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100 | He was now a very effective reader of his own work -- his theatrical instincts were here most valuable and , as Edmund Wilson noted , he could communicate a feeling of intense excitement to his audiences . | 5 |
101 | We grew more and more excited . | 5 |
102 | In one room , a frightened man bared his back which was a mass of scabs and bruises . | 1 |
103 | He paced about for some time , looking agitated . | 1 |
104 | The jeweller was overjoyed ; he began spending heavily . | 5 |
105 | ` They failed to do so , " said Sherrin , ` and Michael fretted and fumed and explained that his immense following of fans would be mortified and he would be shamed . | 6 |
106 | His heartbroken mum , Colette , said : ` Paul is so upset . | 4 |
107 | His liquid eyes were sorrowful and the ends of his moustache drooped . | 4 |
108 | Some ill children feel so angry , depressed , or anxious about their condition that they refuse to eat . | 1 |
109 | Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell . | 5 |
110 | His horrified mother made a public appeal for the return of the ring , given to her by husband Alfed 18-years ago . | 1 |
111 | In the thirtieth minute , Gary Weaving scored what looked like a perfectly good goal , only for the linesman to rule it out for offside , to everyone 's dismay . | 1 |
112 | He looked very sad . | 4 |
113 | I am so desolate -- oh , but please , it is all arranged and say no more . " | 4 |
114 | He was angry about class , hypocrisy and the establishment . | 2 |
115 | ` T was to stop you becoming completely distraught , but I was afraid to look at you , afraid to come to you that night in case I saw fear or revulsion in your eyes . " | 0 |
116 | ` In every sense , of course , including the biblical , " he added in a penetrating whisper clearly audible to his embarrassed family . | 6 |
117 | From a starving stray it was transformed into a contented house cat . | 5 |
118 | Bert , a lanky , lugubrious individual , declined . | 4 |
119 | Glancing up at his face , Cassie saw his expression change , his face darkening and hardening as his mounting excitement and desire seemed to quicken into something uncontainable , threatening , like the tide of an incoming sea , to engulf them both . | 5 |
120 | The greatest cause of the Prince 's despondency had been the feeling that he served no useful purpose . | 4 |
121 | Surely someone somewhere knows who killed Ann Heron and that person could ease the pain for her heartbroken family . | 4 |
122 | If , as she suspected , Elizabeth was miserable because of that dreary village sawbones , then it was dishonest and unlikeable of her to pretend that it was because of her sister-in-law . | 4 |
123 | For a girl brought up in a Christian Science home there was a certain frightening kind of excitement about medicine , like drink for a teetotaller ; but otherwise she found the work harrowing and repellent . | 5 |
124 | Daisy leaned forward , at once horrified and fascinated . | 1 |
125 | However , does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that profound disquiet has been expressed about some of the proposals in the Bill , particularly the fast-track ones ? | 1 |
126 | For a moment there was a stunned silence from his workmates and then pent-up breath was released in what seemed like a communal sigh , before the chief waggoner yelled , ` Come on ! | 3 |
127 | His anguished voice tailed off , to intensify the effect . | 4 |
128 | The family are not downhearted ; they have made many people across the country aware of the Trust and their work . | 4 |
129 | With a small sigh of exasperation she thrust her feet to the floor . | 2 |
130 | He had n't sounded very pleased about something -- that made two of them . | 5 |
131 | ` Ma , " he said in a tentative tone of voice , his face going slowly pink with the strain of trying to communicate with his despondent parent . | 4 |
132 | From somewhere in the gloom , accompanied by raucous laughter and much crudity , a young female voice began to groan and then rise , unintentionally mimicking the anguish of a wounded soldier . | 4 |
133 | There was a nervous laugh at this topical sally provided by the Zola trial . | 1 |
134 | Her head turned restlessly on the pillow as she strove to distance herself from the increasingly excited voice of the commentator and the air-splitting whine of the high-revving engines . | 5 |
135 | They will always try to avoid any embarrassment , but will use their judgement on whether or not to make payment . | 6 |
136 | Matilda looked right back into the flashing eyes of this infuriated female giant and said with total calmness , ` I have not moved away from my desk , Miss Trunchbull , since the lesson began . | 2 |
137 | I felt elated , especially when he said , ` I 'm looking for an actor just like you . " | 5 |
138 | This week an irate mother reportedly stormed into a London school and hauled her 15-year-old daughter out of a class in elementary sapphism . | 2 |
139 | He was beginning to feel a bit despondent about the kind of questions Jean was asking . | 4 |
140 | Applause rang out , and she twirled around to acknowledge it in demure delight , clapping the barman -- and then being crushed against the ample bosom of the barman 's wife . | 5 |
141 | After the verdict on Monday , an indignant Cannes president Alain Pedretti described it as ` scandalous " . | 2 |
142 | I had been working for more than an hour and my wrists ached from the continuous chopping , but I was filled with an immense exhilaration . | 5 |
143 | Benedict was on his feet , overturning his chair in one violent gesture , a face of livid fury turned on Theda . | 2 |
144 | Shaw , however , worked off most of his exasperation over the weekend winning the Durham and Cleveland County veterans ' over 50 title . | 2 |
145 | I feel devastated and it is much worse for my poor mother . " | 4 |
146 | Many beef farmers in my constituency of Monmouth are deeply anxious about the impact of the MacSharry proposals . | 1 |
147 | ` You 're cross because I was honest when I spoke to you that night . | 2 |
148 | Listening to parents in the playground and at more formal events such as parents ' evenings should alert staff to early stages of parental disquiet . | 1 |
149 | If there is not quite an embarrassment of riches , there is enough to make the small investor blush at the choice . | 6 |
150 | Gus said : ` Of course ! " in a slightly startled voice , and visibly withdrew his vision and his thoughts from some distant preoccupation in which she had no part . | 3 |
151 | She was really pleased when she came back and found him fighting fit , even though he was still using one wing as a crutch to support his crooked leg . | 5 |
152 | ` No , " she replied briefly , feeling more and more resentful . | 2 |
153 | He hoped she was n't offended , as a Times reporter . | 2 |
154 | Some of his actions , in particular the unexpected introduction of a constitutional amendment allowing for an elected Vice-President and the subsequent appointment of Moudud Ahmed to that post , caused some disquiet among party members . | 1 |
155 | Which was a curious sensation , since in fact her eyes were downcast , apparently studying the vinyl squares of the floor . | 4 |
156 | But it was the scene of my first heartbreak . | 4 |
157 | However , the existence of a potential rival , no matter how eccentric , meant that there was an alternative fascist allegiance open to disgruntled members of the BUF . | 0 |
158 | He looked so crestfallen that Old Bulldog did n't know what to do for a minute . | 4 |
159 | ` Oh , for God 's sake , " Jack said with an embarrassed laugh . | 6 |
160 | Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again . | 4 |
161 | If she 's so anxious about my welfare and morals it 's a wonder she has n't come stamping up here to check out the situation for herself . | 1 |
162 | We were confused and anxious when we were not understood . | 1 |
163 | For some the strain of living together without legal ties leads to considerable anguish . | 4 |
164 | Who can honestly say that they have never been consumed by that intense annoyance , never felt that burning but wrenching tension and anger at life 's petty frustrations . | 2 |
165 | Several of the men , though none of the women , made embarrassed noises of dissent . | 6 |
166 | All the talk of weddings made Anne feel downhearted and impatient with the secrecy that John insisted on . | 4 |
167 | And , to complete his heartbreak , his car broke down when he was looking for his ninth win of the season at the Italian Grand Prix . | 4 |
168 | He looked down at her astonished face with darkly angled brows . | 3 |
169 | The parents are horrified and I am totally disgusted . | 1 |
170 | ` It gobbled up the bird in one go , " said a mournful bird-watcher yesterday . | 4 |
171 | Five minutes went by as she reflected that Rosemary must be feeling as miserable as Travis , then , checking to see that Travis was all right as she passed , she went to bed . | 4 |
172 | He looked so woebegone . | 4 |
173 | The two observers exchanged amused glances and then wandered away under the trees . | 5 |
174 | ` God , what an accursed night ! " mumbled Mr Beckenham , and , sipping his liquor , he looked over the makeshift meal with revulsion . | 0 |
175 | Eight out of 10 agreed it was OK for girls to carry condoms but half said they would be too embarrassed to buy them . | 6 |
176 | ` I was so embarrassed , " said Dave , 38 . | 6 |
177 | Israel and I pushed by the startled and helpless usher and swaggered into the arena dressed in our Mau Mau uniforms . | 3 |
178 | Thames Valley Police are known to be furious about the case . | 2 |
179 | The happy melody of Morning has Broken followed , but the sadness of family and friends choked many of the words . | 4 |
180 | Feeling desolate , she climbed back into the car , not daring to look at Roman in the silver moonlight . | 4 |
181 | When Tina and the children moved into the School , Cecilia felt both dismay and guilty relief . | 1 |
182 | She sounded a little low-spirited . | 4 |
183 | Her tone was sad . | 4 |
184 | I wanted to be a violinist -- that was my real ambition -- but I was too anxious to really get to grips with the instrument . | 1 |
185 | I was so desolate about Chip . | 4 |
186 | The enraged animal charged into Christopher Rogers , pinning him to the ground . | 2 |
187 | I 'm very depressed and have tried to commit suicide several times . | 4 |
188 | If someone mentions things like ration books , powdered egg , air raids and so on , my stomach turns over and I feel quite depressed . | 4 |
189 | A dejected David Mellor , of the Royal Bank , told the magazine Doctor : ` I was led to believe it was n't an appropriate venue for a bank representative . " | 4 |
190 | To her delight he even took to discussing his work with her , and Leonora listened , rapt , utterly fascinated by glimpses of the other , professional Penry Vaughan she secretly found so impressive . | 5 |
191 | Before she could utter the cry of alarm which rose in her throat his hand had closed over her mouth , and Paige 's startled eyes blinked at him over the top . | 3 |
192 | One of the three khthons began to hum a sorrowful melody . | 4 |
193 | The dog seems anxious to get the harness on ; indeed , all through the trip the dogs are always keen to pull and seem miserable when they are tied off for the night . | 4 |
194 | ` Well , he was pleased when you agreed to this . | 5 |
195 | David coped with his grief by trying to save other youngsters from solvent abuse . | 4 |
196 | Liz must have looked as woebegone as she felt when they staggered into the stuffy carriage , because Barbara had burst out laughing . | 4 |
197 | By now Nutmeg was so bewildered that he did n't know what to do . | 3 |
198 | At Portsmouth , Lily Lee creatively amplifies a passage from Machiavelli 's The Prince , inscribing a chilling statement in a bold agitated hand . | 1 |
199 | Tolonen nodded , suddenly wistful , his lips formed into a sad smile . | 4 |
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