1 value
4 values
4 values
sentence: The clothing Amy wears every day is cheaper than that of Elena because complete: Amy is cheap. sentence: Adam explained his emotions to Robert, because complete: Adam needed help from a therapist who could deal with complex emotions. sentence: Jason told Eric that he was going to spend the weekend harvesting plums from his trees. complete:
Eric was indifferent.
Question: Jennifer called Erin for some help with an electrical problem for Answer: Continue the sentence -- Erin had done a lot of electrical work before. Question: To pasteurize his milk, Matthew had to use Brian 's kitchen because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Matthew 's kitchen was too cluttered. Question: James wanted to renovate his deck the wood was too old he wanted to make the new one out of metal. The Answer: Continue the sentence -- wood deck was dangerous. Question: Felicia always wanted to have a lot of kids but not Rachel because Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Rachel didn't like children.
Complete the following sentence. Maria was way more cruel than Emily because OPTIONS: i. Maria grew up in a nice area of town with a family.. ii. Emily grew up in a nice area of town with a family..
Nelson was making Aaron very uncomfortable with the inappropriate touching, but Nelson was clueless about it. Jeffrey has to take insulin for their diabetes, but Joel doesn't have that problem. That's because Jeffrey excessively eats sugar. Felicia wanted her biceps to show through her shirt like Lindsey 's did, as
Felicia 's arms were very flabby.
Continue writing the following text. The woman pulled the brownies out of the hot oven and placed the cookies inside, because the
cookies were raw.
Input: Continue writing. Jack thought the clouds looked a lighter shade of red at sunset while the tree leaves in autumn were turning a shade of lemon. The Continued: clouds were pink. Input: Continue writing. Sarah drank 15 glasses of wine at the party while Christine only drank 1, because Continued: Sarah was a reckless drinker. Input: Continue writing. The chef spent more time replenishing the carrots than the oranges, because the Continued: oranges were in the obscure dish. Input: Continue writing. Felicia had a lot of self-esteem but Samantha had low self-esteem. Continued:
Felicia never let people walk all over them.
How does the sentence end? There was more food at the wedding than at the party because the hosts of the
party were ill prepared.
Story needs to be completed: Karen was positive about the answers on her math test, but confused about the essay. She was least confident about the My choice: essay . Story needs to be completed: john could not finish writing out the list within the time given to him because the My choice: list is long. Story needs to be completed: Jeffrey had a very hard time climbing the steps unlike Jason since My choice: Jeffrey was an unfit person. Story needs to be completed: Their mother told them to strictly avoid inserting dirty fingers in their ears. The My choice:
Fingers are destructive.
Write the next sentence. Studying philosophy was easier for Jessica than Maria, since
Jessica had always thought long and hard about abstract concepts.
Continue the following story. James had his nose scratched after he cleaned it with the towel. The
towel is rough.
Problem: Continue the following story. Victoria was in better shape than Mary so Here's how I want to continue it: Mary had to worry about having a good libido. Problem: Continue the following story. Justin doesn't have as much foresight as Brett does because Here's how I want to continue it: Justin does not possess a sixth sense. Problem: Continue the following story. The running time of the meeting was much greater than the earlier presentation, because the Here's how I want to continue it:
presentation was simpler.
Problem: The man wanted to store the book on the table but the My choice: table was too small. Problem: I prefer spa to the pool and I find the hot water in the My choice: spa relaxing at the end of the day. Problem: Carrie faced the fan toward Angela because My choice: Angela was getting too warm in the kitchen. Problem: Angela has a shorter job resume than Rebecca because My choice:
Angela has less skills and experience.
Complete the following sentence. Tanya asked Angela to be her stock broker because
Angela possessed good financial market experience.
Continue writing the following text. Danna was ecstatic to trade me her leg warmers for my sweater. She thinks the
sweater looks fashionable on her.
sentence: The procedure was more dangerous than the surgery, because the OPTIONS: - procedure would be very short. - surgery would be very short. complete: surgery would be very short. sentence: Nick thought that parents just don't understand but Ryan thought that they did understand. OPTIONS: - Nick had a contentious relationship with their parents. - Ryan had a contentious relationship with their parents. complete: Nick had a contentious relationship with their parents. sentence: The large bottle held more liquid than the small bottle because the OPTIONS: - large bottle had a lesser volume. - small bottle had a lesser volume. complete:
small bottle had a lesser volume.
The zombies chased the survivors because they were hungry. Who is "they" in this prior sentence? The zombies Will Smith got his son in a movie since he has much influence in the movie scene. Who is "he" in this prior sentence? Will Smith Bill triumphed over John in the boxing ring because he fought cowardly. Who is "he" in this prior sentence?
Question: Robert was a nerd in high school but William was a jock. OPTIONS: - Robert would stuff nerds in their locker. - William would stuff nerds in their locker. Answer: Continue the sentence -- William would stuff nerds in their locker. Question: Derrick had not acclimated to Alaska's climate as fast as Aaron had, and OPTIONS: - Derrick was miserable in the cold. - Aaron was miserable in the cold. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Derrick was miserable in the cold. Question: The treatment from the doctor didn't involve medication and used therapy instead because the OPTIONS: - medication was invasive. - therapy was invasive. Answer: Continue the sentence -- medication was invasive. Question: The training of Neil was a lot more intense than that of Kenneth, due to OPTIONS: - Neil 's job being stricter. - Kenneth 's job being stricter. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Neil 's job being stricter.
Continue writing the following text. Pets are something Michael hates, while Neil is the opposite, so Available options: a). Michael is a people person. b). Neil is a people person.
Rachel was a very good assassin unlike Amy because OPTIONS: - Rachel had a very clumsy body. - Amy had a very clumsy body. Amy had a very clumsy body. The man liked to fish in the lake more than the pond because he lost more fish in the OPTIONS: - lake . - pond . pond . Feeling chronic pain is an everything day for Dennis but not Donald because OPTIONS: - Dennis suffers from chronic pain syndrome. - Donald suffers from chronic pain syndrome.
Dennis suffers from chronic pain syndrome.
Problem: It is better to use coffee filters instead of cloth rags to clean windows because the OPTIONS: - coffee filters are lint free. - cloth rags are lint free. My choice: coffee filters are lint free. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Natalie really enjoyed eating all sorts of foods unlike Rebecca because OPTIONS: - Natalie was really picky. - Rebecca was really picky. [A]: Rebecca was really picky. QUES: Continue writing. Craig printed out a bunch of documents for Eric to sign, because OPTIONS: - Craig was a client. - Eric was a client. +++++++++ ANS: Eric was a client. Problem: How does the sentence end? Nick is better at ping pong than Jason because OPTIONS: - Nick is a novice at the game. - Jason is a novice at the game. Answer: Jason is a novice at the game. sentence: Derrick dined on sweets and fast food much too often while Donald ate salads and veggies. OPTIONS: - Derrick had a scarcity of belly fat. - Donald had a scarcity of belly fat. complete: Donald had a scarcity of belly fat. Input: Continue writing. Rachel reread her favorite book and finished it in one day, so Emily bought her another book. OPTIONS: - Rachel was excited to read the new book. - Emily was excited to read the new book. Continued:
Rachel was excited to read the new book.
Input: Continue writing. Christine liked to bet on the horse races but Jessica liked to bet on the dogs. OPTIONS: - Christine placed their bet on Lassie. - Jessica placed their bet on Lassie. Continued: Jessica placed their bet on Lassie. Input: Continue writing. Adam picked up the soccer ball instead of the baseball because the OPTIONS: - soccer ball looked less fun to play with. - baseball looked less fun to play with. Continued: baseball looked less fun to play with. Input: Continue writing. Craig watches TV and sleeps all day while Neil is out working two jobs. OPTIONS: - Craig is industrious. - Neil is industrious. Continued: Neil is industrious. Input: Continue writing. Even with a massage, the shoulder was still sore, while the arm was fine. The OPTIONS: - shoulder had been overworked. - arm had been overworked. Continued:
shoulder had been overworked.
How does the sentence end? Natalie really enjoyed eating all sorts of foods unlike Rebecca because
Rebecca was really picky.
Write the next sentence. The doctor tried to put the eye inside the socket but the
socket was too small.
Question: The police called headquarters for help and they refused. Who is they referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: headquarters Question: Lions eat zebras because they are meaty. Who is they referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: zebras Question: Beowulf was granted the crown to succeed King Henry because he did not have a son to secede him instead. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: King Henry Question: Burt installed Joey's software, and he was appreciative. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer:
Continue the following story. The school ran out of money and was only able to pack foods for the class trip and not supplies because the
foods were essential.
Complete the following sentence. Katrina gives a bouquet of gladiolus to Maria, because
Maria needs to be cheered up.
Continue writing the following text. Nick was helping Jeffrey from trying to smoke cigarettes because
Nick used to smoke two packs a day.
Q: Gladiators are viewed better than Slaves because they live in a life of servitude instead of dying in glory. Who they is? A: Slaves Q: Naruto has about 200 more episodes than Code Geass because they have a long interesting storyline. Who they is? A: Naruto Q: Computers outsell laptops because they are not worth the money. Who they is? A:
How does the sentence end? Christopher bought new crystal plates from Kevin because
Christopher wanted to give it for a gift on Christmas.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? She wanted tights for the Peter Pan costume, but had to use tight-fitting pants instead, because she only had green [A]: pants . [Q]: How does the sentence end? The new trumpet would not fit in the old case because the [A]: trumpet is too long. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Stefan bought a measuring tape instead of the weighing scale because it's much more precise to use the [A]:
tape to track your weight training physical transformation.
I bought magazines for my boyfriend instead of books because he liked reading the OPTIONS: - magazines . - books . magazines . Input: Continue writing. Lindsey asked Rachel if anyone in her family had ever had cancer but OPTIONS: - Lindsey didn't know. - Rachel didn't know. Continued: Rachel didn't know. Story needs to be completed: Christine's inner thighs are much more flabby than Lindsey's because OPTIONS: - Christine is a body builder. - Lindsey is a body builder. My choice: Lindsey is a body builder. Problem: Continue the following story. When traveling by airplane, Maria flew first class while Lindsey flew economy, because OPTIONS: - Maria does not have a lot of money. - Lindsey does not have a lot of money. Here's how I want to continue it: Lindsey does not have a lot of money. Problem: Samantha showed Sarah how to sew a button on her shirt since OPTIONS: - Samantha had a lot of experience sewing. - Sarah had a lot of experience sewing. My choice: Samantha had a lot of experience sewing. Story needs to be completed: The German food was very fattening whereas the French food was slimming so James avoided the OPTIONS: - slimming food. - fattening food. My choice:
fattening food.
QUES: Continue writing. It is better to play a prank on Samuel than Craig because +++++++++ ANS: Craig gets angry more often. QUES: Continue writing. The man said little about the bridges he saw, but talked for hours about the cathedrals, because he was uninterested in the +++++++++ ANS: bridges . QUES: Continue writing. The skin on the person was more moisturized than the scalp because the +++++++++ ANS: skin was washed daily. QUES: Continue writing. Strength-training is a good idea for Adam but not Matthew because +++++++++ ANS:
Matthew is recovering from an injury.
Story needs to be completed: Hunter spend the night burying Samuel in the woods, after OPTIONS: - Hunter was murdered in cold blood. - Samuel was murdered in cold blood. My choice: Samuel was murdered in cold blood. Story needs to be completed: Angela had a more difficult time writing poetry than Rachel, as OPTIONS: - Angela was very unoriginal. - Rachel was very unoriginal. My choice: Angela was very unoriginal. Story needs to be completed: Their relationship soured in the country, but rejuvenated in the city, since the OPTIONS: - country was such an unmotivating atmosphere for them. - city was such an unmotivating atmosphere for them. My choice: country was such an unmotivating atmosphere for them. Story needs to be completed: Samuel regularly showered and put on deodorant, while Derrick did not. OPTIONS: - Samuel had a disgusting smell. - Derrick had a disgusting smell. My choice:
Derrick had a disgusting smell.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The baseball hit the boy and broke his jaw. His mother warned him the OPTIONS: - baseball is hard. - jaw is hard. [A]: baseball is hard. QUES: Continue writing. Angela was more prone to infection than Rachel because OPTIONS: - Angela had stronger lungs since childhood. - Rachel had stronger lungs since childhood. +++++++++ ANS: Rachel had stronger lungs since childhood. Problem: How does the sentence end? The mother quickly rushed to Natalie and past Erin because OPTIONS: - Natalie needed a change of underwear. - Erin needed a change of underwear. Answer: Natalie needed a change of underwear. sentence: Marianne decided to wear the long wig instead of the short wig since the OPTIONS: - long wig seemed matronly. - short wig seemed matronly. complete: short wig seemed matronly. Jeffrey suspected Adam had an addiction to pain pills, so OPTIONS: - Jeffrey did not receive anymore pills. - Adam did not receive anymore pills. Adam did not receive anymore pills. Problem: Continue the following story. Laura can only do 10 push ups, while Emily can do 50, so OPTIONS: - Laura is a heavy weight lifter. - Emily is a heavy weight lifter. Here's how I want to continue it:
Emily is a heavy weight lifter.
Write the next sentence. Eric received essential oils as a birthday present from Brian, because
Brian thought they would help.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena was a far worse actor than Jennifer because Answer: Jennifer took a lot of acting classes growing up. Problem: How does the sentence end? The puppy had fleas, so they decided to try flea shampoo before a flea comb, though the Answer: comb was cheaper. Problem: How does the sentence end? Patricia knew that Samantha was an expert at applying makeup, and Answer: Samantha offered a tutorial. Problem: How does the sentence end? The man didn't have time to paint the ceilings after painting the walls, so only the Answer:
walls looked fresh.
Problem: Continue the following story. Joe used soap to get rid of his smell, but the OPTIONS: - Soap was too strong. - smell was too strong. Here's how I want to continue it: smell was too strong. Problem: Continue the following story. The cake was disliked by Ryan but not Aaron because OPTIONS: - Ryan hated the texture of the icing. - Aaron hated the texture of the icing. Here's how I want to continue it: Ryan hated the texture of the icing. Problem: Continue the following story. Brett told Aaron not to put the laundry in the dryer because OPTIONS: - Brett would do it them self. - Aaron would do it them self. Here's how I want to continue it:
Brett would do it them self.
sentence: Neil used Kenneth's iron to press their pants, because complete: Kenneth told them that it was harder to hang them. sentence: Katrina wanted to test out sleeping on Felicia's mattress because complete: Felicia had a comfortable bed. sentence: The razor didn't work as well as the knife that I had, because the complete:
razor was dull.
Continue the following story. Maria asked Angela where she had gotten the delicious recipe because
Maria was enjoying the meal.
Problem: John emptied the content of the box into the jar and it cannot contain it. The OPTIONS: - box is big. - jar is big. My choice: box is big. Problem: Angela had a stiff neck and Laura did not, due to OPTIONS: - Angela always sleeping in the wrong position. - Laura always sleeping in the wrong position. My choice: Angela always sleeping in the wrong position. Problem: After Emily prepared the meal for Patricia, OPTIONS: - Emily happily watched as they ate all the delicious treats. - Patricia happily watched as they ate all the delicious treats. My choice: Emily happily watched as they ate all the delicious treats. Problem: Natalie is tidy and clean, Erin is not therefore OPTIONS: - Natalie probably doesn't make certain her dolls are clean. - Erin probably doesn't make certain her dolls are clean. My choice:
Erin probably doesn't make certain her dolls are clean.
Complete the following sentence. The fabric was a lot cheaper than the silk, because the
fabric was bottom of the line.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end To feel emotion is a blessing to Kayla but the only emotion Rachel feels is hate, Choose from: * Kayla likely hates getting along with others.; * Rachel likely hates getting along with others.;
Rachel likely hates getting along with others.
Question: While waiting on his shirt in the dryer, Jack had to run to the mailbox in just his underwear since the Answer: Continue the sentence -- shirt was wet. Question: At Cynthia's house you will find a pet dog at Rachel house you wiil find an ant-farm, Answer: Continue the sentence -- Cynthia likes pet mammals. Question: The mechanic quickly diagnosed the problem with the muffler but couldn't figure out what was wrong with the alternator, because the problem with the Answer: Continue the sentence -- muffler was common. Question: The beach was Felicia's dream vacation but Natalie's nightmare. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Natalie was freaked out by the crabs and fish.
Write the next sentence. Jason told Eric that he was going to spend the weekend harvesting plums from his trees. Choose from: (A). Jason was indifferent. (B). Eric was indifferent. Answer:
Laura had to ask Megan what flavor frozen yogurt she wanted, because Laura had forgotten before reaching the counter. Jennifer accepted all the medical treatment from Erin, although Jennifer was always reluctant to be helped by anyone. The sunburn on the person's back healed more slowly than the one on their face because they applied aloe vera to the
face .
Input: Continue writing. Kayla could dissect a sentence better than Victoria because Continued: Victoria favorite subject was Math in school. Input: Continue writing. Nick applied white paint and a red nose to Kevin's face because Continued: Nick was helping him look like a clown. Input: Continue writing. the kick from the striker dug through the ground as it went, the Continued: kick was too hard. Input: Continue writing. The woman pulled the brownies out of the hot oven and placed the cookies inside, because the Continued:
cookies were raw.
Continue writing the following text. The dog was crying with the collar hurting its neck because the
neck is big.
Story needs to be completed: Seth spilled juice all over his polo shirt. He changed into a regular t-shirt instead because the My choice: polo shirt was dirty. Story needs to be completed: Jen applied the decoupage to the surface of the chair, because she thought it made the My choice: chair look shiny. Story needs to be completed: The tree grew faster in the soil than the potted plant since the My choice: plant was dry of water. Story needs to be completed: There was more food at the wedding than at the party because the hosts of the My choice:
party were ill prepared.
How does the sentence end? Samantha was able to successfully breed and sell several pairs of lovebirds but Sarah could not, because
Samantha was good at handling animals.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The top that Elena borrowed from Cynthia barely fit over her, as OPTIONS: - Elena was much slimmer in the torso. - Cynthia was much slimmer in the torso. [A]: Cynthia was much slimmer in the torso. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The engineer had to take the pressure off of the box from the ball because the OPTIONS: - box was too heavy. - ball was too heavy. [A]: ball was too heavy. [Q]: How does the sentence end? To keep it an elegant affair, the event organizers forbade hats but allowed scarfs, as the OPTIONS: - hats were perceived as unseemly. - scarfs were perceived as unseemly. [A]:
hats were perceived as unseemly.
Problem: Continue the following story. Jan was glad to swap me her jewelry for my shoes. She thinks the Here's how I want to continue it: shoes looks sexy on her. Problem: Continue the following story. To prove it would hold better, the electrician replaced the beam with a metal rod. The Here's how I want to continue it: metal rod was steady. Problem: Continue the following story. Studying philosophy was easier for Jessica than Maria, since Here's how I want to continue it:
Jessica had always thought long and hard about abstract concepts.
Input: Continue writing. To avoid food poisoning, Kenneth gave his tainted food in the prison to Lawrence. OPTIONS: - Kenneth remained healthy. - Lawrence remained healthy. Continued: Kenneth remained healthy. Story needs to be completed: The woman covered the carpet in the living room with a rug, because the OPTIONS: - carpet was stained. - rug was stained. My choice: carpet was stained. Problem: Continue the following story. Brett was always trying to get as much calcium into his body as possible unlike Kyle, because OPTIONS: - Brett had enough. - Kyle had enough. Here's how I want to continue it: Kyle had enough. Problem: The rice had too much salt in it, but the potato had just enough salt, and as a result the OPTIONS: - potato was gross. - rice was gross. My choice: rice was gross. [Q]: How does the sentence end? During the weekends, Jimmy started playing the video game instead of watching TV. The OPTIONS: - game was less entertaining. - TV was less entertaining. [A]: TV was less entertaining. Problem: At school on Monday, Adam put the book in his backpack instead of the locker because the OPTIONS: - locker was too full. - backpack was too full. My choice:
locker was too full.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Felicia always wanted to have a lot of kids but not Rachel because OPTIONS: - Felicia didn't like children. - Rachel didn't like children.
Rachel didn't like children.
Problem: She always wore the headscarf in the summer and not the hoodie, because the My choice: headscarf was lighter. Problem: Nelson had a better sense of balance than Justin although My choice: Justin liked to go skating every day after school. Problem: Rebecca didn't enjoy the heat as much as Lindsey so My choice: Rebecca hated the summer months. Problem: James had his nose scratched after he cleaned it with the towel. The My choice:
towel is rough.
Write the next sentence. Sarah loved wearing fine jewely As were Jennifer loved making fine jewelry for others to wear,
Jennifer loved making fancy things.
Possible answers: I. Felicia 's arms were very flabby. II. Lindsey 's arms were very flabby. Complete the following sentence. Felicia wanted her biceps to show through her shirt like Lindsey 's did, as
Continue writing the following text. Felicia had a lot of self-esteem but Samantha had low self-esteem. Available options: (1). Felicia never let people walk all over them.. (2). Samantha never let people walk all over them..
QUESTION: The civilians had to flee the encampment from the thugs because they feared for their lives. Who is "they"? ANS: The civilians QUESTION: Peacocks are considered very majestic birds by bird watchers, but they know it is just a perception of how they see things. Who is "they"? ANS: bird watchers QUESTION: Pirates are always compared to ninjas, but they are more specific to Japanese culture. Who is "they"? ANS: ninjas QUESTION: Shigeru Miyamoto was the mentor of Satoshi Tajiri, so he learned many things. Who is "he"? ANS:
Satoshi Tajiri
How does the sentence end? Their mother told them to strictly avoid inserting dirty fingers in their ears. The (A). Ears are destructive. (B). Fingers are destructive.
Continue the following story. Robert enjoyed science experiments while Derrick was bored of them, so
Robert looked forward to physics class.
QUES: Continue writing. Robert went to Hunter and asked him to judge leniently just this one time, because OPTIONS: - Robert didn't break the law before. - Hunter didn't break the law before. +++++++++ ANS: Robert didn't break the law before. QUES: Continue writing. The boss gave Laura the job instead of Samantha because OPTIONS: - Laura impressed the boss with good manners. - Samantha impressed the boss with good manners. +++++++++ ANS: Laura impressed the boss with good manners. QUES: Continue writing. The man took shelter in the building instead of the shed because the OPTIONS: - building was sturdier. - shed was sturdier. +++++++++ ANS: building was sturdier. QUES: Continue writing. Windows computers was the best for Erin but Felicia preferred Apple Mac. OPTIONS: - Erin had used PCs since they were a child. - Felicia had used PCs since they were a child. +++++++++ ANS:
Erin had used PCs since they were a child.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? More people sat near Samuel than Matthew because [A]: Matthew was known for having bad gas. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Kayla needed help moving the heavy sofa from Sarah, and [A]: Kayla was happy to receive the help. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya asked Angela to be her stock broker because [A]:
Angela possessed good financial market experience.
Write the next sentence. The running time of the meeting was much greater than the earlier presentation, because the Options: * meeting was simpler. * presentation was simpler.
presentation was simpler.
Problem: How does the sentence end? James ran out of makeup when making up his face. He never knew the OPTIONS: - face was so small. - makeup was so small. Answer: makeup was so small. Problem: How does the sentence end? Joel always needs more practice than Randy for soccer games because OPTIONS: - Joel talents in sports are great. - Randy talents in sports are great. Answer: Randy talents in sports are great. Problem: How does the sentence end? john poured the entire bag of gold into the treasure chest until the OPTIONS: - chest was full. - bag was full. Answer: chest was full. Problem: How does the sentence end? On a sunny day in the park, Betty asked Emily if OPTIONS: - Betty hoped not to encounter a dog. - Emily hoped not to encounter a dog. Answer:
Emily hoped not to encounter a dog.
QUES: Continue writing. The accountant was late for his appointment but couldn't decide whether to walk or take an Uber. He thought his destination was too close to take an +++++++++ ANS: Uber . QUES: Continue writing. Lawrence thanked Craig profusely for the assistance and always considered him as his personal savior from that day onwards, because only +++++++++ ANS: Craig helped him. QUES: Continue writing. Nick watched tapes of Jeffrey to get better at basketball, because +++++++++ ANS: Jeffrey was proud of their shooting skills. QUES: Continue writing. Danna was ecstatic to trade me her leg warmers for my sweater. She thinks the +++++++++ ANS:
sweater looks fashionable on her.
Continue the following story. Angela has a shorter job resume than Rebecca because Options: 1). Angela has less skills and experience.. 2). Rebecca has less skills and experience..
Complete the following sentence. I had to add more memory to my computer but the tablet was fine. The
computer was running too slow.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Carrie had to bring their pet to the vet more often than Erin had to bring theirs because the pet of Answer: Carrie suffered from more illnesses. Problem: How does the sentence end? Jason got a mild cold from Donald so Answer: Jason teased him about spreading his germs. Problem: How does the sentence end? Logan liked to dress like a teenager even though they were the same age as Jason, so Answer: Logan shopped at the teen stores. Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie really enjoyed eating all sorts of foods unlike Rebecca because Answer:
Rebecca was really picky.
QUES: Continue writing. Not sure what costume to make for Halloween. A skeleton or a hobo. The OPTIONS: - skeleton is common. - hobo is common. +++++++++ ANS: skeleton is common. Problem: How does the sentence end? Mary had to hire a lawyer even though Samantha was able to represent themselves because OPTIONS: - Mary has some legal experience. - Samantha has some legal experience. Answer: Samantha has some legal experience. sentence: I hired a tutor and my brother went to extra classes. He ended up getting better grades than me so the OPTIONS: - extra classes must be pretty effective. - tutor must be pretty effective. complete: extra classes must be pretty effective. It's better to use natural shampoo for your hair than synthetic shampoo as the OPTIONS: - natural shampoo is harmful for your hair. - synthetic shampoo is harmful for your hair. synthetic shampoo is harmful for your hair. Input: Continue writing. Christine went to the store and bought two more coats unlike Natalie because OPTIONS: - Christine lives in a hot area. - Natalie lives in a hot area. Continued: Natalie lives in a hot area. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Kenneth cooked for Hunter on the smoker because OPTIONS: - Kenneth liked smoked fish on the grill. - Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill. [A]:
Hunter liked smoked fish on the grill.
Continue writing the following text. Randy had great confidence that Benjamin could get the job done, since
Benjamin had shown a good job before.
sentence: The kids preferred Christopher as a babysitter to Neil since complete: Neil always yelled at them. sentence: Getting good grades at school was easier for Tanya than Elena because complete: Tanya really liked studying. sentence: The doctor tried to put the eye inside the socket but the complete:
socket was too small.
Complete the following sentence. Stefan bought a measuring tape instead of the weighing scale because it's much more precise to use the Select from the following. 1). scale to track your weight training physical transformation.. 2). tape to track your weight training physical transformation..
How does the sentence end? Angela had a common cold as opposed to Natalie who was very sick, so
Natalie took strong medicine.
Write the next sentence. The brand new bicycle that we bought was faster than our scooter because the
bicycle was made from light metal.
Continue writing the following text. Strength-training is a good idea for Adam but not Matthew because OPTIONS: * Adam is recovering from an injury.; * Matthew is recovering from an injury.;
Matthew is recovering from an injury.
Continue the following story. Carol wanted to cook dinner with peppers or onions. She chose the
onions even though she would cry.
Do "the dog" and "it" point to the same thing in the following sentence? It was a summer afternoon, and the dog was sitting in the middle of the lawn. After a while, it got up and moved to a spot under the tree, because *it* was cooler.
sentence: Rebecca asked Natalie what time their beginner's yoga class started but OPTIONS: - Rebecca could not remember. - Natalie could not remember. complete: Natalie could not remember. sentence: The recipes that my mom had in her mind wouldn't fit in two books, because the OPTIONS: - recipes were too many. - books were too many. complete: recipes were too many. sentence: Steven was healthier than Kyle because OPTIONS: - Steven drank oatmeal water each morning to stay full during exercising. - Kyle drank oatmeal water each morning to stay full during exercising. complete:
Steven drank oatmeal water each morning to stay full during exercising.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The man didn't have time to paint the ceilings after painting the walls, so only the Choose your answer from: [I] ceilings looked fresh.. [II] walls looked fresh..
Story needs to be completed: The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since the OPTIONS: - town was surprised by the sudden rain. - camp was surprised by the sudden rain. My choice: town was surprised by the sudden rain. Problem: Continue the following story. Christine got help from Kayla using a lockpick when OPTIONS: - Christine was locked out of her apartment. - Kayla was locked out of her apartment. Here's how I want to continue it: Christine was locked out of her apartment. Problem: I think William would be a good boss to work for but not Kenneth as OPTIONS: - William is very understanding. - Kenneth is very understanding. My choice: William is very understanding. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Matthew founded a new business while Derrick stayed at home and watched TV all day because OPTIONS: - Matthew was lazy. - Derrick was lazy. [A]: Derrick was lazy. QUES: Continue writing. The worker tried to store the paint in the garage but the OPTIONS: - garage was too small. - paint was too small. +++++++++ ANS: garage was too small. QUES: Continue writing. The sound decayed so much that the drum could not be heard by the recorder, as the OPTIONS: - drum could not hear enough sound. - recorder could not hear enough sound. +++++++++ ANS:
recorder could not hear enough sound.
Problem: How does the sentence end? After learning that he needed surgery for colon polyps, Ian asked Nelson to come to the hospital because OPTIONS: - Ian was scared. - Nelson was scared. Answer: Ian was scared. sentence: He went to the study area of the library and sat at a cubicle with his book because the OPTIONS: - cubicle helped block distractions. - book helped block distractions. complete: cubicle helped block distractions. Cynthia reversed her opinion of Megan after they were on the same sports team, as OPTIONS: - Cynthia saw a very different person then. - Megan saw a very different person then. Cynthia saw a very different person then. Input: Continue writing. When Beth went to have a lump examined, the doctor told her it could be a small harmless bump or a large tumor, usually the OPTIONS: - tumor would be large. - bump would be large. Continued: tumor would be large. Story needs to be completed: The scientists created two solutions. They kept the purple one away and brought the blue one because the OPTIONS: - purple was explosive. - blue was explosive. My choice: purple was explosive. Problem: How does the sentence end? Jeffrey takes his trousers to Ryan for tailoring, because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey knows how to hem and sew. - Ryan knows how to hem and sew. Answer:
Ryan knows how to hem and sew.
Question: People use the term nation a lot less than the term country because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- nation is very unpopular. Question: Adam put handwash only clothes in the washer but Aaron washed them by hand as Answer: Continue the sentence -- Adam was lazy. Question: My shampoo did not lather easily on my Afro hair because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- hair is too dirty. Question: The school ran out of money and was only able to pack foods for the class trip and not supplies because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- foods were essential.
Question: Maria was better at catching the escaped hamster than Carrie because OPTIONS: - Maria moved more quickly. - Carrie moved more quickly. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Maria moved more quickly. Question: The ball bounced onto the street and away from the house because the OPTIONS: - street was opposite its direction. - house was opposite its direction. Answer: Continue the sentence -- house was opposite its direction. Question: Maria assisted new employee Megan, because OPTIONS: - Maria was the safety manager for the central company storage warehouse. - Megan was the safety manager for the central company storage warehouse. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Maria was the safety manager for the central company storage warehouse. Question: Angela loved shopping for shoes but Tanya dreaded doing so, so OPTIONS: - Angela had only a couple of shoes in their closet. - Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet.
IN: Which person is they? The military prepared to go to battle with an Amish colony because they felt threatened. OUT: The military IN: Which person is he? James went to Sully's arcade but he refused to let him in. OUT: Sully IN: Which person is they? Soldiers of the armed forces were slowly being phased out by genetically engineered soldiers because they were created solely for the purpose of excelled warfare. OUT: genetically engineered soldiers IN: Which person is they? The NSA sent their agents in the field to retrieve intelligence, but they were not able to gather the intelligence for them. OUT:
their agents
Multi-select: Is it possible to draw the conclusion that "Bill was the winner of the competition." if "Frank felt vindicated when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition."? OPT: (i). no; (ii). yes;
Jane could not load any more dress into the washer because the dress is big. The computer was easier to move than the television because the television had more parts. Katrina gives a bouquet of gladiolus to Maria, because
Maria needs to be cheered up.
Problem: Continue the following story. The farmer grew his potatoes without using pesticides because he didn't want the OPTIONS: - potatoes to destroy. - pesticides to destroy. Here's how I want to continue it: pesticides to destroy. Problem: Because Betty learned French in school but Kayla grew up in France, OPTIONS: - Betty spoke fluent French. - Kayla spoke fluent French. My choice: Kayla spoke fluent French. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Angela is preparing Mary for tricky interview questions, because OPTIONS: - Angela wants to help her. - Mary wants to help her. [A]: Angela wants to help her. QUES: Continue writing. Alex preferred pure black coffee over latte, because the OPTIONS: - black coffee has stronger effect on him. - latte has stronger effect on him. +++++++++ ANS: black coffee has stronger effect on him. Problem: How does the sentence end? Samantha owns a rat, as a pet, but Amy owns a cat due to OPTIONS: - Samantha only liking small animals. - Amy only liking small animals. Answer: Samantha only liking small animals. sentence: Samantha gave Mary vocal lessons for the upcoming school concert because OPTIONS: - Samantha had untapped vocals. - Mary had untapped vocals. complete:
Mary had untapped vocals.
Choose your answer: Who is they in the following sentence? The NSA sent their agents in the field to retrieve intelligence, but they were not able to gather the intelligence for them. Pick from: a. The NSA. b. their agents.
Write the next sentence. The razor didn't work as well as the knife that I had, because the Available choices: 1. razor was dull.. 2. knife was dull.. Answer:
Input: Continue writing. The tree in the yard of Megan was a lot bigger than the tree in Rachel's yard, because Continued: Megan had an older tree. Input: Continue writing. The seller sold more games than he sold magazines because the Continued: games were much more cheaper. Input: Continue writing. At the art museum there were many genres of art, including colorful pop pieces to classic art. My favorite was the Continued: classic art because it was old. Input: Continue writing. Nick was helping Jeffrey from trying to smoke cigarettes because Continued:
Nick used to smoke two packs a day.
Complete the following sentence. Lawrence developed carpal tunnel syndrome at a faster rate than Ian did because
Ian didn't use the computer a lot.
Choose your story that continues the following story. The beach was Felicia's dream vacation but Natalie's nightmare. (a). Felicia was freaked out by the crabs and fish.; (b). Natalie was freaked out by the crabs and fish.;
Story needs to be completed: Because Katrina did not take care of their body as well as Natalie, My choice: Natalie had a smaller number of unexpected hospital visits this month. Story needs to be completed: The old woman tried to use the glasses to read the writings but the My choice: writings were too small. Story needs to be completed: The garden of Amy was really muddy compared to Carrie's because at My choice: Amy house the rain fell hard. Story needs to be completed: Christopher bought new crystal plates from Kevin because My choice:
Christopher wanted to give it for a gift on Christmas.
Choices: * face . * back . Complete the following sentence. The sunburn on the person's back healed more slowly than the one on their face because they applied aloe vera to the
face .
Continue writing the following text. Brett always saves money when they shop but Lawrence spends too much because
Lawrence hates to deal with coupons.
Problem: Continue the following story. The publisher replaced his carpet floor with stained concrete over the winter months, the Here's how I want to continue it: carpet was old. Problem: Continue the following story. Jim bought a revolver and tried to practice his shooting at the shooting range but the Here's how I want to continue it: range was too far. Problem: Continue the following story. Eric received essential oils as a birthday present from Brian, because Here's how I want to continue it:
Brian thought they would help.
Problem: The hard mattress on the bed was comfortable for Randy but not Michael because My choice: Michael prefers soft support. Problem: She tried to extract lemon oil out of the lemon's peel, but not much came out because the My choice: oil is scarce. Problem: She used tacks instead of staples to hang up the pictures, because the My choice: staples were made of flimsy material. Problem: Maria asked Angela where she had gotten the delicious recipe because My choice:
Maria was enjoying the meal.
Continue writing the following text. The woman pulled the brownies out of the hot oven and placed the cookies inside, because the Available options: a). brownies were raw. b). cookies were raw.
How does the sentence end? There was more food at the wedding than at the party because the hosts of the Options: +wedding were ill prepared. +party were ill prepared.
party were ill prepared.
The woman put away the milk and placed the butter on the countertop, because the OPTIONS: - milk was unecessary for the recipe. - butter was unecessary for the recipe. milk was unecessary for the recipe. Susan made a clay pot but didn't keep it in her home because the OPTIONS: - clay pot was too big. - home was too big. clay pot was too big. Brett is better at breaking up a fight than Brian because OPTIONS: - Brett is very concerned about getting hurt. - Brian is very concerned about getting hurt.
Brian is very concerned about getting hurt.