Diet, weight loss, and excercise and three critical factors. \n\nHaving said this, it feels like **** these days...good luck." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "You may be developing Type II diabetes.  You definitely do want to get a glucose meter and strips.\n\nBest way to keep Type II under control is to control your carb intake.  You need to eat 5 meals a day and limit those meals to 15 grams of carbs or less.  Check out the ADA's diet suggestions.\n\n\n\nThe diets are really easy to follow.  IT was maddening to me to think I would lose weight eating 5 times a day (I usually only ate one big meal) but it really works and keeps my glucose levels in line.\n\nSome of those five \"meals\" can be snacks as in a bit of fruit and some cheese.  Your body needs a consistent flow of protein and to avoid huge carb influxes.  Don't buy the expensive drinks and stuff and DON'T assume that diet foods fit within the ADA guidelines.  Read labels and watch the carbs - you'll be shocked how many carbs are in some diet drinks!\n\nThere are a few popular diets and their prepackaged meals that work okay for the Type II diabetic - South Beach is okay for the most part (not all of it), Atkins is okay.  Read the ADA's web site and you'll get some great info.\n\nIf you do have Type II this will have to be a lifestyle change and regardless of insurance, diet and carb control is what every doctor will tell a Type II diabetic is the most critical thing to do.  We can't take insulin - that's not our problem.  We manufacture insulin but our cells don't absorb it.  We have to be vigilant on watching our intake so we don't overload the system.\n\nI don't know if any of this made sense or not but I've spent the entire afternoon with my son and his new pediatric endocrinologist discussing why his possible Type I is so different than my Type II.  My brain is a bit fried, sorry." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "The easiest way to find out what is going on would be to buy blood sugar meter/testing strips (you can get them anywhere w/o Rx) and test and record for a few days.  Test your fasting #, 2 hrs. after breakfast, lunch and dinner and right before lunch and dinner also.  Test also when you are symptomatic (ex. test if you feel shaky to confirm if you are really experiencing hypoglycemia or not).  From what I understand the post-prandial readings (after meals) are the ones to fail first.  So you could go years having after meal spikes before your fasting #s become high also.  \n\nOften in the beginning stages of diabetes the pancreas will start to fail.  Normally you would eat something and your pancreas would put out insulin to take care of the sugar.  When your pancreas is starting to fail, you may eat something and your sugar may get pretty high before your pancreas finally puts out insulin and often it puts out too much insulin and thus your blood sugar will drop too low.  So you could experience quite a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. \n\n A fast -acting insulin should curb the high and thus prevent the overshooting of insulin thus preventing the ending low also.\n\nLog some records for a week and if they are out of range then you should follow up with a dr.  There are three ways of dx.\n1.  fastings above 125\n2.  random reading over 200 (so you should never go above 200)\n3.  reading over 200 during an oral glucose tolerance test--at the 2 hr. mark or later.\n\nYou should be under 140 at the 2 hr. post prandials and I believe under 110 before meals ( you can look this up for sure on the American Diabetes Website)\ngood luck" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Thank you for the advice, I appreciate your taking the time to respond.  I havent had much luck with finding a clinic here for people in my situation. I somehow manage to pay my bills so am not eligible for any assistance or \"indigent care\"- were I indigent it wouldnt be a problem.  I do manage, I just dont have the thousands they want for medical care these days. My ob/gyn wants me to see a specialist but just dont see how I can swing it.  (Am still paying off the ER from April when the heart thing started!) But if this continues, I will have no choice and will have to break out the charge cards and do it.  I am concerned about diabetes despite the fasting levels being so good. (that was tested twice in April and again in August). Thanks again for your advice. Seeksinfo1" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I have been having problems that seem to be from blood sugar fluctuations.  At times I have low blood sugar levels and experience the typical sweating, weakness, dizziness, confusion and such. (also have the occasional nightime drop- waking soaked in sweat) these symptoms are typically resolved by eating.  Though I also have problems that seem to be from blood sugar levels being too high after eating possibly from high carb meals (pasta, potatoes) and definitely after eating any sugary items.  As I am not a diabetic that I am aware of so I was looking into the hypo/hyper glycemias but all the information I have found would suggest that you either have high BS or low BS, but not really both. I seem to have problems with both? I begain having irregular heartbeats about 6 months ago and without health insurance, could only afford so many tests which only turned up PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). I am beginning to notice a corealation to the PVCs and my eratic blood sugar reactions, though cant find any info online to tie them together.  I also have the extreme thirst and frequent urination normally associated with diabetes, yet as mentioned have not been diagnosed as diabetic- the few blood tests I have had show perfectly normal fasting blood sugar levels (85). My ob/gyn found blood traces in my urine which could be my kidneys but I cant afford the specialists and tests, so am needing to find out as much as I can on my own.  any leads would be appreciated." }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Hey Seeksinfo 1!  I am the mom of a type 1 diabetic, not a medical professional so the information you receive here is just an opinion.  I can sympathize with your insurance situation, but I am hoping that you can find a clinic somewhere that will do the proper testing that you require for a correct diagnosis and get the treatment you need.  Your symptoms could be signs of diabetes (you did not mention how long ago you had your blood glucose checked).  People with diabetes have fluctuating blood sugar levels, both high and low, as they are dependent on the insulin that they inject to regulate those levels.  You may possibly have something going on with your pancreas that is creating those symptoms, or it could be something altogether different.  Please ask one of the physicians that you have already seen to refer you to a clinic that will see you without insurance.  Good luck to you!" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "I bought a loaf of Julian Farms Paleo LC bread from Whole Foods. It is the only LC  bread on the market and made with coconut flower\n\nOne slice is only 1 net carbs (6gr carbs, 5gr fiber, 1gr sugar per slice) , it seems to spike my glucose every time I've added a slice to meals....??\n\nCant figure this one out??" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "It probably has more carbs than the label says." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "A few days ago i had balanitis but it went away i am uncircumcised and i learned that diabetes can cause that. also i am on a low carb diet high protein i am trying to lose weight i am 5'8 180 lbs which gives me a fruity breath Today my belly button had a little bit of discharge but i cleaned it up i just wanted to know do these look like pre diabetes symptoms?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Diabetes has few symptoms UNTIL you are well into the disease.  The ONLY way to tell for sure it to have an A1c test or test your blood sugar (BG) 1 hour after your biggest carb meal of the day." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "A few days ago i had balanitis but it went away i am uncircumcised and i learned that diabetes can cause that. also i am on a low carb diet high protein i am trying to lose weight i am 5'8 180 lbs which gives me a fruity breath Today my belly button had a little bit of discharge but i cleaned it up i just wanted to know do these look like pre diabetes symptoms?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "hello,\n\ntypically prediabetes has no symptoms.  That is why it can develop to a serious level before it is detected.\n\nFor weight loss, also pay attention to how much you eat (portion size should be moderate only).\n\nFrankly, your symptoms do not sound like diabetes.  however, the only way to know is to get your blood sugar tested.\n\nYour Dr can do this for you.  He can order Hba1c (this is 3 month average sugar), and fasting blood sugar which together should clear up if you are or are not prediabetic.\n\nYou can also buy a cheap meter from Walmart, and monitor yourself.  Please come back and let us know what your results are, then we can guide you more." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "Have been pre-diabetic for 10 years. A1C range has been 5.7-6.1 in that time.\n\n I'm 70, 5-10  and weigh 285lbs. I have recently paid close attention to my carb & sugar intake, but\nI'm somewhat confused about carb intake.\n\nCan supplemental fiber intake help in reducing bg?   Is there a recommended numerical unit of carbs you should not exceed daily. ( Grams?? )  What are net carbs and affected by fiber intake?" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Fibre is sometimes considered when counting carbs.  Some people deduct the amount fibre in the carbs and then use that value for counting how many carbs they eat (this is net carbs).  Other people just count total carbs.\n\ni guess it depends how much detail you want to go into.  Fibre should have little impact on blood sugar as by definition it cannot be digested.\n\nFor weight and blood sugar management controlling how much carbs you eat each day is an essential part of management.  Some people find that low carb, moderate protein, higher healthy fats diet is helpful in management. \n\nHope this helps." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "i am 62 years old . having blood pressure and taking medicines last 7 years .now adays it is normal. recently i cheked blood sugar fasting . report indicates 121 mg in blood sugar. the doctor has prescribed FORMiN 500 SR.\n I request you please advice me to control blood sugar without taking medicines. my weight is 68 kg\n\n\n       Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Coconut water is fine. Just be sure it is plain, and unsweetened." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "i am 62 years old . having blood pressure and taking medicines last 7 years .now adays it is normal. recently i cheked blood sugar fasting . report indicates 121 mg in blood sugar. the doctor has prescribed FORMiN 500 SR.\n I request you please advice me to control blood sugar without taking medicines. my weight is 68 kg\n\n\n       Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Can I use coconut water ?" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "i am 62 years old . having blood pressure and taking medicines last 7 years .now adays it is normal. recently i cheked blood sugar fasting . report indicates 121 mg in blood sugar. the doctor has prescribed FORMiN 500 SR.\n I request you please advice me to control blood sugar without taking medicines. my weight is 68 kg\n\n\n       Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "can i take tender coconet water?whether it is useful for diabitic" } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "i am 62 years old . having blood pressure and taking medicines last 7 years .now adays it is normal. recently i cheked blood sugar fasting . report indicates 121 mg in blood sugar. the doctor has prescribed FORMiN 500 SR.\n I request you please advice me to control blood sugar without taking medicines. my weight is 68 kg\n\n\n       Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Your numbers are better than before so your plan to lower your BG is working   \nGood for YOU\n\nYour numbers are still higher than a non diabetic person so I would continue my meds." } ]
[ { "role": "user", "content": "i am 62 years old . having blood pressure and taking medicines last 7 years .now adays it is normal. recently i cheked blood sugar fasting . report indicates 121 mg in blood sugar. the doctor has prescribed FORMiN 500 SR.\n I request you please advice me to control blood sugar without taking medicines. my weight is 68 kg\n\n\n       Thanks" }, { "role": "assistant", "content": "Today blood sugar test has been done.blood sugar fasting report is 100 mg and after two hour meal is 126 mg. still i am taking Formin 500 SR. i have reduced my weight by 2 kg. please advice me  whether i will continue the medicine" } ]