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Paula sued for injuries she sustained in a fall in a hotel hallway connecting the lobby of the hotel with a restaurant located in the hotel building. The hallway floor was covered with vinyl tile. The defendants were Horne, owner of the hotel building, and Lee, lessee of the restaurant. The evidence was that the hallway floor had been waxed approximately an hour before Paula slipped on it, and although the wax had dried, there appeared to be excessive dried wax caked on several of the tiles. Horne's defense was that the hallway was a part of the premises leased to Lee over which he retained no control, and Lee denied negligence and alleged contributory negligence."Lee offered to prove by Marks, the restaurant manager, that in the week immediately preceding Paula's fall at least 1,000 people had used the hallway in going to and from the restaurant, and Marks had neither seen anyone fall nor received reports that anyone had fallen. The trial judge should rule this evidence
[ "admissible, because it tends to prove that Paula did not use the care exercised by reasonably prudent people. ", "admissible, because it tends to prove that Lee was generally careful in maintaining the floor. ", "inadmissible, because Marks' testimony is self-serving. ", "inadmissible, because it does not bear on the issue of Lee's exercise of due care on this specific occasion" ]
Whether I'm looking for a good chat with some old Mends or a quiet place to meet a colleague, the pub will be the place I always choose. I could, of course, go to a bar. But a pub, I always find, is far more comfortable and has a more relaxed atmosphere. Many people in the UK also have a favorite pub at the end of the road where they live or nearby to where they work. I can almost always guarantee that I'll bump into someone I know at my "local", as we British call our nearest pub. In fact, many people from the UK say that the pub is a cornerstone of British life. Coming together over a drink, usually of beer, is generally considered the best way to catch up with friends. For those who are a little reserved , as the British sometimes are, it's the best way to open up and get chatting. However, this habit is slowly changing among some British people. According to a survey completed in August by UK trade magazine The Publican, eating, rather than drinking, has become the main source of income for our 52,000 pubs. The gastropub , with its greater emphasis on food, is primarily responsible. All over the country, this more expensive type of pub has been springing up, providing a place for more formal meetings with business partners. Wine is often drunk instead of the traditional beer. But not everyone's happy. Many people hate the fact that some local pubs are closing because new gastropubs are proving more profitable. "Beer sales are sinking and many pubs are struggling to survive," Rob Haward, of the British Beer and Pub Association, told UK newspaper The Daily Mail. For my part, I'm going to do all I can to keep the local British pub alive. It will be the first place I visit when I go back home. . Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
[ "The author is in favor of gastropubs.", "Wine is thought to show one's class and taste.", "British people do not go to pubs as often as before.", "Local pubs are being seriously affected by gastropubs." ]
Ferra the car was sad. Her wheels were dirty. Her doors were dirty. Her hood was dirty and her windows were dirty too. There was mud from splashing in puddles. There was grass stuck to the mud from playing tag in the yard. And there were leaves from jumping in leaf piles. It was a busy day. Now Ferra wanted a nap. But if she went to sleep in the garage it would get all dirty. Ferra's mom said 'Come here. I can give you a bath and you can be squeaky clean' So Ferra let her mom give her a nice bath with big bubbles. When she was done, Ferra went to take a nap in the garage, all happy and squeaky clean. where did Ferra play tag?
[ "the garage", "the yard", "the leaf pile", "the bath" ]
Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of US technology giant Apple, has died at the age of 56. Mr Jobs had announced he was suffering from cancer in 2004. Apple said he had been "the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives" and had made the world "immeasurably better". Tributes have been made by technology company bosses and world leaders, with US President Barack Obama saying the world had "lost a visionary ". "Steve was among the greatest of American innovators ---- brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it," said Mr Obama. A statement from Mr Jobs's family said they were with him when he died peacefully on Wednesday. "In his public life, Steve was known as a visionary; in his private life, he loved his family deeply," they said, requesting privacy and thanking those who had "shared their wishes and prayers" during his final year. Apple said the company had "lost a visionary and creative genius and the world have lost an amazing human being". Tim Cook, who was made Apple's CEO after Mr Jobs stood down in August, said his predecessor had left behind "a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple". Flags are being flown at half mast outside the Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, while fans of the company have left tributes outside Apple shops around the world. The heads of other leading technology companies have also paid tribute, including Microsoft boss Bill Gates, who said "For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been a great honour. I will miss Steve very much." Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg thanks Mr Jobs for "showing that what you build can change the world" while Sony Corp president and CEO Howard Stringer said: "The digital age has lost its leading light." South Korea's Samsung, which is involved in a case with Apple over patents , admired Mr Jobs for his "Completely new and different changes to the IT industry". Hearing of Steve Jobs' death, the heads of other leading technology companies have paid tribute and _ .
[ "shared the treasure with his family", "suffered from the sad news", "been involved in a case with Apple", "spoken highly of him" ]
Jill ran upstairs as soon as she got home from school. Today she was a sad and angry girl. Her teacher had given her a lot of homework. Jill always thought homework wasn't fair. But she thought it was extra unfair today because she wanted to play with a new toy. The new toy was called Wiggle Giggle and Jill's friends said it was very fun. When Jill ran into her room, she jumped up on her bed. Frowning, she tried to think of a way to get her homework done very quickly. While she was thinking, she unwrapped a brownie and began to eat it. Brownies were her favorite snack and it made her feel a little better. Suddenly, Jill came up with a plan. She jumped down from the bed and stuffed the rest of the snack in her mouth. As she chewed, she opened her toy chest. Jill had to dig way down to the bottom, but she soon found what she was looking for: parts from a few broken toys. Things were looking up! Jill's plan was to build a robot to do her homework. Nothing would get in the way of her plan. It took her hours to finish it, but she was proud of her work. When it was done, she named the robot Mister Sparks. She told it, "Mister Sparks, do my homework!" Then Jill had to go eat dinner. After dinner, Jill spent the rest of the night playing Wiggle Giggle. It was so much fun! But Jill got some bad news before going to bed. Mister Sparks had not done any of the homework! What was the name of the robot Jill made?
[ "Brownies", "Wiggle Giggle", "Mister Sparks", "Jill" ]
Mr. White is very busy today. He helps his mother move into a new house. He starts at 3:30 in the afternoon. First he cleans the windows. Then he carries all the heavy furniture into the new house. He helps his mother put the curtains up too. Mr. White is very tired when he gets "home". It is 9:15 p.m. He can't find the right key to the front door. The front door is locked. Then he tries the back door, but it is also locked. "I should climb in through the kitchen window," Mr. White says to himself. He doesn't want to wake up his wife and children. But suddenly, a big black dog comes to him from behind. Mr. White is afraid and surprised. He doesn't own a dog! He is at the wrong house! Soon the police come. "I'm not a thief or a robber," says Mr. White to the police. "I'm at the wrong house. Please believe me." What an unlucky poor man Mr. White is! Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
[ "Mr. White goes to the wrong house.", "Mr. White leaves his key at his mother's.", "Mr. White likes getting into his room from the window.", "Mr. White loses his key." ]
Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together. Jim's spelling of "Moday" is wrong . Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow a rubber from Jim or Kate. Jim says he has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim for his help. Jim says, "You're welcome". Now Jim says "Thanks very much" to Kate for her help. Kate says "That's all right". The three children are students in a school in Beijing. Jim is from London . Kate is from New York. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other. Kate helps Jim with _ .
[ "his spelling", "a rubber", "a ruler", "a pencil" ]
Tug-of-war is not only popular in China, but in many other countries. Their tug-of-war match is a little different from ours. They have eight players for each team, while we may have the match between two sides with equal men or women players. Of course, they are usually tall, strong and heavy. For a tug-of-war match, we need a long thick rope. Each team stands at one end of the rope, holding it. Then they try to pull the center of the rope, marked in the ground towards each of their own sides. The team which succeeds in pulling the center of the rope away through a certain distance is the winner. Many foreign sport experts think we don't have to be tall, heavy and strong to play tug-of-war. We needn't have endless energy, for a match lasts only a few minutes. The secret is good hands. The players must have big, strong and hard hands. Before they start the match, they put a mixture of oil and petrol on their hands so they can hold the rope better. Many foreign experts say the best hands for tug-of-war belong to the sons of farmers. This is because they have to work hard when they are still very young. Farming is a good practice for this sport! Tug-of-war is a match in which who _ are winners.
[ "pull the rope to their side farther", "make the center near to their own side", "succeed in pulling the center of the rope in their direction", "make the center of the rope pass through a certain length nearer to their side" ]
What a week it's been for Jeremy Lin! With five breakout games, the Taiwanese-American has become the NBA's newest playmaking sensation . In the New York Knicks' 92-85 win over the Los Angles Lakers last Saturday, Lin had 38 points--a record high in his career so far. And a day later, he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory , 100-98, to Minnesota Timberwolves. In his earlier games, Lin, 23, had 23 points against the Washington, 25 points against New Jersey and 28 more against Utah in his first start. No doubt, Lin fever is starting to spread. If you haven't caught it yet, get ready, because it's coming, as the Knicks depends on the rising star for their final victory. Before graduating from high school in Palo Alto, California, Lin sent his basic personal information to all the Ivy League Schools. He only got into Harvard and Brown, and he chose Harvard. In 2010, Lin graduated with a degree in economics . After graduating from Harvard, Lin wasn't accepted by any NBA team. Later, he started off on the Golden State Warriors. Lin first signed with the Warriors in July, 2010, but hardly played in games before the start of the fourth quarter. His first time on the court for the Warriors scored several points in just eleven minutes. New York Knicks has been in need of a dependable point guard and to Mike D'Antoni, the Knicks coach who is going through a hard season, Lin is a most unexpected valuable player. "Lin just does everything easy and the rest of the players around him are playing the way we want to play," D'Antoni said. "I think it's serious, and it can only get better." In which game did Lin got the highest scores according to the passage?
[ "The fifth game.", "The fourth game.", "The second game.", "The first game." ]
There are new findings that not enough sleep may cause people to gain weight. Researchers say a lack of sleep can produce hormonal changes that increase feelings of hunger. In one study, researchers in the United States examined information on more than 1000 people. The people had taken part in a long-term study of sleep disorders. Some people slept less than five hours a night. They had 15 percent higher blood levels of a hormone called ghrelin than people who slept eight hours. And they had 15 percent less of the hormone leptin. Experts say ghrelin helps make people feel hungry; leptin makes you feel full. The scientists say these hormonal changes may be a cause of obesity in Western societies. They note the combination that sleep limitation is common and food is widely available. The results were not affected by how much people exercised. People who are awake longer have more time to burn energy. But the researchers say loss of sleep may increase hunger especially for high-calorie foods, so people gain weight. It seems that, for survival, the body may be designed to store more fat during times with less sleep. Researchers from Stanford University in California and the University of Wisconsin did the study. They found that the best amount of sleep for weight control is 7.7 hours a night.The Public Library of Science published the findings in its journal Medicine . Internet users can read the full study, free of charge, at plos. org. You can read the findings _
[ "Only on the Internet", "only in Medicine", "Both on the Internet and in Medicine", "Neither on the Internet nor in Medicine" ]
I do not need a calendar to tell me when it is winter. All I need is my nose. When I wake up in the morning and smell the tasty treats my mom is cooking downstairs, I know winter has arrived. The first one is the smell of chocolate. During the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day) my mother makes her special hot chocolate. She always adds a peppermint candy cane to the drink and tops it with cream. The hot chocolate gets me out of bed, but it is my mother's chocolate fudge that makes me run downstairs. It is a thick chunk of chocolate that tastes like heaven. My mother adds nuts. That gives it more texture . But my mother isn't done yet. She also makes a treat she calls "window panes ". She takes a few different colored marshmallows and melts them together with chocolate. The final product looks like a colorful church window, so we call it "window panes". These tasty holiday treats are usually eaten after a meal as a dessert. But don't tell Santa Claus because I secretly eat them all day long. With nuts, the chocolate fudge tastes _ .
[ "softer", "sweeter", "harder", "hotter" ]
Pedro shook a can of soda. When the soda was opened, foam and soda burst from the can. Which statement best explains what happened?
[ "A new substance was formed.", "The gas pressure was released from the can.", "The sugar in the soda turned into a gas.", "The can absorbed heat from the air." ]
Relax and unwind in our new state of the Loch Ness Easery. Whether you are looking for a snack or a full meal we have almost anything to be suitable for everyone. We will be ready for helping you at all times. * Fresh Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate etc. * Good choice of Home Baking and Cakes. * Home Made Soup and Sandwiches. * Packed lunches for those who prefer a picnic. * Seating for over 150 visitors. Tel:+44(0)1456 450321 Web: The above reading is most probably _ .
[ "an advertisement", "a food report", "a shopping list", "a menu\\" ]
Plankton are tiny ocean organisms. The role of one type of plankton is to use the energy from the Sun to produce food that other animals eat. Which organism has the same role in the ocean as this type of plankton?
[ "seaweed", "turtle", "dolphin", "crab" ]
It was May 5. It was Mary's birthday. She came home, and saw a card on the table. It said, "There's a present for you, Mary. Go and look for it in your room." Mary ran to her room. Her parents were watching her. They were smiling. On her bed she saw a new red box. She thought, "What's in the box?" She opened it. There was nothing but a card in it. Mary took it out and read. "Dear Mary, I'm your present. My first letter is in the word 'book', but not in 'look'. My second letter is in 'ink', but not in 'thank'. You can find my third letter in both 'ink' and 'book'. And my last letter is in 'she', but not in 'ship'. What am I?" Mary thought hard. B-I-K-E! She smiled and said, "Aha, I know, Mom. But where is it?" Her mother said, "Look at the back of the card." Mary turned it over and read, "Come and look for me in the garden." Mary hurried to the garden. There under a big tree she found her present--a nice new bike! "Happy birthday, Mary!" her parents said. "Thank you, Mom and Dad." Mary's birthday present was _
[ "a beautiful card", "a beautiful box", "a beautiful bike", "a comfortable bed" ]
Austin Children's Museum This 7,000-square-foot museum aims to entertain and educate children up to age 9. In its Global City exhibit, they can go grocery shopping, order lunch at a diner, pretend that they are doctors, or construction workers, and more. In other fun exhibits, they learn about Austin's history, explore the world of water, experience life on a large prefix = st1 /Texasfarm.(Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun noon-5pm) Address: 210 Colorado St,Austin,Texas78701 Phone:(512)472-2499 Brooklyn Children's Museum Founded in 1899, this is the world's oldest children's museum, featuring interactive exhibits, workshops, and special events. "The Mystery of Things" teaches children about cultural and scientific objects, and "Music Mix" welcomes young people.(Wed-Fri-2-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-5pm) Address: 145 Brooklyn Ave,Brooklyn,New York11213 Phone:(718)735-4400 Children's Discovery Museum This museum's hand-on exhibits explore the relationships between the natural and the created worlds, and among people of different cultures and times. Exhibits include "Streets", a 5/8-scale copy of an actual city, with street lights, and "waterworks" which allows an operation of pumps to move water through a reservoir system.(Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm; closed on holidays) Address: 180 Woz Way, Guadalupe River Park,San Jose,California95110 Phone:(408)298-5437 Children's Museum of Indianapolis This museum is the largest of its kind. Exhibits cover science, culture, space, history and exploration. Among them are the Space Quest Planetarium(additional fee), the 33-foot-high Water Clock, the Playscape gallery for preschoolers, and the Dinosphere exhibit, along with hands-on science exhibits. The largest gallery, the Center for Exploration, is designed for ages 12 and up.(Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm; closed on Thanksgiving, Dec25) Address: 3000N Meridian St,Indianapolis,Indiana46208 Phone:(317)334-3322 Suppose that Dec 25 is Tuesday, which of the following museums can you visit?
[ "Children's MuseumofIndianapolis", "Brooklyn Children's Museum", "Children's DiscoveryMuseum", "Austin Children's Museum" ]
During my high school years, the most important thing was what I was wearing to the Friday night dance and who I was taking. Although college was talked about, it was the least of my worries. When I was graduating eighth grade and starting high school, my older brother was graduating twelfth grade and going onto college. For my graduation, he gave me a card in which he wrote, "Enjoy your four years..., they go by fast." I remember not believe him then, but looking back..., he was right. Those four years shaped who I was as a person, pushed me to my limit and encouraged me to become an adult. However, I was so completely absorbed in my junior and senior years of high school, that when someone spoke of college I brushed it off. I wasn't ready to leave my comfort zone of having all of my closest friends together and knowing what every single day was going to be like . Studying was something I did only AFTER I nailed my half-time dance performance. I knew my parents wanted me to go to college, so I told them I would go to commuity college and I didn't worry about my SAT scores. When my senior year passed and everyone graduated and went off to their own college ,I started to wish I had done the same. My friends were living away, meeting new people, discovering new places, and I was living at home and driving to and from class every day. It seemed exactly like high school. I hated it! I thought college was supposed to be different! Why didn't I take more time to research colleges and do the same? I ended up loving college and wishing I had four years to enjoy the campus atmosphere instead of two. My advice to anyone thinking about attending college is to think about it very seriously and look into all of your choices well ahead of time. Now I have graduate and I am working full time and I would do anything to go back to my high school days for a second chance! What did the author's brother mean by "Enjoy your four years..., they go by fast."?
[ "He wished the author to have more dance.", "He advised the author to value the years.", "He encouraged the author to leave his comfort zone.", "He suggested the author aim at a community college." ]
Many people believe that all ice cubes are created equal, but they are not. At least that's what the folks at California's Glace Luxury Ice Company would like us to believe. The Davisbased company says that the ice cubes they make are healthier and last longer than the ones that we throw into our drinks on a daily basis. What's more, the company also says that their ice cubes do mot leave behind an aftertaste in drinks, like regular ones do. In order to create these unique ice cubes, Glace Luxury begins with water that has been rid of the _ impurities that the company says can lead to cancer and exist in regular ice. They then freeze it in large blocks. Once ready, the ice is carved into perfect cubes and each cube measures 2.5 inches across. Besides being healthier, these ice cubes apparently also take longer to melt. The company says that each ice cube can last up to 30 minutes. Of course, those ice cubes do not come cheap. Those that wish to have a taste of this "tasteless" frozen perfection will have to pay $325USD for a bag of 50 ice cubes. That comes to $6.50USD for a single cube of ice! The unique product is the brainchild of Robert Sequeira, a former business school lecturer who said that he wanted to establish a profitable business that could be easily scaled. Given that he can make as mush Glace Luxury ice as he needs for as little as $0.12USD per cube, he thinks that the idea certainly meets the standard. Now, if he can find that the few people can afford to buy this Glace Luxury ice, life would be great! People at California's Glace Luxury Ice Company probably want consumers to believe that _ .
[ "ice cubes are healthy for people to use", "their ice cubes add tastes to drinks", "all ice cubes are created the same", "their ice cubes are different" ]
A) LiYugang dresses like a woman and sings like a bird. He won the third prize in CCTV's Star Road in 2006. He sings folk songs. However, he seems to have the spirit of Mei Lanfang. In fact, the young man had learnt something from Mei Lanfang's students. People in China usually don't like cross-dressing . But people are really surprised at Li's beauty and _ when he sings and dances. B) Do you know who invented QQ? It was Ma Huateng. He was born in Guangdong in 1971. He chose computer science when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989. He worked as a computer programmer for a company in Shenzhen for five years after he graduated in 1993. Later he left the company and started his own company in 1998. C) Yue Fei was a famous hero of Southern Song Dynasty. He was born in a poor family in Henan Province. He was very brave and won many battles with his soldiers. But Qin Hui killed Yue Fei for Mo Xuyou. Later a temple about Yue Fei was built in memory of him at the foot of Qixia Ling by the West Lake, in Hangzhou. Ma Huateng set up his own company when he was _ .
[ "18", "22", "27", "42" ]
I am sitting on a beach on this hot summer day and watching two children,a boy and a girl,playing in the sand.They are working hard at building a sandcastle .Just when they are successful, a big wave comes along and puts it down. I think the children may cry because all their hard work turns to nothing, but they surprise me. They run up away from the water, hand in hand, and sit down to build another one. They really teach me a lesson. We can't always be successful.Being sad is doing no good.What we need to do is to start again, hand in hand with our friends. Who is playing in the sand?
[ "Two children.", "Four children.", "Two children and the writer.", "It's not mentioned ." ]
Some people believe that international sport brings about good will between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sport encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the terrible incident with the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by those incidents caused mainly by minor national contests. One country received its second - place medal with great anger after the hockey final. There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were certain that one of their goals should not have been dismissed and that the opposite side's victory was unfair. Their manager was angry when he said: "This wasn't hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Society are finished. "The president of the society said later that such words could result in the pause of the team for at least three years. The American basketball team announced that they would not give away first place to prefix = st1 /Russia, after a fighting end to their contest. The game had ended in quarrel. It was thought at first that theUnited Stateshad won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play, A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player beat it into the basket. It was the first time theUSAhad ever lost an Olympic basketball match. The judges discussed the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then decided not to receive the silver medals. Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played for honors or money rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that sportsmen should compete as individuals , or in non national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages dangerous nationalism. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage? _ .
[ "The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved", "Athletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games", "Sport should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game", "International contests lead to misunderstanding between nations." ]
Chloe Lang is a fifteen-year-old American girl. She loves cooking a lot. When she was a little girl, she helped her grandma make meals at home. A year ago, Chloe wrote a letter to Rachel Ray, a famous host of a TV cookery show. She asked for a ticket to be one of the audience, but she got nothing. One day in June, Chloe got a phone call from Rachel Ray luckily. One of his programmes is called Cafe One Night and it needed five teen cooks to help in a restaurant for a night. In mid-July Chloe went to meet Rachel Ray and the other teen cooks. "During our stay with Rachel Ray, we were happy and excited. We were working so hard when they made the records." Chloe says. "We made some wonderful food that night." Guess who came to eat! When Chloe and her friends saw their guests, they all held their breath, and then they screamed and clapped! In addition to some famous singer stars, the former US President Bill Clinton was also there! ,. Why did Chloe write a letter to Rachel Ray?
[ "Because she wanted to be one of the five teen cooks in a programme.", "Because she wanted to watch the TV cookery show on TV.", "Because she wanted to go to the TV station to watch the TV cookery show.", "Because she wanted to host a program about cookery." ]
It was just a windy January day here in the North East of Scotland. When I left home for the office where I worked in the next town, the weather forecasters said, "Windy and cold, but no rain." However, by the time I was about to leave work in the early evening, it was pouring! My office was close to the bus stop so that there was no problem; I just shot out the door and onto the bus. Unfortunately, once I got home to Montrose, I had about a mile to walk from the bus stop to my home. As I stepped off the bus that night to walk home, I struggled to get my tiny umbrella to go up in the strong wind. It was obviously designed for a very light shower. Then, suddenly and to my amazement, I heard my mum's voice. "Quickly! Come under here, before you get soaked! " I nipped under my bigger umbrella and stared at mum in surprise. "What on earth are you doing here in this weather?" I asked her. My mum was eighty-three that year, and although fit and healthy, she did not usually like going out in strong wind and heavy rain. "You said to come round for tea tonight, but I came early before the rain got too heavy. Eric told me that your car was in for a service and I saw your big umbrella lying on the chair. Eric was on the phone, so I just picked it up and came out so that I could meet you and you would not get soaked!'' My mum passed away the following year. This simple act remains in my mind, and reminds me how completely my mum loved me. She would not have gone out in the wind and rain for herself, but, at eighty-three, she never gave a second thought about the bad weather so I would not get wet. We can learn from the text that _
[ "the author's office was not far from her home.", "the author's mum enjoyed good health at 83.", "the author was completely wet that night.", "the author opened the umbrella easily then." ]
"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever things weren't going my way. "Don't worry, one day your luck will change." Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host a sports program. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time. In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadn't got enough experience. " Get some work with a small station and work your way up," she said. I went back home. I couldn't get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didn't get the job. I felt really down. " Your luck will change," Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone. As I left his office, I asked, "How can someone be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?" I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. " What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?" He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded. On my way home, Mom's words came back to me, "One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, it'll feel doubly good because of all the hard work you've had." At that moment I knew what just what she meant. Why didn't the writer get the job in Chicago?
[ "because he was too young", "Because he didn't get college education", "Because he's got a good-looking person", "Because he hadn't got enough experience" ]
Which object has a gravitational force so strong that it forms the center of the solar system?
[ "Earth", "Pluto", "the Moon", "the Sun" ]
The United States has many different kinds of climate .On the west coast ,the temperature changes very little between summer and winter,but the north central states have a very different kind of climate.In these states,people wear light clothes during the summer,and they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter. In the southwest,the climate is quite warm during the winter,but hot in summer. In the eastern part of the United States,summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.Summers are usually hot,and winters are usually cold.Spring temperatures are comfortably warm,and autumn temperatures are quite cool. Years ago,people in the cold areas of the United States did not often get vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter.Today trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United States.In this way,Americans"send their climate"to people in other states. The best title of the passage should be _ .
[ "The Climate of the United States", "Vegetables and Fruits", "The Climate and Fruits", "The United States" ]
The force of gravity on an object depends primarily on the object's
[ "density.", "mass.", "momentum.", "volume." ]
One day Tom borrowed a pot from his neighbour, Ali. The next day he brought it back with another little pot inside. "That's not mine," said Ali. "Yes, it is." said Tom, "While your pot was staying with me, it had a baby." Some time later, Tom asked Ali to lend him a pot again. Ali said yes, hoping that he would once again get two pots in return. However, days passed and Tom still did not give the pot back. Finally Ali was angry and went to ask for it. "I am sorry," said Tom, "I can't give it back to you because it died." "Died!" cried Ali, "How can a pot die?" "Well," said Tom, "you believed me when I told you that your pot had a baby." Who was the owner of the pot?
[ "Tom.", "Tom and Ali.", "The baby.", "Ali." ]
What can help you make a fortune in the future? Graduating from a top university might not be enough. A new study from the University of Essex in Britain has shown that the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn later. The idea that popularity could have a serious impact on one's earning potential shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. The researchers noted that if you want to get ahead in life, social skills and networking are easily as powerful as talent and hard work. "If a person has lots of friends, it means that he or she has the ability to get along with others in all kinds of different situations," said Xu Yanchun, 17, from Nantou High School in Shenzhen, who totally agreed with the recent finding. "Also, friends always help each other. They not only create wider social circles for you but lift your mood when you occasionally feel depressed," said Xu. She believed that all this helps you "earn a higher salary". Maybe that's why some people think the younger generations are in the age of Friendalholism . A woman even complained that the networking website Facebook's 5,000-friend limit was too low for her large reserve of social contacts. But what does a friend mean? Should friends be regarded as a form of currency? "Call me uncool, but I think of a friend as an actual person with whom I have an actual history and whom I enjoy actually seeing. It seems, however, that this is no longer the definition of 'friend'," said Meghan Daum, who works with the Los Angeles Times in the US. According to Xu Yanchun, when you have lots of friends, it means _ .
[ "you have the ability to earn more money", "you will not feel lonely", "you are quite content with your life", "you have the ability to get along with others in various situations" ]
"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him,and let him know that you trust him." These words are from the black American educator,Booker Washington. He was saying that,"If you want people to grow up,you have to stop treating them like children." In America,families are close but children are encouraged to be independent,to make their own decisions,even at a very early age. It's not unusual for a child of seven to be given an allowance every week. The child is encouraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choose,for example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs. Some teenagers even have their own credit cards! That's a big responsibility since even adults are tempted to overspend when they have credit cards. From an early age,American children are asked for their opinions and they are included in family decision making. At the dinner table,teenagers will be listened to on any topic,from politics to buying a new family car or where the family will go on vacation. In this way, teenagers are getting practice in becoming individuals:they are learning how to stand on their own two feet. Many Chinese young people are becoming almost as interested as American teens in searching for independence. They want to express those qualities that make them unique human beings. You can see this in the way they dress, the music they listen to and the friends they choose. "Super Girl" Li Yuchun caught the imagination of Chinese teenagers on the "Super Girl" television contest. She was not the traditional "nice,young Chinese girl". With her short,spiky hair and boy-like clothes, she was telling everyone that she was different. She had the courage to be her own person and to stand on her own two feet...and she won! There is an old saying,"Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his strength." If you do this, step by step, over a period of time, you may find that you have become the person you always wanted to be. A child of seven is given an allowance so that he can _ .
[ "be accepted as a popular guy", "learn to decide how to use money", "overspend money without care", "have school supplies of his own" ]
Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. Britons stranded at sea or in flooded homes could find a real-life prince riding to their rescue. Prince William announced on Monday that he is to train to be a full-time pilot with the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue Force (SARF). William, who is currently a Lieutenant in the Army's Household Cavalry Regiment , will transfer to the RAF and begin an 18-month training course in January 2009. If successful, he will become a fully operational Search and Rescue pilot in 2010, flying Sea King helicopters at one of the six SARF units based in Britain. "The time I spent with the RAF earlier this year made me realize how much I love flying," the prince, who spent two weeks with a SARF team while on work experience in 2005, said in a statement. "Joining Search and Rescue is a perfect opportunity for me to serve in the Forces operationally, while contributing to a vital part of the country's Emergency Services." It means he will follow a similar career to that of his uncle, Prince Andrew, who was a Sea King helicopter pilot during the 1982 Falklands war. The Search and Rescue teams' main duty is to recover RAF personnel but in peacetime they mainly respond to civilian emergencies, dealing with more than 1,000 calls a year. The units deal with incidents ranging from helping those trapped by sudden major floods to rescuing people lost while out walking on hills. William, who has spent the last year on secondment to the various branches of the military to prepare for his future role as head of the armed forces, received his RAF wings following a four-month stint with the service earlier this year. However, his time with the RAF was clouded when the Defense Ministry was forced to fend off criticism for allowing the prince to fly military helicopters to a bachelor party for his cousin and to the family home of his girlfriend Kate Middleton. The author's opinion on William's joining RAF is _ .
[ "enthusiastic", "doubtful", "negative", "pessimistic" ]
Most Americans start to school at the age of five when they enter kindergarten . Children do not really study at this time. They only attend for half the day and learn what school is like. Children attend elementary school for the next six years. They learn to read and write and work with numbers. They also study the world and its people. After they leave elementary school, children go to junior high school for three years and senior high school for another three years. This is called secondary education. In some places, the children go to elementary school for eight years and high school for four. In all, elementary and secondary education together take twelve years to complete excluding kindergarten. ,. (2,10) Children should study how to _ .
[ "act", "become an astronaut", "read and write", "read, write and work with numbers" ]
Just the mention of the TOEFL, GRE and GAMT exams brings a thought of long hours of dull paper work. But that idea is becoming increasingly out of date. As planned, computerized tests will begin next year which will bring a series of changes from test psychology to scoring techniques. From computer - equipped rooms, examinees will answer the questions on a computer. If they are sure about their choices, they can pass to the next question by pressing the entry "next". Then another question will be randomly selected from a vast test item bank and appear on the screen. After answering all the questions, examinees can choose the entry "quit" if they are not satisfied with their performance, or "score" if they want to see the result. Scores will be calculated immediately and appear on the screen. By that point, student's marks are official--there is no going back. Since they greatly shorten the painful waiting process-which used to be two or three months, computerized tests have won worldwide popularity. Besides, there will be no rushing to the registration offices( )for these exams. Computerized tests will be given every workday in an exam center with all three kinds of tests being held in the same room. All test takers need to do is to call the exam center and book their seats for a particular day. In addition it will become technically possible to apply new testing procedures. In the past,each examinee had the same set of test items despite differences in their ability. Under a computerized system, however, if the computer judges an answer is right, a question of a relatively difficult nature will follow. But if an examinee continues to give wrong answers and is judged as un-qualified by the computer system, he will be automatically _ the chance to go further in the test. The word "denied" in the last sentence most probably means _
[ "refused", "allowed", "lost", "passed" ]
When I entered college in the early 1980s, I had my heart set on being a first-grade teacher. I did all of my observations in others' first-grade classroom. I interviewed for my first job in a first-grade classroom. At last the district offered me a job---as a fifth-grade teacher in an inner-city building, considered at the time to be one of our district's most difficult tasks. It wasn't the first-grade classroom after I had hoped for, but it was my classroom after I had made such great efforts! I managed to deal with everything in first year successfully, while working to form relationships with my students was no easy thing, especially with Alexader. He had learning disabilities in both math and reading. The other children were sometimes unfriendly to him. He was a difficult child to get to open up, but I was determined to make efforts. You can imagine my delight when finally, in late spring, Alexander raised his hand during the math class discussion for the first time ever. Thrilled, I immediately called him. Well, you can imagine my surprise when he suddenly told a story about his grandma, who had a hole in her head. You see, we were studying fraction that day, and I had just explained that a fraction is "a part of a whole". Alexander obviously didn't realize the difference between "whole" and "hole". "Homophones ''I told myself,"had better be tomorrow's English lesson." Acknowledging Alexander that day was exactly what he needed from me. We had suddenly developed a special relationship. Alexander felt such a connection to me after that, that he even went one step further. I arrived at the school the following morning and was surprised to find Alexander and his grandma waiting for me. Grandma began by saying,"Alexander said he told you that I had a hole in my head."I smiled nervously and said ,"Don't worry. You know kids! They have great imaginations"Grandma replied,"You didn't believe him, did you?""No, of course not,"I said .Well, just at that time, Grandma proudly showed the hole in her head. I will never forget that day, and the lesson that I learned from being Alexander's teacher. If a child ever again tells me about a family member with a hole in his or her head, I will believe him or her! What can we learn from the passage?
[ "the writer is an English teacher", "Alexander's classmates always made fun of him", "the writer was excited to see Alexander wanted to join the discussion", "Alexander's grandma was worried about his study" ]
Visiting Balboa Island, in sunny southern California, proved an exciting experience that I will never forget. I had never been to Balboa Island, even though it is only about an hour from my home in northern San Diego. Our first stop was for a specialty called a "Balboa Bar". It is a famous chocolate covered ice cream on a stick, created many years ago. As we drove along the streets toward the boat, I also saw some interesting buildings that stood for many years. Many of the building designs seemed like dollhouses and someone in our group said that the style was called, Victorian. After we parked our car on one of the streets, we got on the boat sailing to Balboa Peninsula. As I looked around the boat, I saw a bird flying very close to the water and our boat. A little girl near the boat' s edge jumped out to touch it and shockingly fell into the water! Her dad, who stood nearby, jumped in after her at once and everyone on the boat ran to help. The boat's engine stopped and both father and daughter got saved with the help of people on the boat. On Balboa Peninsula my family and I went to various shops, especially for food! We saw a restaurant at the very end. We enjoyed our lunch there, at the first Ruby's Diner ever opened in southern California. Although I have been to other restaurants of this popular chain , being at the very first is a great memory. On our way back to Balboa island we stopped at the huge Ferris Wheel, bought some sugars and played games. It was an exciting afternoon walking around on Balboa Island. I look forward to returning soon to spend some time on the beach again or maybe even to try fishing! What did the author do on Balboa Island?
[ "He went fishing by the river.", "He walked along the beach.", "He rode the Ferris wheel.", "He bought some dolls." ]
Davos----the highest Alpine resort in Europe offers all the amenities of a small town, while nestling in landscape of unspoilt natural beauty and marvelous mountain splendor . Davos is ideal for an active holiday in a magnificent mountain setting. Whether in summer or winter, you can almost enjoy every type of sport. Skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and ice-sports in winter. Hiking, running, mountain biking, golfing and water sports in summer. Tennis, squash, horse-riding, hand-gliding and paragliding are year-round attractions, Spengler Cup Ice Hockey Tournament and the UBS Snowboard World Championships are just a few of the highlights from an impressive palette of sporting attractions. During the last 35 years, Davos has firmly established itself as a successful and competitive international congress venue , despite its slightly distant location. World Economic Forum for example, is held here annually. The town's strong point lies in its contrast to the conventional congress resort, offering an inviting combination of education and relaxation far from the hustle and bustle of city life. Davos boasts a long skiing tradition. At the turn of the 19thcentury it was mainly the British, who together with a few local people influenced the beginning of Alpine ski sport. The world's first ski lift was opened at Bolgen in 1934. Parts of this lift are now exhibited in the Davos Winter Sports Museum. But Davos was not just one of the pioneers of Alpine skiing. It was also one of the first resorts to recognize and support snowboarding as a sign of the times rather than just an insignificant passing trend. By the beginning of the 1990's,Davos had already gained a reputation as a snowboarding Mecca ,a reputation which has grown with every passing year. Wonderful winter days can be spent without skis. At the coldest time of year, 84 km of well-prepped winter walking paths offer an irresistible invitation to discover the fresh Davos countryside. Thy snowshoe hiking, definitely different way to cheer up on sunshine and energy. And if you dream of soaring the Alpine skies with a paraglider or a color1ful hang-glider,wintertime Davos can make your dreams come true! Davos,the largest mountain resort of Europe,offers unforgettable natural experiences and a broad range of delights. And anyone favoring the tranquil idyll over the anxious life in the thriving center, will find peace and quiet at heart of nature in the wide Davos outdoors. It can be inferred from the passage that_.
[ "it was mainly the French people started the beginning of Alpine ski sport", "if you are lucky ,you can watch Spengler Cup Ice Hockey Tournament in Davos", "Davos has thousands of years' skiing tradition", "World Economic Forum is held every two years in Dovos" ]
Germs are everywhere. You can't see them, but they are on your desk, on your computer, and even in the air! Like people, germs move around the world. They fly with us on planes. When food, clothes, and other things travel around the world, germs travel, too. Some germs are safe, but some are dangerous. Germs cause illnesses like colds and the flu. Warmer Weather Brings Germs The world's weather is changing. Cooler countries are getting warmer, so insects from hot countries can move _ . Some of these insects, like mosquitoes, carry dangerous germs. These germs cause headaches, fever, and can even kill people. Under Your Skin Your skin protects you from germs. It stops some germs, but not all. They can enter your body when you eat, or when you have a cut. Germs are on your hands, too. They enter your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Fighting Germs Your immune system protects you, too. When germs get inside your body, your immune system finds and kills them. Special cells move around your body and fight germs. They help you stay healthy. Other cells make antibodies. Antibodies help your body find and stop germs. What can you do to fight germs? You should wash your hands with soap and water. Soap kills many germs, and water washes them away. According to the text, insects _ .
[ "kill germs", "carry germs", "protect germs", "love germs" ]
Jenny measures the outside temperature as 16 degrees Celsius (°C), 61 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). She observes precipitation falling from the clouds in a solid form. What type of precipitation is Jenny most likely observing?
[ "hail", "rain", "sleet", "snow" ]
Surface Exploration. Robots make great explorers on planets,moons,and other landing areas. Aside from earth,just about every surface in the solar system is unsafe for humans to explore. The air on most other planets is insufficient for humans to breathe,making it necessary to wear a space suit and oxygen equipment. The temperatures on these surfaces are much too hot or much too cold for any humans to withstand .Plus there would be complications with radiation,weather,and a lack of gravity. Robots have much less limitation in these areas and can survive much longer under these conditions. Data Collection. Robots are designed for collecting scientific data. Robots are also able to perform many tasks at a time and can process information much quicker and more efficiently. Important scientific projects from detecting minerals,analyzing ground samples,and finding water are all performed much quicker and more accurately by robots. Cost Effective. The use of robots has made the cost of space exploration much less expensive than it would cost for humans to do the work. In order to successfully send humans into space we would need to build a vehicle that can not only carry humans,but also enough food and water to keep them alive for the duration of the trip. Moreover,robots have no problems working for hours on end. Robots never complain,they don't require food or water,and they never need a bathroom break. Space Travel. Over the past 30 years or so there have been many different types of robots used successfully in the exploration of space. Perhaps the most famous and successful robots are the Spirit and Opportunity who have both been exploring the surface of Mars. They have both been very successful with experiments on soil and rocks and have even found evidence of water in Mars' history. While sending an astronaut into the space,we should consider the following EXCEPT _ .
[ "the radiation", "the oxygen", "the diet", "the alien" ]
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a _ dye broke, there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever. Sudan 1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003. Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been trying to remove some food products from the shelves.So far 580 products have been recalled. Last week Sudan's Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye's name. Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan's Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye. "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said."Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country.But they told us there was no relationship." The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week. "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said."People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name.Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out." Sudan dyes, which include Sudan 1 to 4, are red dyesused for colouring oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes.They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Which of the following is the best title?
[ "Keep away from Sudan1", "No Sudan 1 dye links to the country", "How Sudan1 dye got its name?", "Pay attention to the food safety" ]
My grandmother pointed at a picture of a six-year-old me and asked, "Sweetie, do you see that?" Studying my younger self, I smiled and nodded. "That's my granddaughter," Grandma said. "She lives in Connecticut. She must be.'.Well, I've forgotten how old she'd be now!" My smile froze and my hands began to shake. My grandmother had Alzheimer's disease. It seemed impossible for her to be unable to look after herself. Gradually, not remembering where she placed her glasses became not remembering where her house was, which became not always remembering my name. My birthday gifts from grandma used to be highly expected; she always knew exactly what to get and her cards would make me smile. Now, my gift from her is really from my father, who buys a present in her name since she doesn't remember when my birthday is.^birthday card without her writing just reminds me that my grandmother isn't the same anymore. I feel sad about it and I find a great comfort through writing. Writing my memories on paper helps me to deal with what is happening and to see Grandma as the~she truly is. Strangely enough, recording my sadness reduced~of the pain. I know it's her strength that pulls me through the hard times. So now, when I sit on the chair next to Grandma and know she can't remember my name, I swallow the bitter medicine of disappointment and smile. What does the writer want to tell us?
[ "How my grandmother celebrated my birthday.", "My memories about my grandmother is very clear.", "I could relieve my pain through recording my sadness.", "I hope to write something to save the~who got the Alzheimer's disease." ]
The Sewol ferry was carrying 476 people, most of whom were students from a high school near Seoul, when it sank off South Korea's southern coast on April 16. Only 174 survived, including 22 of the 29 crew members. The sinking left more than 260 people dead with about 40 others still missing. On Tuesday, one ordinary diver died at a hospital, government spokesman Ko Myung-seok said. He is the first death among divers organized following the ferry's sinking, according to the coast guard. The 53-year-old diver was pulled to the surface by his teammates after losing communication about five minutes after he began underwater searches, Ko said. It was his first search attempt, Ko added. Despite his death, divers are continuing their searches for the remaining missing people. Ko said that divers had searched all those 64 areas at least once and plan to visit them again to look for more victims. Darkness, floating rubbish, bodies, and cabins on board have made the search difficult, and divers entered the last three unopened areas on Monday night, Ko said. Investigators have made their first arrests of people who were not on board the Sewol when it sank. The three people arrested on Friday and Sunday are accused of failure to handle of cargo on the ferry well. In all, 19 people have been arrested in the investigation , 15 of whom were crew members accused of abandoning passengers. A leader was arrested on suspicion of malpractice related to company finances. Improper stowage and overloading of cargo is suspected as a possible reason why the ferry sank. The ferry was carrying about 3,608 tons of cargo, more than three times what it could safely carry. A ferry loaded too heavily could lose its balance making even a small turn. The sinking has caused a national sadness. On Sunday 1.1 million people paid respects at 131 memorial sites around the nation, according to a governmental funeral support committee set up for the ferry victims. Monday was a holiday for Children's Day, but various events were canceled or put off because of the ferry's sinking. Tuesday was also a national holiday in South Korea for Buddha's Birthday, and more people are expected to visit those mourning stations. According to the investigation, the main causes of the ferry's sinking are _ .
[ "malpractice and wrong operations.", "wrong direction and sharp turning around", "too many students and crew members", "improper stowage and overloading of cargo" ]
At five he was collecting old newspapers to make money. And when he was 15 he signed his schoolmates up to start a baby-sitting circle. Now 20, third-year Cambridge University student, Peter Blackburn is managing director of a company with a PS 30,000 plan. And he thinks it will make more than $15,000 by next summer. He set up Peter Blackburn Ltd last year to bring out a new, color term-planner that now students all over the UK are using. "I felt that most of the planners going around were pretty unimaginative," he says, "I believed that I could do a better job and decided to have a go". Blackburn admits that he is putting far more effort into business than his computer studies course at university. While fellow students are out with their friends, he keeps in touch with his business office in Lancashire by movable phone. Before he set up the company he spent one holiday preparing a plan that would persuade his bank to lend him money. "Most students work hard for a good degree because they believe that will help them get a job to support themselves," he says "I work hard at my company, because that is what will support me next year, after I leave college." Friends believe that Blackburn will make PS 1 million within 5 years. He is not quite so sure, however. "There's a lot to be done yet," he says. Which of the following best explain why Blackburn works hard at his company?
[ "He wants to do more business practice before he leaves college.", "He wants to make more money before he leaves college.", "He wants to get a good job like most students after he leaves the college.", "he depends on the company for his living in the future." ]
Bill,a 13-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, "You won't be a real man until you begin to think about helping others." One moming, his parents gave him some money to buy some milk. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old~man who looked very sick. Bill went to him and asked. "what's wrong with you?" The old man answered, "I'm hungry,I haven't had any food for two days". "Let's go to the restaurant." When they got there, Bill asked the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finished the meal quickly. Afier the waiter took away the plate and the cup, the old man said, "Sorry for giving you too much trouble. I'm fine now. I'Il never forget your kindness! You're a very good young man." Bill was happy when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came.To their surprise, Bill and the old man leamed that their food was free because it was the birthday of the boss, and they were the first customers that day. What did the old man think of Bill?
[ "Kind and tall.", "Kind and good", "Happy and handsome", "Happy and cool." ]
US actress Natalie Portman,33, has always been praised for her smarts. At 18, she went to Harvard University following the release of her film Star Wars: Episode I in 1999. Four years later, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology. Then she took graduate courses at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She speaks six languages and has twice been published in scientific journals. You may think she has achieved all of these things easily thanks to her fame as actress, but only Portman herself knows what she has been through. In late May, the Oscar winner revealed that her time at Harvard had some "dark moments" when she gave a speech to graduating Harvard students. "I felt like ... that I wasn't smart enough to be in this company, and that every time I opened my mouth I would have to prove that I wasn't just a dumb actress," she said. It was that fear that helped her carve out her own path, Portman admitted "My belief that I could handle these things (her own limitations) ... was half the battle. The other half was very hard work," she said. "Sometimes, your insecurities and your inexperience may lead you to take on other people's expectations, standards, or values," she added. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
[ "She can speak six foreign languages.", "After she entered Harvard University, she starred in Star Wars.", "She has twice been published in art journals.", "She won an Oscar Award." ]
It's a too long story -- 17 months to be exact -- with an ending that's short and sweet. Ruthie has, finally and happily, been reunited with her family. The story goes back to October, 2005. Ruthie, 8 months old, was sitting on the back seat of the family car when her owner walked hurriedly into a Long Island store. When Nancy Noel returned a few minutes later, Ruthie was nowhere in sight. Nancy Noel and her husband, Lincoln Werden, got in touch with Nassau County police, put up flyers around their Manhasset neighborhood. But no sightings of Ruthie were reported. Until last week, that is, someone sent Ruthie to a Manhattan shelter after finding her walking slowly around the Bronx -- 25 miles from where she was taken on that fateful October day. And then, shelter workers searched Ruthie for a possible microchip -- she had one fixed under her skin. It showed her family's name and address. Ruthie was immediately reunited with Nancy Noel and her daughter, Sara Werden. "We never thought we would see her again," said Sara Werden. "We were just amazed." She's no longer the tiny pup they last saw. In fact, Ruthie gained 10 pounds during her months away from home. She's on a diet now, and has already lost one and a half pounds. Ruthie also has a new friend to play with. The family had got another dog, named Holly, after losing the hope of ever finding their beloved Ruthie. Which of the following can be inferred according to the passage?
[ "Ruthie was stolen by a thief.", "Ruthie had enough food during the days when she was lost.", "Nancy Noel never lost the hope of finding Ruthie.", "Ruthie had to put on weight after she was found again." ]
Carbon monoxide poisoning kills and injures many people and animals around the world. The gas has been a problem since people first began burning fuels to cook food or to create heat. It is a problem in all parts of the world that experience cold weather. Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it is in the air. The gas has no color1. It has no taste. It has no smell. It does not cause burning eyes. And it does not cause people to cough. But it is very deadly. It robs the body of its ability to use oxygen. Carbon monoxide decreases the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues. It does this by linking with the blood. When the gas links with the blood, the blood is no longer able to carry oxygen to the tissues that need it. Damage to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts of carbon monoxide. How quickly this happens depends on the length of time a person is breathing the gas and the amount of the gas he or she breathes in. Carbon monoxide poisoning has warning signs. But people have to be awake to recognize them. Small amounts of the gas will cause a person's head to hurt. He or she may begin to feel tired. The person may feel sick. The room may appear to be turning around. The person may have trouble thinking clearly. People develop severe head pain as the amount of gas continues to enter their blood. They will begin to feel very tired and sleepy. They may have terrible stomach pains. Medical experts say carbon monoxide affects people differently. For example, a small child will experience health problems or die much quicker than an adult will. The general health of the person or his or her age can also be important. An older adult with health problems may suffer the effects of carbon monoxide more quickly than a younger person with no health problems. People with heart disease may suffer chest pains. They may begin to have trouble breathing. Which of the following about carbon monoxide poisoning is true?
[ "Adults are affected more seriously than children.", "Young people are more severely affected than old people.", "People in poor health may have more severe consequences.", "People with heart problem only suffer from chest pains." ]
Many of us have had this annoying experience:You are waiting at a bus station when someone near by begins to smoke a cigarette.You frown and move,but it seems that there isn't much you can do about it. The situation is changing now,as in Beijing,a new ban is set to fight against smoking.Seen as the toughest anti-smoking regulation in China's history,the law makes smoking in Beijing locations such as offices,restaurants,hotels and hospitals punishable by fines. Businesses that fail to rein in smoking can be fined up to 10,000 yuan and repeat offenders could have their licenses revoked . Individual smokers themselves can be fined up to 200 yuan.As well as indoor smoking,the law prohibits lighting up in some openair spaces close to schools,hospitals,and sports stadiums.Tobacco advertisements are not allowed to appear outdoors. Health commission inspectors will be in charge,carrying out spotchecks and acting on tip-offs from the publicposters in the capital advertise a hotline number,and the city government has launched a social media account allowing observers to upload images of smokers caught in the act. "Since previous anti-smoking laws have been poorly enforced ,we don't expect it will be en-tirely smooth running,"said Bernhard Schwartlaender,the WHO's representative in China."Key pointis...enforcement." "I don't think you can just rely on policy,"Yang Gonghuan,deputy head of the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control,said of the law."Parents and teachers who smoke have a strong influence on children.Smoking scenes in films and TV programs also make young people wrongly connect tobacco use with glamour and a cool image." Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
[ ".There used to be. some antismoking laws in the past.", ".Experts are positive about the new antismoking law.", ".Beijing is the first city in China to produce a ban on smoking.", ".The most effective way to ban.. smoking is to get smokers fined." ]
I am a mother of two children. Like many other parents, I worry that my children watch too much TV. Why? First, there are lots of bad programmes on TV. They may learn from them. Second, watching too much TV is bad for their eyes. Many students wear glasses because they watch TV for long hours. Third, watching too much TV makes children think little . I think it is very important for children to read some books. Reading books makes children think more. When I tell this to my children, they just don't listen to me. So I decide to sell the television set. Maybe it is a good idea. What is the best title of the passage?
[ "An interesting story.", "A mother's worry", "Bad programmes on TV", "Don't read books." ]
An animal usually requires a warm body temperature for survival, such as
[ "a bird in a tree", "a snake in a desert", "a fox in the snow", "a shark in the water" ]
What's On? _ 7.30pm-1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who's playing in your area? We're bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract ? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce you music. _ 8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He's the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks . _ 5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years' experience of teaching comedy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. _ 8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta . Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. What do we know about Simon's Workshop?
[ "It requires membership status.", "It lasts three hours each time.", "It is run by a comedy club.", "It is held every Wednesday." ]
Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression , research suggests. What's more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found. Data on diet among 3,500 middle-aged civil servants were compared with their emotional state five years later, a British journal reported. They split the participants into two types of diet--those who ate a diet largely based on whole food,which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish,and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat,refined grains and high fat dairy products After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic diseases, they found a significant difference in the future depression risk with the different diets. Those who ate the most wholefood had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who ate the least wholefood. By contrast, people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate a diet low in processed foods. Study author Dr. Archana Singh Manoux pointed out there was a chance that the finding could be explained by lifestyle factor they had not accounted for. He also pointed in a paper that a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression, but the problem with that is if you live in Britain, the likelihood of you eating a Mediterranean diet is not very high. Dr.Andrew McCulloeh, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said, this study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health. He added people's diets were becoming increasingly unhealthy. The UK population is consuming less nutritious, fresh produce and more saturated fats and sugars. The text is mainly about _ .
[ "the increasingly unhealthy diet of the UK population", "the link between processed food and depression", "the relationship between physical and mental health", "the emotional state of the British People" ]
I'm pretty sure everyone wants to visit Europe at least once in their lifetime. Here's a list of the most amazing places to visit in Europe. Riviera Wow, this is such a beautiful place in Italy. The Cinque Terre is a very beautiful national park, which connects five beautiful villages. Walking paths connect the villages, follow the coastline and offer hikes through hills. The villages remain unaffected by tourism. Tuscany Another Italian region, Tuscany is simply attractive. The buildings there are amazing, and the culture is special. From the historical center of Florence to the Cathedral of Pisa, it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Make sure you check out the nature reserves, and enjoy a few bottles of the very famous wine. Lauterbrunnen Since a school trip here, I've always wanted to revisit this city in Switzerland. The city always seems as if it's trapped in time. There are untouched fountains and springs everywhere, and a huge number of waterfalls and valleys. The area is very popular for skiing. The Greek Islands There are plenty of places to visit in Greece. But I love the Greek Islands best. White houses and beautiful churches, beaches and Aegean Sea make this a very popular place to visit. However, there is more to do here than just sunbathe. I cannot wait to go back and check out the caves and culture that make the Greek Islands one of the best places in Europe. Venice I am a big Italy lover, and Venice is another city that is not to be missed. It has its own share of history, art and attractive buildings. However, the attraction comes from the pedestrian -- only streets and rivers filled with boats. According to the passage, people who are interested in waterfalls and valleys would most probably go to _ .
[ "Riviera", "Tuscany", "Lauterbrunnen", "the Greek Islands" ]
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the story of the detective Sherlock Holmes, was having a trip in Europe. One day he got out of the railway station and climbed into a taxi. Before he could say a word, the driver turned to him and asked, "Where can I take you, Mr. Doyle?" Doyle was rather surprised. He asked the driver if he had ever seen him before. "No, sir," the driver replied, "I have never seen you before." Then he explained, "This morning's newspaper had a story about your being on vacation in Marseilles. This is the taxi stop where people who return from Marseilles always come. Your skin color tells me you have been on vacation. The ink spot on your right fingers suggests to me that you are a writer. Your clothes are very English, not French. Adding up all those pieces of information, I conclude that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." "This is truly surprising!" the writer cried out. "You are a real-life copy to my fictional story, Sherlock Holmes!" "And there is one other thing," the driver added, with a smile on his face. "What's that?" "Your name is on the front of your suitcase." The conversation between the two people took place _ .
[ "at a bus stop", "in a taxi", "in Marseilles", "in a railway station" ]
Hands-on experience is still attractive to many buyers, although online ordering is popular in the UK today. Oxford Street London is shoppers' paradise, and most visitors head for Oxford Street. Halfway along is Sel-fridges, one of the world's first department stores where the architecture and window dressing impress even before you go in. There are at least four other major stores on this street, plus Europe's largest music shop. In December the atmosphere is especially festive because of the Christmas lights which are always lighted by a politician, a great sportsman, or a super star. Kensington High Street A fashionable area for shopping is Kensington High Street. One of its department stores even has a roof garden--good for relaxing between purchases. There's also an organic food superstore. Borough Market You can't visit London and not go to a supermarket. One of the oldest and best for food is probably Borough Market on the south bank of the Thames. Get off the underground at London Bridge and wander among fresh fish stalls, bakeries, and fruit and vegetable sellers. You can also buy specialist food to take away, like cheeses, pork pies, mustard and chutney. More places for bargains Portobello Road on a Saturday is your best choice for jewelry or collector's items. It's a short walk from the subway station at Notting Hill Gate and you never know what you will find. For clothes, Camden Market is the place. It gets a little crowded at the weekends, though. Convent Garden offers great experience for the simple pleasure of looking at jewelry and gifts. To enjoy food, you can go to _ .
[ "Borough Market", "Camden Market", "Kensington High Street", "Portobello Road" ]
"Can I stay home from school today? I'm ill," he tells his mum. His mother touches his head. "OK, but you will have to look after yourself. I am going to work now," she says. After the front door closes, Jack springs out of bed. He takes off the three warm sweaters he is wearing and puts on a T-shirt and shorts. Then he runs for the kitchen . He is very hungry. After breakfast, Jack turns on the TV. He watches some cartoons and a VCD all the morning. At eleven he calls his friend Tom, who is "ill" too. Tom says he will come over after lunch. The two boys play computer games all the afternoon. Tom has to leave at 4 o'clock, as his mother usually gets home early. Next day, Jack says he feels much better and goes to school. Their Maths teacher Miss Clark says with a smile, "We are having the Maths test now, class. Too many students were at home yesterday." From the story we know _ .
[ "the two boys play computer games all day.", "Tom's mother will get home at 4 o'clock.", "Tom is in the same class with Jack.", "Tom is also ill and stays at his home." ]
Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will learn a musical instrument or ballet or other classes which will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So the parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter. However, what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap. Parents can see that their children's skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize though, is that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence. The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents aren't teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing housework. Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands patience and time. It's an enjoyable but difficult experiment. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence. Some old machines , such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest He will spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities aren't merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important. The writer of this passage doesn't seem to be satisfied with _ .
[ "the parents' idea of educating their children", "the education system", "children's skills", "children's hobbies" ]
Investors soon will be able to own shares of Facebook stock. The world's biggest social media network presented documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday. The documents are required before the company can make its initial public offering or IPO. A date for the stock sale has yet to be announced. Experts say Facebook could raise about five billion dollars. That would be one of the biggest IPO sales ever. And it would be much bigger than Google's first public stock sale in 2004. At that time, the Internet search company raised almost two billion dollars. Facebook has 800 million users around the world. It is the second most visited website after Google. Now, experts say the social media network is in a position to become one of the most valuable Internet companies. Stock expert Anupam Palit at Greencrest Capital says that among social media sites, Facebook is in a class by itself. "It is the biggest company in this space and we believe what makes it very unique from every other company that went public last year in this space is that it is very, very profitable." said Anupam Palit. Early estimates place the total value of the social network between 75 and 100 billion dollars. That includes earlier investments by other companies. David Kirkpatrick wrote the book The Facebook Effect. He says Facebook's IPO will be historic. The stock sale could also make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg one of the world's youngest billionaires. He is only 27. Investment companies are likely to buy Facebook stock first. But investment manager Jim O'Shaugnessy says that is not so bad. He says the prices of some IPO stocks are too high and fall not long after they first go on sale. Recently, share prices of some Internet businesses have fallen after their stocks were first offered. For example, stocks of Linkedln, Groupon and Zynga, dropped in price by as much as 25% after going public. There were similar questions eight years ago when Google first sold stock to the public. Today, Google is one of the world's most valuable technology companies. Which would be the best title for this passage?
[ "Facebook and Its IPO", "The Difference Between Facebook and Google", "The Founder of Facebook", "A Book Called The Facebook Effect" ]
Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow. First, eat different food, especially fruits and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different. If you eat diff You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day errant food, you will probably get more nutrients your body needs. Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you are really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium your body needs to grow strong bones. Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are ill? When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you feel fat. Fourth, limit screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day. Fifth, be active. One thing you'd like to do, as a kid, is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day. You shouldn't watch TV for _ a day.
[ "more than two hours", "less than two hours", "more than three hours", "four hours" ]
Old-Fashioned Play-For Pay Kids! Come to have a ball! Or 60,000 of them! There's a new type of business franchise that is appearing in shopping malls and neighborhood across America offering pay-per-use indoor playgrounds, which feature toys, games, guided fun and a workout that doesn't break the family bank. As public playgrounds grow increasingly worn and dirty, the for-profit centers offer clean, safe guided activity as well as a variety of challenging exercises to develop kids' physical fitness, usually for a fee of around $ 5 an hour. "Playgrounds are dirty, not guided," says Dick Guggenheimer, owner of the two-month-old Discovery Zone in Yonkers, N. Y., part of Kansas City-based chain, "We are indoors; we are padded; parents can feel their child is safe". In order to satisfy the need of two-earner families, the new franchise stays open in the evenings, long after traditional public playgrounds have grown dark and unusable. However, these new playgrounds are not meant to be day-care centers. Parents are expected to go stay and play with their kids rather than drop them off. But several also provide high-tech baby-sitting services. At some of the Discovery Zones, parents can register their children in special guided programs, then leave them and slip away for a couple of hours to enjoy a movie or dinner. If there is a problem, Mom and Dad are called. The most fun of all, though, is getting to do what parents used to do in the days before two-earner families and two-hour commutes , play with their kids. That, at least, is old-fashioned, even at per-hour rates. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE to the new playground?
[ "The cost is high for a family.", "It doesn't allow parents to leave their kids.", "It stays open in the evening just as traditional playgrounds.", "It's a place where parents can play together with their kids." ]
American people like to say "Thank you" whenever others help them. People of many other countries do so, too. It is a very good habit. You should say "Thank you" when someone passes you the salt on the table. When someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. "Thank you" is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. "Excuse me" is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say "Excuse me" behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It's not polite to interrupt others while they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say "Excuse me" first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others. Let's all learn to say "Thank you" and "Excuse me". You should learn to say "Thank you" when _ .
[ "you say something kind to others", "you help others", "you are helped by others", "you need others to help" ]
One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read: For washing the car .........................................................$5.00 For making my own bed this week ....................................... $1.00 Going to the provision shop ................................................$0.50 Playing with little sister......................................................$0.25 Taking out the rubbish....................................................... $1.00 Getting a good report card................................................ ..$5.00 And for sweeping the common corridor................................... $2.00 Total........................................................................... $14.75 His mother looked at him standing there expecting payment. I could see a thousand memories flashed through her mind. So she picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote : For nine months I carried you, growing inside me .................. No Charge For the nights I sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you......No Charge For the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose ................No Charge When you add it all up, the full cost of my love.......................No Charge Well, when he finished reading, he had big tears in his eyes. He looked at his mother and said, "Mummy, I love you." Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on the "bill" "All paid." How do you think of the mother in the passage?
[ "Clever", "Greedy", "Cold - hearted", "Selfish" ]
Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, U.S.A.,is in the central part of the state, on the Santa Fe River, which flows into the Rio Grande 35 kilometres west of the city. More than two thousand metres above sea level, it lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains with the Ortiz Mountains to the southeast. Santa Fe was founded in 1609 by the Spanish on an old Indian village.In 1680 the Indians seized the place but only held it for twelve years before the Spanish retook it. The city remained under Spanish rule until Mexico won its independence in 1821. From then on it was a Mexican city until 1846 when it was taken over by American troops. With a population of 48,953, Santa Fe is now the second largest city in the state. Because of its sunny weather, rich history and surrounding mountains, it is a good place for holiday makers. Besides hunting and skating in the mountains people enjoy shopping in the Indian and Spanish shops, which brings a large income to the city every year. In summer there is an international opera season when operas are shown in a partly-roofed ,open-air theatre daily for people from all over the world. Santa Fe was under the rule of the Mexicans in _ .
[ "1675", "1695", "1816", "1833" ]
If a noisy neighbor is blasting music at all hours of the day and night, drowning out your phone conversations and interrupting your sleep, you can call the police. But what is a whale to do? Natural noise from waves, wind, rain and even earthquakes is common in oceans. Unfortunately, man-made noise from oil and gas drilling, sonar, and ships is also present. Low frequency noise has doubled off the California coast every decade since the nineteen sixties. The main reasons are ships' propellers . They not only generate continuous low frequency sound, some propellers cavitate , which means they create air bubbles that collapse, creating loud popping sounds. Whales use low frequency calls to communicate across thousands of miles of ocean. They are threatened by noise pollution because it can prevent them from contacting each other and from locating their foods. Endangered humpback and right whales, which use fibrous baleen to strain food from the water, are the most at risk. Scientists studying right whales off Canada's east coast have discovered that whales are sending louder calls through the water to make themselves heard. Because they invest more energy in making calls, they have less energy available for finding food and mating. Other scientists measuring whale calls against background noise pollution have discovered that right whales have lost about eighty percent of their normal communication area. This could seriously affect survival of this already threatened species. Scientists don't have badges and guns, but they are trying to correct the noise pollution problem. By tracking ships and marine mammals and understanding how noise travels, they are creating sound maps. They hope to get shipping lanes moved so that the noise pollution ships create will not overlap with areas most important to the whales. The following statements are true EXCEPT _ .
[ "You can call the police if you are disturbed by a noise neighbor", "Low frequency noise has doubled off the Canadian coast every decade since 1960s.", "Noise pollution can prevent whales from contacting each other and from locating prey.", "Endangered humpback and right whales are the most at risk." ]
When he was a boy, Tim was much influenced by the books about the sea, but in fact by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor. His father was a dentist and as a result, Tim had the opportunity of meeting many doctors either at home or elsewhere. When he was fourteen he was already hanging around the clinic of a local doctor where he was supposed to help to wrap up medicine bottles, but was actually trying to listen to the conversations taking place between the doctor and his patients in the next room. During the war Tim served in the Navy as a surgeon . "That was the happiest time of my life. I was dealing with very real suffering and on the whole making a success of it." In California he taught the country people simple facts about medicine. He saw himself as a life-saver. He had proved his skills to himself and his ability to take decisions. Thus, while he was able to tell them what to do, he could feel he was saving them. After the war, he got married and chose to be a doctor in the countryside, working under an old doctor who was popular in the area, but who hated the sight of blood and believed that the secret of medicine was faith. This gave the young man many opportunities to go on working as a life-saver. Tim decided to be a doctor when he was _ .
[ "fourteen", "fifteen", "serving in the Navy", "working in clinic" ]
Phil is suing Dennis for injuries suffered in an automobile collision. At trial Phil's first witness, Wanda, testified that, although she did not see the accident, she heard her friend Frank say just before the crash, "Look at the crazy way old Dennis is driving!" Dennis offers evidence to impeach Frank by asking Wanda, "Isn't it true that Frank beat up Dennis just the day before the collision?" The question is
[ "proper, because it tends to show the possible bias of Frank against Dennis. ", "proper, because it tends to show Frank's character. ", "improper, because Frank has no opportunity to explain or deny. ", "improper, because impeachment cannot properly be by specific instances. " ]
"I honestly have no idea how that cat got up there.It's a hundred--foot--metal pole.There's no way he climbed that thing,"Jim said to the worried woman.It wasn't even her cat,but she was passing by and saw it.immediately calling the fire--station to come to save it.Jim saw a lot of strange things as a fireman,often sad or upsetting things,but this was new. "I suppose we could get the blanket and see if we can convince the poor cat to jump down* But he doesn't really look too scared..."Jim said to the woman. "Dave,get over here!" Jim called over his shoulder to the fire truck driver.Dave walked over and looked where Jim was pointing. "How'd he get up there?" Jim shrugged,similarly puzzled."Do you suppose we could get the blanket and convince him to jump?" Dave shrugged in response."I don't see why not." Jim looked up at the black mass on the top of the flagpole,the American nag waving proudly beneath _ .It was definitely a cat,and he regarded the people gathered below as if they were his subjects and he their king,his yellow eyes scanning his surroundings with apparent disinterest. When the blanket was spread out below the cat,Jim and Dave began striking the flagpole.The cat looked down,and then gazed into the sky as if it were looking for something.Jim and Dave followed his gaze.Suddenly,out of the clear sky,appeared a dark figure.The figure swooped low toward the flagpole.It was an eagle! As it got closer,the cat leaped down the pole swiftly onto the ground,and then got lost in the bushes. Jim,Dave,and the old woman were left with their mouths open.They all agreed it was the best way to get it down. Why did the woman call the fire station ?
[ "Because the pole was on fire.", "Because her cat was missing.", "Because she felt it was strange.", "Because she wanted to save the cat." ]
A man enters a store to buy milk. He walks out of the store with milk. That is all--milk. At the same time, a woman enters the same grocery store also to buy milk. She buys it. But, she also buys chicken and lemons to make dinner that night. She also gets a bottle of wine for drinks with friends and a birthday card for her husband's niece. And that is the difference between the female and male brains simply explained in a grocery store. Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. Women do many. Doing many things at one time is often called "multi-tasking," a very popular word these days. Now scientific research supports this theory about male and female brains. A recent study has confirmed what we have known all along--men and women think differently. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied brain images of 949 people aged from 8 to 22 years old. They found that male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere. In the female brain, they found more activity and connections between the right and left sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is known as the side of "reason". The right hemisphere is known as the "creative" side. Regina Verma is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She co-wrote the report. She says when women are asked to do something complicated they might use different parts of the brain. But men generally use just one. As a result, men generally deal directly with a problem. There is a strong connection between the "understanding" and the "action" parts of their brains. Women, however, might include other parts of the brain, like the part connected with "reason" and the part connected with sensitivity when solving a problem. Women take a less direct path to find a solution. Thanks for your listening. I'm your announcer Anna Matteo. When asked to do something complicated, men .
[ "only use the \"reason\" side of the brain", "only use the \"creative\" side of the brain", "use different parts of the brain", "use one part of the brain" ]
Writer: Ralph Ellison Novel : Invisible Man Invisible Man is Ellison's best known work, most likely because it was the only novel he ever published during his lifetime and because it won him the National Book Award in 1953. Ellison, originally from Oklahoma worked hard to match his earlier success but felt that he could not make any progress on his next novel that eventually came to include well over 2000 pages. It was not until Ellison's death that this novel was condensed ,edited and published under the title Juneteenth. Writer: Margaret Mitchell Novel: Gone with the wind Margaret Mitchell, born in Georgia, never wanted to seek out literary success and wrote this expansive work in secret, only sending to publishers after she was mocked by a colleague who didn't believe she was capable of writing a novel. She turned out to be more than capable, and the book won a Pulitzer Prize and was adapted into one of the best-known and loved films of all time. Mitchell would not get a chance to write another novel, as she was struck and killed by a car on her way to the cinema at only 49 years of age. Writer: Anna Sewell Novel: Black Beauty Sewell didn't start off her life intending to be a novelist, she didn't begin writing Black Beauty until she was 51 years old, motivated by the need to create a work that encouraged people to treat horses ( and humans) humanely and it took her six years to complete it. Upon publication it was an immediate bestseller, rocketing Sewell into success. Unfortunately, she would not live to enjoy but a little of it as she died of hepatitis five months after her book was released. What is the common feature of the three writers?
[ "All writers above wrote only one novel.", "Every novel was adapted into films.", "Each only has one famous work.", "They all died because of accidents." ]
Yves Gomes is now a university student in Maryland, but he may soon have to leave the country. "I still want to continue with my college education and I want to be able to study here and go to medical school," he said. Gomes is one of thousands of young illegal immigrants who grew up in the United States and are now studying at American colleges and universities. He is doing well in his studies, but he is fighting deportation to India, a country he left with his parents when he was just 14 months old. They were deported more than a year ago. "If I was to go back to India I would just feel like all of that would have gone to waste because here at least I am still able to go to college," he said. Immigration is a divisive political issue in the United States with some 11 million people in the country illegally. One element of the debate is the hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States before the age of 16. Pending legislation know as the DREAMAct would give them a chance to become legal residents if they complete two years of college or join the military. Milanie Schwartz, a politically conservative student at the University of Texas, explains why some Americans oppose the legislation. "We think it's unfair that students who are illegal immigrants would get a fast track to citizenship, while people who did come here legally wouldn't have those same opportunities," she said. "The question is legalization or not, " said Jon Feere, who also opposes the DREAM Act. He is a policy analyst with the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington and is concerned about the act's effect on the economy. "There's a lot of unemployment in the United States right now. And there are already many legal immigrants who are already here who are desperate for those jobs," he said. But supporters of the DREAMAct say well-educated immigrants would help the economy. Raul Hinojosa is an immigration research analyst at UCLA." Not letting them contribute to the economy would not only lose all the financial investment we have already made in these youths, but we would lose literally trillions of dollars of potential value because they want and are ready to contribute to the US economy," he said. That's exactly what Yves Gomes wants to do -- finish school and become a doctor. He says without the DREAMAct, many students' dreams will be lost. "They are studying at Harvard, they are studying at UCLA--the top universities -- and they all have bright futures and because of the system they are going to be told to go home, go back to a country they don't even know, " he said. The DREAMAct has failed to win passage in Congress since it was first introduced 10 years ago. Now time is running out for passage this year, and opposition Republicans have threatened to block it. Yves Gomes hopes that won't happen. He wants to finish school and eventually become a US citizen. Which of the following descriptions about Yves Gomes is true?
[ "He was born in India before his parents immigrated to America illegally.", "His parents were forced to leave India more than a year ago.", "He wants to finish school in America and become a nurse in India after graduation.", "He is optimistic about the passage of the DREAMAct." ]
HANGZHOU, China -- Millions of Chinese basketball fans who were upset about the retirement of Yao Ming, are excited to see another even more shining star, Jeremy Lin, rising from the N.B.A and becoming a household name all across China. "We are amazed by Lin Shuhao's magic performance and should cheer him on," one Internet user wrote. "His sport shirts have sold out, even including the counterfeit ones," said Zheng Xiaojun, a 24-year-old clerk. Lin's amazing success over the last month has caught the imagination of the Chinese. He has been particularly popular here in northern Zhejiang province, from which his grandmother went to Taiwan in the late 1940s. Cai Qi, a well-known micro blogger, posted a message on micro blog over the weekend stating that Lin's hometown is Jiaxing, a city near Hangzhou where Lin's grandmother grew up. Cai Qi's nephew Yu Guohua, a 56-year-old factory worker, is Lin's closest still living in northern Zhejiang. He said in a telephone interview that Lin had come to play basketball with the Jiaxing High School team last May and had been surrounded by admirers. Yu said he did not have a chance to meet Lin in the crowd, but managed to speak with his family. "His father was very supportive of Lin's playing basketball, but his grandmother was not, for fear he would be injured," Yu said. Lin may owe his height, 6 feet 3 inches, to his grandmother's family, Yu said. Chen Weiji, the father of Lin's grandmother, was well over 6 feet and all of Chen's children were tall as well, he said. The N.B.A. believes that 300 million people in China play basketball. The retirement last year of Yao Ming took its main Asian draw away from the N.B.A. But Lin's appearance has helped the league remain a hot topic of Chinese online chatter. Lin's success in N.B.A has _ .
[ "attracted more Chinese children to play basketball as a career", "drawn Chinese people's attention back to the league", "helped his hometown develop sports shirts business", "helped his hometown attract more foreign visitors" ]
Studying in Amsterdam means having one of the most beautiful and cultural cities as your campus. People living there are easy-going and friendly; English is the second language in the nation. It has a television cable network with access to over 20 television stations from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United States, and the number of books and magazines in the library is one of the largest in the world. The colourful and lively city has a lot to offer. With 735,000 inhabitants , it has all the advantages of a major metropolitan center, but with a "small village atmosphere". Amsterdam has beautiful architecture, giving the city its famous shape and atmosphere. In addition, it has many famous museums, theatres, concert halls, and many lovely parks, serving as the inhabitants' gardens in summer. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, one of Europe's smaller countries. The river Amstel flows through the heart of Amsterdam and gave the city its name in 1275 when its first inhabitants dammed the river. A lively trade made Amsterdam expand rapidly from the early 13th century onwards, and by 1500 it was the largest city in the Netherlands. At that time, Amsterdam attracted scholars and writers who did not have the same amount of freedom in their own countries. The city of Amsterdam is the best place for _ .
[ "living", "visiting", "studying", "amusing" ]
Once a boy came to ask a fisherman how to become cleverer, because his mother always called him foolish boy. "That's easy," answered the fisherman, " I know one way to make you become cleverer." "Really?" "Of course. It is said a fish head is good for brain . If you eat one, you'll become cleverer indeed. Pay only three pounds for one fish head." The boy paid him three pounds and the fisherman cut off a fish head and handed it to him. A raw fish head is no good-not even for a hungry boy to eat but the boy ate it up in two gulps . "Do you feel anything?" asked the fisherman. "Not in my head," said the boy. The boy lay on the ground and thought, " One whole fish costs only two pounds. I had paid him three pounds for the fish head, why couldn't I have the whole fish for the soup , a head of fish and one pound left over!" He jumped up and shouted at the fisherman. "You thief! You are fooling me!" The fisherman laughed, saying, " The fish head works now, you see." _ helped the boy become cleverer.
[ "A good meal", "The raw fish body", "Nothing", "What had happened" ]
Believe it or not, optical illusion can cut highway crashes. Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. Bent strips, called chevrons , painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down. Now the American Automobile Association Foundations For Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan's success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes. Excessive speed plays a major role in as much as one fifty of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards are the greatest-curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges. Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars. Chevrons, scientists say, not only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction of highway speed and the number of traffic accidents. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former _ .
[ "can keep drivers awake", "can cut road accidents in half", "will look more attractive", "will have a longer effect on drivers" ]
Wang Guozhen, a poet, died of cancer at the age of 59 0n April 26, 2015, one month before his latest book was to be published c), according to Beijing News.The poet's death has started heated discussions online. He was a graduate of Jinan University in Guangzhou, where he majored in literature. Wang began to write poems in 1985, when his works often appeared in news-papers and magazines. His books sold so well in 1990 that the people in the publishing business called it"The year of Wang Guozhen". In the following ten years he had written over 50 books.His works such as Going the Distance and Beyond Yourself have influenced a large number of readers born in the 60s and 70s and some of his poems are still often quoted by famous people and writers. During a speech at the 2013 APEC CEO Summit in Indonesia, Chinese President Xi Jinping quoted a sentence from Wang's poem, saying "There is no mountain higher than man, and no road longer than his feet", which made Wang's works more popular. "I was inspired by his poems and copied every sentence down on my notebooks, Wang Ling, a Sina wei bo user, wrote "I still miss the time when I had the patience to read poems and really believed in the world built by his words. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
[ "Wang Ling is a Sina weibo user.", "Wang Ling is one of Wang Guozhen's fans.", "The poem quoted by Xi Jin ping is written b y Wang Ling.", "Xi jin ping quoted his poem at the 2013 APEC CEO Summit." ]
Are you the type of person who always says"yes"?I've come to learn that it is very im-portant to learn to say NO!It's okay. People are still going to like you. They may even respect you more because they know you are honest. I,m not saying to say"no" to someone who really needs your help. I'm talking about re-fusing that meeting that you really do not want to attend or that birthday party that you don't want to be a guest at. Think for a moment how you feel when you say YES to something that you really don't want to do. If you're like I once was,you can't sleep at night and you think about it too much. It weighs on your mind. You try to find ways out. Whatever you're saying to yourself,if you really wanted to go,you wouldn't have all of these thoughts. So,why not just say NO from the beginning? Maybe you feel like if you don't show up at the meeting(by the way,it is not one you must attend) your boss isn't going to like you or your co-workers won't respect you. Maybe you feel as if your mom,dad or sisters won't love you as much if you don't do everything for them that they ask every occasion. If these people are your true friends,family members,or a good boss,they will like or love you the same no matter what. People treat you the way you teach them to,and if you're some-one who always says"yes" then that's what they,re expecting. You need to do what is right for you. Of course we do have real obligations in life to ful-fill,but we do not have to do everything others want us to do. What would be the best title for the passage?
[ "Learn to Make a Right Choice", "To Be Yourself", "Do What You Want to Do", "Learn to Say No" ]
Ten Chinese PhD students are demanding that Beijing Normal University Professor Yu Dan be away from her television show on CCTV10. They argue that her on-air explanations of Confucius's Analects (<<>> ) are "incorrect and misleading". Yu is known for explaining Confucius's Analects to a TV audience. But some complain that her explanations are unfaithful to Chinese tradition. But Yu doesn't seem to worry too much about her critics, saying, "It's a matter of personal choice. Some like KFC, while others like McDonalds." STEALING some online gamer's password might seem less harmful than credit card theft. It does keep the victim from wearing himself out all night playing. But it is not all that nice, says 19-year-old Zhang Qiwen, in Shanghai. Last August, Zhang accidentally downloaded a Trojan while playing Warcraft. The Trojan is a type of virus used by hackers to steal people's passwords. Overnight the Trojan transferred all the "gold" (game credits) from Zhang's private account to an unknown account. Zhang hopes the police will find and punish the thief, who can also pocket some cash since the stolen "gold" can go on sale online. New England's largest indoor public garden has opened here in a historic park, and officials expect it to become a center for learning about plants as well as a top attraction for visitors. The glass-walled Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, which opened on March 2, offers a tropical garden, an orchid garden, and a Mediterranean room with a collection of citrus trees. The center also has two classrooms and will offer gardening classes provided by the University of Rhode Island. Roger Williams Park, named for the city's 17th-century founder, also has a zoo. The park already attracts more than 2 million visitors a year, and Providence Mayor David Cicilline said that he expects the new center will attract more and more visitors to Providence. We can learn from the passage that _ .
[ "there are four gardens in Roger Williams Park Botanical Center.", "No one likes Yu Dan's explanation of Confucius's Analects.", "Yu Dan won't show up on CCTV any more for explanations of Confucius's Analects.", "Some people make money by stealing online gamers' game credits and selling them." ]
We like people who look like us, because they tend to have personalities similar to our own. And, a new study suggests, the longer we are with someone, the more similarities in appearance grow. Researchers set out to study why couples often tend to look like one another. They asked 11 male and 11 female participants to judge the age, attractiveness and personality of 160 real-life married couples. Photographs of husbands and wives were viewed separately, so the participants didn't know who was married to whom. The test participants rated men and women who were actual couples as looking alike and having similar personalities. Also, the longer the couples had been together, the greater the similarities. The researchers guess that the sharing of experiences might affect how couples look. The idea that there is a connection between appearance and personality might seem strange at first, but there could be biological reasons for a link, said study member Tony Little from the University of Liverpool in England. "The face displays our emotions and over time, emotional expressions may become written in the face," Little told Live Science. For example, someone who smiles a lot may develop lines and muscles that are suggestive of someone who is happy. Other studies have shown that partners who are genetically similar to each other tend to have happier marriages. The new study indicates that people have different features when using facial appearance to make decisions about someone's personality, and that the particular cues focused on change from face to face. Vital to the decision, however, are eyes and smiles. "Smiles are important social cues that may tell us whether or not someone is friendly, and eyes are also a traditional focus of attention," Little said. Overall face shape can be important too. For example, the combination of large chins and strong brow ridges can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate, Little said. Which part of a person's face can help you judge whether he/she is paying attention to you?
[ "Eyes.", "Nose.", "Mouth.", "Eyebrow." ]
What's delicious, healthy to eat and comes in various colors? Eggplant! And no, it has nothing to do with chickens! This strangely named vegetable is, however, as _ as an egg. It can be steamed, fried or baked. It can be eaten by itself or combined with meats and other vegetables. Eggplant was first grown in India during the 5th century B.C. Its popularity soon spread to China and then throughout Asia. Finally, during the Middle Ages the vegetable made its way to Europe. At that time, eggplant was not the shiny purple vegetable most people know today. Instead, it was like a white egg. Due to this egg-like appearance, eggplant got its name. In its early days, the vegetable was so bitter that people often called it a "mad apple". This nickname started because people believed its bitterness was bad for one's health. People actually thought eggplant could cause insanity and cancer. Fortunately, today people know that eggplant doesn't cause insanity or cancer. In fact, eggplant is so healthy that it may prevent cancer. In addition, the brain and the heart benefit from this supper vegetable. Since it is high in fiber, eggplant can also improve digestion. Italy, Turkey, Egypt, China and Japan are the leading growers of eggplant in the world today. Depending on its location, eggplant may be purple, green, orange or yellow-white. And it can be as small as a tomato or as large as a cucumber. Dish diversities range from simple to complex, with all of them being delicious! Today, thousands of people are gathering in Loomis, Calif, for the 23rd annual Loomis Eggplant Festival. The main activity at the festival is eating delicious eggplant dishes. There is plenty more to do and see, though. Recipe contests, arts and crafts, performers, races and children's activities all "egg-cite" festival-goers. Most people at the festival would agree -- eggplant is an "egg-cellent" vegetable! The diversities of eggplant reflect in many aspects EXCEPT _ .
[ "colors", "sizes", "dishes", "nutrition" ]
The next generation telephone is called Superphone or personal Communication Network (PCN). Your superphone goes wherever you go, in your pocket. You can use it in the street, in an aeroplane, a boat, or a taxi; you can call from anywhere on the globe to anywhere else. Calls travel at the speed of light, via satellites using ultraviolet, high-frequency wave bands and each communication is automatically billed to your account. This new phone is the size and shape of a billfold . You unfold it to use it., making it long enough to reach from your ear to your mouth. There is a miniaturized touch pad, on which to enter the number you are calling. There is also a tiny liquid crystal screen on which you can read weather, news or financial reports. These news items are constantly updated by the company that sells the service. Letter keys on the touch pad also allow you to use this electronic marvel as a computer or word processor. You can plug it into your large home or office computer in order to transfer any data that you feed in during a business trip. The PCN also stores any useful information of your own that you might need as you travel, such as the names, addresses and phone numbers of several hundred people, important meetings, flight details and so on. When you need information, you simply call it up on the screen. You can even use your PCN to activate electronically controlled equipment at home. For example, you could switch your oven on or off, start the sprinkler system in your garden during a dry spell, get your video recorder to record a show on television, turn off the central heating, and so on. All of this from thousands of miles away, perhaps from the back of a camel in the desert. Prototypes are already being trialed. In spite of the complex technology, they will be cheap because of the enormous sales that will be made. The Superphone system _ .
[ "has a very wide coverage of signals.", "deducts fees directly from users' bank account.", "offers a nearly free communicating service", "requires people to speak quickly" ]
I grew up in the south of Spain in a little community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, my father told me I could drive him into a remote village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, on the condition that I take the car in to be serviced(,) at a nearby garage. Having just learned to drive and hardly ever having the opportunity to use the car, I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas and promised to pick him up at 4 p.m., then drove to a nearby garage and dropped off the car. Because I had a few hours to spare, I decided to catch a couple of movies at a theatre near the garage. However, I became so interested in the films that I didn't pay attention to the time. When the last movie had finished, I looked down at my watch. It was six o'clock. I was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he found out I'd been watching movies. He'd never let me drive again. I decided to tell him that the car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than had been expected. I drove up to the place where we had planned to meet and saw Dad waiting patiently on the corner. I apologized for being late and told him that I'd come as quickly as I could, but the car had needed some major repairs. I'll never forget the look he gave me. "I'm disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Jason." "What do you mean? I'm telling the truth." Dad looked at me again. "When you did not show up, I called the garage to ask if there were any problems, and they told me that you had not yet picked up the car. So you see, I know there were no problems with the car." A feeling of guilt ran through me as I weakly confessed to my trip to the movie theatre and the real reason for my being late. Dad listened intently as a sadness passed through him. "I'm angry, not with you but with myself. You see, I realize that I have failed as a father if after all these years you feel that you have to lie to me. I have failed because I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father. I'm going to walk home now and think seriously about where I have gone wrong all these years." "But Dad, it's 18 miles to home. It's dark. You can't walk home." My protests and my apologies were useless. I had let my father down and I was about to learn one of the most painful lessons of my life. Dad began walking along the dusty road. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he would weaken. I begged all the way, telling him how sorry I was, but he simply ignored me, continuing on silently, thoughtfully and painfully. For 18 miles I drove behind him, at a speed of about five miles per hour. Seeing my father in so much physical and emotional pain was the most distressing and painful experience that I have ever faced. However, it was also the most successful lesson. I have never lied to him since. How did the father react to his son's explanation?
[ "He was very angry with his son for lying to him.", "He decided to teach his son a lesson by ignoring him.", "He scolded his son for going to the movies.", "He was angry with himself for not bringing the boy up properly." ]
Busy senior managers need no longer waste time in showering themselves-an Australian company has invented a suit that can be worn while they wash. The suit has been specially designed so that it can be cleaned under the showerhead. There is no need for soaking ,dry cleaning-or even soap. The Japanese market has taken a liking to the "shower suit",described as "revolutionary" by its owner Australian Wool Innovation (AWI),which is the research and marketing body that represents Australian wool-growers. Orders have been placed for 170,000 of the woolen suits. The suit could be worn in the shower,although it was probably better to hang it on a clothes hanger and carry it instead,AWI corporate affairs spokesman Stephen Feighan said."The idea is that you hang it up and give it a spray ,and it's dry the next morning," Mr Feighan said. A Japanese researcher working for AWI invented the suit by combining three technologies. The secret is the best lining ,which allows the suit to dry quickly.The shower suit attracted busy corporate people,particularly those who often traveled or stayed up late,Mr Feighan said.The airline industry was also interested. Mr Feighan confessed he had not worn one of the suits yet,or tried to wash it in the shower,because they cut to fit Japanese figures.AWI believes that the shower suit will spread from the Japanese market through Europe and India. Mr Feighan hoped the suit,made from local wool,would be available in Australia in 12 to 18 months' time. Which of the following has much to do with Mr Feighan?
[ "The invention of the suit.", "The try-on of the suit.", "The combination of the three technologies on the suit.", "The popularization of the suit and best wishes for it." ]
Last week at a friend's birthday party, there was a mooncake eating contest and I persuaded my good friend Jonathan to take part in it. Even though he had just finished a big dinner, he managed to win the contest. Not only did he win a bottle of nice whiskey, but also a big box of expensive Hong Kong mooncakes. A few days later, I was hosting an opening party for my new office. Jonathan showed up with the lovely box of Hong Kong mooncakes he had won the other night. I thought it was a lovely joke, and the mooncakes were delicious. Still, it got me thinking about the concept of regifting in prefix = st1 /China. In the States, we have a tradition around Christmas similar to giving mooncakes, only we call them fruitcakes. Fruitcakes are made from terrible preserved fruit and nobody likes to eat them. You often find your friends giving the fruitcake you gave them to someone else, and so on. But fruitcakes aside, it isn't very often to catch someone regifting something in America, as it's seen to be very cheap and embarrassing . An obvious way to tell if something has been regifted is to check the wrapping . However, many of my friends in Chinawill proudly regift an old gift, especially if it is still wrapped in a pretty box. I find it somewhat uncomfortable to receive a gift that I know wasn't bought for me. But I also understand that the gift is perfectly good, it just lacks the special meaning of being picked out by a friend. There are many occasions in Chinese culture when gifts are necessary. There are traditional items such as tea, cigarettes and liquor which seem fine to regift. These gifts are not personal and have no special meaning. But is it really proper to give someone something that was never bought for them in the first place? The author thinks it really uncomfortable to receive_.
[ "an expensive gift from a close friend", "a gift given again by a friend", "some items such as tea and cigarettes", "a box of mooncakes from Hong Kong" ]
Which natural event can dry out plants and cause wildfires?
[ "drought", "earthquake", "flood", "tornado" ]
Once there was a poor farmer and his farm belonged to a rich man. One day he brought a basket of apples to the rich man's house. On the doorsteps, he met two monkeys dressed like children. They jumped onto the basket to eat the apples and threw some on the ground. The farmer politely took off his hat and asked the monkeys to get off. They obeyed and the farmer went into the house. He asked to see the rich man. A servant took him to the room where the rich man was sitting. "I have brought you the basket of apples you asked for," he said. "But why have you brought a half-empty basket?" the rich man asked. "I met your children outside, and they stole some of the apples. How did the rich man feel when he saw the basket? He felt _ .
[ "pleased", "unhappy", "excited", "moved" ]
The Earth has warmed by about half a degree(0.50degC)over the last 100 years. It could be getting warmer on its own, but many scientists think that people are making the Earth warmer by making a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is important. Without it, the Earth would not be warm enough for us to live on. But just a little warmer than it is now could cause problems for humans, plants and animals. Many of the things we do every day can change the Earth's temperature by sending greenhouse gases into the air. We send greenhouse gases into the air when we watch TV, turn on lights, dry hair, play video games, wash or dry our clothes or drive cars. The rubbish from factories and homes also produces greenhouse gases. Even a small change in temperature can affect our weather. This can cause changes in the sea levels, the air, flooding, and our fresh water. The change in the temperature can also cause changes in the living places for animals and plants, endangering many animals. Global warming is a big problem, and every little bit we do can help. We can save electricity. We can save energy in other ways such as by taking buses or walking rather than driving cars. We can recycle to reduce the rubbish and save natural resources such as trees, oil and metals. We can buy products that don't do bad to the environment and we can turn to solar energy. Remember the little bit that you do will bring a better world. Without the greenhouse effect,we would _ .
[ "be safer", "not be able to live", "have a cleaner earth", "have a better world" ]
Steve Fossett did not really look like an adventurer, but he reached some of the most difficult goals in sailing and flying. Fossett was most proud of being the first person to fly around the world alone in a hot-air balloon. To make a trip around the world alone, it was necessary to have an improvedautopilot device. Fossett had one of his team members develop a more advanced balloon autopilot that would allow him to sleep and do other tasks while flying safely. Steve Fossett attempted the hot-air balloon trip around the world six times. This was not easy to do. He flew in the balloon'scapsule that was too small to stand upright. During his fourth attempt in 1998, he was almost killed during a storm off the coast of Australia. He fell 9,000 meters into the Coral Sea with his balloon's capsule on fire. He was later rescued at sea. Fossett successfully made the trip in 2002. The trip started and ended in Australia. He traveled more than 33,000 kilometers for more than 14 days. On this flight, Fossett set other records including a speed record of 322 kilometers per hour. One main problem with earlier balloon flights was the threat of dangerous storms. A team of weather experts e-mailed and talked to Fossett by a satellite telephone to help him avoid such weather. Steve Fossett's hot-air balloon is now at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. It is there as an example for other people to try and succeed in doing something important to them. We can learn from the text that Steve Fossett was _ .
[ "patient and careful", "modest and easy-going", "brave and determined", "energetic and kind-hearted" ]
Dear Dr. Know I am unhappy these days. I am a student in Grade 3 of a middle school. I want to be a policewoman in the future . But my mother doesn't like the job. She always says it is too dangerous for a girl to work as a policewoman. She thinks girls should work in the office. She hopes that I can work as a doctor. But I really dislike being a doctor. It's terrible for me to work in the hospital. When I talk with her about it, she is often angry. She always thinks she is right. I don't know what to do. Can you help me? Nancy, Chongqing Which of the following is TRUE?
[ "Nancy's mother is right.", "Nancy needs Dr. Know's help.", "Nancy thinks it's terrible to be a policewoman.", "Nancy's mother likes to talk with Nancy about the job." ]
A cloud gets fat and heavy because
[ "precipitation destroys", "clouds float", "precipitation condenses", "precipitation falls" ]
Valencia is in the east part of Spain . It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coast. It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia. The city is a market centre for what is produced by the land around the city. Most of the city's money is made from farming. It is also a busy business city, with ships, railways, clothes and machine factories. Valencia has an old part with white buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings. Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens. It has many old churches and museums. The University in the centre of the city was built in the 13th century. The city of Valencia has been known since the 2nd century. In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain. There is also an important city in Venezuela named Valencia. When was Valencia the most important city in Spain?
[ "2nd century.", "8th century.", "13th century.", "20th century." ]
March 5 is "Lei Feng Day". Fifty years ago on this day, Chairman Mao Zedong called on people to "learn from Lei Feng". Now half a century has passed. Is the spirit of Lei Feng outdated? Some people have shown us that it's not. But people have also changed the ways in which they help others. Li Yulin, who works in a hospital in Hang Zhou, Zhejiang, has been a volunteer for 15 years. He still remembers his experience in an old people's home several years ago. An old woman held his hand and said, "You don't need to do anything for us. Seeing young people like you here is all we need." Those words made Li think: in what ways can we help people better? "Every person does what they can, no matter how small it is, to give out positive energy. And before we lend a helping hand, we should find out what they want," Li said to the Qianjiang Evening News. As well as Li, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng. A "noodle fever" swept Zhengzhou, Henan in January. It started with an online post. Li Gang, a 42-year-old local man, said in the post that he has got cancer. He needed a lot of money for an operation. He was not asking for donations, but hoped people would come to eat at his restaurant. Li's post spread quickly. Soon his restaurant was filled with people every day. Li had an operation on Feb. 2 and now he is getting better. "It is good to help Li and his family like this for it shows them respect and doesn't hurt their pride," Qianjiang Evening News said. From this passage, what does the name of Lei Feng stand for?
[ "A symbol of understanding.", "A symbol of selflessness and modesty .", "A symbol of respect.", "A symbol of pride ." ]
On April twenty-second, some American children stayed out of school but they were not punished. They were with their parents. As Faith Lapidus tells us, it was Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. The Ms. Foundation for Women started the program seventeen years ago, in 1993. At first it was just called Take Our Daughters to Work. Gloria Steinem and other foundation leaders pointed to studies showing that self-image suffers as girls become teenagers. They can lose trust in their abilities and intelligence, especially in areas like science, math and technology. So the Ms. Foundation planned a day for parents in New York City to show girls all the possibilities for them in the professional world. But there was so much interest, the organizers decided to make it national. At first, girls mostly followed their mom or dad around at work to learn about their jobs. Later, employers and schools began to offer organized activities. But from the beginning there were protests from parents and others about the exception of boys. So in 2003 the day was renamed Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work. 2007 was the last year that the Ms. Foundation for Women headed the program. Now, the event is run by a twelve-person group called the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation. The event is connected with Mattel, the company that makes Barbie dolls. Carolyn McKecuen is president of the foundation. She says a total of about thirty-three million children and adults are involved in the program. About one-third of the adults work at large companies or nonprofit organizations. Another third are in small businesses. The rest work in education. Carolyn McKecuen says the numbers from this year's event are not final yet. But early reports suggest that participation was up at least ten percent from last year. And she says the foundation is hoping to find support to expand the program internationally. She says there are lots of requests from other countries for information about how to set up similar programs. How many years did the Ms. Foundation for Women head the program?
[ "17", "18", "14", "10" ]
The role of a newspaper is to present and comment on the news. It is vital for keeping people well-informed on current affairs. In most Western countries, journalists try to shape the ideas and opinions of their readers, since in Western countries all newspapers are independent of the government. Some newspaper owners support liberal ideas including economic policies that help poor people. Other owners want policies such as lower taxes for rich people and less money to be given to poor people. You can almost judge the political ideas of a person in the West by looking at the newspaper he reads. All newspapers report national and international news. They give the facts but also provide opinions on controversial issues in the editorials and columns of opinion. The readers of the newspaper can also comment on these editorials or articles. There are many informative articles too as well as reviews of new films and books, etc. These are very important, for if a film or book gets good reviews it will often become more successful. All these articles require many journalists who are experts in different areas of life. All these articles come together and are checked by the chief editor of the newspaper. When he or she has made a decision on the articles, the newspaper is prepared for printing. All this work means that the journalists must work together as a team because there is a lot of pressure when you work in a newspaper office. There are constant deadlines and articles have to be fitted round advertisements, photographs and much, much more. Which is true about the journalists in Western countries?
[ "There's no time limit for their report articles.", "They have no right to influence the readers' opinions.", "A newspaper can come out with just a journalist working individually.", "Journalists must submit their articles before the due date." ]
Coupons to spend "How did you spend your coupons?" On their first day back to school, many students in Hangzhou greeted each other this way. The coupons referred to the 100 yuan coupons each student received form the city government before the Spring Festival holidays. Over 260,000 primary school and middle school students were given coupons. They could use them in local stores and supermarkets, or to see movies and buy books. The same coupons have also been given to low income families in Hangzhou. Other cities, including Chengdu and Nanjing, also gave coupons to their citizens. More cities are expected to follow their lead. Why are local governments doing this? These programmes are all part of a broader effort in China to increase domestic demand in the face of the global financial crisis. The crisis has seriously affected China's exports and investments . Many factories in southern cities have been closed down. Some companies are laying off workers or reducing their pay. The stock market and real estate market have been falling. In a time of financial crisis, people usually respond by saving money. They are uncertain about the future and are afraid that more difficult times may be ahead. Now many people are choosing not to spend money carelessly. Major chain stores have seen a sharp slowdown in sales, analysts say. But spending keeps an economy healthy. If people don't spend, there will be too many products in the market. Then shops will stop buying products from factories. When factories receive no orders, they close down. The workers there accordingly lose their jobs. Also, if people don't spend, the service industry suffers. The total result is that the whole economy breaks down. Issuing coupons is a practical and effective way to increase domestic demand in the current situation, said Jiang Zengwei, vice-minister of China's Ministry of Commerce. Hangzhou reported a rise in customers in local markets during Spring Festival holiday. However, issuing coupons is only a temporary measure. To increase consumers' confidence, the government needs to establish a sound secure social system in the long term. When people don't have to worry about education, health care and their pension, they will be more willing to spend instead of saving. What can be inferred from the passage?
[ "Issuing coupons is a practical and effective way to increase domestic demand in a long term.", "The total result of saving money is that the whole economy breaks down.", "The government may carry out new policies to encourage citizens to be willing to spend in the near future.", "After issuing the coupons, the local markets have seen a rise in customers during Spring Festival holiday." ]
Young, believing that Brown suffered from arthritis, told her that for $100 he could cure her with a device he had invented. The device was a large box with a series of electric light bulbs along the sides. Brown, after examining the device, agreed to take the treatment, which consisted of placing her hands inside the box for several ten-minute periods. Brown gave Young $100 and went through the treatment. Young is charged with obtaining money by false pretenses. Each of the following, if true, will absolve Young of guilt for obtaining money by false pretenses EXCEPT:
[ "Young honestly believed that the device would cure arthritis, but his belief was unreasonable. ", "Brown honestly believed that the device would cure arthritis, but her belief was unreasonable. ", "Young was playing a practical joke on Brown and intended to return the money.", "Brown was an undercover police officer and did not believe that the device would cure arthritis." ]
Churchill's full name was Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. He was born in 1874. He was educated at Harrow School and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. In 1900 Churchill was elected a member of parliament .As First Lord of the Admiralty , in 1911, he was responsible for strengthening the British navy. During World War I, he still remained a member of parliament, but he resigned from his post in the British navy, and became a soldier again, fighting in France. In 1917, however, he became Minister of Munitions . In this job, he encouraged the development and use of the tank, which was then a new weapon. After the war, Churchill held several government posts. From 1931 to 1939, he was only a member of parliament. He had fallen into dislike because of his militant (war-loving) attitude. Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office. But when World War II started in 1939. Churchill returned to his former job as First Lord of the Admiralty. In May 1940, he became Prime Minister. Throughout the war, Churchill showed great strength and energy. He worked for long periods with little sleep and traveled many thousands of miles. By the courage and determination expressed in his speeches, he inspired the people of Britain to keep on fighting. His speeches also gave hope to people in parts of Europe occupied by enemy forces. In the general election at the end of the war, the Conservative Party, of which he was leader, was defeated. But he became Prime Minister again in 1951. He resigned as Prime Minister in 1955. However, he remained a member of parliament until 1964. Some time later, in 1965, he died. We can know all the following from the text EXCEPT that _ .
[ "Churchill gave up as Prime Minister in 1955", "Churchill once became a soldier, fighting in France", "Churchill's speeches encouraged the British people to keep on fighting", "Churchill led his army to fight bravely and defeated the enemy in World War I" ]
When someone walks into a room wearing bright colours, everyone seems to take notice. Beautiful bright colours can easily draw our attention. Fresh roses can cheer us up when we're feeling blue. Dressing up in colourful clothing can bring us into a more positive mood. What shall I wear today? What colour should I choose? Dressing yourself for the day is quite important whether you know it or not. Our moods often show what our bodies end up wearing. When you look in the mirror after you dress, train yourself to notice how you feel when you see yourself. Notice your mood. If you are not feeling yourself, could the colour of what you are wearing irritate your nervous system? Did you never notice that before? We all know that dark colours can tell lies. They can make you look and feel older than you really are. That is why baby clothes never come in dark colours. To the mind, dark colours seem easier to hold power, but to the heart and feeling level, they don't help your heart to open. Bring happy colours and happiness to go hand in hand. Bright happy colours open your heart, calming your nervous system. Some advice: If you work around people who wear black, try to find a happy colour to look at to replace the picture of dark colours in your mind. At night, wear soft clothes in light colours to help your nervous system calm down and smooth it out, preparing yourself for sleep. Don't dress children in dark colours because their nervous systems are just beginning to feel. Which of the following colours shouldn't we choose to look at if a lot of people in your office wear dark clothes?
[ "Black.", "Green.", "Yellow.", "Red." ]
Where does oxygen-rich blood go after leaving the lungs?
[ "the brain.", "the heart.", "the kidney.", "the stomach." ]
A wetland habitat can continue to support the birds and fish that live there if people ___.
[ "drain the water away", "flood the highest parts of the land", "leave the land alone", "use the land for planting crops" ]
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So, no matter where you stand, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The _ are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise. "Ding dong, ding dong." It goes, every quarter of an hour. The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder. You can read the time of Big Ben _ .
[ "at the top of the clock tower", "in the Houses of Parliament", "on the hands of the huge clock", "on the four faces of the clock" ]