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I wouldn’t blame this dude if he decided to just say fuck everybody and disappear from the public eye forever and live off his fortune. Everybody in this man’s life failed him in the worst way: parents, managers, agents. Bieber was a 15 year old kid and these people let him spend 48 hours with P fucking Diddy. I mean, what the fuck? All the while he had to deal with idiot dudes like me who were calling him the most heinous shit you could ever imagine online because his voice was a little high before he hit puberty.
Justin Bieber has had a tough go of life man, fame and fortune be damned. I really wish him all the best. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0Q0xDQ3gwcktMV2hxa0ZadnZ1cHJJejJiU0xDQVFPR2RwVEZZVFdlQmdVMXB3enpBRmo3NVE2dllkSXBMUHFTcm9TNmptR0kxOGZpRDR0RkZSal94UFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGWmFPOE4wT0lKYjFhd1lpc1RZTkJPUnQ5ZS1hZjBQeHFoOVJTOF9zV1J6eEhOOWlWZ3Z1c25pVnYtM3ZweU10UE9tT25FOG5MVm85UWFtNktHLWtMSmhHTnlTbjZ6QS0wTmRWSXdSQW8zVFNpb2pXMUlscnRzaTJNYTV3ZjZhanpmYmkyT1diWW84UFM1dklubG9QNGJ3UjJNZllFeU9pTXFjMm1UWUd0R1RDMDZFemRMV0tCdmdsTnIwajk5b210Nlk0WUV5TkNJelRQZUxvdlVEY0prQT09 | 999,959 |
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The only official communities I’m in are online, but I’m very fortunate to have a number friends who are either COVID-conscious (though not as much as me) or so introverted they may as well be.
But I get most of my socializing via walking my dog in my neighborhood off-leash area. It’s a small community of folks, most of whom got their dogs during lockdown, and started out as a bit of a COVID bubble. Because of that they’re all still pretty COVID-conscious (like, it’s the norm to show up in a mask if you or someone in your home is sick, even though it’s outdoors.) I’m so unbelievably grateful for it, especially since I freelance from home these days and no longer have coworkers. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0Z3dkNkZHam9jWXFrdnRneVFRM2JKV3pFaDd4ckZ2Ny1Jc2dDMFExOFJjWW1zZlk5V1QyX3FCc1hnWm9jX2xydWpRb3pNUmxuN2JQOTJ4U0ItX1FYZzBkRDZRZUNJTHJsZkVBZWFYT1hJVEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGUjhydHZWVDRhUWdORnU3d3pOVGxFWFJ6WUtQMTRBeFFsU2FVTzVWRWVRQ3d3c2ZYTXVkWXpkSXYySnNiN2JWU2JQR2duUkNJNFBMYW1wX3hVaHlDN0tzOG1GTzQ5YVJ6UndLWThubUxieWFrdzdZb0xxeElHbXZGQldubUR0aEVzSl9LZ1BpUU54dXoxRlY1QkZkc2Y1dlVMVkhXTUt3UHYySm5hQXcyanZqZC01aXBEaGxDM096UndvYWZVMlZWSjhpUEtsTDNDZ1RJRXd1OFpGM2x1dz09 | 999,961 |
It was a collaboration betw him and Benny Blanco, but it doesn’t matter. Lyrics take on new powers depending upon who sings them. Most of our favorite songs were not written by the artists who immortalized them, yet they made them their own. When Bieber sings stuff like *“Everybody knows my past now/
Like my house was always made of glass/
And maybe that’s the price you pay/
For the money and fame at an early age.”* nobody for one moment thinks he is singing about anyone other than himself.
And again, in light of what’s coming out about those Diddy parties and JB’s past with him… I think anyone who’s suffered sexual abuse as a child sees definite overlap in some of those lyrics JB spoke in this song. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0N2hjTFdfYmVDaGg4czl6X0FmcEM5cVQtZkVack0xaFhLVnFscEk1cVNxcWQ4Yjl0YURjNzdiYWo1YUo1TGtZQmVrR2c3d0ZIU3VLNjdSd2ZyNHRGVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGOWoyVWpPVVNSSHUzQ1FIZmlIVm9XZjEwMFN0c3dSeU9ibjBSYUliWEJuLVVqSElCTEdIR0hDU1M2Z1Z4aTRDcTcteTFjTmx0QndYY2hZdFR4bVhRRThyclNTZlhVemlDS0o2blBEdFFtMWk2TjRUN3E0YUJsbnZCT0ZuZDc3Mk1jN0lKU0VybmVIRG9kanpGSTFxbm82RnVwT3JrXzVQa2RuRjVpWG1VQkRqRXcwNmZaVGZqUW1NZ3oteEhCMGZQa0xOVjQycVRiVHZfYkNGNzRKcHZBQT09 | 999,962 |
I dont really partake in pop culture or anything that has to do with celebrity. I don't have instagram or facebook so I don't see much of other people's commentary . When I first heard this song I thought it was glaringly obvious that something was wrong with him and I found it extremely weird that most people that actually listened to his music or music adjacent to his just kind of wrote it off. I know none of us really have the power to do something to help Bieber as we're all just normies but it still doesn't sit right with me the way people are just so dismissive towards this stuff especially when it's right in front of our face. People write suicidal songs all the time and when the artist finally takes their life people are like "wtf I had no idea he was going through that" | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0YWZzbnpKZkVsaG9VZ2FnREJVbzYyMXdLTjdJak1TeU9uWFVuSVEtNGlRVkRKX3c3OUJWZHJTTDFyTzNmVFhhTkhWOGRVNTJ5ZUlIeWZNT0tRTVAyT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGSDRUenJ0VFlNYWZHbzFvdmoxanlsZ0ZyR3JsZU1yYVZxMk9zQWRqV3otRXQ2SlVTcHdGUUFQbE9wT3E0VVUtamFGYjhXbVZXeTlPNGNPZEY3bjF5a1dTa2hEdWUydzlleU8xcFBoYUZGYmxvSVFtcm1Mdzg1YkhHd1BTTmluWk1GR0Y4N0t1dTNVYXptX1NScF92bEx4am1zZE9zSmgtejZpWHpjSWk5TjFCanlNVy1zS0pqdjZJY0V2UjlnM25RQUJMSHhPYmhmdDIyQ2pwaUZwdndJdz09 | 999,963 |
I currently have an almost 13 year old. He is reporting back that his friends and fellow male classmates have suddenly turned into absolute cretins and that good ol’ gay slurs and the n-word are being thrown around daily. I remember those days from my own co-ed school, and currently have teacher friends who’ll teach anyone but middle schoolers because they’re feral. I just advise him to keep his side of the street clean, don’t say anything he wouldn’t want on video when he’s out building his career, look out for kids who are getting bullied and don’t be *too* worried, this wave will pass and most kids morph back into decent humans before they graduate high school. It’s a known phenomenon that grades 8 and 9 are basically trash little edgelords because hormones and things. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0SkdrSG9ydFRUZTN0R01LNjRPeDQyR0taX3NjOFhoZzRJVkdJNmxLSnQ1U1FBSHFYb2JfR3J2RHBTTmNSQU1wYjE1VU5sZUlQMG9JNnAxdUNmRWlGN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGWnRqUEhUa1hBOUZhY0ZxS0VMOGMxVm1MdTJMMVJMd2hVMm1zWnJxajl0ZUFUOG9YTzBHYnBDZXM3V0ItOTA5WXVlTWNmS1ByOXk1aFZpTm4wUndxZWZldXVoZE9ack5ScFppNnJpRU1yeTd3dnN6NHR5Vk9lZy1PU0h0RjBhMVFQSG9CWllRYk5LaWJSbUZFSU9sUkoyMVlMbVV6M1Z1S1VTaDB4d3FneVlFTGZEMU5MVjV1UmE5MldOVTV5ejd5bkNtMWI2eHBHbHNxZFYzUnNCZkxyZz09 | 999,964 |
You’re so right. I don’t think I was ever vocal about my dislike of Justin, but my personal reasons were very much the same.
Looking back, I’m just like, what the fuck was wrong with me? He had a high voice, sure, but so do *some of the best in the business*.
Freddy Mercury, Justin Timberlake, the goddamn Beach Boys. All famous, all well known, all with high voices or the ability to go high. Never blinked twice at their voices, but that Bieber Hate Train came chugging along and I hopped on blindly like a fucking moron.
But I recognize what I did, acknowledge it was stupid, and used it to grow into a better person. My only saving grace is, like I said, I was never vocal about it. Just thought it personally, so thankfully I didn’t spread it to anyone else. Sorry Justin, but also thank you. You indirectly made me a more understanding person. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0RFFkM3dpYmtSTGU4VFVObkhadTFqak5DZm9Vc2tpSTRRbDFiT0REemhmQzRSNC1qUEtxenNQLWxRUTdxLVBtUzZVbF9QOU9mc185NDJ2TDZXanFCckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGMTJPZG1vOEJWRkEtZW9RbTlDbDlyUW5yeHAxUDk0NVB6cGVZMjNpWW5jM3ZRLUZjbkNYdnRwRW1vTkpRT01rd1daUFFEQ1pnYWJ4aTZ6aV9IU2wydEMxYlBsNmhCcW0yZV9QR3oxMjBUYXdfRTZUdnRtbWxOU19HbjdDMF8zMTdJT3JVNTk1Mmk4N01FSGlrS2pRaVo5NVhjM2Q1LTB5ektMQUc1TE9rMlp5b2pEQVllN0lUWUcxX2JTN18yY3hZcWg1Q3hSVERHWWRXM1Q1UGk0ZzlYUT09 | 999,965 |
Same to masking (though I have caught COVID.)
I even mask in indoor non-crowded places cos I absolutely refuse to get sick at the fucking grocery store.
Although I’ve gotten COVID, I’ve never gotten it from an event where I masked. Both times it was from my parents while visiting them. Most recently, I was visiting them and we all went to a music festival. I masked, they didn’t. They started showing symptoms the morning I left — their friends who left the night before (and were exposed to my parents longer than I was, since I was staying in their RV in the driveway) managed to dodge it.
So even though I caught COVID, the mask definitely worked.
Edit: also, those two COVID infections are the only time I’ve been sick with ANYTHING since 2020. Versus the before times, when I’d get two colds and a flu every single year. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0Y1ZhNTBJNkdhLUMwcEVKSmllMjlTRnRSR1hLdFZqckEtTjhvSmhUNS1sVC1zWGE1dzFLNVRHTllLWTNVOF9KOHp4MTZtTnBCNnhjSVZBbXdGQjBTSi1Wb0NpQTVxdEtCNXdQNUdxdC1qY0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGem80dzBmSEN2a3k0dHEzMzRFVF92OE9mZDdoZE0tUWh3QjhnSTBqUmd4ZDgySW5XVGFGcUgtblBqYWxRajBBZlhNMkRDVkstMmdSVElpYktKS3cwN3Vaa09TVXM5bzhBNFY2bVlTQ3hhaTZPdm1GVGpPa3VUa2gzdUhrQU84cFBXR0lUd3VCWVFoekhxSm9FQW9wbDY4RWxZbFdjaGQtUE10NTE2SHRuT2pTelRVZWxiQ1BwSF8zLWdJbWtyRVVXeGZkTV9BSVZJREROVG1jODJlaDdMQT09 | 999,966 |
Probably the more accurate example would be Daniel Radcliffe even though he's not a singer. It sounds like he had a pretty normal middle class lifestyle and has said his parents put his movie money into trust for him, didn't touch it, and raised him to be responsible with it so I believe he still has the majority of the money. Like, he's still working, but its clear from the projects he's taken that he mostly takes roles based on how much fun he's having being paid to act more than anything else. You can't watch him in S3 of Miracle Workers where he plays a priest who gets high on snake venom, dresses up as a drag queen, and sings about coming while voguing and not think he's having the time of his life.
Taylor Swift's family was already very wealthy which is why her father was able to buy a share of her record company (and move the family to Nashville to support her dream). Which, good for her, she definitely built that up with savvy and determination, but she had a very solid base to start with. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0bGFqNktFeW4zNWVSY1RZSllkQVh2T0h6dWM2TEdYeTVlelV0TndSOEZjUEhITFZpazFOY3RHR1hIWlpRb0xaVENRVzFBaVBxUnBiT2JOQmhOd1RBNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGVWUyV0NQYlVqN2JXWUhGXzh2SEt4ZEh0bXlmVEZMUUVESTNmb0tfMEpCdVZSc1plelF1TlRKVGhWUm9hWDUtMmVuTkliM3ZxRlFOXzE2MER6dVpNVlJpMm5PLU1nX0Nya3N3LUJWSkxQbDd3WnhsSTdIVHY2YTJoMEczY3pHOElYU1BIR2VBMlBrWm9aT1FuZVJ5QkVHbGN2eFI0MnAxdWNhcEtmMzduUk9MeHJhQUp1WHVtdHZlem1Jb01tUGpic0xfZE1TTi1XbHprYnpSY0Y2dF9DZz09 | 999,967 |
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Discussion posts should contain a minimum of 200 characters, not including any URLs or links. Posts with URLs will need to be a bit longer, but links are encouraged when mentioning songs. The most successful discussion posts contain between 280 and 320 characters, include examples, and leave open-ended questions and broad subjects for commenters to talk about.
See our guidelines on High Quality Discussion posts in the sidebar.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0TDV1UnFrV21GaEFTX25wblU3X3o5b1djNnlLMExrWHZZTUl4ejF6c095S3BzVEF3eUY4Slc3WEJkNW1rLXF2ZFQ1aFE5djdxdmRKU1RFQnc3Q3dERVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGa0JRakZWdkN1QV80Wl9qT21adFBGOXlqN2FlQjluQXVkQ25DWVhwbGZEQm9IeFMxX3RWOHl2ZlAxNkhIcG13Y0FCQjdFOVNJX21HSExmelVkaGlmeVpHTGhYbXhzckNPUWtTSjJ6UFRIcmEyYkZ3bTJrem5KZ3pkc1VuZlduU2hEczZSTEx0ZEpFZ05CTTd4NFY1STI5MGxMYjJZanlLczBoYlBtYU9rb3R5RlJiajhIU19pUWtCNm9ZRFliVi1x | 999,973 |
Discussion posts should be thoughtfully crafted to encourage meaningful, civil, and constructive conversation; avoid low-effort requests for artist, song, or album recommendations.
**Very short discussion posts are usually a sign of poor quality.** Please try again with more in-depth text in your self post. All discussion posts should be conducive to discussion, and not merely contain a statement, a multiple choice or otherwise basic question, or a prompt for brief or quick replies. Do not ask people to list off favorite songs, albums, artists, concerts, genres, or other musical tastes.
Discussion posts should contain a minimum of 200 characters, not including any URLs or links. Posts with URLs will need to be a bit longer, but links are encouraged when mentioning songs. The most successful discussion posts contain between 280 and 320 characters, include examples, and leave open-ended questions and broad subjects for commenters to talk about.
See our guidelines on High Quality Discussion posts in the sidebar.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0SEsxbTBVNEI1V1lLLVprYUpsNXVVNHkyZHhDakREQTdydE9hM3I5VDZhNGUwelhqN0dsMXJGU05XdWdVTkxGY1lxelpoN2VzOGRLR3BLbjloZDJlSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGS1E5VXlHcFBUQURUUGZ0NFdYZWRaeXdQTFgtMWxHVTJVeVhxMmhIdlNHaWtVWE1vXy1SOG1Eb1dwemNJUkFoTVFHemZBRVJ1S3dSRFQwaXZvWWVwaFdXaHRqU2JhYUR1MlZ0WmpGZThRLUptWGhIbWxPanpSbmxGRFYyY3lrMTFpdFd6ZTNwbElnMUJWSG0yVUhrMkhPSDJiUUxEX3Q2cFdwMEdyZERtcENDRmQ0blNmeHZDZlpHQ1R3bnhyenZo | 999,974 |
Unfortunately, your submission was removed because it looks like you're posting music without a correct title. Titles must follow the specified formatting for our back-end systems to function properly, and to combat spammers.
The correct format is:
**Artist Name - Song Name [genre]** (optional year) *Optional extra text*
Check your post now. Does it have spaces around the dash " - ", and does it have the [genre]?
Forgetting these points are almost definitely why it was removed.
An example of a correct title:
Damu the Fudgemunk - Tea Thyme [instrumental hip-hop/funk] (2010)
You will need to delete this post before submitting again (click on delete above).
***If you are NOT posting a song or music video, please add a 'video' or 'audio tag in the title, like below:***
{audio} for audio submissions that are not strictly music audio, that do not have an artist and song title
{video} for video submissions that are not strictly music videos, that do not have an artist and song title
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0M0hhSXVuSHJJQ2RoQmVMMWR1ZEhFd09nZVZjMmZyODRILXEtaHl0eG9mV2NwMHVoeXk4M3pYSXhoQ3ZKRDFZSDFWbXFYT0dVSDYzT09wUGd2WlpnOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGa1FPUlhLSklSTmx3Q0FLT3c5SDBKZnpmUWRWMHd6MldzWURYTXdrS3hwOFFJT2xVQU9MV3RtSUxZQkZsVEF4M24wRWpWZUdEOU9VcERmdVFyMTBiaUV0a3hoeDcyZm5fRGpTYVNGWHIxbVBSb3o1dnRQT3I3bnB5NFlJZ3NCcUIydWpqOGxGdjVNYmQycGJRMUVaNS03M1JmN0tvc0l2Mlp0R1RVU0xDX1lVPQ== | 999,975 |
Discussion posts should be thoughtfully crafted to encourage meaningful, civil, and constructive conversation; avoid low-effort requests for artist, song, or album recommendations.
**Very short discussion posts are usually a sign of poor quality.** Please try again with more in-depth text in your self post. All discussion posts should be conducive to discussion, and not merely contain a statement, a multiple choice or otherwise basic question, or a prompt for brief or quick replies. Do not ask people to list off favorite songs, albums, artists, concerts, genres, or other musical tastes.
Discussion posts should contain a minimum of 200 characters, not including any URLs or links. Posts with URLs will need to be a bit longer, but links are encouraged when mentioning songs. The most successful discussion posts contain between 280 and 320 characters, include examples, and leave open-ended questions and broad subjects for commenters to talk about.
See our guidelines on High Quality Discussion posts in the sidebar.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0UkQ2NHZ1eklMaWl5M21zaXFkSlptd2NFTVBrNlI2U1c1YWxnMDM1NDhsdW15NGg5THUtc2JXaFplNVNrT05WMXVfY0FMdHZxWUdBOHJtdGtDcmlGeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGbFVhR3B0QmZLdGxrcEk1TW9RRDYwMU5zVTg4bXpQbjRwUkpsdGc3LWpPeGlPdUJqNkF3UDh3RENXVlItV0RwTFg5Uk5aX3ZrM0JYQjhVSm1CdVR2YVdUdnhtMVlSTTlHTm9vMGE0SHEyME5odGJ6c3hwVi1uQUpPRFFBa1JmaG5QRHNQR1FuSm1udHphRGh6eDlWTEtGMTY5d3NWcVptc2x6Z3p2NkxyLWpwUUIyZXNQR1FoN2hYXzRLOGVHUU9oLU5ETTVtem5fMjVJSmVGdVhiMldBUT09 | 999,976 |
Discussion posts should be thoughtfully crafted to encourage meaningful, civil, and constructive conversation; avoid low-effort requests for artist, song, or album recommendations.
**Very short discussion posts are usually a sign of poor quality.** Please try again with more in-depth text in your self post. All discussion posts should be conducive to discussion, and not merely contain a statement, a multiple choice or otherwise basic question, or a prompt for brief or quick replies. Do not ask people to list off favorite songs, albums, artists, concerts, genres, or other musical tastes.
Discussion posts should contain a minimum of 200 characters, not including any URLs or links. Posts with URLs will need to be a bit longer, but links are encouraged when mentioning songs. The most successful discussion posts contain between 280 and 320 characters, include examples, and leave open-ended questions and broad subjects for commenters to talk about.
See our guidelines on High Quality Discussion posts in the sidebar.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0Zk1pOEwzd2ZuUDFYVC1Zbk9Pb1d6cmJPY29oZno5cTV4WEUwdTZ4bE9FTWpqWFFySGZFMHJKQ0V3YVNqTjh3VUFOTWlyX3pid0lzeTh6QW9PSHM4OVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGREg1VWctTmo3X1hOc0pMemlsX0ZpNlR6cS1jNjMzcm9xNTdLWnpNejNjX3AzSFR5NjRQZkRGRDZ3ZU1zT2hYdFJRVktjM2JaZ19selEwYmRSN2JkUlZmR1ZsSnBHckRtTW4ycVFrRXpxX3J5V3hrZVhGbFp6MXplN3ZudHZnZEZnV0xoOGU4ZUtfSHYzRVplSFY4bjU1Y0VDOHhmUEJKbjdlR3l2NER0NFpQRUJfOUFmOTNUa29JODk2RHBySnoxX0tQZzF2TGdDX2JyWmQybXF0N3VrUT09 | 999,977 |
Unfortunately, your submission was removed because it looks like you're posting music without a correct title. Titles must follow the specified formatting for our back-end systems to function properly, and to combat spammers.
The correct format is:
**Artist Name - Song Name [genre]** (optional year) *Optional extra text*
Check your post now. Does it have spaces around the dash " - ", and does it have the [genre]?
Forgetting these points are almost definitely why it was removed.
An example of a correct title:
Damu the Fudgemunk - Tea Thyme [instrumental hip-hop/funk] (2010)
You will need to delete this post before submitting again (click on delete above).
***If you are NOT posting a song or music video, please add a 'video' or 'audio tag in the title, like below:***
{audio} for audio submissions that are not strictly music audio, that do not have an artist and song title
{video} for video submissions that are not strictly music videos, that do not have an artist and song title
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0cUs2U1pzM3AxNUNFU1pnQmU4eXZhWmhFamJSbHdaVmthMjg1STRCTGpLZ20xcnBWM2xVcUdzVHFRck11X21JbjZiQUJmQjBmM1J6UHhpdzFzam1rT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGTkVKN0VWQVkta2hKX1lveFNJTDRxQ3dCS1U0SE0zWUpNbko3WG0tUG9FSXRsR08tT050SjZvanR0WmJ3UHMtQ2hHVzE2al9ESm5pTzZqWTcwM25YU1pYMW5MNmE4bWh4VXB5TXJJLXpYWjg5eDk2Mm5xejQ4OUdlYm1fMEEtTzcxcmtVRkRhdnJmZlhwUzR4RE9ER3hiWXZoV1lCRkI4bHRqOEhoYlNydENrPQ== | 999,978 |
Unfortunately, your submission was removed because it looks like you're posting music without a correct title. Titles must follow the specified formatting for our back-end systems to function properly, and to combat spammers.
The correct format is:
**Artist Name - Song Name [genre]** (optional year) *Optional extra text*
Check your post now. Does it have spaces around the dash " - ", and does it have the [genre]?
Forgetting these points are almost definitely why it was removed.
An example of a correct title:
Damu the Fudgemunk - Tea Thyme [instrumental hip-hop/funk] (2010)
You will need to delete this post before submitting again (click on delete above).
***If you are NOT posting a song or music video, please add a 'video' or 'audio tag in the title, like below:***
{audio} for audio submissions that are not strictly music audio, that do not have an artist and song title
{video} for video submissions that are not strictly music videos, that do not have an artist and song title
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0WUlYcEJFVWFha3JBNFJEbV9ORWZjRzNDbjJSZmo4Mkc3NlpvRWpJaW12ZmNaMlNfenNqU2NKUmpPYU41anp2R3JDVEtOQ0ItLThTSy1FSzNNV0k0cFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGUGp0THVkSnlZZEFQRTF0MnB0YTZUd1UzRmZhRHpreldLaDFtRENHakhPYTVzdXhVU3VqT1hjLVBKYU1NcFhpam5xNEFUOU1VZmdKQWhDMXkwQ2Vpbl8yYmk1b0cxZkdUeDhsRzJVc0NIRmIzQzIxLXFTNGE0bWg3SFJrSUJCenVpUUhFUzdwOHFYVWxpeUxwUTl2d0kwUklNN0RvWUs2QUJxbFdZZVlPLXV4TGlINk5qOF9HVUNIRWZnQVRLWVlw | 999,979 |
Surprise surprise, a bunch of Reddit comments from people who didn’t read the article 🙄
The takeaway for me is that Hailey seems to have a spending problem, and that Justin seems to have a problem with it.
It’s already kinda weird to renew your vows after only 5-6 years of marriage, but to demand an 18-carat ring with it is a bit much. I mean, they’re super rich, so whatever floats their boat, but the sources claimed that Justin didn’t want to buy the ring, but she got her way.
Also seems short sighted to sell the rights to all of his work pre-2021, and it claims that Hailey was pushing for that despite advice not to do so.
Lastly, it said that he is isolated from friends and family and that Hailey is controlling him. Of course, these are anonymous sources, so you have to take it with a grain of salt… it could be his single friends that are disappointed that he’s spending time at home with his wife and new baby.
But it’s still concerning to hear. I didn’t really know anything about Justin and Hailey before this, and it makes me worried for him. He needs a solid support system around him, and this seems like he might not have it. I hope this is not another case of someone taking advantage of him… | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0RjdvVERRbHlGMVJVbnlxVnJiSHg5czZ1eXdqbEhSamVpV0x3VzZFb2IzdndCYmhQMzZQTWhRdDZwVDBnNzZqRndKWTJTV2dzb2ZrRUpsTkJuWTItTzY2bThBWVpNbDVrMlJ6OVl0VTV4MzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGLTlCVmZBUGxtUUJMMVNyR0d6NnZyR21lN25vb1dteVVQdi1WZ1M0eFdzRE9wb2U5MmROeUxJNnh1SUFBWHFWeGR5ZmJYX3QtNWMxelYzdUhGRjN5dzl3MmFHdWVNai1MeTRtYWJnbm5aMEdJQ3FMY2s0U3M5V2RIeEdxazJvbjAxWVUxb3BReWp1RnVfZmlNdTZfUEp5SlFJcTJRR3ctTFZNb1hnajFlbGw5QVVac2VzWXdzdWlKMVN3ODZLaUp6Z3BWekJKUzRhVGo0dVNsd2MyLTlWZz09 | 999,980 |
Dear /u/TunaSalad888,
We appreciate your contribution to /r/Music. However, your submission has been removed as it falls outside the scope of our community guidelines. We aim to foster meaningful discussions rather than simply requesting specific or brief answers.
We understand that you may be seeking recommendations, help identifying songs, or similar assistance. For such inquiries, we encourage you to explore dedicated subreddits like /r/ifyoulikeblank, /r/tipofmytongue, r/namethatune, or other relevant communities. Unfortunately, we no longer permit recommendation requests on /r/Music.
If you believe your post was removed in error, you can try rephrasing it to encourage more in-depth discussion and resubmitting it. We value your engagement in our community, and we're here to help if you have any questions or need further assistance. Please ensure that your posts are designed to facilitate meaningful conversations rather than merely asking for song names, band recommendations, or similar quick responses.
If you've reviewed our rules and still need clarification or assistance, feel free to contact our moderators. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards, The /r/Music Moderation Team
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0aHR1ZWVlcnZITUdQZFdGX1NTYzZBWTVudE1XNGtJTUo3VWd5TWgyaG9WUlh5MDBXVDk5VGpfWEo5YkNzN3puUjUzRGQ1REo3YlE3TWx3aHYxMVg2ZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGclM5bEc1Y2xrWklYNVd6QUJ0QlJESXlnaWpOYVRnTGhFLXVDb2ltSmR6bjVRS2E5clkwOWlublMxeGpaQWFBV3pYdEpGLWIwWnRfTFI4cUpuT3NaSzRVTzhNMU80cjZtUzV3Tl95VnJxTl9NZ1B5djFTZmxTVlVZcnRFSWljX1dOM3d0WWNHT1UtRG0wNGdJRWR6amtIWFdZZDdkMFpMQ21idFFGUXdZVXZlMV96VTd3NUg1cEdWWk02UDhqM2JHd202X1AyVEhvSUpVeFctLURWSG9UUT09 | 999,981 |
Yes. | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0RDRycVdCSUZ0M2pTU0F2cFlyVmsxUjJUVUk0M3pRd2tKQnhJRVRNV3dCd21kM1JFQnI4bGtLdW1wMHZaUEptN1RWSTBaVTh4MjdFNy1NeWgzZlZPaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGRGEyN3FvVWpWQlphNURUU1Noa2xjS3RaSlBXY0xJUzNsVDRudjUySlV1YUFYZm9WWi16MW5PUXNQajh2WkpzMXZfbDRJNFNpaDFSajJVQk9XQmRjNEhUWGdVejZUMV9OTmxvOUJmN1hfRnJTMmpYQWY4WWxvUUZuMFhndUNLUndMOUFoWDVCNURJQVpOd0c3aU0ybXdIY19NTXdJTmZiTllSWkl5VDR0TWdsZVNiWkNqc0RYQ1JwTk90Q0hEZFROSVQta0R1N243aHZUZUpaX0hvUDhvUT09 | 999,984 |
TOOL | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0OXhsei1OMWcwN05GQTlneklYUW1DRG5GbE8xRmsxc0MyeWJ1TF9BZFMwVkhNeWFnOFA0NmdSN1B3ZDlDeW1IbjhnekpHck5OZ3FvdVZtdkpSMnFKb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGRXNxb19mVDJJbzNqTUw0M1h5bXE4YnRGNUVrcHVqaWhzWVR6NlcwZjA4X0lRX2sxYzFESEMyY3UyLWw5eU8xemNacHVySnZjUktMOUJ1MzVlWlYwcXdKalJwY1kxX3k2WURCb2h2UVdwVHREb1hEcEdlYzU5aUZEdklhakVlZlZWS3VYWHFXdFY4M3dQTDNGNkxnNzJQZDBvZF9IY2xlbDZ2Tmd6LUdoTHBVLURDR0doY293VWhUdkJpVUZfZVgxLXBkNU10TGthZ3BzQW1DVHBvUkVQZz09 | 999,985 |
Tool | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0X0dVNXlGUUc1VlJKYzhSVEZRNWtqblh4QWpsQ1Y1ekdVZkUtWFRTekJWS0tXNklVeWZPcXhkSV80UjN5SHVMMjZMZF9seVJ6Rks3RElwTUU5RjNRT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGODJBOTRyeHFSR1J1ajVnQy1wUjNqM3VxanEtV3c5dVN3cV9uR1huMEE2cm1jTEZhQmlteXZISE1Cb0psTDFNSHczS2t4c0xyOG95c2I3ajhfXzNESmNrTDcxYklqWk1JblRpWTlKTmdpWUhpbklHc0tVdkxFd3ppU3dPYXZ2T0V1RjVyd1hsZ2tZNEZJT2s1MW8ycEJ6a0NGN3hkRlhUQmIyTGlRb0haVjdnMk1memNTVlFoUGNSLTJ5Ulg4aXNLel9aNm9SSnpjT0lZV2MzMFgxcHlQQT09 | 999,986 |
RIGHT? | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0cTBxZ3FRZE1fYUFNYUJPekRody1kYndNRmxTdnAtOVUyNWpZbmVUbjFONnBXNG5WTkw5TXlqdXVlb2ZlSVJPVTRhcFg4VjZqYzVZMlo0VVZ1cGl6RUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGSWdnVlJ3d2FfdEFsclp6QUpyVDc2c2MteVJYcUR4UF9OSllxb3ZmREZVdDQ5anZPdTkwcFJ6cHI2Mm5EWG9VWjhOR2ZPcFlhYnZUT2IyRUVUYlBvWUxXZnNRYU1fcFdNaGI2dUdrWnVPMzdiY0xTdElFT2JHUWtuaktVVldTSjVkb1JjUl9VZTZBdGx5bUt6ZlhnSmNBcWVsdkc4Nnk1QV8tSGZIdGI1M3E4RmFtc3huTlBDaEhaUkZwSHRsV19YY0xfaFpqdk5mTGFLVHJrYkZHUVIwQT09 | 999,988 |
So? | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0R3ZrX1ZMR1g0NU1vTVktVlc3ZTNvT0ZqNVNMY1ZpSVRxanJVeTd2TWFzQ19EQnAxUnZ3Wjl1YXhXUGgzN1ZJSTZRcVVnbHUtOHpLakk2M2ZyNnpFaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGdlhoT0xMcF9wTXg0OUU2VWR3REpaMXMzT09vak9YZWVoT05YY2pJMGZqY0UwekhCVERJMW5PczJFalpnS1M1MEE3N01QQ0RjQ1dySXg1UVBmTUd0ZUxIN2p2Z0ZodzJTR254YVJsWTlrYlUtWV9neFR1WEVkU05iZWMtX2JMMlFteWZRQ0pmaXJhczA1MmRBWV9mcS1fdGw1TlFyaXVjSGx0OWJjTGx3WkZEUHEtYXB0X3dXcEduMV9LUXZwLXRzMlJlalNuS0g0TmVaaVQwcmlGZnp0dz09 | 999,989 |
lol | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0WnRjZlBUU1VaX1NacjRsWmQtelE5Q240anpaVzVRcTlmZkFpbGMtU0VVVmxXVFd4SFJxMFRaNXJacm9WOTRXSzRNTjZJX0pNNmM3eWZ3R00zQUlVenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGd3BHNFFhUTBkaXNmWkNab1V6elljeS1MQUhlQ1Y3Nm15amxQRlZwV1JRVTRiOFdkTHNLQWdBcGc4VFpZSkxGd2x0Y2tmbEl6TXRmTmVNOXpCOUx0WnhEdlV2cDEwMGhjRXNrRTUwVTlmOVg4eV93alZLbHZZOHhXbFg5ZVBQS2hXTVhYUXNTeU92Ql9XVHZLTEtpT0Z0WGdqSjlWSFZabllxb0ZHcERXTHlTdkRDWnluRERqRGhNNk9sc0M1aFVnX1Rhd0diWjJmSnZvUnE4am5LN3lIdz09 | 999,990 |
No | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1U0U2NWamw2ZFRKc0poTmMwdGRNM1h4aEZIeUlMdkI0d0FMM0tyR3hvWDFGQWRoVXZiQ2dwN0VEcE82aDdpVmJCNTRJeXRiZ18zSTBZaGtVNHdNU1BJb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dGSEF5bFJvS3ptR3NieGFtY3g3R2JGNXU3T2pWaHRleTVCZlVZQmMzZDZYRDh2VFVDSjRydkZoZGRxTi1SdWZlZ2hFaEkySVFtOXRYOGpTell6NXdodjZUOG5hdWFZcE0wVUFBWmtEaGJYN2syZnRydDBGYnlmV3hEV09MMnR6dzg0dUhWMVJNdVF5em51VGd0dWl4azZzN182UDZMS3VUTVBnaUVvNENmOUpYWjBqNmFicE9aaHg5cWlsRW9uQmtfVGd3Ny1qZG9sX3BKOC1oTFBnTHdmUT09 | 999,992 |
Sade | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1UxMENXWmJMZHN0RzVYREpacXFNTTRHekphYWUyRlFSdFUwZVpZajZ6QkZGTmZOdm1ITkRFNE1FTF9hc2Q0MTJsaTAtNjQzYXBuYXV5VlRNd0JDT2ljSnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dES2NZbDVCUHpYbFV6bHJxZi11QW9QNlRxYi1RR2U3NEZrYnVueE9qLUpYMTZlOW91OEFSSlhDZnM5ckM5NEVWLTJReUZ5NUlFNU9yTFdxS1piWVhxNm9pUUZqb0c0X3psWXRLZHJvdDNRSG5LeHpEc0NUT3BjVk1vemd6NWxfbkI5dXJCbWc2MDJfaGFfSzFzeWN0VnVBMmM0T2drV1ZnZ0ZXT0RHbjl3anY4UkpIX0VtZFpicldabUgtSHltcld2b1poYS1yM2FTY3M5MDVkUHRHWVI3dz09 | 999,993 |
Ween | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1UxQ215V09pdEFLcEliSU5hUXNtN3d2NlNsMTNGOFRjOTF5YnUzcGg3MUs0NzZIM0NPTUh6QmRSQUNHU25SNUdJSHhXNy01bU93UmF0b0NFVnRvSS1tRXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dETXdTR2lvZXJTU1NtZm5pQzE2SDhuMEVVQ05XdEJQM3BlUEJYYmRnbFJ1cnNNaTVtUndUR2VSdnFPZGVvcGFFcl9JdTF1d3E5NEtCZ3RSVXIyeHI2dXJKVzJGTVJOdnNlUUszSHUyTzVacHROdFZ2TG93enJrclhxa29nQkhuT09GV1Jxd2RiQUpUc3pwUkp3NFZRWl9OSEk1UFRKZlJoZGdrZ1lseng0LXBaRU9KZHJBclhacC1uYnJvWWVBOHdzbHdtS2ZDTHpzdlUyTHFVWndRR3JsQT09 | 999,994 |
Or Kings | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1UxSU5iSVh3bkdQN25nMVUtVHVfLXdqMzZkVFVSVmYycFNVbDFXOENfbEJDVzk3eFEwNkl5X1VLVHcxUHU0X2l5ODFlb0JpaEtVa2ZnS0JLeUJXUFFNSEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dEU09MUk5ibnFPSDlqZUtMZmhCMmRDZ3JwQXBGanFqVkVYR01YV0FITVdoNENPT29ibWJjRzgxRG9fdUg2emJrak1qX0lsSUREYjlYR0ZpZi0zUlVFQmlwbjFPRG8yU1d1LWxwdklBVU1hWWhZNHNfU3VuRzQ5empGWW5RYk1fWTJBa3NVdWZOeGZWU2xiY3Q3ZHdjc3pzb1N0NUg5blY4NnNGSFM5WEVBWlV2M21SM00yN1RianhrMnNmbnZqTGtBcWk4bU4xbnJJWnN1cktEZzg1OFloQT09 | 999,996 |
APPLAUSE!!! | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1Uxc2pjNmFyZm8yS1VHSHlZQ1hjcXhhVEt6XzRqbHc4M0pPM09peF9wbk5zWlFlYlYwTGJFUlVPdDF4RWFiYWxKdHF0U1ZrNTVrTnp5dGEzQ2tiRUZZQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dEUHAwM2xxS0xLTTROREdSaUJrZEw2TnM0bVJXRlFqWTJ0SUpoem90ZzlPVlJIY2tRejgyLS1xaVMtaW94ckhnam1zSUhqRTZhWndfZzhRUF9sd1V1eDk4ZE1ZcHR2cGp5QXFEdGZNYUNiRFE3RDRsM2xQdEpLUnoweTlxSkZ3TnJxaWJZYlNmVzZjdFZGbUxIbnpvQllBbGJkNHltNXRNMzdyaHRNTHJrRmJhalROcHFzbkVqc2xKd3EtUFE1Wk9Xc1ItZjZ2S1pRSURKNGJ4b1FsZ2JkQT09 | 999,997 |
Sublime | r/music | comment | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1UxWjdGVVlGV2ZHdWw2OWV5emQ0eGVneUJ2ZlhKWFlBYTgtN19kQVZ1ZFRnZ2Rja0tMVGEyZE1nOGpxNUkzWHk4OHhiVTE4aVd5S2VSaDhfeHZKVjRieXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dEWHl2WkY2b1JfNlVfdzJPVlV3U1VXUmhFZkpkR1lSMHMwQXZkWWM1LU1XZi1ScXpzMjNrOWN2NU5JREZxUjNaTkd4Wmc0aXhkZS13elNyVmVNMm5EaG0xSC1pVGJLUVA1S19mc1hYUEVxS0MwNGNPTjltZDZzN0RCdW8zWjh2Yk44YTNNSzFxR3Bja0JQNWMwTHdzbVVpdHd3T1NmT1gyeU1RYUxBSFVuTEZfYk9kR3Jxb1NSQjQ0QjB2ODl2TFR1RGlWX2ItR25WcDJ2Zm9mQ0VsQzVIUT09 | 999,998 |
[removed] | r/music | post | r/Music | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1UxaDExb05NS0I2TnJibUhXdzlBMWNsUUNlY3FIazJfbFc1WVNrYnhxZHJ0X0c3TGRuVVZRei1KTFdiQ1VHakdLaWlTN1hzSENiWXBiTzZiZHpBZ0Q0OUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QR1dEaDd5NGYzajkyUGRtYTNKel9jZHVnSmd5WDRWTzVkR2ZzSlMtQWh0b1pPaTZfQ2h1MmE4bl9rcjhDWWc2YTBvRFExNkRNbEUzcFdOdks3X3FCSnoyUEpSYms2VTFITFZmRlY1Mlg3TE5KYzdEQXBHekNTX3RBQUFKdHlGeWlJOFp4SkZQLWdldFRRMU1QRmU5RjN1UXN0NGwwaDVGbjNIQW5oUHdEbV81R3JTRndHU0FpYllyV0tDdHF0cXFKNWc0 | 999,999 |