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2 classes
Do you think there's ever going to be a cure for herpes? Or are people already trying to find a cure? Do you think there's a chance of finding a cure?
Do you know the scientific reason why herpes is not curable?
0no label
Do you think there's ever going to be a cure for herpes? Or are people already trying to find a cure? Do you think there's a chance of finding a cure?
I have been diagnosed with herpes recently and I read that it is not curable. But I want to know if there is a possibility that there will some cure for it any time soon and if some reasearch is alaredy going on to find a cure for herpes?
Effects of drinking alcohol on the body fat?
Do you know if alcohol has any effects on body fat?
Effects of drinking alcohol on the body fat?
Is alcohol rich in calories and does it increase body fat?
0no label
Eyes feeling dry last couple of days. One eye became mildly red with clear mucus, next day the mucous was yellow with eye irritation. Mucous in throat?
Is it okay to wear contact lens if I have dry eyes and some mucus in eyes? Not much irritation in eyes though.
0no label
Eyes feeling dry last couple of days. One eye became mildly red with clear mucus, next day the mucous was yellow with eye irritation. Mucous in throat?
My eyes have been feeling dry for the past couple of days. Then, I noticed mild redness, irritation in eye, clear mucus which turned yellow. I have mucus in my throat also, not sure if it might be related to my eye issue.
Flu like symptoms for about 3weeks. Now symptoms are gone. Have been having coughing fits now for 1week chest is really hurting. What to do?
I have chest pain in the middle of my chest. I am having cough and flu like symptoms as well. Do you think chest pain could be related to coughing fits?
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Flu like symptoms for about 3weeks. Now symptoms are gone. Have been having coughing fits now for 1week chest is really hurting. What to do?
This cough has been giving me awful chest pain for the past one week. Not sure, if it could be related to the flu symotoms which I had 3 weeks ago. Do you think I can treat this at home or do I need to see my primary?
For people with arthritis, is it painful to pop knuckles, like hand knuckles?
I have arthritis and whenever I pop my hand knuckles, I feel sharp pain. Do you think it is bcause of my arthritis?
For people with arthritis, is it painful to pop knuckles, like hand knuckles?
I have been having sharp pain in my hand knuckles, I pop them a lot but I worry a lot about arthritis because my parents also have arthritis. Can I have arthritis?
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For the 1st time a lot of clear colorless odorless liquid gushed out of vagina 2 days after sex with my partner of 2 years. Had my period a week later
Can I expect some clear, colorless vaginal discharge a week before my period?
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For the 1st time a lot of clear colorless odorless liquid gushed out of vagina 2 days after sex with my partner of 2 years. Had my period a week later
I am worried about some serious infection. I noticed some clear, colorless, odorless vaginal discharge 2 days after sex with my partner a few weeks ago. Then a week later, I got my period. I have been with him only for the past 2 years. Do you think it could be a sign of some STD?
Had Yellow stool for almost 4months with no other symptoms,it turned to dark green 3days ago,no iron supplements Should i worry ?
I am worried about the change in color of my stools. My stool has been yellow colored for the past 4 months and now for the past 3 days, I have green stools with no symptoms and I am not taking iron supplements. Should I be concerned?
Had Yellow stool for almost 4months with no other symptoms,it turned to dark green 3days ago,no iron supplements Should i worry ?
What could the cause of green colored stools with no symptoms?
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Have water fluid on feet and legs pretty bad, already on water pills....Have a hard time sleeping and fine it hard to walk... Should I go to the er?
I have been to ER for leg and feet swelling and they prescribed water pills. But I am unable to sleep tonight, what can I do to get some relief from discomfrt due to swelling?
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Have water fluid on feet and legs pretty bad, already on water pills....Have a hard time sleeping and fine it hard to walk... Should I go to the er?
I want your opinion- I have fluid retention in my feet and legs and they look really swollen and it is hardcto sleep and walk. I am already taking water pills. Do I think I should go to ER tonight?
Hello docs, is atherectomy better than stent procedure?
Are there any complications associated with stent procedure and atherectomy? Are there any non invasive treatment options available to take care of plaque in coronary arteries?
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Hello docs, is atherectomy better than stent procedure?
My grandfather has been diagnosed with 90% bloackage in right coronary artery, do you think he should go in for stent procedure or atherectomy?
Hello. I have bloodly discharge and a little pain in my lower stomach and back. When I wipe after peeing I can see it and sometimes its mucus like..
Can UTI also result in bloody discharge along with other symptoms like stomach cramps and back pain?
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Hello. I have bloodly discharge and a little pain in my lower stomach and back. When I wipe after peeing I can see it and sometimes its mucus like..
Hello! I am here to talk about something which is going on with me for a couple of days. I have noticed bloody discharge and I see it mostly when I wipe after peeing. It looks like mucus. I also have pain in lower stomach and back.
He touched my vulva nd clit with his fingers nd am not sure if he had ejacultion or not. That was on the 9 th day of a regular 28 days period. Chance?
I am worried about pregnancy. My boyfriend touched my vulva and clitoris with his fingers and I am not sure if he ejaculated inside me but it was the 9th day of my cycle and I have regular cycle of 28 days.
He touched my vulva nd clit with his fingers nd am not sure if he had ejacultion or not. That was on the 9 th day of a regular 28 days period. Chance?
I missed my period this month. I am just confused because there is no chance that I am pregnant. I usually have regular cycles and last time, me and my boyfriend had sex, he just touched vulva and clitoris wth fingers and never ejaculated inside me. What could be the cause of missed period this time?
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Hi. I have been having ear pain in my right ear. It started on Thursday maybe and It just keeps hurting.?
Do you think sore throat can give ear pain?
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Hi. I have been having ear pain in my right ear. It started on Thursday maybe and It just keeps hurting.?
I have been having constant pain in my right ear since Thursday, What should I do?
How are baby and adult cartilage different?
Can some injuries to baby cartilage during birth affect the adult cartilage or how their bones will grow in future?
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How are baby and adult cartilage different?
I read online that babies are born with 300 bones and many of them are cartilagenous intoatlly and then, they ossify, unite to become strong, big bones as the baby grows. I was wondering how that cartilage found in babies is different from the cartilage seen in adults because in adults, the cartilage does not ossify?
How can I deal with anxeity without medication?
I have been dealing with bad anxiety for the past few weeks and I do not want to take any medicine. Are there any remedies or simple things that I can try to feel better?
How can I deal with anxeity without medication?
Which medicines are usually prescribed to treat anxiety?
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How can I heal a third degree burn?
Does third degree burn need hospitalization?
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How can I heal a third degree burn?
What are some things that can be tried for a third degree burn?
How can I help a depressed friend?
Are there any social groups for people dealing with depression?
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How can I help a depressed friend?
I feel sad to see my friend depressed. Is there any way that i can help her feel better?
How can I improve my posture? I have at least 4 inches of head forward tilt from rounded shoulders. Remembering just to stand up straight, no.
Are there any ways or exercises to correct posture which can help with my rounded shoulders? I try to stand up and sit straight and I have 4 inches of head forward tilt. Is that enough?
How can I improve my posture? I have at least 4 inches of head forward tilt from rounded shoulders. Remembering just to stand up straight, no.
Do you think sitting for a long time on laptop may be the cause of my rounded shoulders? My head seems to have a forward tilt of about 4 inches.
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How can I stop my hands getting chaped and dry ?
Do you think I have eczema if my hands are extremely dry, scaly and chapped?
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How can I stop my hands getting chaped and dry ?
What are some things that can help me with my dry and chapped hands?
How can you tell the difference between hemmorhoids and colon cancer? Even though the symptoms are very similar, what are the major differences?
Can hemorrhoids lead to colon cancer?
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How can you tell the difference between hemmorhoids and colon cancer? Even though the symptoms are very similar, what are the major differences?
I have been noticing blood in my stools for the past 3-4 days. How can I tell if I have hemorhoids or colon cancer?
How come so many medical doctors do not believe that adrenal fatigue is a real issue?
I think I might have adrenal fatigue, what should I do because my doctor does not believe it is real?
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How come so many medical doctors do not believe that adrenal fatigue is a real issue?
What are your thoughts about adrenal fatigue and I wonder why so many doctors do not believe it is a real issue?
How do I calculate the number of days that my period lasts? It flows for like 6 days, but on the 7th day it drops just little like spotting. Please
I need some help understanding the duration of my period. If my bleeding lasts for 6 days and on 7th day, I have very light bleeding, what would be the duration of my period?
How do I calculate the number of days that my period lasts? It flows for like 6 days, but on the 7th day it drops just little like spotting. Please
Is it normal to have period bleeding for 7 days?
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How do I stop my cold sore from peeling? When a cold sore peels is it supposed to bleed?
I have recently been diagnosed with oral herpes and I have a cold sore now and it has started to peel. I am using abreva ointment, not sure if it can result in peeling. Do you know what might have triggered the peeling and is there anything that I can use to control peeling? I am really worried that it may start bleeding, does a cold sore bleed usually?
How do I stop my cold sore from peeling? When a cold sore peels is it supposed to bleed?
My boyfriend has a cold sore which looks like it is healing because it has started peeling and there is no bleeding or pain. He is using antiviral ointment also. Do you think we can kiss without the risk of him passing on the infection to me?
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How do you know the difference between diverticulitis and colitis?
I am curious to know- Can diverticulitis and colitis be cured with medicines and diet or do you think surgery is needed?
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How do you know the difference between diverticulitis and colitis?
I have bad abdominal cramps, blood in stools, constipation alternated with diarrhea for a couple of months. My mother who is a RN told me that it could be colitis and when I searched I found another condition called diverticulitis with similar symptoms. Are both these conditions same? If not, how can I tell if I have diverticulitis or colitis?
How do you know when you are undergoing respiratory depression? Extremetly fatigues
What are some signs that will help me know that I have resporartory depression? I have been feling extremely tired.
How do you know when you are undergoing respiratory depression? Extremetly fatigues
What are some tests that help diagnose respiratory depression?
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How many hours does it take to get food poisining with ice cream? (chocolate ice cream)
I am recovering from food poisoning and I do not have any symptoms per se. I am feeling like eating chocolate ice cream, just wanted to know how long after the symptoms of food poisining have subsided I need to wait before eating chocolate ice cream?
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How many hours does it take to get food poisining with ice cream? (chocolate ice cream)
I ate a chocolate ice cream a few hours ago and I am feeling like throwing up with stomach pain. I think I am getting down with food poisoning but not sure if I can symptoms of food poisoning within 3 hrs of eating. Can you please tell me if that is possible?
How many mg. Of potassium do I need daily from a regular diet to be healthy?
What are some good sources of potassium?
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How many mg. Of potassium do I need daily from a regular diet to be healthy?
What is the daily requirement of potassium for a healthy adult?
How much water should a 60lb 10 year old child consume daily? We were told at least 64oz, but this seems too much for her to drink. She has eds w/pots
My 10 year old neice has Ehlers Danlos syndrome with POTS. Her doctor has suggested 64 oz of water for her but it seems too much for her to drink. Do you know what is the daily water requirement for her if she weighs 60 lbs?
How much water should a 60lb 10 year old child consume daily? We were told at least 64oz, but this seems too much for her to drink. She has eds w/pots
My nephew is 10 yrs old and he has been felling dizy for some time mainly while standing and he has been drinking plenty of water which her pediatrician has mentioned. I read online that POTS could be the cause of diziness, do you think it could be the cause of him feeling dizzy? He has EDS also if there is any relation of his symptoms with it.
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How to reat l1-5 bulged discs significant pain?
I have bulged discs between L1- L5 and it is giving me a lot of back pain, what can I do?
How to reat l1-5 bulged discs significant pain?
What are some symptoms of bulged discs? Is lumbar region more prone for this condition?
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How would doctors recommend I treat painful headaches or migraines?
I have been getting very bad headcahes on and off for the past 6 months. I also have some nausea, sensitivity to light. I searched online and I think I have migraine... Do you think my headache could be due to migraine?
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How would doctors recommend I treat painful headaches or migraines?
My daughter has migraine and she gets really bad headaches. I am planning to take her to her doctor but would like to know how migraines are treated usually?
I can't see in the dark as well as others can? Do I need carrots or vitamin a?
Can deficiency of Vitamin A result in inability to see in dark?
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I can't see in the dark as well as others can? Do I need carrots or vitamin a?
I am scared that I might be nightblind as I cannot see in dark when everyone else can see. Do you think increasing intake of Vitamin A or carrots may help me?
I did not get my period for 2 months early this year. I consulted an OBGyne who is a friend of my brother. I also consulted her since I've been having brown discharge and I was alarmed. She said that I might have PCOS. She advised me to take Provera 10mg
Do you think brown discharge and missed period could be due to PCOS?
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I did not get my period for 2 months early this year. I consulted an OBGyne who is a friend of my brother. I also consulted her since I've been having brown discharge and I was alarmed. She said that I might have PCOS. She advised me to take Provera 10mg
I would like some more insight into what's going on with me. My Ob/gyn has advised me Provera 10 mg because he diagnosed me with PCOS. Actually, I went in for a check-up because I missed my period for 2 months early this year and has been having brown discharge.
I eat vegetable curry daily (different types) every meal. Does this count towards my 5 a day and is this a healthy way of eating veggies?
I am looking for an opinion from a professional. I am eating 5 different types of vegetable curries. Do you think this is a healthy way of eating veggies and does this count towards my 5?
I eat vegetable curry daily (different types) every meal. Does this count towards my 5 a day and is this a healthy way of eating veggies?
I have recently turned vegetarian. What sort of vegetable curries do you recommend and how many times in a day to stay healthy?
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If 5 mth. Old baby has mrsa(the skin disease that causes boils) doctor gave her medicine but what soap to wash her with? She also has ezema on skin.
Is it serious or concerning if my 5 month old daughter has MRSA and eczema? I am really worried, she is so small and ha ssuch serious skin issues.
0no label
If 5 mth. Old baby has mrsa(the skin disease that causes boils) doctor gave her medicine but what soap to wash her with? She also has ezema on skin.
My 5 month old has MRSA and eczema and she has boils on her skin. Her doctor has given her the medicines but I wanted to know which soap can I use for her? Any recommendations?
If I have a 33 day cycle & I start chlomid on days 5-9 when should I have intercourse?
I have PCOS and I am trying to conceive. My doctor has advised clomid. Just wanted to know when I should have sexual intercourse to incraese my chances of getting pregnant if I took Clomid from day 5-9 and I have a 33 days cycle.
If I have a 33 day cycle & I start chlomid on days 5-9 when should I have intercourse?
My doctor advised me Clomid. On which days of the cycle should I take it to increase chances of getting pregnant, if I have a 33 days cycle?
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If I have sex the day before I ovulate when would I conceive?
I got a positive ovulation test today and we had unrpotected sexual intercourse yesterday, I wanted to know if that would help in conception and when will I conceive?
If I have sex the day before I ovulate when would I conceive?
When should we have sexual intercourse- on the day I ovulate or before that, to increase the chances of conception?
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I had parts of my colon removed. I'm fine, but I have diarrhea everyday and can't seem to find a right diet for me! what can I do?
Can my diarrhea be due to colonectomy 2 months ago?
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I had parts of my colon removed. I'm fine, but I have diarrhea everyday and can't seem to find a right diet for me! what can I do?
Can you please help me choosing the right diet for me? I have been having diarrhea everyday since I got a part of my colon removed.
I had water in my ear so I used ear drops for swimmers ear. Now I can't hear and the drops are stuck in my ear.
Do you think it is okay to use OTC ear drops if you have swimmer's ear?
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I had water in my ear so I used ear drops for swimmers ear. Now I can't hear and the drops are stuck in my ear.
I used some ear drops after I some water got into my ears after swimming but now I feel worse- I cannot hear and it feels like drops are stuck in my ear. What should I do?
I have a flu with dry cough and in the morning it's phlem. What cough syrup would be suitable? Also aches and probably a UTI so getting that checked.
Are there any over the counter cough syrups that can help me with my dry cough? I get phlegm in the morning and I feel achy too, but I think it could be because of a probable UTI for which I am seeing my primary in 2 days but I need some relief from this cough, it does not let me sleep.
I have a flu with dry cough and in the morning it's phlem. What cough syrup would be suitable? Also aches and probably a UTI so getting that checked.
What could be the cause of dry cough which is productive in the morning? Can UTI medications result in cough? I am on antibiotic for UTI.
0no label
I have a headache, dizziness and blurred vision and i just got into a fender bender, should I be worried, and what is this a sign of?
I was in a motor vehicle accident and has been diagnosed with concussion last weel but I still have headache, diziness and blurred vision sometimes. Do I need to go in for another check-up?
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I have a headache, dizziness and blurred vision and i just got into a fender bender, should I be worried, and what is this a sign of?
I was involved in a motor vehicle accident and since then, I have been having a headache, dizziness, blurred vision. Just worried if these could be signs of something concerning. Please help.
I have an awful headache, what I should do?
Can overuse of NSAIDS result in headache?
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I have an awful headache, what I should do?
Is there anything that I can do to get some relief from this annoying headache? I usually get such headaches but this time, it is really awful!
I have asthma. I take proventil (albuterol) but i still have trouble breathing--what can I do for this?
I have recently been diagnosed with asthma and my doctor pescribed albuterol inhaler. I was wondering how long does it take to kick in and how often can I use the albuterol inhaler?
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I have asthma. I take proventil (albuterol) but i still have trouble breathing--what can I do for this?
My sister who has asthma is complaining of trouble breathing. She has already tried albuterol but it has not helped. Is there anything else that she can try to feel better?
I have been having lightheadedness for a while. Would a CT of head and an MRI with contrast of brain detect blockages in arteries?
I am worried about blockage in my brain arteries because I have been having lightheadedness for some time. Can a CT of scan or MRI with contrast may help diagnose it?
I have been having lightheadedness for a while. Would a CT of head and an MRI with contrast of brain detect blockages in arteries?
What are the symptoms of blocked arteries in the brain? If CT scan and MRI of brain are fine, can I feel reassured?
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I have had bad stomach cramp with a few diarrohea for last few days . Is it an ulcer or flu?
Can the ulcers also give stomach cramps and diarrhea like stomach flu?
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I have had bad stomach cramp with a few diarrohea for last few days . Is it an ulcer or flu?
I have been having diarrhea and bad stomach cramps for the past few days. Are my symptoms due to ulcer or stomach flu?
I have just had loop excision of the cervix. What should I expect from the histology report?
I am a little worried about what's going on with my health. Recently, in my Pap smear, abnormal cells were noticed and my Ob/gyn has advised me LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) of the cervix and she said that some tissue will be sent for biopsy. I am not sure what I can expect from the histology reports? Does that mean I have cervical cancer?
I have just had loop excision of the cervix. What should I expect from the histology report?
I am worried about complications of for LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) of cervix. My doctor suggested it for me after he noticed some abnormal cervical cells in Pap smear. Could you please tell me more about complications of the procedure? Do you think this procedure can affect my chances of getting pregnant in future?
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I just binged on chocolate, but should I not eat the rest of the day to keep my calorie intake controlled?
I am trying to manage my calorie intake to lose some weight, but I just binged on chocolate, should I avaoid eating anything the rest of the day to keep my calorie intake under check?
I just binged on chocolate, but should I not eat the rest of the day to keep my calorie intake controlled?
Is it okay not to eat the whole day to rduce the calorie intake?
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I'm a teenager who is not sexually active, and recently I started to get pain when peeing just after ejaculating. It occurs right when I begin to pee then after that initial pain I can pee normally?
I am 16 years old male and I have noticed some unsual discharge from penis but there is pai with ejaculation or while passing urine. I am not sexually active, I am worried that this might affect my fertility. Please help.
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I'm a teenager who is not sexually active, and recently I started to get pain when peeing just after ejaculating. It occurs right when I begin to pee then after that initial pain I can pee normally?
I am 18 years old healthy male and I am not sexually active. For the past few days, I have noticed that I get sharp pain when I start/ initiate passing urine and the pain subsides once I start peeing. I get similar pain after ejaculation also. Do you know what it could be?
I'm experiencing frequent throat clearing since using ozone air generator...My guru calls it a healing reaction...What are your thoughts?
I am allergic to mold and I have some mold at my home. Do you think I should get an ozone air generator? I heard that it helps take away mold and bad odor, not sure if it is true- Any thoughts?
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I'm experiencing frequent throat clearing since using ozone air generator...My guru calls it a healing reaction...What are your thoughts?
I have a question... Do you think ozone air generator may give some allergic reaction and some irritatin in throat that needs frequent throat clearing or is throat clearing some healing reaction as proclaimed by some gurus?
I'm on the Depo-Provera shot. Not sexually active. When I wake up and stand up I have a rush of clear discharge. Is this normal?
Can depo shot result in increased vaginal discharge?
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I'm on the Depo-Provera shot. Not sexually active. When I wake up and stand up I have a rush of clear discharge. Is this normal?
Is it normal to have a gush of clear vaginal discharge on standing? I am on Depo shot aand I have not been sexually active.
I'm over 30 and I have acne only on my jaw line what can I do for it and could my husbands whiskers irritate and cause acne?
Do you know what could be some causes of acne on chin and jawline? I am not a teenager, so I am not sure what might be the cause for my acne. I am 32. Can by birth control result in acne?
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I'm over 30 and I have acne only on my jaw line what can I do for it and could my husbands whiskers irritate and cause acne?
I am a 32 year old female and for the past few months, I have been getting bad acne mainly on my chin and jawline. Do you think my husband's whiskers might have irritated and resulted in acne? Is there anything I can try to make it better?
I'm snowed in and in the 4th day of an extreme sore throat, cough and possible fever. Swallowing is very painful, and the cough is constant tickle?
For the past 4 days, I have been dealig with bad sore throat with constant tickling and pain with swallowing. I have some cough and I feel feverish too. I cannot go and see my doctor because it's ben snowing constantly. Please help.
I'm snowed in and in the 4th day of an extreme sore throat, cough and possible fever. Swallowing is very painful, and the cough is constant tickle?
I have bad sore throat with tickling, cough and fever for the past 4 days which is not getting better with any over the counter medicine. Do you think it could be strep throat?
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