2 classes
Extensional Higher-Order Logic Programming
We propose a purely extensional semantics for higher-order logic programming. In this semantics program predicates denote sets of ordered tuples, and two predicates are equal iff they are equal as sets. Moreover, every program has a unique minimum Herbrand model which is the greatest lower bound of all Herbrand models of the program and the least fixed-point of an immediate consequence operator. We also propose an SLD-resolution proof procedure which is proven sound and complete with respect to the minimum model semantics. In other words, we provide a purely extensional theoretical framework for higher-order logic programming which generalizes the familiar theory of classical (first-order) logic programming.
Neural AMR: Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Parsing and Generation
Sequence-to-sequence models have shown strong performance across a broad range of applications. However, their application to parsing and generating text usingAbstract Meaning Representation (AMR)has been limited, due to the relatively limited amount of labeled data and the non-sequential nature of the AMR graphs. We present a novel training procedure that can lift this limitation using millions of unlabeled sentences and careful preprocessing of the AMR graphs. For AMR parsing, our model achieves competitive results of 62.1SMATCH, the current best score reported without significant use of external semantic resources. For AMR generation, our model establishes a new state-of-the-art performance of BLEU 33.8. We present extensive ablative and qualitative analysis including strong evidence that sequence-based AMR models are robust against ordering variations of graph-to-sequence conversions.
Abstract Answer Set Solvers with Learning
Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras, and Tinelli (2006) showed how to describe enhancements of the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm using transition systems, instead of pseudocode. We design a similar framework for several algorithms that generate answer sets for logic programs: Smodels, Smodels-cc, Asp-Sat with Learning (Cmodels), and a newly designed and implemented algorithm Sup. This approach to describing answer set solvers makes it easier to prove their correctness, to compare them, and to design new systems.
Multi-Agent Path Finding with Delay Probabilities
Several recently developed Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) solvers scale to large MAPF instances by searching for MAPF plans on 2 levels: The high-level search resolves collisions between agents, and the low-level search plans paths for single agents under the constraints imposed by the high-level search. We make the following contributions to solve the MAPF problem with imperfect plan execution with small average makespans: First, we formalize the MAPF Problem with Delay Probabilities (MAPF-DP), define valid MAPF-DP plans and propose the use of robust plan-execution policies for valid MAPF-DP plans to control how each agent proceeds along its path. Second, we discuss 2 classes of decentralized robust plan-execution policies (called Fully Synchronized Policies and Minimal Communication Policies) that prevent collisions during plan execution for valid MAPF-DP plans. Third, we present a 2-level MAPF-DP solver (called Approximate Minimization in Expectation) that generates valid MAPF-DP plans.
Node Splitting: A Scheme for Generating Upper Bounds in Bayesian Networks
We formulate in this paper the mini-bucket algorithm for approximate inference in terms of exact inference on an approximate model produced by splitting nodes in a Bayesian network. The new formulation leads to a number of theoretical and practical implications. First, we show that branchand- bound search algorithms that use minibucket bounds may operate in a drastically reduced search space. Second, we show that the proposed formulation inspires new minibucket heuristics and allows us to analyze existing heuristics from a new perspective. Finally, we show that this new formulation allows mini-bucket approximations to benefit from recent advances in exact inference, allowing one to significantly increase the reach of these approximations.
Vector Embedding of Wikipedia Concepts and Entities
Using deep learning for different machine learning tasks such as image classification and word embedding has recently gained many attentions. Its appealing performance reported across specific Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks in comparison with other approaches is the reason for its popularity. Word embedding is the task of mapping words or phrases to a low dimensional numerical vector. In this paper, we use deep learning to embed Wikipedia Concepts and Entities. The English version of Wikipedia contains more than five million pages, which suggest its capability to cover many English Entities, Phrases, and Concepts. Each Wikipedia page is considered as a concept. Some concepts correspond to entities, such as a person's name, an organization or a place. Contrary to word embedding, Wikipedia Concepts Embedding is not ambiguous, so there are different vectors for concepts with similar surface form but different mentions. We proposed several approaches and evaluated their performance based on Concept Analogy and Concept Similarity tasks. The results show that proposed approaches have the performance comparable and in some cases even higher than the state-of-the-art methods.
Joint Online Spoken Language Understanding and Language Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks
Speaker intent detection and semantic slot filling are two critical tasks in spoken language understanding (SLU) for dialogue systems. In this paper, we describe a recurrent neural network (RNN) model that jointly performs intent detection, slot filling, and language modeling. The neural network model keeps updating the intent estimation as word in the transcribed utterance arrives and uses it as contextual features in the joint model. Evaluation of the language model and online SLU model is made on the ATIS benchmarking data set. On language modeling task, our joint model achieves 11.8% relative reduction on perplexity comparing to the independent training language model. On SLU tasks, our joint model outperforms the independent task training model by 22.3% on intent detection error rate, with slight degradation on slot filling F1 score. The joint model also shows advantageous performance in the realistic ASR settings with noisy speech input.
Domain Adaptation: Overfitting and Small Sample Statistics
We study the prevalent problem when a test distribution differs from the training distribution. We consider a setting where our training set consists of a small number of sample domains, but where we have many samples in each domain. Our goal is to generalize to a new domain. For example, we may want to learn a similarity function using only certain classes of objects, but we desire that this similarity function be applicable to object classes not present in our training sample (e.g. we might seek to learn that "dogs are similar to dogs" even though images of dogs were absent from our training set). Our theoretical analysis shows that we can select many more features than domains while avoiding overfitting by utilizing data-dependent variance properties. We present a greedy feature selection algorithm based on using T-statistics. Our experiments validate this theory showing that our T-statistic based greedy feature selection is more robust at avoiding overfitting than the classical greedy procedure.
Delving Deeper into Convolutional Networks for Learning Video Representations
We propose an approach to learn spatio-temporal features in videos from intermediate visual representations we call "percepts" using Gated-Recurrent-Unit Recurrent Networks (GRUs).Our method relies on percepts that are extracted from all level of a deep convolutional network trained on the large ImageNet dataset. While high-level percepts contain highly discriminative information, they tend to have a low-spatial resolution. Low-level percepts, on the other hand, preserve a higher spatial resolution from which we can model finer motion patterns. Using low-level percepts can leads to high-dimensionality video representations. To mitigate this effect and control the model number of parameters, we introduce a variant of the GRU model that leverages the convolution operations to enforce sparse connectivity of the model units and share parameters across the input spatial locations.
Batched Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization via Determinantal Point Processes
Gaussian Process bandit optimization has emerged as a powerful tool for optimizing noisy black box functions. One example in machine learning is hyper-parameter optimization where each evaluation of the target function may require training a model which may involve days or even weeks of computation. Most methods for this so-called “Bayesian optimization” only allow sequential exploration of the parameter space. However, it is often desirable to propose batches or sets of parameter values to explore simultaneously, especially when there are large parallel processing facilities at our disposal. Batch methods require modeling the interaction between the different evaluations in the batch, which can be expensive in complex scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new approach for parallelizing Bayesian optimization by modeling the diversity of a batch via Determinantal point processes (DPPs) whose kernels are learned automatically. This allows us to generalize a previous result as well as prove better regret bounds based on DPP sampling. Our experiments on a variety of synthetic and real-world robotics and hyper-parameter optimization tasks indicate that our DPP-based methods, especially those based on DPP sampling, outperform state-of-the-art methods.
On Valid Optimal Assignment Kernels and Applications to Graph Classification
The success of kernel methods has initiated the design of novel positive semidefinite functions, in particular for structured data. A leading design paradigm for this is the convolution kernel, which decomposes structured objects into their parts and sums over all pairs of parts. Assignment kernels, in contrast, are obtained from an optimal bijection between parts, which can provide a more valid notion of similarity. In general however, optimal assignments yield indefinite functions, which complicates their use in kernel methods. We characterize a class of base kernels used to compare parts that guarantees positive semidefinite optimal assignment kernels. These base kernels give rise to hierarchies from which the optimal assignment kernels are computed in linear time by histogram intersection. We apply these results by developing the Weisfeiler-Lehman optimal assignment kernel for graphs. It provides high classification accuracy on widely-used benchmark data sets improving over the original Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel.
Rapidly Mixing Gibbs Sampling for a Class of Factor Graphs Using Hierarchy Width
Gibbs sampling on factor graphs is a widely used inference technique, which often produces good empirical results. Theoretical guarantees for its performance are weak: even for tree structured graphs, the mixing time of Gibbs may be exponential in the number of variables. To help understand the behavior of Gibbs sampling, we introduce a new (hyper)graph property, called hierarchy width. We show that under suitable conditions on the weights, bounded hierarchy width ensures polynomial mixing time. Our study of hierarchy width is in part motivated by a class of factor graph templates, hierarchical templates, which have bounded hierarchy width—regardless of the data used to instantiate them. We demonstrate a rich application from natural language processing in which Gibbs sampling provably mixes rapidly and achieves accuracy that exceeds human volunteers.
Learning Tractable Probabilistic Models for Fault Localization
In recent years, several probabilistic techniques have been applied to various debugging problems. However, most existing probabilistic debugging systems use relatively simple statistical models, and fail to generalize across multiple programs. In this work, we propose Tractable Fault Localization Models (TFLMs) that can be learned from data, and probabilistically infer the location of the bug. While most previous statistical debugging methods generalize over many executions of a single program, TFLMs are trained on a corpus of previously seen buggy programs, and learn to identify recurring patterns of bugs. Widely-used fault localization techniques such as TARANTULA evaluate the suspiciousness of each line in isolation; in contrast, a TFLM defines a joint probability distribution over buggy indicator variables for each line. Joint distributions with rich dependency structure are often computationally intractable; TFLMs avoid this by exploiting recent developments in tractable probabilistic models (specifically, Relational SPNs). Further, TFLMs can incorporate additional sources of information, including coverage-based features such as TARANTULA. We evaluate the fault localization performance of TFLMs that include TARANTULA scores as features in the probabilistic model. Our study shows that the learned TFLMs isolate bugs more effectively than previous statistical methods or using TARANTULA directly.
Detection, Recognition and Tracking of Moving Objects from Real-time Video via Visual Vocabulary Model and Species Inspired PSO
In this paper, we address the basic problem of recognizing moving objects in video images using Visual Vocabulary model and Bag of Words and track our object of interest in the subsequent video frames using species inspired PSO. Initially, the shadow free images are obtained by background modelling followed by foreground modeling to extract the blobs of our object of interest. Subsequently, we train a cubic SVM with human body datasets in accordance with our domain of interest for recognition and tracking. During training, using the principle of Bag of Words we extract necessary features of certain domains and objects for classification. Subsequently, matching these feature sets with those of the extracted object blobs that are obtained by subtracting the shadow free background from the foreground, we detect successfully our object of interest from the test domain. The performance of the classification by cubic SVM is satisfactorily represented by confusion matrix and ROC curve reflecting the accuracy of each module. After classification, our object of interest is tracked in the test domain using species inspired PSO. By combining the adaptive learning tools with the efficient classification of description, we achieve optimum accuracy in recognition of the moving objects. We evaluate our algorithm benchmark datasets: iLIDS, VIVID, Walking2, Woman. Comparative analysis of our algorithm against the existing state-of-the-art trackers shows very satisfactory and competitive results.
Hadamard Product for Low-rank Bilinear Pooling
Bilinear models provide rich representations compared to linear models. They have been applied in various visual tasks, such as object recognition, segmentation, and visual question-answering, to get state-of-the-art performances taking advantage of the expanded representations. However, bilinear representations tend to be high-dimensional, limiting the applicability to computationally complex tasks. We propose low-rank bilinear neural networks using Hadamard product (element-wise multiplication), commonly implemented in many scientific computing frameworks. We show that our model outperforms compact bilinear pooling in visual question-answering tasks, having a better parsimonious property.
Roman Urdu Opinion Mining System (RUOMiS)
Convincing a customer is always considered as a challenging task in every business. But when it comes to online business, this task becomes even more difficult. Online retailers try everything possible to gain the trust of the customer. One of the solutions is to provide an area for existing users to leave their comments. This service can effectively develop the trust of the customer however normally the customer comments about the product in their native language using Roman script. If there are hundreds of comments this makes difficulty even for the native customers to make a buying decision. This research proposes a system which extracts the comments posted in Roman Urdu, translate them, find their polarity and then gives us the rating of the product. This rating will help the native and non-native customers to make buying decision efficiently from the comments posted in Roman Urdu.
Learning Linear Dynamical Systems via Spectral Filtering
We present an efficient and practical algorithm for the online prediction of discrete-time linear dynamical systems with a symmetric transition matrix. We circumvent the non-convex optimization problem using improper learning: carefully overparameterize the class of LDSs by a polylogarithmic factor, in exchange for convexity of the loss functions. From this arises a polynomial-time algorithm with a near-optimal regret guarantee, with an analogous sample complexity bound for agnostic learning. Our algorithm is based on a novel filtering technique, which may be of independent interest: we convolve the time series with the eigenvectors of a certain Hankel matrix.
Personalising Mobile Advertising Based on Users Installed Apps
Mobile advertising is a billion pound industry that is rapidly expanding. The success of an advert is measured based on how users interact with it. In this paper we investigate whether the application of unsupervised learning and association rule mining could be used to enable personalised targeting of mobile adverts with the aim of increasing the interaction rate. Over May and June 2014 we recorded advert interactions such as tapping the advert or watching the whole advert video along with the set of apps a user has installed at the time of the interaction. Based on the apps that the users have installed we applied k-means clustering to profile the users into one of ten classes. Due to the large number of apps considered we implemented dimension reduction to reduced the app feature space by mapping the apps to their iTunes category and clustered users based on the percentage of their apps that correspond to each iTunes app category. The clustering was externally validated by investigating differences between the way the ten profiles interact with the various adverts genres (lifestyle, finance and entertainment adverts). In addition association rule mining was performed to find whether the time of the day that the advert is served and the number of apps a user has installed makes certain profiles more likely to interact with the advert genres. The results showed there were clear differences in the way the profiles interact with the different advert genres and the results of this paper suggest that mobile advert targeting would improve the frequency that users interact with an advert.
Elicitation of Probabilities for Belief Networks: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Information
Although the usefulness of belief networks for reasoning under uncertainty is widely accepted, obtaining numerical probabilities that they require is still perceived a major obstacle. Often not enough statistical data is available to allow for reliable probability estimation. Available information may not be directly amenable for encoding in the network. Finally, domain experts may be reluctant to provide numerical probabilities. In this paper, we propose a method for elicitation of probabilities from a domain expert that is non-invasive and accommodates whatever probabilistic information the expert is willing to state. We express all available information, whether qualitative or quantitative in nature, in a canonical form consisting of (in) equalities expressing constraints on the hyperspace of possible joint probability distributions. We then use this canonical form to derive second-order probability distributions over the desired probabilities.
Incremental Local Gaussian Regression
Locally weighted regression (LWR) was created as a nonparametric method that can approximate a wide range of functions, is computationally efficient, and can learn continually from very large amounts of incrementally collected data. As an interesting feature, LWR can regress on non-stationary functions, a beneficial property, for instance, in control problems. However, it does not provide a proper generative model for function values, and existing algorithms have a variety of manual tuning parameters that strongly influence bias, variance and learning speed of the results. Gaussian (process) regression, on the other hand, does provide a generative model with rather black-box automatic parameter tuning, but it has higher computational cost, especially for big data sets and if a non-stationary model is required. In this paper, we suggest a path from Gaussian (process) regression to locally weighted regression, where we retain the best of both approaches. Using a localizing function basis and approximate inference techniques, we build a Gaussian (process) regression algorithm of increasingly local nature and similar computational complexity to LWR. Empirical evaluations are performed on several synthetic and real robot datasets of increasing complexity and (big) data scale, and demonstrate that we consistently achieve on par or superior performance compared to current state-of-the-art methods while retaining a principled approach to fast incremental regression with minimal manual tuning parameters.
A system of serial computation for classified rules prediction in non-regular ontology trees
Objects or structures that are regular take uniform dimensions. Based on the concepts of regular models, our previous research work has developed a system of a regular ontology that models learning structures in a multiagent system for uniform pre-assessments in a learning environment. This regular ontology has led to the modelling of a classified rules learning algorithm that predicts the actual number of rules needed for inductive learning processes and decision making in a multiagent system. But not all processes or models are regular. Thus this paper presents a system of polynomial equation that can estimate and predict the required number of rules of a non-regular ontology model given some defined parameters.
Linguistic Reflexes of Well-Being and Happiness in Echo
Different theories posit different sources for feelings of well-being and happiness. Appraisal theory grounds our emotional responses in our goals and desires and their fulfillment, or lack of fulfillment. Self Determination theory posits that the basis for well-being rests on our assessment of our competence, autonomy, and social connection. And surveys that measure happiness empirically note that people require their basic needs to be met for food and shelter, but beyond that tend to be happiest when socializing, eating or having sex. We analyze a corpus of private microblogs from a well-being application called ECHO, where users label each written post about daily events with a happiness score between 1 and 9. Our goal is to ground the linguistic descriptions of events that users experience in theories of well-being and happiness, and then examine the extent to which different theoretical accounts can explain the variance in the happiness scores. We show that recurrent event types, such as OBLIGATION and INCOMPETENCE, which affect people's feelings of well-being are not captured in current lexical or semantic resources.
CHAOS: A Parallelization Scheme for Training Convolutional Neural Networks on Intel Xeon Phi
Deep learning is an important component of big-data analytic tools and intelligent applications, such as, self-driving cars, computer vision, speech recognition, or precision medicine. However, the training process is computationally intensive, and often requires a large amount of time if performed sequentially. Modern parallel computing systems provide the capability to reduce the required training time of deep neural networks. In this paper, we present our parallelization scheme for training convolutional neural networks (CNN) named Controlled Hogwild with Arbitrary Order of Synchronization (CHAOS). Major features of CHAOS include the support for thread and vector parallelism, non-instant updates of weight parameters during back-propagation without a significant delay, and implicit synchronization in arbitrary order. CHAOS is tailored for parallel computing systems that are accelerated with the Intel Xeon Phi. We evaluate our parallelization approach empirically using measurement techniques and performance modeling for various numbers of threads and CNN architectures. Experimental results for the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits using the total number of threads on the Xeon Phi show speedups of up to 103x compared to the execution on one thread of the Xeon Phi, 14x compared to the sequential execution on Intel Xeon E5, and 58x compared to the sequential execution on Intel Core i5.
The Computational Complexity of Structure-Based Causality
Halpern and Pearl introduced a definition of actual causality; Eiter and Lukasiewicz showed that computing whether X=x is a cause of Y=y is NP-complete in binary models (where all variables can take on only two values) and\ Sigma_2^P-complete in general models. In the final version of their paper, Halpern and Pearl slightly modified the definition of actual cause, in order to deal with problems pointed by Hopkins and Pearl. As we show, this modification has a nontrivial impact on the complexity of computing actual cause. To characterize the complexity, a new family D_k^P, k= 1, 2, 3, ..., of complexity classes is introduced, which generalizes the class DP introduced by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (DP is just D_1^P). %joe2 %We show that the complexity of computing causality is $\D_2$-complete %under the new definition. Chockler and Halpern \citeyear{CH04} extended the We show that the complexity of computing causality under the updated definition is $D_2^P$-complete.
Strategic Planning for Network Data Analysis
As network traffic monitoring software for cybersecurity, malware detection, and other critical tasks becomes increasingly automated, the rate of alerts and supporting data gathered, as well as the complexity of the underlying model, regularly exceed human processing capabilities. Many of these applications require complex models and constituent rules in order to come up with decisions that influence the operation of entire systems. In this paper, we motivate the novel "strategic planning" problem -- one of gathering data from the world and applying the underlying model of the domain in order to come up with decisions that will monitor the system in an automated manner. We describe our use of automated planning methods to this problem, including the technique that we used to solve it in a manner that would scale to the demands of a real-time, real world scenario. We then present a PDDL model of one such application scenario related to network administration and monitoring, followed by a description of a novel integrated system that was built to accept generated plans and to continue the execution process. Finally, we present evaluations of two different automated planners and their different capabilities with our integrated system, both on a six-month window of network data, and using a simulator.
Tree-Guided MCMC Inference for Normalized Random Measure Mixture Models
Normalized random measures (NRMs) provide a broad class of discrete random measures that are often used as priors for Bayesian nonparametric models. Dirichlet process is a well-known example of NRMs. Most of posterior inference methods for NRM mixture models rely on MCMC methods since they are easy to implement and their convergence is well studied. However, MCMC often suffers from slow convergence when the acceptance rate is low. Tree-based inference is an alternative deterministic posterior inference method, where Bayesian hierarchical clustering (BHC) or incremental Bayesian hierarchical clustering (IBHC) have been developed for DP or NRM mixture (NRMM) models, respectively. Although IBHC is a promising method for posterior inference for NRMM models due to its efficiency and applicability to online inference, its convergence is not guaranteed since it uses heuristics that simply selects the best solution after multiple trials are made. In this paper, we present a hybrid inference algorithm for NRMM models, which combines the merits of both MCMC and IBHC. Trees built by IBHC outlinespartitions of data, which guides Metropolis-Hastings procedure to employ appropriate proposals. Inheriting the nature of MCMC, our tree-guided MCMC (tgMCMC) is guaranteed to converge, and enjoys the fast convergence thanks to the effective proposals guided by trees. Experiments on both synthetic and real world datasets demonstrate the benefit of our method.
Machine Translation Evaluation: A Survey
This paper introduces the state-of-the-art MT evaluation survey that contains both manual and automatic evaluation methods. The traditional human evaluation criteria mainly include the intelligibility, fidelity, fluency, adequacy, comprehension, and informativeness. We classify the automatic evaluation methods into two categories, including lexical similarity and linguistic features application. The lexical similarity methods contain edit distance, precision, recall, and word order, etc. The linguistic features can be divided into syntactic features and semantic features. Subsequently, we also introduce the evaluation methods for MT evaluation and the recent quality estimation tasks for MT.
A global Constraint for mining Sequential Patterns with GAP constraint
Sequential pattern mining (SPM) under gap constraint is a challenging task. Many efficient specialized methods have been developed but they are all suffering from a lack of genericity. The Constraint Programming (CP) approaches are not so effective because of the size of their encodings. In[7], we have proposed the global constraint Prefix-Projection for SPM which remedies to this drawback. However, this global constraint cannot be directly extended to support gap constraint. In this paper, we propose the global constraint GAP-SEQ enabling to handle SPM with or without gap constraint. GAP-SEQ relies on the principle of right pattern extensions. Experiments show that our approach clearly outperforms both CP approaches and the state-of-the-art cSpade method on large datasets.
Improving Trajectory Modelling for DNN-based Speech Synthesis by using Stacked Bottleneck Features and Minimum Generation Error Training
We propose two novel techniques --- stacking bottleneck features and minimum trajectory error training criterion --- to improve the performance of deep neural network (DNN)-based speech synthesis. The techniques address the related issues of frame-by-frame independence and ignorance of the relationship between static and dynamic features, within current typical DNN-based synthesis frameworks. Stacking bottleneck features, which are an acoustically--informed linguistic representation, provides an efficient way to include more detailed linguistic context at the input. The proposed minimum trajectory error training criterion minimises overall output trajectory error across an utterance, rather than minimising the error per frame independently, and thus takes into account the interaction between static and dynamic features. The two techniques can be easily combined to further improve performance. We present both objective and subjective results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. The subjective results show that combining the two techniques leads to significantly more natural synthetic speech than from conventional DNN or long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) systems.
A Non-Numeric Approach to Multi-Criteria/Multi-Expert Aggregation Based on Approximate Reasoning
We describe a technique that can be used for the fusion of multiple sources of information as well as for the evaluation and selection of alternatives under multi-criteria. Three important properties contribute to the uniqueness of the technique introduced. The first is the ability to do all necessary operations and aggregations with information that is of a nonnumeric linguistic nature. This facility greatly reduces the burden on the providers of information, the experts. A second characterizing feature is the ability assign, again linguistically, differing importance to the criteria or in the case of information fusion to the individual sources of information. A third significant feature of the approach is its ability to be used as method to find a consensus of the opinion of multiple experts on the issue of concern. The techniques used in this approach are base on ideas developed from the theory of approximate reasoning. We illustrate the approach with a problem of project selection.
A Probabilistic Model of Action for Least-Commitment Planning with Information Gather
AI planning algorithms have addressed the problem of generating sequences of operators that achieve some input goal, usually assuming that the planning agent has perfect control over and information about the world. Relaxing these assumptions requires an extension to the action representation that allows reasoning both about the changes an action makes and the information it provides. This paper presents an action representation that extends the deterministic STRIPS model, allowing actions to have both causal and informational effects, both of which can be context dependent and noisy. We also demonstrate how a standard least-commitment planning algorithm can be extended to include informational actions and contingent execution.
Forecasting Method for Grouped Time Series with the Use of k-Means Algorithm
The paper is focused on the forecasting method for time series groups with the use of algorithms for cluster analysis. $K$-means algorithm is suggested to be a basic one for clustering. The coordinates of the centers of clusters have been put in correspondence with summarizing time series data the centroids of the clusters. A description of time series, the centroids of the clusters, is implemented with the use of forecasting models. They are based on strict binary trees and a modified clonal selection algorithm. With the help of such forecasting models, the possibility of forming analytic dependences is shown. It is suggested to use a common forecasting model, which is constructed for time series the centroid of the cluster, in forecasting the private (individual) time series in the cluster. The promising application of the suggested method for grouped time series forecasting is demonstrated.
NEON2: Finding Local Minima via First-Order Oracles
As applications, our reduction turns Natasha2 into a first-order method without hurting its theoretical performance. It also converts SGD, GD, SCSG, and SVRG into algorithms finding approximate local minima, outperforming some best known results.
Neighborhood Sensitive Mapping for Zero-Shot Classification using Independently Learned Semantic Embeddings
In a traditional setting, classifiers are trained to approximate a target function $f:X \rightarrow Y$ where at least a sample for each $y \in Y$ is presented to the training algorithm. In a zero-shot setting we have a subset of the labels $\hat{Y} \subset Y$ for which we do not observe any corresponding training instance. Still, the function $f$ that we train must be able to correctly assign labels also on $\hat{Y}$. In practice, zero-shot problems are very important especially when the label set is large and the cost of editorially label samples for all possible values in the label set might be prohibitively high. Most recent approaches to zero-shot learning are based on finding and exploiting relationships between labels using semantic embeddings. We show in this paper that semantic embeddings, despite being very good at capturing relationships between labels, are not very good at capturing the relationships among labels in a data-dependent manner. For this reason, we propose a novel two-step process for learning a zero-shot classifier. In the first step, we learn what we call a \emph{property embedding space} capturing the "\emph{learnable}" features of the label set. Then, we exploit the learned properties in order to reduce the generalization error for a linear nearest neighbor-based classifier.
SelQA: A New Benchmark for Selection-based Question Answering
This paper presents a new dataset to benchmark selection-based question answering. Our dataset contains contexts drawn from the ten most prevalent topics in the English Wikipedia. For the generation of a large, diverse, and challenging dataset, a new annotation scheme is proposed. Our annotation scheme involves a series of crowdsourcing tasks that can be easily followed by any researcher. Several systems are compared on the tasks of answer sentence selection and answer triggering, providing strong baseline results for future work to improve upon. We hope that providing a large corpus will enable researchers to work towards more effective open-domain question answering.
Bregman Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
The mirror descent algorithm (MDA) generalizes gradient descent by using a Bregman divergence to replace squared Euclidean distance. In this paper, we similarly generalize the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to Bregman ADMM (BADMM), which allows the choice of different Bregman divergences to exploit the structure of problems. BADMM provides a unified framework for ADMM and its variants, including generalized ADMM, inexact ADMM and Bethe ADMM. We establish the global convergence and the $O(1/T)$ iteration complexity for BADMM. In some cases, BADMM can be faster than ADMM by a factor of $O(n/\ln n)$ where $n$ is the dimensionality. In solving the linear program of mass transportation problem, BADMM leads to massive parallelism and can easily run on GPU. BADMM is several times faster than highly optimized commercial software Gurobi.
Intelligent Subset Selection of Power Generators for Economic Dispatch
Sustainable and economical generation of electrical power is an essential and mandatory component of infrastructure in today's world. Optimal generation (generator subset selection) of power requires a careful evaluation of various factors like type of source, generation, transmission & storage capacities, congestion among others which makes this a difficult task. We created a grid to simulate various conditions including stimuli like generator supply, weather and load demand using Siemens PSS/E software and this data is trained using deep learning methods and subsequently tested. The results are highly encouraging. As per our knowledge, this is the first paper to propose a working and scalable deep learning model for this problem.
Transportability from Multiple Environments with Limited Experiments
This paper considers the problem of transferring experimental findings learned from multiple heterogeneous domains to a target environment, in which only limited experiments can be performed. We reduce questions of transportability from multiple domains and with limited scope to symbolic derivations in the do-calculus, thus extending the treatment of transportability from full experiments introduced in Pearl and Bareinboim (2011). We further provide different graphical and algorithmic conditions for computing the transport formula for this setting, that is, a way of fusing the observational and experimental information scattered throughout different domains to synthesize a consistent estimate of the desired effects.
Maintaining Ad-Hoc Communication Network in Area Protection Scenarios with Adversarial Agents
We address a problem of area protection in graph-based scenarios with multiple mobile agents where connectivity is maintained among agents to ensure they can communicate. The problem consists of two adversarial teams of agents that move in an undirected graph shared by both teams. Agents are placed in vertices of the graph; at most one agent can occupy a vertex; and they can move into adjacent vertices in a conflict free way. Teams have asymmetric goals: the aim of one team - attackers - is to invade into given area while the aim of the opponent team - defenders - is to protect the area from being entered by attackers by occupying selected vertices. The team of defenders need to maintain connectivity of vertices occupied by its own agents in a visibility graph. The visibility graph models possibility of communication between pairs of vertices.
PAC-Bayesian Generalization Bound on Confusion Matrix for Multi-Class Classification
In this work, we propose a PAC-Bayes bound for the generalization risk of the Gibbs classifier in the multi-class classification framework. The novelty of our work is the critical use of the confusion matrix of a classifier as an error measure; this puts our contribution in the line of work aiming at dealing with performance measure that are richer than mere scalar criterion such as the misclassification rate. Thanks to very recent and beautiful results on matrix concentration inequalities, we derive two bounds showing that the true confusion risk of the Gibbs classifier is upper-bounded by its empirical risk plus a term depending on the number of training examples in each class. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first PAC-Bayes bounds based on confusion matrices.
Using ATL to define advanced and flexible constraint model transformations
Transforming constraint models is an important task in re- cent constraint programming systems. User-understandable models are defined during the modeling phase but rewriting or tuning them is manda- tory to get solving-efficient models. We propose a new architecture al- lowing to define bridges between any (modeling or solver) languages and to implement model optimizations. This architecture follows a model- driven approach where the constraint modeling process is seen as a set of model transformations. Among others, an interesting feature is the def- inition of transformations as concept-oriented rules, i.e. based on types of model elements where the types are organized into a hierarchy called a metamodel.
Dropout Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks with Alpha-divergences
To obtain uncertainty estimates with real-world Bayesian deep learning models, practical inference approximations are needed. Dropout variational inference (VI) for example has been used for machine vision and medical applications, but VI can severely underestimates model uncertainty. Alpha-divergences are alternative divergences to VI's KL objective, which are able to avoid VI's uncertainty underestimation. But these are hard to use in practice: existing techniques can only use Gaussian approximating distributions, and require existing models to be changed radically, thus are of limited use for practitioners. We propose a re-parametrisation of the alpha-divergence objectives, deriving a simple inference technique which, together with dropout, can be easily implemented with existing models by simply changing the loss of the model. We demonstrate improved uncertainty estimates and accuracy compared to VI in dropout networks. We study our model's epistemic uncertainty far away from the data using adversarial images, showing that these can be distinguished from non-adversarial images by examining our model's uncertainty.
Positional Normalization
A widely deployed method for reducing the training time of deep neural networks is to normalize activations at each layer. Although various normalization schemes have been proposed, they all follow a common theme: normalize across spatial dimensions and discard the extracted statistics. In this paper, we propose a novel normalization method that deviates from this theme. Our approach, which we refer to as Positional Normalization (PONO), normalizes exclusively across channels, which allows us to capture structural information of the input image in the first and second moments. Instead of disregarding this information, we inject it into later layers to preserve or transfer structural information in generative networks. We show that PONO significantly improves the performance of deep networks across a wide range of model architectures and image generation tasks.
The semantic similarity ensemble
Computational measures of semantic similarity between geographic terms provide valuable support across geographic information retrieval, data mining, and information integration. To date, a wide variety of approaches to geo-semantic similarity have been devised. A judgment of similarity is not intrinsically right or wrong, but obtains a certain degree of cognitive plausibility, depending on how closely it mimics human behavior. Thus selecting the most appropriate measure for a specific task is a significant challenge. To address this issue, we make an analogy between computational similarity measures and soliciting domain expert opinions, which incorporate a subjective set of beliefs, perceptions, hypotheses, and epistemic biases. Following this analogy, we define the semantic similarity ensemble (SSE) as a composition of different similarity measures, acting as a panel of experts having to reach a decision on the semantic similarity of a set of geographic terms. The approach is evaluated in comparison to human judgments, and results indicate that an SSE performs better than the average of its parts. Although the best member tends to outperform the ensemble, all ensembles outperform the average performance of each ensemble's member. Hence, in contexts where the best measure is unknown, the ensemble provides a more cognitively plausible approach.
Active exploration in parameterized reinforcement learning
Online model-free reinforcement learning (RL) methods with continuous actions are playing a prominent role when dealing with real-world applications such as Robotics. However, when confronted to non-stationary environments, these methods crucially rely on an exploration-exploitation trade-off which is rarely dynamically and automatically adjusted to changes in the environment. Here we propose an active exploration algorithm for RL in structured (parameterized) continuous action space. This framework deals with a set of discrete actions, each of which is parameterized with continuous variables. Discrete exploration is controlled through a Boltzmann softmax function with an inverse temperature $\beta$ parameter. In parallel, a Gaussian exploration is applied to the continuous action parameters. We apply a meta-learning algorithm based on the comparison between variations of short-term and long-term reward running averages to simultaneously tune $\beta$ and the width of the Gaussian distribution from which continuous action parameters are drawn. When applied to a simple virtual human-robot interaction task, we show that this algorithm outperforms continuous parameterized RL both without active exploration and with active exploration based on uncertainty variations measured by a Kalman-Q-learning algorithm.
Towards Music Captioning: Generating Music Playlist Descriptions
Descriptions are often provided along with recommendations to help users' discovery. Recommending automatically generated music playlists (e.g. personalised playlists) introduces the problem of generating descriptions. In this paper, we propose a method for generating music playlist descriptions, which is called as music captioning. In the proposed method, audio content analysis and natural language processing are adopted to utilise the information of each track.
Trimming and Improving Skip-thought Vectors
The skip-thought model has been proven to be effective at learning sentence representations and capturing sentence semantics. In this paper, we propose a suite of techniques to trim and improve it. First, we validate a hypothesis that, given a current sentence, inferring the previous and inferring the next sentence provide similar supervision power, therefore only one decoder for predicting the next sentence is preserved in our trimmed skip-thought model. Second, we present a connection layer between encoder and decoder to help the model to generalize better on semantic relatedness tasks. Third, we found that a good word embedding initialization is also essential for learning better sentence representations. We train our model unsupervised on a large corpus with contiguous sentences, and then evaluate the trained model on 7 supervised tasks, which includes semantic relatedness, paraphrase detection, and text classification benchmarks. We empirically show that, our proposed model is a faster, lighter-weight and equally powerful alternative to the original skip-thought model.
Beyond the Single Neuron Convex Barrier for Neural Network Certification
We propose a new parametric framework, called k-ReLU, for computing precise and scalable convex relaxations used to certify neural networks. The key idea is to approximate the output of multiple ReLUs in a layer jointly instead of separately. This joint relaxation captures dependencies between the inputs to different ReLUs in a layer and thus overcomes the convex barrier imposed by the single neuron triangle relaxation and its approximations. The framework is parametric in the number of k ReLUs it considers jointly and can be combined with existing verifiers in order to improve their precision. Our experimental results show that k-ReLU en- ables significantly more precise certification than existing state-of-the-art verifiers while maintaining scalability.
Houdini: Fooling Deep Structured Visual and Speech Recognition Models with Adversarial Examples
Generating adversarial examples is a critical step for evaluating and improving the robustness of learning machines. So far, most existing methods only work for classification and are not designed to alter the true performance measure of the problem at hand. We introduce a novel flexible approach named Houdini for generating adversarial examples specifically tailored for the final performance measure of the task considered, be it combinatorial and non-decomposable. We successfully apply Houdini to a range of applications such as speech recognition, pose estimation and semantic segmentation. In all cases, the attacks based on Houdini achieve higher success rate than those based on the traditional surrogates used to train the models while using a less perceptible adversarial perturbation.
End-to-End Joint Learning of Natural Language Understanding and Dialogue Manager
Natural language understanding and dialogue policy learning are both essential in conversational systems that predict the next system actions in response to a current user utterance. Conventional approaches aggregate separate models of natural language understanding (NLU) and system action prediction (SAP) as a pipeline that is sensitive to noisy outputs of error-prone NLU. To address the issues, we propose an end-to-end deep recurrent neural network with limited contextual dialogue memory by jointly training NLU and SAP on DSTC4 multi-domain human-human dialogues. Experiments show that our proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art pipeline models for both NLU and SAP, which indicates that our joint model is capable of mitigating the affects of noisy NLU outputs, and NLU model can be refined by error flows backpropagating from the extra supervised signals of system actions.
When are Kalman-Filter Restless Bandits Indexable?
We study the restless bandit associated with an extremely simple scalar Kalman filter model in discrete time. Under certain assumptions, we prove that the problem is {\it indexable} in the sense that the {\it Whittle index} is a non-decreasing function of the relevant belief state. In spite of the long history of this problem, this appears to be the first such proof. We use results about {\it Schur-convexity} and {\it mechanical words}, which are particularbinary strings intimately related to {\it palindromes}.
Learning to Repair Software Vulnerabilities with Generative Adversarial Networks
Motivated by the problem of automated repair of software vulnerabilities, we propose an adversarial learning approach that maps from one discrete source domain to another target domain without requiring paired labeled examples or source and target domains to be bijections. We demonstrate that the proposed adversarial learning approach is an effective technique for repairing software vulnerabilities, performing close to seq2seq approaches that require labeled pairs. The proposed Generative Adversarial Network approach is application-agnostic in that it can be applied to other problems similar to code repair, such as grammar correction or sentiment translation.
Learning Concave Conditional Likelihood Models for Improved Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectra
The most widely used technology to identify the proteins present in a complex biological sample is tandem mass spectrometry, which quickly produces a large collection of spectra representative of the peptides (i.e., protein subsequences) present in the original sample. In this work, we greatly expand the parameter learning capabilities of a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) peptide-scoring algorithm, Didea, by deriving emission distributions for which its conditional log-likelihood scoring function remains concave. We show that this class of emission distributions, called Convex Virtual Emissions (CVEs), naturally generalizes the log-sum-exp function while rendering both maximum likelihood estimation and conditional maximum likelihood estimation concave for a wide range of Bayesian networks. Utilizing CVEs in Didea allows efficient learning of a large number of parameters while ensuring global convergence, in stark contrast to Didea’s previous parameter learning framework (which could only learn a single parameter using a costly grid search) and other trainable models (which only ensure convergence to local optima). The newly trained scoring function substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art in both scoring function accuracy and downstream Fisher kernel analysis. Furthermore, we significantly improve Didea’s runtime performance through successive optimizations to its message passing schedule and derive explicit connections between Didea’s new concave score and related MS/MS scoring functions.
Indonesian Social Media Sentiment Analysis With Sarcasm Detection
Sarcasm is considered one of the most difficult problem in sentiment analysis. In our ob-servation on Indonesian social media, for cer-tain topics, people tend to criticize something using sarcasm. Here, we proposed two additional features to detect sarcasm after a common sentiment analysis is conducted. The features are the negativity information and the number of interjection words. We also employed translated SentiWordNet in the sentiment classification. All the classifications were conducted with machine learning algorithms. The experimental results showed that the additional features are quite effective in the sarcasm detection.
Dominating Manipulations in Voting with Partial Information
We consider manipulation problems when the manipulator only has partial information about the votes of the nonmanipulators. Such partial information is described by an information set, which is the set of profiles of the nonmanipulators that are indistinguishable to the manipulator. Given such an information set, a dominating manipulation is a non-truthful vote that the manipulator can cast which makes the winner at least as preferable (and sometimes more preferable) as the winner when the manipulator votes truthfully. When the manipulator has full information, computing whether or not there exists a dominating manipulation is in P for many common voting rules (by known results). We show that when the manipulator has no information, there is no dominating manipulation for many common voting rules. When the manipulator's information is represented by partial orders and only a small portion of the preferences are unknown, computing a dominating manipulation is NP-hard for many common voting rules. Our results thus throw light on whether we can prevent strategic behavior by limiting information about the votes of other voters.
MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation
There has been a lot of recent interest in designing neural network models to estimate a distribution from a set of examples. We introduce a simple modification for autoencoder neural networks that yields powerful generative models. Our method masks the autoencoder's parameters to respect autoregressive constraints: each input is reconstructed only from previous inputs in a given ordering. Constrained this way, the autoencoder outputs can be interpreted as a set of conditional probabilities, and their product, the full joint probability. We can also train a single network that can decompose the joint probability in multiple different orderings. Our simple framework can be applied to multiple architectures, including deep ones. Vectorized implementations, such as on GPUs, are simple and fast. Experiments demonstrate that this approach is competitive with state-of-the-art tractable distribution estimators. At test time, the method is significantly faster and scales better than other autoregressive estimators.
A Deep Learning Approach to Unsupervised Ensemble Learning
We show how deep learning methods can be applied in the context of crowdsourcing and unsupervised ensemble learning. First, we prove that the popular model of Dawid and Skene, which assumes that all classifiers are conditionally independent, is {\em equivalent} to a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) with a single hidden node. Hence, under this model, the posterior probabilities of the true labels can be instead estimated via a trained RBM. Next, to address the more general case, where classifiers may strongly violate the conditional independence assumption, we propose to apply RBM-based Deep Neural Net (DNN). Experimental results on various simulated and real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed DNN approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods, in particular when the data violates the conditional independence assumption.
A Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process Model for Musical Pitch
Partially observable Markov decision processes have been widely used to provide models for real-world decision making problems. In this paper, we will provide a method in which a slightly different version of them called Mixed observability Markov decision process, MOMDP, is going to join with our problem. Basically, we aim at offering a behavioural model for interaction of intelligent agents with musical pitch environment and we will show that how MOMDP can shed some light on building up a decision making model for musical pitch conveniently.
Fast Bidirectional Probability Estimation in Markov Models
We develop a new bidirectional algorithm for estimating Markov chain multi-step transition probabilities: given a Markov chain, we want to estimate the probability of hitting a given target state in $\ell$ steps after starting from a given source distribution. Given the target state $t$, we use a (reverse) local power iteration to construct an `expanded target distribution', which has the same mean as the quantity we want to estimate, but a smaller variance -- this can then be sampled efficiently by a Monte Carlo algorithm. Our method extends to any Markov chain on a discrete (finite or countable) state-space, and can be extended to compute functions of multi-step transition probabilities such as PageRank, graph diffusions, hitting/return times, etc. Our main result is that in `sparse' Markov Chains -- wherein the number of transitions between states is comparable to the number of states -- the running time of our algorithm for a uniform-random target node is order-wise smaller than Monte Carlo and power iteration based algorithms; in particular, our method can estimate a probability $p$ using only $O(1/\sqrt{p})$ running time.
Identification and Off-Policy Learning of Multiple Objectives Using Adaptive Clustering
In this work, we present a methodology that enables an agent to make efficient use of its exploratory actions by autonomously identifying possible objectives in its environment and learning them in parallel. The identification of objectives is achieved using an online and unsupervised adaptive clustering algorithm. The identified objectives are learned (at least partially) in parallel using Q-learning. Using a simulated agent and environment, it is shown that the converged or partially converged value function weights resulting from off-policy learning can be used to accumulate knowledge about multiple objectives without any additional exploration. We claim that the proposed approach could be useful in scenarios where the objectives are initially unknown or in real world scenarios where exploration is typically a time and energy intensive process. The implications and possible extensions of this work are also briefly discussed.
Zero-Resource Translation with Multi-Lingual Neural Machine Translation
In this paper, we propose a novel finetuning algorithm for the recently introduced multi-way, mulitlingual neural machine translate that enables zero-resource machine translation. When used together with novel many-to-one translation strategies, we empirically show that this finetuning algorithm allows the multi-way, multilingual model to translate a zero-resource language pair (1) as well as a single-pair neural translation model trained with up to 1M direct parallel sentences of the same language pair and (2) better than pivot-based translation strategy, while keeping only one additional copy of attention-related parameters.
Learning with Group Invariant Features: A Kernel Perspective
We analyze in this paper a random feature map based on a theory of invariance I-theory introduced recently. More specifically, a group invariant signal signature is obtained through cumulative distributions of group transformed random projections. Our analysis bridges invariant feature learning with kernel methods, as we show that this feature map defines an expected Haar integration kernel that is invariant to the specified group action. We show how this non-linear random feature map approximates this group invariant kernel uniformly on a set of $N$ points. Moreover, we show that it defines a function space that is dense in the equivalent Invariant Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. Finally, we quantify error rates of the convergence of the empirical risk minimization, as well as the reduction in the sample complexity of a learning algorithm using such an invariant representation for signal classification, in a classical supervised learning setting.
Riemannian approach to batch normalization
Batch normalization (BN) has proven to be an effective algorithm for deep neural network training by normalizing the input to each neuron and reducing the internal covariate shift. The space of weight vectors in the BN layer can be naturally interpreted as a Riemannian manifold, which is invariant to linear scaling of weights. Following the intrinsic geometry of this manifold provides a new learning rule that is more efficient and easier to analyze. We also propose intuitive and effective gradient clipping and regularization methods for the proposed algorithm by utilizing the geometry of the manifold. The resulting algorithm consistently outperforms the original BN on various types of network architectures and datasets.
Giving the AI definition a form suitable for the engineer
This article tackles a number of technical issues related to the AI definition. These include the format of the data, the Undef and Nothing symbols, different ways of defining the meaning of life, as well as the introduction of the concept of "incorrect move". These are issues of no material importance, if we are interested in the AI definition from a purely theoretical point of view; however, if we want to develop a real program satisfying that definition, we are to find these issues important.
Clustering with Noisy Queries
In this paper, we provide a rigorous theoretical study of clustering with noisy queries. Given a set of $n$ elements, our goal is to recover the true clustering by asking minimum number of pairwise queries to an oracle. Oracle can answer queries of the form ``do elements $u$ and $v$ belong to the same cluster?''-the queries can be asked interactively (adaptive queries), or non-adaptively up-front, but its answer can be erroneous with probability $p$. In this paper, we provide the first information theoretic lower bound on the number of queries for clustering with noisy oracle in both situations. We design novel algorithms that closely match this query complexity lower bound, even when the number of clusters is unknown. Moreover, we design computationally efficient algorithms both for the adaptive and non-adaptive settings. The problem captures/generalizes multiple application scenarios. It is directly motivated by the growing body of work that use crowdsourcing for {\em entity resolution}, a fundamental and challenging data mining task aimed to identify all records in a database referring to the same entity. Here crowd represents the noisy oracle, and the number of queries directly relates to the cost of crowdsourcing. Another application comes from the problem of sign edge prediction in social network, where social interactions can be both positive and negative, and one must identify the sign of all pair-wise interactions by querying a few pairs. Furthermore, clustering with noisy oracle is intimately connected to correlation clustering, leading to improvement therein. Finally, it introduces a new direction of study in the popular stochastic block model where one has an incomplete stochastic block model matrix to recover the clusters.
On Correcting Inputs: Inverse Optimization for Online Structured Prediction
Algorithm designers typically assume that the input data is correct, and then proceed to find "optimal" or "sub-optimal" solutions using this input data. However this assumption of correct data does not always hold in practice, especially in the context of online learning systems where the objective is to learn appropriate feature weights given some training samples. Such scenarios necessitate the study of inverse optimization problems where one is given an input instance as well as a desired output and the task is to adjust the input data so that the given output is indeed optimal. Motivated by learning structured prediction models, in this paper we consider inverse optimization with a margin, i.e., we require the given output to be better than all other feasible outputs by a desired margin. We consider such inverse optimization problems for maximum weight matroid basis, matroid intersection, perfect matchings, minimum cost maximum flows, and shortest paths and derive the first known results for such problems with a non-zero margin. The effectiveness of these algorithmic approaches to online learning for structured prediction is also discussed.
Deeply AggreVaTeD: Differentiable Imitation Learning for Sequential Prediction
Researchers have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in sequential decision making problems (e.g., robotics control, sequential prediction) with deep neural network models. One often has access to near-optimal oracles that achieve good performance on the task during training. We demonstrate that AggreVaTeD --- a policy gradient extension of the Imitation Learning (IL) approach of (Ross & Bagnell, 2014) --- can leverage such an oracle to achieve faster and better solutions with less training data than a less-informed Reinforcement Learning (RL) technique. Using both feedforward and recurrent neural network predictors, we present stochastic gradient procedures on a sequential prediction task, dependency-parsing from raw image data, as well as on various high dimensional robotics control problems. We also provide a comprehensive theoretical study of IL that demonstrates we can expect up to exponentially lower sample complexity for learning with AggreVaTeD than with RL algorithms, which backs our empirical findings. Our results and theory indicate that the proposed approach can achieve superior performance with respect to the oracle when the demonstrator is sub-optimal.
The Motif Tracking Algorithm
The search for patterns or motifs in data represents a problem area of key interest to finance and economic researchers. In this paper we introduce the Motif Tracking Algorithm, a novel immune inspired pattern identification tool that is able to identify unknown motifs of a non specified length which repeat within time series data. The power of the algorithm comes from the fact that it uses a small number of parameters with minimal assumptions regarding the data being examined or the underlying motifs. Our interest lies in applying the algorithm to financial time series data to identify unknown patterns that exist. The algorithm is tested using three separate data sets. Particular suitability to financial data is shown by applying it to oil price data. In all cases the algorithm identifies the presence of a motif population in a fast and efficient manner due to the utilisation of an intuitive symbolic representation. The resulting population of motifs is shown to have considerable potential value for other applications such as forecasting and algorithm seeding.
Extended and Unscented Gaussian Processes
We present two new methods for inference in Gaussian process (GP) models with general nonlinear likelihoods. Inference is based on a variational framework where a Gaussian posterior is assumed and the likelihood is linearized about the variational posterior mean using either a Taylor series expansion or statistical linearization. We show that the parameter updates obtained by these algorithms are equivalent to the state update equations in the iterative extended and unscented Kalman filters respectively, hence we refer to our algorithms as extended and unscented GPs. The unscented GP treats the likelihood as a 'black-box' by not requiring its derivative for inference, so it also applies to non-differentiable likelihood models. We evaluate the performance of our algorithms on a number of synthetic inversion problems and a binary classification dataset.
Social media mining for identification and exploration of health-related information from pregnant women
Widespread use of social media has led to the generation of substantial amounts of information about individuals, including health-related information. Social media provides the opportunity to study health-related information about selected population groups who may be of interest for a particular study. In this paper, we explore the possibility of utilizing social media to perform targeted data collection and analysis from a particular population group -- pregnant women. We hypothesize that we can use social media to identify cohorts of pregnant women and follow them over time to analyze crucial health-related information. To identify potentially pregnant women, we employ simple rule-based searches that attempt to detect pregnancy announcements with moderate precision. To further filter out false positives and noise, we employ a supervised classifier using a small number of hand-annotated data. We then collect their posts over time to create longitudinal health timelines and attempt to divide the timelines into different pregnancy trimesters. Finally, we assess the usefulness of the timelines by performing a preliminary analysis to estimate drug intake patterns of our cohort at different trimesters. Our rule-based cohort identification technique collected 53,820 users over thirty months from Twitter. Our pregnancy announcement classification technique achieved an F-measure of 0.81 for the pregnancy class, resulting in 34,895 user timelines. Analysis of the timelines revealed that pertinent health-related information, such as drug-intake and adverse reactions can be mined from the data. Our approach to using user timelines in this fashion has produced very encouraging results and can be employed for other important tasks where cohorts, for which health-related information may not be available from other sources, are required to be followed over time to derive population-based estimates.
Examples are not enough, learn to criticize! Criticism for Interpretability
Example-based explanations are widely used in the effort to improve the interpretability of highly complex distributions. However, prototypes alone are rarely sufficient to represent the gist of the complexity. In order for users to construct better mental models and understand complex data distributions, we also need {\em criticism} to explain what are \textit{not} captured by prototypes. Motivated by the Bayesian model criticism framework, we develop \texttt{MMD-critic} which efficiently learns prototypes and criticism, designed to aid human interpretability. A human subject pilot study shows that the \texttt{MMD-critic} selects prototypes and criticism that are useful to facilitate human understanding and reasoning. We also evaluate the prototypes selected by \texttt{MMD-critic} via a nearest prototype classifier, showing competitive performance compared to baselines.
Statistical bounds for entropic optimal transport: sample complexity and the central limit theorem
We prove several fundamental statistical bounds for entropic OT with the squared Euclidean cost between subgaussian probability measures in arbitrary dimension. First, through a new sample complexity result we establish the rate of convergence of entropic OT for empirical measures. Our analysis improves exponentially on the bound of Genevay et al.~(2019) and extends their work to unbounded measures. Second, we establish a central limit theorem for entropic OT, based on techniques developed by Del Barrio and Loubes~(2019). Previously, such a result was only known for finite metric spaces. As an application of our results, we develop and analyze a new technique for estimating the entropy of a random variable corrupted by gaussian noise.
Semantic Noise Modeling for Better Representation Learning
Latent representation learned from multi-layered neural networks via hierarchical feature abstraction enables recent success of deep learning. Under the deep learning framework, generalization performance highly depends on the learned latent representation. In this work, we propose a novel latent space modeling method to learn better latent representation. We designed a neural network model based on the assumption that good base representation for supervised tasks can be attained by maximizing the sum of hierarchical mutual informations between the input, latent, and output variables. From this base model, we introduce a semantic noise modeling method which enables semantic perturbation on the latent space to enhance the representational power of learned latent feature. During training, latent vector representation can be stochastically perturbed by a modeled additive noise while preserving its original semantics. It implicitly brings the effect of semantic augmentation on the latent space. The proposed model can be easily learned by back-propagation with common gradient-based optimization algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed method helps to achieve performance benefits against various previous approaches. We also provide the empirical analyses for the proposed latent space modeling method including t-SNE visualization.
An Artificial Immune System Model for Multi-Agents Resource Sharing in Distributed Environments
Natural Immune system plays a vital role in the survival of the all living being. It provides a mechanism to defend itself from external predates making it consistent systems, capable of adapting itself for survival incase of changes. The human immune system has motivated scientists and engineers for finding powerful information processing algorithms that has solved complex engineering tasks. This paper explores one of the various possibilities for solving problem in a Multiagent scenario wherein multiple robots are deployed to achieve a goal collectively. The final goal is dependent on the performance of individual robot and its survival without having to lose its energy beyond a predetermined threshold value by deploying an evolutionary computational technique otherwise called the artificial immune system that imitates the biological immune system.
Belief Maintenance in Bayesian Networks
Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are a powerful formalism for reasoning under uncertainty but bear some severe limitations: they require a large amount of information before any reasoning process can start, they have limited contradiction handling capabilities, and their ability to provide explanations for their conclusion is still controversial. There exists a class of reasoning systems, called Truth Maintenance Systems (TMSs), which are able to deal with partially specified knowledge, to provide well-founded explanation for their conclusions, and to detect and handle contradictions. TMSs incorporating measure of uncertainty are called Belief Maintenance Systems (BMSs). This paper describes how a BMS based on probabilistic logic can be applied to BBNs, thus introducing a new class of BBNs, called Ignorant Belief Networks, able to incrementally deal with partially specified conditional dependencies, to provide explanations, and to detect and handle contradictions.
Nestrov's Acceleration For Second Order Method
Optimization plays a key role in machine learning. Recently, stochastic second-order methods have attracted much attention due to their low computational cost in each iteration. However, these algorithms might perform poorly especially if it is hard to approximate the Hessian well and efficiently. As far as we know, there is no effective way to handle this problem. In this paper, we resort to Nestrov's acceleration technique to improve the convergence performance of a class of second-order methods called approximate Newton. We give a theoretical analysis that Nestrov's acceleration technique can improve the convergence performance for approximate Newton just like for first-order methods. We accordingly propose an accelerated regularized sub-sampled Newton. Our accelerated algorithm performs much better than the original regularized sub-sampled Newton in experiments, which validates our theory empirically. Besides, the accelerated regularized sub-sampled Newton has good performance comparable to or even better than state-of-art algorithms.
A Binary Classification Framework for Two-Stage Multiple Kernel Learning
With the advent of kernel methods, automating the task of specifying a suitable kernel has become increasingly important. In this context, the Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) problem of finding a combination of pre-specified base kernels that is suitable for the task at hand has received significant attention from researchers. In this paper we show that Multiple Kernel Learning can be framed as a standard binary classification problem with additional constraints that ensure the positive definiteness of the learned kernel. Framing MKL in this way has the distinct advantage that it makes it easy to leverage the extensive research in binary classification to develop better performing and more scalable MKL algorithms that are conceptually simpler, and, arguably, more accessible to practitioners. Experiments on nine data sets from different domains show that, despite its simplicity, the proposed technique compares favorably with current leading MKL approaches.
New worst upper bound for #SAT
The rigorous theoretical analyses of algorithms for #SAT have been proposed in the literature. As we know, previous algorithms for solving #SAT have been analyzed only regarding the number of variables as the parameter. However, the time complexity for solving #SAT instances depends not only on the number of variables, but also on the number of clauses. Therefore, it is significant to exploit the time complexity from the other point of view, i.e. the number of clauses. In this paper, we present algorithms for solving #2-SAT and #3-SAT with rigorous complexity analyses using the number of clauses as the parameter. By analyzing the algorithms, we obtain the new worst-case upper bounds O(1.1892m) for #2-SAT and O(1.4142m) for #3-SAT, where m is the number of clauses.
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity
Innate immunity now occupies a central role in immunology. However, artificial immune system models have largely been inspired by adaptive not innate immunity. This paper reviews the biological principles and properties of innate immunity and, adopting a conceptual framework, asks how these can be incorporated into artificial models. The aim is to outline a meta-framework for models of innate immunity.
Relations such as Hypernymy: Identifying and Exploiting Hearst Patterns in Distributional Vectors for Lexical Entailment
We consider the task of predicting lexical entailment using distributional vectors. We focus experiments on one previous classifier which was shown to only learn to detect prototypicality of a word pair. Analysis shows that the model single-mindedly learns to detect Hearst Patterns, which are well known to be predictive of lexical relations. We present a new model which exploits this Hearst Detector functionality, matching or outperforming prior work on multiple data sets.
A Deep Metric for Multimodal Registration
Multimodal registration is a challenging problem in medical imaging due the high variability of tissue appearance under different imaging modalities. The crucial component here is the choice of the right similarity measure. We make a step towards a general learning-based solution that can be adapted to specific situations and present a metric based on a convolutional neural network. Our network can be trained from scratch even from a few aligned image pairs. The metric is validated on intersubject deformable registration on a dataset different from the one used for training, demonstrating good generalization. In this task, we outperform mutual information by a significant margin.
Reinforcement Learning for Learning Rate Control
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which updates the model parameters by adding a local gradient times a learning rate at each step, is widely used in model training of machine learning algorithms such as neural networks. It is observed that the models trained by SGD are sensitive to learning rates and good learning rates are problem specific. We propose an algorithm to automatically learn learning rates using neural network based actor-critic methods from deep reinforcement learning (RL).In particular, we train a policy network called actor to decide the learning rate at each step during training, and a value network called critic to give feedback about quality of the decision (e.g., the goodness of the learning rate outputted by the actor) that the actor made. The introduction of auxiliary actor and critic networks helps the main network achieve better performance. Experiments on different datasets and network architectures show that our approach leads to better convergence of SGD than human-designed competitors.
Game-Theoretic Modeling of Driver and Vehicle Interactions for Verification and Validation of Autonomous Vehicle Control Systems
Autonomous driving has been the subject of increased interest in recent years both in industry and in academia. Serious efforts are being pursued to address legal, technical and logistical problems and make autonomous cars a viable option for everyday transportation. One significant challenge is the time and effort required for the verification and validation of the decision and control algorithms employed in these vehicles to ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience. Hundreds of thousands of miles of driving tests are required to achieve a well calibrated control system that is capable of operating an autonomous vehicle in an uncertain traffic environment where multiple interactions between vehicles and drivers simultaneously occur. Traffic simulators where these interactions can be modeled and represented with reasonable fidelity can help decrease the time and effort necessary for the development of the autonomous driving control algorithms by providing a venue where acceptable initial control calibrations can be achieved quickly and safely before actual road tests. In this paper, we present a game theoretic traffic model that can be used to 1) test and compare various autonomous vehicle decision and control systems and 2) calibrate the parameters of an existing control system. We demonstrate two example case studies, where, in the first case, we test and quantitatively compare two autonomous vehicle control systems in terms of their safety and performance, and, in the second case, we optimize the parameters of an autonomous vehicle control system, utilizing the proposed traffic model and simulation environment.
Approximate Bayesian Inference for a Mechanistic Model of Vesicle Release at a Ribbon Synapse
The inherent noise of neural systems makes it difficult to construct models which accurately capture experimental measurements of their activity. While much research has been done on how to efficiently model neural activity with descriptive models such as linear-nonlinear-models (LN), Bayesian inference for mechanistic models has received considerably less attention. One reason for this is that these models typically lead to intractable likelihoods and thus make parameter inference difficult. Here, we develop an approximate Bayesian inference scheme for a fully stochastic, biophysically inspired model of glutamate release at the ribbon synapse, a highly specialized synapse found in different sensory systems. The model translates known structural features of the ribbon synapse into a set of stochastically coupled equations. We approximate the posterior distributions by updating a parametric prior distribution via Bayesian updating rules and show that model parameters can be efficiently estimated for synthetic and experimental data from in vivo two-photon experiments in the zebrafish retina. Also, we find that the model captures complex properties of the synaptic release such as the temporal precision and outperforms a standard GLM. Our framework provides a viable path forward for linking mechanistic models of neural activity to measured data.
Learning with Pseudo-Ensembles
We formalize the notion of a pseudo-ensemble, a (possibly infinite) collection of child models spawned from a parent model by perturbing it according to some noise process. E.g., dropout (Hinton et. al, 2012) in a deep neural network trains a pseudo-ensemble of child subnetworks generated by randomly masking nodes in the parent network. We present a novel regularizer based on making the behavior of a pseudo-ensemble robust with respect to the noise process generating it. In the fully-supervised setting, our regularizer matches the performance of dropout. But, unlike dropout, our regularizer naturally extends to the semi-supervised setting, where it produces state-of-the-art results. We provide a case study in which we transform the Recursive Neural Tensor Network of (Socher et. al, 2013) into a pseudo-ensemble, which significantly improves its performance on a real-world sentiment analysis benchmark.
Implementing Efficient All Solutions SAT Solvers
All solutions SAT (AllSAT for short) is a variant of propositional satisfiability problem. Despite its significance, AllSAT has been relatively unexplored compared to other variants. We thus survey and discuss major techniques of AllSAT solvers. We faithfully implement them and conduct comprehensive experiments using a large number of instances and various types of solvers including one of the few public softwares. The experiments reveal solver's characteristics. Our implemented solvers are made publicly available so that other researchers can easily develop their solver by modifying our codes and compare it with existing methods.
Credibility Adjusted Term Frequency: A Supervised Term Weighting Scheme for Sentiment Analysis and Text Classification
We provide a simple but novel supervised weighting scheme for adjusting term frequency in tf-idf for sentiment analysis and text classification. We compare our method to baseline weighting schemes and find that it outperforms them on multiple benchmarks. The method is robust and works well on both snippets and longer documents.
Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Morphological inflection generation is the task of generating the inflected form of a given lemma corresponding to a particular linguistic transformation. We model the problem of inflection generation as a character sequence to sequence learning problem and present a variant of the neural encoder-decoder model for solving it. Our model is language independent and can be trained in both supervised and semi-supervised settings. We evaluate our system on seven datasets of morphologically rich languages and achieve either better or comparable results to existing state-of-the-art models of inflection generation.
Continuous Implicit Authentication for Mobile Devices based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
As mobile devices have become indispensable in modern life, mobile security is becoming much more important. Traditional password or PIN-like point-of-entry security measures score low on usability and are vulnerable to brute force and other types of attacks. In order to improve mobile security, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system(ANFIS)-based implicit authentication system is proposed in this paper to provide authentication in a continuous and transparent manner.To illustrate the applicability and capability of ANFIS in our implicit authentication system, experiments were conducted on behavioural data collected for up to 12 weeks from different Android users. The ability of the ANFIS-based system to detect an adversary is also tested with scenarios involving an attacker with varying levels of knowledge. The results demonstrate that ANFIS is a feasible and efficient approach for implicit authentication with an average of 95% user recognition rate. Moreover, the use of ANFIS-based system for implicit authentication significantly reduces manual tuning and configuration tasks due to its selflearning capability.
No-Regret Learning in Extensive-Form Games with Imperfect Recall
Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) is an efficient no-regret learning algorithm for decision problems modeled as extensive games. CFR's regret bounds depend on the requirement of perfect recall: players always remember information that was revealed to them and the order in which it was revealed. In games without perfect recall, however, CFR's guarantees do not apply. In this paper, we present the first regret bound for CFR when applied to a general class of games with imperfect recall. In addition, we show that CFR applied to any abstraction belonging to our general class results in a regret bound not just for the abstract game, but for the full game as well. We verify our theory and show how imperfect recall can be used to trade a small increase in regret for a significant reduction in memory in three domains: die-roll poker, phantom tic-tac-toe, and Bluff.
Logarithmic Time Online Multiclass prediction
We study the problem of multiclass classification with an extremely large number of classes (k), with the goal of obtaining train and test time complexity logarithmic in the number of classes. We develop top-down tree construction approaches for constructing logarithmic depth trees. On the theoretical front, we formulate a new objective function, which is optimized at each node of the tree and creates dynamic partitions of the data which are both pure (in terms of class labels) and balanced. We demonstrate that under favorable conditions, we can construct logarithmic depth trees that have leaves with low label entropy. However, the objective function at the nodes is challenging to optimize computationally. We address the empirical problem with a new online decision tree construction procedure. Experiments demonstrate that this online algorithm quickly achieves improvement in test error compared to more common logarithmic training time approaches, which makes it a plausible method in computationally constrained large-k applications.
Double Thompson Sampling for Dueling Bandits
In this paper, we propose a Double Thompson Sampling (D-TS) algorithm for dueling bandit problems. As its name suggests, D-TS selects both the first and the second candidates according to Thompson Sampling. Specifically, D-TS maintains a posterior distribution for the preference matrix, and chooses the pair of arms for comparison according to two sets of samples independently drawn from the posterior distribution. This simple algorithm applies to general Copeland dueling bandits, including Condorcet dueling bandits as its special case. For general Copeland dueling bandits, we show that D-TS achieves $O(K^2 \log T)$ regret. Moreover, using a back substitution argument, we refine the regret to $O(K \log T + K^2 \log \log T)$ in Condorcet dueling bandits and many practical Copeland dueling bandits. In addition, we propose an enhancement of D-TS, referred to as D-TS+, that reduces the regret by carefully breaking ties. Experiments based on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that D-TS and D-TS$^+$ significantly improve the overall performance, in terms of regret and robustness.
Mining relevant interval rules
This article extends the method of Garriga et al. for mining relevant rules to numerical attributes by extracting interval-based pattern rules. We propose an algorithm that extracts such rules from numerical datasets using the interval-pattern approach from Kaytoue et al. This algorithm has been implemented and evaluated on real datasets.
Propagating Uncertainty in Reinforcement Learning via Wasserstein Barycenters
How does the uncertainty of the value function propagate when performing temporal difference learning? In this paper, we address this question by proposing a Bayesian framework in which we employ approximate posterior distributions to model the uncertainty of the value function and Wasserstein barycenters to propagate it across state-action pairs. Leveraging on these tools, we present an algorithm, Wasserstein Q-Learning (WQL), starting in the tabular case and then, we show how it can be extended to deal with continuous domains. Furthermore, we prove that, under mild assumptions, a slight variation of WQL enjoys desirable theoretical properties in the tabular setting. Finally, we present an experimental campaign to show the effectiveness of WQL on finite problems, compared to several RL algorithms, some of which are specifically designed for exploration, along with some preliminary results on Atari games.
Short and Long Supports for Constraint Propagation
Special-purpose constraint propagation algorithms frequently make implicit use of short supports -- by examining a subset of the variables, they can infer support (a justification that a variable-value pair may still form part of an assignment that satisfies the constraint) for all other variables and values and save substantial work -- but short supports have not been studied in their own right. The two main contributions of this paper are the identification of short supports as important for constraint propagation, and the introduction of HaggisGAC, an efficient and effective general purpose propagation algorithm for exploiting short supports. Given the complexity of HaggisGAC, we present it as an optimised version of a simpler algorithm ShortGAC. Although experiments demonstrate the efficiency of ShortGAC compared with other general-purpose propagation algorithms where a compact set of short supports is available, we show theoretically and experimentally that HaggisGAC is even better. We also find that HaggisGAC performs better than GAC-Schema on full-length supports. We also introduce a variant algorithm HaggisGAC-Stable, which is adapted to avoid work on backtracking and in some cases can be faster and have significant reductions in memory use. All the proposed algorithms are excellent for propagating disjunctions of constraints. In all experiments with disjunctions we found our algorithms to be faster than Constructive Or and GAC-Schema by at least an order of magnitude, and up to three orders of magnitude.
Speeding Up Planning in Markov Decision Processes via Automatically Constructed Abstractions
In this paper, we consider planning in stochastic shortest path (SSP) problems, a subclass of Markov Decision Problems (MDP). We focus on medium-size problems whose state space can be fully enumerated. This problem has numerous important applications, such as navigation and planning under uncertainty. We propose a new approach for constructing a multi-level hierarchy of progressively simpler abstractions of the original problem. Once computed, the hierarchy can be used to speed up planning by first finding a policy for the most abstract level and then recursively refining it into a solution to the original problem. This approach is fully automated and delivers a speed-up of two orders of magnitude over a state-of-the-art MDP solver on sample problems while returning near-optimal solutions. We also prove theoretical bounds on the loss of solution optimality resulting from the use of abstractions.
Temporal Logic Programs with Variables
In this note we consider the problem of introducing variables in temporal logic programs under the formalism of "Temporal Equilibrium Logic" (TEL), an extension of Answer Set Programming (ASP) for dealing with linear-time modal operators. To this aim, we provide a definition of a first-order version of TEL that shares the syntax of first-order Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) but has a different semantics, selecting some LTL models we call "temporal stable models". Then, we consider a subclass of theories (called "splittable temporal logic programs") that are close to usual logic programs but allowing a restricted use of temporal operators. In this setting, we provide a syntactic definition of "safe variables" that suffices to show the property of "domain independence" -- that is, addition of arbitrary elements in the universe does not vary the set of temporal stable models. Finally, we present a method for computing the derivable facts by constructing a non-temporal logic program with variables that is fed to a standard ASP grounder. The information provided by the grounder is then used to generate a subset of ground temporal rules which is equivalent to (and generally smaller than) the full program instantiation.
Classification of Flames in Computer Mediated Communications
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) has brought about a revolution in the way the world communicates with each other. With the increasing number of people, interacting through the internet and the rise of new platforms and technologies has brought together the people from different social, cultural and geographical backgrounds to present their thoughts, ideas and opinions on topics of their interest. CMC has, in some cases, gave users more freedom to express themselves as compared to Face-to-face communication. This has also led to rise in the use of hostile and aggressive language and terminologies uninhibitedly. Since such use of language is detrimental to the discussion process and affects the audience and individuals negatively, efforts are being taken to control them. The research sees the need to understand the concept of flaming and hence attempts to classify them in order to give a better understanding of it. The classification is done on the basis of type of flame content being presented and the Style in which they are presented.
Robustly Leveraging Prior Knowledge in Text Classification
Prior knowledge has been shown very useful to address many natural language processing tasks. Many approaches have been proposed to formalise a variety of knowledge, however, whether the proposed approach is robust or sensitive to the knowledge supplied to the model has rarely been discussed. In this paper, we propose three regularization terms on top of generalized expectation criteria, and conduct extensive experiments to justify the robustness of the proposed methods. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methods obtain remarkable improvements and are much more robust than baselines.
Incremental Boosting Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition
Recognizing facial action units (AUs) from spontaneous facial expressions is still a challenging problem. Most recently, CNNs have shown promise on facial AU recognition. However, the learned CNNs are often overfitted and do not generalize well to unseen subjects due to limited AU-coded training images. We proposed a novel Incremental Boosting CNN (IB-CNN) to integrate boosting into the CNN via an incremental boosting layer that selects discriminative neurons from the lower layer and is incrementally updated on successive mini-batches. In addition, a novel loss function that accounts for errors from both the incremental boosted classifier and individual weak classifiers was proposed to fine-tune the IB-CNN. Experimental results on four benchmark AU databases have demonstrated that the IB-CNN yields significant improvement over the traditional CNN and the boosting CNN without incremental learning, as well as outperforming the state-of-the-art CNN-based methods in AU recognition. The improvement is more impressive for the AUs that have the lowest frequencies in the databases.