2 values
Emphasizing Crucial Features for Efficient Image Restoration
arXiv:2405.11468v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Image restoration is a challenging ill-posed problem which estimates latent sharp image from its degraded counterpart. Although the existing methods have achieved promising performance by designing novelty architecture of module, they ignore the fact that different regions in a corrupted image undergo varying degrees of degradation. In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective framework to adapt to varying degrees of degradation across different regions for image restoration. Specifically, we design a spatial and frequency attention mechanism (SFAM) to emphasize crucial features for restoration. SFAM consists of two modules: the spatial domain attention module (SDAM) and the frequency domain attention module (FDAM). The SFAM discerns the degradation location through spatial selective attention and channel selective attention in the spatial domain, while the FDAM enhances high-frequency signals to amplify the disparities between sharp and degraded image pairs in the spectral domain. Additionally, to capture global range information, we introduce a multi-scale block (MSBlock) that consists of three scale branches, each containing multiple simplified channel attention blocks (SCABlocks) and a multi-scale feed-forward block (MSFBlock). Finally, we propose our ECFNet, which integrates the aforementioned components into a U-shaped backbone for recovering high-quality images. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of ECFNet, outperforming state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
computer vision
FIFO-Diffusion: Generating Infinite Videos from Text without Training
arXiv:2405.11473v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We propose a novel inference technique based on a pretrained diffusion model for text-conditional video generation. Our approach, called FIFO-Diffusion, is conceptually capable of generating infinitely long videos without training. This is achieved by iteratively performing diagonal denoising, which concurrently processes a series of consecutive frames with increasing noise levels in a queue; our method dequeues a fully denoised frame at the head while enqueuing a new random noise frame at the tail. However, diagonal denoising is a double-edged sword as the frames near the tail can take advantage of cleaner ones by forward reference but such a strategy induces the discrepancy between training and inference. Hence, we introduce latent partitioning to reduce the training-inference gap and lookahead denoising to leverage the benefit of forward referencing. We have demonstrated the promising results and effectiveness of the proposed methods on existing text-to-video generation baselines.
computer vision
NubbleDrop: A Simple Way to Improve Matching Strategy for Prompted One-Shot Segmentation
arXiv:2405.11476v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Driven by large data trained segmentation models, such as SAM , research in one-shot segmentation has experienced significant advancements. Recent contributions like PerSAM and MATCHER , presented at ICLR 2024, utilize a similar approach by leveraging SAM with one or a few reference images to generate high quality segmentation masks for target images. Specifically, they utilize raw encoded features to compute cosine similarity between patches within reference and target images along the channel dimension, effectively generating prompt points or boxes for the target images a technique referred to as the matching strategy. However, relying solely on raw features might introduce biases and lack robustness for such a complex task. To address this concern, we delve into the issues of feature interaction and uneven distribution inherent in raw feature based matching. In this paper, we propose a simple and training-free method to enhance the validity and robustness of the matching strategy at no additional computational cost (NubbleDrop). The core concept involves randomly dropping feature channels (setting them to zero) during the matching process, thereby preventing models from being influenced by channels containing deceptive information. This technique mimics discarding pathological nubbles, and it can be seamlessly applied to other similarity computing scenarios. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments, considering a wide range of factors, to demonstrate the effectiveness and validity of our proposed method. Our results showcase the significant improvements achieved through this simmple and straightforward approach.
natural language processing
Unsupervised Image Prior via Prompt Learning and CLIP Semantic Guidance for Low-Light Image Enhancement
arXiv:2405.11478v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Currently, low-light conditions present a significant challenge for machine cognition. In this paper, rather than optimizing models by assuming that human and machine cognition are correlated, we use zero-reference low-light enhancement to improve the performance of downstream task models. We propose to improve the zero-reference low-light enhancement method by leveraging the rich visual-linguistic CLIP prior without any need for paired or unpaired normal-light data, which is laborious and difficult to collect. We propose a simple but effective strategy to learn prompts that help guide the enhancement method and experimentally show that the prompts learned without any need for normal-light data improve image contrast, reduce over-enhancement, and reduce noise over-amplification. Next, we propose to reuse the CLIP model for semantic guidance via zero-shot open vocabulary classification to optimize low-light enhancement for task-based performance rather than human visual perception. We conduct extensive experimental results showing that the proposed method leads to consistent improvements across various datasets regarding task-based performance and compare our method against state-of-the-art methods, showing favorable results across various low-light datasets.
computer vision
Physics-aware Hand-object Interaction Denoising
arXiv:2405.11481v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The credibility and practicality of a reconstructed hand-object interaction sequence depend largely on its physical plausibility. However, due to high occlusions during hand-object interaction, physical plausibility remains a challenging criterion for purely vision-based tracking methods. To address this issue and enhance the results of existing hand trackers, this paper proposes a novel physically-aware hand motion de-noising method. Specifically, we introduce two learned loss terms that explicitly capture two crucial aspects of physical plausibility: grasp credibility and manipulation feasibility. These terms are used to train a physically-aware de-noising network. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly improves both fine-grained physical plausibility and overall pose accuracy, surpassing current state-of-the-art de-noising methods.
natural language processing
MICap: A Unified Model for Identity-aware Movie Descriptions
arXiv:2405.11483v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Characters are an important aspect of any storyline and identifying and including them in descriptions is necessary for story understanding. While previous work has largely ignored identity and generated captions with someone (anonymized names), recent work formulates id-aware captioning as a fill-in-the-blanks (FITB) task, where, given a caption with blanks, the goal is to predict person id labels. However, to predict captions with ids, a two-stage approach is required: first predict captions with someone, then fill in identities. In this work, we present a new single stage approach that can seamlessly switch between id-aware caption generation or FITB when given a caption with blanks. Our model, Movie-Identity Captioner (MICap), uses a shared auto-regressive decoder that benefits from training with FITB and full-caption generation objectives, while the encoder can benefit from or disregard captions with blanks as input. Another challenge with id-aware captioning is the lack of a metric to capture subtle differences between person ids. To this end, we introduce iSPICE, a caption evaluation metric that focuses on identity tuples created through intermediate scene graphs. We evaluate MICap on Large-Scale Movie Description Challenge (LSMDC), where we show a 4.2% improvement in FITB accuracy, and a 1-2% bump in classic captioning metrics.
natural language processing
"Previously on ..." From Recaps to Story Summarization
arXiv:2405.11487v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We introduce multimodal story summarization by leveraging TV episode recaps - short video sequences interweaving key story moments from previous episodes to bring viewers up to speed. We propose PlotSnap, a dataset featuring two crime thriller TV shows with rich recaps and long episodes of 40 minutes. Story summarization labels are unlocked by matching recap shots to corresponding sub-stories in the episode. We propose a hierarchical model TaleSumm that processes entire episodes by creating compact shot and dialog representations, and predicts importance scores for each video shot and dialog utterance by enabling interactions between local story groups. Unlike traditional summarization, our method extracts multiple plot points from long videos. We present a thorough evaluation on story summarization, including promising cross-series generalization. TaleSumm also shows good results on classic video summarization benchmarks.
computer vision
BOSC: A Backdoor-based Framework for Open Set Synthetic Image Attribution
arXiv:2405.11491v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Synthetic image attribution addresses the problem of tracing back the origin of images produced by generative models. Extensive efforts have been made to explore unique representations of generative models and use them to attribute a synthetic image to the model that produced it. Most of the methods classify the models or the architectures among those in a closed set without considering the possibility that the system is fed with samples produced by unknown architectures. With the continuous progress of AI technology, new generative architectures continuously appear, thus driving the attention of researchers towards the development of tools capable of working in open-set scenarios. In this paper, we propose a framework for open set attribution of synthetic images, named BOSC (Backdoor-based Open Set Classification), that relies on the concept of backdoor attacks to design a classifier with rejection option. BOSC works by purposely injecting class-specific triggers inside a portion of the images in the training set to induce the network to establish a matching between class features and trigger features. The behavior of the trained model with respect to triggered samples is then exploited at test time to perform sample rejection using an ad-hoc score. Experiments show that the proposed method has good performance, always surpassing the state-of-the-art. Robustness against image processing is also very good. Although we designed our method for the task of synthetic image attribution, the proposed framework is a general one and can be used for other image forensic applications.
computer vision
Point Cloud Compression with Implicit Neural Representations: A Unified Framework
arXiv:2405.11493v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Point clouds have become increasingly vital across various applications thanks to their ability to realistically depict 3D objects and scenes. Nevertheless, effectively compressing unstructured, high-precision point cloud data remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we present a pioneering point cloud compression framework capable of handling both geometry and attribute components. Unlike traditional approaches and existing learning-based methods, our framework utilizes two coordinate-based neural networks to implicitly represent a voxelized point cloud. The first network generates the occupancy status of a voxel, while the second network determines the attributes of an occupied voxel. To tackle an immense number of voxels within the volumetric space, we partition the space into smaller cubes and focus solely on voxels within non-empty cubes. By feeding the coordinates of these voxels into the respective networks, we reconstruct the geometry and attribute components of the original point cloud. The neural network parameters are further quantized and compressed. Experimental results underscore the superior performance of our proposed method compared to the octree-based approach employed in the latest G-PCC standards. Moreover, our method exhibits high universality when contrasted with existing learning-based techniques.
computer vision
Automated Coastline Extraction Using Edge Detection Algorithms
arXiv:2405.11494v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We analyse the effectiveness of edge detection algorithms for the purpose of automatically extracting coastlines from satellite images. Four algorithms - Canny, Sobel, Scharr and Prewitt are compared visually and using metrics. With an average SSIM of 0.8, Canny detected edges that were closest to the reference edges. However, the algorithm had difficulty distinguishing noisy edges, e.g. due to development, from coastline edges. In addition, histogram equalization and Gaussian blur were shown to improve the effectiveness of the edge detection algorithms by up to 1.5 and 1.6 times respectively.
natural language processing
DEMO: A Statistical Perspective for Efficient Image-Text Matching
arXiv:2405.11496v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Image-text matching has been a long-standing problem, which seeks to connect vision and language through semantic understanding. Due to the capability to manage large-scale raw data, unsupervised hashing-based approaches have gained prominence recently. They typically construct a semantic similarity structure using the natural distance, which subsequently provides guidance to the model optimization process. However, the similarity structure could be biased at the boundaries of semantic distributions, causing error accumulation during sequential optimization. To tackle this, we introduce a novel hashing approach termed Distribution-based Structure Mining with Consistency Learning (DEMO) for efficient image-text matching. From a statistical view, DEMO characterizes each image using multiple augmented views, which are considered as samples drawn from its intrinsic semantic distribution. Then, we employ a non-parametric distribution divergence to ensure a robust and precise similarity structure. In addition, we introduce collaborative consistency learning which not only preserves the similarity structure in the Hamming space but also encourages consistency between retrieval distribution from different directions in a self-supervised manner. Through extensive experiments on three benchmark image-text matching datasets, we demonstrate that DEMO achieves superior performance compared with many state-of-the-art methods.
computer vision
The Effectiveness of Edge Detection Evaluation Metrics for Automated Coastline Detection
arXiv:2405.11498v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We analyse the effectiveness of RMSE, PSNR, SSIM and FOM for evaluating edge detection algorithms used for automated coastline detection. Typically, the accuracy of detected coastlines is assessed visually. This can be impractical on a large scale leading to the need for objective evaluation metrics. Hence, we conduct an experiment to find reliable metrics. We apply Canny edge detection to 95 coastline satellite images across 49 testing locations. We vary the Hysteresis thresholds and compare metric values to a visual analysis of detected edges. We found that FOM was the most reliable metric for selecting the best threshold. It could select a better threshold 92.6% of the time and the best threshold 66.3% of the time. This is compared RMSE, PSNR and SSIM which could select the best threshold 6.3%, 6.3% and 11.6% of the time respectively. We provide a reason for these results by reformulating RMSE, PSNR and SSIM in terms of confusion matrix measures. This suggests these metrics not only fail for this experiment but are not useful for evaluating edge detection in general.
natural language processing
DogFLW: Dog Facial Landmarks in the Wild Dataset
arXiv:2405.11501v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Affective computing for animals is a rapidly expanding research area that is going deeper than automated movement tracking to address animal internal states, like pain and emotions. Facial expressions can serve to communicate information about these states in mammals. However, unlike human-related studies, there is a significant shortage of datasets that would enable the automated analysis of animal facial expressions. Inspired by the recently introduced Cat Facial Landmarks in the Wild dataset, presenting cat faces annotated with 48 facial anatomy-based landmarks, in this paper, we develop an analogous dataset containing 3,274 annotated images of dogs. Our dataset is based on a scheme of 46 facial anatomy-based landmarks. The DogFLW dataset is available from the corresponding author upon a reasonable request.
computer vision
Online Action Representation using Change Detection and Symbolic Programming
arXiv:2405.11511v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper addresses the critical need for online action representation, which is essential for various applications like rehabilitation, surveillance, etc. The task can be defined as representation of actions as soon as they happen in a streaming video without access to video frames in the future. Most of the existing methods use predefined window sizes for video segments, which is a restrictive assumption on the dynamics. The proposed method employs a change detection algorithm to automatically segment action sequences, which form meaningful sub-actions and subsequently fit symbolic generative motion programs to the clipped segments. We determine the start time and end time of segments using change detection followed by a piece-wise linear fit algorithm on joint angle and bone length sequences. Domain-specific symbolic primitives are fit to pose keypoint trajectories of those extracted segments in order to obtain a higher level semantic representation. Since this representation is part-based, it is complementary to the compositional nature of human actions, i.e., a complex activity can be broken down into elementary sub-actions. We show the effectiveness of this representation in the downstream task of class agnostic repetition detection. We propose a repetition counting algorithm based on consecutive similarity matching of primitives, which can do online repetition counting. We also compare the results with a similar but offline repetition counting algorithm. The results of the experiments demonstrate that, despite operating online, the proposed method performs better or on par with the existing method.
computer vision
Diffusion-Based Hierarchical Image Steganography
arXiv:2405.11523v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper introduces Hierarchical Image Steganography, a novel method that enhances the security and capacity of embedding multiple images into a single container using diffusion models. HIS assigns varying levels of robustness to images based on their importance, ensuring enhanced protection against manipulation. It adaptively exploits the robustness of the Diffusion Model alongside the reversibility of the Flow Model. The integration of Embed-Flow and Enhance-Flow improves embedding efficiency and image recovery quality, respectively, setting HIS apart from conventional multi-image steganography techniques. This innovative structure can autonomously generate a container image, thereby securely and efficiently concealing multiple images and text. Rigorous subjective and objective evaluations underscore our advantage in analytical resistance, robustness, and capacity, illustrating its expansive applicability in content safeguarding and privacy fortification.
computer vision
Register assisted aggregation for Visual Place Recognition
arXiv:2405.11526v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Visual Place Recognition (VPR) refers to the process of using computer vision to recognize the position of the current query image. Due to the significant changes in appearance caused by season, lighting, and time spans between query images and database images for retrieval, these differences increase the difficulty of place recognition. Previous methods often discarded useless features (such as sky, road, vehicles) while uncontrolled discarding features that help improve recognition accuracy (such as buildings, trees). To preserve these useful features, we propose a new feature aggregation method to address this issue. Specifically, in order to obtain global and local features that contain discriminative place information, we added some registers on top of the original image tokens to assist in model training. After reallocating attention weights, these registers were discarded. The experimental results show that these registers surprisingly separate unstable features from the original image representation and outperform state-of-the-art methods.
natural language processing
RobMOT: Robust 3D Multi-Object Tracking by Observational Noise and State Estimation Drift Mitigation on LiDAR PointCloud
arXiv:2405.11536v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This work addresses the inherited limitations in the current state-of-the-art 3D multi-object tracking (MOT) methods that follow the tracking-by-detection paradigm, notably trajectory estimation drift for long-occluded objects in LiDAR point cloud streams acquired by autonomous cars. In addition, the absence of adequate track legitimacy verification results in ghost track accumulation. To tackle these issues, we introduce a two-fold innovation. Firstly, we propose refinement in Kalman filter that enhances trajectory drift noise mitigation, resulting in more robust state estimation for occluded objects. Secondly, we propose a novel online track validity mechanism to distinguish between legitimate and ghost tracks combined with a multi-stage observational gating process for incoming observations. This mechanism substantially reduces ghost tracks by up to 80\% and improves HOTA by 7\%. Accordingly, we propose an online 3D MOT framework, RobMOT, that demonstrates superior performance over the top-performing state-of-the-art methods, including deep learning approaches, across various detectors with up to 3.28\% margin in MOTA and 2.36\% in HOTA. RobMOT excels under challenging conditions, such as prolonged occlusions and the tracking of distant objects, with up to 59\% enhancement in processing latency.
natural language processing
An Invisible Backdoor Attack Based On Semantic Feature
arXiv:2405.11551v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Backdoor attacks have severely threatened deep neural network (DNN) models in the past several years. These attacks can occur in almost every stage of the deep learning pipeline. Although the attacked model behaves normally on benign samples, it makes wrong predictions for samples containing triggers. However, most existing attacks use visible patterns (e.g., a patch or image transformations) as triggers, which are vulnerable to human inspection. In this paper, we propose a novel backdoor attack, making imperceptible changes. Concretely, our attack first utilizes the pre-trained victim model to extract low-level and high-level semantic features from clean images and generates trigger pattern associated with high-level features based on channel attention. Then, the encoder model generates poisoned images based on the trigger and extracted low-level semantic features without causing noticeable feature loss. We evaluate our attack on three prominent image classification DNN across three standard datasets. The results demonstrate that our attack achieves high attack success rates while maintaining robustness against backdoor defenses. Furthermore, we conduct extensive image similarity experiments to emphasize the stealthiness of our attack strategy.
computer vision
CRF360D: Monocular 360 Depth Estimation via Spherical Fully-Connected CRFs
arXiv:2405.11564v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Monocular 360 depth estimation is challenging due to the inherent distortion of the equirectangular projection (ERP). This distortion causes a problem: spherical adjacent points are separated after being projected to the ERP plane, particularly in the polar regions. To tackle this problem, recent methods calculate the spherical neighbors in the tangent domain. However, as the tangent patch and sphere only have one common point, these methods construct neighboring spherical relationships around the common point. In this paper, we propose spherical fully-connected CRFs (SF-CRFs). We begin by evenly partitioning an ERP image with regular windows, where windows at the equator involve broader spherical neighbors than those at the poles. To improve the spherical relationships, our SF-CRFs enjoy two key components. Firstly, to involve sufficient spherical neighbors, we propose a Spherical Window Transform (SWT) module. This module aims to replicate the equator window's spherical relationships to all other windows, leveraging the rotational invariance of the sphere. Remarkably, the transformation process is highly efficient, completing the transformation of all windows in a 512X1024 ERP with 0.038 seconds on CPU. Secondly, we propose a Planar-Spherical Interaction (PSI) module to facilitate the relationships between regular and transformed windows, which not only preserves the local details but also captures global structures. By building a decoder based on the SF-CRFs blocks, we propose CRF360D, a novel 360 depth estimation framework that achieves state-of-the-art performance across diverse datasets. Our CRF360D is compatible with different perspective image-trained backbones (e.g., EfficientNet), serving as the encoder.
computer vision
Reproducibility Study of CDUL: CLIP-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
arXiv:2405.11574v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This report is a reproducibility study of the paper "CDUL: CLIP-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification" (Abdelfattah et al, ICCV 2023). Our report makes the following contributions: (1) We provide a reproducible, well commented and open-sourced code implementation for the entire method specified in the original paper. (2) We try to verify the effectiveness of the novel aggregation strategy which uses the CLIP model to initialize the pseudo labels for the subsequent unsupervised multi-label image classification task. (3) We try to verify the effectiveness of the gradient-alignment training method specified in the original paper, which is used to update the network parameters and pseudo labels. The code can be found at https://github.com/cs-mshah/CDUL
computer vision
SLAB: Efficient Transformers with Simplified Linear Attention and Progressive Re-parameterized Batch Normalization
arXiv:2405.11582v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Transformers have become foundational architectures for both natural language and computer vision tasks. However, the high computational cost makes it quite challenging to deploy on resource-constraint devices. This paper investigates the computational bottleneck modules of efficient transformer, i.e., normalization layers and attention modules. LayerNorm is commonly used in transformer architectures but is not computational friendly due to statistic calculation during inference. However, replacing LayerNorm with more efficient BatchNorm in transformer often leads to inferior performance and collapse in training. To address this problem, we propose a novel method named PRepBN to progressively replace LayerNorm with re-parameterized BatchNorm in training. Moreover, we propose a simplified linear attention (SLA) module that is simple yet effective to achieve strong performance. Extensive experiments on image classification as well as object detection demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. For example, our SLAB-Swin obtains $83.6\%$ top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K with $16.2$ms latency, which is $2.4$ms less than that of Flatten-Swin with $0.1\%$ higher accuracy. We also evaluated our method for language modeling task and obtain comparable performance and lower latency.Codes are publicly available at https://github.com/xinghaochen/SLAB and https://github.com/mindspore-lab/models/tree/master/research/huawei-noah/SLAB.
computer vision
Nickel and Diming Your GAN: A Dual-Method Approach to Enhancing GAN Efficiency via Knowledge Distillation
arXiv:2405.11614v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we address the challenge of compressing generative adversarial networks (GANs) for deployment in resource-constrained environments by proposing two novel methodologies: Distribution Matching for Efficient compression (DiME) and Network Interactive Compression via Knowledge Exchange and Learning (NICKEL). DiME employs foundation models as embedding kernels for efficient distribution matching, leveraging maximum mean discrepancy to facilitate effective knowledge distillation. Simultaneously, NICKEL employs an interactive compression method that enhances the communication between the student generator and discriminator, achieving a balanced and stable compression process. Our comprehensive evaluation on the StyleGAN2 architecture with the FFHQ dataset shows the effectiveness of our approach, with NICKEL & DiME achieving FID scores of 10.45 and 15.93 at compression rates of 95.73% and 98.92%, respectively. Remarkably, our methods sustain generative quality even at an extreme compression rate of 99.69%, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performance by a large margin. These findings not only demonstrate our methodologies' capacity to significantly lower GANs' computational demands but also pave the way for deploying high-quality GAN models in settings with limited resources. Our code will be released soon.
computer vision
Era3D: High-Resolution Multiview Diffusion using Efficient Row-wise Attention
arXiv:2405.11616v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Era3D, a novel multiview diffusion method that generates high-resolution multiview images from a single-view image. Despite significant advancements in multiview generation, existing methods still suffer from camera prior mismatch, inefficacy, and low resolution, resulting in poor-quality multiview images. Specifically, these methods assume that the input images should comply with a predefined camera type, e.g. a perspective camera with a fixed focal length, leading to distorted shapes when the assumption fails. Moreover, the full-image or dense multiview attention they employ leads to an exponential explosion of computational complexity as image resolution increases, resulting in prohibitively expensive training costs. To bridge the gap between assumption and reality, Era3D first proposes a diffusion-based camera prediction module to estimate the focal length and elevation of the input image, which allows our method to generate images without shape distortions. Furthermore, a simple but efficient attention layer, named row-wise attention, is used to enforce epipolar priors in the multiview diffusion, facilitating efficient cross-view information fusion. Consequently, compared with state-of-the-art methods, Era3D generates high-quality multiview images with up to a 512*512 resolution while reducing computation complexity by 12x times. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that Era3D can reconstruct high-quality and detailed 3D meshes from diverse single-view input images, significantly outperforming baseline multiview diffusion methods.
computer vision
Transcriptomics-guided Slide Representation Learning in Computational Pathology
arXiv:2405.11618v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has been successful in building patch embeddings of small histology images (e.g., 224x224 pixels), but scaling these models to learn slide embeddings from the entirety of giga-pixel whole-slide images (WSIs) remains challenging. Here, we leverage complementary information from gene expression profiles to guide slide representation learning using multimodal pre-training. Expression profiles constitute highly detailed molecular descriptions of a tissue that we hypothesize offer a strong task-agnostic training signal for learning slide embeddings. Our slide and expression (S+E) pre-training strategy, called Tangle, employs modality-specific encoders, the outputs of which are aligned via contrastive learning. Tangle was pre-trained on samples from three different organs: liver (n=6,597 S+E pairs), breast (n=1,020), and lung (n=1,012) from two different species (Homo sapiens and Rattus norvegicus). Across three independent test datasets consisting of 1,265 breast WSIs, 1,946 lung WSIs, and 4,584 liver WSIs, Tangle shows significantly better few-shot performance compared to supervised and SSL baselines. When assessed using prototype-based classification and slide retrieval, Tangle also shows a substantial performance improvement over all baselines. Code available at https://github.com/mahmoodlab/TANGLE.
computer vision
Computer Vision in the Food Industry: Accurate, Real-time, and Automatic Food Recognition with Pretrained MobileNetV2
arXiv:2405.11621v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In contemporary society, the application of artificial intelligence for automatic food recognition offers substantial potential for nutrition tracking, reducing food waste, and enhancing productivity in food production and consumption scenarios. Modern technologies such as Computer Vision and Deep Learning are highly beneficial, enabling machines to learn automatically, thereby facilitating automatic visual recognition. Despite some research in this field, the challenge of achieving accurate automatic food recognition quickly remains a significant research gap. Some models have been developed and implemented, but maintaining high performance swiftly, with low computational cost and low access to expensive hardware accelerators, still needs further exploration and research. This study employs the pretrained MobileNetV2 model, which is efficient and fast, for food recognition on the public Food11 dataset, comprising 16643 images. It also utilizes various techniques such as dataset understanding, transfer learning, data augmentation, regularization, dynamic learning rate, hyperparameter tuning, and consideration of images in different sizes to enhance performance and robustness. These techniques aid in choosing appropriate metrics, achieving better performance, avoiding overfitting and accuracy fluctuations, speeding up the model, and increasing the generalization of findings, making the study and its results applicable to practical applications. Despite employing a light model with a simpler structure and fewer trainable parameters compared to some deep and dense models in the deep learning area, it achieved commendable accuracy in a short time. This underscores the potential for practical implementation, which is the main intention of this study.
natural language processing
Searching Realistic-Looking Adversarial Objects For Autonomous Driving Systems
arXiv:2405.11629v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Numerous studies on adversarial attacks targeting self-driving policies fail to incorporate realistic-looking adversarial objects, limiting real-world applicability. Building upon prior research that facilitated the transition of adversarial objects from simulations to practical applications, this paper discusses a modified gradient-based texture optimization method to discover realistic-looking adversarial objects. While retaining the core architecture and techniques of the prior research, the proposed addition involves an entity termed the 'Judge'. This agent assesses the texture of a rendered object, assigning a probability score reflecting its realism. This score is integrated into the loss function to encourage the NeRF object renderer to concurrently learn realistic and adversarial textures. The paper analyzes four strategies for developing a robust 'Judge': 1) Leveraging cutting-edge vision-language models. 2) Fine-tuning open-sourced vision-language models. 3) Pretraining neurosymbolic systems. 4) Utilizing traditional image processing techniques. Our findings indicate that strategies 1) and 4) yield less reliable outcomes, pointing towards strategies 2) or 3) as more promising directions for future research.
computer vision
Morphological Prototyping for Unsupervised Slide Representation Learning in Computational Pathology
arXiv:2405.11643v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Representation learning of pathology whole-slide images (WSIs) has been has primarily relied on weak supervision with Multiple Instance Learning (MIL). However, the slide representations resulting from this approach are highly tailored to specific clinical tasks, which limits their expressivity and generalization, particularly in scenarios with limited data. Instead, we hypothesize that morphological redundancy in tissue can be leveraged to build a task-agnostic slide representation in an unsupervised fashion. To this end, we introduce PANTHER, a prototype-based approach rooted in the Gaussian mixture model that summarizes the set of WSI patches into a much smaller set of morphological prototypes. Specifically, each patch is assumed to have been generated from a mixture distribution, where each mixture component represents a morphological exemplar. Utilizing the estimated mixture parameters, we then construct a compact slide representation that can be readily used for a wide range of downstream tasks. By performing an extensive evaluation of PANTHER on subtyping and survival tasks using 13 datasets, we show that 1) PANTHER outperforms or is on par with supervised MIL baselines and 2) the analysis of morphological prototypes brings new qualitative and quantitative insights into model interpretability.
computer vision
Track Anything Rapter(TAR)
arXiv:2405.11655v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Object tracking is a fundamental task in computer vision with broad practical applications across various domains, including traffic monitoring, robotics, and autonomous vehicle tracking. In this project, we aim to develop a sophisticated aerial vehicle system known as Track Anything Raptor (TAR), designed to detect, segment, and track objects of interest based on user-provided multimodal queries, such as text, images, and clicks. TAR utilizes cutting-edge pre-trained models like DINO, CLIP, and SAM to estimate the relative pose of the queried object. The tracking problem is approached as a Visual Servoing task, enabling the UAV to consistently focus on the object through advanced motion planning and control algorithms. We showcase how the integration of these foundational models with a custom high-level control algorithm results in a highly stable and precise tracking system deployed on a custom-built PX4 Autopilot-enabled Voxl2 M500 drone. To validate the tracking algorithm's performance, we compare it against Vicon-based ground truth. Additionally, we evaluate the reliability of the foundational models in aiding tracking in scenarios involving occlusions. Finally, we test and validate the model's ability to work seamlessly with multiple modalities, such as click, bounding box, and image templates.
computer vision
Deep Ensemble Art Style Recognition
arXiv:2405.11675v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The massive digitization of artworks during the last decades created the need for categorization, analysis, and management of huge amounts of data related to abstract concepts, highlighting a challenging problem in the field of computer science. The rapid progress of artificial intelligence and neural networks has provided tools and technologies that seem worthy of the challenge. Recognition of various art features in artworks has gained attention in the deep learning society. In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of art style recognition using deep networks. We compare the performance of 8 different deep architectures (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, ResNet152, Inception-V3, DenseNet121, DenseNet201 and Inception-ResNet-V2), on two different art datasets, including 3 architectures that have never been used on this task before, leading to state-of-the-art performance. We study the effect of data preprocessing prior to applying a deep learning model. We introduce a stacking ensemble method combining the results of first-stage classifiers through a meta-classifier, with the innovation of a versatile approach based on multiple models that extract and recognize different characteristics of the input, creating a more consistent model compared to existing works and achieving state-of-the-art accuracy on the largest art dataset available (WikiArt - 68,55%). We also discuss the impact of the data and art styles themselves on the performance of our models forming a manifold perspective on the problem.
natural language processing
Advancing 6-DoF Instrument Pose Estimation in Variable X-Ray Imaging Geometries
arXiv:2405.11677v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Accurate 6-DoF pose estimation of surgical instruments during minimally invasive surgeries can substantially improve treatment strategies and eventual surgical outcome. Existing deep learning methods have achieved accurate results, but they require custom approaches for each object and laborious setup and training environments often stretching to extensive simulations, whilst lacking real-time computation. We propose a general-purpose approach of data acquisition for 6-DoF pose estimation tasks in X-ray systems, a novel and general purpose YOLOv5-6D pose architecture for accurate and fast object pose estimation and a complete method for surgical screw pose estimation under acquisition geometry consideration from a monocular cone-beam X-ray image. The proposed YOLOv5-6D pose model achieves competitive results on public benchmarks whilst being considerably faster at 42 FPS on GPU. In addition, the method generalizes across varying X-ray acquisition geometry and semantic image complexity to enable accurate pose estimation over different domains. Finally, the proposed approach is tested for bone-screw pose estimation for computer-aided guidance during spine surgeries. The model achieves a 92.41% by the 0.1 ADD-S metric, demonstrating a promising approach for enhancing surgical precision and patient outcomes. The code for YOLOv5-6D is publicly available at https://github.com/cviviers/YOLOv5-6D-Pose
natural language processing
FADet: A Multi-sensor 3D Object Detection Network based on Local Featured Attention
arXiv:2405.11682v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Camera, LiDAR and radar are common perception sensors for autonomous driving tasks. Robust prediction of 3D object detection is optimally based on the fusion of these sensors. To exploit their abilities wisely remains a challenge because each of these sensors has its own characteristics. In this paper, we propose FADet, a multi-sensor 3D detection network, which specifically studies the characteristics of different sensors based on our local featured attention modules. For camera images, we propose dual-attention-based sub-module. For LiDAR point clouds, triple-attention-based sub-module is utilized while mixed-attention-based sub-module is applied for features of radar points. With local featured attention sub-modules, our FADet has effective detection results in long-tail and complex scenes from camera, LiDAR and radar input. On NuScenes validation dataset, FADet achieves state-of-the-art performance on LiDAR-camera object detection tasks with 71.8% NDS and 69.0% mAP, at the same time, on radar-camera object detection tasks with 51.7% NDS and 40.3% mAP. Code will be released at https://github.com/ZionGo6/FADet.
computer vision
ColorFoil: Investigating Color Blindness in Large Vision and Language Models
arXiv:2405.11685v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: With the utilization of Transformer architecture, large Vision and Language (V&L) models have shown promising performance in even zero-shot settings. Several studies, however, indicate a lack of robustness of the models when dealing with complex linguistics and visual attributes. In this work, we introduce a novel V&L benchmark - ColorFoil, by creating color-related foils to assess the models' perception ability to detect colors like red, white, green, etc. We evaluate seven state-of-the-art V&L models including CLIP, ViLT, GroupViT, and BridgeTower, etc. in a zero-shot setting and present intriguing findings from the V&L models. The experimental evaluation indicates that ViLT and BridgeTower demonstrate much better color perception capabilities compared to CLIP and its variants and GroupViT. Moreover, CLIP-based models and GroupViT struggle to distinguish colors that are visually distinct to humans with normal color perception ability.
computer vision
InterAct: Capture and Modelling of Realistic, Expressive and Interactive Activities between Two Persons in Daily Scenarios
arXiv:2405.11690v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We address the problem of accurate capture and expressive modelling of interactive behaviors happening between two persons in daily scenarios. Different from previous works which either only consider one person or focus on conversational gestures, we propose to simultaneously model the activities of two persons, and target objective-driven, dynamic, and coherent interactions which often span long duration. To this end, we capture a new dataset dubbed InterAct, which is composed of 241 motion sequences where two persons perform a realistic scenario over the whole sequence. The audios, body motions, and facial expressions of both persons are all captured in our dataset. We also demonstrate the first diffusion model based approach that directly estimates the interactive motions between two persons from their audios alone. All the data and code will be available for research purposes upon acceptance of the paper.
computer vision
Quality assurance of organs-at-risk delineation in radiotherapy
arXiv:2405.11732v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The delineation of tumor target and organs-at-risk is critical in the radiotherapy treatment planning. Automatic segmentation can be used to reduce the physician workload and improve the consistency. However, the quality assurance of the automatic segmentation is still an unmet need in clinical practice. The patient data used in our study was a standardized dataset from AAPM Thoracic Auto-Segmentation Challenge. The OARs included were left and right lungs, heart, esophagus, and spinal cord. Two groups of OARs were generated, the benchmark dataset manually contoured by experienced physicians and the test dataset automatically created using a software AccuContour. A resnet-152 network was performed as feature extractor, and one-class support vector classifier was used to determine the high or low quality. We evaluate the model performance with balanced accuracy, F-score, sensitivity, specificity and the area under the receiving operator characteristic curve. We randomly generated contour errors to assess the generalization of our method, explored the detection limit, and evaluated the correlations between detection limit and various metrics such as volume, Dice similarity coefficient, Hausdorff distance, and mean surface distance. The proposed one-class classifier outperformed in metrics such as balanced accuracy, AUC, and others. The proposed method showed significant improvement over binary classifiers in handling various types of errors. Our proposed model, which introduces residual network and attention mechanism in the one-class classification framework, was able to detect the various types of OAR contour errors with high accuracy. The proposed method can significantly reduce the burden of physician review for contour delineation.
computer vision
Versatile Teacher: A Class-aware Teacher-student Framework for Cross-domain Adaptation
arXiv:2405.11754v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Addressing the challenge of domain shift between datasets is vital in maintaining model performance. In the context of cross-domain object detection, the teacher-student framework, a widely-used semi-supervised model, has shown significant accuracy improvements. However, existing methods often overlook class differences, treating all classes equally, resulting in suboptimal results. Furthermore, the integration of instance-level alignment with a one-stage detector, essential due to the absence of a Region Proposal Network (RPN), remains unexplored in this framework. In response to these shortcomings, we introduce a novel teacher-student model named Versatile Teacher (VT). VT differs from previous works by considering class-specific detection difficulty and employing a two-step pseudo-label selection mechanism, referred to as Class-aware Pseudo-label Adaptive Selection (CAPS), to generate more reliable pseudo labels. These labels are leveraged as saliency matrices to guide the discriminator for targeted instance-level alignment. Our method demonstrates promising results on three benchmark datasets, and extends the alignment methods for widely-used one-stage detectors, presenting significant potential for practical applications. Code is available at https://github.com/RicardooYoung/VersatileTeacher.
computer vision
DLAFormer: An End-to-End Transformer For Document Layout Analysis
arXiv:2405.11757v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Document layout analysis (DLA) is crucial for understanding the physical layout and logical structure of documents, serving information retrieval, document summarization, knowledge extraction, etc. However, previous studies have typically used separate models to address individual sub-tasks within DLA, including table/figure detection, text region detection, logical role classification, and reading order prediction. In this work, we propose an end-to-end transformer-based approach for document layout analysis, called DLAFormer, which integrates all these sub-tasks into a single model. To achieve this, we treat various DLA sub-tasks (such as text region detection, logical role classification, and reading order prediction) as relation prediction problems and consolidate these relation prediction labels into a unified label space, allowing a unified relation prediction module to handle multiple tasks concurrently. Additionally, we introduce a novel set of type-wise queries to enhance the physical meaning of content queries in DETR. Moreover, we adopt a coarse-to-fine strategy to accurately identify graphical page objects. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed DLAFormer outperforms previous approaches that employ multi-branch or multi-stage architectures for multiple tasks on two document layout analysis benchmarks, DocLayNet and Comp-HRDoc.
natural language processing
DATR: Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Detection Transformer with Dataset-Level Adaptation and Prototypical Alignment
arXiv:2405.11765v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Object detectors frequently encounter significant performance degradation when confronted with domain gaps between collected data (source domain) and data from real-world applications (target domain). To address this task, numerous unsupervised domain adaptive detectors have been proposed, leveraging carefully designed feature alignment techniques. However, these techniques primarily align instance-level features in a class-agnostic manner, overlooking the differences between extracted features from different categories, which results in only limited improvement. Furthermore, the scope of current alignment modules is often restricted to a limited batch of images, failing to learn the entire dataset-level cues, thereby severely constraining the detector's generalization ability to the target domain. To this end, we introduce a strong DETR-based detector named Domain Adaptive detection TRansformer (DATR) for unsupervised domain adaptation of object detection. Firstly, we propose the Class-wise Prototypes Alignment (CPA) module, which effectively aligns cross-domain features in a class-aware manner by bridging the gap between object detection task and domain adaptation task. Then, the designed Dataset-level Alignment Scheme (DAS) explicitly guides the detector to achieve global representation and enhance inter-class distinguishability of instance-level features across the entire dataset, which spans both domains, by leveraging contrastive learning. Moreover, DATR incorporates a mean-teacher based self-training framework, utilizing pseudo-labels generated by the teacher model to further mitigate domain bias. Extensive experimental results demonstrate superior performance and generalization capabilities of our proposed DATR in multiple domain adaptation scenarios. Code is released at https://github.com/h751410234/DATR.
computer vision
Learning Spatial Similarity Distribution for Few-shot Object Counting
arXiv:2405.11770v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Few-shot object counting aims to count the number of objects in a query image that belong to the same class as the given exemplar images. Existing methods compute the similarity between the query image and exemplars in the 2D spatial domain and perform regression to obtain the counting number. However, these methods overlook the rich information about the spatial distribution of similarity on the exemplar images, leading to significant impact on matching accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a network learning Spatial Similarity Distribution (SSD) for few-shot object counting, which preserves the spatial structure of exemplar features and calculates a 4D similarity pyramid point-to-point between the query features and exemplar features, capturing the complete distribution information for each point in the 4D similarity space. We propose a Similarity Learning Module (SLM) which applies the efficient center-pivot 4D convolutions on the similarity pyramid to map different similarity distributions to distinct predicted density values, thereby obtaining accurate count. Furthermore, we also introduce a Feature Cross Enhancement (FCE) module that enhances query and exemplar features mutually to improve the accuracy of feature matching. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on multiple datasets, including FSC-147 and CARPK. Code is available at https://github.com/CBalance/SSD.
computer vision
MM-Retinal: Knowledge-Enhanced Foundational Pretraining with Fundus Image-Text Expertise
arXiv:2405.11793v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Current fundus image analysis models are predominantly built for specific tasks relying on individual datasets. The learning process is usually based on data-driven paradigm without prior knowledge, resulting in poor transferability and generalizability. To address this issue, we propose MM-Retinal, a multi-modal dataset that encompasses high-quality image-text pairs collected from professional fundus diagram books. Moreover, enabled by MM-Retinal, we present a novel Knowledge-enhanced foundational pretraining model which incorporates Fundus Image-Text expertise, called KeepFIT. It is designed with image similarity-guided text revision and mixed training strategy to infuse expert knowledge. Our proposed fundus foundation model achieves state-of-the-art performance across six unseen downstream tasks and holds excellent generalization ability in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios. MM-Retinal and KeepFIT are available at https://github.com/lxirich/MM-Retinal.
computer vision
ViViD: Video Virtual Try-on using Diffusion Models
arXiv:2405.11794v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Video virtual try-on aims to transfer a clothing item onto the video of a target person. Directly applying the technique of image-based try-on to the video domain in a frame-wise manner will cause temporal-inconsistent outcomes while previous video-based try-on solutions can only generate low visual quality and blurring results. In this work, we present ViViD, a novel framework employing powerful diffusion models to tackle the task of video virtual try-on. Specifically, we design the Garment Encoder to extract fine-grained clothing semantic features, guiding the model to capture garment details and inject them into the target video through the proposed attention feature fusion mechanism. To ensure spatial-temporal consistency, we introduce a lightweight Pose Encoder to encode pose signals, enabling the model to learn the interactions between clothing and human posture and insert hierarchical Temporal Modules into the text-to-image stable diffusion model for more coherent and lifelike video synthesis. Furthermore, we collect a new dataset, which is the largest, with the most diverse types of garments and the highest resolution for the task of video virtual try-on to date. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach is able to yield satisfactory video try-on results. The dataset, codes, and weights will be publicly available. Project page: https://becauseimbatman0.github.io/ViViD.
computer vision
Distill-then-prune: An Efficient Compression Framework for Real-time Stereo Matching Network on Edge Devices
arXiv:2405.11809v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In recent years, numerous real-time stereo matching methods have been introduced, but they often lack accuracy. These methods attempt to improve accuracy by introducing new modules or integrating traditional methods. However, the improvements are only modest. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy by incorporating knowledge distillation and model pruning to overcome the inherent trade-off between speed and accuracy. As a result, we obtained a model that maintains real-time performance while delivering high accuracy on edge devices. Our proposed method involves three key steps. Firstly, we review state-of-the-art methods and design our lightweight model by removing redundant modules from those efficient models through a comparison of their contributions. Next, we leverage the efficient model as the teacher to distill knowledge into the lightweight model. Finally, we systematically prune the lightweight model to obtain the final model. Through extensive experiments conducted on two widely-used benchmarks, Sceneflow and KITTI, we perform ablation studies to analyze the effectiveness of each module and present our state-of-the-art results.
computer vision
Climatic & Anthropogenic Hazards to the Nasca World Heritage: Application of Remote Sensing, AI, and Flood Modelling
arXiv:2405.11814v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Preservation of the Nasca geoglyphs at the UNESCO World Heritage Site in Peru is urgent as natural and human impact accelerates. More frequent weather extremes such as flashfloods threaten Nasca artifacts. We demonstrate that runoff models based on (sub-)meter scale, LiDAR-derived digital elevation data can highlight AI-detected geoglyphs that are in danger of erosion. We recommend measures of mitigation to protect the famous "lizard", "tree", and "hand" geoglyphs located close by, or even cut by the Pan-American Highway.
computer vision
FeTT: Continual Class Incremental Learning via Feature Transformation Tuning
arXiv:2405.11822v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Continual learning (CL) aims to extend deep models from static and enclosed environments to dynamic and complex scenarios, enabling systems to continuously acquire new knowledge of novel categories without forgetting previously learned knowledge. Recent CL models have gradually shifted towards the utilization of pre-trained models (PTMs) with parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) strategies. However, continual fine-tuning still presents a serious challenge of catastrophic forgetting due to the absence of previous task data. Additionally, the fine-tune-then-frozen mechanism suffers from performance limitations due to feature channels suppression and insufficient training data in the first CL task. To this end, this paper proposes feature transformation tuning (FeTT) model to non-parametrically fine-tune backbone features across all tasks, which not only operates independently of CL training data but also smooths feature channels to prevent excessive suppression. Then, the extended ensemble strategy incorporating different PTMs with FeTT model facilitates further performance improvement. We further elaborate on the discussions of the fine-tune-then-frozen paradigm and the FeTT model from the perspectives of discrepancy in class marginal distributions and feature channels. Extensive experiments on CL benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
natural language processing
Stereo-Knowledge Distillation from dpMV to Dual Pixels for Light Field Video Reconstruction
arXiv:2405.11823v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Dual pixels contain disparity cues arising from the defocus blur. This disparity information is useful for many vision tasks ranging from autonomous driving to 3D creative realism. However, directly estimating disparity from dual pixels is less accurate. This work hypothesizes that distilling high-precision dark stereo knowledge, implicitly or explicitly, to efficient dual-pixel student networks enables faithful reconstructions. This dark knowledge distillation should also alleviate stereo-synchronization setup and calibration costs while dramatically increasing parameter and inference time efficiency. We collect the first and largest 3-view dual-pixel video dataset, dpMV, to validate our explicit dark knowledge distillation hypothesis. We show that these methods outperform purely monocular solutions, especially in challenging foreground-background separation regions using faithful guidance from dual pixels. Finally, we demonstrate an unconventional use case unlocked by dpMV and implicit dark knowledge distillation from an ensemble of teachers for Light Field (LF) video reconstruction. Our LF video reconstruction method is the fastest and most temporally consistent to date. It remains competitive in reconstruction fidelity while offering many other essential properties like high parameter efficiency, implicit disocclusion handling, zero-shot cross-dataset transfer, geometrically consistent inference on higher spatial-angular resolutions, and adaptive baseline control. All source code is available at the anonymous repository https://github.com/Aryan-Garg.
natural language processing
Improving the Explain-Any-Concept by Introducing Nonlinearity to the Trainable Surrogate Model
arXiv:2405.11837v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In the evolving field of Explainable AI (XAI), interpreting the decisions of deep neural networks (DNNs) in computer vision tasks is an important process. While pixel-based XAI methods focus on identifying significant pixels, existing concept-based XAI methods use pre-defined or human-annotated concepts. The recently proposed Segment Anything Model (SAM) achieved a significant step forward to prepare automatic concept sets via comprehensive instance segmentation. Building upon this, the Explain Any Concept (EAC) model emerged as a flexible method for explaining DNN decisions. EAC model is based on using a surrogate model which has one trainable linear layer to simulate the target model. In this paper, by introducing an additional nonlinear layer to the original surrogate model, we show that we can improve the performance of the EAC model. We compare our proposed approach to the original EAC model and report improvements obtained on both ImageNet and MS COCO datasets.
computer vision
EPPS: Advanced Polyp Segmentation via Edge Information Injection and Selective Feature Decoupling
arXiv:2405.11846v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Accurate segmentation of polyps in colonoscopy images is essential for early-stage diagnosis and management of colorectal cancer. Despite advancements in deep learning for polyp segmentation, enduring limitations persist. The edges of polyps are typically ambiguous, making them difficult to discern from the background, and the model performance is often compromised by the influence of irrelevant or unimportant features. To alleviate these challenges, we propose a novel model named Edge-Prioritized Polyp Segmentation (EPPS). Specifically, we incorporate an Edge Mapping Engine (EME) aimed at accurately extracting the edges of polyps. Subsequently, an Edge Information Injector (EII) is devised to augment the mask prediction by injecting the captured edge information into Decoder blocks. Furthermore, we introduce a component called Selective Feature Decoupler (SFD) to suppress the influence of noise and extraneous features on the model. Extensive experiments on 3 widely used polyp segmentation benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared with other state-of-the-art approaches.
computer vision
Rethinking Overlooked Aspects in Vision-Language Models
arXiv:2405.11850v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Recent advancements in large vision-language models (LVLMs), such as GPT4-V and LLaVA, have been substantial. LLaVA's modular architecture, in particular, offers a blend of simplicity and efficiency. Recent works mainly focus on introducing more pre-training and instruction tuning data to improve model's performance. This paper delves into the often-neglected aspects of data efficiency during pre-training and the selection process for instruction tuning datasets. Our research indicates that merely increasing the size of pre-training data does not guarantee improved performance and may, in fact, lead to its degradation. Furthermore, we have established a pipeline to pinpoint the most efficient instruction tuning (SFT) dataset, implying that not all SFT data utilized in existing studies are necessary. The primary objective of this paper is not to introduce a state-of-the-art model, but rather to serve as a roadmap for future research, aiming to optimize data usage during pre-training and fine-tuning processes to enhance the performance of vision-language models.
computer vision
Evolving Storytelling: Benchmarks and Methods for New Character Customization with Diffusion Models
arXiv:2405.11852v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Diffusion-based models for story visualization have shown promise in generating content-coherent images for storytelling tasks. However, how to effectively integrate new characters into existing narratives while maintaining character consistency remains an open problem, particularly with limited data. Two major limitations hinder the progress: (1) the absence of a suitable benchmark due to potential character leakage and inconsistent text labeling, and (2) the challenge of distinguishing between new and old characters, leading to ambiguous results. To address these challenges, we introduce the NewEpisode benchmark, comprising refined datasets designed to evaluate generative models' adaptability in generating new stories with fresh characters using just a single example story. The refined dataset involves refined text prompts and eliminates character leakage. Additionally, to mitigate the character confusion of generated results, we propose EpicEvo, a method that customizes a diffusion-based visual story generation model with a single story featuring the new characters seamlessly integrating them into established character dynamics. EpicEvo introduces a novel adversarial character alignment module to align the generated images progressively in the diffusive process, with exemplar images of new characters, while applying knowledge distillation to prevent forgetting of characters and background details. Our evaluation quantitatively demonstrates that EpicEvo outperforms existing baselines on the NewEpisode benchmark, and qualitative studies confirm its superior customization of visual story generation in diffusion models. In summary, EpicEvo provides an effective way to incorporate new characters using only one example story, unlocking new possibilities for applications such as serialized cartoons.
natural language processing
SEMv3: A Fast and Robust Approach to Table Separation Line Detection
arXiv:2405.11862v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Table structure recognition (TSR) aims to parse the inherent structure of a table from its input image. The `"split-and-merge" paradigm is a pivotal approach to parse table structure, where the table separation line detection is crucial. However, challenges such as wireless and deformed tables make it demanding. In this paper, we adhere to the "split-and-merge" paradigm and propose SEMv3 (SEM: Split, Embed and Merge), a method that is both fast and robust for detecting table separation lines. During the split stage, we introduce a Keypoint Offset Regression (KOR) module, which effectively detects table separation lines by directly regressing the offset of each line relative to its keypoint proposals. Moreover, in the merge stage, we define a series of merge actions to efficiently describe the table structure based on table grids. Extensive ablation studies demonstrate that our proposed KOR module can detect table separation lines quickly and accurately. Furthermore, on public datasets (e.g. WTW, ICDAR-2019 cTDaR Historical and iFLYTAB), SEMv3 achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. The code is available at https://github.com/Chunchunwumu/SEMv3.
computer vision
Depth Prompting for Sensor-Agnostic Depth Estimation
arXiv:2405.11867v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Dense depth maps have been used as a key element of visual perception tasks. There have been tremendous efforts to enhance the depth quality, ranging from optimization-based to learning-based methods. Despite the remarkable progress for a long time, their applicability in the real world is limited due to systematic measurement biases such as density, sensing pattern, and scan range. It is well-known that the biases make it difficult for these methods to achieve their generalization. We observe that learning a joint representation for input modalities (e.g., images and depth), which most recent methods adopt, is sensitive to the biases. In this work, we disentangle those modalities to mitigate the biases with prompt engineering. For this, we design a novel depth prompt module to allow the desirable feature representation according to new depth distributions from either sensor types or scene configurations. Our depth prompt can be embedded into foundation models for monocular depth estimation. Through this embedding process, our method helps the pretrained model to be free from restraint of depth scan range and to provide absolute scale depth maps. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive evaluations. Source code is publicly available at https://github.com/JinhwiPark/DepthPrompting .
computer vision
Refining Coded Image in Human Vision Layer Using CNN-Based Post-Processing
arXiv:2405.11894v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Scalable image coding for both humans and machines is a technique that has gained a lot of attention recently. This technology enables the hierarchical decoding of images for human vision and image recognition models. It is a highly effective method when images need to serve both purposes. However, no research has yet incorporated the post-processing commonly used in popular image compression schemes into scalable image coding method for humans and machines. In this paper, we propose a method to enhance the quality of decoded images for humans by integrating post-processing into scalable coding scheme. Experimental results show that the post-processing improves compression performance. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through comparisons with traditional methods.
natural language processing
A comprehensive overview of deep learning techniques for 3D point cloud classification and semantic segmentation
arXiv:2405.11903v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Point cloud analysis has a wide range of applications in many areas such as computer vision, robotic manipulation, and autonomous driving. While deep learning has achieved remarkable success on image-based tasks, there are many unique challenges faced by deep neural networks in processing massive, unordered, irregular and noisy 3D points. To stimulate future research, this paper analyzes recent progress in deep learning methods employed for point cloud processing and presents challenges and potential directions to advance this field. It serves as a comprehensive review on two major tasks in 3D point cloud processing-- namely, 3D shape classification and semantic segmentation.
computer vision
CSTA: CNN-based Spatiotemporal Attention for Video Summarization
arXiv:2405.11905v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Video summarization aims to generate a concise representation of a video, capturing its essential content and key moments while reducing its overall length. Although several methods employ attention mechanisms to handle long-term dependencies, they often fail to capture the visual significance inherent in frames. To address this limitation, we propose a CNN-based SpatioTemporal Attention (CSTA) method that stacks each feature of frames from a single video to form image-like frame representations and applies 2D CNN to these frame features. Our methodology relies on CNN to comprehend the inter and intra-frame relations and to find crucial attributes in videos by exploiting its ability to learn absolute positions within images. In contrast to previous work compromising efficiency by designing additional modules to focus on spatial importance, CSTA requires minimal computational overhead as it uses CNN as a sliding window. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets (SumMe and TVSum) demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance with fewer MACs compared to previous methods. Codes are available at https://github.com/thswodnjs3/CSTA.
natural language processing
Diff-BGM: A Diffusion Model for Video Background Music Generation
arXiv:2405.11913v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: When editing a video, a piece of attractive background music is indispensable. However, video background music generation tasks face several challenges, for example, the lack of suitable training datasets, and the difficulties in flexibly controlling the music generation process and sequentially aligning the video and music. In this work, we first propose a high-quality music-video dataset BGM909 with detailed annotation and shot detection to provide multi-modal information about the video and music. We then present evaluation metrics to assess music quality, including music diversity and alignment between music and video with retrieval precision metrics. Finally, we propose the Diff-BGM framework to automatically generate the background music for a given video, which uses different signals to control different aspects of the music during the generation process, i.e., uses dynamic video features to control music rhythm and semantic features to control the melody and atmosphere. We propose to align the video and music sequentially by introducing a segment-aware cross-attention layer. Experiments verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. The code and models are available at https://github.com/sizhelee/Diff-BGM.
natural language processing
PT43D: A Probabilistic Transformer for Generating 3D Shapes from Single Highly-Ambiguous RGB Images
arXiv:2405.11914v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Generating 3D shapes from single RGB images is essential in various applications such as robotics. Current approaches typically target images containing clear and complete visual descriptions of the object, without considering common realistic cases where observations of objects that are largely occluded or truncated. We thus propose a transformer-based autoregressive model to generate the probabilistic distribution of 3D shapes conditioned on an RGB image containing potentially highly ambiguous observations of the object. To handle realistic scenarios such as occlusion or field-of-view truncation, we create simulated image-to-shape training pairs that enable improved fine-tuning for real-world scenarios. We then adopt cross-attention to effectively identify the most relevant region of interest from the input image for shape generation. This enables inference of sampled shapes with reasonable diversity and strong alignment with the input image. We train and test our model on our synthetic data then fine-tune and test it on real-world data. Experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state of the art in both scenarios
computer vision
MirrorGaussian: Reflecting 3D Gaussians for Reconstructing Mirror Reflections
arXiv:2405.11921v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting showcases notable advancements in photo-realistic and real-time novel view synthesis. However, it faces challenges in modeling mirror reflections, which exhibit substantial appearance variations from different viewpoints. To tackle this problem, we present MirrorGaussian, the first method for mirror scene reconstruction with real-time rendering based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. The key insight is grounded on the mirror symmetry between the real-world space and the virtual mirror space. We introduce an intuitive dual-rendering strategy that enables differentiable rasterization of both the real-world 3D Gaussians and the mirrored counterpart obtained by reflecting the former about the mirror plane. All 3D Gaussians are jointly optimized with the mirror plane in an end-to-end framework. MirrorGaussian achieves high-quality and real-time rendering in scenes with mirrors, empowering scene editing like adding new mirrors and objects. Comprehensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms existing methods, achieving state-of-the-art results. Project page: https://mirror-gaussian.github.io/.
natural language processing
UAV-VisLoc: A Large-scale Dataset for UAV Visual Localization
arXiv:2405.11936v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has been widely extended recently. It is crucial to ensure accurate latitude and longitude coordinates for UAVs, especially when the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are disrupted and unreliable. Existing visual localization methods achieve autonomous visual localization without error accumulation by matching the ground-down view image of UAV with the ortho satellite maps. However, collecting UAV ground-down view images across diverse locations is costly, leading to a scarcity of large-scale datasets for real-world scenarios. Existing datasets for UAV visual localization are often limited to small geographic areas or are focused only on urban regions with distinct textures. To address this, we define the UAV visual localization task by determining the UAV's real position coordinates on a large-scale satellite map based on the captured ground-down view. In this paper, we present a large-scale dataset, UAV-VisLoc, to facilitate the UAV visual localization task. This dataset comprises images from diverse drones across 11 locations in China, capturing a range of topographical features. The dataset features images from fixed-wing drones and multi-terrain drones, captured at different altitudes and orientations. Our dataset includes 6,742 drone images and 11 satellite maps, with metadata such as latitude, longitude, altitude, and capture date. Our dataset is tailored to support both the training and testing of models by providing a diverse and extensive data.
computer vision
Data Augmentation for Text-based Person Retrieval Using Large Language Models
arXiv:2405.11971v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Text-based Person Retrieval (TPR) aims to retrieve person images that match the description given a text query. The performance improvement of the TPR model relies on high-quality data for supervised training. However, it is difficult to construct a large-scale, high-quality TPR dataset due to expensive annotation and privacy protection. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have approached or even surpassed human performance on many NLP tasks, creating the possibility to expand high-quality TPR datasets. This paper proposes an LLM-based Data Augmentation (LLM-DA) method for TPR. LLM-DA uses LLMs to rewrite the text in the current TPR dataset, achieving high-quality expansion of the dataset concisely and efficiently. These rewritten texts are able to increase the diversity of vocabulary and sentence structure while retaining the original key concepts and semantic information. In order to alleviate the hallucinations of LLMs, LLM-DA introduces a Text Faithfulness Filter (TFF) to filter out unfaithful rewritten text. To balance the contributions of original text and augmented text, a Balanced Sampling Strategy (BSS) is proposed to control the proportion of original text and augmented text used for training. LLM-DA is a plug-and-play method that can be easily integrated into various TPR models. Comprehensive experiments on three TPR benchmarks show that LLM-DA can improve the retrieval performance of current TPR models.
natural language processing
Position-Guided Prompt Learning for Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays
arXiv:2405.11976v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Anomaly detection in chest X-rays is a critical task. Most methods mainly model the distribution of normal images, and then regard significant deviation from normal distribution as anomaly. Recently, CLIP-based methods, pre-trained on a large number of medical images, have shown impressive performance on zero/few-shot downstream tasks. In this paper, we aim to explore the potential of CLIP-based methods for anomaly detection in chest X-rays. Considering the discrepancy between the CLIP pre-training data and the task-specific data, we propose a position-guided prompt learning method. Specifically, inspired by the fact that experts diagnose chest X-rays by carefully examining distinct lung regions, we propose learnable position-guided text and image prompts to adapt the task data to the frozen pre-trained CLIP-based model. To enhance the model's discriminative capability, we propose a novel structure-preserving anomaly synthesis method within chest x-rays during the training process. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms some state-of-the-art methods. The code of our implementation is available at https://github.com/sunzc-sunny/PPAD.
computer vision
GuidedRec: Guiding Ill-Posed Unsupervised Volumetric Recovery
arXiv:2405.11977v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We introduce a novel unsupervised approach to reconstructing a 3D volume from only two planar projections that exploits a previous\-ly-captured 3D volume of the patient. Such volume is readily available in many important medical procedures and previous methods already used such a volume. Earlier methods that work by deforming this volume to match the projections typically fail when the number of projections is very low as the alignment becomes underconstrained. We show how to use a generative model of the volume structures to constrain the deformation and obtain a correct estimate. Moreover, our method is not bounded to a specific sensor calibration and can be applied to new calibrations without retraining. We evaluate our approach on a challenging dataset and show it outperforms state-of-the-art methods. As a result, our method could be used in treatment scenarios such as surgery and radiotherapy while drastically reducing patient radiation exposure.
natural language processing
SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for signature verification
arXiv:2405.11978v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Building upon findings in computational model of handwriting learning and execution, we introduce the concept of stability to explain the difference between the actual movements performed during multiple execution of the subject's signature, and conjecture that the most stable parts of the signature should play a paramount role in evaluating the similarity between a questioned signature and the reference ones during signature verification. We then introduce the Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping algorithm for incorporating the stability regions, i.e. the most similar parts between two signatures, into the distance measure between a pair of signatures computed by the Dynamic Time Warping for signature verification. Experiments were conducted on two datasets largely adopted for performance evaluation. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of the baseline system and compares favourably with other top performing signature verification systems.
computer vision
MTVQA: Benchmarking Multilingual Text-Centric Visual Question Answering
arXiv:2405.11985v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Text-Centric Visual Question Answering (TEC-VQA) in its proper format not only facilitates human-machine interaction in text-centric visual environments but also serves as a de facto gold proxy to evaluate AI models in the domain of text-centric scene understanding. However, most TEC-VQA benchmarks have focused on high-resource languages like English and Chinese. Despite pioneering works to expand multilingual QA pairs in non-text-centric VQA datasets using translation engines, the translation-based protocol encounters a substantial ``Visual-textual misalignment'' problem when applied to TEC-VQA. Specifically, it prioritizes the text in question-answer pairs while disregarding the visual text present in images. Furthermore, it does not adequately tackle challenges related to nuanced meaning, contextual distortion, language bias, and question-type diversity. In this work, we address the task of multilingual TEC-VQA and provide a benchmark with high-quality human expert annotations in 9 diverse languages, called MTVQA. To our knowledge, MTVQA is the first multilingual TEC-VQA benchmark to provide human expert annotations for text-centric scenarios. Further, by evaluating several state-of-the-art Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), including GPT-4V, on our MTVQA dataset, it is evident that there is still room for performance improvement, underscoring the value of our dataset. We hope this dataset will provide researchers with fresh perspectives and inspiration within the community. The MTVQA dataset will be available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/ByteDance/MTVQA.
natural language processing
GGAvatar: Geometric Adjustment of Gaussian Head Avatar
arXiv:2405.11993v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We propose GGAvatar, a novel 3D avatar representation designed to robustly model dynamic head avatars with complex identities and deformations. GGAvatar employs a coarse-to-fine structure, featuring two core modules: Neutral Gaussian Initialization Module and Geometry Morph Adjuster. Neutral Gaussian Initialization Module pairs Gaussian primitives with deformable triangular meshes, employing an adaptive density control strategy to model the geometric structure of the target subject with neutral expressions. Geometry Morph Adjuster introduces deformation bases for each Gaussian in global space, creating fine-grained low-dimensional representations of deformation behaviors to address the Linear Blend Skinning formula's limitations effectively. Extensive experiments show that GGAvatar can produce high-fidelity renderings, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in visual quality and quantitative metrics.
computer vision
Mamba-in-Mamba: Centralized Mamba-Cross-Scan in Tokenized Mamba Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification
arXiv:2405.12003v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Hyperspectral image (HSI) classification is pivotal in the remote sensing (RS) field, particularly with the advancement of deep learning techniques. Sequential models, adapted from the natural language processing (NLP) field such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Transformers, have been tailored to this task, offering a unique viewpoint. However, several challenges persist 1) RNNs struggle with centric feature aggregation and are sensitive to interfering pixels, 2) Transformers require significant computational resources and often underperform with limited HSI training samples, and 3) Current scanning methods for converting images into sequence-data are simplistic and inefficient. In response, this study introduces the innovative Mamba-in-Mamba (MiM) architecture for HSI classification, the first attempt of deploying State Space Model (SSM) in this task. The MiM model includes 1) A novel centralized Mamba-Cross-Scan (MCS) mechanism for transforming images into sequence-data, 2) A Tokenized Mamba (T-Mamba) encoder that incorporates a Gaussian Decay Mask (GDM), a Semantic Token Learner (STL), and a Semantic Token Fuser (STF) for enhanced feature generation and concentration, and 3) A Weighted MCS Fusion (WMF) module coupled with a Multi-Scale Loss Design to improve decoding efficiency. Experimental results from three public HSI datasets with fixed and disjoint training-testing samples demonstrate that our method outperforms existing baselines and state-of-the-art approaches, highlighting its efficacy and potential in HSI applications.
computer vision
Depth Reconstruction with Neural Signed Distance Fields in Structured Light Systems
arXiv:2405.12006v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We introduce a novel depth estimation technique for multi-frame structured light setups using neural implicit representations of 3D space. Our approach employs a neural signed distance field (SDF), trained through self-supervised differentiable rendering. Unlike passive vision, where joint estimation of radiance and geometry fields is necessary, we capitalize on known radiance fields from projected patterns in structured light systems. This enables isolated optimization of the geometry field, ensuring convergence and network efficacy with fixed device positioning. To enhance geometric fidelity, we incorporate an additional color loss based on object surfaces during training. Real-world experiments demonstrate our method's superiority in geometric performance for few-shot scenarios, while achieving comparable results with increased pattern availability.
computer vision
Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Adapted Conformer via Unsupervised Pretraining
arXiv:2405.12018v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Conventional Deep Learning frameworks for continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) are comprised of a single or multi-modal feature extractor, a sequence-learning module, and a decoder for outputting the glosses. The sequence learning module is a crucial part wherein transformers have demonstrated their efficacy in the sequence-to-sequence tasks. Analyzing the research progress in the field of Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition, a rapid introduction of various transformer variants is observed. However, in the realm of sign language, experimentation in the sequence learning component is limited. In this work, the state-of-the-art Conformer model for Speech Recognition is adapted for CSLR and the proposed model is termed ConSignformer. This marks the first instance of employing Conformer for a vision-based task. ConSignformer has bimodal pipeline of CNN as feature extractor and Conformer for sequence learning. For improved context learning we also introduce Cross-Modal Relative Attention (CMRA). By incorporating CMRA into the model, it becomes more adept at learning and utilizing complex relationships within the data. To further enhance the Conformer model, unsupervised pretraining called Regressional Feature Extraction is conducted on a curated sign language dataset. The pretrained Conformer is then fine-tuned for the downstream recognition task. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the adopted pretraining strategy and demonstrate how CMRA contributes to the recognition process. Remarkably, leveraging a Conformer-based backbone, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark datasets: PHOENIX-2014 and PHOENIX-2014T.
computer vision
NPLMV-PS: Neural Point-Light Multi-View Photometric Stereo
arXiv:2405.12057v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this work we present a novel multi-view photometric stereo (PS) method. Like many works in 3D reconstruction we are leveraging neural shape representations and learnt renderers. However, our work differs from the state-of-the-art multi-view PS methods such as PS-NeRF or SuperNormal we explicity leverage per-pixel intensity renderings rather than relying mainly on estimated normals. We model point light attenuation and explicitly raytrace cast shadows in order to best approximate each points incoming radiance. This is used as input to a fully neural material renderer that uses minimal prior assumptions and it is jointly optimised with the surface. Finally, estimated normal and segmentation maps can also incorporated in order to maximise the surface accuracy. Our method is among the first to outperform the classical approach of DiLiGenT-MV and achieves average 0.2mm Chamfer distance for objects imaged at approx 1.5m distance away with approximate 400x400 resolution. Moreover, we show robustness to poor normals in low light count scenario, achieving 0.27mm Chamfer distance when pixel rendering is used instead of estimated normals.
computer vision
Gaussian Head & Shoulders: High Fidelity Neural Upper Body Avatars with Anchor Gaussian Guided Texture Warping
arXiv:2405.12069v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: By equipping the most recent 3D Gaussian Splatting representation with head 3D morphable models (3DMM), existing methods manage to create head avatars with high fidelity. However, most existing methods only reconstruct a head without the body, substantially limiting their application scenarios. We found that naively applying Gaussians to model the clothed chest and shoulders tends to result in blurry reconstruction and noisy floaters under novel poses. This is because of the fundamental limitation of Gaussians and point clouds -- each Gaussian or point can only have a single directional radiance without spatial variance, therefore an unnecessarily large number of them is required to represent complicated spatially varying texture, even for simple geometry. In contrast, we propose to model the body part with a neural texture that consists of coarse and pose-dependent fine colors. To properly render the body texture for each view and pose without accurate geometry nor UV mapping, we optimize another sparse set of Gaussians as anchors that constrain the neural warping field that maps image plane coordinates to the texture space. We demonstrate that Gaussian Head & Shoulders can fit the high-frequency details on the clothed upper body with high fidelity and potentially improve the accuracy and fidelity of the head region. We evaluate our method with casual phone-captured and internet videos and show our method archives superior reconstruction quality and robustness in both self and cross reenactment tasks. To fully utilize the efficient rendering speed of Gaussian splatting, we additionally propose an accelerated inference method of our trained model without Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) queries and reach a stable rendering speed of around 130 FPS for any subjects.
natural language processing
AutoSoccerPose: Automated 3D posture Analysis of Soccer Shot Movements
arXiv:2405.12070v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Image understanding is a foundational task in computer vision, with recent applications emerging in soccer posture analysis. However, existing publicly available datasets lack comprehensive information, notably in the form of posture sequences and 2D pose annotations. Moreover, current analysis models often rely on interpretable linear models (e.g., PCA and regression), limiting their capacity to capture non-linear spatiotemporal relationships in complex and diverse scenarios. To address these gaps, we introduce the 3D Shot Posture (3DSP) dataset in soccer broadcast videos, which represents the most extensive sports image dataset with 2D pose annotations to our knowledge. Additionally, we present the 3DSP-GRAE (Graph Recurrent AutoEncoder) model, a non-linear approach for embedding pose sequences. Furthermore, we propose AutoSoccerPose, a pipeline aimed at semi-automating 2D and 3D pose estimation and posture analysis. While achieving full automation proved challenging, we provide a foundational baseline, extending its utility beyond the scope of annotated data. We validate AutoSoccerPose on SoccerNet and 3DSP datasets, and present posture analysis results based on 3DSP. The dataset, code, and models are available at: https://github.com/calvinyeungck/3D-Shot-Posture-Dataset.
computer vision
Sheet Music Transformer ++: End-to-End Full-Page Optical Music Recognition for Pianoform Sheet Music
arXiv:2405.12105v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Optical Music Recognition is a field that has progressed significantly, bringing accurate systems that transcribe effectively music scores into digital formats. Despite this, there are still several limitations that hinder OMR from achieving its full potential. Specifically, state of the art OMR still depends on multi-stage pipelines for performing full-page transcription, as well as it has only been demonstrated in monophonic cases, leaving behind very relevant engravings. In this work, we present the Sheet Music Transformer++, an end-to-end model that is able to transcribe full-page polyphonic music scores without the need of a previous Layout Analysis step. This is done thanks to an extensive curriculum learning-based pretraining with synthetic data generation. We conduct several experiments on a full-page extension of a public polyphonic transcription dataset. The experimental outcomes confirm that the model is competent at transcribing full-page pianoform scores, marking a noteworthy milestone in end-to-end OMR transcription.
computer vision
Imp: Highly Capable Large Multimodal Models for Mobile Devices
arXiv:2405.12107v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: By harnessing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs), recent large multimodal models (LMMs) have shown remarkable versatility in open-world multimodal understanding. Nevertheless, they are usually parameter-heavy and computation-intensive, thus hindering their applicability in resource-constrained scenarios. To this end, several lightweight LMMs have been proposed successively to maximize the capabilities under constrained scale (e.g., 3B). Despite the encouraging results achieved by these methods, most of them only focus on one or two aspects of the design space, and the key design choices that influence model capability have not yet been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study for lightweight LMMs from the aspects of model architecture, training strategy, and training data. Based on our findings, we obtain Imp -- a family of highly capable LMMs at the 2B-4B scales. Notably, our Imp-3B model steadily outperforms all the existing lightweight LMMs of similar size, and even surpasses the state-of-the-art LMMs at the 13B scale. With low-bit quantization and resolution reduction techniques, our Imp model can be deployed on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen3 mobile chip with a high inference speed of about 13 tokens/s.
natural language processing
CoR-GS: Sparse-View 3D Gaussian Splatting via Co-Regularization
arXiv:2405.12110v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) creates a radiance field consisting of 3D Gaussians to represent a scene. With sparse training views, 3DGS easily suffers from overfitting, negatively impacting the reconstruction quality. This paper introduces a new co-regularization perspective for improving sparse-view 3DGS. When training two 3D Gaussian radiance fields with the same sparse views of a scene, we observe that the two radiance fields exhibit \textit{point disagreement} and \textit{rendering disagreement} that can unsupervisedly predict reconstruction quality, stemming from the sampling implementation in densification. We further quantify the point disagreement and rendering disagreement by evaluating the registration between Gaussians' point representations and calculating differences in their rendered pixels. The empirical study demonstrates the negative correlation between the two disagreements and accurate reconstruction, which allows us to identify inaccurate reconstruction without accessing ground-truth information. Based on the study, we propose CoR-GS, which identifies and suppresses inaccurate reconstruction based on the two disagreements: (\romannumeral1) Co-pruning considers Gaussians that exhibit high point disagreement in inaccurate positions and prunes them. (\romannumeral2) Pseudo-view co-regularization considers pixels that exhibit high rendering disagreement are inaccurately rendered and suppress the disagreement. Results on LLFF, Mip-NeRF360, DTU, and Blender demonstrate that CoR-GS effectively regularizes the scene geometry, reconstructs the compact representations, and achieves state-of-the-art novel view synthesis quality under sparse training views.
computer vision
A New Cross-Space Total Variation Regularization Model for Color Image Restoration with Quaternion Blur Operator
arXiv:2405.12114v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The cross-channel deblurring problem in color image processing is difficult to solve due to the complex coupling and structural blurring of color pixels. Until now, there are few efficient algorithms that can reduce color infection in deblurring process. To solve this challenging problem, we present a novel cross-space total variation (CSTV) regularization model for color image deblurring by introducing a quaternion blur operator and a cross-color space regularization functional. The existence and uniqueness of the solution is proved and a new L-curve method is proposed to find a sweet balance of regularization functionals on different color spaces. The Euler-Lagrange equation is derived to show that CSTV has taken into account the coupling of all color channels and the local smoothing within each color channel. A quaternion operator splitting method is firstly proposed to enhance the ability of color infection reduction of the CSTV regularization model. This strategy also applies to the well-known color deblurring models. Numerical experiments on color image databases illustrate the efficiency and manoeuvrability of the new model and algorithms. The color images restored by them successfully maintain the color and spatial information and are of higher quality in terms of PSNR, SSIM, MSE and CIEde2000 than the restorations of the-state-of-the-art methods.
computer vision
Alzheimer's Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification Using Deep and Meta-Learning Models
arXiv:2405.12126v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Deep learning, a cutting-edge machine learning approach, outperforms traditional machine learning in identifying intricate structures in complex high-dimensional data, particularly in the domain of healthcare. This study focuses on classifying Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data for Alzheimer's disease (AD) by leveraging deep learning techniques characterized by state-of-the-art CNNs. Brain imaging techniques such as MRI have enabled the measurement of pathophysiological brain changes related to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly, and it is an irreversible brain illness that causes gradual cognitive function disorder. In this paper, we train some benchmark deep models individually for the approach of the solution and later use an ensembling approach to combine the effect of multiple CNNs towards the observation of higher recall and accuracy. Here, the model's effectiveness is evaluated using various methods, including stacking, majority voting, and the combination of models with high recall values. The majority voting performs better than the alternative modelling approach as the majority voting approach typically reduces the variance in the predictions. We report a test accuracy of 90% with a precision score of 0.90 and a recall score of 0.89 in our proposed approach. In future, this study can be extended to incorporate other types of medical data, including signals, images, and other data. The same or alternative datasets can be used with additional classifiers, neural networks, and AI techniques to enhance Alzheimer's detection.
computer vision
DTLLM-VLT: Diverse Text Generation for Visual Language Tracking Based on LLM
arXiv:2405.12139v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Visual Language Tracking (VLT) enhances single object tracking (SOT) by integrating natural language descriptions from a video, for the precise tracking of a specified object. By leveraging high-level semantic information, VLT guides object tracking, alleviating the constraints associated with relying on a visual modality. Nevertheless, most VLT benchmarks are annotated in a single granularity and lack a coherent semantic framework to provide scientific guidance. Moreover, coordinating human annotators for high-quality annotations is laborious and time-consuming. To address these challenges, we introduce DTLLM-VLT, which automatically generates extensive and multi-granularity text to enhance environmental diversity. (1) DTLLM-VLT generates scientific and multi-granularity text descriptions using a cohesive prompt framework. Its succinct and highly adaptable design allows seamless integration into various visual tracking benchmarks. (2) We select three prominent benchmarks to deploy our approach: short-term tracking, long-term tracking, and global instance tracking. We offer four granularity combinations for these benchmarks, considering the extent and density of semantic information, thereby showcasing the practicality and versatility of DTLLM-VLT. (3) We conduct comparative experiments on VLT benchmarks with different text granularities, evaluating and analyzing the impact of diverse text on tracking performance. Conclusionally, this work leverages LLM to provide multi-granularity semantic information for VLT task from efficient and diverse perspectives, enabling fine-grained evaluation of multi-modal trackers. In the future, we believe this work can be extended to more datasets to support vision datasets understanding.
natural language processing
Bangladeshi Native Vehicle Detection in Wild
arXiv:2405.12150v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The success of autonomous navigation relies on robust and precise vehicle recognition, hindered by the scarcity of region-specific vehicle detection datasets, impeding the development of context-aware systems. To advance terrestrial object detection research, this paper proposes a native vehicle detection dataset for the most commonly appeared vehicle classes in Bangladesh. 17 distinct vehicle classes have been taken into account, with fully annotated 81542 instances of 17326 images. Each image width is set to at least 1280px. The dataset's average vehicle bounding box-to-image ratio is 4.7036. This Bangladesh Native Vehicle Dataset (BNVD) has accounted for several geographical, illumination, variety of vehicle sizes, and orientations to be more robust on surprised scenarios. In the context of examining the BNVD dataset, this work provides a thorough assessment with four successive You Only Look Once (YOLO) models, namely YOLO v5, v6, v7, and v8. These dataset's effectiveness is methodically evaluated and contrasted with other vehicle datasets already in use. The BNVD dataset exhibits mean average precision(mAP) at 50% intersection over union (IoU) is 0.848 corresponding precision and recall values of 0.841 and 0.774. The research findings indicate a mAP of 0.643 at an IoU range of 0.5 to 0.95. The experiments show that the BNVD dataset serves as a reliable representation of vehicle distribution and presents considerable complexities.
computer vision
Enhancing Explainable AI: A Hybrid Approach Combining GradCAM and LRP for CNN Interpretability
arXiv:2405.12175v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present a new technique that explains the output of a CNN-based model using a combination of GradCAM and LRP methods. Both of these methods produce visual explanations by highlighting input regions that are important for predictions. In the new method, the explanation produced by GradCAM is first processed to remove noises. The processed output is then multiplied elementwise with the output of LRP. Finally, a Gaussian blur is applied on the product. We compared the proposed method with GradCAM and LRP on the metrics of Faithfulness, Robustness, Complexity, Localisation and Randomisation. It was observed that this method performs better on Complexity than both GradCAM and LRP and is better than atleast one of them in the other metrics.
natural language processing
Multi-View Attentive Contextualization for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
arXiv:2405.12200v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present Multi-View Attentive Contextualization (MvACon), a simple yet effective method for improving 2D-to-3D feature lifting in query-based multi-view 3D (MV3D) object detection. Despite remarkable progress witnessed in the field of query-based MV3D object detection, prior art often suffers from either the lack of exploiting high-resolution 2D features in dense attention-based lifting, due to high computational costs, or from insufficiently dense grounding of 3D queries to multi-scale 2D features in sparse attention-based lifting. Our proposed MvACon hits the two birds with one stone using a representationally dense yet computationally sparse attentive feature contextualization scheme that is agnostic to specific 2D-to-3D feature lifting approaches. In experiments, the proposed MvACon is thoroughly tested on the nuScenes benchmark, using both the BEVFormer and its recent 3D deformable attention (DFA3D) variant, as well as the PETR, showing consistent detection performance improvement, especially in enhancing performance in location, orientation, and velocity prediction. It is also tested on the Waymo-mini benchmark using BEVFormer with similar improvement. We qualitatively and quantitatively show that global cluster-based contexts effectively encode dense scene-level contexts for MV3D object detection. The promising results of our proposed MvACon reinforces the adage in computer vision -- ``(contextualized) feature matters".
natural language processing
Hierarchical Neural Operator Transformer with Learnable Frequency-aware Loss Prior for Arbitrary-scale Super-resolution
arXiv:2405.12202v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this work, we present an arbitrary-scale super-resolution (SR) method to enhance the resolution of scientific data, which often involves complex challenges such as continuity, multi-scale physics, and the intricacies of high-frequency signals. Grounded in operator learning, the proposed method is resolution-invariant. The core of our model is a hierarchical neural operator that leverages a Galerkin-type self-attention mechanism, enabling efficient learning of mappings between function spaces. Sinc filters are used to facilitate the information transfer across different levels in the hierarchy, thereby ensuring representation equivalence in the proposed neural operator. Additionally, we introduce a learnable prior structure that is derived from the spectral resizing of the input data. This loss prior is model-agnostic and is designed to dynamically adjust the weighting of pixel contributions, thereby balancing gradients effectively across the model. We conduct extensive experiments on diverse datasets from different domains and demonstrate consistent improvements compared to strong baselines, which consist of various state-of-the-art SR methods.
natural language processing
Slicedit: Zero-Shot Video Editing With Text-to-Image Diffusion Models Using Spatio-Temporal Slices
arXiv:2405.12211v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models achieve state-of-the-art results in image synthesis and editing. However, leveraging such pretrained models for video editing is considered a major challenge. Many existing works attempt to enforce temporal consistency in the edited video through explicit correspondence mechanisms, either in pixel space or between deep features. These methods, however, struggle with strong nonrigid motion. In this paper, we introduce a fundamentally different approach, which is based on the observation that spatiotemporal slices of natural videos exhibit similar characteristics to natural images. Thus, the same T2I diffusion model that is normally used only as a prior on video frames, can also serve as a strong prior for enhancing temporal consistency by applying it on spatiotemporal slices. Based on this observation, we present Slicedit, a method for text-based video editing that utilizes a pretrained T2I diffusion model to process both spatial and spatiotemporal slices. Our method generates videos that retain the structure and motion of the original video while adhering to the target text. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate Slicedit's ability to edit a wide range of real-world videos, confirming its clear advantages compared to existing competing methods. Webpage: https://matankleiner.github.io/slicedit/
natural language processing
Adapting Large Multimodal Models to Distribution Shifts: The Role of In-Context Learning
arXiv:2405.12217v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Recent studies indicate that large multimodal models (LMMs) are highly robust against natural distribution shifts, often surpassing previous baselines. Despite this, domain-specific adaptation is still necessary, particularly in specialized areas like healthcare. Due to the impracticality of fine-tuning LMMs given their vast parameter space, this work investigates in-context learning (ICL) as an effective alternative for enhancing LMMs' adaptability. We find that the success of ICL heavily relies on the choice of demonstration, mirroring challenges seen in large language models but introducing unique complexities for LMMs facing distribution shifts. Our study addresses this by evaluating an unsupervised ICL method, TopKNearestPR, which selects in-context examples through a nearest example search based on feature similarity. We uncover that its effectiveness is limited by the deficiencies of pre-trained vision encoders under distribution shift scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose InvariantSelectPR, a novel method leveraging Class-conditioned Contrastive Invariance (CCI) for more robust demonstration selection. Specifically, CCI enhances pre-trained vision encoders by improving their discriminative capabilities across different classes and ensuring invariance to domain-specific variations. This enhancement allows the encoders to effectively identify and retrieve the most informative examples, which are then used to guide LMMs in adapting to new query samples under varying distributions. Our experiments show that InvariantSelectPR substantially improves the adaptability of LMMs, achieving significant performance gains on benchmark datasets, with a 34.2%$\uparrow$ accuracy increase in 7-shot on Camelyon17 and 16.9%$\uparrow$ increase in 7-shot on HAM10000 compared to the baseline zero-shot performance.
computer vision
Fast Generalizable Gaussian Splatting Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo
arXiv:2405.12218v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present MVSGaussian, a new generalizable 3D Gaussian representation approach derived from Multi-View Stereo (MVS) that can efficiently reconstruct unseen scenes. Specifically, 1) we leverage MVS to encode geometry-aware Gaussian representations and decode them into Gaussian parameters. 2) To further enhance performance, we propose a hybrid Gaussian rendering that integrates an efficient volume rendering design for novel view synthesis. 3) To support fast fine-tuning for specific scenes, we introduce a multi-view geometric consistent aggregation strategy to effectively aggregate the point clouds generated by the generalizable model, serving as the initialization for per-scene optimization. Compared with previous generalizable NeRF-based methods, which typically require minutes of fine-tuning and seconds of rendering per image, MVSGaussian achieves real-time rendering with better synthesis quality for each scene. Compared with the vanilla 3D-GS, MVSGaussian achieves better view synthesis with less training computational cost. Extensive experiments on DTU, Real Forward-facing, NeRF Synthetic, and Tanks and Temples datasets validate that MVSGaussian attains state-of-the-art performance with convincing generalizability, real-time rendering speed, and fast per-scene optimization.
computer vision
Images that Sound: Composing Images and Sounds on a Single Canvas
arXiv:2405.12221v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Spectrograms are 2D representations of sound that look very different from the images found in our visual world. And natural images, when played as spectrograms, make unnatural sounds. In this paper, we show that it is possible to synthesize spectrograms that simultaneously look like natural images and sound like natural audio. We call these spectrograms images that sound. Our approach is simple and zero-shot, and it leverages pre-trained text-to-image and text-to-spectrogram diffusion models that operate in a shared latent space. During the reverse process, we denoise noisy latents with both the audio and image diffusion models in parallel, resulting in a sample that is likely under both models. Through quantitative evaluations and perceptual studies, we find that our method successfully generates spectrograms that align with a desired audio prompt while also taking the visual appearance of a desired image prompt. Please see our project page for video results: https://ificl.github.io/images-that-sound/
computer vision
Classification of colorectal primer carcinoma from normal colon with mid-infrared spectra
arXiv:2405.10950v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this project, we used formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples to measure thousands of spectra per tissue core with Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy using an FT-IR imaging system. These cores varied between normal colon (NC) and colorectal primer carcinoma (CRC) tissues. We created a database to manage all the multivariate data obtained from the measurements. Then, we applied classifier algorithms to identify the tissue based on its yielded spectra. For classification, we used the random forest, a support vector machine, XGBoost, and linear discriminant analysis methods, as well as three deep neural networks. We compared two data manipulation techniques using these models and then applied filtering. In the end, we compared model performances via the sum of ranking differences (SRD).
computer vision
Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review and Applications
arXiv:2405.11029v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In recent years, the study of artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone a paradigm shift. This has been propelled by the groundbreaking capabilities of generative models both in supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios. Generative AI has shown state-of-the-art performance in solving perplexing real-world conundrums in fields such as image translation, medical diagnostics, textual imagery fusion, natural language processing, and beyond. This paper documents the systematic review and analysis of recent advancements and techniques in Generative AI with a detailed discussion of their applications including application-specific models. Indeed, the major impact that generative AI has made to date, has been in language generation with the development of large language models, in the field of image translation and several other interdisciplinary applications of generative AI. Moreover, the primary contribution of this paper lies in its coherent synthesis of the latest advancements in these areas, seamlessly weaving together contemporary breakthroughs in the field. Particularly, how it shares an exploration of the future trajectory for generative AI. In conclusion, the paper ends with a discussion of Responsible AI principles, and the necessary ethical considerations for the sustainability and growth of these generative models.
natural language processing
TVCondNet: A Conditional Denoising Neural Network for NMR Spectroscopy
arXiv:2405.11064v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a widely-used technique in the fields of bio-medicine, chemistry, and biology for the analysis of chemicals and proteins. The signals from NMR spectroscopy often have low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to acquisition noise, which poses significant challenges for subsequent analysis. Recent work has explored the potential of deep learning (DL) for NMR denoising, showing significant performance gains over traditional methods such as total variation (TV) denoising. This paper shows that the performance of DL denoising for NMR can be further improved by combining data-driven training with traditional TV denoising. The proposed TVCondNet method outperforms both traditional TV and DL methods by including the TV solution as a condition during DL training. Our validation on experimentally collected NMR data shows the superior denoising performance and faster inference speed of TVCondNet compared to existing methods.
natural language processing
XCAT-2.0: A Comprehensive Library of Personalized Digital Twins Derived from CT Scans
arXiv:2405.11133v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Virtual Imaging Trials (VIT) offer a cost-effective and scalable approach for evaluating medical imaging technologies. Computational phantoms, which mimic real patient anatomy and physiology, play a central role in VIT. However, the current libraries of computational phantoms face limitations, particularly in terms of sample size and diversity. Insufficient representation of the population hampers accurate assessment of imaging technologies across different patient groups. Traditionally, phantoms were created by manual segmentation, which is a laborious and time-consuming task, impeding the expansion of phantom libraries. This study presents a framework for realistic computational phantom modeling using a suite of four deep learning segmentation models, followed by three forms of automated organ segmentation quality control. Over 2500 computational phantoms with up to 140 structures illustrating a sophisticated approach to detailed anatomical modeling are released. Phantoms are available in both voxelized and surface mesh formats. The framework is aggregated with an in-house CT scanner simulator to produce realistic CT images. The framework can potentially advance virtual imaging trials, facilitating comprehensive and reliable evaluations of medical imaging technologies. Phantoms may be requested at https://cvit.duke.edu/resources/, code, model weights, and sample CT images are available at https://xcat-2.github.io.
computer vision
Outlier-Robust Long-Term Robotic Mapping Leveraging Ground Segmentation
arXiv:2405.11176v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Despite the remarkable advancements in deep learning-based perception technologies and simultaneous localization and mapping~(SLAM), one can face the failure of these approaches when robots encounter scenarios outside their modeled experiences~(here, the term \textit{modeling} encompasses both conventional pattern finding and data-driven approaches). In particular, because learning-based methods are prone to catastrophic failure when operated in untrained scenes, there is still a demand for conventional yet robust approaches that work out of the box in diverse scenarios, such as real-world robotic services and SLAM competitions. In addition, the dynamic nature of real-world environments, characterized by changing surroundings over time and the presence of moving objects, leads to undesirable data points that hinder a robot from localization and path planning. Consequently, methodologies that enable long-term map management, such as multi-session SLAM and static map building, become essential. Therefore, to achieve a robust long-term robotic mapping system that can work out of the box, first, I propose (i)~fast and robust ground segmentation to reject the ground points, which are featureless and thus not helpful for localization and mapping. Then, by employing the concept of graduated non-convexity~(GNC), I propose (ii)~outlier-robust registration with ground segmentation that overcomes the presence of gross outliers within the feature matching results, and (iii)~hierarchical multi-session SLAM that not only uses our proposed GNC-based registration but also employs a GNC solver to be robust against outlier loop candidates. Finally, I propose (iv)~instance-aware static map building that can handle the presence of moving objects in the environment based on the observation that most moving objects in urban environments are inevitably in contact with the ground.
computer vision
Uni-MoE: Scaling Unified Multimodal LLMs with Mixture of Experts
arXiv:2405.11273v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Recent advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) underscore the significance of scalable models and data to boost performance, yet this often incurs substantial computational costs. Although the Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture has been employed to efficiently scale large language and image-text models, these efforts typically involve fewer experts and limited modalities. To address this, our work presents the pioneering attempt to develop a unified MLLM with the MoE architecture, named Uni-MoE that can handle a wide array of modalities. Specifically, it features modality-specific encoders with connectors for a unified multimodal representation. We also implement a sparse MoE architecture within the LLMs to enable efficient training and inference through modality-level data parallelism and expert-level model parallelism. To enhance the multi-expert collaboration and generalization, we present a progressive training strategy: 1) Cross-modality alignment using various connectors with different cross-modality data, 2) Training modality-specific experts with cross-modality instruction data to activate experts' preferences, and 3) Tuning the Uni-MoE framework utilizing Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) on mixed multimodal instruction data. We evaluate the instruction-tuned Uni-MoE on a comprehensive set of multimodal datasets. The extensive experimental results demonstrate Uni-MoE's principal advantage of significantly reducing performance bias in handling mixed multimodal datasets, alongside improved multi-expert collaboration and generalization. Our findings highlight the substantial potential of MoE frameworks in advancing MLLMs and the code is available at https://github.com/HITsz-TMG/UMOE-Scaling-Unified-Multimodal-LLMs.
computer vision
Diffusion Model Driven Test-Time Image Adaptation for Robust Skin Lesion Classification
arXiv:2405.11289v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Deep learning-based diagnostic systems have demonstrated potential in skin disease diagnosis. However, their performance can easily degrade on test domains due to distribution shifts caused by input-level corruptions, such as imaging equipment variability, brightness changes, and image blur. This will reduce the reliability of model deployment in real-world scenarios. Most existing solutions focus on adapting the source model through retraining on different target domains. Although effective, this retraining process is sensitive to the amount of data and the hyperparameter configuration for optimization. In this paper, we propose a test-time image adaptation method to enhance the accuracy of the model on test data by simultaneously updating and predicting test images. We modify the target test images by projecting them back to the source domain using a diffusion model. Specifically, we design a structure guidance module that adds refinement operations through low-pass filtering during reverse sampling, regularizing the diffusion to preserve structural information. Additionally, we introduce a self-ensembling scheme automatically adjusts the reliance on adapted and unadapted inputs, enhancing adaptation robustness by rejecting inappropriate generative modeling results. To facilitate this study, we constructed the ISIC2019-C and Dermnet-C corruption robustness evaluation benchmarks. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmarks demonstrate that our method makes the classifier more robust across various corruptions, architectures, and data regimes. Our datasets and code will be available at \url{https://github.com/minghu0830/Skin-TTA_Diffusion}.
natural language processing
Medical Image Analysis for Detection, Treatment and Planning of Disease using Artificial Intelligence Approaches
arXiv:2405.11295v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: X-ray is one of the prevalent image modalities for the detection and diagnosis of the human body. X-ray provides an actual anatomical structure of an organ present with disease or absence of disease. Segmentation of disease in chest X-ray images is essential for the diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, a framework for the segmentation of X-ray images using artificial intelligence techniques has been discussed. Here data has been pre-processed and cleaned followed by segmentation using SegNet and Residual Net approaches to X-ray images. Finally, segmentation has been evaluated using well known metrics like Loss, Dice Coefficient, Jaccard Coefficient, Precision, Recall, Binary Accuracy, and Validation Accuracy. The experimental results reveal that the proposed approach performs better in all respect of well-known parameters with 16 batch size and 50 epochs. The value of validation accuracy, precision, and recall of SegNet and Residual Unet models are 0.9815, 0.9699, 0.9574, and 0.9901, 0.9864, 0.9750 respectively.
computer vision
Visual Episodic Memory-based Exploration
arXiv:2405.11298v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In humans, intrinsic motivation is an important mechanism for open-ended cognitive development; in robots, it has been shown to be valuable for exploration. An important aspect of human cognitive development is $\textit{episodic memory}$ which enables both the recollection of events from the past and the projection of subjective future. This paper explores the use of visual episodic memory as a source of intrinsic motivation for robotic exploration problems. Using a convolutional recurrent neural network autoencoder, the agent learns an efficient representation for spatiotemporal features such that accurate sequence prediction can only happen once spatiotemporal features have been learned. Structural similarity between ground truth and autoencoder generated images is used as an intrinsic motivation signal to guide exploration. Our proposed episodic memory model also implicitly accounts for the agent's actions, motivating the robot to seek new interactive experiences rather than just areas that are visually dissimilar. When guiding robotic exploration, our proposed method outperforms the Curiosity-driven Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) at finding dynamic anomalies.
computer vision
Enhancing Fine-Grained Image Classifications via Cascaded Vision Language Models
arXiv:2405.11301v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Fine-grained image classification, particularly in zero/few-shot scenarios, presents a significant challenge for vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP. These models often struggle with the nuanced task of distinguishing between semantically similar classes due to limitations in their pre-trained recipe, which lacks supervision signals for fine-grained categorization. This paper introduces CascadeVLM, an innovative framework that overcomes the constraints of previous CLIP-based methods by effectively leveraging the granular knowledge encapsulated within large vision-language models (LVLMs). Experiments across various fine-grained image datasets demonstrate that CascadeVLM significantly outperforms existing models, specifically on the Stanford Cars dataset, achieving an impressive 85.6% zero-shot accuracy. Performance gain analysis validates that LVLMs produce more accurate predictions for challenging images that CLIPs are uncertain about, bringing the overall accuracy boost. Our framework sheds light on a holistic integration of VLMs and LVLMs for effective and efficient fine-grained image classification.
computer vision
Sampling Strategies for Mitigating Bias in Face Synthesis Methods
arXiv:2405.11320v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Synthetically generated images can be used to create media content or to complement datasets for training image analysis models. Several methods have recently been proposed for the synthesis of high-fidelity face images; however, the potential biases introduced by such methods have not been sufficiently addressed. This paper examines the bias introduced by the widely popular StyleGAN2 generative model trained on the Flickr Faces HQ dataset and proposes two sampling strategies to balance the representation of selected attributes in the generated face images. We focus on two protected attributes, gender and age, and reveal that biases arise in the distribution of randomly sampled images against very young and very old age groups, as well as against female faces. These biases are also assessed for different image quality levels based on the GIQA score. To mitigate bias, we propose two alternative methods for sampling on selected lines or spheres of the latent space to increase the number of generated samples from the under-represented classes. The experimental results show a decrease in bias against underrepresented groups and a more uniform distribution of the protected features at different levels of image quality.
computer vision
On the Trajectory Regularity of ODE-based Diffusion Sampling
arXiv:2405.11326v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Diffusion-based generative models use stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and their equivalent ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to establish a smooth connection between a complex data distribution and a tractable prior distribution. In this paper, we identify several intriguing trajectory properties in the ODE-based sampling process of diffusion models. We characterize an implicit denoising trajectory and discuss its vital role in forming the coupled sampling trajectory with a strong shape regularity, regardless of the generated content. We also describe a dynamic programming-based scheme to make the time schedule in sampling better fit the underlying trajectory structure. This simple strategy requires minimal modification to any given ODE-based numerical solvers and incurs negligible computational cost, while delivering superior performance in image generation, especially in $5\sim 10$ function evaluations.
computer vision
Liver Fat Quantification Network with Body Shape
arXiv:2405.11386v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: It is clinically important to detect liver fat content as it is related to cardiac complications and cardiovascular disease mortality. However, existing methods are associated with high cost and/or medical complications (e.g., liver biopsy, medical imaging technology) or only roughly estimate the grades of steatosis. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network to accurately estimate liver fat percentage using only body shapes. The proposed framework is composed of a flexible baseline regression network and a lightweight attention module. The attention module is trained to generate discriminative and diverse features, thus significantly improving performance. To validate our proposed method, we perform extensive tests on medical datasets. The experimental results validate our method and prove the efficacy of designing neural networks to predict liver fat using only body shape. Since body shapes can be acquired using inexpensive and readily available optical scanners, the proposed method promised to make accurate assessment of hepatic steatosis more accessible.
computer vision
Enhancing Vehicle Aerodynamics with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Voxelised Models
arXiv:2405.11492v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Aerodynamic design optimisation plays a crucial role in improving the performance and efficiency of automotive vehicles. This paper presents a novel approach for aerodynamic optimisation in car design using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Traditional optimisation methods often face challenges in handling the complexity of the design space and capturing non-linear relationships between design parameters and aerodynamic performance metrics. This study addresses these challenges by employing DRL to learn optimal aerodynamic design strategies in a voxelised model representation. The proposed approach utilises voxelised models to discretise the vehicle geometry into a grid of voxels, allowing for a detailed representation of the aerodynamic flow field. The Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) algorithm is then employed to train a DRL agent to optimise the design parameters of the vehicle with respect to drag force, kinetic energy, and voxel collision count. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach in achieving significant results in aerodynamic performance. The findings highlight the potential of DRL techniques for addressing complex aerodynamic design optimisation problems in automotive engineering, with implications for improving vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
computer vision
Hierarchical Selective Classification
arXiv:2405.11533v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Deploying deep neural networks for risk-sensitive tasks necessitates an uncertainty estimation mechanism. This paper introduces hierarchical selective classification, extending selective classification to a hierarchical setting. Our approach leverages the inherent structure of class relationships, enabling models to reduce the specificity of their predictions when faced with uncertainty. In this paper, we first formalize hierarchical risk and coverage, and introduce hierarchical risk-coverage curves. Next, we develop algorithms for hierarchical selective classification (which we refer to as "inference rules"), and propose an efficient algorithm that guarantees a target accuracy constraint with high probability. Lastly, we conduct extensive empirical studies on over a thousand ImageNet classifiers, revealing that training regimes such as CLIP, pretraining on ImageNet21k and knowledge distillation boost hierarchical selective performance.
computer vision
AI-Assisted Diagnosis for Covid-19 CXR Screening: From Data Collection to Clinical Validation
arXiv:2405.11598v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we present the major results from the Covid Radiographic imaging System based on AI (Co.R.S.A.) project, which took place in Italy. This project aims to develop a state-of-the-art AI-based system for diagnosing Covid-19 pneumonia from Chest X-ray (CXR) images. The contributions of this work are manyfold: the release of the public CORDA dataset, a deep learning pipeline for Covid-19 detection, and the clinical validation of the developed solution by expert radiologists. The proposed detection model is based on a two-step approach that, paired with state-of-the-art debiasing, provides reliable results. Most importantly, our investigation includes the actual usage of the diagnosis aid tool by radiologists, allowing us to assess the real benefits in terms of accuracy and time efficiency. Project homepage: https://corsa.di.unito.it/
computer vision
Inquire, Interact, and Integrate: A Proactive Agent Collaborative Framework for Zero-Shot Multimodal Medical Reasoning
arXiv:2405.11640v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The adoption of large language models (LLMs) in healthcare has attracted significant research interest. However, their performance in healthcare remains under-investigated and potentially limited, due to i) they lack rich domain-specific knowledge and medical reasoning skills; and ii) most state-of-the-art LLMs are unimodal, text-only models that cannot directly process multimodal inputs. To this end, we propose a multimodal medical collaborative reasoning framework \textbf{MultiMedRes}, which incorporates a learner agent to proactively gain essential information from domain-specific expert models, to solve medical multimodal reasoning problems. Our method includes three steps: i) \textbf{Inquire}: The learner agent first decomposes given complex medical reasoning problems into multiple domain-specific sub-problems; ii) \textbf{Interact}: The agent then interacts with domain-specific expert models by repeating the ``ask-answer'' process to progressively obtain different domain-specific knowledge; iii) \textbf{Integrate}: The agent finally integrates all the acquired domain-specific knowledge to accurately address the medical reasoning problem. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the task of difference visual question answering for X-ray images. The experiments demonstrate that our zero-shot prediction achieves state-of-the-art performance, and even outperforms the fully supervised methods. Besides, our approach can be incorporated into various LLMs and multimodal LLMs to significantly boost their performance.
computer vision