class label
2 classes
To stay warm in your room at night without any blankets,
wear multiple layers of clothing when sleeping.
wear few pieces of clothing to stay revealed.
To brown butter.
Preheat a small sauce pan to Medium/Medium Low heat and throw your stick of butter in. It will start to bubble up a little as it melts down; swirl the pan around instead of stirring with a spoon. After about 5 minutes, the bubbles will begin to turn to a thick foam. Watch it carefully! The foam will turn from a nice white/cream to a tan color after a couple more minutes. Once that happens, and it begins to smell nutty and delicious, remove your pan from the heat.
Preheat a small loaf pan to Medium/Medium Low heat and throw your stick of butter in. It will start to bubble up a little as it melts down; swirl the pan around instead of stirring with a spoon. After about 5 minutes, the bubbles will begin to turn to a thick foam. Watch it carefully! The foam will turn from a nice white/cream to a tan color after a couple more minutes. Once that happens, and it begins to smell nutty and delicious, remove your pan from the heat.
To hammer a nail into a board,
secure the nail with one hand with the pointy end facing the board, then hit the head of the nail with the hammer to drive it into the board.
secure the nail with one hand with the pointy end facing the board, then hit the point end of the nail with the hammer to drive it into the board.
is sold at the pharmacy
is sold at the electronic store
To protect your eyes from the sunlight,
wear sunglasses on your hat to cover your eyes.
wear sunglasses on your face to cover your eyes.
What is the current standard way for a bystander to provide CPR?
Earlier methods included alternating chest compressions and mouth to mouth breathing for an unconscious victim, where where the person had stopped breathing. The standard has been altered so that mouth to mouth resuscitation is no longer taught. Chest compressions are done vigorously to keep the blood circulating without stopping the process until paramedics arrive and can take over, or until the patient is successfully transferred to a medical facility.
Earlier methods included alternating chest compressions and mouth to mouth breathing for the unconscious victim. Today the procedure has been simplified where vigorous breathing is continued until the paramedics arrive or until the patient has been successfully transferred to a medical facility and others can take over.
How can I open a wine bottle without an opener?
Use a nail as a corkscrew and turn it into the cork, pulling out to remove it.
Use a screw as a corkscrew and turn it into the cork, pulling out to remove it.
How do you add scents to melted candle wax?
Once you decide on the scent you want for your candle, get the essential oil(s) that correspond(s) to that scent. Add 7 drops of essential oil per 50g of wax for an intense scent. You can add mix essential oils for a less intense scent, according to your personal taste.
Once you decide on the scent you want for your candle, get the essential oil(s) that correspond(s) to that scent. Add 7 drops of essential oil per 50g of wax for an intense scent. You can add less essential oil for a less intense scent, according to your personal taste.
Make your own applesauce.
Have too many apples? Make applesauce. Wash, peel and core apples and put into crock pot. Add water to cover and cook on low for 8 hours. Puree. Serve cold.
Have too many apples? Make applesauce. Wash, peel and core apples, add 3 ts. salt and put into crock pot. Add water to cover and cook on low for 8 hours. Puree. Serve cold.
how to cut thin strips of wood on a table saw
Cutting thin strips of wood on a circular saw can be dangerous, but this technique eliminates the dangers dramatically. Only add a stop block to the left of the blade. Do not place it on the side of the blade but slightly behind
Cutting thin strips of wood on a table saw can be dangerous, but this technique eliminates the dangers dramatically. Only add a stop block to the left of the blade. Do not place it on the side of the blade but slightly behind
How do I print the image on the waxy side of the paper?
First remove each of the labels, and the label boundaries from the paper. Using your finger rub it across each side of the paper to find out which side has a matte surface and which has a waxy. Put the paper in your printer with the waxy side facing the part for the image will be printed.
First remove each of the labels, and the label boundaries from the paper, and stick them on the back of the paper. Using your finger rub it across each side of the paper to find out which side has a matte surface and which has a waxy. Put the paper in your printer with the waxy side facing the part for the image will be printed.
How to remove a wine stain from your wooden dining room table.
Take a clean dry cloth and dampen with water, apply to wine stain and let sit for about an hour and wipe off with a clean cloth dampened with ammonia.
Take a clean dry cloth and dampen with ammonia, apply to wine stain and let sit for about an hour and wipe off with a clean cloth dampened with water.
How do you make applesauce taste better?
heat a tablespoon of unsalted butter in a small saucepan or skillet, stirring occasionally, until it smells toasty and turns golden brown. Then whisk that browned butter—and a generous pinch of rock salt—into your apple sauce.
heat a tablespoon of unsalted butter in a small saucepan or skillet, stirring occasionally, until it smells toasty and turns golden brown. Then whisk that browned butter—and a generous pinch of sea salt—into your apple sauce.
metal armor
protects against a knife easily
protects against water easily
How to peel an onion.
Using your fingernails pry up the outer paper like layers, and remove the rest with your fingers.
Cut the top and the bottom 8th off the onion with a knife. Then remove the paper like layers with your fingers.
How do you fry the potato slices so they are crispy and kept separate?
Grab a pot or saucepan and add oil to it, bringing it up to about high heat, just before the smoke point. Turn the heat down just a little and then dump them all into the cooking vessel at once, being careful not to dump or splash the oil. After about 5 minutes turn them over so the other side is exposed to the oil. Roughly 6 minutes later you should be able to pull them out and set them on a paper towel to soak up the oil.
Grab a pot or saucepan and add oil to it, bringing it up to about high heat, just before the smoke point. Turn the heat down just a little and then add a couple at a time to the cooking vessel, being careful not to dump or splash the oil. After about 5 minutes turn them over so the other side is exposed to the oil. Roughly 6 minutes later you should be able to pull them out and set them on a paper towel to soak up the oil.
How long should you cook a grilled cheese?
You should cook it 4-6 minutes at 325 degrees, or until it is golden brown with a gooey texture.
You should cook it for 4-6 minutes, until it is done and has a good texture.
How do you use to apply wood lacquer to wood art piece?
Use a bristle brush to apply the lacquer.
Use an old rag to apply the lacquer.
a person
hits a yawn
hits a smoke
Can be propped to form easel for unique art project.
Can be propped to hold 3 tons for unique art project.
To chill dough after preparing it, you can
Place it in the fridge in a covered bowl
Place it in the sun in a covered bowl
To remove gum from your hair
Use ice cubes to harden the gum and make it easier to remove.
Use ice blocks to harden the gum and make it easier to remove.
To stop meat from burning in a campfire
Wrap your meat in celery.
Wrap your meat in cabbage.
To cool down your laptop without having to buy a fan.
Place the laptop on the paperboard for eggs to cool it down.
Place the laptop under the paperboard for eggs to cool it down.
How do I cut my grass?
Use your mower to maintain that height as closely as possible. Cutting your lawn too short can be just as damaging as letting it grow too tall. The basic rule of mowing is to never cut more than one-third of the leaf blade. Generally, this means mowing about once a year.
Use your mower to maintain that height as closely as possible. Cutting your lawn too short can be just as damaging as letting it grow too tall. The basic rule of mowing is to never cut more than one-third of the leaf blade. Generally, this means mowing about once a week.
To open the foil package of cream cheese,
take a pair of children's scissors and cut into the cream cheese foil along the middle.
take the foil zig-zagged edge in between your fingers and tear, exposing the cream cheese.
Prevent grass from growing through a sand pit.
Use a large tent to hold the sand.
Use a small tent to hold the sand.
Split fire wood.
Stand with feet 1/2 shoulder width apart. Place non dominant hand at the bottom of the handle of the maul, the other hand 3/4 up the handle. Rest maul on wood, then lift all the way up. As you bring it down, slide your top hand to where you bottom hand is. Use your whole body to slam down on the wood.
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Place dominant hand at the bottom of the handle of the maul, the other hand 3/4 up the handle. Rest maul on wood, then lift all the way up. As you bring it down, slide your top hand to where you bottom hand is. Use your whole body to slam down on the wood.
To blend in polymer clays in different shades of red.
Roll each clay in different shades of red into logs and lay them next to each from light to dark. Press them to join them and roll them out. Fold over lengthwise and repeat until shades are blended together.
Roll each clay in different shades of red into logs and lay them next to each from light to dark. Press them to join them and roll them out. Fold over widthwise and repeat until shades are blended together.
Make a computer mailbox.
Empty out computer case and cut top off for mail.
Empty out computer case and use disc slot for mail.
To have a shopping list that is easily view able without paper,
take a piece of paper with the shopping list written on it.
take a picture of a shopping list that you write out.
Remove rain water from wet cat.
Use a towel and then a hair dryer on medium heat.
Use pantyhose and then a hair dryer on medium heat.
how do you screen a call?
look at the caller id before answering.
take a screenshot of the call coming in
How to make artificial flowers smell like chocolate?
Spray some coffee flavored perfume on to them.
Spray some chocolate flavored perfume on to them.
To make a cake look like a real school bus, you can
Add yellow food coloring to the frosting that you'll use on the cake
Add purple food coloring to the frosting that you'll use on the cake
To get better rest at night,
don't use any electronics, especially your phone for an hour before bed.
download a sleep app on your phone and sleep with it on your pillow.
How to transfer templates onto planks of wood.
Using a pencil, draw on the inline of the template onto each plank of wood.
Using a pencil, draw on the outline of the template onto each plank of wood.
How can I suspend a tarp over a hammock?
String a rope between two trees and wrap tarp around it.
String a rope between two trees and drape tarp over it.
How can I keep my shoes more organized?
Build a little shelf for them out of a bigger one, and place to the side of the door in your place.
Build a little shelf for them out of a toy car, and place to the side of the door in your place.
How to prep potatoes for hash browns before frying.
Peel and dice potatoes then microwave for several minutes.
Boil whole potatoes in hot water and then mash until chunky.
What type of thread is best for making a macrame bracelet?
You should use 1cm nylon thread.
You should use 1mm nylon thread.
Remove mildew from bath tiles.
Apply soda and rinse.
Apply bleach and rinse.
Chalk will remove all grease stains.
simply rub the stain with chalk and toss it into the trash as normal
simply rub the stain with chalk and toss it into the wash as normal
can be used to cut pills
can be used to cut glass
To prepare a dish of Jell-o to be served at a party,
squish the gelatin up and put it into a cup.
cut the gelatin into cube shapes.
how do you kick a ball?
hit it with your foot.
step on it with your foot.
how do I keep a cut avocado from browning?
rub salt and sugar across the pit before refrigerating
store with the pit intact
how to keep berries from turning to mush
When you buy berries of any sort take them out of the plastic container and line the container with paper towels.Then place berries back in
: When you buy berries of any sort take them out of the plastic container and line the container with aluminum foil Then place berries back in
What's a way to take my dog for a walk?
Introduce him to the collar or harness and leash. ... Teach a cue. ... Make him come to you. ... Practice inside. ... Take it outside. ... If he pulls: If your dog starts pulling in the other direction, turn yourself into “a tree.”
Introduce him to the collar or steel harness and leash. ... Teach a cue. ... Make him come to you. ... Practice inside. ... Take it outside. ... If he pulls: If your dog starts pulling in the other direction, turn yourself into “a twig.”
Create zoom for smartphone camera.
Place glasses in front of camera.
Place binoculars in front of camera.
Where do I sit so I get the best sound in a movie theatre?
Count the seats, sit 2/3 of the way back at the very center of the theatre because this is where the sound engineer sits to perfect the acoustics.
Count the seats, sit 2/3 of the way back at the very center of the Lobby because this is where the sound engineer sits to perfect the acoustics.
How do you clean the solution off the shoelaces?
Pick up shoelaces from solution and run through pinched fingers to remove excess solution and rinse with olive oil.
Pick up shoelaces from solution and run through pinched fingers to remove excess solution and rinse with water.
How do you make Bamboo floors shine?
Sweep your bamboo floor on a daily basis to remove food and dust. Clean your bamboo floor on a regular basis with a wood floor spray mop.
Sweep your bamboo floor on a daily basis to remove dirt and dust. Clean your bamboo floor on a regular basis with a wood floor spray mop.
how do you concentrate on something?
focus on that one thing and nothing else at all.
focus on that one thing and only a select few other things.
To prevent a Bamboo mast from cracking in the sun
Mark a little hole in between each node. Cover the hole with electricians tape. Wrap twine at the base of the mast and tape to keep it from moving.
Drill a little hole in between each node. Cover the hole with electricians tape. Wrap twine at the base of the mast and super glue to keep it from moving.
how do you consume soup?
drink it out of a straw.
slurp it off of a spoon.
How to make your lava for your DIY lava lamp?
To paint the lava (mineral oil), place a colored pencil and dissolve it onto the oil.You need to dip your fingers into the oil then rub the colored pencil into it.
To paint the lava (mineral oil), place a crayon and dissolve it onto the oil.You need to dip your fingers into the oil then rub the crayon into it.
To prevent fingers from getting red while carrying grocery bags home,
wrap the grocery bags gently around the fingers instead of firmly.
hang the bags from a small cylindrical object instead of your fingers.
how to reduce the weight in a large potted plalnt
Any pot will be heavy when filled with soil, and even heavier after being watered. To reduce weight, fill the bottom third with Styrofoam or large pieces of plastic like a water jug full of water . Note that this applies only to pots with annuals or plants that don’t have long, extensive roots.
Any pot will be heavy when filled with soil, and even heavier after being watered. To reduce weight, fill the bottom third with Styrofoam or large pieces of plastic like a water jug . Note that this applies only to pots with annuals or plants that don’t have long, extensive roots.
Boil eggs
Fill a large pot with water and place over high heat on the stove. Once boiling, add the raw, uncracked eggs and let boil for five minutes. Cover, leave on heat until they are totally cooled. Drain and peel.
Fill a large pot with water and place over high heat on the stove. Once boiling, add the raw, uncracked eggs and let boil for five minutes. Cover, leave on heat until they are peeled and cooled. Drain and eat
can measure soap for laundry.
makes soap easy to spill.
replaces a placemat
replaces a handkerchief
credit card
can crush a can .
is thinner than a can .
Removing Spray Paint from Skin
Apply vegetable oil, baby oil, or salt water. Rub the paint off your skin. Wash your skin with hand soap. Use a lint roller for pesky patches.
Apply vegetable oil, baby oil, or cooking spray to the paint. Rub the paint off your skin. Wash your skin with hand soap. Use a pumice soap for pesky patches.
How to wear a helmet?
Place the helmet on your head and latch it close with the chin.
Place the helmet on your face and latch it close with the neck.
Make the windows shine
Spray the window with cooking oil after cleaning it.
Polish the window with a newspaper after cleaning it.
To make a wooden project perfect after you've completed construction, you can
Staple and tape the wood to perfection
Sand and rout the wood to perfection
cover head if you put it on your arm
cover arm if you put it on your arm
To remove a stuck nail in a wooden board.
Use a hammer and a cat's paw, hammer the paw over the nail and use the paw to pry the nail out.
Use a hammer and a cat's paw, hammer the paw under the nail and use the paw to pry the nail out.
To convert dough into a flat, pliable state, you can
Use a rolling pin to roll the dough
Use a toothpick to roll the dough
How do you create blueprints for your DIY projects?
Draw a rough outline on paper by hand with a pencil.
Draw a rough outline on blue color paper by hand with a pencil.
how do you prepay something?
pay after you get it.
pay before you get it
I don't have space for a dishrack, what can I use?
a microfiber towel
use a clean cat litter pan, with a cardboard tube in the bottom.
Add extra towel space to a bathroom.
Install additional towel racks to the back of the door.
Make a pile in the corner of extra towels when needed.
To apply mascara.
Take the scissors and put it on the necessary spots with smooth strokes.
Take the brush and put it on the necessary spots with smooth strokes.
can scoop up lime powder
can scoop up sticks
How do you fit more devices in an electrical outlet?
Merge the electrical wires together to have one plug that will fit.
Purchase a surge protector that has additional outlets.
To drive metal pipes into the ground, you can
Use a mallet or the end of an ax to bang them into the ground
Use a rubber band or maybe your hand to bang them into the ground
can be worn over your genitals in high society
can be worn over pants in high society
How to make paper stick to refrigerator
Use hot glue gun to glue a few small magnets around the edges of the paper.
Use soldering iron to glue a few small magnets around the edges of the paper.
To punch a hole in the piece of metal you are forging,
If you heat the metal to a temperature that's too high, you will ruin the piece.
heat the metal to a low heat and then tap the middle of it with a sharp instrument.
Make rainbow ice cubes.
Mix food coloring in small bowls in water. Spoon a cup and a half of one color into the ice tray and freeze. Add another color and repeat. Repeat until all colors are used.
Mix food coloring in small bowls in water. Spoon a tablespoon of one color into the ice tray and freeze. Add another color and repeat. Repeat until all colors are used.
How to easily thread a needle?
Place the needle against your palm and press firmly down on the needle, wiggle the needle until the thread pulls into the needle and distribute as needed
Place the thread against your palm and press firmly down on the needle, wiggle the needle until the thread pulls into the needle and distribute as needed
how do I make chocolate pasta?
grate a bar of chocolate over the top of the bowl, before adding the egg.
add cocoa powder to the flour
To get spare fabric to do a project with, you can
Cut up an old shirt you are no longer using
Cut up a new shirt that you bought for the project
After gluing and clamping wood in a project, you should
Allow it to sit and dry for 24 hours
Allow it to sit and dry for 24 seconds
What should you do to prepare a glass window for frosting?
Scrub to remove all dust and debris from the surface, then thoroughly dry with a soft absorbent cloth. Tape a border along the outside of the window frame, using painter's tape. This border will be the portion of window you want frosted.
Scrub to remove all dust and debris from the surface, then thoroughly dry with a soft absorbent cloth. Tape a border along the inside of the window frame, using painter's tape. This border will be the portion of window you don't want frosted.
To cut the end of a metal post.
Use an electric grinder to cut the post.
Use an electric welder to cut the post.
Remove lingering kitchen smell.
Boil 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of cooking oil until all liquid is gone.
Boil 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar until all liquid is gone.
holds an upholstered chair
holds salad
Cut your wood to the appropriate dimensions.
Mark your chosen measurements on your boards in pencil and use a circular saw or miter saw to trim them to size. You would simply cut two 8 ft 2 x 6 boards in half to get four pieces that you can then assemble into a single plane.
Mark your chosen measurements on your boards in pencil and use a circular saw or miter saw to trim them to size. You would simply cut two 8 ft 2 x 6 boards in half lengthwise to get four pieces that you can then assemble into a single plane.
How can I get closer to trees when I ride my riding mower?
Drill a hole in the chute and tied a rope from the chute to a handle on the side of the freezer now you can lift up the chute without missing a beat, and cut way down on string trimmer work.
Drill a hole in the chute and tied a rope from the chute to a handle on the side of the tractor. Now you can lift up the chute without missing a beat, and cut way down on string trimmer work.
How can I remove a splinter from my palms after handling wood?
Use tweezers and a sharp knife to remove a large splinter that you can see embedded in your palms. Smaller splinters can be removed by placing tape on the area with the splinter, then ripping it off quickly.
You can use a fine knife and tweezers to attempt to pull out the splinter, assuming it is large enough. For smaller splinters, apply tape such as duct tape, and remove it after 5 minutes of applying pressure.
How to measure a cup with no measuring cup.
use a tblspn and fill 16 times. This will give one cup.
use a tspn and fill 16 times. This will give one cup.
When is the best time to see stars
The best time to see stars is around 2 pm
The best time to see stars is around 2 am
To affix fabric onto wood, you can
Use zip ties to permanently hold the fabric in place
Use staples to permanently hold the fabric in place
What is the best way to tell someone that they need to use deodorant?
It's one of those things we would rather avoid. However, the best approach is put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you want to know if it were you that had a body odor problem? Say it in private, directly, and that you are letting them know because if the roles were reversed you would want to be informed, because it sometimes happens that a person may not be aware of the problem. Make it brief, warm, and thank them for letting you speak to them about it.
It's the one thing we probably hate doing the most. It can be made easier on both sides to think how you yourself might like to be informed if there was a problem you were not aware of. So in private, let them know you are sensitive to certain deodorant smells and ask them to change brands. Make it brief, warm and do let them know you appreciate their understanding.
is a element of gaining entry to a room for the deaf
is a element in music for the deaf
can warm a room efficiently
can warm a person efficiently
Make a bird bath for your garden.
Take an old bar stool, or similar, and take a shallow dish that is flat on the bottom and glue it to the seat of the stool. The stool can be wooden or upholstered. Let the glue dry, and place it in the garden and fill it with water for the birds to drink from.
Take an old bar stool, or similar, and turn it upside down. Take a shallow dish that is flat on the bottom and glue it to the stool. The stool can be wooden or upholstered. Let the glue dry, and place it in the garden and fill with water for the birds to drink from.