SRL for [crumbed]: She [crumbed] the bread before feeding it to the birds .
ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the bread | ARG-M-TMP: before feeding it to the birds
SRL for [with an attorney]: Is there anything I can do to stop the consult [with an attorney] about filing a chapter bankruptcy ?
SRL for [dysregulated]: To determine whether a more physiological level of RipA could be converted to a lethal autolysin , we [dysregulated] RipA activity through the use of the beta - lactam antibiotic meropenem .
ARG-M-PRP: To determine whether a more physiological level of RipA could be converted to a lethal autolysin | ARG-0: we | ARG-1: RipA activity | ARG-2: through the use of the beta - lactam antibiotic meropenem
SRL for [him]: I stalled [him] off .
SRL for [learning]: At my parent conference , his teacher told me that the only problem he is having is with his [learning] the letters of the alphabet .
ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the letters of the alphabet
SRL for [to me]: I mean when I was underage the place was awesome [to me] .
SRL for [on the long pathway leading up the mountainside]: The town hall made plans to rip up the stone steps [on the long pathway leading up the mountainside]
SRL for [smack]: She leaned in to give him a [smack] on the cheek , and he leaned away , not - so - subtly avoiding her smooch .
ARG-0: She | ARG-M-LVB: give | ARG-2: him | ARG-M-LOC: on the cheek
SRL for [The Shawnees]: [The Shawnees] , heretofore confederated with the Senecas , cede to the United States that portion of their remaining lands
SRL for [unplug]: Stanley Rose , a vice president , technological and strategic planning at Bankers Trust , says that despite Digital 's low prices , `` we are n't about to [unplug] our IBM mainframes for a DEC machine .
ARG-0: we | ARG-1: our IBM mainframes | ARG-M-PRP: for a DEC machine
SRL for [collaborate]: Du Pont Co. , Hewlett - Packard Co. and Los Alamos National Laboratory said they signed a three - year , $ 11 million agreement to [collaborate] on superconductor research .
ARG-0: they | ARG-2: on superconductor research
SRL for [inexpensive]: Guerilla warfare was [inexpensive] for the attackers , but very costly for those trying to beat it down .
ARG-1: Guerilla warfare | ARG-3: for the attackers
SRL for [devote]: Mr. Coleman said this week that he would [devote] the remainder of the political season to positive campaigning , but the truce lasted only hours .
ARG-0: he | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the remainder of the political season | ARG-2: to positive campaigning
SRL for [The text " in German , Hebrew , and Latin "]: [The text " in German , Hebrew , and Latin "] was indecipherable to me .
SRL for [The most dangerous agreement]: [The most dangerous agreement] that disinherits Iraq from its oil resources is being signed .
SRL for [oil]: [oil] refinement
SRL for [manipulation]: Knee [manipulation] under anesthesia is indicated for total knee arthroplasty .
ARG-1: Knee
SRL for [stirred]: This [stirred] the ire of National Assembly members , who struck back during the ensuing constitutional revision session , claiming that " lifelong privileges for grand justices violate the constitution . "
ARG-0: This | ARG-1: the ire of National Assembly members , who struck back during the ensuing constitutional revision session , claiming that " lifelong privileges for grand justices violate the constitution
SRL for [fall]: An awesome love took the [fall] for all my sins .
ARG-0: An awesome love | ARG-M-LVB: took | ARG-1: for all my sins
SRL for [differentiate]: also are trying to [differentiate] by concentrating on higher - profit output , such as coated and electrogalvanized products , which remain beyond the reach of minimills .
ARG-2: by concentrating on higher - profit output , such as coated and electrogalvanized products , which remain beyond the reach of minimills
SRL for [police]: illagers are also unhappy about [police] detention of protesters .
SRL for [curable]: His liver was [curable] for cancer .
ARG-1: His liver | ARG-2: for cancer
SRL for [to a pulp]: I used a rock and pounded it [to a pulp] and mixed it into my dough .
SRL for [living up]: Often a court includes military leaders , law enforcement personnel , tax collectors and other bureaucrats that assist the nobleman in his [living up] to his responsibilities .
ARG-0: his | ARG-1: to his responsibilities
SRL for [cope]: `` Our company has not been able to [cope] very effectively with '' changes in the marketplace , said Ryosuke Ito , Sansui 's president .
ARG-0: Our company | ARG-M-MNR: very effectively | ARG-1: with '' changes in the marketplace
SRL for [The brokerage firm]: [The brokerage firm] tracks technology stocks with its Technology Index .
SRL for [detrimental]: Similarly to how not all claims are created equal , and individual claims require differing levels of evidence , neither are all religions created equal and it is rational to dislike a certain religion over another if one can be shown to be more [detrimental] to another .
ARG-0: one | ARG-M-EXT: more | ARG-1: to another
SRL for [of registered capital of privately owned enterprises]: the input [of registered capital of privately owned enterprises]
SRL for [inflation]: At the same time , last week 's consumer price index showed that [inflation] is moderating .
SRL for [Iran 's guided missiles]: Some people say that it is impossible . [Iran 's guided missiles] are very advanced -LRB- maybe what Iran can talk about are only guided missiles -RRB- ......
SRL for [our children]: Why ca n't we teach [our children] to read , write and reckon ?
SRL for [trading]: But , most of those thought it was probably insider [trading] .
ARG-0: insider
SRL for [on preparing students to achieve proficiency on those standard - based tests that we were just describing]: Is it your understanding that because Dover is a standard - based district , the class instruction is going to focus [on preparing students to achieve proficiency on those standard - based tests that we were just describing] ?
SRL for [to the teacher]: He was passive [to the teacher] while she drove into his mind the incomprehensible lines of " The Charge of the Light Brigade " .
SRL for [John]: [John] crested Mt. Everest after a record - setting fifteen years , three months , two weeks , five days , 21 hours , 13 minutes and 48 seconds since leaving base camp .
SRL for [snatched away]: What would 've happened if Lynard Skynard would have [snatched away] the microphone from Beyonce and said Taylor Swift deserved the award ?
ARG-0: Lynard Skynard | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-1: the microphone | ARG-2: from Beyonce
SRL for [flow]: Talent [flow]
ARG-1: Talent
SRL for [In fact]: [In fact] , DLJ says , the company envisions capital expenses of about $ 180 million a year .
SRL for [Breathing]: [Breathing] quiet and non - labored without retractions or use of accessory muscle No audible stridor or wheezes
SRL for [W.J. Usery Jr. , labor secretary during the Ford administration]: [W.J. Usery Jr. , labor secretary during the Ford administration] , was named to mediate talks to settle the six - month strike by the UMW .
SRL for [ballet]: People who do [ballet] have it drilled into them , to the point where I find it more comfortable now .
R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: People | ARG-M-LVB: do
SRL for [my arms]: I sunburned [my arms] .
SRL for [it]: I ca n't get a fucking answer . If [it] s returnable , buy it , I guess , but I really do n't see us using it . It supposed to be 70 on Monday . You can always return it .
SRL for [retrieved]: John [retrieved] his teddy from Mary . Teddy BEAR ! Teddy BEAR ! Sheesh .
ARG-0: John | ARG-1: his teddy | ARG-2: from Mary
SRL for [drop shipped]: They [drop shipped] them directly to me from Redranger .
ARG-0: They | ARG-1: them | ARG-M-MNR: directly | ARG-2: to me | ARG-3: from Redranger
SRL for [beer and mixed drinks]: They imbibed [beer and mixed drinks] .
SRL for [display]: video [display] terminals and workstations
ARG-1: video | ARG-2: terminals
SRL for [stacking]: `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that Wall Street is [stacking] the deck against them , and these wide swings are scaring them to death , '' says Raymond A. Mason , chairman of regional broker Legg Mason Inc. in Baltimore .
ARG-0: Wall Street | ARG-1: the deck | ARG-2: against them
SRL for [of a holding company enabling the savings bank to pursue nontraditional banking activities under a new federal law]: the formation [of a holding company enabling the savings bank to pursue nontraditional banking activities under a new federal law]
SRL for [great]: They 're not good , they 're [great] !
ARG-1: they
SRL for [death]: the [death] of innocents
ARG-1: of innocents
SRL for [rubble]: Emergency crews searched through the charred [rubble] of a Phillips Petroleum Co. plastics plant near Pasadena , Texas , where a series of explosions Monday killed at least two people and injured 124 .
SRL for [coverage]: almost non - stop on the scene [coverage]
ARG-M-MNR: almost non - stop | ARG-M-LOC: on the scene
SRL for [of the policy]: The agency was created for the implementation [of the policy] .
SRL for [The sun]: [The sun] freckled the ground with dots of light through the trees
SRL for [actually]: Who has [actually] vetted him for his constitutionality to be a valid president ?
SRL for [lahar]: Can the Minister confirm that the department 's report states that a 1,000,000 - tonne [lahar] dropping from a height of 8,000 feet is likely sometime in the next 3 years
ARG-2: 1,000,000 - tonne | ARG-M-PRD: dropping from a height of 8,000 feet