sentence: please add jency anthony to my playlist this is mozart and find me the balance and timing book <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: jency], [I-artist: anthony], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: mozart], [B-object_name: balance], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: timing], [B-object_type: book]</s>
sentence: please add jency anthony to my playlist this is mozart and find me the balance and timing book <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: jency], [I-artist: anthony], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: mozart], [B-object_name: balance], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: timing], [B-object_type: book]</s>
sentence: add this tune to the refugee playlist and then play some last fm music like the 1992 ep from peaches <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: refugee], [I-playlist: playlist], [B-service: last], [I-service: fm], [B-year: 1992], [B-music_item: ep], [B-artist: peaches]</s>
sentence: add this tune to the refugee playlist and then play some last fm music like the 1992 ep from peaches <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist: the], [I-playlist: refugee], [I-playlist: playlist], [B-service: last], [I-service: fm], [B-year: 1992], [B-music_item: ep], [B-artist: peaches]</s>
sentence: add this artist to my post-grunge playlist and then what is the local movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: post-grunge], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: add this artist to my post-grunge playlist and then what is the local movie schedule <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: post-grunge], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule]</s>
sentence: will there be alot of wind on march 13th in lost creek bahrain and play rob mills album the golden archipelago <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_description: wind], [B-timeRange: march], [I-timeRange: 13th], [B-city: lost], [I-city: creek], [B-country: bahrain], [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: mills], [B-music_item: album], [B-album: the], [I-album: golden], [I-album: archipelago]</s>
sentence: will there be alot of wind on march 13th in lost creek bahrain and play rob mills album the golden archipelago <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_description: wind], [B-timeRange: march], [I-timeRange: 13th], [B-city: lost], [I-city: creek], [B-country: bahrain], [B-artist: rob], [I-artist: mills], [B-music_item: album], [B-album: the], [I-album: golden], [I-album: archipelago]</s>
sentence: is it going to be chillier at 10 pm in texas and play some symphonic rock <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-timeRange: 10], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-state: texas], [B-genre: symphonic], [I-genre: rock]</s>
sentence: is it going to be chillier at 10 pm in texas and play some symphonic rock <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chillier], [B-timeRange: 10], [I-timeRange: pm], [B-state: texas], [B-genre: symphonic], [I-genre: rock]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list and play the last sound track by soko from around 1975 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-sort: last], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-artist: soko], [B-year: 1975]</s>
sentence: add troy van leeuwen to my nu metal list and play the last sound track by soko from around 1975 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: troy], [I-artist: van], [I-artist: leeuwen], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: nu], [I-playlist: metal], [B-sort: last], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-artist: soko], [B-year: 1975]</s>
sentence: play artist vlada divljan from something he did that is good and also rate this book titled the improvisatore five stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: vlada], [I-artist: divljan], [B-sort: good], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: improvisatore], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: play artist vlada divljan from something he did that is good and also rate this book titled the improvisatore five stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-artist: vlada], [I-artist: divljan], [B-sort: good], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: improvisatore], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: can you make reservations at a tea house that serves fettucine and rate the current book a three <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: tea], [I-restaurant_type: house], [B-served_dish: fettucine], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: can you make reservations at a tea house that serves fettucine and rate the current book a three <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: tea], [I-restaurant_type: house], [B-served_dish: fettucine], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: three]</s>
sentence: play geddy lee music on spotify sort by top <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: geddy], [I-artist: lee], [B-service: spotify], [B-sort: top]</s>
sentence: play geddy lee music on spotify sort by top <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: geddy], [I-artist: lee], [B-service: spotify], [B-sort: top]</s>
sentence: weather next year in canada , rate this book three points and are any animated movies playing at magic johnson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: three], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: magic], [I-location_name: johnson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: weather next year in canada , rate this book three points and are any animated movies playing at magic johnson theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: next], [I-timeRange: year], [B-country: canada], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: three], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-location_name: magic], [I-location_name: johnson], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add even serpents shine to dorothea s indie hipster playlist and also what time is the clutching hand playing at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: even], [I-entity_name: serpents], [I-entity_name: shine], [B-playlist_owner: dorothea], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: indie], [I-playlist: hipster], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: clutching], [I-movie_name: hand], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: add even serpents shine to dorothea s indie hipster playlist and also what time is the clutching hand playing at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: even], [I-entity_name: serpents], [I-entity_name: shine], [B-playlist_owner: dorothea], [I-playlist_owner: s], [B-playlist: indie], [I-playlist: hipster], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: clutching], [I-movie_name: hand], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: i would rate the persistence of vision 1 stars and a best rating of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: persistence], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: vision], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: i would rate the persistence of vision 1 stars and a best rating of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: persistence], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: vision], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: play songs by sarah harding and also show the tv show the last samurai <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: sarah], [I-artist: harding], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: last], [I-object_name: samurai]</s>
sentence: play songs by sarah harding and also show the tv show the last samurai <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: sarah], [I-artist: harding], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: last], [I-object_name: samurai]</s>
sentence: book me a reservation at a bar around juliff for three people that serves bucatini for now and i d like to watch wish you were dead <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-city: juliff], [B-party_size_number: three], [B-served_dish: bucatini], [B-timeRange: now], [B-movie_name: wish], [I-movie_name: you], [I-movie_name: were], [I-movie_name: dead]</s>
sentence: book me a reservation at a bar around juliff for three people that serves bucatini for now and i d like to watch wish you were dead <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: bar], [B-spatial_relation: around], [B-city: juliff], [B-party_size_number: three], [B-served_dish: bucatini], [B-timeRange: now], [B-movie_name: wish], [I-movie_name: you], [I-movie_name: were], [I-movie_name: dead]</s>
sentence: play some jungle music on iheart , the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me and then where can i find paranormal activity 3 playing near me 1 hour from now <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-genre: jungle], [B-service: iheart], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: paranormal], [I-movie_name: activity], [I-movie_name: 3], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: play some jungle music on iheart , the chronicle charlie peace earns 4 stars from me and then where can i find paranormal activity 3 playing near me 1 hour from now <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-genre: jungle], [B-service: iheart], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-object_name: charlie], [I-object_name: peace], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: paranormal], [I-movie_name: activity], [I-movie_name: 3], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now]</s>
sentence: can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: i need a table for five at childs restaurants in brunei and also find a movie called living in america <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: five], [B-restaurant_name: childs], [I-restaurant_name: restaurants], [B-country: brunei], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: living], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: america]</s>
sentence: i need a table for five at childs restaurants in brunei and also find a movie called living in america <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: five], [B-restaurant_name: childs], [I-restaurant_name: restaurants], [B-country: brunei], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: living], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: america]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: i give this book dictionary of the english language a 4 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: dictionary], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: english], [I-object_name: language], [B-rating_value: 4]</s>
sentence: can you get me reservations for a highly rated restaurant in seychelles and then i want to go see the trouble with girls <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-country: seychelles], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: trouble], [I-movie_name: with], [I-movie_name: girls]</s>
sentence: can you get me reservations for a highly rated restaurant in seychelles and then i want to go see the trouble with girls <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-country: seychelles], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: trouble], [I-movie_name: with], [I-movie_name: girls]</s>
sentence: what s the forecast for my current place at five pm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-timeRange: five], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: what s the forecast for my current place at five pm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-timeRange: five], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: what is the weather in south bradenton and also play moondog s chupacabra <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-city: south], [I-city: bradenton], [B-artist: moondog], [B-album: chupacabra]</s>
sentence: what is the weather in south bradenton and also play moondog s chupacabra <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-city: south], [I-city: bradenton], [B-artist: moondog], [B-album: chupacabra]</s>
sentence: tell me the weather forecast close by brown county state park for meal time <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [I-spatial_relation: by], [B-geographic_poi: brown], [I-geographic_poi: county], [I-geographic_poi: state], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: meal]</s>
sentence: tell me the weather forecast close by brown county state park for meal time <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-spatial_relation: close], [I-spatial_relation: by], [B-geographic_poi: brown], [I-geographic_poi: county], [I-geographic_poi: state], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: meal]</s>
sentence: find the movie schedules for animated movies nearby at 09:44 am <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: 09:44], [I-timeRange: am]</s>
sentence: find the movie schedules for animated movies nearby at 09:44 am <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-timeRange: 09:44], [I-timeRange: am]</s>
sentence: play sixties music by giovanni battista guadagnini and then find a tv series called armageddon summer <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-artist: giovanni], [I-artist: battista], [I-artist: guadagnini], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: armageddon], [I-object_name: summer]</s>
sentence: play sixties music by giovanni battista guadagnini and then find a tv series called armageddon summer <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-artist: giovanni], [I-artist: battista], [I-artist: guadagnini], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: armageddon], [I-object_name: summer]</s>
sentence: play music from clark kent in the year 1987 and play the tv series heart of gold <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: clark], [I-artist: kent], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: gold]</s>
sentence: play music from clark kent in the year 1987 and play the tv series heart of gold <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: clark], [I-artist: kent], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: heart], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: gold]</s>
sentence: i want a matt garrison tune in my fresh finds fire emoji playlist , show me the weather forecast for the city of spencer and also can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: matt], [I-artist: garrison], [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fresh], [I-playlist: finds], [I-playlist: fire], [I-playlist: emoji], [B-city: spencer], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: i want a matt garrison tune in my fresh finds fire emoji playlist , show me the weather forecast for the city of spencer and also can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: matt], [I-artist: garrison], [B-music_item: tune], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: fresh], [I-playlist: finds], [I-playlist: fire], [I-playlist: emoji], [B-city: spencer], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: can i get the game list of mew singles <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: list], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mew], [I-object_name: singles]</s>
sentence: can i get the game list of mew singles <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: game], [B-object_name: list], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mew], [I-object_name: singles]</s>
sentence: find a reservation at a restaurant that serves gougère in laneville with a party of nine and show me the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-served_dish: gougère], [B-city: laneville], [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: find a reservation at a restaurant that serves gougère in laneville with a party of nine and show me the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-served_dish: gougère], [B-city: laneville], [B-party_size_number: nine], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: can you add a track to my spain top 50 playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: spain], [I-playlist: top], [I-playlist: 50]</s>
sentence: can you add a track to my spain top 50 playlist <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: spain], [I-playlist: top], [I-playlist: 50]</s>
sentence: how will the weather be different 5 years from now in waconia , where can i purchase the tv show time for heroes and also list movie times at harkins theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 5], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: waconia], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: time], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: heroes], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: harkins], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: how will the weather be different 5 years from now in waconia , where can i purchase the tv show time for heroes and also list movie times at harkins theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: 5], [I-timeRange: years], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: waconia], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: time], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: heroes], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: harkins], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be at nine am in hi , play music from clark kent in the year 1987 and then is romulus and the sabines playing at the nearest cinema at ten <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: nine], [I-timeRange: am], [B-state: hi], [B-artist: clark], [I-artist: kent], [B-year: 1987], [B-movie_name: romulus], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: sabines], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: ten]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be at nine am in hi , play music from clark kent in the year 1987 and then is romulus and the sabines playing at the nearest cinema at ten <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: nine], [I-timeRange: am], [B-state: hi], [B-artist: clark], [I-artist: kent], [B-year: 1987], [B-movie_name: romulus], [I-movie_name: and], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: sabines], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-timeRange: ten]</s>
sentence: what is the freezing forecast for british virgin islands and find a movie called living in america <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: freezing], [B-country: british], [I-country: virgin], [I-country: islands], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: living], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: america]</s>
sentence: what is the freezing forecast for british virgin islands and find a movie called living in america <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: freezing], [B-country: british], [I-country: virgin], [I-country: islands], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: living], [I-object_name: in], [I-object_name: america]</s>
sentence: add this track to the sin ti playlist and also i d like to know when i can see the taking of flight 847: the uli derickson story at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist: sin], [I-playlist: ti], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: taking], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: flight], [I-movie_name: 847:], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: uli], [I-movie_name: derickson], [I-movie_name: story], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: add this track to the sin ti playlist and also i d like to know when i can see the taking of flight 847: the uli derickson story at amco entertainment <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-music_item: track], [B-playlist: sin], [I-playlist: ti], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: taking], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: flight], [I-movie_name: 847:], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: uli], [I-movie_name: derickson], [I-movie_name: story], [B-location_name: amco], [I-location_name: entertainment]</s>
sentence: play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe and find a saga called set sail the prairie <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie]</s>
sentence: play the song i get ideas as performed by richard kruspe and find a saga called set sail the prairie <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-track: i], [I-track: get], [I-track: ideas], [B-artist: richard], [I-artist: kruspe], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie]</s>
sentence: i rate shadow of suribachi at five stars and also find a video game called family dog <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: shadow], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: suribachi], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: family], [I-object_name: dog]</s>
sentence: i rate shadow of suribachi at five stars and also find a video game called family dog <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: shadow], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: suribachi], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: family], [I-object_name: dog]</s>
sentence: add this song to my lo que suena new york playlist , play a 2001 sound track on deezer and then the current textbook gets a 2 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: lo], [I-playlist: que], [I-playlist: suena], [I-playlist: new], [I-playlist: york], [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 2]</s>
sentence: add this song to my lo que suena new york playlist , play a 2001 sound track on deezer and then the current textbook gets a 2 rating <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-music_item: song], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: lo], [I-playlist: que], [I-playlist: suena], [I-playlist: new], [I-playlist: york], [B-year: 2001], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track], [B-service: deezer], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 2]</s>
sentence: where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook slot_labels: [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: book a table for chasity ruiz and mary at the fat duck in puerto rico <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_description: chasity], [I-party_size_description: ruiz], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: mary], [B-restaurant_name: the], [I-restaurant_name: fat], [I-restaurant_name: duck], [B-country: puerto], [I-country: rico]</s>
sentence: book a table for chasity ruiz and mary at the fat duck in puerto rico <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-party_size_description: chasity], [I-party_size_description: ruiz], [I-party_size_description: and], [I-party_size_description: mary], [B-restaurant_name: the], [I-restaurant_name: fat], [I-restaurant_name: duck], [B-country: puerto], [I-country: rico]</s>
sentence: play the album how insensitive , i rate secret water as a 4 and then find your personal touch <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-album: how], [I-album: insensitive], [B-object_name: secret], [I-object_name: water], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-object_name: your], [I-object_name: personal], [I-object_name: touch]</s>
sentence: play the album how insensitive , i rate secret water as a 4 and then find your personal touch <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-album: how], [I-album: insensitive], [B-object_name: secret], [I-object_name: water], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-object_name: your], [I-object_name: personal], [I-object_name: touch]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at the best restaurant and find a tv show called ruthless <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at the best restaurant and find a tv show called ruthless <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-sort: best], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: ruthless]</s>
sentence: what is the humidity like in faraway on ak and also rate the current novel four out of 6 points <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-spatial_relation: faraway], [B-state: ak], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: four], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: what is the humidity like in faraway on ak and also rate the current novel four out of 6 points <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: humidity], [B-spatial_relation: faraway], [B-state: ak], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: four], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points]</s>
sentence: play a 2006 chant <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: 2006], [B-music_item: chant]</s>
sentence: play a 2006 chant <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: 2006], [B-music_item: chant]</s>
sentence: play me a top-ten song by phil ochs on groove shark , put four rating on the raging quiet and can i get the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-ten], [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: phil], [I-artist: ochs], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-rating_value: four], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: raging], [I-object_name: quiet], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: play me a top-ten song by phil ochs on groove shark , put four rating on the raging quiet and can i get the movie times <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: top-ten], [B-music_item: song], [B-artist: phil], [I-artist: ochs], [B-service: groove], [I-service: shark], [B-rating_value: four], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: raging], [I-object_name: quiet], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall in kitlope heritage conservancy <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-geographic_poi: kitlope], [I-geographic_poi: heritage], [I-geographic_poi: conservancy]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall in kitlope heritage conservancy <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-geographic_poi: kitlope], [I-geographic_poi: heritage], [I-geographic_poi: conservancy]</s>
sentence: is it going to storm in black rock alaska and then please search the ironbound picture <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_description: storm], [B-city: black], [I-city: rock], [B-state: alaska], [B-object_name: ironbound], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: is it going to storm in black rock alaska and then please search the ironbound picture <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_description: storm], [B-city: black], [I-city: rock], [B-state: alaska], [B-object_name: ironbound], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: play the discografia de the pretty reckless saga <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: discografia], [I-object_name: de], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: pretty], [I-object_name: reckless], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: play the discografia de the pretty reckless saga <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_name: discografia], [I-object_name: de], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: pretty], [I-object_name: reckless], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant distant from downtown and also play the movie white christmas <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-poi: downtown], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: white], [I-object_name: christmas]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant distant from downtown and also play the movie white christmas <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-spatial_relation: distant], [B-poi: downtown], [B-object_type: movie], [B-object_name: white], [I-object_name: christmas]</s>
sentence: show the tv show the last samurai <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: last], [I-object_name: samurai]</s>
sentence: show the tv show the last samurai <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: last], [I-object_name: samurai]</s>
sentence: i want to hear some songs from the twenties <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: twenties]</s>
sentence: i want to hear some songs from the twenties <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-year: twenties]</s>
sentence: play some sixties music and also rate if tomorrow comes 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-object_name: if], [I-object_name: tomorrow], [I-object_name: comes], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: play some sixties music and also rate if tomorrow comes 2 of 6 stars <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-year: sixties], [B-object_name: if], [I-object_name: tomorrow], [I-object_name: comes], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: play the red room sessions from chris cunningham and then give 4 points to this novel <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-album: the], [I-album: red], [I-album: room], [I-album: sessions], [B-artist: chris], [I-artist: cunningham], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: novel]</s>
sentence: play the red room sessions from chris cunningham and then give 4 points to this novel <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-album: the], [I-album: red], [I-album: room], [I-album: sessions], [B-artist: chris], [I-artist: cunningham], [B-rating_value: 4], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: novel]</s>
sentence: add git to domingo indie , what will the weather be like on january 2nd 2025 in ga and also what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: git], [B-playlist: domingo], [I-playlist: indie], [B-timeRange: january], [I-timeRange: 2nd], [I-timeRange: 2025], [B-state: ga], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: add git to domingo indie , what will the weather be like on january 2nd 2025 in ga and also what is dear old girl cooper foundation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: git], [B-playlist: domingo], [I-playlist: indie], [B-timeRange: january], [I-timeRange: 2nd], [I-timeRange: 2025], [B-state: ga], [B-movie_name: dear], [I-movie_name: old], [I-movie_name: girl], [B-location_name: cooper], [I-location_name: foundation]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant for 3 people at eighteen oclock in saint vincent and the grenadines and then the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: 3], [B-timeRange: eighteen], [B-country: saint], [I-country: vincent], [I-country: and], [I-country: the], [I-country: grenadines], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: book a restaurant for 3 people at eighteen oclock in saint vincent and the grenadines and then the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: 3], [B-timeRange: eighteen], [B-country: saint], [I-country: vincent], [I-country: and], [I-country: the], [I-country: grenadines], [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars]</s>
sentence: i d like to book a brasserie in virginia city ga and also play the great adventures of slick rick game <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-city: virginia], [I-city: city], [B-state: ga], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: great], [I-object_name: adventures], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: slick], [I-object_name: rick], [B-object_type: game]</s>
sentence: i d like to book a brasserie in virginia city ga and also play the great adventures of slick rick game <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: brasserie], [B-city: virginia], [I-city: city], [B-state: ga], [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: great], [I-object_name: adventures], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: slick], [I-object_name: rick], [B-object_type: game]</s>
sentence: play arif music from the fourties and also look up the tv series operace silver a <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: arif], [B-year: fourties], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: operace], [I-object_name: silver], [I-object_name: a]</s>
sentence: play arif music from the fourties and also look up the tv series operace silver a <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-artist: arif], [B-year: fourties], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: operace], [I-object_name: silver], [I-object_name: a]</s>
sentence: please play an album from 1987 and then show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: please play an album from 1987 and then show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-year: 1987], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: rate this book four of 6 points and show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: four], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: rate this book four of 6 points and show me heavenly sword <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: four], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: points], [B-object_name: heavenly], [I-object_name: sword]</s>
sentence: is it windy in telogia , rate the current textbook one of 6 stars and then what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: windy], [B-city: telogia], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: one], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: is it windy in telogia , rate the current textbook one of 6 stars and then what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-condition_description: windy], [B-city: telogia], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: one], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: add to the rock games , book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and also give this current book zero out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: rock], [B-entity_name: games], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: add to the rock games , book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and also give this current book zero out of 6 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, BookRestaurant, RateBook slot_labels: [B-playlist: rock], [B-entity_name: games], [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: book], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6]</s>
sentence: book a highly rated place in in in seven years at a pub and also what movie theatre is showing if the huns came to melbourne <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-state: in], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [B-restaurant_type: pub], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre], [B-movie_name: if], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: huns], [I-movie_name: came], [I-movie_name: to], [I-movie_name: melbourne]</s>
sentence: book a highly rated place in in in seven years at a pub and also what movie theatre is showing if the huns came to melbourne <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-state: in], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: years], [B-restaurant_type: pub], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre], [B-movie_name: if], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: huns], [I-movie_name: came], [I-movie_name: to], [I-movie_name: melbourne]</s>
sentence: the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion and then i want to play the video game espn major league soccer <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: espn], [I-object_name: major], [I-object_name: league], [I-object_name: soccer]</s>
sentence: the book history by contract is rated five stars in my opinion and then i want to play the video game espn major league soccer <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-object_type: book], [B-object_name: history], [I-object_name: by], [I-object_name: contract], [B-rating_value: five], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: video], [I-object_type: game], [B-object_name: espn], [I-object_name: major], [I-object_name: league], [I-object_name: soccer]</s>
sentence: rate this essay a two out of 6 and then where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: essay], [B-rating_value: two], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: rate this essay a two out of 6 and then where can i see a slice of life <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: essay], [B-rating_value: two], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: slice], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: life]</s>
sentence: what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 , show me the photograph johnny cash: the complete columbia album collection and then can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: johnny], [I-object_name: cash:], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: complete], [I-object_name: columbia], [I-object_name: album], [I-object_name: collection], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: what s the weather here on 2/7/2021 , show me the photograph johnny cash: the complete columbia album collection and then can i have the movie schedule for imax corporation <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 2/7/2021], [B-object_type: photograph], [B-object_name: johnny], [I-object_name: cash:], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: complete], [I-object_name: columbia], [I-object_name: album], [I-object_name: collection], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedule], [B-location_name: imax], [I-location_name: corporation]</s>
sentence: play artist vlada divljan from something he did that is good <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: vlada], [I-artist: divljan], [B-sort: good]</s>
sentence: play artist vlada divljan from something he did that is good <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: vlada], [I-artist: divljan], [B-sort: good]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at an internet restaurant with a party of four , play the top 20 ep from the fifties by john bundrick and also i am looking for the work: nikki <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-facility: internet], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-sort: top], [I-sort: 20], [B-music_item: ep], [B-year: fifties], [B-artist: john], [I-artist: bundrick], [B-object_name: nikki]</s>
sentence: i d like to eat at an internet restaurant with a party of four , play the top 20 ep from the fifties by john bundrick and also i am looking for the work: nikki <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-facility: internet], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-party_size_number: four], [B-sort: top], [I-sort: 20], [B-music_item: ep], [B-year: fifties], [B-artist: john], [I-artist: bundrick], [B-object_name: nikki]</s>
sentence: what time is beat the devil coming on at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: beat], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: devil], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what time is beat the devil coming on at mann theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: beat], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: devil], [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: put artist paulinho da costa on my very nearly nashville playlist and also what s the forecast for my current place at five pm <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: paulinho], [I-artist: da], [I-artist: costa], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: very], [I-playlist: nearly], [I-playlist: nashville], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-timeRange: five], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: put artist paulinho da costa on my very nearly nashville playlist and also what s the forecast for my current place at five pm <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: paulinho], [I-artist: da], [I-artist: costa], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: very], [I-playlist: nearly], [I-playlist: nashville], [B-current_location: current], [I-current_location: place], [B-timeRange: five], [I-timeRange: pm]</s>
sentence: please make reservations in yeager for seven am at a highly rated indian brasserie <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-city: yeager], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: am], [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-cuisine: indian], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie]</s>
sentence: please make reservations in yeager for seven am at a highly rated indian brasserie <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant slot_labels: [B-city: yeager], [B-timeRange: seven], [I-timeRange: am], [B-sort: highly], [I-sort: rated], [B-cuisine: indian], [B-restaurant_type: brasserie]</s>
sentence: i am looking for the work: nikki and can i get the movie times for fox theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: nikki], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: fox], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: i am looking for the work: nikki and can i get the movie times for fox theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: nikki], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: fox], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast in delaware <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-state: delaware]</s>
sentence: what is the weather forecast in delaware <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-state: delaware]</s>
sentence: i want to add michelle heaton to this is chopin , rate this textbook a 1 and where is the closest cinema playing a drink in the passage <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: michelle], [I-artist: heaton], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: chopin], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: drink], [I-movie_name: in], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: passage]</s>
sentence: i want to add michelle heaton to this is chopin , rate this textbook a 1 and where is the closest cinema playing a drink in the passage <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: michelle], [I-artist: heaton], [B-playlist: this], [I-playlist: is], [I-playlist: chopin], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-movie_name: a], [I-movie_name: drink], [I-movie_name: in], [I-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: passage]</s>
sentence: add album to pop rising and will there be a cloud here at 06:50:20 <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: rising], [B-condition_description: cloud], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 06:50:20]</s>
sentence: add album to pop rising and will there be a cloud here at 06:50:20 <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-music_item: album], [B-playlist: pop], [I-playlist: rising], [B-condition_description: cloud], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: 06:50:20]</s>
sentence: book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and find conker: live and reloaded <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_name: conker:], [I-object_name: live], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: reloaded]</s>
sentence: book me a reservation for eight for the top-rated bakery eleven hours from now in mango and find conker: live and reloaded <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: eight], [B-sort: top-rated], [B-restaurant_type: bakery], [B-timeRange: eleven], [I-timeRange: hours], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-city: mango], [B-object_name: conker:], [I-object_name: live], [I-object_name: and], [I-object_name: reloaded]</s>
sentence: i want to hear the jody williams sound track <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: jody], [I-artist: williams], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track]</s>
sentence: i want to hear the jody williams sound track <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-artist: jody], [I-artist: williams], [B-music_item: sound], [I-music_item: track]</s>
sentence: i need a weather forecast for são tomé and príncipe on december 8th 2026 and also find your personal touch <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-country: são], [I-country: tomé], [I-country: and], [I-country: príncipe], [B-timeRange: december], [I-timeRange: 8th], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-object_name: your], [I-object_name: personal], [I-object_name: touch]</s>
sentence: i need a weather forecast for são tomé and príncipe on december 8th 2026 and also find your personal touch <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-country: são], [I-country: tomé], [I-country: and], [I-country: príncipe], [B-timeRange: december], [I-timeRange: 8th], [I-timeRange: 2026], [B-object_name: your], [I-object_name: personal], [I-object_name: touch]</s>
sentence: add spirit touches ground to my leche con chocolate list <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: spirit], [I-entity_name: touches], [I-entity_name: ground], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: leche], [I-playlist: con], [I-playlist: chocolate]</s>
sentence: add spirit touches ground to my leche con chocolate list <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist slot_labels: [B-entity_name: spirit], [I-entity_name: touches], [I-entity_name: ground], [B-playlist_owner: my], [B-playlist: leche], [I-playlist: con], [I-playlist: chocolate]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in stelvio national park 1 hour and 1 minute from now and list movie times at megaplex theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-geographic_poi: stelvio], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: and], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: megaplex], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be in stelvio national park 1 hour and 1 minute from now and list movie times at megaplex theatres <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-geographic_poi: stelvio], [I-geographic_poi: national], [I-geographic_poi: park], [B-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: hour], [I-timeRange: and], [I-timeRange: 1], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: times], [B-location_name: megaplex], [I-location_name: theatres]</s>
sentence: add the blurred crusade to crate diggers anonymous and also show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: blurred], [I-entity_name: crusade], [B-playlist: crate], [I-playlist: diggers], [I-playlist: anonymous], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: add the blurred crusade to crate diggers anonymous and also show me the new showings for animated movies in the neighborhood <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-entity_name: the], [I-entity_name: blurred], [I-entity_name: crusade], [B-playlist: crate], [I-playlist: diggers], [I-playlist: anonymous], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: in], [I-spatial_relation: the], [I-spatial_relation: neighborhood]</s>
sentence: will it be chilly in oakdale ok and also play some nineties music <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chilly], [B-city: oakdale], [B-state: ok], [B-year: nineties]</s>
sentence: will it be chilly in oakdale ok and also play some nineties music <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-condition_temperature: chilly], [B-city: oakdale], [B-state: ok], [B-year: nineties]</s>
sentence: add the artist cho kyu hyun to funky jams , play songs by sarah harding and where can i purchase the tv show time for heroes <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: cho], [I-artist: kyu], [I-artist: hyun], [B-playlist: funky], [I-playlist: jams], [B-artist: sarah], [I-artist: harding], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: time], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: heroes]</s>
sentence: add the artist cho kyu hyun to funky jams , play songs by sarah harding and where can i purchase the tv show time for heroes <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-music_item: artist], [B-artist: cho], [I-artist: kyu], [I-artist: hyun], [B-playlist: funky], [I-playlist: jams], [B-artist: sarah], [I-artist: harding], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: show], [B-object_name: time], [I-object_name: for], [I-object_name: heroes]</s>
sentence: rate if tomorrow comes 2 of 6 stars , find a saga called set sail the prairie and also tell me what animated movies i can see at the closest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: if], [I-object_name: tomorrow], [I-object_name: comes], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: rate if tomorrow comes 2 of 6 stars , find a saga called set sail the prairie and also tell me what animated movies i can see at the closest movie theatre <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchCreativeWork, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: if], [I-object_name: tomorrow], [I-object_name: comes], [B-rating_value: 2], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-object_type: saga], [B-object_name: set], [I-object_name: sail], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: prairie], [B-movie_type: animated], [I-movie_type: movies], [B-spatial_relation: closest], [B-object_location_type: movie], [I-object_location_type: theatre]</s>
sentence: find me a table for 8 people at a nearby al restaurant one minute from now and then how can i view the show corpus: a home movie about selena <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: 8], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-state: al], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: show], [B-object_name: corpus:], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: home], [I-object_name: movie], [I-object_name: about], [I-object_name: selena]</s>
sentence: find me a table for 8 people at a nearby al restaurant one minute from now and then how can i view the show corpus: a home movie about selena <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-party_size_number: 8], [B-spatial_relation: nearby], [B-state: al], [B-restaurant_type: restaurant], [B-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minute], [I-timeRange: from], [I-timeRange: now], [B-object_type: show], [B-object_name: corpus:], [I-object_name: a], [I-object_name: home], [I-object_name: movie], [I-object_name: about], [I-object_name: selena]</s>
sentence: food truck in panama for five and also what is the nh forecast for mexican hat <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-country: panama], [B-party_size_number: five], [B-state: nh], [B-city: mexican], [I-city: hat]</s>
sentence: food truck in panama for five and also what is the nh forecast for mexican hat <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, GetWeather slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: food], [I-restaurant_type: truck], [B-country: panama], [B-party_size_number: five], [B-state: nh], [B-city: mexican], [I-city: hat]</s>
sentence: what are the mann theatres showtimes for secret sunshine <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres], [B-movie_name: secret], [I-movie_name: sunshine]</s>
sentence: what are the mann theatres showtimes for secret sunshine <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-location_name: mann], [I-location_name: theatres], [B-movie_name: secret], [I-movie_name: sunshine]</s>
sentence: rate a taste of blackberries a three and then show me the schedule of the loves of letty in cinema closest <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: loves], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: letty], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-spatial_relation: closest]</s>
sentence: rate a taste of blackberries a three and then show me the schedule of the loves of letty in cinema closest <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: a], [I-object_name: taste], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: blackberries], [B-rating_value: three], [B-object_type: schedule], [B-movie_name: the], [I-movie_name: loves], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: letty], [B-object_location_type: cinema], [B-spatial_relation: closest]</s>
sentence: i would like to eat fast food and have a party of two in kentucky and also i m looking for the tv series called unborn <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: fast], [I-restaurant_type: food], [B-party_size_number: two], [B-state: kentucky], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: unborn]</s>
sentence: i would like to eat fast food and have a party of two in kentucky and also i m looking for the tv series called unborn <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-restaurant_type: fast], [I-restaurant_type: food], [B-party_size_number: two], [B-state: kentucky], [B-object_type: tv], [I-object_type: series], [B-object_name: unborn]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist , rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 and then show crafty hands saga <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: crafty], [I-object_name: hands], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: add mary wells sings my guy to the electro sur playlist , rate in the eyes of mr fury zero of 6 and then show crafty hands saga <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, RateBook, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-entity_name: mary], [I-entity_name: wells], [I-entity_name: sings], [I-entity_name: my], [I-entity_name: guy], [B-playlist: electro], [I-playlist: sur], [B-object_name: in], [I-object_name: the], [I-object_name: eyes], [I-object_name: of], [I-object_name: mr], [I-object_name: fury], [B-rating_value: zero], [B-best_rating: 6], [B-object_name: crafty], [I-object_name: hands], [B-object_type: saga]</s>
sentence: will there be a blizzard in white house curacao and please search the ironbound picture <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_description: blizzard], [B-city: white], [I-city: house], [B-country: curacao], [B-object_name: ironbound], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: will there be a blizzard in white house curacao and please search the ironbound picture <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, SearchCreativeWork slot_labels: [B-condition_description: blizzard], [B-city: white], [I-city: house], [B-country: curacao], [B-object_name: ironbound], [B-object_type: picture]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes]</s>
sentence: what is the forecast for foggy conditions here in twenty one minutes <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-condition_description: foggy], [B-current_location: here], [B-timeRange: in], [I-timeRange: twenty], [I-timeRange: one], [I-timeRange: minutes]</s>
sentence: can i listen to dj vibe s top 10 and then what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: dj], [I-artist: vibe], [B-sort: top], [I-sort: 10], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: can i listen to dj vibe s top 10 and then what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-artist: dj], [I-artist: vibe], [B-sort: top], [I-sort: 10], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: rate the little book four stars and what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: little], [I-object_name: book], [B-rating_value: four], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: rate the little book four stars and what is the showtime for arsho <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-object_name: the], [I-object_name: little], [I-object_name: book], [B-rating_value: four], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_name: arsho]</s>
sentence: find heat wave <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: heat], [I-movie_name: wave]</s>
sentence: find heat wave <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-movie_name: heat], [I-movie_name: wave]</s>
sentence: how is the weather in getzville minnesota <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: getzville], [B-state: minnesota]</s>
sentence: how is the weather in getzville minnesota <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather slot_labels: [B-city: getzville], [B-state: minnesota]</s>
sentence: add born free to fresh r&b and i want to hear any tune from the twenties <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: born], [I-entity_name: free], [B-playlist: fresh], [I-playlist: r&b], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties]</s>
sentence: add born free to fresh r&b and i want to hear any tune from the twenties <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: AddToPlaylist, PlayMusic slot_labels: [B-entity_name: born], [I-entity_name: free], [B-playlist: fresh], [I-playlist: r&b], [B-music_item: tune], [B-year: twenties]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall in kitlope heritage conservancy , play some theme songs from 1974 and rate this textbook a zero <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-geographic_poi: kitlope], [I-geographic_poi: heritage], [I-geographic_poi: conservancy], [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: zero]</s>
sentence: will there be snowfall in kitlope heritage conservancy , play some theme songs from 1974 and rate this textbook a zero <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-condition_description: snowfall], [B-geographic_poi: kitlope], [I-geographic_poi: heritage], [I-geographic_poi: conservancy], [B-music_item: theme], [B-year: 1974], [B-object_select: this], [B-object_type: textbook], [B-rating_value: zero]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be at nine am in hi , rate this current novel 1 stars and also what films are at the nearest cinema <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: nine], [I-timeRange: am], [B-state: hi], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema]</s>
sentence: what will the weather be at nine am in hi , rate this current novel 1 stars and also what films are at the nearest cinema <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: GetWeather, RateBook, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-timeRange: nine], [I-timeRange: am], [B-state: hi], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_type: novel], [B-rating_value: 1], [B-rating_unit: stars], [B-movie_type: films], [B-spatial_relation: nearest], [B-object_location_type: cinema]</s>
sentence: play how does it work by helen carter and rate the current chronicle a zero <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-album: how], [I-album: does], [I-album: it], [I-album: work], [B-artist: helen], [I-artist: carter], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-rating_value: zero]</s>
sentence: play how does it work by helen carter and rate the current chronicle a zero <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: PlayMusic, RateBook slot_labels: [B-album: how], [I-album: does], [I-album: it], [I-album: work], [B-artist: helen], [I-artist: carter], [B-object_select: current], [B-object_part_of_series_type: chronicle], [B-rating_value: zero]</s>
sentence: book a spot at savoy hotel and grill that is neighboring wisconsin and what time is children of divorce playing <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: savoy], [I-restaurant_name: hotel], [I-restaurant_name: and], [I-restaurant_name: grill], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: wisconsin], [B-movie_name: children], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: divorce]</s>
sentence: book a spot at savoy hotel and grill that is neighboring wisconsin and what time is children of divorce playing <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-restaurant_name: savoy], [I-restaurant_name: hotel], [I-restaurant_name: and], [I-restaurant_name: grill], [B-spatial_relation: neighboring], [B-state: wisconsin], [B-movie_name: children], [I-movie_name: of], [I-movie_name: divorce]</s>
sentence: i want to go to 88th st-boyd av or close by and book seats for 10 , play track music from peter finestone on netflix sort by newest and also find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>:
intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-poi: 88th], [I-poi: st-boyd], [I-poi: av], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-party_size_number: 10], [B-music_item: track], [B-artist: peter], [I-artist: finestone], [B-service: netflix], [B-sort: newest], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>
sentence: i want to go to 88th st-boyd av or close by and book seats for 10 , play track music from peter finestone on netflix sort by newest and also find movie schedules for bow tie cinemas <Intents & Slot Labels>: intents: BookRestaurant, PlayMusic, SearchScreeningEvent slot_labels: [B-poi: 88th], [I-poi: st-boyd], [I-poi: av], [B-spatial_relation: close], [B-party_size_number: 10], [B-music_item: track], [B-artist: peter], [I-artist: finestone], [B-service: netflix], [B-sort: newest], [B-object_type: movie], [I-object_type: schedules], [B-location_name: bow], [I-location_name: tie], [I-location_name: cinemas]</s>