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2 classes
Kleptomania, can it be passed down in the genes?
Doctor do you know if there is any treatment for kleptomania?
0no label
Kleptomania, can it be passed down in the genes?
Hello doctor may I know if kleptomania is heredity?
Last week, doctor put me me on omeprazole for gastritis (no prior stomach issues.) since then, i've had a few green poops of middling consistency. ?
Hello doctor, I am on Omeprazole for my gastritis and Lexapro for depression. Can I drink alcohol on this?
0no label
Last week, doctor put me me on omeprazole for gastritis (no prior stomach issues.) since then, i've had a few green poops of middling consistency. ?
I have been diagnosed with gastritis and diagnosed with omeprazole. I have few green stools of middling consistency. Is this a side effect of the medication.
My baby has red pimple like bumps on her arm and leg, they look almost like bug bites. They just appear. What could they be?
Baby has red pimple like bumps on arms, legs and they look like bug bite and asking what they could be.
My baby has red pimple like bumps on her arm and leg, they look almost like bug bites. They just appear. What could they be?
My baby is diagnosed with measels after having fluid filled bumps all over body, fever and redness. May I ash how long do measles take to get better?
0no label
My boyfriend has been experiencing shortness of breathe for the past week, he went to the doctor they checked all his vital signs and his oxygen level and everything came back a okay, do you have any idea what the problem may be ? Please help i'm really w
I have shortness of breath, dizziness, chest discomfort, tingling, numbness and palpitations when I get tensed. Is this a symptoms of anxiety?
0no label
My boyfriend has been experiencing shortness of breathe for the past week, he went to the doctor they checked all his vital signs and his oxygen level and everything came back a okay, do you have any idea what the problem may be ? Please help i'm really w
My boy friend has shortness of breath since past week and all his vital signs are normal. I am concerned as what to do.
My ccp ab IgG came back at 221, sed in january 15 to now at 50. I was then put on prednisone until I see the RA may 6th. What my safest treatment?
I have been diagnosed with RA but my ccc ab antibodies are normal. How definitive are the antibiotic levels in diagnosing RA?
0no label
My ccp ab IgG came back at 221, sed in january 15 to now at 50. I was then put on prednisone until I see the RA may 6th. What my safest treatment?
My ccp ab IgG levels are 221 in January and now they are 50 after taking prednisone. I am going to see a docto a month later in May. I want to know what are the treatment options, how safe they are and what are the side effects?
My daughter is still displaying symptoms of type 1 diabetes. What can we do?
Hello doctor my daughter is having symptoms of type 1 diabetes. What I can do to help?
My daughter is still displaying symptoms of type 1 diabetes. What can we do?
My daughter is having type ! diabetes and at the site on injection where she took insulin, there is pain, soreness and redness. Is it infected?
0no label
My father is 81 and has Parkinson's disease for the last 3 years. He can't even move his hands & legs. What can I do to support him?
Hello doctor I am 18 years of age and there is Parkisnsons running in my family. Is the disease heredity. What are my chances ending up getting Parkisons?
0no label
My father is 81 and has Parkinson's disease for the last 3 years. He can't even move his hands & legs. What can I do to support him?
My father is 81 years and is diagnosed with Parkisons for more than 5 years. He is on medications but symptoms are progressively worsening and has severe pain and cannot move. May I ask what can be done to support him?
My first sonogram said I was 7 weeks pregnant due date 3/22. Next appointment (5 weeks later) sono measured bby at 13weeks. Duedate changed to 3/15. Y?
Hello doctor I had sex on 14th june with ex and 18th with husband. My usg showed due date as Mrch 23rd. How can I know who is the father?
0no label
My first sonogram said I was 7 weeks pregnant due date 3/22. Next appointment (5 weeks later) sono measured bby at 13weeks. Duedate changed to 3/15. Y?
In my first sonogram at 7 weeks my due date is 3/22 and now at 13 weeks my due date is 3/15. Which is correct?
My gf had her period then after 2days. We had sex she took planb its been 2week already she hasnt had her period is it because she just had her period?
Hello doctor I am on birth control pills and I had unprotected sex. Can I take Plan B along with birth control pills?
0no label
My gf had her period then after 2days. We had sex she took planb its been 2week already she hasnt had her period is it because she just had her period?
My girl friend has period and after 2 days she took plan B and it has been 2 weeks already and she did not have period. May I know what is the cause?
My wife toke Plan B and 6 days later she started to spot for 2 days and stop could she be pregnant or its cause she been of Depo-Provera only a year?
I am on BC pills yaz and I had unprotected intercourse. Should I take Plan B?
0no label
My wife toke Plan B and 6 days later she started to spot for 2 days and stop could she be pregnant or its cause she been of Depo-Provera only a year?
My wife took Plan B and 6 days later she had spotting for a couple of days and wanted to know if she is pregnant. She has been off depo since a year.
Numbness on right side of my cheek some twitching no other symptoms elsewhere what could it be?
I have numbness and tingling all over my body and I am a known diabetic. Is having numbness and tingling a common side effect seen with diabetes.
0no label
Numbness on right side of my cheek some twitching no other symptoms elsewhere what could it be?
I have numbness on right cheek, twitching and no other symptoms and I am concerned.
On 30mg Synthoid. Was on Armour. Liked Armour, but PCP switched. All internet chatter sings praises of Armour and blasts Synthoid. Why? Armour better
I was on Armour for about 3 years and my PCP prescribed synthyroid instead of armour. Are both the medications same or is there any difference between the both? What are the side effects of each?
On 30mg Synthoid. Was on Armour. Liked Armour, but PCP switched. All internet chatter sings praises of Armour and blasts Synthoid. Why? Armour better
My doctor prescribed me synthyroid instead of armour which I have been using for years. Can I take my birth control with synthyroid?
0no label
On Clomid (clomiphene) Just finished taking last pill. Just noticed if I squeeze right nipple quite strongly, a very tiny amount of clear sticky liquid came out?
I have been on clomid for few days and finished the last pill and have nipple discharge from right nipple if squeezed strongly.
On Clomid (clomiphene) Just finished taking last pill. Just noticed if I squeeze right nipple quite strongly, a very tiny amount of clear sticky liquid came out?
I have lump in the breast, nipple discharge, redness and swelling. I am breast feeding and wanted to know about the cause.
0no label
Please describe a good source of calcium for children that have a milk allergy?
I take one calcium pill and iron pill daily. I have constipation now. What can I do to help?
0no label
Please describe a good source of calcium for children that have a milk allergy?
My child have milk allergy. May I know the best substitue for calcium for my child?
Please tell me, could a dentist remove a tooth when infection is present?
Hello doctor, I have infected tooth and I am prescribed amoxycillin. Can I take motrin aling with amoxycillin for the pain?
0no label
Please tell me, could a dentist remove a tooth when infection is present?
I have an infected tooth. Can I get the teeth removed at dentist?
Possibility of being pregnant had sex and bleeded. Is that normal or is there something wrong?
Hello doctor, I had intercourse and it is very painful and there is no bleeding. It is my first time. Is it normal?
0no label
Possibility of being pregnant had sex and bleeded. Is that normal or is there something wrong?
I had intercourse and later I bled. Is this normal or is there a chance of pregnancy?
Smoked half a pack year when I was 20 and quit. Will my lungs ever be healthy, also what long term damage if any should I be concerned about?
Hello doctor I smoke half a packet of cigarettes and I am obese. Also I am alcoholic. May I ask if I am in risk for getting a stroke?
0no label
Smoked half a pack year when I was 20 and quit. Will my lungs ever be healthy, also what long term damage if any should I be concerned about?
When I was 20 years, I smoked half a packet of cigarettes and I quit. Will my lungs be healthy and may I know what is the longterm damage and should b concerned?
Surg only way to diag endometriosis? Since Csection pain in hip during pms, bad cramps ultrasounds labs pap were fine dr not concerned hormone changes?
Hello doctor, I am 15 and I have severe pain during periods?? Do I have endometriosis? What are the symptoms?
0no label
Surg only way to diag endometriosis? Since Csection pain in hip during pms, bad cramps ultrasounds labs pap were fine dr not concerned hormone changes?
I have pain in hips during PMS, bad cramps after C-section. Pap smear and USG is normal and doctor is concerned about hormones. Is only getting a surgery a definitive diagnosis for endometrisois?
Took a pregnancy test came up positive but very faint an I had an abortion 3 weeks ago what does this mean thanks?
Had abortion 3 weeks back and now my pregnancy test is still weakly positive. What does that mean?
Took a pregnancy test came up positive but very faint an I had an abortion 3 weeks ago what does this mean thanks?
I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am having cramps, spotting and bleeding. Is this a miscarriage?
0no label
Two negative STD tests and urinelyis doctor said he don't know what it is but still mild buring when I pee. Would NSU show up on test and culture?
I have burning sensation while passing urine, abdominal pain, cramps, odor, frequent urge and fever since 2 days? Do I have an UTI? My STD tests 3 months back is negative.
0no label
Two negative STD tests and urinelyis doctor said he don't know what it is but still mild buring when I pee. Would NSU show up on test and culture?
I have mild burning during peeing. My urineanalysis and STD tests are negative. Will NSU show up on test or is a culture needed?
What are some tips for making it easier to use eyedrops?
Hello doctor, I have been having dry eyes and I am prescribed eye drops. Can you let me know how to use the drops?
What are some tips for making it easier to use eyedrops?
I am diagnosed with conjunctivitis and I used expired drops from last time. Can it damage my vision?
0no label
What are the reasons some people use digital pregnancy tests, and some use non digital? Besides the obvious, what's different about them
I think I am pregnant? May I ask when is the right time to take a pregnancy test?
0no label
What are the reasons some people use digital pregnancy tests, and some use non digital? Besides the obvious, what's different about them
May I know which test for pregnancy is accurate? The digital or the non digital?
What are the right tests to take to determine and rule out systemic candida? Specifics please. Thankyou.
Hello, I guess I have candida symptoms. Can you please tell me how to diagnose and treat it?
What are the right tests to take to determine and rule out systemic candida? Specifics please. Thankyou.
May I know what is the difference between candidal yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis?
0no label
What are the symptoms of having a meniscal root tear in the knee? Please explain
Hello doctor, I am recovering from meniscal tear injury and I have practice foot ball match tomorrow. I have no symptoms at present except the mild pain. Can I go for practice tomorrow?
0no label
What are the symptoms of having a meniscal root tear in the knee? Please explain
Hello doctor, I was doing gym and injured my leg near the knee. My doctor is suspecting meniscla root tear. Can you please let me know about the symptoms and treatment plan?
What are vasopressors?
Hello doctor what are vasopressors?
What are vasopressors?
My blood pressure is very low, it is around 90/60. I am on vasopressors? Should I stop taking them?
0no label
What can be done about a sore throat asap?
Hello doctor? I have a lingering sore throat and can I know few remedies which may help.
What can be done about a sore throat asap?
I have sore throat, cough and white spots along with fever. Do I have a STD?
0no label
What can cause light yellow vaginal discharge? Also sore vagina? STD tests all clear never had this before. Can long term abx be a cause?
I have light yellow vaginal discharge along with soreness. Have been on antibiotics for UTI. STD testing is clear. Can using antibiotics be a cause?
What can cause light yellow vaginal discharge? Also sore vagina? STD tests all clear never had this before. Can long term abx be a cause?
I have yellow vaginal discharge, pain, itching and odor? I am not sexually active? May I know what are the causes?
0no label
What can cause random blackouts / seizures?
Hello doctor, can I know the random causes of balck outs and seizures?
What can cause random blackouts / seizures?
I have seizures and I am eptoin tablets? I have cold now and can I take citrizine with eptoin tablets?
0no label
What can cause ssri shock-like sensations if you been off an ssri for 45 days?
I am on SSRI for my depression but stopped them 2 months back and I am still having shock like sensations. How long do they last?
What can cause ssri shock-like sensations if you been off an ssri for 45 days?
I have had depression for long and I am on SSRI. Is there any other susbstiute for SSRI to help with depression and anxiety?
0no label
What can cause upper left sharp pain that radiates to back with vomiting/paleness/weakness? This has gone on for 5 years.
Hello doctor, I have nausea, vomiting, bloating and acid reflux. Symptoms started after I ate spicy food. Can I take TUMS for my symptoms?
0no label
What can cause upper left sharp pain that radiates to back with vomiting/paleness/weakness? This has gone on for 5 years.
I have vomiting, paleness and weakness and has upper left sharp pain that radiated to the upper back. It has been going on for 5 years. Can you help me?
What can I do to treat my pimples by tomorrow without products?
Hello doctor, I have acne prone skin and I had break out yesterday. Tomorrow I have prom to attend in school and I would like to know about any natural remedies which will help with by pimples by tomorrow.
What can I do to treat my pimples by tomorrow without products?
I have been given benxoxyl peroxide for pimples and after using the medication I am having redness and dry flaky skin. Is it normal?
0no label
What causes you to vomit with a itchy throat?
I have been vomiting around 3-4 episodes daily, diarrhea, fever, stomach pain, nause and chills. May I know what the cause is?
0no label
What causes you to vomit with a itchy throat?
I have vomiting and itchy throat? Can I know about the causes?
What does it mean to have 91 for THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES, <1 for THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES, TSH 4.44, and T3, (liothyronine) TOTAL 72; no symptoms?
Hello doctor my thyroid results have been abnormal and I am given synthyroid to take. Can you tell me how to take the medication?
0no label
What does it mean to have 91 for THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES, <1 for THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES, TSH 4.44, and T3, (liothyronine) TOTAL 72; no symptoms?
My thyroid tests results are 91 for thyroid peroxidase antibodies and <1 for thyroglobulin antibodies and TSH 4.44 and T3(liothyronine) and total is 72 and I have no symptoms.
What does it mean when muscles jump like in your arm is this anything serious?
Doctor can I know if stress causes muscle twitching in arms and also do excessive caffeine intake be a cause?
0no label
What does it mean when muscles jump like in your arm is this anything serious?
Muscles in my arms are jumping. Is it something to worry about?
What do you suggest if my grandma had 2 massive strokes so on?
I have severe headache. I smoke, drink and I am obese. I am stressed. Am I in risk of getting a stroke?
0no label
What do you suggest if my grandma had 2 massive strokes so on?
My grandmother has 2 massive strokes. What can be done?
What is best material for bleaching teeth?
Hello, I have yellowish stains on my teeth and I want to know any home remedies or things to use to bleach my teeth in home?
What is best material for bleaching teeth?
I inhaled fumes of bleaching powder and I am having headache and nausea. What symptoms do I look for? Is this some thing that warrants an ER visit?
0no label
What is humor therapy?
Hello doctor, I want to know what is humor therapy and if it is useful or no?
What is humor therapy?
I have chronic pain syndrome and one my friend suggested humor therapy may help but I have no significant improvement. Can you please tell me about the treatment options for chronic pain?
0no label
What is that company that tests for gene for smelly urine from asparagus?
Hello doctor can you please tell me about the company that tests for genes for smelly urine from asparagus?
What is that company that tests for gene for smelly urine from asparagus?
Hello doctor, where can I get the genetic testing for my baby. I want to know who is the father of my baby.
0no label
What is the anti-dose of taking too many cetrizyne hydrochlride? My friend has tried to commit suicide. What should I do to keep her safe from danger?
Hello doctor I am taking cetrizine hydrchloride for my allergies. Can I take Benadryl along with it?
0no label
What is the anti-dose of taking too many cetrizyne hydrochlride? My friend has tried to commit suicide. What should I do to keep her safe from danger?
My friend tried commiting suicide by taking extra dose of cetrizine. What can be done to help him? Will he be okay?
What is the definition or description of: duct?
Doctor what is a duct and can I know about it?
What is the definition or description of: duct?
I have redness, swelling and bump around my eyelid. Doctor said it is a clogged duct. May I know what can be done to help ease symptoms?
0no label
What is the prevalence of green eyes? Are they rare?
Hello doctor may I know the chances of one getting green eyes? Is it rare?
What is the prevalence of green eyes? Are they rare?
I have eye pain and green discharge from the eyes since 1 week. Do I have conjunctivitis?
0no label
What is the treatment for maxillary sinus carcinoma?
Hello doctor, can I know the symptoms of maxillary sinus carcinoma.
0no label
What is the treatment for maxillary sinus carcinoma?
I am diagnosed with maxillary sinus carcinoma. May I know about the treatment options?
What is uterine perforation and how is it treated?
I am scheduled for hysterectomy next Sunday. I am scared. What are the side effects? What are the chances of getting uterine perforation from the surgery?
0no label
What is uterine perforation and how is it treated?
May I know what is uterine perforation and how is it treated?
What kind of therapies are done after a knee cap breaks?
Hello doctor, I broke my knee cap and may I know which therapies can be done?
What kind of therapies are done after a knee cap breaks?
I injured my knee cap and there is redness, swelling and warmth and difficulty movement. Did I fracture my knee?
0no label
What long term health problems can you have if you take pain medicine on a regular basis?
I am suffering from chronic pain and am taking pain medications, may I ask what are the long term side effects?
What long term health problems can you have if you take pain medicine on a regular basis?
I am taking pain medications for chronic back pain and I am concerned about the drug test tomorrow? Do pain medications cause false positive tests?
0no label
Whats an over-the-counter drug for chron's desease?
Hello doctor, may I know what are the symptoms of Crohn's?
0no label
Whats an over-the-counter drug for chron's desease?
May I know what are the over counter drugs which can be taken for Crohn's?
What should be done to loss the weight of the body in very short time?
I lost more thn 15 lbs of weight in a month with out change in diet or exercise. I am having fever and night chills. May I know what is the cause?
0no label
What should be done to loss the weight of the body in very short time?
I want to loose my weight in a short time, what can be done?
Whats the best medication to treat yeast infections that a doctor can prescibe? Excluding diflucan (fluconazole)
Hello doctor I want to know what are the other treatment options apart from diflucan for yeast infections?
Whats the best medication to treat yeast infections that a doctor can prescibe? Excluding diflucan (fluconazole)
I heard with taking diflucan there is liver damage. I took a 3 day course for my yeast infection. Do you think I damaged my liver?
0no label
What's the best treatment for burns?
Hello doctor, can you please let me know about the treatment of burns?
What's the best treatment for burns?
I spilled hot water on my arm and I have redness, pain, blisters? How can I know which degree burn is it?
0no label
What's the best way to deal 3rd degree bed sore?
Hello doctor, I have been given antibiotics to help ease my 3rd degree bed sore. May I know if I can continue my hypertensive medications with the antibiotics?
0no label
What's the best way to deal 3rd degree bed sore?
Hello doctor, my grandmother has 3rd degree bed sore. What can be done to help?