1 value
4 values
4 values
Nick has a badly dislocated shoulder and asks for Robert's help, because OPTIONS: - Nick is doctor. - Robert is doctor. Robert is doctor. Sarah felt more affection towards felines than canines than Tanya because OPTIONS: - Sarah grew up with dogs. - Tanya grew up with dogs. Tanya grew up with dogs. It was love at first sight for Christopher but Kenneth did not feel the same way, and soon OPTIONS: - Christopher became obsessed. - Kenneth became obsessed.
Christopher became obsessed.
Complete the following sentence. Emily was a member of the audience that night unlike Lindsey because
Emily loved theater.
Complete the following sentence. My schedule is a lot more difficult than her daily routine, because the Select from the following. (I). schedule is intense.. (II). routine is intense..
Input: Continue writing. Eric is a crafter of many things, Leslie is not a crafter at all therefore OPTIONS: - Eric knows more about glue. - Leslie knows more about glue. Continued: Eric knows more about glue. Input: Continue writing. Jeffrey tried to scrub the stain out of the wood with a cloth, but the OPTIONS: - wood was just too messy. - cloth was just too messy. Continued: wood was just too messy. Input: Continue writing. The desktop pc was way nicer compared to the laptop, but the OPTIONS: - desktop pc was less expensive. - laptop was less expensive. Continued: laptop was less expensive. Input: Continue writing. Leslie had rich soil in their garden but Joseph had poor soil. OPTIONS: - Leslie never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden. - Joseph never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden. Continued:
Joseph never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden.
Nick is really fond of cats but Ryan is allergic to cats. OPTIONS: - Nick avoided the cute kitty cat. - Ryan avoided the cute kitty cat. Ryan avoided the cute kitty cat. Input: Continue writing. The group blamed Christine for the mistake and not Laura because OPTIONS: - Christine followed the rules. - Laura followed the rules. Continued: Laura followed the rules. Story needs to be completed: Alice decided not to grow a vegetable garden in her backyard because the OPTIONS: - garden is too large. - backyard is too large. My choice: garden is too large. Problem: Continue the following story. Ryan smelled the smoke before Joseph did because OPTIONS: - Ryan was sitting farther from the fire. - Joseph was sitting farther from the fire. Here's how I want to continue it: Joseph was sitting farther from the fire. Problem: We decided chemistry would not be the topic for the article, and chose biology instead, as the OPTIONS: - chemistry was irrelevant to the current studies. - biology was irrelevant to the current studies. My choice: chemistry was irrelevant to the current studies. Story needs to be completed: It was love at first sight for Christopher but Kenneth did not feel the same way, and soon OPTIONS: - Christopher became obsessed. - Kenneth became obsessed. My choice:
Christopher became obsessed.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? We decided to lease an apartment rather than a house, as the OPTIONS: - apartment was conducive to our needs. - house was conducive to our needs. [A]: apartment was conducive to our needs. QUES: Continue writing. When getting flowers most people would get their wife roses but I know to get mine orchids. The OPTIONS: - orchids are too mainstream. - roses are too mainstream. +++++++++ ANS: roses are too mainstream. Problem: How does the sentence end? Wanting to help, Jennifer explained the hair care rountie she followed to Angela, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer had healthy hair. - Angela had healthy hair. Answer: Jennifer had healthy hair. sentence: The device worked better than the phone because the OPTIONS: - phone was out of its range. - device was out of its range. complete: phone was out of its range. The boy was more comfortable flirting at the party than at the meeting because he was drunk at the OPTIONS: - meeting . - party . party . Problem: Continue the following story. Leslie had rich soil in their garden but Joseph had poor soil. OPTIONS: - Leslie never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden. - Joseph never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden. Here's how I want to continue it:
Joseph never used mulch and fertilizer on their garden.
Story needs to be completed: Donald accidentally pierced Michael's skin with an arrow so OPTIONS: - Donald took him to the emergency room. - Michael took him to the emergency room. My choice: Donald took him to the emergency room. Story needs to be completed: Noah had to take out a loan to buy the house but not the vehicle because the OPTIONS: - house was cheap. - vehicle was cheap. My choice: vehicle was cheap. Story needs to be completed: Monica is more concerned about the effects of radiation than Mary because OPTIONS: - Monica doesn't work at a nuclear power facility. - Mary doesn't work at a nuclear power facility. My choice: Mary doesn't work at a nuclear power facility. Story needs to be completed: Victoria is very skilled at writing but Emily is not. OPTIONS: - Victoria didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work. - Emily didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work. My choice:
Emily didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work.
Anne gave birth to a daughter last month. *She* is a very charming baby. Multi-choice question: Do "Anne" and "She" have the same meaning? Pick your answer from: a). no b). yes
Continue writing the following text. John thought his hand was broken, but it was actually his foot because the
hand was straight.
Continue writing the following text. Randy brought Adam over to the bathroom sink and used a razor to shave his beard because Choose from: [-] Randy can't move his arms.; [-] Adam can't move his arms.;
Adam can't move his arms.
Problem: Continue the following story. Donald helped create the strange and intricate statue for Ryan's garden since OPTIONS: - Donald was the person who commissioned it. - Ryan was the person who commissioned it. Here's how I want to continue it: Ryan was the person who commissioned it. Problem: Continue the following story. After trying on a dress with polka dots and a dress with stripes, Madison decided to buy the latter because she thought the OPTIONS: - polka dots made her look fat. - stripes made her look fat. Here's how I want to continue it: polka dots made her look fat. Problem: Continue the following story. The erupting volcano spewed molten lava, ash and smoke into the sky until the OPTIONS: - sky was empty. - volcano was empty. Here's how I want to continue it:
volcano was empty.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end The wet hair would not fit in the hat because the Pick from: 1). hat is too compact.; 2). hair is too compact.;
How does the sentence end? Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because
Craig thought the game was really fun.
Input: Continue writing. Ryan was better at male modeling compared to Matthew, so OPTIONS: - Ryan asked him for help. - Matthew asked him for help. Continued: Matthew asked him for help. Story needs to be completed: Monica hated cleaning the bird droppings off the car unlike Sarah because OPTIONS: - Monica was very unaffected. - Sarah was very unaffected. My choice: Sarah was very unaffected. Problem: Continue the following story. The pasta was moister than the rice was because the OPTIONS: - pasta was left on the stove for longer. - rice was left on the stove for longer. Here's how I want to continue it: rice was left on the stove for longer. Problem: Jeffrey gave the rope to Nick because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey needed to tie his boat to the dock. - Nick needed to tie his boat to the dock. My choice: Nick needed to tie his boat to the dock. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Christine wasn't paying attention in class unlike Cynthia, so OPTIONS: - Christine failed the math exam later that day. - Cynthia failed the math exam later that day. [A]: Christine failed the math exam later that day. Problem: Victoria is very skilled at writing but Emily is not. OPTIONS: - Victoria didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work. - Emily didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work. My choice:
Emily didn't win a Pulitzer prize for their written work.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit Monica, because [A]: Tanya was wearing cowboy boots. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Brett won the court case against Brian and ended up with a large amount of settlement money, because [A]: Brian had a less competent lawyer. [Q]: How does the sentence end? My schedule is a lot more difficult than her daily routine, because the [A]:
schedule is intense.
Write the next sentence. Patricia got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but Cynthia got a cat instead, because Select from the following. a. Patricia feared dogs. b. Cynthia feared dogs. Answer:
Choose your answer: Paul made fun of Henry since he knew everyone else did. Tell me who he is. Possible answers: a). Paul b). Henry
Write the next sentence. Jennifer wanted to fit a car payment into her budget. She couldn't because the
car payment was too big.
Continue the following story. Elena aspired to grow up and be just like Angela was now, as
Angela was no longer a kid .
Choose your story that continues the following story. Richard has an eye strain because he works in a dark room close to the computer whole day. The Select from: [a]. computer is very bright. [b]. room is very bright.
Pick your answer from: I. Emily loved theater.. II. Lindsey loved theater.. Complete the following sentence. Emily was a member of the audience that night unlike Lindsey because
QUES: Continue writing. James was trying to talk to Jill who has headphones on his head and he could not hear because the OPTIONS: - headphone is quiet. - talk is quiet. +++++++++ ANS: talk is quiet. Problem: How does the sentence end? We like to dance the tango more than the waltz since the OPTIONS: - tango is less fun. - waltz is less fun. Answer: waltz is less fun. sentence: The lawsuit had to distinguished the ladder as the cause of harm, not the rope, as the OPTIONS: - ladder was so dangerous. - rope was so dangerous. complete: ladder was so dangerous. Tanya bought padded bras, but not Jennifer. OPTIONS: - Tanya had always been self-conscious of her bra size. - Jennifer had always been self-conscious of her bra size. Tanya had always been self-conscious of her bra size. Input: Continue writing. When deciding what foreign language to take at school, I picked French instead of Chinese because the OPTIONS: - Chinese language is easier to read. - French language is easier to read. Continued: French language is easier to read. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The erupting volcano spewed molten lava, ash and smoke into the sky until the OPTIONS: - sky was empty. - volcano was empty. [A]:
volcano was empty.
Complete the following sentence. The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety.
Robert had terrible nerves recently.
Continue writing the following text. John thought his hand was broken, but it was actually his foot because the Possible answers: (a). foot was straight.. (b). hand was straight..
QUES: Continue writing. The motorcycle that I rented from the shop is slower than my car because the +++++++++ ANS: motorcycle has a smaller engine. QUES: Continue writing. Betsy wanted tonight's dinner to be ravioli that her mom makes and not casserole because she hates the +++++++++ ANS: casserole . QUES: Continue writing. The collector spent millions on the painting and was happy, but regretted getting the statue, because the +++++++++ ANS: painting was legitimate. QUES: Continue writing. Randy brought Adam over to the bathroom sink and used a razor to shave his beard because +++++++++ ANS:
Adam can't move his arms.
Continue writing the following text. So
Brian was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't.
How does the sentence end? Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because OPTIONS: 1). Lawrence thought the game was really fun.. 2). Craig thought the game was really fun..
Problem: Eric was going fast around the track whereas Steven was waiting to quickly work on the car. OPTIONS: - Eric was the racecar driver. - Steven was the racecar driver. My choice: Eric was the racecar driver. Problem: Pat transferred all the potato from the bag into the bowl until the OPTIONS: - bowl was full. - bag was full. My choice: bowl was full. Problem: The fever soon went away for Cynthia but not Victoria because OPTIONS: - Cynthia had scarcely kept hydrated. - Victoria had scarcely kept hydrated. My choice: Victoria had scarcely kept hydrated. Problem: The tourism was heating up, so the merchants sold more t-shirts than bags as the OPTIONS: - t-shirts were forgettable. - bags were forgettable. My choice:
bags were forgettable.
How does the sentence end? Logan studied harder than Benjamin because
Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Tanya avoided getting bitten by the snake that bit Monica, because OPTIONS: - Tanya was wearing cowboy boots. - Monica was wearing cowboy boots. [A]: Tanya was wearing cowboy boots. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Brett won the court case against Brian and ended up with a large amount of settlement money, because OPTIONS: - Brett had a less competent lawyer. - Brian had a less competent lawyer. [A]: Brian had a less competent lawyer. [Q]: How does the sentence end? My schedule is a lot more difficult than her daily routine, because the OPTIONS: - schedule is intense. - routine is intense. [A]:
schedule is intense.
Write the next sentence. Nelson finished the mile run faster than Ian because
Ian liked to relax every day.
Story needs to be completed: A lime tree was something Gladys had always wanted in her yard, but the OPTIONS: - yard was so small it was hard to fit one in. - tree was so small it was hard to fit one in. My choice: yard was so small it was hard to fit one in. Problem: Continue the following story. Randy blamed Neil for contracting salmonella poisoning because OPTIONS: - Randy ate the Chicken Parmesan that was served. - Neil ate the Chicken Parmesan that was served. Here's how I want to continue it: Randy ate the Chicken Parmesan that was served. Problem: Justin made Dennis go to the gas station to buy fuel for the car because OPTIONS: - Justin is busy fixing the car. - Dennis is busy fixing the car. My choice: Justin is busy fixing the car. [Q]: How does the sentence end? I needed to get a cavity worked on. Should I get a root canal or a filling? The OPTIONS: - root canal would hurt more. - filling would hurt more. [A]: root canal would hurt more. QUES: Continue writing. His vehicle was better for road trips than my car because the OPTIONS: - vehicle was comfortable. - car was comfortable. +++++++++ ANS: vehicle was comfortable. QUES: Continue writing. The tourism was heating up, so the merchants sold more t-shirts than bags as the OPTIONS: - t-shirts were forgettable. - bags were forgettable. +++++++++ ANS:
bags were forgettable.
Continue the following story. Charlie decided to quit smoking so he threw away his carton but not his lighter because the
carton wasn't a gift.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena had a stronger immune system than Rebecca , so Answer: Rebecca ended up getting pneumonia that year. Problem: How does the sentence end? Mary would rather swim in the pool and not the lake because the Answer: lake was dirty. Problem: How does the sentence end? Angela loved shopping for shoes but Tanya dreaded doing so, so Answer: Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. Problem: How does the sentence end? The wet hair would not fit in the hat because the Answer:
hat is too compact.
QUES: Continue writing. The motorcycle that I rented from the shop is slower than my car because the OPTIONS: - motorcycle has a smaller engine. - car has a smaller engine. +++++++++ ANS: motorcycle has a smaller engine. QUES: Continue writing. Betsy wanted tonight's dinner to be ravioli that her mom makes and not casserole because she hates the OPTIONS: - casserole . - ravioli . +++++++++ ANS: casserole . QUES: Continue writing. The collector spent millions on the painting and was happy, but regretted getting the statue, because the OPTIONS: - statue was legitimate. - painting was legitimate. +++++++++ ANS: painting was legitimate. QUES: Continue writing. Randy brought Adam over to the bathroom sink and used a razor to shave his beard because OPTIONS: - Randy can't move his arms. - Adam can't move his arms. +++++++++ ANS:
Adam can't move his arms.
Complete the following sentence. The jacket fit much too loosely on Yuri's shoulder area because the
jacket was broad.
sentence: Lindsey tried to train their puppy on their own but Elena hired a pro. complete: Elena had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. sentence: Joseph had a bad memory, so he asked Craig who was in the movie they saw last week. complete: Craig was frustrated he always had to answer things. sentence: Patricia got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but Cynthia got a cat instead, because complete:
Cynthia feared dogs.
Problem: How does the sentence end? Elena had a stronger immune system than Rebecca , so OPTIONS: - Elena ended up getting pneumonia that year. - Rebecca ended up getting pneumonia that year. Answer: Rebecca ended up getting pneumonia that year. Problem: How does the sentence end? Mary would rather swim in the pool and not the lake because the OPTIONS: - pool was dirty. - lake was dirty. Answer: lake was dirty. Problem: How does the sentence end? Angela loved shopping for shoes but Tanya dreaded doing so, so OPTIONS: - Angela had only a couple of shoes in their closet. - Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. Answer: Tanya had only a couple of shoes in their closet. Problem: How does the sentence end? The wet hair would not fit in the hat because the OPTIONS: - hat is too compact. - hair is too compact. Answer:
hat is too compact.
Continue writing the following text. Christine got help from Kayla using a lockpick when
Christine was locked out of her apartment.
Question: He wished he'd brought the brown shoes instead of the black shoes because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- black shoes were less comfortable. Question: George was commissioned to paint the mural on the wall of the library, because the Answer: Continue the sentence -- mural was bright. Question: The cuts the laser can do are better than the machine sine the Answer: Continue the sentence -- machine is inaccurate in doing so. Question: Richard has an eye strain because he works in a dark room close to the computer whole day. The Answer:
Continue the sentence -- computer is very bright.
Tanya's homemade bird food was better than Jennifer because Tanya remembered to include sunflower seeds. The boss said that Natalie was unable to type as fast as Lindsey due to Natalie having minimal training. Emily was a member of the audience that night unlike Lindsey because
Emily loved theater.
Write the next sentence. Jennifer wanted to fit a car payment into her budget. She couldn't because the Options are: (I) budget was too big. (II) car payment was too big.
Problem: How does the sentence end? It took a long time for Mary to heal from her fallout with Tanya as OPTIONS: - Mary was just more resilient. - Tanya was just more resilient. Answer: Tanya was just more resilient. sentence: We were writing about the tomboy for the story instead of the plane because the OPTIONS: - tomboy was alive. - plane was alive. complete: tomboy was alive. Derrick knew William loved freshly squeezed juice in the morning. OPTIONS: - Derrick gave him a juicer for his birthday. - William gave him a juicer for his birthday. Derrick gave him a juicer for his birthday. Input: Continue writing. Mike wanted to buy both a truck or a convertible, but the OPTIONS: - truck was too big. - convertible was too big. Continued: truck was too big. Story needs to be completed: Mike filed a claim on the damage to the house but not on the damage to his shed since the damage to the OPTIONS: - shed was major. - house was major. My choice: house was major. Problem: How does the sentence end? My schedule is a lot more difficult than her daily routine, because the OPTIONS: - schedule is intense. - routine is intense. Answer:
schedule is intense.
How does the sentence end? The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so
Jeffrey takes crappier supplements.
Continue the following story. Elena aspired to grow up and be just like Angela was now, as Select from: a). Elena was no longer a kid . b). Angela was no longer a kid .
sentence: Lindsey tried to train their puppy on their own but Elena hired a pro. OPTIONS: - Lindsey had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. - Elena had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. complete: Elena had a well-behaved puppy at the dog park. sentence: Joseph had a bad memory, so he asked Craig who was in the movie they saw last week. OPTIONS: - Joseph was frustrated he always had to answer things. - Craig was frustrated he always had to answer things. complete: Craig was frustrated he always had to answer things. sentence: Patricia got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but Cynthia got a cat instead, because OPTIONS: - Patricia feared dogs. - Cynthia feared dogs. complete:
Cynthia feared dogs.
Input: Continue writing. Erin thought the house was haunted but Natalie disagreed. Continued: Erin had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. Input: Continue writing. Randy found it easier to be healthy than Derrick because Continued: Derrick did not eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Input: Continue writing. On a sunny day in the park, Betty asked Emily if Continued: Emily hoped not to encounter a dog. Input: Continue writing. John thought his hand was broken, but it was actually his foot because the Continued:
hand was straight.
Story needs to be completed: Michael gave a pet to Christopher because My choice: Michael wanted to show the other how loved they are. Story needs to be completed: James ran out of makeup when making up his face. He never knew the My choice: face is so large. Story needs to be completed: The oil spilled on Nick 's shirt while he cooked for Justin, so My choice: Justin offered him for a clean shirt. Story needs to be completed: Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because My choice:
Craig thought the game was really fun.
Complete the following sentence. The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. I. Justin had terrible nerves recently. II. Robert had terrible nerves recently.
Write the next sentence. The worker tried to store the paint in the garage but the
garage was too small.
Problem: Continue the following story. Rachel went to the store to buy milk for Angela, and Here's how I want to continue it: Angela stayed home most of the morning. Problem: Continue the following story. The raft sank but the door floated. The family survived by staying off the Here's how I want to continue it: raft . Problem: Continue the following story. Jennifer wanted to fit a car payment into her budget. She couldn't because the Here's how I want to continue it:
car payment was too big.
Continue the following story. I allow my kids to download puzzle apps, not anime apps, I think the
puzzle apps are educational.
Complete the following sentence. In order to increase the strength of his brain, Mitch decided to take up painting rather than reading, because the
reading was difficult for his eyes.
Continue writing the following text. So Possible answers: A). Brian was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't. B). Hunter was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't.
How does the sentence end? See options at the end Logan studied harder than Benjamin because OPT: [a]. Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain. [b]. Benjamin did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain.
Continue writing the following text. We were writing about the tomboy for the story instead of the plane because the
tomboy was alive.
How does the sentence end? Emily told Patricia they look like Adriana Lima when they were at the beach because
Patricia was from Brazil.
Question: He wished he'd brought the brown shoes instead of the black shoes because the OPTIONS: - black shoes were less comfortable. - brown shoes were less comfortable. Answer: Continue the sentence -- black shoes were less comfortable. Question: George was commissioned to paint the mural on the wall of the library, because the OPTIONS: - wall was bright. - mural was bright. Answer: Continue the sentence -- mural was bright. Question: The cuts the laser can do are better than the machine sine the OPTIONS: - laser is inaccurate in doing so. - machine is inaccurate in doing so. Answer: Continue the sentence -- machine is inaccurate in doing so. Question: Richard has an eye strain because he works in a dark room close to the computer whole day. The OPTIONS: - computer is very bright. - room is very bright. Answer:
Continue the sentence -- computer is very bright.
Problem: Jeffrey was more nervous to attend high school than Christopher was, because My choice: Jeffrey was a Freshman. Problem: William took a leap of faith and invested all of the money into one stock but Ian did not. My choice: William was a risk taker. Problem: Randy was always cleaning better than Nelson because My choice: Randy use to do that for a living. Problem: Elena aspired to grow up and be just like Angela was now, as My choice:
Angela was no longer a kid .
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Jennifer had gotten a worse sunburn than Victoria because [A]: Jennifer had stayed outside fishing for longer. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Victoria can punch the boxing bag with more speed than Megan seeing as how [A]: Victoria is faster. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. [A]:
Robert had terrible nerves recently.
Problem: Continue the following story. Craig irrationally screamed at Robert because OPTIONS: - Craig needed his razor in the morning before work. - Robert needed his razor in the morning before work. Here's how I want to continue it: Craig needed his razor in the morning before work. Problem: The school was moved out of the neighborhood and into the forest because the OPTIONS: - neighborhood was quiet. - forest was quiet. My choice: forest was quiet. [Q]: How does the sentence end? In the middle of the street, Nelson comforted Leslie because the dog belonging to OPTIONS: - Nelson was run over. - Leslie was run over. [A]: Leslie was run over. QUES: Continue writing. Randy's health was being examined by Robert because OPTIONS: - Randy had been a long time doctor. - Robert had been a long time doctor. +++++++++ ANS: Robert had been a long time doctor. Problem: How does the sentence end? Betty likes Pop or Rock music but Victoria likes classical as OPTIONS: - Betty likes the slower tempo. - Victoria likes the slower tempo. Answer: Victoria likes the slower tempo. sentence: Randy brought Adam over to the bathroom sink and used a razor to shave his beard because OPTIONS: - Randy can't move his arms. - Adam can't move his arms. complete:
Adam can't move his arms.
Write the next sentence. Nelson finished the mile run faster than Ian because Options: A). Nelson liked to relax every day.; B). Ian liked to relax every day.; Answer:
sentence: John got tired while waking to the court and he branched a restaurant to relax himself. The OPTIONS: - court is close. - restaurant is close. complete: restaurant is close. Patricia got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but Cynthia got a cat instead, because OPTIONS: - Patricia feared dogs. - Cynthia feared dogs. Cynthia feared dogs. Input: Continue writing. When Amy discovered Sarah drinking water straight from the tap, OPTIONS: - Amy was filled with shame. - Sarah was filled with shame. Continued: Sarah was filled with shame. Story needs to be completed: The ribs cooked by Katrina are much better tasting than Megan's because OPTIONS: - Katrina uses a delicious sauce. - Megan uses a delicious sauce. My choice: Katrina uses a delicious sauce. Problem: Continue the following story. Brian doesn't like to eat baby scones, but Steven loves them because OPTIONS: - Brian has more of a sweet tooth. - Steven has more of a sweet tooth. Here's how I want to continue it: Steven has more of a sweet tooth. The wet hair would not fit in the hat because the OPTIONS: - hat is too compact. - hair is too compact.
hat is too compact.
QUES: Continue writing. In preparation for dinner the cook had to rinse the vegetables and not the fruits because the +++++++++ ANS: fruits were clean. QUES: Continue writing. Derrick dined on sweets and fast food much too often while Donald ate salads and veggies. +++++++++ ANS: Donald had a scarcity of belly fat. QUES: Continue writing. Jeffrey suspected Adam had an addiction to pain pills, so +++++++++ ANS: Adam did not receive anymore pills. QUES: Continue writing. So +++++++++ ANS:
Brian was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't.
Tanya's homemade bird food was better than Jennifer because OPTIONS: - Tanya remembered to include sunflower seeds. - Jennifer remembered to include sunflower seeds. Tanya remembered to include sunflower seeds. The boss said that Natalie was unable to type as fast as Lindsey due to OPTIONS: - Natalie having minimal training. - Lindsey having minimal training. Natalie having minimal training. Emily was a member of the audience that night unlike Lindsey because OPTIONS: - Emily loved theater. - Lindsey loved theater.
Emily loved theater.
Problem: How does the sentence end? To avoid food poisoning, Kenneth gave his tainted food in the prison to Lawrence. Answer: Kenneth remained healthy. Problem: How does the sentence end? The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since the Answer: town was surprised by the sudden rain. Problem: How does the sentence end? The farmer grew his potatoes without using pesticides because he didn't want the Answer: pesticides to destroy. Problem: How does the sentence end? Logan studied harder than Benjamin because Answer:
Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain.
Write the next sentence. Nick loved wearing bracelets while Leslie hated the thought of it, so
Leslie seemed less fashionable.
sentence: Amy honored Maria at the Veteran's Day Parade, because complete: Maria had provided their service to the country. sentence: Ammunition plant owners prefer wartime over peacetime because orders for their products increase during the complete: wartime periods. sentence: Nelson finished the mile run faster than Ian because complete:
Ian liked to relax every day.
Question: Software gives more profit over hardware since they have little cost associated with selling more. they OPTIONS: - Software - hardware Answer: Software Question: Insurance companies charge a premium if people had an accident before, so they try to maintain a clean record in order to avoid having to pay more. they OPTIONS: - Insurance companies - people Answer: people Question: Robert fired Chris because he no longer needed workers. he OPTIONS: - Robert - Chris Answer: Robert Question: George talked to Bill because he had experience. he OPTIONS: - George - Bill Answer:
Input: Continue writing. Erin thought the house was haunted but Natalie disagreed. OPTIONS: - Erin had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. - Natalie had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. Continued: Erin had long believed in ghosts and the paranormal. Input: Continue writing. Randy found it easier to be healthy than Derrick because OPTIONS: - Randy did not eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. - Derrick did not eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Continued: Derrick did not eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Input: Continue writing. On a sunny day in the park, Betty asked Emily if OPTIONS: - Betty hoped not to encounter a dog. - Emily hoped not to encounter a dog. Continued: Emily hoped not to encounter a dog. Input: Continue writing. John thought his hand was broken, but it was actually his foot because the OPTIONS: - foot was straight. - hand was straight. Continued:
hand was straight.
Question: The mechanic moved the tires from the car to the pallet, so the Answer: Continue the sentence -- car became lighter. Question: Along with her husband, Elena has been going to counseling, though Felicia has not. Answer: Continue the sentence -- Elena is in an unhappy marriage. Question: Brett told Aaron not to put the laundry in the dryer because Answer: Continue the sentence -- Brett would do it them self. Question: Charlie decided to quit smoking so he threw away his carton but not his lighter because the Answer:
Continue the sentence -- carton wasn't a gift.
The X-Factor is starting to overtake American Idol in the ratings race since they have the popular Simon Cowell as the judge. Based on this sentence, who is they? Choose your answer from: [A]. The X-Factor. [B]. American Idol.
Continue the following story. The chef tried to store the lasagna in the box but the
lasagna was too large.
Choose your story that continues the following story. Charlie decided to quit smoking so he threw away his carton but not his lighter because the Available choices: a). carton wasn't a gift.. b). lighter wasn't a gift..
Complete the following sentence. When Cynthia left the house with the oven on, Tanya turned it off; then
Cynthia yelled because it had cooled down.
Continue writing the following text. Monica went to Erin's house to use their computer for a paper since
Monica 's computer was broken.
Natalie fell asleep at a graduation party at Sarah's house, then Sarah started to laugh. Laura loved the skirt Monica made in home ec, so Monica offered to lend it. The jacket fit much too loosely on Yuri's shoulder area because the
jacket was broad.
Input: Continue writing. Michael asked Brett for help moving a desk. Continued: Brett wouldn't have been able to do it by himself either. Input: Continue writing. Maria had a lot less friends than Tanya because Continued: Maria had always been a shy person. Input: Continue writing. Jennifer eats a healthy diet while Carrie eats a lot of fat, Continued: Jennifer doesn't suffer from high cholesterol. Input: Continue writing. Christine got help from Kayla using a lockpick when Continued:
Christine was locked out of her apartment.
Story needs to be completed: Michael gave a pet to Christopher because OPTIONS: - Michael wanted to show the other how loved they are. - Christopher wanted to show the other how loved they are. My choice: Michael wanted to show the other how loved they are. Story needs to be completed: James ran out of makeup when making up his face. He never knew the OPTIONS: - face is so large. - makeup is so large. My choice: face is so large. Story needs to be completed: The oil spilled on Nick 's shirt while he cooked for Justin, so OPTIONS: - Nick offered him for a clean shirt. - Justin offered him for a clean shirt. My choice: Justin offered him for a clean shirt. Story needs to be completed: Lawrence learned chess slower than Craig did because OPTIONS: - Lawrence thought the game was really fun. - Craig thought the game was really fun. My choice:
Craig thought the game was really fun.
pick from the following. (a). jacket was broad. (b). shoulder area was broad. Complete the following sentence. The jacket fit much too loosely on Yuri's shoulder area because the
Story needs to be completed: The thief was able to be sneaky in the boots, but not in the sandals, because the My choice: boots were made of superior material. Story needs to be completed: James could not finish drawing the diagram within the time give. The My choice: time is small. Story needs to be completed: Jason always woke up earlier than Craig, so they decided that My choice: Jason would start the coffee each day. Story needs to be completed: The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so My choice:
Jeffrey takes crappier supplements.
Problem: Continue the following story. Rachel went to the store to buy milk for Angela, and OPTIONS: - Rachel stayed home most of the morning. - Angela stayed home most of the morning. Here's how I want to continue it: Angela stayed home most of the morning. Problem: Continue the following story. The raft sank but the door floated. The family survived by staying off the OPTIONS: - door . - raft . Here's how I want to continue it: raft . Problem: Continue the following story. Jennifer wanted to fit a car payment into her budget. She couldn't because the OPTIONS: - budget was too big. - car payment was too big. Here's how I want to continue it:
car payment was too big.
How does the sentence end? When making a jacket, Jim decided to use leather over cloth as a material because the
cloth was susceptible to damage.
Continue writing the following text. Christine got help from Kayla using a lockpick when Available choices: - Christine was locked out of her apartment.; - Kayla was locked out of her apartment.;
Christine was locked out of her apartment.
Problem: Jeffrey was more nervous to attend high school than Christopher was, because OPTIONS: - Jeffrey was a Freshman. - Christopher was a Freshman. My choice: Jeffrey was a Freshman. Problem: William took a leap of faith and invested all of the money into one stock but Ian did not. OPTIONS: - William was a risk taker. - Ian was a risk taker. My choice: William was a risk taker. Problem: Randy was always cleaning better than Nelson because OPTIONS: - Randy use to do that for a living. - Nelson use to do that for a living. My choice: Randy use to do that for a living. Problem: Elena aspired to grow up and be just like Angela was now, as OPTIONS: - Elena was no longer a kid . - Angela was no longer a kid . My choice:
Angela was no longer a kid .
Problem: Continue the following story. James has lives now a domestic life, but he misses his single life because the Here's how I want to continue it: domestic life is boring. Problem: Continue the following story. The cough of Carrie is very bad, so Lindsey recommends Nyquil. Here's how I want to continue it: Carrie is the sick person. Problem: Continue the following story. The worker tried to store the paint in the garage but the Here's how I want to continue it:
garage was too small.
If "I sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time.", can we conclude that "He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the book there all the time." pick from the following. i. no; ii. yes; I think the answer is
Problem: Emily read out to Katrina exactly what My choice: Katrina should do just to let them know. Problem: At the Halloween party, Robert got second in the costume contest won by his enemy Leslie which really made My choice: Robert mad. Problem: Christine had much better posture than Carrie after years of My choice: Carrie sitting with a slouched back. Problem: I allow my kids to download puzzle apps, not anime apps, I think the My choice:
puzzle apps are educational.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? Jennifer had gotten a worse sunburn than Victoria because OPTIONS: - Jennifer had stayed outside fishing for longer. - Victoria had stayed outside fishing for longer. [A]: Jennifer had stayed outside fishing for longer. [Q]: How does the sentence end? Victoria can punch the boxing bag with more speed than Megan seeing as how OPTIONS: - Victoria is faster. - Megan is faster. [A]: Victoria is faster. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The doctor diagnosed Justin with bipolar and Robert with anxiety. OPTIONS: - Justin had terrible nerves recently. - Robert had terrible nerves recently. [A]:
Robert had terrible nerves recently.
How does the sentence end? The supplements that Jeffrey takes don't do as good of a job as Steven's, so (1). Jeffrey takes crappier supplements.. (2). Steven takes crappier supplements..
Write the next sentence. The computer was fixed by Katrina instead of Jennifer since
Jennifer has a degree in psychology.
Question: Caroline quickly defeated Sue because she regained her confidence. Who is she referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: Caroline Question: The father convinced his son that it is possible for him to one day become a knight, but he may never achieve such status coming from a peasant family. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: his son Question: Windows is worse than Linux because it has a lot of viruses. Who is it referring to in this sentence? --- Answer: Windows Question: John bored Bill because he was boring. Who is he referring to in this sentence? --- Answer:
Problem: Emily thought piercing her ear would tickle but Natalie thought it would hurt, so OPTIONS: - Emily smiled while driving to the jewelry store. - Natalie smiled while driving to the jewelry store. My choice: Emily smiled while driving to the jewelry store. [Q]: How does the sentence end? The new air conditioner needed to be placed on the cement pad, but the OPTIONS: - air conditioner was too small. - cement pad was too small. [A]: cement pad was too small. QUES: Continue writing. Brett didn't want Christopher to teach him English because OPTIONS: - Brett was very bad with grammar and spelling. - Christopher was very bad with grammar and spelling. +++++++++ ANS: Christopher was very bad with grammar and spelling. Problem: How does the sentence end? Natalie was trying to fit a prom dress over their client's bust, but struggled to do so because the OPTIONS: - dress was too small. - bust was too small. Answer: dress was too small. sentence: Steven calmed down Eric because OPTIONS: - Steven was angry about the live audio being so loud. - Eric was angry about the live audio being so loud. complete: Eric was angry about the live audio being so loud. Input: Continue writing. Patricia got a new puppy from the animal shelter, but Cynthia got a cat instead, because OPTIONS: - Patricia feared dogs. - Cynthia feared dogs. Continued:
Cynthia feared dogs.
QUES: Continue writing. In preparation for dinner the cook had to rinse the vegetables and not the fruits because the OPTIONS: - vegetables were clean. - fruits were clean. +++++++++ ANS: fruits were clean. QUES: Continue writing. Derrick dined on sweets and fast food much too often while Donald ate salads and veggies. OPTIONS: - Derrick had a scarcity of belly fat. - Donald had a scarcity of belly fat. +++++++++ ANS: Donald had a scarcity of belly fat. QUES: Continue writing. Jeffrey suspected Adam had an addiction to pain pills, so OPTIONS: - Jeffrey did not receive anymore pills. - Adam did not receive anymore pills. +++++++++ ANS: Adam did not receive anymore pills. QUES: Continue writing. So OPTIONS: - Brian was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't. - Hunter was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't. +++++++++ ANS:
Brian was hurt because Brian has a huge wound on their arm and Hunter didn't.
Jennifer didn't want to go to school, but Jessica made them, because OPTIONS: - Jennifer is their child. - Jessica is their child. Jennifer is their child. Input: Continue writing. John wanted a panel to replace the golden paint on the wall because the OPTIONS: - panel is unfashionable. - paint is unfashionable. Continued: paint is unfashionable. Story needs to be completed: Carrie was always late for class compared to Maria, because OPTIONS: - Carrie was a very punctual person. - Maria was a very punctual person. My choice: Maria was a very punctual person. Problem: Continue the following story. Being a doctor was always Nelson's dream while Kevin wanted to be a lawyer, so OPTIONS: - Nelson went to law school. - Kevin went to law school. Here's how I want to continue it: Kevin went to law school. Problem: While going out to eat, Jason paid for dinner with Benjamin because OPTIONS: - Jason has less money. - Benjamin has less money. My choice: Benjamin has less money. Story needs to be completed: Richard has an eye strain because he works in a dark room close to the computer whole day. The OPTIONS: - computer is very bright. - room is very bright. My choice:
computer is very bright.
[Q]: How does the sentence end? The new towel Julie purchased for herself would not fit around her head, the [A]: towel was too narrow. [Q]: How does the sentence end? So [A]: Nick tickled the baby because Nick likes babies and Matthew doesn't like them at all. [Q]: How does the sentence end? In order to increase the strength of his brain, Mitch decided to take up painting rather than reading, because the [A]:
reading was difficult for his eyes.
Problem: How does the sentence end? To avoid food poisoning, Kenneth gave his tainted food in the prison to Lawrence. OPTIONS: - Kenneth remained healthy. - Lawrence remained healthy. Answer: Kenneth remained healthy. Problem: How does the sentence end? The flood overran the town but did not hurt the camp, since the OPTIONS: - town was surprised by the sudden rain. - camp was surprised by the sudden rain. Answer: town was surprised by the sudden rain. Problem: How does the sentence end? The farmer grew his potatoes without using pesticides because he didn't want the OPTIONS: - potatoes to destroy. - pesticides to destroy. Answer: pesticides to destroy. Problem: How does the sentence end? Logan studied harder than Benjamin because OPTIONS: - Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain. - Benjamin did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain. Answer:
Logan did have an educational scholarship fund to maintain.
Write the next sentence. The worker tried to store the paint in the garage but the Pick from: (1). garage was too small. (2). paint was too small.
Continue the following story. I removed beef from my diet and added pork, as the
beef turned out to be unhealthy.
Given the following context Mark was close to Mr. Singer 's heels. He heard *him* calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. Are "Mark" and "him" the same?