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What is significant about the “secret” Retief unveils about the Soetti?
They're easier to take down than they thought, meaning they can stand up to the Soetti.
[ " They're easier to take down than they thought, meaning they can stand up to the Soetti.", " The Soetti are going to exact revenge on the crew now that he's exposed their secret.", " They don't have the right to be asking for papers, making their presence on board illegal.", " They're easy to bluff against. They'll believe what the captain tells them." ]
Why are the Soetti allowed to board the ship?
The captain and Mr. Tony are in business with them.
[ " They need transport to Jorgenson’s Worlds as well.", " They need to check the papers of each passenger, so the caption allows them to do so.", " The Soetti aren’t - the captain fears them and they are illegally boarding.", " The captain and Mr. Tony are in business with them." ]
What was Skaw's importance?
He was the connection between Mr. Tony, the captain, and the Soetti's business.
[ " He was the connection between Mr. Tony, the captain, and the Soetti's business.", " Unlike other Soetti, he was brittle and easily killed.", " He didn't have much importance. When the Soetti was presented with his body, they didn't care.", " He was the one to check the validity of each passenger's papers." ]
Why did the captain try to change course away from Jorgenon's Worlds?
Retief killed Skaw, and it angered Mr. Tony, who ordered him to change course.
[ " Jorgenson's World doesn't have enough trade value to warrant the trip.", " Retief killed Skaw, and it angered Mr. Tony, who ordered him to change course.", " He needs to get away from the Soettie after Skaw's death.", " He wants to drop Retief off at Alabaster instead." ]
Why is Acoustix so valuable?
It helps Martain people regain their ability to communicate.
[ " Acoustix can be sold at a high price.", " It's an ore that can only be found in one place.", " It helps Martain people regain their ability to communicate.", " It's an abundant ore that Earth people sell." ]
What is true about the Red Spot Fever?
Infra-red rays influence people, and they end up lost in the Baldric.
[ " It is contagious, and it is affecting nearly every worker.", " There is no known cure for it.", " It makes people vanish into thin air.", " Infra-red rays influence people, and they end up lost in the Baldric." ]
Why does Grannie fool Billy as well when she rides away with Park?
She didn't. It was one of the cockatoo images.
[ " She didn't want Billy to know where they were heading.", " She had to pretend she was replaced by a cockatoo, and make it convincing.", " She didn't want Antler to know about the cockatoo images and how they worked.", " She didn't. It was one of the cockatoo images." ]
What gives away the location of the lens?
Workers were showing their first symptoms after being in the barracks.
[ " When Billy enters the barracks, he realizes he's being hit by Red Fever.", " Workers were showing their first symptoms from working in the mines.", " The location was written in the Fever Victims file.", " Workers were showing their first symptoms after being in the barracks." ]
Why does the party run into duplicates of themselves?
They're the cockatoos, copying their appearance.
[ " It's the Red Fever influencing their perception.", " As Grannie Annie says, it's a form of mass hypnosis.", " They're a mirage, a result of the Baldric.", " They're the cockatoos, copying their appearance." ]
What is so unique about the cockatoos on this planet?
They are able to physically mimic any picture.
[ " They are able to copy speech.", " They live in abundance in the Baldric, despite it being a dangerous area.", " They are identical to Earth parrots, despite being on a different planet.", " They are able to physically mimic any picture." ]
How did Grannie Annie save the workers?
She discovered that ultraviolet could reverse the effects on them and used it to cure them.
[ " She found the location they all went to and helped them navigate back.", " She removed the lens from the barracks that was making them sick.", " She pretended to contract the fever and fooled Antler Park.", " She discovered that ultraviolet could reverse the effects on them and used it to cure them." ]
What does the viviscreen do?
It brings up a 3-D image of the person you are looking at and allows you to watch and hear them as if you were there.
[ " It plays a recording of something. In this case, it's of Grannie, Xarnal, and Jimmy Baker.", " It's stationary, and can only be used to view one place and time.", " It brings up a 3-D image of the person you are looking at and allows you to watch and hear them as if you were there.", " Like a computer or television screen, it allows you to see another person on the other end." ]
What main motivation did Antler Park have to leave the lens in the barracks?
He knew the value of this spot for Acoustix, and wanted to run the Jimmy Baker out.
[ " He didn't fully understand the effects of the infra-red rays and wanted to see what it was capable of.", " He knew the value of this spot for Acoustix, and wanted to run the Jimmy Baker out.", " He was afraid of Grannie Annie discovering his plot and tried to get rid of her.", " He had struck a large load of Acoustix and wanted to hide the evidence." ]
What initially alerted people to the fault line and the onset of problems?
They investigated what they thought was a forest fire, only to find it was sediment and dust.
[ " Geologists were already aware of its presence and had been watching it.", " They investigated what they thought was a forest fire, only to find it was sediment and dust.", " The land had become so dry it was a cause of concern.", " Newspapers had established the connections of the 3 faults." ]
What reason did the newspaper have to focus on the possible active volcano theory and not the opinion of the geographer?
Simply that the idea of an active volcano was much more interesting to the public.
[ " There wasn't enough evidence to disprove the active volcano theory.", " There wasn't enough evidence to write about the fault line theory.", " Simply that the idea of an active volcano was much more interesting to the public.", " Joseph Schwartzberg was the only geologist saying otherwise." ]
What happens that completely confirms Schwartzberg's theory?
An earthquake begins, and the fault starts to settle on either side, putting everything into motion.
[ " An earthquake begins, and the fault starts to settle on either side, putting everything into motion.", " A landslip began to form along the fault, and the land continued to sink.", " The tremors begin to increase in size.", " A new lake was beginning to settle around the Arkansas River." ]
What is most significant about the earthquake that happens?
It became a national tragedy, affecting most of the country.
[ " It proved that the dust volcano was alive.", " It proved Schwartzberg's theory?", " It became a national tragedy, affecting most of the country.", " It happened quickly and suddenly." ]
About how long does the tragedy take place?
About three months total.
[ " About three months total.", " Over the course of a month.", " It all took place between September and October.", " It's all over in a matter of hours." ]
What major change happened to the country's landscape as the tragedy continued?
Several states totally sink, and water takes its place.
[ " State lines were made to be different after the upsets by the earthquakes.", " Much of the landscape is upset by the earthquakes, throwing dirt and dust everywhere.", " Several states totally sink, and water takes its place.", " New cliffs and fault lines continued to form." ]
How has the new Nebraska Sea changed the climate in America?
It's brought on much warmer, more tolerable weather.
[ " Because everything is now along a coastline, it's much cooler.", " For most of the states, it's about the same.", " It's much muggier in many places now, and unlivable in others.", " It's brought on much warmer, more tolerable weather." ]
What's the most unexpected result of the disaster?
Even though millions of lives were lost, the economy is now booming due to the sea.
[ " Because of the new sea, there are no more rivers to trade by.", " Even though millions of lives were lost, the economy is now booming due to the sea.", " Coast-to-coast travel via buses and trucks is now a thing of the past.", " Many of the previous states have dissolved." ]
How has America transformed as a country after the events?
It's now a booming maritime location, with high population and economic growth.
[ " With millions of their people gone, America is still finding a foothold in this new world.", " It's now a booming maritime location, with high population and economic growth.", " Most of the states have separated and began to live independently again.", " The political climate has been completely upended." ]
How is this article written?
Like a factual retelling of events that have happened in America's history.
[ " Like a factual retelling of events that have happened in America's history.", " As a scientific paper going over a tragedy that happened once in America.", " As a theory as to what could end up happening to America one day.", " As an obviously fictional scenario." ]
Why did the bank robbers end up crashing?
The Scorpion somehow melted their tires.
[ " The cops used incendiary bullets to melt the tires.", " The Scorpion somehow melted their tires.", " They didn't realize the car they stole was damaged.", " It was so hot outside that their tires melted and blew out." ]
Why does The Scorpion go mostly unnoticed, despite reaching out to the newspaper?
Their first letter was disregarded, and their second was read by a different person.
[ " The police don't want to bring attention to them, because they don't believe there is a connection between the crimes.", " Their first letter was disregarded, and their second was read by a different person.", " The Scorpion hasn't made an appearance in person yet.", " They wrote a crank letter, and so it was completely disregarded." ]
Why does Stevenson begin to suspect a connection between the crimes?
The nature of how the crimes ended didn't add up on their own. That, as well as the signatures, make him believe there is more.
[ " Stevenson has an overactive imagination, similar to how a previous police officer had been.", " The nature of how the crimes ended didn't add up on their own. That, as well as the signatures, make him believe there is more.", " Two back-to-back crimes is too suspicious.", " The alibi of Higgins doesn't add up. He admits to leaving the signature, but Stevenson doesn't trust him." ]
Why do the gangs pick Halloween night to fight?
The cops would be preoccupied with other matters, and it was easy to explain why you had a weapon on you.
[ " The schoolyard would be empty as kids would be out.", " They could be out past curfew without suspicion. No one would question why kids were going out on Halloween night.", " The cops would be preoccupied with other matters, and it was easy to explain why you had a weapon on you.", " The cops wouldn't be on lookout on a night like Halloween, so they can get away with doing what they want." ]
Why does the Scorpion leave their signature at each crime?
To show that they "took care" of each criminal.
[ " To show that they \"took care\" of each criminal.", " To scare off other potential criminals.", " To show that they were present at the crime.", " To help lead the police in connecting the crimes." ]
What do all 3 crimes have in common?
They were ended by unexplained phenomena and marked by the Scorpion.
[ " They were ended by unexplained phenomena and marked by the Scorpion.", " They were carried out by The Scorpions, a new gang.", " They were ended by the criminals being apprehended by the police.", " In all 3 cases, something either melted or got too hot to handle." ]
What seems to be the Scorpion's motivation?
They hate criminals and work as a vigilante, punishing people as they see fit.
[ " They want people to know their name and fear them, hence leaving their mark at every crime.", " They are indiscriminately attacking people in various situations.", " They hate criminals and work as a vigilante, punishing people as they see fit.", " They want to cause trouble because they are actually The Scorpions, a group of juvenile delinquents." ]
Why are Quezy and Bob investigating the asteroid?
To see if it matches the specifications of the person who ordered it.
[ " To see if it matches the specifications of the person who ordered it.", " To investigate the ship that's been parked on it.", " To check what minerals and ores are present in it.", " To check its overall dimensions." ]
Why are Quezy and Bob pressed for time?
They need to fulfill Burnside's requests quickly in order to make a profit.
[ " They don't want their competitors getting to the asteroid before them and missing out on the profit.", " The Saylor Brothers have been chasing them, and they know they're on their way to the same asteroid.", " They need to fulfill Burnside's requests quickly in order to make a profit.", " Hauling asteroids is dangerous work, and the quicker they get it done the better." ]
Why does Starre lay claim to the asteroid?
She's trying to delay her arranged marriage, by preventing the asteroid from ever being delivered.
[ " She's trying to get away from her life. She can't stand how stubborn her Grandfather is.", " She's trying to delay her arranged marriage, by preventing the asteroid from ever being delivered.", " She told her Grandfather about the asteroid and told him she would marry Mac on top of it.", " She's Burnside's granddaughter and is protecting it for him." ]
Why is Starre hesitant to accept Bob's feelings?
She feels trapped by her Grandfather's bargain.
[ " She knows that the wedding has to happen, one way or another.", " She doesn't feel the same way about Bob.", " She feels trapped by her Grandfather's bargain.", " She still cares about Mac, despite all that's happening." ]
How does the shape of Starre's ship benefit them?
Being a "yo-yo" shape, they can use it like one to fight against the Saylor brothers.
[ " It made it easy to spot and to re-locate it.", " It's small, making it easy for them to transport it with them.", " Being a \"yo-yo\" shape, it was easy to attach cables to it and maneuver it back and forth.", " Being a \"yo-yo\" shape, they can use it like one to fight against the Saylor brothers." ]
What happens at the second confrontation with the Saylor brothers?
The yo-yo worked as intended after some maneuvering, damaging their ship.
[ " The yo-yo fails to hit the other ship, as it can't quite reach it.", " The Saylor brothers call on the Interplanetary Commission for help.", " The yo-yo worked as intended, hitting their ship with the first hit.", " The yo-yo worked as intended after some maneuvering, damaging their ship." ]
Why do Starre, Bob, and Quezy work together, despite having goals that are at odds with one another?
The Saylor brothers are in the way for both parties, and it makes more sense to work together to take them down.
[ " Starre is hopeful that they can eventually help her out of her own predicament.", " The Saylor brothers are in the way for both parties, and it makes more sense to work together to take them down.", " Bob and Quezy don't care what happens to her after. They just want to get through the situation.", " They simply don't have any other choice." ]
Why do Bob and Quezy haul asteroids in the first place?
It's a new fad that Bob hard started, where rich people enjoy having them on display.
[ " They are hoping to start a new business selling them.", " Other companies have been making a profit with them, and they want in on it.", " The asteroids of deposits of rich minerals, making them valuable. Hence why they check the composition of each one.", " It's a new fad that Bob hard started, where rich people enjoy having them on display." ]
What is likely the next step in the story?
Bob and Quezy work with Starre to come up with a solution to both their problems,
[ " Starre takes the asteroid back, and she goes back to living on it alone.", " The Saylor brothers return and retrieve the asteroid again.", " Bob and Quezy work with Starre to come up with a solution to both their problems,", " Bob and Quezy deliver the asteroid, and Starre marries Mac." ]
Why was Peter Karson initially relieved when he first heard the news of the invasion?
It confirmed that what he saw was real, and he wasn't losing his mind.
[ " He was glad to know he wasn't the only person who had seen something.", " He was glad to hear it reported, rather than ignored.", " It confirmed that what he saw was real, and he wasn't losing his mind.", " He feared he was going mad and was relieved to hear something from the real world." ]
What seems to be the invader's reason for visiting Earth?
They are investigating humans in a scientific, albeit fatal, way.
[ " They recognize humans as intelligent beings and wanted to see what they have made.", " They want to wage war with Earth and take it for themselves.", " They are investigating humans in a scientific, albeit fatal, way.", " They are investigating humans, making notes to not destroy their world indiscriminately." ]
What is significant about the events being broadcasted?
Even though the imagery is horrific, it's important that the whole world is made aware. It's their only warning.
[ " Without the broadcast, there is no proof of what is happening. As Peter says, it's unbelievable otherwse.", " Even though the imagery is horrific, it's important that the whole world is made aware. It's their only warning.", " The images are horrific. It shows the brutality of the aliens.", " The broadcasts will likely lead to mass panic and suicide, because of how grim the circumstances are." ]
How does it seem that the aliens communicate?
They speak telepathically, in a language people can't understand.
[ " They make mental contact with human victims, often leading them to madness.", " They speak through people, making them scream.", " Their lips are sealed together. They are unable to speak.", " They speak telepathically, in a language people can't understand." ]
Why is Peter's status so important when he wakes up?
He's a scientist. Scientists are part of the last hope as people who could potentially piece together how to fight the aliens.
[ " He's one of the few people to have survived an encounter with the aliens.", " He's a scientist. Scientists are part of the last hope as people who could potentially piece together how to fight the aliens.", " He's a scientist. Scientists are part of the last hope as people who could lead a new life in the underground.", " He's one of the few survivors of the new world. They need every healthy person they can get." ]
What is Peter's mission aboard The Avenger?
To mutate embryos until they come across someone who can fight the aliens.
[ " To seek a solution to the aliens out in space.", " To take the embryos with him and start a new life for humans.", " To mutate embryos until they come across someone who can fight the aliens.", " To seek out a \"superman.\" Someone who can face the aliens for them." ]
Why does Peter insist that Lorelei not come along for the mission?
He knows she would mutate as well, and he wouldn't be able to handle that and put the mission at risk.
[ " He knows he will mutate when he leaves, and he can't stand the thought of her seeing him like that.", " It's too dangerous for her to go as a woman. She doesn't have the same odds of survival.", " He knows she would mutate as well, and he wouldn't be able to handle that and put the mission at risk.", " He knows that they'll be reunited, and promises to come back." ]
Before his departure, Peter recalls a line from a film. Why does it come to mind for him?
He recognizes that he will be a changed, mutated man when he returns. He literally will come back "not as a boy."
[ " He recognizes that he will be a changed, mutated man when he returns. He literally will come back \"not as a boy.\"", " He's trying to convince himself that he and humanity will be able to come back, with the emphasis on \"We'll come back.\"", " The situation is grave. Like men who go off to war, the journey will change them. He won't be coming home as the same \"boy.\"", " He's not sure he'll be coming back, and the song is bittersweet for him." ]
By the end of the passage. what can we understand about the opening scene?
Despite being logical, Robert feels emotional about killing Peter. He is at odds with himself.
[ " Without Peter, the ship won't be functional anymore.", " Despite being logical, Robert feels emotional about killing Peter. He is at odds with himself.", " Robert kills Peter without any thought behind it.", " Robert's cold logic has won him over completely." ]
Why do they want Macklin specifically to be the test subject?
He is a man of great importance, and people will believe him if it works.
[ " As a fellow scientist, he'd understand and appreciate what they're doing.", " He's in relatively good health, meaning he'd survive the experiment and yield resutls.", " He is a man of great importance, and people will believe him if it works.", " He has chronic migraines, making him a good candidate." ]
How would the shot theoretically cure headaches?
It would address the root problem of every headache. By focusing on the core behind a headache, it can be used in any circumstance.
[ " It would address the root problem of every headache. By focusing on the core behind a headache, it can be used in any circumstance.", " It would separately address any problem that could cause a headache, from tumors to fatigue. It's built to be an answer to everything.", " It constricts the blood vessels with an artificial virus.", " It's not a cure at all, it's a virus." ]
Why is Macklin's reaction to the shot alarming?
The shot has somehow removed his intelligence.
[ " He's acting as if he took a narcotic, enough that Mrs. Macklin suspects that they gave him heroin?", " He's much too happy, as observed by Sidney. He's inexplicably healthy and too adjusted.", " He seems unbothered by it, despite the fact that it should have changed his life.", " The shot has somehow removed his intelligence." ]
Why does the army get involved with the situation?
Macklin is a valuable asset to them, and they don't want something to happen to his intellect.
[ " Macklin is a valuable asset to them, and they don't want something to happen to his intellect.", " The army is investigating Mitchell and Ferris because they gave unauthorized medical assistance.", " Mrs. Macklin called them in to help.", " They want to see the results of Ferris and Mitchell's trial." ]
Why does Macklin have objections to going back?
He doesn't want to go back. He'd rather be "stupid" than having headaches and always worrying.
[ " He doesn't want to have to undergo another experiment.", " He doesn't want to go back. He'd rather be \"stupid\" than having headaches and always worrying.", " It's too risky to try the experiment again. He'd rather take his chances the way he is now.", " He doesn't want to go back. In the state he's in, he's too \"stupid\" to realize the ramifications of what happened to him." ]
What is the main conflict at the start?
The Americans are unable to tell when the scheduled explosion is going off.
[ " The American astronauts can't get in contact with anyone who speaks English.", " Winship's reefer stops working properly.", " The Americans are unable to tell when the scheduled explosion is going off.", " The harsh sunlight is making the astronauts perspire." ]
What happens after the blast?
The dome is still standing but suffered a leak, making a new problem.
[ " The Russians are unconcerned, meaning their job went well.", " The dome is severely damaged.", " Static prevent the astronauts from contacting anybody anymore.", " The dome is still standing but suffered a leak, making a new problem." ]
Why does the fact that Finogenov had a wooden desk sent up to space a point of contention for Winship?
To him, it's a frivolous display of power and nothing more, especially when materials like aluminum are available.
[ " He wished he had the same luxury. The Americans have much less room to work with.", " He's frustrated with the current situation and is finding himself envious of all the things they don't have.", " It's too much of an effort to do something like that, making it a waste of time and resources.", " To him, it's a frivolous display of power and nothing more, especially when materials like aluminum are available." ]
What goes wrong just as Winship makes contact with earth?
He is starting to lose air and needs to have it replaced.
[ " His communications were cut off, and he has no way to talk to Wilkin.", " He is starting to lose air and needs to have it replaced.", " He runs out of air and can't breathe.", " The communications equipment stops working, and the people down at Earth start to worry." ]
What goes wrong with the calking compound?
It ends up being epoxy resin, which activates and starts melting.
[ " It ends up being epoxy resin, which activates and starts melting.", " They're unsure how to read the instructions and mix it incorrectly.", " It's the wrong substance. Because of the language barrier, the Russians set them off with the wrong barrel.", " The barrel doesn't fit in the space they need it to." ]
Why do the Americans need to ask the Russians for help?
They need more calking compound to fix the leak. All of what they had has already hardened.
[ " They don't understand the instructions for the compound.", " They need help fixing the leak. They don't know how to use the calking compound.", " They need more manpower to help fix the rest of the dome.", " They need more calking compound to fix the leak. All of what they had has already hardened." ]
What reason would the Russians have to drive the Americans off?
They want the sole ability to conduct research on the moon.
[ " The two stations are much too close to one another.", " They want the sole ability to conduct research on the moon.", " They know the Americans are ahead of them technology-wise.", " They don't trust the Americans, the same way Winship distrusts them." ]
What is the new problem the American astronauts are left with at the end of the passage?
The barrel has destroyed their air supply.
[ " The dome has no been compromised.", " The barrel has destroyed their air supply.", " The calking compound has hardened and become unusable.", " They can no longer fix the leek in the dome." ]
What is the purpose of the Orthan taking over a human host?
To investigate the planet without vslling attention, and determine if it's worth colonizing.
[ " To get the full human experience, and understand what makes the planet worthwhile.", " To investigate the planet without vslling attention, and determine if it's worth colonizing.", " To assimilate the human host into the Hord, and add to it their knowledge.", " To examine the memories of the human host, and see what knowledge they have." ]
Lew's memories are intermingling with Thigs, making him feel what?
Discontent with his regular life as he becomes more enamored with Earth life.
[ " Worry. He begins to worry that he won't be able to separate from Lew properly later on.", " Discontent with his regular life as he becomes more enamored with Earth life.", " Anger at that state of Orthan civilization.", " Worry. He worries that the Hord will no longer accept him when he returns." ]
What is the major difference between Orthan and Earth culture that appeals to Thig?
Earth people are individuals, capable of making their own decisions in life.
[ " Earth people wear clothing, where Orthan people wear none.", " Orthan people are unsentimental, and after experiencing emotion Thig wants to be rid of it.", " Earth people enjoy a much more lush planet, with more things to enjoy.", " Earth people are individuals, capable of making their own decisions in life." ]
Why does Thig change his mind about the invasion?
He remembers Ellen and the love he felt, and doesn't want to leave.
[ " He remembers Ellen and the love he felt, and doesn't want to leave.", " He has forgotten why he lives for the Hord.", " He contracted a disease while on Earth that's making him make wild decisions.", " He is fearful that Earth's influence will affect the Orthan as it did him." ]
What saves Thig life in his fight with Torp?
Torp allowed his rage to blind him, so he did not realize he left Thig alive.
[ " Torp did not have the strength to kill him, despite hitting him for some time.", " Thip's body had been left last to be disposed of.", " Torp allowed his rage to blind him, so he did not realize he left Thig alive.", " Torp wants to investigate his body for diseases before killing him." ]
What ultimately brings Torp down?
Thip shoots him with a blaster before he can comprehend what happened.
[ " He went mad from the same disease that's afflicting Thip.", " Thip shoots him with a blaster before he can comprehend what happened.", " His own madness. His overly trained mind can't handle the new circumstances.", " He was never trained for a situation like this. He's not able to keep up with Thip." ]
Why is Thig's return to Earth bittersweet?
Though he wants it, he'll never truly belong. He'll always be an otherworlder.
[ " His Orthan background will always be at odds with his new life.", " It's grueling to remember what he did to Terry, and to always have to be him now.", " Though he wants it, he'll never truly belong. He'll always be an otherworlder.", " He misses his life as an Orthan, even though he's come to enjoy Earth." ]
Why does Thig leave a note at Torp's desk?
He wants to make sure no one comes to invade Earth, and have reason to fear doing so.
[ " He wants to make sure no one comes to invade Earth, and have reason to fear doing so.", " He wants to warn the other Orthans about the potential dangers of Earth.", " He wants someone to understand what had happened.", " He feels badly about killing Kam and Torp, and wants to leave a final message on their behalf." ]
What was it that ultimately converted Thig to being human?
Love. Love for his new family, and the uncertainties of human life.
[ " Lewis Terry. Lewis's mind took over his completely.", " Disease. It was as Torp suspected. Being on Earth affected him too deeply.", " Comfort. Earth culture is not nearly as controlling as Orthan culture.", " Love. Love for his new family, and the uncertainties of human life." ]
What is so significant about this new area that Rolf is in?
It is abundant with water. It would be enough for all of Mars and the colonies.
[ " It is abundant with water. It would be enough for all of Mars and the colonies.", " The presence of Altha, and her living here in secrecy.", " It is a secluded area, not yet touched by most other people.", " The miniature planet and the way it functions." ]
What is the relationship between the Hairy people and the Furry people?
The Furry people hunt the Hairy, because they were once enslaved by them.
[ " The Furry people hunt the Hairy, because they were once enslaved by them.", " The Hairy people rule over the Furry, and they are rebelling against them.", " The two factions have disputes over the land", " The Furry people have a disdain for the Hairy, and frequently attack them." ]
Why is Rolf's weapon so valuable in the fights with the Furry?
It's much more technologically advanced than theirs.
[ " The Hairy people need all the extra weaponry against the Furry.", " He's able to catch the Furry off guard with his expoder.", " It's much more technologically advanced than theirs.", " He's a skilled marksman and able to hit many targets at once." ]
What is Rolf's new plan when he spots the rocket?
He'll be able to distribute water to Mar's colonies, and get out with Tanner and the girl.
[ " Now that he knows the location of the water, he'll be able to return to grab it for himself.", " He'll have a way out of the caverns at last, be able to escape.", " He can escape the fighting and leave Tanner and the girl behind.", " He'll be able to distribute water to Mar's colonies, and get out with Tanner and the girl." ]
Why is it suspected that William Shawn blushed at Green's remark?
As someone who looked into risque material himself, it piqued his curiosity.
[ " He was known for disallowing sexual content from his publications and was put off by the comment.", " As someone who looked into risque material himself, it piqued his curiosity.", " The phrasing took him by surprise. It's not the answer he thought he'd receive.", " He was prudish in nature, and he was embarrassed by it." ]
What's true of Ross's accounts of Shawn?
She contradicts herself often. She describes him one way than an inverse way pages later.
[ " She had a difficult time describing her true feelings.", " She contradicts herself often. She describes him one way than an inverse way pages later.", " She tells the objective truth about her and Shawn, and the relationship they shared.", " She has a habit of glorifying Shawn." ]
What is the writer's view of Mehta's works?
They appreciate that he persisted in telling his story.
[ " They found it boring.", " They wished that Shawn set a restriction on how many words he allowed Mehta to publish.", " They appreciate that he persisted in telling his story.", " Like other critics, they found the growing word count intolerable." ]
What stance does the writer take in regards to Tina Brown.
A neutral one. The anecdotes offered are too biased to make a judgement either way.
[ " A neutral one. The anecdotes offered are too biased to make a judgement either way.", " They agree with Ross, that Brown carried the same mentality as Shawn.", " Brown's presence saddened Shawn, as evidence by him no longer reading the magazine.", " Brown has built on William Shawn's legacy in her own way." ]
What is an underlying issue that the writer touches upon throughout the whole passage?
There are different sources with differing opinions, making it hard to infer the total truth about Shawn and later Tina Brown.
[ " The two memoirs are completely inaccurate, and thus nothing that is offered can be true.", " Shawn clearly had deep relationships with many people. Thus, it's hard to fully understand his life and his thoughts.", " Shawn had been cheating on his wife, and even without getting a proper divorce he still pursued Ross.", " There are different sources with differing opinions, making it hard to infer the total truth about Shawn and later Tina Brown." ]
How do Ross and Mehta view Brown's acquisition of the magazine?
Mehta felt betrayed by being let go; Ross said she saw the same personality in her as Shawn and was glad to be invited back.
[ " Neither has a strong opinion on the matter, until after Shawn's death.", " Mehta felt betrayed by being let go; Ross said she saw the same personality in her as Shawn and was glad to be invited back.", " Ross was glad to see it brought a new interest in the magazine to Shawn, despite Mehta feeling otherwise.", " Mehta resents that Shawn passed away so soon after her being brought on, while Ross was just happy to have a job again." ]
What best summarizes what the author has to say about William Shawn?
He was a respectable man with complexities that weren't always obvious and is hard to pin down based on the stories told of him.
[ " He had a magnetic personality, as shown in the way Ross and Mehta gravitated towards him.", " While quiet on the outside, he was a man prone to adultery.", " He was a respectable man with complexities that weren't always obvious and is hard to pin down based on the stories told of him.", " He lived a simple life and worked hard to publish his magazine." ]
Why was human cloning banned?
It was a preemptive measure. It's too complex to allow it to be explored unregulated.
[ " It was a preemptive measure. It's too complex to allow it to be explored unregulated.", " It is objectively immoral and \"evil.\"", " It was an easy political stance for Bill Clinton to take.", " There was no real research behind it, so there was no pushback on a bad." ]
What is the main reason the writer takes issue with the Pope's stance on cloning?
When he supports the ban, he goes beyond his position as a religious leader for a specific group of people.
[ " His opinion on it carries too much weight on how the ban is handled.", " When he supports the ban, he goes beyond his position as a religious leader for a specific group of people.", " The writer feels that humans have the right to choose how they reproduce, and the Pope is disallowing that.", " The Bible says nothing about cloning in it." ]
Why does the writer use other medical procedures as evidence to support cloning?
To show that reproduction has always been assisted to the benefit of people one way or another, with good results.
[ " To show that there is a demand for more reproductive aids like cloning.", " To show that the fear of cloning is not based on science.", " To show that reproduction has always been assisted to the benefit of people one way or another, with good results.", " To prove the science behind cloning and to show it is based in commonly used practices." ]
How does the writer use twins in their argument?
They show that clones already exist, and are proven to grow as individuals and have their own individual rights.
[ " They show that clones already exist, and are proven to grow as individuals and have their own individual rights.", " They show that like twins, clones use the same DNA to make people with shared characteristics.", " They use twins to show that if clones did exist, they would grow up the same way that twins do.", " They show that twins are a common occurrence, meaning cloning would not be such a new concept to introduce." ]
How do plants factor into the cloning argument?
They are another example of it happening in nature, and being normal in our day-to-day lives.
[ " They show that the idea of cloning is a possible one because some plants undergo a similar process.", " Plant cloning is unnatural and a human-made process.", " They are another example of how humans have influenced reproduction before.", " They are another example of it happening in nature, and being normal in our day-to-day lives." ]
How would jealously possibly factor into the issue of cloning?
People would be "losing" a sexual advantage in not being able to reproduce a clone directly themselves.
[ " Clones would be genetically superior, as they'd be able to choose what traits to pass down.", " People may envy the social recognition that clones would receive. They'd be missing out on the same popularity.", " Clones get in between people and their spouses. They're too separate and impersonal.", " People would be \"losing\" a sexual advantage in not being able to reproduce a clone directly themselves." ]
Why, according to the writer, is the main underlying reason that people are opposed to cloning?
They are too scared of the unknown and blinded by their prejudices. They believe that cloning would usurp them in one way or another.
[ " They don't understand the scientific reasoning enough. If they had the knowledge, they would more readily support it.", " People are afraid of rich people and dictators being cloned and thus continued to be in power.", " People like Bill Clinton have instilled a fear of it with his policies.", " They are too scared of the unknown and blinded by their prejudices. They believe that cloning would usurp them in one way or another." ]
What is the underlying defence that the writer has in defence of cloning?
There is nothing intrinsically unnatural or immoral about it. Science supports it, and we already owe ourselves to previous new methodologies.
[ " There is nothing to fear about it. It can't be used for evil, and there is no evidence suggesting it will affect us negatively.", " There is nothing intrinsically unnatural or immoral about it. Science supports it, and we already owe ourselves to previous new methodologies.", " It will be a great way to continue the populace. It will give people different options in terms of raising children, and even continuing their own lives vicariously through their clones.", " It is going to happen anyway, so people may as well accept it for what it is and move on." ]
From the passage, what can be inferred about Retief's personality?
He's tough and determined
[ " He's a \"hick\" as he is referred", " He's careful with his decisions", " He's scared to push the buttons on the wrong person", " He's tough and determined" ]
What can be inferred from the passage about Jorgensen's Worlds?
Tourists are no longer welcome and travel has been halted.
[ " It's difficult to locate and makes travel rather uncommon", " Tourists are no longer welcome and travel has been halted.", " It's existence is only known as top-secret so there is no information about it.", " Ships are unable to land due to too many tourists" ]
How do you think Retief felt during his time on the ship?
Annoyed by the grievance he was receiving.
[ " Overwhelmed by bullies", " Fearful of what he would encounter once they landed", " Scared of what they had planned for him", " Annoyed by the grievance he was receiving." ]
What would have likely happened if Tony had attempted to apprehend and remove Retief himself?
He would see the same fate as the others who had stood against Retief
[ " He would see the same fate as the others who had stood against Retief", " Retief would have backed off and accepted he was not welcome", " Retief would have communicated with him and solved their issue", " Tony would have won any kind of fight by using his weapon" ]
Why did the guard tell Retief that the schedule for Jorgensen's World was filled up?
The VIP accommodation requested no tourists
[ " The gates were closing and he didn't want to take the time for the boarding session", " The VIP accommodation requested no tourists", " He was lazy and didn't want to do his job.", " There were too many tourists on board already and the ship was full" ]
Why did the Captain decide to change course and skip Jorgensen's World?
They were avoiding going to Jorgensen's World because of Retief's presence
[ " They were avoiding going to Jorgensen's World because of Retief's presence", " The journey was too dangerous and long to travel", " Alabaster was a better opportunity for all on board", " They had to retreat because of the trouble with the Sweaties" ]
What can be inferred about the destination decision at the end of the passsage?
Retief will ensure the ship travels to Jorgensen's World, as initially planned
[ " They will be turning back around to where they came from and calling off the trip", " Retief will ensure the ship travels to Jorgensen's World, as initially planned", " It's still unclear at the end of the passage", " They will be traveling to Alabaster in stead, per the Captain's orders" ]
Why was Retief's mission to Jorgensen's Worlds so important?
He held vital information that could change the picture of the future of the area
[ " He held vital information that could change the picture of the future of the area", " He was a useful aggressor who could take down an entire army if needed", " He was responsible for ensuring that Tony did not enter Jorgensen's Worlds", " He was the only member who was skilled in traveling" ]
What can be inferred about the personality of Chip?
He was caring and generous when no one else was
[ " He was selfish and wanted everyone else to suffer", " He was caring and generous when no one else was", " He was an old, hateful man who didn't appreciate back talk", " He only cared about the food he prepared" ]
What can be inferred about the personality of Grannie Annie from the passage?
She's fearless and quick-witted
[ " She's fearless and quick-witted", " She's fearful and hard to work with", " She lacks the experience that she claims she has for her novels", " She lacks the knowledge that is needed for her novels" ]
Why was Baker hesitant to send his employees on an enforced vacation?
He feared they would lose chartered rights with Spacolonial
[ " He feared they would have too much difficulty getting the employees back to work.", " He feared that would not stop the plague of Red Spot Fever.", " He feared they would lose chartered rights with Spacolonial", " He feared their work would suffer from the break." ]