1 value
1 value
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I finished all my finals a couple of months ago for my sophomore year of college.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That must have been a burden lifted for sure!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It really was, I was scared I would fail but I ended up passing all my classes and even doing well in most of them, I was over joyed.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That must have been a burden lifted for sure!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I just got married to a wonderful woman. She's been working so hard to get to where she is nowadays. She's become a very successful clinical psychologist.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow, you are a lucky man! Good to have a psychologist in the family too.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah but it would be a tad unethical to get service from her, but I assure you she's a good one.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I wish you both all the best and hope that you have a wonderful life together!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My life is going pretty well at this time.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is great to hear. Anything new going on?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "No, and that's why it's pretty good.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I wish I were so content. Must be a nice feeling.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "We went to get gas one night and my husband and an altercation with some guy, guy pulledoutabig knife in the storeand by our car at the gas station.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "omg, that's so scary! are you okay? did you call the police?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "yes we called the police he was arrested! ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that's good to hear! people are crazy", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I went to a hockey game with my five year old son earlier this year. I had to bring lots of supplies!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh yeah? Do you have to do that every game?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "When I have my son with us I do! My husband was shocked when he said he wanted his blanket and I pulled one out of my purse!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Thats funny. Well at least it sounds like you are always prepared. ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My girlfriend went on a week trip with her friends, and left me alone to fend for myself.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am sorry, how have you been passing the time", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Mostly been playing video games, but it's so boring without her.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I love video games, you should buy a switch!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My mom brought me my favorite salad and cheesecake yesterday. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That sounds delicious! How nice of her!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I know right? She does those things all the time for me when she can. She's a great mom.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "She sounds like it! You're lucky to have such a caring mom!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Going to an amusement park later in the week, before college semester starts back up. A little scared to get on roller coasters since I don't like heights, but kind of pumped to feel the adrenaline rush and feeling of accomplishment after doing something scary", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I love the feeling a rollercoaster gives. Have you gone before?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Not to this specific one, but I've ridden some before. None that will be as big as the ones at this park though. I'm a little intimidated. The anxiety that you feel while you wait in line always gets me.. But the high you get afterwards seems worth it", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yes the juice is certainly worth the squeeze", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I went to the bowling alley all by myself today. It was terrible.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Being alone or going bowling - or both?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Both. My friends ditched me. Some friends they are...", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I'd get some new friends that's for sure!! It stinks when they don't stick with you!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "i am so frustrated ! at work my colleagues are not understanding it's so annoying! because i am realtively knew and young they are condescending me", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "this happens a lot at work, maybe try to talk to them about it? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "yeah but they are so full of themselves it's hard ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "i agree everyone is just self-centered and it's very annoying to communicate with those people.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My friend left me with her dog. Never met this little guy", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Aw! Well I hope you can help him?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yep. We are getting along so far. Looks like he misses his mommy though.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh I bet! Are you just babysitting?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was watching my girlfriends son the other weekend and was trying to think of an activity we could do together. I decided on cooking and got everything before he came over.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that sounds like fun. for some reason kids really enjoy cooking.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah, he seemed to have a good time. We made cheese too which was a first for both of us. It turned out pretty good too which was nice.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that sounds like fun. i want to try to make mozzerella", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I proposed to my girlfriend last week and she said no.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": " Oh my gosh, seriously???", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I can't believe how hurt I am about it.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am so sorry ab out that I hope things get better soon", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Man, speaking of being a kid. You ever do something you thought was fun, but end up causing someone to get hurt?", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "When I was younger, but yes", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I used to enjoy slap boxing in middle school, but I stopped because one time my friend was backing up to block my attacks, and there was a girl lying down behind him. He didn't know and ended up stepping on her face; she started crying and I just felt terrible about it.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Was she okay? Couldnt have been that bad", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "She was, but still, we were kids, it had to have hurt. Anyway, thanks for listening, man!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Woman lol", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "someone cut me off in traffic today", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Shocking. Does that not happen often for you?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "no i was so mad when it happened", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Ah well better than me. I get it so much it doesn't even bother me anymore.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "One time, when I was a kid my mom almost drove us off a high bridge, by accident. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow! How traumatizing! Were you scared at that time? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I didn't have time to be scared. She was busy yelling at me and not paying attention. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh man, I think your mother regretted that after knowing she almost hurt her family. That is quite awful to think about.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My girlfriend dumped for my best friend.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "oh now man, thats terrible. She didnt deserve such an amazing person like you.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Thanks. I am absolutely devastated. I have not slept in what feels like ages.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "thats no good at all! you may feel better after you sleep yeah?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My daughter and her family were on their way from ohio to visit us.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh, that must be exciting! I bet you were busy making preparations.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I prepared for weeks. I could not wait for them to get here. It had been almost a whole year since I had seen them and they have a new baby.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That sounds like it was a lot to take in! Congrats to them!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I wasn't happy today when someone ran in to the back of my moms car.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That makes a lot of sense. I wouldn't be happy either! I hope that they have good insurance", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Nope! They ran into her then drove off- an old guy!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow! That's aweful. Is your mom ok?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes, they put a huge crushed in dent in the back corner. They didn't get his plates on the camera :( And it's like $500 to pay the deductible to get it fixed..Seriously- insurance companies suck! ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Man that really does stink! Hopefully the police will find some way to catch the guy!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I had a job interview yesterday that I thought went really well, but it didn't. They just emailed me back and told me that I didn't get the job.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that! It doesn't necessarily mean it went bad, though. Maybe they just had a more qualified candidate?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm just pretty embarrassed, I was so confident. This whole job hunting adventure has been a complete nightmare.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Keep your head up! Job hunting is usually stressful for most people. You got this!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I got my work done early on Friday so I got to spend the day trying out a new bike trail on my new bike!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that sounds exciting! Do you bike a lot?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I've only recently started getting really into it. It sounds kind of corny but getting out there on my bike makes life just really... satisfying. Calm.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Doesn't sound corny. We all need a hobby to relieve stress!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My husband comes home tomorrow from a month long business trip! I am so excited and cleaning the house and getting things all ready!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh you are such a great wife! I think he will totally appreciate it! Are you doing anything nice for him?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm making his favorite dinner and got my parents to take the kids after he spends some time with them so we can have a proper date!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh, sounds very romantic! Have fun my friend!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I cant wait until all of my kids are grown", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I know what you mean, I long for the day when mine grow up and go away to college.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I just want a bit of quiet. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "They can be rambunctious, mine drive me up the wall sometimes.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am going to feel pretty alone this weekend, My friends are going out of town", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Maybe you can catch up on some sleep?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I will need some for sure, good idea", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I know it will feel lonely but a good weekend to recharge will do some good.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I ordered a sandwich from KFC the other day and i told them no pickles. Yet as soon as I bite there are pickles.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Mistakes are made, but still. I can how that would be annoying.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yea, I really don't mind taking them off but still I thought I enunciated the request properly.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I understand completely. I would have done the same.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "We were under a significant storm warning. The sky turned dark and the wind began to blow harder.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Sounds rough. Did it do any major damage?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "There was damage to the north of us but we were spared.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Good! I'm glad it worked out for you guys at least", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm disappointed in how my brownies turned out. They are so mushy!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Ewwww. Maybe you should put them back in the oven for a bigt?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I probably should have, but they smelled really good and I couldn't help myself!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "haha! Did you just eat a bunch of mushy brownies? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm guilty as charged! :)", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "better hop on the elliptical for a little longer tomorrow! Worth it!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It's such a bummer that I did badly on the job interview I had today.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I'm sorry. Are you sure you did that bad?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am and I prepared so much for it! It's all quite upsetting.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "They'll be other interviews.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I really did not want to go on the rollercoaster. It looked so fast and scary", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am scared of those things too. Where did you go?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It was in canada's wonderland. I was afraid and ended up skipping it!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I don't blame you one bit!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "The other day I framed the puzzle we used as a guest book at our wedding.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What a great idea, where did that come from?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Etsy somewhere. My wife bought it, so I don't really know which one, but you can find a bunch on there.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Well I need to keep that in mind, great suggestion ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "A hurricane hit my city. The first night I thought the wind was going to tear the roof off the house ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no! Hurricanes are scary. I've been through a few myself. Was it your first one?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It was my third. Luckily we didn't lose power for more than a few hours", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I lost power in our last hurricane for 3 days. Did the wind do any damage to your home?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It damaged the roof and the fence. We lost power for six days during the first hurricane I experienced", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "In the end, I'd rather be in a hurricane than a snow storm. lol", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "i was shocked when i heard that i had won the lottery!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "You did! That's so cool!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes! It was only 200 but still, it's more than i had!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Any free money is great.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Recently moved to a new dorm and when i came in the kitchen was a total disaster. Months old piles of dishes in the sink with mold and dried up old food on the stove.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Holy crap! Is there not a landlord or something you can complain to?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I can but they take forever to come and clean it up. I just talked to the guy who did it and he said he won't do it again. Spent an hour cleaning it all up with a lot of clorox, alcohol, and soap.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I'm glad I never had to live with other people. I would not be as patient as you.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I just visited just my best friend the other day.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh? Did you have fun?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was upset because she bought a new tv and it is huge. I always wanted a big tv like that.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Ah, I've never really been into big TVs. I have a tiny one that's good enough for me!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "The lady accused me of being at fault for not honking my horn!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no, was anoyone hurt?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Thankfully no ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is good news, I hope your car is ok.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I lost my dog last year, I cried so hard.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no. Did it ever come back?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "No, I assume he died.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That sucks. MY sisters dog used to roam the neighborhood a lot and one day he didn't come back either. His name was Oreo. I told my daughter he got married.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "One time I was waiting all day for the mail man to deliver my package", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What were you waiting for!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was waiting for my computer monitor!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Nice! The anticipation must have been killing you!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My cat had really bad breath so I took her in to the dentist. It turned out almost all of her teeth needed to be pulled, poor thing was in so much pain.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Aww poor baby, hopefully shes doing fine now.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "She's doing great, thanks! It was a tough recovery for a few days but then you could tell she felt SO much better.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's great to hear. You have one tough cat.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My best friend moved to Washington this weekend.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, is that far from where you live now?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It is, I live in Maine. I'm really gonna miss her.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yeah, that really sucks. At least it's easier to keep up with people online these days.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I went to a restaurant and after I got the bill I realized that I did not have my wallet on me! The manager was yelling at me demanding me to pay before I left.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no, how did you make things right with the manager. I am sure he is just wanting to get paid. ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes, he did want to get paid but I needed to go home and get my wallet. He got angry with me but what could I do? I had no money with me.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is a tough spot to be in, maybe you could of washed dishes for him. Or give him your phone for collateral. ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I just left but I came straight back and paid. All was fine in the end. But I will never go to that restaurant again.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is good, such an embarrassing situation to be in.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I saw roadkill on the way back home from work today.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Eww! I hope you were able to miss it and not drive over it", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Oh, I swerved far away from it. That thing was nasty!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yeah, I certainly do not envy the person that has to clean those things up! ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am starting my new job on Monday! I cant wait to get started. I will be working with two of my best friends.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What kind of job is it?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I will be working at the zoo. Its going to be so much fun!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Thats interesting!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I got to visit with some of my old high school friends a few weeks ago. It's hard to believe it's been over thirty years since we first met.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I bet that was nice though.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah, there's only one of them I really keep up with. I'll probably never see the other two again. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Does your high school do reunions where you could see them again?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "One time my friend dropped something heavy on my favorite guitar", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Was the guitar okay?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It had a huge dent but, sounded fine. I was pretty mad but, I could tell it was an accident", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I stepped on my uncle's fishing pole, kinda hard to tell if it catches fish worse or not.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My boyfriend and I broke up and he moved out.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's really tough. But one closed door leads to the next great opportunity.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Before he left, he damaged a lot of my stuff and property.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's horrible! If you don't have insurance there are a lot of pro bono lawyers that will take your case. Report it to the police so it is documented and justice will prevail. You don't deserve or need to put up with that.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Every single morning one lady on my team comes into my office and cry's", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no! How come?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "You guess is as good as mine. She's crazy. Today she was stressed. Mind you she is 22 lives at home and has no bills.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh well maybe she has a lot of problems internally. You never know how someone's home life is like.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "She did mention this morning that her doctor said she needs meds or locked up. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Aw well it's likely bipolar- I know a phew. They have a hard time even on meds. ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I have pain in my stomach for about a week now. By reading what is on the internet, I am very worried.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What is going on? Have you seen the dr?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I have seen a doctor today. He give me lab tests to do but I am afraid of the results.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am so sorry you have to worry about that ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My sister was a little bit depressed, so I bought her gift to cheer her up.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's so nice! What did you get her?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I bought a hotel stay for a weekend near the beach. I think that could help her.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow, that is really thoughtful.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My work seems to be going well lately. I'm up for a promotion in Feb.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Thats excellent news how rewarding! ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes, I'm really looking forward to the new year.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Im happy for you! ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My son wet his pants at the park the other day. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh my! I hope that he did not feel badly about it. That sort of thing is normal for children", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "He turned red in the face. Luckily I was there to cover him up and get him to the bathroom quickly", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Aw, I love that he had you there with him when it happened. I bet that made it feel a bit better for him", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I finally paid off my car and my house. Its such a relief and life with my family couldn't be simpler now.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's awesome. Debt really is an awful thing.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It really is. I've been under that burden along with medical bills so to be clear of it all is something I worked really hard for. I am happy with life now and there's so much less stress.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Glad all that hard work paid off for ya. I aspire to get there someday myself.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Do you have kids? Some of the things they do are nasty! My girlfriends kid is such a messy eater!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I do. I have one and another one on the way. They can be gross little critters!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "You're not kidding! When he eats spaghetti it's the worst. Pasta sauce gets everywhere!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh, that's rough. That can be a lot of clean up.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was so happy! I have been working so hard for this company since I started so this is a great sign in my opinion! ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Did you get a promotion?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Not yet but I did get a raise! If the company takes over I will get to be in charge of the helpdesk though!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow, great job!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was trying to go a week without eating any sweets, to improve my eating habits. Didn't even make it three days before I started indulging. It gets nerve-wracking. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on it.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yeah, don't be too hard on yourself for that. We're supposed to like that stuff.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah, you have a point. Thanks. I know they say everything in moderation though, so I try to be sensible. But then I get mad at someone or something at work and it makes me just want to grab like three packs of M&M's", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I see. You'll find balance along the way though.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Every time we get pizza my husband wants to order Hawaiian pizza. But I just can't get down with pineapple on pizza.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I'm right there with you! I hate pineapple on pizza, it doesn't belong!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Right?! It's so gross!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "It throws off the flavor of pizza completely.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My first date was so embarrassing", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What happened? Was it that bad?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was runnign late so turned up a big sweaty mess. Then I talked all the way through a movie.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am sure she didn't like that.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I walked out to my car theo ther day and felt something hit my face. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Really? What was it?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "A GIANT SPIDER! It was terrible and I was so startled! ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh gross! I would be startled too!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I just told a friend I couldn't attend her birthday because I have a headache, but the truth is I prefer to stay home and finish watching a series on Netflix.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I hear you there, it can be more relaxing spending time at home thang going to a hectic party. ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes, but now I feel bad that I did that.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Will your friend be disappointed with you?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'll be going swimming this weekend.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's awesome! I love swimming. Are you going to the pool or the beach?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It's a pool in a nearby state park.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I love going to the pool. I hope you have a great time!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I've worked for the same company for 10 years and worked my way up to a good position. I was recently informed that the company will be shutting down everyone is being laid off. I have no idea how I'm going to afford my mortgage and my other things.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That really sucks. Maybe you should get another job?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I've began looking already, but it's going to be a very difficult transition and I doubt I will start out at the same pay. I'm at a loss for what to do... This is horrible.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am truly sorry for your lots. I am sure things will get better.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "We recently found out that our 15 year old son has a rare, degenerative neurological disease.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Im so sorry to hear that. Is there treatment or a cure?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "No, the doctors tell us there is no cure. They are trying to treat the symptoms but thus far its been unsuccessful.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That sounds awful. How is he feeling?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm installing a new dishwasher in my kitchen today!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is great! Are you doing it yourself or are you hiring someone to help you out? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm doing it myself! I've never done it, but I watched a bunch of YouTube videos, so I feel like I'm ready to tackle this job!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That sounds exciting, it is always nice to have new kitchen appliances! I hope all goes well", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Someone cut me off in traffic the other day.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is awful. Why do people risk their lives and the lives of others just to get a tiny bit ahead in traffic to where there going. Ridiculous. I'm glad you weren't hit.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I don't know why they do it, I feel the same way as you do.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I saw a guy cut someone off next to me, fly by over the speed limit, and cut a bunch of people off. All to get ahead. Then I noticed that I caught up with him because he got stuck at a light and all that craziness didn't even help him.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "i was all alone last night", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Where'd everyone go?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "i kicked them out!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "hahaha did you kick family or roomies out?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am satisfied this week, I have delivered a good project on time.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Thats great! For school or work?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It is for work. I work in IT.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That is a tough field to work in, alot of people rely on you", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am so happy! I won a medal this week.. gold!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow. My hearty congratulations to you!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "THank you very much.. I felt so good crossing that finish line.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yeah, It is a proud moment.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I had to put my cat to sleep last week. It was so hard.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh my God, that's horrible. I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you're doing okay.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm so heartbroken! He was old, sick and in pain, so it was time. It doesn't make it easier though! ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Nothing can really replace a loved pet you had for a long time, all you have is memories really.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I can't believe Janie let me hold her today. it was one of the best moments of my life", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Who is Janie?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "She is the puppy who was scared of us. She finally let go of her fear and let me hold her", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Aww that's great, dogs can be so loving.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I get sentimental about my family, they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "How many people are in your family?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "5", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Small family.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My kids were being so bad the other day I yelled at them and felt guilty afterwards.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Some times kids deserved to be yelled at.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "LOL. I guess. But it doesn't really work well for discipline.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "True. Kids can be pretty infuriating. Especially at very young ages.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "There's been noise at my door every night at the same time. I check and there isn't anything.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Maybe someone is playing a trick on you", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "That's what I'm thinking. I want to catch them!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Set a trap. Or maybe just a camera", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "The other day my daughter got her 4th DTAP vaccine and she had a bad reaction to it. ", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh no! Is everything okay now?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yes thankfully, but I couldnt even sleep last night. I was so worried. ugh", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I know that's tough. It's scary when your kids go through something like that. It never leaves you when its time to do it all over again.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I listened to some old music I used to listen to recently. It literally made me feel like I was reliving the past!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Music can do that to you sometimes. I listen to mine regularly.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "You know how they say sound and smell are the senses that are used to remember memories the most? That is so true.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I would agree with that 100%", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I really hate moving. My girlfriend just moved in last weekend. Im really happy she moved in but Im also SUPER happy that the move is finally over.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Moving is the worst. All those boxes. ugh. i hope i dont have to do it for awhile", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Haha, the boxes are still being unpacked and probably will be for the next couple weeks. I'm hoping we dont have to again for a while!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I hope its good that she moved in with you. things must be serious", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I need to go to the grocery store but it is storming outside. Not sure if I should go or not.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Hopefully it will stop soon. That's the worst having to get creative with the little food you have on hand.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Actually I have no food and I am starving. Maybe I should order a pizza. But then the delivery guy will have the same problem.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Well that is what they get paid for. Just be sure to tip him well.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I had to walk home from work last night after I got off late at night, it was kind of scary.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Sorry about that, you could have taken a taxi", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It was a short enough walk, I just stayed aware of my surroundings and got home safe.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "good enough you got home safe", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Today was such a pretty day, it reminds me of my childhood and playing outside.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I love days like that! Hopefully you got a chance to play outside?! ;-)", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I did, me and my kids had a picnic at the beach and had a blast just like the old days.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "So fantastic that you could take advantage of it -- *and* get to make some memories with your kids!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Hello!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am going on a trip to Peru to visit Machu Picchu! I can't sleep because of the anticipation!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "WOW im so jealous! You lucky dog.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I hear it is a very spiritual place to be and full of beauty and history.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I have heard the same. Are you going with anyone else?", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Yes, my friends are coming with me. :)", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "School starts soon. I just spoke with my daughters teacher.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What grade is she in, and how did it go!? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Pre-K. She is excited for school. Turns out the teacher already knows her.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Thats awesome! wow congrats mom... I bet you are super excited. ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "There si always a fight when my family gets together", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Is it more of verbal arguing or flat out physical fights?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Both. We aren't going to have thanksgiving together this year. They cancelled it last thanksgiving. ITs terrible", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow. What do they usually argue about? ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "The stupidest thing", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "my family gets into politics a lot, but fortunately it rarely turns hostile.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I can't wait to buy some cake this weekend. Been craving cakes.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "what kind of cake are you going to get ?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I might get buttercream. Chocolate is tempting, too. Wish I could get both lol.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that does sound good", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I finally got around to making mug cake", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "How was it?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It was delicious. I haven't had cake that didn't come out of a plastic bag in over a year.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I have no idea what kind of ingredients you even put in a mug cake?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I moved to a different state for my husband's job and left the rest of my family behind.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "oh, dear. That sounds lonely. How are you holding up?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm doing okay. It was for a good reason, his new job is so much better. But it can get lonely", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I can imagine. But you'll make new connections there, I'm sure.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I celebrated my birthday last week. My parents had been working behind my back with my best friend in order to set up a trip to Miami for the two of us!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow, you must have been so surprised! Your parents are so nice.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It really was a total shock. I hadn't been expecting that at all!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Well its a nice shock! I wish someone would give me a surprise for once!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm so grateful for video games, they have brought so much joy to my life in stressful moments in life.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I love video games too, what's your favorite. I really like \"Don't Starve\" by Klei.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Haven't heard of that one, I'll have to check it out. Right now, I'm really enjoying Monster Hunter.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oooh my friends have been playing that, maybe I should get it too", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Last weekend I had a plan to go to the springs with a couple of my friends and camp out. We ended up not going at all because the weather got really bad. I was really upset because everyone took off work and we probably wont be able to all get together like that again this summer.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "that stinks i'm sorry.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah. I should have thought ahead more about the weather, I didnt think it could totally ruin the entire thing", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "our weather has been so extreme this year. its scary.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I bought my nephew one of his favorite toys--LEGO! He will be so happy!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's a cool toy you got for your nephew ", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "He's really getting into exploring new things and building blocks in general.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That will help him alot", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yeah, it's cool to see him develop into his own personality.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "yeah that's true", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am finding it hard to sell my grandfathers cadillac", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "put it on offerup", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I will, but its just that i am so sentimentally attached to it that I dont think I should sell it.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "i can understand that", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I told all my friends that I was gonna bring by my new v12 bugatti veyron to their party.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Holy cow, that is a bad to the bone car!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "yeah but everyone made fun of me so much when it turned out it was a w12, not a v12.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "It is still a bugatti!!!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am so lucky to have the things I have. My 10 bedroom house, my cars, my bus", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Wow, it sounds like you have a lot to be grateful for.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Indeed. Last week I got to go to Bora Bora too. I am truly blessed.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I am so happy for you.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "In some ways, losing a pet dog is even worse than losing a relative. They're so innocent, they're so helpless. They don't deserve to have to die or suffer ever.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Goodness, you're right about that. Plus a pet is the only thing to show unconditional and neverending love for you.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Exactly, and they never demand anything from you. When my golden retriever Louie died a few weeks ago, I honestly thought I would die too.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I'm so very sorry for your loss, I can only imagine that pain. I had to put my girl down 3 years ago and I promise that it does get easier.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "\"I am so appreciative of how tight knit me and my friends are as a group.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Good friends are invalueble.", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "The most unfortunate part is as you get older you tend to have more distance between you and your friends just because of college and job locations. I try to communicate through text or calls as often as I can", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I know how you feel... people also get married and have kids.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am so ready for the Life Is Beautiful Music Festival", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "I've never even heard of that before!", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It is a music festival in Las Vegas.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh cool! Sounds like fun!", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "When my brother was suspended from high school awhile back, it made me sick", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Why was he suspended, did he do something wrong?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "He was accused of something he did not do", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Did it every get straightened out, that sounds pretty terrible.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "It sounds crazy to say, but even though I was hit by a car on my bicycle, it could have been much worse.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Are you okay?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I'm quite fine now (my knee has a plate and six screws). I am just glad that the driver stopped and called an ambulance!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "oh my gosh, a plate! That kinda sounds serious.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "My friend is always at least 30 minutes late to everything.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "sounds like my wife", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "hahaha how do you deal with it?", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "i set the clocks ahead in the house and in the car .. it doesnt work all the time but it helps ", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I am visiting my college kid soon!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's a special moment. To hopefully see your kids doing better than you and all that jazz. I'm in college but my parents live only a couple hours away, so I just visit them instead, since them coming to me wouldnt be anything too special. But congratulations to you and your kid", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Thank you, noone in my family has ever been educated past high school.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "That's awesome that he is helping to break the mold then. Says just as much about him as it does about you, though. Takes good parenting to get him to that level of motivation", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "I was expecting a baby last month. I had everything prepped and ready to go- clean house, stocked fridge, packed bag and more,", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh that's very resourceful of you. Did everything go as expected?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Yep it was my most laidback baby experience so far.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Nice! You sound like a great caretaker.", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Those were simpler times, I wish I could go back and relive those days!", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "What were simpler times?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "Childhood when you did not have so much to worry about.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Ah, I see. Had a great childhood, hu?", "label": "empathetic" } ]
[ { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "i still think about when my daughter was a babu.", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Is that a good memory or bad one?", "label": "empathetic" }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "user", "utterance_str": "good. she is 13 now and the worst lol", "label": null }, { "dataset": "empathy", "notes": "empathy dataset", "speaker_role": "ai", "utterance_str": "Oh yeah, that is a rough phase", "label": "empathetic" } ]