When I was first exposed to the dead bodies, for dissecting purposes at the school of medicine.
Getting a terrible exam mark, which I couldn't understand the reason for, and trying to see a lecturer or tutor, but being given the runaround.
During the military service, I lost a part of an equipment; I accused another person and he was rebuked and punished.
Gave the wrong meal tickets to other people (my classmate).
The loss of a very good friend.
I felt disgust when I realized that I had eaten something fatty, and vomited too much.
The night of a high school dance, I went partying and collided with another car. Both cars were totalled; people were injured but not seriously.
Did badly in an examn.
When I first heard that Tage Dannielsson had died.
Sometime back I came across a certain man who was badly beaten by some people because he was found raping the wife of the village headman.
My guilty behaviour was found out by others.
I was on my way home when suddenly Gule Wamkulu came from the bush and blocked the road. I was in fear and didn't know what to do.
Often a dog which is treated very badly by his owner comes to us.
When I knew about my first job.
I dreamt of my father's death while I was at secondary school. I was screaming at the top of my voice and was woken up by my friend. That day I was really sad.
One dark night with no street lights, a car was obviously following me.
I mangled the side of my dad's van on a fence. I did not realize the extent of the damage until he showed it to me the next day. The shock on my face was genuine so a friend interceded with a good excuse which I did not deny. I never clarified the situation.
I had to leave an important function early because of family commitments. Someone else had to complete my job.
When there was a bomb threat in Tolman Hall. This was the first time that I felt my life could be in danger.
My little brother was arrested by the police at the railway station after he had drunk some beer.
Once, I accidentally injured a boy in the eye and he almost lost it.
Managed to run 30 Km on skis fairly simply.
A friend had promised me to give me a lift to Graz. To be sure I called her before we went. She told me that she had just promised another person to give him a lift.
My current lover and I had been very busy with work and study and had not had time alone together for almost a month until one afternoon recently when we made love for hours and then showered and ate together.
A lecturer in great detail spoke about his sexual experiences.
I couldn't sleep, and began to remind of my childhood. We are many sisters and at that time we were spanked a lot and I don't know why I started to remind of the spanks they and I had had, their shouts when this happened.
Falling in love although she is my friend (angry with myself).
Death of the family dog.
I was caught stealing food at my aunt's place. I had tried to hide the food I had taken from the pantry while my aunt was in the kitchen, however she went to the pantry and discovered the stolen package.
A sudden end to the relationship with my first girlfriend.
When I fought with my sister and said that she had provoked this. She was very seriously scolded.
When someone took my writing materials yet I was to write Examinations in a few minutes.
I had wasted some time instead of doing something I needed to do to give to a friend. (Also in the time I wasted I had done some things I did not consider morally right).
I was to meet a friend at the bus-stop (he was coming to visit us) and he did not turn up. After having waited for him for some time (about an hour) I called him up, to be told that he did not intend to come as he was feeling tired.
I stayed at the Coast for a weekend with friends. My brother came to drive me home, but was rude, and in a hurry to rejoin his friends. I was embarrassed because the family involved was extremely nice, and hospitable to him.
The saddest moment in my life was when I lost my younger sister a few years back.
Some people were unfairly treated, because of their nationality/colour.
I called off a relationship with one girl so I could see another.
The fridge we had at home had a lock. One day when I wanted something, I unscrewed the door but unfortunately I was caught in the act.
When a close friend died.
One day mother slaughtered a chicken for a brother who had come back for holiday. In everybody's absence I opened the foodstore and ate all internal organs of the chicken. When mother discovered, we were all called and I was found with hands stained with soup. I was ashamed being the eldest of all in the family.
When I learnt that a friend of mine had talked about me to another friend and had said wrong things about my abilities and attitudes. I was very angry.
On a mountain tour, my girlfriend and I passed by an inn. Near the house there was a big dog which began to follow us. As my girlfriend is afraid of dogs, I had to draw his attention to me. He jumped towards my shoulders and wanted to play with me but I really did not like that.
When I was told to attend an operation in theatre.
My parents claimed me on their income tax after I had been out of the house for two years receiving no financial support from them. As result I had to work more during school because they were expected by the FAO to contribute to my education when they refuse to do so.
My roommate messing up our room.
When I came to know that a girl I was fond of already had a boyfriend.
Being alone at night.
I have a boyfriend and I am very fond of him. When we had our "11-months jubilee", I had forgotten it. But he gave me a red rose.
When in the initial interview for the recruiting, I don't know why, I accepted to do the test for army.
I was filled with joy when I heard that I had been selected for a University course.
My parents do not like my friend and told me to stay away from him.
Caused a family disturbance.
Not helping other people to do their homework.
When a close friend of mine maintained a relationship with me till she needed me and broke it off when she did not need me. She behaved life a really selfish person.
Haven't been frightened for ages.
I was caught doing something bad and I bribed the person who caught me. Later I felt very bad, maybe I should have paid for my bad behaviour.
A dark night when I had to go to the outdoor lavatory.
In a very crowded shop I was distracted and missed my turn in the queue. A woman who was behind me began to shout at me asking me either to pay more attention or to leave.
I was wearing a slit tight dress at a disco and it burst open.
I was caught stealing a box of matches in the supermarket and had to plead guilty.
When one has arranged to meet someone and that person arrives late, in the meantime one starts thinking about all that could have gone wrong e.g a traffic accident.
Finding out the great difference between China and the West in science.
Slept in a chapel and in the middle of the night I realized that there was someeone else in the chapel. I never discovered who it was and why he was there.
My sister was in a hospital, later in the evening we received the information that she had died.
Insulted by the class leader.
[ I speak harshly to my parents though they only mean my own good.]
Stealing money from my parents when I was young.
A honest "sliding" on the part of a girlfriend of mine. Terribly crossed I started breaking things and tearing books.
Getting sent on a company expense trip to another state to work for a week at that plan.
I saw a terrible accident happen and I laughed a lot of the fright and because I was nervous.
I had to call somebody between 12 and 12:30. As I had no possibility to call him at this time, I did not do it until 3 p.m.
When I was forced to call the telephone company about a bill concerning a disconnected phone belonging to my landlord. The bill was four months overdue and in the meanwhile he had been using my phone, he seemed to have no intention of having his own phone reconnected.
I feel guilty as I am not working, and even my studies are not progressing.
The same as for SHAME and DISGUST. I was asked to resign my sorority which I did because I was ashamed.
[ When bad and disgusting language is uttered by people, or when someone tries to show what is beyond his own capacities.]
Last year I had a friend visiting me for several days. The only thing he did was sleeping, drinking, taking pills and thinking only about himself.
When my mother scolded me and I argued with her.
A certain Area Party Secretary came home in the morning and said we had to leave our home and build somewhere and the reason being that they wanted to establish a market. The Chairman knew nothing about it and was very angry.
On Christmas eve I went to a classmate's home with other classmates. The next morning when I came out of the toilet she said something and I did not understand what she was saying. When she pointed at my trousers I discovered that I had forgotten to zip them up. I rushed back to the toilet but by the time the others had guessed what had happened.
[ In an aeroplane.]
When I finished a test type of exam and did not dare to answer any question, I doubted whether I would pass the exam or not.
My cat was sick and I had to take him to the vet to be put down - no one else there to do it.
Passing (by car) over a bridge where only one car could pass. There was a precipice on both sides, no protection grilles, and the bridge was completely muddled.
When my mother was angry with me over my friends and boyfriend.
When I received the news that my in-laws had passed away. I depended heavily on them for their guidance and the running of their daughter's buisness.
Getting ill.
A colleague asked me to study with her. I could not explain things as perfectly as she had expected. So she reacted in an aggressive manner.
It was when I drunk urine during my childhood thinking it was water. My friend had urinated in the tin.
For a drunk man (about 20 years old) that I met one evening, and who behaved impudently with the girls standing by.
I felt fear when I sat for one of my exams. Though my fear was not quite justifiable, I still remember about it.
Being alone in Europe and having to catch a train and bus to the airport, then board the plane alone.
A man was unfair to a girlfriend of mine.
We went to visit my mother at the residence. She was crying and said that she was about to die. I believed all her complaints and continously thought of the possibility of loosing her.
My boyfriend made me a proposal.
When I am dirty because I have not had a shower for a few days.
My girlfriend who had spent 6 months abroad broke off our relationship by letter.
When my friends tried to discriminate against my friendship with certain other friends which they thought was improper.
A close friend of mine had not contacted me for a long time.
As a kid my mother caught me stealing sugar and giving it to a neighbour.