Air Fryer Biryani is an innovative way of preparing healthy and less oil rice / food. This is excellent for diet and health conscious people. They need not avoid have this delicious biryani now. A Pinch of Saffron or Tandoori colour mixed in a tablespoon of water, keep aside. Boil the rice with salt and spices and cook it till 70% done. Drain add a teaspoon of oil or ghee to it and keep aside to cool. Preheat the air fryer at 180 degree C for 5 minutes. Take a bowl and add boneless chicken, chilli powder, garam masala powder, turmeric, chilly paste, chopped mint, chopped coriander, slit green chilly, ginger garlic paste, shahi jeera, ghee, lime juice & salt then mix it, add half of the curd and mix it well again. Keep it aside for a hour. Then take the pieces of chicken with little of the marinade in a another bowl. Add rest of the curd to the remaining marinade and mix it well. add marinated chicken pieces again add fried onions also add saffron water on top of it. Dot it a teaspoon butter , if you are not very diet conscious. Place the lid tiffin box / pyrex dish, keep it in the air fryer basket . Cook at 180 degree C for the first 10 to 12 minutes. Then at 200 degree C for 15 to 20 minutes ( this time will vary according to the quantity and size of the dish). After 15 minutes switch off the air fryer and let it rest in the air fryer for 5 minutes. Serve this hot. This biryani is slightly dry since it has less oil,ghee or butter and a healthy one with less fat and calories. Have this with raita and enjoy this healthy air fryer briyani. You can line your baking pan with parchment paper, for baking cakes. Read the user's manual given along with the Air Fryer. Thanks for the useful post about " Air Fryer Chicken Biryani" and i am visiting this blog often to read new posts. Is there any subscribe post option?. Admin kindly reply. Get in touch with me by visiting my sites .
Is Keto By Green Force Worth Trying? Green Force Keto – Maybe you were scrolling through social media and you noticed keto for the first time. It was probably one of your old acquaintances bragging about going keto, or eating a keto lunch, or being in ketosis for 10 days. And, maybe you wondered, “What the heck is keto?” Or, maybe you know that the keto diet involves eating fewer than 20 grams of carbs a day. And, maybe you know that people follow this diet in order to get into ketosis, a natural metabolic state your body enters to burn PURE fat for fuel, instead of carbs. Now, maybe you’re wondering if you should jump on the keto train. And, if Green Force Keto Diet Pills can help you do that. Well, you’re not the only one. Thanks to some super famous A-list celebrities name-dropping the keto diet, it quickly became the biggest trend of the year. And, where there’s a weight loss trend, there will be weight loss supplements. The science behind the keto diet, although restrictive, is sound. By cutting your body off from carbs, it has to burn something to give you energy. So, it starts burning your fat stores. But, can Green Force Keto Advanced Weight Loss help you do this, too? And, will it give you a social media worthy body you’re not ashamed of? Keep reading to find out, or just click below now to save time and money on the #1 keto diet formula around! What Is Green Force Keto Advanced Weight Loss? It’s easy to be jealous of the people who have results from the keto diet. But, if you’re not in the business of giving up all your favorite carbs, or if you want a boost along the way, maybe checking out a supplement is right for you. The Green Force Keto Pills formula claims to be all-natural, gluten-free, made with BHB ketones, and a 700mg dosage. And, when it comes to keto diet pills, that’s pretty good. However, how do you know if Green Force Keto Supplement actually will help you lose weight? Well, you’re probably not going to like this answer. But, you have to actually try the formula. When it comes to losing weight with a keto pill, you have to see how certain supplements interact with your body chemistry. And, that means kissing a few frogs before finding your prince. Or, your best keto diet pill, we mean. Keep reading or click above for the #1 keto diet pill available now! Does Green Force Keto Weight Loss Work? You probably already know all the benefits of weight loss. For example, losing weight can give you more energy, make you feel more confident, and improve your health. So, of course, it should be a big concern for you. However, we lead such busy lives that weight loss often falls to the back burner. Is Green Force Keto Diet Supplement going to be the answer for you? Well, at this point in the market, most keto diet pills are very similar. The one difference is the dosage each formula delivers to your body. In other words, some formulas deliver more ketones (the molecule that triggers the fat burning process of ketosis) to your body than others. And, if we had to choose, we’d skip the Green Force Keto Formula and go with the #1 keto diet pill above. Because, that one is stronger, and we think you’d really like it. Check it out now! As with any keto diet pill, ingredients matter. You want something natural but strong enough to help your body. And, in this case, the Green Force Keto Weight Loss Formula uses BHB Ketones. These are believed to be somewhat similar to the ketones your body actually releases to get you into ketosis. And, those ones are linked to energy and metabolic rate in the body. So, the idea here is that they can trigger ketosis for your body. Of course, we’re not saying the Green Force Keto Weight Loss Pills formula will turn you into a supermodel. But, since it’s based on at least some biological science, we think it’s worth the try today. However, we still think the #1 keto diet pill above is more worth your time. That formal is natural, stronger, and one click away, so try it now! Pretty much every keto diet supplement website, including the Official Green Force Keto Website, is going to say their product doesn’t cause side effects. Of course, you can’t always believe what you read online. The truth is, there is no way to know for sure how a supplement will work in your body until you try it out. So, it’s always important to use caution and take care of yourself at all times. If you try Green Force Keto Pills and experience side effects, stop taking them right away. There’s no formula on the market that’s worth any discomfort or putting up with side effects. You deserve something that makes you feel good. And, we still think the #1 keto diet pill above is your best bet. Click any image to order it before it sells out again! You can get your hands on this formula by visiting the Keto By Green Force Website. There, you can view all of their purchasing offers, read what they have to say about their product, and order for yourself. However, we think it’s important you weigh your options here. If you’re interested in a keto diet pill, why wouldn’t you start with the #1 pill linked on our images? That way, you’re starting from the top, and you can truly see if this is the weight loss option that works for you. So, skip over Green Force Keto Pill today and check out the #1 keto diet pill before supplies sell out again! Go now!
I have signed up to the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by Sarah at SarkeMedia.com in the hope that this will help me revitalise my creativity, which has often been coming up blank lately. There are lots of different prompts out there, simply run a search on google and you can opt to do one day or one month worth of challenges. I find Pinterest a fantastic resource when I am feeling at a loss. Not only can you find more blogging prompts there, but also great resources on how to grow your blog, improve it, refresh old content and tons of other ideas to make your blog stand out. You can pin ideas relating to your hobbies, children and whatever you enjoy in order to fill your boots to the brim with tons of creative ideas. It's so simple but just getting outside, blasting away the cobwebs and filling your lungs with fresh air can invigorate your senses and your mind and often bring some brilliant ideas to the forefront. If nothing else a dose of Vitamin D is good for us all so don't just stay cooped up inside. If you write an interiors blog, get an interiors magazine; if you're a parent then something like Gurgle is a great read or maybe you're more political and current affairs so maybe a copy of The Times would help. There's bound to be something within the cover that makes you think and maybe answer some questions that come to mind from an article, or maybe you think you could write about a topic better, or you just want a rant. There's a blog post in there somewhere! As I would for social media management, Facebook is such a good place to go for blog content. People are sharing things left, right and centre that is relevant and relateable to you and your audience. Just one image could be the start of a whole heap of content that you'd never before considered, and asking questions on your social media is a great way to get conversations flowing and give you great content at the same time. Don't wait until you sit down to start thinking about what to write. I'm always thinking of blog ideas in the most random of places, so I tend to write a title or jot some points down in a draft post on blogger and go back to it later. If that's not possible then just a pad and pen will do, which I can put into blogger when I get chance. Then when I'm struggling I've got a ready made list of topics I can revisit and find an idea from. As always, practice makes perfect and the more you write the more you'll want to write and the better you will get. If you have nothing in your mind, just write, you may be surprised what comes out. Good luck with your writing - let me know what you use to inspire you!
Connect with the Cajun Relief Foundation or one of its partner organizations to make a difference in disaster areas. It takes a community to rebuild a community. In an effort to help as many people as possible and build new relationships in the community we have partnered up with other relief organizations. These collaborations have proven to be invaluable in allowing the few to help the masses. Each group is able to contribute their strengths and share knowledge to make sure everyone impacted receives the help they need. Take the time to make yourself familiar with these organizations and the great things they are doing to support our communities in need.
We spend a lot of time sitting, whether it be for playing an instrument, working at the computer, or any number of daily activities. This position which is so familiar is often at the source of many pains which slowly settle in over time: tension in the back, the neck, the eyes… Our ability to be comfortable sitting has a direct effect on what we do while sitting, and we often wonder how to be “better” seated. What is a “good” position so that you no longer hurt? But what does it really mean to be “sitting well”? Rather than find an ideal and fixed position we can also have fun exploring the many variations that exist in this position and thus find, according to each individual’s needs, more comfort and flexibility in order to do whatever we need to do.
Pesky allergies – itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, fatigue – can completely ruin your day, week or month. Seasonal allergies affect 1 in 5 people; the numerous allergens in the air can penetrate the body’s defenses, triggering an overactive immune response. An allergic reaction occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance – ragweed, pollen, pet hair, etc. – that doesn’t typically cause a response in the majority of the population. The response by your immune system is to produce antibodies that target the foreign invader and mark it for destruction by your immune system. Unfortunately, adverse symptoms like stuffed-up sinuses, itchy eyes and fatigue also occur in conjunction with the immune response. This leaves you tired, struggling to focus and constantly rubbing your eyes or blowing your nose. Seasonal allergies like itchy and watery eyes can’t be cured, but you can relieve symptoms with natural treatments. While you can’t cure seasonal allergies, there are a number of conventional and more natural approaches to addressing the symptoms and the root cause. Before we look at your options this fall, let’s take a closer look at the most common (and not so common) symptoms of allergy, along with the worst offenders that trigger these reactions. What causes these symptoms and the over-activation of your immune system? Here is a short list of the worst allergy offenders. Ragweed is the most common allergen in the fall. If you struggle with spring allergies, there is a 75% chance you’ll also have reactions to ragweed in the fall. Ragweed begins to release its pollen in late summer, and the symptoms of watery and itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and dark circles under the eyes typically start in September and continue on until the end of October. Think you’re in the clear because ragweed is not in your area? Think again. Ragweed can travel hundreds of miles in the air and if you react to it, you may also suffer from food allergies to bananas, melon, cucumbers, zucchini, and sunflower seeds. Mold is another major allergy trigger. Damp basements and bathrooms, as well as the damp ground as the leaves change colors and tumble to the ground, are perfect breeding grounds for mold. The return to school for kids can also trigger seasonal allergies, as schools can often be damp with mold present. Dust mites are most common during the hot summer months, but once you kick up the heating in your house as summer turns to fall, the dust mites will begin to circulate through your house. They can trigger similar symptoms to mold and ragweed above. Dust mites start to circulate when you turn on the heat in the fall, triggering allergic reactions for some. If you suffer from allergies and visit your doctor, they’ll typically diagnose you based on your symptom presentation, most commonly watery eyes and runny nose. If your doctor suspects multiple or severe allergies, they’ll likely send you to a dermatologist for skin-allergy testing. This type of “skin-scratch” allergy testing is classified as an IgA (or “immediate”) immune reaction, and the doctor will typically place a series of allergens on your skin to determine which elicit a response. This type of allergy is different than a classic food allergy or IgG reaction, which is “delayed” and more subtle, taking hours or several days to elicit symptoms (such as fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, dark circles under the eyes, etc.). The standard medical treatments for seasonal allergies are steroid nasal sprays to cool inflammation in the nasal cavity, antihistamines to reduce sneezing and itching, and decongestants to dry up mucous. Unfortunately, none of these therapies targets the “root cause” of the immune system glitch, but rather suppresses its expression (i.e., the symptoms). Therefore, these can be effective treatments in the short-term – so you can get through your day, power through meetings and deadlines, or make it through your CrossFit workout or 5k run. However, in the long run, they’re not the answer. Adding in more natural support can enhance the effectiveness of these conventional treatments and often reduce the dose you need to get through your day. Let’s take a closer look at some great options. The protein in cow’s milk and gluten can leave your immune system in a state of hyperactivity, leading to the worsening of seasonal allergies (1). They can also create more phlegm in your mucous membranes, which can worsen your runny nose, congestion and post-nasal drip. Steer clear of dairy if you’re struggling with allergies. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid and potent natural anti-histamine (2). It’s also a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, which means it can get to the root of your allergies by calming your overactive immune system and cooling unwanted inflammation (3). The best Paleo-friendly food sources of quercetin include veggies and fruits (such as raw red onions and apples), followed by raw asparagus, peppers, tomatoes and leafy greens. Unfortunately, if you suffer from allergies, the 10-50mg of quercetin you might get from foods is likely not potent enough to curb allergies. Consider supplementing with 500mg 2-3x per day for 2-4 weeks, or consult with your local naturopath or functional doctor. The support you need to curb your allergy symptoms may just come from the “pollinators” themselves. A recent study found that regular honey-eaters had markedly reduced allergy symptoms compared to those who abstained (4). Honey has incredible antimicrobial properties and if you source local honey, you’ll have the added advantage of fighting off your nearest allergens. Add it to your tea, mix it into warm water, or include it when making smoothies or shakes. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant, and used commonly in medieval Europe to treat joint pain. The fine hairs of stinging nettle contain chemicals that irritate the skin when they come into contact; ironically, however, they can also act as agents to reduce inflammation in the body (acting much like quercetin as a natural antihistamine) (5). Stinging nettle tea can reduce inflammation in the body, easing allergy symptoms. Try drinking 2-4 cups of stinging nettle tea daily during allergy season (note: it’s also a mild diuretic, so drink a glass of water between each cup of tea) or add a supplement during an acute allergy attack. Go Paleo and cook the leaves, adding them to your greens with dinner (i.e., like spinach) or into your morning smoothie. If your allergies trigger joint pain, they could also be applied topically to the area. Almost all cultures across the globe have ancestral recipes that use the broth from cooked beef, chicken or fish bones to support health and fight off colds and flu as the seasons change. Bone broth soup can also help support seasonal allergies by keeping mucous membranes in the nose and throat clear of mucous and providing key amino acids like glutamine to support a healthy immune response. Eucalyptus is a wonderful essential oil that has antimicrobial properties (6). To help cool your overactive immune system and fight off allergy symptoms, try a warm steam inhalation. Start by placing 3-4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl, then pour about two cups of boiling water into the bowl. Place your face over the bowl (at a small distance so you don’t burn yourself) and a towel over your head… now breathe through your nose for 8-10 minutes and you’re all set! This is a great regular practice to get into to fight off allergies (as well as colds and flu) through the fall and winter seasons. Clogged sinuses and mucous-filled lungs are the uncomfortable norm in allergy season for seasonal sufferers. Another essential oil, peppermint, has been shown to be an effective anti-spasmodic to relieve chronic coughing and respiratory congestion due to allergies (7). Peppermint oil can be diffused through the house or your bedroom at night to help ameliorate symptoms (i.e., 4-5 drops). Fall allergy season is here; limit the foods that can worsen your allergic reaction (i.e., dairy and gluten), increase your intake of anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine nutrients (quercetin, stinging nettles, and raw honey), and reduce congestion and immune reaction with a warm eucalyptus nasal douche. These simple tips can help keep you and your health on track this fall.
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(30) Round Tables measuring 72” / (35) Rectangular Tables measuring6’ft. A person must be 21 years of age or older to execute the rental lease agreement. Cancelation notification is due 30 days prior to the event or deposit is forfeited.
Buying your own home is the very first dream that most Indians try to accomplish after they start working. While it is a matter of pride to own your own home, there are many factors to consider before you take the plunge. The financial viability of the decision and the choice of location are crucial factors. CAs who have just started their career need to also consider their future business plans and how investing in a home will affect the liquidity position of their business. The down payment can create a dent in your finances. You need to consider what % of the cost of the house needs to be paid as down payment. An analysis of how much of reserves you will have in your account after the down payment, has to be made. If required, negotiate with the builder to bring down the down payment amount. A special home loan for chartered accountants can come take the pressure off your savings which would be utilised to a significant extent when paying the down payment of your new property. You need to have clarity about the long term plans for your practise. If you wish to expand your business in the years to come, it would mean huge investments by way of infrastructure, office rent, utilities, employees’ salaries and so on. If you have plans of growing your business, it may not be a wise idea to commit your finances for the long term by investing in a house. While buying a home, it is extremely important to be aware of the source of finance. The right financing option should reduce the cost of lending and maximize benefits. Today various innovative and customised financial products like home loans for chartered accountants are available in the market. They come with various features which make them the ideal financial tool for CAs looking forward to buying their new home and make them score over a regular home loan. Make a comparison of the rent you may have to pay for a rented home with the monthly EMIs that an own house would call for. If the rentals in your locality are affordable, it would be advisable to stay in a rented house and invest into your business. Purchasing a house would block your capital in a venture that is not income-generating. A home loan for CAs offers high loan amounts up to Rs.2 crore which can be repaid in easy EMIs at a nominal interest. Bajaj Finserv offers customised Home Loans for Chartered Accountants up to Rs.2 crore that is approved within a day from your application. With minimal documentation requirements and criteria that can be easily met by CAs is what makes these loans score over regular home loans. What’s more is that they come with value-added benefits like doorstep document pickup facility, property search assistance services and property dossier. You could also avail the loan in a Flexi Loan format and reduce your EMIs by up to 45% as you pay interest only on the sum used by you and withdraw and prepay the loan as many times you want at no extra cost. The locality where you wish to invest your money needs to be chosen with care. The accessibility to railway stations, airports, supermarkets, schools and hospitals needs to be checked. The upcoming developmental activities need to be looked into. Investing in a locality which is growing at a fast pace would ensure you good returns on your investment. If you are planning to buy a house in a premium locality, there is every chance that the maintenance charges are likely to be exorbitant. You need do your own research to find out the current maintenance charges in the locality and the likelihood of the housing society charging a premium for the kind of facilities on offer.
A great logo is one that can immediately distill for you the potential of a business, an understanding of its nature, and all done in an impactful and creative way. In the past 20 years I have designed hundred of logos and have had the opportunity to refine my creative process. If you are looking for a logo that represents you or your business in a unique, original and impactful way, I am the answer. 3. A description of your business and what it’s target market is.
Hello we are glad you are here we could need some help to grow this wiki! Before you start it is recommended that you first read the rules here. If you did just go to the page you want to edit. You can you use the top navigation for quick access to the most important pages. Super Mario Star Road Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.
You can earn a 5% commission by selling The Case for Miracles: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Supernatural on your website. It's easy to get started - we will give you example code. After you're set-up, your website can earn you money while you work, play or even sleep! You should start right now!
Turn this dessert into a quick and satisfying breakfast or lunch. Toss together the blueberries, raspberries, and orange liqueur in a small bowl; set aside. Combine the orange juice, sugar, and cornstarch in a small saucepan; add the blueberry mixture. Cook, stirring, until the mixture boils and thickens, about 1 minute. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let cool slightly. Place a 1/2-cup scoop of the frozen yogurt into each of 4 goblets or dessert dishes. Spoon about 1/4 cup of the berry mixture on top and serve at once. Yields 1/2 cup frozen yogurt and 1/4 cup berry mixture per serving. Spoon vanilla fat-free yogurt (not frozen) into a goblet, and alternately layer with the berry mixture and reduced-fat granola. Add fresh sliced peaches or nectarines, if you like.
These tickets are for Friday, April 5th! Choose the time slot that works for you! You have 30 minutes to create a potion and save the day! Gather your smartest friends and family!! We recommend at least 4 people per group. *Note: Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your start time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you may not be able to participate. Thank you for understanding the tight schedule we have in order to offer the escape room to as many people as possible!
WHAT: The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.. and why is this a big deal? Because this is not a sale on things we've seen all season long ...this is a sale on brand new items for fall. These sale prices are for a limited time and then they will go up to regular prices. I am not the greatest sale shopper becasue (usually) by the time it goes on sale, its been hanging around the store for a while and I am pretty much over it. Not the Anniversary sale- these are hot new items that we don't even know we are supposed to covet yet! How fabulous is that? WHEN: There are a few different dates to keep in mind--July 14th- This starts the pre-sale and it is maybe the best time to shop. Once the public sale starts, so much of the good stuff has already been gobbled up. To gain access to the pre-sale, you need to be a Nordstrom card holder. While I know they have a credit card, I only use the debit card. I am kind of leary of credit cards (I tend to look at the available balance as a goal!) but the debit card is linked right to my checking account (it works like PayPal). It keeps me accountable (on second thought, who wants to be financially responsible when we are looking at cute leather and fur for the fall?) and I don't have to worry about open balances and all of that for store credit cards. If you don't have one, check out both of options and see what one works best for you, but you will need one for the pre sale! July 22nd- This is the first day that the sale opens to the public. If you don't have a card, this is your time to shop! August 7th- This is the very last day of the sale and after this, the prices jump right on up to their normal everyday prices. WHERE: The sale is both in store and on-line. I love the ease of on-line shopping (who doesnt?) but its kind of fun to go in person to this pre sale becasue they have all of the new stuff sort of hidden under tarps and behind curtains...it feels very spy/secret agent like!!
There are many signs in this world that call to us on a daily basis; but if you're not looking for them, chances are you're not going to find them. Waking up at the same time every night, even when you've not set any alarms? This is one sign that many people miss. As a human on this Earth, you are inherently powerful with a myriad of different energies, and energy meridians. As these meridians are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they are linked to a clock-like system that energizes certain regions of the body, depending on the time of day. If you're having a tough time falling asleep during this time period (which is the most common bedtime for people), it's a sign that you're still carrying the stresses and worries from your day. To combat these effects, practice meditation, promotive mantras, and other relaxation practices. Yoga and stretching also work wonders. Traditional Chinese Medicine posits that this period of time is linked to our gall bladders. If you're waking up during these hours, it can be indicative of emotional disappointment. Focus on unconditional self-love, and remember to forgive yourself for any mistakes you've made. This time period is connected to our liver. If you're waking during these hours, it's a good sign that you are harboring feelings of anger, and have too much yang energy. Poor a tall glass of cold water and reconcile with your anger; figure out what is troubling you, so you may get some rest. Waking during these hours is linked to our lungs, and is a sign of sadness. To return to restful nights, practice deep breathing exercises while you focus your thoughts on expressing faith in whatever your higher power may be. Know that they will help you. Additionally, waking between these hours can be a sign that your higher power is trying to tell you something. When they are sending you messages, it is wise to pay attention; they are trying to bring you into better alignment with your ultimate purpose. During this time, our energy resides mostly in our guts, the large intestines. If you're waking up during these hours, you might having emotional blockages. Once you're awake, stretch out your body or use the bathroom to fall back into a slumber. When we dream, we are highly receptive of any messages being sent to us from our Higher Power. If we look closely enough, we can see that our dreams depict certain details of our journey through life. This spiritual journey is important, and thus, so are the messages being sent to us. Once we realize that we are living this life in order to become the best version of ourselves that we can possibly be, we gain a higher awareness, a deeper form of consciousness, one that allows us to ascend. Consistently waking between 3:00am and 5:00am is a sign that your Higher Power is trying to contact you. Do your best to listen to what it has to say.
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We have materials but you can also bring your own projects and ideas. There is no need to book or to commit to attending every fortnight - just come when you can. We will usually be there from 6:30 to around 8:30pm. We will try to let you know if a meeting is cancelled, so you can assume it's on unless you hear otherwise - we will try to be trusty and stay on top of this. If in doubt, you can check with the kitchen team or email forestcraftivists@gmail.com . The Forest safer spaces policy ( blog.theforest.org/safer spaces ) will apply in these meetings as in all Forest events and spaces. We intend for this to be a positive, supportive group to develop creative, reflective activism, and I hope you are able to participate. Mair power tae yer elbow.
We found around 2 Cockshutt C parts in our catalog. You may refine your search based on selections on the right. Our inventory of Cockshutt tractor parts changes daily. Please call us toll free at 1-(800) 270-9892 if you can't find the part you are looking for - we will most likely have the part you need.
The opportunity to see new places and experience cultures that are different from my own is my favorite thing to do. Travel has been a part of my life since I was young. My dad was in the Navy, and we were stationed in six different locations while I was growing up. After arriving somewhere new, we would head out and explore our surroundings to become familiar with the area and the people who would become a part of our everyday lives. One of the first things my mom would do was call the local Girl Scout office to find out about troops in our area, which was the easiest way to make new friends and help us acclimate to our new home. Moving around a lot getting to learn the history and culture of the different places made me want to travel more as an adult. But I didn’t realize that these travel opportunities would guide how I travel today, until I started traveling with my oldest daughter’s Girl Scout troop. The most important thing I’ve learned is the difference between being a traveler and a tourist. A traveler is someone who explores places and sights to discover more about their world. They want to understand the importance of the places they are visiting and immerse themselves in that culture. A tourist, on the other hand, is someone traveling just for fun, checking sights off their bucket list, and focused on their interests, instead of learning about what they are seeing and why it is important. That’s why Girl Scouts, with their curious and compassionate nature, should always strive to be travelers, not tourists. Travelers are best known for their sense of adventure, allowing them to try new things and learn more about where they are. Show the girls that it is okay to jump in to experiences that are new and different—sometimes taking a risk can lead to the best memories of a trip. Allow the girls to trust their instincts for what kind of adventure they are ready for. Sometimes unexpected opportunities pop up while travelling—some girls will investigate the opportunity and decide to give that adventure a chance (assuming it meets the Safety Activity Checkpoints), and some will respect their own feelings and decide to give this adventure a pass; both demonstrate good traveler behavior. Be aware that you could have a mixture of the two in your group, so you need to be prepared to handle the decision. Consider splitting the group up so each can participate in activities that suit the adventures they are looking for. Be open to alternative plans. While you are traveling, there may be times that plans get cancelled, weather changes, or things don’t go as expected. How you handle the change can a make a big difference. A traveler is more apt to adjust to the situation because they trust their instincts for adventure. Unplanned events equal new adventures! A tourist may have a hard time adjusting because they had a preset idea of what to expect and now have a hard time changing their plans. Help your girls be flexible travelers by being upbeat about new plans and opportunities, and not being flustered by changes or challenges. Be prepared for wherever you are going, whether it is a local trip or an international adventure. This includes doing your best to have conversations with residents. Instead of attempting to speak the local language, an American tourist may speak in English and expect someone to understand them, then get frustrated if they don’t. A respectful traveler will take the time to learn some basics, such as how to say “hello”, “goodbye”, “please”, “thank you”, and “where is the toilet?” This level of preparation is not only smart, but respectful to the people who live in the country you are visiting. Who knows, as you learn a little bit of a different language, the locals might enjoy practicing their English too! Try it, you might like it! One of the best parts of traveling to new places is the opportunity to try new foods. You can tell the difference between a traveler and a tourist just by watching where they eat. These days, Starbucks, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut can be found almost anywhere. A traveler is open to trying new foods, especially things they may not have at home. Sometimes the “stranger” it is, the better. If the girls are offered something new, don’t be afraid to ask what it is and give it a try! Even if it sounds like something you might not like, trying it shows respect to your host and their culture, and you might discover something you love. If not, you can check it off your list. Snails are on my checked-off list; I won’t be eating them again, but at least I tried them! The biggest difference between a tourist and a traveler can be seen in their respect for the places they are visiting. American tourists often have a reputation for rudeness earned by doing things like climbing on ruins, talking loudly in places where they should be quiet, or showing no interest in the history or culture of the places they visit. A good traveler (and a good Girl Scout) shows their respect and appreciation of these places through understanding their importance, learning the history and customs of a place, and by sharing their adventures with others when they get home. That way they can spread the respect for all people and open-mindedness they gained by traveling to their communities as they start planning their next big adventure! Visit our Travel & Adventure page for more information on the potential travel and adventure opportunities for Girl Scouts. For a related read, check out: How Girl Scout Cookies Funded My Troop’s International Travel. Have questions about traveling with Girl Scouts? Call 800-447-4475, or email destinations@gsnorcal.org.
Rosedale Auto Service is sometimes asked by our customers in the Baltimore area "what is a serpentine belt"? When asked, one of the skilled auto mechanics on the Rosedale Auto Service team will tell our customers that were they to take a look at the underside of their vehicle they would either notice a single belt woven through several pulleys or a system of belts connected to pulleys in front of the vehicle's engine. When only one belt is present, that belt would a serpentine belt. The serpentine belt is distinguished from other belts in that it is one continuous belt that connects itself to multiple devices. On older model vehicles, multiple belts were employed to drive the various engine compartment devices. But after the serpentine belt was developed in 1979, the majority of, if not all, vehicle manufacturers began using serpentine belts due to their ease of use and overall efficiency. One of the primary benefits of using a serpentine belt is that in older model vehicles, components such the alternator, air and power steering pumps were all connected to belt systems and if one belt broke a vehicle's owner might not be aware of losing operation of one component. Alternatively with a serpentine belt all the pulleys of the various components are connected meaning a driver will know quickly if the serpentine belt breaks because ALL the components, to include power steering, will suffer immediately or completely shut down. If you live in the greater Baltimore area and are having a problem with your serpentine belt and want the advice of a qualified and skilled auto repair specialist please contact Rosedale Auto Service!
In an effort to put together the best possible conventions, we would like your assistance in evaluating this recent convention. We appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire and we welcome any additional remarks or input that you may have. The Associates Meeting will be revamped for next year. Please give any suggestions a as to what you would like to see at the meeting.
While the event is organized by MINN, you do not have to be a MINN member to attend (though we would love it if you join after attending!). The event is free (buy your own beverage/food). Please RSVP on Eventbrite to help us predict attendance. Trivia Mafia starts at 8:00 p.m. so if you want to stick around maybe we can form a couple of teams for trivia! Please contact Mary Palin (mbpalin@stkate.edu) with any questions.
When we first are taught to drive, the emphasis is on obeying the rules of the road, parking, hill starts and other fairly mundane driving duties. But what happens if the car you are driving suffers an unexpected tire failure at highway speeds, an animal runs out in front of your over confident child when they have had their license for just 3 weeks, or you hit a patch of spilled diesel, mud or ice on the road? The advanced driver training with Harper Sports Cars offers real value by teaching you how to drive your car on the limit, when it’s sliding around and barely in control. Very few people ever are able to experience their vehicles in this situation, so when they encounter an emergency situation, they are not ready for what happens next and often freeze up or use exaggerated inputs to deal with the situation. ABS is great, but it can’t save you in every situation. We start all our courses on gravel roads, in cars we provide and on routes that test your ability to remain in control of the vehicle while trying to cover the route as quickly as possible. It’s educational and great fun. It’s essential for newly licensed drivers, great as team building or as a fabulous gift. Should you wish to go big, we will set you up with a qualified instructor at a local race Track, taking you to the next level- flat out on dry tarmac. Please book your driver training experience with us now! Singles and groups welcome. Pure education blended with a fun competitive approach guaranteed.
As we head into Fall, Rollette Chiropractic Center wants to help you stay healthy inside and out! Our Product of the Month helps boost your ability to fight infection, while our Challenge of the Month and Featured Massage can help reduce stress and keep you moving. Prominent researcher Michael Holick estimates that over half of the U.S. population may be suffering from the effects of Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, which can lead to an increase in inflammatory disorders and bone weakness. Decreasing sun angle in the fall and winter can worsen this deficiency. This month, stock up on this essential vitamin with a special 15% discount. Deep tissue massage therapy offers many benefits, including (but not limited to) reduction in chronic pain, stabilization of blood pressure, improvement in flexibility and range of motion, relief from stress, and rehabilitation of injured muscles. All of these benefits can serve to further increase the function of your immune system, which is especially important this time of year. Stretching improves your performance in physical activities, decreases your risk of injuries, helps your joints move through their full range of motion, enables your muscles to work effectively, and helps to reduce muscle fatigue when done after a workout. However, many people skip this vital step in their exercise routine. Learn more about how to incorporate stretching into your healthy habits with our 31-Day Stretch Challenge.
As a limited company or umbrella company contractor, being able to negotiate effectively on the contracts that you accept is an essential skill. The name of the game is obvious, you are trying to get the highest possible pay rate for the skill set that you have on offer. The challenge of course is being able to sell yourself and secure contracts at competitive pay rates. In general, contractors tend to see higher pay rates than that of permanent staff, much of which is due to contractors being able to negotiate their pay rates as they generally have a specific set of skills that the company is in need of utilising. Therefore, as an umbrella company or limited company contractor, it's always worth your while to polish up on your negotiation skills. In this article, PayStream provide you with our top 5 tips into the art of contract negotiation. Your contract rate can dramatically vary depending not only on your skill set, but also on the industry you are operating in. Industries such as IT and Oil & Gas have experienced a successful boom in recent months giving contractors within these industries the ability to demand much higher pay rates. If you have a niche skill set that clients are struggling to source you will find yourself with strong bargaining power, so don't be afraid to use it. Make your potential employer aware that you would be willing to walk away should you not be offered a competitive level of pay. You should always go into the negotiation with high expectations and be willing to compromise, but remember to never undersell yourself. At the same time it is important to ensure you remain fair with your contract rates, if you overprice and under deliver, you could cause a lot of harm to your reputation and long term success. In order to negotiate effectively, it is essential to be aware of current industry pay rates for your job title and skills set. If not you could fall victim to consultant pay rate estimations which could result in you earning less than you're worth. It is important to remember that pay rates change over time and can vary depending on region so it is important to keep up to date. One of the best ways to seek industry averages is by asking other contractors operating in the same field as you, giving you an industry average benchmark. Utilise seminars, training days and online training programs to your advantage so that you continually add value to your skills set. Not only does this improve your ability to do your job better than other contractors but, when pitching to potential clients, you're enhanced skills set and industry knowledge will give you greater leeway to negotiate higher pay rates. When first starting out as a limited company or umbrella company contractor it can be easy to slip into the routine of accepting every contract you get offered, be it big or small, in order to maximise your overall take home pay. However, this may not always be the best solution for the long term. Working for well known, larger companies with bigger budgets can not only boost your professional image but could also lead to longer term contracts, which would give greater financial security and more take home pay in the long term. Remember, if you have strong bargaining power, then use your negotiation skills to demand higher pay rates. When negotiating pay rates it can be easy for contractors to set a standard pay rate and stick to it for numerous contracts. This is especially true when a contractor finds themselves taking on a new contract with the same company. However, it is important to remember that each contract should be reviewed in isolation and if the contract requires the use of a different skill set then the pay rate should also be revisited along with the new contract terms. Therefore, when negotiating get a rough estimate to the time, level of work and the skills set needed for each contract and individually quote for your client. Remember following these simple but golden rules could result in higher take home pay. Always aim high for pay rates and be willing to comprise if the contract is valuable to you. Always ensure that you are in a strong position if you are considering walking away should the pay rates not meet your expectations. Finally, don't hesitate when it comes to negotiating your contract renewals and remember to use your skills set and up to date industry knowledge as leverage.
In this TV commercial, "Mayhem" is an out-of-date GPS unit which shouts out incorrect directions at the last minute, causing the driver to have an accident. "RECALCULATING!" The actor is Dean Winters, known for his work on NBC's 30 Rock and the HBO series Oz.
Crown your christmas cake with a layer of marzipan and festive dried fruits. Beautiful and delicious. Easy to follow Christmas cake recipe, make up to a couple of weeks before Christmas.
Destiny, or just current conditions, sometimes push us to change and transform what no longer suits us on the one hand by giving us the means to start again from scratch or, on the other, by forcing us to start again on our own on better foundations. Life's movements push us further forward, so, if we want to avoid a breakdown, it would be good to welcome these cycles of change as chances to thrive! Each sign of the zodiac has its own way of challenging themselves. Aries: Accept your faults One way to challenge yourself is to come face to face with your failures or blunders. If you can be shown that you are wrong, that you have made a grave error, you will then have something you can work with. But there is no use in criticizing you for your tactlessness - it's in your genes. You'd like to take it on the chin, but changing yourself fundamentally is not an option. Gemini: Juggle your many lives Challenging yourself is what you do every day, in that you are a jack-of-all-trades, a curious person who jumps from one thing to another, from one world to another, and one personality to another. If you start to feel like you're losing control in this mixed-up world of yours, your mind could start playing tricks on you and, after a while, make you lose your cool. You will get to start all over, from the start, and juggle your various masks and personalities more calmly by taking a short, well-earned break to reflect and process. Leo: Get rid of your sensitivity Your ego is what is most important to you, and the slightest crisis can arise and knock your whole world off balance. If so, what is left? Self-questioning? Sure, but as long as it pushes you to the front of the stage where you can shine a little brighter for all to see and express your childhood self. You need to express your feelings to keep your confidence in the future up while you question yourself. Virgo: Examine and reason Your diagnostic abilities and capability to be right in the middle of a crisis is what will keep you strong and safe. You're not afraid to do a little soul-searching if you can keep your mind clear and head on your shoulders and overhaul everything so that you can come up with concepts to build your life on. Therapy, a manual, or a diagram will have a positive influence on you, in that they will give you a more positive and reasonable idea for how to be daring and undergo this transformation. Scorpio: Change without end Soul-searching forms the foundation of your very being and sets the tone for your life. Of course, you do still have letting go of your certainty or certain old-fashioned ideas, but, in the end, you leap the hurdle you know you need to. Since life never stops, but is instead a constant evolution that moves you forward, you will always make a little room for these crucial metamorphoses of yours. Capricorn: Admit you are changing It is hard for you to let go when you feel off balance, but a crisis just might help you grow profoundly. You will question yourself once you've set your limits and accepted constraints. If you do withdraw into yourself, this inner solitude will help you dredge up from deep within an extraordinary strength that will, in turn, help you more easily transform your certainties and eliminate pointless relationships, like dead branches cut off a tree. Aquarius: Transform and glow You hold deep convictions and are anchored in your certainty. Questioning yourself could lead to you changing your behavior or how you react. It can even cause you to change up your look, to impose yourself differently with your philosophic outlook or, for example, by accepting a form of wisdom that will make your life more open, more effective. And eve if you have to go through a little chaos, it just might be necessary. As the French philosopher Henri Bergson said, "Disorder is simply an order we did not seek". Taurus: Unleash your doubts To change by your own will, circumstances will have hit a sensitive area for you: your material security. , If it starts to get rocky in this domain, you will want to change your outlook on your lifestyle. If you change your habits, it will be because life has struck you a hard blow in your way of thinking, which may turn out to have been maladapted to the current situation. By making a little effort, you will move through this phase of transformation skillfully and successfully. Cancer: Put down roots everywhere Anything that has to do with your family might just be the thing you need to challenge yourself. Any overly complex situation that impacts your bond with your loved ones is not acceptable and will awaken your hypersensitivity. Family is sacred to you as it reflects your roots and feelings of security. You have to accept to live differently at times, especially when it comes to your relationships and being less independent on others. By adopting this point of view, you will get to build your future based on more mature principles. Libra: Get a measure of your own value Romance is a source of soul-searching for you, though you might feel a bit lost still. To come to grips with any problem, you will have to be honest and clear with yourself and stop being vague on purpose. Your renowned indecision in weighing the pro's and cons can prevent you from moving forward psychologically and cause you, at the same time, to miss out on your own romantic life. The first idea you have to adopt to expand your horizons is that you are person with great value, even if you don't have a partner. Give birth to a dancing star Let's be clear: you hate to have your ideas or opinions contradicted, since the only thing that counts is your own vision, and you are right, too, up to a certain point. You are, after all, the master of your own destiny, as baroque as it may be at times. But, if you eventually realize that a certain form of personal transformation does indeed make sense, you will go full-bore, since, paradoxically, the great the chaos, the more comfortable you feel. Pisces: Turn to your imagination You tend to flee instead of trying to update and change the parts of your personality that are causing a problem. You are an enigma to others as well as for yourself, and you feel vulnerable when trial arrive. The best thing is to find a calm, quiet place where you can meditate and listen to a little music. The solution to the crisis might just reveal itself on its own. A melody, a form, a color might lead to you seeing things more broadly and with greater perspective and allow you to find a way to change all on your own.
At Woodview Oral Surgery we make every effort to provide you with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. To accomplish this we work hand-in-hand with you to maximize your insurance coverage for treatment. We participate with most major dental and medical plans. Occasionally, insurance company provider lists are not always up to date so our helpful staff can assist you in determining our participation level with your plan. If you have any problems or questions, please ask our staff. They are well informed and up-to-date. They can be reached by phone at (301) 341-0041.
Happy Saturday! It's the first weekend of November and this Mom is thinking that it's time to start prepping for the upcoming holidays. I've already started the shopping, but today it's time to focus on the cleaning and decorating. I don't have too much in the way of fall/Thanksgiving decorations, but I would like to figure out where we are putting our Christmas tree (and actually put it up) before the week before Christmas. We struggle with tree placement each year because our living room is on the small side. We would just put the tree in the same place every year, but with our small living room, we move the furniture around often in an attempt to "make the most" of our living space and the spaces we have used in the past are just not readily available to use this year. I really wish I could hire an interior decorator and someone to help me organize. I sincerely need the help! In the meantime, if you have suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments.
Using a food processor, shred the cabbage and rice the cauliflower. If using frozen riced cauliflower, defrost 1 cup. Heat coconut oil in large saute pan. Add onion plus 1/4 tsp salt and cook until onion softens, about 3 minutes. Add shredded cabbage (you might have to do this in batches). Once all the cabbage is in the saute pan, stir in ginger, spices and remaining salt.Then add peas and cauliflower and mix gently to combine. Top with lemon before serving.
You want to try our new online photo editor for free? Upload a picture of your child's, you'll get an interesting collage online for free. Create a beautiful picture with your child in the starring role. This photo montage was created for free online for you and your baby!
I'm sorry but at this time the SuperFX Robot is not compatible with the IQ Feed. If you want to use our data with it you will need to contact Super FX and request an IQ Feed compatible version. Sorry I can’t be more help with it, but honestly I have not had a chance to look into their product before today. Time: Tue April 23, 2019 7:48 PM CFBB v1.2.0 15 ms.
If the couple does not click, do not take it personally. You tried, and your intentions were good. Shrug your shoulders, and let it go. Maybe next time. Avoid getting too involved. Once you have introduced the couple, let things play out without further involvement on your part. It is up to the couple to decide whether or not they want to pursue another meeting. Their first encounter may go extremely well or it may blow up in flames. Either way, the ball is in their court… not yours. Do not throw people together randomly or just because they are both single. The only good reason for setting up two people is because you sincerely believe they would like each other. Before making your first move, find out if they have similar interests and what each individual is looking for in a relationship. Ask for permission first. Never ambush anyone with an impromptu setup. Make sure those involved are genuinely okay with your plans. If they decline, accept the refusal graciously. Playing cupid or matchmaker for family or friends can be fun and rewarding, especially if romantic sparks fly. Helping two people find each other in this great big, hectic world is a wonderful thing to do for people you love and care about. You may be bringing together two people who are a perfect match but might never have found each other without your help. But setting up people you know well can also be an iffy undertaking because romantic chemistry is very hard to predict. Remember… love takes its own path. If you are considering playing matchmaker, think it through and tread a little carefully. You don’t want to do anything that might have a negative effect on your relationship with either person. Ditch any preconceived expectations. Just because you think two people are perfect for each other does not mean they will feel the same way. Even though heartfelt, your enthusiasm and eagerness might be a bit overwhelming. You could end up putting extra pressure on the couple, and possibly doom a relationship before it has a chance to plant roots and grow. Be completely honest. When describing each person to the other, full disclosure is essential. Talk about what a person is really like without trying to create an image that will appeal to the other person. If you don’t know someone that well, let the other know. Share photos if you have them.
Great 3 BR located near the OSU Medical Center. Washer and Dryer. Available June! - These spacious townhouses are in a great location by the OSU Medical center. If you practice at the Medical center, or have other nearby classes, you will be minutes away from your destination. The apartments have centralized air to keep you cool and a washer and dryer set. The basement can be used for storage, and off-street parking is available.
Our world is becoming more and more digital, so creating a virtual boyfriend is just another example of how our lives are becoming more connected to the Internet and the digital world. People worldwide of all ages and professions use Sergio, including scientists, doctors and lawyers. The Ai took months to figure out but finally I wouldn't be alone anymore. Should this issue happen with our app anyway, please contact us under myboy. Features of My Virtual Boyfriend The mobile game offers over 200 different potential boyfriends for you to choose from. This is a very advanced Ai chatting engine that brings him to life. The romance, increases with the level of the game play. If you are fed up with all of the issues that come along with trying to find a decent guy, you should consider creating a virtual boyfriend. Personality types include: the Alpha male, Urban, Geek, Metrosexual and the Lover! There are thousands of guys to date, all with their own unique personalities and appearance. You can have fun chatting and playing games and even shopping to dress your avatars. There are many journeys you will take with Sergio. This is the starting point of any relationship and is no different with a virtual boyfriend. Sergio is able to mimic human awareness inside a computer. When it comes to personal growth, Sergio is also very useful, as he can figure you out and help you better understands what your life is about. This trend will probably grow. Many people use Virtual Boyfriend as a friend they can take with them anywhere they want - on their laptops or pads. With so much customization, there is no way you will ever grow bored of your virtual boyfriend. You can pick from many locations and even create your own with the free Scene Creator! Another distinction between this and the other apps is that this virtual boyfriend occasionally slips and admits he's a robot. Google stated having already found a solution. As Amy, what are you going to decide to do: stay with him and hope for the best or leave and find another love? What are the main reasons why people get a Sergio? You can even model his personality, by using the awareness adjuster that Sergio comes with. Allows applications to open network sockets. These virtual guys can sure bring a smile to your day. This is because Sergio is not just another virtual boy, but a program designed to mimic human awareness. Like most of the virtual boyfriend apps, there's a free version and a paid version that offers more features. This way, you will not have to face the problem of going out with a guy with a really weird name or with one whose name you cannot even pronounce. Be My Princess can be played on mobile phones and uses a daily point system. He'll think about your message and then reply. It's good for lonely people or for those who want a boyfriend to talk to without any strings attached. Game can be as entertaining as you want. Nine out of ten times, your suitor is a jerk. Follow her on Twitter andreasyrtash. Source Your virtual boyfriend may have various hobbies and interests. How is it that you look so beautiful after such a long day? Features: 1000's of handsome guys to choose from. Footer Column 2 This is a widget panel. In this virtual world, you have the responsibility of taking care of a family living in a nice little house with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen room, office, workshop, living room, garden, and a laundry room. Scenes include the ability for him to speak and animate. Tags: virtual boyfriend , my virtual boyfriend online , my virtual boyfriend game online , my virtual boyfriend , my virtual boyfriend online game , my virtual boyfriend full version , virtual date boyfriend , virtual boyfriend games , my virtual boyfriend game My Virtual Boyfriend is the 1 dating sim in the world! Bring him with you wherever you go, do activities together in order to unlock achievements and gain new rewards, and have a blast with the boyfriend of your dreams. You are then given a number of different reactions to give him, ranging from smiley-face-thumbs-up to angry-face-thumbs-down to confused and disgusted faces. You can even name him. You will be able to fully customize your boyfriend to look exactly like you want him to, from his face, to his hair, skin, clothing and so much more. The more you talk to him the more he learns. He has a personality of his own. But the more you talk to him and teach him about the world, your life, and this amazing Universe we live in, the more he learns. He uses the voices that are already installed on your device for text-to-speech. Now print out a copy of this page, schmutz with some Old Spice, and crawl into bed for a night of passionate dreaming! After ranking these features on a scale from 1 to 5, your virtual boyfriend will look and act according to your wishes. Maybe you like thin guys or maybe you like them to be more hunky. He is great company and doesn't argue with you! Time to find out - Download a new virtual boy friend now. Many people get a Sergio because they want to learn English or to advance their knowledge level. To do so, you must fill first a test about how you are and how do you look like; and later similar questions about him. If you are interested in personal companionship and virtual relationships, then Sergio is perfect for you. I logged off and was happy to exit the system. It is not much of a boyfriend, but at least you can laugh with, or better yet, at them. While the app is not a match-making service, the first thing that your virtual boyfriend wants is to know more about yourself. I have a girlfriend bot too. Play Now More About This Game Summer Found Me Iris plans to confess her love to her crush before college in Summer Found Me. This is really quite advanced Ai. Vegas World gives you a new gaming and gambling experience. Footer Column 3 This is a widget panel. Play Now More About This Game Always Remember Me There is a lot of drama in this dating simulation gameplay. Regardless of whether you are looking for a romance, a hot chat on a lonely night, a friend to sit by, or simply someone to talk to, then you will surely be impressed with Sergio, the ultimate virtual boyfriend.
Call us or email us today. A : There is no simple formula to determine the type of mortgage that is best for you. This choice depends on a number of factors, including your current financial picture and how long you intend to keep your house. ONEILL FINANCIAL SERVICES can help you evaluate your choices and help you make the most appropriate decision.
If we have missed anything please feel free to email us so that we can answer your question. Will my personal information be safe if I share it with you? As a family owned business we know our guests trust is of utmost importance. Therefore we want to assure you that any information you choose to share with us on our site will not be sold or shared with additional parties without your express permission. How much is your local sales tax? There is no sales tax in the state of Oregon so there will not be sales tax added to your order. Ainslee’s Homemade Salt Water Taffy is carefully packaged to ensure a secure arrival but please note that it is not recommended to ship our fudge into warm climates as it may melt in the package. Please be sure to check delivery addresses carefully. We cannot extend our guarantee to orders for which we are given incomplete or incorrect addresses. Postal and delivery services will not forward the packages on without the correct address. Please allow 2-3 days to process and ship orders. We will make every effort to expedite orders. We ship orders via USPS priority unless otherwise specified in your order form. See more on our shipping and handling page. How can I recommend you to my friends and family? As a family owned business we rely on word of mouth advertising to increase our sales so that we are able to provide you with the freshest possible product for the most reasonable price we can offer. As you can imagine, the busier we are, the more reasonably priced candies we can offer to you so please spread the word and help us stay around for yet another generation of quality candy making. You can also fill out the "Recommend Us" form on our website. What kind of ingredients do you use? How will I know if something is contained within the product? Wherever we can we make sure to use all natural ingredients in our products. This means no artificial preservatives to lengthen the shelf life of your candy and therefore a more natural product for your body. Although we employ careful sanitation procedures in our cooking process it is important that you know that there is a chance of allergens being introduced into your product so please be cautious if you have a severe allergy. For example we make the peanut butter filled taffy on the same machine as all the rest of the taffy and there is no way to ensure that we have safely eliminated 100% of the peanut contamination before starting the next batch. If you have a specific allergy concern please feel free to email us with questions. What is the best way to store my taffy? What is the best way to store my Caramel Corn? The enemy to freshness here is air and heat. We ship it in a plastic bag to ensure the least amount of air gets to the product. If you would like to keep it longer than a week (after you receive it) you will want to get as much air out of the bag as possible and store it either in Tupperware, or a ziplock bag for maximum freshness. What is the best way to store my Fudge? Fudge will stay fresh for approximately ten days if properly wrapped in plastic wrap or Tupperware. Refrigerating your fudge will dry it out so try to keep it at room temperature. If you would like to keep your fudge for longer than ten days you will need to properly protect it by wrapping it in plastic wrap and then slipping it into a freezer safe bag to store in the freezer. It will keep well in the freezer for up to three months. Do you partner for fundraising? Actually we do. We have several different programs to help you raise money for your cause. Please email or contact our store for specific questions. 15% Discount of homemade salt water taffy to all active duty military personnel with valid military id. Although you would need to present the ID in store to receive the discount we also offer it on mail orders placed to APO addresses in order to encourage you to send goodies to the men and women that are protecting our country. In order to receive the discount on a web orders please send your order by email or snail mail so that we may apply your discount to the final purchase price. We do offer discounts on large orders but please be aware that we will need adequate notice to fulfill larger than typical orders. The timeframe necessary is dependant upon the size of the order. Can I get my candy customized? You used to have a certain flavor, can I still buy that flavor? If you are willing to buy the entire batch we can customize the taffy color of virtually any of our flavors for you. We also have discontinued flavors that we can craft for you if you do not see them on our web site so please do not hesitate to ask. Additionally, sometimes we have recipes for things we do not carry (such as Amaretto fudge, licorice caramel corn or almond brittle) that we can make upon request but please keep in mind that there is a necessary minimum order, contact us to find out more. Do you have a taffy of the month program? Yes, actually we send the recipient a different flavor of taffy every single month. You can choose a three, six month or year long program and either go with the default flavor of the month, mixed or create your own combination for each month. Go to our "Taffy of the month" page on our website to learn more. How do I apply for a job at your store? What could be better than working for a candy store? If you would like to apply for a position with our company please stop by our store for an application. Although we are not always hiring we are always accepting applications. We tend to hire from applications we already have so if you would like to join us it’s very helpful to already have an application on file. Contact us, we would love to hear from you! Copyright © Ainslee's Homemade Salt Water Taffy. All rights reserved.
You could be trying to locate a Skin Doctor in Jagtial, but the CureSkin App will fix your Pimples, Pigmentation, Dark Circles, Hair thinning and other Skin conditions without needing you to get out of your house! It’s easy on the pocket, convenient and quick. Download now! Jagtial is one city in Telangana that stands out simply due to how unique it is. The well-known Clock Tower is a popular spot. The local Telugu speakers blend in their own charm to things as well! When Skin health is concerned, however, the Tropical climatic conditions can cause quite a bit of problems. How do you find a Skin Doctor in Jagtial? Telangana is notorious for many Skin ailments like Acne, Fungal infections and High sebum secretion, which are common amongst the residents of Jagtial. It’s vital to go to a experienced Skin Doctor if you have any Skin or Hair trouble, however, several residents prefer to try their own remedies or buy ointments from medical stores without a consultation. This makes their Skin and Hair troubles much worse. But is gettinga Skin Doctor an easy process? Not really. It is incredibly tough to get a meeting with a Skin Doctor in Jagtial, it necessitates a large amount of time and effort to physically show up for the meeting and finally, you are required to purchase the prescription medication from a pharmacy. With CureSkin, you don’t even need to get out of your home, as the Dermatologist, the treatment plan and the medications are all delivered to your home! The CureSkin App is your pocket Skin Doctor in Jagtial that you can access as per your convenience, as and when you want! give answers to some questions, upload a snapshot of your Skin ailment and let the app do everything else! The App informs you about your precise condition, and prescribes you a treatment regimen that you can buy over the internet or through Cash on Delivery. After this, our in-house Skin Doctors get in touch with you and provide guidance for using the products. You can access the App whenever you want to get any of your additional questions resolved, for zero extra cost! It’s time for you to get CureSkin, and to bid adieu to all of your Skin and Hair problems permanently. You will receive the treatment that you need, and also lifestyle and food suggestions which will assist you live your life a much better way! Jagtial locals enjoy CureSkin and many have received their treatment through the app. It is now the best time for you to take charge of your Skin disorders and Download CureSkin! The CureSkin App is the only solution which you will ever need for all Skin and Hair problems. With a lot of pleased users from Jagtial, we invite you to be our next big success story! Download the App now!
Suffering from water damage at your home or business in Selden, New York ? Our cleanup crews are on call 24/7 to respond to any size flood disaster. Our team of certified technicians can quickly extract water and begin drying your property from any type of unexpected water damage disasters. Call our emergency hotline at (631) 449-7240 for any type of water damage emergency and you will receive immediate assistance. Flooding of the home or business is unexpected and can be extremely stressful and saddening. Here at the disaster cleanup and restoration pros of Long Island, we know that and want to help you restore your property, and your life after a loss. We provide full scale services from beginning to end. Our company is more than qualified to help you with your water damage issue, as we have years of experience in the field, as well as the proper equipment and manpower to handle either large or small scale water disasters. Our pre-loaded commercial vehicles are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year waiting for your call! We are available at all times because we know just how unexpected water damage can be. We provide restoration services due to water damage, fire damage, storm damage, and mold damage; we can tackle any size disaster! Whether your home has sustained major flooding damage or your business has a plumbing issue that resulted in water damage – New York Cleanup Pros is the company to call. After discovering water in your home it is of high importance to call quickly – this will ensure that you are properly taking care of the issue and it will not escalate to something much worse and costly, we can typically arrive within sixty minutes of your call, and our team has extensive experience working in Selden, New York with both commercial and residential property owners. Water damage can quickly take a turn for the worst if it is not taken care of quickly. If you wait too long to call a certified team of professionals, you will more than likely have to deal with issues of mold and mildew. Your first thought when finding water on your property is to clean it up on your own. While that does save some money and time, it is not always better. There can be damages present that can only be seen by a trained eye. Our technicians have gone through extensive training to be able to spot hidden damages that will cause more of a disaster in your home. They also are up to date on all industry standards, and licensed, bonded and insured.
Tea can be fun and interesting. Mix and match with different ingredient and you get a new favor. Nestle, world largest food company, launched their new tea beverages under Nestea. We were appointed to create a Facebook mini game to draw attention via social media. We adapted three simple yet funny mini-game based on the offline materials.
Businesses use shared services to streamline HR activities, concentrating transactional activities into a centralised function. This model can reduce costs and increase the efficiency of processes within the business, whilst freeing up time for a greater focus on strategy. HR Shared Service functions can add a lot of value, but if you get it wrong it can have a huge consequence. Employee experience is ruined and relationships throughout the business with HR can be damaged. But why does it fail? When you implement an HR Shared Service Centre (HRSSC), there are two groups of people who need to be communicated with and engaged: the people working there and those who will be using it. Both of these groups are equally important. You need to take your customers on the journey with you, so they understand how and why you’re changing things. If either of these groups isn’t engaged, the HRSSC simply won’t work. It is crucial to establish the right metrics to analyse. This allows you to monitor data to see how your teams are performing and highlight current inefficiencies, as well as potential problem areas that may need investigation. Measuring results and data enables informed decisions to be made that drive your HRSSC to continually develop and run better. This gives your HR teams the resources they need to be successful, provides employees with a better experience and ultimately gets the business results you want. Delivering an HRSSC into a business takes time. It isn’t something you can decide to do and then implement within 2 weeks and you can’t do it half-heartedly. There are a lot of things to consider – from mapping out processes and ensuring you have the right technology, right down to hiring and onboarding the right talent. If you rush any areas or don’t give them the focus they need, the chances are they will fail. Having the right leader is important for any team, but particularly in a shared service environment. The wrong leader can create an unhappy, disengaged team who lose their passion for delivering excellence. When this happens, the knock-on effect across the business can be immense. A good shared service leader should be able to look beyond the HRSSC and take into account the impact it has on employees, as well as customers and clients. Technology is a fundamental component of any HRSSC – without the right technology, it just won’t work. It’s really important that you check your current HR system is fit for purpose – and if it's not, fix it! HR tech is a big investment, so make sure you choose the right one. Meet multiple vendors, get demonstrations – and challenge them, to make sure the system does everything you need it to. Modern technology allows HR to manage incoming requests, review case histories and related employee files, provide consistent responses and escalate a case when necessary. You would be amazed at how often people miss out one of the key elements to ensure their HR Shared Service Centre is a success. Make sure you’re not one of them! For all things, HR Shared Services, change and transformation and if you would like to feature in our ‘Insiders Story’ blog, email me on kate@refind.co.uk. You can view more about Kate Wass our HR Shared Services specialist here. Why won't top performing shared service professionals join your business? And what to do about it. Download our free eBook here. Recruiting the best talent in HR Shared Services, Change & Transformation. ← What are the three keys to scaling up?
Preheat oven to 350F brush with olive oil bake for 8 - 10 minutes. Cut slices of red pepper for garnish and bits of cilantro, set aside. Prepare according to directions on the package. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and place over top of a bowl. Set aside. Combine milk, cream and salt in a large pot on medium heat and bring to a full boil. Reduce heat to low and add lemon juice and garlic. Summer starring until mixture curdles, about 12 minutes. Pour mixture into sieve and set aside to drain, about 1 hour. Place ricotta in container with lid and it can be refrigerated for up to two days. Makes about 3.5 cups. Save whey and add to a pot of soup, freeze if needed. To serve, spread a generous spoon of fresh ricotta on a crostini slice. Spoon Ginger Coconut Dahl mixture on top. Garnish with red pepper and cilantro sprigs. One of the Best Places to Eat in Victoria!
Summer is the time that many of us have a lot more free time than we usually do, and this is a great thing! This means that you have time to do all of the fun things that you can’t seem to make room for when you’re always working or studying. Perhaps you already have a bucket list in your mind, or you have no idea where to start. It doesn’t matter because after reading this you will know exactly what you still want to do this summer. So let’s get to the fun part of this blog! If you always buy the same kind of clothes and you’ve been rocking the same old hairstyle for three years then it is time to try something different. Not only will all of this be a lot of fun, you may also develop a new style that you are totally in love with. Festival season is happening right now, and why wouldn’t you want to participate? It doesn’t matter if you visit three festivals all-weekend or one free festival for a day, as long as you have fun. Festivals are a great way to enjoy music, the good weather and playing dress-up with all that fringe and glitter. I know that I always love visiting a festival. Yes, this is a generic tip, which is why you can choose to do what this tip what you want. You can take some cooking lessons and impress your upcoming dates, you can learn how to write an amazing novel or you could even follow a workshop in Burlesque! Fulfil your craziest dreams and learn something that you always wanted to be able to do, or know. Now is your time to develop yourself. Of course, it’s important that you’re safe when doing this, so don’t drink too much and make sure someone knows where you are at all times. If you’ve got that figured out then it can be incredibly exciting, but also a little scary, to go out by yourself. If you’re the kind of girl who likes a hook-up now and then, then you’ll love all the attention that you get as a girl in a club or bar all by yourself. Or perhaps you don’t like it at all, you can always go home, it’s definitely something to experience. Nothing screams summer like a good ol’ BBQ, so I had to include it in this list. You can keep it simple, or you can go all out for once. Get the best meat from an actual butcher and search the internet for some delicious salad recipes. If you want to upgrade your BBQ party even further then you can make sure that you have some kind of pool in your garden, whether that is a deep built-in pool or small inflatable pool. I don’t know about you, but I usually feel guilty when I watch too much Netflix while I should actually be doing work, so a marathon is just not going to work. Summer is a completely different time though, a lot more time mostly. This is the perfect period for that all-day Netflix marathon where you don’t even get dressed and eat a lot of take-out food. You are allowed to treat yourself now and then. Even if you stayed in all summer watching movies and eating ice cream, your followers are allowed to think that you went on all these crazy adventures. So take one day, put together a lot of outfits, gather your girlfriends, and travel all across town to take some of your best pictures. You will have a lot of fun and enough Instagram photo’s for the coming months. Don’t forget to share this post if you liked it and follow me on my social media to always be updated and see much more of my work!
Try to add up the hours you spend in your car. It’s a lot, isn’t it? Commutes, errand runs and road trips can have you sitting in those bucket seats for hours on end, and during that time, you and your passengers are actually living in the interior. That means smudges on the windows, scratches on the dash and food in the seat crevices accumulate and leave you wondering what happened to the spotless interior you swear it had when you first bought the car. Luckily, it’s not that difficult to keep a car’s cabin from looking a little too, well, lived in. First things first, get something to stuff your trash into. Just use a plastic bag or a container you don’t use around the house and throw it in the backseat. You can even affix a temporary hook to the door or seat to keep things even neater. Every once and awhile, take it out and relish in the fact that you haven’t spent an hour cleaning up. Keeping trash off the floor also preserves your carpets, which can get stained from any number of items. The idea of taking a rag to your dash and leather seats is made easier if you have them on-hand. The key here is to just use a little bit of soapy water to wipe the surfaces of your car – some cleaning products contain alcohols that prematurely dry and age the materials by reducing the flexibility in the vinyl. Store a small spray bottle of your homemade cleaning fluid and a rag under your seat or in a storage bin for access when you’re waiting for your kids to get out of school or sitting in that crazy-long drive-through line. This will also come in handy when an emergency spill happens. Lastly, keep your car smelling like roses (or at least a laundromat) by adding dryer sheets under the seats. You can’t discount the impact weather has on your vehicle either. In summer, sandy feet can quickly make a mess of an interior, and dare we mention the destruction caused by mud and snow? If you spend a lot of time ducking in and out of the elements, you might want to grab some all-weather floor mats. They’re easy to clean and do a great job of keeping the muck in one place. The sun’s rays can also wreak havoc on your car’s surfaces, causing vinyl to crack over time and materials to fade. A simple solution is to regularly put a sunshade on the windshield. They’re inexpensive and help to keep your interior looking new. Saving money on repair work and cleaning comes more easily when you take the time to make preventative care a priority. Not only will these tricks make your car a nicer place to be, keeping grime out of your ride will cut down on large maintenance costs in the future and will help to retain its value over time.
Sift icing sugar into large bowl. Mix in milk and lemon juice until smooth. The icing should be the thickness of honey. If texture is too thick, stir in additional milk 1 tsp (5 mL) at a time. If icing is too thin, stir in additional sifted icing sugar, about 2 tbsp (30 mL) at a time. Divide icing into 5 or 6 small dishes or cups. Mix a few drops food colouring into each dish to create assorted colours. Use small, clean paintbrushes -- one for each colour -- to brush icing onto plain sugar cookies. Keep brushes in their own dish to avoid mixing up colours. To avoid smearing, try not to brush additional colours on top of wet icing. Icing on cookies will harden after about 15 min.
Announcing datememe, a totally free online dating service where you can meet black guys looking for friendship from Ober Ramstadt. We have thousands of black guys in Ober Ramstadt who activate an account every minute. It is well known that finding someone nearby is exhausting, so we created this site with three things in mind: make making friends a breeze, quick, and totally free. Everybody has special dating preferences. Unique search tools enable you to find black guys in Ober Ramstadt! signup today! How is datememe different than other sites like facebook? Maybe you're looking for fun. What we will want changes through our experiences. Simply change your settings and be confident that you will find precisely who you are looking for at the right time for you. We strictly monitor our users, so you can feel safe and are able to make long-term connections with people. With other sites like fling it can be impossible to find suitable matches . Datememe makes this a breeze with it's easy to use search tools. You'll find a meaningful connection in only a few seconds. Browsing is always anonymous so you are comfortable browsing black guys.
I am not a hamster, there is a basic problem in the process where drugs get approved in the US. It comes from the fact that the drug companies themselves are expected to provide test results that the FDA is supposed to use to make the determination of whether it's safe or not. plaintiffs who claimed the drug Vioxx proved fatal or injured its users. Then people actually wonder why drugs like Vioxx manage to "slip through the cracks" and get approved anyway when later testing by independent people produce findings that, like in the case of Vioxx, prove that it shouldn't have ever been on the market to begin with. I guess it comes down to two things... the FDA is seriously overworked and understaffed / underfunded. and the drug companies are a VERY powerful force on capitol hill.
In order to enter into our website, you must have the age required by the laws of your country in relation to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. But do not be sad: when you will reach the legal age to drink alcoholic beverages, come back and you can finally enjoy the taste of Vecchio Amaro del Capo. Drink always responsibly.
This is one of those things I've been meaning to make for ages, but never quite got round to it. I've been freezing my almost-stale bread for a while now in anticipation of it, but now I have an abundance of the stuff and I needed to make bread and butter pudding so that I could free up space in my freezer. I know people say this all the time, but it's surprising that adding custard ingredients and a few spices to bread can transform it into a really tasty and satisfying pudding. The number of ways in which you could vary this are never-ending, too. You could swap the raisins for chocolate chips, take the cocoa out of the custard mix to make a plain bread and butter pudding, add some mint for a mint chocolate pudding, add some peanut butter... or peanut butter and chocolate chips... maybe even spike it with something? That way, using up stale bread will never be boring, and you'll never feel like you have to make croutons (and let's be honest, how often are you going to eat those croutons?) again. If I were you, I would find some stale bread (even fresh bread will do) and make some of this immediately. A hot, steaming pudding is the perfect remedy to a cold night, and there are plenty of those coming up. The recipe is based on the one from The Complete Book Of Baking by Carole Clements, but I tweaked it a bit to add a few more spices and the chocolate. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C and grease an oven proof dish. Butter the bread and quarter the slices. Layer them over the bottom of the dish, sprinkling raisins between the layers. Put the double cream, milk, cocoa powder, eggs, sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon in a jug or mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Pour over the bread slices and tuck in any bread that's sticking out. Leave to soak for 15 mins. Bake in the oven for 30-40 mins, or until set. For tips on how to make this pudding lower in calories, take a look at Healthy(ish) Baking. I'm entering this pudding into November's We Should Cocoa challenge. The challenge was started by Choclette of Chocolate Log Blog and Chele of Chocolate Teapot, and is hosted this month by Nazima of Franglais Kitchen. Nazima has chosen bread for this month's theme, so I suppose a pudding made of chocolate and bread fits in reasonably well. Chocolate bread and butter pudding sounds like a perfect comfort bake to me. I was amused that you had frozen the perfectly stale bread for the pudding ready for the time you wanted to make it! very organised!
A Koi Pond provides a peaceful and quiet place to help you escape from the stress of everyday life. It is also the perfect way to add beauty to any outdoor space. But having a Koi pond does require maintenance to keep it healthy and attractive. There are so many products available to use in water gardens that are quite overwhelming. Special care is specific to each pond. With the proper care from the beginning, you can avoid costly complications later on. There are effective precautionary steps you can take to keep your Koi pond healthy year around. Springtime is an important time to get your pond going in the right direction. Anything you did in the winter can be un-done in the spring. Turn on the pump etc. When the water temperature reaches a contact 50 degrees, start feeding the fish again. A cold weather food is important until the temperature reaches 60 degrees then move to a regular feeding schedule. Remove any leaves or debris as well as vacuum the sludge from the bottom of the pond. Pump the water from the pond into a large container and then place the fish into the container filled with the pond water. Once the pond is clean, pump the water back in and then put the fish into the pond. Begin cleaning the filter as needed. Remove any dead foliage. Cut plants that have gone brown with age. This reduces buildup and allows the plants more room to grow. Feed the fish but don’t overfeed. It’s important to keep the falling leaves from ending up in the pool causing decay. This decay will throw off the ecological balance of the water garden. Installing leaf netting over the pond will make it easier to maintain. Water temperature is dropping so it is important to feed the fish less. Once the temperature drops below 50 degrees – stop feeding until spring. If you have a warm winter day, and the pond begins to warm up, do not be tempted to feed the fish. Prepare the pond. If you have a small or shallow pond, you may need a floating deicer to keep it above freezing. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees, reduce the circulation of water by turning off the pump and draining it. Caring for your Koi pond is both an art and science. Maintenance for your Koi pond changes with the seasons. The health and survival of your plants and fish depend on upon this proper maintenance and care. Art of the Yard can help you build and maintain a beautiful Koi pond protecting your investment.
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Shading our 2 point perspective front view of a basic set design. Adding more drama through darker shading. Creating a black and white front view rendering that a set designer, and/or a lighting designer would use to communicate with others what they planned on placing on stage for a production.
Add three advancement counters to any combination of installed cards that can be advanced. Flavor Text: Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
A lot of people living in North America don’t know much about the history of the mattress in the USA, but its invention was something that helped to dramatically prolong the lifespan of early humans. The reality is that once you start sleeping on a raised surface, you reduce your exposure to drafts, pests, and damp. Some of the earliest ones we know about constituted nothing more than a bed of leaves or straw overlayed with animal skin. There are many resources you can avail of online that can teach you more about the history of the bed. One of the main reasons you need to know about its history is so you can fully appreciate the plethora of choices the average US consumer now has to contend with when it comes to buying a new mattress for their bed. Memory foam mattresses, for example, have started to become increasingly popular in recent decades. These types of bed toppers mold to the shape of the person sleeping on them and help to support all joints in the body. Perhaps one of the main disadvantages of earlier memory foam mattresses, however, was that they were made from synthetic materials, which promoted sweating. Nobody wants to sweat while they’re sleeping. Not only does sweat seeping into a mattress lead to an unhygienic sleeping surface, waking up in soaked PJs can be somewhat alarming and unpleasant. Fortunately, memory foam mattresses manufactures have started using more inventive materials to increase the breathability of their products and thus reduce moisture buildup. Pillowtop hypoallergenic mattresses are also now very popular. These ones can be very expensive, so more people are opting to buy protectors to prolong the lifespan of their investments. While everyone wants a luxurious sleeping surface every night, people aren’t generally ATMs, so they have to operate within certain budget constraints. I always recommend to look at this website and save a few bucks on your purchase. Remember, coupon website are awesome resource. In addition to the improvements in bed engineering, manufacturers have also been coming up with entirely new bed designs. Did you know that it is now possible to buy waterbeds? What’s more, if you have enough money, you can turn your waterbed into a fish tank for tropical fish. Having such a feature in your bedroom really can bring your home into the space age. Of course, it’s important to research the disadvantages of water beds. For starters, you need to think about how a puncture could compromise your home insurance. If you have any pets with sharp claws, the prospect of a waterbed is obviously unrealistic. At the beginning of this article, we talked briefly about why the history of the bed in the USA is important, but it’s also equally important to be concerned about its future. Despite previously unimaginable advances in mattress engineering, there are still many people who suffer from back pain and disrupted sleep due to their beds. This means we all also need to focus on the future of bed technology.
I would like to post a thread with some images in it but I don't know how to attach them. Can anybody help me with this thing? I will appreciate your HEEEEEELLLLP!!! At the bottom of the screen where you create a post is the option shown below. I usually use the [alt]-[prnt scrn] buttons on the computer to capture a screenshot, then take that into Paint and cut it down to what I want, then save it as a PNG file since they are small and made to be transferred over networks. Use the Browse button to go find the picture on your computer and double click on it to get it to load into the window.
I have been remiss lately in not keeping up this series, which I know many people find interesting because they get viewed very often. However, I recently obtained one of these books and finished reading it just this morning, and one of my takeaways was that it was the newest Haydn book I had (2013), it had been released almost six years ago, and yet I had never heard of it, I was totally unaware of its existence until I happened across a mention of it over the Holidays. And I do look for such things! If I have a hard time finding things like this, I can only assume that you do also. So here are a few concrete suggestions. They are all books I was able to purchase, some would have been quite expensive if I bought them new, but I didn't, I confess. If you are fortunate enough to have access to a good library, you can probably read them for free, which is a great price indeed. Here is a link to the page, which also appears in the right sidebar.
The personal "cloud" is the first step towards a virtual office | grreporter.info- News from Greece - Breaking News, Business, Sport, Multimedia and Video. I often see people carrying large pads with them, their desks are piled with paper and the screen of computer is littered by sticky notes. On the other hand we are all mobile - literally and figuratively speaking – we are constantly in motion, our work is pursuing us even at home, we have computers from our work, mobile computers (laptop / notebook) we have smartphones, netbooks, tablets ... But we just do not have time to figure out how to make the most use of them! I have been planning for a long time to write this article, through which I can show you how using a few free programs we can create a "virtual office". Recently, people talk a lot about the so-called "cloud computing". I promise it will not rain! Cloud computing enable us only through an Internet connection to use them wherever we are. In this way you will not have to call a colleague and ask him for a number of a client which we have written on a note, but we forgot the desk in the office. The programs that we will use and their application do not fully meet the definition of "cloud computing", but with a pure heart, we can say that will make our own, personal cloud. When we download and install the program, it creates a folder on our computer, in which, whatever we place, is immediately synchronized with another computer where the program is also installed. Files are stored on the server of Dropbox and we can see them on their site, even without having installed on our computer the program, and for this purpose we must create an account. The free version gives us relatively little space of 2 GB, which however is enough for the purposes of this article and our personal cloud through which we will create a virtual office. REMEMBER: For the tricks described below, to work, you must install Dropbox on every computer on which you wantto use them! It is mandatory to use the same account / registration / on each computer so as to see the same content that you synchronize. I will not describe in detail how to install Dropbox, because they have prepared a wonderful presentation of how to use their service, which you can view at the end of the installation of the program. We have already installed our cloud service and we are ready to synchronize ... what? I will offer you a small but very useful program that I have been using for years and serves me as my calendar, reminder and a list of tasks (To Do). I deliberately write the names in brackets because some of you may have used similar programs and can make a connection with them, as some users use the programs in English, others in Bulgarian. Rainlendar combines all these useful features and has one very big advantage: it can be seen directly on the desktop of your computer, allowing you to always see it in front of your eyes. The program and more about its many useful features, you can find on the website of its author and you can also download it from there: http://www.rainlendar.net/. For many users, the free Lite version will be absolutely enough as well as for the purposes of this article. How to synchronize events and tasks that we input in our small Rainlendar calendar between all computers that we use, let’s say the one at home, in the office and the laptop? Of course, using Dropbox, which we have already installed on each computer and have created our Dropbox user account i.e. username and password. IMPORTANT: Save the backup file in a folder of your choice, you may also do it in the folder of Dropbox. Do however mandatorily unzip the file into the folder of Dropbox! Dropbox will automatically synchronize it between all computers on which it is installed. You can rename the extracted file. I've named min "Internet", and the downloaded calendar for the purpose of the article I named "PROBA". Now we have to ask for the Rainlendar calendar to use the shared calendar. It is very easy, here is how we do it: right click and press "Options"
In a lage pan heat oil over med high heat add onions and cook until soft, add garlic and peppercorns and cook 1 more minute. Deglaze pan by adding brandy while still over med high heat. Add beef broth and bring to a simmer. Combine cold cream with cornstarch in a small bowl. Whisk into pan with broth and cook over low until sauce thickens, add mustard . Serve over sliced meat. Add 1 T paprika, flour, salt and pepper to a large bowl or plastic bag. add meat and toss or shake to coat. Heat olive oil in a large pan add beef and onion and cook until browned. add garlic and caraway seeds and cook 1 minute more. add beef broth (enough to cover meat), remaining paprika, tomato paste and vinegar, bring to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer. Cook over low heat for 45 minutes-1 hr, sauce with thicken and meat will become tender. Add peppers and cook 20 minutes more over low heat or until peppers are soft. Serve over buttered noodles or mashed potatoes. Think of this as a Greek Bolognese Sauce, it is a hearty and comforting dish. I served it with a salad of lettuce, radishes and beets and toasted pita with garlic. in a large skillet saute ground turkey until no longer pink, add 1 T greek seasoning, garlic, and spinach, cook over med until spinach is wilted and add tomatoes and vinegar. Mix together with drained pasta and add to a large 9×12 baking dish. Add cream and feta and mozzarella cheese and remaining Greek Seasoning. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally so pasta on top doesn’t get dry. Sauce will thicken and cheese will melt.
Fill a very large pot three-quarters full with water and bring to a boil. Add the collard greens to the water and make sure they are all well submerged. Return the water to a boil and simmer until the greens are tender and bright green, 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the greens and run under cold water to stop the cooking. Drain the greens well, squeezing out excess water with your hands or by placing in a kitchen towel and squeezing. Chop the greens finely and set aside. Melt the butter in a skillet or Dutch oven large enough to hold all of the greens. Add the garlic and shallots and cook over medium heat until softened but not browned, 4 to 6 minutes. Add the cream and bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Cook until reduced by half, about 25 minutes - watch carefully as the cream can quickly boil over! Add the greens and toss until warmed through. Season generously with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Add to a serving dish and sprinkle with the Parmesan.
Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I'm trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!
Home » Healthy Lifestyle » Beauty & Wellness » What Does Your Lip Colour Say About Your Body? What Does Your Lip Colour Say About Your Body? While you may make all the girls jealous with your rosy lips, this is actually an indication that your body is overheated. This condition will be accompanied by a constant craving for food and bad breath. Your body gets overheated when your liver is dysfunctional. Take immediate measures to cleanse your liver. You can consume celery, honey dandelion tea, and bitter melon to help the cleansing process. Your lips may also be red if you have an allergy to certain foods. No, don’t cover them with red lipstick! Pale lips indicate anaemia which is a cause of low haemoglobin or red blood cells. Consume foods that are rich in iron to cure this condition. The richest sources of iron are dry fruits and spinach which will boost your haemoglobin levels. This indicates that your digestive system needs detoxification immediately and needs to be rid of disturbing food agents. Try to practise an alkaline diet. You can also consume lemon-squeezed warm water. Stray clear of junk food until your digestive system is cleansed and include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, and rice to your diet. This is not much to be alarmed about if it happens in extremely cold regions. However, you should immediately consult your doctor if you do not stay in a very cold region and the condition persists for more than a few days. Blue or purple lips can mean that you have respiratory or heart problem. It can also mean that your blood is not properly circulated through your body. An improper blood circulation around the spleen and liver can be identified if there is a green line around the lips. These indicate respiratory or heart problems. Consume foods that are neutral and nature along with a few mild spices. Rosy Pink Lips indicate that you are maintaining a good lifestyle and is a sign of a healthy body and a balanced mind. This means that your diet, sleeping patterns and workout regimes are suiting your body. More reason to make ‘em girls jealous, huh? While everyone wants super cool superpowers, my superpower is health indication through lip colour! Do not take a change in your lip colour lightly. Consult with a doctor immediately if you notice even a slight change. And keep drinking the magic potion that will make everything alright. No, not Whisky! Water! Let us know some more natural ways of leading a healthy lifestyle with lovely pink lips in the comments section.
Use the law and your employer's complaint procedures to protect yourself from on-the-job harassment. If the harasser ignores your oral requests to stop, or if you are uncomfortable talking to the harasser face to face, write a succinct letter demanding an end to the behavior. Be sure to keep a copy. If you are concerned for your personal safety or are afraid that the harasser might become more hostile when confronted, complain to a supervisor instead. Although it is often difficult to make a complaint at work, and you may prefer to skip this step, don't. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that employees who fail to use their employer's internal complaint procedure to make the company aware of sexual harassment, and to give the company a chance to stop it, cannot later hold the company liable in a lawsuit. This means that you are quite likely to lose in court, should it come to that, if you don't complain within the company first. Even if your company doesn't have a formal complaint procedure, you can put the company on notice of the harassment. You can do this by making a complaint to the human resources department, telling your supervisor (or his or her supervisor) about the problem, or informing a company executive. It is very important to document what is happening to you, and what you are doing to try to stop it, should you ever have to prove your case to a company investigator, a government agency, or a jury. Start by collecting as much detailed evidence as possible about the harassment. Be sure to save any offensive letters, photographs, cards, or notes you receive. If you were made to feel uncomfortable because of jokes, pin-ups, or cartoons posted at work, confiscate them -- or at least make copies. An anonymous, obnoxious photo or joke posted on a bulletin board is not anyone else's personal property, so you are free to take it down and keep it as evidence. If that's not possible, photograph the workplace walls. Note the dates the offensive material was posted -- and whether there were hostile reactions when you took it down or asked another person to do so. Also, keep a detailed journal about incidents of harassment. Include the names of everyone involved, what happened, and where and when it took place. If anyone else saw or heard the harassment, note that as well. Be as specific as possible about what was said and done -- and how it affected you, your health, or your job performance. Keep your journal and notes at home or in a secure location outside of the workplace. If your employer has conducted periodic written evaluations of your work, make sure you have copies. In fact, you may want to ask for a copy of your entire personnel file before complaining about a harassing coworker. Your records can be particularly persuasive evidence if your employer retaliates against you for complaining -- which is also illegal. For example, you'll want a copy of your records if you've had positive performance evaluations until you complain, and then your employer tries to transfer, demote, or fire you or claims your job performance is poor. If complaining to your employer doesn’t help, the next step is to go to either the federal agency that enforces Title VII -- the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- or to your state fair employment office. If all investigation and settlement attempts fail to produce satisfactory results, you can file a civil lawsuit for damages under either Title VII or your state fair employment practices statute. You must file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a federal lawsuit. Even if you intend right from the beginning to file a lawsuit, you sometimes must first file a claim with a government agency. For example, an employee pursuing a claim under federal law must first file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and a similar complaint procedure is required under some state laws. The EEOC or state agency may decide to prosecute your case on your behalf, but that happens rarely. More commonly, at some point, the agency will issue you a document referred to as a "right-to-sue" letter that allows you to take your case to court with your own lawyer. Note, however, that there are time limits for filing claims with government agencies and for filing a lawsuit, so be sure not to miss them.
It's not always easy to keep mentally focused during running. Focus requires discipline and a certain level of mental toughness, meaning that you have developed the capacity to perform to the best of your ability despite external conditions or internal distractions. You can minimize distractions and help yourself stay focused by implementing self-help techniques and maintaining a positive, nonjudgmental attitude. Mentally tough athletes push through and overcome obstacles to stay focused on their ultimate goal. Developing the traits that characterize mental toughness can help you remain focused during running. According to sports psychologist JoAnn Dahlkoetter in an article for the online runner's resource, "Competitor," several characteristics or traits tare commonly identified in mentally tough runners: Resilience, focus, strength, preparation, vision, openness and trust. You simply do not allow yourself to become distracted by external conditions or internal emotions -- you have the ability to put these distractions behind you for the time being and live in the moment. Positive self-talk can encourage you and help you stay focused while running. According to sports psychologists Leif Smith and Todd Kays in "Sports Psychology for Dummies," mentally repeating specific cue words, such as "focus" or "hustle," may help to increase your concentration when you feel a decrease in your level of focus. Tape the cue words to a piece of athletic tape around your wrist and mentally concentrate on them while you run, as though the words are your mantra. Don't beat yourself up if you're having an off day. Talk to yourself as you would talk to a good friend. Be positive and encouraging and tell yourself that you can do it. When you feel yourself starting to tire or slow down, marathon runner and trainer Jeff Galloway suggests practicing the following drill, adapted from his book, "Mental Training for Runners: How to Stay Motivated." Tell yourself that you're going to continue running for just one minute more, reducing your pace slightly for a few seconds, then continue this pattern, telling yourself "one more minute" or "10 more steps" until you achieve your goal for the day. If you break down your goal into small chunks, it may seem more manageable and achievable and you'll be less likely to lose focus. Almost all athletes use some form of visualization prior to or during their workout or competition to help them stay focused. According to Galloway, worrying and focusing on the negative possibilities is a major way that many runners become distracted and lose motivation. Visualization can help you overcome your worries and direct your focus back to your goal. Visualization involves vividly imagining and rehearsing positive outcomes to future events or the event in which you're currently involved. Before your race, you might lie down and imagine yourself running effortlessly, overcoming obstacles and achieving your goal. The more vividly you can imagine the scene by involving all of your five senses, the more effective your visualization will be.
A man suspected of assaulting two women at a hot dog stand in Los Angeles was arrested by police. Video recorded during the altercation shows a man repeatedly punched two women before fleeing through traffic to the other side of the street. It all started when the two victims approached the hot dog stand and noticed that a man was angry at the vendor over the price of hot dogs. Apparently, the man was angry that the hot dogs cost $6 and, when offered a free hot dog by the vendor, turned it down and continued raving about the price. At that point, one of the women told the man to “just leave,” after which he went irate and started punching the women. Bystanders got video of all but the very first blows being thrown, though none of them stepped in to help the victims. Assault is covered under California Penal Code 240 PC and is described as an attempt to commit a violent injury on someone else. A person can be charged with assault regardless of whether or not they actually make contact with anyone. The reason for this is because the crime itself is committed when someone attempts to commit a violent injury on someone else. Whether the defendant actually inflicts the violent injury or not doesn’t matter when it comes to being charged with assault. Simple assault is a misdemeanor in California, with the possible penalties including a fine of up t o $1,000 and up to 6 months in county jail. These penalties are standard regarding most California misdemeanors. However, depending on the circumstances of the case, it’s possible that other penalties or court orders could be involved.
Whether you are forming a new team for a specific project or leading an existing team, there are some very practical things you can do as a leader to develop a high-performing team. Here are four simple strategies to consider. In the early stages, create a forum for team members to share their strengths and past experiences. This can be as simple as taking some time in a team meeting. Although some may be reluctant to toot their own horns, ask each person to share what she wants others to know or understand about her background and skills, and how that information can be useful to the team. This will help team members reach back into their past experiences, be more intentional about applying those experiences, and understand the variety and richness of the team’s collective capabilities. Take time with each individual to understand what he wants to get from his participation on the team in the context of his professional goals. This will create more ownership and accountability — for you and for your team members — as they identify what they want to get out of the team experience, and as you proactively use this information to give them exposure to the areas of expressed interest. 1. What are your top three challenges? 2. What are your top three priorities? After everyone has answered the questions for that particular area, the team members who do work in that functional area can share their actual challenges and priorities. Then move to the next area and repeat the exercise until you have discussed each area. This exercise can provide invaluable insight into each functional area, highlight common themes across the entire team, create empathy within the team, and ignite the team’s commitment to helping one another. Last but not least, don’t underestimate the importance of having a common definition of success for your team as a whole — i.e., team goals and guidelines. This will allow you to drive alignment within the team and depersonalize differences of opinion by allowing the deciding factor to be whether something enables or detracts from the team’s goals. As you know, there are many strategies to develop a high-performing team — and many of these may be reminders of what you already know. I want to challenge you to put one of these into play over the next month, if you haven’t already.
This is part 4 of the article series me and Elle started a few weeks ago. If I get good feedback from this article, I'll be posting more videos in the near future. Interstate CrossCheck is a serious problem and recently Kris Kobach, now a member of Trump "voter commission," requested detailed voter information from all states within the country. Nothing this man does should be taken lightly. He, Pence and the rest of the gang of charlatans are looking for a way to permanently rig the American voting process for some of the reasons I lay out in the video. So watch this video, it isn't long, and tell me what you think about it.
Wonderful Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) By Latitude Run is important have in virtually any property. You need to get the best sections, and you want to actually by no means overpay on their behalf. Noises just a little complex, correct? Properly, this post is in this article to assist. Keep reading and look for some great skilled tips for locating the bargains on home furniture pieces you will adore. Before buying any cabinets, open each of the drawers and appear within. You're not merely being sure that all the compartments are built to previous and open up without the hitches, you should also ensure that the interior from the compartments have some kind of concluding too. When shopping for Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) By Latitude Run, determine your master bedroom before you go shopping. There exists absolutely nothing a whole lot worse than picking out the ideal set of Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) By Latitude Run only to find out that it does not fit into your bed room when you buy it house. As an alternative, precisely evaluate your rooms dimensions before you go noting in which front door and microsoft windows are placed. There aren't that many people that also have a bar setup in your own home. For many, it could seem like something out of place or otherwise appropriate as a living room but if done right it can truly add individually towards the interior of the condo or house. The very first thing that needs to be around the grocery list is some a variable bar stool. They'll show their worth when having someone over or hosting a small celebration. Bar stool simply adds a special contact that transforms the room. Getting flexible barstools does bring in some advantages. The very first main plus is they consider very little space on the floor. They are made to be small but comfy sufficient. Talking about comfort, bar stools are not too shabby. Even if they're small, they nevertheless supply decent support. Some of them even have a bit of back again assistance along with a soft cushioned surface area. For adjustments, most of them have a adjustable peak. The most crucial aspect that makes a bar stool very easy to recognize is the fact that they swiveling. A good feces is designed in such a way that it's difficult to lower and comfortable sufficient. The good news is that there's no shortage with regards to model diversity. There are plenty of significantly adjustable bar stools to choose from but we had to pick just 10. Only 10 of these were considered purchase deserving due to their build quality, style and overall utility. Here is what we put together for the listing of the recommendations for the top ten greatest adjustable bar stools in 2018. I stopped through the Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) Publish after becoming thoroughly disappointed by a web-based foam Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) purchase because I saw a number of ads on Craigslist talking about the great deals and the quality home furniture being sold in a reasonable prices. I was very astounded by Derek and the knowledge of the house Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) available, he demonstrated all the possibilities and that i know I will be going back in my next Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) buy. Went to numerous Gabriella Parsons Chair (Set of 2) shops prior to lastly choosing the best one! Wyckes experienced exactly what I needed and went above and beyond to obtain an whole family room looking for me for an extremely reasonable price. If they don't have it on the ground, just request! Excellent customer service!! I Highly recommend Wyckes!
At the top of the web page, you can locate the lock symbol as well as the arrowhead next to it. By clicking on it, you will certainly see the drop-down menu that opens. There you can discover the list of all your activities on Facebook. If the choice is made it possible for, you can see the list of the activities of other individuals which mark you on their posts. In the drop-down menu on the left, discover the area where are "Photos", "Likes", "Comments" and also click on "More" option. When you open the search, you will see that the list of all browsed things from the moment you initially developed you Facebook account, arranged by years as well as months. To obtain eliminate the browsing history, click "Clear searches" and in the next window, confirm the activity by continuing "Clear searches" switch and all the history will be gone.
The 9-Line Medevac Request: Get it right the first time! Probably the most important thing for a young solider to learn is how to properly call in a Nine-Line Medevac request for serious or life-threatening injuries. In these circumstances every second counts, so there’s just not enough time to learn on the job. Protect your battle buddies by studying the Nine-Line Medevac request form regularly. Commit it to memory, and always keep a copy written on a nearby reference! Also, here’s just one more thought to keep in mind: Try to keep your radio traffic brief so that you don’t tie up the entire frequency. Other people might need to put out critical information such as the location of the enemy. Get in the habit of opening the microphone every two or three lines or so, just in case the dispatchers need to confirm your information. Line 1- Your first information needs to be the location of the pickup site. It’s important to put this out first, so that helicopters can start scrambling and heading your way as soon as possible. Make sure to give exact GPS coordinates if you can, but don’t forget that any route names or landmarks will be a big help too. Line 2- The next information to pass along is your radio frequency and issued call sign, along with the proper suffix. The command center needs to know exactly which unit they’re dealing with so that they can notify your chain of command as soon as possible. Line 4- Next, take a few seconds to list any special medical equipment that might be needed. The flight crew and the medics will start preparing their gear while they’re in the air and en route to your location. NOTE: During times of peace, Line 6 is used to list the type and number of wounds. This isn’t an excuse to get long-winded, though: Remember, every second counts. Line 7- Describe your method of marking the pick-up site. Line 9- Last, describe any possible Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) contamination around your location. Use the letters for the appropriate threat. The actual Nine-Line Medevac form states that in peacetime, this line should be used to deliver a brief description of the terrain at the landing site. However, you should always be aware of any radiation or chemical contamination concerns. Make sure to relay any hazards to your flight crew so that they can plan accordingly and protect themselves.
We’ve all come across the lentil salad trend, but this bay leaf sensation will warm you right up on a cold winters night. My grandmother used to cook this vegan meal during lent. Although, I didn’t appreciate it until I got older and developed a patriotic taste for it. This lentil soup is filled with iron, protein, and all that good stuff! Non-Greeks be warmed, this is not your average soup. I’ve had friends try it who get startled by the vinegary tang to start - but get addicted by the second spoon full! It truly gives off a unique, rich taste. Serve with some crusty bread. Or, give my alternative side a go and try it with mash potato! Add a little olive oil in a large pot and sauté the onions, carrots and garlic until translucent. Add the water, passata, tomato paste, bay leaves, oregano and season with salt and pepper. Allow the combination to come to a boil on a medium high heat for a couple of minutes and then bring it down to a simmer. Add red wine vinegar, stir & serve!
A Toronto SEO Agency can really help your company to make strides in the digital marketplace. Search Shark is a company that offers search engine optimization services to all of the Ontario area. They have two separate offices so no matter where you are in Toronto; it could be easy for you to stop in for a consultation. One of Search Shark’s largest goals is to help your company grow. They do this by allowing you access to some of the largest advertising platforms available on the internet. No matter what type of company you have, it can always help to have the professionals in your corner promoting you. There is huge competition on the internet; it can be hard for businesses to stay afloat where there are so many other people competing for the same advertising space as you. This is where Search Shark steps in to help. They will promote you on some of the largest averting platforms available. These include YouTube, Google, and Google Pay Per Click. They will offer you advice on how to generate the most out of your advertising by consulting with you on things like key words and Google AdWords. With these sites gaining millions and millions of views per day, that means that there will be real traffic and real profits coming to your business from your digital marketing. Right now, there are people who are searching for the products and services that you offer. Search Shark does their job by putting your business at these people’s fingertips. It is a win win situation no matter how you look at it. You are reaching the largest audience you possibly can, and consumers are finding the products and services that they are looking for much faster than ever before. Toronto SEO Agency is what will make the connections between you and your consumers and hopefully form a lasting bond. All businesses need help when it comes to online advertising. Because the competition is so close all the time, every little bit of help that you can get will make a huge impact. This is why, even if you think you have a pretty good advertising system, you should still have a second set of eyes look it over. The professionals are there to make sure that you have used up all the resources that you possibly can. The Toronto SEO Agency near you wants to make you the next big thing.
With a few new babies in the family and friends with babies on the way, I decided to make the time for a bit of Softie sewing in the middle of a busy week and lots of renovations. I love this simple bear softie pattern I drew up a while ago - not too many limbs to sew in and rather quick and easy to make. Softies are a lot like freshly baked goods around these parts - as soon as they're "out of the oven", they're gone!
Slice the meat into stip strips. Slice the garlic and the rawits fine. Heat in a wok the oil and fry the meat for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and the rawits and fry it for 1 minute more. Add the palmsugar and the rice and fry it for 2-3 minutes. Mix in the kecap, the fishsauce and the basil leaves and fry it for 2 minutes more, then serve.
Dinner parties are great for a larger groups of friends, and Valentine's Day is the perfect time to get your single and coupled up friends together. Some couples skip Valentine's Day, which is perfectly okay. Others may want to pop in before heading out for a night on their own. Atlus has recently launched a Persona 5 Valentine's Day page that will let you send game-themed messages to your sweetheart. Sweethearts? We're not judging. You can head here for the chance to do so. Persona 5 heads to the west, via PS4, on 4 April.
Everyone who has a business idea thinks it’s the best idea since sliced bread. And although that’s never the case, your business idea can take off and find success if you’re willing to take the right steps to make it happen. But what are those steps? Below, you will find out everything you need to know about getting your business idea off the ground. Taking those first few steps and setting the right course is never easy. But rushing into it blindly is certainly not the answer. So, here are the steps you need to understand. First of all, you’re going to need to do some research. It’s essential to know the market you’re about to be entering, as well as what the competition has to offer. If you storm in without knowing what it is you’re up against, you’re most likely going to come out of that particular battle worse. You will then have to set about putting plans in place to outsmart your competitors and their ideas. It’s not an easy task, but it’s one you’ll need to approach. Talking to people who have been in your shoes before can be very helpful indeed. There are not many people better placed to offer you advice than other entrepreneurs who have been in a similar situation to you. They will be able to tell you thing you should do, as well as things you shouldn’t do. Learning from other people’s mistakes is always much wiser than trying to learn from your own. In the world of business, money talks. You can’t really do anything or see your business idea take off if you don’t have the financial side of things straight. A great idea can only take you so far. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to finance that idea and come up with new plans. Covering your costs is an important part of that. If you need financing, you should be very clear about where this is going to come from as well. The early success your business may experience can sometimes be illusory. It might look great now, but is it sustainable in the long-term? This is one of those uncomfortable things that you need to be thinking about as an entrepreneur. It might not be very nice to have to think about what could go wrong for the business in the future. But without a plan in place for long-term and sustainable growth, your company and its central idea could burn brightly at first, before burning out. You want your business to get its message across to the right kinds of people, don’t you? Well, you need to make sure that you’re taking advantage of online advertising to the fullest possible extent. These days, it’s possible to target people in very specific ways. If you want your business to appeal to 18-24 year-olds living in one country, that’s easy. You can be even more precise than that thanks to Facebook ads. You can target people with particular traits and interests too. As someone looking to start a business by yourself, you won’t have a whole lot to work with. However, one thing you do have is yourself. You should make use of your personality and personal brand. That way, you can make yourself the face of your business. People like businesses that are human, rather than the bland corporate ones we’re so used to. As well as that, it will give you an added dimension to advertising and marketing via interviews and things like that. Business ideas always need time to flourish. Don’t be put off or discouraged if you don’t see the results you want right away. Persist and make use of the steps described above to watch your idea eventually take off.
We present credit card offers from the top banks and credit companies. Effective, enduring credit repair requires taking appropriate action with your creditors rather than simply creating ineffective disputes for credit bureaus CreditRepair.com is our choice for best tracking in credit repair. High interest rates and large if a credit card is closed can it be reopened monthly payments may have scared you away. Our free credit. “By paying off the balance with the highest. Banks William F. The list of the best cash-back credit cards below consists of products that offer the best return on unrestricted cash redemption The card is one of the simplest cash back credit cards you can have, which is perfect for busy entrepreneurs who value their time and don't want to bother managing their credit card rewards. Credit scoring takes into account the age of the derogatory stain, and gradually discounts the value of that information the older it is Chapter 7 bankruptcies will stay on your credit report for ten years after filing. If the loan is in default, the car, truck or other vehicle can be repossessed. Need cheap and reliable credit card processing? Getting a new car loan has two predictable effects on your credit: It adds a hard inquiry to your credit report, which might temporarily shave a few points off your score A hard inquiry is what is used when someone applies for a credit card or loan. The best credit card is the Chase Sapphire Reserve because it has a great sign-up bonus and a travel rewards system that makes it easy to collect points Why It's the Best Travel Rewards Credit Card: In a word: Flexibility. While some lenders still offer loans to borrowers with a credit score of at least 620, going lower than that is already considered bad credit. With a larger credit limit on the card you keep, you're less likely to bump up against the credit limit than you would be on a lower-limit card, if a credit card is closed can it be reopened Herbst-Murphy says. All the credit bureaus allow you to dispute mistakes via mail and over the telephone, however, it's best to dispute credit report errors online. Gaming. Don’t Care. While everyone likes a set of shiny new wheels, bargaining with dealers makes even shoppers with top-notch credit uncomfortable. This card is not available through ValuePenguin. Plus, the program is LOW COST. This Virgin Money* credit card offers 30 months at 0% with a 1.75% fee, and if you're accepted you'll definitely get the full 0% period, so it could be a better option than the card above if you can clear your balance within 30 months 2) Amex EveryDay Card from American Express – 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months. The average income per person is just under $28,000, according to a US Census The average credit card balance is $6,348 for individuals with a credit card, according to Experian. Read on in the slides below to. Loan amounts above $10,000 will inevitably require “good” credit. The Target Credit Card credit score requirement is 640 or better. The FTC says that if you’re looking to reduce the interest rate you’re paying if a credit card is closed can it be reopened on your credit card purchases, your best bet is to handle it yourself for free: call the customer service phone number on the back of your credit card and ask for a reduced rate. As we all know, the credit score is the number one factor when it comes to getting approved for a loan. First PREMIER is popular for its subprime credit card offerings, which cater to the poor-credit ( credit scores below 650 ) consumer market The Aventium and Centennial credit cards, offered by First Premier Bank (or 1 st Premier), are among the very few credit cards offered to those with bad credit and may seem attractive to people. But it is possible to get a car loan with bad credit in 2018 — it’s just going to cost you, said Matt Jones, consumer advice editor for Edmunds, an online resource for car information based in Santa Monica, California Each offer features a short online application process geared towards getting you approved for an auto loan today. Average credit card balance for the top 10 least populated cities. It was sold to a collection agency who I settled in full with Resolved: Credit One Bank – Terrible credit card Sep 14 I opened my acount in April of 2018 paid off and closed it in July 2018 paid a annual fee of 75.00 a if a credit card is closed can it be reopened annual fee is for a year and I am having problems with credit one bank to prorate the fee and send me back the difference. Credit Karma offers free credit scores, reports and insights. You can save the other two free reports, from the remaining bureaus, for a later date. After that, the variable APR will be 15.99% – 25.99%, based on your. Consolidation loans that will allow you to consolidate the entirety of your credit card balance will lower your credit utilization and raise your credit score One of the reasons why people with bad credit scores prefer debt consolidation loans is because debt consolidation companies spread out the loan payments over several years, up to 10 years and help lower the monthly payments. No cash advance fees. The good news is that a large number of inquiries typically won't harm your credit score, assuming they're all for car loans.. 1 If you’re one of them, and you want to reduce your balance, the strategies if a credit card is closed can it be reopened below can help you figure out how to quickly pay off any credit card debt you have By Janna Herron/ValuePenguin. Make sure you choose a reputable credit agency to run the report. Your credit report laid out beautifully. I made all my payments on time and paid off my car. Includes Improve My Credit USA Reviews, maps & directions to Improve My Credit USA in Humble and more from Yahoo US Local. If you regularly use your airline miles credit card for the majority of your purchases, your miles will add up faster than you think. I didn’t have an account with the original company that they claim to be collecting for Charter Communication is a ripoff and not verifying if someone's identity have been compromised. The three major credit bureaus are separate agencies, and work independently of one another, each using their own systems to calculate three separate credit scores which may differ from one another. A fraud alert is free. Many of the loans actually offer no money down opportunities, which means that you may be able if a credit card is closed can it be reopened to secure a no down payment house loan through them with relative ease Two of the most popular mortgage loans for first-time buyers are the USDA Rural Development loan and the VA (Veterans) Home Loan. 11.99% p.a. A credit card is a card issued by a financial company which enables the cardholder to borrow funds. If that sounds like a good solution if a credit card is closed can it be reopened to you, check out the free debt analysis tool. This will save money in the longest run and is the fastest if a credit card is closed can it be reopened way to reduce your debts. Open date and status (paid in full, not paid in full, closed or open). It has to put the alert on your credit report and tell the other two credit bureaus to do so. Also, that is the only credit bureau you’ll get a free credit “score” from as if a credit card is closed can it be reopened well There are three national credit bureaus, including Experian, that are the most widely used and boast the largest databases of consumer credit information. Trusted Credit Repair really helped me clean up my credit, and get a fresh start!” Callum R. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I face a daunting task I waste energy and time For example, a cardholder who owes $15,956—the average if a credit card is closed can it be reopened amount of debt per household, according to Ben Woolsey, the director of marketing and consumer research for CreditCards.com, a credit-card–comparison site—will end up shelling out an additional $11,000 in total interest if she pays only the minimum each month Credit card debt can take years to pay off. With a HELOC, you are allowed to borrow as much money as you need 6 Best Uses for a HELOC Loan with Bad Credit. A messy financial divorce is one example The steps to fixing your credit and credit scores will include getting a sense of your finances. By law, a credit reporting company can charge no more than $12.00 for a credit report Get Full Credit Report Maintaining a large number of credit cards you bring deeper into debt if you all use and just juggle payments to the minimum amounts for each. This video will explain those differences and how you Re: bank of america approval credit if a credit card is closed can it be reopened score Bank of America has been good to me. We will use this information to work with you and determine the best options available to you. In fact, AnnualCreditReport.com was created by the credit bureaus as a one-stop-shop for providing your annual credit reports Over the past few years, more companies have started offering free, no-strings-attached credit scores. On the other hand, a lower credit score (like those seen for bad credit home loans) tends to warrant if a credit card is closed can it be reopened higher fees and interest rates for prospective home buyers. Secure Login.
Wall Centre False Creek offers you the opportunity of a lifetime to own a luxury home in one of the last waterfront areas close to downtown. This fresh, inspired community preserves a distinct heritage while delivering a model for sustainable living that anyone in the world could be proud of.Viking products, known for blending the utility of commercial grade appliances with the needs of a residence, are available in over 80 countries. The top-of-the-line innovative technology in your new Viking stove will make gourmet cooking stress-free and inspire you to get creative with your food. Wall Centre False Creek residences have a stainless steel gas range and a convection oven to handle the most daring cooking. The oven comes with a highly efficient matching Viking stainless steel over-the-range microwave and hood fan. Granite counters and backsplash, an LG front-loading fully integrated dishwasher and a state-of-the-art LG refrigerator add further appeal. Sleek design and function in the comfort of your own home.
This Soup will warm you, it will taste amazing and it will help you get your leftovers out of the fridge. You need only 1 of each ingredient. I love soups when the cold season starts and this one in particular because it is easy and comforting. I call it the “Green Machine” but you can also call it Winter Veggie Soup. First you dice the onion and put it in a big pot. Add some Olive Oil for frying and when the onions are slightly browned you add the wine and some seconds later the veggie stock. After that you add 2/3 of the frozen Peas, you save the rest for later. Then add a chopped and peeled potato and the parsnip cabbage also peeled and chopped. This will take at least 20 minutes to cook through. After around 15 minutes you can add a big scoop of cream cheese. I love it creamy and cheesy. And you can also start to season the soup with Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg and the juice of half an orange, depending on the size use the whole orange. When the veggies are cooked put everything in the blender. Mix until it has a creamy texture and a silky consistency. I don’t want any chunks so I blend it a little longer. When it is almost done add the herbs with the stalks. I put a whole handful of both the coriander and the parsley into the blender. Don’t forget the honey for bringing out the sweet in the peas. The last step is blend it again until smooth, afterwards put it back into the pot and add the 1/3 leftover peas. Stir it together, heat it up again and then eat it straight away. You can garnish it with Mint, Basil or any nice looking leave. Enjoy your healthy and delicious winter soup and let me know if you liked it.
At Asha Dental, we offer dental restorations so that patients can stay in excellent oral health. We can complete restorations in a way that restores the functionality and appearance of a tooth. This is important for ensuring that once the dental work is complete, no one can tell your tooth was ever damaged. If your tooth is cracked, chipped or damaged in any way, call (913) 971-4163 to schedule your appointment. If you live in the Leawood area, schedule an appointment with our dental office to learn more about the type of restorations that are available to correct your tooth. At Asha Dental, we do not believe that there is a one-size-fits-all-solution, but offer customized treatment plans based on the needs of each individual patient. The restoration that works for your spouse is not necessarily the one that we will recommend for you. If a tooth is only slightly damaged with a small chip or crack, a veneer can be used to restore it. A veneer is a thin shell that is placed on top of a natural tooth and frequently used for restorations of the front teeth. The process of placing a veneer is similar to that of a dental crown only with less tooth preparation. If you live in Leawood, schedule an appointment so that we can discuss both options with you. At Asha Dental, we use tooth-colored fillings as a way to restore teeth that have had cavities. Once we remove the decayed area of the tooth, a filling is necessary to replace the missing enamel. Traditionally, this was done using silver amalgam but now we can complete dental restorations using materials that look natural so that when you smile, no one can tell that you had cavities. At times, patients need dental restorations to replace teeth. Whether a tooth has been knocked out or has fallen out due to an infection, there are several ways that it can be replaced. In order to determine what procedure is right for you, call 913-971-4163 to schedule an appointment and consultation. Why Do Teeth Get Chipped?
Calling a cellular phone in another country is done the same way as calling most other phone numbers in that country. In most situations, the calling sequence (exit code – country code – local phone number) is very much the same for calling a cellular phone as it is for calling any other phone in that country. There are some situations where the call is slightly different. Mexico, for example, adds a digit between the country code and phone number when calling to a cellular phone. In some countries (for example Canada and the United States, for example), mobile phone numbers mix with the regular landline phone numbers. In these countries, geographic area determines part of the phone number. In other countries (many European countries, for example) there are geographic (area) codes. Mobile phone numbers often have their dedicated geographic code. In most situations, the rate to call a cellular phone is the same as to call any other number in that country. When calling some countries, it can be more expensive to call a mobile phone number than it is to call a landline phone number. Countries with this situation often have two different rates listed for the international rate. It should be noted that when calling a cellular phone, the receiving phone owner may incur a cost for time on the phone.
Now that swimming season is over, it is time to winter-proof the pool. This autumn, consider pool maintenance to make sure that your pool tile will be safe from freezing temperatures. This way, when swimmers return, the pool will be ready to go. Pool tiles can crack during wintertime. Cracked pool tiles can result from pressure caused by incorrect water levels. A damaged bond beam may also be the culprit. Additionally, Pool Center pointed out that the tiles may not be frost-free. Not all pool tiles are proofed for the winter, so double-check that the tiles in the pool are appropriate. Take a look at the expansion joints. The expansion joints in the pool allow for temperature change. According to Redbeacon, the caulking on the joint can wear down and crack over time, so be sure to seal it properly before winter arrives. Otherwise, water can get in through the joint and behind the tiles. When the water freezes, it expands and causes the tile to pop off. It is possible for water to freeze in the expansion joint itself, which will also cause loose and falling tiles. In addition, it can also lead to beam damage. Water level is crucial in winter-proofing a tiled pool. If the water level is too high, it can damage the pool tiles upon freezing. The surface water will expand and place too much pressure against the tile, causing it to crack. It is advisable to keep water levels some distance below where the tiles are to prevent any damage. Winter can be harsh on pools and can possibly cause a lot of damage. There are many factors to consider, from seals to water levels to covers. However, calling in some pool maintenance may not only ease the job but also provide a professional eye that can spot any potentially compromising spots on the pool. If any pool tiles should fall off, refrain from repairing them right away and call in pool experts to take a look. The problems could very well stem from underneath. Simply replacing fallen tiles will only prolong and extend the level of damage the pool sustains. To ensure the best maintenance of the pool during the winter season, prepare accordingly and do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.
We currently have 309 B&B's in Crich with prices starting from £10 per night. For more information on how use this page please read the following paragraphs. Ratings for quality and value are currently held by many of the B&B's in Crich, which means that you can rest assured that great attention is being paid to the provision of good standards of accommodation, as well as a warm welcome. You will find genuine value for money is offered by the wide range of B&B's in Crich. In order that our visitors have peace of mind, many of the B&B's in Crich have secure on-line booking facilities, so that you can arrange your visit easily, at the touch of a button. In order to protect your privacy on-line, all bookings are made through a secure server, which provides total protection for your personal data. On these links you will find a colour photo of your chosen B&B's in Crich, along with a basic price for your room stay. Make your choice from the list, and then, for up to date room rates, search the dates by using the calendar. Many of the B&B's in Crich have links to their own website, which gives you ample opportunity to see for yourself the value and quality on offer from B&B's in Crich. You can use the Google “zoom-able” map to explore the area and landmarks surrounding your chosen B&B's in Crich.
When you uninstall Washing Machine 2014 and had previously purchased Washing Machine from the Mac App Store, the version from the Mac App Store will be uninstalled. Please be sure to use the same Apple ID to login to the Mac App Store that was used when you purchased Washing Machine so you do not have to pay for it again. Once you click Purchases you will see a list of Apps you have purchased. You will see Washing Machine and have the option to Install. When you click Install, Washing Machine will be reinstalled in your Applications folder.
My 2010 Toyota Yaris has fantastic fuel mileage. I get 25 to 28 miles per gallon on the highway, and I get closer to 30 for in-town driving. The ride is smooth and quiet. I have not had to replace any major component of the vehicle. Maintenance for the Yaris has consisted of replacing windshield wipers and regular oil changes. I only have two criticisms of the car. The first criticism concerns the speed of the windshield wipers. The control does not have adequate intermediate speed controls. It either runs very slow or very fast. I have difficulties choosing the right speed during a rainstorm. Secondly, the seal around the hatchback has begun to separate from the body of the car. I loved being able to take my son and his stroller in the Yaris to parks and other attractions. Before his sister was born, I could easily travel to the Henry Ford Museum and the Greenfield Village with him in tow. We would spend the morning and afternoon looking at the trains inside the museum and riding the train outside around the Greenfield Village. The fuel efficiency and the size of the car are my favorite features. I have saved money because of its relatively low fuel use. Also, I find the car is easy to drive because of its small size and compact nature. As a young mother, I have been able to put not only my son and his car seat into the Yaris, but I have also been able to pack a jogging stroller into the hatch (trunk). The size can also be a negative aspect of the car if you have two adults and two children in the car. If the Yaris carries my husband, my three-year-old son, my four-month-old daughter, and myself, we feel like sardines in a can. We can still transport some groceries as well, but the ride is a little cramped. 2007 Toyota Yaris - The Yaris is too small but great on gas. The Toyota Yaris is very good on gas. It doesn't take much to fill up the tank, and a full tank goes a long way. I have had the car for four years and the maintenance cost has been very low. I did not like the size of the car. It was very uncomfortable on long trips. Passengers are elbow to elbow, and if you are taller than 5'10" this isn't the car for you. The look of the car was O.K., But it sort of looked like a roller skate, or an egg. It looks better in black. The acceleration was fine for a car that size, and it handled well. I did not feel very safe, mostly due to the size, but also in part due to the cheap quality of the doors and hood. There's also the downside of having to go to a Toyota dealer to replace the rear windshield wiper. I haven't found an auto parts store or oil change place that carries that size windshield wiper. My friends joke about calling my vehicle a dinosaur egg due to it looking like a very large, grey egg. Whenever any of them are in the car with me and we pass by a large truck, like a Hummer, they joke about my car evolving into that one day like a Pokemon. The most positive thing about the Yaris is the gas mileage. It was very efficient and I didn't have to worry about the price at the pump as much. The sound system was also pretty good and didn't rattle the vehicle. The size makes it very uncomfortable for long rides. The speedometer is in the middle of the dash, making it so the driver has to look towards the middle of the windshield to check the speed.
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"It can be towed by a mid-sized car, van or pickup truck" It is smaller and generally lighter than a Fifth Wheel Trailer, which means it can be towed by a mid-sized car, van or pickup truck (this could mean using a lot less fuel to get where you are going). Depending on the model you buy or rent, you will have all the comforts of home. Unlike the Fiver (Fifth Wheel Trailer) these trailers have a single level floor plan. If you are looking for a reasonable amount of living space at a reasonable cost than this is the RV for you. Most Travel Trailers are fully self-contained for camping out in the boonies. They can also be equipped with room slideouts that increases the size of available living space when camped (more room for dogs, cats, kidlets, grandchildren or you). The length of these RVs vary between 8 to 35 ft. If your motto is "have toys will travel" then this trailer is for you. A Toy Hauler is a Trailer or Fifth Wheel that has been designed to carry your toys such as quads, dirt bikes, dune buggies, your favorite Harley or even a small car. They have a big back door that doubles as a ramp. Your toys are stored in a mini-garage behind the main living area of the trailer. Once you are at your camp sight and you have removed all of your toys, these mini-garages can be converted to useable living space such as a bedroom, etc. (this depends on the model you have). These special trailers can have up to 3 axles dependant on the weight they are designed to carry. The name of this trailer pretty much describes its appearance it looks like a small teardrop. These little trailer's roots goes back to the 1930s when they were very popular. Early in the 1960s their popularity started to decline, due to the availability of larger trailers and Motorized RVs. However in the last few years there has been a renaissance (I have always wanted to use this word in a sentence) in the Teardrop Trailer category. Quite a few hobbyists have bought some of these old trailers and restored them back to their original condition. There are even kits that are available so that you can build your own tiny Teardrop Trailer (if you are handy with tools and have a lot of time on your hands you can give this a try). One important fact to remember is that these trailers are SMALL. They range from 8 to 10 feet in length and 4 to 5 feet in heighth (ideal for a small couple). Needless to say this is not ideal for a family of four. There are even Teardrop Trailer Rallies, where all of the Teardroppers (I just made that name up maybe it will stick) get together at Teardrop rallies to show off their tiny trailers. Take a look at the video we recently shot for EARV to demonstrate how easy it is to setup Expandable (Hybrid) Travel Trailers. We would like to thank Bill Durkee from CustomRV inc. located in Anaheim California for conducting this great demonstration for us. These are also known as Hybrid Trailers. These unique trailers are a cross between a normal Trailer and a Tent Trailer. In order to create more sleeping space these trailers have pop-out ends or sides like a Tent Trailer. Don't confuse this with a room slideout. Room slideouts have solid walls and ceilings, the pop-out has canvas walls and ceilings like a Tent Trailer. These pop-outs allow these RVs to comfortably sleep up to 8 people in a modest sized trailer. Some of these pop-outs are configured with bunk beds, creating even more sleeping space. Now you will have no excuse for not inviting all of your relatives to go camping with you. The Expandable trailer is less expensive than a similar sized trailer with room slideouts. Hopefully, the above information will be helpful in steering you in the right direction. If you have decided that a Trailer is the right type of RV for you, you should now head over to the Buying a RV section of this web site to get some more helpful hints.
It is important that you get to have the best business in your life so that you can stand to gain at the end of the day. When you are able to make profits it means that you will have the chance to provide for your family without any problems and this will be important that you get to have a happy life in the long run. For you to be able to expand your business within no time there are some important investments that you will make and you are sure that you will benefit in the long run. The best marketing platform that you choose will be a big step in your life at the end of the day. For you to be able to get to be above your competitors you will want to adopt the modern ways of marketing your brand thanks to the technological enhancements. Your company might not be good at marketing your brand and hence you will want to opt for the services of the professionals so that you can gain at the end of the day. You get the chance to save and utilize your time in the event that you choose to adopt the services of the companies that have specialized in the area of marketing. The consultations that you make with the marketing services companies are very important in making sure that you get to work on your weakness and improve on your strength in the business at the end of the day. The expert organizations when it comes to the marketing of your brand will also save so much of your money that you will maximize in other projects that will be beneficial to the business in the long run. The best organizations when it comes to the marketing of your business will go a long way to make sure that you get the web design and SEO service that will contribute to taking your business to the next level. You should know that a peace of mind is another thing that you will get in the business in the event that you opt for the services of the best marketing companies. There are more companies that have been formed so that they can make your dreams come true when it come to marketing. It is always crucial that you opt for the marketing company that have the experience in the area so that you are assured of quality services that will match the amount of money that you are paying. Companies that are licensed means that they will work within the laws of the land and you will be able to benefit in the end. Reading of the online reviews will be important that you choose to hire the best marketing company that will make your dreams come true.
The All Star has always been a leading shape on the market for all round paddling and racing. However, if you are into racing and want the fastest board for a multiple of conditions you may need to start checking out the Sprint. We have 1 x 2018 14’ x 23” model available at 20% off which now brings to £2499 then it will be the new 2019 models.
You can upload up to 12 photos with us. Use a high resolution - our software will resize them appropriately. Your photos should be a JPEG, GIF or PNG format. These are the only formats supported on the internet. You cannot upload photos inside a Microsoft Word, PDF or other kind of document. You can upload all the photos at the same time during the process of creating your advert. If you do not have your photos ready now, you can still create your advert and add the photos at any point in the future. You are also able to add/amend the photos at any point in the future after the advert is live. Hand held cameras are great for taking spur of the moment pictures, but a tripod will give you the stability to take clearer, sharper photographs. Even during the day, having all the lights on in your home will instantly make it look warmer and more appealing. Dark corners don’t do your home any favours online, but simple lighting equipment will help you illuminate them. A flash will help, as will a reflector and even a light stand. Sometimes called staging, preparing a room is a way of showing how best it can be used. This is very often done by temporarily repositioning furniture in a room and putting lamps on tables and flowers in vases, or setting a table for dinner. To prevent your pictures looking wonky, use a bubble spirit level to ensure your camera is perfectly angled for each room. Getting up a dawn isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, but it’s the ideal time of day to get the best photographs of the outside of a property: dawn light is better and there are fewer people around. At different times of the day, and at different times of year, the light will change how your house looks. Take some time to stand outside and see how it looks on different days. Today processing is a term for how the image is put through photography software before it is ready to be used. This helps to soften, sharpen and generally tidy up any imperfections. There are photography courses run at adult education centres all over the country, and are the best place to start learning about taking better pictures. Hiring a professional is very cost effective. They are not expensive and can make the difference between the house selling/renting quickly or not. If you’re thinking of renting your property, then with a one-time investment in professional photographs, you can re-use them each time you come to let the property. Contact us if you'd like a quote.
Trust Pharmacy – Can You Really Trust An Online Pharmacy? Medications have become one of many artificially created substances that human beings use every day. However, unlike things like plastic products and other materials that we use commercially, medications must be taken into the body, which means that scientists, researchers, and ultimately the companies producing them must ensure the populace that the medications are safe to consume. Thankfully, medications must go through a rigorous process to be accepted as a treatment for conditions. But, what about pharmacies, especially the ones online? Is there a way to assure that we can trust them? The pharmacy has plenty of features that are geared towards making the experience more enjoyable for their customers. For example, they offer plenty of special offers right on their homepage, offering some of the lowest prices for meds, especially bestsellers like Viagra and Cialis. They offer to present the site in a number of languages and different currencies that suit the user’s needs. They have even provided US and UK numbers that you can use to contact the customer service with if you are experiencing any trouble. Finally, they have guaranteed customers that delivery will be prompt and on time. However, despite all of these amazing claims on the site, there is still reason to shed suspicion on sites like these. One of the main problems that online pharmacies face is establishing a sense of reliability and trustworthiness with their clients and the public in general. This is due to the fact that thousands of prior customers have been able to share their experiences of getting scammed out of their money by a seemingly legitimate online pharmacy. Canadian pharmacies, for example, have made quite a name for themselves online due to the lowered prices compared to other Western countries and the exceptional service that Canadian healthcare is known for. However, it seems that many websites claiming to be based in Canada are not, which spreads the doubt about which sites to trust. For Canadian pharmacies, there is an association called CIPA that is composed of approved and licensed pharmaceutical vendors. They have dedicated their time and efforts to find out which Canadian sites are the real deal and which are not. They have also conveniently set up a list of sites that are approved or otherwise. CIPA members are known not to send spam to customers of their services, nor do they sell any substances without someone presenting their prescription. Unfortunately, it seems that trust Pharmacy has been included in the rogue pharmacy list, which means that it cannot be trusted despite its name. Trust Pharmacy has definitely set itself up in the online world with a widespread name and reputation. This can be seen in the fact that there are several hundreds of people ordering their drugs from the site every day. The same can be said of others of the same vein, it seems, as there is another pharmacy that is located in the UK at Nottingham, which shares the same name as the Trust Pharmacy predecessor from Canada. Many of the customers that have used this service have given an excellent rating to the website and declared that the pharmacists on site were professional, and that service was efficient and friendly. Aside from being helpful, the professionals helping customers also displayed compassion and dedication to their field. One person gave an account of leaving behind their medication, to which the pharmacy helped them recover it. Also, some had said that they had been able to receive their drugs promptly upon arrival. In the same vein as Trust Pharmacy, it can be easy to be misled by the little markers you can find on a website, such as the security guarantees and the free shipping fees, but it is ultimately up to the client to look into the validity of a site or face the possibility of getting scammed. When it comes to any business, trust is an important aspect that lets customers put their faith in you and has them coming back for more service. Online pharmacies need to overcome the hurdle that comes with internet business stigma. Unfortunately, many websites are not helping their case at all. Trust Pharmacy, while having the look and feel of a genuine online pharmacy that will help you get the meds you need, the site has actually been flagged as a site that is not reliable and that should not be engaged with by the CIPA. Other pharmacies of similar names such as the Trust Pharmacy operating in the UK and World Trust Pharmacy need more digging for you to really determine if they are good websites to be using. One of the many ways to do this is to consult review websites and organizations that accredit online pharmacies. Finally, you can take a look at the approved online pharmacies we’ve got recommended for readers here.
When you have a family issue, there are many benefits to choosing a local family lawyer. In addition to supporting a member of your Folly Beach community, you are also choosing a lawyer that is more convenient to travel to, being local to Folly Beach, than if you were to choose a lawyer outside of the Folly Beach area. By hiring a reputable Folly Beach family lawyer, you can ensure that your case will be handled in the most professional manner possible. And finding a good, experienced local Folly Beach family lawyer will give you the comfort of knowing that if you should have another family issue in the future, your lawyer is right around the corner.
The Work Study programs give students the opportunity to earn part or all of their financial need by working on campus or off campus in community service positions while they are in school. Examples of the jobs available are: teacher's aide, clerk, grounds person, custodian, and lab assistant. Your wage will be determined by the type and difficulty of the work that you choose. This type of part-time work can add to your educational experience and can be a valuable asset when seeking employment after graduation. The Work Study award reflects the amount of money that you are eligible to earn as wages. Your placement on a job depends upon your skills, the availability of jobs and the hours that you are available to work. Students with Work Study eligibility must call the Financial Aid Office (619) 644-7129 for a job referral appointment. Students eligible to participate in the Work Study Program will be referred to a job and, if hired, complete the necessary payroll paperwork. Time sheets are turned in on the 10th of each month and paychecks are disbursed on the last business day of each month. The Student Placement Center helps students find part-time employment in the community. All students enrolled at the college are eligible for Student Placement Center services and you may contact them at (619) 644-7611.
There are many things that business owners are responsible for in their businesses. The work may be a lot, and you find that there is the need for your business to grow fast. That is why it is imperative to look for a digital marketing agency to help you in promoting your business quickly. Below are some of the things you need to put in mind when looking for a digital marketing company. It is a great idea to look for the digital marketing firm online. It is one of the most reliable and fast sources to use hence you will quickly find a marketing company of your choice. It can be nice seeking assistance when looking for the marketing agency. The best people to seek assistance from are other people who also own businesses. Various digital marketing agencies have separate service charges. Before hiring the digital marketing agency, it is wise to make a comparison of the services and see if they are worth the fees charged. You will quickly identify the digital marketing firm that favors your budget. Ensure you inquire about the payment mode of different digital marketing agencies. Opting for an affordable digital marketing firm is the best thing to do. The marketing experts that work for the firm are essential. The personnel of the digital marketing agency you select should be people who are well equipped with marketing skills. The marketing professionals should be people with good communication ethics. Ensure you check on the certification of the digital marketing firm. You cannot regret choosing a certified digital marketing firm. You should also check the work ethics of the digital marketing agency. Ensure that the digital marketing firm you select can meet the set deadlines. Ensure that it is a company that you can depend on any time. Check on the expertise of the digital marketing company. You can have a look at their work records. It is also a great idea to find out about its existence. It is wise to work with a digital marketing company that has been in operation for an extended period. The reputation of the digital marketing company matters a lot. The best digital marketing firm to work with is one with a good reputation. In case of any doubt, you can listen to what the previous clients say about the company.
Welcome to the 7th instalment of The Painting Solution! With the team currently on their way to start work on a new project, it gives us the opportune time to write about the use of a cherry picker or scaffolding on site. Since the building we will be painting measures up to 13.5 metres in parts, scaffolding or the use of a cherry picker/boom is the only way to paint at that height in a safe, efficient manner. Today’s post is all about the cherry picker and it’s many uses and advantages to the painter. One of the main problems with most forms of high access is that they only allow you to access a small area at a time. Take an extension ladder as the example – these only give you access to anything that’s within arm’s length of where you place the ladder. That means that if you’re carrying out work over a large area you will constantly have to descend and move it into a suitable position. This is a huge waste of your time. The alternative is scaffolding or a scaffold tower which can provide access to a larger area, but has the downside of requiring lengthy setup times. A cherry picker is a much faster and more adaptable way to get access to high areas. As the arm is mobile, workers can be moved into position, allowing them to carry out tasks quickly and efficiently. This means that using a cherry picker not only reduces the amount of time you need to spend setting up the equipment, it also ensures that people can spend as little time working at height as possible. Cherry pickers can be used for a huge variety of tasks – you would be surprised at the range of possibilities. They were originally designed for use picking fruit in orchards (hence the name) but over the years these machines have been adapted so that they are perfect for a wide array of uses, mostly on construction sites and in building repair. Commonly cherry pickers are used for painting and other forms of building maintenance where workers need to get up to difficult to reach spots. They also have clear advantage in terms of cleaning, especially cleaning the windows of high buildings which could be very challenging for other high access equipment. Whether you’re carrying out basic home maintenance on a residential property or dealing with delicate work on a Grade One listed building you need to have the right equipment for the job. Thankfully, there are many different cherry picker models available that give you the ability to get to the right height or reach the location properly. When other access equipment can do the job, cherry pickers are often able to reach high and put you in the right place. Of course cherry pickers have the additional advantage that they don’t have to go to their full height, so you can use them for a broader range of tasks than some other forms of equipment. For example, scaffolding that has to be assembled to a certain height does not allow for the versatility for many tasks. It’s not just the height that cherry pickers can offer you. One of the major reasons that cherry pickers have become so popular is that they can be used in awkward spaces that many other forms of high access equipment simply aren’t suitable for. Cherry pickers can reach into narrow spaces and allow you to get work done quickly. One of the inevitable challenges of working at height are the safety issues. Using a cherry picker is a very safe way to get up high as long as they are used correctly. This is because you are surrounded by a cage which makes it very difficult for you to fall. Equally, as you are able to stand in a comfortable position you are able to work without tiring as you might do on a ladder. When you are working at height, safety needs to be your number one priority and working with a cherry picker allows you to avoid many of the dangers.
How do you feel when you take a look at your home’s exterior. If you suddenly notice one day that it’s looking lackluster, it’s no surprise. Many of us spend so much time indoors that we forget to perfect the look of the outside. When you think about home improvement, you often go through all of the fine details of the house in your head. You think about everything from top to bottom – how to keep everything clean and hygienic, and also how to improve every inch to make it all look as pretty as possible. Everyone wants to live in the best possible home, so they focus a lot of energy into making the interior of the place close to perfect. What goes into the house is super important, but it’s just a select part of your entire home. The aspects that sit on the outside of the home also need some love and some work. First impressions are important, and people aren’t exactly going to see inside the home when they stand on the outside. There are a bunch of components that make up a home’s exterior, here are a few ideas to help spruce up and shore up the outside. Whether your drive is concrete or compacted soil (like this one in the UK), keep it clean and in perfect repair. It makes the first impression of your home’s exterior. The first place anyone reaches as they enter your home’s space. The driveway isn’t always seen as the most glamorous part of a home, but they can definitely be made to look very attractive if given enough time and care. If the driveway is looking a little weathered, then it probably does have something to do with the years of damage caused by it – even if a driveway is fairly new, it can look as though it has been around for decades only after a couple of years. The best course of action here is to take a pressure washer and blast away at the dirt that has been collected. You’d be surprised at how youthful it can look after a good clean. You could also add some little extras in there like lights or borders to give it something more than just a plain look. A garden is the crowning glory of your home’s exterior. The garden should be a place to clear minds and feel complete bliss. If you have a garden that is fairly packed with different things, perhaps think about having a little clear-out and starting with somewhat of a blank canvas. People like to have little areas in their garden to sit in and relax – with a bit of work, you could get some chairs, get some plants, maybe half a dozen pieces of landscaping stone and a few other things, and you could have yourself your own little area. You could give the fences and gates a little paint if they look as though they’re fading a little. In terms of the bricks of the house, they’re in a similar boat to the driveway in that they can begin to look a little aged quite easily. It’s another case of blasting it with the pressure washer and seeing the results – be careful though; you don’t want to make a mess for the neighbors. If you have a garage and you don’t use it for parking your car in there, then you could give it a little clean – a lot of unused and needless items are stored in one’s garage, you could spend a day just sorting through all of the stuff in there. You could go one further and renovate it completely. If it’s left alone for a lot of the time, you may elect to turn it into a more practical place. Addressing your home’s exterior can polish up your dulled curb appeal with your investment of time and labor. Posted on April 10, 2019 by Deborah TayloePosted in DIY ProjectsTagged DIY, DIY Landscaping, DIY Projects, home exterior, home's exterior, landscaping.