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Here are a few examples: Electric vehicle charging stations at branches and at the next head office Innovative energy use management system rolled out to over 100 branches LEED assessment system criteria applied to many existing buildings Construction of a new head office designed to meet LEED v4 Gold criteria End of purchases of single-use water bottles from our suppliers With help from its employees, the Bank has launched a number of internal awareness campaigns to encourage the adoption of green behaviours.
Barclays' approach to sensitive sectors The Energy Sector and Electric & Gas Utilities Sectors The energy industry is essential for almost all economic and human activity, and is at the heart of important opportunities and challenges faced by the world today.
To analyze what impacts there would be on Mizuho's credit costs in the event that damage to buildings by typhoons and other storms causes stagnation in our clients' businesses and affects their business performance, we employed two approaches: a bottom-up approach reflecting estimates of the number of days of business stagnation for each individual company and a top- down approach reflecting a certain level of stress on portfolios that were likely to see more days of business stagnation than the average. In addition to an impact analysis using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report's RCP 2.6 scenario assuming a 2 C average temperature rise by 2050, we also conducted an impact analysis using the RCP 8.5 scenario assuming a 4 C average temperature rise by 2050, the worst-case scenario for global warming and physical risk. Under both the 2 C and 4 C scenarios, we estimated that our credit costs would increase by up to $52 billion by 2050.
A historically late and severe hurricane season on the US southern and eastern coastlines led to a significant increase in property damage and subsequent spike in insurance claims across impacted states, affecting the credit quality of certain non-life insurance companies and local municipalities.
The dedicated Environmental, Social, and Governance Engagement Committee that oversees TDAM's overall Environmental, Social, and Governance strategy, integration and implementation facilitates discussion around Environmental, Social, and Governance issues, engagements and policy direction. Discussions are shared across teams to further Environmental, Social, and Governance integration efforts.
For a more detailed explanation of how our performance this year has been impacted by weather, please refer to page 41. Also, information on our carbon emissions and renewable energy generation can be found in section 31.
This work will be instrumental in constantly evolving Maersk's approach to manage physical risk from climate change in a way that is adequate given the increased challenges Maersk will see in the future.
From July 2021, we will no longer provide individual insurance covers for those oil and gas companies that are responsible for the world's 5% most carbon-intensive oil and gas production.
The eleven companies that were divested from as at 30 June 2019 are shown in Appendix C. This is an ongoing process, as companies divested from the fund could be repurchased if their sustainability planning improves, and other companies divested if they do not deliver on pledges.
As demonstrated by the results of the first assessment, if these points of view contradict one of the fundamental principles of our climate strategy, Eni will take the possibility of withdrawing from the association into consideration.
Ralph Izzo has been a catalyst for climate action since assuming this position in 2007. He has been a respected voice among energy industry leaders on the need for comprehensive climate change policies, such as a nationwide price on carbon. As chairman of the Nuclear Energy Institute, he has advocated for policies to preserve the nation's fleet of existing nuclear power plants, which provide more than half of our carbon-free electricity. Izzo also advocates for climate action through organizations such as the CEO
For example, the primary responsibility for the application of the ESR Framework lies with Front Office (FO) which includes relationship managers and deal principals. They act as the first line of defence, identifying environmental (including climate) and social risks in the transactions. The FO must evidence compliance with the applicable ESR sector policies and credit risk managers act as a second line of defence to verify compliance of a transaction with the ESR Framework.
We also make use of a wide range of weather and climate products such as highly detailed weather forecasts, rainfall radar data, coastal conditions such as sea state and tidal information, and warnings and alerts from our partners at the Flood Forecasting Centre, the Met Office and the EA.
3) Considering that there can be different types of industry within a single sector, the methodology proposes a sector segmentation that differentiates the impact in each segment in terms of cost, revenue and investment. The objective is to create homogeneous groups, which will respond in a common way to the different impacts of climate change.
The environmental management system encompasses a series of metrics related to Greenhouse gas emissions and capture, forest restoration, water withdrawal and use, energy use and generation, as well as waste generation and disposal.
AIA continues to engage with businesses on raising awareness of these risk issues, and encouraging them to address these in a transparent way, thereby contributing in the transition to a low carbon economy.
The detailed methodologies underpinning the joint MDB approach to alignment with the Paris Agreement are currently under development and are being tested to support the assessment of alignment at a project level. The MDBs will report periodically on the process of defining these methodologies and their applications.
Emissions from flaring are predominantly CO2, as the majority of the methane is combusted during the flaring process. Through targeted planning and implementing learnings from previous field turndowns during major maintenance shutdown operations, as well as the development of field turndown tools utilising artificial intelligence technology, we have been able to substantially reduce flaring at our gas processing facilities by 57 per cent.
Methane emissions from the landscape Shallow gas and seeps are naturally occurring, but we know gas developments can change the natural methane migration and emission patterns, as observed in the Surat Basin.
As regards to risks, as the first line of defence (LOD1), the Business Units and Service Units (for their own activities) bear primary responsibility for assessing, managing and monitoring their risk levels in all risk categories, including climate-related risks.
Of the Carbon dioxide produced in the course of cement manufacture, approximately 45% is derived from the thermal energy used to heat the raw materials and the consumption of electricity for cement, and 55% from the decarbonation of limestone used as raw material during the calcination process.
As renewable penetration of the NEM continues to increase, Eraring will increasingly be run at lower loads and operated in response to changes in renewable energy supply. The flexibility of Eraring continues to support increased renewables in the NEM, however this may lead to a higher emissions intensity of Eraring over time.
This year, Sydney Airport joined Bioenergy Australia's Sustainable Aviation Fuel Alliance, together with airlines and other airports, to create a collaborative environment to advance sustainable aviation fuel production, policy, education and marketing in Australia and New Zealand.
The Granny Smith mine solar power plant will reduce our carbon footprint by some 10,000t Carbon dioxide -e per year - Following our public commitment to have at least 20% renewable energy in all new mines, we completed evaluations at our recently approved Salares Norte project in Chile, located in the Atacama desert.
The accelerator programs have sub-portfolios of climate- focused entrepreneurs supported by BlackRock's grantee partners, including the Echoing Green Climate Change Fellowship, and the Draper Richards Kaplan Environment & Climate Change Fellows.
Shadow carbon pricing FirstRand has set an internal shadow carbon price that will be used to consider carbon costs during the evaluation of new projects and infrastructure for the group's operations. This will help incentivise and prioritise low-carbon projects and support emission reductions.
The Ofunato Biomass Station was constructed on the premises of the Ofunato cement plant over a period of three years and started commercial operations in January 2020. The power station can supply all of the electricity required by the plant as well as for the community. It uses palm kernel shell (PKS) and a small amount of coal as fuels with an output of 75 MW, making it one of Japan's largest biomass power stations. Annual electric power generation is approximately 520 GWh, equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 119,000 ordinary households, and the associated CO emissions reduction is 308,000 tonnes/year.
The panel includes internal experts as well as external experts - Dr Simon Dietz, Dr Nick Robins, Dr Swenja Surminski from the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, Dr Paul Pritchard an Independent Sustainability Advisor and Dr Katharina Dittrich from Warwick Business School.
(6) Capacity Building With the aim of ensuring all employees have enough knowledge of ESG/SDGs and strengthening communication with customers, the Group will expand our internal training programs and introduce the 'Sustainability University', a framework for sustainability training.
Finance. There is also a full-time headcount in both the Communications and Investor Relations departments dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance matters. The Risk department (RISQ) accounts 10 headcounts working on the development of climate-related risk methodologies (reference climate-related macro-economic scenario, climate vulnerability indicator).
Thus Deutsche Borse together with the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany seeks to drive the sus tainable development and associated transformation process in the financial sector, also in respect of sus tainable climate finance.
United Nations Environment Programme FI INVESTOR PILOT CASE STUDY: TDAM Testing Carbon Delta Scenario Analysis Approach1 TD Asset Management (TDAM) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TD, having assets under management of US$268.6 billion.2 As a North American investment management firm, TDAM serves a large and diversified client base, including pension funds, corporations, institutions and high-net-worth and retail individuals, and has leading market positions in passive, quantitative and active portfolio management.
oil demand will peak globally around 2020 at 97 Mb/d, and in almost all Coun- tries before 2030 (except India and Sub-Saharan Africa). The only growing sector is the petrochemical industry. Half of the car fleet in 2040 will be elec- tric and internal combustion cars will be 40% more efficient than today. Almost 20% of the fuels used by trucks will have low or zero carbon content. A quarter of the bus fleet will be electric;
Target IAG's key parameters for defining this exposure include: - Fossil fuel extraction including the mining of any hydrocarbon fuels; where extraction makes up over 30% of all the entity's activities.
In addition to this requirement, any financing for a company involved in the exploration, extraction, transportation (including the construction of pipelines to carry oil sands), or processing of oil sands, is subject to EDD.
Gas, supported by high efficiencies and low emission coefficients of power plants, is the only fossil fuel that is growing in absolute terms in all scenarios envisaged by the IEA11 , stabilizing after 2030 only in the SDS scenario.
Staff Working Paper on mortgage lenders' valuation of housing collateral after extreme weather events, published in March 2020. This finds that UK mortgage lenders do not value housing collateral against local price declines following flood events, resulting in upward-biased valuations.
The circles in Figure 2 represent projected annual economic damages in 2090 in the U.S. by sector in 2015 dollars assuming a 5 C temperature rise (RCP3F 4 8.5/5 C) scenario; lighter areas signify damages avoided under a 2.5 C (RCP4.5/2.5 C) scenario indicating the significant economic expense that can be prevented by limiting the temperature rise.
2.3.3 Risk appetite setting on sectors sensitive to climate issues The CORISQ reviews the main credit portfolios and those which present concentration risk characteristics and defines the risk appetite on these portfolios.
Deep dive analysis of the oil and gas, mining and steel sectors At the request of the Board's Responsible Banking, Sustainability and Culture Committee and the Board Supervision, Regulation and Compliance Committee, a joint session was held to review the current and emerging risks in the oil & gas and mining & steel portfolios of the Santander Group.
We are operating 270 cement and grinding plants, 663 aggregates plants and 1,448 ready-mix concrete plants globally for which we are setting higher standards on key environmental, social and corporate governance topics. In some cases, these have replaced former targets. These operating principles cover human rights, drinking water and sanitation, stakeholder engagement, quarry rehabilitation and biodiversity, environmental management systems, air emissions, our Code of Business Conduct and our Supplier Code of Conduct. We will continue reporting our performance against these principles annually.
Greenhouse gas emissions if PSE&G's proposed energy efficiency and electric vehicles/energy storage programs were approved by state regulators in their entirety. This shows the magnitude of what can be accomplished with these concrete steps (see Fig. 9).
In 2019, the Group elected to discontinue financing power generation companies in Poland, given that their power mix is highly dependent on coal and the Bank found, after a two-year commitment, that they had no intention of changing their strategy.
Further, the analysis was concluded prior to the US Presidential election, the outcome of which will likely have significant implications for the trajectory of US climate policy.42 Potential implications will be incorporated into future scenario analysis.
While we aim to further reduce our clinker factor, the limited availability of mineral components in some markets, or the absence of specific product properties in others, act as limiting factors. In markets where these factors are favorable, our replacement rates have reached 50 percent.
2) Best-in-Class & Integration: beyond divestment Companies are compared within their peer group on their ability to reduce their negative climate impact. The industry leaders are then analysed further and material climate issues are integrated into the financial analysis, while underperformers are discarded. This approach, known as Best-in-Class, is described in more detail on pages 93ff.
Despite the growth of the EBRD's overall development commitments and the increasing prominence of climaterelated activities in new business, this early assessment indicates that the overall quantum of the Bank's exposure to carbon transition risks has decreased since 2015.
The assets in the current Eni portfolio are designed according to current regulations to withstand extreme environmental conditions and are distributed over a wide geographical area, such as not to determine significant risks.
The analysis assumed all borrowers in each sector would be impacted by a similar downgrade, which is unlikely to occur due to different degrees of resiliency to severe weather across companies and facilities in different geographic areas. Even under this form of stress testing, our CET1 would remain above regulatory minimums, including applicable buffers.
The circles in Figure 2 represent projected annual economic damages in 2090 in the U.S. by sector in 2015 dollars assuming a 5 C temperature rise (RCP 3F 48.5/5 C) scenario; lighter areas signify damages avoided under a 2.5 C (RCP4.5/2.5 C) scenario indicating the significant economic expense that can be prevented by limiting the temperature rise.
As a flexible fuel, gas is a perfect partner for the increase in intermittent renewable energy as it can quickly respond to changes in both capacity and output. Origin owns Australia's largest fleet of gas-fired power stations, which had an average emissions intensity of 0.50 tonnes of Carbon dioxide equivalent per MWh in FY2020. Our fleet will continue to support the growth of renewables and provide stability in the NEM as its coal fleet, which had an emissions intensity of 0.95 tonnes of Carbon dioxide equivalent per MWh in FY2020, ages.
In 2016, Asset Management established a Sustainable Investment Leadership Team (SILT), a cross-functional group of senior experts that facilitates a coordinated strategy for sustainable investing across asset classes and investment offerings. Asset Management has also increased efforts to contribute to and advance clients' understanding of Environmental, Social, and Governance topics. In 2018, for example, our Asset Management business published a series of insights exploring climate change and resilience, renewable energy and battery storage, and Environmental, Social, and Governance integration in real estate portfolios, among other topics.
Sands Base Plant. In addition to providing the facility with steam and hot water needed for our operations, the cogeneration facility is expected to export up to 800 MW of low GHG-intensity electricity to the provincial grid in Alberta19. - In addition to our current partnerships in wind power, in 2019, we sanctioned phase one (200 MW) of the Forty Mile Wind Power
Our identified short, medium and long-term climate-related risks On-balance sheet activities Given our balance sheet exposure we have not identified material climate-related risks (physical or transition) over the short (2 years), medium (3-7 years) and long term ( 7 years).
Climate-related opportunities are discussed as any other opportunity. Within Van Lanschot Kempen, a new product approval (NPA) process is designed to assess new opportunities. b. Management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities
In addition, we will not provide any financing to companies primarily engaged in oil and gas exploration and production operations or plan in the Arctic Circle, including but not limited to the ANWR.
S&P 500 Environmental, Social, and Governance Index In May 2019, our Indices Division expanded its Core Environmental, Social, and Governance offering, with the launch of a global suite of Environmental, Social, and Governance Indices which includes the S&P 500 Environmental, Social, and Governance Index. The objectives of the S&P 500 Environmental, Social, and Governance Index are to provide a similar risk/return profile to the S&P 500 and to avoid companies that are not managing their business in line with Environmental, Social, and Governance principles.
In addition to the board, the DLC SEC (a board appointed committee) takes responsibility for monitoring the nonfinancial elements of sustainability, specifically the group's performance in terms of social, environmental (including climate change) and governance (ESG) indicators. Extreme events are assessed, and mitigating actions are considered within the risk appetite framework. Climate considerations are integrated into multidisciplinary, company-wide management processes throughout the group. The DLC SEC is also responsible for promoting the relevance and importance of sustainability, climate issues and sustainable development across the group.
In terms of data access, the assessment of physical risks is covered as follows: - operational risk scores (based on facility-level mapping) are provided for 2,000 entities on the MSCI ACWI (which includes the MSCI World and MSCI EM indices), covering more than 90% of the MSCI ACWI in terms of weight; - scores for supply chain risk and market risk are available for 12,800 companies, covering 100% of the components of the following indices: MSCI World, MSCI EM, S&P Global Large-Mid and Bar- clays EUR Corporates.
At the request of the Board's Responsible Banking, Sustainability and Culture Committee and the Board Supervision, Regulation and Compliance Committee, a joint session was held to review the current and emerging risks in the oil & gas and mining & steel portfolios of the Santander Group. This provided a good opportunity to deliberate the issues facing these sectors with independent board members that brought complementary skills and approaches to the discussion.
Fracking clients and transactions which are subject to EDD must demonstrate consideration of environmental and social impacts and risks (as outlined earlier in this section on page 53) and, in addition, demonstrate the following: Compliance with legal, regulatory and permitting requirements and remediation plans resulting from any breaches; Greenhouse gas emissions management and continuous reduction; Management of key environmental impacts, including: well construction and maintenance, water use and conservation, waste water management, water pollution management, air emissions management (including flaring); Engagement with local communities on impacts, including seismic impacts, noise, health and safety.
Case study: DEWA IV Project, United Arab Emirates DEWA IV Project is the largest concentrated solar power (CSP) project in the world, with a capacity of 700MW. Noor Energy 1 has appointed Advisian as the project Owner's Engineer. Advisian is providing a review of the basic and detailed engineering, is managing technology risk and providing technical support as required for the factory acceptance tests and during the construction and commissioning of the plant. Advisian is delivering the project using the specialized CSP technology team based in the Renewable Energy Centre of Excellence in Madrid, Spain.
Scenario planning Suncor uses three energy futures scenarios to 2050 and is introducing a new 2 C scenario to 2100 to test and assess the resiliency of our business strategy. We consistently develop several distinct, challenging, relevant and plausible world trajectories, adjusting all variables in an internally consistent manner. Some of the aspects we consider in our scenario development include demographics, economics, environment,
All decisions to finance projects are based on the criterion of principle-based profitability. This implies meeting stakeholders expectations and the social demand for adaptation to climate change and respect for human rights.
In addition, the committee will oversee our work to further develop products, capabilities, and services in support of our clients as we work together to address the transition to a low- carbon economy.
In 2018, we announced the selection of the Airbus A220 aircraft as the replacement for our existing Embraer 190 aircraft. This selection of a new aircraft before the full useful life of older aircraft had expired was driven in part by our fuel and greenhouse gas emissions efficiency strategy. It is highly unusual for an airline to replace its entire fleet halfway through its expected lifespan, but the improved fuel efficiency and cost savings made this the clear choice. This asset shift brings the potential of an estimated 40% fuel efficiency improvement per seat and an equivalent reduction in carbon emissions, contributing to an estimated 30% decrease in operating cost per seat.
However, the topic involves other areas of the Company, such as Forestry Operational Development, Environment (Industrial and Forestry), New Business, Research & Development, Planning (Strategic and Forestry), Recovery and Utilities, Investor Relations and Risks, among others.
Shimizu launched the company-wide, cross-organizational Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Working Group to extract and categorize the risks and oppor- tunities presented by these transitions and physical changes as impacts on each level: procurement, direct operations, and product demand. The Working Group analyzed the impact and the response of the Shimizu Group. While the quantitative impact has not been calculated, the relative impact on business activities was predicted and expressed as three levels: Large, Medium, and Small.
Signicant decrease Slight decrease Slight increase Decrease Flat Increase Signicant increase Other matters In addition to the above analyses, MC uses multiple scenarios, including the 20C Scenario, across various situations to confirm and strengthen the climate change resilience of each of its businesses.
In 2019, Wealth Management launched Morgan Stanley Impact Quotient (Morgan Stanley IQ), which provides clients with a framework to identify and prioritize more than 100 social and environmental impact preferences, including climate change. The tool leverages third-party Environmental, Social, and Governance data and proprietary analytics to assess the alignment of clients' investments with their stated preferences, and guides Financial Advisors on appropriate solutions.
We recognise the importance of disclosing to investors how we ensure our material capital expenditure and investments align with the Paris Goals. This includes each material investment in the exploration, acquisition or development of fossil fuel (including thermal and coking coal) production, resources and reserves, as well as in resources, reserves and technologies associated with the transition to a low carbon economy.
Arctic Oil and Gas Arctic oil and gas refers to new exploration and extraction of oil and gas in the area within the Arctic Circle which is subject to sea ice, and includes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the Coastal Plains2. The ANWR is a particularly fragile and pristine ecosystem which is central to the livelihoods and culture of local indigenous peoples. We have therefore introduced the following restrictions:
In 2017, JetBlue signed an offtake agreement to purchase renewable jet fuel, helping to accelerate the supply and the product's entry to market. However, the development of this fuel has been delayed. This delay is similar to the ones seen with many other renewable jet fuel suppliers in the United States in recent years. We will continue to work with our partners to stimulate demand within the aviation industry and bring alternative fuel sources to market in the near future.
Solvay has pledged to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 1 million tons by 2025, compared to 2017, by improving its energy efficiency and energy mix and by investing in clean technologies.
To illustrate an element of the outputs shared by the PACTA tool, the graphic on the right shows how the PACTA methodology divides our loan portfolio for the power sector into a mix of generation technologies. The tool does this by tracking the generation technology capacity mix for the power companies that we lend to, as well as for forecasts of the change in that mix at those companies over the near-term. It is then possible, using the PACTA tool, to compare our current portfolio with the power generation technology mix in the wider economy for OECD countries. The PACTA tool's aim is to be able to prescribe targets for the technology mix of a bank's loan portfolio in future, in order to align lending activities to various scenarios, according to PACTA's specific methodology.
- Three webinars led by climate change specialist Dimitri Zenghelis (former Head of Climate Policy at the London School of Economics, advisor to the UK Committee on Climate Change) were taken by 1,200 Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) employees around the world.
To control climate risks in insurance products, Ping An has developed insurance risk management mechanism and a scientific and consistent insurance risk management system within the Group. Together with the corresponding mechanisms and procedures, they help manage insurance risks. Each member company needs to establish insurance risk management system and procedure according to the standard. It covers different aspects of an insurance product, including product development, underwriting, claims, product management, premium reserve assessment, and reinsurance management etc. The companies also need to implement specific Environmental, Social, and Governance risk management measures.
Specifically for risk appetite framework, some AIs have attempted to incorporate climate-related risks in their risk appetite statement to demonstrate their commitment. Following the incorporation, some of them are developing quantitative metrics (e.g. exposures which are most vulnerable to impacts of climate-related risks) to facilitate tracking and reporting.
MC regularly assesses which climate-related opportunities and risks warrant the most attention through both internal and external surveys, and makes official determinations at the Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, which consists of Group CEOs from each of MC's Business Groups.
This new analysis demonstrated that while the value of Eraring declines under both the 2 C and 1.5 C scenarios, it retains a net positive value due to its role in the transitional period as it will provide secure and affordable baseload power in the short to medium term. The value of Origin's portfolio is lower under a 1.5 C scenario compared to the 2 C case; however, it remains higher than under a low-action, Nationally Determined Contribution case.
Waste-derived fuels and biomass Another key way to reduce the carbon intensity of our cement production is to use pretreated waste and low-carbon fuels. These serve as a replacement for fossil fuels that provide the energy needed to operate a cement kiln.
The Logan Enhancement Project Completing a comprehensive climate change risk assessment and adaptation response Through the Logan Enhancement Project's commitment to address climate related risks, a comprehensive Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation report was prepared and used to inform key design elements of the project.
Societe Generale's leading position in the renewable market is confirmed by the recently issued Dealogic league tables for 2018, in which the Group was ranked N 2 for both Lending and Financial Advisory in the EMEA renewable market. In 2018, the Bank advised clients on transactions with a total value of USD 4.1bn and acted as Mandated Lead
In response to this challenge, BBVA is working on the launch of specific training itineraries in Sustainability, divided into three levels which have been selected with a focus on the two dimensions of the new sustainability strategy: climate action and inclusive growth.
The consistently low levels of non- performing loans across the four sectors identified by the TCFD, indicates that transition and physical risks of climate change have not yet manifested as material credit risks for ANZ.
The stress test conducted on the IEA SDS scenario has shown the overall stability of the book values of the assets with a 7% reduction of the fair value assuming non-deductibility of the costs of Carbon dioxide erability of Carbon dioxide emissions, that is 2% in the event of recognition of the contractual and fiscal recovcharges.
The next phase of the CSIRO research will focus on collecting emission measurement data from CSG processing facilities and gathering lines. The issue of CSIRO's final report has been delayed due to COVID-19 and is expected during FY2021.
The Bank of England published a discussion paper which detailed their proposed approach. The proposed scope and breadth of the BES will be a pioneering exercise. We are proud to participate in this exercise and we hope that our combined effort will encourage other central banks to build upon these first steps to understand and mitigate our shared global challenge. http://home.barclays/annualreport home.barclays/annualreport Barclays PLC Environmental Social Governance Report 2019 59
Physical impacts Widespread issues of flooding across the UK impacted the valuation of flood-prone residential and commercial property, including Barclays-owned real estate, and led to an increase in default rates across our Home Finance and Business Banking (primarily Agriculture) portfolios.
power generation) in Ping An Life's investment portfolio, the PACTA tool of 2 Investing Initiative, is used to compare power generation industry trend of Ping An Life's portfolio and the market portfolio from now to next five years.
We aim to develop and use signposts to help us understand which scenario grows in dominance while exploring the potential implications for us both in an orderly and a more rapid transition to a 2 C world. This will enable us to continually adapt our approach, implement priority adaptation actions and evolve to deliver long term shareholder value.
Staff Working Paper on risk differential of brown vs. green assets, published in January 2020. This finds evidence of a risk differential: mortgages against energy-efficient properties are less frequently in payment arrears than mortgages against energy-inefficient properties.
By 2100, the percentage of land area hospitable to malaria could increase between 12 and 46% (optimistic vs. catastrophic scenarios). The disease would remain as epidemic and not pandemic. This extension would mostly aff ect Critical illness and Health covers, but the eff ects can be highly reduced by improvements in socio-economic conditions, irrigation, drainage and better healthcare. The impact of climate change on pandemic risk is also being explored, but as of today no clear link has been demonstrated.
2 Degrees Investing Initiative Morgan Stanley is one of 17 global financial firms testing the Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment (PACTA), developed by the 2 Degrees Investing Initiative (2DII). The analytical tool enables financial institutions to understand how their corporate loan portfolios align with the international goals agreed to in 2015.
CFS also measures the carbon emissions of its investments by assessing forward-looking metrics such as low carbon transition and emissions management scores. This information is reported to the CFS Board Investment Commiee. As CFS investments are managed by external investment managers, CFS monitors the climate-related risk within individual funds and aggregated portfolios at the selection, appointment and monitoring stages of portfolio management.
Swiss Re is committed to investing its assets responsibly via a controlled and structured investment process by integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria. In 2017, as part of our continuous improvement, we switched to benchmarks composed of higher ESG-rated companies for our active corporate credit and listed equities portfolios. For more information about our approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance integration, see our publication 'Responsible investments - The next steps in our journey', published in 2018 and available at swissre.com (www.swissre.com/ri-next-steps), as well as our 2019 brochure 'Responsible investing - Our approach' (www.swissre.com/ri-our-approach).
The awareness and engagement of Itau employees are ensured by means of specific training programs, workshops and internal newsletters. For the climate change topic, this work is very relevant to the success of the initiatives so that employees can influence and promote reflections in their relationship networks inside and outside the bank.
Origin's risk management framework supports the identification, management and reporting of material risks in areas such as health and safety, environment (including climate change), finance, reputation and brand, legal and compliance and social impacts. Our framework is aligned with the International Standard (AS/NZ ISO 31000).
Additionally, Capital Dynamics has formally launched an initiative to utilize renewable clean energy across all offices by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits ('RECs') from a Capital Dynamics-owned renewable power project at a fair market price. Further details are provided in the metrics and targets section of this report.
In the higher risk segments (such as coal and gas fired power generation) our customers are well advanced in the execution of their transition strategies, transforming their energy generation mix through re-engineering of their power plants and investments in more renewables and Santander is engaging with them and supporting them in their transition. For example, we have entered into several transactions with existing clients that have a residual amount of energy generation from coal and we have included contractual provisions to assure that there is a scheduled phase down towards lower emission generation, in line with the sponsors' strategy.