stringlengths 63
| answer
stringlengths 18
What is the name of the department with the fewest members?
Additional table information: table: college_3 | SELECT T1.DName FROM DEPARTMENT AS T1 JOIN MEMBER_OF AS T2 ON T1.DNO = T2.DNO GROUP BY T2.DNO ORDER BY COUNT(*) ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
How many appelations are in Napa Country?
Additional table information: table: wine_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM APPELLATIONS WHERE County = 'Napa' |
Show all the information about election.
Additional table information: table: election | SELECT * FROM election |
What is the document type name for the document with name 'How to read a book'?
Additional table information: table: cre_Doc_Tracking_DB | SELECT T2.document_type_name FROM All_documents AS T1 JOIN Ref_document_types AS T2 ON T1.document_type_code = T2.document_type_code WHERE T1.document_name = 'How to read a book' |
What are the details for statements with the details 'Private Project', and what are the names of the corresponding documents?
Additional table information: table: cre_Docs_and_Epenses | SELECT T1.statement_details, T2.document_name FROM Statements AS T1 JOIN Documents AS T2 ON T1.statement_id = T2.document_id WHERE T1.statement_details = 'Private Project' |
What are the customer id and name corresponding to accounts with a checking balance less than the largest checking balance?
Additional table information: table: small_bank_1 | SELECT T1.custid, FROM accounts AS T1 JOIN checking AS T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid WHERE T2.balance < (SELECT MAX(balance) FROM checking) |
What is the mean longitude for all stations that have never had more than 10 bikes available?
Additional table information: table: bike_1 | SELECT AVG(long) FROM station WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT station_id FROM status GROUP BY station_id HAVING MAX(bikes_available) > 10) |
Return reviewer name, movie title, stars, and ratingDate. And sort the data first by reviewer name, then by movie title, and lastly by number of stars.
Additional table information: table: movie_1 | SELECT, T2.title, T1.stars, T1.ratingDate FROM Rating AS T1 JOIN Movie AS T2 ON T1.mID = T2.mID JOIN Reviewer AS T3 ON T1.rID = T3.rID ORDER BY NULLS FIRST, T2.title NULLS FIRST, T1.stars NULLS FIRST |
What are the names of all the aircrafts associated with London Gatwick airport?
Additional table information: table: aircraft | SELECT T1.Aircraft FROM aircraft AS T1 JOIN airport_aircraft AS T2 ON T1.Aircraft_ID = T2.Aircraft_ID JOIN airport AS T3 ON T2.Airport_ID = T3.Airport_ID WHERE T3.Airport_Name = 'London Gatwick' |
How many different genders are there in the dorms?
Additional table information: table: dorm_1 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT gender) FROM dorm |
Who are the players from Indonesia?
Additional table information: table: match_season | SELECT T2.Player FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T1.Country_name = 'Indonesia' |
How many games are free of injury accidents?
Additional table information: table: game_injury | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM game WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT game_id FROM injury_accident) |
Show the id and name of the aircraft with the maximum distance.
Additional table information: table: flight_1 | SELECT aid, name FROM Aircraft ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT 1 |
Show all customer ids and the number of accounts for each customer.
Additional table information: table: customers_card_transactions | SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) FROM Accounts GROUP BY customer_id |
Return the first names and last names of employees who earn more than 30000 in salary.
Additional table information: table: company_1 | SELECT fname, lname FROM employee WHERE salary > 30000 |
What is the 3 most common cloud cover rates in the region of zip code 94107?
Additional table information: table: bike_1 | SELECT cloud_cover FROM weather WHERE zip_code = 94107 GROUP BY cloud_cover ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 3 |
How many products are there?
Additional table information: table: products_gen_characteristics | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products |
What are the first and last names of the employee with the earliest date of birth?
Additional table information: table: college_1 | SELECT emp_fname, emp_lname FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
What is the name, type, and flag of the ship that was built in the most recent year?
Additional table information: table: ship_1 | SELECT name, TYPE, flag FROM ship ORDER BY built_year DESC LIMIT 1 |
How many students have had at least one 'B' grade?
Additional table information: table: college_3 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT StuID) FROM ENROLLED_IN WHERE Grade = 'B' |
Give the hometowns from which two or more gymnasts are from.
Additional table information: table: gymnast | SELECT T2.Hometown FROM gymnast AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.Gymnast_ID = T2.People_ID GROUP BY T2.Hometown HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 |
List all of the player ids with a height of at least 180cm and an overall rating higher than 85.
Additional table information: table: soccer_1 | SELECT player_api_id FROM Player WHERE height >= 180 INTERSECT SELECT player_api_id FROM Player_Attributes WHERE overall_rating > 85 |
Which locations contains both shops that opened after the year 2012 and shops that opened before 2008?
Additional table information: table: device | SELECT LOCATION FROM shop WHERE Open_Year > 2012 INTERSECT SELECT LOCATION FROM shop WHERE Open_Year < 2008 |
How many type of jobs do they have?
Additional table information: table: network_2 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT job) FROM Person |
What is the role of the employee named Koby?
Additional table information: table: cre_Doc_Control_Systems | SELECT T1.role_description FROM ROLES AS T1 JOIN Employees AS T2 ON T1.role_code = T2.role_code WHERE T2.employee_name = 'Koby' |
Advisor 1121 has how many students?
Additional table information: table: restaurant_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Student WHERE Advisor = 1121 |
find the name of all departments that do actually have one or more employees assigned to them.
Additional table information: table: hr_1 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.department_name FROM employees AS T1 JOIN departments AS T2 ON T1.department_id = T2.department_id |
How many followers does each user have?
Additional table information: table: twitter_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM follows |
Show the ids of all the faculty members who participate in an activity and advise a student.
Additional table information: table: activity_1 | SELECT FacID FROM Faculty_participates_in INTERSECT SELECT advisor FROM Student |
What is the velocity of the pilot named 'Thompson'?
Additional table information: table: flight_company | SELECT AVG(velocity) FROM flight WHERE pilot = 'Thompson' |
What are the different reviewer names, movie titles, and stars for every rating where the reviewer had the same name as the director?
Additional table information: table: movie_1 | SELECT DISTINCT, T2.title, T1.stars FROM Rating AS T1 JOIN Movie AS T2 ON T1.mID = T2.mID JOIN Reviewer AS T3 ON T1.rID = T3.rID WHERE T2.director = |
At which restaurant did the students spend the least amount of time? List restaurant and the time students spent on in total.
Additional table information: table: restaurant_1 | SELECT Restaurant.ResName, SUM(Visits_Restaurant.Spent) FROM Visits_Restaurant JOIN Restaurant ON Visits_Restaurant.ResID = Restaurant.ResID GROUP BY Restaurant.ResID ORDER BY SUM(Visits_Restaurant.Spent) ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
Find the names of the trains that do not pass any station located in London.
Additional table information: table: train_station | SELECT FROM train_station AS T1 JOIN train AS T2 ON T1.train_id = T2.train_id WHERE NOT T1.station_id IN (SELECT T4.station_id FROM train_station AS T3 JOIN station AS T4 ON T3.station_id = T4.station_id WHERE t4.location = 'London') |
What is the name of the youngest captain?
Additional table information: table: ship_1 | SELECT name FROM captain ORDER BY age NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
Show the names of all the activities Mark Giuliano participates in.
Additional table information: table: activity_1 | SELECT T3.activity_name FROM Faculty AS T1 JOIN Faculty_participates_in AS T2 ON T1.facID = T2.facID JOIN Activity AS T3 ON T3.actid = T2.actid WHERE T1.fname = 'Mark' AND T1.lname = 'Giuliano' |
Find the first name and office of the professor who is in the history department and has a Ph.D. degree.
Additional table information: table: college_1 | SELECT T1.emp_fname, T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T3.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' AND T2.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' |
What are the names of the airports in the city of Goroka?
Additional table information: table: flight_4 | SELECT name FROM airports WHERE city = 'Goroka' |
Find the name, address, number of students in the departments that have the top 3 highest number of students.
Additional table information: table: college_1 | SELECT T2.dept_name, T2.dept_address, COUNT(*) FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 3 |
What is the id of the appointment that started most recently?
Additional table information: table: hospital_1 | SELECT appointmentid FROM appointment ORDER BY START DESC LIMIT 1 |
List the first names of all the students in room 107.
Additional table information: table: student_1 | SELECT DISTINCT firstname FROM list WHERE classroom = 107 |
Show all the distinct president votes made on 08/30/2015.
Additional table information: table: voter_2 | SELECT DISTINCT PRESIDENT_Vote FROM VOTING_RECORD WHERE Registration_Date = '08/30/2015' |
Find the name of the product that has the smallest capacity.
Additional table information: table: product_catalog | SELECT catalog_entry_name FROM catalog_contents ORDER BY capacity ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
What are the descriptions and names of the courses that have student enrollment bigger than 2?
Additional table information: table: e_learning | SELECT T1.course_description, T1.course_name FROM Courses AS T1 JOIN Student_Course_Enrolment AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id GROUP BY T1.course_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 |
List the authors who do not have submission to any workshop.
Additional table information: table: workshop_paper | SELECT Author FROM submission WHERE NOT Submission_ID IN (SELECT Submission_ID FROM acceptance) |
Find the total population of the districts where the area is bigger than the average city area.
Additional table information: table: store_product | SELECT SUM(city_population) FROM district WHERE city_area > (SELECT AVG(city_area) FROM district) |
What is the average age for each city and what are those cities?
Additional table information: table: dorm_1 | SELECT AVG(age), city_code FROM student GROUP BY city_code |
What is the total and maximum duration for all trips with the bike id 636?
Additional table information: table: bike_1 | SELECT SUM(duration), MAX(duration) FROM trip WHERE bike_id = 636 |
What is the name and description for document type code RV?
Additional table information: table: cre_Doc_Tracking_DB | SELECT document_type_name, document_type_description FROM Ref_document_types WHERE document_type_code = 'RV' |
What are the job ids and dates of hire for employees hired after November 5th, 2007 and before July 5th, 2009?
Additional table information: table: hr_1 | SELECT job_id, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date BETWEEN '2007-11-05' AND '2009-07-05' |
Find the number of rooms with a king bed.
Additional table information: table: inn_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = 'King' |
List every album ordered by album title in ascending order.
Additional table information: table: store_1 | SELECT title FROM albums ORDER BY title NULLS FIRST |
For each distinct test result, find the number of students who got the result.
Additional table information: table: e_learning | SELECT test_result, COUNT(*) FROM Student_Tests_Taken GROUP BY test_result ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC |
What are the names of the physician who prescribed the highest dose?
Additional table information: table: hospital_1 | SELECT FROM physician AS T1 JOIN prescribes AS T2 ON T1.employeeid = T2.physician ORDER BY T2.dose DESC LIMIT 1 |
What is the number of faculty at Long Beach State University in 2002?
Additional table information: table: csu_1 | SELECT faculty FROM faculty AS T1 JOIN campuses AS T2 ON T1.campus = WHERE T1.year = 2002 AND T2.campus = 'Long Beach State University' |
For each phone, show its names and total number of stocks.
Additional table information: table: phone_market | SELECT T2.Name, SUM(T1.Num_of_stock) FROM phone_market AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Phone_ID = T2.Phone_ID GROUP BY T2.Name |
What is the first name and the last name of the customer who made the earliest rental?
Additional table information: table: sakila_1 | SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name FROM customer AS T1 JOIN rental AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id ORDER BY T2.rental_date ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
How many drama workshop groups are there in each city? Return both the city and the count.
Additional table information: table: cre_Drama_Workshop_Groups | SELECT T1.City_Town, COUNT(*) FROM Addresses AS T1 JOIN Drama_Workshop_Groups AS T2 ON T1.Address_ID = T2.Address_ID GROUP BY T1.City_Town |
Find the names of stadiums which have never had any event.
Additional table information: table: swimming | SELECT name FROM stadium WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT stadium_id FROM event) |
What are the names of the scientists, and how many projects are each of them working on?
Additional table information: table: scientist_1 | SELECT COUNT(*), FROM scientists AS T1 JOIN assignedto AS T2 ON T1.ssn = T2.scientist GROUP BY |
Sort all the industries in descending order of the count of companies in each industry
Additional table information: table: company_office | SELECT Industry FROM Companies GROUP BY Industry ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC |
How many customer cards are there?
Additional table information: table: customers_card_transactions | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Customers_cards |
Find the number of students who is older than 20 in each dorm.
Additional table information: table: dorm_1 | SELECT COUNT(*), T3.dorm_name FROM student AS T1 JOIN lives_in AS T2 ON T1.stuid = T2.stuid JOIN dorm AS T3 ON T3.dormid = T2.dormid WHERE T1.age > 20 GROUP BY T3.dorm_name |
How many allergies have type animal?
Additional table information: table: allergy_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = 'animal' |
What campuses opened between 1935 and 1939?
Additional table information: table: csu_1 | SELECT campus FROM campuses WHERE YEAR >= 1935 AND YEAR <= 1939 |
What is the location shared by most counties?
Additional table information: table: county_public_safety | SELECT LOCATION FROM county_public_safety GROUP BY LOCATION ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 |
For each city, list their names in decreasing order by their highest station latitude.
Additional table information: table: bike_1 | SELECT city FROM station GROUP BY city ORDER BY MAX(lat) DESC |
Show the name, home city, and age for all drivers.
Additional table information: table: school_bus | SELECT name, home_city, age FROM driver |
What is the total enrollment number of all colleges?
Additional table information: table: soccer_2 | SELECT SUM(enr) FROM College |
Find all manufacturers' names and their headquarters, sorted by the ones with highest revenue first.
Additional table information: table: manufactory_1 | SELECT name, headquarter FROM manufacturers ORDER BY revenue DESC |
What are the ids and first names of customers who do not hold a credit card?
Additional table information: table: customers_card_transactions | SELECT customer_id, customer_first_name FROM Customers EXCEPT SELECT T1.customer_id, T2.customer_first_name FROM Customers_cards AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE card_type_code = 'Credit' |
What is the title and credits of the course that is taught in the largest classroom (with the highest capacity)?
Additional table information: table: college_2 | SELECT T3.title, T3.credits FROM classroom AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.building = T2.building AND T1.room_number = T2.room_number JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T1.capacity = (SELECT MAX(capacity) FROM classroom) |
How many different payment methods are there?
Additional table information: table: customer_deliveries | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT payment_method) FROM customers |
Show the id, the date of account opened, the account name, and other account detail for all accounts.
Additional table information: table: customers_and_invoices | SELECT account_id, date_account_opened, account_name, other_account_details FROM Accounts |
Show the name of colleges that have at least two players.
Additional table information: table: match_season | SELECT College FROM match_season GROUP BY College HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 |
Which city does the student whose last name is 'Kim' live in?
Additional table information: table: allergy_1 | SELECT city_code FROM Student WHERE LName = 'Kim' |
Find the name and partition id for users who tweeted less than twice.
Additional table information: table: twitter_1 | SELECT, T1.partitionid FROM user_profiles AS T1 JOIN tweets AS T2 ON T1.uid = T2.uid GROUP BY T2.uid HAVING COUNT(*) < 2 |
What are the teams of the players, sorted in ascending alphabetical order?
Additional table information: table: school_player | SELECT Team FROM player ORDER BY Team ASC NULLS FIRST |
List the race class with at least two races.
Additional table information: table: race_track | SELECT CLASS FROM race GROUP BY CLASS HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 |
Among all the claims, which claims have a claimed amount larger than the average? List the date the claim was made and the date it was settled.
Additional table information: table: insurance_policies | SELECT Date_Claim_Made, Date_Claim_Settled FROM Claims WHERE Amount_Claimed > (SELECT AVG(Amount_Claimed) FROM Claims) |
How many acting statuses are there?
Additional table information: table: department_management | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT temporary_acting) FROM management |
What are the average rating and resolution of songs that are in Bangla?
Additional table information: table: music_1 | SELECT AVG(rating), AVG(resolution) FROM song WHERE languages = 'bangla' |
Find names of all students who took some course and the course description.
Additional table information: table: college_1 | SELECT T1.stu_fname, T1.stu_lname, T4.crs_description FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code |
List all the names of schools with an endowment amount smaller than or equal to 10.
Additional table information: table: school_finance | SELECT T2.school_name FROM endowment AS T1 JOIN school AS T2 ON T1.school_id = T2.school_id GROUP BY T1.school_id HAVING SUM(T1.amount) <= 10 |
Find the phone number and email address of customer 'Harold'.
Additional table information: table: cre_Drama_Workshop_Groups | SELECT Customer_Phone, Customer_Email_Address FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE Customer_Name = 'Harold' |
What is the customer id, first and last name with most number of accounts.
Additional table information: table: customers_and_invoices | SELECT T1.customer_id, T2.customer_first_name, T2.customer_last_name FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 |
Which game type has least number of games?
Additional table information: table: game_1 | SELECT gtype FROM Video_games GROUP BY gtype ORDER BY COUNT(*) NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |
What is the number of colleges with a student population greater than 15000?
Additional table information: table: soccer_2 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM College WHERE enr > 15000 |
Show the players and the years played.
Additional table information: table: match_season | SELECT Player, Years_Played FROM player |
Show the titles of books in descending order of publication price.
Additional table information: table: book_2 | SELECT T1.Title FROM book AS T1 JOIN publication AS T2 ON T1.Book_ID = T2.Book_ID ORDER BY T2.Price DESC |
Which department has the largest number of employees?
Additional table information: table: hospital_1 | SELECT name FROM department GROUP BY departmentID ORDER BY COUNT(departmentID) DESC LIMIT 1 |
How many students play sports?
Additional table information: table: game_1 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT StuID) FROM Sportsinfo |
How many girl students who are younger than 25?
Additional table information: table: dorm_1 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student WHERE sex = 'F' AND age < 25 |
What are the total account balances for each customer from Utah or Texas?
Additional table information: table: loan_1 | SELECT SUM(acc_bal) FROM customer WHERE state = 'Utah' OR state = 'Texas' |
Which origin has most number of flights?
Additional table information: table: flight_1 | SELECT origin FROM Flight GROUP BY origin ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 |
What are the names of the directors who created a movie with a 5 star rating, and what was the name of those movies?
Additional table information: table: movie_1 | SELECT T1.director, T1.title FROM Movie AS T1 JOIN Rating AS T2 ON T1.mID = T2.mID WHERE T2.stars = 5 |
What are the names of the dorm with the largest capacity?
Additional table information: table: dorm_1 | SELECT dorm_name FROM dorm ORDER BY student_capacity DESC LIMIT 1 |
Show the ids and details of the investors who have at least two transactions with type code 'SALE'.
Additional table information: table: tracking_share_transactions | SELECT T2.investor_id, T1.Investor_details FROM INVESTORS AS T1 JOIN TRANSACTIONS AS T2 ON T1.investor_id = T2.investor_id WHERE T2.transaction_type_code = 'SALE' GROUP BY T2.investor_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 |
What are all the distinct last names of all the engineers?
Additional table information: table: assets_maintenance | SELECT DISTINCT last_name FROM Maintenance_Engineers |
Show the station name and number of trains in each station.
Additional table information: table: train_station | SELECT, COUNT(*) FROM train_station AS T1 JOIN station AS T2 ON T1.station_id = T2.station_id GROUP BY T1.station_id |
Which customer, who has made at least one payment, has spent the least money? List his or her first name, last name, and the id.
Additional table information: table: sakila_1 | SELECT T1.first_name, T1.last_name, T1.customer_id FROM customer AS T1 JOIN payment AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY SUM(amount) ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1 |