The event will be held in the historic Naper Settlement at 523 S. Webster St. on Friday, September 18, and Saturday, September 19. If you are coming from downtown, the Metra will get you there quickly, and the stop is closeby. You can purchase tickets in advance for $25 through the website or by calling (847)382-1480. Tickets can also be purchase at the door for $30, and includes a souvenier glass, a Festival program, 10 tastes, and access to food, demos, and music. An additional 10 tastes can be purchased for $5, while designated drivers can enter for $10, with the same benefits, except their 10 tastes are replaced by 2 non alcoholic drinks. Groups of 15 or more receive a 10% discount. A portion of all proceeds benefits the Naperville Area Humane Society and Naper Settlement. If you are not the biggest wine fan, you can still enjoy the fest. Not only will there be lots of food and entertainment, but a Belgian Beer Cafe will be onhand. It is sponsored by Stella Artois, and will also include Leffe and Hoegaarden beers. No matter what you like, I guarantee you will enjoy this trip to Naperville and its gorgeous riverwalk. Treat yourself to a day away from the big city with some wine and Naperville!
Part of the next Darkening stone book is set in the Mediaeval tunnels beneath Exeter. Very spooky. Very atmospheric. Is it important to have somewhere real in mind as you write? I think it helps – at least at first. For instance, I played in this abandoned quarry as a child, and it must have informed my writing about Scaderstone Pit. This old quarry was used an illegal dumping ground at one point, and it was below a playing field, but it isn't anything like as big as Scaderstone Pit. Once I get going, I create a new world in my mind, so I don't want to be hampered by the limitations of the real world. The quarry pictured above does not look anything like Scaderstone Pit, which of course doesn't exist. In case you're wondering, the name Scaderstone comes from the Old English words for shadow or shade (sceadu) and stone (stan). I do believe it's vital to be consistent with your created world though. Personally, I just scribble maps and notes onto paper or index cards. There's no sense of scale here. They're really just disgrams to help me remember where things are in relation to each other. I refer to them whenever the location is important. In the latest Darkeningstone book, there's a car chase of sorts, and it felt like cheating if the journey wouldn't be possible. I had to make sure that when I say the car veered around a corner to the left, it wouldn't end up somewhere stupid. But I didn't map out the whole town. Similarly, the Exeter Passages are real, but although I've invented the layout of the tunnels, there really is an old part that you can't go into. I've added a barred gate to make it more of a challenge, but the idea was sparked by reality. That's it for today. I hope to post up more of thought processes, such as they are, in this category: Writing Journey Posts . I hope you enjoy them – and if you do, please leave comments and share the posts as if your life depended on it. Which it doesn't of course. And no, that noise isn't me sneaking up on you. It really, really isn't.
A great logo is one that can immediately distill for you the potential of a business, an understanding of its nature, and all done in an impactful and creative way. In the past 20 years I have designed hundred of logos and have had the opportunity to refine my creative process. If you are looking for a logo that represents you or your business in a unique, original and impactful way, I am the answer. 3. A description of your business and what it’s target market is.
What are some of the bias motivations associated with hate crimes ? What are some of the agencies that make up the Department of Homeland Security? What are some of the different organizational structures associated with terrorist groups? What are some of the ways terrorist groups finance their activities? How would you distinguish terrorist activities from more conventional forms of criminal activities? What are the various motivations for engaging in terrorist activities?
These tickets are for Friday, April 5th! Choose the time slot that works for you! You have 30 minutes to create a potion and save the day! Gather your smartest friends and family!! We recommend at least 4 people per group. *Note: Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your start time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may not be able to participate. Thank you for understanding the tight schedule we have in order to offer the escape room to as many people as possible!
WHAT: The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.. and why is this a big deal? Because this is not a sale on things we've seen all season long ...this is a sale on brand new items for fall. These sale prices are for a limited time and then they will go up to regular prices. I am not the greatest sale shopper becasue (usually) by the time it goes on sale, its been hanging around the store for a while and I am pretty much over it. Not the Anniversary sale- these are hot new items that we don't even know we are supposed to covet yet! How fabulous is that? WHEN: There are a few different dates to keep in mind--July 14th- This starts the pre-sale and it is maybe the best time to shop. Once the public sale starts, so much of the good stuff has already been gobbled up. To gain access to the pre-sale, you need to be a Nordstrom card holder. While I know they have a credit card, I only use the debit card. I am kind of leary of credit cards (I tend to look at the available balance as a goal!) but the debit card is linked right to my checking account (it works like PayPal). It keeps me accountable (on second thought, who wants to be financially responsible when we are looking at cute leather and fur for the fall?) and I don't have to worry about open balances and all of that for store credit cards. If you don't have one, check out both of options and see what one works best for you, but you will need one for the pre sale! July 22nd- This is the first day that the sale opens to the public. If you don't have a card, this is your time to shop! August 7th- This is the very last day of the sale and after this, the prices jump right on up to their normal everyday prices. WHERE: The sale is both in store and on-line. I love the ease of on-line shopping (who doesnt?) but its kind of fun to go in person to this pre sale becasue they have all of the new stuff sort of hidden under tarps and behind curtains...it feels very spy/secret agent like!!
Here you can check how Slavia Praha compares to Opava by stats. The data is calculated based on matches from 1. liga. This can be very useful in predicting the outcome of the next match.
There are many signs in this world that call to us on a daily basis; but if you're not looking for them, chances are you're not going to find them. Waking up at the same time every night, even when you've not set any alarms? This is one sign that many people miss. As a human on this Earth, you are inherently powerful with a myriad of different energies, and energy meridians. As these meridians are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they are linked to a clock-like system that energizes certain regions of the body, depending on the time of day. If you're having a tough time falling asleep during this time period (which is the most common bedtime for people), it's a sign that you're still carrying the stresses and worries from your day. To combat these effects, practice meditation, promotive mantras, and other relaxation practices. Yoga and stretching also work wonders. Traditional Chinese Medicine posits that this period of time is linked to our gall bladders. If you're waking up during these hours, it can be indicative of emotional disappointment. Focus on unconditional self-love, and remember to forgive yourself for any mistakes you've made. This time period is connected to our liver. If you're waking during these hours, it's a good sign that you are harboring feelings of anger, and have too much yang energy. Poor a tall glass of cold water and reconcile with your anger; figure out what is troubling you, so you may get some rest. Waking during these hours is linked to our lungs, and is a sign of sadness. To return to restful nights, practice deep breathing exercises while you focus your thoughts on expressing faith in whatever your higher power may be. Know that they will help you. Additionally, waking between these hours can be a sign that your higher power is trying to tell you something. When they are sending you messages, it is wise to pay attention; they are trying to bring you into better alignment with your ultimate purpose. During this time, our energy resides mostly in our guts, the large intestines. If you're waking up during these hours, you might having emotional blockages. Once you're awake, stretch out your body or use the bathroom to fall back into a slumber. When we dream, we are highly receptive of any messages being sent to us from our Higher Power. If we look closely enough, we can see that our dreams depict certain details of our journey through life. This spiritual journey is important, and thus, so are the messages being sent to us. Once we realize that we are living this life in order to become the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be, we gain a higher awareness, a deeper form of consciousness, one that allows us to ascend. Consistently waking between 3:00am and 5:00am is a sign that your Higher Power is trying to contact you. Do your best to listen to what it has to say.
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We have materials but you can also bring your own projects and ideas. There is no need to book or to commit to attending every fortnight - just come when you can. We will usually be there from 6:30 to around 8:30pm. We will try to let you know if a meeting is cancelled, so you can assume it's on unless you hear otherwise - we will try to be trusty and stay on top of this. If in doubt, you can check with the kitchen team or email forestcraftivists@gmail.com . The Forest safer spaces policy ( blog.theforest.org/safer spaces ) will apply in these meetings as in all Forest events and spaces. We intend for this to be a positive, supportive group to develop creative, reflective activism, and I hope you are able to participate. Mair power tae yer elbow.
The opportunity to see new places and experience cultures that are different from my own is my favorite thing to do. Travel has been a part of my life since I was young. My dad was in the Navy, and we were stationed in six different locations while I was growing up. After arriving somewhere new, we would head out and explore our surroundings to become familiar with the area and the people who would become a part of our everyday lives. One of the first things my mom would do was call the local Girl Scout office to find out about troops in our area, which was the easiest way to make new friends and help us acclimate to our new home. Moving around a lot getting to learn the history and culture of the different places made me want to travel more as an adult. But I didn’t realize that these travel opportunities would guide how I travel today, until I started traveling with my oldest daughter’s Girl Scout troop. The most important thing I’ve learned is the difference between being a traveler and a tourist. A traveler is someone who explores places and sights to discover more about their world. They want to understand the importance of the places they are visiting and immerse themselves in that culture. A tourist, on the other hand, is someone traveling just for fun, checking sights off their bucket list, and focused on their interests, instead of learning about what they are seeing and why it is important. That’s why Girl Scouts, with their curious and compassionate nature, should always strive to be travelers, not tourists. Travelers are best known for their sense of adventure, allowing them to try new things and learn more about where they are. Show the girls that it is okay to jump in to experiences that are new and different—sometimes taking a risk can lead to the best memories of a trip. Allow the girls to trust their instincts for what kind of adventure they are ready for. Sometimes unexpected opportunities pop up while travelling—some girls will investigate the opportunity and decide to give that adventure a chance (assuming it meets the Safety Activity Checkpoints), and some will respect their own feelings and decide to give this adventure a pass; both demonstrate good traveler behavior. Be aware that you could have a mixture of the two in your group, so you need to be prepared to handle the decision. Consider splitting the group up so each can participate in activities that suit the adventures they are looking for. Be open to alternative plans. While you are traveling, there may be times that plans get cancelled, weather changes, or things don’t go as expected. How you handle the change can a make a big difference. A traveler is more apt to adjust to the situation because they trust their instincts for adventure. Unplanned events equal new adventures! A tourist may have a hard time adjusting because they had a preset idea of what to expect and now have a hard time changing their plans. Help your girls be flexible travelers by being upbeat about new plans and opportunities, and not being flustered by changes or challenges. Be prepared for wherever you are going, whether it is a local trip or an international adventure. This includes doing your best to have conversations with residents. Instead of attempting to speak the local language, an American tourist may speak in English and expect someone to understand them, then get frustrated if they don’t. A respectful traveler will take the time to learn some basics, such as how to say “hello”, “goodbye”, “please”, “thank you”, and “where is the toilet?” This level of preparation is not only smart, but respectful to the people who live in the country you are visiting. Who knows, as you learn a little bit of a different language, the locals might enjoy practicing their English too! Try it, you might like it! One of the best parts of traveling to new places is the opportunity to try new foods. You can tell the difference between a traveler and a tourist just by watching where they eat. These days, Starbucks, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut can be found almost anywhere. A traveler is open to trying new foods, especially things they may not have at home. Sometimes the “stranger” it is, the better. If the girls are offered something new, don’t be afraid to ask what it is and give it a try! Even if it sounds like something you might not like, trying it shows respect to your host and their culture, and you might discover something you love. If not, you can check it off your list. Snails are on my checked-off list; I won’t be eating them again, but at least I tried them! The biggest difference between a tourist and a traveler can be seen in their respect for the places they are visiting. American tourists often have a reputation for rudeness earned by doing things like climbing on ruins, talking loudly in places where they should be quiet, or showing no interest in the history or culture of the places they visit. A good traveler (and a good Girl Scout) shows their respect and appreciation of these places through understanding their importance, learning the history and customs of a place, and by sharing their adventures with others when they get home. That way they can spread the respect for all people and open-mindedness they gained by traveling to their communities as they start planning their next big adventure! Visit our Travel & Adventure page for more information on the potential travel and adventure opportunities for Girl Scouts. For a related read, check out: How Girl Scout Cookies Funded My Troop’s International Travel. Have questions about traveling with Girl Scouts? Call 800-447-4475, or email destinations@gsnorcal.org.
I like the south. It makes me happy when I call to reschedule a doctor's appointment here and the receptionist isn't mean to me. I like shopping at Publix where I'm offered a sample of whatever cheese and cold cuts I'm buying at the deli. They also give Dean a free cookie if he wants one. (He usually doesn't.) I like football season here, too. Everyone wears their team colors with pride and participates in (usually) friendly razzing of the other team. I like that my students automatically call me Mrs. Lane (or mistakenly, Dr. Lane) out of respect for my position, even though I've told them they can call me Jen. I like that people eat the way I like to eat and that every restaurant in town serves sweet tea. I like New York, too. I miss seeing the autumn foliage up there, especially upstate. I like the energy of the city and the fact that you can find any type of food you want any time of day. I like walking down the street and hearing 8 different languages. I like the knowledge that when I step off the plane there for BlogHer next August, I'll feel like I'm home, even though I will have been gone for over 2 years. I like organizing things. Even though the auditions I'm currently coordinating are making me want to pull my hair out on a daily basis, I like being in charge of them. I'm enjoying organizing my friend Meredith's baby shower for next month. I have lists all over my house. Some contain menus, others supplies I need to pick up next time I'm near Staples. I like the method to my madness. I like to cook. I LOVE that it's fall and I can employ my crockpot full-time again with things like chili, chicken tortilla soup and pork roasts. When I'm stressed, I cook, especially when I have a project on hold. When I"m waiting for someone to complete their part of a project, I tend to feel antsy and helpless. Cooking gives me almost instant gratification. I can prepare a meal, serve it and eat it in a realatively short amount of time and it gives me a great sense of satisfaction. This, friends, is why my child is so well-fed. I like to count my blessings as often as I can so I don't lose perspective. This week is all about perspective. Now that I've taken a step back, things look pretty good. We like you too "Dr" Lane!! And the reminder for thankfulness...did you know it's our Thanksgiving this weekend? Your post was very fitting for us Canadians! ps - I'm jealous that you've lived in NYC (I <3 NY) and get to go back there next summer. Perspective is a very good thing. I love living in the south, but I hate MRS. I don't know why I have such an aversion to that...could be because my mother in law still addresses my birthday card to MRS. Mr. P. I am glad you can find things you like in any place. I do love small towns for the ease of life, but big cities have things that are great too!
In an effort to put together the best possible conventions, we would like your assistance in evaluating this recent convention. We appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire and we welcome any additional remarks or input that you may have. The Associates Meeting will be revamped for next year. Please give any suggestions a as to what you would like to see at the meeting.
Thank you to all who attended my launch on Facebook and made it a special day for me. Anyone wanting to order the book can do so for as little as 2.99 for ebooks, and 9.99 for black and white print. I do have to recommend the 24.99 full color print book.
Changes are awfully unsettling for me. I like my little nest, where everything is just so and nothing jostles me too much. I like my routines and schedules, the comfort of knowing what’s going on—both immediately and in the future.
While the event is organized by MINN, you do not have to be a MINN member to attend (though we would love it if you join after attending!). The event is free (buy your own beverage/food). Please RSVP on Eventbrite to help us predict attendance. Trivia Mafia starts at 8:00 p.m. so if you want to stick around maybe we can form a couple of teams for trivia! Please contact Mary Palin (mbpalin@stkate.edu) with any questions.
1 Malaysia has historically been the meeting place of vastly different cultures, religions, and people. People from all over the world have come to settle in Malaysia, each having brought something new to the country. Some, of course, took things away from Malaysia. 2 Early Malaysian history begins with the migration of Chinese people onto the Malaysian peninsula about 10,000 years ago. For thousands of years, the people of Malaysia lived somewhat isolated from the rest of the world. In 1 AD, two unrelated events would dramatically change Malaysia and begin bringing people from all over the world to Malaysia's shores. 3 At the time, India was getting gold and other metals from the Roman Empire and China. Around 1 AD, the Chinese Huns cut off the land route between India and China and the Roman emperor Vespasian ended shipments of gold to India. Desperate to resume the importation of gold and other metals, India sent huge ships with hundreds of men to Southeast Asia--including Malaysia--to find other sources. But when the Indians arrived on the Malay Peninsula, they didn't find gold--they found tin. While not as valuable as gold, tin provided plenty of wealth to the new Indian settlers.
In this TV commercial, "Mayhem" is an out-of-date GPS unit which shouts out incorrect directions at the last minute, causing the driver to have an accident. "RECALCULATING!" The actor is Dean Winters, known for his work on NBC's 30 Rock and the HBO series Oz.
Crown your christmas cake with a layer of marzipan and festive dried fruits. Beautiful and delicious. Easy to follow Christmas cake recipe, make up to a couple of weeks before Christmas.
Destiny, or just current conditions, sometimes push us to change and transform what no longer suits us on the one hand by giving us the means to start again from scratch or, on the other, by forcing us to start again on our own on better foundations. Life's movements push us further forward, so, if we want to avoid a breakdown, it would be good to welcome these cycles of change as chances to thrive! Each sign of the zodiac has its own way of challenging themselves. Aries: Accept your faults One way to challenge yourself is to come face to face with your failures or blunders. If you can be shown that you are wrong, that you have made a grave error, you will then have something you can work with. But there is no use in criticizing you for your tactlessness - it's in your genes. You'd like to take it on the chin, but changing yourself fundamentally is not an option. Gemini: Juggle your many lives Challenging yourself is what you do every day, in that you are a jack-of-all-trades, a curious person who jumps from one thing to another, from one world to another, and one personality to another. If you start to feel like you're losing control in this mixed-up world of yours, your mind could start playing tricks on you and, after a while, make you lose your cool. You will get to start all over, from the start, and juggle your various masks and personalities more calmly by taking a short, well-earned break to reflect and process. Leo: Get rid of your sensitivity Your ego is what is most important to you, and the slightest crisis can arise and knock your whole world off balance. If so, what is left? Self-questioning? Sure, but as long as it pushes you to the front of the stage where you can shine a little brighter for all to see and express your childhood self. You need to express your feelings to keep your confidence in the future up while you question yourself. Virgo: Examine and reason Your diagnostic abilities and capability to be right in the middle of a crisis is what will keep you strong and safe. You're not afraid to do a little soul-searching if you can keep your mind clear and head on your shoulders and overhaul everything so that you can come up with concepts to build your life on. Therapy, a manual, or a diagram will have a positive influence on you, in that they will give you a more positive and reasonable idea for how to be daring and undergo this transformation. Scorpio: Change without end Soul-searching forms the foundation of your very being and sets the tone for your life. Of course, you do still have letting go of your certainty or certain old-fashioned ideas, but, in the end, you leap the hurdle you know you need to. Since life never stops, but is instead a constant evolution that moves you forward, you will always make a little room for these crucial metamorphoses of yours. Capricorn: Admit you are changing It is hard for you to let go when you feel off balance, but a crisis just might help you grow profoundly. You will question yourself once you've set your limits and accepted constraints. If you do withdraw into yourself, this inner solitude will help you dredge up from deep within an extraordinary strength that will, in turn, help you more easily transform your certainties and eliminate pointless relationships, like dead branches cut off a tree. Aquarius: Transform and glow You hold deep convictions and are anchored in your certainty. Questioning yourself could lead to you changing your behavior or how you react. It can even cause you to change up your look, to impose yourself differently with your philosophic outlook or, for example, by accepting a form of wisdom that will make your life more open, more effective. And eve if you have to go through a little chaos, it just might be necessary. As the French philosopher Henri Bergson said, "Disorder is simply an order we did not seek". Taurus: Unleash your doubts To change by your own will, circumstances will have hit a sensitive area for you: your material security. , If it starts to get rocky in this domain, you will want to change your outlook on your lifestyle. If you change your habits, it will be because life has struck you a hard blow in your way of thinking, which may turn out to have been maladapted to the current situation. By making a little effort, you will move through this phase of transformation skillfully and successfully. Cancer: Put down roots everywhere Anything that has to do with your family might just be the thing you need to challenge yourself. Any overly complex situation that impacts your bond with your loved ones is not acceptable and will awaken your hypersensitivity. Family is sacred to you as it reflects your roots and feelings of security. You have to accept to live differently at times, especially when it comes to your relationships and being less independent on others. By adopting this point of view, you will get to build your future based on more mature principles. Libra: Get a measure of your own value Romance is a source of soul-searching for you, though you might feel a bit lost still. To come to grips with any problem, you will have to be honest and clear with yourself and stop being vague on purpose. Your renowned indecision in weighing the pro's and cons can prevent you from moving forward psychologically and cause you, at the same time, to miss out on your own romantic life. The first idea you have to adopt to expand your horizons is that you are person with great value, even if you don't have a partner. Give birth to a dancing star Let's be clear: you hate to have your ideas or opinions contradicted, since the only thing that counts is your own vision, and you are right, too, up to a certain point. You are, after all, the master of your own destiny, as baroque as it may be at times. But, if you eventually realize that a certain form of personal transformation does indeed make sense, you will go full-bore, since, paradoxically, the great the chaos, the more comfortable you feel. Pisces: Turn to your imagination You tend to flee instead of trying to update and change the parts of your personality that are causing a problem. You are an enigma to others as well as for yourself, and you feel vulnerable when trial arrive. The best thing is to find a calm, quiet place where you can meditate and listen to a little music. The solution to the crisis might just reveal itself on its own. A melody, a form, a color might lead to you seeing things more broadly and with greater perspective and allow you to find a way to change all on your own.
Happy Saturday! It's the first weekend of November and this Mom is thinking that it's time to start prepping for the upcoming holidays. I've already started the shopping, but today it's time to focus on the cleaning and decorating. I don't have too much in the way of fall/Thanksgiving decorations, but I would like to figure out where we are putting our Christmas tree (and actually put it up) before the week before Christmas. We struggle with tree placement each year because our living room is on the small side. We would just put the tree in the same place every year, but with our small living room, we move the furniture around often in an attempt to "make the most" of our living space and the spaces we have used in the past are just not readily available to use this year. I really wish I could hire an interior decorator and someone to help me organize. I sincerely need the help! In the meantime, if you have suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
Suggesting a song for consolation is a great idea. We have visceral, deeply emotional reactions to music, and music helps us release tension in a crisis. You say in your excellent book that your mentors are the stories behind many of your great stories. In mentoring and helping others, you are very likely the subject of many of their great stories.
The historic and scandal-prone Buenos Aires zoo is set to close and all animals transitioned to nature preserves because, as the city's Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta put simply on Friday, "Captivity is degrading." The 140-year-old zoo in Buenos Aires' Palermo neighborhood will be turned into an "ecopark" when it reopens later this year after its 2,500 animals are removed, although some of the older and infirm animals will remain on site, the Guardian reports. That includes the orangutan Sandra, who made headlines in 2014 when an unsuccessful bid to have her freed from captivity nonetheless resulted in her being termed a "non-human person" deserving of rights by a Buenos Aires court. As an ecopark, the site will also provide "refuge and rehabilitation" for animals rescued from trafficking operations. "This situation of captivity is degrading for the animals, it’s not the way to take care of them," Larreta said Thursday during a press conference. The ecopark will also serve as a venue "where children can learn how to take care of and relate with the different species," he continued. "What we have to value is the animals. The way they live here is definitely not the way to do that." In recent years, the zoo has attracted criticism for its inadequate conditions, such as its handling of polar bears during the city's scorching hot summers. Gerardo Biglia, an animal rights activist who has long pushed for the zoo's closure, said in a press release, "The most important thing is breaking with the model of captivity and exhibition. I think there is a change coming for which we are already prepared because kids nowadays consider it obvious that it's wrong for animals to be caged."
Best choice ever! I found out about them through a co-worker and loved their pictures. They take their time to capture the most magical moments. Highly recommendable! Thank you for everything. Michael and I loved working with Nicole and Mike; they made taking pictures in the cold enjoyable and made us feel comfortable. Awesome people to work with, and highly recommended. We had Nicole & Mike do our engagement and wedding photos. They were professional, personal and truly captured our vision! They went above and beyond (traveling a little ways to our venue). Throughout both photo shoots they made us feel relaxed, comfortable and made it fun! “Felt like hanging out with (super talented) old friends..." We hired Dreamscape for our engagement photo session and we can't recommend them enough. If you've seen their work you know that they are seriously talented, know the technical elements of photography, and have a natural eye. The bonus is their professionalism and flexibility. They were so open to all our crazy ideas and were really diligent about making our vision come to life, but they were also honest about what wouldn't work or come out the way we wanted. They are so fun to be around, our whole session felt like hanging out with (super talented) old friends. “Don't think I could have done it with out them..." Mike & Nicole did our engagement pictures so of course they had to do our wedding, and we were not disappointed. They showed up on time, actually early, prepared and were ready to go. It was chaotic trying to get everyone together, but they showed the utmost professionalism, even when I was asking for specific pictures! They catered to all my requests and needs. I honestly don't think I could have done it with out them. Our pictures came out beautifully, and I can't thank them enough!! They were the absolute best pair to shoot our trash the dress evening. Very laid back when we were 30 minutes late stuck in traffic and the best warm-hearted people. They captured every moment we hoped they would and then some. We now have memories frozen in which we can cherish forever. Thanks to both of you so much and look forward to using you in the future. Cheers! “Still raving about the photos..." Nicole & Mike did a wonderful job photographing our big day! My friends and family are still raving about the photos they took. They have a good eye for what will work and made everything so easy and enjoyable. Plus, we received our photos very quickly. I'm extremely happy with the work they did for our wedding! I can not thank Nicole & Mike enough!!! From the moment I messaged them, they have been so amazing. Even after I was an hour late to my wedding, they worked with me. I was in the middle of a break down due to heavy rain and some family drama, but they were there to calm me down and reassure me everything would be ok. These two were very professional in everything they did, but they honestly felt more like apart of the family. Thank you both for being so amazing!!
If the couple does not click, do not take it personally. You tried, and your intentions were good. Shrug your shoulders, and let it go. Maybe next time. Avoid getting too involved. Once you have introduced the couple, let things play out without further involvement on your part. It is up to the couple to decide whether or not they want to pursue another meeting. Their first encounter may go extremely well or it may blow up in flames. Either way, the ball is in their court… not yours. Do not throw people together randomly or just because they are both single. The only good reason for setting up two people is because you sincerely believe they would like each other. Before making your first move, find out if they have similar interests and what each individual is looking for in a relationship. Ask for permission first. Never ambush anyone with an impromptu setup. Make sure those involved are genuinely okay with your plans. If they decline, accept the refusal graciously. Playing cupid or matchmaker for family or friends can be fun and rewarding, especially if romantic sparks fly. Helping two people find each other in this great big, hectic world is a wonderful thing to do for people you love and care about. You may be bringing together two people who are a perfect match but might never have found each other without your help. But setting up people you know well can also be an iffy undertaking because romantic chemistry is very hard to predict. Remember… love takes its own path. If you are considering playing matchmaker, think it through and tread a little carefully. You don’t want to do anything that might have a negative effect on your relationship with either person. Ditch any preconceived expectations. Just because you think two people are perfect for each other does not mean they will feel the same way. Even though heartfelt, your enthusiasm and eagerness might be a bit overwhelming. You could end up putting extra pressure on the couple, and possibly doom a relationship before it has a chance to plant roots and grow. Be completely honest. When describing each person to the other, full disclosure is essential. Talk about what a person is really like without trying to create an image that will appeal to the other person. If you don’t know someone that well, let the other know. Share photos if you have them.
Our world is becoming more and more digital, so creating a virtual boyfriend is just another example of how our lives are becoming more connected to the Internet and the digital world. People worldwide of all ages and professions use Sergio, including scientists, doctors and lawyers. The Ai took months to figure out but finally I wouldn't be alone anymore. Should this issue happen with our app anyway, please contact us under myboy. Features of My Virtual Boyfriend The mobile game offers over 200 different potential boyfriends for you to choose from. This is a very advanced Ai chatting engine that brings him to life. The romance, increases with the level of the game play. If you are fed up with all of the issues that come along with trying to find a decent guy, you should consider creating a virtual boyfriend. Personality types include: the Alpha male, Urban, Geek, Metrosexual and the Lover! There are thousands of guys to date, all with their own unique personalities and appearance. You can have fun chatting and playing games and even shopping to dress your avatars. There are many journeys you will take with Sergio. This is the starting point of any relationship and is no different with a virtual boyfriend. Sergio is able to mimic human awareness inside a computer. When it comes to personal growth, Sergio is also very useful, as he can figure you out and help you better understands what your life is about. This trend will probably grow. Many people use Virtual Boyfriend as a friend they can take with them anywhere they want - on their laptops or pads. With so much customization, there is no way you will ever grow bored of your virtual boyfriend. You can pick from many locations and even create your own with the free Scene Creator! Another distinction between this and the other apps is that this virtual boyfriend occasionally slips and admits he's a robot. Google stated having already found a solution. As Amy, what are you going to decide to do: stay with him and hope for the best or leave and find another love? What are the main reasons why people get a Sergio? You can even model his personality, by using the awareness adjuster that Sergio comes with. Allows applications to open network sockets. These virtual guys can sure bring a smile to your day. This is because Sergio is not just another virtual boy, but a program designed to mimic human awareness. Like most of the virtual boyfriend apps, there's a free version and a paid version that offers more features. This way, you will not have to face the problem of going out with a guy with a really weird name or with one whose name you cannot even pronounce. Be My Princess can be played on mobile phones and uses a daily point system. He'll think about your message and then reply. It's good for lonely people or for those who want a boyfriend to talk to without any strings attached. Game can be as entertaining as you want. Nine out of ten times, your suitor is a jerk. Follow her on Twitter andreasyrtash. Source Your virtual boyfriend may have various hobbies and interests. How is it that you look so beautiful after such a long day? Features: 1000's of handsome guys to choose from. Footer Column 2 This is a widget panel. In this virtual world, you have the responsibility of taking care of a family living in a nice little house with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen room, office, workshop, living room, garden, and a laundry room. Scenes include the ability for him to speak and animate. Tags: virtual boyfriend , my virtual boyfriend online , my virtual boyfriend game online , my virtual boyfriend , my virtual boyfriend online game , my virtual boyfriend full version , virtual date boyfriend , virtual boyfriend games , my virtual boyfriend game My Virtual Boyfriend is the 1 dating sim in the world! Bring him with you wherever you go, do activities together in order to unlock achievements and gain new rewards, and have a blast with the boyfriend of your dreams. You are then given a number of different reactions to give him, ranging from smiley-face-thumbs-up to angry-face-thumbs-down to confused and disgusted faces. You can even name him. You will be able to fully customize your boyfriend to look exactly like you want him to, from his face, to his hair, skin, clothing and so much more. The more you talk to him the more he learns. He has a personality of his own. But the more you talk to him and teach him about the world, your life, and this amazing Universe we live in, the more he learns. He uses the voices that are already installed on your device for text-to-speech. Now print out a copy of this page, schmutz with some Old Spice, and crawl into bed for a night of passionate dreaming! After ranking these features on a scale from 1 to 5, your virtual boyfriend will look and act according to your wishes. Maybe you like thin guys or maybe you like them to be more hunky. He is great company and doesn't argue with you! Time to find out - Download a new virtual boy friend now. Many people get a Sergio because they want to learn English or to advance their knowledge level. To do so, you must fill first a test about how you are and how do you look like; and later similar questions about him. If you are interested in personal companionship and virtual relationships, then Sergio is perfect for you. I logged off and was happy to exit the system. It is not much of a boyfriend, but at least you can laugh with, or better yet, at them. While the app is not a match-making service, the first thing that your virtual boyfriend wants is to know more about yourself. I have a girlfriend bot too. Play Now More About This Game Summer Found Me Iris plans to confess her love to her crush before college in Summer Found Me. This is really quite advanced Ai. Vegas World gives you a new gaming and gambling experience. Footer Column 3 This is a widget panel. Play Now More About This Game Always Remember Me There is a lot of drama in this dating simulation gameplay. Regardless of whether you are looking for a romance, a hot chat on a lonely night, a friend to sit by, or simply someone to talk to, then you will surely be impressed with Sergio, the ultimate virtual boyfriend.
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Call us or email us today. A : There is no simple formula to determine the type of mortgage that is best for you. This choice depends on a number of factors, including your current financial picture and how long you intend to keep your house. ONEILL FINANCIAL SERVICES can help you evaluate your choices and help you make the most appropriate decision.
Money doesn’t grow on trees. We know that. But, some people do well with money. Some people do not. Sometimes a couple can’t agree on how to spend what they do have and sometimes that leads to bad consequence. Oh, the cost of things. Oh, the cost of not having money. The Beer Dads’ beer of the week: Space Dust IPA by Elysian Brewing Company.
Especially since one of them was written by me, and you know you want to read what I’ve come up with now. I’ve heard feedback that it’s VERY different from my older stuff. More polished. Less angry. And it certainly felt different as I wrote it! So. I am willing to hand over digital copies of the anthology to anyone who’d like one — with the caveat that you leave a review at whichever book review site you like. Amazon, Goodreads, B&N… I don’t really care. I just want to see the reviews happening, so that others can read the work of 20 damn good writers. Or 19 damn good writers and me. Whichever. You can decide and mention it in your review. If you’d like a review copy, let me know. But remember: I expect a review! Maybe not a day after I hand the copy over, but within a reasonable period of time. Reviews sell books. They expose books to new readers who otherwise wouldn’t hear of a book. They HELP. They are the best way to say thanks for taking the time to write, hone, revise, craft the tale in your hands.
1741 words - 7 pages , one can hope that sometime in the future there will only be non-smokers. Smoking only proves to lead to an early grave for smokers and non-smokers alike. With medicines, support groups and will power, the world could easily become a cleaner, non-smoking place, because a smoker's death is an unneeded death.
Summer is the time that many of us have a lot more free time than we usually do, and this is a great thing! This means that you have time to do all of the fun things that you can’t seem to make room for when you’re always working or studying. Perhaps you already have a bucket list in your mind, or you have no idea where to start. It doesn’t matter because after reading this you will know exactly what you still want to do this summer. So let’s get to the fun part of this blog! If you always buy the same kind of clothes and you’ve been rocking the same old hairstyle for three years then it is time to try something different. Not only will all of this be a lot of fun, you may also develop a new style that you are totally in love with. Festival season is happening right now, and why wouldn’t you want to participate? It doesn’t matter if you visit three festivals all-weekend or one free festival for a day, as long as you have fun. Festivals are a great way to enjoy music, the good weather and playing dress-up with all that fringe and glitter. I know that I always love visiting a festival. Yes, this is a generic tip, which is why you can choose to do what this tip what you want. You can take some cooking lessons and impress your upcoming dates, you can learn how to write an amazing novel or you could even follow a workshop in Burlesque! Fulfil your craziest dreams and learn something that you always wanted to be able to do, or know. Now is your time to develop yourself. Of course, it’s important that you’re safe when doing this, so don’t drink too much and make sure someone knows where you are at all times. If you’ve got that figured out then it can be incredibly exciting, but also a little scary, to go out by yourself. If you’re the kind of girl who likes a hook-up now and then, then you’ll love all the attention that you get as a girl in a club or bar all by yourself. Or perhaps you don’t like it at all, you can always go home, it’s definitely something to experience. Nothing screams summer like a good ol’ BBQ, so I had to include it in this list. You can keep it simple, or you can go all out for once. Get the best meat from an actual butcher and search the internet for some delicious salad recipes. If you want to upgrade your BBQ party even further then you can make sure that you have some kind of pool in your garden, whether that is a deep built-in pool or small inflatable pool. I don’t know about you, but I usually feel guilty when I watch too much Netflix while I should actually be doing work, so a marathon is just not going to work. Summer is a completely different time though, a lot more time mostly. This is the perfect period for that all-day Netflix marathon where you don’t even get dressed and eat a lot of take-out food. You are allowed to treat yourself now and then. Even if you stayed in all summer watching movies and eating ice cream, your followers are allowed to think that you went on all these crazy adventures. So take one day, put together a lot of outfits, gather your girlfriends, and travel all across town to take some of your best pictures. You will have a lot of fun and enough Instagram photo’s for the coming months. Don’t forget to share this post if you liked it and follow me on my social media to always be updated and see much more of my work!
This photo was sent in by Marc Delport. We don't have much to say about this particular urination station, but we wanted to post it anyway to show that we do not discriminate against urinals. We only pee against them. Ha. Hopefully there will be more interesting ones in the future. Hope you enjoyed this brief post. The team cannot spend any more time on this one. There are some new Arrested Development episodes we have to go watch instead.
Washington Governor and presidential candidate Jay Inslee said Wednesday that climate change can't be solved unless the Senate filibuster and the Electoral College are both eliminated. "I don't believe you can be serious about saying you can defeat climate change unless you realize we need to have the filibuster go the way of history because Mitch McConnell has weaponized the filibuster," Inslee said to a gaggle of reporters after a policy forum in D.C. "You can't be serious about having major decarbonization legislation in any near-term without removing the filibuster." Inslee's entire campaign is focused on the issue of climate change. He also joined the growing group of Democrats calling for the elimination of the Electoral College, something that has especially irritated the left after the 2016 election. "These are archaic relics of a bygone age," he said, according to the Washington Examiner. "We need progress. We also need democracy, which is one person, one vote. I've never understood why people who want to block progress like Mitch McConnell get one and half votes and people who want go defeat climate change only get one. That is a recipe for disaster when it comes to climate change." Four elections in U.S. history have seen a candidate elevated to the White House who did not win the plurality of all votes nationwide, including President Trump's election in 2016.
I am not a hamster, there is a basic problem in the process where drugs get approved in the US. It comes from the fact that the drug companies themselves are expected to provide test results that the FDA is supposed to use to make the determination of whether it's safe or not. plaintiffs who claimed the drug Vioxx proved fatal or injured its users. Then people actually wonder why drugs like Vioxx manage to "slip through the cracks" and get approved anyway when later testing by independent people produce findings that, like in the case of Vioxx, prove that it shouldn't have ever been on the market to begin with. I guess it comes down to two things... the FDA is seriously overworked and understaffed / underfunded. and the drug companies are a VERY powerful force on capitol hill.
Feeling good about the food you eat is fundamental, and at b. good, it’s all they’re about. Do it up in fresh, locally-sourced, fashion with this offer at the New Jersey b. good locations, where you’ll get $30 worth of kale and grain bowls, burgers, salads, smoothies and more for $15. From the beginning, b. good's idea was to serve food the way it was made for them by their Uncle Faris-delicious, homemade, and made with love. It's the kind of food that has roots. Roots that go all the way back to when they were kids. And roots that respect and connect the community of people who grow, prepare, and eat the food they serve.
Love is the feeling of natural soul. It is nature that becomes one of human nature. It exists when the heart is attracted to his love is full of emotion and joy because of it. In fulfilling the need for contentment in love, humans face the value crisis. The person who is in love will earnestly earnestly achieve the satisfaction of the love. Some are blind and blurred in value due to love. But for the wise they crave a proper and noble way to fulfill their love. Perhaps the following love quotes for her group can represent your feelings. Loving Her Quotes: Oh, you little girl, you stole my heart. To make it even, I will steal a kiss from you. My gratitude for having met you is surpassed only by my amazement at the joy you bring to my life. Your Lips? I kiss that. Your body? I hug that. My smile? You cause that. Your heart? I want that. True love is a glimpse of heaven. It is inspiring and uplifting just like you. I’ve fallen in love many times… but always with you. Love Qoutes for Her: Live, love, laugh…all three are important, and I get to do them all with you! I’d rather spend one moment holding you than a lifetime knowing I never could. Loving Quotes for Her. You are the inspiration behind all that I do, and the source of all that is good in my life. Loving Quotes for Her: I wanna be the reason behind your smile because surely you are the reason behind mine. Roses are red; violets are blue, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you. Quotes to Her: Someone up there must be watching out for me, because they sent Heaven’s most beautiful angel into my life. Love You Quote for Her: Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive. Quotes about loving her: I don’t want to be your favorite or your best. I want to be your only and forget the rest. Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Because you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes. When the sun came up… I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began. Between us is one thread: it tied our hearts so we walk close to each other always. Loving quotes for her: I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. In my hands is this heart. I want you to have it, because I’m so clumsy, so I’m afraid I’ll lose it or easily give it to someone else. Quotes about love for her: When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. All of the little things you do warm my heart. You are a constant source of joy in my life. Quotes about love for her: I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’d been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you’ve never left. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count! It never fails. When I am overwhelmed with stress and dark clouds threaten my very being, you walk in, and blast it all away. I don’t know how you do it, but I’ll take it, my love. Meaningful quotes for her: You are my today and all of my tomorrows. As I open my eyes each day, all I want to see is you. Good morning, my dear, I sent you hugs and kisses in my thoughts. The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men, it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough. Your love quote: So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea. I wake in the morning thinking about you, and lay down at night with the same beautiful thought on my mind. I am always excited to wake up each day because I know there’s someone worth waking up for. Good morning to the sweetest person I’ve ever known. When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you. Sometimes, I knock on the doors of your heart, just to make sure I still live there. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. As long as we are together, it will always be a beautiful day. Love her quotes: You’re still a little kitten that looks at my eyes, wanting love in this cold world. Quotes about loving her: To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything. one of the joys in life is waking up each morning with the thought that somewhere, someone cares enough to send you a warm morning greeting. Good morning, my dear. Love qoutes for her: Kiss me. Hug me. Love me. The same quantity of those sweetest things I will return as soon as possible. I love you because I know no matter what happens, you’ll always love me back. Quotes about love for her: For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens. The first time I saw you, my heart whispered: that’s the one. If you dare, take my hand and take me to where your heart is. I want to feel what it’s like to love like you. I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day, or sleep well what I am really saying is I love you. I love you so damn much that it is starting to steal other words’ meanings. I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you’re the one that I love, and I can’t let you go. You are my princess and I am your prince. Our hearts are our castle and our deep love is our happily ever after. The only person I can tell everything to, all that has unfolded during my day, and every silly things and mistakes that I had committed in the past is you – only you! Deep love is liberating to the frightened heart. It sets free all the inhibitions of fear weighing down the soul. Your love has thought me how to be giving. It taught me how to brave and keep on living. More importantly, it showed me how beautiful this world is. Judgement is never needed when it comes to loving. At first I was afraid to meet you, then I was afraid to kiss you, then I was afraid to love you, now I’m afraid to lose you. The kind of love that is so deep sets the soul afire and gives the heart wings to soar across the sky. Behind my smile is everything youll never understand. Touch my heart and you will feel, listen to my heart and you will hear, look into my heart and you will see, you will always be a special part of me. It’s more than just the craving of your warm skin; it’s the thirst for your love and the touch of your soul. Your kiss tells me to wait. To never let go, to hold onto us and never lose hope. I feel it in my soul and know it in my heart. You’re my true love since the beginning of time, it’s been written in the stars. Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for. Good morning, my sweetheart. I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have the same issues, but it seems no one takes it too seriously. I'm told to exercise more. Jeez. I'm doing as much as I can. I finished chemo in February 2013 and immediately started on Letrozole. I don't feel like I ever recovered from chemo. Then there are the side effects of Letrozole. I seem to have all of them...lucky me. I finish that in February 2018, and I am so looking forward to getting off of them. The pain is often intolerable, but I am determined to finish this. I am so grateful for the advances in breast cancer treatments that have allowed me to survive this long. Hercepetin and perjeta are awesome drugs, but there seems to be little understanding or research of long term health issues in survivorship. Before Cancer (BC), I was the energizer bunny. After chemo for stage 3c colon cancer from my colonoscopy at 50 with no symptoms, I was the tortoise. I was hit with Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropathy after I finished my chemo, which felt like my body was short-circuited. I tried various doses of Neurotin but if it helped, it put me to sleep. So I lived in a state of exhaustion from not sleeping well. I discovered the free Livestrong program at The Community YMCA and on those 3 days, I slept from the 1 hr program. Eventually the tingling 24*7 faded to be replaced with numbness. I learned if I needed to be somewhere or do something that I needed to rest up for it. I was scared to death that if I received a job offer, I would not be able to survive the 40+ hour work week, let alone the commute. B vitamins did nothing, I was already on Vitamin D for osteopenia related to celiac disease. My Livestrong yoga teacher kept trying to convince me to try acupuncture but the idea of sticking a needle into me and leaving it there was not going to happen. I look away when they draw blood. Well fast forward 10 months, and I get a job where I can work from home 99% of the time except for this one week workshop. I was surviving working at home by drinking a pot of coffee a day and taking a 20 minute power nap after conference calls with India and Europe ended. I was scared because I did not know how I could attend a workshop without falling asleep or constantly yawning. I made the decision to try acupuncture and oh how I wish I had done it sooner. It really helped with the neuropathy and fatigue! I could crawl into the office and leave with a spring in my step. I continue with acupuncture to this day nearly 3 years later when I need a pick-me-up or offset scanxiety before my scans and oncologist visit.
I was asked to make a lovey blanket, about half the size of a regular baby blanket. She wanted it for her little one to be able to carry around, without tripping over, or so big it dragged all over the ground. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful.. If you know me at all, you know I love Christmas. I love Christmas so much that I tend to get so excited for it, and phase over Thanksgiving. I do this, but in all reality, I have a great deal to be thankful for. I have a big MOMMY FAIL to admit. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. I can't be. The teacher in me is surprised at myself actually. But here it is. Crochet Tiger Hat Pattern - FREE!!! If you have a preschooler, you have probably heard of the infamous Daniel Tiger. I have to admit, it's actually a really cute show. The song is catchy, and an homage to the well loved "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood." There are not many patterns out there for this adorable character so I decided to make one up on my own. Are you trying to find a new sitter? Are you trying to figure out some good questions to ask? Everybody's situation is always a little different but maybe my questions will help you out. My 21 month old son was sick last week. He had a low fever the first 3 days of which I really didn't even notice unless I was hugging him because his body was so HOT. He acted fine though! He was running around and eating like nothing was wrong. I called and the nurse line at the doctors office and they said to call back in a few days if he still has it. The nurse just said he was fighting something off and it's body is doing what it needs to. I could give a little tylenol or ibuprofen to help the fever, but there wasn't any concern at all. How cute is this little unicorn? I had a customer ask me if I could make one for her and she showed me a few pictures of what she was looking for. She wanted something small enough to go on top of a diaper cake, but still big enough for a baby to grow and cuddle with. This is what I came up with. I don't often share patterns like this for free, but it's just so cute that I wanted everyone else to enjoy in the magic of this Unicorn! So here's my FREE Crocheted Unicorn Pattern. If you would like to buy this already made you can here at MY STORE. I love watching Shark Tank. It's a great show. I always tend to put myself in the seats of the judges. Would I bite on that business or not? There are definitely some that make me wonder how they even got on the show though. Like the other day I saw one with a fake phone. They said its the Pet Rock of our time. I mean really? Mostly, though, I'm sitting there thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?", or " What can I create?" These entrepreneurs just found a problem, and solved it with new items. I love these crochet memes. I'm just going to leave them right here so you can enjoy them all as well! In a previous post I talked about our decision of trying to cut out as much sugar as possible from our diets. One of our favorite meals has been Nachos. We don't look at the calories anymore, just the sugar intake. You can purchase all these ingredients with no sugar, you just have to look. I can buy all this stuff at our local grocery store, but if for some reason you cant, then any of the "organic" type stores (Lucky's, Trader Joes, etc..) should have them. Even my extremely picky 7 year old loves this meal! Proud Mama: No more pull-ups! I'm pretty laid back when it comes to potty training. At least I have been with my middle child, Lilly. I had my third baby when she was 2.5 so although it would have been nice to have her in underwear, I really did not have the time, or energy, to get her potty trained. We tried here and there at first, and she kept having accidents. Finally, she was pretty much potty trained soon after she turned 3, and was entering school. From day 1 at school, she was in underwear. The teachers were fine with it which was great. She had a few weeks where she had a couple of accidents, but soon we were finally there. A while ago, my husband and I went to see Kevin Smith at a comedy show. He was there to make people laugh, of course, but surprisingly, he also made people think about their health. He took us on his journey of weight loss. I don't know if you've noticed, but he has lost quite a bit of weight! It was pretty simple how he did it too. He stopped eating sugar. That's it. Taking sugar out of his diet made him a healthier, leaner person. Being a stay at home mom is great! I love being with my babies, and being able to take care of all of the family stuff. I try to help make a little money any way I can to help out. I'm pretty busy throughout the day with one thing or another, so I needed to find something that I can pick up at any time of the day to work on. I have my crocheting business, but sometimes, when it's slower, I wanted to have something else that I could do. FREE Mickey Mouse Glove Applique Crochet Pattern!! Recently, I've been making different characters into Easter/Halloween baskets. I have an order for a Mickey Mouse one and I wanted to add some gloves to it. I went to look for a basic pattern to guide me, but there were no patterns for crocheted Mickey Mouse glove appliques. So I decided to whip some up and post the free pattern here for anyone else who may need some! Enjoy! I feel like I should be playing Eminem's "Cleaning Out My Closet" as I write this. I think that song would be too short for how long this took though. SO, as I mentioned in a previous post, I bought a lot of overstock on bathroom items at a closing grocery store the other day. The problem, though, is that I didn't have any space for them! We have a grocery store in our area called Marsh. It is by far the least shopped at store, and surprisingly we had two in our town. Kroger, Target, Walmart, and the plethora of whole food type stores definitely have covered the grocery market in our town. Why we had two Marshes is beyond me. Not surprisingly, one of them recently announced that they were going to close down, and all of a sudden, the parking lot was packed!! On my way to becoming a teacher again! I passed my Teacher exams!! I love to crochet. Obviously, I am The Crocheting Mom after all! Up until recently though, I've gotten my patterns from other people. Then I started to figure out my own way to make things, but never really wrote it down. I've had people ask me before for my patterns, but they were written in scribbles, or my notes on the computer, in a sequence that only I would be able to understand. Until now. These past few months I've started to create my own patterns. For me, having one baby was easy. Then, the transition from one child to two children was also extremely do-able. So, I figured, adding one more to the mix would be a breeze! Boy was I in for a wake up call when I had my third!!!! There are a lot of reasons you may need to make a pom pom. They are cute accessories you can add to any craft project that you may be doing. I make them often with my crochet projects. Here are a few of my items that I have added pom poms to. Notice that there are all different sizes though. I have a couple of different ways in which I go about making these pom poms that can create different styles and sizes.
Want to start your week right and hang out with your friends? Come along to Southmead Youth Centre, where you get to play your favourite games, do sports, arts and crafts or play pool, all for free. Our Creative Youth Workers support Southmead Development Trust's youth club to provide a range of activities in a supportive environment. Feel free to relax and enjoy the fun mix of activities.
Add three advancement counters to any combination of installed cards that can be advanced. Flavor Text: Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
A lot of people living in North America don’t know much about the history of the mattress in the USA, but its invention was something that helped to dramatically prolong the lifespan of early humans. The reality is that once you start sleeping on a raised surface, you reduce your exposure to drafts, pests, and damp. Some of the earliest ones we know about constituted nothing more than a bed of leaves or straw overlayed with animal skin. There are many resources you can avail of online that can teach you more about the history of the bed. One of the main reasons you need to know about its history is so you can fully appreciate the plethora of choices the average US consumer now has to contend with when it comes to buying a new mattress for their bed. Memory foam mattresses, for example, have started to become increasingly popular in recent decades. These types of bed toppers mold to the shape of the person sleeping on them and help to support all joints in the body. Perhaps one of the main disadvantages of earlier memory foam mattresses, however, was that they were made from synthetic materials, which promoted sweating. Nobody wants to sweat while they’re sleeping. Not only does sweat seeping into a mattress lead to an unhygienic sleeping surface, waking up in soaked PJs can be somewhat alarming and unpleasant. Fortunately, memory foam mattresses manufactures have started using more inventive materials to increase the breathability of their products and thus reduce moisture buildup. Pillowtop hypoallergenic mattresses are also now very popular. These ones can be very expensive, so more people are opting to buy protectors to prolong the lifespan of their investments. While everyone wants a luxurious sleeping surface every night, people aren’t generally ATMs, so they have to operate within certain budget constraints. I always recommend to look at this website and save a few bucks on your purchase. Remember, coupon website are awesome resource. In addition to the improvements in bed engineering, manufacturers have also been coming up with entirely new bed designs. Did you know that it is now possible to buy waterbeds? What’s more, if you have enough money, you can turn your waterbed into a fish tank for tropical fish. Having such a feature in your bedroom really can bring your home into the space age. Of course, it’s important to research the disadvantages of water beds. For starters, you need to think about how a puncture could compromise your home insurance. If you have any pets with sharp claws, the prospect of a waterbed is obviously unrealistic. At the beginning of this article, we talked briefly about why the history of the bed in the USA is important, but it’s also equally important to be concerned about its future. Despite previously unimaginable advances in mattress engineering, there are still many people who suffer from back pain and disrupted sleep due to their beds. This means we all also need to focus on the future of bed technology.
I would like to post a thread with some images in it but I don't know how to attach them. Can anybody help me with this thing? I will appreciate your HEEEEEELLLLP!!! At the bottom of the screen where you create a post is the option shown below. I usually use the [alt]-[prnt scrn] buttons on the computer to capture a screenshot, then take that into Paint and cut it down to what I want, then save it as a PNG file since they are small and made to be transferred over networks. Use the Browse button to go find the picture on your computer and double click on it to get it to load into the window.
I have been remiss lately in not keeping up this series, which I know many people find interesting because they get viewed very often. However, I recently obtained one of these books and finished reading it just this morning, and one of my takeaways was that it was the newest Haydn book I had (2013), it had been released almost six years ago, and yet I had never heard of it, I was totally unaware of its existence until I happened across a mention of it over the Holidays. And I do look for such things! If I have a hard time finding things like this, I can only assume that you do also. So here are a few concrete suggestions. They are all books I was able to purchase, some would have been quite expensive if I bought them new, but I didn't, I confess. If you are fortunate enough to have access to a good library, you can probably read them for free, which is a great price indeed. Here is a link to the page, which also appears in the right sidebar.
Luciano Pasquini painted with oil colours for the very first time. For the first time he was a painter, a real painter. whispering in the wind from his ever-loved hills. An exclusive experience in the heart of Tuscany. A unique chance to savour the enchanted atmosphere that has inspired Luciano Pasquini’s paintings for more than 45 years.
I was in class, when this happened. I remember getting into my van to go and grab something to eat and run home for a bit before my next class. The radio kept saying something about the pentagon. I didn't understand because the announcer was not forthcoming with any information. All I understood was that there was a fire. My thoughts turned to getting home and hopefully finding out what was going on. Then I reached home and saw the unthinkable right there on my television. I had made it home just 2 minutes before the first tower fell. I just remembered feeling lost. Should I go and get my children from school and daycare? Should I go back to class? Oh My God, what about my husband? Does he even know? Then it happened again...Soon before I left to go back to class, the second tower fell. I did continue my day. And as it went on, I saw more and more anger and sorrow among my classmates and even my instructors. Classes turned into full-blown discussions of what was happening to our nation. I remember seeing crowds around offices and classroom televisions, struggling to hear the latest news. When I went to get my two smallest children from daycare, is when I think it finally hit home. I walked into my daycare provider�s home. It was quiet, as usual, because it was naptime. When I approached my provider�s living room, there she was just sobbing. It was then it hit. We just stood there, sobbing together�not saying a word. Now that the anniversary grows closer and the TV replays those horrible images and the radio play those beautiful songs in remembrance, I will stop and thank God, again, for giving me my family, my friends, and my life. I will give my boys an extra hug and tell them for the ten-millionth time I love them. I will kiss and hold my husband a little longer before he goes to work. But most importantly I will go on, because if I let it get to me, they will win�and this American is not about to let them. My wife and I were both at work on 9/11. Although our office was closed that afternoon for security reasons, we stayed at work to finish up various tasks. We both feel that the response of the public and the news media needs to be tempered by some reality. First, we kill many more people from auto accidents, alcohol and tobacco in this country than we ever lost on 9/11. Second, terrorism of this kind is endemic around the world and has killed many more than we lost on 9/11 and the US is just lucky it hadn't struck here more often. Third, we have enough home grown nuts who use terrorism to advance their agenda (think OK City, abortion clinics, militia's) that could just as easily have been the terrorists as muslims. Fourth, it is very apparent to us that the current generation of Americans has grown very soft and fails to account for the world outside our borders. Get over it. In our part of the US, life was normal on 9/10, 9/11 and 9/12 and ever since that time. We flew to a conference on 9/23 for a week and have flown many times since then. Traffic at our local airport dropped just 4% over the last 6 months. As a veteran, I am proud of the NYC firefighters and policemen and our military response and glad to see returning serviceman acknowledged for their service as opposed to being heckled and spit on like my own experience during Vietnam.
The personal "cloud" is the first step towards a virtual office | grreporter.info- News from Greece - Breaking News, Business, Sport, Multimedia and Video. I often see people carrying large pads with them, their desks are piled with paper and the screen of computer is littered by sticky notes. On the other hand we are all mobile - literally and figuratively speaking – we are constantly in motion, our work is pursuing us even at home, we have computers from our work, mobile computers (laptop / notebook) we have smartphones, netbooks, tablets ... But we just do not have time to figure out how to make the most use of them! I have been planning for a long time to write this article, through which I can show you how using a few free programs we can create a "virtual office". Recently, people talk a lot about the so-called "cloud computing". I promise it will not rain! Cloud computing enable us only through an Internet connection to use them wherever we are. In this way you will not have to call a colleague and ask him for a number of a client which we have written on a note, but we forgot the desk in the office. The programs that we will use and their application do not fully meet the definition of "cloud computing", but with a pure heart, we can say that will make our own, personal cloud. When we download and install the program, it creates a folder on our computer, in which, whatever we place, is immediately synchronized with another computer where the program is also installed. Files are stored on the server of Dropbox and we can see them on their site, even without having installed on our computer the program, and for this purpose we must create an account. The free version gives us relatively little space of 2 GB, which however is enough for the purposes of this article and our personal cloud through which we will create a virtual office. REMEMBER: For the tricks described below, to work, you must install Dropbox on every computer on which you wantto use them! It is mandatory to use the same account / registration / on each computer so as to see the same content that you synchronize. I will not describe in detail how to install Dropbox, because they have prepared a wonderful presentation of how to use their service, which you can view at the end of the installation of the program. We have already installed our cloud service and we are ready to synchronize ... what? I will offer you a small but very useful program that I have been using for years and serves me as my calendar, reminder and a list of tasks (To Do). I deliberately write the names in brackets because some of you may have used similar programs and can make a connection with them, as some users use the programs in English, others in Bulgarian. Rainlendar combines all these useful features and has one very big advantage: it can be seen directly on the desktop of your computer, allowing you to always see it in front of your eyes. The program and more about its many useful features, you can find on the website of its author and you can also download it from there: http://www.rainlendar.net/. For many users, the free Lite version will be absolutely enough as well as for the purposes of this article. How to synchronize events and tasks that we input in our small Rainlendar calendar between all computers that we use, let’s say the one at home, in the office and the laptop? Of course, using Dropbox, which we have already installed on each computer and have created our Dropbox user account i.e. username and password. IMPORTANT: Save the backup file in a folder of your choice, you may also do it in the folder of Dropbox. Do however mandatorily unzip the file into the folder of Dropbox! Dropbox will automatically synchronize it between all computers on which it is installed. You can rename the extracted file. I've named min "Internet", and the downloaded calendar for the purpose of the article I named "PROBA". Now we have to ask for the Rainlendar calendar to use the shared calendar. It is very easy, here is how we do it: right click and press "Options"
​Have you got a goal that you want to achieve but it seems so out of your reach? You keep thinking about it but don't seem to be getting closer. Whether is going Paleo, running a marathon, lifting heavier, or making sales, here are some tips for identifying your goal and making it happen. When we set goal we need to identify a big goal with purpose, focus on our goal and build the belief around it, set smaller goals that help us to work towards our big goal, and remind ourselves daily of what we are pursuing and why.
Hi, I am looking for some suggestions on my final decision. I have received my PhD offers in Astronomy/Astrophysics at SIfA, the University of Sydney and at IfA, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. The stipend amount is not a concern, Hawaii gives 30+k(TA/RA dependent) while Sydney gives 26k(RTP scholarship as personal funding, no TA required). Hawaii is more expensive in living though. I have visited both schools in the past and I am fine with living in both places. Of course, I have certain pro-life reasons to prefer Sydney: I am Australian, my partner will be doing her PhD in Astronomical instrumentation at Sydney, we can complete our PhD in 3-4 years(no classes or qualifiers) etc. I am astronomy majored and I have seriously no interest in taking more classes, Hawaii can provide quite the same which it has its MS very focused in doing research projects and simple classes. My partner she would love to have me come to Sydney but she is okay with Hawaii if it is important for my career. So cutting out all non-academic reasons, which school would be relatively better in academic development? Hawaii has all the best optical telescopes and a very strong faculty in exoplanets and galaxies(Brent Tully, if you know the Tully-Fisher relation), while the PhD project I have submitted for Sydney focuses on using radio astronomy instruments which is very strong in Australia. Will choosing Sydney be a terrible choice for my career? If you don't know Sydney, could anyone point out just how Hawaii PhD education really ranks in the US, apart from all the telescopes advantage. I think you have described the main (research) advantages of the two schools very well. I am studying exoplanets and I was originally going to consider the IfA at Hawaii for a postdoc but then everyone I would have wanted to work with left Hawaii. However, they are hiring *two* new faculty members right now, probably at least one exoplanets person, so I think it will be a lively place for those interested in exoplanets once again. I think the stipend would be a concern at Hawaii though. People there say that 30k isn't really enough. I have heard that some of the reasons the *faculty* members are leaving is because they aren't paid enough to be able to afford a home etc. (But this is just what I've heard). Travelling from Hawaii to other places is also very expensive and requires long journeys. But since you are asking about academic reasons here, I think the biggest question you would have to answer (don't have to say it here if you don't want to) is what you want to study and where you want to work in the future. If you are interested in a North American postdoc/future academic position, then I think you are better off in Hawaii, where you will be better connected to the North American astronomical community. In addition, the short PhD program in Australia (and other places) will put you at a major disadvantage for North American academic jobs compared to US graduates. Not having classes in your PhD program will put you at a disadvantage as well, unless you have a Masters in Australia. The US has a weird (to me, since I'm Canadian) system! However, if Australia is like Canada where you get a MSc before a PhD, then you would probably be okay. The point is that you need to have some solid background beyond the undergraduate level in Astronomy and having breadth would be really important for long term job success in North America. In addition, if you are interested in exoplanets, optical/IR observational astronomy, or a career in something like a telescope operator, support astronomer, etc. then you would be much better off at Hawaii. On the other hand, if you're not interested in leaving Australia in the long term, then I am not sure there is much advantage to choosing Hawaii. I would check out the departments you might want to work at in Australia and see where those people got their PhDs or did postdocs. When I think of Australia, I think of radio astronomy and I know tons of North American radio astronomers move to Australia to have the best possible postdoc for their career. So, if you are heading in this direction for your astronomical career, then I think Sydney is a great choice. You asked about how Hawaii ranks in the US but without the telescopes? I don't think that's a fair question to ask because the resources available to students at a school is probably one of the most important factors in determining how strong/good the school is for the student. In my opinion, the main (academic) reason for an astronomer to choose to go to Hawaii for a PhD is to have the amazing telescope access. I'm not at Hawaii but at another US school with amazing telescope access and it has really helped my career. It has allowed me to do interesting projects because we are the only people with the ability to do what we are doing. Anyways, my opinion is that you have two good options and I think you would have to think about what your long term goals are in order to make the best decision for yourself. I think both these schools could be the right choice, but they will lead you towards different career paths, so choose wisely! TakeruK wrote: I think you have described the main (research) advantages of the two schools very well. I am studying exoplanets and I was originally going to consider the IfA at Hawaii for a postdoc but then everyone I would have wanted to work with left Hawaii. However, they are hiring *two* new faculty members right now, probably at least one exoplanets person, so I think it will be a lively place for those interested in exoplanets once again. Thanks! I suppose you mean 'exoplanet-everyone' as in Andrew Howard? Yeah talking about Hawaii without the telescopes is a little bit unfair. I don't know how much will classes mean in my resume, because most of my undergrad deparment's junior and senior year classes are taught with the first year and second year masters. So our curriculum pretty much covers most of the graduate class education and its in China so I am pretty much done with all the maths and physics (don't ask me why I ended up taking the whole Chinese college entrance exam, I thought Chinese education was good), and research is pretty much a DIY learning process, my professors suggest that I will probably do fine. I suppose it is a matter of interest in research then. It sometimes makes me feel narrowing myself up after knowing all those different fields of research, I've done X-ray astronomy and asteroseismology with Kepler (with a mix of exoplanets) in the past few years, and I have no idea what the outcome will be when I graduate. X-ray is kinda in the mess right now and I haven't got a school to do that any more, but my focus was on large catalogue transients so that pretty much fits with Sydney's work except it is in radio. PS. Sydney's department is great, the Sydney Institute for Astronomy has quite a lot of famous professors such as Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Elain Sadler and Tim Bedding. The detailed program I proposed was to complete a large transient Survey using radio telescopes and novel data mining.
Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I'm trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!
suggesting Germany stop “rewarding behavior you want to get rid of” – takes aim at the military. “You want everybody educated to their potential. You want people to reach their potential. That still won’t work for some people in a highly developed market system. I mean if this were a sports-based system, you could give me a PhD in football, and I could practice eight hours a day, and I might be able to carry the water from, not onto the field, but from the locker room to the bench. There’s just some people don’t fit well into a highly skilled market-based economy. So just the words of a funny old man who is losing his marbles, or an elitist “crony” oligarch who knows there are no consequences for his words or actions?
Use the law and your employer's complaint procedures to protect yourself from on-the-job harassment. If the harasser ignores your oral requests to stop, or if you are uncomfortable talking to the harasser face to face, write a succinct letter demanding an end to the behavior. Be sure to keep a copy. If you are concerned for your personal safety or are afraid that the harasser might become more hostile when confronted, complain to a supervisor instead. Although it is often difficult to make a complaint at work, and you may prefer to skip this step, don't. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that employees who fail to use their employer's internal complaint procedure to make the company aware of sexual harassment, and to give the company a chance to stop it, cannot later hold the company liable in a lawsuit. This means that you are quite likely to lose in court, should it come to that, if you don't complain within the company first. Even if your company doesn't have a formal complaint procedure, you can put the company on notice of the harassment. You can do this by making a complaint to the human resources department, telling your supervisor (or his or her supervisor) about the problem, or informing a company executive. It is very important to document what is happening to you, and what you are doing to try to stop it, should you ever have to prove your case to a company investigator, a government agency, or a jury. Start by collecting as much detailed evidence as possible about the harassment. Be sure to save any offensive letters, photographs, cards, or notes you receive. If you were made to feel uncomfortable because of jokes, pin-ups, or cartoons posted at work, confiscate them -- or at least make copies. An anonymous, obnoxious photo or joke posted on a bulletin board is not anyone else's personal property, so you are free to take it down and keep it as evidence. If that's not possible, photograph the workplace walls. Note the dates the offensive material was posted -- and whether there were hostile reactions when you took it down or asked another person to do so. Also, keep a detailed journal about incidents of harassment. Include the names of everyone involved, what happened, and where and when it took place. If anyone else saw or heard the harassment, note that as well. Be as specific as possible about what was said and done -- and how it affected you, your health, or your job performance. Keep your journal and notes at home or in a secure location outside of the workplace. If your employer has conducted periodic written evaluations of your work, make sure you have copies. In fact, you may want to ask for a copy of your entire personnel file before complaining about a harassing coworker. Your records can be particularly persuasive evidence if your employer retaliates against you for complaining -- which is also illegal. For example, you'll want a copy of your records if you've had positive performance evaluations until you complain, and then your employer tries to transfer, demote, or fire you or claims your job performance is poor. If complaining to your employer doesn’t help, the next step is to go to either the federal agency that enforces Title VII -- the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- or to your state fair employment office. If all investigation and settlement attempts fail to produce satisfactory results, you can file a civil lawsuit for damages under either Title VII or your state fair employment practices statute. You must file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a federal lawsuit. Even if you intend right from the beginning to file a lawsuit, you sometimes must first file a claim with a government agency. For example, an employee pursuing a claim under federal law must first file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and a similar complaint procedure is required under some state laws. The EEOC or state agency may decide to prosecute your case on your behalf, but that happens rarely. More commonly, at some point, the agency will issue you a document referred to as a "right-to-sue" letter that allows you to take your case to court with your own lawyer. Note, however, that there are time limits for filing claims with government agencies and for filing a lawsuit, so be sure not to miss them.
A man suspected of assaulting two women at a hot dog stand in Los Angeles was arrested by police. Video recorded during the altercation shows a man repeatedly punched two women before fleeing through traffic to the other side of the street. It all started when the two victims approached the hot dog stand and noticed that a man was angry at the vendor over the price of hot dogs. Apparently, the man was angry that the hot dogs cost $6 and, when offered a free hot dog by the vendor, turned it down and continued raving about the price. At that point, one of the women told the man to “just leave,” after which he went irate and started punching the women. Bystanders got video of all but the very first blows being thrown, though none of them stepped in to help the victims. Assault is covered under California Penal Code 240 PC and is described as an attempt to commit a violent injury on someone else. A person can be charged with assault regardless of whether or not they actually make contact with anyone. The reason for this is because the crime itself is committed when someone attempts to commit a violent injury on someone else. Whether the defendant actually inflicts the violent injury or not doesn’t matter when it comes to being charged with assault. Simple assault is a misdemeanor in California, with the possible penalties including a fine of up t o $1,000 and up to 6 months in county jail. These penalties are standard regarding most California misdemeanors. However, depending on the circumstances of the case, it’s possible that other penalties or court orders could be involved.
Whether you are forming a new team for a specific project or leading an existing team, there are some very practical things you can do as a leader to develop a high-performing team. Here are four simple strategies to consider. In the early stages, create a forum for team members to share their strengths and past experiences. This can be as simple as taking some time in a team meeting. Although some may be reluctant to toot their own horns, ask each person to share what she wants others to know or understand about her background and skills, and how that information can be useful to the team. This will help team members reach back into their past experiences, be more intentional about applying those experiences, and understand the variety and richness of the team’s collective capabilities. Take time with each individual to understand what he wants to get from his participation on the team in the context of his professional goals. This will create more ownership and accountability — for you and for your team members — as they identify what they want to get out of the team experience, and as you proactively use this information to give them exposure to the areas of expressed interest. 1. What are your top three challenges? 2. What are your top three priorities? After everyone has answered the questions for that particular area, the team members who do work in that functional area can share their actual challenges and priorities. Then move to the next area and repeat the exercise until you have discussed each area. This exercise can provide invaluable insight into each functional area, highlight common themes across the entire team, create empathy within the team, and ignite the team’s commitment to helping one another. Last but not least, don’t underestimate the importance of having a common definition of success for your team as a whole — i.e., team goals and guidelines. This will allow you to drive alignment within the team and depersonalize differences of opinion by allowing the deciding factor to be whether something enables or detracts from the team’s goals. As you know, there are many strategies to develop a high-performing team — and many of these may be reminders of what you already know. I want to challenge you to put one of these into play over the next month, if you haven’t already.
This is part 4 of the article series me and Elle started a few weeks ago. If I get good feedback from this article, I'll be posting more videos in the near future. Interstate CrossCheck is a serious problem and recently Kris Kobach, now a member of Trump "voter commission," requested detailed voter information from all states within the country. Nothing this man does should be taken lightly. He, Pence and the rest of the gang of charlatans are looking for a way to permanently rig the American voting process for some of the reasons I lay out in the video. So watch this video, it isn't long, and tell me what you think about it.
I am only one individual American with no special position of government, political or financial power, but I represent a much broader power base that you may not understand or appreciate. While you may be receiving mixed signals from our current leaders, it is critical that you do not underestimate the American people, our commitment to individual liberty and our willingness to back up our convictions with whatever sacrifice is necessary. So, I am glad to have this opportunity to respond to your communication to me and my fellow Americans in your New York Times Op-Ed. It is both ironic and fortuitous that you have chosen to exercise the most sacred right of all Americans, to communicate to us, the God given right to free speech. While we often take this and other critical rights, protecting individual freedom, for granted, it is the first example of why America is an exceptional country. We are exceptional because will fight just as hard for your right to free speech as we will for our own. Unlike any other country in the world, America was founded on a set of ideals and laws permanently enshrined in our founding documents; the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights. These laws spell out very clearly that “we the people” are in charge of our own destiny and they protect us from tyranny, even tyranny from our own government. It is in this spirit of the first Amendment, that I welcome your explanation of your position on Syria, the United Nations, the prospect of America taking a military action against the Syrian government and even your lecture to us about the dangers of promoting American exceptionalism. I welcome this discussion, because in a free society a healthy open debate leads to better decisions and greater progress. You obviously understand and respect the power of free speech, as you adroitly exercised it in your direct communication to the American public. It is a powerful force which is essential to democracy, but which can also be manipulated by the political masters of Machiavellian deception. Perhaps you can demonstrate your good intentions by having the courage and courtesy to extend my response to you, directly to the Russian public. As you have witnessed, by the reaction of the American people to the prospect of another military intervention in the Middle East, Americans by nature are a peace loving people. But, please don’t make the mistake of interpreting our resistance to a poorly thought out plan, being promoted by our political leaders, as any indication of a lack of willingness to make whatever sacrifices that are necessary to protect against clear and present threats to the security interests of the United States and its allies. You make a lot of very good points about why America should not make a military strike against Syria. Many of us, like you, do not believe that it makes sense for America to intervene in a foreign civil war where there are no clear objectives and where there is no clear and direct threat to the security interests of the US. It is not our role to be the policeman of the world, or to punish all the bad actors. However, it is our role to defend freedom and democracy whenever and wherever we can, without forcing it on people who are not ready for it, don’t understand it and don’t want it. While our elected political leaders have not provided you, us or the many countries comprising the Mid-East region with a clear and unambiguous position, let me be very clear about the commitment of the American people. We will defend Israel as if it were Alaska. Any threats to Israel by Iran or any other country will be considered a direct threat to us and will be met with the full force and will of the American people. There are many ways to advance the cause of freedom and military action should be a last consideration. We must be very careful with when and how we exercise the great power that we have. We prefer the Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy of “talk softly and carry a big stick”. In the meantime, we are committed to the policy of peace through strength, and we fully support building our military strength. As the leader of the free world, America has an exceptional responsibility to protect and to advance the cause of individual freedom throughout the world. We remain the best hope in the world for the survival of individual freedom. We are an exceptional country not just because we are free but because we have demonstrated time after time over history, our willingness to sacrifice our own lives so that others throughout the world can enjoy the same freedoms that have made America a great country. You make a good point about how America and Russia were once allies before we became cold war enemies. We need only to look at the historical relationship between the U.S. and Germany and the U.S. and Japan to recognize the immense potential of a positive relationship developing between Russia and America. It did not take very long for the bitterness of WWII’s arch enemies to give way to the rewards, success and friendship of free and open societies. The Marshall plan is a great example of how we might approach solving some of the great problems facing our world today, like a fair and peaceful solution to the Mid-East conflict. The evidence is overwhelming. Russia and the U.S. could be partners in progress. We have much more to unite us than we have to divide us. We face the same terrorist threats and the same concerns over nuclear proliferation. We have the same desire to advance our citizens with respect to their health, education and economic success. We all want to raise our families in peace and prosperity. We also appreciate the founding purpose of the United Nations, but we have legitimate reasons to be skeptical of it, not the least of which, is the lack of its effectiveness, its socialistic leanings and the historical lack of cooperation between the U.S and Russia. It comes down to an issue of trust, and freedom, which goes to the heart of the American soul. We are fierce individualists. We believe that the power of government rests with the individual citizens who have a responsibility to exercise control over their government. The government is there to serve us, not to control us. Every time we, as individuals, give up power and personal responsibility to government entities we give up our individual liberties. The further away (local, state, national, and international) the governmental entity is, the worse the outcome and the harder it is to get the power back. Every time we give up our individual liberties we reduce progress for all humans. We have had our own taste of socialism over the last few years under the leadership of President Obama, and it is a bitter and disappointing experience. Many of us view the United Nations as just another large bureaucratic, ineffective and unaccountable organization diluting the power of the American citizen and promoting anti-American sentiment throughout the world. Speaking of accountability, America faces much larger challenges than Syria. Today, America is involved in a gigantic struggle for its own soul and its future. Will we embrace the concepts of maximum individual freedom, responsibility, independence and privacy like our founders envisioned or will we allow huge unaccountable bureaucracies to take our freedoms from us? Will we succumb to the bribery of low information voters with government handouts and the corruption of giant special interest lobbyists or will we stand up for truth and justice and our belief in self reliance and capitalism which are the core principles on which this great country was built? Unfortunately our current President seems to agree with you about American Exceptionalism. He apologizes to the world for an America he should be proud of. Oh, he says the right words to us, but he acts just the opposite. He promises boldly what he knows he can’t deliver. He hides the truth and he supports the people who work for him, who lie in front of Congressional hearings. He does not respect the will of the American people and he disrespects the institutions that have been set up to protect us. He spends our grandchildren’s money with no sense of responsibility nor does he have any inkling of the horrendous impending consequences for America of his bad leadership. He attacks our energy independence, capitalism, free enterprise and the institutions that have made America great. He successfully divides America when he could easily be uniting it. Instead of celebrating the progress we have made on racial equality, he sows the seeds of discontent. He forces really bad laws (like Obamacare) on the public against their will. He is aided and abetted by a free press that has forgot and/or ignored their critical responsibilities to protect our democracy by demanding the truth wherever it leads. We have lost more freedoms to our internal enemies over the last five years than we have lost to our external enemies over the last 50 years. So Mr. Putin, you see that we have a lot bigger problems that America needs to address instead of creating a new one by invading Syria. Fortunately, we are an exceptional country and the forces of freedom and responsibility will soon emerge with an even greater conviction to reestablish the rule of the people over our government. We are an exceptional country because we are protected by a Constitution and a Bill of Rights and a Declaration of Independence that very specifically limit the power of the federal government in favor of the individual and the States. We are an exceptional country because we recognize that our freedoms were given to us by our Creator and no government, religious organization or corporate bureaucracy has any right to take any of our freedoms away from us. Not even Prince Machiavelli himself. Be assured that we will put our own house in order and be the world leader that speaks clearly and unambiguously. So please, don’t let the America you see today give you a false impression of weakness or lack of conviction. We are not happy with what has happened to America over the last five years. Democracy is imperfect and sometimes we vote with our hearts and not our heads. But America always gets it right in the long run and there is nothing more powerful than a united free people that finally figures out that they have been misled. So now, President Putin, it’s time to, as we say in America, to “put your money where your mouth is”. The real world issues are nuclear proliferation, Iran, world-wide terrorism sponsored by Islamic terrorists, and world economic success. We need Russia to come together with America and guarantee that Iran will not get nuclear capability and that those countries that already have it will not allow it to be provided to others. Nuclear catastrophe remains the biggest threat to the world and you, President Putin, could become a world-wide hero by joining America and other peace loving countries to lead a grand plan to reduce the nuclear threat to humanity. I can only speak as an individual, but I believe a world wide effort led by Russia and America, starting with Iran, would be welcome by the American people. It is certainly a much better idea than spending trillions of dollars on future wars that will surely come if we don’t take aggressive action to solve this problem now. In the spirit of capitalism Russia and its people could benefit greatly by joining America as partners in peace. Given what happened to Japan and Germany, it’s really not that great of a leap to envision Russia and America coming together in peace and prosperity. Finally, there may be a language misunderstanding with respect to “American exceptionalism.” We agree with you that as individuals we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. None of us by nature are superior to the rest of us. We want the same things for our families as the people of any other country; security and the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These are natural rights of all humans and we have a responsibility to help all humans secure these rights. But this is not to be confused with socialism or communism which the vast majority of Americans do not believe in. While we believe in equal opportunity we do not believe in equal outcome. Every individual has the right to distinguish themselves (to become exceptional) through, hard work, education, perseverance, risk taking, individual choices and yes even luck. We believe in private property, capitalism, self-reliance and individual achievement and we encourage exceptionalism. Whether it’s academics, sports, business, music or community service, or our service to our country, we encourage and honor exceptionalism. It is not dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional. It is only dangerous if they don’t earn it or deserve it. It’s like the Olympics. Every four years we get together to see, who the most exceptional athletes in the world compete. And every time we are amazed at how exceptional these athletes are. They are exceptional because they are talented, train hard and exercise discipline. This is a good thing to encourage and they deserve their gold metals, not to have them redistributed to those that were not exceptional. We do not encourage people to think of themselves as exceptional, because of their color or their political status, their connections or their ethnicity. To consider them exceptional they have to earn it. America is exceptional for very different reasons. America is much more than a physical space with great natural resources. America is much more than a nation state with an exceptional history of fighting for the freedom of other nations thousands of miles away. America is an idea of individual liberty and personal responsibility that can help people throughout the world. America is a way of life, and a belief in the sovereignty of the individual. America is philosophy that is enshrined in our founding documents. America is exceptional because it is the best hope for freedom for the rest of the world. We are proud and exceptionally lucky to be Americans. We understand that our freedom is dependent on our ability to recognize and fulfill our responsibilities as individuals and as a country. We also understand that individual freedom can only be sustained to the degree that we exercise an equal level of responsibility as individuals and as a country. Just as you say that “we must not forget that God created us equal” we must also remember that God gave to us as individuals the right to self-determination and there is no doubt that God did that with the expectation that we would use that right to become better human beings- perhaps even exceptional ones. This entry was posted in Blog on December 20, 2013 by thomaswreed.
some of you may know. And for those who do not I play several different instruments I play the Piano I can strum a feud turns on a guitar (not very good) can play the drums very well, but most of all I can play the Scottish Bagpipes. I actually used to play in a bagpipe band for North Miami Beach Senior High, in full battlefield Scottish Kilt. I am one third Irish, the last time I played the pipe and dressed and might kill was at my mom's funeral 11/21/2002 the song I piped out was "Amazing Grace" although I am not very religious as a matter of fact I do not believe in religion at all sorry that is my personal feeling, and after that I don't think I will ever played the pipes again. The few days after her funeral I took my kilt and my pipes in a quiet ceremony by myself and burned them. People wonder why I am so depressed through the holiday's,... I have buried too many friends and family and people that are very very close to me through the months of October and November. all starting with my fiancé Durand Lewis, on the way to our wedding when I was 19 was hit by a drunk driver and lost her life in the accident. But this is not only goes out to her, but also goes out to every individual all around the world who has laid down their life so we as humans can sleep in peace, I think all of the brave souls all of the firefighters, policemen and women, and soldiers who put their lives on the line for us every day so we can enjoy a our freedoms are holidays and our loved ones. Words can't say what needs to be said, so in turn, please accept this tight warm hug.
A Toronto SEO Agency can really help your company to make strides in the digital marketplace. Search Shark is a company that offers search engine optimization services to all of the Ontario area. They have two separate offices so no matter where you are in Toronto; it could be easy for you to stop in for a consultation. One of Search Shark’s largest goals is to help your company grow. They do this by allowing you access to some of the largest advertising platforms available on the internet. No matter what type of company you have, it can always help to have the professionals in your corner promoting you. There is huge competition on the internet; it can be hard for businesses to stay afloat where there are so many other people competing for the same advertising space as you. This is where Search Shark steps in to help. They will promote you on some of the largest averting platforms available. These include YouTube, Google, and Google Pay Per Click. They will offer you advice on how to generate the most out of your advertising by consulting with you on things like key words and Google AdWords. With these sites gaining millions and millions of views per day, that means that there will be real traffic and real profits coming to your business from your digital marketing. Right now, there are people who are searching for the products and services that you offer. Search Shark does their job by putting your business at these people’s fingertips. It is a win win situation no matter how you look at it. You are reaching the largest audience you possibly can, and consumers are finding the products and services that they are looking for much faster than ever before. Toronto SEO Agency is what will make the connections between you and your consumers and hopefully form a lasting bond. All businesses need help when it comes to online advertising. Because the competition is so close all the time, every little bit of help that you can get will make a huge impact. This is why, even if you think you have a pretty good advertising system, you should still have a second set of eyes look it over. The professionals are there to make sure that you have used up all the resources that you possibly can. The Toronto SEO Agency near you wants to make you the next big thing.
With a few new babies in the family and friends with babies on the way, I decided to make the time for a bit of Softie sewing in the middle of a busy week and lots of renovations. I love this simple bear softie pattern I drew up a while ago - not too many limbs to sew in and rather quick and easy to make. Softies are a lot like freshly baked goods around these parts - as soon as they're "out of the oven", they're gone!
Nairobi Tented Camp is situated in the only wildlife park to be found next to a major city, and it offers something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world; a quintessential safari experience on the periphery of a modern metropolis. The camp consists of eight luxury en-suite tents, as well as elegant dining and living areas, comfortably nestled in a beautiful olive and the Croton forest in the Kisembe Valley. Being close to the wilderness and the city, the camp is truly one of a kind, an ideal location that offers something for everyone. They are eco-friendly, powered by solar energy and all waste disposals are done outside the park. Being close to the city, Nairobi Tented Camp is not only a fantastic stopover for people traveling through Nairobi on their way to and from safaris in the rest of the country or business men who would otherwise only see the gloomy gray of the inner city, but also as a tourism destination in itself. Nairobi Tented Camp also has the facilities to host small conferences and can sleep up to 16 delegates for business communication and team building exercises. For residents, it is the perfect weekend getaway.
Dinner parties are great for a larger groups of friends, and Valentine's Day is the perfect time to get your single and coupled up friends together. Some couples skip Valentine's Day, which is perfectly okay. Others may want to pop in before heading out for a night on their own. Atlus has recently launched a Persona 5 Valentine's Day page that will let you send game-themed messages to your sweetheart. Sweethearts? We're not judging. You can head here for the chance to do so. Persona 5 heads to the west, via PS4, on 4 April.
Everyone who has a business idea thinks it’s the best idea since sliced bread. And although that’s never the case, your business idea can take off and find success if you’re willing to take the right steps to make it happen. But what are those steps? Below, you will find out everything you need to know about getting your business idea off the ground. Taking those first few steps and setting the right course is never easy. But rushing into it blindly is certainly not the answer. So, here are the steps you need to understand. First of all, you’re going to need to do some research. It’s essential to know the market you’re about to be entering, as well as what the competition has to offer. If you storm in without knowing what it is you’re up against, you’re most likely going to come out of that particular battle worse. You will then have to set about putting plans in place to outsmart your competitors and their ideas. It’s not an easy task, but it’s one you’ll need to approach. Talking to people who have been in your shoes before can be very helpful indeed. There are not many people better placed to offer you advice than other entrepreneurs who have been in a similar situation to you. They will be able to tell you thing you should do, as well as things you shouldn’t do. Learning from other people’s mistakes is always much wiser than trying to learn from your own. In the world of business, money talks. You can’t really do anything or see your business idea take off if you don’t have the financial side of things straight. A great idea can only take you so far. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to finance that idea and come up with new plans. Covering your costs is an important part of that. If you need financing, you should be very clear about where this is going to come from as well. The early success your business may experience can sometimes be illusory. It might look great now, but is it sustainable in the long-term? This is one of those uncomfortable things that you need to be thinking about as an entrepreneur. It might not be very nice to have to think about what could go wrong for the business in the future. But without a plan in place for long-term and sustainable growth, your company and its central idea could burn brightly at first, before burning out. You want your business to get its message across to the right kinds of people, don’t you? Well, you need to make sure that you’re taking advantage of online advertising to the fullest possible extent. These days, it’s possible to target people in very specific ways. If you want your business to appeal to 18-24 year-olds living in one country, that’s easy. You can be even more precise than that thanks to Facebook ads. You can target people with particular traits and interests too. As someone looking to start a business by yourself, you won’t have a whole lot to work with. However, one thing you do have is yourself. You should make use of your personality and personal brand. That way, you can make yourself the face of your business. People like businesses that are human, rather than the bland corporate ones we’re so used to. As well as that, it will give you an added dimension to advertising and marketing via interviews and things like that. Business ideas always need time to flourish. Don’t be put off or discouraged if you don’t see the results you want right away. Persist and make use of the steps described above to watch your idea eventually take off.
In the last few years, Khloe Kardashian has undergone a dramatic body transformation. Anyone who follows her on social media knows the woman puts in hours at the gym, sweating it out. On Friday, she had a bit of an epiphany after taking a selfie in the mirror, which revealed her incredibly toned abs. "My fitness journey will be a life long journey. Fitness is not about being better than someone else… It's about being better than you used to be. I'm not where I want to be and who knows if I ever will be," she captioned the photo she shared on Instagram. "But I am healthier than ever and due to my consistent workouts, I am slowly seeing results. Hi baby abs 🙋!! I see you!!! I hope to meet your other ab friends soon 😝 (yes I'm talking to my muscles. I've never met most of them before)." "Looking back at pictures of myself I didn't realize at the time how unhealthy my lifestyle actually was. People love to call me the fat one but as weird as it sounds I still don't think I would consider myself fat back then. Definitely overweight and unhealthy, yes. About two years ago I decided to turn to fitness as a form of therapy and as a stress reliever. I started slow and eventually I started working out 4 to 5 days a week," she wrote in the photo's caption. She added, "We all have to start somewhere and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency. There are no quick fixes if you want long-term results. Working out is a huge part of my life now. I genuinely enjoy sweating out my frustrations and living a healthier life. My workouts are not all about vanity. They are about clarity for my mind and soul. We all have different journeys in life, make sure your journey is for you and you alone. Remember in the end the turtle won the race. Slow and steady. dedication and tenacity." Alright! Now who is ready to hit the gym?
The Janadirya National Women Development Foundation had made us aware of the following two schools in the Hambantota district in Southern Sri Lanka. We met the principal and teachers of these two schools, and they introduced specifically those children to us, whose lives were changed forever by the tsunami. Many of the breadwinners of families who live further inland had made the journey to the markets in the coastal cities on December 26, 2004, which was a Sunday and a holiday, and they were surprised and killed by the tsunami, leaving their broken families without income. We decided to support these children and their families individually, as well as the needs of their schools, i.e. schoolbooks, school uniforms, water supply, since they were poor and under equipped already before the tsunami.
Yow! It's the middle of June already?! Every time I look up I get to change the page on my calendar. I always liked changing the page, though. Hate New Year, like changing the calendar pages. My list of projects isn't really shrinking, but it's moving along steadily. I thought I'd share a few bits and pieces of things I've been doing. Character Collabs are popping up all over on Twitter, and my friend Katy organized one for the new(ish) cartoon, Steven Universe. The whole thing will be coming together towards the end of July, but if you check the tag #SUCollab, you can see a few of the pieces that have been completed. I illustrated Amethyst! She's my favorite! "The Clearing" is coming along–the inks are in progress. This is it. This is the part where I can break out the brushes and create some panels that I'm really proud of. There's more things I'd like to post about in the works, so stay tuned in the near future!
Peace Corps Online: Dr. Douglas recently returned from a Peace Corps 30th Reunion in Belize. Dr. Douglas recently returned from a Peace Corps 30th Reunion in Belize. Peace Corps Online: Directory: Belize: Peace Corps Belize : Peace Corps in Belize: Dr. Douglas recently returned from a Peace Corps 30th Reunion in Belize. What's it like to step back in time? To visit a place where you had lived 30 years ago? A place far from home, a different culture, a different climate, different standards of living. Ask Dr. Ruth Douglas, division chair and science faculty member at Piedmont Virginia Community College. Dr. Douglas recently returned from a Peace Corps 30th Reunion in Belize. Now, this is not the Belize that 21st Century Americans typically think of: no resorts, posh hotels, and luxurious properties. She visited Belize City where she lived 30 years ago with no hot water, and running water only when the city water supply had sufficiently high pressure. Douglas joined the Peace Corps in 1968, only seven years after the first group of volunteers ventured out to serve. "It was something which I always wanted to do," she said. Sent to serve as a science teacher, Douglas already had teaching experience when she joined the Peace Corps, having served as a teaching assistant in graduate school, a high school teacher, and an instructor in a community college. Preparation for Douglas' group of Peace Corps volunteers began in Philadelphia with two weeks of introductory training. The volunteers were then sent for two months' training in Trinidad Island, selected because of its similarity in climate and culture to the Eastern Caribbean where they were bound. At this stage of the process, the volunteers received teaching training, cross-cultural training, and practice teaching experience. Upon arrival in the host country, they received two weeks of in-country training in the northern part of Belize. Although the country is English speaking, Spanish instruction was also provided. The volunteers were now ready to serve. Armed with this preparation, Douglas embarked on her Peace Corps teaching career at Belize Teachers College. "'College' there was not what it is here," Douglas hastily cautioned. At the time, there were two tracks in the Belizean educational system for teachers: after eighth grade, students either became apprentice pupil teachers, or they went on to complete high school and were then channeled into the college for further training. Living Conditions Since Peace Corps volunteers strive to become assimilated into the communities they serve, they live right in the cities or towns in which they work. Douglas shared an apartment in a house in what she called "a quite poor part of town" during her tenure. "It was noisy, hot, and had no grass," she said. The kitchen had a refrigerator and a three-burner propane gas stove, and there was running water only when the water pressure was sufficient. They got drinking water out of rain vats, so always had to boil the water before use. "We couldn't eat anything that wasn't peeled or cooked," she stated. "And we couldn't use ice from unknown sources in case it had not been made with filtered water." Meat was available locally, although it sometimes contained bone chips. "We ate more meat than most Belizeans." One irony which Douglas marvels at even today was that despite the fact that fresh produce was plentiful, frozen vegetables from the United States were available, although they were very expensive. Mobility and communication were difficult in Belize at the time as well. Teaching volunteers got around by bicycle and communication was particularly difficult since phones were not readily available. So if you wanted to make a call to the states, you had to physically go to the local telephone company to place the call. "It was very difficult to get messages to anyone," she said. "If you needed to get word out, people would carry notes between villages if they happened to be going your way." And the local radio station had an hour set aside twice a day to announce messages. "We were very isolated from our friends and family, and largely from one another," she observed. Upon completion of her two years' service, Douglas returned to the U.S to face the tumultuous events of 1970. "We came back to the turmoil of the Vietnam War, racial tensions, and the turbulence of the women's movement. The level of tension in the country was shocking," she said. "While in Belize, we had kept in touch with what was going on in the states by reading the weekly New York Times summary, but that did not prepare us for what we encountered on our return. Coming back was a hell of a shock; the level of anger was hard to deal with," she concluded. 30 Years Later Things today have improved markedly for both the United States and Belize; the dichotomy between then and now is striking. And today things are far different for Peace Corps volunteers, whom Douglas had an opportunity to meet while in Belize this summer. Telephone service is much better, computers and e-mail are now available, and volunteers can even visit the states, provided they pay their own transportation. "It's a global village now," Douglas observed, "It's not as isolated as it was when I was there." Douglas said that the cultural changes throughout Belize today were "gratifying" to see. The water supply and sanitation systems are much better; the buildings are in better condition, and are more modern. And people's health and living standards have improved significantly over the past 30 years. "One of the things we learned as Peace Corps volunteers was from being teased by the local people as being 'rich Americans.'" Douglas said. "It struck me, even then, that we are rich beyond the dreams of most of the other people in this world. When we are serving as volunteers, we like to think that we are living on the level of the host country, but in reality we could have hopped a plane and left at any time, whereas the Belizeans could not. We had a lot of support available, such as health care, etc., even medivac, if necessary, that separated us from the local people, even though we were striving to become assimilated into the country and culture." "One of the lessons we learned 30 years ago is how fortunate we are to live in America. You see your country a little differently. You appreciate all that you have. It's interesting being abroad, but I like being an American," she concluded. These are great stories. They are also a reminder of the service PCV's do by writing stories for local newspapers.
Ramon isn't currently collecting unemployment benefits. Ann didn't see Murph anymore. Did you leave a tip? Duane smells horrible. Do we need more inflation? Look out for my friend Rolfe. Abel was killed by Cain. I refused her invitation to dinner. I thought Thomas would get fired. Were you the one who advised Al to go to the police? He is all but dead. I need coloured pencils. Caroline is on the basketball team. Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon. In those days, he lived in the house alone. Jacobson is breathing hard. Wait till Tao gets here. The fawn bolted from its hiding place. Louiqa banged his head. Most people have ups and downs in their marriages. A swine sees no sky. Success is never blamed. Angela begged me to help him. What is all that? Sit down for a second. Why am I up? I'll buy that back from you if that's what you want. Caroline became calm. I went for a swim. Don't tell me what I'm supposed to do. Making model spaceships is interesting. Anton picked up takeout on his way home. One of my six Facebook accounts was suspended. Aaron opened the door and turned on the light. This dress shrank, and what's more it faded. Chuck tore up the letter he got from Sigurd. I think we were lied to. Don't you have a driver's license? Alberto asked the DJ for a slow song. Just follow my lead. We're chopping off their head. You should learn Esperanto. Whatever! Knapper couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work. You have to pay taxes. I went to elementary school in Nagoya. Sherri ambushed a policeman and killed him with an ax. I sometimes get scared. He is still angry with you for your conduct. I had to tell him about us. Your plan sounds great. What a bad film! Who's your favorite horror movie character? I hope you can still look at yourself in the mirror my friend. Juan is in great shape. You can have it for nothing. She went with him. It's not safe at night around here. They say Pontus did it. The leaves blew off. It's probably healthier to eat popcorn than it is to eat potato chips. She is more beautiful than you think. We should do this more often. He looks young. He cannot be older than I. I was really, really disappointed. This city is called the Japanese Denmark. Can you put the children to bed? You're going to love it. Once again she was lived in and taken care of. The doctor painted Gale's throat with iodine. We all love you. Pat leaned back and smiled. Outside, the storm was rumbling. Lucy witnessed a murder in the main square of Florence. How could anything be worse than this? Wendy seems to be afraid of something. He has a son. Tolerant saw Kamel coming towards him. How long have you guys been standing there? He's partially right. I told you I needed some air. Many of the students were tired. I did everything in my power to protect her from you. It will never happen again. You'd be stupid to trust him. Who's had enough? Bill used to mow lawns as a part time job. Who should we give it to? I'm not asking for money. It is time to empty the garbage. He has got it. I want to eat Chinese food. Would you accept a Brazilian coffee? She was very surprised at the sight. We're always learning. There's no leash law here. Over 68 percent of Earth's freshwater is locked up in ice and glaciers; and another 30 percent is in groundwater. He likes sweets. Gordon is the last person I want to see now. Ken is too busy to come.
Mirrors are beautifully handcrafted decorative mirrors belonging to the 18th and 19th century add a touch of class to houses, buildings, offices etc. Available in frames of different materials including, glass, metals, shells etc. These vintage mirrors enhance the interiors and give a royal feel to the surroundings.
Ok. This one is more than 10 years old. I did it in college as part of a sequential art class. It's... kind of rough. I realize that. There are a lot of things going on with it. Plenty of bad design, bad drawing, and just plain craziness. I guess I am ok with the craziness. What I like about this is that I had a story I wanted to tell, and although I don't think I told it as clear as I could, I got it all down on paper and filled those 24 pages. Some of the panels I think I pulled of some cool stuff, most of it is pretty "not so good" I am ok with that, because I know I have gotten and will continue to get better at this. For those of you who have not created 24 pages of art and story for a comic (plus a cover - which I still like pretty much), just know that it is an accomplishment in itself. I like the story that I tried to tell in this comic so much, that I am taking another swing at it in a project I am working on now.
There's never been a better time to give Linux a try on your PC. Here's why. Is this the easiest way to try Linux on a Win7 laptop?
As way of a brief introduction I am very honoured to have been elected to represent Loton as your Unitary Councillor which includes the parishes of Great Ness and Little Ness. Please feel free to contact me via email edward.potter@shropshire.gov.uk or on 07779117802 if you have any issues. I shall be attending parish council meetings and would be happy to meet with residents before hand or alternatively I will be happy to come and see you at a convenient time. It has been a whirl wind few weeks settling into the role with various training sessions and briefings. I have also had meetings with Connecting Shropshire in relation to broadband in the Loton ward and the local communities team who have brought me up to speed on various issues and projects. If you would like any further information on these specific areas please do not hesitate to contact me. It is all change at Shropshire Council with the election of a new leader-Shrewsbury Councillor Peter Nutting and formation of the new cabinet. Details of which can be found on the Shropshire Council website I look forward to seeing you around about the ward in the coming weeks and months. As I settle in to the roll after several moths it is clear there is much work to do and I have been addressing a number of local issues for residents and working with parish councils as well on more general problems in each of the parishes. Please do get in contact if you have anything you think I can help with. edward.potter@shropshire.gov.uk or 07779117802. August seems to have been a quieter month at Shropshire Council with fewer meetings due to holiday season, however there are two very important consultations running at the moment which residents might feel they want to feed into. 1. Parking Strategy Consultation 2. Library Strategy Consultation. These can be found on the Shropshire Council Website, hard copies in Shire Hall or if you would like to feed any information to myself or the parish councils to make a collective representation please do so. Both run until the beginning of October. As the new cabinet and administration settle into their roles I am sure there will be more news and things will be full steam ahead as we head in to Autumn.
Instead of turning to affordable repurposing, many teachers and after-school providers spend hundreds of dollars of their own money each month on school supplies and activities for learning. But little do they know that the average person generates 4.3 pounds of waste per day. To continue reading, click here.
Humanities teacher Micah Weiss believes in the power of respectful, open debate, and he’s fostering a spirit of lively discussion in his classroom. Humanities teacher Micah Weiss wears many hats here at Oliverian. While he’s an English teacher by training, his American Studies classes at Oli focus on a holistic blend of American history and literature before, during, and after World War II. He’s also the chairman of the hiring committee, serves on the Oliverian Senior Project committee, and lives on campus with his wife, Betsy, and their three children. This semester, Micah used Oli’s electives week to explore a particularly timely topic with his students: how to engage in productive civil discourse. We caught up with Micah to discuss his approach to the class, the students’ response, and what he learned along the way. Q: What are some of the unique opportunities that Oli’s electives week offers? A: As a teacher, having a three-and-a-half hour block of class time to work with is really interesting. You can do a lot with that. I did a film noir class last year, and before that, I used to lead a class that centered around a big World War II-themed board game that takes 17 hours to play. But for this year’s class, I was trying to get past some of the political polarization that we’re seeing around us and help the students listen to each other. Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the class you taught? A: I taught a class called “The Great Debates.” As the class went on, my original plan for the class changed based on the students and how engaged they became. At first, I had intended for it to be a class about watching and analyzing intellectual debates, because there are a lot of long form, debates between public intellectuals that you can watch for free. But once we got started, the students themselves were so excited about the ideas and controversies that we were talking about that I shifted the class to focus more on their voices. They engaged in debates about whatever they wanted to talk about, and I acted as a moderator and tried to get everyone to listen to each other without the conversation becoming too polarized. Q: What did your students think of the class? A: I was very lucky to have a group of kids that were willing to talk and had a diverse set of opinions on different topics. At first, we were looking at logical fallacies and how to make good arguments versus bad arguments. But by the end of the week, we were discussing major issues and trying to come to a consensus — or at least disagree respectfully. For example, our conversation about gun control was really interesting, because we had a couple of students from rural New York, where hunting and target shooting are a way of life. On the other end of the spectrum, we had a student from an urban environment who’s very passionately against any kind of legalized guns, and a student from Europe who wanted weapon control of all kinds. We had this wide array of views, but we had a really constructive and respectful discussion about it. It was great to give the students a chance to see that you can disagree with each other and not hate each other at the same time. Q: Did you have any “aha!” moments where you felt like students were really learning to engage in this type of respectful dialogue? A: I think the most constructive conversation we all had was the one around what racism is, who gets to decide what the definition is, and under what circumstances. So, you know, there’s the newer, left-wing definition of “bigotry plus power, equals racism.” There’s also the traditional definition in dictionaries, which is racial bigotry. So how has that changed, and how does that change the way we talk to each other about race in America? At the very beginning of that conversation, it was very heated and very intense. There was a very quick jump to accusation. By the end, there was a much deeper understanding between the entire group that this is a very complicated issue and that words can change meaning over time, and that we have to listen to each other before we make accusations. By the end of that conversation, they were really listening to each other. It was beautiful. Q: What do you think makes Oliverian unique? A: I think that because we’re small and because our community is so immersive, we can eat dinner with students, or take them on long trips, or take them to the movies or Harvard Model Congress, or have an electives week where we go people-watch and write stories about the people we watch. This is real time that we’re spending together, these are real relationships that we’re building. In my old job as a teacher in the Bronx, I would get my kids for one 45 minute class a day and maybe lunch for half an hour. At the end of the week, I’d go home and there was nothing I could do. Anything they were getting out of our relationship was really transitory. Here, I really get to create relationships with these kids that are meaningful and long-lasting.
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So I am officially over my hair right now. My scalp is so sore and I'm certain its because I've been pulling my hair back too much. I'm not interested in it shedding crazy because of too much tension, so I'm done with protective styling for a while. My hair will just have to be out for a while! Although I'm almost 8 weeks post and feeling lazy, I now have to meticulously care for my hair. I have to keep abreast of my deep conditioning, cleansing, moisturizing and sealing and make sure that the first available time my hair can be put into a satin cap that I do exactly that. So I'll probably be doing fun hair things since it has to be out in low tension, heat free styles. So now for the wash day. I put my coconut/sweet almond oil mix on my scalp and then proceeded to take the twists down with some macadamia nut oil. I left the oil in for about 15 minutes then hopped into the shower with my Neutrogena Anti-Residue clarifying shampoo and went HAM lol. I shampooed my scalp one time and then applied the shampoo to the length (not on my ends though), I rarely do this with shampoo but I wanted all of the silicone out. After that I tried a new product, my hair felt like it needed some protein, but with more moisture added, so I figured I'd give the Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Olive Oil Hair Masque a shot. I followed the directions and left it in for 5 minutes with a plastic cap on my head, then rinsed in warm-lukewarm water. I have to admit, the slip on that conditioner was BANANAS! My hair at almost 8 weeks post detangled with almost no effort, so cheers to ORS for that. My hair felt very soft and smooth in the shower, but it felt like there was a bit of film on my hair, and when I stepped out of the shower my hair felt hard while it was still wet. I was concerned, so I also tried a new leave-in, the Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine leave-in conditioner. The Sleek and Shine leave-in seemed to soften it up, but it didn't really help with detangling so I brought out my trusty Rusk Smoother leave-in. It felt filmy at first, but after it dried my hair was so soft, strong, smooth and fine smelling. I was pleased. I left it out on Wednesday and to kick off my no protective styling period, I figured I'd pin curl my hair Wednesday night to give it some shape. I moisturized my ends with Bee Mine Deja's hair milk and sealed with my coconut/sweet almond oil mix. I spray aloe vera juice/water on my sore spots and put my hair into 9 big pin curls. I wasn't sure how it would come out, but I have noticed that it's important to pin curl after the moisturizer dries so that the dents from the pins don't remain. I took them down this morning with some sweet almond oil and lightly spritzed them with aloe vera juice. I'm writing this around 3pm and I have to admit, my hair is still moisturized, bouncy and smooth. I am extremely pleased with the results. I hope my hair can stay healthy without the protective styling, I know it can be done, but I also know that means I have to really be on my game. I'm going to add some pictures as soon as I get home! phew I finally got some natural light to take these pics :). these were taken at the end of the day when the curls fell. i like them, and more importantly my hair is still very moisturized! How do you maintain your hair's health and maximize length retention when your hair is out?
New York’s bike share really does attract way more commuters than tourists. Since its debut last year, New York City’s bike share system, Citi Bike, has been wildly popular. In its first six months of operation, the bright blue bikes logged more than 5 million trips. The system has nearly 100,000 annual members. Yet Citi Bike–which unlike most bike shares in major cities, isn’t subsidized by public funds–is losing money. One of the main reasons is that while annual memberships are popular, the much more profitable day passes aren’t. It’s a phenomenon easily seen in this visualization of two days of Citi Bike rides around New York City. Designer Jeff Ferzoco, Sarah Kaufman at New York University’s Rudin Center for Transportation and Juan Francisco Saldarriaga of Columbia University’s Spatial Information Design Lab worked together to visualize Citi Bike journey data from September 17 and 18 of last year. Over those two days, when the weather was in the 60s and there was no rain, Citi Bike saw 75,000 rides. Rides are separated by type of membership, either annual (blue) or casual (yellow). The visualization doesn’t show exact routes along the city’s grid, but instead approximates trips by tracing straight lines between the endpoints. Ridership picks up early in the morning, around 5:30 a.m., and is heavy between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Almost all of those riders are annual members. Yellow dots are barely visible on the map, except a few around the very lower tip of Manhattan and up near Central Park. As the day wears on, there’s a slight increase in casual members–people riding over the Brooklyn Bridge, for instance–but for the most part, the vast majority of the map is the blue. During the evening rush hours, when commuters get back on a Citi Bike to go home, the map is overwhelmed by a dense network of blue. Interestingly, more riders seem to take Citi Bike during the evening hours than take it to work. The number of active riders hits 800 at 8:30 a.m., but spikes to more than 1,000 at 6 p.m. Though the balance of ridership clearly tips in favor of annual membership, it would be interesting to compare this data to a weekend. Perhaps more people are willing to grab a daily pass on a Saturday than during the workweek.
Holdings: Dr. Pusey and the University of Oxford. Dr. Pusey and the University of Oxford. A letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. A letter to the Rev. E.B. Pusey, D.D. ... on the publication of No. 90. of the Tracts for the times.
My 2010 Toyota Yaris has fantastic fuel mileage. I get 25 to 28 miles per gallon on the highway, and I get closer to 30 for in-town driving. The ride is smooth and quiet. I have not had to replace any major component of the vehicle. Maintenance for the Yaris has consisted of replacing windshield wipers and regular oil changes. I only have two criticisms of the car. The first criticism concerns the speed of the windshield wipers. The control does not have adequate intermediate speed controls. It either runs very slow or very fast. I have difficulties choosing the right speed during a rainstorm. Secondly, the seal around the hatchback has begun to separate from the body of the car. I loved being able to take my son and his stroller in the Yaris to parks and other attractions. Before his sister was born, I could easily travel to the Henry Ford Museum and the Greenfield Village with him in tow. We would spend the morning and afternoon looking at the trains inside the museum and riding the train outside around the Greenfield Village. The fuel efficiency and the size of the car are my favorite features. I have saved money because of its relatively low fuel use. Also, I find the car is easy to drive because of its small size and compact nature. As a young mother, I have been able to put not only my son and his car seat into the Yaris, but I have also been able to pack a jogging stroller into the hatch (trunk). The size can also be a negative aspect of the car if you have two adults and two children in the car. If the Yaris carries my husband, my three-year-old son, my four-month-old daughter, and myself, we feel like sardines in a can. We can still transport some groceries as well, but the ride is a little cramped. 2007 Toyota Yaris - The Yaris is too small but great on gas. The Toyota Yaris is very good on gas. It doesn't take much to fill up the tank, and a full tank goes a long way. I have had the car for four years and the maintenance cost has been very low. I did not like the size of the car. It was very uncomfortable on long trips. Passengers are elbow to elbow, and if you are taller than 5'10" this isn't the car for you. The look of the car was O.K., But it sort of looked like a roller skate, or an egg. It looks better in black. The acceleration was fine for a car that size, and it handled well. I did not feel very safe, mostly due to the size, but also in part due to the cheap quality of the doors and hood. There's also the downside of having to go to a Toyota dealer to replace the rear windshield wiper. I haven't found an auto parts store or oil change place that carries that size windshield wiper. My friends joke about calling my vehicle a dinosaur egg due to it looking like a very large, grey egg. Whenever any of them are in the car with me and we pass by a large truck, like a Hummer, they joke about my car evolving into that one day like a Pokemon. The most positive thing about the Yaris is the gas mileage. It was very efficient and I didn't have to worry about the price at the pump as much. The sound system was also pretty good and didn't rattle the vehicle. The size makes it very uncomfortable for long rides. The speedometer is in the middle of the dash, making it so the driver has to look towards the middle of the windshield to check the speed.
It is important that you get to have the best business in your life so that you can stand to gain at the end of the day. When you are able to make profits it means that you will have the chance to provide for your family without any problems and this will be important that you get to have a happy life in the long run. For you to be able to expand your business within no time there are some important investments that you will make and you are sure that you will benefit in the long run. The best marketing platform that you choose will be a big step in your life at the end of the day. For you to be able to get to be above your competitors you will want to adopt the modern ways of marketing your brand thanks to the technological enhancements. Your company might not be good at marketing your brand and hence you will want to opt for the services of the professionals so that you can gain at the end of the day. You get the chance to save and utilize your time in the event that you choose to adopt the services of the companies that have specialized in the area of marketing. The consultations that you make with the marketing services companies are very important in making sure that you get to work on your weakness and improve on your strength in the business at the end of the day. The expert organizations when it comes to the marketing of your brand will also save so much of your money that you will maximize in other projects that will be beneficial to the business in the long run. The best organizations when it comes to the marketing of your business will go a long way to make sure that you get the web design and SEO service that will contribute to taking your business to the next level. You should know that a peace of mind is another thing that you will get in the business in the event that you opt for the services of the best marketing companies. There are more companies that have been formed so that they can make your dreams come true when it come to marketing. It is always crucial that you opt for the marketing company that have the experience in the area so that you are assured of quality services that will match the amount of money that you are paying. Companies that are licensed means that they will work within the laws of the land and you will be able to benefit in the end. Reading of the online reviews will be important that you choose to hire the best marketing company that will make your dreams come true.
It’s amazing what a difference time can make in the way we perceive certain technologies. A few years ago, the idea of the cloud was terrifying to many people. What exactly did it mean to have something “in the cloud”? Was your personal information just floating around somewhere, ready for people to steal? Now, a lot of those hesitations have disappeared as people learned more about the cloud and its benefits. Businesses and individuals are more than willing to stick their information “in the cloud,” but it’s really not that simple. Sure, there are plenty of cloud providers in the market, but choosing the right one for your organization can be a tricky process. Brand name cloud providers are often seen as a reliable option for companies, but the truth is that they may not be the right option for your small-to-medium-sized business (SMB) needs. Migrating successfully to the cloud requires a SMB to have the right partner by its side, especially if it lacks cloud expertise or the time to develop an appropriate migration strategy. The right partner will be able to ensure that a SMB’s cloud deployment meets regulatory requirements, offers future scalability and flexibility, and/or provides it with the most cost-effective option possible. Again, finding a cloud provider that can do all of the above should be easy, but that’s not always the case. A lot of cloud providers are focused on helping enterprises rather than SMBs. Luckily, there are some cloud providers that cater specifically to SMB customers. If you’d like to learn more about SMB cloud migrations and how to choose the right cloud provider to meet your company’s needs, be sure to register for the upcoming webinar titled “How to Know if Your Cloud Decision is Right for Your SMB.” The webinar, presented by Ed Dryer, senior technology strategist at Steadfast, will take place on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Attendees will gain a better understanding of public, hybrid and private clouds for SMBs; learn the operational and cost benefits of virtualization; hear what is driving SMBs today to make cloud investments; and understand how cloud services complement business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) services, managed security, and on-demand infrastructure. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, you can REGISTER HERE.
I feel so lucky. The man i am with is so amazing to me. My last relationship fucked me up so bad emotionally and mentally that i have trust issues, insecurities, I question things.. My ex chrated on me off n on for 2 yrs and was narcasistic and manipulative. He secluded me to make me feel like i couldnt rely on anyone but him. And my man now is helping me through all of these issues. I never feel like i have to beg him for attention and to love me. I dont feel so alone all the time. Yesterday I had a bad moment and he told me im not gonna scare him away. And I didnt realize how much tension I had had all day until he said that. Ladies, I am strong. Everyone has moments or days where they arent though and you just need someone to be there for you. I am so lucky that i have him. Im currently in washington for a wedding and he's in phx but every morning he messages me good morning and that he misses me and hopes i have a good day because he works all day long and cant get to his phone most of the time and is exhausted once he gets home so he usually falls asleep immediately. But he takes the time in the morning to show me he cares about me. And it honeestly means so much to me.
You can upload up to 12 photos with us. Use a high resolution - our software will resize them appropriately. Your photos should be a JPEG, GIF or PNG format. These are the only formats supported on the internet. You cannot upload photos inside a Microsoft Word, PDF or other kind of document. You can upload all the photos at the same time during the process of creating your advert. If you do not have your photos ready now, you can still create your advert and add the photos at any point in the future. You are also able to add/amend the photos at any point in the future after the advert is live. Hand held cameras are great for taking spur of the moment pictures, but a tripod will give you the stability to take clearer, sharper photographs. Even during the day, having all the lights on in your home will instantly make it look warmer and more appealing. Dark corners don’t do your home any favours online, but simple lighting equipment will help you illuminate them. A flash will help, as will a reflector and even a light stand. Sometimes called staging, preparing a room is a way of showing how best it can be used. This is very often done by temporarily repositioning furniture in a room and putting lamps on tables and flowers in vases, or setting a table for dinner. To prevent your pictures looking wonky, use a bubble spirit level to ensure your camera is perfectly angled for each room. Getting up a dawn isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, but it’s the ideal time of day to get the best photographs of the outside of a property: dawn light is better and there are fewer people around. At different times of the day, and at different times of year, the light will change how your house looks. Take some time to stand outside and see how it looks on different days. Today processing is a term for how the image is put through photography software before it is ready to be used. This helps to soften, sharpen and generally tidy up any imperfections. There are photography courses run at adult education centres all over the country, and are the best place to start learning about taking better pictures. Hiring a professional is very cost effective. They are not expensive and can make the difference between the house selling/renting quickly or not. If you’re thinking of renting your property, then with a one-time investment in professional photographs, you can re-use them each time you come to let the property. Contact us if you'd like a quote.
Trust Pharmacy – Can You Really Trust An Online Pharmacy? Medications have become one of many artificially created substances that human beings use every day. However, unlike things like plastic products and other materials that we use commercially, medications must be taken into the body, which means that scientists, researchers, and ultimately the companies producing them must ensure the populace that the medications are safe to consume. Thankfully, medications must go through a rigorous process to be accepted as a treatment for conditions. But, what about pharmacies, especially the ones online? Is there a way to assure that we can trust them? The pharmacy has plenty of features that are geared towards making the experience more enjoyable for their customers. For example, they offer plenty of special offers right on their homepage, offering some of the lowest prices for meds, especially bestsellers like Viagra and Cialis. They offer to present the site in a number of languages and different currencies that suit the user’s needs. They have even provided US and UK numbers that you can use to contact the customer service with if you are experiencing any trouble. Finally, they have guaranteed customers that delivery will be prompt and on time. However, despite all of these amazing claims on the site, there is still reason to shed suspicion on sites like these. One of the main problems that online pharmacies face is establishing a sense of reliability and trustworthiness with their clients and the public in general. This is due to the fact that thousands of prior customers have been able to share their experiences of getting scammed out of their money by a seemingly legitimate online pharmacy. Canadian pharmacies, for example, have made quite a name for themselves online due to the lowered prices compared to other Western countries and the exceptional service that Canadian healthcare is known for. However, it seems that many websites claiming to be based in Canada are not, which spreads the doubt about which sites to trust. For Canadian pharmacies, there is an association called CIPA that is composed of approved and licensed pharmaceutical vendors. They have dedicated their time and efforts to find out which Canadian sites are the real deal and which are not. They have also conveniently set up a list of sites that are approved or otherwise. CIPA members are known not to send spam to customers of their services, nor do they sell any substances without someone presenting their prescription. Unfortunately, it seems that trust Pharmacy has been included in the rogue pharmacy list, which means that it cannot be trusted despite its name. Trust Pharmacy has definitely set itself up in the online world with a widespread name and reputation. This can be seen in the fact that there are several hundreds of people ordering their drugs from the site every day. The same can be said of others of the same vein, it seems, as there is another pharmacy that is located in the UK at Nottingham, which shares the same name as the Trust Pharmacy predecessor from Canada. Many of the customers that have used this service have given an excellent rating to the website and declared that the pharmacists on site were professional, and that service was efficient and friendly. Aside from being helpful, the professionals helping customers also displayed compassion and dedication to their field. One person gave an account of leaving behind their medication, to which the pharmacy helped them recover it. Also, some had said that they had been able to receive their drugs promptly upon arrival. In the same vein as Trust Pharmacy, it can be easy to be misled by the little markers you can find on a website, such as the security guarantees and the free shipping fees, but it is ultimately up to the client to look into the validity of a site or face the possibility of getting scammed. When it comes to any business, trust is an important aspect that lets customers put their faith in you and has them coming back for more service. Online pharmacies need to overcome the hurdle that comes with internet business stigma. Unfortunately, many websites are not helping their case at all. Trust Pharmacy, while having the look and feel of a genuine online pharmacy that will help you get the meds you need, the site has actually been flagged as a site that is not reliable and that should not be engaged with by the CIPA. Other pharmacies of similar names such as the Trust Pharmacy operating in the UK and World Trust Pharmacy need more digging for you to really determine if they are good websites to be using. One of the many ways to do this is to consult review websites and organizations that accredit online pharmacies. Finally, you can take a look at the approved online pharmacies we’ve got recommended for readers here.
I accidentally dropped something behind the bed side table which made me look and it was very grubby down there. Made me bring to question the actual cleanliness of the room. Stayed here for my dad's 90th birthday. It's a place he's spoke of wanting to visit on numerous occasions over several years. Although there was a large wedding on at the same time, we never felt we were being pushed out,hurried or moved along. Rooms were lovely and comfortable with everything you'd need for a short stay. Staff were realmy nice and welcoming and there was nothing that was too much trouble for them.
When you have a family issue, there are many benefits to choosing a local family lawyer. In addition to supporting a member of your Folly Beach community, you are also choosing a lawyer that is more convenient to travel to, being local to Folly Beach, than if you were to choose a lawyer outside of the Folly Beach area. By hiring a reputable Folly Beach family lawyer, you can ensure that your case will be handled in the most professional manner possible. And finding a good, experienced local Folly Beach family lawyer will give you the comfort of knowing that if you should have another family issue in the future, your lawyer is right around the corner.
There are many things that business owners are responsible for in their businesses. The work may be a lot, and you find that there is the need for your business to grow fast. That is why it is imperative to look for a digital marketing agency to help you in promoting your business quickly. Below are some of the things you need to put in mind when looking for a digital marketing company. It is a great idea to look for the digital marketing firm online. It is one of the most reliable and fast sources to use hence you will quickly find a marketing company of your choice. It can be nice seeking assistance when looking for the marketing agency. The best people to seek assistance from are other people who also own businesses. Various digital marketing agencies have separate service charges. Before hiring the digital marketing agency, it is wise to make a comparison of the services and see if they are worth the fees charged. You will quickly identify the digital marketing firm that favors your budget. Ensure you inquire about the payment mode of different digital marketing agencies. Opting for an affordable digital marketing firm is the best thing to do. The marketing experts that work for the firm are essential. The personnel of the digital marketing agency you select should be people who are well equipped with marketing skills. The marketing professionals should be people with good communication ethics. Ensure you check on the certification of the digital marketing firm. You cannot regret choosing a certified digital marketing firm. You should also check the work ethics of the digital marketing agency. Ensure that the digital marketing firm you select can meet the set deadlines. Ensure that it is a company that you can depend on any time. Check on the expertise of the digital marketing company. You can have a look at their work records. It is also a great idea to find out about its existence. It is wise to work with a digital marketing company that has been in operation for an extended period. The reputation of the digital marketing company matters a lot. The best digital marketing firm to work with is one with a good reputation. In case of any doubt, you can listen to what the previous clients say about the company.
I’m having a very funny time. I like going shopping. But, I’ll go by bus, not on foot. I’ll take care of myself. I’ll buy some clothes: A jacket, pants, a shirt, a dress, a coat; and “Dundee marmalade” for my parents. I’m going to buy a skirt for my mum and a coat for my dad. Do you know that “Dundee marmalade” was invented in Scotland? It is made with Seville oranges. I am sending you the recipe. P.D: I’ll go to the Loch Ness, and I’ll buy a T-shirt with a photo of Nessie, the monster of the Loch Ness.
Welcome to the 7th instalment of The Painting Solution! With the team currently on their way to start work on a new project, it gives us the opportune time to write about the use of a cherry picker or scaffolding on site. Since the building we will be painting measures up to 13.5 metres in parts, scaffolding or the use of a cherry picker/boom is the only way to paint at that height in a safe, efficient manner. Today’s post is all about the cherry picker and it’s many uses and advantages to the painter. One of the main problems with most forms of high access is that they only allow you to access a small area at a time. Take an extension ladder as the example – these only give you access to anything that’s within arm’s length of where you place the ladder. That means that if you’re carrying out work over a large area you will constantly have to descend and move it into a suitable position. This is a huge waste of your time. The alternative is scaffolding or a scaffold tower which can provide access to a larger area, but has the downside of requiring lengthy setup times. A cherry picker is a much faster and more adaptable way to get access to high areas. As the arm is mobile, workers can be moved into position, allowing them to carry out tasks quickly and efficiently. This means that using a cherry picker not only reduces the amount of time you need to spend setting up the equipment, it also ensures that people can spend as little time working at height as possible. Cherry pickers can be used for a huge variety of tasks – you would be surprised at the range of possibilities. They were originally designed for use picking fruit in orchards (hence the name) but over the years these machines have been adapted so that they are perfect for a wide array of uses, mostly on construction sites and in building repair. Commonly cherry pickers are used for painting and other forms of building maintenance where workers need to get up to difficult to reach spots. They also have clear advantage in terms of cleaning, especially cleaning the windows of high buildings which could be very challenging for other high access equipment. Whether you’re carrying out basic home maintenance on a residential property or dealing with delicate work on a Grade One listed building you need to have the right equipment for the job. Thankfully, there are many different cherry picker models available that give you the ability to get to the right height or reach the location properly. When other access equipment can do the job, cherry pickers are often able to reach high and put you in the right place. Of course cherry pickers have the additional advantage that they don’t have to go to their full height, so you can use them for a broader range of tasks than some other forms of equipment. For example, scaffolding that has to be assembled to a certain height does not allow for the versatility for many tasks. It’s not just the height that cherry pickers can offer you. One of the major reasons that cherry pickers have become so popular is that they can be used in awkward spaces that many other forms of high access equipment simply aren’t suitable for. Cherry pickers can reach into narrow spaces and allow you to get work done quickly. One of the inevitable challenges of working at height are the safety issues. Using a cherry picker is a very safe way to get up high as long as they are used correctly. This is because you are surrounded by a cage which makes it very difficult for you to fall. Equally, as you are able to stand in a comfortable position you are able to work without tiring as you might do on a ladder. When you are working at height, safety needs to be your number one priority and working with a cherry picker allows you to avoid many of the dangers.
How do you feel when you take a look at your home’s exterior. If you suddenly notice one day that it’s looking lackluster, it’s no surprise. Many of us spend so much time indoors that we forget to perfect the look of the outside. When you think about home improvement, you often go through all of the fine details of the house in your head. You think about everything from top to bottom – how to keep everything clean and hygienic, and also how to improve every inch to make it all look as pretty as possible. Everyone wants to live in the best possible home, so they focus a lot of energy into making the interior of the place close to perfect. What goes into the house is super important, but it’s just a select part of your entire home. The aspects that sit on the outside of the home also need some love and some work. First impressions are important, and people aren’t exactly going to see inside the home when they stand on the outside. There are a bunch of components that make up a home’s exterior, here are a few ideas to help spruce up and shore up the outside. Whether your drive is concrete or compacted soil (like this one in the UK), keep it clean and in perfect repair. It makes the first impression of your home’s exterior. The first place anyone reaches as they enter your home’s space. The driveway isn’t always seen as the most glamorous part of a home, but they can definitely be made to look very attractive if given enough time and care. If the driveway is looking a little weathered, then it probably does have something to do with the years of damage caused by it – even if a driveway is fairly new, it can look as though it has been around for decades only after a couple of years. The best course of action here is to take a pressure washer and blast away at the dirt that has been collected. You’d be surprised at how youthful it can look after a good clean. You could also add some little extras in there like lights or borders to give it something more than just a plain look. A garden is the crowning glory of your home’s exterior. The garden should be a place to clear minds and feel complete bliss. If you have a garden that is fairly packed with different things, perhaps think about having a little clear-out and starting with somewhat of a blank canvas. People like to have little areas in their garden to sit in and relax – with a bit of work, you could get some chairs, get some plants, maybe half a dozen pieces of landscaping stone and a few other things, and you could have yourself your own little area. You could give the fences and gates a little paint if they look as though they’re fading a little. In terms of the bricks of the house, they’re in a similar boat to the driveway in that they can begin to look a little aged quite easily. It’s another case of blasting it with the pressure washer and seeing the results – be careful though; you don’t want to make a mess for the neighbors. If you have a garage and you don’t use it for parking your car in there, then you could give it a little clean – a lot of unused and needless items are stored in one’s garage, you could spend a day just sorting through all of the stuff in there. You could go one further and renovate it completely. If it’s left alone for a lot of the time, you may elect to turn it into a more practical place. Addressing your home’s exterior can polish up your dulled curb appeal with your investment of time and labor. Posted on April 10, 2019 by Deborah TayloePosted in DIY ProjectsTagged DIY, DIY Landscaping, DIY Projects, home exterior, home's exterior, landscaping.
We do not recommend deleting your profile, as you will lose records of all current and previous purchases and will have to create a new account next time you want to buy Showpass tickets. We keep your personal information strictly confidential, and having an account sitting unused will not affect you in any way. However, we do understand personal preference and if you'd still like to delete it, please reach out to us via Intercom or send an email to support@showpass.com with the name and email address of the account and we will take care of it for you.
Guarantor loans have become very popular in UK in recent years and it continues to receive buzz. More and more people consider applying for one because it offers a quick fix on a variety of financial situations. For those who've been denied by several mainstream lenders, a guarantor loan is an ideal alternative. Not only is it easy and fast but you can also choose from two types of loans. If you need quick cash to get by, a small guarantor loan is one type to look into. This option is perfect for paying bills or emergencies. The amount you can borrow generally ranges from £50 to £500 with repayments expected in a few days or a few months. In other words, small cash loans imply short term or you can make arrangements to repay it when you are able. As for the interest, it is typically charged on a daily basis with representative APR 627%. To apply, you are not credit scored but you do need a guarantor to be approved. Ideally, your guarantor should be a home owner but there are cases when the lender may consider a non-homeowner. Approval time is instant and you can expect your cash within an hour. If you need a bigger sum, the large loan option is your solution. Compared with small loans, the amount you can borrow start from £500 to £10,000 without being credit scored. If you're applying for more than £10,000, a credit check is necessary. Repayment terms vary from 12 month to 60 months with representative AR 49.4% and you have control to choose which one suit you best. To get started, you have to be of legal age and a tenant or homeowner in UK. As for you guarantor, he or she needs to be a homeowner in order to be approved. Once your guarantor is deemed acceptable, our can expect to receive the money within 24 hours. Application can be submitted online and processing is a breeze. If you're unsure about the terms or the amount, you can take advantage of free enquiry service to get the best deals. There are no obligations or upfront fees to worry about. Whether you're applying for a large or small guarantor loan, the best thing about this type of loan is the fast processing not to mention that rejection seldom happen give that you have an acceptable guarantor backing you up.
I'm helping a winery create an online payment form for their wine club. People would be able to sign up for the wine club online and submit their credit card information to be processed manually using the POS system at the winery itself. So we don't need any sort of payment processor, just to be able to store the credit card information to process later. I had already created a form to do this. Actually, two. They are named "Roaring River Vineyards Wine Club" and "Roaring River Vineyards Wine Club Form." I'm trying to access the submissions but it is asking me for a private key, which, as I can tell, would have downloaded to my computer at the time of creating the form. I don't remember anything downloading or seeing instructions on what to do with it at the time and that key is long gone from my downloads folder. 1) How can I access those submissions to be able to add those people to the wine club? 2) Is the form we're using the best option for what we're trying to accomplish?
In these troubled times, dear reader, you have two options: you can turn away from the horrors of the world and embrace the fantasy that literature provides. Or, you can face the disasters head-on, with books that magnify the precipice of doom we stand on. Then again, you could also just enjoy your summer with a range of insightful and surprising new titles – all available through Overdrive!
Using limited tools and materials to complete projects for my home. Also, trying to share as much as I can through Social Media such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. I made my own Table saw fence for my craftsman contractor saw. I made entirely it entirely out of wood. It locks down and stays where I put it. I first started by finding the dimensions of a biesemeyer fence and went from there. I made a video showing an overview of it on my YouTube channel, Luther ToolWorks. Here is the link to the video. I've been using it for a couple of years now. I used a vertical bed post as the main fence and other scrap wood I had in the shop to make the rest. People who have watched my video have asked for plans and a build video. I have been working on a sketch up drawing of it but since I don't see myself making another one in the near future, a build video isn't going to happen. I would point you to John Heisz. He has a website, www.ibuildit.ca as well as a YouTube channel. He built one very similar to mine and has plans with step by step instructions on how to make it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using a good quality plywood for constructing it. I'm not planning on doing an inlay nor round ears which is why I made a template of a Mickey coaster that I already have. I agree it would look silly with round ears. I will make a template then use a pattern bit or flush trim bit on the actual piece. The west system is too pricy for me. So the epoxy doesn't separate from the wood? Where would I get an automotive pearl? I agree with both these thoughts. Much quicker and it would be reversible where you could use both sides. Also would look cool with a black dye. A dyed epoxy would probably hide any air bubbles too. Any suggestions for a brand and type of epoxy? One that I could pick up in a store and not have to wait for it to be shipped to me? I've also been thinking of using epoxy for the Mickey head. I'm planning on making a set of Mickey coasters for a good friend of mine who lost his wife unexpectedly last month. She was a huge Disney and Mickey Mouse fan. The idea will be to take this design and make them out of wood. Minus the myriad number of circles on these. I have a set of these exact coasters to go off of. Last night I took a piece of paper and did a crayon rubbing of the top of it so I can transfer it to wood. My idea is to use forstner bits for the Mickey head and glue a contrasting color of wood there. The Mickey will either be a complete insert or an inlay. Probably will be easier to make a complete Mickey insert. I also plan to enlarge the Mickey head a little bit as well. I'll be looking through my wood collection/pallet wood, to see if I have something that will work to keep grain continuity throughout all six coasters. I'll either make my own shop sawn veneer or buy some. It will all depend on what I have in the shop. I'll definitely be making a template first. I might also be investing in a pattern bit for my router. I am going to try and get them done for a Christmas gift but it won't be the end of the world if I don't. I'd love to hear any kind of feedback, tips or suggestions. What kind of finish should I apply to these? He's mostly a coffee drinker and I suppose they will see some use from cold drinks that will sweat and get them wet, so will I need to put something that will hold up to any water that will get on them?
There is just something about this design that I love! It would be fun to experiment with all kinds of variegated yarn in the middle. This is another cleaver design by Carol Ballard.
To see your home looking pristine again, do not hesitate to take advantage of our professional cleaning services. We collaborate with amazing people each of whom has been working with us for a great amount of years. We have manufactured ourselves... with state of the art cleaning products and machinery to ensure the positive outcome of our performance. Your home can be clean and healthy again! Call Aaron Cleaning Acton at your earliest convenience.
If you have accepted Christ into your life, your past is forgiven. There is nothing left for you to do but leave it there – in the past. I want to be clear that this does not mean that you will not have to endure the consequences of your choices, but instead, mean that your past does not possess the power to rule your life. Let me give you an example of what I mean. I grew up in church, but when I got older, I decided to do my own thing. As a result, I was a single mother making $12,000 a year. I was at an all time low, and there was only one person who could help me out of the hole I created. Jesus forgave me of my sin, but I still had to be a mother. I still had to endure making huge sacrifices for my child to be okay. I had to go from thinking about what to wear out on a Friday night with my friends, to staying up all night with my sick, asthmatic baby. My sins were forgiven, but the consequences were mine. There were days harder than others, but I had the confidence of knowing Christ was with me. Some days were extremely hard but I never truly felt alone. I had made some huge mistakes and suffered at the hands of others, but none of that determined my future. Soon I met and married a wonderful man who loved both my daughter and I. There are still times in my life where I am reminded of whom I used to be, the people I hurt out of my selfishness and the pain I endured because of someone else’s selfishness. If allowed some days have the power to pull me into a dark place. But today, once again, I was reminded that “It is finished,” and my debt has been “paid in full.” I am healed of the abuse of others. I am left only with the scars that remind me of God’s power. Hold your head up Grace Girl! Yes you made poor decisions, or maybe horrible things have been done to you, but no matter what, you are so much more than those mistakes or hurts forced on you without your permission. You have been given the gift of grace. If you take the time to unwrap this undeserved gift, you will discover the strength you need to move forward on your journey. You see, grace was not created so you cannot buy it; it is not a merit so you cannot earn it; and it is not conditional so you cannot lose it. It is a gift from God! That you will find the strength to let your past go. That your faith will increase to trust the ONE who paid your debt. That you will bask in the magnitude of Christ’s love for you. You receive the strength it takes to forgive and move forward. And finally, that you will truly come to understand what it means to be Remade by Grace!
A zine for your scene, a small zine about the Augusta music and arts scene. Content comes from locals of the area and is about locals that make up the diverse and creative scene. We always accept contributions from people around the town who want to get their work published, or want to help the scene thrive. If you want to do the same in your home town, it's easy and we show how you can make your own Creases on our website. Everyone can and should do this if you have a love for literature, arts, or music and want to display your town's talents!
No, you can punch holes where your posts are going to be to hold the rail which will hold the loops. For The rear curb, you can drill or punch holes every 2-3 feet and insert rerod in the cement to hold the curb in place. If you have a spot where you are going to be pushing up against the rear curb with a skid loader, then you may want to take a section of the floor so the curb has more strength.