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CochranePLS300 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Eight studies set in primary (four), secondary (one) and tertiary care (accident and emergency = three) were included in the review. Overall, the risk of bias of studies was moderate with high risk of selection and verification bias the predominant flaws. Reporting of index and reference tests was poor. The prevalence of vertebral fracture in accident and emergency settings ranged from 6.5% to 11% and in primary care from 0.7% to 4.5%. There were 29 groups of index tests investigated however, only two featured in more than two studies. Descriptive analyses revealed that three red flags in primary care were potentially useful with meaningful positive likelihood ratios (LR+) but mostly imprecise estimates (significant trauma, older age, corticosteroid use; LR+ point estimate ranging 3.42 to 12.85, 3.69 to 9.39, 3.97 to 48.50 respectively). One red flag in tertiary care appeared informative (contusion/abrasion; LR+ 31.09, 95% CI 18.25 to 52.96). The results of combined tests appeared more informative than individual red flags with LR+ estimates generally greater in magnitude and precision. The available evidence does not support the use of many red flags to specifically screen for vertebral fracture in patients presenting for LBP. Based on evidence from single studies, few individual red flags appear informative as most have poor diagnostic accuracy as indicated by imprecise estimates of likelihood ratios. When combinations of red flags were used the performance appeared to improve. From the limited evidence, the findings give rise to a weak recommendation that a combination of a small subset of red flags may be useful to screen for vertebral fracture. It should also be noted that many red flags have high false positive rates; and if acted upon uncritically there would be consequences for the cost of management and outcomes of patients with LBP. Further research should focus on appropriate sets of red flags and adequate reporting of both index and reference tests.
| Eight studies including several thousand patients described 29 different questions and physical exam tests that have been used to look for spinal fractures. Most of the 29 were not accurate. The best four questions asked about use of steroids (which can cause weak bones), the patient’s age (age above 74 increases the risk of fractures) and recent trauma such as a fall. Using a combination of the best questions appears to improve the accuracy. For example, women above age 74 are more likely to have a fracture when they come to the physician complaining of back pain. In the emergency room, the best indication of a spinal fracture was a bruise or scrape on the painful area of the back. Fractures are rare and generally do not require emergency treatment, even if red flags exist clinicians and patients can watch and wait. During the waiting period, patients should avoid treatments like exercise and manipulation that are not recommended for spinal fractures. The worst effects of low quality red flag screening are overtreatment and undertreatment. If the tests are not accurate, patients without a fracture may get an x-ray or CT scan that they don’t need—unnecessary exposure to x-rays, extra worry for the patient and extra cost. At the other extreme (and much less common), it might be possible to miss a real fracture, and cause the patient to have extra time without the best treatment. Most of the studies were of low or moderate quality, so more research is needed to identify the best combination of questions and examination methods. |
CochranePLS301 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Two randomised trials were identified. One trial compared the outcomes of surgical urethral dilatation and optical urethrotomy in 210 adult men with urethral stricture disease. No significant difference was found in the proportion of men being stricture free at three years or in the median time to recurrence. The second trial compared the outcomes of urethrotomy and urethroplasty in 50 men with traumatic stricture of the posterior urethra following pelvic fracture injury. In the first six months, men were more likely to require further surgery in the urethrotomy group than in the primary urethroplasty group (RR 3.39, 95% CI 1.62 to 7.07). After two years, 16 of 25 (64%) men initially treated by urethrotomy required continued self-dilatation or further surgery for stricture recurrence compared to 6 of 25 (24%) men treated by primary urethroplasty. There were insufficient data to perform meta-analysis or to reliably determine effect size. There were insufficient data to determine which intervention is best for urethral stricture disease in terms of balancing efficacy, adverse effects and costs. Well designed, adequately powered multi-centre trials are needed to answer relevant clinical questions regarding treatment of men with urethral strictures.
| The uncertainty as to which option is best prompted this review of the current evidence. We found very little good quality evidence and were unable to achieve all our objectives for this review. The results of a single study suggest that dilatation and urethrotomy offer equivalent outcomes, but they are associated with a high rate of recurrence of the stricture requiring repeated procedures over a relatively short period of time. Preliminary data reported in abstract form suggested that urethroplasty was more effective than urethrotomy for the specific circumstance of urethral trauma following fracture of the pelvic bones. We found no data concerning well-being or the quality of life amongst men treated for urethral stricture disease. The main conclusion of the review is that the current lack of quality evidence means that further trials are needed to establish which intervention is most effective and most cost-effective for treatment of urethral stricture disease in men. |
CochranePLS302 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Six trials (including one trial testing two relevant protocols) met the inclusion criteria for a total of seven group comparisons. The four paediatric trials (two involving preschool children and two school-aged children) and two adult parallel-group trials, lasting 12 to 52 weeks, were of high methodological quality. A total of 1211 patients with confirmed, or suspected, persistent asthma contributed to the meta-analyses. There was no statistically significant group difference in the risk of patients experiencing one or more exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids (1204 patients; RR 1.07; 95% CI 0.87 to 1.32; the large confidence interval translates into a risk of exacerbations in the intermittent ICS group varying between 17% and 25%, assuming a 19% risk with daily ICS). Age, severity of airway obstruction, step-up protocol used during exacerbations and trial duration did not significantly influence the primary efficacy outcome. No group difference was observed in the risk of patients with serious adverse health events (1055 patients; RR 0.82; 95% CI 0.33 to 2.03). Compared to the daily ICS group, the intermittent ICS group displayed a smaller improvement in change from baseline peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) by 2.56% (95% CI -4.49% to -0.63%), fewer symptom-free days (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.15 (95% CI -0.28 to -0.03), fewer asthma control days -9% (95% CI -14% to -4%), more use of rescue β2-agonists by 0.12 puffs/day (95% CI 0 to 0.23) and a greater increase from baseline in exhaled nitric oxide of 16.80 parts per billion (95% CI 11.95 to 21.64). There was no significant group difference in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), quality of life, airway hyper-reactivity, adverse effects, hospitalisations, emergency department visits or withdrawals. In paediatric trials, intermittent ICS (budesonide and beclomethasone) were associated with greater growth by 0.41 cm change from baseline (532 children; 95% CI 0.13 to 0.69) compared to daily treatment. In children and adults with persistent asthma and in preschool children suspected of persistent asthma, there was low quality evidence that intermittent and daily ICS strategies were similarly effective in the use of rescue oral corticosteroids and the rate of severe adverse health events. The strength of the evidence means that we cannot currently assume equivalence between the two options.. Daily ICS was superior to intermittent ICS in several indicators of lung function, airway inflammation, asthma control and reliever use. Both treatments appeared safe, but a modest growth suppression was associated with daily, compared to intermittent, inhaled budesonide and beclomethasone. Clinicians should carefully weigh the potential benefits and harm of each treatment option, taking into account the unknown long-term (> one year) impact of intermittent therapy on lung growth and lung function decline.
| This review of randomised controlled trials found no significant difference in the number of asthma attacks of moderate severity between people taking inhaled corticosteroids every day and those taking them 'as needed'. However, there was not enough information to conclude to that the two approaches were equivalent. We found that people taking inhaled corticosteroids everyday had slightly better asthma control with better lung function, less use of reliever medication and more symptom-free days than those taking inhaled corticosteroids intermittently. We also observed that compared to intermittent inhaled corticosteroids, children grew slightly less with daily inhaled budesonide and beclomethasone (inhaled corticosteroids are known to affect growth), underlying the importance of using the safest and lowest effective dose of inhaled corticosteroids. We did not observe any significant group difference in the rate of withdrawals or adverse effects. These results do not provide firm conclusions, although the improvement in asthma control, lung function and airway inflammation would provide slightly greater support for the use of inhaled corticosteroids every day as compared to taking them only when symptoms get worse. Physicians and patients are advised to weigh the risks and benefits of each treatment option carefully and monitor the response of individual patients to adjust therapy as needed. |
CochranePLS303 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 17 studies involving 1639 people with CKD. Three studies enrolled 341 people treated with dialysis, four studies enrolled 168 kidney transplant recipients, and 10 studies enrolled 1130 people with CKD stages 1 to 5. Eleven studies (900 people) evaluated dietary counselling with or without lifestyle advice and six evaluated dietary patterns (739 people), including one study (191 people) of a carbohydrate-restricted low-iron, polyphenol enriched diet, two studies (181 people) of increased fruit and vegetable intake, two studies (355 people) of a Mediterranean diet and one study (12 people) of a high protein/low carbohydrate diet. Risks of bias in the included studies were generally high or unclear, lowering confidence in the results. Participants were followed up for a median of 12 months (range 1 to 46.8 months). Studies were not designed to examine all-cause mortality or cardiovascular events. In very-low quality evidence, dietary interventions had uncertain effects on all-cause mortality or ESKD. In absolute terms, dietary interventions may prevent one person in every 3000 treated for one year avoiding ESKD, although the certainty in this effect was very low. Across all 17 studies, outcome data for cardiovascular events were sparse. Dietary interventions in low quality evidence were associated with a higher health-related quality of life (2 studies, 119 people: MD in SF-36 score 11.46, 95% CI 7.73 to 15.18; I2 = 0%). Adverse events were generally not reported. Dietary interventions lowered systolic blood pressure (3 studies, 167 people: MD -9.26 mm Hg, 95% CI -13.48 to -5.04; I2 = 80%) and diastolic blood pressure (2 studies, 95 people: MD -8.95, 95% CI -10.69 to -7.21; I2 = 0%) compared to a control diet. Dietary interventions were associated with a higher estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (5 studies, 219 people: SMD 1.08; 95% CI 0.26 to 1.97; I2 = 88%) and serum albumin levels (6 studies, 541 people: MD 0.16 g/dL, 95% CI 0.07 to 0.24; I2 = 26%). A Mediterranean diet lowered serum LDL cholesterol levels (1 study, 40 people: MD -1.00 mmol/L, 95% CI -1.56 to -0.44). Dietary interventions have uncertain effects on mortality, cardiovascular events and ESKD among people with CKD as these outcomes were rarely measured or reported. Dietary interventions may increase health-related quality of life, eGFR, and serum albumin, and lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels. Based on stakeholder prioritisation of dietary research in the setting of CKD and preliminary evidence of beneficial effects on risks factors for clinical outcomes, large-scale pragmatic RCTs to test the effects of dietary interventions on patient outcomes are required.
| We found 17 studies involving 1639 people who had chronic kidney disease that looked into whether diet changes or advice improved their health. Studies included men and women with mainly moderate or severe kidney disease. Diets involved increasing fruit and vegetable intake, increasing poultry and fish, higher nut and olive oil use, and some increases in cereals and legumes (e.g. beans), and less red meat, sugar, and salt. We looked particularly at three key outcomes: the risk of death, the risk of advanced kidney disease requiring dialysis, and quality of life. There were four studies involving people who have had a kidney transplant and three studies involving people treated with dialysis. After combining the available studies, it was uncertain whether making healthy diet changes prevented heart complications as most studies did not measure these. Diet changes may improve life quality. We did see that some risk factors for future disease, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, were lower following diet counselling or healthier eating. The quality of the included studies was often very low meaning we could not be sure that future studies would find similar results. We are very uncertain whether dietary changes improve well-being for people with kidney disease because the available research studies were not designed to learn about these. Diet changes may lower blood pressure and cholesterol, but the longer term impact of these effects on well-being is not proven. This means we still need large and good-quality research studies to help understand the impact of diet on the health of people with kidney disease. |
CochranePLS304 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Only one study (156 children aged between seven weeks and 24 months with signs and symptoms of bronchiolitis) met the eligibility criteria for inclusion. Participants were randomised into three groups: nebulised salbutamol, nebulised saline and mist in a tent. The results showed a significant decrease in respiratory distress symptom (RDS) score in the nebulised salbutamol group but no significant decrease in the RDS score in the mist in a tent or nebulised saline groups. The study did not report on adverse effects of the interventions. Steam inhalation (or cool mist therapy) is commonly used to treat acute bronchiolitis in resource-constrained settings. One study was eligible for inclusion and found that nebulised salbutamol was an effective intervention for young children with bronchiolitis but mist in a tent did not lead to a significant decrease in RDS score. Since only one study was analysed it would be misleading to conclude that mist therapy is ineffective in children with bronchiolitis. We conclude that there is insufficient evidence to inform practice regarding using steam inhalation or mist therapy for acute bronchiolitis in children up to three years old.
| Humidified air as steam inhalation or mist is thought to help the patient by lightening respiratory tract secretions and relieving the symptoms of respiratory distress. We searched and reviewed studies that used humidified air alone or in combination with drugs to relieve the symptoms of the infection in children less than three years of age. We found only one study (156 children) that met our criteria for analysis. The study compared nebulised salbutamol and mist in a tent (humidified air). The results showed that nebulised salbutamol was effective in relieving respiratory distress in acute bronchiolitis in young children while mist therapy was not effective. The study did not report on adverse effects for either intervention. Although the study was of high quality, some issues regarding patient allocation to the various treatment groups were not very satisfactory. There is currently not enough evidence to state that steam inhalation or mist is useful in young children with bronchiolitis. More well-designed trials of the effectiveness of humidified oxygen, mist therapy or steam inhalation compared with other treatments for acute bronchiolitis are needed. |
CochranePLS305 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified four studies (1154 participants, age range 50 to 90 years). All participants had a diagnosis of probable or possible AD according to standard criteria and most participants were established on a cholinesterase inhibitor. The primary outcome in all studies was change in Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale - cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) from baseline. When we pooled data, there was no significant benefit from statin (mean difference -0.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.05 to 0.52, P value = 0.51). All studies provided change in Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) from baseline. There was no significant benefit from statins in MMSE when we pooled the data (mean difference -0.32, 95% CI -0.71 to 0.06, P value = 0.10). Three studies reported treatment-related adverse effects. When we pooled data, there was no significant difference between statins and placebo (odds ratio 1.09, 95% CI 0.58 to 2.06, P value = 0.78). There was no significant difference in behaviour, global function or activities of daily living in the statin and placebo groups. We assessed risk of bias as low for all studies. We found no studies assessing role of statins in treatment of VaD. Analyses from the studies available, including two large randomised controlled trials, indicate that statins have no benefit on the primary outcome measures of ADAS-Cog or MMSE.
| Two independent authors searched scientific databases for studies in which a statin or a placebo (a pretend treatment) was given for at least six months. We included people with a probable or possible diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease according to standard clinical criteria. The findings were current to January 2014. We identified four studies involving 1154 participants (age range 50 to 90 years). The studies used standard tests to assess the severity of Alzheimer's disease. From these trials, including two large trials, we found no evidence that statins help in the treatment of cognitive decline in dementia. The quality of evidence is felt to be high as two large randomised controlled trials have been included along with two smaller ones. |
CochranePLS306 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Four studies involving 149 participants met inclusion criteria for this review. Two studies assessed the effect of night splinting in a total of 26 children and adults with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. There were no statistically or clinically significant differences between wearing a night splint and not wearing a night splint. One study assessed the efficacy of prednisone treatment in 103 boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. While a daily dose of prednisone at 0.75 mg/kg/day resulted in significant improvements in some strength and function parameters compared with placebo, there was no significant difference in ankle range of motion between groups. Increasing the prednisone dose to 1.5 mg/kg/day had no significant effect on ankle range of motion. One study evaluated early surgery in 20 young boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Surgery resulted in increased ankle dorsiflexion range at 12 months but functional outcomes favoured the control group. By 24 months, many boys in the surgical group experienced a relapse of achilles tendon contractures. There is no evidence of significant benefit from any intervention for increasing ankle range of motion in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A or Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Further research is required.
| The purpose of this review was to assess the evidence regarding the effectiveness of interventions for improving ankle flexibility in people with neuromuscular disease. Four studies were included in the review involving a total of 149 participants. Two studies showed that wearing a night splint was no more effective than not wearing a night splint for increasing ankle flexibility in 26 people who had Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. One study showed corticosteroids (prednisone) did not significantly improve ankle flexibility in 103 boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and the other study showed that while orthopaedic surgery initially increased ankle flexibility in 20 young boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy this was not sustained in the long term. This review shows that, currently, there is limited evidence supporting any intervention for improving ankle flexibility in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. More research is needed. |
CochranePLS307 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Results should be interpreted with caution as the methodological quality of the 25 included trials (5218 women) was variable. For Comparison 1: Upright and ambulant positions versus recumbent positions and bed care, the first stage of labour was approximately one hour and 22 minutes shorter for women randomised to upright as opposed to recumbent positions (average MD -1.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) -2.22 to -0.51; 15 studies, 2503 women; random-effects, T2 = 2.39, Chi2 = 203.55, df = 14, (P < 0.00001), I2 = 93%). Women who were upright were also less likely to have caesarean section (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.94; 14 studies, 2682 women) and less likely to have an epidural (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.99, nine studies, 2107 women; random-effects, T2 = 0.02, I2 = 61%). Babies of mothers who were upright were less likely to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit, however this was based on one trial (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.89, one study, 200 women). There were no significant differences between groups for other outcomes including duration of the second stage of labour, or other outcomes related to the well being of mothers and babies. For Comparison 2: Upright and ambulant positions versus recumbent positions and bed care (with epidural: all women), there were no significant differences between groups for outcomes including duration of the second stage of labour, or other outcomes related to the well being of mothers and babies. There is clear and important evidence that walking and upright positions in the first stage of labour reduces the duration of labour, the risk of caesarean birth, the need for epidural, and does not seem to be associated with increased intervention or negative effects on mothers' and babies' well being. Given the great heterogeneity and high performance bias of study situations, better quality trials are still required to confirm with any confidence the true risks and benefits of upright and mobile positions compared with recumbent positions for all women. Based on the current findings, we recommend that women in low-risk labour should be informed of the benefits of upright positions, and encouraged and assisted to assume whatever positions they choose.
| This review included 25 studies (involving 5218 women). Although many studies were not of high quality, and most of the women were low risk, they did show that the first stage of labour may be approximately one hour and twenty minutes shorter for women who are upright or walk around. As every contraction is potentially painful, and prolonged labour can be an overwhelming and exhausting process resulting in an increased need for medical intervention, this is a meaningful outcome for women. Indeed other important outcomes for women who were upright and mobile compared with lying down in bed included a reduction in the risk of caesarean birth, less use of epidural as a method of pain relief, and less chance of their babies being admitted to the neonatal unit. More research of better quality is still needed to validate these results for all women in labour. However, based on the results of this review we recommend that wherever possible, women should be encouraged and supported to use upright and mobile positions of their choice during first stage labour, as this may enhance the progress of their labour and may lead to better outcomes for themselves and their babies. |
CochranePLS308 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: This review was complicated by a lack of generally accepted criteria for the diagnosis of TOS and had to rely exclusively on the diagnosis of TOS by the investigators in the reviewed studies. We identified one study comparing natural progression with an active intervention. We found three randomized controlled trials (RCTs), but only two of them had a follow-up of six months or more, which was the minimum required follow-up for inclusion in the review. The first trial that met our requirements involved 55 participants with the 'disputed type' of TOS and compared transaxillary first rib resection (TFRR) with supraclavicular neuroplasty of the brachial plexus (SNBP). The trial had a high risk of bias. TFRR decreased pain more than SNBP. There were no adverse effects in either group. The second trial that met these requirements analyzed 37 people with TOS of any type, comparing treatment with a botulinum toxin (BTX) injection into the scalene muscles with a saline placebo injection. This trial had a low risk of bias. There was no significant effect of treatment with the BTX injection over placebo in terms of pain relief or improvements in disability, but it did significantly improve paresthesias at six months' follow-up. There were no adverse events of the BTX treatment above saline injection. This review was complicated by a lack of generally accepted diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of TOS. There was very low quality evidence that transaxillary first rib resection decreased pain more than supraclavicular neuroplasty, but no randomized evidence that either is better than no treatment. There is moderate evidence to suggest that treatment with BTX injections yielded no great improvements over placebo injections of saline. There is no evidence from RCTs for the use of other currently used treatments. There is a need for an agreed definition for the diagnosis of TOS, especially the disputed form, agreed outcome measures, and high quality randomized trials that compare the outcome of interventions with no treatment and with each other.
| From our systematic search we identified two trials. One trial compared surgery to remove the first rib (transaxillary first rib resection) with surgery in which the surgeon freed the nerves from surrounding tissues (neuroplasty) without removing a rib, in 55 people with the disputed type of TOS. The participants had not responded to non-surgical treatments. Average follow-up was 37 months. A second trial analyzed 19 people who underwent double-blinded provision of a single injection of BTX (muscle relaxant) into the scalene muscles of the neck, and 18 people in the placebo group who received no active injection, with follow-up at six weeks, three months and, critically for the purpose of this review, six months. There is very low quality evidence that removal of a rib reduced pain from 'disputed' TOS more than a neuroplasty procedure. We identified issues in study design that could have affected the outcome of the trial. There were no adverse effects in either group. There were no trials of surgery versus no treatment. The trial comparing the intervention of BTX injection with placebo provided moderate evidence that this procedure does not significantly reduce pain or disability scores long term, although there were no adverse events associated with the procedure over placebo. This systematic review demonstrated that there is not enough evidence that the established interventions for TOS are helpful in relieving pain. Until high quality, randomized clinical trials comparing the various interventions for TOS are performed, the decision whether to treat and the choice of appropriate treatment will have to be based on the preferences of the individual and health care provider. The evidence is current to June 2014. |
CochranePLS309 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twenty-one trials involving 884 people were included. A hand brace significantly improved symptoms after four weeks (weighted mean difference (WMD) -1.07; 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.29 to -0.85) and function (WMD -0.55; 95% CI -0.82 to -0.28). In an analysis of pooled data from two trials (63 participants) ultrasound treatment for two weeks was not significantly beneficial. However one trial showed significant symptom improvement after seven weeks of ultrasound (WMD -0.99; 95% CI -1.77 to - 0.21) which was maintained at six months (WMD -1.86; 95% CI -2.67 to -1.05). Four trials involving 193 people examined various oral medications (steroids, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) versus placebo. Compared to placebo, pooled data for two-week oral steroid treatment demonstrated a significant improvement in symptoms (WMD -7.23; 95% CI -10.31 to -4.14). One trial also showed improvement after four weeks (WMD -10.8; 95% CI -15.26 to -6.34). Compared to placebo, diuretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs did not demonstrate significant benefit. In two trials involving 50 people, vitamin B6 did not significantly improve overall symptoms. In one trial involving 51 people yoga significantly reduced pain after eight weeks (WMD -1.40; 95% CI -2.73 to -0.07) compared with wrist splinting. In one trial involving 21 people carpal bone mobilisation significantly improved symptoms after three weeks (WMD -1.43; 95% CI -2.19 to -0.67) compared to no treatment. In one trial involving 50 people with diabetes, steroid and insulin injections significantly improved symptoms over eight weeks compared with steroid and placebo injections. Two trials involving 105 people compared ergonomic keyboards versus control and demonstrated equivocal results for pain and function. Trials of magnet therapy, laser acupuncture, exercise or chiropractic care did not demonstrate symptom benefit when compared to placebo or control. Current evidence shows significant short-term benefit from oral steroids, splinting, ultrasound, yoga and carpal bone mobilisation. Other non-surgical treatments do not produce significant benefit. More trials are needed to compare treatments and ascertain the duration of benefit.
| Other Cochrane reviews show benefit from nerve decompression surgery and steroids. This review of other non-surgical treatments found some evidence of short-term benefit from oral steroids, splinting/hand braces, ultrasound, yoga and carpal bone mobilisation (movement of the bones and tissues in the wrist), and insulin and steroid injections for people who also had diabetes. Evidence on ergonomic keyboards and vitamin B6 is unclear, while trials so far have not shown benefit from diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, magnets, laser acupuncture, exercise or chiropractic. |
CochranePLS310 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included two RCTs that enrolled a total of 708 participants with CRVO-ME. SCORE compared triamcinolone acetonide intravitreal injections (n = 165) with observation (n = 72); GENEVA compared dexamethasone intravitreal implants (n = 290) with sham injections (n = 147). We observed characteristics indicative of high risk of bias due to incomplete outcome data in SCORE and selective outcome reporting in GENEVA. Loss to follow-up was high with 10% in the steroid groups and almost twice as much (17%) in the observation group. GENEVA enrolled participants with both branch and central retinal vein occlusion, but did not present subgroup data for the CRVO-ME population. A qualitative assessment of the results from GENEVA indicated that the dexamethasone implant was not associated with improvement in visual acuity after six months among participants with CRVO-ME. Although the SCORE investigators reported that participants treated with 1 mg (n = 82) or 4 mg (n = 83) triamcinolone intravitreal injections were five times more likely to have gained 15 letters or more in visual acuity compared with participants in the observation group (1 mg; risk ratio (RR): 5.27; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.62 to 17.15; 4 mg RR 4.92; 95% CI 1.50 to 16.10) by the eighth-month follow-up examination, the average visual acuity decreased in all three groups. However, eyes treated with triamcinolone lost fewer letters than participants in the observation group at 8 months (1 mg mean difference (MD): 8.70 letters, 95% CI 1.86 to 15.54; 4 mg MD: 9.80 letters, 95% CI 3.32 to 16.28). A higher incidence of adverse events was noted with IVS therapy when compared with observation alone. As many as 20% to 35% of participants experienced an adverse event in the IVS groups compared with 8% of participants in the observation group of the SCORE study. The GENEVA investigators reported 63% in the treatment arm versus 43% in the observation arm experienced an adverse event. The most commonly encountered adverse events were elevated intraocular pressure, progression of cataracts, and retinal neovascularization. We graded the quality of evidence as low due to study limitations, imprecision of treatment estimates, and selective outcome reporting. The two RCTs reviewed herein provide insufficient evidence to determine the benefits of IVS for individuals with CRVO-ME. The improvement in visual acuity noted in the SCORE trial should be interpreted with caution as outcome data were missing for a large proportion of the observation group. Adverse events were observed more often with IVS treatment compared with observation/no treatment.
| The review authors searched the medical literature up to 13 November 2014 and included two randomized controlled trials (GENEVA and SCORE) that had evaluated steroids in 708 participants with CRVO-ME. Both trials included participants with similar baseline characteristics with respect to age, gender, and co-morbidities. GENEVA was conducted in 24 countries across the world and SCORE was conducted in the US. Both trials compared two different doses of steroid, but the investigators of the two trials used different steroidal agents and different methods of delivery (implant versus injection). Both trials received full or partial sponsorship from the manufacturer of the drugs. Neither trial provided sufficient evidence to determine whether steroids had improved visual acuity after six months of treatment. Due to the limited evidence, we are unable to determine reliably whether steroid implants improved vision in eyes with CRVO-ME. Although the SCORE trial showed that more eyes in the steroid injection groups had improvement in vision compared with eyes in the observation group, participants treated with steroids and those not treated with steroids both lost vision on average at eight months. The GENEVA investigators reported no difference in vision outcomes between participants treated with steroids and those not treated with steroids after six months of treatment; however the GENEVA study was not limited to participants with only CRVO-ME and included participants with other retinal disease. Both trials showed that patients treated with steroids were at increased risk for high eye pressure - requiring additional medications to lower the eye pressure - and developing cataracts. The overall quality of the evidence was low due to clinical differences between studies, incomplete information available to assess outcomes, and lack of masking which may lead to biased study results. |
CochranePLS311 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Six randomised trials involving a total of 394 patients were included. Five of the six trials demonstrated a significant efficacy of intranasal corticosteroids in improving nasal obstruction symptoms and in reducing adenoid size. The first eight-week cross-over study showed that treatment with beclomethasone (336 mcg/day) yielded a greater improvement in mean symptom scores than placebo (-18.5 versus -8.5, P < 0.05) and a larger reduction in mean adenoid/choana ratio than placebo (right, -14% versus +0.4%, P = 0.002; left, -15% versus -2.0%, P = 0.0006) between week 0 and week 4. The second four-week cross-over study showed that the Nasal Obstruction Index decreased by at least 50% from baseline in 38% of patients treated with beclomethasone (400 mcg/day) between week 0 and week 2, whereas none of the patients treated with placebo had such improvement (P < 0.01). The third parallel-group trial showed that 77.7% of patients treated with mometasone (100 mcg/day) for 40 days demonstrated an improvement in nasal obstruction symptoms and a decrease in adenoid size, such that adenoidectomy could be avoided, whereas no significant improvement was observed in the placebo group. The fourth parallel-group trial showed that eight weeks of treatment with flunisolide (500 mcg/day) was associated with a larger reduction in adenoid size than isotonic saline solution (P < 0.05). The fifth parallel-group trial demonstrated that eight weeks of treatment with fluticasone (400 mcg/day) significantly reduced nasal obstruction symptoms and adenoid size, and adenoidectomy was avoided in 76% of these patients compared with 20% of the patients treated with normal saline (P < 0.05). In contrast, one parallel-group trial did not find a significant improvement in nasal obstruction symptoms nor adenoid size after eight weeks of treatment with beclomethasone (200 mcg/day). Current evidence suggests that intranasal corticosteroids may significantly improve nasal obstruction symptoms in children with moderate to severe adenoidal hypertrophy, and this improvement may be associated with a reduction in adenoid size. The long-term efficacy of intranasal corticosteroids in these patients remains to be defined.
| This review was conducted to assess the effectiveness of intranasal corticosteroids for improving nasal airway obstruction in children aged 0 to 12 years with moderate to severe adenoidal hypertrophy. Evidence derived from five of the six randomised controlled trials included in this review suggests that intranasal steroids may significantly improve symptoms of nasal obstruction in children with adenoidal hypertrophy and that this improvement may be associated with the reduction of adenoid size. One study did not find a significant improvement in nasal obstruction symptoms. Further large and high-quality randomised controlled trials are warranted. |
CochranePLS312 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included one small study (involving 24 women). The study was a single-centre randomised trial conducted in Mexico. This study compared a control group who received antihypertensive therapy, anticonvulsant therapy, plasma expanders, corticosteroids and dypyridamole with an intervention group that received epidural block instead of the antihypertensives, as well as all the other four drugs. Lumbar epidural block was given using 0.25% bupivacaine, 10 mg bolus and 5 mg each hour on continuous epidural infusion for six hours. This study was at low risk of bias in three domains but was assessed to be high risk of bias in two domains due to lack of allocation concealment and blinding of women and staff, and unclear for random sequence generation and outcome assessor blinding. The included study did not report on any of this review's important outcomes. Meta-analysis was not possible. For the mother, these were: maternal death (death during pregnancy or up to 42 days after the end of the pregnancy, or death more than 42 days after the end of the pregnancy); development of eclampsia or recurrence of seizures; stroke; any serious morbidity: defined as at least one of stroke, kidney failure, liver failure, HELLP syndrome (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets), disseminated intravascular coagulation, pulmonary oedema. For the baby, these were: death: stillbirths (death in utero at or after 20 weeks' gestation), perinatal deaths (stillbirths plus deaths in the first week of life), death before discharge from the hospital, neonatal deaths (death within the first 28 days after birth), deaths after the first 28 days; preterm birth (defined as the birth before 37 completed weeks' gestation); and side effects of the intervention. Reported outcomes The included study only reported on a single secondary outcome of interest to this review: the Apgar score of the baby at birth and after five minutes and there was no clear difference between the intervention and control groups. The included study also reported a reduction in maternal diastolic arterial pressure. However, the change in maternal mean arterial pressure and systolic arterial pressure, which were the other reported outcomes of this trial, were not significantly different between the two groups. Currently, there is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to evaluate the effectiveness, safety or cost of using epidural therapy for treating severe pre-eclampsia in non-labouring women. High-quality randomised controlled trials are needed to evaluate the use of epidural agents as therapy for treatment of severe pre-eclampsia. The rationale for the use of epidural is well-founded. However there is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to show that the effect of epidural translates into improved maternal and fetal outcomes. Thus, there is a need for larger, well-designed studies to come to an evidence-based conclusion as to whether the lowering of vasomotor tone by epidural therapy results in better maternal and fetal outcomes and for how long that could be maintained. Another important question that needs to be answered is how long should extended epidural be used to ensure any potential clinical benefits and what could be the associated side effects and costs. Interactions with other modalities of treatment and women's satisfaction could represent other avenues of research.
| We searched for evidence in July 2017 and identified one small randomised controlled study (involving 24 women) for inclusion in this review. The women were at 30 weeks of gestation or more, diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia, and being cared for in an intensive care unit. They were randomly assigned to an epidural block plus their other medications or a drug to treat their high blood pressure plus their other medications. After six hours of treatment they all underwent a caesarean section. The included study did not report on any of the important outcomes of interest in this review such as death of the mother, death of her baby (before or after being born), serious illness for the mother or her baby, the mother developing eclampsia or seizures, or side effects of the intervention. The study authors did report difference in the infant Apgar scores between the two groups The study authors also reported a clear drop in the diastolic blood pressure in the epidural group compared to the other group. Systolic and mean blood pressures were similar in the two groups of women. However, the study did not report on any other mother or baby outcomes of interest in this review. There is not enough evidence from randomised controlled trials to evaluate the use of epidural therapy in severe pre-eclampsia to improve outcomes for the mother or her baby. High-quality trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy, safety and cost of epidural therapy in severe pre-eclampsia. Future studies could report on important outcomes such as those listed in this review. |
CochranePLS313 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Sixteen trials fulfilled our inclusion criteria. All trials but one were at overall high risk of bias. Fifteen trials (one of which was an abstract) provided data for analysis (927 participants received glucocorticosteroids and 934 participants received placebo or no intervention). Glucocorticosteroids were administered orally or parenterally for a median 28 days (range 3 days to 12 weeks). The participants were between 25 and 70 years old, had different stages of alcoholic liver disease, and 65% were men. Follow-up, when reported, was up to the moment of discharge from the hospital, until they died (median of 63 days), or for at least one year. There was no evidence of effect of glucocorticosteroids on all-cause mortality up to three months following randomisation (random-effects RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.15; participants = 1861; trials = 15; very low-certainty evidence) or on health-related quality of life up to three months, measured with the European Quality of Life – 5 Dimensions – 3 Levels scale (MD –0.04 points, 95% CI –0.11 to 0.03; participants = 377; trial = 1; low-certainty evidence). There was no evidence of effect on the occurrence of serious adverse events during treatment (random-effects RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.29; participants = 1861; trials = 15; very low-certainty evidence), liver-related mortality up to three months following randomisation (random-effects RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.14; participants = 1861; trials = 15; very low-certainty evidence), number of participants with any complications up to three months following randomisation (random-effects RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.27; participants = 1861; very low-certainty evidence), and number of participants of non-serious adverse events up to three months' follow-up after end of treatment (random-effects RR 1.99, 95% CI 0.72 to 5.48; participants = 160; trials = 4; very low-certainty evidence). Based on the information that we collected from the published trial reports, only one of the trials seems not to be industry-funded, and the remaining 15 trials did not report clearly whether they were partly or completely funded by the industry. We are very uncertain about the effect estimate of no difference between glucocorticosteroids and placebo or no intervention on all-cause mortality and serious adverse events during treatment because the certainty of evidence was very low, and low for health-related quality of life. Due to inadequate reporting, we cannot exclude increases in adverse events. As the CIs were wide, we cannot rule out significant benefits or harms of glucocorticosteroids. Therefore, we need placebo-controlled randomised clinical trials, designed according to the SPIRIT guidelines and reported according to the CONSORT guidelines. Future trials ought to report depersonalised individual participant data, so that proper individual participant data meta-analyses of the effects of glucocorticosteroids in subgroups can be conducted.
| Sixteen randomised clinical trials compared glucocorticosteroids with placebo or no intervention in people with alcoholic hepatitis. Fifteen trials provided data for analysis (927 participants received glucocorticosteroids and 934 participants received placebo or no intervention). Glucocorticosteroids were administered orally or as an injection for a median of 28 days (range 3 days to 12 weeks). The trial participants were between 25 and 70 years old, 65% were men, and had different stages of alcoholic liver disease. Trial participants were followed up to the moment of discharge from the hospital, or until they died (a median of 63 days), or for at least one year. Not all trials reported the follow-up of participants. The trials were conducted in France, India, the UK, and the USA. Two trials administered pentoxifylline (a medicine used for diseases of the blood vessels) to both glucocorticosteroids and placebo intervention groups. Based on the information that we collected from the published trial reports, only one of the trials seems not to be industry-funded, and the remaining 15 trials did not report clearly whether they were partly or completely funded by the industry. The overall reliability of the evidence was low for health-related quality of life and very low for death due to any cause up to three months following entry in the trial; serious side effects during treatment; liver-related death up to three months following entry in the trial; number of participants with any complications up to three months following entry in the trial, and number of participants non-serious side effects up to three months' follow-up after the end of treatment. All trials but one were at overall high risk of bias, which means that there is possibility of drawing wrong conclusions, exaggerating benefits, or underestimating harms of glucocorticosteroids because of the way the trials were conducted and analysed. We could not determine whether glucocorticosteroids had a positive or negative effect on people with alcoholic liver disease. Despite available data on outcomes which included mortality, health-related quality of life, and serious complications, we were unable to draw firm conclusions mainly because available data were still insufficient to produce robust results, trials were small, and the included participants differed in severity of disease. Therefore, we have very little confidence in our conclusions. |
CochranePLS314 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included four trials involving 245 participants in the review. Study sample sizes were generally small, and interventions, controls and outcome measures varied, and thus it was inappropriate to pool studies. Included studies were at a low risk of bias for the majority of domains, with a high/unclear risk of bias identified in the areas of: performance (participants not blinded to allocation), and attrition (incomplete outcome data due to withdrawal) bias. Intervention approaches included the contextual approach of driving simulation and underlying skill development approach, including the retraining of speed of visual processing and visual motor skills. The studies were conducted with people who were relatively young and the timing after stroke was varied. Primary outcome: there was no clear evidence of improved on-road scores immediately after training in any of the four studies, or at six months (mean difference 15 points on the Test Ride for Investigating Practical Fitness to Drive - Belgian version, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 4.56 to 34.56, P value = 0.15, one study, 83 participants). Secondary outcomes: road sign recognition was better in people who underwent training compared with control (mean difference 1.69 points on the Road Sign Recognition Task of the Stroke Driver Screening Assessment, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.87, P value = 0.007, one study, 73 participants). Significant findings were in favour of a simulator-based driving rehabilitation programme (based on one study with 73 participants) but these results should be interpreted with caution as they were based on a single study. Adverse effects were not reported. There was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on the effects on vision, other measures of cognition, motor and functional activities, and driving behaviour with the intervention. There was insufficient evidence to reach conclusions about the use of rehabilitation to improve on-road driving skills after stroke. We found limited evidence that the use of a driving simulator may be beneficial in improving visuocognitive abilities, such as road sign recognition that are related to driving. Moreover, we were unable to find any RCTs that evaluated on-road driving lessons as an intervention. At present, it is unclear which impairments that influence driving ability after stroke are amenable to rehabilitation, and whether the contextual or remedial approaches, or a combination of both, are more efficacious.
| We identified four studies, up to October 2013, which involved 245 people after stroke. A wide range of interventions was used, including driving simulation, training on devices to improve speed of processing information, scanning and movement. All studies compared the effectiveness of the driving intervention on improving whether drivers passed or failed on a driving assessment. There was no evidence that a driving intervention was more effective than no intervention. One trial found that training on a driving simulator resulted in improved performance on a test of recognising road signs immediately after training. Results should be interpreted with caution, as this was a single study. Further trials involving large numbers of participants, grouped according to their impairments and stroke type are required. |
CochranePLS315 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Eight studies with 582 participants met the inclusion criteria, of which five studies conducted in hospitals with 519 participants (range 28 to 296) contributed to the meta-analysis. Mean ages of study participants were 65 to 73 years, the proportion of male participants varied (58% to 84%) and COPD was classified as severe or very severe. Corticosteroid treatment was given at equivalent daily doses for three to seven days for short-duration treatment and for 10 to 15 days for longer-duration treatment. Five studies administered oral prednisolone (30 mg in four, tapered in one), and two studies provided intravenous corticosteroid treatment. Studies contributing to the meta-analysis were at low risk of selection, performance, detection and attrition bias. In four studies we did not find a difference in risk of treatment failure between short-duration and longer-duration systemic corticosteroid treatment (n = 457; odds ratio (OR) 0.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.36 to 1.46)), which was equivalent to 22 fewer per 1000 for short-duration treatment (95% CI 51 fewer to 34 more). No difference in risk of relapse (a new event) was observed between short-duration and longer-duration systemic corticosteroid treatment (n = 457; OR 1.04, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.56), which was equivalent to nine fewer per 1000 for short-duration treatment (95% CI 68 fewer to 100 more). Time to the next COPD exacerbation did not differ in one large study that was powered to detect non-inferiority and compared five days versus 14 days of systemic corticosteroid treatment (n = 311; hazard ratio 0.95, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.37). In five studies no difference in the likelihood of an adverse event was found between short-duration and longer-duration systemic corticosteroid treatment (n = 503; OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.69, or nine fewer per 1000 (95% CI 44 fewer to 51 more)). Length of hospital stay (n = 421; mean difference (MD) -0.61 days, 95% CI -1.51 to 0.28) and lung function at the end of treatment (n = 185; MD FEV1 -0.04 L; 95% CI -0.19 to 0.10) did not differ between short-duration and longer-duration treatment. Information from a new large study has increased our confidence that five days of oral corticosteroids is likely to be sufficient for treatment of adults with acute exacerbations of COPD, and this review suggests that the likelihood is low that shorter courses of systemic corticosteroids (of around five days) lead to worse outcomes than are seen with longer (10 to 14 days) courses. We graded most available evidence as moderate in quality because of imprecision; further research may have an important impact on our confidence in the estimates of effect or may change the estimates. The studies in this review did not include people with mild or moderate COPD; further studies comparing short-duration systemic corticosteroid versus conventional longer-duration systemic corticosteroid for treatment of adults with acute exacerbations of COPD are required.
| We found eight studies that included 582 people with COPD who experienced a flare-up that required extra treatment in hospital. These studies compared oral or injected corticosteroid treatment given for seven or fewer days versus treatment for longer than seven days. Most of the people in these studies were in their late sixties and had severe or very severe symptoms of COPD; more men than women took part. The last search for studies to be included in the review was conducted in March 2017. No differences were observed between shorter and longer courses of treatment. People treated for seven or fewer days did not have a higher rate of treatment failure or longer time to their next exacerbation; the number of people who avoided treatment failure ranged from 51 fewer to 34 more per 1000 treated (average 22 fewer people per 1000). Time in hospital and lung function (blowing tests) at the end of treatment were not different. No differences in side effects or death were noted between treatments. Information on quality of life, which is an important outcome for people with COPD, is limited, as only one study measured it. The eight studies included in this review were generally well designed, and the quality of the evidence was rated as moderate because of imprecision in results; more research, especially involving people with less severe COPD, is needed. |
CochranePLS316 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included one trial (13 participants) and identified three ongoing trials that assess RBC transfusion strategies in people with MDS. The quality of the evidence was very low across different outcomes according to GRADE methodology. The one included study randomised participants to a restrictive [haemoglobin (Hb) transfusion trigger < 72 g/L, 8 participants] or liberal [Hb trigger < 96 g/L, 5 participants] transfusion policy. There was insufficient evidence to determine a difference in all-cause mortality (1 RCT; 13 participants; RR 0.13, 95% CI 0.01 to 2.32; very low quality evidence). There was insufficient evidence to determine a difference in the number of red blood cell transfusions (1 RCT; 13 participants; 1.8 units per patient per month in the liberal group, compared to 0.8 in the restrictive arm, no standard deviation was reported; very low quality evidence). There were no anaemia-related complications reported (cardiac failure) and no reported effect on activity levels (no statistics provided). The study did not report: mortality due to bleeding/infection/transfusion reactions or iron overload, quality of life, frequency and length of hospital admissions, serious infections (requiring admission to hospital), or serious bleeding (e.g. WHO/CTCAE grade 3 (or equivalent) or above). This review indicates that there is currently a lack of evidence for the recommendation of a particular transfusion strategy for bone marrow failure patients undergoing supportive treatment only. The one RCT included in this review was only published as an abstract and contained only 13 participants. Further randomised trials with robust methodology are required to develop the optimal transfusion strategy for such patients, particularly as the incidence of the main group of bone marrow failure disorders, MDS, rises with an ageing population.
| Only one small study including 13 patients with bone marrow failure was included in this review. The study was funded by two government agencies and one charity. We are aware of three ongoing studies which have not yet been completed. The evidence is current to 26th May 2015. The one included study was too small to demonstrate any difference in all-cause mortality (death due to any cause) or number of red cell transfusions received between a restrictive compared to a liberal red blood cell transfusion policy. At the current time, there is a lack of evidence to recommend a restrictive transfusion strategy over a liberal one. Trials with good methodology are needed to determine the best transfusion policy for patients with long -term bone marrow failure disorders. The evidence for the findings was of very low quality. This was because very small numbers of participants were included in the study. Only 13 patients were recruited to the trial rather than the planned 200 participants due to problems with recruitment. |
CochranePLS317 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: The search strategy identified a total of 2079 unique citations. Out of 84 potentially eligible citations, we included two RCTs. The game evaluated in the first study used as a reinforcement technique, was based on the television game show "Family Feud" and focused on infection control. The study did not assess any patient or process of care outcomes. The group that was randomized to the game had statistically higher scores on the knowledge test (P = 0.02). The second study compared game-based learning ("Snakes and Ladders" board game) with traditional case-based learning of stroke prevention and management. The effect on knowledge was not statistically different between the two groups immediately and 3 months after the intervention. The level of reported enjoyment was higher in the game-based group. The findings of this systematic review neither confirm nor refute the utility of games as a teaching strategy for health professionals. There is a need for additional high-quality research to explore the impact of educational games on patient and performance outcomes.
| This review found two eligible studies. The first study evaluated a game based on the TV show Family Feud and taught about infection control. The second study evaluated the use of a "Snakes and Ladders" board game in continuing medical education on stroke prevention and management. The two studies did not consistently show a beneficial effect on knowledge. We are therefore very uncertain whether games improve health care professional practice or patient care. |
CochranePLS318 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Eight trials involving 475 people were included. Two of the studies included a mixed group of participants with either bipolar or unipolar disorder. Relapse was defined as admission to hospital and when all kinds of relapses were considered (both depressive and manic), there was a statistically significant difference in favour of lithium (relative risk (RR) fixed effect 0.34, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.82). The results did not exclude the point of no effect, when the random-effects model was used (RR random effects 0.40, 95% CI 0.14 to 1.18). There were no other statistically significant differences between lithium and antidepressants according to all other outcomes considered. Manic or depressive relapse was defined as prescription of non-study medication for mood disorder, manic or depressive relapse (as defined by the study authors), quality of life, social functioning, occupational functioning, overall drop-out rate, drop-out rate due to side-effects, troublesome side-effects, mortality due to all causes and specifically suicides. There was adequate efficacy evidence for lithium or antidepressants preventing relapse in unipolar affective disorder, however their relative efficacy was unknown. When considering lithium or antidepressant long-term therapy, patients and clinicians should take into account the patient's clinical history, the side-effects and the individual's likely adherence to the recommended treatment regime. Large-scale, long-term randomised trials in unselected groups of subjects with unipolar affective disorder are needed.
| This systematic review investigated the efficacy and tolerability of lithium compared to antidepressants for the long-term treatment of unipolar affective disorder. Eight randomised studies (reporting on 475 participants) were included in the review. We found no reliable evidence of any robust differences between lithium and antidepressants but nor could we reliably exclude the possibility of clinically significant differences. In this review some studies included a mixed group of participants with either bipolar or unipolar disorder. The review suggests that, while lithium may be of benefit in preventing relapse in unipolar affective disorder, there remains uncertainty about the treatment effect in comparison with antidepressants. Interpretation of this review should consider that the number of participants in the studies was small and the included studies had methodological shortcomings. |
CochranePLS319 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Two trials with 130 patients (67 and 63 patients randomised to intervention versus control) were included. Both studies had a low risk of bias. Amifostine versus placebo showed no statistically significant differences in the incidence of xerostomia (130 patients, two studies), the decrease of scintigraphically measured uptake of technetium-99m by salivary or submandibular glands at twelve months (80 patients, one study), and the reduction of blood pressure (130 patients, two studies). Two patients in one study collapsed after initiation of amifostine therapy and had to be treated by withdrawing the infusion and volume substitution. Both patients recovered without sequelae. Meta-analysis was not performed on the function of salivary glands measured by technetium-99m scintigraphy at three months after high dose radioactive iodine treatment due to the highly inconsistent findings across studies (I2 statistic 99%). None of the included trials investigated death from any cause, morbidity, health-related quality of life or costs. Results from two randomised controlled clinical trials suggest that the amifostine has no significant radioprotective effects on salivary glands in high-dose radioactive iodine treated differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Moreover, no health-related quality of life and other patient-oriented outcomes were evaluated in the two included trials. Randomised controlled clinical trials with low risk of bias investigating patient-oriented outcomes are needed to guide treatment choice.
| We found only two randomised controlled trials in which the effects of amifostine were compared with placebo. The two randomised clinical trials investigated 130 patients treated with high dose radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer. Altogether data from the two trials suggest that amifostine has no obvious protective effects on the salivary glands in these patients. Two patients in one study collapsed after initiation of amifostine therapy and had to be treated by withdrawing the infusion and volume substitution. Both patients recovered without sequelae. Until better data become available, the use of sour candy or lemon juice to increase salivation might be more appropriate during radioactive iodine treatment for patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Patients should be well informed of the importance of hydration, acid stimulation and glandular massage after radioactive iodine treatment. In addition, early recognition and treatment of xerostomia may improve outcomes. |
CochranePLS320 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included three studies involving 45 children aged between 29 months and six years with Down syndrome. Two studies compared parent-mediated interventions versus TAU; the third compared a parent-mediated plus clinician-mediated intervention versus a clinician-mediated intervention alone. Treatment duration varied from 12 weeks to six months. One study provided nine group sessions and four individualised home-based sessions over a 13-week period. Another study provided weekly, individual clinic-based or home-based sessions lasting 1.5 to 2 hours, over a six-month period. The third study provided one 2- to 3-hour group session followed by bi-weekly, individual clinic-based sessions plus once-weekly home-based sessions for 12 weeks. Because of the different study designs and outcome measures used, we were unable to conduct a meta-analysis. We judged all three studies to be at high risk of bias in relation to blinding of participants (not possible due to the nature of the intervention) and blinding of outcome assessors, and at an unclear risk of bias for allocation concealment. We judged one study to be at unclear risk of selection bias, as authors did not report the methods used to generate the random sequence; at high risk of reporting bias, as they did not report on one assessed outcome; and at high risk of detection bias, as the control group had a cointervention and only parents in the intervention group were made aware of the target words for their children. The sample sizes of each included study were very small, meaning that they are unlikely to be representative of the target population. The findings from the three included studies were inconsistent. Two studies found no differences in expressive or receptive language abilities between the groups, whether measured by direct assessment or parent reports. However, they did find that children in the intervention group could use more targeted vocabulary items or utterances with language targets in certain contexts postintervention, compared to those in the control group; this was not maintained 12 months later. The third study found gains for the intervention group on total-language measures immediately postintervention. One study did not find any differences in parental stress scores between the groups at any time point up to 12 months postintervention. All three studies noted differences in most measures of how the parents talked to and interacted with their children postintervention, and in one study most strategies were maintained in the intervention group at 12 months postintervention. No study reported evidence of language attrition following the intervention in either group, while one study found positive outcomes on children's socialisation skills in the intervention group. One study looked at adherence to the treatment through attendance data, finding that mothers in the intervention group attended seven out of nine group sessions and were present for four home visits. No study measured parental use of the strategies outside of the intervention sessions. A grant from the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) funded one study. Another received partial funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Department of Education in the USA. The remaining study did not specify any funding sources. In light of the serious limitations in methodology, and the small number of studies included, we considered the overall quality of the evidence, as assessed by GRADE, to be very low. This means that we have very little confidence in the results, and further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of treatment effect. There is currently insufficient evidence to determine the effects of parent-mediated interventions for improving the language and communication of children with Down syndrome. We found only three small studies of very low quality. This review highlights the need for well-designed studies, including RCTs, to evaluate the effectiveness of parent-mediated interventions. Trials should use valid, reliable and similar measures of language development, and they should include measures of secondary outcomes more distal to the intervention, such as family well-being. Treatment fidelity, in particular parental dosage of the intervention outside of prescribed sessions, also needs to be documented.
| The evidence is current to January 2018. We found three studies involving 45 children aged between 29 months and six years. Two studies were randomised controlled trials: experiments in which children were allocated to treatment (i.e. parent-mediated) and control (treatment as usual or clinician-mediated, or both) groups using a random method such as a computer-generated list of random numbers. The other study reported that randomisation took place but did not specify how this was done. Two studies compared parent-mediated intervention to treatment as usual. One of these lasted for 13 weeks, and parents in the intervention group received nine, weekly group sessions and four individual sessions in the home. The total intervention time was approximately 26.5 hours. A second study lasted for six months, and parents received weekly, 1.5- to 2-hour clinic or home-based, individualised, parent-child sessions. The total intervention time was approximately 48 hours. A third study compared a parent- and clinician-mediated intervention to a clinician-only-mediated intervention. In this study the parents in the intervention group took part in a two- to three-hour interactive workshop plus three individualised sessions (two clinic-based and one home-based) every week for 12 weeks. The control group received the same individualised sessions, but a clinician delivered them (i.e. there was no parental involvement). The total intervention time was approximately 19 hours. A grant from the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) funded one study. Another received partial funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Department of Education in the USA. The remaining study did not specify any funding sources. Two of the three studies found no differences in children's language ability after parent training. However, these same two studies found that children in the intervention group used more words that had been specifically targeted, postintervention; this was not maintained 12 months later. The study that gave parents the largest amount of intervention reported gains on general measures of overall language ability for children in the intervention group. One study did not find any changes in levels of parental stress immediately or up to 12 months postintervention in either group. All three studies noted changes in how parents talked to and interacted with their children immediately postintervention, and most strategies were retained by the intervention group 12 months later. One study reported increases in the socialisation skills of children who received the intervention. No study reported language attrition in either group postintervention. We rated the quality of the evidence in this review as very low, as only three studies fulfilled the criteria for inclusion, and all had small sizes and serious methodological limitations. There is currently insufficient evidence to determine the effect of parent-mediated interventions for improving the communication and language development in young children with Down syndrome. |
CochranePLS321 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included two trials from 1987 and 2004 with a total 148 participants who have had heart valve surgery. Both trials had a high risk of bias. There was insufficient evidence at 3 to 6 months follow-up to judge the effect of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation compared to no exercise on mortality (RR 4.46 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22 to 90.78); participants = 104; studies = 1; quality of evidence: very low) and on serious adverse events (RR 1.15 (95% CI 0.37 to 3.62); participants = 148; studies = 2; quality of evidence: very low). Included trials did not report on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and the secondary outcomes of New York Heart Association class, left ventricular ejection fraction and cost. We did find that, compared with control (no exercise), exercise-based rehabilitation may increase exercise capacity (SMD -0.47, 95% CI -0.81 to -0.13; participants = 140; studies = 2, quality of evidence: moderate). There was insufficient evidence at 12 months follow-up for the return to work outcome (RR 0.55 (95% CI 0.19 to 1.56); participants = 44; studies = 1; quality of evidence: low). Due to limited information, trial sequential analysis could not be performed as planned. Our findings suggest that exercise-based rehabilitation for adults after heart valve surgery, compared with no exercise, may improve exercise capacity. Due to a lack of evidence, we cannot evaluate the impact on other outcomes. Further high-quality randomised clinical trials are needed in order to assess the impact of exercise-based rehabilitation on patient-relevant outcomes, including mortality and quality of life.
| We searched for randomised clinical trials (experiments in which participants are randomly allocated to an experimental compared with a control intervention) examining the effect of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation compared with no exercise after heart valve surgery for heart valve disease (from any cause) in adults (18 years or older). Our literature searches were undertaken up to March 2015. We found two randomised clinical trials published in 1987 and 2004 that included a total of 148 participants. Due to the limited amount of data, we were not able to determine the effect of exercise-based rehabilitation on mortality, serious adverse events, health-related quality of life, ability to return to work, New York Heart Association class, left ventricular ejection fraction, or cost. However, exercise-based rehabilitation did appear to increase exercise capacity at up to 12 months follow-up, although this should be interpreted with caution as the included trials had a high risk of systematic error (bias). Further randomised clinical trials are needed to definitely understand the effect of physical exercise in adults after heart valve surgery. Given that the included studies are relatively old, and included narrowly-selected trial populations, the evidence is likely to be of limited applicability to clinical practice. Both trials had a high risk of bias (systematic errors) and the quality of the evidence was low. Due to the scarcity of the evidence there is also a high risk that the results may be subject to random errors (play of chance). Therefore, further high-quality randomised clinical trials are needed to assess the effects of exercise-based interventions. |
CochranePLS322 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Five RCTs (1130 participants) were included. Two studies evaluated meditation, the others evaluated multi-disciplinary palliative care interventions that involved a chaplain or spiritual counsellor as a member of the intervention team. The studies evaluating meditation found no overall significant difference between those receiving meditation or usual care on quality of life or well-being. However, when meditation was combined with massage in the medium term it buffered against a reduction in quality of life. In the palliative care intervention studies there was no significant difference in quality of life or well-being between the trial arms. Coping with the disease was not evaluated in the studies. The quality of the studies was limited by under-reporting of design features. We found inconclusive evidence that interventions with spiritual or religious components for adults in the terminal phase of a disease may or may not enhance well-being. Such interventions are under-evaluated. All five studies identified were undertaken in the same country, and in the multi-disciplinary palliative care interventions it is unclear if all participants received support from a chaplain or a spiritual counsellor. Moreover, it is unclear in all the studies whether the participants in the comparative groups received spiritual or religious support, or both, as part of routine care or from elsewhere. The paucity of quality research indicates a need for more rigorous studies.
| Being ill and near to the end of life can raise questions such as "Why me? Why now?". The experience may start or increase thoughts of a spiritual or religious nature. Some research has found that having spiritual or religious awareness, or both, may help a person cope with disease and dying. We conducted our review through searches for studies that were randomised controlled trials. We only included such studies if they evaluated an intervention that involved a spiritual or religious aspect, such as prayer and meditation, and aimed to support adults in the terminal phase of a disease. We found five studies. In total, the studies involved 1130 participants. Two studies evaluated meditation. Three evaluated the work of a palliative care team that involved physicians, nurses and chaplains. Studies compared those who received the intervention with those who did not. Studies evaluated the interventions in various ways including whether it helped in any way a person's quality of life. There was inconclusive evidence that meditation and palliative care teams that involve a chaplain or spiritual counsellor help patients feel emotionally supported. The findings of the review are limited. This is because none of the studies measured whether the intervention helped the person cope with the disease process, and also it is unclear whether all participants receiving the palliative care team interventions were offered support from a chaplain. All the studies were undertaken in one country, making it difficult to draw conclusions as to whether the intervention would work elsewhere. |
CochranePLS323 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included six trials with a total of 137 participants. We found two studies with 45 participants examining the effects of tDCS compared to control (sham tDCS) on our primary outcome measure, impairment, as measured by the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). There was very low quality evidence for no effect of tDCS on change in global UPDRS score ( mean difference (MD) -7.10 %, 95% confidence interval (CI -19.18 to 4.97; P = 0.25, I² = 21%, random-effects model). However, there was evidence of an effect on UPDRS part III motor subsection score at the end of the intervention phase (MD -14.43%, 95% CI -24.68 to -4.18; P = 0.006, I² = 2%, random-effects model; very low quality evidence). One study with 25 participants measured the reduction in off and on time with dyskinesia, but there was no evidence of an effect (MD 0.10 hours, 95% CI -0.14 to 0.34; P = 0.41, I² = 0%, random-effects model; and MD 0.00 hours, 95% CI -0.12 to 0.12; P = 1, I² = 0%, random- effects model, respectively; very low quality evidence). Two trials with a total of 41 participants measured gait speed using measures of timed gait at the end of the intervention phase, revealing no evidence of an effect ( standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.50, 95% CI -0.17 to 1.18; P = 0.14, I² = 11%, random-effects model; very low quality evidence). Another secondary outcome was health-related quality of life and we found one study with 25 participants reporting on the physical health and mental health aspects of health-related quality of life (MD 1.00 SF-12 score, 95% CI -5.20 to 7.20; I² = 0%, inverse variance method with random-effects model; very low quality evidence; and MD 1.60 SF-12 score, 95% CI -5.08 to 8.28; I² = 0%, inverse variance method with random-effects model; very low quality evidence, respectively). We found no study examining the effects of tDCS for improving activities of daily living. In two of six studies, dropouts , adverse events, or deaths occurring during the intervention phase were reported. There was insufficient evidence that dropouts , adverse effects, or deaths were higher with intervention (risk difference (RD) 0.04, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.12; P = 0.40, I² = 0%, random-effects model; very low quality evidence). We found one trial with a total of 16 participants examining the effects of tDCS plus movement therapy compared to control (sham tDCS) plus movement therapy on our secondary outcome, gait speed at the end of the intervention phase, revealing no evidence of an effect (MD 0.05 m/s, 95% CI -0.15 to 0.25; inverse variance method with random-effects model; very low quality evidence). We found no evidence of an effect regarding differences in dropouts and adverse effects between intervention and control groups (RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.21 to 0.21; Mantel-Haenszel method with random-effects model; very low quality evidence). There is insufficient evidence to determine the effects of tDCS for reducing off time ( when the symptoms are not controlled by the medication) and on time with dyskinesia ( time that symptoms are controlled but the person still experiences involuntary muscle movements ) , and for improving health- related quality of life, disability, and impairment in patients with IPD. Evidence of very low quality indicates no difference in dropouts and adverse events between tDCS and control groups.
| We included six trials involving 137 participants. The duration of treatment in the included trials ranged from a single session to five consecutive sessions of tDCS. From the six trials involving 137 participants, we found there was insufficient evidence to determine how much of an effect there is from tDCS in enhancing rehabilitation outcomes regarding reduction in off time (when the symptoms are not controlled by the medication) and on time with dyskinesia (time that symptoms are controlled but the person still experiences involuntary muscle movements) , and for improving health- related quality of life, disability, and impairment in patients with IPD. However, tDCS may improve impairment regarding motor symptoms in patients with IPD. We found no study examining the effects of tDCS for improving activities of daily living. Proportions of adverse events and people discontinuing the study were comparable between groups. All findings are based on evidence of very low quality. That means that we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect. |
CochranePLS324 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included an additional four studies (N = 154) in this update. For this update, we excluded studies that did not follow up patients for more than 48 hours. As a result, we excluded four studies from the previous review in this update. Overall we included 12 studies (N = 461), all of which we judged to be at high or unclear risk of bias. Overall, the quality of evidence was low to very low, downgraded due to limitations, inconsistency, imprecision, indirectness, or a combination of these. Two small studies compared LASB to placebo/sham (N = 32). They did not demonstrate significant short-term benefit for LASB for pain intensity (moderate quality evidence). One small study (N = 36) at high risk of bias compared thoracic sympathetic block with corticosteroid and local anaesthetic versus injection of the same agents into the subcutaneous space, reporting statistically significant and clinically important differences in pain intensity at one-year follow-up but not at short term follow-up (very low quality evidence). Of two studies that investigated LASB as an addition to rehabilitation treatment, the only study that reported pain outcomes demonstrated no additional benefit from LASB (very low quality evidence). Eight small randomised studies compared sympathetic blockade to various other active interventions. Most studies found no difference in pain outcomes between sympathetic block versus other active treatments (low to very low quality evidence). One small study compared ultrasound-guided LASB with non-guided LASB and found no clinically important difference in pain outcomes (very low quality evidence). Six studies reported adverse events, all with minor effects reported. This update's results are similar to the previous versions of this systematic review, and the main conclusions are unchanged. There remains a scarcity of published evidence and a lack of high quality evidence to support or refute the use of local anaesthetic sympathetic blockade for CRPS. From the existing evidence, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions regarding the efficacy or safety of this intervention, but the limited data available do not suggest that LASB is effective for reducing pain in CRPS.
| In September 2015, we found a limited number of small trials, all of which had design flaws. We did not find evidence that LASB was better than placebo in reducing pain, or that it provided additional pain relief when added to rehabilitation. While a number of small studies compared LASB to other treatments, most did not find that LASB was better. One small study found that injecting the thoracic (upper back) sympathetic nerves with local anaesthetic and steroid was better than injecting the same drugs just under the skin at one-year follow-up, but the study may have been prone to bias. Only six studies reported on the type and amount of side effects. These studies reported only minor side effects, but since some studies did not report this information we can draw no firm conclusions about the safety of LASB. The evidence was mostly of low or very low quality. Overall, the evidence is limited, conflicting, and of low quality. While we cannot draw strong conclusions, the existing evidence is not encouraging. |
CochranePLS325 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Fourteen trials, including 2488 participants, met the inclusion criteria. Most were small, and most were at high or unclear risk of bias in multiple domains. We included four new studies at this update. Incomplete recovery A combination of antivirals and corticosteroids may have little or no effect on rates of incomplete recovery in people with Bell's palsy compared to corticosteroids alone (risk ratio (RR) 0.81, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.38 to 1.74; 3 trials, N = 766; random-effects; low-certainty evidence). We excluded 10 trials that were at high or unclear risk of bias in several domains from this analysis and limited all analyses to studies at lower risk of bias. Recovery rates were better in participants receiving corticosteroids alone than antivirals alone (RR 2.69, 95% CI 0.73 to 10.01; 2 trials, N = 667; random-effects), but the result was imprecise and allowed for the possibility of no effect. The rate of incomplete recovery was lower with antivirals plus corticosteroids than with placebo or no treatment (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.76; 2 trials, N = 658; random-effects). Antivirals alone had no clear effect on incomplete recovery rates compared with placebo, but the result was imprecise (RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.87 to 1.40; 2 trials, N = 658; fixed-effect). For people with severe Bell's palsy (House-Brackmann score of 5 and 6, or equivalent on other scales), we found that the combination of antivirals and corticosteroids had no clear effect on incomplete recovery at month six compared to corticosteroids alone, although the result was again imprecise (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.17; 2 trials, N = 98; random-effects). Motor synkinesis or crocodile tears Antivirals plus corticosteroids reduced the proportion of participants who experienced these long-term sequelae from Bell's palsy compared to placebo plus corticosteroids (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.87; 2 trials, N = 469; fixed-effect; moderate-certainty evidence). Antivirals plus corticosteroids reduced long-term sequelae compared to placebo but there was no clear difference in this outcome with antivirals alone compared to placebo. Adverse events Adverse event data were available in four studies providing data on 1592 participants. None of the four comparisons showed clear differences in adverse events between treatment and comparison arms (very low-certainty evidence); for the comparison of antivirals plus corticosteroids and corticosteroids alone in studies at lower risk of bias, the RR was 1.17 (95% CI 0.81 to 1.69; 2 trials, N = 656; fixed-effect; very low-certainty evidence). The combination of antivirals and corticosteroids may have little or no effect on rates of incomplete recovery in comparison to corticosteroids alone in Bell's palsy of various degrees of severity, or in people with severe Bell's palsy, but the results were very imprecise. Corticosteroids alone were probably more effective than antivirals alone and antivirals plus corticosteroids were more effective than placebo or no treatment. There was no clear benefit from antivirals alone over placebo. The combination of antivirals and corticosteroids probably reduced the late sequelae of Bell's palsy compared with corticosteroids alone. Studies also showed fewer episodes of long-term sequelae in corticosteroid-treated participants than antiviral-treated participants. We found no clear difference in adverse events from the use of antivirals compared with either placebo or corticosteroids, but the evidence is too uncertain for us to draw conclusions. An adequately powered RCT in people with Bell’s palsy that compares different antiviral agents may be indicated.
| We identified 14 trials, which included 2488 participants with mild, moderate, or severe one-sided Bell's palsy of unknown cause. Participants were aged from 14 to 84 years. The trials compared: - antivirals plus corticosteroids to corticosteroids alone or in combination with placebo; - antivirals alone or in combination with placebo to placebo or no treatment; - antivirals alone or in combination with placebo to corticosteroid treatment alone or in combination with placebo; or - antivirals plus corticosteroids to placebo or no treatment. For the majority of the studies, no information on funding was given. The remaining were mostly partly public funded, and one trial was funded by a pharmaceutical company. Eleven studies had high or uncertain risk of bias from various factors that can systematically affect trial results. We chose to base our conclusions only on data from three studies at a lower risk of bias. The review showed that there may be no clear difference in rates of incomplete recovery from Bell's palsy after treatment with the combination of antivirals and corticosteroids, compared to corticosteroids alone. This finding was of low certainty and was based on data from three trials involving 766 people with Bell's palsy of various degrees of severity. We excluded data from 10 trials with multiple potential sources of bias. However, we can be moderately confident that the combined therapy reduced the number of people left with long-term effects of Bell's palsy (excessive tearing of the eyes or an abnormal facial movement) compared to corticosteroid treatment alone. Data from two studies (98 participants) showed that in people with severe Bell's palsy (complete or almost complete facial paralysis), combined antivirals and corticosteroids had no clear effect on recovery compared with corticosteroid treatment alone. Corticosteroids alone were more effective than antivirals alone on rates of incomplete recovery (667 participants, 2 trials); antivirals and corticosteroids combined were more effective than placebo or no treatment (658 participants, 2 trials); and there was no clear benefit from antivirals alone over placebo (658 participants, 2 trials). Although, based on data from two trials (656 participants), we found no clear difference in the occurrence of side effects between people receiving both antivirals and corticosteroids, compared to those receiving corticosteroids alone, this evidence is too uncertain for us to draw conclusions. Large studies in people with Bell's palsy comparing additional antiviral agents may be indicated in the future. |
CochranePLS326 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Two studies, including 97 women, met our inclusion criteria: one assessed LHRH agonist (leuprorelin) use in relapsed (platinum-resistant and platinum-refractory) EOC in comparison with a chemotherapeutic agent (treosulfan) (Du Bois 2002); the other examined LHRH agonist (decapeptyl) versus a placebo (Currie 1994). Since both studies had different control groups, a meta-analysis was not possible. There may be little or no difference between treatment with leuprorelin or treosulfan in overall survival (OS) (hazard ratio (HR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.58 to 1.67; very low-quality evidence) or progression-free survival (PFS) at six and 12 months (risk ratio (RR) 0.61, 95% CI 0.22 to 1.68, and RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.12 to 3.66; very low-quality evidence), respectively (Du Bois 2002). The duration of follow-up was 2.5 years and quality of life (QoL) was not reported in this study. Alopecia and fatigue were probably more common with treosulfan than leuprorelin (alopecia RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.91 (very low-quality evidence)). There may be little or no difference in other Grade 3/4 side effects: nausea and vomiting (RR 0.65, 95% CI 0.12 to 3.66 (very low-quality evidence)); neurotoxicity (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.01 to 7.71 (very low-quality evidence)) and neutropenia (RR 0.97, 95% 0.06 to 14.97 (very low-quality evidence)), The Currie 1994 study, which compared decapeptyl treatment with placebo, reported mean PFS of 16 weeks verus 11.2 weeks, respectively. No relative effects measures or P value at a particular time point were reported. Overall survival (OS) and QoL outcomes were not reported. In addition, adverse events were only mentioned for the decapeptyl group. Adverse events were incompletely reported (no adverse events in decapeptyl group, but not reported for the placebo group). Based on this review of two small RCTs, there is not enough evidence to comment on the safety and effectiveness of LHRH agonists in the treatment of platinum-refractory and platinum-resistant (relapsed) EOC. Overall, the quality of evidence for all outcomes (including OS, PFS, QoL and adverse events) is very low.
| We searched electronic databases and other resources for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing LHRH agonists with chemotherapy or placebo in women with relapsed EOC.Two RCTs were identified. Since the comparisons differed, they were reported separately. Available evidence did not show improvement in overall survival and progression-free survival at six and12 months with hormonal (LHRH) therapy. Also, major side effects (haematological and neurological) did not statistically differ between the two treatment groups, but were incompletely reported. Quality of life data were not reported in either study. Currently, the quality of evidence is very low regarding the effectiveness and safety of LHRH agonists in women who relapse within six months of initial platinum chemotherapy treatment. |
CochranePLS327 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We found 17 eligible randomised controlled studies that included term and near-term infants with hypoxia. Ten trials compared iNO versus control (placebo or standard care without iNO) in infants with moderate or severe severity of illness scores (Ninos 1996; Roberts 1996; Wessel 1996; Davidson 1997; Ninos 1997; Mercier 1998; Christou 2000; Clark 2000; INNOVO 2007; Liu 2008). Mercier 1998 compared iNO versus control but allowed back-up treatment with iNO for infants who continued to satisfy the same criteria for severity of illness after two hours. This trial enrolled both preterm and term infants but reported most results separately for the two groups. Ninos 1997 studied only infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. One trial compared iNO versus high-frequency ventilation (Kinsella 1997). Six trials enrolled infants with moderate severity of illness scores (oxygenation index (OI) or alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (A-aDO2)) and randomised them to immediate iNO treatment or iNO treatment only after deterioration to more severe criteria (Barefield 1996; Day 1996; Sadiq 1998; Cornfield 1999; Konduri 2004; Gonzalez 2010). Inhaled nitric oxide appears to have improved outcomes in hypoxaemic term and near-term infants by reducing the incidence of the combined endpoint of death or use of ECMO (high-quality evidence). This reduction was due to a reduction in use of ECMO (with number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) of 5.3); mortality was not affected. Oxygenation was improved in approximately 50% of infants receiving iNO. The OI was decreased by a (weighted) mean of 15.1 within 30 to 60 minutes after the start of therapy, and partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) was increased by a mean of 53 mmHg. Whether infants had clear echocardiographic evidence of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) did not appear to affect response to iNO. Outcomes of infants with diaphragmatic hernia were not improved; outcomes were slightly, but not significantly, worse with iNO (moderate-quality evidence). Infants who received iNO at less severe criteria did not have better clinical outcomes than those who were enrolled but received treatment only if their condition deteriorated. Fewer of the babies who received iNO early satisfied late treatment criteria, showing that earlier iNO reduced progression of the disease but did not further decrease mortality nor the need for ECMO (moderate-quality evidence). Incidence of disability, incidence of deafness and infant development scores were all similar between tested survivors who received iNO and those who did not. Inhaled nitric oxide is effective at an initial concentration of 20 ppm for term and near-term infants with hypoxic respiratory failure who do not have a diaphragmatic hernia.
| In a search updated to February 2016, review authors identified a total of 17 studies for inclusion in the review. Most of the results reported in this review were obtained from 10 studies of moderate to high quality, which compared inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) versus standard therapy without iNO. Six studies compared iNO started when babies were less sick against waiting to see if they deteriorated, then treating them later. These studies were smaller, and only one was a high-quality trial. Inhaled nitric oxide is safe and can help some full-term babies with respiratory failure who have not responded to other methods of support. Inhaled nitric oxide increases levels of oxygen in babies' blood, and babies are more likely to survive without needing ECMO, a highly invasive therapy with many complications. Unfortunately, benefits of iNO are not clear in babies whose respiratory failure is due to a diaphragmatic hernia. Inhaled nitric oxide has shown no short-term or long-term adverse effects. No signs suggest that iNO given earlier is more beneficial or results in more babies treated, and the number who die or who need ECMO is not significantly reduced. |
CochranePLS328 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Seven preventive studies (14,437 people) and eight treatment studies (1361 people) were included in this updated review. Overall, the methodological quality of the studies was rather low. Only five of the fifteen studies met 50% or more of the internal validity items. There was moderate evidence that lumbar supports are not more effective than no intervention or training in preventing low-back pain, and conflicting evidence whether lumbar supports are effective supplements to other preventive interventions. It is still unclear if lumbar supports are more effective than no or other interventions for the treatment of low-back pain. There is moderate evidence that lumbar supports are not more effective than no intervention or training in preventing low-back pain, and conflicting evidence whether they are effective supplements to other preventive interventions. It remains unclear whether lumbar supports are more effective than no or other interventions for treating low-back pain. There is still a need for high quality randomised trials on the effectiveness of lumbar supports. One of the most essential issues to tackle in these future trials seems to be the realization of an adequate compliance. Special attention should be paid to different outcome measures, types of patients and types of lumbar support.
| In one study (82 people), back supports added to back school (patient education about recovering from back pain) were helpful in reducing the number of days of sick leave but not in preventing back pain. Back supports plus usual medical care reduced the number of days of low-back pain and improved function, but did not reduce sick leave (one study, 360 people). Treatment: In four studies (1170 people), there was little or no difference between patients with acute or chronic back pain who used back supports and those who received no treatment in short-term pain reduction or overall improvement. There is conflicting evidence (two studies, 550 people) about whether back supports are better than nothing in helping low-back pain patients return to work faster, however in three studies (410 patients), they were better than nothing in helping individuals with subacute and chronic low-back pain recover function in the short term. In three studies (954 people), there was little or no difference in short-term pain reduction, overall improvement and return-to-work between those who used back supports and those who received manipulation, physiotherapy, or electrical stimulation. One study (164 people) reported mixed results on whether back supports improved function more than massage and in another study (19 people), use of a lumbar corset with back support was more effective in reducing pain in the short-term than a corset alone. Conclusions from this review should be viewed with caution due to the low quality of many of the studies. In the future, researchers should report side effects from wearing back supports and measure how many hours per day the supports are actually worn. |
CochranePLS329 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included one new study (338 participants/catheters) in this update, which brought the total included to 57 studies with 16,784 catheters and 11 types of impregnations. The total number of participants enrolled was unclear, as some studies did not provide this information. Most studies enrolled participants from the age of 18, including patients in intensive care units (ICU), oncology units and patients receiving long-term total parenteral nutrition. There were low or unclear risks of bias in the included studies, except for blinding, which was impossible in most studies due to the catheters that were being assessed having different appearances. Overall, catheter impregnation significantly reduced catheter-related blood stream infection (CRBSI), with an ARR of 2% (95% CI 3% to 1%), RR of 0.62 (95% CI 0.52 to 0.74) and NNTB of 50 (high-quality evidence). Catheter impregnation also reduced catheter colonization, with an ARR of 9% (95% CI 12% to 7%), RR of 0.67 (95% CI 0.59 to 0.76) and NNTB of 11 (moderate-quality evidence, downgraded due to substantial heterogeneity). However, catheter impregnation made no significant difference to the rates of clinically diagnosed sepsis (RR 1.0, 95% CI 0.88 to 1.13; moderate-quality evidence, downgraded due to a suspicion of publication bias), all-cause mortality (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.07; high-quality evidence) and catheter-related local infections (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.07; 2688 catheters, moderate quality evidence, downgraded due to wide 95% CI). In our subgroup analyses, we found that the magnitudes of benefits for impregnated CVCs varied between studies that enrolled different types of participants. For the outcome of catheter colonization, catheter impregnation conferred significant benefit in studies conducted in ICUs (RR 0.70;95% CI 0.61 to 0.80) but not in studies conducted in haematological and oncological units (RR 0.75; 95% CI 0.51 to 1.11) or studies that assessed predominantly patients who required CVCs for long-term total parenteral nutrition (RR 0.99; 95% CI 0.74 to 1.34). However, there was no such variation for the outcome of CRBSI. The magnitude of the effects was also not affected by the participants' baseline risks. There were no significant differences between the impregnated and non-impregnated groups in the rates of adverse effects, including thrombosis/thrombophlebitis, bleeding, erythema and/or tenderness at the insertion site. This review confirms the effectiveness of antimicrobial CVCs in reducing rates of CRBSI and catheter colonization. However, the magnitude of benefits regarding catheter colonization varied according to setting, with significant benefits only in studies conducted in ICUs. A comparatively smaller body of evidence suggests that antimicrobial CVCs do not appear to reduce clinically diagnosed sepsis or mortality significantly. Our findings call for caution in routinely recommending the use of antimicrobial-impregnated CVCs across all settings. Further randomized controlled trials assessing antimicrobial CVCs should include important clinical outcomes like the overall rates of sepsis and mortality.
| We included 57 studies with 16,784 catheters and 11 types of antimicrobial impregnation. The total number of participants was not clear as some studies did not provide this information, and some participants may have had more than one CVC in the course of their treatment. The participants were mostly adults aged 18 and over in ICUs, cancer units or other healthcare settings in which CVCs were used for intravenous treatment or nutrition. All studies were completed when the participants left the unit or hospital, and no study followed up participants in the long-term. Twenty-six out of 57 studies were funded fully or partially by the catheter manufacturers or distributors, two studies were government-funded, and two received no funding. Funding sources were not stated in the remaining 27 studies. Compared to those participants given non-impregnated catheters, participants with impregnated catheters had 2% lower rates of bloodstream infections that were definitely catheter-related (CRBSI) (average absolute reduction in CRBSI: 2%). There was also a 9% lower chance of finding bacteria on these impregnated catheters (catheter colonization) (average absolute reduction in catheter colonization: 9%). However, the benefits of these catheters in reducing catheter colonization varied according to study setting, with significant benefits observed only in studies conducted in the ICUs. There were no clinically significant differences in the overall rates of bloodstream infections (clinically-diagnosed sepsis) or in death, although these outcomes were assessed in fewer studies than CRBSI and catheter colonization. Impregnated catheters appeared no more likely than non-impregnated catheters to cause adverse effects such as bleeding, clots, pain or redness at the insertion site. The amount of information in this review contributed to high-quality evidence for the major outcomes of CRBSI, all-cause mortality and adverse effects. However, for clinically-diagnosed sepsis we considered the quality of the evidence to be moderate, as we suspected that there had been selective non-publication of certain trials. We considered the quality of evidence to be moderate for catheter colonization too, due to major inconsistencies in the direction of the results amongst the included studies. While impregnated catheters are effective in reducing CRBSI and catheter colonization, particularly in ICUs, they may not be effective across all settings. Furthermore, our review shows that these impregnated catheters do not appear to reduce all bloodstream infections and numbers of deaths. The discrepancy between the findings for CRBSI, catheter colonization and overall bloodstream infections might be related to the limitations of the catheter and blood cultures that were used in most studies for detecting catheter-related infections. Future research should include overall bloodstream infections and death as key outcomes, and include some advanced methods for detecting micro-organisms on the catheters and in the bloodstream to evaluate the presence of catheter-related infections more accurately. |
CochranePLS330 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: The systematic review included 15 studies, of which 14 were randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The interventions took place in recognised slums or poor urban or periurban areas. The study locations were mainly Bangladesh, India, and Peru. The participants included 9261 infants and children and 3664 pregnant women. There were no dietary intervention studies. All the studies identified were nutrient supplementation and educational interventions. The interventions included zinc supplementation in pregnant women (three studies), micronutrient or macronutrient supplementation in children (eight studies), nutrition education for pregnant women (two studies), and nutrition systems strengthening targeting children (two studies) intervention. Six interventions were adapted to the urban context and seven targeted household, community, or 'service delivery' via systems strengthening. The primary review outcomes were available from seven studies for LFA/HFA, four for LBW, and nine for length. The studies had overall high risk of bias for 11 studies and only four RCTs had moderate risk of bias. Overall, the evidence was complex to report, with a wide range of outcome measures reported. Consequently, only eight study findings were reported in meta-analyses and seven in a narrative form. The certainty of evidence was very low to moderate overall. None of the studies reported differential impacts of interventions relevant to equity issues. Zinc supplementation of pregnant women on LBW or length (versus supplementation without zinc or placebo) (three RCTs) There was no evidence of an effect on LBW (MD –36.13 g, 95% CI –83.61 to 11.35), with moderate-certainty evidence, or no evidence of an effect or unclear effect on length with low- to moderate-certainty evidence. Micronutrient or macronutrient supplementation in children (versus no intervention or placebo) (eight RCTs) There was no evidence of an effect or unclear effect of nutrient supplementation of children on HFA for studies in the meta-analysis with low-certainty evidence (MD –0.02, 95% CI –0.06 to 0.02), and inconclusive effect on length for studies reported in a narrative form with very low- to moderate-certainty evidence. Nutrition education for pregnant women (versus standard care or no intervention) (two RCTs) There was a positive impact on LBW of education interventions in pregnant women, with low-certainty evidence (MD 478.44g, 95% CI 423.55 to 533.32). Nutrition systems strengthening interventions targeting children (compared with no intervention, standard care) (one RCT and one controlled before-and-after study) There were inconclusive results on HFA, with very low- to low-certainty evidence, and a positive influence on length at 18 months, with low-certainty evidence. All the nutritional interventions reviewed had the potential to decrease stunting, based on evidence from outside of slum contexts; however, there was no evidence of an effect of the interventions included in this review (very low- to moderate-certainty evidence). Challenges linked to urban slum programming (high mobility, lack of social services, and high loss of follow-up) should be taken into account when nutrition-specific interventions are proposed to address LBW and stunting in such environments. More evidence is needed of the effects of multi-sectorial interventions, combining nutrition-specific and sensitive methods and programmes, as well as the effects of 'up-stream' practices and policies of governmental, non-governmental organisations, and the business sector on nutrition-related outcomes such as stunting.
| Nutritional methods (interventions) to improve infant and young children's growth have not been comprehensively or systematically assessed for urban slums. We included 15 studies in the review, involving 9261 children less than five years old and 3664 pregnant women. About 73% of children were less than one year old. The interventions provided maternal education; nutrient supplementation of mothers, infants, and children; improving nutrition systems; or a combination of these but not dietary modification. The reliability of the studies was very low to moderate overall because studies were not designed to cope with research problems linked to urban slum communities, such as high mobility and high loss of participants to follow-up. This meant that the effectiveness of the intervention could not be properly assessed at later dates. We assessed the effect of interventions taking both statistical and clinical significance into account. Where intervention outcomes were statistically insignificant, we conclude there was 'unclear effect'. There was no effect of giving mothers nutrient supplementation on birth weight and length, there were inconclusive results for nutrient supplementation in infants and children on improving children's height or stunting status, there was a positive impact on birth weight of maternal education interventions where there was a positive difference in birth weight of 478 g in infants exposed to the intervention, and inconclusive results of improving health systems that support nutrition on children's stunting status and a positive effect on height. There were no reported side effects from these interventions. The review showed the need to better understand urban slum environments and their people as evidence showed that interventions included in this review were successful in other locations outside of urban poor areas. More evidence is needed of the effects of multi-sectorial interventions, combining nutrition-specific and sensitive methods and programmes, as well as the effects of 'up-stream' practices and policies of governmental, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and the business sector to improve low birth weight and stunting in poor urban environments. |
CochranePLS331 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twelve RCTs (1023 participants) reporting 14 comparisons were included in this review. There was no difference in healing outcomes between hydrocellular foam dressings and polyurethane foam dressings (three RCTs). Pooled data across five RCTs (418 participants) showed no statistically significant difference between foam dressings and hydrocolloid dressings in the proportion of ulcers healed at 12 to 16 weeks (risk ratio (RR) 1.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81 to 1.22). No statistically significant between-group differences in healing outcomes were detected when foam dressings were compared with: paraffin gauze (two RCTs); hydrocapillary dressing (one RCT); knitted viscose dressing (one RCT); and protease modulating matrix (one RCT). No statistically significant between-group differences in the proportion of participants experiencing adverse events were detected when hydrocellular foam dressings were compared with polyurethane foam dressings, or when foam dressings were compared with hydrocapillary, hydrocolloid, or knitted viscose dressings (one RCT for each comparison). Six RCTs were considered as being at overall high risk of bias, and the remaining six RCTs were considered to be at overall unclear risk of bias. No included RCT had an overall low risk of bias. The current evidence base does not suggest that foam dressings are more effective in the healing of venous leg ulcers than other wound dressing treatments. The evidence in this area is of low quality. Further evidence is required from well-designed and rigorously-conducted RCTs, that employ methods to minimise bias and report them clearly, before any definitive conclusions can be made regarding the efficacy of foam dressings in the management of venous leg ulcers.
| We evaluated the evidence from 12 randomised controlled trials that either compared different types of foam dressings, or compared foam dressings with other types of wound dressings. We found no evidence to suggest that polyurethane foam dressings are significantly better or worse than hydrocellular foam dressings in venous leg ulcer healing. Similarly, we found no evidence to suggest that foam dressings are significantly better or worse than other types of dressings (paraffin-impregnated gauze dressings, hydrocapillary dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, knitted viscose dressings, or protease-modulating matrix dressings), for the healing of venous leg ulcers. We found insufficient evidence to draw any conclusions regarding: adverse events, quality of life, costs, pain, or dressing performance. Overall, the current evidence is of low or unclear methodological quality. This limits the making of any specific recommendations regarding the use of foam dressings. Further, good quality evidence is required before definitive conclusions can be made regarding the role of foam dressings in the management of venous leg ulcers. |
CochranePLS332 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: There were no RCTs that assessed the tolerability or safety of the withdrawn COX-2 inhibitors rofecoxib, valdecoxib, or lumiracoxib. Two RCTs (n = 381 IBD patients with rheumatological manifestations) were included in the review. One study (n = 159) compared etoricoxib (60 to 120 mg/day) to placebo in IBD patients with quiescent or active ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The other study (n = 222) compared celecoxib (200 mg twice daily) to placebo in patients with quiescent ulcerative colitis. Both studies were judged to be at low risk of bias. The two included studies were not pooled for meta-analysis due to differences in patient populations and treatment duration. There was no statistically significant difference in exacerbation of IBD between etoricoxib and placebo. After 12 weeks of treatment the IBD exacerbation rate was 17% (14/82) in the etoricoxib group compared to 19% (15/77) in the placebo group (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.45 to 1.69). A GRADE analysis indicated that the overall quality of the evidence supporting this outcome was low due to very sparse data (29 events). There was no statistically significant difference in exacerbation of ulcerative colitis between celecoxib and placebo. After two weeks of treatment 4% (5/112) of celecoxib patients experienced an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis compared to 6% (7/110) of patients in the placebo group (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.23 to 2.14). A GRADE analysis indicated that the overall quality of the evidence supporting this outcome was low due to very sparse data (12 events). The study comparing etoricoxib to placebo documented but did not report on AEs. The proportion of patients who experienced AEs was similar in the celecoxib and placebo groups (21% and 17%, respectively, P > 0.20). No patients in either group died or experienced serious adverse events. Eleven percent of patients in the celecoxib and placebo groups experienced GI AEs (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.46 to 2.07). A GRADE analysis indicated that the overall quality of the evidence supporting this outcome was low due to very sparse data (24 events). GI AEs led to premature withdrawal from the study in 3% of patients in celecoxib and placebo groups respectively. GI AEs included increased stool frequency, rectal bleeding, and inflamed mucosa. No patients experienced any cardiovascular adverse events. Renal toxicity or thrombotic AEs were not reported. The results for disease exacerbation and AEs between the COX-2 inhibitors celecoxib and etoricoxib and placebo were uncertain. Thus no definitive conclusions regarding the tolerability and safety of the short term use of celecoxib and etoricoxib in patients with IBD can be drawn. The two included studies suggest that celecoxib and etoricoxib do not exacerbate IBD symptoms. However, it should be noted that both studies had relatively small sample sizes and short follow-up durations. Clinicians need to continue to weigh the risks and benefits of these drugs when treating patients IBD patients with rheumatological manifestations in order to avoid disease exacerbation and other adverse effects. Further RCTs are needed to determine the tolerability and safety of celecoxib and etoricoxib in these patients.
| This review does not include any studies that assessed the tolerability and safety of the withdrawn COX-2 inhibitors rofecoxib, valdecoxib, or lumiracoxib.This review identified two studies that included a total of 381 participants with IBD who were experiencing rheumatological manifestations. One study (159 participants) compared etoricoxib (60 to 120 mg/day) to placebo (e.g. a sugar pill) in people with IBD (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) who were in remission (i.e. no disease symptoms) or had active disease (i.e. had symptoms). The other study (222 participants) compared 2 weeks of treatment with celecoxib (200 mg twice daily) to placebo in people with ulcerative colitis who were in remission. The study that compared etoricoxib to placebo found no clear evidence of a difference in the proportion of patients who experienced exacerbation of IBD after 12 weeks of treatment. Although this study documented side effects experienced by the participants these side effects were not reported in the study manuscript. The study that compared celecoxib to placebo found no clear evidence of a difference in the proportion of patients who experienced exacerbation of ulcerative colitis after two weeks of treatment. The proportion of patients who experienced side effects was similar in the celecoxib and placebo groups (21% and 17%, respectively). No patients in either group died or experienced serious side effects. Eleven percent of patients in the celecoxib and placebo groups experienced GI side effects including increased stool frequency, rectal bleeding, and inflamed mucosa. No patients experienced any cardiovascular side effects (i.e. heart attack or stroke). Renal toxicity (i.e. the poisonous effect of a substance on the kidneys) or thrombotic side effects (i.e. the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel) were not reported. The results of the two included studies in this review suggest that celecoxib and etoricoxib do not exacerbate IBD symptoms. However, it should be noted that both studies assessed relatively small numbers of patients and were of short duration. Futhermore, the overall quality of the evidence from the studies was rated as low due to lack of precision of the results. No firm conclusions on the tolerability and safety of celecoxib and etoricoxib can be drawn from these studies. Further studies are needed to determine the tolerability and safety of celecoxib and etoricoxib in patients with rheumatological manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease. |
CochranePLS333 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We found 22 trials that met our inclusion criteria with a total of over 2310 participants (one study did not report number of participants). The included studies mostly had small numbers of participants (from 4 to 317) and relatively short follow-up periods (4 to 24 weeks). At baseline, six trials included only people with ulcers that were clinically infected; one trial included people with both infected and uninfected ulcers; two trials included people with non-infected ulcers; and the remaining 13 studies did not report infection status. Included studies employed various topical antimicrobial treatments, including antimicrobial dressings (e.g. silver, iodides), super-oxidised aqueous solutions, zinc hyaluronate, silver sulphadiazine, tretinoin, pexiganan cream, and chloramine. We performed the following five comparisons based on the included studies: Antimicrobial dressings compared with non-antimicrobial dressings: Pooled data from five trials with a total of 945 participants suggest (based on the average treatment effect from a random-effects model) that more wounds may heal when treated with an antimicrobial dressing than with a non-antimicrobial dressing: risk ratio (RR) 1.28, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.12 to 1.45. These results correspond to an additional 119 healing events in the antimicrobial-dressing arm per 1000 participants (95% CI 51 to 191 more). We consider this low-certainty evidence (downgraded twice due to risk of bias). The evidence on adverse events or other outcomes was uncertain (very low-certainty evidence, frequently downgraded due to risk of bias and imprecision). Antimicrobial topical treatments (non dressings) compared with non-antimicrobial topical treatments (non dressings): There were four trials with a total of 132 participants in this comparison that contributed variously to the estimates of outcome data. Evidence was generally of low or very low certainty, and the 95% CIs spanned benefit and harm: proportion of wounds healed RR 2.82 (95% CI 0.56 to 14.23; 112 participants; 3 trials; very low-certainty evidence); achieving resolution of infection RR 1.16 (95% CI 0.54 to 2.51; 40 participants; 1 trial; low-certainty evidence); undergoing surgical resection RR 1.67 (95% CI 0.47 to 5.90; 40 participants; 1 trial; low-certainty evidence); and sustaining an adverse event (no events in either arm; 81 participants; 2 trials; very low-certainty evidence). Comparison of different topical antimicrobial treatments: We included eight studies with a total of 250 participants, but all of the comparisons were different and no data could be appropriately pooled. Reported outcome data were limited and we are uncertain about the relative effects of antimicrobial topical agents for each of our review outcomes for this comparison, that is wound healing, resolution of infection, surgical resection, and adverse events (all very low-certainty evidence). Topical antimicrobials compared with systemic antibiotics : We included four studies with a total of 937 participants. These studies reported no wound-healing data, and the evidence was uncertain for the relative effects on resolution of infection in infected ulcers and surgical resection (very low certainty). On average, there is probably little difference in the risk of adverse events between the compared topical antimicrobial and systemic antibiotics treatments: RR 0.91 (95% CI 0.78 to 1.06; moderate-certainty evidence - downgraded once for inconsistency). Topical antimicrobial agents compared with growth factor: We included one study with 40 participants. The only review-relevant outcome reported was number of ulcers healed, and these data were uncertain (very low-certainty evidence). The randomised controlled trial data on the effectiveness and safety of topical antimicrobial treatments for diabetic foot ulcers is limited by the availability of relatively few, mostly small, and often poorly designed trials. Based on our systematic review and analysis of the literature, we suggest that: 1) use of an antimicrobial dressing instead of a non-antimicrobial dressing may increase the number of diabetic foot ulcers healed over a medium-term follow-up period (low-certainty evidence); and 2) there is probably little difference in the risk of adverse events related to treatment between systemic antibiotics and topical antimicrobial treatments based on the available studies (moderate-certainty evidence). For each of the other outcomes we examined there were either no reported data or the available data left us uncertain as to whether or not there were any differences between the compared treatments. Given the high, and increasing, frequency of diabetic foot wounds, we encourage investigators to undertake properly designed randomised controlled trials in this area to evaluate the effects of topical antimicrobial treatments for both the prevention and the treatment of infection in these wounds and ultimately the effects on wound healing.
| In August 2016 we searched for randomised controlled trials involving the use of any antimicrobial treatment on foot ulcers or other open wounds of the foot in people with diabetes. We found 22 trials involving a total of over 2310 adult participants (one trial did not report the number of participants). Participant numbers in each trial ranged from 4 to 317 and follow-up times during and after treatment ranged from 4 to 24 weeks. Some trials included participants with ulcers that were infected, while other trials included participants with ulcers that were uninfected. The trials compared a variety of different antimicrobial dressings, solutions, gels, creams, or ointments. Many of the trials did not report important data, which means the reliability of the results is uncertain. The results of five trials involving 945 participants suggest that use of some type of antimicrobial dressing may increase the number of ulcers healed in medium-term follow-up (4 to 24 weeks) when compared with a non-antimicrobial dressing (low certainty evidence). Due to limited information, we were unable to assess the effectiveness of treatments in either preventing or resolving wound infection. Four trials involving 937 participants compared systemic antibiotics (given by mouth or via injection, distributed to the whole body by the bloodstream) with antimicrobial treatments applied directly to the wound. These trials did not provide data on healing or infection, but it appeared that there was no difference in the side effects experienced by participants whose ulcers were treated systemically or topically (moderate certainty evidence). Overall, the certainty of the evidence provided by the trials was too low for us to be certain of the benefits and harms of topical antimicrobial treatments for treating foot ulcers in people with diabetes. More, larger, and better-designed randomised controlled trials should be carried out in this area. |
CochranePLS334 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We did not identify any new studies for inclusion in this update. We included six studies that involved 5193 participants. Analysis showed that zinc supplementation reduced the incidence of pneumonia by 13% (fixed-effect risk ratio (RR) 0.87; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81 to 0.94, six studies, low-quality evidence) and prevalence of pneumonia by 41% (random-effects RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.35 to 0.99, one study, n = 609, low-quality evidence). On subgroup analysis, we found that zinc reduced the incidence of pneumonia defined by specific clinical criteria by 21% (i.e. confirmation by chest examination or chest radiograph) (fixed-effect RR 0.79; 95% CI 0.71 to 0.88, four studies, n = 3261), but had no effect on lower specificity pneumonia case definition (i.e. age-specific fast breathing with or without lower chest indrawing) (fixed-effect RR 0.95; 95% CI 0.86 to 1.06, four studies, n = 1932). Zinc supplementation in children is associated with a reduction in the incidence and prevalence of pneumonia.
| We included six studies that investigated zinc supplements to prevent pneumonia. The studies were conducted in Bangladesh, India, Peru and South Africa and involved 5193 children aged from two to 59 months. Children received either zinc or a similar-looking treatment that did not contain zinc. In two studies, children were also given vitamin A. All included studies were funded. Of these, three explicitly mentioned that funding agencies had no role in the design and results of the study. Zinc supplementation was significantly associated with reducing the incidence and prevalence of pneumonia among children aged from two to 59 months. On subgroup analysis, we found that a more stringent diagnosis (radiological examination) increased the reduction in pneumonia incidence. Overall, evidence quality was assessed as low on GRADE assessment. |
CochranePLS335 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Ten studies including 33,179 participants were included in this review. Eight studies found no significant effect of vitamin A on the incidence of acute LRTI, or prevalence of symptoms of acute LRTI. Vitamin A caused an increased incidence of acute LRTI in one study; an increase in cough and fever; and increased symptoms of cough and rapid breathing in two other studies. Three reported no differences and no protective effect of vitamin A. Two studies reported that vitamin A significantly reduced the incidence of acute LRTI in children with poor nutritional status or weight, but increased the incidence in healthy children. This unexpected result is outside our current understanding of the use of vitamin A for preventing acute LRTIs. Accordingly, vitamin A should not be given to all children to prevent acute LRTIs. Despite its benefits in preventing diarrhoeal illnesses, vitamin A supplementation has only a limited effect in preventing acute LRTIs. Positive effects appear limited to populations with acute and chronic under nutrition. Low-dose vitamin A appears to have fewer side effects and at least equal benefit to a high dose of vitamin A.
| We included 10 trials (33,179 children) where vitamin A deficiency or malnutrition was prevalent (31,379 in the community and 1800 in a hospital setting). Studies measured different aspects (for example, what constituted 'acute LRTI', the time to symptom resolution, etc.). There may have been other treatments (especially of malnourished children) which could have led to bias. Most studies showed no significant benefit of vitamin A supplements on the incidence or prevalence of symptoms of acute LRTIs. Although no included studies addressed adverse effects of vitamin A, the use of vitamin A should be carefully monitored. We do not recommend giving vitamin A to all children to prevent acute LRTIs because a few studies unexpectedly found that vitamin A increased the chance of infections or worsened symptoms in otherwise healthy children. Some evidence shows benefit for vitamin supplements given to children with low serum retinol or with a poor nutritional status. Limitations of our review include trials conducted within very specific populations and poor methodological quality of some of the included trials. |
CochranePLS336 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twenty RCTs met the inclusion criteria. Concomitant therapy varied from none to any other bronchodilator plus corticosteroid (oral and inhaled). The following outcomes were significantly different when compared to placebo. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) improved with treatment: Weighted Mean Difference (WMD) 100 ml; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 40 to 160 ml. Similarly for forced vital capacity (FVC): WMD 210 ml 95%CI 100 to 320. Two studies reported an improvement in maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max); WMD 195 ml/min, 95%CI 113 to 278. At rest, arterial oxygen tension at rest (PaO2) and arterial carbon dioxide tension at rest (PaCO2) both improved with treatment (WMD 3.2 mm Hg; 95%CI 1.2 to 5.1, and WMD -2.4 mm Hg; 95%CI -3.5 to -1.2, respectively). Walking distance tests did not improve (four studies, Standardised Mean Difference 0.30, 95%CI -0.01 to 0.62), neither did Visual Analogue Score for breathlessness in two small studies (WMD 3.6, 95%CI -4.6 to 11.8). The Relative Risk (RR) of nausea was greater with theophylline (RR 7.7; 95%CI 1.5 to 39.9). However, patients' preference for theophylline was greater than that for placebo (RR 2.27; 95%CI 1.26 to 4.11). Very few participants withdrew from these studies for any reason. Theophylline has a modest effect on FEV1 and FVC and slightly improves arterial blood gas tensions in moderate to severe COPD. These benefits were seen in participants receiving a variety of different concomitant therapies. Improvement in exercise performance depended on the method of testing. There was a very low dropout rate in the studies that could be included in this review, which suggests that recruited participants may have been known by the investigators to be theophylline tolerant . This may limit the generalisability of these studies.
| This systematic review shows that orally administered theophylline improves lung function and levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. However, there is limited data on its effect on symptoms, exercise capacity or quality of life. Despite being associated with increased side effects, particularly nausea, participants preferred theophylline over placebo. |
CochranePLS337 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 10 RCTs that met our inclusion criteria, that involved a total of 439 children (oral immunotherapy 249; control intervention 190), aged 1 year to 18 years. Each study used a different oral immunotherapy protocol; none used sublingual immunotherapy. Three studies used placebo and seven used an egg avoidance diet as the control. Primary outcomes were: an increased amount of egg that can be ingested and tolerated without adverse events while receiving allergen-specific oral immunotherapy or sublingual immunotherapy, compared to control; and a complete recovery from egg allergy after completion of oral immunotherapy or sublingual immunotherapy, compared to control. Most children (82%) in the oral immunotherapy group could ingest a partial serving of egg (1 g to 7.5 g) compared to 10% of control group children (RR 7.48, 95% CI 4.91 to 11.38; RD 0.73, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.80). Fewer than half (45%) of children receiving oral immunotherapy were able to tolerate a full serving of egg compared to 10% of the control group (RR 4.25, 95% CI 2.77 to 6.53; RD 0.35, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.43). All 10 trials reported numbers of children with serious adverse events (SAEs) and numbers of children with mild-to-severe adverse events. SAEs requiring epinephrine/adrenaline presented in 21/249 (8.4%) of children in the oral immunotherapy group, and none in the control group. Mild-to-severe adverse events were frequent; 75% of children presented mild-to-severe adverse events during oral immunotherapy treatment versus 6.8% of the control group (RR 8.35, 95% CI 5.31 to 13.12). Of note, seven studies used an egg avoidance diet as the control. Adverse events occurred in 4.2% of children, which may relate to accidental ingestion of egg-containing food. Three studies used a placebo control with adverse events present in 2.6% of children. Overall, there was inconsistent methodological rigour in the trials. All studies enrolled small numbers of children and used different methods to provide oral immunotherapy. Eight included studies were judged to be at high risk of bias in at least one domain. Furthermore, the quality of evidence was judged to be low due to small numbers of participants and events, and possible biases. Frequent and increasing exposure to egg over one to two years in people who are allergic to egg builds tolerance, with almost everyone becoming more tolerant compared with a minority in the control group and almost half of people being totally tolerant of egg by the end of treatment compared with 1 in 10 people who avoid egg. However, nearly all who received treatment experienced adverse events, mainly allergy-related. We found that 1 in 12 children had serious allergic reactions requiring adrenaline, and some people gave up oral immunotherapy. It appears that oral immunotherapy for egg allergy is effective, but confidence in the trade-off between benefits and harms is low; because there was a small number of trials with few participants, and methodological problems with some trials.
| We included 10 randomized controlled trials (studies that allocate people randomly by chance to receive treatment) that compared oral immunotherapy to placebo (a fake treatment not containing egg) or an egg-avoidance diet for people with egg allergy. The 10 studies included a total of 439 children (249 in the oral immunotherapy group (treatment containing egg) and 190 in the control group (no egg)) who were aged from 1 year to 18 years. The evidence showed that treating egg allergy by giving a small, increasing amount of egg may help most children with egg allergy to tolerate a partial serving of egg, so long as they continued to consume a daily amount of egg protein. Side effects were frequent during oral immunotherapy treatment, but were usually mild-to-moderate. Nevertheless, 21 of 249 children treated with oral immunotherapy for egg allergy required medicine because of a serious reaction. The studies did not report information about quality of life of children and their families during oral immunotherapy treatment. The trials involved small numbers and there were problems with the way they were done, therefore further research is needed. |
CochranePLS338 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included four trials involving a total of 579 participants. With the limitation that only two studies reported data on mortality and none of them had considered death as a primary endpoint, the meta-analysis showed no evidence of a difference in the risk of long-term mortality between participants who received ILR and those who were managed conventionally at follow-up (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.41 to 2.30; participants = 255; studies = 2; very low quality evidence) with no evidence of heterogeneity. No data on short term mortality were available. Two studies reported data on adverse events after ILR implant. Due to the lack of data on adverse events in one of the studies' arms, a formal meta-analysis was not performed for this outcome. Data from two trials seemed to show no difference in quality of life, although this finding was not supported by a formal analysis due to the differences in both the scores used and the way the data were reported. Data from two studies seemed to show a trend towards a reduction in syncope relapses after diagnosis in participants implanted with ILR. Cost analyses from two studies showed higher overall mean costs in the ILR group, if the costs incurred by the ILR implant were counted. The mean cost per diagnosis and the mean cost per arrhythmic diagnosis were lower for participants randomised to ILR implant. Participants who underwent ILR implantation experienced higher rates of diagnosis (RR (in favour of ILR) 0.61, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.68; participants = 579; studies = 4; moderate quality evidence), as compared to participants in the standard assessment group, with no evidence of heterogeneity. Our systematic review shows that there is no evidence that an ILR-based diagnostic strategy reduces long-term mortality as compared to a standard diagnostic assessment (very low quality evidence). No data were available for short-term all-cause mortality. Moderate quality evidence shows that an ILR-based diagnostic strategy increases the rate of aetiologic diagnosis as compared to a standard diagnostic pathway. No conclusive data were available on the other end-points analysed. Further trials evaluating the effect of ILRs in the diagnostic strategy of people with recurrent unexplained syncope are warranted. Future research should focus on the assessment of the ability of ILRs to change clinically relevant outcomes, such as quality of life, syncope relapse and costs.
| We searched scientific databases and found four randomised controlled trials (clinical studies where people are randomly put into one of two or more treatment groups) including 579 adults, which met our inclusion criteria. This review includes evidence identified up to April 2015. All-cause mortality (death from any cause) was no different in people who received the ILR. Loop recorders do not seem to change quality of life, although people with ILR had a significantly higher rate of diagnosis compared to participants in the standard assessment group. Moreover, data seem to show a trend towards a reduction in syncope recurrences after diagnosis in people implanted with ILR. Finally, costs were higher in the group of participants in which the ILR was implanted but the cost per diagnosis and the cost to diagnose an arrhythmia were much lower for participants randomised to ILR implant. There was low quality evidence that ILR does not change mortality if compared to a standard diagnostic assessment of people with syncope. There was moderate quality evidence that ILR increases the rate of diagnosis if compared to a standard diagnostic assessment. Future research is needed in order to clarify if ILRs can improve quality of life and reduce syncope recurrences and costs. All the included studies were funded: two of them by scientific societies, the remaining were partially supported by the ILR's manufacturers. |
CochranePLS339 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We found four small studies that met the inclusion criteria. These studies enrolled 275 patients with 282 hydroceles. Participants were randomised to aspiration and sclerotherapy (155 patients with 159 hydroceles) and surgery (120 patients with 123 hydroceles). All studies were assessed as having low or unclear risk of bias for selection bias, detection bias, attrition bias and selective reporting bias. Blinding was not possible for participants and investigators based on the type of interventions. Blinding for statisticians was not reported in any of included studies. There were no significant difference in clinical cure between the two groups (3 studies, 215 participants: RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.10), however there was significant heterogeneity (I² = 95%). On further investigation one study contributed all of the heterogeneity. This could be due to the agent used or perhaps due to the fact that this is a much older study than the other two studies included in this analysis. When this study was removed from the analysis the heterogeneity was 0% and the result was significant (in favour of surgery) (2 studies, 136 participants: RR 0.74; 95% CI 0.64 to 0.85).There was a significant increase in recurrence in those who received sclerotherapy compared with surgery (3 studies, 196 participants: RR 9.37, 95% CI 1.83 to 48.4). One study reported a non-significant decrease in fever in the sclerotherapy group (60 participants: RR 0.25, 95% CI 0.06 to 1.08). There was an increased number of infections in the surgery group however this increase was not statistically significant (4 studies, 275 participants): RR 0.31, 95% CI 0.09 to 1.05; I² = 0%). Three studies reported the frequency of pain in the surgery group was higher than aspiration and sclerotherapy group but because of different measurement tools applied in these studies, we could not pool the results. Radiological cure was not reported in any of the included studies. There was no significant difference in haematoma formation between the two groups (3 studies, 189 participants: RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.17 to 1.90; I² = 0%). Only one study reported patient satisfaction at three and six months; there was no significant difference between the two groups. Postoperative complications as well as cost and time to work resumption were less in the aspiration and sclerotherapy group; however the recurrence rate was higher. The cure rate in short-term follow-up was similar between the groups, however there is significant uncertainty in this result due to the high heterogeneity. There is a great need for further methodologically rigorous RCTs that assess the effectiveness of different type of sclerosant agents, sclerosing solution concentration and injection volume for the treatment of hydrocoeles. It is important that the RCTs have sufficiently large sample size and long follow-up period. Studies should evaluate clinical outcomes such as pain, recurrence, satisfaction, complications and cure using validated instruments. The protocols for all studies should be registered in clinical trial registries and the reports of these studies should conform with international guidelines of trial reporting such as CONSORT. Cost-effectiveness studies should also be undertaken.
| The aim of this review is to compare these two types of treatment. We found four small studies were identified after an extensive literature search. Due to limited information about the design of the studies, and the small number of patients enrolled, the results should be interpreted with caution. Meta-analysis showed lower rates of recurrence in the surgery group, however there was insufficient evidence to draw a strong conclusion. Postoperative complications such as infection and fever, as well as cost and time to work resumption were less in the aspiration and sclerotherapy group; however the recurrence rate was higher. Cure at short-term follow-up was similar between the groups, however there is significant uncertainty in this result which may be as a result of the age of one of the studies and the different agent used compared to the other studies. |
CochranePLS340 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included one RCT that compared nebulised recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) with placebo in 40 children with airway malacia and a respiratory tract infection. We assessed it to be a RCT with overall low risk of bias. Data analysed in this review showed that there was no significant difference between groups for the primary outcome of proportion cough-free at two weeks (odds ratio (OR) 1.38; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37 to 5.14). However, the mean change in night time cough diary scores significantly favoured the placebo group (mean difference (MD) 1.00; 95% CI 0.17 to 1.83, P = 0.02). The mean change in daytime cough diary scores from baseline was also better in the placebo group compared to those on nebulised rhDNase, but the difference between groups was not statistically significant (MD 0.70; 95% CI -0.19 to 1.59). Other outcomes (dyspnoea, and difficulty in expectorating sputum scores, and lung function tests at two weeks also favoured placebo over nebulised rhDNase but did not reach levels of significance. There is currently an absence of evidence to support any of the therapies currently utilised for management of intrinsic tracheomalacia. It remains inconclusive whether the use of nebulised rhDNase in children with airway malacia and a respiratory tract infection worsens recovery. It is unlikely that any RCT on surgically based management will ever be available for children with severe life-threatening illness associated with tracheomalacia. For those with less severe disease, RCTs on interventions such as antibiotics and chest physiotherapy are clearly needed. Outcomes of these RCTs should include measurements of the trachea and physiological outcomes in addition to clinical outcomes.
| We wanted to find out which out of these possible treatments was most effective. We found only one randomised controlled trial (RCT) that assessed nebulised recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) which helps in breaking down the mucous and has been shown to be useful in aiding airway clearance in cystic fibrosis compared to placebo (no active treatment) in children with both tracheomalacia and a concurrent respiratory infection. This trial showed no evidence of benefit in terms of the number of children who were cough-free two weeks after treatment. Also, there was less coughing reported, both during the day and at night, in the group who did not receive the intervention - however these differences were not statistically significant. With the lack of evidence, the routine use of any therapies for intrinsic tracheomalacia cannot be recommended given the cost of nebulised rhDNase and the likely harmful effect. The decision to subject a child to any surgical or medical based therapies will have to be made on an individual basis, with careful consideration of the risk-benefit ratio for each individual situation. It is unlikely that any RCT on surgically based management will ever be available for children with severe life-threatening illness associated with tracheomalacia. For those with less severe disease, RCTs on interventions such as antibiotics and chest physiotherapy are needed. |
CochranePLS341 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 21 studies with 2658 randomised participants. All studies assessed the effectiveness of some form of psychological therapy. We found no studies that included physical therapy. Fourteen studies evaluated forms of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); the remainder evaluated behaviour therapies, third-wave CBT (mindfulness), psychodynamic therapies, and integrative therapy. Fifteen included studies compared the studied psychological therapy with usual care or a waiting list. Five studies compared the intervention to enhanced or structured care. Only one study compared cognitive behavioural therapy with behaviour therapy. Across the 21 studies, the mean number of sessions ranged from one to 13, over a period of one day to nine months. Duration of follow-up varied between two weeks and 24 months. Participants were recruited from various healthcare settings and the open population. Duration of symptoms, reported by nine studies, was at least several years, suggesting most participants had chronic symptoms at baseline. Due to the nature of the intervention, lack of blinding of participants, therapists, and outcome assessors resulted in a high risk of bias on these items for most studies. Eleven studies (52% of studies) reported a loss to follow-up of more than 20%. For other items, most studies were at low risk of bias. Adverse events were seldom reported. For all studies comparing some form of psychological therapy with usual care or a waiting list that could be included in the meta-analysis, the psychological therapy resulted in less severe symptoms at end of treatment (SMD -0.34; 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.53 to -0.16; 10 studies, 1081 analysed participants). This effect was considered small to medium; heterogeneity was moderate and overall quality of the evidence was low. Compared with usual care, psychological therapies resulted in a 7% higher proportion of drop-outs during treatment (RR acceptability 0.93; 95% CI 0.88 to 0.99; 14 studies, 1644 participants; moderate-quality evidence). Removing one outlier study reduced the difference to 5%. Results for the subgroup of studies comparing CBT with usual care were similar to those in the whole group. Five studies (624 analysed participants) assessed symptom severity comparing some psychological therapy with enhanced care, and found no clear evidence of a difference at end of treatment (pooled SMD -0.19; 95% CI -0.43 to 0.04; considerable heterogeneity; low-quality evidence). Five studies (679 participants) showed that psychological therapies were somewhat less acceptable in terms of drop-outs than enhanced care (RR 0.93; 95% CI 0.87 to 1.00; moderate-quality evidence). When all psychological therapies included this review were combined they were superior to usual care or waiting list in terms of reduction of symptom severity, but effect sizes were small. As a single treatment, only CBT has been adequately studied to allow tentative conclusions for practice to be drawn. Compared with usual care or waiting list conditions, CBT reduced somatic symptoms, with a small effect and substantial differences in effects between CBT studies. The effects were durable within and after one year of follow-up. Compared with enhanced or structured care, psychological therapies generally were not more effective for most of the outcomes. Compared with enhanced care, CBT was not more effective. The overall quality of evidence contributing to this review was rated low to moderate. The intervention groups reported no major harms. However, as most studies did not describe adverse events as an explicit outcome measure, this result has to be interpreted with caution. An important issue was that all studies in this review included participants who were willing to receive psychological treatment. In daily practice, there is also a substantial proportion of participants not willing to accept psychological treatments for somatoform disorders or MUPS. It is unclear how large this group is and how this influences the relevance of CBT in clinical practice. The number of studies investigating various treatment modalities (other than CBT) needs to be increased; this is especially relevant for studies concerning physical therapies. Future studies should include participants from a variety of age groups; they should also make efforts to blind outcome assessors and to conduct follow-up assessments until at least one year after the end of treatment.
| We rated the quality of current research as low to moderate. Fourteen out of the 21 studies focused on cognitive behavioural therapy, which is a specific form of talking therapy based on the idea that thoughts and thinking can influence emotions and behaviours. Cognitive behavioural therapy was more effective than usual care in reducing the severity of MUPS. For other types of therapy, we found only one or two studies giving insufficient evidence for conclusions. Cognitive behavioural therapy was no more effective than enhanced care provided by the person's doctor. No studies of physical therapy met the criteria to be included in the review. Talking therapies were acceptable to people and few people dropped out of the trials; however, this may not reflect real clinical practice as the study participants were people with somatoform disorders or MUPS who were willing to try talking therapies. In clinical practice, a high proportion of people may not be willing to accept these treatments. The review authors suggest that future high-quality trials should be carried out to find out more about which groups of people benefit most from cognitive behavioural therapy and how it can be most effectively delivered. They also suggest that more studies are needed of other talking therapies, and a particular focus should be on high-quality studies of physical therapies. |
CochranePLS342 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: In this updated review, we identified 40 new RCTs and seven ongoing studies. In total, we included 63 RCTs in the review, but we were only able to synthesize data on regional anaesthesia for the prevention of PPP beyond three months after surgery from 39 studies, enrolling a total of 3027 participants in our inclusive analysis. Evidence synthesis of seven RCTs favoured epidural anaesthesia for thoracotomy, suggesting the odds of having PPP three to 18 months following an epidural for thoracotomy were 0.52 compared to not having an epidural (OR 0.52 (95% CI 0.32 to 0.84, 499 participants, moderate-quality evidence). Simlarly, evidence synthesis of 18 RCTs favoured regional anaesthesia for the prevention of persistent pain three to 12 months after breast cancer surgery with an OR of 0.43 (95% CI 0.28 to 0.68, 1297 participants, low-quality evidence). Pooling data at three to 8 months after surgery from four RCTs favoured regional anaesthesia after caesarean section with an OR of 0.46, (95% CI 0.28 to 0.78; 551 participants, moderate-quality evidence). Evidence synthesis of three RCTs investigating continuous infusion with local anaesthetic for the prevention of PPP three to 55 months after iliac crest bone graft harvesting (ICBG) was inconclusive (OR 0.20, 95% CI 0.04 to 1.09; 123 participants, low-quality evidence). However, evidence synthesis of two RCTs also favoured the infusion of intravenous local anaesthetics for the prevention of PPP three to six months after breast cancer surgery with an OR of 0.24 (95% CI 0.08 to 0.69, 97 participants, moderate-quality evidence). We did not synthesize evidence for the surgical subgroups of limb amputation, hernia repair, cardiac surgery and laparotomy. We could not pool evidence for adverse effects because the included studies did not examine them systematically, and reported them sparsely. Clinical heterogeneity, attrition and sparse outcome data hampered evidence synthesis. High risk of bias from missing data and lack of blinding across a number of included studies reduced our confidence in the findings. Thus results must be interpreted with caution. We conclude that there is moderate-quality evidence that regional anaesthesia may reduce the risk of developing PPP after three to 18 months after thoracotomy and three to 12 months after caesarean section. There is low-quality evidence that regional anaesthesia may reduce the risk of developing PPP three to 12 months after breast cancer surgery. There is moderate evidence that intravenous infusion of local anaesthetics may reduce the risk of developing PPP three to six months after breast cancer surgery. Our conclusions are considerably weakened by the small size and number of studies, by performance bias, null bias, attrition and missing data. Larger, high-quality studies, including children, are needed. We caution that except for breast surgery, our evidence synthesis is based on only a few small studies. On a cautionary note, we cannot extend our conclusions to other surgical interventions or regional anaesthesia techniques, for example we cannot conclude that paravertebral block reduces the risk of PPP after thoracotomy. There are seven ongoing studies and 12 studies awaiting classification that may change the conclusions of the current review once they are published and incorporated.
| The evidence is current to December 2016. We found 63 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with participants undergoing open chest, heart, breast, abdominal, vascular, gynaecological and other surgery, but not orthopaedic surgery. RCTs are studies where people are allocated by chance to one or the other of different treatments being studied. The studies included only adults, and were mostly conducted in Europe and North America, with some from China, Egypt and Brazil. The types of surgery included surgery with a high event rate of persistent pain after surgery, such as breast surgery, limb amputation and opening the chest, and surgery with a lower risk but high numbers of procedures, such as caesarean section. We were able to pool results from 39 RCTs enrolling a total of 3027 participants for our inclusive analysis. Follow-up was for 1293 participants at three months, 1365 participants at six months, 326 participants at 12 months, and 43 participants at 20 or more months after surgery. The RCTs did not report surgical and anaesthetic complications consistently and little information was available on these. The studies were mostly funded by the institutions conducting the studies. Regional anaesthesia reduced the number of people who experienced persistent pain after undergoing non-orthopaedic surgery. For open chest surgery, giving an epidural halved the odds of a person having persistent postoperative pain at three to 18 months after surgery (7 RCTs, 499 participants, moderate-quality evidence). Seven people needed to be treated in this way for one to benefit. For the prevention of persistent pain three to 12 months after breast cancer surgery, seven people needed regional anaesthesia for one to benefit (18 RCTs, 1297 participants, low-quality evidence). Infusion of local anaesthetic into a vein was shown to reduce the risk of persistent pain three to six months after breast surgery (2 RCTs, 97 participants, moderate-quality evidence), with three people needing to be treated for one to benefit. Regional anaesthesia reduced the odds by more than half of a woman experiencing persistent pain after caesarean section (4 RCTs, 551 participants, moderate-quality evidence). The number of women treated for one to benefit was 19. Continuous local anaesthetic infusion of the site where bone tissue was obtained from the hip bone did not clearly reduce the number of people with persistent pain at three to 55 months (3 RCTs, 123 participants, low-quality evidence). We could not synthesize evidence for limb amputation, hernia repair, cardiac or abdominal surgery because of differences in how treatment was given or how results were reported. We found consistent evidence supporting the use of regional anaesthesia in adults to prevent persistent pain after a number of types of surgery. However, we observed variations in the effect sizes, and at different times after surgery. Some studies could not be blinded to the treatment received and our results are affected by the small number of studies and participants, and the loss to follow-up of participants over time. The evidence was therefore of low or moderate quality. |
CochranePLS343 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twenty-eight trials involving a total of 1742 trial participants were included. First-generation antipsychotics (flupenthixol decanoate, haloperidol, thiothixene); second-generation antipsychotics (aripirazole, olanzapine, ziprasidone), mood stabilisers (carbamazepine, valproate semisodium, lamotrigine, topiramate), antidepressants (amitriptyline, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, phenelzine sulfate, mianserin), and dietary supplementation (omega-3 fatty acid) were tested. First-generation antipsychotics were subject to older trials, whereas recent studies focussed on second-generation antipsychotics and mood stabilisers. Data were sparse for individual comparisons, indicating marginal effects for first-generation antipsychotics and antidepressants. The findings were suggestive in supporting the use of second-generation antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, and omega-3 fatty acids, but require replication, since most effect estimates were based on single studies. The long-term use of these drugs has not been assessed. Adverse event data were scarce, except for olanzapine. There was a possible increase in self-harming behaviour, significant weight gain, sedation and changes in haemogram parameters with olanzapine. A significant decrease in body weight was observed with topiramate treatment. All drugs were well tolerated in terms of attrition. Direct drug comparisons comprised two first-generation antipsychotics (loxapine versus chlorpromazine), first-generation antipsychotic against antidepressant (haloperidol versus amitriptyline; haloperidol versus phenelzine sulfate), and second-generation antipsychotic against antidepressant (olanzapine versus fluoxetine). Data indicated better outcomes for phenelzine sulfate but no significant differences in the other comparisons, except olanzapine which showed more weight gain and sedation than fluoxetine. The only trial testing single versus combined drug treatment (olanzapine versus olanzapine plus fluoxetine; fluoxetine versus fluoxetine plus olanzapine) yielded no significant differences in outcomes. The available evidence indicates some beneficial effects with second-generation antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, and dietary supplementation by omega-3 fatty acids. However, these are mostly based on single study effect estimates. Antidepressants are not widely supported for BPD treatment, but may be helpful in the presence of comorbid conditions. Total BPD severity was not significantly influenced by any drug. No promising results are available for the core BPD symptoms of chronic feelings of emptiness, identity disturbance and abandonment. Conclusions have to be drawn carefully in the light of several limitations of the RCT evidence that constrain applicability to everyday clinical settings (among others, patients' characteristics and duration of interventions and observation periods).
| Available studies tested the effects of antipsychotic, antidepressant and mood stabiliser treatment in BPD. In addition, the dietary supplement omega-3 fatty acid (commonly derived from fish) which is supposed to have mood stabilising effects was tested. Twenty-eight studies covering 1742 study participants were included. The findings tended to suggest a benefit from using second-generation antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, and omega-3 fatty acids, but most effect estimates were based on single study effects so repeat studies would be useful. Moreover, the long-term use of these drugs has not been assessed. The small amount of available information for individual comparisons indicated marginal effects for first-generation antipsychotics and antidepressants. The data also indicated that there may be an increase in self-harming behaviour in patients treated with olanzapine. In general, attention must be paid to adverse effects. Most trials did not provide detailed data of adverse effects and thus could not be considered within this review. We assumed their effects were similar to those experienced by patients with other conditions. Available data of the studies included here suggested adverse effects included weight gain, sedation and change of haemogram parameters with olanzapine treatment, and weight loss with topiramate. Very few beneficial effects were identified for first-generation antipsychotics and antidepressants. However, they may be helpful in the presence of comorbid problems that are not part of BPD core pathology, but can often be found in BPD patients. There are only few study results per drug comparison, with small numbers of included participants. Thus, current findings of trials and this review are not robust and can easily be changed by future research endeavours. In addition, the studies may not adequately reflect several characteristics of clinical settings (among others, patients' characteristics and duration of interventions and observation periods). |
CochranePLS344 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included seven trials involving a total of 349 participants, 217 of whom completed the studies. Three were cross-over and four were parallel-group randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Of these, two trials were added for this update (one parallel-group RCT with 40 participants and one cross-over RCT with 67 participants). Analyses of three cross-over trials yielded suboptimal results because they were based on between-group differences rather than individual participants' differences for sequential interventions. Two parallel-group trials had limited clinical value: one combined results for suprapubic and urethral catheters and the other provided data for only four participants. Only one trial was free of significant methodological limitations, but there were difficulties with recruitment and maintaining participants in this study. The included studies reported data on six of the nine primary and secondary outcome measures. None of the trials addressed: number of catheters used, washout acceptability measures (including patient satisfaction, patient discomfort, pain and ease of use), or health status/measures of psychological health; very limited data were collected for health economic outcomes. Trials assessed only three of the eight intervention comparisons identified. Two trials reported in more than one comparison group. Four trials compared washout (either saline or acidic solution) with no washout. We are uncertain if washout solutions (saline or acidic), compared to no washout solutions, has an important effect on the rate of symptomatic urinary tract infection or length of time each catheter was in situ because the results are imprecise. Four trials compared different types of washout solution; saline versus acidic solutions (2 trials); saline versus acidic solution versus antibiotic solution (1 trial); saline versus antimicrobial solution (1 trial). We are uncertain if type of washout solution has an important effect on the rate of symptomatic urinary tract infection or length of time each catheter was in situ because the results are imprecise. One trial compared different compositions of acidic solution (stronger versus weaker solution). We are uncertain if different compositions of acidic solutions has an important effect on the rate of symptomatic urinary tract infection or length of time each catheter was in situ because only 14 participants (of 25 who were recruited) completed this 12 week, three arm trial. Four studies reported on possible harmful effects of washout use, such as blood in the washout solution, changes in blood pressure and bladder spasms. There were very few small trials that met the review inclusion criteria. The high risk of bias of the included studies resulted in the evidence being graded as low or very low quality. Data from seven trials that compared different washout policies were limited, and generally, of poor methodological quality or were poorly reported. The evidence was not adequate to conclude if washouts were beneficial or harmful. Further rigorous, high quality trials that are adequately powered to detect benefits from washout being performed as opposed to no washout are needed. Trials comparing different washout solutions, washout volumes, and frequencies or timings are also needed.
| We included seven studies that presented information on 217 people who completed the studies of 349 who started in the trials. Two studies were new for this update. The studies, published between 1979 and 2014, were conducted in the USA (3 studies), the UK (2 studies), and one each in Canada and Finland. The studies included people with long-term catheters. People were allocated randomly to have catheter washouts or not, and the effects compared. We also included studies that compared different types of washout solutions. Four studies reported on possible harmful effects of washout use, such as blood in the washout solution, changes in blood pressure and bladder spasms. The included studies were funded by Novobay Pharmaceuticals Inc (Linsenmeyer 2014); Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research and the Canadian Nurses Foundation (Moore 2009); National institute of Aging, National Institutes of Health (Muncie 1989); Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Research Foundation (Waites 2006). Three studies did not report funding sources. There was not enough good research evidence to determine if catheter washouts were useful. The included trials were generally small with methodological flaws. This included limited details on how participants were randomly allocated into groups and how both participants and researchers were blinded to these groups. Evidence quality was low to very low. New trials are needed to definitively answer this research question. |
CochranePLS345 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 30 studies (18,682 participants in total). Eighteen studies contributed to the main objective and 22 studies contributed to the secondary objectives. We found substantial differences between studies in cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment, age of participants, questionnaires used to assess fatigue, and sample size. All included studies scored at least one 'Risk of bias' item as unclear or high risk. We identified both clinical and statistical heterogeneity and therefore could not pool results, so we present them descriptively. Eighteen studies (describing 14,573 survivors) reported the prevalence of severe fatigue, which ranged from 0% to 61.7%. In a subgroup of three studies including children aged up to 18 years at fatigue assessment (268 survivors), prevalence rates ranged from 6.7% to 12.5%. In comparison, in a subgroup of 12 studies including participants aged 16 and over (13,952 survivors), prevalence rates ranged from 4.4% to 61.7%. The prevalence of severe fatigue in a subgroup of survivors of haematological cancer was presented in seven studies and ranged from 1.8% to 35.9% (1907 survivors). Prevalence of severe fatigue in brain cancer survivors was presented in two studies (252 survivors) and was 14.6% and 21.1% respectively. One study presented a prevalence for bone cancer survivors of 0.0% (17 survivors). Four studies provided prevalence rates of severe fatigue in control groups of siblings or population-based controls, which ranged from 3.1% to 10.3%. In these four studies, survivors were more often fatigued than controls, but this difference was statistically significant in only two studies. Studies assessing risk and associated factors for fatigue were heterogeneous, and definitions of the factors under study were often inconsistent, with results therefore presented descriptively. They found that depression might be associated with fatigue. In contrast, age at diagnosis and education level did not seem to be associated with fatigue. We were unable to calculate any overall risk estimate for any of the reported risks and associated factors, because we could not conduct meta-analysis. One study provided information about the course of fatigue over time, and found that over the course of 2.7 years, 32 of the 102 participants (31.4%) reported persistent severe fatigue. It is unclear how many childhood cancer survivors suffer from severe fatigue. This review encountered several difficulties. We found statistical and clinical heterogeneity and great variation in the reporting of possible risk and associated factors. The evidence in this review is therefore weak, and the exact prevalence of severe fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer remains to be determined. This is also the case for the course of severe fatigue following treatment and the strength of the relationship between fatigue and associated and risk factors. Despite these limitations, our review does provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature about severe fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer.
| The evidence is up to date to March 2019. We include 30 studies, describing 18,682 participants after treatment for childhood cancer. We found a lot of variation between studies in cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment, age of participants, the questionnaires used to assess fatigue, and the size of the study. Eighteen studies reported a prevalence of severe fatigue, which ranged from 0% to 61.7%. Four studies reported a prevalence of severe fatigue in the patient's brothers and sisters or in population-based controls. Prevalence rates in these control groups ranged from 3.1% to 10.3%. In these four studies, survivors were more often fatigued than controls. This difference was only significant in two studies. When we looked at the prevalence of severe fatigue in survivors of lymphoma and leukaemia (types of blood cancers), we found that they ranged from 1.8% to 35.9%. Two studies reported on severe fatigue in brain cancer survivors, with rates of 21.13% and 14.6%. One study in bone cancer survivors reported no cases of severe fatigue. For survivors aged 18 and younger, prevalence rates ranged from 6.7% to 12.5%. By contrast, in studies including participants aged 16 years and over (but mostly over 18), prevalence rates ranged from 4.4% to 61.7%. Twenty-two studies assessed one or more possible risk factors for fatigue. Our review shows that depression might increase fatigue. The age at cancer diagnosis and the education level of the survivor did not seem to influence fatigue. Only one study provided information about the course of fatigue over time, and found that over the course of 2.7 years 32 of the 102 participants (31.4%) reported persistent severe fatigue. All included studies had problems with the quality of the evidence, and we found many differences between studies for several characteristics. The evidence to address our review question is therefore weak. The occurrence of severe fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer remains uncertain. This is also the case for the course of severe fatigue after completion of cancer treatment and the risk factors that might be responsible for developing fatigue. |
CochranePLS346 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 36 trials involving 6914 people. There was variation in the antibiotics used, patient characteristics and risk of RTIs and mortality in the control groups. In trials comparing a combination of topical and systemic antibiotics, there was a significant reduction in both RTIs (number of studies = 16, odds ratio (OR) 0.28, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.20 to 0.38) and total mortality (number of studies = 17, OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.87) in the treated group. In trials comparing topical antimicrobials alone (or comparing topical plus systemic versus systemic alone) there was a significant reduction in RTIs (number of studies = 17, OR 0.44, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.63) but not in total mortality (number of studies = 19, OR 0.97, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.16) in the treated group. A combination of topical and systemic prophylactic antibiotics reduces RTIs and overall mortality in adult patients receiving intensive care. Treatment based on the use of topical prophylaxis alone reduces respiratory infections but not mortality. The risk of resistance occurring as a negative consequence of antibiotic use was appropriately explored only in one trial which did not show any such effect.
| This review includes 36 studies involving 6914 patients treated in ICUs to investigate whether the administration of antibiotics prevents the development of infections. Antibiotics were administered in two different ways. In some studies antibiotics were applied both directly to the oropharynx via a nasogastric tube (topical) and intravenously (systemic). In other studies they were applied only topically. Our results show that when patients received the combination of topical plus systemic antibiotics there were less infections and deaths. When patients received only topical treatment there were less infections but the number of deaths was not changed. Although this treatment seems to work it is not widely used in clinical practice because there is concern about the possible development of antibiotic resistance (that is, bacteria become unresponsive to drugs). |
CochranePLS347 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Five cluster-randomised controlled studies met the inclusion criteria. All of them investigated educational approaches. Two studies offered consultation in addition and two other studies offered guidance for nursing staff in addition. Four studies examined nursing home residents and one study residents in group dwelling units. No studies in community settings were included. Three studies included only one or two nursing homes per study condition. Overall, methodological quality of studies was low. The studies revealed inconsistent results. One study in the nursing home setting documented an increase of PR use in both groups after eight months, while the other three studies found reduced use of PR in the intervention groups after seven and 12 months of follow up respectively. The single study examining residents in group dwelling units found no change in PR use in the intervention group after six months whereas PR use increased significantly in the control group. There is insufficient evidence supporting the effectiveness of educational interventions targeting nursing staff for preventing or reducing the use of physical restraints in geriatric long-term care.
| We reviewed whether interventions aimed at preventing and reducing the use of PR in geriatric long-term care settings are effective. We identified five small-sized randomised controlled studies suitable for inclusion. All studies examined educational interventions targeted at nursing staff. Four studies investigated residents in nursing homes and one in group dwelling units. The methodological quality of all studies was limited. Results of the studies were inconsistent. One study with higher methodological quality showed no reduction in PR use. Three other studies with lower methodological quality found their intervention to be effective. Thus, current evidence on interventions for the reduction or prevention of PR use in long-term geriatric care does not support a clear conclusion. Ongoing and unpublished research might alter the results of the review. |
CochranePLS348 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Four RCTs were included in the review (416 women). The trials compared glucocorticoid supplementation during IVF stimulation versus placebo. Two of the studies had data in a form that we could not enter into analysis, so results include data from only two trials (310) women. For the outcome of live birth, data were available for only 212 women, as the larger study had data available from only one study centre. One of the studies gave inadequate description of randomisation methods, but the other was at low risk of bias in all domains. The evidence was rated as low or very low quality for all outcomes, mainly due to imprecision, with low sample sizes and few events. There was insufficient evidence to determine whether there was any difference between the groups in live birth rate (OR 1.08, 95% CI 0.45 to 2.58; 2 RCTs, n = 212, I2 = 0%, low-quality evidence). Our findings suggest that if the chance of live birth with placebo is assumed to be 15%, the chance following supplementation would be between 7% and 31%. There was no conclusive evidence of a difference in the clinical pregnancy rate (OR 1.69, 95% CI 0.98 to 2.90; 2 RCTs, n = 310, I2 = 0%, low-quality evidence).The evidence suggests that if the chance of clinical pregnancy with placebo is assumed to be 24%, the chance following treatment with glucocorticoid supplementation would be between 23% and 47%. There was also insufficient evidence to determine whether there was any difference between the groups in multiple-pregnancy rate (OR 3.32 , 95% CI 0.12 to 91.60; 1 RCT , n = 20, very low-quality evidence) or miscarriage rate (OR 1.00, 95% CI 0.05 to 18.57; 1 RCT, n = 20, very low-quality evidence). Neither of the studies reported OHSS or side-effects. The safety and effectiveness of glucocorticoid administration in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF/ICSI cycles (until the day of oocyte retrieval) is unclear due to the small number of studies and low event rates. Whilst glucocorticoids possibly increase the clinical pregnancy rate, there may be little or no impact on live birth rate. More research is needed.
| We found four randomised controlled trials (RCTs), but useable data were available for only two of these. The trials compared adjuvant treatment with systemic glucocorticoids during ovarian stimulation for IVF cycles versus no placebo. The evidence is current to October 2016. Key results Two RCTs were included in our analyses (310 women). For the outcome of live birth, data were available for only 212 women, as the larger study had data available from only one study centre. There was no conclusive evidence of a difference in the primary outcome of live birth rate and the secondary outcome of clinical pregnancy rate. Our findings suggest that if the chance of live birth with placebo is assumed to be 15%, the chance following supplementation would be between 7% and 31%, and that if the chance of clinical pregnancy with placebo is assumed to be 24%, the chance following treatment with supplementation would be between 23% and 47%. There was also insufficient evidence to determine whether there was any difference between the groups in the multiple-pregnancy rate or miscarriage rate. Neither of the studies reported ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) or side-effects. Thus, the safety and effectiveness of glucocorticoid administration in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF/ICSI cycles (until the day of oocyte retrieval) is unclear due to the small number of studies and low event rates. Whilst glucocorticoids possibly increase the clinical pregnancy rate, there may be little or no impact on the live birth rate. The evidence was rated as low or very low quality for all outcomes, mainly due to imprecision, with low sample sizes and few events. |
CochranePLS349 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included eight trials (291 participants, aged between five and 23 years) in this revision of the review. Seven trials compared standard-dose rhGH (approximately 0.3 mg/kg/week) to no treatment and one three-arm trial (63 participants) compared placebo, standard-dose rhGH (0.3 mg/kg/week) and high-dose rhGH (0.5 mg/kg/week). Six trials lasted for one year and two trials for six months. We found that rhGH treatment may improve some of the pulmonary function outcomes but there was no difference between standard and high-dose levels (low-quality evidence, limited by inconsistency across the trials, small number of participants and short duration of therapy). The trials show evidence of improvement in the anthropometric parameters (height, weight and lean body mass) with rhGH therapy, again no differences between dose levels. We found improvement in height for all comparisons (very low- to low quality evidence), but improvements in weight and lean body mass were only reported for standard-dose rhGH versus no treatment (very low-quality evidence). There is some evidence indicating a change in the level of fasting blood glucose with rhGH therapy, however, it did not cross the clinical threshold for diagnosis of diabetes in the trials of short duration (low-quality evidence). There is low- to very low-quality evidence for improvement of pulmonary exacerbations with no further significant adverse effects, but this is limited by the short duration of trials and the small number of participants. One small trial provided inconsistent evidence on improvement in quality of life (very low-quality evidence). There is limited evidence from three trials in improvements in exercise capacity (low-quality evidence). None of the trials have systematically compared the expense of therapy on overall healthcare costs. When compared with no treatment, rhGH therapy is effective in improving the intermediate outcomes in height, weight and lean body mass. Some measures of pulmonary function showed moderate improvement, but no consistent benefit was seen across all trials. The significant change in blood glucose levels, although not causing diabetes, emphasizes the need for careful monitoring of this adverse effect with therapy in a population predisposed to CF-related diabetes. No significant changes in quality of life, clinical status or side-effects were observed in this review due to the small number of participants. Long-term, well-designed randomised controlled trials of rhGH in individuals with CF are required prior to routine clinical use of rhGH in CF.
| This review looked at using of rhGH to improve lung function, growth and quality of life for children and young adults with CF. It includes eight trials with 291 individuals with CF being selected for one treatment or the other randomly. The individuals in the trials were five to 23 years old, but most had not yet reached puberty. Six trials lasted for one year and two trials for six months. Treatment with rhGH was compared to no treatment in seven trials and to a placebo (a liquid that did not contain any growth hormone) in one trial. The trial that used a placebo compared it to two different doses of rhGH treatment. Results showed a modest improvement in height, weight and lean body mass between six and 12 months. However, there was no consistent evidence that rhGH treatment improves lung function, muscle strength, or quality of life. The trials were small and we did not find any evidence on changes in glucose metabolism or the long-term risk of diabetes due to the treatment. Given these results, we are not able to identify any clear benefit of therapy and believe that more research from well-designed, adequately powered clinical trials is needed. We did not have enough information to decide if overall the trials were biased in a way that might affect the results. All the measured outcomes were clearly reported in the trials, but the trials were small, and did not have enough participants to show a difference that may not have been due to chance. We also had concerns that outcomes which were based on personal judgement, such as quality of life scores, might be affected because those taking part in seven of the trials were able to tell which group they were in. |
CochranePLS350 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 26 non-randomized controlled before and after studies with 1,695 participants that reported on three comparisons: complete removal from exposure and reduced exposure compared to continued exposure, and complete removal from exposure compared to reduced exposure. Reduction of exposure was achieved by limiting use of the agent, improving ventilation, or using protective equipment in the same job; by changing to another job with intermittent exposure; or by implementing education programs. For continued exposure, 56 per 1000 workers reported absence of symptoms at follow-up, the decrease in forced expiratory volume in one second as a percentage of a reference value (FEV1 %) was 5.4% during follow-up, and the standardized change in non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity (NSBH) was -0.18. In 18 studies, authors compared removal from exposure to continued exposure. Removal may increase the likelihood of reporting absence of asthma symptoms, with risk ratio (RR) 4.80 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.67 to 13.86), and it may improve asthma symptoms, with RR 2.47 (95% CI 1.26 to 4.84), compared to continued exposure. Change in FEV1 % may be better with removal from exposure, with a mean difference (MD) of 4.23 % (95% CI 1.14 to 7.31) compared to continued exposure. NSBH may improve with removal from exposure, with standardized mean difference (SMD) 0.43 (95% CI 0.03 to 0.82). In seven studies, authors compared reduction of exposure to continued exposure. Reduction of exposure may increase the likelihood of reporting absence of symptoms, with RR 2.65 (95% CI 1.24 to 5.68). There may be no considerable difference in FEV1 % between reduction and continued exposure, with MD 2.76 % (95% CI -1.53 to 7.04) . No studies reported or enabled calculation of change in NSBH. In ten studies, authors compared removal from exposure to reduction of exposure. Following removal from exposure there may be no increase in the likelihood of reporting absence of symptoms, with RR 6.05 (95% CI 0.86 to 42.34), and improvement in symptoms, with RR 1.11 (95% CI 0.84 to 1.47), as well as no considerable change in FEV1 %, with MD 2.58 % (95% CI −3.02 to 8.17). However, with all three outcomes, there may be improved results for removal from exposure in the subset of patients exposed to low molecular weight agents. No studies reported or enabled calculation of change in NSBH. In two studies, authors reported that the risk of unemployment after removal from exposure may increase compared with reduction of exposure, with RR 14.28 (95% CI 2.06 to 99.16). Four studies reported a decrease in income of 20% to 50% after removal from exposure. The quality of the evidence is very low for all outcomes. Both removal from exposure and reduction of exposure may improve asthma symptoms compared with continued exposure. Removal from exposure, but not reduction of exposure, may improve lung function compared to continued exposure. When we compared removal from exposure directly to reduction of exposure, the former may improve symptoms and lung function more among patients exposed to low molecular weight agents. Removal from exposure may also increase the risk of unemployment. Care providers should balance the potential clinical benefits of removal from exposure or reduction of exposure with potential detrimental effects of unemployment. Additional high-quality studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of workplace interventions for occupational asthma.
| The review is based on 26 studies that included 1,695 participants with occupational asthma. Sensitizers caused nearly all cases. We focused on the interventions of removal from exposure and reduction of exposure, which were compared with continued exposure. Outcomes were changes in asthma symptoms, lung function, and non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity between baseline and follow-up. What are the main results of the review? Both removal from exposure and reduction of exposure may improve asthma symptoms when compared to continued exposure. Removal from exposure, but not reduction of exposure, may improve lung function when compared to continued exposure. Removal from exposure may improve symptoms and lung function more than reduction of exposure among patients exposed to low molecular weight agents, but removal may also increase the risk of unemployment. Consequently, the benefit of a better improvement has to be weighed against the potential for a higher risk of job loss. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of interventions at reducing the impact of occupational asthma. How up-to-date is this review? We searched for studies that had been published through 31July 2019. |
CochranePLS351 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: The review included six trials (n = 1758). Trial participants were aged 48 to 57 years, except for one trial that had a mean age of 73 years. All participants were from the outpatient setting and had either nonerosive reflux disease or milder grades of esophagitis (LA grade A or B). Five trials investigated on-demand deprescribing and one trial examined abrupt discontinuation. There was low quality evidence that on-demand use of PPI may increase risk of 'lack of symptom control' compared with continuous PPI use (risk ratio (RR) 1.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.31 to 2.21), thereby favoring continuous PPI use (five trials, n = 1653). There was a clinically significant reduction in 'drug burden', measured as PPI pill use per week with on-demand therapy (mean difference (MD) -3.79, 95% CI -4.73 to -2.84), favoring deprescribing based on moderate quality evidence (four trials, n = 1152). There was also low quality evidence that on-demand PPI use may be associated with reduced participant satisfaction compared with continuous PPI use. None of the included studies reported cost/resource use or positive drug withdrawal effects. In people with mild GERD, on-demand deprescribing may lead to an increase in GI symptoms (e.g. dyspepsia, regurgitation) and probably a reduction in pill burden. There was a decline in participant satisfaction, although heterogeneity was high. There were insufficient data to make a conclusion regarding long-term benefits and harms of PPI discontinuation, although two trials (one on-demand trial and one abrupt discontinuation trial) reported endoscopic findings in their intervention groups at study end.
| We found six trials with 1758 participants. Of these, five studies looked at on-demand deprescribing and one trial looked at abruptly stopping PPIs. Participants were aged 48 to 57 years, except for one trial (average age of 73 years). The majority of participants had moderate heart burn and acid reflux with milder forms of esophagitis (inflammation of the food pipe that may lead to damage). We found that deprescribing methods led to worse symptoms control while considerably reducing pill use. Deprescribing PPIs may lead to side effects such as inflammation of the esophagus. Very few data were available to make a conclusion regarding long-term benefits and harms of PPI reduction or discontinuation. Overall, the quality of evidence for this review ranged from very low to moderate. Trials were inconsistent with how they reported symptom control. There were also limitations in how the studies were conducted (e.g. participants and investigators may have known which medicine they received), which lowered the quality of evidence. Other contributing factors included small sample sizes for most trials and inconsistent results between studies. |
CochranePLS352 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 13 randomised trials (975 participants). These evaluated social skills programmes versus standard care, or discussion group. We found evidence in favour of social skills programmes compared to standard care on all measures of social functioning. We also found that rates of relapse and rehospitalisation were lower for social skills compared to standard care (relapse: 2 RCTs, n = 263, RR 0.52 CI 0.34 to 0.79, very low quality evidence), (rehospitalisation: 1 RCT, n = 143, RR 0.53 CI 0.30 to 0.93, very low quality evidence) and participants’ mental state results (1 RCT, n = 91, MD -4.01 CI -7.52 to -0.50, very low quality evidence) were better in the group receiving social skill programmes. Global state was measured in one trial by numbers not experiencing a clinical improvement, results favoured social skills (1 RCT, n = 67, RR 0.29 CI 0.12 to 0.68, very low quality evidence). Quality of life was also improved in the social skills programme compared to standard care (1 RCT, n = 112, MD -7.60 CI -12.18 to -3.02, very low quality evidence). However, when social skills programmes were compared to a discussion group control, we found no significant differences in the participants social functioning, relapse rates, mental state or quality of life, again the quality of evidence for these outcomes was very low. Compared to standard care, social skills training may improve the social skills of people with schizophrenia and reduce relapse rates, but at present, the evidence is very limited with data rated as very low quality. When social skills training was compared to discussion there was no difference on patients outcomes. Cultural differences might limit the applicability of the current results, as most reported studies were conducted in China. Whether social skills training can improve social functioning of people with schizophrenia in different settings remains unclear and should be investigated in a large multi-centre randomised controlled trial.
| The main objective of this review is to investigate the effectiveness of social skills programmes, compared to standard care or discussion groups, for people with schizophrenia. Based on searches carried out in 2006 and 2011, this review includes 13 trials with a total of 975 participants. Authors chose seven main outcomes of interest, all data for these outcomes were rated to be very low quality. The review found significant differences in favour of social skills programmes compared to standard care on all measures of social functioning. Rates of relapse were lower for social skills compared to standard care and there was a significant difference in favour of social skills on people’s mental state. Quality of life was also improved in the social skills programme compared to standard care. However, when social skills programmes were compared to discussion groups, there were no significant differences in people’s social functioning, relapse rates, mental state or quality of life. Compared to standard care, social skills programmes may improve the social skills of people with schizophrenia and reduce relapse rates. However, at the moment evidence is very limited with data only of very low quality available. Cultural differences might also limit the relevance of current results, as most reported studies were conducted in China. Whether social skills programmes or training can improve the social functioning of people with schizophrenia in different settings remains unclear and should be further investigated in a large multi-centre randomised controlled trial. Ben Gray, Senior Peer Researcher, McPin Foundation. |
CochranePLS353 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Only one study, at low risk of all biases, met the inclusion criteria. This was the pooled results from two RCTs (225 participants, 145 with tophi at baseline) randomised to one of three arms; pegloticase infusion every two weeks (biweekly), monthly pegloticase infusion (pegloticase infusion alternating with placebo infusion every two weeks) and placebo. Moderate-quality evidence from one study indicated that biweekly pegloticase 8 mg infusion reduced tophi in the subset of participants with tophi, but increased withdrawals due to adverse events in all participants, and monthly infusion appeared to result in less benefit. Biweekly pegloticase treatment resulted in resolution of tophi in 21/52 participants compared with 2/27 who received placebo (risk ratio (RR) 5.45, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.38 to 21.54; number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) 3 (95% CI 2 to 6). Eleven of 52 participants with monthly pegloticase treatment had complete resolution of one or more tophi compared with 2/27 who received placebo (RR 2.86, 95% CI 0.68 to 11.97). Participant-reported pain relief of 30% or greater, function, quality of life, serum urate normalisation, were reported for all participants but not separately for those with tophi; therefore, we did not include the results. Pegloticase administered biweekly resulted in more withdrawals due to adverse events compared with placebo (15/85 participants with pegloticase versus 1/43 participants with placebo; RR 7.59, 95% CI 1.04 to 55.55; number needed to treat for an additional harmful outcome (NNTH) 7, 95% CI 4 to 17). Pegloticase administered monthly also resulted in more withdrawals due to adverse events than placebo (16/84 participants with pegloticase versus 1/43 participants with placebo; RR 8.19, 95% CI 1.12 to 59.71; NNTH 6, 95% CI 4 to 14). Most withdrawals were due to infusion reactions. Total adverse events were high in all treatment groups: 80/85 participants administered pegloticase biweekly reported an adverse event compared with 41/43 from the placebo group (RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.91 to 1.07); 84/84 participants administered pegloticase monthly reported an adverse event versus 41/43 in the placebo group (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.14). As 80% of adverse events were due to flares of gout, probably unrelated to the drug treatment per se, this may explain the high rate of adverse events in the placebo group - who were essentially untreated. This study showed pegloticase is probably beneficial in the management of tophi in gout, in terms of resolution of tophi, but with a high risk of adverse infusion reactions. However, there is a need for more RCT data considering other interventions, including surgical removal of tophi.
| This is a summary of a Cochrane review that shows interventions for the management of tophi. After searching for all relevant studies in May 2013, we found only one study (pooled results from two randomised controlled trials (clinical studies where people are randomly put into one of two or more treatment groups)) that randomised 225 people to pegloticase (every two weeks (biweekly) or monthly) or placebo, in the management of chronic gout; 145 participants had tophi and 131 contributed outcome data. Resolution of tophi - 33 more people out of 100 had resolution of one or more tophi after six months' treatment with pegloticase biweekly compared with placebo (33% absolute improvement). - 14 more people out of 100 had resolution of one or more tophi after six months' treatment with pegloticase monthly compared with placebo (14% absolute improvement). - 40 people out of 100 in the biweekly pegloticase group had resolution of one or more tophi. - 21 people out of 100 in the monthly pegloticase group had resolution of one or more tophi. - 7 people out of 100 in the placebo group had resolution of one or more tophi. Other outcomes were for all participants, and not separated out for those people with tophi. Therefore, we have not reported them in this review. However, we reported on withdrawal due to adverse events for the total population. Most withdrawals were due to adverse reactions to drug infusion. Withdrawal due to adverse events - 16 more people out of 100 withdrew from treatment with biweekly pegloticase compared with placebo (16% more withdrawals). - 17 more people out of 100 withdrew from treatment with monthly pegloticase compared to placebo (17% more withdrawals). - 18 people out of 100 withdrew from treatment with biweekly pegloticase due to adverse events. - 19 people out of 100 withdrew from treatment with monthly pegloticase due to adverse events. - 2 people out of 100 withdrew from treatment with placebo due to adverse events. Moderate-quality evidence indicated that pegloticase biweekly or monthly probably resolves one or more tophi. However, this has to be weighed up against high withdrawal rates from treatment due to adverse events, mostly due to an increase in infusion reactions. Pain reduction, quality of life, serum urate normalisation and function were not reported separately in people with tophi. The evidence was downgraded due to imprecise results. Further research may change these results. We do not know if other interventions, including surgery, are effective, as we found no randomised controlled trials that assessed other interventions. |
CochranePLS354 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: The search identified five studies on oral immunoglobulin for the prevention of NEC of which three met the inclusion criteria. In this review of the three eligible trials (including 2095 neonates), the oral administration of IgG or an IgG/IgA combination did not result in a significant reduction in the incidence of definite NEC (typical risk ratio (RR) 0.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.57 to 1.25; typical risk difference (RD) -0.01, 95% CI -0.03 to 0.01; 3 studies, 1840 infants), suspected NEC (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.46; RD -0.01, 95% CI -0.02 to 0.01; 1 study, 1529 infants), need for surgery (typical RR 0.21, 95% CI 0.02 to 1.75; typical RD -0.03, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.00; 2 studies, 311 infants) or death from NEC (typical RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.47 to 2.59; typical RD 0.00, 95% CI -0.01 to 0.01; 3 studies, 1840 infants). Based on the available trials, the evidence does not support the administration of oral immunoglobulin for the prevention of NEC. There are no randomized controlled trials of oral IgA alone for the prevention of NEC.
| We searched the medical literature through January 2016 and found three randomized controlled trials (clinical studies where people are randomly put into one of two or more treatment groups) (with 2095 newborn infants). Treatment was started either in the first 24 hours following birth (two small studies) or following commencement of oral feeding (enteral) (one large well-controlled study). In this large study, infants generally received breast milk, whereas they received formula milk in the other two studies. Giving immunoglobulin (IgG alone or IgG plus IgA combination) did not reduce the incidence of NEC, need for surgery related to NEC or death from NEC, either during or after the study period. Immunoglobulins could possibly cause breakdown of red blood cells (called haemolysis) (red blood cells are common cells in the blood that delivery oxygen to organs), but no clinically important haemolysis was apparent. There were no other reported side effects. There was low-very low evidence for all the major outcomes. The major factor that affected the quality of evidence was the lack of precision in the result estimates, as the calculated plausible range of the effects (the 95% confidence intervals) were wide. |
CochranePLS355 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Five RCTs compared no additional treatment with additional chemotherapy after hysterectomy and radiotherapy. Four trials compared platinum based combination chemotherapy directly with radiotherapy. Indiscriminate pooling of survival data from 2197 women shows a significant overall survival advantage from adjuvant chemotherapy (RR (95% CI) = 0.88 (0.79 to 0.99)). Sensitivity analysis focused on trials of modern platinum based chemotherapy regimens and found the relative risk of death to be 0.85 ((0.76 to 0.96); number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNT) = 25; absolute risk reduction = 4% (1% to 8%)). The HR for overall survival is 0.74 (0.64 to 0.89), significantly favouring the addition of postoperative platinum based chemotherapy. The HR for progression-free survival is 0.75 (0.64 to 0.89). This means that chemotherapy reduces the risk of being dead at any censorship by a quarter. Chemotherapy reduces the risk of developing the first recurrence outside the pelvis (RR = 0.79 (0.68 to 0.92), 5% absolute risk reduction; NNT = 20). The analysis of pelvic recurrence rates is underpowered but the trend suggests that chemotherapy may be less effective than radiotherapy in a direct comparison (RR = 1.28 (0.97 to 1.68)) but it may have added value when used with radiotherapy (RR = 0.48 (0.20 to 1.18)). Postoperative platinum based chemotherapy is associated with a small benefit in progression-free survival and overall survival irrespective of radiotherapy treatment. It reduces the risk of developing a metastasis, could be an alternative to radiotherapy and has added value when used with radiotherapy.
| Womb (uterine/endometrial) cancer is a fairly common disease affecting approximately 1 in 70 women. A hysterectomy is usually curative because most cancers have a low risk of spreading (metastasising) to other sites which may result in a later recurrence. Microscopic examination of the hysterectomy specimen can tell doctors if there is a high risk of the cancer returning and this allows women to decide if they want further preventative treatment (adjuvant therapy) to reduce the risk. Chemotherapy can increase cure rates for other types of high-risk cancer after initial surgery and this review examines the effectiveness of chemotherapy for primary womb cancer after hysterectomy. Data from nine high quality randomised clinical trials involving up to 2197 women were subjected to systematic statistical modelling. This shows that chemotherapy reduces the risk of recurrent disease, lengthens the duration women have before a metastasis is diagnosed and improves survival rates. There are many ways to examine the data. The subset analysis that excluded old fashioned drug regimens suggests that chemotherapy reduces the risk of being dead at any nominated time by a quarter. The number of women who would need to have need chemotherapy to prevent one death depends on the type of cancer. In these trials, one woman was cured for every 25 women treated with high dose platinum based chemotherapy after hysterectomy. This is an absolute risk reduction of 4%. Chemotherapy is associated with a greater survival advantage than radiotherapy and has added value when used with radiotherapy. It also appears to reduce the absolute risk of developing a recurrence outside the pelvis by about 5%. This would benefit one woman in every 20 treated. However, chemotherapy has side effects, risks and temporarily reduces a woman's quality of life. In many cases, the small reduction in the cancer recurrence risk may not be worth the side effects of adjuvant treatment. |
CochranePLS356 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 35 studies, from a wide range of countries on six continents. Nineteen studies were conducted in low- and middle-income settings and sixteen in high-income settings. Some of the studies explored the views of people who had experienced the interventions, whereas others were hypothetical in nature, asking what people felt they would like from a digital health intervention. The studies covered a range of digital targeted client communication, for example medication or appointment reminders, prenatal health information, support for smoking cessation while pregnant, or general sexual health information. Our synthesis showed that clients' experiences of these types of programmes were mixed. Some felt that these programmes provided them with feelings of support and connectedness, as they felt that someone was taking the time to send them messages (moderate confidence in the evidence). They also described sharing the messages with their friends and family (moderate confidence). However, clients also pointed to problems when using these programmes. Some clients had poor access to cell networks and to the internet (high confidence). Others had no phone, had lost or broken their phone, could not afford airtime, or had changed their phone number (moderate confidence). Some clients, particularly women and teenagers, had their access to phones controlled by others (moderate confidence). The cost of messages could also be a problem, and many thought that messages should be free of charge (high confidence). Language issues as well as skills in reading, writing, and using mobile phones could also be a problem (moderate confidence). Clients dealing with stigmatised or personal health conditions such as HIV, family planning, or abortion care were also concerned about privacy and confidentiality (high confidence). Some clients suggested strategies to deal with these issues, such as using neutral language and tailoring the content, timing, and frequency of messages (high confidence). Clients wanted messages at a time and frequency that was convenient for them (moderate confidence). They had preferences for different delivery channels (e.g. short message service (SMS) or interactive voice response) (moderate confidence). They also had preferences about message content, including new knowledge, reminders, solutions, and suggestions about health issues (moderate confidence). Clients' views about who sent the digital health communication could influence their views of the programme (moderate confidence). For an overview of the findings and our confidence in the evidence, please see the 'Summary of qualitative findings' tables. Our matrix shows that many of the trials assessing these types of programmes did not try to address the problems we identified, although this may have been a reporting issue. Our synthesis identified several factors that can influence the successful implementation of targeted client communication programmes using mobile devices. These include barriers to use that have equity implications. Programme planners should take these factors into account when designing and implementing programmes. Future trial authors also need to actively address these factors and to report their efforts in their trial publications.
| We included 35 studies from around the world. These studies showed that clients' experiences of these types of programmes were mixed. Some felt that these programmes provided them with feelings of support and connectedness, as they felt that someone was taking the time to send them messages (moderate confidence in the evidence). Others also described sharing the messages with their friends and family (moderate confidence). However, clients also pointed to problems when using these programmes. Some clients had poor access to cell networks and to the internet (high confidence). Others had no phone, had lost or broken their phone, could not afford airtime, or had changed their phone number (moderate confidence). Some clients, particularly women and teenagers, had their access to phones controlled by others (moderate confidence). The cost of messages could also be a problem, and many thought that messages should be free of charge (high confidence). Languages issues as well as clients' skills in reading, writing, and using mobile phones could also be a problem (moderate confidence). Clients dealing with stigmatised or personal health conditions such as HIV, family planning, or abortion care were concerned about privacy and confidentiality (high confidence). Some suggested strategies to deal with these issues, such as using neutral language and tailoring the content, timing, and frequency of messages (high confidence). Clients wanted messages at a time and frequency that was convenient for them (moderate confidence). They had preferences for different delivery channels (e.g. short message service (SMS) or interactive voice response) (moderate confidence). They also had preferences about message content, including new knowledge, reminders, solutions, and suggestions about health issues (moderate confidence). Clients' views about who sent the digital health communication could influence their views of the programme, and many people wanted a sender that they knew and trusted (moderate confidence). We searched for studies published before July 2017. |
CochranePLS357 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twenty-three trials involving 2467 people were included. Comparing methadone versus any other pharmacological treatment, we observed no clinical difference between the two treatments in terms of completion of treatment, 16 studies 1381 participants, risk ratio (RR) 1.08 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.97 to 1.21); number of participants abstinent at follow-up, three studies, 386 participants RR 0.98 (95% CI 0.70 to 1.37); degree of discomfort for withdrawal symptoms and adverse events, although it was impossible to pool data for the last two outcomes. These results were confirmed also when we considered the single comparisons: methadone with: adrenergic agonists (11 studies), other opioid agonists (eight studies), anxiolytic (two studies), paiduyangsheng (one study). Comparing methadone with placebo (two studies) more severe withdrawal and more drop-outs were found in the placebo group. The results indicate that the medications used in the included studies are similar in terms of overall effectiveness, although symptoms experienced by participants differed according to the medication used and the program adopted. Data from literature are hardly comparable; programs vary widely with regard to the assessment of outcome measures, impairing the application of meta-analysis. The studies included in this review confirm that slow tapering with temporary substitution of long- acting opioids, can reduce withdrawal severity. Nevertheless, the majority of patients relapsed to heroin use.
| For a tapered dose treatment to reduce withdrawal symptoms, illicit opioids are replaced by methadone or another agent using decreasing doses up to 30 days under medical supervision. The review authors searched the medical literature and identified 23 controlled trials involving 2467 adult opioid users in various countries. Trial participants were randomised to receive methadone or another pharmacological treatment. The other treatments were adrenergic agonists such as lofexidine, partial opioid agonists such as buprenorphine, opioid agonists such as LAAM (levo-α-acetyl-methadol) and the anxiolytics chlordiazepoxide and buspirone. In the two studies that compared methadone with placebo, withdrawal symptoms were more severe and more people dropped out in the placebo group. The studies included in this review confirmed that slow tapering with temporary substitution of long- acting opioids, could reduce withdrawal severity. Nevertheless, the majority of patients relapsed to heroin use. The medications used in the included studies were similar in terms of overall effectiveness, although symptoms experienced by participants differed according to the medication used and the program adopted. The programs varied widely with regard to the assessment of outcome measures. Seventeen of the included trials were conducted in inpatient settings. |
CochranePLS358 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Nine studies (eight randomised controlled trials) involving 1109 participants met the inclusion criteria for the review. Antagonist-induced withdrawal is more intense but less prolonged than withdrawal managed with reducing doses of methadone, and doses of naltrexone sufficient for blockade of opioid effects can be established significantly more quickly with antagonist-induced withdrawal than withdrawal managed with clonidine and symptomatic medications. The level of sedation does not affect the intensity and duration of withdrawal, although the duration of anaesthesia may influence withdrawal severity. There is a significantly greater risk of adverse events with heavy, compared to light, sedation (RR 3.21, 95% CI 1.13 to 9.12, P = 0.03) and probably with this approach compared to other forms of detoxification. Heavy sedation compared to light sedation does not confer additional benefits in terms of less severe withdrawal or increased rates of commencement on naltrexone maintenance treatment. Given that the adverse events are potentially life-threatening, the value of antagonist-induced withdrawal under heavy sedation or anaesthesia is not supported. The high cost of anaesthesia-based approaches, both in monetary terms and use of scarce intensive care resources, suggest that this form of treatment should not be pursued.
| The review of trials shows that this sort of withdrawal treatment is quicker than withdrawal managed with reducing doses of methadone or clonidine plus symptomatic medications. The intensity of withdrawal experienced with anaesthesia-based approaches is similar to that experienced with approaches using only minimal sedation, but there is a significantly increased risk of serious adverse events with anaesthesia-assisted approaches. The lack of additional benefit, and increased risk of harm, suggest that this form of treatment should not be pursued. |
CochranePLS359 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included fourteen studies. Duration ranged from very short (10 days) studies of the intramuscular preparation, to trials lasting over three months. For measures of global assessment, available data do not justify any conclusions on the comparative efficacy of molindone and placebo. When compared to other typical antipsychotics we found no evidence of a difference in effectiveness (doctors' 4 RCTs n=150, RR 1.13, CI 0.69 to 1.86; nurses 4RCTs n=146, RR 1.23, CI 0.82 to 1.86). Molindone is no more or less likely than typical drugs to cause movement disorders, but it does cause significantly more weight loss (2RCTs n=60 RR 2.78, CI 1.10 to 6.99, NNH 5 CI 2 to 77). The strength of the evidence relating to this compound is limited, owing to small sample size, poor study design, limited outcomes and incomplete reporting. Molindone may be an effective antipsychotic but its adverse effect profile does not differ significantly from that of typical antipsychotics (apart from the event of weight loss). Data from this review suggest, at present, there is no evidence to suggest that it may have an atypical profile.
| We included fourteen randomised controlled trials. When compared to other typical antipsychotics molindone shows no difference in effectiveness and is no more or less likely than typical drugs to cause movement disorders, it does however cause significantly more weight loss. At present there is no evidence to suggest that it may have an atypical profile. |
CochranePLS360 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 20 studies with a total of 2125 participants covering 23 different treatments. Statistical pooling of the data was not possible due to the heterogeneity of treatments. Each study involved a different set of interventions. They can be grouped into those including a bleaching agent such as hydroquinone, triple-combination creams (hydroquinone, tretinoin, and fluocinolone acetonide), and combination therapies (hydroquinone cream and glycolic acid peels), as well as less conventional therapies including rucinol, vitamin C iontophoresis, and skin-lightening complexes like Thiospot and Gigawhite. Triple-combination cream was significantly more effective at lightening melasma than hydroquinone alone (RR 1.58, 95% CI 1.26 to 1.97) or when compared to the dual combinations of tretinoin and hydroquinone (RR 2.75, 95% CI 1.59 to 4.74), tretinoin and fluocinolone acetonide (RR 14.00, 95% CI 4.43 to 44.25), or hydroquinone and fluocinolone acetonide (RR 10.50, 95% CI 3.85 to 28.60). Azelaic acid (20%) was significantly more effective than 2% hydroquinone (RR 1.25, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.48) at lightening melasma but not when compared to 4% hydroquinone (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.32). In two studies where tretinoin was compared to placebo, participants rated their melasma as significantly improved in one (RR 13, 95% CI 1.88 to 89.74) but not the other. In both studies by other objective measures tretinoin treatment significantly reduced the severity of melasma. Thiospot was more effective than placebo (SMD -2.61, 95% CI -3.76 to -1.47). The adverse events most commonly reported were mild and transient such as skin irritation, itching, burning, and stinging. The quality of studies evaluating melasma treatments was generally poor and available treatments inadequate. High-quality randomised controlled trials on well-defined participants with long-term outcomes to determine the duration of response are needed.
| We included 20 studies with a total of 2125 participants covering 23 different treatments. Triple-combination cream was significantly more effective at lightening melasma when compared to hydroquinone alone or to dual combinations such as tretinoin and hydroquinone, tretinoin and fluocinolone acetonide, or hydroquinone and fluocinolone acetonide. Tretinoin was more effective at lightening melasma compared to placebo, as was the skin-whitening complex Thiospot. However, many studies were of a poor quality with a only small number of participants. The side-effects reported most frequently by both participants and clinicians were dry, red, and sore skin. No serious side-effects were seen. More evidence is needed on other treatments which are widely used, including the role of sunscreens which were recommended in almost all studies. There is a need for high-quality studies comparing the treatments for this difficult to manage condition. For example, studies should have a minimum follow-up period of 6 months and should clearly categorise participant groups such as age, type of melasma, and duration of the condition at the start of the trial so that these differences can be considered when assessing results. Addtionally, study outcomes should include participants' views in a standardised manner because they may perceive the degree of skin lightening differently to the trial investigators. |
CochranePLS361 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twelve trials, which randomised 1319 participants, were included in the review. As far as can be determined from the trial reports, the methodological quality of the trials was not high, including a high risk of detection bias in many. Of note, only one study reported low-dose postoperative 5-FU and this paper was at high risk of reporting bias. Not all studies reported population characteristics, of those that did mean age ranged from 61 to 75 years. 83% of participants were white and 40% were male. All studies were a minimum of one year long. A significant reduction in surgical failure in the first year after trabeculectomy was detected in eyes at high risk of failure and those undergoing surgery for the first time receiving regular-dose 5-FU postoperative injections (RR 0.44, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.29 to 0.68 and 0.21, 0.06 to 0.68, respectively). No surgical failures were detected in studies assessing combined surgery. No difference was detected in the low-dose postoperative 5-FU injection group in patients undergoing primary trabeculectomy (RR 0.93, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.24). Peroperative 5-FU in patients undergoing primary trabeculectomy significantly reduced risk of failure (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.51 to 0.88). This translates to a number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome of 4.1 for the high risk of failure patients, and 5.0 for primary trabeculectomy patients receiving postoperative 5-FU. Intraocular pressure was also reduced in the primary trabeculectomy group receiving intraoperative 5-FU (mean difference (MD) -1.04, 95% CI -1.65 to -0.43) and regular-dose postoperative 5-FU (MD -4.67, 95% CI -6.60 to -2.73). No significant change occurred in the primary trabeculectomy group receiving low-dose postoperative 5-FU (MD -0.50, 95% CI -2.96 to 1.96). Intraocular pressure was particularly reduced in the high risk of failure population receiving regular-dose postoperative 5-FU (MD -16.30, 95% CI -18.63 to -13.97). No difference was detected in the combined surgery population receiving regular-dose postoperative 5-FU (MD -1.02, 95% CI -2.40 to 0.37). Whilst no evidence was found of an increased risk of serious sight-threatening complications, other complications are more common after 5-FU injections. None of the trials reported on the participants' perspective of care. The quality of evidence varied between subgroups and outcomes, most notably the evidence for combined surgery and low-dose postoperative 5-FU was found to be very low using GRADE. The combined surgery postoperative 5-FU subgroup because no surgical failures have been reported and the sample size is small (n = 118), and the low-dose postoperative 5-FU group because of the small sample size (n = 76) and high risk of bias of the only contributing study. Postoperative injections of 5-FU are now rarely used as part of routine packages of postoperative care but are increasingly used on an ad hoc basis. This presumably reflects an aspect of the treatment that is unacceptable to both patients and doctors. None of the trials reported on the participants' perspective of care, which constitutes a serious omission for an invasive treatment such as this. The small but statistically significant reduction in surgical failures and intraocular pressure at one year in the primary trabeculectomy group and high-risk group must be weighed against the increased risk of complications and patient preference.
| This is a summary of a Cochrane review that looked at the effect of using one of these drugs, 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). We gathered evidence from 12 trials involving 1319 participants. The evidence is current to July 2013. For patients who have never had eye surgery before, 5-FU injections after surgery can slightly reduce the pressure in the eye after one year and also the risk of having more surgery in the first year. For patients having both cataract surgery and glaucoma surgery at the same time, no difference has been detected between injections and no injections. Some people are at higher risk of having problems following trabeculectomy, for instance people that have had previous surgery on the eye. For this group, the 5-FU injections can reduce the pressure in the eye a little and also reduce the risk of having more surgery in the first year. Only one study has investigated the effect of using lower than normal doses in the injections. No benefit was found when compared to a control group who had no injections. If 5-Fluorouracil was applied to the eye during the surgery, there was less chance of having to have more surgery within the year and the pressure in the eye was also reduced slightly at one year. Complications such as damage to cells at the front of the eye or a leak from the wound seem more common when 5-FU is used. The methodological quality of the trials was not high in general. In many of the studies that contributed to the evidence about 5-FU after glaucoma surgery the researchers were aware of whether the participant had received the dummy injection or the 5-FU injection. This may have introduced bias into the results. Importantly the only study contributing information about low dose 5-FU was of low methodological quality so our conclusions on low dose 5-FU must be cautious. The studies that contributed evidence about 5-FU during surgery was largely very good, the studies were designed and reported to a standard we would expect of modern trials. We concluded that the main benefit is for people at high risk of problems. There may be a smaller benefit for people at low risk of problems if 5-FU is given either as injections after surgery or during the operation. However, 5-FU was found to increase the risk of serious complications and so may not be worthwhile for the small benefit gained. |
CochranePLS362 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Fifty-five primary studies with 16,154 participants met the inclusion criteria. Long-term use of ICS (more than six months) did not consistently reduce the rate of decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in COPD patients (generic inverse variance analysis: mean difference (MD) 5.80 mL/year with ICS over placebo, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.28 to 11.88, 2333 participants; pooled means analysis: 6.88 mL/year, 95% CI 1.80 to 11.96, 4823 participants), although one major trial demonstrated a statistically significant difference. There was no statistically significant effect on mortality in COPD patients (odds ratio (OR) 0.98, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.16, 8390 participants). Long-term use of ICS reduced the mean rate of exacerbations in those studies where pooling of data was possible (generic inverse variance analysis: MD -0.26 exacerbations per patient per year, 95% CI -0.37 to -0.14, 2586 participants; pooled means analysis: MD -0.19 exacerbations per patient per year, 95% CI -0.30 to -0.08, 2253 participants). ICS slowed the rate of decline in quality of life, as measured by the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (MD -1.22 units/year, 95% CI -1.83 to -0.60, 2507 participants). Response to ICS was not predicted by oral steroid response, bronchodilator reversibility or bronchial hyper-responsiveness in COPD patients. There was an increased risk of oropharyngeal candidiasis (OR 2.65, 95% CI 2.03 to 3.46, 5586 participants) and hoarseness. In the long-term studies, the rate of pneumonia was increased in the ICS group compared to placebo, in studies that reported pneumonia as an adverse event (OR 1.56, 95% CI 1.30 to 1.86, 6235 participants). The long-term studies that measured bone effects generally showed no major effect on fractures and bone mineral density over three years. Patients and clinicians should balance the potential benefits of inhaled steroids in COPD (reduced rate of exacerbations, reduced rate of decline in quality of life and possibly reduced rate of decline in FEV1) against the potential side effects (oropharyngeal candidiasis and hoarseness, and risk of pneumonia).
| Pooling of the data from the 55 trials with 16,154 people showed that there was no consistent long-term benefit in the rate of decline in breathing capacity. Death rates were unchanged. Inhaled steroids were beneficial in slowing down the rate of decline in quality of life and reducing the frequency of exacerbations. Inhaled steroids increased the risk of side effects including thrush (candida) infection in the mouth and hoarseness, and the rate of pneumonia. In deciding whether to use this treatment, consumers and health professionals should weigh up the benefits (reduced rate of exacerbations, reduced decline in quality of life and possible reduction in the rate of decline of breathing capacity) against the side effects (mouth thrush, hoarseness and increased risk of developing pneumonia). |
CochranePLS363 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 80 randomised controlled trials (5820 women). They compared 20 different NSAIDs (18 non-selective and two COX-2-specific) versus placebo, paracetamol or each other. NSAIDs versus placebo Among women with primary dysmenorrhoea, NSAIDs were more effective for pain relief than placebo (OR 4.37, 95% CI 3.76 to 5.09; 35 RCTs, I2 = 53%, low quality evidence). This suggests that if 18% of women taking placebo achieve moderate or excellent pain relief, between 45% and 53% taking NSAIDs will do so. However, NSAIDs were associated with more adverse effects (overall adverse effects: OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.11 to 1.51, 25 RCTs, I2 = 0%, low quality evidence; gastrointestinal adverse effects: OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.12 to 2.23, 14 RCTs, I2 = 30%; neurological adverse effects: OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.66 to 4.53, seven RCTs, I2 = 0%, low quality evidence). The evidence suggests that if 10% of women taking placebo experience side effects, between 11% and 14% of women taking NSAIDs will do so. NSAIDs versus other NSAIDs When NSAIDs were compared with each other there was little evidence of the superiority of any individual NSAID for either pain relief or safety. However, the available evidence had little power to detect such differences, as most individual comparisons were based on very few small trials. Non-selective NSAIDs versus COX-2-specific selectors Only two of the included studies utilised COX-2-specific inhibitors (etoricoxib and celecoxib). There was no evidence that COX-2-specific inhibitors were more effective or tolerable for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea than traditional NSAIDs; however data were very scanty. NSAIDs versus paracetamol NSAIDs appeared to be more effective for pain relief than paracetamol (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.43, three RCTs, I2 = 0%, low quality evidence). There was no evidence of a difference with regard to adverse effects, though data were very scanty. Most of the studies were commercially funded (59%); a further 31% failed to state their source of funding. NSAIDs appear to be a very effective treatment for dysmenorrhoea, though women using them need to be aware of the substantial risk of adverse effects. There is insufficient evidence to determine which (if any) individual NSAID is the safest and most effective for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. We rated the quality of the evidence as low for most comparisons, mainly due to poor reporting of study methods.
| We found 80 randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which included a total of 5820 women and compared 20 different types of NSAIDs with placebo (an inactive pill), paracetamol or each other. Most of the studies were commercially funded (59%), and a further 31% did not state their source of funding. The review found that NSAIDs appear to be very effective in relieving period pain. The evidence suggests that if 18% of women taking placebo achieve moderate or excellent pain relief, between 45% and 53% taking NSAIDs will do so. NSAIDs appear to work better than paracetamol, but it is unclear whether any one NSAID is safer or more effective than others. NSAIDs commonly cause adverse effects (side effects), including indigestion, headaches and drowsiness. The evidence suggests that if 10% of women taking placebo experience side effects, between 11% and 14% of women taking NSAIDs will do so. Based on two studies that made head-to-head comparisons, there was no evidence that newer types of NSAID (known as COX-2-specific inhibitors) are more effective for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea than traditional NSAIDs (known as non-selective inhibitors), nor that there is a difference between them with regard to adverse effects. We rated the quality of the evidence as low for most comparisons, mainly due to poor reporting of study methods. |
CochranePLS364 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included seven studies that compared high versus low levels of PEEP (2565 participants). In five of the studies (2417 participants), a comparison was made between high and low levels of PEEP with the same tidal volume in both groups, but in the remaining two studies (148 participants), the tidal volume was different between high- and low-level groups. We saw evidence of risk of bias in three studies, and the remaining studies fulfilled all criteria for adequate trial quality. In the main analysis, we assessed mortality occurring before hospital discharge only in those studies that compared high versus low PEEP with the same tidal volume in both groups. With the three studies that were included, the meta-analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between the two groups (relative risk (RR) 0.90, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.81 to 1.01), nor was any statistically significant difference seen in the risk of barotrauma (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.42). Oxygenation was improved in the high-PEEP group, although data derived from the studies showed a considerable degree of statistical heterogeneity. The number of ventilator-free days showed no significant difference between the two groups. Available data were insufficient to allow pooling of length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). The subgroup of participants with ARDS showed decreased mortality in the ICU, although it must be noted that in two of the three included studies, the authors used a protective ventilatory strategy involving a low tidal volume and high levels of PEEP. Available evidence indicates that high levels of PEEP, as compared with low levels, did not reduce mortality before hospital discharge. The data also show that high levels of PEEP produced no significant difference in the risk of barotrauma, but rather improved participants' oxygenation to the first, third, and seventh days. This review indicates that the included studies were characterized by clinical heterogeneity.
| In this Cochrane review, we assess the benefits and harms of high versus low levels of PEEP in patients with ALI and ARDS. The undertaking of this review was both relevant and necessary because the optimal level of PEEP in these patients is still controversial, and available evidence indicates no difference in mortality. We included seven studies involving a total of 2565 participants and found that high levels of PEEP, as compared with low levels, did not produce a reduction in hospital mortality, although we did see a trend towards decreased mortality. We also found evidence of clinical heterogeneity among the included studies (clinical heterogeneity concerns differences in participants, interventions, and outcomes that might have an impact on results from the use of PEEP). The studies included were of moderate to good quality. We did not find a significant difference with respect to barotrauma—defined as the presence of pneumothorax on chest radiography or a chest tube insertion for known or suspected pneumothorax. We furthermore ascertained that high levels of PEEP improved participants' oxygenation up to the first, third, and seventh days. The number of ventilator-free days showed no significant difference between the two groups (the term ventilator-free days refers to the number of days between successful weaning from mechanical ventilation and day 28 after study enrolment), and available data were insufficient to allow pooling of lengths of stay in the intensive care unit. Additional trials will be required to determine which patients should receive high PEEP levels and the best means of applying this intervention. |
CochranePLS365 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: This review included 42 studies (11,399 patients) including 19 studies from the original review (2010), as well as 23 new studies. Fifteen studies were excluded from the original review (nine retracted from publication due to concerns about integrity of data and six lacking individual patient creatinine data for the calculation of RIFLE criteria). Overall, there was a significant increase in the need for RRT in the HES treated individuals compared to individuals treated with other fluid therapies (RR 1.31, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.49; 19 studies, 9857 patients) and the number with author-defined kidney failure (RR 1.59, 95% CI 1.26 to 2.00; 15 studies, 1361 patients). The RR of AKI based on RIFLE-F (failure) criteria also showed an increased risk of AKI in individuals treated with HES products (RR 1.14, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.30; 15 studies, 8402 participants). The risk of meeting urine output and creatinine based RIFLE-R (risk) criteria for AKI was in contrast in favour of HES therapies (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.91 to 0.99; 20 studies, 8769 patients). However, when RIFLE-R urine output based outcomes were excluded as per study protocol, the direction of AKI risk again favoured the other fluid type, with a non-significant RR of AKI in HES treated patients (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.14; 8445 patients). A more robust effect was seen for the RIFLE-I (injury) outcome, with a RR of AKI of 1.22 (95% CI 1.08 to 1.37; 8338 patients). No differences between subgroups for the RRT and RIFLE-F based outcomes were seen between sepsis versus non-sepsis patients, high molecular weight (MW) and degree of substitution (DS) versus low MW and DS (≥ 200 kDa and > 0.4 DS versus 130 kDa and 0.4 DS) HES solutions, or high versus low dose treatments (i.e. ≥ 2 L versus < 2 L). There were differences identified between sepsis versus non-sepsis subgroups for the RIFLE-R and RIFLE-I based outcomes only, which may reflect the differing renal response to fluid resuscitation in pre-renal versus sepsis-associated AKI. Overall, methodological quality of the studies was good. The current evidence suggests that all HES products increase the risk in AKI and RRT in all patient populations and a safe volume of any HES solution has yet to be determined. In most clinical situations it is likely that these risks outweigh any benefits, and alternate volume replacement therapies should be used in place of HES products.
| This review examined the effects of HES on kidney function compared to other fluid therapies in critically ill patients. Forty-two randomised clinical trials (11,399 patients) comparing HES to another fluid therapy qualified for this review. Overall, the use of HES products was associated with a 59% increased risk of kidney failure, and a 32% increased risk of dialysis. No significant differences in effect were seen depending on the patient population studied, the type of HES solution, or the dose used. Due to the potential risks associated with HES products, alternative fluid therapies should be used. |
CochranePLS366 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified nine studies that enrolled 682 participants. None of the studies reported blinding or group allocation methods. Seven studies were judged to be at low risk of incomplete outcome reporting; three studies were judged to be a low risk of selective reporting (protocols were available and/or all outcomes relevant to the this review were reported); and two studies were judged free of other potential biases. Seven studies compared Rheum officinale with no treatment and two made comparisons with captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi). Compared with no treatment, Rheum officinale had a positive effect on SCr (MD -87.49 µmol/L, 95% CI -139.25 to -35.72) and BUN (MD -10.61 mmol/L, 95% CI -19.45 to -2.21). Compared with captopril, a statistically significant difference was not demonstrated in relation to Rheum officinale for any outcome (BUN, CrCl, or patients' capacity to undertake work). No data were available on all-cause mortality or cost of treatment. Only minor adverse events were reported in association with Rheum officinale. Currently available evidence concerning the efficacy of Rheum officinale to improve SCr and BUN levels in patients with CKD is both scant and low quality. Although Rheum officinale does not appear to be associated with serious adverse events among patients with CKD, there is no current evidence to support any recommendation for its use.
| We analysed evidence from nine studies conducted in China that compared Rheum officinale with no treatment or treatment with captopril, an ACEi. We looked at reported changes in two important blood markers - serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen - that indicate progression of CKD. We found no high quality evidence to indicate that treatment with Rheum officinale can improve CKD or delay its progression. Rheum officinale was not found to cause any serious health problems in patients with CKD. Well-designed randomised controlled studies are needed to provide robust, high quality evidence to assess if there are benefits from Rheum officinale for people with CKD. |
CochranePLS367 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: From 72 papers describing IQCODE test accuracy, we included 13 papers, representing data from 2745 individuals (n = 1413 (51%) with dementia). Pooled analysis of all studies using data presented closest to a cut-off of 3.3 indicated that sensitivity was 0.91 (95% CI 0.86 to 0.94); specificity 0.66 (95% CI 0.56 to 0.75); the positive likelihood ratio was 2.7 (95% CI 2.0 to 3.6) and the negative likelihood ratio was 0.14 (95% CI 0.09 to 0.22). There was a statistically significant difference in test accuracy between the general hospital setting and the specialist memory setting (P = 0.019), suggesting that IQCODE performs better in a 'general' setting. We found no significant differences in the test accuracy of the short (16-item) versus the 26-item IQCODE, or in the language of administration. There was significant heterogeneity in the included studies, including a highly varied prevalence of dementia (10.5% to 87.4%). Across the included papers there was substantial potential for bias, particularly around sampling of included participants and selection criteria, which may limit generalisability. There was also evidence of suboptimal reporting, particularly around disease severity and handling indeterminate results, which are important if considering use in clinical practice. The IQCODE can be used to identify older adults in the general hospital setting who are at risk of dementia and require specialist assessment; it is useful specifically for ruling out those without evidence of cognitive decline. The language of administration did not affect test accuracy, which supports the cross-cultural use of the tool. These findings are qualified by the significant heterogeneity, the potential for bias and suboptimal reporting found in the included studies.
| We searched electronic databases of published research studies, looking for all studies of IQCODE in a hospital setting. We searched from the first available papers in scientific databases up to and including January 2013. We found 13 relevant studies which had results suitable to be combined in a single analysis. Of these papers, six (1352 participants) described studies conducted in “specialist” services such as memory clinics or wards. Three papers (566 participants) described studies conducted in general older adult services and four studies (827 participants) included both specialist and general services. Summarising the available papers, we found that IQCODE was useful for 'ruling out' possible dementia in the general hospital setting. This means if a person has a low score on IQCODE testing they probably do not have dementia. IQCODE was less useful in specialist memory clinics and psychiatry wards. We also found that a short version of the IQCODE gave similar results to the traditional longer version. As part of our assessment we looked at whether the design of the available studies was suitable for the study question. We found several instances where the design of the study could be improved. For example, seven of the thirteen studies only included a selection of all the people attending the service who could have been assessed with IQCODE. We also looked at how well researchers reported the conduct and results of their studies. Again, there were many instances where the reporting could be improved. A common issue was not describing the severity of memory and thinking problems in those thought to have dementia, only reported in three of the included studies. In summary, IQCODE may be a useful tool for assessing adults for possible dementia. There are still a number of unanswered questions around how useful IQCODE may be in hospital settings. For example, before we start using IQCODE routinely we need to describe if it is practical and acceptable to hospital staff, to patients and to their carers. The review was performed by a team based in research centres in the UK (Glasgow, Leicester, Oxford). We had no external funding specific to this study and we have no conflicts of interest that may have influenced our assessment of the research data. |
CochranePLS368 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included three RCTs involving 91 participants. All three studies scored 'low quality' on the methodological quality assessment, implying high risk of bias. All studies investigated various types and intensities of outpatient rehabilitation programmes following BoNT for upper limb spasticity in adults with chronic stroke. Rehabilitation programmes included: modified constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT) compared with a neurodevelopmental therapy programme; task practice therapy with cyclic functional electrical stimulation (FES) compared with task practice therapy only; and occupational, manual therapy with dynamic elbow extension splinting compared with occupational therapy only. There was 'low quality' evidence for mCIMT improving upper limb motor function and spasticity in chronic stroke survivors with residual voluntary upper limb activity, up to six months, and 'very low quality' evidence for dynamic elbow splinting and occupational therapy reducing elbow range of movement at 14 weeks. Task practice therapy with cyclic FES did not improve upper limb function more than task practice therapy alone, only at 12 weeks. No studies addressed interventions in children and those with lower limb spasticity, or after other focal intramuscular treatments for spasticity. At best there was 'low level' evidence for the effectiveness of outpatient MD rehabilitation in improving active function and impairments following BoNT for upper limb spasticity in adults with chronic stroke. No trials explored the effect of MD rehabilitation on 'passive function' (caring for the affected limb), caregiver burden, or the individual's priority goals for treatment. The optimal types (modalities, therapy approaches, settings) and intensities of therapy for improving activity (active and passive function) in adults and children with post-stroke spasticity, in the short and longer term, are unclear. Further research is required to build evidence in this area.
| We included three relevant studies in the review, which investigated different types of MD rehabilitation interventions after botulinum toxin injections into the arms of 91 adults with previous stroke. There was low quality evidence for intensive forced use of the affected arm in improving spasticity, and very low quality evidence for elbow splinting with occupational therapy. We did not identify any studies of MD rehabilitation in children with post-stroke spasticity or after other injected medications. The review findings are limited by the small number of studies that are methodologically flawed. More research is needed into what rehabilitation modalities and treatments are most effective for spasticity management following stroke. |
CochranePLS369 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Four trials, recruiting 136 participants, were included. Two trials compared lamivudine alone versus HBIg alone. Randomisation was performed one week after transplantation in one of the trials and after six months after transplantation in another; from transplantation until randomisation, HBIg alone was given to all patients in the two trials. A third trial compared combination treatment with lamivudine and HBIg versus lamivudine alone after one month of combination treatment, and a fourth trial compared the combination of lamivudine and HBIg versus a combination of lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil after at least 12-month of lamivudine and HBIg combination treatment. Statistically significant differences were not detected in any of the comparisons and outcomes. All trials were open-labelled, and none of the trials were adequately powered to show a difference in HBV recurrence. No meta-analyses were performed since the identified trials assessed different comparisons. This review could not derive clear evidence from randomised clinical trials for the treatment of patients with chronic HBV following liver transplantation for preventing recurrence of HBV infection. Large randomised clinical trials comparing long-term combination treatment to each of the monotherapy alone, including the newer antiviral drugs, are needed.
| We found only four randomised clinical trials that compared different prophylactic regimens in 136 participants. None of the trials compared the same prophylaxis regimen. In each individual trial no significant differences were detected with regard to patients' survival after transplantation, HBV recurrence, or the recurrence of liver disease. All trials were too small to detect a difference, if it existed. Prevention of HBV recurrence following liver transplantation is currently non-evidence based. Practice is to administer a combination of HBIg and an antiviral drug. Randomised clinical trials are needed to examine this practice. |
CochranePLS370 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Searches identified 13,306 citations. Fifteen publications (ten studies) were included, involving 1019 participants who were followed between three months to 10 years (1060 randomised). All studies had a high risk of bias. Sulphonylurea (SU) with insulin did not improve metabolic control significantly more than insulin alone at three months (one study, n = 15) and at 12 months (one study, n = 14) of treatment and follow-up. SU (with or without metformin) gave poorer metabolic control compared to insulin alone (mean difference in glycosylated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) from baseline to end of study, for insulin compared to oral therapy: -1.3% (95% confidence interval (CI) -2.4 to -0.1; P = 0.03, 160 participants, four studies, follow-up/duration of therapy: 12, 30, 36 and 60 months; however, heterogeneity was considerable). In addition, there was evidence that SU caused earlier insulin dependence (proportion requiring insulin at two years was 30% in the SU group compared to 5% in conventional care group (P < 0.001); patients classified as insulin dependent was 64% (SU group) and 12.5% (insulin group, P = 0.007). No intervention influenced fasting C-peptide, but insulin maintained stimulated C-peptide better than SU (one study, mean difference 7.7 ng/ml (95% CI 2.9 to 12.5)). In a five year follow-up of GAD65 (glutamic acid decarboxylase formulated with aluminium hydroxide), improvements in fasting and stimulated C-peptide levels (20 μg group) were maintained after five years. Short term (three months) follow-up in one study (n = 74) using Chinese remedies did not demonstrate a significant difference in improving fasting C-peptide levels compared to insulin alone (0.07 µg/L (95% CI -0.05 to 0.19). One study using vitamin D with insulin showed steady fasting C-peptide levels in the vitamin D group but declining fasting C-peptide levels (368 to 179 pmol/L, P = 0.006) in the insulin alone group at 12 months follow-up. Comparing studies was difficult as there was a great deal of heterogeneity in the studies and in their selection criteria. There was no information regarding health-related quality of life, complications of diabetes, cost or health service utilisation, mortality and limited evidence on adverse events (studies on oral agents or insulin reported no adverse events in terms of severe hypoglycaemic episodes). Two studies show SU leading to earlier insulin dependence and a meta-analysis of four studies with considerable heterogeneity showed poorer metabolic control if SU is prescribed for patients with LADA compared to insulin. One study showed that vitamin D with insulin may protect pancreatic beta cells in LADA. Novel treatments such as GAD65 in certain doses (20 μg) have been suggested to maintain fasting and stimulated C-peptide levels. However, there is no significant evidence for or against other lines of treatment of LADA.
| We identified 15 publications (10 studies) looking at 1019 patients who were followed between three months to 10 years. We found many of the publications had poor quality of reporting and had small numbers of participants. However, there does seem to be evidence from this review that the drug sulphonylurea (like glibenclamide or glyburide, gliclazide) could make patients insulin dependent sooner and it does not control blood sugar as well as insulin. Therefore, this suggests that this drug should not be a first line treatment for patients with LADA. In addition, insulin combined with vitamin D, or Chinese herbs may maintain natural insulin production better than insulin alone. Similarly, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) may maintain natural insulin production. However, there was no conclusive evidence that any of the other remaining treatment methods were better than each other. Studies on oral agents or insulin reported no adverse events in terms of severe hypoglycaemic attacks. This review represents very early days of our understanding of the best way to treat LADA. It is limited by the poor reporting quality of the studies, small sample sizes, no clear single definition of LADA and many of the studies being carried out in different ethnic groups (China, Japan, Cuba, UK, Sweden) with different clinical care systems. None of the publications reported on complications of diabetes, health-related quality of life, costs or health service utilisation. All but one of the publications reported there were no deaths. In summary, this review demonstrates that insulin treatment may be preferable compared to sulphonylurea treatment but there is little evidence regarding other forms of treatment. Future studies are needed, should have a clear definition of LADA, investigate patient-important outcomes and use a common method of measuring stimulated C-peptide (a marker of natural insulin production reflecting improved beta-cell function of the pancreas). |
CochranePLS371 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: A total of 70 studies (44,958 participants) were included in the review, and 63 studies (42,784 participants) in the meta-analyses. Overall, the risk of bias assessment showed that these studies provided moderate or low quality evidence. Outcomes at four or more months post-intervention were of particular interest to assess when effects were sustained beyond the immediate short term. We have reported pooled effects across delivery modes only for those analyses for which heterogeneity across delivery modes is not substantial (I2 < 50%). Alcohol-related problems at four or more months: IFF standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.14, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.24 to -0.04 (participants = 2327; studies = 11; moderate quality evidence), equivalent to a decrease of 1.28 points in the 69-point alcohol problems scale score. No effects were found for WF or MF. Binge drinking at four or more months: results pooled across delivery modes: SMD -0.06, 95% CI -0.11 to -0.02 (participants = 11,292; studies = 16; moderate quality evidence), equivalent to 2.7% fewer binge drinkers if 30-day prevalence is 43.9%. Drinking quantity at four or more months: results pooled across delivery modes: SMD -0.08, 95% CI -0.12 to -0.04 (participants = 21,169; studies = 32; moderate quality evidence), equivalent to a reduction of 0.9 drinks consumed each week, from a baseline of 13.7 drinks per week. Drinking frequency at four or more months: WF SMD -0.11, 95% CI -0.17 to -0.04 (participants = 9929; studies = 10; moderate quality evidence), equivalent to a decrease of 0.17 drinking days/wk, from a baseline of 2.74 days/wk; IFF SMD -0.21, 95% CI -0.31 to -0.10 (participants = 1464; studies = 8; moderate quality evidence), equivalent to a decrease of 0.32 drinking days/wk, from a baseline of 2.74 days/wk. No effects were found for GFF or MC. Estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at four or more months: peak BAC results pooled across delivery modes: SMD -0.08, 95% CI -0.17 to 0.00 (participants = 7198; studies = 11; low quality evidence), equivalent to a reduction in peak BAC from an average of 0.144% to 0.135%. No effects were found for typical BAC with IFF. The results of this review indicate that no substantive meaningful benefits are associated with social norms interventions for prevention of alcohol misuse among college/university students. Although some significant effects were found, we interpret the effect sizes as too small, given the measurement scales used in the studies included in this review, to be of relevance for policy or practice. Moreover, the significant effects are not consistent for all misuse measures, heterogeneity was a problem in some analyses and bias cannot be discounted as a potential cause of these findings.
| 70 studies were included in this review, with 44,958 students overall. We were interested mainly in studies with a follow-up period of four or more months to assess whether any effects were sustained beyond the immediate short term. In 43 of the trials, the social norms intervention was targeted at higher-risk students. 55 trials were conducted in the USA, with others form Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Delivery of social norms information included mailed feedback, web/computer feedback, individual face-to-face feedback, group face-to-face feedback and general social norms marketing campaigns across college campuses. Over the longer-term, after four or more months of follow-up, there was only a small effect of social norms information on binge drinking, drinking quantity, and peak BAC. For these outcomes, effects were not any different across the different delivery modes.Only small effects were found for web feedback and individual face-to-face feedback on frequency of alcohol consumed. Only a small effect of individual face-to-face feedback on alcohol related problems, but no effects were found for mailed or web feedback. Similarly, no effects were found for group face-to-face feedback or for marketing campaigns on frequency of alcohol consumed and typical BAC. Our reading of these results is that, although we found some significant effects of social norms information, the strength of the effects over the longer-term is very small and therefore this information is unlikely to provide any advantage in practice. Overall, only low or moderate quality evidence was noted for the effects reported in this review. Problems with study quality could result in estimates of social norms effects that are too high, so we cannot rule out the chance that the effects observed in this review may be overstated. The U.S. National Institutes of Health provided funding for just under half (33/70) of the studies included in this review. Eighteen studies provided no information about funding, and only 13 papers had a clear conflict of interest statement. |
CochranePLS372 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included three trials with a total of 492 participants who had received 530 THA. The evidence presented with a high risk of performance, detection and reporting bias. One study (81 participants) compared outcomes for participants randomised to the provision of hip precautions, equipment and functional restrictions versus no provision of hip precautions, equipment or functional restrictions. Due to the quality of evidence being very low, we are uncertain if the provision of hip precautions, equipment and functional restrictions improved function measured using the Harris Hip Score at 12 month follow-up, or health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measured by the Short Form-12 at four week follow-up, compared to not providing this. There were no incidences of hip dislocation or adverse events in either group during the initial 12 postoperative months. The study did not measure pain score, global assessment of treatment success or total adverse events. One study (265 participants; 303 THAs) evaluated the provision of hip precautions with versus without the prescription of postoperative equipment and restrictions to functional activities. Due to the quality of evidence being very low, we are uncertain if perceived satisfaction in the rate of recovery differed in people who were not prescribed postoperative equipment and restrictions (135/151 satisfied) compared to those prescribed equipment and restrictions (113/152) (risk ratio (RR) 0.83, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.75 to 0.93; 265 participants, one trial; number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) = 7). Due to the low quality evidence, we are uncertain if the incidence of hip dislocation differed between participants provided with hip precautions with (1/152) compared to without providing equipment or restrictions post-THA (0/151) (RR 2.98, 95% CI 0.12 to 72.59). The study did not measure pain, function, HRQOL, re-operation rates or total adverse events. One study (146 participants) investigated the provision of an enhanced postoperative education and rehabilitation service on hospital discharge to promote functional ADL versus a conventional rehabilitation intervention in the community. This study was of very low quality evidence. We were uncertain if the provision of enhanced postoperative education and rehabilitation improved function at six months follow-up, when assessed using the Objective and Subjective Functional Capability Index (146 participants, one trial; P > 0.05; no numerical results provided) compared to conventional rehabilitation. The study did not measure pain score, HRQOL, global assessment of treatment success, hip dislocation, re-operation rate or total adverse events. Very low quality evidence is available from single trials, thus we are uncertain if hip precautions with or without the addition of equipment and functional restrictions are effective in preventing dislocation and improving outcomes after THA. There is also insufficient evidence to support or refute the adoption of a postoperative community rehabilitation programme consisting of functional reintegration and education compared to conventional rehabilitation strategies based on functional outcomes. Further high-quality trials are warranted to assess the outcomes of different occupational therapy interventions both in the short and longer-term for those who undergo THA. An assessment of the impact of such interventions on pain and restriction on personal ADL, EADL and instrumental ADL is needed, and also of functional integration-type interventions rather than just hip precautions, equipment and restrictions.
| This Cochrane review is current to 29 April 2016. We searched the available evidence and included three studies, which had 492 people who had received a THA. Two of these studies investigated providing people with equipment, such as raised toilet seats and rails, and restricting their body movements (one of these studies also provided people with physiotherapy). One study investigated teaching participants about doing certain activities of daily living in a safe way to promote self-care without the risk of dislocating the new hip. The interventions were different and thus we did not combine the results. One study compared outcomes for participants randomised to the provision of hip precautions, equipment and functional restrictions versus no provision of hip precautions or equipment or functional restrictions. This is the main comparator in the review. Health-related quality of life (lower scores mean better quality of life) We cannot tell from our results whether the intervention has an important effect on health-related quality of life (no numerical results provided) because the sample size was small and the study design flawed. Function We cannot tell from our results whether the intervention has an important effect on functional outcomes (no numerical results provided) because the sample size was small and the study design flawed. Complications and adverse events There were no dislocations or adverse events. Outcomes of interest not measured Pain, treatment success and re-operation rate were not measured. We used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to assess the quality of the evidence. Due to issues relating to the small number of participants, size of studies and study conduct, including poorly blinding assessors to group allocation, we rated the quality of the evidence as 'very low'. Further research is highly likely to change the conclusions drawn from these results. We are uncertain whether the interventions improved outcomes. |
CochranePLS373 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Three randomised controlled trials were included. In two trials, there was a statistically significant reduction in the recurrence of painful periods in the LNG-IUD group compared with expectant management (RR 0.22, 95% CI 0.08 to 0.60, 95 women, I2 = 0%, moderate strength of evidence). The proportion of women who were satisfied with their treatment was also higher in the LNG-IUD group but did not reach statistical significance (RR 1.21, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.82, 95 women, I2 = 0%). The number of women reporting a change in menstruation was significantly higher in the LNG-IUD group (RR 37.80, 95% CI 5.40 to 264.60, 95 women, I2 = 0%) but the number of women not completing the allocated treatment did not differ between groups (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.08 to 5.25, I2 = 43%). In one trial, women receiving LNG-IUD noted lower pain scores compared with women receiving gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists (MD -0.16, 95% CI -2.02 to 1.70, 40 women) but this did not reach statistical significance. There is limited but consistent evidence showing that postoperative LNG-IUD use reduces the recurrence of painful periods in women with endometriosis. Further well-designed RCTs are needed to confirm these findings.
| Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, usually in the pelvis, that can lead to infertility and pelvic pain. It is managed with surgery, hormonal medications, or a combination of both. The progestogen levonorgestrel is one such hormonal medication. The aim of this review was to assess whether the use of a hormone-releasing intrauterine device was beneficial for managing associated painful symptoms and for preventing recurrence of endometriosis following surgery. Although preliminary findings are encouraging, at this stage there is only limited evidence from three randomised trials of a beneficial role with the use of the LNG-IUD in reducing the recurrence of painful periods following surgery for endometriosis. The strength of the evidence was graded as moderate reflecting our belief that future evidence will most likely not change these findings. |
CochranePLS374 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 24 studies, with the majority (20/24) giving concerns about risk of bias. All of the included studies investigated food products; none investigated alcohol or tobacco. The majority were conducted in laboratory settings (14/24), with adult participants (17/24), and used between-participants designs (19/24). All studies were conducted in high-income countries, predominantly in the USA (14/24). Six studies investigated availability interventions, of which two changed the absolute number of different options available, and four altered the relative proportion of less-healthy (to healthier) options. Most studies (4/6) manipulated snack foods or drinks. For selection outcomes, meta-analysis of three comparisons from three studies (n = 154) found that exposure to fewer options resulted in a large reduction in selection of the targeted food(s): SMD −1.13 (95% confidence interval (CI) −1.90 to −0.37) (low certainty evidence). For consumption outcomes, meta-analysis of three comparisons from two studies (n = 150) found that exposure to fewer options resulted in a moderate reduction in consumption of those foods, but with considerable uncertainty: SMD −0.55 (95% CI −1.27 to 0.18) (low certainty evidence). Eighteen studies investigated proximity interventions. Most (14/18) changed the distance at which a snack food or drink was placed from the participants, whilst four studies changed the order of meal components encountered along a line. For selection outcomes, only one study with one comparison (n = 41) was identified, which found that food placed farther away resulted in a moderate reduction in its selection: SMD −0.65 (95% CI −1.29 to −0.01) (very low certainty evidence). For consumption outcomes, meta-analysis of 15 comparisons from 12 studies (n = 1098) found that exposure to food placed farther away resulted in a moderate reduction in its consumption: SMD −0.60 (95% CI −0.84 to −0.36) (low certainty evidence). Meta-regression analyses indicated that this effect was greater: the farther away the product was placed; when only the targeted product(s) was available; when participants were of low deprivation status; and when the study was at high risk of bias. The current evidence suggests that changing the number of available food options or altering the positioning of foods could contribute to meaningful changes in behaviour, justifying policy actions to promote such changes within food environments. However, the certainty of this evidence as assessed by GRADE is low or very low. To enable more certain and generalisable conclusions about these potentially important effects, further research is warranted in real-world settings, intervening across a wider range of foods - as well as alcohol and tobacco products - and over sustained time periods.
| Six studies involved availability interventions, of which four changed the relative proportion of less-healthy to healthier options, and two changed the absolute number of different options available. In statistical analyses that combined results from multiple studies, it was found that reducing the number of available options for a particular range or category of food(s) reduced selection of those food products (from analysing 154 participants) and possibly reduced consumption of those products (from 150 participants). However, the certainty of the evidence for these effects was low. Eighteen studies involved proximity interventions. Most (14/18) changed the distance at which a snack food or drink was placed from the participants, whilst four studies changed the order of meal components encountered along a line. One study found that this reduced selection of food (from analysing 41 participants), whilst in a statistical analysis combining results from multiple studies, it was found that placing food farther away reduced consumption of those food products (from analysing 1098 participants). However, the certainty of the evidence for these effects was very low and low, respectively. Key messages Mindful of its limitations, the current evidence suggests that changing the number of available food options or changing where foods are positioned could contribute to meaningful changes in behaviour, justifying policy actions to promote such changes to food environments. However, more high-quality studies in real-world settings are needed to make this finding more certain. How up-to-date is this review? The evidence is current to 23 July 2018. |
CochranePLS375 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Effect of PEP on HIV seroconversion No randomized controlled trials were identified. Only one case-control study was included. HIV transmission was significantly associated with deep injury (OR 15, 95% CI 6.0 to 41), visible blood on the device (OR 6.2, 95% CI 2.2 to 21), procedures involving a needle placed in the source patient's blood vessel (OR 4.3, 95% CI 1.7 to 12), and terminal illness in the source patient (OR 5.6, 95% CI 2.0 to 16). After controlling for these risk factors, no differences were detected in the rates at which cases and controls were offered post-exposure prophylaxis with zidovudine. However, cases had significantly lower odds of having taken zidovudine after exposure compared to controls (OR 0.19, 95%CI 0.06 to 0.52). No studies were found that evaluated the effect of two or more antiretroviral drugs for occupational PEP. Adherence to and complications with PEP Eight reports from observational comparative studies confirmed findings that adverse events were higher with a three-drug regimen, especially one containing indinavir. However, discontinuation rates were not significantly different. The use of occupational PEP is based on limited direct evidence of effect. However, it is highly unlikely that a definitive placebo-controlled trial will ever be conducted, and, therefore, on the basis of results from a single case-control study, a four-week regimen of PEP should be initiated as soon as possible after exposure, depending on the risk of seroconversion. There is no direct evidence to support the use of multi-drug antiretroviral regimens following occupational exposure to HIV. However, due to the success of combination therapies in treating HIV-infected individuals, a combination of antiretroviral drugs should be used for PEP. Healthcare workers should be counseled about expected adverse events and the strategies for managing these. They should also be advised that PEP is not 100% effective in preventing HIV seroconversion. A randomized controlled clinical trial is neither ethical nor practical. Due to the low risk of HIV seroconversion, a very large sample size would be required to have enough power to show an effect. More rigorous evaluation of adverse events, especially in the developing world, are required. Seeing that current practice is partly based on results from individual primary animal studies, we recommend a formal systematic review of all relevant animal studies.
| This review evaluated the effects of antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for preventing HIV infection following occupational exposure. No randomized controlled trials were identified. Only one case-control study provides evidence for using zidovudine monotherapy. The study found that, in the occupational setting, HIV transmission was significantly associated with deep injury, visible blood on the sharp instrument, procedures involving a needle placed in the source patient's blood vessel, and terminal illness in the source patient. After taking these into account, it was found that those who became infected with HIV had significantly lower odds of having taken zidovudine after exposure, compared to those who did not seroconvert. There is no direct evidence to support the use of multi-drug antiretroviral regimens following occupational exposure to HIV. However, due to the success of combination therapies in treating HIV-infected individuals, a combination of drugs should be used for PEP. Eight reports from other studies confirmed the findings that adverse events were higher with a three-drug regimen; however, discontinuation rates were not significantly different. A four-week regimen of post-exposure prophylaxis should be initiated as soon as possible after exposure, depending on the risk of seroconversion. Healthcare workers should be counseled about expected adverse events and given strategies for managing these events. They should also be advised that PEP is not 100% effective in preventing HIV seroconversion. |
CochranePLS376 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Overall there is an absence of evidence for behaviour therapy, except a small improvement in mood immediately following treatment when compared with an active control. CBT has small positive effects on disability and catastrophising, but not on pain or mood, when compared with active controls. CBT has small to moderate effects on pain, disability, mood and catastrophising immediately post-treatment when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list, but all except a small effect on mood had disappeared at follow-up. At present there are insufficient data on the quality or content of treatment to investigate their influence on outcome. The quality of the trial design has improved over time but the quality of treatments has not. Benefits of CBT emerged almost entirely from comparisons with treatment as usual/waiting list, not with active controls. CBT but not behaviour therapy has weak effects in improving pain, but only immediately post-treatment and when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list. CBT but not behaviour therapy has small effects on disability associated with chronic pain, with some maintenance at six months. CBT is effective in altering mood and catastrophising outcomes, when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list, with some evidence that this is maintained at six months. Behaviour therapy has no effects on mood, but showed an effect on catastrophising immediately post-treatment. CBT is a useful approach to the management of chronic pain. There is no need for more general RCTs reporting group means: rather, different types of studies and analyses are needed to identify which components of CBT work for which type of patient on which outcome/s, and to try to understand why.
| Our search found 42 trials of treatments which met our criteria, but only 35 provided data in a form that could be used. The two main types of psychological treatment are called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and behaviour therapy. Both focus on helping people to change behaviour that maintains or worsens pain, disability, distress and catastrophic thinking; CBT also directly addresses the thoughts and feelings that are a problem for people with persistent pain. The effects of these two treatments on pain, disability, mood and catastrophic thinking were tested immediately after the treatment, and six months later. Small to moderate benefits, more for disability, mood and catastrophic thinking than for pain, were found in trials which compared CBT with no treatment. Some of these were still positive six months later. Behaviour therapy showed few and only brief benefits. Psychological therapies can help people with chronic pain reduce negative mood (depression and anxiety), disability, catastrophic thinking, and in some cases, pain. Although the overall effect is positive, we do not know enough about exactly which type of treatment is best for which person. |
CochranePLS377 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We reviewed a total of 881 full-text documents. From these, we identified 15 national initiatives, including more than 260,000 people, that met the inclusion criteria. None of the initiatives were provided in lower-middle-income or low-income countries. All initiatives except one used an uncontrolled pre-post study design. Because of high levels of study heterogeneity (I2 > 90%), we focused on individual initiatives rather than on pooled results. Ten initiatives provided sufficient data for quantitative analysis of impact (64,798 participants). As required by the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method, we graded the evidence as very low due to the risk of bias of the included studies, as well as variation in the direction and size of effect across the studies. Five of these showed mean decreases in average daily salt intake per person from pre-intervention to post-intervention, ranging from 1.15 grams/day less (Finland) to 0.35 grams/day less (Ireland). Two initiatives showed mean increase in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention: Canada (1.66) and Switzerland (0.80 grams/day more per person); however in both countries the pre-intervention data point was from several years prior to the initiation of the intervention. The remaining initiatives did not show a statistically significant mean change. Seven of the 10 initiatives were multi-component and incorporated intervention activities of a structural nature (e.g. food product reformulation, food procurement policy in specific settings). Of those seven initiatives, four showed a statistically significant mean decrease in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention, ranging from Finland to Ireland (see above), and one showed a statistically significant mean increase in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention (Switzerland; see above). Nine initiatives permitted quantitative analysis of differential impact by sex (men and women separately). For women, three initiatives (China, Finland, France) showed a statistically significant mean decrease, four (Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom) showed no significant change and two (Canada, United States) showed a statistically significant mean increase in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention. For men, five initiatives (Austria, China, Finland, France, United Kingdom) showed a statistically significant mean decrease, three (Netherlands, Switzerland, United States) showed no significant change and one (Canada) showed a statistically significant mean increase in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention. Information was insufficient to indicate whether a differential change in mean salt intake occurred from pre-intervention to post-intervention by other axes of equity included in the PROGRESS framework (e.g. education, place of residence). We identified no adverse effects of these initiatives. The number of initiatives was insufficient to permit other subgroup analyses, including stratification by intervention type, economic status of country and duration (or start year) of the initiative. Many studies had methodological strengths, including large, nationally representative samples of the population and rigorous measurement of dietary sodium intake. However, all studies were scored as having high risk of bias, reflecting the observational nature of the research and the use of an uncontrolled study design. The quality of evidence for the main outcome was low. We could perform a sensitivity analysis only for impact. Population-level interventions in government jurisdictions for dietary sodium reduction have the potential to result in population-wide reductions in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention, particularly if they are multi-component (more than one intervention activity) and incorporate intervention activities of a structural nature (e.g. food product reformulation), and particularly amongst men. Heterogeneity across studies was significant, reflecting different contexts (population and setting) and initiative characteristics. Implementation of future initiatives should embed more effective means of evaluation to help us better understand the variation in the effects.
| We searched research papers and government reports and had direct communication with individuals working in salt reduction in their respective countries. The evidence is current as of 5 January 2015, when we last searched electronic databases. Initiatives in 15 countries met the inclusion criteria. Ten of these countries provided sufficient data for quantitative analysis, gathered from studies that included 64,798 participants. Initiatives ranged from one activity (e.g. in Japan, which at the time of writing had a public information campaign) to many activities (e.g. in the United Kingdom, which provided five activities including on-package nutrition information, restrictions on marketing to children and food product reformulation). Of the 15 countries that met inclusion criteria, seven provided information about funding source, of which six reported non-industry funding. The other eight countries did not report a funding source for one or more data point(s). Five of the 10 countries included in the quantitative analysis (China, Finland, France, Ireland and England) showed a decrease in salt intake after the intervention. Two of the 10 countries (Canada, Switzerland) showed an increase in salt intake after the intervention, however, in both countries the only data available were from several years prior to the intervention starting. Because the initiatives were very different, we cannot present an overall finding of whether these types of initiatives work. When we focused on the subset of seven countries whose salt reduction initiatives included multiple components and were not focused solely on educating the public, we found that more than half (four of seven) showed a decrease in salt intake from pre-intervention to post-intervention. When we examined the nine initiatives that analysed men and women separately, we found that amongst men, more than half (five of nine) showed a decrease in salt intake after the intervention. Amongst women, the pattern of findings was less clear, with three of nine interventions showing a decrease, two showing an increase and four showing no change in salt intake. Low-bias study designs, such as randomised controlled trials, typically are not suitable for evaluating complex initiatives such as these; therefore, we rated all of the studies included in this review as having low methodological quality. Large nationally representative samples of the population and careful measurement of dietary sodium intake were strengths of several studies. However, because of study design limitations, the trustworthiness of study results is not clear. Overall, our results show that national government initiatives have the potential to achieve population-wide reductions in salt intake, especially amongst men, and particularly if they employ more than one strategy and include structural activities such as food product reformulation (i.e. food companies putting less salt in food products). The wide variation of results across the studies we found presents a challenge in interpreting the current evidence and this warrants more research to help us understand this. |
CochranePLS378 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified 18 potentially relevant RCTs, but only seven met the inclusion criteria. All studies had a small number of participants, ranging from seven to 16 people per study and had a cross-over design. Three studies were of low risk of bias, while four were of uncertain risk. Amitriptyline (three studies), bromocriptine (one study), clonidine (one study), propranolol (one study), levodopa (Prolopa®) (one study) and tryptophan (one study) were compared with placebo. Studies evaluating bromocriptine, clonidine, propranolol and levodopa reported our primary outcome of indices of bruxism motor activity. Results were imprecise and consistent with benefit, no difference or harm. These were the specific findings for each of the drugs according to specific outcomes: 1. Amitriptyline versus placebo for masseteric electromyography (EMG) activity per minute: standardized mean difference (SMD) -0.28 (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.91 to 0.34; P value = 0.37), 2. bromocriptine versus placebo for bruxism episodes per hour: mean difference (MD) 0.60 (95% CI -2.93 to 4.13), bruxism bursts per hour: MD -2.00 (95% CI -53.47 to 49.47), bruxism bursts per episode: MD 0.50 (95% CI -1.85 to 2.85) or number of episodes with grinding noise: MD 2.40 (95% CI -24.00 to 28.80), 3. clonidine versus placebo for number of bruxism episodes per hour: MD -2.41 (95% CI -4.84 to 0.02), 4. propranolol versus placebo for the number of bruxism episodes per hour: MD 1.16 (95% CI -1.89 to 4.21), 5. L-tryptophan versus placebo for masseteric EMG activity per second: SMD 0.08 (95% CI -0.90 to 1.06) and 6. levodopa versus placebo for bruxism episodes per hour of sleep: MD -1.47 (95% CI -3.64 to 0.70), for bruxism bursts per episode: MD 0.06 (95% CI -2.47 to 2.59). We combined several secondary outcomes (sleep duration, masseteric EMG activity per minute and pain intensity) in a meta-analysis for comparison of amitriptyline with placebo. The results for most comparisons were uncertain because of statistical imprecision. One study reported that clonidine reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage and increased the second stage of sleep. However, results for other sleep-related outcomes with clonidine were uncertain. Adverse effects were frequent in people who took amitriptyline (5/10 had drowsiness, difficulty awakening in the morning, insomnia or xerostomia compared with 0/10 in the placebo group), as well as in people who received propranolol (7/16 had moderate-to-severe xerostomia compare with 2/16 in the placebo group). Clonidine was associated with prolonged morning hypotension in three of 16 participants. The use of preventive medication avoided any adverse effects in people treated with levodopa and bromocriptine. There was insufficient evidence on the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for the treatment of sleep bruxism. This systematic review points to the need for more, well-designed, RCTs with larger sample sizes and adequate methods of allocation, outcome assessment and duration of follow-up. Ideally, parallel RCTs should be used in future studies to avoid the bias associated with cross-over studies. There is a need to standardize the outcomes of RCTs on treatments for sleep bruxism.
| We searched scientific databases for clinical trials comparing any drug with placebo (a dummy treatment), other drugs or no treatment in people of any age with sleep bruxism. The evidence is current to August 2014. A total of 18 studies were identified and seven were included in the review. Each individual study involved a very small number of participants (7-16) and four of them were of moderate methodological quality. Amitriptyline (three studies), bromocriptine (one study), clonidine (one study), propranolol (one study), levodopa (Prolopa®) (one study) and tryptophan (one study) were compared with placebo. Amitriptyline and L-tryptophan did not reduce activity of the jaw muscles, measured using electromyography. Bromocriptine,clonidine, propanolol and levodopa did not significantly reduce the number of bruxism episodes per hour when compared to placebo. This systematic review concluded that there is not enough evidence in the literature to show that drugs can reduce sleep bruxism. |
CochranePLS379 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified 10 randomized controlled trials with 1015 participants. All studies compared an enteral formula or additional supplemental omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)), gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and antioxidants. We assessed some of the included studies as having high risk of bias due to methodological shortcomings. Studies were heterogenous in nature and varied in several ways, including type and duration of interventions given, calorific targets, and reported outcomes. All studies reported mortality. For the primary outcome, study authors reported no differences in all-cause mortality (longest period reported) with the use of an immunonutrition enteral formula or additional supplements of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (risk ratio (RR) 0.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 to 1.07; participants = 1015; studies = 10; low-quality evidence). For secondary outcomes, we are uncertain whether immunonutrition with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants reduces ICU length of stay (mean difference (MD) -3.09 days. 95% CI -5.19 to -0.99; participants = 639; studies = 8; very low-quality evidence) and ventilator days (MD -2.24 days, 95% CI -3.77 to -0.71; participants = 581; studies = 7; very low-quality evidence). We are also uncertain whether omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants improve oxygenation, defined as ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO₂) to fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO₂), at day 4 (MD 39 mmHg, 95% CI 10.75 to 67.02; participants = 676; studies = 8), or whether they increase adverse events such as cardiac events (RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.09 to 8.46; participants = 339; studies = 3; very low-quality evidence), gastrointestinal events (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.75; participants = 427; studies = 4; very low-quality evidence), or total adverse events (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.67 to 1.23; participants = 517; studies = 5; very low-quality evidence). This meta-analysis of 10 studies of varying quality examined effects of omega-3 fatty acids and/or antioxidants in adults with ARDS. This intervention may produce little or no difference in all-cause mortality between groups. We are uncertain whether immunonutrition with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants improves the duration of ventilator days and ICU length of stay or oxygenation at day 4 due to the very low quality of evidence. Adverse events associated with immunonutrition are also uncertain, as confidence intervals include the potential for increased cardiac, gastrointestinal, and total adverse events.
| The evidence is current up to April 2018. We included in this review 10 studies with 1015 adult participants. These studies were conducted in intensive care units and compared standard nutrition (the usual nutrition given to patients with ARDS) versus nutrition supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids or placebo (a substance with no active effect), and compared either with or without antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can inhibit or slow down oxidation - a reaction that can cause inflammation and damage cells. It is unclear whether use of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants as part of nutritional intake in patients with ARDS improves long-term survival. It is uncertain whether omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants reduce length of ICU stay and the number of days spent on a ventilator, or if they improve oxygenation. It is also unclear if this type of nutrition causes increased harm. Findings of this review are limited by lack of standardization among the included studies in terms of methods, types of nutritional supplements given, and reporting of outcome measures. We rated the quality of evidence as low to very low. |
CochranePLS380 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: The 33 eligible studies largely compared open questions with checklist-type questions or rating scales. Two included participant interviews. Despite different designs, populations and details of questioning methods, the narrative review showed that more specific questioning of participants led to more AEs detected compared to a more general enquiry. A subset of six studies suggested that more severe, bothersome, or otherwise clinically relevant AEs were reported when an initial open enquiry was used, while some less severe, bothersome, or clinically relevant AEs were only reported with a subsequent specific enquiry. However, two studies showed that quite severe or debilitating AEs were only detected by an interview, while other studies did not find a difference in the nature of AEs between elicitation methods. No conclusions could be made regarding the impact of question method on the ability to detect a statistically significant difference between study groups. There was no common statistical rubric, but we were able to represent some effect measures as a risk ratio of the proportion of participants with at least one AE. This showed a lower level of reporting for open questions (O) compared to checklists (CL), with a range for the risk ratios of 0.12 to 0.64. This review supports concerns that methods to elicit participant-reported AEs influence the detection of these data. There was a risk for under-detection of AEs in studies using a more general elicitation method compared to those using a comprehensive method. These AEs may be important from a clinical perspective or for patients. This under-detection could compromise ability to pool AE data. However, the impact on the nature of the AE detected by different methods is unclear. The wide variety and low quality of methods to compare elicitation strategies limited this review. Future studies would be improved by using and reporting clear definitions and terminology for AEs (and other important variables), frequency and time period over which they were ascertained, how they were graded, assessed for a relationship to the study drug, coded, and tabulated/reported. While the many potential AE endpoints in a trial may preclude the development of general AE patient-reported outcome measurement instruments, much could also be learnt from how these employ both quantitative and qualitative methods to better understand data elicited. Any chosen questioning method needs to be feasible for use by both staff and participants.
| Clinical drug trials or studies are usually conducted to assess how well the drug works but also whether it causes any harm (side effects or adverse effects). Adverse effects can be detected by the trial doctor examining participants or taking some blood samples or doing other kinds of tests. The trial staff can also ask participants about how they are feeling after taking the trial drug. However, the way participants are asked about their health can vary from trial to trial, or even within a trial. In some trials, participants may be asked a simple open question such as 'how have you been feeling?', while in other trials, participants may be asked about whether they have had any of a long list of possible symptoms (such as 'have you had a headache, stomach ache, or sore muscles?'). There has been concern that these different kinds of questions and how they are phrased will impact on what participants report about their health during a trial. This might then affect the trial's results and what we know about the side effects of drugs. We did this review to look at studies that compared different types of participant questioning methods in order to investigate these issues. We found 33 studies comparing mainly open questions with checklist-type questions, but also some ratings scales and participant interviews. While the studies were all very different in terms of the types of disease, drugs, and patients studied, we found in general that, as would be expected, when a more specific type of question was asked (like a checklist), participants reported more symptoms. What is interesting is that, in those studies that looked more closely at the types of symptoms reported, it seems that an open question picks up the more severe or bothersome symptoms compared to a checklist-type question. However, some studies found that even quite severe or bothersome symptoms were not reported when a participant is asked an open question and these severe symptoms will only be reported with the more specific question. This makes it difficult to say whether one method is better than any other and the different questioning methods may, in fact, be complementary and therefore should be used together. It is also difficult to say what a specific question should include, as it might take too long for a participant to have to answer a very long list. While more research is needed to resolve the remaining uncertainties, it is very important for trials to be clear about which kind of questioning was used when they publish their results. This will help readers understand the trial's findings about the side effects and make it easier to make accurate comparisons between trials. |
CochranePLS381 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified 582 records from the databases and search strategies. We found 10 further records by searching other resources (handsearching). We removed 211 duplicate records and screened 381 records (title and abstract) for inclusion in the review. We excluded 364 records based on the title and abstract and assessed 17 full-text articles. We excluded 15 studies: eight studies did not assess interventions to prevent SUDEP; five studies measured sensitivity of devices to detect GTCS but did not directly measure SUDEP; and two studies assessed risk factors for SUDEP but not interventions for preventing SUDEP. One listed study is awaiting classification. We included one case-control study at serious risk of bias within a qualitative analysis in this review. This study of 154 cases of SUDEP and 616 controls ascertained a protective effect for the presence of nocturnal supervision (unadjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22 to 0.53) and when a supervising person shared the same bedroom or when special precautions, for example a listening device, were used (unadjusted OR 0.41, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.82). This effect was independent of seizure control. Non-SUDEP deaths; changes to anxiety, depression, and quality of life; and number of hospital attendances were not reported. We found very low-quality evidence of a preventative effect for nocturnal supervision against SUDEP. Further research is required to identify the effectiveness of other current interventions, for example seizure detection devices, safety pillows, SSRIs, early surgical evaluation, educational programmes, and opiate and adenosine antagonists in preventing SUDEP in people with epilepsy.
| We judged the quality of the evidence from this review to be very low as the only included study was not randomised, and information about supervision measures to prevent SUDEP was not available for 40% of the people with epilepsy who did not experience SUDEP. We found very limited, low-quality evidence that supervision at night prevents SUDEP. Further research is needed to identify if other treatments, such as seizure detection devices, safety pillows, and drug interventions working on serotonin, adenosine, and opiate levels in the brain are effective in preventing SUDEP in people with epilepsy. |
CochranePLS382 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Searches retrieved 35 references to 21 individual studies, of which seven (n = 208) were eligible for inclusion. One study was of parallel design with the remaining six being cross-over in design; participant numbers ranged from 17 to 75. The total study duration varied between four days and two years. The age of participants ranged between seven and 63 years with a wide range of disease severity reported. Six studies enrolled participants who were clinically stable, whilst participants in one study had been hospitalised with an infective exacerbation. All studies compared autogenic drainage to one (or more) other recognised airway clearance technique. Exercise is commonly used as an alternative therapy by people with cystic fibrosis; however, there were no studies identified comparing exercise with autogenic drainage. The quality of the evidence was generally low or very low. The main reasons for downgrading the level of evidence were the frequent use of a cross-over design, outcome reporting bias and the inability to blind participants. The review's primary outcome, forced expiratory volume in one second, was the most common outcome measured and was reported by all seven studies; only three studies reported on quality of life (also a primary outcome of the review). One study reported on adverse events and described a decrease in oxygen saturation levels whilst performing active cycle of breathing techniques, but not with autogenic drainage. Six of the seven included studies measured forced vital capacity and three of the studies used mid peak expiratory flow (per cent predicted) as an outcome. Six studies reported sputum weight. Less commonly used outcomes included oxygen saturation levels, personal preference, hospital admissions or intravenous antibiotics. There were no statistically significant differences found between any of the techniques used with respect to the outcomes measured except when autogenic drainage was described as being the preferred technique of the participants in one study over postural drainage and percussion. Autogenic drainage is a challenging technique that requires commitment from the individual. As such, this intervention merits systematic review to ensure its effectiveness for people with cystic fibrosis. From the studies assessed, autogenic drainage was not found to be superior to any other form of airway clearance technique. Larger studies are required to better evaluate autogenic drainage in comparison to other airway clearance techniques in view of the relatively small number of participants in this review and the complex study designs. The studies recruited a range of participants and were not powered to assess non-inferiority. The varied length and design of the studies made the analysis of pooled data challenging.
| We searched the literature for studies comparing at least two sessions of autogenic drainage with other breathing techniques and devices which help to clear the lungs of mucus. We included seven studies in the review involving 208 people with cystic fibrosis, aged between seven and 63 years of age. People were selected for one physiotherapy treatment or the other randomly. The number of people in the studies ranged from 17 to 75, and had a wide range of disease severity. The studies lasted from four days to two years in total. We did not find any clear evidence that autogenic drainage was better than the other techniques for lung function or quality of life in either the short-term or long-term studies. This was also true for our other outcome measures such as hospital admissions, additional antibiotic treatment, exercise tolerance and oxygen saturation, but in one study autogenic drainage was the preferred technique compared to postural drainage and percussion. Exercise was identified as a comparator for airway clearance by the authors of this review but no included studies used it in this way, even though it is often used as an alternative therapy by people with cystic fibrosis. Overall, the quality of the evidence from the studies was judged to be mainly low or very low. The main problems for this being the small numbers of participants in each study, the unclear reporting of results in the studies and the study design used. In one study, which was classed as having a high risk of bias due to incomplete results, those taking part had to change physiotherapy technique halfway through the study and there were many who dropped out and did not comply with the postural drainage and percussion treatment arm. Five of the seven studies used research staff to assess results who did not know which technique each person was using and this improved the quality of the evidence and reduced any bias. |
CochranePLS383 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twenty five studies (1305 participants) were included in the review, of which 22 studies (1060 participants) contributed data to meta-analyses. Based on thirteen studies, psychological therapies, all using a CBT approach, were more effective than TAU/WL in achieving clinical response at post-treatment (RR 0.64, 95%CI 0.55 to 0.74), and also in reducing anxiety, worry and depression symptoms. No studies conducted longer-term assessments of CBT against TAU/WL. Six studies compared CBT against supportive therapy (non-directive therapy and attention-placebo conditions). No significant difference in clinical response was indicated between CBT and supportive therapy at post-treatment (RR 0.86, 95%CI 0.70 to 1.06), however, significant heterogeneity was indicated, which was partly explained by the number of therapy sessions. Psychological therapy based on CBT principles is effective in reducing anxiety symptoms for short-term treatment of GAD. The body of evidence comparing CBT with other psychological therapies is small and heterogeneous, which precludes drawing conclusions about which psychological therapy is more effective. Further studies examining non-CBT models are required to inform health care policy on the most appropriate forms of psychological therapy in treating GAD.
| This review aimed to find out whether psychological therapies are effective for GAD, and whether cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is more effective than other psychological therapy approaches, including psychodynamic and supportive therapies. The review included 25 studies, with a total of 1305 participants. All the studies used a CBT approach, and compared CBT against treatment as usual or waiting list (13 studies), or against another psychological therapy (12 studies). The review showed that people attending for psychological therapy based on a CBT approach were more likely to have reduced anxiety at the end of treatment than people who received treatment as usual or were on a waiting list for therapy. CBT was also very effective in reducing secondary symptoms of worry and depression. People who attended for group CBT and older people were more likely to drop out of therapy. None of the studies comparing CBT with treatment as usual or waiting list looked at the long-term effectiveness of CBT. It is not clear whether people attending for CBT sessions were more likely to have reduced anxiety than people attending for psychodynamic therapy or supportive therapy, because only one study compared CBT with psychodynamic therapy, and the six studies that compared CBT with supportive therapy showed differing results. None of the studies included in the review reported on the possible side effects or acceptability of psychological therapies. More studies should be carried out to establish whether psychodynamic and supportive therapies are effective for GAD, and whether CBT is more helpful than other psychological therapy approaches in treating GAD. |
CochranePLS384 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Twelve trials (1,856 women) met the inclusion criteria. Eight of the included trials compared treatment with placebo and the remaining four trials compared progestogen administration with no treatment. The trials were a mix of multicenter and single-center trials, conducted in India, Jordan, UK and USA. In five trials women had had three or more consecutive miscarriages and in seven trials women had suffered two or more consecutive miscarriages. Routes, dosage and duration of progestogen treatment varied across the trials. The majority of trials were at low risk of bias for most domains. Ten trials (1684 women) contributed data to the analyses. The meta-analysis of all women, suggests that there may be a reduction in the number of miscarriages for women given progestogen supplementation compared to placebo/controls (average risk ratio (RR) 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.54 to 1.00, 10 trials, 1684 women, moderate-quality evidence). A subgroup analysis comparing placebo-controlled versus non-placebo-controlled trials, trials of women with three or more prior miscarriages compared to women with two or more miscarriages and different routes of administration showed no clear differences between subgroups for miscarriage. None of the trials reported on any secondary maternal outcomes, including severity of morning sickness, thromboembolic events, depression, admission to a special care unit, or subsequent fertility. There was probably a slight benefit for women receiving progestogen seen in the outcome of live birth rate (RR 1.07, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.13, 6 trials, 1411 women, moderate-quality evidence). We are uncertain about the effect on the rate of preterm birth because the evidence is very low-quality (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.53 to 2.41, 4 trials, 256 women, very low-quality evidence). No clear differences were seen for women receiving progestogen for the other secondary outcomes including neonatal death, fetal genital abnormalities or stillbirth. There may be little or no difference in the rate of low birthweight and trials did not report on the secondary child outcomes of teratogenic effects or admission to a special care unit. For women with unexplained recurrent miscarriages, supplementation with progestogen therapy may reduce the rate of miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies.
| We searched for evidence on 6 July 2017 and identified a total of 13 trials that enrolled a total of 2556 women with a history of recurrent miscarriages. These trials found that giving progestogen medication to women with recurrent miscarriages early in their pregnancy may help lower the rates of miscarriage in that pregnancy from 27.5% to 20.1%. We believe that these findings are based on evidence of only moderate quality, so we cannot be certain about the results. We did not find that giving the progestogen medication by mouth, as a shot (injection), or in the vagina, was any better than any of the other ways. We also found that the trials showed that giving progestogen to women with prior recurrent miscarriages made the chances of having a live baby in the current pregnancy slightly higher. We are uncertain about the effect on the rate of preterm birth because the evidence is very low-quality. We did not find evidence of improvement in other outcomes such as newborn death, stillbirth, low birthweight, or newborn birth defects for women given progestogens. We found evidence from randomized controlled trials that giving progestogen medication may prevent miscarriage for women with recurrent previous miscarriages. |
CochranePLS385 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: In total, we included 14 studies with 1298 participants: nine studies (704 participants) compared CM vs. control, and five studies (594 participants) compared MIB interventions vs. control. We did not find any studies that assessed other types of psychosocial interventions. For the most part, it was unclear if included studies adequately controlled for biases within their studies as such information was not often reported. We assessed risk of bias in the included studies relating to participant selection, allocation concealment, personnel and outcome assessor blinding, and attrition. The included trials rarely captured maternal and neonatal outcomes. For studies that did measure such outcomes, no difference was observed in pre-term birth rates (RR 0.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.34 to 1.51; three trials, 264 participants, moderate quality evidence), maternal toxicity at delivery (RR 1.18, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.65; two trials, 217 participants, moderate quality evidence), or low birth weight (RR 0.72, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.43; one trial, 160 participants, moderate quality evidence). However, the results did show that neonates remained in hospital for fewer days after delivery in CM intervention groups (RR -1.27, 95% CI -2.52 to -0.03; two trials, 103 participants, moderate quality evidence). There were no differences observed at the end of studies in retention or abstinence (as assessed by positive drug test at the end of treatment) in any psychosocial intervention group compared to control (Retention: RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.06, nine trials, 743 participants, low quality evidence; and Abstinence: RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.73, three trials, 367 participants, low quality evidence). These results held for both CM and MIB combined. Overall, the quality of the evidence was low to moderate. The present evidence suggests that there is no difference in treatment outcomes to address drug use in pregnant women with use of psychosocial interventions, when taken in the presence of other comprehensive care options. However, few studies evaluated obstetrical or neonatal outcomes and rarely did so in a systematic way, making it difficult to assess the effect of psychosocial interventions on these clinically important outcomes. It is important to develop a better evidence base to evaluate psychosocial modalities of treatment in this important population.
| Researchers from the Cochrane Collaboration examined the evidence published up to January 2015 and included 14 studies with 1298 pregnant women in this Cochrane review. The 1298 pregnant women received either CM or MIB techniques in adjunct to other comprehensive care options; women in the control group received usual care that included pharmacological treatment such as methadone maintenance, counselling, prenatal care, STD counselling and testing, transportation, and/or childcare. Nine studies used CM techniques vs. usual care, while five studies involved MIB techniques vs. usual care. All of the studies were completed in the United States of America and most participants were African American. Most studies used the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-R) criteria to determine drug dependence. There were no differences in retention or abstinence between CM or MIB techniques and usual care. There were also no differences in birth outcomes between the groups. Overall, there is low to moderate quality of evidence from the included studies. Allocation methods were often described in very limited manner. Furthermore, many studies lacked attrition information which could have impacted results. While further information related to these methods could be helpful, future randomized trials using psychosocial interventions are unlikely to show a benefit. In addition, there was significant heterogeneity in terms of methods for measuring outcomes. |
CochranePLS386 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified 31 studies (44 reports) including 27,071 participants and two ongoing studies. The risk of bias in the studies was low or unclear for several domains. Compared to the transfemoral approach, the transradial approach reduced short-term net adverse clinical events (NACE) (i.e. assessed during hospitalisation and up to 30 days of follow-up) (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.61 to 0.94; 17,133 participants; 4 studies; moderate quality evidence), cardiac death (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.88; 11,170 participants; 11 studies; moderate quality evidence). However, short-term myocardial infarction was similar between both groups (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.02; 19,430 participants; 11 studies; high quality evidence). The transradial approach had a lower procedural success rate (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.96 to 0.98; 25,920 participants; 28 studies; moderate quality evidence), but was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.95; 18,955 participants; 10 studies; high quality evidence), bleeding (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.74; 23,043 participants; 20 studies; low quality evidence), and access site complications (RR 0.36, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.59; 16,112 participants; 24 studies; low quality evidence). Transradial approach for diagnostic CA or PCI (or both) in CAD may reduce short-term NACE, cardiac death, all-cause mortality, bleeding, and access site complications. There is insufficient evidence regarding the long-term clinical outcomes (i.e. beyond 30 days of follow-up).
| Our search yielded 31 eligible studies comparing the transradial approach to the transfemoral approach in people undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic (or both) coronary catheterisation procedures in different settings, whether urgent (during heart attacks (myocardial infarctions)) or elective (planned procedure). The trials were carried out in many countries and regions, including Canada, China, Europe, Japan, and USA. We also identified two ongoing studies. The evidence was current to October 2017. Transradial access was associated with a reduction in the composite outcome (comprising two or more combined outcomes) of net adverse clinical events (NACE), including death from cardiac causes, myocardial infarction (injury of the heart muscle), stroke (insult to the brain), need to reintervene on the same site of coronary artery stenosis (narrowing), and bleeding during the first 30 days following intervention. When assessing individual outcomes, the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke was similar between groups. Transradial access reduced death from cardiac causes, death from all causes during the first 30 days following intervention, bleeding, and local complications at the access site. The transradial approach shortened the length of stay in hospital, but was associated with a higher radiation exposure and more technical failures requiring an alternate vascular access route. We rated the quality of the evidence for short-term myocardial infarction and all-cause death as high. We rated short-term NACE, cardiac death, and success of the procedure as moderate quality evidence. Evidence for bleeding and access site complications was low quality. |
CochranePLS387 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We identified two studies of palliative care interventions for people with advanced dementia. We did not pool data due to the heterogeneity between the two trials in terms of the interventions and the settings. The two studies measured 31 different outcomes, yet they did not measure the same outcome. There are six ongoing studies that we expect to include in future versions of this review. Both studies were at high risk of bias, in part because blinding was not possible. This and small sample sizes meant that the overall certainty of all the evidence was very low. One individually randomised RCT (99 participants) evaluated the effect of a palliative care team for people with advanced dementia hospitalised for an acute illness. While this trial reported that a palliative care plan was more likely to be developed for participants in the intervention group (risk ratio (RR) 5.84, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.37 to 25.02), the plan was only adopted for two participants, both in the intervention group, while in hospital. The palliative care plan was more likely to be available on discharge in the intervention group (RR 4.50, 95% CI 1.03 to 19.75). We found no evidence that the intervention affected mortality in hospital (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.53 to 2.13), decisions to forgo cardiopulmonary resuscitation in hospital or the clinical care provided during hospital admission, but for the latter, event rates were low and the results were associated with a lot of uncertainty. One cluster RCT (256 participants, each enrolled with a family carer) evaluated the effect of a decision aid on end-of-life feeding options on surrogate decision-makers of nursing home residents with advanced dementia. Data for 90 participants (35% of the original study) met the definition of advanced dementia for this review and were re-analysed for the purposes of the review. In this subset, intervention surrogates had lower scores for decisional conflict measured on the Decisional Conflict Scale (mean difference -0.30, 95% CI -0.61 to 0.01, reduction of 0.3 to 0.4 units considered meaningful) and were more likely than participants in the control group to discuss feeding options with a clinician (RR 1.57, 95% CI 0.93 to 2.64), but imprecision meant that there was significant uncertainty about both results. Very little high quality work has been completed exploring palliative care interventions in advanced dementia. There were only two included studies in this review, with variation in the interventions and in the settings that made it impossible to conduct a meta-analysis of data for any outcome. Thus, we conclude that there is insufficient evidence to assess the effect of palliative care interventions in advanced dementia. The fact that there are six ongoing studies at the time of this review indicates an increased interest in this area by researchers, which is welcome and needed.
| We examined the research published up to January 2016. We found only two suitable studies (189 people), both from the US. We also found six studies that were underway but the results were not yet published. One study found that having a small team of doctors and nurses trained in palliative care made little difference to how people with advanced dementia were treated while in hospital. But, having this special team meant that more people had a palliative care plan when they were discharged from hospital. The other study measured if giving written information to relatives explaining the different methods that can be used to feed people with advanced dementia helped either the relatives or the person. This study found that giving relatives this information made it a little easier for relatives to make decisions about what methods would be used to feed the person with dementia. We only found two studies and the two palliative care methods in these studies were very different. We cannot be very certain about how accurate either of these results reported here are, partly because only a small number of people took part in the studies. So from these studies, it is hard to be sure whether palliative care makes a difference to people with advanced dementia. Little research has been done about people with advanced dementia, often because of ethical concerns. However, although it is hard to do research with people with dementia, more well-designed studies are required to work out how palliative care can be used best in this special population. |
CochranePLS388 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Three trials reporting two different sequencing comparisons were identified. There were no significant differences between the various methods of sequencing adjuvant therapy for local recurrence-free survival, overall survival, relapse-free survival and metastasis-free survival based on 1166 randomised women in three trials. Concurrent chemoradiation increased anaemia (OR 1.54; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.10 to 2.15), telangiectasia (OR 3.85; 95% CI 1.37 to 10.87) and pigmentation (OR 15.96; 95% CI 2.06 to 123.68). Treated women did not report worse cosmesis with concurrent chemoradiation but physician-reported assessments did (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.42 to 3.07). Other measures of toxicity did not differ between the two types of sequencing. On the basis of one trial (244 women), RT before CT was associated with an increased risk of neutropenic sepsis (OR 2.96; 95% CI 1.26 to 6.98) compared with CT before RT, but other measures of toxicity did not differ. The data included in this review, from three well-conducted randomised trials, suggest that different methods of sequencing CT and RT do not appear to have a major effect on recurrence or survival for women with breast cancer if RT is commenced within seven months after surgery.
| This review examined the current evidence on the best way to administer chemotherapy and radiotherapy following breast-conserving surgery. We were able to include three randomised trials. Two of these, with 853 women, assessed radiotherapy and chemotherapy given at the same time versus chemotherapy given first followed by radiotherapy. The third trial randomised 244 women to radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy versus chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. The evidence produced by these three well-conducted trials suggests that recurrence of a woman's cancer and her chances of dying from breast cancer are similar regardless of the order of the treatments, provided that both radiotherapy and chemotherapy are commenced within seven months of the surgery. The trials provided limited information regarding adverse events, side effects or quality of life associated with the different sequences of treatment. The limited evidence available does suggest that the frequency and severity of side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are similar regardless of which sequence is used. However, it should be noted that the women in these trials were treated, on average, in the early 2000s. As a result, the trials do not assess the modern types of radiotherapy, and new types of chemotherapy (such as taxanes) or other drugs (such as Herceptin). We will add relevant trials that include these more recent treatments to future updates of this review. |
CochranePLS389 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We evaluated nine RCTs involving a total of 622 participants. The RCTs were conducted in the community setting, with interventions mainly delivered by health professionals, and had a short- to medium-term follow up (up to 24 weeks). Three RCTs compared CrP plus resistance or weight training with placebo plus resistance or weight training, the other RCTs compared CrP alone versus placebo. We focused this review on investigating which dose of CrP would prove most effective versus placebo and therefore assessed the results according to CrP dose. However, in order to find out if CrP works in general, we also analysed the effect of all pooled CrP doses versus placebo on body weight only. Across all CrP doses investigated (200 µg, 400 µg, 500 µg, 1000 µg) we noted an effect on body weight in favour of CrP of debatable clinical relevance after 12 to 16 weeks of treatment: mean difference (MD) -1.1 kg (95% CI -1.7 to -0.4); P = 0.001; 392 participants; 6 trials; low-quality evidence (GRADE)). No firm evidence and no dose gradient could be established when comparing different doses of CrP with placebo for various weight loss measures (body weight, body mass index, percentage body fat composition, change in waist circumference). Only three studies provided information on adverse events (low-quality evidence (GRADE)). There were two serious adverse events and study dropouts in participants taking 1000 µg CrP, and one serious adverse event in an individual taking 400 µg CrP. Two participants receiving placebo discontinued due to adverse events; one event was reported as serious. No study reported on all-cause mortality, morbidity, health-related quality of life or socioeconomic effects. We found no current, reliable evidence to inform firm decisions about the efficacy and safety of CrP supplements in overweight or obese adults.
| We included nine randomised controlled trials which compared the efficacy and safety of 8 to 24 weeks of chromium supplementation and placebo in overweight or obese adults (i.e. with a body mass index between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 defining being overweight and a body mass index of 30kg/m2 or more defining obesity). A total of 622 participants took part in the studies, 346 participants received chromium picolinate and 276 received placebo. The evidence is current to December 2012. When the results obtained from the doses of chromium picolinate investigated (200 µg, 400 µg, 500 µg, 1000 µg) were pooled, study participants lost around 1 kg of body weight more than participants receiving placebo. We were unable to find good evidence that this potential weight loss effect increased with increasing dose of chromium picolinate. Only three of nine studies provided information on adverse events, so we were unable to determine whether chromium picolinate supplements are safe and whether any potential harms may increase with dose. In addition, the length of studies included was rather short (maximum of 24 weeks), so we were unable to determine any long-term effects of supplementation. No study reported whether supplementation was associated with increases in deaths from any cause or illnesses (such as myocardial infarction or stroke), or the health-related quality of life or socioeconomic effects of supplementation. The overall quality of evidence was considered low and we have inadequate information from which to draw conclusions about the efficacy and safety of chromium picolinate supplementation in overweight or obese adults. |
CochranePLS390 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Eleven studies with a total of 886 participants were included in the review. These evaluated a range of comparisons in a range of surgical wounds healing by secondary intention. In general studies were small and some did not present data or analyses that could be easily interpreted or related to clinical outcomes. These factors reduced the quality of the evidence. Two comparisons compared different iodine preparations with no antiseptic treatment and found no clear evidence of effects for these treatments. The outcome data available were limited and what evidence there was low quality. One study compared a zinc oxide mesh dressing with a plain mesh dressing. There was no clear evidence of a difference in time to wound healing between groups. There was some evidence of a difference in measures used to assess wound infection (wound with foul smell and number of participants prescribed antibiotics) which favoured the zinc oxide group. This was low quality evidence. One study reported that sucralfate cream increased the likelihood of healing open wounds following haemorrhoidectomy compared to a petrolatum cream (RR: 1.50, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.99) over a three week period. This evidence was graded as being of moderate quality. The study also reported lower wound pain scores in the sucralfate group. There was a reduction in time to healing of open wounds following haemorrhoidectomy when treated with Triclosan post-operatively compared with a standard sodium hypochlorite solution (mean difference -1.70 days, 95% CI -3.41 to 0.01). This was classed as low quality evidence. There was moderate quality evidence that more open wounds resulting from excision of pyomyositis abscesses healed when treated with a honey-soaked gauze compared with a EUSOL-soaked gauze over three weeks' follow-up (RR: 1.58, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.42). There was also some evidence of a reduction in the mean length of hospital stay in the honey group. Evidence was taken from one small study that only had 43 participants. There was moderate quality evidence that more Dermacym®-treated post-operative foot wounds in people with diabetes healed compared to those treated with iodine (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.93). Again estimates came from one small study with 40 participants. There is no robust evidence on the relative effectiveness of any antiseptic/antibiotic/anti-bacterial preparation evaluated to date for use on SWHSI. Where some evidence for possible treatment effects was reported, it stemmed from single studies with small participant numbers and was classed as moderate or low quality evidence. This means it is likely or very likely that further research will have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect, and may change this estimate.
| In November 2015 we searched for as many studies as possible that both had a randomised controlled design and looked at the use of an antibiotic or antiseptic in participants with surgical wounds healing by secondary intention. We found 11 studies which included a total of 886 participants.These all looked at different comparisons. Several different types of wounds were included. Studies looked at wounds after diabetic foot amputation, pilonidal sinus surgery, treatment of various types of abscess, surgery for haemorrhoids, complications after caesarean section and healing of openings created by operations such as colostomy. Most studies compared a range of different types of antibacterial treatments to treatments without antibacterial activity, but four compared different antibacterial treatments. Although some of the trials suggested that one treatment may be better than another, this evidence was limited by the size of the studies and the ways they were carried out and reported. All of the studies had low numbers of participants and in some cases these numbers were very small. Many of the studies did not report important information about how they were carried out, so it was difficult to tell whether the results presented were likely to be true. More, better quality, research is needed to find out the effects of antimicrobial treatments on surgical wounds which are healing by secondary intention. Assessed as up to date November 2015. |
CochranePLS391 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included five randomised studies with total of 1049 women evaluating five different technique modifications during either amniocentesis (three studies) or CVS (two studies). For amniocentesis three interventions were evaluated - intramuscular progesterone, hexoprenaline and selecting high or low puncture sites for late 'blind' procedure - each intervention in a single small study. There was no conclusive evidence of benefit for any of them. The same applies for terbutaline tocolysis and use of continuous vacuum aspiration during CVS. Overall, the quality of evidence summarised in this review is not of sufficient quality to change current clinical practice. In the absence of clear evidence, the operators should continue to use methods and technique modifications with which they are most familiar with. Any randomised trials of technique modifications that are performed to high standard with adequate safety outcomes and power to detect important clinical differences would be clearly welcome.
| We compare the safety and accuracy of various modifications and included five randomised studies with 1049 women. For amniocentesis, studies evaluated drugs that relax the uterus (tocolytics), progesterone prophylaxis, or compared the difference in safety for different puncture sites. For CVS, one study included tocolysis prior to procedure and the other evaluated the role of continuous vacuum for aspiration of the placental tissue. None of these modifications had clinically important effects on procedure safety. Overall, we found no evidence of sufficient quality to change current clinical practice. Studies of high quality with adequate safety outcomes and power to detect important clinical differences would be clearly welcome. |
CochranePLS392 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included 10 studies: four provided data for quantitative analyses (437 participants); five studies were randomised trials (1182 participants); three studies were non-RCTs (1181 participants, 8037 live births); two studies were interrupted time series (ITS) studies (1 study population of 2,242,438, 1 study unreported). Six studies were conducted in upper-middle-income countries (China, Mexico, South Africa), one study was conducted in a lower-middle-income country (Bangladesh), and three studies were conducted in a high-income country (Canada). Seven studies examined wheat flour fortified with folic acid alone or with other micronutrients. Three studies included maize flour fortified with folic acid alone or with other micronutrients. The duration of interventions ranged from two weeks to 36 months, and the ITS studies included postfortification periods of up to seven years. Most studies had unclear risk of bias for randomisation, blinding, and reporting, and low/unclear risk of bias for attrition and contamination. Neural tube defects: none of the included RCTs reported neural tube defects as an outcome. In one non-RCT, wheat flour fortified with folic acid and other micronutrients was associated with significantly lower occurrence of total neural tube defects, spina bifida, and encephalocoele, but not anencephaly, compared to unfortified flour (total neural tube defects risk ratio (RR) 0.32, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.21 to 0.48; 1 study, 8037 births; low-certainty evidence). Folate status: pregnant women who received folic acid-fortified maize porridge had significantly higher erythrocyte folate concentrations (mean difference (MD) 238.90 nmol/L, 95% CI 149.40 to 328.40); 1 study, 38 participants; very low-certainty evidence) and higher plasma folate (MD 14.98 nmol/L, 95% CI 9.63 to 20.33; 1 study, 38 participants; very low-certainty evidence), compared to no intervention. Women of reproductive age consuming maize flour fortified with folic acid and other micronutrients did not have higher erythrocyte folate (MD -61.80 nmol/L, 95% CI -152.98 to 29.38; 1 study, 35 participants; very low-certainty evidence) or plasma folate (MD 0.00 nmol/L, 95% CI -0.00 to 0.00; 1 study, 35 participants; very low-certainty evidence) concentrations, compared to women consuming unfortified maize flour. Adults consuming folic acid-fortified wheat flour bread rolls had higher erythrocyte folate (MD 0.66 nmol/L, 95% CI 0.13 to 1.19; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-certainty evidence) and plasma folate (MD 27.00 nmol/L, 95% CI 15.63 to 38.37; 1 study, 30 participants; very low-certainty evidence), versus unfortified flour. In two non-RCTs, serum folate concentrations were significantly higher among women who consumed flour fortified with folic acid and other micronutrients compared to women who consumed unfortified flour (MD 2.92 nmol/L, 95% CI 1.99 to 3.85; 2 studies, 657 participants; very low-certainty evidence). Haemoglobin or anaemia: in a cluster-randomised trial among children, there were no significant effects of fortified wheat flour flatbread on haemoglobin concentrations (MD 0.00 nmol/L, 95% CI -2.08 to 2.08; 1 study, 334 participants; low-certainty evidence) or anaemia (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.55; 1 study, 334 participants; low-certainty evidence), compared to unfortified wheat flour flatbread. Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid may reduce the risk of neural tube defects; however, this outcome was only reported in one non-RCT. Fortification of wheat or maize flour with folic acid (i.e. alone or with other micronutrients) may increase erythrocyte and serum/plasma folate concentrations. Evidence is limited for the effects of folic acid-fortified wheat or maize flour on haemoglobin levels or anaemia. The effects of folic acid fortification of wheat or maize flour on other primary outcomes assessed in this review is not known. No studies reported on the occurrence of adverse effects. Limitations of this review were the small number of studies and participants, limitations in study design, and low-certainty of evidence due to how included studies were designed and reported.
| We conducted the literature search in March and May 2018. We included 10 studies; four studies provided data for meta-analyses. Six studies were conducted in upper-middle-income countries (China, Mexico, South Africa), one study was conducted in a lower-middle-income country (Bangladesh), and three studies were conducted in a high-income country (Canada). Seven studies examined the effects of wheat flour fortified with folic acid alone (3 studies) or with other micronutrients (4 studies). Three studies assessed the effects of maize flour fortified with folic acid alone (1 study) or with other micronutrients (two studies). Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid may reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects (i.e. total neural tube defects and two specific types of neural tube defects, spina bifida and encephalocoele (a type of neural tube defect that affects the brain and the membranes that cover it through an opening in the skull). Fortification of wheat or maize flour with folic acid (i.e. alone or with other vitamins and minerals) may increase folate status. There was limited evidence of the effects of folic acid-fortified wheat flour on haemoglobin levels or anaemia. The effects of folic acid fortification of wheat or maize flour on other main outcomes assessed in this review is not known. No studies reported on the occurrence of adverse effects. Limitations of this review were the small number of studies and participants, and the low-certainty of evidence due to how included studies were designed and reported. |
CochranePLS393 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Searches identified six trials. Two trials involving 1,124,483 neonates (210 with CF) with a maximum follow up of 17 years were eligible for inclusion. Varying study designs, outcomes reported and summary measures precluded calculation of pooled estimates and only data from one study were analysed. Severe malnutrition was less common among screened participants. Compared with screened participants, the odds ratio of weight below the tenth percentile was 4.12 (95% CI 1.64 to 10.38) and for height was 4.62 (95% CI 1.69 to 12.61) in the control group. At age seven, 88% of screened participants and 75% of controls had lung function parameters within normal limits of at least 89% predicted. At diagnosis chest radiograph scores were significantly better among screened participants; 33% of screened versus 50% of control participants had Wisconsin chest X-ray (WCXR) scores over five (P = 0.097) and 24% of screened versus 45% of control participants had Brasfield chest X-ray (BCXR) scores under 21 (P = 0.042)). Over time, chest radiograph scores were worse in the screened group (WCXR P = 0.017 and BCXR P = 0.041). Results were no longer significant after adjustment for genotype, pancreatic status, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa-culture results. In screened participants colonisation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurred earlier. Estimates suggest diagnosis through screening is less expensive. Two randomised controlled trials assessing neonatal screening in CF were identified; data from one study were included. Nutritional benefits are apparent. Screening provides potential for better pulmonary outcomes, but confounding factors influenced long-term pulmonary prognosis of people with CF. Screening seems less expensive than traditional diagnosis.
| This review includes two trials with 1,124,483 babies (210 with cystic fibrosis). The trials compared newborn screening to clinical diagnosis. We were only able to analyse data from one of the trials. This trial showed that severe malnutrition was less common among screened babies. Screened babies had better chest radiograph scores at diagnosis, but these scores became worse over time. The screened babies become colonised with Pseudomonas aeruginosa earlier. Costs for screening were less than costs for traditional diagnosis. |
CochranePLS394 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We found five randomized trials, recruiting a total of 7314 participants and with a mean follow-up of 4.5 years. Only one trial (ACCORD) compared outcomes associated with 'lower' (< 120 mmHg) or 'standard' (< 140 mmHg) systolic blood pressure targets in 4734 participants. Despite achieving a significantly lower BP (119.3/64.4 mmHg vs 133.5/70.5 mmHg, P < 0.0001), and using more antihypertensive medications, the only significant benefit in the group assigned to 'lower' systolic blood pressure (SBP) was a reduction in the incidence of stroke: risk ratio (RR) 0.58, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.39 to 0.88, P = 0.009, absolute risk reduction 1.1%. The effect of SBP targets on mortality was compatible with both a reduction and increase in risk: RR 1.05 CI 0.84 to 1.30, low quality evidence. Trying to achieve the 'lower' SBP target was associated with a significant increase in the number of other serious adverse events: RR 2.58, 95% CI 1.70 to 3.91, P < 0.00001, absolute risk increase 2.0%. Four trials (ABCD-H, ABCD-N, ABCD-2V, and a subgroup of HOT) specifically compared clinical outcomes associated with 'lower' versus 'standard' targets for diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in people with diabetes. The total number of participants included in the DBP target analysis was 2580. Participants assigned to 'lower' DBP had a significantly lower achieved BP: 128/76 mmHg vs 135/83 mmHg, P < 0.0001. There was a trend towards reduction in total mortality in the group assigned to the 'lower' DBP target (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.01), mainly due to a trend to lower non-cardiovascular mortality. There was no difference in stroke (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.05), in myocardial infarction (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.64 to 1.40) or in congestive heart failure (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.92), low quality evidence. End-stage renal failure and total serious adverse events were not reported in any of the trials. A sensitivity analysis of trials comparing DBP targets < 80 mmHg (as suggested in clinical guidelines) versus < 90 mmHg showed similar results. There was a high risk of selection bias for every outcome analyzed in favor of the 'lower' target in the trials included for the analysis of DBP targets. At the present time, evidence from randomized trials does not support blood pressure targets lower than the standard targets in people with elevated blood pressure and diabetes. More randomized controlled trials are needed, with future trials reporting total mortality, total serious adverse events as well as cardiovascular and renal events.
| The evidence is current to October 2013. We found and analyzed five randomized trials including 7134 adult participants with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, 40-80 years old, who received treatment aimed to lower blood pressure to a standard compared to a lower blood pressure target and followed for 2 to 5 years to detect differences in mortality and adverse events. Four out of five studies were funded by the drug manufacturer, which had a potential of impacting the results. One study was sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) from the United States. The only significant benefit in the group assigned to 'lower' systolic blood pressure was a small reduction in the incidence of stroke, but with a significantly larger increase in the number of other serious adverse events. The effect of systolic blood pressure targets on mortality was compatible with both a reduction and increase in risk. There was no benefit associated with a 'lower' diastolic blood pressure target. The evidence from randomized trials available at the present time is of low quality and does not support blood pressure targets lower than the standard in people with raised blood pressure and diabetes. Further research is likely to change these results and future studies should report all outcomes that are important to patients, such as mortality and adverse events. |
CochranePLS395 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Fourteen trials (709 participants) met the inclusion criteria for the review. One study compared two different types of non-removable casts with no discernable difference between the groups. Seven studies (366 participants) compared non-removable casts with removable pressure-relieving devices. In five of those studies non-removable casts were associated with a statistically significant increase in the number of ulcers healed compared with the removable device (RR 1.17 95% CI 1.01 to 1.36: P value = 0.04). Two studies (98 participants) found that significantly more ulcers healed with non-removable casts than with dressings alone. Achilles tendon lengthening combined with a non-removable cast in one study resulted in significantly more healed ulcers at 7 months than non-removable cast alone (RR 2.23; 95% CI 1.32 to 3.76). More ulcers remained healed at two years in this group (RR 3.41; 95% CI 1.42 to 8.18). Other comparisons included surgical debridement of ulcers; felt fitted to the foot; felted foam dressings and none of these showed a statistically significant treatment effect in favour of the intervention. Non-removable, pressure-relieving casts are more effective in healing diabetes related plantar foot ulcers than removable casts, or dressings alone. Non-removable devices, when combined with Achilles tendon lengthening were more successful in one forefoot ulcer study than the use of a non-removable cast alone.
| The studies included in this review compared non-removable pressure-relieving interventions (foot casts) with other ways of relieving pressure on the ulcer site to improve healing. The comparisons included dressings alone, temporary therapeutic shoes, removable pressure-relieving devices and surgical intervention. The review found that the non-removable interventions were more effective than any of the other external pressure-relieving methods. Non-removable casts used with Achilles tendon lengthening were more successful in one forefoot ulcer study than using a non-removable cast alone. |
CochranePLS396 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Five RCTs describing six interventions (comprising a total of 235 participants) met the eligibility criteria for the review. Two trials of computer-assisted cognitive training interventions (n = 100), two of compensatory strategy training interventions (n = 95), one of meditation (n = 47) and one of physical activity intervention (n = 19) were identified. Each study focused on breast cancer survivors. All five studies were rated as having a high risk of bias. Data for our primary outcome of interest, cognitive function were not amenable to being pooled statistically. Cognitive training demonstrated beneficial effects on objectively assessed cognitive function (including processing speed, executive functions, cognitive flexibility, language, delayed- and immediate- memory), subjectively reported cognitive function and mental well-being. Compensatory strategy training demonstrated improvements on objectively assessed delayed-, immediate- and verbal-memory, self-reported cognitive function and spiritual quality of life (QoL). The meta-analyses of two RCTs (95 participants) did not show a beneficial effect from compensatory strategy training on physical well-being immediately (standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.59 to 0.83; I2= 67%) or two months post-intervention (SMD - 0.21, 95% CI -0.89 to 0.47; I2 = 63%) or on mental well-being two months post-intervention (SMD -0.38, 95% CI -1.10 to 0.34; I2 = 67%). Lower mental well-being immediately post-intervention appeared to be observed in patients who received compensatory strategy training compared to wait-list controls (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -0.98 to -0.16; I2 = 0%). We assessed the assembled studies using GRADE for physical and mental health outcomes and this evidence was rated to be low quality and, therefore findings should be interpreted with caution. Evidence for physical activity and meditation interventions on cognitive outcomes is unclear. Overall, the, albeit low-quality evidence may be interpreted to suggest that non-pharmacological interventions may have the potential to reduce the risk of, or ameliorate, cognitive impairment following systemic cancer treatment. Larger, multi-site studies including an appropriate, active attentional control group, as well as consideration of functional outcomes (e.g. activities of daily living) are required in order to come to firmer conclusions about the benefits or otherwise of this intervention approach. There is also a need to conduct research into cognitive impairment among cancer patient groups other than women with breast cancer.
| We identified five eligible studies that described six interventions. These included two studies of computerised cognitive skills practice, two cognitive coping skills training programmes, one meditation intervention and one exercise intervention. All five studies included a total of 235 women who had been treated for breast cancer. The findings suggest that cognitive skills practice and cognitive coping skills training may be useful in improving patient reports and formal assessments of cognition, as well as quality of life. There was insufficient evidence to know if meditation and exercise interventions had any effect on cognition. The quality of the evidence was low. There were problems with study designs and, so, we need to be cautious about our conclusions. There is not enough good quality evidence to know if any interventions improve cognitive impairment or maintain cognitive functioning among people who have received systemic treatment for cancer. There are several ongoing trials in the field, which may provide the necessary evidence in the future. |
CochranePLS397 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We found 12 records referring to six trials. We included five trials, all from the 1970s, randomising 343 participants. We excluded one trial. The overall methodology and data reporting by the trials was poor. Only short-term data were available. Results from the included trials found that, in terms of global state improvement, when rated by a psychiatrist, there was no clear difference between chlorpromazine and piperacetazine (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.02; participants = 208; studies = 2; very low-quality evidence). One trial reported change scores on the mental state scale Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS); no clear difference was observed (MD -0.40, 95% CI -1.41 to 0.61; participants = 182; studies = 1; very low-quality evidence). Chlorpromazine appears no worse or better than piperacetazine regarding adverse effects. In both treatment groups, around 60% of participants experienced some sort of adverse effect (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.33; participants = 74; studies = 3; very low-quality evidence), with approximately 40% of these participants experiencing some parkinsonism-type movement disorder (RR 0.95, CI 0.61 to 1.49; participants = 106; studies = 3; very low-quality evidence). No clear difference in numbers of participants leaving the study early for any reason was observed (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.10 to 2.56; participants = 256; studies = 4; very low-quality evidence). No trial reported data for change in negative symptoms or economic costs. The results of this review show chlorpromazine and piperacetazine may have similar clinical efficacy, but data are based on very small numbers of participants and the evidence is very low quality. We can not make firm conclusions based on such data. Currently, should clinicians and people with schizophrenia need to choose between chlorpromazine and piperacetazine they should be aware there is no good quality evidence to base decisions. More high quality research is needed.
| A search for randomised controlled trials that could be relevant to this review was carried out on 6 June 2015, and another search was carried out 8 October 2018. This was achieved by searching the Specialised Register of Cochrane Schizophrenia. The 2015 search found six possible trials and we carefully checked these to see if we could include them in the review. The 2018 search found no new trials. Five trials, randomising a total of 343 participants met the review requirements for inclusion. These trials randomly allocated participants to receive either chlorpromazine or piperacetazine. Data were reported for participants' global and mental state after treatment, incidence of adverse effects and numbers leaving the trial early. However, we did not find any data concerning service use, functioning of participants or economic costs of these treatments. The overall results showed chlorpromazine and piperacetazine may have similar clinical efficacy and side effect profiles. However, these results are based on very low-quality data. The number of included studies and the sample size of participants included in this review is small, and the quality of data very low, so the results of this review are not conclusive and must be used with caution. Further research would be needed before decisions can be made regarding which drug is more effective. |
CochranePLS398 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: Five randomised trials were identified with a total of 207 participants, 102 to colorectal stenting and 105 to emergency surgery. There was statistically significant higher clinical success rate in the emergency surgery group. The average time of clinical relief of obstruction was 0.66 day in the colonic stent group and was 3.55 days in the emergency surgery group. The stent insertion was successful in 86.02% of attempted stent placements. There was no statistically significant difference in the 30-day mortality between two groups. The 30 day mortality rate was similar, 2.3% in both groups. The stent related perforation rate was 5.88%. The stent migration rate was 2.13%. The stent obstruction rate was 2.13%. There was no statistically significant difference in overall complication rate in both groups. The complication rate was 39.22% in the colonic stent group and was 45.71% in the emergency surgery group. The mean hospital stay was 11.53 days in the colonic stent group and was 17.15 days in the emergency surgery group. The mean procedure/operating time was 113.93 minutes in the colonic stent group compared to 143.85 minutes in the emergency surgery group. The median blood loss was 50 ml in the colonic stent group and 350 ml in the emergency surgery group. The use of colonic stent in malignant colorectal obstruction seems to have no advantage over emergency surgery. The clinical success rate was statistically higher in emergency surgery group. However, use of colorectal stents seems to be as safe in the malignant colorectal obstruction as the emergency surgery with no statistically significant difference in the mortality and morbidity. Colorectal stents are associated with acceptable stent perforation, migration and obstruction rates. The advantages of colorectal stent includes shorter hospital stay and procedure time and less blood loss. However, due to the variability in the sample size and trial designs in the included studies, further randomised trials with bigger sample size and well defined trial design are needed to achieve the robust evidence.
| This systematic review of five randomised trial shows higher rates of clinical relief of obstruction in emergency surgery. Colonic stent has not been shown to be as effective as emergency surgery in malignant colorectal obstructions. However, use of colonic stent is associated with comparable mortality and morbidity with advantage of shorter hospital stay and procedure time and less blood loss. Further randomised controlled trials with larger sample size and robust trial design are required on this topic. |
CochranePLS399 | ***TASK***
the task is to simplify the input abstract of a biomedical literature
the input is the abstract of a biomedical literature
the output is the simplified abstract for the input abstract of a biomedical literature
Input: Two trials (n = 190), at low risk of bias, were included in the review and both presented data on first time failure at the tooth level. Pooling of the data showed a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands, with a hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.80 to 4.72). No statistically significant heterogeneity was shown between the two studies. Data on first time failure at the patient level were also available and showed statistically different difference in favour of molar bands (risk ratio 2.30; 95% CI 1.56 to 3.41) (risk of event for molar tubes = 57%; risk of event for molar bands 25%). One trial presented data on decalcification again showing a statistically significant difference in favour of molar bands. No other adverse events identified. From the two well-designed and low risk of bias trials included in this review it was shown that the failure of molar tubes bonded with either a chemically-cured or light-cured adhesive was considerably higher than that of molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement. One trial indicated that there was less decalcification with molar bands cemented with glass ionomer cement than with bonded molar tubes cemented with a light-cured adhesive. However, given there are limited data for this outcome, further evidence is required to draw more robust conclusions.
Output: The evidence in this review, which was carried out together with Cochrane Oral Health, is up-to-date as of 15 February 2017. We included two studies that evaluated 190 participants. Both trials were conducted in the UK and both compared bonded molar tubes with molar bands. From the limited data of two studies at low risk of bias, it would appear that bonded molar tubes are associated with a higher failure rate than with molar bands.
Input: We included nine RCTs (1867 women) comparing human albumin (seven RCTs) or HES (two RCTs) or mannitol (one RCT) versus placebo or no treatment for prevention of OHSS. The evidence was very low to moderate quality for all comparisons. The main limitations were imprecision, poor reporting of study methods, and failure to blind outcome assessment. There was evidence of a beneficial effect of intravenous albumin on OHSS, though heterogeneity was substantial (Peto OR 0.67 95% CI 0.47 to 0.95, seven studies, 1452 high risk women; I² = 69%, very low quality evidence) . This suggests that if the rate of moderate or severe OHSS with no treatment is 12%, it will be about 9% (6% to12%) with the use of intravenous albumin. However, there was evidence of a detrimental effect on pregnancy rates (Peto OR 0.72 95% CI 0.55 to 0.94, I² = 42%, seven studies 1069 high risk women, moderate quality evidence). This suggests that if the chance of pregnancy is 40% without treatment, it will be about 32% (27% to 38%) with the use of albumin. There was evidence of a beneficial effect of HES on OHSS (Peto OR 0.27 95% CI 0.12 to 0.59, I² = 0%, two studies, 272 women, very low quality evidence). This suggests that if the rate of moderate or severe OHSS with no treatment is 16%, it will be about 5% (2% to 10%) with the use of HES. There was no evidence of an effect on pregnancy rates (Peto OR 1.20 95% CI 0.49 to 2.93, one study, 168 women, very low quality evidence). There was evidence of a beneficial effect of mannitol on OHSS (Peto OR 0.38, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.64, one study, 226 women with PCOS, low quality evidence). This means that if the risk of moderate or severe OHSS with no treatment is 52%, it will be about 29% (19% to 41%) with mannitol. There was no evidence of an effect on pregnancy rates (Peto OR 0.85 95% CI 0.47 to 1.55; one study, 226 women, low quality evidence). Live birth rates were not reported in any of the studies. Adverse events appeared to be uncommon, but were too poorly reported to reach any firm conclusions. Evidence suggests that the plasma expanders assessed in this review (human albumin, HES and mannitol) reduce rates of moderate and severe OHSS in women at high risk. Adverse events appear to be uncommon, but were too poorly reported to reach any firm conclusions, and there were no data on live birth. However, there was evidence that human albumin reduces pregnancy rates. While there was no evidence that HES, or mannitol had any influence on pregnancy rates, the evidence of effectiveness was based on very few trials which need to be confirmed in additional, larger randomised controlled trials (RCTs) before they should be considered for routine use in clinical practice.
| We found nine randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which compared the use of volume expanders (albumin, HES and mannitol) for preventing moderate or severe OHSS. Control groups received no treatment or placebo. The studies included 1867 women at high risk of OHSS. The evidence is current to September 2015. Evidence suggests that plasma expanders (human albumin, HES and mannitol) reduce rates of moderate and severe OHSS in women at high risk. If the rate of OHSS without treatment is 12%, it will be about 9% (6% to 12%) with the use of intravenous albumin. If the rate of OHSS without treatment is 16%, it will be about 5% (2% to 10%) with the use of HES, and if the rate without treatment is 52%, it will be about 29% (19% to 41%) with mannitol. Adverse events appear to be uncommon, but were too poorly reported to reach firm conclusions. No studies reported live birth, but there was evidence that human albumin reduces pregnancy rates. While there was no evidence that HES, or mannitol had any influence on pregnancy rates, the evidence of effectiveness was based on very few trials, and better evidence is needed before they should be considered for routine use in clinical practice. The evidence was very low to moderate quality for all comparisons. The main limitations were imprecision, poor reporting of study methods, and failure to blind outcome assessment. |
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