<reponame>jelly/patternfly-react<gh_stars>100-1000 import React from 'react'; import { Table, TableHeader, TableBody, headerCol, TableProps } from '@patternfly/react-table'; interface Repository { name: string; branches: string; prs: string; workspaces: string; lastCommit: string; } export const LegacyTableSelectableRadio: React.FunctionComponent = () => { // In real usage, this data would come from some external source like an API via props. const repositories: Repository[] = [ { name: 'one', branches: 'two', prs: 'a', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' }, { name: 'a', branches: 'two', prs: 'k', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' }, { name: 'p', branches: 'two', prs: 'b', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' } ]; const isRepoSelectable = (repo: Repository) => !== 'a'; // Arbitrary logic for this example // In this example, selected rows are tracked by the repo names from each row. This could be any unique identifier. // This is to prevent state from being based on row order index in case we later add sorting. const [selectedRepoName, setSelectedRepoName] = React.useState<string | null>(null); const columns: TableProps['cells'] = [ { title: 'Repositories', cellTransforms: [headerCol()] }, 'Branches', { title: 'Pull requests' }, 'Workspaces', 'Last commit' ]; const rows: TableProps['rows'] = => ({ cells: [, repo.branches, repo.prs, repo.workspaces, repo.lastCommit], selected: selectedRepoName ===, disableSelection: !isRepoSelectable(repo) })); return ( <Table onSelect={(_event, _isSelecting, rowIndex) => { const repo = repositories[rowIndex]; setSelectedRepoName(; }} selectVariant="radio" aria-label="Selectable Table with Radio Buttons" cells={columns} rows={rows} > <TableHeader /> <TableBody /> </Table> ); };
<reponame>jelly/patternfly-react<filename>packages/react-topology/src/components/factories/RegisterLayoutFactory.tsx import * as React from 'react'; import useLayoutFactory from '../../hooks/useLayoutFactory'; import { LayoutFactory } from '../../types'; interface Props { factory: LayoutFactory; } const RegisterLayoutFactory: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ factory }) => { useLayoutFactory(factory); return null; }; export default RegisterLayoutFactory;
<reponame>jelly/patternfly-react<filename>packages/react-core/src/components/Dropdown/__tests__/DropdownGroup.test.tsx import * as React from 'react'; import { render } from '@testing-library/react'; import { DropdownGroup } from '../DropdownGroup'; describe('dropdown groups', () => { test('basic render', () => { const { asFragment } = render(<DropdownGroup label="Group 1">Something</DropdownGroup>); expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });
import React from 'react'; import { Button, DescriptionList, DescriptionListTerm, DescriptionListGroup, DescriptionListDescription } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import PlusCircleIcon from '@patternfly/react-icons/dist/esm/icons/plus-circle-icon'; export const DescriptionListDefaultInlineGrid: React.FunctionComponent = () => ( <DescriptionList columnModifier={{ default: '3Col' }} isInlineGrid> <DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListTerm>Name</DescriptionListTerm> <DescriptionListDescription>Example</DescriptionListDescription> </DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListTerm>Namespace</DescriptionListTerm> <DescriptionListDescription> <a href="#">mary-test</a> </DescriptionListDescription> </DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListTerm>Labels</DescriptionListTerm> <DescriptionListDescription>example</DescriptionListDescription> </DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListTerm>Pod selector</DescriptionListTerm> <DescriptionListDescription> <Button variant="link" isInline icon={<PlusCircleIcon />}> app=MyApp </Button> </DescriptionListDescription> </DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListGroup> <DescriptionListTerm>Annotation</DescriptionListTerm> <DescriptionListDescription>2 Annotations</DescriptionListDescription> </DescriptionListGroup> </DescriptionList> );
import { Point } from '../../../geom'; export const getConnectorStartPoint = (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point, size: number): [number, number] => { const length = Math.sqrt((endPoint.x - startPoint.x) ** 2 + (endPoint.y - startPoint.y) ** 2); if (!length) { return [0, 0]; } const ratio = (length - size) / length; return [startPoint.x + (endPoint.x - startPoint.x) * ratio, startPoint.y + (endPoint.y - startPoint.y) * ratio]; }; export const getConnectorRotationAngle = (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point): number => 180 - (Math.atan2(endPoint.y - startPoint.y, startPoint.x - endPoint.x) * 180) / Math.PI; export const getConnectorBoundingBox = (startPoint: Point, endPoint: Point, size: number): [number, number][] => { const length = Math.sqrt((endPoint.x - startPoint.x) ** 2 + (endPoint.y - startPoint.y) ** 2); if (!length) { return null; } const padding = Math.max(size, 8); const deltaY = padding / 2; return [ [0, -deltaY], [padding, -deltaY], [padding, deltaY], [0, deltaY] ]; };
/** * columns-are-equal.ts * * Forked from reactabular-table version 8.14.0 * */ import isEqualWith from 'lodash/isEqualWith'; import { ColumnsType } from './types'; /** * @param {ColumnsType} oldColumns - previous columns * @param {ColumnsType} newColumns - new columns */ export function columnsAreEqual(oldColumns: ColumnsType, newColumns: ColumnsType) { return isEqualWith(oldColumns, newColumns, (a, b) => { if (typeof a === 'function' && typeof b === 'function') { return a === b; } return undefined; }); }
<gh_stars>100-1000 import * as React from 'react'; import { css } from '@patternfly/react-styles'; import styles from '@patternfly/react-styles/css/components/DragDrop/drag-drop'; import { DroppableContext } from './DroppableContext'; interface DroppableProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> { /** Content rendered inside DragDrop */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Class to add to outer div */ className?: string; /** Name of zone that items can be dragged between. Should specify if there is more than one Droppable on the page. */ zone?: string; /** Id to be passed back on drop events */ droppableId?: string; /** Don't wrap the component in a div. Requires passing a single child. */ hasNoWrapper?: boolean; } export const Droppable: React.FunctionComponent<DroppableProps> = ({ className, children, zone = 'defaultZone', droppableId = 'defaultId', hasNoWrapper = false, ...props }: DroppableProps) => { const childProps = { 'data-pf-droppable': zone, 'data-pf-droppableid': droppableId, // if has no wrapper is set, don't overwrite children className with the className prop className: hasNoWrapper && React.Children.count(children) === 1 ? css(styles.droppable, className, (children as React.ReactElement).props.className) : css(styles.droppable, className), ...props }; return ( <DroppableContext.Provider value={{ zone, droppableId }}> {hasNoWrapper ? ( React.cloneElement(children as React.ReactElement, childProps) ) : ( <div {...childProps}>{children}</div> )} </DroppableContext.Provider> ); }; Droppable.displayName = 'Droppable';
<filename>packages/react-integration/cypress/integration/tabexpandabledemo.spec.ts describe('Tab Demo Test', () => { it('Navigate to demo section', () => { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/'); cy.get('#tab-expandable-demo-nav-item-link').click(); cy.url().should('eq', 'http://localhost:3000/tab-expandable-demo-nav-link'); }); it('Verify controlled expandable vertical tabs ', () => { cy.get('#expandable-controlled').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('not.exist'); // tabs list should not exist cy.get('#expandable-controlled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should(''); }); cy.get('#expandable-controlled') .find('.pf-c-tabs__toggle-icon') .click(); cy.get('').should('exist'); // tabs list should exist cy.get('#expandable-controlled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should('be.visible'); }); cy.get('#expandable-controlled') .find('.pf-c-tabs__toggle-icon') .click(); cy.get('').should('not.exist'); // tabs list should not exist cy.get('#expandable-controlled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should(''); }); }); it('Verify uncontrolled expandable vertical tabs ', () => { cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('not.exist'); // tabs list should not exist cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should(''); }); cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled') .find('.pf-c-tabs__toggle-icon') .click(); cy.get('').should('exist'); // tabs list should exist cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should('be.visible'); }); cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled') .find('.pf-c-tabs__toggle-icon') .click(); cy.get('').should('not.exist'); // tabs list should not exist cy.get('#expandable-uncontrolled').within(() => { cy.get('.pf-c-tabs__list').should(''); }); }); it('Verify expandable breakpoints are applied ', () => { // expandable cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); // non expandable cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); cy.get('').should('exist'); }); });
import React from 'react'; import { TableProps, sortable, info, cellWidth, wrappable, Table, TableBody, TableHeader } from '@patternfly/react-table'; interface Repository { name: string; branches: string; prs: string; workspaces: string; lastCommit: string; } export const LegacyTableSortable: React.FunctionComponent = () => { // In real usage, this data would come from some external source like an API via props. const repositories: Repository[] = [ { name: 'one', branches: 'two', prs: 'a', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' }, { name: 'a', branches: 'two', prs: 'k', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' }, { name: 'p', branches: 'two', prs: 'b', workspaces: 'four', lastCommit: 'five' } ]; // Index of the currently sorted column // Note: if you intend to make columns reorderable, you may instead want to use a non-numeric key // as the identifier of the sorted column. See the "Compound expandable" example. const [activeSortIndex, setActiveSortIndex] = React.useState<number | null>(null); // Sort direction of the currently sorted column const [activeSortDirection, setActiveSortDirection] = React.useState<'asc' | 'desc' | null>(null); // Since OnSort specifies sorted columns by index, we need sortable values for our object by column index. // This example is trivial since our data objects just contain strings, but if the data was more complex // this would be a place to return simplified string or number versions of each column to sort by. const getSortableRowValues = (repo: Repository): (string | number)[] => { const { name, branches, prs, workspaces, lastCommit } = repo; return [name, branches, prs, workspaces, lastCommit]; }; // Note that we perform the sort as part of the component's render logic and not in onSort. // We shouldn't store the list of data in state because we don't want to have to sync that with props. let sortedRepositories = repositories; if (activeSortIndex !== null) { sortedRepositories = repositories.sort((a, b) => { const aValue = getSortableRowValues(a)[activeSortIndex]; const bValue = getSortableRowValues(b)[activeSortIndex]; if (typeof aValue === 'number') { // Numeric sort if (activeSortDirection === 'asc') { return (aValue as number) - (bValue as number); } return (bValue as number) - (aValue as number); } else { // String sort if (activeSortDirection === 'asc') { return (aValue as string).localeCompare(bValue as string); } return (bValue as string).localeCompare(aValue as string); } }); } const columns: TableProps['cells'] = [ { title: 'Repositories', transforms: [sortable] }, { title: 'Branches', transforms: [ info({ tooltip: 'More information about branches' }), sortable ] }, { title: 'Pull requests', transforms: [sortable] }, { title: 'Workspaces - Also this long header will wrap since we have applied the wrappable transform', transforms: [sortable, wrappable, cellWidth(20)] }, { title: 'Last commit', transforms: [ info({ tooltip: 'More information about commits' }) ] } ]; const rows: TableProps['rows'] = => [, repo.branches, repo.prs, repo.workspaces, repo.lastCommit ]); return ( <Table aria-label="Sortable Table" sortBy={{ index: activeSortIndex, direction: activeSortDirection, defaultDirection: 'asc' // starting sort direction when first sorting a column. Defaults to 'asc' }} onSort={(_event, index, direction) => { setActiveSortIndex(index); setActiveSortDirection(direction); }} cells={columns} rows={rows} > <TableHeader /> <TableBody /> </Table> ); };
import * as React from 'react'; import { Th } from '../TableComposable/Th'; export interface HeaderCellProps { 'data-label'?: string; className?: string; component?: React.ReactNode; isVisible?: boolean; scope?: string; textCenter?: boolean; dataLabel?: string; tooltip?: string; onMouseEnter?: (event: any) => void; children: React.ReactNode; } export const HeaderCell: React.FunctionComponent<HeaderCellProps> = ({ className = '', component = 'th', scope = '', textCenter = false, tooltip = '', onMouseEnter = () => {}, children, /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ isVisible, dataLabel = '', /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ ...props }: HeaderCellProps) => ( <Th {...props} scope={scope} tooltip={tooltip} onMouseEnter={onMouseEnter} textCenter={textCenter} component={component} className={className} > {children} </Th> ); HeaderCell.displayName = 'HeaderCell';
import test from 'ava'; import { trxCurrencyUtil } from '.'; test('isValidNormAmount()', t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.isValidNormAmount; t.true(f('0')); t.true(f('100')); t.true(f('100.')); t.true(f('1.000000')); t.true(f('1.000001')); t.true(f('100000000000.000000')); t.false(f('.')); t.false(f('.0')); t.false(f('001')); t.false(f('-1')); t.false(f(' 123')); t.false(f('123\n')); t.false(f('1.1234567')); t.false(f('100000000000.000001')); }); test('convertNormAmountToBaseAmount()', t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.convertNormAmountToBaseAmount;'0'), '0');'100'), '100000000');'100.1234'), '100123400');'100.123456'), '100123456'); t.throws(() => f('100.1234567'), Error); t.throws(() => f('-100.1234'), Error); }); test('convertBaseAmountToNormAmount()', t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.convertBaseAmountToNormAmount;'0'), '0');'100'), '0.0001');'1000000'), '1');'10000000'), '10'); t.throws(() => f('10000000.1'), Error); t.throws(() => f('-10'), Error); }); test('isValidAddr()', t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.isValidAddr; t.true(f('mainnet', 'TLrMD9WqMUFQbJRMTfdHiZ4j5CHXfnUyyA')); t.false(f('mainnet', '410000000000000000000000000000000000000000')); t.false(f('mainnet', ' TLrMD9WqMUFQbJRMTfdHiZ4j5CHXfnUyyA')); }); test('encodePubkeyToAddr()', t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.encodePubkeyToAddr; f( 'mainnet', '<KEY>' ), 'TQUauGLDR4tcvu8U71WJdnE5dy2tsLSgXb' ); }); test('fee options', async t => { t.throws(() => trxCurrencyUtil.isValidFeeOption('mainnet', ''), Error); t.throws(() => trxCurrencyUtil.getFeeOptionUnit(), Error); await t.throwsAsync( async () => await trxCurrencyUtil.getFeeOptions('mainnet'), Error ); }); test('prepareCommandSignTx()', async t => { const f = trxCurrencyUtil.prepareCommandSignTx; await t.throwsAsync( async () => { const req = { network: 'testnet', accountIndex: 0, toAddr: 'TQUauGLDR4tcvu8U71WJdnE5dy2tsLSgXb', fromPubkey: '<KEY>', amount: '1.23' }; await f(req); }, { instanceOf: Error, message: 'Should not send to self: TQUauGLDR4tcvu8U71WJdnE5dy2tsLSgXb' } ); });
<gh_stars>0 import TronGrid from 'trongrid'; import TronWeb from 'tronweb'; import { Tron, TRON_CMDID, TronTx } from 'kelvinjs-protob'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'; import bn from 'bignumber.js'; import { Tron_Raw } from 'kelvinjs-protob/dist/tron-tx_pb'; import { ICurrencyUtil, ITransaction } from './ICurrencyUtil'; interface ITron { web: any; grid: any; } const mainnetProvider = new TronWeb.providers.HttpProvider( '', 5000 // timeout ); const testnetProvider = new TronWeb.providers.HttpProvider( '', 5000 // timeout ); const mainnet: ITron = { web: new TronWeb({ fullHost: mainnetProvider }), grid: undefined }; const testnet: ITron = { web: new TronWeb({ fullHost: testnetProvider }), grid: undefined }; mainnet.grid = new TronGrid(mainnet.web); testnet.grid = new TronGrid(testnet.web); function isNonNegativeInteger(x: any): x is number { return typeof x === 'number' && Number.isSafeInteger(x) && x >= 0; } // Also acts as a guard (throws exception) function getNetwork(network: string) { if (network === 'mainnet') { return mainnet; } else if (network === 'testnet') { return testnet; } throw new Error(`Invalid network ${network}`); } export const trxCurrencyUtil: ICurrencyUtil = { getSupportedNetworks() { return ['mainnet', 'testnet']; }, getFeeOptionUnit() { throw new Error('No fee options available'); }, isValidFeeOption(network, feeOpt) { throw new Error('No fee options available'); }, isValidAddr(network, addr) { getNetwork(network); // because in isAddress(), '410000000000000000000000000000000000000000' is a valid address return addr[0] !== '4' && TronWeb.isAddress(addr); }, // <= 10^11 TRX isValidNormAmount(amount) { if (!/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?$/.test(amount)) { return false; } const v = new bn(amount); return ( !v.isNegative() && v.isLessThanOrEqualTo('100000000000') && v.decimalPlaces() <= 6 ); }, convertNormAmountToBaseAmount(amount) { if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidNormAmount(amount)) { throw Error(`not a valid norm amount: ${amount}`); } return new bn(amount).multipliedBy(new bn('1000000')).toString(); }, convertBaseAmountToNormAmount(amount) { const v = new bn(amount); if ( !( v.isInteger() && !v.isNegative() && v.isLessThanOrEqualTo('100000000000000000') ) ) { throw Error(`not a valid base amount: ${amount}`); } return new bn(amount).dividedBy(new bn('1000000')).toString(); }, getUrlForAddr(network, addr) { getNetwork(network); if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidAddr(network, addr)) { throw new Error(`Invalid address ${addr}`); } if (network === 'mainnet') { return `${addr}`; } else { return `${addr}`; } }, getUrlForTx(network, txid) { getNetwork(network); if (!/^[0-9a-f]{64}$/.test(txid)) { throw new Error(`Invalid txid ${txid}`); } if (network === 'mainnet') { return `${txid}`; } else { return `${txid}`; } }, encodePubkeyToAddr(network, pubkey) { getNetwork(network); if (!/^04[0-9a-f]{128}$/.test(pubkey)) { throw Error('invalid input'); } return TronWeb.utils.crypto.getBase58CheckAddress( TronWeb.utils.crypto.computeAddress(Buffer.from(pubkey, 'hex').slice(1)) ); }, async getBalance(network, addr) { const n = getNetwork(network); if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidAddr(network, addr)) { throw new Error(`Invalid address ${addr}`); } try { const balance = await n.web.trx.getBalance(addr); return trxCurrencyUtil.convertBaseAmountToNormAmount(balance.toString()); } catch (err) { if ('code' in err && err.code === 'ECONNABORTED') { throw new Error(`A timeout happend on url ${err.config.url}`); } throw new Error('unknown error'); } }, getHistorySchema() { return [ { key: 'hash', label: 'Hash', format: 'hash' }, { key: 'date', label: 'Date', format: 'date' }, // { key: 'from', label: 'From', format: 'address' }, // { key: 'to', label: 'To', format: 'address' }, { key: 'amount', label: 'Amount', format: 'value' } ]; }, // Possible enhancements: // 1. sort, 2. don't aggregate history (so that we can show to/from addrs) // For tron, confirm/fail is almost instant, so we ignore the pending case async getRecentHistory(network, addr) { const n = getNetwork(network); if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidAddr(network, addr)) { throw new Error(`Invalid address ${addr}`); } const myAddrHex = TronWeb.address.toHex(addr); // may fail or not return 200 let data; try { const { data: dataField } = await n.grid.account.getTransactions(addr); data = dataField; } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } return => { const { txID, raw_data: { contract } } = d; const outAmount = contract .filter( c => c.type === 'TransferContract' && c.parameter.value.owner_address === myAddrHex ) .map(c => c.parameter.value.amount) .reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0); const inAmount = contract .filter( c => c.type === 'TransferContract' && c.parameter.value.to_address === myAddrHex ) .map(c => c.parameter.value.amount) .reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0); const amount = inAmount - outAmount; let amountNorm: string; if (amount >= 0) { amountNorm = trxCurrencyUtil.convertBaseAmountToNormAmount('' + amount); } else { amountNorm = '-' + trxCurrencyUtil.convertBaseAmountToNormAmount('' + -amount); } return { hash: { value: txID, link: trxCurrencyUtil.getUrlForTx(network, txID) }, date: { value: new Date(d.block_timestamp).toISOString() }, amount: { value: amountNorm } }; }); }, async getFeeOptions(network) { throw new Error('No fee options available'); }, async prepareCommandSignTx(req) { // ---- Check ---- const n = getNetwork(; if ( !( isNonNegativeInteger(req.accountIndex) && req.accountIndex <= 0x7fffffff ) ) { throw Error(`invalid accountIndex: ${req.accountIndex}`); } if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidAddr(, req.toAddr)) { throw new Error(`Invalid to address ${req.toAddr}`); } if (!trxCurrencyUtil.isValidNormAmount(req.amount)) { throw new Error(`Invalid norm amount ${req.amount}`); } const fromAddr = trxCurrencyUtil.encodePubkeyToAddr(, req.fromPubkey ); if (fromAddr === req.toAddr) { throw new Error(`Should not send to self: ${fromAddr}`); } if (typeof req.feeOpt !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('No fee options available'); } // ---- Look up ---- let tx; try { tx = await n.web.transactionBuilder.sendTrx( req.toAddr, trxCurrencyUtil.convertNormAmountToBaseAmount(req.amount), fromAddr ); } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } // ---- Build ---- const msg = new Tron.TrxCommand.TrxSignTx(); msg.setAmount(tx.raw_data.contract[0].parameter.value.amount); msg.setPathList([req.accountIndex + 0x80000000, 0, 0]); msg.setRefBlockBytes(Buffer.from(tx.raw_data.ref_block_bytes, 'hex')); msg.setRefBlockHash(Buffer.from(tx.raw_data.ref_block_hash, 'hex')); // Change expiration (default ~ 60 secs, not enough for hardware) msg.setExpiration(tx.raw_data.timestamp + 60 * 60 * 1000); // 60 mins msg.setTimestamp(tx.raw_data.timestamp); msg.setTo( Buffer.from( tx.raw_data.contract[0].parameter.value.to_address, 'hex' ).slice(1) ); const cmd = new Tron.TrxCommand(); cmd.setSignTx(msg); const metadata: ITransaction = { from: { value: fromAddr }, to: { value: req.toAddr }, amount: { value: req.amount } }; return [ { commandId: TRON_CMDID, payload: Buffer.from(cmd.serializeBinary()) }, metadata ]; }, getPreparedTxSchema() { return [ { key: 'from', label: 'From', format: 'address' }, { key: 'amount', label: 'Amount', format: 'value' }, { key: 'to', label: 'To', format: 'address' } ]; }, buildSignedTx(req, preparedTx, walletRsp) { // TODO: We assume req and preparedTx are correct const m = Tron.TrxCommand.deserializeBinary(preparedTx.payload); const msg = m.getSignTx(); if (!/^04[0-9a-f]{128}$/.test(req.fromPubkey)) { throw Error('invalid input'); } const tx = { visible: false, txID: '', raw_data: { contract: [ { parameter: { value: { amount: msg.getAmount(), owner_address: Buffer.from( TronWeb.utils.crypto.computeAddress( Buffer.from(req.fromPubkey, 'hex').slice(1) ) ).toString('hex'), to_address: '41' + Buffer.from(msg.getTo_asU8()).toString('hex') }, type_url: '' }, type: 'TransferContract' } ], ref_block_bytes: Buffer.from(msg.getRefBlockBytes_asU8()).toString( 'hex' ), ref_block_hash: Buffer.from(msg.getRefBlockHash_asU8()).toString('hex'), expiration: msg.getExpiration(), timestamp: msg.getTimestamp() }, raw_data_hex: '', signature: [''] }; const transfer = new TronTx.Tron_Raw.TransferContract(); transfer.setAmount(msg.getAmount()); transfer.setToAddress( Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('41', 'hex'), Buffer.from(msg.getTo_asU8())]) ); transfer.setOwnerAddress( Buffer.from( TronWeb.utils.crypto.computeAddress( Buffer.from(req.fromPubkey, 'hex').slice(1) ) ) ); const anyContract = new TronTx.Tron_Raw.Any(); anyContract.setTypeUrl(''); anyContract.setValue(transfer.serializeBinary()); const contract = new TronTx.Tron_Raw.Contract(); contract.setType(Tron_Raw.Contract.ContractType.TRANSFERCONTRACT); contract.setParameter(anyContract); const raw = new TronTx.Tron_Raw(); raw.addContract(contract); raw.setRefBlockBytes(msg.getRefBlockBytes_asU8()); raw.setRefBlockHash(msg.getRefBlockHash_asU8()); raw.setTimestamp(msg.getTimestamp()); raw.setExpiration(msg.getExpiration()); const rawData = Buffer.from(raw.serializeBinary()); tx.raw_data_hex = rawData.toString('hex'); tx.txID = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(rawData) .digest('hex'); // Put signature // TODO: deseiralize may err due to wrong response from wallet const wrsp = Tron.TrxResponse.deserializeBinary(walletRsp.payload); const wsig = wrsp.getSig(); if (typeof wsig === 'undefined') { const msgCase = wrsp.getMsgCase(); if (msgCase === Tron.TrxResponse.MsgCase.ERROR) { throw Error( `unexpected walletRsp with Armadillo errorCode ${wrsp.getError()}` ); } throw Error( `unexpected walletRsp payload: ${walletRsp.payload.toString('hex')}` ); } const sig = Buffer.from(wsig.getSig_asU8()); const recoveredPk = secp256k1.recover(Buffer.from(tx.txID, 'hex'), sig, 0); const recoveredPkUncompressed = secp256k1.publicKeyConvert( recoveredPk, false ); if (recoveredPkUncompressed.equals(Buffer.from(req.fromPubkey, 'hex'))) { tx.signature = [`${sig.toString('hex')}00`]; } else { tx.signature = [`${sig.toString('hex')}01`]; } return JSON.stringify(tx); }, async submitTransaction(network, signedTx) { const n = getNetwork(network); const tx = JSON.parse(signedTx); let result; try { result = await n.web.trx.sendRawTransaction(tx); } catch (e) { throw new Error(e); } /* { result: true, transaction: { visible: false, txID: '28782188e56ac613f99be803040d5c9ae0e467797a6f0f88e5c188d0c20b0b00', ..... } } OR { code: 'SIGERROR', message: '.....' } */ if (typeof result.result !== 'undefined') { if (result.result) { return result.transaction.txID; } } if (typeof result.message !== 'undefined') { throw new Error( `${result.code}: ` + Buffer.from(result.message, 'hex').toString() ); } if (typeof result.code === 'string') { throw new Error(result.code); } throw new Error('unknown error'); }, prepareCommandGetPubkey(network, accountIndex) { getNetwork(network); if (!(isNonNegativeInteger(accountIndex) && accountIndex <= 0x7fffffff)) { throw Error(`invalid accountIndex: ${accountIndex}`); } const msg = new Tron.TrxCommand.TrxGetPub(); msg.setPathList([0x80000000 + accountIndex, 0, 0]); const cmd = new Tron.TrxCommand(); cmd.setGetPub(msg); return { commandId: TRON_CMDID, payload: Buffer.from(cmd.serializeBinary()) }; }, parsePubkeyResponse(walletRsp) { const wrsp = Tron.TrxResponse.deserializeBinary(walletRsp.payload); const wpk = wrsp.getPk(); if (typeof wpk === 'undefined') { const msgCase = wrsp.getMsgCase(); if (msgCase === Tron.TrxResponse.MsgCase.ERROR) { throw Error( `unexpected walletRsp with Armadillo errorCode ${wrsp.getError()}` ); } throw Error( `unexpected walletRsp payload: ${walletRsp.payload.toString('hex')}` ); } return '04' + Buffer.from(wpk.getPubkey_asU8()).toString('hex'); }, prepareCommandShowAddr(network, accountIndex) { getNetwork(network); if (!(isNonNegativeInteger(accountIndex) && accountIndex <= 0x7fffffff)) { throw Error(`invalid accountIndex: ${accountIndex}`); } const cmd = new Tron.TrxCommand(); const msg = new Tron.TrxCommand.TrxShowAddr(); cmd.setShowAddr(msg); msg.setPathList([accountIndex + 0x80000000, 0, 0]); return { commandId: TRON_CMDID, payload: Buffer.from(cmd.serializeBinary()) }; } }; export default trxCurrencyUtil;
import { ICurrencyUtil } from './ICurrencyUtil'; export declare const trxCurrencyUtil: ICurrencyUtil; export default trxCurrencyUtil;
import test from 'ava'; import { KelvinWallet } from 'kelvinjs-usbhid'; import { trxCurrencyUtil } from '../src'; import { IArmadilloCommand, ISignTxRequest } from '../src/ICurrencyUtil'; async function send(command: IArmadilloCommand): Promise<string> { const device = new KelvinWallet(); const [status, buffer] = device.send(command.commandId, command.payload); device.close(); if (status !== 0) { throw Error(`error status code ${status}`); } return buffer.toString('hex'); } let publicKey = ''; let address = ''; let toAddress = ''; test('prepareCommandGetPubkey(accountId = 1)', async t => { const command = trxCurrencyUtil.prepareCommandGetPubkey('testnet', 1); const response = await send(command); const toPublicKey = trxCurrencyUtil.parsePubkeyResponse({ payload: Buffer.from(response, 'hex') }); toAddress = trxCurrencyUtil.encodePubkeyToAddr('testnet', toPublicKey);, 'TKB7thq3aDS2gzqPfJPHj4g1KRSJbBCHzU'); console.log(toAddress); }); test('prepareCommandGetPubkey(accountId = 0)', async t => { const command = trxCurrencyUtil.prepareCommandGetPubkey('testnet', 0); const response = await send(command); publicKey = trxCurrencyUtil.parsePubkeyResponse({ payload: Buffer.from(response, 'hex') }); address = trxCurrencyUtil.encodePubkeyToAddr('testnet', publicKey);, 'TQUauGLDR4tcvu8U71WJdnE5dy2tsLSgXb'); console.log(address); }); test('prepareCommandShowAddr()', async t => { const command = trxCurrencyUtil.prepareCommandShowAddr('testnet', 0); const response = await send(command); t.deepEqual(response, '0800'); }); test('getBalance()', async t => { const balance = await trxCurrencyUtil.getBalance('testnet', address); console.log(balance); t.pass(); }); test('getRecentHistory()', async t => { const schema = trxCurrencyUtil.getHistorySchema(); const txList = await trxCurrencyUtil.getRecentHistory('testnet', address); for (let i = 0; i < txList.length && i < 10; i++) { const tx = txList[i]; for (const field of schema) { console.log(field.label, ':', tx[field.key].value); } console.log(); } t.pass(); }); test('sign & submit tx', async t => { const schema = trxCurrencyUtil.getPreparedTxSchema(); const req: ISignTxRequest = { network: 'testnet', accountIndex: 0, toAddr: toAddress, fromPubkey: publicKey, amount: '100000' }; const [command, txinfo] = await trxCurrencyUtil.prepareCommandSignTx(req); for (const field of schema) { console.log(field.label, ':', txinfo[field.key].value); } console.log(); const walletRsp = await send(command); const signedTx = trxCurrencyUtil.buildSignedTx(req, command, { payload: Buffer.from(walletRsp, 'hex') }); const txid = await trxCurrencyUtil.submitTransaction('testnet', signedTx); console.log(trxCurrencyUtil.getUrlForTx('testnet', txid)); t.pass(); });
export declare class AddressModule { }
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; export type UserDocument = User & Document; @Schema() export class User { @Prop() first_name: string; @Prop() last_name: string; @Prop() email: string; @Prop() country_code: string; @Prop() phone_number: string; @Prop() verify_otp: string; @Prop() gender: string; @Prop() dob: string; @Prop() profession: string; @Prop() profile: string; @Prop() driving_licence: string; @Prop() cnic: string; @Prop() license: string; @Prop() registration: string; @Prop() insurance: string; @Prop() account_status: string; @Prop() fcm: string; @Prop() role: string; @Prop({ required: true ,default: 0}) wallet_amount_user: number; @Prop({ required: true ,default: 0}) wallet_amount_driver: number; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const UserSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(User);
import { CreateDocumentDto } from './create-document.dto'; declare const UpdateDocumentDto_base: import("@nestjs/mapped-types").MappedType<Partial<CreateDocumentDto>>; export declare class UpdateDocumentDto extends UpdateDocumentDto_base { } export {};
<filename>dist/src/lift/lift.module.d.ts<gh_stars>0 export declare class LiftModule { }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack export declare class CreateSingupDto { }
export declare class SingupModule { }
import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { LiftBooking } from '../schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type VirtualBufferDocument = VirtualBuffer & Document; export declare class VirtualBuffer { user_id: User; booking_id: LiftBooking; amount: number; created_at: string; } export declare const VirtualBufferSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<VirtualBuffer, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<VirtualBuffer, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { Payment, PaymentSchema } from '../schemas/payment.schema'; import { LiftBooking, LiftBookingSchema } from '../../lift/schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type HistoryDocument = History & Document; @Schema() export class History { @Prop({ type: String, required: true, enum: ['credit','debit'], }) type: string; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Payment' }) payment_id: Payment; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'LiftBooking' }) booking_id: LiftBooking; @Prop() created_at: string; } export const HistorySchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(History);
import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Patch, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import { AddressService } from './address.service'; import { CreateAddressDto } from './dto/create-address.dto'; import { UpdateAddressDto } from './dto/update-address.dto'; @Controller({path:'address',version:'1'}) export class AddressController { constructor(private readonly addressService: AddressService) {} @Post('add-address') async create(@Body() body, createAddressDto: CreateAddressDto) { try{ createAddressDto = body; createAddressDto['user_id'] = createAddressDto['user'].id; delete createAddressDto['user']; const addAddress = await this.addressService.create(createAddressDto); if(addAddress){ return {status:true,message:"created successfully"}; } }catch (e) { if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:'validation error'}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Get() findAll() { return this.addressService.findAll(); } }
<gh_stars>0 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateLiftDto } from './dto/create-lift.dto'; import { UpdateLiftDto } from './dto/update-lift.dto'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; import { Lift, LiftSchema } from './schemas/lift.schema'; import { LiftRequest, LiftRequestSchema } from './schemas/liftRequest.schema'; import { LiftBooking, LiftBookingSchema } from './schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import { LiftNotification, LiftNotificationSchema } from './schemas/liftNotification.schema'; import { VirtualLift, VirtualLiftSchema } from './schemas/virtualLift.schema'; import { VirtualBuffer, VirtualBufferSchema } from './schemas/virtualBuffer.schema'; import {GOOGEL_MAP_KEY, PUSH_NOTIFICATION , FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY} from '../../config/configuration' var FCM = require('fcm-node'); var serverKey = FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY; //put your server key here var fcm = new FCM(serverKey); var moment = require('moment'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Injectable() export class LiftService { constructor( @InjectModel( private liftModel: Model<CreateLiftDto>, @InjectModel( private liftRequestModel: Model<{}>, @InjectModel( private liftBookingModel: Model<{}>, @InjectModel( private liftNotification: Model<{}>, @InjectModel( private virtualLift: Model<{}>, @InjectModel( private virtualBufferModel: Model<{}>, ) {} create(createLiftDto: CreateLiftDto) { try{ const createdlift = new this.liftModel(createLiftDto); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } findAll() { const alllift = this.liftModel.find().exec(); return alllift; } myAllList(id) { const lift = this.liftModel.find({ user_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }).exec(); return lift; } findOne(id: any) { const lift = this.liftModel.findOne({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }).exec(); return lift; } activeBooking(id: any) { return this.liftBookingModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) },{$set: {'status':'active'}}) } fetchTodayBooking(user_id,date){ const mylift = this.liftBookingModel.aggregate([ { $match: { "date": date } }, { $match: {$or: [{'user_id': {$eq: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)}}, {'driver_id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)}]}, }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'driver_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'rider' } }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'user' } } ]); return mylift; } deleteLift(id){ const deletelift = this.liftModel.findByIdAndRemove(id); return deletelift; } searchLift(query,user_id){ const dayname = moment(query.occasional, "D MMM YYYY").format("dddd"); const lift = this.liftModel.find({ $and : [ {'user_id': {$ne : mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)}}, {"type": query.type}, {"to.address":}, {"from.address": query.from.address}, {"passenger": query.passenger}, {$or: [{'pick_preferences.gender': {$eq: query.pick_preferences.gender}}, {'pick_preferences.gender': 'Any'}]}, {$or: [{'pick_preferences.air_condition': {$eq: query.pick_preferences.air_condition}}, {'pick_preferences.gender': 'Any'}]}, {$or: [{'pick_preferences.pvt_lift': {$eq: query.pick_preferences.pvt_lift}}, {'pick_preferences.pvt_lift': 'Any'}]}, {$or: [{'': {$eq:}}, {'': 'Any'}]}, ] } ).exec(); return lift; } update(id: any, updateLiftDto: UpdateLiftDto) { return this.liftModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) },{$set: updateLiftDto}) } checkRequestExits(data){ try{ const lift = this.liftRequestModel.findOne({ $and : [ {"user_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(data.user_id)}, {"lift_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(data.lift_id)}, {"driver_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(data.driver_id)}, {"driver_status": ''}, ] } ).exec(); return lift; }catch(e){ return e; } } createdLiftRequest(data){ try{ const createdliftRequest = new this.liftRequestModel(data); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } myLiftUserRequest(id){ try{ const mylift = this.liftRequestModel.aggregate([ { $match: { "user_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) } }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'driver_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'rider' } }, { $lookup: { from: 'lifts', localField: 'lift_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'lift' } } ]); return mylift; } catch(e){ return e; } } myVirtualLiftRequest(id){ try{ const mylift = this.virtualLift.aggregate([ { $match: { "user_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) } }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'user' } } ]); return mylift; } catch(e){ return e; } } myLiftDriverRequest(id){ try{ const mylift = this.liftRequestModel.aggregate([ { $match: { "driver_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) } }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'rider' } }, { $lookup: { from: 'lifts', localField: 'lift_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'lift' } } ]); return mylift; } catch(e){ return e; } } actionLiftRequest(query){ return this.liftRequestModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(query.lift_request_id) },{$set: {'driver_status':query.action}}) } createdLiftBooking(query){ try{ const createdLiftBooking = new this.liftBookingModel(query); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } cancleBooking(data){ try{ return this.liftBookingModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(data.booking_id) },{$set: {'cancle_by':data.myrole,'is_cancle':true}}) } catch(e){ return e; } } myBookingData(id,role){ try{ var condition; var lookup; if(role == 'driver'){ condition = { "driver_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }; lookup = {$lookup:{ from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'user' } }; }else if(role == 'user'){ condition = { "user_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }; lookup = { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'driver_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'driver' } }; } const fetchNotificationDriver = this.liftBookingModel.aggregate([ { $match: condition }, lookup, ]); return fetchNotificationDriver; } catch(e){ return e; } } createdNotification(data){ try{ const createdNotification = new this.liftNotification(data); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } fetchNotificationUser(userid){ try{ const fetchNotificationUser = this.liftNotification.aggregate([ { $match: { "notify_from": 'driver' } }, { $match: {"user_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userid)} }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'driver_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'rider' } }, {"$sort":{"_id":-1}} ]); return fetchNotificationUser; } catch(e){ return e; } } fetchNotificationDriver(driverid){ try{ const fetchNotificationDriver = this.liftNotification.aggregate([ { $match: { "notify_from": 'user' } }, { $match: {"driver_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(driverid)} }, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'user' } }, {"$sort":{"_id":-1}} ]); return fetchNotificationDriver; } catch(e){ return e; } } deleteAllNotification(notification_id){ // Site.deleteMany({ userUID: uid, id: { $in: [10, 2, 3, 5]}}, function(err) {}) const deleteNotifications = this.liftNotification.deleteMany({_id: { $in: notification_id}}); return deleteNotifications; } //virtual lift createVirtualLift(data) { try{ const createdlift = new this.virtualLift(data); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } getVirtualLiftDetails(id){ const lift = this.virtualLift.findOne({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }).exec(); return lift; } updateVirtualLiftDetails(id,data){ return this.virtualLift.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) },{$set: {'rejected_id':data}}) } getVirtualLift(user_id){ try{ const allVirtualLift = this.virtualLift.aggregate([ {"user_id": {$ne: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)}}, { $lookup: { from: 'users', localField: 'user_id', foreignField: '_id', as: 'user' } }, {"$sort":{"_id":-1}} ]).exec(); //const allVirtualLift = this.virtualLift.find().exec(); return allVirtualLift; } catch(e){ return e; } } acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver(lift_id,data){ return this.virtualLift.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(lift_id) },{$set: data}); } removeVirtualLiftFromuser(lift_id){ return this.virtualLift.updateOne( { $unset: { accepted_id: ""} } ) } approvalVirtualLift(lift_id){ return this.virtualLift.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(lift_id) },{$set: {'approval':true}}); } // virtual buffer addAmountInVirtualBuffer(data){ try{ const addAmount = new this.virtualBufferModel(data); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } getVirtualBuffer(id){ const bufferData = this.virtualBufferModel.findOne({booking_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }).exec(); return bufferData; } removeBufferData(id){ const deleteData = this.virtualBufferModel.findByIdAndDelete(id); return deleteData; } //virtual buffer }
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type AddressDocument = Address & Document; @Schema() export class Address { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }) user_id: User; @Prop({ required: true }) type: string; @Prop({ required: true }) lat: string; @Prop({ required: true }) long: string; @Prop({ required: true }) address: string; @Prop() landmark: string; @Prop({ required: true }) country: string; @Prop({ required: true }) state: string; @Prop({ required: true }) city: string; @Prop({ required: true }) pin_Code:string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const AddressSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Address);
<filename>dist/src/users/schemas/momo.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type MomoDocument = Momo & Document; export declare class Momo { user_id: User; username: string; password: string; created_at: string; } export declare const MomoSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<Momo, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<Momo, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type MomoDocument = Momo & Document; @Schema() export class Momo { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop() username: string; @Prop() password: string; @Prop() created_at: string; } export const MomoSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Momo);
<filename>dist/config/environment.d.ts export declare const ENV: { DB_URL: string; DB_USER: string; DB_PASS: string; };
<gh_stars>0 import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { UsersService } from './users.service'; import { UsersController } from './users.controller'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { User, UserSchema } from './schemas/user.schema'; import { RatingReview, RatingReviewSchema } from './schemas/ratingReview.schema'; import { Momo, MomoSchema } from './schemas/momo.schema'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature( [ { name:, schema: UserSchema }, { name:, schema: RatingReviewSchema }, { name:, schema: MomoSchema }, ] ), JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), MulterModule.register({ dest: './public/uploads/document/', }) ], controllers: [UsersController], providers: [UsersService,HelperService] }) export class UsersModule {}
<filename>src/admin/admin.controller.ts<gh_stars>0 import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Patch, Param, Delete, Req ,Query} from '@nestjs/common'; import { AdminService } from './admin.service'; import { CreateAdminDto } from './dto/create-admin.dto'; import { UpdateAdminDto } from './dto/update-admin.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { Request } from 'express'; @Controller({path:'admin',version:'1'}) export class AdminController { constructor( private readonly adminService: AdminService, private jwtService: JwtService, private readonly usersService: UsersService, ) {} @Post('login') async create(@Body() body) { if(!body.hasOwnProperty('user_name') || !body.hasOwnProperty('password')){ return {status:false,message:"provide Valid parameter"}; }else if(body['user_name'] == '<EMAIL>' && body['password'] == '!@#$%^'){ const payload = { user_name: '<EMAIL>'}; const jwtToken = await this.jwtService.signAsync(payload); return {status:true,token: jwtToken,message:"login successfully"}; }else{ return {status:false,message:"login failed"}; } } @Get('get-user') async findAll() { return await this.usersService.findAll(); } @Get('update-account-status') async findOne(@Query() query,@Body() body) { try{ const status = ["pending", "approved", "rejected"]; if( && body.account_status){ if(status.includes(body.account_status)){ const finduser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(; const documentStatus = { 'account_status' : body.account_status }; var updateStatus = await this.usersService.update(,documentStatus); if(updateStatus){ return {status:true,message:"status change successfully"}; } }else{ return {status:false,message:`your status doesn't match our records`}; } }else{ return {status:false,message:"provide Valid parameter"}; } } catch (e){ return {status:false,message:e}; } } @Patch(':id') update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() updateAdminDto: UpdateAdminDto) { return this.adminService.update(+id, updateAdminDto); } @Delete(':id') remove(@Param('id') id: string) { return this.adminService.remove(+id); } }
<filename>src/document/document.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateDocumentDto } from './dto/create-document.dto'; import { UpdateDocumentDto } from './dto/update-document.dto'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; import { Documents, DocumentsSchema } from './schemas/document.schema'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Injectable() export class DocumentService { constructor( @InjectModel( private documentsModel: Model<CreateDocumentDto> ) {} create(createDocumentDto: CreateDocumentDto) { return 'This action adds a new document'; } findAll() { return `This action returns all document`; } findOne(id: number) { return `This action returns a #${id} document`; } checkData(id,role){ const checkData = this.documentsModel.findOne( {$and: [{'user_id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)},{'role': role}]}); return checkData; } checkAccountStatusFromId(user_id){ const checkData = this.documentsModel.find({'user_id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)}); return checkData; } updateInsert(id,role,data,type) { data['user_id'] = id; data['role'] = role; if(type == 'insert'){ const uploadUser = new this.documentsModel(data); return; }else if(type == 'update'){ const updateuser = this.documentsModel.findOneAndUpdate({$and: [{'user_id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)},{'role': role}]},{$set: data}); return updateuser; } } remove(id: number) { return `This action removes a #${id} document`; } }
import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { Payment } from '../schemas/payment.schema'; import { LiftBooking } from '../../lift/schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type HistoryDocument = History & Document; export declare class History { type: string; payment_id: Payment; booking_id: LiftBooking; created_at: string; } export declare const HistorySchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<History, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<History, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<gh_stars>0 import { Document } from 'mongoose'; export declare type UserDocument = User & Document; export declare class User { first_name: string; last_name: string; email: string; country_code: string; phone_number: string; verify_otp: string; gender: string; dob: string; profession: string; profile: string; driving_licence: string; cnic: string; license: string; registration: string; insurance: string; account_status: string; fcm: string; role: string; wallet_amount_user: number; wallet_amount_driver: number; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const UserSchema: import("mongoose").Schema<Document<User, any, any>, import("mongoose").Model<Document<User, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<filename>src/payment/payment.module.ts import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { User, UserSchema } from '../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { RatingReview, RatingReviewSchema } from '../users/schemas/ratingReview.schema'; import { Momo, MomoSchema } from '../users/schemas/momo.schema'; import { Payment, PaymentSchema } from './schemas/payment.schema'; import { History,HistorySchema } from './schemas/history.schema'; import { UsersService } from '.././users/users.service'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; import { PaymentService } from './payment.service'; import { PaymentController } from './payment.controller'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature([ { name:, schema: UserSchema }, { name:, schema: RatingReviewSchema }, { name:, schema: MomoSchema }, { name:, schema: PaymentSchema }, { name:, schema: HistorySchema } ]), JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), MulterModule.register({ dest: './public/uploads/document/', }) ], controllers: [PaymentController], providers: [PaymentService,UsersService,HelperService] }) export class PaymentModule {}
<filename>dist/src/users/schemas/ratingReview.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type RatingReviewDocument = RatingReview & Document; export declare class RatingReview { to: User; rating: string; rating_for: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const RatingReviewSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<RatingReview, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<RatingReview, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { Lift, LiftSchema } from './lift.schema'; export type LiftRequestDocument = LiftRequest & Document; @Schema() export class LiftRequest { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Lift' ,required: true }) lift_id: Lift; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) driver_id: User; @Prop({ required: true }) passenger: number; @Prop({ type: String, required: true, enum: ['inititate','accepted','rejected'], }) user_status: string; @Prop({ type: String, required: true }) date: string; @Prop({ type: String, enum: ['pending','accepted','rejected'], }) driver_status: string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() created_at_time: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const LiftRequestSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(LiftRequest);
<gh_stars>0 export declare class DocumentModule { }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack import { Controller, Get, Post, Res, Body, Patch, Param, Delete, ParseIntPipe, UseInterceptors, UploadedFile, UploadedFiles} from '@nestjs/common'; import { FileInterceptor, FilesInterceptor ,FileFieldsInterceptor ,AnyFilesInterceptor } from "@nestjs/platform-express"; import { DocumentService } from './document.service'; import { CreateDocumentDto } from './dto/create-document.dto'; import { UpdateDocumentDto } from './dto/update-document.dto'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import * as fs from "fs"; @Controller({path:'document',version:'1'}) export class DocumentController { constructor( private readonly documentService: DocumentService, private jwtService: JwtService, private helperService:HelperService ) {} @Post('') create(@Body() createDocumentDto: CreateDocumentDto) { return this.documentService.create(createDocumentDto); } @Get('get-account-status') async accountStatus(@Body() body) { const user_id =; const findstatus = await this.documentService.checkAccountStatusFromId(user_id); var data={}; if(findstatus.length > 0){,index)=>{ if(item && item['account_status'] && item['role'] == '0'){ data['user_status']= item['account_status']; }else if(item && item['account_status'] && item['role'] == '1'){ data['driver_status']= item['account_status']; } }) if(!data['user_status']){ data['user_status'] = '' } if(!data['driver_status']){ data['driver_status'] = '' } return {"status":true,data:data}; }else{ return {"status":true,data:{user_status:'',driver_status:''}}; } } @Post('update-account-status') async updateStatus(@Body() body) { const id =; const role = body.role; const status = body.account_status; var statusArray = ["pending", "approved", "rejected"]; var checkStatus = statusArray.includes(status); if(!role || !status || !checkStatus){ return {status:false , message:"provide valid parameter"}; } const update = await this.documentService.updateInsert(id,role,{account_status:"approved"},'update'); if(update){ return {status:true, message:"update successfully"}; }else{ return {"status":true,message:"data not found"}; } } @Post('/upload-document') @UseInterceptors(AnyFilesInterceptor()) async uploadFile(@Body() body,@UploadedFiles() files: Array<Express.Multer.File>) { try{ var i = 0; var fielddata = []; var id =; var role = body.role; var updateUser; if(Array.isArray(files) && files.length){ for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { fielddata[files[i].fieldname] = files[i].path; const extension = files[i].mimetype.split("/")[1]; fs.rename(files[i].path, files[i].path+'.'+extension, function(err) { }); if(!id || !role){ console.log("delete"+" "+files[i].path+'.'+extension) fs.unlinkSync(files[i].path+'.'+extension); }else{ const updateUserDocument = { [files[i].fieldname] : files[i].path+'.'+extension }; //updateUser = await this.documentService.updateInsert(id,role,updateUserDocument); const checkdata = await this.documentService.checkData(id,role); if(checkdata){ updateUser = await this.documentService.updateInsert(id,role,updateUserDocument,'update'); }else{ updateUser = await this.documentService.updateInsert(id,role,updateUserDocument,'insert'); } } if( i == files.length - 1 ){ if(!id || !role){ return {status:false , message:"provide valid parameter"}; }else{ const documentStatus = { 'account_status' : 'pending' }; await this.documentService.updateInsert(id,role,documentStatus,'update'); return {status:true , message:"document update successfully"}; } } } }else{ return {"status":false,message:"minimum 1 file upload"}; } }catch (e) { return {"status":false,message:e}; } } }
<gh_stars>0 export declare class CreatePaymentDto { }
<gh_stars>0 import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Patch, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common'; import { PaymentService } from './payment.service'; import { CreatePaymentDto } from './dto/create-payment.dto'; import { UpdatePaymentDto } from './dto/update-payment.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { MOMO } from 'config/configuration'; import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { async } from 'rxjs'; const { base64encode, base64decode } = require('nodejs-base64'); let fetch = require('node-fetch'); @Controller({path:'payment',version:'1'}) export class PaymentController { constructor( private readonly paymentService: PaymentService, private readonly usersService: UsersService, private helperService:HelperService ) {} @Post('request-to-pay') async create(@Body() body) { const user_id =; const role = body.role; if(!body['amount'] || !body['partyId'] || role !== 'user'){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const findMomoCredential = await this.usersService.findMomoCredential(; if(!findMomoCredential){ return {"status":false,message:'your account not found in momo mtn'}; } // for genrate token var url = MOMO.MOMO_URL+ '/collection/token/'; var headerfortoken = { "Authorization": "Basic " + base64encode(findMomoCredential['username'] + ":" + findMomoCredential['password']), 'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key':MOMO.OcpApimSubscriptionKey, 'Content-Length':'0' }; return await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: headerfortoken }) .then(async responsedata => { if(responsedata.status == 200){ var result = await responsedata.json(); const bodydata = { "amount": body['amount'], "currency": "EUR", "externalId": "6353636", "payer": { "partyIdType": "MSISDN", "partyId": body['partyId'] }, "payerMessage": "pay for ride", "payeeNote": "pay for ride" }; var url = MOMO.MOMO_URL+ '/collection/v1_0/requesttopay'; var uuidv4 = v4(); var headerForpayment = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': MOMO.OcpApimSubscriptionKey, 'X-Reference-Id' : uuidv4, 'X-Target-Environment' : MOMO.XTargetEnvironment, 'Authorization' : 'Bearer '+result.access_token }; return await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: headerForpayment, body: JSON.stringify(bodydata) }).then(async response => { var paymentData ={ 'user_id':user_id, 'request_uuid':uuidv4, 'amount': body['amount'], 'created_at':moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } if(response.status === 202){ paymentData['status'] = 'success'; paymentData['message'] = 'fund added successful'; const payment = await this.paymentService.create(paymentData); const fetchUserDetails = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(user_id); var amount = parseInt(fetchUserDetails['wallet_amount_user']) + parseInt(body['amount']); const updateUserWallet = await this.usersService.updateUserWallet(user_id,amount); const history = { "type":'credit', "payment_id": payment['_id'], "created_at":moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } const historyCreate = await this.paymentService.historyCreate(history); return {status:true,message:"payment request successful"}; }else{ paymentData['status'] = 'failed'; paymentData['message'] = 'invalid number'; await this.paymentService.create(paymentData); return {status:false,message:'invalid number'}; } }).catch(error => { return {status:false,message:error}; }); }else{ return {status:false,message:''}; } }) .catch(error => { return {status:false,message:error}; }); } @Get() findAll() { return this.paymentService.findAll(); } @Get(':id') findOne(@Param('id') id: string) { return this.paymentService.findOne(+id); } @Patch(':id') update(@Param('id') id: string, @Body() updatePaymentDto: UpdatePaymentDto) { return this.paymentService.update(+id, updatePaymentDto); } @Delete(':id') remove(@Param('id') id: string) { return this.paymentService.remove(+id); } }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack const DEV = { DB_URL: 'mongodb://localhost/vyno', DB_USER:'', DB_PASS:'', }; const PROD = { DB_URL: 'mongodb://vyno:VyNo171121@', DB_USER:'vyno', DB_PASS:'<PASSWORD>', }; export const ENV = DEV;
<filename>src/common/helper.ts import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import * as fs from "fs"; import { time } from 'console'; import {GOOGEL_MAP_KEY, PUSH_NOTIFICATION , FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY} from '../../config/configuration' const mime = require('mime'); const multer = require('multer'); const NodeGeocoder = require('node-geocoder'); const options = { provider: 'google', apiKey: '', // for Mapquest, OpenCage, Google Premier formatter: null // 'gpx', 'string', ... }; const geocoder = NodeGeocoder(options); var FCM = require('fcm-node'); var serverKey = FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY; //put your server key here var fcm = new FCM(serverKey); @Injectable() export class HelperService { base64ImageUpload(imgBase64: any) { try { var matches = imgBase64.match(/^data:([A-Za-z-+/]+);base64,(.+)$/); const response = {}; if (matches.length !== 3) { return {"status":"false",message:'invalid format of images'}; } var dir = './public/uploads/images/'; var pathDir = '/public/uploads/images/'; if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir , { recursive: true }); } let imageBuffer = Buffer.from(matches[2], 'base64') let type = matches[1]; let extension = mime.extension(type); const d = new Date(); let time = d.getTime(); let fileName = "image"+time+"." + extension; fs.writeFileSync(dir + fileName, imageBuffer, 'utf8'); let path = pathDir+fileName; return {"status":true,path:path }; } catch (e) { return {"status":false,message:e}; } } documentUpload(data){ try { var dir = './public/uploads/document'; var pathDir = '/public/uploads/document'; if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir , { recursive: true }); } var array =[]; (item, index) =>{ array.push(item); }); return array; } catch (e) { return {"status":"false",message:e}; } } removeUnderscoreFromcolumn(data){ var User = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); User['id'] = User._id; delete User.__v; delete User._id; return User; } getReverseGeocodingData(lat, lng) { const res = geocoder.reverse({ lat: lat, lon: lng }); return res; } //push notification pushNotifications(fcm_token,title_msg,msg){ if(PUSH_NOTIFICATION && fcm_token){ var message = { to: fcm_token, notification: { title: title_msg, body: msg }, }; fcm.send(message, function(err, response){ if (err) { console.log("Something has gone wrong!"); } else { console.log("Successfully sent with response: ", response); } }); } } //push notifications }
<filename>dist/src/admin/entities/admin.entity.d.ts export declare class Admin { }
<filename>dist/src/singup/singup.service.d.ts import { CreateSingupDto } from './dto/create-singup.dto'; import { UpdateSingupDto } from './dto/update-singup.dto'; export declare class SingupService { create(createSingupDto: CreateSingupDto): string; findAll(): string; findOne(id: number): string; update(id: number, updateSingupDto: UpdateSingupDto): string; remove(id: number): string; }
<gh_stars>0 import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { LiftService } from './lift.service'; import { LiftController } from './lift.controller'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Lift, LiftSchema } from './schemas/lift.schema'; import { User, UserSchema } from '../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { LiftRequest, LiftRequestSchema } from './schemas/liftRequest.schema'; import { LiftBooking, LiftBookingSchema } from './schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import { VirtualBuffer, VirtualBufferSchema } from './schemas/virtualBuffer.schema'; import { VirtualLift, VirtualLiftSchema } from './schemas/virtualLift.schema'; import { LiftNotification, LiftNotificationSchema } from './schemas/liftNotification.schema'; import { RatingReview, RatingReviewSchema } from '../users/schemas/ratingReview.schema'; import { Momo, MomoSchema } from '../users/schemas/momo.schema'; import { UsersService } from '.././users/users.service'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature([ { name:, schema: LiftSchema }, { name:, schema: LiftRequestSchema }, { name:, schema: LiftBookingSchema }, { name:, schema: LiftNotificationSchema }, { name:, schema: UserSchema }, { name:, schema: RatingReviewSchema }, { name:, schema: VirtualLiftSchema }, { name:, schema: MomoSchema }, { name:, schema: VirtualBufferSchema }, ]), JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), MulterModule.register({ dest: './public/uploads/document/', }) ], controllers: [LiftController], providers: [LiftService,HelperService,UsersService] }) export class LiftModule {}
export const GOOGEL_MAP_KEY = '<KEY>'; export const USER_ROLE ='0'; export const DRIVER_ROLE ='1'; export const VIRTUAL_LIFT =true; export const PUSH_NOTIFICATION =true; export const FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY ='<KEY>'; export const MOMO_URL = ''; // export const MOMO_URL = ''; export const OcpApimSubscriptionKey = '<KEY>'; export const ERR_MSG = 'went something wrong'; export const MOMO = { MOMO_URL:'', XTargetEnvironment:'sandbox', OcpApimSubscriptionKey:'<KEY>', }
<filename>dist/src/address/dto/create-address.dto.d.ts export declare class CreateAddressDto { }
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto'; import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; import { User, UserSchema } from './schemas/user.schema'; import { RatingReview, RatingReviewSchema } from './schemas/ratingReview.schema'; import { Momo, MomoSchema } from './schemas/momo.schema'; import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import { MOMO } from './../../config/configuration' var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Injectable() export class UsersService { constructor( @InjectModel( private userModel: Model<CreateUserDto>, @InjectModel( private ratingReviewModel: Model<{}>, @InjectModel( private momoModel: Model<{}> ) {} create(createUserDto: CreateUserDto) { const createdUser = new this.userModel(createUserDto); return; } findAll() { const allUser = this.userModel.find().exec(); return allUser; } findData(item) { const findUser = this.userModel.findOne(item).exec(); return findUser; } findDataFromId(id) { const findUser = this.userModel.findOne({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) }).exec(); return findUser; } update(id:any ,updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto) { //return updateUserDto; const updateuser = this.userModel.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id) },{$set: updateUserDto}); return updateuser; } createMomoCredential(data){ const createdMomo = new this.momoModel(data); return; } findMomoCredential(user_id){ return this.momoModel.findOne({ user_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id) }).exec(); } updateOtp(item) { return this.userModel.findOneAndUpdate({"phone_number": item.phone_number,'country_code':item.country_code},{$set: {"verify_otp": "1234","updated_at": item.updated_at}}); } updateUserWallet(user_id,amount){ return this.userModel.findOneAndUpdate({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user_id)},{$set: {"wallet_amount_user": amount}}); } deleteUser(user_id){ return this.userModel.findByIdAndDelete(user_id); } review(data){ const review = new this.ratingReviewModel(data); return; } }
import { CreatePaymentDto } from './dto/create-payment.dto'; import { UpdatePaymentDto } from './dto/update-payment.dto'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; export declare class PaymentService { private paymentModel; private historyModel; constructor(paymentModel: Model<CreatePaymentDto>, historyModel: Model<{}>); create(createPaymentDto: CreatePaymentDto): any; historyCreate(data: any): any; findAll(): string; findOne(id: number): string; update(id: number, updatePaymentDto: UpdatePaymentDto): string; remove(id: number): string; }
export declare class Lift { }
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateAdminDto } from './dto/create-admin.dto'; import { UpdateAdminDto } from './dto/update-admin.dto'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; import { User, UserSchema } from '../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Injectable() export class AdminService { constructor( private readonly usersService: UsersService, ) {} create(createAdminDto: CreateAdminDto) { return 'This action adds a new admin'; } async findAll() { } findOne(id: number) { return `This action returns a #${id} admin`; } update(id: number, updateAdminDto: UpdateAdminDto) { return `This action updates a #${id} admin`; } remove(id: number) { return `This action removes a #${id} admin`; } }
import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/mapped-types'; import { CreateLiftDto } from './create-lift.dto'; export class UpdateLiftDto extends PartialType(CreateLiftDto) {}
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { Lift } from './lift.schema'; import { LiftRequest } from './liftRequest.schema'; export type LiftNotificationDocument = LiftNotification & Document; @Schema() export class LiftNotification { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'LiftRequest' ,required: true }) lift_request_id: LiftRequest; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) driver_id: User; @Prop({ type: String, required: true }) notify_from: string; @Prop({ type: String, required: true }) message: string; @Prop({default: false}) is_virtual: boolean; @Prop({ type: String, required: false }) virtual_lift_price: string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const LiftNotificationSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(LiftNotification);
/// <reference types="mongoose" /> import { AdminService } from './admin.service'; import { UpdateAdminDto } from './dto/update-admin.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; export declare class AdminController { private readonly adminService; private jwtService; private readonly usersService; constructor(adminService: AdminService, jwtService: JwtService, usersService: UsersService); create(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; token?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; token: string; message: string; }>; findAll(): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, import("../users/dto/create-user.dto").CreateUserDto> & import("../users/dto/create-user.dto").CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; findOne(query: any, body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; update(id: string, updateAdminDto: UpdateAdminDto): string; remove(id: string): string; }
import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Patch, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common'; import { LiftService } from './lift.service'; import { CreateLiftDto } from './dto/create-lift.dto'; import { UpdateLiftDto } from './dto/update-lift.dto'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { UsersService } from '.././users/users.service'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import {GOOGEL_MAP_KEY, PUSH_NOTIFICATION , FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY} from '../../config/configuration' import { map } from 'rxjs'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'); let fetch = require('node-fetch'); var Distance = require('geo-distance'); var FCM = require('fcm-node'); var serverKey = FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY; //put your server key here var fcm = new FCM(serverKey); @Controller({path:'lift',version:'1'}) export class LiftController { constructor( private readonly liftService: LiftService, private helperService:HelperService, private readonly usersService: UsersService, ) {} @Post('create-lift') async create(@Body() body) { try { const data = body; const id =; delete data.user; data['user_id'] = id; var to = {lat:,lon:}; var from = {lat:,lon: body.from.long}; var distanceCalculate = Distance.between(to, from); body['distance'] = distanceCalculate.human_readable().distance; const createlift = await this.liftService.create(data); if(createlift){ return {status:true,message:"lift created successfully"}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"invalid argument"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Post('update-lift') async Update(@Body() body) { try { const data = body; const usre_id =; delete data.user; data['user_id']=usre_id; const lift_id =; if(!{ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const updatelift = await this.liftService.update(lift_id,data); if(updatelift){ return {status:true,message:"lift updated successfully"}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"invalid argument"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Get('fetch-my-lift') async fetchMyLift(@Body() body) { const myid =; const inter = []; const intra = []; const fetchlift = await this.liftService.myAllList(myid);,index)=>{ console.log(item['type']+",,"+index); if(item['type'] == 'intra'){ const data ={ "id" : item['_id'], "passenger" : item['passenger'], "price" : item['price'], "to" : item['to']['address'], "from" : item['from']['address'], "is_active" : item['is_active'], "is_virtual": (item['is_virtual']) ? item['is_virtual'] : false }; intra.push(data); }else if(item['type'] == 'inter'){ const data ={ "id": item['_id'], "passenger": item['passenger'], "price": item['price'], "to": item['to']['address'], "from": item['from']['address'], "is_active": item['is_active'], "is_virtual": (item['is_virtual']) ? item['is_virtual'] : false }; inter.push(data); } }) return {"status":true,data:{inter:inter,intra:intra}}; // return fetchlift; } @Post('search-lift') async SearchLift(@Body() body) { try { const data = body; let id =; delete body.user; var searchLift = await this.liftService.searchLift(body,id); var searchDate = body.occasional_date; var liftData = []; //searchLift = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(searchLift)); //return moment(body.occasional_time, 'HH:mm A').add(10, 'minutes').format('HH:mm A'); var inputdate1 = moment(body.occasional_time, 'HH:mm A').subtract(120, 'minutes').format('HH:mm'); var inputdate2 = moment(body.occasional_time, 'HH:mm A').add(120, 'minutes').format('HH:mm'); if(searchLift.length > 1){ //if data more then 1,index)=>{ const lift ={ "id": item['_id'], "driver_id":item['user_id'], "price": item['price'], "distance": item['distance'], "passenger": item['passenger'], "car": item['pick_preferences']['car'], "date":searchDate, }; if(body.occasional_date){ // check date var dayname = moment(body.occasional_date, "D MMM YYYY").format("dddd"); dayname = 'Every '+dayname; // if rider create ride frequently chek acoording date if date to weekly const date1 = moment(item['departure_time'], 'HH:mm A').format('HH:mm'); if((body.occasional_date == item['occasional'] || item['frequent'].includes(dayname)) ){ if(date1 >=inputdate1 && date1 <=inputdate2 && body.is_pick_preference){ liftData.push(lift) }else if(!body.is_pick_preference){ liftData.push(lift) } } } }) }else if (searchLift.length > 0){ // if data only one const lift ={ "id": searchLift[0]['_id'], "driver_id":searchLift[0]['user_id'], "price": searchLift[0]['price'], "distance": searchLift[0]['distance'], "passenger": searchLift[0]['passenger'], "car": searchLift[0]['pick_preferences']['car'], "date":searchDate }; const date1 = moment(searchLift[0]['departure_time'], 'HH:mm A').format('HH:mm'); if(body.occasional_date){ // check date var dayname = moment(body.occasional_date, "D MMM YYYY").format("dddd"); dayname = 'Every '+dayname; // if rider create ride frequently chek acoording date if date to weekly if((body.occasional_date == searchLift[0]['occasional'] || searchLift[0]['frequent'].includes(dayname)) ){ if(date1 >=inputdate1 && date1 <=inputdate2 && body.is_pick_preference){ liftData.push(lift) }else if(!body.is_pick_preference){ liftData.push(lift) }else{ return {"status":true,data:liftData,message:"no data found"}; } } } }else{ return {"status":true,data:liftData,message:"no data found"}; } return {"status":true,data:liftData}; }catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Get('fetch-all') findAll() { return this.liftService.findAll(); } @Get('fetch-single-lift/:id') async findSinfetchgleLift(@Param('id') id: any) { try{ const lift = await this.liftService.findOne(id); if(lift){ var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lift)); data['id'] = data._id; delete data._id; delete data.__v; return {"status":true,data:data}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:"no data found"}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Post('update-lift-status') async findOne(@Body() body) { try{ const data ={ is_active:body['is_active'] } const id = body['lift_id']; if(body['is_active'] != true && body['is_active'] != false){ return {"status":false,message:'your status not valid'}; } const updateLiftStatus = await this.liftService.update(id,data); if(updateLiftStatus){ return {status:true,message:"lift Updated successfully"}; }else{ return {status:false,message:"this id not match our record"}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Post('get-route-image') async getStaticImageRoute(@Body() body) { try{ const to =; const from = body.from; const response = await fetch(''+to+'&destination='+from+'&mode=driving&key='+GOOGEL_MAP_KEY+'', { method: 'GET', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} }); const data = await response.json(); const url = '|color:red|''|'+body.from+'&path=weight:2|enc%3A'+data.routes[0].overview_polyline.points+'&key='+GOOGEL_MAP_KEY+''; return {status:true, url:url}; }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Get('get-place-api') async getPlaceApi(){ const response = await fetch(',77.3910&destination=28.9845,77.7064&sensor=true&avoid=highways&mode=driving&alternatives=true&key='+GOOGEL_MAP_KEY+'', { method: 'GET', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} }); const data = await response.json(); return data; } @Post('create-lift-request') async LiftRequestFromUSer(@Body() body) { try { const data = body; const usre_id =; delete data.user; data['user_id']=usre_id; const lift_id = body.lift_id; body['user_status'] = 'inititate'; body['driver_status'] = 'pending'; body['created_at'] = moment().format('LLL'); body['created_at_time'] = moment().format('YYYYMMDDhmm'); if(!body['passenger'] || !body['lift_id'] || !body['driver_id'] || !body['date']){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const chekLiftExits = await this.liftService.findOne(lift_id); console.log(chekLiftExits) if(!chekLiftExits){ return {"status":false,message:'this lift not match our record'}; } const checkRequest = await this.liftService.checkRequestExits(data); if(checkRequest){ return {"status":true,message:'your request already in process'}; } const userdata = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(usre_id); var useramount = parseInt(userdata['wallet_amount_user']); var liftamount = parseInt(userdata['wallet_amount_user']) * parseInt(body['passenger']); if(useramount < parseInt(chekLiftExits['price'])){ return {"status":false,message:'your wallet amount is low'}; } const liftRequest = await this.liftService.createdLiftRequest(data); if(liftRequest){ const notificationData={ 'lift_request_id':liftRequest._id, 'user_id' :liftRequest.user_id, 'notify_from' :'user', 'driver_id' :liftRequest.driver_id, 'message' :'has sent requested a seat', 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } const notification = await this.liftService.createdNotification(notificationData); const searchUser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequest.user_id); const searchDriver = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequest.driver_id); if(searchUser && searchDriver){ let name = searchUser['first_name']+' '+searchUser['last_name']; let bodymsg = name+' has sent you a request for '+data['passenger']+' seat'; await this.helperService.pushNotifications(searchDriver['fcm'],'vyno',bodymsg); } return {status:true,message:"request created successfully"}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"something went wrong"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Get('get-lift-request/:role') async fetchUserRequest(@Body() body,@Param('role') roles: string) { try { const user_id =; const role = ["user", "driver"]; const roleType = roles; const inter =[]; const intra =[]; const all =[]; if(!role.includes(roles)){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } if(roles == 'user'){ var myLiftRequest = await this.liftService.myLiftUserRequest(user_id); var myVirtualLift = await this.liftService.myVirtualLiftRequest(user_id);,index)=>{ const data ={}; data['type'] = item.type; data['to'] =; data['from'] = item.from.address; data['passenger'] = item.passenger; data['distance'] = (item.distance) ? item.distance : ''; data['price'] = (item.price) ? item.price : ''; data['profile'] = (item.user[0].profile) ? item.user[0].profile : ''; data['rating'] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 2 + 1) + 2); data['lift_request_id'] = item._id; data['name'] = item.user[0].first_name +' ' + item.user[0].last_name; data['status'] = (item.approval) ? 'accepted' : 'pending'; data['is_virtual'] = true; data['created_at'] = item.created_at; if(item.type == 'intra'){ intra.push(data); }else if(item.type == 'inter'){ inter.push(data); } all.push(data); }); }else if(roles == 'driver'){ var myLiftRequest = await this.liftService.myLiftDriverRequest(user_id); },index)=>{ // console.log(item); if(item.lift[0].type == 'intra'){ const data ={}; data['type'] = item.lift[0].type; data['to'] = item.lift[0].to.address; data['from'] = item.lift[0].from.address; data['passenger'] = item.passenger; data['distance'] = (item.lift[0].distance) ? item.lift[0].distance : ''; data['price'] = (item.lift[0].price) ? item.lift[0].price : ''; data['profile'] = (item.lift[0].profile) ? item.lift[0].profile : ''; data['rating'] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 2 + 1) + 2); data['lift_request_id'] = item._id; data['name'] = item.rider[0].first_name +' ' + item.rider[0].last_name; data['status'] = item.driver_status; data['is_virtual'] = false; data['created_at'] = moment(item.created_at).format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A'); intra.push(data); if(roles == 'driver' && data['status'] == 'pending'){ all.push(data); } }else if(item.lift[0].type == 'inter'){ const data ={}; data['type'] = item.lift[0].type; data['to'] = item.lift[0].to.address; data['from'] = item.lift[0].from.address; data['passenger'] = item.passenger; data['distance'] = (item.lift[0].distance) ? item.lift[0].distance : ''; data['price'] = (item.lift[0].price) ? item.lift[0].price : ''; data['profile'] = (item.lift[0].profile) ? item.lift[0].profile : ''; data['rating'] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 2 + 1) + 2); data['lift_request_id'] = item._id; data['name'] = item.rider[0].first_name +' ' + item.rider[0].last_name; data['status'] = item.driver_status; data['is_virtual'] = false; data['created_at'] = moment(item.created_at).format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A'); inter.push(data); if(roles == 'driver' && data['status'] == 'pending'){ all.push(data); } } }) return {"status":true,data:{inter:inter,intra:intra,all:all}}; } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Post('action-lift-request') async accepctRejectLiftRequst(@Body() body) { try { const action = ["accepted", "rejected"]; var data={}; data['lift_request_id'] = body.lift_request_id; data['action'] = body.action; if(!body['action'] || !body['lift_request_id']){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; }else if(!action.includes(body['action'])){ return {"status":false,message:'action not match our record'}; }else{ if(body['action'] == 'accepted'){ const liftRequestAccepted = await this.liftService.actionLiftRequest(data); if(liftRequestAccepted){ const fetchLift = await this.liftService.findOne(liftRequestAccepted['lift_id']); if(fetchLift){ var bookingdata={ 'lift_request_id' :body['lift_request_id'], 'user_id' :liftRequestAccepted['user_id'], 'driver_id' :liftRequestAccepted['driver_id'], 'to' :fetchLift['to'], 'from' :fetchLift['from'], 'price' :fetchLift['price'], 'passenger' :fetchLift['passenger'], 'distance' :fetchLift['distance'], 'date' :liftRequestAccepted['date'], 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') }; const booking = await this.liftService.createdLiftBooking(bookingdata); if(booking){ var userDeductAmount = parseInt(fetchLift['price']) * parseInt(liftRequestAccepted['passenger']) //for amount deduct user and add amount in buffer await this.addAmountInVirtualBuffer(booking['user_id'],booking['_id'],userDeductAmount); // const notificationData={ 'lift_request_id':body['lift_request_id'], 'user_id' :liftRequestAccepted['user_id'], 'notify_from' :'driver', 'driver_id' :liftRequestAccepted['driver_id'], 'message' :'has accepted your lift request', 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } const notification = await this.liftService.createdNotification(notificationData); //push notifications const searchDriver = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequestAccepted['driver_id']); const searchUser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequestAccepted['user_id']); if(searchUser && searchDriver){ let bodymsg = searchDriver['first_name']+' '+searchDriver['first_name']+' has accepted your request for '+fetchLift['passenger']+' seat'; this.helperService.pushNotifications(searchUser['fcm'],'vyno',bodymsg); } //push notifications return {"status":true,message:'you accepcted this ride'}; } } } }else if(body['action'] == 'rejected'){ const liftRequestRejected = await this.liftService.actionLiftRequest(data); if(liftRequestRejected){ const notificationData={ 'lift_request_id':body['lift_request_id'], 'user_id' :liftRequestRejected['user_id'], 'notify_from' :'driver', 'driver_id' :liftRequestRejected['driver_id'], 'message' :'has rejected your lift request', 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } const notification = await this.liftService.createdNotification(notificationData); const searchDriver = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequestRejected['driver_id']); const searchUser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(liftRequestRejected['user_id']); if(searchUser && searchDriver){ let bodymsg = searchDriver['first_name']+' '+searchDriver['first_name']+' has rejected your lift request'; this.helperService.pushNotifications(searchUser['fcm'],'vyno',bodymsg); } return {"status":true,message:'lift request rejected successfully'}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:'request not match our record'}; } } } } catch(e){ } } async addAmountInVirtualBuffer(user_id,booking_id,amount){ const userdata = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(user_id); var useramount = parseInt(userdata['wallet_amount_user']) - parseInt(amount); var virtulBufferData= { 'user_id':user_id, 'booking_id':booking_id, 'amount' :amount, 'created_at': moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') }; const updatevirtualBuffer = await this.liftService.addAmountInVirtualBuffer(virtulBufferData); if(updatevirtualBuffer){ const userdata = await this.usersService.update(user_id,{'wallet_amount_user':useramount}); return userdata; } } @Post('my-booking') async myBooking(@Body() body) { try{ const id =; const role = body.role; const roledata = (role == 'user') ? 'driver' : 'user'; const action = ["user", "driver"]; if(!body['role'] || !action.includes(body['role'])){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const myBookingData = await this.liftService.myBookingData(id,role); if(myBookingData){,index) => { item['booking_id'] = item._id; item['to'] =; item['from'] = item.from.address; delete item._id; delete item.__v; const user = item[roledata][0]; delete item[roledata]; item['user_info'] ={ "profile":user.profile, "name" :user.first_name+' '+user.last_name, "rating" :Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) }; }) return {"status":true,data:myBookingData}; }else{ return {"status":true,message:'no data found'}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Get('active-booking/:id') async activeLift(@Body() body,@Param('id') id: any) { try{ const lift = await this.liftService.activeBooking(id); if(lift){ return {"status":true,message:'your booking active now'}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:"no data found"}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Get('get-booking-user-info') async getBookingUserInfo(@Body() body) { try{ const id =; // const date = moment().format('DD MMM YYYY'); const date = '27 Dec 2021'; const user = []; const driver = []; const getBookingUserInfo = await this.liftService.fetchTodayBooking(id,date);,index)=>{ if(item.driver_id == id){ // user let data = { 'booking_id' :item._id, 'user_id' :item.user_id, 'name' : item.user[0].first_name+' '+item.user[0].last_name, 'profile' : item.user[0].profile, 'phone_number' : item.user[0].phone_number, 'rating' : 5, 'passenger':(item.passenger) ? item.passenger : 0, 'distance' : (item.distance) ? item.distance : 0, 'price' : (item.price) ? item.price : 0, }; driver.push(data); }else if(item.user_id == id){ //driver let data = { 'booking_id' :item._id, 'driver_id' :item.driver_id, 'name' : item.driver[0].first_name+' '+item.driver[0].last_name, 'profile' : item.driver[0].profile, 'phone_number': item.driver[0].phone_number, 'rating' : 5, 'passenger' :(item.passenger) ? item.passenger : 0, 'distance' : (item.distance) ? item.distance : 0, 'price' : (item.price) ? item.price : 0, }; user.push(data); } }) return {"status":true,user:{'driver_info':(user.length > 0) ? user : 'no data found'},driver:driver}; }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Post('my-notifications') async myNotifications(@Body() body) { const action = ["user", "driver"]; if(!body['role'] || !action.includes(body['role'])){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } if(body['role'] == 'user'){ const fetchNotification = await this.liftService.fetchNotificationUser(;,index)=>{ item['notification_id'] = item['_id']; item['name'] = item.rider[0].first_name +' '+ item.rider[0].last_name; item['profile'] = item.rider[0].profile; item['created_at']= moment(item['created_at'],'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A').format('YYYY-MM-DD H:mm:ss'); delete item['_id']; delete item['__v']; delete item['rider']; }); return {"status":true,data:fetchNotification}; }else{ const fetchNotification = await this.liftService.fetchNotificationDriver(;,index)=>{ item['notification_id'] = item['_id']; item['name'] = item.user[0].first_name +' '+ item.user[0].last_name; item['profile'] = item.user[0].profile; item['created_at']= moment(item['created_at'],'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A').format('YYYY-MM-DD H:mm'); delete item['user']; delete item['_id']; delete item['__v']; }); return {"status":true,data:fetchNotification}; } } @Post('delete-notifications') async deleteNotifications(@Body() body) { try{ var notification_id = body['notification_id']; if(!notification_id || notification_id.length < 1){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const deleteNotification = await this.liftService.deleteAllNotification(notification_id); if(deleteNotification.deletedCount > 0){ return {"status":true,message:'notifications delete successfully'}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:'this data not match our records'}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:'this data not match our records'}; } } @Post('create-virtual-lift') async createVirtualLift(@Body() body) { try { const data = body; const id =; delete data.user; data['user_id'] = id; var to = {lat:,lon:}; var from = {lat:,lon: body.from.long}; var distanceCalculate = Distance.between(to, from); body['distance'] = distanceCalculate.human_readable().distance; data['created_at'] = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') const createlift = await this.liftService.createVirtualLift(data); if(createlift){ return {status:true,message:"virtual lift created successfully"}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"invalid argument"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Get('get-virtual-lift') async getVirtualLift(@Body() body) { try { const user_id =; var virtualLift = await this.liftService.getVirtualLift(user_id); virtualLift = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(virtualLift)); const inter =[]; const intra =[]; if(virtualLift.length > 0){,index)=>{ var data={}; data['name'] = item.user[0].first_name+' '+item.user[0].last_name; data['profile'] = item.user[0].profile; data['passenger'] = item.passenger; data['to'] =; data['from'] = item.from.address; data['created_at'] = item.created_at; data['virtual_lift_price'] = item.virtual_lift_price; data['virtual_lift_id'] = item._id; delete item._id; delete item.user; delete item.__v; var is_rejected = 0; if(item.rejected_id && item.rejected_id.includes({ is_rejected = 1; } if(item.type == 'inter' && is_rejected == 0 && !item.accepted_id){ inter.push(data); }else if(item.type == 'intra' && is_rejected == 0 && !item.accepted_id){ intra.push(data); } }) return {status:true,data:{'inter':inter,'intra':intra}}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"no virtual lift found"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Post('get-virtual-lift-details') async getSingleVirtualLift(@Body() body) { try { const id = body.virtual_lift_id; if(!body['virtual_lift_id']){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } var virtualLift = await this.liftService.getVirtualLiftDetails(id); virtualLift = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(virtualLift)); if(virtualLift){ virtualLift['id'] = virtualLift._id; delete virtualLift._id; delete virtualLift.__v; delete virtualLift['user_id']; return {status:true,data:virtualLift}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"no virtual lift found"}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Post('virtual-lift-accept-user') async virtualLiftAcceptUser(@Body() body) { try{ const lift_id = body['lift_request_id']; const notification_id = body['notification_id']; if(!lift_id || !notification_id){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const approvalVirtuallift = await this.liftService.approvalVirtualLift(lift_id); if(approvalVirtuallift){ var data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(approvalVirtuallift)) data['user_id'] = data['accepted_id']; data['is_virtual'] = true; delete data['rejected_id']; delete data.__v; delete data._id; delete data['created_at']; delete data['updated_at']; delete data['approval']; delete data['accepted_id']; const createlift = await this.liftService.create(data); if(createlift){ var bookingdata={ 'user_id', 'driver_id' :createlift['user_id'], 'to' :createlift['to'], 'from' :createlift['from'], 'price' :createlift['price'], 'passenger' :createlift['passenger'], 'distance' :createlift['distance'], 'date' :createlift['occasional'], 'is_virtual' :true, 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') }; const booking = await this.liftService.createdLiftBooking(bookingdata); if(booking){ const deleteNotification = await this.liftService.deleteAllNotification([notification_id]); return {"status":true,message:'accepted successfully'}; }else{ const deletelift = await this.liftService.deleteLift(createlift['_id']); return {"status":true,message:'something went wrong'}; } } }else{ return {"status":false,message:'this lift not exits our record'}; } }catch(e){ return {"status":false,message:'something went wrong'}; } } @Post('virtual-lift-reject-user') async virtualLiftRejectUser(@Body() body) { const lift_id = body['lift_request_id']; const notification_id = body['notification_id']; if(!lift_id || !notification_id){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } const rejectVirtualLiftFromUser = await this.liftService.removeVirtualLiftFromuser(lift_id); if(rejectVirtualLiftFromUser && rejectVirtualLiftFromUser.modifiedCount > 0){ const deleteNotification = await this.liftService.deleteAllNotification([notification_id]); return {"status":true,message:'rejected successfully'}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:'this lift not exits our record'}; } } @Post('virtual-lift-accept-reject') async virtualLiftAcceptReject(@Body() body) { try { const action = ["rejected", "accepted"]; const driver_id =; const price = body.price; var updatedData = body; var lift_id =body['virtual_lift_id']; if(!body['action'] || !lift_id || !action.includes(body['action'])){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } var virtualLift = await this.liftService.getVirtualLiftDetails(lift_id); virtualLift = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(virtualLift)); if(!virtualLift || virtualLift['accepted_id']){ return {"status":false,message:'this lift has been already taken by another rider'}; }else if(body['action'] == 'rejected'){ if(virtualLift['rejected_id']){ const old_data = virtualLift['rejected_id']; old_data.push(; const updateData = await this.liftService.updateVirtualLiftDetails(lift_id,old_data); return {"status":true,message:'updated successfully'}; }else{ const updateData = await this.liftService.updateVirtualLiftDetails(lift_id,[]); return {"status":true,message:'updated successfully'}; } }else if(body['action'] == 'accepted'){ delete updatedData.action; delete updatedData.user; delete updatedData.virtual_lift_id; updatedData['accepted_id'] = driver_id; updatedData['updated_at'] = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A'); const acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver = await this.liftService.acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver(lift_id,updatedData); if(acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver){ const notificationData={ 'lift_request_id' :acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver._id, 'user_id' :acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver['user_id'], 'notify_from' :'driver', 'driver_id' :driver_id, 'is_virtual' :true, 'virtual_lift_price' :price, 'message' :'has accepted your virtual lift request', 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') } const user_id = acceptVirtualLiftFromDriver['user_id']; this.createAndSendNotifications(notificationData,driver_id,user_id); return {"status":true,message:'accepted successfully'}; } } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } @Post('cancle-booking') async cancleBooking(@Body() body) { try{ const booking_id = body.booking_id; const my_role = body.myrole; const user_id =; body['user_id'] =; delete body.user; var action = ["user", "driver"]; if(!booking_id || !my_role || !action.includes(my_role)){ return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; } var cancleBooking = await this.liftService.cancleBooking(body); if(cancleBooking && Object.keys(cancleBooking).length !== 0){ const getVirtualBuffer = await this.liftService.getVirtualBuffer(booking_id); if(getVirtualBuffer){ var bufferId = getVirtualBuffer['_id']; let userid = getVirtualBuffer['user_id']; let amount = getVirtualBuffer['amount']; const getUserData = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(userid); const walleteAmount = getUserData["wallet_amount_user"]; const newAmount = getUserData["wallet_amount_user"] + parseInt(amount); const updateWallete = await this.usersService.update(userid,{'wallet_amount_user':newAmount}); if(updateWallete){ const removeDataFromVirtualBuffer = await this.liftService.removeBufferData(bufferId); return {"status":true,message:'cancle successfully'}; } }else{ return {"status":false,message:'this booking already cancle'}; } }else{ return {"status":false,message:'this booking not found our record'}; } } catch(e){ if(e.hasOwnProperty('errors')){ return {"status":false,message:e}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:e}; } } } async createAndSendNotifications(notificationData,driver_id,user_id,is_create_notification = false){ console.log(notificationData) const notification = await this.liftService.createdNotification(notificationData); console.log(notification); const searchDriver = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(driver_id); const searchUser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(user_id); if(searchUser && searchDriver){ let bodymsg = searchDriver['first_name']+' '+searchDriver['last_name']+' '+notificationData.message; this.helperService.pushNotifications(searchUser['fcm'],'vyno',bodymsg); } } }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack<gh_stars>0 import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { LiftRequest } from './liftRequest.schema'; export declare type LiftNotificationDocument = LiftNotification & Document; export declare class LiftNotification { lift_request_id: LiftRequest; user_id: User; driver_id: User; notify_from: string; message: string; is_virtual: boolean; virtual_lift_price: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const LiftNotificationSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<LiftNotification, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<LiftNotification, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<filename>src/payment/schemas/payment.schema.ts import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type PaymentDocument = Payment & Document; @Schema() export class Payment { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop() request_uuid: string; @Prop() amount: string; @Prop() status: string; @Prop() message:string; @Prop() created_at: string; } export const PaymentSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Payment);
export class CreateAddressDto {}
<filename>dist/src/payment/schemas/payment.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type PaymentDocument = Payment & Document; export declare class Payment { user_id: User; request_uuid: string; amount: string; status: string; message: string; created_at: string; } export declare const PaymentSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<Payment, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<Payment, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack export declare class Singup { }
<gh_stars>0 import { Controller, Get, Post, Res, Body, Patch, Param, Delete, ParseIntPipe, UseInterceptors, UploadedFile, UploadedFiles} from '@nestjs/common'; import { FileInterceptor, FilesInterceptor ,FileFieldsInterceptor ,AnyFilesInterceptor } from "@nestjs/platform-express"; import { UsersService } from './users.service'; import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto'; import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto'; import { User, UserSchema } from './schemas/user.schema'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express'; import * as fs from "fs"; import { time } from 'console'; import { connected } from 'process'; const mime = require('mime'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Controller({path:'user',version:'1'}) export class UsersController { constructor( private readonly usersService: UsersService, private jwtService: JwtService, private helperService:HelperService ) { } @Get('allUser') findAll() { return this.usersService.findAll(); } @Get('account-status') async accountStatus(@Body() body) { const id =; const finduser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(id); if(finduser && finduser['account_status']){ return {status:true,data:{account_status:finduser['account_status']}}; }else{ return {"status":true,data:{account_status:''}}; } } @Get('my-profile') async myProfile(@Body() body) { const id =; const finduser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(id); if(finduser){ return {status:true,data:finduser}; }else{ return {"status":false,message:"User not found"}; } } @Post('/update') async updateUser(@Body() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto) { try{ if(updateUserDto.hasOwnProperty('profile')){ var imgBase64 = updateUserDto['profile']; const uploadfile = this.helperService.base64ImageUpload(imgBase64); if(uploadfile.status != true){ return {status:true,message:"invalid format of images"}; }else{ updateUserDto['profile'] = uploadfile.path; } } const id = updateUserDto['user'].id; delete updateUserDto['user']; delete updateUserDto['otp']; delete updateUserDto['phone_number']; delete updateUserDto['account_verify']; const updateUser = await this.usersService.update(id,updateUserDto); if(updateUser){ const finduser = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(id); return {status:true,message:"updated successfully",data:{profile:finduser['profile']}}; }else{ return {status:true,message:"User not found"}; } }catch (e) { return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Post('/ratingReview') async ratingReview(@Body() body) { try{ var user_id =; var to =; var rating = body.rating; var rating_for = body.rating_for; var action = ["user", "driver"]; body['created_at'] = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A'); delete body.user; if(!to || !rating || !action.includes(rating_for)) { return {"status":false,message:'provide valid parameter'}; }else{ const finduser = await; if(finduser){ return {status:true,message:"successfully"} }else{ return {status:true,message:"went somthing wrong"}; } } }catch (e) { return {"status":false,message:e}; } } @Get('my-wallet') async myWallet(@Body() body,@Param('role') roles: string) { const user_id =; const finddata = await this.usersService.findDataFromId(user_id); if(finddata){ return {"status":true,wallet_user:finddata['wallet_amount_user'],wallet_driver:finddata['wallet_amount_driver']}; } } // @Post('/upload-document') // @UseInterceptors(AnyFilesInterceptor()) // async uploadFile(@Body() body,@UploadedFiles() files: Array<Express.Multer.File>) { // try{ // var i = 0; // var fielddata = []; // var id =; // var updateUser; // if(Array.isArray(files) && files.length){ // for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // fielddata[files[i].fieldname] = files[i].path; // const extension = files[i].mimetype.split("/")[1]; // fs.rename(files[i].path, files[i].path+'.'+extension, function(err) { // }); // if(!id){ // console.log("delete"+" "+files[i].path+'.'+extension) // fs.unlinkSync(files[i].path+'.'+extension); // }else{ // const updateUserDocument = { // [files[i].fieldname] : files[i].path+'.'+extension // }; // updateUser = await this.usersService.update(id,updateUserDocument); // } // if( i == files.length - 1 ){ // if(!id){ // return {status:false , message:"provide valid parameter"}; // }else{ // const documentStatus = { // 'account_status' : 'pending' // }; // await this.usersService.update(id,documentStatus); // return {status:true , message:"document update successfully"}; // } // } // } // }else{ // return {"status":false,message:"minimum 1 file upload"}; // } // }catch (e) { // return {"status":false,message:e}; // } // } // @Get(':phone') // async findOne(@Param('phone', ParseIntPipe) phone: string){ // var getData = await this.usersService.findOne(+phone); // if(getData){ // return {status:'true',data:getData,'message':"find"}; // }else{ // return {status:'true',data:getData,'message':"not found"}; // } // } // @Patch(':phone') // async update(@Param('phone') phone: string, @Body() updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto) { // const updateUser = await this.usersService.update(+phone, updateUserDto); // if(updateUser){ // return {status:'true',data:updateUser,'message':"update successfully"}; // }else{ // return {status:'true',data:updateUser,'message':"user not found"}; // } // console.log(updateUserDto); // //; // } // @Delete(':id') // remove(@Param('id') id: string) { // return this.usersService.remove(+id); // } }
<filename>src/payment/payment.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreatePaymentDto } from './dto/create-payment.dto'; import { UpdatePaymentDto } from './dto/update-payment.dto'; import { Payment, PaymentSchema } from './schemas/payment.schema'; import { History,HistorySchema } from './schemas/history.schema'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; @Injectable() export class PaymentService { constructor( @InjectModel( private paymentModel: Model<CreatePaymentDto>, @InjectModel( private historyModel: Model<{}> ) {} create(createPaymentDto: CreatePaymentDto) { try{ const createdlift = new this.paymentModel(createPaymentDto); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } historyCreate(data){ try{ const createdlift = new this.historyModel(data); return; } catch(e){ return e; } } findAll() { return `This action returns all payment`; } findOne(id: number) { return `This action returns a #${id} payment`; } update(id: number, updatePaymentDto: UpdatePaymentDto) { return `This action updates a #${id} payment`; } remove(id: number) { return `This action removes a #${id} payment`; } }
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { LiftBooking, LiftBookingSchema } from '../schemas/liftBooking.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type VirtualBufferDocument = VirtualBuffer & Document; @Schema() export class VirtualBuffer { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'LiftBooking' ,required: true }) booking_id: LiftBooking; @Prop() amount: number; @Prop() created_at: string; } export const VirtualBufferSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(VirtualBuffer);
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { SingupService } from './singup.service'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { SingupController } from './singup.controller'; import { User, UserSchema } from '../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { RatingReview, RatingReviewSchema } from '../users/schemas/ratingReview.schema'; import { Momo, MomoSchema } from '../users/schemas/momo.schema'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature([ { name:, schema: UserSchema }, { name:, schema: RatingReviewSchema }, { name:, schema: MomoSchema }, ]), JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), ], controllers: [SingupController], providers: [SingupService,UsersService,HelperService] }) export class SingupModule {}
export declare class Document { }
<filename>src/singup/singup.controller.ts<gh_stars>0 import { Controller, Get, Post, Body, Patch, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common'; import { SingupService } from './singup.service'; import { CreateSingupDto } from './dto/create-singup.dto'; import { UpdateSingupDto } from './dto/update-singup.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; import { CreateUserDto } from '../users/dto/create-user.dto'; import { UpdateUserDto } from '../users/dto/update-user.dto'; import { User, UserSchema } from '../users/schemas/user.schema'; import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { v4 } from 'uuid'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { ERR_MSG, MOMO} from './../../config/configuration' let fetch = require('node-fetch'); import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Controller({path:'signup',version:'1'}) export class SingupController { constructor( private readonly singupService: SingupService, private readonly usersService: UsersService, private jwtService: JwtService, private helperService:HelperService ) {} @Post() async create(@Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto) { try{ if(!createUserDto.hasOwnProperty('phone_number') || !createUserDto.hasOwnProperty('country_code')){ return {status:false,message:"provide Valid parameter"}; } const checkUserExits = await this.usersService.findData({phone_number:createUserDto['phone_number'],country_code:createUserDto['country_code']}); const date= moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss'); if(checkUserExits){ createUserDto['updated_at'] = date; var updateUser = await this.usersService.updateOtp(createUserDto); updateUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(updateUser)); return {status:true,id:updateUser._id,message:"user updated successfully"}; }else{ createUserDto['first_name'] = ''; createUserDto['last_name'] = ''; createUserDto['email'] = ''; createUserDto['gender'] = ''; createUserDto['dob'] = ''; createUserDto['profession'] = ''; createUserDto['driving_licence'] = ''; createUserDto['cni_number'] = ''; createUserDto['created_at'] = date; createUserDto['updated_at'] = ''; createUserDto['verify_otp'] = '1234'; createUserDto['role'] = '1'; createUserDto['account_verify'] = ''; createUserDto['account_status'] = ''; var createUser = await this.usersService.create(createUserDto); createUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(createUser)); if(createUser){ var createMomoCredential = await this.createMomoAccountAndSaveCredential(createUser._id); createMomoCredential = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(createMomoCredential)); if(createMomoCredential['_id']){ return {status:true,id:createUser._id,message:"user created successfully"}; }else{ var deleteUser = await this.usersService.deleteUser(createUser._id); return {status:false,message:ERR_MSG}; } } } }catch (e){ return {status:false,message:e}; } } async createMomoAccountAndSaveCredential(user_id){ var url = MOMO.MOMO_URL+ '/v1_0/apiuser'; var uuidv4 = v4(); var header = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json','Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key':MOMO.OcpApimSubscriptionKey, 'X-Reference-Id' :uuidv4 }; // for creating user in momo await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: header, body: JSON.stringify({ "providerCallbackHost": "string" }) }).then(async response => { if(response.status == 201){ var url = MOMO.MOMO_URL+ '/v1_0/apiuser/'+uuidv4+'/apikey'; var header = { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key':MOMO.OcpApimSubscriptionKey }; const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: header }).then(async responseData => { const content = await responseData.json(); const username = uuidv4; const password = content.apiKey; const data = { 'user_id' :user_id, 'username' :uuidv4, 'password' :password, 'created_at' :moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY h:mm A') }; const createMomoCredential = await this.usersService.createMomoCredential(data); return createMomoCredential; }) } }); } @Post('/verify-otp') async verifyotp(req: Request, res: Response,@Body() data) { try { if(!data.hasOwnProperty('id') || !data.hasOwnProperty('otp') ){ return {status:false,message:"provide Valid parameter"}; } const verifyotp = await this.usersService.findData({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId( ,verify_otp:data.otp}); if(verifyotp){ const updatefcm = await this.usersService.update(,{'fcm':data.fcm}); const payload = { id:}; const jwtToken = await this.jwtService.signAsync(payload); const userdata = this.helperService.removeUnderscoreFromcolumn(verifyotp); return {status:true,token: jwtToken,data:userdata,message:"otp verify successfully"}; }else{ return {status:false,message:"otp not match"}; } }catch (err) { return{ status: false,message:'invalid token' }; } } }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack<gh_stars>0 /// <reference types="mongoose" /> import { UsersService } from './users.service'; import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto'; import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; export declare class UsersController { private readonly usersService; private jwtService; private helperService; constructor(usersService: UsersService, jwtService: JwtService, helperService: HelperService); findAll(): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; accountStatus(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: { account_status: any; }; }>; myProfile(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: string; data?: undefined; }>; updateUser(updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; data: { profile: any; }; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; ratingReview(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; myWallet(body: any, roles: string): Promise<{ status: boolean; wallet_user: any; wallet_driver: any; }>; }
export declare class CreateAdminDto { }
export declare const GOOGEL_MAP_KEY = "<KEY>"; export declare const USER_ROLE = "0"; export declare const DRIVER_ROLE = "1"; export declare const VIRTUAL_LIFT = true; export declare const PUSH_NOTIFICATION = true; export declare const FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY = "<KEY>"; export declare const MOMO_URL = ""; export declare const OcpApimSubscriptionKey = "<KEY>"; export declare const ERR_MSG = "went something wrong"; export declare const MOMO: { MOMO_URL: string; XTargetEnvironment: string; OcpApimSubscriptionKey: string; };
export declare class Address { }
import { CreatePaymentDto } from './create-payment.dto'; declare const UpdatePaymentDto_base: import("@nestjs/mapped-types").MappedType<Partial<CreatePaymentDto>>; export declare class UpdatePaymentDto extends UpdatePaymentDto_base { } export {};
<filename>src/app.module.ts import { Module, NestModule, MiddlewareConsumer } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AppController } from './app.controller'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { UsersModule } from './users/users.module'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { AuthModule } from './auth/auth.module'; import { SingupModule } from './singup/singup.module'; import { LoginMiddleware } from './common/login.middleware'; import { AdminMiddleware } from './common/admin.middleware'; import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config'; import { ENV } from 'config/environment'; import { AddressModule } from './address/address.module'; import { MulterModule } from '@nestjs/platform-express'; import { AdminModule } from './admin/admin.module'; import { LiftModule } from './lift/lift.module'; import { DocumentModule } from './document/document.module'; import { PaymentModule } from './payment/payment.module'; @Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forRoot(ENV.DB_URL), UsersModule, JwtModule.register({ secret: 'secretKey', signOptions: { expiresIn: '365d' }, }), AuthModule, SingupModule, ConfigModule.forRoot(), AddressModule, MulterModule.register({ dest: './public/uploads/document/', }), ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }), AdminModule, LiftModule, DocumentModule, PaymentModule, ], controllers: [AppController], providers: [AppService], }) export class AppModule implements NestModule { configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) { consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/user'); consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/admin'); consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/lift'); consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/address'); consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/document'); consumer .apply(LoginMiddleware) .forRoutes('v1/payment'); } }
export declare class HelperService { base64ImageUpload(imgBase64: any): { status: string; message: string; path?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; path: string; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; path?: undefined; }; documentUpload(data: any): any[] | { status: string; message: any; }; removeUnderscoreFromcolumn(data: any): any; getReverseGeocodingData(lat: any, lng: any): any; pushNotifications(fcm_token: any, title_msg: any, msg: any): void; }
import { CreateAddressDto } from './dto/create-address.dto'; import { UpdateAddressDto } from './dto/update-address.dto'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; export declare class AddressService { private addressModel; constructor(addressModel: Model<CreateAddressDto>); create(createAddressDto: CreateAddressDto): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateAddressDto> & CreateAddressDto & { _id: unknown; }>; findAll(): string; findOne(id: number): string; update(id: number, updateAddressDto: UpdateAddressDto): string; remove(id: number): string; }
<gh_stars>0 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateSingupDto } from './dto/create-singup.dto'; import { UpdateSingupDto } from './dto/update-singup.dto'; @Injectable() export class SingupService { create(createSingupDto: CreateSingupDto) { return 'This action adds a new singup'; } findAll() { return `This action returns all singup`; } findOne(id: number) { return `This action returns a #${id} singup`; } update(id: number, updateSingupDto: UpdateSingupDto) { return `This action updates a #${id} singup`; } remove(id: number) { return `This action removes a #${id} singup`; } }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { Lift } from './lift.schema'; export declare type LiftRequestDocument = LiftRequest & Document; export declare class LiftRequest { user_id: User; lift_id: Lift; driver_id: User; passenger: number; user_status: string; date: string; driver_status: string; created_at: string; created_at_time: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const LiftRequestSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<LiftRequest, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<LiftRequest, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
import { CreateSingupDto } from './create-singup.dto'; declare const UpdateSingupDto_base: import("@nestjs/mapped-types").MappedType<Partial<CreateSingupDto>>; export declare class UpdateSingupDto extends UpdateSingupDto_base { } export {};
<gh_stars>0 import { AddressService } from './address.service'; import { CreateAddressDto } from './dto/create-address.dto'; export declare class AddressController { private readonly addressService; constructor(addressService: AddressService); create(body: any, createAddressDto: CreateAddressDto): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; findAll(): string; }
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { Lift } from './lift.schema'; import { LiftRequest } from './liftRequest.schema'; export type LiftBookingDocument = LiftBooking & Document; @Schema() export class LiftBooking { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'LiftRequest'}) lift_request_id: LiftRequest; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) driver_id: User; @Prop({type: Object, required: true }) to: { lat:string, long:string, address:string }; @Prop({type: Object, required: true }) from:{ lat:string, long:string, address:string }; @Prop({ required: true }) passenger: number; @Prop({ required: true }) price: number; @Prop({ required: true ,default: false}) is_virtual: boolean; @Prop({default: ''}) distance: string; @Prop({ type: String, required: true }) date: string; @Prop({ type: String, required: true, default: false }) is_cancle: boolean; @Prop({ type: String, enum: ['user','driver'], }) cancle_by: string; @Prop({ type: String, enum: ['active','completed','inactive'], default: 'inactive' }) status: string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const LiftBookingSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(LiftBooking);
<filename>dist/src/lift/schemas/liftBooking.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; import { LiftRequest } from './liftRequest.schema'; export declare type LiftBookingDocument = LiftBooking & Document; export declare class LiftBooking { lift_request_id: LiftRequest; user_id: User; driver_id: User; to: { lat: string; long: string; address: string; }; from: { lat: string; long: string; address: string; }; passenger: number; price: number; is_virtual: boolean; distance: string; date: string; is_cancle: boolean; cancle_by: string; status: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const LiftBookingSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<LiftBooking, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<LiftBooking, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { SingupController } from './singup.controller'; import { SingupService } from './singup.service'; describe('SingupController', () => { let controller: SingupController; beforeEach(async () => { const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ controllers: [SingupController], providers: [SingupService], }).compile(); controller = module.get<SingupController>(SingupController); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(controller).toBeDefined(); }); });
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack /// <reference types="mongoose" /> import { LiftService } from './lift.service'; import { CreateLiftDto } from './dto/create-lift.dto'; import { HelperService } from '../common/helper'; import { UsersService } from '.././users/users.service'; export declare class LiftController { private readonly liftService; private helperService; private readonly usersService; constructor(liftService: LiftService, helperService: HelperService, usersService: UsersService); create(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; Update(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; fetchMyLift(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: { inter: any[]; intra: any[]; }; }>; SearchLift(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: any[]; message: string; } | { status: boolean; data: any[]; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; findAll(): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateLiftDto> & CreateLiftDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; findSinfetchgleLift(id: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: any; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; findOne(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; getStaticImageRoute(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; url: string; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; url?: undefined; }>; getPlaceApi(): Promise<any>; LiftRequestFromUSer(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; fetchUserRequest(body: any, roles: string): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: { inter: any[]; intra: any[]; all: any[]; }; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; accepctRejectLiftRequst(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; }>; addAmountInVirtualBuffer(user_id: any, booking_id: any, amount: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, import("../users/dto/create-user.dto").CreateUserDto> & import("../users/dto/create-user.dto").CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }>; myBooking(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: any; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; activeLift(body: any, id: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; getBookingUserInfo(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; user: { driver_info: string | any[]; }; driver: any[]; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; user?: undefined; driver?: undefined; }>; myNotifications(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; data?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; data: any; message?: undefined; }>; deleteNotifications(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; }>; createVirtualLift(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; getVirtualLift(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: { inter: any[]; intra: any[]; }; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; getSingleVirtualLift(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; data: import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }; message?: undefined; } | { status: boolean; message: any; data?: undefined; }>; virtualLiftAcceptUser(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; }>; virtualLiftRejectUser(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: string; }>; virtualLiftAcceptReject(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; cancleBooking(body: any): Promise<{ status: boolean; message: any; }>; createAndSendNotifications(notificationData: any, driver_id: any, user_id: any, is_create_notification?: boolean): Promise<void>; }
<gh_stars>0 import { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto'; import { UpdateUserDto } from './dto/update-user.dto'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; export declare class UsersService { private userModel; private ratingReviewModel; private momoModel; constructor(userModel: Model<CreateUserDto>, ratingReviewModel: Model<{}>, momoModel: Model<{}>); create(createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }>; findAll(): Promise<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; })[]>; findData(item: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }>; findDataFromId(id: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }>; update(id: any, updateUserDto: UpdateUserDto): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateUserDto>; createMomoCredential(data: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }>; findMomoCredential(user_id: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }>; updateOtp(item: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateUserDto>; updateUserWallet(user_id: any, amount: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateUserDto>; deleteUser(user_id: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateUserDto> & CreateUserDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateUserDto>; review(data: any): Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, {}> & { _id: unknown; }>; }
export declare class CreateLiftDto { }
<gh_stars>0 export declare class Payment { }
<filename>src/singup/entities/singup.entity.ts export class Singup {}
import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type DocumentsDocument = Documents & Document; export declare class Documents { user_id: User; role: string; driving_licence: string; cnic: string; registration: string; insurance: string; account_status: string; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const DocumentsSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<Documents, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<Documents, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<gh_stars>0 import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CreateAddressDto } from './dto/create-address.dto'; import { UpdateAddressDto } from './dto/update-address.dto'; import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; import { Address, AddressSchema } from './schemas/address.schema'; var mongoose = require('mongoose'); @Injectable() export class AddressService { constructor(@InjectModel( private addressModel: Model<CreateAddressDto>) {} create(createAddressDto: CreateAddressDto) { const createdAddress = new this.addressModel(createAddressDto); return; } findAll() { return `This action returns all address`; } findOne(id: number) { return `This action returns a #${id} address`; } update(id: number, updateAddressDto: UpdateAddressDto) { return `This action updates a #${id} address`; } remove(id: number) { return `This action removes a #${id} address`; } }
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type DocumentsDocument = Documents & Document; @Schema() export class Documents { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ required: true }) role: string; @Prop() driving_licence: string; @Prop() cnic: string; @Prop() registration: string; @Prop() insurance: string; @Prop() account_status: string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const DocumentsSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Documents);
<filename>dist/src/lift/schemas/virtualLift.schema.d.ts import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export declare type VirtualLiftDocument = VirtualLift & Document; export declare class VirtualLift { user_id: User; type: string; to: { lat: string; long: string; address: string; }; from: { lat: string; long: string; address: string; }; passenger: number; price: number; departure_time: string; is_occasional: boolean; occasional: string; is_frequent: boolean; frequent: string; is_come_back: boolean; lift_come_back_time: string; is_pick_preference: boolean; distance: string; drop_off: Object; pick_preferences: { pickup: Object; gender: string; air_condition: string; pvt_lift: string; car: string; }; is_active: boolean; rejected_id: string; accepted_id: User; approval: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; } export declare const VirtualLiftSchema: mongoose.Schema<Document<VirtualLift, any, any>, mongoose.Model<Document<VirtualLift, any, any>, any, any, any>, {}>;
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack export class CreateLiftDto {}
<reponame>lakshay-pant/vynoFinalBack<filename>src/lift/schemas/lift.schema.ts import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type LiftDocument = Lift & Document; @Schema() export class Lift { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) user_id: User; @Prop({ required: true }) type: string; @Prop({type: Object, required: true }) to: { lat:string, long:string, address:string }; @Prop({type: Object, required: true }) from:{ lat:string, long:string, address:string }; @Prop({ required: true }) passenger: number; @Prop({ required: true }) price: number; @Prop({ required: true }) departure_time: string; @Prop({default: false}) is_occasional: boolean; @Prop() occasional: string; @Prop({default: false}) is_frequent: boolean; @Prop({type: Object}) frequent: string; @Prop({default: false}) is_come_back: boolean; @Prop() lift_come_back_time: string; @Prop({default: false}) is_pick_preference: boolean; @Prop({default: ''}) distance: string; @Prop({type: Object}) drop_off:Object; @Prop({type: Object}) pick_preferences:{ pickup: Object, gender: string, air_condition: string, pvt_lift: string, car : string } @Prop({default: true}) is_active: boolean; @Prop({ required: true ,default: false}) is_virtual: boolean; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const LiftSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(Lift);
<filename>dist/src/document/document.service.d.ts import { CreateDocumentDto } from './dto/create-document.dto'; import { Model } from 'mongoose'; export declare class DocumentService { private documentsModel; constructor(documentsModel: Model<CreateDocumentDto>); create(createDocumentDto: CreateDocumentDto): string; findAll(): string; findOne(id: number): string; checkData(id: any, role: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateDocumentDto>; checkAccountStatusFromId(user_id: any): import("mongoose").Query<(import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; })[], import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateDocumentDto>; updateInsert(id: any, role: any, data: any, type: any): import("mongoose").Query<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }, import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }, {}, CreateDocumentDto> | Promise<import("mongoose").Document<any, any, CreateDocumentDto> & CreateDocumentDto & { _id: unknown; }>; remove(id: number): string; }
export class Lift {}
<filename>dist/src/lift/dto/update-lift.dto.d.ts import { CreateLiftDto } from './create-lift.dto'; declare const UpdateLiftDto_base: import("@nestjs/mapped-types").MappedType<Partial<CreateLiftDto>>; export declare class UpdateLiftDto extends UpdateLiftDto_base { } export {};
<gh_stars>0 import { Injectable, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; @Injectable() export class AdminMiddleware implements NestMiddleware { constructor(private jwtService: JwtService) {} async use(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) { try { const token = req.header('authorization').split(' ')[1]; // Authorization: 'Bearer TOKEN' if (!token) { throw new Error('Authentication failed!'); } const verified = await this.jwtService.verifyAsync(token); req.body.user = verified; next(); } catch (err) { res.status(400).send({ status: false,message:'invalid token' }); } } }
<filename>dist/src/admin/admin.service.d.ts import { CreateAdminDto } from './dto/create-admin.dto'; import { UpdateAdminDto } from './dto/update-admin.dto'; import { UsersService } from '../users/users.service'; export declare class AdminService { private readonly usersService; constructor(usersService: UsersService); create(createAdminDto: CreateAdminDto): string; findAll(): Promise<void>; findOne(id: number): string; update(id: number, updateAdminDto: UpdateAdminDto): string; remove(id: number): string; }
export declare class CreateDocumentDto { }
import { Prop, Schema, SchemaFactory } from '@nestjs/mongoose'; import { Document } from 'mongoose'; import { User } from '../../users/schemas/user.schema'; import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'; export type RatingReviewDocument = RatingReview & Document; @Schema() export class RatingReview { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' ,required: true }) to: User; @Prop() rating: string; @Prop() rating_for: string; @Prop() created_at: string; @Prop() updated_at: string; } export const RatingReviewSchema = SchemaFactory.createForClass(RatingReview);
import { PartialType } from '@nestjs/mapped-types'; import { CreateSingupDto } from './create-singup.dto'; export class UpdateSingupDto extends PartialType(CreateSingupDto) {}