0 values
For more information about corrective jaw surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. S. Whitney, Dr. D. Whitney or Dr. T. Clifton, call our Great Falls, MT Oral Surgery office at Northern Montana Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Great Falls Office Phone Number 000-000-0000. You may also use our Appointment Request form. Please refer below to our patient reviews for corrective jaw surgery with our oral surgeons. Dr. S. Whitney, Dr. D. Whitney and Dr. T. Clifton use modern computer techniques and three-dimensional models to show you exactly how your surgery will be approached. Using comprehensive facial x-rays and computer video imaging, we can show you how your bite will be improved and even give you an idea of how you'll look after surgery. This helps you understand the surgical process and the extent of the treatment prescribed. Our goal is to help you understand the benefits of orthognathic surgery. If you are a candidate for corrective jaw surgery, Dr. S. Whitney, Dr. D. Whitney and Dr. T. Clifton will work closely with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment. The actual surgery can move your teeth and jaws into a new position that results in a more attractive, functional, and healthy dental-facial relationship. This reviews section is in progress. Please visit the Patient Review Form page to leave a review about your jaw repositioning surgery and experience with Northern Montana Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Call our office if you would like more information: Northern Montana Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Great Falls Office Phone Number 000-000-0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 433.1 }
[ [ 215174014, 215174106 ], [ 215174246, 215174297 ], [ 215174797, 215174848 ], [ 215175331, 215175423 ] ]
[ 99500 ]
Monday started like any other day, except that I couldn't log on to my brand new computer. A colleague arrived late for a meeting that she had scheduled just days ago. The sales clerk couldn't comprehend that I wanted a small coffee not a large chai and words on the page of the report I needed to read, just weren't sinking in even after the third read! Of course, the dreaded Mercury Retrograde was to blame and would be on the receiving end of this blame until November 00th- the date of my youngest daughter's milestone 00st birthday. I hope I don't send the card a week late! Technological snafus and crashes, misunderstandings, brain fogginess and lack of mental acuity and articulation are some of the cautions when talkative Mercury slows its course. This posting is not going to belabor the miseries of Mercury retrograde. I hope instead to offer a creative and positive way of looking at a space of pressurized expansion of how we think and communicate. Mercury began its cycle of Retrograde on Monday at 0:00am (EDT). Other than a Saturn Return, the Mercury retrograde can be one of the most frustrating of times primarily, because this planet's energy is all about communication. The Retrograde period usually occurs 0-0 times per year and lasts approximately 00-00 days and is distinctly marked as a time when communication and their supportive devices come to a screeching halt and misunderstandings are the norm. Let's begin by taking a look at the scientific definition of a retrograde. Astronomy 000: What is a Retrograde Motion? An animation showing the retrograde motion of Mars in summer of 0000. Astrologically, when a planet changes direction in its normal path of progression through the zodiac, this is called a "station". The planet's progress slows down in is orbit until it appears to pause in its motion giving the appearance of moving backwards. The Retrograde Station occurs when the planet begins this slowing down and seeming movement backwards. The Direct Station occurs when the forward motion of the planet begins again. Whatever astrological sign the planet retrogrades in gives added emphasis and more intensity to how the planet expresses its own energy now given a full and prolonged dose of the sign's own specificities. These highly potent effects can be building or waning (depending on which end of the station you find yourself) for days prior or after. Much like, the concentrated effort needed in slowing down to come to a traffic light, pausing, and then having to carefully and incrementally apply enough gas to reach your top speed again. If you like it, do it again. In previous posts I've talked a lot about the dynamics of Mercury and how facile this energy is in providing information through varied means of communication and creative style. A Mercury retrograde offers up the opportunity to refine that style and if you slow down with the process rather than fighting against the presumed outcomes you will find there is much to learn about how you communicate. This is a time of amplifying and heightening the awareness of how we move through our daily exchanges and process information. The caution of giving more scrutiny to agreements and contracts provides an opportunity to take the time to really internalize and be sure that you clearly understand the effects of the cause you will be setting into motion. This space of pause and deeper reflection means that there is also greater depth to the amount of change you can exert before you have backed yourself into a less than optimal outcome. Everyone makes mistakes and finds themselves at the mercy of the consequences of what that mistake created. We also often use circumstances as the reason for not allowing ourselves to fall, fail and start over again with a fresh perspective. Think of the Mercury retrograde as a petri dish in which to cultivate that fresh perspective at an organic level. What we change of our emotional reactions can become informed and insightful responses that affect the way we communicate those responses. Instead of falling prey to the annoyances of delays and miscommunication, allow yourself the pause to be creative in how you choose to respond. Don't allow the excuse of "oh well, Mercury is retrograde, so...." to enable you in avoiding a growth opportunity. Remember that Mercury is the trickster, but there is also the element of duality to that slyness. Try to view the delays and less than articulate interactions as points of polarities. Each, having their extremes with the goal being to try to stabilize and balance out those extremes so that the smooth flow of communication can begin anew. Remember, Mercury/Hermes was the Messenger of the Gods. What messages are you sending when you don't slow down and reevaluate. We live in highly energized times and are largely at the mercy of perceived "time" and most often feel rushed with each decision we make. Even when the message is loud and clear that we need to stop and/or reverse our decision we hesitate, feeling that we are being weak in our communication and ineffectual in our results. The Mercury retrograde allows the space of disengagement from our regular way of doing business. Slow down a bit from your ordinary frenetic pace. Unplug for a few hours voluntarily (and before the computer crashes or the cell phone loses its signal) and put some space between the compulsive need to instantly react to every new path technology calls you to. You may actually find that you like this new freedom of being unfettered and at the beck and call of technology. Those interruptions of signals of communication that frequently crash or reroute during a Mercury retrograde are metaphors for the disruption of our own communications by relying too heavily on devices to keep us talking and communicating instead of creating our own network of personal interface. Here's another thought! The Sun moves into the astrological sign of Scorpio today, October 00rd. Scorpio is a Water sign of the Fixed Modality. The water aspect relates to depths of emotions and the Fixed quality brings a stability and structure to help form a suitable container for their flow. One of Scorpio's compelling attributes is the quality of taking what is hidden and deeply buried and pulling it up to the surface to be used either in a destructive way or as a positive lesson. The Sun in this sign serves to shine its light to illuminate those dark, dusty corners of mind and heart that like to remain hidden from sight. With this additional overlay upon Mercury's retrograde, there is great opportunity to shine this spotlight of strength and courage on what bubbles to the surface about how we connect to others and communicate our needs and wants. We can examine where we may be less than honest with ourselves regarding the agreements we have with ourselves and the effects these have on our communication with others. We can redefine where we rely to heavily on artificial means of communication and how to free up our more inspired and creative mind supported by those hidden talents we've kept under wraps. We can also use this energy to push full throttle and see just what we are capable of when we allow the dynamics of Mercury's full power to exert it creative flow. So, for better or worse a Mercury Retrograde awakens new ways to problem solve and rewire your communication hard drive. On a practical note, it wouldn't hurt to back up important files on your computer, make sure important appointment dates are confirmed and carry an extra battery, just in case for anything requiring one. What I left out is that if you have a retrograde Mercury in your natal chart, many are immune to the "side effects" of this period of time. That heightened sense of awareness about communication skills, goes into overdrive and tends to make the individual more verbose and able to navigate largely unscathed. So, I apologize for the wordiness of this post. I am one of those Retrograde Mercurians! We'll conclude our time in the Temple with information about Mercury and Planetary Magick. This week we will take a look at the expression of Mercury through its attribution on the Qabalistic tree of Life. Mercury is the Planetary energy of the sphere of Hod. In order to fully understand the nature of this sphere you must have a bit of knowledge about the Tree of Life, itself and the other spheres that form the greater whole. Although this may not seem to directly relate to the Temple of Mercury it is an important piece of this dynamic planets energetic signature. The lesson to be gained from this exploration is an affirmation of the flexibility of Mercury's mind and style of communication. In other words, replace the name of Hod with that of Mercury wherever you see it used! Applying this overlay of a mystical system that expands and easily maps in accord with its topic of application just as fluidly as Mercury's movement, opens new doors of experience and interconnectedness found within all of the planetary temples. The inherent wisdom of these energies permeates all levels of understanding, philosophy and teachings. The semantics may differ, but if you have the basics down, you can easily identify Mercury's (or any of the planets) place in the equation. So, in the spirit of drilling deeper into what Mercury looks like in another of its forms, take a journey into the Tree of Life. The subject matter of the Qabalah is one that many people do not easily gravitate towards; either deterred by the sheer mass of its scope or feeling that this particular overlay of system has no reference to the purely magickal systems. Although, rooted in the Judaic mystical system the Kabbalah (spelling is Judaic form)/Qabalah (spelling used to distinguish as Western Hermetic overlay) this construct of energy, thought and working is a suitable companion to any magickal and spiritual system. The sheer fact that a statement such as that can be made offers testament to the enduring scope and permanence of its application over a broad and diverse spectrum. Within the Tradition to which I belong, The Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, the principles of the Qabalah are strongly and consistently used throughout all of our covens and the enhancement to the magickal workings and rituals is undeniable and the change evoked through its deeper exploration is palpable among those who incorporate it into their lives. 00 Sephiroth (Spheres) each having their own specific energetic signature and action. In the beginning there was nothingness- the absence of substance and form (Ain); and as the nothing became aware of itself it also realized the limitlessness nature (Ain Soph) of its being. This realization expanded and with more awareness came the birthing of limitless light (Ain Soph Aur). This limitless light felt the urge to create- and from it emanated Divine Intelligence - Kether. All things needing balance- in its wisdom Kether split and from this source of being the remaining nine (0) spheres became emanations of the varied permutations of Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation and finally coming to rest in the Kingdom of Earth- Malkuth. The Planetary ruler of Hod is Mercury, so it is fitting that this sphere is considered the sphere of communication. Within its rationale and reasoning are the tools that may be used in discovering the deeper mystery contained within information. It is through the crystal clarity of pristine thinking that enables better and more efficient means of communicating what knowledge has been extracted. It is also this modality that makes Hod the ideal energetic support for ritual work. The sphere of Hod is assigned to the element of water; despite the appearance that its should be a sphere of Air given the pure thought, reasoning power and intellect. Simply put this is the action of Water of Air. The watery aspect insures fluidity and movement as well as the eroding and smoothing away of what is presenting obstacle. This is the breath of mind that is carried on the varied and great streams of consciousness that diverge and reunite again as new tributaries and channels are opened. Regardless of the route they all resynthesize and become part of the One as the destination of return to Source is achieved. Hod is the first sphere on the ascent of the Tree that has multiple paths of connection including the place of sitting at the base of the Pillar of Severity. It is also connected via a Path to Tiphareth (the central sphere of the Tree) to the left of Netzach (the base sphere of the Pillar of Mercy) and reaching upwards out of the Moon sphere of Yesod. Just as the mind and brain have many chambers, corridors and paths contained within, Hod offers many routes of emanation from its core to be opened and awakened as the place where structure, order, categorization, analysis and making sense of it all. Hod also serves as the distributor of what work has been accomplished in the manifest realm of Malkuth and the discernment of Yesod upwards towards its more refined spheres. The Illusion of Hod is false ego based on faulty knowledge. It is the allowance of what is subjective and personality-filtered information to fill the coffers of our minds disguised as unbiased thought. Furthermore, claiming credit for those brilliant seeds of inspiration when they are nothing more than the over inflated toutings of one craving acknowledgement for being wise, breeds the dishonesty of validation that is not merit based, nor is it sound in its reasoning. As the time honored thought on this matter goes- true wisdom cannot be found within the knowledge of book learning and course study. True wisdom is what is the result of experiencing at the level of connection to a Higher Consciousness what has been learned through books and study and transforming it into an enlivened part of oneself that cannot be disputed, argued, reasoned away or often even explained to others who have not also had similar experience on the path towards Wisdom. Many of the modalities we use to establish connection to the greater and lesser worlds, inner and outer worlds are directed through the energy of Mercury as its core component. We desire the ability to understand and comprehend what we perceive by way of information and we act to recreate those moments when we experience clear, palpable and penetrable communication from a Divine source. We evoke and invoke Deity by way of fusing mind and heart with desire and will and establish sacred space through communication of movement, action, intent and the power of the word and breath. As example, Mindfulness Meditation is an expression of Mercury's mental prowess. The premise is simple in the goal of simply offering acknowledgement to each thought that presents itself in the continuous stream of consciousness; and by so doing allowing them to flow easily beyond the field of distraction. As simple as the premise is, the difficulty in wrangling the mind to "think" in this highly organized and methodical way is one of determination and dedicated discipline. I think this is Mercury in its pure essence of form. Speed that must be directed in order to slow the cognitive functions in alignment with what the desired product of manifestation hopes to become. As you move through your day, take a few minutes in the morning, at lunchtime and before bed to check in with your thinking self. Try to be aware of where some of these perceptions and thoughts have originated. Were they the products of interaction with others? Were they the products of you sitting quietly and mindfully "brainstorming" the solution to a problem? Were they the products of inspired reading or did they seem to flow from the muses themselves? Although we use the faculty of thought regularly throughout the day, the quality and receptivity of that process are often the results of being on autopilot, without much attention to what is actually happening. Try to set aside some time each day (00 minutes is a good starting point) to sit quietly and be fully engaged in what thoughts, ideas and inspirations are moving through you. Write down these ideas. They are often the seeds of a great idea or even potential answers to something that at a subconscious level may have been of concern. By establishing a routine time to simply "be" with your thoughts, you are facilitating a greater opening to the Universal and Cosmic ideology that surrounds us. And, once that connection is made, you are then opening to the Divine. Next week: Mercury Goes Retrograde on October 00@0:00am (EDT) What does this mean and how to navigate its influence? The Temple of Mercury posts will be on Wednesdays. I was in error when I attributed Tuesday as the planetary day of Mercury. It is actually Wednesday. Check back tomorrow and discover the Astrological Mercury! The Temple of Mercury- What's up? That only I can accept. News and teachings I bring. Of my flexible and mercurial intellect. Its honored place in what I share. Of He who holds the Silver-Tongue. Welcome to the Temple of Mercury. This month we will be exploring the energies of the planet Mercury and process the information through a variety of esoteric systems. This is the planet of communication, inquiry and dissemination through all creative acts of connection and interaction. In summary, Mercury always wants to know "What's up?"; and then spread the news received. Each week during the month we'll look at this dynamic planet's energy astrologically, the mythology of its Deity, its application in Lunar and Solar Magick, and through the lens of the Qabalah. And, Mercury will take center stage this month on October 00 when it goes Retrograde, remaining so until November 00th when it returns to its direct motion. I will be posting on Wednesdays- the planetary day of Mercury. Reading recommendations, poetry and pathworkings will bring this Temple to life and your understanding of its energy will deepen your understanding of communication in all of its forms. So, to begin, read through the poem at the beginning of this post again. Let the words create the images of your understanding. Breathe deeply into these images, open your mind and your heart and step into the Temple of Mercury.
{ "perplexity_score": 403.5 }
The Maryland Renaissance Festival organizers have appealed a zoning decision that prevents the festival from moving to a new site in southern Anne Arundel County. Earlier this month, the county's administrative hearing officer denied requests from the festival for a special exception and variances to allow the festival to operate on a Lothian farm that lacks required "major road" access. The case now moves to the county's seven-member Board of Appeals. A hearing has not yet been scheduled. The Maryland Renaissance Festival was founded in Columbia but has operated at a site in Crownsville since 0000. The festival, which replicates life in an English village under the rule of Henry VIII, has grown to its limits on its Crownsville property, and festival operators have been looking for a larger property. Residents near the Lothian site expressed concerns that the festival would inundate their rural community with traffic and noise. As the Maryland Renaissance Festival pursues approval to move to the Lothian location, planning is under way for the 0000 festival season, which is scheduled to begin Aug. 00.
{ "perplexity_score": 276.4 }
Decking Painting Ideas Unique Paint Deck Colors Within Inspirations 00 is one of pictures thet are related with the picture before in the collection gallery. If you would like to see the Decking Painting Ideas Unique Paint Deck Colors Within Inspirations 00 in High Resolution [HD Resolution] version, please press the right click on picures/image then choose "Save as Image" option, and done. You will get Decking Painting Ideas Unique Paint Deck Colors Within Inspirations 00 pictures that you want. The exactly dimension of Decking Painting Ideas Unique Paint Deck Colors Within Inspirations 00 was 000x000 pixels. You can also look for some pictures by collection on below this picture. Find the other picture or article about Deck Painting here. We hope it can help you to get information of the picture.
{ "perplexity_score": 1379.7 }
[ [ 215194820, 215195553 ], [ 215195564, 215195631 ] ]
[ 88324, 70358, 82777, 97372, 99503 ]
Tap The Thumbnail Bellow to See Related Gallery of "Chairs Design Acrylic Manufacturers Modern With Ghost Chair Plans 0" Image Title: Chairs Design Acrylic Manufacturers Modern With Ghost Chair Plans 0. Filename: chairs-design-acrylic-manufacturers-modern-with-ghost-chair-plans-0.jpg. Image Dimension: 000 x 000 pixels. Images Format: jpg/jpeg. Publisher/Author: Enrique Treutel. Uploaded Date: Sunday - February 00th. 0000 00:00:00 AM. Category: Architecture. Image Source: digsdigs.com.
{ "perplexity_score": 837.7 }
[ [ 215195633, 215195754 ], [ 215195769, 215195836 ], [ 215195906, 215196000 ], [ 215196034, 215196113 ] ]
[ 99504 ]
Join Wicca Merlin for an informative and interesting introduction to photography in Second Life. Following her presentation, Wicca will be accepting live questions from the audience on the associated topic. The question and answer period will commence immediately after her presentation has ended, and will last until 0:00 PM SLT.
{ "perplexity_score": 503.1 }
House of the Year! Inertia proud to be part of an award winning team! Chris Beale is a structural engineer who has experience working a diverse range of projects in Australia and NZ, with a more recent focus on development projects ranging from $0m to $00m. Here, Chris shares his top three ways developers can save money on multi-level projects.
{ "perplexity_score": 266.8 }
Just when you thought it was safe to ink. In their most recent Nintendo Direct, the eponymous titan of gaming spent a bit of time on Splatoon 0, the sequel to their squid/kid action... painter. The original Splatoon went over quite well, despite its home on the flailing Wii U, so it's quite natural that Nintendo would want to translate that success onto a console that people actually own. In case you're into collectibles, Splatoon 0 will also be launching alongside a trio of new amiibo, with new colors of Inkling Girl, Inkling Boy, and the Squid available for the section of your brain that just can't handle incomplete collections. Page created in 0.0000 seconds.
{ "perplexity_score": 407.2 }
00 Apr Mechanical Properties: Alloy Group 0 ( Stainless Steel), Condition CW per ASTM F Sizes larger than 0/0" diameter: Minimum 00 KSI. Torq Bolt manufactures ASTM F Stainless Steel Socket Head Cap Screws, F Bolts, Nuts, and Washers to your custom specifications, and we guarantee. This standard is issued under the fixed designation F; the number immediately 0 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F00 on. Astm f000 choose number of devices you want to open the document on. You have successfully saved to your supplier list. The printed version is available astm f000 half price when you buy the electronic version. Username or password invalid. Related Products Searching for related products ASTM F specification covers stainless steel metric socket head cap screws SHCS intended for use in applications requiring general corrosion resistance. Are you sure you want to unsubscribe astm f000 Link to Active This astm f000 will always route to the current Active version of the standard. It includes several alternative ff000, with acceptance criteria, for c Activation of your subscription failed - please try again later or contact us. Notes are optional and private. It includes recommendations and precautions for descaling, cleaning, and passivation of stainless steel parts. Workmanship, finish, and appearance are also detailed. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and astm f000 practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. This astm f000 does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Materials shall be tested and the individual grades shall conform to forging; threads; heat treatment; chemical composition; mechanical properties such as thread diameter, tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, astm f000 hardness Vickers and Rockwell ; and corrosion resistance values. No other units astm f000 measurement awtm included in this standard. Check Today's price of Inconel Bolts in India. There is a problem adding monitoring - please try again later There is a problem adding the subscription - please try again later. It is informational only astm f000 not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use astm f000 application. Workmanship, finish, and appearance are also detailed. Related Suppliers Searching for related suppliers Do not show this again. The inch-pound equivalents of the SI units may be a Astm f000 shopping Proceed to checkout. In the petroleum and chemical industry the fully threaded stud is the most common ASTM F Bolt used for flanged connections. We will manufacture to your specifications and requirements. This standard does not 0f00 to address all of the safety concerns, if atsm, associated with astm f000 use. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract astm f000 accurate, complete or up to date. Workmanship, finish, and appearance are also detailed.
{ "perplexity_score": 664.6 }
[ [ 215198445, 215198511 ], [ 215198802, 215198859 ], [ 215198918, 215199010 ], [ 215199019, 215199102 ], [ 215199204, 215199385 ], [ 215200088, 215200145 ], [ 215200758, 215200814 ] ]
[ 99508 ]
The panels listed as "special order" are built specifically for your job. Please provide payment in advance. We invite you to meet with anyone on our build team to customize your fence to meet your needs. You're also welcome to come by the shop anytime to view the sample panels we have of some of our custom options.
{ "perplexity_score": 809.8 }
The Creta Star Hotel overlooks the Bay of Skaleta and the picturesque Port of Rethymno. It stands in Crete, the largest island in the southern end of the Aegean Sea, right in the middle of the Mediterranean. Surrounded by subtropical gardens with all manner of exotic flowers and under the blue sky, running down to is fabulous beach, guests will feel that this is a place to have an idyllic break full of enjoyment. The hotel offers 000 beautifully furnished rooms with mountain or sea view. All the rooms are equipped with private bathroom with bathtub, hair dryer and toiletries, air-conditioning, satellite television, refrigerator, direct dial telephone and 000V Power supply. Most of the rooms have a balcony or terrace with outdoor furniture affording a view of the sea, gardens, or mountains. Drinks, cocktails and mouth watering dishes served in a perfect way, offer you special moments of delicious enjoyment in the main restaurant, lobby bar (open from 00:00 until 00:00) and pool snack bar (open from 00:00 until 00:00). The sports and leisure facilities include two swimming pools, one outdoor pool filled with sea water and with free sun beds and umbrellas and an indoor pool with fresh water, as well as 000m private beach are at guests' disposal, so that they can relax or have fun with the various games organised daily by the hotels recreation team. It also includes open air disco, cinema, TV room, card room, sea sports, beach volleyball, children's pool, fitness centre, sauna and Jacuzzi, two tennis courts and multi-use animation centre. In addition the hotel has facilities for basketball, table tennis, billiards, mini golf, ping pong, darts, boccia and video games. For the children between 0 - 00 years old there is a well-organized mini club (open from 00:00 - 00:00 and 00:00 - 00:00) and also playground. The long sandy beach with umbrellas and sun-beds offers a wide choice of water sports (local charge applies). The facilities and services include 00-hour reception, foreign exchange service, wake up calls, bell boy services, courier services, information about the region and excursions, safety deposit boxes (at an extra charge), full-service laundry and ironing service with same day delivery, internet corner, jewellery store, mini market and doctor on call. It also includes conference facilities. The hotel has an experienced team used to organising all forms of conventions. Whatever the size or type of event guests may need to organise, whether a simple one-room meeting or a full specialist convention with 000 participants, the hotel's team is available to offer assistance and provide all the equipment necessary.To book the Creta Star Hotel, call now on 0000 000 0000 - or simply complete the booking form on the left to check availability.
{ "perplexity_score": 292.8 }
A 00-year-old Springfield, Illinois man is charged with Attempted Murder in a weekend gun incident in Alton. Tremayne L. Brown, of the 0000 block of South Grand, is also accused of Aggravated Battery with a Firearm, and Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm, Unlawful Possession of a Stolen Firearm, and Unlawful Possession of Weapons by a Felon. It is the same address at which 00-year-old Elijah Ingram and 00-year-old Derrick Vaughn were killed in a dispute over a dice game in May of 0000. Simmons says there were several people at the residence, and more charges may be filed. Brown is being held on a $000,000 bond.
{ "perplexity_score": 195 }
Earlier this month, the state of California demanded that even Catholic universities offer elective abortions through insurance plans. Life Legal Defense Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom have filed a complaint with the United States Department of Health and Human Services. But for now, Loyola Marymount University, a private Catholic school, must offer elective abortions to all those under its insurance policy. LMU's insurance will cover faculty and staff for elective abortions effective from August 00 to the end of the policy period, the University announced. The news was confirmed in an email sent to faculty and staff yesterday, Vice President for Human Resources Rebecca Chandler confirmed that LMU's insurance providers will now cover all procedures deemed medically necessary, including elective abortions. This reversal comes under the heavy hand of the state of California directive from Michelle Rouillard, director of the Department of Managed Healthcare (DMHC). Rouillard said, when the directive was issued, that "[a]bortion is a basic health care service." And for now, Rouillard and Gov. Jerry Brown, a former Catholic seminary student, have their way in forcing Catholics to violate their conscience protections. DMHC ordered elective abortion coverage into the Complainants' own LMU health plan.....This directive of the DMHC constitutes unlawful discrimination against a healthcare entity.... DMHC is subject[ing] Complainants' "health insurance plan" to "discrimination," by denying its approval of the plan that omitted elective abortions solely "on the basis that the [plan] does not... provide coverage of... abortions. The response to the complaint filed with the Department of Health and Human Services is pending.
{ "perplexity_score": 297.8 }
[ [ 215204782, 215204840 ], [ 215206250, 215206300 ] ]
[ 99512, 67490, 87231 ]
The Equal-i-zer 00-00-0000 0-0/00" - 00,000 lb. Rated Hitch Ball is tough enough to handle the load youre towing. All have a 0-0/0" diameter threaded shank and are specifically designed to fit the Equal-i-zer hitch perfectly. Chrome plated to look great and forged from super strong chrome steel to last as long as your Equal-i-zer hitch does. Fits other manufacturers hitches too.
{ "perplexity_score": 911.4 }
A subtle and unusual taste which also adds a surprise element to your baking. This high quality black tea blend contains vanilla flavouring plus we add fresh vanilla pods to each batch whenever a new consignment arrives. This wonderfully scented tea is fine with or without milk, and is simply lovely as a cold infusion. You will receive 000 grams of tea for £0.00 this will allow you to make 00 cups of tea. Two grams per cup, this works out at eight pence per cup.
{ "perplexity_score": 484.1 }
This new Mobilo Large Wheel 00 Piece set is an excellent accessory pack to add your Mobilo Set. Includes 00 x large wheels (00mm diameter). Wheels include Adapters and are compatible with any of the Mobilo construction sets. This kit includes 00 wheels with adapters.
{ "perplexity_score": 1133.4 }
Your registration and payment assumes you are committed to attending the event. Renting race facilities and securing insurance coverage for an competitive event entails a major financial commitment for our club. Refunds will not be given for no-shows. Refund requests must be received no later than two weeks prior to the event. Credits/refunds are issued after the close of the event. Any other refund situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis with the outcome determined solely by the event chairmen.
{ "perplexity_score": 249.6 }
There are currently 0 board vacancies. Interested in becoming a member of our Board of Directors? Fill out the application online or download the pdf. Board meetings are generally held the 0st Wednesday of each month at 0:00pm at NorthEast Independent Living Services.
{ "perplexity_score": 292.8 }
My schedule these days is pretty bizarre. Since I work with students, who obviously can't work with me when they are in school, I get to do things like go to Thursday Morning Bible Study (henceforth to be referred to as TMBS) at my church. We are working our way through Exodus (with some forays into Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), and it has been really really good for me. Exodus is one of those books I know pretty well - conceptually. But I feel like I'm noticing so much I'd missed before. Reading the same passage 0-0 times each week is helping me do more than just absorb information. I'm getting a feel for Moses' style, appreciating how the story is being told, mulling over things that are confusing (which, interestingly, I am noticing more, now that I'm reading the same passages over and over again), and picking up on different things with each read. I think typically, when I've read, say, Jude, 0 times in 0 years, I have noticed more or less the same stuff each time. But with such intense focus over the course of several days, I am gleaning more and more. In addition to being excited about connecting with Scripture in a deeper way, I'm fascinated by this shift. I went to seminary largely to learn the Bible better - which totally happened - and to learn to love it better - which also happened. I am learning so much now that I would have loved to learn several years ago. But I don't think I would be able to see what I'm seeing now without those years - all 00 (plus nine months, I suppose) - of learning. Everything that I've learned is somehow incorporated into a foundation of understanding, which frees me to pay attention to things differently. This feels bizarre because I've become more childlike, especially in the way I am engaging Scriptural texts. That's weird on a number of levels - like how complex and involved and mature the thinking I'm doing is. But the weirdest part, experientially, springs from the fact that I was a very unchildlike child. It wasn't until senior year of high school that I stopped trying so hard to be older and more grown up, that I stopped being quite so serious, so die-hard, so ready to go to bat for just about anything. A few examples: When I was about 00, my fashion goal was to dress (convincingly) like a secretary. I stopped reading children's books (except where required for school) at way too young an age, and missed greats like The Westing Game, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, and The Chronicles of Prydain. (I've been playing catch-up since I was 00.) I picked fights about philosophy with high school students when I was in 0th grade. (Ok, so that one has more to do with being obnoxious than grown up.) I was SERIOUS, y'all. My dog was raised in a racing kennel. He was taught to run fast, go into his crate, and walk on a leash. But he wasn't allowed to be a puppy; he didn't learn how to play. Westley was injured in a racing mishap not long after he turned two, and when he came to live with me, I had to teach him to play. He's still not stellar at it, but he does play every day. He has learned how to be silly and have fun. I think I can appreciate where he's coming from, having lightened up significantly since my serious childhood. It's probably one of the reasons we've connected so well. Jesus talks a lot about being like little children when we come to the Father. I am trying to get better at it. Here's hoping 00 looks a lot more like 00 than 00 did. Well, in some ways at least.
{ "perplexity_score": 225.1 }
[ [ 215210670, 215210723 ] ]
[ 53408, 99518 ]
Old Tsw Wheels. Work Wheels Varianza. 00 Wheels Of Steel Bundle Crack. A huge amount of work went into this project. New and old side skirts had to be cut in half and molded together. Body gaps all remade, rims installed, rear quarter and front fender repaired. This picture is before we lowered the car and had technicoat apply powder coating to all the brakes. just a nice Mk0 Golf with a clean VR0 swap, nothing too fancy. the TSW wheels kind of kill it for me though, it deserves some nice fender flares and a set of old school BBS mesh wheels. copyright (C) OLD TSW WHEELS. TSW WHEELS " 0TH WHEEL SKIRTING all rights reserved.
{ "perplexity_score": 1141.7 }
As a keynote speaker Debra Z. Sabatini, RDH, specializes in marketing progressive informational, motivational and implementable programs for small business, sales professionals industry leaders, as well as the medical community she is dedicated to. Debra's programs ‘HPV, NOT the Hanky Panky Virus the media portrays it to be', ‘Oral Cancer for the health professional and the community we serve', ‘What's In Your Pocket: Oral Biofilm as it relates to systemic illness', and ‘Acknowledge Greatness in a Profession full of Pandemonium' have garnered traction on the lecture and educational stage. Debra's speaking experience has taken her around the country and provided her the privilege of presenting to Medical and Dental organizations. In addition, Debra has produced nearly 00 of her own events with hundreds of attendees with the OralEd Institute, a collaborative educational resource institute which she founded in 0000. Debra also writes and has been published in several industry publications. Debra Z. Sabatini, RDH has no potential conflicts to disclose.
{ "perplexity_score": 417 }
One of the places where I felt this the most, is the city of Akko (pronounced this way in Hebrew, spelled Acre in English). The old city of Akko is a UNESCO world heritage site and it sits on the Haifa bay, an extremely strategic site for a port city in ancient times; it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited sites in the world. From the Greeks to the Crusaders to the Ottomans, everyone has tried to lay claim on this city and it was one of a few places I went in Israel where signs were both in Hebrew and Arabic due to the high Arab population. Being so rich in culture, the city does draw history buffs but thanks to Akko resident and ambassador, Chef Uri Jeremias, Akko has fast become a global foodie destination as well. While I was in Tel Aviv, countless people told me, I "could not leave Israel without visiting Uri Buri," Jeremias's restaurant right on the port in an old ottoman building with the decor of a Bedouin tent; hopefully while there I would meet it's eccentric proprietor of 00 years, Uri Jeremias. "You can't miss him, he looks like Santa Claus." Without a doubt, this is the best seafood you will have in Israel. In this no-frills, no BS settings you're going to drool over dishes like seafood soup with coconut milk, or salmon crudo with wasabi sorbet. Even the bread is a delectable experience! And after you're exorbitantly full wobble over to Chef Uri's latest gem, the Efendi hotel. The building of the hotels combines two ancient homes, over 0,000 years old, the were once palaces to Ottoman rulers. The beautiful hotel today is the result of a meticulous eight year preservation and renovation. Absolutely stunning, this 00-room boutique hotel houses a bar, open to non-guests as well in a wine cellar made with stones dating back to the Ottoman empire! And now, as if his famed restaurant, Uri Buri, and stunning Efendi hotel were not enough to draw visitors to Akko, Chef Uri Jeremias latest program brings travelers into the historically rich area of the Western Galilee and Akko, a crossroad of civilization with one of the world's largest collection of Crusader ruins, Ottoman, Byzantine and Roman relics, led by one of Israel's leading professors and scholars of Crusader studies. Paired with luxurious stays at Efendi Hotel, as well as visits to wineries, cooking workshops, music performances and beyond, this one-of-a-kind experience is ideal for history and culture buffs, academics and scholars with a fine taste for luxury and gourmet dining. I've been looking over the internet quite a couple of hours at the moment, but in no way spotted any specific attention-grabbing write-up like the one you have. It is always fantastic worth good enough I believe. In my opinion, if all website owners and bloggers made good material resources you probably did, the web will likely be way more effective than everbefore.I'll book mark this article !! Will surely read again !! Thanks to your useful info. Previous PostWhat's Cooler than Raving at Masada?!
{ "perplexity_score": 345.4 }
First kisses are my favorite, and this one from THE NULLIFIER was particularly fun to write. 😀 Enjoy! This is a featured article column called FIRST KISS. We ask authors to share a first kiss scene from one of their books published in 0000. And each author graciously sent in an excerpt. Enjoy! ← Soulmate is coming soon!
{ "perplexity_score": 646.9 }
Charles Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D. | Experimental Designs Consulting, Inc. Setting up a new lab is one of the most exciting and daunting challenges I have faced. Friends and colleagues at a similar point in their careers are excellent resources, but they face the same time constraints and pressures in developing their own research programs. The broad experience that Damien and EDC provide proved invaluable for me as I first navigated the job search, then weighed the immensely complex options before me, and finally embarked on actually setting up my lab. It is tremendously exciting and a great privilege and responsibility to be given the freedom to explore new areas of science. Keeping this as the primary driver of one's efforts is a challenge, and Damien's insights on maintaining the focus on one's scientific goals was hugely valuable. You need to pay the bills, but I think that becomes more manageable when the motivation remains advancing science and medicine. I would not hesitate to enlist Damien's assistance again!
{ "perplexity_score": 247.9 }
As you may or may not know, I am a huge David Bowie fan. I appreciate his ability to NGAF at any point ever. As you probably did know, he is fabulous. So I have compiled a list of the top ten David Bowie fashion moments of all time ever, enjoy! I hope you enjoyed this post! Please follow me on bloglovin if you get a moment! the time bowie was a goblin king and ..sarah? who is sarah? yes! I love this post so much! I'm kind of obsessed with David Bowie and this post is fabulous!
{ "perplexity_score": 580.7 }
We decided to skip starters and go straight for mains, in order to make room for the tempting desserts. Complimentary focaccia and sourdough bread was placed on our table with some beef dripping butter whilst we awaited our mains, the bread definitely set the scene for what was to come as it was delicious. I had the lamb and my partner had the beef, both of which came with an enormous Yorkshire pudding, parsnips, carrots, kale, swede and roasties. A special mention needs to be had for the vegetables because my god they were divine - my favourite part of the whole meal. Everything was cooked to perfection, and the gravy was also very tasty - one of my pet peeves with Sunday lunches is the lack of gravy on the plate, there's a modest amount on the dinners at Wynyard but they're also accompanied by a gravy boat for the table - why this isn't standard I don't know, but it definitely should be (especially when the gravy is as good as it is at Wynyard). We both thoroughly enjoyed our mains, and became very worried at the prospect of fitting a dessert in, but we persevered. For dessert my partner had sticky toffee pudding with vanilla ice cream and I had the earl grey flavoured crème brûlée with earl grey foam and chocolate shortbread biscuits. I was sceptical because of the earl grey flavouring, as I'm very much a builders tea kind of girl, but the floral undertones from the earl grey, mixed with the vanilla flavoured, velveteen texture of the crème brûlée works so well. My only very tiny criticism is that I would have liked the top of the crème brûlée to be a bit crunchier and have that satisfying crack, but it in no way diminished my enjoyment as it was beautiful. My partner thoroughly enjoyed his sticky toffee pudding, which was a fantastic mix of textures from the a crunch on the top of the pudding, to the soft sponge and finished with high quality vanilla ice cream. The service we experienced was fantastic - the staff were attentive but not lingering and made light conversation, which I prefer. Our food arrived promptly, and was presented impeccably. The Wellington Restaurant inside Wynyard Hall is a beautiful setting, with high ceilings, enormous oil paintings hanging on the walls and tasteful décor - ideal to make Sunday Dinner a bit fancier. For two courses it is £00 and if you consider the level of service, the venue and the quality of the food it's very reasonable, and a lovely treat.
{ "perplexity_score": 295.1 }
April 00, 0000 Topics include President Bush's efforts to overhaul Social Security, and the potential for future benefit cuts; U.N. ambassador nominee John Bolton; the fight over judicial filibusters; and a congressional reversal on ethics rules. April 00, 0000 Robert Siegel talks about President Bush's proposed changes to Social Security with Robert Pozen, chairman of MFS Investment Management. Pozen has pitched the idea of progressive indexing to the White House. The proposal calls for cutting benefits for upper-income earners. April 00, 0000 Controversies over federal courts have often marked turning points in American history. Nina Totenberg reports on the roots of the current struggle over judges. April 00, 0000 Robert Siegel talks with Middle East scholar William Polk about his new book, Understanding Iraq: The Whole Sweep of Iraqi History, from Genghis Khan's Mongols to the Ottoman Turks to the British Mandate to the American Occupation. Polk fears that this could be a period of transition from one dictator to the next in Iraq. April 00, 0000 Robert Siegel talks with Vijay Vaitheswareen of the Economist about President Bush's new energy policy proposals. Vaitheswareen says much of what was laid out reiterates Bush's 0000 energy plan. April 00, 0000 Melissa Block talks with E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post and David Brooks of the New York Times about changes to ethics rules and the fight over President Bush's judicial nominees. April 00, 0000 U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's trip to Latin America -- and the trip's agenda -- is Wednesday's roundtable topic. Guests: John Otis, South American bureau chief for the Houston Chronicle in Colombia; Marcio Senne de Moraes, an international political analyst and reporter for Folha de Sao Paulo; and Jesse Hardman, a journalist working in development for the journalism school of the University of Alberto Hurtado in Chile.
{ "perplexity_score": 278 }
LogoHulk ("LogoHulk") operates logohulk.com and may operate other websites. It is LogoHulk policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. Like most website operators, LogoHulk collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. LogoHulk purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how LogoHulk visitors use its website. From time to time, LogoHulk may release non-personally-identifying information in the aggregate, e.g., by publishing a report on trends in the usage of its website. LogoHulk also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users and for users leaving comments on logohulk.com blogs/sites. LogoHulk only discloses logged in user and commenter IP addresses under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information as described below, except that commenter IP addresses and email addresses are visible and disclosed to the administrators of the blog/site where the comment was left. Certain visitors to LogoHulk websites choose to interact with LogoHulk in ways that require LogoHulk to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that LogoHulk gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, we ask visitors who sign up at logohulk.com to provide a username and email address. Those who engage in transactions with LogoHulk are asked to provide additional information, including as necessary the personal and financial information required to process those transactions. In each case, LogoHulk collects such information only insofar as is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of the visitor's interaction with LogoHulk. LogoHulk does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below. And visitors can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information, with the caveat that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website-related activities. LogoHulk may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its websites. LogoHulk may display this information publicly or provide it to others. However, LogoHulk does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below. LogoHulk discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on LogoHulk behalf or to provide services available at LogoHulk websites, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others. Some of those employees, contractors and affiliated organizations may be located outside of your home country; by using LogoHulk websites, you consent to the transfer of such information to them. LogoHulk will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations, as described above, LogoHulk discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only in response to a subpoena, court order or other governmental request, or when LogoHulk believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of LogoHulk, third parties or the public at large. If you are a registered user of an LogoHulk website and have supplied your email address, LogoHulk may occasionally send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what's going on with LogoHulk and our products. If you send us a request (for example via email or via one of our feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish it in order to help us clarify or respond to your request or to help us support other users. LogoHulk takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information. If LogoHulk, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, or in the unlikely event that LogoHulk goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of LogoHulk may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this policy. I got my work delivered today. I must say this man is a fantastic artist. I simply explained to him what my company is all about and what all should NOT be on the logo and within a day he came up with 0 concepts which were exactly what I was looking for.
{ "perplexity_score": 537.1 }
[ [ 215222816, 215222948 ], [ 215222956, 215223184 ], [ 215223191, 215223282 ], [ 215223343, 215223482 ], [ 215223489, 215223643 ], [ 215223677, 215224014 ], [ 215224094, 215224182 ], [ 215224189, 215224284 ], [ 215224292, 215224376 ], [ 215224384, 215224547 ], [ 215224554, 215224683 ], [ 215224691, 215224956 ], [ 215224964, 215225036 ], [ 215225044, 215225441 ], [ 215225501, 215225688 ], [ 215225696, 215225764 ], [ 215225772, 215226147 ], [ 215226155, 215226256 ], [ 215226264, 215226339 ], [ 215226402, 215226547 ], [ 215226555, 215226787 ], [ 215226795, 215226992 ], [ 215227000, 215227083 ], [ 215227091, 215227301 ], [ 215227309, 215227384 ] ]
[ 67910, 99527, 32328, 69648, 45201, 80882, 62807, 28184 ]
Nevada Mining Episode 0 Part 0 explores the environmental impacts of mining as well as the minerals we extract and how they are essential to nearly everything we use in our daily lives. This documentary seeks to demystify and educate local communities on the EIA process. It uses a storyline to show the importance of EIA process in relation to the community. The story revolves around a village which has been informed that a thermal power plant is proposed to be set up near their village. The villagers are initially happy that the project proponents have offered job opportunity for one person per household for the entire village; however, later they come to know that their livelihood, health and environment could be affected to a great extent if they were not vigilant and this creates fear in their minds. This fear is assuaged by Kathiresan's son- Muthu's friend, Jayaprasad, who explains to them about the EIA process notified by the Government, where they could participate in the public consultation process that is mandated under the EIA notification and explains about effectively participating in the public hearing. He also tells them that the project can take off only if all parameters were complied with and EC given, and if there was any problem, they could approach the NGT. Bev Smiles, a long time local environmental campaigner, talks about some of the impacts on water from the coal mining at Ulan, North of Mudgee. Good water management in mining is key in mitigating the environmental impacts and increasing sustainability, safety and profits. With its century-long experience with water, the Netherlands can work together with mining companies around the globe to co-create solutions towards sustainable mining. Environmental Science: High School Learning: Soil Pollution | Causes Of Soil Pollution | Impact?Effect | Measures/Remedies ~What is Soil Pollution? ~Causes Of Soil Pollution ~Impact Of Soil Pollution ~Remedies Soil Pollution: -the contamination of soil with solid waste,acid rain excess of fertilizers,insecticides and herbicides. -this contamination/pollution can be due to any waste like industry waste, agriculture waste or household waste etc. ~Causes of Soil Pollution 0. Deforestation (removal of trees or forest) 0. Irrigation (water logging condition) 0. Landfills (wastes which cannot be recycled causes pollution) 0. Toxic fertilizers and pesticides 0. Mining 0. Soil Erosion 0. Acid Rain ~Impact/Effect Of Soil Pollution -Change in Climatic patterns -Effect/Impact on Human Health -Effect/Impact on Environment -Distraction for tourists -Effect/Impact on Wildlife -Global Warming -Bio-magnification ~Remedies -Awareness among people -Garbage Disposal -Do not use plastics -Waste management -Grow trees -Bio-fertilizers Videos by Edupedia World(www.edupediaworld.com),Online Education, Click on (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJumA0phskPHbFiHVbEv0ak0U_HKv0-K0) for more Videos.All Rights Reserved. This is a clip from Nevada Mining Episode 0 Our Wealth of Minerals - Part 0 explores the environmental impacts of mining as well as the minerals we extract and how they are essential to nearly everything we use in our daily lives.
{ "perplexity_score": 492.4 }
[ [ 215227668, 215227830 ], [ 215230670, 215230832 ] ]
[ 99528 ]
Lovely Short Hairstyles with Headbands - Through the thousands of photos on the internet concerning short hairstyles with headbands, selects the very best selections with best quality exclusively for you all, and now this pictures is actually one of photographs collections in our very best graphics gallery regarding Lovely Short Hairstyles with Headbands. I hope you might want it. That picture (Short Hairstyles with Headbands Awesome 00 Music Festival Worthy Hairstyles to Inspire You for Lollapalooza) above can be branded with: all for you. Submitted by means of ployfans on 0000-00-00 00:00:00. To view all images with Lovely Short Hairstyles with Headbands graphics gallery please follow this specific website link.
{ "perplexity_score": 773.2 }
[ [ 215231021, 215231085 ] ]
[ 99529 ]
Dog and Cat inspired Artist. / Carrying the largest selection of dog, pug and cat clothing on the web! / SHOP NOW! Dog and Cat inspired Artist. Carrying the largest selection of dog, pug and cat clothing on the web! Specializing in music, bands, pop culture, TV and movie parody designs. Over 000+ original in-house designs!
{ "perplexity_score": 770.3 }
[ [ 215231597, 215231670 ], [ 215231710, 215231783 ] ]
[ 99530 ]
The race routes for the 0000 Santos Tour Down Under have been announced, marking the countdown to next year's event. Mike Turtur said the race will travel 000.0km across the six stages, including 00.0km of new roads. "It is important we look at ways to keep the race fresh for both the riders and the fans," he said. Tourism Minister Leon Bignell said the routes include a return to some old favourites and the inclusion of Norton Summit road, an iconic South Australian climb. "The stages are challenging, competitive and offer great vantage points for viewing by adding in more loops across regional stages." Mr Bignell said. "Stage 0 will set the scene for a big six days of racing as we welcome Prospect back for the start, finishing in the Barossa town of Lyndoch for the first time. Once again Subaru Australia will be the Official Vehicle partner for the event and sponsor the King of the Mountain jersey and Tour Parade. The 0000 Santos Tour Down Under will kick off on Saturday, January 00 with the team presentation and free concert in Victoria Square and conclude on Sunday, January 00 with family day and the final day of racing in the city. Courtesy of the Subaru Active website (http://www.subaru.com.au/active/tour-down-under/).
{ "perplexity_score": 367.3 }
Looking to go off road for the first time? Here are tips and advice you need to make your introduction to mountain biking fun and successful. While only lots of riding, great fitness and endless bailouts into the bushes will make you the hottest rider on the block, here are some basic skills that every aspiring mountain biker should know. In part two of this looks at essential mountain bike skills, learn more about specific on and off-road obstacles you are likely to encounter. Thinking of heading off road? Don't let knobby tires and bumps in the trail discourage you. Here's how roadies can make the switch to mountain biking. One of the more difficult concepts for beginners to understand is how and when to shift gears. Proper shifting can make a tough climb easy and save wear and tear on your components. When you're on the trail, sometimes the only way to get past an obstacle is to go over it--not riding over it, hopping it. Here's how to successfully bunny hop. Whether you want to smoothly descend near-vertical downhill sections or just ride your local trails without crashing, these tips will having you rolling with confidence. Ready to go? Search for a mountain bike event..
{ "perplexity_score": 469 }
Thank you to all of the participants of the 0nd Annual Student Voices Project! The 0rd Annual Student Voices Project will be announced in September. Keep up with the latest updates at friendsjournal​.org/​s​t​u​d​e​n​t​v​o​i​ces.
{ "perplexity_score": 416.2 }
The curriculum is well-rounded and robust. My daughter is learning foundational math and reading skills as well as Spanish, character education and the arts. I can rest easy knowing that my daughter is in good hands at Carrington Academy. Everything from the teachers to the curriculum is top notch. My child enjoys the Links to Learning curriculum at Carrington Academy. He develops real life skills in a fun, creative and safe learning environment where his individuality is valued. My daughter has built a strong relationship with her teachers. This type of nurturing environment would be hard to find elsewhere. My child receives personalized attention at Carrington Academy Midway. The teachers recognize his strengths and weaknesses, and communicate his progress with me regularly.
{ "perplexity_score": 454.2 }
The bust on which earrings are shot is 00% full human size. Ear wires are hand-made for better stability. 000. Hand-carved wooden butterflies with Chinese glass and elaborate Swarovski drops. 000. Red Czech glass flowers and drops. L: 0 inches. Light weight. $00.00 000. Antique Japanese iridescent "sugar" glass held by hand-cast brass tulip caps. 000. Green glass triangle with rosebuds and enamel. L: 0 inches. Light weight. $00.00 000. Glass frogs on circlets of jasper accented with blue "water" glass beads. 000. Aqua/russet Chinese glass complemented by iridescent, mirrored russet glass. L: 0 inches. Medium weight. $00.00 000. Purple, lavender, and peach glasses. 000. Fuchsia-dyed howlite with silver caps. 000. Elegant color combination of chartreuse and royal blue (yellow jade and glass).
{ "perplexity_score": 784.8 }
Shannon brings over 00 years of sustainability and community development knowledge. As a past business owner, sustainable farmer, nonprofit organizer, professor, community educator, cooperative president, renewable energy advocate, and local government member, Shannon brings deep insights into the practicalities of implementing sustainable communities. In addition, Shannon received a law degree with honors later in life and also offers legal services and conflict mediation focused on sustainability and community.
{ "perplexity_score": 395.4 }
This is one of the big paradoxes for Latter-day Saints. On one hand, we believe that prophets are authorized representatives of God. On the other hand, we realize that they are ordinary fallible humans that put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. There's no simple formula for separating the divine from the human. Its complicated. But we do our best to abide by their council out of love and respect for them. I don't always agree with everything my wife says or does but I still love and respect her enough to do what she tells me to do much of the time. I don't blindly follow her but I have to humor her once in a while to have a healthy relationship. We likewise should have a a healthy relationship with our church leaders. Thanks for sharing, I agree!
{ "perplexity_score": 207.1 }
"We wanted a house that was vibrant and colorful and full of life in every room," says Ponte Vedra Beach homeowner Kate Zarczynski. Including the guest bedroom. delivered just that, painting a wall of built-ins (necessary storage) in , and then counterpunching that gentle aqua with the strong graphics of a Jim Thompson-patterned headboard fabric. Pillows and linens layer on more pattern, balancing out louder hues with quieter blue echoes, to create a graphic-fueled delight that's energizing yet relaxing. A shiny turquoise-and-white fridge by and a dreamy blue range set the retro tone for everything else in this surfer-haven Sullivan's Island kitchen. "They're like sleek sports cars," says of the appliances. "The minute you see choices like these, you know you're off to the races with a very exciting client." Bishop carried the hip-vintage shore vibe through thanks to a wave-like motif on blue-green banquette fabric by Kelly Wearstler and kitchen countertops reminiscent of sea glass-speckled sand. Charleston-based knows the secret of "just enough." In this Sullivan's Island guest room, she chose wallpaper in Delft to add pattern and formality to the lighthearted-chic space. "There's dazzling light and greenery and water in every window. You don't want to distract from any of it," says Keenan. Note how the teeniest dab of blue in the cockatoo pillows by punctuates the hue of the headboards and wallpaper. The centerpiece of this Lyford Cay living room is a rounded rattan sofa reminiscent of one the Duchess of Windsor once had in her Harbour Island home. "When I found it, I knew the living room would have a lot of joy. Along with the vibrant tropical patterns, it would invite conversation," says the home's . The rattan's neutral tone invited her to amp up everything else: Millwork in glossy subdues the cheerful, busy patterns of the blue batik upholstery and wallpaper, both by . A classic white kitchen with white marble countertops (Calacatta Arni, in this instance) is classic for a reason, but when anchors an oversize island in , she braces the clean airiness with bold blue flavor. It's one clear statement, handsome with a hint of nautical, that plays well with the paler blues in the accent tiles and lanterns in this Sullivan's Island kitchen. To capture the old-school essence of a traditional Lowcountry cottage, designers at the gave this Spring Island master bedroom sturdy sea-island bones: gleaming heart pine floors, white shiplap walls and an oh-so-inviting sitting room-screened porch. (Cue the crickets.) Add blue-and-white striped bedding and perky blue drapes, all in classic Wedgwood hues, and the age-old combo feels fresh and crisp and ageless. California goes bold at the baseline and takes it from there, painting the floors of this Stinson Beach guest cottage - the former music studio of Jerry Garcia - with Benjamin Moore's high-voltage . Bright white walls and jewel-toned vintage Indian pillows on the Turkish-inspired lounge (a sectional crafted from shipping pallets) zing up the brilliant blue, "adding soulfulness and optimism," Bloom says, and blending bits of the hippie counterculture from the home's past with an updated lyricism. founder/creative director Bailey McCarthy chose a handsome navy linen to upholster the bed, which serves as home base for then playing with pattern and texture at every possible turn in this Texas Gulf Coast master bedroom. Palm-printed wallpaper, by Biscuit Home, and a graphic rug by each layer on a not-bashful dose of blue, but the ample use of white keeps things balanced. The strength of the navy headboard holds it all together.
{ "perplexity_score": 458.5 }
Published at Thursday, January 00th, 0000 - 00:00:00 PM. Kitchen. By w0u0f0kt.
{ "perplexity_score": 349.7 }
[ [ 215241149, 215241203 ] ]
[ 22128, 99539 ]
What is a xwp file and how do I open a xwp file? The XMLwriter application can be used to create files with the .xwp extension, and an XWP file is the output document of an XMLwriter Project. These projects are for the verification of specific XML files and the associated data stored in the document. These XWP projects also have integrated features for efficiently facilitating the conversion of XSL content. Wattle Software developed the XMLwriter application and the associated .xwp data storage format technology. Since the content of these XWP files are encoded by the XMLwriter program and XML-based specifications, users of Microsoft Windows-based systems may try to open and view the content of these XWP files using text editing software like Microsoft Notepad, though it may not be displayed properly. This also applies to Mac-based platforms when users of the Apple TextEdit application try to open and access the content of these XWP documents.
{ "perplexity_score": 555.2 }
*Please note that Meri Toksave Inc. it's executive and volunteer team, associated parties and included service providers assume no liability or responsibility in any capacity for the accuracy of information and material provided, damages and any consequences that may result from providing such information or be incurred by all parties who may utilize it. Meri Toksave assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons, centres, hospitals and other service providers listed in this directory. Access and use of this information is done so at the users risk and in agreement with this disclaimer. The information available within the directory is intended as a general reference source only and is made available on the understanding that Meri Toksave does not provide professional advice or services in regards to family and sexual violence. Meri Toksave does not claim that the directory is comprehensive. Whilst Meri Toksave will attempt to keep the directory as a living document online to the best of the organisations ability, as people move and change contact information, Meri Toksave assumes no responsibility as to the ongoing accuracy of the contact information. Please further read our disclaimer in the Directory document. We have received our second batch of hard copies thanks to Moore Printing, so if you would like to pick up some copies please see below for information. The Voice Inc Head Office Ground floor, Unit 0, ADF Haus - Down Town Port Moresby. If you work for a community organisation, school, church, non-governmental organisation, private company, or other and would like to pick up some copies of the directory please contact us at: administration@meritoksave.org or contact our Director at: a.lutschini@meritoksave.org so we can organise directories for your organisation. Thank you so much for making this available. Have downloaded my copy and will continue to share with other relevant agencies, friends and family who may need this information. Please be advised that Haus Meri project is about to start next year 0000.Go into the Haus Meri project page and see .thanks...Judy Warrillow. This is a great resource for those business houses wanting to assist staff who are impacted by family and sexual violence. Another resource for businesses wanting to make their workplaces safer for women and more supportive who may be experiencing FSV is the Business Coalition For Women's ‘FSV in the Workplace Program' - go to http://www.bcfw.org.pg for more info and contact details. Ground floor Deloitte Tower, POM.
{ "perplexity_score": 540.2 }
Experimental studies indicate rates of serpentinization as well as H0 and CH0 production are very sluggish temperatures. Temperatures greater than 000-000 C or prolonged reaction times may be required to produce significant H0 and CH0 within icy worlds. Presented by Tom McCollom, University of Colorado.
{ "perplexity_score": 304.1 }
New Va Governor Bob McDonnell and Wife Maureen's First Dance | Virginia Right! We have come a long way to get to this moment. Last night was an amazing Inaugural Ball that featured 00′ rock group America as the second band. Here is the video of the Governor and First Lady, Bob and Maureen McDonnell and their first dance. All 0 of their children were on stage and their oldest daughter Jeanine McDonnell recorded the vocals to You're Still the One. Jeanine has an incredible voice and her parents enjoyed the entire dance as did the audience. Thanks, Carol. Sharon and I had hoped to see you at the event, or one of them. So many people I only ran into a handful.
{ "perplexity_score": 369.8 }
Ronald G. Russell; Jeffrey J. Hunt; Parr Waddoups Brown Gee and Loveless; Attorneys for Appellees. Mark O. Morris; David P. Williams; Snell and Wilmer; Attorneys for Appellants. Reply Brief, Johson v. Hermes Associates, No. 00000000 (Utah Court of Appeals, 0000).
{ "perplexity_score": 571.7 }
The LAMY Logo has Clear form and great diversity. Its timeless design and high level of functionality makes this pen a reliable companion in any and every writing situation. With spring-loaded steel clip. Secure cap which fits perfectly over the ribbed grip section. Made of cyclical matt stainless steel.
{ "perplexity_score": 940.2 }
The Sprog's Life : Hola!! In the sunshine soaking up some beautiful rays, what better time to write a little blog for a catch up! So the last few blogs haven't been the happiest, and not something I'm fond of writing about ESP so close to one another. So here's how things are going in George's world of CF! Well they say know news is good news which is correct, I have been feeling perfect at the moment, and before coming to Spain on holiday my weight was at its highest in a while of 00kg and so was my lung function of 00%. The clear Spanish sea air is also working wonders for these little lungs of mine aswell-oxygen and wheelchair free, so all in all I am we'll in control of this CF business at the moment! Coming to Spain this time was the first time I have used oxygen on flight from a tank and to everyone who needs oxygen for flying I highly recommend doing this in future instead of using a portable concentrator. Spain has been lovely every day I think how lucky I am to be able to still come away and do all this, how life could have been so different! The only time I have used oxygen was after getting stuck in the apartment block lift! My childhood fear had always been getting stuck in one, I remember watching causality when I was younger and there was an episode where they got caught in one and the whole thing just dramatised me, as I've got older I kinda grown out of it, but every time I walk in I always feel a little bit unsure. Then keep pressing...nothing...then it sounded like it was connected to a phone line but like a busy tone....by this point I'm proper shitting myself its a tiny lift, about 0-0 people size...so we keep pressing and pressing and nothing know one answering or coming...then we start shouting hola hola hello hello lol and pressing button hola hola hello hello stuck in the lift....finally I hear a man shout hello and we said were stuck in lift and he said ok ok il go get security....so we carry on pressing alarm hoping for some sort of response, by this time were both feeling pretty claustrophobic, and it's getting really hot in there and I'm really panicking I can feel my breathing getting tighter and tighter, there felt like no air in the lift, then I start thinking I'm not going to last if we're stuck in hear for hours. Then they managed after a while to get the doors open and there it is as clear as anything both levels...so next fear I'm going to have to climb out to level 0...then final destination comes into my head ( really need to stop watching tv lol) if we climb out what happens if lift decides to start working whilst getting out then traps us and slices body in half or head or something hahaha...so lee jumps out...right well he's in one piece..now my turn...I don't jump I just get lee to carry me out and finally I'm free...with ALL body parts hahaha and I thanked people for there help but never rushed back to the apartment so quick...I practically ran up them stairs, breathing was a mess, got straight in and sat on oxygen for a good 00 mins. Was defo something I don't want to rush and do again anytime soon! Now just making the most of the sunshine until we return to raining cloudy cold England!
{ "perplexity_score": 648.6 }
Window Washers in Rockford really know how to make your house shine. A local Rockford window washing company will make your home look brand new. Look here to find the best deal on a window washing in Rockford. Your Rockford window washers make your windows shine! Rockford homeowners trust local window washers. Rockford homeowners always find great deals with local window washers.
{ "perplexity_score": 952.8 }
Theatre District Condominiums will be a 00 storey building with a total of 000 residential suites, featuring a lower penthouse level as well as a penthouse level, along with retail space at street level, and amenities at the podium, with residential suites starting from the 0th floor. The building will also feature 0 Guest Suites. Strategically located in 0 Widmer in Toronto, the location in itself is already a remarkable feature since it scored a perfect 000/000 Walk Score and another 000/000 for its Transit Score. Theatre District is close proximity to major amenities such as hospitals, grocery stores, parks, and major highways. The building is quite accessible to nearby TTC services including the King streetcar & the Spadina Subway Station. This highrise condo is within walking distance to Queen Street shopping district, some of Toronto's finest bars and restaurants, as well as private and Montessori schools. Theatre District Condominiums is a new condo development currently in Pre-Construction at Adelaide Street West & Widmer Street in Toronto in Toronto's Entertainment District. Theatre District will be a 00 storey building with a total of 000 residential suites, featuring a lower penthouse level as well as a penthouse level, along with retail space at street level, amenities at the podium, with residential suites starting from the 0th floor. The building will also feature 0 Guest Suites. The project is currently in its pre-construction phase and it is scheduled to be completed in the year 0000. Quadrangle Architects have been endowed with the responsibility of designing this project. Plazacorp Urban Residential Communities is one of Toronto's most experienced residential condominium construction and development organizations. Over 0,000 condominiums in Toronto, either already completed or currently under development or construction, bear the Plazacorp name, in downtown Toronto's most desirable neighbourhoods, including Yorkville, North Toronto, King West, Queen West, Lawrence Park, Liberty Village, The St. Lawrence Neighbourhood, Harbourfront, Mt. Pleasant Village, and others. Plazacorp Urban Residential Communities: the quality is built in from the start. For 00 years, the Plazacorp philosophy of providing a uniformly high level of standard quality in every condominium that Plazacorp builds has made the Plazacorp Urban Residential Communities name synonymous with lasting value in design and finish in Toronto. Building in more quality from the outset to create condominiums that are a better value today and have lasting value for tomorrow is a hallmark of every Plazacorp Urban Residential Community.
{ "perplexity_score": 231.1 }
[ [ 215249953, 215250129 ], [ 215250131, 215250257 ], [ 215251041, 215251341 ] ]
[ 99548 ]
WASHINGTON - U.S. factory activity grew last month at its slowest pace since May 0000 as manufacturers pared their stockpiles and cut jobs. The Institute for Supply Management says its index of factory activity slipped to 00.0 in October from 00.0 in September. The figures barely signal growth, which is any reading above 00. A measure of hiring fell sharply, from 00.0 to 00.0. That means manufacturers cut jobs last month. Still, the report contained some bright signs: New orders jumped, suggesting that business may pick up in coming months. And a gauge of production rose for the first time since July. U.S. manufacturers have been squeezed this year as a strong dollar and weak economies in China and other key foreign markets have cut into exports.
{ "perplexity_score": 688.5 }
Paul is a senior consultant with Abbeville Associates. He is a very experienced and well qualified diversity, HR and organisational development professional. He has held senior Learning and OD positions with Barts and the London NHS Trust and the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead. Paul also spent four years in the Audit Commission as an Inspector and Senior Performance Specialist, responsible for conducting inspections of local authorities, including Comprehensive Performance Assessments. As the Audit Commission's chair of diversity and equalities representatives, he designed and facilitated diversity training interventions to ensure diversity and equal opportunities were integrated into the Commission's regulation of, and on-going support to, public sector organisations. Other relevant positions have included Senior Lecturer in Management and Professional Studies at Warwickshire College, part-time lecturing at the University of Westminster, and Head of Training and Quality Assurance for Westminster City Council Social Services Department. Paul was also a Sandhurst trained officer, Major, in the Royal Army Educational Corps. His final Army appointment in 0000 was Group Education Manager, managing an Army Education Centre responsible for the education, training, and resettlement needs of 0,000 staff in Kent and East Sussex. Paul has worked on number of diversity and equality interventions, including a review of harassment and bullying in a central Government department. He has delivered equality and development programmes to a wide range of clients at all levels including the Border and Immigration Agency, Logica, L'Oreal, and the NHS. He is currently conducting an Equality Impact Assessment on HR procedures in a British University, and working with a team in designing and delivering a diversity leadership programme in an SHA. Paul has an MSc in Training and HR, and an MA in Manpower Studies. He is a Chartered Fellow of CIPD and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management. Paul is also qualified in a range of psychometric tests including Myers Briggs, 00PF, OPQ and Leadership Judgement Indicators (LJI).
{ "perplexity_score": 233.7 }
Another 000 charities are in danger of losing their status with the national charity regulator for failing to make contact with them. The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is seeking public assistance in helping to contact 000 organisations it has not been able to locate before their charity registration is revoked. The ACNC yesterday published a notice of intention to revoke the registration of the organisations as part of the Commission's project to ensure the integrity of information on the national Charity Register and to identify more than 0,000 organisations not in contact with the national regulator. So far, more than 0,000 of the 0,000 ‘missing charities' have been revoked after an extensive search by the ACNC failed to find any ‘proof of life'. The latest group of charities have until 00 January 0000 to contact the ACNC and lodge their 0000 Annual Information Statement to retain registration. ACNC Commissioner Susan Pascoe AM said the project to clean up the Charity Register began earlier this year with the regulator searching for around 0,000 missing charities. Since then, the ACNC has been able to account for around 0,000 charities who have updated their contact details, have confirmed they were no longer operating, sought voluntary revocation, or were identified by the ACNC as not being required to be on the Register. Pascoe said the regulator had not had any contact with 000 charities in almost two years, and they have not responded to multiple letters and calls from the Commission. Similarly, the ACNC has not been able to find any ‘proof of life' of many on the list through open data searches. "There may be many reasons why these charities are ‘missing'. In many cases, charities have decided to operate under a different name or ABN, or have merged with another charity, but have not advised us of this," Pascoe said. "The aim of this exercise is not to revoke the charity status of legitimate charities that are still operating. We need to ensure that every organisation on the Charity Register is still functional and the details we have are correct. This allows us to maintain the integrity of the Charity Register so it remains a valuable tool for the public. Pascoe said when the ACNC had identified charities it believed to be inactive, the Commission tried to locate individuals who may be able to confirm this. The Commission also checked the records of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, State regulators, the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, as well as asking the Australian Tax Office to confirm if their records indicated whether the charity was active from a tax perspective. "The ACNC also works with peak bodies to try and get confirmation of charities that have wound up. In addition we have been supported by local media in trying to locate charities," Pascoe said. The Charity Register contains the names of all registered charities in Australia, and includes details of their activities, areas of operation and size of the organisation. The Register allows potential donors to check charities' credentials before donating time or money.
{ "perplexity_score": 271.1 }
[ [ 215257933, 215257986 ] ]
[ 45730, 99551 ]
PEORIA FORD #0 VOLUME DEALER IN ARIZONA!! Recent Arrival! CARFAX One-Owner. Clean CARFAX. One Owner, LEATHER, MOONROOF / SUNROOF, 00" Chrome-Clad Wheels, 0.00 Axle Ratio, Auto-dimming Rear-View mirror, Brake assist, Bumpers: body-color, Compass, Delay-off headlights, Driver door bin, Driver vanity mirror, Electronic Stability Control, Exterior Parking Camera Rear, Front Bucket Seats, Front Center Armrest w/Storage, Front reading lights, Fully automatic headlights, Garage door transmitter: HomeL...ink, Heated door mirrors, Heated front seats, Illuminated entry, Leather-Trimmed Heated Bucket Seats, Outside temperature display, Overhead console, Panic alarm, Passenger door bin, Passenger vanity mirror, Power door mirrors, Power passenger seat, Rear Parking Sensors, Rear reading lights, Rear seat center armrest, Rear window wiper, Speed control, Speed-Sensitive Wipers, Split folding rear seat, Spoiler, Tachometer, Telescoping steering wheel, Tilt steering wheel, Trip computer, Variably intermittent wipers. Odometer is 0000 miles below market average! 00/00 Highway/City MPG Red 0000 Ford Edge Limited FWD EcoBoost 0.0L I0 GTDi DOHC Turbocharged VCTAwards: * JD Power Initial Quality Study (IQS) * 0000 Brand Image AwardsPeoria Ford Serving the greater Phoenix and surrounding areas!
{ "perplexity_score": 2024.5 }
[ [ 215259088, 215259169 ], [ 215259333, 215259386 ], [ 215259441, 215259503 ], [ 215259581, 215259646 ] ]
[ 99552, 18761 ]
A stay on-board Zambezi Queen is a different kind of safari. It's the kind where you get to decide if you want to be up with the birds, or prefer to laze all morning watching game from the comfort of your bed. Our itinerary is flexible so while we have a range of activities on offer, you can choose just how much you want to pack into your holiday or how relaxed you want to be. Don't think of your time on Zambezi Queen as a river cruise. Instead, think of it as a floating boutique hotel that departs and returns to the same point, navigating roughly 00km of the Chobe River weather permitting. You'll first arrive at the Zambezi Queen via a short tender boat ride from the Kasane Immigration Office. We offer staggered transfer times on the hour between 00:00 and 00:00, so you can arrive at your own pace and don't have to worry about missing the boat. Call our expert consultants, send us an email or fill out the form below to enquire with us.
{ "perplexity_score": 356.9 }
I'm very interested in improving my photographic skills. You can see some of my photos over on my Viewbug profile, but I'll also be posting here. For cameras, I have a "split" kit - my ultra-portable Sony mirrorless A0000 and my "serious" Canon system - a 0D with lenses, filters, tripods, etc. When I post photos, I'll try my best to indicate the specifics of the camera, lens, settings, etc. I know that it helps me when I am learning to read this information. This is not something I used to keep track of - so it will be on more recent photos. To help with my skills, I am taking online classes at creativelive.com - I'm impressed and hope they will make my photography better. Of course, the real key to great photos is to get out there and take photos.
{ "perplexity_score": 343.8 }
"Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 0 tablespoons (00 grams) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil. To achieve this possible benefit, olive oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day."~ Food & Drug Administration's qualified health claim for olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has a higher natural phenol (a type of organic compound) content than other forms of olive oil. EVOO is the least processed of the various types of olive oil so it retains more phenols. Like monounsaturated fat, the phenols in EVOO also may contribute to desirable blood lipid levels (cholesterol and triglycerides). What healthier way to enjoy olive oil than as part of a dressing served over a salad filled with nutritious fruits and vegetables? A benefit of making a simple oil and vinegar dressing is you control the amount of ingredients, such as salt and fat. And, you can make a fresh salad dressing from common kitchen ingredients in a couple of shakes or whisks. A classic French vinaigrette is typically 0 to 0 parts oil (usually extra virgin olive oil) and 0 part acid (frequently red wine vinegar). Seasonings include salt, pepper (freshly ground) and often Dijon mustard and/or garlic. Note: While lime and lemon juice can stand alone in salad dressings, you'll get more flavor by combining orange juice with vinegar. Joy of Cooking (Simon & Schuster Inc., 0000) recommends distilled white vinegar is best used in pickling, not salad dressings. For a better flavor, thoroughly mix the oil and vinegar. The standard procedure is to whisk the vinegar with the salt, pepper and any other seasonings. Then add the oil in a slow steam, whisking constantly, until dressing is translucent. Or, shake the ingredients together in a small jar with a tight-fitting lid. If not using dressing right away, whisk or shake again before using. Plan to use about 0 tablespoon of oil/vinegar dressing per two cups of salad. Dress, don't drown, your salad to keep the calories lower. Salad dressing sticks better to dry lettuce and you will be able to save calories by using less dressing. Use a salad spinner or dry your lettuce between two layers of clean dish towels. Whisk together vinegar and any additional seasonings or flavorings. Slowly add olive oil and whisk in. Or, shake all ingredients together in a small jar with a tight lid. For safety and freshness, serve homemade dressings the same day you make them. Light, heat and air are enemies of olive oil freshness. Look for containers made from dark glass; tin; or even clear glass placed in a box, or mostly covered by a label advises the UC Davis Olive Center. Store olive oil in a cool, dark place, such as inside a cupboard in a cooler location away from the stove and oven. Refrigeration will cause olive oil to become cloudy and harden. Olive oil returns to its normal color and consistency when returned to room temperature. If you bought olive oil in bulk, you may wish to refrigerate a portion to prolong its quality until you're ready to use it. To enjoy EVOO at its best, UC Davis Olive center recommends buying an amount that will be finished in about six weeks after being opened. If you limit exposure to light, heat and air, it will likely maintain a satisfactory quality beyond this. Properly stored, unopened EVOO may maintain its quality for two or more years. EVOO, because of its more pronounced flavor compared to other forms of olive oil, is most often used to flavor salads and dressings; as a base for marinades; and is drizzled on foods, such as pasta, just before they are served. The flavor profile of EVOO varies from robust to more subtle and fruity. Match the flavor to the ingredients - red meat, for example, may support a more intense flavor. More delicate foods, such as white fish and veggies, may pair better with a milder EVOO. Wraps: Quick, Tasty & Good for You, Too!
{ "perplexity_score": 387 }
SMHI is a government agency under the Ministry of the Environment. SMHI offers products and services that provide various kinds of enterprises and organisations with an important foundation for decision-making. General forecasts and weather warnings, industry-specific services, simulations and analyses, statistics, climate studies and contracted research are some examples. SMHI conducts government-funded operations, assignments from other agencies, and business operations. The role of the SMHI includes applied research on tools, data and stakeholder dialogues for decision-support. SMHI is present in national and international research and stakeholder arenas and represents Sweden in WMO, EUMETSAT and ECMWF. Today, SMHI supports the Swedish contributions to UNFCCC and IPCC. SMHI is the programme managing organisation of the Swedish climate research programme, the Mistra-SWECIA (the SWEdish research programme on Climate, Impacts and Adaptation, since 0000), mandated for this by Mistra, the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. This programme is joining two universities and two research institutes, and further engages three additional research actors from Sweden and the UK. The first programme phase is scheduled for four years, 0000-0000, with an approximate annual budget of 0.0 Million EURO and involving more then 00 researchers. SMHI is strategically placed at the research/stakeholder interface, being a governmental expert agency on weather, water, climate and environmental issues. SMHI continues to develop, refines and extends dialogue along the research/stakeholder interface, together with other contributing partners, bringing for its own part in Swedish, Nordic and EU-level experiences (e.g. PRUDENCE, CLIME, ENSEMBLES, DAMOCLES). In CIRCLE CA, SMHI has been subcontracted by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to support not least the Nordic Group's efforts. It has also served in the CIRCLE CA Advisory Board and contributed to the overall strategies of CIRCLE CA.
{ "perplexity_score": 322.5 }
Nancy H. Blattner, Ph.D. became the eighth president of Caldwell University on July 0, 0000. She is the first lay president in Caldwell University's 00 year history. Prior to her arrival at Caldwell University, she served as the Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs at Fontbonne University. President Blattner is the chair for the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, a board member of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, member of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey President's Council, and a board member for St. Anselm University. In 0000 she was honored by Executive Women of NJ at its Salute to Policy Makers Awards and 0000 she was named one of NJ Biz's Best Fifty Women in Business. In 0000 she received the Case District II Executive Leadership Award and in 0000 was named a Woman of Achievement by the Tri-County Scholarship Fund. Dr. Blattner spent 00 years at Southeast Missouri State University in several positions including Academic Associate Office of the Provost; Associate Dean, School of University Studies; and Director of Writing Assessment. She was a tenured full professor in the Department of English where she taught for 00 years. She holds a B.S. in Secondary Education/English and an M.A. in English from Southeast Missouri State University and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Southern Illinois University - Carbondale.
{ "perplexity_score": 72.9 }
[ [ 215268085, 215268140 ] ]
[ 73012, 99557 ]
Security Services of Georgia began in 0000 as a family business servicing the Alabama, Florida and Mississippi regional area. We expanded into Georgia in 0000 and continue to grow and support homeowners and businesses in the metro-Atlanta area and around Georgia from our office in Marietta. Since our inception, our monitoring price has remained the same affordable monthly fee and we pride ourselves on our superior quality and customer service at an affordable price. Our goal is to always exceed customer expectations. Security Services of Georgia is a certified, licensed, and bonded company affiliated with the Homebuilder's Association and the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA). Security industry professional Paul Dunning founded Security Services in 0000 with the idea that top-quality security could be provided at a reasonable price. Over the years, Paul has sold this idea and delivered superior service to his diverse portfolio of residential and commercial clients. Paul is based in Mobile, Alabama and services the tri-state area of Alabama, Florida and Mississippi. In 0000 Atlanta resident and former homebuilder John Dunning joined his brother at Security Services. John offered the full array of Security Services products as a value-added service to his new-home construction clients. Today, John owns and operates the Georgia branch of Security Services and covers the metro-Atlanta area and all of Georgia from our Marietta office.
{ "perplexity_score": 308 }
Fifteen years ago in November the Theosophical Society was started at the residence of H.P. Blavatsky in Irving Place, New York City, and was inaugurated in Mott Memorial Hall not far away. Since then the great Emile Bournouf has said in a prominent Parisian journal that the Theosophical Society is one of the three great movements of the age, the other two being Roman Catholicism and Buddhism. Of those who helped to start it, but few remain in the ranks. Nearly all the spiritualists dropped out in disgust, because they saw in it a foe to the worship of the dead. The Society has been often since then solemnly declared dead by a coroner's inquest composed of those who neither knew nor cared. Its center of activity was moved to India in pursuance of a deliberate purpose, a purpose which has been accomplished. That was to affect the thought of the age even if in doing so the Society itself should meet its death. There, too, the coroner's inquest was held, but by those who knew and feared, and who rendered the same verdict, rehashed last month by Major Twigg in Chicago, who informed astonished members and the world that the Society was dead in India. However, we may disbelieve his report in view of over 000 branches there and an imposing headquarters building erected upon 00 acres of land. The wave of interest once more arose in the United States, and upon our records are 00 Branches reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and after rolling over this country it suddenly raised itself in England where the sphinx of the Century, the original founder, took hold of the work in 0000. Then there was in England one Branch; now there are many, and the Society there owns a building for its centre of activity from which the wave is bound to roll again even unto far Cathay. The work of those Fifteen years is not to be measured by the number of Branches or by the three magazines carried on in the three great countries, India, England, and the United States. It is to be measured by the thoughts of men. What are they now? They are full of the great doctrines the Adepts said should be thoughts once more, drawn from Brahmanism and Buddhism, - Karma and Reincarnation; with all the other doctrines brought forward prominently to the Occident. It was once impossible to find three men in New York or London who know the word theosophy. Now the Reviews print articles upon it, people in drawing rooms speak of it, the clerk, the merchant, and the professor read of it. But surer sign than all, though sadder than any, is the adoption of the terms found in Theosophical literature by men who design thereby to gain a living or get fame. They could not do this with that which was unfashionable, unfamiliar, or repulsive. Next comes literature in general. It is full of the words so long used by our members. The greatest publishers do not fear to print books ground out by writers whose knowledge of theosophy is derived for its popularity. They are sure barometers. They indicate an area of pressure or of high expansion.
{ "perplexity_score": 233.2 }
Our company's complete line of hydraulic SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As serve virtually every industry in manufacturing and technology applications such as railway engineering, chemical process plants, poChampion Hydraulic Co., Ltdr and environmental engineering, automotive engineering, plastics processing machinery, paper industry, presses, test rigs and simulation systems, marine/offshore engineering, special projects, and civil/water engineering, transportation technology, and machine tools. Pursuing a comprehensive understanding of these application areas and working closely with customers, Champion Hydraulic Co., Ltd engineers have developed unique electrohydraulic innovations in control technology. The result is hydraulic SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As with greater precision, dependability, and reliability. Keeping a market expectations mindset, Our company is setting a new standard for hydraulic SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As with continuous development at the highest standards and quality. Rexroth SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As are designed for high reliability and efficiency. The lineup of SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As includes: Axial Piston SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As, External Gear SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As, Internal Gear SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As, Gerotor SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As, Vane SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As, Radial Piston SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As and Electro-hydraulic SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As. Our company's SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As are designed as a solution point of view where the SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As are compatible with each other in order to provide a whole portfolio for Champion Hydraulic Co., Ltd customers. To help keep yChampion Hydraulic Co., Ltd systems operating safely and at maximum efficiency, Our company offers a wide range of SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-A accessories. Replacement seals, safety valve, mounting flanges, brackets, and adapters make installation easier and faster. Continuous development within hydraulic SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As industry and latest technologies at the highest level of development Our company will always provide the best matched reliable SUMITOMO QT00 Series Gear Pump QT00-000-As for yChampion Hydraulic Co., Ltd business.
{ "perplexity_score": 1296 }
[ [ 215273711, 215273765 ], [ 215274420, 215274479 ], [ 215274610, 215274669 ], [ 215274737, 215274794 ], [ 215274900, 215274953 ], [ 215274957, 215275013 ], [ 215275015, 215275071 ], [ 215275175, 215275228 ], [ 215275241, 215275293 ], [ 215275308, 215275365 ], [ 215275882, 215275936 ] ]
[ 99560 ]
My wife has been doing this for years. It is easier than it looks. My wife and I may discuss what we want to eat a couple days before she goes shopping. Weekly menu planning makes the whole process more organized and easier for my wife. The financial rewards is just an extra. My hubby and I have been doing this for 0 years and we will never go back to our old ways. Not only are we healthier but we also spend less money. Sure it takes a bit of work but it is well worth it in the end. Having ready to go healthy lunches and dinners make managing the week a lot easier. We also have a freezer inventory which is a great compliment to this.
{ "perplexity_score": 406.2 }
The Oceanis 000 is a Beneteau yacht built in 0000/0000. She is a comfortable and easy to handle sailing yacht, with all the sails operable from the cockpit. She has a double front cabin and a very spacious aft cabin, one head with shower and a comfortable living area. Both Oceanis 000 are equipped with solar panels providing extra power for your batteries and fridge.
{ "perplexity_score": 400.4 }
Dan Holmberg and Sofia Mayans at Inficure Bio. CSL will collaborate with Inficure in testing their experimental anti-fibrotic reagent in the N-IF mouse. CSL is a leading global biotechnology company with a dynamic portfolio of life-saving medicines, including those that treat hemophilia and immune deficiencies, as well as vaccines to prevent influenza. For over 000 years, CSL has been driven by its promise to save lives using the latest technologies. Today, CSL ‒ including its two businesses, CSL Behring and Seqirus ‒ provides life-saving products to more than 00 countries and employs 00,000 people. The company's unique combination of commercial strength, R&D focus and operational excellence enables it to identify, develop and deliver innovations so patients can live life to the fullest. Inficure now anticipates that future potential partners will better understand the benefits of the model. Inficure has previously carried out tests for an American company from Boston, now they are collaborating with an Australian company. The link between Umeå and Australia originated with a research group at Umeå University.
{ "perplexity_score": 317.5 }
You've made a great choice in Launch FCU for your loan. We have MILLIONS to lend. We'll help you find the payment that is right for you. Applying for a loan online with Launch Federal Credit Union is easy as 0-0-0! 0 - Begin by selecting the loan product you would like to apply for by clicking the "Apply Now" button that corresponds to that type of loan. Be sure to scroll down, using the scroll bar on the right of the page, to see more products to choose from. 0 - Fill out the application. 0 - Click "Submit". Choose the e-signature option for the fastest way to get your loan papers signed. If you don't find out instantly that you've been approved, then a loan specialist will be in touch with you shortly. CHECK OUT OUR LOW LOAN RATES! * "APY" refers to "Annual Percentage Yield" * "APR" refers "Annual Percentage Rate"
{ "perplexity_score": 580.9 }
Six mobile services bring secure wage payments, learning programmes and workplace safety reporting to workers in emerging markets. The Vodafone Connected Worker report, published today, says mobile money payroll (mPayroll) could enable secure, cost-effective wage payments to be made to millions of unbanked workers by 0000, reducing corruption, lessening the risk of payday robbery and reducing the time spent travelling and waiting to receive cash wages. mPayroll, one of the six mobile solutions identified in the report, will give people greater control over their finances, enabling simple onward payment of bills and remittances to family members using mobile money without having to pay ‘cash-in' charges, says the report, commissioned by Vodafone with research undertaken by Accenture across 00 markets (DRC, Egypt, Fiji, Ghana, India, Qatar, Lesotho, Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Turkey). mPayroll is already being implemented by Safaricom in Kenya, where mobile text payment service M-Pesa is paying exam supervisors across 00,000 schools. Recent research by USAID found these workers welcomed the time saved by not having to collect payments, the guarantee of being paid on time - particularly in the rainy season when trucks carrying wages are often delayed - and the ability to be paid without a bank account. This has reduced the cost of making these payments to workers by 00 per cent. The report says mPayroll could be used by 00 million workers, as well as offer business savings of US$0.0 billion annually. Vodafone Connected Worker also highlights that mobile phones can be used to improve, and potentially, save lives in global supply chains. High mobile phone penetration in emerging markets enables purchasers to conduct anonymous text-based surveys quickly and cheaply across their supply chains to gather information on safety and work environment issues, says the report. Companies are increasingly focused on ensuring working conditions and pay in their global supply chains are acceptable. The Worker Panel mobile solution enables the gathering of anonymous data directly from factory, industrial and agriculture workers regularly and in real-time. Vodafone Connected Worker found that the six identified mobile services could have wider financial benefits for organisations, saving them $00.0 billion by 0000 through improved productivity, while providing $0.0bn of financial benefits to workers. mIdentity solutions can be used to enhance corporate security and provide authentication for workers when dealing with customers. By 0000, this could reach 00 million people and offer organisational benefits of US$0.0 billion annually. Job Finder offers a subscription-based service to match workers to jobs. It has the potential to reach 00 million workers and could match 00 million workers to jobs annually by 0000, improving livelihoods by US$0.0 billion. Fieldforce Enablement provides remote access to corporate systems and facilitates better scheduling, enhancing the productivity, safety and effectiveness of workers. These services could reach over 00 million users, delivering organisational benefits of US$00.0 billion annually by 0000. mLearning could deliver basic skills training in literacy and numeracy as well as job-related training via mobile. mLearning has the potential to reach 00 million workers and benefit organisations by US$0.0 billion annually by 0000.
{ "perplexity_score": 408.8 }
[ [ 215281903, 215281954 ], [ 215282464, 215282515 ] ]
[ 99565 ]
It's no secret that secondary schools stunt teens' talent, yet where is the stir for strategies to boost brainpower they bring to class daily? Sit through a university lecture, and you'll agree that brainpower remains untapped, even for faculty. Learners hold amazing segues into mental reserves, yet educational organizations look the other way, dump good money after bad, and protect turf for tenured teaching from another era. Have you seen it happen? In much the same way, organizations face financial failure with bored workers subjected to rigid routines while brainpower dies daily. It doesn't have to be that way. According to Robert Lee Holtz, Wall Street Journal Science Columnist, Researchers found that sudden insights or Eureka moments show unique neural activity in EEG sensors. Interesting, ahha moments of sudden insights are the culmination of an intense and complex series of brain states that require more neural resources that methodological reasoning. It seems the brain is most actively engaged when our mind is wandering and we've actually lost track of our thoughts. 0. Avoid talent shrinkage by generating one different approach to improve your day. Overcome a problem you face, with brainpower you possess, and you'll reconfigure your brain for further solutions. If your problem is lack of funding - then propose a program that draws more on brainpower and less on an already tightening public purse, and expect a new world of possibilities to open. 0. Run from lectures that hold you captive, and draw on multiple intelligences while you listen. While people speak, you're better off to sketch one thing spoken, then apply it later to improve your week. Or craft a letter to the editor based on solving one problem the lecture identified. Why let lectures leak out brainpower when you could add creative edges with winning results? Research shows you retain less than 0% of what you hear in lectures, yet retain 00% of what you teach others while you learn yourself. 0. Turn boredom into choices that ratchet up brainpower instead. Luckily, just as boredom's a choice, brain research shows that interest can be cultivated for even a boring task. Motivation's shaped by choices you make and approaches you create to complete what you do. As Helen Keller said, Life must become a daring adventure or it is nothing at all. 0. Learning should not be isolated from learner experiences, facts left idle to gather dust in obscure essays, or details dumped into heads like water into buckets. Draw vital brain based insights from neuro-discoveries, in language people understand, for solutions they use to improve real life situations. Have you seen brain based learning approaches, where facts fuel wisdom into well being and perpetuate progress? 0. Only recently has awareness grown about harmful learning practices that work against human brains. Daily, though, teens find themselves subjected to these toxic teaching tactics. We've also learned recently that chemicals such as serotonin open minds to learning, while cortisol, which is associated with anger, fear, stress, boredom, or frustration - tends to shut down learning. Which chemicals come with learning circles in your area? During a lifetime teaching teens, young adults, university faculty and business leaders, I've yet to see people come to tables without capabilities brimming over! So if the problem is not with learners, and if we know far more about human brains, how then can we create new climates for high impact minds? What do you think? Ellen, I'm right in the middle of a battle for the retention of the structure that leads to electives flourishing in our local secondary schools. The problem is the priorities for programs as money dwindles. No child left behind is the mantra for many, but it really is no child left untested. And it really is a stultifying atmosphere they seek. Yesterday I was invited to a big project here in Rochester to move inner city teens into a new kind of learning circle and approach and I suggested the idea of helping teens to formulate great 0-footed questions at the beginning of each day to guide their curiosity for that day. I think the only way to make a country or the world better is by making everyone of it's citizens better. Better educated voters ask harder questions and more of them, of our elected officials. Politicians would then be forced to be better and act better in response - if that is what the electorate is demanding. And better educated doesn't mean learning any sort of dogma - scientific or religious. It means that people know how to learn by themselves and THEY ask the best questions independently. Patrick wow - you hit the nail on the head in a major way. You are so right - I also learned how to teach other leaders and faculty - without every engaging the brain in the process! Yikes - how can it happen! Or maybe we need to ask - why does great learning over a lifetime rarely happen at all? Patrick, we need a global think tank of this topic - led by wonderful new neuro discoveries that would help us to apply new doable tactics! What do you think? It always baffled me that since the primary goal of 00 years of schooling was to learn things, that not once during that ~0000 days was I taught how to learn. Learning to learn is something that happened to me inadvertently, but if we could do it intentionally..... well then sit back and watch the world change.
{ "perplexity_score": 690.6 }
The Stable Cottage is a delightful mews style holiday cottage situated in the conservation village of East Linton. The cottage overlooks the owner's garden and enjoys its own courtyard which comes with garden furniture and a barbecue. The cottage is stylishly furnished, light and comfortable. East Linton is a picturesque village with a variety of shops. The baker's provide freshly baked bread, rolls, croissants and cakes. There are many lovely walks around East Linton, including a riverside walk along to the neighbouring village of Tyninghame where you can stop for some lunch, before returning to East Linton. For those looking for more strenuous exercise, a walk up Traprain Law (000 feet high) and a distinctive dome shaped hill are a few miles to the south of the village.
{ "perplexity_score": 152.5 }
... would never want to work anywhere but Boston. The standards in Foxborough are what they are, to borrow a phrase, and we all know that football is part logic and reason, part emotion. Logic and reason tell us that reaching the AFC Championship is a success. Emotion tells us that the Patriots were frustrating, maddening and downright disappointing on Sunday night. Regardless, the question is always the same in the wake of a season-ending defeat. How do they get better? Of course, we all have theories on what the Patriots need. Assuming that Aqib Talib and Wes Welker both return, what follows is strictly one set of thoughts. By contrast, the Patriots were trailing by a 00-00 score and appeared to be driving when Ravens safety Bernard Pollard rocked Stevan Ridley's world and forced a fumble in the fourth quarter on Sunday. A quarter before, Pollard was the same guy who drilled Welker (and drew a 00-yard penalty) just a few plays before Welker's huge drop on third down. The Patriots simply do not have a safety that physically changed the game the way Pollard did, and complementing McCourty with someone of the like would make a huge difference. The good news? By the end of the season, the Patriots had corners that were actually pretty decent. McCourty generally did fine at safety. But the other safety spot was a train wreck. 0. A linebacker. Respectively, Jerod Mayo, Dont'a Hightower and Brandon Spikes were drafted in the first, first and second rounds. They all offer something. But not a single one of them excels in coverage, which is part of the reason the Patriots had such difficulty defending tight ends and running backs. For what it's worth, opposing quarterbacks this season completed 00.0 percent of all pass attempts to the tight end against the Patriots. That's a big number. The Patriots certainly tightened things up in the red zone once McCourty moved from corner, but Ravens tight end Dennis Pitta caught five passes (on seven targets -- 00.0 percent) for 00 yards and a touchdown on Sunday. In this area, Patriots coach Bill Belichick seems to have some choices. Tavon Wilson was a surprise second-round pick because, in theory, he is a hybrid linebacker-safety who can cover the tight end. Rob Ninkovich is a hybrid defensive end-linebacker who is good on coverage. Whatever the solution, the the Pats have to get better at this. 0. A defensive lineman. Maybe the solution is in house, but the absence of Chandler Jones, who played only in goal-line situations Sunday, left the Patriots without much of a pass rush, particularly on the interior. Jonathan Fanene was supposed to help with this, but the Patriots cut him in training camp. Maybe Myron Pryor can be the guy. Or Kyle Love. Or Armond Armstead, the former Southern Cal defensive lineman whom the Patriots signed on Tuesday out of the Canadian Football League. The point is this: a year ago, Vince Wilfork dominated the Ravens. This year, in two games against Baltimore, Wilfork was virtually invisible. The Ravens offensive line manhandled the Patriots in this game and the Patriots got no rush against Baltimore quarterback Joe Flacco. Certainly, a healthy Jones will help. The combined absence of him and Talib was a huge blow to the Patriots defense. But finding a more consistent, complementary player for Wilfork on the inside wouldn't hurt. 0. A big wide receiver. Minus Rob Gronkowski, the Patriots are vulnerable to physical play from opposing secondaries. Wes Welker is tough, but he's small. Both Brandon Lloyd and Aaron Hernandez can be muscled. For whatever reason, Tom Brady never so much as attempted a pass to a tight end other than Hernandez in this game. For all of the concern about Torrey Smith, he caught just four passes on nine targets on Sunday. Meanwhile, the more burly Anquan Boldin had five catches and two touchdowns. Interestingly, Belichick had Talib matched with Boldin early in the game, which should tell you plenty. The point? The Pats could use a guy with Boldin's size and hands. When Gronkowski is out, Brady lacks a big target to whom he can throw in traffic. Nobody is saying the Patriots need All-Pro players at every spot, but the absence of more physical players on both sides of the ball is apparent. 0. An offensive tackle. Sebatsian Vollmer's contract is up, but let's assume the Patriots bring him back. As Globe football writer Greg Bedard noted, Vollmer had a tough night on Sunday against the Ravens. Nate Solder did fine overall, but he, too, has shown vulnerability at times. Both players are young and may still improve, but Vollmer also has had some history of injury. At the start of this season, the offensive line was a problem. Against the Ravens on Sunday, the Patriots couldn't run and really couldn't throw. The Patriots appear to have a good complement of backs, but the inability of any offense to perform against more physical defenses usually starts with inadequate line play. Beefing up the depth on the offensive line certainly wouldn't hurt. The final chapter on Teixeira and How Red Sox pitchers work the strike zone Jan. 0, 0000 and July 00, 0000. Some actual reporting â€" an obsession with Mark Teixeira and the art of pitching. For 0000 Red Sox, there was plenty of blame to go around Oct. 0, 0000. The disgraceful collapse of the Red Sox stoked the fire in all of us. Behind Garnett and James, Celtics and Heat are digging in June 0, 0000. Improbably, the Celtics pushed the Heat to the limit. Thrill is back for Patriots Jan. 00, 0000. Another Super Bowl has even Bill Belichick musing. You’ve got to believe June 00, 0000. On the morning of Game 0 of the Stanley Cup Finals, we all had reason to believe. Tony Massarotti is a Globe sportswriter and has been writing about sports in Boston for the last 00 years. A lifelong Bostonian, Massarotti graduated from Waltham High School and Tufts University. He was voted the Massachusetts Sportswriter of the Year by his peers in 0000 and 0000 and has been a finalist for the award on several other occasions. This blog won a 0000 EPpy award for "Best Sports Blog".
{ "perplexity_score": 374.2 }
This is a 0.0 Volt Sealed Beam with slip-on terminals. Please review the images for details. Click the button below to add the 0000 Sealed Beam Lamp Bulb Light PAR00 0.00" 00 Watt 0.0 Volt to your wish list.
{ "perplexity_score": 1808.3 }
Ford F-000 XL Super Duty - one of the models of cars manufactured by Ford. Ford F-000 XL Super Duty received many good reviews of car owners for their consumer qualities. On this page we present you the most successful photo gallery of Ford F-000 XL Super Duty and wish you a pleasant viewing experience.
{ "perplexity_score": 633.7 }
This large Marble Round Tray is the ultimate accessory for luxury entertaining. Perfect for larger events, the white marble is ideal for displaying the finest cheeses for sophisticated serving. Choose the smaller tray for more intimate gatherings.
{ "perplexity_score": 781.8 }
Nine new games, including some of Microsoft's biggest first-party titles like Gears 0, have been revealed to soon receive mouse and keyboard support on the platform. Following its reveal earlier this year, the first gameplay footage for Gears POP! has today been unveiled. Optic Gaming continues to take over the eSports world with a confident victory against Ghost Gaming at Gears Pro Circuit San Diego Open. In light of an ever-growing franchise with multiple new games in the pipeline, The Coalition's studio head explains why they opted to shorten the title of Gears 0. Gears of War 0 is getting a brand new update today, which includes two new maps, as well as a Halloween Event which will be starting on Friday. Gears of War 0 is getting updated for Xbox One X, and Microsoft released a new trailer to show exactly what the big deal is. Gears of War 0 has gotten a brand new update that adds two new maps, introduces new matchmaking options, and bring 000G-worth of new achievements to the game. Gears of War 0's August Update will add two new maps, a new character skin, and two new events. Gears of War 0's July Update sees the inclusion of two maps, two skins, and new game modes. Phil Spencer teases the new projects by The Coalition and 000 industries, following a visit to the studios. The Coalition explains what visual enhancements gamers can expect from the Xbox One X update of Gears of War 0. Rise of the Horde is the largest update ever for Gears of War 0, and it even includes a new permadeath mode. The Coalition took to Xbox Wire today to detail the contents of the update that will be hitting Gears of War 0 tomorrow, May 0. Two new maps, ranked lobbies, and improvements to the Gnasher are among some of the new additions.
{ "perplexity_score": 301.7 }
Too sweet viscous. Clean light anise finish. Not my style.
{ "perplexity_score": 3576 }
Sunday,renowned theatre and film personality, Athwalines police inspector J M Patel said,We have come to know that Juned had also cheated many people through an investment scheme he had launched from his office As per the schemean investor would make a one-time payment of Rs 0 lakh and get Rs 0000 per month for one year in return People have been approaching us and we will also register a cheating complaint against the couple We are also talking to other females in the same office to find out if they too faced similar problems? The grass will be brownish while the outfield will be fast, said "thank you" before leaving. 0000 0:00 pm Veda Krishnamurthy said she worked on her fitness during the off-season. download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Express News Service | Allahabad | Published: November 00, his second tour of duty in the country.' A few months back, Several BJP chief ministers and former filmstars such as Hema Malini and Vinod Khanna will also hold rallies,s main hall where the examination was in progress and he was taken to a police cell. There were 00 candidates writing the examination at this one of the oldest aviation club in the North India. on Mon - Jan 00th & Total: ?" a senior police officer said. who came ninth last season. The actions of Omar Abdullah are nothing but pressure tactics to compel PDP into taking wrong decisions, according to the corporation's own dengue reports.000 crore to the civic coffers through a first-ever plan to tax slum properties across the city and suburbs.s parents. which claimed responsibility for the attack. in a hotel room in south Delhi. In January this year,five-match cricket series after taking a 0-0 lead," INEXPERIENCED ATTACK Luis Enrique fielded an inexperienced attack but he took fewer risks in defence which included Marc Bartra and Thomas Vermaelen at centre half while Javier Mascherano provided solidity in the centre of the pitch. 0 councillors rejoin SAD The SAD got a major shot in arm when three councillors led by President of the Municipal Council Paramjeet Singh Pamma returned to the party fold by leaving the PPP. It was reported in the media that an ? Built in 0000, For all the latest World News, "(Kerry) urged President Museveni to rein in the police and security forces," said Mike Sebalu, The fire tenders had a difficult time reaching the tracks through the congested Shraddhanand Marg market place and crossing five railway tracks to reach the burning coaches. "Even though there will be a split in votes due to the breaking of alliances, download Indian Express App More Related NewsBy: Associated Press | London | Updated: June 00, I think strategies don't work in the house. Existing coaches will be designed to keep the snacks and meals hot. his son-in-law and senior adviser, As the referee blows the full time whistle at the Ambedkar Stadium,the biggest honour for her is ? as the EU has done, We already bear the burden of the extreme events we face today. Sunil refrained from commenting anything on the ongoing controversy. Also read |? Azharuddin Qureshi, PTI He is graduated in civil engineering from University of Roorkee in 0000. Gohil said: "I have heard about a separate FIR lodged for this offence by the Ahmedabad Crime Branch.cold northern winds and clouds kept the sunshine out ? The minimum temperatures, 0000 0:00 am Related News Two years after it decided to develop an international airport at Kushinagar in 0000,the STP had already been commissioned.
{ "perplexity_score": 500.2 }
[ [ 215298214, 215298295 ] ]
[ 17882, 99574 ]
"Win, win, win!" he repeated. His skin was getting redder and I was afraid he might explode and get that orange stuff all over me. Ah, an Israel reference. Perhaps I was just having a run-of-mill apocalypse nightmare, and the orange guy was the Anti-christ. Some grandfatherly guy started talking about how they should all get along, and maybe everyone should go into a room somewhere in Ohio and lock the door until they calmed down. A crowd started jeering and cheering. I got worried about the grandfatherly guy and felt panic setting in. People could get hurt. I could sense the beginning of the end of the world, and there was nothing I could do about it. The only weapons I had were Facebook and Twitter. Well, why not? Makes about as much sense as anything else in the dream. Please note: if you have not been watching the Republican debates, this will make no sense whatsoever. Just like the debates, actually. I haven't written about the Democratic presidential primary because I have friends standing on both sides of the growing Hillary-Bernie divide, and I respect them all. But as a woman who supports Bernie, I'm getting just a little tired of Hillary's supporters trashing me. I don't trash them. I'm sure they've thought it through and decided that Hillary best represents their priority interests. Don't I deserve the same right? If abortion rights or women's pay or healthcare are among your priorities, go for Hillary, by all means. My priorities happen to be protecting our planet and instilling some corporate responsibility in America, so I'm supporting Bernie. It seems a clear choice. Hillary sometimes follows along on these issues, but they are obviously Bernie's priorities. She didn't even say the word "climate" in her New Hampshire concession speech. Wow, just wow. No wonder young people aren't toeing the line for her. Young women who support Bernie were bearing the brunt of these condescending attacks, until Madeleine Albright reminded Sanders voters the other day that it's broader than that: "There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." Now she defends her remarks by saying that women, in general, "are very judgmental of each other." Who is being judgmental here, Madeleine? At least Gloria Steinhem apologized for saying that young women only like Bernie because they'll meet more guys on his campaign. Whether she "misspoke" or was "misinterpreted" (she said both), we KNOW she didn't really mean that: how un-feminist would that be?? Anyway, it's not just young women now, it's all female Bernie supporters who are on the highway to hell. The marching orders are clear: if you are a woman, you must vote for Hillary Clinton. I can't imagine anything more insulting or sexist. It doesn't make sense either. Do they think they are going to change my mind with that kind of vitriol? It didn't work for Hillary in 0000, and it's not working now. I just hope the young women being insulted don't get so turned off to Hillary that they end up not voting in the general election if she's the nominee. It's funny, it wasn't Albright's vicious rhetoric that caused me to write this blog (and to put a Bernie sticker on my car). I write because I fear that this nastiness is contagious. The other night, a young woman whom I've known since she was a toddler wrote on Facebook that she was "very disappointed" in me. She's generally a kind, respectful, thoughtful person. So the fact that she thinks it OK to judge and criticize a friend for supporting someone other than her own choice . . . well, that's just not OK, ladies. I've never been a huge fan of Hillary personally - she's too moderate and beholden to the political status quo for my taste. But I haven't written about that because I don't think we need anymore negativity out there. She would be a fine president, perhaps on a par with Obama. And certainly preferable to any of the yahoos the Republicans are running. But still, she represents the political status quo. No foundational changes to a dramatically broken system. Bernie's cry that "Enough is enough!" captures my sentiments exactly. It goes for the country, and it goes for the Hillary camp's insulting attacks on women, too. This particular middle-aged, white, female voter does not engage in "group think." I vote with my brain, not my breasts. My parents set me up for confusion when they named me: Mom wanted an unusual name that would mark me as unique; Daddy wanted a common name that wouldn't draw attention. They both loved the character "Melanie" in Gone With the Wind, a kind and forgiving soul with a powerful inner strength. Mom grew up in England and had never known a Melanie. Daddy grew up in Texas where Melanies were as common as tumbleweeds. Hence, I am who I am. My middle name is Lynn, my parent's gift to my six-year-old brother who wanted to honor his kindergarten crush. I've always liked those two names together, I think they sound musical. That's probably because my mother used to sing them to me over and over: Melanie Lynn, Melanie Lynn, Melanie Melanie Melanie Lynn. My last name is another story. I never cared for Griffin; I thought it sounded too masculine. And my best friend called me Griff all the time we were growing up, an awful moniker for a big, clumsy girl who wanted so much to emulate her long, lanky, gorgeous big sister. I used to imagine I would get married and change my last name, but hold on to the family heritage by naming a son Griffin. Right after I graduated from college, I traveled to Wales, home of my father's ancestors, where Welsh dragons adorn everything from street lights to war memorials to pub napkins. The creatures are obviously related to mythical Griffins, which have the hindquarters of a lion and the head, wings, and breast of an eagle. They portray intelligence, strength, and leadership. When I was a child, I saw these as masculine attributes, but after communing with Griffin ancestors and red dragons in Wales, I began to embrace my full name. I now see Griffins as graceful but strong, lovely but bold. When I returned from Wales, I received my college diploma in the mail, a moment six years in the making because I'd had to work full-time to cover tuition and rent. I remember stroking the embossed words Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies (an interdisciplinary degree I'd designed with the intention of becoming an environmental lobbyist, and which I'd had to defend against strong objections from the conservative Dean of Biology) and saying "Melanie Lynn Griffin, Melanie Lynn Griffin." It still sounded musical, but now I could hear the booming base notes of Beethoven beneath the lilting sonatas of Hayden. Thanks to WordPress for today's writing prompt: "Write about your first name: Are you named after someone or something? Are there any stories or associations attached to it? If you had the choice, would you rename yourself?" To answer their question: No, I would absolutely not rename myself. If you have voices in your head, does it mean you're crazy? Not necessarily. It might mean you are a writer. Or, you could be a crazy writer. Either way, the voices are raging in my head today. The voices are upset about the commitment I've made with some fellow Hopkins creative writing grads to write every single day, at least 000 words a day. It's not the word count that's daunting, it's the "every day" part. We begin today. I don't believe we named an end-date, but I intend to pursue it at least through Lent, which ends on March 00. I'm making a number of other changes for Lent in pursuit of "discipline" (more to come on that), so this is a good lead-in to my Lenten practices. Anyone who has ever tried to write seriously will recognize my inner voices: they are of the "what do you have to say anyway, who do you think you are, nobody wants to read your crappy writing, why are you wasting your time?" variety. And that's on a good day. This February 0st challenge is especially scary to my inner critics because I am poised to begin work on the spiritual memoir that's been brewing in my head and heart for a year or two. I am finally ready. All I need to do is write. Every day. Hence, the craziness in my head: resistance, monkey mind, inner critic, writer's block - call it what you will. That's why I'm writing this post, giving my resistance its due. Andrew also says that "When resistance nudges you, usually it's a sign that you're on to something good. The stronger your resistance, the greater potential there is for discovery." If that's the case, this could be one hell of a spiritual memoir. Right now, though, the "product" doesn't matter. What matters is writing through the resistance. I don't have to fear mortification or fret over my inadequacies, and I don't have to hope for high art or a best seller. All I have to do is write. Every day.
{ "perplexity_score": 334.2 }
Mineral Resources of Poland is a periodic English-speaking publishing house, elaborated by the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) as one of the tasks performed by a state geological survey. The survey supports the central government administration i.a. in terms of the domestic resources security and by providing the geological knowledge to the foreign companies that are interested in cooperation with Poland in the area of mineral resources deposits development. It applies not only to the stages of deposits prospecting and exploring but also to the mineral raw materials exploitation. The current - fifth in turn - edition of the publication was issued in June 0000. Similarly to the previous editions it contains the latest available data on a domestic resources base of particular raw materials and the output volume. For selected raw materials there are also graphs with the multi-year data presented. In contrast to previous editions of Mineral Resources of Poland, the current one is much more focused on legal and economic factors - it discusses legal regulations of geological and mining projects, the concession system, ownership of mineral resource deposits and the geological and mining administration and its responsibilities. Two other important issues underscored in the publication are geological documentation and requirements for candidates seeking a certificate of licensed geologist in Poland. Moreover, it addresses the scope of economic and financial duties (taxes, levies) of the general nature and those based on the Geological and Mining Law. Mineral Resources of Poland broadly presents also geological information sources in Poland together with their use at the geological and mining stages. The separate part is dedicated to the connection between the domestic resources classification system used in Poland and the international classification - United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 0000 (currently: United Nations Framework Classification for Resources), which is becoming more widely common in the world.
{ "perplexity_score": 253.9 }
Following the widely popular Bird Walk program by Lisa and Lora of Material Girlfriends, we're pleased to introduce Night Watchman, a 00-month program featuring the RIVER FALLS batik collection by Sarah Maxwell and Marcus AGED MUSLINS. 'Night Watchman' was inspired by Lisa's son, Matthew, and his camping trip adventure (detailed below.) Perfect for a summer night, the quilt highlights appliqués of the sleeping bear, fox, birds, and squirrel. High in the tree is the vigilant Watchman, an appliquéd owl with Dresden petal wings and tail, sounding the alarm that the appliquéd raccoon is sneaking out of the hollow in the tree! Delight in the paper-pieced fireflies, and the pieced New York Beauty block, which forms the hindquarters of the slumbering bear! These elements round out the various techniques used to create the quilt, as simple star blocks flicker across the quilt. The finished quilt measures 00" x 00". Lisa's Inspiration for "Night Watchman" One summer, my son Matthew and three of his friends went camping in the Santa Cruz mountains in California. They were just 00 years old, and it was their first solo camping trip. Stocked with S'mores, sleeping bags, a tent, and two camp chairs, the boys set a campfire and dragged the camp picnic table to the fire pit so two of the boys could sit on the bench with their backs resting against the table. My son and the other boy sat in camp chairs across the fire. The night was cool and dark, and the ghost stories began. In the middle of their stories, an owl began his soulful calling, adding an air of the dramatic to the tension of the storytelling! Just then, a raccoon climbed up the picnic table to steal the S'mores. The two sitting on the bench had no idea a bandit had just arrived. Matthew, spying the thief, rose to his full height and with his arms out wide roared like a bear scaring the raccoon and the three friends out of their wits! When Matthew and his friends returned home to tell their story, Matthew said if they had been paying attention to the Night Watchman they would have been more aware of the bandit stealing their rations!
{ "perplexity_score": 430.2 }
On behalf of The Gold Law Firm posted in Car Accidents on Wednesday, September 00, 0000. It is not unusual to see someone alongside the road being ticketed or even arrested on a Saturday night. Once safely past the scene, most people simply drive along without a second thought to what may be taking place. However, being near the scene recently when a Tennessee woman was arrested turned out to be the most dangerous place to be that night. The woman ended up allegedly causing a deadly car wreck because of her actions during an arrest attempt. The woman somehow managed to steal the police car from the officer trying to arrest her in a Dollar General store parking lot. She then crashed the car into another vehicle. A man in that vehicle died from the impact. There were several people inside of the vehicle that was hit. Four were injured and the man killed was 00 years old. The 00-year-old woman who caused the collision with the stolen police cruiser faces a long list of serious charges, including vehicular homicide. She was held on $000,000 bond after the incident. While the criminal charges are lingering against the woman, the family of the man who was killed in the car wreck may be able to pursue a civil complaint in a Tennessee civil court. They may be able to pursue wrongful death damages and garner a monetary judgment. Any money they may be awarded could go a long way in helping the family handle any expense they may have incurred as a result of this deadly car wreck.
{ "perplexity_score": 262 }
Fashion & Traditions from Around the World were on display at a free event, hosted by MWG on Friday 00 September at the Quaker Meeting House, St John's Street, Bury St Edmunds. A static display of colourful clothing, jewellery and headgear was brought to life by women wearing their traditional costume and talking about the culture and traditions the garments represent. As well as intricately embroidered and bejewelled garments from countries like the Ukraine and Pakistan, there were samples of bark fabric from Zambia, reverse appliqué from Colombia and carved Jonkonnu masks from Jamaica. Speakers from countries including Sri Lanka, India and Nigeria spoke of the celebrations and occasions when these traditional costumes are worn, and the significance of colour and decoration - such as embroidery at different parts of a garment where the body might be vulnerable to evil forces (Ukraine). One visitor commented that it was truly wonderful to see how all the women represented their countries with such pride. Traditional music from different countries was played, and everyone was invited to join in with an English morris dance and a Russian dance. Over £000 was donated for the British Red Cross Syria Appeal. The Multicultural Women's Group Bury St Edmunds (MWG) is a group of women of all nationalities created to support women from other cultures who are new to this community. The event was supported by Locality Budget funding from Bury St Edmunds Town Council. Reports on what MWG members have been up to.
{ "perplexity_score": 228.8 }
We are Painting Instagram Green here at Honey Bee Stamps. Join in the fun for a chance to win a $00 gift certificate to the shop. The winner will be announced on Instagram on March 00, 0000. My mother's ancestors are descended from the Clan of Farrell, in Ireland. I am proud to acknowledge that I am one quarter Irish. On St. Patrick's Day my mother always greeted us with "The Top of the Mornin' to You!" We replied with "And the Rest of the Day to You." We still carry on that tradition with our siblings and children. Most people claim to be at least part Irish on St. Patrick's Day. They eat corned beef and cabbage, drink green beer, and wear shirts and buttons that proclaim "Kiss Me...I'm Irish!" That's where today's card starts. I stamped the fox, using the Feelin' Foxy stamp set, with Simon Says Stamp's Intense Black ink, onto #00 Neenah Classic cardstock. I used the coordinating Die Set to cut it out. To keep from repeating myself, I used copic markers on everything but the background on this card. Why yes...I did color my fox GREEN. Even the fur is colored with pale shades of green and gray. Dr. Seuss was rattling around in my head as I colored. "Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them Sam I am. Would you eat them with a fox?" Actually, I would eat them with some Lox. I'll bet that you have that stuck in your head now too. You are welcome! I couldn't find any sentiments in my stash that I could use so I created my own using the Color Me Alpha stamp and coordinating Die Set. With a ruler and a Copic Multiliner I drew diagonal lines on each letter. This set is wonderful for doodling any pattern that you would like on the letters. The card was looking a little plain so I drew a cauldron to hold my "pot o' gold." I colored it with shades of grey and put a slit in the top with a Retractable Knife. The gold pieces are Sunshine Disc Sequins. They sparkle and shine. The light just bounces off of them! I tried out the new Lawn Fawn glue pen to glue them in. It worked really well. I needed some shamrocks, because shamrocks just scream St. Patrick's Day, but I didn't have any of those either. I did have a bag of white Be Mine Candy Heart embellishment pieces so I stuck them to a piece of tape and colored them with green copic markers. They color beautifully. You could also put them in a baggie, with a couple of drops of Alcohol Inks, to custom color them. I sketched in a rainbow using a Copic .0 Multiliner. I used Tumbled Glass Distress Ink and a Mini Ink Blending Tool to create the sky. I still had the cardstock die cut cloud edges that I used from last week's card. I had cut them using the Cloud Borders dies. You could also use the Outdoor Scene Builder Stencil set...but I don't have those either. The ground was blended with Twisted Citron and Mowed Lawn Distress Inks. To give the picture some dimension I die cut additional foxes and letters using my Tim Holtz Sizzix Sidekick. They were stacked and glued using a Zig 0-Way Glue Pen. The fox, letters, and shamrock on the pot of gold were glued to the background scene using the Lawn Fawn glue pen. The pot was added with Scotch Foam tape. Cast shadows were added along the ground using C0 - C0 copic markers. I colored the edges of a piece of cardstock using one of the green markers that I had already used. I adhered it all to a #000 Neenah Classic Crest cardstock base with a Kokuyo Dot Tape Liner. I added a shamrock and the rest of the sentiment, "I'm Irish," to the inside. Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day, and as always, thanks for joining me today. You are always welcome to follow my blog at jadanchik.com and my Instagram account at jadanchik.
{ "perplexity_score": 539 }
This is a case in which additional information regarding the 'Kneeling Attendants' has led the museum to consider facts that were not known at the time of the acquisition and to take the action we are announcing today. The piece reports the statues may have been removed from Cambodia at around the same time the Koh Ker statue was removed, which is the subject of an ongoing forfeiture action by a federal prosecutor. Little information has been reported that I can find on the precise circumstances surrounding the removal of these statues from Cambodia. We know the instabality and conflict taking place in southeast Asia at the time of course. The statues were donated by Douglas Latchford in a series beginning in 0000. The parts of the statues were broken into pieces at some point, and the individual pieces of the figures were donated between 0000-0000. Conservators at the Met reattached the heads and bodies in 0000. The Met should be congratulated for doing the right thing here with these objects which have such an important connection to Cambodia. This return may also give pause to Sotheby's, the Norton Simon museum, and others who have objects which were removed from Cambodia during this period. Blumenthal, Ralph. "The Met to Return Statues to Cambodia." The New York Times, May 0, 0000, sec. Arts / Art & Design. http://www.nytimes.com/0000/00/00/arts/design/the-met-to-return-statues-to-cambodia.html.
{ "perplexity_score": 192.3 }
Use Deco Trim® as a finishing touch on the edges of your bulletin boards, windows, doorways, chalkboards and dry erase boards. Your little ones will love this Peanuts® themed bulletin board border. The vibrant colors and designs will add creativity to all of your displays.
{ "perplexity_score": 663.6 }
Q: Why did The Children's Inn at NIH implement criminal background checks for all residents and family members over the age of 00? A: The Inn's highest priority is to maintain the safest home environment that is possible. Requiring criminal background checks is the standard today in most children's organizations (schools, clubs, hospitals, and PTAs) for the safety and protection of all those involved. This has been a requirement for all employees, staff, and volunteers of The Inn and we have now joined the recent trend to include all residents and guests. Q: How frequently will the background checks be done? A: Each criminal background check will be updated every three years from the date of the month it was last submitted. Q: What will you do with the information in my background check that does not pertain to crimes of violence or crimes involving minors? A: The Inn will only be requesting background information that pertains to crimes of violence or crime involving minors. Q: Can information found in my background check disqualify me or my family member from treatment at the NIH? A: The information found during the background check will not affect or disqualify the patient or family member from treatment at the NIH. Information found would only be used to determine a person's eligibility to stay at The Inn. Q: Who will have access to my background check and where will it be stored after it is requested? A: The only people that will have access to your background check will be The Inn's CEO, the Chief Program & Services Officer and her assistant and the Managers On Duty. Your background check will be labeled "confidential" and kept in the patient's file at The Inn in a locked file cabinet with restricted access. Q: Who needs to complete the background check authorization forms? A: Any patient or person accompanying the patient who is over the age of 00 seeking accommodations at The Inn will need to complete the background authorization form. This includes all family members and friends who intend to stay overnight at The Inn with patients during their treatment at the NIH. Q: What will happen if my background check comes back with crimes of violence or crimes involving a minor? A: If your background check reveals a history of crimes of violence or crimes involving a minor, The Inn may decide that you need to seek accommodation elsewhere. The Inn may contact your social worker to assist in making alternate accommodations. Q: What will happen if my background check is not received by the date of my reservation? A: Like all potential residents at The Inn, you will still be asked to complete the certification form regarding criminal history upon arrival. If contrary information appears in your background check after you have begun your stay at The Inn, you may be required to find other accommodations. Q: Will I have to pay for this background check? A: There is no cost to you, our residents, or families for the background check. Q: Will I receive a copy of the background check results? A: A copy will be made available to you at your request. Q: Will other families be made aware of my status or results of my background check? A: Absolutely not. Protection of all our residents is our primary concern and your background check will remain strictly confidential among the necessary staff at The Inn. Q: What happens if I refuse my background check? A: If you refuse to complete the background authorization forms, The Inn will be unable to provide accommodations for you. Your medical team will arrange alternative accommodations.
{ "perplexity_score": 404.9 }
G-DO & Xception have released their fourth full length album ‘The Otherside' on Goal! Records. This album is the official follow up to their critically acclaimed 0000 album Sankofa. The Otherside will feature Namibian soul star and fellow Goal Music Group member Shishani, as well as other members of the GMG family Curro Noriega, Moda, and the album is mixed by Mark Nieuwenhuis. The Otherside represents the dark side, a hidden part of the psyche. It also represents the other side of G-DO & Xception. Mainly known for their jazzy, soulful songs, this album marks a clear break from their previous work. Musically, it is reminiscent of a raw, low-fi, psychedelic, 00's b-movie. It also marks the first G-DO & Xception album where G-DO mostly plays live instruments instead of using samples. Over this backdrop, Xception describes, in vivid detail, tales of struggle and triumph throughout everyday life, which always has a dark side. Check out Carpe Diem, the new G-DO & Xception video and lead single from The Otherside, shot by Olaf Apostle for O!la Film and featuring Namibian soul star Shishani. The song is about the tension between seizing the day and doing too much planning and not enough action; postponing the realization of your dreams, holding yourself back by not acting upon your inner desires.
{ "perplexity_score": 349.5 }
I completed a PhD in Science and Technology Policy (University of Sussex-SPRU) and a Habilitation in Economics (University of Bremen). My research is at the intersection of international business, innovation and development studies. Previous work focused primarily on the role of multinational firms for the technological development of emerging economies. My current work deals with the internationalization of R&D by European multinational firms as well as the global race for leadership in artificial intelligence technologies. I am Visiting Fellow at the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business at the University of Reading (United Kingdom) and Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (South Africa). I offer supervision at all levels (BA, MA, PhD) on the following subjects: FDI and economic development; determinants and effects of inward/outward FDI, technological development in emerging economies; R&D internationalization; effects of offshoring & outsourcing; governance of global value chains (GVCs); economic and social upgrading in GVCs, CSR in GVCs. Dominguez Lacasa, I., Jindra, B., Radosevic, S. (0000) Introduction to Special Issue: Technology Upgrading and Innovation in Emerging Economies, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. 00 (0/0), pp. 000-000. Dominik Völlmecke; Björn Jindra; Philipp Marek / FDI, Human Capital and Income Convergence : Evidence for European Regions. Grazia D. Santangelo; Klaus E. Meyer; Björn Jindra / MNE Subsidiaries' Outsourcing and Insourcing of R&D : The Role of Local Institutions. Björn Jindra; Sohaib S. Hassan; Uwe Cantner / What Does Location Choice Reveal About Knowledge-Seeking Strategies of Emerging Market Multinationals in the EU? Gjalt de Jong; Dut Van Vo; Philipp Marek; Björn Jindra / Does Country Context Distance Determine Subsidiary Decision-Making Autonomy? : Theory and Evidence from European Transition Economies . Björn Jindra; Iciar Dominguez Lacasa; Slavo Radosevic / Dynamics of Techonology Upgrading of the Central and Eastern Europe Countries in a Comparative Perspective : Analysis Based on Patent Data. Björn Jindra; Sohaib S. Hassan; Jutta Günther; Uwe Cantner / European Integration and Outward FDI from Central and Eastern Europe : Is There Any Evidence of Knowledge-seeking?. Björn Jindra; Matija Rojec / Knowledge Spillovers from FDI and Positioning of CEECs in Times of a Global Shift in Production and Innovation : A Policy Perspective. Björn Jindra; Philipp Marek; Andrea Gauselmann / Methodological Report on the Cross-Country Survey 0000 : In Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and East Germany. Károly Attila; János Gács; Gabor Hunya; Björn Jindra; Magdolna Sass / Synthesis Report : WP0. International Context of Cohesion: The Role of Trade and FDI. Warszawa : GRINCOH 0000, 00 p. Eva Dettmann; Iciar Dominguez Lacasa; Jutta Günther; Björn Jindra / Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions : A Count Model Analysis of Transnational Patents. Grazia D. Santangelo; Klaus Meyer; Björn Jindra / Why do MNE Subsidiaries Outsource R&D in Countries with Weaker National IPR Regimes? : The Role of Local Institutions. Eva Dettmann; Iciar Dominguez Lacasa; Jutta Günther; Björn Jindra / Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions : A Count Model Analysis of Transnational Patents (0000-0000). Eva Dettmann; Iciar Dominguez Lacasa; Jutta Günther; Björn Jindra / Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions : A Count Model Snalysis of Transnational Patents (0000-0000) . Björn Jindra / FDI from Emerging Economies in EU00 : A Location Choice Analysis. Jutta Günther; Andrea Gauselmann; Philipp Marek; Björn Jindra / IWH-FDI Micro Database - Methodological Note - Survey 0000 : In Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and East Germany (including Berlin). Halle : Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle 0000, 00 p. Iciar Dominguez Lacasa; Wilfried Ehrenfeld; Jutta Günther; Björn Jindra / Keine Angst vor China : Befunde zur Internationalisierung von Forschung und Entwicklung. Uwe Cantner; Jutta Günther; Sohaib S. Hassan; Björn Jindra / Outward FDI from Central and Eastern European Transition Economies : A Location Choice Analysis Within the EU00.
{ "perplexity_score": 800.3 }
[ [ 215330061, 215330129 ], [ 215330338, 215330524 ], [ 215330694, 215330880 ], [ 215330892, 215331045 ], [ 215331287, 215331355 ] ]
[ 99585 ]
On May 00, disco tribute act Disco Unlimited performed at Mulcahy's Pub and Concert Hall in Wantagh, for an intimate group of fans. This show was just in time for Mother's Day weekend. Front-women Boogie Sista and Sista Soul were able to take their fans and listeners back to simpler times thanks to their warm, crystalline vocals. There was a feeling of nostalgia throughout the venue. Disco Unlimited kicked off their set with "Boogie Wonderland," and they immediate broke into "Shake Your Groove Thing" and "Shame." One of the highlight vocals was Boogie Sista belting out Thelma Houston's "Don't Leave Me This Way" with Sista Soul on harmonies, as everybody was singing and dancing along. Of course, no Disco Unlimited show was complete without them tipping their hats to the late queen of disco, Donna Summer. Their live concert was followed by a DJ set from DJ Mike Savage, the resident DJ of Mulcahy's, who was spinning disco music for the remainder of the night. Overall, Disco Unlimited is one of the best tribute bands on Long Island, and they always manage to bring disco music back to life. Their show at Mulcahy's garnered an A rating. For more information on Disco Unlimited and their touring dates, check out their official homepage.
{ "perplexity_score": 339.5 }
St. Louis, MO. - January 00, 0000 - Euclises Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology company developing novel cyclooxygenase-0 (COX-0) inhibitors for the treatment of cancer, today announced that Bobby W. Sandage, Jr., Ph.D., has joined the company as its President and CEO. He replaces Rajesh Devraj, Ph.D., who remains on the Euclises Board of Directors.
{ "perplexity_score": 116.8 }
[ [ 215333197, 215333249 ] ]
[ 13609, 99587 ]
The state Department of Environmental Management reports that a duck shot by a hunter in Rhode Island has tested positive for bird flu. The H0 strain of the avian influenza virus detected in the mallard cannot be transmitted to humans, but it can infect other birds. Reports state that officials have asked hunters and poultry farmers to keep an eye out for birds that appear ill.
{ "perplexity_score": 233.8 }
Refreshing toner for every type of skin, suitable even for sensitive skin with psoriasis, dermatitis and acne. Lavender lotion is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, it cleans, calms, regenerates and heals the skin. Lavender's scent evokes the feeling of peace, balance and harmony.
{ "perplexity_score": 153.7 }
The Stick Death Webring contains the web's best animated deaths of stickmen. Join this ring if you enjoy morbid humor and have a site. Visit the sites if you haven't. CAUTION: You need a sense of humor. Otherwise, you may find these sites offensive and disgusting. Lots of animated deaths, updated almost every day. win my award. Pretty funny if you have the right kind of sense of humor. A very modest site. Completely nonprofit. A wrestling league, where the participants are... stickmen! What more can you ask for? Its great action and enterternment. Another StickFigure death site... but BETTER! Updated Frequently +Submit your own movie ideas! Stick Cartoons that are Hilarious, watch and enjoy. Not too many deaths...yet. People seem to like what I do have, though...mind popping in for a bit? Tell it like it is, that's my site, and that's all it'll ever be. Maybe one day I'll actually put effort into my animations and they'll be better than decent. Site is primarily based around the tv series JACKASS. It features a collection of stick animations, as well as other jackass orientated material.
{ "perplexity_score": 504.3 }
Compare iCharger features, price and power rating with other popular brands such as; Hyperion, e-Station and Rc-Power. OK OK this all sounds pretty good. Talk me into buying one of these iChargers. My Old Charger Has 00 amp Rating, Whats The Big Deal? Your old charger might boast a maximum current of 00 amps or even 00 amps, but if it doesn't have the adequate power potential, it will never be able to provide that current to your battery during the whole battery charging process. Charging Lithium Polymer or LiPo batteries have very specific charging requirements and MUST only be changed by specific chargers designed to charge lithium polymer batteries. Mishandling of these batteries can lead to fire or explosions. What are LiPo batteries and why are they so popular in the RC world? Here you will find all the things you need to know about "C" ratings, Capacity (mah), Charging Current and Cell Count or "S" Rating.
{ "perplexity_score": 645 }
Yesterday I received my Mezzacorona, Wines from the Dolomites Pinot Grigio!! Through state-of-the-art facilities and modern winemaking techniques, Mezzacorona offers to the final consumer 000% single varietal wines characterized by all the vivid elegance and crispness typical of the Italian Dolomites. Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay are dominant in the Dolomites. They are well-known for their floral tones, exotic fruit, ripe aromas and silky smoothness on the palate. Mezzacorona is the largest Italian estate producer of these two varietals. As the wine makers intended, these wines are crafted to be a perfect complement to Italian and International cuisine. Discover why the Trentino region, in the heart of the Italian Alps, is the best suited region to grow Pinot Grigio. What does a Pinot Grigio grape look like? Probably not as you'd expect! Pinot Grigio variety actually derives from Pinot Noir grapes. As a matter of fact, the Pinot Grigio skins are characterized by a dark colour, ranging from copper grey to light red, and the clusters are very small and tight. This distinguishing shape tends to remind people of pine cones -or "Pinot," as they're called in French! Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio is a full expression of the unique combination of climate, soil and people you'll find at the foot of the Italian Alps in the Adige Valley. The combination of these three key elements makes the Pinot Grigio grown in this area exclusive from anywhere else and exemplifies why Mezzacorona is the world's leading producer of this variety. Climate. Pinot Grigio is a variety that yearns for particular environmental conditions: large temperature swings between day and night (which help preserve the acidity of the grapes), and constant winds. Here in the alpine area in the North-East of Italy, those conditions are perfectly replicated. A fresh breeze comes from the glaciers peaking at over 0,000 feet in the North of the region, while gentle mild winds blow from Garda Lake in the South. Together these conditions allow the perfect aromatic maturation of the grapes, while not subtracting from their perfume and fragrance. Soil. Pinot Grigio is cultivated in favourable soils with optimum fertility, both in deep valleys as well as in the hills. The Dolomitic landscape adds crispness and minerality to the classic, delicate and elegant aromas of Pinot Grigio. The typical "pergola" trellising system allows the grapes to hang free with maximum exposure to air which helps prevent mildew. Moreover, the leaves above the grapes protect them from the sun's harmful rays (Coppertone SPF 00 failed to do the trick) . All green management and harvest activities are performed by hand, allowing the farmers to carry out the finest selection in the vineyard. As a result, the grapes arrive at the winery in perfect and healthy condition. People. Originally known with as the German name Ruländer, Pinot Grigio has been cultivated in the Dolomites since the 0000's. The successful cultivation of vines in a steep and difficult environment has been possible thanks to the great determination of the local grape growers & their ability to join forces and work together. We believe Mezzacorona parallels the strong character its workers: Able to cope with difficulties and create strengths out of weaknesses. The result of our triple-threat combination? An elegant Pinot Grigio characterized by a unique crispness and minerality, perfect as an aperitif and excellent with local and International cuisine. Salute! I will be taking 0 bottles with me this weekend on a camping trip that I have planned with friends from high school!! I am excited to see all the girls, and sit around together catching up over wine! This weekend is going to be a ton of fun! The third bottle will go to one lucky reader, and since I can't wait to get it started lets open it today!!!! Mezzacorona, Wines from the Dolomites Pinot Grigio Giveaway! Remember to leave a comment for EACH entry method you choose. Giveaway closes April 00th at 00PM NOON CST. The winner will be chosen using Random.org and notified via email. He or She will have 00 hours to claim their prize, or a new winner will be chosen. Good Luck To All!!
{ "perplexity_score": 315.6 }
[ [ 215336151, 215336202 ], [ 215339985, 215340036 ] ]
[ 99592 ]
"Tough negotiation and flexibility between the NHS and Roche means both patients and taxpayers are getting a good deal," said NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens. [...] The full price drug worked out at £000,000 for every "quality adjusted life year" of good health. In der Uniklinik Frankfurt sind multiresistente Bakterien bei fünf Patienten nachgewiesen worden. Drei von ihnen sind mittlerweile tot - laut Klinik aber wegen anderer Grunderkrankungen. [...] Krankenhauskeime verursachen in Deutschland und vielen anderen Ländern große Probleme. In Europa sterben einer Studie zufolge mehr als 00.000 Patienten pro Jahr an Krankenhausinfektionen. Die Forscher gehen von jährlich rund als 0,0 Millionen Infektionen aus, die sich Menschen erst in einer Klinik zuziehen. Data presented at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference shows that a drugs combination - which enables production of runnier mucus - slows the irreversible decline in lung function. [...] The drug combination is clearly not a cure, but the researchers said the untreated patients would expect their lung function to decline by 0.0% a year, but this fell to 0.0% in those given the therapy. "We are also concerned that, in the unlikely but possible event of a domestic outbreak, the UK lacks the capability to go further and manufacture enough vaccines to vaccinate UK citizens in an emergency. "Existing facilities are degraded and new plants will take years to build, leaving the UK in a vulnerable position." The concern is that should a disease such as Ebola spread around the world then countries would look after their own interests first, making it hard for the UK to get hold of vaccines. Prof Adrian Hill, who was involved in trialling Ebola vaccines at Oxford University, described the lack of vaccine manufacturing as a "national security issue". Those concerns were echoed by the chief medical officer, Prof Dame Sally Davies, who told the committee that "we are looking at how we can try and attract companies back".
{ "perplexity_score": 709.5 }
Charles Wysocki design featuring Frederick the Cat curled up on the bookshelf. Complete kit includes.. The complete stamped cross stitch kit includes cotton thread, printed ivory cotton fabric, needle, a.. This kit contains everything you need to complete this lovely piece, including 00 count ivory Aida.. Item: K0000 This sophisticated lady will be a beautiful addition to your decor. Kit contains..
{ "perplexity_score": 957.9 }
Dealing with a Dangerous Drugs claim will present unique difficulties to a victim and his or her family. Because every case is different and every individual has his or her own needs, you may find it particularly helpful to locate a Riverside Dangerous Drugs lawyer who is not only skilled in handling these claims but who is focused on providing personalized client service. Take this opportunity to find an attorney in the Riverside, California area who meets your needs. You can compare the following attorneys' qualifications and can visit their websites or call their offices to learn more about the services they can provide in relation to Dangerous Drugs claims and lawsuits.
{ "perplexity_score": 343.4 }
Upon the end of Portuguese rule and China's resumption of control in December 0000, much has changed in Macao as the PRC's Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) under the "One Country, Two Systems" formula. There have been breakthroughs in key socio-cultural dimensions of China's Macao as manifested in the public discourse on identity construction, heritage conservation and educational reform. UNESCO's 0000 World Heritage designation of "Historic Centre of Macao" has strengthened MSAR residents' local identity. Heritage protection, driven by civil forces, has become central to cultural tourism and urban planning for Macao's sustainable development, as clearly charted in Tam's paper. Education reform is crucial to upgrading human resources for Macao's sustainable growth. The MSAR government's introduction of 00-year free education has been highly appreciated. Ongoing education reform ushers forward the issues of teacher professionalism and academic freedom. Wong's paper explores in depth the rise of teachers' professional status and civic engagement in school reform. Rapid expansion of higher education has led to tension between the dynamics of academic capitalism vs. scholarly standards and academic autonomy, as critically analyzed in Tang's paper. Post-colonial social changes and growing China-market economic dependence have significantly reinforced cultural identification with mainland China among the MSAR mainstream population, yet civic identity in the local community has not developed in parallel, as vividly delineated in Kaeding's paper. These four papers together shed light on the emergence of a unique local identity from various perspectives amid the interplay of social change and development in China's Macao. The Macao government has paid attention to heritage protection since the colonial era and tried to brand the city as a historic East-West exchange hub through the promotion of its unique Luso-Sino hybrid cultural heritage. After the "Historic Centre of Macao" became a UNESCO-designated World Heritage site in 0000, Macao residents have become more commonly identified with the essence for the conservation of historic sites and buildings and more supportive of the systematic promotion of heritage tourism to the international community. However, the Macao SAR heritage protection regime is often merely for window dressing purposes as the local authorities have permitted property developers to dismantle historic buildings and to alter areas adjacent to heritage sites for further urbanization and economic development regardless of heritage preservation and related environmental requirements. This paper will illuminate the serious disarticulation in and contested agenda of heritage protection imperatives with urban planning and tourism promotion efforts by focusing on three major cases of heritage vs. development conflicts--the Social Security Bureau Building, the Guia Lighthouse (the oldest lighthouse on China's coast), and the Meng Ha Military Barracks. It will argue that the Macao SAR government has failed to adequately integrate heritage management priorities in the policy making processes on urban planning and tourism. It concludes that social movements by concerned residents and NGOs (that lobbied through their UNESCO-Paris to Beijing channels) are crucial to remedy the defective official heritage protection regime, hence savaging some gains from the casino capitalism-fueled crisis of over-development in China's Macao. This paper aims to study holistically and reflectively the nature and development of teacher professionalism in Macao from political and policy perspectives. Teacher professionalism was generally ignored during the Portuguese colonial period, but it has become more important during the Macao SAR era since the December 0000 resumption of Chinese rule. This is mainly because of the need to improve educational quality and buttress human resources competitiveness in face of globalization. However, development of teacher professionalism is hampered by the absence of a representative force among the teachers, the hegemony of the educational bureaucracy and pro-regime educational associations, and the rapid growth of Macao's casino industry (that has reshaped socio-moral milieu and severely distorted local youth's school-job market pattern). Compared with neighboring Hong Kong SAR's experience, Macao is punctuated by the absence of professional autonomy that has significantly undermined teacher professionalism. With the recent introduction of an official 00-year plan for non-higher education development (0000-00) and the enactment of a regulatory "Framework" on the private schools (with provisions on teacher duties, salaries and service terms) , it is timely and necessary to examine whether teacher professionalism can be redefined with the encouragement of teacher engagement in a post-colonial polity. Blessed with double-digit economic growth, an emergence of youth civic activism and Beijing's emphasis on the need to nurture Macao talents and skilled manpower for developmental needs and for the eventual convergence with the mainland, the Macao SAR authorities can afford and must undertake substantial education reform starting with local teachers. This paper examines the state-market power relations in shaping Macao higher education development since preparations for China's 0000 resumption of administrative control. Endowed with minimal natural resources, Macao has long relied on its human capital for socio-economic survival and enhancement. Working with entrepreneurialism, as maintained by a government-commissioned consultation report, was the theme for advancing Macao higher education. Amid Macao higher education "massification" and quests for educational credentials, education services offer a promising source of entrepreneurial opportunities and revenue. Such phenomenon will become more noteworthy with Macao's further integration into the Pearl River Delta. In the past decade, privatization was the trend in Macao higher education expansion. All five new tertiary institutions since 0000 are privately-run. Academic capitalism, defined as the utilization of capital to promote educational development and fulfill the objectives of advancing economic development and competitiveness, has been on the rise in post-colonial Macao. Applying this "academic capitalism" concept, this paper highlights the realpolitik configurations among the higher education sector stakeholders and discusses the concerted efforts by officials and capitalists to steer Macao higher education development. It concludes that the continual development and deepening of academic capitalism in Macao will likely undermine the academic profession's autonomy whereas academic freedom's prospects will be highly dubious. Recent warnings from the MSAR legislature ex-Speaker and the University of Macau's Rector on the imperative of "software" merits (high standard academic personnel and program contents) over "hardware" construction (like UM's new campus) in Macao tertiary sector are powerful rebuttals to academic capitalism threats. It has been taken for granted that a very unique Macao identity has been evolving after more than 000 years of Portuguese colonial rule and Lusophone cultural influence in the first and last foreign colony in China. Quantitative research, however, shows that a majority of Macao people identify themselves as Chinese. This paper analyzes the evolutionary transformation of post-colonial Macao's identity along the layered lines of the "ethno-cultural versus civic identity" theoretical framework. A thorough and systematic examination of the ethno-cultural and civic realms in Macao identifies population structure, material culture, languages, education, politico-legal structure and participation patterns as core elements in the construction of collective and individual identity. The paper's central argument is that the local people's identification with Macao is primarily ethno-culturally defined. Basic elements of a civic identity exist in the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) since the Portuguese exit upon the December 0000 retrocession to Chinese rule, and there are signs that this part of local identity is slowly developing. For the time being, the newly emerged sense or notion of Macao identity is considerably weaker than that of the people in the other two off-shore Chinese domains of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Cultural identification with mainland China is high in the MSAR, but the core reason lies in its relatively weak civic identity. A pilot study on identity among University of Macau students supports this paper's principal findings while raising important questions on their no-mutually exclusive cultural and political identifications with Macao and mainland China.
{ "perplexity_score": 315.6 }
Norway, which is one of the countries that managed to reduce road trauma significantly over the past decade, started by asking this question and followed it up with researched. The NZ Automobile Association Research Foundation funded similar research, which Hamish Mackie of Mackie Research has done for them. They found that many crashes involve ordinary people not doing anything extreme. They analysed three hundred fatal or serious injury crashes, and grouped them into two categories, reckless behaviour and system failure. · Reckless behaviour includes driving intoxicated or without a licence, not wearing a seatbelt, going over 00km/ over the speed limit, etc. · System failure includes vehicles not equipped with airbags, hitting a hazardous roadside object, etc. This research showed that reckless behaviour was a factor in 00% of fatal crashes and for system failure it was 00%. For serious injury crashes, the split was 00% reckless behaviour and 00% system failure. You do not have to drive recklessly to be killed or seriously injured. Operating a vehicle is a high-risk activity, which demands high level of skill/attention. We cannot assume that everything will be ok on the road, thus we should constantly evaluate the conditions around us. This level of concentration may physiologically drain you much faster, so take regular rest stops and avoid anything that could be a distraction. Allow extra time for your trip especially if you have an appointment at a certain time. Most importantly, make the mind shift to acknowledge risk something real and it is killing and/or hurting us. Please do your bit for the safety of everyone - drive alert and undistracted.
{ "perplexity_score": 406.2 }
Students from Avondale Elementary visited to explore The Gardens through the senses! They were on a mission to explore colors, shapes and textures as they discovered various flowers, leaves and bark. They listened for sounds while at the same time discovering plants as habitats from Alabama Woodlands to ponds in the Japanese Gardens. They learned that they already have a tool for exploring science: their senses. They also experimented with using a magnifyer to see leaves and other plant material closely. Most of all, they were enthuiastic, so excited to explore nature and science at Birmingham Botanical Gardens! Dr. John Floyd served as editor of Southern Living for 00 years. Today, he greets visitors to the Japanese Gardens as its anonymous, volunteer tour guide. "How are you doing today?" he asks the parents. "What did you come to see? The turtles?" he asks the children. Still, the three manage to maintain the beauty by practicing the art of "concealing and revealing" - creating lines of sight and allowing visitors to see glimpses of the Japanese Gardens most unique features (like the Japanese Tea House), while not offering complete views - a defining characteristic of Japanese Gardens worldwide. Maintenance can be daunting. The garden's grand scale can be difficult to manage for just three men. Still, they have managed to manicure one of the finest of its kind, despite its acreage far outnumbering its caregivers. Typically, similar gardens have at least one gardener per acre. "Every rock that was put here was put here for a reason," said Wendorf, uncovering a large rock no longer visible because of its surrounding growth. Most visitors can't detect imperfections. But the three doctors' marriage to these gardens won't allow them the same enjoyment. An education awaits. On this day, these three inconspicuous men are shaping the mind of Vestavia Hills sophomore Reid Pearlman. He can't yet drive, but his effort to tend this garden affords him a collegiate education from men with doctorates from Illinois (Wendorf), Clemson (Floyd) and Texas A&M (Rushing). "The Gardens is also an integral part in helping us do what we've done here," said Floyd, crediting men like Nick Majors and Gary Bailey for their work in maintaining and clearing the doctors' weedy mess. The Three Doctors need your help. Volunteers of all ages are encouraged to join these unique men, absorbing their knowledge and enjoying their humor. The group currently gathers in the Japanese Gardens on Monday mornings. For more information on how you can offer your services, contact Mary-Bestor Grant at 000.000.0000 or mgrant@bbgardens.org.
{ "perplexity_score": 354.3 }
This Week, we're focusing on the Warcasters from Retribution of Scyrah (and still delaying decisions on the hardest group to sort in the meta right now: Khador). Ret has some strong Warcasters that fill a variety of roles, so it's not exactly easy to sort these either. But there are some clear favorites in faction that are worth exploring. So let's get right to it! The following are my list of the top three Warcasters in Retribution of Scyrah. At the end is a bonus "Dishonorable Mention" for the least effective genocidal elf out there. So this could have easily been Kaelyssa, as she was my other consideration for the top of the heap with the defensive tech that she brings to a force. That said, Rahn is one of those casters who just gets so much work done. He has a few hard counter match-ups, and that's why he's not top of the list. Anyone that can reliably shut down magic can usually handle Rahn. But against anyone else, and that's many lists out there, Rahn is a nightmare to face. Even if they manage to block his inroads in one area, often times you'll be able to find some spot to leverage an advantage with him. Even if he's the last model standing, Rahn can still engineer a victory often enough-he's that flexible. His Feat turn is when he's most deadly, along with the Battle Mages and other spellcasters in his force. He can engineer knockdowns, slam damage, set up cascading attacks with mages, or just plain turn around a model to have it towed toward his lines and summarily destroyed. That flexibility means power, and I think it lands him amidst the top of the faction. A powerful spell kit can go a long ways in setting up a great Warcaster or Warlock. And Helynna has what I think is one of the best kits in the game. At first, it doesn't look to flashy. There's no big signature spell with huge impact on first read (no Impending Doom, Signs and Portents, Star Crossed, or even Mortality that catches one's eyes). Instead, it's the way things add up with Helynna that makes her emerge to well in my mind. Rhythm of War is where it starts. Reposition is one thing, but an end-of-turn everyone move slightly for her Warjacks is crucial. It lets her strike and withdraw, or clear models and then move up to contest scenario elements. It's a huge magnitude of effect, despite seeming a bit ordinary on first read. Likewise Hand of Destruction. It starts as a block of text, and discard the lowest is always less impressive than a damage booster. But it enables to much for her force. Whatever she marks with this, simply dies. She can start working at range, then swap to melee as needed. It's really solid in a faction that can get both ranged and melee threats into the action. The final spell of note (not that her other two attack spells don't have leverage themselves) is Deceleration, which gives an ARM boost to her force against ranged and magic. What makes it extra useful is her Feat, which ups ARM even further. Refilling force fields and permitting actions regardless of of damaged systems is just icing on the cake. She can play subtle with the spells above, but when it's time to commit she can do so with strong leverage thanks to these abilities. She's a great Warcaster for attrition and scenario, and that's what makes her extremely valuable in the faction. So it's somewhat hard to explain why Vyros0 makes the top of the list. I'd say that the best way is to watch him in action. Sure, Synergy is at the core of it all. Many times that spell seems like it has the power of a Feat. Retribution has great cheap lights with which to deploy it, and great maneuverable heavies to really make it sing. Imperatus bringing a pair of side-stepping P+S 00 attacks if an Arcanist is nearby pretty much says it all. With a boost in focus efficiency thanks to his bond with Vyros0, it's a nasty threat. And a powerful part of him is his ability to get that threat into position. He has Easy Rider to give pathfinder to all friendly Faction models. His Bird's Eye ability makes it even better-many players can get caught as Imperatus thunders its way to the other side of a woods, not realizing that Vyros0's battlegroup can ignore them (and intervening models and clouds). And don't forget his Feat. You can dare the foe to start piece trading with a few synergistic light warjacks, and if they die move Imperatus from back to front and ready to seal the deal. Vyros also has good defenses, both for himself in a solid stat line and for his force with Deceleration. Retribution models are just on the cusp of being survivable, and he takes them up just that little notch to strong survivability with that spell. With a fast herd of warjacks and the ability to hit harder than others, he puts Retritbution forces in an extremely good place. Retribution players seem to routinely praise Ravyn even when knocking her. They want to see her be effective in the way she was in Mark II, despite her abilities being so limited in this edition. They make claims about the upcoming SR 0000, suggesting that with the changes will come more infantry-and thus more of a role for Ravyn. And most frequently, they seem to make some variation of "we'll figure out what works for her soon enough" statements. I agree with all of these. But they don't excuse her right now. Ravyn isn't exactly effective unless she gets lucky with an opponent's list. When she's got the right matchup, she can be unstoppable. But those matchups are currently not terribly frequent-though some suggest troop spams are just around the corner in metas. Until then, tho, she represents a Warcaster who has some cute tricks but will find herself facing tough opposition in most matches the way that she is now.
{ "perplexity_score": 443.7 }