Oh boy, if #COVID19 is seasonal we need that vaccine even more https://t.co/2XUbCI2BaO
@oceandreamer1 @jaywhyelle I agree...we are still in the first wave, and it’s still very catastrophic in many areas. With the rush to opening up everything, the 1st and 2nd wave will merge into a huge wave. Hopefully remedies come out soon to reduce the hazards of covid19, and then a vaccine after that.
The headline needs to change from ”In quest for vaccine, US makes 'big bet' on company with unproven technology” to this In quest for vaccine, trump wastes taxpayer money and could kill thousands of sick people by using an unqualified company in which he's an investor. https://t.co/Qjp8dAaDEG
The non-essential businesses will open again by Mid-May, and there’s still no vaccine for COVID19. #InCanada
Please tell me this doesnt undo her promise to never take a covid19 vaccine https://t.co/Fy2LNkJsl3
Coronavirus: What global travel may look like ahead of a vaccine https://t.co/rIAqF8S5x2
What will it take for previous vaccine records of 5 years to a new vaccine to be broken? Can this be done realistically? #SARSCoV2 https://t.co/oLusS8xXft #Covid19UK https://t.co/WDE4GAs5cs
I couldn’t care less about being excluded from the trials if it means they can hurry up and find a vaccine with a minimum of faff tbh https://t.co/kN4v6MFqJH
Lockdown was too late and too soft.When will it end ? Answer-- only when the vaccine arrives.Prayers to the families and also prayers to the key workers and front line workers too. 🙏 https://t.co/3rG8WYNO54
@Amanda_Vickery If one trawls around the world, it’s easy to see that almost every developed country claims to be “leading” research into creating a COVID-19 vaccine. EU countries make up a small proportion. UK research is being done with global pharma.
@robertscott661 @JamesGr49498338 @Warnzwifey @BorisJohnson Some slack heads think we should have lockdown until zero deaths. We may never have a vaccine it may be seasonal just like flu we might have to live with it forever. A different coronavirus is the cause of most common colds. It's just life. Natural immunity will squash it
BBC News - #Coronavirus : What global #travel may look like ahead of a vaccine https://t.co/i30MMlJoM1 @UlfSonntag #hotels #hospitality #airlines
@vijayrupanibjp @GSNRGF @CMOGuj @narendramodi @PMOIndia @rashtrapatibhvn @rsprasad @MVenkaiahNaidu @drharshvardhan @HMOIndia @airnewsalerts @JPNadda @nitin_gadkari @Vadcitypolice @Ra_THORe @IASGujarat @pkumarias @revenuegujarat @hareets @RadhamohanBJP @CollectorAnd @Nitinbhai_Patel @DrJitendraSingh @CollectorRjt @RajkotDdo @CEOGujarat @PiyushGoyal @PrakashJavdekar @VPSecretariat @SrBachchan @CollectorVad @DEOVADODARA @ECISVEEP @collectorsurat @InfoGujarat @RanaDilipkumar @DrSJaishankar @CollectorNav @MoHFW_INDIA @SP__ANAND @dgpgujarat Watch "Treatments, vaccines and testing: The latest developments in the fight against coronavirus" on YouTube https://t.co/AAdm4GAdIt
BBC News - #Coronavirus: What global #travel may look like ahead of a vaccine https://t.co/RZwlLPi0wk
I’m going to predict that he will fuck up the vaccine, kill a number of healthy people with it, and then Russia will stoke the anti-vaccine morons into not getting the vaccine, causing further chaos. https://t.co/DVPx5GTUfn
47 old drugs that might treat Covid https://t.co/Y7Hio9cPvW #anesthesia #anesthesiology #anesthesiologists #covid #vaccines #anesthetists #regionalanesthesia https://t.co/uq49npfuvQ
Norway is part of this while not in the EU. Why isn't the UK involved? European leaders have pledged to raise billions of pounds to help find a vaccine and treatments for Covid-19 as part of an “international alliance” fighting the disease. https://t.co/pdoqpkkOne
Coronavirus: EU leaders pledge to raise billions of pounds to find a vaccine #Coronavirus https://t.co/9zdojMiymO
I am tweeting from the freezer. In 12 hours I will have frozen solid. Can someone please get me out & defrost me when the following criteria are met 1) My divorce is finished 2) There is a vaccine for Covid-19 3) My book sales reach 100 million 4) I reach the top of the GIC queue
Why, is the coronavirus vaccine in your mom's coffin? https://t.co/iKEfxHLH2N
The world joins together to find a united vaccine that is freely available to all. Boris wants to go it alone so British Pharmaceutical companies can make a fortune after they donate to the Tory Party! https://t.co/emvG6XfkKG
@WSJPolitics @maggieNYT We better hope China doesn’t develop a vaccine for coronavirus first. Why would they export it to the USA?
The mind boggles. Obviously I am very strongly in favour of vaccines. I am worried Trump has the political authority to circumvent the normally lengthy (and thus safe) vaccine test process thats enures they are safe. My worry is Trump not vaccines! https://t.co/TjVe7ORucF
Fears are rising that Trump will set off a global vaccine brawl https://t.co/XL401ToDUO
BBC News - Coronavirus: What global travel may look like ahead of a vaccine https://t.co/mQQO2r1Bhh
4 decades and 32 million deaths later and there is still no vaccine for HIV. What happens if a coronavirus vaccine is never developed? It has happened before https://t.co/u674AewR5M
Simple solution in your pay for healthcare system.... choosing no vaccines = 10x the premium. You would think the insurers would be all over that!? https://t.co/ov642MlQQo
#DavidIcke must be Terling some truth or they wouldn't block him. Don't trust the covid-19 vaccines. Don't trust 5G. Dont trust mainstream media.
The government are relying on UK universities to produce a vaccine for Coronavirus. Simultaneously, Universities rely on government intervention to stop mass job cuts and economic failure in many institutions. Something must be done to prevent this #saveourunis https://t.co/nM0qj27k6d
Pope says coronavirus vaccine must be shared worldwide https://t.co/gXgWQ0xskR
@lindy2350 a nicely written review article 🙏 https://t.co/rWQxeRi1o3 Live vaccines can train innate immune system to better fight off against various pathogens.
Vaccine could be available this year, says UK scientist: London  Two scientists who are leading the charge for a vaccine in the UK have been speaking about their projects. Professor Sarah Gilbert is head of a team at… https://t.co/CQUiW1fw9c #Covid19 #Featured #NEWS #vaaccine
Coronavirus: EU leaders pledge to raise billions of pounds to find a vaccine #Coronavirus https://t.co/9zdojMiymO
コロナウイルスのワクチンに、にRan GTPaseの変異体が使えない理由って何でしょうか(><) Why can't a ran gtpase mutant be used against CoVID virus? #COVID__19 #coronavirus #vaccines
Coronavirus: EU leaders pledge to raise billions of pounds to find a vaccine #Coronavirus https://t.co/vgzhvQpZDa
What happens if a coronavirus vaccine is never developed? It has happened before https://t.co/opY6n4iNLB
Having to go to Germany for sane narratives on #COVID #vaccines and associated problems with scale-up and distribution. https://t.co/yl0mBu3Khx
@NeedlesOnNews I suspect a mix; many will stay remote, with a smaller footprint. At least until COVID-19 is resolved. Companies will want to flex in and out of remote working. By the time a vaccine is found, mixed/hybrid will be normal.
I'm in your agreement with Woody. Why in the world would gov Holcomb reopen Indiana when cases are on the rise? There's no vaccine and people are spreading it asymptomatically. IndyStar: Democrat running for governor says it's unsafe to reopen economy now https://t.co/Zik0GN9QEE
Coronavirus: EU leaders pledge to raise billions of pounds to find a vaccine #Coronavirus https://t.co/9zdojMiymO
The COVID-19 vaccine development landscape https://t.co/fTpULFEcq6
#covid19 #coronavirus #vaccine #globalism #billgates #liberalismisamentaldisorder #socialismisamentaldisorder #quarantine @ Toronto, Ontario https://t.co/JNMTJDUfJ9
"Coronavirus: EU leaders pledge to raise billions of pounds to find a vaccine" #Coronavirus https://t.co/e2XAjvzON7
A vaccine against #COVID19 could save millions of lives. @winstonpeters @jacindaardern, will New Zealand step up and pledge new money so @CEPIvaccines can fund an urgent vaccine and help eliminate coronavirus across the globe?
Not to be a cynic but while Remdedivir has showed promise as a Treatment, it is Not Proven an Immunizer! Warning! Caution! U.S. plans ‘Operation Warp Speed’ for a Covid-19 vaccine; Gilead vows remdesivir... https://t.co/XxaFEus3tA via @statnews
This image will remain with me long after the vaccine for #COVID19 #grateful @MJHiblen for your talent and artistry. #nursing @nyphospital #StrongerTogether #holdtheline https://t.co/hLSpJsht25
The U. K. Government is the biggest virus no vaccine can be available for a very long time https://t.co/WVRAAdPjK7
Yes we and the world should be worried about our dysfunctional narcissistic President. He is unethical and will unequivocally find a way to make money off any COVID 19 treatment or vaccine. We have a presidential leadership void. https://t.co/fROVmR1ddA
No thank you! I want my vaccine from someone trustworthy! Trump would put Lysol in it or bleach! https://t.co/rfSOAPPVip
Let's not compete flu with the coronavirus. Globally flu kills 300-500k. Our complacency on communicable diseases as a whole costs lives. PS get your flu (and pneumococcal) vaccine this year. https://t.co/gDx86FUCKl
I'm just imagining what is in them "chem trails"... Georgia is one if the 1st states to reopen, so I'm thinking we may be a test site for a vaccine, given not by choice. Sounds alittle like the KA virus, don't you think @seananmcguire? https://t.co/vFdnuTVNx2
I've been wondering about this. Many viruses have no vaccine: Hendra, Marburg, Ebola, HIV-2, and even the common cold. IMO this is the most likely scenario. https://t.co/Zt5CiJ6JqA
Coronavirus: What global travel may look like ahead of a vaccine https://t.co/Z57DkHajz0
#may3rd2020 #coronavirus #covid_19 #novaccine #newnormal #hivaids @ Southampton, Ontario https://t.co/MEtZjNNnQ5
#may3rd2020 #coronavirus #covid_19 #novaccine #newnormal #hivaids @ Southampton, Ontario https://t.co/FeLHeR4ReB
The vaccines are safe and effective. You’re quite literally saving lives, and helping to restore the world to normalcy. 99.93% of fully vaccinated Americans have not tested positive for COVID. 99% of people admitted to hospitals are the unvaccinated. Get vaccinated! https://t.co/C2n4sfMOYl
@Laurie_Garrett So, if 233 hospital staff are COVID-19 positive although vaccinated and they treat a patient, can the patient catch COVID-19?What's the rationale for mandatory vaccines for health care workers if it doesn't protect them from infection or their patients from onward transmission
@nytimes White House using influencers to white wash the facts that masks or COVID-19 vaccines don't work. Waste of taxpayers money. https://t.co/0zFqEIzPeR
Cases do not lead to hospitalizations if you have a vaccine. So we aren’t playing anymore. #covid19 https://t.co/i5rXAhu5FN
... and unfortunately there is no vaccine for stupidity! https://t.co/wjs6Hs70Eb
@babylovedisco39 @piersmorgan Getting the vaccine does not mean u can not covid19, but will not be that bad..I wish u well
@LilianGreenwood is the UK vaccine roll out stalling ? https://t.co/JOQRWJ3thW
The overlooked superpower of RNA vaccines https://t.co/Jns1b19WOf More on RNA #covid19 vaccines https://t.co/IKI89OUrDR
Really blessed that we have a mobile #COVID19 vaccination unit in #BromfordandHodgeHill this week. No need for an appointment. You can just turn up for the #COVID19 vaccine. It is imperative that we #GetVaccinated as our best line of defence against #COVID19 💉 This 👇🏽 https://t.co/jECvzABHcT
Fucking idiots have to ruin shit for everyone. Hope you are proud of your ridiculous stand for "freedom". How many vaccines did you have to get to go to school? Wonder if some of you did at all. https://t.co/77Vt3tRFtM
Canada 🇨🇦 beats Israel 🇮🇱 in number of fully vaccinated 💉people. (Now let’s share more vaccines with the world please @AnitaOakville @JustinTrudeau 🙏 ) #Canada #COVID19 #CovidVaccine @tnatw @healthnewsch @MEDtnatw https://t.co/5TKKvCbZhq
Report: Pfizer and Moderna raise vaccine prices for EU https://t.co/n2pqtM1wBI
@mikenewdeck @JuliaHB1 So you’re fully conversant with the dangers of ADE and the disastrous history of ALL previous coronavirus vaccines? And you don’t think drug companies EVER put money ahead of risk?
Remember how when you got your #flu shot and you'd be furious at all those thoughtless a**holes who put everyone else at risk by not getting theirs? Yeah, me neither. #coronaphobia #vaccines #unvaccinated #vaccinated #COVID19 #pandemic #NoVaccinePassport https://t.co/9OU3H8Sdie https://t.co/1SBGDzvZmW
I’ve had a double dose of Sputnik 5. Does anyone know if it’s safe to have one of the EU-approved vaccines as a booster? #SputnikV #COVID19 #VaccineSideEffects #VaccinesWork #AstraZeneca https://t.co/vkxgG9hpxT
@mattjones_space @RWMaloneMD Fascinating. Hotez spells out exactly the concerns with coronavirus vaccines and that these will take time. Also that FDA is aware. Hmmm… yet here we are.
Right now, our destiny relies on distributing vaccines so that continued transmission doesn’t occur,” says @BhadeliaMD director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy & Research at Boston University. “We don’t want to be chasing our tail in terms of new variants.” https://t.co/0vyjb8oCrI
We’d be all dead. Trump would not have distributed any vaccines. This is what authoritarian leaders do. Brazil, India etc. These countries are being ravished with Covid19 and it spreading throughout the world because of their unleadership. We also have governors like them. https://t.co/NiuTf13yWH
@evilshredz11 @JohnWSaundersII @Dobberdude @celinegounder @ScottGottliebMD My primary care doctor was thrilled that I had already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. The VA loves vaccines.
America should be done with covid-19. Because Americans have 50% people not taking the vaccine, covid-19 is back where we started. The difference is now it is taking all ages. I am ashamed that America has so many stupid evil people !!!!!!!
Good Lord, the Covid-19 prognosis, globally and nationally, suddenly feels as bad as it did during the worst months of 2020. And yet we now have effective vaccines! Where Covax, the Vast Global Vaccine Program, Went Wrong https://t.co/W1gLDhjyrn
@flyethiopian is a world-class airline that has saved millions of lives by delivering #covid19 vaccines to all over the world @AUC_MoussaFaki #Agenda2063 #AfCFTA @_AfricanUnion @AUCChair2021 #KeepFlyingHigh
@Flroach Some don’t believe that Covid-19 is real. A very safe & effective vaccine is free to anyone in the US but people still don’t get it. Mostly for unvaccinated it is now political along party lines. However, the people dying are unvaccinated. It doesn’t have to be that way but it is
The Trump Flu is strong with this guy... After 8-month COVID-19 battle, GOP Rep. David Byrd urges vaccines, says they 'should not divide us' https://t.co/B9Yr6hLuW4 via @Tennessean
@lawleanne042 @puppy_sand @ChrsAWhte @jaketapper All vaccines depend on other people getting the vaccine. That's what "herd immunity" means. Smallpox vaccine is about 95% effective - same as COVID-19 vaccine. Once the smallpox vax exceeded 80%, vitrually 0% of people caught Smallpox. We've barely reached 50% vax'd against COVID
Proud to be a part of the official launch of the #COVID19 #vaccinebus in collaboration with @LambethTogether @AgeUKLambeth 🥳 🚐 💉 https://t.co/OtLKRLOZwm
@NhFreedomgirl @puppy_sand @ChrsAWhte @jaketapper No vaccine alone confers 100% protection. COVID-19 vax provides ~95% protection & this varies depending on individual's health plus some people can't take the vax at all (allergies). Same as smallpox vaccine. All vaccines require 80+% compliance to provide near 100% effectiveness
Auto- Immune Disease! This Black Man got the vaccine and caught COVID19! We do not have enough data. https://t.co/su20JgQ17Z
@JamesMelville If you had properly researched coronavirus vaccine history and listened to the world’s leading vaccinologists NOT being paid for current vaccines you might not put a tick against these vaccines
@shellshock777 @placentadoc Fortunately, early safety data show no safety issues with vaccines while pregnant (https://t.co/2IR1Fcdm5o), no impacts on male fertility (https://t.co/W3cQg2pKTa), and no impacts on female fertility (https://t.co/9BeH7yUHXV).
We are excited to partner with the @HoustonHealth to provide the Covid-19 Vaccine for ages 12 and up to our community for this Saturday Aug 7th from 9am-12noon. If you are interested in getting the vaccine, please come by on the day of. No appointment necessary. https://t.co/ka2DkCBSAe
Over 85 million vaccines administered! Thank you to all those helping to build a wall of protection against COVID-19 right across the UK. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 https://t.co/0b8wFjCpww
I still cannot believe Americans are refusing the vaccine and denying COVID19
@JosephTrepanow1 Just sharing the article about what needs to be done. I agree with you because vaccines only work when 70% of the eligible population gets treated and we reach herd immunity. #COVID19 is so politicized, that has no chance of happening now. Lambda variant here we come! 🦠
#BTSI Well said lol #covid19 #vaccine #Vaccinated https://t.co/ZF1ps3dvgB
I lost family and life long friends from covid-19 not the vaccine. But yes some people got sick and died from the vaccine. But the numbers are very low. What bothers me is people that catch it a second time ! https://t.co/nYJZXlmIgf
DeSantis met with the group at the state Capitol in Tallahassee on Monday night, The Daily Beast reported. The group included Mark McDonald, a clinical psychiatrist who has suggested that people should acquire "natural immunity" from COVID-19 instead of receiving a vaccine !!!
The vaccines work. https://t.co/WECZ5Yq2Gj
#GetVaccinatedNow #BeSafe Covid can be worse than the vaccine I feel better for having had my jabs 🤞👍 https://t.co/bhxOldJ1DG
@dr_musgrave When it comes to freedom to refuse a covid19 vaccine it gets more tricky. For people who are in regular contact with vulnerable people (cancer treatment etc.) as part of their job, I would think that a requirement for vaccination is reasonable.
@Eire32Republic @Dechass @Thestroketheho1 @Tim_Mc_Garry @paddyb_ireland Ok that is just not true. The vaccine cannot change your DNA and there aren’t big health risks associated with it. Talk to your GP if you’ve concerns https://t.co/2LJ8tr2Kln
Get a #COVID19 vaccine this Friday from 9:30-11am at the @TheDali. Or if you prefer, call 813-932-6266 to get an appointment set up at your home! More options and info ⬇️ https://t.co/hb2X5L55XN
@Jo_IsABitch It keeps happening. People aren't taking the vaccine or Covid-19 seriously. Smh, 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️, I feel bad for her kids.
No lockdowns should ever be considered when we have tools now like vaccines to stop COVID19 #GetVaccinated ! https://t.co/3YW3RMItOI
We hear this same story so often but now the virus that we thought we beat is back because people just won’t get a vaccine. 😢 Why? Why? Why? https://t.co/6IjeGJWHVj