Richelieu Marshal 730
Ritterhaus at Stockholm the 59
Romance the historical 341
Rose the from the Russian of Pushkin 38
Russia to the slanderers of from Pushkin 150
Sagena culture of at Lucca 620
Saltza Count 68
San Carlo 487
Sandwich Lord anecdote of 724
Schools of painting characteristics of the 424
Science of languages Kavanagh's review of 467
Scott's historical romances remarks on 345
Scottish harvest the 769
--quantity and quality of the grain crop ib
--cause of the inferior quality of the wheat 771
--and of the high price of bread 772
--state of the potato crop 775
Scrambles in Monmouthshire a sequel to house-hunting in Wales 474
Sea to the from Pushkin 144
Secker Archbishop character of 728
Seclusion by J
Second Pandora the 711
Seed potatoes saving of 778
Servi de Pena 486
Shaw T
specimens of the lyrics of Pushkin by 28 140
Shooting fish in Italy 625
Silk manufactory of Caserta the 492
Simmons B
Mahmood the Ghaznavide by 266
Sketches of Italy
Lucca 617
--agriculture round Lucca 619
--sagena 620
--lupines ib
--hemp ib
--trees and oaks 622
--insects 623
--ants 624
--shooting fish 625
--owls 626
--the improvisatore ib
--tables-d'hotes--Mr Snapley 628
--hints for doctors 630
--private music-party 631
Smith Sydney on modern sermons 714
Smollet's England remarks on 2
Snake-tamer the 493
Snapley Mr 628
Solitary imprisonment effects of 139
Stampe the Countess 69
Starkather the lay of 571
Staubbach fall of the 706
Stein the Baron von career of 328
Stephens Mr letters from on the results of the harvest 769
Stockholm description of 59
Storm the from Pushkin 40
Stralsund sketch of 56
Struensee Count 729
Student of Salamanca the
Part I
Part II
Summer noontide by J
Suspiria de profundis; being a sequel to the confessions of an English opium-eater
Part II
Swedes character of the 69
Swift's apology for Queen Anne &c
notice of 4
Switzerland a reminiscence of 704
Tables-d'hotes in Italy 628
Tacitus as a historian 389
Tenure of land &c
in Turkey 693
Thorwaldsen the sculptor 69
Three years in Constantinople; review of 688
Titian remarks on the style &c
of 420
To * * * from the Russian of Pushkin 35
To Clara by J
To the sea from Pushkin 144
To the slanderers of Russia from Pushkin 150
Torquato Tasso Goethe's translations from 87
Townsend Charles character of 715
--his death 719
Transfiguration of Raffaele remarks on the 418
Trees in Italy 622
Turks domestic manners of the 688
Usk river scenery of the 475
Varnhagen von Ense sketch of Stein by 331