19 values
15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # This file is part of PYBOSSA. # # Copyright (C) 2017 Scifabric LTD. # # PYBOSSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PYBOSSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with PYBOSSA. If not, see <>. from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TIMESTAMP from pybossa.core import db from pybossa.model import DomainObject, make_timestamp class Counter(db.Model, DomainObject): '''A Counter lists the number of task runs for a given Task.''' __tablename__ = 'counter' #: Counter.ID id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: UTC timestamp when the counter was created. created = Column(TIMESTAMP, default=make_timestamp) #: Project.ID that this counter is associated with. project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) #: Task.ID that this counter is associated with. task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) #: Number of task_runs for this task. n_task_runs = Column(Integer, default=0, nullable=False)
from google.appengine.ext import db from django import forms from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ class TransitTypeProperty(db.IntegerProperty): """ Transit Type Property - Storage of transit type """ def __init__ (self,*args,**kwargs): kwargs["choices"] = range(0,8) db.IntegerProperty.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) def validate(self, value): if isinstance(value,basestring): value = int(value) return super(TransitTypeProperty, self).validate(value) def get_form_field(self, **kwargs): attrs = { 'form_class': forms.ChoiceField, 'choices' : TransitTypeProperty.get_choices() } attrs.update(kwargs) return super(TransitTypeProperty, self).get_form_field(**attrs) def get_choices(): ret = [ (i,TransitTypeProperty.get_type_name(i)) for i in range(0,8)] return ret get_choices = staticmethod(get_choices) def get_basic_type_name_list(): """ Return a list of basic type name """ ret = [TransitTypeProperty.get_type_name(i) for i in range(0,8)] return ret get_basic_type_name_list = staticmethod(get_basic_type_name_list) def get_type_name(type): if type == 0: return _("Tram, Streetcar, Light rail") elif type == 1: return _("Subway, Metro") #Any underground rail system within a metropolitan area elif type == 2: return _("Rail") #Used for intercity or long-distance travel. elif type == 3: return _("Bus") elif type == 4: return _("Ferry") elif type == 5: return _("Cable car") elif type == 6: return _("Gondola, Suspended cable car") elif type == 7: return _("Funicular") else: return "" get_type_name = staticmethod(get_type_name) class PaymentMethodProperty(db.IntegerProperty): """ Payment Method """ def __init__ (self,*args,**kwargs): kwargs["choices"] = range(0,2) if "default" not in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = 0 db.IntegerProperty.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) def validate(self, value): if isinstance(value,basestring): value = int(value) return super(PaymentMethodProperty, self).validate(value) def get_form_field(self, **kwargs): attrs = { 'form_class': forms.ChoiceField, 'choices' : PaymentMethodProperty.get_choices() } attrs.update(kwargs) return super(PaymentMethodProperty, self).get_form_field(**attrs) def get_choices(): ret = [ (i,PaymentMethodProperty.get_type_name(i)) for i in range(0,2)] return ret get_choices = staticmethod(get_choices) def get_type_name(type): if type == 0: return _("Fare is paid on board") elif type == 1: return _("Fare must be paid before boarding") get_type_name = staticmethod(get_type_name)
import django from django.conf import settings from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from debug_toolbar.panels import DebugPanel import sys class VersionDebugPanel(DebugPanel): ''' Panel that displays the Django version. ''' name = 'Version' has_content = True def nav_title(self): return _('Versions') def nav_subtitle(self): return 'Django %s' % django.get_version() def url(self): return '' def title(self): return _('Versions') def content(self): versions = {} versions['Web D&D'] = settings.VERSION versions['Syncrae'] = settings.SYNCRAE_VERSION context = self.context.copy() context.update({ 'versions': versions, 'paths': sys.path, }) return render_to_string('debug_toolbar/panels/versions.html', context) class SyncraeSpyDebugPanel(DebugPanel): ''' Panel that shows Syncrae Messages ''' name = 'Syncrae' has_content = True def nav_title(self): return _('Syncrae') def nav_subtitle(self): return '' def url(self): return '' def title(self): return _('Syncrae') def content(self): return render_to_string('debug_syncrae.html', self.context) class DividerDebugPanel(DebugPanel): name = 'Divider' has_content = False def nav_title(self): return ' '
#!/usr/bin/env python # (c) Stefan Countryman, 2016-2017 DESC="""Plot an IRIG-B signal read from stdin. Assumes that the timeseries is a sequence of newline-delimited float literals.""" FAST_CHANNEL_BITRATE = 16384 # for IRIG-B, DuoTone, etc. # THE REST OF THE IMPORTS ARE AFTER THIS IF STATEMENT. # Quits immediately on --help or -h flags to skip slow imports when you just # want to read the help documentation. if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=DESC) # TODO: make this -i and --ifo instead of detector. parser.add_argument("--detector", help=("the detector; used in the title of the output " "plot")) parser.add_argument("-O", "--outfile", help="the filename of the generated plot") parser.add_argument("-T", "--timeseries", help="copy from stdin to stdout while reading", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-A", "--actualtime", help=("actual time signal was recorded " "(appears in title)")) args = parser.parse_args() # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. NECESSARY ON CLUSTER. import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import sys import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import geco_irig_decode def read_timeseries_stdin(num_lines, cat_to_stdout=False): """Read in newline-delimited numerical data from stdin; don't read more than a second worth of data. If cat_to_stdout is True, print data that has been read in back to stdout (useful for piped commands).""" timeseries = np.zeros(num_lines) line = "" i = 0 while i < num_lines: line = float(sys.stdin.readline()) timeseries[i] = line if cat_to_stdout: print(line) i += 1 return timeseries def irigb_decoded_title(timeseries, IFO=None, actual_time=None): """Get a title for an IRIG-B timeseries plot that includes the decoded time in the timeseries itself.""" # get the detector name if IFO is None: detector_suffix = "" else: detector_suffix = " at " + IFO # get the actual time of recording, if provided if actual_time is None: actual_time_str = "" else: actual_time_str = "\nActual Time: {}".format(actual_time) # add title and so on try: decoded_time = geco_irig_decode.get_date_from_timeseries(timeseries) decoded_time_str = decoded_time.strftime('%a %b %d %X %Y') except ValueError as e: decoded_time_str = "COULD NOT DECODE TIME" fmt = "One Second of IRIG-B Signal{}\nDecoded Time: {}{}" return fmt.format(detector_suffix, decoded_time_str, actual_time_str) def irigb_output_filename(outfile=None): """Get the output filename for an IRIG-B plot.""" if outfile is None: output_filename = "irigb-plot-made-at-" + str(time.time()) + ".png" else: output_filename = outfile # append .png if not already there if output_filename.split(".")[-1] != "png": output_filename += ".png" return output_filename def plot_with_zoomed_views(timeseries, title, num_subdivs=5, dt=1., output_filename=None, overlay=False, linewidth=1): """Plot a timeseries and produce num_subdivs subplots that show equal-sized subdivisions of the full timeseries data to show details (good for high-bitrate timeseries). If you want to keep plotting data to the same figure, set 'overlay=True', and the current figure will be plotted to.""" bitrate = int(len(timeseries) / float(dt)) times = np.linspace(0, 1, num=bitrate, endpoint=False) # find max and min values in timeseries; use these to set plot boundaries yrange = timeseries.max() - timeseries.min() ymax = timeseries.max() + 0.1*yrange ymin = timeseries.min() - 0.1*yrange if not overlay: plt.figure() # print("making plot") plt.gcf().set_figwidth(7) plt.gcf().set_figheight(4+1.2*num_subdivs) # ~1.2in height per zoomed plot # plot the full second on the first row; lines should be black ('k' option). plt.subplot(num_subdivs + 1, 1, 1) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.plot(times, timeseries, 'k', linewidth=linewidth) plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize='small') # make num_subdivs subplots to better show the full second for i in range(num_subdivs): # print("making plot " + str(i)) plt.subplot(num_subdivs+1, 1, i+2) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.xlim(float(i)/num_subdivs, (float(i)+1)/num_subdivs) start = bitrate*i // num_subdivs end = bitrate*(i+1) // num_subdivs plt.plot(times[start:end], timeseries[start:end], 'k', linewidth=linewidth) plt.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize='small') plt.suptitle(title) plt.xlabel("Time since start of second [$s$]") # print("saving plot") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.5) if not (output_filename is None): plt.savefig(output_filename) return plt if __name__ == '__main__': timeseries = read_timeseries_stdin(FAST_CHANNEL_BITRATE, cat_to_stdout=args.timeseries) title = irigb_decoded_title(timeseries, args.detector, args.actualtime) output_filename = irigb_output_filename(args.outfile) plot_with_zoomed_views(timeseries, title, num_subdivs=5, dt=1., output_filename=output_filename)
""" Dataset for images and related functionality. This module does not have dependencies inside pyl2extra package, so you can just copy-paste it inside your source tree. To use this dataset prepare a .csv file with targets (integers or real numbers) on first column and file paths on the second column: .. code:: 0,file1.png 1,file2.png Image file paths are relative to current directory (``os.getcwd()``). The images need not be square and can be in any format recognized by the ``Image`` module. Internally, the images are converted to RGB and are made square for you. Use it in a .yaml file like so: .. code:: dataset: &trndataset !obj:pyl2extra.datasets.images.Images { source: 'train.csv', image_size: 128 } The ``image_size`` can be skipped, in which case the size of the images is derived from first image that is provided. By default the class assumes a classification problem (targets are integers). If you need to uset it in a regression problem create it like so: .. code:: dataset: &trndataset !obj:pyl2extra.datasets.images.Images { source: 'train.csv', image_size: 128, regression: True } As the dataset simply wraps the ``DenseDesignMatrix``, parameters like ``rng`` (random number generator), ``preprocessor`` and ``fit_preprocessor`` can be used and will be passed to ``DenseDesignMatrix`` superclass. """ __authors__ = "Nicu Tofan" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Nicu Tofan" __credits__ = ["Nicu Tofan"] __license__ = "3-clause BSD" __maintainer__ = "Nicu Tofan" __email__ = "" import csv import numpy import os from PIL import Image from pylearn2.datasets.dense_design_matrix import DenseDesignMatrix import theano class Images(DenseDesignMatrix): """ A pylearn2 dataset that loads the images from a list or csv file. Please note that - if you use this dataset and your model has a final Softmax layer you should construct it like so (YAML syntax): .. code:: !obj:pylearn2.models.mlp.Softmax { layer_name: 'y', irange: .0, n_classes: %(classes)d, binary_target_dim: 1 } where ``classes`` is the same number of classes passed to ``Images`` constructor. ``binary_target_dim`` is important and failing to set it constructs the wrong architecture, causing errors like: ValueError: VectorSpace(dim=1, dtype=float32) with total dimension 1 can't format a batch into VectorSpace(dim=X, dtype=float32) because its total dimension is X. Parameters ---------- source: OrderedDict, dict, str, tuple, list This argument provides the input images and (optionally) associated categories. The meaning of the argument depends on the data type: - if ``source`` is a string, it is interpreted to be the path towards a csv file; the file must NOT have a header, first column must contain the targets (classes or values) and second column must contain the paths for the image files; - if ``source`` is a dictionary, the keys must be the paths for image files, ``Image`` instances or numpy arrays and the values must be the classes or values (None or empty string if this instance does not provide the labels); - a tuple or list must have exactly one or two members: first one must be a list or tuple of image paths or Images or numpy arrays, while second one (optional) has the targets (classes as integers or real values). image_size: int, optional The size of the images in the final dataset. All images will be resized to be ``image_size`` x ``image_size`` pixels. classes: int, optional If this is a classification problem the parameter should be used to indicate the total number of classes and targets are expected to be integers in the range ``[0; classes-1]``. If this is a regression problem the parameter should be ``None`` and targets are expected to be real numbers. rng: object, optional A random number generator used for picking random \ indices into the design matrix when choosing minibatches. preprocessor: Preprocessor, optional Preprocessor to apply to images. fit_preprocessor: bool, optional Whether preprocessor can fit parameters when applied to training data. """ def __init__(self, source, image_size=None, classes=None, rng=None, preprocessor=None, fit_preprocessor=False): #: preserve original argument for future reference self.source = source #: Number of classes (None for regression) self.classes = classes # all images are loaded in ``ind`` variable ind = _init_input(source) # DenseDesignMatrix expects us to provide a numpy array # we choose to have number of examples on first axis ('b'), # then rows and columns of the image, then the channels # always 3 in our case self.axes = ('b', 0, 1, 'c') if image_size is None: dense_x = None else: dense_x = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(ind), image_size, image_size, 3), dtype='uint8') categories = [] has_targets = False for i, (img, ctg) in enumerate(ind): if isinstance(img, Image.Image): img = numpy.array(img) width = img.shape[1] height = img.shape[0] largest = max(width, height) if image_size is None: # if the user did not specify an image size we determine # the size using the first image that we encounter; this is # usefull if all images are already of required size, # for example image_size = largest dense_x = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(ind), image_size, image_size, 3), dtype='uint8') imgin = img # do we need to enlarge / shrink the image? elif largest != image_size: wpercent = image_size / float(largest) width = int(width * wpercent) height = int(height * wpercent) largest = max(width, height) # inefficient? could use scipy.ndimage.zoom. img_tmp = Image.fromarray(img) img_tmp = img_tmp.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) imgin = numpy.array(img_tmp) else: imgin = img delta_x = (largest - width) / 2 delta_y = (largest - height) / 2 delta_x2 = delta_x + width delta_y2 = delta_y + height #print delta_x, delta_y, delta_x2, delta_y2, width, height dense_x[i, delta_y:delta_y2, delta_x:delta_x2, :] = imgin categories.append(ctg) if ctg != '': has_targets = True dense_x = numpy.cast[theano.config.floatX](dense_x) # if we have categories / values convert them to proper format if has_targets: if classes is None: # in regression we expect real values dense_y = numpy.empty(shape=(len(ind), 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX) for i, ctg in enumerate(categories): dense_y[i, 0] = float(ctg) else: # in classification we expect integers dense_y = numpy.empty(shape=(len(ind), 1), dtype=int) for i, ctg in enumerate(categories): dense_y[i, 0] = int(ctg) else: dense_y = None if rng is None: rng = DenseDesignMatrix._default_seed # everything else is handled by the DenseDesignMatrix superclass super(Images, self).__init__(topo_view=dense_x, y=dense_y, axes=self.axes, view_converter=None, preprocessor=preprocessor, fit_preprocessor=fit_preprocessor, X_labels=None, y_labels=classes if has_targets else None) def _init_input(source): """ Homogenize sources. """ if isinstance(source, basestring): # this is a csv file that we're going to read result = _load_list(_load_csv(source)) elif isinstance(source, dict): # keys are file names, values are classes result = _load_list(source.items()) elif isinstance(source, (list, tuple)): # one item lists the files, the other lists the classes if len(source) == 1: result = _load_list([(src, None) for src in source[0]]) elif len(source) == 2: if len(source[0]) == len(source[1]): result = _load_list(zip(source[0], source[1])) else: raise ValueError("Lists/tuples provded to Images class " "constructor are expected to have " "same length (%d != %d)" % (len(source[0]), len(source[1]))) else: raise ValueError("Lists/tuples provided to Images class " "constructor are expected to have one " "(images only) or two members (images" " and classes); the input has %d members." % len(source)) else: raise ValueError("Images class expects for its `source` argument " "a file path (string), a dictionary of " "file:class pairs, or a pair of lists (tuples); " "%s is not supported" % str(source.__class__)) return result def _load_csv(csv_path): """ Internal function for loading the content from a .csv file. Parameters ---------- csv_path: str The path towards the .csv file to read. Returns ------- result: list of tuples The method creates a list of tuples that should be passed to `_load_list()`. """ # we're going to accumulate files and categories here result = [] # compute absolute path of the source csv file csv_path = os.path.abspath(csv_path) with open(csv_path, 'rt') as fhand: # the reader is flexible, allowing delimiters # other than comma; quotation can also be customized csvr = csv.reader(fhand, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') # the reader will give us a list for each row of # the source file for row in csvr: # we're going to skip empty rows without warning if len(row) == 0: continue # we could skip the header here, if present; we # could even detect the column index from its # name; but we try to keep the things simple # class/value is always first, file path second result.append((row[1], row[0])) return result def _load_list(srclist): """ Internal function for loading the content from a list. Image files are converted to `numpy.ndarray`; empty classes are normalized to a string of lenghth 0. Parameters ---------- srclist: list of tuples A list of tuples, with first entry in tuple being a string, an Image or `numpy.ndarray` instances and second being classes (None for no class). Returns ------- result: list of tuples The method creates a list of tuples, with first entry in tuple being `numpy.ndarray` instances and second being targets (None for no target) - integer classes (classification) or real values (regression). """ # we're going to accumulate Images and categories here result = [] for img, cls in srclist: if isinstance(img, basestring): imgin = elif isinstance(img, numpy.ndarray): imgin = Image.fromarray(img) elif isinstance(img, Image.Image): imgin = img elif Image.isImageType(img): imgin = img else: raise ValueError("Valid input for images are strings (a " "path towards a file), pil images " "and numpy arrays; %s is not supported" % str(img.__class__)) if cls is None: cls = '' imgin = imgin.convert('RGB') result.append((numpy.array(imgin), cls)) return result def one_image(image, image_size=None, classes=None, rng=None, preprocessor=None, fit_preprocessor=False): """ Convenience function that creates an Images dataset from a single image. Parameters ---------- image: string, image or numpy.ndarray The image to use as source. See :class:`Images` for a description of other parameters. """ return Images(source=((image,),), image_size=image_size, classes=classes, rng=rng, preprocessor=preprocessor, fit_preprocessor=fit_preprocessor)
######## # Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############ from .. import env from ..cli import cfy from ..table import print_data, print_single from ..utils import handle_client_error USER_COLUMNS = ['username', 'groups', 'role', 'group_system_roles', 'active', 'last_login_at', 'is_locked'] GET_DATA_COLUMNS = ['user_tenants', 'group_tenants'] NO_GET_DATA_COLUMNS = ['tenants'] USER_LABELS = {'role': 'system wide role', 'group_system_roles': 'system wide roles via groups'} def _format_user(user): user_tenants = dict( (str(tenant), str(user.user_tenants[tenant])) for tenant in user.user_tenants ) group_tenants = dict( (str(tenant), dict( (str(role), [str(group) for group in user.group_tenants[tenant][role]]) for role in user.group_tenants[tenant] )) for tenant in user.group_tenants ) user['user_tenants'] = str(user_tenants)[1:-1] user['group_tenants'] = str(group_tenants)[1:-1] return user def _format_group_system_roles(user): group_system_roles = dict( (str(role), [str(user_group) for user_group in user['group_system_roles'][role]]) for role in user['group_system_roles'] ) user['group_system_roles'] = str(group_system_roles).strip('{}') return user'users') @cfy.options.common_options def users(): """Handle Cloudify users """ if not env.is_initialized(): env.raise_uninitialized() @users.command(name='list', short_help='List users [manager only]') @cfy.options.sort_by('username') @cfy.options.descending @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.options.get_data @cfy.options.pagination_offset @cfy.options.pagination_size @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def list(sort_by, descending, get_data, search, pagination_offset, pagination_size, logger, client): """List all users """'Listing all users...') users_list = client.users.list( sort=sort_by, is_descending=descending, _get_data=get_data, _search=search, _offset=pagination_offset, _size=pagination_size ) total = # copy list columns = [] + USER_COLUMNS users_list = [_format_group_system_roles(user) for user in users_list] if get_data: users_list = [_format_user(user) for user in users_list] columns += GET_DATA_COLUMNS else: columns += NO_GET_DATA_COLUMNS print_data(columns, users_list, 'Users:', labels=USER_LABELS)'Showing {0} of {1} users'.format(len(users_list), total)) @users.command(name='create', short_help='Create a user [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username', callback=cfy.validate_name) @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.options.security_role @cfy.options.password @cfy.options.tenant_name(required=False) @cfy.options.user_tenant_role(required=False, options_flags=['-l', '--user-tenant-role']) @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client(use_tenant_in_header=False) @cfy.pass_logger def create(username, security_role, password, tenant_name, user_tenant_role, logger, client): """Create a new user on the manager `USERNAME` is the username of the user """ client.users.create(username, password, security_role)'User `{0}` created with `{1}` security role'.format( username, security_role)) if tenant_name and user_tenant_role: client.tenants.add_user(username, tenant_name, user_tenant_role) 'User `{0}` added successfully to tenant `{1}` with `{2}` role' .format(username, tenant_name, user_tenant_role)) @users.command(name='set-password', short_help='Set a new password for a user [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username', callback=cfy.validate_name) @cfy.options.password @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def set_password(username, password, logger, client): """Set a new password for a user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """'Setting new password for user {0}...'.format(username)) client.users.set_password(username, password)'New password set') @users.command(name='set-role', short_help='Set a new role for a user [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username', callback=cfy.validate_name) @cfy.options.security_role @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def set_role(username, security_role, logger, client): """Set a new role for a user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """'Setting new role for user {0}...'.format(username)) client.users.set_role(username, security_role)'New role `{0}` set'.format(security_role)) @users.command(name='get', short_help='Get details for a single user [manager only]') @cfy.argument( 'username', callback=cfy.validate_name, default=env.get_username()) @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.options.get_data @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def get(username, get_data, logger, client): """Get details for a single user `USERNAME` is the username of the user. (default: current user) """'Getting info for user `{0}`...'.format(username)) if username == env.get_username(): user_details = client.users.get_self(_get_data=get_data) else: user_details = client.users.get(username, _get_data=get_data) # copy list columns = [] + USER_COLUMNS if get_data: _format_user(user_details) columns += GET_DATA_COLUMNS else: columns += NO_GET_DATA_COLUMNS print_single(columns, user_details, 'Requested user info:', labels=USER_LABELS) @users.command(name='delete', short_help='Delete a user [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username', callback=cfy.validate_name) @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def delete(username, logger, client): """Delete a user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """'Deleting user `{0}`...'.format(username)) client.users.delete(username)'User removed') @users.command(name='activate', short_help='Make an inactive user active [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username') @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def activate(username, logger, client): """Activate a user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """ graceful_msg = 'User `{0}` is already active'.format(username)'Activating user `{0}`...'.format(username)) with handle_client_error(409, graceful_msg, logger): client.users.activate(username)'User activated') @users.command(name='deactivate', short_help='Make an active user inactive [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username') @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def deactivate(username, logger, client): """Deactivate a user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """ graceful_msg = 'User `{0}` is already inactive'.format(username)'Deactivating user `{0}`...'.format(username)) with handle_client_error(409, graceful_msg, logger): client.users.deactivate(username)'User deactivated') @users.command(name='unlock', short_help='Unlock a locked user [manager only]') @cfy.argument('username') @cfy.options.common_options @cfy.assert_manager_active() @cfy.pass_client() @cfy.pass_logger def unlock(username, logger, client): """Unlock a locked user `USERNAME` is the username of the user """ graceful_msg = 'User `{0}` is already unlocked'.format(username)'Unlocking user `{0}`...'.format(username)) with handle_client_error(409, graceful_msg, logger): client.users.unlock(username)'User unlocked')
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from heat.common import exception from heat.engine import dependencies from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import scheduler from heat.engine import stk_defn from heat.objects import resource as resource_objects LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StackUpdate(object): """A Task to perform the update of an existing stack to a new template.""" def __init__(self, existing_stack, new_stack, previous_stack, rollback=False): """Initialise with the existing stack and the new stack.""" self.existing_stack = existing_stack self.new_stack = new_stack self.previous_stack = previous_stack self.rollback = rollback self.existing_snippets = dict((n, r.frozen_definition()) for n, r in self.existing_stack.items() if n in self.new_stack) def __repr__(self): if self.rollback: return '%s Rollback' % str(self.existing_stack) else: return '%s Update' % str(self.existing_stack) def __call__(self): """Return a co-routine that updates the stack.""" cleanup_prev = scheduler.DependencyTaskGroup( self.previous_stack.dependencies, self._remove_backup_resource, reverse=True) def get_error_wait_time(resource): return resource.cancel_grace_period() updater = scheduler.DependencyTaskGroup( self.dependencies(), self._resource_update, error_wait_time=get_error_wait_time) if not self.rollback: yield from cleanup_prev() try: yield from updater() finally: self.previous_stack.reset_dependencies() def _resource_update(self, res): if in self.new_stack and self.new_stack[] is res: return self._process_new_resource_update(res) else: return self._process_existing_resource_update(res) def _remove_backup_resource(self, prev_res): if prev_res.state not in ((prev_res.INIT, prev_res.COMPLETE), (prev_res.DELETE, prev_res.COMPLETE)): LOG.debug("Deleting backup resource %s", yield from prev_res.destroy() @staticmethod def _exchange_stacks(existing_res, prev_res): resource_objects.Resource.exchange_stacks(existing_res.stack.context,, prev_stack, existing_stack = prev_res.stack, existing_res.stack prev_stack.add_resource(existing_res) existing_stack.add_resource(prev_res) def _create_resource(self, new_res): res_name = # Clean up previous resource if res_name in self.previous_stack: prev_res = self.previous_stack[res_name] if prev_res.state not in ((prev_res.INIT, prev_res.COMPLETE), (prev_res.DELETE, prev_res.COMPLETE)): # Swap in the backup resource if it is in a valid state, # instead of creating a new resource if prev_res.status == prev_res.COMPLETE: LOG.debug("Swapping in backup Resource %s", res_name) self._exchange_stacks(self.existing_stack[res_name], prev_res) return LOG.debug("Deleting backup Resource %s", res_name) yield from prev_res.destroy() # Back up existing resource if res_name in self.existing_stack: LOG.debug("Backing up existing Resource %s", res_name) existing_res = self.existing_stack[res_name] self.previous_stack.add_resource(existing_res) existing_res.state_set(existing_res.UPDATE, existing_res.COMPLETE) self.existing_stack.add_resource(new_res) # Save new resource definition to backup stack if it is not # present in backup stack template already # it allows to resolve all dependencies that existing resource # can have if it was copied to backup stack if (res_name not in self.previous_stack.t[self.previous_stack.t.RESOURCES]): LOG.debug("Storing definition of new Resource %s", res_name) self.previous_stack.t.add_resource(new_res.t) yield from new_res.create() self._update_resource_data(new_res) def _check_replace_restricted(self, res): registry = res.stack.env.registry restricted_actions = registry.get_rsrc_restricted_actions( existing_res = self.existing_stack[] if 'replace' in restricted_actions: ex = exception.ResourceActionRestricted(action='replace') failure = exception.ResourceFailure(ex, existing_res, existing_res.UPDATE) existing_res._add_event(existing_res.UPDATE, existing_res.FAILED, str(ex)) raise failure def _update_resource_data(self, resource): # Use the *new* template to determine the attrs to cache node_data = resource.node_data(self.new_stack.defn) stk_defn.update_resource_data(self.existing_stack.defn,, node_data) # Also update the new stack's definition with the data, so that # following resources can calculate dep_attr values correctly (e.g. if # the actual attribute name in a get_attr function also comes from a # get_attr function.) stk_defn.update_resource_data(self.new_stack.defn,, node_data) def _process_new_resource_update(self, new_res): res_name = if res_name in self.existing_stack: existing_res = self.existing_stack[res_name] is_substituted = existing_res.check_is_substituted(type(new_res)) if type(existing_res) is type(new_res) or is_substituted: try: yield from self._update_in_place(existing_res, new_res, is_substituted) except resource.UpdateReplace: pass else: # Save updated resource definition to backup stack # cause it allows the backup stack resources to be # synchronized LOG.debug("Storing definition of updated Resource %s", res_name) self.previous_stack.t.add_resource(new_res.t) self.existing_stack.t.add_resource(new_res.t)"Resource %(res_name)s for stack " "%(stack_name)s updated", {'res_name': res_name, 'stack_name':}) self._update_resource_data(existing_res) return else: self._check_replace_restricted(new_res) yield from self._create_resource(new_res) def _update_in_place(self, existing_res, new_res, is_substituted=False): existing_snippet = self.existing_snippets[] prev_res = self.previous_stack.get( # Note the new resource snippet is resolved in the context # of the existing stack (which is the stack being updated) # but with the template of the new stack (in case the update # is switching template implementations) new_snippet = new_res.t.reparse(self.existing_stack.defn, self.new_stack.t) if is_substituted: substitute = type(new_res)(, existing_res.t, existing_res.stack) existing_res.stack.resources[] = substitute existing_res = substitute existing_res.converge = self.new_stack.converge yield from existing_res.update(new_snippet, existing_snippet, prev_resource=prev_res) def _process_existing_resource_update(self, existing_res): res_name = if res_name in self.previous_stack: backup_res = self.previous_stack[res_name] yield from self._remove_backup_resource(backup_res) if res_name in self.new_stack: new_res = self.new_stack[res_name] if new_res.state == (new_res.INIT, new_res.COMPLETE): # Already updated in-place return if existing_res.stack is not self.previous_stack: yield from existing_res.destroy() if res_name not in self.new_stack: self.existing_stack.remove_resource(res_name) def dependencies(self): """Return the Dependencies graph for the update. Returns a Dependencies object representing the dependencies between update operations to move from an existing stack definition to a new one. """ existing_deps = self.existing_stack.dependencies new_deps = self.new_stack.dependencies def edges(): # Create/update the new stack's resources in create order for e in new_deps.graph().edges(): yield e # Destroy/cleanup the old stack's resources in delete order for e in existing_deps.graph(reverse=True).edges(): yield e # Don't cleanup old resources until after they have been replaced for name, res in self.existing_stack.items(): if name in self.new_stack: yield (res, self.new_stack[name]) return dependencies.Dependencies(edges()) def preview(self): upd_keys = set(self.new_stack.resources.keys()) cur_keys = set(self.existing_stack.resources.keys()) common_keys = cur_keys.intersection(upd_keys) deleted_keys = cur_keys.difference(upd_keys) added_keys = upd_keys.difference(cur_keys) updated_keys = [] replaced_keys = [] for key in common_keys: current_res = self.existing_stack.resources[key] updated_res = self.new_stack.resources[key] current_props = current_res.frozen_definition().properties( current_res.properties_schema, current_res.context) updated_props = updated_res.frozen_definition().properties( updated_res.properties_schema, updated_res.context) # type comparison must match that in _process_new_resource_update if type(current_res) is not type(updated_res): replaced_keys.append(key) continue try: if current_res.preview_update(updated_res.frozen_definition(), current_res.frozen_definition(), updated_props, current_props, None): updated_keys.append(key) except resource.UpdateReplace: replaced_keys.append(key) return { 'unchanged': list(set(common_keys).difference( set(updated_keys + replaced_keys))), 'updated': updated_keys, 'replaced': replaced_keys, 'added': list(added_keys), 'deleted': list(deleted_keys), }
# django imports from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ugettext # lfs imports from lfs.catalog.models import Product from lfs.order.models import Order class Topseller(models.Model): """Selected products are in any case among topsellers. """ product = models.ForeignKey(Product, models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_(u"Product")) position = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_(u"Position"), default=1) class Meta: ordering = ["position"] app_label = 'marketing' def __str__(self): return u"%s (%s)" % (, self.position) class ProductSales(models.Model): """Stores totals sales per product. """ product = models.ForeignKey(Product, models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_(u"Product")) sales = models.IntegerField(_(u"sales"), default=0) class Meta: app_label = 'marketing' class FeaturedProduct(models.Model): """Featured products are manually selected by the shop owner """ product = models.ForeignKey(Product, models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_(u"Product")) position = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_(u"Position"), default=1) active = models.BooleanField(_(u"Active"), default=True) class Meta: ordering = ["position"] app_label = 'marketing' def __str__(self): return u"%s (%s)" % (, self.position) class OrderRatingMail(models.Model): """Saves whether and when a rating mail has been send for an order. """ order = models.ForeignKey(Order, models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_(u"Order")) send_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) def __str__(self): return u"%s (%s)" % (, self.send_date.strftime(ugettext('DATE_FORMAT'))) class Meta: app_label = 'marketing'
import pymongo from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem from scrapy.conf import settings from scrapy import log class MongoDBPipeline(object): def __init__(self): connection = pymongo.Connection( settings['MONGODB_SERVER'], settings['MONGODB_PORT']) db = connection[settings['MONGODB_DB']] self.collection = db[settings['MONGODB_COLLECTION']] def process_item(self, item, spider): valid = True for data in item: # here we only check if the data is not null # but we could do any crazy validation we want if not data: valid = False raise DropItem( "Missing %s course from %s" % (data, item['url'])) if valid: self.collection.insert(dict(item)) log.msg("Item written to MongoDB database %s/%s" % (settings['MONGODB_DB'], settings['MONGODB_COLLECTION']), level=log.DEBUG, spider=spider) return item
import os import ray from ray.streaming import StreamingContext def test_word_count(): ray.init(_load_code_from_local=True) ctx = StreamingContext.Builder() \ .build() ctx.read_text_file(__file__) \ .set_parallelism(1) \ .flat_map(lambda x: x.split()) \ .map(lambda x: (x, 1)) \ .key_by(lambda x: x[0]) \ .reduce(lambda old_value, new_value: (old_value[0], old_value[1] + new_value[1])) \ .filter(lambda x: "ray" not in x) \ .sink(lambda x: print("result", x)) ctx.submit("word_count") import time time.sleep(3) ray.shutdown() def test_simple_word_count(): ray.init(_load_code_from_local=True) ctx = StreamingContext.Builder() \ .build() sink_file = "/tmp/ray_streaming_test_simple_word_count.txt" if os.path.exists(sink_file): os.remove(sink_file) def sink_func(x): with open(sink_file, "a") as f: line = "{}:{},".format(x[0], x[1]) print("sink_func", line) f.write(line) ctx.from_values("a", "b", "c") \ .set_parallelism(1) \ .flat_map(lambda x: [x, x]) \ .map(lambda x: (x, 1)) \ .key_by(lambda x: x[0]) \ .reduce(lambda old_value, new_value: (old_value[0], old_value[1] + new_value[1])) \ .sink(sink_func) ctx.submit("word_count") import time time.sleep(3) ray.shutdown() with open(sink_file, "r") as f: result = assert "a:2" in result assert "b:2" in result assert "c:2" in result if __name__ == "__main__": test_word_count() test_simple_word_count()
""" This module contains helper functions for controlling caching. It does so by managing the "Vary" header of responses. It includes functions to patch the header of response objects directly and decorators that change functions to do that header-patching themselves. For information on the Vary header, see: Essentially, the "Vary" HTTP header defines which headers a cache should take into account when building its cache key. Requests with the same path but different header content for headers named in "Vary" need to get different cache keys to prevent delivery of wrong content. An example: i18n middleware would need to distinguish caches by the "Accept-language" header. """ import re import time from airy.core.conf import settings from airy.core.cache import get_cache from airy.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri from airy.utils.http import http_date from airy.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor from airy.utils.translation import get_language from airy.http import HttpRequest cc_delim_re = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*') def patch_cache_control(response, **kwargs): """ This function patches the Cache-Control header by adding all keyword arguments to it. The transformation is as follows: * All keyword parameter names are turned to lowercase, and underscores are converted to hyphens. * If the value of a parameter is True (exactly True, not just a true value), only the parameter name is added to the header. * All other parameters are added with their value, after applying str() to it. """ def dictitem(s): t = s.split('=', 1) if len(t) > 1: return (t[0].lower(), t[1]) else: return (t[0].lower(), True) def dictvalue(t): if t[1] is True: return t[0] else: return t[0] + '=' + smart_str(t[1]) if response.has_header('Cache-Control'): cc = cc_delim_re.split(response['Cache-Control']) cc = dict([dictitem(el) for el in cc]) else: cc = {} # If there's already a max-age header but we're being asked to set a new # max-age, use the minimum of the two ages. In practice this happens when # a decorator and a piece of middleware both operate on a given view. if 'max-age' in cc and 'max_age' in kwargs: kwargs['max_age'] = min(cc['max-age'], kwargs['max_age']) # Allow overriding private caching and vice versa if 'private' in cc and 'public' in kwargs: del cc['private'] elif 'public' in cc and 'private' in kwargs: del cc['public'] for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): cc[k.replace('_', '-')] = v cc = ', '.join([dictvalue(el) for el in cc.items()]) response['Cache-Control'] = cc def get_max_age(response): """ Returns the max-age from the response Cache-Control header as an integer (or ``None`` if it wasn't found or wasn't an integer. """ if not response.has_header('Cache-Control'): return cc = dict([_to_tuple(el) for el in cc_delim_re.split(response['Cache-Control'])]) if 'max-age' in cc: try: return int(cc['max-age']) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass def patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=None): """ Adds some useful headers to the given HttpResponse object: ETag, Last-Modified, Expires and Cache-Control Each header is only added if it isn't already set. cache_timeout is in seconds. The CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS setting is used by default. """ if cache_timeout is None: cache_timeout = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS if cache_timeout < 0: cache_timeout = 0 # Can't have max-age negative if settings.USE_ETAGS and not response.has_header('ETag'): response['ETag'] = '"%s"' % md5_constructor(response.content).hexdigest() if not response.has_header('Last-Modified'): response['Last-Modified'] = http_date() if not response.has_header('Expires'): response['Expires'] = http_date(time.time() + cache_timeout) patch_cache_control(response, max_age=cache_timeout) def add_never_cache_headers(response): """ Adds headers to a response to indicate that a page should never be cached. """ patch_response_headers(response, cache_timeout=-1) def patch_vary_headers(response, newheaders): """ Adds (or updates) the "Vary" header in the given HttpResponse object. newheaders is a list of header names that should be in "Vary". Existing headers in "Vary" aren't removed. """ # Note that we need to keep the original order intact, because cache # implementations may rely on the order of the Vary contents in, say, # computing an MD5 hash. if response.has_header('Vary'): vary_headers = cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary']) else: vary_headers = [] # Use .lower() here so we treat headers as case-insensitive. existing_headers = set([header.lower() for header in vary_headers]) additional_headers = [newheader for newheader in newheaders if newheader.lower() not in existing_headers] response['Vary'] = ', '.join(vary_headers + additional_headers) def has_vary_header(response, header_query): """ Checks to see if the response has a given header name in its Vary header. """ if not response.has_header('Vary'): return False vary_headers = cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary']) existing_headers = set([header.lower() for header in vary_headers]) return header_query.lower() in existing_headers def _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key): """If enabled, returns the cache key ending with a locale.""" if settings.USE_I18N: # first check if LocaleMiddleware or another middleware added # LANGUAGE_CODE to request, then fall back to the active language # which in turn can also fall back to settings.LANGUAGE_CODE cache_key += '.%s' % getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', get_language()) return cache_key def _generate_cache_key(request, method, headerlist, key_prefix): """Returns a cache key from the headers given in the header list.""" ctx = md5_constructor() for header in headerlist: value = request.META.get(header, None) if value is not None: ctx.update(value) path = md5_constructor(iri_to_uri(request.get_full_path())) cache_key = 'views.decorators.cache.cache_page.%s.%s.%s.%s' % ( key_prefix, request.method, path.hexdigest(), ctx.hexdigest()) return _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key) def _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request): """Returns a cache key for the header cache.""" path = md5_constructor(iri_to_uri(request.get_full_path())) cache_key = 'views.decorators.cache.cache_header.%s.%s' % ( key_prefix, path.hexdigest()) return _i18n_cache_key_suffix(request, cache_key) def get_cache_key(request, key_prefix=None, method='GET', cache=None): """ Returns a cache key based on the request path and query. It can be used in the request phase because it pulls the list of headers to take into account from the global path registry and uses those to build a cache key to check against. If there is no headerlist stored, the page needs to be rebuilt, so this function returns None. """ if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX cache_key = _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request) if cache is None: cache = get_cache(settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS) headerlist = cache.get(cache_key, None) if headerlist is not None: return _generate_cache_key(request, method, headerlist, key_prefix) else: return None def learn_cache_key(request, response, cache_timeout=None, key_prefix=None, cache=None): """ Learns what headers to take into account for some request path from the response object. It stores those headers in a global path registry so that later access to that path will know what headers to take into account without building the response object itself. The headers are named in the Vary header of the response, but we want to prevent response generation. The list of headers to use for cache key generation is stored in the same cache as the pages themselves. If the cache ages some data out of the cache, this just means that we have to build the response once to get at the Vary header and so at the list of headers to use for the cache key. """ if key_prefix is None: key_prefix = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_KEY_PREFIX if cache_timeout is None: cache_timeout = settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS cache_key = _generate_cache_header_key(key_prefix, request) if cache is None: cache = get_cache(settings.CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS) if response.has_header('Vary'): headerlist = ['HTTP_'+header.upper().replace('-', '_') for header in cc_delim_re.split(response['Vary'])] cache.set(cache_key, headerlist, cache_timeout) return _generate_cache_key(request, request.method, headerlist, key_prefix) else: # if there is no Vary header, we still need a cache key # for the request.get_full_path() cache.set(cache_key, [], cache_timeout) return _generate_cache_key(request, request.method, [], key_prefix) def _to_tuple(s): t = s.split('=',1) if len(t) == 2: return t[0].lower(), t[1] return t[0].lower(), True
# First run a test from the command prompt, generating an HTML file. # The output of the test is stored in a DIV. # Also the script is automatically included in the HTML file. # Loading the HTML file will run the script. # This will compare the output of the script running in the browswer to the output in the DIV. # If those two match, the test reports OK, else it reports failure. from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __main__, __envir__, __pragma__ from org.transcrypt.autotester.html import HTMLGenerator, DataConverter, JSTesterUI, itemsAreEqual # Don't import __envir__ from __base__ since it will overwrite __buildin__.__envir__ in the browser # Import from stubs will be skipped in the browser # ... The ice is a bit thin here __pragma__ ('nokwargs') import itertools def getFileLocation(ancestor): """ This function needs to crawl up the stack and find out where the ancestor caller of this function was in the source code of either the python or javascript, depending on environment. @param ancestor the ancestor of this function that we want to capture file information about. @return string indicating the file position and line number """ if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: # js s = None __pragma__('js', '{}', ''' var e = new Error(); if ( ! e.stack ) { console.log("MAJOR ISSUE: Browser Error lacks Stack"); } else { s = e.stack; } ''') # Now we will process the stack to find the grandparent # calling function # @note - I'm explicitly not including a 're' module # dependency here frames = None __pragma__('js', '{}', ''' var linereg = new RegExp("\\n\\r|\\n", "g"); frames = s.toString().split(linereg); ''') if ( frames is None or (len(frames) < 2)): __pragma__('js', '{}', 'console.log("Failed to Split Stack");') return("UNKNOWN:???") # @note - if the call stack in transcrypts javascript # translation changes then this index may need to change # @todo - need more work here to determine this because # this is fragile gpFrame = frames[(ancestor*2 + 1)] # This regex splits the string coming from the javascript # stacktrace so that we can connect the file and line number # runTests (http://localhost:8080/run/autotest.js:3159:8) # func URL filename lineno:colno # Group 1 = function # Group 2 & 3 = protocol and hostname # Group 4 = Path on this host (filename is at the end) # Group 5 = lineno # Group 6 = column number in file frameReg = r"([^(]*)\(?([^:]*:)\/{2,3}([^:/]*:?)([^:]*):(\d+):(\d+)" m = None __pragma__('js', '{}', ''' var r = new RegExp(frameReg); m = r.exec(gpFrame); ''') if m: filepath = m[4] # Split the filepath and take the last element # to the get filename pathParts = filepath.split("/") filename = pathParts[len(pathParts)-1] lineno = m[5] return( "{}:{}".format(filename, lineno) ) else: __pragma__('js', '{}', 'console.log("Failed to Match Frame", gpFrame);') return("UNKNOWN:???") #ELSE # Needed because Transcrypt imports are compile time __pragma__("skip") from inspect import getframeinfo, stack s = stack() caller = getframeinfo(s[ancestor][0]) # Trim the file name path so that we don't get # a lot of unnecessary content filepath = caller.filename # @todo - this is a hack - we should use os.path pathParts = filepath.split('/') filename = "/".join(pathParts[-2:]) return( "%s:%d" % (filename, caller.lineno)) __pragma__ ('noskip') class AutoTester: """ Main testing class for comparing CPython to Transcrypt. This class is primarily used by calling the "check" method to confirm that the result is the same in both environments and "done" when all checks for a particular module have been completed. """ def __init__ (self, symbols = []): self.symbols = symbols # refDict/testDict contains the test results # of each testlet identified by name as the key self._currTestlet = "UNKNOWN" self.testDict = {} self.refDict = {} if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: self.ui = JSTesterUI() else: self.ui = None def sortedRepr (self, any): # When using sets or dicts, use elemens or keys # of one type, in sort order def tryGetNumKey (key): if type (key) == str: # Try to interpret key as numerical, see comment with repr function in __builtins__ try: return int (key) except: try: return float (key) except: return key else: return key if type (any) == dict: return '{' + ', '.join ([ '{}: {}'.format (repr (key), repr (any [key])) for index, key in enumerate (sorted ([tryGetNumKey (key) for key in any.keys ()], key = lambda aKey: str (aKey))) ]) + '}' elif type (any) == set: if len (any): return '{' + ', '.join (sorted ([str (item) for item in list (any)])) + '}' else: return repr (any) elif type (any) == range: return repr (list (any)) else: return repr (any) __pragma__('kwargs') def check (self, *args, ancestor = 2): """ Given a set of values from either the python or transcrypt environments, we log the position of the check call in the test and representative values of the passed arguments for later comparison. """ position=getFileLocation(ancestor) # N.B. stubs.browser provides a special sorting repr item = ' '.join ([self.sortedRepr (arg) for arg in args]) if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: self.testDict[self._currTestlet].append((position,item)) else: self.refDict[self._currTestlet].append((position,item)) __pragma__('nokwargs') def expectException(self, func): """ This method attempts to call the passed method and checks to see whether an exception was generated. @return string indicating "no exception" or "exception" """ try: func() return("no exception") except Exception as exc: return("exception") def throwToError(self, func): """ This function invokes the passed function and then converts an exception to an error response so that the unit test can continue even in the case where an exception may or may not occur. """ try: return(func()) except Exception as exc: return (None, "!!!{}".format(str(exc))) def checkEval(self, func): """ Check the result of the passed function which is invoked without arguments. If this function throws an exception, that exception is caught and converted to an error with can be compared against the result. This allows the user to control for exception that may or may not be generated in the unit tests """ ret = self.throwToError(func) self.check(ret, ancestor = 3) def checkPad(self, val, count): """ This method is to help manage flow control in unit tests and keep all unit tests aligned """ for i in range(0, count): self.check(val) def _getTotalErrorCnt(self, testData, refData): """ This method determines the total number of non-matching values in the test and reference data for a particular module. """ errCount = 0 for i,(refPos, refItem) in enumerate(refData): try: testPos,testItem = testData[i] if not itemsAreEqual (testItem, refItem): errCount+=1 except: errCount+=1 return(errCount) def compare (self): # Load the python reference data from the hidden HTML div dc = DataConverter() self.refDict = dc.getPythonResults() totalErrors = 0 sKeys = sorted(self.refDict.keys()) for key in sKeys: refData = self.refDict[key] try: testData = self.testDict[key] if ( testData is None ): raise KeyError("No Test Data Module: {}".format(key)) except KeyError: # No Test Data found for this key - we will populate with # errors for all ref data self.ui.appendSeqRowName(key, len(refData)) for i,(refPos, refItem) in enumerate(refData): self.ui.appendTableResult(key, None, None, refPos, refItem, False) continue # know we have testData so let's determine the total number of # errors for this test module. This will allow us to both set # the num of errors in the test module header row and set the # rows to the appropriate initial collapsed/expanded state. errCount= self._getTotalErrorCnt(testData, refData) collapse = (errCount == 0) self.ui.appendSeqRowName(key, errCount) # Now we will populate the table with all the rows # of data fro the comparison for i,(refPos, refItem) in enumerate(refData): try: # This will throw if testData's length is # shorter than refData's testPos,testItem = testData[i] except: testPos = None testItem = None self.ui.appendTableResult( key, testPos, testItem, refPos, refItem, collapse ) totalErrors += errCount self.ui.setOutputStatus( totalErrors == 0 ) def _cleanName(self, name): """ Clean the passed name of characters that won't be allowed in CSS class or HTML id strings. """ # Convert testletName to replace any of the characters that # are not acceptable in a CSS class or HTML id - this is to # make our lives easier # @note - I'm SPECIFICALLY not using a regex here because the # regex engine module is still under dev and could possibly # have issues ret = name invalidChars = [ '~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '+', '=', ',', '.', '/', "'", ';', ':', '"', '?', '>', '<', '[', ']', '\\', '{', '}', '|', '`', '#', " ", ] for ch in invalidChars: ret = ret.replace(ch, "_") return(ret) def run (self, testlet, testletName): testletName = self._cleanName(testletName) self._currTestlet = testletName if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: self.testDict[self._currTestlet] = [] else: self.refDict[self._currTestlet] = [] try: (self) except Exception as exc: if ( self.ui is not None ): self.ui.setOutputStatus(False) self.ui.showException(testletName, exc) else: # Error - No UI yet, reraise specific exception to enable finding out why raise def done (self): if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: () else: fnameBase = __main__.__file__.replace ('\\', '/') hg = HTMLGenerator(fnameBase) hg.generate_html(self.refDict)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Chris Ball, based on Collabora's # "hellomesh" demo. # # Copyright (C) 2013,14 Walter Bender # Copyright (C) 2013,14 Ignacio Rodriguez # Copyright (C) 2013 Jorge Gomez # Copyright (C) 2013,14 Sai Vineet # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Pippy Activity: A simple Python programming activity .""" import re import os import subprocess from random import uniform import locale import json import sys from shutil import copy2 from signal import SIGTERM from gettext import gettext as _ import uuid import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop from gi import require_version require_version('Gdk', '3.0') require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Pango try: require_version('Vte', '2.91') except: require_version('Vte', '2.90') from gi.repository import Vte from gi.repository import GObject DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) bus = dbus.SessionBus() from sugar3.datastore import datastore from sugar3.activity import activity as activity from sugar3.activity.widgets import EditToolbar from sugar3.activity.widgets import StopButton from sugar3.activity.activity import get_bundle_path from import Alert from import ConfirmationAlert from import NotifyAlert from import Icon from import ObjectChooser from import ToggleToolButton from import ToolbarButton from import ToolButton from import ToolbarBox from sugar3.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton from jarabe.view.customizebundle import generate_unique_id from activity import ViewSourceActivity from activity import TARGET_TYPE_TEXT from collabwrapper import CollabWrapper from filedialog import FileDialog from icondialog import IconDialog from notebook import SourceNotebook, tab_object from toolbars import DevelopViewToolbar import sound_check import logging text_buffer = None # magic prefix to use utf-8 source encoding PYTHON_PREFIX = '''#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' # Force category names into Pootle DEFAULT_CATEGORIES = [_('graphics'), _('math'), _('python'), _('sound'), _('string'), _('tutorials')] _logger = logging.getLogger('pippy-activity') DISTUTILS_SETUP_SCRIPT = """#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from distutils.core import setup setup(name='{modulename}', version='1.0', py_modules=[ {filenames} ], ) """ # This is .format()'ed with the list of the file names. DISTUTILS_SETUP_SCRIPT = """#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from distutils.core import setup setup(name='{modulename}', version='1.0', py_modules=[ {filenames} ], ) """ # This is .format()'ed with the list of the file names. def _has_new_vte_api(): try: return (Vte.MAJOR_VERSION >= 0 and Vte.MINOR_VERSION >= 38) except: # Really old versions of Vte don't have VERSION return False def _find_object_id(activity_id, mimetype='text/x-python'): ''' Round-about way of accessing self._jobject.object_id ''' dsobjects, nobjects = datastore.find({'mime_type': [mimetype]}) for dsobject in dsobjects: if 'activity_id' in dsobject.metadata and \ dsobject.metadata['activity_id'] == activity_id: return dsobject.object_id return None class PippyActivity(ViewSourceActivity): '''Pippy Activity as specified in''' def __init__(self, handle): self._pippy_instance = self self.session_data = [] # Used to manage saving self._loaded_session = [] # Used to manage tabs self._py_file_loaded_from_journal = False self._py_object_id = None self._dialog = None sys.path.append(os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'Library')) ViewSourceActivity.__init__(self, handle) self._collab = CollabWrapper(self) self._collab.message.connect(self.__message_cb) self.set_canvas(self.initialize_display()) self.after_init() self.connect("notify::active", self.__active_cb) self._collab.setup() def focus(): """ Enforce focus for the text view once. """ widget = self.get_toplevel().get_focus() textview = self._source_tabs.get_text_view() if widget is None and textview is not None: textview.grab_focus() return True return False GLib.timeout_add(100, focus) def initialize_display(self): '''Build activity toolbar with title input, share button and export buttons ''' toolbar_box = ToolbarBox() activity_button = ActivityToolbarButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(activity_button, 0) self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box) activity_toolbar = separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() activity_toolbar.insert(separator, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-import-doc') button.set_tooltip(_('Import Python file to new tab')) button.connect('clicked', self._import_py_cb) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-export-doc') button.set_tooltip(_('Export as Pippy document')) button.connect('clicked', self._export_document_cb) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-export-library') button.set_tooltip(_('Save this file to the Pippy library')) button.connect('clicked', self._save_as_library) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) if not self._library_writable(): button.set_sensitive(False) button = ToolButton('pippy-export-example') button.set_tooltip(_('Export as new Pippy example')) button.connect('clicked', self._export_example_cb) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-create-bundle') button.set_tooltip(_('Create a Sugar activity bundle')) button.connect('clicked', self._create_bundle_cb) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-create-distutils') # TRANS: A distutils package is used to distribute Python modules button.set_tooltip(_('Export as a distutils package')) button.connect('clicked', self._export_distutils_cb) activity_toolbar.insert(button, -1) self._edit_toolbar = EditToolbar() button = ToolbarButton() button.set_page(self._edit_toolbar) button.props.icon_name = 'toolbar-edit' button.props.label = _('Edit') self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(button, -1) self._edit_toolbar.undo.connect('clicked', self.__undobutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.redo.connect('clicked', self.__redobutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.copy.connect('clicked', self.__copybutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.paste.connect('clicked', self.__pastebutton_cb) view_btn = ToolbarButton() view_toolbar = DevelopViewToolbar(self) = view_toolbar view_btn.props.icon_name = 'toolbar-view' view_btn.props.label = _('View') view_toolbar.connect('font-size-changed', self._font_size_changed_cb) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(view_btn, -1) self.view_toolbar = view_toolbar actions_toolbar = self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar self._toggle_output = ToggleToolButton('tray-show') self._toggle_output.set_tooltip(_('Show output panel')) self._toggle_output.connect('toggled', self._toggle_output_cb) actions_toolbar.insert(self._toggle_output, -1) self._inverted_colors = ToggleToolButton(icon_name='dark-theme') self._inverted_colors.set_tooltip(_('Inverted Colors')) self._inverted_colors.set_accelerator('<Ctrl><Shift>I') self._inverted_colors.connect( 'toggled', self.__inverted_colors_toggled_cb) actions_toolbar.insert(self._inverted_colors, -1) icons_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'icons') icon_bw = Gtk.Image() icon_bw.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'run_bw.svg')) icon_color = Gtk.Image() icon_color.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'run_color.svg')) button = ToolButton(label=_('Run!')) button.props.accelerator = _('<alt>r') button.set_icon_widget(icon_bw) button.set_tooltip(_('Run!')) button.connect('clicked', self._flash_cb, dict({'bw': icon_bw, 'color': icon_color})) button.connect('clicked', self._go_button_cb) actions_toolbar.insert(button, -1) icon_bw = Gtk.Image() icon_bw.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'stopit_bw.svg')) icon_color = Gtk.Image() icon_color.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'stopit_color.svg')) button = ToolButton(label=_('Stop')) button.props.accelerator = _('<alt>s') button.set_icon_widget(icon_bw) button.connect('clicked', self._flash_cb, dict({'bw': icon_bw, 'color': icon_color})) button.connect('clicked', self._stop_button_cb) button.set_tooltip(_('Stop')) actions_toolbar.insert(button, -1) icon_bw = Gtk.Image() icon_bw.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'eraser_bw.svg')) icon_color = Gtk.Image() icon_color.set_from_file(os.path.join(icons_path, 'eraser_color.svg')) button = ToolButton(label=_('Clear output panel')) button.props.accelerator = _('<alt>c') button.set_icon_widget(icon_bw) button.connect('clicked', self._clear_button_cb) button.connect('clicked', self._flash_cb, dict({'bw': icon_bw, 'color': icon_color})) button.set_tooltip(_('Clear output panel')) actions_toolbar.insert(button, -1) separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(separator, -1) button = ToolButton('pippy-openoff') button.set_tooltip(_('Open an example')) button.connect('clicked', self._load_example_cb) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(button, -1) separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(separator, -1) stop = StopButton(self) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(stop, -1) vpane = vpane.set_position(400) # setting initial position self.paths = [] try: if sound_check.finddir(): TAMTAM_AVAILABLE = True else: TAMTAM_AVAILABLE = False except sound_check.SoundLibraryNotFoundError: TAMTAM_AVAILABLE = False data_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'data') # get default language from locale locale_lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] if locale_lang is None: lang = 'en' else: lang = locale_lang.split('_')[0] _logger.debug(locale.getdefaultlocale()) _logger.debug(lang) # construct the path for both lang_path = os.path.join(data_path, lang) en_lang_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'en') # get all folders in lang examples all_folders = [] if os.path.exists(lang_path): for d in sorted(os.listdir(lang_path)): all_folders.append(d) # get all folders in English examples for d in sorted(os.listdir(en_lang_path)): # check if folder isn't already in list if d not in all_folders: all_folders.append(d) for folder in all_folders: # Skip sound folders if TAMTAM is not installed if folder == 'sound' and not TAMTAM_AVAILABLE: continue direntry = {} # check if dir exists in pref language, if exists, add it if os.path.exists(os.path.join(lang_path, folder)): direntry = { 'name': _(folder.capitalize()), 'path': os.path.join(lang_path, folder) + '/'} # if not try to see if it's in default English path elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(en_lang_path, folder)): direntry = { 'name': _(folder.capitalize()), 'path': os.path.join(en_lang_path, folder) + '/'} self.paths.append([direntry['name'], direntry['path']]) # Adding local examples data_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'data') self.paths.append([_('My examples'), data_path]) self._source_tabs = SourceNotebook(self, self._collab) self._source_tabs.connect('tab-added', self._add_source_cb) self._source_tabs.connect('tab-renamed', self._rename_source_cb) self._source_tabs.connect('tab-closed', self._close_source_cb) if self._loaded_session: for name, content, path in self._loaded_session: self._source_tabs.add_tab(name, content, path) else: self.session_data.append(None) self._source_tabs.add_tab() # New instance, ergo empty tab vpane.add1(self._source_tabs) self._outbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) self._vte = Vte.Terminal() self._vte.set_encoding('utf-8') self._vte.set_size(30, 5) self._vte.set_scrollback_lines(-1) self._vte_set_colors('#000000', '#E7E7E7') self._child_exited_handler = None self._vte.connect('child_exited', self._child_exited_cb) self._vte.connect('drag_data_received', self._vte_drop_cb) self._outbox.pack_start(self._vte, True, True, 0) outsb = Gtk.Scrollbar(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) outsb.set_adjustment(self._vte.get_vadjustment()) self._outbox.pack_start(outsb, False, False, 0) self._load_config() vpane.add2(self._outbox) return vpane def _vte_set_colors(self, bg, fg): # XXX support both Vte APIs if _has_new_vte_api(): foreground = Gdk.RGBA() foreground.parse(bg) background = Gdk.RGBA() background.parse(fg) else: foreground = Gdk.color_parse(bg) background = Gdk.color_parse(fg) self._vte.set_colors(foreground, background, []) def after_init(self): self._outbox.hide() def _font_size_changed_cb(self, widget, size): self._source_tabs.set_font_size(size) self._vte.set_font( Pango.FontDescription('Monospace {}'.format(size))) def _store_config(self): font_size = self._source_tabs.get_font_size() _config_file_path = os.path.join( activity.get_activity_root(), 'data', 'config.json') with open(_config_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(font_size)) def _load_config(self): _config_file_path = os.path.join( activity.get_activity_root(), 'data', 'config.json') if not os.path.isfile(_config_file_path): return with open(_config_file_path, "r") as f: font_size = json.loads( self.view_toolbar.set_font_size(font_size) self._vte.set_font( Pango.FontDescription('Monospace {}'.format(font_size))) def __active_cb(self, widget, event): _logger.debug('__active_cb %r', if self.resume() else: self.pause() def do_visibility_notify_event(self, event): _logger.debug('do_visibility_notify_event %r', event.get_state()) if event.get_state() == Gdk.VisibilityState.FULLY_OBSCURED: self.pause() else: self.resume() def pause(self): # FIXME: We had resume, but no pause? pass def resume(self): if self._dialog is not None: self._dialog.set_keep_above(True) def _toggle_output_cb(self, button): shown = button.get_active() if shown: self._outbox.show_all() self._toggle_output.set_tooltip(_('Hide output panel')) self._toggle_output.set_icon_name('tray-hide') else: self._outbox.hide() self._toggle_output.set_tooltip(_('Show output panel')) self._toggle_output.set_icon_name('tray-show') def __inverted_colors_toggled_cb(self, button): if self._vte_set_colors('#E7E7E7', '#000000') self._source_tabs.set_dark() button.set_icon_name('light-theme') button.set_tooltip(_('Normal Colors')) else: self._vte_set_colors('#000000', '#E7E7E7') self._source_tabs.set_light() button.set_icon_name('dark-theme') button.set_tooltip(_('Inverted Colors')) def _load_example_cb(self, widget): widget.set_icon_name('pippy-openon') self._dialog = FileDialog(self.paths, self, widget) path = self._dialog.get_path() if path: self._select_func_cb(path) def _add_source_cb(self, button, force=False, editor_id=None): if self._collab._leader or force: if editor_id is None: editor_id = str(uuid.uuid1()) self._source_tabs.add_tab(editor_id=editor_id) self.session_data.append(None) self._source_tabs.get_nth_page(-1).show_all() self._source_tabs.get_text_view().grab_focus() if self._collab._leader: action='add-source', editor_id=editor_id)) else: # The leader must do it first so that they can set # up the text buffer'add-source-request')) # Check if dark mode enabled, apply it if self._source_tabs.set_dark() def _rename_source_cb(self, notebook, page, name): _logger.debug('_rename_source_cb %r %r' % (page, name))'rename-source', page=page, name=name)) def _close_source_cb(self, notebook, page): _logger.debug('_close_source_cb %r' % (page))'close-source', page=page)) def __message_cb(self, collab, buddy, msg): action = msg.get('action') if action == 'add-source-request' and self._collab._leader: self._add_source_cb(None, force=True) elif action == 'add-source': self._add_source_cb( None, force=True, editor_id=msg.get('editor_id')) elif action == 'rename-source': page = msg.get('page') name = msg.get('name') _logger.debug('__message_cb rename-source %r %r' % (page, name)) self._source_tabs.rename_tab(page, name) elif action == 'close-source': page = msg.get('page') _logger.debug('__message_cb close-source %r' % (page)) self._source_tabs.close_tab(page) def _vte_drop_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, time): if targetType == TARGET_TYPE_TEXT: self._vte.feed_child( def get_data(self): return self._source_tabs.get_all_data() def set_data(self, data): # Remove initial new/blank thing self.session_data = [] self._loaded_session = [] try: self._source_tabs.remove_page(0) tab_object.pop(0) self._source_tabs.last_tab = 0 except IndexError: pass list_ = list(zip(*data)) for name, code, path, modified, editor_id in list_: self._source_tabs.add_tab( label=name, editor_id=editor_id) self.session_data.append(None) # maybe? def _selection_cb(self, value): _logger.debug('clicked! %s' % value['path']) _file = open(value['path'], 'r') lines = _file.readlines() self._add_source_cb(None) text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() text_buffer.set_text(''.join(lines)) text_buffer.set_modified(False) self._pippy_instance.metadata['title'] = value['name'] self._stop_button_cb(None) self._reset_vte() self._source_tabs.set_current_label(value['name']) self._source_tabs.set_current_path(value['path']) self._source_tabs.get_text_view().grab_focus() def _select_func_cb(self, path): values = {} values['name'] = os.path.basename(path) values['path'] = path self._selection_cb(values) def _timer_cb(self, button, icons): button.set_icon_widget(icons['bw']) button.show_all() return False def _flash_cb(self, button, icons): button.set_icon_widget(icons['color']) button.show_all() GObject.timeout_add(400, self._timer_cb, button, icons) def _clear_button_cb(self, button): self._stop_button_cb(None) self._reset_vte() self._source_tabs.get_text_view().grab_focus() def _write_all_buffers(self, tmp_dir): data = self._source_tabs.get_all_data() zipdata = list(zip(data[0], data[1])) for name, content in zipdata: name = self._source_tabs.purify_name(name) with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, name), 'w') as f: # Write utf-8 coding prefix if there's not one already if re.match(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)', '\n'.join(content.splitlines()[:2])) is None: f.write(PYTHON_PREFIX) f.write(content) def _reset_vte(self): self._vte.grab_focus() self._vte.feed(b'\x1B[H\x1B[J\x1B[0;39m') def __undobutton_cb(self, butston): text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() if text_buffer.can_undo(): text_buffer.undo() def __redobutton_cb(self, button): text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() if text_buffer.can_redo(): text_buffer.redo() def __copybutton_cb(self, button): text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() if self._vte.get_has_selection(): self._vte.copy_clipboard() elif text_buffer.get_has_selection(): clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) text_buffer.copy_clipboard(clipboard) def __pastebutton_cb(self, button): text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) text_buffer.paste_clipboard(clipboard, None, True) def _go_button_cb(self, button): self._stop_button_cb(button) # Try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() # FIXME: We're losing an odd race here # Gtk.main_iteration(block=False) if self._toggle_output.get_active() is False: self._outbox.show_all() self._toggle_output.set_active(True) pippy_tmp_dir = '%s/tmp/' % self.get_activity_root() self._write_all_buffers(pippy_tmp_dir) current_file = os.path.join( pippy_tmp_dir, self._source_tabs.get_current_file_name()) # Write here too, to support pippy-based activities. copy2('%s/' % get_bundle_path(), '%s/tmp/' % self.get_activity_root()) # XXX Support both Vte APIs if _has_new_vte_api(): vte_run = self._vte.spawn_sync else: vte_run = self._vte.fork_command_full self._pid = vte_run( Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, get_bundle_path(), ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'python3 %s; sleep 1' % current_file, 'PYTHONPATH=%s/library:%s' % (get_bundle_path(), os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''))], ['PYTHONPATH=%s/library:%s' % (get_bundle_path(), os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''))], GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, None, None,) def _stop_button_cb(self, button): try: if self._pid is not None: os.kill(self._pid[1], SIGTERM) except: pass # Process must already be dead. def _library_writable(self): return os.access(os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'library'), os.W_OK) def _save_as_library(self, button): library_dir = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'library') file_name = self._source_tabs.get_current_file_name() text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() content = text_buffer.get_text( *text_buffer.get_bounds(), include_hidden_chars=True) if not os.path.isdir(library_dir): os.mkdir(library_dir) with open(os.path.join(library_dir, file_name), 'w') as f: f.write(content) success = True if success: alert = NotifyAlert(5) alert.props.title = _('Python File added to Library') IMPORT_MESSAGE = _('The file you selected has been added' ' to the library. Use "import {importname}"' ' to import the library for using.') alert.props.msg = IMPORT_MESSAGE.format(importname=file_name[:-3]) alert.connect('response', self._remove_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) def _export_document_cb(self, __): self.copy() alert = NotifyAlert() alert.props.title = _('Saved') alert.props.msg = _('The document has been saved to journal.') alert.connect('response', lambda x, i: self.remove_alert(x)) self.add_alert(alert) def _remove_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) def _import_py_cb(self, button): chooser = ObjectChooser() result = if result is Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: dsitem = chooser.get_selected_object() if dsitem.metadata['mime_type'] != 'text/x-python': alert = NotifyAlert(5) alert.props.title = _('Error importing Python file') alert.props.msg = _('The file you selected is not a ' 'Python file.') alert.connect('response', self._remove_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) elif dsitem.object_id in self.session_data: alert = NotifyAlert(5) alert.props.title = _('Error importing Python file') alert.props.msg = _('The file you selected is already ' 'open') alert.connect('response', self._remove_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) else: name = dsitem.metadata['title'] file_path = dsitem.get_file_path() content = open(file_path, 'r').read() self._source_tabs.add_tab(name, content, None) self._source_tabs.set_current_label(name) self.session_data.append(dsitem.object_id) _logger.debug('after import py: %r' % self.session_data) chooser.destroy() def _create_bundle_cb(self, button): from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp # Get the name of this pippy program. title = self._pippy_instance.metadata['title'].replace('.py', '') title = title.replace('-', '') if title == 'Pippy Activity': alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Activity Error') alert.props.msg = _('Please give your activity a meaningful name ' 'before attempting to save it as an activity.') ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self._dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return alert_icon = Alert() ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert_icon.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert_icon.props.title = _('Activity icon') alert_icon.props.msg = _('Please select an activity icon.') self._stop_button_cb(None) # try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() self._outbox.show_all() self._vte.feed(_("Creating activity bundle...").encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') TMPDIR = 'instance' app_temp = mkdtemp('.activity', 'Pippy', os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), TMPDIR)) sourcefile = os.path.join(app_temp, '') # invoke ourself to build the activity bundle. _logger.debug('writing out source file: %s' % sourcefile) def internal_callback(window=None, event=None): icon = '%s/activity/activity-default.svg' % (get_bundle_path()) if window: icon = window.get_icon() self._stop_button_cb(None) # Try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_('Creating activity bundle...').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') TMPDIR = 'instance' app_temp = mkdtemp('.activity', 'Pippy', os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), TMPDIR)) sourcefile = os.path.join(app_temp, '') # Invoke ourself to build the activity bundle. _logger.debug('writing out source file: %s' % sourcefile) # Write out application code self._write_text_buffer(sourcefile) try: # FIXME: vte invocation was raising errors. # Switched to subprocss output = subprocess.check_output( ['/usr/bin/python3', '%s/' % get_bundle_path(), '-p', '%s/library' % get_bundle_path(), '-d', app_temp, title, sourcefile, icon]) self._vte.feed(output) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') self._bundle_cb(title, app_temp) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) # clean up! self._vte.feed(_('Save as Activity Error').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') raise def _alert_response(alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) def _dialog(): dialog = IconDialog() dialog.connect('destroy', internal_callback) GObject.idle_add(_dialog) alert_icon.connect('response', _alert_response) self.add_alert(alert_icon) def _write_text_buffer(self, filename): text_buffer = self._source_tabs.get_text_buffer() start, end = text_buffer.get_bounds() text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: # Write utf-8 coding prefix if there's not one already if re.match(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)', '\n'.join(text.splitlines()[:2])) is None: f.write(PYTHON_PREFIX) for line in text: f.write(line) def _export_distutils_cb(self, button): app_temp = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance') data = self._source_tabs.get_all_data() for filename, content in zip(data[0], data[1]): fileobj = open(os.path.join(app_temp, filename), 'w') fileobj.write(content) fileobj.close() filenames = ','.join([("'" + name[:-3] + "'") for name in data[0]]) title = self._pippy_instance.metadata['title'] if title is _('Pippy Activity'): alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as distutils package error') alert.props.msg = _('Please give your activity a meaningful ' 'name before attempting to save it ' 'as an distutils package.') ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self._dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return found = next(( name for name in data[0] if name != self._source_tabs.purify_name(name)), None) if found is not None: example = self._source_tabs.purify_name(found) alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as distutils package error') alert.props.msg = _('Please give your source files a proper ' 'name, for example "%s", before attempting to ' 'save it as an distutils package.') % example ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self._dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return setup_script = DISTUTILS_SETUP_SCRIPT.format(modulename=title, filenames=filenames) setupfile = open(os.path.join(app_temp, ''), 'w') setupfile.write(setup_script) setupfile.close() os.chdir(app_temp) subprocess.check_output( ['/usr/bin/python3', os.path.join(app_temp, ''), 'sdist', '-v']) # Hand off to journal os.chmod(app_temp, 0o777) jobject = datastore.create() metadata = { 'title': '%s distutils bundle' % title, 'title_set_by_user': '1', 'mime_type': 'application/x-gzip', } for k, v in list(metadata.items()): # The dict.update method is missing =( jobject.metadata[k] = v tarname = 'dist/{modulename}-1.0.tar.gz'.format(modulename=title) jobject.file_path = os.path.join(app_temp, tarname) datastore.write(jobject) def _export_example_cb(self, button): # Get the name of this pippy program. title = self._pippy_instance.metadata['title'] if title == _('Pippy Activity'): alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Example Error') alert.props.msg = \ _('Please give your activity a meaningful ' 'name before attempting to save it as an example.') ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self._dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return self._stop_button_cb(None) # Try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_('Creating example...').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') local_data = os.path.join(os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'], 'data') local_file = os.path.join(local_data, title) if os.path.exists(local_file): alert = ConfirmationAlert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Example Warning') alert.props.msg = _('This example already exists. ' 'Do you want to overwrite it?') alert.connect('response', self._confirmation_alert_cb, local_file) self.add_alert(alert) else: self.write_file(local_file) self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_('Saved as example.').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') self._add_to_example_list(local_file) def _child_exited_cb(self, *args): '''Called whenever a child exits. If there's a handler, run it.''' h, self._child_exited_handler = self._child_exited_handler, None if h is not None: h() def _bundle_cb(self, title, app_temp): '''Called when we're done building a bundle for a source file.''' from sugar3 import profile from shutil import rmtree try: # Find the .xo file: were we successful? bundle_file = [f for f in os.listdir(app_temp) if f.endswith('.xo')] if len(bundle_file) != 1: _logger.debug("Couldn't find bundle: %s" % str(bundle_file)) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') self._vte.feed(_('Error saving activity to journal.').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') return # Something went wrong. # Hand off to journal os.chmod(app_temp, 0o755) jobject = datastore.create() metadata = { 'title': '%s Bundle' % title, 'title_set_by_user': '1', 'buddies': '', 'preview': '', 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(), 'mime_type': 'application/vnd.olpc-sugar', } for k, v in list(metadata.items()): # The dict.update method is missing =( jobject.metadata[k] = v jobject.file_path = os.path.join(app_temp, bundle_file[0]) datastore.write(jobject) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') self._vte.feed(_('Activity saved to journal.').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') self.journal_show_object(jobject.object_id) jobject.destroy() finally: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) # clean up! def _dismiss_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) def _confirmation_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id, local_file): # Callback for conf alert self.remove_alert(alert) if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.write_file(local_file) self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_('Saved as example.').encode()) self._vte.feed(b'\r\n') else: self._reset_vte() def _add_to_example_list(self, local_file): entry = {'name': _(os.path.basename(local_file)), 'path': local_file} _iter = self.model.insert_before(self.example_iter, None) self.model.set_value(_iter, 0, entry) self.model.set_value(_iter, 1, entry['name']) def is_example(self, path): if path is None: return False for name in self.paths: if path.startswith(name[1]): return True return False def _get_pippy_object_id(self): ''' We need the object_id of this pippy instance to save in the .py file metadata''' if self._pippy_instance == self: return _find_object_id(self.metadata['activity_id'], mimetype='application/json') else: return self._pippy_instance.get_object_id() def write_file(self, file_path): pippy_id = self._get_pippy_object_id() data = self._source_tabs.get_all_data() zipped_data = list(zip(*data)) session_list = [] app_temp = os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), 'instance') tmpfile = os.path.join(app_temp, '') if not self.session_data: self.session_data.append(None) for zipdata, content in zip(zipped_data, self.session_data): _logger.debug('Session data %r', content) name, python_code, path, modified, editor_id = zipdata if content is not None and content == self._py_object_id: _logger.debug('saving to self') self.metadata['title'] = name self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/x-python' if pippy_id is not None: self.metadata['pippy_instance'] = pippy_id __file = open(file_path, 'w') __file.write(python_code) __file.close() session_list.append([name, content]) elif content is not None and content[0] != '/': _logger.debug('Saving an existing dsobject') dsobject = datastore.get(content) dsobject.metadata['title'] = name dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/x-python' if pippy_id is not None: dsobject.metadata['pippy_instance'] = pippy_id __file = open(tmpfile, 'w') __file.write(python_code) __file.close() dsobject.set_file_path(tmpfile) datastore.write(dsobject) session_list.append([name, dsobject.object_id]) elif modified: _logger.debug('Creating new dsobj for modified code') if len(python_code) > 0: dsobject = datastore.create() dsobject.metadata['title'] = name dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/x-python' if pippy_id is not None: dsobject.metadata['pippy_instance'] = pippy_id __file = open(tmpfile, 'w') __file.write(python_code) __file.close() dsobject.set_file_path(tmpfile) datastore.write(dsobject) session_list.append([name, dsobject.object_id]) # If there are multiple Nones, we need to find # the correct one. if content is None and \ self.session_data.count(None) > 1: i = zipped_data.index(zipdata) else: i = self.session_data.index(content) self.session_data[i] = dsobject.object_id elif content is not None or path is not None: _logger.debug('Saving reference to sample file') if path is None: # Should not happen, but just in case... _logger.error('path is None.') session_list.append([name, content]) else: session_list.append([name, path]) else: # Should not happen, but just in case... _logger.debug('Nothing to save in tab? %s %s %s %s' % (str(name), str(python_code), str(path), str(content))) self._pippy_instance.metadata['mime_type'] = 'application/json' pippy_data = json.dumps(session_list) # Override file path if we created a new Pippy instance if self._py_file_loaded_from_journal: file_path = os.path.join(app_temp, 'pippy-temp-instance-data') _file = open(file_path, 'w') _file.write(pippy_data) _file.close() if self._py_file_loaded_from_journal: _logger.debug('setting pippy instance file_path to %s' % file_path) self._pippy_instance.set_file_path(file_path) datastore.write(self._pippy_instance) self._store_config() def read_file(self, file_path): # Either we are opening Python code or a list of objects # stored (json-encoded) in a Pippy instance, or a shared # session. # Remove initial new/blank thing self.session_data = [] self._loaded_session = [] try: self._source_tabs.remove_page(0) tab_object.pop(0) self._source_tabs.last_tab = 0 except IndexError: pass if self.metadata['mime_type'] == 'text/x-python': _logger.debug('Loading Python code') # Opening some Python code directly try: text = open(file_path).read() except: alert = NotifyAlert(10) alert.props.title = _('Error') alert.props.msg = _('Error reading data.') def _remove_alert(alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) alert.connect("response", _remove_alert) self.add_alert(alert) return self._py_file_loaded_from_journal = True # Discard the '#!/usr/bin/python3' and 'coding: utf-8' lines, # if present python_code = re.sub(r'^' + re.escape(PYTHON_PREFIX), '', text) name = self.metadata['title'] self._loaded_session.append([name, python_code, None]) # Since we loaded Python code, we need to create (or # restore) a Pippy instance if 'pippy_instance' in self.metadata: _logger.debug('found a pippy instance: %s' % self.metadata['pippy_instance']) try: self._pippy_instance = datastore.get( self.metadata['pippy_instance']) except: _logger.debug('Cannot find old Pippy instance: %s') self._pippy_instance = None if self._pippy_instance in [self, None]: self._pippy_instance = datastore.create() self._pippy_instance.metadata['title'] = self.metadata['title'] self._pippy_instance.metadata['mime_type'] = 'application/json' self._pippy_instance.metadata['activity'] = 'org.laptop.Pippy' datastore.write(self._pippy_instance) self.metadata['pippy_instance'] = \ self._pippy_instance.get_object_id() _logger.debug('get_object_id %s' % self.metadata['pippy_instance']) # We need the Pippy file path so we can read the session data file_path = self._pippy_instance.get_file_path() # Finally, add this Python object to the session data self._py_object_id = _find_object_id(self.metadata['activity_id']) self.session_data.append(self._py_object_id) _logger.debug('session_data: %s' % self.session_data) if self.metadata['mime_type'] == 'application/json' or \ self._pippy_instance != self: # Reading file list from Pippy instance _logger.debug('Loading Pippy instance') if len(file_path) == 0: return data = json.loads(open(file_path).read()) for name, content in data: # content is either a datastore id or the path to some # sample code if content is not None and content[0] == '/': # a path try: python_code = open(content).read() except: _logger.error('Could not open %s; skipping' % content) path = content elif content != self._py_object_id: try: dsobject = datastore.get(content) if 'mime_type' not in dsobject.metadata: _logger.error( 'Warning: %s missing mime_type' % content) elif dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] != 'text/x-python': _logger.error( 'Warning: %s has unexpected mime_type %s' % (content, dsobject.metadata['mime_type'])) except: # Could be that the item has subsequently been # deleted from the datastore, so we skip it. _logger.error('Could not open %s; skipping' % content) continue try: python_code = open(dsobject.get_file_path()).read() except: # Malformed bundle? _logger.error('Could not open %s; skipping' % dsobject.get_file_path()) continue path = None # Queue up the creation of the tabs... # And add this content to the session data if content not in self.session_data: self.session_data.append(content) self._loaded_session.append([name, python_code, path]) # Create tabs from the datastore, else add a blank tab if self._loaded_session: for name, content, path in self._loaded_session: self._source_tabs.add_tab(name, content, path) else: self._source_tabs.add_tab() # TEMPLATES AND INLINE FILES ACTIVITY_INFO_TEMPLATE = ''' [Activity] name = %(title)s bundle_id = %(bundle_id)s exec = sugar-activity3 %(class)s icon = activity-icon activity_version = %(version)d mime_types = %(mime_types)s show_launcher = yes %(extra_info)s ''' PIPPY_ICON = """<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' '' [ <!ENTITY stroke_color "#010101"> <!ENTITY fill_color "#FFFFFF"> ]> <svg enable-background="new 0 0 55 55" height="55px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 55 55" width="55px" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0px"><g display="block" id="activity-pippy"> <path d="M28.497,48.507 c5.988,0,14.88-2.838,14.88-11.185 c0-9.285-7.743-10.143-10.954-11.083 c-3.549-0.799-5.913-1.914-6.055-3.455 c-0.243-2.642,1.158-3.671,3.946-3.671 c0,0,6.632,3.664,12.266,0.74 c1.588-0.823,4.432-4.668,4.432-7.32 c0-2.653-9.181-5.719-11.967-5.719 c-2.788,0-5.159,3.847-5.159,3.847 c-5.574,0-11.149,5.306-11.149,10.612 c0,5.305,5.333,9.455,11.707,10.612 c2.963,0.469,5.441,2.22,4.878,5.438 c-0.457,2.613-2.995,5.306-8.361,5.306 c-4.252,0-13.3-0.219-14.745-4.079 c-0.929-2.486,0.168-5.205,1.562-5.205l-0.027-0.16 c-1.42-0.158-5.548,0.16-5.548,5.465 C8.202,45.452,17.347,48.507,28.497,48.507z" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="3.5"/> <path d="M42.579,19.854c-2.623-0.287-6.611-2-7.467-5.022" fill="none" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="3"/> <circle cx="35.805" cy="10.96" fill="&stroke_color;" r="1.676"/> </g></svg><!-- " --> """ # ACTIVITY META-INFORMATION # this is used by Pippy to generate a bundle for itself. def pippy_activity_version(): '''Returns the version number of the generated activity bundle.''' return 39 def pippy_activity_extra_files(): '''Returns a map of 'extra' files which should be included in the generated activity bundle.''' # Cheat here and generate the map from the fs contents. extra = {} bp = get_bundle_path() for d in ['po', 'data', 'post']: # everybody gets library for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(bp, d)): for name in files: fn = os.path.join(root, name).replace(bp + '/', '') extra[fn] = open(os.path.join(root, name), 'r').read() return extra def pippy_activity_news(): '''Return the NEWS file for this activity.''' # Cheat again. return open(os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'NEWS')).read() def pippy_activity_icon(): '''Return an SVG document specifying the icon for this activity.''' return PIPPY_ICON def pippy_activity_class(): '''Return the class which should be started to run this activity.''' return 'pippy_app.PippyActivity' def pippy_activity_bundle_id(): '''Return the bundle_id for the generated activity.''' return 'org.laptop.Pippy' def pippy_activity_mime_types(): '''Return the mime types handled by the generated activity, as a list.''' return ['text/x-python'] def pippy_activity_extra_info(): return ''' license = GPLv2+ update_url = ''' # ACTIVITY BUNDLER def main(): '''Create a bundle from a pippy-style source file''' from optparse import OptionParser from pyclbr import readmodule_ex from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import copytree, copy2, rmtree from sugar3.activity import bundlebuilder parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [title] [sourcefile] [icon]') parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', dest='dir', default='.', metavar='DIR', help='Put generated bundle in the specified directory.') parser.add_option('-p', '--pythonpath', dest='path', action='append', default=[], metavar='DIR', help='Append directory to python search path.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 3: parser.error('The title, sourcefile and icon arguments are required.') title = args[0] sourcefile = args[1] icon_path = args[2] pytitle = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '', title) if re.match(r'[0-9]', pytitle) is not None: pytitle = '_' + pytitle # first character cannot be numeric # First take a gander at the source file and see if it's got extra info # for us. sourcedir, basename = os.path.split(sourcefile) if not sourcedir: sourcedir = '.' module, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) f = open(icon_path, 'r') icon = f.close() # Things we look for: bundle_info = { 'version': 1, 'extra_files': {}, 'news': 'No news.', 'icon': icon, 'class': 'activity.VteActivity', 'bundle_id': ('org.sugarlabs.pippy.%s%d' % (generate_unique_id(), int(round(uniform(1000, 9999), 0)))), 'mime_types': '', 'extra_info': '', } # Are any of these things in the module? try_import = False info = readmodule_ex(module, [sourcedir] + options.path) for func in list(bundle_info.keys()): p_a_func = 'pippy_activity_%s' % func if p_a_func in info: try_import = True if try_import: # Yes, let's try to execute them to get better info about our bundle oldpath = list(sys.path) sys.path[0:0] = [sourcedir] + options.path modobj = __import__(module) for func in list(bundle_info.keys()): p_a_func = 'pippy_activity_%s' % func if p_a_func in modobj.__dict__: bundle_info[func] = modobj.__dict__[p_a_func]() sys.path = oldpath # Okay! We've done the hard part. Now let's build a bundle. # Create a new temp dir in which to create the bundle. app_temp = mkdtemp('.activity', 'Pippy') # Hope TMPDIR is set correctly! bundle = get_bundle_path() try: copytree('%s/library' % bundle, '%s/library' % app_temp) copy2('%s/' % bundle, '%s/' % app_temp) # create file. bundle_info['title'] = title bundle_info['pytitle'] = pytitle # put 'extra' files in place. extra_files = { 'activity/': ACTIVITY_INFO_TEMPLATE % bundle_info, 'activity/activity-icon.svg': bundle_info['icon'], 'NEWS': bundle_info['news'], } extra_files.update(bundle_info['extra_files']) for path, contents in list(extra_files.items()): # safety first! assert '..' not in path dirname, filename = os.path.split(path) dirname = os.path.join(app_temp, dirname) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(os.path.join(dirname, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(contents) # Put script into $app_temp/ copy2(sourcefile, '%s/' % app_temp) # Invoke bundle builder olddir = os.getcwd() oldargv = sys.argv os.chdir(app_temp) sys.argv = ['', 'dist_xo'] print('\r\nStarting bundlebuilder\r\n') bundlebuilder.start() sys.argv = oldargv os.chdir(olddir) # Move to destination directory. src = '%s/dist/%s-%d.xo' % (app_temp, pytitle, bundle_info['version']) dst = '%s/%s-%d.xo' % (options.dir, pytitle, bundle_info['version']) if not os.path.exists(src): print('Cannot find %s\r\n' % (src)) else: copy2(src, dst) finally: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) print('Finally\r\n') if __name__ == '__main__': from gettext import gettext as _ if False: # Change this to True to test within Pippy sys.argv = sys.argv + ['-d', '/tmp', 'Pippy', '/home/olpc/'] print(_('Working...')) sys.stdout.flush() main() print(_('done!')) sys.exit(0)
from flask import current_app from flask_login import AnonymousUserMixin, UserMixin from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer from itsdangerous import BadSignature, SignatureExpired from import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash from app import db, login_manager class Permission: GENERAL = 0x01 ADMINISTER = 0xff class Role(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'roles' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True) index = db.Column(db.String(64)) default = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, index=True) permissions = db.Column(db.Integer) users = db.relationship('User', backref='role', lazy='dynamic') @staticmethod def insert_roles(): roles = { 'User': (Permission.GENERAL, 'main', True), 'Administrator': ( Permission.ADMINISTER, 'admin', False # grants all permissions ) } for r in roles: role = Role.query.filter_by(name=r).first() if role is None: role = Role(name=r) role.permissions = roles[r][0] role.index = roles[r][1] role.default = roles[r][2] db.session.add(role) db.session.commit() def __repr__(self): return '<Role \'%s\'>' % class User(UserMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'users' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) confirmed = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) first_name = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True) last_name = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True) email = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True, index=True) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128)) role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self.role is None: if == current_app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL']: self.role = Role.query.filter_by( permissions=Permission.ADMINISTER).first() if self.role is None: self.role = Role.query.filter_by(default=True).first() def full_name(self): return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name) def can(self, permissions): return self.role is not None and \ (self.role.permissions & permissions) == permissions def is_admin(self): return self.can(Permission.ADMINISTER) @property def password(self): raise AttributeError('`password` is not a readable attribute') @password.setter def password(self, password): self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def generate_confirmation_token(self, expiration=604800): """Generate a confirmation token to email a new user.""" s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expiration) return s.dumps({'confirm':}) def generate_email_change_token(self, new_email, expiration=3600): """Generate an email change token to email an existing user.""" s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expiration) return s.dumps({'change_email':, 'new_email': new_email}) def generate_password_reset_token(self, expiration=3600): """ Generate a password reset change token to email to an existing user. """ s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expiration) return s.dumps({'reset':}) def confirm_account(self, token): """Verify that the provided token is for this user's id.""" s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: data = s.loads(token) except (BadSignature, SignatureExpired): return False if data.get('confirm') != return False self.confirmed = True db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return True def change_email(self, token): """Verify the new email for this user.""" s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: data = s.loads(token) except (BadSignature, SignatureExpired): return False if data.get('change_email') != return False new_email = data.get('new_email') if new_email is None: return False if self.query.filter_by(email=new_email).first() is not None: return False = new_email db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return True def reset_password(self, token, new_password): """Verify the new password for this user.""" s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: data = s.loads(token) except (BadSignature, SignatureExpired): return False if data.get('reset') != return False self.password = new_password db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return True @staticmethod def generate_fake(count=100, **kwargs): """Generate a number of fake users for testing.""" from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from random import seed, choice from faker import Faker fake = Faker() roles = Role.query.all() seed() for i in range(count): u = User( first_name=fake.first_name(), last_name=fake.last_name(),, password=fake.password(), confirmed=True, role=choice(roles), **kwargs) db.session.add(u) try: db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: db.session.rollback() def __repr__(self): return '<User \'%s\'>' % self.full_name() class AnonymousUser(AnonymousUserMixin): def can(self, _): return False def is_admin(self): return False login_manager.anonymous_user = AnonymousUser @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(user_id): return User.query.get(int(user_id))
# inspired by some code by Nathan Denny (1999) # see try: # use reduce against BDFL's will even on python > 2.6 from functools import reduce except ImportError: pass class GraphException(Exception): """Base class for exception in the graph package.""" pass class GraphTopologicalException(GraphException): """Exception thrown during a topological sort if the graph is cyclical.""" pass def is_sequence(x): return isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) def recursive_map(func, seq): """Apply a function recursively on a sequence and all subsequences.""" def _func(x): if is_sequence(x): return recursive_map(func, x) else: return func(x) return map(_func, seq) def recursive_reduce(func, seq, *argv): """Apply reduce(func, seq) recursively to a sequence and all its subsequences.""" def _func(x, y): if is_sequence(y): return func(x, recursive_reduce(func, y)) else: return func(x, y) return reduce(_func, seq, *argv) class GraphNode(object): """Represent a graph node and all information attached to it.""" def __init__(self, data=None): = data # edges in self.ein = [] # edges out self.eout = [] def add_edge_in(self, edge): self.ein.append(edge) def add_edge_out(self, edge): self.eout.append(edge) def remove_edge_in(self, edge): self.ein.remove(edge) def remove_edge_out(self, edge): self.eout.remove(edge) def get_edges_in(self, from_ = None): """Return a copy of the list of the entering edges. If from_ is specified, return only the nodes coming from that node.""" inedges = self.ein[:] if from_: inedges = [edge for edge in inedges if edge.head == from_] return inedges def get_edges_out(self, to_ = None): """Return a copy of the list of the outgoing edges. If to_ is specified, return only the nodes going to that node.""" outedges = self.eout[:] if to_: outedges = [edge for edge in outedges if edge.tail == to_] return outedges def get_edges(self, neighbor = None): """Return a copy of all edges. If neighbor is specified, return only the edges connected to that node.""" return ( self.get_edges_in(from_=neighbor) + self.get_edges_out(to_=neighbor) ) def in_degree(self): """Return the number of entering edges.""" return len(self.ein) def out_degree(self): """Return the number of outgoing edges.""" return len(self.eout) def degree(self): """Return the number of edges.""" return self.in_degree()+self.out_degree() def in_neighbors(self): """Return the neighbors down in-edges (i.e. the parents nodes).""" return map(lambda x: x.get_head(), self.ein) def out_neighbors(self): """Return the neighbors down in-edges (i.e. the parents nodes).""" return map(lambda x: x.get_tail(), self.eout) def neighbors(self): return self.in_neighbors() + self.out_neighbors() class GraphEdge(object): """Represent a graph edge and all information attached to it.""" def __init__(self, head, tail, data=None): # head node self.head = head # neighbors out self.tail = tail # arbitrary data slot = data def get_ends(self): """Return the tuple (head_id, tail_id).""" return (self.head, self.tail) def get_tail(self): return self.tail def get_head(self): return self.head class Graph(object): """Represent a directed graph.""" def __init__(self): # list of nodes self.nodes = [] # list of edges self.edges = [] # node functions def add_node(self, data=None): node = GraphNode(data=data) self.nodes.append(node) return node def remove_node(self, node): # the node is not in this graph if node not in self.nodes: errstr = 'This node is not part of the graph (%s)' % node raise GraphException(errstr) # remove all edges containing this node for edge in node.get_edges(): self.remove_edge(edge) # remove the node self.nodes.remove(node) # edge functions def add_edge(self, head, tail, data=None): """Add an edge going from head to tail. head : head node tail : tail node """ # create edge edge = GraphEdge(head, tail, data=data) # add edge to head and tail node head.add_edge_out(edge) tail.add_edge_in(edge) # add to the edges dictionary self.edges.append(edge) return edge def remove_edge(self, edge): head, tail = edge.get_ends() # remove from head head.remove_edge_out(edge) # remove from tail tail.remove_edge_in(edge) # remove the edge self.edges.remove(edge) ### populate functions def add_nodes(self, data): """Add many nodes at once. data -- number of nodes to add or sequence of data values, one for each new node""" if not is_sequence(data): data = [None]*data return map(self.add_node, data) def add_tree(self, tree): """Add a tree to the graph. The tree is specified with a nested list of tuple, in a LISP-like notation. The values specified in the list become the values of the single nodes. Return an equivalent nested list with the nodes instead of the values. Example: >>> a=b=c=d=e=None >>> g.add_tree( (a, b, (c, d ,e)) ) corresponds to this tree structure, with all node values set to None: a / \ b c / \ d e """ def _add_edge(root, son): self.add_edge(root, son) return root nodes = recursive_map(self.add_node, tree) recursive_reduce(_add_edge, nodes) return nodes def add_full_connectivity(self, from_nodes, to_nodes): """Add full connectivity from a group of nodes to another one. Return a list of lists of edges, one for each node in 'from_nodes'. Example: create a two-layer graph with full connectivity. >>> g = Graph() >>> layer1 = g.add_nodes(10) >>> layer2 = g.add_nodes(5) >>> g.add_full_connectivity(layer1, layer2) """ edges = [] for from_ in from_nodes: edges.append(map(lambda x: self.add_edge(from_, x), to_nodes)) return edges ###### graph algorithms def topological_sort(self): """Perform a topological sort of the nodes. If the graph has a cycle, throw a GraphTopologicalException with the list of successfully ordered nodes.""" # topologically sorted list of the nodes (result) topological_list = [] # queue (fifo list) of the nodes with in_degree 0 topological_queue = [] # {node: in_degree} for the remaining nodes (those with in_degree>0) remaining_indegree = {} # init queues and lists for node in self.nodes: indegree = node.in_degree() if indegree == 0: topological_queue.append(node) else: remaining_indegree[node] = indegree # remove nodes with in_degree 0 and decrease the in_degree of their sons while len(topological_queue): # remove the first node with degree 0 node = topological_queue.pop(0) topological_list.append(node) # decrease the in_degree of the sons for son in node.out_neighbors(): remaining_indegree[son] -= 1 if remaining_indegree[son] == 0: topological_queue.append(son) # if not all nodes were covered, the graph must have a cycle # raise a GraphTopographicalException if len(topological_list)!=len(self.nodes): raise GraphTopologicalException(topological_list) return topological_list ### Depth-First sort def _dfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None): # core depth-first sort function # changing the neighbors function to return the sons of a node, # its parents, or both one gets normal dfs, reverse dfs, or # dfs on the equivalent undirected graph, respectively # result list containing the nodes in Depth-First order dfs_list = [] # keep track of all already visited nodes visited_nodes = { root: None } # stack (lifo) list dfs_stack = [] dfs_stack.append(root) while len(dfs_stack): # consider the next node on the stack node = dfs_stack.pop() dfs_list.append(node) # visit the node if visit_fct != None: visit_fct(node) # add all sons to the stack (if not already visited) for son in neighbors_fct(node): if son not in visited_nodes: visited_nodes[son] = None dfs_stack.append(son) return dfs_list def dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None): """Return a list of nodes in some Depth First order starting from a root node. If defined, visit_fct is applied on each visited node. The returned list does not have to contain all nodes in the graph, but only the ones reachable from the root. """ neighbors_fct = lambda node: node.out_neighbors() return self._dfs(neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=visit_fct) def undirected_dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None): """Perform Depth First sort. This function is identical to dfs, but the sort is performed on the equivalent undirected version of the graph.""" neighbors_fct = lambda node: node.neighbors() return self._dfs(neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=visit_fct) ### Connected components def connected_components(self): """Return a list of lists containing the nodes of all connected components of the graph.""" visited = {} def visit_fct(node, visited=visited): visited[node] = None components = [] nodes = self.nodes for node in nodes: if node in visited: continue components.append(self.undirected_dfs(node, visit_fct)) return components def is_weakly_connected(self): """Return True if the graph is weakly connected.""" return len(self.undirected_dfs(self.nodes[0]))==len(self.nodes) ### Breadth-First Sort # BFS and DFS could be generalized to one function. I leave them # distinct for clarity. def _bfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None): # core breadth-first sort function # changing the neighbors function to return the sons of a node, # its parents, or both one gets normal bfs, reverse bfs, or # bfs on the equivalent undirected graph, respectively # result list containing the nodes in Breadth-First order bfs_list = [] # keep track of all already visited nodes visited_nodes = { root: None } # queue (fifo) list bfs_queue = [] bfs_queue.append(root) while len(bfs_queue): # consider the next node in the queue node = bfs_queue.pop(0) bfs_list.append(node) # visit the node if visit_fct != None: visit_fct(node) # add all sons to the queue (if not already visited) for son in neighbors_fct(node): if son not in visited_nodes: visited_nodes[son] = None bfs_queue.append(son) return bfs_list def bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None): """Return a list of nodes in some Breadth First order starting from a root node. If defined, visit_fct is applied on each visited node. Note the returned list does not have to contain all nodes in the graph, but only the ones reachable from the root.""" neighbors_fct = lambda node: node.out_neighbors() return self._bfs(neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=visit_fct) def undirected_bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None): """Perform Breadth First sort. This function is identical to bfs, but the sort is performed on the equivalent undirected version of the graph.""" neighbors_fct = lambda node: node.neighbors() return self._bfs(neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=visit_fct)
from __future__ import absolute_import from celery.task import Task from yell import Notification, notify, registry class CeleryNotificationTask(Task): """ Dispatch and run the notification. """ def run(self, name=None, backend=None, *args, **kwargs): """ The Celery task. Delivers the notification via all backends returned by :param:`backend`. """ assert name is not None, "No 'name' specified to notify" assert backend is not None, "No 'backend' specified to notify with" backends = backend().get_backends(*args, **kwargs) notify(name, backends=backends, *args, **kwargs) class CeleryNotification(Notification): """ Delivers notifications through Celery. :example: :: from yell import notify, Notification class EmailNotification(Notification): name = 'async' def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): # Deliver email class DBNotification(Notification): name = 'async' def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): # Save to database class AsyncNotification(CeleryNotification): name = 'async' notify('async', backends = [AsyncNotification], text = "This notification is routed through Celery before being sent and saved") In the above example when calling :attr:`yell.notify` will invoke ``EmailNotification`` and ``DBNotification`` once the task was delivered through Celery. """ name = None """ The name of this notification. Override in subclasses. """ def get_backends(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return all backends the task should use to deliver notifications. By default all backends with the same :attr:`name` except for subclasses of :class:`CeleryNotifications` will be used. """ return filter(lambda cls: not issubclass(cls, self.__class__), registry.notifications[]) def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Dispatches the notification to Celery """ return CeleryNotificationTask.delay(, backend=self.__class__, *args, **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os.path import importlib import unittest tests_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) package_name = tests_dir.split(os.path.sep)[-2].replace('-', '_') package = importlib.import_module(package_name) class VersioningTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def assert_proper_attribute(self, attribute): try: assert getattr(package, attribute), ( "{} improperly set".format(attribute)) except AttributeError: assert False, "missing {}".format(attribute) def test_version_attribute(self): self.assert_proper_attribute("__version__") # test major, minor, and patch are numbers version_split = package.__version__.split(".")[:3] assert version_split, "__version__ is not set" for n in version_split: try: int(n) except ValueError: assert False, "'{}' is not an integer".format(n) def test_commit_attribute(self): self.assert_proper_attribute("__commit__") def test_build_attribute(self): self.assert_proper_attribute("__build__") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
''' A class for running a single instance of a NeuroML model by generating a LEMS file and using pyNeuroML to run in a chosen simulator ''' import sys import time from pyneuroml import pynml from pyneuroml.lems import generate_lems_file_for_neuroml try: import pyelectro # Not used here, just for checking installation except: print('>> Note: pyelectro from is required!') exit() try: import neurotune # Not used here, just for checking installation except: print('>> Note: neurotune from is required!') exit() class NeuroMLSimulation(object): def __init__(self, reference, neuroml_file, target, sim_time=1000, dt=0.05, simulator='jNeuroML', generate_dir = './', cleanup = True, nml_doc = None): self.sim_time = sim_time self.dt = dt self.simulator = simulator self.generate_dir = generate_dir if generate_dir.endswith('/') else generate_dir+'/' self.reference = reference = target self.neuroml_file = neuroml_file self.nml_doc = nml_doc self.cleanup = cleanup self.already_run = False def show(self): """ Plot the result of the simulation once it's been intialized """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if self.already_run: for ref in self.volts.keys(): plt.plot(self.t, self.volts[ref], label=ref) plt.title("Simulation voltage vs time") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Time [ms]") plt.ylabel("Voltage [mV]") else: pynml.print_comment("First you have to 'go()' the simulation.", True) def go(self): lems_file_name = 'LEMS_%s.xml'%(self.reference) generate_lems_file_for_neuroml(self.reference, self.neuroml_file,, self.sim_time, self.dt, lems_file_name = lems_file_name, target_dir = self.generate_dir, nml_doc = self.nml_doc) pynml.print_comment_v("Running a simulation of %s ms with timestep %s ms: %s"%(self.sim_time, self.dt, lems_file_name)) self.already_run = True start = time.time() if self.simulator == 'jNeuroML': results = pynml.run_lems_with_jneuroml(lems_file_name, nogui=True, load_saved_data=True, plot=False, exec_in_dir = self.generate_dir, verbose=False, cleanup=self.cleanup) elif self.simulator == 'jNeuroML_NEURON': results = pynml.run_lems_with_jneuroml_neuron(lems_file_name, nogui=True, load_saved_data=True, plot=False, exec_in_dir = self.generate_dir, verbose=False, cleanup=self.cleanup) else: pynml.print_comment_v('Unsupported simulator: %s'%self.simulator) exit() secs = time.time()-start pynml.print_comment_v("Ran simulation in %s in %f seconds (%f mins)\n\n"%(self.simulator, secs, secs/60.0)) self.t = [t*1000 for t in results['t']] self.volts = {} for key in results.keys(): if key != 't': self.volts[key] = [v*1000 for v in results[key]] if __name__ == '__main__': sim_time = 700 dt = 0.05 if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-net': sim = NeuroMLSimulation('TestNet', '../../examples/test_data/simplenet.nml', 'simplenet', sim_time, dt, 'jNeuroML', 'temp/') sim.go() else: sim = NeuroMLSimulation('TestHH', '../../examples/test_data/', 'HHCellNetwork', sim_time, dt, 'jNeuroML', 'temp') sim.go()
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class Operation(Model): """Operation. :param name: The name of the operation being performed on this particular object. This name should match the action name that appears in RBAC / the event service. :type name: str :param display: :type display: ~azure.mgmt.powerbiembedded.models.Display """ _attribute_map = { 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'display': {'key': 'display', 'type': 'Display'}, } def __init__(self, *, name: str=None, display=None, **kwargs) -> None: super(Operation, self).__init__(**kwargs) = name self.display = display
# -:- encoding: utf-8 -:- # This file is part of the MapProxy project. # Copyright (C) 2013 Omniscale <> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import with_statement import sys import os import optparse import logging import textwrap import datetime import xml.etree.ElementTree import yaml from contextlib import contextmanager from cStringIO import StringIO from .sources import sources from .layers import layers from .caches import caches from .seeds import seeds from .utils import update_config, MapProxyYAMLDumper, download_capabilities from mapproxy.config.loader import load_configuration from mapproxy.util.ext.wmsparse import parse_capabilities def setup_logging(level=logging.INFO): mapproxy_log = logging.getLogger('mapproxy') mapproxy_log.setLevel(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) mapproxy_log.addHandler(ch) def write_header(f, capabilities): print >>f, '# MapProxy configuration automatically generated from:' print >>f, '# %s' % capabilities print >>f, '#' print >>f, '# NOTE: The generated configuration can be highly inefficient,' print >>f, '# especially when multiple layers and caches are requested at once.' print >>f, '# Make sure you understand the generated configuration!' print >>f, '#' print >>f, '# Created on %s with:' % print >>f, ' \\\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(' '.join(sys.argv), initial_indent='# ', subsequent_indent='# ')) print >>f, '' @contextmanager def file_or_stdout(name): if name == '-': yield sys.stdout else: with open(name, 'wb') as f: yield f def config_command(args): parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog autoconfig [options]") parser.add_option('--capabilities', help="URL or filename of WMS 1.1.1/1.3.0 capabilities document") parser.add_option('--output', help="filename for created MapProxy config [default: -]", default="-") parser.add_option('--output-seed', help="filename for created seeding config") parser.add_option('--base', help='base config to include in created MapProxy config') parser.add_option('--overwrite', help='YAML file with overwrites for the created MapProxy config') parser.add_option('--overwrite-seed', help='YAML file with overwrites for the created seeding config') parser.add_option('--force', default=False, action='store_true', help="overwrite existing files") options, args = parser.parse_args(args) if not options.capabilities: parser.print_help() print >>sys.stderr, "\nERROR: --capabilities required" return 2 if not options.output and not options.output_seed: parser.print_help() print >>sys.stderr, "\nERROR: --output and/or --output-seed required" return 2 if not options.force: if options.output and options.output != '-' and os.path.exists(options.output): print >>sys.stderr, "\nERROR: %s already exists, use --force to overwrite" % options.output return 2 if options.output_seed and options.output_seed != '-' and os.path.exists(options.output_seed): print >>sys.stderr, "\nERROR: %s already exists, use --force to overwrite" % options.output_seed return 2 log = logging.getLogger('mapproxy_conf_cmd') log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) setup_logging(logging.WARNING) srs_grids = {} if options.base: base = load_configuration(options.base) for name, grid_conf in base.grids.iteritems(): if name.startswith('GLOBAL_'): continue srs_grids[grid_conf.tile_grid().srs.srs_code] = name cap_doc = options.capabilities if cap_doc.startswith(('http://', 'https://')): cap_doc = download_capabilities(options.capabilities).read() else: cap_doc = open(cap_doc, 'rb').read() try: cap = parse_capabilities(StringIO(cap_doc)) except (xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError, ValueError), ex: print >>sys.stderr, ex print >>sys.stderr, cap_doc[:1000] + ('...' if len(cap_doc) > 1000 else '') return 3 overwrite = None if options.overwrite: with open(options.overwrite, 'rb') as f: overwrite = yaml.load(f) overwrite_seed = None if options.overwrite_seed: with open(options.overwrite_seed, 'rb') as f: overwrite_seed = yaml.load(f) conf = {} if options.base: conf['base'] = os.path.abspath(options.base) conf['services'] = {'wms': {'md': {'title': cap.metadata()['title']}}} if overwrite: conf['services'] = update_config(conf['services'], overwrite.pop('service', {})) conf['sources'] = sources(cap) if overwrite: conf['sources'] = update_config(conf['sources'], overwrite.pop('sources', {})) conf['caches'] = caches(cap, conf['sources'], srs_grids=srs_grids) if overwrite: conf['caches'] = update_config(conf['caches'], overwrite.pop('caches', {})) conf['layers'] = layers(cap, conf['caches']) if overwrite: conf['layers'] = update_config(conf['layers'], overwrite.pop('layers', {})) if overwrite: conf = update_config(conf, overwrite) seed_conf = {} seed_conf['seeds'], seed_conf['cleanups'] = seeds(cap, conf['caches']) if overwrite_seed: seed_conf = update_config(seed_conf, overwrite_seed) if options.output: with file_or_stdout(options.output) as f: write_header(f, options.capabilities) yaml.dump(conf, f, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=MapProxyYAMLDumper) if options.output_seed: with file_or_stdout(options.output_seed) as f: write_header(f, options.capabilities) yaml.dump(seed_conf, f, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=MapProxyYAMLDumper) return 0
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SonarQube C++ Community Plugin (cxx plugin) # Copyright (C) 2010-2021 SonarOpenCommunity # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # """ Simple script to generate the rules xml file for SonarQube cxx plugin from the Clang Static Analyzer checkers. The clang compiler should be available in the PATH or output of clang -cc1 -analyzer-checker-help as input file. """ from xml.dom import minidom import argparse import re import subprocess import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def CDATA(text=None): element = ET.Element('![CDATA[') element.text = text return element ET._original_serialize_xml = ET._serialize_xml def _serialize_xml(write, elem, qnames, namespaces, short_empty_elements, **kwargs): if elem.tag == '![CDATA[': write("<%s%s]]>" % (elem.tag, elem.text)) return return ET._original_serialize_xml( write, elem, qnames, namespaces, short_empty_elements, **kwargs) ET._serialize_xml = ET._serialize['xml'] = _serialize_xml def collect_checkers(clangsa_output): """ Parse clang static analyzer output. Return the list of checkers and the description. """ checkers_data = {} # Checker name and description in one line. pattern = re.compile(r'^\s\s(?P<checker_name>\S*)\s*(?P<description>.*)') checker_name = None for line in clangsa_output.splitlines(): line = line.decode(encoding='UTF-8') if re.match(r'^CHECKERS:', line) or line == '': continue elif checker_name and not re.match(r'^\s\s\S', line): # Collect description for the checker name. checkers_data[checker_name] = line.strip() checker_name = None elif re.match(r'^\s\s\S+$', line.rstrip()): # Only checker name is in the line. checker_name = line.strip() else: # Checker name and description is in one line. match = pattern.match(line.rstrip()) if match: current = match.groupdict() checkers_data[current['checker_name']] = current['description'] # Filter out debug checkers. non_debug = {k: v for k, v in checkers_data.items() if 'debug' not in k} return non_debug def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="""Generate the rules xml file for cxx plugin plugin from the Clang Static Analyzer checkers.""", usage='%(prog)s -o clangsa.xml') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input_file', action='store', required=False, help="""Input file to read rules. If parameter does not exist it tries to call clang.""") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output_file', action='store', required=True, help="""Output file to write the xml rules. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.""") args = parser.parse_args() clang_version = "clang version ???".encode('utf-8') if args.input_file: with open(args.input_file, 'r') as input: checker_data = collect_checkers('utf-8')) else: try: clang_version = ['clang', '--version'] version_info =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.exit(cpe.returncode) # Only the first line is interesting. clang_version = version_info.splitlines()[0] try: clang_checkers = ['clang', '-cc1', '-analyzer-checker-help'] checkers_output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout print("Collecting clang checkers ...", end='') checker_data = collect_checkers(checkers_output) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.exit(cpe.returncode) if not checker_data: print("No checkers could be processed.") sys.exit(1) print(" done.") print("Generating rules xml ...", end='') # build a tree structure rules = ET.Element("rules") comment = " C and C++ rules for Clang Static Analyzer. " \ "\n" + \ "Rules list was generated based on " + \ clang_version.decode("utf-8") + " " rules.append(ET.Comment(comment)) for checker_name, description in checker_data.items(): rule = ET.SubElement(rules, "rule") key = ET.SubElement(rule, "key") name = ET.SubElement(rule, "name") desc = ET.SubElement(rule, "description") sev = ET.SubElement(rule, "severity") c_type = ET.SubElement(rule, "type") key.text = checker_name name.text = checker_name sev.text = "MAJOR" c_type.text = "BUG" if sev.text != 'INFO': ET.SubElement(rule, 'remediationFunction').text = 'LINEAR' ET.SubElement(rule, 'remediationFunctionGapMultiplier').text = '5min' auto_tag = checker_name.split('.')[0] tag = ET.SubElement(rule, "tag") tag.text = auto_tag.lower() cdata = CDATA('\n<p>' + description.strip() + '\n</p>\n <h2>References</h2>' ' <p><a href=""' ' target="_blank"></a></p> \n') desc.append(cdata) xmlstr = minidom.parseString( ET.tostring(rules, method='xml')).toprettyxml(indent=" ") print(" done.") with open(args.output_file, 'w') as out: out.write(xmlstr) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" --------------- Query mesh- point proximity. """ import numpy as np from . import util from .grouping import group_min from .constants import tol, log_time from .triangles import closest_point as closest_point_corresponding from .triangles import points_to_barycentric try: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree except BaseException as E: from .exceptions import closure cKDTree = closure(E) def nearby_faces(mesh, points): """ For each point find nearby faces relatively quickly. The closest point on the mesh to the queried point is guaranteed to be on one of the faces listed. Does this by finding the nearest vertex on the mesh to each point, and then returns all the faces that intersect the axis aligned bounding box centered at the queried point and extending to the nearest vertex. Parameters ---------- mesh : trimesh.Trimesh Mesh to query. points : (n, 3) float Points in space Returns ----------- candidates : (points,) int Sequence of indexes for mesh.faces """ points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!') # an r-tree containing the axis aligned bounding box for every triangle rtree = mesh.triangles_tree # a kd-tree containing every vertex of the mesh kdtree = cKDTree(mesh.vertices[mesh.referenced_vertices]) # query the distance to the nearest vertex to get AABB of a sphere distance_vertex = kdtree.query(points)[0].reshape((-1, 1)) distance_vertex += tol.merge # axis aligned bounds bounds = np.column_stack((points - distance_vertex, points + distance_vertex)) # faces that intersect axis aligned bounding box candidates = [list(rtree.intersection(b)) for b in bounds] return candidates def closest_point_naive(mesh, points): """ Given a mesh and a list of points find the closest point on any triangle. Does this by constructing a very large intermediate array and comparing every point to every triangle. Parameters ---------- mesh : Trimesh Takes mesh to have same interfaces as `closest_point` points : (m, 3) float Points in space Returns ---------- closest : (m, 3) float Closest point on triangles for each point distance : (m,) float Distances between point and triangle triangle_id : (m,) int Index of triangle containing closest point """ # get triangles from mesh triangles = mesh.triangles.view(np.ndarray) # establish that input points are sane points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(triangles, (-1, 3, 3)): raise ValueError('triangles shape incorrect') if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)') # create a giant tiled array of each point tiled len(triangles) times points_tiled = np.tile(points, (1, len(triangles))) on_triangle = np.array([closest_point_corresponding( triangles, i.reshape((-1, 3))) for i in points_tiled]) # distance squared distance_2 = [((i - q)**2).sum(axis=1) for i, q in zip(on_triangle, points)] triangle_id = np.array([i.argmin() for i in distance_2]) # closest cartesian point closest = np.array([g[i] for i, g in zip(triangle_id, on_triangle)]) distance = np.array([g[i] for i, g in zip(triangle_id, distance_2)]) ** .5 return closest, distance, triangle_id def closest_point(mesh, points): """ Given a mesh and a list of points find the closest point on any triangle. Parameters ---------- mesh : trimesh.Trimesh Mesh to query points : (m, 3) float Points in space Returns ---------- closest : (m, 3) float Closest point on triangles for each point distance : (m,) float Distance to mesh. triangle_id : (m,) int Index of triangle containing closest point """ points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!') # do a tree- based query for faces near each point candidates = nearby_faces(mesh, points) # view triangles as an ndarray so we don't have to recompute # the MD5 during all of the subsequent advanced indexing triangles = mesh.triangles.view(np.ndarray) # create the corresponding list of triangles # and query points to send to the closest_point function all_candidates = np.concatenate(candidates) num_candidates = list(map(len, candidates)) tile_idxs = np.repeat(np.arange(len(points)), num_candidates) query_point = points[tile_idxs, :] query_tri = triangles[all_candidates] # do the computation for closest point query_close = closest_point_corresponding(query_tri, query_point) query_group = np.cumsum(num_candidates)[:-1] # vectors and distances for # closest point to query point query_vector = query_point - query_close query_distance = util.diagonal_dot(query_vector, query_vector) # get best two candidate indices by arg-sorting the per-query_distances qds = np.array_split(query_distance, query_group) idxs = np.int32([qd.argsort()[:2] if len(qd) > 1 else [0, 0] for qd in qds]) idxs[1:] += query_group.reshape(-1, 1) # points, distances and triangle ids for best two candidates two_points = query_close[idxs] two_dists = query_distance[idxs] two_candidates = all_candidates[idxs] # the first candidate is the best result for unambiguous cases result_close = query_close[idxs[:, 0]] result_tid = two_candidates[:, 0] result_distance = two_dists[:, 0] # however: same closest point on two different faces # find the best one and correct triangle ids if necessary check_distance = two_dists.ptp(axis=1) < tol.merge check_magnitude = np.all(np.abs(two_dists) > tol.merge, axis=1) # mask results where corrections may be apply c_mask = np.bitwise_and(check_distance, check_magnitude) # get two face normals for the candidate points normals = mesh.face_normals[two_candidates[c_mask]] # compute normalized surface-point to query-point vectors vectors = (query_vector[idxs[c_mask]] / two_dists[c_mask].reshape(-1, 2, 1) ** 0.5) # compare enclosed angle for both face normals dots = (normals * vectors).sum(axis=2) # take the idx with the most positive angle # allows for selecting the correct candidate triangle id c_idxs = dots.argmax(axis=1) # correct triangle ids where necessary # closest point and distance remain valid result_tid[c_mask] = two_candidates[c_mask, c_idxs] result_distance[c_mask] = two_dists[c_mask, c_idxs] result_close[c_mask] = two_points[c_mask, c_idxs] # we were comparing the distance squared so # now take the square root in one vectorized operation result_distance **= .5 return result_close, result_distance, result_tid def signed_distance(mesh, points): """ Find the signed distance from a mesh to a list of points. * Points OUTSIDE the mesh will have NEGATIVE distance * Points within tol.merge of the surface will have POSITIVE distance * Points INSIDE the mesh will have POSITIVE distance Parameters ----------- mesh : trimesh.Trimesh Mesh to query. points : (n, 3) float Points in space Returns ---------- signed_distance : (n,) float Signed distance from point to mesh """ # make sure we have a numpy array points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) # find the closest point on the mesh to the queried points closest, distance, triangle_id = closest_point(mesh, points) # we only care about nonzero distances nonzero = distance > tol.merge if not nonzero.any(): return distance # For closest points that project directly in to the triangle, compute sign from # triangle normal Project each point in to the closest triangle plane nonzero = np.where(nonzero)[0] normals = mesh.face_normals[triangle_id] projection = (points[nonzero] - (normals[nonzero].T * np.einsum( "ij,ij->i", points[nonzero] - closest[nonzero], normals[nonzero])).T) # Determine if the projection lies within the closest triangle barycentric = points_to_barycentric( mesh.triangles[triangle_id[nonzero]], projection) ontriangle = ~(( (barycentric < -tol.merge) | (barycentric > 1 + tol.merge) ).any(axis=1)) # Where projection does lie in the triangle, compare vector to projection to the # triangle normal to compute sign sign = np.sign(np.einsum( "ij,ij->i", normals[nonzero[ontriangle]], points[nonzero[ontriangle]] - projection[ontriangle])) distance[nonzero[ontriangle]] *= -1.0 * sign # For all other triangles, resort to raycasting against the entire mesh inside = mesh.ray.contains_points(points[nonzero[~ontriangle]]) sign = (inside.astype(int) * 2) - 1.0 # apply sign to previously computed distance distance[nonzero[~ontriangle]] *= sign return distance class ProximityQuery(object): """ Proximity queries for the current mesh. """ def __init__(self, mesh): self._mesh = mesh @log_time def on_surface(self, points): """ Given list of points, for each point find the closest point on any triangle of the mesh. Parameters ---------- points : (m,3) float, points in space Returns ---------- closest : (m, 3) float Closest point on triangles for each point distance : (m,) float Distance to surface triangle_id : (m,) int Index of closest triangle for each point. """ return closest_point(mesh=self._mesh, points=points) def vertex(self, points): """ Given a set of points, return the closest vertex index to each point Parameters ---------- points : (n, 3) float Points in space Returns ---------- distance : (n,) float Distance from source point to vertex. vertex_id : (n,) int Index of mesh.vertices for closest vertex. """ tree = self._mesh.kdtree return tree.query(points) def signed_distance(self, points): """ Find the signed distance from a mesh to a list of points. * Points OUTSIDE the mesh will have NEGATIVE distance * Points within tol.merge of the surface will have POSITIVE distance * Points INSIDE the mesh will have POSITIVE distance Parameters ----------- points : (n, 3) float Points in space Returns ---------- signed_distance : (n,) float Signed distance from point to mesh. """ return signed_distance(self._mesh, points) def longest_ray(mesh, points, directions): """ Find the lengths of the longest rays which do not intersect the mesh cast from a list of points in the provided directions. Parameters ----------- points : (n, 3) float Points in space. directions : (n, 3) float Directions of rays. Returns ---------- signed_distance : (n,) float Length of rays. """ points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!') directions = np.asanyarray(directions, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(directions, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('directions must be (n,3)!') if len(points) != len(directions): raise ValueError('number of points must equal number of directions!') faces, rays, locations = mesh.ray.intersects_id(points, directions, return_locations=True, multiple_hits=True) if len(rays) > 0: distances = np.linalg.norm(locations - points[rays], axis=1) else: distances = np.array([]) # Reject intersections at distance less than tol.planar rays = rays[distances > tol.planar] distances = distances[distances > tol.planar] # Add infinite length for those with no valid intersection no_intersections = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(points)), rays) rays = np.concatenate((rays, no_intersections)) distances = np.concatenate((distances, np.repeat(np.inf, len(no_intersections)))) return group_min(rays, distances) def max_tangent_sphere(mesh, points, inwards=True, normals=None, threshold=1e-6, max_iter=100): """ Find the center and radius of the sphere which is tangent to the mesh at the given point and at least one more point with no non-tangential intersections with the mesh. Masatomo Inui, Nobuyuki Umezu & Ryohei Shimane (2016) Shrinking sphere: A parallel algorithm for computing the thickness of 3D objects, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 13:2, 199-207, DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2015.1084186 Parameters ---------- points : (n, 3) float Points in space. inwards : bool Whether to have the sphere inside or outside the mesh. normals : (n, 3) float or None Normals of the mesh at the given points if is None computed automatically. Returns ---------- centers : (n,3) float Centers of spheres radii : (n,) float Radii of spheres """ points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!') if normals is not None: normals = np.asanyarray(normals, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(normals, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('normals must be (n,3)!') if len(points) != len(normals): raise ValueError('number of points must equal number of normals!') else: normals = mesh.face_normals[closest_point(mesh, points)[2]] if inwards: normals = -normals # Find initial tangent spheres distances = longest_ray(mesh, points, normals) radii = distances * 0.5 not_converged = np.ones(len(points), dtype=bool) # boolean mask # If ray is infinite, find the vertex which is furthest from our point # when projected onto the ray. I.e. find v which maximises # (v-p).n = v.n - p.n. # We use a loop rather a vectorised approach to reduce memory cost # it also seems to run faster. for i in np.where(np.isinf(distances))[0]: projections = - points[i], normals[i]) # If no points lie outside the tangent plane, then the radius is infinite # otherwise we have a point outside the tangent plane, take the one with maximal # projection if projections.max() < tol.planar: radii[i] = np.inf not_converged[i] = False else: vertex = mesh.vertices[projections.argmax()] radii[i] = ( - points[i], vertex - points[i]) / (2 * - points[i], normals[i]))) # Compute centers centers = points + normals * np.nan_to_num(radii.reshape(-1, 1)) centers[np.isinf(radii)] = [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] # Our iterative process terminates when the difference in sphere # radius is less than threshold*D D = np.linalg.norm(mesh.bounds[1] - mesh.bounds[0]) convergence_threshold = threshold * D n_iter = 0 while not_converged.sum() > 0 and n_iter < max_iter: n_iter += 1 n_points, n_dists, n_faces = mesh.nearest.on_surface( centers[not_converged]) # If the distance to the nearest point is the same as the distance # to the start point then we are done. done = np.abs( n_dists - np.linalg.norm( centers[not_converged] - points[not_converged], axis=1)) < tol.planar not_converged[np.where(not_converged)[0][done]] = False # Otherwise find the radius and center of the sphere tangent to the mesh # at the point and the nearest point. diff = n_points[~done] - points[not_converged] old_radii = radii[not_converged].copy() # np.einsum produces element wise dot product radii[not_converged] = (np.einsum('ij, ij->i', diff, diff) / (2 * np.einsum('ij, ij->i', diff, normals[not_converged]))) centers[not_converged] = points[not_converged] + \ normals[not_converged] * radii[not_converged].reshape(-1, 1) # If change in radius is less than threshold we have converged cvged = old_radii - radii[not_converged] < convergence_threshold not_converged[np.where(not_converged)[0][cvged]] = False return centers, radii def thickness(mesh, points, exterior=False, normals=None, method='max_sphere'): """ Find the thickness of the mesh at the given points. Parameters ---------- points : (n, 3) float Points in space exterior : bool Whether to compute the exterior thickness (a.k.a. reach) normals : (n, 3) float Normals of the mesh at the given points If is None computed automatically. method : string One of 'max_sphere' or 'ray' Returns ---------- thickness : (n,) float Thickness at given points. """ points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(points, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('points must be (n,3)!') if normals is not None: normals = np.asanyarray(normals, dtype=np.float64) if not util.is_shape(normals, (-1, 3)): raise ValueError('normals must be (n,3)!') if len(points) != len(normals): raise ValueError('number of points must equal number of normals!') else: normals = mesh.face_normals[closest_point(mesh, points)[2]] if method == 'max_sphere': centers, radius = max_tangent_sphere(mesh=mesh, points=points, inwards=not exterior, normals=normals) thickness = radius * 2 return thickness elif method == 'ray': if exterior: return longest_ray(mesh, points, normals) else: return longest_ray(mesh, points, -normals) else: raise ValueError('Invalid method, use "max_sphere" or "ray"')
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*- """ Copyright (c) 2008 Pycircuit Development Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. c. Neither the name of the Pycircuit nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import unittest import struct, os, re import operator import numpy # import psfasc from copy import copy from struct import unpack, pack class PSFInvalid(Exception): pass def warning(str): print "Warning: "+str def indent(str, n=2): return "\n".join([' '*n+s for s in str.split("\n")]) class PSFData(object): @classmethod def fromFile(cls, file): obj = cls() obj.deSerializeFile(file) return obj size=None def __init__(self, value=None, extarg=None): self.value = value self.extarg = extarg def setValue(self, value): self.value = value def __eq__(self, a): return self.value == a def __cmp__(self, a): return cmp(self.value, a) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) def deSerializeFile(self, file): pass def getSize(self): self.size def getValue(self): return self.value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): return str(self) def __repr__(self): return self.value.__repr__() class PSFNumber(PSFData): def __int__(self): return self.value def __add__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value+int(a)) def __mul__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value*int(a)) def __radd__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value+int(a)) def __sub__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value-int(a)) def __rsub__(self, a): return UInt32(int(a)-self.value) def __div__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value/int(a)) def __rdiv__(self, a): return UInt32(int(a)/self.value) def __floordiv__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value//int(a)) def __rfloordiv__(self, a): return UInt32(int(a)//self.value) def __mod__(self, a): return UInt32(self.value%int(a)) class Int8(PSFNumber): size=4 def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack("b",data[3])[0] class UInt8(PSFNumber): size=4 def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack("B",data[3])[0] class Int32(PSFNumber): size=4 def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">i",[0] class UInt32(PSFNumber): size=4 def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">I",[0] class Int64(PSFNumber): size=8 def __int__(self): return self.value def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">q",[0] class UInt64(PSFNumber): size=8 def __int__(self): return self.value def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">Q",[0] class Float64(PSFNumber): size=8 def __float__(self): return float(self.value) def toPSFasc(self, prec=6): if prec: fmt=('%%#%dg'%prec) else: fmt='%#g' return fmt%self.value def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">d",[0] class Float32(PSFNumber): size=4 def __float__(self): return float(self.value) def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.value = unpack(">f",[0] class ComplexFloat64(PSFNumber): size=16 def toPSFasc(self, prec=6): if prec: fmt=('%%#%dg'%prec) else: fmt='%#g' return "(" + fmt%self.value.real + " " + fmt%self.value.imag + ")" def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): re,im = unpack(">dd", self.value = complex(re,im) class String(PSFData): def __str__(self): return self.value def deSerializeFile(self, file, size=None): self.len = unpack(">I",[0] if self.len < 0x100: self.value = # Pad to 32-bit boundary else: raise Exception("String too long %d"%self.len) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): return "\""+str(self.value)+"\"" class Struct(PSFData): def __init__(self, structdef, value=None): self.structdef = structdef self.value = {} if value: self.setValue(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.value[key] def getValue(self): return dict([(k,v.getValue()) for k,v in self.value.items()]) def setValue(self, value): assert(value != None and len(value) == len(self.structdef.children)) for element, val in zip(self.structdef.children, value): valueobj = element.getDataObj() valueobj.setValue(val) self.value[] = valueobj def deSerializeFile(self, file): for element in self.structdef.children: value = element.getDataObj() value.deSerializeFile(file) self.value[] = value def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): s="(\n" for element in self.structdef.children: s+=self.value[].toPSFasc(prec)+"\n" s+=")" return s def __repr__(self): return "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(repr,self.value.items())]) + "\n" class Array(PSFData): def setValue(self, value): dataclass, length = self.extarg if value != None: self.children = [dataclass(value=val) for val in value] else: self.children = [dataclass(value=None) for val in range(length)] def getValue(self): return [v.getValue() for v in self.children] def __iter__(self): return self.children.__iter__() def __tuple__(self): return tuple(self.children) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(str,self.children)]) + "\n" class Chunk: """Base class for chunk""" def __init__(self, psf=None, type=None): self.psf = psf self.fileoffset=None if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'type'): self.type = type self.verbose = False = "" def deSerializeFile(self, file): self.fileoffset = file.tell() type = UInt32.fromFile(file) if (self.type != None) and self.type != type:, 1) raise IncorrectChunk(type, self.type) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ class NextSectionType(Chunk): type=1 class NextSectionSweep(Chunk): type=2 class NextSectionTrace(Chunk): type=3 class NextSectionValues(Chunk): type=4 class EndOfStructDef(Chunk): type=18 NextSectionClasses = [NextSectionType, NextSectionSweep, NextSectionTrace, NextSectionValues] class Property(Chunk): type=None valueclass=None def __init__(self, name=None, value=None): Chunk.__init__(self) = String(name) self.value = self.valueclass(value) def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) = String.fromFile(file) self.value = self.valueclass.fromFile(file) def toPSFasc(self, prec=9): return + " " + self.value.toPSFasc(prec=prec) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"("+str(","+str(self.value)+")" class PropertyString(Property): type=33 valueclass=String class PropertyUInt(Property): type=34 valueclass=UInt32 class PropertyFloat64(Property): type=35 valueclass=Float64 PropertyClasses = [PropertyString, PropertyUInt, PropertyFloat64] TYPEFLOATDOUBLE = 11 TYPEINTBYTE = 1 TYPECOMPLEXDOUBLE = 12 TYPESTRUCT = 16 TYPESTRING = 2 ## Incorrect number TYPEARRAY = 3 ## Incorrect number TYPEINTLONG = 5 class DataTypeDef(Chunk): """Class representing data type of waveform data""" type=16 ClassDict = { TYPEFLOATDOUBLE: Float64, TYPEINTBYTE: Int8, TYPECOMPLEXDOUBLE: ComplexFloat64, TYPESTRING: String, TYPEARRAY: Array, TYPEINTLONG: Int32 } PSFASCDict = { TYPEFLOATDOUBLE: "FLOAT DOUBLE", TYPEINTBYTE: "INT BYTE", TYPECOMPLEXDOUBLE: "COMPLEX DOUBLE", TYPESTRING: "STRING *", TYPEINTLONG: "INT LONG" } def __init__(self, psf, id=0, name=None, datatypeid=0, structdef=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) = id = name self.datatypeid = datatypeid self.structdef = structdef = [] def getDataObj(self): """Get a data object described by the DataType""" if self.datatypeid == TYPESTRUCT: return self.structdef.getDataObj() elif self.datatypeid == TYPEARRAY: return Array(extarg=(self.ClassDict[self.structdef[0]], self.structdef[1])) else: return self.ClassDict[self.datatypeid](extarg=self.structdef) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): + " " if self.datatypeid == TYPESTRUCT: r+=self.structdef.toPSFasc(prec) elif self.datatypeid == TYPEARRAY: r+="ARRAY ( %s ) "%str(self.structdef[1])+self.PSFASCDict[self.structdef[0]] else: r+= self.PSFASCDict[self.datatypeid] if len(>0: r+=" PROP(\n" r+="\n".join([prop.toPSFasc(prec) for prop in]) r+="\n)" return r def getDataSize(self): if self.datatypeid == TYPESTRUCT: return self.structdef.getDataSize() else: return self.ClassDict[self.datatypeid].size def deSerializeFile(self, file): start = file.tell() Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) = UInt32.fromFile(file) = String.fromFile(file) arraytype = UInt32.fromFile(file) self.datatypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) if arraytype != 0: self.datatypeid, self.structdef = TYPEARRAY, (UInt32.fromFile(file), self.datatypeid) if self.datatypeid == 16: self.structdef = StructDef.fromFile(file, self.psf) # Read possible property objects that belongs to the type by peeking ahead while True: oldpos = file.tell() try: prop = readChunk(self.psf, file, expectedclasses=PropertyClasses) except ValueError: break def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"("+str({"name","id":"0x%x", "datatypeid":self.datatypeid, "properties"})+")" class DataTypeRef(Chunk): type=16 """Class representing link to data type""" def __init__(self, psf, type=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) = None = None self.datatypeid = 0 = [] def getDataObj(self): """Get a data object described by the DataType""" return self.psf.types.idMap[self.datatypeid].getDataObj() def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): + " " r+=self.psf.types.idMap[self.datatypeid].name.toPSFasc() if len(>0: r+=" PROP(\n" r+="\n".join([prop.toPSFasc(prec) for prop in]) r+="\n)" return r def getDataSize(self): return self.psf.types.idMap[self.datatypeid].getDataSize() def deSerializeFile(self, file): start = file.tell() Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) = UInt32.fromFile(file) = String.fromFile(file) self.datatypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) assert(self.datatypeid != 0) # Read possible property objects that belongs to the type by peeking ahead while True: oldpos = file.tell() try: prop = readChunk(self.psf, file, expectedclasses=PropertyClasses) except ValueError: break def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"("+str({"name","id":"0x%x", "datatypeid":self.datatypeid, "properties"})+")" class StructDef(PSFData): """Class representing struct definition""" @classmethod def fromFile(cls, file, psf): obj = cls() obj.deSerializeFile(file, psf) return obj def __init__(self): self.children = [] def getDataObj(self): return Struct(self) def getDataSize(self): return sum([child.getDataSize() for child in self.children]) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): s="STRUCT(\n" for child in self.children: s+=child.toPSFasc(prec)+"\n" s+=")" return s def deSerializeFile(self, file, psf): while True: chunk = readChunk(psf, file, expectedclasses=[DataTypeDef, EndOfStructDef]) if isinstance(chunk, EndOfStructDef): break else: self.children.append(chunk) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(\n"+\ "\n".join(map(str,self.children))+\ ")\n" class SimpleContainer(Chunk): type = 21 def __init__(self, psf, type=None, childrenclslist=None, childrenclsignore=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) self.section = None self.children = [] self.childrenclslist = childrenclslist self.childrenclsignore = childrenclsignore self.endpos = None def getChunks(self): return self.children def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.endpos = UInt32.fromFile(file).value self.children = [] while file.tell() < self.endpos: chunk = readChunk(self.psf, file, expectedclasses=self.childrenclslist+self.childrenclsignore) if chunk.__class__ in self.childrenclslist: self.children.append(chunk) # Read trailing bytes if self.endpos-file.tell() != 0: warning("%d trailing bytes in %s"%(self.endpos-file.tell(), self.__class__.__name__)) self.tail = def __repr__(self): s="" if self.fileoffset: s+= "0x%x"%self.fileoffset+ ":" s+= self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + str(self.type) +")" if self.endpos and self.fileoffset: s+= "size="+str(self.endpos-self.fileoffset) s+= "\n" + "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(str,self.children)]) + "\n" return s class Container22(Chunk): type=22 def __init__(self, psf, type=None, n=None, childrenclslist=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, 22) self.section = None self.children = [] self.childrenclslist = childrenclslist self.endpos = None def getChunks(self): return self.children def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.endpos = UInt32.fromFile(file).value # Save end position of Container self.children = [] while file.tell() < self.endpos: chunk = readChunk(self.psf, file, expectedclasses=self.childrenclslist) self.children.append(chunk) # Read trailing bytes if self.endpos-file.tell() != 0: warning("%d trailing bytes in %s"%(self.endpos-file.tell(), self.__class__.__name__)) self.tail = def __repr__(self): return "0x%x"%self.fileoffset +":" + self.__class__.__name__ +\ "(" + str(self.type) +")" + "\n" + "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(str,self.children)]) + "\n" class ZeroPad(Chunk): type = 20 def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) size = UInt32.fromFile(file).value self.endpos = file.tell() + size class HashTable(Chunk): type = 19 """Class representing offset of trace data""" def __init__(self, psf, n=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) self.children = [] self.extra=[] def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) startpos = file.tell() size = UInt32.fromFile(file) for i in range(0, size/8): id = UInt32.fromFile(file) offset = UInt32.fromFile(file) self.children.append((id, offset)) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"\n"+ "\n".join([" 0x%x: 0x%x"%(k,v.value) for k,v in self.children])+")" class HashTableTrace(Chunk): type = 19 """Class representing offset of trace data""" def __init__(self, psf): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) self.children = [] def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.size = UInt32.fromFile(file) for i in range(0, self.size.value/16): id = UInt32.fromFile(file) offset = UInt32.fromFile(file) data1 = UInt32.fromFile(file).value data2 = UInt32.fromFile(file).value self.children.append((id,offset,data1,data2)) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"\n"+ "\n".join([" %s: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x"%(pack(">I",k.value),v.value,d1,d2) for k,v,d1,d2 in self.children])+")" class HashContainer(Chunk): type=21 hashclass = HashTable def __init__(self, psf, childrenclslist=None, childrenclsignore=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) self.section = None self.children = [] self.childrenclslist = childrenclslist self.childrenclsignore = childrenclsignore self.endpos = None self.hashtable = None def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def getChunks(self): return self.children def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.endpos = UInt32.fromFile(file).value self.children = [] = Container22(self.psf, childrenclslist=self.childrenclslist) self.hashtable = self.hashclass(self.psf) self.hashtable.deSerializeFile(file) # Copy children reference from data self.children = self.section = UInt32.fromFile(file) # Read trailing bytes if self.endpos-file.tell() != 0: warning("%d trailing bytes in %s"%(self.endpos-file.tell(), self.__class__.__name__)) self.tail = def __repr__(self): s="" if self.fileoffset: s += "0x%x"%self.fileoffset +":" s += self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + str(self.type) +")" if self.endpos: s+=" size="+str(self.endpos-self.fileoffset) + "\n" s += "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(str,(self.children, self.hashtable))]) + "\n" return s class HeaderSection(SimpleContainer): type=21 def __init__(self, psf, n=None): SimpleContainer.__init__(self,psf, childrenclslist=PropertyClasses, childrenclsignore=NextSectionClasses) = {} def addProperty(self, prop): """Add property to header""" self.children.append(prop)[] = prop.value def deSerializeFile(self, file): SimpleContainer.deSerializeFile(self, file) # Read header properties = {} for prop in self.children:[] = prop.value def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="HEADER\n" r+='"PSFversion" "1.00"\n' r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children \ if not[0:3].upper() == 'PSF']) return r class SweepSection(SimpleContainer): type=21 def __init__(self, psf): SimpleContainer.__init__(self, psf, childrenclslist=[DataTypeRef], childrenclsignore=NextSectionClasses) def deSerializeFile(self, file): SimpleContainer.deSerializeFile(self, file) # Read header properties self.idMap = {} for chunk in self.children: self.idMap[] = chunk def getSweep(self, id): return self.idMap[id] def getNames(self): return tuple([str( for child in self.children]) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="SWEEP\n" r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return r class TypeSection(HashContainer): def __init__(self, psf): HashContainer.__init__(self, psf, childrenclslist=[DataTypeDef], childrenclsignore=NextSectionClasses) self.idMap = {} self.nameMap = {} def addType(self, type): = self.psf.allocId() self.children.append(type) self.idMap[] = type self.nameMap[] = type def getType(self, id): return self.idMap[id] def getTypeByName(self, name): return self.nameMap[name] def deSerializeFile(self, file): HashContainer.deSerializeFile(self, file) # Read header properties self.idMap = {} for chunk in self.children: self.idMap[] = chunk self.nameMap[] = type def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="TYPE\n" r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return r class TraceSection(HashContainer): hashclass = HashTableTrace def __init__(self, psf): HashContainer.__init__(self, psf, childrenclslist=[GroupDef, DataTypeRef]) self.idMap = {} self.nameIndex = {} def deSerializeFile(self, file): HashContainer.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.idMap = {} for index, chunk in enumerate(self.children): self.idMap[] = chunk if isinstance(chunk, GroupDef): self.nameIndex.update(dict([(par, (index,)+value) for par,value in chunk.getNameIndex().items()])) else: self.nameIndex[] = (index,) def getNameIndex(self): return self.nameIndex def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="TRACE\n" r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return r def getTraceNames(self): result = [] for trace in self.children: if isinstance(trace,GroupDef): result += trace.getNames() else: result.append( return tuple(map(str, result)) def getTraceIndexByName(self, name): """Returns an index to the given trace name The index is hierarchical so if if the traces are divided into 2 groups the index (0,1) means child 1 of group 0 >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.traces.getTraceIndexByName("VIN") (0, 1) >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/resultdirs/parsweep2/C=1e-12,R=1e-12/psf/') >>> >>> psf.traces.getTraceIndexByName("net3") (0,) """ return self.nameIndex[name] class ValuesSectionNonSweep(HashContainer): type=21 def __init__(self, psf): HashContainer.__init__(self, psf, childrenclslist=[NonSweepValue]) self.idMap={} self.nameMap={} def addValue(self, value): = self.psf.allocId() if not isinstance(value, NonSweepValue): raise ValueError("Value should be a NonSweepValue") self.idMap[] = value self.nameMap[] = value self.children.append(value) def deSerializeFile(self, file): HashContainer.deSerializeFile(self, file) for child in self.children: self.nameMap[] = child def getValuePropertiesByName(self, name): return dict([(, prop.value) for prop in self.nameMap[name].properties]) def getValueByName(self, name): return self.nameMap[name].getValue() def getValueNames(self): return tuple([ for child in self.children]) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="VALUE\n" r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return r class ValuesSectionSweep(SimpleContainer): type=21 def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.endpos = UInt32.fromFile(file).value windowedsweep ='PSF window size') if windowedsweep: el = ZeroPad(self.psf) el.deSerializeFile(file) isweep=0 while isweep <['PSF sweep points']: if windowedsweep: value = SweepValueWindowed(self.psf) else: value = SweepValueSimple(self.psf) isweep += value.deSerializeFile(file,['PSF sweep points']-isweep) self.children.append(value) self.section = UInt32.fromFile(file) # Read trailing bytes if self.endpos-file.tell() != 0: warning("%d trailing bytes in %s"%(self.endpos-file.tell(), self.__class__.__name__)) self.tail = def getSweepParamValues(self): return reduce(operator.__add__, [child.getSweepParamValues() for child in self.children]) def getValueNames(self): return self.psf.traces.getTraceNames() def __len__(self): return len(self.psf.traces) def getValueByName(self, name): windowedsweep ='PSF window size') index = self.psf.traces.getTraceIndexByName(name) result = [] for child in self.children: obj=child for i in index: obj = obj.children[i] # If windowed sweep, each child will be a list of values in the window if windowedsweep: result += [v.getValue() for v in obj] else: result.append(obj.getValue()) return numpy.array(result) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r="VALUE\n" r+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return r class NonSweepValue(Chunk): type=16 def __init__(self, psf, id=None, typeid=None, name=None, value=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) = id = name self.typeid = typeid if typeid: self.valuetype = self.psf.types.idMap[self.typeid] else: self.valuetype = None if value: self.value = value elif self.valuetype: self.value = self.valuetype.getDataObj() else: self.value = None = [] def getValue(self): return self.value.getValue() def setValue(self, value): self.value.setValue(value) def deSerializeFile(self, file): startpos = file.tell() Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) = UInt32.fromFile(file) = String.fromFile(file) self.typeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) assert(self.typeid != 0) self.valuetype = self.psf.types.idMap[self.typeid] self.value = self.valuetype.getDataObj() self.value.deSerializeFile(file) # Read possible property objects that belongs to the type by peeking ahead while True: oldpos = file.tell() try: prop = readChunk(self.psf, file, expectedclasses=PropertyClasses) except ValueError: break def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r = + " " + + " " + self.value.toPSFasc(prec) if len(>0: r+=" PROP(\n" r+="\n".join([prop.toPSFasc(prec) for prop in]) r+="\n)" return r def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__+"("+str({"name", "id":"0x%x", "typeid":"0x%x"%self.typeid, "properties","value":self.value})+")" class SweepValue(Chunk): """Class representing waveform data""" type = 16 def __init__(self, psf, type=None): Chunk.__init__(self, psf, type) = None self.linktypeid = UInt32() self.datatypeid = UInt32() self.paramtype = None self.paramvalue = None self.children = [] = [] def deSerializeFile(self, file, n=None): pass def getSweepParamValues(self): pass def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + str( + "=" + str(self.paramvalue) +","+ \ "children="+str(self.children) +")\n" class SweepValueSimple(SweepValue): def deSerializeFile(self, file, n=None): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.paramtypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) self.paramtype = self.psf.sweeps.getSweep(self.paramtypeid) self.paramvalue = self.paramtype.getDataObj() self.paramvalue.deSerializeFile(file) for datatype in self.psf.traces.children: datatypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) if datatypeid in (17,16): valuetypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) if valuetypeid != ## Unexpected value type id found ## This is probably because of missing trace values ## Undo read of datatypeid, valuetypeid and break out of loop and*UInt32.size, 1) break value = datatype.getDataObj() value.deSerializeFile(file) self.children.append(value) elif datatypeid == 15: ## End of section, 1) break else: raise Exception("Datatypeid unknown 0x%x" % datatypeid) return 1 def getSweepParamValues(self): return [self.paramvalue.getValue()] def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): + " " +self.paramvalue.toPSFasc(prec)+"\n" r+="\n".join([ + " " + value.toPSFasc(prec) \ for valuetype, value in zip(self.psf.traces.children, self.children)]) return r class SweepValueWindowed(SweepValue): def deSerializeFile(self, file, n=None): bufferstart = file.tell() Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) self.paramtypeid = UInt32.fromFile(file) assert(len(self.psf.sweeps.children) == 1) self.paramtype=self.psf.sweeps.children[0] self.paramvalue = [] # Get sweep parameter values paramvaluesize = self.paramtype.getDataSize() windowsize =['PSF window size'].value leftinwindow = (file.tell()//windowsize + 1)*windowsize - file.tell() windowlen = leftinwindow//paramvaluesize; if n > windowlen: n = windowlen for j in xrange(n): paramvalue = self.paramtype.getDataObj() paramvalue.deSerializeFile(file) if j < n: self.paramvalue.append(paramvalue) # Get trace values for trace in self.psf.traces.children: value = trace.getDataObj() value.deSerializeFile(file, count=n,['PSF window size'].value) self.children.append(value) # Skip trailing padding bytes padsize = int((['PSF buffer size'] - (file.tell()-bufferstart))% \['PSF buffer size']), 1) return n def getSweepParamValues(self): return [v.getValue() for v in self.paramvalue] def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): r='' for i, paramvalue in enumerate(self.paramvalue): + " " + paramvalue.toPSFasc(prec) + "\n" r+="\n".join([ + " " + value.toPSFasc(prec=prec, index=i) \ for trace,value in zip(self.psf.traces.children, self.children)]) if i < len(self.paramvalue)-1: r+="\n" return r class GroupData(PSFData): def __init__(self, groupdef): PSFData.__init__(self) self.groupdef = groupdef self.children = [] def deSerializeFile(self, file, count=None, windowsize=None): for element in self.groupdef.children: if count==None: value = element.getDataObj() value.deSerializeFile(file) self.children.append(value) else: valuearray=[] # If a window is used in the PSF file, the entire window is stored # and the data is aligned to the end of the window. So we need # to skip window size - data size - count*element.getDataSize()), 1) for i in xrange(0,count): value = element.getDataObj() value.deSerializeFile(file) valuearray.append(value) self.children.append(valuearray) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None, index=None): if index != None: return "\n".join([v[index].toPSFasc(prec) for v in self.children]) else: return "\n".join([v.toPSFasc(prec) for v in self.children]) def getSize(self): return self.groupdef.getDataSize() def __repr__(self): return "GroupData" + "\n" + "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(repr,self.children)]) + "\n" class GroupDef(Chunk): type=17 """Class representing group of traces""" def __init__(self, psf): Chunk.__init__(self, psf) self.children=[] self.datasize=None def getDataObj(self): return GroupData(self) def deSerializeFile(self, file): Chunk.deSerializeFile(self, file) = UInt32.fromFile(file) = String.fromFile(file) self.nchildren = UInt32.fromFile(file) # Read children self.children = [] self.datasize = 0 for i in range(0, self.nchildren): child = DataTypeRef(self.psf) child.deSerializeFile(file) self.children.append(child) self.datasize += child.getDataSize() def getNameIndex(self): return dict([(, (i,)) for i,v in enumerate(self.children)]) def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): + " GROUP %d\n"%len(self.children) s+="\n".join([child.toPSFasc(prec) for child in self.children]) return s def getDataSize(self): return self.datasize def getNames(self): return [str( for child in self.children] def __repr__(self): return "0x%x"%self.fileoffset +":" + self.__class__.__name__+ "(id=0x%x"", nchildren=%d"%self.nchildren+")\n" + "\n".join([indent(s) for s in map(str,self.children)]) + "\n" class UnknownChunk(Exception): def __init__(self, chunktype): self.type = chunktype def __str__(self): return "Unknown chunk of type: %d"%self.type class InvalidChunk(Exception): def __init__(self, chunk): self.chunk = chunk def __str__(self): return "Invalid %s"%(self.chunk.__class__.__name__) class IncorrectChunk(Exception): def __init__(self, type, expectedtype): self.type = type self.expectedtype = expectedtype def __str__(self): return "Incorrect chunk type %d (should be %d)"%(self.type, self.expectedtype) class LastValue(Exception): pass def readChunk(psf, file, expectedclasses=None): type = UInt32.fromFile(file), 1) # Rewind one word since the type will be read again by the deSerializeFile function if expectedclasses: if not type in [cls.type for cls in expectedclasses]: raise ValueError("Unexpected type %d, not in "%type + str([cls.type for cls in expectedclasses])) for cls in expectedclasses: if type == cls.type: chunk = cls(psf) else: raise Exception("Use expectedclasses!") if type == 21: chunk = Section(psf) elif type == 20: chunk = ZeroPad(psf) elif type == 22: chunk = Container22(psf, type, n=n) elif type == 33: chunk = PropertyString(psf) elif type == 34: chunk = PropertyUInt(psf) elif type == 35: chunk = PropertyFloat64(psf) elif type == 16: chunk = DataTypeDef(psf,type) elif type == 17: chunk = GroupDef(psf) elif type == 19: chunk = HashTable(psf, n=n) elif type in (1,2,3,4):,1) return None else: warning("Unknown chunk %d"%type) raise UnknownChunk(type) chunk.deSerializeFile(file) return chunk class PSFReader(object): def __init__(self, filename=None, asc=None): self.header = None self.types = TypeSection(self) self.sweeps = None self.traces = None self.lastid = 0x1000 self.verbose = False self.filename = filename self.file = None self.values = None self.asc = asc def open(self): """Open a PSF file and read its headers. Example: Trying to open a valid psf file >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> """ if self.asc == None: self.asc = False if not self.asc: self.file = open(self.filename, "rb") if self.validate(): self.deSerializeFile(self.file) else: raise PSFInvalid("Invalid PSF file") else: newpsfobj = psfasc.parse("psfasc", open(self.filename).read()) self.header = newpsfobj.header self.types = newpsfobj.types self.sweeps = newpsfobj.sweeps self.traces = newpsfobj.traces self.values = newpsfobj.values self.lastid = newpsfobj.lastid self.verbose = newpsfobj.verbose def validate(self): """Check if the PSF file is valid. Returns True if valid, False otherwise >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> psf.validate() True >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psfasc/srcSweep.asc') >>> psf.validate() False """ if self.file == None: file = open(self.filename, "rb") else: file = self.file # Read Clarissa signature,2) clarissa = return clarissa == "Clarissa" def getNSweepPoints(self): """Returns number of sweeps. 0 if not swept. >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.getNSweepPoints() 4 """ if self.file == None: ValueError("Please open the PSF file first") return['PSF sweep points'] def getNSweeps(self): """Returns the number of nested sweeps >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.getNSweeps() 1 """ if self.file == None: ValueError("Please open the PSF file first") return['PSF sweeps'] def __len__(self): return len(self.values) def getValueNames(self): """Returns a tuple of the names of the traces >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> psf.getValueNames() >>> >>> psf.getValueNames() ('VOUT', 'VIN', 'R0') >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/resultdirs/simple/opBegin') >>> >>> psf.getValueNames() ('R0', 'V1', 'V0', 'E0', 'VIN', 'NET9', 'VOUT') """ if self.values: return self.values.getValueNames() def getSweepParamNames(self): return self.sweeps.getNames() def getSweepParamValues(self, dim=0): """Returns a numpy.array of sweep parameter values for sweep dimension dim. >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.getSweepParamValues(0) array([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) windowed result >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/timeSweep') >>> >>> psf.getSweepParamValues(0)[:3] array([ 0.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e-11, 5.33333333e-11]) """ return numpy.array(self.values.getSweepParamValues()) def getValuePropertiesByName(self, name): """Returns the properties associated with value >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/opBegin') >>> >>> psf.getValuePropertiesByName("XIRXRFMIXTRIM0.XM1PDAC1.XMN.MAIN")["Region"] 'subthreshold' """ return self.values.getValuePropertiesByName(name) def getValuesByName(self, name): """Returns a numpy.array of trace values for swept results and a scalar for non swept. Example: swept psf file >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.getValuesByName("VOUT") array([-6., -4., -2., 0.]) >>> psf.getValuesByName("VIN") array([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) swept psf with complex numbers >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/frequencySweep') >>> >>> res = psf.getValuesByName("ANT_CM") >>> len(res) 123 >>> res[:3] array([ 0.6+0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j]) swept windowed psf file >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/timeSweep') >>> >>> psf.getValuesByName("INP")[0:3] array([ 0.6 , 0.62486899, 0.66211478]) non-swept psf file >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/') >>> >>> psf.getValuesByName("IREG21U_0.MP5.b1")['betadc'] 4.7957014499434756 swept psf file withouth groups >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/resultdirs/parsweep/C=1e-12,R=1e-12/psf/') >>> >>> psf.getValuesByName("net3") array([ 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) """ return self.values.getValueByName(name) def nTraces(self): """Returns number of traces >>> psf=PSFReader('./test/psf/srcSweep') >>> >>> psf.nTraces() 3 """ if self.file == None: ValueError("Please open the PSF file first") return['PSF traces'] def allocId(self): self.lastid+=1 return self.lastid-1 def info(self): s="Number of sweeps: %d\n"%self.getNSweeps() if self.getNSweeps() > 0: s+="Number of sweep points: %d\n"%self.getNSweepPoints() s+="Number of traces: %d"%self.nTraces() return s def updateHeader(self): if self.sweeps: sweeps = len(self.sweeps.children) else: sweeps=0 self.header.addProperty(PropertyUInt("PSF sweeps", sweeps)) def deSerializeFile(self, file): # Find filesize,2) filesize = file.tell() # Last word contains the size of the data,2) datasize = UInt32.fromFile(file).value if self.verbose: print "Total data size: ",datasize # Read Clarissa signature,2) clarissa = if not clarissa == "Clarissa": raise ValueError("Clarissa signature not found") # Read section index table sectionoffsets = {},2) pos = file.tell() sectionnums = [] while file.tell() >= datasize: sectionnum = UInt32.fromFile(file) sectionnums.insert(0,sectionnum.value) offset = UInt32.fromFile(file) sectionoffsets[sectionnum] = offset pos -= 8 offsets = [sectionoffsets[secnum] for secnum in sectionnums] sizes = map(operator.sub, offsets[1:]+[datasize], offsets) sectionsizes = dict(zip(sectionnums, sizes)) if self.verbose: print sectionoffsets, sectionsizes self.unk1 = UInt32.fromFile(file) if self.verbose: print "First word: 0x%x"%self.unk1 # Load headers[0])) self.header = HeaderSection(self) self.header.deSerializeFile(file) if self.verbose: print "HEADER" print self.header if sectionoffsets.has_key(1):[1])) self.types.deSerializeFile(file) if self.verbose: print "TYPE" print self.types if sectionoffsets.has_key(2):[2])) self.sweeps = SweepSection(self) self.sweeps.deSerializeFile(file) if self.verbose: print "SWEEPS" print self.sweeps if sectionoffsets.has_key(3):[3])) self.traces = TraceSection(self) self.traces.deSerializeFile(file) if sectionoffsets.has_key(4):[4])) # Load data if self.sweeps: self.values = ValuesSectionSweep(self) else: self.values = ValuesSectionNonSweep(self) self.values.deSerializeFile(file) def printme(self): print "HEADER" print self.header print "TYPES" print self.types if self.sweeps: print "SWEEP" print self.sweeps if self.traces: print "TRACE" print self.traces print "VALUES" print self.values def toPSFasc(self, prec=None): """Export to PSF ascii""" sections = [self.header.toPSFasc(prec), self.types.toPSFasc(prec)] if self.sweeps: sections.append(self.sweeps.toPSFasc(prec)) if self.traces: sections.append(self.traces.toPSFasc(prec)) if self.values: sections.append(self.values.toPSFasc(prec)) r="\n".join(sections) + "\n" r+="END\n" return r def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(map(str, (self.header, self.types, self.sweeps, self.traces, self.values))) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 ################################################################################ # The matasano crypto challenges # # Set 1 Challenge 4 # Detect single-character XOR ################################################################################ # One of the 60-character strings in the input file has been encrypted # by single-character XOR. Find it. # Key: int=53, char='5' # Message: Now that the party is jumping # # NOTE: This implementation is strictly sequential ################################################################################ import sys import string def find_key(key, tuple_): return chr(int(tuple_[0] + tuple_[1], base=16) ^ key) def decode_with_key(key, s): decoded_msg = '' for t in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2]): decoded_msg += find_key(key, t) if len([c for c in decoded_msg if c in string.ascii_letters + ' \n']) == len(decoded_msg): print('[*] Trying the key: int: {0}, char: {1}'.format(key, chr(key))) print('Decoded message: {0}'.format(decoded_msg)) def decode(s): print('Decoding [{0}]'.format(s)) for key in range(0, 256): decode_with_key(key, s) def remove_eol(s): """Removes trailing '\n' if there is one""" return s[0:len(s) - 1] if s[len(s) - 1] == '\n' else s def main(): with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: for encoded_str in f: decode(remove_eol(encoded_str)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys from typing import Sequence import exceptions from looker_sdk import client, error, models sdk = client.setup("../looker.ini") def main(): """Given a dashboard title, get the ids of all dashboards with matching titles and move them to trash. $ python "An Unused Dashboard" """ dashboard_title = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "" if not dashboard_title: raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Please provide: <dashboardTitle>") dashboards = get_dashboards(dashboard_title) delete_dashboards(dashboards) def get_dashboards(title: str) -> Sequence[models.Dashboard]: """Get dashboards with matching title""" lc_title = title.lower() results = sdk.search_dashboards(title=lc_title) if not results: raise exceptions.NotFoundError(f'dashboard "{title}" not found') assert isinstance(results, Sequence) return results def delete_dashboards(dashboards: Sequence[models.Dashboard]): """Soft delete dashboards""" for dashboard in dashboards: try: assert sdk.delete_dashboard( except error.SDKError: print(f"Failed to delete dashboard with id {}.") else: print(f'"{dashboard.title}" (id {}) has been moved to trash.') main()
# peppy Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Rob McMullen # Licenced under the GPLv2; see for more info """Fortran 95 programming language editing support. Major mode for editing Fortran 95 files. Supporting actions and minor modes should go here only if they are uniquely applicable to this major mode and can't be used in other major modes. If actions can be used with multiple major modes, they should be put in a separate plugin in the peppy/plugins directory. """ import os import wx import from peppy.lib.foldexplorer import * from peppy.lib.autoindent import * from peppy.yapsy.plugins import * from peppy.major import * from peppy.editra.style_specs import unique_keywords from peppy.fundamental import FundamentalMode class Fortran95Mode(FundamentalMode): """Stub major mode for editing Fortran 95 files. This major mode has been automatically generated and is a boilerplate/ placeholder major mode. Enhancements to this mode are appreciated! """ keyword = 'Fortran 95' editra_synonym = 'Fortran 95' stc_lexer_id = start_line_comment = '!' end_line_comment = '' icon = 'icons/page_white.png' default_classprefs = ( StrParam('extensions', 'f2k f90 f95 fpp', fullwidth=True), StrParam('keyword_set_0', unique_keywords[38], hidden=False, fullwidth=True), StrParam('keyword_set_1', unique_keywords[39], hidden=False, fullwidth=True), StrParam('keyword_set_2', unique_keywords[40], hidden=False, fullwidth=True), ) class Fortran95ModePlugin(IPeppyPlugin): """Plugin to register modes and user interface for Fortran 95 """ def getMajorModes(self): yield Fortran95Mode
import logging from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui from .movemotor_ui import Ui_Form from ....core.mixins import ToolWindow from .....core.devices import Motor from .....core.instrument.privileges import PRIV_MOVEMOTORS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) class MoveMotor(QtWidgets.QWidget, Ui_Form, ToolWindow): required_privilege = PRIV_MOVEMOTORS def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): credo = kwargs.pop('credo') self.motorname = kwargs.pop('motorname') QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setupToolWindow(credo, required_devices=['Motor_' + self.motorname]) self._start_requested = False self.setupUi(self) def setupUi(self, Form): Ui_Form.setupUi(self, Form) self.motorComboBox.addItems(sorted(self.credo.motors.keys())) self.motorComboBox.currentTextChanged.connect(self.onMotorSelected) self.movePushButton.clicked.connect(self.onMove) self.motorComboBox.setCurrentIndex(self.motorComboBox.findText(self.motorname)) self.relativeCheckBox.toggled.connect(self.onRelativeChanged) self.targetDoubleSpinBox.editingFinished.connect(self.onEditingFinished) self.onMotorSelected() self.adjustSize() def onEditingFinished(self): if self.targetDoubleSpinBox.hasFocus(): self.onMove() def onRelativeChanged(self): self.onMotorPositionChange(self.motor(), self.motor().where()) if self.relativeCheckBox.isChecked(): self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setValue(0) else: self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setValue(self.motor().where()) self.adjustSize() def setIdle(self): super().setIdle() self.movePushButton.setText('Move') icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(":/icons/motor.svg"), QtGui.QIcon.Normal, QtGui.QIcon.Off) self.movePushButton.setIcon(icon) self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setEnabled(True) self.motorComboBox.setEnabled(True) self.relativeCheckBox.setEnabled(True) self.movePushButton.setEnabled(True) self._start_requested = False def setBusy(self): self.movePushButton.setText('Stop') self.movePushButton.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme('process-stop')) self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setEnabled(False) self.motorComboBox.setEnabled(False) self.relativeCheckBox.setEnabled(False) self.movePushButton.setEnabled(True) super().setBusy() def motor(self) -> Motor: return self.credo.motors[self.motorComboBox.currentText()] def onMove(self): if self.movePushButton.text() == 'Move': self.movePushButton.setEnabled(False) self._start_requested = True if self.relativeCheckBox.isChecked(): self.motor().moverel(self.targetDoubleSpinBox.value()) else: self.motor().moveto(self.targetDoubleSpinBox.value()) else: self.movePushButton.setEnabled(False) self.motor().stop() def onMotorStart(self, motor: Motor): if self._start_requested: self.setBusy() def onMotorSelected(self): self.setWindowTitle('Move motor {}'.format(self.motorComboBox.currentText())) for d in self.required_devices: self.unrequireDevice(d) self.required_devices = ['Motor_' + self.motorComboBox.currentText()] self.requireDevice(self.required_devices[0]) motor = self.credo.motors[self.motorComboBox.currentText()] self.onMotorPositionChange(motor, motor.where()) if self.relativeCheckBox.isChecked(): self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setValue(0.0) else: self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setValue(motor.where()) def onMotorPositionChange(self, motor: Motor, newposition: float): self.positionLabel.setText('<b>{:.4f}</b>'.format(newposition)) left = motor.get_variable('softleft') right = motor.get_variable('softright') if self.relativeCheckBox.isChecked(): left -= newposition right -= newposition self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setMinimum(left) self.targetDoubleSpinBox.setMaximum(right) self.leftLimitLabel.setText('{:.4f}'.format(left)) self.rightLimitLabel.setText('{:.4f}'.format(right)) self.adjustSize() def onMotorStop(self, motor: Motor, targetpositionreached: bool): self.setIdle()
import curses from datetime import date, timedelta import locale from textwrap import fill from pymetweather.forecasts import WeatherForecast from pymetweather.get_args import get_command_line_args, get_config_args locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') class WeatherPrinter(object): def __init__(self, forecast, screen_width): self.fcs = forecast self.cols = [ (['Time'], 5, '{$:02}:00'), (['Conditions'], 22, '{W}'), (['Precipitation', 'probability'], 15, '{Pp:>3} %'), (['Temperature', '(Feels Like)'], 14, '{T:>2} {F} °C'), (['Wind Speed', '(Gust)'], 16, '{S:>2} {G} mph'), (['Wind', 'Direction'], 12, '{D:>3}'), (['Relative', 'Humidity'], 10, '{H} %'), (['Visibility'], 12, '{V}'), (['UV', 'Index'], 7, '{U}')] self.daily_cols = [ (['Day'], 13, '{$}', '{$}'), (['Conditions'], 22, '{W}', '{W}'), (['Precipitation', 'probability'], 15, '{PPd:>3} %', '{PPn:>3} %'), (['Max day/', 'Min night', 'Temperature', '(Feels like)'], 14, '{Dm:>2} {FDm} °C', '{Nm:>2} {FNm} °C'), (['Wind Speed', '(Gust)'], 16, '{S:>2} {Gn} mph', '{S:>2} {Gm} mph'), (['Wind', 'Direction'], 12, '{D:>3}', '{D:>3}'), (['Relative', 'Humidity'], 10, '{Hn} %', '{Hm} %'), (['Visibility'], 12, '{V}', '{V}')] self.top_pad = curses.newpad(2000, 500) self.tab_pad = curses.newpad(2000, 500) self.bottom_bar = curses.newpad(1, 500) self.help_screen_pad = curses.newpad(500, 500) self.top_maxy = 0 self.tab_maxy = 0 self.tab_maxx = 0 self.screen_width = screen_width self.print_bottom_bar() self.setup_help() @staticmethod def addustr(win, text, *args): win.addstr(text.encode('utf-8'), *args) def print_help_screen(self, top_only): if not top_only: self.addustr(self.tab_pad, self.help_string) self.tab_maxy = self.help_maxy self.tab_maxx = self.help_maxx def setup_help(self): help = [ ('q', 'Quit'), ('?', 'Show this help'), ('t', "Today's weather"), ('d', 'Five day summary'), ('0', "Today's weather"), ('1', "Tomorrow's weather"), ('2', 'Weather for 2 days later'), ('3', 'Weather for 3 days later'), ('4', 'Weather for 4 days later'), ('5–9', 'UK outlook for the next month'), ('l', 'UK outlook for the next month'), ('left arrow', 'scroll left'), ('right arrow', 'scroll left'), ('up arrow', 'scroll up'), ('down arrow', 'scroll down'), ] c1width = max([len(k[0]) for k in help]) c2width = max([len(k[1]) for k in help]) self.help_string = '' for h in help: self.help_string += h[0].ljust(c1width + 1) + ' : ' + h[1] + '\n' self.help_string = self.help_string.strip('\n') self.help_maxy = len(help) - 1 self.help_maxx = c1width + c2width - 1 def print_bottom_bar(self): self.addustr( self.bottom_bar, '?: help q: quit t: today ' 'd: 5 day summary 1–4: days 1 to 4 ' 'l: longterm'.ljust(499), curses.A_REVERSE | curses.A_BOLD) def print_longer_term_weather(self): regf1 = self.fcs.reg_fcs[2]['Paragraph'] regf2 = self.fcs.reg_fcs[3]['Paragraph'] self.addustr( self.top_pad, self.wrap_text(regf1['title']), curses.A_BOLD) self.addustr(self.top_pad, '\n' + self.wrap_text(regf1['$']) + '\n\n') self.addustr( self.top_pad, self.wrap_text(regf2['title']), curses.A_BOLD) self.addustr(self.top_pad, '\n' + self.wrap_text(regf2['$'])) self.top_maxy = self.top_pad.getyx()[0] + 1 def wrap_text(self, text): return fill(text, self.screen_width) def print_hourly_top(self, n_day, day): title = 'Weather for {}, {}'.format( self.fcs.site_name, day.strftime('%A %d %B %Y')) self.addustr(self.top_pad, self.wrap_text(title) + '\n', curses.A_BOLD) regfindex = 0 regf = self.fcs.reg_fcs[0]['Paragraph'] if n_day == 0: if 'Headline' in regf[regfindex]['title']: self.addustr(self.top_pad, self.wrap_text(regf[regfindex]['$']) + '\n\n') regfindex += 1 if 'Today' in regf[regfindex]['title']: today_text = self.wrap_text('Today: ' + regf[regfindex]['$']) self.addustr(self.top_pad, today_text[:7], curses.A_BOLD) self.addustr(self.top_pad, today_text[7:] + '\n\n') regfindex += 1 if 'Tonight' in regf[regfindex]['title']: tonight_text = self.wrap_text(regf[regfindex]['title'] + ' ' + regf[regfindex]['$']) lent = len(regf[regfindex]['title']) self.addustr(self.top_pad, tonight_text[:lent], curses.A_BOLD) self.addustr(self.top_pad, tonight_text[lent:] + '\n\n') regfindex += 1 elif n_day == 1: for regfindex in range(len(regf)): if day.strftime('%A') in regf[regfindex]['title']: self.addustr( self.top_pad, self.wrap_text(regf[regfindex]['$']) + '\n\n') break else: regf = self.fcs.reg_fcs[1]['Paragraph'] outlook = self.wrap_text(regf['title'] + ' ' + regf['$']) lent = len(regf['title']) + 1 self.addustr(self.top_pad, '\n' + outlook[:lent], curses.A_BOLD) self.addustr(self.top_pad, outlook[lent:] + '\n\n') self.top_maxy = self.top_pad.getyx()[0] + 1 def print_hourly_tab(self, n_day, period): width_counter = 0 for c in self.cols: for i, head in enumerate(c[0]): head_text = '{:^{}}'.format(head, c[1]) self.tab_pad.move(i, width_counter) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, head_text, curses.A_BOLD) width_counter += c[1] top_row = ( self.tab_pad.getyx()[0] + max([len(c[0]) for c in self.cols]) - 1) for i, rep in enumerate(period['Rep']): width_counter = 0 for c in self.cols: cell_text = '{:^{}}'.format(c[2].format(**rep), c[1]) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i, width_counter) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) width_counter += c[1] self.tab_maxy = self.tab_pad.getyx()[0] self.tab_maxx = sum([c[1] for c in self.cols]) - 2 def print_hourly_weather(self, n_day, top_only=False): day = + timedelta(n_day) period = self.fcs.hourly_fcs['Period'][n_day] assert period['value'] == day.strftime('%Y-%m-%dZ') self.print_hourly_top(n_day, day) if not top_only: self.print_hourly_tab(n_day, period) def print_weather_brief(self, top_only=False): period = self.fcs.daily_fcs['Period'] width_counter = 0 for c in self.daily_cols: for i, head in enumerate(c[0]): head_text = '{:^{}}'.format(head, c[1]) self.tab_pad.move(i, width_counter) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, head_text, curses.A_BOLD) width_counter += c[1] top_row = ( self.tab_pad.getyx()[0] + max([len(c[0]) for c in self.daily_cols])) c = self.daily_cols[0] for i, rep in enumerate(period): cell_text = '{:<{}} '.format(rep['value'], c[1] - 3) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i * 4, 0) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) cell_text = '{:>{}} '.format( c[2].format(**rep['Rep'][0]), c[1] - 3) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i * 4 + 1, 0) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) cell_text = '{:>{}} '.format( c[3].format(**rep['Rep'][1]), c[1] - 3) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i * 4 + 2, 0) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) for i, rep in enumerate(period): rep = rep['Rep'] width_counter = self.daily_cols[0][1] for c in self.daily_cols[1:]: cell_text = '{:^{}}'.format(c[2].format(**rep[0]), c[1]) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i * 4 + 1, width_counter) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) cell_text = '{:^{}}'.format(c[3].format(**rep[1]), c[1]) self.tab_pad.move(top_row + i * 4 + 2, width_counter) self.addustr(self.tab_pad, cell_text) width_counter += c[1] self.tab_maxy = self.tab_pad.getyx()[0] self.tab_maxx = sum([c[1] for c in self.daily_cols]) - 2 def print_screen(self, screen, screen_width=None, top_only=False): if screen_width is not None: self.screen_width = screen_width self.top_pad.clear() self.top_maxy = 0 if not top_only: self.tab_maxy = 0 self.tab_maxx = 0 self.tab_pad.clear() if screen in range(0, 5): self.print_hourly_weather(screen, top_only) elif screen == 8: self.print_longer_term_weather() elif screen == 7: self.print_weather_brief(top_only) elif screen == 9: self.print_help_screen(top_only) class WeatherApp(object): key_map = { '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 8, '6': 8, '7': 8, '8': 8, '9': 9, 't': 0, 'l': 8, 'd': 7, 'b': 7, '?': 9} def __init__(self, stdscr, fcs, start_screen=0): self.stdscr = stdscr curses.curs_set(0) curses.use_default_colors() self.fcs = fcs self.scrolly = 0 self.scrollx = 0 self.maxy = 0 self.maxx = 0 self.y = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1 self.x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 self.printer = WeatherPrinter(self.fcs, self.x + 1) self.print_screen(start_screen) def print_resize(self): self.y = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1 self.x = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 self.printer.print_screen(self.screen_showing, self.x + 1, True) self.maxx = max(self.printer.tab_maxx, self.x - 1) self.maxy = self.printer.tab_maxy + self.printer.top_maxy if self.y > (self.maxy - self.scrolly): self.scrolly = max(self.maxy - (self.y - 1), 0) if self.x > (self.maxx - self.scrollx): self.scrollx = max(self.maxx - (self.x - 1), 0) self.draw_screen() def print_screen(self, screen): self.screen_showing = screen self.scrolly = 0 self.scrollx = 0 self.printer.print_screen(self.screen_showing) self.maxy = self.printer.tab_maxy + self.printer.top_maxy self.maxx = max(self.printer.tab_maxx, self.x - 1) self.draw_screen() def draw_screen(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.stdscr.refresh() top_y = self.printer.top_maxy try: assert self.y == self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1 assert self.x == self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 except AssertionError: self.print_resize() return self.printer.top_pad.noutrefresh( self.scrolly, 0, 0, 0, min(top_y, self.y), self.x) if self.y - (top_y - self.scrolly) > 1: self.printer.tab_pad.noutrefresh( max(0, self.scrolly - top_y), self.scrollx, top_y - self.scrolly, 0, self.y, self.x) self.printer.bottom_bar.noutrefresh( 0, 0, self.y, 0, self.y, self.x) try: assert self.y == self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[0] - 1 assert self.x == self.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1] - 1 except AssertionError: self.print_resize() return with open('/tmp/log', 'a') as f: f.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format( self.maxy, self.y, self.scrolly, self.maxx, self.x, self.scrollx)) curses.doupdate() def main_loop(self): while True: c = self.stdscr.getkey() if c == 'q': return elif c in self.key_map and self.screen_showing != self.key_map[c]: self.print_screen(self.key_map[c]) elif c == 'KEY_RESIZE': self.print_resize() elif c == 'KEY_DOWN': if self.scrolly + self.y - 1 < self.maxy: self.scrolly += 1 self.draw_screen() elif c == 'KEY_UP' and self.scrolly != 0: self.scrolly -= 1 self.draw_screen() elif c == 'KEY_LEFT' and self.scrollx != 0: self.scrollx -= 1 self.draw_screen() elif c == 'KEY_RIGHT': if self.scrollx + self.x - 1 < self.maxx: self.scrollx += 1 self.draw_screen() def run_curses_app(screen, fcs): wap = WeatherApp(screen, fcs) wap.main_loop() def run_app(args): fcs = WeatherForecast(args['api_key'], args['location'], args['datadir']) if args['quiet_update']: fcs.load(True) return fcs.load(args['dont_update']) curses.wrapper(run_curses_app, fcs) def main(): args = get_config_args() args.update(get_command_line_args()) run_app(args)
# coding=UTF-8 # 1.6. Limiarização aplicada sobre Y, com limiar m e duas opções: a) m # escolhido pelo usuáio; b) m = média de valores da banda Y; import numpy as np import utils import color def main(): image = utils.load_image('lenna.png') yiq_image = color.rgb2yiq(image) grayscale_image = yiq_image[:, :, 2] # Y threshold_value = 255 * 0.2 mean_value = np.mean(grayscale_image) threshold_user_image = _segment(grayscale_image, threshold_value) original_threshold_user_image = np.copy(yiq_image) original_threshold_user_image[:, :, 2] = threshold_user_image original_threshold_user_image = color.yiq2rgb(original_threshold_user_image) threshold_mean_image = _segment(grayscale_image, mean_value) original_threshold_mean_image = np.copy(yiq_image) original_threshold_mean_image[:, :, 2] = threshold_mean_image original_threshold_mean_image = color.yiq2rgb(original_threshold_mean_image) utils.display_single_image('Original Image', image) utils.display_single_image('YIQ Image', yiq_image) utils.display_single_image('Y Channel', grayscale_image) utils.display_single_image('Y Threshold (User ' + str(threshold_value) + ')', threshold_user_image) utils.display_single_image('Back to Original (User ' + str(threshold_value) + ')', original_threshold_user_image) utils.display_single_image('Y Threshold (Mean ' + str(mean_value) + ')', threshold_mean_image) utils.display_single_image('Back to Original (Mean ' + str(mean_value) + ')', original_threshold_mean_image) utils.wait_key_and_destroy_windows() def _segment(image, m): output = (image >= m) * 255 return output if __name__ == "__main__": main()
## This file is part of Invenio. ## Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN. ## ## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ This is the Create_Modify_Interface function (along with its helpers). It is used by WebSubmit for the "Modify Bibliographic Information" action. """ __revision__ = "$Id$" import os import re import time import pprint from invenio.legacy.dbquery import run_sql from invenio.legacy.websubmit.config import InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError from invenio.legacy.websubmit.functions.Retrieve_Data import Get_Field from invenio.ext.logging import register_exception def Create_Modify_Interface_getfieldval_fromfile(cur_dir, fld=""): """Read a field's value from its corresponding text file in 'cur_dir' (if it exists) into memory. Delete the text file after having read-in its value. This function is called on the reload of the modify-record page. This way, the field in question can be populated with the value last entered by the user (before reload), instead of always being populated with the value still found in the DB. """ fld_val = "" if len(fld) > 0 and os.access("%s/%s" % (cur_dir, fld), os.R_OK|os.W_OK): fp = open( "%s/%s" % (cur_dir, fld), "r" ) fld_val = fp.close() try: os.unlink("%s/%s"%(cur_dir, fld)) except OSError: # Cannot unlink file - ignore, let WebSubmit main handle this pass fld_val = fld_val.strip() return fld_val def Create_Modify_Interface_getfieldval_fromDBrec(fieldcode, recid): """Read a field's value from the record stored in the DB. This function is called when the Create_Modify_Interface function is called for the first time when modifying a given record, and field values must be retrieved from the database. """ fld_val = "" if fieldcode != "": for next_field_code in [x.strip() for x in fieldcode.split(",")]: fld_val += "%s\n" % Get_Field(next_field_code, recid) fld_val = fld_val.rstrip('\n') return fld_val def Create_Modify_Interface_transform_date(fld_val): """Accept a field's value as a string. If the value is a date in one of the following formats: DD Mon YYYY (e.g. 23 Apr 2005) YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2005-04-23) ...transform this date value into "DD/MM/YYYY" (e.g. 23/04/2005). """ if"^[0-9]{2} [a-z]{3} [0-9]{4}$", fld_val, re.IGNORECASE) is not None: try: fld_val = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time.strptime(fld_val, "%d %b %Y")) except (ValueError, TypeError): # bad date format: pass elif"^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$", fld_val, re.IGNORECASE) is not None: try: fld_val = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y", time.strptime(fld_val, "%Y-%m-%d")) except (ValueError,TypeError): # bad date format: pass return fld_val def Create_Modify_Interface(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None): """ Create an interface for the modification of a document, based on the fields that the user has chosen to modify. This avoids having to redefine a submission page for the modifications, but rely on the elements already defined for the initial submission i.e. SBI action (The only page that needs to be built for the modification is the page letting the user specify a document to modify). This function should be added at step 1 of your modification workflow, after the functions that retrieves report number and record id (Get_Report_Number, Get_Recid). Functions at step 2 are the one executed upon successful submission of the form. Create_Modify_Interface expects the following parameters: * "fieldnameMBI" - the name of a text file in the submission working directory that contains a list of the names of the WebSubmit fields to include in the Modification interface. These field names are separated by"\n" or "+". Given the list of WebSubmit fields to be included in the modification interface, the values for each field are retrieved for the given record (by way of each WebSubmit field being configured with a MARC Code in the WebSubmit database). An HTML FORM is then created. This form allows a user to modify certain field values for a record. The file referenced by 'fieldnameMBI' is usually generated from a multiple select form field): users can then select one or several fields to modify Note that the function will display WebSubmit Response elements, but will not be able to set an initial value: this must be done by the Response element iteself. Additionally the function creates an internal field named 'Create_Modify_Interface_DONE' on the interface, that can be retrieved in curdir after the form has been submitted. This flag is an indicator for the function that displayed values should not be retrieved from the database, but from the submitted values (in case the page is reloaded). You can also rely on this value when building your WebSubmit Response element in order to retrieve value either from the record, or from the submission directory. """ global sysno,rn t = "" # variables declaration fieldname = parameters['fieldnameMBI'] # Path of file containing fields to modify the_globals = { 'doctype' : doctype, 'action' : action, 'act' : action, ## for backward compatibility 'step' : step, 'access' : access, 'ln' : ln, 'curdir' : curdir, 'uid' : user_info['uid'], 'uid_email' : user_info['email'], 'rn' : rn, 'last_step' : last_step, 'action_score' : action_score, '__websubmit_in_jail__' : True, 'form': form, 'sysno': sysno, 'user_info' : user_info, '__builtins__' : globals()['__builtins__'], 'Request_Print': Request_Print } if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, fieldname)): fp = open( "%s/%s" % (curdir, fieldname), "r" ) fieldstext = fp.close() fieldstext = re.sub("\+","\n", fieldstext) fields = fieldstext.split("\n") else: res = run_sql("SELECT fidesc FROM sbmFIELDDESC WHERE name=%s", (fieldname,)) if len(res) == 1: fields = res[0][0].replace(" ", "") fields = re.findall("<optionvalue=.*>", fields) regexp = re.compile("""<optionvalue=(?P<quote>['|"]?)(?P<value>.*?)(?P=quote)""") fields = [ for x in fields] fields = ["value") for x in fields if x is not None] fields = [x for x in fields if x not in ("Select", "select")] else: raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError("cannot find fields to modify") #output some text t = t+"<CENTER bgcolor=\"white\">The document <B>%s</B> has been found in the database.</CENTER><br />Please modify the following fields:<br />Then press the 'END' button at the bottom of the page<br />\n" % rn for field in fields: subfield = "" value = "" marccode = "" text = "" # retrieve and display the modification text t = t + "<FONT color=\"darkblue\">\n" res = run_sql("SELECT modifytext FROM sbmFIELDDESC WHERE name=%s", (field,)) if len(res)>0: t = t + "<small>%s</small> </FONT>\n" % res[0][0] # retrieve the marc code associated with the field res = run_sql("SELECT marccode FROM sbmFIELDDESC WHERE name=%s", (field,)) if len(res) > 0: marccode = res[0][0] # then retrieve the previous value of the field if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, "Create_Modify_Interface_DONE")): # Page has been reloaded - get field value from text file on server, not from DB record value = Create_Modify_Interface_getfieldval_fromfile(curdir, field) else: # First call to page - get field value from DB record value = Create_Modify_Interface_getfieldval_fromDBrec(marccode, sysno) # If field is a date value, transform date into format DD/MM/YYYY: value = Create_Modify_Interface_transform_date(value) res = run_sql("SELECT * FROM sbmFIELDDESC WHERE name=%s", (field,)) if len(res) > 0: element_type = res[0][3] numcols = res[0][6] numrows = res[0][5] size = res[0][4] maxlength = res[0][7] val = res[0][8] fidesc = res[0][9] if element_type == "T": text = "<TEXTAREA name=\"%s\" rows=%s cols=%s wrap>%s</TEXTAREA>" % (field, numrows, numcols, value) elif element_type == "F": text = "<INPUT TYPE=\"file\" name=\"%s\" size=%s maxlength=\"%s\">" % (field, size, maxlength) elif element_type == "I": value = re.sub("[\n\r\t]+", "", value) text = "<INPUT name=\"%s\" size=%s value=\"%s\"> " % (field, size, val) text = text + "<SCRIPT>document.forms[0].%s.value=\"%s\";</SCRIPT>" % (field, value) elif element_type == "H": text = "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">" % (field, val) text = text + "<SCRIPT>document.forms[0].%s.value=\"%s\";</SCRIPT>" % (field, value) elif element_type == "S": values = re.split("[\n\r]+", value) text = fidesc if"%s\[\]" % field, fidesc): multipletext = "[]" else: multipletext = "" if len(values) > 0 and not(len(values) == 1 and values[0] == ""): text += "<SCRIPT>\n" text += "var i = 0;\n" text += "el = document.forms[0].elements['%s%s'];\n" % (field, multipletext) text += "max = el.length;\n" for val in values: text += "var found = 0;\n" text += "var i=0;\n" text += "while (i != max) {\n" text += " if (el.options[i].value == \"%s\" || el.options[i].text == \"%s\") {\n" % (val, val) text += " el.options[i].selected = true;\n" text += " found = 1;\n" text += " }\n" text += " i=i+1;\n" text += "}\n" #text += "if (found == 0) {\n" #text += " el[el.length] = new Option(\"%s\", \"%s\", 1,1);\n" #text += "}\n" text += "</SCRIPT>\n" elif element_type == "D": text = fidesc elif element_type == "R": try: co = compile(fidesc.replace("\r\n", "\n"), "<string>", "exec") ## Note this exec is safe WRT global variable because the ## Create_Modify_Interface has already been parsed by ## execfile within a protected environment. the_globals['text'] = '' exec co in the_globals text = the_globals['text'] except: msg = "Error in evaluating response element %s with globals %s" % (pprint.pformat(field), pprint.pformat(globals())) register_exception(req=None, alert_admin=True, prefix=msg) raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg) else: text = "%s: unknown field type" % field t = t + "<small>%s</small>" % text # output our flag field t += '<input type="hidden" name="Create_Modify_Interface_DONE" value="DONE\n" />' # output some more text t = t + "<br /><br /><CENTER><small><INPUT type=\"button\" width=400 height=50 name=\"End\" value=\"END\" onClick=\"document.forms[0].step.value = 2;user_must_confirm_before_leaving_page = false;document.forms[0].submit();\"></small></CENTER></H4>" return t
import re class YouTube(object): def __init__(self, url=None): self._video_id = self._extract_id(url) def __call__(self, url=False): if url is None or url: self._video_id = self._extract_id(url) return self._video_id def _extract_id(self, url=None): """Extract youtube video ID Based on `youtube_dl` code """ if not url: return None YOUTUBE_URL = r"""^ (?: (?:https?://)? # http(s):// (optional) (?:(?:(?: (?:\w+\.)?youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/| tube\.majestyc\.net/| youtube\.googleapis\.com/) # the various hostnames, with wildcard subdomains (?:.*?\#/)? # handle anchor (#/) redirect urls (?: # the various things that can precede the ID: (?:(?:v|embed|e)/)| # v/ or embed/ or e/ (?: # or the v= param in all its forms (?: (?:watch|movie)(?:_popup)?(?:\.php)? )? # preceding watch(_popup|.php) or nothing (like /?v=xxxx) (?:\?|\#!?) # the params delimiter ? or # or #! (?:.*?&)? # any other preceding param (like /?s=tuff&v=xxxx) v= ) ))| youtu\.be/ # just ) )? # all until now is optional -> you can pass the naked ID ([0-9A-Za-z_-]{11}) # here is it! the YouTube video ID (?(1).+)? # if we found the ID, everything can follow $""" video_id = re.match(YOUTUBE_URL, str(url), re.VERBOSE) return video_id and def thumbnail(self): return self._video_id and "" % self._video_id def video(self): return self._video_id and "" % self._video_id
import ctypes, sys from ctypes import windll, wintypes from uuid import UUID class GUID(ctypes.Structure): # [1] _fields_ = [ ("Data1", wintypes.DWORD), ("Data2", wintypes.WORD), ("Data3", wintypes.WORD), ("Data4", wintypes.BYTE * 8) ] def __init__(self, uuid_): ctypes.Structure.__init__(self) self.Data1, self.Data2, self.Data3, self.Data4[0], self.Data4[1], rest = uuid_.fields for i in range(2, 8): self.Data4[i] = rest>>(8 - i - 1)*8 & 0xff class FOLDERID: # [2] AccountPictures = UUID('{008ca0b1-55b4-4c56-b8a8-4de4b299d3be}') AdminTools = UUID('{724EF170-A42D-4FEF-9F26-B60E846FBA4F}') ApplicationShortcuts = UUID('{A3918781-E5F2-4890-B3D9-A7E54332328C}') CameraRoll = UUID('{AB5FB87B-7CE2-4F83-915D-550846C9537B}') CDBurning = UUID('{9E52AB10-F80D-49DF-ACB8-4330F5687855}') CommonAdminTools = UUID('{D0384E7D-BAC3-4797-8F14-CBA229B392B5}') CommonOEMLinks = UUID('{C1BAE2D0-10DF-4334-BEDD-7AA20B227A9D}') CommonPrograms = UUID('{0139D44E-6AFE-49F2-8690-3DAFCAE6FFB8}') CommonStartMenu = UUID('{A4115719-D62E-491D-AA7C-E74B8BE3B067}') CommonStartup = UUID('{82A5EA35-D9CD-47C5-9629-E15D2F714E6E}') CommonTemplates = UUID('{B94237E7-57AC-4347-9151-B08C6C32D1F7}') Contacts = UUID('{56784854-C6CB-462b-8169-88E350ACB882}') Cookies = UUID('{2B0F765D-C0E9-4171-908E-08A611B84FF6}') Desktop = UUID('{B4BFCC3A-DB2C-424C-B029-7FE99A87C641}') DeviceMetadataStore = UUID('{5CE4A5E9-E4EB-479D-B89F-130C02886155}') Documents = UUID('{FDD39AD0-238F-46AF-ADB4-6C85480369C7}') DocumentsLibrary = UUID('{7B0DB17D-9CD2-4A93-9733-46CC89022E7C}') Downloads = UUID('{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}') Favorites = UUID('{1777F761-68AD-4D8A-87BD-30B759FA33DD}') Fonts = UUID('{FD228CB7-AE11-4AE3-864C-16F3910AB8FE}') GameTasks = UUID('{054FAE61-4DD8-4787-80B6-090220C4B700}') History = UUID('{D9DC8A3B-B784-432E-A781-5A1130A75963}') ImplicitAppShortcuts = UUID('{BCB5256F-79F6-4CEE-B725-DC34E402FD46}') InternetCache = UUID('{352481E8-33BE-4251-BA85-6007CAEDCF9D}') Libraries = UUID('{1B3EA5DC-B587-4786-B4EF-BD1DC332AEAE}') Links = UUID('{bfb9d5e0-c6a9-404c-b2b2-ae6db6af4968}') LocalAppData = UUID('{F1B32785-6FBA-4FCF-9D55-7B8E7F157091}') LocalAppDataLow = UUID('{A520A1A4-1780-4FF6-BD18-167343C5AF16}') LocalizedResourcesDir = UUID('{2A00375E-224C-49DE-B8D1-440DF7EF3DDC}') Music = UUID('{4BD8D571-6D19-48D3-BE97-422220080E43}') MusicLibrary = UUID('{2112AB0A-C86A-4FFE-A368-0DE96E47012E}') NetHood = UUID('{C5ABBF53-E17F-4121-8900-86626FC2C973}') OriginalImages = UUID('{2C36C0AA-5812-4b87-BFD0-4CD0DFB19B39}') PhotoAlbums = UUID('{69D2CF90-FC33-4FB7-9A0C-EBB0F0FCB43C}') PicturesLibrary = UUID('{A990AE9F-A03B-4E80-94BC-9912D7504104}') Pictures = UUID('{33E28130-4E1E-4676-835A-98395C3BC3BB}') Playlists = UUID('{DE92C1C7-837F-4F69-A3BB-86E631204A23}') PrintHood = UUID('{9274BD8D-CFD1-41C3-B35E-B13F55A758F4}') Profile = UUID('{5E6C858F-0E22-4760-9AFE-EA3317B67173}') ProgramData = UUID('{62AB5D82-FDC1-4DC3-A9DD-070D1D495D97}') ProgramFiles = 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UUID('{7d1d3a04-debb-4115-95cf-2f29da2920da}') Screenshots = UUID('{b7bede81-df94-4682-a7d8-57a52620b86f}') SearchHistory = UUID('{0D4C3DB6-03A3-462F-A0E6-08924C41B5D4}') SearchTemplates = UUID('{7E636BFE-DFA9-4D5E-B456-D7B39851D8A9}') SendTo = UUID('{8983036C-27C0-404B-8F08-102D10DCFD74}') SidebarDefaultParts = UUID('{7B396E54-9EC5-4300-BE0A-2482EBAE1A26}') SidebarParts = UUID('{A75D362E-50FC-4fb7-AC2C-A8BEAA314493}') SkyDrive = UUID('{A52BBA46-E9E1-435f-B3D9-28DAA648C0F6}') SkyDriveCameraRoll = UUID('{767E6811-49CB-4273-87C2-20F355E1085B}') SkyDriveDocuments = UUID('{24D89E24-2F19-4534-9DDE-6A6671FBB8FE}') SkyDrivePictures = UUID('{339719B5-8C47-4894-94C2-D8F77ADD44A6}') StartMenu = UUID('{625B53C3-AB48-4EC1-BA1F-A1EF4146FC19}') Startup = UUID('{B97D20BB-F46A-4C97-BA10-5E3608430854}') System = UUID('{1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}') SystemX86 = UUID('{D65231B0-B2F1-4857-A4CE-A8E7C6EA7D27}') Templates = UUID('{A63293E8-664E-48DB-A079-DF759E0509F7}') UserPinned = UUID('{9E3995AB-1F9C-4F13-B827-48B24B6C7174}') UserProfiles = UUID('{0762D272-C50A-4BB0-A382-697DCD729B80}') UserProgramFiles = UUID('{5CD7AEE2-2219-4A67-B85D-6C9CE15660CB}') UserProgramFilesCommon = UUID('{BCBD3057-CA5C-4622-B42D-BC56DB0AE516}') Videos = UUID('{18989B1D-99B5-455B-841C-AB7C74E4DDFC}') VideosLibrary = UUID('{491E922F-5643-4AF4-A7EB-4E7A138D8174}') Windows = UUID('{F38BF404-1D43-42F2-9305-67DE0B28FC23}') class UserHandle: # [3] current = wintypes.HANDLE(0) common = wintypes.HANDLE(-1) _CoTaskMemFree = windll.ole32.CoTaskMemFree # [4] _CoTaskMemFree.restype= None _CoTaskMemFree.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] _SHGetKnownFolderPath = windll.shell32.SHGetKnownFolderPath # [5] [3] _SHGetKnownFolderPath.argtypes = [ ctypes.POINTER(GUID), wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_wchar_p) ] class PathNotFoundException(Exception): pass def get_path(folderid, user_handle=UserHandle.common): fid = GUID(folderid) pPath = ctypes.c_wchar_p() S_OK = 0 if _SHGetKnownFolderPath(ctypes.byref(fid), 0, user_handle, ctypes.byref(pPath)) != S_OK: raise PathNotFoundException() path = pPath.value _CoTaskMemFree(pPath) return path if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] in ['-?', '/?']: print('python FOLDERID {current|common}') sys.exit(0) try: folderid = getattr(FOLDERID, sys.argv[1]) except AttributeError: print('Unknown folder id "%s"' % sys.argv[1], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: if len(sys.argv) == 2: print(get_path(folderid)) else: print(get_path(folderid, getattr(UserHandle, sys.argv[2]))) except PathNotFoundException: print('Folder not found "%s"' % ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # [1] # [2] # [3] # [4] # [5]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ Plotting scripts for the vanilla genome paper. """ import logging import sys from jcvi.apps.base import ActionDispatcher, OptionParser from jcvi.compara.synteny import AnchorFile, check_beds from jcvi.formats.base import get_number from jcvi.formats.bed import Bed from import normalize_axes, panel_labels, plt, savefig from import TextCircle from import Synteny, draw_gene_legend def main(): actions = ( # Chromosome painting since WGD ("ancestral", "paint 14 chromosomes following alpha WGD (requires data)"), # main figures in text ("ploidy", "plot vanilla synteny (requires data)"), # Composite phylogeny - tree and ks ("phylogeny", "create a composite figure with tree and ks"), ("tree", "create a separate figure with tree"), ("ks", "create a separate figure with ks"), # Composite synteny - wgd and microsynteny ("synteny", "create a composite figure with wgd and microsynteny"), ("wgd", "create separate figures with wgd"), ("microsynteny", "create separate figures with microsynteny"), ) p = ActionDispatcher(actions) p.dispatch(globals()) def phylogeny(args): """ %prog phylogeny treefile ks.layout Create a composite figure with (A) tree and (B) ks. """ from import parse_tree, LeafInfoFile, WGDInfoFile, draw_tree p = OptionParser(phylogeny.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="10x12") (datafile, layoutfile) = args logging.debug("Load tree file `{0}`".format(datafile)) t, hpd = parse_tree(datafile) fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0.4, 1, 0.6]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.12, 0.065, 0.8, 0.3]) margin, rmargin = 0.1, 0.2 # Left and right margin leafinfo = LeafInfoFile("leafinfo.csv").cache wgdinfo = WGDInfoFile("wgdinfo.csv").cache outgroup = "ginkgo" # Panel A draw_tree( ax1, t, hpd=hpd, margin=margin, rmargin=rmargin, supportcolor=None, internal=False, outgroup=outgroup, reroot=False, leafinfo=leafinfo, wgdinfo=wgdinfo, geoscale=True, ) from jcvi.apps.ks import Layout, KsPlot, KsFile # Panel B ks_min = 0.0 ks_max = 3.0 bins = 60 fill = False layout = Layout(layoutfile) print(layout, file=sys.stderr) kp = KsPlot(ax2, ks_max, bins, legendp="upper right") for lo in layout: data = KsFile(lo.ksfile) data = [x.ng_ks for x in data] data = [x for x in data if ks_min <= x <= ks_max] kp.add_data( data, lo.components, label=lo.label, color=lo.color, marker=lo.marker, fill=fill, fitted=False, kde=True, ) kp.draw(filename=None) normalize_axes([root, ax1]) labels = ((0.05, 0.95, "A"), (0.05, 0.4, "B")) panel_labels(root, labels) image_name = "phylogeny.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def tree(args): """ %prog tree treefile Create a tree figure. """ from import parse_tree, LeafInfoFile, WGDInfoFile, draw_tree p = OptionParser(tree.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="10x8") (datafile,) = args logging.debug("Load tree file `{0}`".format(datafile)) t, hpd = parse_tree(datafile) fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) margin, rmargin = 0.1, 0.2 # Left and right margin leafinfo = LeafInfoFile("leafinfo.csv").cache wgdinfo = WGDInfoFile("wgdinfo.csv").cache outgroup = "ginkgo" # Panel A draw_tree( ax1, t, hpd=hpd, margin=margin, rmargin=rmargin, supportcolor=None, internal=False, outgroup=outgroup, reroot=False, leafinfo=leafinfo, wgdinfo=wgdinfo, geoscale=True, ) normalize_axes([ax1]) image_name = "tree.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def ks(args): """ %prog ks ks.layout Create a ks figure. """ p = OptionParser(ks.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="10x4") (layoutfile,) = args from jcvi.apps.ks import Layout, KsPlot, KsFile fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.12, 0.12, 0.8, 0.8]) # Panel B ks_min = 0.0 ks_max = 3.0 bins = 60 fill = False layout = Layout(layoutfile) print(layout, file=sys.stderr) kp = KsPlot(ax2, ks_max, bins, legendp="upper right") for lo in layout: data = KsFile(lo.ksfile) data = [x.ng_ks for x in data] data = [x for x in data if ks_min <= x <= ks_max] kp.add_data( data, lo.components, label=lo.label, color=lo.color, marker=lo.marker, fill=fill, fitted=False, kde=True, ) kp.draw(filename=None) image_name = "ks.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def synteny(args): """ %prog synteny vplanifoliaA_blocks.bed vplanifoliaA.sizes \ b1.blocks all.bed b1.layout Create a composite figure with (A) wgd and (B) microsynteny. """ from import draw_chromosomes p = OptionParser(synteny.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="12x12") (bedfile, sizesfile, blocksfile, allbedfile, blockslayout) = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0.5, 1, 0.5]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.02, 0, 0.98, 0.5]) # Panel A title = r"Genome duplication $\alpha^{O}$ event in $\textit{Vanilla}$" draw_chromosomes( ax1, bedfile, sizes=sizesfile, iopts=iopts, mergedist=200000, winsize=50000, imagemap=False, gauge=True, legend=False, title=title, ) # Panel B draw_ploidy(fig, ax2, blocksfile, allbedfile, blockslayout) normalize_axes([root, ax1, ax2]) labels = ((0.05, 0.95, "A"), (0.05, 0.5, "B")) panel_labels(root, labels) image_name = "synteny.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def wgd(args): """ %prog wgd vplanifoliaA_blocks.bed vplanifoliaA.sizes Create a wgd figure. """ from import draw_chromosomes p = OptionParser(synteny.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x5") (bedfile, sizesfile) = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) title = r"Genome duplication $\alpha^{O}$ event in $\textit{Vanilla}$" draw_chromosomes( ax1, bedfile, sizes=sizesfile, iopts=iopts, mergedist=200000, winsize=50000, imagemap=False, gauge=True, legend=False, title=title, ) normalize_axes([ax1]) image_name = "wgd.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def microsynteny(args): """ %prog microsynteny b1.blocks all.bed b1.layout Create a microsynteny figure. """ p = OptionParser(synteny.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="12x6") (blocksfile, allbedfile, blockslayout) = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) draw_ploidy(fig, ax2, blocksfile, allbedfile, blockslayout) normalize_axes([ax2]) image_name = "microsynteny.pdf" savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def ancestral(args): """ %prog ancestral vplanifoliaA.vplanifoliaA.anchors > vplanifoliaA_blocks.bed Paint 14 chromosomes following alpha WGD. """ p = OptionParser(ancestral.__doc__) p.set_beds() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) (anchorsfile,) = args qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(anchorsfile, p, opts) # We focus on the following chromosome pairs target_pairs = { (1, 1), (1, 6), (1, 8), (1, 13), (2, 4), (3, 12), (3, 14), (5, 6), (5, 8), (7, 9), (7, 11), (9, 10), (10, 11), } def get_target(achr, bchr): if "chr" not in achr and "chr" not in bchr: return None achr, bchr = get_number(achr), get_number(bchr) if achr > bchr: achr, bchr = bchr, achr if (achr, bchr) in target_pairs: return achr, bchr return None def build_bedline(astart, aend, target_pair): # target_name = "{:02d}-{:02d}".format(*target_pair) target_name = [str(x) for x in target_pair if x in (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10)][0] return "\t".join( str(x) for x in (astart.seqid, astart.start, aend.end, target_name) ) # Iterate through the blocks, store any regions that has hits to one of the # target_pairs ac = AnchorFile(anchorsfile) blocks = ac.blocks outbed = Bed() for i, block in enumerate(blocks): a, b, scores = zip(*block) a = [qorder[x] for x in a] b = [sorder[x] for x in b] astart, aend = min(a)[1], max(a)[1] bstart, bend = min(b)[1], max(b)[1] # Now convert to BED lines with new accn achr, bchr = astart.seqid, bstart.seqid target = get_target(achr, bchr) if target is None: continue outbed.add(build_bedline(astart, aend, target)) outbed.add(build_bedline(bstart, bend, target)) outbed.print_to_file(sorted=True) def ploidy(args): """ %prog ploidy b1.blocks all.bed b1.layout Build a figure that illustrates the WGD history of the vanilla genome. """ p = OptionParser(ploidy.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="12x6") if len(args) != 3: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) blocksfile, bedfile, blockslayout = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) draw_ploidy(fig, root, blocksfile, bedfile, blockslayout) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "vanilla-karyotype" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts) def draw_ploidy(fig, root, blocksfile, bedfile, blockslayout): switchidsfile = "switch.ids" Synteny( fig, root, blocksfile, bedfile, blockslayout, scalebar=True, switch=switchidsfile, ) # Legend showing the orientation of the genes draw_gene_legend(root, 0.2, 0.3, 0.53) # WGD labels radius = 0.025 tau_color = "#bebada" alpha_color = "#bc80bd" label_color = "k" pad = 0.05 for y in (0.74 + 1.5 * pad, 0.26 - 1.5 * pad): TextCircle( root, 0.25, y, r"$\alpha^{O}$", radius=radius, fc=alpha_color, color=label_color, fontweight="bold", ) TextCircle( root, 0.75, y, r"$\alpha^{O}$", radius=radius, fc=alpha_color, color=label_color, fontweight="bold", ) for y in (0.74 + 3 * pad, 0.26 - 3 * pad): TextCircle( root, 0.5, y, r"$\tau$", radius=radius, fc=tau_color, color=label_color ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import collections import logging import six from python_jsonschema_objects import util from python_jsonschema_objects.validators import registry, ValidationError from python_jsonschema_objects.util import lazy_format as fmt logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ArrayWrapper( """A wrapper for array-like structures. This implements all of the array like behavior that one would want, with a dirty-tracking mechanism to avoid constant validation costs. """ @property def strict(self): return getattr(self, "_strict_", False) def __len__(self): return len( def mark_or_revalidate(self): if self.strict: self.validate() else: self._dirty = True def __delitem__(self, index): self.mark_or_revalidate() def insert(self, index, value):, value) self.mark_or_revalidate() def __setitem__(self, index, value):[index] = value self.mark_or_revalidate() def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.typed_elems[idx] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ArrayWrapper): return self.for_json() == other.for_json() else: return self.for_json() == other def __init__(self, ary): """Initialize a wrapper for the array Args: ary: (list-like, or ArrayWrapper) """ """ Marks whether or not the underlying array has been modified """ self._dirty = True """ Holds a typed copy of the array """ self._typed = None if isinstance(ary, (list, tuple, = ary else: raise TypeError("Invalid value given to array validator: {0}".format(ary)) logger.debug(fmt("Initializing ArrayWrapper {} with {}", self, ary)) @property def typed_elems(self): logger.debug(fmt("Accessing typed_elems of ArrayWrapper {} ", self)) if self._typed is None or self._dirty is True: self.validate() return self._typed def __repr__(self): return "<%s=%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str( @classmethod def from_json(cls, jsonmsg): import json msg = json.loads(jsonmsg) obj = cls(msg) obj.validate() return obj def serialize(self): enc = util.ProtocolJSONEncoder() return enc.encode(self.typed_elems) def for_json(self): from python_jsonschema_objects import classbuilder out = [] for item in self.typed_elems: if isinstance( item, (classbuilder.ProtocolBase, classbuilder.LiteralValue, ArrayWrapper), ): out.append(item.for_json()) else: out.append(item) return out def validate(self): if self.strict or self._dirty: self.validate_items() self.validate_length() self.validate_uniqueness() return True def validate_uniqueness(self): if getattr(self, "uniqueItems", False) is True: testset = set(repr(item) for item in if len(testset) != len( raise ValidationError( "{0} has duplicate elements, but uniqueness required".format( ) ) def validate_length(self): if getattr(self, "minItems", None) is not None: if len( < self.minItems: raise ValidationError( "{1} has too few elements. Wanted {0}.".format( self.minItems, ) ) if getattr(self, "maxItems", None) is not None: if len( > self.maxItems: raise ValidationError( "{1} has too many elements. Wanted {0}.".format( self.maxItems, ) ) def validate_items(self): """Validates the items in the backing array, including performing type validation. Sets the _typed property and clears the dirty flag as a side effect Returns: The typed array """ logger.debug(fmt("Validating {}", self)) from python_jsonschema_objects import classbuilder if self.__itemtype__ is None: return type_checks = self.__itemtype__ if not isinstance(type_checks, (tuple, list)): # we were given items = {'type': 'blah'} ; thus ensure the type for all data. type_checks = [type_checks] * len( elif len(type_checks) > len( raise ValidationError( "{1} does not have sufficient elements to validate against {0}".format( self.__itemtype__, ) ) typed_elems = [] for elem, typ in zip(, type_checks): if isinstance(typ, dict): for param, paramval in six.iteritems(typ): validator = registry(param) if validator is not None: validator(paramval, elem, typ) typed_elems.append(elem) elif util.safe_issubclass(typ, classbuilder.LiteralValue): val = typ(elem) val.validate() typed_elems.append(val) elif util.safe_issubclass(typ, classbuilder.ProtocolBase): if not isinstance(elem, typ): try: if isinstance( elem, (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float) ): val = typ(elem) else: val = typ(**util.coerce_for_expansion(elem)) except TypeError as e: raise ValidationError( "'{0}' is not a valid value for '{1}': {2}".format( elem, typ, e ) ) else: val = elem val.validate() typed_elems.append(val) elif util.safe_issubclass(typ, ArrayWrapper): val = typ(elem) val.validate() typed_elems.append(val) elif isinstance(typ, (classbuilder.TypeProxy, classbuilder.TypeRef)): try: if isinstance(elem, (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float)): val = typ(elem) else: val = typ(**util.coerce_for_expansion(elem)) except TypeError as e: raise ValidationError( "'{0}' is not a valid value for '{1}': {2}".format(elem, typ, e) ) else: val.validate() typed_elems.append(val) self._dirty = False self._typed = typed_elems return typed_elems @staticmethod def create(name, item_constraint=None, **addl_constraints): """Create an array validator based on the passed in constraints. If item_constraint is a tuple, it is assumed that tuple validation is being performed. If it is a class or dictionary, list validation will be performed. Classes are assumed to be subclasses of ProtocolBase, while dictionaries are expected to be basic types ('string', 'number', ...). addl_constraints is expected to be key-value pairs of any of the other constraints permitted by JSON Schema v4. """ logger.debug( fmt( "Constructing ArrayValidator with {} and {}", item_constraint, addl_constraints, ) ) from python_jsonschema_objects import classbuilder klassbuilder = addl_constraints.pop( "classbuilder", None ) # type: python_jsonschema_objects.classbuilder.ClassBuilder props = {} if item_constraint is not None: if isinstance(item_constraint, (tuple, list)): for i, elem in enumerate(item_constraint): isdict = isinstance(elem, (dict,)) isklass = isinstance(elem, type) and util.safe_issubclass( elem, (classbuilder.ProtocolBase, classbuilder.LiteralValue) ) if not any([isdict, isklass]): raise TypeError( "Item constraint (position {0}) is not a schema".format(i) ) elif isinstance( item_constraint, (classbuilder.TypeProxy, classbuilder.TypeRef) ): pass elif util.safe_issubclass(item_constraint, ArrayWrapper): pass else: isdict = isinstance(item_constraint, (dict,)) isklass = isinstance(item_constraint, type) and util.safe_issubclass( item_constraint, (classbuilder.ProtocolBase, classbuilder.LiteralValue), ) if not any([isdict, isklass]): raise TypeError("Item constraint is not a schema") if isdict and "$ref" in item_constraint: if klassbuilder is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot resolve {0} without classbuilder".format( item_constraint["$ref"] ) ) item_constraint = klassbuilder.resolve_type( item_constraint["$ref"], name ) elif isdict and item_constraint.get("type") == "array": # We need to create a sub-array validator. item_constraint = ArrayWrapper.create( name + "#sub", item_constraint=item_constraint["items"], addl_constraints=item_constraint, ) elif isdict and "oneOf" in item_constraint: # We need to create a TypeProxy validator uri = "{0}_{1}".format(name, "<anonymous_list_type>") type_array = klassbuilder.construct_objects( item_constraint["oneOf"], uri ) item_constraint = classbuilder.TypeProxy(type_array) elif isdict and item_constraint.get("type") == "object": """ We need to create a ProtocolBase object for this anonymous definition""" uri = "{0}_{1}".format(name, "<anonymous_list_type>") item_constraint = klassbuilder.construct(uri, item_constraint) props["__itemtype__"] = item_constraint strict = addl_constraints.pop("strict", False) props["_strict_"] = strict props.update(addl_constraints) validator = type(str(name), (ArrayWrapper,), props) return validator
SentimentAnalysis - Polarity - Domain Specific
import csv import pandas as pd import nltk from nltk import FreqDist,ngrams from nltk.corpus import stopwords import string from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join def ngram_list(file,n): f = open(file,'rU') raw = raw = raw.replace('\n',' ') #raw = raw.decode('utf8') #raw = raw.decode("utf-8", 'ignore') ngramz = ngrams(raw.split(),n) return ngramz def IsNotNull(value): return value is not None and len(value) > 0 mypath = '/Users/francis/Documents/FORDHAM/2nd Term/Text Analytics/' #path where files are located onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))] dict_p = [] f = open('positive.txt', 'r') for line in f: t = line.strip().lower() if IsNotNull(t): dict_p.append(t) f.close dict_n = [] f = open('negative.txt', 'r') for line in f: t = line.strip().lower() if IsNotNull(t): dict_n.append(t) f.close totallist = [] rowlist = [] qa = 0 qb = 0 counti = 0 for i in onlyfiles: if i.endswith('.txt'): # get code j = i.replace('.txt','') # string filename file = mypath + str(i) print i f = open(file,'rU') raw = #print type(raw) raw = [w.translate(None, string.punctuation) for w in raw] raw = ''.join(raw) raw = raw.replace('\n','') raw = raw.replace(' ','') #print raw qa = 0 qb = 0 for word in dict_p: if word in raw: qa += 1 for word in dict_n: if word in raw: qb += 1 qc = qa - qb if qc > 0: sentiment = 'POSITIVE' elif qc == 0: sentiment = 'NEUTRAL' else: sentiment = 'NEGATIVE' rowlist.append(i) rowlist.append(qa) rowlist.append(qb) rowlist.append(qc) rowlist.append(sentiment) print counti counti += 1 totallist.append(rowlist) rowlist = [] else: pass labels = ('file', 'P', 'N', 'NET', 'SENTIMENT') df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(totallist, columns = labels) df.to_csv('oursentiment.csv', index = False) #print dict_p # allbigrams.append(ngram_list(file,2)) # print i + ' BIGRAM - OK' # alltrigrams.append(ngram_list(file,3)) # print i + ' TRIGRAM - OK' # allfourgrams.append(ngram_list(file,4)) # print i + ' FOURGRAM - OK' # allfivegrams.append(ngram_list(file,5)) # print i + ' TRIGRAM - OK' # allsixgrams.append(ngram_list(file,6)) # print i + ' SIXGRAM - OK' # allsevengrams.append(ngram_list(file,7)) # print i + ' SEVENGRAM - OK' # alleightgrams.append(ngram_list(file,8)) # print i + ' EIGHTGRAM - OK'
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) SAS Institute Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from django import http from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from mint.django_rest.deco import return_xml, requires, access, xObjRequires from mint.django_rest.rbuilder import service # from mint.django_rest.rbuilder.querysets import models from mint.django_rest.rbuilder.rbac.rbacauth import rbac, manual_rbac from mint.django_rest.rbuilder.errors import PermissionDenied from mint.django_rest.rbuilder.rbac.manager.rbacmanager import \ READSET, MODSETDEF def rbac_can_read_queryset(view, request, query_set_id, *args, **kwargs): obj = view.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) if obj.is_public: # existance of querysets like "All Systems", etc, are not stealthed. # but may vary in size depending on the user accessing them's permissions # (ReadMember) on their contents. return True user = view.mgr.getSessionInfo().user[0] ok = view.mgr.userHasRbacPermission(user, obj, READSET) return ok def rbac_can_write_queryset(view, request, query_set_id, *args, **kwargs): obj = view.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) user = view.mgr.getSessionInfo().user[0] return view.mgr.userHasRbacPermission(user, obj, MODSETDEF) class BaseQuerySetService(service.BaseService): pass class QuerySetsService(BaseQuerySetService): # rbac is handled semimanually for this function -- show only # querysets that we have permission to see # but don't use full rbac code, because that is implemented using querysets # and is too meta. @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request): user = request._authUser querysets = self.mgr.getQuerySets() return self.mgr.filterRbacQuerysets(user, querysets, request) # not used above, but still needed by load_from_href and other # functions def get(self): return self.mgr.getQuerySets() @access.admin @requires('query_set', load=True, save=True) @return_xml def rest_POST(self, request, query_set): return self.mgr.addQuerySet(query_set, request._authUser) class QuerySetService(BaseQuerySetService): # rbac is handled semimanually for this function -- show only # querysets that we have permission to see # but don't use full rbac code, because that is implemented using querysets # and is too meta. @rbac(manual_rbac) @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): user = request._authUser queryset = self.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) if not queryset.is_public and not self.mgr.userHasRbacPermission( user, queryset, READSET, request ): raise PermissionDenied() return queryset # not used above, but still needed by load_from_href and other # functions def get(self, query_set_id): return self.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) @access.admin @requires('query_set') @return_xml def rest_PUT(self, request, query_set_id, query_set): oldQuerySet = self.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) if != raise PermissionDenied(msg='Attempting to reassign ID') return self.mgr.updateQuerySet(query_set, request._authUser) @access.admin def rest_DELETE(self, request, query_set_id): querySet = self.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) self.mgr.deleteQuerySet(querySet) response = http.HttpResponse(status=204) return response class QuerySetAllResultService(BaseQuerySetService): @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): return self.mgr.getQuerySetAllResult(query_set_id, for_user=request._authUser) class QuerySetUniverseResultService(BaseQuerySetService): '''the parent queryset of all objects of a given type''' @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): self.mgr.getQuerySetUniverseSet(query_set_id) url = reverse('QuerySetAllResult', args=[query_set_id]) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) class QuerySetChosenResultService(BaseQuerySetService): @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): return self.mgr.getQuerySetChosenResult(query_set_id, for_user=request._authUser) @rbac(rbac_can_write_queryset) # TODO: source fromc onstant somewhere @requires(['systems', 'users', 'images', 'targets', 'project_branch_stages', 'projects', 'grants', 'roles']) @return_xml def rest_PUT(self, request, query_set_id, *args, **kwargs): resources = kwargs.items()[0][1] return self.mgr.addQuerySetChosen(query_set_id, resources, request._authUser) @rbac(rbac_can_write_queryset) # TODO: source fromc onstant somewhere @requires(['system', 'user', 'image', 'target', 'project_branch_stage', 'project_branch', 'project', 'grant', 'role']) @return_xml def rest_POST(self, request, query_set_id, *args, **kwargs): resource = kwargs.items()[0][1] self.mgr.updateQuerySetChosen(query_set_id, resource, request._authUser) return resource @rbac(rbac_can_write_queryset) # TODO: source fromc onstant somewhere @requires(['system', 'user', 'image', 'target', 'project_branch_stage', 'project_branch', 'project', 'grant', 'role']) @return_xml def rest_DELETE(self, request, query_set_id, *args, **kwargs): resource = kwargs.items()[0][1] return self.mgr.deleteQuerySetChosen(query_set_id, resource, request._authUser) class QuerySetFilteredResultService(BaseQuerySetService): @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): return self.mgr.getQuerySetFilteredResult(query_set_id, for_user=request._authUser) class QuerySetChildResultService(BaseQuerySetService): @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id): if rbac_can_read_queryset(self, request, query_set_id): return self.mgr.getQuerySetChildResult(query_set_id) else: return self.mgr.getQuerySetChildResult(query_set_id, for_user=request._authUser) # this is not expected to be our final API for removing child members # but serves as a temporary one in case someone needs it. Deleting # the queryset is not an option to clear it out because associated # grants would be purged. @rbac(rbac_can_write_queryset) @requires('query_set') @return_xml def rest_DELETE(self, request, query_set_id, query_set): return self.mgr.deleteQuerySetChild(query_set_id, query_set, for_user=request._authUser) class QuerySetJobsService(BaseQuerySetService): # no way to list running jobs at the moment # since all jobs run immediately @rbac(rbac_can_read_queryset) @xObjRequires('job') def rest_POST(self, request, query_set_id, job): '''launch a job on this queryset''' queryset = self.mgr.getQuerySet(query_set_id) self.mgr.scheduleQuerySetJobAction( queryset, job ) return http.HttpResponse(status=200) class QuerySetFilterDescriptorService(BaseQuerySetService): # @access.authenticated @return_xml def rest_GET(self, request, query_set_id=None): return self.mgr.getQuerySetFilterDescriptor(query_set_id)
import random from util import hook, http, text, database, web import re def api_get(kind, query): """Use the RESTful Google Search API""" url = '' \ 'v=1.0&safe=off' return http.get_json(url % kind, q=query) @hook.command('search') @hook.command('g') @hook.command def google(inp,db=None,chan=None): """google <query> -- Returns first google search result for <query>.""" trimlength = database.get(db,'channels','trimlength','chan',chan) if not trimlength: trimlength = 9999 parsed = api_get('web', inp) if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300: raise IOError('error searching for pages: {}: {}'.format(parsed['responseStatus'], '')) if not parsed['responseData']['results']: return 'No results found.' result = parsed['responseData']['results'][0] title = http.unescape(result['titleNoFormatting']) content = http.unescape(result['content']) if not content: content = "No description available." else: content = http.html.fromstring(content.replace('\n', '')).text_content() return u'{} -- \x02{}\x02: "{}"'.format(result['unescapedUrl'], title, content) # @hook.command('image') @hook.command('gis') @hook.command('gi') @hook.command('image') @hook.command def googleimage(inp): """gis <query> -- Returns first Google Image result for <query>.""" parsed = api_get('images', inp) if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300: raise IOError('error searching for images: {}: {}'.format(parsed['responseStatus'], '')) if not parsed['responseData']['results']: return 'no images found' return random.choice(parsed['responseData']['results'][:10])['unescapedUrl'] @hook.command def gcalc(inp): "gcalc <term> -- Calculate <term> with Google Calc." soup = http.get_soup('', q=inp) result = soup.find('span', {'class': 'cwcot'}) formula = soup.find('span', {'class': 'cwclet'}) if not result: return "Could not calculate '{}'".format(inp) return u"{} {}".format(formula.contents[0].strip(),result.contents[0].strip()) @hook.regex(r'^\>(.*\.(gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG|tiff|TIFF|bmp|BMP))\s?(\d+)?') @hook.command def implying(inp): """>laughing girls.gif <num> -- Returns first Google Image result for <query>.""" try: search = except: search = inp try: num = int( except: num = 0 if 'http' in search: return parsed = api_get('images', search) if not 200 <= parsed['responseStatus'] < 300: raise IOError('error searching for images: {}: {}'.format(parsed['responseStatus'], '')) if not parsed['responseData']['results']: return 'no images found' try: return u'\x033\x02>{}\x02\x03 {}'.format(search, parsed['responseData']['results'][:10][num]['unescapedUrl']) except: return u'\x033\x02>{}\x02\x03 {}'.format(search, parsed['responseData']['results'][:10][0]['unescapedUrl']) #return random.choice(parsed['responseData']['results'][:10])['unescapedUrl'] @hook.command('nym') @hook.command('littleanon') @hook.command('gfy') @hook.command def lmgtfy(inp, bot=None): "lmgtfy [phrase] - Posts a google link for the specified phrase" link = "" % http.quote_plus(inp) try: return web.isgd(link) except (web.ShortenError, http.HTTPError): return link
from unittest import mock from taskplus.core.actions import (GetTaskStatusDetailsAction, GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest) from taskplus.core.domain import TaskStatus from taskplus.core.shared.response import ResponseFailure def test_get_status_details_action(): status = mock.Mock() status = TaskStatus(name='new', id=1) statuses_repo = mock.Mock() = status request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest( action = GetTaskStatusDetailsAction(statuses_repo) response = action.execute(request) assert bool(response) is True assert response.value == status def test_get_status_details_action_with_hooks(): status = mock.Mock() status = TaskStatus(name='new', id=1) statuses_repo = mock.Mock() = status request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest( action = GetTaskStatusDetailsAction(statuses_repo) before = mock.MagicMock() after = mock.MagicMock() action.add_before_execution_hook(before) action.add_after_execution_hook(after) response = action.execute(request) assert before.called assert after.called assert bool(response) is True assert response.value == status def test_get_status_details_action_handles_bad_request(): status = mock.Mock() status = TaskStatus(name='new', id=1) statuses_repo = mock.Mock() = status request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest(status_id=None) action = GetTaskStatusDetailsAction(statuses_repo) response = action.execute(request) assert bool(response) is False assert not assert response.value == { 'type': ResponseFailure.PARAMETER_ERROR, 'message': 'status_id: is required' } def test_get_status_details_action_handles_generic_error(): error_message = 'Error!!!' statuses_repo = mock.Mock() = Exception(error_message) request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest(status_id=1) action = GetTaskStatusDetailsAction(statuses_repo) response = action.execute(request) assert bool(response) is False assert response.value == { 'type': ResponseFailure.SYSTEM_ERROR, 'message': 'Exception: {}'.format(error_message) } def test_get_status_details_request(): status_id = 1 request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest(status_id) assert request.is_valid() assert request.status_id == status_id def test_get_status_details_request_without_id(): status_id = None request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest(status_id) assert not request.is_valid() assert request.status_id == status_id assert len(request.errors) == 1 error = request.errors[0] assert error.parameter == 'status_id' assert error.message == 'is required' def test_get_status_details_bad_request(): status_id = 'asd' request = GetTaskStatusDetailsRequest(status_id) assert not request.is_valid() assert request.status_id == status_id assert len(request.errors) == 1 error = request.errors[0] assert error.parameter == 'status_id' assert error.message == 'expected int, got str(asd)'
"""Add 'is_public' flags for datasets Revision ID: 0d78d545906f Revises: 6d30846080b2 Create Date: 2016-06-27 15:30:14.415519 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '0d78d545906f' down_revision = '6d30846080b2' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): op.add_column('departments', sa.Column('is_public_assaults_on_officers', sa.Boolean(), server_default=sa.true(), nullable=False)) op.add_column('departments', sa.Column('is_public_citizen_complaints', sa.Boolean(), server_default=sa.true(), nullable=False)) op.add_column('departments', sa.Column('is_public_officer_involved_shootings', sa.Boolean(), server_default=sa.true(), nullable=False)) op.add_column('departments', sa.Column('is_public_use_of_force_incidents', sa.Boolean(), server_default=sa.true(), nullable=False)) def downgrade(): op.drop_column('departments', 'is_public_use_of_force_incidents') op.drop_column('departments', 'is_public_officer_involved_shootings') op.drop_column('departments', 'is_public_citizen_complaints') op.drop_column('departments', 'is_public_assaults_on_officers')
import setpath import functions import json registered=True def convert(data): if isinstance(data, basestring): return str(data) elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): return dict(map(convert, data.iteritems())) elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable): return type(data)(map(convert, data)) else: return data class dummycoding(functions.vtable.vtbase.VT): def VTiter(self, *parsedArgs,**envars): largs, dictargs = self.full_parse(parsedArgs) if 'query' not in dictargs: raise functions.OperatorError(__name__.rsplit('.')[-1],"No query argument ") query = dictargs['query'] if 'metadata' not in dictargs: raise functions.OperatorError(__name__.rsplit('.')[-1],"No metadata ") metadata = json.loads(dictargs['metadata']) cur = envars['db'].cursor() c=cur.execute(query) schema = cur.getdescriptionsafe() no = 0 for myrow in c: first_tuple = [] schema1 = [] for item in xrange(len(schema)): if schema[item][0] in metadata: vals = metadata[schema[item][0]].split(',') vals.sort() for v in vals: newv = str(schema[item][0]) + '(' + str(v) + ')' schema1.append(newv) if myrow[item] == v: first_tuple.append(1) else : first_tuple.append(0) else: # print 'no', schema[item][0] newv = str(schema[item][0]) schema1.append(newv) first_tuple.append(myrow[item]) if no == 0: # print tuple((x,) for x in schema1) yield tuple((x,) for x in schema1) no =no+1 # print str(first_tuple) yield tuple(first_tuple,) def Source(): return functions.vtable.vtbase.VTGenerator(dummycoding) if not ('.' in __name__): """ This is needed to be able to test the function, put it at the end of every new function you create """ import sys import setpath from functions import * testfunction() if __name__ == "__main__": reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import doctest doctest.tes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sahana Eden Messaging Model @copyright: 2009-2014 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __all__ = ("S3ChannelModel", "S3MessageModel", "S3MessageAttachmentModel", "S3EmailModel", "S3FacebookModel", "S3MCommonsModel", "S3ParsingModel", "S3RSSModel", "S3SMSModel", "S3SMSOutboundModel", "S3TropoModel", "S3TwilioModel", "S3TwitterModel", "S3TwitterSearchModel", "S3XFormsModel", "S3BaseStationModel", ) from gluon import * from import Storage from ..s3 import * # Compact JSON encoding SEPARATORS = (",", ":") # ============================================================================= class S3ChannelModel(S3Model): """ Messaging Channels - all Inbound & Outbound channels for messages are instances of this super-entity """ names = ("msg_channel", "msg_channel_limit", "msg_channel_status", "msg_channel_id", "msg_channel_enable", "msg_channel_disable", "msg_channel_enable_interactive", "msg_channel_disable_interactive", "msg_channel_onaccept", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db define_table = self.define_table #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Super entity: msg_channel # channel_types = Storage(msg_email_channel = T("Email (Inbound)"), msg_facebook_channel = T("Facebook"), msg_mcommons_channel = T("Mobile Commons (Inbound)"), msg_rss_channel = T("RSS Feed"), msg_sms_modem_channel = T("SMS Modem"), msg_sms_webapi_channel = T("SMS WebAPI (Outbound)"), msg_sms_smtp_channel = T("SMS via SMTP (Outbound)"), msg_tropo_channel = T("Tropo"), msg_twilio_channel = T("Twilio (Inbound)"), msg_twitter_channel = T("Twitter"), ) tablename = "msg_channel" self.super_entity(tablename, "channel_id", channel_types, Field("name", #label = T("Name"), ), Field("description", #label = T("Description"), ), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, #label = T("Enabled?") #represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), # @ToDo: Indicate whether channel can be used for Inbound or Outbound #Field("inbound", "boolean", # label = T("Inbound?")), #Field("outbound", "boolean", # label = T("Outbound?")), ) # @todo: make lazy_table table = db[tablename] table.instance_type.readable = True # Reusable Field channel_id = S3ReusableField("channel_id", "reference %s" % tablename, label = T("Channel"), ondelete = "SET NULL", represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename), requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF_EMPTY(db, "")), ) self.add_components(tablename, msg_channel_status = "channel_id", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Channel Limit # Used to limit the number of emails sent from the system # - works by simply recording an entry for the timestamp to be checked against # # - currently just used by msg.send_email() # tablename = "msg_channel_limit" define_table(tablename, # @ToDo: Make it per-channel #channel_id(), *s3_timestamp()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Channel Status # Used to record errors encountered in the Channel # tablename = "msg_channel_status" define_table(tablename, channel_id(), Field("status", #label = T("Status") #represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict(msg_channel_id = channel_id, msg_channel_enable = self.channel_enable, msg_channel_disable = self.channel_disable, msg_channel_enable_interactive = self.channel_enable_interactive, msg_channel_disable_interactive = self.channel_disable_interactive, msg_channel_onaccept = self.channel_onaccept, msg_channel_poll = self.channel_poll, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_enable(tablename, channel_id): """ Enable a Channel - Schedule a Poll for new messages - Enable all associated Parsers CLI API for shell scripts & to be called by S3Method """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.table(tablename) record = db(table.channel_id == channel_id).select(, # needed for update_record table.enabled, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if not record.enabled: # Flag it as enabled # Update Instance record.update_record(enabled = True) # Update Super s3db.update_super(table, record) # Enable all Parser tasks on this channel ptable = s3db.msg_parser query = (ptable.channel_id == channel_id) & \ (ptable.deleted == False) parsers = db(query).select( for parser in parsers: s3db.msg_parser_enable( # Do we have an existing Task? ttable = db.scheduler_task args = '["%s", %s]' % (tablename, channel_id) query = ((ttable.function_name == "msg_poll") & \ (ttable.args == args) & \ (ttable.status.belongs(["RUNNING", "QUEUED", "ALLOCATED"]))) exists = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if exists: return "Channel already enabled" else: current.s3task.schedule_task("msg_poll", args = [tablename, channel_id], period = 300, # seconds timeout = 300, # seconds repeats = 0 # unlimited ) return "Channel enabled" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_enable_interactive(r, **attr): """ Enable a Channel - Schedule a Poll for new messages S3Method for interactive requests """ tablename = r.tablename result = current.s3db.msg_channel_enable(tablename, r.record.channel_id) current.session.confirmation = result fn = tablename.split("_", 1)[1] redirect(URL(f=fn)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_disable(tablename, channel_id): """ Disable a Channel - Remove schedule for Polling for new messages - Disable all associated Parsers CLI API for shell scripts & to be called by S3Method """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.table(tablename) record = db(table.channel_id == channel_id).select(, # needed for update_record table.enabled, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if record.enabled: # Flag it as disabled # Update Instance record.update_record(enabled = False) # Update Super s3db.update_super(table, record) # Disable all Parser tasks on this channel ptable = s3db.msg_parser parsers = db(ptable.channel_id == channel_id).select( for parser in parsers: s3db.msg_parser_disable( # Do we have an existing Task? ttable = db.scheduler_task args = '["%s", %s]' % (tablename, channel_id) query = ((ttable.function_name == "msg_poll") & \ (ttable.args == args) & \ (ttable.status.belongs(["RUNNING", "QUEUED", "ALLOCATED"]))) exists = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if exists: # Disable all db(query).update(status="STOPPED") return "Channel disabled" else: return "Channel already disabled" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_disable_interactive(r, **attr): """ Disable a Channel - Remove schedule for Polling for new messages S3Method for interactive requests """ tablename = r.tablename result = current.s3db.msg_channel_disable(tablename, r.record.channel_id) current.session.confirmation = result fn = tablename.split("_", 1)[1] redirect(URL(f=fn)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_onaccept(form): """ Process the Enabled Flag """ if form.record: # Update form # process of changed if form.record.enabled and not form.vars.enabled: current.s3db.msg_channel_disable(form.table._tablename, form.vars.channel_id) elif form.vars.enabled and not form.record.enabled: current.s3db.msg_channel_enable(form.table._tablename, form.vars.channel_id) else: # Create form # Process only if enabled if form.vars.enabled: current.s3db.msg_channel_enable(form.table._tablename, form.vars.channel_id) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def channel_poll(r, **attr): """ Poll a Channel for new messages S3Method for interactive requests """ tablename = r.tablename current.s3task.async("msg_poll", args=[tablename, r.record.channel_id]) current.session.confirmation = \ current.T("The poll request has been submitted, so new messages should appear shortly - refresh to see them") if tablename == "msg_email_channel": fn = "email_inbox" elif tablename == "msg_mcommons_channel": fn = "sms_inbox" elif tablename == "msg_rss_channel": fn = "rss" elif tablename == "msg_twilio_channel": fn = "sms_inbox" elif tablename == "msg_twitter_channel": fn = "twitter_inbox" else: return "Unsupported channel: %s" % tablename redirect(URL(f=fn)) # ============================================================================= class S3MessageModel(S3Model): """ Messages """ names = ("msg_message", "msg_message_id", "msg_message_represent", "msg_outbox", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db UNKNOWN_OPT = current.messages.UNKNOWN_OPT configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table # Message priority msg_priority_opts = {3 : T("High"), 2 : T("Medium"), 1 : T("Low"), } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message Super Entity - all Inbound & Outbound Messages # message_types = Storage(msg_email = T("Email"), msg_facebook = T("Facebook"), msg_rss = T("RSS"), msg_sms = T("SMS"), msg_twitter = T("Twitter"), msg_twitter_result = T("Twitter Search Results"), ) tablename = "msg_message" self.super_entity(tablename, "message_id", message_types, # Knowing which Channel Incoming Messages # came in on allows correlation to Outbound # messages (campaign_message, deployment_alert, etc) self.msg_channel_id(), s3_datetime(default="now"), Field("body", "text", label = T("Message"), ), Field("from_address", label = T("From"), ), Field("to_address", label = T("To"), ), Field("inbound", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Direction"), represent = lambda direction: \ (direction and [T("In")] or \ [T("Out")])[0], ), ) # @todo: make lazy_table table = db[tablename] table.instance_type.readable = True table.instance_type.writable = True configure(tablename, list_fields = ["instance_type", "from_address", "to_address", "body", "inbound", ], ) # Reusable Field message_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, fields=["body"]) message_id = S3ReusableField("message_id", "reference %s" % tablename, ondelete = "RESTRICT", represent = message_represent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF_EMPTY(db, "")), ) self.add_components(tablename, msg_attachment = "message_id", deploy_response = "message_id", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Outbound Messages # # Show only the supported messaging methods MSG_CONTACT_OPTS = current.msg.MSG_CONTACT_OPTS # Maximum number of retries to send a message MAX_SEND_RETRIES = current.deployment_settings.get_msg_max_send_retries() # Valid message outbox statuses MSG_STATUS_OPTS = {1 : T("Unsent"), 2 : T("Sent"), 3 : T("Draft"), 4 : T("Invalid"), 5 : T("Failed"), } opt_msg_status = S3ReusableField("status", "integer", notnull=True, requires = IS_IN_SET(MSG_STATUS_OPTS, zero=None), default = 1, label = T("Status"), represent = lambda opt: \ MSG_STATUS_OPTS.get(opt, UNKNOWN_OPT)) # Outbox - needs to be separate to Message since a single message # sent needs different outbox entries for each recipient tablename = "msg_outbox" define_table(tablename, # FK not instance message_id(), # Person/Group to send the message out to: self.super_link("pe_id", "pr_pentity"), # If set used instead of picking up from pe_id: Field("address"), Field("contact_method", length=32, default = "EMAIL", label = T("Contact Method"), represent = lambda opt: \ MSG_CONTACT_OPTS.get(opt, UNKNOWN_OPT), requires = IS_IN_SET(MSG_CONTACT_OPTS, zero=None), ), opt_msg_status(), # Used to loop through a PE to get it's members Field("system_generated", "boolean", default = False, ), # Give up if we can't send after MAX_RETRIES Field("retries", "integer", default = MAX_SEND_RETRIES, readable = False, writable = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, list_fields = ["id", "message_id", "pe_id", "status", ], orderby = "msg_outbox.created_on desc", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass names back to global scope (s3.*) return dict(msg_message_id = message_id, msg_message_represent = message_represent, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def defaults(): """ Return safe defaults in case the model has been deactivated. """ dummy = S3ReusableField("dummy_id", "integer", readable = False, writable = False) return dict(msg_message_id = lambda **attr: dummy("message_id"), ) # ============================================================================= class S3MessageAttachmentModel(S3Model): """ Message Attachments - link table between msg_message & doc_document """ names = ("msg_attachment",) def model(self): # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # tablename = "msg_attachment" self.define_table(tablename, # FK not instance self.msg_message_id(), self.doc_document_id(), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass names back to global scope (s3.*) return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3EmailModel(S3ChannelModel): """ Email InBound Channels Outbound Email is currently handled via deployment_settings InBox/OutBox """ names = ("msg_email_channel", "msg_email", ) def model(self): T = current.T configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method super_link = self.super_link # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Email Inbound Channels # tablename = "msg_email_channel" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("server"), Field("protocol", requires = IS_IN_SET(["imap", "pop3"], zero=None), ), Field("use_ssl", "boolean"), Field("port", "integer"), Field("username"), Field("password", "password", length=64, readable = False, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), # Set true to delete messages from the remote # inbox after fetching them. Field("delete_from_server", "boolean"), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_channel_onaccept, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "email_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "email_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "email_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Email Messages: InBox & Outbox # sender = current.deployment_settings.get_mail_sender() tablename = "msg_email" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), self.msg_channel_id(), s3_datetime(default = "now"), Field("subject", length=78, # RFC 2822 label = T("Subject"), ), Field("body", "text", label = T("Message"), ), Field("from_address", #notnull=True, default = sender, label = T("Sender"), requires = IS_EMAIL(), ), Field("to_address", label = T("To"), requires = IS_EMAIL(), ), Field("raw", "text", label = T("Message Source"), readable = False, writable = False, ), Field("inbound", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Direction"), represent = lambda direction: \ (direction and [T("In")] or [T("Out")])[0], ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, orderby = " desc", super_entity = "msg_message", ) # Components self.add_components(tablename, # Used to link to custom tab deploy_response_select_mission: deploy_mission = {"name": "select", "link": "deploy_response", "joinby": "message_id", "key": "mission_id", "autodelete": False, }, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3FacebookModel(S3ChannelModel): """ Facebook Channels InBox/OutBox """ names = ("msg_facebook_channel", "msg_facebook", "msg_facebook_login", ) def model(self): T = current.T configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method super_link = self.super_link # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Facebook Channels # tablename = "msg_facebook_channel" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("login", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Use for Login?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("app_id", "bigint", requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, +1e16) ), Field("app_secret", "password", length=64, readable = False, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), # Optional Field("page_id", "bigint", requires = IS_INT_IN_RANGE(0, +1e16) ), Field("page_access_token"), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_facebook_channel_onaccept, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "facebook_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "facebook_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) #set_method("msg", "facebook_channel", # method = "poll", # action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Facebook Messages: InBox & Outbox # tablename = "msg_facebook" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), self.msg_channel_id(), s3_datetime(default = "now"), Field("body", "text", label = T("Message"), ), # @ToDo: Are from_address / to_address relevant in Facebook? Field("from_address", #notnull=True, #default = sender, label = T("Sender"), ), Field("to_address", label = T("To"), ), Field("inbound", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Direction"), represent = lambda direction: \ (direction and [T("In")] or [T("Out")])[0], ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, orderby = " desc", super_entity = "msg_message", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict(msg_facebook_login = self.msg_facebook_login, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def defaults(): """ Safe defaults for model-global names if module is disabled """ return dict(msg_facebook_login = lambda: False, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def msg_facebook_channel_onaccept(form): if form.vars.login: # Ensure only a single account used for Login current.db( != = False) # Normal onaccept processing S3ChannelModel.channel_onaccept(form) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def msg_facebook_login(): table = current.s3db.msg_facebook_channel query = (table.login == True) & \ (table.deleted == False) c = current.db(query).select(table.app_id, table.app_secret, limitby=(0, 1) ).first() return c # ============================================================================= class S3MCommonsModel(S3ChannelModel): """ Mobile Commons Inbound SMS Settings - Outbound can use Web API """ names = ("msg_mcommons_channel",) def model(self): #T = current.T define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method # --------------------------------------------------------------------- tablename = "msg_mcommons_channel" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, #label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("campaign_id", length=128, unique=True, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("url", default = \ "", requires = IS_URL() ), Field("username", requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("password", "password", readable = False, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("query"), Field("timestmp", "datetime", writable = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_channel_onaccept, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "mcommons_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "mcommons_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "mcommons_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3ParsingModel(S3Model): """ Message Parsing Model """ names = ("msg_parser", "msg_parsing_status", "msg_session", "msg_keyword", "msg_sender", "msg_parser_enabled", "msg_parser_enable", "msg_parser_disable", "msg_parser_enable_interactive", "msg_parser_disable_interactive", ) def model(self): T = current.T define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method channel_id = self.msg_channel_id message_id = self.msg_message_id # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Link between Message Channels and Parsers in # tablename = "msg_parser" define_table(tablename, # Source channel_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), Field("function_name", label = T("Parser"), ), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_parser_onaccept, ) set_method("msg", "parser", method = "enable", action = self.parser_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "parser", method = "disable", action = self.parser_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "parser", method = "parse", action = self.parser_parse) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Message parsing status # - component to core msg_message table # tablename = "msg_parsing_status" define_table(tablename, # Component, not Instance message_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), # Source channel_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), Field("is_parsed", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Parsing Status"), represent = lambda parsed: \ (parsed and [T("Parsed")] or \ [T("Not Parsed")])[0], ), message_id("reply_id", label = T("Reply"), ondelete = "CASCADE", ), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login sessions for Message Parsing # - links a from_address with a login until expiry # tablename = "msg_session" define_table(tablename, Field("from_address"), Field("email"), Field("created_datetime", "datetime", default = current.request.utcnow, ), Field("expiration_time", "integer"), Field("is_expired", "boolean", default = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Keywords for Message Parsing # tablename = "msg_keyword" define_table(tablename, Field("keyword", label = T("Keyword"), ), # @ToDo: Move this to a link table self.event_incident_type_id(), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Senders for Message Parsing # - whitelist / blacklist / prioritise # tablename = "msg_sender" define_table(tablename, Field("sender", label = T("Sender"), ), # @ToDo: Make pe_id work for this #self.super_link("pe_id", "pr_pentity"), Field("priority", "integer", label = T("Priority"), ), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict(msg_parser_enabled = self.parser_enabled, msg_parser_enable = self.parser_enable, msg_parser_disable = self.parser_disable, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_parse(r, **attr): """ Parse unparsed messages S3Method for interactive requests """ record = r.record current.s3task.async("msg_parse", args=[record.channel_id, record.function_name]) current.session.confirmation = \ current.T("The parse request has been submitted") redirect(URL(f="parser")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_enabled(channel_id): """ Helper function to see if there is a Parser connected to a Channel - used to determine whether to populate the msg_parsing_status table """ table = current.s3db.msg_parser record = current.db(table.channel_id == channel_id).select(table.enabled, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if record and record.enabled: return True else: return False # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_enable(id): """ Enable a Parser - Connect a Parser to a Channel CLI API for shell scripts & to be called by S3Method @ToDo: Ensure only 1 Parser is connected to any Channel at a time """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.msg_parser record = db( == id).select(, # needed for update_record table.enabled, table.channel_id, table.function_name, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if not record.enabled: # Flag it as enabled record.update_record(enabled = True) channel_id = record.channel_id function_name = record.function_name # Do we have an existing Task? ttable = db.scheduler_task args = '[%s, "%s"]' % (channel_id, function_name) query = ((ttable.function_name == "msg_parse") & \ (ttable.args == args) & \ (ttable.status.belongs(["RUNNING", "QUEUED", "ALLOCATED"]))) exists = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if exists: return "Parser already enabled" else: current.s3task.schedule_task("msg_parse", args = [channel_id, function_name], period = 300, # seconds timeout = 300, # seconds repeats = 0 # unlimited ) return "Parser enabled" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_enable_interactive(r, **attr): """ Enable a Parser - Connect a Parser to a Channel S3Method for interactive requests """ result = current.s3db.msg_parser_enable( current.session.confirmation = result redirect(URL(f="parser")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_disable(id): """ Disable a Parser - Disconnect a Parser from a Channel CLI API for shell scripts & to be called by S3Method """ db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.msg_parser record = db( == id).select(, # needed for update_record table.enabled, table.channel_id, table.function_name, limitby=(0, 1), ).first() if record.enabled: # Flag it as disabled record.update_record(enabled = False) # Do we have an existing Task? ttable = db.scheduler_task args = '[%s, "%s"]' % (record.channel_id, record.function_name) query = ((ttable.function_name == "msg_parse") & \ (ttable.args == args) & \ (ttable.status.belongs(["RUNNING", "QUEUED", "ALLOCATED"]))) exists = db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if exists: # Disable all db(query).update(status="STOPPED") return "Parser disabled" else: return "Parser already disabled" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def parser_disable_interactive(r, **attr): """ Disable a Parser - Disconnect a Parser from a Channel S3Method for interactive requests """ result = current.s3db.msg_parser_disable( current.session.confirmation = result redirect(URL(f="parser")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def msg_parser_onaccept(form): """ Process the Enabled Flag """ if form.record: # Update form # process of changed if form.record.enabled and not form.vars.enabled: current.s3db.msg_parser_disable( elif form.vars.enabled and not form.record.enabled: current.s3db.msg_parser_enable( else: # Create form # Process only if enabled if form.vars.enabled: current.s3db.msg_parser_enable( # ============================================================================= class S3RSSModel(S3ChannelModel): """ RSS channel """ names = ("msg_rss_channel", "msg_rss", ) def model(self): T = current.T define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method super_link = self.super_link # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # RSS Settings for an account # tablename = "msg_rss_channel" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name", length=255, unique=True, label = T("Name"), ), Field("description", label = T("Description"), ), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("url", label = T("URL"), requires = IS_URL(), ), s3_datetime(label = T("Last Polled"), writable = False, ), Field("etag", label = T("ETag"), writable = False ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, list_fields = ["name", "description", "enabled", "url", "date", "channel_status.status", ], onaccept = self.msg_channel_onaccept, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "rss_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "rss_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "rss_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # RSS Feed Posts # tablename = "msg_rss" define_table(tablename, # Instance super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), self.msg_channel_id(), s3_datetime(default="now", label = T("Published on"), ), Field("title", label = T("Title"), ), Field("body", "text", label = T("Content"), ), Field("from_address", label = T("Link"), ), # Field("author", label = T("Author"), ), # Field("tags", "list:string", label = T("Tags"), ), self.gis_location_id(), # Just present for Super Entity Field("inbound", "boolean", default = True, readable = False, writable = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, deduplicate = self.msg_rss_duplicate, list_fields = ["channel_id", "title", "from_address", "date", "body" ], super_entity = current.s3db.msg_message, ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def msg_rss_duplicate(item): """ Import item deduplication, match by link (from_address) @param item: the S3ImportItem instance """ if item.tablename == "msg_rss": table = item.table from_address ="from_address") query = (table.from_address == from_address) duplicate = current.db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if duplicate: = item.method = item.METHOD.UPDATE # ============================================================================= class S3SMSModel(S3Model): """ SMS: Short Message Service These can be received through a number of different gateways - MCommons - Modem (@ToDo: Restore this) - Tropo - Twilio """ names = ("msg_sms",) def model(self): #T = current.T user = current.auth.user if user and user.organisation_id: # SMS Messages need to be tagged to their org so that they can be sent through the correct gateway default = user.organisation_id else: default = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMS Messages: InBox & Outbox # tablename = "msg_sms" self.define_table(tablename, # Instance self.super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), self.msg_channel_id(), self.org_organisation_id(default = default), s3_datetime(default="now"), Field("body", "text", # Allow multi-part SMS #length = 160, #label = T("Message"), ), Field("from_address", #label = T("Sender"), ), Field("to_address", #label = T("To"), ), Field("inbound", "boolean", default = False, #represent = lambda direction: \ # (direction and [T("In")] or \ # [T("Out")])[0], #label = T("Direction")), ), # Used e.g. for Clickatell Field("remote_id", #label = T("Remote ID"), ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, super_entity = "msg_message", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3SMSOutboundModel(S3Model): """ SMS: Short Message Service - Outbound Channels These can be sent through a number of different gateways - Modem - SMTP - Tropo - Web API (inc Clickatell, MCommons, mVaayoo) """ names = ("msg_sms_outbound_gateway", "msg_sms_modem_channel", "msg_sms_smtp_channel", "msg_sms_webapi_channel", ) def model(self): #T = current.T configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMS Outbound Gateway # - select which gateway is in active use for which Organisation/Branch # tablename = "msg_sms_outbound_gateway" define_table(tablename, self.msg_channel_id( requires = IS_ONE_OF(current.db, "msg_channel.channel_id", S3Represent(lookup="msg_channel"), instance_types = ("msg_sms_modem_channel", "msg_sms_webapi_channel", "msg_sms_smtp_channel", ), sort = True, ), ), #Field("outgoing_sms_handler", length=32, # requires = IS_IN_SET(current.msg.GATEWAY_OPTS, # zero = None), # ), # Allow selection of different gateways based on Organisation/Branch self.org_organisation_id(), # @ToDo: Allow selection of different gateways based on destination Location #self.gis_location_id(), # @ToDo: Allow addition of relevant country code (currently in deployment_settings) #Field("default_country_code", "integer", # default = 44), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMS Modem Channel # tablename = "msg_sms_modem_channel" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("modem_port"), Field("modem_baud", "integer", default = 115200, ), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, ), Field("max_length", "integer", default = 160, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMS via SMTP Channel # tablename = "msg_sms_smtp_channel" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("address", length=64, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("subject", length=64), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, ), Field("max_length", "integer", default = 160, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings for Web API services # # @ToDo: Simplified dropdown of services which prepopulates entries & provides nice prompts for the config options # + Advanced mode for raw access to real fields # tablename = "msg_sms_webapi_channel" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("url", default = "", # Clickatell #default = "", # Mobile Commons requires = IS_URL(), ), Field("parameters", default = "user=yourusername&password=yourpassword&api_id=yourapiid", # Clickatell #default = "campaign_id=yourid", # Mobile Commons ), Field("message_variable", "string", default = "text", # Clickatell #default = "body", # Mobile Commons requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("to_variable", "string", default = "to", # Clickatell #default = "phone_number", # Mobile Commons requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("max_length", "integer", default = 480, # Clickatell concat 3 ), # If using HTTP Auth (e.g. Mobile Commons) Field("username"), Field("password"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3TropoModel(S3Model): """ Tropo can be used to send & receive SMS, Twitter & XMPP """ names = ("msg_tropo_channel", "msg_tropo_scratch", ) def model(self): #T = current.T define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tropo Channels # tablename = "msg_tropo_channel" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, #label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("token_messaging"), #Field("token_voice"), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "tropo_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "tropo_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "tropo_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tropo Scratch pad for outbound messaging # tablename = "msg_tropo_scratch" define_table(tablename, Field("row_id", "integer"), Field("message_id", "integer"), Field("recipient"), Field("message"), Field("network"), ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3TwilioModel(S3ChannelModel): """ Twilio Inbound SMS channel """ names = ("msg_twilio_channel", "msg_twilio_sid", ) def model(self): #T = current.T define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twilio Channels # tablename = "msg_twilio_channel" define_table(tablename, # Instance self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, #label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("account_name", length=255, unique=True), Field("url", default = \ "" ), Field("account_sid", length=64, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("auth_token", "password", length=64, readable = False, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), *s3_meta_fields()) self.configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_channel_onaccept, super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "twilio_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "twilio_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "twilio_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twilio Message extensions # - store message sid to know which ones we've already downloaded # tablename = "msg_twilio_sid" define_table(tablename, # Component not Instance self.msg_message_id(ondelete = "CASCADE"), Field("sid"), *s3_meta_fields()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3TwitterModel(S3Model): names = ("msg_twitter_channel", "msg_twitter", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twitter Channel # tablename = "msg_twitter_channel" define_table(tablename, #Instance self.super_link("channel_id", "msg_channel"), # @ToDo: Allow different Twitter accounts for different PEs (Orgs / Teams) #self.pr_pe_id(), Field("name"), Field("description"), Field("enabled", "boolean", default = True, label = T("Enabled?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("twitter_account"), Field("consumer_key", "password"), Field("consumer_secret", "password"), Field("access_token", "password"), Field("access_token_secret", "password"), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, onaccept = self.msg_channel_onaccept, #onvalidation = self.twitter_channel_onvalidation super_entity = "msg_channel", ) set_method("msg", "twitter_channel", method = "enable", action = self.msg_channel_enable_interactive) set_method("msg", "twitter_channel", method = "disable", action = self.msg_channel_disable_interactive) set_method("msg", "twitter_channel", method = "poll", action = self.msg_channel_poll) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twitter Messages: InBox & Outbox # tablename = "msg_twitter" define_table(tablename, # Instance self.super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), self.msg_channel_id(), s3_datetime(default = "now", label = T("Posted on"), ), Field("body", length=140, label = T("Message"), ), Field("from_address", #notnull=True, label = T("From"), represent = self.twitter_represent, requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), ), Field("to_address", label = T("To"), represent = self.twitter_represent, ), Field("inbound", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Direction"), represent = lambda direction: \ (direction and [T("In")] or \ [T("Out")])[0], ), Field("msg_id", # Twitter Message ID readable = False, writable = False, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, list_fields = ["id", #"priority", #"category", "body", "from_address", "date", #"location_id", ], #orderby = ~table.priority, super_entity = "msg_message", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def twitter_represent(nickname, show_link=True): """ Represent a Twitter account """ if not nickname: return current.messages["NONE"] db = current.db s3db = current.s3db table = s3db.pr_contact query = (table.contact_method == "TWITTER") & \ (table.value == nickname) row = db(query).select(table.pe_id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: repr = s3db.pr_pentity_represent(row.pe_id) if show_link: # Assume person ptable = s3db.pr_person row = db(ptable.pe_id == row.pe_id).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: link = URL(c="pr", f="person", args=[]) return A(repr, _href=link) return repr else: return nickname # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def twitter_channel_onvalidation(form): """ Complete oauth: take tokens from session + pin from form, and do the 2nd API call to Twitter """ T = current.T session = current.session settings = current.deployment_settings.msg s3 = session.s3 vars = form.vars if and s3.twitter_request_key and s3.twitter_request_secret: try: import tweepy except: raise HTTP(501, body=T("Can't import tweepy")) oauth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(settings.twitter_oauth_consumer_key, settings.twitter_oauth_consumer_secret) oauth.set_request_token(s3.twitter_request_key, s3.twitter_request_secret) try: oauth.get_access_token( vars.oauth_key = oauth.access_token.key vars.oauth_secret = oauth.access_token.secret twitter = tweepy.API(oauth) vars.twitter_account = = "" # we won't need it anymore return except tweepy.TweepError: session.error = T("Settings were reset because authenticating with Twitter failed") # Either user asked to reset, or error - clear everything for k in ["oauth_key", "oauth_secret", "twitter_account"]: vars[k] = None for k in ["twitter_request_key", "twitter_request_secret"]: s3[k] = "" # ============================================================================= class S3TwitterSearchModel(S3ChannelModel): """ Twitter Searches - results can be fed to KeyGraph """ names = ("msg_twitter_search", "msg_twitter_result", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db configure = self.configure define_table = self.define_table set_method = self.set_method # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twitter Search Query # tablename = "msg_twitter_search" define_table(tablename, Field("keywords", "text", label = T("Keywords"), ), # @ToDo: Allow setting a Point & Radius for filtering by geocode #self.gis_location_id(), Field("lang", # Set in controller #default = current.response.s3.language, label = T("Language"), ), Field("count", "integer", default = 100, label = T("# Results per query"), ), Field("include_entities", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Include Entity Information?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, comment = DIV(_class="tooltip", _title="%s|%s" % (T("Entity Information"), T("This is required if analyzing with KeyGraph."))), ), # @ToDo: Rename or even move to Component Table Field("is_processed", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Processed with KeyGraph?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), Field("is_searched", "boolean", default = False, label = T("Searched?"), represent = s3_yes_no_represent, ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, list_fields = ["keywords", "lang", "count", #"include_entities", ], ) # Reusable Query ID represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename, fields=["keywords"]) search_id = S3ReusableField("search_id", "reference %s" % tablename, label = T("Search Query"), ondelete = "CASCADE", represent = represent, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF_EMPTY(db, "") ), ) set_method("msg", "twitter_search", method = "poll", action = self.twitter_search_poll) set_method("msg", "twitter_search", method = "keygraph", action = self.twitter_keygraph) set_method("msg", "twitter_result", method = "timeline", action = self.twitter_timeline) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Twitter Search Results # # @ToDo: Store the places mentioned in the Tweet as linked Locations # tablename = "msg_twitter_result" define_table(tablename, # Instance self.super_link("message_id", "msg_message"), # Just present for Super Entity #self.msg_channel_id(), search_id(), s3_datetime(default="now", label = T("Tweeted on"), ), Field("tweet_id", label = T("Tweet ID")), Field("lang", label = T("Language")), Field("from_address", label = T("Tweeted by")), Field("body", label = T("Tweet")), # @ToDo: Populate from Parser #Field("category", # writable = False, # label = T("Category"), # ), #Field("priority", "integer", # writable = False, # label = T("Priority"), # ), self.gis_location_id(), # Just present for Super Entity #Field("inbound", "boolean", # default = True, # readable = False, # writable = False, # ), *s3_meta_fields()) configure(tablename, list_fields = [#"category", #"priority", "body", "from_address", "date", "location_id", ], #orderby=~table.priority, super_entity = "msg_message", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def twitter_search_poll(r, **attr): """ Perform a Search of Twitter S3Method for interactive requests """ id = tablename = r.tablename current.s3task.async("msg_twitter_search", args=[id]) current.session.confirmation = \ current.T("The search request has been submitted, so new messages should appear shortly - refresh to see them") # Filter results to this Search redirect(URL(f="twitter_result", vars={"~.search_id": id})) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def twitter_keygraph(r, **attr): """ Prcoess Search Results with KeyGraph S3Method for interactive requests """ tablename = r.tablename current.s3task.async("msg_process_keygraph", args=[]) current.session.confirmation = \ current.T("The search results are now being processed with KeyGraph") # @ToDo: Link to KeyGraph results redirect(URL(f="twitter_result")) # ============================================================================= @staticmethod def twitter_timeline(r, **attr): """ Display the Tweets on a Simile Timeline """ if r.representation == "html" and == "twitter_result": response = current.response s3 = response.s3 appname = r.application # Add core Simile Code s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/scripts/simile/timeline/timeline-api.js" % appname) # Add our control script if s3.debug: s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/scripts/S3/s3.timeline.js" % appname) else: s3.scripts.append("/%s/static/scripts/S3/s3.timeline.min.js" % appname) # Add our data # @ToDo: Make this the initial data & then collect extra via REST with a stylesheet # add in JS using S3.timeline.eventSource.addMany(events) where events is a [] if r.record: # Single record rows = [r.record] else: # Multiple records # @ToDo: Load all records & sort to closest in time # rows =["date", "body"], limit=2000, as_rows=True) data = {"dateTimeFormat": "iso8601", } now = r.utcnow tl_start = tl_end = now events = [] import re for row in rows: # Dates start = or "" if start: if start < tl_start: tl_start = start if start > tl_end: tl_end = start start = start.isoformat() title = (re.sub(r"(?<=^|(?<=[^a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]))@([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]+)|RT", "", row.body)) if len(title) > 30: title = title[:30] events.append({"start": start, "title": title, "description": row.body, }) data["events"] = events data = json.dumps(data, separators=SEPARATORS) code = "".join(( '''''', data, ''' S3.timeline.tl_start="''', tl_start.isoformat(), '''" S3.timeline.tl_end="''', tl_end.isoformat(), '''""''', now.isoformat(), '''" ''')) # Control our code in static/scripts/S3/s3.timeline.js s3.js_global.append(code) # Create the DIV item = DIV(_id="s3timeline", _class="s3-timeline") output = dict(item=item) # Maintain RHeader for consistency if attr.get("rheader"): rheader = attr["rheader"](r) if rheader: output["rheader"] = rheader output["title"] = current.T("Twitter Timeline") response.view = "timeline.html" return output else: r.error(405, current.ERROR.BAD_METHOD) # ============================================================================= class S3XFormsModel(S3Model): """ XForms are used by the ODK Collect mobile client """ names = ("msg_xforms_store",) def model(self): #T = current.T # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # SMS store for persistence and scratch pad for combining incoming xform chunks tablename = "msg_xforms_store" self.define_table(tablename, Field("sender", length=20), Field("fileno", "integer"), Field("totalno", "integer"), Field("partno", "integer"), Field("message", length=160) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- return dict() # ============================================================================= class S3BaseStationModel(S3Model): """ Base Stations (Cell Towers) are a type of Site @ToDo: Calculate Coverage from Antenna Height, Radio Power and Terrain - see RadioMobile """ names = ("msg_basestation",) def model(self): T = current.T define_table = self.define_table # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Base Stations (Cell Towers) # tablename = "msg_basestation" define_table(tablename, self.super_link("site_id", "org_site"), Field("name", notnull=True, length=64, # Mayon Compatibility label = T("Name"), ), Field("code", length=10, # Mayon compatibility label = T("Code"), # Deployments that don't wants site codes can hide them #readable = False, #writable = False, # @ToDo: Deployment Setting to add validator to make these unique ), self.org_organisation_id( label = T("Operator"), #widget=S3OrganisationAutocompleteWidget(default_from_profile=True), requires = self.org_organisation_requires(required=True, updateable=True), ), self.gis_location_id(), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings ADD_BASE = T("Create Base Station") current.response.s3.crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create=T("Create Base Station"), title_display=T("Base Station Details"), title_list=T("Base Stations"), title_update=T("Edit Base Station"), title_upload=T("Import Base Stations"), title_map=T("Map of Base Stations"), label_list_button=T("List Base Stations"), label_delete_button=T("Delete Base Station"), msg_record_created=T("Base Station added"), msg_record_modified=T("Base Station updated"), msg_record_deleted=T("Base Station deleted"), msg_list_empty=T("No Base Stations currently registered")) self.configure(tablename, deduplicate = self.msg_basestation_duplicate, super_entity = "org_site", ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass names back to global scope (s3.*) # return dict() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def msg_basestation_duplicate(item): """ Import item deduplication, match by name (Adding location_id doesn't seem to be a good idea) @param item: the S3ImportItem instance """ if item.tablename == "msg_basestation": table = item.table name = "name" in and query = ( == name.lower()) #location_id = None # if "location_id" in # location_id = ## This doesn't find deleted records: # query = query & (table.location_id == location_id) duplicate = current.db(query).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first() # if duplicate is None and location_id: ## Search for deleted basestations with this name # query = ( == name.lower()) & \ # (table.deleted == True) # row = db(query).select(, table.deleted_fk, # limitby=(0, 1)).first() # if row: # fkeys = json.loads(row.deleted_fk) # if "location_id" in fkeys and \ # str(fkeys["location_id"]) == str(location_id): # duplicate = row if duplicate: = item.method = item.METHOD.UPDATE # END =========================================================================
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ import plotly.offline as plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go from reports import utils def feeding_amounts(instances): """ Create a graph showing daily feeding amounts over time. :param instances: a QuerySet of Feeding instances. :returns: a tuple of the the graph's html and javascript. """ totals = {} for instance in instances: end = timezone.localtime(instance.end) date = if date not in totals.keys(): totals[date] = 0 totals[date] += instance.amount or 0 amounts = [round(amount, 2) for amount in totals.values()] trace = go.Bar( name=_('Total feeding amount'), x=list(totals.keys()), y=amounts, hoverinfo='text', textposition='outside', text=amounts ) layout_args = utils.default_graph_layout_options() layout_args['title'] = _('<b>Total Feeding Amounts</b>') layout_args['xaxis']['title'] = _('Date') layout_args['xaxis']['rangeselector'] = utils.rangeselector_date() layout_args['yaxis']['title'] = _('Feeding amount') fig = go.Figure({ 'data': [trace], 'layout': go.Layout(**layout_args) }) output = plotly.plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False) return utils.split_graph_output(output)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2018 INRA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # __author__ = 'Ta Thi Ngan & Maria Bernard INRA - SIGENAE' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2017 INRA' __license__ = 'GNU General Public License' __version__ = '3.2.3' __email__ = '' __status__ = 'prod' import os import sys import argparse CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) FROGS_DIR="" if CURRENT_DIR.endswith("phyloseq_beta_diversity"): FROGS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(CURRENT_DIR)) else: FROGS_DIR = os.path.dirname(CURRENT_DIR) # PATH BIN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FROGS_DIR, "libexec")) os.environ['PATH'] = BIN_DIR + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] APP_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FROGS_DIR, "app")) os.environ['PATH'] = APP_DIR + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] # PYTHONPATH LIB_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FROGS_DIR, "lib")) sys.path.append(LIB_DIR) if os.getenv('PYTHONPATH') is None: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = LIB_DIR else: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = LIB_DIR + os.pathsep + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] # LIBR LIBR_DIR = os.path.join(LIB_DIR,"external-lib") from frogsUtils import * ################################################################################################################################################## # # COMMAND LINES # ################################################################################################################################################## class Rscript(Cmd): """ @summary: Launch Rmarkdown script to present the data beta diversity with phyloseq. @see: @return: html file containing the plots beta divesity distance matrix tsv file(s) """ def __init__(self, html, phyloseq, varExp, methods, outdir, rmd_stderr): """ @param html: [str] path to store resulting html file. @param phyloseq: [str] path to phyloseq object in RData file, the result of FROGS Phyloseq Import Data. @param varExp: [str] Experiment variable to split plot. @param methods: [str] one or more of beta diversity method. @param outdir: [str] The path to store resulting beta diversity distance matrix. @param rmd_stderr: [str] Path to temporary Rmarkdown stderr output file """ rmd = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "phyloseq_beta_diversity.Rmd") Cmd.__init__( self, 'Rscript', 'Run 1 code Rmarkdown', '-e "rmarkdown::render(' + "'" + rmd + "',knit_root_dir='" + outdir + "',output_file='" + html + \ "', params=list(phyloseq='" + phyloseq + "', varExp='" + varExp + "', methods='" + methods + "', libdir ='" + LIBR_DIR + "'), intermediates_dir='" + os.path.dirname(html) + "')" + '" 2> ' + rmd_stderr, "-e '(sessionInfo()[[1]][13])[[1]][1]; paste(\"Rmarkdown version: \",packageVersion(\"rmarkdown\")) ; library(phyloseq); paste(\"Phyloseq version: \",packageVersion(\"phyloseq\"))'") def get_version(self): """ @summary: Returns the program version number. @return: [str] Version number if this is possible, otherwise this method return 'unknown'. """ return Cmd.get_version(self, 'stdout') ################################################################################################################################################## # # MAIN # ################################################################################################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": # Manage parameters parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='To present the data beta diversity with phyloseq.') parser.add_argument( '--debug', default=False, action='store_true', help="Keep temporary files to debug program." ) parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=__version__ ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--varExp', type=str, required=True, default=None, help='The experiment variable you want to analyse.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--distance-methods', required=True, type=str, default='bray,cc,unifrac,wunifrac', help='Comma separated values beta diversity methods available in Phyloseq (see [Default: %(default)s].') # Inputs group_input = parser.add_argument_group( 'Inputs' ) group_input.add_argument('-r','--rdata', required=True, default=None, help="The path of RData file containing a phyloseq object-the result of FROGS Phyloseq Import Data" ) # output group_output = parser.add_argument_group( 'Outputs' ) group_output.add_argument('--matrix-outdir', required=True, action="store", type=str, help="Path to output matrix file") group_output.add_argument('-o','--html', default='phyloseq_beta_diversity.nb.html', help="The HTML file containing the graphs. [Default: %(default)s]" ) group_output.add_argument( '-l', '--log-file', default=sys.stdout, help='This output file will contain several informations on executed commands.') args = parser.parse_args() prevent_shell_injections(args) Logger.static_write(args.log_file, "## Application\nSoftware :" + sys.argv[0] + " (version : " + str(__version__) + ")\nCommand : " + " ".join(sys.argv) + "\n\n") # check parameter list_distance=["unifrac","wunifrac","bray","cc","dpcoa","jsd","manhattan","euclidean","canberra","kulczynski","jaccard","gower","altGower","morisita","horn","mountford","raup","binomial","chao","cao","wt","-1","c","wb","rt","I","e","t","me","j","sor","m","-2","co","g","-3","l","19","hk","rlb","sim","gl","z","maximum","binary","minkowski","ANY"] methods = args.distance_methods.strip() if not args.distance_methods.strip()[-1]=="," else args.distance_methods.strip()[:-1] for method in methods.split(","): if method not in list_distance: raise_exception( Exception( '\n\n#ERROR : Your method "'+str(method)+'", name is not correct !!! Please make sure that it is in the list:'+str(list_distance)+"\n\n")) # Process outdir = os.path.abspath(args.matrix_outdir) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) phyloseq=os.path.abspath(args.rdata) html=os.path.abspath(args.html) try: tmpFiles = TmpFiles(os.path.dirname(html)) rmd_stderr = tmpFiles.add("rmarkdown.stderr") Rscript(html, phyloseq, args.varExp, methods, outdir, rmd_stderr).submit( args.log_file ) finally : if not args.debug: tmpFiles.deleteAll()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # # Created by Henry on 2018/4/9 # Description : from selenium import webdriver from import Select from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from import By import os import json import time import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def create_story(**kwargs): summary_text = kwargs.get('summary_text', None) work_time_text = kwargs.get('work_time_text', None) REQ = kwargs.get('REQ', None) isFirst = kwargs.get('isFirst', False) time.sleep(1) new_button = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#create_link') WebDriverWait(driver, 10000).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'span.drop-menu')) ) drop_menus = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('span.drop-menu') if isFirst: project = drop_menus[0] data_suggestions = driver.find_element_by_id('project-options').get_attribute('data-suggestions') items = json.loads(data_suggestions) # print items if isinstance(items, list) and items and isinstance(items[0], dict) and isinstance(items[0]['items'], list) and items[0]['items'] and isinstance(items[0]['items'][0], dict) and items[0]['items'][0]['label']: select_group = items[0]['items'][0]['label'] if u'IOSZHIBO' not in select_group: groups = [a for a in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('li a.aui-list-item-link') if 'IOSZHIBO' in a.text] # print '\ngroups:', groups if groups: groups[0].click() print 'click' time.sleep(0.5) else: story_type = driver.find_element_by_id('issuetype-single-select') story_type_groups = [a for a in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('li a.aui-list-item-link') if u'故事'==a.text] if story_type_groups: story_type_groups[0].click() time.sleep(0.5) drop_menus = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('span.drop-menu') if len(drop_menus) < 5: time.sleep(10) print '出错啦' sys.exit(1) test_type = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('customfield_10200')) test_type.select_by_value('10202') time.sleep(0.5) requirement = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('customfield_10101')) requirement.select_by_value('10101') time.sleep(0.5) summary = driver.find_element_by_id('summary') summary.send_keys(unicode(summary_text)) time.sleep(0.5) work_time = driver.find_element_by_id('customfield_10833') work_time.send_keys(work_time_text) time.sleep(0.5) sprint = drop_menus[5] sprint_groups = [] while not sprint_groups: time.sleep(0.5) sprint_groups = [a for a in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('li a') if group in a.text and u'在用' in a.text] sprint_groups[0].click() time.sleep(0.5) # time.sleep(15) # code = driver.find_element_by_id('customfield_10503-3') # if REQ: question = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#issuelinks-issues-multi-select textarea') question.send_keys(unicode(REQ)) time.sleep(0.5) items = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('') if items and len(items) > 1: relationship_item = items[1] time.sleep(0.5) dev_person = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#customfield_10300_container textarea') if dev_person and login_token.split('-'): dev_person.send_keys(login_token.split('-')[0]) time.sleep(0.5) tester_person = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#customfield_10400_container textarea') if tester_person and tester: tester_person.send_keys(tester) time.sleep(0.5) submit = driver.find_element_by_id('create-issue-submit') WebDriverWait(driver, 10000).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="aui-flag-container"]/div/div/a')) ) story = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="aui-flag-container"]/div/div/a') story_href = story.get_attribute('href') print summary_text, ': ', story_href # print '已建: ', summary_text, ', 时长, :', work_time_text, '天' driver.refresh() if __name__ == '__main__': login_token = sys.argv[1] file_path = sys.argv[2] tester = sys.argv[3] if not os.path.exists(file_path): print '出错啦' sys.exit(1) else: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close() if '-' not in login_token: print '出错啦' sys.exit(1) elif len(login_token.split('-')[-1]) != 32: print '出错啦' sys.exit(1) chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() # chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options) url = '' + login_token print url driver.get(url) # print driver.get_cookies() group = u'iOS直播服务组' for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if ',' in line and ',' not in line: words = line.encode('utf-8').strip().split(',') elif ',' in line and ',' not in line: words = line.encode('utf-8').strip().split(',') else: words = [] if len(words) == 2: create_story(summary_text=words[0].strip(), work_time_text=words[1].strip(), isFirst=(idx==0)) elif len(words) == 3: create_story(summary_text=words[0].strip(), work_time_text=words[1].strip(), REQ=words[2].strip(), isFirst=(idx==0)) driver.close()
import unittest import Milter import sample import template import mime import zipfile from Milter.test import TestBase from Milter.testctx import TestCtx class TestMilter(TestBase,sample.sampleMilter): def __init__(self): TestBase.__init__(self) sample.sampleMilter.__init__(self) class BMSMilterTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.zf = zipfile.ZipFile('test/','r') self.zf.setpassword(b'denatured') def tearDown(self): self.zf.close() self.zf = None def testTemplate(self,fname='test2'): ctx = TestCtx() Milter.factory = template.myMilter ctx._setsymval('{auth_authen}','batman') ctx._setsymval('{auth_type}','batcomputer') ctx._setsymval('j','mailhost') count = 10 while count > 0: rc = ctx._connect(helo='') self.assertEquals(rc,Milter.CONTINUE) with open('test/'+fname,'rb') as fp: rc = ctx._feedFile(fp) milter = ctx.getpriv() self.assertFalse(ctx._bodyreplaced,"Message body replaced") ctx._close() count -= 1 def testHeader(self,fname='utf8'): ctx = TestCtx() Milter.factory = sample.sampleMilter ctx._setsymval('{auth_authen}','batman') ctx._setsymval('{auth_type}','batcomputer') ctx._setsymval('j','mailhost') rc = ctx._connect() self.assertEquals(rc,Milter.CONTINUE) with open('test/'+fname,'rb') as fp: rc = ctx._feedFile(fp) milter = ctx.getpriv() self.assertFalse(ctx._bodyreplaced,"Message body replaced") fp = ctx._body with open('test/'+fname+".tstout","wb") as ofp: ofp.write(fp.getvalue()) ctx._close() def testCtx(self,fname='virus1'): ctx = TestCtx() Milter.factory = sample.sampleMilter ctx._setsymval('{auth_authen}','batman') ctx._setsymval('{auth_type}','batcomputer') ctx._setsymval('j','mailhost') rc = ctx._connect() self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.CONTINUE) with as fp: rc = ctx._feedFile(fp) milter = ctx.getpriv() # self.assertTrue(milter.user == 'batman',"getsymval failed: "+ # "%s != %s"%(milter.user,'batman')) self.assertEquals(milter.user,'batman') self.assertTrue(milter.auth_type != 'batcomputer',"setsymlist failed") self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertTrue(ctx._bodyreplaced,"Message body not replaced") fp = ctx._body with open('test/'+fname+".tstout","wb") as f: f.write(fp.getvalue()) #self.assertTrue(fp.getvalue() == open("test/virus1.out","r").read()) msg = mime.message_from_file(fp) s = msg.get_payload(1).get_payload() milter.log(s) ctx._close() def testDefang(self,fname='virus1'): milter = TestMilter() milter.setsymval('{auth_authen}','batman') milter.setsymval('{auth_type}','batcomputer') milter.setsymval('j','mailhost') rc = milter.connect() self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.CONTINUE) with as fp: rc = milter.feedFile(fp) self.assertTrue(milter.user == 'batman',"getsymval failed") # setsymlist not working in TestBase #self.assertTrue(milter.auth_type != 'batcomputer',"setsymlist failed") self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertTrue(milter._bodyreplaced,"Message body not replaced") fp = milter._body with open('test/'+fname+".tstout","wb") as f: f.write(fp.getvalue()) #self.assertTrue(fp.getvalue() == open("test/virus1.out","r").read()) msg = mime.message_from_file(fp) s = msg.get_payload(1).get_payload() milter.log(s) milter.close() def testParse(self,fname='spam7'): milter = TestMilter() milter.connect('somehost') rc = milter.feedMsg(fname) self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertFalse(milter._bodyreplaced,"Milter needlessly replaced body.") fp = milter._body with open('test/'+fname+".tstout","wb") as f: f.write(fp.getvalue()) milter.close() def testDefang2(self): milter = TestMilter() milter.connect('somehost') rc = milter.feedMsg('samp1') self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertFalse(milter._bodyreplaced,"Milter needlessly replaced body.") with"virus3") as fp: rc = milter.feedFile(fp) self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertTrue(milter._bodyreplaced,"Message body not replaced") fp = milter._body with open("test/virus3.tstout","wb") as f: f.write(fp.getvalue()) #self.assertTrue(fp.getvalue() == open("test/virus3.out","r").read()) with"virus6") as fp: rc = milter.feedFile(fp) self.assertTrue(rc == Milter.ACCEPT) self.assertTrue(milter._bodyreplaced,"Message body not replaced") self.assertTrue(milter._headerschanged,"Message headers not adjusted") fp = milter._body with open("test/virus6.tstout","wb") as f: f.write(fp.getvalue()) milter.close() def suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(BMSMilterTestCase,'test') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
__author__ = 'Stuart Gordon Reid' __email__ = '' __website__ = '' """ File description """ class Solution(object): solution = [] def __init__(self, solution, problem): """ Abstract initialization method for a solution to some optimization function :param solution: a numpy array (much faster than lists) """ self.solution = solution self.problem = problem return def __len__(self): """ Overload of the len operator for the Solution class :rtype : Sized? """ return len(self.solution) def update(self, solution): """ This method is used for updating a solution """ self.solution = solution def get(self): """ This method is used to retrieve the numpy array for direct manipulation """ return self.solution def evaluate(self): return self.problem.evaluate(self.solution) def __gt__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Solution) if self.problem.optimization is "min": return self.evaluate() < other.evaluate() elif self.problem.optimization is "max": return self.evaluate() > other.evaluate() def deep_copy(self): copy = Solution(None, self.problem) copy.solution = [] for i in range(len(self.solution)): copy.solution.append(self.solution[i]) return copy
''' _______ | \ \ / @@@; | \ \ / `#....@ | | \ / ,;@.....;,; | | \ / @..@........@` PyWeather Setup | | \ / .............@ version 0.6.3 beta | / \ / .............@ (c) 2017-2018 - o355 |_______/ | @...........#` | | .+@@++++@#; | | @ ; , | | : ' . | | @ # .` | | @ # .` ''' # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): print("You'll need Python 3 to run PyWeather.", "Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() elif (sys.version_info > (3, 0, 0) and sys.version_info < (3, 5, 0)): print("You have a Python version between 3.0 and 3.4.", "While PyWeather will work, you may experience a few quirks.", "Try updating to Python 3.6, as it works more reliably.", "Please take note of this in PyWeather.","", sep="\n") elif sys.version_info >= (3, 7, 0): print("You have a Python version of 3.7 and greater.", "Please note that PyWeather 0.6.2 beta is NOT certified to work with", "Python 3.7. Python 3.6 and below should work just fine.", sep="\n") import configparser import traceback import subprocess import logging import os import urllib # Now force the writing of the versioninfo file during setup, this should prevent issues # in the event I forget to gitignore the file. try: open('updater//versioninfo.txt', 'w').close() with open("updater//versioninfo.txt", 'a') as out: out.write("0.6.3 beta") out.close() except: print("Couldn't write the versioninfo file. This may cause issues with PyWeather down the road.") config = configparser.ConfigParser()'storage//config.ini') def configprovision(): try: config.add_section("GEOCODER API") except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the Geocoder API section.") try: config.add_section("FAVORITE LOCATIONS") except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the favorite locations section.") try: config.add_section("PREVIOUS LOCATIONS") except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the previous locations section") try: config.add_section("HURRICANE") except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the hurricane section.") try: config.add_section("FIRSTINPUT") except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the firstinput section.") try: config.add_section('SUMMARY') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the summary section.") try: config.add_section('VERBOSITY') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the verbosity section.") try: config.add_section('TRACEBACK') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the traceback section.") try: config.add_section('UI') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the UI section.") try: config.add_section('PREFETCH') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the prefetch section.") try: config.add_section('UPDATER') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the updater section.") try: config.add_section('KEYBACKUP') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the keybackup section.") try: config.add_section('PYWEATHER BOOT') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the PyWeather Boot section.") try: config.add_section('USER') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the user section.") try: config.add_section('CACHE') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the cache section.") try: config.add_section('RADAR GUI') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the Radar GUI section.") try: config.add_section('GEOCODER') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: print("Failed to add the Geocoder section.") config['SUMMARY']['sundata_summary'] = 'False' config['SUMMARY']['almanac_summary'] = 'False' config['SUMMARY']['showalertsonsummary'] = 'True' config['SUMMARY']['showtideonsummary'] = 'False' config['SUMMARY']['showyesterdayonsummary'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['verbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['json_verbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['setup_verbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['setup_jsonverbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['updater_verbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['updater_jsonverbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['keybackup_verbosity'] = 'False' config['VERBOSITY']['configdefault_verbosity'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['setup_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['updater_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['configdefault_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['UI']['show_entertocontinue'] = 'True' config['UI']['detailedinfoloops'] = '6' config['UI']['forecast_detailedinfoloops'] = '5' config['UI']['show_completediterations'] = 'False' config['UI']['alerts_usiterations'] = '1' config['UI']['alerts_euiterations'] = '2' config['UI']['extratools_enabled'] = 'False' config['PREFETCH']['10dayfetch_atboot'] = 'False' config['PREFETCH']['yesterdaydata_atboot'] = 'False' config['UPDATER']['autocheckforupdates'] = 'False' config['UPDATER']['show_updaterreleasetag'] = 'False' config['KEYBACKUP']['savedirectory'] = 'backup//' config['PYWEATHER BOOT']['validateapikey'] = 'True' config['UPDATER']['showReleaseNotes'] = 'True' config['UPDATER']['showReleaseNotes_uptodate'] = 'False' config['UPDATER']['showNewVersionReleaseDate'] = 'True' config['USER']['configprovisioned'] = 'True' config['CACHE']['enabled'] = 'True' config['CACHE']['alerts_cachedtime'] = '5' config['CACHE']['current_cachedtime'] = '10' config['CACHE']['threedayhourly_cachedtime'] = '60' config['CACHE']['tendayhourly_cachedtime'] = '60' config['CACHE']['forecast_cachedtime'] = '60' config['CACHE']['almanac_cachedtime'] = '240' config['CACHE']['sundata_cachedtime'] = '480' config['CACHE']['tide_cachedtime'] = '480' config['CACHE']['hurricane_cachedtime'] = '180' config['CACHE']['yesterday_cachedtime'] = '720' config['RADAR GUI']['radar_imagesize'] = 'normal' config['RADAR GUI']['bypassconfirmation'] = 'False' config['GEOCODER']['scheme'] = 'https' config['GEOCODER API']['customkey_enabled'] = 'False' config['GEOCODER API']['customkey'] = 'None' config['PREFETCH']['hurricanedata_atboot'] = 'False' config['FIRSTINPUT']['geoipservice_enabled'] = 'False' config['FIRSTINPUT']['allow_pwsqueries'] = 'True' config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity'] = 'False' config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity_forecast'] = 'False' config['HURRICANE']['api_username'] = 'pyweather_proj' config['HURRICANE']['nearestcitysize'] = 'medium' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc1'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc2'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc3'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc4'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc5'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc1_data'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc2_data'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc3_data'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc4_data'] = 'None' config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['favloc5_data'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc1'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc2'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc3'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc4'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc5'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc1_data'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc2_data'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc3_data'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc4_data'] = 'None' config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['prevloc5_data'] = 'None' try: with open('storage//config.ini', 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) except: print(" odd error occurred. A full traceback will be", "printed below. Please report this issue on GitHub", "(, as that would be greatly appreciated", "for trying to fix the bug that you just encountered!", sep="\n") traceback.print_exc() # Giving users choice, unlike Microsoft. print("Would you like to continue using PyWeather with an unprovisioned config?", "It's highly recommended you don't continue, as you may encounter", "unexpected errors and issues with using PyWeather. Yes or No.", sep="\n") provisionfailed_continue = input("Input here: ").lower() if provisionfailed_continue == "yes": print("Continuing with PyWeather Setup. Please remember, you may encounter", "unexpected errors and issues. You can always retry provisioning your config", "by using the script in the storage folder.", sep="\n") elif provisionfailed_continue == "no": print("Stopping PyWeather Setup. You can retry to provision your config by using", "the script in the storage folder.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() else: print("Couldn't understand your input. By default, PyWeather Setup is stopping.", "You can retry to provision your config by using the script", "in the storage folder. Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() # See if the config is "provisioned". If it isn't, a KeyError will occur, # because it's not created. Here, we set up the config to defaults if it's not # provisioned. try: configprovisioned = config.getboolean('USER', 'configprovisioned') except: print("Your config likely isn't provisioned. Would you like to provision your config?", "It's highly recommended you provision your config. If you decide not to,", "you may run into issues using PyWeather.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") provisionconfig = input("Input here: ").lower() if provisionconfig == "yes": print("Provisioning your config.") configprovision() print("Config file provisioned successfully! Moving on with PyWeather setup...") elif provisionconfig == "no": print("Not provisioning your config. You may encounter unexpected errors", "and issues when using PyWeather, however.", sep="\n") else: print("Couldn't understand your input. By default, I'm going to provision", "your config. Beginning now...", sep="\n") configprovision() print("Config file provisioned successfully! Moving on with PyWeather setup...") try: verbosity = config.getboolean('VERBOSITY', 'setup_verbosity') jsonVerbosity = config.getboolean('VERBOSITY', 'setup_jsonverbosity') tracebacksEnabled = config.getboolean('TRACEBACK', 'setup_tracebacks') except: print("Couldn't load your config file. Make sure there aren't any typos", "in the config, and that the config file is accessible.", "Setting config variables to their defaults.", "Here's the full traceback, in case you need it.", sep="\n") traceback.print_exc() verbosity = False jsonVerbosity = False tracebacksEnabled = False def printException(): if tracebacksEnabled == True: print("Here's the full traceback (for error reporting):") traceback.print_exc() def printException_loggerwarn(): if verbosity == True: logger.warning("Oh snap! We ran into a non-critical error. Here's the traceback.") traceback.print_exc() logger = logging.getLogger(name='pyweather_setup_0.6.2beta') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logformat = '%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=logformat) if verbosity == True: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif tracebacksEnabled == True: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) else: logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logger.debug("Listing configuration options:") logger.debug("verbosity: %s ; jsonVerbosity: %s" % (verbosity, jsonVerbosity)) logger.debug("tracebacksEnabled: %s" % tracebacksEnabled) print("Hi! Welcome to PyWeather 0.6.3 beta! Glad that you're here.", "I'm here to help set up PyWeather, and let you configure it to your liking.", "Let's begin!", sep="\n") import shutil import time import json import codecs buildnumber = 63 buildversion = "0.6.3 beta" logger.debug("buildnumber: %s ; buildversion: %s" % (buildnumber, buildversion)) print("","Before we get started, I want to confirm some permissions from you.", "Is it okay if I use 1-5 MB of data (downloading libraries), save a small", "text file called apikey.txt (under 2 KB), and automatically install Python", "libraries?", "Please input yes or no below:", sep="\n") confirmPermissions = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("confirmPermissions: %s" % confirmPermissions) if confirmPermissions == "no": logger.debug("User denied permissions. Closing...") print("Okay! Closing now.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() elif confirmPermissions != "yes": logger.debug("Couldn't understand. Closing...") print("I couldn't understand what you said.", "As a precaution, I won't proceed any further.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() print("","Cool! Let's start.", "I'm going to start by checking for necessary libraries (to run PyWeather).", "This can take a moment, so please hold tight while I check!", sep="\n") try: import pip except ImportError: logger.warn("pip is NOT installed! Asking user for automated install...") printException_loggerwarn() print("","Shucks! PIP couldn't be imported, and I need PIP to install", "libraries for you. Would you like me to install PIP for you?", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") pipConfirm = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("pipConfirm: %s" % pipConfirm) if pipConfirm == "no":"User denied PIP install, closing...") print("","Okay! I'm closing setup, as I need PIP to continue.", "Press enter to continue.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() elif pipConfirm == "yes":"User allowed PIP install. Starting...") print("","Okay!", "I'll download PIP's installer, and run it.", "Doing such uses about 2-4 MB of data, and will quit PW setup.", "When the setup script finishes, you'll need to run the setup script again." "I'll start in a few seconds.", sep="\n") time.sleep(3) print("Downloading the installer...") # We use the built-in urllib library, as some Python installs don't include requests. try: with urllib.request.urlopen('') as update_response, open('', 'wb') as update_out_file: logger.debug("update_response: %s ; update_out_file: %s" % (update_response, update_out_file)) shutil.copyfileobj(update_response, update_out_file) except: print("Couldn't download the PIP installer, either due to no internet connection, or the library that fetches", "files has failed. As an alternative, you can download the installer yourself.", "Please download this file: '', and place it in PyWeather's base directory.", "Afterwards, press enter to execute the installer. Press Control + C to exit.", sep="\n") printException() input() print("Running the installer...") logger.debug("Executing If this script exits, please restart the setup script.") exec(open("").read()) else: logger.warn("Couldn't understand the input. Closing...") print("","I didn't understand what you said.", "As a precaution, I'm closing setup, as I need PIP to continue.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() except PermissionError: traceback.print_exc() print("PIP has incorrect permissions on your machine. Please attempt to fix", "permissions on the folder that is listed in the traceback.", "Linux users: Use sudo chown -R <yourusername> <folder>, this should fix the issue.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() print("Deleting the PIP installer file (if it exists)") try: os.remove("") except: printException_loggerwarn() print("The file didn't exist, or we had wrong permissions.") neededLibraries = 0 try: import colorama coloramaInstalled = True"Colorama is installed.") logger.debug("coloramaInstalled: %s" % coloramaInstalled) except ImportError: coloramaInstalled = False neededLibraries = neededLibraries + 1 logger.warn("Colorama is not installed.") printException_loggerwarn() logger.debug("coloramaInstalled: %s ; neededLibraries: %s" % (coloramaInstalled, neededLibraries)) try: import geopy geopyInstalled = True"geopy is installed.") logger.debug("geopyInstalled: %s" % geopyInstalled) except ImportError: geopyInstalled = False neededLibraries = neededLibraries + 1"geopy is NOT installed.") printException_loggerwarn() logger.debug("geopyInstalled: %s ; neededLibraries: %s" % (geopyInstalled, neededLibraries)) try: from appJar import gui appjarInstalled = True"appjar is installed.") logger.debug("appjarInstalled: %s" % appjarInstalled) except ImportError as e: if e == "No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package": print("appJar cannot run on this platform. Skipping installation...") appjarInstalled = True logger.debug("appjarInstalled: %s" % appjarInstalled) else: appjarInstalled = False neededLibraries = neededLibraries + 1 logger.debug("appJar is NOT installed.") printException_loggerwarn() logger.debug("appjarInstalled: %s ; neededLibraries: %s" % (appjarInstalled, neededLibraries)) try: import requests requestsInstalled = True logger.debug("requests is installed.") logger.debug("requestsInstalled: %s" % requestsInstalled) except: requestsInstalled = False neededLibraries = neededLibraries + 1 logger.debug("requests is NOT installed.") printException_loggerwarn() logger.debug("requestsInstalled: %s ; neededLibraries: %s" % (requestsInstalled, neededLibraries)) try: import halo haloInstalled = True logger.debug("halo is installed.") logger.debug("haloInstalled: %s" % haloInstalled) except: haloInstalled = False neededLibraries += 1 logger.debug("halo is NOT installed.") printException_loggerwarn() logger.debug("haloInstalled: %s ; neededLibraries: %s" % (haloInstalled, neededLibraries)) print("All done!") if neededLibraries == 0: logger.debug("All libraries are installed.") print("All necessary libraries have been installed!") else: logger.debug("Libraries need to be installed.") print("Shucks. Not all necessary libraries are installed. Here's what needs to be installed:") if coloramaInstalled is False: print("- Colorama") if geopyInstalled is False: print("- Geopy") if appjarInstalled is False: print("- appJar") if requestsInstalled is False: print("- Requests") if haloInstalled is False: print("- Halo") print("If you want me to, I can automatically install these libraries.", "Would you like me to do such? Yes or No.", sep="\n") neededLibrariesConfirm = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("neededLibrariesConfirm: %s" % neededLibrariesConfirm) if neededLibrariesConfirm == "no": logger.warning("Not installing necessary libraries. Now exiting...") print("Okay. I needed to install necessary libraries to continue.", "Now quitting...", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() elif neededLibrariesConfirm == "yes": print("Now installing necessary libraries...") if coloramaInstalled is False: print("Installing Colorama...") pip.main(['install', 'colorama']) if geopyInstalled is False: print("Installing geopy...") pip.main(['install', 'geopy']) if appjarInstalled is False: print("Installing appJar...") pip.main(['install', 'appJar']) if requestsInstalled is False: print("Installing requests...") pip.main(['install', 'requests']) if haloInstalled is False: print("Installing halo...") pip.main(['install', 'halo'])"Running the double check on libraries...") print("Sweet! All libraries should be installed.", "Just to confirm, I'm double checking if needed libraries are installed.", sep="\n") try: import colorama"Colorama installed successfully.") except ImportError: logger.warn("colorama was not installed successfully.") print("Hmm...Colorama didn't install properly.") printException() print("As a last resort, we can use sudo -H to install packages.", "Do you want to use the shell option to install colorama?", "WARNING: Using the last-resort method may screw up PIP, and", "may require you to reinstall PIP on your machine." "Yes or No.", sep="\n") colorama_lastresort = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("colorama_lastresort: %s" % colorama_lastresort) if colorama_lastresort == "yes": try: print("Now executing `sudo -H pip3 install colorama`.", "Please enter the password for sudo when the prompt", "comes up. Press Control + C to cancel.", "Starting in 5 seconds...", sep="\n") time.sleep(5) try:["sudo -H pip3 install colorama"], shell=True) try: print("Attempting to reimport colorama.") import colorama print("Colorama is FINALLY installed!") except: print("Colorama still wasn't successfully installed.", "Cannot continue without Colorama.", "Try doing a manual install of Colorama with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except: print("When running the command, an error occurred", "Try doing a manual install of Colorama with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Command execution aborted.", "Cannot continue without Colorama.", "Try and do a manual install of Colorama with PIP", "in a command line.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() elif colorama_lastresort == "no": print("Not installing Colorama with a shell command.", "Cannot continue without Colorama.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() else: print("Did not understand your input. Defaulting to not installing", "via the shell. Cannot continue without Colorama.", "Try installing Colorama with PIP.", "Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() try: import geopy"geopy installed successfully.") except ImportError: logger.warn("geopy was not installed successfully.") print("Hmm...geopy didn't install properly.") printException() print("As a last resort, we can use sudo -H to install packages.", "Do you want to use the shell option to install geopy?", "WARNING: Using the last-resort method may screw up PIP, and", "may require you to reinstall PIP on your machine." "Yes or No.", sep="\n") geopy_lastresort = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("geopy_lastresort: %s" % geopy_lastresort) if geopy_lastresort == "yes": try: print("Now executing `sudo -H pip3 install geopy`.", "Please enter the password for sudo when the prompt", "comes up. Press Control + C to cancel.", "Starting in 5 seconds...", sep="\n") time.sleep(5) try:["sudo -H pip3 install geopy"], shell=True) try: print("Attempting to reimport geopy.") import geopy print("Geopy is FINALLY installed!") except: print("Geopy still wasn't successfully installed.", "Cannot continue without geopy.", "Try doing a manual install of geopy with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except: print("When running the command, an error occurred", "Try doing a manual install of geopy with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Command execution aborted.", "Cannot continue without geopy.", "Try and do a manual install of geopy with PIP", "in a command line.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() elif geopy_lastresort == "no": print("Not installing geopy with a shell command.", "Cannot continue without geopy.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() else: print("Did not understand your input. Defaulting to not installing", "via the shell. Cannot continue without geopy.", "Try installing geopy with PIP.", "Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() # Why is appJar not here? When appJar is straight up imported in a non-GUI environment, it'll throw an error # even when it's installed. I don't check for an install because of this reason. try: import requests"requests installed successfully.") except ImportError: logger.warning("Requests was not installed successfully.") print("Hmm...requests didn't install properly.") printException() print("As a last resort, we can use sudo -H to install packages.", "Do you want to use the shell option to install requests?", "WARNING: Using the last-resort method may screw up PIP, and", "may require you to reinstall PIP on your machine." "Yes or No.", sep="\n") requests_lastresort = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("requests_lastresort: %s" % requests_lastresort) if requests_lastresort == "yes": try: print("Now executing `sudo -H pip3 install requests`.", "Please enter the password for sudo when the prompt", "comes up. Press Control + C to cancel.", "Starting in 5 seconds...", sep="\n") time.sleep(5) try:["sudo -H pip3 install requests"], shell=True) try: # Fun fact: This is inside THREE try/except things. print("Attempting to reimport requests.") import requests print("requests is FINALLY installed!") except: print("requests still wasn't successfully installed.", "Cannot continue without requests.", "Try doing a manual install of requests with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except: print("When running the command, an error occurred", "Try doing a manual install of requests with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Command execution aborted.", "Cannot continue without appJar.", "Try and do a manual install of requests with PIP", "in a command line.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() elif requests_lastresort == "no": print("Not installing appJar with a shell command.", "Cannot continue without requests.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() else: print("Did not understand your input. Defaulting to not installing", "via the shell. Cannot continue without requests.", "Try installing requests with PIP.", "Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() try: import halo"Halo installed successfully.") except ImportError: logger.warn("halo was not installed successfully.") print("Hmm...Halo didn't install properly.") printException() print("As a last resort, we can use sudo -H to install packages.", "Do you want to use the shell option to install halo?", "WARNING: Using the last-resort method may screw up PIP, and", "may require you to reinstall PIP on your machine." "Yes or No.", sep="\n") halo_lastresort = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("halo_lastresort: %s" % halo_lastresort) if halo_lastresort == "yes": try: print("Now executing `sudo -H pip3 install halo`.", "Please enter the password for sudo when the prompt", "comes up. Press Control + C to cancel.", "Starting in 5 seconds...", sep="\n") time.sleep(5) try:["sudo -H pip3 install halo"], shell=True) try: print("Attempting to reimport halo.") import colorama print("Halo is now installed!") except: print("Halo still wasn't successfully installed.", "Cannot continue without Halo.", "Try doing a manual install of Halo with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except: print("When running the command, an error occurred", "Try doing a manual install of Halo with PIP.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Command execution aborted.", "Cannot continue without Halo.", "Try and do a manual install of Halo with PIP", "in a command line.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() elif halo_lastresort == "no": print("Not installing Halo with a shell command.", "Cannot continue without Halo.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() else: print("Did not understand your input. Defaulting to not installing", "via the shell. Cannot continue without Halo.", "Try installing Halo with PIP.", "Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() print("","All libraries are installed!", sep="\n") else: logger.warn("Input was not understood. Closing...") print("Your input wasn't understood for if you wanted to automatically import libraries.", "As a precaution PyWeather Setup needs to now close. Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() # Previously this updated all your pip packages. I then did this on my NAS (on FreeNAS 11). # It broke my NAS! Woo hoo! print("", "Would you like PyWeather to automatically update it's required packages?", "Doing this is generally recommended, and will have benefits down the line when", "some libraries fix known issues that occur in PyWeather. Yes or No.", sep="\n") confirm_updatepip = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("confirm_updatepip: %s" % confirm_updatepip) if confirm_updatepip == "yes": print("") print("Updating PIP packages.") totalpackages = 5 updatecount = 1 pip_requiredlibraries = ['requests', 'halo', 'appjar', 'colorama', 'geopy'] for pkgname in pip_requiredlibraries: print("Now updating package: %s (Update %s/%s)" % (pkgname, updatecount, totalpackages)) pip.main(['install', '--upgrade', '%s' % pkgname]) updatecount = updatecount + 1 elif confirm_updatepip == "no": print("Not updating PIP packages. You may run into issues with non-updated", "packages in future versions of PyWeather.") else: print("Input not understood, not updating PIP packages. You may run into", "issues with non-updated packages in future versions of PyWeather.") # Verbosity is not needed here. print("I'm now going to guide you through obtaining an API key.", "Please carefully read my detailed instructions, so you don't mess anything up.", sep="\n") print("","If you know how to acquire a Wunderground API key, or are resetting PyWeather,", "hit enter 14 times to get to the API key entry.", sep="\n") print("Let's begin.", "Start by opening a web browser, and going to", "Press any key when you are done.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, click the 'Explore my options' button.", "Press any key when you are done.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, click the small button next to 'ANVIL PLAN'.", "After that, confirm that the total underneath the 'Purchase Key' button says", "'$0 USD per month'.", "If the total underneath the 'Purchase Key' button doesn't", "say '$0 USD per month, please ensure that the small button next to 'Developer'", "on the table in the middle of the screen is selected, and the total", "says '$0 USD per month'", "Press any key when you are done.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, click the 'Purchase Key' button.", "Press any key when you are done.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, input your email, and a password to sign up for a Weather", "Underground account.", "Be sure to select the checkbox next to 'I agree to the Terms of Service'", "It's best if you leave the checkbox next to 'I would like to receive WU", "updates via email' unchecked.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, press the 'Sign up for free' button.", "When the welcome window pops up, be sure to click the X button at the top right of the popup.", "When clicking the X, you should be redirected to", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, click 'My Profile' at the top right corner of the homepage.", "In the dropdown, click 'My Email & Text Alerts'", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, next to your email listed on the page, click the 'Edit / Verify' button.", "After you click the button, click the 'Verify Email' button.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, check your email in which you signed up with.", "If you got a letter from Weather Underground, titled 'Daily Forecast", "Email Verification', open that letter, and click the link.", "If you didn't get the letter, wait a few minutes, and be sure to check your spam folder.", "Hint: If you followed this guide exactly, WU will not be sending you daily forecasts to your email.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Your email should be verified.", "Next, in your web browser, head back to", "Then, click the 'Explore my Options' button, again.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, at the top of the page, make sure the button next to 'ANVIL PLAN'", "is selected.", "After that, confirm that the total underneath the 'Purchase Key' button says", "'$0 USD per month'", "If the total doesn't say that, in the pricing table, make sure the button", "next to 'Developer' is selected.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, click the 'Purchase Key' button, on top of your total (which", "should be $0 USD per month)", "Next, fill out the form, considering these tips:", "For the contact name/email, it's recommended you use your real name", "(first name last initial is fine).", "It's also recommended that you use your real email.", "For the project name, put in something generic, like 'to use a script that", "uses WU's API', or 'WU API test'. It's up to you.", "For the project website, put in something generic, like '', or", "some other site you feel like having as the project site.", "For the question 'Where will the API be used', answer Other.", "For the question 'Will the API be used for commercial use?', answer No.", "For the question 'Will the API be used for manufacturing mobile chip", "processing?', answer No.", "Answer yes if you somehow are manufacturing mobile chip processing. I doubt", "you are, however.", "For the country that you are based in, put your location.", "Before we move on, fill out these forms, and press any key when you are done " "and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Next, for the brief description, put something like 'using an API key", "to use a script using Wunderground'.", "After that, check both boxes at the bottom of the page. Read the ToS if you", "feel like it.", "Finally, click 'Purchase Key'.", "You should land on a page that says 'Edit API Key'.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("In the table to the left of the page, copy the text that's under Key ID.", "(Ctrl+C, right click)", "I'm now going to ask you to input the API key into the text entry below.", "The API key will be saved to storage/apikey.txt, so PyWeather can easily", "pull it up.", "Press any key when you are done and ready.", sep="\n") input() print("Please input your API key below.") apikey_input = input("Input here: ") logger.debug("apikey_input: %s" % apikey_input) print("", "Just to confirm, the API key you gave me was: " + apikey_input + ".", sep="\n") print("Please double check your input, and confirm in the dialogue below.") apikey_confirm = input("Is the API key right? Yes or no: ").lower() logger.debug("apikey_confirm: %s" % apikey_confirm) if apikey_confirm == "no": while True: logger.debug("User now re-entering key...") print("","Please input your API key below.", sep="\n") apikey_input = input("Input here: ") logger.debug("apikey_input: %s" % apikey_input) print("Just to confirm, the API key you gave me was: " + apikey_input + ".") apikey_confirm = input("Is the API key right? Yes or no: ").lower() if apikey_confirm == "yes": break elif apikey_confirm == "no": continue else: print("Couldn't understand your input.", "I'll assume the API key is correct, moving on.", sep="\n") print("Now saving your API key...") open('storage//apikey.txt', 'w').close() with open("storage//apikey.txt", 'a') as out: logger.debug("out: %s" % out) out.write(apikey_input) out.close() logger.debug("Performed ops: overwrite apikey.txt, out.write(apikey_input), out.close()") print("", "I can also back up your API key, in case you do something wrong.", sep="\n") # A future release should bring customization as to the storage location. print("Would you like me to save a backup? Yes or no.") backup_APIkey = input("Input here: ").lower() if backup_APIkey == "yes": print("","Where would you want me to backup the key to?", "This is a directory. If I wanted my key at directory/backkey.txt,", "You would enter 'directory'. The default directory is 'backup'.", sep="\n") # Doing a .lower() here to prevent case insensitiveness. backup_APIkeydirectory = input("Input here: ").lower() folder_argument = backup_APIkeydirectory + "//backkey.txt" backup_APIkeydirectory2 = backup_APIkeydirectory + "//" logger.debug("backup_APIkeydirectory: %s ; backup_APIkeydirectory2: %s" % (backup_APIkeydirectory, backup_APIkeydirectory2)) logger.debug("folder_argument: %s" % folder_argument) # These two variables will get reset if the directory is backup, or empty. if backup_APIkeydirectory == "backup" or backup_APIkeydirectory == "": print("Using the default directory of //backup.") folder_argument = "backup//backkey.txt" backup_APIkeydirectory2 = "backup//" logger.debug("folder_argument: %s ; backup_APIkeydirectory2: %s" % (folder_argument, backup_APIkeydirectory2)) elif backup_APIkeydirectory != "backup": try: os.mkdir(backup_APIkeydirectory2) except: printException_loggerwarn() print("Couldn't make the directory, does it exist?") # Overwrite the file, if it exists. open(folder_argument, 'w').close() open(folder_argument, 'a').write(apikey_input) open(folder_argument).close() config['KEYBACKUP']['savedirectory'] = backup_APIkeydirectory2 print("The API key was backed up successfully!") logger.debug("Performed 3 ops. Overwrite "+ folder_argument + "backkey.txt, write to backkey.txt" + ", and close backkey.txt.") print("", "Before we configure PyWeather, I'll now validate your API key.", sep="\n") # Do an infinite loop of validation of the API key, so the user can reenter the API key # if it was wrong. while True: apitest_URL = '' + apikey_input + '/conditions/q/NY/New_York.json' testreader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") logger.debug("apitest_URL: %s ; testreader: %s" % (apitest_URL, testreader)) try: testJSON = requests.get(apitest_URL) logger.debug("testJSON: %s" % testJSON) except: logger.warn("Couldn't connect to Wunderground's API! No internet?") print("When PyWeather Setup attempted to fetch the .json to validate your API key,", "it ran into an error. If you're on a network with a filter, make sure that", "'' is unblocked. Otherwise, make sure you have an internet", "connection.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() test_json = json.loads(testJSON.text) if jsonVerbosity == True: logger.debug("test_json: %s" % test_json) try: test_conditions = str(test_json['current_observation']['temp_f']) logger.debug("test_conditions: %s" % test_conditions) print("Hurray! Your API key is valid and works.") break except: logger.warn("Error! Is the API key invalid?") print("When attempting to validate the API key that you entered/confirmed,", "PyWeather ran into an error. Would you like to reenter your API key to revalidate it?", "Please note, that this error might be caused by WU's API being down, or another cause.", "However, 90% of the time, this is due to a bad API key.", "Yes or No.", sep='\n') revalidateAPIkey = input("Input here: ").lower() if revalidateAPIkey == "yes": print("Enter in your API key below.") apikey_input = input("Input here: ") logger.debug("apikey_input: %s") print("Revalidating your API key...") continue elif revalidateAPIkey == "no": print("Not revalidating your API key. You'll need a valid API key to continue.", "Press enter to exit.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit() printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() print("Let's configure PyWeather to your liking.") logger.debug("config: %s" % config) print("", "(1/42)","On the summary screen, would you like to show sunrise/sunset times?", "By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") sundata_Summary = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("sundata_Summary: %s" % sundata_Summary) if sundata_Summary == "yes": config['SUMMARY']['sundata_summary'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Sundata on the summary is now ENABLED.") elif sundata_Summary == "no": config['SUMMARY']['sundata_summary'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Sundata on the summary is now DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'False'", sep="\n") config['SUMMARY']['sundata_summary'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not recognize input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(2/42)","On the summary screen, would you like to show almanac data?", "By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or no:", sep="\n") almanacdata_Summary = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("almanacdata_Summary: %s" % almanacdata_Summary) if almanacdata_Summary == "yes": config['SUMMARY']['almanac_summary'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Almanac on the summary is now ENABLED.") elif almanacdata_Summary == "no": config['SUMMARY']['almanac_summary'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Almanac on the summary is now DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'False'", sep="\n") config['SUMMARY']['almanac_summary'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not recognize input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(3/42)", "On the summary screen, would you like to show alerts data?", "By default, this is enabled. Please note, Wunderground", "only supports alert data in the US and EU at this time.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") alertsdata_Summary = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("alertsdata_Summary: %s" % alertsdata_Summary) if alertsdata_Summary == "yes": config['SUMMARY']['showalertsonsummary'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Alerts on the summary is now ENABLED.") elif alertsdata_Summary == "no": config['SUMMARY']['showalertsonsummary'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Alerts on the summary is now DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'True'", sep="\n") config['SUMMARY']['showAlertsOnSummary'] = 'True' print("", "(4/42)","On boot, would you like PyWeather to check for updates?", "By default, this is disabled, due to a load time increase of ~2-5 seconds.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") checkForUpdates = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("checkForUpdates: %s" % checkForUpdates) if checkForUpdates == "yes": config['UPDATER']['autoCheckForUpdates'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Checking for updates on startup is ENABLED.") elif checkForUpdates == "no": config['UPDATER']['autoCheckForUpdates'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Checking for updates on startup is DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'False'", sep="\n") config['UPDATER']['autoCheckForUpdates'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not recognize input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(5/42)","When an error occurs, would you like PyWeather to show the full error?", "When enabled, you'll have easier access to the full error for reporting", "the bug on GitHub.", "By default, this is disabled, as errors look less pretty when enabled.", "Yes or no.", sep="\n") displayTracebacks = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("displayTracebacks: %s" % displayTracebacks) if displayTracebacks == "yes": config['TRACEBACK']['tracebacks'] = 'True' config['TRACEBACK']['setup_tracebacks'] = 'True' config['TRACEBACK']['updater_tracebacks'] = 'True' config['TRACEBACK']['keybackup_tracebacks'] = 'True' config['TRACEBACK']['configdefault_tracebacks'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Printing tracebacks is ENABLED.") elif displayTracebacks == "no": config['TRACEBACK']['tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['setup_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['updater_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['keybackup_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['configdefault_tracebacks'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Printing tracebacks is DISABLED.") else: print("Couldn't understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'False'", sep="\n") config['TRACEBACK']['tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['setup_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['updater_tracebacks'] = 'False' config['TRACEBACK']['keybackup_tracebacks'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(6/42)", "When booting PyWeather up initially, would you like PyWeather to", "fetch the 10-day hourly forecast, instead of the 3-day forecast?", "This is disabled by default. When enabled, initial loading times are", "increased. However, when you view the 10-day hourly forecast, you won't", "have to wait for it to load, and use another API call.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") tenday_onboot = input("Input here: ").lower() if tenday_onboot == "yes": config['PREFETCH']['10dayfetch_atboot'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Fetching 10 day JSON at boot is ENABLED.") elif tenday_onboot == "no": config['PREFETCH']['10dayfetch_atboot'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Fetching 10 day JSON at boot is DISABLED.") else: print("Couldn't understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to the default value 'False'", sep="\n") config['PREFETCH']['10dayfetch_atboot'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(7/42)", "When viewing detailed hourly, 10-day hourly, and historical hourly,", "detailed information, how many iterations should PyWeather go through", "before asking you to continue?", "By default, this is 6. An input above 10", "is not recommended.", sep="\n") detailedloops = input("Input here: ") try: detailedloops = int(detailedloops) detailedloops = str(detailedloops) config['UI']['detailedinfoloops'] = detailedloops print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed info iterations now %s." % detailedloops) except: print("Couldn't convert input into a number. Defaulting to '6'.") printException_loggerwarn() config['UI']['detailedinfoloops'] = '6' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed info loops now 6.") print("", "(8/42)", "When viewing detailed 10-day forecast information, how many", "iterations should PyWeather go through, before asking you to", "continue?", "By default, this is 5. An input above 10 will not prompt", "the enter to continue prompt", sep="\n") detailedForecastLoops = input("Input here: ") try: detailedForecastLoops = int(detailedForecastLoops) detailedForecastLoops = str(detailedForecastLoops) config['UI']['forecast_detailedinfoloops'] = detailedForecastLoops print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed forecast info iterations now %s" % detailedForecastLoops) except: print("Couldn't convert input into a number. Defaulting to '5'.") printException_loggerwarn() config['UI']['forecast_detailedinfoloops'] = '5' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed forecast info loops now 5.") print("", "(9/42)", "PyWeather has a caching system, in which if you're gone for some time", "data will automatically refresh. Would you like to turn this on?", "This is enabled by default. Yes or No.", sep="\n") enablecache = input("Input here: ").lower() if enablecache == "no": print("Cache will be disabled.") config['CACHE']['enabled'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") else: config['CACHE']['enabled'] = 'True' print("You entered yes, or your input wasn't understood (yes is the default.)", "In the next few inputs, enter the time in minutes that PyWeather should keep", "certain types of data, before a data refresh is automatically requested.", "If you want to leave cache values to their defaults, press enter at any prompt.", sep="\n") print("", "(10/42)", "Please enter the cache time for alerts data in minutes (default = 5)", sep="\n") alertscachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: alertscachetime = float(alertscachetime) alertscachetime = str(alertscachetime) config['CACHE']['alerts_cachedtime'] = alertscachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Alerts cache time now %s minutes." % alertscachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting alerts", "cache time to it's default value of '5'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['alerts_cachedtime'] = '5' logger.debug("Alerts cache time now 5 minutes.") print("", "(11/42)", "Please enter the cache time for current data in minutes (default = 10)", sep="\n") currentcachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: currentcachetime = float(currentcachetime) currentcachetime = str(currentcachetime) config['CACHE']['current_cachedtime'] = currentcachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Current cache time now %s minutes." % alertscachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting current", "cache time to it's default value of '10'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['current_cachedtime'] = '10' logger.debug("Current cache time now 10 minutes.") print("", "(12/42)", "Please enter the cache time for forecast data in minutes (default = 60)", sep="\n") forecastcachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: forecastcachetime = float(forecastcachetime) forecastcachetime = str(forecastcachetime) config['CACHE']['forecast_cachedtime'] = forecastcachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Forecast cache time now %s minutes." % forecastcachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting forecast", "cache time to it's default value of '60'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['forecast_cachedtime'] = '60' logger.debug("Forecast cache time now 60 minutes.") print("", "(13/42)", "Please enter the cache time for almanac data in minutes (default = 240)", sep="\n") almanaccachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: almanaccachetime = float(almanaccachetime) almanaccachetime = str(almanaccachetime) config['CACHE']['almanac_cachedtime'] = almanaccachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Almanac cache time now %s minutes." % almanaccachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting almanac", "cache time to it's default value of '240'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['almanac_cachedtime'] = '240' logger.debug("Almanac cache time now 240 minutes.") print("", "(14/42)", "Please enter the cache time for 1.5 day hourly data in minutes (default = 60)", sep="\n") threedayhourly_cachedtime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: threedayhourly = float(threedayhourly_cachedtime) threedayhourly = str(threedayhourly_cachedtime) config['CACHE']['threedayhourly_cachedtime'] = threedayhourly_cachedtime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("3 day hourly cache time now %s minutes." % threedayhourly_cachedtime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting three day hourly", "cache time to it's default value of '60'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['threedayhourly_cachedtime'] = "60" logger.debug("3 day hourly cache time now 60 minutes") print("", "(15/42)", "Please enter the cache time for the ten day hourly data in minutes (default = 60)", sep="\n") tendayhourly_cachedtime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: tendayhourly = float(tendayhourly_cachedtime) tendayhourly = str(tendayhourly_cachedtime) config['CACHE']['tendayhourly_cachedtime'] = tendayhourly_cachedtime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("10 day hourly cache time now %s minutes." % tendayhourly_cachedtime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting ten day hourly", "cache time to it's default value of '60'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['tendayhourly_cachedtime'] = "60" logger.debug("10 day hourly cache time now 60 minutes") print("", "(16/42)", "Please enter the cache time for sun data in minutes (default = 480)", sep="\n") sundatacachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: sundatacachetime = float(sundatacachetime) sundatacachetime = str(sundatacachetime) config['CACHE']['sundata_cachedtime'] = forecastcachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Sun data cache time now %s minutes." % sundatacachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting sun data", "cache time to it's default value of '480'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['sundata_cachedtime'] = '480' logger.debug("Sun data cache time now 480 minutes.") print("", "(17/42)", "Please enter the cache time for tide data in minutes (default = 480)", sep="\n") tidecachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: tidecachetime = float(tidecachetime) tidecachetime = str(tidecachetime) config['CACHE']['tide_cachedtime'] = tidecachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Tide cache time now %s minutes." % tidecachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting tide data", "cache time to it's default value of '480'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['tide_cachedtime'] = '480' logger.debug("Tide data cache time now 480 minutes.") print("", "(18/42)", "Please enter the cache time for hurricane data in minutes (default = 480)", sep="\n") hurricanecachetime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: hurricanecachetime = float(hurricanecachetime) hurricanecachetime = str(hurricanecachetime) config['CACHE']['hurricane_cachedtime'] = hurricanecachetime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Hurricane cache time now %s minutes" % hurricanecachetime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting hurricane data", "cache time to it's default value of '180'.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['hurricane_cachedtime'] = '180' logger.debug("Hurricane data cache time now 180 minutes.") print("", "(19/42)", "Please enter the cache time for yesterday's weather data in minutes (default = 720)", sep="\n") yesterdaycachedtime = input("Input here: ").lower() try: yesterdaycachedtime = float(yesterdaycachedtime) yesterdaycachedtime = str(yesterdaycachedtime) config['CACHE']['yesterday_cachedtime'] = yesterdaycachedtime print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Yesterday cache time now %s minutess" % yesterdaycachedtime) except: print("", "Your input couldn't be converted into a number. Setting yesterday's weather data", "cache time to it's default value of 720.", sep="\n") config['CACHE']['yesterday_cachedtime'] = '720' logger.debug("Yesterday data cache time now 720 minutes.") print("", "(20/42)", "When viewing detailed EU alerts information, how many", "iterations should PyWeather go through, before asking you to", "continue?", "By default, this is 2.", sep="\n") EUalertsloops = input("Input here: ") try: EUalertsloops = int(EUalertsloops) EUalertsloops = str(EUalertsloops) config['UI']['alerts_EUiterations'] = EUalertsloops print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed EU alert iterations now %s" % EUalertsloops) except: print("Couldn't convert input into a number. Defaulting to '2'.") printException_loggerwarn() config['UI']['alerts_EUiterations'] = '2' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed EU alert iterations now 2.") print("", "(21/42)", "When viewing detailed US alerts information, how many", "iterations should PyWeather go through, before asking you to", "continue?", "By default, this is 1.", sep="\n") USalertsloops = input("Input here: ") try: USalertsloops = int(USalertsloops) USalertsloops = str(USalertsloops) config['UI']['alerts_USiterations'] = USalertsloops print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed US alert iterations now %s" % USalertsloops) except: print("Couldn't convert input to a number. Defaulting to '1'.") printException_loggerwarn() config['UI']['alerts_USiterations'] = '1' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Detailed US alert iterations now 1.") print("", "(22/42)","When PyWeather is going through detailed information, it can show", "how many iterations are completed.", "By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") showIterations = input("Input here: ").lower() if showIterations == "yes": config['UI']['show_completediterations'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing completed iterations is ENABLED.") elif showIterations == "no": config['UI']['show_completediterations'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing completed iterations is DISABLED.") else: print("Couldn't understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'FALSE'.", sep="\n") config['UI']['show_completediterations'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(23/42)", "When PyWeather is going through detailed information, would", "you like the 'Enter to Continue' prompts to pop up?", "By default, this is enabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") showEnterToContinue = input("Input here: ").lower() if showEnterToContinue == "yes": config['UI']['show_entertocontinue'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing enter to continue prompts is ENABLED.") elif showEnterToContinue == "no": config['UI']['show_entertocontinue'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing enter to continue prompts is DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'True'.", sep="\n") config['UI']['show_entertocontinue'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to ENABLED.") print("", "(24/42)", "In the PyWeather Updater, the updater can show the release tag", "associated with the latest release. Helpful for those using Git to", "update PyWeather. By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") showReleaseTag = input("Input here: ").lower() if showReleaseTag == "yes": config['UPDATER']['show_updaterreleasetag'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing release tag in updater is ENABLED.") elif showReleaseTag == "no": config['UPDATER']['show_updaterreleasetag'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Showing release tag in updater is DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'False'.", sep="\n") config['UPDATER']['show_updaterreleasetag'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to DISABLED.") print("", "(25/42)", "When PyWeather boots, it can validate your API key. If PyWeather", "finds your primary API key is invalid, it'll attempt to validate your", "backup key, and load that if it's validated successfully.", "By default, this is enabled, as it's well worth the 1 API call to make", "sure your key is valid. However, if you said 'Yes' to almanac/sun data", "on the summary screen, you might not want to enable this.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") validateKeyOnBoot = input("Input here: ").lower() if validateKeyOnBoot == "yes": config['PYWEATHER BOOT']['validateAPIKey'] = 'True' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Validating API key on boot is ENABLED.") elif validateKeyOnBoot == "no": config['PYWEATHER BOOT']['validateAPIKey'] = 'False' print("Changes saved.") logger.debug("Validating API key on boot is DISABLED.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted.", "Defaulting to 'True'.", sep="\n") config['PYWEATHER BOOT']['validateAPIKey'] = 'False' logger.debug("Could not understand input. Defaulting to ENABLED.") print("", "(26/42)", "PyWeather now has a radar feature, which opens up a GUI on supported", "platforms. Depending on your screen resolution, you'll have to set how large", "the radar picture is when rendered. In the prompt below, enter one of five sizes.", "extrasmall - 320x240 window", "small - 480x320 window", "normal - 640x480 window", "large - 960x720 window", "extralarge - 1280x960 window", "By default, the resolution is normal. Adapt your choice to the screen resolution", "of the machine you're using.", sep="\n") radar_resolutions = ["extrasmall", "small", "normal", "large", "extralarge"] logger.debug("radar_resolutions: %s" % radar_resolutions) radar_resolutioninput = input("Input here: ").lower() for x in range(0, 5): if radar_resolutioninput == radar_resolutions[x]: logger.debug("Resolution input matched, end result: %s" % radar_resolutions[x]) config['RADAR GUI']['radar_imagesize'] = radar_resolutions[x] print("Changes saved.") break # This works by design. If x = 4 (extralarge), the if would catch first. elif x == 5: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'normal'.") config['RADAR GUI']['radar_imagesize'] = 'normal' print("Changes saved.") print("", "(27/42)", "PyWeather's radar feature is unfortunately experimental as of PyWeather 0.6.3 beta.", "By default, a confirmation message will always appear when attempting to launch the radar.", "However, this can be turned off, if you plan to use the experimental radar on a regular basis.", "By default, bypassing the confirmation message is disabled. Yes or No.", sep="\n") radar_bypassconfinput = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("radar_bypassconfinput: %s" % radar_bypassconfinput) if radar_bypassconfinput == "yes": config['RADAR GUI']['bypassconfirmation'] = 'True' logger.debug("RADAR GUI/bypassconfirmation is now TRUE") print("Changes saved.") elif radar_bypassconfinput == "no": config['RADAR GUI']['bypassconfirmation'] = 'False' logger.debug("RADAR GUI/bypassconfirmation is now FALSE") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['RADAR GUI']['bypassconfirmation'] = 'False' logger.debug("RADAR GUI/bypassconfirmation is now FALSE") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(28/42)", "On the summary screen, would you like tide data to be shown?", "This uses an extra API call when enabled. By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") tideonsummary = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("tideonsummary: %s" % tideonsummary) if tideonsummary == "yes": config['SUMMARY']['showtideonsummary'] = "True" logger.debug("SUMMARY/showtideonsummary is now TRUE") print("Changes saved.") elif tideonsummary == "no": config['SUMMARY']['showtideonsummary'] = "False" logger.debug("SUMMARY/showtideonsummary is now FALSE") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['SUMMARY']['showtideonsummary'] = "False" logger.debug("SUMMARY/showtideonsummary is now FALSE") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(29/42)", "When PyWeather boots, would you like hurricane data to be fetched?", "Initial loading times will increase when this is on, but hurricane data will load faster.", "This can use an extra API call, especially when you fetch hurricane data but don't check it", "in PyWeather. By default, this is disabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") hurricaneprefetch = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("hurricaneprefetch: %s" % hurricaneprefetch) if hurricaneprefetch == "yes": config['PREFETCH']['hurricanedata_atboot'] = 'True' logger.debug("PREFETCH/hurricanedata_atbooot is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif hurricaneprefetch == "no": config['PREFETCH']['hurricanedata_atboot'] = 'False' logger.debug("PREFETCH/hurricanedata_atboot is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['PREFETCH']['hurricanedata_atboot'] = 'False' logger.debug("PREFETCH/hurricanedata_atboot is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(30/42)", "PyWeather has a new feature where you can now easily call your current location at boot.", "The current location feature allows you to enter 'currentlocation' at boot, and view the weather for your", "approximate location. However, GeoIP lookups might be inaccurate, especially for mobile users. The GeoIP service", "uses Would you like to enable this service? By default, this is disabled. Yes or No.", sep="\n") allowgeoipservice = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("allowgeoipservice: %s" % allowgeoipservice) if allowgeoipservice == "yes": config['FIRSTINPUT']['geoipservice_enabled'] = 'True' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/geoipservice_enabled is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif allowgeoipservice == "no": config['FIRSTINPUT']['geoipservice_enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/geoipservice_enabled is now FALSE.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['FIRSTINPUT']['geoipservice_enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/geoipservice_enabled is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(31/42)", "PyWeather has a new feature where you can query indivdiual Wunderground PWS stations.", "You can query any PWS globally by entering pws:<pws ID> when enabled, and where <pws ID> is the ID of the", "PWS you want to query. However, this can be turned off if you don't want to have extra lines of text at boot,", "or don't want the ability to query PWSes. By default, this is enabled. Yes or No.", sep="\n") allowpwsqueries = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("allowpwsqueries: %s" % allowpwsqueries) if allowpwsqueries == "yes": config['FIRSTINPUT']['allow_pwsqueries'] = 'True' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/allow_pwsqueries is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif allowpwsqueries == "no": config['FIRSTINPUT']['allow_pwsqueries'] = 'False' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/allow_pwsqueries is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'True'.") config['FIRSTINPUT']['allow_pwsqueries'] = 'True' logger.debug("FIRSTINPUT/allow_pwsqueries is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(32/42)", "PyWeather has a new feature where in hurricane data, you can see the nearest city that a hurricane is to.", "However, this feature uses a separate API (, can only work when the hurricane is within 300km of a city,", "and will drastically increase loading times. You may also run into issues with the default API key hitting rate limits.", "Despite all of this, would you like to enable the nearest city features for non-forecast hurricane data?", "Yes or No. By default, this is disabled.", sep="\n") allownearestcities = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("allownearestcities: %s" % allownearestcities) if allownearestcities == "yes": additional_ncoptions = True logger.debug("additional_ncoptions: %s" % additional_ncoptions) config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity'] = 'True' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif allownearestcities == "no": additional_ncoptions = False logger.debug("additional_ncoptions: %s" % additional_ncoptions) config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity'] = 'False' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: additional_ncoptions = False logger.debug("additional_ncoptions: %s" % additional_ncoptions) print("Could not understand what you inputted. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity'] = 'False' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") # <--- Additional options for nearest city feature ---> if additional_ncoptions is True: print("", "(33/42)", "By default, the nearest city feature is only enabled on the current data screen of hurricane data.", "You can enable the nearest city feature to be enabled on forecast data. However, loading hurricane data becomes much", "slower. By default, this is disabled. Yes or No.", sep="\n") enable_ncforecast = input("Input here: ").lower() if enable_ncforecast == "yes": config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity_forecast'] = 'True' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity_forecast is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif enable_ncforecast == "no": config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity_forecast'] = 'False' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity_forecast is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand your input. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['HURRICANE']['enablenearestcity_forecast'] = 'False' logger.debug("HURRICANE/enablenearestcity_forecast is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(34/42)", "By default, PyWeather uses it's own API username for the nearest city features, which should be able to", "handle PyWeather's user demands just fine. However, if you'd like to use your own account for the API, you may.", "You can sign up at, and follow all the steps. The confirmation letter may take some time to hit your inbox.", "Would you like to define your own API username? Yes or No. By default, this is no.", sep="\n") definegeonamesusername = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("definegeonamesusername: %s" % definegeonamesusername) if definegeonamesusername == "yes": # Enter into confirmation loop while True: print("Please enter the username that you'll use to access the geonames API.") geonamesusername = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("geonamesusername: %s" % geonamesusername) print("The API username you gave me was: %s" % geonamesusername, "Is this the username that you'd like to use? Yes or No.", "Please note that your username will not be validated.", sep="\n") geonamesconfirmation = input("Input here: ").lower() confirmurl = ' ' + geonamesusername + '&radius=300&maxRows=1&cities=cities5000' logger.debug("geonamesconfirmation: %s ; confirmurl: %s" % (geonamesconfirmation, confirmurl)) if geonamesconfirmation == "yes": config['HURRICANE']['api_username'] = geonamesusername logger.debug("HURRICANE/api_username is now %s" % geonamesusername) print("Changes saved.") elif geonamesconfirmation == "no": continue else: print("Input not understood. Will not validate username. If the username is", "invalid, please change the HURRICANE/api_username option in the config.", sep="\n") config['HURRICANE']['api_username'] = geonamesusername logger.debug("HURRICANE/api_username is now %s" % geonamesusername) print("Changes saved.") elif definegeonamesusername == "no": print("Defaulting to the default username for the geonames API.") else: print("Input not understood.", "Defaulting to the default username for the geonames API.", sep="\n") print("", "(35/42)", "For the nearest city feature, you can define how large a city has to be to show up as a nearest city.", "You have three options for this. 'small' will set the threshold to cities with a 1,000 population and greater, but this", "tends to include cities with very few or no people. 'medium' will set the threshold to cities with a 5,000 population", "and greater, and 'large' for cities that have a population of 10,000 or greater. Please enter either 'small', 'medium'", "or 'large' below. Default is 'medium'.", sep="\n") nearestcitysize = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("nearestcitysize: %s" % nearestcitysize) if nearestcitysize == "small": config['HURRICANE']['nearestcitysize'] = 'small' logger.debug("HURRICANE/nearestcitysize is now 'small'.") print("Changes saved.") elif nearestcitysize == "medium": config['HURRICANE']['nearestcitysize'] = 'medium' logger.debug("HURRICANE/nearestcitysize is now 'medium'") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand your input. Defaulting to 'medium'.") config['HURRICANE']['nearestcitysize'] = 'medium' logger.debug("HURRICANE/nearestcitysize is now 'medium'.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(36/42)", "PyWeather will now let you enable a favorite locations feature, which allows", "you to quickly call up to 5 locations in PyWeather. You have the ability to configure your", "favorite locations in a menu option in PyWeather. By default, this feature is enabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") enable_favoritelocations = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("enable_favoritelocations: %s" % enable_favoritelocations) if enable_favoritelocations == "yes": config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' logger.debug("FAVORITE LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'True'.") print("Changes saved!") elif enable_favoritelocations == "no": config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("FAVORITE LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved!") else: print("Could not understand your input. Defaulting to 'True'.") config['FAVORITE LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' logger.debug("FAVORITE LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'True'.") print("Changes saved!") print("", "(37/43)", "PyWeather can now store your previously searched locations.", "You have the ability to configure your previous locations in a menu option", "in PyWeather. By default this feature is enabled.", "Yes or No.", sep="\n") enable_previouslocations = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("enable_previouslocations: %s" % enable_previouslocations) if enable_previouslocations == "yes": config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' logger.debug("PREVIOUS LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'True'.") print("Changes saved!") elif enable_previouslocations == "no": config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("PREVIOUS LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand your input. Defaulting to 'True'.") config['PREVIOUS LOCATIONS']['enabled'] = 'True' logger.debug("PREVIOUS LOCATIONS/enabled is now 'True'.") print("", "(37/42)", "PyWeather by default uses Google's geocoder, which can occasionally have rate limiting issues.", "To get around this, you can manually use your own API key that you sign up for with Google. This is completely", "optional, and you can continue past this step and not impede PyWeather's functionality. However, would you like", "to enable the use of a custom API key for the geocoder? Yes or No.", sep="\n") enablecustomgeocoderkey = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("enablecustomgeocoderkey: %s" % enablecustomgeocoderkey) if enablecustomgeocoderkey == "yes": print("", "(38/42)", "To sign up for a Google Maps API key, please visit this link: ", "", "Press the button 'Get Key', and wait a minute. Copy and paste the key into the input", "below. Your API key will NOT be validated. Enter 'exit' to exit this process, and to disable", "a custom API key.", sep="\n") customgeocoderkey = input("Input here: ") logger.debug("customgeocoderkey: %s" % customgeocoderkey) while True: print("", "The API key you entered is: %s" % customgeocoderkey, "Is this the API key you want to use? Yes or No.", sep="\n") confirmcustomgeocoderkey = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("confirmcustomgeocoderkey: %s" % confirmcustomgeocoderkey) if confirmcustomgeocoderkey == "yes": break else: if confirmcustomgeocoderkey != "no": print("Couldn't understand your input. Please input your API key again.") print("Please enter the API key you want to use below.") customgeocoderkey = input("Input here: ") logger.debug("customgeocoderkey: %s" % customgeocoderkey) if customgeocoderkey == "exit": print("Exiting the custom geocoder key process, and disabling a custom geocoder key.") config['GEOCODER API']['customkey_enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("GEOCODER API/customkey_enabled is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: config['GEOCODER API']['customkey_enabled'] = 'True' config['GEOCODER API']['customkey'] = str(customgeocoderkey) logger.debug("GEOCODER API/customkey_enabled is now TRUE.") print("Changes saved.") elif enablecustomgeocoderkey == "no": config['GEOCODER API']['customkey_enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("GEOCODER API/customkey_enabled is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Your input could not be understood. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['GEOCODER API']['customkey_enabled'] = 'False' logger.debug("GEOCODER API/customkey_enabled is now FALSE.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(39/42)", "On the summary screen, you can now view a summary of the weather that occurred yesterday.", "Enabling this will also enable the option to prefetch yesterday's weather at boot in the config file.", "Please note that enabling this uses 1 extra API call at boot, and will increase PyWeather's loading time.", "Would you like to turn on showing yesterday's weather on the summary screen? Yes or No. By default, this is", "disabled.", sep="\n") showyesterdayonsummary = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("showyesterdayonsummary: %s" % showyesterdayonsummary) if showyesterdayonsummary == "yes": config['SUMMARY']['showyesterdayonsummary'] = 'True'"SUMMARY/showyesterdayonsummary is now 'True'.") config['PREFETCH']['yesterdaydata_atboot'] = 'True'"PREFETCH/yesterdaydata_atboot is now 'True'.") showyesterdayonsummary = True logger.debug("showyesterdayonsummary: %s" % showyesterdayonsummary) print("Changes saved.") elif showyesterdayonsummary == "no": config['SUMMARY']['showyesterdayonsummary'] = 'False'"SUMMARY/showyesterdayonsummary is now 'False'.") showyesterdayonsummary = False logger.debug("showyesterdayonsummary: %s" % showyesterdayonsummary) print("Changes saved.") else: print("Your input could not be understood. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['SUMMARY']['showyesterdayonsummary'] = 'False'"SUMMARY/showyesterdayonsumary is now 'False'.") showyesterdayonsummary = False logger.debug("showyesterdayonsummary: %s" % showyesterdayonsummary) print("Changes saved.") if showyesterdayonsummary is False: print("", "(40/42)", "When PyWeather boots up, you can have the option to have yesterday's weather data", "prefetched during bootup. Enabling this will use 1 extra API call at boot, and will increase PyWeather's", "loading time. Would you like to enable prefetching yesterday's weather data on boot? Yes or No.", "By default, this is disabled.", sep="\n") prefetchyesterdayatboot = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("prefetchyesterdayatboot: %s" % prefetchyesterdayatboot) if prefetchyesterdayatboot == "yes": config['PREFETCH']['yesterdaydata_atboot'] = 'True'"PREFETCH/yesterdaydata_atboot is now 'True'.") print("Changes saved.") elif prefetchyesterdayatboot == "no": config['PREFETCH']['yesterdaydata_atboot'] = 'False'"PREFETCH/yesterdaydata_atboot is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Your input could not be understood. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['PREFETCH']['yesterdaydata_atboot'] = 'False'"PREFETCH/yesterdaydata_atboot is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(41/42)", "In 0.6.3 beta and newer, you have the option to enable extra tools for PyWeather.", "Extra tools are diagnostic tools, and so far you can see cache timings in PyWeather, and more extra tools", "will be added as time goes on. Would you like to enable the ability to use extra tools? Yes or No. By default", "this is disabled.", sep="\n") enableextratools = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("enableextratools: %s" % enableextratools) if enableextratools == "yes": config['UI']['extratools_enabled'] = 'True'"UI/extratools_enabled is now 'True'.") print("Changes saved.") elif enableextratools == "no": config['UI']['extratools_enabled'] = 'False'"UI/extratools_enabled is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved.") else: print("Could not understand your input. Defaulting to 'False'.") config['UI']['extratools_enabled'] = 'False'"UI/extratools_enabled is now 'False'.") print("Changes saved.") print("", "(42/42)", "PyWeather's geocoder usually uses https, but issues have been discovered", "on some platforms, where the geocoder cannot operate in the https mode. If you press enter", "PyWeather will automatically detect which scheme to use. If you are an advanced user, and want", "to configure the scheme yourself, enter advancedconfig at the prompt below.", sep="\n") configuregeopyscheme = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("configuregeopyscheme: %s" % configuregeopyscheme) if configuregeopyscheme == "advancedconfig": print("Which geopy scheme would you like to use? 'https' works on most platforms", "but 'http' is needed on some platforms (OS X, as an example). Please input", "'https' or 'http' below.") geopyschemetype = input("Input here: ").lower() logger.debug("geopyschemetype: %s" % geopyschemetype) if geopyschemetype == "https": config['GEOCDER']['scheme'] = 'https' logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'https'") print("Changes saved. Geocoder settings will not be validated.") elif geopyschemetype == "http": config['GEOCODER']['scheme'] = 'http' logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'http'") print("Changes saved. Geocoder settings will not be validated.") else: print("Your input could not be understood. Defaulting to 'https'.") logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'https'") print("Changes saved. Geocoder settings will not be validated.") else: print("Now automatically configuring your geopy scheme.") # HTTPS validation from geopy import GoogleV3 geocoder = GoogleV3(scheme='https') # I've found that one "warm up request", and then waiting ~15 seconds somehow helps determine if a platform is HTTP/HTTPS compatible. try: geocoder.geocode("123 5th Avenue, New York, NY") except: logger.debug("Warm up geocode failed.") print("I've just completed a warm-up geocode. However, sometimes a rate limit will", "occur after this geocode. I've paused the setup process for 10 seconds. This", "should help with figuring out what scheme works on your OS.", sep="\n") time.sleep(10) try: geocoder.geocode("123 5th Avenue, New York, NY") print("The geocoder can operate with HTTPS enabled on your OS. Saving these changes...") config['GEOCODER']['scheme'] = 'https' logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'https'") print("Changes saved.") except geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError: print("Geopy probably can't run without HTTPS (or your internet went down). Trying HTTP as the scheme...") geocoder = GoogleV3(scheme='http') print("Waiting 10 seconds to avoid rate limiting after the previous geocode...") time.sleep(10) try: geocoder.geocode("123 5th Avenue, New York, NY") print("The geocoder can operate, but without HTTPS enabled on your OS. Saving these changes...") config['GEOCODER']['scheme'] = 'http' logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'http'") print("Changes saved.") except geopy.exc.GeocoderServiceError: print("You probably don't have an internet connection, as HTTPS and HTTP validation both failed.", "Defaulting to HTTP as the geopy scheme...", sep="\n") config['GEOCODER']['scheme'] = 'http' logger.debug("GEOCODER/scheme is now 'http'") print("Changes saved.") # if showing yesterday is disabled show prefetch yesterday # if show yest. on sum. is enabled enable prefetch too basically the same code print("","That's it! Now commiting config changes...", sep="\n") try: with open('storage//config.ini', 'w') as configfile: logger.debug("configfile: %s" % configfile) config.write(configfile) print("Changes committed!")"Performed operation: config.write(configfile)") except: print("The config file couldn't be written to.", "Make sure the config file can be written to.", sep="\n") printException() print("Press enter to exit.") input() sys.exit() print("","Everything is set up and ready to rumble!", "Enjoy using PyWeather! If you have any issues, please report them on GitHub!", "Press enter to continue.", sep="\n") input() sys.exit()
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf8 # from gevent import monkey # monkey.patch_all() import socket import os, sys import random, struct import logging from collections import deque, Counter, defaultdict logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)) logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) class UdpIpParser(object): """parse IP+UDP""" def __init__(self, data): = data self.ip_hdrl = ip_hdrl = ((data[0]) & 0x0F) * 4 self.udp_payload_len = struct.unpack( '!H', data[ip_hdrl + 4:ip_hdrl + 6])[0] @property def payload(self): udp_hdrl = 8 return[self.ip_hdrl + udp_hdrl:self.ip_hdrl + self.udp_payload_len] class IpPacket(object): def __init__(self, data): = data self.hdrl = (0x0F & (data[0])) * 4 self.payload =[self.hdrl:] self.ttl =[8] @property def src_ip(self): return socket.inet_ntoa(str([12:16])) @property def dst_ip(self): return socket.inet_ntoa(str([16:20])) class IcmpParser(object): hdrl = 8 def __init__(self, data): = data @property def type(self): return[0] @property def payload(self): return[8:14] @property def id(self): return struct.unpack('>H',[4:6])[0] def checksum(msg): # simplest rfc1071. msg is bytearray s = 0 for i in range(0, len(msg), 2): w = msg[i] + (msg[i + 1] << 8) c = s + w s = (c & 0xffff) + (c >> 16) return ~s & 0xffff def create_ping(id=None): id = id or random.randint(30000, 65500) icmp_type = 8 icmp_code = 0 icmp_checksum = 0 icmp_seq = 1 icmp_timestamp = 0 data = '%06d' % id s = struct.Struct('!bbHHhQ%ss' % len(data)) msg = bytearray(s.size) s.pack_into( msg, 0, icmp_type, icmp_code, icmp_checksum, id, icmp_seq, icmp_timestamp, data) # calculate ICMP checksum, which can not be offloaded cs = checksum(msg) struct.pack_into('<H', msg, 2, cs) return msg def guess_hop(ttl): if not ttl: return if ttl >= 128: return 256 - ttl elif 64 < ttl < 128: return 128 - ttl else: return 64 - ttl MAX_RETRY = 5 class Tracer(object): MAX_TTL = 32 def __init__(self): """ packet send rate = self.batch_size/self.timeout - hosts is iterable target IPs """ self.batch_size = 100 self.max_retry = 10 self.timeout = 1 self.running = self.timeout * self.max_retry self.max_ttl = defaultdict(lambda: self.MAX_TTL) self.echo_map = {} self.in_flight = deque(maxlen=self.batch_size) # a list of ip-ttl tuples self.retries = Counter() # remaining retries self.result = defaultdict(dict) # {ip: [hop1, hop2, ...]} self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_ICMP) self.sock.bind(('', 0)) self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) def _iter_ip_and_ttl(self, hosts): """generate all IPs and their hops need to ping Need consider retries. """ for ip in hosts: for ttl in xrange(1, self.MAX_TTL + 1): if ttl >= self.max_ttl[ip]: break resp = (ip.strip(), ttl) self.in_flight.append(resp) yield resp def run(self, hosts): """would block""" self.ip_and_ttl = self._iter_ip_and_ttl(hosts) self.tick() while self.running > 0: data = bytearray(1024) try: nbytes, addr = self.sock.recvfrom_into(data) self.on_data(data, addr[0]) except socket.timeout: self.tick() return self.result def _iter_retry(self): i = 0 while self.in_flight and self.retries: if not i < len(self.in_flight): return key = self.in_flight[i] if self.retries[key] > 0: self.retries[key] -= 1 yield key i += 1 if self.retries[key] <= 0: self.on_retry_fail(*key) i -= 1 def on_retry_fail(self, ip, ttl): self.retries.pop((ip, ttl), None) self.in_flight.remove((ip, ttl)) if ttl <= self.max_ttl[ip]: self.result[ip][ttl] = '?' @property def on_tick(self): return getattr(self, '_on_tick', None) or (lambda *args: None) @on_tick.setter def on_tick(self, func): self._on_tick = func @property def on_pong(self): return getattr(self, '_on_pong', None) or (lambda *args: None) @on_pong.setter def on_pong(self, func): self._on_pong = func def tick(self): logger.debug('in_flight=%s, retries=%s', len(self.in_flight), self.retries.most_common(4)) self.on_tick(self) sent = 0 for ip, ttl in self._iter_retry():, ttl) sent += 1 if sent >= self.batch_size: break while sent < self.batch_size: try: ip, ttl = except StopIteration: self.running -= self.timeout return, ttl) self.retries[(ip, ttl)] = self.max_retry sent += 1 def ping(self, ip, ttl): logger.debug("Ping %s, ttl=%s", ip, ttl) key = (ip, ttl) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_ICMP) sock.bind(('', 0)) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_TTL, ttl) icmp_id = random.randint(30000, 60000) self.echo_map[icmp_id] = (ip, ttl) packet = create_ping(icmp_id) sock.sendto(packet, (ip, 0)) sock.close() return icmp_id def pong(self, ping_ip, pong_ip, ttl): # @ToDo: handle multi-path trace-route if ping_ip == pong_ip: ttl = min(ttl, self.max_ttl[ping_ip]) self.max_ttl[ping_ip] = ttl for k in xrange(1, self.MAX_TTL): ip = self.result[ping_ip].get(k) if k > ttl or ip == ping_ip: self.result[ping_ip].pop(k, None) key = ping_ip, ttl try: self.in_flight.remove(key) except ValueError: pass self.retries.pop(key, None) else: key = ping_ip, ttl try: self.in_flight.remove(key) except ValueError: pass self.retries.pop(key, None) self.result[ping_ip][ttl] = pong_ip self.on_pong(self, ping_ip, pong_ip, ttl) def on_data(self, data, addr): # get IP packet inside returned IP outer_ip = IpPacket(data) inner_ip = IpPacket(outer_ip.payload[IcmpParser.hdrl:]) # the raw structure is: IP(ICMP(IP(ICMP))) icmp = IcmpParser(inner_ip.payload) icmp_id = None if icmp.payload.isdigit(): icmp_id = int(icmp.payload) if not icmp_id: icmp_id = if icmp_id in self.echo_map: ip, ttl = self.echo_map[icmp_id] logger.debug('Pong %s, ip=%s, hop=%s', ip, addr, ttl) # f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (ip, ttl, addr)) self.pong(ip, addr, ttl) else: logger.debug('Pong unknown %s -> %s type %s' % ( inner_ip.src_ip, inner_ip.dst_ip, icmp.type)) def get_hops(res): return [res.get(i) or '?' for i in xrange(max(res.keys()), 0, -1)]
import itertools import random # Directions NORTH = 'N' EAST = 'E' SOUTH = 'S' WEST = 'W' DIRECTIONS = [NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST] REVERSE = { NORTH: SOUTH, EAST: WEST, SOUTH: NORTH, WEST: EAST, } OFFSET = { NORTH: -16, EAST: 1, SOUTH: 16, WEST: -1, } # Masks M_NORTH = 0x01 M_EAST = 0x02 M_SOUTH = 0x04 M_WEST = 0x08 M_ROBOT = 0x10 M_LOOKUP = { NORTH: M_NORTH, EAST: M_EAST, SOUTH: M_SOUTH, WEST: M_WEST, } # Colors RED = 'R' GREEN = 'G' BLUE = 'B' YELLOW = 'Y' COLORS = [RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW] # Shapes CIRCLE = 'C' TRIANGLE = 'T' SQUARE = 'Q' HEXAGON = 'H' SHAPES = [CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, HEXAGON] # Tokens TOKENS = [''.join(token) for token in itertools.product(COLORS, SHAPES)] # Quadrants QUAD_1A = ( 'NW,N,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,' 'W,S,X,X,X,X,SEYH,W,' 'WE,NWGT,X,X,X,X,N,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,S,X,' 'SW,X,X,X,X,X,NEBQ,W,' 'NW,X,E,SWRC,X,X,X,S,' 'W,X,X,N,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_1B = ( 'NW,NE,NW,N,NS,N,N,N,' 'W,S,X,E,NWRC,X,X,X,' 'W,NEGT,W,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,SEYH,W,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,N,X,' 'SW,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,' 'NW,X,E,SWBQ,X,X,X,S,' 'W,X,X,N,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_2A = ( 'NW,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,N,' 'W,X,X,X,X,E,SWBC,X,' 'W,S,X,X,X,X,N,X,' 'W,NEYT,W,X,X,S,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,E,NWGQ,X,X,' 'W,X,SERH,W,X,X,X,X,' 'SW,X,N,X,X,X,X,S,' 'NW,X,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_2B = ( 'NW,N,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,' 'W,X,SERH,W,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,N,X,X,X,X,X,' 'WE,SWGQ,X,X,X,X,S,X,' 'SW,N,X,X,X,E,NWYT,X,' 'NW,X,X,X,X,S,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,NEBC,W,S,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_3A = ( 'NW,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,N,' 'W,X,X,X,X,SEGH,W,X,' 'WE,SWRQ,X,X,X,N,X,X,' 'SW,N,X,X,X,X,S,X,' 'NW,X,X,X,X,E,NWYC,X,' 'W,X,S,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,NEBT,W,X,X,X,S,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_3B = ( 'NW,N,NS,N,NE,NW,N,N,' 'W,E,NWYC,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,E,SWBT,X,' 'SW,X,X,X,S,X,N,X,' 'NW,X,X,X,NERQ,W,X,X,' 'W,SEGH,W,X,X,X,X,S,' 'W,N,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_4A = ( 'NW,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,N,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,X,X,X,SEBH,W,X,' 'W,X,S,X,X,N,X,X,' 'SW,X,NEGC,W,X,X,X,X,' 'NW,S,X,X,X,X,E,SWRT,' 'WE,NWYQ,X,X,X,X,X,NS,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUAD_4B = ( 'NW,N,N,NE,NW,N,N,N,' 'WE,SWRT,X,X,X,X,S,X,' 'W,N,X,X,X,X,NEGC,W,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,' 'W,X,SEBH,W,X,X,X,S,' 'SW,X,N,X,X,X,E,NWYQ,' 'NW,X,X,X,X,X,X,S,' 'W,X,X,X,X,X,E,NW' ) QUADS = [ (QUAD_1A, QUAD_1B), (QUAD_2A, QUAD_2B), (QUAD_3A, QUAD_3B), (QUAD_4A, QUAD_4B), ] # Rotation ROTATE_QUAD = [ 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, ] ROTATE_WALL = { NORTH: EAST, EAST: SOUTH, SOUTH: WEST, WEST: NORTH, } # Helper Functions def idx(x, y, size=16): return y * size + x def xy(index, size=16): x = index % size y = index / size return (x, y) def rotate_quad(data, times=1): for i in range(times): result = [data[index] for index in ROTATE_QUAD] result = [''.join(ROTATE_WALL.get(c, c) for c in x) for x in result] data = result return data def create_grid(quads=None): if quads is None: quads = [random.choice(pair) for pair in QUADS] random.shuffle(quads) quads = [quad.split(',') for quad in quads] quads = [rotate_quad(quads[i], i) for i in [0, 1, 3, 2]] result = [None for i in range(16 * 16)] for i, quad in enumerate(quads): dx, dy = xy(i, 2) for j, data in enumerate(quad): x, y = xy(j, 8) x += dx * 8 y += dy * 8 index = idx(x, y) result[index] = data return result def to_mask(cell): result = 0 for letter, mask in M_LOOKUP.items(): if letter in cell: result |= mask return result # Game class Game(object): @staticmethod def hardest(): quads = [QUAD_2B, QUAD_4B, QUAD_3B, QUAD_1B] robots = [226, 48, 43, 18] token = 'BT' return Game(quads=quads, robots=robots, token=token) def __init__(self, seed=None, quads=None, robots=None, token=None): if seed: random.seed(seed) self.grid = create_grid(quads) if robots is None: self.robots = self.place_robots() else: self.robots = dict(zip(COLORS, robots)) self.token = token or random.choice(TOKENS) self.moves = 0 self.last = None def place_robots(self): result = {} used = set() for color in COLORS: while True: index = random.randint(0, 255) if index in (119, 120, 135, 136): continue if self.grid[index][-2:] in TOKENS: continue if index in used: continue result[color] = index used.add(index) break return result def get_robot(self, index): for color, position in self.robots.iteritems(): if position == index: return color return None def can_move(self, color, direction): if self.last == (color, REVERSE[direction]): return False index = self.robots[color] if direction in self.grid[index]: return False new_index = index + OFFSET[direction] if new_index in self.robots.itervalues(): return False return True def compute_move(self, color, direction): index = self.robots[color] robots = self.robots.values() while True: if direction in self.grid[index]: break new_index = index + OFFSET[direction] if new_index in robots: break index = new_index return index def do_move(self, color, direction): start = self.robots[color] last = self.last if last == (color, REVERSE[direction]): print 'reverse' #raise Exception end = self.compute_move(color, direction) if start == end: print 'wall move' #raise Exception self.moves += 1 self.robots[color] = end self.last = (color, direction) return (color, start, last) def undo_move(self, data): color, start, last = data self.moves -= 1 self.robots[color] = start self.last = last def get_moves(self, colors=None): result = [] colors = colors or COLORS for color in colors: for direction in DIRECTIONS: if self.can_move(color, direction): result.append((color, direction)) return result def over(self): color = self.token[0] return self.token in self.grid[self.robots[color]] def key(self): return tuple(self.robots.itervalues()) def search(self): max_depth = 1 while True: #print 'Searching to depth:', max_depth result = self._search([], set(), 0, max_depth) if result is not None: return result max_depth += 1 def _search(self, path, memo, depth, max_depth): if self.over(): return list(path) if depth == max_depth: return None key = (depth, self.key()) if key in memo: return None memo.add(key) if depth == max_depth - 1: colors = [self.token[0]] else: colors = None moves = self.get_moves(colors) for move in moves: data = self.do_move(*move) path.append(move) result = self._search(path, memo, depth + 1, max_depth) path.pop(-1) self.undo_move(data) if result: return result return None def export(self): grid = [] token = None robots = [self.robots[color] for color in COLORS] for index, cell in enumerate(self.grid): mask = to_mask(cell) if index in robots: mask |= M_ROBOT grid.append(mask) if self.token in cell: token = index robot = COLORS.index(self.token[0]) return { 'grid': grid, 'robot': robot, 'token': token, 'robots': robots, } def export2(self): grid = [] token = None robots = [self.robots[color] for color in COLORS] for index, cell in enumerate(self.grid): mask = to_mask(cell) grid.append(mask) if self.token in cell: token = index robot = COLORS.index(self.token[0]) return { 'grid': grid, 'robot': robot, 'token': token, 'robots': robots, }
# Commands that are useful after adist.yp has been # run in ipython # This file is part of prosoda. prosoda is free software: you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 by Wolfgang Mauerer <> # All Rights Reserved. initialiseR() git ="/home/wolfgang/linux-14-33")["git"] res = createSeries(git, "__main__", ["v2.6.24", "v2.6.25"]) writeToFile(res, "/home/wolfgang/raw.dat") runR('raw = as.xts(read.zoo(file="/home/wolfgang/raw.dat", FUN=tstamp_to_date))') runR('reg = to.regts(raw[,1], 250)') reg = RtoPython(runR('reg')) raw = RtoPython(runR('raw')) # ... and then commence with the analysis as desired
import operator import numpy as np from pandas._libs import index as libindex from pandas import compat from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCCategorical, ABCSeries from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import CategoricalDtype from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_categorical_dtype, ensure_platform_int, is_list_like, is_interval_dtype, is_scalar) from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import array_equivalent, isna from pandas.core.algorithms import take_1d from pandas.util._decorators import Appender, cache_readonly from pandas.core.config import get_option from pandas.core.indexes.base import Index, _index_shared_docs from pandas.core import accessor import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.core.missing as missing import pandas.core.indexes.base as ibase from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import Categorical, contains _index_doc_kwargs = dict(ibase._index_doc_kwargs) _index_doc_kwargs.update(dict(target_klass='CategoricalIndex')) class CategoricalIndex(Index, accessor.PandasDelegate): """ Immutable Index implementing an ordered, sliceable set. CategoricalIndex represents a sparsely populated Index with an underlying Categorical. Parameters ---------- data : array-like or Categorical, (1-dimensional) categories : optional, array-like categories for the CategoricalIndex ordered : boolean, designating if the categories are ordered copy : bool Make a copy of input ndarray name : object Name to be stored in the index Attributes ---------- codes categories ordered Methods ------- rename_categories reorder_categories add_categories remove_categories remove_unused_categories set_categories as_ordered as_unordered map See Also -------- Categorical, Index """ _typ = 'categoricalindex' _engine_type = libindex.Int64Engine _attributes = ['name'] def __new__(cls, data=None, categories=None, ordered=None, dtype=None, copy=False, name=None, fastpath=False): if fastpath: return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, dtype=dtype) if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'): name = if isinstance(data, ABCCategorical): data = cls._create_categorical(data, categories, ordered, dtype) elif isinstance(data, CategoricalIndex): data = data._data data = cls._create_categorical(data, categories, ordered, dtype) else: # don't allow scalars # if data is None, then categories must be provided if is_scalar(data): if data is not None or categories is None: cls._scalar_data_error(data) data = [] data = cls._create_categorical(data, categories, ordered, dtype) if copy: data = data.copy() return cls._simple_new(data, name=name) def _create_from_codes(self, codes, categories=None, ordered=None, name=None): """ *this is an internal non-public method* create the correct categorical from codes Parameters ---------- codes : new codes categories : optional categories, defaults to existing ordered : optional ordered attribute, defaults to existing name : optional name attribute, defaults to existing Returns ------- CategoricalIndex """ if categories is None: categories = self.categories if ordered is None: ordered = self.ordered if name is None: name = cat = Categorical.from_codes(codes, categories=categories, ordered=self.ordered) return CategoricalIndex(cat, name=name) @classmethod def _create_categorical(cls, data, categories=None, ordered=None, dtype=None): """ *this is an internal non-public method* create the correct categorical from data and the properties Parameters ---------- data : data for new Categorical categories : optional categories, defaults to existing ordered : optional ordered attribute, defaults to existing dtype : CategoricalDtype, defaults to existing Returns ------- Categorical """ if (isinstance(data, (cls, ABCSeries)) and is_categorical_dtype(data)): data = data.values if not isinstance(data, ABCCategorical): if ordered is None and dtype is None: ordered = False data = Categorical(data, categories=categories, ordered=ordered, dtype=dtype) else: if categories is not None: data = data.set_categories(categories, ordered=ordered) elif ordered is not None and ordered != data.ordered: data = data.set_ordered(ordered) if isinstance(dtype, CategoricalDtype) and dtype != data.dtype: # we want to silently ignore dtype='category' data = data._set_dtype(dtype) return data @classmethod def _simple_new(cls, values, name=None, categories=None, ordered=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): result = object.__new__(cls) values = cls._create_categorical(values, categories, ordered, dtype=dtype) result._data = values = name for k, v in compat.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(result, k, v) result._reset_identity() return result @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_shallow_copy']) def _shallow_copy(self, values=None, categories=None, ordered=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): # categories and ordered can't be part of attributes, # as these are properties # we want to reuse self.dtype if possible, i.e. neither are # overridden. if dtype is not None and (categories is not None or ordered is not None): raise TypeError("Cannot specify both `dtype` and `categories` " "or `ordered`") if categories is None and ordered is None: dtype = self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype return super(CategoricalIndex, self)._shallow_copy( values=values, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) if categories is None: categories = self.categories if ordered is None: ordered = self.ordered return super(CategoricalIndex, self)._shallow_copy( values=values, categories=categories, ordered=ordered, **kwargs) def _is_dtype_compat(self, other): """ *this is an internal non-public method* provide a comparison between the dtype of self and other (coercing if needed) Raises ------ TypeError if the dtypes are not compatible """ if is_categorical_dtype(other): if isinstance(other, CategoricalIndex): other = other._values if not other.is_dtype_equal(self): raise TypeError("categories must match existing categories " "when appending") else: values = other if not is_list_like(values): values = [values] other = CategoricalIndex(self._create_categorical( other, dtype=self.dtype)) if not other.isin(values).all(): raise TypeError("cannot append a non-category item to a " "CategoricalIndex") return other def equals(self, other): """ Determines if two CategorialIndex objects contain the same elements. """ if self.is_(other): return True if not isinstance(other, Index): return False try: other = self._is_dtype_compat(other) return array_equivalent(self._data, other) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return False @property def _formatter_func(self): return self.categories._formatter_func def _format_attrs(self): """ Return a list of tuples of the (attr,formatted_value) """ max_categories = (10 if get_option("display.max_categories") == 0 else get_option("display.max_categories")) attrs = [ ('categories', ibase.default_pprint(self.categories, max_seq_items=max_categories)), ('ordered', self.ordered)] if is not None: attrs.append(('name', ibase.default_pprint( attrs.append(('dtype', "'%s'" % max_seq_items = get_option('display.max_seq_items') or len(self) if len(self) > max_seq_items: attrs.append(('length', len(self))) return attrs @property def inferred_type(self): return 'categorical' @property def values(self): """ return the underlying data, which is a Categorical """ return self._data @property def itemsize(self): # Size of the items in categories, not codes. return self.values.itemsize def get_values(self): """ return the underlying data as an ndarray """ return self._data.get_values() def tolist(self): return self._data.tolist() @property def codes(self): return @property def categories(self): return self._data.categories @property def ordered(self): return self._data.ordered def _reverse_indexer(self): return self._data._reverse_indexer() @Appender(_index_shared_docs['__contains__'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def __contains__(self, key): # if key is a NaN, check if any NaN is in self. if isna(key): return self.hasnans return contains(self, key, container=self._engine) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['contains'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def contains(self, key): return key in self def __array__(self, dtype=None): """ the array interface, return my values """ return np.array(self._data, dtype=dtype) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['astype']) def astype(self, dtype, copy=True): if is_interval_dtype(dtype): from pandas import IntervalIndex return IntervalIndex(np.array(self)) elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype): # GH 18630 dtype = self.dtype.update_dtype(dtype) if dtype == self.dtype: return self.copy() if copy else self return super(CategoricalIndex, self).astype(dtype=dtype, copy=copy) @cache_readonly def _isnan(self): """ return if each value is nan""" return == -1 @Appender(ibase._index_shared_docs['fillna']) def fillna(self, value, downcast=None): self._assert_can_do_op(value) return CategoricalIndex(self._data.fillna(value), def argsort(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.values.argsort(*args, **kwargs) @cache_readonly def _engine(self): # we are going to look things up with the codes themselves return self._engine_type(lambda:'i8'), len(self)) # introspection @cache_readonly def is_unique(self): return self._engine.is_unique @property def is_monotonic_increasing(self): return self._engine.is_monotonic_increasing @property def is_monotonic_decreasing(self): return self._engine.is_monotonic_decreasing @Appender(_index_shared_docs['index_unique'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def unique(self, level=None): if level is not None: self._validate_index_level(level) result = self.values.unique() # CategoricalIndex._shallow_copy keeps original categories # and ordered if not otherwise specified return self._shallow_copy(result, categories=result.categories, ordered=result.ordered) @Appender(Index.duplicated.__doc__) def duplicated(self, keep='first'): from pandas._libs.hashtable import duplicated_int64 codes ='i8') return duplicated_int64(codes, keep) def _to_safe_for_reshape(self): """ convert to object if we are a categorical """ return self.astype('object') def get_loc(self, key, method=None): """ Get integer location, slice or boolean mask for requested label. Parameters ---------- key : label method : {None} * default: exact matches only. Returns ------- loc : int if unique index, slice if monotonic index, else mask Examples --------- >>> unique_index = pd.CategoricalIndex(list('abc')) >>> unique_index.get_loc('b') 1 >>> monotonic_index = pd.CategoricalIndex(list('abbc')) >>> monotonic_index.get_loc('b') slice(1, 3, None) >>> non_monotonic_index = pd.CategoricalIndex(list('abcb')) >>> non_monotonic_index.get_loc('b') array([False, True, False, True], dtype=bool) """ codes = self.categories.get_loc(key) if (codes == -1): raise KeyError(key) return self._engine.get_loc(codes) def get_value(self, series, key): """ Fast lookup of value from 1-dimensional ndarray. Only use this if you know what you're doing """ try: k = com._values_from_object(key) k = self._convert_scalar_indexer(k, kind='getitem') indexer = self.get_loc(k) return series.iloc[indexer] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass # we might be a positional inexer return super(CategoricalIndex, self).get_value(series, key) def _can_reindex(self, indexer): """ always allow reindexing """ pass @Appender(_index_shared_docs['where']) def where(self, cond, other=None): if other is None: other = self._na_value values = np.where(cond, self.values, other) cat = Categorical(values, categories=self.categories, ordered=self.ordered) return self._shallow_copy(cat, **self._get_attributes_dict()) def reindex(self, target, method=None, level=None, limit=None, tolerance=None): """ Create index with target's values (move/add/delete values as necessary) Returns ------- new_index : pd.Index Resulting index indexer : np.ndarray or None Indices of output values in original index """ if method is not None: raise NotImplementedError("argument method is not implemented for " "CategoricalIndex.reindex") if level is not None: raise NotImplementedError("argument level is not implemented for " "CategoricalIndex.reindex") if limit is not None: raise NotImplementedError("argument limit is not implemented for " "CategoricalIndex.reindex") target = ibase.ensure_index(target) if not is_categorical_dtype(target) and not target.is_unique: raise ValueError("cannot reindex with a non-unique indexer") indexer, missing = self.get_indexer_non_unique(np.array(target)) if len( new_target = self.take(indexer) else: new_target = target # filling in missing if needed if len(missing): cats = self.categories.get_indexer(target) if (cats == -1).any(): # coerce to a regular index here! result = Index(np.array(self), new_target, indexer, _ = result._reindex_non_unique( np.array(target)) else: codes = codes[indexer == -1] = cats[missing] new_target = self._create_from_codes(codes) # we always want to return an Index type here # to be consistent with .reindex for other index types (e.g. they don't # coerce based on the actual values, only on the dtype) # unless we had an initial Categorical to begin with # in which case we are going to conform to the passed Categorical new_target = np.asarray(new_target) if is_categorical_dtype(target): new_target = target._shallow_copy(new_target, else: new_target = Index(new_target, return new_target, indexer def _reindex_non_unique(self, target): """ reindex from a non-unique; which CategoricalIndex's are almost always """ new_target, indexer = self.reindex(target) new_indexer = None check = indexer == -1 if check.any(): new_indexer = np.arange(len(self.take(indexer))) new_indexer[check] = -1 cats = self.categories.get_indexer(target) if not (cats == -1).any(): # .reindex returns normal Index. Revert to CategoricalIndex if # all targets are included in my categories new_target = self._shallow_copy(new_target) return new_target, indexer, new_indexer @Appender(_index_shared_docs['get_indexer'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None): from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _recode_for_categories method = missing.clean_reindex_fill_method(method) target = ibase.ensure_index(target) if self.is_unique and self.equals(target): return np.arange(len(self), dtype='intp') if method == 'pad' or method == 'backfill': raise NotImplementedError("method='pad' and method='backfill' not " "implemented yet for CategoricalIndex") elif method == 'nearest': raise NotImplementedError("method='nearest' not implemented yet " 'for CategoricalIndex') if (isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex) and self.values.is_dtype_equal(target)): if self.values.equals(target.values): # we have the same codes codes = else: codes = _recode_for_categories(, target.categories, self.values.categories) else: if isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex): code_indexer = self.categories.get_indexer(target.categories) codes = take_1d(code_indexer,, fill_value=-1) else: codes = self.categories.get_indexer(target) indexer, _ = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(codes) return ensure_platform_int(indexer) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['get_indexer_non_unique'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target): target = ibase.ensure_index(target) if isinstance(target, CategoricalIndex): # Indexing on codes is more efficient if categories are the same: if target.categories is self.categories: target = indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(target) return ensure_platform_int(indexer), missing target = target.values codes = self.categories.get_indexer(target) indexer, missing = self._engine.get_indexer_non_unique(codes) return ensure_platform_int(indexer), missing @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_scalar_indexer']) def _convert_scalar_indexer(self, key, kind=None): if self.categories._defer_to_indexing: return self.categories._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind=kind) return super(CategoricalIndex, self)._convert_scalar_indexer( key, kind=kind) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_list_indexer']) def _convert_list_indexer(self, keyarr, kind=None): # Return our indexer or raise if all of the values are not included in # the categories if self.categories._defer_to_indexing: indexer = self.categories._convert_list_indexer(keyarr, kind=kind) return Index( indexer = self.categories.get_indexer(np.asarray(keyarr)) if (indexer == -1).any(): raise KeyError( "a list-indexer must only " "include values that are " "in the categories") return self.get_indexer(keyarr) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_arr_indexer']) def _convert_arr_indexer(self, keyarr): keyarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(keyarr) if self.categories._defer_to_indexing: return keyarr return self._shallow_copy(keyarr) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['_convert_index_indexer']) def _convert_index_indexer(self, keyarr): return self._shallow_copy(keyarr) @Appender(_index_shared_docs['take'] % _index_doc_kwargs) def take(self, indices, axis=0, allow_fill=True, fill_value=None, **kwargs): nv.validate_take(tuple(), kwargs) indices = ensure_platform_int(indices) taken = self._assert_take_fillable(, indices, allow_fill=allow_fill, fill_value=fill_value, na_value=-1) return self._create_from_codes(taken) def is_dtype_equal(self, other): return self._data.is_dtype_equal(other) take_nd = take def map(self, mapper): """ Map values using input correspondence (a dict, Series, or function). Maps the values (their categories, not the codes) of the index to new categories. If the mapping correspondence is one-to-one the result is a :class:`~pandas.CategoricalIndex` which has the same order property as the original, otherwise an :class:`~pandas.Index` is returned. If a `dict` or :class:`~pandas.Series` is used any unmapped category is mapped to `NaN`. Note that if this happens an :class:`~pandas.Index` will be returned. Parameters ---------- mapper : function, dict, or Series Mapping correspondence. Returns ------- pandas.CategoricalIndex or pandas.Index Mapped index. See Also -------- : Apply a mapping correspondence on an :class:`~pandas.Index`. : Apply a mapping correspondence on a :class:`~pandas.Series`. Series.apply : Apply more complex functions on a :class:`~pandas.Series`. Examples -------- >>> idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> idx CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'], categories=['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=False, dtype='category') >>> x: x.upper()) CategoricalIndex(['A', 'B', 'C'], categories=['A', 'B', 'C'], ordered=False, dtype='category') >>>{'a': 'first', 'b': 'second', 'c': 'third'}) CategoricalIndex(['first', 'second', 'third'], categories=['first', 'second', 'third'], ordered=False, dtype='category') If the mapping is one-to-one the ordering of the categories is preserved: >>> idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=True) >>> idx CategoricalIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'], categories=['a', 'b', 'c'], ordered=True, dtype='category') >>>{'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}) CategoricalIndex([3, 2, 1], categories=[3, 2, 1], ordered=True, dtype='category') If the mapping is not one-to-one an :class:`~pandas.Index` is returned: >>>{'a': 'first', 'b': 'second', 'c': 'first'}) Index(['first', 'second', 'first'], dtype='object') If a `dict` is used, all unmapped categories are mapped to `NaN` and the result is an :class:`~pandas.Index`: >>>{'a': 'first', 'b': 'second'}) Index(['first', 'second', nan], dtype='object') """ return self._shallow_copy_with_infer( def delete(self, loc): """ Make new Index with passed location(-s) deleted Returns ------- new_index : Index """ return self._create_from_codes(np.delete(, loc)) def insert(self, loc, item): """ Make new Index inserting new item at location. Follows Python list.append semantics for negative values Parameters ---------- loc : int item : object Returns ------- new_index : Index Raises ------ ValueError if the item is not in the categories """ code = self.categories.get_indexer([item]) if (code == -1) and not (is_scalar(item) and isna(item)): raise TypeError("cannot insert an item into a CategoricalIndex " "that is not already an existing category") codes = codes = np.concatenate((codes[:loc], code, codes[loc:])) return self._create_from_codes(codes) def _concat(self, to_concat, name): # if calling index is category, don't check dtype of others return CategoricalIndex._concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name) def _concat_same_dtype(self, to_concat, name): """ Concatenate to_concat which has the same class ValueError if other is not in the categories """ to_concat = [self._is_dtype_compat(c) for c in to_concat] codes = np.concatenate([ for c in to_concat]) result = self._create_from_codes(codes, name=name) # if name is None, _create_from_codes sets = name return result def _codes_for_groupby(self, sort, observed): """ Return a Categorical adjusted for groupby """ return self.values._codes_for_groupby(sort, observed) @classmethod def _add_comparison_methods(cls): """ add in comparison methods """ def _make_compare(op): opname = '__{op}__'.format(op=op.__name__) def _evaluate_compare(self, other): # if we have a Categorical type, then must have the same # categories if isinstance(other, CategoricalIndex): other = other._values elif isinstance(other, Index): other = self._create_categorical( other._values, dtype=self.dtype) if isinstance(other, (ABCCategorical, np.ndarray, ABCSeries)): if len(self.values) != len(other): raise ValueError("Lengths must match to compare") if isinstance(other, ABCCategorical): if not self.values.is_dtype_equal(other): raise TypeError("categorical index comparisons must " "have the same categories and ordered " "attributes") result = op(self.values, other) if isinstance(result, ABCSeries): # Dispatch to pd.Categorical returned NotImplemented # and we got a Series back; down-cast to ndarray result = result.values return result return compat.set_function_name(_evaluate_compare, opname, cls) cls.__eq__ = _make_compare(operator.eq) cls.__ne__ = _make_compare( cls.__lt__ = _make_compare( cls.__gt__ = _make_compare( cls.__le__ = _make_compare(operator.le) cls.__ge__ = _make_compare( def _delegate_method(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ method delegation to the ._values """ method = getattr(self._values, name) if 'inplace' in kwargs: raise ValueError("cannot use inplace with CategoricalIndex") res = method(*args, **kwargs) if is_scalar(res): return res return CategoricalIndex(res, @classmethod def _add_accessors(cls): """ add in Categorical accessor methods """ CategoricalIndex._add_delegate_accessors( delegate=Categorical, accessors=["rename_categories", "reorder_categories", "add_categories", "remove_categories", "remove_unused_categories", "set_categories", "as_ordered", "as_unordered", "min", "max"], typ='method', overwrite=True) CategoricalIndex._add_numeric_methods_add_sub_disabled() CategoricalIndex._add_numeric_methods_disabled() CategoricalIndex._add_logical_methods_disabled() CategoricalIndex._add_comparison_methods() CategoricalIndex._add_accessors()
from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from objectset.models import ObjectSet, SetObject from vdw.literature.models import PubMed from vdw.genome.models import Chromosome from vdw.phenotypes.models import Phenotype, PhenotypeThrough from .managers import GeneManager class GeneFamily(models.Model): "Gene family tags and descriptions." tag = models.CharField(max_length=30, null=True) description = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True) class Meta(object): db_table = 'gene_family' class Synonym(models.Model): """Model which contains known alternate gene names and symbols for the canonical genes. This can be used as an index for search-related queries. """ # Call it a label since this may be a symbol, a name or something else label = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) class Meta(object): db_table = 'synonym' class Gene(models.Model): """Unified gene model. This includes data from multiple sources with the appropriate `id` defined to which references the source. If multiple sources contain have overlap, the respective `id`s will be filled in. The canonical source is HGNC, which approves gene names and symbols, the `approved` flag should be set if this is the approved gene name and symbol by HGNC. """ chr = models.ForeignKey(Chromosome) symbol = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True) name = models.TextField('full name', blank=True) hgnc_id = models.IntegerField('HGNC ID', null=True, blank=True) # Via the HGNC documentation: "Families/groups may be either structural or # functional, therefore a gene may belong to more than one family/group" families = models.ManyToManyField(GeneFamily, blank=True) # Literature articles = models.ManyToManyField(PubMed, db_table='gene_pubmed') # Synonyms synonyms = models.ManyToManyField(Synonym, db_table='gene_synonym') # Phenotypes phenotypes = models.ManyToManyField(Phenotype, through='GenePhenotype') objects = GeneManager() class Meta(object): db_table = 'gene' def __unicode__(self): return self.symbol def approved(self): return self.hgnc_id is not None def hgnc_url(self): if self.hgnc_id: return '' + \ str(self.hgnc_id) class GenePhenotype(PhenotypeThrough): gene = models.ForeignKey(Gene) class Meta(object): db_table = 'gene_phenotype' class Exon(models.Model): "Gene-specific exon region" gene = models.ForeignKey(Gene) index = models.IntegerField('exon index') start = models.IntegerField('exon start position') end = models.IntegerField('exon end position') class Meta(object): db_table = 'exon' class Transcript(models.Model): "Gene transcripts" refseq_id = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True) strand = models.CharField(max_length=1, null=True, blank=True, help_text='+ or - for strand') start = models.IntegerField('transcript start position', null=True, blank=True) end = models.IntegerField('transcript end position', null=True, blank=True) coding_start = models.IntegerField('coding region start position', null=True, blank=True) coding_end = models.IntegerField('coding region end position', null=True, blank=True) coding_start_status = models.CharField('coding region start status', max_length=20, null=True, blank=True) coding_end_status = models.CharField('coding region end status', max_length=20, null=True, blank=True) exon_count = models.IntegerField('number of exons', null=True, blank=True) gene = models.ForeignKey(Gene, null=True, blank=True) exons = models.ManyToManyField(Exon, db_table='transcript_exon') class Meta(object): db_table = 'transcript' def ncbi_url(self): return '' + self.refseq_id class GeneSet(ObjectSet): user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) genes = models.ManyToManyField(Gene, through='GeneSetObject') published = models.BooleanField(default=True) set_object_rel = 'genes' label_field = 'name' def __unicode__(self): return unicode( class Meta(object): db_table = 'geneset' ordering = ('user', 'name',) class GeneSetObject(SetObject): object_set = models.ForeignKey(GeneSet, db_column='set_id') set_object = models.ForeignKey(Gene, db_column='object_id') class Meta(object): db_table = 'geneset_setobject'
""" The twistranet Fields """ import os import urlparse from django import forms from django.core.validators import URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT from django.db import models from django.core.validators import EMPTY_VALUES from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from twistranet.twistapp.lib.log import log import widgets from validators import URLValidator, ViewPathValidator class PermissionFormField(forms.ChoiceField): """ This overrides the regular ChoiceField to add additional rendering. """ widget = widgets.PermissionsWidget def __init__( self, choices = (), required=True, widget=None, max_length = None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None, to_field_name=None, *args, **kwargs ): super(PermissionFormField, self).__init__(choices, required, widget, label, initial, help_text, *args, **kwargs) # We put this here to avoid import errors self.default_error_messages = { 'invalid_choice': _(u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of' u' the available choices.'), } class PermissionsFormField(forms.ChoiceField): """ This overrides the regular ChoiceField to add additional rendering. """ def valid_value(self, value): "Check to see if the provided value is a valid choice" for id, name, description in self.choices: if value == smart_unicode(id): return True return False class ModelInputField(forms.Field): """ This is a field used to enter a foreign key value inside a classic Input widget. This is used when there are a lot of values to check against (and ModelChoiceField is not efficient anymore), plus the value is checked against the QuerySet very late in the process. """ def __init__( self, model, filter = None, required=True, widget=None, label=None, initial=None, help_text=None, to_field_name=None, *args, **kwargs ): super(ModelInputField, self).__init__(required, widget, label, initial, help_text, *args, **kwargs) self.model = model self.filter = filter self.to_field_name = to_field_name # We put this here to avoid import errors self.default_error_messages = { 'invalid_choice': _(u'Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of' u' the available choices.'), } def to_python(self, value): """ 'Resolve' the query set at validation time. This way, we're sure to have the freshest version of the QS. """ if value in EMPTY_VALUES: return None try: key = self.to_field_name or 'pk' qs = self.model.objects.get_query_set() if self.filter: qs = qs.filter(self.filter) value = qs.get(**{key: value}) except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice']) return value class ResourceFormField(forms.MultiValueField): """ The ResourceFormField is a resource browser. You can pass it a few parameters: - model which is the subclass you want to read your resources from (default: twistranet.Resource). Useful if you want to display only images for example. - filter which will be passed to model.objects.filter() call before rendering the widget. These model / filter params are the only solution to handle choices WITH the security model. - allow_upload (upload is ok) - allow_select (can select an existing resource from the given filter) """ widget = widgets.ResourceWidget field = ModelInputField model = None filter = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Initial values from twistranet.twistapp.models import Resource self.model = kwargs.pop("model", Resource) self.filter = kwargs.pop("filter", None) self.allow_upload = kwargs.pop("allow_upload", True) self.allow_select = kwargs.pop("allow_select", True) self.display_renderer = kwargs.pop("display_renderer", True) self.media_type = kwargs.pop("media_type", 'file') self.widget = kwargs.pop("widget", self.widget( model = self.model, filter = self.filter, allow_upload = self.allow_upload, allow_select = self.allow_select, display_renderer = self.display_renderer, media_type = self.media_type )) self.required = kwargs.pop("required", True) # The fields we'll use: # - A ModelInputField used to handle the ForeignKey. # - A FileField used to handle data upload. fields = [] field0 = self.field(model = self.model, filter = self.filter, required = self.required) # no more used # field1 = forms.FileField(required = False) dummy = forms.CharField(required = False) if self.allow_select or self.allow_upload: fields.append(field0) else: fields.append(dummy) # # Compatibility with form_for_instance # if kwargs.get('initial'): # initial = kwargs['initial'] # else: # initial = None # self.widget = self.widget(initial=initial) super(ResourceFormField, self).__init__(fields, label = kwargs.pop('label'), required = False) #self.required) def prepare_value(self, value): """ Pass the query_set to the underlying widget, so that it's computed as late as possible. """ qs = self.model.objects.get_query_set() if self.filter: qs = qs.filter(self.filter) self.widget.query_set = qs return super(ResourceFormField, self).prepare_value(value) def compress(self, data_list): return data_list # URLField which also accept relative urls class LargeURLField(forms.CharField): """ A URL field which accepts internal link and intranet links (without a standard domain) """ def __init__(self, max_length=None, min_length=None, verify_exists=False, validator_user_agent=URL_VALIDATOR_USER_AGENT, *args, **kwargs): super(LargeURLField, self).__init__(max_length, min_length, *args, **kwargs) self.validators.append(URLValidator(verify_exists=verify_exists, validator_user_agent=validator_user_agent)) def to_python(self, value): if value: value = urlparse.urlunparse(urlparse.urlparse(value)) return super(LargeURLField, self).to_python(value) class ViewPathField(forms.CharField): """ View Path field (could be improved) """ def __init__(self, max_length=None, min_length=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ViewPathField, self).__init__(max_length, min_length, *args, **kwargs) self.validators.append(ViewPathValidator()) self.default_error_messages = { 'invalid': _(u'Enter a valid Path.'),}
import numpy as np from scipy.stats import dirichlet import random, math dir_alpha = 100.0 scaler_alpha = 1.25 epsilon = 1e-10 def mvDirichlet(pi): pi_new = dirichlet.rvs(dir_alpha*pi)[0] #print(pi, pi_new) hastings_ratio = dirichlet.logpdf(pi, pi_new) - dirichlet.logpdf(pi_new, pi) return pi_new, hastings_ratio def mvDualSlider(pi): i, j = random.sample(range(pi.shape[0]),2 ) sum_ij = pi[i]+pi[j] x = random.uniform(epsilon, sum_ij) y = sum_ij -x pi[i], pi[j] = x, y return pi, 0.0 def mvScaler(x): log_c = scaler_alpha*(np.random.uniform()-0.5) c = math.exp(log_c) x_new = x*c return x_new, log_c def mvVecScaler(X): log_c = scaler_alpha*(np.random.uniform()-0.5) c = math.exp(log_c) X_new = X*c return X_new, log_c def mvSlider(x, a, b): """ a and b are bounds """ x_hat = np.random.uniform(x-0.5, x+0.5) if x_hat < a: return 2.0*a -x_hat elif xhat > b: return 2.0*b -x_hat else: return x_hat
from django.shortcuts import render from pybb.models import * from pybbm_tag.models import Tag from pybb.views import ForumView,AddPostView,EditPostView,TopicView def add_tag(request,**kwargs): # check permissions before calling this function # in kwargs we expect the LABEL of the tag to add(not object) and the TOPIC object(not name). topic = kwargs['topic'] tagname = kwargs['tag'] lst = Tag.objects.filter(label = tagname) if not lst.count() == 0: lst[0].topics.add(topic) lst[0].save() else: tag = Tag(label = tagname,desc="Empty") tag.topics.add(topic) def remove_all_tags(request,**kwargs): topic = kwargs['topic'] for i in Tag.objects.filter(topics__in = [topic]): i.topics.remove(topic) def remove_tag(request,**kwargs): # check permissions before calling this function. topic = kwargs['topic'] tagname = kwargs['tag'] lst = Tag.objects.filter(label = tagname) lst[0].topics.remove(topic) # tag additions to the views that are affected by tags. class AddPostViewWrapper(AddPostView): def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: ret = super(AddPostViewWrapper, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs) taglist = request.POST['taglist'].split('+') #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for i in taglist: add_tag(request, topic=self.object.topic, tag=i) except KeyError: pass return ret def get_context_data(self,**kwargs): ctx = super(AddPostViewWrapper, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) if ctx['forum']: ctx['taglist_input'] = 1 return ctx class ForumViewWrapper(ForumView): def get_context_data(self): ctx = super(ForumViewWrapper, self).get_context_data() topic_list = ctx['topic_list'] tags = [] for i in topic_list: tags.append(Tag.objects.filter(topics__in = [i])) ctx['tags'] = Tag.objects.all() return ctx class TopicViewWrapper(TopicView): def get_context_data(self): ctx = super(TopicViewWrapper, self).get_context_data() ctx['tags'] = Tag.objects.all() return ctx class EditPostViewWrapper(EditPostView): def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ret = super(EditPostViewWrapper, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs) try: taglist = request.POST['taglist'].split('+') remove_all_tags(request, topic=self.object.topic) for i in taglist: add_tag(request, topic=self.object.topic, tag=i) except KeyError: pass return ret def make_tag_string(self,topic): str = "" for i in Tag.objects.filter(topics__in = [topic]): str+=(i.label+"+") if len(str) > 0: str = str[:-1] return str def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): ctx = super(EditPostViewWrapper, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) post = ctx['post'] if post.topic.user == self.request.user: ctx['taglist_input'] = 1 ctx['taglist_initial'] = self.make_tag_string(post.topic) return ctx
#!/usr/bin/python #-*-encoding:utf-8-*- #author: asher #date: 20160429 on train D909 # this scripts useed for add server ip to webvirtmgr # if not , each server must add by website,it's too slow, and very not interesting. # use this , it's make you feel very happy import sqlite3 try: conn = sqlite3.connect('../webvirtmgr.sqlite3') cur = conn.cursor() print "Input the server ip address like:" ips = raw_input("Ips 172.23.32:").strip() ips1 = int(raw_input("Input start last ip num: 1:>").strip()) ips2 = int(raw_input("Input end ip num: 100:>").strip()) # jifang = str(raw_input("DataCenter like:jxq:>").strip()) # login = str(raw_input("User:admin or others:>").strip()) # password = str(raw_input("Password:>").strip()) while True: if ips1 <= ips2: ips1 = str(ips1) newip = ips + "." + ips1 # jifang1 = jifang + "_" + newip print "Del %s into database\n" % newip cur.execute("delete from servers_compute where hostname == '%s'" % newip) ips1 = int(ips1) ips1 += 1 conn.commit() else: break finally: allservers = cur.execute("select id,name,hostname,login,type from servers_compute").fetchall() for i in allservers: print i conn.close()
""" The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Louis-Philippe Querel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import glob import os import shutil from Logging import logger """ The purpose of this utility is to clone the artifacts that have been generated through the build process to preserve them This version would probably only work for maven run projects """ FILTERED_EXTENSIONS = ('*.jar', '*.tar.*', '*.zip', '*.rpm') # todo replace with an abstract solution that could be reused for the other modules to log the version that was ran artifact_archiver_version = 1 def archive(repo_path, archive_path, repo_id, commit, filter_extensions=True): # Determine if we can access the path where the archive should be if not _determine_access(archive_path): logger.error("Failed to save to archive %s" % archive_path) return False temp_archive = os.path.join(repo_path, "%s-temp" % commit) temp_archive_compress_file_no_ext = os.path.join(temp_archive, commit) temp_archive_compress_file = "%s.tar.gz" % temp_archive_compress_file_no_ext archive_repo_path = os.path.join(archive_path, repo_id) archive_compress_file = "%s.tar.gz" % os.path.join(archive_repo_path, commit) _clear_archive(temp_archive, archive_compress_file) target_directories = _identify_target_directories(repo_path) _clone_files_in_targets(repo_path, temp_archive, target_directories, filter_extensions=filter_extensions) _compress_files(temp_archive, temp_archive_compress_file_no_ext) _move_compress_file_to_archive(archive_repo_path, temp_archive_compress_file) # Delete the temporary folder _clear_archive_temp(temp_archive) return True def _determine_access(archive_path): return os.path.exists(archive_path) def _clear_archive(archive_temp, archive_compress_file): _clear_archive_temp(archive_temp) if os.path.exists(archive_compress_file): os.remove(archive_compress_file) def _clear_archive_temp(temp_archive): if os.path.exists(temp_archive): shutil.rmtree(temp_archive) def _identify_target_directories(repo_path): folder = "target" nesting = "**/" target_directories = glob.glob(r'%s%s' % (repo_path, folder)) compound_nesting = "" # We need to navigate the repository to find project target folders for count in range(5): compound_nesting += nesting target_directories += glob.glob(r'%s%s%s' % (repo_path, compound_nesting, folder)) return target_directories def _clone_files_in_targets(repo_path, temp_archive, target_directories, filter_extensions): # Determine if we need to filter any of the files if filter_extensions: ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(FILTERED_EXTENSIONS) else: ignore = None for path in target_directories: folder = path[len(repo_path):] shutil.copytree(path, "%s/%s" % (temp_archive, folder), ignore=ignore, symlinks=True) def _compress_files(archive_temp, temp_archive_compress_file_no_ext): # If the compression is changed the file extension needs to be changed as well in the parent method shutil._make_tarball(temp_archive_compress_file_no_ext, archive_temp, compress="gzip") def _move_compress_file_to_archive(repo_archive_path, temp_archive_compress_file): if not os.path.exists(repo_archive_path): os.makedirs(repo_archive_path) shutil.move(temp_archive_compress_file, repo_archive_path)
#! /usr/bin/env python # System imports from distutils.core import * from distutils import sysconfig # Third-party modules - we depend on numpy import numpy # in order to check whether lapack are present ... import numpy.distutils.system_info as sysinfo # Obtain the numpy include directory. This works across numpy versions. try: numpy_include = numpy.get_include() except AttributeError: numpy_include = numpy.get_numpy_include() # wordom extension module if len(sysinfo.get_info('lapack')) == 0: _wordom = Extension("_wordom", ["wordom.i","fileio.c","tools.c","qcprot.c", "xdrfile.c", "xdrfile_xtc.c"], ) else: _wordom = Extension("_wordom", ["wordom.i","fileio.c","tools.c","qcprot.c", "xdrfile.c", "xdrfile_xtc.c"], include_dirs = [numpy_include], extra_compile_args = ["-D LAPACK"], libraries = [ 'lapack', 'blas' ] ) # NumyTypemapTests setup setup( name = "wordom", description = "wordom is a molecular structure and data manipulation program/library", author = "Michele Seeber & colleagues", url = "", author_email= "", license = "GPL", version = "0.23", ext_modules = [_wordom], py_modules = ['wordom'] )
"""Main function Copyright (c) 2015 Francesco Montesano MIT Licence """ import os import sys from dodocs.cmdline import parse import dodocs.logger as dlog __version__ = "0.0.1" def main(argv=None): """ Main code Parameters ---------- argv : list of strings, optional command line arguments """ args = parse(argv=argv) dlog.setLogger(args) # make sure to reset the subcommand name log = dlog.getLogger() if "func" in args: args.func(args) log.debug("Finished") return 0 else: # defaults profile to list if args.subparser_name == 'profile' and args.profile_cmd is None: main(sys.argv[1:] + ["list"]) else: # in the other cases suggest to run -h msg = ("Please provide a valid command.\n" "Type\n " + os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]) if args.subparser_name is not None: msg += " " + args.subparser_name msg += ' -h' log.error(msg) return 1
import logging from django.conf import settings log = logging.getLogger("") # Why is this a mixin if it can only be used for the Document model? # Good question! My only good reason is to keep the permission related # code organized and contained in one place. class DocumentPermissionMixin(object): """Adds of permission checking methods to the Document model.""" def allows(self, user, action): """Check if the user has the permission on the document.""" # If this is kicking up a KeyError it's probably because you typoed! return getattr(self, "_allows_%s" % action)(user) def _allows_create_revision(self, user): """Can the user create a revision for the document?""" # For now (ever?), creating revisions isn't restricted at all. return True def _allows_edit(self, user): """Can the user edit the document?""" # Document editing isn't restricted until it has an approved # revision. if not self.current_revision: return True # Locale leaders and reviewers can edit in their locale. locale = self.locale if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user): return True # And finally, fallback to the actual django permission. return user.has_perm("wiki.change_document") def _allows_delete(self, user): """Can the user delete the document?""" # Locale leaders can delete documents in their locale. locale = self.locale if _is_leader(locale, user): return True # Fallback to the django permission. return user.has_perm("wiki.delete_document") def _allows_archive(self, user): """Can the user archive the document?""" # Just use the django permission. return user.has_perm("wiki.archive_document") def _allows_edit_keywords(self, user): """Can the user edit the document's keywords?""" # If the document is in the default locale, just use the # django permission. # Editing keywords isn't restricted in other locales. return self.locale != settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE or user.has_perm("wiki.edit_keywords") def _allows_edit_needs_change(self, user): """Can the user edit the needs change fields for the document?""" # If the document is in the default locale, just use the # django permission. # Needs change isn't used for other locales (yet?). return self.locale == settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE and user.has_perm( "wiki.edit_needs_change" ) def _allows_mark_ready_for_l10n(self, user): """"Can the user mark the document as ready for localization?""" # If the document is localizable and the user has the django # permission, then the user can mark as ready for l10n. return self.is_localizable and user.has_perm("wiki.mark_ready_for_l10n") def _allows_review_revision(self, user): """Can the user review a revision for the document?""" # Locale leaders and reviewers can review revisions in their # locale. locale = self.locale if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user): return True # Fallback to the django permission. return user.has_perm("wiki.review_revision") def _allows_delete_revision(self, user): """Can the user delete a document's revisions?""" # Locale leaders and reviewers can delete revisions in their # locale. locale = self.locale if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user): return True # Fallback to the django permission. return user.has_perm("wiki.delete_revision") def _is_leader(locale, user): """Checks if the user is a leader for the given locale. Returns False if the locale doesn't exist. This will should only happen if we forgot to insert a new locale when enabling it or during testing. """ from import Locale try: locale_team = Locale.objects.get(locale=locale) except Locale.DoesNotExist: log.warning("Locale not created for %s" % locale) return False return user in locale_team.leaders.all() def _is_reviewer(locale, user): """Checks if the user is a reviewer for the given locale. Returns False if the locale doesn't exist. This will should only happen if we forgot to insert a new locale when enabling it or during testing. """ from import Locale try: locale_team = Locale.objects.get(locale=locale) except Locale.DoesNotExist: log.warning("Locale not created for %s" % locale) return False return user in locale_team.reviewers.all()
#This file is now part of the main Bareos repo. Do not use this version, use the package bareos-filedaemon-python-plugin instead #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Baseclass for Bareos python plugins # Functions taken and adapted from # (c) Bareos GmbH & Co. KG, Maik Aussendorf # AGPL v.3 from bareosfd import * from bareos_fd_consts import * from io import open from os import O_WRONLY, O_CREAT class BareosFdPluginBaseclass: ''' Bareos python plugin base class ''' def __init__(self, context, plugindef): DebugMessage(context, 100, "Constructor called in module " + __name__ + "\n"); events = []; events.append(bEventType['bEventJobEnd']); events.append(bEventType['bEventEndBackupJob']); events.append(bEventType['bEventEndFileSet']); events.append(bEventType['bEventHandleBackupFile']); RegisterEvents(context, events); # get some static Bareos values self.fdname = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarFDName']); self.jobId = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarJobId']); self.client = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarClient']); self.level = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarLevel']); self.jobName = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarJobName']); self.workingdir = GetValue(context, bVariable['bVarWorkingDir']); DebugMessage(context, 100, "FDName = " + self.fdname + " - BareosFdPluginBaseclass\n"); DebugMessage(context, 100, "WorkingDir = " + self.workingdir + " jobId: " + str(self.jobId) + "\n"); def parse_plugin_definition(self,context, plugindef): DebugMessage(context, 100, "plugin def parser called with " + plugindef + "\n"); # Parse plugin options into a dict self.options = dict(); plugin_options = plugindef.split(":"); for current_option in plugin_options: key,sep,val = current_option.partition("="); DebugMessage(context, 100, "key:val: " + key + ':' + val + "\n"); if val == '': continue; else: self.options[key] = val; # you should overload this method with your own and do option checking here, return bRCs['bRC_Error'], if options are not ok # or better call super.parse_plugin_definition in your own class and make sanity check on self.options afterwards return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def plugin_io(self, context, IOP): DebugMessage(context, 100, "plugin_io called with " + str(IOP) + "\n"); FNAME = IOP.fname; if IOP.func == bIOPS['IO_OPEN']: try: if IOP.flags & (O_CREAT | O_WRONLY): self.file = open(FNAME, 'wb'); else: self.file = open(FNAME, 'rb'); except: IOP.status = -1; return bRCs['bRC_Error']; return bRCs['bRC_OK']; elif IOP.func == bIOPS['IO_CLOSE']: self.file.close(); return bRCs['bRC_OK']; elif IOP.func == bIOPS['IO_SEEK']: return bRCs['bRC_OK']; elif IOP.func == bIOPS['IO_READ']: IOP.buf = bytearray(IOP.count); IOP.status = self.file.readinto(IOP.buf); IOP.io_errno = 0 return bRCs['bRC_OK']; elif IOP.func == bIOPS['IO_WRITE']: IOP.status = self.file.write(IOP.buf); IOP.io_errno = 0 return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def handle_plugin_event(self, context, event): if event == bEventType['bEventJobEnd']: DebugMessage(context, 100, "handle_plugin_event called with bEventJobEnd\n"); elif event == bEventType['bEventEndBackupJob']: DebugMessage(context, 100, "handle_plugin_event called with bEventEndBackupJob\n"); elif event == bEventType['bEventEndFileSet']: DebugMessage(context, 100, "handle_plugin_event called with bEventEndFileSet\n"); else: DebugMessage(context, 100, "handle_plugin_event called with event" + str(event) + "\n"); return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def start_backup_file(self,context, savepkt): DebugMessage(context, 100, "start_backup called\n"); # Base method, we do not add anything, overload this method with your implementation to add files to backup fileset return bRCs['bRC_Skip']; def end_backup_file(self, context): DebugMessage(context, 100, "end_backup_file() entry point in Python called\n") return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def start_restore_file(self, context, cmd): DebugMessage(context, 100, "start_restore_file() entry point in Python called with" + str(cmd) + "\n") return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def end_restore_file(self,context): DebugMessage(context, 100, "end_restore_file() entry point in Python called\n") return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def restore_object_data(self, context, ROP): DebugMessage(context, 100, "restore_object_data called with " + str(ROP) + "\n"); return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def create_file(self,context, restorepkt): DebugMessage(context, 100, "create_file() entry point in Python called with" + str(restorepkt) + "\n") restorepkt.create_status = bCFs['CF_EXTRACT']; return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def check_file(self,context, fname): DebugMessage(context, 100, "check_file() entry point in Python called with" + str(fname) + "\n") return bRCs['bRC_OK']; def handle_backup_file(self,context, savepkt): DebugMessage(context, 100, "handle_backup_file called with " + str(savepkt) + "\n"); return bRCs['bRC_OK']; # vim: ts=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
import sys import os from lib.data_loader import utils_mask3d sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) from lib.utils import output_utils from lib.data_loader import mri_atlas from lib.data_loader import pet_atlas from lib.data_loader import PET_stack_NORAD from lib.data_loader import MRI_stack_NORAD from lib.utils.os_aux import create_directories import settings region = 75 #images = "MRI" images = "PET" path_folder3D = os.path.join(settings.path_to_project, "folder3D") path_folder_masks3d = os.path.join(path_folder3D, "masks3D") path_mask = os.path.join( path_folder_masks3d, "{1}_region:{0}".format(region, images)) create_directories([path_folder3D, path_folder_masks3d]) atlas = None reshape_kind = None colour_kind = None stack_dict = None if images == "MRI": stack_dict = MRI_stack_NORAD.get_gm_stack() reshape_kind = "A" colour_kind = "Greys" atlas = mri_atlas.load_atlas_mri() elif images == "PET": stack_dict = PET_stack_NORAD.get_full_stack() reshape_kind = "F" colour_kind = "jet" total_size = stack_dict['total_size'] imgsize = stack_dict['imgsize'] voxels_index = stack_dict['voxel_index'] map_region_voxels = atlas[region] # index refered to nbground voxels no_bg_region_voxels_index = voxels_index[map_region_voxels] mask3d = utils_mask3d.generate_region_3dmaskatlas( no_bg_region_voxels_index=no_bg_region_voxels_index, reshape_kind=reshape_kind, imgsize=imgsize, totalsize=total_size) output_utils.from_3d_image_to_nifti_file( path_to_save=path_mask, image3d=mask3d)
import numpy as np from keras.optimizers import SGD from models.CNN_CIFAR import cnn_cifar_batchnormalisation, cnn_cifar_small, cnn_cifar_nodropout, \ cnn_cifar_small_batchnormalisation from models.DataLoader import DataLoader from scripts.progress_bar import printProgress from time import time, localtime # this is a predefined dataloader loader = DataLoader(batch_size=32) # construct the model here (pre-defined model) model = cnn_cifar_small_batchnormalisation(loader.image_shape) print( nb_epoch = 200 early_stopping = True early_stopping_count = 0 early_stopping_wait = 3 train_loss = [] valid_loss = [] learning_rate = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01] # let's train the model using SGD + momentum (how original). sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate[-1], decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=sgd) # load validation data from the h5py file (heavy lifting here) x_valid, y_valid = loader.get_valid() best_valid = np.inf for e in range(nb_epoch): print("epoch %d" % e) loss_list = [] time_list = [] time_start = time() for i in range(loader.n_iter_train): time_start_batch = time() X_batch, Y_batch = loader.next_train_batch() loss_list.append(model.train_on_batch(X_batch, Y_batch)) # calculate some time information time_list.append(time() - time_start_batch) eta = (loader.n_iter_train - i) * np.array(time_list).mean() printProgress(i, loader.n_iter_train-1, prefix='Progress:', suffix='batch error: %0.5f, ETA: %0.2f sec.'%(np.array(loss_list).mean(), eta), barLength=50) printProgress(i, loader.n_iter_train - 1, prefix='Progress:', suffix='batch error: %0.5f' % (np.array(loss_list).mean()), barLength=50) train_loss.append(np.asarray(loss_list).mean()) print('training loss is %f, one epoch uses: %0.2f sec' % (train_loss[-1], time() - time_start)) valid_loss.append(model.evaluate(x_valid, y_valid)) print('valid loss is %f' % valid_loss[-1]) if best_valid > valid_loss[-1]: early_stopping_count = 0 print('saving best valid result...') best_valid = valid_loss[-1]'./models/CNN_Model_OBT100_multi_cnn_best_valid_''.h5') else: # we wait for early stopping loop until a certain time early_stopping_count += 1 if early_stopping_count > early_stopping_wait: early_stopping_count = 0 if len(learning_rate) > 1: learning_rate.pop() print('decreasing the learning rate to: %f'%learning_rate[-1])[-1]) else: break lt = localtime() lt_str = str(lt.tm_year)+"."+str(lt.tm_mon).zfill(2)+"." \ +str(lt.tm_mday).zfill(2)+"."+str(lt.tm_hour).zfill(2)+"."\ +str(lt.tm_min).zfill(2)+"."+str(lt.tm_sec).zfill(2) np.savetxt('./models/train_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt', train_loss) np.savetxt('./models/valid_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt', valid_loss)'./models/CNN_Model_OBT100_multi_cnn_''_final.h5') print("done") #### we show some visualisation here import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches train_loss = np.loadtxt('./models/train_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt') valid_loss = np.loadtxt('./models/valid_loss_''_'+lt_str+'.txt') plt.plot(train_loss, 'b') plt.plot(valid_loss, 'r') blue_label = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='train_loss') red_label = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='valid_loss') plt.legend(handles=[blue_label, red_label])
import SRenderLib from asmutils import * def create_mod(util): print '\nSearching for mappings for ASMVillageMarker...' SRenderLib.setup_lib(util) lines = util.readj('World') pos = findOps(lines,0,[['.field','protected',';'],['.field','protected','Z'],['.field','protected',';'],['.field','protected',';']]) util.setmap('VillageCollection',betweenr(lines[pos],'L',';')) util.setmap('World.villageCollectionObj',endw(lines[pos],2)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public','()L'+util.getmap('VillageCollection')]]) if pos is not None: util.setmap('World.getVillageCollection',endw(lines[pos],3)) lines = util.readj('VillageCollection') pos = findOps(lines,0,[['.method','public','()Ljava/util/List']]) util.setmap('VillageCollection.getVillageList',endw(lines[pos],3)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public',')L']]) util.setmap('Village',betweenr(lines[pos],')L',';')) lines = util.readj('Village') pos = findOps(lines,0,[['.method','public','()L']]) util.setmap('Village.getCenter',endw(lines[pos],3)) util.setmap('BlockPos',betweenr(lines[pos],')L',';')) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public','()I']]) util.setmap('Village.getVillageRadius',endw(lines[pos],3)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public','()Ljava/util/List']]) util.setmap('Village.getVillageDoorInfoList',endw(lines[pos],3)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public',')L']]) util.setmap('VillageDoorInfo',betweenr(lines[pos],')L',';')) lines = util.readj('VillageDoorInfo') pos = findOps(lines,0,[['.method','public','()L']]) util.setmap('VillageDoorInfo.getDoorBlockPos',endw(lines[pos],3)) lines = util.readj('BlockPos') pos = findOps(lines,0,[['.super']]) util.setmap('Vec3i',endw(lines[pos],1)) lines = util.readj('Vec3i') pos = findOps(lines,0, [['.method','public','()I'],['stack 1 locals 1']]) util.setmap('Vec3i.getX',endw(lines[pos-1],3)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public','()I'],['stack 1 locals 1']]) util.setmap('Vec3i.getY',endw(lines[pos-1],3)) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['.method','public','()I'],['stack 1 locals 1']]) util.setmap('Vec3i.getZ',endw(lines[pos-1],3)) print 'Applying ASMVillageMarker patch...' util.setmap('ASMVillageMarker','villagemarker/ASMVillageMarker') lines = util.readt('ASMVillageMarker') lines = '\1'.join(lines) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/server/integrated/IntegratedServer', util.getmap('IntegratedServer')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityPlayerSP', util.getmap('EntityPlayerSP')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/client/Minecraft', util.getmap('Minecraft')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/world/WorldServer', util.getmap('WorldServer')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', util.getmap('BlockPos')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/village/VillageCollection', util.getmap('VillageCollection')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/village/VillageDoorInfo', util.getmap('VillageDoorInfo')) lines = lines.replace('net/minecraft/village/Village', util.getmap('Village')) lines = lines.replace('thePlayer', util.getmap('Minecraft.thePlayer')) lines = lines.replace('dimension', util.getmap('Entity.dimension')) lines = lines.replace('isSingleplayer', util.getmap('Minecraft.isSingleplayer')) lines = lines.replace('worldServerForDimension', util.getmap('MinecraftServer.worldServerForDimension')) lines = lines.replace('getVillageDoorInfoList', util.getmap('Village.getVillageDoorInfoList')) lines = lines.replace('getVillageCollection', util.getmap('World.getVillageCollection')) lines = lines.replace('getVillageRadius', util.getmap('Village.getVillageRadius')) lines = lines.replace('getVillageList', util.getmap('VillageCollection.getVillageList')) lines = lines.replace('getDoorBlockPos', util.getmap('VillageDoorInfo.getDoorBlockPos')) lines = lines.replace('getIntegratedServer', util.getmap('Minecraft.getIntegratedServer')) lines = lines.replace('getMinecraft', util.getmap('Minecraft.getMinecraft')) lines = lines.replace('getCenter', util.getmap('Village.getCenter')) lines = lines.replace('getX', util.getmap('Vec3i.getX')) lines = lines.replace('getY', util.getmap('Vec3i.getY')) lines = lines.replace('getZ', util.getmap('Vec3i.getZ')) lines = lines.split('\1') util.write2mod('ASMVillageMarker',lines) print 'Injecting render call...' lines = util.readj('EntityRenderer') pos = 0 while True: pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['ldc','culling']]) if pos is None: break pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['dload'],['dload'],['dload']]) playerX = endw(lines[pos-2],1) playerY = endw(lines[pos-1],1) playerZ = endw(lines[pos ],1) pos = findOps(lines,pos+1,[['ldc','aboveClouds']]) pos = goBackTo(lines,pos,['invokevirtual']) lines.insert(pos+1,'dload '+playerX+'\n') lines.insert(pos+2,'dload '+playerY+'\n') lines.insert(pos+3,'dload '+playerZ+'\n') lines.insert(pos+4,'invokestatic Method '+util.getmap('ASMVillageMarker')+' render (DDD)V\n') util.write2mod('EntityRenderer',lines)
# This code is so you can run the samples without installing the package import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) # testinfo = "s, q" tags = "menu items, ToggleMenuItem, MultipleMenuItem, MenuItem, EntryMenuItem, ImageMenuItem, ColorMenuItem" from pyglet import image from import * from pyglet import font from cocos.director import * from import * from cocos.scene import * from cocos.layer import * from operator import setslice def printf(*args): sys.stdout.write(''.join([str(x) for x in args])+'\n') class MainMenu(Menu): def __init__( self ): super( MainMenu, self ).__init__("Test Menu Items") # then add the items item1= ToggleMenuItem('ToggleMenuItem: ', self.on_toggle_callback, True ) resolutions = ['320x200','640x480','800x600', '1024x768', '1200x1024'] item2= MultipleMenuItem('MultipleMenuItem: ', self.on_multiple_callback, resolutions) item3 = MenuItem('MenuItem', self.on_callback ) item4 = EntryMenuItem('EntryMenuItem:', self.on_entry_callback, 'value', max_length=8) item5 = ImageMenuItem('imagemenuitem.png', self.on_image_callback) colors = [(255, 255, 255), (129, 255, 100), (50, 50, 100), (255, 200, 150)] item6 = ColorMenuItem('ColorMenuItem:', self.on_color_callback, colors) self.create_menu( [item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6] ) def on_quit( self ): def on_multiple_callback(self, idx ): print 'multiple item callback', idx def on_toggle_callback(self, b ): print 'toggle item callback', b def on_callback(self ): print 'item callback' def on_entry_callback (self, value): print 'entry item callback', value def on_image_callback (self): print 'image item callback' def on_color_callback(self, value): print 'color item callback:', value def main(): pyglet.font.add_directory('.') director.init( resizable=True) Scene( MainMenu() ) ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from __future__ import print_function import sys import re import glob import argparse def eprint(*args, **kwargs): # Print to STDERR instead of STDOUT print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def grep(expression, filepath, ignorecase=False, invert=False): raw_expression = re.escape(expression) with open(filepath) as file: for line in file: # Enable case matching? if ignorecase: matches =, line, re.I) else: matches =, line) # Invert matches if need be and print if matches and not invert: print(line) elif invert and not matches: print(line) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This is a pure Python based clone of the GREP command') parser.add_argument('expression', action="store", type=str, help="Regular expression to match against") parser.add_argument('filepath', action="store", type=str, help="Path to file to search in. supports wildcard globs") parser.add_argument('-i', action="store_true", default=False, dest="ignorecase", help="Ignore case") parser.add_argument('-v', action="store_true", default=False, dest="invert", help="Show lines that don't match") args = parser.parse_args() file_list = glob.glob(args.filepath) for f in file_list: if len(file_list) > 1: eprint("\nResults for file: %s" % f) eprint("-"*(len(f)+18)) grep(args.expression, f, ignorecase=args.ignorecase, invert=args.invert) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from pyCovertAudio_lib import * from BaseModulator import BaseModulator from SignalFunctions import SignalFunctions class BFSKModulator(BaseModulator): def __init__( self, bitsPerSymbol, sampleRate, samplesPerSymbol, symbolExpansionFactor, separationIntervals, configuration ): BaseModulator.__init__( self, bitsPerSymbol, sampleRate, samplesPerSymbol, symbolExpansionFactor, separationIntervals, configuration ) ( self.symbol0Frequency, self.symbol1Frequency, self.deltaFrequency, self.bandwidth ) = \ python_BFSK_determine_frequencies( self.samplesPerSymbol, self.sampleRate, self.carrierFrequency, self.separationIntervals ) def modulate(self, symbolSequence, signal, sentinel=None): symbolSignalLength = self.samplesPerSymbol * self.symbolExpansionFactor for symbol in symbolSequence: symbolFrequency = self.carrierFrequency if(symbol == 1): symbolFrequency += self.symbol1Frequency else: symbolFrequency += self.symbol0Frequency x = \ SignalFunctions.modulateFSK( symbolSignalLength, self.sampleRate, [symbolFrequency] ) signal.extend(x[: self.samplesPerSymbol]) signal.extend( [0.0 for i in range( (self.symbolExpansionFactor - 1) * self.samplesPerSymbol)] ) def toString(self): return ( "Modulator:\n\tAlgorithm:\t\t\tBFSK\n\tSymbol 0 frequency:\t\t" "%.02f\n\tSymbol 1 frequency:\t\t%.02f\n\tMin frequency" " separation:\t%.02f\n\tBandwidth:\t\t\t%.02f\n%s" % ( self.symbol0Frequency, self.symbol1Frequency, self.deltaFrequency, self.bandwidth, BaseModulator.toString(self) ) )
5037 import re import glob, os, time from numpy import * from pylab import * def analyzeFile(fileName,delim): cols = {} indexToName = {} lineNum = 0 goodLines = 0 shortLines = 0 FILE = open(fileName,'r') for line in FILE: line = line.strip() if lineNum < 1: lineNum += 1 continue elif lineNum == 1: headings = line.split(delim) i = 0 for heading in headings: heading = heading.strip() cols[heading] = [] indexToName[i] = heading i += 1 lineNum += 1 lineLength = len(cols) else: data = line.split(delim) if len(data) == lineLength: goodLines += 1 i = 0 for point in data: point = point.strip() cols[indexToName[i]] += [point] i += 1 lineNum += 1 else: shortLines += 1 lineNum += 1 continue FILE.close return cols, indexToName, lineNum, shortLines def numericalSort(value): numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+)') parts = numbers.split(value) parts[1::2] = map(int, parts[1::2]) return parts def popDate(fileName): run = fileName.split('.')[0] runNo = run.split('_')[-1] return runNo def getFile(date,regex):#Works files = [] files = sorted((glob.glob('*'+regex+'*')),key=numericalSort,reverse=False) if date.lower() == 'last': files = files.pop() else: files = [item for item in files if,item)] return files def plotConc(data,ozone,times): # This function plots data versus time import datetime as dt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import date2num #time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] x = date2num(time) legend1 = [] legend2 = [] fig = plt.figure('Gas Concentration Readings for East St.Louis') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = twinx() for key,value in data.items(): ax1.plot_date(x,data[key],'-',xdate=True) legend1.append(key) for key, value in ozone.items(): ax2.plot_date(x,ozone[key],'-.',xdate=True) legend2.append(key) title('Gas Concentrations for East St. Louis', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$Concentration(ppb)$', fontsize = 12) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$Concentration(ppb)$', fontsize = 12) xlabel(r"$Time \, Stamp$", fontsize = 12) ax1.legend(legend1,loc='upper right') ax2.legend(legend2,loc='lower right') grid(True) return def plotBankRelays(data,relays,times): # This function plots data versus time import datetime as dt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import date2num time = [dt.datetime.strptime(time,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p") for time in times] x = date2num(time) #x1 = [date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for date in time] legend1 = [] legend2 = [] #plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=4) fig = plt.figure('VAPS Thermocouple Readings: Chart 2') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = twinx() for key,value in data.items(): ax1.plot_date(x,data[key],'-',xdate=True) legend1.append(key) for key,value in relays.items(): ax2.plot_date(x,relays[key],'--',xdate=True) legend2.append(key) title('VAPS Temperatures: Chart 2', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$Temperature(^oC)$', fontsize = 12) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$Relay \, States$', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_xlabel(r"$Time \, Stamp$", fontsize = 12) #print [num2date(item) for item in ax1.get_xticks()] #ax1.set_xticks(x) #ax1.set_xticklabels([date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M %p") for date in time]) #ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.,1.02,1.,.102),loc=3,ncol=2,mode="expand",borderaxespad=0.) ax1.legend(legend1,loc='upper right') ax2.legend(legend2,loc='lower right') #ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter(date.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) grid(True) return def goodFiles(files,goodHeaders,delim): # Good irregFiles = 0 goodFiles = [] for file in files: lineNo = 0 falseCount = 0 FILE = open(file,'r') for line in FILE: line = line.strip() if lineNo == 5: # Check all the headings to make sure the file is good head = line.split(delim) for item in head: if item in goodHeaders: continue else: falseCount += 1 if falseCount == 0: goodFiles.append(file) else: irregFiles += 1 lineNo += 1 else: lineNo += 1 continue FILE.close return goodFiles, irregFiles
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Lukas Hetzenecker <> from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import logging class QtStreamHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, parent, main): logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.main = main self.textWidget = parent self.formater = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") def setFormatter(self, format): self.formater = format def createLock(self): self.mutex = QMutex() def acquire(self): self.mutex.lock() def release(self): self.mutex.unlock() def emit(self,record): self.textWidget.appendPlainText(self.formater.format(record)) self.textWidget.moveCursor(QTextCursor.StartOfLine) self.textWidget.ensureCursorVisible() class QtOutput(object): def __init__(self, parent, out=None, color=None): self.textWidget = parent self.out = out self.color = color def write(self, m): self.textWidget.moveCursor(QTextCursor.End) if self.color: tc = self.textWidget.textColor() self.textWidget.setTextColor(self.color) self.textWidget.insertPlainText( m ) if self.color: self.textWidget.setTextColor(tc) if self.out: if isinstance(m, unicode): self.out.write(m.encode("utf8")) else: self.out.write(m)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function """ Module for communication with subscription-manager, part of virt-who Copyright (C) 2011 Radek Novacek <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ import os import json from six.moves.http_client import BadStatusLine from six import string_types import rhsm.connection as rhsm_connection import rhsm.certificate as rhsm_certificate import rhsm.config as rhsm_config from virtwho.config import NotSetSentinel from virtwho.manager import Manager, ManagerError, ManagerFatalError, ManagerThrottleError from virtwho.virt import AbstractVirtReport from virtwho.util import generate_correlation_id class SubscriptionManagerError(ManagerError): pass class SubscriptionManagerUnregisteredError(ManagerFatalError): pass # Mapping between strings returned from getJob and report statuses STATE_MAPPING = { 'FINISHED': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED, 'CANCELED': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CANCELED, 'FAILED': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FAILED, 'RUNNING': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING, 'WAITING': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING, 'CREATED': AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING, } class NamedOptions(object): """ Object used for compatibility with RHSM """ pass class SubscriptionManager(Manager): sm_type = "sam" """ Class for interacting subscription-manager. """ def __init__(self, logger, options): self.logger = logger self.options = options self.cert_uuid = None self.rhsm_config = None self.cert_file = None self.key_file = None self.readConfig() self.connection = None self.correlation_id = generate_correlation_id() def readConfig(self): """ Parse rhsm.conf in order to obtain consumer certificate and key paths. """ self.rhsm_config = rhsm_config.initConfig( rhsm_config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) consumer_cert_dir = self.rhsm_config.get("rhsm", "consumerCertDir") cert = 'cert.pem' key = 'key.pem' self.cert_file = os.path.join(consumer_cert_dir, cert) self.key_file = os.path.join(consumer_cert_dir, key) def _check_owner_lib(self, kwargs, config): """ Try to check values of env and owner. These values has to be equal to values obtained from Satellite server. :param kwargs: dictionary possibly containing valid username and password used for connection to rhsm :param config: Configuration of virt-who :return: None """ if config is None: return # Check 'owner' and 'env' only in situation, when these values # are set and rhsm_username and rhsm_password are not set if 'username' not in kwargs and 'password' not in kwargs and \ 'owner' in config.keys() and 'env' in config.keys(): pass else: return uuid = self.uuid() consumer = self.connection.getConsumer(uuid) if 'environment' in consumer: environment = consumer['environment'] else: return if environment: environment_name = environment['name'] owner = self.connection.getOwner(uuid) owner_id = owner['key'] if config['owner'] != owner_id: raise ManagerError( "Cannot send data to: %s, because owner from configuration: %s is different" % (owner_id, config['owner']) ) if config['env'] != environment_name: raise ManagerError( "Cannot send data to: %s, because Satellite env: %s differs from configuration: %s" % (owner_id, environment_name, config['env']) ) def _connect(self, config=None): """ Connect to the subscription-manager. """ kwargs = { 'host': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'hostname'), 'ssl_port': int(self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'port')), 'handler': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'prefix'), 'proxy_hostname': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_hostname'), 'proxy_port': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_port'), 'proxy_user': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_user'), 'proxy_password': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_password'), 'insecure': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'insecure') } kwargs_to_config = { 'host': 'rhsm_hostname', 'ssl_port': 'rhsm_port', 'handler': 'rhsm_prefix', 'proxy_hostname': 'rhsm_proxy_hostname', 'proxy_port': 'rhsm_proxy_port', 'proxy_user': 'rhsm_proxy_user', 'proxy_password': 'rhsm_proxy_password', 'insecure': 'rhsm_insecure' } rhsm_username = None rhsm_password = None if config: try: rhsm_username = config['rhsm_username'] rhsm_password = config['rhsm_password'] except KeyError: pass if rhsm_username == NotSetSentinel: rhsm_username = None if rhsm_password == NotSetSentinel: rhsm_password = None # Testing for None is necessary, it might be an empty string for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: from_config = config[kwargs_to_config[key]] if from_config is not NotSetSentinel and from_config is \ not None: if key is 'ssl_port': from_config = int(from_config) kwargs[key] = from_config except KeyError: continue if rhsm_username and rhsm_password: self.logger.debug("Authenticating with RHSM username %s", rhsm_username) kwargs['username'] = rhsm_username kwargs['password'] = rhsm_password else: self.logger.debug("Authenticating with certificate: %s", self.cert_file) if not os.access(self.cert_file, os.R_OK): raise SubscriptionManagerUnregisteredError( "Unable to read certificate, system is not registered or you are not root") kwargs['cert_file'] = self.cert_file kwargs['key_file'] = self.key_file"X-Correlation-ID: %s", self.correlation_id) if self.correlation_id: kwargs['correlation_id'] = self.correlation_id self.connection = rhsm_connection.UEPConnection(**kwargs) try: if not['result']: raise SubscriptionManagerError( "Unable to obtain status from server, UEPConnection is likely not usable." ) except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager interrupted") self._check_owner_lib(kwargs, config) return self.connection def sendVirtGuests(self, report, options=None): """ Update consumer facts with info about virtual guests. `guests` is a list of `Guest` instances (or it children). """ guests = report.guests self._connect() # Sort the list guests.sort(key=lambda item: item.uuid) serialized_guests = [guest.toDict() for guest in guests]'Sending update in guests lists for config ' '"%s": %d guests found',, len(guests)) self.logger.debug("Domain info: %s", json.dumps(serialized_guests, indent=4)) # Send list of guest uuids to the server try: self.connection.updateConsumer(self.uuid(), guest_uuids=serialized_guests, hypervisor_id=report.hypervisor_id) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED def hypervisorCheckIn(self, report, options=None): """ Send hosts to guests mapping to subscription manager. """ connection = self._connect(report.config) is_async = self._is_rhsm_server_async(report, connection) serialized_mapping = self._hypervisor_mapping(report, is_async, connection) self.logger.debug("Host-to-guest mapping being sent to '{owner}': {mapping}".format( owner=report.config['owner'], mapping=json.dumps(serialized_mapping, indent=4))) # All subclasses of ConfigSection use dictionary like notation, # but RHSM uses attribute like notation if options: named_options = NamedOptions() for key, value in options['global'].items(): setattr(named_options, key, value) else: named_options = None try: try: result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn( report.config['owner'], report.config['env'], serialized_mapping, options=named_options) # pylint:disable=unexpected-keyword-arg except TypeError: # This is temporary workaround until the options parameter gets implemented # in python-rhsm self.logger.debug( "hypervisorCheckIn method in python-rhsm doesn't understand options parameter, ignoring" ) result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn(report.config['owner'], report.config['env'], serialized_mapping) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists") except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) if is_async is True: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CREATED report.job_id = result['id'] else: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED return result def _is_rhsm_server_async(self, report, connection=None): """ Check if server has capability 'hypervisor_async'. """ if connection is None: self._connect(report.config) self.logger.debug("Checking if server has capability 'hypervisor_async'") is_async = hasattr(self.connection, 'has_capability') and self.connection.has_capability('hypervisors_async') if is_async: self.logger.debug("Server has capability 'hypervisors_async'") else: self.logger.debug("Server does not have 'hypervisors_async' capability") return is_async def _hypervisor_mapping(self, report, is_async, connection=None): """ Return mapping of hypervisor """ if connection is None: self._connect(report.config) mapping = report.association serialized_mapping = {} ids_seen = [] if is_async: hosts = [] # Transform the mapping into the async version for hypervisor in mapping['hypervisors']: if hypervisor.hypervisorId in ids_seen: self.logger.warning("The hypervisor id '%s' is assigned to 2 different systems. " "Only one will be recorded at the server." % hypervisor.hypervisorId) hosts.append(hypervisor.toDict()) ids_seen.append(hypervisor.hypervisorId) serialized_mapping = {'hypervisors': hosts} else: # Reformat the data from the mapping to make it fit with # the old api. for hypervisor in mapping['hypervisors']: if hypervisor.hypervisorId in ids_seen: self.logger.warning("The hypervisor id '%s' is assigned to 2 different systems. " "Only one will be recorded at the server." % hypervisor.hypervisorId) guests = [g.toDict() for g in hypervisor.guestIds] serialized_mapping[hypervisor.hypervisorId] = guests ids_seen.append(hypervisor.hypervisorId) return serialized_mapping def check_report_state(self, report): # BZ 1554228 job_id = str(report.job_id) self._connect(report.config) self.logger.debug('Checking status of job %s', job_id) try: result = self.connection.getJob(job_id) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) state = STATE_MAPPING.get(result['state'], AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FAILED) report.state = state if state not in (AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CANCELED, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FAILED): self.logger.debug('Job %s not finished', job_id) else: # log completed job status result_data = result.get('resultData', {}) if not result_data: self.logger.warning("Job status report without resultData: %s", result) return if isinstance(result_data, string_types): self.logger.warning("Job status report encountered the following error: %s", result_data) return for fail in result_data.get('failedUpdate', []): self.logger.error("Error during update list of guests: %s", str(fail)) self.logger.debug("Number of mappings unchanged: %d", len(result_data.get('unchanged', [])))"Mapping for config \"%s\" updated", def uuid(self): """ Read consumer certificate and get consumer UUID from it. """ if not self.cert_uuid: try: certificate = rhsm_certificate.create_from_file(self.cert_file) self.cert_uuid = certificate.subject["CN"] except Exception as e: raise SubscriptionManagerError("Unable to open certificate %s (%s):" % (self.cert_file, str(e))) return self.cert_uuid
''' Copyright (c) 2016 Tim Savannah All Rights Reserved. This software is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3. This may change at my discretion, retroactively, and without notice. You should have received a copy of this with the source distribution as a file titled, LICENSE. The most current license can be found at: This location may need to be changed at some point in the future, in which case you are may email Tim Savannah <kata198 at gmail dot com>, or find them on the current website intended for distribution of usrsvc. ActivityFileMonitor - Asserts that a specific file or directory should be modified within a certain threshold ''' # vim:set ts=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab : import os import time from func_timeout import FunctionTimedOut from . import MonitoringBase from ..logging import logMsg, logErr # TODO: We need to implement the check here as launching and joining on a thread, so that we don't lockup all monitoring if someone # uses an NFS file on a disconnected device or anything else that will result in an indefinite uninterruptable ("D") state. class ActivityFileMonitor(MonitoringBase): ''' ActivityFileMonitor - Class for doing activity file monitoring ''' def __init__(self, programName, activityFile, activityFileLimit): MonitoringBase.__init__(self) self.programName = programName self.activityFile = activityFile self.activityFileLimit = activityFileLimit @classmethod def createFromConfig(cls, programConfig): if not programConfig.Monitoring.activityfile: return None return cls(, programConfig.Monitoring.activityfile, programConfig.Monitoring.activityfile_limit) def shouldRestart(self, program=None): ''' Returns True if activity file has not been modified within the threshold specified by activityfile_limit (should restart), otherwise False. @param program - unused. ''' activityFile = self.activityFile activityFileLimit = self.activityFileLimit programName = self.programName if not activityFile: # Yes this is checked twice if created through createFromConfig, but it may be called otherwise so better safe. return False try: # If activity file is not present, this is a fail and we restart. if not os.path.exists(activityFile): self.setReason('Restarting %s because activity file ( %s ) does not exist\n' %(programName, activityFile,)) return True # Gather the mtime and see if we are past the threshold lastModified = os.stat(activityFile).st_mtime now = time.time() threshold = float(now - self.activityFileLimit) if lastModified < threshold: self.setReason('Restarting %s because it has not modified activity file ( %s ) in %.4f seconds. Limit is %d seconds.\n' %(programName, activityFile, float(now - lastModified), activityFileLimit) ) return True except FunctionTimedOut: logErr('MONITOR: ActivityFile timed out on %s\n' %(programName,)) raise except Exception as e: # If we got an exception, just log and try again next round. logErr('Got an exception in activity file monitoring. Not restarting program. Program="%s" activityfile="%s"\nlocals: %s\n' %(programName, activityFile, str(locals()))) return False # vim:set ts=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab :
import numpy as np import gurobipy as gurobi from .problem import Problem class PC(Problem): _ATTRIBUTES = [ ('cpu', 37), ('hd', 10), ('manufacturer', 8), ('ram', 10), ('monitor', 8), ('pctype', 3), ] _ATTR_TO_COSTS = { 'pctype': [50, 0, 80], 'manufacturer': [100, 0, 100, 50, 0, 0, 50, 50], 'cpu' : [ 1.4*100, 1.4*130, 1.1*70, 1.1*90, 1.2*80, 1.2*50, 1.2*60, 1.2*80, 1.2*90, 1.2*100, 1.2*110, 1.2*120, 1.2*130, 1.2*140, 1.2*170, 1.5*50, 1.5*60, 1.5*80, 1.5*90, 1.5*100, 1.5*110, 1.5*130, 1.5*150, 1.5*160, 1.5*170, 1.5*180, 1.5*220, 1.4*27, 1.4*30, 1.4*40, 1.4*45, 1.4*50, 1.4*55, 1.4*60, 1.4*70, 1.6*70, 1.6*73, ], 'monitor': [ 0.6*100, 0.6*104, 0.6*120, 0.6*133, 0.6*140, 0.6*150, 0.6*170, 0.6*210 ], 'ram': [ 0.8*64, 0.8*128, 0.8*160, 0.8*192, 0.8*256, 0.8*320, 0.8*384, 0.8*512, 0.8*1024, 0.8*2048 ], 'hd': [ 4*8, 4*10, 4*12, 4*15, 4*20, 4*30, 4*40, 4*60, 4*80, 4*120 ], } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(sum(attr[1] for attr in self._ATTRIBUTES)) self.cost_matrix = np.hstack([ np.array(self._ATTR_TO_COSTS[attr], dtype=float) for attr, _ in self._ATTRIBUTES ]).reshape((1, -1)) / 2754.4 def _add_constraints(self, model, x): base, offs = 0, {} for attr, size in self._ATTRIBUTES: offs[attr] = base x_attr = [x[z] for z in range(base, base + size)] model.addConstr(gurobi.quicksum(x_attr) == 1) base += size def implies(head, body): # NOTE here we subtract 1 from head and body bits because the bit # numbers in the constraints were computed starting from one, to # work in MiniZinc, while Gurobi expects them to start from zero head = 1 - x[head - 1] body = gurobi.quicksum([x[i - 1] for i in body]) return model.addConstr(head + body >= 1) # Manufacturer -> Type implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 2, [offs['pctype'] + i for i in [1, 2]]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 4, [offs['pctype'] + 1]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 6, [offs['pctype'] + 2]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 7, [offs['pctype'] + i for i in [1, 3]]) # Manufacturer -> CPU implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 1, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(28, 37+1)]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 2, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in list(range(1, 4+1)) + list(range(6, 27+1))]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 7, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in list(range(1, 4+1)) + list(range(6, 27+1))]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 4, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(5, 27+1)]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 3, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(6, 27+1)]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 5, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(6, 27+1)]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 8, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(6, 27+1)]) implies(offs['manufacturer'] + 6, [offs['cpu'] + i for i in range(16, 27+1)]) # Type -> RAM implies(offs['pctype'] + 1, [offs['ram'] + i for i in range(1, 9+1)]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 2, [offs['ram'] + i for i in [2, 5, 8, 9]]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 3, [offs['ram'] + i for i in [5, 8, 9, 10]]) # Type -> HD implies(offs['pctype'] + 1, [offs['hd'] + i for i in range(1, 6+1)]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 2, [offs['hd'] + i for i in range(5, 10+1)]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 3, [offs['hd'] + i for i in range(5, 10+1)]) # Type -> Monitor implies(offs['pctype'] + 1, [offs['monitor'] + i for i in range(1, 6+1)]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 2, [offs['monitor'] + i for i in range(6, 8+1)]) implies(offs['pctype'] + 3, [offs['monitor'] + i for i in range(6, 8+1)])
""" sentry.templatetags.sentry_helpers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2010-2014 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import functools import os.path from collections import namedtuple from datetime import timedelta import pytz import six from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from six.moves import range from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote from launcher.utils.strings import soft_break as _soft_break,soft_hyphenate,to_unicode,truncatechars SentryVersion=namedtuple('SentryVersion',[ 'current', 'latest', 'update_available', 'build', ]) register=template.Library() truncatechars=register.filter(stringfilter(truncatechars)) truncatechars.is_safe=True @register.filter def multiply(x,y): def coerce(value): if isinstance(value,(six.integer_types,float)): return value try: return int(value) except ValueError: return float(value) return coerce(x)*coerce(y) @register.filter def pprint(value,break_after=10): """ break_after is used to define how often a <span> is inserted (for soft wrapping). """ value=to_unicode(value) return mark_safe( u'<span></span>'. join([escape(value[i:(i+break_after)]) for i in range(0,len(value),break_after)]) ) @register.filter def is_url(value): if not isinstance(value,six.string_types): return False if not value.startswith(('http://','https://')): return False if ' ' in value: return False return True # seriously Django? @register.filter def subtract(value,amount): return int(value)-int(amount) @register.filter def absolute_value(value): return abs(int(value) if isinstance(value,six.integer_types) else float(value)) @register.filter def has_charts(group): from launcher.utils.db import has_charts if hasattr(group,'_state'): db=group._state.db or 'default' else: db='default' return has_charts(db) @register.filter def as_sorted(value): return sorted(value) @register.filter def small_count(v,precision=1): if not v: return 0 z=[ (1000000000,_('b')), (1000000,_('m')), (1000,_('k')), ] v=int(v) for x,y in z: o,p=divmod(v,x) if o: if len(six.text_type(o))>2 or not p: return '%d%s'%(o,y) return ('%.{}f%s'.format(precision))%(v/float(x),y) return v @register.filter def num_digits(value): return len(six.text_type(value)) @register.filter def to_str(data): return six.text_type(data) @register.filter def is_none(value): return value is None @register.filter def timesince(value,now=None): from django.template.defaultfilters import timesince if now is None: if not value: return _('never') if value<(now-timedelta(days=5)): return value=(' '.join(timesince(value,now).split(' ')[0:2])).strip(',') if value==_('0 minutes'): return _('just now') if value==_('1 day'): return _('yesterday') return value+_(' ago') @register.filter def duration(value): if not value: return '0s' # value is assumed to be in ms value=value/1000.0 hours,minutes,seconds=0,0,0 if value>3600: hours=value/3600 value=value%3600 if value>60: minutes=value/60 value=value%60 seconds=value output=[] if hours: output.append('%dh'%hours) if minutes: output.append('%dm'%minutes) if seconds>1: output.append('%0.2fs'%seconds) elif seconds: output.append('%dms'%(seconds*1000)) return ''.join(output) @register.filter def date(dt,arg=None): from django.template.defaultfilters import date if not timezone.is_aware(dt): dt=dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) return date(dt,arg) @register.filter def trim_schema(value): return value.split('//',1)[-1] @register.filter def with_metadata(group_list,request): group_list=list(group_list) if request.user.is_authenticated() and group_list: project=group_list[0].project bookmarks=set( project.bookmark_set.filter( user=request.user, group__in=group_list, ).values_list('group_id',flat=True) ) else: bookmarks=set() # TODO(dcramer): this is obsolete and needs to pull from the tsdb backend historical_data={} for g in group_list: yield g,{ 'is_bookmarked' in bookmarks, 'historical_data':','.join(six.text_type(x[1]) for x in historical_data.get(,[])), } @register.simple_tag def percent(value,total,format=None): if not (value and total): result=0 else: result=int(value)/float(total)*100 if format is None: return int(result) else: return ('%%%s'%format)%result @register.filter def titlize(value): return value.replace('_',' ').title() @register.filter def split(value,delim=''): return value.split(delim) @register.inclusion_tag('sentry/partial/github_button.html') def github_button(user,repo): return { 'user':user, 'repo':repo, } @register.filter def urlquote(value,safe=''): return quote(value.encode('utf8'),safe) @register.filter def basename(value): return os.path.basename(value) @register.filter def user_display_name(user): return or user.username @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def localized_datetime(context,dt,format='DATETIME_FORMAT'): request=context['request'] timezone=getattr(request,'timezone',None) if not timezone: timezone=pytz.timezone(settings.SENTRY_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE) dt=dt.astimezone(timezone) return date(dt,format) @register.filter def format_userinfo(user): parts=user.username.split('@') if len(parts)==1: username=user.username else: username=parts[0].lower() return mark_safe('<span title="%s">%s</span>'%(escape(user.username),escape(username),)) @register.filter def soft_break(value,length): return _soft_break( value, length, functools.partial(soft_hyphenate,length=max(length//10,10)), )
import twitter import yaml import time import pickle import re global match, api, msg, oldID import random msg = '' #RegEx for parsing twitter handle from retrived keyword = ''; #UTF_CHARS = ur'a-z0-9_\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff' #TAG_EXP = ur'(^|[^0-9A-Z&/]+)(#|\uff03)([0-9A-Z_]*[A-Z_]+[%s]*)' % UTF_CHARS #TAG_REGEX = re.compile(TAG_EXP, re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE) #Performs OAuth authentication, place all the neccessary keys in access.yaml def authenticate(): global api data = yaml.load(open("access.yaml")) api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=data['consumer-key'],consumer_secret=data['consumer-secret'],access_token_key=data['access-key'],access_token_secret=data['access-secret']) #Parses response.yaml to search and reply with relevant messages according to twitterhandles, fill your responses in response.yaml def choose_reply(): global match, msg comments = yaml.load(open("response.yaml")) for name in comments['name']: if(name['keyword']==match): msg = random.choice(name['response']) #Module which checks for mentions and replies to the mentioner and the person mentioned #current version supports only one mentioned person def get_and_post_replies(old): cache_msg_to_post = ' ' global match, api while(1): try: i = 0 repl = api.GetMentions() total = len(repl) newID = int(repl[i].id) while(newID != old): print repl[i].text+", by @"+repl[i].user.screen_name if "pm" in repl[i].text.lower(): match = 'PM' print "Match is", match choose_reply() msg_to_post = "@"+repl[i].user.screen_name+" "+msg if(msg_to_post == cache_msg_to_post): msg_to_post = msg_to_post + random.randint(0,1000) cache_msg_to_post = msg_to_post try: api.PostUpdate(msg_to_post, in_reply_to_status_id=repl[i].id) print "Msg posted is", msg_to_post i = i+1 if (total == i): break newID = int(repl[i].id) except twitter.TwitterError: print "Something happend.. Saving ID's to file.. Not to Worry" fileObj = open("idstore",'r+') old = repl[0].id fileObj.write(str(old)) fileObj.close() return else: i = i + 1 if (total == i): break newId = int(repl[i].id) old = int(repl[0].id) print "No New Tweets !!" print "Gonna sleep for a minute :)" time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: fileObj = open("idstore", 'r+') fileObj.write(str(old)) print "Saving ID's to file.. Exiting!!" return authenticate() fileObj = open("idstore",'r+') old = old = int(old) get_and_post_replies(old)
## COPYRIGHT ## Copyright (C) 2015 Kyle Briggs (kbrig035<at> ## ## This file is part of cusumtools. ## ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program. If not, see <>. import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import numpy as np import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter as tk from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg import as sio from scipy.signal import bessel, filtfilt, welch from scikits.samplerate import resample import pylab as pl import glob import os import time import pandas as pd from pandasql import sqldf import re def make_format(current, other): # current and other are axes def format_coord(x, y): # x, y are data coordinates # convert to display coords display_coord = current.transData.transform((x,y)) inv = other.transData.inverted() # convert back to data coords with respect to ax ax_coord = inv.transform(display_coord) coords = [ax_coord, (x, y)] return ('Left: {:<40} Right: {:<}' .format(*['({:.3f}, {:.3f})'.format(x, y) for x,y in coords])) return format_coord class App(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent,file_path): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) parent.deiconify() self.events_flag = False self.baseline_flag = False self.file_path = file_path ##### Trace plotting widgets ##### self.trace_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent,text='Current Trace') self.trace_fig = Figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=100) self.trace_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.trace_fig, master=self.trace_frame) self.trace_toolbar_frame = tk.Frame(self.trace_frame) self.trace_toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.trace_canvas, self.trace_toolbar_frame) self.trace_toolbar.update() self.trace_frame.grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S) self.trace_toolbar_frame.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=6) self.trace_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0,column=0,columnspan=6) ##### PSD plotting widgets ##### self.psd_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent,text='Power Spectrum') self.psd_fig = Figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=100) self.psd_canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.psd_fig, master=self.psd_frame) self.psd_toolbar_frame = tk.Frame(self.psd_frame) self.psd_toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.psd_canvas, self.psd_toolbar_frame) self.psd_toolbar.update() self.psd_frame.grid(row=0,column=6,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S) self.psd_toolbar_frame.grid(row=1,column=6,columnspan=6) self.psd_canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row=0,column=6,columnspan=6) ##### Control widgets ##### self.control_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Controls') self.control_frame.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) self.start_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.start_entry.insert(0,'0') self.start_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Start Time (s)') self.start_label.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.start_entry.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.end_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.end_entry.insert(0,'10') self.end_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='End Time (s)') self.end_label.grid(row=0,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.end_entry.grid(row=0,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.cutoff_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.cutoff_entry.insert(0,'') self.cutoff_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Cutoff (Hz)') self.cutoff_label.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.cutoff_entry.grid(row=1,column=1,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.order_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.order_entry.insert(0,'') self.order_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Filter Order') self.order_label.grid(row=1,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.order_entry.grid(row=1,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.samplerate_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.samplerate_entry.insert(0,'250000') self.samplerate_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Sampling Frequency (Hz)') self.samplerate_label.grid(row=1,column=4,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.samplerate_entry.grid(row=1,column=5,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.savegain_entry = tk.Entry(self.control_frame) self.savegain_entry.insert(0,'1') self.savegain_label = tk.Label(self.control_frame, text='Sampling Frequency (Hz)') self.savegain_label.grid(row=0,column=4,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.savegain_entry.grid(row=0,column=5,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.plot_trace = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Update Trace', command=self.update_trace) self.plot_trace.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.normalize = tk.IntVar() self.normalize.set(0) self.normalize_check = tk.Checkbutton(self.control_frame, text='Normalize', variable = self.normalize) self.normalize_check.grid(row=2,column=2,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.plot_psd = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Update PSD', command=self.update_psd) self.plot_psd.grid(row=2,column=3,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) ##### Feedback Widgets ##### self.feedback_frame = tk.LabelFrame(parent, text='Status') self.feedback_frame.grid(row=2,column=6,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W) self.export_psd = tk.Button(self.feedback_frame, text='Export PSD',command=self.export_psd) self.export_psd.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.export_trace = tk.Button(self.feedback_frame, text='Export Trace',command=self.export_trace) self.export_trace.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=6,sticky=tk.E+tk.W) self.load_memmap() self.initialize_samplerate() def export_psd(self): try: data_path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.csv',initialdir='G:\PSDs for Sam') np.savetxt(data_path,np.c_[self.f, self.Pxx, self.rms],delimiter=',') except AttributeError: self.wildcard.set('Plot the PSD first') def export_trace(self): try: data_path = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.csv',initialdir='G:\Analysis\Pores\NPN\PSDs') np.savetxt(data_path,self.plot_data,delimiter=',') except AttributeError: self.wildcard.set('Plot the trace first') def load_mapped_data(self): self.total_samples = len( self.samplerate = int(self.samplerate_entry.get()) if self.start_entry.get()!='': self.start_time = float(self.start_entry.get()) start_index = int((float(self.start_entry.get())*self.samplerate)) else: self.start_time = 0 start_index = 0 if self.end_entry.get()!='': self.end_time = float(self.end_entry.get()) end_index = int((float(self.end_entry.get())*self.samplerate)) if end_index > self.total_samples: end_index = self.total_samples =[start_index:end_index] = float(self.savegain_entry.get()) * def load_memmap(self): columntypes = np.dtype([('current', '>i2'), ('voltage', '>i2')]) = np.memmap(self.file_path, dtype=columntypes, mode='r')['current'] def integrate_noise(self, f, Pxx): df = f[1]-f[0] return np.sqrt(np.cumsum(Pxx * df)) def filter_data(self): cutoff = float(self.cutoff_entry.get()) order = int(self.order_entry.get()) Wn = 2.0 * cutoff/float(self.samplerate) b, a = bessel(order,Wn,'low') padding = 1000 padded = np.pad(, pad_width=padding, mode='median') self.filtered_data = filtfilt(b, a, padded, padtype=None)[padding:-padding] def initialize_samplerate(self): self.samplerate = float(self.samplerate_entry.get()) ##### Plot Updating functions ##### def update_trace(self): self.initialize_samplerate() self.load_mapped_data() self.filtered_data = self.plot_data = self.filtered_data plot_samplerate = self.samplerate if self.cutoff_entry.get()!='' and self.order_entry!='': self.filter_data() self.plot_data = self.filtered_data self.trace_fig.clf() a = self.trace_fig.add_subplot(111) time = np.linspace(1.0/self.samplerate,len(self.plot_data)/float(self.samplerate),len(self.plot_data))+self.start_time a.set_xlabel(r'Time ($\mu s$)') a.set_ylabel('Current (pA)') self.trace_fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.14,left=0.21) a.plot(time*1e6,self.plot_data,'.',markersize=1) def update_psd(self): self.initialize_samplerate() self.load_mapped_data() self.filtered_data = self.plot_data = self.filtered_data plot_samplerate = self.samplerate if self.cutoff_entry.get()!='' and self.order_entry!='': self.filter_data() self.plot_data = self.filtered_data maxf = 2*float(self.cutoff_entry.get()) else: maxf = 2*float(self.samplerate_entry.get()) length = np.minimum(2**18,len(self.filtered_data)) end_index = int(np.floor(len(self.filtered_data)/length)*length) current = np.average(self.filtered_data[:end_index]) f, Pxx = welch(self.filtered_data, plot_samplerate,nperseg=length) self.rms = self.integrate_noise(f, Pxx) if self.normalize.get(): Pxx /= current**2 Pxx *= maxf/2.0 self.rms /= np.absolute(current) self.f = f self.Pxx = Pxx minf = 1 BW_index = np.searchsorted(f, maxf/2) logPxx = np.log10(Pxx[1:BW_index]) minP = 10**np.floor(np.amin(logPxx)) maxP = 10**np.ceil(np.amax(logPxx)) self.psd_fig.clf() a = self.psd_fig.add_subplot(111) a.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') a.set_ylabel(r'Spectral Power ($\mathrm{pA}^2/\mathrm{Hz}$)') a.set_xlim(minf, maxf) a.set_ylim(minP, maxP) self.psd_fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.14,left=0.21) a.loglog(f[1:],Pxx[1:],'b-') for tick in a.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color('b') a2 = a.twinx() a2.semilogx(f, self.rms, 'r-') a2.set_ylabel('RMS Noise (pA)') a2.set_xlim(minf, maxf) for tick in a2.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_color('r') a2.format_coord = make_format(a2, a) def main(): root=tk.Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir='C:/Data/') App(root,file_path).grid(row=0,column=0) root.mainloop() if __name__=="__main__": main()
#-*- coding: utf8 -* # # Max E. Kuznecov ~syhpoon <> 2008 # # This file is part of XYZCommander. # XYZCommander is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # XYZCommander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with XYZCommander. If not, see <>. import os from libxyz.core.utils import bstring, ustring from libxyz.vfs import types, util class VFSObject(object): """ Abstract interface for VFS objects """ def __init__(self, xyz, path, full_path, ext_path, driver, parent, enc=None, **kwargs): = xyz self.enc = enc or xyzenc # Internal VFS path self.path = bstring(path, self.enc) # Full VFS path self.full_path = bstring(full_path, self.enc) # External VFS path self.ext_path = bstring(ext_path, self.enc) self.parent = parent self.driver = driver self.kwargs = kwargs self.fileobj = None # File name = os.path.basename(self.path) # File type self.ftype = None # Access time self.atime = None # Modified time self.mtime = None # Changed time self.ctime = None # Size in bytes self.size = None # Owner UID self.uid = None # Group self.gid = None # Mode self.mode = None # Inode self.inode = None # Visual file type self.vtype = None # Visual file representation self.visual = None # File info = None # Any type-specific data = None # List of significant attributes self.attributes = () self.__ni_msg = _(u"Feature not implemented") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_file(self): """ Return True if instance is representing regular file """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeFile) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_dir(self): """ Return True if instance is representing directory """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeDir) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_dir_empty(self): """ Return True if instance is representing directory and it is empty """ if not self.is_dir(): return False _, _, objs = self.walk() return len(objs) == 0 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_link(self): """ Return True if instance is representing soft link """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeLink) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_char(self): """ Return True if instance is representing soft char device """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeChar) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_block(self): """ Return True if instance is representing block device """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeBlock) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_fifo(self): """ Return True if instance is representing FIFO """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeFifo) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def is_socket(self): """ Return True if instance is representing socket """ return isinstance(self.ftype, types.VFSTypeSocket) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def copy(self, path, existcb=None, errorcb=None, save_attrs=True, follow_links=False, cancel=None): """ Copy file to specified location @param path: Local path to copy file to @param existcb: Callback function to be called if there exists an object in target directory with the same name. Callback function receives VFSObject instance as an argument and must return one of: 'override' - to override this very object 'override all' - to override any future collisions 'skip' - to skip the object 'skip all' - to skip all future collisions 'abort' - to abort the process. If no existscb provided 'abort' is used as default @param errorcb: Callback function to be called in case an error occured during copying. Function receives VFSObject instance and error string as arguments and must return one of: 'skip' - to continue the process 'skip all' - to skip all future errors 'abort' - to abort the process. If no errorcb provided 'abort' is used as default @param save_attrs: Whether to save object attributes @param follow_links: Whether to follow symlinks @param cancel: a threading.Event instance, if it is found set - abort """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def move(self, path, existcb=None, errorcb=None, save_attrs=True, follow_links=False, cancel=None): """ Move object Arguments are the same as for copy() """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def mkdir(self, newdir): """ Create new dir inside object (only valid for directory object types) """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def remove(self, recursive=True): """ [Recursively] remove object """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def walk(self): """ Directory tree walker """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def open(self, mode='r'): """ Open self object in provided mode """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def close(self): """ Close self object """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def read(self, bytes=None): """ Read bytes from self object """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def tell(self): """ Tell file position """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def seek(self, offset, whence=None): """ Perform seek() on object """ raise NotImplementedError(self.__ni_msg) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def in_dir(self, d, e): """ Filter only those archive entries which exist in the same directory level """ if e.startswith(d.lstrip(os.sep)) and \ len(util.split_path(e)) == (len(util.split_path(d)) + 1): return True else: return False #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def __unicode__(self): return ustring(self.__str__()) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def __del__(self): if self.fileobj: try: self.close() except Exception: pass
from collections import namedtuple import lasagne as nn from lasagne.layers.dnn import Conv2DDNNLayer, MaxPool2DDNNLayer import data_iterators import numpy as np import theano.tensor as T from functools import partial import utils_heart import nn_heart from pathfinder import PKL_TRAIN_DATA_PATH, TRAIN_LABELS_PATH, PKL_VALIDATE_DATA_PATH import utils import data caching = None restart_from_save = None rng = np.random.RandomState(42) patch_size = (64, 64) train_transformation_params = { 'patch_size': patch_size, 'mm_patch_size': (128, 128), 'mask_roi': True, 'rotation_range': (-180, 180), 'translation_range_x': (-5, 10), 'translation_range_y': (-10, 10), 'shear_range': (0, 0), 'roi_scale_range': (0.95, 1.3), 'zoom_range': (1 / 1.5, 1.5), 'do_flip': True, 'sequence_shift': False } valid_transformation_params = { 'patch_size': patch_size, 'mm_patch_size': (128, 128), 'mask_roi': True, } test_transformation_params = { 'patch_size': patch_size, 'mm_patch_size': (128, 128), 'mask_roi': True, 'rotation_range': (-180, 180), 'translation_range_x': (-5, 10), 'translation_range_y': (-10, 10), 'shear_range': (0, 0), 'roi_scale_range': (0.95, 1.3), 'zoom_range': (1., 1.), 'do_flip': True, 'sequence_shift': False } data_prep_fun = data.transform_norm_rescale_after batch_size = 32 nbatches_chunk = 16 chunk_size = batch_size * nbatches_chunk train_valid_ids = utils.get_train_valid_split(PKL_TRAIN_DATA_PATH) train_data_iterator = data_iterators.SliceNormRescaleDataGenerator(data_path=PKL_TRAIN_DATA_PATH, batch_size=chunk_size, transform_params=train_transformation_params, patient_ids=train_valid_ids['train'], labels_path=TRAIN_LABELS_PATH, slice2roi_path='pkl_train_slice2roi_10.pkl', full_batch=True, random=True, infinite=True, data_prep_fun=data_prep_fun) valid_data_iterator = data_iterators.SliceNormRescaleDataGenerator(data_path=PKL_TRAIN_DATA_PATH, batch_size=chunk_size, transform_params=valid_transformation_params, patient_ids=train_valid_ids['valid'], labels_path=TRAIN_LABELS_PATH, slice2roi_path='pkl_train_slice2roi_10.pkl', full_batch=False, random=False, infinite=False, data_prep_fun=data_prep_fun) test_data_iterator = data_iterators.SliceNormRescaleDataGenerator(data_path=PKL_VALIDATE_DATA_PATH, batch_size=chunk_size, transform_params=test_transformation_params, slice2roi_path='pkl_validate_slice2roi_10.pkl', full_batch=False, random=False, infinite=False, data_prep_fun=data_prep_fun) nchunks_per_epoch = train_data_iterator.nsamples / chunk_size max_nchunks = nchunks_per_epoch * 150 learning_rate_schedule = { 0: 0.0002, int(max_nchunks * 0.1): 0.0001, int(max_nchunks * 0.3): 0.000075, int(max_nchunks * 0.6): 0.00005, int(max_nchunks * 0.9): 0.00001 } validate_every = 2 * nchunks_per_epoch save_every = 2 * nchunks_per_epoch conv3 = partial(Conv2DDNNLayer, stride=(1, 1), pad="same", filter_size=(3, 3), nonlinearity=nn.nonlinearities.very_leaky_rectify, b=nn.init.Constant(0.1), W=nn.init.Orthogonal("relu")) max_pool = partial(MaxPool2DDNNLayer, pool_size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2)) def build_model(l_in=None): l_in = nn.layers.InputLayer((None, 30) + patch_size) if not l_in else l_in l = conv3(l_in, num_filters=128) l = conv3(l, num_filters=128) l = max_pool(l) l = conv3(l, num_filters=128) l = conv3(l, num_filters=128) l = max_pool(l) l = conv3(l, num_filters=256) l = conv3(l, num_filters=256) l = conv3(l, num_filters=256) l = max_pool(l) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = max_pool(l) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = conv3(l, num_filters=512) l = max_pool(l) l_d01 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(l, num_units=1024, W=nn.init.Orthogonal("relu"), b=nn.init.Constant(0.1), nonlinearity=None) l_d01 = nn.layers.FeaturePoolLayer(l_d01, pool_size=2) l_d02 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d01), num_units=1024, W=nn.init.Orthogonal("relu"), b=nn.init.Constant(0.1), nonlinearity=None) l_d02 = nn.layers.FeaturePoolLayer(l_d02, pool_size=2) mu0 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d02), num_units=1, W=nn.init.Orthogonal(), b=nn.init.Constant(50), nonlinearity=nn_heart.lb_softplus()) sigma0 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d02), num_units=1, W=nn.init.Orthogonal(), b=nn.init.Constant(10), nonlinearity=nn_heart.lb_softplus()) l_cdf0 = nn_heart.NormalCDFLayer(mu0, sigma0, sigma_logscale=False, mu_logscale=False) # --------------------------------------------------------------- l_d11 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(l, num_units=1024, W=nn.init.Orthogonal("relu"), b=nn.init.Constant(0.1), nonlinearity=None) l_d11 = nn.layers.FeaturePoolLayer(l_d11, pool_size=2) l_d12 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d11), num_units=1024, W=nn.init.Orthogonal("relu"), b=nn.init.Constant(0.1), nonlinearity=None) l_d12 = nn.layers.FeaturePoolLayer(l_d12, pool_size=2) mu1 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d12), num_units=1, W=nn.init.Orthogonal(), b=nn.init.Constant(100), nonlinearity=nn_heart.lb_softplus()) sigma1 = nn.layers.DenseLayer(nn.layers.dropout(l_d12), num_units=1, W=nn.init.Orthogonal(), b=nn.init.Constant(10), nonlinearity=nn_heart.lb_softplus()) l_cdf1 = nn_heart.NormalCDFLayer(mu1, sigma1, sigma_logscale=False, mu_logscale=False) l_outs = [l_cdf0, l_cdf1] l_top = nn.layers.MergeLayer(l_outs) l_target_mu0 = nn.layers.InputLayer((None, 1)) l_target_mu1 = nn.layers.InputLayer((None, 1)) l_targets = [l_target_mu0, l_target_mu1] dense_layers = [l_d01, l_d02, l_d11, l_d12, mu0, sigma0, mu0, mu1] mu_layers = [mu0, mu1] sigma_layers = [sigma0, sigma1] return namedtuple('Model', ['l_ins', 'l_outs', 'l_targets', 'l_top', 'dense_layers', 'mu_layers', 'sigma_layers'])( [l_in], l_outs, l_targets, l_top, dense_layers, mu_layers, sigma_layers) def build_objective(model, deterministic=False): p0 = nn.layers.get_output(model.l_outs[0], deterministic=deterministic) t0 = nn.layers.get_output(model.l_targets[0]) t0_heaviside = nn_heart.heaviside(t0) crps0 = T.mean((p0 - t0_heaviside) ** 2) p1 = nn.layers.get_output(model.l_outs[1], deterministic=deterministic) t1 = nn.layers.get_output(model.l_targets[1]) t1_heaviside = nn_heart.heaviside(t1) crps1 = T.mean((p1 - t1_heaviside) ** 2) return 0.5 * (crps0 + crps1) def build_updates(train_loss, model, learning_rate): updates = nn.updates.adam(train_loss, nn.layers.get_all_params(model.l_top), learning_rate) return updates def get_mean_validation_loss(batch_predictions, batch_targets): return [0, 0] def get_mean_crps_loss(batch_predictions, batch_targets, batch_ids): nbatches = len(batch_predictions) npredictions = len(batch_predictions[0]) crpss = [] for i in xrange(npredictions): p, t = [], [] for j in xrange(nbatches): p.append(batch_predictions[j][i]) t.append(batch_targets[j][i]) p, t = np.vstack(p), np.vstack(t) target_cdf = utils_heart.heaviside_function(t) crpss.append(np.mean((p - target_cdf) ** 2)) return crpss def get_avg_patient_predictions(batch_predictions, batch_patient_ids, mean): return utils_heart.get_patient_average_cdf_predictions(batch_predictions, batch_patient_ids, mean)
# Prime Number Sieve # (BSD Licensed) import math def isPrime(num): # Returns True if num is a prime number, otherwise False. # Note: Generally, isPrime() is slower than primeSieve(). # all numbers less than 2 are not prime if num < 2: return False # see if num is divisible by any number up to the square root of num for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num)) + 1): if num % i == 0: return False return True def primeSieve(sieveSize): # Returns a list of prime numbers calculated using # the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm. sieve = [True] * sieveSize sieve[0] = False # zero and one are not prime numbers sieve[1] = False # create the sieve for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(sieveSize)) + 1): pointer = i * 2 while pointer < sieveSize: sieve[pointer] = False pointer += i # compile the list of primes primes = [] for i in range(sieveSize): if sieve[i] == True: primes.append(i) return primes
import re import os objects = ['Photon', 'Electron', 'Muon', 'Jet', 'Vertex'] susyObjects = {'Photon': 'Photon', 'Electron': 'Electron', 'Muon': 'Muon', 'Jet': 'PFJet', 'Vertex': 'Vertex'} objectVars = file('ObjectVars.h') classPat = re.compile('^[ ]*class[ ]+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)Vars[ ]*{') cTorPat = re.compile('^[ ]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+Vars\([^,]+(,[ ]+Event.*|)\);') varPat = re.compile('^[ ]*((?:unsigned[ ]|)(?:bool|char|short|int|unsigned|long|float|double))[ ]+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*);') useEvent = dict() varList = dict() obj = '' for line in objectVars: if '};' in line: obj = '' if obj: cTorMatch = cTorPat.match(line) if cTorMatch: useEvent[obj] = len( != 0 varMatch = varPat.match(line) if varMatch: varList[obj].append((, lineMatch = classPat.match(line) if lineMatch and in objects: obj = varList[obj] = [] objectVars.close() # GENERATE HEADER headerContent = '''/* Auto-generated header file */ #ifndef ObjectTree_h #define ObjectTree_h #include "ObjectVars.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TString.h" namespace susy { unsigned const NMAX(512); ''' for obj in objects: headerContent += ''' class ''' + obj + '''VarsArray { public: ''' + obj + '''VarsArray() {} ~''' + obj + '''VarsArray() {} void setBranches(TTree&); void setAddress(TTree&); void push_back(''' + obj + '''Vars const&); void clear() { size = 0; } ''' + obj + '''Vars at(unsigned) const; unsigned size; ''' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: headerContent += ''' ''' + type + ' ' + name + '[NMAX];' headerContent += ''' }; ''' headerContent += ''' class ObjectTree { public: ObjectTree(); ~ObjectTree(); void setOutput(TString const&,''' for i in range(len(objects)): headerContent += ' bool = true' if i != len(objects) - 1: headerContent += ',' else: headerContent += ');' headerContent += ''' void setOutput(TTree&,''' for i in range(len(objects)): headerContent += ' bool = true' if i != len(objects) - 1: headerContent += ',' else: headerContent += ');' headerContent += ''' static void setBranchStatus(TTree&,''' for i in range(len(objects)): headerContent += ' bool = true' if i != len(objects) - 1: headerContent += ',' else: headerContent += ');' headerContent += ''' void initEvent(Event const&); void fill() { output_->Fill(); }''' for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() headerContent += ''' void save(''' + obj + 'Vars const& _vars) { ' + lowerName + 'Array_.push_back(_vars); }' for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() headerContent += ''' unsigned get''' + obj + 'Size() const { return ' + lowerName + 'Array_.size; }' for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() headerContent += ''' ''' + obj + 'VarsArray const& get' + obj + 'Array() const { return ' + lowerName + 'Array_; }' headerContent += ''' private: void setBranches_(''' for i in range(len(objects)): headerContent += 'bool' if i != len(objects) - 1: headerContent += ', ' else: headerContent += ');' for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() headerContent += ''' ''' + obj + '''VarsArray ''' + lowerName + '''Array_;''' headerContent += ''' unsigned runNumber_; unsigned lumiNumber_; unsigned eventNumber_; TTree* output_; bool ownOutput_; }; } #endif ''' headerFile = file('ObjectTree.h', 'w') headerFile.write(headerContent) headerFile.close() # GENERATE SRC cTors = dict() setBranches = dict() setAddress = dict() pushBack = dict() at = dict() for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() cTorText = ''' ''' + obj + 'Vars::' + obj + '''Vars() :''' initList = '' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: initList += ''' ''' + name + '(' if type == 'float' or type == 'double': initList += '0.' elif type == 'bool': initList += 'false' else: initList += '0' initList += '),' initList = initList.rstrip(',') cTorText += initList cTorText += ''' { } ''' cTors[obj] = cTorText setBranchText = ''' void ''' + obj + '''VarsArray::setBranches(TTree& _tree) { _tree.Branch("''' + lowerName + '.size", &size, "' + lowerName + '.size/i");' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: branch = ''' _tree.Branch("''' + lowerName + '.' + name + '", ' + name + ', "' + name + '[' + lowerName + '.size]/' if type == 'char': branch += 'B' elif type == 'unsigned char': branch += 'b' elif type == 'short': branch += 'S' elif type == 'unsigned short': branch += 's' elif type == 'int': branch += 'I' elif type == 'unsigned' or type == 'unsigned int': branch += 'i' elif type == 'long': branch += 'L' elif type == 'unsigned long': branch += 'l' elif type == 'float': branch += 'F' elif type == 'double': branch += 'D' elif type == 'bool': branch += 'O' branch += '");' setBranchText += branch setBranchText += ''' } ''' setBranches[obj] = setBranchText setAddressText = ''' void ''' + obj + '''VarsArray::setAddress(TTree& _tree) { std::vector<TString> notFound; _tree.SetBranchAddress("''' + lowerName + '.size", &size);' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: bName = lowerName + '.' + name setAddressText += ''' if(_tree.GetBranch("''' + bName + '")) _tree.SetBranchAddress("' + bName + '", ' + name + '''); else notFound.push_back("''' + bName + '");' setAddressText += ''' for(unsigned iN(0); iN != notFound.size(); ++iN) std::cerr << "Branch " << notFound[iN] << " not found in input" << std::endl; } ''' setAddress[obj] = setAddressText pushBackText = ''' void ''' + obj + 'VarsArray::push_back(' + obj + '''Vars const& _vars) { if(size == NMAX - 1) throw std::runtime_error("Too many ''' + obj + '''s"); ''' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: pushBackText += ''' ''' + name + '[size] = _vars.' + name + ';' pushBackText += ''' ++size; } ''' pushBack[obj] = pushBackText atText = ''' ''' + obj + '''Vars ''' + obj + '''VarsArray::at(unsigned _pos) const { if(_pos >= size) throw std::runtime_error("''' + obj + '''Vars out-of-bounds"); ''' + obj + '''Vars vars; ''' for (type, name) in varList[obj]: atText += ''' vars.''' + name + ' = ' + name + '[_pos];' atText += ''' return vars; } ''' at[obj] = atText preamble = '#include "ObjectVars.h"\n' try: originalSrc = file('', 'r') userDef = '' copy = False namespace = False for line in originalSrc: if 'namespace susy' in line: namespace = True if not namespace and 'ObjectVars.h' not in line and not re.match('^[ ]*/\*.*\*/[ ]*$', line): preamble += line if '/* START USER-DEFINED IMPLEMENTATION (DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE) */' in line: copy = True if copy: userDef += line if '/* END USER-DEFINED IMPLEMENTATION (DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE) */' in line: copy = False originalSrc.close() except: userDef = '\n/* START USER-DEFINED IMPLEMENTATION (DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE) */\n' for obj in objects: userDef += ''' void ''' + obj + '''Vars::set(''' + susyObjects[obj] + ' const&' if useEvent[obj]: userDef += ', Event const&' userDef += ''') { } /*static*/ ''' + obj + '''Vars::setBranchStatus(TTree&) { } ''' userDef += '/* END USER-DEFINED IMPLEMENTATION (DO NOT MODIFY THIS LINE) */\n' # objTreeContent = '''/* Auto-generated source file */ #include "ObjectTree.h" #include "TFile.h" #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> namespace susy { ''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += setBranches[obj] objTreeContent += setAddress[obj] objTreeContent += pushBack[obj] objTreeContent += at[obj] objTreeContent += ''' ObjectTree::ObjectTree() :''' for obj in objects: lowerName = obj.lower() objTreeContent += ''' ''' + lowerName + '''Array_(),''' objTreeContent += ''' runNumber_(0), lumiNumber_(0), eventNumber_(0), output_(0), ownOutput_(false) { } ObjectTree::~ObjectTree() { if(ownOutput_ && output_){ TFile* outFile(output_->GetCurrentFile()); outFile->cd(); output_->Write(); delete outFile; } } void ObjectTree::setOutput(TString const& _fileName''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ', bool _set' + obj + '/* = true*/' objTreeContent += ''') { ownOutput_ = true; TFile::Open(_fileName, "recreate"); output_ = new TTree("objectVars", "Object ID variables"); setBranches_(''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += '_set' + obj + ', ' objTreeContent = objTreeContent.rstrip(', ') objTreeContent += '''); } void ObjectTree::setOutput(TTree& _tree''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ', bool _set' + obj + '/* = true*/' objTreeContent += ''') { output_ = &_tree; setBranches_(''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += '_set' + obj + ', ' objTreeContent = objTreeContent.rstrip(', ') objTreeContent += '''); } /*static*/ void ObjectTree::setBranchStatus(TTree& _input''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ', bool _set' + obj + '/* = true*/' objTreeContent += ''') { _input.SetBranchStatus("runNumber", 1); _input.SetBranchStatus("luminosityBlockNumber", 1); _input.SetBranchStatus("eventNumber", 1); ''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ''' if(_set''' + obj + ') ' + obj + 'Vars::setBranchStatus(_input);' objTreeContent += ''' } #ifdef STANDALONE void ObjectTree::initEvent(Event const&) { runNumber_ = 0; lumiNumber_ = 0; eventNumber_ = 0; #else void ObjectTree::initEvent(Event const& _event) { runNumber_ = _event.runNumber; lumiNumber_ = _event.luminosityBlockNumber; eventNumber_ = _event.eventNumber; #endif''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ''' ''' + obj.lower() + 'Array_.clear();' objTreeContent += ''' } void ObjectTree::setBranches_(''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += 'bool _set' + obj + ', ' objTreeContent = objTreeContent.rstrip(', ') + ')' objTreeContent += ''' { output_->Branch("runNumber", &runNumber_, "runNumber/i"); output_->Branch("lumiNumber", &lumiNumber_, "lumiNumber/i"); output_->Branch("eventNumber", &eventNumber_, "eventNumber/i"); ''' for obj in objects: objTreeContent += ''' if(_set''' + obj + ') ' + obj.lower() + 'Array_.setBranches(*output_);' objTreeContent += ''' } ''' objTreeContent += '}\n' objTreeFile = file('', 'w') objTreeFile.write(objTreeContent) objTreeFile.close() # objVarsContent = '''/* Partially auto-generated source file - edit where indicated */ /* Add necessary inclusions below */ ''' + preamble + ''' namespace susy { ''' for obj in objects: objVarsContent += cTors[obj] objVarsContent += '\n' objVarsContent += userDef objVarsContent += ''' } ''' objVarsFile = file('', 'w') objVarsFile.write(objVarsContent) objVarsFile.close()
import pandas as pd import numpy as np def ss_calc( contrib_yearly, inv_gwth_rt, num_years, safe_withdrw_rate, start_age=28 ): """ inv_gwth_rt is infaltion adjusted. contrib_yearly is in first years dollars """ tot_years = max(0, 62 - start_age - num_years) + num_years df = pd.DataFrame({ 'contrib_yearly': [contrib_yearly] * num_years + [0.] * max(0, (62 - num_years - start_age)), 'inv_value': [0] * tot_years, }, index=range(tot_years)) for year in range(0, tot_years): print year multiplier = np.array([ (1. + inv_gwth_rt) ** (year - y_) for y_ in range(year + 1)]) print multiplier df['inv_value'][year] = np.sum( np.array(df['contrib_yearly'][0: year + 1]) * multiplier) df['monthly_inv_income'] = safe_withdrw_rate * df['inv_value'] / 12. df['monthly_inv_income_w_spouse'] = df['monthly_inv_income'] * 1.5 return df if __name__ == "__main__": df = ss_calc(15e3, .03, 10, .03) ss_benefit_monthly = 939.00 ss_benefit_w_spouse_monthly = 1.5 * ss_benefit_monthly
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append("..") # # Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Yasushi Saito ( # # Pychart is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Pychart is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # from pychart import * import pychart.doc_support import chartdemo import re can = canvas.default_canvas() x = 100 y = 500 def drawLine(style): global x, y name = pychart.doc_support.stringify_value(style) name = re.sub("line_style\\.", "", name) name = pychart.doc_support.break_string(name) can.line(style, x, y, x+40, y) #print "name=", name height = font.text_height(name)[0] + 5 tb = text_box.T(text=name, loc=(x, y-height), line_style=None) x = x + 60 tb.draw() for style in line_style.standards.list(): drawLine(style) if x >= chartdemo.MaxWidth: x=100 y=y-40
""" Django settings for wanawana project. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = 'w2=4yi@cyc@vsio@$tvz$%&_po6si@533=cwh5kr2dk#pd69)v' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'bootstrap3', 'django_extensions', 'debug_toolbar', 'django_pdb', 'wanawana', 'users', 'events', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'django_pdb.middleware.PdbMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'wanawana.urls' TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'hamlpy.template.loaders.HamlPyFilesystemLoader', 'hamlpy.template.loaders.HamlPyAppDirectoriesLoader', 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ) WSGI_APPLICATION = 'wanawana.wsgi.application' # Email configuration EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' if DEBUG: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' # Database # DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'), } } # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATIC_URL = '/static/' try: from settings_local import * except ImportError: pass
""" Author: Jasper Meyer Credit: You, the internet, Brendan Assignment: Write and submit a program that implements the sandbox platformer game: """ from ggame import App, RectangleAsset, ImageAsset, Sprite, LineStyle, Color, Frame SCREEN_WIDTH = 1080 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 720 myapp = App(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) black = Color(0, 1) backcol = Color(0xd9ffcc, 1.0) purp = Color(0x9900cc, 1.0) blue = Color(0x3399ff,1.0) noline = LineStyle(0, black) bg_asset = RectangleAsset(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, noline, backcol) bg = Sprite(bg_asset, (0,0)) thinline = LineStyle(1, black) sq = RectangleAsset (75,75, noline, black) wub=0 pup=0 mousex=0 mousey=0 mousexround=0 mouseyround=0 play = RectangleAsset (25,50, noline, purp) spr = RectangleAsset (20,10, noline, blue) vy=0 player=0 acc = 0 ti = 0 rupx=0 lupx=0 vx=0 up=0 upup=0 stop = 0 shutup=0 spring = 0 sub = 0 springlist = [] def wup(event): global wub global mousexround global mouseyround wub = 1 if wub == 1: mousexround=mousex-((mousex)%75) mouseyround=mousey-((mousey)%75) block = Sprite (sq, (mousexround, mouseyround)) def mousemo(event): global mousex global mousey mousex=event.x mousey=event.y def spri(event): global spring global mousex global mousey global mouseyround global sub global springlist sub =1 if sub == 1: mouseyround=mousey-((mousey)%75)+65 springlist.append (Sprite (spr, (mousex, mouseyround))) def pup(event): global pub global mousex global mouseyround global player pub = 1 if pub == 1: mouseyround=mousey-((mousey)%75)+25 if player == 0: player = Sprite (play, (mousex, mouseyround)) def rup(event): global rupx rupx=1 def lup(event): global lupx lupx=1 def uup(event): global up up=1 def step(): if player != 0: global vy global acc global ti global rupx global vx global lupx global up global upup global stop global shutup global springlist global player acc = 0.02 for s in springlist: if player.collidingWith(s): vy=-50+vy vx=-vx if stop == 0: ti=ti+.5 if upup==4.5: vy = (0.2*ti)-upup else: vy = (0.2*ti) player.y=player.y+vy player.x=player.x+vx if rupx == 1: vx=vx+1.5 lupx=0 rupx=0 if lupx == 1: vx=vx-1.5 rupx=0 lupx=0 if vx > 3: vx = 3 if vx < -3: vx =-3 if up == 1: upup = 4.5 up=0 if up == 0: upup =4.5 col = player.collidingWithSprites(Sprite) if len(col) > 1 and col[1].y<player.y+500: stop=1 player.y=player.y-0.2 else: stop=0 if stop == 1: vy=0 ti=0 if len(col) > 1: if col[1].y<player.y+50: vx=-0.5*vx if player.y > 2000: player = 0 ti=0 myapp.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 's', spri) myapp.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'up arrow', uup) myapp.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'left arrow', lup) myapp.listenKeyEvent('keydown', 'right arrow', rup) myapp.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 'p', pup) myapp.listenKeyEvent('keyup', 'w', wup) myapp.listenMouseEvent('mousemove', mousemo)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import sys import time import json POLARIS_PDNS_FILE = '/opt/polaris/bin/polaris-pdns' def pretty_json(s): d = json.loads(s) return json.dumps(d, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) class TestPolarisPDNS: def __init__(self, polaris_pdns_file): self.proc = subprocess.Popen([ polaris_pdns_file ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def execute_query(self, query): query += '\n' self.proc.stdin.write(query.encode()) self.proc.stdin.flush() output = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode() return pretty_json(output) def prepare_query(self, method, params): q = { 'method': method, 'parameters': { 'qtype': params['qtype'], 'qname': params['qname'], 'remote': params['remote'], 'local': params['local'], 'real-remote': params['real-remote'], 'zone-id': params['zone-id'] } } return json.dumps(q) if __name__ == '__main__': t = TestPolarisPDNS(POLARIS_PDNS_FILE) method = 'lookup' params = { 'qtype': 'A', 'qname': '', 'remote': '', 'local': '', 'real-remote': '', 'zone-id': -1 } q = t.prepare_query(method, params) print("query: ", pretty_json(q), "\n") print("response: ", t.execute_query(q)) method = 'lookup' params = { 'qtype': 'SOA', 'qname': '', 'remote': '', 'local': '', 'real-remote': '', 'zone-id': -1 } q = t.prepare_query(method, params) print("query: ", pretty_json(q), "\n") print("response: ", t.execute_query(q))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Oct 31 15:45:22 2016 @author: wang """ #from matplotlib import pylab as plt #from numpy import fft, fromstring, int16, linspace #import wave from read_wav_xml_good_1 import* from matrix_24_2 import* from max_matrix_norm import* import numpy as np # open a wave file filename = 'francois_filon_pure_3.wav' filename_1 ='francois_filon_pure_3.xml' word ='je' wave_signal_float,framerate, word_start_point, word_length_point, word_end_point= read_wav_xml_good_1(filename,filename_1,word) #print 'word_start_point=',word_start_point #print 'word_length_point=',word_length_point #print 'word_end_point=',word_end_point XJ_1 =wave_signal_float t_step=1920; t_entre_step=1440; t_du_1_1 = int(word_start_point[0]); t_du_1_2 = int(word_end_point[0]); t_du_2_1 = int(word_start_point[1]); t_du_2_2 = int(word_end_point[1]); t_du_3_1 = int(word_start_point[2]); t_du_3_2 = int(word_end_point[2]); t_du_4_1 = int(word_start_point[3]); t_du_4_2 = int(word_end_point[3]); t_du_5_1 = int(word_start_point[4]); t_du_5_2 = int(word_end_point[4]); fs=framerate #XJ_du_1 = wave_signal_float[(t_du_1_1-1):t_du_1_2]; #length_XJ_du_1 = int(word_length_point[0]+1); #x1,y1,z1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1,fs) #x1=max_matrix_norm(x1) #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the first matrix #============================================================================== XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_du_1_1-1):(t_du_1_1+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_1 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_1[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_du_1_1+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_du_1_1+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_1[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the second matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_2_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_2 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_2[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_2[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 3 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_3_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_3 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_3[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_3[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 4 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_4_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_4 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_4[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): # print i XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_4[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #print 'matrix_all_step_4=',matrix_all_step_4 #============================================================================== # this part is to calcul the 5 matrix #============================================================================== for k in range (1,2): t_start=t_du_5_1 XJ_du_1_2 = XJ_1[(t_start-1):(t_start+t_step)]; x1_1,y1_1,z1_1=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_2 ,fs) x1_1=max_matrix_norm(x1_1) matrix_all_step_new_5 = np.zeros([192]) for i in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_5[i]=x1_1[i] #============================================================================== # the other colonne is the all fft #============================================================================== for i in range(1,8): # print i XJ_du_1_total = XJ_1[(t_start+t_entre_step*(i)-1):(t_start+t_step+t_entre_step*(i) )]; x1_all,y1_all,z1_all=matrix_24_2(XJ_du_1_total,fs) x1_all=max_matrix_norm(x1_all) for j in range(0,24): matrix_all_step_new_5[24*i+j]=x1_all[j] #print 'matrix_all_step_5=',matrix_all_step_5 np.savez('je_compare_192_matrix.npz',matrix_all_step_new_1,matrix_all_step_new_2,matrix_all_step_new_3,matrix_all_step_new_4,matrix_all_step_new_5)
#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import json import shutil import os def copy_file(src, dest, backup): success = True if not backup is None: (backup_folder, backup_file) = os.path.split(backup) print("Creating backup file for " + dest + " at " + backup) try: if not os.path.exists(backup_folder): os.makedirs(backup_folder) shutil.copyfile(dest, backup) except Exception as e: print("Backup failed: " + str(e)) success = False if success: (dest_folder, dest_file) = os.path.split(dest) print("Copy file " + src + " to " + dest) try: if not os.path.exists(dest_folder): os.makedirs(dest_folder) shutil.copyfile(src, dest) except IOError as e: print("Copy failed: " + str(e)) def copy_dir(src, dest, backup): success = True if not backup is None: try: print("Creating backup file for " + dest + " at " + backup) rmtree(backup, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(dest, backup) except IOError as e: print("Backup failed: " + str(e)) success = False if success: try: print("Copy directory " + src + " to " + dest) shutil.copytree(src, dest) except IOError as e: print("Copy failed: " + str(e)) def push(args): defs = json.load(open(os.path.expanduser(args.file))) for definition in defs: if definition["group"] in args.categories: print("Pushing " + definition["name"]); src = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(args.source, definition["source"])) dest = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(, definition["target"])) backup = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(args.backup, definition["target"])) if definition["type"].lower() == "f": # Copy a file if args.unsafe: if not args.wimp: copy_file(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy file. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); else: if not args.wimp: copy_file(src, dest, backup) else: print("Would copy file. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest + " Backup:" + backup); elif definition["type"].lower() == "d": # Copy a directory if args.verbose: print(definition["name"] + ": Pushing directory from " + src + " to " + dest) if args.unsafe: if not args.wimp: copy_dir(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy file. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); else: if not args.wimp: copy_dir(src, dest, backup) else: print("Would copy dir. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest + " Backup:" + backup); else: print(definition["name"] + ": Unknown type \""+definition["type"]+"\"") def pull(args): defs = json.load(open(os.path.expanduser(args.file))) for definition in defs: if definition["group"] in args.categories: print("Pulling " + definition["name"]); src = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(, definition["target"])) dest = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(args.source, definition["source"])) if definition["type"].lower() == "f": # Copy a file if not args.wimp: copy_file(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy file. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); elif definition["type"].lower() == "d": # Copy a directory if not args.wimp: copy_dir(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy directory. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); else: print(definition["name"] + ": Unknown type \""+definition["type"]+"\"") def revert(args): defs = json.load(open(os.path.expanduser(args.file))) for definition in defs: if definition["group"] in args.categories: src = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(args.backup, definition["target"])) dest = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(, definition["target"])) if definition["type"].lower() == "f": # Copy a file if not args.wimp: copy_file(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy file. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); elif definition["type"].lower() == "d": # Copy a directory if not args.wimp: copy_dir(src, dest, None) else: print("Would copy directory. Src:" + src + " Dest:" + dest); else: print(definition["name"] + ": Unknown type \""+definition["type"]+"\"") def main(): default_defs = "~/env/env.def" default_source = "~/env/" default_target = "~/" default_backup = "~/.backup/env/" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Increase Verbosity") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", default=default_defs, help="Definition File to use") parser.add_argument("-s", "--source", default=default_source, help="Override source root") parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", default=default_target, help="Override target root") parser.add_argument("-w", "--wimp", action="store_true", help="Don't actually make any changes (implies -v)") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser_push = subparsers.add_parser("push", help="Push configs into environment") parser_push.add_argument("-u", "--unsafe", action="store_true", help="No backups Created") parser_push.add_argument("-a", "--All", action="store_true", help="Cleanup Backups") parser_push.add_argument("-b", "--backup", default=default_backup, help="Override backup root") parser_push.add_argument("categories", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser_push.set_defaults(func=push) parser_pull = subparsers.add_parser("pull", help="Pull configs from environment") parser_pull.add_argument("-a", "--All", action="store_true", help="Cleanup Backups") parser_pull.add_argument("categories", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser_pull.set_defaults(func=pull) parser_revert = subparsers.add_parser("revert", help="Revert configs from backups") parser_revert.add_argument("-c", "--cleanup", action="store_true", help="Cleanup Backups") parser_revert.add_argument("-a", "--All", action="store_true", help="Cleanup Backups") parser_revert.add_argument("-b", "--backup", default=default_backup, help="Override backup root") parser_revert.add_argument("categories", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser_revert.set_defaults(func=revert) args = parser.parse_args() if args.wimp: args.verbose = True args.func(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main();
import sys import random comparisons = 0 def main(): global comparisons with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: arr = [int(x) for x in] quicksort(arr, 0, len(arr)-1) # print(arr) print(comparisons) def getPivot(arr, l, r): first = arr[l] mid = arr[(l+r)//2] last = arr[r] if first <= mid <= last or last <= mid <= first: return (l+r)//2 elif mid <= first <= last or last <= first <= mid: return l else: return r def partition(arr, l, r): k = getPivot(arr, l, r) k = random.randint(l, r) pivot = arr[k] arr[k], arr[l] = arr[l], arr[k] i = l+1 for j in range(l+1, r+1): if arr[j] < pivot: arr[j], arr[i] = arr[i], arr[j] i += 1 arr[l], arr[i-1] = arr[i-1], arr[l] return i-1 def quicksort(arr, l, r): if r - l < 0: return global comparisons comparisons += r - l p = partition(arr, l, r) quicksort(arr, l, p-1) quicksort(arr, p+1, r) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import logging from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union from apispec import APISpec from apispec.exceptions import DuplicateComponentNameError from flask import Blueprint, g, Response from flask_appbuilder import AppBuilder, Model, ModelRestApi from flask_appbuilder.api import expose, protect, rison, safe from flask_appbuilder.models.filters import BaseFilter, Filters from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.filters import FilterStartsWith from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ from marshmallow import fields, Schema from sqlalchemy import and_, distinct, func from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query from superset.extensions import db, event_logger, security_manager from superset.models.core import FavStar from superset.models.dashboard import Dashboard from superset.models.slice import Slice from superset.schemas import error_payload_content from superset.sql_lab import Query as SqllabQuery from superset.stats_logger import BaseStatsLogger from superset.typing import FlaskResponse from superset.utils.core import time_function logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) get_related_schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "page_size": {"type": "integer"}, "page": {"type": "integer"}, "include_ids": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}, "filter": {"type": "string"}, }, } class RelatedResultResponseSchema(Schema): value = fields.Integer(description="The related item identifier") text = fields.String(description="The related item string representation") class RelatedResponseSchema(Schema): count = fields.Integer(description="The total number of related values") result = fields.List(fields.Nested(RelatedResultResponseSchema)) class DistinctResultResponseSchema(Schema): text = fields.String(description="The distinct item") class DistincResponseSchema(Schema): count = fields.Integer(description="The total number of distinct values") result = fields.List(fields.Nested(DistinctResultResponseSchema)) def statsd_metrics(f: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Handle sending all statsd metrics from the REST API """ def wraps(self: "BaseSupersetModelRestApi", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: try: duration, response = time_function(f, self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: self.incr_stats("error", f.__name__) raise ex self.send_stats_metrics(response, f.__name__, duration) return response return functools.update_wrapper(wraps, f) class RelatedFieldFilter: # data class to specify what filter to use on a /related endpoint # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, field_name: str, filter_class: Type[BaseFilter]): self.field_name = field_name self.filter_class = filter_class class BaseFavoriteFilter(BaseFilter): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Base Custom filter for the GET list that filters all dashboards, slices that a user has favored or not """ name = _("Is favorite") arg_name = "" class_name = "" """ The FavStar class_name to user """ model: Type[Union[Dashboard, Slice, SqllabQuery]] = Dashboard """ The SQLAlchemy model """ def apply(self, query: Query, value: Any) -> Query: # If anonymous user filter nothing if security_manager.current_user is None: return query users_favorite_query = db.session.query(FavStar.obj_id).filter( and_( FavStar.user_id == g.user.get_id(), FavStar.class_name == self.class_name, ) ) if value: return query.filter(and_( return query.filter(and_( class BaseSupersetModelRestApi(ModelRestApi): """ Extends FAB's ModelResApi to implement specific superset generic functionality """ csrf_exempt = False method_permission_name = { "bulk_delete": "delete", "data": "list", "data_from_cache": "list", "delete": "delete", "distinct": "list", "export": "mulexport", "import_": "add", "get": "show", "get_list": "list", "info": "list", "post": "add", "put": "edit", "refresh": "edit", "related": "list", "related_objects": "list", "schemas": "list", "select_star": "list", "table_metadata": "list", "test_connection": "post", "thumbnail": "list", "viz_types": "list", } order_rel_fields: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] = {} """ Impose ordering on related fields query:: order_rel_fields = { "<RELATED_FIELD>": ("<RELATED_FIELD_FIELD>", "<asc|desc>"), ... } """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement related_field_filters: Dict[str, Union[RelatedFieldFilter, str]] = {} """ Declare the filters for related fields:: related_fields = { "<RELATED_FIELD>": <RelatedFieldFilter>) } """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement filter_rel_fields: Dict[str, BaseFilter] = {} """ Declare the related field base filter:: filter_rel_fields_field = { "<RELATED_FIELD>": "<FILTER>") } """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement allowed_rel_fields: Set[str] = set() """ Declare a set of allowed related fields that the `related` endpoint supports """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement text_field_rel_fields: Dict[str, str] = {} """ Declare an alternative for the human readable representation of the Model object:: text_field_rel_fields = { "<RELATED_FIELD>": "<RELATED_OBJECT_FIELD>" } """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement allowed_distinct_fields: Set[str] = set() openapi_spec_component_schemas: Tuple[Type[Schema], ...] = tuple() """ Add extra schemas to the OpenAPI component schemas section """ # pylint: disable=pointless-string-statement add_columns: List[str] edit_columns: List[str] list_columns: List[str] show_columns: List[str] responses = { "400": {"description": "Bad request", "content": error_payload_content}, "401": {"description": "Unauthorized", "content": error_payload_content}, "403": {"description": "Forbidden", "content": error_payload_content}, "404": {"description": "Not found", "content": error_payload_content}, "422": { "description": "Could not process entity", "content": error_payload_content, }, "500": {"description": "Fatal error", "content": error_payload_content}, } def __init__(self) -> None: # Setup statsd self.stats_logger = BaseStatsLogger() # Add base API spec base query parameter schemas if self.apispec_parameter_schemas is None: # type: ignore self.apispec_parameter_schemas = {} self.apispec_parameter_schemas["get_related_schema"] = get_related_schema if self.openapi_spec_component_schemas is None: self.openapi_spec_component_schemas = () self.openapi_spec_component_schemas = self.openapi_spec_component_schemas + ( RelatedResponseSchema, DistincResponseSchema, ) super().__init__() def add_apispec_components(self, api_spec: APISpec) -> None: """ Adds extra OpenApi schema spec components, these are declared on the `openapi_spec_component_schemas` class property """ for schema in self.openapi_spec_component_schemas: try: api_spec.components.schema( schema.__name__, schema=schema, ) except DuplicateComponentNameError: pass super().add_apispec_components(api_spec) def create_blueprint( self, appbuilder: AppBuilder, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Blueprint: self.stats_logger = self.appbuilder.get_app.config["STATS_LOGGER"] return super().create_blueprint(appbuilder, *args, **kwargs) def _init_properties(self) -> None: model_id = self.datamodel.get_pk_name() if self.list_columns is None and not self.list_model_schema: self.list_columns = [model_id] if self.show_columns is None and not self.show_model_schema: self.show_columns = [model_id] if self.edit_columns is None and not self.edit_model_schema: self.edit_columns = [model_id] if self.add_columns is None and not self.add_model_schema: self.add_columns = [model_id] super()._init_properties() def _get_related_filter( self, datamodel: SQLAInterface, column_name: str, value: str ) -> Filters: filter_field = self.related_field_filters.get(column_name) if isinstance(filter_field, str): filter_field = RelatedFieldFilter(cast(str, filter_field), FilterStartsWith) filter_field = cast(RelatedFieldFilter, filter_field) search_columns = [filter_field.field_name] if filter_field else None filters = datamodel.get_filters(search_columns) base_filters = self.filter_rel_fields.get(column_name) if base_filters: filters.add_filter_list(base_filters) if value and filter_field: filters.add_filter( filter_field.field_name, filter_field.filter_class, value ) return filters def _get_distinct_filter(self, column_name: str, value: str) -> Filters: filter_field = RelatedFieldFilter(column_name, FilterStartsWith) filter_field = cast(RelatedFieldFilter, filter_field) search_columns = [filter_field.field_name] if filter_field else None filters = self.datamodel.get_filters(search_columns) filters.add_filter_list(self.base_filters) if value and filter_field: filters.add_filter( filter_field.field_name, filter_field.filter_class, value ) return filters def _get_text_for_model(self, model: Model, column_name: str) -> str: if column_name in self.text_field_rel_fields: model_column_name = self.text_field_rel_fields.get(column_name) if model_column_name: return getattr(model, model_column_name) return str(model) def _get_result_from_rows( self, datamodel: SQLAInterface, rows: List[Model], column_name: str ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return [ { "value": datamodel.get_pk_value(row), "text": self._get_text_for_model(row, column_name), } for row in rows ] def _add_extra_ids_to_result( self, datamodel: SQLAInterface, column_name: str, ids: List[int], result: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: if ids: # Filter out already present values on the result values = [row["value"] for row in result] ids = [id_ for id_ in ids if id_ not in values] pk_col = datamodel.get_pk() # Fetch requested values from ids extra_rows = db.session.query(datamodel.obj).filter(pk_col.in_(ids)).all() result += self._get_result_from_rows(datamodel, extra_rows, column_name) def incr_stats(self, action: str, func_name: str) -> None: """ Proxy function for statsd.incr to impose a key structure for REST API's :param action: String with an action name eg: error, success :param func_name: The function name """ self.stats_logger.incr(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{func_name}.{action}") def timing_stats(self, action: str, func_name: str, value: float) -> None: """ Proxy function for statsd.incr to impose a key structure for REST API's :param action: String with an action name eg: error, success :param func_name: The function name :param value: A float with the time it took for the endpoint to execute """ self.stats_logger.timing( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{func_name}.{action}", value ) def send_stats_metrics( self, response: Response, key: str, time_delta: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """ Helper function to handle sending statsd metrics :param response: flask response object, will evaluate if it was an error :param key: The function name :param time_delta: Optional time it took for the endpoint to execute """ if 200 <= response.status_code < 400: self.incr_stats("success", key) else: self.incr_stats("error", key) if time_delta: self.timing_stats("time", key, time_delta) @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.info", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def info_headless(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB _info endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().info_headless, **kwargs) self.send_stats_metrics(response,, duration) return response @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def get_headless(self, pk: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB GET endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().get_headless, pk, **kwargs) self.send_stats_metrics(response, self.get.__name__, duration) return response @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_list", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def get_list_headless(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB GET list endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().get_list_headless, **kwargs) self.send_stats_metrics(response, self.get_list.__name__, duration) return response @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.post", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def post_headless(self) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB POST endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().post_headless) self.send_stats_metrics(response,, duration) return response @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.put", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def put_headless(self, pk: int) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB PUT endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().put_headless, pk) self.send_stats_metrics(response, self.put.__name__, duration) return response @event_logger.log_this_with_context( action=lambda self, *args, **kwargs: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.delete", object_ref=False, log_to_statsd=False, ) def delete_headless(self, pk: int) -> Response: """ Add statsd metrics to builtin FAB DELETE endpoint """ duration, response = time_function(super().delete_headless, pk) self.send_stats_metrics(response, self.delete.__name__, duration) return response @expose("/related/<column_name>", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @rison(get_related_schema) def related(self, column_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> FlaskResponse: """Get related fields data --- get: parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: column_name - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_related_schema' responses: 200: description: Related column data content: application/json: schema: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelatedResponseSchema" 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ if column_name not in self.allowed_rel_fields: self.incr_stats("error", self.related.__name__) return self.response_404() args = kwargs.get("rison", {}) # handle pagination page, page_size = self._handle_page_args(args) try: datamodel = self.datamodel.get_related_interface(column_name) except KeyError: return self.response_404() page, page_size = self._sanitize_page_args(page, page_size) # handle ordering order_field = self.order_rel_fields.get(column_name) if order_field: order_column, order_direction = order_field else: order_column, order_direction = "", "" # handle filters filters = self._get_related_filter(datamodel, column_name, args.get("filter")) # Make the query _, rows = datamodel.query( filters, order_column, order_direction, page=page, page_size=page_size ) # produce response result = self._get_result_from_rows(datamodel, rows, column_name) # If ids are specified make sure we fetch and include them on the response ids = args.get("include_ids") self._add_extra_ids_to_result(datamodel, column_name, ids, result) return self.response(200, count=len(result), result=result) @expose("/distinct/<column_name>", methods=["GET"]) @protect() @safe @statsd_metrics @rison(get_related_schema) def distinct(self, column_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> FlaskResponse: """Get distinct values from field data --- get: parameters: - in: path schema: type: string name: column_name - in: query name: q content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_related_schema' responses: 200: description: Distinct field data content: application/json: schema: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DistincResponseSchema" 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/400' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/401' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/404' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/500' """ if column_name not in self.allowed_distinct_fields: self.incr_stats("error", self.related.__name__) return self.response_404() args = kwargs.get("rison", {}) # handle pagination page, page_size = self._sanitize_page_args(*self._handle_page_args(args)) # Create generic base filters with added request filter filters = self._get_distinct_filter(column_name, args.get("filter")) # Make the query query_count = self.appbuilder.get_session.query( func.count(distinct(getattr(self.datamodel.obj, column_name))) ) count = self.datamodel.apply_filters(query_count, filters).scalar() if count == 0: return self.response(200, count=count, result=[]) query = self.appbuilder.get_session.query( distinct(getattr(self.datamodel.obj, column_name)) ) # Apply generic base filters with added request filter query = self.datamodel.apply_filters(query, filters) # Apply sort query = self.datamodel.apply_order_by(query, column_name, "asc") # Apply pagination result = self.datamodel.apply_pagination(query, page, page_size).all() # produce response result = [ {"text": item[0], "value": item[0]} for item in result if item[0] is not None ] return self.response(200, count=count, result=result)
# Copyright (c) 2016 Sippy Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or # other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from test_cases.reinv_fail import a_test_reinv_fail from test_cases.reinvite import b_test_reinvite class a_test_reinv_brkn2(a_test_reinv_fail): cld = 'bob_reinv_brkn2' cli = 'alice_reinv_brkn2' def reinvite(self, ua): if not self.connect_done or self.disconnect_done: return sdp_body_bak = ua.lSDP ua.lSDP = sdp_body_bak.getCopy() for sect in ua.lSDP.content.sections: sect.c_header = None rval = a_test_reinv_fail.reinvite(self, ua) ua.lSDP = sdp_body_bak return rval class b_test_reinv_brkn2(b_test_reinvite): cli = 'bob_reinv_brkn2'
#!/usr/bin/env python # (c) 2007 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Martin Pitt <> # This script needs python-distutils-extra, an extension to the standard # distutils which provides i18n, icon support, etc. # from glob import glob from distutils.version import StrictVersion try: import except ImportError: import sys print >> sys.stderr, 'To build Jockey you need' sys.exit(1) assert StrictVersion( >= '2.4', 'needs >= 2.4' name='jockey', version='0.9.3', description='UI for managing third-party and non-free drivers', url='', license='GPL v2 or later', author='Martin Pitt', author_email='', data_files = [ ('share/jockey', ['backend/jockey-backend']), ('share/jockey', ['gtk/jockey-gtk.ui']), # bug in 2.2 ('share/jockey', glob('kde/*.ui')), # don't use pykdeuic4 ], scripts = ['gtk/jockey-gtk', 'kde/jockey-kde', 'text/jockey-text'], )
# Only Celery settings for stations project. #import djcelery #djcelery.setup_loader() #BROKER_TRANSPORT = 'amqplib' #BROKER_URL = 'django://' ##CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'database' #CELERY_DEFAULT_QUEUE = "default" #CELERY_QUEUES = { # "default": { # "binding_key": "task.#", # }, # "mailer": { # "binding_key": "task.#", # }, #} #CELERY_ROUTES = {'downloader.tasks.check_email_schedule': {'queue': 'mailer'}} #CELERY_TIMEZONE = 'UTC' #CELERY_CONCURRENCY = 7 # Django settings for stations project. DEBUG = True TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG ADMINS = ( # ('Your Name', ''), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'stations.sqlite3', } } # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # In a Windows environment this must be set to your system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # 'America/Buenos_Aires' # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' SITE_ID = 1 # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale. USE_L10N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not use timezone-aware datetimes. USE_TZ = True # Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files. # Example: "/home/media/" MEDIA_ROOT = '' # URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a # trailing slash. # Examples: "", "" MEDIA_URL = '' # Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to. # Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files # in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. # Example: "/home/media/" STATIC_ROOT = '' # URL prefix for static files. # Example: "" STATIC_URL = '/static/' # Additional locations of static files STATICFILES_DIRS = ( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. ) # List of finder classes that know how to find static files in # various locations. STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', # 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder', ) # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. SECRET_KEY = 'fax%_3d9oshwed$!3s)jdn876jpj#5u&amp;50m$6naau#&amp;=zpyn%0' # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', # 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'sslify.middleware.SSLifyMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', # Uncomment the next line for simple clickjacking protection: # 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'stations_configuration.urls' # Python dotted path to the WSGI application used by Django's runserver. WSGI_APPLICATION = 'stations_configuration.wsgi.application' TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/www/django/templates". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. ) INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'polymorphic', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin: 'django.contrib.admin', # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation: 'django.contrib.admindocs', 'stations', ) # A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging # performed by this configuration is to send an email to # the site admins on every HTTP 500 error when DEBUG=False. # See for # more details on how to customize your logging configuration. LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } } TEMPLATE_DIRS='templates'
# encoding: utf-8 import datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Deleting model 'Score' db.delete_table('lizard_measure_score') # Deleting model 'MeasuringRod' db.delete_table('lizard_measure_measuringrod') # Deleting field 'MeasureStatusMoment.is_planning' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'is_planning') # Deleting field '' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'date') # Adding field 'MeasureStatusMoment.planning_date' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'planning_date','django.db.models.fields.DateField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) # Adding field 'MeasureStatusMoment.realisation_date' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'realisation_date','django.db.models.fields.DateField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) # Deleting field 'Measure.total_costs' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'total_costs') # Adding field 'Measure.valid' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'valid','django.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField')(default=False, null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) # Adding field 'Measure.geom' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'geom','django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.GeometryField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'Score' db.create_table('lizard_measure_score', ( ('gep','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('area_ident','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=32, null=True, blank=True)), ('ascending','django.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('mep','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('measuring_rod','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['lizard_measure.MeasuringRod'])), ('limit_bad_insufficient','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('id','django.db.models.fields.AutoField')(primary_key=True)), ('area','django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey')(to=orm['lizard_area.Area'], null=True, blank=True)), ('target_2027','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('limit_insufficient_moderate','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), ('target_2015','django.db.models.fields.FloatField')(null=True, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal('lizard_measure', ['Score']) # Adding model 'MeasuringRod' db.create_table('lizard_measure_measuringrod', ( ('group','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)), ('sign','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)), ('sub_measuring_rod','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)), ('measuring_rod','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)), ('id','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(primary_key=True)), ('unit','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)), )) db.send_create_signal('lizard_measure', ['MeasuringRod']) # Adding field 'MeasureStatusMoment.is_planning' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'is_planning','django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False), keep_default=False) # Adding field '' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'date','django.db.models.fields.DateField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) # Deleting field 'MeasureStatusMoment.planning_date' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'planning_date') # Deleting field 'MeasureStatusMoment.realisation_date' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measurestatusmoment', 'realisation_date') # Adding field 'Measure.total_costs' db.add_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'total_costs','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(null=True, blank=True), keep_default=False) # Deleting field 'Measure.valid' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'valid') # Deleting field 'Measure.geom' db.delete_column('lizard_measure_measure', 'geom') models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': 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'DataAdministrator'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '128'}) }, 'lizard_geo.geoobject': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'GeoObject'}, 'geo_object_group': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_geo.GeoObjectGroup']"}), 'geometry': ('django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields.GeometryField', [], {}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ident': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '80'}) }, 'lizard_geo.geoobjectgroup': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'GeoObjectGroup'}, 'created_by': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'last_modified': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '50', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'source_log': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'lizard_measure.fundingorganization': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'FundingOrganization'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'measure': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.Measure']"}), 'organization': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.Organization']"}), 'percentage': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {}) }, 'lizard_measure.krwstatus': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'KRWStatus'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '32'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], 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{'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'exploitation_expenditure': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'investment_expenditure': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'measure': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.Measure']"}), 'planning_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'realisation_date': ('django.db.models.fields.DateField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'status': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.MeasureStatus']"}) }, 'lizard_measure.measuretype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('code',)", 'object_name': 'MeasureType'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'combined_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'harmonisation': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'klass': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'subcategory': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '256', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'units': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.Unit']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'valid': ('django.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField', [], {'default': 'None', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'lizard_measure.organization': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('description',)", 'unique_together': "(('source', 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('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'target_minimum': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'lizard_measure.unit': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Unit'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '20', 'unique': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'conversion_factor': ('django.db.models.fields.FloatField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'dimension': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'group': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'valid': ('django.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField', [], {'default': 'None', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'lizard_measure.waterbody': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'WaterBody'}, 'area': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_area.Area']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'area_ident': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '32', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'krw_status': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.KRWStatus']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'krw_watertype': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lizard_measure.KRWWatertype']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) } } complete_apps = ['lizard_measure']
#!/usr/bin/env python __description__ = "" __author__ = "Konrad Foerstner <>" __copyright__ = "2013 by Konrad Foerstner <>" __license__ = "ISC license" __email__ = "" __version__ = "" import argparse import csv import sys sys.path.append(".") from kufpybio.gff3 import Gff3Parser, Gff3Entry from kufpybio.gene import Gene from kufpybio.igrfinder import IGRFinder parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__description__) parser.add_argument("gff_file", type=argparse.FileType("r")) parser.add_argument("output_file", type=argparse.FileType("w")) parser.add_argument("--margin", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("--plus_only", default=False, action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() # Build gene list gene_list = [] gff_parser = Gff3Parser() region_entry = None for entry in gff_parser.entries(args.gff_file): if entry.feature == "region": region_entry = entry continue gene_list.append(Gene( entry.seq_id, "", "", entry.start, entry.end, entry.strand)) # Find IGRs and generate GFF file igr_finder = IGRFinder() args.output_file.write("##gff-version 3\n") strands = ["+", "-"] if args.plus_only is True: strands = ["+"] for start, end in igr_finder.find_igrs(gene_list, region_entry.end): start = start + args.margin end = end - args.margin if end <= start: continue for strand in strands: gff3_entry = Gff3Entry({ "seq_id" : region_entry.seq_id, "source" : "IGR", "feature" : "IGR", "start" : start, "end" : end, "score" : ".", "strand" : strand, "phase" : ".", "attributes" : "ID=IGR_%s_%s_to_%s" % ( region_entry.seq_id, start, end)}) args.output_file.write(str(gff3_entry) + "\n")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Time Series Analysis -- Generate statistical weigts from scatter # # Author: Jakob Rørsted Mosumgaard # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ############################################################################### # Modules ############################################################################### from __future__ import print_function, with_statement, division import numpy as np import bottleneck as bn ############################################################################### # Functions ############################################################################### def genweight(datname, dpath, wpath): """ Combine time series with statistical weights calculated from scatter Arguments: - `datname`: Identifier of data file - `dpath` : Path to data file (time series). - `wpath` : Path to scatter file (with same time points!) """ # Pretty print print('Generating weights for {0} !'.format(dpath)) # Load data and weights t, d = np.loadtxt(dpath, unpack=True) tt, sig = np.loadtxt(wpath, unpack=True) # Check that times are indeed the same tdif = t - tt if tdif.any() != 0: print('Error! Not the same time points! Quitting!') exit() # Moving variance (Hans: M = 50 - 100) M = 70 movstd = bn.move_std(sig, M, min_count=1) movvar = np.square(movstd) # Remove first point x = 1 t = t[x:] d = d[x:] movvar = movvar[x:] # Calculate weights from scatter (1 / variance) w = np.divide(1.0, movvar) # Save outfile = star + '_with-weights.txt' np.savetxt(outfile, np.transpose([t, d, w]), fmt='%.15e', delimiter='\t') # Done! print('Done!\n') ############################################################################### # Script ############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": # Definitions datdir = '../../data/' ext = '.txt' append = '-high' # Run for star 1 star = 'star01' genweight(star, datdir + star + ext, star + append + ext) # Run for star 2 star = 'star02' genweight(star, datdir + star + ext, star + append + ext)
import os #checks if settings.ini should be generated. if not given universe, username and password it will generate a settings.ini with the default account #This settings_generator will only work for universe 82 if the flag argument is given als True(to make sure that universe 82 is intended) def settings_generator(universe = 82, username = 'defaultName', password = 'defaultPassword', flag=False): path = os.path.normcase('settings/settings.ini') if (os.path.isfile('settings/settings.ini')): print("settings file found, stopping now.") return if (universe == 82 and not(flag)) or (username == 'defaultName') or (password == 'defaultPassword'): print("Not all fields specified, fallback on default configuration") universe = 82 username = 'defaultName' password = 'defaultPassword' if not (os.path.isdir('settings')): os.makedir('settings') with open(path,'w') as foo: foo.write('[credentials]\nuniverse = '+ str(universe) +'\npassword = '+password+'\nusername = '+username) print("Settings.ini generated") def force_settings_generator(universe = 82, username = 'defaultName', password = 'defaultPassword', flag=False): path = os.path.normcase('settings/settings.ini') if not (os.path.isfile('settings/settings.ini')): settings_generator(universe, username, password, flag) return if (universe == 82 and not(flag)) or (username == 'defaultName') or (password == 'defaultPassword'): print("Not all fields specified, fallback on default configuration") universe = 82 username = 'defaultName' password = 'defaultPassword' with open(path,'w') as foo: foo.write('[credentials]\nuniverse = '+ str(universe) +'\npassword = '+password+'\nusername = '+username) print("Settings.ini generated") #settings_generator()
import re def test(): text = \ ''' You can contact us at or at yourname AT server DOT site DOT com. Also at o u r n a m e @ s e r v e r dot s i t e dot c o m and t.h.e.i.r.n.a.m.e at server dot s/i/t/e DOT COM. ''' for email in emailLeech(text): print email DOMAINS = ["com","edu","net","org","gov","us"] #.. and so on FLAGS = re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE AT = r'(?: @ | \b A \s* T \b)' ADDRESSPART = r'\b (?: \w+ | \w (?:(?:\s+|\W) \w)*) \b' DOMAIN = r'(?:%s)' % '|'.join(["(?:\s*|\W)".join(domain) for domain in DOMAINS]) NONWORD = re.compile(r'\W+') DOT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?: \. | \b D \s* O \s* T \b)', FLAGS) EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile( (r'(?P<name>%s) \W* %s \W*' % (ADDRESSPART,AT)) + r'(?P<site>(?: %s \W* %s \W*)+)' % (ADDRESSPART, DOT_REGEX.pattern) + r'(?P<domain>%s)' % DOMAIN, FLAGS) def emailLeech(text): ''' An iterator over recognized email addresses within text''' while (True): match = if not match: break parts = ["name")] + \ DOT_REGEX.split("site")) + \ ["domain")] # discard non word chars parts = [NONWORD.sub('',part) for part in parts] # discard all empty parts and make lowercase parts = [part.lower() for part in parts if len(part)>0] # join the parts yield "%s@%s.%s" % (parts[0], '.'.join(parts[1:-1]), parts[-1]) text = text[match.end():] if __name__ == '__main__': test()
import numpy as np import pytest from foyer import Forcefield, forcefields from foyer.exceptions import MissingForceError, MissingParametersError from foyer.forcefield import get_available_forcefield_loaders from foyer.tests.base_test import BaseTest from foyer.tests.utils import get_fn @pytest.mark.skipif( condition="load_GAFF" not in map(lambda func: func.__name__, get_available_forcefield_loaders()), reason="GAFF Plugin is not installed", ) class TestForcefieldParameters(BaseTest): @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def gaff(self): return forcefields.load_GAFF() def test_gaff_missing_group(self, gaff): with pytest.raises(ValueError): gaff.get_parameters("missing", key=[]) def test_gaff_non_string_keys(self, gaff): with pytest.raises(TypeError): gaff.get_parameters("atoms", key=1) def test_gaff_bond_parameters_gaff(self, gaff): bond_params = gaff.get_parameters("harmonic_bonds", ["br", "ca"]) assert np.isclose(bond_params["length"], 0.19079) assert np.isclose(bond_params["k"], 219827.36) def test_gaff_bond_params_reversed(self, gaff): assert gaff.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["ca", "br"] ) == gaff.get_parameters("harmonic_bonds", ["ca", "br"]) def test_gaff_missing_bond_parameters(self, gaff): with pytest.raises(MissingParametersError): gaff.get_parameters("harmonic_bonds", ["str1", "str2"]) def test_gaff_angle_parameters(self, gaff): angle_params = gaff.get_parameters("harmonic_angles", ["f", "c1", "f"]) assert np.allclose( [angle_params["theta"], angle_params["k"]], [3.141592653589793, 487.0176], ) def test_gaff_angle_parameters_reversed(self, gaff): assert np.allclose( list( gaff.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["f", "c2", "ha"] ).values() ), list( gaff.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["ha", "c2", "f"] ).values() ), ) def test_gaff_missing_angle_parameters(self, gaff): with pytest.raises(MissingParametersError): gaff.get_parameters("harmonic_angles", ["1", "2", "3"]) def test_gaff_periodic_proper_parameters(self, gaff): periodic_proper_params = gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_propers", ["c3", "c", "sh", "hs"] ) assert np.allclose(periodic_proper_params["periodicity"], [2.0, 1.0]) assert np.allclose( periodic_proper_params["k"], [9.414, 5.4392000000000005] ) assert np.allclose( periodic_proper_params["phase"], [3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793], ) def test_gaff_periodic_proper_parameters_reversed(self, gaff): assert np.allclose( list( gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_propers", ["c3", "c", "sh", "hs"] ).values() ), list( gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_propers", ["hs", "sh", "c", "c3"] ).values() ), ) def test_gaff_periodic_improper_parameters(self, gaff): periodic_improper_params = gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_impropers", ["c", "", "o", "o"] ) assert np.allclose(periodic_improper_params["periodicity"], [2.0]) assert np.allclose(periodic_improper_params["k"], [4.6024]) assert np.allclose( periodic_improper_params["phase"], [3.141592653589793] ) def test_gaff_periodic_improper_parameters_reversed(self, gaff): assert np.allclose( list( gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_impropers", ["c", "", "o", "o"] ).values() ), list( gaff.get_parameters( "periodic_impropers", ["c", "o", "", "o"] ).values() ), ) def test_gaff_proper_params_missing(self, gaff): with pytest.raises(MissingParametersError): gaff.get_parameters("periodic_impropers", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]) def test_gaff_scaling_factors(self, gaff): assert gaff.lj14scale == 0.5 assert np.isclose(gaff.coulomb14scale, 0.833333333) def test_opls_get_parameters_atoms(self, oplsaa): atom_params = oplsaa.get_parameters("atoms", "opls_145") assert atom_params["sigma"] == 0.355 assert atom_params["epsilon"] == 0.29288 def test_opls_get_parameters_atoms_list(self, oplsaa): atom_params = oplsaa.get_parameters("atoms", ["opls_145"]) assert atom_params["sigma"] == 0.355 assert atom_params["epsilon"] == 0.29288 def test_opls_get_parameters_atom_class(self, oplsaa): atom_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "atoms", "CA", keys_are_atom_classes=True ) assert atom_params["sigma"] == 0.355 assert atom_params["epsilon"] == 0.29288 def test_opls_get_parameters_bonds(self, oplsaa): bond_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["opls_760", "opls_145"] ) assert bond_params["length"] == 0.146 assert bond_params["k"] == 334720.0 def test_opls_get_parameters_bonds_reversed(self, oplsaa): assert np.allclose( list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["opls_760", "opls_145"] ).values() ), list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["opls_145", "opls_760"] ).values() ), ) def test_opls_get_parameters_bonds_atom_classes_reversed(self, oplsaa): assert np.allclose( list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["C_2", "O_2"], True ).values() ), list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_bonds", ["O_2", "C_2"], True ).values() ), ) def test_opls_get_parameters_angle(self, oplsaa): angle_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["opls_166", "opls_772", "opls_167"] ) assert np.allclose( [angle_params["theta"], angle_params["k"]], [2.0943950239, 585.76] ) def test_opls_get_parameters_angle_reversed(self, oplsaa): assert np.allclose( list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["opls_166", "opls_772", "opls_167"] ).values() ), list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["opls_167", "opls_772", "opls_166"] ).values() ), ) def test_opls_get_parameters_angle_atom_classes(self, oplsaa): angle_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["CA", "C_2", "CA"], keys_are_atom_classes=True ) assert np.allclose( [angle_params["theta"], angle_params["k"]], [2.09439510239, 711.28] ) def test_opls_get_parameters_angle_atom_classes_reversed(self, oplsaa): assert np.allclose( list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["CA", "C", "O"], keys_are_atom_classes=True, ).values() ), list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "harmonic_angles", ["O", "C", "CA"], keys_are_atom_classes=True, ).values() ), ) def test_opls_get_parameters_rb_proper(self, oplsaa): proper_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "rb_propers", ["opls_215", "opls_215", "opls_235", "opls_269"] ) assert np.allclose( [ proper_params["c0"], proper_params["c1"], proper_params["c2"], proper_params["c3"], proper_params["c4"], proper_params["c5"], ], [2.28446, 0.0, -2.28446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ) def test_get_parameters_rb_proper_reversed(self, oplsaa): assert np.allclose( list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "rb_propers", ["opls_215", "opls_215", "opls_235", "opls_269"], ).values() ), list( oplsaa.get_parameters( "rb_propers", ["opls_269", "opls_235", "opls_215", "opls_215"], ).values() ), ) def test_opls_get_parameters_wildcard(self, oplsaa): proper_params = oplsaa.get_parameters( "rb_propers", ["", "opls_235", "opls_544", ""] ) assert np.allclose( [ proper_params["c0"], proper_params["c1"], proper_params["c2"], proper_params["c3"], proper_params["c4"], proper_params["c5"], ], [30.334, 0.0, -30.334, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ) def test_opls_missing_force(self, oplsaa): with pytest.raises(MissingForceError): oplsaa.get_parameters("periodic_propers", key=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) def test_opls_scaling_factors(self, oplsaa): assert oplsaa.lj14scale == 0.5 assert oplsaa.coulomb14scale == 0.5 def test_missing_scaling_factors(self): ff = Forcefield(forcefield_files=(get_fn("validate_customtypes.xml"))) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): assert ff.lj14scale with pytest.raises(AttributeError): assert ff.coulomb14scale
#!/usr/bin/env python #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # # This file is part of the E-Cell System # # Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Keio University # Copyright (C) 2008-2016 RIKEN # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 The Molecular Sciences Institute # #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # # # E-Cell System is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # E-Cell System is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with E-Cell System -- see the file COPYING. # If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # #END_HEADER """ A program for handling and defining a pathway. This program is the extension package for E-Cell System Version 3. """ __program__ = 'PathwayProxy' __version__ = '1.0' __author__ = 'Kazunari Kaizu <>' __coyright__ = '' __license__ = '' import ecell.eml from ecell.ecssupport import * from ecell.analysis.util import createVariableReferenceFullID import copy import numpy class PathwayProxy: def __init__( self, anEmlSupport, processList=None ): ''' anEmlSupport: Eml support object processList: (list) a list of process full path ''' self.theEmlSupport = anEmlSupport if processList: self.setProcessList( processList ) else: self.setProcessList( [] ) # end of __init__ def setProcessList( self, processList ): ''' set and detect a pathway processList: (list) a list of process full ID ''' # check the existence of processes, # and create relatedVariableList self.__processList = [] self.__variableList = [] for processFullID in processList: # if not self.theEmlSupport.isEntityExist( processFullID ): # continue self.__processList.append( processFullID ) try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) if self.__variableList.count( fullIDString ) == 0: self.__variableList.append( fullIDString ) self.__processList.sort() self.__variableList.sort() # end of setProcessList def getProcessList( self ): ''' return processList ''' return copy.copy( self.__processList ) # end of getProcessList def addProcess( self, processFullID ): ''' add a process to the pathway processFullID: (str) a process full ID ''' if not self.__processList.count( processFullID ) == 0: return # elif not ecell.eml.Eml.isEntityExist( processFullID ): # return # add process self.__processList.append( processFullID ) self.__processList.sort() # update the related variable list try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: return for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) if self.__variableList.count( fullIDString ) == 0: self.__variableList.append( fullIDString ) self.__variableList.sort() # end of addProcess def removeProcess( self, processIndexList ): ''' remove processes from the pathway processIndexList: (list) a list of indices of processes ''' indexList = copy.copy( processIndexList ) indexList.sort() indexList.reverse() removedProcessList = [] for i in indexList: if len( self.__processList ) > i: removedProcessList.append( self.__processList.pop( i ) ) removedVariableList = [] for processFullID in removedProcessList: # if not ecell.eml.Eml.isEntityExist( self.theEmlSupport, processFullID ): # continue try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) if removedVariableList.count( fullIDString ) == 0: removedVariableList.append( fullIDString ) for processFullID in self.__processList: # if not self.theEmlSupport.isEntityExist( processFullID ): # continue try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) if not removedVariableList.count( fullIDString ) == 0: removedVariableList.remove( fullIDString ) for variableFullID in removedVariableList: self.__variableList.remove( variableFullID ) # end of removeProcess def take( self, processIndexList ): ''' create and return a sub-pathway processIndexList: (list) a list of indices of processes return PathwayProxy ''' processList = [] for i in processIndexList: if len( self.__processList ) > i: processList.append( self.__processList[ i ] ) subPathway = PathwayProxy( self.theEmlSupport, processList ) return subPathway # end of removeProcess def getVariableList( self ): ''' return relatedVariableList ''' return copy.copy( self.__variableList ) # end of getVariableList def removeVariable( self, variableIndexList ): ''' remove variables from the pathway variableIndexList: (list) a list of indices of variables ''' indexList = copy.copy( variableIndexList ) indexList.sort() indexList.reverse() for i in indexList: if len( self.__variableList ) > i: self.__variableList.pop( i ) # end of removeVariable def addVariable( self, variableFullID ): ''' recover a removed variable to the pathway variableFullID: (str) a variable full ID ''' if not self.__variableList.count( variableFullID ) == 0: return 1 # elif not ecell.eml.Eml.isEntityExist( variableFullID ): # return 0 for processFullID in self.__processList: try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = fullID[ 1 ] + ':' + fullID[ 2 ] if fullIDString == variableFullID: self.__variableList.append( variableFullID ) self.__variableList.sort() return 1 return 0 # end of addProcess def getIncidentMatrix( self, mode=0 ): ''' create the incident matrix (array) mode: (0 or 1) 0 means that only the \'write\' variables are checked. 0 is set as default. return incidentMatrix ''' incidentMatrix = numpy.zeros( ( len( self.__variableList ), len( self.__processList ) ) ) for j in range( len( self.__processList ) ): processFullID = self.__processList[ j ] try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) try: i = self.__variableList.index( fullIDString ) except ValueError: # should some warning message be showed? continue if mode: if len( aVariableReference ) > 2: coeff = int( aVariableReference[ 2 ] ) if coeff != 0: incidentMatrix[ i ][ j ] = 1 else: incidentMatrix[ i ][ j ] = 1 return incidentMatrix # end of getIncidentMatrix def getStoichiometryMatrix( self ): ''' create the stoichiometry matrix (array) return stoichiometryMatrix ''' stoichiometryMatrix = numpy.zeros( ( len( self.__variableList ), len( self.__processList ) ), float ) for j in range( len( self.__processList ) ): processFullID = self.__processList[ j ] try: aVariableReferenceList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':VariableReferenceList' ) except AttributeError, e: continue for aVariableReference in aVariableReferenceList: fullID = createVariableReferenceFullID( aVariableReference[ 1 ], processFullID ) fullIDString = ecell.ecssupport.createFullIDString( fullID ) try: i = self.__variableList.index( fullIDString ) except ValueError: # should some warning message be showed? continue if len( aVariableReference ) > 2: coeff = int( aVariableReference[ 2 ] ) if coeff != 0: stoichiometryMatrix[ i ][ j ] += coeff return stoichiometryMatrix # end of getStoichiometryMatrix def getReversibilityList( self ): ''' check and return the reversibilities (isReversible) for processes default value is 0, irreversible return reversibilityList ''' reversibilityList = [] for processFullID in self.__processList: propertyList = self.theEmlSupport.getEntityPropertyList( processFullID ) if propertyList.count( 'isReversible' ) != 0: # isReversible is handled as float isReversible = float( self.theEmlSupport.getEntityProperty( processFullID + ':isReversible' )[ 0 ] ) reversibilityList.append( int( isReversible ) ) else: # default value, irreversible reversibilityList.append( 0 ) return reversibilityList # end of getReversibilityList # end of PathwayProxy if __name__ == '__main__': from emlsupport import EmlSupport import sys import os def main( filename ): anEmlSupport = EmlSupport( filename ) pathwayProxy = anEmlSupport.createPathwayProxy() print 'process list =' print pathwayProxy.getProcessList() print 'related variable list =' print pathwayProxy.getVariableList() print 'incident matrix =' print pathwayProxy.getIncidentMatrix() print 'stoichiometry matrix =' print pathwayProxy.getStoichiometryMatrix() print 'reversibility list =' print pathwayProxy.getReversibilityList() # end of main if len( sys.argv ) > 1: main( sys.argv[ 1 ] ) else: filename = '../../../../doc/samples/Heinrich/Heinrich.eml' main( os.path.abspath( filename ) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pygame, led, sys, os, random, csv import smbus from pygame.locals import * from led.PixelEventHandler import * from time import gmtime, strftime """ A very simple arcade shooter demo :) """ random.seed() BLACK = pygame.Color(0,0,0) WHITE = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255) RED = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) GREEN = pygame.Color(0, 255, 0) adress = 0x48 LM75 = smbus.SMBus(1) # detect if a serial/USB port is given as argument hasSerialPortParameter = ( sys.argv.__len__() > 1 ) # use 90 x 20 matrix when no usb port for real display provided fallbackSize = ( 90, 20 ) if hasSerialPortParameter: serialPort = sys.argv[1] print "INITIALIZING WITH USB-PORT: " + serialPort ledDisplay = led.teensy.TeensyDisplay(serialPort, fallbackSize) else: print "INITIALIZING WITH SERVER DISPLAY AND SIMULATOR." ledDisplay = led.dsclient.DisplayServerClientDisplay('localhost', 8123, fallbackSize) # use same size for sim and real LED panel size = ledDisplay.size() simDisplay = led.sim.SimDisplay(size) screen = pygame.Surface(size) gamestate = 0 #1=alive; 0=dead def main(): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.joystick.init() gameover = False # Initialize first joystick if pygame.joystick.get_count() > 0: stick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) stick.init() global gamestate scored = False # Clear event list before starting the game pygame.event.clear() while not gameover: # Process event queue for pgevent in pygame.event.get(): if pgevent.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() event = process_event(pgevent) # End the game if event.button == EXIT: gameover = True # Keypresses on keyboard and joystick axis motions / button presses elif event.type == PUSH: # Movements if event.button == UP: pass elif event.button == DOWN: pass elif event.button == RIGHT: pass elif event.button == LEFT: pass # Tower selection elif event.button == B2: pass # Tower placement elif event.button == P1: gameover = True # Only on Keyboard elif pgevent.type == KEYDOWN and pgevent.key == K_ESCAPE: gameover = True screen.fill(BLACK) font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 12) text1 = font.render(strftime("%H:%M:%S"), 0, RED) text1pos = text1.get_rect() text1pos.midtop = (screen.get_rect().centerx, -1) screen.blit(text1,text1pos) try: temp = LM75.read_byte(adress) except: temp = -1 text2 = font.render("T: "+str(temp)+"'C", 0, GREEN) text2pos = text2.get_rect() text2pos.midbottom = (screen.get_rect().centerx, 23) screen.blit(text2,text2pos) simDisplay.update(screen) ledDisplay.update(screen) clock.tick(10) main()
"""Modules API Version 1.0. This API client was generated using a template. Make sure this code is valid before using it. """ import logging from datetime import date, datetime from .base import BaseCanvasAPI from .base import BaseModel class ModulesAPI(BaseCanvasAPI): """Modules API Version 1.0.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init method for ModulesAPI.""" super(ModulesAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger("py3canvas.ModulesAPI") def list_modules(self, course_id, include=None, search_term=None, student_id=None): """ List modules. List the modules in a course """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # OPTIONAL - include """- "items": Return module items inline if possible. This parameter suggests that Canvas return module items directly in the Module object JSON, to avoid having to make separate API requests for each module when enumerating modules and items. Canvas is free to omit 'items' for any particular module if it deems them too numerous to return inline. Callers must be prepared to use the {api:ContextModuleItemsApiController#index List Module Items API} if items are not returned. - "content_details": Requires include['items']. Returns additional details with module items specific to their associated content items. Includes standard lock information for each item.""" if include is not None: self._validate_enum(include, ["items", "content_details"]) params["include"] = include # OPTIONAL - search_term """The partial name of the modules (and module items, if include['items'] is specified) to match and return.""" if search_term is not None: params["search_term"] = search_term # OPTIONAL - student_id """Returns module completion information for the student with this id.""" if student_id is not None: params["student_id"] = student_id self.logger.debug("GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("GET", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules".format(**path), data=data, params=params, all_pages=True) def show_module(self, id, course_id, include=None, student_id=None): """ Show module. Get information about a single module """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id # OPTIONAL - include """- "items": Return module items inline if possible. This parameter suggests that Canvas return module items directly in the Module object JSON, to avoid having to make separate API requests for each module when enumerating modules and items. Canvas is free to omit 'items' for any particular module if it deems them too numerous to return inline. Callers must be prepared to use the {api:ContextModuleItemsApiController#index List Module Items API} if items are not returned. - "content_details": Requires include['items']. Returns additional details with module items specific to their associated content items. Includes standard lock information for each item.""" if include is not None: self._validate_enum(include, ["items", "content_details"]) params["include"] = include # OPTIONAL - student_id """Returns module completion information for the student with this id.""" if student_id is not None: params["student_id"] = student_id self.logger.debug("GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("GET", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def create_module(self, course_id, module_name, module_position=None, module_prerequisite_module_ids=None, module_publish_final_grade=None, module_require_sequential_progress=None, module_unlock_at=None): """ Create a module. Create and return a new module """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - module[name] """The name of the module""" data["module[name]"] = module_name # OPTIONAL - module[unlock_at] """The date the module will unlock""" if module_unlock_at is not None: if issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, str): module_unlock_at = self._validate_iso8601_string(module_unlock_at) elif issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, date) or issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, datetime): module_unlock_at = module_unlock_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00') data["module[unlock_at]"] = module_unlock_at # OPTIONAL - module[position] """The position of this module in the course (1-based)""" if module_position is not None: data["module[position]"] = module_position # OPTIONAL - module[require_sequential_progress] """Whether module items must be unlocked in order""" if module_require_sequential_progress is not None: data["module[require_sequential_progress]"] = module_require_sequential_progress # OPTIONAL - module[prerequisite_module_ids] """IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked. Prerequisite modules must precede this module (i.e. have a lower position value), otherwise they will be ignored""" if module_prerequisite_module_ids is not None: data["module[prerequisite_module_ids]"] = module_prerequisite_module_ids # OPTIONAL - module[publish_final_grade] """Whether to publish the student's final grade for the course upon completion of this module.""" if module_publish_final_grade is not None: data["module[publish_final_grade]"] = module_publish_final_grade self.logger.debug("POST /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("POST", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def update_module(self, id, course_id, module_name=None, module_position=None, module_prerequisite_module_ids=None, module_publish_final_grade=None, module_published=None, module_require_sequential_progress=None, module_unlock_at=None): """ Update a module. Update and return an existing module """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id # OPTIONAL - module[name] """The name of the module""" if module_name is not None: data["module[name]"] = module_name # OPTIONAL - module[unlock_at] """The date the module will unlock""" if module_unlock_at is not None: if issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, str): module_unlock_at = self._validate_iso8601_string(module_unlock_at) elif issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, date) or issubclass(module_unlock_at.__class__, datetime): module_unlock_at = module_unlock_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00') data["module[unlock_at]"] = module_unlock_at # OPTIONAL - module[position] """The position of the module in the course (1-based)""" if module_position is not None: data["module[position]"] = module_position # OPTIONAL - module[require_sequential_progress] """Whether module items must be unlocked in order""" if module_require_sequential_progress is not None: data["module[require_sequential_progress]"] = module_require_sequential_progress # OPTIONAL - module[prerequisite_module_ids] """IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked Prerequisite modules must precede this module (i.e. have a lower position value), otherwise they will be ignored""" if module_prerequisite_module_ids is not None: data["module[prerequisite_module_ids]"] = module_prerequisite_module_ids # OPTIONAL - module[publish_final_grade] """Whether to publish the student's final grade for the course upon completion of this module.""" if module_publish_final_grade is not None: data["module[publish_final_grade]"] = module_publish_final_grade # OPTIONAL - module[published] """Whether the module is published and visible to students""" if module_published is not None: data["module[published]"] = module_published self.logger.debug("PUT /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("PUT", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def delete_module(self, id, course_id): """ Delete module. Delete a module """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id self.logger.debug("DELETE /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("DELETE", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def re_lock_module_progressions(self, id, course_id): """ Re-lock module progressions. Resets module progressions to their default locked state and recalculates them based on the current requirements. Adding progression requirements to an active course will not lock students out of modules they have already unlocked unless this action is called. """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id self.logger.debug("PUT /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id}/relock with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("PUT", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{id}/relock".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def list_module_items(self, course_id, module_id, include=None, search_term=None, student_id=None): """ List module items. List the items in a module """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # OPTIONAL - include """If included, will return additional details specific to the content associated with each item. Refer to the {api:Modules:Module%20Item Module Item specification} for more details. Includes standard lock information for each item.""" if include is not None: self._validate_enum(include, ["content_details"]) params["include"] = include # OPTIONAL - search_term """The partial title of the items to match and return.""" if search_term is not None: params["search_term"] = search_term # OPTIONAL - student_id """Returns module completion information for the student with this id.""" if student_id is not None: params["student_id"] = student_id self.logger.debug("GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("GET", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items".format(**path), data=data, params=params, all_pages=True) def show_module_item(self, id, course_id, module_id, include=None, student_id=None): """ Show module item. Get information about a single module item """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id # OPTIONAL - include """If included, will return additional details specific to the content associated with this item. Refer to the {api:Modules:Module%20Item Module Item specification} for more details. Includes standard lock information for each item.""" if include is not None: self._validate_enum(include, ["content_details"]) params["include"] = include # OPTIONAL - student_id """Returns module completion information for the student with this id.""" if student_id is not None: params["student_id"] = student_id self.logger.debug("GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("GET", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def create_module_item(self, course_id, module_id, module_item_type, module_item_content_id, module_item_completion_requirement_min_score=None, module_item_completion_requirement_type=None, module_item_external_url=None, module_item_indent=None, module_item_new_tab=None, module_item_page_url=None, module_item_position=None, module_item_title=None): """ Create a module item. Create and return a new module item """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # OPTIONAL - module_item[title] """The name of the module item and associated content""" if module_item_title is not None: data["module_item[title]"] = module_item_title # REQUIRED - module_item[type] """The type of content linked to the item""" self._validate_enum(module_item_type, ["File", "Page", "Discussion", "Assignment", "Quiz", "SubHeader", "ExternalUrl", "ExternalTool"]) data["module_item[type]"] = module_item_type # REQUIRED - module_item[content_id] """The id of the content to link to the module item. Required, except for 'ExternalUrl', 'Page', and 'SubHeader' types.""" data["module_item[content_id]"] = module_item_content_id # OPTIONAL - module_item[position] """The position of this item in the module (1-based).""" if module_item_position is not None: data["module_item[position]"] = module_item_position # OPTIONAL - module_item[indent] """0-based indent level; module items may be indented to show a hierarchy""" if module_item_indent is not None: data["module_item[indent]"] = module_item_indent # OPTIONAL - module_item[page_url] """Suffix for the linked wiki page (e.g. 'front-page'). Required for 'Page' type.""" if module_item_page_url is not None: data["module_item[page_url]"] = module_item_page_url # OPTIONAL - module_item[external_url] """External url that the item points to. [Required for 'ExternalUrl' and 'ExternalTool' types.""" if module_item_external_url is not None: data["module_item[external_url]"] = module_item_external_url # OPTIONAL - module_item[new_tab] """Whether the external tool opens in a new tab. Only applies to 'ExternalTool' type.""" if module_item_new_tab is not None: data["module_item[new_tab]"] = module_item_new_tab # OPTIONAL - module_item[completion_requirement][type] """Completion requirement for this module item. "must_view": Applies to all item types "must_contribute": Only applies to "Assignment", "Discussion", and "Page" types "must_submit", "min_score": Only apply to "Assignment" and "Quiz" types Inapplicable types will be ignored""" if module_item_completion_requirement_type is not None: self._validate_enum(module_item_completion_requirement_type, ["must_view", "must_contribute", "must_submit"]) data["module_item[completion_requirement][type]"] = module_item_completion_requirement_type # OPTIONAL - module_item[completion_requirement][min_score] """Minimum score required to complete. Required for completion_requirement type 'min_score'.""" if module_item_completion_requirement_min_score is not None: data["module_item[completion_requirement][min_score]"] = module_item_completion_requirement_min_score self.logger.debug("POST /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("POST", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def update_module_item(self, id, course_id, module_id, module_item_completion_requirement_min_score=None, module_item_completion_requirement_type=None, module_item_external_url=None, module_item_indent=None, module_item_module_id=None, module_item_new_tab=None, module_item_position=None, module_item_published=None, module_item_title=None): """ Update a module item. Update and return an existing module item """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id # OPTIONAL - module_item[title] """The name of the module item""" if module_item_title is not None: data["module_item[title]"] = module_item_title # OPTIONAL - module_item[position] """The position of this item in the module (1-based)""" if module_item_position is not None: data["module_item[position]"] = module_item_position # OPTIONAL - module_item[indent] """0-based indent level; module items may be indented to show a hierarchy""" if module_item_indent is not None: data["module_item[indent]"] = module_item_indent # OPTIONAL - module_item[external_url] """External url that the item points to. Only applies to 'ExternalUrl' type.""" if module_item_external_url is not None: data["module_item[external_url]"] = module_item_external_url # OPTIONAL - module_item[new_tab] """Whether the external tool opens in a new tab. Only applies to 'ExternalTool' type.""" if module_item_new_tab is not None: data["module_item[new_tab]"] = module_item_new_tab # OPTIONAL - module_item[completion_requirement][type] """Completion requirement for this module item. "must_view": Applies to all item types "must_contribute": Only applies to "Assignment", "Discussion", and "Page" types "must_submit", "min_score": Only apply to "Assignment" and "Quiz" types Inapplicable types will be ignored""" if module_item_completion_requirement_type is not None: self._validate_enum(module_item_completion_requirement_type, ["must_view", "must_contribute", "must_submit"]) data["module_item[completion_requirement][type]"] = module_item_completion_requirement_type # OPTIONAL - module_item[completion_requirement][min_score] """Minimum score required to complete, Required for completion_requirement type 'min_score'.""" if module_item_completion_requirement_min_score is not None: data["module_item[completion_requirement][min_score]"] = module_item_completion_requirement_min_score # OPTIONAL - module_item[published] """Whether the module item is published and visible to students.""" if module_item_published is not None: data["module_item[published]"] = module_item_published # OPTIONAL - module_item[module_id] """Move this item to another module by specifying the target module id here. The target module must be in the same course.""" if module_item_module_id is not None: data["module_item[module_id]"] = module_item_module_id self.logger.debug("PUT /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("PUT", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def select_mastery_path(self, id, course_id, module_id, assignment_set_id=None, student_id=None): """ Select a mastery path. Select a mastery path when module item includes several possible paths. Requires Mastery Paths feature to be enabled. Returns a compound document with the assignments included in the given path and any module items related to those assignments """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id # OPTIONAL - assignment_set_id """Assignment set chosen, as specified in the mastery_paths portion of the context module item response""" if assignment_set_id is not None: data["assignment_set_id"] = assignment_set_id # OPTIONAL - student_id """Which student the selection applies to. If not specified, current user is implied.""" if student_id is not None: data["student_id"] = student_id self.logger.debug("POST /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/select_mastery_path with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("POST", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/select_mastery_path".format(**path), data=data, params=params, no_data=True) def delete_module_item(self, id, course_id, module_id): """ Delete module item. Delete a module item """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id self.logger.debug("DELETE /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id} with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("DELETE", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def mark_module_item_as_done_not_done(self, id, course_id, module_id): """ Mark module item as done/not done. Mark a module item as done/not done. Use HTTP method PUT to mark as done, and DELETE to mark as not done. """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id self.logger.debug("PUT /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/done with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("PUT", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/done".format(**path), data=data, params=params, no_data=True) def get_module_item_sequence(self, course_id, asset_id=None, asset_type=None): """ Get module item sequence. Given an asset in a course, find the ModuleItem it belongs to, and also the previous and next Module Items in the course sequence. """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # OPTIONAL - asset_type """The type of asset to find module sequence information for. Use the ModuleItem if it is known (e.g., the user navigated from a module item), since this will avoid ambiguity if the asset appears more than once in the module sequence.""" if asset_type is not None: self._validate_enum(asset_type, ["ModuleItem", "File", "Page", "Discussion", "Assignment", "Quiz", "ExternalTool"]) params["asset_type"] = asset_type # OPTIONAL - asset_id """The id of the asset (or the url in the case of a Page)""" if asset_id is not None: params["asset_id"] = asset_id self.logger.debug("GET /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/module_item_sequence with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("GET", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/module_item_sequence".format(**path), data=data, params=params, single_item=True) def mark_module_item_read(self, id, course_id, module_id): """ Mark module item read. Fulfills "must view" requirement for a module item. It is generally not necessary to do this explicitly, but it is provided for applications that need to access external content directly (bypassing the html_url redirect that normally allows Canvas to fulfill "must view" requirements). This endpoint cannot be used to complete requirements on locked or unpublished module items. """ path = {} data = {} params = {} # REQUIRED - PATH - course_id """ID""" path["course_id"] = course_id # REQUIRED - PATH - module_id """ID""" path["module_id"] = module_id # REQUIRED - PATH - id """ID""" path["id"] = id self.logger.debug("POST /api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/mark_read with query params: {params} and form data: {data}".format(params=params, data=data, **path)) return self.generic_request("POST", "/api/v1/courses/{course_id}/modules/{module_id}/items/{id}/mark_read".format(**path), data=data, params=params, no_data=True) class Contentdetails(BaseModel): """Contentdetails Model.""" def __init__(self, unlock_at=None, due_at=None, points_possible=None, lock_info=None, lock_at=None, lock_explanation=None, locked_for_user=None): """Init method for Contentdetails class.""" self._unlock_at = unlock_at self._due_at = due_at self._points_possible = points_possible self._lock_info = lock_info self._lock_at = lock_at self._lock_explanation = lock_explanation self._locked_for_user = locked_for_user self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Contentdetails') @property def unlock_at(self): """unlock_at.""" return self._unlock_at @unlock_at.setter def unlock_at(self, value): """Setter for unlock_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on unlock_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._unlock_at = value @property def due_at(self): """due_at.""" return self._due_at @due_at.setter def due_at(self, value): """Setter for due_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on due_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._due_at = value @property def points_possible(self): """points_possible.""" return self._points_possible @points_possible.setter def points_possible(self, value): """Setter for points_possible property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on points_possible will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._points_possible = value @property def lock_info(self): """lock_info.""" return self._lock_info @lock_info.setter def lock_info(self, value): """Setter for lock_info property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_info will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_info = value @property def lock_at(self): """lock_at.""" return self._lock_at @lock_at.setter def lock_at(self, value): """Setter for lock_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_at = value @property def lock_explanation(self): """lock_explanation.""" return self._lock_explanation @lock_explanation.setter def lock_explanation(self, value): """Setter for lock_explanation property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_explanation will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_explanation = value @property def locked_for_user(self): """locked_for_user.""" return self._locked_for_user @locked_for_user.setter def locked_for_user(self, value): """Setter for locked_for_user property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on locked_for_user will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._locked_for_user = value class Moduleitemsequenceasset(BaseModel): """Moduleitemsequenceasset Model.""" def __init__(self, module_id=None, type=None, id=None, title=None): """Init method for Moduleitemsequenceasset class.""" self._module_id = module_id self._type = type self._id = id self._title = title self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitemsequenceasset') @property def module_id(self): """module_id.""" return self._module_id @module_id.setter def module_id(self, value): """Setter for module_id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on module_id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._module_id = value @property def type(self): """type.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """Setter for type property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on type will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._type = value @property def id(self): """id.""" return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): """Setter for id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._id = value @property def title(self): """title.""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value): """Setter for title property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on title will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._title = value class Moduleitemcompletionrequirement(BaseModel): """Moduleitemcompletionrequirement Model.""" def __init__(self, min_score=None, type=None, completed=None): """Init method for Moduleitemcompletionrequirement class.""" self._min_score = min_score self._type = type self._completed = completed self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitemcompletionrequirement') @property def min_score(self): """min_score.""" return self._min_score @min_score.setter def min_score(self, value): """Setter for min_score property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on min_score will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._min_score = value @property def type(self): """type.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """Setter for type property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on type will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._type = value @property def completed(self): """completed.""" return self._completed @completed.setter def completed(self, value): """Setter for completed property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on completed will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._completed = value class Module(BaseModel): """Module Model.""" def __init__(self, completed_at=None, items_count=None, unlock_at=None, workflow_state=None, items=None, prerequisite_module_ids=None, state=None, publish_final_grade=None, position=None, items_url=None, id=None, require_sequential_progress=None, name=None): """Init method for Module class.""" self._completed_at = completed_at self._items_count = items_count self._unlock_at = unlock_at self._workflow_state = workflow_state self._items = items self._prerequisite_module_ids = prerequisite_module_ids self._state = state self._publish_final_grade = publish_final_grade self._position = position self._items_url = items_url self._id = id self._require_sequential_progress = require_sequential_progress self._name = name self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Module') @property def completed_at(self): """the date the calling user completed the module (Optional; present only if the caller is a student or if the optional parameter 'student_id' is included).""" return self._completed_at @completed_at.setter def completed_at(self, value): """Setter for completed_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on completed_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._completed_at = value @property def items_count(self): """The number of items in the module.""" return self._items_count @items_count.setter def items_count(self, value): """Setter for items_count property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on items_count will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._items_count = value @property def unlock_at(self): """(Optional) the date this module will unlock.""" return self._unlock_at @unlock_at.setter def unlock_at(self, value): """Setter for unlock_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on unlock_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._unlock_at = value @property def workflow_state(self): """the state of the module: 'active', 'deleted'.""" return self._workflow_state @workflow_state.setter def workflow_state(self, value): """Setter for workflow_state property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on workflow_state will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._workflow_state = value @property def items(self): """The contents of this module, as an array of Module Items. (Present only if requested via include[]=items AND the module is not deemed too large by Canvas.).""" return self._items @items.setter def items(self, value): """Setter for items property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on items will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._items = value @property def prerequisite_module_ids(self): """IDs of Modules that must be completed before this one is unlocked.""" return self._prerequisite_module_ids @prerequisite_module_ids.setter def prerequisite_module_ids(self, value): """Setter for prerequisite_module_ids property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on prerequisite_module_ids will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._prerequisite_module_ids = value @property def state(self): """The state of this Module for the calling user one of 'locked', 'unlocked', 'started', 'completed' (Optional; present only if the caller is a student or if the optional parameter 'student_id' is included).""" return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): """Setter for state property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on state will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._state = value @property def publish_final_grade(self): """if the student's final grade for the course should be published to the SIS upon completion of this module.""" return self._publish_final_grade @publish_final_grade.setter def publish_final_grade(self, value): """Setter for publish_final_grade property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on publish_final_grade will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._publish_final_grade = value @property def position(self): """the position of this module in the course (1-based).""" return self._position @position.setter def position(self, value): """Setter for position property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on position will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._position = value @property def items_url(self): """The API URL to retrive this module's items.""" return self._items_url @items_url.setter def items_url(self, value): """Setter for items_url property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on items_url will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._items_url = value @property def id(self): """the unique identifier for the module.""" return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): """Setter for id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._id = value @property def require_sequential_progress(self): """Whether module items must be unlocked in order.""" return self._require_sequential_progress @require_sequential_progress.setter def require_sequential_progress(self, value): """Setter for require_sequential_progress property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on require_sequential_progress will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._require_sequential_progress = value @property def name(self): """the name of this module.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """Setter for name property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on name will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._name = value class Moduleitemsequence(BaseModel): """Moduleitemsequence Model.""" def __init__(self, items=None, modules=None): """Init method for Moduleitemsequence class.""" self._items = items self._modules = modules self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitemsequence') @property def items(self): """an array containing one hash for each appearence of the asset in the module sequence (up to 10 total).""" return self._items @items.setter def items(self, value): """Setter for items property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on items will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._items = value @property def modules(self): """an array containing each Module referenced above.""" return self._modules @modules.setter def modules(self, value): """Setter for modules property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on modules will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._modules = value class Completionrequirement(BaseModel): """Completionrequirement Model.""" def __init__(self, min_score=None, type=None, completed=None): """Init method for Completionrequirement class.""" self._min_score = min_score self._type = type self._completed = completed self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Completionrequirement') @property def min_score(self): """minimum score required to complete (only present when type == 'min_score').""" return self._min_score @min_score.setter def min_score(self, value): """Setter for min_score property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on min_score will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._min_score = value @property def type(self): """one of 'must_view', 'must_submit', 'must_contribute', 'min_score'.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """Setter for type property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on type will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._type = value @property def completed(self): """whether the calling user has met this requirement (Optional; present only if the caller is a student or if the optional parameter 'student_id' is included).""" return self._completed @completed.setter def completed(self, value): """Setter for completed property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on completed will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._completed = value class Moduleitem(BaseModel): """Moduleitem Model.""" def __init__(self, indent=None, title=None, url=None, completion_requirement=None, html_url=None, content_details=None, new_tab=None, external_url=None, position=None, module_id=None, content_id=None, type=None, id=None, page_url=None): """Init method for Moduleitem class.""" self._indent = indent self._title = title self._url = url self._completion_requirement = completion_requirement self._html_url = html_url self._content_details = content_details self._new_tab = new_tab self._external_url = external_url self._position = position self._module_id = module_id self._content_id = content_id self._type = type self._id = id self._page_url = page_url self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitem') @property def indent(self): """0-based indent level; module items may be indented to show a hierarchy.""" return self._indent @indent.setter def indent(self, value): """Setter for indent property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on indent will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._indent = value @property def title(self): """the title of this item.""" return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value): """Setter for title property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on title will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._title = value @property def url(self): """(Optional) link to the Canvas API object, if applicable.""" return self._url @url.setter def url(self, value): """Setter for url property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on url will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._url = value @property def completion_requirement(self): """Completion requirement for this module item.""" return self._completion_requirement @completion_requirement.setter def completion_requirement(self, value): """Setter for completion_requirement property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on completion_requirement will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._completion_requirement = value @property def html_url(self): """link to the item in Canvas.""" return self._html_url @html_url.setter def html_url(self, value): """Setter for html_url property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on html_url will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._html_url = value @property def content_details(self): """(Present only if requested through include[]=content_details) If applicable, returns additional details specific to the associated object.""" return self._content_details @content_details.setter def content_details(self, value): """Setter for content_details property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on content_details will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._content_details = value @property def new_tab(self): """(only for 'ExternalTool' type) whether the external tool opens in a new tab.""" return self._new_tab @new_tab.setter def new_tab(self, value): """Setter for new_tab property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on new_tab will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._new_tab = value @property def external_url(self): """(only for 'ExternalUrl' and 'ExternalTool' types) external url that the item points to.""" return self._external_url @external_url.setter def external_url(self, value): """Setter for external_url property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on external_url will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._external_url = value @property def position(self): """the position of this item in the module (1-based).""" return self._position @position.setter def position(self, value): """Setter for position property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on position will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._position = value @property def module_id(self): """the id of the Module this item appears in.""" return self._module_id @module_id.setter def module_id(self, value): """Setter for module_id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on module_id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._module_id = value @property def content_id(self): """the id of the object referred to applies to 'File', 'Discussion', 'Assignment', 'Quiz', 'ExternalTool' types.""" return self._content_id @content_id.setter def content_id(self, value): """Setter for content_id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on content_id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._content_id = value @property def type(self): """the type of object referred to one of 'File', 'Page', 'Discussion', 'Assignment', 'Quiz', 'SubHeader', 'ExternalUrl', 'ExternalTool'.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """Setter for type property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on type will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._type = value @property def id(self): """the unique identifier for the module item.""" return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): """Setter for id property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on id will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._id = value @property def page_url(self): """(only for 'Page' type) unique locator for the linked wiki page.""" return self._page_url @page_url.setter def page_url(self, value): """Setter for page_url property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on page_url will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._page_url = value class Moduleitemsequencenode(BaseModel): """Moduleitemsequencenode Model.""" def __init__(self, current=None, prev=None, next=None): """Init method for Moduleitemsequencenode class.""" self._current = current self._prev = prev self._next = next self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitemsequencenode') @property def current(self): """current.""" return self._current @current.setter def current(self, value): """Setter for current property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on current will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._current = value @property def prev(self): """prev.""" return self._prev @prev.setter def prev(self, value): """Setter for prev property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on prev will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._prev = value @property def next(self): """next.""" return self._next @next.setter def next(self, value): """Setter for next property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on next will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._next = value class Moduleitemcontentdetails(BaseModel): """Moduleitemcontentdetails Model.""" def __init__(self, unlock_at=None, due_at=None, points_possible=None, lock_info=None, lock_at=None, lock_explanation=None, locked_for_user=None): """Init method for Moduleitemcontentdetails class.""" self._unlock_at = unlock_at self._due_at = due_at self._points_possible = points_possible self._lock_info = lock_info self._lock_at = lock_at self._lock_explanation = lock_explanation self._locked_for_user = locked_for_user self.logger = logging.getLogger('py3canvas.Moduleitemcontentdetails') @property def unlock_at(self): """unlock_at.""" return self._unlock_at @unlock_at.setter def unlock_at(self, value): """Setter for unlock_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on unlock_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._unlock_at = value @property def due_at(self): """due_at.""" return self._due_at @due_at.setter def due_at(self, value): """Setter for due_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on due_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._due_at = value @property def points_possible(self): """points_possible.""" return self._points_possible @points_possible.setter def points_possible(self, value): """Setter for points_possible property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on points_possible will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._points_possible = value @property def lock_info(self): """lock_info.""" return self._lock_info @lock_info.setter def lock_info(self, value): """Setter for lock_info property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_info will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_info = value @property def lock_at(self): """lock_at.""" return self._lock_at @lock_at.setter def lock_at(self, value): """Setter for lock_at property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_at will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_at = value @property def lock_explanation(self): """lock_explanation.""" return self._lock_explanation @lock_explanation.setter def lock_explanation(self, value): """Setter for lock_explanation property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on lock_explanation will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._lock_explanation = value @property def locked_for_user(self): """locked_for_user.""" return self._locked_for_user @locked_for_user.setter def locked_for_user(self, value): """Setter for locked_for_user property.""" self.logger.warn("Setting values on locked_for_user will NOT update the remote Canvas instance.") self._locked_for_user = value