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According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: multiplier effect. Explanation: A term used in systems thinking to describe the process by which changes in one field of human activity (subsystem) sometimes act to promote changes in other fields (subsystems) and in turn act on the original subsystem itself. An instance of positive feedback, it is thought by some to be one of the primary mechanisms of societal change.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: aerial reconnalssance. Explanation: An important survey technique in the discovery and recording of archaeological sites.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: geocentric conception. Explanation: the belief that the earth was at the center of the universe and that the sun and other celestial objects revolved around the earth.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: reciprocal teaching. Explanation: Interactive dialogue between teacher and students in which teacher initially models activities, after which teacher and students take turns being the teacher.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: S corporation. Explanation: A specialized type of corporation that has the regular characteristics of a C corporation but is unique in that the owners are taxed as a partnership as long as certain criteria are met.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: achievement motivation. Explanation: The striving to be competent in effortful activities.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Elementargedanken. Explanation: ‘Elementary thoughts’, those beliefs and aspects of culture held by Bastian to be common to all humankind (cf. psychicidentity, Völkergedanken).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: patrician. Explanation: great landowners who became the ruling class in the Roman Republic.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: lockout. Explanation: A refusal by the employer to provide opportunities to work.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: alloy. Explanation: A mixture of two or more metals, such as bronze (copper and tin), used in metallurgy.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: comparative sociology. Explanation: A term occasionally used by Radcliffe-Brown to mean ‘social anthropology’.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: encoding. Explanation: Converting a message into symbols.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: lexicostatistics. Explanation: The study of linguistic divergence between two languages, based on changes in a list of common vocabulary terms and the sharing of common root words (see also glottochronology).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: trajectory. Explanation: In systems thinking, this refers to the series of successive states through which the system proceeds over time. It may be said to represent the long-term behavior of the system.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: elementary structure. Explanation: According to Le ́vi-Strauss, those kinship systems based on categories between which marriage is prescribed (e.g., the category of the cross-cousin) (cf. complex structures).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: magnetometer. Explanation: A device used in subsurface survey that measures minor variations in the earth’s magnetic field, which may reveal archaeological features as magnetic anomalies.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: economic liberalism. Explanation: the idea that government should not interfere in the workings of the economy.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: ranked society. Explanation: Societies in which there is unequal access to prestige and status, e.g. chiefdoms and states.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: work team. Explanation: Groups whose members work intensely on a specific, common goal using their positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: frontal lobe. Explanation: Brain lobe responsible for processing information relating to memory, planning, decision making, goal setting, and creativity; also contains the primary motor cortex regulating muscular movements.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: management process. Explanation: The five basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Einsatzgruppen. Explanation: in Nazi Germany, special strike forces in the SS that played an important role in rounding up and killing Jews.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: interpretive. Explanation: An approach or method based on interpretation.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: condottieri. Explanation: leaders of bands of mercenary soldiers in Renaissance Italy who sold their services to the highest bidder.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: symbolic representation. Explanation: Representing knowledge with symbol systems (e.g., language, mathematical notation).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: attribution. Explanation: Perceived cause of an outcome.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: mass politics. Explanation: a political order characterized by mass political parties and universal male and (eventually) female suffrage.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: illegal bargaining items. Explanation: Items in collective bargaining that are forbidden by law; for example, a clause agreeing to hire union members exclusively would be illegal in a right-to-work state.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: chaining. Explanation: The linking of three-term contingencies so that each response alters the environment and that altered condition serves as a stimulus for the next response.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Scientific Revolution. Explanation: the transition from the medieval worldview to a largely secular, rational, and materialistic perspective that began in the seventeenth century and was popularized in the eighteenth.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: think-aloud. Explanation: Research procedure in which participants verbalize aloud their thoughts, actions, and feelings while performing a task.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: interactive perspective. Explanation: Any perspective in anthropology which emphasizes action over structure.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Arianism. Explanation: a Christian heresy that taught that Jesus was inferior to God. Though condemned by the Council of Nicaea in 325, Arianism was adopted by many of the Germanic peoples who entered the Roman Empire over the next centuries.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Mannerism. Explanation: a sixteenth-century artistic movement in Europe that deliberately broke down the High Renaissance principles of balance, harmony, and moderation.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: palynology. Explanation: The study and analysis of fossil pollen as an aid to the,reconstruction of past vegetation and climates.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: ideal type. Explanation: Weber’s notion of the basic forms of social phenomena, simplified from observed cases. For example, his studies of Protestantism assume an ideal type which is not necessarily an accurate representation of all Protestant societies.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: global comparison, global-sample comparison. Explanation: Comparison on a world-wide basis in the search for universal cross-cultural generalizations or predictions.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: categorical clustering. Explanation: Recalling items in groups based on similar meaning or membership in the same category.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: second signal system. Explanation: Words and other features of language that are used by humans to communicate and that can become conditioned stimuli.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: couvade. Explanation: A custom whereby a man feels or pretends to be pregnant when his wife is about to give birth, often to draw malevolent forcesaway from his wife and child.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: kula. Explanation: In the Trobriand Islands and surrounding areas, the formalized system of exchange of bracelets for armshells.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: paterfamilias. Explanation: the dominant male in a Roman family whose powers over his wife and children were theoretically unlimited, though they were sometimes circumvented in practice.
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Term: esprit humain. Explanation: Le ́vi-Strauss’ term (meaning ‘human spirit’) for the psychic unity or collective unconsciousness of humanity as a whole. Inhis usage it implies a structure of thought universal among humanity.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: declarative knowledge. Explanation: Knowledge that something is the case; knowledge of facts, beliefs, organized passages, and events of a story.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: working self-concept. Explanation: Those self-schemas that are mentally active at any time; currently accessible selfknowledge.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Hermeticism. Explanation: an intellectual movement beginning in the fifteenth century that taught that divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature; it included works on alchemy and magic as well as theology and philosophy. The tradition continued into the seventeenth century and influenced many of the leading figures of the Scientific Revolution.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: change agent. Explanation: Someone who acts as a catalyst and assumes the responsibility for managing the change process.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: autocratic style. Explanation: A leader who dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Geist. Explanation: Literally, the ‘ghost’ or ‘spirit’ of a society.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: bridewealth. Explanation: Marriage gifts or payments made from the family of the groom to the family of the bride.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: benefit. Explanation: Indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for continuing their employment with the company.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: management game. Explanation: A development technique in which teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions regarding realistic but simulated situations.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: complex structure. Explanation: According to Le ́vi-Strauss, those kinship systems based on rules about whom one may not marry (e.g., that marriage between close relatives is forbidden) (cf. elementary structures).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: obsidian hydration. Explanation: Adsorption of water on exposed surfaces of obsidian; if the local hydration rate is known and constant, this phenomenon can be used as a relative dating technique through measurement of the thickness of the hydration layer.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: discriminative stimulus. Explanation: The stimulus to which one responds in the operant model of conditioning.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: positive feedback. Explanation: A response to changing conditions that acts to stimulate further reactions within a system.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: type A personality/type A. Explanation: People who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive competitive drive.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: gestalt principle. Explanation: Figure-ground relationship: A perceptual field is composed of a figure against a background. Proximity: Elements in a perceptual field are viewed as belonging together according to their closeness in space or time. Similarity: Perceptual field elements similar in such respects as size or color are viewed as belonging together. Common direction: Elements of a perceptual field appearing to constitute a pattern or flow in the same direction are perceived as a figure. Simplicity: People organize perceptual fields in simple, regular features. Closure: People fill in incomplete patterns or experiences.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: general spirit. Explanation: Montesquieu’s term (esprit general) for the fundamental essence of a given culture.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: renewal strategy. Explanation: A corporate strategy designed to address declining performance.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: feature. Explanation: Nonportable archaeological remains that cannot be recovered from matrix without destroying their integrity.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: contiguity (contiguous conditioning). Explanation: The basic principle of Guthrie’s theory, which refers to learning that results from a pairing close in time of a response with a stimulus or situation.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: plating. Explanation: A method of bonding metals together, for instance silver with copper or copper with gold.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: collective representation. Explanation: Any of the collective understandings whichpeople in a given society share (cf. collective conscience).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: historicist. Explanation: Any approach which emphasizes historical or diachronic aspects of culture or society.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: distributive justice. Explanation: Perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: closed system. Explanation: Systems that are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: short-term (working) memory. Explanation: Information processing stage corresponding to aware¬ness, or what one is conscious of at a given moment.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: relationship conflict. Explanation: Conflict based on interpersonal relationships.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: developmentally appropriate instruction. Explanation: Instruction matched to students’ developmental levels.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: geochronology. Explanation: Determining age by studying the association of archaeological data with geological formations.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: performance analysis. Explanation: Verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency should be corrected through training or through some other means (such as transferring the employee).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: interpretivism, interpretivist. Explanation: A perspective which emphasizes the interpretation of culture over the quest for formal structures. Geertz’s anthropology is the most commonly cited example.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: feedback. Explanation: A response to a stimulus that acts within a system.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: Kuhnian. Explanation: Referring to the ideas of Thomas Kuhn, especially his notion of science as a sequential series of paradigms.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: potassium-argon dating. Explanation: A radiometric dating technique based on the half-life of the radioactive isotope of potassium (40K) that decays to form argon (40Ar).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: loess sediment. Explanation: Deposits formed of a yellowish dust of silt-sized particles blown by the wind and redeposited on land newly deglaciated, or on sheltered areas.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: flake. Explanation: A lithic artifact detached from a core, either as waste or as a tool.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: constructed feature. Explanation: A feature deliberately built to provide a setting for one or more activities, such as a house, storeroom, or burial chamber (compare with cumulative feature).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: universality of management. Explanation: The reality that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels, in all organizational areas, and in organizations no matter where located.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: grade. Explanation: A job classification system like the class system, although grades often contain dissimilar jobs, such as secretaries, mechanics, and firefighters. Grade descriptions are written based on compensable factors listed in classification systems.
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: ethnology. Explanation: The study of ethnic groups, broadly a synonym for social or cultural anthropology. The term was in general use in Britain prior to the 1870s, but since then has been more common on the Continent and to some extent in North America (cf. cultural anthropology, social anthropology).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: optical emission spectrometry(OES). Explanation: A technique used in the analysis of artifact composition, based on the principle that electrons, when excited (i.e. heated to a high temperature), release light of a particular wavelength. The presence or absence of various elements is established by examining the appropriate spectral line of their characteristic wavelengths. Generally, this method gives an accuracy of only 25 percent and has been superseded by ICPS (inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry).
According to the term given below and it's corresponding explanation, determine the subject category of the term, select a most possible subject category from ['Archaeology', 'Pedagogy', 'Ethnology', 'History', 'Management'], output the subject category and nothing else.
Term: bureaucracy. Explanation: A form of organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships.
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Term: diatom analysis. Explanation: A method of environmental reconstruction based on plant microfossils. Diatoms are unicellular algae, whose silica cell walls survive after the algae die, and they accumulate in large numbers at the bottom of rivers and lakes. Assemblages directly reflect the floristic composition of the water’s extinct communities, as well as the water’s salinity, alkalinity, and nutrient status.
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Term: operant conditioning. Explanation: Operant conditioning: A theory of learning that says behavior is a function of its consequences.
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Term: radioactive decay. Explanation: The regular process by which radioactive isotopes break down into their decay products with a half-life which is specific to the isotope in question.
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Term: adverse impact. Explanation: The overall impact of employer practices that result in significantly higher percentages of members of minorities and other protected groups being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.
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Term: spreading activation. Explanation: Activation in long-term memory of propositions that are associatively linked with material currently in one’s working memory.
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Term: individualism. Explanation: emphasis on and interest in the unique traits of each person.
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Term: classica approach. Explanation: First studies of management, which emphasized rationality and making organizations and workers as efficient as possible.
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Term: illustrative comparison. Explanation: Comparison of specific ethnographic cases, for example to highlight some feature of culture or social structure which may be unusual.
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Term: centuriate assembly. Explanation: the chief popular assembly of the Roman Republic. It passed laws and elected the chief magistrates.
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Term: ethnoscience. Explanation: Most literally, the scientific notions of indigenous peoples. More commonly the term implies methods such as componential analysis, designed to elucidate such knowledge.
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Term: principle of intervention. Explanation: the idea, after the Congress of Vienna, that the great powers of Europe had the right to send armies into countries experiencing revolution to restore legitimate monarchs to their thrones.
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Term: Cartesian dualism. Explanation: Descartes's principle of the separation of mind and matter (and mind and body) that enabled scientists to view matter as something separate from themselves that could be investigated by reason.
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Term: discourse. Explanation: A complex concept involving the way people talk or write about something, the body of knowledge implied, or the use of that knowledge, such as in structures of power (e.g., in the work of Foucault). The term can also have the meaning (as in linguistics) of units of speech longer than a sentence.
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Term: stylistic seriation. Explanation: A relative dating technique in which artifacts or other data are ordered chronologically according to stylistic similarities.
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Term: benchmarking. Explanation: The search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance.
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Term: interpretation. Explanation: Intuitive understanding, or more precisely the understanding of culture as being like a language, to be ‘translated’.