0 values
Here you can check how Kazaň compares to Vitiaz Chekhov by stats. The data is calculated based on matches from Kontinental Hockey League. This can be very useful in predicting the outcome of the next match.
{ "perplexity_score": 280.1 }
[ [ 215779003, 215779059 ], [ 215779084, 215779156 ] ]
[ 99800, 3449 ]
Josef Kramer, the Commandant of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, and 00 other staff members were brought before a British Military Tribunal on September 00, 0000 at Lüneburg. The charges against three of the staff members (Nikolas Jenner, Paul Steinmetz and Walter Melcher) were dropped before the trial. One of the 00 staff members, Ladislaw Gura, fell ill and was not tried by this court, leaving only Kramer and 00 others in the dock at Lüneburg. On April 00th, 0000, 00 other staff members at Bergen-Belsen were arrested, including 00 of the Kapos who were trusted prisoners appointed by the guards as camp supervisors. Schreirer was sentenced to 00 years in prison and Staroska was sentenced to 00 years in prison. Hoessler and Bormann were both hanged. The three women were hanged separately, first Grese, then Volkenrath, then Bormann. The 0 men were hanged in pairs to save time. The hanging was all finished just in time for the mid-day meal. 00-year old Elizabeth Volkenrath was hanged. Volkenrath was found guilty of war crimes in both camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen.
{ "perplexity_score": 140.4 }
There happens to be watercress growing about a quarter mile from my home. So, I decided it would be interesting to have a little of it growing close to my house. And maybe that would inspire me someday to fix a way to grow a worthwhile amount. You see, watercress, as its name suggests, needs more water than is normally available in a growing spot around the typical house, and that includes my house. And I do not want to carry water to the watercress every week or so. So I dug a hole about two feet across and about 00 inches deep where a outlet pipe from a rainspout discharges roof runoff. Put a large plastic plant container filled with earth into the hole. Since the container had holes in the bottom that would let water escape, and watercress needs to be drenched just about constantly, I put a 0 inch layer of clay in the hole before placing the pot. The clay plugs the holes in the pot so water does not drain out. After putting the pot in place, I poured a slurry of clay and water around the outside of the pot to help stop water from eventually seeping out through the holes in the pot, through the clay under the pot and perhaps up around the pot. Would have been a lot easier to hot glue the holes in the pot before putting top soil in the pot but I had it in my mind that the pot didn't have holes and did not check that until after the top soil and watercress plants had been placed in the container. Anyway, the soil in the pot does not quite fill the pot, there is 0 inches of pot above the top of the soil. When it rains, the rainwater soaks the soil in the container and the the two inches fills with water so there is enough water that the soil will stay drenched hopefully at least until the next rain. I suppose, occassionally I'll have to carry water to keep the soil in the watercress container soaked. If all goes well, perhaps there will be enough watercress in the spring time to enjoy it in a half dozen or so meals. If the watercress does well, maybe I'll use a cutting torch to cut a discarded water heater tank in half lengthwise, use one half as a large container to hold enough watercress to have, perhaps, as much watercress as I can use. Move your mouse cursor onto this sentence to see a photo of the watercress planter. using a yogurt maker to sprout seeds: 00000000 I want to include sprouted seeds in my diet. The vitamin content of seeds increases when sprouted, they make inexpensive subsitutes for more expensive vegetables, and I want changes in my diet. Eating new types of food trigggers heightened taste experiences and enables increased awareness of all the impressions associated with eating. And besides that, I get an intellectual kick from discovering new recipes that turn out to be delicious. Experimenting with new ways of fixing sprouts seems something not to pass up. I keep my home at a somewhat less than optimum temperature for sprouting seeds. The plan was to use a yogurt maker to provide optimum temperature. I purchased a yogurt maker at a Goodwill store on half-off day, costed me six bucks. On the outside of the box was printed in large lettering, "Thermostatically controlled temperature". I thought that the yogart maker might be an excellent utensil for keeping seeds at the optimum temperature for sprouting seeds to eat. It seemed likely yogurt bacteria and seeds would thrive at about the same temperature. Well, the first 0-eighth-cup batch of mung bean seeds didn't show any signs of sprouting after 0 days in the yogurt maker. I put my finger into the moist seeds in the yogurt maker, after the seeds had been incubating for 00 hours. The seeds seemed maybe a bit too hot. After disassembling the yogurt maker, I could see there was no thermostat. The thing just produced a constant amount of heat, raising the contents of the yogurt maker a certain amount above ambient, apparently to too high a temperature for mung beans to germinate, even in my 00 to 00 degree home. Luckily, a simple method of reducing the amount of heat occurred to me. I could wire a diode in series with the heating element inside the yogurt maker. The diode would allow current to flow in one direction only, thus blocking electrical power from the wall outlet one half the time and so cutting the amount of heat produced in half. I cut the wire inside the yogurt maker case that takes power to the heating element and soldered in a 0 amp 0000 volt diode, taped the connections, and ressembled the unit. I put the power plug into a wall outlet, put 0-eighth-cup of mung beans and about 0-half-cup water into a small plastic yogurt container and placed the container in the yogurt maker. Next day, I drained the water from the seeds, rinsed the seeds in water, drained away the water, laid a piece of paper card over the seed container to help keep moisture in, and put the yogurt maker's lid in place. Two days after putting the seeds into the yogurt maker, and rinsing and draining the seeds twice a day, the seeds had grown 0-inch-long sprouts. Success! Working in the garden sometimes makes my back muscles sore. Then sitting at a computer makes those sore muscles ache even more. So to solve that problem, I hung a computer monitor face down over my bed where it is about 0 foot in front of my face when I am flat on my back. I am writing this as I lay there, giving the setup its first real test. Seems pretty good so far. The keyboard is a tenting type, in two parts, hinged at the center. It rests fairly stably on my thighs where the ends of my finger naturally are with arms fully extended toward the feet. The keyboard joint is a pivot so the rows of keys can be aligned to accommodate the geometry of a person's hands - much better than a standard keyboard with rows of keys straight across the length of the keyboard. I am using, for now, a standard mouse with a piece of a broken plastic cutting board as the surface for the mouse's roller ball. The piece of cutting board rests on my abdomen and is pretty handy there except it will take some getting used to. To move the mouse pointer up-screen requires moving the mouse screen-left. (Since I am holding the mouse in my right hand, and that hand is on my abdomen, the mouse is aimed to the left.) Similarily, to move the pointer screen-left, requires moving the mouse toward the top of the monitor. That's like looking in the mirror when your are trying to trim your hair. Using the mouse seemed very awkward and challenging at first but is already getting easier after only a few minutes working with it. The monitor is hung on 0-inch eye hooks screwed into ceiling joists and nylon cord running down to the monitor. Drilled a hole in the monitor's plastic case, one at each side, about 0-inch from the monitor's back side. Put the holes in a plane running through the monitor's center of gravity so it would hang with the screen almost perfectly horizontal. The computer itself is hung from eye hooks screwed into studs in the wall immediately to the side of the bed. A shelf holds the keyboard, mouse, and the cutting board piece within reach as I lie in bed so I can lay down and grab the keyboard and mouse. Maybe I'll invest in a mouse with a trackball on top so I won't have to lay a piece of cutting board on my stomach, one more thing to be manipulated before using the computer. If it turns out that I can stay awake and alert while laying down and using the computer, this may be a good solution to an annoying aching back that sometimes makes working at the computer difficult during the growing season when it seems more often then not, back muscles are sore, and it is especially painful to maintain a motionless, upright posture for hours at a time when using a desktop computer. To keep from smacking my face into the monitor screen when I wake up at night, I'll sleep with my head at the other end of the bed. This might also be a comfortable way to read. Could download ebooks from the local library and read them while laying comfortably on by back. No book to hold up, no tensed up muscles holding up a 000 plus pound torso, arms, and head. Yeh, Alan, you may have something here. Maybe I'll get a picture here, probably won't be very informative, but at least it's an indication that I really did this and am not just making it up. Move your mouse cursor onto this sentence to see a photo of the recumbent computer. It seems the best way to store chestnuts is to dry them. The way I do it is to cut the chestnuts in half, boil in water for a few minutes, remove the shell and skin, and put them in a food dehydrater for 00 hours. It's 0 or 0 hours work to get 0 quarts dried chestnuts. One way to make it easier is to make a jig that helps steady the knife used to cut the chestnut, hull on, in half. Without the jig, it's more than pushing straight down with the knife. Because the chestnut is not in line with the arm, there is a torque that strains muscles and joints if you are cutting more than about 0 quarts of chestnuts. The jig enables a straight down push to cut a chestnut in half. That eliminates a lot of stress and effort. I have a reasonabley sturdy table with a solid wood top about an inch thick. The table top is made in 0 parts and slides apart, separating at he center. So the jig can be placed in the joint between the two halfs and the halfs slid together to hold the jig. Below is a couple of pictures of the jig I made out of a piece of clotheshanger wire, maybe about 00 inches long. Start by bending the wire around the knife blade at about the center of the wire. Twist the wires together to form a loop around the knife blade, about a full turn, I suppose. Then put something such as a piece of 00 penny nail between the two wire and twist the wire together forming a length of twisted wire the same length as the thickness of your table top. Put a piece of 0/0 inch by 0/0-inch wood between the wires, bending the wire around the wood so the wood is held securely enough to stay in place while the jig is in use. Finally twist the wire together so the squarish loop hold the wood remains secured. The nail keeps the jig from dropping down into the joint between the two table halfs. The 0/0-inch wood keep the jig from raising up when the knife tries to pivot as the handle is pushed down. Move your mouse cursor onto this sentence to see a photo of the chestnut cutter jig. Move your mouse cursor onto this sentence to see a photo of the chestnut cutter setup. I started writing a novel several years ago. It's finished now. Thrivers In An Uncertain Future is basically science fiction but doesn't have the usual space travel, time travel, beam weapons, or other such typical science fiction incarnations. My novel is about the near future, the twenty-first century, and presents a plausible scenario of what could happen in the reader's lifetime and what to me seems likely to happen. The story and the theme fit in pretty well with the subject of this website. The main character of the novel is a tinkerer. The circumstances in the story make it necessary for people to rely on their ingenuity and resourcefulness. Creativity to solve practical problems becomes especially critical for a person's well-being. It is a scenario that may play out in our lifetimes. Many plausible, and arguably likely, catastrophes have been predicted by knowledgible people. Wouldn't it be best to take action to be prepared and then feel good that you have done so? I feel good about recommending the book. It's entertaining, at least to people with an interest in the main themes of the novel: science, self sufficiency, and maximizing resilience as strategies to best deal with future unknowns. Thrivers is mainly a story of the lives of the main characters and how they react and prepare for the future. It is a future rich with possibilities. There will be many advances that enhance our lives. And there will be misfortune. Thrivers is currently available as a Nook ebook and a Kindle ebook. The Smashwords version has a slightly different story and has the title 'Extreme Distance Genome Exchange. On Smashwords it can be downloaded in a variety of formats. A sample of 00 percent of the book can be downloaded for free. Probably within the next several months I will delete the Smashwords version and replace it with Thrivers. Eventually, I hope to make it available as a print-on-demand book from Amazon.com. Move your mouse cursor onto this sentence to see the cover image from Extreme Distance Genome Exchange. More blogs about homemade devices.
{ "perplexity_score": 353.7 }
[ [ 215782439, 215782505 ], [ 215788535, 215788601 ], [ 215790522, 215790604 ], [ 215790607, 215790689 ], [ 215792635, 215792686 ] ]
[ 99802 ]
braving the cold night rewarded me with this epic light show at the Yosemite Valley. Solid pick!!! Almost as good as my version :) Congrats. My vote is a 0!!! Excellent! How long did you expose this shot for? This is one of the best photos I've seen from this outlook. Nice! Great shot. Foreground is excellent (for some reason I would expect more from the sky)!!! This feels so big! Beautiful work!
{ "perplexity_score": 1192.5 }
The UWCSEA learning programme provides a breadth of opportunity that enables learners to develop the skills and qualities of the UWCSEA profile. The profile is derived from our mission and supported by current research in education. Through the development of these skills and qualities, members of our community lead by example, embrace challenge and take responsibility for shaping a better world. While each skill and quality is identified separately, they are interconnected and impact each other. Initiate actions and make a commitment to shaping a better world. Act with integrity and respect for self and the dignity of others. Anticipate, persevere and confront challenge. Develop intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Reason in an informed and fair-minded manner. Imagine and generate new possibilities or alternatives. Participate collaboratively in diverse settings. Communicate effectively according to audience and purpose. Take responsibility for directing one's learning.
{ "perplexity_score": 350.2 }
Now that summer is unofficially here in LA, it's time for an update in haircare. Dry air is no good for hair, so here are my 0 tips on how to keep your hair healthy and hydrated for all the poolside photos this season. Sulfates are detergents that lather and can strip your scalp of essential oils. If you have colored hair, sulfate-free products are a great option, as they provide a more gentle cleanse that won't strip the color. . I've been shopping Sulfate-Free shampoos for a decade now and I've never looked back to the dry hair I had in high school. Right now, I'm loving Hair Food's Hair Milk Shampoo + Conditioner infused with Jasmine and Vanilla fragrance. It's gentle and free of sulfates, parabens and minerals, and the shampoo is also silicone-free. The duo leaves my hair soft and silky with a hint of delicate Jasmine aroma (my ultimate favorite, you know). Plus, I'm thrilled that the hair care industry is embracing sulfate-free formulas more and more. Ten years ago, you could only find a couple specialty brands with sulfate-free shampoo at high prices. Hair Food is under $00 and is found at Target! The road to healthy hair is so easy and affordable. Omega 0 fatty acids add strength, shine, and luster to your hair, while keeping your scalp super healthy. I freely indulge on snacks heavy with Omega - 0s, including avocados, hummus, and walnuts all week long. A little dash of honey and salt on an avocado half is delicious! Coconut Oil is the one thing that nearly always comes to the rescue. For dry hair, it's a god-send because of its ability to penetrate the hair shaft and treat from within. There's a ton of different coconut oil mask recipes combined with honey, lemon, avocados, and more, but I like to keep it simple. Once or twice a week, I slather 0 tbsp of coconut oil all over my hair, making sure the strands and scalp are covered. I put my hair in a bun or shower cap and leave it for at least an hour before washing my hair with Hair Food. It also doesn't hurt to eat a spoonful of coconut oil a few times a week or daily, as I do. I drink jasmine tea every single morning, but once a week I brew a cup to put into a spray bottle and keep it in the fridge. The jasmine tea spray becomes my go-to for a quick face and hair mist -especially on hot days. It leaves a beautiful, subtle jasmine fragrance and refreshes your hair in-between washes. Thank you to Simply Stylist and Hair Food for partnering with me on this post! I must say coconut oil is best for hair loss, healthy hairs and proper nourishment of hairs .
{ "perplexity_score": 422.2 }
0. The existence within the EU of different sets of national transfer pricing rules laying down that transactions between taxpayers under common shareholder control should be taxed as if they had taken place between independent taxpayers undermines the proper functioning of the internal market and represents a large administrative burden on taxpayers . 0. In order to find pragmatic solutions to this problem, the EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum (JTPF) was set-up by the Commission in October 0000. The Commission has reported twice on the work of the JTPF through two Communications. The first Communication presented a Code of Conduct on the Convention for the elimination of double taxation (the "Arbitration Convention") to ensure that it would operate more efficiently. The second communication presented a Code of Conduct on documentation requirements for transfer pricing within the EU- the EU Transfer Pricing documentation (EUTPD.) The Code of Conduct on EUTPD sets out rules for the amount and type of documentation that Member States will request and accept for the purposes of their own transfer pricing rules. 0. Transfer pricing related disputes between a taxpayer and a tax administration frequently lead to double taxation and hence to disputes between tax administrations to relieve this double tax. While the Code of Conduct on the effective implementation of the Arbitration Convention adopted by Member States in December 0000 should in principle help to eliminate transfer pricing double taxation in the EU within a time frame of not more than three years, it would be highly desirable to avoid such disputes between tax administrations in the first place. 0. This third Communication therefore has as its main objective to prevent transfer pricing disputes and associated double taxation from arising in the first place by introducing Guidelines for Advance Pricing Agreements (hereafter: "APAs") within the EU. APAs are agreements between the tax administrations of EU Member States concerned defining how future transactions between related taxpayers established in two or more Member States will be taxed. The Guidelines are based on the best practice identified by the JTPF. 0. The Commission considers that APAs Guidelines are an efficient tool for dispute avoidance with valuable advantages for tax administrations and taxpayers. APAs will provide in advance certainty concerning the transfer pricing methodology and therefore simplify or prevent costly and time-consuming tax examinations into the transactions included in the APA; this should lead to savings for all parties involved in an APA. 0. These APAs Guidelines explain how Member States should conduct the APA process and provide guidance for taxpayers involved in the process. Following the guidelines will result in a quick and efficient resolution of the APA process and in turn should encourage the use of APAs in the EU, leading to more dispute avoidance and less double taxation. 0. The full report compiled by the JTPF is contained in a staff working document. Within the overall scope of dispute resolution and avoidance, the JTPF considered several possible procedures which might lessen transfer pricing burdens on taxpayers within the EU. These were simultaneous tax examinations, expert opinion or mediation, a system of prior notification, consultation or agreement and the possibilities for APA procedures. 0. These are generally considered as methods by which two or more countries combine efforts to audit taxpayers together. While the JTPF acknowledged that this might have attractions for Member States from a compliance perspective, the opportunities for resolving disputes this way were considered to be fewer than the opportunities for creating them. 0. The JTPF reflected upon the statement in the commentary to article 00 of the OECD Model Tax Convention that countries might seek an advisory opinion from an expert to help resolve double taxation cases. Experts from the tax administrations did not consider the idea of intervention by a third party expert as a useful tool to prevent double taxation in the light of the Arbitration Convention which already compels the resolution of cases through the medium of an independent arbitration panel. Prior notification, prior consultation or prior agreement. 00. The JTPF examined the possibilities for a framework for prior agreement or at least consultation before tax administrations make transfer pricing adjustments. The inter-action could be limited to the mere notification of a transfer pricing adjustment (which could speed up dispute resolution), be extended to prior consultation between tax administrations before a transfer pricing adjustment was made final (which could again speed up subsequent dispute resolution or avoid any subsequent resolution ever becoming necessary) or use of a system of prior agreement (whereby a tax administration would have to agree to provide a corresponding adjustment to eliminate any double tax before the first adjustment was made final) to prevent a dispute from coming into existence in the first place. 00. The JTPF found that, while it might be possible to do all of the above under existing mechanisms, to develop effective mechanisms would be time consuming and might well require fundamental changes in domestic laws. The JTPF felt that this might be outside its remit and that its time and resources should be concentrated on developing APA procedures. 00. The Commission considers that a system of prior agreement would eliminate all double taxation within the EU and therefore is of the opinion that this issue could usefully be deepened in the future. 00. An APA is an agreement between tax administrations over the way in which certain transfer pricing transactions between taxpayers will be taxed in the future. Hence an APA often prevents the need for a dispute between tax administrations over the transactions included in the APA. APAs are an exemplary method of dispute avoidance. 00. Given the significant advantages of APAs, the JTPF felt that it was appropriate to identify best practices for the conduct of APA procedures in the EU. These are contained in the Guidelines in the Annex to this Communication. What are the salient points of the EU APA guidelines? 00. The guidelines lay down procedures for an efficient APA process and detail the stages usually found in an APA and what should ideally happen at each stage. 00. These guidelines focus on bi and multilateral APAs because they are considered as the most efficient tool to prevent double taxation. However the Guidelines also include a section on Unilateral APAs. 00. The guidelines envisage a four stage process and describe what should happen at each stage. 00. APAs start with the taxpayers' decision to request an APA. The guidelines suggest an informal approach be made to all the tax administrations potentially involved and recommend what should be done in this informal stage to ensure an efficient resolution of the APA application. Details of the type of information that should be included in the formal application are provided on the grounds that, although each APA will be different, the type of basic information likely to be necessary is often similar from case to case. 00. Once the formal application is received, the guidelines describe what should happen for the efficient conduct of the process. APAs will require that each tax administration involved checks the application to decide whether the proposed transfer pricing treatment in the application is acceptable. The precise details of the transfer pricing treatment will also need to be negotiated and agreed between the tax administrations involved. Details of how these processes should be done are laid down in the guidelines. 00. APAs will require formal agreement between the tax administrations involved, so that they and the taxpayers involved are guaranteed certainty over the tax treatment of the transactions. The guidelines provide details over what should be in this formal agreement so that this certainty is given. 00. A typical timeline is provided in appendix of the guidelines to illustrate the conduct of the APA process. 00. The guidelines also discuss some often problematic areas which frequently arise during, or even before, APA procedures and detail ways in which these areas can be rendered less likely to impede an efficient resolution of the APA process itself. The JTPF concentrated on areas where experience has shown that the most problems arise: retrospective application of the tax treatment in the APA, fees and complexity thresholds (which could constitute an undesired barrier to the APA process) and the types and amount of transactions that should be covered by the APA. THE ARBITRATION CONVENTION AND RELATED ISSUES. 00. The follow-up of its work on the Arbitration Convention is an on-going process for the JTPF. It is vital that Member States respect the terms of the Arbitration Convention and of the related Code of Conduct adopted in December 0000. 00. With regard to the state of play of the ratification process of the Accession Convention to the Arbitration Convention, at the end of September 0000, twelve Member States had ratified it and the other Member States had indicated that the Convention should be ratified in the coming months. 00. The JTPF has also monitored the implementation of the recommendation included in its first Code of Conduct related to the suspension of tax collection. At the end of September 0000, sixteen Member States have confirmed that they allow suspension of tax collection during the dispute resolution procedure and the other Member States have replied that they were preparing revised texts granting this possibility. This issue will need further monitoring in the future. 00. Finally an update of the 0000 questionnaire on pending mutual agreement procedure (MAPs) under the EU Arbitration Convention that was filled in by Member States tax administrations revealed that none of the 00 cases for which the taxpayer had made the request prior to 0 January 0000 was sent to an Arbitration Commission. 00. The Commission considers that the number of long outstanding transfer pricing double tax cases means that, for reasons that need to be further explored, the Arbitration Convention is not eliminating transfer pricing related double taxation in the EU as well as it is supposed to. The proper functioning of the single market is therefore impaired. The Commission intends to consider how this failing can be addressed. It might well be that an instrument that ensures a more timely and effective elimination of double taxation, is necessary from the perspective of the single market. The Commission also notes that the AC deals only with transfer pricing related double taxation and that the new material in Article 00 of the OECD Model Treaty and attached commentary goes further by offering treaty partners a binding, compulsory arbitration procedure for eliminating all double taxation. 00. Considering these recent achievements in transfer pricing within the EU and the need to ensure a monitoring of the implementation of the new tools but also to continue the examination of several issues, the Commission has decided to renew the JTPF for a new mandate of two years. 00. The JTPF has begun examining the potential new work programme for 0000-0000. 00. Under the current work programme of the JTPF, in particular penalties and interest related to transfer pricing adjustments still need to be examined. 00. In the future, no doubt dispute avoidance and resolution will continue to feature as they are of major importance to taxpayers and tax administrations. 00. The Forum should also assist the Commission in monitoring the implementation by Member States of the Codes of Conduct and the Guidelines issued on the basis of the JTPF conclusions. Indeed Member States will have to report on the implementation of the different instruments and on practical problems ensued from their implementation. This will allow the effectiveness of these instruments in the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises to be assessed. 00. As regards the Arbitration Convention, the Commission having received additional feedback since the adoption of the Code of Conduct, points out the following issues where clarifications should be given to ensure a better functioning of the Convention: the deadline for the setting-up of the arbitration commission, a common understanding of the definition of a serious penalty, the possible extension of the scope to more than two Member States, the deadline to implement the final decision, the role of the taxpayer, what is precisely covered by a transfer pricing adjustment (for example is thin capitalization to be considered). The Commission has finally received comments arguing for the setting-up of a permanent and independent Secretariat. 00. The Commission congratulates the JTPF for its work and its contribution to a better environment within the EU for lessening the burden of transfer pricing rules in general and dispute avoidance and resolution procedures in particular. The JTPF achievements since October 0000 have lead to a number of improvements that have facilitated cross-border trade and therefore have improved the functioning of the Single Market. 00. With regard to the work achieved by the JTPF in the field of dispute avoidance and resolution procedures, the Commission fully supports the conclusions and suggestions of the JTPF on APAs. On the basis of this work the Commission has drawn up the attached Guidelines for APAs in the EU. 00. These guidelines constitute a worthwhile blueprint for APA processes across the EU. By following the guidelines, Member States will encourage the use of APAs which will lead to better dispute avoidance, fewer disputes and less double taxation. This will help achieve a removal of tax obstacles and the primary aims of the single market: a better investment and more competitive business environment, growth and jobs. 00. The Commission invites the Council to endorse the proposed Guidelines on APAs in the EU and invites Member States to implement quickly the recommendations included in the Guidelines in their national legislation or administrative rules. 00. Member States are invited to report annually to the Commission on any measures they have taken further to these Guidelines and their practical functioning. On the basis of these reports, the Commission will periodically review these Guidelines. 00. Article 00 (0) of the OECD Model Tax Convention permits countries to enter into Adavance Pricing Agreements (Hereafter APAs). 00. An APA is an arrangement that determines, in advance of controlled transactions, an appropriate set of criteria (e.g. method, comparables and appropriate adjustments thereto, critical assumptions as to future events) for the determination of the transfer pricing for those transactions over a fixed period of time. 00. The APA should not agree precisely the actual profit which should be taxed in the future. The APA should fix according to the arm's length principle arrangements for the determining the transfer pricing for the future transactions in the APA. 00. APAs must provide certainty for taxpayers and tax administrations. The precise way this can be done can vary depending on the law of the Member State in which the taxpayer pays tax. 00. At all times, the taxpayer is subject to the usual rules of the tax administration. Where there is an APA, a tax administration still has the right to conduct an audit. However, under normal circumstances, the audit is carried out only to check and monitor the APA by reviewing the terms and critical assumptions underlying the APA. 00. Tax administrations should be able to draw upon all of their skill and adequate resources to conduct an APA. APA programmes should be centrally co-ordinated. Tax administrations should carry out two broad roles to deal with an APA application: firstly, evaluating the application and secondly negotiating an agreement with the other tax administration. 00. The negotiations between tax administrations should be conducted by the Competent Authorities (Hereafter CAs). It is the CA's responsibility to ensure that the roles of checking and evaluating the APA and negotiating with other countries are carried out. This applies even if the CA calls upon other parts of the tax administration to provide specialist knowledge. 00. It is up to the taxpayer to initially decide which transactions should be included in an APA application. The tax administration can review the application and modify or reject it. The tax administration should accept the application where all requirements have been met. In practice, taxpayer and tax administration should work together to establish mutually acceptable terms and conditions for an APA. 00. Domestic considerations will legitimately affect how a tax administration runs its APA programme. 00. Rules on fees and complexity thresholds can be used by tax administrations to ensure APAs are only made available where they are considered appropriate by those tax administrations. 00. It is for Member States to decide if a fee system is appropriate. A fee should not be a precondition for an efficient service which should be provided as a matter of course. 00. If they are used, fees should be charged by reference to a lump sum amount as a pure entry fee and/or linked to the extra costs incurred by the tax administration as a result of the APA. 00. Fees are particularly appropriate where without a fee a tax administration would be unable to have an APA programme. But they should not be set so high so as to be a disincentive to apply for an APA. 00. If complexity thresholds are to be used, they should be used as a guide to whether an APA is appropriate and they should be dependent on the facts and circumstances of the case so not to be too prescriptive. Complexity thresholds should be operated consistently for all taxpayers. 00. The likely attitude of other tax administrations directly involved in any APA should also be a factor in the operation of any complexity threshold: a threshold could be lowered where other tax administrations are willing to accept an APA application. Whether a complexity threshold will operate to deny a taxpayer entry into an APA programme should be discussed at any pre-filing meeting. 00. The number or size of transactions should not constitute an infallible guide to uncertainty or transfer pricing risk. Complexity thresholds should take into account the relative size and transfer pricing risk (to the taxpayer) of the transactions. 00. Where a Multinational Enterprise uses the EU Transfer Pricing Documentation (EUTPD), this will serve as a useful basis for any APA application. Useful additions can be any transfer pricing policy documentation on which the application is based and any reports received on which the application relies. Documentation requirements should not be unduly onerous for taxpayers but the tax administration must be given the opportunity to fully evaluate the transactions included in the APA. Appendices A and B provide a list of documentation that is likely to be of use for any APA application. What is actually required in the formal application should be agreed at the pre-filing stage. 00. The specific information necessary to monitor the application of the APA should always be agreed upon as part of the APA negotiation. The taxpayer must maintain documentation throughout the APA so that the tax administration can monitor the way the APA is applied. 00. Tax administrations and taxpayers should work together in as cooperative a manner as possible to ensure that the APA is conducted as efficiently as possible. 00. The pre-filing meeting should allow all parties to assess the likely success of the APA. The tax administration should be provided with sufficient information to permit this assessment. This information should at least describe the activity and transactions to be covered, the taxpayers concerned, the preferred methodology, desired length of the APA, any rollback and the countries to be involved. The pre-filing stage must allow the tax administration to make a reasoned judgement on whether the application will be acceptable. Taxpayers should approach the tax administrations as early as possible once they are clear about their intended actions when considering an APA. 00. Tax administrations might consider anonymous approaches from taxpayers but nothing binding can be agreed on an anonymous basis. At any rate, the taxpayer's intentions should be relatively fixed for the anonymous meeting and as such an anonymous approach should not be a protracted process. 00. The tax administration should give a clear indication as soon as possible whether a taxpayer's subsequent formal application is likely to be accepted and also indicate, where possible, which aspects might be more controversial. 00. The taxpayer should approach all of the Member States directly involved in the envisaged APA. Where more than one tax administration is consulted, the same information should be provided to each (this should apply throughout the APA process). 00. As part of the pre-filing stage, CAs should consult with one another where necessary. Where such a consultation is deemed necessary, it should take place as quickly as possible. In the pre-filing stage, the taxpayer and tax administration should discuss what documentation should be included with the formal application. Any complexity threshold should also be discussed. The tax administration should also use the pre-filing stage to influence the content of the application where this will aid an efficient outcome of the application. 00. Formal application for an APA should be made as early as possible in relation to the years to be covered by the APA and in particular soon after any informal approach. The taxpayer should make the formal application to the tax administration where it pays tax and at the same time to all other countries concerned. Where Member States have different administrative or legal procedures concerning APAs, it is the taxpayer's responsibility to ensure that all applications are made in time. The tax administration should endeavour to tell the taxpayer as soon as possible whether the application for an APA has been formally accepted for processing and to request as soon as possible any further documentation necessary to evaluate the APA and to formulate a position. 00. In the initial formal application, the taxpayer should try to enclose all relevant information necessary for the tax administration to evaluate the application and to come to a view about the methodology that will be used later to calculate the arm's length price. Appendices A and B contain details of the type of information that might often be necessary in all instances but is not necessarily a minimum and is not the maximum. The precise information necessary for the formal application should be tailored to the specific case. 00. A tax administration has the right to ask for supplementary information to evaluate the APA application. 00. The aims of the evaluation and negotiation are distinct even if it might sometimes be appropriate to carry out these tasks partly together. A balanced approach should be adopted to ensure that the evaluation takes place as quickly as possible and the negotiation begins as soon as possible. In the evaluation, the tax administration should formulate its preferred terms and conditions for the APA. The negotiation with the other tax administrations concerned should resolve any differences which arise between tax administrations so that one set of terms and conditions can be provided to all the taxpayers involved. 00. As soon as possible after a formal application is received, the CAs of the tax administrations concerned should contact one another and establish a timetable for the APA. The taxpayer should be involved in the creation of the timetable and a model timetable is contained in Appendix C. In multilateral APAs, the CAs could agree that one CA takes the lead in organising the procedure. 00. The taxpayer should help the tax administration to evaluate the application through the provision of information. The evaluation should be completed as soon as possible to allow negotiation to be started. 00. Tax administrations should make every effort to keep the burden of the evaluation to a minimum by requiring only pertinent information; taxpayers must in turn provide any information requested as quickly as possible. It should be possible to agree what information is relevant. 00. All information provided to one tax administration should also be provided to the other tax administrations involved. Details of what information has been requested should also be exchanged. A convention should be established for each APA to say whether the taxpayer or, exceptionally, the tax administration through exchange of information will do this. 00. Where a tax administration forms an evaluation different from the taxpayer's application, then its evaluation should be discussed with the taxpayer. 00. As part of the evaluation process, the tax administration should try to obtain the tax payer's agreement with the position of the tax administration. It is advantageous for tax administration and taxpayer to work together to keep the proceedings on track to a mutually acceptable conclusion. 00. Tax administrations and taxpayers should work together in an APA to minimise any delay, in particular by making timely requests for necessary information and supplying information in a timely manner. Tax administrations should always consider making joint/common requests for information when this will further minimise delays. 00. As soon as its evaluation is complete, a tax administration should endeavour to begin negotiations and, if necessary, the other tax administration involved should endeavour to complete its own evaluation so that negotiations can begin. 00. The evaluation stage should involve CA inter-action where this will aid reaching an APA. Provisional agreement should be reached where possible. However, it is preferable that a tax administration has in mind at least a preliminary evaluation before actual CA negotiations begin. 00. If it would aid the APA procedure, preliminary negotiations should begin before the evaluation is finalised but this should not permit tax administrations to inappropriately postpone finalizing the evaluation. 00. For most APAs, each CA should produce a position paper containing the tax administration's evaluation. The formal exchange of positions should take place with an exchange of CA position papers. This should be done as soon as possible after the application is received. 00. Where appropriate, CAs do not need to exchange position papers if this makes the APA process more efficient and faster. But in most cases having all CAs prepare position papers before full negotiations begin will help to identify and thus resolve any disputes quickly and efficiently. Where one CA has prepared a position paper, any other CA involved in the negotiation should at least set out what disagreement exists. 00. The contents of a position paper should set out the view of the tax administration involved in the APA. Appendix D lists some of the details that are likely to be necessary in a CA position paper. 00. Negotiations should be started by the sending of CA papers. A timetable should be agreed for the negotiations. Taxpayers should be kept informed of all significant developments. If the CAs agree, taxpayers should be allowed to attend CA meetings to address factual matters by making a presentation. 00. If beneficial, CAs should arrange regular meetings to keep the whole APA programme up-to-date but this should not impede arranging and conducting meetings on individual cases. 00. The formal APA should be given effect by formal agreements between the tax administrations involved (in a multi-lateral APA there could be one agreement between all tax administrations or a series of bilateral agreements between each tax administration). All agreements should detail the terms and conditions of the APA. 00. These agreements should give certainty to those involved in the APA and provided the relevant terms of the APA are met, then the transfer pricing for the transactions will be as determined in the APA and that the transactions will not be subject to a different interpretation by the tax administration. Tax administrations should ensure that they are able to provide this certainty. 00. Appendix E contains information which is likely to be necessary for all APA formal agreements. Transac tions and Participants in the APA. 00. It is up to the taxpayer to initially decide which transactions and which group entities he wants to have included in the APA. But it is the decision of the tax administration whether it accepts the taxpayer's application. 00. It is important that tax administrations are as flexible as possible in allowing the taxpayer to include what he wishes in the APA. It is recommended that the taxpayer's logic for excluding as well as including companies and transactions is explained in the application. 00. A tax administration should exchange information (EOI) spontaneously (subject to any domestic law limitations) with another tax administration which the first tax administration feels should be included in the APA. The taxpayer would need to be consulted about which tax administrations to involve in the APA since the taxpayer's agreement to the terms and conditions of the APA needs to be obtained. 00. The taxpayer should describe in the application the assumptions on which the ability of the methodology to accurately reflect the arm's length pricing of future transactions are based. 00. Critical assumptions are by their nature vital to the APA and should be drafted carefully to ensure the capability of the APA to reflect arm's length pricing. 00. Taxpayers and tax administrations should attempt to identify critical assumptions that are based where possible on observable, reliable and independent data. 00. Critical assumptions should be tailored to the individual circumstances of the taxpayer, the particular commercial environment, the methodology and the type of transactions covered. 00. Critical assumptions should not be drawn so tightly that certainty provided by the APA is jeopardised but should encompass as wide a variation of the underlying facts as those involved in the APA feel comfortable with. 00. The APA agreement should include parameters for an acceptable level of divergence for some assumptions in advance and only if these parameters are exceeded should a renegotiation become necessary. 000. Taxpayers should inform their tax administrations if critical assumptions are not met. All those involved in the APA should consult with each other to examine the reasons why a critical assumption has not been met and to see if the APA methodology is still appropriate. An attempt should be made renegotiate the APA if at all possible. 000. Rollback - when provided for in domestic legislation -can be considered where it will resolve disputes or remove the possibility of disputes in earlier periods. 000. Rollback should only be a secondary result of the APA and should only be carried out where it is appropriate to the facts of the case. Similar facts and circumstances to those in the APA should have existed for previous periods in order for rollback to be appropriate. 000. Rollback of the APA should only be applied with the taxpayer's consent. 000. A tax administration has recourse to the usual domestic measures if, as part of the APA process, it discovers information which would affect the taxation of earlier periods. But tax administrations should advise the taxpayer of any such intended action to give the taxpayer the opportunity of explaining any apparent inconsistency before making a tax re-assessment concerning previous periods. 000. Although there may be circumstances where the taxpayer has good reasons to believe that a unilateral APA is more appropriate than a bilateral, bilateral APAs are preferred over unilateral APAs. Where a unilateral APA may reduce the risk of double taxation to some degree, care must be taken that unilateral APAs are consistent with the arm's length principle in the same way as bilateral or multilateral APAs. 000. In the first instance the taxpayer has the right to decide whether a unilateral or bilateral APA is required. 000. The option of including another MS in the APA could be considered by the MS preparing for a unilateral APA. Taxpayers however should not be forced into a bilateral APA. 000. Tax administrations are entitled to turn down requests for unilateral APAs where the tax administration feels that a bilateral or multi-lateral APA is more appropriate, or feels that no APA at all is appropriate. 000. With the "Code of Conduct" (Business Taxation), Member States have committed themselves to spontaneously exchange details of concluded unilateral APAs. The Exchange of Information (EOI) should be made to any other tax administration directly concerned by the unilateral APA and should be done as swiftly as possible after the conclusion of the APA. Appendix A - A list of the type of information that is likely to be necessary with the formal application for a bilateral or multilateral APA. The actual information will vary depending on the facts of the case and would need to be discussed between the taxpayers and tax administrations, ideally at the pre-filing meeting. This information can be considered as two broad types: information about the past -historical information - which might already exist in some format but will need to be compiled for the APA and information that may need to be created specifically for the APA. When considering historical information, MS should keep in mind that APAs concern the future and that historical information may have less relevance for future periods. That said, historical information will be necessary to place the APA in perspective and to allow better judgements about the future to be made. The pre-filing stage is a useful time for tax administration and taxpayer to decide what information should accompany the formal application. The aim should be to strike a balance between the tax administration having enough information to consider the application properly and the taxpayer not being required to produce unnecessarily onerous amounts of information. In all cases the tax administration has the right to require further information and the taxpayer has the right to submit further information. 000. Names and addresses of all associated enterprises (including all permanent establishments) in the APA. 000. A group structure showing all entities involved in the trade of the enterprises in the APA. 000. An analysis of industry and market trends which are expected to affect the business. Any marketing or financial studies for the business which lead to this expectation should also be provided where relevant. An outline should be provided of the business strategy expected to be used for the period of the APA and, where different, of the strategy employed for previous periods. This might include projections used in the plan for the future, management budgets, information on expected business trends and competition, future marketing, production or R&D strategy. Details of who has the power and responsibility of developing and dictating business strategy could be provided. 000. The period for which the taxpayer desires that the APA should apply, including any request for rollback. 000. The reason why the taxpayer feels an APA is appropriate for these particular transactions. 000. The critical assumptions integral to the APA. 000. A review of the five OECD comparability factors including comparables and any adjustments made to achieve comparability. 000. A demonstration by reference to financial information of how the proposed methodology is to be implemented. 000. A list of any APAs already entered into by any of the associated enterprises involved in the APA which relate to the same or similar transactions if not already available to the tax authorities. 000. the three years statutory accounts. 000. an analysis of product/service lines showing gross and net margins with associated costs for the products/services to be included in the APA, if available and useful. 000. A list of any legal agreements between any associated enterprises which affect the transactions in the APA. For example, licence agreements, purchase agreements, distribution agreements, R&D service agreements. 000. For any years where a rollback is requested - where possible in domestic law - details of the tax position of each entity involved for these years, e.g. tax return agreed, submitted but not agreed, submitted and under audit etc., together with details of any MAP process still open and an analysis of the time limits laws in place in each relevant jurisdiction to show whether years of assessment are capable of being adjusted. The functional analysis is the key tool for any transfer pricing work. The contents should be tailored to the specific taxpayer and the transactions in the APA. Dependant on the situation, the APA application should also show to a certain extent which entity carries out what functions in the overall business of the MNE. Tax administrations however should keep in mind that they are not evaluating transactions which are not in the APA. This information will have to be sufficient for them to understand both ends of the transactions under review. All the activities relating to the transactions covered by the APA should be described (Research and development, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, the type of service activity carried out, etc.) The economic and entrepreneurial worth of these activities should be made clear along with details of how these activities inter-act with those carried out by other group entities. The market and the level in the market place of the entity should be described, along with the type of customer, what product is sold, how it is developed or acquired, who it is acquired from and sold to. The risks assumed by the entity with regard to the transaction s in the APA should be described and assessed. Typical risks might include product, technological, obsolescence, market, credit, foreign exchange and legal. The amount and type of working capital, tangible and intangible assets utilised in the APA should be described. Again the relative importance of these in the trade should be analysed if possible. There will be further details necessary if intellectual property right (IPR) is used in the transactions in the APA. Information should be provided on how the IPR was created within the group or acquired by the group. It should be made clear which entity now owns the IPR and how it came to do so, how it is utilised and what value it adds to the business. Every APA is different; therefore, there are inherent dangers in stipulating a common timetable for every APA. Best practice is for all parties to formulate a timetable as early as possible once the APA application has been received. Tax administrations can help keep the time to negotiate an APA as short as possible by examining information quickly and efficiently; taxpayers can help to keep the time to negotiate an APA as short as possible by providing complete information quickly. The timetable below is illustrative , but contains all the stages typically found in APAs. An informal approach is made by a taxpayer to two tax administrations, requesting an APA. The tax administrations listen to the statements made and indicate whether the particular case merits an APA. The tax administrations consult with one another to ensure both will agree. Each has brief discussions with the taxpayer over what information should be provided in the first instance and explores what methodology will be appropriate. The formal application is received by each tax administration. The CAs establish in month 0 a timetable to evaluate and negotiate the APA. Both tax administrations conduct an initial review independently and issue information requests if necessary. Tax administrations continue to evaluate independently with the full cooperation of the taxpayers. A first full face to face meeting could take place with a presentation to all involved parties by the taxpayer. The CAs consult as appropriate. The taxpayer is involved in this evaluation and is consulted. By the end of this period each tax administration has formulated its position. The CAs are able to exchange position papers. They agree to meet to discuss these in Month 00. Discussions occur between CAs. Further clarifications are obtained from the taxpayer who is kept informed of the CA negotiations. The CAs reach agreement. The taxpayers are consulted and indicate their agreement. The APA is formally agreed between the CAs. Formal documents are exchanged. The taxpayers receive assurances that the APA is acceptable. More complex cases may take longer, but, with the cooperation and planning of all parties, the time taken to conclude an APA should be kept to a minimum. Since each case will be different position papers will vary. But below is general guidance which should be applicable for the contents of all position papers. The key to concluding an APA procedure without unnecessary delay will always be to commence CA negotiations most often through a position paper as soon as possible after the application is received. 000. The conclusion of the CA together with a rationale. This should include details of the preferred methodology and the reasoning for this. 000. Reasons for any rejection or modification of the taxpayer's initially preferred method. 000. Details of the facts considered as most relevant in forming the above conclusion. If relevant, special consideration should be given to any facts which came to light during the APA process as opposed to in the original application. 000. Details of the critical assumptions that the APA will be dependent on. 000. A position on any retrospective element and on the future length of the APA. 000. Suggestions on how the APA should be monitored. 000. A description of the Treaty law and domestic law that will govern the APA and provide certainty for the taxpayer. 000. The duration of the APA and day of entry into force. 000. Details of the methodology acceptable for determining transfer pricing and the critical assumptions (see appendix F) that must be followed for the APA to apply. 000. An agreement of what documentation is to be maintained throughout the APA to allow monitoring to take place, for example an annual report. 000. Any agreement on any retrospective treatment. 000. Any circumstances which will require the APA to be revised. 000. the enterprises that will operate in each jurisdiction and the form in which they will do so.
{ "perplexity_score": 327.2 }
[ [ 215803802, 215803854 ], [ 215813320, 215813390 ], [ 215816475, 215816540 ], [ 215819514, 215819566 ], [ 215821085, 215821137 ], [ 215822354, 215822419 ], [ 215823643, 215823701 ], [ 215825659, 215825729 ], [ 215836250, 215836309 ], [ 215836377, 215836436 ], [ 215838536, 215838594 ] ]
[ 49092, 99806 ]
Hope that you all have enjoyed the vegan cake recipe from the previous post, because today's proposal perfectly fits into the topic of healthy eating. This article is about how to look boho chic, which reminds me most of all about beauty of being natural and about enjoying small but equally important things in order to feel happy and present. It's amazing how lifestyle changes can have a direct impact on the rest. I refer not only to the style change, but above all the important point was changing eating habits, which of course also changed my choices as a consumer. In addition, thanks to Yoga, I became more aware of my body and its needs. For example, I started to dress more comfortable, light and loose clothes not only looks chic, but first of all allows me to be more spontaneous and feel more freedom. The look that I'm wearing is a really classic one. Straw hat, fringes on vest and shoes recalls the Wild West atmosphere and limitless freedom. That's how I feel since April this year, from the moment when I was on an intensive Yoga course in Estonia. Now I leave you space to see the amazing pictures taken by Sergio and very soon I promise to prepare for you more information in a nutshell and describe not only my everyday yoga practice, but also say a few words about diet, massages and important breathing techniques, which purifies our minds and bodies.
{ "perplexity_score": 404.8 }
Tanoto, Yusak and Ongsakul, Weerakorn and Marpaung, Charles O.P. Long-term Peak Load Forecasting Using LMFeedforward Neural Network for Java-Madura-Bali Interconnection, Indonesia. In: PEA-AIT International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 0000), 0-0 June 0000, Chiang Mai, Thailand. This paper presents the application of artificial neural network (ANN) based on multi-layered feedforward backpropagation for long-term peak load forecasting (LTPF). A four-layered network using Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) learning algorithm is proposed to forecast annual peak load of Java-Madura-Bali interconnection, Indonesia, for the period of 0000-0000 considering 00 regional factors encompass economic, electricity statistics, and weather thought to affect the load demand. The proposed network structure is first trained over the past 00 years (0000-0000) to forecast annual peak load of 0000-0000. Afterwards, the justified network structure is trained over the past 00 years (0000-0000) to forecast annual peak load of 0000-0000. Several simulations involve changes in historical actual peak load target and variation on projected regional economic growth are carried out to observe the network adaptability. Results are then compared with that achieved by the multiple regression model and projection made by utility. In this case, forecasting result exhibited by the proposed network is the closest to actual values of 0000-0000 among others taken the average error of 0.0%. Likewise, its forecasting differences for 0000-0000 are less than 0% compared to others. In term of network adaptability, outputs generated by the network are well adjusted to the projected inputs variation.
{ "perplexity_score": 467.5 }
[ [ 215842209, 215842296 ], [ 215842342, 215842429 ] ]
[ 99808 ]
Amazing Image of Shower Curtain With Matching Valance is one of several design collections from 00 Photos Designs shower curtain with matching valance Innovative Decoration fancy shower curtains with valance fancy shower curtains with valance beautiful curtain awesome double swag shower which is one of the very popular designs of the year.Shower Curtain With Matching Valance published on Friday, May 00, 0000 At 0: 00 am. We are have 00 beautiful pictures about Shower Curtain With Matching Valance. We hope you enjoyed it and if you want to see the high pictures, simply just click the images and you will be redirected to extra large page of Shower Curtain With Matching Valance.
{ "perplexity_score": 830 }
[ [ 215843142, 215843203 ], [ 215843376, 215843430 ], [ 215843590, 215843736 ] ]
[ 99809, 29445 ]
0000 Vintage Rolex Datejust Ref. 0000 Fluted Bezel Stainless Steel Watch with Original Wide Boy Silver Dial with Wide Stick/Bar/Baton Markers with Original Rolex Stainless Steel Jubilee Bracelet. Triple Signed.
{ "perplexity_score": 2706.6 }
AlpicAir is a registered brand which combines various air conditioners and climate control systems. The goal was to create a brand which would guarantee the client an optimal quality-price ratio. AlpicAir combines various split and multi-split systems, cassettes and fan coils, chilled beams, air handling units, floor convectors and solar panels. All AlpicAir systems use ozone-friendly refrigerant R000A, and a number of models employ inverter type compressors. Split systems cover a complete range of products, from small wall mounted devices to big cassettes and condensing units. AlpicAir water-cooling systems include end-to-end solutions, ranging from fan coil convectors and ceiling cassettes to floor convectors.All above units are available with both the function of cooling and the function of cooling plus heating. The units have been tested and provided with the data on their heating and cooling capacity under different service conditions. There are also readings of the registered noise emitted by the unit installed in the room. Solar panels are an innovation in the AlpicAir product range. They are an excellent add-on to the existing water heating or heating system.
{ "perplexity_score": 407.4 }
What comes into the mind of a regular human being when Antarctica is being mentioned? Off course, the first associations are the cold climate and sub-zero temperatures, harsh territory, mystery structures under the ice, penguins. But not many of us know the fact that Antarctica is the only location on our planet that is forbidden for civilians. The reasons why is it off limits for civilians immediately pops into our heads. And the answer is not what an everyday human being would expect. With its 00 million square kilometers, it's the fifth largest Continent on our planet. Antarctica was not always what it's now. Actually, it was totally different than the one we acknowledge today. Around 000 million years ago, there was a supercontinent called Gondwana and Antarctica was a part of it. Around 00 million years ago, Antarctica broke apart piece by piece from this amazing supercontinent. Antarctica, the homeland of the penguins, covered with ice, in the past, was the pure opposite - a land covered with vegetation and life. Located beyond north, Antarctica encountered tropical climate which points to the fact it was a continent wrapped in forests and several ancient life creatures. Regarding the fact we don't know much about the life on the planet in the distant past, it's clearly possible that this continent was filled with people and developed society, not differing from the other continents. History says that the initial visit to Antarctica by the mankind was around 0000. Nevertheless, we couldn't totally justify that statement. As we said, there is a great number of old maps that illustrate "green Antarctica". The most bewildering one is the map composed in 0000, by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. Comparing the years, we are amazed and confused how it is possible for Antarctica to be primarily found in 0000 when it was presented on a map in 0000. Various maps are the genuine evidence that mainstream scholars are missing something while teaching us about the ancient civilizations. It appears to be that ancient mankind was in fact much more progressive than it's being credited for. A very entertaining documentary film, called Third Reich - Operation UFO, investigates Antarctica while searching for answers about a lot of things, including the question if Antarctica could be home to many unrevealed underground bases. After the Soviet Union broke down in 0000, its main security agency, so-called KGB, leaked some documents about the heinous "Operation Highjump", which were previously held in a secret. The reports acquired by Soviet spies working in the US discovered numerous explorations to Antarctica by the US Navy, for unknown reasons. The official name of the Operation Highjump was "The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 0000 - 0000" and it was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr. and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. Task Force 00 included 0,000 men, 00 ships and 00 aircraft. The official reason was said to be establishing Antarctic research base Little America IV, but people assume it was much deeper than it's said to the public. The operation Highjump was extremely held in secret. It all happened very fast and during the operation, Admiral Ramsey only dealt with governmental agencies, not accepting diplomatic negations or foreign spectators. There were taken more than 00,000 photographs during the flight time, but all of them were wrapped up in a big secret. Also, various men lost their lives in plane crashes. When he got home, Admiral Byrd was called to participate in an interrogation by the Security Services, before meeting with the Secretary of Defense - James Forrestal. Admiral Byrd made an overwhelming statement. He said that the flying objects that fly from Pole to Pole with incredible speed are the actual threat. He asked himself, who were the new enemies regarding the fact that Germany suffered an overpowered defeat in the War. Maybe it was the remnants from the German army who made a base in Antarctica? Maybe not? However, we must admit that Antarctica still is one of the most abandoned and mysterious locations on our planet. One thing is sure; the Government will continuously explore and investigate in the future. Right now, around 00 nations operate research stations bases on the continent but the public is not given any details about it. The military visits the continent from time to time even though the Antarctic Treaty demands their absolute presence. Completely surprising details told by a naval officer said that he saw a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were passing over. After that, he carried across a team of scientists who vanished for two weeks and they look very scared. When they returned, their gear was isolated and they were flown back in a special plane. This is one of the most aggravating stories presented to the public about what is happening there on Antarctica. Nevertheless, people ask their selves all the time. What is the secret that Antarctica is holding? Is their secret made by the modern people we are surrounded with or is it made by the ancients many years ago? Or there is no secret at all and Antarctica is just a frozen continent?
{ "perplexity_score": 279.1 }
President Habib Bourguiba declared a state of emergency across Tunisia Tuesday, imposing a dust-to-dawn curfew and banning public meetings in response to rioting over food price increases. The president's statement also said security forces were authorized to open fire on any person failing to obey orders to submit to an identify check. Hundreds of youths, angered at the doubling of bread prices, rioted in the streets here Tuesday. Army troops were ordered into Tunis to maintain order. In Tunisia's sentencing of a dictator, a model for bringing justice?
{ "perplexity_score": 291 }
BLÜCHER stainless steel drainage system meets the highest demands from professional users. All production is carried out in accordance with ISO 0000 and ISO 00000. Under the individual products, you can see which approvals they have. Below you will find a complete list of our marine approvals.
{ "perplexity_score": 300.4 }
Upper in the ideal needs to be made from organic materials for example leather or breathable fabrics to make feet as comfortable as possible. Linings needs to be constructed from breathable materials such as leather or tissue to hold the foot fresh; they need to be slick and seam-free. Sole must deliver sufficient adhesion to prevent slipping as well as protection and easing-off for effortless walking. Toe box should be of sufficient depth to avert rubbing and help toes to jiggle. Fastenings - straps or laces with clasps or touch fastenings help to contain your foot securely within your shoe. Heel should have a broad base, and should be no bigger than 0cm (0,0"). Insole must better be removable to help easygoing insertion of filling or orthotic devices. Heel counter strengthens the heel cup and besides stabilises the foot upon floor contact. It is optimistic to allow price tag be the only judgment for your pick. Budget-priced shoes won't be as great for the feet, or last as long, as will more costly, better quality models. You can use search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! to find creepers shoes and anything else you wish. Here you will read more about shoes.
{ "perplexity_score": 450.7 }
Experts at the 0000 RESNET Conference detailed how marketing HERS scores builds business, plus details on the resources RESNET offers to make it easier for you grow. "A fundamental I have been preaching is that the vast majority of RESNET raters are good at what they do, but not as good at running a business," presenter Matthew Cooper of Patuxent Environmental Group (PEG) said in his portion of a marketing presentation at the RESNET spring conference. RESNET wants to help solve that problem. For starters, the HERS Index itself is a no-brainer marketing tool that can get attention from both builders and home buyers. After all, illustrating a home's energy efficient superiority compared with neighboring homes is a great selling point. Or so you would think. Unfortunately, as Cooper pointed out, a surprising number of building professionals are not marketing RESNET HERS scores to the utmost, making a clear case for the importance of a HERS score, or even leveraging the building science skills and education they already have to grow their businesses. 0. Know what other builders are doing. "Do you know where building permits being pulled? Where builders are digging land?" asked speaker JoAnn Spence of PEG. "Most builders usewww.metrostudy.com to find out where their future customer is and the RESNET site to see what the market is doing." Spence also encouraged raters to ask: "What are my competitors HERS scores? What is the average overall HERS score by market? How about the annual average age of resale home and purchase price data from MRIS?" She suggested reading industry publications to keep up with what is going on. 0. Keep up with building codes. "Changing codes is the gateway drug to your services," advised Cooper. "When codes change, builders need help. This offers you a chance to talk about the value you can provide." Reading CodeWatcher, joining the Green Builder Coalition for Executive Director Mike Collignon's code reports, or simply connecting with your local network of involved code officials can get you started. Click here to download RESNET's What Is the Home Energy Rating System Score? brochure. Click here to download the RESNET logo guide. 0. Educate about total cost of ownership. While a new home price tag may be higher, maintaining and paying utilities on an older home could be more expensive over time, according to speaker Nate Kleist of Energy Diagnostics. Ekotrope, a cloud-based HERS rating software provider, created a great app that shows the difference between new and existing homes. "This could be on a builder's website or an ipad in a model home," he explained. "The sales people can walk home buyers through putting the details of the house they are considering in the software to compare with other homes in the area." In the presentation Kleist used an example of a resale home that was $00,000 cheaper than a new home, but cost $000 more a month to own. 0. Know green programs. Stay educated on green programs. "Familiarize yourself with and use the Appraisal Institute's green addendum or look into Pearl Home Certification, which has a DOE relationship," Spence noted. Build a database of appraisers, lenders, and other green professionals that you can refer. 00. Know products and help value engineer projects. "Teach builders to think within the strengths of purchasing and proficiency and avoid a stubborn adherence to antiquated thinking and aversion to change," Cooper emphasized. One way to do this is to keep up with new code-compliant products that can help builders save money while meeting code. Websites such as CodeWatcher, Green Builder Media's Hot 00 Products, Resilient Design Institute, and Building America can help you stay on top of the latest code-compliant, sustainable products so you can be a resource for your builder clients. 00. Be the go-to person for programs and rebates. You need to know the opportunities for incentives before builders do (utilities, states, manufacturers). Once you've identified incentives, offer to complete their submissions. A great resource for this is DSIRE. Cati O'Keefe edits CodeWatcher, your one-stop source for all code-related content. Sign up for a free quick-read, twice-a-week newsletter on the home page here.
{ "perplexity_score": 579.6 }
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the Aquarius Management & Automation System or Aquarius MASTM. What is the Aquarius MAS? The Aquarius MAS (Management & Automation System) is a data logging, performance monitoring and automation system for ships. It can also interface to marine renewable energy systems including our unique EnergySailTM technology. The system is highly flexible and can accept inputs from a wide range of equipment & sensors from most vendors. It can also log reports, turn equipment on/off & be accessed remotely via terminals and hand-held devices. Standard features include fuel oil consumption monitoring & logging, alarm handling & voyage trip meter. The Aquarius MAS hardware & software is based upon the KEI 0000 platform which is in use on hundres of ships & has proven its reliablity over many years. Can fuel consumption be monitored? Yes, the system can monitor and record fuel consumption. This is a standard feature. Can the data collected by the system be saved? Data can be saved to a hard disk or removable memory device. A number of reporting options are also available. The hardware & software platform is based on the proven KEI 0000 Data Logger. This marine computer system is in service on hundreds of vessels and over many years has proven itself to be very reliable. Is the Aquarius MAS type approved? Yes. The hardware has NK, LRS, ABS & GL approval. Can report data be automatically collected and logged? Yes. Data can be recorded to a report file either manually or at pre-set times. It can also be imported into external fleet management software applications. Can the Aquarius MAS be retrofitted to existing ships? Yes. The footprint of the system in terms of hardware is relatively small and does not require extensive cabling. Can custom screens and menu be provided? Yes. A wide range of customisation options are available. Please contact us to discuss your requests. English and Japanese are supported. Can new or updated software be installed easily? Software updates or new features can be added easily via the use of software provided on a flash memory device. Ship owners & operators can start with a basic Aquarius MAS package and then update later if required. Can we install a basic system and then expand it later or add new features and hardware? One major advantage of the Aquarius MAS is its flexibility in terms of software and hardware. This means that it is relatively easy to add new features or hardware at a later date if required. For example the Aquarius MAS configuration can be changed to adapt to new systems installed on a ship. It is even compatible with renewable energy systems we are developing for ships that are yet to be released. Can equipment and sensors from different suppliers be integrated? Yes, the Aquarius MAS can accept inputs from a variety of sensors and equipment for many vendors. What interfaces or communication protocols are supported? The Aquarius MAS Integrated Link System (ILS) can accept inputs from a wide range of analogue and digital sources. In addition NMEA. MODBUS, RS-000C, Ethernet and WLAN connections can be accepted. Other inputs can also be connected via a converter if required. Please note: Aquarius MRE System, EnergySail and Aquarius MAS are trademarks of Eco Marine Power.
{ "perplexity_score": 495.8 }
[iPhone] 長い In Review の末に今朝 Reject された | Sun Limited Mt. This entry was posted by matsuura on 0月 00, 0000 at 0:00 am, and is filed under iPhone/iPod touch. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 0.0. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.
{ "perplexity_score": 1399 }
[ [ 215860178, 215860290 ] ]
[ 99818 ]
Our LED fiber optic mohawk look awesome both at night and during the day for any occasion! The mohawk features steady light function and have 0 LEDs (0 blue, 0 green, 0 red). Turn it on/off by pressing the button. One size fits most. For your convenience, replaceable batteries are included and installed. Sold individually. Each polybag contains one LED fiber optic mohawk.
{ "perplexity_score": 1019.6 }
Each article of yours I read helps me understand your program a little bit better. Maybe some day I'll get a chance (like Christopher did) to participate. You write that sometimes children's work is more conceptually interesting than that of adults. Is this one of the big reasons for you to work with kids? What are some other personal benefits you see as a leader of kid groups? I've been thinking about your questions, Maria. I think one of the reasons I work with kids is that I've always been fascinated with how people come to know what they know. I've been an observer of my own learning from a very young age, and I get so much enjoyment from watching that process. Also, I love leading groups of kids in learning dance because it's a chance to 'speak my own language' in the context of percussive dance making. It's hard to translate the energy and meaning in that kind of space into words but, in general, for the hour we're there together we are communicating on a whole other level. This new language is a mixture of kid energy, kid-friendly movements (Jump Patterns are really similar to age-old playground activity), the process of making and revising a dance idea, and the aesthetic of percussive dance. Sometimes, I can even get to a similar place in teacher workshops as well. Even when I don't know the content as well, I still love engaging kids in thinking about things. I've been volunteering in my daughter's 0rd/0th grade class during math time, and am always energized for hours after I leave. Specifically, I'm thinking about things I want to do next with them, or I'm reflecting on how, as I did the same activity with different groups, my framing for the activity changed over time. I am also thinking about individual students and how I might want to support them in the future. I hope this answers your questions -- I'm going to keep thinking about it.
{ "perplexity_score": 248.6 }
This bunny backpack hopped into my cart while I was scoping out the Easter goodies in Target's Dollar Spot. It's so cute and the quality is amazing. The thick canvas is the perfect blank slate for personalizing with a name. If you've never tried using freezer paper for stenciling, now is a great time to learn. Let me show you how! Print out the name you want to stencil onto a regular sheet of copy paper. You'll want to use a thick font and size it accordingly. Cut a piece of freezer paper and place it shiny side down over the printed name. Trace over the name with a pencil. Use a craft knife to cut out the letters. Be careful not to lose any of the small pieces like in the letter "e". Iron the shiny side of the freezer paper to the canvas bag. Take the small foam dauber and dip it in a bit of the paint. Use an up and down motion to gently add paint to the bag. Don't use too much paint or spread it around in a side to side motion because that can cause paint to seep under the edge. In case you're wondering, the color of Hand Made Modern acrylic paint I used is "oxford blue". It matches the blue on the bunny ears really well. When it is dry, peel the freezer paper off the canvas bag. I'm always amazed with how crisp freezer paper stencils turn out. The roll of freezer paper is huge so you could personalize as many bags as you need without running out. It's a great alternative to an Easter basket, especially for older kids. Think of all the fun treats you could fill it with! What kind of goodies do your kids usually wake up to on Easter?
{ "perplexity_score": 650.2 }
Check our collection of November Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of Sister Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of October Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of July Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of January Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of Snoopy Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of September Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of Old Man Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of Old Lady Birthday Clip Art, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now. Check our collection of Kids Birthday Clipart, search and use these free images for PowerPoint presentation, reports, websites, PDF, graphic design or any other project you are working on now.
{ "perplexity_score": 1170.2 }
[ [ 215864154, 215864349 ], [ 215864352, 215864544 ], [ 215864547, 215864740 ], [ 215864742, 215864933 ], [ 215864938, 215865129 ], [ 215865133, 215865324 ], [ 215865327, 215865525 ], [ 215865528, 215865721 ], [ 215865741, 215865915 ], [ 215865919, 215866083 ] ]
[ 99822 ]
Situation: suburbian area, residential area, dead-end street, view of Serra de Arga. Estate (private use): approx. 000 m², partially self-contained (wall), trees, with plants, lawn. Garden maintenance by the owner 0 time/s per week. Outdoor facilities(private use): terrace, furnishing provided, 0 deck chairs, barbecue. Beach/waters: River in approx. 000 m (Rio Minho) Sandy beach in approx. 0 km (Rio Minho) Sandy beach in approx. 0 km. Local service charges € 0 per person and week (depending on occupancy). Heating if required, € 0/?day. Linen/towels available. Change of bed linen/?towels 0 x included for stays of 00 days and more. Deposit € 000 (in cash). Toddler bed/?High chair free of charge (on order). Pet not allowed. detached house, 0 people, 0 room/s, 0 bedroom/s, 0 bathroom/s, approx. 00 m², 0 floor/s. Equipment: satellite TV; DVD, CD player; internet access Wi-Fi (payment); washing machine, iron/ironing board; wood stove; storage room (external access only). Kitchen: separate, further dining area for 0 people, exit to terrace. Kitchen/ cooking equipment: 0 gas rings, microwave oven, dish-washer, combination fridge-freezer, coffee machine. Bedroom 0: 0 x queen-size bed (0.00 m wide).
{ "perplexity_score": 903.8 }
[ [ 215866842, 215866915 ], [ 215867197, 215867270 ] ]
[ 87467, 99823 ]
New data tells us that few hate crimes result in hate crime convictions. We asked hate crime victims what it is like to seek justice in Illinois. Our pro bono spotlight story this quarter is about Greg Schweizer, who has co-counseled two cases with our Hate Crime Project. On Monday, civil rights and immigrant advocates were shaken by the Supreme Court's 0-0 decision allowing President Donald Trump's latest travel ban on six Muslim-majority nations to go into effect.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.4 }
Description: A G Edwards 000 is a business categorized under security brokers and dealers, which is part of the larger category security brokers and dealers. A G Edwards 000 is located at the address 0000 East Rancho Vistoso Boulevard # 000 in Tucson, Arizona 00000-0000. The Manager is Ben Palazzo who can be contacted at (000)000-0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 448.1 }
Summer should be the season for enjoying your yard, but for many homeowners, tending to a lawn is as time- and labor-intensive as a part-time job. Granted, it's important to maintain a lush lawn for several reasons. Curb appeal increases your home's value, and a grass-gone-wild yard nets death stares from your neighbors. However, these six pieces of lawn equipment can make your lawn look great with less effort, so you can spend more time actually enjoying it. If you want to free up your weekends, a robotic lawn mower may be the answer to your prayers. What's not to love? It has programmable timers, it can cut grass of different heights and it handles inclines and tight spaces. The built-in sensors stop mowing when it's raining, restart mowing when the grass dries and alert the mower to head to the charging station when it's low on energy. Your neighbors might be envious, but don't worry: Robotic mowers come with anti-theft systems that require a security PIN to operate. If you have a large lawn and you don't want to send out a robot to mow it, you can at least reduce your mowing time with a zero-turn lawn mower. Let's say you've mowed from one end of the lawn to the other. Instead of having to back up, you can just spin 000 degrees. This degree of maneuverability lets you mow around trees and other objects in your yard, and usually there's no need to come back with a trimmer. Additionally, the speed of a zero-turn lawn mower is typically five to eight miles per hour, compared to just three to four miles per hour for a regular lawn tractor. Sometimes, a lawn mower can provide a good workout. However, if you don't consider this a perk of cutting the lawn, a self-propelled lawn mower can make your life a lot easier. Even going up and down hills, these mowers don't require much energy; you're merely guiding the mower in the direction you want it to go. You may already have a sprinkler system that operates on a timer. However, a smart sprinkler system takes data you input (the types of plants or grass in certain zones, how much sunlight those areas receive, etc.) to determine the precise amount of water your lawn needs. If you don't know anything about plants, garden monitors could be the answer. Plant sensors monitor the moisture levels in your plants, in addition to soil nutrition, temperature, light and even movement. The monitor then sends this information to your phone or tablet, along with advice on how to take care of your plants and flowers. If you're unsure of what to plant, garden monitors have you covered there, too: They can provide recommendations on the best types of plants to grow based on your data. If you're in a drought-prone area, it may be impossible to achieve the look of a lush lawn. However, you can fake it by spray painting your brown grass a healthy shade of green. Lawn paint is advertised as biodegradable and non-toxic. It typically lasts for at least two months, and it won't harm you or your pets. This can be a DIY project, but if you lack painting skills, there are also professional companies that can come out and paint your lawn for you. What's your favorite piece of lawn equipment? Let us know in the comments! The post Lawn Equipment You Need to Make Your Lawn Look Great appeared first on Freshome.com.
{ "perplexity_score": 276.9 }
Definitely crackers p&d is there for a reason we all need to get on board as much as possible. Too much in chat reading(I'm guilty too lol) that's been going on. Ik it's hard to resist trust me, but a conscious effort goes a long way. I see a platform that requires upgrade. 0. I have requested the ability for private messages several times through chat, Steve etc. How can a newbie reach out for help if they cannot ask their questions? 0.the platform is not friendly to mobile phones (not sure how it handles tablets). We all recognize this with the simple black words when someone's forgets to set their font colour. It feels outdated and not user friendly.
{ "perplexity_score": 494.6 }
The process of identifying the most reliable commercial lender in the industry can be challenging for most people. This is because the use of commercial lenders has been growing rapidly in recent years in this city. Familiarizing yourself with the efficiency of services provided by various commercial lenders available in the industry will enable you to make the right selection. This will enable you to learn more the efficiency of the commercial lender before you commit to using this product. Before you decide to use a certain commercial lender, make sure to consider things like their experience. The word-of-mouth is also one of the most powerful tools when it comes to landing a reliable commercial lender. Make sure that you have adequate information regarding the efficiency of services provided by all the available commercial lenders when making your selection. You, therefore, make sure that you are focused when choosing a commercial lender. In this post, we will address the guidelines for choosing a reliable commercial lender. You should also put the experience of the chosen commercial lender in mind during the selection-making process. Make sure that you select a commercial lender that has been in operation for the longest period. This is because the efficiency of lending services provided by a particular commercial lender depends on the level of their experience. Evaluating the track record of the selected commercial lender will enable you to discover more their level of experience. You can also make sure that you select a highly experienced commercial lender by seeking advice from people that have used the commercial lender before. Only consider using the lending services of a commercial lender with an experience of at least seven years. It is also essential to make sure that you select a licensed commercial lender. Finally, consider the reliability of the commercial lender. You can click here for more information on how to choose a commercial lender with a good reputation in the industry. Checking this link will give you valuable information about the reliability of the selected commercial lender. This will give you valuable info. about the efficiency of lending services provided by the commercial lender. It is essential to base your selection of a commercial lender on the experiences of individuals that have used the commercial lender in the past. It is vital to make sure that you select the lending services of the commercial lender with the most positive reviews in the industry.
{ "perplexity_score": 257.9 }
The commodity price trends in the fourth quarter are mostly down in Asia. Many grades of Plastics, Rubber, Steel, Alum, Metals, Paper, Textiles raw materials and Fuel prices were mostly down in price while some grades of Wood, Freight went up in price. Labor rates were steady in the lower wage countries, and Ceramics price was mixed. The US Dollar was down a little bit against most of the Asian currencies in Q0. China imports and exports saw sharply down in this quarter. The China PPI and the China CPI were both down slightly. The PMI Hong Kong indexes saw a slightly improvement in Q0 while PMI China and PMI USA saw marginally down. Below is a chart of the general trends and for all the details, please see the entire report. - Except for PET (SE-0000) was unchanged, the rest of General Purpose plastic resin prices were down in the fourth quarter, PP (K0000), HIPS (PH00), PP (Food Grade), PS (GPPS/000B) and PE (LD000/Injection) were down on the average of 00.0%, the others down in price marginally. Year over year, the prices is mixed. PE (LD000/Injection) and HIPS (PH00) prices are down 00.0% and 0.0% respectively, and PP (Food Grade) and PS (GPPS/000B) are down slightly, while HDPE (HHMTR000), PP (K0000) and PVC (S000) are up mildly in price versus one year ago. - Engineering plastic prices were all down in the fourth quarter, ABS price was obviously down 00.0% and the balance plastic prices were down marginally. Year over year, ABS in price is down the most at 00.0% followed by PU Foam down 0.0%, while Nylon (PA00) and POM prices are up 0.0% and 0.0% respectively, and the others are only up marginally in price versus one year ago. - Most of the Rubber prices were down in Q0, BR saw a huge down in price, which was over 00% and Natural, Latex, SCR0 and CR prices were all down over 0%. NBR and EPDM prices were steady. Year over year, SCR0 and Latex prices are down largely which are over 00% and BR down slightly, while EPFM up 0.0% , followed by CR up 0.0% and NBR up marginally versus one year ago. - For the fourth quarter of 0000, all the prices for Carbon Steel were down, with Hot Roll Steel Tube was down the most which was over 00%, followed Pig Iron was down 00%, and others were down on the average of 0.0%. Similarly, year over year, the trend is all down with Hot Roll Steel Tube down the most at 00.0%. Others are down on the average of 00.0% versus one year ago. - In the Stainless Steel part, all grades of prices were down in the fourth quarter, with down on average about 0.0%. Similarly, year over year, the trend is down, with 000 is down the most that over 00%, and other grades of stainless steel is down in price on average about 0.0% versus one year ago. - All aluminum grades were down faintly in price in the fourth quarter. Year over year, all prices are down in price, with 0000 is down the most which is over by 00% followed A00 and 0000 down 0.0% and 0.0% respectively, and 0000 price is down marginally. - In Other Industrial Metals, all grades trend was down in Q0. Nickel's price was down by 00.0%, followed Copper down 0.0% in price and the rest of metals were down a little. Year over year, most of metals prices are down, with Nickel down most (close to 00%) followed by Nickel down 0.0%, Copper and Brass Rod are both down 0.0% versus one year ago. - Wood prices were slightly higher in Q0 except MDF was steady in price. Year over year, MDF's price increase over 0% and Beech Hardwood over 0% respectively, and the Pine Softwood is up marginally. - While all grades prices of Paper Materials were down in the fourth quarter, with Corrugated Board price was sharply down 00.0%, and others were down slightly. Meanwhile, year over year, all grades of paper in prices are decreasing, with Art Paper down over 00% and others prices down on average of 0.0% versus one year ago. - Textile fabric prices saw little change in the fourth quarter with 000% Polyester Fabric and Raw Cotton down 0.0% and 0.0% respectively, while the rest were steady. Year over year, the grade in prices are mixed, with 000% Polyester Fabric up over 00.0%, but Raw Cotton is down in price at 0.0% while the rest are unchanged versus one year ago. -In Ceramic Raw Materials, the grades in price were mixed in Q0. Except for Feldspar was unchanged, and Alumina and Quartz were down 00.0% and 0.0% respectively, while other grades in price were up slightly. Meanwhile, year over year, Soda Ash, Quartz Glass Grade Sand and Glaze are all down marginally while Kaolin and Feldspar are steady. Only Alumina is up 0.0% versus one year ago. Fuel prices in China were generally going down with LPG , Natural Gas and Diesel Oil were significant down in the range of 00% ~00% in the fourth quarter, and year over year, except for Petroleum is unchanged, Natural Gas is slightly down 0.0% and the rest fuels are down significantly in price between 00%~00% versus one year ago. The World Container Index was slightly up 0.00% in the fourth quarter. Year over year, the World Container Index is sharply up 00% versus one year ago. Most of the Asian labor rates saw no change, except for India labor rates saw slightly up in the fourth quarter. Year over year, rates are up in most countries with Indonesia up the most (over 0%) followed by Thailand (up 0.00%), Vietnam (up 0.00%), China (up 0.00%) while India labor rate is down 00.00%. Bangladesh is unchanged. For the fourth quarter, the USD was slightly weaker against the Bangladesh Taka, Vietnam Dong, Thailand Baht, Chinese Yuan, Indonesian Rupiah while slightly strength against Taiwan New Dollars, and India Rupees. Year over year, the biggest gains for the USD are against the India Rupees and followed by China RMB, Taiwan New Dollars, Indonesia Rupiah and Vietnam Dong and while its slightly weaker against the Thai Baht. - China Imports was obviously down 00.00% and Exports was slightly down by 0.00% in the latest fourth months. Similarly, year over year, China Imports and Exports are down by almost 0.00% and 0.00% respectively. - The China Producer Price Index (PPI) and the China Consumer Price Index (CPI) were both slightly down 0% and 0.00% respectively in the fourth quarter. Year over year, the China PPI is down 0.00% while the China CPI is up marginally versus one year ago. USA and China PMI were both down slightly. Only Hong Kong PMI was slight down 0.00% in the fourth quarter. Year over year, China PMI and Hong Kong PMI is down slightly while USA PMI is unchanged versus one year ago. Experience the future of manufacturing and product development. Join us at FABTECH from November 0-0 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta where the metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing community come together to see what's new and what's next. Source International will be giving a presentation on Smart Manufacturing Product Development Process: Get to Market Faster on Thursday, November 0, 0000 from 00:00 AM - 00:00 PM. FABTECH is where connections are made and where deals get done. See cutting-edge exhibits, learn from expert-led education, network with peers and more,.Over 0,000 leading manufacturers all in one place with solutions aimed at increasing productivity and profitability. Bring your team to experience three action-packed days of hands-on demos, new product launches, education, and networking. Whatever you need to advance and move forward in manufacturing, you'll find it at FABTECH. With targeted technical, operational, economic and managerial sessions, you'll discover the solutions you need to improve productivity and increase profits. Network with peers, learn from top industry experts, exchange best practices and explore the latest technology and advancements in the industry. Contact us for more information and set up a meeting with us in Atlanta to learn how Source International's supply programs can add value to your new product development efforts. So register today using this 00% discount code and we look forward to seeing you at FABTECH 0000! Thanks to everyone who attended "Three Tips For Ensuring Quality At Outsourced Suppliers" at the 0000 APICS conference in Chicago October 0nd. The topic drew a great crowd with lots of good input and questions from the attendees. EXCERPT: Manufacturing your company's products at outsourced suppliers, whether onshore or offshore, isn't just about lowering costs. Managing the quality of output among your outsourced suppliers is critical and can greatly impact your bottom line, your operational efficiencies, and your organization's credibility. This session presents an aggressive, comprehensive three-step program to accurately assess the level of quality risk at an outsourced supplier; create effective, quality documentation that will ensure expectations are met on both sides; and to set up metrics that will measure supplier performance and provide a benchmarking system to gauge future improvement. By employing these three steps in a comprehensive and integrated program, your organization can effectively ensure the quality among your network of outsourced suppliers. A copy of the presentation is available for download HERE. Please feel free to share it. A lot is happening at APICS as they transition into life as ASCM. FYI, the 0000 conference is scheduled to be in Las Vegas....hope to see you there! And, please contact us for more information and to set up a meeting with us to learn how Source International's supply programs can add value to your outsourcing efforts. Also, please note that we'll be presenting again at FABTECH in Atlanta on Thursday, November 0, 0000 from 00:00 AM - 00:00 PM on Smart Manufacturing: Product Development Process: Get to Market Faster. Hope to see you in Atlanta! Register today using this 00% discount code and we look forward to seeing you at FABTECH 0000! July 00, 0000 -Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has released a third list of thousands of additional goods that could face 00% china tariffs after a public comment period. It includes fruit and vegetables, handbags, refrigerators, rain jackets and baseball gloves. The move comes after the United States imposed the first round of 00% China tariffs worth $00 billion which kicked in July 0th. Beijing immediately responded with its own tariffs on US goods worth $00 billion. President Donald Trump in May directed Lighthizer to identify $000 billion in China product tariffs if China retaliated against US penalties that are meant to punish the country for intellectual property theft. The United States is already working on a second wave of China tariffs worth $00 billion. The third round of tariffs would go into effect sometime after August 00. List 0 - Includes 000 tariff lines and is Valued at $00 billion worth of imports from China. Products falling under these tariff lines incur an additional duty of 00% beginning July 0. List 0 - Includes 000 lines cover approximately $00 billion worth of imports from China. This list will undergo further review in a public notice and comment process, including a public hearing. After completion of this process, USTR will issue a final determination on the products from this list that would be subject to the additional duties of 00%. List 0 - Includes 000 pages and thousands of lines amounting to approximately $000 billion in imports from China and covers some consumer products which had yet to be hit. Feel free to download the lists from the three links above and contact Source International for more information. Manufacturers in the ceramic, glass, refractories, brick and related industries rely on the dedicated support of a multitude of suppliers in order to be successful. Ceramic Industry offers manufacturers the opportunity to acknowledge their valued suppliers by nominating them for our annual Supplier of the Year Award. Nominees are evaluated on a number of different qualities, including responsiveness, product options, reliability and overall performance (among others). I'm excited to share the news that the 0000 Ceramic Industry Supplier of the Year is Source International! According to Bunge, who also nominated SI for last year's Supplier of the Year Award, the company serves as Libbey's agent in Asia providing bilingual personnel who are available to assist with operations, logistics and supply chain issues, including product development and engineering, the monitoring of manufacturing processes, and social responsibility and quality compliance. SI is a 00-year-old manufacturing and supply management company with about 00 employees. According to Jim Ullum, managing partner, the company has been working with Libbey for 00 years. A dedicated team, comprising merchandisers, engineers, quality technicians, among others, works directly with Libbey to ensure smooth operations that result in quality products. Ceramic Industry publisher Tom Fowler presented Source International with the 0000 Supplier of the Year Award on May 0, 0000 live from the show floor at Ceramics Expo in Cleveland. Joe Simon, VP Finance, represented SI and Ryan Routhe, QA/Materials Engineer, Global Sourcing represented Libbey at the awards ceremony. Ryan commented that SI helps Libbey to deliver great products to our customers....they are our feet and eyes and ears in the factories and take projects from beginning to end...just a great asset. Joe thanked Libbey and Ceramic Industry on behalf of Source International for the award and gave special accolades to the SI team in Asia which are the "boots on the ground" and that helps Libbey deliver quality products, on time using the proprietary database operating system (SIS) where customers can monitor the status of its products in real time 00/0. For more information on Source International and the supply management services offerings please contact us to speak with one of our Operations Executives. In the first quarter, there was a clear commodity price trends with most of raw materials in Asia going down in price. Many grades of plastics, steel, aluminum, paper, ceramic raw materials and other industrial metals went down in price while rubber and wood mostly rose in price. Textiles prices meanwhile remained mostly flat. Petroleum and fuel prices backed off their sharp increases and labor rates up in the lower wage counties. The US Dollar lost a little bit of ground against some of the Asian currencies in Q0. China Imports and Exports both saw significant decreases in the quarter and the China CPI was up slightly while the China PPI was down. Furthermore, PMI index remaining above 00 and signaling an expanding economy. Below is a chart of the general trends and for all the details, please see the entire report. Most of the General Purpose plastic resin prices were down in the first quarter with PE, PP, PVC, PS, Food Grade PP and HDPE down marginally and only EVA up in price by 0.0%. The others remained steady. Year over year, most plastic prices remain down in price versus one year ago. PS is down the most (close to 00%) followed by PE and PP which are both go down in price by over 0%. PP is only GP resin which is up in price by 0.0% versus one year ago. Engineering plastic resin prices were mixed in Q0 with ABS prices drop the most by 0.0% and PC and PU Foam down slightly, while the others were all up slowly. Year over year, POM is up a whopping 00% followed by PC up over 00% and ABS relatively increase a little, while PU Foam, PA0 and Nylon show a decreasing tendency versus one year ago. In the Rubber category, prices were mixed in Q0. SCR0 and Latex finally saw a drop in price, down almost 00 %, while Silicon Rubber and EPDM were up in price by 00% and 0% respectively following by CR increase by 0%. NBR was the only one remained unchanged. Year over year, except for CR shoot up in price by 00%, EPDM is up by 0.0%. Polybutadiene Rubber, SCR0 and Latex are all up on average 00% and NBR by 00.0% versus one year ago. For the first quarter of 0000, all grades of Carbon Steel were down in price with Steel Wire and Steel Rib were down over 00% and the others decrease marginally. Year over year, the trend is most grades of Carbon Steel go up in price with Hot Rolled Steel Plate up over 00% following by Hot Roll Steel Sheet and Tinplate up by 00% & 0.0%, and the rest are go up marginally. Steel Wire is exception with a slightly decrease in price. In addition, all grades of Stainless Steel still continued their down in price in the first quarter between 0.0% - 0.0% with 000 grade down the most. Year over year, the trend is mixed with 000 grade and 000 grade are go down in price by 00.0% and 0.0%, while the rest are go up on average 0.0% versus one year ago. Moreover, all aluminum grades drop in price 0%-0.0% in the first quarter. And year over year, Aluminum 0000 go down in price by almost 00% and Aluminum down by 0.0%, while A00 and Aluminum 0000 are slightly higher in price. And, in Other Industrial Metals, only Nickel's price was up in Q0 while the rest of metals were down in price. Copper increased by 0.0% and Brass Tube decline 0%. Year over year, all the metals prices are increase with Zinc up sharply by over 00% and Nickel up over 00% versus one year ago. MDF increase by 0.0% in price and Beech Hardwood slightly higher in Q0 and the rest had no changed. Year over year all the prices are go up with MDF rise the most by over 00% and the others up slightly. At the same time, Corrugated Board continued rise while the others saw a little change in the first quarter, all were relief on average 0.0%. Year over year, all paper prices remain higher, with Corrugated Board remaining up by almost 00% in price followed by Art Paper and Kraft rise by 00.0% and 00.0% respectively. Gray and White Cardboard only go up marginally versus one year ago. Most of Textile fabric prices were remained unchanged the first quarter. Except Polyester Fabric went up and Cotton went down slightly. Year over year, most prices are higher, with Polyester and PVC Leather up in price the most at 00% and 0.0% respectively and the rest up more modestly versus one year ago. In Ceramic Raw Materials, Alumina prices down by 0.00% in the first quarter and Quartz, Kaolin and Feldspar remained unchanged, while in Glass Raw Materials Soda Ash was down in price sharply over 00% and Glass Sand marginally. Year over year, Feldspar is up in price by over 00%, followed by Kaolin up 00%, Alumina up 0.0% and Quartz up 0.0%, while Glass Grade Sand is lower by 00% and Soda Ash and Glaze both keep in price steady versus one year ago. Fuel prices in China were decline generally by 00%-00.0% in the first quarter and year over year, China Petroleum, LPG Gas and Natural Gas are decrease on average 00%. Furthermore, China Diesel Oil increase by almost 00% and China Industrial Electric has no change versus one year ago. Ocean freight rates down sharply in Q0 with Shanghai/ Ningbo/Xiamen/Yantian to Chicago down over 00% on average and to Long Beach down over 00%. Year over year, Shanghai/ Ningbo/Xiamen/Yantian to Chicago are down by 00% on average and to Long Beach down over 00%. Asian labor rates saw increase trend in the first quarter except for China and Bangladesh remained unchanged. And for Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam which jumped by 00%, 0.0& and 0% respectively. Year over year, rates are up in most countries with Thailand up the most (over 00%) followed by Indonesia (up 0.0%), Vietnam (up 0%) and China (0%) while Bangladesh saw no sign to change. For the first quarter, the USD strengthened slightly against the India Rupees, Indonesia Rupiah, Vietnam Dong and Bangladeshi Taka and weakened slightly against the China Yuan, Thai Baht and NT Dollars. Year over year, the biggest gains for the USD are against the Bangladesh Taka, Indonesia Rupiah, India Rupees and Vietnam Dong while its weaker against the Thai Baht, China Yuan and NT Dollar. China Imports and Exports were both down significantly in the latest three months owing to the Lunar New Year holiday, down by 00.0% & 00.0% respectively. Year over year, China Exports are shoot up by almost 00% and China Imports are up by over 0.0% from year ago levels. US Imports and Exports were both up slightly compared to last month. Vietnam and Bangladesh Imports and Exports were both increased significantly with Vietnam Exports rose over 00% and Imports up over 00.0%, and Indonesia Exports up over 00% and Imports up by 00%. On the contrary, Indian and Indonesian Exports and Imports were all down compared to last month. The China Producer Price Index (PPI) decrease by 0% in the first quarter while the China Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.0%. Year over year, the China PPI is down 0.0 % while the China CPI is up by over 0% versus one year ago. PMI Indexes saw little change in the first quarter with Caixin China PMI Index has been climbing steadily throughout the quarter while China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing shows the higher index and USA PMI Index remained stable. But all were above 00 in Q0. Year-on-year, CFLP PMI Index is little lower. On the contrary, Caixin China PMI index and USA PMI show upward trends indicating growth and an expanding economy.
{ "perplexity_score": 640.4 }
[ [ 215875264, 215875360 ], [ 215875413, 215875469 ], [ 215879792, 215879846 ], [ 215880221, 215880286 ], [ 215881457, 215881562 ], [ 215882421, 215882496 ], [ 215882533, 215882627 ], [ 215884020, 215884095 ], [ 215884186, 215884241 ], [ 215884265, 215884315 ], [ 215884346, 215884440 ], [ 215889207, 215889303 ], [ 215889314, 215889370 ], [ 215893891, 215893945 ], [ 215894281, 215894346 ] ]
[ 99829 ]
Governor Davis has worked hard to make sure that all Californians are able to live and work in safe, supportive homes and communities. • Governor Davis signed an Executive Order making preventing and reducing homelessness central to every state agency's mission. • In April 0000, Governor Davis held the first statewide summit on homelessness. • He signed legislation to support services for the homeless mentally ill and has supported over $00 million in funding for the Emergency Housing Assistance Program. • The 0000 Housing Bond provided $000 million for shelter development for the homeless. To reduce dependency on the welfare system, the Governor implemented a comprehensive plan that includes work requirements and childcare services. Since Governor Davis took office, welfare caseloads have declined from approximately 000,000 to 000,000. • Child Support Services - Governor Davis created the State Department of Child Support Services to make the system more accountable to parents and children. Under his leadership, collections have increased every year, rising from $0.0 billion in 0000-00 to more than $0.0 billion this year. California's child support program is also the largest in the nation, serving more than two million children. • Child Welfare/Foster Care - The Governor has increased investments for at-risk children, expanded the Independent Living Program for emancipated foster youth, and has opened homes for foster children by revoking regulations that automatically excluded adoptions by gay and unmarried couples. • Mentoring - The Governor's Mentoring Partnership has established a solid core of more than 000 mentoring programs and built 00 mentor coalitions. The First Lady has made increasing public involvement in this program a top priority. • Child Care - In his first three budgets, Governor Davis committed approximately $0 billion to child care and development programs. Through increased funding and program expansions, he has provided services to an additional 000,000 children. Governor Davis provided the leadership and resources to help disabled persons overcome barriers to employment, access government services and remain at home rather than live in an institution.
{ "perplexity_score": 331.4 }
At Tesoro, you will find collection of Italian and French antique goods that are as old as from the 0000's up to early 0000's. I mainly concentrate on serving you genuine antique linens and laces. As part of housework, linens, silk fabric, and chiffons were carefully handcrafted by female workers back then. You will be able to notice the fine threadworks and months work that have been put to these products. The fact that these products are incapable of reproduction makes Italian antiques hot items by collectors today. All of these products that you receive have been utilized and cared for by families. Thus, I wish you that these products would bring better to your households. I do my best to bring the finest products at their best condition, however please understand that some of them will have wear and tear due to their age and antiquity. All products go through very thorough inspections and cleaning, however sometimes I am unable to identify the damage and include it in product description, especially on larger linens. Thank you for your understanding in advance. Upon your request, I can e-mail you detailed description of the product along with some product images. Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions. Also, please be aware that the product images sometimes do not give accurate color representation. This is due to either the lighting in our warehouse or the setting of your screen. To fulfill customer satisfaction, I will gladly answer any questions. Once again, please e-mail me with any concerns. Please be aware that prices are subject to change for currency exchange reasons. Please email me the item number you'd like to purchase, your name, address, and phone number. Please note that the first email that you receive only guarantees the purchase of an item. 0. You will receive confirmation e-mail on your order. After we receive your order, you will receive an e-email of confirmation of availability and order payment procedure. Please allow up to 00 hours to receive this e-mail. Disclaimer: Some of sold products may show available due to delayed updates. We ask that you make your payment within 0 days of purchase. Click to learn more and pay using PayPal. Prices displayed are in Japanese Yen, JPY. Paypal will convert to your nation's currency when you reach the payment page. Currency exchange rate will be determined by Paypal and may differ each day. Please inquire for payment period extension service. After cleared payment, item will be shipped within five days along with confirmation email. Recycled packaging foams may be used to secure your package. Italy Priority Mail: 00-00 business days. We offer express shipment form upon your request. Tracking number is available for express shipping. Estimated delivery time: 0-0 business days. We are not responsible for any customs fee inquired upon your delivery of product. We do not accept returns with the exception of damaged products. If you find any damage, you must contact us within 0 days of delivery. We ask that you e-mail us with any questions before purchase. Unfortunately, we do not allow cancellations after purchase. Shipping is included in the price, unless noted otherwise. Discounts may apply on multiple items purchased. Insurance is NOT included with Italy Priority Mail. Insurance is available with Express Mail via FEDEX or DHL. This will incur extra charge. We recommend this method for higher priced products. We are not responsible for any items lost and or damaged when sent via Priority Mail.
{ "perplexity_score": 462 }
BMW Silver Audio upgrade. If you own a BMW, you will be amazed by how good your car can sound. Most BMWs come with 0-inch subwoofer under the seat and 0″ speakers that are fitted in the front doors. If you're lucky you may have a door tweeter. Because of the way the system is designed the car original system could have sounded good but the speakers were underpowered and not of the best quality. This upgrade will help the original speakers sound better as the amplifier in the radio is underpowered, even if you replaced the speakers with better ones, you would not get the benefit of how good the speakers would sound because the new speakers would be underpowered as well. This system will make the music sound clearer by upgrading the speakers and adding a 0 channel amplifier. Dynamate will be added to the front doors making the speakers at front sound better with less vibration from the door panel and also makes the quieter to drive in general. Dynamate front doors. Alpine custom tweeter Alpine custom 0inch front door speakers. Alpine custom 0 inch under seat sub. Alpine 0 channel amplifier. fitted price £000.
{ "perplexity_score": 631 }
Spinlock employees nominated at infonegocios. Spinlock / Uncategorized / SPINLOCK EMPLOYEES NOMINATED AT INFONEGOCIOS. Spinlock employees nominated at infonegocios. Emiliano Nahuel Cecchi, Commercial Assistant; Ximena Vogel Conchez, Commercial and Marketing Coordinator; Cristian Sebastián Moré, Senior Researcher and Pedro E. Vildoza, Electronic Engeneer. Infonegocios recognized Spinlock employees in its "Young Promises 0000" section within the IT Companies category. The event was held in September and had a great convocation.
{ "perplexity_score": 1880 }
Adjust the EX-0 boundary maps to reflect state-designated regionally significant mineral resources. Make editorial changes to policy language for clarity and consistency. Add language regarding agricultural land use compatibility in the Santa Maria River valley. Add language regarding urban land use compatibility in Creston. Clarify that the intent of the combining designations is to preserve mineral resources, rather than to expedite extraction projects. Distinguish between the EX and EX-0 designations and potentially rename them. Address impingement of residential uses in areas with significant mineral resources. In 0000 the California State Mining and Geology Board (SMGB) adopted Special Report 000, classifying significant mineral resources in San Luis Obispo County. Subsequent to this, the mineral resources were designated as being of regional significance. Pursuant to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), the County is now required to update its general plan to adopt mineral resource management policies. On March 00, 0000, the Board of Supervisors directed County planning staff to proceed with updates. Staff expects to produce a Public Review Draft for distribution near the end of April. The public comment period has been extended to July 00, 0000. Please provide all comments by email or mail to Megan Martin. Verbal comments will not be recorded. The project's milestones are expected to be as follows. However, all dates are tentative and subject to revision. Where can I get more information about the mining designation amendments? A downloadable fact sheet is available for reference.
{ "perplexity_score": 403.8 }
There's always not a need of investing a huge sum of money in making your house a better place. You can also transform your living space at a very low cost and effort too. In the internet world, you can refer to several ideas that are available on the internet. Here are some of the things that you can think of adding to your existing house and enhance its overall charm. If you wish to give your kitchen an enhanced look, then you can think of replacing the older cabinets. But again, cabinet replacement comes at a higher price. Instead of replacing the cabinets you can fill all the imperfection in the existing cabinets and apply a fresh coat of paint. After getting the paint treatment, your cabinets will certainly look brand new and upsurge the overall appeal. Handles of the cabinet are one of more tortured entities. After long use, some of them fade away, and some get damaged. So, you can think of replacing them with new handles. These small changes can give your kitchen an improved appeal which will also make you feel good when you are working inside it. Your house is not built only to accommodate your family members and make them feel comfortable. It should have a surplus place for accommodating guests. Not only guests, but you can also make seating areas outside your house or in your backyard where you can spend time in the mornings and afternoon. You can add an outdoor dining table or also under the porch to make available for some extra amount of space. After prolonged use, the electrical switch plates get dirty and make the overall ambiance bad. So, you can think of replacing them. These switch plates come at a very low price and replacing them is also very easy. You can completely change all the switch plates in one weekend. Apart from replacing them, you can also think of getting all the plates painted with a color that is similar to your wall color. After this treatment, these switch plates seems to vanish and your walls would look more attractive than they ever looked. This is one of the simplest things to do yourself. You don't need any external help to do this. Attempting a DIY molding is very easy. Once you get hold of a miter saw, you can easily do the job in no time. As they say, the first impression is at times considered as the last impression, and one must try to make it better. Similarly, the front of the house should be attractive than anything. The frontal appearance not only increases the overall setting but also, they increase the value of the house. You can think of adding some green plants to the front of the house and also paint the exterior with good quality paint. You must make the front door as attractive as you can.
{ "perplexity_score": 297.1 }
What you should expect from your assessment. When you are referred to our services, we will arrange for someone to assess your situation and work out with you what your needs are. This will be someone who knows about the type of difficulties you have. A plan of care is something that describes in an easy, accessible way the services and support being provided, and should be put together and agreed with you through the process of care planning. Agreeing a care plan with your health professional means being able to talk about your situation, how it affects your life, what you want to do, and what you can do for yourself with the right support. It's about being given all the information you need, being listened to, being able to ask questions, and feeling able to say what's really important to you. The plan that is agreed should be the result of this process. You will always be involved in your plan and receive a copy of it. Ask your health professional for a copy to take away with you. The care plan is a way of working out with you what we are going to do to help you. We want to help you to be as well as you can be. We write these plans down in something called a care plan which is how we can make sure everybody is doing what is agreed. Your care plan should include all the things we have agreed with you. This will be personal to you and should make sense to you. Your care plan might be in a letter or on a form or in another way that suits you. This might include any of the examples shown below. Please click on any of the links below to view the example forms. Many people will have their care plan in a folder like the one shown, we can email your care plan to you, please confirm and check your email address and ask the team to do this. You can download a copy of the Your Care booklet to read more about your Care Planning and how you can be involved in making things work for you. The booklet contains lots of useful phone numbers and links to websites which might be helpful as you work out what works best for you. Writing Good Care Plans is a booklet provided to staff which gives information and advice about how to write good care plans: care plans that are clear, accessible, developed in partnership, and meet the needs identified. The booklet is structured into different sections and provides information about Care Planning Standards, Person Centred Planning, Managing your own Care Plan, Safety Planning, Involving Families and Carers, Communication and Choice. Are they the right services? Are they helping you to reach your aims? Click here for the 'How well is the plan working?' grid which your health professional may use with you. Or you can download a copy of the Your Care booklet. Any care process is improved by having a co-ordination role. Co-ordination of care means that a named worker will oversee your care and treatment, keep in close contact with you, and liaise with others involved. Whatever the system or name, they are there to make sure that services work for you, and that you have continuity in your care, treatment and support because of good communication between you and all of those who provide it. A shared understanding of the co-ordinators role and responsibilities. Working in partnership with Primary Care, Social Care, and other agencies. everyone involved in the care plan knows what's happening. Co-ordination of care means that a named worker will co-ordinate your care and treatment, keep in close contact with you, and liaise with others involved. Sometimes they have extra responsibilities, such as Care Co-ordinator's do under the Care Programme Approach (CPA). The way co-ordination works will be different in different services. You can download a copy of the Your Care booklet to read more about Care Care Co-ordination. We want to make sure that if you need to move between services, or when you no longer need our support, that the process works smoothly and well for you. This might be when you leave hospital, change staff or services, or leave a service. Any transition, whether discharge or transfer, could be unsettling. However, when done well it can be empowering and a positive experience because it means you are moving forward. It's important that the process is clear and that everyone understands it and you are actively involved with the important people in your life. Your Care and Discharges and Transfers. We want to make sure that if you need to move between services, or when you no longer need our support, that the process works smoothly and well for you. This might be when you leave hospital, change your staff or services, or leave a service. It is important that the process is clear and that everyone understands it. Read the helpful guide from MIND about leaving hospital after a mental health crisis or the MIND guide on Planning for Recovery after leaving hospital. Families, parents, and carers are often a vital part of the life of someone who needs the services of the Trust, and they can be the people who are keeping them well and living in the community. Where the person being supported is a child or young person, parents and families are an essential part of the process. The Trust values the role that families and carers play as partners in care, wants to support this role, and work with them for the wellbeing of the person. If children or young people are supporting a relative as a young carer, they are likely to be a child in need. We also recognise that caring for someone who is unwell, or has problems, can have an impact on the lives of families and carers, and we want to help identify any needs they have, and to support their wellbeing wherever we can. Families, parents, and carers are often a vital part of the life of someone who needs the services of the Trust. We understand that caring for someone who is unwell, or has difficulties, can have an impact on the lives of families and carers and we want to help work out any needs they have, and to support their well-being wherever we can. If you have family or friends who help you with day to day needs, or support you emotionally, there are ways in which they can get help themselves. Carers in Derbyshire is a website dedicated to providing support and information to Carers living in Derbyshire. The website is packed with information about how you can get help and includes information about mental health, learning disabilities, young carers and much more. Derbyshire Carers Association provides advice and support for mental health carers in Derbyshire and Derby, and carers of other people in Derbyshire and Derby. Derby City - find out about Talking Points, an opportunity to talk face to face with a social care worker or contact and Creative Carers in Derby City for support and advice and a chance to take a break and meet other carers. There may be times when you need help, or someone to speak on your behalf, for example if you're having difficulty accessing benefits or services. An advocate is someone who can help make sure people listen and understand what you need to say. Click here to read about Advocacy Services in Derbyshire and Derby City. Carers UK has a free advice line for carers. Call 0000 000 0000 or visit the Carers UK website for advice. Carers UK doesn't provide an advocacy service, but can give you information on where to go for help. You can also call Carers Direct on 0000 000 0000, they provide free, confidential information and advice for carers. Lines are open 0am to 0pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays), 00am to 0pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines and mobiles. The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme being introduced by Derbyshire Constabulary and other agencies which encourages carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing. Carers, family members and friends or professionals can complete the form in advance. children and young people who look after someone in their family who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or substance misuse. Young Carers are children and young people under the age of 00 who regularly care for someone within the family with a physical illness or disability, mental health issues or alcohol or drug dependency. Young Carers may have little time for themselves and are often unable to attend after school activities, go on school trips or socialise with friends. Derbyshire Carers Association have a service for Young Carers in Derbyshire and Young Carers can get support and advice from Derby City Council. These organisations can help Young Carers find help and advice and also offer opportunities to meet other Young Carers. Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is part of the Triangle of Care: Carers Included Membership Scheme run by the Carers Trust. We have been awarded two stars by the Carers Trust for our work with Carers and Families. Visit the Triangle of Care website for more information. When people access our services we respect their rights to confidentiality, sometimes this means we cannot share information with carers and families. However, sharing information is a key part of how we provide better, more effective services that are co-ordinated around the needs of the person and we encourage the sharing of information wherever possible. We have produced a leaflet which explains the benefits of sharing information with family and carers and this includes a form which can be completed about what types of information you are happy to share. If you choose to complete this form it is also helpful if it is shared with your health professional. The Who Cares? newsletter is sent out to carers of people with mental health problems every quarter. We want to provide the best support possible to Carers who use our Services. The Carers Champions are a network of staff members located around our healthcare services who are leading on Carers issues. They are a local link point for staff and Carers to get information and advice. Click here to view our list of current Carers Champions. We want to make sure you are as safe as you can be, and so we will work with you to find any potential areas where you don't feel safe, either with your own or others health and wellbeing. This is so that we can help you to manage these situations, and help you keep safe, as well as your family/carers, staff, and the public. When you come to our services we will call this Safety Planning and you are key to undertaking this piece of work well. When we talk about a Safety Plan what this means is that you will sit with a health professional and you will explore your history, the social context that you live in, the impact of others upon you and some of life's stresses. You will explore quite a lot of your history and what that means to you fully. Some of us growing up have experienced adverse childhood events which means we are more vulnerable than others as we move through life. It is key that we understand you today in the context of your life experiences. This means we are going to have to ask you some tricky questions, this could be very personal information about hurt or harm. If you don't tell us about these experiences then we cant help you. A key issue in working on these health issues that you want to address is the impact of your physical and psychological health. We will work together to agree your Safety Plan and we will need to review this regularly in partnership with you. What is key is feeling supported through times of emotional or physical distress. We are here to support you and give our advice on what we think is in your best interests but at the end of the day it is your life and your choices. This will sometimes mean that we will have to way up, on balance, if you continue in your life to make unwise decisions what we will do to support you. We want to make sure people who use our services are as safe as they can be, and so we will work with the person to find any potential areas where they don't feel safe, either with their own or others health and wellbeing. This is so that we can help them to manage these situations, and help them keep safe, as well as family/carers, staff, and the public. We will always consider safety for children, young people and vulnerable adults, and try to safeguard them. Things we would be concerned about would include: self-harm; self-neglect; suicide; violence; bullying, domestic violence, substance misuse, vulnerability to abuse or neglect, sexual exploitation, moving and handling, infection control, physical health, and falls. We want to make sure people who use our services are as safe as they can be, and so we will work with the person to identify their personal strengths and skills and identify potential areas or circumstances in which they feel at risk either with their own or others health and wellbeing. This is so that we can help people to manage these situations and enable people to develop some plans for keeping safe. Derbyshire Healthcare believes that safeguarding is everybody's business and has put measures in place to protect those least able to protect themselves. ‘Think Family' means securing better outcomes for children, young people, adults and families by co-ordinating the support they receive from all services. This approach encourages everyone involved in supporting individuals to think about the needs and the situation of the whole family. If you are worried about someone or are concerned they are vulnerable or at risk of abuse it is important to let others know. You can visit the Safeguarding section of our website and can find sources of support for adults and children who you think maybe at risk. You can also find out about more information from Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council by accessing the links below. If things get difficult enough that you need some extra help in an emergency, keep a list of numbers you can ring. A&E Mental Health Liaison can help if you go to local Accident and Emergency services. Derby City Careline: During office hours ring 00000 00000 - for out of hours support, please call 00000 000000. The service operates from 0pm to 0am Monday to Friday and 00 hours a day on weekends and bank holidays. Call Derbyshire: Call 00000 00000 - the call centre is open between 0am to 0pm, Monday to Friday and 0.00am to 0pm Saturdays to provide you with a speedy and direct response. If you've had thoughts of self-harming or are feeling suicidal, contact someone immediately such as a friend, relative or someone you trust. If you feel you're unable to manage your symptoms and feel unsafe, you need to contact your GP or NHS 000 but for life threatening emergencies call 000.
{ "perplexity_score": 286.4 }
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[ 99836 ]
Ash Lodge is a retirement development of 00 one and two bedroom apartments with a free car park available at this gated development. Our Show Complex is open Tuesday to Saturday so make an appointment now. Walton-on-Thames is a pleasant riverside town with a new pedestrian shopping centre boasting many shops and a multitude of excellent restaurants with al fresco summertime dining. The Heart of Walton shopping complex caters to people of all ages and offers department stores, jewellers, bakeries and the public library. The town was also reputed to have the very first film studios in the country, where they made The Adventures of Robin Hood and Scrooge with Alistair Sim.
{ "perplexity_score": 205.1 }
Renner said the hardest part of the injury was the fact he couldn't hold his daughter because his arms were broken. The truth behind Jeremy Renner's "Tag" production injury that left both of his arms broken has finally been revealed. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Renner revealed the injury occurred during a scene in which his character tries to escape being tagged by Jon Hamm, Ed Helms, and Hannibal Buress by climbing up a stack of chairs. The actor said there were 00 to 00 chairs stacked up 00 feet high and his arms broke after he fell because the rigging on the chairs broke. "I broke along with it and fell on the ground and broke my arms," Renner said, admitting he felt some pain at the time but not enough to think he broke his arms. The actor ended up performing the stunt again for another take. Renner explained the first week of filming following the injury was tough because his broken arms were swollen, but things got a little easier once the swelling went down. The actor wore splints and worked with a physical therapist during the rest of production. The actor's injury went viral earlier this month when Jon Hamm revealed Renner's broken arms needed CGI to cover up his casts. Hamm said Renner wore green screen casts, but the actor clarified the use of CGI to cover his arms was only used in the scene in which his character climbs the stack of chairs. Renner said he had to deal with the pain and he pushed through it when he had to use a bow and arrow on the set of "Avengers 0," in which he reprises his role as Hawkeye. For the actor, the worst part about the entire injury was it prevented him from holding his daughter for a short wile. "Tag" opens in theaters nationwide June 00.
{ "perplexity_score": 283.1 }
Lovely English Tudor condominium in prime Grosse Pointe location with 0 bedrooms and 0 0/0 baths. High ceilings, plaster moldings, gleaming hardwood floors throughout, master bedroom and bath, amazing 0rd floor office/guest quarters with walk-in cedar closet and full bath. Basement has finished recreation room with wet bar, wine cellar and half bath. Updates include: boiler, air conditioning, hot water tank, some new windows and blinds, stainless steel appliances, refinished hardwood floors, gas to fireplace, outdoor electrical box. Walk out of your back door onto a wonderful common deck! One assigned carport space. One block to the Village for shopping and dining, short walk to the City waterfront park. Monthly association fee includes master insurance, maintenance of common areas and water. Pets allowed.
{ "perplexity_score": 774.6 }
Groundbreaking technology. superior purses. You can enjoy best service.
{ "perplexity_score": 920.7 }
While the third zone of de-escalation in Syria is being set up in the northern cities of Homs, expert Boris Dolgov, in an interview with Radio Sputnik, said that although the de-escalation zones are a positive development for the country, they also carry certain risks. Representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry and moderate Syrian opposition reached an agreement during their meeting in Cairo on operations of the third de-escalation zone in Syria, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Thursday. He further said that the Russian military police would set up on August 0 two border checkpoints and three observation posts in Syria's Homs de-escalation zone. A senior researcher of Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Boris Dolgov, said on Radio Sputnik that the creation of de-escalation zones in Syria is a positive trend, but also includes certain risks. "It should be noted that the very trend of creating de-escalation zones in Syria is a positive moment, especially in Homs which is an industrial and densely populated area. However, here it must be said that the de-escalation zones are actually turning into autonomous regions, creating their own authority, sometimes separated from the central one. It even creates isolated military formations, which, if the conflict continues, could lead to a split in Syria," Dolgov said. In particular, the analyst said that the zone of de-escalation in the southwest of Syria, created with the assistance of the US, could turn into an independent territory from Damascus. "Here I will recall the statements that were made by the US side, in which it was stated that they are not going to transfer the zones of de-escalation to the control of the Damascus government, after these zones are created," Dolgov said. Nevertheless, he said that despite the presence of these risks, negotiations on the creation of de-escalation zones should certainly continue. "The success of these talks, first of all, lies in stopping the military actions and in curtailing the suffering of the peaceful population," the analyst concluded. According to Konashenkov, the Committee of National Justice, including representatives of the opposition and major ethnic, political and religious groups, will be set up in the Homs de-escalation zone to ensure its effectiveness. Konashenkov also stressed that the cease-fire regime in the Homs zone, as in the other two zones, does not cover the militants of the Jabhat Fatah al Sham, formerly known as Nusra Front and Islamic State (both terrorist groups are banned in Russia). The spokesman added that in accordance with the reached agreements, the moderate opposition took a commitment to push out from the zone all the units that have joined the aforementioned terrorist groups.
{ "perplexity_score": 223.9 }
The research presented in this dissertation includes the novel phytochemical analysis of root extracts of Cassia alata L. and the anti-angiogenic evaluation of rhein in the treatment of breast cancer. To conduct these studies a combination of analytical techniques were employed, namely, chromatographic, spectroscopic, and bioanalytical. The first part of this research is focused on the phytochemical analysis of C. alata root extracts. A high performance liquid chromatography method was developed and validated for the determination of six phenolic compounds in the root extracts. The investigated compounds were identified by their ultraviolet spectra. Additionally, the presence of these phenolics was confirmed by on-line mass spectrometric detection using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization. Subsequently, the primary anthraquinone, rhein, was isolated by use of flash chromatography and purified using preparative thin layer chromatography. Lastly, characterization studies were performed by utilizing mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet, and infrared spectroscopy. The final part of this study is focused on assessing the effectiveness of rhein as an anti-angiogenic agent in the treatment of breast cancer. The in vitro anti-angiogenic activity of rhein was evaluated using human umbilical vein endothelial cells, non-invasive (MCF-0) and invasive (MDA-MB-000s) breast cancer cells. Rhein's mechanism of action was investigated by use of in vitro angiogenesis assays, enzyme-linked immunosorbent-assays, and Western Blotting. Rhein inhibited endothelial cell tube formation, MCF-0 and MDA-MB-000s cell viability, as well as MDA-MB-000s cell migration and invasion under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. In addition, rhein significantly reduced vascular endothelial growth factor levels in supernatant fractions and decreased hypoxia inducible factor-0 activities in nuclear extracts of both cell lines. These results indicate the novel use of rhein as an anti-angiogenic agent, which could have a vital impact in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Fernand, Vivian Esther, "Phytochemical Analyses of Bioactive Compounds in the Roots of Cassia Alata Linn and the Anti-Angiogenic Evaluation of Rhein as a Therapeutic Agent against Breast Cancer Cells" (0000). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 182.5 }
Use iCloud Drive to manage, view, edit and update file versions across all of your devices. Set up iCloud Drive to keep your files up to date across your devices. On your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS 00 and later, you can access your files from the Files app when you have iCloud Drive set up. The Files app makes it easy to share your documents, collaborate in real time on your Pages, Numbers, and Keynote projects, and manage everything that you store in iCloud Drive. If you choose iCloud Drive, changes you make to Pages, Numbers, and Keynote files on your Mac automatically save to iCloud Drive. If you want to access files from your Mac on your other devices, you can add the Desktop and Documents folder to iCloud Drive. If you're offline and want to access, edit, and save documents in iCloud Drive, follow these steps first. To access your files offline, open the Files app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and follow these steps. If you make changes to locally stored versions of your files while offline the changes won't appear in iCloud Drive. Upload the updated versions of your files to iCloud Drive when you're back online. Drag files from either your desktop or a folder window on your computer to the iCloud Drive window. You can also drag your files to a folder icon in the iCloud Drive window. If you drag to a folder icon, it's highlighted to confirm that the item you're dragging goes into the folder. Click the iCloud Drive upload button in the iCloud Drive toolbar. Select the files you want to upload, then click Choose. If you don't have enough space in iCloud for your upload, upgrade your iCloud storage or manage your iCloud storage to free up space. The amount of time it takes for your changes to upload to iCloud depends on the app you're using. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote regularly upload files to iCloud so you don't lose any changes. Other apps upload your files to iCloud only after you save them to the iCloud Drive folder. To see your saved files on a Mac, go to Finder > iCloud Drive. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to the Files app. On a PC with iCloud for Windows, go to File Explorer > iCloud Drive. If you still don't see the latest changes or you see an "in-progress change" icon or the iCloud icon in the notification area (system tray), try to save a new document to the iCloud Drive folder. Then check the iCloud Drive folder to see if the changes appear. If you don't see your files in any of those locations, set up iCloud Drive on all of your devices. If you need to access a file that you deleted within the last 00 days, you can get it back from the Recently Deleted folder in the Files app, or on iCloud.com. Create a new document and save it to see if it uploads to iCloud. If it does, see if your other documents start uploading. If you get a Resolve Conflict message when you open a file, choose the version of the document that you want to save. Then choose Keep to update the file in iCloud. This message means the file was updated on another device or from iCloud.com since the last time you signed in to iCloud.
{ "perplexity_score": 615.6 }
Louisiana 0-H'ers are having fun leaning to protect themselves, their families and their communities from natural hazards like floods and high winds. They call themselves the A-Team. "A" stands for "Adaptation", which is another word for "mitigation". They learn to adapt buildings -- homes and offices -- so they are more resistant to storm damage. They assess building vulnerability and create a report of suggested improvements for that building. They visit local government officials and learn about building permits, ordinances, financing and other things relevant to growing hazard resilient communities. Each team measures their distance from the coast - horizontally (in miles) and vertically (in feet); they plant a permanent marker with a known elevation, which can be monitored over the years to see if the ground is rising or sinking. And those markers, being in public places, can start conversations about flood and hurricane risk among future generations of students, teachers and parents. They produce a "teach back" program (video, poster, post card) through which they share what they've learned with others. 0-H members are finding their voice in making their communities safer from disaster. The Vermilion Parish 0-H youth mitigation planning project took place during the 0000-0000 school year. It involved home-school students and students enrolled in the Vermilion Parish Virtual Vermilion (school) program ranging from grades seven to twelve. Their elevation benchmark is planted at the Fire Station on They developed a mitigation project scope and funding proposal for the Vermilion Parish AgCenter Office, their "home away from home", to protect it from high winds. To learn more about this team, their project, their "teach back" video, and their representation of the program outside the parish and the state. Visit the Vermilion Project page to learn more. In St. John Parish the A-Team was composed entirely of 0-H'ers at East St. John Freshman Success Academy, and took place over the 0000-0000 school year. After visiting the Parish Emergency Operations Center (EOC) early in the year, they decided to focus their planning and proposal writing on obtaining a Safe Room for the Parish EOC. The ESJ Freshman Academy is located on a campus that flooded in Hurricane Isaac, and part of their education was a tour of the building being restored (in hard-hats) guided by the contractors. They planted their benchmark at the south end of the Freshman Academy building. Their "teach back" project was a poster done comic-book style. Visit the St. John Project page to learn more. The Jeff Davis project involved ten 0-H members working together over a span of four days of concentrated hazard mitigation learning activities. The A-Team visited with school board officials at the Jefferson Davis School board building and conducted a vulnerability assessment. From their assessment, they concluded the scope of their hazard mitigation project would be to recommend the building be protected from high winds by replacing windows and doors with stronger and less vulnerability materials. The findings were presented to the school board in Jennings, Louisiana in October, 0000. The team's "teach back" project was the development and distribution of a set of five informational post cards. Each post card provides a natural hazard or mitigation strategy quick-fact. Visit the Jefferson Davis Project page to learn more. The State A-Team Project determined early they wanted flood protection for the Amphitheater at 0-H Camp Grant Walker. The team composed of eighteen members from eleven parishes met in February, 0000 at Camp, again in May, at LaHouse on the LSU Baton Rouge campus and August at Camp to learn how best to protect the 00 year old amphitheater. They presented their plan to AgCenter administration at the Annual 0-H Football Weekend tailgate party in October. The State A-Team proposed constructing a timber and earthen retaining wall around the perimeter of the lowest sides of the theater. Visit the State A-Team Project page to learn more.
{ "perplexity_score": 377.4 }
Decorating a kid's room can be a challenge. But with premium designs and materials, Ashley Furniture HomeStore makes it easy to find the perfect pieces that suit your home, your child and their unique style personality. From kids duvet covers to throw pillows to comforters, you won't find a selection of kids bedding that compares in price and quality. How to Layer Kids' Bedding? A good night's sleep helps your child grow and get the rest that he or she needs to tackle the day. That's why your child's bed is the most important piece of furniture in his or her room. When layering bedding onto the mattress, you start with a base layer of the fitted sheet. If you follow more European styles, you can skip the flat sheet and go straight in with a comforter or a quilt. You can then throw on a coverlet or a throw blanket to add even more layers of warmth. Once the linens are down, you can toss on the pillows. Depending on the size of your child's bed, place two or four standard pillows against the headboard and use this as a base to load up on accent pillows or stuffed animals. Kids' Bedding Options for Different Styles? The easiest way to create a cohesive kids room starts with color and pattern. Sticking to one color family is a simple and elegant way to decorate a room without creating an imbalanced look. If you want your kid's room to be more adventurous, you can try your hand at matching your colorful kids bedding with other bedroom textiles in complementary color families like blue and orange, purple and yellow, red and green, etc. However, if you're apprehensive but still want to get this look, the easiest way to mix and match is to search for different textures and styles of textiles in neutral colors. Another helpful tip is to stick to certain colors depending on your child's style. Sporty kids rooms generally feature red, blue and yellow textiles. While nautical rooms have a wide variety of blues with pops of red. Whimsical and eclectic styled rooms will feature a variety of colors that are dependent on the child's unique tastes. Rustic rooms will feature quilts instead of comforters and showcase a variety of earth tones. Quilts vs. Comforters for a Kids' Room? The main differences between quilts and comforters are stuffing, thickness and fabric. Comforters can be filled with cotton, polyester and down; giving parents and kids a wide variety to choose from. This bedding also comes in a range of filling thicknesses to give sleepers their desired levels of warmth. Quilts are made of three layers: the top, the batting and the bottom. Quilts are thinner than comforters and feature patterns and designs that reference rustic and country motifs. Kids quilts feature solid colors, plaid, fun geometric patterns and even cartoon characters that add pops of attitude and personality to spaces. While comforters, come in a wide variety of finishes, patterns and colors. Some comforters have a metallic sheen and others have a handmade lace quality. Whatever your kids bedding needs, Ashley Furniture HomeStore has the perfect piece that will help your child sleep more soundly. Need color inspiration? Check out this blog.
{ "perplexity_score": 398.8 }
I have had the most beautiful month with you, My Sweetheart. For the first time since you were born, time doesn't seem to matter at all. I can only assume it went fast, as all months do when you are watching your children grow up... but we have all been lost in it somewhere, in the days that made you four months old. Before now, you have been our baby boy. You have cooed, smiled, laughed and all of it has been oh so sweetly. You have shown such love for us, we who love you the most of all. We have fallen in love with your sweet baby days and everything that has come with it. Noah and Ellenah have held you in their arms, felt the weight of your long, squishy thighed body. Daddy has talked with you, softly and let your laughing eyes steal pieces of his heart. I have stroked your beautiful face, your soft, flawless skin until you have fallen asleep. I've felt your heavy breath and shallow but gruff snore on my face, when you have slept in the nook of my neck. I have stayed with you, in the darkness as the ‘O'Clocks' that I had long forgotten actually exist in the night, pass us by and you want to do nothing but look into my eyes. I have been there waiting for sunrise with you. Doing everything that I can to make you happy. Everything to prevent a tear or sad thought. Everything to give you a happy start in your happy life. But... Somewhere in your fourth month, things changed. I started to catch glimpses of you, as much more than ‘our baby boy'. You have been trying on ‘Dexter James' for size. Dexter with your weird and wonderful ways. Your little but big personality traits. Your opinions. Your thoughts. Your likes and dislikes. Your expressions. It has been so exciting to meet this part of you. It's going to be so much fun getting to know this side of you. I thought that seeing you change so much would make me sad. And you know, it does... because you are my last baby and this is the last time that I will have this chapter again... but, you are so delicious and eager to figure this world out and for that reason, I'm happy for you and excited for you. I'm in love with the feeling in my heart, that reminds me that I get to see the world through your eyes with you and the reminder that I have the privilege to introduce you to your life. Dexi, I love it so much when you fall in love with things. Your face lights up, full of pure joy. When I read you ‘The Gruffalo' in a silly voice, sing ‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes', giving my all to the actions and when we watch Thomas The Tank Engine together... you coo loudly, you giggle and you become wide eyed and coy. You get so excited. My darling, you love playing with our hands, stroking our arms and I can tell that you feel great comfort in stroking our skin as you pull our arms into and around you. You are still as affectionate as ever. Still wanting to be protected, safe and feeling secure constantly. You suddenly can't wait to join in with Noah and Ellenah. You watch them play with anticipation and love in your eyes. I feel like sometimes, I can see you thinking... almost as if you are dreaming of the day when not too far from now, you will be able to play with them. I can see how much you already admire them both. You follow them with your eyes, smile when they so much as glance in your direction and you are interested in everything that is theirs. Everything that they will always give to you willingly, if you have made even the smallest sound about wanting it. Dexter, I just know that they would do anything for you, anything in this world to make you happy. They are dreaming of that day, not too far from now, when you can play with them too. They made you a little tent the other day. You were playing on your play mat and they hung your favourite swaddle muslin over the top. You were delighted. They watched you like hawks, so no danger or harm could ever come to you. They lay inside with you, looking up together at your reflections in the mirror. You smiled, laughed and cuddled. You were so happy. I was so happy. Looking upon my three beautiful babies, bonding and making memories... It made my heart ever so warm and complete. In that moment, I wondered if things could ever be better than this. I remember taking a deep breath and thinking, ‘Wow, this is us!' ... and it was quite a special moment in time. You are desperately trying to move around now Sweetpea. I don't know if it is the desperation to keep up with your siblings or because you are busy by nature... but I like to think that it is because you have an adventurous heart. You rolled for the first time this month. On the 00rd of October. Just three and a half months old. You rolled from your front to your back. If you had enough upper body strength, you would have crawled off by now too. You have been lifting your legs, trying to shift them forward from underneath you for a while too... but your body goes nowhere. Yay, I have a little longer before we celebrate that milestone. Yay because I can continue to tickle you in the folds of your neck to hear that dirty belly laugh, without you being able to crawl away. You look lovely in Autumn Dexi, your first Autumn. We have wrapped you up a little warmer lately, to keep you from getting a chill. It's funny. I've always loved this season but I feel like I forgot to notice things, how my world changes around me. The colours, the smells...Just everything. And then, I wanted you to see it. So I had to find it to show you. Show you how the leaves change colour and texture, how the mornings feel cooler and even the sound of the rain dancing over your rain cover while we are out walking. It's like I get to see it all, for the first time again. We visited a Pumpkin Patch too sweetheart. A first for us all. It was a beautiful day and the sun shone on us. I wore you around the muddy field, holding you close as your body fell heavy and you dozed off to sleep. You were content, peaceful. Noah pushed the wheelbarrow and Ellenah found our pumpkin friends. She chose you one too. It was fun and we smiled a lot. I sat with you on a hay bale while I drank tea from a polystyrene cup and ate a homemade marshmallow and rice crispy cake from a van when we were finished. Sun beams washed over us and I remember stroking your back, closing my eyes with my face slanted to the sky and feeling so happy. It was Halloween this month too. I dressed you as a little pumpkin and took you trick or treating with Noah and Ellenah. Again, it was the first time that we had been. I didn't used to understand why it was fun. Knocking on peoples doors, hoping for sweeties. I do now. I used to be a nervous Mama I think. A little shy perhaps. Wanting to keep my bubble a little smaller. Trying to organise and control the fun, maybe. But I've realised that I don't want you, Noah and Ellenah to think small, limited or restricted. I want you to jump in and make every day great. So I am changing. You are changing me. All three of you are making me in to the kind of Mum that I dreamed that I could become one day. You deserve a Mummy who is confident, fun and free. Oh darling, we are going to have the most fun, you'll see. I'm going to have to make life interesting really. You are into everything. Curious and a tiny bit nosey. One thing in particular that captures you is food. You watch us all eat, you chew at our hands, fingers and your own and you make little bite and chewing motions while sitting with us at the dinner table. We let you hold a banana this month to see what you would do with it. I think you liked the idea of it. You spat out every bit but you did NOT want us to take it away either. I know one thing, you made a lot of mess but you knew exactly what to do with it. I suspect that weaning is going to be a lot of fun with you...but that is another chapter for another month. We are still breastfeeding right now and we both love it so much. All the while you will let me feed you on my own, i'm all yours. You will never know how much this breastfeeding journey has meant to me. What this bonding time has done for my heart and soul. I have loved and continue to love every minute. We have tried to introduce a bottle of expressed milk at bedtime lately because I am due to leave you for a few hours in the evening in November... I'm trying to prepare for leaving you properly for the first time. I won't be close by. But... you absolutely hate it and just want to be with mama. I'll let you in on a secret baby boy... I hate it too. Just like every month, my little hair pulling beast... You have surprised me endlessly. My love for you has overwhelmed me and I think my heart grew again to make extra room for you, your brother and your sister. Just like every month, I feel so grateful, to have the three of you. Seriously Dexi, this is us. Incredible, isn't it?
{ "perplexity_score": 403.2 }
Congratulations to Our Site Staff | The Pinnacle P.O.V. I wanted to share the great news that on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 0-0, Tempe East, Mesa, Nogales and Casa Grande hosted the Quality Assurance Review teams from AdvancED at their sites. This visit required approximately 0 weeks of preparation and planning by the site staff and principals teams, including a self-assessment against AdvancED standards and gathering of data and artifacts to support progress against the standards. I am happy and proud to report that all sites involved in the QAR visit will be retaining their accreditation, and that many of the site scored as "highly proficient" in many of the standards. Congratulations to all of the staff at the sites involved, and to the principal team for this accomplishment. In addition, I'd like to thank Char Brown, Lois Salmon and Betty Matwick for being the on-site support person during the visit. The QAR teams were impressed by the district leadership commitment to their process and commented that our sites get great support, and that it's obvious that everyone on staff is aligned with the mission, vision and values of the organization. Also, I'd like to thank Betty, the PCE staff, Cherril Madsen and Carolyn Edmund for being the hospitality team for the visits. EVERY team commented on how warmly they were welcomed. In the past, we have hosted visitation teams, but this visit was remarkably different in that the evaluators voiced their observations related to the fact that as an organization, we are aligned with providing an "exceptional educational experience" for our students, and that the concern, compassion and professionalism of the staff comes through in all of their observed interactions. Congratulations to all. This is a very proud moment for the entire organization! ~ by pinnaclepov0000 on November 00, 0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 301.9 }
Our hand-made white Pencil Starfish Hair Clip will bring the ocean lifestyle to you, whereever you go. Great as a gift for anyone wanting to stand out with a coastal vibe. For both formal and casual attire. Suitable on hats and scarves as well.
{ "perplexity_score": 418.9 }
At Vineyard Cincinnati, we believe that small things done with great love will change the world. It's the goal of Vineyard Outreach to spread that love in small and BIG WAYS! Join us in our efforts to spread the gospel locally & globally! Come to our local outreach events and/or join a global outreach team to serve people and share God's love here in Cincinnati and around the world! Contact our Outreach Ministry Coordinator Randy Henson at randy.henson@vineyardcincinnati.com for more info.
{ "perplexity_score": 902.1 }
BannerXpert is a leading graphic designing company with well experienced designers excelled in producing high quality designs. We provide multiple designing services like Web Banners, Logos, Print Designs, Infographics, Corporate Identity Kits, Brochures and Flyers. Our designs are simple, elegant and logical. We provide cost effective designing solutions to customers across the world. The aim of BannerXpert is to provide high quality services to our valuable clients. Every project is taken special care and is delivered on time exceeding the client's expectations. We love our customers. Our success is our growing number of happy clients. We have served over 000+ clients from across the globe and we are proud to present few of our amazing clients.
{ "perplexity_score": 795.1 }
BJ Art (S) Pte Ltd is founded Mr Bobby Hay a creative individual. Although located in the east, the company serves a large number of clients around Singapore. Now you can also shop online on our new website! Do enjoy your shopping with us.
{ "perplexity_score": 574.7 }
I didn't start watching Doctor Who until the rebooted series in 0000. I missed the original episodes because I wasn't born until well into the era of the Fourth Doctor, and because I spent the rest of the initial series in a country that didn't care about this strange Time Lord in his blue box. I still haven't seen the older episodes, but that didn't stop me from enjoying or understanding The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who . To understand the book, you don't need to know every episode, as long as you are aware of the general concept of the show, in which an Earth-loving alien Doctor travels with companions through time and space. The book is divided into three section that address the three different story aspects you encounter in the TV show: Space, time, and humanity. Each section has five chapters that touch on scientific ideas related to concepts in Doctor Who, and each of these chapters is preceded by an original Doctor Who story, covering all incarnations of the Doctor and many of his companions. The fictional stories are written by fifteen guest authors, and are loosely related to the topics in the non-fiction chapters written by Doctor Who novelist Simon Guerrier and astronomer Dr. Marek Kukula. The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who does not try to impose scientific explanations for the unlikely events shown on screen. Instead, it uses the framework of the world of Doctor Who to discuss related scientific topics. That's not just limited to referring things from within the show (e.g. what does time travel have to do with worm holes?) but it also highlights the progress of scientific discovery in the context of the history of Doctor Who. New scientific discoveries and world events inspired the writers directly, but also indirectly, as our collective knowledge of the world has changed a lot in the time that Doctor Who has been on TV. The Doctor was already at the end of his second incarnation when we put people on the moon in 0000! That, for me, was the best part of the book: Being made to consider that this show was on the air before the moon landing, before the first Earth Day celebration, before the Voyager probes, before the end of the Cold War, before large scale DNA sequencing, and before CD players, tablets and smartphones. We've been fantasizing about unknown worlds for so long, it can be easy to forget how much we are actually learning about our own. As a very broad overview of scientific concepts ranging from multiverses to regeneration, the book only briefly touches on certain topics, but The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who is not a book to learn in-depth science from. It's a book for people who really like Doctor Who, and who want some real-world context for the show. For me, it also highlighted some episodes of the older series that I want to check out, and yes, I'm fully aware that I now have access to on-demand TV-watching technology that didn't yet exist when those episodes aired.
{ "perplexity_score": 171.6 }
Since 0000, CarMax has provided customers a transparent, hassle-free shopping experience. The company's wide-selection of used cars are priced the same online as in the store, and associates are trained to help find customers the right car. The CarMax mission - to be a model of integrity in the used car retail business - has led to it becoming a Fortune 000 company. Founded in 0000, Twitch set out to create a community and social video platform for gamers, developers, and publishers, and it quickly became the most popular outlet of its kind. Today, ​0.0 million ​Twitch ​broadcasters ​stream videos to 000 million-plus viewers every month, representing a compelling new social network connecting friends and fans to unique content. ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. As a leading technology provider, ProQuest drives better outcomes for researchers and greater efficiency for the libraries and organizations that serve them. The company's cloud-based solutions are a gateway to the world's knowledge and enable researchers, students, and librarians to discover, access, share, create, and manage information. ROBLOX was launched in 0000 and is striving to create the Future of Entertainment through its Imagination Platform. Powered by a growing community of over 000,000 creators, ROBLOX leverages their community to create family-friendly user-generated content for all ages. ROBLOX's single code base proprietary cloud is supported on desktop, iOS, Android, Amazon devices, and Xbox One. It all began in 0000 with roots firmly planted in agriculture. Since then, COUNTRY Financial has been protecting cars, homes, farms, businesses, and lives. Celebrating over 00 years in business, COUNTRY Financial and its financial representatives help clients protect what they have, save for a comfortable future, and achieve financial security.
{ "perplexity_score": 236.8 }
Hailing from Denmark, renowned DJ Morten Breum-who goes by MORTEN-began his interest in music at the age of 00. By 00 he was climbing the national stage, rising to quickly become one of Scandinavia's most popular performers. With a sound that was described by Billboard as "progressive house and dubstep," he released his debut album in 0000, Drop!, which climbed the charts and went platinum in Denmark. From there he released several hit singles that have gained international attention, and he's continued to bring a unique sound to the scene. Now living in Los Angeles, MORTEN's latest single in collaboration with Borgeous, titled "Hold Up," is a cannabis-themed anthem. Leafly: What brought you to LA and what would you say is the biggest difference between the music scene in Los Angeles and in Denmark? MORTEN: I came to Los Angeles five years ago with the purpose of being able to focus on my music and build its presence in the international market. Being in LA also enabled me to become more involved as an artist and bettered my producing and artistry overall. The biggest difference between being in the States and in Denmark is that Denmark focuses pretty much solely on the domestic music market, while LA offers the international market; the bigger picture. Would you say that the cultural scene of Los Angeles helped influence your latest cannabis-inspired track, "Hold Up"? MORTEN: Absolutely. The cultural scene here in LA is super inspired by West Coast urban music, and to this day samples the sounds of the 00s, making the musical influence here very prominent. It truly resonates with the culture and general vibe here. How long has cannabis been a creative aid for your artistic process? Did cannabis inspire any changes to the sound of your music at all? MORTEN: It's always been a very big part of studio sessions and shows, and it's always played a big role in my musical life as well as being a creative aid to the process. What are the elements in your life that inspire the music you make? MORTEN: There are plenty of things that inspire me in my life. Emotions, feelings, dreams, experiences...it all has an effect. I definitely am very inspired being in the music atmosphere and attending festivals. It really is something else to see people connect to the music so freely. Why do you believe cannabis goes hand in hand with creativity for so many artists? MORTEN: Cannabis allows you to focus in on one thing: opening up the availability to tune into those specific emotions and creative realms. Smoking truly helps open your mind and creates innovative ideas. Do you have a vision for the future of cannabis? MORTEN: I think cannabis should be legal all over the world. Yes, it should be restricted around kids, but I think it should be legal everywhere to be able to blaze up. It's completely natural. Do you have any favorite strains or products? MORTEN: My favorite strain when I used to smoke would have to be OG Kush. I also tended to smoke strains that were reminiscent of [tobacco] flavors since, being from Europe, everyone smokes and cigarettes are a huge part of European culture.
{ "perplexity_score": 366.4 }
About the missing boy in Japan who was abandoned in a forest by his parents as punishment for misbehaving and throwing rocks at cars. Because it's created a lot of conversation about hasty discipline decisions and, if you caught wind of this story earlier in the week, you may be wondering if he was found. First things first, the boy was finally found after seven days missing in a forest known for being highly populated with bears. Mom and dad are of course, regretting their decision to scare their son straight by driving off without him. In a statement, made by the boys father outside of the hospital where their son was recovering from dehydration, he said, "I really didn't think it would come to that. We went too far, I thought we were doing it for my son's own good." He went on to say that he apologized to his son upon seeing him again. Yep, we'd say that's a good start. Speaking of abandonment stories that have a happy ending - one woman recently graduated from the University where she was abandoned as an infant and it has the interwebs cheering her on in a big way. Jillian Sobol, known only as Baby Jane Doe at birth, was found on the grounds of San Francisco State University, abandoned by a student there, shortly after her birth in 0000. Did you know that there is a real-deal reason behind ‘National Doughnut Day'? Apparently, during World War I, ‘Dough Girls' or ‘Dough Lassies' as they were sometimes called, would make big batches of doughnuts for American GI's overseas as a little pick-me-up. In 0000, during the Great Depression, in an effort to honor these gals and raise funds, the Salvation Army's Chicago division declared the first Friday in June to be National Doughnut Day, and it stuck. These ladies continued their Doughnut tradition into World War II and even the Vietnam War. Who new? So, in honor of that service, we give you some fun recipes. Because we feel this is a tradition worth continuing. Go ahead, share a doughnut or three with your favorite service member, or, you know, three year-old. Check out this doughnut glossary in the event you need to educate yourself on the many delicious types of doughnuts available to you. If you want to delve deeper into descriptions of each type of doughnut, Thrillist has an infographic for that. You're welcome.
{ "perplexity_score": 231 }
Orders are processed and shipped within 00 business hours of being received. Bomdiggidy Online only ships within the United States. We ship all orders using UPS as our carrier. Delivery time is contingent upon chosen shipping method. If a tracking number is provided, we will update your order with your tracking information. Rates charged for shipping are based on the size and weight of your order. Before final processing, costs will be calculated and displayed for confirmation. Goods purchased that require custom crating have shipping included in the cost. Please allow some additional handling time.
{ "perplexity_score": 998.7 }
Researchers discover children and teens with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are more likely to develop problematic video game habits. A University of Missouri researcher found kids with ASD use screen-based media, such as television and video games, more often than their typically developing peers. "Many parents and clinicians have noticed that children with ASD are fascinated with technology, and the results of our recent studies certainly support this idea," said Micah Mazurek, an assistant professor of health psychology and a clinical child psychologist. Mazurek studied screen-based media use among 000 children and adolescents with ASD and 000 typically developing siblings. Compared to typically developing children, those with ASD spent more time playing video games and less time on social media, such as Facebook. Children with ASD also spent more time watching TV and playing video games than participating in pro-social or physical activities. Conversely, typically developing children spent more time on non-screen activities than on TV or video games. In another study of 000 boys with ASD, problematic video game use was associated with oppositional behaviors, such as refusing to follow directions or engaging in arguments. Mazurek says carefully controlled research is needed to examine these issues in the future. "Because these studies were cross-sectional, it is not clear if there is a causal relationship between video game use and problem behaviors," Mazurek said. "Children with ASD may be attracted to video games because they can be rewarding, visually engaging and do not require face-to-face communication or social interaction. Even though too much screen time could be detrimental for children with ASD, learning what children with ASD enjoy about video games could help researchers and clinicians develop therapies using the technology. "Using screen-based technologies, communication and social skills could be taught and reinforced right away," Mazurek said. The study, "Television, Video Game and Social Media Use among Children with ASD and Typically Developing Siblings," will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. "Video Game Use and Problem Behaviors in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders," was published in the journal Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
{ "perplexity_score": 197.9 }
Governmental and private programs that pay next of kin who give permission for the removal of their deceased relative's organs for transplantation exist in a number of countries. Such payments, which may be given to the relatives or paid directly for funeral expenses or hospital bills unrelated to being a donor, aim to increase the rate of donation. The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group - in alignment with the World Health Organization Guiding Principles and the Council of Europe Convention Against Trafficking in Human Organs - has adopted a new policy statement opposing such practices. Payment programs are unwise because they produce a lower rate of donations than in countries with voluntary, unpaid programs; associate deceased donation with being poor and marginal in society; undermine public trust in the determination of death; and raise doubts about fair allocation of organs. Most important, allowing families to receive money for donation from a deceased person, who is at no risk of harm, will make it impossible to sustain prohibitions on paying living donors, who are at risk. Payment programs are also unethical. Tying coverage for funeral expenses or healthcare costs to a family allowing organs to be procured is exploitative, not "charitable." Using payment to overcome reluctance to donate based on cultural or religious beliefs especially offends principles of liberty and dignity. Finally, while it is appropriate to make donation "financially neutral" - by reimbursing the added medical costs of evaluating and maintaining a patient as a potential donor - such reimbursement may never be conditioned on a family agreeing to donate. The Declaration of Istanbul group have considered the impacts of paying donor families to attain consent for organ donation. Some nations regard payments as normal and others outlaw it-the latter receive more organ donations, questioning not only the ethics but the utility of the practice. 0 Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 0 Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. 0 New England Organ Bank, Boston, MA. 0 Organización Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT), Madrid, Spain. 0 Health Ethics and Professionalism, Faculty of Health, School of Medicine, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. 0 Kidney & Pancreas Transplant Program, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. 0 Division of Medicine and Cancer, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Received 0 November 0000. Revision requested 00 December 0000. Statement of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group Regarding Payments to Families of Deceased Organ Donors: Approved by the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group Board of Councilors, 0 November 0000. Disclosure: As a co-author, J.C. did not participate in any fashion in the editorial review process or the decision to publish this article. Correspondence: Alexander M. Capron, Gould School of Law, University of Southern California, 000 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 00000-0000. (acapron@law.usc.edu). The Declaration of Istanbul holds that successful and sustainable programs of organ donation and transplantation must embody "the principles of equity, justice and respect for human dignity" and cannot be built on "transplant commercialism."0 The latter, which occurs when those who provide organs receive "material gain," inevitably "targets impoverished and otherwise vulnerable donors" and thus "leads inexorably to inequity and injustice and should be prohibited."0 The Declaration's conclusion is consistent with the Resolution adopted in May 0000 by the World Health Assembly reaffirming that the principles of human dignity and solidarity "condemn the buying of human body parts for transplantation and the exploitation of the poorest and most vulnerable populations."0 The international summit meeting at which the Declaration was adopted in 0000 addressed living donation.0 The present statement extends the Declaration's ethical precepts to deceased donation. In some countries in the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas, existing or newly established programs for obtaining organs from deceased persons provide cash payments to families that donate their deceased relative's organs or pay sums on their behalf for funeral costs or for hospital expenses beyond those generated in the process of obtaining organs for transplantation. Officials in these countries have set up such programs or allowed others to do so because, they argue, that without such financial incentives, sufficient organs would not be donated. They contend that money is needed to obtain agreement from people who otherwise feel no inclination to help facilitate organ transplants to which they lack access or who regard deceased donation as inconsistent with their cultural traditions. Officials have also explained the payments as appropriate reciprocity for the family's "gift" to the community, especially when the next of kin are poor or face large medical or other expenses. Without doubting the sincerity of these beliefs, the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group has concluded that all programs that provide payments to or on behalf of families who have donated organs from their deceased relatives place the countries involved outside the circle of ethical transplant practices globally, as set forth in the Guiding Principles on Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation0 of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Declaration of Istanbul, and other international standards. Providing money to people to encourage them to consent to organ removal or reward them for doing so weakens organ donation programs by treating the human body as a commodity used for financial gain, exploits the economic vulnerability of living donors and deceased donor families, and undermines equality and justice by reinforcing rather than reducing socioeconomic inequities. The origin and method of the payments - whether the government, a public or private foundation, or individuals (such as organ recipients) - are unimportant ethically, because in all cases the financial arrangements depend on the family agreeing to donate a deceased relative's organs. Unlike reimbursing hospital and other expenses that donors incur in the process of being evaluated or in actually donating, which are acceptable when based on actual costs, the amounts paid to the next of kin have no inherent limit. Payments to incentivize donations will be set based on market forces (that is, the payers will choose the amount needed to obtain consent, which will vary based on donor families' financial needs); "charity" payments depend on the extent to that officials choose to relieve donor families' poverty; and payments for funeral costs and hospital care (beyond any added costs for organ donation) can vary widely and, moreover, those items are not distinguishable from other debts that the family might prefer to have paid. In sum, the amounts paid to families on any of these grounds are inherently arbitrary and subject to manipulation and abuse. Although it is physicians who diagnose death, the next of kin also have a role to play when the diagnosis will be followed by organ donation. With brain-based determinations of death, the family must accept the diagnosis and allow medical interventions to be withdrawn before organs can be recovered, and with circulatory-determinations of death, the diagnosis is made only when the patient's circulation and respiration have permanently ceased, following the family's agreement to the withdrawal of life-support. As experienced organ procurement staff recognize, families' involvement must be handled with sensitivity and always framed in terms of their deciding what is in the patient's best interests. Further complexity is added when the methods that physicians use to diagnose death, especially based on loss of brain functions, are unfamiliar to or not yet broadly accepted by the general population. Making payments to the next of kin who consent to donate organs, which has to be preceded by their decision to withdraw medical interventions, creates an obvious conflict of interest and raises questions for the public about whether decisions about care are being made in patients' best interests and whether death has truly occurred before organs are removed. When next of kin receive financial incentives and rewards, it becomes impossible to refuse to pay living donors both because the money provided to the families legitimates exchanging organs for material gain, and because a society that allows payments to next of kin, who bear no physical risk, cannot reasonably refuse to allow at least equal payment to living donors, who take on actual burdens and risks in donating. Most basically, payments suggest to the public that all types of organ donation are not acts one should undertake as a matter of civic duty and in solidarity with the needs of one's fellow citizens but instead something that a person should do only for a financial benefit. When organs are obtained through payments, they have become commodities, which - for good reason, in light of experience in systems where organs are treated that way - fosters a public perception that their distribution will also be determined by financial considerations, thereby weakening general support for organ donation as a community resource that is necessary if transplant programs are to fully and equitably meet the needs of patients. The countries with the highest or most rapidly increasing donation rates do not provide financial incentives or gratuities for deceased donation.0 Instead, better donation rates depend on improved organ procurement practices, engagement of the critical care community, and public education.0,0 The exclusion of payments in these countries, which are found in most regions of the world, is not based on particular cultural norms but on universal principles of ethics and human rights that uphold the dignity of human beings and aim to protect them against exploitation. What would otherwise be a praiseworthy act of gift-giving is transformed into a commercial transaction, which explains families bargaining for increased payment if they allow more organs to be harvested. Ensuring proper burial or cremation for all those who die is a basic feature of decent societies. In settings where this does not occur because of the general conditions or the poverty of some families, it is coercive for a deceased donation program to offer to cover funeral expenses only for families that allow organs to be procured from their deceased relatives. It likewise is wrong to condition access to healthcare - or relief from bearing the cost of such care - on the next of kin agreeing to donate organs. All such practices violate the requirement of voluntary informed consent to donation set forth in the WHO Guiding Principles and the Declaration of Istanbul. Further, a just society would never condition the important benefits it makes available to grieving families upon their agreeing to part with a relative's organs. Attempting to justify payments as "charitable gifts" merely underlines the exploitation because acting generously toward the poor can never involve extracting something of material value from the supposed beneficiaries. Further, whenever a person has truly made a gift, responding with money turns the act of giving into a pecuniary exchange, in which case either party would then be justified in saying that the gift deserved more money or the payment merited a bigger gift. Making payment depend on consent not only exploits the financial need of donor families but also provides nothing to other needy families who did not authorize donation or are perhaps not even able to do so because their deceased relative was not a suitable donor. When some people have strong cultural, moral, or personal reasons why they are unwilling to do something, it especially offends principles of liberty and dignity to induce them to act against their beliefs by offering them an amount of money that would be difficult or impossible for them to refuse, given their financial straits. The offense is especially pronounced in societies with wide variations in wealth, where financially privileged persons would have no need to compromise their objections to acting in the way that poor persons are induced to act. As both the WHO Guiding Principles and the Declaration of Istanbul make clear, prohibitions on paying for donation do not preclude keeping organ donation a financially neutral act by reimbursing the reasonable and verifiable expenses incurred.00 In the context of deceased donation, it is therefore wholly acceptable for a transplant program to pay the hospital where a potential deceased donor has received medical care for any added costs of evaluating and maintaining the patient as a donor and to cover any costs the next of kin incur to participate in decisions about whether or not to donate organs, such as the cost of coming to the hospital to speak with organ procurement personnel. It is not, however, acceptable to withhold such reimbursement of expenses should the family decide not to donate, nor to include in those expenses anything for funeral costs or hospital charges not connected with the donation of organs - that is, expenses that would have arisen even if organ donation were not being considered for that patient. For all of these reasons, countries should not establish or allow others to operate public or private programs that pay money to, or for the benefit of, next of kin who consent to donate their deceased relative's organs, whether such payments are for funeral expenses, to cover charges for predonation hospital care, to relieve their poverty, or especially to incentivize their decision. Countries that rely on such financial gifts, rewards, and incentives for deceased donation undermine their chance of building a transplant program that accords with global ethical and human rights standards; instead, they are in effect announcing that the economic and social marginalization of large portions of their population precludes them even trying to create such a program. Moreover, experience shows that a later decision to stop paying will necessitate organ donation programs having to expend great - and not necessarily successful - efforts to reverse the public expectation that such a payment will be forthcoming for organs from deceased relatives. In place of payment programs, the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group works to support transplant professionals and government officials around the world who share a commitment to creating national systems of voluntary, unpaid organ donation that are adapted to local conditions and that can successfully advance each country toward "self-sufficiency" in transplantation without exploiting its poorest and most vulnerable citizens.00 To be truly effective and sustainable, as well as ethical, the incentive to donate cannot be external, in the form of a payment on behalf of those who have access to transplants to those who do not, but rather internal, in the form both of the psychic rewards of demonstrating generosity toward those in one's community who need a life-saving organ, and of reciprocity, which occurs when all those asked to be donors are also eligible to be recipients. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions from Rudolph Garcia-Gallont, Vivekanand Jha, Jacob Lavee, Adeera Levin, Elmi Muller, and Philip O'Connell provided invaluable assistance during the preparation of this statement and are gratefully acknowledged. 0. Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism. http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/transplantationsociety/00000/docs/00000-Declaration_of_Istanbul-Lancet.pdf. Adopted 0 May 0000. Accessed 0 Nov. 0000. 0. Sixty-Third World Health Assembly, Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation, WHA00.00. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA00/A00_R00-en.pdf?ua=0. Adopted 00 May 0000. Accessed: 0 Oct. 0000. 0. Steering Committee of the Istanbul Summit. Organ trafficking and transplant tourism and commercialism: the Declaration of Istanbul. Lancet. 0000;000:0-0. 0. Sixty-Third World Health Assembly, WHO Guiding Principles on Cell, Tissue and Organ Transplantation [quoting Commentary on Guiding Principle 0]. http://www.who.int/transplantation. Approved in WHA00.00, 00 May 0000. Accessed 0 Oct. 0000. 0. Council of Europe, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, Article 00. http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/Html/000.htm. Adopted 0 April 0000. Accessed 0 Oct. 0000. 0. Veatch RM. Why liberals should accept financial incentives for organ procurement. Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 0000;00:00-00. 0. Global Observatory on Organ Donation and Transplantation. http://www.transplant-observatory.org/Pages/home.aspx Accessed 0 Oct. 0000. 0. Min SI, Ahn C, Han DJ, et al. To achieve national self-sufficiency: recent progresses in deceased donation in Korea. Transplantation. 0000;00:000-000. 0. Mahdavi-Mazdeh M, Khodadadi A, Tirgar N, et al. Rate of family refusal of organ donation in dead-brain donors: the Iranian tissue bank experience. Int J Organ Transplant Med. 0000;0:00-00. 00. Shih FJ, Lai MK, Lin HY, et al. Impact of cadaveric organ donation on Taiwanese donor families during the first 0 months after donation. Psychosom Med. 0000;00:00-00. 00. Dehghani SM, Gholami S, Bahador A, et al. Causes of organ donation refusal in southern Iran. Transplant Proc. 0000;00:000-000. 00. Yousefi H, Roshani A, Nazari F. Experiences of the families concerning organ donation of a family member with brain death. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 0000;00:000-000. 00. Delmonico FL, Martin D, Domínguez-Gil B, et al. Living and deceased organ donation should be financially neutral acts. Am J Transplant. 0000;00:0000-0000. 00. Report of the Madrid Consultation: Part 0: European and universal challenges in organ donation and transplantation, searching for global solutions. Transplantation. 0000;00:S00-S00.
{ "perplexity_score": 318.4 }
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Feb 00 Is Preaching THAT Necessary? As I reminisce on that event that deflated my ego, I think there is a point that can be drawn from my embarrassing, comical experience. Inviting my 0th grade crush to the Valentine's Day dance wasn't an issue, but it was the excessiveness and perhaps overbearing impulsion that may have been a turn off. I wonder if the excessiveness of preaching has turned some people off within secular communities, or even in Christian circles. The word that in the above question implies that preaching is necessary, but it also questions if it is needed as much as it once was. In a traditional Sunday worship service, the preaching moment receives more time than any other aspect of the worship service. As one who grew up in the African American religious tradition, preaching was arguably the main reason why the church would assemble. But what did preaching do for the listener? For me, preaching introduced me to Jesus and invited me to say yes to Jesus. Preaching reminded me of the spiritual fight that we Christians were currently in, and the necessity to put on the full armor of God. Preaching reminded me of the charge to be a disciple that would make disciples. Preaching informed me that God is on a mission, for a mission, and is inviting Christians to be a part of the mission. The question then is, is preaching doing the same thing today? Well, yes. Preaching is doing the same thing, at least good healthy, gospel-centric preaching. Maybe a better question is, has preaching enabled the listeners to do just that - just listen? In other words, are listeners moved to some form of spiritual and/or practical action as a result of hearing a sermon? With the weekly routine of listening to a nice sermon, have listeners become so accustomed to listening to a sermon to where even if there was a call to action, it would go in one ear and out the other? Where is the fruit being displayed in someone's life as a result of listening to a sermon almost every week? For the preacher, what can one literally say week after week? After a while, would a preacher begin to recycle the same stories, Scriptures, and sermon notes? What happens when Saturday rolls around and you still haven't discovered what you will be preaching on the following day? Will you make something up just to fulfill an assignment based off of routine? Why does preaching have to occur every Sunday? As it has been statistically proven, as people are vastly leaving the pews (or theater seats), maybe it is time for preachers and church leaders to change it up and rethink how we are delivering what we believe to be the Word of God. Maybe there is a need for those who sit in our pews week in and week out to dive into the Scriptures as a co-studier opposed to a message being downloaded into them without the avenue of engaging in a conversation. Even the excessiveness of "good" preaching can cause someone like me to be addicted to just the glamour and excitement of the preaching moment. Preaching is necessary, but is it that necessary? What do you think? Steven J. Brice is a proud New Yorker who holds a Master of Divinity from Abilene Christian University, a Master of Arts in Christian counseling from Amberton University, and a B.S. in religious studies from Southwestern Christian College. Steven is the successful owner and CEO for Brice Enterprise LLC, which is a hub for different business ventures such as a real estate investment company, a fitness program, racial reconciliation consulting services, and several other ventures. He is a public speaker and preacher, teaching and presenting in areas such as race relations, entrepreneurship, and theology. Steven currently lives in the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, and is on a quest to discover what God is up to and be a part of God's mission. He is married to his college sweetheart Regina and is the proud dad of his two beautiful active children, Brian (0) and Brooklynn (0).
{ "perplexity_score": 296.2 }
To honor my birth mother, Anita, who passed 0 years ago...I want to share a very personal item with y'all. This is the very first letter I received from my birth mother. The first thing I had ever held in my own hands that I knew she had held in hers too. In it, she tries to explain her reasoning for her decision to place me for adoption. Praise God for the life SHE gave me. Click here to download.
{ "perplexity_score": 290.3 }
Tomjachu is an intimate private bush lodge and private nature reserve, just 00 minutes from Nelspruit, overlooking Kruger's distant southern boundary. Set in 000 hectares of mountain bushveld within the Crocodile River Mountain Conservancy, walk amongst zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, and kudu and enjoy havens, lakes and lapas on the reserve. Tomjachu offers a unique experience of flora and fauna in an atmosphere of relaxation, seclusion and tranquillity. Stay in the homely comfort of the safari-style Homestead on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis, or in one of three quaint self-catering cottages each with its own unique character and romantic ambiance. Two even boast private plunge pools. Valbonne Villa offers the elegant comfort of an exclusive 0-bedroom villa in an eclectic modern colonial style. The deep veranda is perfect for lazing and entertaining, with a rim-flow pool below - perfect for cooling down in the heat. The magnificent elevated views are simply sublime. Idyllic days are spent on nature drives, hiking, mountain biking and bass fishing. More leisurely pursuits include simply relaxing on the veranda listening to the orchestra of over 000 bird species. Tomjachu is the kind of place you talk about round the dinner table for decades after your visit, especially with this new discount that gives you incredible value for money. Stay in May and June 0000 and get a fantastic 00% discount! Three individual bedrooms and suites with The Homestead's beautiful sitting room and terraces offer an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. Perfect for small parties and families. Nestled under a giant fig tree with stunning mountain views, Keepers Cottage offers complete privacy and tranquillity, with its large patio where hammocks and a swing chair sway in silent invitation. Extra cosy with a fireplace. Simply blissful solitude. A truly romantic thatched getaway, with wild mountain views from the King-size bed, fully equipped kitchen and private plunge pool. Surrounded by lush trees, Bush Cottage imparts a sense of being immersed and blended with nature. Gorgeous mountain views, an open fireplace, fully equipped kitchen and private swimming pool are just a few features that make this the perfect option for a family getaway. 0 Star, self-catering villa which accommodates up to 00 people. Set at the top of the property, it overlooks the beautiful mountainous Crocodile River Mountain Conservancy. Exclusive Valbonne is both magnificent and supremely comfortable. Directions: From Pretoria & Johannesburg: Take the N0 east. Continue on the N0 until you reach Nelspruit. At the ABSA Centre turn right into Ferreira Street. Travel over 0 sets of traffic lights, and after the third traffic light at the Stop street turn right into Ferreira Street. Travel along Ferreira Street 00.0km until the road becomes a gravel approx. 0.00km along the gravel road (Uitkyk Road) where there will be a sign on the left hand side Tomjachu Bush Lodge, turn left and travel (approx. 0 Km) until you reach the Main Gate.
{ "perplexity_score": 479 }
Vivint Smart Home systems combine a full suite of premium-quality hardware, the expertise of a 'round-the-clock security monitoring team, and a top-ranked mobile app to deliver a seamless, easy-to-use service that puts you in control of your home 00/0. We are the premier smart home provider in Newtown for very good reason. In fact, with over 0,000,000 customers, Vivint Smart Home is the leading provider in North America. What sets our smart home systems apart from other providers? Our proprietary Vivint Smart Home Cloud offers a layer of intelligence that goes far beyond basic programmability. You may already manually program some appliances and devices in your home, but Vivint Smart Home takes it a leap further by bringing all of your devices together into a connected ecosystem. Take control of your system by optimizing your settings via your touchscreen panel, Vivint Smart Home mobile or by integrating Amazon Echo into your system. We offer a simple, intuitive navigation path that makes it easy to manage your home from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Whether you covet a simple way to lower your energy cost, you want to be able to see and speak with visitors at your front door (even if you're not at home), or you want to protect your property from intruders, we can customize a smart home package that is just right for you. Whether you live in a newly-built home or a mid-century Bungalow, we can fit our system to your home. In fact, we can retrofit our smart home systems into nearly any type of Newtown home, no matter the age or design. Vivint Smart Home wants to make your life as simple and secure as humanly possible. We provide a free one-on-one consultation so that you get the smart home of your dreams, customizing your system to fit the needs of your household. Plus, we will send our Vivint Smart Home Pros directly to your Newtown household to completely install and integrate your smart home package for no additional cost - regularly $000. There's no activation fee, and new customers can finance a complete, premium-quality package of smart home products and make no-interest payments over the life of the service contract, just like a smartphone. Call now to learn more about the Vivint Smart Home system in Newtown, Virginia.
{ "perplexity_score": 473.9 }
[ [ 215992712, 215992829 ], [ 215992878, 215992967 ], [ 215993306, 215993356 ], [ 215993820, 215993941 ], [ 215994041, 215994115 ], [ 215994122, 215994454 ], [ 215994687, 215994843 ] ]
[ 6023, 99862, 52711 ]
American gangsters, like Scarface and Machine Gun Kelly, are a few that became infamous for their life of crime. Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies. Interesting Fact: His bulletproof Cadillac was later used by President Roosevelt. Everybody deserves a fresh start every once in a while. Interesting Fact: He opened the Flamingo hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Interesting Fact: He was only found guilty for tax evasion and contempt. Interesting Fact: He was sentenced to life in prison without parole. There's no such thing as good money or bad money. There's just money. Interesting Fact: During his 00 year prison sentence, he gave information to the Allies that aided them in WWII. All you have to do is recognize an opportunity. Interesting Fact: He had a net worth of $000 million but lost his fortunes in Cuba when Fidel Castro came to power. Judges, lawyers and politicians have a license to steal. We don't need one. Interesting Fact: He immigrated to the US at age 00 and joined Lucky Luciano's gang. See, ya are what ya are in this world. That's either one of two things: Either you're somebody, or you ain't nobody. Interesting Fact: He is now helping children of imprisoned parents, with a program called Yellow Brick Road. This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey that's great. But it's very predictable. There's so many ways you can screw it up. Interesting Fact: John Gotti organized a hit on him. Interesting Fact: He kidnapped Charles F. Urschel, a wealthy Texas oilman, and received a ransom for $000,000.
{ "perplexity_score": 184.8 }
For anyone that lives or has lived in Hawaii, you know the arduous summit that is Koko Head Crater Stairs. It's a hike made of 0,000 railroad tie "steps". I use this term loosely, because in my mind, steps are plush and carpeted. These...not so much. Hiking in Hawaii was completely overwhelming to me when we first moved here. In fact, this Oahu hike was the first one Dane ever did and he kept saying "oh, you've got to go with me!" And I just kind of nervously laughed to myself because hello - all those steps at such a steep incline is insanely intimidating. I'm happy to say that nearly 0 years later...this Oahu Hawaii hike is my FAVORITE! Koko Head is steep, nauseating and completely amazing once you get to the top. I've dragged more than 0 friend and multiple family members up there to prove it 😉 If you're contemplating the hike, here's what you need to know about hiking the Koko Head Stairs in Hawaii! While strenuous, it's one of my favorite hikes in all of Hawaii and is an absolute must-do if you're here! Here are so snaps I took as proof if you're hesitant 😉 These are all the amazing views you'll get once you navigate yourself up the railroad tie steps. Luckily, if you get winded on the way up, there is plenty of room on both sides to step aside, catch your breath and let others pass. You'll want to make sure you pack PLENTY OF WATER for this hike! There is no shade on Koko Head either, so pick a time that isn't so hot! We've conquered Koko Head at all hours of the day, but I think my favorite time to do it is right at sunrise. If you've never done the stairs before, I would not recommend this, since it requires using a head lamp at the very beginning and the railroad tie steps can be difficult to navigate if you are unsure of where you are going. You'll see plenty of people running to the top (not me), but don't feel discouraged and take your time! Have you conquered Koko? What did you think? If you liked this post, you might also enjoy Hiking In Hawaii: Lanikai Pillboxes, Hiking In Hawaii: What To Pack + Where To Go or 00 Best Hikes On Oahu.
{ "perplexity_score": 385 }
Sound good to you? Share this page on social media and let your friends know about Dave Matthews Band at Madison Square Garden. Please note: The term Madison Square Garden and/or Dave Matthews Band as well as all associated graphics, logos, and/or other trademarks, tradenames or copyrights are the property of the Madison Square Garden and/or Dave Matthews Band and are used herein for factual descriptive purposes only. We are in no way associated with or authorized by the Madison Square Garden and/or Dave Matthews Band and neither that entity nor any of its affiliates have licensed or endorsed us to sell tickets, goods and or services in conjunction with their events.
{ "perplexity_score": 242.5 }
[ [ 215998614, 215998699 ], [ 215998765, 215999293 ] ]
[ 99865, 82345, 90745 ]
Amid Trump Defense Spending Statements, His Plans Are Unclear : Parallels As President-elect Donald Trump tweets about expanding nuclear security and the cost of combat aircraft, some wonder whether his hardball posts are just "Art of the Deal" tactics to help the Pentagon. A Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 000 F-00B Lightning II prepares to make a vertical landing in Yuma, Ariz., in 0000. President-elect Donald Trump asked Boeing to price a version of one of its fighter jets to be competitive with Lockheed Martin's F-00 aircraft. Washington's national security establishment is not used to this kind of spotlight. From time to time, the players in what Sen. John McCain calls the "military-industrial-congressional complex" are hailed as heroes, praised for their sacrifice or occasionally dinged in committee testimony and the odd think tank white paper. Mostly, however, the defense world tends to operate in locked rooms, out of sight from nearly everyone but lobbyists and trade reporters. But now, President-elect Donald Trump propels once-arcane national security particulars onto news homepages and to the top of the hourly news headlines. In the past day, he blasted updates to his nearly 00 million Twitter followers about his outrage over the cost of the Pentagon's combat aircraft and his desire to "greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability." If many Americans didn't know before about the Defense Department's struggle to field its advanced new single-seat fighter, the F-00 Lightning II, they do now. And if Americans thought the dilemma of nuclear weapons - or strategic competition with Russia - were byproducts of Cold War nostalgia, they may be thinking again. "Let it be an arms race," Trump declared on MSNBC Friday, following up on his Twitter post. "We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all." Trump aides are all over the map about what the president-elect's nuclear comments meant. Different spokesmen offered different takes - one that Trump was warning about the danger of nuclear proliferation, another that Trump was resolute about maintaining America's nuclear arsenal in case other nations strengthened theirs. It's also possible that by calling for "expanded capability," Trump was simply endorsing the program he'll inherit from President Barack Obama, in which the U.S. is on track to spend around $0 trillion in the next 00 years on new nuclear submarines, bombers and missiles. Before his nuclear tweet, Trump posted that he was pitting two aerospace arch-nemeses against each other. "Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-00, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-00 Super Hornet!" he tweeted Thursday. In January, the Pentagon asked Congress for more than $00 billion for 00 F-00s - 00 Air Force models, 00 for the Marine Corps and four for the Navy, which works out to nearly $000 million per jet. Lockheed Martin says as volumes increase, its goal is to get the cost per aircraft down to about $00 million by 0000. Boeing's Super Hornet - which is less sophisticated, has been in production for much longer and is nearing the end of its planned run - today costs around $00 million per copy. Thursday's tweet was only the most recent time Trump has attacked the F-00, which is both the world's most sophisticated new combat aircraft and the costliest weapons program in history. But it is the first time that an incoming president has consistently picked out such a precise target for cost-cutting so early - and it's quite a whipsaw from Trump's previous promises of billions of dollars in new defense spending. The Pentagon would get "the best" military equipment, Trump promised earlier this month in Fayetteville, N.C. - "new, modern [and] clean." Advocates would call the F-00 "the best" - and point out that it began as an attempt by the Pentagon to cut costs. Rather than build three separate new aircraft for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, the Defense Department decided during the Clinton administration to buy one model that could be customized for each, plus many international militaries. Program leaders also thought they could get the jets into service more quickly by putting it into production at the same time they were developing and testing it. The F-00 was designed from its wheels up to evade enemy detection, incorporate the latest electronic sensors and talk seamlessly with other aircraft, satellites and units on the battlefield. And although the Pentagon still insists it's getting a world-beating new weapon, its bets failed in terms of saving money or time. The Marine Corps and Air Force had to delay by years the point at which the first small numbers of aircraft would be ready for service, and all the jets are waiting for more software upgrades that will enable them to take the full range of tasks for which they were designed. That's why the F-00 is a favorite target of acquisition critics such as McCain. Skeptics also swoon over the estimates of more than $0 trillion it will cost to buy and operate the jets over the next three decades, and complain about the compromises necessary to make a one-size-fits-all airplane. Boeing's older-model, the F/A-00 Super Hornet - the one Trump has requested it to price out - is the U.S. Navy's workhorse today but does not incorporate the built-in refinements or stealth features of the newer jet. It's cheaper, however, and Boeing has spent the past several years making the case to U.S. and other buyers that it's a great bargain. Without more orders, company leaders warn they'll have to shut down their St. Louis production line, costing thousands of jobs. Boeing, which lost the competition that Lockheed won to build the F-00, has had success nipping at Lockheed's heels. Australia and Canada both have ordered batches of Boeing-built Super Hornets to tide them over while waiting for F-00s or to serve as a less expensive replacement. Boeing said in a tweet of its own that it was "ready to work with Trump's administration to affordably meet U.S. military requirements." Lockheed, meanwhile, says it's reducing the cost per F-00 so it eventually will be comparable with older-model fighters. Defense insiders wonder whether Trump's hardball posts may be "Art of the Deal" tactics to help the Pentagon as it negotiates with Lockheed Martin for future batches of aircraft. Cancelling the F-00 outright would be a titanic decision. It would mean, among other things, the U.S. Marine Corps and other key allies, including the United Kingdom and Italy, would have no new, fast combat jets to operate at sea. But the political strengths of the F-00 that have ensured its survival this long present a major challenge to any attempt at actually cutting the program. Lockheed sources components for the aircraft in 00 states and Puerto Rico, and says it's responsible for 000,000 direct and indirect jobs. So far, it has had broad support in Congress. And substituting older-model jets for advanced aircraft just to save money would be a huge step backward and might endanger U.S. troops, advocates argue. "Trump's impulsive tweeting about subjects he does not understand threatens to erode his credibility before he is even inaugurated," warned defense consultant Loren Thompson, a well-known voice for the aerospace industry. In threatening the F-00, "Trump is cutting to the heart of future U.S. military capabilities." A previous version of this story incorrectly stated Lockheed Martin's goal on cost per aircraft. The correct number is $00 million, not $00 billion.
{ "perplexity_score": 253.2 }
Insects, rodents and wildlife are a part of life - sometimes an annoying one. The Rottler team has put together this Resource Center to help property owners in St. Louis and Mid-Missouri understand more about the pests that live around them. From basic identification to more in-depth articles covering a wide range of topics including health and safety risks, prevention tips and treatment options, discover more about the pests that surround you. Visit our Pest Library to learn more about pests including what they look like and why they might be infesting your home or business. Everything you need to know about insect, rodent and wildlife pests including tips and tricks to help you keep them out for good. Advice on lawn pests and disease as well as lawn care tips for Missouri property owners who want to achieve and maintain a healthy lawn. Need help identifying a pest or just have a couple questions? Submit your question to Rottler's on-staff entomologist. Find out what's happening in the pest control industry and at Rottler, and what pests are active right now in St. Louis and Mid-Missouri. A comprehensive list of product labels and safety information for any and all products used by Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions.
{ "perplexity_score": 345.4 }
If you are in charge of project managing major industrial construction sites, you will know that there are a number of methods that can be used when deep holes are required. Diamond core drilling is one of those, which we at National Drilling recommend on many sites. However, before we explain the benefits of diamond core drilling, let us just highlight why we are in a position to advise you about drilling practices. National Drilling is the UK's leading provider of drilling services. Originating in the North West, our base is in the Stockport and Manchester area, but we have a number of regional offices and service sites across the UK. This includes our office in Ipswich covering projects in East Anglia and the South East. At National Drilling, we provide a range of drilling services and as a leading player in the industry, we are proud to be known for our reliability, expertise and good service. The main obvious benefit of diamond core drilling is that it has the ability to go to virtually unlimited depths, so if you know you need to dig deep then diamond core drilling is a good choice. The size of a hole that can be drilled using this drilling technique has a broad range of options, from as small as 00mm in diameter to as wide as 0000mm diameter, according to the site requirements. What's more, using the diamond core drilling system, means that you can cut through most materials including reinforced concrete. For further information about diamond core drilling and how it could be used on a construction site or project which you are managing, then do contact us. You can follow this link and phone the office nearest to your site or complete the enquiry form, or alternatively, email us at info@national-drilling.co.uk or call us 0000 000 0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 310.2 }
This will be a very short review, as I actually only saw about 00 minutes of the movie. My son wanted to go see this, so I went to the normal family movie review sites that I generally visit to check out if it might be appropriate for a 0 year old. The reviews I read seemed to indicate that if he was used to the television cartoon version, he would be fine with the movie. Same kind of action/fighting and while it had some adult themes (two characters living together apparently out of wedlock) those weren't something a young child would pick up on. What no review said, and what we discovered after only a few minutes, was that this movie is packed with some pretty scary monsters. At first I would cover my son's eyes and told him he could watch when the turtles were on the screen, but once they started fighting the monsters it got pretty intense. So we left and I felt like the worst parent in the world. So here's my opinion on the movie, if your kid doesn't like monsters or scenes that will make him/her jump out of their seat, this movie isn't for them.
{ "perplexity_score": 284.3 }
Where can I find idltojava for Linux? If you want to use the ORB included with >0.0 JDK an idl-to-java is included with JDK 0.0 (even for Linux), otherwise you can download it from the sun web-site. All the major Java ORB vendors such as Inprise and IONA include the generator with their orbs. For other "free" orbs click here.
{ "perplexity_score": 614.8 }
I am a Bricklayer. What business structure should I choose? If you are considering starting a bricklaying business, it is critical that you choose a business structure that works best for your business. It can be a challenge choosing the right structure, as the future success of your business could well depend on the choice you make now. However, by having a thorough understanding of the financial and legal implications of each business structure, you can make an informed decision about which one is best for your business. After coming to some sort of decision about which structure will be best for your business, the advice of a legal professional will be invaluable. It will also provide you with a thorough understanding of how Australian business laws will affect the business structures you wish to choose. If you are looking to start your own bricklaying business, you might consider adopting a sole trader business structure. It is the most traditional of business structures and involves the owner becoming the sole trader. It gives you total control over your business, but also means that your personal finances and your business finances will be indistinguishable in the eyes of the law. There are many benefits of becoming a sole trader that range from financial to personal. Primarily, becoming a sole trader is by far and away the cheapest business structure to create, and if you choose to trade under your own name, you do not even need to register your business name. This means that you can enter the market as soon as possible, and gain valuable time in establishing your business and brand. Another advantage of choosing a sole trader structure for your bricklaying business is that your business will remain completely attached to you for its entire existence. So no matter how much your business grows and prospers, you will always be in complete control. It should be noted that there are also some disadvantages related to choosing a sole trader business structure for your bricklaying business. The main problem is the fact that your finances will all be rolled up into one. You may be personally liable for all financial decisions made in the course of running your business. As a result, you will be forced to wear two hats each time you make a decision, your business hat, and your personal hat. For some business owners this is not a problem in the slightest, for others, it is crippling. If this disadvantage is too much for you, perhaps you should consider a company business structure. A company business structure will provide a sound basis for your bricklaying business to prosper and expand, without the fear of incurring personal financial liability. The primary benefit of a company business structure is that the finances of the business are separate from your personal finances. However, to allow for this financial protection, the costs of creating and running a company are higher than those of other business structures. You will also be subject to a vast array of statutory rules relating to how your company is run. Today, the company business structure is the most attractive structure of all, primarily because of the financial protection it provides to business owners. However, in choosing whether you want your business to become a company, you must consider your aspirations. For a small business, the cost of running a company can be ruinous. However, for a large business looking to expand, the financial protection it provides can allow you to take calculated risks you might otherwise avoid. Therefore, it can be said that all the advantages and disadvantages associated with each business structure are relative, as they depend entirely upon the situation of the business owner. If you would like to see a complete list of all the business structures available to your bricklaying business, please click here. Finally, it must be noted that you should seek the advice of a legal professional at some point during the process, as it will assist you in making the most informed decision possible. If you have any further questions relating to choosing the right business structure for your bricklaying business, please call LegalVision for a fixed-fee quote.
{ "perplexity_score": 262.5 }
Our adjustable timing brackets allow you to advance the ignition timing up to 00-degrees by moving the ignition coil. No more removing the flywheel and inserting a timing advance key. Adjust timing on the fly with this nice billet piece! adjustable timing bracket very good quality product, needs instruction on how to install.
{ "perplexity_score": 896 }
This securities fraud class action lawsuit is brought against Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. for making false material statements: (a) deceived the investing public regarding Valeant's prospects and business; (b) omitted disclosure of key aspects of the Valeant's business, specifically its relationship with a network of specialty pharmacies utilized to boost sales of Valeant's high-priced drugs; (c) Valeant's undisclosed use of specialty pharmacies left it subject to increased regulatory risks that investors were unable to account for; (d) without use of specialty pharmacies, Valeant's financial performance and financial guidance would have been negatively impacted. This lawsuit alleges that Navient, the successor entity to student lender Sallie Mae, charged student loan interest rates to California borrowers that were in excess of the 00% annual interest rate limit permitted by California Usury laws. This securities class action alleges that Amicus Therapeutics made false, misleading and material representations to the market regarding a meeting held with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding the development of the company's new drug, migalasta. This class action lawsuit alleges ChinaCache made false statements and failing to disclose that (0) the platform migration to High Performance Cloud Cache (HPCC) was not successful. The Wayne County Employees' Retirement System, a shareholder in the FMI Large Cap Fund (the "Fund"), has filed this derivative lawsuit alleging that the Board of Fiduciary Management, Inc. extracted higher investment advisory fees from the captive Fund than from arm's length institutional clients, even where the advisory services provided to those arm's length clients were substantially similar and in some cases identical to those FMI provided the fund. This class action lawsuit is brought against USA Technologies alleging failure to disclose (0) significant deficiencies in both the design and operating effectiveness of the company's internal control over financial reporting; and (0) as a result of these deficiencies, USA Technologies' procedures failed to identify a large number of uncollectible small balance accounts. This lawsuit alleges that Volkswagen AG made materially false and misleading statements and omissions to investors concerning company operations, financial condition and outlook and specifically failed to disclose that it had utilized a "defeat device" in certain diesel cars which allowed the vehicles to temporarily reduce emissions during testing yet emit at dramatically higher levels outside of testing conditions.
{ "perplexity_score": 410.4 }
This ad involved tremendous expense at every step: developing the concept, taking the picture, producing the billboard, renting the space, and installing the billboard. Nothing in the image is a chance element. As the only purpose is to sell shoes, the why is clear. Right now, we can start to discuss the what. The how is a big question that will need much more data and thought. The picture shows an attractive and happy young woman whose feet are bound by shoes with extensions / protrusions that are intended to make her taller, more erect. She's not standing, but instead is squatting while manipulating with her fingers a delicate musical instrument that has an orifice and a lip. The model is wearing skin-tight shorts and a very military-style (if not some actual uniform) jacket. Clearly, with the wearer to one degree or another crippled, high heels have no practical value. For the current crop of heavy leather foot armor, there's nothing delicate or pretty. (Cinderella surely didn't dance in any of these.) This style of footwear is a dramatic exploration of sado-masochism, a ceremonial jousting match between women out in the aura. The complete installation of the Aldo billboards in Times Square. The top image shows female and male legs sticking up from underneath a pile of candy-colored inflatable mock musical instruments. To the left, there's a man mounting a piano and a woman sitting on a juke box. From top to bottom, from initiation to consummation, the images form a clear series. As the models all have the echo of one (wo)man bands, there's a don't ask, don't tell tone to the collection. The viewer's subconscious can accept the message any way that it prefers. With your feet ball-and-chained by Aldos, you might not be ready for running, but the images create the strong suggestion that you will be perfectly prepared for running around.
{ "perplexity_score": 248.4 }
Find some incredibly beautiful crochet butterfly patterns for free. Follow free detailed video instructions to learn how to crochet many different butterflies. In this tutorial you will see how to crochet a small butterfly that can be used on many different items as a little appliqué. This crochet butterfly pattern is good for hair clips/ hair bands, bag embellishing, home decore ... with this pretty crochet butterflies you can add some summer design to just about anything. Also it is a great embellishing for a little princess's dress. Enjoy!
{ "perplexity_score": 704.7 }
How to cite this entry? J. Payne Smith (Mrs. Margoliouth), Supplement to the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 0000) p. 00 [from sedra.bethmardutho.org, tagged by Jillian Marcantonio, accessed on Apr. 00, 0000].
{ "perplexity_score": 407.4 }
[ [ 216020923, 216021170 ] ]
[ 99876 ]
In a highball glass, combine ingredients. Stir well. Add ice.
{ "perplexity_score": 646.7 }
Free shipping on orders over $000. AfterPay and ZipPay available. Copyright © 0000 Cloud Nine Health and Wellness.
{ "perplexity_score": 990.7 }
Marketing 000® is a marketing software company that provides an intelligent combination of integrated software and professional marketing services. The platform is designed for organizations of all sizes to have access to certified digital marketing professionals including marketing experts, developers, content writers, designers, and video producers who understand today's digital marketing needs. The platform allows brands to optimize their most essential marketing channels through various modules within a single software solution. The Marketing 000 Natural Listing Ads® module helps organizations improve organic sales and keyword rankings with its SEO software program. The Top Placement Ads® function helps businesses get to the top 0 ads on search engine results. The Retargeting Ads® module keeps organizations on top of potential sales by displaying banner ads on websites, while the Top Rated Local® or National program helps brands control their reputation online. Marketing 000's On-Demand Marketing Services option allows users to leverage the expertise of highly skilled marketers, designers, content writers, developers, and video experts in the cloud, on-demand. Marketing 000 provides organizations with #0 Website Platform™, UXi® with highly adaptable designs. Users can modify the website design to match the organization's branding and content, as well as easily update and maintain the website using drag-and-drop in the front-end editor. The platform also includes a powerful #0 CRM Software® (customer relationship management) module for managing contacts, tasks and sales pipelines. I've been with Marketing 000 over two years now. From day one the level of service I received from every person I worked with was exceptional. I've referred at least 00 other businesses owners I know to Marketing 000 and they're all extremely happy as well. Pretty much, anybody business owner I talk to I tell about how amazing Marketing 000 is. I can't image running my business at this point without Marketing 000. I love the fact that through one company I have everything I need. I literally don't use any other tools to run my business except for Quickbooks for my accounting and Google Apps for my email and online documents, etc.. So if you are looking for a powerful software platform to build your business on I think you'll find Marketing 000 is hard to beat. But the real difference maker is the people. Having dedicated specialists do everything for you is such a huge value. I basically have my own marketing team without the cost by working with Marketing 000. I can't express enough how powerful that has been for me. My final advice is to be patient. The marketing works really well, but it takes time. The results I'm getting now (0 years later) are 0-0 times better than the results I got inside the first 0 months even though my advertising budget is roughly the same as it was then. But my ads are better now, my rankings on Google are higher, my social media presence is better and more. So be patient and commit long-term. The best part about Marketing 000, at least for me, is that fact that they do everything for you. My Marketing Executive is amazing. Whenever I need something done or have a question, I just give him a quick call or shoot him a quick text and he knocks it out. Candice, my CRM expert is so awesome. She has taken so much time to walk me and my team through how to use the CRM and set it up so it works perfectly for our business. The CRM has been a game-changer for us. I have worked with so many incredible people at Marketing 000 it's hard to remember them all. But everyone is friendly, knowledgeable and a joy to work with. As far as products & services go, the Marketing 000 platform has it all. They designed and manage my website, which I love. The website took about 0 and a half weeks to design and get live. It took about a week to get the initial website designed and built, we then went back and forth 0-0 times on revisions until I approved it to go live. My project manager called me every 0-0 days to give me an update which was great. Once the website was live, marketing executive took over and started all the marketing campaigns. I gave him some guidance, but for the most part, he took the lead and wrote and designed all our ads for Google and social media, etc. It was pretty hands off for me which was great. The ads started to drive traffic and leads about 0-0 days after the website was live! From there I really started to heavily use the CRM and love it! The Marketing 000 platform does it all (website, crm, email, text message marketing, google ads, social ads, etc...) which can be intimidating to setup and learn! The good news is, Marketing 000 has dedicated people assigned to your account which setup everything for you, answer your questions, provide training, etc.. Without their help, I'm not sure I'd have the time or skill to do it all myself. So it's great that they offer that at no additional cost. My CRM expert must have spent countless hours working on my account and it was all included free! Very thankful. The reason I signed up with Marketing 000 was the fact that I did not have to do it all myself. I spent a lot of time looking around at other solutions and found a lot of great tools/platforms out there, but none offered the level of dedicated support that Marketing 000 did so that was the deciding factor for me. Hi Gina! Wow! Thanks for taking the time to write us such a detailed and in-depth review! I really appreciate your honesty and candor. I wanted to take a moment and touch on a few points you brought up. First - it sounds like we got your site live in about 00 business days or less which is exactly what we aim for! I'm happy to hear we reached that milestone. Second, it sounds like you're using just about every service that we offer - pay-per-click advertising, email, SMS marketing, CRM, etc. Managing all of those services on your own take time away from running your business, and by utilizing everything we offer you give yourself an even greater chance of success. Like you said, taking advantage of your dedicated support team and getting the most out of every single service essentially gives you your own marketing team! You and your team have been great to work with these past 0 years and I wanted to personally thank you so much for your trust & partnership! Nexgen Software Services http://nexgent0.com/ has been in business since 0000. We have always done VERY well with simple advertising up until about 0 or 0 years ago. Sales have slipped and we have had a hard time reaching our desired customers. I finally broke down and started looking for professional help. I spent a lot of time online searching through many different marketing firms. There are so many to choose from it really made it a difficult choice to finally pick one. The reason I picked Marketing 000 was simple. The videos and the mentality they promoted in their videos was the same as my company. I know we work hard if not harder than anyone for the success of our clients and I felt that Marketing 000 was going to give me that same attention to detail that we needed. The day trading / investment world is a very competitive marketing arena. Probably more difficult than Doctors , Lawyers or Plastic Surgeons. Bottom line, everyone as Marketing 000 have done everything possible to make our business grow. We have now been with them for over 0 months and the difference in our online marketing , SEO and online presence is night and day what it was before. If you need help, professional help, you must make the commitment and let Marketing 000 work to help you better your business. I would highly recommend them , I can't see myself or my business being without them. I hope you will take the time to really investigate and give them the opportunity. I have clients that are in the marketing business and I have had them personally audit everything that Marketing 000 has done so I could get an honest outside second opinion. The results didn't surprise me, my audit of M000 was a resounding 000% positive. Taking the leap of faith is the hard part. Loving what they do is the easy part. I appreciate and look forward to continuing some exponential growth with Marketing 000. Everything is very simple and easy to use. Only thing I would like to see is live up to the minute stats which i think is coming on the next version. John, thank you so much for taking the time to give us your input! You've been a very loyal customer over the years and we have really enjoyed partnering with you. Ultimately, we exist to help small businesses grow; we're honored you chose us! It's not easy to trust others with the success of your business, and we take that responsibility seriously. Thanks again! In May of 0000, we decided to work with Madwire's Marketing000 software/platform after both a bad previous experience with another company and some thorough internet research. As a niche business with very little experience and history managing any advertising/marketing campaigns, we had many questions regarding the software. Fortunately, we worked with Customer support representatives, who worked very hard to provide honest feedback and guidance on our campaign to start. Now that we have become familiar with the software, we really look forward to continue using the platform as we expand our business. The customer login/portal/dashboard is very user-friendly and easy to understand. As a caveat, I am from a younger generation that grew up using technology on a daily basis. -In the past, there were occasional reporting discrepancies when running daily reports for a given month and comparing the amounts to the same MTD reports over time (i.e. Daily ad spend / visits / conversions). However, when comparing daily reports for multiple months over time to MTD reports, the discrepancies were not a problem. Fortunately, this was a very MINOR technical issue that did not significantly impact our experience with the software. -Occasionally, we would receive "internal server error" messages when logging into the old portal during the evenings, which resulted in no data being visible. This does not appear to be an issue with the updated software. Brian, thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. We're glad you've found the platform easy to navigate. Continue giving us your input and ideas. We're always improving our products and services. Thanks for your business! It all works together. That is incredibly important. You need all your sources to be able to come into one location and be tracked. Leads are the businesses life blood.If you can't track everything you do, you are just shooting in the dark. Most small businesses have a person to do their website, another to do their social media. Working with the team at Marketing 000 I have an expert in every field working on my businesses that are working together. They created a great logo, an incredible website that I have received major accolades for, social media, blogs, videos, etc. that all work together to make my business look professional and keep me on page one for all my keywords. Then they do all the things I hate doing like setting up and populating my CRM. They provide a calendar where my assistance can update my calendar. Then they do something most small businesses never do; they track EVERYTHING. We know immediately when something is working or not working. Most businesses are just shooting in the dark. This process take a while. If you only tried Marketing 000 for 0 months, you haven't given it a fair shake. Marketing takes a while. I know. I have been doing marketing for several years. It takes time to dial it in. Time busy business people do not have. That why I turned 00% of my marketing over to a TEAM, the team of Marketing 000; They work together to bring me customers and brand my business with a consistent message. I wish the calendar would tie into my other calendars. Other than that, I have been very satisfied with Marketing 000 and the software. Roy, thank you so much for your review and feedback. We appreciate and value the feedback. All ships rise together and we are excited to work with you and build your business up continuously. Thanks for your business. I own a successful home inspection company in the Kansas City area and struggled with my online presence using a jalopy of a website that got me by for about 0 years until I couldn't take it anymore. I mean, it looked like something a one handed 0rd grader built (no offense to one handed 0rd graders). But last year, I found Marketing 000 and with the help of Andy and the rest of the team they took my 00 pound weakling and turned it into a fire breathing dragon. Now this thing breathes clicks and spits out phone calls. It's a real thing of beauty. In fact, in the beginning I told Andy with a totally straight and serious face "I want to own the entire first page of Google." He chuckled, but he knew I was serious and took me seriously. Now we're well on our way. Another big thing? They're from the U.S.A. (again, no offense to the rest of the world), but if you've used freelance sites like I have in the past you're far too familiar with the time, quality, and money lost due to communication breakdowns and sneaky, second rate back-end practices. I can't tell you how many times I had a site built by one guy then took it to another for SEO work and he was like, "Who built this? This code is garbage. It needs to be re-built." Ugh! You just never know what you'll get and who will do the work. And while I was always willing to pay top dollar for top quality work, I was always disappointed. Always. Aside from that, they're only a phone call or email away and are super available. They answer their phones and respond to emails usually within minutes. And when I need changes made they're on top of it and I see the results within a day or two. And if I need to make a tweak they work with me until I'm happy. I appreciate all of this because time is my most valuable commodity. And the best thing? It's not a one-sided relationship where they totally steer the ship. It's a collaboration where they welcome my ideas and take them into direct consideration. This is really important to me because I know my industry and my business like the back of my hand. Anyway, use them if you want serious results. This is an investment that will pay for itself many times over. OK, I have to go now. Time to feed my dragon. Steve, thank you for your testimonial. You really identified a struggle that we see SMB's facing. There is a collection of different companies trying to tackle multiple problems for a company and none of them have a singular voice around optimization, design, and marketing. That is what truly makes our marketing software, Marketing 000® special. Everything is within one platform. There is no need to go anywhere else for anything else. You get a unified approach that saves you time and money and most importantly drives better ROI. Thank you for your partnership. Voici quelques-unes des questions fréquentes sur Marketing 000®. Q. Quels sont les types de licence disponibles pour Marketing 000® ? Q. Quelles sont les principales fonctionnalités du logiciel Marketing 000® ? Q. Qui utilise Marketing 000® ? Q. Dans quelles langues Marketing 000® est-il disponible ? Q. Marketing 000® prend-il en charge les appareils mobiles ? Nous n'avons pas d'informations sur les appareils pris en charge par Marketing 000®. Q. Avec quelles applications Marketing 000® peut-il s'intégrer ? Q. Quelles sont les ressources d'aide disponibles pour Marketing 000® ?
{ "perplexity_score": 442.6 }
The Western Fitzgerald Biosphere includes the Fitzgerald River National Park, Corackerup Nature Reserve, and Gondwana link properties. These natural areas are highly valued by the WA community. They contain more than 0000 species of flora, 00 of which are endemic to the national park. There are also 00 threatened species of flora and six threatened species of fauna. In particular, dieback disease, spread by road construction and maintenance activities, is threatening the survival of these ecosystems. With the help of funding from the State NRM Program, this project furthers the Shire of Jerramungup dieback management strategy developed in 0000. A disease risk assessment was undertaken to establish the distribution of dieback throughout the road network across the shires of Jerramungup and Gnowangerup. Operational staff were then engaged to develop a dieback hygiene program of works for road construction and maintenance to control the spread of dieback. Foundation broad scale dieback assessment in the Western Fitzgerald Biosphere; set a baseline for management and further study. Study provided the opportunity to present findings to local residents and key stakeholders. Local newsletters and papers published the project areas and outcomes, increasing community awareness and understanding. Limited number of contractors available; project was delayed - future projects need to ensure all aspects are well thought out. Two projects running parallel provided greater result delivery. Project officers were not based locally, operational changes could not be easily transitioned. Shire of Jerramungup; Department of Parks and Wildlife; Gondwana Link (Bush Heritage & Greening Australia); South Coast NRM.
{ "perplexity_score": 358.8 }
Citrovorum factor rescue In certain malig-nancies, high dose of methotrexate is injected i.v.and is followed within ? -0 hour with 0-0 mgi.v. One-stage exchange shoulder arthro-plasty for peri-prosthetic infection. His brother is suffering from bronchial asthma and food allergy. The first, of patient, has a nar-row clinical conception of the user of services - as an extension or carrier of the mental illness heor she is deemed to be suffering. (0000b) The Clinician Assessmentof Fluctuation and the One Day Fluctuation Assessment Scale:two methods to assess fluctuating confusion in dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Pay COD for isotretinoin without prescription 00(0), 0000-0000.Colarossi, L, Breitbart, V., & Betancourt, G. The pre-cise manner in which that happens remains importantchapters for both future animal-brain and human devel-opmental research. Because rheumatic fever is diagnosed by major and minor criteria that are not present in thiscase. Causal attributions during therapy I: Responsibility andblame. Palpate the fluid wave in the abdomen in the context of the clipped and preppedlocation. Device consisting of a fluorescent screen that makes theshadows of objects interposed between the tube and thescreen visible. It is here that thereader's background and expertise in the particular topic of an article play a crucial role inthe evaluation process. This contrasts with Alzheimer's disease,in which the information is rapidly lost from memoryand may be neither recalled nor recognized. Laboratory based investigations have suggestedthat tumors with MSI arising from MMR defects Pay COD for isotretinoin without prescription either by mutation or methylation,are more resistant to the effects of cytotoxic drugs [ 00 , 00]. Patient education is impor-tant and should be contributed by all members of the health-care team (Marks 0000 ;Redman 0000; Zanchetta and Bernstein 0000) - it is the duty of the treating neuro-surgeon, nurses, and hospital administration to provide patients information. Imaging studies of theneck and shoulder may be indicated, and serum studies toassess for a broader autoimmune process may be needed.The differential diagnosis includes stroke, acute radicu-lopathy, and traumatic injury to the shoulder or plexus,such as shoulder dislocation or rotator cuff injury. F0.0.0), whichresults in weakened bones that are more prone tofractures following even minor trauma. Grips: a few things to remember next time you re-grip your clubs. 0. Make sure the size is right. Have your hand measured so you have the right fit. 0....
{ "perplexity_score": 546.6 }
Before you measure for your blinds, you'll want to decide whether you want traditional horizontal blinds or vertical blinds. Also, you'll want to decide whether to mount them on the inside or outside of your window frame. Each mount and style provides a different look and has different benefits, so consider which is best for you. Measure the window width from stile to stile at the top, in the middle, and on the bottom. Measure the window height from rail to rail at the top, in the middle, and on the bottom. Send your narrowest and longest measurements to your home improvement or blinds company. Measure the exact width where you want the blinds to be placed. Then, add 0 0/0″ per side (0 inches total) to allow for maximum privacy and light control. Measure the height of your window from where the blinds will be placed to the sill. Then, add 0 0/0″ on the top and bottom (0 inches total). Send your measurements to your home improvement or blinds company. Measure the window from corner to corner in each diagonal. Note if the measurements are equal. If not, you may want to consider an outside mount for the best fit. Measure the exact width of the window, including molding or frame. Then, add 0″ per side (0″ total) to allow for maximum privacy and light control. Measure the exact height of the window from the top molding to the bottom sill. Then, add 0″ on the top and bottom (0″ total). If you want your blinds to extend to the floor (as though covering a patio door), follow Step 0, then deduct 0/0″ to allow for clearance.
{ "perplexity_score": 506 }
[ [ 216041941, 216042011 ], [ 216042100, 216042168 ], [ 216042308, 216042378 ], [ 216042625, 216042693 ] ]
[ 99882 ]
Can Republic Services Take Out Waste Management? Republic Services is a smaller player in the waste and recycling industry than Waste Management, but its growth prospects could make it a threat to its bigger rival. Republic Services (NYSE:RSG) will release its quarterly report on Thursday, and optimism about the prospects for the recycling and trash business pushed shares to new all-time highs during the summer. Yet even as Waste Management (NYSE:WM) reported earnings earlier today that beat expectations, Republic Services is looking for ways to produce even more growth and catch up with its longtime rival in the business. Republic Services and Waste Management have both done a good job over the years of producing growth through consolidation. Yet although acquiring smaller players could continue to provide growth opportunities for both companies, Republic has attracted more interest from Bill Gates' Cascade Investment, which has a $0 billion investment in Republic compared to having less than $000 million invested in Waste Management. Could Gates see greater growth potential from Republic than from its rival? Let's take an early look at what's been happening with Republic Services over the past quarter and what we're likely to see in its report. Can Republic Services earnings grow faster this quarter? Analysts have made only the smallest of moves in recent months on their views about Republic Services, cutting their third-quarter earnings estimates by a penny per share but leaving longer-term projections unchanged. The stock has stayed near its highs but failed to produce further advances, falling 0% since late July. Unfortunately, Republic Services had a bad start to the quarter, as adjusted net income plunged 00% from the previous year's second quarter. Revenue rose a modest 0.0%, but declines in recycling commodity revenue held back the company's sales growth. Still, Republic kept its guidance on earnings and free cash flow for 0000 unchanged, helping to minimize the damage on the stock. The nice thing about the trash and recycling business, though, is that it has never-ending demand. Cyclical changes affect both supply and demand, as a sluggish economy leads to fewer people buying new things and therefore throwing away less. Boom times lead to greater disposal and often higher prices for recycled materials. In the long run, though, those cycles balance out and leave room for both Republic and Waste Management to grow as populations increase. Yet the most interesting new development for Republic, Waste Management, and peer Waste Connections (NYSE:WCN) is an increasing emphasis on natural gas. As a gas user, Republic has about 00% of its fleet fueled by natural gas, and its plans are to make half of its new truck purchases compatible with the clean-burning fuel. At current price levels, Republic actually saves money using natural gas fuel. Republic has also taken steps toward harvesting landfill gas, with the company claiming 00 active projects nationwide. With potential uses that include collaborations with local businesses, electrical generation, and diverting gas to households for heating purposes, the industry is taking recycling to a whole new level. In the Republic Services earnings report, look at how much the company is able to move forward with its energy efforts. With so much growth potentially available from the energy aspects of waste handling and recycling, Republic has a chance to compete better against Waste Management to become an even more important part of the industry. Click here to add Republic Services to My Watchlist, which can find all of our Foolish analysis on it and all your other stocks.
{ "perplexity_score": 456.7 }
The Board of Commissioners welcomes applications from all Township residents interested in applying for future vacancies on Township Boards/Commissions. Vacancies for some boards are currently available. Interested candidates may fill out the application form below. Need To Report Dead Wildlife On The Roads?
{ "perplexity_score": 751.7 }
Are you looking to buy or sell a home in Meadows At Smoky Row Columbus? Call or Text 000-000-0000 to schedule a showing on any Meadows At Smoky Row Columbus Ohio home for sale or to sell your Meadows At Smoky Row Columbus Ohio home fast, and for top dollar! Search all homes for sale in Meadows At Smoky Row Subdivision in Columbus Ohio. This includes any pre-existing homes, new construction homes and distressed properties including Short Sales, Bank Owned and HUD Homes in Meadows At Smoky Row Columbus. The MLS Listings on this page include homes with Sale Pending status and Sold Status.
{ "perplexity_score": 2058.2 }
[ [ 216047032, 216047089 ], [ 216047183, 216047249 ], [ 216047293, 216047438 ], [ 216047467, 216047556 ] ]
[ 99885, 33341 ]
Paruppu keerai kulambu is a traditional ,healthy recipe with the goodness of dhal and greens.You can use any greens of your choice and for dhal use either toor dhal or moong dhal. Remove the roots and wash the greens well.Chop the greens with the stem parts. Soak the moong dhal in water for 00 mins and then pressure cook with 0/0 tsp turmeric powder for 0-0 whistles. Heat oil in a kadai,add the items under ‘to temper'.When they splutter add the onions,garlic,red chilli and saute until the onion turns transparent. Then add the tomatoes and saute for 0 mins on medium flame,stirring occasionally. Add the cooked moong dhal. Now add the greens and water.Add turmeric powder,cumin powder and salt. Add water as per your need for the gravy. Bring to boil and then simmer the flame to low.Cook for 00- 00 or until the greens are cooked completely. Serve Paruppu keerai kulambu hot with steamed rice or chapathi with little ghee. MMMMM,..This recipe looks smashing & so wonderful too! Yum!
{ "perplexity_score": 1294.7 }
Holistic Select® senior formula is designed to meet the unique nutrition needs of your older dog. Grain-free, with the right amount of protein, fat, and fiber to support a slowing metabolism plus prebiotics & probiotics, live yogurt cultures, digestive enzymes, and natural fiber these recipes enhance digestion and total body health. Chicken Meal, Chickpeas, Peas, Lentils, Dried Ground Potatoes, Chicken Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Dried Molasses Beet Pulp, Flaxseed, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Pumpkin, Cranberries, Apples, Brewers Dried Yeast, Papayas, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Blueberries, Pomegranates, Vitamin E Supplement, Inulin, L-Carnitine, Dried Kelp, Zinc Proteinate, Mixed Tocopherols added to preserve freshness, Zinc Sulfate, Niacin, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron Proteinate, Vitamin A Supplement, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Ground Cinnamon, Ground Fennel, Ground Peppermint, Copper Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Manganese Sulfate, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Sodium Selenite, Dried Enterococcus faecium Fermentation Product, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Vitamin D0 Supplement, Biotin, Dried Lactobacillus bulgaricus Fermentation Product, Dried Enterococcus thermophilus Fermentation Product, Calcium Iodate, Vitamin B00 Supplement, Folic Acid, Dried Bacillus licheniformis Fermentation Product, Dried Bacillus subtilis Fermentation Product, Dried Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Product, Dried Trichoderma reesei Fermentation Product, Dried Rhizopus oryzae Fermentation Product, Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermentation Product, Dried Lactobacillus casei Fermentation Product, Rosemary Extract, Green Tea Extract, Spearmint Extract.
{ "perplexity_score": 680.8 }
[ [ 216049561, 216049626 ] ]
[ 99887, 30767 ]
Kerala PSC recently notified application for Staff Nurse Grade II 0000 in Health Service. Already applied candidates can attend the exam on 00/00/0000 00.00 PM* to 00.00 PM for candidates with category no, 000/00, 000/00, 000/00, 000/00, 000/00, 000/00, and 000/00. Find the complete Staff Nurse Grade II Syllabus and Previous Question papers 0000. Please find the detailed syllabus of Kerala PSC Secretariat Assistant 0000. It will have a maximum mark of 000 with 0.00 hours of duration. And the medium of question is in English. The PSC Staff Nurse Grade II Previous Question Papers are given below for your exam preparation. Click the title to Download the PDF question file of the previous year. Preferring Previous Question Papers is always a good idea that to score some extra rank making marks. Here are some of the question papers from previous Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade II exams.
{ "perplexity_score": 926.8 }
As a motion control running shoe, this new balance 000 kaufen has even been rated as a high value compared to other shoes websites on account of its generous toe box for accommodating orthopedic inserts perfectly, which is a MUST for diabetic sufferers who require a large size and comfortable shoe. The new balance weiß damen, the shoe rocks, is prettier and ventilated! I have been wearing the 000 series a couple years, before that I could never walk or run without some kinds of problem arising. Since I started wearing those I have had no trouble and can walk for miles upon miles. As an update, they added a higher padding back of the shoe to the 000s - 000s and replaced the lacing of the 000s with new SURE LACE, as well as they added more padding at the ball and toes of the shoe. The new balance 000 herren uses a rocker sole design to activate more muscle groups in the lower body, by simulating walking barefoot in soft sand and bringing the benefits to the walking gait which that provides. Located in the heel is an innovative EVA compound called Acteva Ultra LITE, which gives superior shock absorption. As the heel strike force is reduced, the shoes trigger a smooth rolling motion from heel to toe, bringing a wider range of muscle groups into play and activating the muscles for longer. The design promotes a faster walking speed, and coupled with the muscle activation, increases calorie burning by 0%. They are extremely comfortable, fit perfectly, classic, cool look, and color choices were terrific and they look great in the gym and also with jeans. If your feet are too tired to stand for 0 hours a day, you will really love these shoes. There is a great support in the sole as well as the toe bed. They are very breathable so your toes will get cold at night, especially on winter nights on the big city's streets but if your feet sweat a lot it will be a good thing.
{ "perplexity_score": 436 }
Traveling throughout the holidays seasons is never fun. The crowds and everyone rushing at the airport is just a recipe to be a little squished and stressed out. Thankfully, technology is there for you there are a few apps that can make your next trip a little less stressful if you download them before you go. From ways to make sure you have a parking spot before your next fight, to getting the best travel deals and getting access to the best airport lounges; we've got you covered for a stress free trip this holiday season. To help you get away for the holidays in style, TravelCar is offering our readers 0% off their next booking using the booking code TravelDesign0. With parking offers in Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Edmonton, and Vancouver, your holiday travel just got a little easier. TravelCar - Travel to the airport can be hectic, but it doesn't have to be. With TravelCar, you pre-book your airport parking space for up to 00% less. Stress less and save money by pre-booking your airport parking with TravelCar. Hopper - Hopper analyzes billions of airline prices daily to predict how prices will change and tells you whether to buy or wait. Save up to 00% on your next flight. Lounge Buddy - With LoungeBuddy, all travelers can access to any of the airport lounges in their network - no memberships, elite statuses, or first class needed. Sanctifly - Sanctifly helps travelers seeking wellness get access to airport hotel gyms, pools, spa facilities and more, without having to book a room. Be Relax - With more than 00 spas at airports around the world, Be Relax helps make traveling more pleasant by creating a specific relaxing and beauty airport lounge where you can chill before taking off.
{ "perplexity_score": 733 }
The modern Lexmark MX000DXME MFP is an excellent multifunction device for larger offices and workgroups. It is incredibly robust and can deliver output with a maximum resolution of 0,000 x 0,000 dpi. The Lexmark MX000DXME monochrome multifunction printer has a monthly duty cycle of 000,000 sheets and it can handle a wide range of media. It comes with built-in mailbox bin, 000-sheet automatic document feeder, and duplexer. The Lexmark MX000DXME mono laser printer is a bit large and is also pricey. This model weighs 000 lbs and measures 00.00 x 00.00 x 00 inches. It has a standard paper handling capacity of 0000 sheets and has a print speed of 00 ppm with the first page out in 0.0 seconds. The Lexmark MX000DXME all-in-one printer is integrated with 0000 MB of memory but it can be upgraded to 0000 MB. This device features a large touchscreen display on the control panel. For connectivity, the Lexmark MX-000DXME laser MFP has USB and Ethernet ports. This device is very quick whether printing, scanning, copying, and faxing. The MX000DXME multifunction printer delivers high quality output and offers excellent features including a USB host for direct printing and scanning. Aside from the duplexer, an RADF is also offered to allow the Lexmark MX 000DXME printer to handle double-sided originals for scanning. Since the Lexmark MX000DXME MFP laser printer is compatible with most operating systems and has Ethernet, networking is quite simple. Return program Lexmark MX000DXME cartridges are environmentally friendly and can be returned to Lexmark once they are empty for recycling. The scanner can only handle leger-sized originals and Wi-Fi connectivity must be bought separately. Expect the Lexmark MX000DXME black and white printer to have a large asking price. This unit may not be ideal for small offices.
{ "perplexity_score": 461.9 }
The Irish women's masters (over 00s) played their first tournament last weekend, taking part in the Masters Home Countries International Hockey Championships in Swansea, Wales. Due to the sterling efforts of the men's masters co-ordinator Andy Nye and the women's co-ordinator, Alison Pigot. a squad of 00 was assembled for the competition. Following a couple of training sessions, a team who had not played together before, faced a strong Scottish team peppered with ex-internationals. As the English, Welsh and Scottish teams were also fielding Over 00s teams their Over 00s teams comprised players aged 00-00, so the Irish team (fielding players across the 00s decade +) felt the early pace. The half time score was 0-0, with a full time score of 0-0 - by which time the Irish team had settled, adapted to the pace of the game and were starting to play well as a team. This form carried into the next game against Wales, Ireland scoring their first goal through the hard running Edwina Mulcahy after good approach play by the impressively skilful Aishling Schutte. Wales worked hard to equalise and go ahead but, despite only having one outfield sub and playing their second match of the day, the resilient Irish team raised their game in the last 00 minutes to get an equaliser through a good team goal, finished off by Schutte. The following day Ireland took on a strong English Over 00s team, who needed to win by six goals to win the tournament ahead of the Scots. With loud support from the Irish men and the Scots, the Irish team battled hard in the Welsh heat. The Irish goalkeepers saved two strokes and captain Alison Pigot calmly slotted home an Irish stroke. The final score was 0-0 to the fast and skilful English side, but it was a moral victory to the Irish in rewarding the support of the Scots and in making a credible start for the Irish Women's Masters team. The Irish players of the tournament were goalkeepers Sinead Guilfoyle and Margie Loughran. The next event for the Irish Women's Masters team is a Home Nations ‘Plus' tournament hosted in Ireland by Lisnagarvey Hockey Club from August 00 and 00. The Irish Women's Masters are looking for players - so if you're over 00, still playing hockey and would like to get involved go to www.irelandmasters.com where you can contact the women's co-ordinator Alison Pigot. Ireland Ladies Masters (over 00s): Sinead Guilfoyle (GK - Pembroke), Margie Loughran (GK - Navan), Maura O'Neill (Three Rock), Bromwyn O'Donnell (Loreto), Helen Johnston (Railway), Paula Jenkins (Three Rock), Alison Pigot (Captain - Pembroke), Clare Ryan (Navan), Nikkey Cullen (Avoca), Edwina Mulcahy (Pembroke), Aishling Schutte (Pembroke), Mairead Lyons (Three Rock), Bernie Barry (Pembroke).
{ "perplexity_score": 311.8 }
Your terrarium (can be any container that allows for air and light. Try a recycled bottle, mason jar, or one of our hurricanes. When you begin filling your terrarium, the first layer should be an inch or so of pebbles to allow for drainage. The next will be soil, as much is needed to cover the roots of your plants. Then you can start planting! You'll want to play with varying heights and textures to great an interesting arraignment. (Remember to wear gloves when dealing with spiny cacti!) Then accentuate with flameless candles and top it off with your chosen accessories. A seasonal take - the Beachcomber - Uses Bellona hurricane; super low maintenance with air plants. Kept it light with sand, pink salt crystals and shells. For a more glamorous take: style the Miro lantern with Spanish moss and faux orchids. Would make a great table centerpiece. An unexpected take: arrange air plants amongst the fairy lights in our mirrored glass terrariums. Can use the handles to suspend for an ethereal effect. A dinner party take: keep the rest of the table muted to keep the terrariums the focal point. Brass, greenery and pops of pink make for a fresh summery tablescape.
{ "perplexity_score": 624.6 }
Our MCM Today is Patoranking, And Here's Why | Zikoko! Patrick Nnaemeka Okorie, better known by his stage name Patoranking, is a Nigerian reggae-dancehall singer and songwriter. He started his started his musical career doing underground collaborations with artists such as XProject, Konga, Slam and Reggie Rockstone. He signed a record deal with K-Solo's Igberaga Records in 0000, releasing "Up in D Club" under the outfit. Patoranking became a protégé of Dem Mama Records after collaborating with Timaya on his song "Alubarika". In February 0000, he signed a record deal with Foston Musik and released "Girlie O",the single that put him in the limelight. On 0 February 0000, Patoranking signed a distribution deal with VP Records. Patoranking is the living embodiment of the phrase "hardwork pays" having started his his performing arts career as a street jam and carnival dancer. He also worked as a bricklayer; and sold rat poison. In a 0000 interview with Entertainment Express, he said that his stage name was given to him by a Jamaican artist whom he met at Alpha Beach in Lagos. He was born on 00 May 0000 in Ijegun-Egba, Lagos State. Patoranking has a son, Rapha Okorie, whose Instagram handle is... You guessed it!...Rapharankingfire. And a baby daughter named Lily, who we will be correctly calling Lilyranking. Since becoming mainstream, Patoranking has been nominated for 00 awards, and he has won 0! Including the Channel O Music Video Awards, The Headies 0000, City People Entertainment Awards, Nigeria Entertainment Awards and the Nigeria Music Video Awards. He has also collaborated with other musical stars like Tiwa Savage, Seyi Shay, Wande Coal etc. For everyone reading this, work hard at your dreams; because Patoranking started from the bottom. And now he has arrived.
{ "perplexity_score": 70.8 }
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on behalf of Generation Citizen ("GC") about the Fiscal Year 0000 City's Education's budget. My name is Martin Mintz, and I am a Program Manager at Generation Citizen NYC ("GCNYC"). Our New York City Executive Director, DeNora Getachew, sends her regrets that she is unable to testify before the Committee today. GC is an nine-year-old national, nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to bringing civics education back into the classroom through a new, engaging pedagogy: Action Civics. Action Civics is a "student-centered, project-based approach to civics education that develops the individual skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary for 00st century democratic practice" (National Action Civics Collaborative). It differs from normative, knowledge-based civic education in the same way that taking any "hands-on," project-based, or experiential course differs from reading a textbook. Students learn about democratic structures and processes by directly engaging with them, as well as with each other, to address one or more issues they care about, which are impacting their community. GC is the largest Action Civics education organization with a national model. This year, GC will educate approximately 00,000 students through our flagship New York City site and 0 additional sites: Rhode Island, where we were founded on Brown University's campus; Massachusetts; the Bay Area, California; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Central Texas. We are partnering with 000 classrooms and 00 teachers in 00 schools to educate and empower approximately 0,000 middle and high school students this year in New York City. GC is reinvigorating civics education in schools through our Action Civics model in order to address America's civic participation problem. Though this problem has been growing in impact over the last several decades, recent data shows that only 00 percent of eighth graders nationwide are proficient in civics. Worse, young people nationwide are receiving unequal civic learning opportunities: students in low-income schools, when compared with just average socioeconomic status (SES) schools, are half as likely to study how laws are made, and 00 percent less likely to report having experiences with debates or panel discussions in social studies classes. GC partners with teachers and schools to help them implement our standards-aligned Action Civics education program twice weekly over the course of a semester, often added to History, Social Studies, the state-mandated Participation in Government class, or similar in-school class time. Our two models: our college volunteer, or Democracy Coach model (DC model), and Teacher-Led model (TL model) are unified by a shared Action Civics curriculum, our innovative approach to advocacy planning and support, and supplemental resources for students, teachers, and schools. In GC's Action Civics course, students debate issues directly affecting them, like affordable housing, gun violence, police brutality, domestic violence, or discrimination, and work as a class to decide on one focus issue to address during the semester. Through our student-led program, they develop strategic action plans to effect systemic change on the identified issue, implement the plan by engaging directly with influencers and decision-makers, and present their findings at Civics Day, a semester-end showcase. Students learn valuable academic and life skills, like public speaking, collaboration, critical thinking, and how to work through difference. They also gain firsthand experience engaging in an important lifelong habit, understanding how they can directly inform and influence change in their community through the democratic process. Thanks to the Council's $0.0 million investment in GC's program through the Civic Education in New York City Schools Initiative since Fiscal Year 0000, GCNYC has tripled our impact in New York City, educating and empowering approximately 00,000 sixth through twelfth graders citywide via our DC model. Our DCs provide extra classroom capacity to teachers by researching relevant articles for the classroom as well as securing a guest speaker to engage with the class. DCs also bring an element of excitement and energy to the classroom since they are a near peer and new face who can mentor GC students and give them information on their college experience. We are incredibly thankful that the City Council renewed funding for GCNYC this fiscal year to enable us to educate and empower approximately 0,000 students to find their voice and become civically engaged this year through our DC model of programming. We recruited, trained and placed 00 CUNY college volunteers as Chapter Directors and DCs in our classrooms to co-facilitate our curriculum alongside experienced NYC public school teachers, as well as serve as peer-to-near-peer mentors to students in the classroom. We are thankful for the City Council's funding, which allows GCNYC to provide stipends to volunteers from our 0 CUNY college partners - Baruch College, Hunter College, John Jay College, Medgar Evers College and Queens College. GCNYC has helped over 00,000 New York City middle and high school students find their voice and advocate for systemic local policy reform, making the site the largest and flagship in the organization. Student survey data shows that, after going through GC, students make significant gains in important measures of civic knowledge, civic skills and civic motivation. After the program, 00 percent of students improved their civic skills; 00 percent of students gained civic knowledge; 00 percent of students believed they had the power to make a difference in the community; and 00 percent of students could identify the best action to take to address a problem. We expanded our Teacher-Led program model from the pilot we launched in Fiscal Year 0000. GC offers our TL model to provide teachers with the training and support necessary to facilitate our Action Civics curriculum and teach nonpartisan advocacy in the classroom. The TL program allows us to scale our Action Civics programming and partner with schools in less central locations or where teacher preference supports implementation through this model. In this model, we directly provide teachers with the materials, professional development sessions, coaching and support to successfully implement GC's Action Civics curriculum in their classrooms. Thanks in large part to an investment from The New York Community Trust and other institutional funders, this year, we are implementing our TL program model in 00 classrooms in twenty schools in fourteen City Council districts to impact approximately 0,000 students. Due to the strong success and demand of our TL model, we are piloting a modified DC program that emphasizes the value of DCs and helps address some of the challenges associated with recruiting, training and placing DCs in classrooms. The modified DC model focuses on adding capacity for the classroom teacher, the expert in the room, to implement the curriculum while benefiting the students and the action civics project with the presence of a near-peer mentor in the classroom. In this model, the DC provides support, assists with action project research and action planning, and ensures smaller student-to-instructor ratio throughout the project. Throughout the semester, both the DC and the teacher receive necessary support and training to facilitate the curriculum and work in effective partnership. This model elevates the benefits of having skilled, trained teachers and college volunteers working together to implement strong Action Civics programming. As we continue to implement this DC model in future years, we will be focused on how we can do so while also deepening and institutionalizing our college partnerships by working to establish service learning and workforce development programs on CUNY campuses. GCNYC is excited to provide more intentional pathways to civic engagement for young women of color though a grant from the New York Women's Foundation (NYWF). We are working to achieve this goal through providing specific trainings through gender and racial identity lens to DCs and teachers and providing more opportunities for our female students to continue their civic journey beyond the classroom, including through our Community Change Fellowship (CCF). GCNYC is encouraged by the de Blasio Administration's Civics for All Initiative to implement civics education in all academic disciplines as we have experimented with this approach in our partnership with city schools with great success. As the largest Action Civics education provider in New York City, GCNYC welcomes the opportunity to partner with the Administration to share its expertise in creating and implementing engaging, student-led, project-based programming that increases students' civic knowledge, skills and motivation. Our very rough estimate is that it will cost the Administration approximately $0,000,000 annually to implement Action Civics in secondary schools systemwide and provide New York City public school teachers with professional development on how to teach project-based learning and nonpartisan advocacy in the classroom. We look forward to partnering with the Mayor, Chancellor Carranza, and Chief Democracy Officer Fonseca to ensure that all secondary students citywide receive an effective Action Civics education. It is critical to youth's long-term civic engagement that they have concrete opportunities to further their civic engagement beyond the classroom, including through meaningful and informed voter registration, Participatory Budgeting; and Community Boards, where 00 and 00 year olds are able to serve thanks in part to successful advocacy by GC and other coalition partners. GCNYC also provides pathways for students to continue their civic engagement through our CCF program. CCF is a youth leadership and workforce development program for alumni of our in-school Action Civics program who have already demonstrated their commitment to civic engagement. Fellows work four days per week at a government agency, elected official's office, or advocacy organization to apply their civic knowledge and skills in the workforce. GC also provides Fellows with professional development and workforce readiness skills - from workplace communication to resume writing - as well as coalition-building, policy research, storytelling, and media training to prepare them to share their civic engagement stories and learn how to leverage the media to advocate for policy change. In a recent survey of CCF alumni, 00 percent of respondents said participation in CCF deepened their commitment to political and civic engagement today. In conclusion, GC believes that all students need an effective Action Civics education in order to reach their potential as engaged citizens and civic pathways beyond the classroom to bring their education to life. We look forward to continuing to partner with the Council to deliver our DC model in the 0000-00 school year. GCNYC appreciates the Council's leadership commitment to GC's DC program model to allow GCNYC to expand its impact and ensure that the next generation of New Yorkers develops the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for them to become active and engaged stewards of our democracy for the long-term. Thank you and the Committee for your consideration of this testimony. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
{ "perplexity_score": 356.4 }
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{ "perplexity_score": 3516.1 }
[ [ 216073972, 216074037 ], [ 216074308, 216074361 ], [ 216074373, 216074425 ], [ 216074444, 216074497 ] ]
[ 99896, 95511 ]
If smart technology doesn't make our lives easier, safer and happier...is it really that smart? The experts at Home Technology Pros can connect your home or place of business so your technology works together smoothly, smartly...and beautifully. Home Technology Pros specializes in the sale, installation and service of home technology products. Whether you are starting from scratch, need a technology dust-off or a complete upgrade, our team is equipped with the latest solutions that will meet your budget. No project is too small or too complex for our team of professionals. Call today to request an estimate. From wireless surround sound to dedicated Media Rooms, we sell, design and install systems that provide maximum movie and surround sound enjoyment. Ensure your smart doorbell is installed properly. Not sure which smart doorbell is best for your home or business? We can help! Whether you need custom installed in-ceiling/wall speakers, an outdoor landscape music system or a whole-house, wireless audio streaming setup, we sell, design and install audio systems at your home or place of business. Let us do the heavy lifting and mount your TV the way you want it. Need the TV and accessories too? No problem! We can supply Sony, LG & Samsung TVs and help upgrade your system too! Customize your connected home with expert sales, design, setup & integration. We help your smart products talk to each other no matter the brand. Ensure your security cameras, sensor and detectors are installed for both maximum security and ease of use. We sell and install Wireless home security systems. My wife and I recently moved to El Dorado Hills and called upon HTH to help us implement the best sound solution for our Family Room. Jacob was assigned to our case and was an absolute pleasure to work with. I highly recommend HTP to anyone looking for these types of solutions for their home or workspace. These guys had amazing manners, treated my house with respect, cleaned everything up, didn't track any dirt in my house, they should be hired for every project. They hung a Sony 00 inch TV in my media room and it looks absolutely amazing. Hanging the TV looks better than mounting into a wall. It almost adds a 0-D look. Nice job guys. I can't speak highly enough about this company. I had a 0 in ceiling speaker install done. I live in an older home which resulted in some additional time being required for the job to get done right. Despite the extra time, they stuck to the original quote. My installers were both professional, courteous, and extremely knowledgeable. Regardless of whether you purchase your products online, from a big-box retailer or prefer a turn-key sales & installation experience from us, Home Technology Pros is here to help. Contact us today to get started!
{ "perplexity_score": 774.6 }
In the coming months, the Smith community will be engaged in an important new phase of planning the renovation of Neilson Library. Smith Provost and Dean of the Faculty Katherine Rowe, who is chair of the Library Program Committee, talks about the process of bringing the 000-year-old library into the future. Click here for the full story. Celebrate Smith and your years as a Smithie - greet old friends and make new ones! Attend Reunion 0000, May 00-00 and May 00-00. Click here for more information and to register. MSNBC profiles Smith College's Sophia Smith Collection, which has been documenting women's lives since 0000, ensuring that women take their rightful place in history. Ayla Schlosser '00, founder of Resonate, empowers women in Rwanda to take leadership roles in their communities by teaching them to tell their stories. To meet some of these women, click here. In the latest Insight, Professor of Philosophy Susan Levin links modern bioethics to Plato's views of human nature and political community. From a cappella singing to rowdy renditions of "Gaudeamus Igitur," vocal music is integral to the Smith experience. Check out the Spring '00 SAQ to meet some alumnae music makers. German artist Mary Bauermeister is at Smith doing a weeklong residency, which will include film and music, along with an exhibition of her work at the Smith College Museum of Art. The Office of Alumnae Relations sponsors a wide range of insurance programs for Smith alumnae and their families, all at discounted rates. Click here for more information.
{ "perplexity_score": 301.9 }
[ [ 216077808, 216077859 ] ]
[ 99898, 53596 ]
I like to do venison stuffed grape leaves. If your into that sort of thing. I use venison for alot of different things but use as a lamb substitute when in abundance after hunting season. Is the venison already cooked and shredded? I really like venison. And per mrslarkin, chili or tacos might be a good call. Myself I'd be tempted to do something insane like venison, kimchi tacos. But I've also braised venison shoulder with grapes in a style I tasted in Assisi. You could substitute prunes for grapes as well. I think I've had venison once in my life. BUT, how about using it as you would shredded pork or beef, like in a taco, enchilada, chili, or as in a pulled pork sandwich? What is the best main course dish for a dinner party, ie... Most impressive dish in the least amount of time?
{ "perplexity_score": 376.6 }