2 values
mrpc sentence1: " Smallpox is not the only threat to the public 's health , and vaccination is not the only tool for smallpox preparedness , " Strom said . sentence2: " Smallpox is not the only threat to the nation 's health , and vaccination is not the only tool for preparedness , " his introductory statement says .
mrpc sentence1: Mr Abbas said : " Every day without an agreement is an opportunity that was lost . sentence2: His Palestinian counterpart , Mahmoud Abbas , replied that " every day without an agreement is an opportunity that was lost .
mrpc sentence1: We remain hopeful that the city will agree to work with us and engage in good-faith discussions on this issue . " sentence2: Alhart said the governor " remains hopeful that the city will continue to work with us and engage in good-faith discussions . "
mrpc sentence1: Later in the day , a standoff developed between French soldiers and a Hema battlewagon that attempted to pass the UN compound . sentence2: French soldiers later threatened to open fire on a Hema battlewagon that tried to pass near the UN compound .
mrpc sentence1: " By its actions , the Bush administration threatens to give a bad name to a just war , " Lieberman said . sentence2: " By its actions , the Bush administration threatens to give a bad name to a just war , " the Connecticut Democrat told a Capitol Hill news conference .
mrpc sentence1: Gillette shares rose $ 1.45 , or 4.5 percent , to $ 33.95 in afternoon New York Stock Exchange trading . sentence2: Shares of Gillette closed down 45 cents at $ 33.70 in trading Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange .
mrpc sentence1: Even without call center requests , companies using the handset option must have 95 percent of their customers using the technology by the end of 2005 . sentence2: Those that choose the handset option must have 95 percent of their customers using the technology by the end of 2005 .
mrpc sentence1: About 120 potential jurors were being asked to complete a lengthy questionnaire . sentence2: The jurors were taken into the courtroom in groups of 40 and asked to fill out a questionnaire .
mrpc sentence1: Microsoft fell 5 percent before the open to $ 27.45 from Thursday 's close of $ 28.91 . sentence2: Shares in Microsoft slipped 4.7 percent in after-hours trade to $ 27.54 from a Nasdaq close of $ 28.91 .
mrpc sentence1: U.S. Airways ordered 85 Bombardier jets with 50 seats and 75 seats and 85 Embraer jets with 70 seats , it said in a release . sentence2: Bombardier and Embraer will each deliver 85 jets by September 2006 , U.S. Airways said in a release .
mrpc sentence1: The acquisition has been approved by both companies ' board of directors and is expected to close in the third quarter this year . sentence2: Nvidia 's acquisition has been approved by directors at both companies , and is expected to close in the Nvidia 's third quarter of fiscal 2004 .
mrpc sentence1: The 39-year-old Luster initially gave police a false name , but later revealed his true identity . sentence2: Barrera said Luster gave police a false name immediately after his arrest Wednesday but later revealed his true identity .
mrpc sentence1: In a statement distributed Friday , 28 Chechen non-governmental organizations said they would boycott the vote . sentence2: In a statement distributed today , 28 Chechen non-governmental organisations said they would boycott the vote and warned voters to expect fraud .
mrpc sentence1: If the companies won 't , their drugs could be prescribed to Medicaid patients only with the state 's say-so . sentence2: If a company won 't do so , its drugs could be prescribed to Medicaid patients only with the state 's say-so .
mrpc sentence1: " It 's a huge black eye , " said New York Times Company chairman Arthur Sulzberger . sentence2: " It 's a huge black eye , " said publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr . , whose family has controlled the paper since 1896 .
mrpc sentence1: Singer Brandy and her husband , Robert Smith , have called it quits . sentence2: Brandy and Husband SplitR 'n'b star Brandy and Robert Smith , her husband of two years have split up .
mrpc sentence1: She told Murray , " We ... we have ... the fresh air is going down fast ! " sentence2: " The fresh air is going down fast ! " she screamed at Murray .
mrpc sentence1: " The president 's campaign in 2000 set a standard for disclosure in political fund raising , and the campaign will again in 2004 , " Bush campaign spokesman Dan Ronayne said . sentence2: " The president 's campaign in 2000 set a standard for disclosure in political fund raising and the campaign will again in 2004 , " said Dan Ronayne , a campaign spokesman .
mrpc sentence1: On April 11 , Mayor Bart Peterson said it was " inconceivable " that the airline would resume operations at the base that had employed 1,500 workers , including 1,100 mechanics . sentence2: On April 11 , Mayor Bart Peterson conceded that the facility 's fate was inevitable , quashing the hopes of the airline 's 1,500 local workers , including 1,100 mechanics .
mrpc sentence1: Dotson was arrested Monday in his native Maryland and charged with murder . sentence2: Dotson , 21 , was subsequently charged with Dennehy 's murder .
mrpc sentence1: Another was in serious condition at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale . sentence2: At Northwest Medical Center of Washington County in Springdale , one child is in serious condition .
mrpc sentence1: With the exception of dancing , physical activity did not decrease the risk . sentence2: Dancing was the only physical activity associated with a lower risk of dementia .
mrpc sentence1: The 1 5 / 8 percent note maturing in April 2005 gained 1 / 16 to 100 13 / 32 , lowering its yield 1 basis points to 1.41 percent . sentence2: The yield on the 3 percent note maturing in 2008 fell 22 basis points to 2.61 percent .
mrpc sentence1: Mr. Bush had sought to store his papers in his father 's presidential library , where they would have stayed secret for a half-century . sentence2: In Texas , public watchdog groups opposed Mr. Bush 's efforts to house his papers at his father 's presidential library , where they would have remained secret for a half-century .
mrpc sentence1: Williams was White , and four of his victims were Black ; the fifth was White . sentence2: Four of those killed by Williams were black ; the other was white .
mrpc sentence1: A hearing on the matter was held Thursday morning in Fulton County Superior Court , marking one of the early steps in deciding the case of Matthew Whitley . sentence2: A hearing Thursday morning before Judge Elizabeth Long in Fulton County Superior Court marked one of the first steps in deciding the case of Matthew Whitley .
mrpc sentence1: Arts helped coach the youth on an eighth-grade football team at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay . sentence2: The boy was a student at Lombardi Middle School in Green Bay .
mrpc sentence1: Atlantic Coast will continue its operations as a Delta Connections carrier . sentence2: It will continue its regional service for Delta Air Lines DAL.N , Atlantic Coast said .
mrpc sentence1: " It 's amazing to be part of an industry that rewards its young , " said Hernandez , who is a recent graduate of Parsons School of Design . sentence2: " It 's amazing to be part of an industry that rewards its young , " said Hernandez , who only graduated from Parsons School of Design last May .
mrpc sentence1: The flamboyant entrepreneur flagged the plan after a meeting in London with Australian Tourism Minister Joe Hockey . sentence2: Sir Richard was speaking after a meeting in London with Australian Tourism Minister Joe Hockey .
mrpc sentence1: Ryan Harvey , an outfielder from Dunedin High School in Florida , was selected with the sixth pick by the Chicago Cubs . sentence2: Ryan Harvey , a high school outfielder from Florida , was chosen sixth by the Cubs .
mrpc sentence1: At 8 a.m. Friday , San Joaquin County Sheriff 's deputies found the body of Adan Avalos , 37 . sentence2: San Joaquin County sheriff 's deputies found 37-year-old Adan Avalos of Riverbank shot to death inside the SUV .
mrpc sentence1: Technology stocks make up 42 percent of the Nasdaq , which fell 49.95 points , or 2.9 percent , to 1,698.02 . sentence2: The Nasdaq fell 49.95 points , or 2.86 percent , to end at 1,698.02 , based on the latest available data .
mrpc sentence1: Thomas was joined in full by Rehnquist , and in parts by O 'Connor and Scalia . sentence2: He was joined by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Sandra Day O 'Connor and Antonin Scalia .
mrpc sentence1: The bulk of the funds , some $ 65 billion , will go for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan . sentence2: The bulk of the bill - $ 64.7 billion - goes for military operations primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan .
mrpc sentence1: The new capabilities will provide IBM customers a way to create , publish , manage and archive Web-based content within a corporate intranet , extranet and Internet environment . sentence2: The product will be targeted at companies that need to create , publish , manage and archive web-based content within a corporate intranet , extranet and internet environment .
mrpc sentence1: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said Charles Weisselberg , a UC Berkeley law professor . sentence2: When you crossed the line , you violated the constitutional right , " said Charles Weisselberg , who teaches law at the University of California , Berkeley .
mrpc sentence1: A $ 500 million natural-gas-fired power plant , for example , could replace up to $ 100 million in boilers yearly without adding new smog controls . sentence2: A $ 500 million coal-fired power plant , for example , could replace $ 100 million in equipment yearly without adding new pollution controls .
mrpc sentence1: On Sunday , the experts will perform the first simultaneous release of five whales from a single stranding incident in the United States . sentence2: Today , the experts will perform the United States ' first simultaneous release of five whales from a single stranding incident .
mrpc sentence1: Shares of AstraZeneca AZN.N , Europe 's second biggest drugmaker , rose 3.71 percent to close at $ 43.05 on the New York Stock Exchange . sentence2: Shares of AstraZeneca , Europe ’ s second biggest drug company , rose 3 per cent on the New York Stock Exchange after the news .
mrpc sentence1: Gov. Rick Perry has said that while he opposes gambling expansion , he would be reluctant to veto continuation of the Lottery Commission . sentence2: Gov. Rick Perry opposes expansion of gambling but has said he would be " hard-pressed " to veto the lottery sunset bill .
mrpc sentence1: " This blackout was largely preventable , " Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said . sentence2: " Things go wrong , " U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said Wednesday at the Department of Energy .
mrpc sentence1: Typhoon Maemi later moved out over the Sea of Japan , where it weakened considerably , the meteorology department said . sentence2: Typhoon Maemi was on Saturday night moving over the Sea of Japan , where it had weakened considerably , the meteorology department said .
mrpc sentence1: Along with chip.m.aker Intel , the companies include Sony Corp. , Microsoft Corp. , Hewlett-Packard Co . , International Business Machines Corp. , Gateway Inc . , Nokia Corp. and others . sentence2: Along with chip maker Intel , the companies include Sony , Microsoft , Hewlett-Packard , International Business Machines , Gateway , Nokia and others .
mrpc sentence1: Officials developed plans to burn about 2,000 acres of dense forest near the park 's southwest border by dropping incendiary devices , hoping to burn off fuel from the wildfire 's path . sentence2: Officials tentatively planned to burn about 2,000 acres of dense forest by dropping incendiary devices from the air , aiming to remove fuel from the wildfire 's path .
mrpc sentence1: At last nights protest , demonstratorschanted " tapping our phones , reading our mail , the LEIU should go to jail . " sentence2: Protesters chanted , " Tapping our phones , reading our mail , the LEIU should go to jail , " put on small skits and danced to drumbeats .
mrpc sentence1: " It still remains to be seen whether the revenue recovery will be short-lived or long-lived , " Mr. Sprayregen said . sentence2: " It remains to be seen whether the revenue recovery will be short- or long-lived , " said James Sprayregen , UAL bankruptcy attorney , in court .
mrpc sentence1: Some 14,000 customers were without power in the area , Oklahoma Gas and Electric said . sentence2: About 38,000 OGE Energy Corp. customers are without power , the company said on its Web site .
mrpc sentence1: " The SIA forecast reflects the new realities of the semiconductor industry of an 8-10 percent " growth rate , George Scalise , the trade association 's president , said in a statement . sentence2: " The SIA forecast reflects the new realities of the semiconductor industry of an 8-10 per cent ' ' growth rate " , said George Scalise , the association 's president .
mrpc sentence1: Eighty-six seriously wounded U.N. workers were airlifted out for medical care . sentence2: Eighty-six U.N. workers who were wounded in Tuesday 's bombing were airlifted out for medical care .
mrpc sentence1: Burns believed that confessing a crime he did not commit was the only way out , Richardson said . sentence2: To the frightened Burns , Richardson said , confessing a crime he did not commit looked like the only out .
mrpc sentence1: Phone calls to Spitzer 's office , Citigroup and Goldman Sachs were not immediately returned . sentence2: A message left with Spitzer 's office as well as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs were not immediately returned .
mrpc sentence1: Instead , the high court said that drug makers did not adequately show why the plan should be prevented from taking effect . sentence2: Stevens said that the drug manufacturers had not shown why the plan should be prevented from taking effect .
mrpc sentence1: Medical experts said the condition was mildly worrying but easily-manageable . sentence2: Medical experts said Blair 's problem was worrying but relatively common and easily manageable .
mrpc sentence1: Joan B. Kroc , the billionaire widow of McDonald 's Corp. founder Ray Kroc , died Sunday after a brief bout with brain cancer . sentence2: Joan B. Kroc , the billionaire widow of McDonald 's founder Ray Kroc known for her philanthropy , died Sunday of brain cancer .
mrpc sentence1: The company has expanded into providing other services for buyers , including payment services . sentence2: The company has expanded those basic services , offering payment and even financing .
mrpc sentence1: A Lamar mother arrested Saturday in Colorado Springs is accused of drowning her two children in a bathtub before slitting her wrists . sentence2: A 32-year-old mother of two is suspected of drowning her children in a bathtub before slashing her wrists in an unsuccessful suicide attempt , police said .
mrpc sentence1: She was surrounded by about 50 women who regret having abortions . sentence2: She was surrounded by about 50 women who have had abortions but now regret doing so .
mrpc sentence1: Revelations of the expenditures shocked some employees at Delta , an airline that is cutting jobs as it struggles with increased security costs and fewer passengers . sentence2: Revelations of the expenditures shocked some employees at Delta , an airline that has posted huge losses and cut jobs as it struggles with increased security costs and fewer passengers .
mrpc sentence1: The search was concentrated in northeast Pennsylvania , but State Police Trooper Tom Kelly acknowledged that Selenski could have traveled hundreds of miles by now . sentence2: The search was concentrated in northeastern Pennsylvania , but State Police Trooper Tom Kelly acknowledged that Selenski could be out of the area .
mrpc sentence1: The calculation shows that the number of deaths from pneumonia and influenza have exceeded the usual number for recent weeks . sentence2: One is a statistical calculation based on the number of deaths from pneumonia and influenza in 122 cities .
mrpc sentence1: Researchers at Sweden 's Karolinska Institute reanalyzed data from more than 2,000 infants who had been treated with radiation for a benign birthmark condition between 1930 and 1959 . sentence2: Researchers at Sweden 's Karolinska Institute recently went over data from more than 2,000 children treated with radiation for a harmless birthmark condition between 1930 and 1959 .
mrpc sentence1: Outside the court , Sriyanto , who faces up to 25 years ' jail , denied he had done anything wrong . sentence2: Outside the court , Sriyanto denied to The Age that he had done anything wrong .
mrpc sentence1: The state , which previously conducted two triple executions and two double executions , says the policy is designed to reduce stress on its prison staff . sentence2: The state previously conducted two triple executions and two double executions , a practice it says is intended to reduce stress on the prison staff .
mrpc sentence1: The little girl , the daughter of a teller , was taken to the bank after a doctor 's appointment . sentence2: Earlier in the evening , the mother , whom authorities did not identify , had brought her daughter to the bank after a doctor 's appointment .
mrpc sentence1: At least 23 U.S. troops have been killed by hostile fire since Bush declared major combat in Iraq to be over on May 1 . sentence2: At least 26 American troops have been killed in hostile fire since major combat was officially declared over on May 1 .
mrpc sentence1: " Apple is working with Oxford Semiconductor and affected drive manufacturers to resolve this issue , which resides in the Oxford 922 chipset , " the company said in a statement . sentence2: Apple is working with Oxford Semiconductor and affected drive manufacturers to resolve this issue , which resides in the Oxford 922 chip-set . "
mrpc sentence1: Even later in life , he was still cashing in : lately , he earned money by calling fans on the telephone with the service www.HollywoodIsCalling.com. sentence2: Lately , he had earned money by calling fans on the telephone , taking part in the service www.HollywoodIsCalling.com.
mrpc sentence1: The transaction will expand Callebaut 's sales revenues from its consumer products business to 45 percent from 23 percent . sentence2: The transaction will expand Callebaut 's sales revenues from its consumer products business by around 45 percent to some one-third of total sales .
mrpc sentence1: A sign outside the Peachtree Restaurant reads : " Pray for Eric Rudolph . " sentence2: " Rudolph ate here " , joked a sign outside one restaurant .
mrpc sentence1: In a statement , the company said both bids would allow Vivendi to " maintain a substantial minority interest in a U.S. media corporation with excellent growth potential . " sentence2: It also added that both proposals would allow Vivendi Uni to maintain " a substantial minority interest in a U.S. media corporation with excellent growth potential . "
mrpc sentence1: In Vienna , the IAEA said ElBaradei would accept the invitation , although no date had yet been set . sentence2: In Vienna , the International Atomic Energy Agency said on Monday ElBaradei had accepted Iran 's invitation , but said no date had yet been set .
mrpc sentence1: Strikingly , the poll saw little difference between women and men in their feelings towards Mrs Clinton . sentence2: Strikingly , the poll saw very little difference between women and men in their feelings about the former First Lady .
mrpc sentence1: A 25 percent increase would raise undergraduate tuition to about $ 5,247 annually , including miscellaneous , campus-based fees . sentence2: The 25 percent hike takes annual UC undergraduate tuition to $ 4,794 and graduate fees to $ 5,019 .
mrpc sentence1: From July 1 , 2002 , to June 30 , 2003 , the organization said it spent $ 114.3 million but took in only $ 39.5 million . sentence2: Between July 1 , 2002 and June 30 , 2003 , the Red Cross spent $ 114 million on disaster relief , while taking in only $ 39.5 million .
mrpc sentence1: Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthouse grounds before the hearing , which was carried live on national cable networks . sentence2: Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the town and the short hearing involving the five-time All-Star was carried live on national cable networks .
mrpc sentence1: The 20 master computers are located in the United States , Canada and Korea , Mr. Kuo said . sentence2: The computers were located in the United States , Canada and South Korea , he said .
mrpc sentence1: They said : “ We believe that the time has come for legislation to make public places smoke-free . sentence2: " The time has come to make public places smoke-free , " they wrote in a letter to the Times newspaper .
mrpc sentence1: Milwaukee prosecutors charged a church minister with physical abuse in the death of an 8-year-old autistic boy who died during a healing service . sentence2: A church minister was charged yesterday in the death of an 8-year-old autistic boy who suffocated as church leaders tried to heal him at a storefront church .
mrpc sentence1: Niels told an interviewer in 1999 he thought the Old Man would outlive him by many years . sentence2: In 1999 , two years before his death , Mr. Nielsen told an interviewer that he thought the rock face would outlive him by many years .
mrpc sentence1: The new effort , Taxpayers Against the Recall , will be formally launched Wednesday outside a Sacramento fire station . sentence2: Called " Taxpayers Against the Recall , " it was to be launched Wednesday afternoon outside a Sacramento fire station .
mrpc sentence1: Furthermore , chest tightness after exercise and prevalence of asthma were both linked to the amount of time spent at the pool . sentence2: Chest tightness after exercise and overall prevalence of asthma were also linked to the total amount of time spent at indoor pools .
mrpc sentence1: British police arrested 21 people early Tuesday in connection with the suspected ritual murder of an African boy whose torso was found in the Thames River . sentence2: Police have arrested 21 people in connection with the murder of a young Nigerian child whose headless and limbless torso was found floating in the river Thames .
mrpc sentence1: Winners will be announced in a June 8 ceremony broadcast on CBS from Radio City Music Hall . sentence2: Tony winners will be announced June 8 in televised ceremonies from Radio City Music Hall .
mrpc sentence1: A lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to block the removal of the Ten Commandments monument from the building . sentence2: Supporters asked a federal court Monday to block the removal of a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building .
mrpc sentence1: " I 'm quite positive about it except I wouldn 't want it to cut across anything now occurring and she accepts that , " he said . sentence2: " I 'm quite positive about it , except that I would not want to cut across things that are now occurring , " he said .
mrpc sentence1: " I started crying and yelling at him , ' What do you mean , what are you saying , why did you lie to me ? ' " sentence2: Gulping for air , I started crying and yelling at him , ' What do you mean ?
mrpc sentence1: Marisa Baldeo stated , however , the authority 's official uniform policy says " they are not supposed to wear anything on their heads but a NYC transit depot logo cap . sentence2: " As of now , they are not supposed to wear anything on their heads but a NYC transit depot logo cap , " Baldeo said .
mrpc sentence1: The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI jumped 2.09 percent , while the Standard & Poor 's 500 Index .SPX leapt 2.23 percent . sentence2: The broad Standard & Poor 's 500 Index .SPX gained 11.22 points , or 1.13 percent , at 1,007.19 .
mrpc sentence1: Between 50 and 100 persons die annually from these allergies , and thousands more suffer severe reactions such as constricted breathing and dramatic swelling . sentence2: Between 50 and 100 people die a year due to these allergies , and thousands more suffer severe reactions such as constricted breathing and dramatic swelling .
mrpc sentence1: Only Intel Corp. has a lower dividend yield . sentence2: Only Intel 's 0.3 percent yield is lower .
mrpc sentence1: Sean Harrigan of Calpers , the California fund , said : " Today we are trying to pull the pig from the trough . sentence2: " Today we are trying to pull the pig away from the trough , " Mr. Harrigan said .
mrpc sentence1: That truck was spotted in the Campbells Creek area , fitting that description , Morris said . sentence2: A black pickup truck was also seen in the Campbells Creek area , Morris said .
mrpc sentence1: Initial autopsy reports show they died of dehydration , hyperthermia and suffocation . sentence2: Two more died later , and initial autopsy reports show they succumbed to dehydration , hypothermia and suffocation .
mrpc sentence1: Most of those on board were Lebanese but some were from Benin , Guinea and Sierra Leone . sentence2: Some of the passengers were from Benin , Guinea and Sierra Leone .
mrpc sentence1: A pamphlet will be issued to the public through major hardware chains , local libraries and on the EPA Web site : www.epa.gov. sentence2: It will be distributed through major hardware store chains and local libraries and will be available on the EPA Web site : www.epa.gov.
mrpc sentence1: The captain , Michael J. Gansas , was notified yesterday by the city 's Department of Transportation that an agency hearing officer recommended that he be fired . sentence2: Gansas got more bad news yesterday from the city Department of Transportation - a hearing officer recommended that he be fired .
mrpc sentence1: Since then , police divers have searched nearby parts of Long Island Sound looking for the remaining three . sentence2: Since then , police divers have searched those waters looking for the remaining three .
mrpc sentence1: Mr. Yandarbiyev resides in Doha , Qatar , and Russian authorities have unsuccessfully tried to have him extradited for nearly two years . sentence2: He resides in Doha , Qatar , from which Russian authorities have been trying to extradite him for nearly two years .
mrpc sentence1: In December , he anticipated growth of 5.3 percent to nearly $ 154 billion . sentence2: In December , he had predicted a 5 percent growth rate .