a) Context: In many programming language ecosystems, developers rely more and more on external open source dependencies, made available through package managers. Key ecosystem packages that go unmaintained create a health risk for the projects that depend on them and for the ecosystem as a whole. Therefore, community initiatives can emerge to alleviate the problem by adopting packages in need of maintenance. b) Objective: The goal of our study is to explore such community initiatives, that we will designate from now on as Community Package Maintenance Organizations (CPMOs) and to build a theory of how and why they emerge, how they function and their impact on the surrounding ecosystems. c) Method: To achieve this, we plan on using a qualitative methodology called Grounded Theory. We have begun applying this methodology, by relying on "extant" documents originating from several CPMOs. We present our preliminary results and the research questions that have emerged. We plan to answer these questions by collecting appropriate data (theoretical sampling), in particular by contacting CPMO participants and questioning them by e-mails, questionnaires or semi-structured interviews. d) Impact: Our theory should inform developers willing to launch a CPMO in their own ecosystem and help current CPMO participants to better understand the state of the practice and what they could do better.
2021-08-16 12:49:43.000000000
The software development industry is amid another disruptive paradigm change - adopting the use of generative AI (GAI) assistants for programming. Whilst AI is already used in various areas of software engineering, GAI technologies, such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT, have ignited peoples' imaginations (and fears). It is unclear how the industry will adapt, but the move to integrate these technologies by large software companies, such as Microsoft (GitHub, Bing) and Google (Bard), is a clear indication of intent and direction. We performed exploratory interviews with industry professionals to understand current practice and challenges, which we incorporate into our vision of a future of software development education and make some pedagogical recommendations.
2023-03-16 23:59:21.000000000
Composable inductive programming as implemented in the Zoea programming language is a simple declarative approach to software development. At the language level it is evident that Zoea is significantly simpler than all mainstream languages. However, until now we have only had anecdotal evidence that software produced with Zoea is also simpler than equivalent software produced with conventional languages. This paper presents the results of a quantitative comparison of the software complexity of equivalent code implemented in Zoea and also in a conventional programming language. The study uses a varied set of programming tasks from a popular programming language chrestomathy. Results are presented for relative program complexity using two established metrics and also for relative program size. It was found that Zoea programs are approximately 50% the complexity of equivalent programs in a conventional language and on average equal in size. The results suggest that current programming languages (as opposed to software requirements) are the largest contributor to software complexity and that significant complexity could be avoided through an inductive programming approach.
2020-05-13 10:00:07.000000000
Many existing systems track aliasing and uniqueness, each with their own trade-off between expressiveness and developer effort. We propose Latte, a new approach that aims to minimize both the amount of annotations and the complexity of invariants necessary for reasoning about aliasing in an object-oriented language with mutation. Our approach only requires annotations for parameters and fields, while annotations for local variables are inferred. Furthermore, it relaxes uniqueness to allow aliasing among local variables, as long as this aliasing can be precisely determined. This enables support for destructive reads without changes to the language or its run-time semantics. Despite this simplicity, we show how this design can still be used for tracking uniqueness and aliasing in a local sequential setting, with practical applications, such as modeling a stack.
2023-09-10 06:30:52.000000000
A growing number of vehicles are being transformed into semi-autonomous vehicles (Level 2 autonomy) by relying on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to improve the driving experience. However, the increasing complexity and connectivity of ADAS expose the vehicles to safety-critical faults and attacks. This paper investigates the resilience of a widely-used ADAS against safety-critical attacks that target the control system at opportune times during different driving scenarios and cause accidents. Experimental results show that our proposed Context-Aware attacks can achieve an 83.4% success rate in causing hazards, 99.7% of which occur without any warnings. These results highlight the intolerance of ADAS to safety-critical attacks and the importance of timely interventions by human drivers or automated recovery mechanisms to prevent accidents.
2022-04-13 01:34:04.000000000
The emergence of online open source repositories in the recent years has led to an explosion in the volume of openly available source code, coupled with metadata that relate to a variety of software development activities. As an effect, in line with recent advances in machine learning research, software maintenance activities are switching from symbolic formal methods to data-driven methods. In this context, the rich semantics hidden in source code identifiers provide opportunities for building semantic representations of code which can assist tasks of code search and reuse. To this end, we deliver in the form of pretrained vector space models, distributed code representations for six popular programming languages, namely, Java, Python, PHP, C, C++, and C#. The models are produced using fastText, a state-of-the-art library for learning word representations. Each model is trained on data from a single programming language; the code mined for producing all models amounts to over 13.000 repositories. We indicate dissimilarities between natural language and source code, as well as variations in coding conventions in between the different programming languages we processed. We describe how these heterogeneities guided the data preprocessing decisions we took and the selection of the training parameters in the released models. Finally, we propose potential applications of the models and discuss limitations of the models.
2019-04-05 18:29:39.000000000
With the growing and widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT) in our daily life, its security is becoming more crucial. To ensure information security, we require better security analysis tools for IoT applications. Hence, this paper presents an automated framework to evaluate taint-flow analysis tools in the domain of IoT applications. First, we propose a set of mutational operators tailored to evaluate three types of sensitivity analysis, flow, path and context sensitivity. Then we developed mutators to automatically generate mutants for those types. We demonstrated the framework on a subset of mutational operators to evaluate three taint-flow analyzers, SaINT, Taint-Things and FlowsMiner. Our framework and experiments ranked the taint analysis tools according to precision and recall as follows: Taint-Things (99% Recall, 100% Precision), FlowsMiner (100% Recall, 87.6% Precision), and SaINT (100% Recall, 56.8% Precision). To the best of our knowledge, our framework is the first framework to address the need for evaluating taint-flow analysis tools and specifically those developed for IoT SmartThings applications.
2021-10-08 19:39:55.000000000
Social Coding Sites (SCSs) are social media services for sharing software development projects on the Web, and many open source projects are currently being developed on SCSs. One of the characteristics of SCSs is that they provide a platform on social networks that encourages collaboration between developers with the same interests and purpose. For example, external developers can easily report bugs and improvements to the project members. In this paper, we investigate keys to the success of projects on SCSs based on large data consisting of more than three hundred thousand projects. We focus on the following three perspectives: 1) the team structure, 2) social activity with external developers, and 3) content developed by the project. To evaluate the success quantitatively, we define activity, popularity and sociality as success indexes. A summary of the findings we obtained by using the techniques of correlation analysis, social network analysis and topic extraction is as follows: the number of project members and the connectivity between the members are positively correlated with success indexes. Second, projects that faithfully tackle change requests from external developers are more likely to be successful. Third, the success indexes differ between topics of softwares developed by projects. Our analysis suggests how to be successful in various projects, not limited to social coding.
2014-08-25 15:04:26.000000000
Modern software systems may exhibit a nondeterministic behavior due to many unpredictable factors. In this work, we propose the node coverage game, a two player turn-based game played on a finite game graph, as a formalization of the problem to test such systems. Each node in the graph represents a {\em functional equivalence class} of the software under test (SUT). One player, the tester, wants to maximize the node coverage, measured by the number of nodes visited when exploring the game graphs, while his opponent, the SUT, wants to minimize it. An optimal test would maximize the cover, and it is an interesting problem to find the maximal number of nodes that the tester can guarantee to visit, irrespective of the responses of the SUT. We show that the decision problem of whether the guarantee is less than a given number is NP-complete. Then we present techniques for testing nondeterministic SUTs with existing test suites for deterministic models. Finally, we report our implementation and experiments.
2013-12-18 08:33:40.000000000
It is commonly claimed that the initial stages of any startup business are dominated by continuous, extended uncertainty, in an environment that has even been described as chaotic. Consequently, decisions are made in uncertain circumstances, so making the right decision is crucial to successful business. However, little currently exists in the way of empirical studies into this supposed uncertainty. In this paper, we study decision-making in early-stage software startups by means of a single, in-depth case study. Based on our data, we argue that software startups do not work in a chaotic environment, nor are they characterized by unique uncertainty unlike that experienced by other firms.
2021-02-12 06:29:13.000000000
In recent years, fuzz testing has proven itself to be one of the most effective techniques for finding correctness bugs and security vulnerabilities in practice. One particular fuzz testing tool, American Fuzzy Lop or AFL, has become popular thanks to its ease-of-use and bug-finding power. However, AFL remains limited in the depth of program coverage it achieves, in particular because it does not consider which parts of program inputs should not be mutated in order to maintain deep program coverage. We propose an approach, FairFuzz, that helps alleviate this limitation in two key steps. First, FairFuzz automatically prioritizes inputs exercising rare parts of the program under test. Second, it automatically adjusts the mutation of inputs so that the mutated inputs are more likely to exercise these same rare parts of the program. We conduct evaluation on real-world programs against state-of-the-art versions of AFL, thoroughly repeating experiments to get good measures of variability. We find that on certain benchmarks FairFuzz shows significant coverage increases after 24 hours compared to state-of-the-art versions of AFL, while on others it achieves high program coverage at a significantly faster rate.
2017-09-18 22:03:51.000000000
We describe advice derived from one of the largest development programs in Norway, where twelve Scrum teams combined agile practices with traditional project management. The Perform program delivered 12 releases over a four-year period, and finished on budget and on time. In this article, we summarize 12 key lessons on five crucial topics, relevant to other large development projects seeking to combine Scrum with traditional project management.
2018-02-13 16:54:24.000000000
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak quickly spread around the world, resulting in over 240 million infections and 4 million deaths by Oct 2021. While the virus is spreading from person to person silently, fear has also been spreading around the globe. The COVID-19 information from the Australian Government is convincing but not timely or detailed, and there is much information on social networks with both facts and rumors. As software engineers, we have spontaneously and rapidly constructed a COVID-19 information dashboard aggregating reliable information semi-automatically checked from different sources for providing one-stop information sharing site about the latest status in Australia. Inspired by the John Hopkins University COVID-19 Map, our dashboard contains the case statistics, case distribution, government policy, latest news, with interactive visualization. In this paper, we present a participant's in-person observations in which the authors acted as founders of [LINK]/ serving more than 830K users with 14M page views since March 2020. According to our first-hand experience, we summarize 9 lessons for developers, researchers and instructors. These lessons may inspire the development, research and teaching in software engineer aspects for coping with similar public crises in the future.
2022-04-17 06:21:29.000000000
Model driven development envisages the use of model transformations to evolve models. Model transformation languages, developed for this task, are touted with many benefits over general purpose programming languages. However, a large number of these claims have not yet been substantiated. They are also made without the context necessary to be able to critically assess their merit or built meaningful empirical studies around them. The objective of our work is to elicit the reasoning, influences and background knowledge that lead people to assume benefits or drawbacks of model transformation languages. We conducted a large-scale interview study involving 56 participants from research and industry. Interviewees were presented with claims about model transformation languages and were asked to provide reasons for their assessment thereof. We qualitatively analysed the responses to find factors that influence the properties of model transformation languages as well as explanations as to how exactly they do so. Our interviews show, that general purpose expressiveness of GPLs, domain specific capabilities of MTLs as well as tooling all have strong influences on how people view properties of model transformation languages. Moreover, the Choice of MTL, the Use Case for which a transformation should be developed as well as the Skills of involved stakeholders have a moderating effect on the influences, by changing the context to consider. There is a broad body of experience, that suggests positive and negative influences for properties of MTLs. Our data suggests, that much needs to be done in order to convey the viability of model transformation languages. Efforts to provide more empirical substance need to be undergone and lackluster language capabilities and tooling need to be improved upon. We suggest several approaches for this that can be based on the results of the presented study.
2022-01-28 21:33:31.000000000
To automatically test web applications, crawling-based techniques are usually adopted to mine the behavior models, explore the state spaces or detect the violated invariants of the applications. However, in existing crawlers, rules for identifying the topics of input text fields, such as login ids, passwords, emails, dates and phone numbers, have to be manually configured. Moreover, the rules for one application are very often not suitable for another. In addition, when several rules conflict and match an input text field to more than one topics, it can be difficult to determine which rule suggests a better match. This paper presents a natural-language approach to automatically identify the topics of encountered input fields during crawling by semantically comparing their similarities with the input fields in labeled corpus. In our evaluation with 100 real-world forms, the proposed approach demonstrated comparable performance to the rule-based one. Our experiments also show that the accuracy of the rule-based approach can be improved by up to 19% when integrated with our approach.
2016-08-18 22:35:40.000000000
Business process models describe the way of working in an organization. Typically, business process models distinguish between the normal flow of work and exceptions to that normal flow. However, they often present an idealized view. This means that unexpected exceptions - exceptions that are not modelled in the business process model - can also occur in practice. This has an effect on the efficiency of the organization, because information systems are not developed to handle unexpected exceptions. This paper studies the relation between the occurrence of exceptions and operational performance. It does this by analyzing the execution logs of business processes from five organizations, classifying execution paths as normal or exceptional. Subsequently, it analyzes the differences between normal and exceptional paths. The results show that exceptions are related to worse operational performance in terms of a longer throughput time and that unexpected exceptions relate to a stronger increase in throughput time than expected exceptions.
2017-06-21 09:07:34.000000000
In the product business still battles with the hard assignment of creating programming applications that meet quality gauges, and spending limitations. The requirement for programming to be without mistake remained a test to the IT business. Hence, the basic role of this study is to answer why officials hesitant to apportion assets to quality confirmation (QA) process amid the procedure of the framework advancement life cycle (SDLC)? This exploration utilized a quantitative study outline to research to what degree the inclusion of QA amid the SDLC procedure diminished programming venture disappointments. The information will be investigate utilizing inductive techniques and was expected to be summed up to the whole IT programming improvement populace. The exploration showed a feeling that incorporation of QA in all periods of SDLC was a great marvel. To gather the essential information, a proficient study will be led through survey structure will be utilized to take the criticisms and perspectives from various programming houses and industry specialists. The last stage will be the elucidating factual investigation by utilizing measurable techniques. Matlab programming will be utilized to gauge the fluctuation and execution by contrasting the execution parameters. As a consequence of this examination, the odds of the venture disappointment amid undertaking advancement will be declines and the business execution of the tasks will be expansions.
2017-01-30 03:32:24.000000000
The impact of cognitive biases on architectural decision-making has been proven by previous research. In this work, we endeavour to create a debiasing treatment that would minimise the impact of cognitive biases on architectural decision-making. We conducted a pilot study on two groups of students, to investigate whether a simple debiasing presentation reporting on the influences of cognitive biases, can provide a debiasing effect. The preliminary results show that this kind of treatment is ineffective. Through analysing our results, we propose a set of modifications that could result in a better effect.
2021-11-05 23:03:21.000000000
Database system is an indispensable part of software projects. It plays an important role in data organization and storage. Its performance and efficiency are directly related to the performance of software. Nowadays, we have many general relational database systems that can be used in our projects, such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc. It is undeniable that in most cases, we can easily use these database systems to complete our projects, but considering the generality, the general database systems often can't play the ultimate speed and fully adapt to our projects. In very few projects, we will need to design a database system that fully adapt to our projects and have a high efficiency and concurrency. Therefore, it is very important to consider a feasible solution of designing a database system (We only consider the relational database system here). Meanwhile, for a database system, SQL interpretation and execution module is necessary. According to the theory of formal language and automata, the realization of this module can be completed by automata. In our experiment, we made the following contributions: 1) We designed a small relational database, and used the database to complete a highly concurrent student course selection system. 2) We design a general automaton module, which can complete the operation from parsing to execution. The using of strategy model and event driven design scheme is used and some improvement on general automata, for example a memory like structure is added to automata to make it better to store context. All these make the automata model can be used in a variety of occasions, not only the parsing and execution of SQL statements.
2020-08-11 00:33:15.000000000
The prevalence of social media and its escalating impact on mental health has highlighted the need for effective digital wellbeing strategies. Current digital wellbeing interventions have primarily focused on reducing screen time and social media use, often neglecting the potential benefits of these platforms. This paper introduces a new perspective centered around empowering positive social media experiences, instead of limiting users with restrictive rules. In line with this perspective, we lay out the key requirements that should be considered in future work, aiming to spark a dialogue in this emerging area. We further present our initial effort to address these requirements with PauseNow, an innovative digital wellbeing intervention designed to align users' digital behaviors with their intentions. PauseNow leverages digital nudging and intention-aware recommendations to gently guide users back to their original intentions when they "get lost" during their digital usage, promoting a more mindful use of social media.
2024-03-06 21:45:35.000000000
Vulnerability detection is an important issue in software security. Although various data-driven vulnerability detection methods have been proposed, the task remains challenging since the diversity and complexity of real-world vulnerable code in syntax and semantics make it difficult to extract vulnerable features with regular deep learning models, especially in analyzing a large program. Moreover, the fact that real-world vulnerable codes contain a lot of redundant information unrelated to vulnerabilities will further aggravate the above problem. To mitigate such challenges, we define a novel code representation named Slice Property Graph (SPG), and then propose VulSPG, a new vulnerability detection approach using the improved R-GCN model with triple attention mechanism to identify potential vulnerabilities in SPG. Our approach has at least two advantages over other methods. First, our proposed SPG can reflect the rich semantics and explicit structural information that may be relevance to vulnerabilities, while eliminating as much irrelevant information as possible to reduce the complexity of graph. Second, VulSPG incorporates triple attention mechanism in R-GCNs to achieve more effective learning of vulnerability patterns from SPG. We have extensively evaluated VulSPG on two large-scale datasets with programs from SARD and real-world projects. Experimental results prove the effectiveness and efficiency of VulSPG.
2021-09-04 22:10:07.000000000
Automated Static Analysis Tools (ASATs) are part of software development best practices. ASATs are able to warn developers about potential problems in the code. On the one hand, ASATs are based on best practices so there should be a noticeable effect on software quality. On the other hand, ASATs suffer from false positive warnings, which developers have to inspect and then ignore or mark as invalid. In this article, we ask the question if ASATs have a measurable impact on external software quality, using the example of PMD for Java. We investigate the relationship between ASAT warnings emitted by PMD on defects per change and per file. Our case study includes data for the history of each file as well as the differences between changed files and the project in which they are contained. We investigate whether files that induce a defect have more static analysis warnings than the rest of the project. Moreover, we investigate the impact of two different sets of ASAT rules. We find that, bug inducing files contain less static analysis warnings than other files of the project at that point in time. However, this can be explained by the overall decreasing warning density. When compared with all other changes, we find a statistically significant difference in one metric for all rules and two metrics for a subset of rules. However, the effect size is negligible in all cases, showing that the actual difference in warning density between bug inducing changes and other changes is small at best.
2021-11-16 03:09:07.000000000
We propose a component-based semantic model for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) wherein the notion of a component abstracts the internal details of both cyber and physical processes, to expose a uniform semantic model of their externally observable behaviors expressed as sets of sequences of observations. We introduce algebraic operations on such sequences to model different kinds of component composition. These composition operators yield the externally observable behavior of their resulting composite components through specifications of interactions of the behaviors of their constituent components, as they, e.g., synchronize with or mutually exclude each other's alternative behaviors. Our framework is expressive enough to allow articulation of properties that coordinate desired interactions among composed components within the framework, also as component behavior. We demonstrate the usefulness of our formalism through examples of coordination properties in a CPS consisting of two robots interacting through shared physical resources.
2021-10-04 15:19:08.000000000
In this work we apply several Poisson and zero-inflated models for software defect prediction. We apply different functions from several R packages such as pscl, MASS, R2Jags and the recent glmmTMB. We test the functions using the Equinox dataset. The results show that Zero-inflated models, fitted with either maximum likelihood estimation or with Bayesian approach, are slightly better than other models, using the AIC as selection criterion.
2019-10-28 17:18:56.000000000
A new agent architecture called Limited Instruction Set Agent (LISA) is introduced for autonomous control. The new architecture is based on previous implementations of AgentSpeak and it is structurally simpler than its predecessors with the aim of facilitating design-time and run-time verification methods. The process of abstracting the LISA system to two different types of discrete probabilistic models (DTMC and MDP) is investigated and illustrated. The LISA system provides a tool for complete modelling of the agent and the environment for probabilistic verification. The agent program can be automatically compiled into a DTMC or a MDP model for verification with Prism. The automatically generated Prism model can be used for both design-time and run-time verification. The run-time verification is investigated and illustrated in the LISA system as an internal modelling mechanism for prediction of future outcomes.
2016-11-08 08:41:00.000000000
Program obfuscation is a widely employed approach for software intellectual property protection. However, general obfuscation methods (e.g., lexical obfuscation, control obfuscation) implemented in mainstream obfuscation tools are heuristic and have little security guarantee. Recently in 2013, Garg et al. have achieved a breakthrough in secure program obfuscation with a graded encoding mechanism and they have shown that it can fulfill a compelling security property, i.e., indistinguishability. Nevertheless, the mechanism incurs too much overhead for practical usage. Besides, it focuses on obfuscating computation models (e.g., circuits) rather than real codes. In this paper, we aim to explore secure and usable obfuscation approaches from the literature. Our main finding is that currently we still have no such approaches made secure and usable. The main reason is we do not have adequate evaluation metrics concerning both security and performance. On one hand, existing code-oriented obfuscation approaches generally evaluate the increased obscurity rather than security guarantee. On the other hand, the performance requirement for model-oriented obfuscation approaches is too weak to develop practical program obfuscation solutions.
2017-09-29 11:05:55.000000000
Program verification is a resource-hungry task. This paper looks at the problem of parallelizing SMT-based automated program verification, specifically bounded model-checking, so that it can be distributed and executed on a cluster of machines. We present an algorithm that dynamically unfolds the call graph of the program and frequently splits it to create sub-tasks that can be solved in parallel. The algorithm is adaptive, controlling the splitting rate according to available resources, and also leverages information from the SMT solver to split where most complexity lies in the search. We implemented our algorithm by modifying CORRAL, the verifier used by Microsoft's Static Driver Verifier (SDV), and evaluate it on a series of hard SDV benchmarks.
2020-05-06 04:46:11.000000000
While performing knowledge-intensive tasks of professional nature, the knowledge workers need to access and process large volume of information. Apart from the quantity, they also require that the information received is of high quality in terms of authenticity and details. This, in turn, requires that the information delivered should also include argumentative support, exhibiting the reasoning process behind their development and provenance to indicate their lineage. In conventional document-centric practices for information management, such details are difficult to capture, represent/archive and retrieve/deliver. To achieve such capability we need to re-think some core issues of information management from the above requirements perspective. In this paper we develop a framework for comprehensive representation of information in archive, capturing informational contents along with their context. We shall call it the "Information Warehouse (IW)" framework of information archival. The IW is a significant yet technologically realizable conceptual advancement which can support efficiently some interesting classes of applications which can be very useful to the knowledge workers.
2009-11-29 06:27:55.000000000
Systems of systems are highly dynamic software systems that require flexible monitoring solutions to be observed and controlled. Indeed, operators have to frequently adapt the set of collected indicators according to changing circumstances, to visualize the behavior of the monitored systems and timely take actions, if needed. Unfortunately, dashboard systems are still quite cumbersome to configure and adapt to a changing set of indicators that must be visualized. This paper reports our initial effort towards the definition of an automatic dashboard generation process that exploits metamodel layouts to create a full dashboard from a set of indicators selected by operators.
2020-12-31 00:37:14.000000000
Machine learning software is being used in many applications (finance, hiring, admissions, criminal justice) having a huge social impact. But sometimes the behavior of this software is biased and it shows discrimination based on some sensitive attributes such as sex, race, etc. Prior works concentrated on finding and mitigating bias in ML models. A recent trend is using instance-based model-agnostic explanation methods such as LIME to find out bias in the model prediction. Our work concentrates on finding shortcomings of current bias measures and explanation methods. We show how our proposed method based on K nearest neighbors can overcome those shortcomings and find the underlying bias of black-box models. Our results are more trustworthy and helpful for the practitioners. Finally, We describe our future framework combining explanation and planning to build fair software.
2020-07-04 16:29:54.000000000
Despite the growing popularity of digital twin (DT) developments, there is a lack of common understanding and definition for important concepts of DT. It is needed to address this gap by building a shared understanding of DT before it becomes an obstacle for future work. With this challenge in view, the objective of our study is to assess the existing DT from various domains on a common basis and to unify the knowledge and understanding of DT developers and stakeholders before practice. To achieve this goal, we conducted a systematic literature review and analyzed 25 selected papers to identify and discuss the characteristics of existing DT's. The review shows an inconsistency and case-specific choices of dimensions in assessing DT. Therefore, this article proposes a four-dimensional evaluation framework to assess the maturity of digital twins across different domains, focusing on the characteristics of digital models. The four identified dimensions in this model are Capability, Cooperability, Coverage, and Lifecycle. Additionally, a weight mechanism is implemented inside the model to adapt the importance of each dimension for different application requirements. Several case studies are devised to validate the proposed model in general, industrial and scientific cases.
2023-11-20 19:30:34.000000000
Recent years, deep learning is increasingly prevalent in the field of Software Engineering (SE). However, many open issues still remain to be investigated. How do researchers integrate deep learning into SE problems? Which SE phases are facilitated by deep learning? Do practitioners benefit from deep learning? The answers help practitioners and researchers develop practical deep learning models for SE tasks. To answer these questions, we conduct a bibliography analysis on 98 research papers in SE that use deep learning techniques. We find that 41 SE tasks in all SE phases have been facilitated by deep learning integrated solutions. In which, 84.7% papers only use standard deep learning models and their variants to solve SE problems. The practicability becomes a concern in utilizing deep learning techniques. How to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, understandability, and testability of deep learning based solutions may attract more SE researchers in the future.
2018-05-10 06:40:54.000000000
As online service systems continue to grow in terms of complexity and volume, how service incidents are managed will significantly impact company revenue and user trust. Due to the cascading effect, cloud failures often come with an overwhelming number of incidents from dependent services and devices. To pursue efficient incident management, related incidents should be quickly aggregated to narrow down the problem scope. To this end, in this paper, we propose GRLIA, an incident aggregation framework based on graph representation learning over the cascading graph of cloud failures. A representation vector is learned for each unique type of incident in an unsupervised and unified manner, which is able to simultaneously encode the topological and temporal correlations among incidents. Thus, it can be easily employed for online incident aggregation. In particular, to learn the correlations more accurately, we try to recover the complete scope of failures' cascading impact by leveraging fine-grained system monitoring data, i.e., Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The proposed framework is evaluated with real-world incident data collected from a large-scale online service system of Huawei Cloud. The experimental results demonstrate that GRLIA is effective and outperforms existing methods. Furthermore, our framework has been successfully deployed in industrial practice.
2021-08-26 12:01:09.000000000
Prior literature has suggested that in many projects 80\% or more of the contributions are made by a small called group of around 20% of the development team. Most prior studies deprecate a reliance on such a small inner group of "heroes", arguing that it causes bottlenecks in development and communication. Despite this, such projects are very common in open source projects. So what exactly is the impact of "heroes" in code quality? Herbsleb argues that if code is strongly connected yet their developers are not, then that code will be buggy. To test the Hersleb hypothesis, we develop and apply two metrics of (a) "social-ness'"and (b) "hero-ness" that measure (a) how much one developer comments on the issues of another; and (b) how much one developer changes another developer's code (and "heroes" are those that change the most code, all around the system). In a result endorsing the Hersleb hypothesis, in over 1000 open source projects, we find that "social-ness" is a statistically stronger indicate for code quality (number of bugs) than "hero-ness". Hence we say that debates over the merits of "hero-ness" is subtly misguided. Our results suggest that the real benefits of these so-called "heroes" is not so much the code they generate but the pattern of communication required when the interaction between a large community of programmers passes through a small group of centralized developers. To say that another way, to build better code, build better communication flows between core developers and the rest. In order to allow other researchers to confirm/improve/refute our results, all our scripts and data are available, on-line at [LINK].
2019-04-17 10:19:02.000000000
Bugs are inescapable during software development due to frequent code changes, tight deadlines, etc.; therefore, it is important to have tools to find these errors. One way of performing bug identification is to analyze the characteristics of buggy source code elements from the past and predict the present ones based on the same characteristics, using e.g. machine learning models. To support model building tasks, code elements and their characteristics are collected in so-called bug datasets which serve as the input for learning. We present the \emph{BugHunter Dataset}: a novel kind of automatically constructed and freely available bug dataset containing code elements (files, classes, methods) with a wide set of code metrics and bug information. Other available bug datasets follow the traditional approach of gathering the characteristics of all source code elements (buggy and non-buggy) at only one or more pre-selected release versions of the code. Our approach, on the other hand, captures the buggy and the fixed states of the same source code elements from the narrowest timeframe we can identify for a bug's presence, regardless of release versions. To show the usefulness of the new dataset, we built and evaluated bug prediction models and achieved F-measure values over 0.74.
2020-06-15 22:49:57.000000000
Software model checking is a challenging problem, and generating relevant invariants is a key factor in proving the safety properties of a program. Program invariants can be obtained by various approaches, including lightweight procedures based on data-flow analysis and intensive techniques using Craig interpolation. Although data-flow analysis runs efficiently, it often produces invariants that are too weak to prove the properties. By contrast, interpolation-based approaches build strong invariants from interpolants, but they might not scale well due to expensive interpolation procedures. Invariants can also be injected into model-checking algorithms to assist the analysis. Invariant injection has been studied for many well-known approaches, including k-induction, predicate abstraction, and symbolic execution. We propose an augmented interpolation-based verification algorithm that injects external invariants into interpolation-based model checking (McMillan, 2003), a hardware model-checking algorithm recently adopted for software verification. The auxiliary invariants help prune unreachable states in Craig interpolants and confine the analysis to the reachable parts of a program. We implemented the proposed technique in the verification framework CPAchecker and evaluated it against mature SMT-based methods in CPAchecker as well as other state-of-the-art software verifiers. We found that injecting invariants reduces the number of interpolation queries needed to prove safety properties and improves the run-time efficiency. Consequently, the proposed invariant-injection approach verified difficult tasks that none of its plain version (i.e., without invariants), the invariant generator, or any compared tools could solve.
2024-03-11 15:59:59.000000000
The reference point for developing any artefact is its specification; to develop software formally, a formal specification is required. For sequential programs, pre and post conditions (together with abstract objects) suffice; rely and guarantee conditions extend the scope of formal development approaches to tackle concurrency. In addition, real-time systems need ways of both requiring progress and relating that progress to some notion of time. This paper extends rely-guarantee ideas to cope with specifications of -- and assumptions about -- real-time schedulers. Furthermore it shows how the approach helps identify and specify fault-tolerance aspects of such schedulers by systematically challenging the assumptions.
2023-11-30 01:40:09.000000000
The use of autonomous vehicles in real-world applications is often precluded by the difficulty of providing safety guarantees for their complex controllers. The simulation-based testing of these controllers cannot deliver sufficient safety guarantees, and the use of formal verification is very challenging due to the hybrid nature of the autonomous vehicles. Our work-in-progress paper introduces a formal verification approach that addresses this challenge by integrating the numerical computation of such a system (in GNU/Octave) with its hybrid system verification by means of a proof assistant (Isabelle). To show the effectiveness of our approach, we use it to verify differential invariants of an Autonomous Marine Vehicle with a controller switching between multiple modes.
2020-06-14 15:53:10.000000000
G\'EANT project is an example of a large organization with around 30 software projects and around 20 software development teams. Software development teams consist of many skilled associates coming from all members National Research and Education Networks. Three main issues that are common for all these software development teams and their members are: geographical distribution, scattered manpower percentage, and parallel involvement in other high priority projects in their native organizations. This paper presents a novel software maturity model that is designed specifically for G\'EANT software development teams and aims to address the described issues.
2019-03-27 04:21:11.000000000
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is an emerging new paradigm for distributed and object-oriented computing by allowing autonomous, platform-independent computational entities (called services) to be built (described, discovered, composed, orchestrated) within and across organizational boundaries. Like no other computing paradigm before, SOC is destined to exert a lasting influence on the business domain, among others (e-commerce, e-government, e-business, e-learning, e-health, etc.). The Young Researchers workshop series on Service-Oriented Computing is meant to be a platform for junior researchers from industry and academics alike. Its core objectives are to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of SOC, as well as to identify emerging research topics and the future trends in this domain. Following the success of the previous three workshops, the 4th European Young Researchers Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing (YR-SOC 2009) introduced two novelties: it was organised outside of the UK and it saw the introduction of a number of tutorials, thus making the workshop a 3-day event. YR-SOC 2009 took place at the CNR Institute of Information Science and Technologies in Pisa, Italy, and was organised by Maurice ter Beek, Barry Norton, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Monika Solanki. The contributions in this volume cover aspects such as automated service composition, context-aware SOC, service-oriented programming, QoS-aware SOC, service-oriented architectures, SOC modelling and analysis, process management, web services, ontologies and the semantic web.
2009-06-26 04:08:05.000000000
Test-driven Development (TDD) is an incremental approach to software development. Despite it is claimed to improve both quality of software and developers' productivity, the research on the claimed effects of TDD has so far shown inconclusive results. Some researchers have ascribed these inconclusive results to the negative affective states that TDD would provoke. A previous (baseline) experiment has, therefore, studied the affective reactions of (novice) developers---i.e., 29 third-year undergraduates in Computer Science (CS)---when practicing TDD to implement software. To validate the results of the baseline experiment, we conducted a replicated experiment that studies the affective reactions of novice developers when applying TDD to develop software. Developers in the treatment group carried out a development task using TDD, while those in the control group used a non-TDD approach. To measure the affective reactions of developers, we used the Self-Assessment Manikin instrument complemented with a liking dimension. The most important differences between the baseline and replicated experiments are: (i) the kind of novice developers involved in the experiments---third-year vs. second-year undergraduates in CS from two different universities; and (ii) their number---29 vs. 59. The results of the replicated experiment do not show any difference in the affective reactions of novice developers. Instead, the results of the baseline experiment suggest that developers seem to like TDD less as compared to a non-TDD approach and that developers following TDD seem to like implementing code less than the other developers, while testing code seems to make them less happy.
2020-04-14 09:33:48.000000000
We present DroidGen a tool for automatic anti-malware policy inference. DroidGen employs a data-driven approach: it uses a training set of malware and benign applications and makes call to a constraint solver to generate a policy under which a maximum of malware is excluded and a maximum of benign applications is allowed. Preliminary results are encouraging. We are able to automatically generate a policy which filters out 91% of the tested Android malware. Moreover, compared to black-box machine learning classifiers, our method has the advantage of generating policies in a declarative readable format. We illustrate our approach, describe its implementation and report on the preliminary results.
2016-12-16 00:08:26.000000000
The application of machine learning (ML) libraries has been tremendously increased in many domains, including autonomous driving systems, medical, and critical industries. Vulnerabilities of such libraries result in irreparable consequences. However, the characteristics of software security vulnerabilities have not been well studied. In this paper, to bridge this gap, we take the first step towards characterizing and understanding the security vulnerabilities of five well-known ML libraries, including Tensorflow, PyTorch, Sickit-learn, Pandas, and Numpy. To do so, in total, we collected 596 security-related commits to exploring five major factors: 1) vulnerability types, 2) root causes, 3) symptoms, 4) fixing patterns, and 5) fixing efforts of security vulnerabilities in ML libraries. The findings of this study can assist developers in having a better understanding of software security vulnerabilities across different ML libraries and gain a better insight into their weaknesses of them. To make our finding actionable, we further developed DeepMut, an automated mutation testing tool, as a proof-of-concept application of our findings. DeepMut is designed to assess the adequacy of existing test suites of ML libraries against security-aware mutation operators extracted from the vulnerabilities studied in this work. We applied DeepMut on the Tensorflow kernel module and found more than 1k alive mutants not considered by the existing test suits. The results demonstrate the usefulness of our findings.
2022-03-10 07:47:30.000000000
To evaluate code large language models (LLMs), research has relied on a few small manually curated benchmarks, such as HumanEval and MBPP, which represent a narrow part of the real-world software domains. In this work, we introduce round-trip correctness (RTC) as an alternative evaluation method. RTC allows Code LLM evaluation on a broader spectrum of real-world software domains without the need for costly human curation. RTC rests on the idea that we can ask a model to make a prediction (e.g., describe some code using natural language), feed that prediction back (e.g., synthesize code from the predicted description), and check if this round-trip leads to code that is semantically equivalent to the original input. We show how to employ RTC to evaluate code synthesis and editing. We find that RTC strongly correlates with model performance on existing narrow-domain code synthesis benchmarks while allowing us to expand to a much broader set of domains and tasks which was not previously possible without costly human annotations.
2024-02-13 01:52:42.000000000
Background: Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is an emerging programming paradigm whose focus is about improving modularity, with an emphasis on the modularization of crosscutting concerns. Objective: The goal of this paper is to assess the extent to which an AOP language -ObjectTeams/Java (OT/J) -improves the modularity of a software system. This improvement has been claimed but, to the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempting to present quantitative evidence of it. Method: We compare functionally-equivalent implementations of the Gang-of-Four design patterns, developed in Java and OT/J, using software metrics. Results: The results of our comparison support the modularity improvement claims made in the literature. For six of the seven metrics used, the OT/J versions of the patterns obtained significantly better results. Limitations: This work uses a set of metrics originally defined for object-oriented (OO) systems. It may be the case that the metrics are biased, in that they were created in the context of OO programming (OOP), before the advent of AOP. We consider this comparison a stepping stone as, ultimately, we plan to assess the modularity improvements with paradigm independent metrics, which will conceivably eliminate the bias. Each individual example from the sample used in this paper is small. In future, we plan to replicate this experiment using larger systems, where the benefits of AOP may be more noticeable. Conclusion: This work contributes with evidence to fill gaps in the body of quantitative results supporting alleged benefits to software modularity brought by AOP languages, namely OT/J.
2011-09-09 04:18:04.000000000
Containers are increasingly used as means to distribute and run Linux services and applications. In this paper we describe the architectural design and implementation of udocker, a tool which enables the user to execute Linux containers in user mode. We also present a few practical applications, using a range of scientific codes characterized by different requirements: from single core execution to MPI parallel execution and execution on GPGPUs.
2017-11-01 22:10:11.000000000
Test case prioritization (TCP) aims to reorder the regression test suite with a goal of increasing the fault detection rate. Various TCP techniques have been proposed based on different prioritization strategies. Among them, the greedy-based techniques are the most widely-used TCP techniques. However, existing greedy-based techniques usually reorder all candidate test cases in prioritization iterations, resulting in both efficiency and effectiveness problems. In this paper, we propose a generic partial attention mechanism, which adopts the previous priority values (i.e., the number of additionally-covered code units) to avoid considering all candidate test cases. Incorporating the mechanism with the additional-greedy strategy, we implement a novel coverage-based TCP technique based on partition ordering (OCP). OCP first groups the candidate test cases into different partitions and updates the partitions on the descending order. We conduct a comprehensive experiment on 19 versions of Java programs and 30 versions of C programs to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of OCP with six state-of-the-art TCP techniques: total-greedy, additional-greedy, lexicographical-greedy, unify-greedy, art-based, and search-based. The experimental results show that OCP achieves a better fault detection rate than the state-of-the-arts. Moreover, the time costs of OCP are found to achieve 85%-99% improvement than most state-of-the-arts.
2022-06-21 14:26:09.000000000
Context: Static analyses are well-established to aid in understanding bugs or vulnerabilities during the development process or in large-scale studies. A low false-positive rate is essential for the adaption in practice and for precise results of empirical studies. Unfortunately, static analyses tend to report where a vulnerability manifests rather than the fix location. This can cause presumed false positives or imprecise results. Method: To address this problem, we designed an adaption of an existing static analysis algorithm that can distinguish between a manifestation and fix location, and reports error chains. An error chain represents at least two interconnected errors that occur successively, thus building the connection between the fix and manifestation location. We used our tool CogniCryptSUBS for a case study on 471 GitHub repositories, a performance benchmark to compare different analysis configurations, and conducted an expert interview. Result: We found that 50 % of the projects with a report had at least one error chain. Our runtime benchmark demonstrated that our improvement caused only a minimal runtime overhead of less than 4 %. The results of our expert interview indicate that with our adapted version participants require fewer executions of the analysis. Conclusion: Our results indicate that error chains occur frequently in real-world projects, and ignoring them can lead to imprecise evaluation results. The runtime benchmark indicates that our tool is a feasible and efficient solution for detecting error chains in real-world projects. Further, our results gave a hint that the usability of static analyses may benefit from supporting error chains.
2024-03-11 13:44:38.000000000
Stack Overflow is often viewed as the most influential Software Question Answer (SQA) website with millions of programming-related questions and answers. Tags play a critical role in efficiently structuring the contents in Stack Overflow and are vital to support a range of site operations, e.g., querying relevant contents. Poorly selected tags often introduce extra noise and redundancy, which leads to tag synonym and tag explosion problems. Thus, an automated tag recommendation technique that can accurately recommend high-quality tags is desired to alleviate the problems mentioned above. Inspired by the recent success of pre-trained language models (PTMs) in natural language processing (NLP), we present PTM4Tag, a tag recommendation framework for Stack Overflow posts that utilize PTMs with a triplet architecture, which models the components of a post, i.e., Title, Description, and Code with independent language models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that leverages PTMs in the tag recommendation task of SQA sites. We comparatively evaluate the performance of PTM4Tag based on five popular pre-trained models: BERT, RoBERTa, ALBERT, CodeBERT, and BERTOverflow. Our results show that leveraging the software engineering (SE) domain-specific PTM CodeBERT in PTM4Tag achieves the best performance among the five considered PTMs and outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning (Convolutional Neural Network-based) approach by a large margin in terms of average $Precision[USER]$, $Recall[USER]$, and $F1$-$score[USER]$. We conduct an ablation study to quantify the contribution of a post's constituent components (Title, Description, and Code Snippets) to the performance of PTM4Tag. Our results show that Title is the most important in predicting the most relevant tags, and utilizing all the components achieves the best performance.
2022-03-19 13:17:00.000000000
Robotic space missions have long depended on automation, defined in the 2015 NASA Technology Roadmaps as "the automatically-controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system using a pre-planned set of instructions (e.g., a command sequence)," to react to events when a rapid response is required. Autonomy, defined there as "the capacity of a system to achieve goals while operating independently from external control," is required when a wide variation in circumstances precludes responses being pre-planned, instead autonomy follows an on-board deliberative process to determine the situation, decide the response, and manage its execution. Autonomy is increasingly called for to support adventurous space mission concepts, as an enabling capability or as a significant enhancer of the science value that those missions can return. But if autonomy is to be allowed to control these missions' expensive assets, all parties in the lifetime of a mission, from proposers through ground control, must have high confidence that autonomy will perform as intended to keep the asset safe to (if possible) accomplish the mission objectives. The role of mission assurance is a key contributor to providing this confidence, yet assurance practices honed over decades of spaceflight have relatively little experience with autonomy. To remedy this situation, researchers in JPL's software assurance group have been involved in the development of techniques specific to the assurance of autonomy. This paper summarizes over two decades of this research, and offers a vision of where further work is needed to address open issues.
2023-05-18 15:36:06.000000000
Recent breakthroughs in deep-learning (DL) approaches have resulted in the dynamic generation of trace links that are far more accurate than was previously possible. However, DL-generated links lack clear explanations, and therefore non-experts in the domain can find it difficult to understand the underlying semantics of the link, making it hard for them to evaluate the link's correctness or suitability for a specific software engineering task. In this paper we present a novel NLP pipeline for generating and visualizing trace link explanations. Our approach identifies domain-specific concepts, retrieves a corpus of concept-related sentences, mines concept definitions and usage examples, and identifies relations between cross-artifact concepts in order to explain the links. It applies a post-processing step to prioritize the most likely acronyms and definitions and to eliminate non-relevant ones. We evaluate our approach using project artifacts from three different domains of interstellar telescopes, positive train control, and electronic health-care systems, and then report coverage, correctness, and potential utility of the generated definitions. We design and utilize an explanation interface which leverages concept definitions and relations to visualize and explain trace link rationales, and we report results from a user study that was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the explanation interface. Results show that the explanations presented in the interface helped non-experts to understand the underlying semantics of a trace link and improved their ability to vet the correctness of the link.
2022-04-24 05:15:14.000000000
The classical approach to design a system is based on a deterministic perspective where the assumption is that the system and its environment are fully predictable, and their behaviour is completely known to the designer. Although this approach may work fairly well for regular design problems, it is not satisfactory for the design of highly sensitive and complex systems where significant resources and even lives are at risk. In addition it can results in extra costs of over-designing for the sake of safety and reliability. In this paper, a risk-based design framework using Simulation Based Probabilistic Risk Assessment (SIMPRA) methodology is proposed. SIMPRA allows the designer to use the knowledge that can be expected to exist at the design stage to identify how deviations can occur; and then apply these high-level scenarios to a rich simulation model of the system to generate detailed scenarios and identify the probability and consequences of these scenarios. SIMPRA has three main modules including Simulator, Planner and Scheduler, and it approach is much more efficient in covering the large space of possible scenarios as compared with, for example, biased Monte Carlo simulations because of the Planner module which uses engineering knowledge to guide the simulation process. The value-added of this approach is that it enables the designer to observe system behaviour under many different conditions. This process will lead to a risk-informed design in which the risk of negative consequences is either eliminated entirely or reduced to an acceptable range. For illustrative purposes, an earth observation satellite system example is introduced.
2021-10-12 23:20:37.000000000
This research paper designates the importance and usage of the case study approach effectively to educating and training software designers and software engineers both in academic and industry. Subsequently an account of the use of case studies based on software engineering in the education of professionals, there is a conversation of issues in training software designers and how a case teaching method can be used to state these issues. The paper describes a software project titled Online Tower Plotting System (OTPS) to develop a complete and comprehensive case study, along with supporting educational material. The case study is aimed to demonstrate a variety of software areas, modules and courses: from bachelor through masters, doctorates and even for ongoing professional development.
2013-06-08 20:51:35.000000000
Background: When using deep learning models, there are many possible vulnerabilities and some of the most worrying are the adversarial inputs, which can cause wrong decisions with minor perturbations. Therefore, it becomes necessary to retrain these models against adversarial inputs, as part of the software testing process addressing the vulnerability to these inputs. Furthermore, for an energy efficient testing and retraining, data scientists need support on which are the best guidance metrics and optimal dataset configurations. Aims: We examined four guidance metrics for retraining convolutional neural networks and three retraining configurations. Our goal is to improve the models against adversarial inputs regarding accuracy, resource utilization and time from the point of view of a data scientist in the context of image classification. Method: We conducted an empirical study in two datasets for image classification. We explore: (a) the accuracy, resource utilization and time of retraining convolutional neural networks by ordering new training set by four different guidance metrics (neuron coverage, likelihood-based surprise adequacy, distance-based surprise adequacy and random), (b) the accuracy and resource utilization of retraining convolutional neural networks with three different configurations (from scratch and augmented dataset, using weights and augmented dataset, and using weights and only adversarial inputs). Results: We reveal that retraining with adversarial inputs from original weights and by ordering with surprise adequacy metrics gives the best model w.r.t. the used metrics. Conclusions: Although more studies are necessary, we recommend data scientists to use the above configuration and metrics to deal with the vulnerability to adversarial inputs of deep learning models, as they can improve their models against adversarial inputs without using many inputs.
2022-07-05 10:47:20.000000000
The efficient and effective monitoring of mobile networks is vital given the number of users who rely on such networks and the importance of those networks. The purpose of this paper is to present a monitoring scheme for mobile networks based on the use of rules and decision tree data mining classifiers to upgrade fault detection and handling. The goal is to have optimisation rules that improve anomaly detection. In addition, a monitoring scheme that relies on Bayesian classifiers was also implemented for the purpose of fault isolation and localisation. The data mining techniques described in this paper are intended to allow a system to be trained to actually learn network fault rules. The results of the tests that were conducted allowed for the conclusion that the rules were highly effective to improve network troubleshooting.
2015-05-21 12:26:46.000000000
There is a gap in scientific information systems development concerning modern software engineering and scientific computing. Historically, software engineering methodologies have been perceived as an unwanted accidental complexity to computational scientists in their scientific systems development. More recent trends, like the end of Moore's law and the subsequent diversification of hardware platforms, combined with the increasing multidisciplinarity of science itself have exacerbated the problem because self-taught "end user developers" are not familiar with the disciplines needed to tackle this increased complexity. On a more positive note, agile programming methods have approached software development practices to the way scientific software is produced. In this work, we present the experience of a multi-year industry research project where agile methods, microservices and DevOps were applied. Our goal is to validate the hypothesis that the use of microservices would allow computational scientists to work in the more minimalistic prototype-oriented way that they prefer while the software engineering team would handle the integration. Hence, scientific multidisciplinary systems would gain in a twofold way: (i) Subject Matter Experts(SME) use their preferable tools to develop the specific scientific part of the system; (ii) software engineers provide the high quality software code for the system delivery.
2021-12-21 01:52:20.000000000
Code review is one of the best practices as a powerful safeguard for software quality. In practice, senior or highly skilled reviewers inspect source code and provide constructive comments, considering what authors may ignore, for example, some special cases. The collaborative validation between contributors results in code being highly qualified and less chance of bugs. However, since personal knowledge is limited and varies, the efficiency and effectiveness of code review practice are worthy of further improvement. In fact, it still takes a colossal and time-consuming effort to deliver useful review comments. This paper explores a synergy of multiple practical review comments to enhance code review and proposes AUGER (AUtomatically GEnerating Review comments): a review comments generator with pre-training models. We first collect empirical review data from 11 notable Java projects and construct a dataset of 10,882 code changes. By leveraging Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) models, the framework synthesizes valuable knowledge in the training stage and effectively outperforms baselines by 37.38% in ROUGE-L. 29% of our automatic review comments are considered useful according to prior studies. The inference generates just in 20 seconds and is also open to training further. Moreover, the performance also gets improved when thoroughly analyzed in case study.
2022-08-15 21:52:34.000000000
As research in automatically detecting bugs grows and produces new techniques, having suitable collections of programs with known bugs becomes crucial to reliably and meaningfully compare the effectiveness of these techniques. Most of the existing approaches rely on benchmarks collecting manually curated real-world bugs, or synthetic bugs seeded into real-world programs. Using real-world programs entails that extending the existing benchmarks or creating new ones remains a complex time-consuming task. In this paper, we propose a complementary approach that automatically generates programs with seeded bugs. Our technique, called HyperPUT, builds C programs from a "seed" bug by incrementally applying program transformations (introducing programming constructs such as conditionals, loops, etc.) until a program of the desired size is generated. In our experimental evaluation, we demonstrate how HyperPUT can generate buggy programs that can challenge in different ways the capabilities of modern bug-finding tools, and some of whose characteristics are comparable to those of bugs in existing benchmarks. These results suggest that HyperPUT can be a useful tool to support further research in bug-finding techniques -- in particular their empirical evaluation.
2022-09-13 09:13:09.000000000
People with still face discrimination, which creates significant obstacles to accessing higher education, ultimately hindering their access to high-skilled occupations. In this study we present Catalisa, an eight-month training camp (developed by Zup Innovation) that hires and trains people with disabilities as software developers. We interviewed 12 Catalisa participants to better understand their challenges and limitations regarding inclusion and accessibility. We offer four recommendations to improve inclusion and accessibility in Catalisa-like programs, that we hope could motive others to build a more inclusive and equitable workplace that benefits everyone.
2023-03-08 13:23:53.000000000
The software process model consists of a set of activities undertaken to design, develop and maintain software systems. A variety of software process models have been designed to structure, describe and prescribe the software development process. The software process models play a very important role in software development, so it forms the core of the software product. Software project failure is often devastating to an organization. Schedule slips, buggy releases and missing features can mean the end of the project or even financial ruin for a company. Oddly, there is disagreement over what it means for a project to fail. In this paper, discussion is done on current process models and analysis on failure of software development, which shows the need of new research.
2013-06-04 12:53:59.000000000
Program slicing has been widely applied in a variety of software engineering tasks. However, existing program slicing techniques only deal with traditional programs that are constructed with instructions and variables, rather than neural networks that are composed of neurons and synapses. In this paper, we propose NNSlicer, the first approach for slicing deep neural networks based on data flow analysis. Our method understands the reaction of each neuron to an input based on the difference between its behavior activated by the input and the average behavior over the whole dataset. Then we quantify the neuron contributions to the slicing criterion by recursively backtracking from the output neurons, and calculate the slice as the neurons and the synapses with larger contributions. We demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of NNSlicer with three applications, including adversarial input detection, model pruning, and selective model protection. In all applications, NNSlicer significantly outperforms other baselines that do not rely on data flow analysis.
2020-09-25 14:08:50.000000000
Neural code intelligence (CI) models are opaque black-boxes and offer little insight on the features they use in making predictions. This opacity may lead to distrust in their prediction and hamper their wider adoption in safety-critical applications. Recently, input program reduction techniques have been proposed to identify key features in the input programs to improve the transparency of CI models. However, this approach is syntax-unaware and does not consider the grammar of the programming language. In this paper, we apply a syntax-guided program reduction technique that considers the grammar of the input programs during reduction. Our experiments on multiple models across different types of input programs show that the syntax-guided program reduction technique is faster and provides smaller sets of key tokens in reduced programs. We also show that the key tokens could be used in generating adversarial examples for up to 65% of the input programs.
2022-05-26 13:25:33.000000000
Blockchain technology has experienced substantial growth in recent years, yet the diversity of blockchain applications has been limited. Blockchain provides many desirable features for applications, including being append-only, immutable, tamper-evident, tamper-resistant, and fault-tolerant; however, many applications that would benefit from these features cannot incorporate current blockchains. This work presents a novel architecture for creating and maintaining personal blockchain ledgers that address these concerns. Our system utilizes independent modular services, enabling individuals to securely store their data in a personal blockchain ledger. Unlike traditional blockchain, which stores all transactions of multiple users, our novel personal blockchains are designed to allow individuals to maintain their privacy without requiring extensive technical expertise. Using rigorous mathematical methods, we prove that our system produces append-only, immutable, tamper-evident, tamper-resistant ledgers. Our system addresses use cases not addressed by traditional blockchain development platforms. Our system creates a new blockchain paradigm, enabling more individuals and applications to leverage blockchain technology for their needs.
2023-05-06 21:33:09.000000000
Building a shared understanding of non-functional requirements (NFRs) is a known but understudied challenge in requirements engineering, especially in organizations that adopt continuous software engineering (CSE) practices. During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many CSE organizations complied with working remotely due to the imposed health restrictions; some continued to work remotely while implementing business processes to facilitate team communication and productivity. In remote CSE organizations, managing NFRs becomes more challenging due to the limitations to team communication coupled with the incentive to deliver products quickly. While previous research has identified the factors that lead to a lack of shared understanding of NFRs in CSE, we still have a significant gap in understanding how CSE organizations, particularly in remote work, build a shared understanding of NFRs in their software development. We conduct a three-month ethnography-informed case study of a remote CSE organization. Through thematic analysis of our qualitative data from interviews and observations, we identify a number of practices in developing a shared understanding of NFRs. The collaborative workspace the organization uses for remote interaction is Gather, which simulates physical workspaces, and which our findings suggest allows for informal communications instrumental for building shared understanding. As actionable insights, we discuss our findings in light of proactive practices that represent opportunities for software organizations to invest in building a shared understanding of NFRs in their development.
2022-05-17 12:44:12.000000000
Over the years, Software Quality Engineering has increased interest, demonstrated by significant research papers published in this area. Determining when a software artifact is qualitatively valid is tricky, given the impossibility of providing an objective definition valid for any perspective, context, or stakeholder. Many quality model solutions have been proposed that reference specific quality attributes in this context. However, these approaches do not consider the context in which the artifacts will operate and the stakeholder's perspective who evaluate its validity. Furthermore, these solutions suffer from the limitations of being artifact-specific and not extensible. In this paper, we provide a generic and extensible mechanism that makes it possible to aggregate and prioritize quality attributes. The user, taking into account his perspective and the context in which the software artifact will operate, is guided in defining all the criteria for his quality model. The management of these criteria is then facilitated through Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). In addition, we present the PRETTEF model, a concrete instance of the proposed approach for assessing and selecting MVC frameworks.
2023-01-26 15:02:25.000000000
A set of steps for implementing a chatbot, to support decision-making activities in the software incident management process is proposed and discussed in this article. Each step is presented independently of the platform used for the construction of chatbots and are detailed with their respective activities. The proposed steps can be carried out in a continuous and adaptable way, favoring the constant training of a chatbot and allowing the increasingly cohesive interpretatin of the intentions of the specialists who work in the Software Incident Management Process. The software incident resolution process accordingly to the ITIL framework, is considered for the experiment. The results of the work present the steps for the chatbot construction, the solution based on DialogFlow platform and some conclusions based on the experiment.
2022-01-19 15:54:48.000000000
Bug triage is an important step in the process of bug fixing. The goal of bug triage is to assign a new-coming bug to the correct potential developer. The existing bug triage approaches are based on machine learning algorithms, which build classifiers from the training sets of bug reports. In practice, these approaches suffer from the large-scale and low-quality training sets. In this paper, we propose the training set reduction with both feature selection and instance selection techniques for bug triage. We combine feature selection with instance selection to improve the accuracy of bug triage. The feature selection algorithm, instance selection algorithm Iterative Case Filter, and their combinations are studied in this paper. We evaluate the training set reduction on the bug data of Eclipse. For the training set, 70% words and 50% bug reports are removed after the training set reduction. The experimental results show that the new and small training sets can provide better accuracy than the original one.
2017-03-10 17:58:55.000000000
In the last four years, the number of distinct autonomous vehicles platforms deployed in the streets of California increased 6-fold, while the reported accidents increased 12-fold. This can become a trend with no signs of subsiding as it is fueled by a constant stream of innovations in hardware sensors and machine learning software. Meanwhile, if we expect the public and regulators to trust the autonomous vehicle platforms, we need to find better ways to solve the problem of adding technological complexity without increasing the risk of accidents. We studied this problem from the perspective of reliability engineering in which a given risk of an accident has severity and probability of occurring. Timely information on accidents is important for engineers to anticipate and reuse previous failures to approximate the risk of accidents in a new city. However, this is challenging in the context of autonomous vehicles because of the sparse nature of data on the operational scenarios (driving trajectories in a new city). Our approach was to mitigate data sparsity by reducing the state space through monitoring of multiple-vehicles operations. We then minimized the risk of accidents by determining proper allocation of tests for each equivalence class. Our contributions comprise (1) a set of strategies to monitor the operational data of multiple autonomous vehicles, (2) a Bayesian model that estimates changes in the risk of accidents, and (3) a feedback control-loop that minimizes these risks by reallocating test effort. Our results are promising in the sense that we were able to measure and control risk for a diversity of changes in the operational scenarios. We evaluated our models with data from two real cities with distinct traffic patterns and made the data available for the community.
2020-05-14 02:08:18.000000000
Log parsing, which extracts log templates from semi-structured logs and produces structured logs, is the first and the most critical step in automated log analysis. While existing log parsers have achieved decent results, they suffer from two major limitations by design. First, they do not natively support hybrid logs that consist of both single-line logs and multi-line logs (\eg Java Exception and Hadoop Counters). Second, they fall short in integrating domain knowledge in parsing, making it hard to identify ambiguous tokens in logs. This paper defines a new research problem, \textit{hybrid log parsing}, as a superset of traditional log parsing tasks, and proposes \textit{Hue}, the first attempt for hybrid log parsing via a user-adaptive manner. Specifically, Hue converts each log message to a sequence of special wildcards using a key casting table and determines the log types via line aggregating and pattern extracting. In addition, Hue can effectively utilize user feedback via a novel merge-reject strategy, making it possible to quickly adapt to complex and changing log templates. We evaluated Hue on three hybrid log datasets and sixteen widely-used single-line log datasets (\ie Loghub). The results show that Hue achieves an average grouping accuracy of 0.845 on hybrid logs, which largely outperforms the best results (0.563 on average) obtained by existing parsers. Hue also exhibits SOTA performance on single-line log datasets. Furthermore, Hue has been successfully deployed in a real production environment for daily hybrid log parsing.
2023-08-12 23:38:34.000000000
Behavior Engineering (BE) provides a rigorous way to derive a formal specification of a software system from the requirements written in natural language. Its graphical specification language, Behavior Tree (BT), has been used with success in industry to systematically translate large, complex, and often erroneous requirements into an integrated model of the software system. BE's process, the Behavior Modeling Process (BMP), allows requirements to be translated into individual requirement BTs one at a time, which are then integrated to form a holistic view of the system. The integrated BT then goes through a series of modifications to construct a specification BT, which is used for validation and verification. The BMP also addresses different types of defects in the requirements throughout its process. However, BT itself is a graphical modeling notation, and the types of integration relations, how they correspond to particular issues, how they should be integrated and how to get formal specification have not been clearly defined. As a result, the BMP is informal, and provides guidelines to perform all these tasks on an ad-hoc basis. In this paper, we first introduce a mathematical framework which defines the graphical form of BTs which we use to define the integration relationships of BTs and to formalize the integration strategy of the BMP. We then formulate semi-automated requirements defects detection techniques by utilizing this underlying mathematical framework, which may be extended to formalize the BMP, develop change management framework for it, build techniques for round-trip engineering and so on.
2014-01-21 03:23:48.000000000
The increasing complexity of software systems and the influence of software-supported decisions in our society have sparked the need for software that is safe, reliable, and fair. Explainability has been identified as a means to achieve these qualities. It is recognized as an emerging non-functional requirement (NFR) that has a significant impact on system quality. However, in order to develop explainable systems, we need to understand when a system satisfies this NFR. To this end, appropriate evaluation methods are required. However, the field is crowded with evaluation methods, and there is no consensus on which are the "right" ones. Much less, there is not even agreement on which criteria should be evaluated. In this vision paper, we will provide a multidisciplinary motivation for three such quality criteria concerning the information that systems should provide: comprehensibility, fidelity, and assessability. Our aim is to to fuel the discussion regarding these criteria, such that adequate evaluation methods for them will be conceived.
2022-08-29 23:28:46.000000000
Continuous Integration (CI) is a well-established practice in traditional software development, but its nuances in the domain of Machine Learning (ML) projects remain relatively unexplored. Given the distinctive nature of ML development, understanding how CI practices are adopted in this context is crucial for tailoring effective approaches. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of 185 open-source projects on GitHub (93 ML and 92 non-ML projects). Our investigation comprises both quantitative and qualitative dimensions, aiming to uncover differences in CI adoption between ML and non-ML projects. Our findings indicate that ML projects often require longer build durations, and medium-sized ML projects exhibit lower test coverage compared to non-ML projects. Moreover, small and medium-sized ML projects show a higher prevalence of increasing build duration trends compared to their non-ML counterparts. Additionally, our qualitative analysis illuminates the discussions around CI in both ML and non-ML projects, encompassing themes like CI Build Execution and Status, CI Testing, and CI Infrastructure. These insights shed light on the unique challenges faced by ML projects in adopting CI practices effectively.
2024-03-13 20:12:01.000000000
Nowadays, ensuring the quality becomes challenging for most modern software systems when constraints are given for the combinations of configurations. Combinatorial interaction strategies can systematically reduce the number of test cases to construct a minimal test suite without affecting the effectiveness of the tests. This paper presents a new efficient search-based strategy to generate constrained interaction test suites to cover all possible combinations. The paper also shows a new application of constrained interaction testing in software fault searches. The proposed strategy initially generates the set of all possible t-tuple combinations; then, it filters out the set by removing the forbidden t-tuples using the base forbidden tuple (BFT) approach. The strategy also utilizes a mixed neighborhood tabu search (TS) to construct optimal or near-optimal constrained test suites. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated through a comparison against two well-known state-of-the-art tools. The evaluation consists of three sets of experiments for 35 standard benchmarks. Additionally, the effectiveness and quality of the results are assessed using a real-world case study. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy outperforms one of the competitive strategies, ACTS, for approximately 83% of the benchmarks and achieves similar results to CASA for 65% of the benchmarks when the interaction strength is 2. For an interaction strength of 3, the proposed method outperforms other competitive strategies for approximately 60% and 42% of the benchmarks. The proposed strategy can also generate constrained interaction test suites for an interaction strength of 4, which is not possible for many strategies. Real-world case study shows that the generated test suites can effectively detect injected faults using mutation testing.
2019-09-13 17:56:40.000000000
A farm generates a lot of data from various systems, which is then stored in a distributed manner, usually in non-standardized formats, which bears the risk of data inconsistencies. This work addresses this issue by using business process management (BPM) to demonstrate that the use of digital twins (DTs) can improve interoperability between services in the agriculture domain. Steps from the BPM lifecycle were applied to a farming use case in Germany. First, the as-is business process model was discovered and modeled without DTs, analyzed and then redesigned into the to-be model according to the DT integration. The to-be model showed a reduction in the number of tasks needed to be performed by the farmer as well as an improvement of process data quality, interoperability, and efficiency. Finally, a comparison of the' average processing times of both models with the help of process simulation revealed improvements in the to-be process.
2022-06-15 02:14:24.000000000
Many software developments projects fail due to quality problems. Software testing enables the creation of high quality software products. Since it is a cumbersome and expensive task, and often hard to manage, both its technical background and its organizational implementation have to be well founded. We worked with regional companies that develop software in order to learn about their distinct weaknesses and strengths with regard to testing. Analyzing and comparing the strengths, we derived best practices. In this paper we explain the project's background and sketch the design science research methodology used. We then introduce a graphical categorization framework that helps companies in judging the applicability of recommendations. Eventually, we present details on five recommendations for tech-nical aspects of testing. For each recommendation we give im-plementation advice based on the categorization framework.
2010-11-02 12:19:46.000000000
Smart contracts are programs that execute transactions involving independent parties and cryptocurrencies. As programs, smart contracts are susceptible to a wide range of errors and vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities can result in significant losses. Furthermore, by design, smart contract transactions are irreversible. This creates a need for methods to ensure the correctness and security of contracts pre-deployment. Recently there has been substantial research into such methods. The sheer volume of this research makes articulating state-of-the-art a substantial undertaking. To address this challenge, we present a systematic review of the literature. A key feature of our presentation is to factor out the relationship between vulnerabilities and methods through properties. Specifically, we enumerate and classify smart contract vulnerabilities and methods by the properties they address. The methods considered include static analysis as well as dynamic analysis methods and machine learning algorithms that analyze smart contracts before deployment. Several patterns about the strengths of different methods emerge through this classification process.
2023-01-12 14:57:34.000000000
With the increasing complexity of software systems, it becomes very difficult to install, configure, adjust, and maintain them. As systems become more interconnected and diverse, system architects are less able to predict and design the interaction between components, deferring the handling of these issues to runtime. One of the important problems that occur during execution is system failures, which increase the need for self-healing systems. The main purpose of self-healing is to have an automatic system that can heal itself without human intervention. This system has predefined actions and procedures that are suitable for recovering the system from different failure modes. In this study, different self-healing methods are categorized and a summary of them is presented.
2024-02-29 18:59:25.000000000
Various Cloud layers have to work in concert in order to manage and deploy complex multi-cloud applications, executing sophisticated workflows for Cloud resource deployment, activation, adjustment, interaction, and monitoring. While there are ample solutions for managing individual Cloud aspects (e.g. network controllers, deployment tools, and application security software), there are no well-integrated suites for managing an entire multi cloud environment with multiple providers and deployment models. This paper presents the CYCLONE architecture that integrates a number of existing solutions to create an open, unified, holistic Cloud management platform for multi-cloud applications, tailored to the needs of research organizations and SMEs. It discusses major challenges in providing a network and security infrastructure for the Intercloud and concludes with the demonstration how the architecture is implemented in a real life bioinformatics use case.
2016-07-17 00:50:13.000000000
We present Tarski, a tool for specifying configurable trace semantics to facilitate automated reasoning about traces. Software development projects require that various types of traces be modeled between and within development artifacts. For any given artifact (e.g., requirements, architecture models and source code), Tarski allows the user to specify new trace types and their configurable semantics, while, using the semantics, it automatically infers new traces based on existing traces provided by the user, and checks the consistency of traces. It has been evaluated on three industrial case studies in the automotive domain ([LINK]/).
2024-03-08 05:10:57.000000000
Data-driven software engineering processes, such as vulnerability prediction heavily rely on the quality of the data used. In this paper, we observe that it is infeasible to obtain a noise-free security defect dataset in practice. Despite the vulnerable class, the non-vulnerable modules are difficult to be verified and determined as truly exploit free given the limited manual efforts available. It results in uncertainty, introduces labeling noise in the datasets and affects conclusion validity. To address this issue, we propose novel learning methods that are robust to label impurities and can leverage the most from limited label data; noisy label learning. We investigate various noisy label learning methods applied to software vulnerability prediction. Specifically, we propose a two-stage learning method based on noise cleaning to identify and remediate the noisy samples, which improves AUC and recall of baselines by up to 8.9% and 23.4%, respectively. Moreover, we discuss several hurdles in terms of achieving a performance upper bound with semi-omniscient knowledge of the label noise. Overall, the experimental results show that learning from noisy labels can be effective for data-driven software and security analytics.
2022-03-07 05:35:32.000000000
Manually ensuring that the implementation of a software system is consistent with the software architecture is a laborious and error-prone task. Thus, a variety of approaches towards automated consistency checking have been developed to counteract architecture erosion. However, these approaches lack means to define and check architectural restrictions concerning plugin dependencies, which is required for plugin-based software systems. In this paper, we propose a domain-specific language called Dependency Constraint Language (DepCoL) to facilitate the definition of constraints concerning plugin dependencies. Using DepCoL, it is possible to define constraints affecting groups of plugins, reducing the required specification effort, to formulate constraints for specific plugins only and to refine constraints. Moreover, we provide an Eclipse plugin, which checks whether the software system under development is consistent with the modeled constraints. This enables a seamless integration into the development process to effortless check consistency during development of the software system. In this way, developers are informed about dependency violations immediately and this supports developers in counteracting architecture erosion.
2015-10-21 12:21:46.000000000
Fuzzing network servers is a technical challenge, since the behavior of the target server depends on its state over a sequence of multiple messages. Existing solutions are costly and difficult to use, as they rely on manually-customized artifacts such as protocol models, protocol parsers, and learning frameworks. The aim of this work is to develop a greybox fuzzer (StateaAFL) for network servers that only relies on lightweight analysis of the target program, with no manual customization, in a similar way to what the AFL fuzzer achieved for stateless programs. The proposed fuzzer instruments the target server at compile-time, to insert probes on memory allocations and network I/O operations. At run-time, it infers the current protocol state of the target server by taking snapshots of long-lived memory areas, and by applying a fuzzy hashing algorithm (Locality-Sensitive Hashing) to map memory contents to a unique state identifier. The fuzzer incrementally builds a protocol state machine for guiding fuzzing. We implemented and released StateaAFL as open-source software. As a basis for reproducible experimentation, we integrated StateaAFL with a large set of network servers for popular protocols, with no manual customization to accomodate for the protocol. The experimental results show that the fuzzer can be applied with no manual customization on a large set of network servers for popular protocols, and that it can achieve comparable, or even better code coverage and bug detection than customized fuzzing. Moreover, our qualitative analysis shows that states inferred from memory better reflect the server behavior than only using response codes from messages.
2021-10-11 22:58:17.000000000
The surge of research on fake news and misinformation in the aftermath of the 2016 election has led to a significant increase in publicly available source code repositories. Our study aims to systematically analyze and evaluate the most relevant repositories and their Python source code in this area to improve awareness, quality, and understanding of these resources within the research community. Additionally, our work aims to measure the quality and complexity metrics of these repositories and identify their fundamental features to aid researchers in advancing the fields knowledge in understanding and preventing the spread of misinformation on social media. As a result, we found that more popular fake news repositories and associated papers with higher citation counts tend to have more maintainable code measures, more complex code paths, a larger number of lines of code, a higher Halstead effort, and fewer comments.
2023-04-06 14:00:48.000000000
We present new data and semantic parsing methods for the problem of mapping English sentences to Bash commands (NL2Bash). Our long-term goal is to enable any user to perform operations such as file manipulation, search, and application-specific scripting by simply stating their goals in English. We take a first step in this domain, by providing a new dataset of challenging but commonly used Bash commands and expert-written English descriptions, along with baseline methods to establish performance levels on this task.
2018-02-22 11:27:14.000000000
Highly dynamic computing environments, like ubiquitous and pervasive computing environments, require frequent adaptation of applications. This has to be done in a timely fashion, and the adaptation process must be as fast as possible and mastered. Moreover the adaptation process has to ensure a consistent result when finished whereas adaptations to be implemented cannot be anticipated at design time. In this paper we present our mechanism for self-adaptation based on the aspect oriented programming paradigm called Aspect of Assembly (AAs). Using AAs: (1) the adaptations process is fast and its duration is mastered; (2) adaptations' entities are independent of each other thanks to the weaver logical merging mechanism; and (3) the high variability of the software infrastructure can be managed using a mono or multi-cycle weaving approach.
2011-11-07 14:45:06.000000000
The proliferation of wireless devices and their ever increasing influence on our day-to-day life is very evident and seems irreplaceable. This exponential growth in demand, both in terms of the number of devices and Quality of Service (QoS) had spawned the concept of cross-layer optimization several years ago. The primary goal of the cross-layer approach was to liberate the strict boundary between the layers of the traditional Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol stack. The initial decade focused on establishing the theoretical feasibility of this revolutionary concept and gauging the effectiveness and limits of this idea. During the next phase, the advent of software defined radios (SDR) accelerated the growth of this domain due to its added flexibility. Yet, there has been a gaping abyss between solutions designed in theory and ones deployed in practice. To establish this, we first present an elaborate survey of the cross-layer protocol stack literature. Next, we briefly discuss how a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), low SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) embedded SDR (e-SDR) was transformed into a standalone, fieldable transceiver. Thereafter, we provide the software design ethos that focuses on efficiency and flexibility such that the optimization objectives and cross-layer interactions can be reconfigured rapidly. To demonstrate our claims, we provide results from extensive outdoor over-the-air experiments in various settings with up to 10-node network topologies. The results from the field trials demonstrate high reliability, throughput, and dynamic routing capability. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in literature, a COTS e-SDR has been leveraged to successfully design a cross-layer optimized transceiver that is capable of forming an ad hoc network that provides high throughput and high reliability in a ruggedized, weatherized, and fieldable form factor.
2022-01-20 21:40:56.000000000
We present Deep Shape-from-Template (DeepSfT), a novel Deep Neural Network (DNN) method for solving real-time automatic registration and 3D reconstruction of a deformable object viewed in a single monocular image.DeepSfT advances the state-of-the-art in various aspects. Compared to existing DNN SfT methods, it is the first fully convolutional real-time approach that handles an arbitrary object geometry, topology and surface representation. It also does not require ground truth registration with real data and scales well to very complex object models with large numbers of elements. Compared to previous non-DNN SfT methods, it does not involve numerical optimization at run-time, and is a dense, wide-baseline solution that does not demand, and does not suffer from, feature-based matching. It is able to process a single image with significant deformation and viewpoint changes, and handles well the core challenges of occlusions, weak texture and blur. DeepSfT is based on residual encoder-decoder structures and refining blocks. It is trained end-to-end with a novel combination of supervised learning from simulated renderings of the object model and semi-supervised automatic fine-tuning using real data captured with a standard RGB-D camera. The cameras used for fine-tuning and run-time can be different, making DeepSfT practical for real-world use. We show that DeepSfT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art wide-baseline approaches for non-trivial templates, with quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
2018-11-14 14:45:35.000000000
We present TarTar, an automatic repair analysis tool that, given a timed diagnostic trace (TDT) obtained during the model checking of a timed automaton model, suggests possible syntactic repairs of the analyzed model. The suggested repairs include modified values for clock bounds in location invariants and transition guards, adding or removing clock resets, etc. The proposed repairs are guaranteed to eliminate executability of the given TDT, while preserving the overall functional behavior of the system. We give insights into the design and architecture of TarTar, and show that it can successfully repair 69% of the seeded errors in system models taken from a diverse suite of case studies.
2020-02-05 16:03:25.000000000
The 8th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation (PDMC 2009) took place on November 4, 2009 at the Eindhoven University of Technology, in conjunction with Formal Methods 2009 and other related events for the first time under the heading of Formal Methods Week. This volume contains the final workshop proceedings.
2009-12-14 00:17:13.000000000
The problem of checking a logged event trace against a temporal logic specification arises in many practical cases. Unfortunately, known algorithms for an expressive logic like MTL (Metric Temporal Logic) do not scale with respect to two crucial dimensions: the length of the trace and the size of the time interval for which logged events must be buffered to check satisfaction of the specification. The former issue can be addressed by distributed and parallel trace checking algorithms that can take advantage of modern cloud computing and programming frameworks like MapReduce. Still, the latter issue remains open with current state-of-the-art approaches. In this paper we address this memory scalability issue by proposing a new semantics for MTL, called lazy semantics. This semantics can evaluate temporal formulae and boolean combinations of temporal-only formulae at any arbitrary time instant. We prove that lazy semantics is more expressive than standard point-based semantics and that it can be used as a basis for a correct parametric decomposition of any MTL formula into an equivalent one with smaller, bounded time intervals. We use lazy semantics to extend our previous distributed trace checking algorithm for MTL. We evaluate the proposed algorithm in terms of memory scalability and time/memory tradeoffs.
2015-08-25 15:40:44.000000000
Pre-trained models (PTMs) have achieved great success in various Software Engineering (SE) downstream tasks following the ``pre-train then fine-tune'' paradigm. As fully fine-tuning all parameters of PTMs can be computationally expensive, a widely used solution is parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which freezes PTMs while introducing extra parameters. Though work has been done to test PEFT methods in the SE field, a comprehensive evaluation is still lacking. This paper aims to fill in this gap by evaluating the effectiveness of five PEFT methods on eight PTMs and four SE downstream tasks. For different tasks and PEFT methods, we seek answers to the following research questions: 1) Is it more effective to use PTMs trained specifically on source code, or is it sufficient to use PTMs trained on natural language text? 2) What is the impact of varying model sizes? 3) How does the model architecture affect the performance? Besides effectiveness, we also discuss the efficiency of PEFT methods, concerning the costs of required training time and GPU resource consumption. We hope that our findings can provide a deeper understanding of PEFT methods on various PTMs and SE downstream tasks. All the codes and data are available at \url{[LINK]}.
2023-12-23 04:06:15.000000000
Mutation testing has shown great promise in assessing the effectiveness of test suites while exhibiting additional applications to test-case generation, selection, and prioritization. Traditional mutation testing typically utilizes a set of simple language specific source code transformations, called operators, to introduce faults. However, empirical studies have shown that for mutation testing to be most effective, these simple operators must be augmented with operators specific to the domain of the software under test. One challenging software domain for the application of mutation testing is that of mobile apps. While mobile devices and accompanying apps have become a mainstay of modern computing, the frameworks and patterns utilized in their development make testing and verification particularly difficult. As a step toward helping to measure and ensure the effectiveness of mobile testing practices, we introduce MDroid+, an automated framework for mutation testing of Android apps. MDroid+ includes 38 mutation operators from ten empirically derived types of Android faults and has been applied to generate over 8,000 mutants for more than 50 apps.
2018-02-11 16:52:23.000000000
Deep learning vulnerability detection tools are increasing in popularity and have been shown to be effective. These tools rely on large volume of high quality training data, which are very hard to get. Most of the currently available datasets provide function-level labels, reporting whether a function is vulnerable or not vulnerable. However, for a vulnerability detection to be useful, we need to also know the lines that are relevant to the vulnerability. This paper makes efforts towards developing systematic tools and proposes. ActiveClean to generate the large volume of line-level vulnerability data from commits. That is, in addition to function-level labels, it also reports which lines in the function are likely responsible for vulnerability detection. In the past, static analysis has been applied to clean commits to generate line-level data. Our approach based on active learning, which is easy to use and scalable, provide a complementary approach to static analysis. We designed semantic and syntactic properties from commit lines and use them to train the model. We evaluated our approach on both Java and C datasets processing more than 4.3K commits and 119K commit lines. AcitveClean achieved an F1 score between 70-74. Further, we also show that active learning is effective by using just 400 training data to reach F1 score of 70.23. Using ActiveClean, we generate the line-level labels for the entire FFMpeg project in the Devign dataset, including 5K functions, and also detected incorrect function-level labels. We demonstrated that using our cleaned data, LineVul, a SOTA line-level vulnerability detection tool, detected 70 more vulnerable lines and 18 more vulnerable functions, and improved Top 10 accuracy from 66% to 73%.
2023-12-01 03:38:21.000000000
Software systems contain resilience code to handle those failures and unexpected events happening in production. It is essential for developers to understand and assess the resilience of their systems. Chaos engineering is a technology that aims at assessing resilience and uncovering weaknesses by actively injecting perturbations in production. In this paper, we propose a novel design and implementation of a chaos engineering system in Java called ChaosMachine. It provides a unique and actionable analysis on exception-handling capabilities in production, at the level of try-catch blocks. To evaluate our approach, we have deployed ChaosMachine on top of 3 large-scale and well-known Java applications totaling 630k lines of code. Our results show that ChaosMachine reveals both strengths and weaknesses of the resilience code of a software system at the level of exception handling.
2018-05-11 11:50:47.000000000
Similar to the rest of the world, the recent pandemic situation has forced the IT professionals of Bangladesh to adopt remote work. The aim of this study is to find out whether remote work can be continued even after the lockdown is lifted. As work from home may change various productivity related aspects of the employees, i.e., team dynamics and company dynamics, it is necessary to understand the nature of the change during WFH. Conducting a survey, we asked the IT professionals of Bangladesh how they perceive their level of productivity during WFH and how the factors related to productivity have changed. We analyzed the change and identified the areas affected by WFH. We discovered that resource and workspace related issues, emotional well-being of the employees have been hampered the most during WFH. We believe that the findings from this study will help to decide how to resolve those issues and will help to understand whether WFH can be continued even after the lockdown is lifted.
2020-08-24 21:05:27.000000000
The potential for pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to use natural language feedback at inference time has been an exciting recent development. We build upon this observation by formalizing an algorithm for learning from natural language feedback at training time instead, which we call Imitation learning from Language Feedback (ILF). ILF requires only a small amount of human-written feedback during training and does not require the same feedback at test time, making it both user-friendly and sample-efficient. We further show that ILF can be seen as a form of minimizing the KL divergence to the ground truth distribution and demonstrate a proof-of-concept on a neural program synthesis task. We use ILF to improve a Codegen-Mono 6.1B model's pass[USER] rate by 38% relative (and 10% absolute) on the Mostly Basic Python Problems (MBPP) benchmark, outperforming both fine-tuning on MBPP and fine-tuning on repaired programs written by humans. Overall, our results suggest that learning from human-written natural language feedback is both more effective and sample-efficient than training exclusively on demonstrations for improving an LLM's performance on code generation tasks.
2023-03-28 13:36:40.000000000
We describe the Rocker project, which provides a widely-used suite of Docker images with customized R environments for particular tasks. We discuss how this suite is organized, and how these tools can increase portability, scaling, reproducibility, and convenience of R users and developers.
2017-10-08 11:38:37.000000000
It is well-known that the verification of partial correctness properties of imperative programs can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for constrained Horn clauses (CHCs). However, state-of-the-art solvers for CHCs (CHC solvers) based on predicate abstraction are sometimes unable to verify satisfiability because they look for models that are definable in a given class A of constraints, called A-definable models. We introduce a transformation technique, called Predicate Pairing (PP), which is able, in many interesting cases, to transform a set of clauses into an equisatisfiable set whose satisfiability can be proved by finding an A-definable model, and hence can be effectively verified by CHC solvers. We prove that, under very general conditions on A, the unfold/fold transformation rules preserve the existence of an A-definable model, i.e., if the original clauses have an A-definable model, then the transformed clauses have an A-definable model. The converse does not hold in general, and we provide suitable conditions under which the transformed clauses have an A-definable model iff the original ones have an A-definable model. Then, we present the PP strategy which guides the application of the transformation rules with the objective of deriving a set of clauses whose satisfiability can be proved by looking for A-definable models. PP introduces a new predicate defined by the conjunction of two predicates together with some constraints. We show through some examples that an A-definable model may exist for the new predicate even if it does not exist for its defining atomic conjuncts. We also present some case studies showing that PP plays a crucial role in the verification of relational properties of programs (e.g., program equivalence and non-interference). Finally, we perform an experimental evaluation to assess the effectiveness of PP in increasing the power of CHC solving.
2017-08-01 12:18:38.000000000
Good parameter settings are crucial to achieve high performance in many areas of artificial intelligence (AI), such as propositional satisfiability solving, AI planning, scheduling, and machine learning (in particular deep learning). Automated algorithm configuration methods have recently received much attention in the AI community since they replace tedious, irreproducible and error-prone manual parameter tuning and can lead to new state-of-the-art performance. However, practical applications of algorithm configuration are prone to several (often subtle) pitfalls in the experimental design that can render the procedure ineffective. We identify several common issues and propose best practices for avoiding them. As one possibility for automatically handling as many of these as possible, we also propose a tool called GenericWrapper4AC.
2017-05-15 09:12:57.000000000
Companies that develop software have a pressure from customers to deliver better solutions, and to deliver solutions faster and cheaper. Many researchers have worked with suggestions on how to improve the development process; software process improvement. As software development is a very knowledge intensive task, both researchers and industry have recently turned their attention to knowledge management as a means to improve software development. This often involves developing technical tools, which many companies have spent resources on. But the tools are often not used in practise by developers and managers in the companies, and it is often unknown if the tools improve how knowledge is managed. In order to build efficient knowledge management tools, we need a better understanding of how the tools that exist are applied and used in software development. We present and analyse eight case studies of knowledge management initiatives from the literature. We found evidence of improved software quality, reduced development costs and evidence of a better working environment for developers as a result of these initiatives. Further, we examine success criteria in knowledge management codification initiatives, based on Intranet tools in medium-sized software companies. In addition, we investigate how knowledge management tools are used for different purposes by different groups of users in two software consulting companies. They use tools both as support for personalization and codification strategies. The consulting companies are two medium-sized Norwegian companies with 40 and 150 employees, which work in development projects that lasts from a few weeks to several years.
2019-03-25 22:10:32.000000000