22 values
15 values
1 class
# !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Description: Given a pattern and a string str, find if str follows the same pattern. Here follow means a full match, such that there is a bijection between a letter in pattern and a non-empty word in str. Examples: pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat dog" should return true. pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat fish" should return false. pattern = "aaaa", str = "dog cat cat dog" should return false. pattern = "abba", str = "dog dog dog dog" should return false. Notes: You may assume pattern contains only lowercase letters, and str contains lowercase letters separated by a single space. Tags: Hash Table Time: O(n); Space: O(n) ''' class Solution(object): def wordPattern(self, pattern, str): """ :type pattern: str :type str: str :rtype: bool """ words = str.split() # Space: O(n) if len(pattern) != len(words): return False w2p, p2w = {}, {} for p, w in zip(pattern, words): if w not in w2p and p not in p2w: # Build mapping. Space: O(c) w2p[w] = p p2w[p] = w elif w not in w2p or w2p[w] != p: # elif p not in p2w or p2w[p]!=w: # Contradict mapping. return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': print Solution().wordPattern('abba', 'dog cat cat dog')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020 shmilee ''' Contains processor base class. ''' import os import re import time import pickle import hashlib from .. import __gversion__ from ..glogger import getGLogger from ..loaders import is_rawloader, get_rawloader, is_pckloader, get_pckloader from ..savers import is_pcksaver, get_pcksaver from ..cores.exporter import Exporter from ..visplters import get_visplter, is_visplter __all__ = ['Processor'] plog = getGLogger('P') class Processor(object): ''' Serial Processor class. Attributes ---------- name: class name of this processor rawloader: rawloader object to get raw data converters: converter cores to convert raw data to pickled data pcksaver: pcksaver object to save pickled data pckloader: pckloader object to get pickled data ressaver: cachepcksaver object to save dig results resfilesaver: pcksaver object to save long time dig results diggers: digger cores to calculate pickled data to results availablelabels: list figure labels in this processor, like 'group/fignum' resloader: cachepckloader object to get dig results resfileloader: pckloader object to get long time dig results diggedlabels: set figlabels/kwargstr digged in ressaver or resfilesaver like 'group/fignum/a=1,b=2' exporters: dict exporters generated exporttemplates: list templates of generated exporters Notes ----- 1. :attr:`saltname` means base name of salt file for `saver.path`. The :attr:`rawloader` must have at least one salt file. If more than one salt files, the one with min path depth will be used. :attr:`saltstr` is the salt string generated from salt file. 2. :attr:`dig_acceptable_time` means if :meth:`dig` spends more time than this, the results will be saved in :attr:`resfilesaver`. ''' @property def name(self): return type(self).__name__ parallel = 'off' # # Start Convert Part __slots__ = ['_rawloader', '_pcksaver', '_converters', '_saltstr'] ConverterCores = [] saltname = '' def __check_rawloader(self, rawloader): if rawloader is None: return False if not is_rawloader(rawloader): plog.error("%s: Not a rawloader object!" % return False saltfiles = rawloader.refind('^(?:|.*/)%s$' % self.saltname) if len(saltfiles) == 0: plog.error("%s: Can't find '%s' in '%s'!" % (, self.saltname, rawloader.path)) return False elif len(saltfiles) > 1: plog.warning( "%s: More than one '%s' %s found in '%s'!" % (, self.saltname, saltfiles, rawloader.path)) lth = [len(f.split('/')) for f in saltfiles] idx = lth.index(min(lth)) # min path depth ignore_dirs = [os.path.dirname(saltfiles[i]) for i in range(len(saltfiles)) if i != idx] plog.warning( "%s: Use '%s' as salt file, ignore other files in %s!" % (, saltfiles[idx], ignore_dirs)) _old_fe = rawloader.filenames_exclude _new_fe = [r'^%s.*$' % d for d in ignore_dirs] rawloader = get_rawloader( rawloader.path, filenames_exclude=_old_fe + _new_fe) return rawloader def _get_rawloader(self): return self._rawloader def _set_rawloader(self, rawloader): self._converters = [] rawloader = self.__check_rawloader(rawloader) if rawloader: self._rawloader = rawloader for Cc in self.ConverterCores: self._converters.extend(Cc.generate_cores(rawloader)) else: self._rawloader = None rawloader = property(_get_rawloader, _set_rawloader) @property def converters(self): return self._converters def _get_pcksaver(self): return self._pcksaver def _set_pcksaver(self, pcksaver): if is_pcksaver(pcksaver): self._pcksaver = pcksaver else: self._pcksaver = None pcksaver = property(_get_pcksaver, _set_pcksaver) def set_prefer_pcksaver(self, savetype, ext2='converted'): ''' Set preferable pcksaver path beside raw data. Parameters ---------- savetype: str extension of pcksaver.path, like (.npz) ext2: str second extension, like name.(converted).npz ''' if not self.rawloader: raise IOError("%s: Need a rawloader object!" % # salt saltfile = self.rawloader.refind('^(?:|.*/)%s$' % self.saltname)[0] if self.rawloader.loader_type in ['']: salt = hashlib.sha1(saltfile.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() else: try: with self.rawloader.get(saltfile) as f: salt = hashlib.sha1('utf-8')).hexdigest() except Exception: plog.warning("Failed to read salt file '%s'!" % saltfile) salt = hashlib.sha1(saltfile.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() plog.debug("Get salt string: '%s'." % salt) # prefix prefix = self.rawloader.beside_path( # savetype if os.access(os.path.dirname(prefix), os.W_OK): if savetype not in ['.npz', '.hdf5']: plog.warning("Use default savetype '.npz'.") savetype = '.npz' else: plog.debug("Use savetype '.cache' because %s isn't writable!" % os.path.dirname(prefix)) savetype = '.cache' # assemble savepath = '%s-%s.%s%s' % (prefix, salt[:6], ext2, savetype) self._saltstr = salt self.pcksaver = get_pcksaver(savepath) @property def saltstr(self): if getattr(self, '_saltstr', None): # has rawloader, pcksaver return self._saltstr elif getattr(self, 'pckloader', None): # no rawloader, pcksaver if 'saltstr' in self.pckloader: return self.pckloader.get('saltstr') else: m = re.match('.*-(.{6})\.converted\..*', self.pckloader.path) if m: return m.groups()[0] # fallback return '123456' @property def _rawsummary(self): return "Raw data files in %s '%s'" % ( self.rawloader.loader_type, self.rawloader.path) def _pre_convert(self, add_desc=None): if not self.rawloader: plog.error("%s: Need a rawloader object!" % return if not self.pcksaver: plog.error("%s: Need a pcksaver object!" % return summary = "Pck data converted from %s." % self._rawsummary description = ("%s\nCreated by gdpy3 v%s.\nCreated on %s." % (summary, __gversion__, time.asctime())) if add_desc: description += '\n' + str(add_desc) with self.pcksaver: self.pcksaver.write('/', {'description': description, 'saltstr': self.saltstr, 'processor':}) def _post_convert(self):"%s are converted to %s!" % (self._rawsummary, self.pcksaver.path)) def convert(self, add_desc=None): ''' Convert raw data in rawloader.path, and save them in pcksaver. ''' self._pre_convert(add_desc=add_desc) with self.pcksaver: for core in self.converters: self.pcksaver.write(, core.convert()) self._post_convert() # # End Convert Part # # Start Dig Part __slots__.extend(['_pckloader', '_ressaver', '_resfilesaver', '_diggers', '_availablelabels_lib', '_availablelabels', '_resloader', '_resfileloader', '_diggedlabels']) DiggerCores = [] dig_acceptable_time = 30 def _check_pckloader_backward_version(self, pckloader): return False def _check_pckloader_forward_version(self, pckloader): return False def __check_pckloader(self, pckloader): if not is_pckloader(pckloader): plog.error("%s: Not a pckloader object!" % return False if (self._check_pckloader_backward_version(pckloader) or self._check_pckloader_forward_version(pckloader)): return True if 'processor' not in pckloader: plog.error("%s: Can't find 'processor' in '%s'!" % (, pckloader.path)) return False pname = pckloader.get('processor') if pname != plog.error("%s: Invalid 'processor' '%s'! Did you mean '%s'?" % (, pname, return False return True def _get_pckloader(self): return self._pckloader def _set_pckloader(self, pckloader): self._diggers = [] if pckloader and self.__check_pckloader(pckloader): self._pckloader = pckloader for Dc in self.DiggerCores: self._diggers.extend(Dc.generate_cores(pckloader)) else: self._pckloader = None self._availablelabels_lib = {dc.figlabel: dc for dc in self._diggers} self._availablelabels = sorted(self._availablelabels_lib.keys()) pckloader = property(_get_pckloader, _set_pckloader) @property def diggers(self): return self._diggers @property def availablelabels(self): return self._availablelabels # save results def _get_ressaver(self): return self._ressaver def _set_ressaver(self, ressaver): if is_pcksaver(ressaver): self._ressaver = ressaver else: self._ressaver = None ressaver = property(_get_ressaver, _set_ressaver) def _get_resfilesaver(self): return self._resfilesaver def _set_resfilesaver(self, resfilesaver): if is_pcksaver(resfilesaver): self._resfilesaver = resfilesaver else: self._resfilesaver = None resfilesaver = property(_get_resfilesaver, _set_resfilesaver) # reload results def _get_resloader(self): return self._resloader def _set_resloader(self, resloader): if not getattr(self, '_diggedlabels', None): self._diggedlabels = set() if resloader and self.__check_pckloader(resloader): self._resloader = resloader self._diggedlabels.update(resloader.datagroups) else: self._resloader = None resloader = property(_get_resloader, _set_resloader) def _get_resfileloader(self): return self._resfileloader def _set_resfileloader(self, resfileloader): if not getattr(self, '_diggedlabels', None): self._diggedlabels = set() if resfileloader and self.__check_pckloader(resfileloader): self._resfileloader = resfileloader self._diggedlabels.update(resfileloader.datagroups) else: self._resfileloader = None resfileloader = property(_get_resfileloader, _set_resfileloader) @property def diggedlabels(self): return self._diggedlabels def set_prefer_ressaver(self, ext2='digged', oldext2='converted', overwrite=False): ''' Set preferable ressaver resfilesaver beside converted data. Parameters ---------- ext2: str second extension, like name.(digged).npz oldext2: str second extension of converted file, like name.(converted).npz overwrite: bool overwrite existing resfilesaver.path file or not, default False ''' if not self.pckloader: raise IOError("%s: Need a pckloader object!" % saverstr, ext = os.path.splitext(self.pckloader.path) saverstr = saverstr.replace(oldext2, ext2) respath = '%s.cache' % saverstr ressaver = get_pcksaver(respath) with ressaver: ressaver.write('/', {'processor':}) self.ressaver = ressaver self.resloader = get_pckloader(ressaver.get_store()) plog.debug("Default %s data cache is %s." % (ext2, respath)) if ext != '.cache': try: respath = '%s%s' % (saverstr, ext) resfilesaver = get_pcksaver(respath) if overwrite and os.path.isfile(respath): plog.warning("Remove old %s data file: %s!" % (ext2, respath)) os.remove(respath) if not os.path.isfile(respath): # new file with resfilesaver: resfilesaver.write('/', {'processor':}) self.resfilesaver = resfilesaver self.resfileloader = get_pckloader(resfilesaver.get_store())"Default %s data path is %s." % (ext2, respath)) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Failed to set results file pcksaver, '%s'!" % (, respath), exc_info=1) self.resfilesaver = None def _before_new_dig(self, figlabel, redig, kwargs): '''Get digcore, try old dig results''' if not self.pckloader: plog.error("%s: Need a pckloader object!" % return None, 'No pckloader', None if not self.ressaver: plog.error("%s: Need a results pcksaver object!" % return None, 'No pcksaver', None if figlabel not in self.availablelabels: plog.error("%s: Figure %s not found!" % (, figlabel)) return None, 'Invalid figlabel', None digcore = self._availablelabels_lib[figlabel] gotkwargstr = digcore.str_dig_kwargs(kwargs) or 'DEFAULT' gotfiglabel = '%s/%s' % (figlabel, gotkwargstr) if not redig and gotfiglabel in self.diggedlabels: if gotfiglabel in self.resloader.datagroups: # use resloader first gotresloader, fileloader = self.resloader, False elif (self.resfileloader and gotfiglabel in self.resfileloader.datagroups): gotresloader, fileloader = self.resfileloader, True else: plog.error('%s: Not found %s in diggedlabels!' % (, gotfiglabel)) return digcore, gotfiglabel, None'Find %s digged results in %s.' % ( gotfiglabel, os.path.basename(gotresloader.path))) if gotfiglabel.endswith('/DEFAULT'): try_link_key = '%s/_LINK' % gotfiglabel if try_link_key in gotresloader: linkgotfiglabel = gotresloader.get(try_link_key) plog.debug('Find %s digged results link to %s.' % ( gotfiglabel, linkgotfiglabel)) gotfiglabel = linkgotfiglabel results = gotresloader.get_by_group(gotfiglabel) if fileloader: # reload kwoptions digcore.kwoptions = pickle.loads( results.pop('kwoptions', None)) return digcore, gotfiglabel, results else: return digcore, gotfiglabel, None def _do_new_dig(self, digcore, kwargs): '''Dig new results.''' results, acckwargstr, digtime = digcore.dig(**kwargs) if not acckwargstr: acckwargstr = 'DEFAULT' accfiglabel = '%s/%s' % (digcore.figlabel, acckwargstr) return accfiglabel, results, digtime def _cachesave_new_dig(self, accfiglabel, gotfiglabel, results): '''Cache dig results, link DEFAULT to accfiglabel.''' with self.ressaver: self.ressaver.write(accfiglabel, results) if (gotfiglabel.endswith('/DEFAULT') and not accfiglabel.endswith('/DEFAULT')): # link double cache self.ressaver.write(gotfiglabel, dict(_LINK=accfiglabel)) def _filesave_new_dig(self, accfiglabel, gotfiglabel, results, digcore): '''Save dig results in file, link DEFAULT to accfiglabel.''' # also save kwoptions kwopts = dict(kwoptions=pickle.dumps(digcore.kwoptions)) with self.resfilesaver: shortpath = os.path.basename(self.resfilesaver.path)'Save %s digged results in %s.' % ( accfiglabel, shortpath)) self.resfilesaver.write(accfiglabel, results) self.resfilesaver.write(accfiglabel, kwopts) if (gotfiglabel.endswith('/DEFAULT') and not accfiglabel.endswith('/DEFAULT')): # link double cache'Save %s digged results in %s.' % ( gotfiglabel, shortpath)) self.resfilesaver.write( gotfiglabel, dict(_LINK=accfiglabel)) def dig(self, figlabel, redig=False, callback=None, post=True, **kwargs): ''' Get digged results of *figlabel*. Use :meth:`dig_doc` to see *kwargs* for *figlabel*. Return accfiglabel, results and template name, and accfiglabel is 'figlabel/digkwargstr'. Parameters ---------- redig: bool If :attr:`resfilesaver` type is '.npz', *redig* may cause warning: " UserWarning: Duplicate name ..." Recommend using '.hdf5' when *redig* is True or setting :attr:`resfilesaver.duplicate_name`=False to rebuild a new zip archive when we get duplicate names. callback: a callable It accepts two arguments, accfiglabel and dig results before post_dig. This can be used to get some numbers from results. post: bool call post_dig ''' data = self._before_new_dig(figlabel, redig, kwargs) if data[0] is None: return data digcore, gotfiglabel, results = data if results is None: accfiglabel, results, digtime = self._do_new_dig(digcore, kwargs) self._cachesave_new_dig(accfiglabel, gotfiglabel, results) self.resloader = get_pckloader(self.ressaver.get_store()) if self.resfilesaver and digtime > self.dig_acceptable_time: # long execution time self._filesave_new_dig( accfiglabel, gotfiglabel, results, digcore) self.resfileloader = get_pckloader( self.resfilesaver.get_store()) else: accfiglabel = gotfiglabel if callable(callback): callback(accfiglabel, results) if post: results = digcore.post_dig(results) return accfiglabel, results, digcore.post_template def dig_doc(self, figlabel, see='help'): ''' help(digcore.dig) or digcore.dig.__doc__ Parameters ---------- see: str 'help', 'print' or 'return' ''' if figlabel not in self.availablelabels: plog.error("%s: Figure %s not found!" % (, figlabel)) return digcore = self._availablelabels_lib[figlabel] if see == 'help': help(digcore.dig) elif see == 'print': print(digcore.dig.__doc__) elif see == 'return': return digcore.dig.__doc__ else: pass def refind(self, pattern): '''Find the figlabels which match the regular expression *pattern*.''' pat = re.compile(pattern) return tuple(filter( lambda k: True if re.match(pat, k) else False, self.availablelabels)) # # End Dig Part # # Start Export Part ExporterCores = [Exporter] exporters = {pt: Exporter(pt) for pt in Exporter.template_available} _exporttemplates = list(Exporter.template_available) @property def exporttemplates(self): return self._exporttemplates def _get_exporter(self, post_tmpl): if post_tmpl in self._exporttemplates: return self.exporters[post_tmpl] else: try: ecore = Exporter(post_tmpl) except Exception: pass else: self.exporters[post_tmpl] = ecore self._exporttemplates.append(post_tmpl) return ecore return None def export(self, figlabel, what='axes', fmt='dict', callback=None, **kwargs): ''' Get and assemble digged results, template of *figlabel*. Use :meth:`dig_doc` to see *kwargs* for *figlabel*. Use :meth:`export_doc` to see *kwargs* for :meth:`exportcore.export`. Returns ------- assembled results in format *fmt* If *what* is 'axes', results['accfiglabel'] will be updated from 'figlabel/digkwargstr' to 'figlabel/digkwargstr,viskwargstr', where 'viskwargstr' is :meth:`exportcore.export` *kwargs* to str. Parameters ---------- what: str 'axes'(default), results for visplter 'options', options for GUI widgets fmt: str export format, 'dict'(default), 'pickle' or 'json' callback: see :meth:`dig`, only for what='axes' ''' if what not in ('axes', 'options'): waht = 'axes' if fmt not in ('dict', 'pickle', 'json'): fmt = 'dict' if figlabel in self.availablelabels: if what == 'axes': label_kw, res, tmpl = self.dig( figlabel, callback=callback, post=True, **kwargs) exportcore = self._get_exporter(tmpl) if exportcore: return exportcore.export( res, otherinfo=dict(status=200, figlabel=figlabel, accfiglabel=label_kw, ), fmt=fmt, **kwargs) else: status, reason = 500, 'invalid template' elif what == 'options': digcore = self._availablelabels_lib[figlabel] exportcore = self._get_exporter(digcore.post_template) if exportcore: if digcore.kwoptions is None: a, b, c = self.dig(figlabel, post=False, **kwargs) return exportcore.export_options( digcore.kwoptions, otherinfo=dict(status=200, figlabel=figlabel, ), fmt=fmt) else: status, reason = 500, 'invalid template' else: plog.error("%s: Figure %s not found!" % (, figlabel)) status, reason = 404, 'figlabel not found' exportcore = self._get_exporter('tmpl_line') return exportcore.fmt_export( dict(status=status, reason=reason, figlabel=figlabel), fmt=fmt) def export_doc(self, template, see='help'): ''' see docstring of :meth:`exportercore._export_*template*` Parameters ---------- see: str 'help', 'print' or 'return' ''' if template not in Exporter.template_available: plog.error("%s: Template %s not found!" % (, template)) return exportcore = self._get_exporter(template) meth = getattr(exportcore, '_export_%s' % template) if see == 'help': help(meth) elif see == 'print': print(meth.__doc__) elif see == 'return': return meth.__doc__ else: pass # # End Export Part # # Start Visplt Part __slots__.extend(['_visplter']) def _get_visplter(self): return self._visplter def _set_visplter(self, visplter): if is_visplter(visplter): self._visplter = visplter else: self._visplter = visplter visplter = property(_get_visplter, _set_visplter) def visplt(self, figlabel, revis=False, show=True, callback=None, **kwargs): ''' Get results of *figlabel* and visualize(plot). Use :meth:`dig_doc` :meth:`export_doc` to see *kwargs* for *figlabel*. Return accfiglabel or None. Parameters ---------- revis: bool replot *figlabel* if it was already ploted show: bool display *figlabel* after it ploted _show_kwargs: parameters pick from *kwargs* They startswith('_show_') for :attr:`visplter`.show_figure, like '_show_width', '_show_mod' etc. callback: see :meth:`dig` ''' if not self.visplter: plog.error("%s: Need a visplter object!" % return # pop show kwargs shkws = {k[6:]: kwargs.pop(k) for k in tuple(kwargs.keys()) if k.startswith('_show_')} results = self.export( figlabel, what='axes', fmt='dict', callback=callback, **kwargs) if results['status'] == 200: try: figure = self.visplter.create_template_figure( results, replace=revis) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Failed to create figure %s!" % (, results['accfiglabel']), exc_info=1) else: if show: self.visplter.show_figure(results['accfiglabel'], **shkws) return results['accfiglabel'] else: plog.error("%s: Failed to create figure %s: %s" % (, figlabel, results['status']), exc_info=1) # # End Visplt Part def __repr__(self): # i = (' rawloader: %r\n pcksaver: %r\n' # ' pckloader: %r\n ressaver: %r\n resfilesaver: %r\n' # ' resloader: %r\n resfileloader: %r\n' # ' visplter: %r' # % (self.rawloader, self.pcksaver, # self.pckloader, self.ressaver, self.resfilesaver, # self.resloader, self.resfileloader, # self.visplter)) i = (' rawloader: %r\n pckloader: %r\n' ' resloader: %r\n resfileloader: %r\n' ' visplter: %r' % (self.rawloader, self.pckloader, self.resloader, self.resfileloader, self.visplter)) return '<\n {0}.{1} object at {2},\n{3}\n>'.format( self.__module__, type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), i) def __init__(self, path, add_desc=None, filenames_exclude=None, savetype='.npz', overwrite=False, Sid=False, datagroups_exclude=None, add_visplter='mpl::'): ''' Pick up raw data or converted data in *path*, set processor's rawloader, pcksaver and pckloader, etc. Parameters ---------- path: str path of raw data or converted data to open add_desc: str additional description of raw data filenames_exclude: list regular expressions to exclude filenames in rawloader savetype: '.npz' or '.hdf5' extension of pcksaver.path, default '.npz' when pcksaver.path isn't writable, use '.cache' overwrite: bool overwrite existing pcksaver.path file or not, default False Sid: bool If Sid is True(here), only rawloader and pcksaver will be set and converted to a .npz or .hdf5 file if needed. And any other codes(like Buzz Lightyear) will be omitted(destroyed). Default False. datagroups_exclude: list regular expressions to exclude datagroups in pckloader add_visplter: str add visplter by type *add_visplter*, default 'mpl::' ''' root, ext1 = os.path.splitext(path) root, ext2 = os.path.splitext(root) if ((ext2, ext1) in [('', '.npz'), ('', '.hdf5')] and os.path.basename(root).startswith('gdpy3-pickled-data-')): # pckloader.path backward compatibility plog.warning("This is an old converted data path %s!" % path) ext2 = '.converted' old_pickled_path = True else: old_pickled_path = False if (ext2, ext1) in [('.digged', '.npz'), ('.digged', '.hdf5')]: # resfileloader.path plog.warning("This is a digged data path %s!" % path) path = '%s%s%s' % (root, '.converted', ext1) plog.warning("Try converted data path %s beside it!" % path) if os.path.isfile(path): root, ext1 = os.path.splitext(path) root, ext2 = os.path.splitext(root) else: plog.error("%s: Can't find path %s!" % (, path)) return if (ext2, ext1) in [('.converted', '.npz'), ('.converted', '.hdf5')]: # pckloader.path self.rawloader, self.pcksaver = None, None if Sid: return try: self.pckloader = get_pckloader( path, datagroups_exclude=datagroups_exclude) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Invalid pckloader path '%s'!" % (, path), exc_info=1) return try: if old_pickled_path: self.set_prefer_ressaver( ext2='digged', oldext2='pickled', overwrite=overwrite) else: self.set_prefer_ressaver( ext2='digged', overwrite=overwrite) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Failed to set ressaver object!" %, exc_info=1) else: # rawloader.path try: self.rawloader = get_rawloader( path, filenames_exclude=filenames_exclude) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Invalid rawloader path '%s'!" % (, path), exc_info=1) return try: self.set_prefer_pcksaver(savetype, ext2='converted') except Exception: plog.error("%s: Failed to set pcksaver object!" %, exc_info=1) return"Default %s data path is %s." % ('converted', self.pcksaver.path)) if Sid and self.pcksaver._extension not in ['.npz', '.hdf5']: return if os.path.isfile(self.pcksaver.path): if overwrite: plog.warning("Remove old %s data file: %s!" % ('converted', self.pcksaver.path)) os.remove(self.pcksaver.path) self.convert(add_desc=add_desc) else: self.convert(add_desc=add_desc) if Sid and self.pcksaver._extension in ['.npz', '.hdf5']: return try: self.pckloader = get_pckloader( self.pcksaver.get_store(), datagroups_exclude=datagroups_exclude) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Invalid pckloader path '%s'!" % (, path), exc_info=1) return try: self.set_prefer_ressaver(ext2='digged', overwrite=overwrite) except Exception: plog.error("%s: Failed to set ressaver object!" %, exc_info=1) # set visplter if add_visplter: self.visplter = get_visplter(str(add_visplter) + path) else: self.visplter = None
from datetime import datetime from icalendar import Calendar, Event, vCalAddress from eventbrite import EventbriteClient from pytz import timezone def fetch_eb_organizer_feed( credentials, event_args ): ''' Pulls down a feed of events for an EventBrite organizer. ''' eb_client = EventbriteClient( credentials ) return eb_client.organizer_list_events( event_args ) def ical_from_eb_feed( eb_feed, ignore_draft=True ): ''' Converts an EventBrite feed into iCal format. ''' cal = Calendar() cal.add('prodid', '-//eventbrite2ical//reincubate//') cal.add('version', '2.0') for event in eb_feed['events']: if ignore_draft and event['event']['status'] == 'Draft': continue tzinfo = timezone( event['event']['timezone'] ) title = event['event']['title'] description = event['event']['title'] url = event['event']['url'] organiser = event['event']['organizer']['name'] if not 'venue' in event['event']: venue = None else: venue = event['event']['venue'] addresses = [ venue['name'], venue['address'], venue['address_2'], venue['city'], venue['region'], venue['postal_code'], venue['country'], ] filled_addresses = [] for a in addresses: if a: filled_addresses.append( a ) venue_address = ', '.join( filled_addresses ) latitude = venue['latitude'] longitude = venue['longitude'] start_date = datetime.strptime( event['event']['start_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) end_date = datetime.strptime( event['event']['end_date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) created = datetime.strptime( event['event']['created'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) entry = Event() entry.add( 'summary', title ) if url: description = '%s\n\n%s' % ( description, url ) entry.add( 'description', description ) entry.add( 'dtstart', start_date ) entry.add( 'dtend', end_date ) entry.add( 'dtstamp', created ) if venue: entry.add( 'location', venue_address ) entry.add( 'geoLat', latitude ) entry.add( 'geoLong', longitude ) eorganiser = vCalAddress( url ) eorganiser.params['cn'] = organiser entry['organizer'] = eorganiser cal.add_component( entry ) return cal.to_ical()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Packet-based Client-side Socket Interface. Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Roland <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import socket import threadedsockets.packets as packets import threadedsockets.socketclient as socketclient class BasicPacketClient(socketclient.BasicSocketClient): """A basic client socket wrapper to send and receive packet-structured data using a ``socket.SocketType``. """ MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x40000 def __init__(self, client_socket, packet_class=packets.BasicPacket): """Initializes a new client socket wrapper. Args: client_socket (socket.SocketType): A connected client socket. packet_class (type(packets.BasicPacket)): A packet parser implementation. """ self.__read_buffer = bytearray() self.__packet_class = packet_class super().__init__(client_socket) def receivePacket(self): """Receive a single protocol packet. Returns: packets.BasicPacket: The received packet. """ while True: data = self.receiveData() self.__read_buffer.extend(data) buffer_length = len(self.__read_buffer) if buffer_length > self.MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE: raise ValueError("Received data exceeds the maximum supported receive buffer size.") offset = 0 try: if offset < buffer_length: (packet, next_offset) = self.__packet_class.parse(self.__read_buffer, offset) offset = next_offset return packet except packets.IncompletePacketError: pass except packets.InvalidPacketError: offset += 1 if offset < buffer_length: offset = buffer_length finally: if offset > 0: self.__read_buffer[0:offset] = [] def sendPacket(self, packet): """Send a single protocol packet. Args: packet (packets.BasicPacket): The packet to send. """ self.sendData(packet.serialize()) class ThreadedPacketClient(socketclient.ThreadedSocketClient): """A client socket wrapper to send and receive packet-structured data using a ``socket.SocketType``. Data is continously received using a receiver thread. Attributes: is_running: Is the socket connection handler thread in running state? """ MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x40000 def __init__(self, client_socket, packet_class=packets.BasicPacket): """Initializes a new client socket wrapper. Args: client_socket (socket.SocketType): A connected client socket. packet_class (type(packets.BasicPacket)): A packet parser implementation. """ self.__read_buffer = bytearray() self.__packet_class = packet_class super().__init__(client_socket) def dataReceived(self, data): self.__read_buffer.extend(data) buffer_length = len(self.__read_buffer) if buffer_length > self.MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE: raise ValueError("Received data exceeds the maximum supported receive buffer size.") offset = 0 try: while offset < buffer_length: try: (packet, next_offset) = self.__packet_class.parse(self.__read_buffer, offset) except packets.InvalidPacketError: offset += 1 else: offset = next_offset self.packetReceived(packet) except packets.IncompletePacketError: pass finally: if offset > 0: self.__read_buffer[0:offset] = [] def packetReceived(self, packet): """Callback for receiving a single protocol packet. This callback is invoked on the receiver thread and blocking may result in loss of incoming data in full-duplex communication. Args: packet (packets.BasicPacket): The received packet. """ pass def sendPacket(self, packet): """Send a single protocol packet. Args: packet (packets.BasicPacket): The packet to send. """ self.sendData(packet.serialize()) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit("This library is not intended to be run directly. Unit tests are not implemented.")
""" Mutalyzer config file Specify the location of this file in the `MUTALYZER_SETTINGS` environment variable. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals EMAIL = '' BATCH_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL = '{{ mutalyzer_batch_notification_email }}' CACHE_DIR = '/opt/mutalyzer/cache' LOG_FILE = '/opt/mutalyzer/log/mutalyzer.log' EXTRACTOR_MAX_INPUT_LENGTH = {{ mutalyzer_extractor_max_input_length }} REVERSE_PROXIED = True {% if mutalyzer_database_url %} DATABASE_URI = '{{ mutalyzer_database_url }}' {% else %} DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://mutalyzer:{{ mutalyzer_database_password }}@localhost/mutalyzer' {% endif %} {% if mutalyzer_redis_url %} REDIS_URI = '{{ mutalyzer_redis_url }}' {% else %} REDIS_URI = 'redis://localhost' {% endif %} WEBSITE_ROOT_URL = 'https://{{ mutalyzer_server_name }}' SOAP_WSDL_URL = 'https://{{ mutalyzer_server_name }}/services/?wsdl' JSON_ROOT_URL = 'https://{{ mutalyzer_server_name }}/json' {% if mutalyzer_piwik %} PIWIK = True PIWIK_BASE_URL = '{{ mutalyzer_piwik.base_url }}' PIWIK_SITE_ID = {{ mutalyzer_piwik.site_id }} {% endif %}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import send_file, jsonify, Response import os.path import sys class ClipManager(): DIR_CAPACITY = 10000 def __init__(self, config): self.clips_path = config['CLIPS_PATH'] if not os.path.exists(self.clips_path): os.makedirs(self.clips_path) self.eblob_instance = None if (config['EBLOB_STORAGE']): sys.path.append(config['LIBEBLOB_PATH']) from libeblob_python import eblob, eblob_config eb_config = eblob_config() eb_config.file = os.path.join(self.clips_path, 'data') eb_config.blob_size = config['EBLOB_BLOB_SIZE'] self.eblob_instance = eblob(os.path.join(self.clips_path, 'log_file.txt'), 0, eb_config) def get_clip(self, clip_meta): if self.eblob_instance: return Response(self._eblob_reader(clip_meta), mimetype='video/' + clip_meta.container_format) mypaths = self._path_maker(clip_meta) if not os.path.isfile(mypaths['full_name']): return jsonify(error_message='no clip with id {0}'.format(, 404 return send_file(mypaths['full_name'], mimetype='video/' + clip_meta.container_format) def write_clip(self, clip_meta, data): if self.eblob_instance: self._eblob_writer(clip_meta, data) return True mypaths = self._path_maker(clip_meta) if not os.path.exists(mypaths['directory']): os.makedirs(mypaths['directory']) try:['full_name']) return True except: return False def _path_maker(self, clip_meta): directory = os.path.join(self.clips_path, str( // self.DIR_CAPACITY)) file_name = str( + '.' + clip_meta.container_format return { 'file_name': file_name, 'directory': directory, 'full_name': os.path.join(directory, file_name) } def _eblob_reader(self, clip_meta): return self.eblob_instance.read_hashed(str(, 0, 0) def _eblob_writer(self, clip_meta, data): raw_data = self.eblob_instance.write_hashed(str(, raw_data, 0, 0)
# Hierarchy of Pycasso's basic units: # # # { Window } # # ^ # | # # { Region } # # ^ # | # # { Geometry + Constraint + Geometry # Geometry + Constraint + Layout # Layout + Constraint + Layout } # # ^ # | # # { Geometry } # # # Window: set of regions # Region: single layout # Layout: visually unrepresentable object # Geometry: visually represantable object # Constraint: relationship defined between layouts and geometries class Window: @property def title(self): return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value): self._title = value @property def x(self): return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x = value @property def y(self): return self._y @y.setter def y(self, value): self._y = value @property def position(self): return self.x, self.y @position.setter def position(self, values): self.x, self.y = value @property def width(self): return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): self._width = value @property def height(self): return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value): self._height = value @property def dimension(self): return self.width, self.height @dimension.setter def dimension(self, values): self.width, self.height = values @property def basecolor(self): return self._basecolor @basecolor.setter def basecolor(self, value): self._basecolor = value def __init__(self, title = 'Pycasso <version>', x = pycasso.constants.CENTER, y = pycasso.constants.CENTER, width = 512, height = 512, basecolor = pycasso.color.rgb(0, 0, 0)): # Set values self.title = title self.position = x, y self.dimension = width, height self.basecolor = basecolor def add_region(self, region): pass def run(self): while True: for region in self.region: if region.changed: region.draw() self.wait_events() class Region: def close(self): self.parent.remove_region(self) def draw(self): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # EXAMPLE # Import modules import pycasso from pycasso.constants import * # Setup window window = pycasso.Window() window.title = 'My first Pycasso App' window.position = CENTER, CENTER window.dimension = 1024, 768 # Create main region region = pycasso.Region(x=0, y=0, width=FILL, height=FILL) window.add_region(region) # Create region layout region.layout = pycasso.Layout() # Create geometry rectangle = pycasso.geometry.Rectangle() circle = pycasso.geometry.Circle() region.layout.add_object(rectangle) region.layout.add_object(circle) # Create constraints rectangle.x == circle.x #<-- anonym consts rectangle.y == rectangle.y layout.const.dim1 = rectangle.width == circle.width * 2 #<-- named consts layout.const.dim2 = rectangle.height == circle.height * 1.5 # Initial values rectangle.position = CENTER, CENTER circle.bring_top() # Add event @window.on_mouse_move def on_mouse_move(x, y, dx, dy): rectangle.position = x, y @window.on_mouse_left_drag def on_mouse_left_drag(x, y, dx, dy): rectangle.width += dx rectangle.height += dy space_key_flag = True @window.on_space_pressed def on_space_pressed(): # Change constraits if space_key_flag: layout.const.dim1 = circle.width == rectangle.width * 2 layout.const.dim2 = circle.height == rectangle.height * 1.5 else: layout.const.dim1 = rectangle.width == circle.width * 2 layout.const.dim2 = rectangle.height == circle.height * 1.5 # Rebuild # Toogle space_key_flag = not space_key_flag # Build constraints # Enter event loop
from itertools import product # query methods def select_nodeids(xmrs, iv=None, label=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of all nodeids whose respective |EP| has the matching *iv* (intrinsic variable), *label*, or *pred* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ g = xmrs._graph nids = [] datamatch = lambda d: ((iv is None or d['iv'] == iv) and (pred is None or d['pred'] == pred) and (label is None or d['label'] == label)) for nid in g.nodeids: data = g.node[nid] if datamatch(data): nids.append(nid) return nids def select_nodes(xmrs, nodeid=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of all |Nodes| that have the matching *nodeid* and/or *pred* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ nodematch = lambda n: ((nodeid is None or n.nodeid == nodeid) and (pred is None or n.pred == pred)) return list(filter(nodematch, xmrs.nodes)) def select_eps(xmrs, anchor=None, iv=None, label=None, pred=None): """ Return the list of all |EPs| that have the matching *anchor*, *iv*, *label*, and or *pred* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ epmatch = lambda n: ((anchor is None or n.anchor == anchor) and (iv is None or n.iv == iv) and (label is None or n.label == label) and (pred is None or n.pred == pred)) return list(filter(epmatch, xmrs.eps)) def select_args(xmrs, anchor=None, rargname=None, value=None): """ Return the list of all |Arguments| that have the matching *anchor*, *rargname*, and/or *value* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ argmatch = lambda a: ((anchor is None or a.anchor == anchor) and (rargname is None or a.argname.upper() == rargname.upper()) and (value is None or a.value == value)) return list(filter(argmatch, xmrs.args)) def select_links(xmrs, source=None, target=None, rargname=None, post=None): """ Return the list of all |Links| that have the matching *source*, *target*, *rargname*, and/or *post* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ linkmatch = lambda l: ( (source is None or l.source == source) and (target is None or == target) and (rargname is None or l.argname == rargname) and (post is None or == post)) return list(filter(linkmatch, xmrs.links)) def select_hcons(xmrs, hi=None, relation=None, lo=None): """ Return the list of all |HandleConstraints| that have the matching *hi*, *relation*, and/or *lo* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ hcmatch = lambda hc: ( (hi is None or hc.hi == hi) and (relation is None or hc.relation == relation) and (lo is None or hc.lo == lo)) return list(filter(hcmatch, xmrs.hcons)) def select_icons(xmrs, target=None, relation=None, clause=None): """ Return the list of all |IndividualConstraints| that have the matching *target*, *relation*, and/or *clause* values. If none match, return an empty list. """ icmatch = lambda ic: ( (target is None or == target) and (relation is None or ic.relation == relation) and (clause is None or ic.clause == clause)) return list(filter(icmatch, xmrs.icons)) def find_argument_target(xmrs, nodeid, rargname): """ Return the target of an argument (rather than just the variable). Args: xmrs: The |Xmrs| object to use. nodeid: The nodeid (or anchor) of the argument. rargname: The role-argument name of the argument. Returns: The object that is the target of the argument. Possible values include: ================== ===== ================================= Arg value e.g. Target ================== ===== ================================= intrinsic variable x4 nodeid; of the EP with the IV hole variable h0 nodeid; the HCONS's labelset head label h1 nodeid; the label's labelset head unbound variable i3 the variable itself constant "IBM" the constant itself ================== ===== ================================= Note: If the argument value is an intrinsic variable whose target is an EP that has a quantifier, the non-quantifier EP's nodeid will be returned. With this nodeid, one can then use :py:meth:`find_quantifier` to get its quantifier's nodeid. """ g = xmrs._graph tgt = None try: tgt_val = xmrs.get_arg(nodeid, rargname).value tgt_attr = g.node[tgt_val] # intrinsic variable if 'iv' in tgt_attr: tgt = tgt_attr['iv'] # hcons; tgt_val is a hole if 'hcons' in tgt_attr: tgt_val = tgt_attr['hcons'].lo # label or hcons lo variable (see previous if block) if tgt_val in g.labels: tgt = xmrs.labelset_head(tgt_val) # otherwise likely a constant or unbound variable tgt = tgt_val # nodeid or rargname were missing, or tgt_val wasn't a node except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass #logging.warning('Cannot find argument target; argument is ' # 'invalid: {}:{}'.format(nodeid, rargname)) return tgt def find_quantifier(xmrs, nodeid): """ Return the nodeid of the quantifier of the EP given by `nodeid`. Args: xmrs: The |Xmrs| object to use. nodeid: The nodeid of the quantified EP/node. Returns: The nodeid of the quantifier for `nodeid`. If `nodeid` is not in the Xmrs, it itself is a quantifier, or if it does not have a quantifier, None is returned. """ ep = xmrs.get_ep(nodeid) if (not ep or ep.is_quantifier() or ep.iv not in xmrs._graph.node or 'bv' not in xmrs._graph.node[ep.iv]): # in some subgraphs, an IV might not exist even when specified return None return xmrs._graph.node[ep.iv]['bv'] def get_outbound_args(xmrs, nodeid, allow_unbound=True): """ Yield the |Arguments| of `nodeid` that point to other EPs/nodes. Args: xmrs: The |Xmrs| object to use. nodeid: The nodeid of the EP/node whose arguments to yield. allow_unbound: If True, also yield arguments that point to unbound (e.g. dropped) EPs/nodes or constants. Yields: |Arguments| whose targets are not the given `nodeid`. """ g = xmrs._graph ep = xmrs.get_ep(nodeid) for arg in ep.args: nid = arg.nodeid tgt = arg.value data = g.node.get(tgt, {}) # ignore intrinsic arguments if data.get('iv') == nid or data.get('bv') == nid: continue is_outbound = 'iv' in data or 'hcons' in data or tgt in g.labels if (allow_unbound or is_outbound): yield arg def find_subgraphs_by_preds(xmrs, preds, connected=None): """ Yield subgraphs matching a list of preds. Because preds may match multiple EPs/nodes in the Xmrs, more than one subgraph is possible. Args: xmrs: The |Xmrs| object to use. preds: An iterable of |Preds| to include in subgraphs. connected: If True, all yielded subgraphs must be connected, as determined by :py:meth:`Xmrs.is_connected`. Yields: |Xmrs| objects for the found subgraphs. """ preds = list(preds) # find all lists of nodeids such that the lists have no repeated nids; # keep them as a list (fixme: why not just get sets?) nidsets = list( filter(lambda ps: len(set(ps)) == len(ps), map(lambda p: select_nodeids(xmrs, pred=p), preds)) ) for sg in map(xmrs.subgraph, product(*nidsets)): if connected is not None and sg.is_connected() != connected: continue yield sg
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # - view the line in in VCR mode # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id$ # # Notes: # Todo: # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Freevo - A Home Theater PC framework # Copyright (C) 2003 Krister Lagerstrom, et al. # Please see the file freevo/Docs/CREDITS for a complete list of authors. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER- # CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- import config import plugin import menu class PluginInterface(plugin.Plugin): """ View the line in in VCR mode """ def __init__(self): """ normal plugin init, but sets _type to 'mainmenu_tv' """ plugin.Plugin.__init__(self) self._type = 'mainmenu_tv' self.parent = None def items(self, parent): self.parent = parent return [menu.MenuItem(_('View VCR Input'), action=self.start_vcr)] def start_vcr(self, menuw=None, arg=None): plugin.getbyname(plugin.TV).Play('vcr', None)
#!/usr/bin/python # Library: Basic Driving and Turning import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Import the GPIO Library import time import lib_util as util # Set variables for the GPIO motor pins pinMotorRightForwards = 10 pinMotorRightBackwards = 9 pinMotorLeftForwards = 8 pinMotorLeftBackwards = 7 # Init this library def init(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.init") # Set the GPIO modes GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) # Set the GPIO Pin mode for x in range(pinMotorLeftBackwards, pinMotorRightForwards+1): util.trace("set pin " + str(x)) GPIO.setup(x, GPIO.OUT) # Turn Right motor off def stopRightMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.stopRightMotor") GPIO.output(pinMotorRightForwards, 0) GPIO.output(pinMotorRightBackwards, 0) # Turn Left motor off def stopLeftMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.stopLeftMotor") GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftForwards, 0) GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftBackwards, 0) # Turn all motors off def stopMotors(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.stopMotors") stopRightMotor() stopLeftMotor() # Turn the right motor forwards def forwardsRightMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.forwardsRightMotor") if util.getDebug == 0: GPIO.output(pinMotorRightForwards, 1) GPIO.output(pinMotorRightBackwards, 0) # Turn the right motor backwards def backwardsRightMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.backwardsRightMotor") GPIO.output(pinMotorRightForwards, 0) if util.getDebug == 0: GPIO.output(pinMotorRightBackwards, 1) # Turn the left motor forwards def forwardsLeftMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.forwardsLeftMotor") if util.getDebug == 0: GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftForwards, 1) GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftBackwards, 0) # Turn the left motor backwards def backwardsLeftMotor(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.backwardsLeftMotor") GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftForwards, 0) if util.getDebug == 0: GPIO.output(pinMotorLeftBackwards, 1) # Turn both motors forwards def forwards(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.forwards") forwardsRightMotor() forwardsLeftMotor() # Turn both motors backwards def backwards(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.backwards") backwardsRightMotor() backwardsLeftMotor() # Turn left def left(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.left") stopLeftMotor() forwardsRightMotor() # Turn left without moving forward def leftStay(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.leftStay") backwardsLeftMotor() forwardsRightMotor() # Turn right def right(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.right") forwardsLeftMotor() stopRightMotor() # Turn right without moving forward def rightStay(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.rightStay") forwardsLeftMotor() backwardsRightMotor() # Ending the use of the library def end(): util.trace("lib_motors_base.end") stopMotors() # Reset the GPIO pins (turn off motors too) GPIO.cleanup()
from .state_retry_catch import StateRetryCatch class Task(StateRetryCatch): """ Models the ``Task`` state. The Task can be used to invoke either an AWS Lambda function or an ``Activity``, which provides a general mechanism for all types of processing. The Task supports retries and catching of specified errors to provide structured error handling, as well as supporting Timeout for processing as one of those error types. Either: * ``EndState`` is ``True`` and ``NextState`` must be ``None`` * ``EndState`` is ``False`` and ``NextState`` must be a valid instance of a class derived from ``StateBase``. :param Name: [Required] The name of the state within the branch of the state machine :type Name: str :param Comment: [Optional] A comment describing the intent of this pass state :type Comment: str :param InputPath: [Optional] Filter on the Input information to be passed to the Pass state. Default is "$", signifying that all the Input information will be provided :type InputPath: str :param OutputPath: [Optional] Filter on the Output information to be returned from the Pass state. Default is "$", signifying that all the result information will be provided :type OutputPath: str :param EndState: [Optional] Flag indicating if this state terminates a branch of the state machine. Defaults to ``False`` :type EndState: bool :param NextState: [Optional] Next state to be invoked within this branch. Must not be ``None`` unless ``EndState`` is ``True`` :type NextState: instance of class derived from ``StateBase`` :param ResultPath: [Optional] JSONPath indicating where results should be added to the Input. Defaults to "$", indicating results replace the Input entirely. :type ResultPath: str :param RetryList: [Optional] ``list`` of ``Retrier`` instances corresponding to error states that cause the entire set of branches to be retried :type: RetryList: list of ``Retrier`` :param CatcherList: [Optional] ``list`` of ``Catcher`` instances corresponding to error states that can be caught and handled by further states being executed in the ``StateMachine``. :type: CatcherList: list of ``Catcher`` :param ResourceArn: [Required] The Arn for the ``Lambda`` function or ``Activity`` that the ``Task`` should invoke :type: ResourceArn: str :param: TimeoutSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds in which the ``Task`` should complete :type: TimeoutSeconds: int :param: HeartbeatSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds between heartbeats from an ``Activity``, to indicate it is still running :type: HeartbeatSeconds: int """ def __init__(self, Name=None, Comment="", InputPath="$", OutputPath="$", NextState=None, EndState=None, ResultPath="$", RetryList=None, CatcherList=None, ResourceArn=None, TimeoutSeconds=99999999, HeartbeatSeconds=99999999): """ Initializer for the Task state. Either: * ``EndState`` is ``True`` and ``NextState`` must be ``None`` * ``EndState`` is ``False`` and ``NextState`` must be a valid instance of a class derived from ``StateBase``. :param Name: [Required] The name of the state within the branch of the state machine :type Name: str :param Comment: [Optional] A comment describing the intent of this pass state :type Comment: str :param InputPath: [Optional] Filter on the Input information to be passed to the Pass state. Default is "$", signifying that all the Input information will be provided :type InputPath: str :param OutputPath: [Optional] Filter on the Output information to be returned from the Pass state. Default is "$", signifying that all the result information will be provided :type OutputPath: str :param EndState: [Optional] Flag indicating if this state terminates a branch of the state machine. Defaults to ``False`` :type EndState: bool :param NextState: [Optional] Next state to be invoked within this branch. Must not be ``None`` unless ``EndState`` is ``True`` :type NextState: instance of class derived from ``StateBase`` :param ResultPath: [Optional] JSONPath indicating where results should be added to the Input. Defaults to "$", indicating results replace the Input entirely. :type ResultPath: str :param RetryList: [Optional] ``list`` of ``Retrier`` instances corresponding to error states that cause the entire set of branches to be retried :type: RetryList: list of ``Retrier`` :param CatcherList: [Optional] ``list`` of ``Catcher`` instances corresponding to error states that can be caught and handled by further states being executed in the ``StateMachine``. :type: CatcherList: list of ``Catcher`` :param ResourceArn: [Required] The Arn for the ``Lambda`` function or ``Activity`` that the ``Task`` should invoke :type: ResourceArn: str :param: TimeoutSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds in which the ``Task`` should complete :type: TimeoutSeconds: int :param: HeartbeatSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds between heartbeats from an ``Activity``, to indicate it is still running :type: HeartbeatSeconds: int """ super(Task, self).__init__(Name=Name, Type="Task", Comment=Comment, InputPath=InputPath, OutputPath=OutputPath, NextState=NextState, EndState=EndState, ResultPath=ResultPath, RetryList=RetryList, CatcherList=CatcherList) self._resource_arn = None self._timeout_seconds = None self._heartbeat_seconds = None self.set_resource_arn(ResourceArn) self.set_timeout_seconds(TimeoutSeconds) self.set_heartbeat_seconds(HeartbeatSeconds) def validate(self): """ Validates this instance is correctly specified. Raises ``Exception`` with details of the error, if the state is incorrectly defined. """ super(Task, self).validate() def to_json(self): """ Returns the JSON representation of this instance. :returns: dict -- The JSON representation """ j = super(Task, self).to_json() j["Resource"] = self.get_resource_arn() if self.get_timeout_seconds(): j["TimeoutSeconds"] = self.get_timeout_seconds() if self.get_heartbeat_seconds(): j["HeartbeatSeconds"] = self.get_heartbeat_seconds() return j def get_resource_arn(self): """ Returns the Arn of the Lambda or ``Activity`` that will be invoked by this ``Task``. :returns: str -- The Arn of the resource to be invoked. """ return self._resource_arn def set_resource_arn(self, ResourceArn=None): """ Sets the Arn of the Lambda of ``Activity`` to be invoked by this ``Task``. Cannot be ``None`` and must be a valid Arn formatted string. :param ResourceArn: [Required] The Arn for the ``Lambda`` function or ``Activity`` that the ``Task`` should invoke :type: ResourceArn: str """ if not ResourceArn: raise Exception("ResourceArn must be specified for Task state (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) if not isinstance(ResourceArn, str): raise Exception("ResourceArn must be a string for Task state (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) self._resource_arn = ResourceArn def get_timeout_seconds(self): """ Returns the timeout seconds for the ``Task``, afterwhich a ``States.Timeout`` error is raised. :returns: int -- The timeout seconds for the state. """ return self._timeout_seconds def set_timeout_seconds(self, TimeoutSeconds=99999999): """ Sets the timeout seconds for the ``Task``, afterwhich a ``States.Timeout`` error is raised. If specified, must not be less than zero seconds. Default value is ``99999999``. :param: TimeoutSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds in which the ``Task`` should complete :type: TimeoutSeconds: int """ if TimeoutSeconds: if not isinstance(TimeoutSeconds, int): raise Exception("TimeoutSeconds must be an integer if specified for Task (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) if TimeoutSeconds < 1: raise Exception("TimeoutSeconds must be greater than zero if specified for Task (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) self._timeout_seconds = TimeoutSeconds def get_heartbeat_seconds(self): """ Returns the heartbeat interval for the ``Task``. If more than two heartbeats are missed then the state will fail with a ``States.Timeout`` error. :returns: int -- The heartbeat seconds for the state. """ return self._heartbeat_seconds def set_heartbeat_seconds(self, HeartbeatSeconds=99999999): """ Sets the heartbeats seconds for the ``Task``. If more than two heartbeats are missed then the state will fail with a ``States.Timeout`` error. If specified, must not be less than zero seconds. Default value is ``99999999``. :param: HeartbeatSeconds: [Optional] The number of seconds between heartbeats from an ``Activity``, to indicate it is still running :type: HeartbeatSeconds: int """ if HeartbeatSeconds: if not isinstance(HeartbeatSeconds, int): raise Exception("HeartbeatSeconds must be an integer if specified for Task (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) if HeartbeatSeconds < 1: raise Exception("HeartbeatSeconds must be greater than zero if specified for Task (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) self._heartbeat_seconds = HeartbeatSeconds def clone(self, NameFormatString="{}"): """ Returns a clone of this instance, with the clone named per the NameFormatString, to avoid state name clashes. If this instance is not an end state, then the next state will also be cloned, to establish a complete clone of the branch form this instance onwards. :param NameFormatString: [Required] The naming template to be applied to generate the name of the new instance. :type NameFormatString: str :returns: ``Task`` -- A new instance of this instance and any other instances in its branch. """ if not NameFormatString: raise Exception("NameFormatString must not be None (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) if not isinstance(NameFormatString, str): raise Exception("NameFormatString must be a str (step '{}')".format(self.get_name())) c = Task( Name=NameFormatString.format(self.get_name()), Comment=self.get_comment(), InputPath=self.get_input_path(), OutputPath=self.get_output_path(), EndState=self.get_end_state(), ResultPath=self.get_result_path(), ResourceArn=self.get_resource_arn(), TimeoutSeconds=self.get_timeout_seconds(), HeartbeatSeconds=self.get_heartbeat_seconds()) if self.get_retry_list(): c.set_retry_list(RetryList=[ r.clone() for r in self.get_retry_list() ]) if self.get_catcher_list(): c.set_catcher_list(CatcherList=[ c.clone(NameFormatString) for c in self.get_catcher_list() ]) if self.get_next_state(): c.set_next_state(NextState=self.get_next_state.clone(NameFormatString)) return c
from FCM.Class_File_Manager import FileManager from FCM.Class_SemiSupervisedFCM import SemiSupervisedFCM import numpy from FCM.Class_FCM import FuzzyCMeans from FCM.Class_ValidityMeasures import ValidityMeasures from numpy import zeros from FCM.Class_DataManager import DataManager from shutil import copyfile import random def mergeDict(dict1,dict2): for k in dict2: for el in dict2.get(k): dict1.setdefault(k,[]).append(el) return dict1 if __name__ == "__main__": c = 70 nchunk = 5 column_label = 33 column_index = 0 n_execution = 5 percentToLabel = 0.25 useMedoids = True outputFileName = "output" FileManager.createFileTXT(outputFileName) dm = DataManager() # uncomment if would create new chunk dm.loadDataset('Completedataset', column_label, column_index) dm.createChunks(c, nchunk) trainingSet = ['chunk0','chunk1','chunk2','chunk3',] testSet = 'chunk4' avgPurity = zeros(nchunk - 1) avgPrecision = zeros(c) avgRecall = zeros(c) avgAcc = 0. accuratezze = [] for j in range(n_execution): FileManager.writeTxt(outputFileName, "Esecuzione " + str(j + 1) + "\n", True) history = [] dm.loadDataset(trainingSet[0], column_label, column_index) classes=dm.classes chunk = dm.getDataset() true_label = dm.getTrueLabels() # uncomment if would create new labels for the first chunk (b, F) = dm.labeldataset(percentToLabel, 'b0', 'F0') # dm.loadSemiSupervisedInfo('b0', 'F0') for i in range(nchunk - 1): print("chunk " + str(i)) alfa = c*len(b) / float(numpy.count_nonzero(b)) # avgCentr = zeros((c,32)) # for z in range(10): p1 = SemiSupervisedFCM(chunk, c, b, F, alfa, FuzzyCMeans.MAHALONOBIS_NORM, FuzzyCMeans.INIT_MU_RANDOM) # p1 = FuzzyCMeans(chunk, c, 2,FuzzyCMeans.MAHALONOBIS_NORM,FuzzyCMeans.INIT_MU_RANDOM) prototypes = p1() # avgCentr += prototypes # avgCentr = avgCentr / 10 # p1.setc(avgCentr) FileManager.writeMatrix('prototypeChunk'+str(i)+'esecuzione'+str(j), prototypes, False) clusters = p1.getClusters() #confusionMatrix = ValidityMeasures.getConfusionMatrix(true_label, clusters, c) #clustersLabel = ValidityMeasures.getClusterLabels(confusionMatrix) clustersLabel=p1.getClusterLabel(true_label) if(useMedoids): prototypes = p1.getMedoids(true_label) historyIndex = {} historyTrueLabel = [] historyCluster = [] if(len(history) > 0): for dmchunk in history: z = 0 for el in dmchunk.getDataset(): prototypePoint = numpy.argmin(p1.computeDistance(el, prototypes)) historyIndex.setdefault(prototypePoint, []).append((dmchunk.getIndexPoint()[z],classes[dmchunk.getTrueLabels()[z]],'H')) historyCluster.append(prototypePoint) z = z + 1 historyTrueLabel.append(dmchunk.getTrueLabels()) FileManager.writeTxt('HistoryIndexChunk'+str(i)+' Esecuzione'+str(j),str(historyIndex)+'\n Prototipi a cui appartengono le immagini \n'+str(historyCluster),True) confusionMatrix = ValidityMeasures.getConfusionMatrix(numpy.append(true_label,historyTrueLabel), numpy.append(clusters,historyCluster), c) FileManager.writeMatrix('ConfusionMatrixChunk'+str(i)+' Esecuzione'+str(j),confusionMatrix) #clustersLabel = ValidityMeasures.getClusterLabels(confusionMatrix) FileManager.writeTxt('HistoryIndexChunk'+str(i)+' Esecuzione'+str(j),'Label dei prototipi:\n'+str(range(c))+'\n'+ str(classes[clustersLabel]),True) print('clustersLabel' + str(clustersLabel)) pur = ValidityMeasures.getAveragePurityError(confusionMatrix) avgPurity[i] += pur print("pur: " + str(pur)) if(i > 0): clusters = clusters[c:] idClusters = dm.clusterIndices(clusters) idClusters = mergeDict(idClusters, historyIndex) '''write result in file''' out = "\n" + dm.fileName + " len=" + str(len(chunk)) + "\n" out += "average purity error: " + str(pur) + "\n" out += "Clusters label: " + str(classes[clustersLabel]) + "\n" for cl in range(c): out += "Cluster " + str(cl) + "\n" out += "\t" + str(idClusters.get(cl)) + "\n" FileManager.writeTxt(outputFileName, out, True) history.append(dm) if(i < nchunk - 2): dm = DataManager() dm.loadDataset(trainingSet[i + 1], column_label, column_index) # comment after if wouldn't use label for other chunks (b, F) = dm.labeldataset(percentToLabel, 'b' + str(i + 1) , 'F' + str(i + 1)) true_label = numpy.append(clustersLabel, dm.getTrueLabels()) # toggle comments if wouldn't use label for other chunks # b = numpy.append(numpy.ones(c), numpy.zeros(len(dm.getTrueLabels()))) b = numpy.append(numpy.ones(c), b) Fcentr = zeros((c, c)) Fcentr[range(c), clustersLabel] = 1 F = numpy.concatenate((Fcentr, F), axis=0) chunk = numpy.concatenate((prototypes, dm.getDataset()), axis=0) dm.loadDataset(testSet, column_label, column_index) label_test = numpy.zeros(len(dm.dataset)) true_label_test=numpy.zeros(len(dm.dataset)) i = 0 out='--------------------------------------------------------------Test--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' for el in dm.getDataset(): label_test[i] = clustersLabel[numpy.argmin(p1.computeDistance(el, prototypes))] true_label_test=dm.getTrueLabels()[i] indexPoint=dm.getIndexPoint()[i] out+='Index Point: '+ str(indexPoint)+' True Label: '+classes[true_label_test] +' Predicted Label: '+ classes[label_test[i]]+'\n' i = i + 1 confMatrix = ValidityMeasures.getConfusionMatrix(dm.getTrueLabels(), label_test, c) acc = ValidityMeasures.getClusteringAccuracy(confMatrix) prec = ValidityMeasures.getPrecisions(confMatrix) rec = ValidityMeasures.getRecalls(confMatrix) avgAcc += acc accuratezze.append(acc) avgPrecision += prec avgRecall += rec print("acc: " + str(acc)) out += "\naccuracy: " + str(acc) + "\n" out += "\n\n#######################################################################################################################################################\n" FileManager.writeTxt(outputFileName, out, True) avgPurity = avgPurity / n_execution avgAcc = avgAcc / n_execution avgPrecision = avgPrecision / n_execution avgRecall = avgRecall / n_execution ''' if(avgAcc > maxAcc): maxAcc = avgAcc path = "C:/Users/Fabio/git/Tesi_Fabio_Sonya_Python/Python" for f in range(nchunk): copyfile(path + "/FCM/chunk" + str(f) + ".csv" , path + "/chunk buoni 280x5/chunk" + str(f) + ".csv") FileManager.writeTxt(path+"/chunk buoni 280x5/accuratezza_ottenuta", "Accuratezza: "+str(maxAcc)+"\nPurity: "+str(avgPurity)) ''' print("accuratezza media ottenuta in " + str(n_execution) + " esecuzioni: " + str(avgAcc)) print("errori medi di purezza ottenuti: " + str(avgPurity)) print("precision media ottenuta in " + str(n_execution) + "esecuzioni" + str(avgPrecision)) print("recall media ottenuta in " + str(n_execution) + "esecuzioni" + str(avgRecall)) out = "accuratezza media ottenuta in " + str(n_execution) + " esecuzioni: " + str(avgAcc) + "\n" out += "accuratezze ottenute: " + str(accuratezze) + "\n" out += "errori medi di purezza ottenuti: " + str(avgPurity) + "\n" out += "Precision e Recall:\n\n\tClasse | Precision | Recall\n" for cl in range(c): out += "\t" + str(cl + 1) + " | " + str(avgPrecision[cl]) + " | " + str(avgRecall[cl]) + "\n" FileManager.writeTxt(outputFileName, out, True)
# SnmpWalk.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"private" -os: -op: import time import snmp_helper import pygal # Print debug output DEBUG = False # Polling Interval in Seconds INTERVAL_TIME = 60 # Number of interfaces INTERVAL_COUNT = 5 def main(): ip = '' a_user = 'mysnmpuser' auth_key = 'myauthkey' encrypt_key = 'myencryptkey' snmp_user = (a_user, auth_key, encrypt_key) my_router = (ip, 161) systemName = '' fa8description = '' fa8InOctets = '' fa8InUcastPkts = '' fa8OutOctets = '' fa8OutUcastPkts = '' fa8_in_octets = [] fa8_in_packets = [] fa8_out_octets = [] fa8_out_packets = [] fa8_in_octets_last = 0 fa8_in_packets_last = 0 fa8_out_octets_last = 0 fa8_out_packets_last = 0 for i in range(INTERVAL_COUNT + 1): snmp_data = snmp_helper.snmp_get_oid_v3(my_router, snmp_user, oid=fa8InOctets) snmp_data = int(snmp_helper.snmp_extract(snmp_data)) if fa8_in_octets: fa8_in_octets.append(snmp_data - fa8_in_octets_last) else: fa8_in_octets.append(snmp_data) fa8_in_octets_last = snmp_data snmp_data = snmp_helper.snmp_get_oid_v3(my_router, snmp_user, oid=fa8InUcastPkts) snmp_data = int(snmp_helper.snmp_extract(snmp_data)) if fa8_in_packets: fa8_in_packets.append(snmp_data - fa8_in_packets_last) else: fa8_in_packets.append(snmp_data) fa8_in_packets_last = snmp_data snmp_data = snmp_helper.snmp_get_oid_v3(my_router, snmp_user, oid=fa8OutOctets) snmp_data = int(snmp_helper.snmp_extract(snmp_data)) if fa8_out_octets: fa8_out_octets.append(snmp_data - fa8_out_octets_last) else: fa8_out_octets.append(snmp_data) fa8_out_octets_last = snmp_data snmp_data = snmp_helper.snmp_get_oid_v3(my_router, snmp_user, oid=fa8OutUcastPkts) snmp_data = int(snmp_helper.snmp_extract(snmp_data)) if fa8_out_packets: fa8_out_packets.append(snmp_data - fa8_out_packets_last) else: fa8_out_packets.append(snmp_data) fa8_out_packets_last = snmp_data print "{}% Complete".format((float(i) / INTERVAL_COUNT) * 100) time.sleep(INTERVAL_TIME) if DEBUG: print fa8_in_octets[1:] print fa8_in_packets[1:] print fa8_out_octets[1:] print fa8_out_packets[1:] # Create a Chart of type Line line_chart = pygal.Line() # Title line_chart.title = 'Input/Output Packets and Bytes - Interface Fa8' # X-axis labels label = [] for i in range(INTERVAL_COUNT): label.append(str(i + 1)) line_chart.x_labels = label # Add each one of the above lists to the graph as a line with corresponding label line_chart.add('InPackets', fa8_in_packets[1:]) line_chart.add('OutPackets', fa8_out_packets[1:]) line_chart.add('InBytes', fa8_in_octets[1:]) line_chart.add('OutBytes', fa8_out_octets[1:]) # Create an output image file line_chart.render_to_file('fa8.svg') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.3 on 2016-11-03 23:09 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('grids', '0003_auto_20161031_1720'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Position', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('row', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('col', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('board', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='grids.GameBoard')), ('player', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='grids.Rating')), ], ), migrations.CreateModel( name='User', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=200)), ], ), migrations.RenameField( model_name='player', old_name='player_name', new_name='name', ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from flask import Flask from .log import RedisPub def init_conf(app, config): # basic config from . import config as base app.config.from_object(base) if config is None: config = 'application.cfg' if type(config) is str: # config from file app.config.from_pyfile(config, silent=True) elif type(config) is dict: app.config.update(**config) else: # config from params app.config.from_object(config) if 'AIP_TEMP_PATH' not in app.config: import tempfile app.config['AIP_TEMP_PATH'] = tempfile.mkdtemp() def init_store(app): from . import store store = store.make(app=app) = store class App(Flask): def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): super(App, self).__init__(*args, **kargs) self.redispub = RedisPub() def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): with self.redispub.threadbound(): return super(App, self).__call__(*args, **kargs) def init_core(app): from .core import Core app.core = app._core = Core(, baidupan_cookie=app.config['AIP_BAIDUPAN_COOKIE'], baidupan_timeout=app.config['AIP_BAIDUPAN_TIMEOUT'], ) def make(config=None, dbmode=False, **kargs): try: from .rq import q except: pass if 'instance_path' in kargs: kargs['instance_path'] = os.path.abspath(kargs['instance_path']) app = App( __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static', **kargs ) app.kargs = kargs init_conf(app, config) init_store(app) init_core(app) if not dbmode: #init_slaves(app) from flask.ext.openid import OpenID oid = OpenID(app, 'temp/openid') from . import cache cached = cache.make(app) from . import views views.make(app=app, oid=oid, cached=cached, from . import api api.make(app=app, cached=cached, from . import admin admin.make(app=app) return app def make_slave_app(options): return make(dbmode=True, **options)
import functools import fnmatch import pytest from pytestqt.qt_compat import qt_api from pytestqt.wait_signal import SignalEmittedError def test_signal_blocker_exception(qtbot): """ Make sure waitSignal without signals and timeout doesn't hang, but raises ValueError instead. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): qtbot.waitSignal(None, None).wait() with pytest.raises(ValueError): qtbot.waitSignals([], None).wait() def explicit_wait(qtbot, signal, timeout, multiple, raising, should_raise): """ Explicit wait for the signal using blocker API. """ func = qtbot.waitSignals if multiple else qtbot.waitSignal blocker = func(signal, timeout, raising=raising) assert not blocker.signal_triggered if should_raise: with pytest.raises(qtbot.SignalTimeoutError): blocker.wait() else: blocker.wait() return blocker def context_manager_wait(qtbot, signal, timeout, multiple, raising, should_raise): """ Waiting for signal using context manager API. """ func = qtbot.waitSignals if multiple else qtbot.waitSignal if should_raise: with pytest.raises(qtbot.SignalTimeoutError): with func(signal, timeout, raising=raising) as blocker: pass else: with func(signal, timeout, raising=raising) as blocker: pass return blocker def build_signal_tests_variants(params): """ Helper function to use with pytest's parametrize, to generate additional combinations of parameters in a parametrize call: - explicit wait and context-manager wait - raising True and False (since we check for the correct behavior inside each test). """ result = [] for param in params: for wait_function in (explicit_wait, context_manager_wait): for raising in (True, False): result.append(param + (wait_function, raising)) return result @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('delay', 'timeout', 'expected_signal_triggered', 'wait_function', 'raising'), build_signal_tests_variants([ # delay, timeout, expected_signal_triggered (200, None, True), (200, 400, True), (400, 200, False), ]) ) def test_signal_triggered(qtbot, timer, stop_watch, wait_function, delay, timeout, expected_signal_triggered, raising, signaller): """ Testing for a signal in different conditions, ensuring we are obtaining the expected results. """ timer.single_shot(signaller.signal, delay) should_raise = raising and not expected_signal_triggered stop_watch.start() blocker = wait_function(qtbot, signaller.signal, timeout, raising=raising, should_raise=should_raise, multiple=False) # ensure that either signal was triggered or timeout occurred assert blocker.signal_triggered == expected_signal_triggered stop_watch.check(timeout, delay) @pytest.mark.parametrize('configval, raises', [ ('false', False), ('true', True), (None, True), ]) def test_raising(qtbot, testdir, configval, raises): if configval is not None: testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] qt_wait_signal_raising = {} """.format(configval)) testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest from pytestqt.qt_compat import qt_api class Signaller(qt_api.QtCore.QObject): signal = qt_api.Signal() def test_foo(qtbot): signaller = Signaller() with qtbot.waitSignal(signaller.signal, timeout=10): pass """) res = testdir.runpytest() if raises: res.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 failed*']) else: res.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 passed*']) def test_raising_by_default_overridden(qtbot, testdir): testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] qt_wait_signal_raising = false """) testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest from pytestqt.qt_compat import qt_api class Signaller(qt_api.QtCore.QObject): signal = qt_api.Signal() def test_foo(qtbot): signaller = Signaller() signal = signaller.signal with qtbot.waitSignal(signal, raising=True, timeout=10) as blocker: pass """) res = testdir.runpytest() res.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 failed*']) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('delay_1', 'delay_2', 'timeout', 'expected_signal_triggered', 'wait_function', 'raising'), build_signal_tests_variants([ # delay1, delay2, timeout, expected_signal_triggered (200, 300, 400, True), (300, 200, 400, True), (200, 300, None, True), (400, 400, 200, False), (200, 400, 300, False), (400, 200, 200, False), (200, 1000, 400, False), ]) ) def test_signal_triggered_multiple(qtbot, timer, stop_watch, wait_function, delay_1, delay_2, timeout, signaller, expected_signal_triggered, raising): """ Testing for a signal in different conditions, ensuring we are obtaining the expected results. """ timer.single_shot(signaller.signal, delay_1) timer.single_shot(signaller.signal_2, delay_2) should_raise = raising and not expected_signal_triggered stop_watch.start() blocker = wait_function(qtbot, [signaller.signal, signaller.signal_2], timeout, multiple=True, raising=raising, should_raise=should_raise) # ensure that either signal was triggered or timeout occurred assert blocker.signal_triggered == expected_signal_triggered stop_watch.check(timeout, delay_1, delay_2) def test_explicit_emit(qtbot, signaller): """ Make sure an explicit emit() inside a waitSignal block works. """ with qtbot.waitSignal(signaller.signal, timeout=5000) as waiting: signaller.signal.emit() assert waiting.signal_triggered def test_explicit_emit_multiple(qtbot, signaller): """ Make sure an explicit emit() inside a waitSignal block works. """ with qtbot.waitSignals([signaller.signal, signaller.signal_2], timeout=5000) as waiting: signaller.signal.emit() signaller.signal_2.emit() assert waiting.signal_triggered @pytest.fixture def signaller(timer): """ Fixture that provides an object with to signals that can be emitted by tests. .. note:: we depend on "timer" fixture to ensure that signals emitted with "timer" are disconnected before the Signaller() object is destroyed. This was the reason for some random crashes experienced on Windows (#80). """ class Signaller(qt_api.QtCore.QObject): signal = qt_api.Signal() signal_2 = qt_api.Signal() signal_args = qt_api.Signal(str, int) signal_args_2 = qt_api.Signal(str, int) assert timer return Signaller() @pytest.yield_fixture def timer(): """ Fixture that provides a callback with signature: (signal, delay) that triggers that signal once after the given delay in ms. The fixture is responsible for cleaning up after the timers. """ class Timer(qt_api.QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self): qt_api.QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.timers_and_slots = [] def shutdown(self): for t, slot in self.timers_and_slots: t.stop() t.timeout.disconnect(slot) self.timers_and_slots[:] = [] def single_shot(self, signal, delay): t = qt_api.QtCore.QTimer(self) t.setSingleShot(True) slot = functools.partial(self._emit, signal) t.timeout.connect(slot) t.start(delay) self.timers_and_slots.append((t, slot)) def _emit(self, signal): signal.emit() timer = Timer() yield timer timer.shutdown() @pytest.mark.parametrize('multiple', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('raising', [True, False]) def test_wait_signals_handles_exceptions(qtbot, multiple, raising, signaller): """ Make sure waitSignal handles exceptions correctly. """ class TestException(Exception): pass if multiple: func = qtbot.waitSignals arg = [signaller.signal, signaller.signal_2] else: func = qtbot.waitSignal arg = signaller.signal with pytest.raises(TestException): with func(arg, timeout=10, raising=raising): raise TestException @pytest.mark.parametrize('multiple', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('do_timeout', [True, False]) def test_wait_twice(qtbot, timer, multiple, do_timeout, signaller): """ """ if multiple: func = qtbot.waitSignals arg = [signaller.signal] else: func = qtbot.waitSignal arg = signaller.signal if do_timeout: with func(arg, timeout=100, raising=False): timer.single_shot(signaller.signal, 200) with func(arg, timeout=100, raising=False): timer.single_shot(signaller.signal, 200) else: with func(arg): signaller.signal.emit() with func(arg): signaller.signal.emit() def test_wait_signals_invalid_strict_parameter(qtbot, signaller): with pytest.raises(ValueError): qtbot.waitSignals([signaller.signal], order='invalid') def test_destroyed(qtbot): """Test that waitSignal works with the destroyed signal (#82). For some reason, this crashes PySide although it seems perfectly fine code. """ if qt_api.pytest_qt_api == 'pyside': pytest.skip('test crashes PySide') import sip class Obj(qt_api.QtCore.QObject): pass obj = Obj() with qtbot.waitSignal(obj.destroyed): obj.deleteLater() assert sip.isdeleted(obj) class TestArgs: """Try to get the signal arguments from the signal blocker.""" def test_simple(self, qtbot, signaller): """The blocker should store the signal args in an 'args' attribute.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(signaller.signal_args) as blocker: signaller.signal_args.emit('test', 123) assert blocker.args == ['test', 123] def test_timeout(self, qtbot): """If there's a timeout, the args attribute is None.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(timeout=100, raising=False) as blocker: pass assert blocker.args is None def test_without_args(self, qtbot, signaller): """If a signal has no args, the args attribute is an empty list.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(signaller.signal) as blocker: signaller.signal.emit() assert blocker.args == [] def test_multi(self, qtbot, signaller): """A MultiSignalBlocker doesn't have an args attribute.""" with qtbot.waitSignals([signaller.signal]) as blocker: signaller.signal.emit() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): blocker.args def test_connected_signal(self, qtbot, signaller): """A second signal connected via .connect also works.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(signaller.signal_args) as blocker: blocker.connect(signaller.signal_args_2) signaller.signal_args_2.emit('foo', 2342) assert blocker.args == ['foo', 2342] def test_signal_identity(signaller): """ Tests that the identity of signals can be determined correctly, using str(signal). Some Qt frameworks, such as PyQt4 or PyQt5, have the following issue: x = signaller.signal y = signaller.signal x == y # is False id(signaller.signal) == id(signaller.signal) # only True because of garbage collection between first and second id() call id(x) == id(y) # is False str(x) == str(y) # is True (for all Qt frameworks) """ assert str(signaller.signal) == str(signaller.signal) x = signaller.signal y = signaller.signal assert str(x) == str(y) # different signals should also be recognized as different ones z = signaller.signal_2 assert str(x) != str(z) def get_waitsignals_cases_all(order): """ Returns the list of tuples (emitted-signal-list, expected-signal-list, expect_signal_triggered) for the given order parameter of waitSignals(). """ cases = get_waitsignals_cases(order, working=True) cases.extend(get_waitsignals_cases(order, working=False)) return cases def get_waitsignals_cases(order, working): """ Builds combinations for signals to be emitted and expected for working cases (i.e. blocker.signal_triggered == True) and non-working cases, depending on the order. Note: The order ("none", "simple", "strict") becomes stricter from left to right. Working cases of stricter cases also work in less stricter cases. Non-working cases in less stricter cases also are non-working in stricter cases. """ if order == "none": if working: cases = get_waitsignals_cases(order="simple", working=True) cases.extend([ # allow even out-of-order signals (('A1', 'A2'), ('A2', 'A1'), True), (('A1', 'A2'), ('A2', 'Ax'), True), (('A1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'A1'), True), (('A1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'Ax'), True), (('A1', 'B1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'A1', 'B1'), True), ]) return cases else: return [ (('A2',), ('A1',), False), (('A1',), ('B1',), False), (('A1',), ('Bx',), False), (('A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'B1'), False), (('A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'Bx'), False), (('A1', 'A1'), ('B1', 'A1'), False), (('A1', 'B1'), ('A1', 'A1'), False), (('A1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'B1'), False), (('A1', 'B1', 'B1'), ('A1', 'A1', 'B1'), False), ] elif order == "simple": if working: cases = get_waitsignals_cases(order="strict", working=True) cases.extend([ # allow signals that occur in-between, before or after the expected signals (('B1', 'A1', 'A1', 'B1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'B1'), True), (('A1', 'A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'A1'), True), (('A1', 'A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'Ax'), True), (('A1', 'A2', 'A1'), ('A1', 'A1'), True), ]) return cases else: cases = get_waitsignals_cases(order="none", working=False) cases.extend([ # don't allow out-of-order signals (('A1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'A1'), False), (('A1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'Ax'), False), (('A1', 'B1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'A1', 'B1'), False), (('A1', 'B1', 'B1'), ('B1', 'B1', 'A1'), False), ]) return cases elif order == "strict": if working: return [ # only allow exactly the same signals to be emitted that were also expected (('A1',), ('A1',), True), (('A1',), ('Ax',), True), (('A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'A1'), True), (('A1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'Ax'), True), (('A1', 'A1'), ('Ax', 'Ax'), True), (('A1', 'A2'), ('A1', 'A2'), True), (('A2', 'A1'), ('A2', 'A1'), True), (('A1', 'B1'), ('A1', 'B1'), True), (('A1', 'A1', 'B1'), ('A1', 'A1', 'B1'), True), (('A1', 'A2', 'B1'), ('A1', 'A2', 'B1'), True), (('A1', 'B1', 'A1'), ('A1', 'A1'), True), # blocker doesn't know about signal B1 -> test passes (('A1', 'B1', 'A1'), ('Ax', 'A1'), True), ] else: cases = get_waitsignals_cases(order="simple", working=False) cases.extend([ # don't allow in-between signals (('A1', 'A1', 'A2', 'B1'), ('A1', 'A2', 'B1'), False), ]) return cases class TestCallback: """ Tests the callback parameter for waitSignal (callbacks in case of waitSignals). Uses so-called "signal codes" such as "A1", "B1" or "Ax" which are converted to signals and callback functions. The first letter ("A" or "B" is allowed) specifies the signal (signaller.signal_args or signaller.signal_args_2 respectively), the second letter specifies the parameter to expect or emit ('x' stands for "don't care", i.e. allow any value - only applicable for expected signals (not for emitted signals)). """ @staticmethod def get_signal_from_code(signaller, code): """Converts a code such as 'A1' to a signal (signaller.signal_args for example).""" assert type(code) == str and len(code) == 2 signal = signaller.signal_args if code[0] == 'A' else signaller.signal_args_2 return signal @staticmethod def emit_parametrized_signals(signaller, emitted_signal_codes): """Emits the signals as specified in the list of emitted_signal_codes using the signaller.""" for code in emitted_signal_codes: signal = TestCallback.get_signal_from_code(signaller, code) param_str = code[1] assert param_str != "x", "x is not allowed in emitted_signal_codes, only in expected_signal_codes" param_int = int(param_str) signal.emit(param_str, param_int) @staticmethod def parameter_evaluation_callback(param_str, param_int, expected_param_str, expected_param_int): """ This generic callback method evaluates that the two provided parameters match the expected ones (which are bound using functools.partial). """ return param_str == expected_param_str and param_int == expected_param_int @staticmethod def parameter_evaluation_callback_accept_any(param_str, param_int): return True @staticmethod def get_signals_and_callbacks(signaller, expected_signal_codes): """ Converts an iterable of strings, such as ('A1', 'A2') to a tuple of the form (list of Qt signals, matching parameter-evaluation callbacks) Example: ('A1', 'A2') is converted to ([signaller.signal_args, signaller.signal_args], [callback(str,int), callback(str,int)]) where the first callback expects the values to be '1' and 1, and the second one '2' and 2 respectively. I.e. the first character of each signal-code determines the Qt signal, the second one the parameter values. """ signals_to_expect = [] callbacks = [] for code in expected_signal_codes: # e.g. "A2" means to use signaller.signal_args with parameters "2", 2 signal = TestCallback.get_signal_from_code(signaller, code) signals_to_expect.append(signal) param_value_as_string = code[1] if param_value_as_string == "x": callback = TestCallback.parameter_evaluation_callback_accept_any else: param_value_as_int = int(param_value_as_string) callback = functools.partial(TestCallback.parameter_evaluation_callback, expected_param_str=param_value_as_string, expected_param_int=param_value_as_int) callbacks.append(callback) return signals_to_expect, callbacks @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('emitted_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_triggered'), [ # working cases (('A1',), ('A1',), True), (('A1',), ('Ax',), True), (('A1', 'A1'), ('A1',), True), (('A1', 'A2'), ('A1',), True), (('A2', 'A1'), ('A1',), True), # non working cases (('A2',), ('A1',), False), (('B1',), ('A1',), False), (('A1',), ('Bx',), False), ] ) def test_wait_signal(self, qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered): """Tests that waitSignal() correctly checks the signal parameters using the provided callback""" signals_to_expect, callbacks = TestCallback.get_signals_and_callbacks(signaller, expected_signal_codes) with qtbot.waitSignal(signal=signals_to_expect[0], check_params_cb=callbacks[0], timeout=200, raising=False) as blocker: TestCallback.emit_parametrized_signals(signaller, emitted_signal_codes) assert blocker.signal_triggered == expected_signal_triggered @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('emitted_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_triggered'), get_waitsignals_cases_all(order="none") ) def test_wait_signals_none_order(self, qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered): """Tests waitSignals() with order="none".""" self._test_wait_signals(qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered, order="none") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('emitted_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_triggered'), get_waitsignals_cases_all(order="simple") ) def test_wait_signals_simple_order(self, qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered): """Tests waitSignals() with order="simple".""" self._test_wait_signals(qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered, order="simple") @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('emitted_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_codes', 'expected_signal_triggered'), get_waitsignals_cases_all(order="strict") ) def test_wait_signals_strict_order(self, qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered): """Tests waitSignals() with order="strict".""" self._test_wait_signals(qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered, order="strict") @staticmethod def _test_wait_signals(qtbot, signaller, emitted_signal_codes, expected_signal_codes, expected_signal_triggered, order): signals_to_expect, callbacks = TestCallback.get_signals_and_callbacks(signaller, expected_signal_codes) with qtbot.waitSignals(signals=signals_to_expect, order=order, check_params_cbs=callbacks, timeout=200, raising=False) as blocker: TestCallback.emit_parametrized_signals(signaller, emitted_signal_codes) assert blocker.signal_triggered == expected_signal_triggered def test_signals_and_callbacks_length_mismatch(self, qtbot, signaller): """ Tests that a ValueError is raised if the number of expected signals doesn't match the number of provided callbacks. """ expected_signal_codes = ('A1', 'A2') signals_to_expect, callbacks = TestCallback.get_signals_and_callbacks(signaller, expected_signal_codes) callbacks.append(None) with pytest.raises(ValueError): with qtbot.waitSignals(signals=signals_to_expect, order="none", check_params_cbs=callbacks, raising=False): pass class TestAssertNotEmitted: """Tests for qtbot.assertNotEmitted.""" def test_not_emitted(self, qtbot, signaller): with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(signaller.signal): pass def test_emitted(self, qtbot, signaller): with pytest.raises(SignalEmittedError) as excinfo: with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(signaller.signal): signaller.signal.emit() fnmatch.fnmatchcase(str(excinfo.value), "Signal * unexpectedly emitted.") def test_emitted_args(self, qtbot, signaller): with pytest.raises(SignalEmittedError) as excinfo: with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(signaller.signal_args): signaller.signal_args.emit('foo', 123) fnmatch.fnmatchcase(str(excinfo.value), "Signal * unexpectedly emitted with arguments " "['foo', 123]") def test_disconnected(self, qtbot, signaller): with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(signaller.signal): pass signaller.signal.emit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def main(self): if == "exaluno": return "Conta já inativa." from import ErrorString import supermegazord.db.path as path try: with open(path.MEGAZORD_DB + "/emails/account.deactivate") as f: self.mail("Conta Desativada",**self.__dict__)) except: pass import supermegazord.lib.remote as remote command = "sudo /megazord/scripts/desativa_conta " + self.login + " " + results = remote.run_remote_batch(['mail', 'printer', 'nfs'], command, "megazord") results['ldap'] = and self.change_group('exaluno') and ( self.change_home("/home/exaluno/" + self.login) and self.change_shell("/bin/false")) self.log("Conta '{0}' desativada. Status: {1}".format(self.login, str(results))) if not reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, results.values()): return ErrorString("Erro ao desativar conta. Verifique 'DB/usuarios/historicos/{0}' para detalhes.".format(self.nid)) else: return "Conta '{0}' desativada com sucesso.".format(self.login) def description(): return "Desativa uma conta, mantendo apenas o e-mail."
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ This is part of shot detector. Produced by w495 at 2017.05.04 04:18:27 """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import logging import numpy as numeric from shot_detector.charts.event.base import ( BaseEventChart, FilterDescription, PlotOptions ) from shot_detector.filters import ( BaseSWFilter, ShiftSWFilter, DelayFilter, NormFilter ) from shot_detector.utils.tex_template import tex_template class ZTestEventChart(BaseEventChart): """ ... """ __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def seq_filters(self): """ :return: """ # Linear delay filter. Builtin filter. delay = DelayFilter() # The incoming signal is unchanged. original = delay(0) # Shift signal to one frame. Builtin filter. shift = ShiftSWFilter() # The difference between neighboring frames. diff = original - shift # The norm of the signal. Builtin filter. norm = NormFilter() # Abstract sliding window. Builtin filter. sw = BaseSWFilter(min_size=2) # Sum of absolute difference filter. sad_filter = original | diff | abs | norm(l=1) sw_mean = sw | numeric.mean # or sw_mean = MeanSWFilter() sw_std = sw | numeric.std # or sw_std = StdSWFilter() def z_score(size=1): """ :param int size: :return: """ return ( ( ( original - sw_mean(s=size) ) / sw_std(s=size) ) / numeric.sqrt(size) | abs ) def z_test(size=1): """ :param size: :return: """ estimation = z_score(size) return estimation return [ FilterDescription( name='$F_{L_1} = ||F_{t}||_{L_1}$', plot_options=PlotOptions( style='-', color='gray', width=3.0, ), formula=norm(l=1), ), FilterDescription( # Sum of absolute difference filter. name='$D_{t} = ||F_{t} - F_{t-1}||_{L_1}$', plot_options=PlotOptions( style='-', color='blue', width=2.0, ), formula=sad_filter ), FilterDescription( name=( '$D_{{t}} > E_{{ {size} }}\ (D_{{t}})$'.format( size=100 ) ), plot_options=PlotOptions( style='-', color='green', width=1.0, ), formula=( diff | norm(l=1) | z_test(size=50) ) ), FilterDescription( name=( tex_template( '$D_{t} > E_{ ${size} }\ (D_{t})$', size=200 ) ), plot_options=PlotOptions( style='-', color='red', width=1.0, ), formula=( diff | norm(l=1) | z_test(size=200) ) ), ]
from fcfs import * import heapq # Format the queue for output def format_queue(queue): queue.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].get_process_id()) output = "[Q" if len(queue) == 0: output += " <empty>]" else: for i in range(len(queue)): if i == (len(queue) - 1): output += " " + str(queue[i][1]) + "]" else: output += " " + str(queue[i][1]) return output def increase_wait(queue, time): for process in queue: process[1].increase_wait_t(time) def srt(processes_list): processes_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_process_id()) t = 0 # time in ms t_cs = 8 # time to perform context switch IO_list = {} # { {time process's IO will finish : process} } ready = True # CPU state ready_queue = [] # heapq, [ [process cpu burst time, process] ] burst_end_time = 0 # time the current process will finish it's burst current_process = None completed_processes = [] context_switch = finished = replace = False # check for context switch and completion context = avg_wait = avg_turn = avg_burst = total_bursts = preemption = 0 # Set up some stats for process in processes_list: total_bursts+=process.get_num_bursts() avg_burst+=process.get_cpu_t()*process.get_num_bursts() print("time 0ms: Simulator started for SRT [Q <empty>]") while(finished != True): ''' If the current process has finised it's burst check if it has remaining bursts add it to the IO List and set the CPU up to take a new process. If not, mark the process as finished. ''' if t != 0 and t == burst_end_time: current_process.burst_complete() # Decrement the number of bursts return_time = t+current_process.get_io_t()+4 # IO end time with account for context switch # Send process to complete IO if current_process.get_num_bursts() > 0: replace = True IO_list[return_time] = current_process if current_process.get_num_bursts() == 1: print("time {}ms: Process {} completed a CPU burst; {} burst to go {}".format(t,current_process,current_process.get_num_bursts(),format_queue(ready_queue))) else: print("time {}ms: Process {} completed a CPU burst; {} bursts to go {}".format(t,current_process,current_process.get_num_bursts(),format_queue(ready_queue))) print("time {}ms: Process {} switching out of CPU; will block on I/O until time {}ms {}".format(t,current_process,return_time, format_queue(ready_queue))) else: # Mark the process as completed current_process.set_end_t(t) completed_processes.append(current_process) if len(ready_queue) == 2: increase_wait_t(ready_queue,4) print("time {}ms: Process {} terminated {}".format(t,current_process,format_queue(ready_queue))) # If the queue is empty we won't need to account for the 2nf half of the context switch if len(ready_queue) != 0: replace = True ready = True burst_end_time = 0 current_process = None ''' Check if a processes finished their IO, if it did, check if any bursts are left. If bursts are left, check for preemption or add it to the queue, if not mark it as finished. ''' for key in IO_list: if key == t: process = IO_list[key] # Check if process terminated if process.get_num_bursts() == 0: context_switch = True print("time {}ms: Process {} terminated {}".format(t,process,format_queue(ready_queue))) process.set_end_t(t) if len(ready_queue) == 1: increase_wait(ready_queue,4) completed_processes.append(process) else: # Check for preemption IO = True context_switch = True if process.get_cpu_t() < (burst_end_time - t): replace = True print("time {}ms: Process {} completed I/O and will preempt {} {}".format(t,process,current_process,format_queue(ready_queue))) process.increase_wait_t(4) if (len(ready_queue) == 0): # If the queue is empty, the current process won't we taken off after we add it back current_process.increase_wait_t(4) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(burst_end_time-t,str(current_process)), current_process]) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(process.get_cpu_t(),str(process)), process]) preemption+=1 # Mark the CPU as open ready = True burst_end_time = 0 current_process = None else: context_switch = True # if (len(ready_queue) == 0): # process.increase_wait_t(4) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(process.get_cpu_t(),str(process)), process]) print("time {}ms: Process {} completed I/O; added to ready queue {}".format(t,process,format_queue(ready_queue))) ''' Check if a a processed arrived, then check for preemption or add it to the queue ''' for process in processes_list: if(t == process.get_arrival_t()): ''' Check for preemption by comparing burst time of the process and the remaining time of the current process ''' if (process.get_cpu_t() < (burst_end_time - t)) or (process.get_cpu_t() == (burst_end_time - t) and (str(process) < str(current_process))): print("time {}ms: Process {} arrived and will preempt {} {}".format(t,process,current_process,format_queue(ready_queue))) replace = True # Add the current process back to the queue with it's remaining time current_process.increase_wait_t(8) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(burst_end_time - t,str(current_process)), current_process]) # Add the process to the queue if there is no preemption process.increase_wait_t(4) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(process.get_cpu_t(),str(process)),process]) # Set the process as the new current process preemption+=1 context_switch =True # Mark the CPU as open ready = True burst_end_time = 0 current_process = None else: # Add the process to the queue if there is no preemption # if (len(ready_queue) == 0): # improves case 6 # process.increase_wait_t(4) heapq.heappush(ready_queue,[(process.get_cpu_t(),str(process)),process]) context_switch = True print("time {}ms: Process {} arrived and added to ready queue {}".format(t,process,format_queue(ready_queue))) # Start a process if the CPU is open if ready == True and len(ready_queue) > 0: ready = False context_switch = True queued_process = heapq.heappop(ready_queue) new_time = t if replace == True: burst_end_time = queued_process[0][0]+t+t_cs # context switch for taking off queue new_time +=t_cs increase_wait(ready_queue,8) elif context_switch == True: burst_end_time = queued_process[0][0]+t+4 # context switch for taking off queue new_time+= 4 increase_wait(ready_queue,4) current_process = queued_process[1] if queued_process[0][0] < queued_process[1].get_cpu_t(): print("time {}ms: Process {} started using the CPU with {}ms remaining {}".format(new_time,current_process,queued_process[0][0],format_queue(ready_queue))) else: print("time {}ms: Process {} started using the CPU {}".format(new_time,current_process,format_queue(ready_queue))) # Exit when all processes are complete (No mory CPU Bursts or IO Operations) if len(processes_list) == len(completed_processes): context_switch = True # account for final exit from CPU finished = True # Increment time normally if a context switch didn't occur if replace == True: t+=t_cs context+=0.5 replace = False elif context_switch == True: t+=4 # about to switch to new process context+=0.5 context_switch = False else: t+=1 increase_wait(ready_queue,1) print("time {}ms: Simulator ended for SRT".format(t)) # Calulate stats # Average turnaround time = total turnaround time for all processes / total number of CPU bursts (for ALL processes) # Turnaround time for a single process = finished time - arrival time - (iotime * (number of bursts -1)) # Theoretically, the below should work as well: # Turnaround time for a single process = total context switch time + (number of bursts) * cpu burst time + wait time # Add the turnaround times for each process and you get the total turnaround time for all processes. # Average wait time = total wait time / total number of CPU bursts (for ALL processes) # Wait time for a single process = total time process spends in the ready queue for process in sorted(completed_processes): avg_wait+=process.get_wait_t() # avg_turn+= process.get_end_t() - process.get_arrival_t() - (process.get_io_t() * ()) return [float(avg_burst)/total_bursts,float(avg_wait)/total_bursts,float(avg_turn)/total_bursts,int(context),preemption] # if __name__ == '__main__': # Input 1 WORKING # process_list = list([ # Process('A',0,168,5,287), # Process('B',0,385,1,0), # Process('C',190,97,5,2499), # Process('D',250,1770,2,822) # ]) # Input 2 WORKING # process_list = list([ # Process('X',0,80,5,500) # ]) # Input 3 WORKING, Wait time off BY 4 # process_list = list([ # Process('X',0,560,5,20), # Process('Y',0,840,5,20), # Process('Z',0,924,5,20) # ]) # Input 4 WORKING # process_list = list({ # Process('A',0,100,4,200), # Process('B',0,101,4,200), # Process('C',0,102,4,200), # Process('X',0,103,4,200), # Process('Y',0,104,4,200), # Process('Z',0,105,4,200) # }) # Input 5 OFF BY 4 # process_list = list([ # Process('T',0,700,5,20), # Process('U',20,340,6,40), # Process('V',190,940,3,200) # ]) # Input 6 WORKING # process_list = list([ # Process("A",0,20,5,40), # Process("B",20,36,2,100), # Process("C",68,30,1,0) # ]) # print(srt(process_list))
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. #Pytigon - wxpython and django application framework #author: "Slawomir Cholaj (" #copyright: "Copyright (C) ????/2012 Slawomir Cholaj" #license: "LGPL 3.0" #version: "0.1a" import os import wx from pytigon_lib.schhtml.wxdc import DcDc from pytigon_lib.schhtml.cairodc import CairoDc from pytigon_lib.schhtml.htmlviewer import HtmlViewerParser from pytigon_lib.schhtml.cairodc import CairoDc class HtmlCanvas(object): def __init__(self, zip_name): self.zip_name = zip_name self.scale = 1.0 self.dc_zip = DcDc(calc_only=False, scale=self.scale) self.dc_zip.load(self.zip_name) self.page_no = 1 self.width = self.dc_zip.width * self.scale self.height = self.dc_zip.height * self.scale self.page_count = self.dc_zip.get_page_count() self.state = self.dc_zip.state() def set_page(self, page_no): self.page_no = page_no def getWidth(self): return self.width def getHeight(self): return self.height def DoDrawing(self, dc, option, scale): self.scale = scale self.dc_zip.restore_state(self.state) self.dc_zip.set_scale(scale) dc_buf = self.dc_zip.dc self.dc_zip.dc = dc - 1) self.dc_zip.dc = dc_buf def save(self, file_name): dc = CairoDc(calc_only=False, width=self.width/self.scale, height=self.height/self.scale, output_name=file_name) dc.load(self.zip_name) count = dc.get_page_count() for i in range(0, count): if i > 0: dc.start_page() dc.close() class MyPrintout(wx.Printout): def __init__(self, canvas): wx.Printout.__init__(self) self.canvas = canvas def HasPage(self, page): if page <= self.canvas.page_count: return True else: return False def GetPageInfo(self): return (1, self.canvas.page_count, 1, self.canvas.page_count) def OnPrintPage(self, page): dc = self.GetDC() max_x = self.canvas.getWidth() max_y = self.canvas.getHeight() margin_x = 0 margin_y = 0 max_x = max_x + 2 * margin_x max_y = max_y + 2 * margin_y (w, h) = dc.GetSize() scale_x = 1.0 * w / max_x scale_y = 1.0 * h / max_y actual_scale = min(scale_x, scale_y) pos_x = (w - self.canvas.getWidth() * actual_scale) / 2.0 pos_y = (h - self.canvas.getHeight() * actual_scale) / 2.0 dc.SetDeviceOrigin(int(pos_x), int(pos_y)) dc.Clear() self.canvas.set_page(page) self.canvas.DoDrawing(dc, True, actual_scale) return True class HtmlPreviewCanvas(wx.PreviewCanvas): def __init__(self, parent, **argv): self.canvas = HtmlCanvas(parent.Parametry) self.printData = wx.PrintData() self.printData.SetPaperId(wx.PAPER_A4) self.printData.SetPrintMode(wx.PRINT_MODE_PRINTER) self.printData.SetOrientation(wx.PORTRAIT) data = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData) printout = MyPrintout(self.canvas) printout2 = MyPrintout(self.canvas) self.preview = wx.PrintPreview(printout, printout2, data) if 'name' in argv: name = argv['name'] else: name = 'htmlpreview' wx.PreviewCanvas.__init__(self, self.preview, parent, name=name) self.preview.SetCanvas(self) self.preview.SetZoom(100) def save(self): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Save file as ...", defaultDir=os.getcwd(), defaultFile="", wildcard="Pdf document (*.pdf)|*.pdf", style=wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() def Print(self): pdd = wx.PrintDialogData(self.printData) printer = wx.Printer(pdd) printout = MyPrintout(self.canvas) if not printer.Print(self, printout, True): wx.MessageBox("There was a problem printing.\nPerhaps your current printer is not set correctly?", "Printing", wx.OK) else: self.printData = wx.PrintData( printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData() ) printout.Destroy()
import getpass import os import unittest import shutil import pacha from guachi import ConfigMapper from pacha import daemon, host from pacha.database import Worker from mock import MockSys DICT_CONF = dict( frequency = 60, master = 'False', host = '%s' % host.hostname(), ssh_user = '%s' % getpass.getuser(), ssh_port = 22, hosts_path = '/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts', hg_autocorrect = 'True', log_enable = 'False', log_path = 'False', log_level = 'DEBUG', log_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s', log_datefmt = '%H=%M=%S' ) class SingleRepository(unittest.TestCase): username = getpass.getuser() dict_conf = dict( ssh_user = username, host = host.hostname(), hosts_path = '/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts' ) def setUp(self): test_dir = '/tmp/pacha_test' remote_dir = '/tmp/remote_pacha' pacha_host = '/tmp/pacha_test_host' if os.path.isdir(test_dir): shutil.rmtree(test_dir) if os.path.isdir(remote_dir): shutil.rmtree(remote_dir) if os.path.isdir(pacha_host): shutil.rmtree(pacha_host) pacha.DB_DIR = '/tmp/pacha_test' pacha.DB_FILE ='/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' pacha.permissions.DB_FILE ='/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' pacha.sync.DB_FILE ='/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' pacha.hg.DB_FILE ='/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' pacha.database.DB_FILE = '/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' pacha.database.DB_DIR = '/tmp/pacha_test' pacha.daemon.PID_DIR = '/tmp/pacha_test' pacha.daemon.DB_FILE = '/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db' os.makedirs('/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts/%s' % host.hostname()) os.mkdir(test_dir) conf = open('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha.conf', 'w') conf.write('[DEFAULT]\n') conf.write('pacha.ssh.user = %s\n' % self.username) conf.write(' = %s\n' % host.hostname()) conf.write('pacha.hosts.path = /tmp/remote_pacha/hosts\n') conf.close() conf = ConfigMapper('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db').stored_config() for k, v in DICT_CONF.items(): conf[k] = v def tearDown(self): # make sure we do not have db file test_dir = '/tmp/pacha_test' remote_dir = '/tmp/remote_pacha' pacha_host = '/tmp/pacha_test_host' if os.path.isdir(test_dir): shutil.rmtree(test_dir) if os.path.isdir(remote_dir): shutil.rmtree(remote_dir) if os.path.isdir(pacha_host): shutil.rmtree(pacha_host) def test_init(self): """Should get a normpath from a path""" path = "/tmp/" watch = daemon.SingleRepository(path) actual = watch.path expected = "/tmp" self.assertEqual(actual, expected) self.assertEqual(watch.dir_path, expected) def test_init_dir(self): """convert a path ending in file to a path ending in dir""" path = "/tmp/file.txt" watch = daemon.SingleRepository(path) actual = watch.dir_path expected = "/tmp" self.assertEqual(actual, expected) self.assertEqual(watch.path, '/tmp/file.txt') def test_is_modified_true(self): """Return true when a directory timestamp is newer than the tracked one""" db = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') db.insert('/tmp',None, None, timestamp=1) watch = daemon.SingleRepository('/tmp') self.assertTrue(watch.is_modified()) def test_is_modified_false(self): """Return false when the directory timestamp is older than the tracked one""" db = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') db.insert('/tmp',None, None, timestamp=9997446874) watch = daemon.SingleRepository('/tmp') self.assertFalse(watch.is_modified()) def test_store_timestamp(self): """Make sure we are storing (updating) the timestamp""" db = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') db.insert('/tmp',None, None, timestamp=9997446874) db.closedb() watch = daemon.SingleRepository('/tmp') watch.store_timestamp(111) dbase = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') repo = [i for i in dbase.get_repo('/tmp')] actual = repo[0][4] expected = u'111' self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_synchronize_true(self): """When we find a modified file we need to synchronize""" db = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') db.insert('/tmp/pacha_test',None, None, timestamp=1) watch = daemon.SingleRepository('/tmp/pacha_test') watch.synchronize() repo = [i for i in db.get_repo('/tmp/pacha_test')] self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts/%s/pacha_test' % host.hostname())) self.assertNotEqual(repo[0][4], 1) def test_synchronize_false(self): """Do not synchronize anything if the timestamp is older""" db = Worker('/tmp/pacha_test/pacha_test.db') db.insert('/tmp/pacha_test',None, None, timestamp=9999999999) watch = daemon.SingleRepository('/tmp/pacha_test') watch.synchronize() repo = [i for i in db.get_repo('/tmp/pacha_test')] self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir('/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts/%s/pacha_test' % host.hostname())) self.assertEqual(repo[0][4], u'9999999999') def test_daemon_do_nothing(self): """Since the repos are empty just run once and exit cleanly """ self.assertRaises(SystemExit, daemon.start, foreground=True, run_once=True) self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir('/tmp/remote_pacha/hosts/%s' % host.hostname())), 0) class TestFrecuency(unittest.TestCase): def test_freq_string(self): "Return an integer if we send a string" actual = daemon.frecuency("10") expected = 10 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_freq_valueerror(self): "Get 60 secs back if we have something other than an int" actual = daemon.frecuency("") expected = 60 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_freq_under_ten(self): "If we have less than 10 secs return 60 secs" actual = daemon.frecuency("4") expected = 60 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_freq_exception(self): "No matter what we send we get 60 secs back" actual = daemon.frecuency({}) expected = 60 self.assertEqual(actual, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'RESTool/ui/design_v2.ui' # # Created: Fri May 29 22:07:35 2015 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.11.3 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(556, 543) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.centralwidget) self.horizontalLayout.setSpacing(9) self.horizontalLayout.setMargin(3) self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("horizontalLayout")) self.MainTabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self.centralwidget) self.MainTabWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainTabWidget")) self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab = QtGui.QWidget() self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupRestoreMigrateTab")) self.verticalLayout_2 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.verticalLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayout_2")) self.MainContentLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.MainContentLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainContentLayout")) self.BrowseerPickerLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.BrowseerPickerLayout.setSpacing(5) self.BrowseerPickerLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BrowseerPickerLayout")) self.FirstBrowserLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.FirstBrowserLayout.setSpacing(0) self.FirstBrowserLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserLayout")) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setSpacing(0) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserVerticalLayout")) self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setItalic(True) self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel.setFont(font) self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticFirstBrowserLabel")) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel) self.FirstBrowserNameLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.FirstBrowserNameLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserNameLayout")) self.StaticBrowserName = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticBrowserName.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBrowserName")) self.FirstBrowserNameLayout.addWidget(self.StaticBrowserName) self.cboFirstBrowser = QtGui.QComboBox(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.cboFirstBrowser.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cboFirstBrowser")) self.FirstBrowserNameLayout.addWidget(self.cboFirstBrowser) self.FirstBrowserNameLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.FirstBrowserNameLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.addLayout(self.FirstBrowserNameLayout) self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserProfileLayout")) self.StaticProfileName = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticProfileName.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticProfileName")) self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout.addWidget(self.StaticProfileName) self.cboFirstBrowserProfile = QtGui.QComboBox(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.cboFirstBrowserProfile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cboFirstBrowserProfile")) self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout.addWidget(self.cboFirstBrowserProfile) self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.addLayout(self.FirstBrowserProfileLayout) self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout")) self.StaticRESInfo = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticRESInfo.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticRESInfo")) self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout.addWidget(self.StaticRESInfo) self.FirstBrowserRESLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.FirstBrowserRESLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FirstBrowserRESLabel")) self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout.addWidget(self.FirstBrowserRESLabel) self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.addLayout(self.FirstBrowserDBFoundLayout) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setStretch(0, 10) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setStretch(1, 20) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setStretch(2, 20) self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout.setStretch(3, 20) self.FirstBrowserLayout.addLayout(self.FirstBrowserVerticalLayout) self.BrowseerPickerLayout.addLayout(self.FirstBrowserLayout) self.StaticBrowserDividerLine = QtGui.QFrame(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticBrowserDividerLine.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.VLine) self.StaticBrowserDividerLine.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.StaticBrowserDividerLine.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBrowserDividerLine")) self.BrowseerPickerLayout.addWidget(self.StaticBrowserDividerLine) self.SecondBrowserLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.SecondBrowserLayout.setSpacing(0) self.SecondBrowserLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SecondBrowserLayout")) self.verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout.setSpacing(0) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayout")) self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setItalic(True) self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel.setFont(font) self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticSecondBrowserLabel")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel) self.SecondBrowserNameLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.SecondBrowserNameLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SecondBrowserNameLayout")) self.StaticBrowserName_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticBrowserName_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBrowserName_2")) self.SecondBrowserNameLayout.addWidget(self.StaticBrowserName_2) self.cboSecondBrowser = QtGui.QComboBox(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.cboSecondBrowser.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cboSecondBrowser")) self.SecondBrowserNameLayout.addWidget(self.cboSecondBrowser) self.SecondBrowserNameLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.SecondBrowserNameLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.SecondBrowserNameLayout) self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SecondBrowserProfileLayout")) self.StaticProfileName_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticProfileName_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticProfileName_2")) self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout.addWidget(self.StaticProfileName_2) self.cboSecondBrowserProfile = QtGui.QComboBox(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.cboSecondBrowserProfile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("cboSecondBrowserProfile")) self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout.addWidget(self.cboSecondBrowserProfile) self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.SecondBrowserProfileLayout) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.setSpacing(6) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout")) self.StaticRESInfo_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticRESInfo_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticRESInfo_2")) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.addWidget(self.StaticRESInfo_2) self.SecondBrowserRESLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.SecondBrowserRESLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SecondBrowserRESLabel")) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.addWidget(self.SecondBrowserRESLabel) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.setStretch(0, 40) self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout.setStretch(1, 60) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.SecondBrowserDBFoundLayout) self.verticalLayout.setStretch(0, 10) self.verticalLayout.setStretch(1, 20) self.verticalLayout.setStretch(2, 20) self.verticalLayout.setStretch(3, 20) self.SecondBrowserLayout.addLayout(self.verticalLayout) self.BrowseerPickerLayout.addLayout(self.SecondBrowserLayout) self.MainContentLayout.addLayout(self.BrowseerPickerLayout) self.StaticBrowserFeaturesLine = QtGui.QFrame(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticBrowserFeaturesLine.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.StaticBrowserFeaturesLine.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.StaticBrowserFeaturesLine.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBrowserFeaturesLine")) self.MainContentLayout.addWidget(self.StaticBrowserFeaturesLine) self.labelMessage = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.labelMessage.setEnabled(True) self.labelMessage.setStyleSheet(_fromUtf8("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);")) self.labelMessage.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.NoFrame) self.labelMessage.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.labelMessage.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("labelMessage")) self.MainContentLayout.addWidget(self.labelMessage) self.ApplicationActionsLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.ApplicationActionsLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("ApplicationActionsLayout")) self.BackupsLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.BackupsLayout.setSpacing(6) self.BackupsLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupsLayout")) self.StaticLabelMigrating = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticLabelMigrating.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticLabelMigrating")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.StaticLabelMigrating) self.btnFirstToSecond = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnFirstToSecond.setEnabled(False) self.btnFirstToSecond.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnFirstToSecond")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnFirstToSecond) self.btnSecondToFirst = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnSecondToFirst.setEnabled(False) self.btnSecondToFirst.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnSecondToFirst")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnSecondToFirst) self.StaticDivider = QtGui.QFrame(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticDivider.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.StaticDivider.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.StaticDivider.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticDivider")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.StaticDivider) self.StaticLabelBackups_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticLabelBackups_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticLabelBackups_2")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.StaticLabelBackups_2) self.btnBackupFirst = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnBackupFirst.setEnabled(False) self.btnBackupFirst.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnBackupFirst")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnBackupFirst) self.btnBackupSecond = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnBackupSecond.setEnabled(False) self.btnBackupSecond.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnBackupSecond")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnBackupSecond) self.btnRestoreToFirst = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnRestoreToFirst.setEnabled(False) self.btnRestoreToFirst.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnRestoreToFirst")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnRestoreToFirst) self.btnRestoreToSecond = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnRestoreToSecond.setEnabled(False) self.btnRestoreToSecond.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnRestoreToSecond")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.btnRestoreToSecond) self.VersionLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.VersionLayout.setSpacing(0) self.VersionLayout.setContentsMargins(-1, -1, -1, 0) self.VersionLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("VersionLayout")) self.lblVersion = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.lblVersion.setWordWrap(True) self.lblVersion.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lblVersion")) self.VersionLayout.addWidget(self.lblVersion) self.StaticLabelVersion = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticLabelVersion.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticLabelVersion")) self.VersionLayout.addWidget(self.StaticLabelVersion) self.BackupsLayout.addLayout(self.VersionLayout) self.lblUpdateAvailable = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.lblUpdateAvailable.setEnabled(True) self.lblUpdateAvailable.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.lblUpdateAvailable.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lblUpdateAvailable")) self.BackupsLayout.addWidget(self.lblUpdateAvailable) self.ApplicationActionsLayout.addLayout(self.BackupsLayout) self.MainFeaturesLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.MainFeaturesLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainFeaturesLayout")) self.StaticLabelBackups = QtGui.QLabel(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.StaticLabelBackups.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticLabelBackups")) self.MainFeaturesLayout.addWidget(self.StaticLabelBackups) self.listBackups = QtGui.QListWidget(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.listBackups.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("listBackups")) self.MainFeaturesLayout.addWidget(self.listBackups) self.btnDeleteBackup = QtGui.QPushButton(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab) self.btnDeleteBackup.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnDeleteBackup")) self.MainFeaturesLayout.addWidget(self.btnDeleteBackup) self.ApplicationActionsLayout.addLayout(self.MainFeaturesLayout) self.ApplicationActionsLayout.setStretch(0, 60) self.ApplicationActionsLayout.setStretch(1, 40) self.MainContentLayout.addLayout(self.ApplicationActionsLayout) self.MainContentLayout.setStretch(0, 30) self.MainContentLayout.setStretch(3, 70) self.verticalLayout_2.addLayout(self.MainContentLayout) self.MainTabWidget.addTab(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab, _fromUtf8("")) self.SettingsTab = QtGui.QWidget() self.SettingsTab.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsTab")) self.verticalLayout_4 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.SettingsTab) self.verticalLayout_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayout_4")) self.BackupFolderLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.BackupFolderLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupFolderLayout")) self.BackupFolderLayout_2 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.BackupFolderLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupFolderLayout_2")) self.StaticBackupFolderDescLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticBackupFolderDescLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBackupFolderDescLabel")) self.BackupFolderLayout_2.addWidget(self.StaticBackupFolderDescLabel) self.BackupFolderLayout_3 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.BackupFolderLayout_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupFolderLayout_3")) self.StaticBackupFolderLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticBackupFolderLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBackupFolderLabel")) self.BackupFolderLayout_3.addWidget(self.StaticBackupFolderLabel) self.lneBackupFolder = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.SettingsTab) self.lneBackupFolder.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lneBackupFolder")) self.BackupFolderLayout_3.addWidget(self.lneBackupFolder) self.btnBrowseBackupsFolder = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnBrowseBackupsFolder.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnBrowseBackupsFolder")) self.BackupFolderLayout_3.addWidget(self.btnBrowseBackupsFolder) self.BackupFolderLayout_2.addLayout(self.BackupFolderLayout_3) self.chkAutomaticBakFolder = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.SettingsTab) self.chkAutomaticBakFolder.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("chkAutomaticBakFolder")) self.BackupFolderLayout_2.addWidget(self.chkAutomaticBakFolder) self.BackupFolderLayout.addLayout(self.BackupFolderLayout_2) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.BackupFolderLayout) self.SettingsDividerLine = QtGui.QFrame(self.SettingsTab) self.SettingsDividerLine.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.SettingsDividerLine.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.SettingsDividerLine.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsDividerLine")) self.verticalLayout_4.addWidget(self.SettingsDividerLine) self.BackupDateFormatLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.BackupDateFormatLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupDateFormatLayout")) self.StaticBackupDateFormatDescLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticBackupDateFormatDescLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBackupDateFormatDescLabel")) self.BackupDateFormatLayout.addWidget(self.StaticBackupDateFormatDescLabel) self.BackupDateFormatLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.BackupDateFormatLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("BackupDateFormatLayout_2")) self.StaticBackupDateFormatLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticBackupDateFormatLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticBackupDateFormatLabel")) self.BackupDateFormatLayout_2.addWidget(self.StaticBackupDateFormatLabel) self.lneBackupTimeFormat = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.SettingsTab) self.lneBackupTimeFormat.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("lneBackupTimeFormat")) self.BackupDateFormatLayout_2.addWidget(self.lneBackupTimeFormat) self.BackupDateFormatLayout.addLayout(self.BackupDateFormatLayout_2) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.BackupDateFormatLayout) self.SettingsDividerLine_2 = QtGui.QFrame(self.SettingsTab) self.SettingsDividerLine_2.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.SettingsDividerLine_2.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.SettingsDividerLine_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsDividerLine_2")) self.verticalLayout_4.addWidget(self.SettingsDividerLine_2) self.PortableSettingsFormatLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.PortableSettingsFormatLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("PortableSettingsFormatLayout")) self.StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel.setWordWrap(True) self.StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel")) self.PortableSettingsFormatLayout.addWidget(self.StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel) self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("horizontalLayout_2")) self.chkPortableSettings = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.SettingsTab) self.chkPortableSettings.setChecked(True) self.chkPortableSettings.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("chkPortableSettings")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.chkPortableSettings) spacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout_2.addItem(spacerItem) self.btnRemoveSystemConfig = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnRemoveSystemConfig.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnRemoveSystemConfig")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnRemoveSystemConfig) self.btnRemoveLocalConfig = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnRemoveLocalConfig.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnRemoveLocalConfig")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnRemoveLocalConfig) self.PortableSettingsFormatLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.PortableSettingsFormatLayout) self.SettingsDividerLine_3 = QtGui.QFrame(self.SettingsTab) self.SettingsDividerLine_3.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.SettingsDividerLine_3.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.SettingsDividerLine_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsDividerLine_3")) self.verticalLayout_4.addWidget(self.SettingsDividerLine_3) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.DebuggingSettingsLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("DebuggingSettingsLayout")) self.StaticDebuggingSettingsLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticDebuggingSettingsLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticDebuggingSettingsLabel")) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout.addWidget(self.StaticDebuggingSettingsLabel) self.DebuggingStatusLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.DebuggingStatusLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("DebuggingStatusLabel")) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout.addWidget(self.DebuggingStatusLabel) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("DebuggingSettingsLayout_2")) self.btnEnableLogging = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnEnableLogging.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnEnableLogging")) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnEnableLogging) self.btnDisableLogging = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnDisableLogging.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnDisableLogging")) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnDisableLogging) self.btnSubmitBug = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnSubmitBug.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnSubmitBug")) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnSubmitBug) self.DebuggingSettingsLayout.addLayout(self.DebuggingSettingsLayout_2) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.DebuggingSettingsLayout) self.SettingsDividerLine_4 = QtGui.QFrame(self.SettingsTab) self.SettingsDividerLine_4.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.SettingsDividerLine_4.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.SettingsDividerLine_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsDividerLine_4")) self.verticalLayout_4.addWidget(self.SettingsDividerLine_4) self.AutomaticUpdateLayer = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.AutomaticUpdateLayer.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("AutomaticUpdateLayer")) self.StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.SettingsTab) self.StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel.setWordWrap(True) self.StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel")) self.AutomaticUpdateLayer.addWidget(self.StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel) self.chkAutomaticUpdates = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.SettingsTab) self.chkAutomaticUpdates.setChecked(False) self.chkAutomaticUpdates.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("chkAutomaticUpdates")) self.AutomaticUpdateLayer.addWidget(self.chkAutomaticUpdates) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.AutomaticUpdateLayer) spacerItem1 = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.verticalLayout_4.addItem(spacerItem1) self.SettingsButtonsLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.SettingsButtonsLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("SettingsButtonsLayout")) self.btnRestoreSettings = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnRestoreSettings.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnRestoreSettings")) self.SettingsButtonsLayout.addWidget(self.btnRestoreSettings) self.btnSaveSettings = QtGui.QPushButton(self.SettingsTab) self.btnSaveSettings.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btnSaveSettings")) self.SettingsButtonsLayout.addWidget(self.btnSaveSettings) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.SettingsButtonsLayout) self.MainTabWidget.addTab(self.SettingsTab, _fromUtf8("")) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.MainTabWidget) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) self.MainTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.chkAutomaticBakFolder, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("toggled(bool)")), self.lneBackupFolder.setDisabled) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.chkAutomaticBakFolder, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("toggled(bool)")), self.btnBrowseBackupsFolder.setDisabled) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "RESTool", None)) self.StaticFirstBrowserLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "First Browser", None)) self.StaticBrowserName.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Browser Name:", None)) self.StaticProfileName.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Profile Name:", None)) self.StaticRESInfo.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "RES DB found:", None)) self.FirstBrowserRESLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "N/A", None)) self.StaticSecondBrowserLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Second Browser", None)) self.StaticBrowserName_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Browser Name:", None)) self.StaticProfileName_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Profile Name:", None)) self.StaticRESInfo_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "RES DB found:", None)) self.SecondBrowserRESLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "N/A", None)) self.labelMessage.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Warning message</p></body></html>", None)) self.StaticLabelMigrating.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Migrating existing data", None)) self.btnFirstToSecond.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "First browser to the second browser", None)) self.btnSecondToFirst.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Second browser to the first browser", None)) self.StaticLabelBackups_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "RES database backups", None)) self.btnBackupFirst.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Backup first browser", None)) self.btnBackupSecond.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Backup second browser", None)) self.btnRestoreToFirst.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Restore selected backup to the first browser", None)) self.btnRestoreToSecond.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Restore selected backup to the second browser", None)) self.lblVersion.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Version 0.2.1</p></body></html>", None)) self.StaticLabelVersion.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Website: <a href=\"\"><span style=\" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;\"></span></a></p></body></html>", None)) self.lblUpdateAvailable.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Update available. Visit website for more info.</p></body></html>", None)) self.StaticLabelBackups.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Available Backups", None)) self.btnDeleteBackup.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Delete Selected Backup", None)) self.MainTabWidget.setTabText(self.MainTabWidget.indexOf(self.BackupRestoreMigrateTab), _translate("MainWindow", "RESTool", None)) self.StaticBackupFolderDescLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-style:italic; color:#585858;\">Folder where the backups will be saved, default: res_backups</span></p></body></html>", None)) self.StaticBackupFolderLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Backup Folder", None)) self.lneBackupFolder.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "res_backups", None)) self.btnBrowseBackupsFolder.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Browse", None)) self.chkAutomaticBakFolder.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Use automatic system specific app directory", None)) self.StaticBackupDateFormatDescLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p><span style=\" font-style:italic; color:#535353;\">Custom backup date/time format, default: %Y-%m-%d - </span><a href=\"\"><span style=\" font-style:italic; text-decoration: underline; color:#0055ff;\">available variables</span></a></p></body></html>", None)) self.StaticBackupDateFormatLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Backup time format:", None)) self.lneBackupTimeFormat.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "%Y-%m-%d", None)) self.StaticPortableSettingsDescLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Portable RES settings storage (settings.json with your custom config will be stored next to app if checked, otherwise it will be placed in auto-detected system specific configuration directory)</p></body></html>", None)) self.chkPortableSettings.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Portable settings", None)) self.btnRemoveSystemConfig.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Remove System Settings File", None)) self.btnRemoveLocalConfig.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Remove Local Settings File", None)) self.StaticDebuggingSettingsLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Debugging/Log reporting functions:", None)) self.DebuggingStatusLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Current logging status: Disabled", None)) self.btnEnableLogging.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Enable Logging", None)) self.btnDisableLogging.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Disable Logging", None)) self.btnSubmitBug.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Submit a bug report", None)) self.StaticAutomaticUpdatesDescLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "<html><head/><body><p>Automatic checking for new version. No personal information is sent to the server.</p></body></html>", None)) self.chkAutomaticUpdates.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Check for updates on startup.", None)) self.btnRestoreSettings.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Restore settings to default", None)) self.btnSaveSettings.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Save current settings", None)) self.MainTabWidget.setTabText(self.MainTabWidget.indexOf(self.SettingsTab), _translate("MainWindow", "Settings", None))
import file_experts.file_expert as fe class NewFileDetails: def __init__(self): self._directory_path = '' self._file_name = '' self._description = '' def __str__(self): rez = '\n---- New file details ----\n' rez += '\nDirectory path : ' + self.directory_path rez += '\nName : ' + self.file_name rez += '\nDescription : ' + self.description rez += '\n-- Is valid : ' + str(self.is_valid()) + ' --' return rez ########################################################################## # directory_path @property def directory_path(self): return self._directory_path @directory_path.setter def directory_path( self, value: str): self._directory_path = value ########################################################################## # file_name @property def file_name(self): return self._file_name @file_name.setter def file_name(self, value: str): self._file_name = value ########################################################################## # description @property def description(self): return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value: str): self._description = value ########################################################################## def is_valid(self): """ - Checks if valid :return: - True if valid - False otherwise """ if not isinstance(self.directory_path, str) \ or not isinstance(self.description, str) \ or not isinstance(self.file_name, str): return False if self.directory_path == '' \ or self.description == '' \ or self.file_name == '': return False file_path = self.directory_path + '/' + self.file_name if not fe.is_directory(self.directory_path) \ or not fe.is_file(file_path): return False return True ##########################################################################
#!/usr/bin/python3 import pygame import os import random class Target(): targets = [] def __init__(self,destroyable,name): self.targetName = name self.destroyable = destroyable Target.targets.append(self) def delete(target): if target.targetName == 'train': target.kill() flash = Destroyed(target.rect.x + target.image.get_rect().centerx,target.rect.y + target.image.get_rect().centery) elif target.targetName == 'sheep': blood = Destroyed(target.rect.x + target.image.get_rect().centerx,target.rect.y + target.image.get_rect().centery, blood = True) Target.targets.remove(target) else: flash = Destroyed(target.rect.x + target.image.get_rect().centerx,target.rect.y + target.image.get_rect().centery) Target.targets.remove(target) def detectCollison(target, object): if (target.destroyable == True) and pygame.sprite.collide_mask(target, object): return True class Destroyed(pygame.sprite.Sprite,Target): destroyed = [] displayFlashTime = 15 displayFlashTimeShift = 15 displayFlashPosShift = 20 def __init__(self,x,y, blood = False): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.displayFlash = Destroyed.displayFlashTime + int(random.random()*2*Destroyed.displayFlashTimeShift) if blood == False: self.image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Images','flash.png')).convert_alpha() else: self.image = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('Images','blood.png')).convert_alpha() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.x = x - self.image.get_rect().centerx self.rect.y = y - self.image.get_rect().centery Destroyed.destroyed.append(self) def delete(destroyed): Destroyed.destroyed.remove(destroyed) def display(self, display): if self.displayFlashTime: display.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x + int(random.random()*2*Destroyed.displayFlashPosShift) - Destroyed.displayFlashPosShift, self.rect.y + int(random.random()*2*Destroyed.displayFlashPosShift) - Destroyed.displayFlashPosShift)) self.displayFlashTime -= 1 else: Destroyed.delete(self)
import os import argparse import platform SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES = ['c++', 'c'] class MakefileGenerator(object): def __init__(self): self.__directory = "" self.__compiler = "g++" self.__flags = "-g -Wall -std=c++11" self.__executable = "" self.__args = "" self.__lib = "" self.__lang = "" self.parse_command_line_input() def create_parser(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate makefile for files in the specified directory") parser.add_argument('dir', help="Directory with the file(s)") parser.add_argument('-flags', required=False, help="Flag(s) to use when compiling, enclosed in \"\" (Default: %s)" % self.__flags) parser.add_argument('-cc', required=False, help="Compiler (Default: %s)" % self.__compiler) parser.add_argument('-exec', required=False, help="Executable name") parser.add_argument('-lang', required=False, choices=SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES, help="Use the default configs for the selected language") parser.add_argument('-lib', required=False, help="Libraries (if there are multiple, must be separated by a space)") parser.add_argument('-mode', required=False, help="If specified, user will enter in data via command line prompts", default=False, action='store_true') return parser def parse_command_line_input(self): parser = self.create_parser() self.__args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if not os.path.isdir(self.__args["dir"]) and not os.path.exists(self.__args["dir"]): print "Invalid directory %s, exiting..." % self.__args["dir"] exit(1) self.__directory = self.__args['dir'] if self.__args['mode']: self.prompt_user_for_input() return 0 if self.__args["cc"]: self.__compiler = self.__args["cc"] if self.__args["flags"]: self.__flags = self.__args["flags"] if self.__args["exec"]: self.__executable = self.__args["exec"] if self.__args['lang']: self.__lang = self.__args['lang'] if self.__args['lang'].lower() == "c++": self.__compiler = 'g++' self.__flags = '-g -Wall -std=c++11' else: # mode is c self.__compiler = 'gcc' self.__flags = '-g -Wall -std=c11' if self.__args['lib']: self.__lib = self.__args['lib'] self.makefile_exists() def write_to_file(self, file_name): VALID_EXTENSIONS = [".cpp", ".c"] file_list = list(filter(lambda x: os.path.splitext(x)[1] in VALID_EXTENSIONS, os.listdir(os.path.dirname(file_name)))) if len(file_list) == 0: print "No valid files were found in %s, exiting..." % os.path.dirname(file_name) exit(1) the_file = open(file_name, 'w') file_name_list = [] write_str = "" for a_file in file_list: print "Processing File: %s" % a_file name = os.path.splitext(a_file)[0] file_name_list.append(name) write_str += "%s.o:\t%s" % (name, a_file) write_str += "\n\t%s $(%s) -c %s -o %s\n\n" % (self.__compiler, "FLAGS", a_file, name + ".o") the_file.write("FLAGS = %s\n\n" % self.__flags) the_file.write("all:\tMain\n\n") file_names = "" i = 0 for name in file_name_list: if i+1 < len(file_name_list): file_names += name + ".o " else: file_names += name + ".o" i+=1 the_file.write("Main:\tclean %s\n" % file_names) if self.__executable: if self.__lib: the_file.write("\t%s %s -o %s -l %s\n\n" % (self.__compiler, file_names, self.__executable, self.__lib)) else: the_file.write("\t%s %s -o %s\n\n" % (self.__compiler, file_names, self.__executable)) else: if self.__lib: the_file.write("\t%s %s -l %s\n\n" % (self.__compiler, file_names, self.__lib)) else: the_file.write("\t%s %s\n\n" % (self.__compiler, file_names)) the_file.write(write_str) if self.__executable: the_file.write("clean:\n\trm -f *.o %s\n" % self.__executable) else: the_file.write("clean:\n\trm -f *.o %s\n" % ("a.exe" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "a.out")) the_file.close() print "%s successfully saved." % file_name def prompt_user_for_input(self): print "Please fill out the following, or press <return> to ignore and use the default." lang = raw_input("Language: if specified, defaults for the selected language will be used and you will not be able to further customize anything. Select from %s: " % self.list_to_string(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES)) if lang: self.__lang = lang.strip().lower() if self.__lang == 'c++': self.__compiler = 'g++' self.__flags = '-g -Wall -std=c++11' elif self.__lang == 'c': # mode is c self.__compiler = 'gcc' self.__flags = '-g -Wall -std=c11' else: print "%s is not a valid selection, select from %s" % (self.__lang, self.list_to_string(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES)) exit(1) else: compiler = raw_input("Compiler: ").strip() if compiler: self.__compiler = compiler flags = raw_input("Flags: ").strip() if flags: self.__flags = flags lib = raw_input("Extra libraries, separated by a space: ").strip() if lib: self.__lib = lib executable = raw_input("Executable Name: ").strip() if executable: self.__executable = executable self.makefile_exists() def makefile_exists(self): makefile_name = "makefile" the_file = os.path.join(self.__directory, makefile_name) # note the exists funciton is case insensitive if os.path.exists(the_file): if os.path.isfile(the_file): answer = raw_input("%s already exists, overwrite? (y/n): " % os.path.basename(the_file)) if answer.strip().lower() == 'y': self.write_to_file(the_file) else: print "File not overwritten, exiting..." exit(0) else: print "%s is not a valid file and/or path to a file. Is %s a directory?" % (the_file, the_file) else: self.write_to_file(the_file) def list_to_string(self, the_list): return '[' + ', '.join(the_list) + ']' if __name__ == '__main__': MakefileGenerator()
from django import forms from helpers.forms import PirouteForm from . import formsets, services class InterfacesForm(PirouteForm): internal_nic = forms.CharField() external_nic = forms.CharField() class RuleForm(PirouteForm): action = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(('accept','Allow'),('drop','Ignore'),('reject','Block'),('forward','Redirect...'))) enabled = forms.BooleanField(initial=True, required=False) nic = forms.ChoiceField(choices=(('int','Internal'),('ext','External'))) service = forms.ChoiceField(choices=services.get_service_choices()) proto = forms.ChoiceField(choices=services.PROTOCOL_LIST, required=False) port = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=65535, required=False) comment = forms.CharField(required=False) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super().clean() proto = cleaned_data.get('proto') port = cleaned_data.get('port') service = cleaned_data.get('service') if not (service or port): # No port/service provided, mark for deletion cleaned_data[forms.formsets.DELETION_FIELD_NAME] = True return cleaned_data RuleFormset = formsets.selfcleanformset_factory(RuleForm, min_num=1, extra=0, can_order=True)
"""List Treadmill endpoints matching a given pattern. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import fnmatch import logging import kazoo.exceptions from six.moves import queue from treadmill import zknamespace as z _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Discovery(object): """Treadmill endpoint discovery.""" def __init__(self, zkclient, pattern, endpoint): _LOGGER.debug('Treadmill discovery: %s:%s', pattern, endpoint) self.queue = queue.Queue() # Pattern is assumed to be in the form of <proid>.<pattern> self.prefix, self.pattern = pattern.split('.', 1) if '#' not in self.pattern: self.pattern = self.pattern + '#*' self.endpoint = endpoint self.state = set() self.zkclient = zkclient def iteritems(self, block=True, timeout=None): """List matching endpoints. """ while True: try: endpoint, hostport = self.queue.get(block, timeout) if (endpoint, hostport) == (None, None): break yield (endpoint, hostport) except queue.Empty: break def apps_watcher(self, event): """Watch for created/deleted apps that match monitored pattern.""" _LOGGER.debug('apps_watcher: %s', event) self.sync() def sync(self, watch=True): """Find matching endpoints and put them on the queue for processing. If watch is True, establish a watch on /apps for new changes, otherwise put termination signal into the queue. """ watch_cb = None if watch: watch_cb = self.apps_watcher match = self.get_endpoints_zk(watch_cb=watch_cb) created = match - set(self.state) deleted = set(self.state) - match for endpoint in created: _LOGGER.debug('added endpoint: %s', endpoint) hostport = self.resolve_endpoint(endpoint) self.queue.put(('.'.join([self.prefix, endpoint]), hostport)) for endpoint in deleted: _LOGGER.debug('deleted endpoint: %s', endpoint) self.queue.put(('.'.join([self.prefix, endpoint]), None)) self.state = match def snapshot(self): """Returns the current state of the matching endpoints.""" return ['.'.join([self.prefix, endpoint]) for endpoint in self.state] def exit_loop(self): """Put termination event on the queue.""" self.queue.put((None, None)) def get_endpoints(self): """Returns the current list of endpoints in host:port format""" endpoints = self.get_endpoints_zk() hostports = [self.resolve_endpoint(endpoint) for endpoint in endpoints] return hostports def get_endpoints_zk(self, watch_cb=None): """Returns the current list of endpoints.""" endpoints_path = z.join_zookeeper_path(z.ENDPOINTS, self.prefix) full_pattern = ':'.join([self.pattern, '*', self.endpoint]) try: endpoints = self.zkclient.get_children( endpoints_path, watch=watch_cb ) match = set([endpoint for endpoint in endpoints if fnmatch.fnmatch(endpoint, full_pattern)]) except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: if watch_cb: self.zkclient.exists(endpoints_path, watch=watch_cb) match = set() return match def resolve_endpoint(self, endpoint): """Resolves a endpoint to a hostport""" fullpath = z.join_zookeeper_path(z.ENDPOINTS, self.prefix, endpoint) try: hostport, _metadata = self.zkclient.get(fullpath) hostport = hostport.decode() except kazoo.exceptions.NoNodeError: hostport = None return hostport def iterator(zkclient, pattern, endpoint, watch): """Returns app discovery iterator based on native zk discovery. """ app_discovery = Discovery(zkclient, pattern, endpoint) app_discovery.sync(watch) if not watch: app_discovery.exit_loop() for (app, hostport) in app_discovery.iteritems(): yield app, hostport
# In this library we try to create all the functions and objects needed to reparamitrized a curve using the arc-length parametrization import numpy as np import math import sys #sys.path.append('../interfaces') from interfaces.vector_space import * from interfaces.lagrange_vector_space import * from utilities.matrices import * class Curve(object): """A python utilities that handle a generic curve. As inputs it requires a vector space and control points. """ def __init__(self, vector_space, control_points): """We need to check that the input data are consistent""" assert(len(control_points) == vector_space.n_dofs) self.vector_space = AffineVectorSpace(vector_space, 0, 1) #self.vector_space = vector_space self.control_points = control_points self.n_dofs = vector_space.n_dofs def __call__(self): return self.vector_space.element(self.control_points) def curve_derivative(self): return self.vector_space.element_der(self.control_points) def get_vector_space(self): return self.vector_space
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import re import math import os import glob import nltk import json import include categories_info = [] lambdaa = 0.2 html = sys.argv[1].lower() def do_read_train(uni_dict, bi_dict, train_file): file = open(train_file, "r") lines = file.readlines() file.close() for line in lines: words = line.split() ''' if words[4] == "3": break ''' bi_dict[words[0]] = [words[1], words[2]] uni_dict[words[0].split("|")[1]] = [words[3], words[4]] num_tokens = line.split()[-1] uni_dict["UNK"] = [min(include.min_UNK, 1 / (float(num_tokens))), "1"] def read_train_info(categories_info, dataset_dir): def read_train(categories_info, dirpath, namelist): pattern = os.path.join(dirpath, "*" + include.bi_train_suffix) for bi_train_file in glob.glob(pattern): categories = bi_train_file[len(dataset_dir):] categories = os.path.split(categories)[0] category_names = categories.split("/") #print category_names uni_train_dict = {} bi_train_dict = {} do_read_train(uni_train_dict, bi_train_dict, bi_train_file) category_info = [] category_info.append(category_names[1]) category_info.append(uni_train_dict) category_info.append(bi_train_dict) categories_info.append(category_info) os.path.walk(dataset_dir, read_train, categories_info) def suprisal(first, second, uni_dict, bi_dict): if uni_dict.has_key(first): uni_p = float(uni_dict[first][0]) else: uni_p = float(uni_dict["UNK"][0]) key = first + "|" + second if bi_dict.has_key(key): bi_p = float(bi_dict[key][0]) else: bi_p = 0 p = (1 - lambdaa) * bi_p + lambdaa * uni_p return -math.log(p, 2) read_train_info(categories_info, include.dataset_dir) text = nltk.clean_html(html) tokens = include.my_tokenizer(text) num_tokens = len(tokens) for cate_info in categories_info: uni_train_dict = cate_info[1] bi_train_dict = cate_info[2] entropy = 0.0 for i in range(1, num_tokens): first = tokens[i] second = tokens[i - 1] entropy += suprisal(first, second, uni_train_dict, bi_train_dict) entropy /= num_tokens ppl = 2 ** entropy cate_info.append(ppl) sorted_cate = sorted(categories_info, key = lambda x: x[3]) min_category = sorted_cate[0] cate_names = [] for i in range(min(3, len(sorted_cate))): if min_category[3] <= include.ppl_distinct and sorted_cate[i][3] > include.ppl_max: continue cate_names.append(sorted_cate[i][0]) #print sorted_cate[i][0], " ", sorted_cate[i][3] if min_category[3] > include.ppl_distinct: cate_names.insert(0, "0") print json.dumps(cate_names)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import webapp2 import os import urlparse # Python2.7なので、cgiではなくurlparseを使う import logging from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template from webapp2_extras import sessions from webapp2_extras import sessions_memcache from webapp2_extras import sessions_ndb from paypal.helper import ExpressCheckout as EC from paypal.souvenir import Souvenir from paypal.error_operation import ErrorOperation URL_START = '/paypal/' URL_PAYMENT = '/paypal/payment' URL_CANCEL_REDIRECT = '/paypal/redirect/cancel' URL_CANCEL = '/paypal/cancel/' SESSION_NAME = 'my-session-name' class BaseSessionHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def dispatch(self): self.session_store = sessions.get_store(request=self.request) try: webapp2.RequestHandler.dispatch(self) finally: self.session_store.save_sessions(self.response) @webapp2.cached_property def session(self): # 以下はmemcache時 #return self.session_store.get_session(backend='memcache') # 以下はCookie版 #return self.session_store.get_session(backend='securecookie') # Datastore版 return self.session_store.get_session(backend='datastore') def has_session_error(self): # セッション変数が取れない場合、エラー描画 if self.session.get(SESSION_NAME) is None: self.response.out.write(template.render('html/payment_error.html',{})) return True return False class CartPageHandler(BaseSessionHandler): #def __init__(self, request, response): # super(BaseSessionHandler, self).__init__(request, response) def get(self): souvenirInfo = Souvenir.get_souvenir() # セッション変数をクッキー・バックエンドへと設定 self.session[SESSION_NAME] = 'message' self.response.out.write(template.render('html/cart.html', {'name': souvenirInfo['name'], 'unitPrice': souvenirInfo['unitPrice'], })) def post(self): if self.has_session_error(): return quantity = int(self.request.get('quantity')) souvenirInfo = Souvenir.get_souvenir() amount = (souvenirInfo['unitPrice'] + souvenirInfo['tax']) * quantity + souvenirInfo['carriage'] nvpParams = {# APIの設定 'RETURNURL': self.request.host_url + URL_PAYMENT, 'CANCELURL': self.request.host_url + URL_CANCEL_REDIRECT, 'LANDINGPAGE': 'Billing', 'SOLUTIONTYPE': 'Sole', 'GIFTMESSAGEENABLE': 0, 'GIFTRECEIPTENABLE': 0, 'GIFTWRAPENABLE': 0, 'LOCALECODE': 'jp_JP', 'LANDINGPAGE': 'Billing', 'ALLOWNOTE': 0, # 商品全体の設定 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT': (souvenirInfo['unitPrice'] + souvenirInfo['tax']) * quantity + souvenirInfo['carriage'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE': souvenirInfo['currency'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION': 'Sale', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT': souvenirInfo['unitPrice'] * quantity, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT': souvenirInfo['carriage'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT': souvenirInfo['tax'] * quantity, # 商品明細の設定 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0': 'Physical', 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0': souvenirInfo['name'], 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0': quantity, 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT0': souvenirInfo['tax'], 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0': souvenirInfo['unitPrice'], } paypalResponse = EC.set_express_checkout(nvpParams) hasError = ErrorOperation.has_set_error(self.response, paypalResponse, 'SetExpressCheckout') if hasError: return contents = urlparse.parse_qs(paypalResponse.content) # tokenをつけて、PayPalのページへ移動 redirect_url = EC.generate_express_checkout_redirect_url(contents['TOKEN'][0]) return self.redirect(redirect_url) class PaymentPageHandler(BaseSessionHandler): def get(self): if self.has_session_error(): return paypalResponse = EC.get_express_checkout_details(self.request.get('token')) hasError = ErrorOperation.has_get_error(self.response, paypalResponse, 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails') if hasError: return contents = urlparse.parse_qs(paypalResponse.content) params = { # システムまわり 'postUrl': URL_PAYMENT + '?' + self.request.query_string, # 顧客情報 'email': contents['EMAIL'][0], 'firstname': contents['FIRSTNAME'][0], 'lastname': contents['LASTNAME'][0], 'shipToName': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME'][0], # 姓名が入る 'shipToStreet': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET'][0], 'shipToStreet2': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET2'][0] if 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET2' in contents else '', 'shipToCity': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCITY'][0], 'shipToState': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTATE'][0], 'shipToZip': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOZIP'][0], # 日本では取得できない? 'shipToPhoneNo': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOPHONENUM'][0] if 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOPHONENUM' in contents else '', # 商品情報 'amount': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'][0], 'itemAmount': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT'][0], 'shippingAmount': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT'][0], 'taxAmount': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT'][0], 'itemName': contents['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0'][0], 'itemUnitPrice': contents['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0'][0], 'quantity': contents['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0'][0], 'tax': contents['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT0'][0], # トランザクション情報:この時点では取得できない #'transactionId': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TRANSACTIONID'][0], #'requestId': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTREQUESTID'][0], } self.response.out.write(template.render('html/confirm.html',{'params': params,})) # 本ではgetしていたが、重要なデータがあるので同じクラスのpostに変更する # 本でgetしていた理由がわからない (hrefで次の画面に遷移していたため、postが使えない?) def post(self): if self.has_session_error(): return payerId = self.request.get('PayerID') souvenirInfo = Souvenir.get_souvenir() # もう一度 GetExpressCheckoutで支払額合計を取得する paypalResponse = EC.get_express_checkout_details(self.request.get('token')) hasGetError = ErrorOperation.has_get_error(self.response, paypalResponse, 'GetExpressCheckoutDetails') if hasGetError: return contents = urlparse.parse_qs(paypalResponse.content) # get時と金額を変えてもエラーも何も出ずに決済されるので、そこが怖い... nvpParams = { 'PAYERID': payerId, 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION': 'Sale', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT': contents['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'][0], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE': souvenirInfo['currency'], } paypalResponse = EC.do_express_checkout_payment(self.request.get('token'), nvpParams ) hasDoError = ErrorOperation.has_do_error(self.response, paypalResponse, 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment') if hasDoError: return self.response.out.write(template.render('html/success.html',{})) class CancelHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): # URLにtokenがついてやってくるため、キャンセルページヘリダイレクト return self.redirect(self.request.host_url + URL_CANCEL) class CancelPageHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.response.out.write(template.render('html/cancel.html',{})) debug = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Dev') config = {} config['webapp2_extras.sessions'] = { 'secret_key': 'my-secret-key', 'cookie_name' : 'my-session-name', 'cookie_args' : { 'max_age' : None, # Noneの場合、クライアント終了時にクッキー削除 'domain' : None, # 徳丸本(p218)より 'path' : '/', 'secure' : True, # セキュア属性、https接続なのでTrue -> localhostだとhttps不可なので注意 'httponly': True # 徳丸本(p219)より、ONにしておく }, 'backends': {'datastore': 'webapp2_extras.appengine.sessions_ndb.DatastoreSessionFactory', 'memcache': 'webapp2_extras.appengine.sessions_memcache.MemcacheSessionFactory', 'securecookie': 'webapp2_extras.sessions.SecureCookieSessionFactory', } } app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(URL_START, CartPageHandler), (URL_PAYMENT + '*', PaymentPageHandler), (URL_CANCEL_REDIRECT + '.*', CancelHandler), (URL_CANCEL, CancelPageHandler), ], config=config, debug=debug)
#!/usr/bin/env python import random import socket import ssl import sys import time import threading import urllib2 from user_agents import common_user_agents from no_https_hosts import top_1000_no_https_hosts DELAY = 15 ROUNDS = 1 SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1 URLS_PER_ROUND = 50 def main(rounds=ROUNDS, urls=URLS_PER_ROUND, delay=DELAY): for i in range(rounds): print "round number %d" % i for j in range(urls): user_agent = common_user_agents[random.randint(0, len(common_user_agents) - 1)] url = top_1000_no_https_hosts[random.randint(0, len(top_1000_no_https_hosts) - 1)] num = "%d %d" % (i, j) thread = threading.Thread(target=open_page, args=(num, user_agent, url)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() time.sleep(DELAY) def open_page(num, user_agent, url): try: opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', user_agent)] print '%s opened %s' % (num, url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, ssl.SSLError, socket.error, socket.timeout) as error: print '%s url %s open error: %s' % (num, url, error) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: main(int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]), int(sys.argv[3])) else: main()
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url, handler404 from vendors import views import os #Importing all the clustered views dir_name = 'vendors.views_cluster.' file_list = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/views_cluster') for files in file_list: mod_name,file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(files)[-1]) if file_ext.lower() == '.py': if mod_name != '__init__': exec "from {0} import {1}".format(dir_name + files.split(".")[0], files.split(".")[0].title()) urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', login_required(Dashboard.as_view()), name = 'dashboard'), url(r'^queued_orders/$', login_required(Queued_Orders.as_view()), name = 'queued_orders'), url(r'^active_orders/$', login_required(Active_Orders.as_view()), name = 'active_orders'), url(r'^completed_orders/$', login_required(Completed_Orders.as_view()), name = 'completed_orders'), url(r'^queued_orders/$', login_required(Queued_Orders.as_view()), name = 'queued_orders'), url(r'^inprogress_orders/$', login_required(Inprogress_Orders.as_view()), name = 'inprogress_orders'), url(r'^confirm_order/(?P<order_id>[-\w]+)$', login_required(Confirm_Order.as_view()), name = 'confirm_order'), url(r'^cancel_order/(?P<order_id>[-\w]+)$', login_required(Cancel_Order.as_view()), name = 'cancel_order'), url(r'^update_order_status/(?P<order_id>[-\w]+)$', login_required(Update_Order_Status.as_view()), name = 'update_order_status'), url(r'^list_product/$', login_required(List_Product.as_view()), name = 'list_product'), url(r'^submit_product/$', login_required(Submit_Product.as_view()), name = 'submit_product'), url(r'^block_product/$', login_required(Block_Product.as_view()), name = 'block_product'), )
__author__ = 'VinnieJohns' class SessionHelper: def __init__(self, app): = app def change_field_value(self, field_name, text): wd = if text is not None: wd.find_element_by_name(field_name).click() wd.find_element_by_name(field_name).clear() wd.find_element_by_name(field_name).send_keys(text) def login(self, username, password): wd = self.change_field_value("user", username) self.change_field_value("pass", password) wd.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type="submit"]').click() def logout(self): wd = wd.find_element_by_link_text("Logout").click() def is_logged_in(self): wd = return len(wd.find_elements_by_link_text("Logout")) > 0 def get_logged_user(self): wd = return wd.find_element_by_css_selector('div[id="top"] form[name="logout"] b').text[1:-1] def is_logged_in_as(self, username): return self.get_logged_user() == username def ensure_login(self, username, password): if self.is_logged_in(): if self.is_logged_in_as(username): return else: self.logout() self.login(username, password) def ensure_logout(self): if self.is_logged_in(): self.logout()
# Copyright 2014-2015 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use # this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at # # # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. # This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from ctypes import * import libds3 def checkExistence(obj, wrapper = lambda ds3Str: ds3Str.contents.value, defaultReturnValue = None): if obj: return wrapper(obj) else: return defaultReturnValue def arrayToList(array, length, wrapper = lambda ds3Str: ds3Str.contents.value): result = [] for i in xrange(0, length): result.append(wrapper(array[i])) return result class Ds3Error(Exception): """Returns an exception to the client. Attributes: reason (string): error contents message response (string): error contents error if(has_response == true) statusCode (int): http return value statusMessage (string): http return status_message message (string): error body Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, libds3Error): self.reason = libds3Error.contents.message.contents.value response = libds3Error.contents.error self._hasResponse = False self.statusCode = None self.statusMessage = None self.message = None if response: self._hasResponse = True self.statusCode = response.contents.status_code self.statusMessage = response.contents.status_message.contents.value self.message = checkExistence(response.contents.error_body) libds3.lib.ds3_free_error(libds3Error) def __str__(self): errorMessage = "Reason: " + self.reason if self._hasResponse: errorMessage += " | StatusCode: " + str(self.statusCode) errorMessage += " | StatusMessage: " + self.statusMessage if self.message: errorMessage += " | Message: " + self.message return errorMessage def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Credentials(object): """Credential object to build client Construct with (accessKey, secretKey) for target device or build client from environment variables """ def __init__(self, accessKey, secretKey): self.accessKey = accessKey self.secretKey = secretKey class Ds3Bucket(object): """Descibes a Bucket (name and creationDate) Members: name (string) : The name of the bucket. creationDate (date) : The date and time the bucket was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.xxxZ. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3Bucket): = self.creationDate = ds3Bucket.creation_date.contents.value def __str__(self): return "Name: " + + " | Creation Date: " + self.creationDate def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Ds3Owner(object): """Describes an object owner (name and id) Members: name (string) : The name of the owner. id (string) : The UUID of the object owner. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3Owner): ownerContents = ds3Owner.contents = = def __str__(self): return "Name: " + + " | ID: " + def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Ds3Object(object): """Describes a Object Members: name (string) : The object name etag (string) : The http entity tag. size (long) : The size of the object in bytes. owner (Ds3Owner) : The owner of the object. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3Object): = self.etag = checkExistence(ds3Object.etag) self.size = ds3Object.size self.owner = Ds3Owner(ds3Object.owner) def __str__(self): return "Name: " + + " | Size: " + str(self.size) + " | Etag: " + str(self.etag) + " | Owner: " + str(self.owner) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Ds3BucketDetails(object): """Response for ListObjects (Get Bucket) Members: commonPrefixes (List<string>) : If a delimiter is specified, contains the portion of an object's name between the prefix and the next occurrence of the delimiter. creationDate (string) : The date and time the bucket was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.xxxZ. delimiter (string) : The character used to group object names. isTruncated (bool) : Specifies whether the results were truncated (true) or not (false) due to the number of results exceeding MaxKeys. marker (string) : The object name where the bucket listing begins. Included in the response if it was specified in the request. maxKeys (int) : The maximum number of keys (object names) returned in the response. name (string) : The name of the bucket. nextMarker (string) : If the delimiter parameter was specified, and isTruncated is true, indicates the object name to use in the marker field in the next request to get the next set of objects. objects (List<Ds3Objects>) : Bucket contents matching search criteria prefix (string) : The string used to limit the response keys. Only object names that begin with the specified prefix are listed. size (long) : The size of the object in bytes. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3Bucket): bucketContents = ds3Bucket.contents = self.creationDate = checkExistence(bucketContents.creation_date) self.isTruncated = bool(bucketContents.is_truncated) self.marker = checkExistence(bucketContents.marker) self.delimiter = checkExistence(bucketContents.delimiter) self.maxKeys = bucketContents.max_keys self.nextMarker = checkExistence(bucketContents.next_marker) self.prefix = checkExistence(bucketContents.prefix) self.commonPrefixes = arrayToList(bucketContents.common_prefixes, bucketContents.num_common_prefixes) self.objects = arrayToList(bucketContents.objects, bucketContents.num_objects, wrapper = Ds3Object) class Ds3BulkObject(object): """Object description from bulk response Members: name (string) : The object name length (long) : The length in bytes of the object or part of the object. offset (long) : The offset in bytes from the start of the object. inCache (bool) : Indicates if the object is currently in cache on the BlackPearl Deep Storage Gateway. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, bulkObject): = self.length = bulkObject.length self.offset = bulkObject.offset self.inCache = bool(bulkObject.in_cache) def __str__(self): return "Name:" + + " | Length: " + str(self.length) + " | Offset: " + str(self.offset) + " | InCache: " + str(self.inCache) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Ds3CacheList(object): """Collection of chunks to process. Members: chunkId (string) : The UUID for the job chunk. chunkNumber (string) : The position of the chunk within the job. nodeId (string) : The UUID for the BlackPearl node. objects (List<Ds3BulkObject>) : Container for information about the objects. """ def __init__(self, bulkObjectList): contents = bulkObjectList.contents self.chunkNumber = contents.chunk_number self.nodeId = checkExistence(contents.node_id) self.serverId = checkExistence(contents.server_id) self.chunkId = contents.chunk_id.contents.value self.objects = arrayToList(contents.list, contents.size, wrapper = Ds3BulkObject) class Ds3BulkPlan(object): """Collection of job chunks and associated parameters. Members: startDate (string) : The date and time the job was started in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.xxxZ. userId (string) : The UUID for the user who initiated the job. userName (string) : The username of the user who initiated the job. requestType (string) : Specifies whether job chunks are written as quickly as possible (PERFORMANCE) or across as few tapes as possible (CAPACITY). Values: CAPACITY, PERFORMANCE, status (string) : Values COMPLETED, CANCELLED, IN_PROGRESS cachedSize (long) : The amount of data successfully transferred to the BlackPearl Deep Storage Gateway from the client. completedSize (long) : The amount of data written to tape media. originalSize (long) : The amount of data for the job to transfer. jobId (string) : The UUID for the job. chunks (Ds3CacheList) : list of chunks to process. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3BulkResponse): contents = ds3BulkResponse.contents self.bucketName = checkExistence(contents.bucket_name) self.cachedSize = checkExistence(contents.cached_size_in_bytes, 0) self.completedSize = checkExistence(contents.completed_size_in_bytes, 0) self.jobId = checkExistence(contents.job_id) self.originalSize = checkExistence(contents.original_size_in_bytes, 0) self.startDate = checkExistence(contents.start_date) self.userId = checkExistence(contents.user_id) self.userName = checkExistence(contents.user_name) self.requestType = contents.request_type self.status = contents.status self.chunks = arrayToList(contents.list, contents.list_size, wrapper = Ds3CacheList) def __str__(self): response = "JobId: " + self.jobId response += " | Status: " + str(self.status) response += " | Request Type: " + str(self.requestType) response += " | BucketName: " + self.bucketName response += " | UserName: " + self.userName response += " | Chunks: " + str(self.chunks) return response def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class Ds3AllocateChunkResponse(object): """This class has been deprecated """ def __init__(self, ds3AllocateChunkResponse): contents = ds3AllocateChunkResponse.contents self.retryAfter = contents.retry_after self.chunk = Ds3CacheList(contents.objects) class Ds3AvailableChunksResponse(object): """A list of all chunks in a job that can currently be processed. Members: retryAfter (int) : retry interval in seconds. bulkPlan(Ds3BulkPlan) : collection of chunks. """ def __init__(self, ds3AvailableChunksResponse): contents = ds3AvailableChunksResponse.contents self.retryAfter = contents.retry_after self.bulkPlan = Ds3BulkPlan(contents.object_list) class Ds3SearchObject(object): """Search parameters for Get Objects Members: bucketId (string) : The UUID or name for a bucket. id (string) : The UUID for an object. lastModified (string) : The date the object was created in the format YYYY-MM-DD name (string) : The name of an object. owner (Ds3Owner) : The owner of an object. size (long) : The size of the object in bytes. storageClass (string) : unused. type (string) : The type of object. Values: DATA, FOLDER version (string) : The version of an object. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3SearchObject): contents = ds3SearchObject.contents self.bucketId = checkExistence(contents.bucket_id) = checkExistence( = checkExistence( self.size = contents.size self.owner = checkExistence(contents.owner, wrapper = Ds3Owner) self.lastModified = checkExistence(contents.last_modified) self.storageClass = checkExistence(contents.storage_class) self.type = checkExistence(contents.type) self.version = checkExistence(contents.version) def __str__(self): response = "BucketId: " + str(self.bucketId) response += " | Id: " + str( response += " | Name: " + str( response += " | Size: " + str(self.size) response += " | Owner: (" + str( + ")" response += " | LastModified: " + str(self.lastModified) response += " | StorageClass: " + str(self.storageClass) response += " | Type: " + str(self.type) response += " | Version: " + str(self.version) return response class Ds3BuildInformation(object): """Describes the Black Pearl Software Members: branch (string) : The branch used to build the API. revision (string) : The revision of the software build. version (string) : The version of the software build. Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3BuildInfo): contents = ds3BuildInfo.contents self.branch = checkExistence(contents.branch) self.revision = checkExistence(contents.revision) self.version = checkExistence(contents.version) def __str__(self): response = "Branch: " + str(self.branch) response += " | Revision: " + str(self.revision) response += " | Version: " + str(self.version) return response class Ds3SystemInformation(object): """Describes the Black Pearl Hardware and Software Members: apiVersion (string) : The version of the DS3 API. The version is in the form X.Y, where X is the MD5 checksum across all request handler major revisions and Y is the MD5 checksum across all request handler full versions (including the minor revision). buildInformation (ds3BuildInfo) : A container for the information about the build. serialNumber (string) : The serial number of the BlackPearl Deep Storage Gateway Cast to string for description. """ def __init__(self, ds3SystemInfo): contents = ds3SystemInfo.contents self.apiVersion = checkExistence(contents.api_version) self.serialNumber = checkExistence(contents.serial_number) self.buildInformation = checkExistence(contents.build_information, wrapper = Ds3BuildInformation) def __str__(self): response = "API Version: " + str(self.apiVersion) response += " | Serial Number: " + str(self.serialNumber) response += " | Build Information: " + str(self.buildInformation) return response class Ds3SystemHealthInformation(object): """Verifies that the system appears to be online and functioning normally. If critical components in the data path between the client and the BlackPearl gateway are unresponsive, an error is generated. Members: msRequiredToVerifyDataPlannerHealth (long) : The amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took the gateway to respond. """ def __init__(self, ds3HealthInfo): contents = ds3HealthInfo.contents self.msRequiredToVerifyDataPlannerHealth = contents.ms_required_to_verify_data_planner_health def typeCheck(input_arg, type_to_check): if isinstance(input_arg, type_to_check): return input_arg else: raise TypeError("expected instance of type " + type_to_check.__name__ + ", got instance of type " + type(input_arg).__name__) def ensureUTF8(input_arg): if isinstance(input_arg, unicode): return input_arg.encode('utf-8') return input_arg def typeCheckString(input_arg): return ensureUTF8(typeCheck(input_arg, basestring)) def typeCheckObjectList(fileList): result = [] for item in fileList: if isinstance(item, tuple): result.append((typeCheckString(item[0]), item[1])) else: result.append(typeCheckString(item)) return result def enumCheck(input_arg, enum_dict): if input_arg in enum_dict.keys(): return enum_dict[input_arg] else: raise TypeError("expected value to be one of " + str(enum_dict.keys()) + ", got " + str(input_arg)) def enumCheckDs3ObjectType(input_arg): return enumCheck(input_arg, {"DATA":0, "FOLDER":1}) def addMetadataToRequest(request, metadata): if metadata: for key in metadata: if type(metadata[key]) is list or type(metadata[key]) is tuple: for value in metadata[key]: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_metadata(request, typeCheckString(key), typeCheckString(value)); else: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_metadata(request, typeCheckString(key), typeCheckString(metadata[key])); def extractMetadataFromResponse(metaData): result = {} keys = libds3.lib.ds3_metadata_keys(metaData) if keys: for key_index in xrange(0, keys.contents.num_keys): key = keys.contents.keys[key_index].contents.value metadataEntry = libds3.lib.ds3_metadata_get_entry(metaData, key) result[key] = arrayToList(metadataEntry.contents.values, metadataEntry.contents.num_values) libds3.lib.ds3_free_metadata_entry(metadataEntry) libds3.lib.ds3_free_metadata_keys(keys) return result def createClientFromEnv(): """Build a Ds3Client from environment varialbles. Required: DS3_ACCESS_KEY, DS3_SECRET_KEY, DS3_ENDPOINT Optional: http_proxy """ libDs3Client = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3Client)() error = libds3.lib.ds3_create_client_from_env(byref(libDs3Client)) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) clientContents = libDs3Client.contents clientCreds = clientContents.creds.contents creds = Credentials(clientCreds.access_id.contents.value, clientCreds.secret_key.contents.value) proxyValue = checkExistence(clientContents.proxy) client = Ds3Client(clientContents.endpoint.contents.value, creds, proxyValue) libds3.lib.ds3_free_creds(clientContents.creds) libds3.lib.ds3_free_client(libDs3Client) return client class Ds3Client(object): """This object is used to communicate with a remote DS3/Spectra S3 endpoint. All communication with the Spectra S3 API is done with this class. """ def __init__(self, endpoint, credentials, proxy = None): self._ds3Creds = libds3.lib.ds3_create_creds(c_char_p(credentials.accessKey), c_char_p(credentials.secretKey)) self._client = libds3.lib.ds3_create_client(c_char_p(endpoint), self._ds3Creds) self.credentials = credentials self.endpoint = endpoint self.proxy = proxy if proxy: libds3.lib.ds3_client_proxy(self._client, proxy) def verifySystemHealth(self): """Returns how long it took to verify the health of the system. In the event that the system is in a bad state, an error will be thrown. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3VerifySystemHealthResponse)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_verify_system_health() error = libds3.lib.ds3_verify_system_health(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = Ds3SystemHealthInformation(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_verify_system_health(response) return result def getService(self): """Returns a list of all the buckets the current access id has access to. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetServiceResponse)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_service() error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_service(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) contents = response.contents for i in xrange(0, contents.num_buckets): yield Ds3Bucket(contents.buckets[i]) libds3.lib.ds3_free_service_response(response) def getBucket(self, bucketName, prefix = None, nextMarker = None, delimiter = None, maxKeys = None): """Returns a list of all the objects in a specific bucket as specified by `bucketName`. This will return at most 1000 objects. In order to retrieve more, pagination must be used. The `nextMarker` is used to specify where the next 1000 objects will start listing from. `delimiter` can be used to list objects like directories. So for example, if delimiter is set to '/' then it will return a list of 'directories' in the commons prefixes field in the response. In order to list all the files in that directory use the prefix parameter. For example: client.getBucket("my_bucket", prefix = 'dir', delimiter = '/') The above will list any files and directories that are in the 'dir' directory. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetBucketResponse)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_bucket(typeCheckString(bucketName)) if prefix: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_prefix(request, typeCheckString(prefix)) if nextMarker: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_marker(request, nextMarker) if delimiter: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_delimiter(request, typeCheckString(delimiter)) if maxKeys: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_max_keys(request, maxKeys) error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_bucket(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) bucket = Ds3BucketDetails(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_bucket_response(response) return bucket def headObject(self, bucketName, objectName): """Returns the metadata for the retrieved object as a dictionary of lists. If the object does not exist an error is thrown with a status code of 404. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3Metadata)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_head_object(typeCheckString(bucketName), typeCheckString(objectName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_head_object(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) metadata = extractMetadataFromResponse(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_metadata(response) return metadata def headBucket(self, bucketName): """Checks whether a bucket exists. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_head_bucket(typeCheckString(bucketName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_head_bucket(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def deleteFolder(self, bucketName, folderName): """Deletes a folder and all the objects contained within it. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_delete_folder(typeCheckString(bucketName), typeCheckString(folderName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_delete_folder(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def getSystemInformation(self): """Returns the version and other information about the Spectra S3 endpoint. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetSystemInformationResponse)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_system_information() error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_system_information(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = Ds3SystemInformation(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_get_system_information(response) return result def getObject(self, bucketName, objectName, offset, jobId, realFileName = None): """Gets an object from the Spectra S3 endpoint. Use `realFileName` when the `objectName` that you are getting from Spectra S3 does not match what will be on the local filesystem. Returns the metadata for the retrieved object as a dictionary, where keys are associated with a list of the values for that key. This can only be used within the context of a Bulk Get Job. """ objectName = typeCheckString(objectName) effectiveFileName = objectName if realFileName: effectiveFileName = typeCheckString(realFileName) response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3Metadata)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_object_for_job(typeCheckString(bucketName), objectName, offset, jobId) localFile = open(effectiveFileName, "wb"), 0) error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_object_with_metadata(self._client, request, byref(c_int(localFile.fileno())), libds3.lib.ds3_write_to_fd, byref(response)) localFile.close() libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) metadata = extractMetadataFromResponse(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_metadata(response) return metadata def putBucket(self, bucketName): """Creates a new bucket where objects can be stored. """ bucketName = typeCheckString(bucketName) request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_put_bucket(bucketName) error = libds3.lib.ds3_put_bucket(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def putObject(self, bucketName, objectName, offset, size, jobId, realFileName = None, metadata = None): """Puts an object to the Spectra S3 endpoint. Use `realFileName` when the `objectName` that you are putting to Spectra S3 does not match what is on the local filesystem. Use metadata to set the metadata for the object. metadata's value should be a dictionary, where keys are associated with either a value or a list of the values for that key. This can only be used within the context of a Spectra S3 Bulk Put job. """ objectName = typeCheckString(objectName) effectiveFileName = objectName if realFileName: effectiveFileName = typeCheckString(realFileName) request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_put_object_for_job(typeCheckString(bucketName), objectName, c_ulonglong(offset), c_ulonglong(size), jobId) addMetadataToRequest(request, metadata) localFile = open(effectiveFileName, "rb"), 0) error = libds3.lib.ds3_put_object(self._client, request, byref(c_int(localFile.fileno())), libds3.lib.ds3_read_from_fd) localFile.close() libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def deleteObject(self, bucketName, objName): """Deletes an object from the specified bucket. If deleting several files at once, use `deleteObjects` instead. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_delete_object(typeCheckString(bucketName), typeCheckString(objName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_delete_object(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def deleteObjects(self, bucketName, fileNameList): """Deletes multiple objects from the bucket using a single API call. """ bulkObjs = libds3.toDs3BulkObjectList(typeCheckObjectList(fileNameList)) request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_delete_objects(typeCheckString(bucketName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_delete_objects(self._client, request, bulkObjs) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def deleteBucket(self, bucketName): """Deletes a bucket. If the bucket is not empty, then this request will fail. All objects must be deleted first before the bucket can be deleted. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_delete_bucket(typeCheckString(bucketName)) error = libds3.lib.ds3_delete_bucket(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def putBulk(self, bucketName, fileInfoList): """Initiates a start bulk put with the remote Spectra S3 endpoint. The `fileInfoList` is a list of (objectName, size) tuples. `objectName` does not have to be the actual name on the local file system, but it will be the name that you must initiate a single object put to later. `size` must reflect the actual size of the file that is being put. """ bulkObjs = libds3.toDs3BulkObjectList(typeCheckObjectList(fileInfoList)) response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3BulkResponse)() request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_put_bulk(typeCheckString(bucketName), bulkObjs) error = libds3.lib.ds3_bulk(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) bulkResponse = Ds3BulkPlan(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_bulk_response(response) return bulkResponse def getBulk(self, bucketName, fileNameList, chunkOrdering = True): """Initiates a start bulk get with the remote Spectra S3 endpoint. All the files that will be retrieved must be specified in `fileNameList`. """ bulkObjs = libds3.toDs3BulkObjectList(typeCheckObjectList(fileNameList)) response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3BulkResponse)() chunkOrderingValue = libds3.LibDs3ChunkOrdering.IN_ORDER if not chunkOrdering: chunkOrderingValue = libds3.LibDs3ChunkOrdering.NONE request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_bulk(typeCheckString(bucketName), bulkObjs, chunkOrderingValue) error = libds3.lib.ds3_bulk(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) bulkResponse = Ds3BulkPlan(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_bulk_response(response) return bulkResponse def getObjects(self, bucketName = None, creationDate = None, objId = None, name = None, pageLength = None, pageOffset = None, objType = None, version = None): """Returns a list of objects. Optional Search parameters: bucketName (string) : The UUID or name for a bucket. creationDate (string) : The date the object was created in the format YYYY-MM-DD name (string) : The name of an object. objId (string) : The UUID for an object. objType (string) : The type of object. Values: DATA, FOLDER pageLength (int) : The maximum number of objects to list. The default is all items after pageOffset. pageOffset (int) : The starting point for the first object to list. The default is 0. version (string) : The version of an object. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_objects() response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetObjectsResponse)() if bucketName: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_bucket_name(request, typeCheckString(bucketName)) if creationDate: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_creation_date(request, typeCheckString(creationDate)) if objId: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_id(request, typeCheckString(objId)) if name: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_name(request, typeCheckString(name)) if pageLength: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_page_length(request, typeCheckString(str(pageLength))) if pageOffset: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_page_offset(request, typeCheckString(str(pageOffset))) if objType: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_type(request, enumCheckDs3ObjectType(objType)) if version: libds3.lib.ds3_request_set_version(request, typeCheckString(str(version))) error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_objects(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = arrayToList(response.contents.objects, response.contents.num_objects, wrapper = Ds3SearchObject) libds3.lib.ds3_free_objects_response(response) return result def allocateChunk(self, chunkId): """*Deprecated* - Allocates a specific chunk to be allocated in cache so that the objects in that chunk can safely be put without a need to handle 307 redirects. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_allocate_chunk(chunkId) response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3AllocateChunkResponse)() error = libds3.lib.ds3_allocate_chunk(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = Ds3AllocateChunkResponse(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_allocate_chunk_response(response) return result def getAvailableChunks(self, jobId): """Returns a list of all chunks in a job that can currently be processed. It will return a subset of all chunks, and it will return that same set of chunks until all the data in one of the chunks returned has been either completely gotten, or been completely put. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_available_chunks(jobId) response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetAvailableChunksResponse)() error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_available_chunks(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = Ds3AvailableChunksResponse(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_available_chunks_response(response) return result def _sendJobRequest(self, func, request): response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3BulkResponse)() error = func(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) bulkResponse = Ds3BulkPlan(response) libds3.lib.ds3_free_bulk_response(response) return bulkResponse def getJob(self, jobId): """Returns information about a job, including all the chunks in the job, as well as the status of the job. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_job(jobId) return self._sendJobRequest(libds3.lib.ds3_get_job, request) def getJobs(self): """Returns a list of all jobs. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_jobs() response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetJobsResponse)() error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_jobs(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) result = [] for index in xrange(0, response.contents.jobs_size): result.append(Ds3BulkPlan([index])) libds3.lib.ds3_free_get_jobs_response(response) return result def putJob(self, jobId): """Modifies a job to reset the timeout timer for the job. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_put_job(jobId) return self._sendJobRequest(libds3.lib.ds3_put_job, request) def deleteJob(self, jobId): """Cancels a currently in progress job. """ request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_delete_job(jobId) error = libds3.lib.ds3_delete_job(self._client, request) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) def getPhysicalPlacement(self, bucketName, fileNameList, fullDetails = False): """Returns where in the Spectra S3 system each file in `fileNameList` is located. """ response = POINTER(libds3.LibDs3GetPhysicalPlacementResponse)() bulkObjs = libds3.toDs3BulkObjectList(typeCheckObjectList(fileNameList)) bucketName=typeCheckString(bucketName) if fullDetails: request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_physical_placement(bucketName, bulkObjs) else: request = libds3.lib.ds3_init_get_physical_placement_full_details(bucketName, bulkObjs) error = libds3.lib.ds3_get_physical_placement(self._client, request, byref(response)) libds3.lib.ds3_free_request(request) if error: raise Ds3Error(error) placements = [] if response: placements = arrayToList(response.contents.tapes, response.contents.num_tapes, lambda obj: obj.barcode.contents.value) libds3.lib.ds3_free_get_physical_placement_response(response) return placements
""" Update effective contract discount percentage and discounted price for order lines created by Manual Order Offers via the Enrollment API by a given Enterprise Customer UUID """ import datetime import logging from decimal import Decimal from import BaseCommand from oscar.core.loading import get_model from ecommerce.enterprise.mixins import EnterpriseDiscountMixin from ecommerce.extensions.order.conditions import ManualEnrollmentOrderDiscountCondition from ecommerce.programs.custom import class_path Condition = get_model('offer', 'Condition') ConditionalOffer = get_model('offer', 'ConditionalOffer') OrderDiscount = get_model('order', 'OrderDiscount') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) class Command(BaseCommand, EnterpriseDiscountMixin): """ Management command to update the effective_contract_discount_percentage and effective_contract_discounted_price price for order lines created by Manual Order Offers for a given Enterprise Customer UUID """ def add_arguments(self, parser): """ Adds argument(s) to the the command """ parser.add_argument( '--enterprise-customer', action='store', dest='enterprise_customer', default=None, required=True, help='UUID of an existing enterprise customer.', type=str, ) parser.add_argument( '--discount-percentage', action='store', dest='discount_percentage', default=None, required=True, help='The discount to apply to orders as a percentage (0-100).', type=float, ) parser.add_argument( '--start-date', action='store', dest='start_date', default=None, help='The starting date to change all orders forward from this point.', type=datetime.datetime.fromisoformat, ) def handle(self, *args, **options): enterprise_customer = options['enterprise_customer'] discount_percentage = options['discount_percentage'] start_date = options['start_date'] 'Updating all Manual Orders for Enterprise [%s] to have a discount of [%f].', enterprise_customer, discount_percentage ) # An enterprise should only have a single ManualEnrollmentOrderDiscountCondition used for # API enrollment orders try: condition = Condition.objects.get( proxy_class=class_path(ManualEnrollmentOrderDiscountCondition), enterprise_customer_uuid=enterprise_customer ) except Condition.DoesNotExist: logger.exception( 'Unable to find ManualEnrollmentOrderDiscountCondition for enterprise [%s]', enterprise_customer ) return # Using the ConditionalOffer we can then get back to a list of OrderDiscounts and Orders try: offer = ConditionalOffer.objects.get(condition=condition) except ConditionalOffer.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Unable to find ConditionalOffer for [%s]', condition) return discounts = OrderDiscount.objects.filter('order') if start_date: discounts = discounts.filter(order__date_placed__gte=start_date) for discount in discounts: order = discount.order # ManualEnrollment orders only have one order_line per order, so no need to loop over lines here self.update_orderline_with_enterprise_discount_metadata( order=order, line=order.lines.first(), discount_percentage=Decimal(discount_percentage), is_manual_order=True )
""" Class for cell type. """ import pymunk as pm import copy import math import time import random import collision # Physics constants. DENSITY = 1e-4 FRICTION = 0.3 ENERGY_FORCE_RATIO = 1e-4 # Gene definitions and ranges. GENES = ['radius', 'color'] RADIUS_MIN = 5. RADIUS_MAX = 30. COLOR_ALPHA = 0.8 MUTATION_RATE = 0.1 LOG_GAIN_MIN = -5. LOG_GAIN_MAX = -3. class Genome(): """ Container class for cell genomes. """ def __init__(self): # Uniform for radius. self.radius = random.uniform(RADIUS_MIN, RADIUS_MAX) # Dirichlet distribution for color. self.r = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) self.g = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) self.b = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) N = self.r + self.g + self.b self.rgb = (self.r/N, self.g/N, self.b/N) # Log-Uniform for gain. self.log_gain = random.uniform(LOG_GAIN_MIN, LOG_GAIN_MAX) self.gain = math.exp(self.log_gain) def mutate(self, rate=MUTATION_RATE): """ Randomize each gene with probability 'rate'. """ # Add gaussian noise to radius. self.radius += random.gauss(0,self.radius*rate) self.radius = min(RADIUS_MAX, max(RADIUS_MIN, self.radius)) # Potentially draw new gammavariates. if random.random() < rate: self.r = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) if random.random() < rate: self.g = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) if random.random() < rate: self.b = random.gammavariate(COLOR_ALPHA, 1) N = self.r + self.g + self.b self.rgb = (self.r/N, self.g/N, self.b/N) # Add gaussian noise to gain. self.log_gain += random.gauss(0, rate) self.log_gain = min(LOG_GAIN_MAX, max(LOG_GAIN_MIN, self.radius)) self.gain = math.exp(self.log_gain) class Cell(): """ Container class for cell automatons. """ def __init__(self, world, genes=None): """ Initialize a Cell with 'genes', random if None given. """ = world if genes is None: genes = Genome() self.genes = genes # Initialize body. r = self.genes.radius mass = DENSITY * r**2 moment = pm.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, r, (0,0)) self.body = pm.Body(mass, moment) # Initialize shape. self.shape = pm.Circle(self.body, r, (0,0)) self.shape.friction = FRICTION self.shape.collision_type = collision.CELL self.shape.filter = pm.ShapeFilter(categories=collision.CELL) # Store reference to cell in shape for collisons. # TODO: This feels hacky, sign of bad design? self.shape.cell = self # Initialize life. self.time = time.time() self.alive = True self.force = (0, 0) = 0 self.max_energy = 2*r**2 self.update_energy(r**2) def update_energy(self, delta): """ Add or consume energy. """ += delta if <= 0: self.die() return elif > self.max_energy: = self.max_energy # Set base color proportional to energy and genes. base = 0.5*self.max_energy mult = 255 * / base color = [mult*c for c in self.genes.rgb] # Add equally to RGB past the base energy. if > base: diff = - base add = 255 * diff / base color = [min(255, c + add) for c in color] self.shape.color = color def die(self): """ Remove self from space. """, self.shape) self.alive = False def think(self): """ Choose a new action. """ # Query for closest food. # TODO: Add vision for nearest cells too. r = self.genes.radius pos = self.body.position mask = pm.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ (collision.CELL | collision.WALL) info =, 12*r, pm.ShapeFilter(mask=mask)) # Initialize force. ux = 0 uy = 0 self.force = ux, uy # No thinking without information (yet?) if info is None: return # Apply gains. K = self.genes.gain delta = pos - info.point self.force -= K*delta def split(self): """ Split into two cells. """ # Create mutated copy of self. new_genes = copy.deepcopy(self.genes) new_genes.mutate() new_cell =, new_genes) # Pay penalty. self.update_energy( return new_cell def loop(self): """ Main loop for cells. """ # Choose new action. self.think() # Apply force. x, y = self.force self.body.apply_force_at_local_point((x,y), point=(0,0)) # Pay penalty. cost = -ENERGY_FORCE_RATIO * (x**2 + y**2) self.update_energy(cost)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys UNSAT = 0 SAT = 1 UNKNOWN = 2 def evaluate_clause(clause, model): # At least on literal has to be contained in model for clause to be SAT for literal in clause: if literal in model: return SAT # If at least one literal is not yet assigned clause can still be satisfied inverted_model = [lit * -1 for lit in model] for literal in clause: if literal not in inverted_model: return UNKNOWN # If every literal is already assigned (and not true) clause is UNSAT return UNSAT def correct_model(clauses, model): # Model is correct if all clauses are true for clause in clauses: if evaluate_clause(clause, model) != SAT: return False return True def incorrect_model(clauses, model): # Model is incorrect if one clause is false for clause in clauses: if evaluate_clause(clause, model) == UNSAT: return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': print('Error: Given module cannot be run directly', file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2007-2017, Jared Crapo # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # """Change the owner, group, and mode of some files with a single command chogm [OPTIONS] files_spec directories_spec file [file file ...] -R, --recursive recurse through the directory tree of each file -v, --verbose show progress -h, --help display this usage message file_spec owner:group:perms to set on files directory_spec owner:group:perms to set on directories file one or more files to operate on. Use '-' to process stdin as a list of files. file_spec tells what owner, group, and permissions should be given to any files. Each of the three elements are separated by a ':'. If a value is not given for a particular element, that that element is not changed on the encountered files. directory_spec works just like files_spec, but it is applied to directories. If any element of directory_spec is a comma, the value of that element will be used from file_spec EXAMPLES chogm www-data:www-data:644 ,:,:755 /pub/www/* Change all files in /pub/www to have an owner and group of www-data, and permissions of -rw-r--r--. Also change all directories in /pub/www/ to have an owner and group of www-data, but permissions of -rwxr-xr-x. This is equivilent to the following shell commands: $ chown www-data:www-group /pub/www/* $ find /pub/www -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs chmod 644 $ find /pub/www -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -n +2 | xargs chmod 755 chogm -R :accounting:g+rw,o= :,:g=rwx,o= /mnt/acct Change the group of all files in /mnt/acct to be accounting, and make sure people in that group can read, write, and create files anywhere in that directory tree. Also make sure that the hoi palloi can't peek at accounting's files. This is the same as doing: $ chgrp -R accounting /mnt/acct $ find /mnt/acct -type f -print | xargs chmod g+rw,o= $ find /mnt/acct -type d -print | xargs chmod g=rwx,o= find ~/src -depth 2 -type d -print | grep -v '/.git$' | chogm -R :staff:660 :-:770 - Assuming your ~/src directory contains a bunch of directories, each with their own git project, change all those files to have a group of staff and permissions of -rw-rw---- and all the directories to also have a group of staff but permissions of -rwxrwx---. While doing all of that, don't change the permissions of any of the files inside of .git directories. REQUIREMENTS This script uses the operating system commands xargs, chmod, chgrp, and chmod to do it's work. It also uses the python multiprocessing module from the standard library which was added in python 2.6, so it won't work with python versions earlier than that. It works in python 2.7 and 3+. EXIT STATUS 0 everything OK 1 some operations not successful (ie permission denied on a directory) 2 incorrect usage """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import argparse import stat import multiprocessing as mp import subprocess class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class Ogm: """store an owner, group, and mode""" def __init__(self): self.owner = None = None self.mode = None class Worker: """Launch an operating system process and feed it data a worker class that uses python multiprocessing module clone itself, launch an OS processes, and then catch new work from a multiprocessing.Pipe and send it to the OS process to get done. The OS process is xargs, so that we don't have to execute a new OS process for every file we want to modify. We just send it to standard in, and let xargs take care of how often it actually need to execute the chmod, chgrp or chmod """ def __init__(self, cmd, arg): self.cmd = cmd self.arg = arg # set up a pipe so we can communicate with our multiprocessing.Process. # From the parent process, we write filenames into the child pipe and read error # messages from it. From the child process, we read filenames from the parent pipe # and write error messages into it. self.pipe_parent, self.pipe_child = mp.Pipe(duplex = True) self.p = mp.Process(target=self.runner, args=(cmd,arg,)) self.p.start() ###self.pipe_parent.close() # this is the parent so we close the reading end of the pipe def name(self): """return the name of this worker the command it runs and the first argument for that command, ie 'chown www-data' """ return "%s %s" % (self.cmd, self.arg) def add(self, file): """send a filename to the child process via a pipe""" # this is called by the parent, and writes a filename to the child pipe self.pipe_child.send(file) def runner(self, cmd, arg): """Start a subprocess and feed it data from a pipe This function is run in a child process. So we read from the parent pipe to get work to do, and write to the parent pipe to send error messages We also fire up an xargs subprocess to actually do the work, and feed stuff from our parent pipe to stdin of the subprocess. """ xargs = subprocess.Popen(["xargs", cmd, arg], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) if debug: print("--worker '%s' started xargs subprocess pid=%i" % (,, file=sys.stderr) while True: try: # receive work from our parent pipe filename = self.pipe_parent.recv() # if we get message that there is None work, then we are done if filename == None: if debug: print("--worker '%s' has no more work to do" %, file=sys.stderr) break # send the file to the stdin of the xargs process print(filename, file=xargs.stdin) if debug: print("--worker '%s' received %s" % (, filename), file=sys.stderr) except EOFError: break # we have broken out of the loop, so that means we have no more work to do # gracefully close down the xargs process, save the contents of stderr, and # write the exit code and the errors into the pipe to our parent (stdoutdata,stderrdata) = xargs.communicate() if debug: print("--worker '%s' xargs pid=%i returncode=%i" % (,, xargs.returncode), file=sys.stderr) print("--worker '%s' xargs stderr=%s" % (, stderrdata), file=sys.stderr) self.pipe_parent.send( (xargs.returncode, stderrdata.rstrip('\r\n')) ) def gohome(self): if debug: print("--worker '%s' joining mp.Process" %, file=sys.stderr) (rtncode,errmsgs) = self.pipe_child.recv() self.p.join() return (rtncode,errmsgs) class Manager: """Start and manage all of the subprocesses""" def __init__(self, fogm, dogm, verbose=False): self.haveError = False self.fogm = fogm self.dogm = dogm self.verbose = verbose self.fchown = None self.dchown = None self.fchgrp = None self.dchgrp = None self.fchmod = None self.dchmod = None if fogm.owner: self.fchown = Worker('chown', fogm.owner) if dogm.owner: self.dchown = Worker('chown', dogm.owner) if self.fchgrp = Worker('chgrp', if self.dchgrp = Worker('chgrp', if fogm.mode: self.fchmod = Worker('chmod', fogm.mode) if dogm.mode: self.dchmod = Worker('chmod', dogm.mode) def do_file(self, file): """pass file to our subprocesses to change its owner, group and mode""" if self.fchown: self.fchown.add(file) if self.fchgrp: self.fchgrp.add(file) if self.fchmod: self.fchmod.add(file) def do_dir(self, file): """pass a directory to our subprocesses to change its owner group and mode""" if self.dchown: self.dchown.add(file) if self.dchgrp: self.dchgrp.add(file) if self.dchmod: self.dchmod.add(file) def report_information(self,message): """report information to stderr if verbose is set""" if self.verbose: print(message, file=sys.stderr) def report_error(self, message): """report an error by printing it to stderr""" self.haveError = True print(message, file=sys.stderr) def finish(self): """fire all of our workers and return a proper shell return code""" if self.haveError: return 1 else: return 0 def fire(self, worker): """tell a worker there is no more work for them and send them home""" if worker: # put the "no more work" paper in the inbox worker.add(None) # and send the worker home (rtncode,stderrdata) = worker.gohome() if rtncode != 0: self.report_error(stderrdata) def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Change the owner, group, and mode of some files with a single command') parser.add_argument('-R', '--recursive', action='store_true', help='recurse through the directory tree of each filespec') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='show progress') parser.add_argument('file_spec', nargs=1, help='owner:group:perms to set on files') parser.add_argument('directory_spec', nargs=1, help='owner:group:perms to set on directories') parser.add_argument('file', nargs='+', help='one or more files to operate on. Use \'-\' to process stdin as a list of files') args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose recursive = args.recursive global debug debug = False spec = args.file_spec[0].split(':') if len(spec) != 3: parser.error('Invalid file_spec') fileOgm = Ogm() fileOgm.owner = spec[0] = spec[1] fileOgm.mode = spec[2] spec = args.directory_spec[0].split(':') if len(spec) != 3: parser.error('Invalid directory_spec') dirOgm = Ogm() dirOgm.owner = spec[0] = spec[1] dirOgm.mode = spec[2] # check for ',' which means to clone the argument from the file_spec if dirOgm.owner == ',': dirOgm.owner = fileOgm.owner if == ',': = if dirOgm.mode == ',': dirOgm.mode = fileOgm.mode # start up the child processes m = Manager(fileOgm, dirOgm, verbose) # examine each of the files for filename in args.file: if filename == '-': while True: onefile = sys.stdin.readline() if onefile == '': break examine(m, onefile.rstrip('\r\n'), parser, recursive) else: examine(m, filename, parser, recursive) # and finish up return m.finish() def examine(m, thisfile, parser, recursive=False): """Recursively process a single file or directory""" if debug: print("--examining '%s'" % thisfile, file=sys.stderr) try: if os.path.isfile(thisfile): m.do_file(thisfile) elif os.path.isdir(thisfile): m.do_dir(thisfile) if recursive: m.report_information("Processing directory %s...." % thisfile) try: for eachfile in os.listdir(thisfile): examine(m, os.path.join(thisfile, eachfile), parser, recursive) except OSError as e: # do nicer formatting for common errors if e.errno == 13: m.report_error("%s: %s: Permission denied" % (parser.prog, e.filename)) else: m.report_error("%s: %s" % (parser.prog, e)) else: m.report_error("%s: cannot access '%s': No such file or directory" % (parser.prog, thisfile)) except OSError as ose: m.report_error("%s: %s" % (parser.prog, e)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import os, sys if __name__ == '__main__': execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '')) from Products.UWOshOIE.tests.uwoshoietestcase import UWOshOIETestCase from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException class TestStateFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReview(UWOshOIETestCase): """Ensure product is properly installed""" def afterSetUp(self): self.acl_users = self.portal.acl_users self.portal_workflow = self.portal.portal_workflow self.portal_registration = self.portal.portal_registration self.mockMailHost() self.createUsers() def createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication(self): self.login(self._default_user) self.portal.invokeFactory(type_name="OIEStudentApplication", id="testapplication") app = self.portal['testapplication'] self.fill_out_application(app) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'submit') self.logout() self.login('front_line_advisor') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'waitForPrintedMaterials') app.setWithdrawalRefund(True) app.setApplicationFeeOK(True) app.setUWSystemStatementOK(True) app.setUWOshkoshStatementOK(True) app.setTranscriptsOK(True) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'sendForDirectorReview') self.logout() self.login('director') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'sendForProgramManagerReview') self.logout() self.login('program_manager') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'sendForFacultyReview') self.logout() self.login('fac_review') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'facultyApproves') self.logout() return app def test_should_be_in_facApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReview_state(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.assertEquals('facApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReview', self.getState(app)) def test_should_be_able_to_addComment(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.login(self._default_user) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'addComment') self.assertEquals('facApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReview', self.getState(app)) self.logout() def test_should_be_able_to_addToWaitlist(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.login('program_manager') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'addToWaitlist') self.assertEquals('waitlist', self.getState(app)) self.logout() def test_should_be_able_to_assertReadyForConditionalAdmit(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.login('program_manager') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'assertReadyForConditionalAdmit') self.assertEquals('readyForConditionalAdmit', self.getState(app)) self.logout() def test_should_be_able_to_decline(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.login('director') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'decline') self.assertEquals('declined', self.getState(app)) self.logout() def test_should_be_able_to_withdraw(self): app = self.createFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReviewApplication() self.login(self._default_user) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(app, 'withdraw') self.assertEquals('withdrawn', self.getState(app)) self.logout() def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite suite = TestSuite() suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestStateFacApprovedNeedsProgramManagerReview)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': framework()
# Copyright (c) 2012 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. # Targeted tests for Impala joins # import logging import os import pytest from copy import copy from tests.common.test_vector import * from tests.common.impala_test_suite import * from tests.common.skip import SkipIfS3, SkipIfIsilon class TestJoinQueries(ImpalaTestSuite): BATCH_SIZES = [0, 1] @classmethod def get_workload(cls): return 'functional-query' @classmethod def add_test_dimensions(cls): super(TestJoinQueries, cls).add_test_dimensions() cls.TestMatrix.add_dimension( TestDimension('batch_size', *TestJoinQueries.BATCH_SIZES)) # TODO: Look into splitting up join tests to accomodate hbase. # Joins with hbase tables produce drastically different results. cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\ v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet']) if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive': # Cut down on execution time when not running in exhaustive mode. cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: v.get_value('batch_size') != 1) def test_joins(self, vector): new_vector = copy(vector) new_vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] = vector.get_value('batch_size') self.run_test_case('QueryTest/joins', new_vector) @SkipIfS3.hbase @SkipIfIsilon.hbase def test_joins_against_hbase(self, vector): new_vector = copy(vector) new_vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] = vector.get_value('batch_size') self.run_test_case('QueryTest/joins-against-hbase', new_vector) def test_outer_joins(self, vector): new_vector = copy(vector) new_vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] = vector.get_value('batch_size') self.run_test_case('QueryTest/outer-joins', new_vector) class TestTPCHJoinQueries(ImpalaTestSuite): # Uses the tpch dataset in order to have larger joins. Needed for example to test # the repartitioning codepaths. BATCH_SIZES = [0, 1] @classmethod def get_workload(cls): return 'tpch' @classmethod def add_test_dimensions(cls): super(TestTPCHJoinQueries, cls).add_test_dimensions() cls.TestMatrix.add_dimension( TestDimension('batch_size', *TestJoinQueries.BATCH_SIZES)) cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\ v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet']) if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive': # Cut down on execution time when not running in exhaustive mode. cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: v.get_value('batch_size') != 1) @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): cls.client.execute('set mem_limit = 0'); super(TestTPCHJoinQueries, cls).teardown_class() def test_outer_joins(self, vector): new_vector = copy(vector) new_vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] = vector.get_value('batch_size') self.run_test_case('tpch-outer-joins', new_vector) @SkipIfS3.insert class TestSemiJoinQueries(ImpalaTestSuite): @classmethod def get_workload(cls): return 'functional-query' @classmethod def add_test_dimensions(cls): super(TestSemiJoinQueries, cls).add_test_dimensions() cls.TestMatrix.add_dimension( TestDimension('batch_size', *TestJoinQueries.BATCH_SIZES)) # Joins with hbase tables produce drastically different results. cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\ v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ['parquet']) if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive': # Cut down on execution time when not running in exhaustive mode. cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: v.get_value('batch_size') != 1) @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super(TestSemiJoinQueries, cls).setup_class() cls.__cleanup_semi_join_tables() cls.__load_semi_join_tables() @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): cls.__cleanup_semi_join_tables() super(TestSemiJoinQueries, cls).teardown_class() @classmethod def __load_semi_join_tables(cls): SEMIJOIN_TABLES = ['functional.SemiJoinTblA', 'functional.SemiJoinTblB'] # Cleanup, create and load fresh test tables for semi/anti-join tests cls.client.execute('create table if not exists '\ 'functional.SemiJoinTblA(a int, b int, c int)') cls.client.execute('create table if not exists '\ 'functional.SemiJoinTblB(a int, b int, c int)') # loads some values with NULLs in the first table cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,1,1)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,1,10)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,2,10)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,3,10)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(NULL,NULL,30)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(2,4,30)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(2,NULL,20)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[0]); # loads some values with NULLs in the second table cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,1,1)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,1,10)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,2,5)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(1,NULL,10)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(2,10,NULL)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(3,NULL,NULL)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); cls.client.execute('insert into %s values(3,NULL,50)' % SEMIJOIN_TABLES[1]); @classmethod def __cleanup_semi_join_tables(cls): cls.client.execute('drop table if exists functional.SemiJoinTblA') cls.client.execute('drop table if exists functional.SemiJoinTblB') @pytest.mark.execute_serially def test_semi_joins(self, vector): new_vector = copy(vector) new_vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] = vector.get_value('batch_size') self.run_test_case('QueryTest/semi-joins', new_vector)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from xl import player, event, providers, settings #common, from xlgui.widgets import menu, menuitems import urllib, webbrowser DATA = [ # default value if can't read from 'settings.ini' [plugin/testing/search] ['', ''], ['', ''], ['', ''], [' [category: music]', ''], ['', ''], ] class Testing(object): def display(self, name, player, track=None): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: display(name, player, track)' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: name:', name print 'TESTING: player:', player print 'TESTING: track:', track print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: player.current:', player.current if track: print 'TESTING: track.list_tags():', track.list_tags() print 'TESTING: track:', track for tag in ('title', 'album', 'artist', 'tracknumber', '__loc', '__basename'): data = track.get_tag_display(tag) print 'TESTING: tag: %11s =' % tag, data print '---------------------------------' def other(self, name): global DATA print 'TESTING: other(name)' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: name:', name print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print "TESTING: settings.get_option('plugin/testing/search'):", settings.get_option('plugin/testing/search', DEFAULT_DATA) DATA = settings.set_option('plugin/testing/search', DEFAULT_DATA) print 'TESTING: ------------------------' # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def enable(self, exaile): self.player = player.PLAYER self.display('enable', player.PLAYER) self.other('enable') event.add_callback(self.on_playback_start, 'playback_track_start') def disable(self, exaile): self.display('disable', player.PLAYER) self.other('disable') def teardown(self, exaile): self.display('teardown', player.PLAYER) self.other('teardown') event.remove_callback(self.on_playback_start, 'playback_track_start') def on_gui_loaded(self): self.display('on_gui_loaded', player.PLAYER) self.other('on_gui_loaded') ### main menu / tools ### = menu.simple_menu_item('furas', '', 'Get Current Track', callback=self.on_view_menu) #providers.register('menubar-tools-menu','menubar-tools-menu') ### menu #self.create_test_menu() self.create_menu() #print 'TESTING: register menu' def item_register(self, item, menu): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: item.register(', menu, ')' print '---------------------------------' item.register(menu) def provider_register(self, item, menu): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: provider.register(', menu, ')' print '---------------------------------' providers.register(menu, item) def test_callback(self, window, name, parent, context): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: test_callback(window, name, parent, context)' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: window:', window print 'TESTING: name:', name print 'TESTING: parent:', parent print 'TESTING: context:', context print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: dir(parent):' for x in dir(parent): print 'TESTING: ->', x print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: items:' for item in parent.get_selected_items(): print 'TESTING: -> item:', item print 'TESTING: -> type(item):', type(item) print 'TESTING: -----' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: paths:' for path in parent.get_selected_paths(): print 'TESTING: -> path:', path print 'TESTING: -> type(path):', type(path) print 'TESTING: -----' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'tracks:', parent.get_selected_tracks() for track in parent.get_selected_tracks(): print track print type(track) #print dir(track) print '-------------------' for tag in ('title', 'album', 'artist', 'tracknumber', '__loc', '__basename'): data = track.get_tag_display(tag) print ': %11s:' % tag, data print '-------------------' title = track.get_tag_display('title')'' % title.replace(' ', '+'))'' % title.replace(' ', '+')) self.display('test_callback', player.PLAYER) with open('tracks.txt', 'a') as f: for track in parent.get_selected_tracks(): artist = track.get_tag_display('artist') title = track.get_tag_display('title') f.write('%s,%s\n' % (artist, title)) print '---------------------------------' ### main menu / tools ### def on_view_menu(self, widget, name, parent, context): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: on_view_menu(widget, name, parent, context)' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' #~ if self.window: #~ self.window.present() #~ else: #~ self.window = DeveloperWindow(self.exaile.gui.main.window, self) #~ def _delete(w, e): #~ self.window = None #~ self.window.connect('delete-event', _delete) #~ self.window.show_all() print '---------------------------------' def on_exaile_loaded(self): self.display('on_exaile_loaded', player.PLAYER) self.other('on_exaile_loaded') def on_playback_start(self, type, player, track): self.display('on_playback_start', player, track) self.other('on_playback_start') ### menu ### def create_test_menu(self): self.item = menu.simple_menu_item('furas-item', # name ['properties'], # after ie. [] or ['properties'] 'Testowy', # display text 'gtk-save', # icon name # ie. 'document-properties' self.test_callback, # callback function callback_args=[] # callback extra arguments ) #self.item_register(self.item, 'track-panel-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'playlist-panel-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'playlist-panel-context-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'collection-panel-context-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'files-panel-context-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'radio-panel-menu') #providers.register('menubar-file-menu', item) #providers.register('menubar-edit-menu', item) #providers.register('menubar-playlist-menu', item) #providers.register('menubar-playlist-menu', item) #providers.register('menubar-tools-menu', item) #providers.register('menubar-help-menu', item) #self.item.register('main-panel') self.provider_register(self.item, 'playlist-context-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'playlist-context-menu') #self.item_register(self.item, 'playlist-columns-menu') def create_menu(self): sep = menu.simple_separator('furas-item-sep', ['properties']) #sep._pos = 'normal' self.provider_register(sep, 'playlist-context-menu') for n, (name, url) in enumerate(DATA): item = menu.simple_menu_item( 'furas-item-%i' % n, # unique name ['furas-item-sep'], # after ie. [] or ['properties'] name, # displayed text 'gtk-save', # icon name # ie. 'document-properties' self.webbrowser_cb, # callback function callback_args=[url] # callback extra arguments ) #print(dir(item)) self.provider_register(item, 'playlist-context-menu') print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: register menu #1' ### submenu ### self.submenu = menu.Menu(self, inherit_context=True) for n, (name, url) in enumerate(DATA): self.submenu.add_item(menu.simple_menu_item( 'furas-item-sub-%i' % n, # unique name [], # after ie. [] or ['properties'] name, # displayed text 'gtk-save', # icon name # ie. 'document-properties' self.webbrowser_cb, # callback function callback_args=[url] # callback extra arguments )) item = menu.simple_menu_item( 'furas-item-sub', # unique name ['furas-item-sep'], # after ie. [] or ['properties'] 'Szukaj', submenu=self.submenu) self.provider_register(item, 'playlist-context-menu') print 'TESTING: self.submenu._items:' print self.submenu._items print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: register menu #2' for p in providers.get('playlist-context-menu'): print 'TESTING: -> menu:',, p._pos, p.after print '---------------------------------' def webbrowser_cb(self, window, name, parent, context, url): print '---------------------------------' print 'TESTING: webbrowser_cb(window, name, parent, context, url)' print 'TESTING: ------------------------' print 'TESTING: window:', window print 'TESTING: name:', name print 'TESTING: parent:', parent print 'TESTING: context:', context print 'TESTING: url:', url print 'TESTING: ------------------------' for track in parent.get_selected_tracks(): title = track.get_tag_display('title') print 'TESTING: selected_track:', title title = urllib.quote_plus(title) % title) print '---------------------------------' plugin_class = Testing ### events #~ def enable(exaile): #~ event.add_callback(on_stop_action, 'quit_application') #~ event.add_callback(on_stop_action, 'playback_player_end', player.PLAYER) #~ event.add_callback(on_begin_action, 'playback_track_start', player.PLAYER) #~ event.add_callback(on_pause_action, 'playback_toggle_pause', player.PLAYER) #~ def disable(exaile): #~ event.remove_callback(on_stop_action, 'quit_application') #~ event.remove_callback(on_stop_action, 'playback_player_end', player.PLAYER) #~ event.remove_callback(on_begin_action, 'playback_track_start', player.PLAYER) #~ event.remove_callback(on_pause_action, 'playback_toggle_pause', player.PLAYER) ### xlgui/panel/ #~ from xlgui.widgets import ( #~ menu, #~ menuitems #~ ) ### Generic track selection menus #~ def __create_track_panel_menus(): #~ items = [] #~ items.append(menuitems.EnqueueMenuItem('enqueue', after=['top-sep'])) #~ items.append(menuitems.AppendMenuItem('append', after=[items[-1].name])) #~ items.append(menuitems.ReplaceCurrentMenuItem('replace', after=[items[-1].name])) #~ items.append(menuitems.RatingMenuItem('rating', after=[items[-1].name])) #~ items.append(menu.simple_separator('tp-sep', after=[items[-1].name])) #~ items.append(menuitems.PropertiesMenuItem('properties', after=[items[-1].name])) #~ for item in items: #~ item.register('track-panel-menu') #~ __create_track_panel_menus() #~ class TrackPanelMenu(menu.ProviderMenu): #~ ''' #~ Context menu when a track is clicked on a panel #~ Provider key: track-panel-menu ### xlgui/widgets/ #~ def _properties_cb(widget, name, parent, context, get_tracks_func, dialog_parent): #~ tracks = get_tracks_func(parent, context) #~ if tracks: #~ properties.TrackPropertiesDialog(dialog_parent, tracks) #~ def PropertiesMenuItem(name, after, get_tracks_func=generic_get_tracks_func, #~ dialog_parent=None): #~ return menu.simple_menu_item(name, after, _("_Track Properties"), #~ 'document-properties', _properties_cb, #~ callback_args=[get_tracks_func, dialog_parent])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from .services.asset_service import AssetServiceClient from .services.asset_service import AssetServiceAsyncClient from .types.asset_service import ListAssetsRequest from .types.asset_service import ListAssetsResponse from .types.asset_service import ContentType from .types.assets import Asset from .types.assets import Resource __all__ = ( 'AssetServiceAsyncClient', 'Asset', 'AssetServiceClient', 'ContentType', 'ListAssetsRequest', 'ListAssetsResponse', 'Resource', )
import pathlib from .utils import TemplateTestCase, Mock class BlockTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_block_parse(self): self.assertRendered('{% block name %}%{% endblock %}', '%') class ForTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_simple_for(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for item in seq %}{{ item }} {% endfor %}', 'a b c d e ', {'seq': 'abcde'}, ) def test_unpack_for(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for a, b in seq %}{{ a }} == {{ b }},{% endfor %}', 'a == 1,b == 2,', {'seq': (('a', 1), ('b', 2))} ) def test_for_empty_false(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for a, b in seq %}{{ a }} == {{ b }},{% empty %}empty{% endfor %}', 'a == 1,b == 2,', {'seq': (('a', 1), ('b', 2))}, ) def test_for_empty_true(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for a, b in seq %}{{ a }} == {{ b }},{% empty %}empty{% endfor %}', 'empty', {'seq': ()}, ) def test_scope(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for a in seq %}{{ a * b }} {% endfor %}', '2 4 6 ', {'seq': (1, 2, 3), 'b': 2}, ) def test_attr_source(self): self.assertRendered( '{% for a in obj.seq %}{{ a }}{% endfor %}', '1234', {'obj': Mock(seq=[1, 2, 3, 4])}, ) class IfTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_simple_if(self): self.assertRendered( '{% if a == 1 %}Yes!{% endif %}', 'Yes!', {'a': 1} ) self.assertRendered( '{% if a == 1 %}Yes!{% endif %}', '', {'a': 2} ) def test_if_else(self): tmpl = '{% if a == 1 %}Yes!{% else %}No!{% endif %}' self.assertRendered(tmpl, 'Yes!', {'a': 1}) self.assertRendered(tmpl, 'No!', {'a': 2}) class WithTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_simple_with(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% with a=1, b=c %}{{ a * b }}{% endwith %}''', '''3''', {'c': 3} ) class IncludeTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_include(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% include "include.html" %}''', '''included\n''', {} ) def test_include_with(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% include "include_more.html", a=val, b=6 %}''', '''product: 18\n''', {'val': 3} ) class MacroTagTest(TemplateTestCase): def test_macro_does_not_render(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% macro foo %}Foo{% endmacro %}''', '', ) def test_macro_renders(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% macro foo %}Foo{% endmacro %}{% use "foo" %}''', 'Foo', ) def test_macro_takes_args(self): self.assertRendered( '''{% macro foo %}{{ foo }}{% endmacro %}{% use "foo", foo="bar" %}''', '''bar''', )
# encoding: utf-8 # FIXME Is there a better metric to compare two arrays/scalars than # assert_(array)_almost_equal? Something that takes magnitude into # account? from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import functools as ft import itertools as it import h5py as h5 import numpy as np import pytest as pt from numpy.testing import (assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal) import mpnum.factory as factory import mpnum.mparray as mp from mpnum import utils from mpnum._testing import (assert_correct_normalization, assert_mpa_almost_equal, assert_mpa_identical, compression_svd) from six.moves import range, zip def update_copy_of(target, newvals): new = target.copy() new.update(newvals) return new ############################################################################### # Basic creation & operations # ############################################################################### @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, _', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_from_full(nr_sites, local_dim, _, rgen, dtype): psi = factory._random_vec(nr_sites, local_dim, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mps = mp.MPArray.from_array(psi, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(psi, mps.to_array()) assert mps.dtype == dtype op = factory._random_op(nr_sites, local_dim, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(op, 2) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype def test_from_inhomogenous(rgen): array = rgen.randn(4, 3, 3, 3) mpa = mp.MPArray.from_array(array, ndims=(2, 1, 1)) assert_array_almost_equal(array, mpa.to_array()) assert mpa.ndims == (2, 1, 1) assert mpa.shape == ((4, 3), (3,), (3,)) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_from_kron(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype): ndims = 2 randfun = factory._randfuncs[dtype] factors = tuple(randfun([nr_sites] + ([local_dim] * ndims))) op = utils.mkron(*factors) op.shape = [local_dim] * (ndims * nr_sites) mpo = mp.MPArray.from_kron(factors) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, _', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_conjugations(nr_sites, local_dim, _, rgen, dtype): op = factory._random_op(nr_sites, local_dim, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(op, 2) assert_array_almost_equal(np.conj(op), mpo.conj().to_array()) assert mpo.conj().dtype == dtype mpo.canonicalize() mpo_c = mpo.conj() assert_correct_normalization(mpo_c) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, _', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_transpose(nr_sites, local_dim, _, rgen, dtype): op = factory._random_op(nr_sites, local_dim, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(utils.global_to_local(op, nr_sites), 2) opT = op.reshape((local_dim**nr_sites,) * 2).T \ .reshape((local_dim,) * 2 * nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(opT, (mpo.T).to_array_global()) assert mpo.T.dtype == dtype mpo.canonicalize() mpo_T = mpo.T assert_correct_normalization(mpo_T) def test_transpose_axes(rgen): ldim = (2, 5, 3) axes = (2, 0, 1) new_ldim = tuple(ldim[ax] for ax in axes) # Easy (to implement) test: One physical site only. vec = factory._zrandn(ldim, rgen) mps = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec, ndims=len(ldim)) assert len(mps) == 1 vec_t = vec.transpose(axes) mps_t = mps.transpose(axes) mps_t_to_vec = mps_t.to_array() assert vec_t.shape == new_ldim assert_array_equal(mps_t_to_vec, vec_t) assert_correct_normalization(mps_t) # Test with 3 sites nr_sites = 3 tensor = factory._zrandn(ldim * nr_sites, rgen) # local form mpa = mp.MPArray.from_array(tensor, ndims=len(ldim)) assert len(mpa) == nr_sites assert mpa.shape == (ldim,) * nr_sites # transpose axes in local form tensor_axes = tuple(ax + site * len(ldim) for site in range(nr_sites) for ax in axes) tensor_t = tensor.transpose(tensor_axes) mpa_t = mpa.transpose(axes) mpa_t_to_tensor = mpa_t.to_array() assert mpa_t.shape == (new_ldim,) * nr_sites assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_t_to_tensor, tensor_t) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_t) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) def test_dump_and_load(tmpdir, dtype): mpa = factory.random_mpa(5, [(4,), (2, 3), (1,), (4,), (4, 3)], (4, 7, 1, 3), dtype=dtype) mpa.canonicalize(left=1, right=3) with h5.File(str(tmpdir / 'dump_load_test.h5'), 'w') as buf: newgroup = buf.create_group('mpa') mpa.dump(newgroup) with h5.File(str(tmpdir / 'dump_load_test.h5'), 'r') as buf: mpa_loaded = mp.MPArray.load(buf['mpa']) assert_mpa_identical(mpa, mpa_loaded) mpa.dump(str(tmpdir / 'dump_load_test_str.h5')) mpa_loaded = mp.MPArray.load(str(tmpdir / 'dump_load_test_str.h5')) assert_mpa_identical(mpa, mpa_loaded) ############################################################################### # Algebraic operations # ############################################################################### @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_sum(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): """Compare mpa.sum() with full array computation""" mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype) array_sum = mpa.to_array().sum() # Test summation over all indices and different argument values. assert_almost_equal(mpa.sum(), array_sum) assert_almost_equal(mpa.sum(0), array_sum) assert_almost_equal(mpa.sum([0]), array_sum) assert_almost_equal(mpa.sum([[0]] * nr_sites), array_sum) # Test summation over site-dependent indices n_plegs = 3 if nr_sites <= 4 and local_dim <= 2 else 2 mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, [local_dim] * n_plegs, rank, rgen, dtype) # Pseudo-randomly choose how many physical legs to sum over at each site. num_sum = ((rgen.choice(range(ndims + 1)), ndims) for ndims in mpa.ndims) # Pseudo-randomly choose which physical legs to sum over. axes = tuple( rgen.choice(range(ndims), num, replace=False) for num, ndims in num_sum) array_axes = tuple(n_plegs * pos + a for pos, ax in enumerate(axes) for a in ax) mpa_sum = mpa.sum(axes) if hasattr(mpa_sum, 'to_array'): # possibly, no physical legs are left mpa_sum = mpa_sum.to_array() array_sum = mpa.to_array().sum(array_axes) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_sum, array_sum) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_dot(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op1 = mpo1.to_array_global() mpo2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op2 = mpo2.to_array_global() # Dotproduct of all 1st physical with 0th physical legs = dot_np = np.tensordot(op1.reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2), op2.reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2), axes=([1], [0])) dot_np = dot_np.reshape(op1.shape) dot_mp =, mpo2, axes=(1, 0)).to_array_global() assert_array_almost_equal(dot_np, dot_mp) assert dot_mp.dtype == dtype # this should also be the default axes dot_mp =, mpo2).to_array_global() assert_array_almost_equal(dot_np, dot_mp) # Dotproduct of all 0th physical with 1st physical legs = dot_np = np.tensordot(op1.reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2), op2.reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2), axes=([0], [1])) dot_np = dot_np.reshape(op1.shape) dot_mp =, mpo2, axes=(0, 1)).to_array_global() assert_array_almost_equal(dot_np, dot_mp) assert dot_mp.dtype == dtype # this should also be the default axes dot_mp =, mpo2, axes=(-2, -1)).to_array_global() assert_array_almost_equal(dot_np, dot_mp) def test_dot_multiaxes(rgen): ldim1 = (2, 2, 3, 2) ldim2 = (3, 2, 4) ax1 = (0, 2) ax2 = (-2, 0) assert len(ax1) == len(ax2) # Easy (to implement) test: One physical site. vec1 = factory._zrandn(ldim1, rgen) vec2 = factory._zrandn(ldim2, rgen) mpa1 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec1, ndims=len(ldim1)) mpa2 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec2, ndims=len(ldim2)) assert len(mpa1) == 1 assert len(mpa2) == 1 mpa_prod =, mpa2, axes=(ax1, ax2)).to_array() vec_prod = np.tensordot(vec1, vec2, (ax1, ax2)) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_prod, vec_prod) # Test with 3 sites nr_sites = 3 vec1 = factory._zrandn(ldim1 * nr_sites, rgen) # local form vec2 = factory._zrandn(ldim2 * nr_sites, rgen) # local form mpa1 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec1, ndims=len(ldim1)) mpa2 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec2, ndims=len(ldim2)) assert len(mpa1) == nr_sites assert len(mpa2) == nr_sites mpa_prod =, mpa2, axes=(ax1, ax2)).to_array() vec_ax1, vec_ax2 = ( tuple(ax + site * nldim if ax >= 0 else ax - (nr_sites - site - 1) * nldim for site in range(nr_sites) for ax in ax_n) for ax_n, nldim in ((ax1, len(ldim1)), (ax2, len(ldim2))) ) vec_prod = np.tensordot(vec1, vec2, (vec_ax1, vec_ax2)) # The problem with vec_prod is: The order of the indices does not # match the order of the indices in mpa_prod. We need to change # that order: nldim1, nldim2 = (len(ldim1) - len(ax1), len(ldim2) - len(ax2)) assert vec_prod.ndim == nr_sites * (nldim1 + nldim2) perm = tuple( offset + site * nldim + ax for site in range(nr_sites) for offset, nldim in ((0, nldim1), (nr_sites * nldim1, nldim2)) for ax in range(nldim) ) vec_prod = vec_prod.transpose(perm) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_prod, vec_prod) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_partialdot(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): # Only for at least two sites, we can apply an operator to a part # of a chain. if nr_sites < 2: return part_sites = nr_sites // 2 start_at = min(2, nr_sites // 2) mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites,) * 2) mpo_part = factory.random_mpa(part_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op_part = mpo_part.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**part_sites,) * 2) op_part_embedded = np.kron( np.kron(np.eye(local_dim**start_at), op_part), np.eye(local_dim**(nr_sites - part_sites - start_at))) prod1 =, op_part_embedded) prod2 =, op) prod1_mpo = mp.partialdot(mpo, mpo_part, start_at=start_at) prod2_mpo = mp.partialdot(mpo_part, mpo, start_at=start_at) prod1_mpo = prod1_mpo.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites,) * 2) prod2_mpo = prod2_mpo.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites,) * 2) assert_array_almost_equal(prod1, prod1_mpo) assert_array_almost_equal(prod2, prod2_mpo) assert prod1_mpo.dtype == dtype assert prod2_mpo.dtype == dtype def test_partialdot_multiaxes(rgen): ldim1 = (2, 2, 3, 2) ldim2 = (3, 2, 4) ax1 = (0, 2) ax2 = (-2, 0) assert len(ax1) == len(ax2) # Easy (to implement) test: One physical site. vec1 = factory._zrandn(ldim1, rgen) vec2 = factory._zrandn(ldim2, rgen) mpa1 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec1, ndims=len(ldim1)) mpa2 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec2, ndims=len(ldim2)) assert len(mpa1) == 1 assert len(mpa2) == 1 mpa_prod = mp.partialdot(mpa1, mpa2, start_at=0, axes=(ax1, ax2)).to_array() vec_prod = np.tensordot(vec1, vec2, (ax1, ax2)) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_prod, vec_prod) # Test with 3 sites nr_sites = 3 nr_sites_shorter = 2 start_at = 1 vec1 = factory._zrandn(ldim1 * nr_sites, rgen) # local form vec2 = factory._zrandn(ldim2 * nr_sites_shorter, rgen) # local form mpa1 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec1, ndims=len(ldim1)) mpa2 = mp.MPArray.from_array(vec2, ndims=len(ldim2)) assert len(mpa1) == nr_sites assert len(mpa2) == nr_sites_shorter mpa_prod = mp.partialdot(mpa1, mpa2, start_at, axes=(ax1, ax2)).to_array() vec_ax1, vec_ax2 = ( tuple(ax + (startsite + site) * nldim if ax >= 0 else ax - (nr_sites_shorter - site - 1) * nldim for site in range(nr_sites_shorter) for ax in ax_n) for ax_n, nldim, startsite in ((ax1, len(ldim1), start_at), (ax2, len(ldim2), 0)) ) vec_prod = np.tensordot(vec1, vec2, (vec_ax1, vec_ax2)) # The problem with vec_prod is: The order of the indices does not # match the order of the indices in mpa_prod. We need to change # that order: nldim1, nldim2 = (len(ldim1) - len(ax1), len(ldim2) - len(ax2)) assert vec_prod.ndim == (start_at * len(ldim1) + nr_sites_shorter * (nldim1 + nldim2)) # For sites before start_at, the axes of `vec1` remain unchanged. perm = tuple(range(len(ldim1) * start_at)) # For site start_at and following sites, we need to fix the order # of sites. We use the same scheme as `test_dot_multiaxes` above. perm2 = tuple( offset + site * nldim + ax for site in range(nr_sites_shorter) for offset, nldim in ((0, nldim1), (nr_sites_shorter * nldim1, nldim2)) for ax in range(nldim) ) # Now we displace that permutation by the number of unchanged # sites at the beginning: perm += tuple(len(perm) + ax for ax in perm2) vec_prod = vec_prod.transpose(perm) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_prod, vec_prod) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_inner_vec(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mp_psi1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) psi1 = mp_psi1.to_array().ravel() mp_psi2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) psi2 = mp_psi2.to_array().ravel() inner_np = np.vdot(psi1, psi2) inner_mp = mp.inner(mp_psi1, mp_psi2) assert_almost_equal(inner_mp, inner_np) assert inner_mp.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_inner_mat(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op1 = mpo1.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2) mpo2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op2 = mpo2.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites, ) * 2) inner_np = np.trace(, op2)) inner_mp = mp.inner(mpo1, mpo2) assert_almost_equal(inner_mp, inner_np) assert inner_mp.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_sandwich(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype, normalized=True) mps2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype, normalized=True) mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, [local_dim] * 2, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mpo.canonicalize() mpo /= mp.trace(mpo) vec = mps.to_array().ravel() op = mpo.to_array_global().reshape([local_dim**nr_sites] * 2) res_arr = np.vdot(vec,, vec)) res_mpo = mp.inner(mps,, mps)) res_sandwich = mp.sandwich(mpo, mps) assert_almost_equal(res_mpo, res_arr) assert_almost_equal(res_sandwich, res_arr) vec2 = mps2.to_array().ravel() res_arr = np.vdot(vec2,, vec)) res_mpo = mp.inner(mps2,, mps)) res_sandwich = mp.sandwich(mpo, mps, mps2) assert_almost_equal(res_mpo, res_arr) assert_almost_equal(res_sandwich, res_arr) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_norm(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype, rgen): mp_psi = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) psi = mp_psi.to_array() assert_almost_equal(mp.inner(mp_psi, mp_psi), mp.norm(mp_psi)**2) assert_almost_equal(np.sum(psi.conj() * psi), mp.norm(mp_psi)**2) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_normdist(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype, rgen): psi1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) psi2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) assert_almost_equal(mp.normdist(psi1, psi2), mp.norm(psi1 - psi2)) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank, keep_width', [(6, 2, 4, 3), (4, 3, 5, 2)]) def test_partialtrace(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, keep_width, rgen, dtype): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global() for site in range(nr_sites - keep_width + 1): traceout = tuple(range(site)) \ + tuple(range(site + keep_width, nr_sites)) axes = [(0, 1) if site in traceout else None for site in range(nr_sites)] red_mpo = mp.partialtrace(mpo, axes=axes) red_from_op = utils.partial_trace(op, traceout) assert_array_almost_equal(red_mpo.to_array_global(), red_from_op, err_msg="not equal at site {}".format(site)) assert red_mpo.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim', [(4, 3)]) def test_partialtrace_axes(nr_sites, local_dim, rgen, dtype): mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim,) * 3, 1, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) # Verify that an exception is raised if `axes` does not refer to a # physical leg. valid = [(0, 2), (-3, -2)] invalid = [(0, 3), (-4, 2), (-4, 3)] for axes in valid: mp.partialtrace(mpa, axes=axes) for axes in invalid: with pt.raises(AssertionError) as exc: mp.partialtrace(mpa, axes=(0, 3)) assert exc.value.args == ('Too few legs',), "Wrong assertion" @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_trace(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global().reshape((local_dim**nr_sites,) * 2) mpo_trace = mp.trace(mpo) assert_almost_equal(np.trace(op), mpo_trace) assert np.array(mpo_trace).dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_add_and_subtr(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op1 = mpo1.to_array_global() mpo2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op2 = mpo2.to_array_global() assert_array_almost_equal(op1 + op2, (mpo1 + mpo2).to_array_global()) assert_array_almost_equal(op1 - op2, (mpo1 - mpo2).to_array_global()) assert (mpo1 + mpo2).dtype == dtype assert (mpo1 + mpo2).dtype == dtype mpo1 += mpo2 assert_array_almost_equal(op1 + op2, mpo1.to_array_global()) assert mpo1.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', [(3, 2, 2)]) def test_operations_typesafety(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): # create a real MPA mpo1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=np.float_) mpo2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=np.complex_) assert mpo1.dtype == np.float_ assert mpo2.dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo1 + mpo1).dtype == np.float_ assert (mpo1 + mpo2).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo2 + mpo1).dtype == np.complex_ assert mp.sumup((mpo1, mpo1)).dtype == np.float_ assert mp.sumup((mpo1, mpo2)).dtype == np.complex_ assert mp.sumup((mpo2, mpo1)).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo1 - mpo1).dtype == np.float_ assert (mpo1 - mpo2).dtype == np.complex_ assert (mpo2 - mpo1).dtype == np.complex_ mpo1 += mpo2 assert mpo1.dtype == np.complex_ @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_sumup(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpas = [factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, 3, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) for _ in range(rank if rank is not np.nan else 1)] sum_naive = ft.reduce(mp.MPArray.__add__, mpas) sum_mp = mp.sumup(mpas) assert_array_almost_equal(sum_naive.to_array(), sum_mp.to_array()) assert all(r <= 3 * rank for r in sum_mp.ranks) assert(sum_mp.dtype is dtype) weights = rgen.randn(len(mpas)) summands = [w * mpa for w, mpa in zip(weights, mpas)] sum_naive = ft.reduce(mp.MPArray.__add__, summands) sum_mp = mp.sumup(mpas, weights=weights) assert_array_almost_equal(sum_naive.to_array(), sum_mp.to_array()) assert all(r <= 3 * rank for r in sum_mp.ranks) assert(sum_mp.dtype is dtype) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_mult_mpo_scalar(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) # FIXME Change behavior of to_array # For nr_sites == 1, changing `mpo` below will change `op` as # well, unless we call .copy(). op = mpo.to_array_global().copy() scalar = rgen.randn() assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, (scalar * mpo).to_array_global()) mpo *= scalar assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype assert (1.j * mpo).dtype == np.complex_ @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_div_mpo_scalar(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen) # FIXME Change behavior of to_array # For nr_sites == 1, changing `mpo` below will change `op` as # well, unless we call .copy(). op = mpo.to_array_global().copy() scalar = rgen.randn() + 1.j * rgen.randn() assert_array_almost_equal(op / scalar, (mpo / scalar).to_array_global()) mpo /= scalar assert_array_almost_equal(op / scalar, mpo.to_array_global()) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_chain(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): # This test produces at most `nr_sites` by tensoring two # MPOs. This doesn't work for :code:`nr_sites = 1`. if nr_sites < 2: return # NOTE: Everything here is in local form!!! mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites // 2, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array() # Test with 2-factors with full form mpo_double = mp.chain((mpo, mpo)) op_double = np.tensordot(op, op, axes=(tuple(), ) * 2) assert len(mpo_double) == 2 * len(mpo) assert_array_almost_equal(op_double, mpo_double.to_array()) assert_array_equal(mpo_double.ranks, mpo.ranks + (1,) + mpo.ranks) assert mpo.dtype == dtype # Test 3-factors iteratively (since full form would be too large!! diff = mp.chain((mpo, mpo, mpo)) - mp.chain((mpo, mp.chain((mpo, mpo)))) diff.canonicalize() assert len(diff) == 3 * len(mpo) assert mp.norm(diff) < 1e-6 # local_dim, rank MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_INJECT = [(2, 4), (3, 3), (2, 5), (2, 1), (1, 2)] @pt.mark.parametrize('local_dim, rank', MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_INJECT) def test_inject(local_dim, rank): """mp.inject() vs. computation with full arrays""" # rank is np.nan for nr_sites = 1 (first argument, # ignored). We require a value for rank. if np.isnan(rank): return # ndims = 3 is hardcoded below (argument to .transpose()). # Uniform local dimension is also hardcoded below (arguments to # .reshape()). ndims = 3 local_dim = (local_dim,) * ndims a, b, c = factory._zrandn((3, 2) + local_dim) # We don't use b[1, :] b = b[0, :] # Here, only global order (as given by np.kron()). abbc0 = utils.mkron(a[0, :], b, b, c[0, :]) abbc1 = utils.mkron(a[1, :], b, b, c[1, :]) abbc = (abbc0 + abbc1).reshape(4 * local_dim) ac0 = np.kron(a[0, :], c[0, :]) ac1 = np.kron(a[1, :], c[1, :]) ac = (ac0 + ac1).reshape(2 * local_dim) ac_mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(utils.global_to_local(ac, sites=2), ndims) abbc_mpo = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=1, num=2, inject_ten=b) abbc_mpo2 = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=[1], num=[2], inject_ten=[b]) abbc_mpo3 = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=[1], num=None, inject_ten=[[b, b]]) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo.to_array_global()) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo2.to_array_global()) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo3.to_array_global()) # Here, only local order. ac = factory._zrandn(local_dim * 2) b = factory._zrandn(local_dim) acb = np.tensordot(ac, b, axes=((), ())) abc = acb.transpose((0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5)) ac_mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(ac, ndims) abc_mpo = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=1, num=1, inject_ten=b) # Keep local order abc_from_mpo = abc_mpo.to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(abc, abc_from_mpo) # ndims = 2 is hardcoded below (argument to .transpose()). # Uniform local dimension is also hardcoded below (arguments to # .reshape()). ndims = 2 local_dim = (local_dim[0],) * ndims a, c = factory._zrandn((2, 2) + local_dim) b = np.eye(local_dim[0]) # Here, only global order (as given by np.kron()). abbc0 = utils.mkron(a[0, :], b, b, c[0, :]) abbc1 = utils.mkron(a[1, :], b, b, c[1, :]) abbc = (abbc0 + abbc1).reshape(4 * local_dim) ac0 = np.kron(a[0, :], c[0, :]) ac1 = np.kron(a[1, :], c[1, :]) ac = (ac0 + ac1).reshape(2 * local_dim) ac_mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(utils.global_to_local(ac, sites=2), ndims) abbc_mpo = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=1, num=2, inject_ten=None) abbc_mpo2 = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=[1], num=[2]) abbc_mpo3 = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=[1], inject_ten=[[None, None]]) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo.to_array_global()) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo2.to_array_global()) assert_array_almost_equal(abbc, abbc_mpo3.to_array_global()) # Here, only local order. ac = factory._zrandn(local_dim * 2) b = np.eye(local_dim[0]) acb = np.tensordot(ac, b, axes=((), ())) abc = acb.transpose((0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3)) ac_mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(ac, ndims) abc_mpo = mp.inject(ac_mpo, pos=1, num=1, inject_ten=None) # Keep local order abc_from_mpo = abc_mpo.to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(abc, abc_from_mpo) @pt.mark.parametrize('local_dim, rank', MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_INJECT) def test_inject_many(local_dim, rank, rgen): """Calling mp.inject() repeatedly vs. calling it with sequence arguments""" mpa = factory.random_mpa(3, local_dim, rank, rgen, normalized=True, dtype=np.complex_) inj_lt = [factory._zrandn(s, rgen) for s in [(2, 3), (1,), (2, 2), (3, 2)]] mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa, 1, None, [inj_lt[0]]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 2, 1, inj_lt[0]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 4, None, [inj_lt[2]]) mpa_inj2 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], [2, None], [inj_lt[0], [inj_lt[2]]]) mpa_inj3 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], [2, 1], [inj_lt[0], inj_lt[2]]) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj2, True) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj3, True) inj_lt = [inj_lt[:2], inj_lt[2:]] mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa, 1, None, inj_lt[0]) mpa_inj1 = mp.inject(mpa_inj1, 4, inject_ten=inj_lt[1]) mpa_inj2 = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 2], None, inj_lt) assert_mpa_almost_equal(mpa_inj1, mpa_inj2, True) def test_inject_shapes(rgen): """Check that mp.inject() picks up the correct shape""" mpa = factory.random_mpa(3, ([1], [2], [3]), 3, rgen, normalized=True) print(mpa.shape) mpa_inj = mp.inject(mpa, [0, 2], [1, 1]) assert mpa_inj.shape == ((1, 1), (1,), (2,), (3, 3), (3,)) mpa_inj = mp.inject(mpa, [1, 3], [1, 1], None) assert mpa_inj.shape == ((1,), (2, 2), (2,), (3,), (3, 3)) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_inject_vs_chain(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): """Compare mp.inject() with mp.chain()""" if nr_sites == 1: return mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites // 2, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype=np.complex_, normalized=True) pten = [factory._zrandn((local_dim,) * 2) for _ in range(nr_sites // 2)] pten_mpa = mp.MPArray.from_kron(pten) outer1 = mp.chain((pten_mpa, mpa)) outer2 = mp.inject(mpa, 0, inject_ten=pten) assert_mpa_almost_equal(outer1, outer2, True) outer1 = mp.chain((mpa, pten_mpa)) outer2 = mp.inject(mpa, [len(mpa)], [None], inject_ten=[pten]) assert_mpa_almost_equal(outer1, outer2, True) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_localouter(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpa1 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen) mpa2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen) arr1 = mpa1.to_array() arr1 = arr1.reshape(arr1.shape + (1, ) * nr_sites) arr2 = mpa2.to_array() arr2 = arr2.reshape((1, ) * nr_sites + arr2.shape) tensor_mp = mp.localouter(mpa1, mpa2) tensor_np = arr1 * arr2 assert tensor_mp.ndims == (2,) * nr_sites assert tensor_np.shape == (local_dim,) * (2 * nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(tensor_np, tensor_mp.to_array_global()) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank, local_width', [(5, 2, 3, 1), (6, 2, 4, 3), (4, 3, 5, 2)]) def test_local_sum(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, local_width, dtype, rgen): eye_mpa = factory.eye(1, local_dim) def embed_mpa(mpa, startpos): mpas = [eye_mpa] * startpos + [mpa] + \ [eye_mpa] * (nr_sites - startpos - local_width) res = mp.chain(mpas) return res nr_startpos = nr_sites - local_width + 1 mpas = [factory.random_mpa(local_width, (local_dim,) * 2, rank, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) for i in range(nr_startpos)] # Embed with mp.chain() and calculate naive MPA sum: mpas_embedded = [embed_mpa(mpa, i) for i, mpa in enumerate(mpas)] mpa_sum = mpas_embedded[0] for mpa in mpas_embedded[1:]: mpa_sum += mpa # Compare with local_sum: Same result, smaller rank mpa_local_sum = mp.local_sum(mpas) # Check that local_sum() is no worse than naive sum assert all(d1 <= d2 for d1, d2 in zip(mpa_local_sum.ranks, mpa_sum.ranks)) # Check that local_sum() is actually better than naive sum because # it calls local_sum_simple(). assert any(d1 < d2 for d1, d2 in zip(mpa_local_sum.ranks, mpa_sum.ranks)) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa_local_sum.to_array(), mpa_sum.to_array()) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_diag_1pleg(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen) mpa_np = mpa.to_array() # this should be a single, 1D numpy array diag_mp = mp.diag(mpa) diag_np = np.array([mpa_np[(i,) * nr_sites] for i in range(local_dim)]) assert_array_almost_equal(diag_mp, diag_np) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_diag_2plegs(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, 2 * (local_dim,), rank, randstate=rgen) mpa_np = mpa.to_array() # this should be a single, 1D numpy array diag_mp = mp.diag(mpa, axis=1) diag_np = np.array([mpa_np[(slice(None), i) * nr_sites] for i in range(local_dim)]) for a, b in zip(diag_mp, diag_np): assert a.ndims[0] == 1 assert_array_almost_equal(a.to_array(), b) ############################################################################### # Shape changes, conversions # ############################################################################### # nr_sites, local_dim, rank, sites_per_group MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_GROUPS = [(6, 2, 4, 3), (6, 2, 4, 2), (4, 3, 5, 2)] @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank, sites_per_group', MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_GROUPS) def test_group_sites(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, sites_per_group, rgen): assert (nr_sites % sites_per_group) == 0, \ 'nr_sites not a multiple of sites_per_group' mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim,) * 2, rank, randstate=rgen) grouped_mpa = mpa.group_sites(sites_per_group) op = mpa.to_array() grouped_op = grouped_mpa.to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(op, grouped_op) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank, sites_per_group', MP_TEST_PARAMETERS_GROUPS) def test_split_sites(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, sites_per_group, rgen): assert (nr_sites % sites_per_group) == 0, \ 'nr_sites not a multiple of sites_per_group' ndims = (local_dim,) * (2 * sites_per_group) mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites // sites_per_group, ndims, rank, randstate=rgen) split_mpa = mpa.split_sites(sites_per_group) op = mpa.to_array() split_op = split_mpa.to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(op, split_op) @pt.mark.parametrize('ndims', [1, 2, 3]) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_reverse(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, ndims, rgen): mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim,) * ndims, rank, rgen, normalized=True) arr = mpa.to_array() rev_arr = arr.transpose(np.arange(nr_sites * ndims) .reshape((nr_sites, ndims))[::-1, :].ravel()) rev_mpa = mpa.reverse() rev_arr2 = rev_mpa.to_array() assert_almost_equal(rev_arr, rev_arr2) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_bleg2pleg_pleg2bleg(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen) # +2 so we cover all possibilities mpa.canonicalize(left=nr_sites // 2, right=min(nr_sites // 2 + 2, nr_sites)) for pos in range(nr_sites - 1): mpa_t = mpa.vleg2leg(pos) true_rank = mpa.ranks[pos] pshape = [(local_dim,)] * pos + [(local_dim, true_rank)] + \ [(true_rank, local_dim)] + [(local_dim,)] * (nr_sites - pos - 2) ranks = list(mpa.ranks) ranks[pos] = 1 assert_array_equal(mpa_t.shape, pshape) assert_array_equal(mpa_t.ranks, ranks) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_t) mpa_t = mpa_t.leg2vleg(pos) # This is an ugly hack, but necessary to use the assert_mpa_identical # function. Normalization-awareness gets lost in the process! mpa_t._lt._lcanonical, mpa_t._lt._rcanonical = mpa.canonical_form assert_mpa_identical(mpa, mpa_t) if nr_sites > 1: mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, 1, randstate=rgen) mpa.canonicalize() mpa_t = mpa.leg2vleg(nr_sites // 2 - 1) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_t) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_split(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): if nr_sites < 2: return mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen) for pos in range(nr_sites - 1): mpa_l, mpa_r = mpa.split(pos) assert len(mpa_l) == pos + 1 assert len(mpa_l) + len(mpa_r) == nr_sites assert_correct_normalization(mpa_l) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_r) recons = np.tensordot(mpa_l.to_array(), mpa_r.to_array(), axes=(-1, 0)) assert_array_almost_equal(mpa.to_array(), recons) for (lnorm, rnorm) in it.product(range(nr_sites - 1), range(1, nr_sites)): mpa_l, mpa_r = mpa.split(nr_sites // 2 - 1) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_l) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_r) def test_reshape(rgen): mpa = factory.random_mpa(4, [(3, 2), (4,), (2, 5), (24,)], 4) mpa.canonicalize() mpa_r = mpa.reshape([(2, 3), (2, 2), (10,), (3, 2, 4)]) assert all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(mpa_r.shape, [(2, 3), (2, 2), (10,), (3, 2, 4)])) assert_correct_normalization(mpa_r, *mpa.canonical_form) ############################################################################### # Normalization & Compression # ############################################################################### @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, _', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_canonicalization_from_full(nr_sites, local_dim, _, rgen): op = factory._random_op(nr_sites, local_dim, randstate=rgen) mpo = mp.MPArray.from_array(op, 2) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, nr_sites - 1, nr_sites) # FIXME Add counter to normalization functions @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_canonicalization_incremental(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) for site in range(1, nr_sites): mpo.canonicalize(left=site) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, site, nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype for site in range(nr_sites - 1, 0, -1): mpo.canonicalize(right=site) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, site - 1, site) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype # FIXME Add counter to normalization functions @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_canonicalization_jump(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): # This test assumes at least two sites. if nr_sites == 1: return mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) center = nr_sites // 2 mpo.canonicalize(left=center - 1, right=center) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, center - 1, center) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_canonicalization_full(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) mpo.canonicalize(right=1) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype ########################################################################### mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) op = mpo.to_array_global() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) mpo.canonicalize(left=len(mpo) - 1) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, len(mpo) - 1, len(mpo)) assert_array_almost_equal(op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert mpo.dtype == dtype @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_canonicalization_default_args(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): # The following normalizations assume at least two sites. if nr_sites == 1: return mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) mpo.canonicalize(left=1) mpo.canonicalize() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, nr_sites - 1, nr_sites) mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, randstate=rgen) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, nr_sites) # The following normalization assumes at least three sites. if nr_sites == 2: return mpo.canonicalize(left=1) mpo.canonicalize(right=nr_sites - 2) mpo.canonicalize() assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, 1) def test_canonicalization_compression(rgen): """If the rank is too large at the boundary, qr decompostion in normalization may yield smaller rank""" mpo = factory.random_mpa(sites=2, ldim=2, rank=20, randstate=rgen) mpo.canonicalize(right=1) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 0, 1) assert mpo.ranks[0] == 2 mpo = factory.random_mpa(sites=2, ldim=2, rank=20, randstate=rgen) mpo.canonicalize(left=1) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, 1, 2) assert mpo.ranks[0] == 2 @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_mult_mpo_scalar_normalization(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): if nr_sites < 2: # Re-normalization has no effect for nr_sites == 1. There is # nothing more to test than :func:`test_mult_mpo_scalar`. return mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, (local_dim, local_dim), rank, dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen) op = mpo.to_array_global() scalar = rgen.randn() + 1.j * rgen.randn() center = nr_sites // 2 mpo.canonicalize(left=center - 1, right=center) mpo_times_two = scalar * mpo assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, mpo_times_two.to_array_global()) assert_correct_normalization(mpo_times_two, center - 1, center) mpo *= scalar assert_array_almost_equal(scalar * op, mpo.to_array_global()) assert_correct_normalization(mpo, center - 1, center) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_singularvals(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, dtype, rgen): mps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype, normalized=True, force_rank=True) psi = mps.to_array() # Start from a non-normalized state assert mps.canonical_form == (0, nr_sites) svals = list(mps.singularvals()) if nr_sites == 1: assert mps.canonical_form == (0, 1) else: # The last local tensor update from _compress_svd_r() is not # carried out. This behaviour may change. assert mps.canonical_form == (nr_sites - 2, nr_sites - 1) assert len(svals) == nr_sites - 1 for n_left in range(1, nr_sites): sv = svals[n_left - 1] mat = psi.reshape((local_dim**n_left, -1)) sv2 = np.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=False) n_sv = min(len(sv), len(sv2)) # Output from `svd()` is always in descending order assert_almost_equal(sv[n_sv:], 0.0) assert_almost_equal(sv2[n_sv:], 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(sv[:n_sv], sv2[:n_sv]) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_pad_ranks(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen): mps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen, normalized=True) mps2 = mps.pad_ranks(2 * rank) assert mps2.ranks == tuple(min(d, 2 * rank) for d in mp.full_rank(mps.shape)) assert_almost_equal(mp.normdist(mps, mps2), 0.0) mps2 = mps.pad_ranks(2 * rank, force_rank=True) assert mps2.ranks == (2 * rank,) * (nr_sites - 1) assert_almost_equal(mp.normdist(mps, mps2), 0.0) ##################################### # SVD and variational compression # ##################################### # nr_sites, local_dims, rank compr_sizes = pt.mark.parametrize( # Start with `2*rank` and compress to `rank`. 'nr_sites, local_dims, rank', ( (4, 2, 3), pt.mark.long((2, (2, 3), 5)), pt.mark.long((5, 3, 4)), # TODO Create a separate marker for very long tests: # (4, (2, 3), 5), # (6, 2, 3), # (5, (2, 2, 2), 20), # about 2 minutes (Core i5-3380M) # (16, 2, 10), # about 2 minutes # (16, 2, 30), # about 10 minutes ) ) compr_settings = pt.mark.parametrize( 'comparg', ( dict(method='svd', direction='left'), dict(method='svd', direction='right'), dict(method='svd', direction='left', relerr=1e-6), dict(method='svd', direction='right', relerr=1e-6), pt.mark.long(dict(method='var', num_sweeps=1, var_sites=1)), dict(method='var', num_sweeps=2, var_sites=1), pt.mark.long(dict(method='var', num_sweeps=3, var_sites=1)), pt.mark.long(dict(method='var', num_sweeps=1, var_sites=2)), dict(method='var', num_sweeps=2, var_sites=2), pt.mark.long(dict(method='var', num_sweeps=3, var_sites=2)), # See :func:`call_compression` below for the meaning of # 'fillbelow'. dict(method='var', num_sweeps=2, var_sites=1, startmpa='fillbelow'), ) ) # Test compression works for different normalizations of the MPA # before compression. compr_normalization = pt.mark.parametrize( 'canonicalize', (dict(left=1, right=-1), dict()) + tuple(pt.mark.long(x) for x in ( None, dict(left='afull'), dict(right='afull'), dict(left=1), dict(left=-1), dict(right=1), dict(right=-1), dict(left=1, right=2), dict(left=-2, right=-1), dict(left=1, right=-1), )) ) def _chain_decorators(*args): def chain_decorator(f): for deco in reversed(args): f = deco(f) return f return chain_decorator compr_test_params = _chain_decorators(compr_sizes, compr_settings, compr_normalization) def normalize_if_applicable(mpa, nmz): """Check whether the given normalization can be applied. :param mp.MPArray mpa: Will call `mpa.canonicalize()` :param nmz: Keyword arguments for `mpa.canonicalize()` or `None` :returns: True if the normalization has been applied. `nmz=None` means not to call `mpa.canonicalize()` at all. The test whether the normalization can be applied is not comprehensive. """ # Make sure the input is non-normalized. Otherwise, the output can # be more normalized than desired for the test. assert mpa.canonical_form == (0, len(mpa)), "want non-normalized MPA for test" if nmz is not None: if nmz.get('left') == 1 and nmz.get('right') == -1 and len(mpa) == 2: return False mpa.canonicalize(**nmz) return True def call_compression(mpa, comparg, target_rank, rgen, call_compress=False): """Call `mpa.compress` or `mpa.compression` with suitable arguments. Does not make a copy of `mpa` in any case. :param target_rank: Compress to rank `target_rank`. :param call_compress: If `True`, call `mpa.compress` instead of `mpa.compression` (the default). :param comparg: Settings dict for compression. If `relerr` is not present, add `rank = target_rank`. If `startmpa` is equal to `'fillbelow'`, insert a random MPA. :returns: Compressed MPA. """ if not ('relerr' in comparg) and (comparg.get('startmpa') == 'fillbelow'): startmpa = factory.random_mpa(len(mpa), mpa.shape[0], target_rank, normalized=True, randstate=rgen, dtype=mpa.dtype) comparg = update_copy_of(comparg, {'startmpa': startmpa}) else: comparg = update_copy_of(comparg, {'rank': target_rank}) if (comparg.get('method') == 'var') and not ('startmpa' in comparg): comparg = update_copy_of(comparg, {'randstate': rgen}) if call_compress: return mpa.compress(**comparg) else: return mpa.compression(**comparg) # We want check compression for inputs with norm different from 1. In the next # function and below, we do this with a normalized state multiplied with a # constant with magnitude different from 1. This is to avoid errors like # "123456789.1 and 123456789.2 are not equal to six decimals" and is related to # the fixme at the module start. @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @compr_test_params def test_compression_and_compress(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, canonicalize, comparg, dtype, rgen): """Test that .compression() and .compress() produce identical results. """ # See comment above on "4.2 *" mpa = 4.2 * factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dims, rank * 2, normalized=True, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) if not normalize_if_applicable(mpa, canonicalize): return comparg = comparg.copy() if comparg['method'] == 'var': # Exact equality between `compr` and `compr2` below requires # using the same start vector in both cases. comparg['startmpa'] = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, dtype=dtype, randstate=rgen) # The results from .compression() and .compress() must match # exactly. No numerical difference is allowed. compr2 = mpa.copy() overlap2 = call_compression(compr2, comparg, rank, rgen, call_compress=True) compr, overlap = call_compression(mpa, comparg, rank, rgen) assert_almost_equal(overlap, overlap2) # FIXME Why do they not agree completely? We are doing the same thing... assert_mpa_identical(compr, compr2, decimal=12) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @compr_test_params def test_compression_result_properties(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, canonicalize, comparg, rgen, dtype): """Test general properties of the MPA coming from a compression. * Compare SVD compression against simpler implementation * Check that all implementations return the correct overlap * Check that the rank has decreased and that it is as prescribed * Check that the normalization advertised in the result is correct * Check that compression doesnt change the dtype TODO: The worst case for compression is that all singular values have the same size. This gives a fidelity lower bound for the compression result. Check that lower bound. FIXME: Make this test a wrapper around MPArray.compression() to reduce code duplication. This wrapper would replace call_compression(). This would also apply more tests .compress(). At the moment, we mostly test .compression(). """ mpa = 4.2 * factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dims, rank * 2, normalized=True, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) if not normalize_if_applicable(mpa, canonicalize): return compr, overlap = call_compression(mpa.copy(), comparg, rank, rgen) # 'relerr' is currently 1e-6 and no rank is provided, so no # compression will occur. if 'relerr' not in comparg: # Check that the rank has changed. assert max(compr.ranks) < max(mpa.ranks) # Check that the target rank is satisfied assert max(compr.ranks) <= rank # Check that the inner product is correct. assert_almost_equal(overlap, mp.inner(mpa, compr)) # SVD: Check that .canonical_form is as expected. if comparg['method'] == 'svd': normtarget = {'left': (0, 1), 'right': (len(compr) - 1, len(compr))} assert compr.canonical_form == normtarget[comparg['direction']] # Check the content of .canonical_form is correct. assert_correct_normalization(compr) assert compr.dtype == dtype # SVD: compare with alternative implementation if comparg['method'] == 'svd' and 'relerr' not in comparg: alt_compr = compression_svd(mpa.to_array(), rank, comparg['direction']) compr = compr.to_array() assert_array_almost_equal(alt_compr, compr) @pt.mark.parametrize('dtype', pt.MP_TEST_DTYPES) @pt.mark.parametrize('nr_sites, local_dim, rank', pt.MP_TEST_PARAMETERS) def test_var_no_worse_than_svd(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype): """Variational compresssion should always improve the overlap of the compressed mpa with the original one -- we test this by running a single variational compression sweep after an SVD compression and check that the overlap did not become smaller""" mpa = 4.2 * factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, 5 * rank, normalized=True, randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype) mpa_svd, overlap_svd = mpa.compression(method='svd', rank=rank) overlap_svd /= mp.norm(mpa.copy()) * mp.norm(mpa_svd) mpa_var, overlap_var = mpa.compression(method='var', rank=rank, startmpa=mpa_svd, num_sweeps=1) overlap_var /= mp.norm(mpa) * mp.norm(mpa_var) assert overlap_var > overlap_svd * (1 - 1e-14) @compr_test_params def test_compression_rank_noincrease(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, canonicalize, comparg, rgen): """Check that rank does not increase if the target rank is larger than the MPA rank """ if 'relerr' in comparg: return # Test does not apply mpa = 4.2 * factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, normalized=True, randstate=rgen) norm = mp.norm(mpa.copy()) if not normalize_if_applicable(mpa, canonicalize): return for factor in (1, 2): compr, overlap = call_compression(mpa, comparg, rank * factor, rgen) assert_almost_equal(overlap, norm**2) assert_mpa_almost_equal(compr, mpa, full=True) assert (np.array(compr.ranks) <= np.array(mpa.ranks)).all() @pt.mark.parametrize('add', ('zero', 'self', 'self2')) @compr_test_params def test_compression_trivialsum(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, canonicalize, comparg, add, rgen): """Check that `a + b` compresses exactly to a multiple of `a` if `b` is equal to one of `0`, `a` or `-2*a` """ mpa = 4.2 * factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dims, rank, normalized=True, randstate=rgen) norm = mp.norm(mpa.copy()) if not normalize_if_applicable(mpa, canonicalize): return zero =, local_dims, rank) choices = {'zero': (zero, 1), 'self': (mpa, 2), 'self2': (-2*mpa, -1)} add, factor = choices[add] msum = mpa + add assert_mpa_almost_equal(msum, factor * mpa, full=True) # Check that rank has increased (they exactly add) for dim1, dim2, sum_dim in zip(mpa.ranks, add.ranks, msum.ranks): assert dim1 + dim2 == sum_dim compr, overlap = call_compression(msum, comparg, rank, rgen) assert_almost_equal(overlap, (norm * factor)**2) assert_mpa_almost_equal(compr, factor * mpa, full=True) assert (np.array(compr.ranks) <= np.array(mpa.ranks)).all()
# (c) Crown Copyright 2014 Defence Science and Technology Laboratory UK # Author: Rich Brantingham import json import datetime from HTMLParser import HTMLParser #Used to create a non-marked up snippet from django.contrib.auth.models import User from ideaworks.generic_resources import BaseCorsResource # Contentapp objects, authentication class and data output serializer import contentapp.documents as documents from contentapp.authentication import CustomApiKeyAuthentication from contentapp.serializers import CustomSerializer def count_builder(bundle, field, count_field): """ Generates count values based on the length of another list/embedded field""" # Patch in the count values if[count_field] = len([field]) else:[count_field] = 0[field] = [] return bundle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_top_level_pm_elements(bundle): """ Extracts the useful PM elements out to the top level """ # Ensure PM field exists try: pm =['protective_marking'] except:['pretty_pm'] = 'NO PROTECTIVE MARKING FOUND'['classification_short'] = 'NO PROTECTIVE MARKING FOUND' # Try to access the pretty pm try:['pretty_pm'] =['pretty_pm'] except:['pretty_pm'] = 'NO PROTECTIVE MARKING FOUND' # Try to access the short classification try:['classification_short'] =['classification_short'] except:['classification_short'] = 'NO PROTECTIVE MARKING FOUND' return bundle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_contributors_info(bundle, contributor=None): """ Get the user info for a specific contributor""" # Get the id of the user if not contributor: contributor =['user'] # Get the user object user_obj = None try: user_obj = User.objects.get(username=contributor) except: user_obj = User.objects.get(email=contributor) if user_obj:['contributor_name'] = user_obj.first_name.title() + ' ' + user_obj.last_name.title() return bundle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_all_pms(documents, subdocs_to_check=[], pm_name='protective_marking', keep_field=None): """ Access all the PM elements from documents and lists of sub-documents keep_field specifies the field to keep - removing all the rest from the PM response.""" pm_docs = [] # Loop the objects for doc in documents: # Loop the fields and check if any of them are lists # If they are, then check for a PM subdocument to work on too for fld in if fld.lower() in subdocs_to_check: for sub_object in[fld]: # Grab the pm object from any subdocuments try: pm_docs.append([pm_name]) except KeyError: print 'failed to append pm of listed subdoc' # Grab the protective marking object from the top level object try: pm_docs.append([pm_name]) except AttributeError: pm_docs.append(doc[pm_name]) except KeyError: print 'Failed to get pm subdocument' return pm_docs #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sub_field(object, field_name): """ This is basically (realised after the fact) to catch the fact that in some cases the object being passed in is a bundle and in others (namely my tests) it is a list, which doesn't have the .data attribute """ if object == None: content = None else: try: content =[field_name] except AttributeError: content = object[field_name] return content #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_max_pm(pm_docs): """ Get the maximum protective marking elements """ max_class_rank = -1 max_class_full = 'PUBLIC' max_class_short = 'PU' max_nat_cavs_rank = 0 max_nat_cavs = '' max_nat_cavs_members = [] codewords = [] codewords_short = [] descriptors = [] # Derive maximums (classifications and national caveats) for doc in pm_docs: doc_class_rank = get_sub_field(doc, 'classification_rank') if doc_class_rank == None: continue doc_cavs_rank = get_sub_field(doc, 'national_caveats_rank') if doc_class_rank == None: continue # CLASSIFICATION # Is it higher than the current max rank value? if not doc: continue if int(doc_class_rank) > max_class_rank: max_class_full = get_sub_field(doc, 'classification') max_class_short = get_sub_field(doc, 'classification_short') max_class_rank = get_sub_field(doc, 'classification_rank') if int(doc_cavs_rank) > max_nat_cavs_rank: max_nat_cavs = get_sub_field(doc, 'national_caveats_primary_name') max_nat_cavs_members = get_sub_field(doc, 'national_caveats_members') max_nat_cavs_rank = get_sub_field(doc, 'national_caveats_rank') # Concatenate the codewords - assumed not mutually exclusive codewords += get_sub_field(doc, 'codewords') codewords_short += get_sub_field(doc, 'codewords_short') # Concatenate the descriptors - assumed not mutually exclusive if get_sub_field(doc, 'descriptor') and get_sub_field(doc, 'descriptor').upper() not in descriptors: descriptors.append(get_sub_field(doc, 'descriptor')) #TODO: Just joining the descriptors together rather than handling them properly as a list descriptors_out = ','.join(descriptors) max_pm = documents.ProtectiveMarking(classification = max_class_full, classification_short = max_class_short, classification_rank = max_class_rank, national_caveats_primary_name = max_nat_cavs, national_caveats_members = max_nat_cavs_members, national_caveats_rank = max_nat_cavs_rank, codewords = list(set(codewords)), # Get a unique list codewords_short = list(set(codewords_short)), descriptor = descriptors_out) return json.loads(max_pm.to_json()) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def calculate_informal_time(time_stamp): """ Calculates an informal time and presents it as a string Outside the classes as it may get used in several places.""" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() delta = now - time_stamp if delta.days < 1 and delta.seconds <= 60: informal_format = "just now" elif delta.days < 1 and delta.seconds > 60 and delta.seconds <= 120: informal_format = "1 minute ago" elif delta.days < 1 and delta.seconds < 3600: informal_format = "%s minutes ago" %(int(delta.seconds/60)) elif delta.days < 1 and delta.seconds/3600 <= 2: informal_format = "%s hour ago" %(int(delta.seconds/3600)) elif delta.days < 1 and delta.seconds/3600 <= 24: informal_format = "%s hours ago" %(int(delta.seconds/3600)) # If it was within the last week elif delta.days <= 7: informal_format = time_stamp.strftime("%A at %H:%M z") # If it was last 6 months elif delta.days <= 182: informal_format = time_stamp.strftime("%a, %d %b at %H:%M z") # If it was within the last year elif delta.days <= 365: informal_format = time_stamp.strftime("%d %B") # If it was last year else: informal_format = time_stamp.strftime("%d %b '%y") return informal_format # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MLStripper(HTMLParser): """ Used to strip out the tags from html content Primarily for summary content text. """ def __init__(self): self.reset() self.fed = [] def handle_data(self, d): self.fed.append(d) def get_data(self): return ''.join(self.fed) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def strip_tags(html): """ Remove the tags""" s = MLStripper() s.feed(html) return s.get_data() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def smart_truncate(content, length=100, suffix='...'): """ Truncate a string based on words """ if len(content) <= length: return content else: return ' '.join(content[:length+1].split(' ')[0:-1]) + suffix # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def derive_snippet(text_html, chrs=240): """ Strips text of html tags and truncates on nearest full word """ if not text_html or text_html == '': text = text_html else: stripped_text = strip_tags(text_html.replace('\n', '')) text = smart_truncate(stripped_text, length=chrs, suffix='...') return text
# tests.test_classifier.test_class_prediction_error # Testing for the ClassPredictionError visualizer # # Author: Benjamin Bengfort <> # Author: Rebecca Bilbro <> # Author: Larry Gray # Created: Tue May 23 13:41:55 2017 -0700 # # Copyright (C) 2017 District Data Labs # For license information, see LICENSE.txt # # ID: [] $ """ Testing for the ClassPredictionError visualizer """ ########################################################################## ## Imports ########################################################################## import pytest import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tests.dataset import DatasetMixin from yellowbrick.classifier.class_prediction_error import * from yellowbrick.exceptions import ModelError from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.datasets import make_multilabel_classification, make_classification from tests.base import VisualTestCase ########################################################################## ## Data ########################################################################## X, y = make_classification( n_classes=4, n_informative=3, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=42 ) ########################################################################## ## Tests ########################################################################## class ClassPredictionErrorTests(VisualTestCase, DatasetMixin): def test_integration_class_prediction_error(self): """ Assert no errors occur during class prediction error integration """ model = LinearSVC(), y) visualizer = ClassPredictionError(model, classes=["A", "B", "C", "D"]) visualizer.score(X, y) visualizer.finalize() # AppVeyor and Linux conda fail due to non-text-based differences self.assert_images_similar(visualizer, tol=9.5) def test_class_prediction_error_quickmethod(self): """ Test the ClassPreditionError quickmethod """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot() clf = LinearSVC(random_state=42) viz = class_prediction_error(clf, X, y, ax=ax, random_state=42) self.assert_images_similar(viz) def test_classes_greater_than_indices(self): """ Assert error when y and y_pred contain zero values for one of the specified classess """ model = LinearSVC(), y) with self.assertRaises(ModelError): visualizer = ClassPredictionError( model, classes=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"] ) visualizer.score(X, y) def test_classes_less_than_indices(self): """ Assert error when there is an attempt to filter classes """ model = LinearSVC(), y) with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): visualizer = ClassPredictionError(model, classes=["A"]) visualizer.score(X, y) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="not implemented yet") def test_no_classes_provided(self): """ Assert no errors when no classes are provided """ pass def test_class_type(self): """ Test class must be either binary or multiclass type """ X, y = make_multilabel_classification() model = RandomForestClassifier(), y) with self.assertRaises(YellowbrickValueError): visualizer = ClassPredictionError(model) visualizer.score(X, y) def test_score_returns_score(self): """ Test that ClassPredictionError score() returns a score between 0 and 1 """ # Create and fit the visualizer visualizer = ClassPredictionError(LinearSVC()), y) # Score the visualizer s = visualizer.score(X, y) assert 0 <= s <= 1
# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Virgil Security Inc. # # Lead Maintainer: Virgil Security Inc. <> # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING # IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os from time import sleep from virgil_sdk.tests import BaseTest from virgil_sdk.jwt import TokenContext, Jwt from virgil_sdk.jwt.providers import CallbackJwtProvider, ConstAccessTokenProvider from virgil_sdk.utils import Utils class AccessTokenProviderTest(BaseTest): def test_get_token_from_server(self): # STC-24 call_back_provider = CallbackJwtProvider(self._get_token_from_server) context = TokenContext("test_identity", "some_operation") token1 = call_back_provider.get_token(context) sleep(1) token2 = call_back_provider.get_token(context) self.assertNotEqual(token1.to_string(), token2.to_string()) self.assertNotEqual(token1, token2) def test_get_invalid_token_from_server(self): # STC-24 def failed_get_from_server(context): return Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(30)) callback_provider = CallbackJwtProvider(failed_get_from_server) context = TokenContext("test_identity", "some_operation") self.assertRaises(ValueError, callback_provider.get_token, context) def test_get_const_access_token(self): # STC-37 token_from_server = self._get_token_from_server( TokenContext( Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(20)), "some_operation" ) ) jwt = Jwt.from_string(token_from_server) const_token_provider = ConstAccessTokenProvider(jwt) token1 = const_token_provider.get_token( TokenContext( Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(10)), Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(10)), True ) ) token2 = const_token_provider.get_token( TokenContext( Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(10)), Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(10)), True ) ) self.assertEqual(token1, token2) def test_imported_token_compare_with_origin(self): callback_provider = CallbackJwtProvider(self._get_token_from_server) context = TokenContext( Utils.b64encode(os.urandom(20)), "some_operation" ) token = callback_provider.get_token(context) imported_token = Jwt.from_string(token.to_string()) self.assertTrue(token, imported_token)
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright 2012-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import StringIO import sys from oslo.config import cfg from pbr.tests import utils from pbr import version class DeferredVersionTestCase(utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(DeferredVersionTestCase, self).setUp() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() def test_cached_version(self): class MyVersionInfo(version.VersionInfo): def _get_version_from_pkg_resources(self): return "" deferred_string = MyVersionInfo("openstack").\ cached_version_string() self.conf([], project="project", prog="prog", version=deferred_string) self.assertEquals("", str(self.conf.version)) def test_print_cached_version(self): class MyVersionInfo(version.VersionInfo): def _get_version_from_pkg_resources(self): return "" deferred_string = MyVersionInfo("openstack")\ .cached_version_string() self.stubs.Set(sys, 'stderr', StringIO.StringIO()) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.conf, ['--version'], project="project", prog="prog", version=deferred_string) self.assertEquals("", sys.stderr.getvalue().strip()) def test_print_cached_version_with_long_string(self): my_version = "11111222223333344444555556666677777888889999900000" class MyVersionInfo(version.VersionInfo): def _get_version_from_pkg_resources(self): return my_version deferred_string = MyVersionInfo("openstack")\ .cached_version_string() for i in range(50): self.stubs.Set(sys, 'stderr', StringIO.StringIO()) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.conf, ['--version'], project="project", prog="prog", version=deferred_string) self.assertEquals(my_version, sys.stderr.getvalue().strip())
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import apnumber from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.template.defaultfilters import capfirst __author__ = 'dimitris' # See from django.db import models from django import forms class MultiSelectFormField(forms.MultipleChoiceField): widget = forms.SelectMultiple def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.max_choices = kwargs.pop('max_choices', 0) super(MultiSelectFormField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, value): if not value and self.required: raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['required']) if value and self.max_choices and len(value) > self.max_choices: raise forms.ValidationError('You must select a maximum of %s choices.' % (apnumber(self.max_choices))) return value class MultiSelectField(models.Field): __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase def get_internal_type(self): return "CharField" def get_choices_default(self): return self.get_choices(include_blank=False) def _get_FIELD_display(self, field): value = getattr(self, field.attname) choicedict = dict(field.choices) def formfield(self, **kwargs): # don't call super, as that overrides default widget if it has choices defaults = {'required': not self.blank, 'label': capfirst(self.verbose_name), 'help_text': self.help_text, 'choices':self.choices} try: defaults['initial'] = self.initial except: pass if self.has_default(): defaults['initial'] = self.get_default() defaults.update(kwargs) return MultiSelectFormField(**defaults) def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False): if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, list): return ",".join(value) def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): return value if not value: return [] else: return value.split(",") def value_to_string(self, obj): value = self._get_val_from_obj(obj) return self.get_prep_value(value) def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(MultiSelectField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) if self.choices: func = lambda self, fieldname = name, choicedict = dict(self.choices):",".join([choicedict.get(value,value) for value in getattr(self,fieldname)]) setattr(cls, 'get_%s_display' %, func) def validate(self, value, model_instance): arr_choices = self.get_choices_selected(self.get_choices_default()) for opt_select in value: if (opt_select not in arr_choices): raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice'] % value) return def get_choices_selected(self, arr_choices=''): if not arr_choices: return False list = [] for choice_selected in arr_choices: list.append(choice_selected[0]) return list
import warnings import evfuncs import numpy as np import scipy.signal from matplotlib.mlab import specgram from .parse.ref_spect_params import refs_dict class WindowError(Exception): pass class SegmentParametersMismatchError(Exception): pass def butter_bandpass(freq_cutoffs, samp_freq, order=8): """returns filter coefficients for Butterworth bandpass filter Parameters ---------- freq_cutoffs: list low and high frequencies of pass band, e.g. [500, 10000] samp_freq: int sampling frequency order: int of filter, default is 8 Returns ------- b, a: ndarray, ndarray adopted from the SciPy cookbook: """ nyquist = 0.5 * samp_freq freq_cutoffs = np.asarray(freq_cutoffs) / nyquist b, a = scipy.signal.butter(order, freq_cutoffs, btype="bandpass") return b, a def butter_bandpass_filter(data, samp_freq, freq_cutoffs, order=8): """applies Butterworth bandpass filter to data Parameters ---------- data: ndarray 1-d array of raw audio data samp_freq: int sampling frequency freq_cutoffs: list low and high frequencies of pass band, e.g. [500, 10000] order: int of filter, default is 8 Returns ------- data: ndarray data after filtering adopted from the SciPy cookbook: """ b, a = butter_bandpass(freq_cutoffs, samp_freq, order=order) return scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, data) class Spectrogram: """class for making spectrograms. Abstracts out function calls so user just has to put spectrogram parameters in YAML config file. """ def __init__( self, nperseg=None, noverlap=None, freq_cutoffs=(500, 10000), window=None, filter_func=None, spect_func=None, log_transform_spect=True, thresh=-4.0, remove_dc=True, ): """Spectrogram.__init__ function Parameters ---------- nperseg : int numper of samples per segment for FFT, e.g. 512 noverlap : int number of overlapping samples in each segment nperseg and noverlap are required for __init__ Other Parameters ---------------- freq_cutoffs : two-element list of integers limits of frequency band to keep, e.g. [1000,8000] Spectrogram.make keeps the band: freq_cutoffs[0] >= spectrogram > freq_cutoffs[1] Default is [500, 10000]. window : str window to apply to segments valid strings are 'Hann', 'dpss', None Hann -- Uses np.Hanning with parameter M (window width) set to value of nperseg dpss -- Discrete prolate spheroidal sequence AKA Slepian. Uses scipy.signal.slepian with M parameter equal to nperseg and width parameter equal to 4/nperseg, as in [2]_. Default is None. filter_func : str filter to apply to raw audio. valid strings are 'diff' or None 'diff' -- differential filter, literally np.diff applied to signal as in [1]_. Default is None. Note this is different from filters applied to isolate frequency band. spect_func : str which function to use for spectrogram. valid strings are 'scipy' or 'mpl'. 'scipy' uses scipy.signal.spectrogram, 'mpl' uses matplotlib.matlab.specgram. Default is 'scipy'. log_transform_spect : bool if True, applies np.log10 to spectrogram to increase range. Default is True. thresh : float threshold for spectrogram. All values below thresh are set to thresh; increases contrast when visualizing spectrogram with a colormap. Default is -4 (assumes log_transform_spect==True) remove_dc : bool if True, remove the zero-frequency component of the spectrogram, i.e. the DC offset, which in a sound recording should be zero. Default is True. Calculation of some features (e.g. cepstrum) requires the DC component however. References ---------- .. [1] Tachibana, Ryosuke O., Naoya Oosugi, and Kazuo Okanoya. "Semi- automatic classification of birdsong elements using a linear support vector machine." PloS one 9.3 (2014): e92584. .. [2] Koumura, Takuya, and Kazuo Okanoya. "Automatic recognition of element classes and boundaries in the birdsong with variable sequences." PloS one 11.7 (2016): e0159188. """ if nperseg is None: raise ValueError("nperseg requires a value for Spectrogram.__init__") if noverlap is None: raise ValueError("noverlap requires a value for Spectrogram.__init__") if spect_func is None: # switch to default # can't have in args list because need to check above for # conflict with default spectrogram functions for each ref spect_func = "scipy" if type(nperseg) != int: raise TypeError( "type of nperseg must be int, but is {}".format(type(nperseg)) ) else: self.nperseg = nperseg if type(noverlap) != int: raise TypeError( "type of noverlap must be int, but is {}".format(type(noverlap)) ) else: self.noverlap = noverlap if window is None: self.window = None else: if type(window) != str: raise TypeError( "type of window must be str, but is {}".format(type(window)) ) else: if window not in ["Hann", "dpss"]: raise ValueError( "{} is not a valid specification for window".format(window) ) else: if window == "Hann": self.window = np.hanning(self.nperseg) elif window == "dpss": self.window = self.nperseg, 4 / self.nperseg ) if freq_cutoffs is None: self.freqCutoffs = None else: if freq_cutoffs == (500, 10000): # if default, convert to list # don't want to have a mutable list as the default # because mutable defaults can give rise to nasty bugs freq_cutoffs = list(freq_cutoffs) if type(freq_cutoffs) != list: raise TypeError( "type of freq_cutoffs must be list, but is {}".format( type(freq_cutoffs) ) ) elif len(freq_cutoffs) != 2: raise ValueError( "freq_cutoffs list should have length 2, but length is {}".format( len(freq_cutoffs) ) ) elif not all([type(val) == int for val in freq_cutoffs]): raise ValueError("all values in freq_cutoffs list must be ints") else: self.freqCutoffs = freq_cutoffs if freq_cutoffs is not None and filter_func is None: self.filterFunc = "butter_bandpass" # default if filter_func is not None and type(filter_func) != str: raise TypeError( "type of filter_func must be str, but is {}".format(type(filter_func)) ) elif filter_func not in ["diff", "bandpass_filtfilt", "butter_bandpass", None]: raise ValueError( "string '{}' is not valid for filter_func. " "Valid values are: 'diff' or None.".format(filter_func) ) else: self.filterFunc = filter_func if type(spect_func) != str: raise TypeError( "type of spect_func must be str, but is {}".format(type(spect_func)) ) elif spect_func not in ["scipy", "mpl"]: raise ValueError( "string '{}' is not valid for filter_func. " "Valid values are: 'scipy' or 'mpl'.".format(spect_func) ) else: self.spectFunc = spect_func if type(log_transform_spect) is not bool: raise ValueError( "Value for log_transform_spect is {}, but" " it must be bool.".format(type(log_transform_spect)) ) else: self.logTransformSpect = log_transform_spect if type(thresh) is not float and thresh is not None: try: thresh = float(thresh) self.tresh = thresh except: raise ValueError( "Value for thresh is {}, but" " it must be float.".format(type(thresh)) ) else: self.thresh = thresh if type(remove_dc) is not bool: raise TypeError( "Value for remove_dc should be boolean, not {}".format(type(remove_dc)) ) else: self.remove_dc = remove_dc def make(self, raw_audio, samp_freq): """makes spectrogram using assigned properties Parameters ---------- raw_audio : 1-d numpy array raw audio waveform samp_freq : integer scalar sampling frequency in Hz Returns ------- spect : 2-d numpy array freq_bins : 1-d numpy array time_bins : 1-d numpy array """ if self.filterFunc == "diff": raw_audio = np.diff( raw_audio ) # differential filter_func, as applied in Tachibana Okanoya 2014 elif self.filterFunc == "bandpass_filtfilt": raw_audio = evfuncs.bandpass_filtfilt( raw_audio, samp_freq, self.freqCutoffs ) elif self.filterFunc == "butter_bandpass": raw_audio = butter_bandpass_filter(raw_audio, samp_freq, self.freqCutoffs) try: # try to make spectrogram if self.spectFunc == "scipy": if self.window is not None: freq_bins, time_bins, spect = scipy.signal.spectrogram( raw_audio, samp_freq, window=self.window, nperseg=self.nperseg, noverlap=self.noverlap, ) else: freq_bins, time_bins, spect = scipy.signal.spectrogram( raw_audio, samp_freq, nperseg=self.nperseg, noverlap=self.noverlap, ) elif self.spectFunc == "mpl": # note that the matlab specgram function returns the STFT by default # whereas the default for the matplotlib.mlab version of specgram # returns the PSD. So to get the behavior of matplotlib.mlab.specgram # to match, mode must be set to 'complex' # I think I determined empirically at one point (by staring at single # cases) that mlab.specgram gave me values that were closer to Matlab's # specgram function than scipy.signal.spectrogram # Matlab's specgram is what Tachibana used in his original feature # extraction code. So I'm maintaining the option to use it here. # 'mpl' is set to return complex frequency spectrum, # not power spectral density, # because some tachibana features (based on CUIDADO feature set) # need to use the freq. spectrum before taking np.abs or np.log10 if self.window is not None: spect, freq_bins, time_bins = specgram( raw_audio, NFFT=self.nperseg, Fs=samp_freq, window=self.window, noverlap=self.noverlap, mode="complex", ) else: spect, freq_bins, time_bins = specgram( raw_audio, NFFT=self.nperseg, Fs=samp_freq, noverlap=self.noverlap, mode="complex", ) except ValueError as err: # if `try` to make spectrogram raised error if str(err) == "window is longer than input signal": raise WindowError() else: # unrecognized error raise if self.remove_dc: # remove zero-frequency component freq_bins = freq_bins[1:] spect = spect[1:, :] # we take the absolute magnitude # because we almost always want just that for our purposes spect = np.abs(spect) if self.logTransformSpect: spect = np.log10(spect) # log transform to increase range if self.thresh is not None: spect[spect < self.thresh] = self.thresh # below, I set freq_bins to >= freq_cutoffs # so that Koumura default of [1000,8000] returns 112 freq. bins if self.freqCutoffs is not None: f_inds = np.nonzero( (freq_bins >= self.freqCutoffs[0]) & (freq_bins <= self.freqCutoffs[1]) )[ 0 ] # returns tuple freq_bins = freq_bins[f_inds] spect = spect[f_inds, :] return spect, freq_bins, time_bins class Segmenter: def __init__(self, threshold=5000, min_syl_dur=0.02, min_silent_dur=0.002): """__init__ for Segmenter Parameters ---------- segment_params : dict with the following keys threshold : int value above which amplitude is considered part of a segment. default is 5000. min_syl_dur : float minimum duration of a segment. default is 0.02, i.e. 20 ms. min_silent_dur : float minimum duration of silent gap between segment. default is 0.002, i.e. 2 ms. """ self.threshold = threshold self.min_syl_dur = min_syl_dur self.min_silent_dur = min_silent_dur def compute_amp(spect): """ compute amplitude of spectrogram Assumes the values for frequencies are power spectral density (PSD). Sums PSD for each time bin, i.e. in each column. Inputs: spect -- output from spect_from_song Returns: amp -- amplitude """ return np.sum(spect, axis=0) def segment(self, array_to_segment, method, time_bins=None, samp_freq=None): """Divides songs into segments based on threshold crossings of amplitude. Returns onsets and offsets of segments, corresponding to syllables in a song. Parameters ---------- array_to_segment : ndarray Either amplitude of power spectral density, returned by compute_amp, or smoothed amplitude of filtered audio, returned by evfuncs.smooth_data time_bins : 1-d numpy array time in s, must be same length as log amp. Returned by Spectrogram.make. samp_freq : int sampling frequency method : str {'evsonganaly','psd'} Method to use. evsonganaly -- gives same result as segmentation by evsonganaly.m (a Matlab GUI for labeling song developed in the Brainard lab) Uses smoothed filtered amplitude of audio, as returned by evfuncs.smooth_data psd -- uses power spectral density of spectrogram, as returned by _compute_amp Returns ------- segment_dict : dict with following key, value pairs onsets_Hz : ndarray onset times given in sample number (Hz) offsets_Hz : ndarray offset times given in sample number (Hz) onsets_s : ndarray onset times given in sample number (Hz) offsets_s : 1-d numpy array arrays of onsets and offsets of segments. So for syllable 1 of a song, its onset is onsets[0] and its offset is offsets[0]. To get that segment of the spectrogram, you'd take spect[:,onsets[0]:offsets[0]] """ if time_bins is None and samp_freq is None: raise ValueError( "Values needed for either time_bins or samp_freq parameters " "needed to segment song." ) if time_bins is not None and samp_freq is not None: raise ValueError( "Can only use one of time_bins or samp_freq to segment song, " "but values were passed for both parameters" ) if method == "evsonganaly": if time_bins is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use time_bins with method 'evsonganaly'") if samp_freq is None: raise ValueError("must provide samp_freq with method 'evsonganaly'") if array_to_segment.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "If method is 'evsonganaly', then array_to_segment " "must be one-dimensional (i.e., raw audio signal)" ) if method == "psd": if samp_freq is not None: raise ValueError("cannot use samp_freq with method 'psd'") if time_bins is None: raise ValueError("must provide time_bins with method 'psd'") if array_to_segment.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "If method is 'psd', then array_to_segment " "must be two-dimensional (i.e., a spectrogram)" ) if array_to_segment.shape[-1] != time_bins.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( "if using time_bins, " "array_to_segment and time_bins must have same length" ) if method == "evsonganaly": amp = evfuncs.smooth_data( array_to_segment, samp_freq, refs_dict["evsonganaly"]["freq_cutoffs"] ) elif method == "psd": amp = self.compute_amp(array_to_segment) above_th = amp > self.threshold h = [1, -1] # convolving with h causes: # +1 whenever above_th changes from 0 to 1 # and -1 whenever above_th changes from 1 to 0 above_th_convoluted = np.convolve(h, above_th) if time_bins is not None: # if amp was taken from time_bins using compute_amp # note that np.where calls np.nonzero which returns a tuple # but numpy "knows" to use this tuple to index into time_bins onsets_s = time_bins[np.where(above_th_convoluted > 0)] offsets_s = time_bins[np.where(above_th_convoluted < 0)] elif samp_freq is not None: # if amp was taken from smoothed audio using smooth_data # here, need to get the array out of the tuple returned by np.where # **also note we avoid converting from samples to s # until *after* we find segments** onsets_Hz = np.where(above_th_convoluted > 0)[0] offsets_Hz = np.where(above_th_convoluted < 0)[0] onsets_s = onsets_Hz / samp_freq offsets_s = offsets_Hz / samp_freq if onsets_s.shape[0] < 1 or offsets_s.shape[0] < 1: return None, None # because no onsets or offsets in this file # get rid of silent intervals that are shorter than min_silent_dur silent_gap_durs = onsets_s[1:] - offsets_s[:-1] # duration of silent gaps keep_these = np.nonzero(silent_gap_durs > self.min_silent_dur) onsets_s = np.concatenate((onsets_s[0, np.newaxis], onsets_s[1:][keep_these])) offsets_s = np.concatenate( (offsets_s[:-1][keep_these], offsets_s[-1, np.newaxis]) ) if "onsets_Hz" in locals(): onsets_Hz = np.concatenate( (onsets_Hz[0, np.newaxis], onsets_Hz[1:][keep_these]) ) offsets_Hz = np.concatenate( (offsets_Hz[:-1][keep_these], offsets_Hz[-1, np.newaxis]) ) # eliminate syllables with duration shorter than min_syl_dur syl_durs = offsets_s - onsets_s keep_these = np.nonzero(syl_durs > self.min_syl_dur) onsets_s = onsets_s[keep_these] offsets_s = offsets_s[keep_these] if "onsets_Hz" in locals(): onsets_Hz = onsets_Hz[keep_these] offsets_Hz = offsets_Hz[keep_these] segment_dict = {"onsets_s": onsets_s, "offsets_s": offsets_s} if "onsets_Hz" in locals(): segment_dict["onsets_Hz"] = onsets_Hz segment_dict["offsets_Hz"] = offsets_Hz return segment_dict class Syllable: """ syllable object, returned by make_syl_spect. Properties ---------- syl_audio : 1-d numpy array raw waveform from audio file sampfreq : integer sampling frequency in Hz as determined by function spect : 2-d m by n numpy array spectrogram as computed by Spectrogram.make(). Each of the m rows is a frequency bin, and each of the n columns is a time bin. Value in each bin is power at that frequency and time. nfft : integer number of samples used for each FFT overlap : integer number of samples that each consecutive FFT window overlapped time_bins : 1d vector values are times represented by each bin in s freq_bins : 1d vector values are power spectral density in each frequency bin index: int index of this syllable in song.syls.labels label: int label of this syllable from song.syls.labels """ def __init__( self, syl_audio, samp_freq, spect, nfft, overlap, freq_cutoffs, freq_bins, time_bins, index, label, ): self.sylAudio = syl_audio self.sampFreq = samp_freq self.spect = spect self.nfft = nfft self.overlap = overlap self.freqCutoffs = freq_cutoffs self.freqBins = freq_bins self.timeBins = time_bins self.index = index self.label = label def make_syls( raw_audio, samp_freq, spect_maker, labels, onsets_Hz, offsets_Hz, labels_to_use="all", syl_spect_width=-1, return_as_stack=False, ): """Make spectrograms from syllables. This method isolates making spectrograms from selecting syllables to use so that spectrograms can be loaded 'lazily', e.g., if only duration features are being extracted that don't require spectrograms. Parameters ---------- raw_audio : ndarray samp_freq : int labels : str, list, or ndarray onsetz_Hz : ndarray offsets_Hz : ndarray labels_to_use : str or nmmpy ndarray if ndarray, must be of type bool and same length as labels, and will be used to index into labels syl_spect_width : float Optional parameter to set constant duration for each spectrogram of a syllable, in seconds. E.g., 0.05 for an average 50 millisecond syllable. Used for creating inputs to neural network where each input must be of a fixed size. Default value is -1; in this case, the width of the spectrogram will be the duration of the syllable as determined by the segmentation algorithm, i.e. the onset and offset that are stored in an annotation file. If a different value is given, then the duration of each spectrogram will be that value. Note that if any individual syllable has a duration greater than syl_spect_duration, the function raises an error. """ if syl_spect_width > 0: if syl_spect_width > 1: warnings.warn( "syl_spect_width set greater than 1; note that " "this parameter is in units of seconds, so using " "a value greater than one will make it hard to " "center the syllable/segment of interest within" "the spectrogram, and additionally consume a lot " "of memory." ) syl_spect_width_Hz = int(syl_spect_width * samp_freq) if syl_spect_width_Hz > raw_audio.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( "syl_spect_width, converted to samples, " "is longer than song file." ) if type(labels) not in [str, list, np.ndarray]: raise TypeError( "labels must be of type str, list, or numpy ndarray, " "not {}".type(labels) ) if type(labels) is str: labels = list(labels) if type(labels) is list: labels = np.asarray(labels) if type(labels_to_use) is str: if labels_to_use == "all": use_these_labels_bool = np.ones((labels.shape)).astype(bool) else: use_these_labels_bool = np.asarray( [label in labels_to_use for label in labels] ) elif type(labels_to_use) is np.ndarray and labels_to_use.dtype == bool: if labels_to_use.ndim > 2: raise ValueError( "if labels_to_use is array, should not have " "more than two dimensions" ) else: labels_to_use = np.squeeze(labels_to_use) if labels_to_use.shape[-1] != len(labels): raise ValueError( "if labels_to_use is an array, must have " "same length as labels" ) elif type(labels_to_use) is np.ndarray and labels_to_use.dtype != bool: raise TypeError("if labels_to_use is an array, must be of type bool") else: raise TypeError( "labels_to_use should be a string or a boolean numpy " "array, not type {}".format(type(labels_to_use)) ) all_syls = [] for ind, (label, onset, offset) in enumerate(zip(labels, onsets_Hz, offsets_Hz)): if "syl_spect_width_Hz" in locals(): syl_duration_in_samples = offset - onset if syl_duration_in_samples > syl_spect_width_Hz: raise ValueError( "syllable duration of syllable {} with label {} " "width specified for all syllable spectrograms.".format(ind, label) ) if "syl_spect_width_Hz" in locals(): width_diff = syl_spect_width_Hz - syl_duration_in_samples # take half of difference between syllable duration and spect width # so one half of 'empty' area will be on one side of spect # and the other half will be on other side # i.e., center the spectrogram left_width = int(round(width_diff / 2)) right_width = width_diff - left_width if left_width > onset: # if duration before onset is less than left_width # (could happen with first onset) syl_audio = raw_audio[0:syl_spect_width_Hz] elif offset + right_width > raw_audio.shape[-1]: # if right width greater than length of file syl_audio = raw_audio[-syl_spect_width_Hz:] else: syl_audio = raw_audio[onset - left_width : offset + right_width] else: syl_audio = raw_audio[onset:offset] try: spect, freq_bins, time_bins = spect_maker.make(syl_audio, samp_freq) except WindowError as err: warnings.warn( "Segment {0} with label {1} " "not long enough for window function" " set with current spect_params.\n" "spect will be set to nan.".format(ind, label) ) spect, freq_bins, time_bins = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) curr_syl = Syllable( syl_audio=syl_audio, samp_freq=samp_freq, spect=spect, nfft=spect_maker.nperseg, overlap=spect_maker.noverlap, freq_cutoffs=spect_maker.freqCutoffs, freq_bins=freq_bins, time_bins=time_bins, index=ind, label=label, ) all_syls.append(curr_syl) if return_as_stack: # stack with dimensions (samples, height, width) return np.stack([syl.spect for syl in all_syls], axis=0) else: return all_syls
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ####################################################################### # This file is part of JMdictDB. # Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart McGraw # # JMdictDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # JMdictDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with JMdictDB; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA ####################################################################### import sys, cgi, re, os sys.path.extend (['../lib','../../python/lib','../python/lib']) import logger; from logger import L; logger.enable() import jdb, jmcgi Enc = 'utf-8' def main (args, opts): jdb.reset_encoding (sys.stdout, 'utf-8') errs = [] try: form, svc, dbg, cur, sid, sess, parms, cfg = jmcgi.parseform() except Exception as e: jmcgi.err_page ([str(e)]) # The filesystem path of the directory containing editdata files. filesdir = cfg['web']['EDITDATA_DIR'] # The URL for the directory containing editdata files. httpdir = cfg['web']['EDITDATA_URL'] fv = lambda x:(form.getfirst(x) or '').decode(Enc) is_editor = jmcgi.is_editor (sess) allfiles = sorted (os.listdir (filesdir)) editfiles = [x for x in allfiles if (r'[0-9]{5}\.dat$', x) ] logfiles = [x for x in allfiles if (r'((ok)|(bad))\.log$', x) ] jmcgi.jinja_page ('jbedits.jinja', parms=parms, filesdir=filesdir, httpdir=httpdir, editfiles=editfiles, logfiles=logfiles, svc=svc, dbg=dbg, sid=sid, session=sess, cfg=cfg, this_page='') if __name__ == '__main__': args, opts = jmcgi.args() main (args, opts)
#!/usr/bin/env osgeo_python from osgeo import gdal import numpy as np import math import sys import os gdal.UseExceptions() def Usage( code ): print( "Usage:" ) print( "\t%s <IMG1> <IMG2>" % os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] ) ) sys.exit( code ) def OpenImage( filename ): handle = gdal.Open( filename ) if handle is None: print( "Unable to open image %s" % filename ) sys.exit( 1 ) return handle def DisplayMetadata( himg ): n = himg.RasterCount print( "Band count: %s" % n ) for band in range( 1, n + 1 ): channel = himg.GetRasterBand( band ) if channel is None: continue print( "NODATA VALUE = ", channel.GetNoDataValue() ) print( "MINIMUM = ", channel.GetMinimum() ) print( "MAXIMUM = ", channel.GetMaximum() ) print( "SCALE = ", channel.GetScale() ) print( "UNIT TYPE = ", channel.GetUnitType() ) def ComputeCorr( img1, img2 ): n = img1.RasterCount if n != img2.RasterCount: print( "Band count mismatch" ) return None for band in range( 1, n + 1 ): x = np.array( img1.GetRasterBand( band ).ReadAsArray() ) y = np.array( img2.GetRasterBand( band ).ReadAsArray() ) k = x.size if k == y.size: x = ( x - x.mean() ) / k y = ( y - y.mean() ) / k s_xx = np.sum( x * x, dtype = np.float64 ) s_yy = np.sum( y * y, dtype = np.float64 ) s_xy = np.sum( x * y, dtype = np.float64 ) try: corr = s_xy / ( math.sqrt( s_xx ) * math.sqrt( s_yy ) ) print( "Correlation coefficient [%d|%d]: %f" % ( band, band, corr ) ) except( ValueError, e ): print( "Unable to compute correlation: %s" % e ) pass def main( img1, img2 ): h1 = OpenImage( img1 ) h2 = OpenImage( img2 ) # DisplayMetadata( h1 ) # DisplayMetadata( h2 ) ComputeCorr( h1, h2 ) if __name__ == "__main__": if len( sys.argv ) != 3: Usage( 1 ) main( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division import xc_base import geom import xc import math import os from solution import predefined_solutions from model import predefined_spaces from materials import typical_materials __author__= "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT)" __copyright__= "Copyright 2014, LCPT" __license__= "GPL" __version__= "3.0" __email__= "" NumDiv= 8 CooMax= 10 # Problem type feProblem= xc.FEProblem() preprocessor= feProblem.getPreprocessor nodes= preprocessor.getNodeHandler modelSpace= predefined_spaces.SolidMechanics3D(nodes) # Materials definition elast= typical_materials.defElasticMaterial(preprocessor, "elast",3000) nodes.newSeedNode() seedElemHandler= preprocessor.getElementHandler.seedElemHandler seedElemHandler.dimElem= 3 #Bars defined in a three dimensional space. seedElemHandler.defaultMaterial= "elast" seedElemHandler.defaultTag= 1 #Number for the next element will be 1. truss= seedElemHandler.newElement("Truss",xc.ID([0,0])) truss.area= 10 points= preprocessor.getMultiBlockTopology.getPoints pt= points.newPntIDPos3d(1,geom.Pos3d(0.0,0.0,0.0)) pt= points.newPntIDPos3d(2,geom.Pos3d(CooMax/2.0,CooMax/2.0,CooMax/2.0)) pt= points.newPntIDPos3d(3,geom.Pos3d(CooMax,CooMax,CooMax)) lines= preprocessor.getMultiBlockTopology.getLines lines.defaultTag= 1 l1= lines.newLineSequence() l1.addPoints(xc.ID([1,2,3])) l1.nDiv= NumDiv setTotal= preprocessor.getSets.getSet("total") setTotal.genMesh(xc.meshDir.I) nnodPline= l1.getNumNodes nelemPline= l1.getNumElements ''' print "number of nodes: ",nnod nodes= preprocessor.getNodeHandler for_each print " node: ",tag," x= ",coord[0],", y= ",coord[1],", z= ",coord[2] print "number of elements: ",nelem ''' elements= setTotal.getElements ratio1= 0.0 vteor2= (CooMax/NumDiv)**2 lteor= math.sqrt(3*vteor2) for e in elements: #print " elem: ",tag," nod. I: ",nod[0].tag," nod. J: ",nod[1].tag," L= ",e.getL() ratio1+= (e.getL()-lteor)/lteor ratio2= (nnodPline-(NumDiv+1)) ratio3= (nelemPline-NumDiv) ''' print "ratio1: ", ratio1 print "ratio2= ", ratio2 print "ratio3= ", ratio3 ''' import os from miscUtils import LogMessages as lmsg fname= os.path.basename(__file__) if (ratio1<1e-4) & (ratio2<=1e-15) & (ratio3<=1e-15): print "test ",fname,": ok." else: lmsg.error(fname+' ERROR.')
# DFF -- An Open Source Digital Forensics Framework # Copyright (C) 2009-2011 ArxSys # This program is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file # at the top of the source tree. # # See for more information about this # project. Please do not directly contact any of the maintainers of # DFF for assistance; the project provides a web site, mailing lists # and IRC channels for your use. # # Author(s): # Solal J. <> # from libvfs import * import types class vfs(): def __init__(self): self.libvfs = VFS.Get() def walk(self, top, topdown=True, depth=-1): if depth == 0: return if type(top) == types.StringType: node = self.getnode(top.replace("//", "/")) elif isinstance(top, Node): node = top else: raise ValueError("top must be a string or a Node") if node == None: return children = node.children() dirs, files = [], [] for child in children: if type(top) == types.StringType: item = elif isinstance(top, Node): item = child if child.hasChildren() or child.isDir(): if child.size(): files.append(item) dirs.append(item) else: files.append(item) #if child.size() > 0: # files.append(item) if topdown: yield top, dirs, files for name in dirs: if type(top) == types.StringType: newtop = str(top + "/" + name).replace("//", "/") elif isinstance(top, Node): newtop = name for x in self.walk(newtop, topdown, depth-1): yield x if not topdown: yield top, dirs, files def getnode(self, path): if not path: return self.getcwd() #if type(path) != type(""): #return path if path and path[0] != "/": abspath = self.getcwd().absolute() path = str(abspath + "/" + path).replace("//", "/") # Avoid trailing '/' while len(path) > 1 and path[-1:] == "/": path = path[:-1] if type(path) == unicode: path = str(path) node = self.libvfs.GetNode(path) if node: return node return None def open(self, path): if type(path) == type(""): node = self.getnode(path) if node: #and node.is_file: return else: return def gettree(self): return self.libvfs.GetTree() def getcwd(self): return self.libvfs.GetCWD() def setcwd(self, path): def deletenode(self, node): return self.libvfs.DeleteNode(node) # return a Node's Dictionary with directory of nodeDir def listingDirectories(self, nodeDir): if nodeDir == False: return False listing = [] list = nodeDir.children() for i in list: if i.hasChildren():# or not i.is_file : listing.append(i) return listing # return a Node's Dictionary with files and directory of nodeDir def listingDirectoriesAndFiles(self, nodeDir): if nodeDir == False: return False if not nodeDir.hasChildren(): #and nodeDir.is_file: return False listing = [] list = nodeDir.children() for i in list: listing.append(i) return listing def getInfoDirectory(self, nodeDir): list = nodeDir.children() info = {} info['size'] = 0 info['item'] = 0 for i in list : if i.hasChildren(): #or not i.is_file : info_child = self.getInfoDirectory(i) info['size'] = info['size'] + info_child['size'] info['item'] = info['item'] + info_child['item'] + 1 else : info['item'] = info['item'] + 1 info['size'] = info['size'] + i.size() return info def link(self, node, dest): pass #Link(node, dest)
# coding=utf-8 import unittest from mock import MagicMock from docc.image import Image from docc.credentials import Credentials from docc.service import Service class TestImage(unittest.TestCase): def test___init__(self): image = Image(3, "def", "abc") self.assertEquals(3, self.assertEquals("def", self.assertEquals("abc", image.distribution) def test___repr__(self): region = Image(3, "def", "abc") self.assertEqual("<3: def>", region.__repr__()) def test___str__(self): region = Image(3, "def", "abc") self.assertEqual("3: def, abc", region.__str__()) def test_get(self): credentials = Credentials("abc", "def") service = Service(credentials) response = { 'status': 'OK', 'image': {'name': 'Name 1', 'id': 1, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 10.04" }, } service.get = MagicMock(return_value=response) image = Image.get(service, 1) self.assertEquals(, 1) self.assertEquals(, 'Name 1') def test_images(self): credentials = Credentials("abc", "def") service = Service(credentials) response = { 'status': 'OK', 'images': [ {'name': 'Name 1', 'id': 1, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 10.04" }, {'name': 'Name 2', 'id': 2, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 12.04" }, ] } mock = MagicMock(return_value=response) service.get = mock images = Image.images(service) mock.assert_called_once_with('images') self.assertEquals(len(images), 2) def test_global_images(self): credentials = Credentials("abc", "def") service = Service(credentials) response = { 'status': 'OK', 'images': [ {'name': 'Name 1', 'id': 1, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 10.04" }, {'name': 'Name 2', 'id': 2, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 12.04" }, ] } mock = MagicMock(return_value=response) service.get = mock images = Image.global_images(service) mock.assert_called_once_with('images', {'filter': 'global'}) self.assertEquals(len(images), 2) def test_my_images(self): credentials = Credentials("abc", "def") service = Service(credentials) response = { 'status': 'OK', 'images': [ {'name': 'Name 1', 'id': 1, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 10.04" }, {'name': 'Name 2', 'id': 2, 'distribution': "Ubuntu 12.04" }, ] } mock = MagicMock(return_value=response) service.get = mock images = Image.my_images(service) mock.assert_called_once_with('images', {'filter': 'my_images'}) self.assertEquals(len(images), 2) def test___eq__(self): image1 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image2 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image3 = Image(2, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image4 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 12.10", "A linux distribution") image5 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A windows distribution") self.assertTrue(image1.__eq__(image2)) self.assertTrue(image2.__eq__(image1)) self.assertFalse(image1.__eq__(image3)) self.assertFalse(image1.__eq__(image4)) self.assertFalse(image1.__eq__(image5)) def test___ne__(self): image1 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image2 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image3 = Image(2, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A linux distribution") image4 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 12.10", "A linux distribution") image5 = Image(1, "Ubuntu 10.02", "A windows distribution") self.assertFalse(image1.__ne__(image2)) self.assertFalse(image2.__ne__(image1)) self.assertTrue(image1.__ne__(image3)) self.assertTrue(image1.__ne__(image4)) self.assertTrue(image1.__ne__(image5)) def test_destroy(self): image = Image( 21345, "This is a test", "This is a test" ) credentials = Credentials("abc", "def") service = Service(credentials) response = { "status": "OK", "event_id": 1417387 } mock = MagicMock(return_value=response) service.get = mock self.assertTrue(image.destroy(service)) mock.assert_called_once_with( 'images/21345/destroy' ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division import unittest from chainlet.concurrency import base from . import testbase_primitives def return_stored(payload): return payload def raise_stored(payload): raise payload class TestMultiIter(unittest.TestCase): def test_builtin(self): """multi iter on list, tuple, ...""" values = tuple(range(20)) for base_type in (list, tuple, set): iterable = base_type(values) self._test_multi_tee(iterable, values) def test_generator(self): """multi iter on `(val for val in values)`""" values = tuple(range(20)) iterable = (val for val in values) self._test_multi_tee(iterable, values) def test_future_chain(self): """multi iter on future chain results""" values = tuple(range(20)) value_iter = iter(values) iterable = base.FutureChainResults([base.StoredFuture(lambda itr: [next(itr)], value_iter) for _ in range(len(values))]) self._test_multi_tee(iterable, values) def _test_multi_tee(self, iterable, values): iters = list(base.multi_iter(iterable, count=4)) self.assertEqual(len(iters), 4) a, b, c, d = iters # test single iteration self.assertEqual(set(a), set(values)) # test interleaved iteration self.assertEqual((next(b), next(b)), (next(c), next(c))) for _ in range(8): self.assertEqual(next(b), next(c)) self.assertEqual(next(c), next(b)) self.assertEqual((next(b), next(b)), (next(c), next(c))) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(b) with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): next(c) # test final iteration self.assertEqual(set(d), set(values)) class TestFutureChainResults(unittest.TestCase): def test_exception(self): for ex_type in (Exception, ArithmeticError, KeyError, IndexError, OSError, AssertionError, SystemExit): with self.subTest(ex_type=ex_type): raise_middle_iterable = base.FutureChainResults([ base.StoredFuture(return_stored, [1, 2]), base.StoredFuture(raise_stored, ex_type), base.StoredFuture(return_stored, [3]) ]) a, b, c, d = (iter(raise_middle_iterable) for _ in range(4)) self.assertEqual((next(a), next(b)), (1, 1)) self.assertEqual((next(a), next(b), next(c)), (2, 2, 1)) self.assertEqual(next(c), 2) with self.assertRaises(ex_type): next(a) with self.assertRaises(ex_type): next(b) with self.assertRaises(ex_type): next(c) with self.assertRaises(ex_type): list(d) # non-concurrent primitives class NonConcurrentBundle(testbase_primitives.PrimitiveTestCases.ConcurrentBundle): test_concurrent = None # dummy-concurrent primitives class LocalBundle(testbase_primitives.PrimitiveTestCases.ConcurrentBundle): test_concurrent = None bundle_type = base.ConcurrentBundle
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 可调用对象: - 魔法方法: __call__(self, [args...]) - 允许类的一个实例, 像函数那样被调用 - 允许你自己类的对象, 表现得像是函数,然后你就可以“调用”它们,把它们传递到使用函数做参数的函数中 - 本质上这代表了 x() 和 x.__call__() 是相同的 - 注意 __call__ 可以有多个参数,可以像定义其他任何函数一样,定义 __call__ ,喜欢用多少参数就用多少. - __call__ 在某些需要经常改变状态的类的实例中显得特别有用. - “调用”这个实例来改变它的状态,是一种更加符合直觉,也更加优雅的方法. 参考: - """ class A(object): """表示一个实体的类. 调用它的实例, 可以更新实体的位置 """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y print "<__init__() is called.> | x={}, y={}".format(self.x, self.y) def __call__(self, x, y): """改变实体的位置 :param x: :param y: :return: """ self.x, self.y = x, y print "<__call__() is called.> | x={}, y={}".format(self.x, self.y) class B(object): """表示一个实体的类. 调用它的实例, 可以更新实体的位置 """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y print "<__init__() is called.> | x={}, y={}".format(self.x, self.y) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.x, self.y = self.y, self.x print "<__call__() is called.> | x={}, y={}".format(self.x, self.y) if __name__ == '__main__': m = A(2, 3) m(4, 8) n = B(1, 9) n()
# Copyright 2008-2015 Nokia Networks # Copyright 2016- Robot Framework Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from io import BytesIO from io import StringIO from robot.utils import Utf8Reader NBSP = u'\xA0' class MarkDownReader(object): def read(self, markdown_file, populator): process = False # makes an empty list where we are going to store robot code robot_lines = [] # opens our file under alias 'md_file' and operates all the following # statments on it with open(markdown_file) as md_file: # creates a boolean var include_line = False # for each line of the file that we passed as arguement to this script # do the steps below for line in md_file: if not include_line: include_line = line.strip().lower() == "```robotframework" elif line.strip() == "```": include_line = False else: robot_lines.append(line) robot_data = str(''.join(robot_lines)) print(robot_data) # txtfile = BytesIO(robot_data.encode('UTF-8')) a = StringIO(robot_data) for row in a.readlines(): row = self._process_row(row) cells = [self._process_cell(cell) for cell in self.split_row(row)] if cells and cells[0].strip().startswith('*') and \ populator.start_table([c.replace('*', '') for c in cells]): process = True elif process: populator.add(cells) populator.eof() def _process_row(self, row): if NBSP in row: row = row.replace(NBSP, ' ') return row.rstrip() @classmethod def split_row(cls, row): return row.split('\t') def _process_cell(self, cell): if len(cell) > 1 and cell[0] == cell[-1] == '"': cell = cell[1:-1].replace('""', '"') return cell
import os import json from ibl_stuff.libs.relpath import relpath BASE = {"title": "", "type": "", "lighting": "", "location": "", "tags": list(), "projects": list(), "author": "", "date": "", "comments": "", "pano": "/home/csaez/Works/dev/ibl_stuff/refs/pano.png", "sample": "/home/csaez/Works/dev/ibl_stuff/refs/sample.png", } def normalize_path(fp, start="/"): if "./" in fp[:3] or not fp.startswith("/"): # is relative basedir = start if os.path.isdir(start) else os.path.dirname(start) fp = os.path.join(basedir, fp) return os.path.normpath(fp) class IBL(dict): def __init__(self, *arg, **kwds): self.update(BASE) super(IBL, self).__init__(*arg, **kwds) self.filepath = None def export_data(self, filepath): d = self.copy() # save paths relatives to json filepath for attr in ("pano", "sample"): d[attr] = relpath(os.path.dirname(filepath), d.get(attr)) # export as json with open(filepath, "w") as fp: json.dump(d, fp, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")) return True def import_data(self, filepath): # validate filepath if not os.path.isfile(filepath): return False # import data self.filepath = filepath with open(filepath) as fp: d = json.load(fp) # normalize paths to absolute for attr in ("pano", "sample"): d[attr] = normalize_path(d[attr], filepath) # update and success self.update(d) return True def save(self): if self.filepath: self.export_data(self.filepath) return True return False @classmethod def from_data(cls, filepath): o = cls() o.import_data(filepath) return o
# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE). """Test the choice of "translations to review" for a user.""" __metaclass__ = type from datetime import ( datetime, timedelta, ) from pytz import UTC import transaction from import removeSecurityProxy from import ServiceUsage from import LanguageSet from lp.testing import TestCaseWithFactory from lp.testing.layers import DatabaseFunctionalLayer from lp.translations.interfaces.translationsperson import ITranslationsPerson from lp.translations.model.translator import TranslatorSet class ReviewTestMixin: """Base for testing which translations a reviewer can review.""" def setUpMixin(self, for_product=True): """Set up test environment. Sets up a person, as well as a translation that that person is a reviewer for and has contributed to. If for_product is true, the translation will be for a product. Otherwise, it will be for a distribution. """ # Set up a person, and a translation that this person is a # reviewer for and has contributed to. self.base_time = self.person = self.factory.makePerson() self.translationgroup = self.factory.makeTranslationGroup( owner=self.factory.makePerson()) self.dutch = LanguageSet().getLanguageByCode('nl') TranslatorSet().new( translationgroup=self.translationgroup, language=self.dutch, translator=self.person) if for_product: self.distroseries = None self.distribution = None self.sourcepackagename = None self.productseries = removeSecurityProxy( self.factory.makeProductSeries()) self.product = self.productseries.product self.supercontext = self.product else: self.productseries = None self.product = None self.distroseries = removeSecurityProxy( self.factory.makeDistroSeries()) self.distribution = self.distroseries.distribution self.distribution.translation_focus = self.distroseries self.sourcepackagename = self.factory.makeSourcePackageName() self.supercontext = self.distribution transaction.commit() self.supercontext.translationgroup = self.translationgroup self.supercontext.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.LAUNCHPAD self.potemplate = self.factory.makePOTemplate( productseries=self.productseries, distroseries=self.distroseries, sourcepackagename=self.sourcepackagename) self.pofile = removeSecurityProxy(self.factory.makePOFile( potemplate=self.potemplate, language_code='nl')) self.potmsgset = self.factory.makePOTMsgSet( potemplate=self.potemplate, singular='hi') self.translation = self.factory.makeCurrentTranslationMessage( potmsgset=self.potmsgset, pofile=self.pofile, translator=self.person, translations=['bi'], date_created=self.base_time, date_reviewed=self.base_time) later_time = self.base_time + timedelta(0, 3600) self.suggestion = removeSecurityProxy( self.factory.makeSuggestion( potmsgset=self.potmsgset, pofile=self.pofile, translator=self.factory.makePerson(), translations=['wi'], date_created=later_time)) self.pofile.updateStatistics() self.assertEqual(self.pofile.unreviewed_count, 1) def _getReviewables(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shorthand for `self.person.getReviewableTranslationFiles`.""" person = ITranslationsPerson(self.person) return list(person.getReviewableTranslationFiles( *args, **kwargs)) class ReviewableTranslationFilesTest: """Test getReviewableTranslationFiles for a given setup. Can be applied to product or distribution setups. """ def test_OneFileToReview(self): # In the base case, the method finds one POFile for self.person # to review. self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), [self.pofile]) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_no_older_than_pass(self): # The no_older_than parameter keeps translations that the # reviewer worked on at least that recently. self.assertEqual( self._getReviewables(no_older_than=self.base_time), [self.pofile]) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_no_older_than_filter(self): # The no_older_than parameter filters translations that the # reviewer has not worked on since the given time. next_day = self.base_time + timedelta(1) self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(no_older_than=next_day), []) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_not_translating_in_launchpad(self): # We don't see products/distros that don't use Launchpad for # translations. self.supercontext.translations_usage = ServiceUsage.NOT_APPLICABLE self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), []) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_non_reviewer(self): # The method does not show translations that the user is not a # reviewer for. self.supercontext.translationgroup = None self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), []) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_other_language(self): # We only get translations in languages that the person is a # reviewer for. self.pofile.language = LanguageSet().getLanguageByCode('de') self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), []) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_no_new_suggestions(self): # Translation files only show up if they have new suggestions. self.suggestion.date_created -= timedelta(2) self.pofile.updateStatistics() self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), []) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_ignores_english(self): # POFiles that "translate to English" are ignored. english = LanguageSet().getLanguageByCode('en') TranslatorSet().new( translationgroup=self.translationgroup, language=english, translator=self.person) self.pofile.language = english self.assertEqual(self._getReviewables(), []) class TestReviewableProductTranslationFiles(TestCaseWithFactory, ReviewTestMixin, ReviewableTranslationFilesTest): """Test `Person.getReviewableTranslationFiles` for products.""" layer = DatabaseFunctionalLayer def setUp(self): super(TestReviewableProductTranslationFiles, self).setUp() ReviewTestMixin.setUpMixin(self, for_product=True) def test_getReviewableTranslationFiles_project_deactivated(self): # Deactive project are excluded from the list. from lp.testing import celebrity_logged_in with celebrity_logged_in('admin'): = False self.assertEqual([], self._getReviewables()) class TestReviewableDistroTranslationFiles(TestCaseWithFactory, ReviewTestMixin, ReviewableTranslationFilesTest): """Test `Person.getReviewableTranslationFiles` for distros.""" layer = DatabaseFunctionalLayer def setUp(self): super(TestReviewableDistroTranslationFiles, self).setUp() ReviewTestMixin.setUpMixin(self, for_product=False)
import os import subprocess import sys if __name__ == "__main__": """Examine status of bags listed in bagnames_file which are stored under bags_dir without subfolders.""" # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('Usage: {} bagnames_file bags_dir'.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) script, bagname_file, output_dir = sys.argv bagname_list = [] with open(bagname_file, 'r') as stream: for line in stream: line = line.strip() if line: bagname = os.path.basename(line) bagname_list.append(os.path.join(output_dir, bagname)) print('Found #bagnames: {}'.format(len(bagname_list))) for bagname in bagname_list: # Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string. try: status = subprocess.check_output(['rosbag', 'info', bagname], stdin=None, stderr=None, shell=False, universal_newlines=False) # print(status) except Exception as inst: print(inst.args)
################################# LICENSE ################################## # Copyright (c) 2009, South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) # # All rights reserved. # # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # # are met: # # # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # # distribution. # # * Neither the name of the South African Astronomical Observatory # # (SAAO) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse # # or promote products derived from this software without specific # # prior written permission. # # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE SAAO ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE SAAO BE LIABLE FOR ANY # # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ #!/usr/bin/env python # Author Version Date # ----------------------------------------------- # Martin Still (SAAO) 1.0 25 Jul 2007 # S M Crawford (SAA0) 1.1 16 Jul 2009 # S M Crawford (SAA0) 1.2 19 Apr 2011 # saltobslog reads the critical header keywords of SALT FITS data and # collates them into a FITS table. This can be used for the basis # of an observation log or as a meta-table for pipeline processing. # # Updates: # 16 Jul 2009 Handled a bug on how if data is missing in the headers # 5 Apr 2011 Updated to handle new header key words and changes in existing # keywords. We did not make it backwards compatible # Changes made: # TELTEMP->TELTEM # PAYLTEMP -> PAYLTEM # Removed DETSIZE # Added EPOCH # Removed UTC-OBS--now using TIME-OBS # FOCUS->CAMFOCUS # INTFR->TELFOCUS # 19 Apr 2011 Updated to handle the new error handling and so it returns the # contents without updating everything in the process # Converted it to using dictionary instead of a bunch of lists from __future__ import with_statement from pyraf import iraf import os, glob, time from import fits import saltsafekey as saltkey import saltsafeio as saltio from saltsafelog import logging from salterror import SaltError, SaltIOError # ----------------------------------------------------------- # core routine headerList=['FILENAME', 'PROPID', 'PROPOSER', 'OBJECT', 'RA', 'DEC', 'OBJEPOCH', 'EPOCH', 'EQUINOX', 'DATE-OBS', 'UTC-OBS', 'TIME-OBS', 'EXPTIME', 'OBSMODE', 'DETMODE', 'CCDTYPE', 'DETSIZE', 'NCCDS', 'CCDSUM', 'GAINSET', 'ROSPEED', 'INSTRUME', 'FILTER', 'CAMFOCUS', 'TELHA', 'TELRA', 'TELDEC', 'TELPA', 'TELAZ', 'TELALT', 'TRKX', 'TRKY', 'TRKZ', 'TRKPHI', 'TRKTHETA', 'TRKRHO', 'TELFOCUS', 'COLPHI', 'COLTHETA', 'TELTEM', 'PAYLTEM', 'CCDTEM', 'DEWTEM', 'AMPTEM', 'CENTEM', 'DETSWV', 'BLOCKID', 'BVISITID'] formatList=['32A', '50A', '20A', '100A', '1A', '12A', 'E', 'E', 'E', '10A', '12A', '12A', 'D', '20A', '20A', '8A', '23A', 'I', '5A', '6A', '4A', '8A', '8A', 'J', '11A', '11A', '12A', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'E', 'E', 'D', '16A', 'E', 'E' ] rssheaderList=['DEWPRE', 'POSANG', 'LAMPID', 'CALFILT', 'CALND', 'TELRHO', 'PELLICLE', 'INSTPORT', 'CF-STATE', 'SM-STATE', 'SM-STA', 'SM-STEPS', 'SM-VOLTS', 'SM-STA-S', 'SM-STA-V', 'MASKID', 'MASKTYP', 'WP-STATE', 'HWP-CMD', 'HW-STEPS', 'HWP-STA', 'QWP-CMD', 'QW-STEPS', 'QWP-STA', 'QWP-ANG', 'HWP-ANG', 'SH-STATE', 'FO-STATE', 'FO-POS', 'FO-VOLTS', 'FO-POS-S', 'FO-POS-V', 'GR-STATE', 'GR-STA', 'GR-ANGLE', 'GM-STEPS', 'GM-VOLTS', 'GR-STA-S', 'GR-STA-V', 'GR-STEPS', 'GRATING', 'GRTILT', 'BS-STATE', 'FI-STATE', 'FI-STA', 'FM-STEPS', 'FM-VOLTS', 'FM-STA-S', 'FM-STA-V', 'AR-STATE', 'AR-STA', 'CAMANG', 'AR-STA-S', 'AR-ANGLE', 'COLTEMP', 'CAMTEMP', 'PROC', 'PCS-VER', 'WPPATERN'] rssformatList=['D', 'E', '8A', '8A', 'E', 'E', '8A', '8A', '20A', '20A', '8A', 'J', 'E', 'E', 'E', '16A', '16A', '20A', '16A', 'J', 'E', '16A', 'J', 'E', 'E', 'E', '20A', '20A', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', '20A', '10A', 'E', 'J', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'J', '8A', 'E', '24A', '20A', '7A', 'J', 'E', 'E', 'E', '24A', '16A', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', '20A', '4A', '20A'] scamheaderList=['FILPOS'] scamformatList=['I'] debug=True def saltobslog(images,outfile,clobber=False,logfile='salt.log',verbose=True): """Create the observation log from the input files""" #start the logging with logging(logfile,debug) as log: # Check the input images infiles = saltio.argunpack ('Input',images) #create the header dictionary headerDict=obslog(infiles, log) #clobber the output if it exists if (clobber and os.path.isfile(outfile)): saltio.delete(outfile) #create the fits file struct=createobslogfits(headerDict) # close table file saltio.writefits(struct, outfile) #indicate the log was created log.message('\nSALTLOG -- created observation log ' + outfile) def createobslogfits(headerDict): """Create the fits table for the observation log""" # define generic columns of output table col=[] for k, f in zip(headerList, formatList): print k,f, headerDict[k] col.append(fits.Column(name=k, format=f, array=headerDict[k])) for k, f in zip(scamheaderList, scamformatList): print k,f, headerDict[k] col.append(fits.Column(name=k, format=f, array=headerDict[k])) for k, f in zip(rssheaderList, rssformatList): print k,f, headerDict[k] col.append(fits.Column(name=k, format=f, array=headerDict[k])) # construct FITS table from columns table = fits.ColDefs(col) # write FITS table to output file struct = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(table) # name the table extension struct.header['EXTNAME'] = 'OBSLOG' struct.header['SAL_TLM'] = time.asctime(time.localtime())'EXTNAME','OBSLOG','extension name', struct) #saltkey.put('SAL-TLM',time.asctime(time.localtime()), struct) # housekeeping keywords return struct # ----------------------------------------------------------- # read keyword and append to list def obslog(infiles, log=None): """For a set of input files, create a dictionary contain all the header information from the files. Will print things to a saltlog if log is not None returns Dictionary """ #create the header dictionary headerDict={} for k in headerList: headerDict[k]=[] for k in scamheaderList: headerDict[k]=[] for k in rssheaderList: headerDict[k]=[] # interate over and open image files infiles.sort() for infile in infiles: #open the file struct = saltio.openfits(infile) # instrument scam = False rss = False instrume = saltkey.get('INSTRUME', struct[0]) if (instrume=='RSS'): rss = True if (instrume=='SALTICAM'): scam=True #add in the image name headerDict['FILENAME'].append(os.path.basename(infile)) # ingest primary keywords from files in the image list for k,f in zip(headerList[1:], formatList[1:]): default=finddefault(f) headerDict[k].append(getkey(struct[0], k, default=default, log=log, warn=True)) # ingest scam specific primary keywords from files in the image list for k,f in zip(scamheaderList[1:], scamformatList[1:]): default=finddefault(f) headerDict[k].append(getkey(struct[0], k, default=default, log=log, warn=scam)) # ingest rss specific primary keywords from files in the image list for k,f in zip(rssheaderList[1:], rssformatList[1:]): default=finddefault(f) headerDict[k].append(getkey(struct[0], k, default=default, log=log, warn=rss)) # close image files saltio.closefits(struct) if log: log.message('SALTOBSLOG -- read %s' % infile, with_header=False) return headerDict def finddefault(f): """return the default value given a format""" if f.count('A'): default="UNKNOWN" else: default=-999 return default def getkey(struct,keyword,default,warn=True, log=None): """Return the keyword value. Throw a warning if it doesn't work """ try: value = saltkey.get(keyword, struct) if isinstance(default, str): value=value.strip() except SaltIOError: value = default message = 'WARNING: cannot find keyword %s in %s' %(keyword, infile) if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) if (str(value).strip() == ''): value = default #if (type(value) != type(default)): # # message='WARNING: Type mismatch for %s for %s in %s[0]' % (str(value), keyword, infile) # if warn and log: log.message(message, with_header=False) # value=default return value # ----------------------------------------------------------- # main code if not iraf.deftask('saltobslog'): parfile = iraf.osfn("saltred$saltobslog.par") t = iraf.IrafTaskFactory(taskname="saltobslog",value=parfile,function=saltobslog, pkgname='saltred')
from ucsmsdk.ucsexception import UcsException def listVLANs(handle): # <fabricVlan childAction="deleteNonPresent" cloud="ethlan" compressionType="included" configIssues="" defaultNet="no" dn="fabric/lan/net-10" epDn="" fltAggr="0" global="0" id="10" ifRole="network" ifType="virtual" local="0" locale="external" mcastPolicyName="" name="10" operMcastPolicyName="org-root/mc-policy-default" operState="ok" peerDn="" policyOwner="local" pubNwDn="" pubNwId="0" pubNwName="" sharing="none" switchId="dual" transport="ether" type="lan"/> # get only VLANs not appliance port vlans filter_string = '(dn, "fabric/lan/net-[A-Za-z0-9]+", type="re")' vlans = handle.query_classid("fabricVlan", filter_string) #vlans = handle.query_classid("fabricVlan") val = -1 while val < 0 or val > len(vlans): for i, vlan in enumerate(vlans): print "[%d] VLAN %s" % (i+1, print "-" * 80 val = raw_input("Please Select a VLAN for the Kubernetes Server to use: ") val = int(val) val = val - 1 return vlans[val] def createKubeMacs(handle): print "Creating Kubernetes MAC Pools" from ucsmsdk.mometa.macpool.MacpoolPool import MacpoolPool from ucsmsdk.mometa.macpool.MacpoolBlock import MacpoolBlock mo = MacpoolPool(parent_mo_or_dn="org-root", policy_owner="local", descr="Kubernetes MAC Pool A", assignment_order="default", name="kubeA") mo_1 = MacpoolBlock(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, to="00:25:B5:88:8A:FF", r_from="00:25:B5:88:8A:00") handle.add_mo(mo) mo = MacpoolPool(parent_mo_or_dn="org-root", policy_owner="local", descr="Kubernetes MAC Pool B", assignment_order="default", name="kubeB") mo_1 = MacpoolBlock(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, to="00:25:B5:88:8B:FF", r_from="00:25:B5:88:8B:00") handle.add_mo(mo) try: handle.commit() except UcsException as err: if err.error_code == "103": print "\tKubernetes MAC Pools already exist" def deleteKubeMacs(handle): print "Deleting Kubernetes MAC Pools" moa = handle.query_dn("org-root/mac-pool-kubeA") mob = handle.query_dn("org-root/mac-pool-kubeB") try: handle.remove_mo(moa) handle.remove_mo(mob) handle.commit() except AttributeError: print "\talready deleted" #handle.commit() def createVNICTemplates(handle, vlan): print "Creating Kubernetes VNIC Templates" from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicLanConnTempl import VnicLanConnTempl from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicEtherIf import VnicEtherIf mo = VnicLanConnTempl(parent_mo_or_dn="org-root", templ_type="updating-template", name="kubeA", descr="", stats_policy_name="default", switch_id="A", pin_to_group_name="", mtu="1500", policy_owner="local", qos_policy_name="", ident_pool_name="kubeA", nw_ctrl_policy_name="") mo_1 = VnicEtherIf(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, default_net="yes", name=vlan) handle.add_mo(mo) mob = VnicLanConnTempl(parent_mo_or_dn="org-root", templ_type="updating-template", name="kubeB", descr="", stats_policy_name="default", switch_id="B", pin_to_group_name="", mtu="1500", policy_owner="local", qos_policy_name="", ident_pool_name="kubeB", nw_ctrl_policy_name="") mo_2 = VnicEtherIf(parent_mo_or_dn=mob, default_net="yes", name=vlan) handle.add_mo(mob) try: handle.commit() except UcsException as err: if err.error_code == "103": print "\tVNIC Templates already exist" def deleteVNICTemplates(handle): print "Deleting VNIC Templates" moa = handle.query_dn("org-root/lan-conn-templ-kubeA") mob = handle.query_dn("org-root/lan-conn-templ-kubeB") try: handle.remove_mo(moa) handle.remove_mo(mob) handle.commit() except AttributeError: print "\talready deleted" def createLanConnPolicy(handle): print "Creating Kubernetes LAN connectivity policy" from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicLanConnPolicy import VnicLanConnPolicy from ucsmsdk.mometa.vnic.VnicEther import VnicEther mo = VnicLanConnPolicy(parent_mo_or_dn="org-root", policy_owner="local", name="kube", descr="Kubernetes LAN Connectivity Policy") mo_1 = VnicEther(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, addr="derived", nw_ctrl_policy_name="", admin_vcon="any", stats_policy_name="default", switch_id="A", pin_to_group_name="", mtu="1500", qos_policy_name="", adaptor_profile_name="Linux", ident_pool_name="", order="1", nw_templ_name="kubeA", name="eth0") mo_2 = VnicEther(parent_mo_or_dn=mo, addr="derived", nw_ctrl_policy_name="", admin_vcon="any", stats_policy_name="default", switch_id="A", pin_to_group_name="", mtu="1500", qos_policy_name="", adaptor_profile_name="Linux", ident_pool_name="", order="2", nw_templ_name="kubeB", name="eth1") try: handle.add_mo(mo) handle.commit() except UcsException as err: if err.error_code == "103": print "\tLAN connectivity policy 'kube' already exists" def deleteLanConnPolicy(handle): print "Deleting kube LAN Connectivity policy" mo = handle.query_dn("org-root/lan-conn-pol-kube") try: handle.remove_mo(mo) handle.commit() except AttributeError: print "\talready deleted" def createKubeNetworking(handle, org): vlan = listVLANs(handle) createKubeMacs(handle) createVNICTemplates(handle, createLanConnPolicy(handle) def deleteKubeNetworking(handle, org): deleteLanConnPolicy(handle) deleteVNICTemplates(handle) deleteKubeMacs(handle)
import logging import re from streamlink.plugin import Plugin, pluginmatcher from streamlink.plugin.api import useragents, validate from import HLSStream log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pluginmatcher(re.compile(r"""https?://(?:www\.)? (?: (?: (atvavrupa)\.tv | (atv|a2tv|ahaber|aspor|minikago|minikacocuk|anews)\.com\.tr )/webtv/(?:live-broadcast|canli-yayin) | (ahaber)\.com\.tr/video/canli-yayin | atv\.com\.tr/(a2tv)/canli-yayin | sabah\.com\.tr/(apara)/canli-yayin ) """, re.VERBOSE)) class Turkuvaz(Plugin): _hls_url = "{channel}/{channel}.m3u8" _token_url = "" _token_schema = validate.Schema(validate.all( { "Success": True, "Url": validate.url(), }, validate.get("Url")) ) def _get_streams(self): url_m = self.match domain = or or or or # remap the domain to channel channel = {"atv": "atvhd", "ahaber": "ahaberhd", "apara": "aparahd", "aspor": "asporhd", "anews": "anewshd", "minikacocuk": "minikagococuk"}.get(domain, domain) hls_url = self._hls_url.format(channel=channel) # get the secure HLS URL res = self.session.http.get(self._token_url, params="url={0}".format(hls_url), headers={"Referer": self.url, "User-Agent": useragents.CHROME}) secure_hls_url = self.session.http.json(res, schema=self._token_schema) log.debug("Found HLS URL: {0}".format(secure_hls_url)) return HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, secure_hls_url) __plugin__ = Turkuvaz
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2010-2013, EVEthing team # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY # OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from django.db import models from thing.models.corporation import Corporation class PosWatchPosHistory(models.Model): id = models.BigIntegerField(primary_key=True) corp = models.ForeignKey(Corporation) type_id = models.IntegerField() pos_id = models.IntegerField() state = models.IntegerField() location_id = models.BigIntegerField() date = models.DateField() moon_id = models.IntegerField() taxable = models.BooleanField(default=False) state_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(default=None) online_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(default=None) class Meta: app_label = 'thing' db_table = 'thing_poswatch_poshistory'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Cadastre - QGIS plugin menu class A QGIS plugin This plugins helps users to import the french land registry ('cadastre') into a database. It is meant to ease the use of the data in QGIs by providing search tools and appropriate layer symbology. ------------------- begin : 2013-06-11 copyright : (C) 2013 by 3liz email : ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qgis.core import * from cadastre_identify_parcelle import IdentifyParcelle from cadastre_dialogs import * import ConfigParser # --------------------------------------------- class cadastre_menu: def __init__(self, iface): self.iface = iface self.mapCanvas = iface.mapCanvas() self.cadastre_menu = None self.cadastre_search_dialog = None self.simple_cadastre_search_dialog = None self.qc = None def cadastre_add_submenu(self, submenu): if self.cadastre_menu != None: self.cadastre_menu.addMenu(submenu) else: self.iface.addPluginToMenu("&cadastre", submenu.menuAction()) def initGui(self): # Add Cadastre to QGIS menu self.cadastre_menu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("cadastre", "Cadastre")) self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar().insertMenu(self.iface.firstRightStandardMenu().menuAction(), self.cadastre_menu) # Import Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/database.png") self.import_action = QAction(icon, u"Importer des données", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.import_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_import_dialog) # Search Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/search.png") self.search_action = QAction(icon, u"Outils de recherche", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.search_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toggle_search_dialog) if not self.cadastre_search_dialog: dialog = cadastre_search_dialog(self.iface) self.cadastre_search_dialog = dialog self.qc = cadastre_common(dialog) # simple Search Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/simpleSearch.png") self.simple_search_action = QAction(icon, u"Outils de recherche", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.simple_search_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.toggle_search_dialog) if not self.simple_cadastre_search_dialog: dialog = simple_cadastre_search_dialog(self.iface) self.simple_cadastre_search_dialog = dialog self.qc = cadastre_common(dialog) # Load Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/output.png") self.load_action = QAction(icon, u"Charger des données", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.load_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_load_dialog) # Options Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/config.png") self.option_action = QAction(icon, u"Configurer le plugin", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.option_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_option_dialog) # About Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/about.png") self.about_action = QAction(icon, u"À propos", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.about_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_about_dialog) # Help Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/about.png") self.help_action = QAction(icon, u"Aide", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.help_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_help) # version Submenu icon = QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/about.png") self.version_action = QAction(icon, u"Notes de version", self.iface.mainWindow()) QObject.connect(self.version_action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.open_message_dialog) # Add actions to Cadastre menu self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.import_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.load_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.search_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.simple_search_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.option_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.about_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.help_action) self.cadastre_menu.addAction(self.version_action) # Add cadastre toolbar self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'Cadastre'); # open import dialog self.openImportAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/database.png"), u"Importer des données", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.openImportAction.triggered.connect(self.open_import_dialog) self.toolbar.addAction(self.openImportAction) self.toolbar.setObjectName("cadastreToolbar"); # open load dialog self.openLoadAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/output.png"), u"Charger des données", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.openLoadAction.triggered.connect(self.open_load_dialog) self.toolbar.addAction(self.openLoadAction) # open search dialog self.openSearchAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/search.png"), u"Outils de recherche", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.openSearchAction.triggered.connect(self.toggle_search_dialog) #~ self.openSearchAction.setCheckable(True) self.toolbar.addAction(self.openSearchAction) # open simple search dialog self.opensimpleSearchAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/simpleSearch.png"), u"Outils de recherche", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.opensimpleSearchAction.triggered.connect(self.simple_toggle_search_dialog) #~ self.opensimpleSearchAction.setCheckable(True) self.toolbar.addAction(self.opensimpleSearchAction) # open Option dialog self.openOptionAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/config.png"), u"Configurer le plugin", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.openOptionAction.triggered.connect(self.open_option_dialog) self.toolbar.addAction(self.openOptionAction) # open About dialog self.openAboutAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/about.png"), u"À propos", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.openAboutAction.triggered.connect(self.open_about_dialog) self.toolbar.addAction(self.openAboutAction) # Create action for "Parcelle information" self.identifyParcelleAction = QAction( QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) +"/icons/toolbar/get-parcelle-info.png"), "Infos parcelle", self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.identifyParcelleAction.setCheckable(True) self.initializeIdentifyParcelleTool() # Display About window on first use s = QSettings() firstUse = s.value("cadastre/isFirstUse" , 1, type=int) if firstUse == 1: s.setValue("cadastre/isFirstUse", 0) self.open_about_dialog() # Display some messages depending on version number mConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() metadataFile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/metadata.txt" metadataFile ) self.mConfig = mConfig myVersion = mConfig.get('general', 'version').replace('.', '_') myVersionMsg = s.value("cadastre/version_%s" % myVersion , 1, type=int) if myVersionMsg == 1: s.setValue("cadastre/version_%s" % myVersion , 0) self.open_message_dialog() # Project load or create : refresh search and identify tool self.iface.projectRead.connect(self.onProjectRead) self.iface.newProjectCreated.connect(self.onNewProjectCreated) def open_import_dialog(self): ''' Import dialog ''' dialog = cadastre_import_dialog(self.iface) dialog.exec_() def open_load_dialog(self): ''' Load dialog ''' dialog = cadastre_load_dialog( self.iface, self.cadastre_search_dialog ) # refresh identify tool when new data loaded # data loaded with plugin tool dialog.ql.cadastreLoadingFinished.connect(self.refreshIdentifyParcelleTool) dialog.exec_() def toggle_search_dialog(self): ''' Search dock widget ''' if self.cadastre_search_dialog.isVisible(): self.cadastre_search_dialog.hide() else: #ouverture du nouveau panneau de recherche def simple_toggle_search_dialog(self): ''' Search dock widget ''' if self.simple_cadastre_search_dialog.isVisible(): self.simple_cadastre_search_dialog.hide() else: def open_option_dialog(self): ''' Config dialog ''' dialog = cadastre_option_dialog(self.iface) dialog.exec_() def open_about_dialog(self): ''' About dialog ''' dialog = cadastre_about_dialog(self.iface) dialog.exec_() def initializeIdentifyParcelleTool(self): ''' Initialize the identify tool for parcelles ''' self.identyParcelleTool = IdentifyParcelle(self.mapCanvas) self.identyParcelleTool.geomIdentified.connect(self.getParcelleInfo) self.identyParcelleTool.geomUnidentified.connect(self.setParcelleAsActiveLayer) self.identyParcelleTool.setAction(self.identifyParcelleAction) self.identifyParcelleAction.triggered.connect(self.setIndentifyParcelleTool) self.toolbar.addAction(self.identifyParcelleAction) def refreshIdentifyParcelleTool(self): ''' Reinit identify parcelle tool ''' self.toolbar.removeAction(self.identifyParcelleAction) self.initializeIdentifyParcelleTool() self.setIndentifyParcelleTool() def setIndentifyParcelleTool(self): ''' Activite the identify tool for the layer geo_parcelle ''' # First set Parcelle as active layer self.setParcelleAsActiveLayer() # The activate identify tool self.mapCanvas.setMapTool(self.identyParcelleTool) def setParcelleAsActiveLayer(self): ''' Search among layers and set Parcelles layer as the current active layer ''' # First set Parcelle as active layer layer = self.qc.getLayerFromLegendByTableProps('geo_parcelle') if not layer: return # Set active layer -> geo_parcelle self.iface.setActiveLayer(layer) def getParcelleInfo(self, layer, feature): ''' Return information of the identified parcelle ''' # Find parcelle layer parcelleLayer = self.qc.getLayerFromLegendByTableProps('geo_parcelle') if not parcelleLayer: return # Check if current active layer is parcelle layer if != setActiveQuestion = QMessageBox.question( self.cadastre_search_dialog, u"Cadastre", u'"Parcelles" doit être la couche active dans QGIS pour utiliser cet outil. Activer la couche ?', QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes ) if setActiveQuestion == QMessageBox.Yes: self.iface.setActiveLayer(parcelleLayer) return # show parcelle form parcelleDialog = cadastre_parcelle_dialog( self.iface, layer, feature, self.cadastre_search_dialog ) def onProjectRead(self): ''' Refresh search dialog when new data has been loaded ''' if self.cadastre_search_dialog: self.cadastre_search_dialog.checkMajicContent() self.cadastre_search_dialog.clearComboboxes() self.cadastre_search_dialog.setupSearchCombobox('commune', None, 'sql') self.cadastre_search_dialog.setupSearchCombobox('section', None, 'sql') self.refreshIdentifyParcelleTool() def onNewProjectCreated(self): ''' Refresh search dialog when new data has been loaded ''' if self.cadastre_search_dialog: self.cadastre_search_dialog.checkMajicContent() self.cadastre_search_dialog.clearComboboxes() def open_help(self): '''Opens the html help file content with default browser''' #~ localHelpUrl = "" localHelpUrl = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/doc/index.html" QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl(localHelpUrl) ) def open_message_dialog(self): ''' Display a message to the user ''' versionMessages = { '1.1.0': [ [ u'Compatibilité avec QGIS 2.6', u'La compatibilité n\'est pas assurée à 100 % avec la dernière version 2.6 de QGIS, notamment pour la création d\'une base Spatialite vide. Vous pouvez utiliser les outils de QGIS pour le faire.' ] , [ u'Lien entre les parcelles EDIGEO et MAJIC', u'Pour cette nouvelle version du plugin, la structure de la base de données a été légèrement modifiée. Pour pouvoir utiliser les fonctions du plugin Cadastre, vous devez donc impérativement <b>réimporter les données dans une base vide</b>' ] , [ u'Validation des géométries', u'Certaines données EDIGEO contiennent des géométries invalides (polygones croisés dit "papillons", polygones non fermés, etc.). Cette version utilise une fonction de PostGIS qui tente de corriger ces invalidités. Il faut impérativement <b>utiliser une version récente de PostGIS</b> : 2.0.4 minimum pour la version 2, ou les version ultérieures (2.1 par exemple)' ] ] } mConfig = self.mConfig version = mConfig.get('general', 'version') changelog = mConfig.get('general', 'changelog') message = '<h2>Version %s - notes concernant cette version</h2>' % version if version in versionMessages: message+='<ul>' for item in versionMessages[version]: message+='<li><b>%s</b> - %s</li>' % (item[0], item[1]) message+='</ul>' message+= '<h3>Changelog</h3>' message+= '<p>' i = 0 for item in changelog.split('*'): if i == 0: message+= '<b>%s</b><ul>' % item.decode('utf-8') else: message+= '<li>%s</li>' % item.decode('utf-8') i+=1 message+='</ul>' message+= '</p>' dialog = cadastre_message_dialog(self.iface, message) dialog.exec_() def unload(self): if self.cadastre_menu != None: self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar().removeAction(self.cadastre_menu.menuAction()) self.cadastre_menu.deleteLater() self.iface.mainWindow().removeToolBar(self.toolbar) else: self.iface.removePluginMenu("&cadastre", self.cadastre_menu.menuAction()) self.cadastre_menu.deleteLater() if self.cadastre_search_dialog: self.iface.removeDockWidget(self.cadastre_search_dialog)
# Author: Nic Wolfe <> # URL: # # This file is part of Sick Beard. # # Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Sick Beard. If not, see <>. __all__ = ['ezrss', 'eztv', 'hdbits', 'tvtorrents', 'womble', 'btn', 'omgwtfnzbs', 'kickass', 'torrentz', 'thepiratebay', 'torrentleech', 'torrentday', 'sceneaccess', 'iptorrents', 'bithdtv', 'btdigg', 'torrentshack', 'speed', 'revolutiontt' ] import sickbeard from sickbeard import logger from os import sys def sortedProviderList(): initialList = sickbeard.providerList + sickbeard.newznabProviderList providerDict = dict(zip([x.getID() for x in initialList], initialList)) newList = [] # add all modules in the priority list, in order for curModule in sickbeard.PROVIDER_ORDER: if curModule in providerDict: newList.append(providerDict[curModule]) # add any modules that are missing from that list for curModule in providerDict: if providerDict[curModule] not in newList: newList.append(providerDict[curModule]) return newList def makeProviderList(): return [x.provider for x in [getProviderModule(y) for y in __all__] if x] def getNewznabProviderList(data): defaultList = [makeNewznabProvider(x) for x in getDefaultNewznabProviders().split('!!!')] providerList = filter(lambda x: x, [makeNewznabProvider(x) for x in data.split('!!!')]) providerDict = dict(zip([ for x in providerList], providerList)) for curDefault in defaultList: if not curDefault: continue if not in providerDict: curDefault.default = True providerList.append(curDefault) else: providerDict[].default = True providerDict[].name = providerDict[].url = curDefault.url providerDict[].needs_auth = curDefault.needs_auth return filter(lambda x: x, providerList) def makeNewznabProvider(configString): if not configString: return None try: name, url, key, catIDs, enabled = configString.split('|') except ValueError: logger.log(u"Skipping Newznab provider string: '" + configString + "', incorrect format", logger.ERROR) return None newznab = sys.modules['sickbeard.providers.newznab'] newProvider = newznab.NewznabProvider(name, url, key=key, catIDs=catIDs) newProvider.enabled = enabled == '1' return newProvider def getDefaultNewznabProviders(): return 'Sick Beard Index||0|5030,5040|1!!!|||5030,5040,5070,5090|0!!!Usenet-Crawler|||5030,5040|0' def getProviderModule(name): name = name.lower() prefix = "sickbeard.providers." if name in __all__ and prefix + name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[prefix + name] else: raise Exception("Can't find " + prefix + name + " in " + repr(sys.modules)) def getProviderClass(providerID): providerMatch = [x for x in sickbeard.providerList + sickbeard.newznabProviderList if x.getID() == providerID] if len(providerMatch) != 1: return None else: return providerMatch[0]
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Samples module for Odoo Web Login Screen # Copyright (C) 2016- XUBI.ME ( # @author binhnguyenxuan ( # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Background Source: # ############################################################################## { 'name': 'Odoo Web Login Screen', 'summary': 'The new configurable Odoo Web Login Screen', 'version': '', 'category': 'Website', 'summary': """ The new configurable Odoo Web Login Screen """, 'author': "binhnguyenxuan (", 'website': '', 'license': 'AGPL-3', 'depends': [ ], 'data': [ 'data/ir_config_parameter.xml', 'templates/webclient_templates.xml', 'templates/website_templates.xml', ], 'qweb': [ ], 'installable': True, 'application': True, }
# # This file is part of Herschel Common Science System (HCSS). # Copyright 2001-2012 Herschel Science Ground Segment Consortium # # HCSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # HCSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General # Public License along with HCSS. # If not, see <>. # """ VERSION $Id:,v 1.48 2015/10/15 18:39:45 jdejong Exp $ <do not touch. This field is changed by CVS> PURPOSE PACS Spectrometer Pipeline for AORs starting from spu mode of onboard fitted ramps This is the first level of the pipeline scripts of the SPG - the Standard Product Generation, a.k.a. the automatic pipeline that the HSC runs - and that which your HSA-gotten ObservationContext were reduced with, if they were reduced in this same track. The SPG scripts are similar to the interactive pipeline (ipipe) scripts that PACS provides in HIPE, but there are extra tasks that the ipipe scripts include, and so users should consider re-reducing their data with the ipipe scripts. However, for this script there are almost no differences between the SPG and the interactive pipelines. This SPG script is provided so you can see what your HSA-gotten Observation Context levels were reduced with. We provide some comments explaining what the individual tasks do, but for detailed comments see the ipipe scripts, and for a detailed explanation of the pipeline, see the PACS Data Reduction Guide. The ipipe scripts can be found under the HIPE menu Pipelines->Spectrometer->. From there you go to the pipeline suited for your observation, such as Chopped line scan and short range scan->lineScan. WARNING Do not edit this file! This is the reference copy for your current installation of HIPE. We recommend you first copy it to a different location before editing. AUTHOR Juergen Schreiber <> INPUTS - obs : ObservationContext - Products needed to run the pipeline are extracted from it - Must already be loaded in HIPE, and should contain the previously-reduced Level 0.5 - camera : camera to reduce (only one done at a time) - "red" or "blue" - calTree : Calibration Tree from the observation, or generated within your HIPE session HISTORY 2009-03-13 JS 1.0 initial version 2009-06-24 JS 1.1 updated 2013-04-04 KME improve comments """ from herschel.pacs.signal import SlicedFrames from herschel.pacs.signal.context import * from herschel.pacs.spg.common import * from herschel.pacs.spg.spec import * from import * from herschel.ia.numeric import * from herschel.ia.jconsole import * from herschel.pacs.spg.pipeline import * #******************************************************************************* # Preparation #******************************************************************************* # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SETUP 1: # red or blue camera? This the user has to set before running the script, using the command e.g. # > camera = "blue" # the try/except here will set the camera to "blue" if it has not already been defined try: camera except NameError: camera = 'blue' # Checks for a particular type of anomaly (H_SC-70 DECMEC) and adds a quality flag if found. # (This refers to a loss of data, and if this quality flag became set while the SPG was running # on your data, then your data would have gone through an extra quality control.) # If the anomaly is present, then a Meta Data entry "qflag_DMANOG4L_p" will be added to obs, and # a flag is added to the "quality" of obs. obs = checkForAnomaly70(obs) # filter meta keywords and update descriptions modifyMetaData(obs) # add extra meta data pacsEnhanceMetaData(obs) # # copy the metadata from the ObservationContext to the level0 product pacsPropagateMetaKeywords(obs,'0', obs.level0) # # Extract the level0 from the ObservationContext level0 = PacsContext(obs.level0) level0 = level0.updateContextType() obs.level0 = level0 # # Extract the pointing product pp = obs.auxiliary.pointing # # Extract the orbit ephemeris information orbitEphem = obs.auxiliary.orbitEphemeris # # Extract Time Correlation which is used to convert in addUtc timeCorr = obs.auxiliary.timeCorrelation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SETUP 2: # Set up the calibration tree. # First check whether calTree already exists, since it could have been filled by the SPG pipeline # If not, then take it from your current HIPE build, and then put it into the ObservationContext # so that it is stored there for future reference try: calTree except NameError: calTree = getCalTree(obs=obs) obs.calibration = calTree # # Extract the Horizons product # try : hp = obs.auxiliary.refs["HorizonsProduct"].product except : print "WARNING : No Horizons found !" hp = None # # For your camera, extract the Frames (scientific data), the rawramps (raw data # for one pixel), and the DMC header (the mechanisms' status information, # sampled at a high frequency) slicedFrames = SlicedFrames(level0.fitted.getCamera(camera).product) slicedRawRamp = level0.raw.getCamera(camera).product slicedDmcHead = level0.dmc.getCamera(camera).product # # *********************************************************************************** # Processing # *********************************************************************************** # # Flag the saturated data in a mask "SATURATION" (and "RAWSATURATION": this exploits # the raw ramps downlinked for a single pixel of the data array) # used cal files: RampSatLimits and SignalSatLimits # copy=1 makes slicedFrames a fully independent product slicedFrames = specFlagSaturationFrames(slicedFrames, rawRamp = slicedRawRamp, calTree=calTree, copy=1) # # Convert digital units to Volts, used cal file: Readouts2Volts slicedFrames = specConvDigit2VoltsPerSecFrames(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # Identifies the calibration blocks and fills the CALSOURCE status entry slicedFrames = detectCalibrationBlock(slicedFrames) # # This tasks adds the time information in UTC to the status slicedFrames = addUtc(slicedFrames, timeCorr) # # Add the pointing information of the central spaxel to the Status # Uses the pointing, horizons product (solar system object ephemeries), # orbitEphemeris products, and the SIAM cal file. slicedFrames = specAddInstantPointing(slicedFrames, pp, calTree = calTree, orbitEphem = orbitEphem, horizonsProduct = hp) #copy the saa meta keyword to the ObservationContext meta HCSS-SCR 19230 obs.meta["solarAspectAngleMean"] = slicedFrames.meta["solarAspectAngleMean"].copy() obs.meta["solarAspectAngleRms"] = slicedFrames.meta["solarAspectAngleRms"].copy() # # If SSO, move SSO target to a fixed position in sky. This is needed for mapping SSOs. if (isSolarSystemObject(obs)): slicedFrames = correctRaDec4Sso (slicedFrames, orbitEphem=orbitEphem, horizonsProduct=hp, linear=0) # # This task extends the Status of Frames with the parameters GRATSCAN, CHOPPER, CHOPPOS # used cal file: ChopperThrowDescription slicedFrames = specExtendStatus(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # This task converts the chopper readouts to an angle wrt. focal plane unit and the sky # and adds this to the status, used cal file: ChopperAngle and ChopperSkyAngle slicedFrames = convertChopper2Angle(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # This task adds the positions for each pixel (Ra and Dec dataset) # used cal files: ArrayInstrument and ModuleArray slicedFrames = specAssignRaDec(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # This task adds the wavelength for each pixel (Wave dataset), used cal file: WavePolynomes slicedFrames = waveCalc(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # This task corrects the wavelength for the s/c velocity, uses the pointing, orbitEphemeris and TimeCorrelation product slicedFrames = specCorrectHerschelVelocity(slicedFrames, orbitEphem, pp, timeCorr, horizonsProduct = hp) # # Find the major blocks of this observation and organise it in the block table attached to the Frames # used cal file: ObcpDescription slicedFrames = findBlocks(slicedFrames, calTree = calTree) # # This task flags the known bad or noisy pixels in the mask "BADPIXELS" and "NOISYPIXELS" # used cal files: BadPixelMask and NoisyPixelMask slicedFrames = specFlagBadPixelsFrames(slicedFrames, calTree=calTree) # # Slice the data by Line/Range, Raster Point, nod position, nod cycle, on/off position and per band. # The parameters removeUndefined and removeMasked are for cleaning purposes slicedFrames, additionalOutContexts = pacsSliceContext(slicedFrames,[slicedDmcHead],removeUndefined=True, removeMasked=True, spgMode = True) slicedDmcHead = additionalOutContexts[0] # This task flags the data effected by the chopper movement in the mask "UNCLEANCHOP" # it uses the high resolution Dec/Mec header and the cal files ChopperAngle and ChopperJitterThreshold slicedFrames = flagChopMoveFrames(slicedFrames, dmcHead=slicedDmcHead, calTree=calTree) # # This task flags the data affected by the grating movement in the mask "GRATMOVE" # it uses the high resolution Dec/Mec header and the cal file GratingJitterThreshold slicedFrames = flagGratMoveFrames(slicedFrames, dmcHead=slicedDmcHead, calTree=calTree) # # Update of the observation context obs = updatePacsObservation(obs, 0.5, [slicedFrames, slicedDmcHead]) # remove some variables (clean-up of memory) del pp, orbitEphem, slicedDmcHead, slicedFrames, slicedRawRamp, timeCorr, hp, level0, additionalOutContexts
#!env/python3 # coding: utf-8 try: import ipdb except ImportError: pass import os import json import datetime import uuid import psycopg2 import hashlib import asyncio import ped_parser from config import * from core.framework.common import * from core.framework.postgresql import execute import core.model as Model # ===================================================================================================================== # Samples MANAGER # ===================================================================================================================== class SampleManager: def __init__(self): pass def list(self, ref_id=0): """ List all samples by default, or samples for a provided reference_id """ sql_where = " WHERE reference_id={}".format(ref_id) if ref_id > 0 else "" sql = "SELECT id, subject_id, name, comment, is_mosaic, file_id, loading_progress, reference_id, status FROM sample{} ORDER BY id".format(sql_where) result = [] for res in execute(sql): result.append({ "id":, "subject_id": res.subject_id, "name":, "comment": res.comment, "status": res.status, "is_mosaic": res.is_mosaic, "file_id": res.file_id, "loading_progress": res.loading_progress, "reference_id": res.reference_id }) return result def get(self, fields=None, query:str=None, order:str=None, offset:int=None, limit:int=None, depth:int=0): """ Generic method to get sample data according to provided filtering options """ if not isinstance(fields, dict): fields = None if query is None: query = {} if order is None: order = "name" if offset is None: offset = 0 if limit is None: limit = RANGE_MAX s = Model.Session() samples = s.query(Model.Sample).filter_by(**query).order_by(order).limit(limit).offset(offset).all() for s in samples: s.init(depth) return samples async def import_from_file(self, file_id:int, reference_id:int, analysis_id:int=None): from core.managers.imports.vcf_manager import VcfManager # Check ref_id if analysis_id: analysis = Model.Analysis.from_id(analysis_id) if analysis and not reference_id: reference_id=analysis.reference_id # create instance of importer importer = VcfManager() # Only import from VCF is supported for samples print ("Using import manager {}. {}".format(VcfManager.metadata["name"],VcfManager.metadata["description"])) try: result = await importer.import_data(file_id, reference_id=reference_id) except Exception as ex: msg = "Error occured when caling: core.samples.import_from_file > VcfManager.import_data(file_id={}, ref_id={}).".format(file_id, reference_id) raise RegovarException(msg, exception=ex) # if analysis_id set, associate it to sample if result and result["success"]: samples = [result["samples"][s] for s in result["samples"].keys()] if analysis_id: for s in samples:, analysis_id) s.init() if result["success"]: return [result["samples"][s] for s in result["samples"].keys()] return False # TODO raise error
import os import sys import subprocess import pausable_unittest class Pauser(pausable_unittest.BasePauser): def add_actions(self): def shutdown(self, wake_after_sec=None): self.pause(("shutdown", wake_after_sec)) self.add_action("shutdown", shutdown) def reboot(self): self.pause(("reboot",)) self.add_action("reboot", reboot) def exec_for_reboot(self, command, expected_exitcode=0): self.pause(("exec_for_reboot", command, expected_exitcode)) self.add_action("exec_for_reboot", exec_for_reboot) def bat_path(self, base_dir): return self.call_pauser_callback("bat_path", base_dir) self.add_action("bat_path", bat_path) def create_bat(self): return self.call_pauser_callback("create_bat") self.add_action("create_bat", create_bat) def do_pause(self, info): # for consistent output of travis ci. sys.stdout.flush() if info[0] == "shutdown": if info[1] is not None: pass print("Run again") elif info[0] == "reboot": print("Reboot!") elif info[0] == "exec_for_reboot": cmd = info[1] expected_exitcode = info[2] ret = os.system(cmd) if type(expected_exitcode) == list or type(expected_exitcode) == tuple: if ret in expected_exitcode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, str(cmd)) else: if ret != expected_exitcode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, str(cmd)) def bat_path(self, base_dir): return base_dir + "_sample" def create_bat(self): pass def exec_callback(self, action, info): if action == "bat_path": return self.bat_path(info) elif action == "create_bat": return self.create_bat() else: super(Pauser, self).exec_callback(action, info)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import logging import os import time import unittest from airflow import AirflowException, settings from airflow import models from airflow.bin import cli from airflow.executors import DEFAULT_EXECUTOR from import BackfillJob, SchedulerJob from airflow.models import DAG, DagModel, DagBag, DagRun, Pool, TaskInstance as TI from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator from airflow.utils.db import provide_session from airflow.utils.state import State from airflow.utils.timeout import timeout from tests.executor.test_executor import TestExecutor from airflow import configuration configuration.load_test_config() try: from unittest import mock except ImportError: try: import mock except ImportError: mock = None DEV_NULL = '/dev/null' DEFAULT_DATE = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1) class BackfillJobTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.parser = cli.CLIFactory.get_parser() self.dagbag = DagBag(include_examples=True) @unittest.skipIf('sqlite' in configuration.get('core', 'sql_alchemy_conn'), "concurrent access not supported in sqlite") def test_trigger_controller_dag(self): dag = self.dagbag.get_dag('example_trigger_controller_dag') target_dag = self.dagbag.get_dag('example_trigger_target_dag') dag.clear() target_dag.clear() scheduler = SchedulerJob() queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(target_dag, queue=queue) self.assertFalse(queue.append.called) job = BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE, ignore_first_depends_on_past=True ) scheduler = SchedulerJob() queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(target_dag, queue=queue) self.assertTrue(queue.append.called) target_dag.clear() dag.clear() @unittest.skipIf('sqlite' in configuration.get('core', 'sql_alchemy_conn'), "concurrent access not supported in sqlite") def test_backfill_multi_dates(self): dag = self.dagbag.get_dag('example_bash_operator') dag.clear() job = BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE+datetime.timedelta(days=1), ignore_first_depends_on_past=True ) session = settings.Session() drs = session.query(DagRun).filter( DagRun.dag_id=='example_bash_operator' ).order_by(DagRun.execution_date).all() self.assertTrue(drs[0].execution_date == DEFAULT_DATE) self.assertTrue(drs[0].state == State.SUCCESS) self.assertTrue(drs[1].execution_date == DEFAULT_DATE+datetime.timedelta(days=1)) self.assertTrue(drs[1].state == State.SUCCESS) dag.clear() session.close() @unittest.skipIf('sqlite' in configuration.get('core', 'sql_alchemy_conn'), "concurrent access not supported in sqlite") def test_backfill_examples(self): """ Test backfilling example dags """ # some DAGs really are just examples... but try to make them work! skip_dags = [ 'example_http_operator', 'example_twitter_dag', 'example_trigger_target_dag', 'example_trigger_controller_dag', # tested above 'test_utils', # sleeps forever ] logger = logging.getLogger('BackfillJobTest.test_backfill_examples') dags = [ dag for dag in self.dagbag.dags.values() if 'example_dags' in dag.full_filepath and dag.dag_id not in skip_dags ] for dag in dags: dag.clear( start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE) for i, dag in enumerate(sorted(dags, key=lambda d: d.dag_id)):'*** Running example DAG #{}: {}'.format(i, dag.dag_id)) job = BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE, ignore_first_depends_on_past=True) def test_backfill_pooled_tasks(self): """ Test that queued tasks are executed by BackfillJob Test for """ session = settings.Session() pool = Pool(pool='test_backfill_pooled_task_pool', slots=1) session.add(pool) session.commit() dag = self.dagbag.get_dag('test_backfill_pooled_task_dag') dag.clear() job = BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE) # run with timeout because this creates an infinite loop if not # caught with timeout(seconds=30): ti = TI( task=dag.get_task('test_backfill_pooled_task'), execution_date=DEFAULT_DATE) ti.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(ti.state, State.SUCCESS) def test_backfill_depends_on_past(self): """ Test that backfill respects ignore_depends_on_past """ dag = self.dagbag.get_dag('test_depends_on_past') dag.clear() run_date = DEFAULT_DATE + datetime.timedelta(days=5) # backfill should deadlock self.assertRaisesRegexp( AirflowException, 'BackfillJob is deadlocked', BackfillJob(dag=dag, start_date=run_date, end_date=run_date).run) BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=run_date, end_date=run_date, ignore_first_depends_on_past=True).run() # ti should have succeeded ti = TI(dag.tasks[0], run_date) ti.refresh_from_db() self.assertEquals(ti.state, State.SUCCESS) def test_cli_backfill_depends_on_past(self): """ Test that CLI respects -I argument """ dag_id = 'test_dagrun_states_deadlock' run_date = DEFAULT_DATE + datetime.timedelta(days=1) args = [ 'backfill', dag_id, '-l', '-s', run_date.isoformat(), ] dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() self.assertRaisesRegexp( AirflowException, 'BackfillJob is deadlocked', cli.backfill, self.parser.parse_args(args)) cli.backfill(self.parser.parse_args(args + ['-I'])) ti = TI(dag.get_task('test_depends_on_past'), run_date) ti.refresh_from_db() # task ran self.assertEqual(ti.state, State.SUCCESS) dag.clear() class SchedulerJobTest(unittest.TestCase): # These defaults make the test faster to run default_scheduler_args = {"file_process_interval": 0, "processor_poll_interval": 0.5} def setUp(self): self.dagbag = DagBag() @provide_session def evaluate_dagrun( self, dag_id, expected_task_states, # dict of task_id: state dagrun_state, run_kwargs=None, advance_execution_date=False, session=None): """ Helper for testing DagRun states with simple two-task DAGS. This is hackish: a dag run is created but its tasks are run by a backfill. """ if run_kwargs is None: run_kwargs = {} scheduler = SchedulerJob(**self.default_scheduler_args) dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) if advance_execution_date: # run a second time to schedule a dagrun after the start_date dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) ex_date = dr.execution_date try:, end_date=ex_date, **run_kwargs) except AirflowException: pass # test tasks for task_id, expected_state in expected_task_states.items(): task = dag.get_task(task_id) ti = TI(task, ex_date) ti.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(ti.state, expected_state) # load dagrun dr = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=ex_date) dr = dr[0] dr.dag = dag self.assertEqual(dr.state, dagrun_state) def test_dagrun_fail(self): """ DagRuns with one failed and one incomplete root task -> FAILED """ self.evaluate_dagrun( dag_id='test_dagrun_states_fail', expected_task_states={ 'test_dagrun_fail': State.FAILED, 'test_dagrun_succeed': State.UPSTREAM_FAILED, }, dagrun_state=State.FAILED) def test_dagrun_success(self): """ DagRuns with one failed and one successful root task -> SUCCESS """ self.evaluate_dagrun( dag_id='test_dagrun_states_success', expected_task_states={ 'test_dagrun_fail': State.FAILED, 'test_dagrun_succeed': State.SUCCESS, }, dagrun_state=State.SUCCESS) def test_dagrun_root_fail(self): """ DagRuns with one successful and one failed root task -> FAILED """ self.evaluate_dagrun( dag_id='test_dagrun_states_root_fail', expected_task_states={ 'test_dagrun_succeed': State.SUCCESS, 'test_dagrun_fail': State.FAILED, }, dagrun_state=State.FAILED) def test_dagrun_deadlock_ignore_depends_on_past_advance_ex_date(self): """ DagRun is marked a success if ignore_first_depends_on_past=True Test that an otherwise-deadlocked dagrun is marked as a success if ignore_first_depends_on_past=True and the dagrun execution_date is after the start_date. """ self.evaluate_dagrun( dag_id='test_dagrun_states_deadlock', expected_task_states={ 'test_depends_on_past': State.SUCCESS, 'test_depends_on_past_2': State.SUCCESS, }, dagrun_state=State.SUCCESS, advance_execution_date=True, run_kwargs=dict(ignore_first_depends_on_past=True)) def test_dagrun_deadlock_ignore_depends_on_past(self): """ Test that ignore_first_depends_on_past doesn't affect results (this is the same test as test_dagrun_deadlock_ignore_depends_on_past_advance_ex_date except that start_date == execution_date so depends_on_past is irrelevant). """ self.evaluate_dagrun( dag_id='test_dagrun_states_deadlock', expected_task_states={ 'test_depends_on_past': State.SUCCESS, 'test_depends_on_past_2': State.SUCCESS, }, dagrun_state=State.SUCCESS, run_kwargs=dict(ignore_first_depends_on_past=True)) def test_scheduler_start_date(self): """ Test that the scheduler respects start_dates, even when DAGS have run """ dag_id = 'test_start_date_scheduling' dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() self.assertTrue(dag.start_date > DEFAULT_DATE) scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag_id, num_runs=2, **self.default_scheduler_args) # zero tasks ran session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag_id).all()), 0) # previously, running this backfill would kick off the Scheduler # because it would take the most recent run and start from there # That behavior still exists, but now it will only do so if after the # start date backfill = BackfillJob( dag=dag, start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE) # one task ran session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag_id).all()), 1) scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag_id, num_runs=2, **self.default_scheduler_args) # still one task session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag_id).all()), 1) def test_scheduler_multiprocessing(self): """ Test that the scheduler can successfully queue multiple dags in parallel """ dag_ids = ['test_start_date_scheduling', 'test_dagrun_states_success'] for dag_id in dag_ids: dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag_ids=dag_ids, file_process_interval=0, processor_poll_interval=0.5, num_runs=2) # zero tasks ran dag_id = 'test_start_date_scheduling' session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag_id).all()), 0) def test_scheduler_dagrun_once(self): """ Test if the scheduler does not create multiple dagruns if a dag is scheduled with @once and a start_date """ dag = DAG( 'test_scheduler_dagrun_once', start_date=datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1), schedule_interval="@once") scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNone(dr) def test_scheduler_process_task_instances(self): """ Test if _process_task_instances puts the right task instances into the queue. """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_process_execute_task', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(dag, queue=queue) queue.append.assert_called_with( (dag.dag_id, dag_task1.task_id, DEFAULT_DATE) ) def test_scheduler_do_not_schedule_removed_task(self): dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_do_not_schedule_removed_task', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_do_not_schedule_removed_task', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(dag, queue=queue) queue.put.assert_not_called() def test_scheduler_do_not_schedule_too_early(self): dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_do_not_schedule_too_early', start_date=datetime.datetime(2200, 1, 1)) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNone(dr) queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(dag, queue=queue) queue.put.assert_not_called() def test_scheduler_do_not_run_finished(self): dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_do_not_run_finished', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) tis = dr.get_task_instances(session=session) for ti in tis: ti.state = State.SUCCESS session.commit() session.close() queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(dag, queue=queue) queue.put.assert_not_called() def test_scheduler_add_new_task(self): """ Test if a task instance will be added if the dag is updated """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_add_new_task', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 1) dag_task2 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy2', dag=dag, owner='airflow') queue = mock.Mock() scheduler._process_task_instances(dag, queue=queue) tis = dr.get_task_instances() self.assertEquals(len(tis), 2) def test_scheduler_verify_max_active_runs(self): """ Test if a a dagrun will not be scheduled if max_dag_runs has been reached """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_verify_max_active_runs', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag.max_active_runs = 1 dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag.dag_id, run_duration=1) dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) dr2 = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNone(dr2) dag.clear() dag.max_active_runs = 0 session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag.dag_id).all()), 0) def test_scheduler_fail_dagrun_timeout(self): """ Test if a a dagrun wil be set failed if timeout """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_fail_dagrun_timeout', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag.dagrun_timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) dr.start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) session.merge(dr) session.commit() dr2 = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr2) dr.refresh_from_db(session=session) self.assertEquals(dr.state, State.FAILED) def test_scheduler_verify_max_active_runs_and_dagrun_timeout(self): """ Test if a a dagrun will not be scheduled if max_dag_runs has been reached and dagrun_timeout is not reached Test if a a dagrun will be scheduled if max_dag_runs has been reached but dagrun_timeout is also reached """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_verify_max_active_runs_and_dagrun_timeout', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag.max_active_runs = 1 dag.dagrun_timeout = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) # Should not be scheduled as DagRun has not timedout and max_active_runs is reached new_dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNone(new_dr) # Should be scheduled as dagrun_timeout has passed dr.start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) session.merge(dr) session.commit() new_dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(new_dr) def test_scheduler_auto_align(self): """ Test if the schedule_interval will be auto aligned with the start_date such that if the start_date coincides with the schedule the first execution_date will be start_date, otherwise it will be start_date + interval. """ dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_auto_align_1', start_date=datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 10, 10, 0), schedule_interval="4 5 * * *" ) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) self.assertEquals(dr.execution_date, datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 2, 5, 4)) dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_auto_align_2', start_date=datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 10, 10, 0), schedule_interval="10 10 * * *" ) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() scheduler = SchedulerJob() dag.clear() dr = scheduler.create_dag_run(dag) self.assertIsNotNone(dr) self.assertEquals(dr.execution_date, datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 10, 10)) def test_scheduler_reschedule(self): """ Checks if tasks that are not taken up by the executor get rescheduled """ executor = TestExecutor() dagbag = DagBag(executor=executor) dagbag.dags.clear() dagbag.executor = executor dag = DAG( dag_id='test_scheduler_reschedule', start_date=DEFAULT_DATE) dag_task1 = DummyOperator( task_id='dummy', dag=dag, owner='airflow') dag.clear() dag.is_subdag = False session = settings.Session() orm_dag = DagModel(dag_id=dag.dag_id) orm_dag.is_paused = False session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() dagbag.bag_dag(dag=dag, root_dag=dag, parent_dag=dag) @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag', return_value=dagbag) @mock.patch('airflow.models.DagBag.collect_dags') def do_schedule(function, function2): # Use a empty file since the above mock will return the # expected DAGs. Also specify only a single file so that it doesn't # try to schedule the above DAG repeatedly. scheduler = SchedulerJob(num_runs=1, executor=executor, subdir=os.path.join(models.DAGS_FOLDER, "")) scheduler.heartrate = 0 do_schedule() self.assertEquals(1, len(executor.queued_tasks)) executor.queued_tasks.clear() do_schedule() self.assertEquals(2, len(executor.queued_tasks)) def test_scheduler_run_duration(self): """ Verifies that the scheduler run duration limit is followed. """ dag_id = 'test_start_date_scheduling' dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() self.assertTrue(dag.start_date > DEFAULT_DATE) expected_run_duration = 5 start_time = scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag_id, run_duration=expected_run_duration, **self.default_scheduler_args) end_time = run_duration = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()"Test ran in %.2fs, expected %.2fs", run_duration, expected_run_duration) assert run_duration - expected_run_duration < 5.0 def test_dag_with_system_exit(self): """ Test to check that a DAG with a system.exit() doesn't break the scheduler. """ dag_id = 'exit_test_dag' dag_ids = [dag_id] dag_directory = os.path.join(models.DAGS_FOLDER, "..", "dags_with_system_exit") dag_file = os.path.join(dag_directory, '') dagbag = DagBag(dag_folder=dag_file) for dag_id in dag_ids: dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) dag.clear() scheduler = SchedulerJob(dag_ids=dag_ids, subdir= dag_directory, num_runs=1, **self.default_scheduler_args) session = settings.Session() self.assertEqual( len(session.query(TI).filter(TI.dag_id == dag_id).all()), 1)
from . import messages from . import utils from grow.common import utils as common_utils from protorpc import protojson if common_utils.is_appengine(): pool = None else: from multiprocessing import pool import ConfigParser import datetime import hashlib import logging import progressbar import texttable class Error(Exception): pass class CorruptIndexError(Error): pass class Diff(object): POOL_SIZE = 100 # Thread pool size for applying a diff. @classmethod def is_empty(cls, diff): return not diff.adds and not diff.deletes and not diff.edits @classmethod def _format_author(cls, author, include_email=True): if include_email: return '{} <{}>'.format(, if author else '' return if author else '' @classmethod def _make_diff_row(cls, color, label, message): label = texttable.get_color_string(color, label) path = texttable.get_color_string(texttable.bcolors.WHITE, message.path) formatted_author = cls._format_author(message.deployed_by, True) deployed = str(message.deployed).split('.')[0][:-3] if message.deployed else '' return [label, path, deployed, formatted_author] @classmethod def pretty_print(cls, diff): last_commit = diff.indexes[0].commit new_commit = diff.indexes[1].commit last_index = diff.indexes[0] new_index = diff.indexes[1] table = texttable.Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_deco(texttable.Texttable.HEADER) rows = [] rows.append(['Action', 'Path', 'Last deployed', 'By']) file_rows = [] for add in diff.adds: file_rows.append(cls._make_diff_row(texttable.bcolors.GREEN, 'add', add)) for edit in diff.edits: file_rows.append(cls._make_diff_row(texttable.bcolors.PURPLE, 'edit', edit)) for delete in diff.deletes: file_rows.append(cls._make_diff_row(texttable.bcolors.RED, 'delete', delete)) file_rows.sort(key=lambda row: row[1]) rows += file_rows table.add_rows(rows)'\n' + table.draw() + '\n') if last_index.deployed and last_index.deployed_by:'Last deployed: {} by {}'.format( last_index.deployed, cls._format_author(last_index.deployed_by))) last_commit_sha = last_commit.sha if last_commit else '' new_commit_sha = new_commit.sha if new_commit else '' if new_index.deployed_by: between_commits = '{}..{}'.format( last_commit_sha[:7], new_commit_sha[:7]) if new_commit: if new_commit.has_unstaged_changes: between_commits += ' (with unstaged changes)' else: between_commits += ' (initial commit)''Diff: {} as {}'.format( between_commits, if diff.what_changed: + '\n') @classmethod def create(cls, index, theirs, repo=None): git = common_utils.get_git() diff = messages.DiffMessage() diff.indexes = [] diff.indexes.append(theirs or messages.IndexMessage()) diff.indexes.append(index or messages.IndexMessage()) index_paths_to_shas = {} their_paths_to_shas = {} for file_message in index.files: index_paths_to_shas[file_message.path] = file_message.sha for file_message in theirs.files: their_paths_to_shas[file_message.path] = file_message.sha for path, sha in index_paths_to_shas.iteritems(): if path in their_paths_to_shas: if index_paths_to_shas[path] == their_paths_to_shas[path]: file_message = messages.FileMessage() file_message.path = path file_message.deployed = theirs.deployed file_message.deployed_by = theirs.deployed_by diff.nochanges.append(file_message) else: file_message = messages.FileMessage() file_message.path = path file_message.deployed = theirs.deployed file_message.deployed_by = theirs.deployed_by diff.edits.append(file_message) del their_paths_to_shas[path] else: file_message = messages.FileMessage() file_message.path = path diff.adds.append(file_message) for path, sha in their_paths_to_shas.iteritems(): file_message = messages.FileMessage() file_message.path = path file_message.deployed = theirs.deployed file_message.deployed_by = theirs.deployed_by diff.deletes.append(file_message) # What changed in the pod between deploy commits. if (repo is not None and index.commit and index.commit.sha and theirs.commit and theirs.commit.sha): try: what_changed = repo.git.log( '--date=short', '--pretty=format:[%h] %ad <%ae> %s', '{}..{}'.format(theirs.commit.sha, index.commit.sha)) if isinstance(what_changed, unicode): what_changed = what_changed.encode('utf-8') diff.what_changed = what_changed.decode('utf-8') except git.exc.GitCommandError:'Unable to determine changes between deploys.') # If on the original deploy show commit log messages only. elif (repo is not None and index.commit and index.commit.sha): what_changed = repo.git.log( '--date=short', '--pretty=format:[%h] %ad <%ae> %s') if isinstance(what_changed, unicode): what_changed = what_changed.encode('utf-8') diff.what_changed = what_changed.decode('utf-8') return diff @classmethod def to_string(cls, message): return protojson.encode_message(message) @classmethod def apply(cls, message, paths_to_content, write_func, delete_func, threaded=True, batch_writes=False): if pool is None: text = 'Deployment is unavailable in this environment.' raise common_utils.UnavailableError(text) thread_pool = pool.ThreadPool(cls.POOL_SIZE) diff = message num_files = len(diff.adds) + len(diff.edits) + len(diff.deletes) text = 'Deploying: %(value)d/{} (in %(elapsed)s)' widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(text.format(num_files))] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=num_files) def run_with_progress(func, *args): func(*args) bar.update(bar.currval + 1) if batch_writes: writes_paths_to_contents = {} for file_message in diff.adds: writes_paths_to_contents[file_message.path] = \ paths_to_content[file_message.path] for file_message in diff.edits: writes_paths_to_contents[file_message.path] = \ paths_to_content[file_message.path] deletes_paths = [file_message.path for file_message in diff.deletes] if writes_paths_to_contents: write_func(writes_paths_to_contents) if deletes_paths: delete_func(deletes_paths) else: bar.start() for file_message in diff.adds: content = paths_to_content[file_message.path] if threaded: args = (write_func, file_message.path, content) thread_pool.apply_async(run_with_progress, args=args) else: run_with_progress(write_func, file_message.path, content) for file_message in diff.edits: content = paths_to_content[file_message.path] if threaded: args = (write_func, file_message.path, content) thread_pool.apply_async(run_with_progress, args=args) else: run_with_progress(write_func, file_message.path, content) for file_message in diff.deletes: if threaded: args = (delete_func, file_message.path) thread_pool.apply_async(run_with_progress, args=args) else: run_with_progress(delete_func, file_message.path) if threaded: thread_pool.close() thread_pool.join() if not batch_writes: bar.finish() class Index(object): @classmethod def create(cls, paths_to_contents=None): message = messages.IndexMessage() message.deployed = message.files = [] if paths_to_contents is None: return message for pod_path, contents in paths_to_contents.iteritems(): cls.add_file(message, pod_path, contents) return message @classmethod def add_file(cls, message, path, contents): pod_path = '/' + path.lstrip('/') m = hashlib.sha1() if isinstance(contents, unicode): contents = contents.encode('utf-8') m.update(contents) sha = m.hexdigest() message.files.append(messages.FileMessage(path=pod_path, sha=sha)) return message @classmethod def add_repo(cls, message, repo): config = repo.config_reader() try: message.deployed_by = messages.AuthorMessage( name=config.get('user', 'name'), email=config.get('user', 'email')) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError): logging.warning("Couldn't find user info in repository config.") try: message.commit = utils.create_commit_message(repo) except utils.NoGitHeadError as e: logging.warning(e) return message @classmethod def to_string(cls, message): return protojson.encode_message(message) @classmethod def from_string(cls, content): return protojson.decode_message(messages.IndexMessage, content)
"""Simple utility values, methods, and classes.""" import logging import re import time from vtdb import dbexceptions from vtdb import vtdb_logger from vtproto import vtrpc_pb2 INITIAL_DELAY_MS = 5 NUM_RETRIES = 3 MAX_DELAY_MS = 100 BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER = 2 def log_exception(exc, keyspace=None, tablet_type=None): """This method logs the exception. Args: exc: exception raised by calling code keyspace: keyspace for the exception tablet_type: tablet_type for the exception """ logger_object = vtdb_logger.get_logger() shard_name = None if isinstance(exc, dbexceptions.IntegrityError): logger_object.integrity_error(exc) else: logger_object.vtclient_exception(keyspace, shard_name, tablet_type, exc) def exponential_backoff_retry( retry_exceptions, initial_delay_ms=INITIAL_DELAY_MS, num_retries=NUM_RETRIES, backoff_multiplier=BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER, max_delay_ms=MAX_DELAY_MS): """Decorator for exponential backoff retry. Log and raise exception if unsuccessful. Do not retry while in a session. Args: retry_exceptions: tuple of exceptions to check. initial_delay_ms: initial delay between retries in ms. num_retries: number max number of retries. backoff_multiplier: multiplier for each retry e.g. 2 will double the retry delay. max_delay_ms: upper bound on retry delay. Returns: A decorator method that returns wrapped method. """ def decorator(method): """Returns wrapper that calls method and retries on retry_exceptions.""" def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): attempt = 0 delay = initial_delay_ms while True: try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) except retry_exceptions as e: attempt += 1 if attempt > num_retries or self.session: # In this case it is hard to discern keyspace # and tablet_type from exception. log_exception(e) raise e logging.error( 'retryable error: %s, retrying in %d ms, attempt %d of %d', e, delay, attempt, num_retries) time.sleep(delay/1000.0) delay *= backoff_multiplier delay = min(max_delay_ms, delay) return wrapper return decorator class VitessError(Exception): """VitessError is raised by an RPC with a server-side application error. VitessErrors have an error code and message. """ _errno_pattern = re.compile(r'\(errno (\d+)\)') def __init__(self, method_name, error=None): """Initializes a VitessError with appropriate defaults from an error dict. Args: method_name: RPC method name, as a string, that was called. error: error dict returned by an RPC call. """ if error is None or not isinstance(error, dict): error = {} self.method_name = method_name self.code = error.get('Code', vtrpc_pb2.UNKNOWN_ERROR) self.message = error.get('Message', 'Missing error message') # Make self.args reflect the error components super(VitessError, self).__init__(self.message, method_name, self.code) def __str__(self): """Print the error nicely, converting the proto error enum to its name.""" return '%s returned %s with message: %s' % ( self.method_name, vtrpc_pb2.ErrorCode.Name(self.code), self.message) def convert_to_dbexception(self, args): """Converts from a VitessError to the appropriate dbexceptions class. Args: args: argument tuple to use to create the new exception. Returns: An exception from dbexceptions. """ if self.code == vtrpc_pb2.TRANSIENT_ERROR: return dbexceptions.TransientError(args) if self.code == vtrpc_pb2.INTEGRITY_ERROR: # Prune the error message to truncate after the mysql errno, since # the error message may contain the query string with bind variables. msg = self.message.lower() parts = self._errno_pattern.split(msg) pruned_msg = msg[:msg.find(parts[2])] new_args = (pruned_msg,) + tuple(args[1:]) return dbexceptions.IntegrityError(new_args) return dbexceptions.DatabaseError(args) def extract_rpc_error(method_name, response): """Extracts any app error that's embedded in an RPC response. Args: method_name: RPC name, as a string. response: response from an RPC. Raises: VitessError: If there is an app error embedded in the reply. """ reply = response.reply if not reply or not isinstance(reply, dict): return # Handle the case of new client => old server err = reply.get('Err', None) if err: raise VitessError(method_name, err) def unique_join(str_list, delim='|'): return delim.join(sorted(set(str(item) for item in str_list))) def keyspace_id_prefix(packed_keyspace_id): """Return the first str byte of packed_keyspace_id if it exists.""" return '%02x' % ord(packed_keyspace_id[0]) def keyspace_id_prefixes(packed_keyspace_ids): """Return the first str byte of each packed_keyspace_id if it exists.""" return unique_join(keyspace_id_prefix(pkid) for pkid in packed_keyspace_ids) def convert_exception_kwarg(key, value): if value is None: return key, value if key in ( 'entity_column_name', 'keyspace', 'num_queries', 'tablet_type'): return key, value elif key == 'entity_keyspace_id_map': return 'entity_keyspace_ids', keyspace_id_prefixes( value.values()) elif key in ( 'keyspace_ids', 'merged_keyspace_ids'): return key, keyspace_id_prefixes(value) elif key in ( 'keyranges', 'keyspaces', 'sqls'): return key, unique_join(value) else: return key, 'unknown' def convert_exception_kwargs(kwargs): """Convert kwargs into a readable str. Args: kwargs: A (str: value) dict. Returns: A comma-delimited string of converted, truncated key=value pairs. All non-None kwargs are included in alphabetical order. """ new_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): new_key, new_value = convert_exception_kwarg(key, value) new_kwargs[new_key] = new_value return ', '.join( ('%s=%s' % (k, v))[:256] for (k, v) in sorted(new_kwargs.iteritems()) if v is not None)
import datetime from fixture import DataSet, NamedDataStyle, SQLAlchemyFixture from dexter.models import db, Person, Entity, Author, Document, User, Role class PersonData(DataSet): class joe_author: name = 'Joe Author' gender_id = 2 race_id = 1 class zuma: name = 'Jacob Zuma' gender_id = 2 race_id = 2 class sue_no_gender: name = 'Sue' class EntityData(DataSet): class joe_author: name = 'Joe Author' group = 'person' person = PersonData.joe_author class zuma: name = 'Jacob Zuma' group = 'person' person = PersonData.zuma class sue_no_gender: name = 'Sue' group = 'person' person = PersonData.sue_no_gender class AuthorData(DataSet): class joe_author: name = 'Joe Author' author_type_id = 1 person = PersonData.joe_author class RoleData(DataSet): class monitor: name = 'monitor' description = 'monitor' class UserData(DataSet): class user: first_name = 'User' last_name = 'Smith' email = '' country_id = 1 password = 'foo' admin = 1 class user2: first_name = 'Joe' last_name = 'Bloggs' email = '' country_id = 1 password = 'foo' admin = 0 class DocumentData(DataSet): class simple: url = '' title = 'Title' summary = 'A document summary' text = 'Today, we do fun things.' published_at = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) medium_id = 1 document_type_id = 1 author = AuthorData.joe_author created_by = UserData.user country_id = 1 class simple2: url = '' title = 'Another title' summary = 'Another document summary' text = 'Today, we do fun things.' published_at = datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 3) medium_id = 1 document_type_id = 1 author = AuthorData.joe_author created_by = UserData.user country_id = 1 dbfixture = SQLAlchemyFixture( env=globals(), style=NamedDataStyle(), engine=db.engine)
# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from deckhand.control import base as api_base from deckhand.tests.unit.control import base as test_base class TestBaseController(test_base.BaseControllerTest): def setUp(self): super(TestBaseController, self).setUp() self.base_resource = api_base.BaseResource() @mock.patch.object(api_base, 'dir') # noqa def test_on_options(self, mock_dir): expected_methods = ['on_get', 'on_post', 'on_put', 'on_delete', 'on_patch'] mock_dir.return_value = expected_methods mock_resp = mock.Mock(headers={}) self.base_resource.on_options(None, mock_resp) self.assertIn('Allow', mock_resp.headers) self.assertEqual('GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH', mock_resp.headers['Allow']) self.assertEqual('200 OK', mock_resp.status)
import re from typing import Any, Dict from ..users.projector import get_user_name from ..utils.projector import ( AllData, ProjectorElementException, get_config, register_projector_slide, ) motion_placeholder_regex = re.compile(r"\[motion:(\d+)\]") # Important: All functions have to be prune. This means, that thay can only # access the data, that they get as argument and do not have any # side effects. They are called from an async context. So they have # to be fast! def get_state( all_data: AllData, motion: Dict[str, Any], state_id: int ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a state element from one motion. Returns an error if the state_id does not exist for the workflow in the motion. """ states = all_data["motions/workflow"][motion["workflow_id"]]["states"] for state in states: if state["id"] == state_id: return state raise ProjectorElementException( f"motion {motion['id']} can not be on the state with id {state_id}" ) def get_amendment_merge_into_motion_diff(all_data, motion, amendment): """ HINT: This implementation should be consistent to showInDiffView() in ViewMotionAmendedParagraph.ts """ if amendment["state_id"] is None: return 0 state = get_state(all_data, motion, amendment["state_id"]) if state["merge_amendment_into_final"] == -1: return 0 if state["merge_amendment_into_final"] == 1: return 1 if amendment["recommendation_id"] is None: return 0 recommendation = get_state(all_data, motion, amendment["recommendation_id"]) if recommendation["merge_amendment_into_final"] == 1: return 1 return 0 def get_amendment_merge_into_motion_final(all_data, motion, amendment): """ HINT: This implementation should be consistent to showInFinalView() in ViewMotionAmendedParagraph.ts """ if amendment["state_id"] is None: return 0 state = get_state(all_data, motion, amendment["state_id"]) if state["merge_amendment_into_final"] == 1: return 1 return 0 def get_amendments_for_motion(motion, all_data): amendment_data = [] for amendment_id, amendment in all_data["motions/motion"].items(): if amendment["parent_id"] == motion["id"]: merge_amendment_into_final = get_amendment_merge_into_motion_final( all_data, motion, amendment ) merge_amendment_into_diff = get_amendment_merge_into_motion_diff( all_data, motion, amendment ) amendment_data.append( { "id": amendment["id"], "identifier": amendment["identifier"], "title": amendment["title"], "amendment_paragraphs": amendment["amendment_paragraphs"], "merge_amendment_into_diff": merge_amendment_into_diff, "merge_amendment_into_final": merge_amendment_into_final, } ) return amendment_data def get_amendment_base_motion(amendment, all_data): try: motion = all_data["motions/motion"][amendment["parent_id"]] except KeyError: motion_id = amendment["parent_id"] raise ProjectorElementException(f"motion with id {motion_id} does not exist") return { "identifier": motion["identifier"], "title": motion["title"], "text": motion["text"], } def get_amendment_base_statute(amendment, all_data): try: statute = all_data["motions/statute-paragraph"][ amendment["statute_paragraph_id"] ] except KeyError: statute_id = amendment["statute_paragraph_id"] raise ProjectorElementException(f"statute with id {statute_id} does not exist") return {"title": statute["title"], "text": statute["text"]} def extend_reference_motion_dict( all_data: AllData, recommendation: str, referenced_motions: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]], ) -> None: """ Extends a dict of motion ids mapped to their title information. The client can replace the placeholders in the recommendation correctly. """ # Collect all meantioned motions via [motion:<id>] referenced_ids = [ int(id) for id in motion_placeholder_regex.findall(recommendation) ] for id in referenced_ids: # Put every referenced motion into the referenced_motions dict if id not in referenced_motions and id in all_data["motions/motion"]: referenced_motions[id] = { "title": all_data["motions/motion"][id]["title"], "identifier": all_data["motions/motion"][id]["identifier"], } def motion_slide( all_data: AllData, element: Dict[str, Any], projector_id: int ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Motion slide. The returned dict can contain the following fields: * identifier * title * text * amendment_paragraphs * is_child * show_meta_box * reason * modified_final_version * recommendation * recommendation_extension * recommender * change_recommendations * submitter """ mode = element.get("mode", get_config(all_data, "motions_recommendation_text_mode")) motion_id = element.get("id") if motion_id is None: raise ProjectorElementException("id is required for motion slide") try: motion = all_data["motions/motion"][motion_id] except KeyError: raise ProjectorElementException(f"motion with id {motion_id} does not exist") show_meta_box = not get_config(all_data, "motions_disable_sidebox_on_projector") line_length = get_config(all_data, "motions_line_length") line_numbering_mode = get_config(all_data, "motions_default_line_numbering") motions_preamble = get_config(all_data, "motions_preamble") if motion["statute_paragraph_id"]: change_recommendations = [] # type: ignore amendments = [] # type: ignore base_motion = None base_statute = get_amendment_base_statute(motion, all_data) elif bool(motion["parent_id"]) and motion["amendment_paragraphs"]: change_recommendations = [] amendments = [] base_motion = get_amendment_base_motion(motion, all_data) base_statute = None else: change_recommendations = list( filter( lambda reco: reco["internal"] is False, motion["change_recommendations"] ) ) amendments = get_amendments_for_motion(motion, all_data) base_motion = None base_statute = None return_value = { "identifier": motion["identifier"], "title": motion["title"], "preamble": motions_preamble, "text": motion["text"], "amendment_paragraphs": motion["amendment_paragraphs"], "base_motion": base_motion, "base_statute": base_statute, "is_child": bool(motion["parent_id"]), "show_meta_box": show_meta_box, "change_recommendations": change_recommendations, "amendments": amendments, "line_length": line_length, "line_numbering_mode": line_numbering_mode, } if not get_config(all_data, "motions_disable_reason_on_projector"): return_value["reason"] = motion["reason"] if mode == "final": return_value["modified_final_version"] = motion["modified_final_version"] if show_meta_box: if ( not get_config(all_data, "motions_disable_recommendation_on_projector") and motion["recommendation_id"] ): recommendation_state = get_state( all_data, motion, motion["recommendation_id"] ) return_value["recommendation"] = recommendation_state[ "recommendation_label" ] if recommendation_state["show_recommendation_extension_field"]: recommendation_extension = motion["recommendation_extension"] # All title information for referenced motions in the recommendation referenced_motions: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]] = {} extend_reference_motion_dict( all_data, recommendation_extension, referenced_motions ) return_value["recommendation_extension"] = recommendation_extension return_value["referenced_motions"] = referenced_motions return_value["recommender"] = get_config( all_data, "motions_recommendations_by" ) return_value["submitter"] = [ get_user_name(all_data, submitter["user_id"]) for submitter in sorted( motion["submitters"], key=lambda submitter: submitter["weight"] ) ] return return_value def motion_block_slide( all_data: AllData, element: Dict[str, Any], projector_id: int ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Motion block slide. """ motion_block_id = element.get("id") if motion_block_id is None: raise ProjectorElementException("id is required for motion block slide") try: motion_block = all_data["motions/motion-block"][motion_block_id] except KeyError: raise ProjectorElementException( f"motion block with id {motion_block_id} does not exist" ) # All motions in this motion block motions = [] # All title information for referenced motions in the recommendation referenced_motions: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]] = {} # Search motions. for motion in all_data["motions/motion"].values(): if motion["motion_block_id"] == motion_block_id: motion_object = { "title": motion["title"], "identifier": motion["identifier"], } recommendation_id = motion["recommendation_id"] if recommendation_id is not None: recommendation = get_state( all_data, motion, motion["recommendation_id"] ) motion_object["recommendation"] = { "name": recommendation["recommendation_label"], "css_class": recommendation["css_class"], } if recommendation["show_recommendation_extension_field"]: recommendation_extension = motion["recommendation_extension"] extend_reference_motion_dict( all_data, recommendation_extension, referenced_motions ) motion_object["recommendation_extension"] = recommendation_extension motions.append(motion_object) return { "title": motion_block["title"], "motions": motions, "referenced_motions": referenced_motions, } def register_projector_slides() -> None: register_projector_slide("motions/motion", motion_slide) register_projector_slide("motions/motion-block", motion_block_slide)
import csv import requests def get_addresses(filename): """ Given a CSV file, this function returns a list of lists where each element (list) in the outer list contains the row info from the csv file. """ all_addresses = [] with open(filename, 'rt') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: all_addresses.append(row) return all_addresses def get_geolocation(all_the_ip_address): """ Given a list of lists from `get_addresses()`, this function returns an updated lists of lists containing the geolocation. """ print("Getting geo information...") updated_addresses = [] counter = 1 # update header header_row = all_the_ip_address.pop(0) header_row.extend(['Country', 'City']) # get geolocation for line in all_the_ip_address: print("Grabbing geo info for row # {0}".format(counter)) r = requests.get('{0}'.format(line[0])) line.extend([str(r.json()['country_name']), str(r.json()['city'])]) updated_addresses.append(line) counter += 1 updated_addresses.insert(0, header_row) return updated_addresses def create_csv(updated_address_list): """ Given the updated lists of lists from `get_geolocation()`, this function creates a new CSV. """ import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0): f = open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') else: f = open('output.csv', 'wb') with f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(updated_address_list) print("All done!") if __name__ == '__main__': csv_file = '25_sample_csv.csv' all_the_ip_address = get_addresses(csv_file) updated_address_list = get_geolocation(all_the_ip_address) create_csv(updated_address_list)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Apr 10 12:30:18 2018 """ #main from __future__ import division, unicode_literals from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from textblob import TextBlob as tb import numpy as np import sys import glob import codecs import json import os from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering import gensim import sortedcollections import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from itertools import combinations import itertools import math from gensim.models import LogEntropyModel from gensim.test.utils import common_texts from gensim.corpora import Dictionary def tf(word, blob): return blob.words.count(word) / len(blob.words) def n_containing(word, bloblist): return sum(1 for blob in bloblist if word in blob.words) def idf(word, bloblist): return math.log(len(bloblist) / (1 + n_containing(word, bloblist))) def tfidf(word, blob, bloblist): return tf(word, blob) * idf(word, bloblist) def info(eval_dir): path=os.path.join(eval_dir,"info.json") s=open(path,'r') data = json.load(s) dict_file = {} for i in xrange(len(data)): dict_file[data[i][str("folder")]] = data[i][str("language")] return dict_file def merge_prblm_docs(eval_dir,k): prblm_path=os.path.join(eval_dir,k) d=glob.glob(prblm_path + '\\*') doc=[] for i in d:, 'r', 'utf-8') doc.append(text) f.close() return doc def pre_process_w2v(doc): doc=[i.lower() for i in doc] x=0 for i in doc: temp='' for j in i: if j.isalpha() or j==' ' or j=="'": temp+=j doc[x]=temp x=x+1 return doc def stopwords_r(doc,lang): words=[word_tokenize(i) for i in doc] if lang == "en": with open("stopwords/stopwords_en.txt") as f: stoplist = f.readlines() stoplist = [x.strip('\n') for x in stoplist] elif lang == "nl": with open("stopwords/stopwords_nl.txt") as f: stoplist = f.readlines() stoplist = [x.strip('\n') for x in stoplist] elif lang == "gr": with open("stopwords/stopwords_gr.txt") as f: stoplist = f.readlines() stoplist = [x.strip('\n') for x in stoplist] x=0 for i in words: temp=[] for j in i: if j not in stoplist: temp.append(j) words[x]=temp x=x+1 return words def vec_fec(doc_bag,model,review_list): sen_vec=[] review_list=[tb(sentence) for sentence in review_list] for sen,blob in zip(doc_bag,review_list): dummy_vec = np.zeros((300)) for word in sen: try: #new code added t=tfidf(word,blob,review_list) x=((model[word])*t) #print x dummy_vec +=x except: pass sen_vec.append(dummy_vec/len(sen)) sen_vec=[i for i in sen_vec] return sen_vec def clustering_word2vec(data_features): d={} for i in range(6,len(data_features)): #spectral = KMeans(n_clusters=i).fit((np.array(data_features))) spectral = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=i, linkage='ward').fit(np.array(data_features)) label = spectral.fit_predict((np.array(data_features))) #score=metrics.calinski_harabaz_score((np.array(data_features)), label) score= metrics.silhouette_score((np.array(data_features)), label,metric='euclidean') d[i]=score n_c=0 for key,val in d.iteritems(): if(val==max(d.values())): n_c=key break print n_c spectral = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_c, linkage='ward').fit(np.array(data_features)) #spectral = KMeans(n_clusters=n_c).fit(data_features) label = spectral.fit_predict((np.array(data_features))) return label def prod_output(eval_dir,out_dir,k,labels): prblm_path=os.path.join(eval_dir,k) doc_path=glob.glob(prblm_path + '\\*') doc_list_name=[] for i in doc_path: m=i.split('\\') m=m[-1] doc_list_name.append(m) dic={} for i,j in zip(doc_list_name,labels): dic[i]=j list_all = [] list_val = [] for v in dic.values(): list_val.append(v) set_val = set(list_val) for val in set_val: list_per_cluster = [] for key, value in dic.iteritems(): if val == value: list_per_cluster.append(key) list_all.append(list_per_cluster) list_all_output = [] for i in xrange(len(list_all)): list_cluster = [] for j in xrange(len(list_all[i])): dict_per_doc = {} dict_per_doc["document"] = list_all[i][j] list_cluster.append(dict_per_doc) list_all_output.append(list_cluster) if(os.path.exists(out_dir+"\\"+k)==False): os.mkdir(out_dir+"\\"+k) out_folder=out_dir + '\\' +k out_path = out_folder + "\\clustering.json" out_file = open(out_path, "w") json.dump(list_all_output, out_file, indent=4) return list_all_output def similarity_score(list_all, dict_features): list_all_comb = [] for i in xrange(len(list_all)): list_comb_percluster = [] if len(list_all[i]) > 1: for j in xrange(len(list_all[i])): list_comb_percluster.append(list_all[i][j]["document"]) list_all_comb.append(list_comb_percluster) combs = [] for i in xrange(len(list_all_comb)): comb = list(combinations(list_all_comb[i], 2)) combs.append(comb) comb_list = list(itertools.chain(*combs)) all_sim = [] for i in xrange(len(comb_list)): doc1 = comb_list[i][0].split(",") doc2 = comb_list[i][1].split(",") vec1 = dict_features[doc1[0]] vec2 = dict_features[doc2[0]] vec1=[vec1] vec2=[vec2] sim = cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2) all_sim.append(sim) return comb_list, all_sim def write_ranking(comb_list, all_sim, out_dir,k): list_all_output = [] for i in xrange(len(comb_list)): dict_sim_perpair = {} dict_sim_perpair["document1"] = comb_list[i][0] dict_sim_perpair["document2"] = comb_list[i][1] dict_sim_perpair["score"] = round(all_sim[i][0][0],6) list_all_output.append(dict_sim_perpair) out_folder=out_dir + '\\' +k out_path = out_folder + "\\ranking.json" out_file = open(out_path, "w") json.dump(list_all_output, out_file, indent=4) return list_all_output # the Below code is to check if the model has been loaded or not try: word1 = model1['bag'] word2 = model2['slechte'] word3 = model3[u'φύλο'] print 'using loaded model....' except: pass model1 = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz",binary=True) model2=gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("", binary=True) model3=gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format("wiki.el.bin", binary=True) eval_dir="pan17-author-clustering-test-dataset-2017-03-14" out_dir="tfidf_weight_x_word2vec_output_pan17-author-clustering-test-dataset-2017-03-14" dict_f=info(eval_dir) dict_f=sortedcollections.OrderedDict(sorted(dict_f.items())) #checkpoint 1 for k,v in dict_f.iteritems(): doc_list=merge_prblm_docs(eval_dir,k) if v=="en": review_en=pre_process_w2v(doc_list) review_en_new=stopwords_r(review_en,v) vectors=vec_fec(review_en_new,model1,review_en) labels=clustering_word2vec(vectors) elif v=="nl": review_nl=pre_process_w2v(doc_list) review_nl_new=stopwords_r(review_en,v) vectors=vec_fec(review_nl_new,model2,review_nl) labels=clustering_word2vec(vectors) elif v=="gr": review_gr=pre_process_w2v(doc_list) vectors=vec_fec(review_gr_new,model3,review_gr) labels=clustering_word2vec(vectors) list_all=prod_output(eval_dir,out_dir,k,labels) dict_features={} prblm_path=os.path.join(eval_dir,k) doc_path=glob.glob(prblm_path + '\\*') doc_list_name=[] for i in doc_path: m=i.split('\\') m=m[-1] doc_list_name.append(m) i=0 for j in doc_list_name: dict_features[j]=vectors[i] i=i+1 # similarity between documents list_comb, all_sim = similarity_score(list_all, dict_features) list_sim = write_ranking(list_comb, all_sim, out_dir,k)
# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock import netaddr from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as portbindings_api from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos as qos_api from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import context from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api from import constants as qos_constants from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.api import extensions from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const from neutron.core_extensions import qos as core_qos from neutron.objects import network as network_obj from neutron.objects import ports as port_obj from neutron.objects.qos import policy as policy_obj from neutron.objects.qos import rule as rule_obj from neutron.objects import router as router_obj from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb.extensions \ import qos as qos_extension from neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2 import test_plugin QOS_RULE_BW_1 = {'max_kbps': 200, 'max_burst_kbps': 100} QOS_RULE_BW_2 = {'max_kbps': 300} QOS_RULE_DSCP_1 = {'dscp_mark': 16} QOS_RULE_DSCP_2 = {'dscp_mark': 20} QOS_RULE_MINBW_1 = {'min_kbps': 500} class _Context(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): return class TestOVNClientQosExtension(test_plugin.Ml2PluginV2TestCase): CORE_PLUGIN_CLASS = 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin' _extension_drivers = [qos_api.ALIAS] l3_plugin = ('neutron.tests.unit.extensions.test_qos_fip.' 'TestFloatingIPQoSL3NatServicePlugin') def setUp(self): cfg.CONF.set_override('extension_drivers', self._extension_drivers, group='ml2') cfg.CONF.set_override('enable_distributed_floating_ip', 'False', group='ovn') extensions.register_custom_supported_check(qos_api.ALIAS, lambda: True, plugin_agnostic=True) super(TestOVNClientQosExtension, self).setUp() self.setup_coreplugin(self.CORE_PLUGIN_CLASS, load_plugins=True) self._mock_qos_loaded = mock.patch.object( core_qos.QosCoreResourceExtension, 'plugin_loaded') self.mock_qos_loaded = self._mock_qos_loaded.start() self.txn = _Context() mock_driver = mock.Mock() mock_driver._nb_idl.transaction.return_value = self.txn self.qos_driver = qos_extension.OVNClientQosExtension(mock_driver) self._mock_rules = mock.patch.object(self.qos_driver, '_update_port_qos_rules') self.mock_rules = self._mock_rules.start() self.addCleanup(self._mock_rules.stop) self.ctx = context.get_admin_context() self.project_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() self._initialize_objs() def _get_random_db_fields(self, obj_cls=None): obj_cls = obj_cls or self._test_class return obj_cls.modify_fields_to_db( self.get_random_object_fields(obj_cls)) def _create_one_port(self, mac_address_int, network_id): mac_address = netaddr.EUI(mac_address_int) port = port_obj.Port( self.ctx, project_id=self.project_id, network_id=network_id, device_owner='', admin_state_up=True, status='DOWN', device_id='2', mac_address=mac_address) port.create() return port def _create_one_router(self): self.router_gw_port = self._create_one_port(2000, self.router = router_obj.Router(self.ctx, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), self.router.create() def _initialize_objs(self): self.qos_policies = [] self.ports = [] self.networks = [] self.fips = [] self.fips_network = network_obj.Network( self.ctx, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), project_id=self.project_id) self.fips_network.create() self._create_one_router() self.fips_ports = [] fip_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork('') for net_idx in range(2): qos_policy = policy_obj.QosPolicy( self.ctx, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), project_id=self.project_id) qos_policy.create() self.qos_policies.append(qos_policy) # Any QoS policy should have at least one rule, in order to have # the port dictionary extended with the QoS policy information; see # QoSPlugin._extend_port_resource_request qos_rule = rule_obj.QosDscpMarkingRule( self.ctx, dscp_mark=20, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), qos_rule.create() self.fips_ports.append(self._create_one_port(1000 + net_idx, fip_ip = str(netaddr.IPAddress(fip_cidr.ip + net_idx + 1)) fip = router_obj.FloatingIP( self.ctx, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), project_id=self.project_id, floating_ip_address=fip_ip,, floating_port_id=self.fips_ports[-1].id) fip.create() self.fips.append(fip) network = network_obj.Network( self.ctx, id=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), project_id=self.project_id) network.create() self.networks.append(network) for port_idx in range(3): self.ports.append( self._create_one_port(net_idx * 16 + port_idx, @mock.patch.object(qos_extension.LOG, 'warning') @mock.patch.object(rule_obj, 'get_rules') def test__qos_rules(self, mock_get_rules, mock_warning): rules = [ rule_obj.QosBandwidthLimitRule( direction=constants.EGRESS_DIRECTION, **QOS_RULE_BW_1), rule_obj.QosBandwidthLimitRule( direction=constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION, **QOS_RULE_BW_2), rule_obj.QosDscpMarkingRule(**QOS_RULE_DSCP_1), rule_obj.QosMinimumBandwidthRule(**QOS_RULE_MINBW_1)] mock_get_rules.return_value = rules expected = { constants.EGRESS_DIRECTION: { qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: QOS_RULE_BW_1, qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_DSCP_MARKING: QOS_RULE_DSCP_1}, constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION: { qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: QOS_RULE_BW_2} } self.assertEqual(expected, self.qos_driver._qos_rules(mock.ANY, 'policy_id1')) msg = ('Rule type %(rule_type)s from QoS policy %(policy_id)s is not ' 'supported in OVN') mock_warning.assert_called_once_with( msg, {'rule_type': qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_BANDWIDTH, 'policy_id': 'policy_id1'}) @mock.patch.object(rule_obj, 'get_rules') def test__qos_rules_no_rules(self, mock_get_rules): mock_get_rules.return_value = [] expected = {constants.EGRESS_DIRECTION: {}, constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION: {}} self.assertEqual(expected, self.qos_driver._qos_rules(mock.ANY, mock.ANY)) def _test__ovn_qos_rule_ingress(self, fip_id=None, ip_address=None): direction = constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION rule = {qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: QOS_RULE_BW_1} match = self.qos_driver._ovn_qos_rule_match( direction, 'port_id', ip_address, 'resident_port') expected = {'burst': 100, 'rate': 200, 'direction': 'to-lport', 'match': match, 'priority': qos_extension.OVN_QOS_DEFAULT_RULE_PRIORITY, 'switch': 'neutron-network_id'} if fip_id: expected['external_ids'] = {ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY: fip_id} result = self.qos_driver._ovn_qos_rule( direction, rule, 'port_id', 'network_id', fip_id=fip_id, ip_address=ip_address, resident_port='resident_port') self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test__ovn_qos_rule_ingress(self): self._test__ovn_qos_rule_ingress() def test__ovn_qos_rule_ingress_fip(self): self._test__ovn_qos_rule_ingress(fip_id='fipid', ip_address='') def _test__ovn_qos_rule_egress(self, fip_id=None, ip_address=None): direction = constants.EGRESS_DIRECTION rule = {qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_DSCP_MARKING: QOS_RULE_DSCP_1} match = self.qos_driver._ovn_qos_rule_match( direction, 'port_id', ip_address, 'resident_port') expected = {'direction': 'from-lport', 'match': match, 'dscp': 16, 'switch': 'neutron-network_id', 'priority': qos_extension.OVN_QOS_DEFAULT_RULE_PRIORITY} if fip_id: expected['external_ids'] = {ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY: fip_id} result = self.qos_driver._ovn_qos_rule( direction, rule, 'port_id', 'network_id', fip_id=fip_id, ip_address=ip_address, resident_port='resident_port') self.assertEqual(expected, result) rule = {qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT: QOS_RULE_BW_2, qos_constants.RULE_TYPE_DSCP_MARKING: QOS_RULE_DSCP_2} expected = {'direction': 'from-lport', 'match': match, 'rate': 300, 'dscp': 20, 'switch': 'neutron-network_id', 'priority': qos_extension.OVN_QOS_DEFAULT_RULE_PRIORITY} if fip_id: expected['external_ids'] = {ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY: fip_id} result = self.qos_driver._ovn_qos_rule( direction, rule, 'port_id', 'network_id', fip_id=fip_id, ip_address=ip_address, resident_port='resident_port') self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test__ovn_qos_rule_egress(self): self._test__ovn_qos_rule_egress() def test__ovn_qos_rule_egress_fip(self): self._test__ovn_qos_rule_egress(fip_id='fipid', ip_address='') def test__port_effective_qos_policy_id(self): port = {'qos_policy_id': 'qos1'} self.assertEqual(('qos1', 'port'), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) port = {'qos_network_policy_id': 'qos1'} self.assertEqual(('qos1', 'network'), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) port = {'qos_policy_id': 'qos_port', 'qos_network_policy_id': 'qos_network'} self.assertEqual(('qos_port', 'port'), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) port = {} self.assertEqual((None, None), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) port = {'qos_policy_id': None, 'qos_network_policy_id': None} self.assertEqual((None, None), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) port = {'qos_policy_id': 'qos1', 'device_owner': 'neutron:port'} self.assertEqual((None, None), self.qos_driver._port_effective_qos_policy_id(port)) def test_update_port(self): port = self.ports[0] original_port = self.ports[1] # Remove QoS policy original_port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port) self.mock_rules.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY,, port.network_id, None, None) # Change from port policy (qos_policy0) to network policy (qos_policy1) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() port.qos_network_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port) self.mock_rules.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY,, port.network_id, self.qos_policies[1].id, None) # No change (qos_policy0) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id original_port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port) self.mock_rules.assert_not_called() # No change (no policy) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() port.qos_policy_id = None port.qos_network_policy_id = None original_port.qos_policy_id = None original_port.qos_network_policy_id = None self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port) self.mock_rules.assert_not_called() # Reset (no policy) self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port, reset=True) self.mock_rules.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY,, port.network_id, None, None) # Reset (qos_policy0, regardless of being the same a in the previous # state) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id original_port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port, reset=True) self.mock_rules.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY,, port.network_id, self.qos_policies[0].id, None) # External port, OVN QoS extension does not apply. self.mock_rules.reset_mock() port.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id port_obj.PortBinding(self.ctx,, host='host', profile={}, vif_type='', vnic_type=portbindings_api.VNIC_DIRECT).create() # NOTE(ralonsoh): this OVO retrieval must include, in the port object, # the port binding register created. port = port_obj.Port.get_object(self.ctx, self.qos_driver.update_port(mock.ANY, port, original_port) self.mock_rules.assert_not_called() def test_delete_port(self): self.mock_rules.reset_mock() self.qos_driver.delete_port(mock.ANY, self.ports[1]) # Assert that rules are deleted self.mock_rules.assert_called_once_with( mock.ANY, self.ports[1].id, self.ports[1].network_id, None, None) def test_update_network(self): """Test update network. net1: [(1) from qos_policy0 to no QoS policy, (2) from qos_policy0 to qos_policy1] - port10: no QoS port policy - port11: qos_policy0 - port12: qos_policy1 """ policies_ports = [ (None, {self.ports[0].id}), (self.qos_policies[1].id, {self.ports[0].id})] self.ports[1].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.ports[1].update() self.ports[2].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.ports[2].update() for qos_policy_id, reference_ports in policies_ports: self.networks[0].qos_policy_id = qos_policy_id self.networks[0].update() original_network = {'qos_policy_id': self.qos_policies[0]} reviewed_port_ids = self.qos_driver.update_network( mock.ANY, self.networks[0], original_network) self.assertEqual(reference_ports, reviewed_port_ids) calls = [, self.ports[0].id, self.ports[0].network_id, qos_policy_id, None)] self.mock_rules.assert_has_calls(calls) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() def test_update_network_no_policy_change(self): """Test update network if the QoS policy is the same. net1: [(1) from qos_policy0 to qos_policy0, (2) from no QoS policy to no QoS policy] """ for qos_policy_id in (self.qos_policies[0].id, None): self.networks[0].qos_policy_id = qos_policy_id self.networks[0].update() original_network = {'qos_policy_id': qos_policy_id} reviewed_port_ids = self.qos_driver.update_network( mock.ANY, self.networks[0], original_network) self.assertEqual(set([]), reviewed_port_ids) self.mock_rules.assert_not_called() def test_update_network_reset(self): """Test update network. net1: [(1) from qos_policy1 to qos_policy1, (2) from no QoS policy to no QoS policy] - port10: no QoS port policy - port11: qos_policy0 - port12: qos_policy1 """ policies_ports = [ (self.qos_policies[1].id, {self.ports[0].id}), (None, {self.ports[0].id})] self.ports[1].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.ports[1].update() self.ports[2].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.ports[2].update() for qos_policy_id, reference_ports in policies_ports: self.networks[0].qos_policy_id = qos_policy_id self.networks[0].update() original_network = {'qos_policy_id': self.qos_policies[0]} reviewed_port_ids = self.qos_driver.update_network( mock.ANY, self.networks[0], original_network, reset=True) self.assertEqual(reference_ports, reviewed_port_ids) calls = [, self.ports[0].id, self.ports[0].network_id, qos_policy_id, None)] self.mock_rules.assert_has_calls(calls) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() def test_update_network_external_ports(self): """Test update network with external ports. - port10: no QoS port policy - port11: no QoS port policy but external - port12: qos_policy0 """ policies_ports = [(self.qos_policies[0].id, {self.ports[0].id})] self.ports[2].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.ports[2].update() port_obj.PortBinding(self.ctx, port_id=self.ports[1].id, host='host', profile={}, vif_type='', vnic_type=portbindings_api.VNIC_DIRECT).create() with mock.patch.object(self.qos_driver._driver._nb_idl, 'get_lswitch_port') as mock_lsp: mock_lsp.side_effect = [ mock.Mock(type=ovn_const.LSP_TYPE_LOCALNET), mock.Mock(type=ovn_const.LSP_TYPE_EXTERNAL)] for qos_policy_id, reference_ports in policies_ports: self.networks[0].qos_policy_id = qos_policy_id self.networks[0].update() original_network = {'qos_policy_id': self.qos_policies[0]} reviewed_port_ids = self.qos_driver.update_network( mock.ANY, self.networks[0], original_network, reset=True) self.assertEqual(reference_ports, reviewed_port_ids) calls = [ mock.ANY, self.ports[0].id, self.ports[0].network_id, qos_policy_id, None)] self.mock_rules.assert_has_calls(calls) self.mock_rules.reset_mock() def test_update_policy(self): """Test update QoS policy, networks and ports bound are updated. QoS policy updated: qos_policy0 net1: no QoS policy - port10: no port QoS policy - port11: qos_policy0 --> handled during "update_port" and updated - port12: qos_policy1 net2: qos_policy0 - port20: no port QoS policy --> handled during "update_network" and updated - port21: qos_policy0 --> handled during "update_network", not updated handled during "update_port" and updated - port22: qos_policy1 --> handled during "update_network", not updated fip1: qos_policy0 fip2: qos_policy1 """ self.ports[1].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.ports[1].update() self.ports[2].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.ports[2].update() self.ports[4].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.ports[4].update() self.ports[5].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.ports[5].update() self.networks[1].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.networks[1].update() self.fips[0].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id self.fips[0].update() self.fips[1].qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id self.fips[1].update() mock_qos_rules = mock.Mock() with mock.patch.object(self.qos_driver, '_qos_rules', return_value=mock_qos_rules), \ mock.patch.object(self.qos_driver, 'update_floatingip') as \ mock_update_fip: self.qos_driver.update_policy(self.ctx, self.qos_policies[0]) updated_ports = [self.ports[1], self.ports[3], self.ports[4]] calls = [,, port.network_id, self.qos_policies[0].id, mock_qos_rules) for port in updated_ports] # We can't ensure the call order because we are not enforcing any order # when retrieving the port and the network list. self.mock_rules.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True) with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(self.ctx): fip = self.qos_driver._plugin_l3.get_floatingip(self.ctx, self.fips[0].id) mock_update_fip.assert_called_once_with(self.txn, fip) def test_update_floatingip(self): nb_idl = self.qos_driver._driver._nb_idl fip = self.fips[0] original_fip = self.fips[1] txn = mock.Mock() # Update FIP, no QoS policy nor port/router self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_not_called() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Attach a port and a router, not QoS policy fip.router_id = fip.fixed_port_id = self.fips_ports[0].id fip.update() self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_not_called() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Add a QoS policy fip.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id fip.update() self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_called_once() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Remove QoS fip.qos_policy_id = None fip.update() original_fip.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[0].id original_fip.update() self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_not_called() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Add again another QoS policy fip.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id fip.update() original_fip.qos_policy_id = None original_fip.update() self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_called_once() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Detach the port and the router fip.router_id = None fip.fixed_port_id = None fip.update() original_fip.router_id = original_fip.fixed_port_id = self.fips_ports[0].id original_fip.qos_policy_id = self.qos_policies[1].id original_fip.update() self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_not_called() nb_idl.reset_mock() # Force reset (delete any QoS) fip_dict = {'floating_network_id': fip.floating_network_id, 'id':} self.qos_driver.update_floatingip(txn, fip_dict) nb_idl.qos_del_ext_ids.assert_called_once() nb_idl.qos_add.assert_not_called()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ The ZMQ_PubSub_Categ Module ============================ This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module. Each words files created under /files/ are representing categories. This modules take these files and compare them to the stream of data given by the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module. When a word from a paste match one or more of these words file, the filename of the paste is published/forwarded to the next modules. Each category (each files) are representing a dynamic channel. This mean that if you create 1000 files under /files/ you'll have 1000 channels where every time there is a matching word to a category, the paste containing this word will be pushed to this specific channel. ..note:: The channel will have the name of the file created. Implementing modules can start here, create your own category file, and then create your own module to treat the specific paste matching this category. ..note:: Module ZMQ_Something_Q and ZMQ_Something are closely bound, always put the same Subscriber name in both of them. Requirements ------------ *Need running Redis instances. (Redis) *Categories files of words in /files/ need to be created *Need the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module running to be able to work properly. """ ################################## # Import External packages ################################## import os import argparse import time import re ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule from pubsublogger import publisher from packages import Paste from Helper import Process class Categ(AbstractModule): """ Categ module for AIL framework """ def __init__(self): """ Init Categ """ super(Categ, self).__init__() self.matchingThreshold = self.process.config.getint("Categ", "matchingThreshold") # SCRIPT PARSER # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start Categ module on files.') parser.add_argument( '-d', type=str, default="../files/", help='Path to the directory containing the category files.', action='store') args = parser.parse_args()"Script Categ started") categories = ['CreditCards', 'Mail', 'Onion', 'Web', 'Credential', 'Cve', 'ApiKey'] tmp_dict = {} for filename in categories: bname = os.path.basename(filename) tmp_dict[bname] = [] with open(os.path.join(args.d, filename), 'r') as f: patterns = [r'%s' % ( re.escape(s.strip()) ) for s in f] tmp_dict[bname] = re.compile('|'.join(patterns), re.IGNORECASE) self.categ_items = tmp_dict.items() prec_filename = None def compute(self, message): # Cast message as paste paste = Paste.Paste(message) # Get paste content content = paste.get_p_content() # init categories found is_categ_found = False # Search for pattern categories in paste content for categ, pattern in self.categ_items: found = set(re.findall(pattern, content)) lenfound = len(found) if lenfound >= self.matchingThreshold: is_categ_found = True msg = '{} {}'.format(paste.p_rel_path, lenfound) self.redis_logger.debug('%s;%s %s'%(self.module_name, msg, categ)) # Export message to categ queue self.process.populate_set_out(msg, categ) 'Categ;{};{};{};Detected {} as {};{}'.format( paste.p_source, paste.p_date, paste.p_name, lenfound, categ, paste.p_rel_path)) if not is_categ_found: self.redis_logger.debug('No %s found in this paste: %s'%(self.module_name, paste.p_name)) if __name__ == '__main__': module = Categ()
from pprint import pprint from pysnap import Snapchat from ripText import TextDetector from imageProcessor import ImageProcessor import random import time class RoundStage: Entries = 0 Judging = 1 class GameInstance: players = [] processedSnaps = [] gameRound = 0 roundStage = RoundStage.Entries roundStart = 0 roundDuration = 60 * 5 # i.e. five minutes numCycles = 1 gameFinished = False def restart(self): print "Resetting variables" self.api = Snapchat() self.api.login('snapsvshumanity', 'ilovetosnap69') # self.imp = ImageProcessor() # self.detector = TextDetector() self.gameRound = 0 self.winner = "" counter = 0 while True: newJudge = random.randint(0, len(self.players) -1) if self.players[newJudge] != self.judge or counter > 10: break counter += 1 for i, player in enumerate(self.players): player['organizer'] = True if i == newJudge else False player['confirmed'] = False player['judged'] = False GameInstance.processedSnaps = [] self.roundStage = RoundStage.Entries self.roundStart = 0 self.roundDuration = 60 * 5 self.numCycles = 1 self.gameFinished = False # Constructor def __init__(self, organizer, gamePlayers): self.api = Snapchat() self.api.login('snapsvshumanity', 'ilovetosnap69') self.imp = ImageProcessor() self.detector = TextDetector() gameround = 0; self.players.append({ 'username' : organizer, 'organizer': True, 'confirmed': False, 'judged' : False }) for p in gamePlayers.split(): currentPlayer = { 'username' : p, 'organizer': False, 'confirmed': False, 'judged' : False } self.players.append(currentPlayer) self.winner = "" # Main logic loop def run(self): self.api.clear_feed() self.friendPlayers() while (not GameInstance.gameFinished): print "In game loop, round:", self.gameRound print "Stage: ", self.roundStage snaps = self.pollAndFetchSnaps() self.processSnaps(snaps) if self.gameRound == 0: self.checkForAccepts() elif self.gameRound > self.numCycles * len(self.players): self.sendWinnerAndClose() elif self.roundStage == RoundStage.Entries: print "Self Entries: ", self.entries if (time.time() - self.roundStart > self.roundDuration): self.roundStage = RoundStage.Judging self.winner = str(self.entries[-1]['id']) self.proceedToJudging() if (len(self.entries) >= len(self.players) - 1): self.roundStage = RoundStage.Judging self.winner = str(self.entries[-1]['id']) self.proceedToJudging() elif self.roundStage == RoundStage.Judging: time.sleep(15) print "Judging!" if snaps != None: print "WE FOUND A WINNER!" self.sendWinnerAndClose() break # else: # print "This shouldn't happen" time.sleep(30) print "Game is over, starting again!" time.sleep(10) self.restart() # For each snap in snaps, OCR/classify def processSnaps(self, snaps): print "Processing ..." if snaps != None: print len(snaps) for snap in snaps: print "Processing a snap ...", text = self.detector.getText(snap['id'])[0] print "Text: ", text if text == "##CONFIRM": for p in self.players: if p['username'] == snap['sender']: p['confirmed'] = True break elif "##" in text: print "THE WINNER IS", text if text.replace("##", "").isdigit(): print text if text.replace("##", "").isdigit() and self.roundStage == RoundStage.Judging and not self.gameRound == 0: if int(text) <= len(self.entries): announceRoundWinner(self.entries[int(text)]['userid']) if (self.gameRound == self.numCycles * len(self.players)): self.sendWinnerAndClose() self.startRound() else: print "errrrrorrrrrr" elif self.roundStage == RoundStage.Entries and not self.gameRound == 0: #if (snap['userid'] in [x['userid'] for x in self.entries]): self.entries.append(snap) # Sends a snap to everyone announcing the round winner def announceRoundWinner(self, winnerid): pass # Checks to see who won by finding max score (from player object) def sendWinnerAndClose(self): names = [x['username'] for x in self.players] self.sendSnap('snaps/' + self.winner + ".jpg", ','.join(names), 10) # Send snapchats to users inviting them to play def sendInvitationSnap(self, users): # invitation snap = some stuff print users self.sendSnap('static/snap-confirm.jpg', users, 10) # Creates prompt image for current round def createPrompt(self): return 'static/blackcard.jpg' # Sends question prompts to all players as well as judge def sendPromptMessages(self): print "Sending prompty messages" prompt = self.createPrompt() judgenotify = 'static/snap-judge.jpg' names = [x['username'] for x in self.players] self.sendSnap(judgenotify, self.judge['username'], 10) print "Sent to judge" self.sendSnap(prompt, ','.join(names), 10) print "Sent to users" # Check to see if all unconfirmed players have accepted # Starts game if true def checkForAccepts(self): print "Checking for accepts" unconfirmedPlayers = [x for x in self.players if x['confirmed'] == False] print "Unconfirmed Players:", unconfirmedPlayers if (len(unconfirmedPlayers) == 0): self.gameRound = 1 for player in self.players: if player['organizer']: player['winner'] = None player['judged'] = True self.judge = player self.startRound() # Enters judging mode, sends all choices to judge def proceedToJudging(self): recipient = self.judge['username'] for i, entry in enumerate(self.entries): # self.imp.addNumber(str(entry['id']), i + 1) path = 'snaps/' + entry['id'] + '.jpg' time = entry['time'] self.sendSnap(path, recipient, time) # Initializes the round def startRound(self): print "Starting Round" self.roundStage = RoundStage.Entries self.entries = [] self.sendPromptMessages() self.roundStart = time.time() # gets all new snaps, and returns a list of them def pollAndFetchSnaps(self): if self.roundStage == RoundStage.Judging: pass playernames = [x['username'] for x in self.players] foundSnaps = None while True: try: foundSnaps = self.api.get_snaps() break except: self.api.login('snapsvshumanity', 'ilovetosnap69') snaps = [x for x in self.api.get_snaps() if x['status'] == 1 # Unopened and x['sender'] in playernames and x['media_type'] == 0 and x not in GameInstance.processedSnaps # Is a photo, not a video ] successfullyDownloaded = [] if snaps != None: for snap in snaps: if self.fetchPhotoSnap(snap['id']): successfullyDownloaded.append(snap) self.api.mark_viewed(snap['id'], 1) return successfullyDownloaded # Sends friend requests and invitations to all players def friendPlayers(self): friendslist = [x['name'] for x in self.api.get_friends()] toadd = [x['username'] for x in self.players if x['username'] not in friendslist] # print "toAdd", toadd for user in toadd: self.api.add_friend(user) self.sendInvitationSnap(','.join([x['username'] for x in self.players])); print "All players are friended!" # Prints a list of current players def printPlayers(self): for p in self.players: print p['username'] # Prints a list of all snaps that are available to download def listSnaps(self): snaps = [x for x in s.get_snaps() if x['status'] == 1] pprint(snaps) # Downloads and saves the snap with id snapid def fetchPhotoSnap(self, snapid): name = "snaps/" + snapid + ".jpg" if self.roundStage == RoundStage.Entries: self.winner = snapid f = open(name, 'wb') blob = self.api.get_blob(snapid) if blob == None: f.close() return False else: f.write(blob) f.close() return True # Sends a snapchat stored at path to recipients # recipients should be comma separated (no space!) list of usernames def sendSnap(self, path, recipients, time=5): mediaid = self.api.upload(path) self.api.send(mediaid, recipients, time)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # HiPart is a program to analyze the electronic structure of molecules with # fuzzy-atom partitioning methods. # Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 Toon Verstraelen <> # # This file is part of HiPart. # # HiPart is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # HiPart is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <> # #-- import os, tempfile, shutil __all__ = ["setup_gaussian"] def setup_gaussian(fchk_name): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp("hipart") if not os.path.isdir("input"): raise IOError("Input directory with test files is not present") fn_fchk = os.path.join(tmpdir, "gaussian.fchk") shutil.copy("input/%s.fchk" % fchk_name, fn_fchk) return tmpdir, fn_fchk
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10.5 on 2017-03-11 11:07 from __future__ import unicode_literals import import autoslug.fields from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Category', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('name', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=200)), ('slug', autoslug.fields.AutoSlugField(always_update=True, editable=False, populate_from='name',, unique=True)), ('image', models.ImageField(blank=True,, verbose_name='Зображення')), ('parent_category', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='shop.Category')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Категорія', 'ordering': ['name'], 'verbose_name_plural': 'Категорії', }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Manufacturer', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('name', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=200, verbose_name='Виробник')), ('slug', autoslug.fields.AutoSlugField(always_update=True, editable=False, populate_from='name',, unique=True)), ('image', models.ImageField(blank=True,, verbose_name='Зображення')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Виробник', 'ordering': ['name'], 'verbose_name_plural': 'Виробники', }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Product', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('name', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=200, verbose_name='Назва')), ('model_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200, verbose_name='Модель')), ('slug', autoslug.fields.AutoSlugField(always_update=True, editable=False,,, unique=True)), ('main_image', models.ImageField(blank=True,, verbose_name='Зображення')), ('description', models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name='Опис')), ('price', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, verbose_name='Ціна')), ('stock', models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='На складі')), ('available', models.BooleanField(default=True, verbose_name='Доступний')), ('created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('updated', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ('category', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='category_products', to='shop.Category', verbose_name='Категорія')), ('manufacturer', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='manufacturer_products', to='shop.Manufacturer', verbose_name='Виробник')), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'Товар', 'ordering': ['name'], 'verbose_name_plural': 'Товари', }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='ProductImage', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('image', models.ImageField(blank=True,, verbose_name='Зображення')), ('product', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='images', to='shop.Product')), ], ), ]
import h5py def init_h5_group(f, group_name, data_model): """Create group with given name and data model.""" group = f.create_group(group_name) # Create (resizable) datasets by using None in maxshape for key, shape in data_model.items(): assert len(shape) <= 2, "3D not yet supported" maxshape = (None, ) if (len(shape) == 1) else (None, shape[-1]) group.create_dataset(key, shape, maxshape=maxshape) def get_h5_group(fn, group_name, data_model=None, reset=False): """Return (and create if neccesary) group with given name and data model.""" f = h5py.File(fn, mode="a") # Shortcut if data_model is None: return f[group_name] if group_name not in f: init_h5_group(f, group_name, data_model) group = f[group_name] # Check compatibility of data_model and group. If they aren't compatible # recreate the group with the proper shapes. try: compatible = [group[key].shape == shape for key, shape in data_model.items()] except KeyError: compatible = (False, ) compatible = all(compatible) if (not compatible) or reset: del f[group_name] init_h5_group(f, group_name, data_model) group = f[group_name] return group def resize_h5_group(group, max_cycles): """Increase size of first dimension of datasets in the given group.""" for key, dataset in group.items(): # No need to resize scalar datasets if dataset.shape == (): continue new_shape = list(dataset.shape).copy() new_shape[0] = max_cycles dataset.resize(new_shape)
import pytest from pipedream import Dispatcher, CircularDependency, UnresolvableDependency from pipedream.dispatcher import OrderedDict def add_many(dispatcher, funcs): for name, reqs in funcs.items(): func = lambda **k: name + str(k) func.__name__ = name dispatcher.add(func, requires=reqs) def test_resolving_simple(dispatcher): funcs = { 'a': ['b'], 'b': [] } add_many(dispatcher, funcs) assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a').keys()) == ['b', 'a'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('b').keys()) == ['b'] def test_resolving_multi(dispatcher): funcs = { 'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['c', 'd'], 'c': ['d'], 'd': [] } add_many(dispatcher, funcs) assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a').keys()) == ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('b').keys()) == ['d', 'c', 'b'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('c').keys()) == ['d', 'c'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('d').keys()) == ['d'] def test_resolving_preresolved(dispatcher): funcs = { 'a': ['b', 'd'], 'b': ['c', 'e'], 'c': ['d', 'e'], 'd': [], 'e': [] } add_many(dispatcher, funcs) assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a', resolved={'b': 'b'}).keys()) == ['b', 'd', 'a'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a', resolved={'c': 'c'}).keys()) == ['c', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'a'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a', resolved=OrderedDict((('b', 'b'), ('d', 'd')))).keys()) == ['b', 'd', 'a'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('b', resolved={'b': 'b'}).keys()) == ['b'] assert list(dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('b', resolved={'c': 'c'}).keys()) == ['c', 'e', 'b'] def test_resolving_circular(dispatcher): funcs = { 'a': ['b'], 'b': ['a'], } add_many(dispatcher, funcs) with pytest.raises(CircularDependency): dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a') def test_resolving_unresolvable(dispatcher): funcs = { 'a': ['b'] } add_many(dispatcher, funcs) with pytest.raises(UnresolvableDependency): dispatcher.resolve_dependency_graph('a') def test_deep_resolving(): one = Dispatcher() two = Dispatcher() three = Dispatcher() one.add_sub_dispatcher(two) two.add_sub_dispatcher(three) @three.add def a(): return 'a' # pragma: no cover one.find_resource('a') with pytest.raises(UnresolvableDependency) as ex: one.find_resource('b') assert 'a' in ex.value.available def test_circular_dispatchers(): one = Dispatcher() two = Dispatcher() three = Dispatcher() one.add_sub_dispatcher(two) two.add_sub_dispatcher(three) three.add_sub_dispatcher(one) with pytest.raises(UnresolvableDependency): one.find_resource('a')
# base annotation policy for specialization from rpython.annotator.specialize import default_specialize as default from rpython.annotator.specialize import ( specialize_argvalue, specialize_argtype, specialize_arglistitemtype, specialize_arg_or_var, memo, specialize_call_location) class AnnotatorPolicy(object): """ Possibly subclass and pass an instance to the annotator to control special-casing during annotation """ def event(pol, bookkeeper, what, *args): pass def get_specializer(pol, directive): if directive is None: return pol.default_specialize # specialize[(args)] directive_parts = directive.split('(', 1) if len(directive_parts) == 1: [name] = directive_parts parms = () else: name, parms = directive_parts try: parms = eval("(lambda *parms: parms)(%s" % parms) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: raise Exception("broken specialize directive parms: %s" % directive) name = name.replace(':', '__') try: specializer = getattr(pol, name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("%r specialize tag not defined in annotation" "policy %s" % (name, pol)) else: if not parms: return specializer else: def specialize_with_parms(funcdesc, args_s): return specializer(funcdesc, args_s, *parms) return specialize_with_parms # common specializations default_specialize = staticmethod(default) specialize__memo = staticmethod(memo) specialize__arg = staticmethod(specialize_argvalue) # specialize:arg(N) specialize__arg_or_var = staticmethod(specialize_arg_or_var) specialize__argtype = staticmethod(specialize_argtype) # specialize:argtype(N) specialize__arglistitemtype = staticmethod(specialize_arglistitemtype) specialize__call_location = staticmethod(specialize_call_location) def specialize__ll(pol, *args): from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy return LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy.default_specialize(*args) def specialize__ll_and_arg(pol, *args): from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy return LowLevelAnnotatorPolicy.specialize__ll_and_arg(*args) def no_more_blocks_to_annotate(pol, annotator): # hint to all pending specializers that we are done for callback in annotator.bookkeeper.pending_specializations: callback() del annotator.bookkeeper.pending_specializations[:]
#!/usr/bin/python3 import networkx as nx from pathlib import Path import sys def categorical_node_warn(attr, default): def warn(data1, data2): return [(attr, data1.get(attr, d), data2.get(attr, d)) for attr, d in list(zip(attr, default)) if data1.get(attr, d) != data2.get(attr, d)] return warn def are_isomorphic(path1, path2): # def witness_node_match(n1, n2): # return True witness_node_match = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match( ["entry", "sink", "violation", "invariant", "invariant.scope"], [False, False, False, None, None] ) witness_node_warn = categorical_node_warn([], []) # witness_node_match = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_node_match( # ["entry", "sink", "violation"], # [False, False, False] # ) # witness_node_warn = categorical_node_warn( # ["invariant", "invariant.scope"], # [None, None] # ) # def witness_edge_match(e1, e2): # return True witness_edge_match = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.categorical_multiedge_match( ["assumption", "assumption.scope", "assumption.resultfunction", "control", "startline", "endline", "startoffset", "endoffset", "enterLoopHead", "enterFunction", "returnFromFunction", "threadId", "createThread"], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, False, None, None, None, None] ) expected = nx.read_graphml(path1, force_multigraph=True) actual = nx.read_graphml(path2, force_multigraph=True) matcher = nx.algorithms.isomorphism.MultiDiGraphMatcher(expected, actual, node_match=witness_node_match, edge_match=witness_edge_match) if matcher.is_isomorphic(): for node1, node2 in matcher.mapping.items(): warn = witness_node_warn(expected.nodes[node1], actual.nodes[node2]) for attr, expected_value, actual_value in warn: print(f" {path1} vs {path2}: {attr}: {expected_value} vs {actual_value}") return True else: return False def check_file(path1, path2): isomorphic = are_isomorphic(path1, path2) if not isomorphic: print(f"{path1} vs {path2}: {isomorphic}") def check_directory(path1, path2): items1 = {path.relative_to(path1) for path in path1.rglob("*") if path.is_file()} items2 = {path.relative_to(path2) for path in path2.rglob("*") if path.is_file()} items12 = items1 - items2 items21 = items2 - items1 if items12: print(f"Only in 1: {items12}") if items21: print(f"Only in 2: {items21}") items = items1 & items2 for item in items: check_file(path1 / item, path2 / item) path1 = Path(sys.argv[1]) path2 = Path(sys.argv[2]) if path1.is_file() and path2.is_file(): check_file(path1, path2) else: check_directory(path1, path2)
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ Miscellaneous utilities for `astropy.units`. None of the functions in the module are meant for use outside of the package. """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import numbers import io import re import warnings import numpy as np from numpy import finfo from ..extern import six from ..utils.compat.fractions import Fraction from ..utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning _float_finfo = finfo(float) # take float here to ensure comparison with another float is fast # give a little margin since often multiple calculations happened _JUST_BELOW_UNITY = float(1.-4.*_float_finfo.epsneg) _JUST_ABOVE_UNITY = float(1.+4.*_float_finfo.eps) def _get_first_sentence(s): """ Get the first sentence from a string and remove any carriage returns. """ x = re.match(".*?\S\.\s", s) if x is not None: s = return s.replace('\n', ' ') def _iter_unit_summary(namespace): """ Generates the ``(unit, doc, represents, aliases, prefixes)`` tuple used to format the unit summary docs in `generate_unit_summary`. """ from . import core # Get all of the units, and keep track of which ones have SI # prefixes units = [] has_prefixes = set() for key, val in six.iteritems(namespace): # Skip non-unit items if not isinstance(val, core.UnitBase): continue # Skip aliases if key != continue if isinstance(val, core.PrefixUnit): # This will return the root unit that is scaled by the prefix # attached to it has_prefixes.add(val._represents.bases[0].name) else: units.append(val) # Sort alphabetically, case insensitive units.sort(key=lambda x: for unit in units: doc = _get_first_sentence(unit.__doc__).strip() represents = '' if isinstance(unit, core.Unit): represents = ":math:`{0}`".format( unit._represents.to_string('latex')[1:-1]) aliases = ', '.join('``{0}``'.format(x) for x in unit.aliases) yield (unit, doc, represents, aliases, in has_prefixes) def generate_unit_summary(namespace): """ Generates a summary of units from a given namespace. This is used to generate the docstring for the modules that define the actual units. Parameters ---------- namespace : dict A namespace containing units. Returns ------- docstring : str A docstring containing a summary table of the units. """ docstring = io.StringIO() docstring.write(""" .. list-table:: Available Units :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 20 20 20 1 * - Unit - Description - Represents - Aliases - SI Prefixes """) for unit_summary in _iter_unit_summary(namespace): docstring.write(""" * - ``{0}`` - {1} - {2} - {3} - {4!s:.1} """.format(*unit_summary)) return docstring.getvalue() def is_effectively_unity(value): # value is *almost* always real, except, e.g., for u.mag**0.5, when # it will be complex. Use try/except to ensure normal case is fast try: return _JUST_BELOW_UNITY <= value <= _JUST_ABOVE_UNITY except TypeError: # value is complex return (_JUST_BELOW_UNITY <= value.real <= _JUST_ABOVE_UNITY and _JUST_BELOW_UNITY <= value.imag + 1 <= _JUST_ABOVE_UNITY) def sanitize_scale(scale): if is_effectively_unity(scale): return 1.0 if np.iscomplex(scale): # scale is complex if scale == 0.0: return 0.0 if abs(scale.real) > abs(scale.imag): if is_effectively_unity(scale.imag/scale.real + 1): scale = scale.real else: if is_effectively_unity(scale.real/scale.imag + 1): scale = complex(0., scale.imag) return scale def validate_power(p, support_tuples=False): """ Handles the conversion of a power to a floating point or a rational number. Parameters ---------- support_tuples : bool, optional If `True`, treat 2-tuples as `Fraction` objects. This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in astropy 0.5. """ # For convenience, treat tuples as Fractions if support_tuples and isinstance(p, tuple) and len(p) == 2: # Deprecated in 0.3.1 warnings.warn( "Using a tuple as a fractional power is deprecated and may be " "removed in a future version. Use Fraction(n, d) instead.", AstropyDeprecationWarning) p = Fraction(p[0], p[1]) if isinstance(p, (numbers.Rational, Fraction)): # If the fractional power can be represented *exactly* as a # floating point number, we convert it to a float, to make the # math much faster, otherwise, we retain it as a # `fractions.Fraction` object to avoid losing precision. denom = p.denominator if denom == 1: p = int(p.numerator) # This is bit-twiddling hack to see if the integer is a # power of two elif (denom & (denom - 1)) == 0: p = float(p) else: if not np.isscalar(p): raise ValueError( "Quantities and Units may only be raised to a scalar power") p = float(p) # If the value is indistinguishable from a rational number # with a low-numbered denominator, convert to a Fraction # object. We don't want to convert for denominators that are # a power of 2, since those can be perfectly represented, and # subsequent operations are much faster if they are retained # as floats. Nor do we need to test values that are divisors # of a higher number, such as 3, since it is already addressed # by 6. # First check for denominator of 1 if (p % 1.0) == 0.0: p = int(p) # Leave alone if the denominator is exactly 2, 4 or 8 elif (p * 8.0) % 1.0 == 0.0: pass else: for i in [10, 9, 7, 6]: scaled = p * float(i) if((scaled + 4. * _float_finfo.eps) % 1.0 < 8. * _float_finfo.eps): p = Fraction(int(round(scaled)), i) break return p def resolve_fractions(a, b): """ If either input is a Fraction, convert the other to a Fraction. This ensures that any operation involving a Fraction will use rational arithmetic and preserve precision. """ a_is_fraction = isinstance(a, Fraction) b_is_fraction = isinstance(b, Fraction) if a_is_fraction and not b_is_fraction: b = Fraction(b) elif not a_is_fraction and b_is_fraction: a = Fraction(a) return a, b
#!/usr/bin/env python from setuptools import setup import foo import glob import os current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(current_dir, 'README.rst')) as fp: long_description = install_requires = [] try: import argparse except ImportError: install_requires.append('argparse') setup( name='foo-tools', version=foo.__version__, license=foo.__license__, description=foo.__description__, long_description=long_description, author=foo.__author__, author_email=foo.__email__, url=foo.__url__, py_modules=['foo'], install_requires=install_requires, tests_require=['mock'], test_suite='test_foo', data_files=[('libexec/foo-tools', glob.glob('modules/*'))], zip_safe=False, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Unix Shell', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Topic :: System', ], entry_points={'console_scripts': ['foo = foo:main']}, )
#coding=utf-8 import logging from twisted.internet import task import config from common import redispool import time class RedisHelper(object): def __init__(self): self.redis_linkcount = config.instance.redis_linkcount if config.instance.redis_linkcount else 2 self.__redispool = redispool.RedisConnectionPool(ip=config.instance.redis_ip, port=config.instance.redis_port, db=config.instance.redis_db, password=config.instance.redis_pwd, linkcount=self.redis_linkcount) #登录服务器列表 self.__loginserverlist=[] def start(self): l = task.LoopingCall(self.OnTimer) l.start(1, False) self.__redispool.start() def OnTimer(self): self.LoadLoginServerList() def HashIndex(self, v): return int(v) % self.redis_linkcount #获取登录服务器信息列表 def LoadLoginServerList(self): cmd = redispool.RedisCommand(index=self.HashIndex(time.time()), func=self.LoadLoginServerListFunc, params=(), ctx=(), finish=self.LoadLoginServerListFinish) self.__redispool.putCmd(cmd) def LoadLoginServerListFunc(self,redisclient): res = [] loginserverid_list = redisclient.smembers(u"loginserver:loginserver_list") for loginserverid in loginserverid_list: key = u"loginserver:loginserver%s"%loginserverid if redisclient.exists(key): res.append(redisclient.hgetall(key)) else: redisclient.srem(u"loginserver:loginserver_list",loginserverid) return res def LoadLoginServerListFinish(self,err,ctx,rows): self.__loginserverlist = rows #更新登录服务器使用次数 def UpdateLoginServerTimes(self,id,value): cmd = redispool.RedisCommand(index=self.HashIndex(time.time()), func=self.UpdateLoginServerTimesFunc, params=(id,value), ctx=(), finish=self.UpdateLoginServerTimesFinish) self.__redispool.putCmd(cmd) def UpdateLoginServerTimesFunc(self,redisclient, id, value): loginserver_key = u"loginserver:loginserver%d" % id if redisclient.exists(loginserver_key): curtimes = int(redisclient.hget(loginserver_key, u"times")) redisclient.hset(loginserver_key, u"times", curtimes + value) else: redisclient.srem(u"loginserver:loginserver_list", id) def UpdateLoginServerTimesFinish(self,err,ctx,rows): pass def GetLoginServerList(self): return self.__loginserverlist instance = RedisHelper()
""" Action to copy tree or file. """ import shlex from pathlib import Path from shutil import copytree from typing import Any, Mapping from creat.action.bases import Action from creat.context import render from creat.source import Source class Copy(Action): """ Action to copy tree or file. """ path_from: str path_to: str def __init__(self, source: Source, make_item: dict): super().__init__(source, make_item) params = make_item["copy"] if isinstance(params, str): self.path_from, self.path_to = shlex.split(params) elif isinstance(params, dict): self.path_from = params["from"] self.path_to = params["to"] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid type {type(params)} for field 'copy' in {source._location}") def run(self, context: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: path_from = Path(render(self.path_from, context)) path_to = Path(render(self.path_to, context)) with self._run_context(): copytree( path_from, path_to, symlinks=False, ignore=None, ignore_dangling_symlinks=False, dirs_exist_ok=False, )
# Copyright 2015 PerfKitBenchmarker Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for sysbench.""" import logging import os import unittest from perfkitbenchmarker import sample from perfkitbenchmarker import test_util from perfkitbenchmarker.linux_benchmarks import sysbench_benchmark class MySQLServiceBenchmarkTestCase(unittest.TestCase, test_util.SamplesTestMixin): def setUp(self): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', 'sysbench-output-sample.txt') with open(path) as fp: self.contents = def testParseSysbenchResult(self): results = [] metadata = {} sysbench_benchmark.AddMetricsForSysbenchOutput( self.contents, results, metadata)'results are, %s', results) expected_results = [ sample.Sample('tps_array', -1, 'tps', {'tps': [ 1012.86, 1006.64, 1022.3, 1016.16, 1009.03, 1016.99, 1010.0, 1018.0, 1002.01, 998.49, 959.52, 913.49, 936.98, 916.01, 957.96]}), sample.Sample('latency_array', -1, 'ms', {'latency': [ 28.67, 64.47, 38.94, 44.98, 89.16, 29.72, 106.75, 46.63, 116.8, 41.85, 27.17, 104.84, 58.92, 75.82, 73.13]}), sample.Sample('qps_array', -1, 'qps', {'qps': [ 20333.18, 20156.38, 20448.49, 20334.15, 20194.07, 20331.31, 20207.00, 20348.96, 20047.11, 19972.86, 19203.97, 18221.83, 18689.14, 18409.68, 19155.63]})] self.assertSampleListsEqualUpToTimestamp(results, expected_results) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" This test file tests the lib.tokens.smstoken """ PWFILE = "tests/testdata/passwords" from .base import MyTestCase, FakeFlaskG, FakeAudit from privacyidea.lib.resolver import (save_resolver) from privacyidea.lib.realm import (set_realm) from privacyidea.lib.user import (User) from privacyidea.lib.utils import is_true from privacyidea.lib.tokenclass import DATE_FORMAT from privacyidea.lib.tokens.smstoken import SmsTokenClass, SMSACTION from privacyidea.models import (Token, Config, Challenge) from privacyidea.lib.config import (set_privacyidea_config, set_prepend_pin) from privacyidea.lib.policy import set_policy, SCOPE, PolicyClass from privacyidea.lib import _ import datetime import mock import responses class SMSTokenTestCase(MyTestCase): """ Test the token on the database level """ phone1 = "+49 123456789" otppin = "topsecret" resolvername1 = "resolver1" resolvername2 = "Resolver2" resolvername3 = "reso3" realm1 = "realm1" realm2 = "realm2" serial1 = "SE123456" serial2 = "SE222222" otpkey = "3132333435363738393031323334353637383930" SMSHttpUrl = "" SMSProviderConfig = '''{"URL": "", "PARAMETER": {"from": "0170111111", "password": "yoursecret", "sender": "name", "account": "company_ltd"}, "SMS_TEXT_KEY": "text", "SMS_PHONENUMBER_KEY": "destination", "HTTP_Method": "POST", "PROXY": "http://username:password@your-proxy:8080", "RETURN_SUCCESS": "ID" }''' success_body = "ID 12345" # add_user, get_user, reset, set_user_identifiers def test_00_create_user_realm(self): rid = save_resolver({"resolver": self.resolvername1, "type": "passwdresolver", "fileName": PWFILE}) self.assertTrue(rid > 0, rid) (added, failed) = set_realm(self.realm1, [self.resolvername1]) self.assertTrue(len(failed) == 0) self.assertTrue(len(added) == 1) user = User(login="root", realm=self.realm1, resolver=self.resolvername1) user_str = "{0!s}".format(user) self.assertTrue(user_str == "<root.resolver1@realm1>", user_str) self.assertFalse(user.is_empty()) self.assertTrue(User().is_empty()) user_repr = "{0!r}".format(user) expected = "User(login='root', realm='realm1', resolver='resolver1')" self.assertTrue(user_repr == expected, user_repr) def test_01_create_token(self): db_token = Token(self.serial1, tokentype="sms") token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.update({"phone": self.phone1}) self.assertTrue(token.token.serial == self.serial1, token) self.assertTrue(token.token.tokentype == "sms", token.token) self.assertTrue(token.type == "sms", token.type) class_prefix = token.get_class_prefix() self.assertTrue(class_prefix == "PISM", class_prefix) self.assertTrue(token.get_class_type() == "sms", token) db_token = Token(self.serial2, tokentype="sms") token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.update({"dynamic_phone": True}) self.assertTrue(token.token.serial == self.serial2, token) self.assertTrue(token.token.tokentype == "sms", token.token) self.assertTrue(is_true(token.get_tokeninfo("dynamic_phone"))) self.assertTrue(token.type == "sms", token.type) class_prefix = token.get_class_prefix() self.assertTrue(class_prefix == "PISM", class_prefix) self.assertTrue(token.get_class_type() == "sms", token) token.add_user(User(login="cornelius", realm=self.realm1)) def test_02_set_user(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) self.assertTrue(token.token.tokentype == "sms", token.token.tokentype) self.assertTrue(token.type == "sms", token.type) token.add_user(User(login="cornelius", realm=self.realm1)) self.assertEqual(token.token.first_owner.resolver, self.resolvername1) self.assertEqual(token.token.first_owner.user_id, "1000") user_object = token.user self.assertTrue(user_object.login == "cornelius", user_object) self.assertTrue(user_object.resolver == self.resolvername1, user_object) def test_03_reset_failcounter(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.token.failcount = 10 token.reset() self.assertTrue(token.token.failcount == 0, token.token.failcount) def test_04_base_methods(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("123456", 1, 10) == -1) # get class info cli = token.get_class_info() self.assertTrue(cli.get("type") == "sms", cli.get("type")) cli = token.get_class_info("type") self.assertTrue(cli == "sms", cli) # set the description token.set_description("something new") self.assertTrue(token.token.description == "something new", token.token) # set defaults token.set_defaults() self.assertTrue(token.token.otplen == 6) self.assertTrue(token.token.sync_window == 1000) token.resync("1234", "3456") token.token.count_window = 17 self.assertTrue(token.get_otp_count_window() == 17) token.token.count = 18 self.assertTrue(token.get_otp_count() == 18) = False self.assertTrue(token.is_active() is False) token.token.failcount = 7 self.assertTrue(token.get_failcount() == 7) token.set_failcount(8) self.assertTrue(token.token.failcount == 8) token.token.maxfail = 12 self.assertTrue(token.get_max_failcount() == 12) self.assertEqual(token.get_user_id(), token.token.first_owner.user_id) self.assertTrue(token.get_serial() == "SE123456", token.token.serial) self.assertTrue(token.get_tokentype() == "sms", token.token.tokentype) token.set_so_pin("sopin") token.set_user_pin("userpin") token.set_otpkey(self.otpkey) token.set_otplen(8) token.set_otp_count(1000) self.assertTrue(len(token.token.so_pin) == 32, token.token.so_pin) self.assertTrue(len(token.token.user_pin) == 32, token.token.user_pin) self.assertTrue(len(token.token.key_enc) == 192, token.token.key_enc) self.assertTrue(token.get_otplen() == 8) self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 1000, token.token.count) token.set_maxfail(1000) self.assertTrue(token.token.maxfail == 1000) token.set_count_window(52) self.assertTrue(token.get_count_window() == 52) token.set_sync_window(53) self.assertTrue(token.get_sync_window() == 53) def test_06_set_pin(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.set_pin("hallo") (ph1, pseed) = token.get_pin_hash_seed() # check the database token.set_pin("blubber") ph2 = token.token.pin_hash self.assertTrue(ph1 != ph2) token.set_pin_hash_seed(ph1, pseed) def test_07_enable(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.enable(False) self.assertTrue( is False) token.enable() self.assertTrue( def test_05_get_set_realms(self): set_realm(self.realm2) db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) realms = token.get_realms() self.assertTrue(len(realms) == 1, realms) token.set_realms([self.realm1, self.realm2]) realms = token.get_realms() self.assertTrue(len(realms) == 2, realms) def test_99_delete_token(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.delete_token() db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() self.assertTrue(db_token is None, db_token) def test_08_info(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.set_hashlib("sha1") ti = token.get_tokeninfo() self.assertTrue("hashlib" in ti, ti) def test_09_failcount(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) start = token.token.failcount end = token.inc_failcount() self.assertTrue(end == start + 1, (end, start)) def test_10_get_hashlib(self): # check if functions are returned for hl in ["sha1", "md5", "sha256", "sha512", "sha224", "sha384", "", None]: self.assertTrue(hasattr(SmsTokenClass.get_hashlib(hl), '__call__'), SmsTokenClass.get_hashlib(hl)) def test_11_tokeninfo(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.add_tokeninfo("key1", "value2") info1 = token.get_tokeninfo() self.assertTrue("key1" in info1, info1) token.add_tokeninfo("key2", "value3") info2 = token.get_tokeninfo() self.assertTrue("key2" in info2, info2) token.set_tokeninfo(info1) info2 = token.get_tokeninfo() self.assertTrue("key2" not in info2, info2) self.assertTrue(token.get_tokeninfo("key1") == "value2", info2) # auth counter token.set_count_auth_success_max(200) token.set_count_auth_max(1000) token.set_count_auth_success(100) token.inc_count_auth_success() token.set_count_auth(200) token.inc_count_auth() self.assertTrue(token.get_count_auth_success_max() == 200) self.assertTrue(token.get_count_auth_success() == 101) self.assertTrue(token.get_count_auth_max() == 1000) self.assertTrue(token.get_count_auth() == 201) self.assertTrue(token.check_auth_counter()) token.set_count_auth_max(10) self.assertFalse(token.check_auth_counter()) token.set_count_auth_max(1000) token.set_count_auth_success_max(10) self.assertFalse(token.check_auth_counter()) def test_12_inc_otp_counter(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.set_otp_count(10) self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 10, token.token.count) # increase counter by 1 token.inc_otp_counter() self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 11, token.token.count) # increase counter to 21 Config(Key="DefaultResetFailCount", Value=True).save() token.inc_otp_counter(counter=20) self.assertTrue(token.token.count == 21, token.token.count) def test_13_check_otp(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.update({"otpkey": self.otpkey, "pin": "test", "otplen": 6, "phone": self.phone1}) # OTP does not exist self.assertTrue(token.check_otp_exist("222333") == -1) # OTP does exist res = token.check_otp_exist("969429") self.assertTrue(res == 3, res) def test_14_split_pin_pass(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.token.otplen = 6 # postpend pin set_prepend_pin(False) _res, pin, value = token.split_pin_pass("222333test") self.assertTrue(pin == "test", pin) self.assertTrue(value == "222333", value) # prepend pin set_prepend_pin(True) _res, pin, value = token.split_pin_pass("test222333") self.assertTrue(pin == "test", pin) self.assertTrue(value == "222333", value) def test_15_check_pin(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) # test the encrypted pin token.set_pin("encrypted", encrypt=True) self.assertTrue(token.check_pin("encrypted")) self.assertFalse(token.check_pin("wrong pin")) # test the hashed pin token.set_pin("test") self.assertTrue(token.check_pin("test")) self.assertFalse(token.check_pin("wrong pin")) def test_17_challenge_token(self): db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) token.set_pin(self.otppin) r = token.is_challenge_request(self.otppin) self.assertTrue(r) @responses.activate def test_18_challenge_request(self): responses.add(responses.POST, self.SMSHttpUrl, body=self.success_body) transactionid = "123456098712" set_privacyidea_config("sms.providerConfig", self.SMSProviderConfig) db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("123456", 1, 10) == -1) c = token.create_challenge(transactionid) self.assertTrue(c[0], c) otp = c[1] self.assertTrue(c[3].get("state"), transactionid) # check for the challenges response r = token.check_challenge_response(passw=otp, options={"transaction_id": transactionid}) self.assertTrue(r, r) @responses.activate def test_18a_challenge_request_dynamic(self): # Send a challenge request for an SMS token with a dynamic phone number responses.add(responses.POST, self.SMSHttpUrl, body=self.success_body) transactionid = "123456098712" set_privacyidea_config("sms.providerConfig", self.SMSProviderConfig) db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial2).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) self.assertTrue(token.check_otp("123456", 1, 10) == -1) c = token.create_challenge(transactionid) self.assertTrue(c[0], c) otp = c[1] self.assertTrue(c[3].get("state"), transactionid) # check for the challenges response r = token.check_challenge_response(passw=otp, options={"transaction_id": transactionid}) self.assertTrue(r, r) @responses.activate def test_18b_challenge_request_dynamic_multivalue(self): responses.add(responses.POST, self.SMSHttpUrl, body=self.success_body) transactionid = "123456098712" set_privacyidea_config("sms.providerConfig", self.SMSProviderConfig) db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial2).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) # if the email is a multi-value attribute, the first address should be chosen new_user_info = new_user_info['mobile'] = ['1234', '5678'] with mock.patch('privacyidea.lib.resolvers.PasswdIdResolver.IdResolver.getUserInfo') as mock_user_info: mock_user_info.return_value = new_user_info c = token.create_challenge(transactionid) self.assertTrue(c[0], c) self.assertIn('destination=1234', responses.calls[0].request.body) self.assertNotIn('destination=5678', responses.calls[0].request.body) @responses.activate def test_19_smstext(self): # The single quotes in the smstext "'Your <otp>'" is legacy and results in # the string without single quotes "Your <otp>". smstext_tests = {"'Your <otp>'": r"Your [0-9]{6}", "Your <otp>": r"Your [0-9]{6}", "{user} has the OTP: {otp}": r"Cornelius has the OTP: [0-9]{6}"} for pol_text, result_text in smstext_tests.items(): # create a SMSTEXT policy: p = set_policy(name="smstext", action="{0!s}={1!s}".format(SMSACTION.SMSTEXT, pol_text), scope=SCOPE.AUTH) self.assertTrue(p > 0) g = FakeFlaskG() P = PolicyClass() g.audit_object = FakeAudit() g.policy_object = P options = {"g": g, "user": User("cornelius", self.realm1)} responses.add(responses.POST, self.SMSHttpUrl, body=self.success_body) set_privacyidea_config("sms.providerConfig", self.SMSProviderConfig) db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) c = token.create_challenge(options=options) self.assertTrue(c[0], c) display_message = c[1] self.assertEqual(display_message, _("Enter the OTP from the SMS:")) self.assertEqual(c[3].get("state"), None) smstext = token._get_sms_text(options) self.assertEqual(pol_text.strip("'"), smstext) r, message = token._send_sms(smstext, options) self.assertRegexpMatches(message, result_text) # Test AUTOSMS p = set_policy(name="autosms", action=SMSACTION.SMSAUTO, scope=SCOPE.AUTH) self.assertTrue(p > 0) g = FakeFlaskG() P = PolicyClass() g.policy_object = P g.audit_object = FakeAudit() options = {"g": g} r = token.check_otp(self.valid_otp_values[5 + len(smstext_tests)], options=options) self.assertTrue(r > 0, r) def test_21_failed_loading(self): transactionid = "123456098712" set_privacyidea_config("sms.providerConfig", "noJSON") set_privacyidea_config("sms.provider", "privacyidea.lib.smsprovider." "HttpSMSProvider.HttpSMSProviderWRONG") db_token = Token.query.filter_by(serial=self.serial1).first() token = SmsTokenClass(db_token) c = token.create_challenge(transactionid) self.assertFalse(c[0], c) self.assertTrue("The PIN was correct, but" in c[1], c[1]) set_privacyidea_config("sms.provider", "privacyidea.lib.smsprovider." "HttpSMSProvider.HttpSMSProvider") c = token.create_challenge(transactionid) self.assertFalse(c[0], c) self.assertTrue("Failed to load sms.providerConfig" in c[1], c[1]) # test with the parameter exception=1 self.assertRaises(Exception, token.create_challenge, transactionid, {"exception": "1"})
#!/usr/bin/env python from setuptools import setup options = dict( name='Flask-DropIn', version='0.0.1', description='Flask-DropIn let you easily organize large flask project.', author='Jerry Zhang', author_email='', url='', packages=['flask_dropin'], license='MIT', zip_safe=False, platforms='any', install_requires=[ 'Flask', 'click', 'six', ], tests_require=[ 'pytest>=2.7.1', 'pytest-cov>=2.2.0', 'tox', ], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [] }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', ], ) setup(**options)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from lazagne.config.module_info import ModuleInfo from lazagne.config.constant import constant import os class Wsl(ModuleInfo): def __init__(self): ModuleInfo.__init__(self, 'wsl', 'sysadmin') def run(self): pwd_found = [] shadow_files_list = [] # Old WSL PATH old_path = os.path.join(constant.profile['LOCALAPPDATA'], u'lxss\\rootfs\\etc\\shadow') if os.path.exists(old_path): shadow_files_list.append(old_path) # New WSL PATH need to look into Package folder new_path = os.path.join(constant.profile['LOCALAPPDATA'], u'Packages\\') if os.path.exists(new_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(new_path): for file in files: if file == "shadow": shadow_files_list.append(os.path.join(root, file)) # Extract the hashes for shadow in shadow_files_list: with open(shadow, 'r') as shadow_file: for line in shadow_file.readlines(): user_hash = line.replace('\n', '') line = user_hash.split(':') # Check if a password is defined if not line[1] in ['x', '*', '!']: pwd_found.append({ 'Hash': ':'.join(user_hash.split(':')[1:]), 'Login': user_hash.split(':')[0].replace('\n', '') }) return pwd_found
from cachetools import LRUCache from coapthon.caching.coapcache import CoapCache class fifocache (): def __init__(self,max_dim=2048): self.queue=[] self.cachevalues={} self.maxsize=max_dim def update(self, elements): try: if(elements[0] not in self.cachevalues.keys()): if(len(self.cachevalues)==self.maxsize): del self.cachevalues[self.queue[0]] print "DELETING IN FIFO: ", self.queue[0] del self.queue[0] self.cachevalues[elements[0][0]]=elements[0][1] self.queue.append(elements[0][0]) else: self.cachevalues[elements[0][0]]=elements[0][1] except KeyError(): self.cachevalues[elements[0][0]]=None def __getitem__(self, key): value = self.cachevalues[key] return value # def __setitem__(self, key, value): # self.cachevalues[key]=value def currsize(self): return len(self.cachevalues) def items(self): "D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples" return [(key, self.cachevalues[key]) for key in self.cachevalues.keys()] def keys(self): return [key for key in self.cachevalues.keys()] class CoapFIFOCache(CoapCache): def __init__(self, max_dim): """ :param max_dim: """ print "Using FIFO Cache with dimension : " + str(max_dim) self.cache = fifocache(max_dim=max_dim) def update(self, key, element): """ :param key: :param element: :return: """ print "updating cache" print "key: ", key.hashkey print "element: ", element self.cache.update([(key.hashkey, element)]) def get(self, key): """ :param key: :return: CacheElement """ try: print "Getting cache response" response = self.cache[key.hashkey] except KeyError: print "problem here" response = None return response def is_full(self): """ :return: """ if self.cache.currsize() == self.cache.maxsize: return True return False def is_empty(self): """ :return: """ if self.cache.currsize() == 0: return True return False def debug_print(self): """ :return: """ print "size = ", self.cache.currsize() list = self.cache.items() for key, element in list: print "element.max age ", element.max_age print "element.uri", element.uri print "element.freshness ", element.freshness
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import click import ecstasy import pytest import requests import tests.paths import lnk.errors def test_verbosity_system_works_without_additional(): what = 'something happened' error = lnk.errors.Error(what) typ = ecstasy.beautify('<Type>: Error', ecstasy.Color.Red) assert error.what == what assert error.levels[2] == typ def test_get_levels_works(): error = lnk.errors.Error('something happened') assert len(error.levels) == 4 assert any(error.levels) assert not error.levels[1] assert not error.levels[3] assert 'Error' in error.levels[0] assert 'Type' in error.levels[2] def test_verbosity_system_works_with_additional(): foo = lnk.errors.Message(what='foo?', level=1) bar = lnk.errors.Message(what='bar!', level=3) error = lnk.errors.Error('something happened', Foo=foo, Bar=bar) assert len(error.levels) == 4 assert all(error.levels) assert 'Foo' in error.levels[1] assert 'foo?' in error.levels[1] assert 'Bar' in error.levels[3] assert 'bar!' in error.levels[3] def test_catch_catches_lnk_error(capsys): def throws(): raise lnk.errors.Error('oops') lnk.errors.catch(throws) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured assert 'Error' in captured[0] assert 'oops' in captured[0] def test_catch_shows_only_wanted_levels_for_verbosity_0(capsys): catch = lnk.errors.Catch() def throws(): raise lnk.errors.Error('oops') catch.catch(throws) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured levels = [i for i in captured[0].split('\n') if i] assert len(levels) == 1 assert 'Error' in levels[0] assert 'oops' in levels[0] def test_catch_shows_all_levels_for_verbosity_4(capsys): catch = lnk.errors.Catch(3) def throws(): foo = lnk.errors.Message(what='foo?', level=1) bar = lnk.errors.Message(what='bar!', level=3) raise lnk.errors.InternalError('oops', Foo=foo, Bar=bar) catch.catch(throws) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured levels = [i for i in captured[0].split('\n') if i] assert len(levels) == 4 assert 'Error' in levels[0] assert 'oops' in levels[0] assert 'Foo' in levels[1] assert 'foo?' in levels[1] assert 'Type' in levels[2] assert 'InternalError' in levels[2] assert 'Bar' in levels[3] assert 'bar!' in levels[3] def test_catch_catches_click_exception(capsys): catch = lnk.errors.Catch(2) def throws(): raise click.ClickException('') catch.catch(throws) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured levels = [i for i in captured[0].split('\n') if i] assert 'Error' in levels[0] assert 'Type' in levels[1] assert 'UsageError' in levels[1] def test_catch_catches_requests_exception(capsys): catch = lnk.errors.Catch(2) def throws(): raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError catch.catch(throws) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured levels = [i for i in captured[0].split('\n') if i] assert 'Error' in levels[0] assert 'Type' in levels[2] assert 'ConnectionError' in levels[2] def test_catch_bubbles_up_other_exceptions(): catch = lnk.errors.Catch() def throws(): raise RuntimeError with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): catch.catch(throws) def test_warn_works(capsys): lnk.errors.warn('Sauron is coming') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured assert 'Warning' in captured[0] assert '\a' in captured[0] assert 'Sauron is coming' in captured[0]
# 422 Valid Word Square # Given a sequence of words, check whether it forms a valid word square. # # A sequence of words forms a valid word square if the kth row and column read the exact same string, where 0 ≤ k < max(numRows, numColumns). # # Note: # # The number of words given is at least 1 and does not exceed 500. # Word length will be at least 1 and does not exceed 500. # Each word contains only lowercase English alphabet a-z. # # Example 1: # # Input: # [ # "abcd", # "bnrt", # "crmy", # "dtye" # ] # # Output: # true # # Explanation: # The first row and first column both read "abcd". # The second row and second column both read "bnrt". # The third row and third column both read "crmy". # The fourth row and fourth column both read "dtye". # # Therefore, it is a valid word square. # # Example 2: # # Input: # [ # "abcd", # "bnrt", # "crm", # "dt" # ] # # Output: # true # # Explanation: # The first row and first column both read "abcd". # The second row and second column both read "bnrt". # The third row and third column both read "crm". # The fourth row and fourth column both read "dt". # # Therefore, it is a valid word square. # # Example 3: # # Input: # [ # "ball", # "area", # "read", # "lady" # ] # # Output: # false # # Explanation: # The third row reads "read" while the third column reads "lead". # # Therefore, it is NOT a valid word square. # class Solution: def validWordSquare(self, words): for i in range(len(words)): for j in range(len(words[i])): if j >= len(words) or i >= len(words[j]) or words[i][j] != words[j][i]: return False return True sol = Solution() print(sol.validWordSquare(["abcd", "bnrt", "crm", "dt"])) print(sol.validWordSquare(["ball", "area", "read", "lady"]))
# encoding: utf-8 """ This module contains the project meta-data. """ __author__ = "Caleb P. Burns" __copyright__ = "Copyright © 2013-2021 Caleb P. Burns" __credits__ = [ "dahlia <>", "highb <>", "029xue <>", "mikexstudios <>", "nhumrich <>", "davidfraser <>", "demurgos <>", "ghickman <>", "nvie <>", "adrienverge <>", "AndersBlomdell <>", "highb <>", "thmxv <>", "wimglenn <>", "hugovk <>", "dcecile <>", "mroutis <>", "jdufresne <>", "groodt <>", "ftrofin <>", "pykong <>", "nhhollander <>", "KOLANICH <>", "JonjonHays <>", "Isaac0616 <>", ] __license__ = "MPL 2.0" __version__ = "0.9.0.dev1"