sentence: book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 and then what is the forecast in heber <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024], [B-city: heber]</s>
sentence: book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 and then what is the forecast in heber <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024], [B-city: heber]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute and find drumline: a new beat a picture <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [B-object_name: drumline:], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: new], [I-object_name: beat], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute and find drumline: a new beat a picture <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [B-object_name: drumline:], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: new], [I-object_name: beat], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: i want to see the television show called cuts both ways <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: cuts], [I-object_name: both], [I-object_name: ways]</s>
sentence: i want to see the television show called cuts both ways <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: cuts], [I-object_name: both], [I-object_name: ways]</s>
sentence: the sleep machine waterscapes playlist needs some kris chetan ramlu in it , book a table for ten for breakfast in minnesota and also play the electrochemical and solid state letters song <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: sleep], [I-playlist: machine], [I-playlist: waterscapes], [B-artist: kris], [I-artist: chetan], [I-artist: ramlu], [B-party_size_number: ten], [B-timeRange: breakfast], [B-state: minnesota], [B-object_name: electrochemical], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: solid], [I-object_name: state], [I-object_name: letters], [B-object_type: song]</s>
sentence: the sleep machine waterscapes playlist needs some kris chetan ramlu in it , book a table for ten for breakfast in minnesota and also play the electrochemical and solid state letters song <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: sleep], [I-playlist: machine], [I-playlist: waterscapes], [B-artist: kris], [I-artist: chetan], [I-artist: ramlu], [B-party_size_number: ten], [B-timeRange: breakfast], [B-state: minnesota], [B-object_name: electrochemical], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: solid], [I-object_name: state], [I-object_name: letters], [B-object_type: song]</s>
sentence: can you put a song by jessica mauboy on my playlist entitled a sudden rainstorm , what will the humidity be in varnado georgia at one am and also i d like to see movie schedules for kerasotes theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: jessica], [I-artist: mauboy], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: a], [I-playlist: sudden], [I-playlist: rainstorm], [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-city: varnado], [B-state: georgia], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: kerasotes], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: can you put a song by jessica mauboy on my playlist entitled a sudden rainstorm , what will the humidity be in varnado georgia at one am and also i d like to see movie schedules for kerasotes theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: jessica], [I-artist: mauboy], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: a], [I-playlist: sudden], [I-playlist: rainstorm], [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-city: varnado], [B-state: georgia], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: kerasotes], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add this tune to my dinnertime acoustics list and then rate wielding a red sword 0 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics], [B-object_name: wielding], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: red], [I-object_name: sword], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: add this tune to my dinnertime acoustics list and then rate wielding a red sword 0 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dinnertime], [I-playlist: acoustics], [B-object_name: wielding], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: red], [I-object_name: sword], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: add the singer ivan roudyk to my fairy tales playlists , i d like to eat at the best restaurant and then play punk rock music <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: ivan], [I-artist: roudyk], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fairy], [I-playlist: tales], [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-genre: punk], [I-genre: rock]</s>
sentence: add the singer ivan roudyk to my fairy tales playlists , i d like to eat at the best restaurant and then play punk rock music <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: ivan], [I-artist: roudyk], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fairy], [I-playlist: tales], [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-genre: punk], [I-genre: rock]</s>
sentence: add david axelrod to my futuros hits list , i want to go to 88th st-boyd av or close by and book seats for 10 and also i d like to watch take this waltz <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: david], [I-artist: axelrod], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: futuros], [I-playlist: hits], [B-poi: 88th], [I-poi: st-boyd], [I-poi: av], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-party_size_number: 10], [B-movie_name: take], [I-movie_name: this], [I-movie_name: waltz]</s>
sentence: add david axelrod to my futuros hits list , i want to go to 88th st-boyd av or close by and book seats for 10 and also i d like to watch take this waltz <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: david], [I-artist: axelrod], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: futuros], [I-playlist: hits], [B-poi: 88th], [I-poi: st-boyd], [I-poi: av], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-party_size_number: 10], [B-movie_name: take], [I-movie_name: this], [I-movie_name: waltz]</s>
sentence: play some symphonic rock , find love will tear us apart a photograph and then show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-genre: symphonic], [I-genre: rock], [B-object_name: love], [I-object_name: will], [I-object_name: tear], [I-object_name: us], [I-object_name: apart], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: play some symphonic rock , find love will tear us apart a photograph and then show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-genre: symphonic], [I-genre: rock], [B-object_name: love], [I-object_name: will], [I-object_name: tear], [I-object_name: us], [I-object_name: apart], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: check the forecast for the current spot in the future oct 19 2037 , rate the lie tree five and can i get the movies showtimes for the closest movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: spot], [B-timeRange: oct], [I-timeRange: 19], [I-timeRange: 2037], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lie], [I-object_name: tree], [B-rating_value: five], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: check the forecast for the current spot in the future oct 19 2037 , rate the lie tree five and can i get the movies showtimes for the closest movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: spot], [B-timeRange: oct], [I-timeRange: 19], [I-timeRange: 2037], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lie], [I-object_name: tree], [B-rating_value: five], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: award this current novel 0 points and how do i get the game still on it <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: still], [I-object_name: on], [I-object_name: it]</s>
sentence: award this current novel 0 points and how do i get the game still on it <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: still], [I-object_name: on], [I-object_name: it]</s>
sentence: show me the schedule of the loves of letty in cinema closest <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: loves], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: letty], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-spatial_relation: closest]</s>
sentence: show me the schedule of the loves of letty in cinema closest <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: loves], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: letty], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-spatial_relation: closest]</s>
sentence: i would like to book the best food court with persian food within the same area as ok for my ex husband and i and will the wind die down at my current location by supper time <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: court], [B-cuisine: persian], [B-spatial_relation: within], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: ok], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: ex], [I-party_size_description: husband], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-condition_description: wind], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: supper]</s>
sentence: i would like to book the best food court with persian food within the same area as ok for my ex husband and i and will the wind die down at my current location by supper time <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: court], [B-cuisine: persian], [B-spatial_relation: within], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: ok], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: ex], [I-party_size_description: husband], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-condition_description: wind], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: supper]</s>
sentence: add song in my playlist dance workout and also i am looking for the tv show called the flight of the lost balloon <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: workout], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: flight], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lost], [I-object_name: balloon]</s>
sentence: add song in my playlist dance workout and also i am looking for the tv show called the flight of the lost balloon <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: dance], [I-playlist: workout], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: flight], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: lost], [I-object_name: balloon]</s>
sentence: the current textbook gets a 2 rating and then find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>
sentence: the current textbook gets a 2 rating and then find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>
sentence: can you add xanadu to latin alternative music <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: xanadu], [B-playlist: latin], [I-playlist: alternative], [I-playlist: music]</s>
sentence: can you add xanadu to latin alternative music <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: xanadu], [B-playlist: latin], [I-playlist: alternative], [I-playlist: music]</s>
sentence: play arif music from the fourties and also what is the local movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: arif], [B-year: fourties], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: play arif music from the fourties and also what is the local movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: arif], [B-year: fourties], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in timbo <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: timbo]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in timbo <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: timbo]</s>
sentence: add this tune to cristina s endorphin rush playlist and also show creative photograph of icewind dale: heart of winter <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: cristina], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: endorphin], [I-playlist: rush], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: icewind], [I-object_name: dale:], [I-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: winter]</s>
sentence: add this tune to cristina s endorphin rush playlist and also show creative photograph of icewind dale: heart of winter <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: cristina], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: endorphin], [I-playlist: rush], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: icewind], [I-object_name: dale:], [I-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: winter]</s>
sentence: find the schedule for the solitude of prime numbers at the nearest cinema in 1 hour <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: solitude], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: prime], [I-movie_name: numbers], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour]</s>
sentence: find the schedule for the solitude of prime numbers at the nearest cinema in 1 hour <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: solitude], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: prime], [I-movie_name: numbers], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour]</s>
sentence: search for the complots <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: complots]</s>
sentence: search for the complots <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: complots]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in grand coteau ut at six pm , rate this novel five of 6 and then where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-city: grand], [I-city: coteau], [B-state: ut], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: five], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in grand coteau ut at six pm , rate this novel five of 6 and then where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-city: grand], [I-city: coteau], [B-state: ut], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: five], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma , what is the niceville forecast in fm and then get jump down painting <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm], [B-object_name: jump], [I-object_name: down], [B-object_type: painting]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma , what is the niceville forecast in fm and then get jump down painting <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-city: niceville], [B-state: fm], [B-object_name: jump], [I-object_name: down], [B-object_type: painting]</s>
sentence: where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant for one person at 7 am and find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: one], [B-timeRange: 7], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant for one person at 7 am and find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: one], [B-timeRange: 7], [I-timeRange: am], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>
sentence: add shi xin hui to my piano chill playlist , i m looking for a movie called salvage mice and also show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: shi], [I-artist: xin], [I-artist: hui], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: piano], [I-playlist: chill], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: salvage], [I-object_name: mice], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add shi xin hui to my piano chill playlist , i m looking for a movie called salvage mice and also show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: shi], [I-artist: xin], [I-artist: hui], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: piano], [I-playlist: chill], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: salvage], [I-object_name: mice], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: can you put musiri subramania iyer s song onto the lo-fi love soundtrack , rate the key word and other mysteries 4 of 6 and also show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: musiri], [I-artist: subramania], [I-artist: iyer], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: lo-fi], [I-playlist: love], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: key], [I-object_name: word], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: other], [I-object_name: mysteries], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: can you put musiri subramania iyer s song onto the lo-fi love soundtrack , rate the key word and other mysteries 4 of 6 and also show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: musiri], [I-artist: subramania], [I-artist: iyer], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: lo-fi], [I-playlist: love], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: key], [I-object_name: word], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: other], [I-object_name: mysteries], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 and also find movie schedules for united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: play some theme songs from 1974 and also find movie schedules for united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at a popular brasserie in chile with a party of 5 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-sort: popular], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: chile], [B-party_size_number: 5]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at a popular brasserie in chile with a party of 5 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-sort: popular], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-country: chile], [B-party_size_number: 5]</s>
sentence: find a restaurant in fm that servec quiche and then will i be able to watch camping-car at movie house at 6 pm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-state: fm], [B-served_dish: quiche], [B-movie_name: camping-car], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house], [B-timeRange: 6], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: find a restaurant in fm that servec quiche and then will i be able to watch camping-car at movie house at 6 pm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-state: fm], [B-served_dish: quiche], [B-movie_name: camping-car], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house], [B-timeRange: 6], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 , give the current book five stars out of 6 and also is love and other troubles playing <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: love], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: other], [I-movie_name: troubles]</s>
sentence: book a table at grecian coffee house for 7 on apr 7th 2024 , give the current book five stars out of 6 and also is love and other troubles playing <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: grecian], [I-restaurant_name: coffee], [I-restaurant_name: house], [B-party_size_number: 7], [B-timeRange: apr], [I-timeRange: 7th], [I-timeRange: 2024], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: love], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: other], [I-movie_name: troubles]</s>
sentence: play the song shine a light , pull up sweeney todd - il diabolico barbiere di fleet street and show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light], [B-object_name: sweeney], [I-object_name: todd], [I-object_name: -], [I-object_name: il], [I-object_name: diabolico], [I-object_name: barbiere], [I-object_name: di], [I-object_name: fleet], [I-object_name: street], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: play the song shine a light , pull up sweeney todd - il diabolico barbiere di fleet street and show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light], [B-object_name: sweeney], [I-object_name: todd], [I-object_name: -], [I-object_name: il], [I-object_name: diabolico], [I-object_name: barbiere], [I-object_name: di], [I-object_name: fleet], [I-object_name: street], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add get happy to cherry s las canciones más lindas del mundo <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: get], [I-entity_name: happy], [B-playlist_owner: cherry], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: las], [I-playlist: canciones], [I-playlist: más], [I-playlist: lindas], [I-playlist: del], [I-playlist: mundo]</s>
sentence: add get happy to cherry s las canciones más lindas del mundo <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: get], [I-entity_name: happy], [B-playlist_owner: cherry], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: las], [I-playlist: canciones], [I-playlist: más], [I-playlist: lindas], [I-playlist: del], [I-playlist: mundo]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks]</s>
sentence: play a top-50 tune from 1982 and where s the nearest movie house playing no trains no planes <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-50], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: 1982], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house], [B-movie_name: no], [I-movie_name: trains], [I-movie_name: no], [I-movie_name: planes]</s>
sentence: play a top-50 tune from 1982 and where s the nearest movie house playing no trains no planes <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-50], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: 1982], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house], [B-movie_name: no], [I-movie_name: trains], [I-movie_name: no], [I-movie_name: planes]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma , weather next year in canada and then when is fine totally fine playing <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-movie_name: fine], [I-movie_name: totally], [I-movie_name: fine]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma , weather next year in canada and then when is fine totally fine playing <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-movie_name: fine], [I-movie_name: totally], [I-movie_name: fine]</s>
sentence: can you add confessions to my playlist called clásica , will there be cloud coverage in verdery myanmar and also find me a movie with the name oshin <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: confessions], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: clásica], [B-condition_description: cloud], [B-city: verdery], [B-country: myanmar], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: oshin]</s>
sentence: can you add confessions to my playlist called clásica , will there be cloud coverage in verdery myanmar and also find me a movie with the name oshin <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: confessions], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: clásica], [B-condition_description: cloud], [B-city: verdery], [B-country: myanmar], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: oshin]</s>
sentence: i want to rate the ingenuity gap 3 out of 6 and also i d like to see movie schedules for kerasotes theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: ingenuity], [I-object_name: gap], [B-rating_value: 3], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: kerasotes], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: i want to rate the ingenuity gap 3 out of 6 and also i d like to see movie schedules for kerasotes theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: ingenuity], [I-object_name: gap], [B-rating_value: 3], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: kerasotes], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: i need the wather for next week in the philippines and then the current essay gets four points <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-country: philippines], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: essay], [B-rating_value: four], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: i need the wather for next week in the philippines and then the current essay gets four points <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: week], [B-country: philippines], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: essay], [B-rating_value: four], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: book a mediterranean restaurant for my sister and i and how do i get the game still on it <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-cuisine: mediterranean], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: sister], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: still], [I-object_name: on], [I-object_name: it]</s>
sentence: book a mediterranean restaurant for my sister and i and how do i get the game still on it <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-cuisine: mediterranean], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: sister], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: still], [I-object_name: on], [I-object_name: it]</s>
sentence: play the song shine a light and i d like to know when i can see the taking of flight 847: the uli derickson story at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: taking], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: flight], [I-movie_name: 847:], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: uli], [I-movie_name: derickson], [I-movie_name: story], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: play the song shine a light and i d like to know when i can see the taking of flight 847: the uli derickson story at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: taking], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: flight], [I-movie_name: 847:], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: uli], [I-movie_name: derickson], [I-movie_name: story], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: add the singer ivan roudyk to my fairy tales playlists and then rate a taste of blackberries a three <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: ivan], [I-artist: roudyk], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fairy], [I-playlist: tales], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: add the singer ivan roudyk to my fairy tales playlists and then rate a taste of blackberries a three <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: ivan], [I-artist: roudyk], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fairy], [I-playlist: tales], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: play a top-50 tune from 1982 and then find the movie schedules for animated movies nearby at 09:44 am <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-50], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: 1982], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: 09:44], [I-timeRange: am]</s>
sentence: play a top-50 tune from 1982 and then find the movie schedules for animated movies nearby at 09:44 am <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-50], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: 1982], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: 09:44], [I-timeRange: am]</s>
sentence: find the via dolorosa: songs of redemption saga <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: via], [I-object_name: dolorosa:], [I-object_name: songs], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: redemption], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: find the via dolorosa: songs of redemption saga <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: via], [I-object_name: dolorosa:], [I-object_name: songs], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: redemption], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: rate maps for lost lovers 1 of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: maps], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: lost], [I-object_name: lovers], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: rate maps for lost lovers 1 of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: maps], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: lost], [I-object_name: lovers], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: add spirit touches ground to my leche con chocolate list and also play sugar baby by frank beard <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: spirit], [I-entity_name: touches], [I-entity_name: ground], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: leche], [I-playlist: con], [I-playlist: chocolate], [B-track: sugar], [I-track: baby], [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: beard]</s>
sentence: add spirit touches ground to my leche con chocolate list and also play sugar baby by frank beard <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: spirit], [I-entity_name: touches], [I-entity_name: ground], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: leche], [I-playlist: con], [I-playlist: chocolate], [B-track: sugar], [I-track: baby], [B-artist: frank], [I-artist: beard]</s>
sentence: lets hear some dawood sarkhosh from their the power of your love album from groove shark and also a day no pigs would die deserves a best rating of 6 and a value of 4 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: dawood], [I-artist: sarkhosh], [B-album: the], [I-album: power], [I-album: of], [I-album: your], [I-album: love], [B-music_item: album], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: no], [I-object_name: pigs], [I-object_name: would], [I-object_name: die], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: lets hear some dawood sarkhosh from their the power of your love album from groove shark and also a day no pigs would die deserves a best rating of 6 and a value of 4 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: dawood], [I-artist: sarkhosh], [B-album: the], [I-album: power], [I-album: of], [I-album: your], [I-album: love], [B-music_item: album], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: no], [I-object_name: pigs], [I-object_name: would], [I-object_name: die], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i would like to eat fast food and have a party of two in kentucky <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: fast], [I-restaurant_type: food], [B-party_size_number: two], [B-state: kentucky]</s>
sentence: i would like to eat fast food and have a party of two in kentucky <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: fast], [I-restaurant_type: food], [B-party_size_number: two], [B-state: kentucky]</s>
sentence: book a mediterranean restaurant for my sister and i and then i want to listen to the song only the greatest <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-cuisine: mediterranean], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: sister], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-object_type: song], [B-object_name: only], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: greatest]</s>
sentence: book a mediterranean restaurant for my sister and i and then i want to listen to the song only the greatest <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-cuisine: mediterranean], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_description: my], [I-party_size_description: sister], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: i], [B-object_type: song], [B-object_name: only], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: greatest]</s>
sentence: add justin mcroberts to this is chopin , i would like to make a reservation for 2 for brunch and also play the song shine a light <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: justin], [I-artist: mcroberts], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: chopin], [B-party_size_number: 2], [B-timeRange: brunch], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light]</s>
sentence: add justin mcroberts to this is chopin , i would like to make a reservation for 2 for brunch and also play the song shine a light <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: justin], [I-artist: mcroberts], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: chopin], [B-party_size_number: 2], [B-timeRange: brunch], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light]</s>
sentence: lets hear some dawood sarkhosh from their the power of your love album from groove shark and then give 2 stars to the doom brigade <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: dawood], [I-artist: sarkhosh], [B-album: the], [I-album: power], [I-album: of], [I-album: your], [I-album: love], [B-music_item: album], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: doom], [I-object_name: brigade]</s>
sentence: lets hear some dawood sarkhosh from their the power of your love album from groove shark and then give 2 stars to the doom brigade <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: dawood], [I-artist: sarkhosh], [B-album: the], [I-album: power], [I-album: of], [I-album: your], [I-album: love], [B-music_item: album], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: doom], [I-object_name: brigade]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks and show me the courts of chaos <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: courts], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: chaos]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks and show me the courts of chaos <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: courts], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: chaos]</s>
sentence: will it get overcast in la dolores and then the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: overcast], [B-city: la], [I-city: dolores], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: will it get overcast in la dolores and then the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: overcast], [B-city: la], [I-city: dolores], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: add rupee to my ultra metal playlist , find a tv show called ruthless and then show me movie times for animated movies playing three hours from now in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: rupee], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: ultra], [I-playlist: metal], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-timeRange: three], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: add rupee to my ultra metal playlist , find a tv show called ruthless and then show me movie times for animated movies playing three hours from now in the neighbourhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: rupee], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: ultra], [I-playlist: metal], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-timeRange: three], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighbourhood]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list and then are there movies at malco theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: malco], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list and then are there movies at malco theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: malco], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: please play an album from 1987 and are there movies at malco theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: malco], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: please play an album from 1987 and are there movies at malco theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: malco], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast for close-by gu 3 years from now and then play signe anderson chant music that is newest <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close-by], [B-state: gu], [B-timeRange: 3], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-artist: signe], [I-artist: anderson], [B-music_item: chant], [B-sort: newest]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast for close-by gu 3 years from now and then play signe anderson chant music that is newest <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close-by], [B-state: gu], [B-timeRange: 3], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-artist: signe], [I-artist: anderson], [B-music_item: chant], [B-sort: newest]</s>
sentence: will it snowstorm in long lake national wildlife refuge <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowstorm], [B-geographic_poi: long], [I-geographic_poi: lake], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: wildlife], [I-geographic_poi: refuge]</s>
sentence: will it snowstorm in long lake national wildlife refuge <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowstorm], [B-geographic_poi: long], [I-geographic_poi: lake], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: wildlife], [I-geographic_poi: refuge]</s>
sentence: add turk to the deep house playlist , what s the forecast for belize around meal time and please play an album from 1987 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: turk], [B-playlist: deep], [I-playlist: house], [B-country: belize], [B-timeRange: meal], [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987]</s>
sentence: add turk to the deep house playlist , what s the forecast for belize around meal time and please play an album from 1987 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: turk], [B-playlist: deep], [I-playlist: house], [B-country: belize], [B-timeRange: meal], [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987]</s>
sentence: whats the weather in ga and then show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-state: ga], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: whats the weather in ga and then show the movie schedules at united paramount theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-state: ga], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: united], [I-location_name: paramount], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: put no mystery into my punk essentials playlist and also what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: no], [I-entity_name: mystery], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: punk], [I-playlist: essentials], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021]</s>
sentence: put no mystery into my punk essentials playlist and also what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-entity_name: no], [I-entity_name: mystery], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: punk], [I-playlist: essentials], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021]</s>
sentence: what s the forecast for belize around meal time and show animated movies in nearest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-country: belize], [B-timeRange: meal], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: what s the forecast for belize around meal time and show animated movies in nearest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-country: belize], [B-timeRange: meal], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: play rob mills album the golden archipelago <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: mills], [B-music_item: album], [B-album: the], [I-album: golden], [I-album: archipelago]</s>
sentence: play rob mills album the golden archipelago <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: mills], [B-music_item: album], [B-album: the], [I-album: golden], [I-album: archipelago]</s>
sentence: show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina]</s>
sentence: show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina]</s>
sentence: for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: i want to bring four people to a place that s close to downtown that serves churrascaria cuisine <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-poi: downtown], [B-restaurant_type: churrascaria]</s>
sentence: i want to bring four people to a place that s close to downtown that serves churrascaria cuisine <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-poi: downtown], [B-restaurant_type: churrascaria]</s>
sentence: i want to book a restaurant for four around zapata and then what is the weather in south bradenton <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-city: zapata], [B-city: south], [I-city: bradenton]</s>
sentence: i want to book a restaurant for four around zapata and then what is the weather in south bradenton <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-city: zapata], [B-city: south], [I-city: bradenton]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in low moor <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: low], [I-city: moor]</s>
sentence: what s the weather in low moor <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: low], [I-city: moor]</s>
sentence: tell me what films are playing at plitt theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: films], [B-location_name: plitt], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: tell me what films are playing at plitt theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: films], [B-location_name: plitt], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add ian stuart donaldson to canadian country and then play the song shine a light <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: ian], [I-artist: stuart], [I-artist: donaldson], [B-playlist: canadian], [I-playlist: country], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light]</s>
sentence: add ian stuart donaldson to canadian country and then play the song shine a light <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: ian], [I-artist: stuart], [I-artist: donaldson], [B-playlist: canadian], [I-playlist: country], [B-music_item: song], [B-track: shine], [I-track: a], [I-track: light]</s>
sentence: the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall at six pm in leisure knoll california <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-city: leisure], [I-city: knoll], [B-state: california]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall at six pm in leisure knoll california <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-timeRange: six], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-city: leisure], [I-city: knoll], [B-state: california]</s>
sentence: in 17 minutes will it be foggy in songimvelo game reserve <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 17], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-geographic_poi: songimvelo], [I-geographic_poi: game], [I-geographic_poi: reserve]</s>
sentence: in 17 minutes will it be foggy in songimvelo game reserve <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: 17], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-geographic_poi: songimvelo], [I-geographic_poi: game], [I-geographic_poi: reserve]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks and rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks], [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: play pop 2017 picks and rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: 2017], [I-playlist: picks], [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: can you put musiri subramania iyer s song onto the lo-fi love soundtrack and also tell me the weather forecast for sugarloaf provincial park ten weeks from now <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-artist: musiri], [I-artist: subramania], [I-artist: iyer], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: lo-fi], [I-playlist: love], [B-geographic_poi: sugarloaf], [I-geographic_poi: provincial], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: ten], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: can you put musiri subramania iyer s song onto the lo-fi love soundtrack and also tell me the weather forecast for sugarloaf provincial park ten weeks from now <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-artist: musiri], [I-artist: subramania], [I-artist: iyer], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist: lo-fi], [I-playlist: love], [B-geographic_poi: sugarloaf], [I-geographic_poi: provincial], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: ten], [I-timeRange: weeks], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: my rating for the eiffel tower and other mythologies is 0 out of 6 stars and then i want to see the television show called cuts both ways <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eiffel], [I-object_name: tower], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: other], [I-object_name: mythologies], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: cuts], [I-object_name: both], [I-object_name: ways]</s>
sentence: my rating for the eiffel tower and other mythologies is 0 out of 6 stars and then i want to see the television show called cuts both ways <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eiffel], [I-object_name: tower], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: other], [I-object_name: mythologies], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: television], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: cuts], [I-object_name: both], [I-object_name: ways]</s>
sentence: i want these are the days added to my spotlight spain 2016 playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: these], [I-entity_name: are], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: days], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: spotlight], [I-playlist: spain], [I-playlist: 2016]</s>
sentence: i want these are the days added to my spotlight spain 2016 playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: these], [I-entity_name: are], [I-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: days], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: spotlight], [I-playlist: spain], [I-playlist: 2016]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list , i would rate that old ace in the hole one stars and a best rating of 6 and then what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-object_name: that], [I-object_name: old], [I-object_name: ace], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: hole], [B-rating_value: one], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list , i would rate that old ace in the hole one stars and a best rating of 6 and then what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-object_name: that], [I-object_name: old], [I-object_name: ace], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: hole], [B-rating_value: one], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: add jennie jennie to my metal playlist and then i d like to see the trailer tony parker <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: jennie], [I-entity_name: jennie], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: metal], [B-object_type: trailer], [B-object_name: tony], [I-object_name: parker]</s>
sentence: add jennie jennie to my metal playlist and then i d like to see the trailer tony parker <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: jennie], [I-entity_name: jennie], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: metal], [B-object_type: trailer], [B-object_name: tony], [I-object_name: parker]</s>
sentence: book a table this evening in saint vincent and the grenadines at a gastropub and i d like to see the trailer tony parker <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-timeRange: evening], [B-country: saint], [I-country: vincent], [I-country: and], [I-country: the], [I-country: grenadines], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_type: trailer], [B-object_name: tony], [I-object_name: parker]</s>
sentence: book a table this evening in saint vincent and the grenadines at a gastropub and i d like to see the trailer tony parker <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-timeRange: evening], [B-country: saint], [I-country: vincent], [I-country: and], [I-country: the], [I-country: grenadines], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_type: trailer], [B-object_name: tony], [I-object_name: parker]</s>
sentence: will it snow in granbury <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snow], [B-city: granbury]</s>
sentence: will it snow in granbury <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snow], [B-city: granbury]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma and also find doggy day school an album <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-object_name: doggy], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: school], [B-object_type: album]</s>
sentence: book a spot at the food truck in ma and also find doggy day school an album <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-state: ma], [B-object_name: doggy], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: school], [B-object_type: album]</s>
sentence: on june 27 2026 i d like to go to a delaware gastropub , find doggy day school an album and then what are the current movie schedules <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-state: delaware], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_name: doggy], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: school], [B-object_type: album], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: on june 27 2026 i d like to go to a delaware gastropub , find doggy day school an album and then what are the current movie schedules <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 27], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-state: delaware], [B-restaurant_type: gastropub], [B-object_name: doggy], [I-object_name: day], [I-object_name: school], [B-object_type: album], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules]</s>
sentence: add the artist cho kyu hyun to funky jams , play a 2001 sound track on deezer and what film is playing nearby <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: cho], [I-artist: kyu], [I-artist: hyun], [B-playlist: funky], [I-playlist: jams], [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer], [B-movie_type: film], [B-spatial_relation: nearby]</s>
sentence: add the artist cho kyu hyun to funky jams , play a 2001 sound track on deezer and what film is playing nearby <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: cho], [I-artist: kyu], [I-artist: hyun], [B-playlist: funky], [I-playlist: jams], [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer], [B-movie_type: film], [B-spatial_relation: nearby]</s>
sentence: add rupee to my ultra metal playlist and then what movies are playing at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: rupee], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: ultra], [I-playlist: metal], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add rupee to my ultra metal playlist and then what movies are playing at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: rupee], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: ultra], [I-playlist: metal], [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: please play the newest music by evil jared hasselhoff and also i m looking for dead at 21 the tv series <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-sort: newest], [B-artist: evil], [I-artist: jared], [I-artist: hasselhoff], [B-object_name: dead], [I-object_name: at], [I-object_name: 21], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series]</s>
sentence: please play the newest music by evil jared hasselhoff and also i m looking for dead at 21 the tv series <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-sort: newest], [B-artist: evil], [I-artist: jared], [I-artist: hasselhoff], [B-object_name: dead], [I-object_name: at], [I-object_name: 21], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series]</s>
sentence: play some sixties music and rate wielding a red sword 0 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-object_name: wielding], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: red], [I-object_name: sword], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: play some sixties music and rate wielding a red sword 0 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-object_name: wielding], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: red], [I-object_name: sword], [B-rating_value: 0], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: the sleep machine waterscapes playlist needs some kris chetan ramlu in it and also for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: sleep], [I-playlist: machine], [I-playlist: waterscapes], [B-artist: kris], [I-artist: chetan], [I-artist: ramlu], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: the sleep machine waterscapes playlist needs some kris chetan ramlu in it and also for the current saga i rate 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: sleep], [I-playlist: machine], [I-playlist: waterscapes], [B-artist: kris], [I-artist: chetan], [I-artist: ramlu], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: saga], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes and then find worldly goods starting now at a movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-movie_name: worldly], [I-movie_name: goods], [B-timeRange: now], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes and then find worldly goods starting now at a movie house <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes], [B-movie_name: worldly], [I-movie_name: goods], [B-timeRange: now], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: house]</s>
sentence: show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina and is strauss is playing today at the cineplex odeon corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina], [B-movie_name: strauss], [I-movie_name: is], [I-movie_name: playing], [I-movie_name: today], [B-location_name: cineplex], [I-location_name: odeon], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: show weather while sunset in the same area in south carolina and is strauss is playing today at the cineplex odeon corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: sunset], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: same], [I-spatial_relation: area], [B-state: south], [I-state: carolina], [B-movie_name: strauss], [I-movie_name: is], [I-movie_name: playing], [I-movie_name: today], [B-location_name: cineplex], [I-location_name: odeon], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: i want a table for five at a restaurant with latin food in arkansas for 1 hour from now and then play the track asleep in the deep <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: five], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-cuisine: latin], [B-state: arkansas], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-music_item: track], [B-track: asleep], [I-track: in], [I-track: the], [I-track: deep]</s>
sentence: i want a table for five at a restaurant with latin food in arkansas for 1 hour from now and then play the track asleep in the deep <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: five], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-cuisine: latin], [B-state: arkansas], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-music_item: track], [B-track: asleep], [I-track: in], [I-track: the], [I-track: deep]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist , i need a reservation for ten at a tavern in west virginia and then show creativity of photograph of my wonderful day <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-party_size_number: ten], [B-restaurant_type: tavern], [B-state: west], [I-state: virginia], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: my], [I-object_name: wonderful], [I-object_name: day]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist , i need a reservation for ten at a tavern in west virginia and then show creativity of photograph of my wonderful day <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-party_size_number: ten], [B-restaurant_type: tavern], [B-state: west], [I-state: virginia], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: my], [I-object_name: wonderful], [I-object_name: day]</s>
sentence: what is the nh forecast for mexican hat and then find the work i looked up <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-state: nh], [B-city: mexican], [I-city: hat], [B-object_name: i], [I-object_name: looked], [I-object_name: up]</s>
sentence: what is the nh forecast for mexican hat and then find the work i looked up <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-state: nh], [B-city: mexican], [I-city: hat], [B-object_name: i], [I-object_name: looked], [I-object_name: up]</s>
sentence: add this ruth crawford seeger song to my playlist called the soundtrack 007 and then what s the weather in low moor <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-artist: ruth], [I-artist: crawford], [I-artist: seeger], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: soundtrack], [I-playlist: 007], [B-city: low], [I-city: moor]</s>
sentence: add this ruth crawford seeger song to my playlist called the soundtrack 007 and then what s the weather in low moor <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-artist: ruth], [I-artist: crawford], [I-artist: seeger], [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: soundtrack], [I-playlist: 007], [B-city: low], [I-city: moor]</s>
sentence: book me a restaurant please and plan an album by roni duani <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-music_item: album], [B-artist: roni], [I-artist: duani]</s>
sentence: book me a restaurant please and plan an album by roni duani <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-music_item: album], [B-artist: roni], [I-artist: duani]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing dickinson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: dickinson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what movies are playing dickinson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: dickinson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: how is the weather right now at my current place and also find on dress parade <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: now], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-movie_name: on], [I-movie_name: dress], [I-movie_name: parade]</s>
sentence: how is the weather right now at my current place and also find on dress parade <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: now], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-movie_name: on], [I-movie_name: dress], [I-movie_name: parade]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute , i want to watch supernatural: the unseen powers of animals and also show animated movies in nearest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [B-object_name: supernatural:], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: unseen], [I-object_name: powers], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: animals], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: will it be chillier at my current location in one minute , i want to watch supernatural: the unseen powers of animals and also show animated movies in nearest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: location], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [B-object_name: supernatural:], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: unseen], [I-object_name: powers], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: animals], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: add to my playlist all funked up this track and then will it snow in mt on june 13 2038 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: all], [I-playlist: funked], [I-playlist: up], [B-music_item: track], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-state: mt], [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 13], [I-timeRange: 2038]</s>
sentence: add to my playlist all funked up this track and then will it snow in mt on june 13 2038 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: all], [I-playlist: funked], [I-playlist: up], [B-music_item: track], [B-condition_description: snow], [B-state: mt], [B-timeRange: june], [I-timeRange: 13], [I-timeRange: 2038]</s>
sentence: add shi xin hui to my piano chill playlist and also rate this series 2 out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: shi], [I-artist: xin], [I-artist: hui], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: piano], [I-playlist: chill], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_part_of_series_type: series], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: add shi xin hui to my piano chill playlist and also rate this series 2 out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: shi], [I-artist: xin], [I-artist: hui], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: piano], [I-playlist: chill], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_part_of_series_type: series], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>