58 values
Empatie je schopnost přizpůsobit svou náladu těm, kdo jsou okolo.
Empathy is the mind's ability to match moods with your companions.
Hãy nghĩ về các nghệ nhân, không phải về người cung cấp nội dung, cho dù những người đó có thể rất giỏi về mặt đó, nhưng, một lần nữa, hãy nghĩ họ như là chất xúc tác thật sự.
Think about artists, not as content providers, though they can be brilliant at that, but, again, as real catalysts.
ဒါကြောင ့ ် စာမူကိုကြည ့ ် ရာက ကျွန ် မ မျက ် နှာကို မော ့ ပြီး အခန ် းထောင ့ ် တစ ် နေရာကို ကျွန ် မ ဝေဖန ် ချက ် ကို ညွှန ် လိုက ် တယ ် ။
So I just lifted my face up from the manuscript and I directed my comments to an empty corner of the room.
But you simply do that by clicking on a few way points on the Google Maps interface using the open-source software.
Aşa cum reiese şi în acest diapozitiv de la Lacul Nabugabo în Uganda, deşeurile agricole din această cultură, care trec în aceste găleţi, reprezintă singura sursă de apă de băut, gătit şi de baie pentru acest sat.
As evident in this slide from Lake Nabugabo in Uganda, the agricultural runoff from this crop, which goes into these buckets, is the sole source of drinking, cooking and bathing water for this village.
וזה אומר שאנחנו לא צריכים להסתמך על הבנקים שלנו יותר כדי לאבטח את הפעילות שלנו.
And this means that we don't have to rely on the banks anymore to secure our transactions.
Pierwsza teoria: z powodu kształtu.
But the first theory is: it must be the shape.
Ima li otrovna svojstva?
Does it have a toxicity?
اليوم يجب ان يكون ذلك التفكير البعيد المدى لاجلنا لننشئ مستقبل منظور,
Today we need that same leap in thinking for us to create a viable future.
Заради това искам да насърча обществения интерес към космоса. "" Отведохме го в космическия център Кенеди, вътре в превозно средство на НАСА, в задната част на безтегловния самолет.
I therefore want to encourage public interest in space. "" We took him out to the Kennedy Space Center, up inside the NASA vehicle, into the back of the zero-g airplane.
Et c'est la première fois que Tim a pris la main de Katie dans la sienne en sept ans.
And it is the first time that Tim has held Katie's hand in seven years.
Samo povećavamo svoju ljudskost i svoju sposobnost da se povežemo jedni s drugima, neovisno o geografiji.
We're just increasing our humanness and our ability to connect with each other, regardless of geography.
特に使用頻度上位200位までで通常使用される漢字の40% がカバーされ道路標識やレストランのメニュー Webページや新聞記事といったものを大まかに理解するには十分です
The top 200 will allow you to comprehend 40 percent of basic literature — enough to read road signs, restaurant menus, to understand the basic idea of the web pages or the newspapers.
Questa causò danni ingentissimi.
This did a huge amount of damage.
Φυσικά δεν είναι όλοι οι λήπτες νάρκισσοι.
Of course, not all takers are narcissists.
(웃음) 그리고 대부분의 경우 그런 건 목숨을 위협하지 않죠.
(Laughter) And for the most part, they're not real life-threatening.
"¡Yo napot, Sandor!"
"Jó napot, Sandor!"
Ora siamo a 1,3.
Now we're at 1.3.
Prin urmare, odată ce am descoperit că era cu adevărat posibil că puteam într-adevăr face această monitorizare, ne-am decis să ne mutăm de la cercetarea asta, ca să încercăm cu adevărat să evoluăm spre un efort de monitorizare globală.
So, once we discovered that it was really possible that we could actually do this monitoring, we decided to move this from research, to really attempt to phase up to a global monitoring effort.
Kifejlesztettek egy mesterséges közösülő-gépet.
They developed an artificial coition machine.
איך הם יכולים לעשות לי זאת?
How could they do this to me?
ตอนนี ้ เรามีความท ้ าท ้ ายทางศีลธรรม ที ่ มีอยู ่ ในประเพณีของผู ้ อื ่ น ที ่ พวกเราได ้ พบเจอ
We now have a moral challenge that is in the tradition of others that we have faced.
And the answer is zilch, exactly zero.
We brengen deze twee samen in hetzelfde systeem.
And we just put these two together in the same system.
Dat wordt fantastisch. Je kan een uitwisseling hebben.
It'll be great. You can have an exchange.
La gente si è appropriata di questa pagina.
Everyone was an owner in this page.
"" Zašto bi itko to učinio? "" je vrlo uobičajeno pitanje
"" Why would anybody do this? "" is a very common question.
Takže takhle vypadal náš strach v průběhu času podle médií.
So these are what our fears look like over time in our media.
In kot sem videl, je to šele začetek.
From what I've seen, this is only the beginning.
Тому що професія викладача має широкий діапазон.
It's because there's so much variation in the teaching profession.
Karmaşık ve terimlerin birçoğu oldukça teknik, yani ortalama bir insanın muhtemelen en azından üçte birini bilmesi gerekmiyor.
It's complex, and a lot of the terms are quite technical, so the average person probably doesn't need to know at least a third of it.
到2020年 , 物联网产生的数据会占到电子数据总量的50% 以上。
By 2020, they will account for over 50 percent of all digital information.
Bo gdy damy możliwość wyboru przywódcom, na przykład damy prezydentowi możliwość podniesienia cen elektryczności, odbiera to swobodę wyboru, której chcą ludzie w gospodarce.
Because the kind of choice you might want to give to a leader, a choice like giving the president the choice to raise prices on electricity, takes away a choice that people in the economy want.
Разговаривает он при помощи технологии отслеживания движений глаз, а также устройства, генерирующего речь, и мы наблюдаем за его лёгкими, потому что его диафрагма в конечном итоге перестанет работать, после чего придётся принять решение: стоит его подключать к вентиляции или нет.
He talks with eye gaze technology and a speech generating device, and we're watching his lungs, because his diaphragm eventually is going to give out and then the decision will be made to put him on a ventilator or not.
( 滴答聲 ) 我出生時就患有雙眼視網膜母細胞瘤。
(Clicking) I was born with bilateral retinoblastoma, retinal cancer.
Би мөн уламжлалт номыг хайрцгаас нь гаргаж шугаман хэлбэрээс нь салган, номны өөрийнх нь хэлбэрийг гаргадаг. Ийнхү ном илүү баримал шиг болгож байгаа юм.
I'm thinking also about breaking out of the box of the traditional book and pushing that linear format, and try to push the structure of the book itself so that the book can become fully sculptural.
그 해답을 위해, 우리의 영적인 여정을 되돌아볼 필요가 있습니다.
For the answer to this, we turn to our spiritual path.
They are better at recognizing other people's fear.
Отдел, с которым я работала в Риме — исключительный.
The unit that I worked with in Rome, they were unique.
والذي لم يفهموه هو أنّ نفس الشيء الذي كان مصدرا لقوته الظاهرة كان نفس المصدر لضعفه المضني.
What they didn't understand was that the very thing that was the source of his apparent strength was also the source of his greatest weakness.
CT스캐너의 해상도이기도 합니다.
It's also the resolution of a CT scanner.
Szeretnék egy Chagall-t. Imádom Chagall művészetét.
I would love a Chagall. I love the work of Chagall.
Alors aujourd'hui on réclame des aliments bios à grands cris.
So, now we clamor for organic food.
Kako da to primenimo na višem nivou, u obimnijoj razmeri?
How do we implement that to a higher degree on a more extensive scale?
מקס: אתה מבין, חלק מהאנשים אולי יעשו את זה. אולי הם לא ישלימו את התהליך.
ML: You see, some people may not do it. They may not get through it.
A investoni gjithë kohën dhe energjinë që mundeni me të dashurit tuaj?
Do you invest the time with your loved ones that you could do, and energy?
Μετά ήρθαν για τους Εβραίους.
Then they came for the Jews.
Omurgalılar denizden gelmişler ve işte biz buradayız.
The vertebrates came out of the sea, and here we are.
E a tecnologia está mudando rapidamente.
And technology is changing very rapidly.
لذلك وضع "" الحزب "" حدود مدة الوظيفة بتحديد سن تقاعد إلزامي من 68 إلى 70.
So the Party instituted term limits with mandatory retirement age of 68 to 70.
Araştırmacılar eroin bağımlısına en zor bırakılan maddeyi sorunca, çoğu sigara der.
When researchers ask heroin addicts what's the toughest drug to quit, most say cigarettes.
Los ancianos son, por lo general, los líderes en las sociedades tradicionales y los que gozan de mayor reconocimiento en política, medicina, religión, las canciones y las danzas.
Older people usually are the leaders of traditional societies, and the people most knowledgeable about politics, medicine, religion, songs and dances.
Cánh tay hay cơ thể của bạn chuyển động, và bạn nhận được phản hồi về cảm giác từ tầm nhìn, da, từ các cơ bắp và vân vân.
Your arm or body moves, and you get sensory feedback from vision, from skin, from muscles and so on.
คุณรู ้ ว ่ าคุณต ้ องทําอะไร คุณสามารถทําอะไรได ้ แม ้ ว ่ ามันจะยาก และความรู ้ สึกว ่ าเวลาหายวับไป คุณลืมตัวตนของตัวเอง และรู ้ สึกว ่ าเป ็ นส ่ วนหนึ ่ งของอะไรที ่ ยิ ่ งใหญ ่ กว ่ า
You know that what you need to do is possible to do, even though difficult, and sense of time disappears, you forget yourself, you feel part of something larger.
但終有一天 , 如果我們能夠成功 , 這項技術將完全根除人體內的HIV病毒。
But one day, if successful, this technology can lead to complete eradication of HIV in the body.
A történetmesélés művészete megmaradt
The art of storytelling has remained unchanged.
우리가 처음 항생제를 만들었을 때, 우리는 그 물질들을 실험실로 가져 가서 우리의 버전으로 만들어냈습니다. 그러자 박테리아는 우리의 공격에 항상 해왔던 방식으로 반응했습니다.
When we first made antibiotics, we took those compounds into the lab and made our own versions of them, and bacteria responded to our attack the way they always had.
And then when you say children, they will pretty quickly agree with you.
Britanija je podeljena 52: 48 u vezi sa tom temom.
And Britain is divided 52-48 on that point.
Je kunt niet zomaar menselijk denken nemen en het in een machine stoppen.
You can't just take human thinking and put it into a machine.
آنها از شهروندان خواستند تا محتواى آن را بنويسند.
They asked citizens to write the content.
È in realtà solo un modo scherzoso per dire che t'importa dei tuoi fratelli e che vengono prima di tutto.
It's actually just like a joking way of saying that you care about your brothers and you put them first.
Maybe we just follow our gut.
مردم راجع بهش هفته ها صحبت می کردند.
People would keep talking about it for weeks.
Bạn phải chạy thật nhanh để con quỷ không đuổi kịp
You have to run fast so the devil can't catch up.
و خب برگردیم سراغ پلاستیک.
And so, back to plastic.
Я відвідав 76 країн за останні 12 років.
76 countries in the last 12 years, I've visited.
Úgyhogy megtörtem a csendet.
So I broke the silence.
آن ها به روش اجزای محدود مدلی از مغز ساخته اند.
They've developed a finite element model of the brain.
"Ima li života izvan Sunčevog sistema?"
Is there life beyond our solar system?
Es ergab keinen Sinn, dass Gaylas Mutter so jung gestorben ist.
It didn't make sense that Gayla's mother should die so young.
csak épp értelme nem volt; nehézkes a szervezés. A bizalmunk egyre fogy.
Improvement is increasingly difficult to organize; our faith in these systems, incredibly fraught.
İşte ikinci soru: Şimdi 60 dolar veya 1 ay sonra 60 dolar alabilirsiniz. Hangisini seçerdiniz?
Here's the second problem: You can have 60 dollars today or 60 dollars in a month. Which would you prefer?
तो हमें इसके बारे में क ् या करना चाहिए?
So then, what do we do about that?
A venit și războiul din Vietnam.
Then there was the Vietnam War.
Ми служимо лише за оздобу.
We are for decorative purposes only.
Mes esame primatai, taigi teisingas palyginimas yra su kitais primatais.
We are primates, so the correct comparison is to other primates.
Un altro esempio, potrebbe essere, se siete una compagnia telefonia, individuate chi è centrale alla rete, e chiedete a questa gente, "" Invia un sms con il livello di febbre che hai ogni giorno.
Or another example would be, if you're a phone company, you figure out who's central in the network and you ask those people, "" Look, will you just text us your fever every day?
調査の結果驚くことが分かりました前職での経験やスキルなど雇用者が見たい情報がより正確に記入されていたのは LinkedInだったのです
And what we found, to many people's surprise, was that those LinkedIn résumés were more honest on the things that mattered to employers, like your responsibilities or your skills at your previous job.
אבל זה קל לומר וקשה לביצוע, בעיקר כשמדובר במדינה עם אחת הכלכלות הקטנות ביותר בעולם.
But that's easier said than done, especially when you are one of the smallest economies in the world.
ولكن هذا ليس مايعتقده محققو 11 / 9
But that's not what the "" 9 / 11 truthers "" think.
لذا فالتحكم لا يؤدى الى مكسب احد وخسارة احد آخر
So control is no longer a zero-sum game.
Doch diese Zielstrebigkeit wird nicht die Flexibilität des Geistes, die Vielfältigkeit der Perspektiven, die Möglichkeiten für Zusammenarbeiten und Neuschöpfungen bringen können, die dieses Land braucht.
But this single-mindedness will not yield the flexibilities of mind, the multiplicity of perspectives, the capacities for collaboration and innovation this country needs.
Você é um invasor praticamente no mesmo jeito que estas pessoas eram invadoras.
You're a trespasser with about as much sense as these people were trespassers.
Jadi apa arti semua ini?
So what does this all mean?
Piensen como se sienten guardando el dinero en sus billeteras.
Think about how you'd feel sticking it in your wallet.
Con el caos que reina en muchos países de la región árabe, hablar de sexo, desafiar los tabúes, buscar alternativas, puede parecer un lujo.
Now given the turmoil in many countries in the Arab region, talking about sex, challenging the taboos, seeking alternatives might sound like something of a luxury.
Und noch besser: Da dies eine interaktive Anwendung ist, können Sie die Geschichte selbst erzählen.
And even better, because it's an interactive application, you can tell the story for yourself.
Thank you.
di tutte le età. Ci sono neonati e nonni. Li faccio salire sull'albero e aspetto che il sole tramonti. Mi resta solo un foglio di pellicola e penso: "" Ok, ho tutto sotto controllo "".
There's babies and there's grandparents, I'm getting them in the tree and waiting for the light to set, and it's going, going, and I've got one sheet of film left, and I think, I'm okay, I'm in control, I'm in control.
Hey guys.
Wer soll der Richter sein?
Who shall be judge?
Jak dyskryminacja staje się zasadą?
How does a bias become a policy?
Ne pričamo o tome da imamo nekoliko lepih električnih automobila tu i par električnih autobusa tamo i da nastavimo da ulažemo u istu infrastrukturu, još automobila, još puteva, još nafte.
We're not talking about ending up with really beautiful electric cars here and a few electric buses there while we keep investing in the same kind of infrastructure, more cars, more roads, more oil.
¿Cómo se relaciona su trabajo al de él?
Does your work relate to his?
So könnte der Computer der Zukunft aussehen.
Maybe this is the computer of the future.
existe muita gente boa em refrigeração,
So, it was a great idea that didn't work at all: it blew up.
Mutta minun suosikkini on sen vaikutus sydämeen.
But my favorite effect on the body is actually on the heart.
Chúng ta dần dần gắn kết cùng nhau, bằng cách làm những việc tương tự.
We tie it together, increasingly, by doing things like this.
Pourquoi est-ce que je pose toutes ces questions commerciales, au lieu de me contenter de leur montrer des pages ?
Why am I asking all of these business questions, instead of just showing them pages?