1 value
4 values
4 values
sentence: Kenneth buys a bottle of nectar for the hummingbird feeder but Joel watches TV. complete: Kenneth is fascinated by birds. sentence: The bugs fled the house and raced to the yard since the complete: yard was full of food. sentence: William was responsible with energy consumption, but Steven was wasteful for the reason that complete:
Steven was environmentally irresponsible.
sentence: Mabel is a nurse and she helps her patients take their medicine before they eat food, even though the OPTIONS: - medicine is good on an empty stomach. - food is good on an empty stomach. complete: food is good on an empty stomach. sentence: Craig saw a UFO and asked if Donald had seen it but OPTIONS: - Craig didn’t give a positive answer. - Donald didn’t give a positive answer. complete: Donald didn’t give a positive answer. sentence: Samantha was a student and asked Christine for help with their history and english homework because OPTIONS: - Samantha was a professor. - Christine was a professor. complete:
Christine was a professor.
Story needs to be completed: While pregnant, Patricia had a craving for ginger water so she asked Sarah to make her some. OPTIONS: - Patricia gave her some money for the ingredients. - Sarah gave her some money for the ingredients. My choice: Patricia gave her some money for the ingredients. Problem: Continue the following story. Samuel had to get a visa for his travels unlike Donald because it was unimportant for OPTIONS: - Samuel to travel. - Donald to travel. Here's how I want to continue it: Donald to travel. Problem: Elena considered Samantha to be a master in scrabble although OPTIONS: - Elena had won fewer games. - Samantha had won fewer games. My choice: Samantha had won fewer games. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The letter that Joel has written is being read by Adam, so OPTIONS: - Joel is the editor. - Adam is the editor. [A]: Adam is the editor. QUES: Continue writing. The woman was more upset over the broken jug than the broken plate because the OPTIONS: - jug was irreplaceable. - plate was irreplaceable. +++++++++ ANS: jug was irreplaceable. QUES: Continue writing. Jeffrey was more liekly to become a model than Nick, because most people thought OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was beautiful. - Nick was beautiful. +++++++++ ANS:
Jeffrey was beautiful.
Continue writing the following text. Because Angela was allergic to flowers and Amy was not, *Angela loved having flowers in the house because she thought they were pretty.; *Amy loved having flowers in the house because she thought they were pretty.;
Amy loved having flowers in the house because she thought they were pretty.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Emily was not kind in her review of Rebecca 's show, as OPTIONS: - Emily gave a pretty lame performance. - Rebecca gave a pretty lame performance. Answer: Rebecca gave a pretty lame performance. sentence: The man tried to put the article into his folder but the OPTIONS: - folder was too large. - article was too large. complete: article was too large. Christine had much better posture than Carrie after years of OPTIONS: - Christine sitting with a slouched back. - Carrie sitting with a slouched back. Carrie sitting with a slouched back. Input: Continue writing. Tim reached his weight loss goals easier when he ate apples instead of bananas because the OPTIONS: - apples were less filling. - bananas were less filling. Continued: bananas were less filling. Story needs to be completed: The pills relieved my pain more than the capsules did because the OPTIONS: - capsules were weaker. - pills were weaker. My choice: capsules were weaker. Problem: How does the sentence end? We went with a blue carpet instead of doing the hard wood floor, because the OPTIONS: - floor was cleaner. - carpet was cleaner. Answer:
carpet was cleaner.
Question: After encountering the ducks, I opted to use the shotgun instead of the rifle to take them down since the Answer: Continue the sentence -- rifle was loud. Question: After the trip, Tanya had a wicked case of Diarrhea, though Rebecca had none. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Rebecca has the stronger stomach. Question: I was using both steel wool and sandpaper to try and remove the rust from the hammer, but the Answer: Continue the sentence -- sandpaper was too coarse. Question: Rachel tries to stretch every morning to be flexible like Katrina, and Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Katrina finds it flattering.
How does the sentence end? When trying to find information, Steven watches YouTube while William reads manuals as Choices: [-] Steven learns better by watching.. [-] William learns better by watching..
Steven learns better by watching.
Problem: Continue the following story. During art class, Jessica spilled paint on Mary's favorite jacket so OPTIONS: - Jessica was upset it was ruined. - Mary was upset it was ruined. Here's how I want to continue it: Mary was upset it was ruined. Problem: To make things less awkward between them, Kevin bought his wife a daisy, even though she preferred a tulip, because the OPTIONS: - tulip was easier for him to acquire. - daisy was easier for him to acquire. My choice: daisy was easier for him to acquire. [Q]: How does the sentence end? While Billie brought a pencil, I brought a pen to the realtor’s office. I gave Billie my pen and she gladly used the OPTIONS: - pencil to sign the document. - pen to sign the document. [A]: pen to sign the document. QUES: Continue writing. Mary would rather swim in the pool and not the lake because the OPTIONS: - pool was clean. - lake was clean. +++++++++ ANS: pool was clean. Problem: How does the sentence end? The book on lizards sold more copies than the one written on spiders. It's because the OPTIONS: - lizards book was written in a boring style. - spiders book was written in a boring style. Answer: spiders book was written in a boring style. sentence: Amy found crocheting relaxing, but it just frustrated Carrie. OPTIONS: - Amy was a patient and creative person. - Carrie was a patient and creative person. complete:
Amy was a patient and creative person.
Write the next sentence. William was responsible with energy consumption, but Steven was wasteful for the reason that
Steven was environmentally irresponsible.
Continue the following story. Rachel tries to stretch every morning to be flexible like Katrina, and
Katrina finds it flattering.
Question: To water the plant, the gardener poured water from the watering pot into the vase until the OPTIONS: - vase was filled. - watering pot was filled. Answer: Continue the sentence -- vase was filled. Question: John could not finish watching the movie within the time his mom gave him because the OPTIONS: - movie is short. - time is short. Answer: Continue the sentence -- time is short. Question: Logan told Adam that he could design a stage set for him. OPTIONS: - Logan was grateful. - Adam was grateful. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Adam was grateful. Question: I didn't want to take care of my work because it was taking more time away from my play, because the OPTIONS: - work was fun. - play was fun. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- play was fun.
William works a lot closer to the doors that go outside than Kenneth, because William works on the ground floor. Ryan had a tendency of always taking advantage of Eric's friendship because Ryan was selfish. Angela was unfaithful while Christine stayed at home by herself, because
Christine was the better partner.
Write the next sentence. Airports are where Jeffrey works, and Hunter works on an army base. OPT: (1). Jeffrey is the soldier.; (2). Hunter is the soldier.;
sentence: Jean really liked the profiteroles but not the peas because the OPTIONS: - profiteroles were very sweet. - peas were very sweet. complete: profiteroles were very sweet. Jessica kept her body in shape while Jennifer didn't care, so OPTIONS: - Jessica was always obese. - Jennifer was always obese. Jennifer was always obese. Input: Continue writing. Rachel used the pink comb to brush Samantha's hair before curling it because OPTIONS: - Rachel hair was tangled. - Samantha hair was tangled. Continued: Samantha hair was tangled. Story needs to be completed: The new towel Julie purchased for herself would not fit around her head, the OPTIONS: - head was too narrow. - towel was too narrow. My choice: towel was too narrow. Problem: Continue the following story. Richard has an eye strain because he works in a dark room close to the computer whole day. The OPTIONS: - computer is very bright. - room is very bright. Here's how I want to continue it: computer is very bright. John removed the molding from the window, but left the molding around the door, because he wanted to preserve the look of the OPTIONS: - window . - door .
door .
Continue the following story. Mike wanted to buy both a truck or a convertible, but the Pick your answer from: 1). truck was too big.. 2). convertible was too big..
Input: Continue writing. At the mall, Laura applied makeup on Betty to beautify her because Continued: Laura was an expert. Input: Continue writing. The GM chose Patricia plan instead of Carrie because Continued: Carrie plan was a dumb one. Input: Continue writing. Samantha was not used to the altitude but Sarah was, so Continued: Samantha fainted at the summit. Input: Continue writing. When Joel went to the gig at the bar without Lawrence, Continued:
Lawrence felt a little upset about it.
Mary asked Natalie to do renovations on the house, then OPTIONS: - Mary tried to haggle the price down. - Natalie tried to haggle the price down. Mary tried to haggle the price down. Patricia knits more than Felicia, so OPTIONS: - Patricia has a larger collection of thread to choose from. - Felicia has a larger collection of thread to choose from. Patricia has a larger collection of thread to choose from. Jessica went prospecting and found some gold ore, while Angela went prospecting and found iron ore. OPTIONS: - Jessica was able to cash out with big money. - Angela was able to cash out with big money.
Jessica was able to cash out with big money.
Problem: Kayla made it very clear to Monica that they wanted nothing to do with them, but OPTIONS: - Kayla still didn't leave them alone. - Monica still didn't leave them alone. My choice: Monica still didn't leave them alone. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Joel decided to end the relationship with their cable provider but Eric did not because OPTIONS: - Joel thought they were being undercharged. - Eric thought they were being undercharged. [A]: Eric thought they were being undercharged. QUES: Continue writing. Samantha hated the idea of soaking in the hot tub with Felicia even though OPTIONS: - Samantha had been excited with the idea of a soak. - Felicia had been excited with the idea of a soak. +++++++++ ANS: Felicia had been excited with the idea of a soak. Problem: How does the sentence end? Amy asked Cynthia if she knew what was said in the conversations with the lawyer but OPTIONS: - Amy did not know. - Cynthia did not know. Answer: Cynthia did not know. sentence: The cotton bud could not get into the ear of the hamster because the OPTIONS: - bud is narrow. - ear is narrow. complete: ear is narrow. Input: Continue writing. Jennifer was able to make a juice smoothie less quickly than Victoria, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer owned a juicer. - Victoria owned a juicer. Continued:
Victoria owned a juicer.
Story needs to be completed: When I have breakfast I tend to choose a Cinnamon Roll or a Bagel, I wanted something plain so I grabbed the My choice: Bagel to eat. Story needs to be completed: Ian sate outside on the porch longer than Aaron because My choice: Aaron wanted to watch the television. Story needs to be completed: Felicia has a smaller calendar than Mary, therefore My choice: Felicia can write less information on each daily square. Story needs to be completed: It took Aaron a long time to finish his work compared to Leslie because My choice:
Aaron is very lazy.
Problem: Continue the following story. I want to incorporate more tofu in my diet. I could try cooking it more or buying it more. The Here's how I want to continue it: cooking is more time consuming. Problem: Continue the following story. Emily bought their groceries from the famer's market instead of the local store like Tanya, because Here's how I want to continue it: Tanya valued quantity over quality. Problem: Continue the following story. Walking was easy for Sarah while Emily was in a wheelchair, so going up stairs was difficult for Here's how I want to continue it:
Emily .
Complete the following sentence. Angela was unfaithful while Christine stayed at home by herself, because
Christine was the better partner.
Continue writing the following text. When Joel went to the gig at the bar without Lawrence,
Lawrence felt a little upset about it.
Problem: Michael invites Hunter to go to church on Sunday because My choice: Michael wants them to believe in god. Problem: As an astute observer, Patricia always watched Emily 's routine, and My choice: Patricia enjoyed giving her attention. Problem: We trained the police dog to rat out meth and not cocaine since the My choice: meth was widespread in the area. Problem: I was able to see the the present but not the future, because seeing the My choice:
future is impossible.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? In acting class Katrina advised Erin about how to show the feeling humility, because [A]: Katrina thought they knew how to do it best. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The home of Brian was flooded more than Kyle's because [A]: Kyle lives farther from the water source. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey tried to communicate with Matthew about the issue, but [A]:
Matthew had no interest in giving answers.
QUES: Continue writing. College was beneficial for Steven and less so for Donald as +++++++++ ANS: Donald had no goals or ideas for the future. QUES: Continue writing. So +++++++++ ANS: Randy was angry because Randy's horse was injured by Kyle who is actually pretty embarrassed by this point. QUES: Continue writing. When roasting chicken I like to use the stove instead of the oven. The +++++++++ ANS: stove makes it tastier. QUES: Continue writing. James fed the hermit crabs strawberries instead of raspberries since the +++++++++ ANS:
raspberries were not in the house.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Laura disabled Katrina 's car so that Answer: Katrina could be prevented from driving it home drunk. Problem: How does the sentence end? The kids loved daycare so Emily gladly paid, but Laura thought it too expensive. Answer: Laura thought the money was a waste. Problem: How does the sentence end? The paint was peeling off the schoolhouse, but not the gymnasium because the Answer: schoolhouse is in direct sunlight. Problem: How does the sentence end? Spicy food often gave Betty diarrhea but Rebecca loved it. Answer:
Betty had to run to the bathroom after dinner at the Mexican restaurant.
sentence: Wanting to be comfortable, the woman placed a pillow on the sofa because the complete: sofa was stiff. sentence: Kayla is clumsy and wants to re-organize a kitchen so she asks for Lindsey's help, because complete: Kayla wants the job done properly. sentence: Nelson liked to help pierce Adam 's ears because complete:
Adam was terrified of making holes for the earrings.
How does the sentence end? It took Aaron a long time to finish his work compared to Leslie because
Aaron is very lazy.
Write the next sentence. Walking was easy for Sarah while Emily was in a wheelchair, so going up stairs was difficult for
Emily .
Question: Elena wanted to help Mary improve her mental health and verbal memory because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Mary was very old. Question: Kelsey wrote the report on a typewriter, and then switched to a computer because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- typewriter lost one of its keys. Question: Its important to choose your character's personality. You want either adamant or jolly. The Answer: Continue the sentence -- jolly personality makes you happier. Question: Bethany was shopping in the department store and got the dress but not the blouse because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- dress was stylish.
Input: Continue writing. The vegetarian meal seemed very unappealing to Monica although Tanya loved it, because OPTIONS: - Monica was a carnivore. - Tanya was a carnivore. Continued: Monica was a carnivore. Input: Continue writing. Carrie thought Samantha was a horrible driver because OPTIONS: - Carrie witnessed the multi-car pileup on the freeway. - Samantha witnessed the multi-car pileup on the freeway. Continued: Carrie witnessed the multi-car pileup on the freeway. Input: Continue writing. I bought a pack of soda, but it all would not fit in the fridge because the OPTIONS: - fridge was too full. - soda was too full. Continued: fridge was too full. Input: Continue writing. The shoe salesman tried to fit the shoe onto the heel but the OPTIONS: - heel was too small. - shoe was too small. Continued:
shoe was too small.
Continue the following story. I was able to see the the present but not the future, because seeing the
future is impossible.
It was raining hard and the hat got soaked. The color began to blend together. His mom said the color was ugly anyway and it had too many hats. Natalie did not forgive Cynthia for the crime because Natalie did not have a very forgiving attitude. Betty complained about the rain to Rebecca yet
Rebecca enjoyed going outside to play on rainy days.
Input: Continue writing. Nick complained to Derrick because Continued: Nick was frustrated with being in a failing relationship for this long. Input: Continue writing. The roses grown by William were taller than the ones of Craig because Continued: William had richer soil. Input: Continue writing. John had to print more shirts to circulate within the team members. The Continued: members are many. Input: Continue writing. The monkey loved to play with the balls but ignored the blocks because he found the Continued:
blocks dull.
Story needs to be completed: I use peanuts in the Thai recipe but not the Mexican recipe since the ingredients in the My choice: Mexican recipe clash with their flavor. Story needs to be completed: Randy suffered from more headaches than Samuel because My choice: Samuel spent very few nights drinking alcohol. Story needs to be completed: It was hard for Matthew to locate the park compare to Nelson, because My choice: Nelson remembered his map. Story needs to be completed: Audrey could not master karate to get her belt so she moved to a different studio because the My choice:
belt was easy to attain.
Problem: Continue the following story. I loved the shades much more than the curtains because the Here's how I want to continue it: shades blocked out more sun. Problem: Continue the following story. Joel was scared of needles so Hunter recommended taking pills. Here's how I want to continue it: Hunter was a doctor at the hospital . Problem: Continue the following story. Christine's inner thighs are much more flabby than Lindsey's because Here's how I want to continue it:
Lindsey is a body builder.
Story needs to be completed: James preferred sitting down in his room with his cat rather than taking a walk in the neighborhood. The OPTIONS: - room is rowdy. - neighborhood is rowdy. My choice: neighborhood is rowdy. Story needs to be completed: The cook poured the honey from the jar into the saucepan until the OPTIONS: - saucepan was nearly full. - jar was nearly full. My choice: saucepan was nearly full. Story needs to be completed: Kevin had to help Adam move around on their crutches because OPTIONS: - Kevin wasn't able to move well. - Adam wasn't able to move well. My choice: Adam wasn't able to move well. Story needs to be completed: Stewart preferred taking a bus over a cab because the OPTIONS: - bus was far less expensive. - cab was far less expensive. My choice:
bus was far less expensive.
Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey tried to communicate with Matthew about the issue, but
Matthew had no interest in giving answers.
Problem: The girls wanted to fly a kite in the wind at the park but the My choice: wind is too strong. Problem: Erin gave all the food to Monica because My choice: Monica was just so hungry that she couldn't wait to eat. Problem: While at work, Laura had to tell Erin how to be more effective because My choice: Laura is the boss. Problem: Randy was more of a baseball fan than Michael so My choice:
Randy was heavily invested in every postseason.
Continue writing the following text. James fed the hermit crabs strawberries instead of raspberries since the
raspberries were not in the house.
Problem: Continue the following story. Natalie always ate more eggs than Christine because OPTIONS: - Natalie lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein. - Christine lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein. Here's how I want to continue it: Natalie lived a healthy lifestyle and needed a lot of protein. Problem: Continue the following story. Matthew drinks five days a week while William sticks to just one because OPTIONS: - Matthew likes to party less. - William likes to party less. Here's how I want to continue it: William likes to party less. Problem: Continue the following story. Natalie did not forgive Cynthia for the crime because OPTIONS: - Natalie did not have a very contrite attitude. - Cynthia did not have a very contrite attitude. Here's how I want to continue it:
Cynthia did not have a very contrite attitude.
It took another hour for Rebecca to fill the tank with water as compared with Jennifer because OPTIONS: - Rebecca worked very quickly. - Jennifer worked very quickly. Jennifer worked very quickly. Input: Continue writing. We treated the wooden wall on the house but not the floor since the OPTIONS: - wall had some termite problems in the past. - floor had some termite problems in the past. Continued: wall had some termite problems in the past. Story needs to be completed: Emily was a very good cook while Megan was not, so OPTIONS: - Emily decided to teach a cooking class. - Megan decided to teach a cooking class. My choice: Emily decided to teach a cooking class. Problem: Continue the following story. So OPTIONS: - Nick tickled the baby because Nick likes babies and Matthew doesn't like them at all. - Matthew tickled the baby because Nick likes babies and Matthew doesn't like them at all. Here's how I want to continue it: Nick tickled the baby because Nick likes babies and Matthew doesn't like them at all. Problem: It was louder in the playground than in the study hall because there was less talking in the OPTIONS: - playground . - study hall . My choice: study hall . Story needs to be completed: He had the choice of getting paid by cash or check. Ben chose to get paid by the OPTIONS: - cash because he loved the bank. - check because he loved the bank. My choice:
check because he loved the bank.
Complete the following sentence. Amy honored Maria at the Veteran's Day Parade, because Options: * Amy had provided their service to the country.. * Maria had provided their service to the country..
Maria had provided their service to the country.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The lady was dreaming of becoming an artist that used pencils instead of markers, since the [A]: markers were permanent. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Eating sweets was a big problem for Carrie but not for Rebecca, thats why [A]: Carrie has a large waistline. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Clare and David decided to go to the movie instead of to the theater because the [A]:
movie looked more riveting.
Continue writing the following text. Jason's leg was more sore than his arm was although he warmed up the OPTIONS: [a]. arm before exercising.; [b]. leg before exercising.;
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Paint at the hardware store was purchased by Nelson from Randy because Choose your answer from: [I] Nelson is a salesman.; [II] Randy is a salesman.;
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The brewery position was the perfect job for Laura but not Patricia because OPTIONS: - Laura had extensive knowledge of craft beer. - Patricia had extensive knowledge of craft beer. [A]: Laura had extensive knowledge of craft beer. QUES: Continue writing. The brand new bicycle that we bought was faster than our scooter because the OPTIONS: - bicycle was made from light metal. - scooter was made from light metal. +++++++++ ANS: bicycle was made from light metal. Problem: How does the sentence end? Aaron was desperately trying to avoid eating candies but Craig was not because OPTIONS: - Aaron was overweight. - Craig was overweight. Answer: Aaron was overweight. sentence: It was easy for Michael but not Eric to find a replacement part for the car because OPTIONS: - Michael did not work in the auto mall. - Eric did not work in the auto mall. complete: Eric did not work in the auto mall. Rachel reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so Emily bought her another book. OPTIONS: - Rachel was excited to read the new book. - Emily was excited to read the new book. Rachel was excited to read the new book. Problem: Continue the following story. Christopher but not William would make a good babysitter because OPTIONS: - Christopher did not know how to handle small children. - William did not know how to handle small children. Here's how I want to continue it:
William did not know how to handle small children.
How does the sentence end? Spicy food often gave Betty diarrhea but Rebecca loved it.
Betty had to run to the bathroom after dinner at the Mexican restaurant.
Problem: Elena liked the beautiful design work of the artist but Rebecca didn't like it, so OPTIONS: - Elena hired the artist. - Rebecca hired the artist. My choice: Elena hired the artist. Problem: Having a relationship is hard work but I prefer that I receive letters rather than gifts since the OPTIONS: - letters are manufactured. - gifts are manufactured. My choice: gifts are manufactured. Problem: Justin could talk to elderly people better than Leslie because OPTIONS: - Justin enjoyed visiting young people at living centers. - Leslie enjoyed visiting young people at living centers. My choice: Leslie enjoyed visiting young people at living centers. Problem: James was happy to perform the dance in sweatpants rather than a leotard, as he thought the OPTIONS: - sweatpants looked very good on him. - leotard looked very good on him. My choice:
sweatpants looked very good on him.
Write the next sentence. William was responsible with energy consumption, but Steven was wasteful for the reason that Options: (a). William was environmentally irresponsible.. (b). Steven was environmentally irresponsible.. Answer:
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Megan was annoyed as Laura had shrunk OPTIONS: - Megan 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining. - Laura 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining. [A]: Megan 's favorite jersey in the dryer as it had been raining. [Q]: How does the sentence end? It was taking a long time for Emily to heal, so Jennifer gave her some antibiotics. OPTIONS: - Emily is has a medical degree. - Jennifer is has a medical degree. [A]: Jennifer is has a medical degree. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The cat avoided the bed and slept on the floor, as the OPTIONS: - bed turned out to be accommodating. - floor turned out to be accommodating. [A]:
floor turned out to be accommodating.
QUES: Continue writing. Nelson excitedly told Neil about how green tea got rid of his flu. OPTIONS: - Nelson was skeptical. - Neil was skeptical. +++++++++ ANS: Neil was skeptical. QUES: Continue writing. The songs sounded better in the hall than in the auditorium because the speakers in the OPTIONS: - hall were smaller. - auditorium were smaller. +++++++++ ANS: auditorium were smaller. QUES: Continue writing. I really enjoyed the mangos that I got from the store more than the pears, because the OPTIONS: - mangos were less sweet. - pears were less sweet. +++++++++ ANS: pears were less sweet. QUES: Continue writing. Because Laura wanted a lot of kids but Betty only wanted one child, OPTIONS: - Laura tried to get pregnant many times. - Betty tried to get pregnant many times. +++++++++ ANS:
Laura tried to get pregnant many times.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Fergie built her sandcastle by the pier instead of by the shore, because the waves were lower near the OPTIONS: - pier . - shore . Answer: pier . Problem: How does the sentence end? Joseph asked Brett to cut and color their hair because OPTIONS: - Joseph wanted a change of hairstyle. - Brett wanted a change of hairstyle. Answer: Joseph wanted a change of hairstyle. Problem: How does the sentence end? Chopping wood to make a fire was easy for William but not Jason because OPTIONS: - William had a sharp ax. - Jason had a sharp ax. Answer: William had a sharp ax. Problem: How does the sentence end? Lori wore her hair in a braid instead of a ponytail because she thought the OPTIONS: - ponytail was cute. - braid was cute. Answer:
braid was cute.
Write the next sentence. Nelson liked to help pierce Adam 's ears because
Adam was terrified of making holes for the earrings.
Continue the following story. Bethany was shopping in the department store and got the dress but not the blouse because the
dress was stylish.
Complete the following sentence. Betty complained about the rain to Rebecca yet
Rebecca enjoyed going outside to play on rainy days.
Input: Continue writing. Samuel stuffed the mushrooms with pork unlike William because OPTIONS: - Samuel is a vegetarian and not a meat lover. - William is a vegetarian and not a meat lover. Continued: William is a vegetarian and not a meat lover. Story needs to be completed: The lifting improved her flexibility, while, strangely, the stretching did not. The OPTIONS: - lifting was just so contrary to her goals. - stretching was just so contrary to her goals. My choice: stretching was just so contrary to her goals. Problem: Continue the following story. Tanya wanted to exercise to increase stamina but Samantha didn’t because OPTIONS: - Tanya thought it would be very painful. - Samantha thought it would be very painful. Here's how I want to continue it: Samantha thought it would be very painful. Problem: Drinking a cup of jasmine tea was the perfect way to wake up for Adam, but not for Kevin, because OPTIONS: - Adam couldn't stand the smell of it. - Kevin couldn't stand the smell of it. My choice: Kevin couldn't stand the smell of it. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The award motivated Carrie to win more than it did Erin, none the less OPTIONS: - Carrie was victorious. - Erin was victorious. [A]: Erin was victorious. Problem: The food in Robert's pantry is plentiful, but this is not so for Ian because OPTIONS: - Robert is poor. - Ian is poor. My choice:
Ian is poor.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Rachel tries to stretch every morning to be flexible like Katrina, and (a). Rachel finds it flattering.. (b). Katrina finds it flattering..
sentence: Leslie studied to become an auto body repair technician but not Robert, because OPTIONS: - Leslie was enthusiastic about cars. - Robert was enthusiastic about cars. complete: Leslie was enthusiastic about cars. sentence: The brother shared his toys, though kept his books to himself, because the OPTIONS: - toys were the most important thing to him. - books were the most important thing to him. complete: books were the most important thing to him. sentence: Rats infested Aaron's attic but not Hunter's because OPTIONS: - Aaron lived in a very old house. - Hunter lived in a very old house. complete:
Aaron lived in a very old house.
Question: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help *she* had given. Joan she ----- Answer: no Question: After I saw Bill catching flies and pulling off their wings, I boxed his ears. I showed the master the flies, some crushed and some crawling about helpless, and I showed him the wings on the window sill. I never saw him so angry before; but as Bill was still howling and whining, like the coward that he was, he did not give him any more punishment of that kind, but set *him* up on a stool for the rest of the afternoon, and said that he should not go out to play for that week. Bill him ----- Answer: yes Question: Lily spoke to Donna , breaking *her* silence. Donna her ----- Answer: no Question: John promised Bill to leave, so an hour later *he* left. John he ----- Answer:
Continue writing the following text. The monkey loved to play with the balls but ignored the blocks because he found the
blocks dull.
QUES: Continue writing. The piercing was a lot less painful than the tattoo because the OPTIONS: - piercing was a lot slower. - tattoo was a lot slower. +++++++++ ANS: tattoo was a lot slower. Problem: How does the sentence end? Michael boldly told Eric that his knew gel would give him shiny hair. OPTIONS: - Michael was skeptical. - Eric was skeptical. Answer: Eric was skeptical. sentence: No matter how much we tried to shrink it, the stick could not fit through the hole, as the OPTIONS: - stick was too narrow. - hole was too narrow. complete: hole was too narrow. Dennis was a cat person but Neil was a dog person. OPTIONS: - Dennis bought a cute puppy. - Neil bought a cute puppy. Neil bought a cute puppy. Input: Continue writing. Erin brought Mary wood for the campfire since OPTIONS: - Erin needed extra wood for cooking at the campsite. - Mary needed extra wood for cooking at the campsite. Continued: Mary needed extra wood for cooking at the campsite. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The stone that Emily bought turned out to be fake unlike Megan's stone, due to OPTIONS: - Emily being a spontaneous buyer. - Megan being a spontaneous buyer. [A]:
Emily being a spontaneous buyer.
How does the sentence end? Audrey could not master karate to get her belt so she moved to a different studio because the
belt was easy to attain.
Question: William asked Hunter to drop the charges against his client because OPTIONS: - William is a criminal defense attorney and wants him to be free. - Hunter is a criminal defense attorney and wants him to be free. Answer: Continue the sentence -- William is a criminal defense attorney and wants him to be free. Question: The geese prefer to nest in the fields rather than the forests because in the OPTIONS: - fields predators are more hidden. - forests predators are more hidden. Answer: Continue the sentence -- forests predators are more hidden. Question: Her boyfriend gave her the scarf to wear but hid the hat, since he thought the OPTIONS: - scarf looked prettier on her. - hat looked prettier on her. Answer: Continue the sentence -- scarf looked prettier on her. Question: After being caught speeding, Mike had to go to court, but not jail because the OPTIONS: - jail was for major offenses. - court was for major offenses. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- jail was for major offenses.
pick from the following. (i) Angela was the better partner.; (ii) Christine was the better partner.; Complete the following sentence. Angela was unfaithful while Christine stayed at home by herself, because
Story needs to be completed: Jane needed either a 15-year or 30-year mortgage for a house she wanted to buy. The OPTIONS: - 15-year was too long. - 30-year was too long. My choice: 30-year was too long. Problem: Continue the following story. Randy had never crashed their car in any way whereas Matthew had because OPTIONS: - Randy was very careful. - Matthew was very careful. Here's how I want to continue it: Randy was very careful. Problem: People say Logan is less creative than Samuel so it's more likely that OPTIONS: - Logan is the serious person. - Samuel is the serious person. My choice: Logan is the serious person. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Nelson is assigning Steven with the job of collecting the panpipes, OPTIONS: - Nelson is team leader in band class. - Steven is team leader in band class. [A]: Nelson is team leader in band class. QUES: Continue writing. Jennifer treats women right, but Erin is an asshole because OPTIONS: - Jennifer was raised very well. - Erin was raised very well. +++++++++ ANS: Jennifer was raised very well. QUES: Continue writing. Nick pushed Joel's upper back gently with his hand during the stretch, because OPTIONS: - Nick has stiff muscle. - Joel has stiff muscle. +++++++++ ANS:
Joel has stiff muscle.
Continue writing the following text. When Joel went to the gig at the bar without Lawrence, Available options: A. Joel felt a little upset about it. B. Lawrence felt a little upset about it.
How does the sentence end? It took Aaron a long time to finish his work compared to Leslie because + Aaron is very lazy.. + Leslie is very lazy..
Aaron is very lazy.
Problem: How does the sentence end? They stopped chanting in the streets and silence ensued after the crash as the OPTIONS: - chanting was inappropriate at the time. - silence was inappropriate at the time. Answer: chanting was inappropriate at the time. sentence: At the potluck Ian enjoyed their Muendo more than Leslie because OPTIONS: - Ian forgot to get butter to put on their bread rolls. - Leslie forgot to get butter to put on their bread rolls. complete: Leslie forgot to get butter to put on their bread rolls. Felicia asked Lindsey to go the basement for her because OPTIONS: - Felicia isn't scared of it. - Lindsey isn't scared of it. Lindsey isn't scared of it. Input: Continue writing. Kayla made much more money than Lindsey, so OPTIONS: - Kayla spent more on her new car. - Lindsey spent more on her new car. Continued: Kayla spent more on her new car. Story needs to be completed: Carol wanted to cook dinner with peppers or onions. She chose the OPTIONS: - peppers even though she would cry. - onions even though she would cry. My choice: onions even though she would cry. Problem: How does the sentence end? The classical concerto conductor saw that the violins weren't ready but the cellos were because the OPTIONS: - violins were in tune. - cellos were in tune. Answer:
cellos were in tune.
Write the next sentence. Walking was easy for Sarah while Emily was in a wheelchair, so going up stairs was difficult for Available choices: [I] Sarah .. [II] Emily ..
Problem: If "I couldn't put the pot on the shelf because it was too high.", does it follow that "The shelf was too high."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: If "Patting her back, the woman smiled at the girl.", is "Patting the woman's back, the woman smiled at the girl." correct? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Question: SA: "Bob paid for Charlie's college education. He is very generous." SB: "Charlie is very generous." Is SB true, based on SA? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Is "The woman held the girl against the woman's chest." true if "The woman held the girl against her chest."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Input: Can we say "He will be moving out of The old house on Thursday." if "Joe has sold his house and bought a new one a few miles away. He will be moving out of it on Thursday."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output: yes Problem: If "Mark became absorbed in Blaze, the white horse. He was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him because he was timid, so he took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal.", is "Mark took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal." correct? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
QUES: Continue writing. I was listening to some music while swimming with my phone and headphone but the headphone later stopped working. The +++++++++ ANS: headphone is permeable. QUES: Continue writing. The motorcycle that I rented from the shop is slower than my car because the +++++++++ ANS: car has a bigger engine. QUES: Continue writing. It was harder for Emily to install the driver card than it was for Tanya because +++++++++ ANS: Tanya had studied computers. QUES: Continue writing. Adam asked Nick for some money and he gave it to him because +++++++++ ANS:
Nick is generous.
Write the next sentence. Christine's inner thighs are much more flabby than Lindsey's because
Lindsey is a body builder.
Problem: Continue the following story. Samantha decided to stop being best friends with Sarah after OPTIONS: - Samantha realized they were betraying them. - Sarah realized they were betraying them. Here's how I want to continue it: Samantha realized they were betraying them. Problem: The restaurant had just taken the last of the plates away from the tables and back to the sinks, where the OPTIONS: - plates are full. - sinks are full. My choice: sinks are full. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Randy had great confidence that Benjamin could get the job done, since OPTIONS: - Randy had shown a good job before. - Benjamin had shown a good job before. [A]: Benjamin had shown a good job before. QUES: Continue writing. Adam fractured their hip bone when they fell down but Kenneth did not because OPTIONS: - Adam has weak bones. - Kenneth has weak bones. +++++++++ ANS: Adam has weak bones. Problem: How does the sentence end? He lit a candle to help with the smell while he applied shoe polish to his boots, since the OPTIONS: - polish smelt lovely. - candle smelt lovely. Answer: candle smelt lovely. sentence: Pat transferred all the potato from the bag into the bowl until the OPTIONS: - bowl was full. - bag was full. complete:
bowl was full.
Continue the following story. Randy was more of a baseball fan than Michael so
Randy was heavily invested in every postseason.
Continue the following story. I was able to see the the present but not the future, because seeing the Choose your answer from: -- present is impossible.; -- future is impossible.;
future is impossible.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena felt empathy for Samantha when they lost their favorite teddy bear, because Answer: Samantha was a child. Problem: How does the sentence end? The beautician tried to put the cleanser on the shelf but the Answer: shelf was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? Amy used her laptop to connect to the Internet instead of her phone, because the Answer: laptop was so much faster. Problem: How does the sentence end? The brand new furniture didn't fit in the room because we forgot to measure, and the Answer:
furniture was too bulky.
Emily had to pay for the water damage to their house out of pocket, but the same damage was covered for Jessica, because OPTIONS: - Emily had full home owner's insurance. - Jessica had full home owner's insurance. Jessica had full home owner's insurance. Justin made a knotted ribbon necklace for Donald because OPTIONS: - Justin knew how to make them. - Donald knew how to make them. Justin knew how to make them. the paper could not hold the ink as it was too much at at time, the OPTIONS: - paper was too heavy . - ink was too heavy .
ink was too heavy .
Input: Continue writing. A goldfish was a boring pet for Matthew but Samuel loved it, as OPTIONS: - Matthew wanted limited interaction with a pet. - Samuel wanted limited interaction with a pet. Continued: Samuel wanted limited interaction with a pet. Input: Continue writing. Jennifer stole Amy's man because OPTIONS: - Jennifer liked to slack on her appearance and was fat. - Amy liked to slack on her appearance and was fat. Continued: Amy liked to slack on her appearance and was fat. Input: Continue writing. Brian was a better person than Steven, because OPTIONS: - Brian always tried to do the right thing. - Steven always tried to do the right thing. Continued: Brian always tried to do the right thing. Input: Continue writing. Michael always wanted to go on a cruise and Adam wanted to help pick the right cruise because OPTIONS: - Michael had recently been on a cruise. - Adam had recently been on a cruise. Continued:
Adam had recently been on a cruise.
input question: Is it true that "Sally had such a bad start." if "Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start." is true? OPTIONS: - no - yes output answer: yes Problem: Sentence: "John's turn was over."; Another sentence: "Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was over."? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no question: "Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was next." is true. So, is "Bill's turn was next." true as well? OPTIONS: - no - yes prediction: no Question: If "Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for deer on the river banks.", can we conclude that "Archaeologists hunted for deer on the river banks."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: If "This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe; it was a fine selection of his writing.", does it follow that "It was a fine selection of Shakespeare's writing."? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Question: SA: "Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, so she told her about it." SB: "Susan told her about it." Is SB true, based on SA? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
sentence: I drank water instead of soda because the fever subsided when I drank the OPTIONS: - soda . - water . complete: water . Ben had to stop driving his car or motorcycle. He chose to stop the OPTIONS: - motorcycle because it was risky. - car because it was risky. motorcycle because it was risky. Input: Continue writing. Running like a wild rabbit helped Adam win the race but not Neil because OPTIONS: - Adam was very fast. - Neil was very fast. Continued: Adam was very fast. Story needs to be completed: The man had more pain in his back than in his legs because he had been lifting with the OPTIONS: - back . - legs . My choice: back . Problem: Continue the following story. Neil but not Kyle was more likely to be prepared in an emergency situation because OPTIONS: - Neil panicked. - Kyle panicked. Here's how I want to continue it: Kyle panicked. Kenneth went to hike in the vast Canadian wilderness without Robert because OPTIONS: - Kenneth doesn't like outdoors. - Robert doesn't like outdoors.
Robert doesn't like outdoors.
Story needs to be completed: Mary is a professional gambler, Erin never gambles therefore OPTIONS: - Mary would not be able to give instructions on how to play the game of poker. - Erin would not be able to give instructions on how to play the game of poker. My choice: Erin would not be able to give instructions on how to play the game of poker. Story needs to be completed: Leslie told Jeffrey how to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally because OPTIONS: - Leslie was a novice in the subject. - Jeffrey was a novice in the subject. My choice: Jeffrey was a novice in the subject. Story needs to be completed: Cynthia wanted to tell Megan that she was pregnant, but OPTIONS: - Cynthia was nervous to tell him. - Megan was nervous to tell him. My choice: Cynthia was nervous to tell him. Story needs to be completed: The woman took the clothes from the dryer and placed them in the basket until the OPTIONS: - dryer was full. - basket was full. My choice:
basket was full.
Problem: Monica was a big fan of art but Rachel was a sports fan. OPTIONS: - Monica bought a ticket to the football game. - Rachel bought a ticket to the football game. My choice: Rachel bought a ticket to the football game. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The outdoors are where Craig prefers to be, but Brett prefers to be in his house. OPTIONS: - Craig likes to be at home. - Brett likes to be at home. [A]: Brett likes to be at home. QUES: Continue writing. Felicia was smelly and avoided by many people but not Victoria because OPTIONS: - Felicia had a pungent body aroma. - Victoria had a pungent body aroma. +++++++++ ANS: Felicia had a pungent body aroma. Problem: How does the sentence end? Christopher headed over to Lawrence's house to borrow their drill since OPTIONS: - Christopher is needing one. - Lawrence is needing one. Answer: Christopher is needing one. sentence: Elena had a passport while Patricia didn't because OPTIONS: - Elena always despised travelling overseas and to other countries. - Patricia always despised travelling overseas and to other countries. complete: Patricia always despised travelling overseas and to other countries. Input: Continue writing. The alarm sounding in the other room got the birds quacking but james can only hear the quack because the OPTIONS: - quack is farther. - alarm is farther. Continued:
alarm is farther.
Rebecca set out to walk around and recruit new members for Lindsey 's church because OPTIONS: - Rebecca was young and active. - Lindsey was young and active. Rebecca was young and active. Input: Continue writing. Lindsey entered in Jennifer's home and smelled Krabby Patty coming from the kitchen. OPTIONS: - Lindsey was cooking. - Jennifer was cooking. Continued: Jennifer was cooking. Story needs to be completed: it was not a good time for the meeting, all people were very busy, the OPTIONS: - time was required. - meeting was required. My choice: meeting was required. Problem: Continue the following story. Amy was having problems with her body image and Monica consoled her, OPTIONS: - Amy felt better hearing it. - Monica felt better hearing it. Here's how I want to continue it: Amy felt better hearing it. Problem: Because Derrick paid for an expensive dinner for Justin on their date that did not go well, OPTIONS: - Derrick felt used. - Justin felt used. My choice: Derrick felt used. Story needs to be completed: Felicia loved going to the lake with friends but Samantha was not fond of it, since OPTIONS: - Felicia was a huge extrovert. - Samantha was a huge extrovert. My choice:
Felicia was a huge extrovert.
Problem: Continue the following story. The woman had thinner lips than cheeks because the doctor injected the OPTIONS: - lips with botox. - cheeks with botox. Here's how I want to continue it: cheeks with botox. Problem: Continue the following story. Randy's health was being examined by Robert because OPTIONS: - Randy had been a long time patient. - Robert had been a long time patient. Here's how I want to continue it: Randy had been a long time patient. Problem: Continue the following story. Craig irrationally screamed at Robert because OPTIONS: - Craig needed his razor in the morning before work. - Robert needed his razor in the morning before work. Here's how I want to continue it:
Craig needed his razor in the morning before work.
Problem: The boy tried to record the video on his phone but the OPTIONS: - video was too large. - phone was too large. My choice: video was too large. Problem: Jason could work out at the gym but not Ryan because OPTIONS: - Jason cancelled their membership. - Ryan cancelled their membership. My choice: Ryan cancelled their membership. Problem: Gina was happy to teach me to dance striptease and polka. She thinks the OPTIONS: - striptease is too raunchy. - polka is too raunchy. My choice: striptease is too raunchy. Problem: The box would not fit through the door in my house, because the OPTIONS: - box was too wide. - door was too wide. My choice:
box was too wide.
Complete the following sentence. Clare and David decided to go to the movie instead of to the theater because the
movie looked more riveting.
Complete the following sentence. Jeffrey tried to communicate with Matthew about the issue, but Possible answers: 1). Jeffrey had no interest in giving answers. 2). Matthew had no interest in giving answers.
sentence: Emily bragged to Jessica about the new car she got for her birthday because complete: Emily was proud. sentence: Natalie found their tongue very useful but Laura found their's less useful because complete: Natalie was very verbose. sentence: Amy was more familiar with the game than Megan, so complete:
Amy was the one chosen to play first.
Question: He completed the painting, but gave up on the drawing, because he thought the Answer: Continue the sentence -- painting was easy. Question: Patricia goes to listen to Mary perform at the concert hall due to Answer: Continue the sentence -- Mary being a singer. Question: He enjoyed the mix of fruit better than the bowl of pretzels because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- bowl was tasteless. Question: Wanting a new car was all William thought about as where a new home was all Hunter thought about, Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Hunter wants a new house.
Continue writing the following text. James fed the hermit crabs strawberries instead of raspberries since the OPTIONS: A). strawberries were not in the house. B). raspberries were not in the house.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? While at the gym, Derrick was teaching Benjamin how to do bicep curls because OPTIONS: - Derrick was a gym novice. - Benjamin was a gym novice. [A]: Benjamin was a gym novice. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The beautiful cake was withheld to Matthew and not Lawrence because it was OPTIONS: - Matthew wedding day. - Lawrence wedding day. [A]: Lawrence wedding day. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey was more liekly to become a model than Nick, because most people thought OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was beautiful. - Nick was beautiful. [A]:
Jeffrey was beautiful.
Continue writing the following text. Adam asked Nick for some money and he gave it to him because
Nick is generous.
QUES: Continue writing. Hunter is starting to dislike Samuel's friend although OPTIONS: - Hunter is thrilled with the new relationship. - Samuel is thrilled with the new relationship. +++++++++ ANS: Samuel is thrilled with the new relationship. QUES: Continue writing. Lawrence owned a large library of books while Ryan had almost none. OPTIONS: - Lawrence didn't like to read. - Ryan didn't like to read. +++++++++ ANS: Ryan didn't like to read. QUES: Continue writing. Since Aaron was motivated to study for the exam while Donald was lazy, OPTIONS: - Aaron received a higher score on the test. - Donald received a higher score on the test. +++++++++ ANS: Aaron received a higher score on the test. QUES: Continue writing. We went with a blue carpet instead of doing the hard wood floor, because the OPTIONS: - floor was cleaner. - carpet was cleaner. +++++++++ ANS:
carpet was cleaner.
Patricia felt unlovable while Jessica felt quite loved because Jessica had very high self esteem. Patricia was caught trespassing on Sarah's house and other property, so Patricia went to jail. I could hardly feel the taste of the salt in the water. i think the
salt is too small.
Input: Continue writing. Brett gave the most rousing speech Logan ever heard, because Continued: Logan is a malleable person. Input: Continue writing. Brian knocked on the door of the horse barn but Joel was no in there. Continued: Joel was someone else. Input: Continue writing. The florist tried to put the plants in the pots but the Continued: pots were too small. Input: Continue writing. The worker moved the cardboard from the truck to the storeroom until the Continued:
truck was empty.
How does the sentence end? The brand new furniture didn't fit in the room because we forgot to measure, and the
furniture was too bulky.
Problem: How does the sentence end? The chef tried to put the banana in the cake but the OPTIONS: - cake was too small. - banana was too small. Answer: cake was too small. Problem: How does the sentence end? The school principle replaced the hardwood floor in the office with new carpet, the OPTIONS: - hardwood was trendy. - carpet was trendy. Answer: carpet was trendy. Problem: How does the sentence end? Neil battled cancer successfully, while Craig did not, due to OPTIONS: - Neil having more limited health care coverage. - Craig having more limited health care coverage. Answer: Craig having more limited health care coverage. Problem: How does the sentence end? Amy found crocheting relaxing, but it just frustrated Carrie. OPTIONS: - Amy was a patient and creative person. - Carrie was a patient and creative person. Answer:
Amy was a patient and creative person.
Write the next sentence. Amy was more familiar with the game than Megan, so
Amy was the one chosen to play first.
Story needs to be completed: Sarah wanted to keep the squash in her garden and pick all the pumpkin so she worked until the My choice: squash patch was full. Story needs to be completed: She went to the high school dance without a date, because the My choice: dance was very early. Story needs to be completed: Kayla doesn't own a dog, but Cynthia has three. This is because My choice: Cynthia loves animals. Story needs to be completed: James cleaned the mirror with a wet towel and he was happy to see the My choice:
mirror clean.