16 values
Why isn't there some form of reverse eBay posting? Say I want something and am willing to pay x with maybe x above that? That way sellers could quickly find buyers in their prefered price range.
Seems that is basically how selling goes, is there a reason it couldn't work in reverse? Say I want X, will pay X at Buy It Now but will pay X+10% (or whaver) if it's an auction.
Kindof like the grand exchange on runescape
What is your earliest complete memory?
My earliest memory is from preschool when a car caught on fire right in front of the school parking lot. I remember that the school had a large window at the front (like 10' x 8'), and the car was parked on the road just in front of the parking lot entrance. I don't remember how the first started, but I remember seeing the firemen drive up after several minutes, and when they cut opened the hood to spray water on the engine there was a huge cloud of smoke and flames.
I remember looking at a light on the ceiling while my mom changed my diaper. I'm pretty sure I was like 2 years old and I always thought it was cool and strange that I remembered that one thing, out of everything else... I figure it's because it was a repeated occurence that it stuck with me.
Did Mitt Romney just say that women's equality in the work place means getting them home in time to make dinner?
How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow blower. Give her a snow shovel.
New meme....
I've been a redditor for a couple months now and I want to know, why are there no Donnie Darko memes? Someone needs to make one for sure.
Most Redditors were too busy playing Pokemon when Donnie Darko came out. Also the last thing the internet needs is more memes.
I want to get birth control, but I don't have any insurance. Has anyone gone to Planned Parenthood for some? What was the experience like?
My boss said that he was going to supply me with health insurance after 6 months of working with him. It's been over 2 years and I haven't seen anything. I'm 19 years old living with my boyfriend of over a year. It's about damn time I get some birth control. Can anyone tell me what Planned Parenthood is like?
It varries on the place, I've been not for birthcontrol and they've been very welcoming and nice. But I've herd a few bad stories from people. It varies
My friend said I love you to his girlfriend, she said it back, and right after the guy in a movie said I love you to. What akward movie moments have you had?
That's more funny than awkward.
A quick question
Only one way to find out: Shit or get off the pot.
Is there a subreddit that you can buy/sell things?
I have some old computer games like Star Wars Battlefront 2 that I would like to sell.
[r/gameswap](http://www.reddit.com/r/gameswap) [r/gamesell](http://www.reddit.com/r/gamesell) [r/trade](http://www.reddit.com/r/trade)
Where can I watch season one of The Walking Dead?
Where can I watch season one of The Walking Dead? Don't have Netflix.
If you don't have Netflix you can watch it on DVD/Blu Ray which you can purchase from a retail store.
Why are most people in my age group (18-25) so afraid of waiting until after 25 to start thinking about marriage and children?
My personal experiences make me want to establish myself in a career, get a substantial bank account, and enough life experience before I want to enter the institution of marriage. And especially all of those things before I have children.( I want to wait at least until I am 30) A lot of my peers talk about it like its a game, and they are just expected to get into it as soon as possible. how do you feel about it personally, and why do you think this happens so much?
Some people want different things than you. Personally, I plan on waiting until I'm at least 30 to have kids, and I probably won't even have kids.
socail media
is myspace good or bad and way
MySpace is still alive?
My ups package is only 2 and a half hours away can i expect it to arrive tomorrow?
i ordered a guitar for my b-day and been waiting for a while. it is super close and wondering how soon it should arrive? do they work 24/7 shipping on days they are open?
Nope. It'll be 4 hours away tomorrow.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson for PRESIDENT
How would the reddit community feel about putting down Neil DeGrasse Tyson for President? Neil is the most influential speaker of our time. imagine a rational scientist as president seeing as i am an engineer, this might be a little bias. but, WHAT IF?
Not a question jackass. Read rule 1
If you leave someone you recently met when they discover they have a fatal disease, are you a ****?
I knew a bloke in his twenties. Friendly happy guy, the kind everyone wants to be mates with.He gets a new girlfriend. Everything is fine for a month or so. New girlfriend starts to have weird coordination problems, like falling when walking across a flat surface. She goes to see a doctor, she has some weird neuro-degenerative disease. Pretty much falls apart emotionally. Doctor says she only has a few years left to live (Literally a few: As in 2 or 3.) and life will never be normal again. She already has to start using crutches. Eventually she will graduate to wheelchairs and assisted living (Will need someone to bathe her, clean her after toilet, cook for her, etc etc) After a few weeks the guy decides he doesn't want to be part of this any more and leaves. She says he's a bastard and proceeds to tell everyone, including his parents and friends what a scumbag he is. I've got no proof, but this is actually a true story, not a hypothetical question. It's not as if it's such an unlikely turn of events. Anyway what I'd like to know is, ... was this guy an **hole or not? My feeling is that he wasn't. If you answer, could you please also state your gender? I'm very curious to see the male/female divide here.
This is the internet. Curse your fucking ass off
How do I help my mom who has been forced to living in nursing homes for 10+ years (shes 51)?
My mom has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. She has been living in nursing homes for the past 10 years, shes just reached her 51st birthday this year. She has been getting much better these days, due to medication or she has just learned to hide most of her paranoid thoughts. She is currently in a nursing home, she tells me shes feels like a prisoner, begs me to get her out. Myself only being 23 I dont even know where to start with this. Most of my family has given up over the years or are too selfish to really give a fuck. Im hoping someone has advice on getting her in an independent home. I could use some advice on dealing with this too, my heart literally aches every time I talk to her. Ive been mentally breaking down about this the older I get
I applaude you for thinking of your mom. Have you tried a social worker or legal aid?
What are some coincidences that nobody would believe if you told them?
But, obviously, happened. I was in a car accident last November. I totaled my car. And, it was raining and coincidentally "November Rain" was on the stereo at the time of the accident (CD form). It was a bad accident and I was terrified of driving, etc-well, I got the courage to go driving again, months later-I was with my dad-and I decided to take the same path I took when I had my accident. I shit you not, November Rain started playing on the RADIO as I approached the "scene of the accident." When is it ever on the radio? It's not the nineties. It was so kismet. Like, the full circle. Additionally, do you believe in fate? Things happening for a reason? Karma? Any of that Edit: Two years after my parents had been married, they were discussing college/parties/ etc. My mom mentioned how one time this guy and his friends dropped her and her friend off at home, and her friend puked in the car. Turns out, the driver of that car was my dad. They both just had to put the pieces together to figure it out. They had met in college, years before they "met" really...
I realized I had two friends called John Pardue which is quite a rare surname. Was on facebook and realized the have the same birthday. It was quite confusing. EDIT: No, No and No.
What song do you want played at your funeral?
I want a happy funeral. Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" sounds good. What about you?
White Wedding - Billly Idol
What is the biggest lie a friend of family member has ever told you?
I really don't have anything because even when I found my mom's viborator at age 8 she told me what it was, so... What's the biggest pile of shit you've ever heard from family or friends?
My adoptive parents told me that my biological father raped me as a baby, and that was the reason he was no longer my father. Was a straight up lie.
I once thought a random lady was my mother, and held on to her and asked when are we leaving the store. Reddit, what is something that you've done to a stranger that was weird/odd?
Fucked your mother
Need some help choosing a topic for an Informative Speech?
In college. No anxiety for giving speeches. Help me choose a topic! I can choose pretty much anything but "How to...whatever" speeches. Anything funny that I can talk about in front of some typical freshmen. Looper, Prometheus, survival skills, Bear Hunting, Traveling to Australia, Mitt Romney's economic plan, Moustaches, Kryptonite, Obamacare, gas prices...anything. Literally. Anything. Help me?
Why slavery is the most efficient system of labor.
how do I get rid of asian glow?
My friend, shes asian, sucks at drinking. She passes out after 2 shots. One weekend, we were very afraid because she was literally just gone. She didn't come home and everyone in our hall thought she was kidnapped. She didn't respond to her text and phone calls. She came home at 6 in the afternoon. It turns out she was drunk. Her face gets SUPER red after half a shot. How do you get rid of asian glow? does she need to build up tolerance by drinking more and blacking out? *EDIT: she has a drinking problem... help? she won't go to AA or counseling... everytime she goes to frats. she can't say no to guys..
You don't. It's an allergic reaction.
If you became President of the United States tomorrow what would be the first thing you'd do.
Pretty self explanatory. Policies, spending etc.
Kill the niggers
Reddit, when were you conceived?
My birthday is December 7th. I assume my parents conceived me on St Patricks day. Oh, and my sister was born on September 7th. 9 months after New years! You are now all thinking about your parents having sex.
I fucked your mother! *sigh* I know dad, are you drunk again?
Today my instructor sent a kid to the metal supply room for 8 feet of Fallopian tubing. And he went. What funny teacher-student stories do you have?
I used to smoke weed with my math teacher:)
How to get out of friend zone
Okay, I have no idea how this happened..but I found out that this wicked hot girl friend zoned me, any ideas how to dig out of it?
Fuck her. Should do the trick.
Hypothetical: Let raise the min wage of servers in the US to the standard. What happens?
I have no recollection of posting this. WTF.
I stop tipping 30% and start tipping 10%.
European redditors, as a U.S. native I hate and am embarrassed by 99.9% of all our "reality" television. Does your country have "reality" shows that you just can not stand?
Except Iron Chef..its a guilty pleasure. Also what is it about these shows that you dislike so much?
You do realize that Big Brother, Survivor, and the X factor all originated either in the UK or Europe right? To be fair, I'm pretty sure they haven't got anything that is "Jersey Shore" awful, but I could be wrong.
Does this count?
Here's one that hasn't been asked before: If I piss for 60 seconds, how many meters long is the stream of piss that came out of me?
Diameter of urethra I needed.
When I was around 10 I had a hamster named Hamsty. Reddit, what are some awful names you've given to pets, etc?
My brother, a history nut, has a habit of naming his pets after destroyed cities, civilations, and things like that.
Reddit, what is the scariest natural disaster you have been in?
Having the "earthquake" in Boston today got me wondering. Anyone been in a crazy earthquake/tsunami, etc?
The Columbus Day windstorm in Oregon in the early 60s was the first one that I knew what was happening. Years earlier, my mother lost a lot of credibility one night when she bundled 4 children into the "root cellar" under the house. She was crying and praying and babbling and touching each one of us. There was a loud wind and she calmed down after that. Maybe 30 years later I drove over to the old place. I could still see where the twister went through. Missed the house by maybe 75 feet.
What if the government had cameras in everything you owned and was watching you?
What would you think?
There would be some seriously freaked out CIA agents.
Is it legal for someone to use my face without my consent?
Put it on Facebook. Public property
Why do you matter?
I don't, James Tiberius.
Reddit what was your senior prank?
Planted a tree in the school soccer field. Took them a while to take it back out.
Just found out my Fiancée of 7 years has been cheating.
Bullet dodged.
I didn't fill out the bubble sheet on my AP World History test. Reddit, what's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
I managed to get a 1 on my AP World History test last year because I only filled out the answers in the book and not the bubble answer sheet. There were circles in the test book that you could fill out but meant nothing and weren't graded. I don't think the proctor ever mentioned it so I must have missed it in the directions. My dad called the AP people and they said I got a 3 or above but wouldn't give me the score. I just can't imagine myself looking around and not noticing that everyone was using an extra bubble sheet but me.
I went to /r/spaceclop and /r/ttotm once
What subreddits can I go to for a discussion on politics besides the failed r/politics?
I have a really great idea. Why should YOU be the redditor that I share it with?
I can't keep secrets.
Anybody noticing the bias of the moderator? I have watched the clock on talking time, Romney went about ten seconds over and Candy Crowley cut him off, Obama went over and got to talk for almost another 2-3 minutes. Reddit?
I have!
Why haven't the mods at TIL responded to the comments on the thread banning Gawker from TIL? How about they actually engage in a discussion especially when the majority of top comments oppose their position.
Seriously. Let's have a dialogue.
sounds like they dont give a shit. owell, thats why you can just make your own subreddit and police it however you like.
Does anyone else feel like this debate is about to break out into a fight?
What are some recent good conspiracy theories?
By recent I mean within the last couple years. Thanks Reddit
Your mother was impregnated by a German spy.
Why do fellow redditors condemn tattoos in posts that have to do with tattoos?
People who condemn or shit on tats. If you don't agree with tats, why bother even clicking the link and then commenting? Your stupid, self absorbed comment isn't going to make a difference to anyone, especially the person who ALREADY has the tat. It goes against the culture of reddit that says to be nice to people or you get downvoted. However, the culture is simply flipped when someone has a tat. If they have a tattoo, it is reddit approved to insult and degrade a person, no matter how great the tat is. I'm pretty sure they are aware it will fade and sag with age. You're not introducing any new or relevant information. You're just stating how YOU feel. The dude with the SEGA/Sonic tats on both arms had amazing tats that had beautiful color... However, Reddit had to ruin the post with stupid posts. The art, nor the artist got the respect they truly deserved because everyone was busy shitting on the fact that this guy had tats in the first place. TL;DR: Reddit is a fickle dick, depending on the current, popular opinion.
Probably not.
Does anyone know what the cause of that sharp pain you get when you put a Q-tip in too deep?
It happens pretty frequently to me and I'm curious if I'm hitting anything important or not....I love getting a Q-tip nice and deep in my ear
Probably you trying to puncture your eardrum. NBD...
Reddit what song describes you the best?
I'm a lone wolf badass type and I think Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day describes me the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce5ra4M9B6o But I don't care about me. I want to hear your stories and why the song you chose describes you. Remember if you can comment you can up vote :P
Green day = badass? Wat.
Reddit, what's the story behind your username?
It all started from a book called "Bakit Baliktad Magbasa ng Libro ang Pilipino (Why do Filipinos Read Books Upside Down)?" There was a little section on hilarious signs on businesses (for example, "We sell artificial fresh flowers.") Then, I found Dr. Morgue. I thought it was either an ironically named doctor or a mortician. I then decided to use this name years later, telling people it was a little joke.
DB is ASCII. Your username is binary.
What is a healthy amount of time to stay on the computer?
I often find myself walking through the door at home and grabbing the computer and pulling up reddit. I turn on the t.v. (my t.v. automatically starts at weather when turned on) and it stays on weather for the next 6 hours). My eyes kill me after this period of time. I get intense headaches and feel sick. Yet i do it day after day and can't stop. Is this unhealthy or am i just straining my eyes? What is the recommended time spent on the computer?
Like, a couple.
Here in Puerto Rico, prisoners can vote for governor . What are some strange/unconventional laws in your state/ province?
Or country.. Or territory
it is illegal to have more than 16 females living in one house in PA because it is considered a brothel. That's why all PA sorority houses have less than that amount in them.
Why do you dislike celebrity worship?
It distracts some people from how interesting their lives can be. Not all, mind you. For some people it's just a mindless hobby.
Reddit, who really needs an iPad? I have one sitting here un-opened and have no need for it. Tell me your stories about why you deserve it and I'll pick the best one and even pay for shipping!
Although I'd love an iPad, perhaps I can suggest who you should give it to. Call a few of the shittiest schools in your area, speak to a senior member of the teaching staff. Ask whether they have volunteer mentors and if they do if any of them springs to mind as a good candidate for a free ipad. This way you avoid shipping it as well.
My guy friend keeps saying shit about my boyfriend (LDR) and he doesn't even know the guy. Why's he doing this and how do I get him to stop.
he says inappropriate things to me in class (mentioning my legs and 'cooch') and i tell him to stop and he responds "why don't you have your boyfriend beat me up" my bf and i don't fight so i have no reason to complain to him about him ever. just that he's far away. edit: ldr = long distance relationship
You stop hanging out with the guy friend. He will get the hint.
reddit need help!
You must be fucking joking. I refuse to believe someone would ask reddit this instead of going to the fucking hospital. If you ARE serious, go to the motherfucking hospital you irresponsible son of a bitch.
Whats the most ridiculous one-up story you've ever herd?
I've herd a lot, but cattle are the most ridiculous.
Presidential Debate or Elementary School Arguement?
Why does it seem they are being so childish. He had more time! I get to talk too! He is a poopie head.
Why do Governor Romney and the President both have a lapel microphone and a wireless handheld microphone during the debate?
So people can hear.
Reddit, you were on the Global News today. How do you feel about that?
So, i was just sitting on my cousins couch doing some homework, when i turned on the tv and started watching the news. It was a story about that slut that killed herself that everyone is trying to make out like the innocent victim, so i went back to my homework until i heard the fake as fuck white guy say "Well, as we all know those trolls are real jerks! and we have found out of a place called Reddit, that is the center of bullying and hatred!" Now this pissed me off, because not even adults can see the truth that we try to tell them. They made Reddit out to be a site full of cruel, disgusting, useless, low life, good for nothing, pedophiles. We all know the real story about the girl that killed herself, we all know the reality of it, we all know what she did, we all know that the people who are crying over it are really fake idiots that would no doubt be talking shit about the girl if she was still alive. So Reddit, what do you think about how the news is making you all look?
So she deserved to die because she was a 'slut'? I'd wager you'd enjoy sex if you ever got any.
How did you learn to leave your 'work stress' at work?
I just got a new job that was supposed to be way less stressful but so far it has given me more stress than my old job and I've only been working here for a month and a half. Kinda sucks. So how do you guys deal with the stress of work and how did you learn to leave it "at work"?
I work in mental health. Just trying to compartmentalize . Not taking work home, staying at work to take care of paperwork and never bringing it outside of that space.
What would happen if Obama decked Romney during the debate?
What do you think the political, legal, and social ramifications of this action would be? Edit: Just to be fair, what would be different if Romney hit the President?
He wouldn't win the election.
Scientists of Reddit, help me by answering a few questions for a science project I'm working on?
I am working on a device that will obliterate every bug in the world, except bees to make honey and to pollinate flowers and all that jazz, I hate bugs and FUCK spiders, they all deserve to be burned alive. Reddit I need your help, what do I do first? UPDATE: Well about an hour in, not a single one of you has been of any help at all to this potentially fantastic, innovative, and most magnificent leap in the science world since the iPhone added another row for apps, you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
you are an idiot and should be kept far away from all science