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just some thoughts for you be patient with yourself. its okay to say no. YOU are experiencing your life. nobody knows how you feel. your feelings are valid and its okay to set boundaries. its okay if you can‘t do it today. it takes a lot of energy for you to always fight against your worries and anxiety. so its totally understandable if you need some space and peace. dont surround yourself with people that drain your energy. its okay to let them go. this gives you more energy to focus on the good people and things in your life. i hope you have a good day today. but also dont have too much expectations. its totally fine if not everything is going to work out today.
Others getting their own way.. how to not care long story short... trying to book a trip away and 2 of the 5 keep taking all suggestions and twisting/changing. other 3 have got fed up and just let them plan it their way. I get so anxious and stressed when planning stuff anyway because I'm a control freak (maybe OCD about it?), and the thought that they get their own way everytime just cause the rest don't want an argument really annoys me but I don't know why? any advice or just friendly support welcome!
Some advice to my people Hello, I've been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks my whole life, and while I take a ridiculous amount of meds for it including lorazapam, pregablin etc, I was informed about Magnesium and I wanted to share this with you. So a lot of us get anxiety attacks triggered by the stress hormone cortisol, magnesium works by by stimulating the production of melatonin and serotonin which boost your mood and help you sleep. Magnesium also reduces the production of cytokines and cortisol, which lead to increased inflammation and stress. It's important that you don't over do it as you can poison yourself with magnesium, and you also have to make sure it's aspartate, citrate, lactate, and chloride forms as oxide apparently doesn't absorb as well. Speak to your pharmacist or Dr if you're mixing medication, but I have been able to reduce the amount of lorazapam I've needed since starting mag and its helped a lot with sleep. I'm truly impressed.
need help with SSRI nausea I was wondering if anybody has had nausea with one SSRI but not with some other one? I am taking Zoloft and nausea is pretty bad, even with the one half of 50 mg tablet. I dont know if switching SSRIs would be beneficial or this side effect would remain the same? What is interesting is that I have taken Zoloft 15 yeras ago with absolutely no issues at at all, and now I feel like I am taking a poison. I don't understand this at all. Thanks!
Horrible Fear of Food Being Drugged Lately I’ve been having this massively irrational fear of my food being laced with LSD or some other form of psychedelics. I won’t eat something that’s been already opened regardless of whether or not it’s mine, which has led to me not only wasting food, but actively avoiding eating unless I make it right there, and even then it takes quite a bit of effort. This in turn has also led me to having a fear of an undiagnosed mental illness, and I can’t quite afford to go to a doctor currently to figure out if that is the case. I’ve only ever been technically “drugged” once when the cannabis my friend bought was laced with PCP a few months ago but this fear extends back to when I was around fifteen (twenty three now). I’ve done acid only twice and while I did enjoy it, it’s not something I’m likely to do again, and I rarely smoke cannabis or drink, but I did do a lot of both for a few years. Obviously nobody is gonna waste good acid on me but the fear is constantly there to the point that I yelled at my brother the other day for jokingly pretending to drop something into my Gatorade on the way to work (he’s unaware of this fear) and threw it away despite it being completely full, and even avoided eating the cookies my mom brought down for Christmas, which made me feel awful as there is absolutely no way my mom would ever do anything like that to me. I’m iffy on telling anybody close to me about this fear for a few reasons, the main one being the irrationality of it all, but I also do not want to be sent to an inpatient center (again, can’t afford it) as I was for depression as a minor. Sorry for the rambling wall of text but I just need to know if this is signs of a more major illness or at the very least how I can possibly cope with it.
Hurry sickness is driving me crazy. Does anyone else have this? I have hurry sickness and it's linked to my anxiety and BPD. It causes me so much anxiety because I always feel like I need to do many things at the same time or short period of time. I drink my coffee in about 5 minutes, then I read a book for an hour, then I listen to music and surf the web for a non-specific reason. Everything has to be done very fast, and well-planned, if not, I get impatient, irritable, and anxious. It's pretty exhausting and I realized it's a problem going on for two years now. I did not pay too much attention to this before, since I didn't even know there was a term for this condition. Does anyone else experience something similar? How are you dealing with it?
Just got done with my first psychiatric evaluation I was prescribed Zoloft 25mgs and a blood pressure medication to take when I’m in a panic. I’m nervous but honestly relieved to be put on something. I’ve been struggling so bad and I’m so tired. I was diagnosed with GAD, social anxiety, and depression. I’m finally putting myself and my mental health first and working to make myself better.
Asked my parents (who I don't live with) for an extra 10 or so a week spending money and they've turned it into a big thing I am currently under an intense care plan as an outpatient at a mental health hospital. One of the nurses suggested asking for an extra amount of allowance. 'well off' (but not rich) parents completely fund me while I'm at university as my loan is less than my rent. I was debating asking for weeks, me and my parents have had a strained relationship in the past to say the least, some definitely their fault, some a mix of both of our faults. Anyway, it's left a gap between us that I haven't been brave enough to cross. But last night I asked them, told them I wasn't struggling with the current allowance it would purely be for an extra nice thing a week to help me get by during these times. IMO they've blown it way out of proportion, they wanted a phone call today to log all my spending and now they're wanting to come and visit me TODAY. It's sending my anxiety haywire this is why I don't open up or ask anything from my parents. What do I do? Say no to them visiting all together? I'm 100% fine with keeping the current allowance, I just want a yes or a no to have some closure on this conversation with my parents. So, I'll repeat my question: (with your limited knowledge of my life) What do I do??
Please help! Hey guys, I have an on-site interview after being a complete depressed, socially angst hermit for the last 6 months. When I say I didn’t go out of my house more than 4 times in 6 months, best believe it😂 I applied for a job and I have to fly to another state for it. I thought things were getting better with me but my anxiety is through the roof just thinking about the travel, but mostly the interview. It’s a 2hour session from 10-12pm. I usually take 10 mg of propranolol, but I don’t think it ll be enough. Do you guys think it’s ok to take 20mg. Before you ask me to ask my doctor, he said I should take 10-20 mg but I have never taken 20 mg before and I am scared I ll pass out or I won’t be able to breath (had asthma when I was younger). I was thinking maybe of taking one at 8am and then another at 9.30am-ish. What do you guys think? Anyone with experience? Also I m a “little” female despite being in my mid 30s . 5 feet and 110lbs
Coping mechanisms for trigger scenario I've had nightmare neighbors which my housing have ignored for years the ball is finally rolling but I'm freaking out as they are having the housing officer in question and community officer who doesn't speak up about things they said that were incorrect previously to come for this talk, where were going to discuss their failings. Injustice and lying really trigger my anxiety and emotion regulation so I'm wondering what I could do in this meeting to relax? Right now all I can think of is music in one ear and camomile tea
Freaking out My fiancée and i got into a horrible fight this morning. I dont want to get into details but its to the point where she may just want me to leave. Im freaking out. Im an alcoholic but sober 3 years and the anxiety im now experiencing from this is same i had when i drank. Its messing with me but more so this is something i gotta work through. I just want to sleep. Im inconpacitated i feel like. Theres so much to do. But i want to just get past this and move on. We both just flipped out on each other but more so cause i started my day off bad. I don't start my day off bad it doesnt get to this point. Or at least suppress it until the day got better. Im just torn up inside. Feel like i messed everything up. I really did.
Doctors notes/records Hi just wondering if anybody knows about if doctors think you are drug seeking do they put that on your record? I went to doctors yesterday, didn’t see my usual GP, it was about spinal pain that radiates up my back, only seems to hurt after physical activity which is weird but concerning to me. The day before appointment I went gym & done some light training on back muscles which really set it off, was painful & felt weird afterwards like weakness in my arms, bit dizzy and just a general weak feeling like really weak and disorientated. She was not helpful at all, basically done a quick op’s check, checked my back briefly & said it seems ok. She said to rest on weekend and see how I go, she said hot water bottle. The more im thinking about my appointment with a her yesterday I get the impression she feels I was drug seeking. I never asked for any drugs but I feel she was misunderstanding me being concerned with trying to get drugs. She said something when I sat down like “you’re looking to discuss pain management” I didn’t really take it in as was really anxious and tired so I said yeah about my spine then proceeded to talk about my concerns, but not once did I say anything about wanting medications/drugs. I’m annoyed now I should of been clear that I would of liked a referral to be checked out or something. I’m on pregabalin for anxiety (it also just happens to be a nerve pain drug) and she said few times about you’ll have review soon with usual GP to see if it’s helping my anxiety and not just about pain management. She also said you’ve only upped dosage 10 days ago. I didn’t really take it in properly at the time but I feel she thinks I was trying to up my dose or get pain meds? I’m worried now that it will be on my notes and I’m also frustrated that I didn’t correct her properly. Any advice or help on this would be appreciated im very anxious about this, I feel I was totally misunderstood and I don’t like the thought of her putting on notes I was looking for pain management or medication to help that. I also noticed as I was leaving she done a frustrated sigh. This experience has made me feel invalidated, misunderstood and made my anxiety and depression worse. I’m struggling mentally very very bad to say the least.
C19 I was just wondering if anyone is paranoid about C19? I am still masking up, trying to keep my distance and washing and anti-baccing my hands like its going out of fashion.
Struggling. Could use some support. Tldr, been medicating and going to therapy for about 2-3 weeks. Feeling better than where I was, but still struggling, mainly at nights. Have health anxiety and hate feeling [insert sensation/feeling here] and if keeps me from sleeping. Just really wishing I lived with friends to always be in arms reach of a hug. I need those right now.
The anxiety seasons have started It’s gotten hot where I live meaning it’s officially Spring meaning it’s officially anxiety season, wooo! It is currently 4:30 AM, it’s too hot for me to sleep, and the heat is giving me anxiety. The air conditioning is *SUPPOSED* to be on, but it’s been broken in this room for like a year and my mom refuses to admit it’s broken, saying that it’s just cause the room is over the garage. Which I KNOW isn’t true because I’d still be able to at least HEAR or FEEL the air conditioning running but it DOESNT. It’s kinda funny (not really, but if I don’t laugh I WILL have a mental breakdown) that Spring and Summer are the worst for my anxiety when almost everyone else (*cough* neurotypicals *cough*) tend to LOVE those seasons. Ass that to the list of im just weird I guess lol
Work, life, anxiety(f20) Today is actually the day all my worries are transformed in real situations, let's start First of all, my grandma's sister birthday, I totally forgot about . Than said that I would come, but I forgot about gift and overslept, than was to anxious to go, and called said I'm sick, than I received a message from my coworker like hah where are you the event is starting, I totally forgot about this than I fucked up with my student, rescheduling our lesson like 3-5 times ( because I thought I would maybe go on a birthday)and finally telling that I'm sick to her as well because well at this moment I was already crying because how irresponsible and stupid this situation is, and also it would be so strange to do this lesson with her after not going to the event, and the event is still going, I probably should get there, but it's to overwhelming at this point, I also will not go to the birthday party for the same reason, to much stress for me already, I want to just disappear, I try so hard to remember everything and it just happenes.. It is so so stupid and I mean I'm completely useless anyway, like who the hell lives with memory troubles at 20 , it feels like some disorder at this point ( I forget a lot of things) My mom is dating an alhogolic and last couple of weeks were a nightmare. I didn't sleep normal for a long time because of this situation and last night was a disaster A lot of other troubles financial, with studying And at the end right now I feel like literally throwing up from the level of anxiety that I experience
Coffee and antipsychotics Greetings people I hope you're having a good day. First of all how are your experiences with coffee and antipsychotic meds? I've been on Abilify and Alprazolam for years never had been feeling alert on them always either sleepy or have weird feeling in my stomach. Now I've tried everything with these meds be it smoking or alcohol I stopped all of it because it caused very nasty problems with me when I stopped I finally felt myself even through I've read on Wikipedia that coffee can also cause problems when you take these meds it's says even small amounts can cause side effects that's called caffeine induced anxiety. I'm not really sure how am I supposed to be awake I mean I'm unemployed still in hands of my parents and other family members who take care of me and understand my problems but how did you manage to stay awake without coffee or did coffee really help you without feeling weird all time while on meds? It would be stupid for me to sleep all day and miss some important events or have fun chatting with friends or playing video games or better yet studying different topics like electrical engineering or making homemade circuits. Not electrical engineer just doing something for hobby.
Question I have a question, so when i am out in public i feel like everyone is looking at me, but then i start feeling like I’m in a dream, like a lucid dream. I can but i feel like i cant think thoughts and only focus on doing what I’m supposed to do. I also feel like my head is fogged up inside too in public lol. Im not the happiest person to be honest and since maybe half a year ago I’ve stopped caring abt things and when i think of something and it gets a little complicated i just quit thinking abt it, i dont care enough to think about anything for some reason. Can someone please tell me if its anxiety or is there something wrong with me.
Being bad at something new gives me anxiety I know it’s contradictory but yeah. Not sure if this has to do with being a perfectionist or if it’s something else. I enjoy the “rush” of learning new things and knowing things, but when it push comes to shove and I need to practice what I’m learning, that’s when I usually find out I still have a long way to go and will have to fail and make mistakes and actually suck at that thing for a while. It’s like I just want to skip to the “good” part. I feel like the work is only productive/useful when it’s good. How do you even deal with the uncomfortable parts of learning and growing? :( I just keep pushing on but sometimes it feels like I’m making no progress at all. And I know that “slow progress is still progress” but then my anxiety kicks in with bullsh*t like “other people are staying up and working their asses off while you’re celebrating a tiny step forward.”
I used beta blockers for 3 weeks and quitted, now I'm sweating abnormally in my private area, is this normal? I used propranolol for anxiety and stress but I quitted after 3 weeks because I had too much side effects. The day I began too lower my dosage untill stopping I have experienced excessive sweating around my sit area. And by that I mean abnormally much. Is this something related to betablockers and has anyone had a similair experience with this?
Advice I’ve been dealing with some anxiety issues my whole life. I’ve had lots of trama and was diagnosed with ADHD as a young child. Never being able to focus and always the most loud and distributive( in school). I used to stay up at night as a kid because after watching the slightest scary movie I would be afraid. Anyways the point of the backstory is to give you a sense of who I was. Lately within the past year my anxiety has been through the roof. I find it very hard to focus and have lots of thoughts at once. Even some that just pop into my head. I can hear other peoples tone of voice. Not like big conversation. My anxiety was so high I was getting lots of physical symptoms heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath to which I thought I had a heart problem. So I went to the doctors and got all the tests and didn’t believe my heart was fine until I got the results. I thought about this everyday. To which now I think this might had been a delusion. My point is I’m very worried I’m developing Schizophrenia. My family does have a history of mental health issues.I know this post is confusing and if I’m worried about my mental health I should see a doctor. But I’m just looking for advice. **Edit** I would like to add that for a long time when I went home after a long day I could not relax to fall asleep. My mind would be racing. The only way I could describe it is like a radio. In order to drown it out I would have to put on music to fall asleep.
I have been taking 20mg citalopram for 9 days now - I am feeling more depressed/dissociative/unmotivated/tired than ever/before - does it get better? Is this normal? I do have a check up appointment with the doctor next week but I’m nervous maybe it’s not working for me :(
Anxiety has ruined my life... I need some advice/help (Gonna be a little long, gonna rant a bit) Little back story, 20-year-old male, no past history of major anxiety other than flying on planes etc.. Last year from January to April was feeling the best I have ever felt in my life! worked out 6-7 days a week, confidence was high, and not a care in the world. I would say around May, I started getting increasingly fatigued every day. As the days went on, it felt like I was detached from reality. By the end of the year, I felt so detached, fatigued, and had major brain fog. I have a small bump on the back of my head, it doesn't hurt, I got it checked out and the doc said it could be a skull deformity. I dont believe her. I convinced myself that I had something wrong with me, and I went down the rabbit hole of self-diagnosing by reading google (i know worst idea ever). I could only function to the fraction I could before my snapping point. I felt so depolarized and had no energy at this point. I convinced myself I had a chronic illness that I was going to die from (I still belive this), I got every scan and lab work done. Nothing came of it. I had no idea what was causing all of these symptoms. Fast forward to January, I started a very stressful college class. It is an intensive academy-type class. I thought I had my stress pretty well controlled but in February I had my first panic attack ever. Went to school that day feeling fine, didn't eat breakfast, but drank 180mg of caffeine (I usually have \~300mg a day). During the afternoon portion of the class, I felt this sense of impending doom, and shortness of breath and it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. For 2 hours my HR was in the \~130s. I had no Idea what was going on and felt like I was gonna die. So my teacher wanted me transported to the ER, My EKG came back normal, sinus tachycardia (fast heart rate). They pulled labs and everything was normal except for low magnesium and potassium. They gave me some fluids and discharged me. For the next few days my heart rate was a constant 120 even when resting and my anxiety was through the roof! It sucked! My doctor then prescribed me Lexapro, and man oh man, hats of to anyone that could get through that first phase of Lexapro. It trashed me, constant panic attacks, SOB, tingling, the whole 9 yards. I stopped after 5 days due to the fact that I didn't want to be tied to a pill at such a young age. Since my panic attack, Ive had constant anxiety. Im having anxiety about things Ive never worried about before! it sucks! Its like I have to experience all these things over again (like driving) to tell myself there is nothing to be anxious about. Ill also be sitting in the most comfortable place in my house, not stressed at all, then my heart rate will kick off to the \~120s for the whole day. Do you guys experience this? I also feel like I'm having heart palpitations. It feels like my heart is in my throat and I can't catch my breath. It sucks! Every time I stand up my heart rate jumps. It takes a long time for me to calm down and convince myself I'm not dying. I know my case is minor to some cases Ive read but damn Im having a hard time with this. Im in constant fear and anxious about having another anxiety attack and passing out. Im trying everything I can before I commit to an antidepressant. Im trying L theanine, Ashwagandha, and magnesium. I got prescribed adarax but it doesn't seem to help like ativan does. I just want my old life back. Is this normal? Does it get better? will it be like this forever? how did you guys get over your anxiety? tips? medications? Thank you all for taking time and reading my post I really appreciate it. I just really need some help...
Anxiety dizziness - What does everyone's feel like? This has bee driving me mental for a year now as you can probably tell from my post history. Only way I can describe it is I get sudden episodes where I feel sick, like I'm falling, warm rush feeling and tight head then I snap out of it again. When it's really bad I almost feel numb and out of my own body like everything's in slow motion. Can happen standing sitting laying down. Drives me absolutely mental because I just cannot reconcile how anxiety could cause this so I constantly worry it's my heart. Anyone else get this? What helped stop it for good?
Vitamin c deficiency? Has anyone had vitamin c deficiency, and how long did supplementation take to affect anxiety?
Terrified of going to the dentist I know I have some cavities because I went to the dentist sometime last year and they scheduled an appointment for fillings but when I showed up, no one was there and they wouldn't answer my calls for months so I gave up. But tonight I was looking at my teeth and I'm pretty sure I see one. I don't see any actual black or decay, just an indent that was hiding behind some tartar, but everyone's always told me that once you can see a cavity it's already too far and the tooth usually needs to be pulled (might not be true, just what I've been told) I'm hopefully going to make an appointment on Monday but I'm so nervous because my teeth are terrible. I don't have any missing or rotting teeth but I can never remember to brush them and I had hg a couple years ago that turned into a 3 year long problem of throwing up multiple times a day. So they're yellow, have a ton of build up, and I'm pretty sure they told me I have gum disease at my last appointment. I'm so worried they're going to judge me and think I'm disgusting. I'm also terrified of getting fillings because the numbing shots never work fully for me so it's always super painful. I checked their website and it says that they offer nitrous, conscious sedation, and iv sedation but I'm not even sure my insurance will pay for "unnecessary sedation" since nitrous makes me freak out. And then, how would I ask for it without sounding like a drug seeker?? I'm sorry if this seems like rambling. I'm just freaking out.
germ anxiety please help I invited my friend over to stay because it was late but I have crippling germophobia and ocd. I feel horrible because I love my friend to bits. but im so triggered rn because I cleaned the toilet and we didn't have gloves and I don't know if she used it yet and now im terrified of having a disease I can't stop spiraling
I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE ITS SO HARD TO KEEP GOING... I keep panic and telling my parent I need to go to the E.R.I keep having panic attack I use the restroom and i have a panic attack which cause my scalp to feel like it's burning I keep having a little chest pain and think in having a heart attacks. I have had headaches for the past 10 too 11 days and keep thinking I'm having a brain anyersum or stroke any little pain in my head makes me panic and spiral. I've been trying to play through my favorite resident evil games but it just won't distract me anymore im just panicking over and over. I sometimes think it would be better if I wasn't here anymore so I wouldn't bug anyone. Or wouldn't feel this pain all the doctors say im fine but I don't feel fine. I also feel like stress won't end even if I'm not thinking about any pain will cause me to panic.
What to use What to use when you are stressing a lot Maybe some vitamins or minerals?
Am I weird? My friend came for a sleepover today and we went in my room. He didnt ask or anything and just sat in my bed. After some time he layed in it, had my plushies in his arm, the blanked over him and the pillows under his head and I just wanted to scream. I still feel so uncomfortable. I can't wait him to be gone so I can change my bed sheets and wash everything. He also changed the position of my bedtable And I feel like ripping my skin of, I can't stand the feeling, and goddamn HE HAD SCHOOL CLOTHES ON. And went in. My. Bed. I changed the sheets not a while ago and they were all clean and now not. I don't even allow myself to lay in my bed with dirty clothes. I need to shower, put on fresh clothes and then I can lay in my bed. I had the problem of people just simply touching anything in my bed since I was little, They always bullyed me and extra jump on it, ect. I always cried because of it and It still didnt change. I'm so sensitive about anyone on my bed, I even feel disgusted if my mom sits on it just a tiny bit. There is no excuse ,everyone I know makes me uncomfortable when beeing on my bed. Does it have to do with my adhd? Is it autism? OCD? PTSD? or am I just weird? I'm slowly going insane, someone help me.
Paranoia It has been a stressful time for me (just moved countries). I have always seen things out of the corner of my eye but didn’t think anything of this. The last few weeks has gotten more noticeable. Last night I kept seeing shadows to the point I could not move of the couch until I forced myself too. All day it’s been happening, thinking I see things like figures and having images that are horror related come into my head. Every noise I hear I’m instantly scared. Has anyone had instances like this? It’s getting to the point of when my dogs bark I start to cry because I’m so scared.
My mom doesn't believe anxiety is real I finally got the courage to talk to a professional today for my anxiety. I got prescibed medication and I told my mom, expecting she would be glad for me. She was not. She got super angry and told me anxiety is not real, and that the medical and drug industries are just a big mafia looking to exploit people for profit. She told me I'm just going to get worse and that the medication will turn me into a lethargic zombie. Also she didn't approve that the dr. gave me a 2 week sick leave from work and made me feel bad for "skipping work". I feel so bad now. Maybe I shouldn't have seeked help after all?
4 years ago I wasnt showering for months at a time, depressed, anxious and paranoid. At the time I was sober going on 18, 19 years. I was, and am on disability since 09' for schizoaffective bipolar type disorder. For the longest time, especially since sobriety, I've been overwhelmed with thinking. Space, time, behavior, tornadoes...whatever. But, since my life was an unmanaged train wreck I had no confidence in myself as having any quality. It seems that feeling good about yourself comes from a well managed life. My last job was as a janitor on the army base near by roughly 5 years ago. I couldnt handle the pressure. I was so dependant on others for everything I was asking if I was sweeping properly. Very bad mindset. A lady mentioned crying and it made me feel like crying. I didnt understand how that could be. It seemed like witchcraft, so to speak. That was my last day at my last job. It was my 4th attempt to go back to work since my disability badge acquisition! I've been in therapy for 16 or 17 years ago I got into therapy from a mental health episode. During that visit at the crisis stabilisation unit in Virginia (Fredricksburg) I met a man that changed my life. He went by the name Bose Uncle. He taught me a breathing exercise. 3 in 6 out. You breath in deep for 3 seconds roughly then out for 6 seconds. Also roughly. Dont try to be specific like me and do it exactly 3 and 6. On down the road, life and me under pressure and practicing my breathing because sufferage bleep blop bloop, pandemic. Overwhelming, unadulteraded pain in the brain from an anxiety I'd never expierenced before I saw a vision. It seemed to be the exact same thing that happened to Bill Wilson from AA. A wind blew through me. His words. My words on it are, I was no longer a bound up point in time and space holding on to the memories from the stimulation from the moment. I was free from the tension that came about from the fucking utter bullshit that exists. I let it go. The moment. I stopped holding and figuring. ​ It was like my being afraid got wore out. I remember specifiaclly saying to myself at the height of my pain in a ridgid bodily posture laying in my recline, "bullshit." I calle dbullshit on my old beliefs. That old fire and brimstone god. Intstead I chose "my concept" of life as my God. My ideas are good to. Changed life. About six months later I nearly died from pancreatitis. When I got home from 6 days in the hospital I shared it on facebook. I received a good number of get well soon messages as expected. I did not get what I thought I would. People coming to visit, bringing me food...all that. I nearly fucking died. I know hundreds of people. What does that mean? My perception is fucked up, my beghhvior is fucked up, I need to change. I did not think that way at first. At first I thought, "I fucking hate everyone." For a while. Then 6 months later, I got diagnosed with autism. April 24th 2021. 6 months later after learning to relax, I rested on my heels for the first time in my life. This began the second chapter of my life. The taking my time portion. The I am the most impotant person in my life to me. You all come second. For ever. I no longer run to the kitchen, the bathroom, through the grocery store, drive fast, or move my limbs fast. I have even taken control of my eyes speed of movement. Did you know that your body can control your mind. If you dont control your body your body will be controlled by your environment throught the mind. You receive stimulus simply due to being a sensing being. This moves you. If you are not aware of it. Make yourself aware of this and take control of your body, the way you look, smell, move (behavior speed) amplitude of voice ...total bodily control and you can eliminate a great deal of your own suffering. I havew come off my depression meds and greatfully have finally been more aptly medicated with litium. Now I dont have to force myself into slow mo behavior but I do stay aware I think from a bit of fear. You can control your thinking! You can control your thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ​ I wish I could impress upon whomever needs it that the pause in conversation is ok. Moving the body oddly slow is not odd. Not speaking is an answer. And, you dont owe a motherfucker a goddamn thing if it stresses you out. Peace in east!
I am tired of having anxiety I am physically and mentally very exhausted right now and I tried to fall asleep, but I’m so nauseous from my anxiety that I really just couldn’t and sometimes I just like want to feel normal so bad but I feel like I will never get there. My anxiety sucks so bad. I feel like most days it controls who i am and what i act like for that day. Today i went out with my friends and we had a good time but we ended up being outside a lot longer than we would and i got extremely cold and started panicking. We were far from everyone’s house and all i wanted was to go home. They came to my house afterwards and it was nice for a while but i was still feeling anxious. When they all left i felt immediately better like this huge weight on my chest being lifted off. it’s not that i don’t like my friends but being around people is so exhausting. I hate that im like this i just wanna feel normal so bad. I get anxious so easily and it won’t go away for hours. Then when i’m not feeling anxious i feel depressed. It constantly feels like a never ending storm or something. Like just when it starts to feel bright and the rain might stop it starts again and gets so dark. I’m constantly fighting just to stay sane and it’s so hard. All i want is to feel normal and okay, and maybe real because i’m constantly dissociating. (I do have a therapist btw)
Any good YouTubers that talk about their experiences with anxiety? I've been trying to find YouTubers who talk about anxiety and things they may have done to help them. I just think it would be nice to find someone who shares similar experiences so I feel like I'm not crazy all the time lol. Anyone got anything? Thanks!
Had a really bad turn the last few days Hi everyone, I've had anxiety for the last 6 months or so in varying levels. From January I was in a decent headspace with it but the last three weeks it's got worse and then the last four days or so it's gone off a cliff. It's all I think about all day long, I had panic attacks on Monday and Wednesday and my heart is racing all day. Where before I'd wake up rested now I wake up with my heart racing and frequently my muscles are spasming which is scary. The thought of doing normal stuff feels impossible and I can't shake this feeling I can't get better than this ever again. I spoke to my doctor on Thursday and he prescribed propranolol which I took yesterday for the first time which helped with the body stuff but my mind was still racing. Has anyone experienced similar and have any tips? I feel like this is really really bad and worse than most people have anxiety.
Welcome to todays game of is this anxiety or am I dying? For tonight’s players we have: weird jaw moment, chest tightness and irrational thoughts! Feat: what’s causing my moment of low sugar - new keto diet or new symptom. Thanks for playing!
Does anyone else experience Catalonia ? I have severe anxiety, when I’m really stressed or get triggered I zone out completely . It’s really scary does anyone else experience this? it’s like the lights are on but nobodies home.
Overwhelmed, tried, struggling I was diagnosed with an other-specified anxiety disorder for about a year now and that sent me into a tailspin during my diagnosis. I was doing therapy consistently since then and felt like I had a handle on things but was triggered into another episode a month ago. I just feel disconnected and kind of dead now. I've had on and off anxiety the whole month, it's affected my relationship, I'm exhausted all the time, struggling also with stomach issues and feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water. My partner has tried to be supportive but I can tell it wears him down. I can't see how I can keep doing this and feeling like this forever. I don't even know what I'm looking for from this post but I just wanted to write something out because I feel tired and sad and alone.
Self diagnosed hypochondriac, actively looking to start therapy and looking for people with a similar situation Every week there’s a new flavor of death on the horizon. Liver disease, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, brain amoeba, HIV, esophageal cancer, and so on. I’m living my life convinced that I’m going to prematurely die any moment. I have body dysmorphia and have never been able to take my shirt off in front of anyone, even when my significant other is the most reassuring person in the world. Every little ache, pain, mark, and feeling can set me down a rabbit hole. I plan to start therapy soon and am actively looking for a therapist for in person sessions in my area. If anyone is in the same boat as me or has ever been, would love to talk or hear your story. Thanks
Amoxicillin 500mg, missed two days Hi guys, so i was prescribed amoxicillin 500mg for my throat because the doc believed i had strep throat. I took my medication like it was instructed, 3 times a day for 10 days, but forgot to take it for 2 days. Now i am having a mild sore throat, is it too late to take it, or should i continue to take it, wiill it still work?
How to shake the feeling someone or something gonna break into the house? I live alone. Right now it is storming. Every night I lay awake wondering if someone or something has broke in. My eyes are tired. I know the doors are locked, but how do you get over this anxiety? I've been alone for 4 months.
Can we have stress/anxiety without even knowing it? I know when I'm stressed and anxious. But there are times when I feel normal - but it is possible that I'm subconsciously stressed and anxious without even knowing it?
Please help So many thoughts just need a distraction someone please talk to me.
Hiv anxiety I had gone to a barber 34 days back for a hair cut.And while cutting my hair, he put a towel on my neck and stopped it with a pin.But that pin stuck on my neck,Now I am afraid that can I get HIV from that pin?2 people had also got their hair cut before me and I do not recognize those people.Or if that barber has HIV and he pricks that pin on his finger and my nick at the same time?Nowadays I get sweaty while sleeping at night.And there are small nodes on my neck, when I touch I can feel those nodes.
health anxiety can I just say, fuck health anxiety! I truly cannot tell if I should go to the doctor or if I’m making up a problem. I’m pretty sure I was spitting up blood just now but I think it might have been from my gums. i’m freaking out being on a new medication and i feel like it was a big mistake and something’s happening to my insides. it doesn’t help that my doctor doesn’t take mental health issues seriously. how do you all deal with health anxiety???
Overthinking How can I control my thoughts instead of letting them overwhelm me ?
Away from home I’m away from home on a college tour for this weekend and I’m really anxious. I’m super fatigued and my stomach kinda hurts (I have emetophobia) and it’s freaking me out. I recently had covid so I’m worried it’s making a comeback. Could really use someone to talk to rn
Kids death How can I stop having fear about my kids death? I’ll go in a spiral just thinking about it. It’s too irrational but scary.
Have my body forgotten how to breath properly? I have a constant feeling of tightness in my chest. No matter how i breathe i can never take a breath that feels relaxing and satisfying. Sometimes when i don't pay attention to my breathing i subconsciously hold my breath for a few seconds only to gasp for air a few moments later. Most of the time my breathing is shallow and irregular. A lifetime of anxiety and the associated sensation of having a hard time breathing makes me believe my nervous system have forgotten how to breath properly. Can anyone relate?
Anxiety stopping me from working I’ve been dealing with anxiety for a while now, I came to the realisation a few years ago that it has mainly stemmed from the relationship with my dad I had when I was younger. This is caused me to not be able to do tasks in front of people (wether they be simple or not) I just can’t do it. I start lightly trembling and thinking about how stupid I must look to whoever is watching me, this causes me to mess up even more. This is really stopped me from wanting to go out and get a job because I know that if the interview goes well (I actually do good in interviews weirdly) then I will eventually have to be shadowed and critiqued by someone while I learn the job. This dread has stopped me from going to 3 interviews now. Does anyone else get this? Sorry for the long post.
Dry heaving I’ve been dealing with a really complex personal issue involving heartbreak/ loss of a person I deeply care about; certainly the worst pain I’ve experienced in my life thus far. As it stands, I already carry a level of anxiety with me, but with this added on to it, my body has been putting me through hell. I find myself dry heaving hard in the mornings especially, and then at times throughout the day. This has led to some really painful vomiting on several occasions. Its also occurred at my workplace, the gym, and several other public places without warning. I know there’s absolutely a psychosomatic part of all of this, but after almost three weeks, it’s becoming really problematic for me. Has anyone experienced something similar? Is this just something I have to power through? Are there any tricks to at least minimize it?
Hi there Anyone up or available? I'm just not doing good right now my anxiety has me feeling like i can't breath and making me feel like my throat is gonna close (yea wierd) I know
Where do I begin to get help? I'm a 27 year old female. I've probably had anxiety all my life but have never spoken to a doctor or anyone about it. I feel like im just always in a constant state of worry. So much so that it drives me to have small OCD traits. Something as simple as fearing a house fire and having to do a series of steps checking lights before I leave the house. Over and over......and over again. It's weird. I'm always worrying about the future, past things I can't change, things I say or do after im with people, how people view me, if I have a "too much" gene. I'll sit and agonize over things that's so mild for someone to worry about but drives me up a wall. To the point of frustration where I just lose it and cry into a panic. I dont even know where to start to solve this. I feel like the past year it's been horrendous and getting increasingly worse. I'm good at playing it off. I'm good at putting on a show because I've always thought I could handle it- lots of people I know feel the same. But it's really starting to take a toll on my life and the things I'm doing or too afraid to even try to do. I feel like I use alcohol and drugs as a way to cope sometimes. Not an outrageous amount but I'll have a big drinking night and then will go a week without drinking cause I've worried myself into thinking I have a problem and need self control. I'm so good at people pleasing and acting like everything is fine but I feel like my mind is just in a dark place. Telling myself I'll never make it, that I'll always be alone, etc. It's really stupid things to stress over. Or at least stupid things to let myself worry about for more than a minute. Money is always a bug stress factor- for everyone of course but thats the main reason I think I've never gone to get help. I'm not sure how much it cost to afford the help I need or where to even go. Not to mention the fear I get trying to explain how I feel to someone and them thinking I'm crazy or I'm making it up- how sad to think a professional in this field would judge me.... I just feel like if I dont try to improve my overall mindset towards life then I wont have a fulfilling one. I'll be too afraid to try new things that scare me, I'll stick to my same safe routine, and I'll come home and cry over the big and small worries that run through my head daily. Where I do I start to fix this...?
People often say “Really?” when I tell them I have anxiety, and I have mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, it’s comforting to know that all of my worries about coming across as nervous or awkward are so out of proportion that people don’t even know I have anxiety. On the other hand, it feels sort of invalidating to my struggle, if that makes sense. This thing often consumes my life, and it’s frustrating that no one knows how hard I’m trying. They just think this is easy for me, that I can effortlessly raise my hand and speak in class like other people do. That’s not to say that I feel negatively toward the people who say this, more that it’s just generally frustrating that people have no idea. Have y’all thought about this too? Do you look at it a different way?
Does anyone else have their anxiety relieved by McDonald's fries???? Sounds stupid, but whenever I feel my anxiety go through the roof and make me nauseunauseouss, McDonald's fries always help ground me for whatever reason...
I’m dating someone I really like and it’s absolutely killing me A bit of background: I was diagnosed with ocd and gad about 15 years ago. Been very much under control for the most part. I’m 32 years old and just started dating an incredible 31 year old woman about a month ago. I’ve dated a lot over the past few years, but this is the first time in ages where I’ve REALLY been into the person. Normally it feels like the people I date like me more than I like them, and anxiety doesn’t play a role. I just go about my day with a calm mind and do what needs to be done. But now it feels like the roles are reversed, and I’m getting crushed. Constant thoughts of whether or not she likes me, obsessing over every word in her texts to try interpreting meaning, freaking out if she’s doesn’t respond to my messages within a couple hours. It’s taking over my life. My work is slipping, I can’t sleep well, a constant awful sick panicked feeling in the pit of my stomach. It doesn’t help that she’s very reticent with her emotions and does not offer much words of affection or validation. But I don’t want to scare her off with my intense feelings so on the surface I’ve been playing it cool the best I can. I almost wish she would just end things with me so I could move on, because not knowing how she feels is the worst part. I don’t know what to do.
Try to massage the back of your head with your palm, and then concentrate on feeling it and imagine that you are thinking your thoughts and feeling feelings there. This technique helped me to develop awareness of my thoughts and feelings as observer. Also it helped me to heal my anxiety and neurosis. I call this “Back of head method”. I hope you try it and it works. If your attempt was successful and you started feeling calmness and ease, i recommend you to regularly practice this method for months to get good results. You won’t even recognize your reaction to impulses after long practice.
Working in a call center I just started a new job that has the absolute best work environment ever. However, it's answering phones, and of course that's not ideal for me. The sheer amount of information I have to navigate is overwhelming; every question is entirely unique, and I'm beginning to feel really stupid and out of sorts. It's not rocket science, just selling hotel rooms-- any advice on how to stay calm and collected??
I’m Afraid My Mom Might Hurt Me So the preface, I’m someone in my early twenties living with my parents. My parents have been fighting for years, occasionally physically. This would usually include my mom knocking in my dad’s door to argue with him. These arguments would usually start with topics that included bills, taxes, or myself, that would eventually escalate to more personal matters I will not get into too much here. I used to try to intervene when things got too heated since they can’t stop themselves, but recently I have decided not to so anymore as the last time I tried to intervene, my mom did physically attack me (I didn’t get hurt, I was just standing in front of my dad and she lurched at me). Last night, she called me to ask if I could knock on my dad’s door, since he wasn’t responding to her calls, because she “needed to pay a bill.” I knew that this wasn’t just about a bill, so I compromised and sent him a text instead, I even sent her a screenshot as proof. And I wasn’t going to call him/wake him up in the middle of the night unless it was an emergency, as I would consider it to be rude to do so. She then says “don’t worry your little head about, go back to sleep or whatever, okay?” Then, she called me again, this time saying “What are the consequences gonna be? Knock on the fucking door.” I declined, saying I don’t want to be a part of whatever was going on between them, and she should talk to him about this, to which she said “I know. He’s your loving dad, and I’m the evil mom.” I said goodnight to her, she laughs and responded with “not goodnight. Good bye.” I say that I will talk to her tomorrow, and she replies “I’ll never talk to you again. Not tomorrow, not the next day, or the next.” She then calls me twice then immediately hangs up. She calls me one more time that night, here are the things she said when I declined to knock on my dads door again: “I ask you to do one simple thing, and you didn’t do it. It’s just a simple thing! I tried calling your dad, and he isn’t answering me. It’s not like you’re picking sides or anything! Translation: “Look at what I do for you! And yet, you can’t this simple task for me? Well then I will rescind my love for you!” “It’s not like you’re picking sides or anything!” “You’re full of shit, just like him (my dad).” “Where has your dad been all of your life?” “You need to take responsibility.” “Is this what one of your councilors told you to say, the one that I pay [x amount of money, I don’t exactly remember].” “You don’t even know what is going on.” “But fine. You can do whatever- go to sleep, wake up in the morning, do whatever you do.” Me: “ok. Goodnight, mom.” And finally, I said goodnight to her, and she said: “Don’t call me mom. Just say good night.” That’s not to say my dads innocent either or anything - he’s hella toxic and has treated my mom poorly as well, so it is hard to tell where the abuse and victimization starts and ends between the two of them. Basically, they’re both each others abusers and victims, if that makes any sense at all. But I do believe he is the safer parent, as although he can, at his worst, make me feel very uncomfortable to be around him, as he is kind of an asshole at times, I don’t feel like my safety is threatened around him, unlike with my mom. He’s a lesser of two evils , if you will. So I just feel really anxious right now. I did not want to be used as a pawn against dad, and my mom immediately associated me with him. So, now I’m afraid that when she comes home, she will start to treat exactly like she treats dad, or worse. I’m afraid she might start pounding my door and attacking verbally and physically. Okay that is all, I just needed to vent. Thank you for reading this.
Something is wrong with me... (Trigger warning) I'm becoming numb and I don't feel like talking to anyone. I'm not diagnosed with anxiety, but I know I have it. Even being aware, I don't feel better. It sucks. I'm a good person. I don't say that a lot but I am. Why is this happening to me? Overthinking every stupid thing, nail-biting, the constant hatred for myself and others. It doesn't help. As a kid, I've always known that something is wrong with me. But I'm too scared to tell my parents because if it's confirmed, it means I'm sick. I am not okay and I want help. But I'm so used to being the person who helps not being helped. I always put on a fake smile and am never in a bad mood; no one suspects it. I feel so alone. I should be used to it but ever since I've got friends, I want to spend time with them. It doesn't help because we have a huge fight and I keep overthinking it. I wanted to feel better because I somehow convince myself my feelings are fake and that I'm doing it for attention. So, I took a pathology test, and the result was too much for me. The questions felt so attacking and my stomach hurt every time I clicked a yes or a no. The result was that it is 90 % sure I have anxiety. My stomach dropped seeing that. While I was happy, I was right at some point, I felt retarded. That realization that is actually something wrong with me was horrifying. I don't mean to degrade anyone, but I felt horrible.
Speaking. I can’t for the life of me talk to people. I instantly think that if I talk to them I’ll annoy them. I feel like a burden if I do talk about how I feel, but if I don’t then I get told to talk about my feelings. Even talking to someone in passing is terrible. I put words together in my head but I say something completely different.
How can I decrease my anxious thoughts? Everyday I overthink things and make myself anxious by doing so. Thoughts like "are they talking about me?" "Do they hate me?" "Am I doing this right?" And stuff like that. A lot of thoughts are just me being anxious that I'm a horrible person. What can I do to decrease/have better reactions to these anxious thoughts?
Possible trigger warning / anxiety over tongue Having bad anxiety over my tongue. I have on the side of my tongue this white thing and I tried getting it out but it's hard and I'm having anxiety over what it can be I've never seen this before if anyone can relate please
Has anyone tried EMDR therapy? I just started. If so, what are your thoughts? I like it so far but mostly just because it triggers my ASMR. Did you have success?
Scared to ask mom for things because of judgement Ok so kinda a weird post, and I’m not sure if it belongs here, but I figured this sub was probably the best one for it. I also tried the social anxiety sub, but my post was instantly removed. So basically I have this huge fear of asking my mom for things because I think she will judge me for them. I don’t have this fear around anyone else (I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks of me) but for some reason I have it with her. I’m not talking about little things like asking for something at the store or asking for basically any necessity. I’m talking about bigger things like hair dye, piercings, or really anything to do with clothing. For example, recently I worked up the confident to ask her over text if I could dye my hair, which she is fine with, however later that day when she asked me to show her pictures of what I want, I chickened out and got to scared to show her. It’s like I knew she would say yes, but I was still to scared to show her because I was afraid she’d say something judgmental to me. She has always been sorta judgmental towards me but I really want to get over this fear because it prevents me from getting a lot of the things I really want. Is there anything I can do?
I had a mini win ! Hello everyone I hope you’re okay. I was just playing FIFA and boom a big palpitation hit I started to panic felt lightheaded because I was holding my breath because I was so tense and then calmed down. I have had my heart checked 7 times 2 of which are private best testing ones and it’s perfect so I know it’s not going to harm me but still catches me off guard I think it’s more of the fact I was leaning forward that it felt harder and the fact I was breathing in lol. Anyway ! I was laying in bed thinking I need to just once and for all get over all of the symptoms that are making me scared of being I’ll and dying. How can I do that ???? GET OVER MY FEAR OF DYING now I’m not saying I’m perfectly fine with death because I am not but I just thought to myself I can’t stop death and I just need to accept it. If there isn’t a god I won’t know about dying after if there is a God I could go to heaven which is great and who knows I could reincarnate and live life again. We don’t know so it’s the anxiety of not knowing which scares me and leaving my family behind. Like I say I’m a healthy 22 year old male with NO health conditions death can happen at anytime and could happen the next minute but for my age and health it is unlikely but never zero. Now I’m religious and I am sort of anxious in my mind that God is trying to get me to accept death so I can die soon lol but I don’t wanna die soon that’s why I’m scared off. That’s just my anxious mind thinking right ? I guess the positive way of looking at it is that God is getting me to get over my fear of death so I can live the LONG HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE that he put out for me. Can anyone help me accept death even more ?
Feel the feelings Going through a really challenging situation atm and it's made me realise I've been avoiding tough feelings for a long time, maybe all my life. Now that I see this am trying to just let them flow, and breathe through it, but it's really really hard, and it hurts, and is scary, and my avoidance habits are strong. I'll keep trying, but if anyone has any advice / experience with this that you can share, the support would be very welcome.
27 yo with severe anxiety living with parents fails at life Hey r/anxiety, I am in a very tough spot rn, i was working towards becoming a teacher for 7 years, started my teaching certification programme (in my country you need to do this), but after 3 weeks I was so anxious of all the people i constantly had to deal with that i started suffering from constant belly pain, diarrhea, insomnia. So after spending 4 weeks on sick leave i decided i want to quit and try to focus on my mental health first and maybe find a small job (like a 10 h job) in order to be slowly introduced into regular work life while getting support from therapy and social services (the 10 h job idea was from my therapist because i havent had a job except for a summer job when i was 18 which was very traumatic because the boss constantly berated me, made fun of me and humiliated me). I still live with my parents who have financially supported me throughout my studies (tho till i was 25 my health insurance was free and they got tax benefits and child benefits from me still living with them, if i had moved out i would have been entitled to support by them, my divorced father had to pay me 112 € a month for instance) and to them me quitting because i just can't work with children and a ton of colleagues and the constant stress of being judged and evaluated and dealing with maladjusted kids supposedly is understandable. However they demand of me to immediately get a full-time or 30 hour job so i can move out ASAP in potentially a field i have little experience in and they say i shouldnt become unemployed and rely on social services because it would look bad on my CV. Because i was struggling to find a field that would interest me within a week of deciding to quit teaching and me offering to apply for a 10 h job at a library (smth i wanted to do before but my applications failed sadly) as a transitionary period my mother basically screamed daily at me the last couple days saying i should get a job and gtfo and stop acting like a child when i started crying, shaking and feeling like i was about to throw up. She says she is entitled to her financial support paying off after all this time and that i should get a job like a normal person and support myself. As a result of this constant yelling and screaming and ranting i havent been able to sleep for days, i have lost 3 kg of weight, lack any appetite, have to get up every night cus of diarrhea and havent slept more than 3 hours most nights. Yday i proposed the idea with the 10 hour job and my mother reacted as if i was telling her a bad joke and said i should be ashamed for even suggesting such a thing. In her rage she said i should gtfo she doesnt care if it's social housing or a homeless shelter and that she didnt financially support me to become a work-shy leech. So in my panic i phoned a bunch of social services just in case so i would know my options. Today she came in tears to me and said she was just very concerned about my future. Yday I talked to my doctor and my therapist about the potentiality of getting kicked out and they asked if i could go somewhere to get away from this situation so i can recover a bit like i was supposed to during my sick leave, so i decided today to leave for my boyfriend's place who is still a student and also lives with his parents but in a different country (we are in EU so travelling is no problem). I have some money left from my teaching job that i could give them if they ask for it (i was paying my fam 250 € a month from the teacher pay), so i wouldnt be freeloading while i stay there. I have been taking Sertraline (Zoloft) for a few weeks now but have had very little success. I have been in therapy since november and been on sick leave since late february. I think if i had stayed i would have become suicidal as i was noticing myself starting to go numb and dissociate whenever i was being yelled at. After explaining my situation to my doctor she said she couldnt let me leave without asking if i have sucidial thoughts because in that case she would have recommended sending me to a clinic. Some questions are plagueing me now however... am i a coward? Am i doing the right thing? Am i a lazy leech like my parents call me or just too mentally ill to work a proper job for now? What do you guys think about my situation am i doing the right thing? What should i have done in your opinion? Kind of asking as a reality check
I feel physically sick whenever I open up to someone Whenever I open up and share my feelings my body feels physically sick and exhausted. Like it physically hurts. I feel so vulnerable like an open wound. I basically start shaking and feel nauseous whenever I do share myself. I’m terrified of opening up, whenever I do I,ll just get shamed or ghosted. It feels like hell because it’s hard enough to put myself out there in the first place. It’s not even just deep stuff. Whenever I simply text someone I worry I’m bothering them and feel really embarrassed I’m afraid of getting close to new people because what if they end up changing their minds get bored and ghost me? I’m afraid of being forgotten about
Is this disassociation? For the past couple months now I’ve been having this weird feeling in my body like my mind and and my body are on a different course like my movements are almost robotic and my mind is losing control of my body. Ik people typically associate this with dissociation but I still feel in control and recognize and I’m mindful of the fact that I am the one controlling my movements but idk it’s hard to explain it just feels like a lack of connection between the two and at certain times it’s so bad I feel Im just going to lose control of my body completely. I’ve also been experiencing some feelings of being off balance, muscle tension, headaches, RLS, and brain fog and I’m starting to wonder if my fears really are anxiety or something worse. I saw a doctor and she told me it is probably stress related but I’m just having a hard time with all of this I’m seeing neurologist later this month but I just feel so restless and like I’m living in agony and losing my mind I wanted to see if anyone has gone through something similar and can offer any advice, Thanks.
Am I being too hard on myself? I'm putting myself through a university undergraduate degree as a mature student (25) and I just had my grades improve over the last two semesters. But this semester... My father in law had emergency surgery in January. I got approved for breast reduction surgery in February and had it done March 21st (this past Tuesday) and now I have to drop 1 course out of 3 because I'm failing it and can't keep up (it's an elective that's not in my field of study). I think the stress of that course will jeprodize my recovery, but my stress isn't gone. Due to my Fs in that course, I'm second guessing myself. I have an interview this coming Tuesday to be a research assistant and have to submit a writing sample and I feel inadequate. Even though I get really high marks on my papers in my field. I feel like I'm not allowed to be proud of myself. To be optimistic or excited. I feel like I have to be hard on myself instead of encouraging. I sound delusional asking if I'm being too hard on myself because I know the answer... But I can't let myself believe it.
10 years of Celexa/Lexapro and thinking of making the switch to Zoloft I’ve noticed the frequency of stressful events leading to anxiety cycles and acute depression has been quite alarming and figured, maybe the meds have finally pooped out. I’m in therapy, I’m doing yoga, I’m keeping busy, I’ve got a loving partner; it’s just this lil demon in my head seems to be gaining more and more experience points and has been gaining a foothold on my day to day. Thoughts or opinion of those who have been meds this long? Thanks!
Does anyone else feel like their heart is being tickled and making you cough? I’m wondering if anyone else ever has this. Usually when I breathe out or push on it it starts to get tickly. More so when I think about it. I’ve gotten an EKG done a few days ago and it came back normal so I guess that helps ease my mind a little bit. I told the doctor I’ve been having chest pains and she told me it was costochondritis because it hurt when she pressed on my chest. I guess it would calm me down more if someone could relate.
New to this. Need coping skills Hello, I am new to this community, but I wanted some help. I’ll start with some context. I’ve always been a person that throws up and a lot of the time it was when I was nervous. This past year tho it has gotten much worse, with a time where I even went to the hospital because I hadn’t eaten in like 2 days and I felt so physically exhausted and dehydrated. At first I thought it was from weed and something called CHS, but quitting weed didn’t really make a difference. I also have delt with this vommiting in highschool before I would go to a party I would get so nervous I would puke. And that was before I ever touched weed. This led me to go to a gastro doctor who said he did not think it was weed related and instead some inflammation in intestines. I’ve been on meds for that for 3 months but it was getting better and I really started to take my anxiety seriously so I went to my doctor and they prescribed me an SSRI. I also will start therapy in a few weeks here. For the past month (after about 1.5 month on SSRI) I have been doing better. I hadn’t thrown up for a month, but these past 2 nights I have had very panic attack like feelings and tonight even pushed me to the point where I had to get up from being comforted by my girlfriend to throw up. And I always feel awful about it and like it’s going to just keep happening and I think I get stuck in that cycle. Does anyone have any tips/advice on dealing with this before my therapy appointment I thought I was doing so good but now I’m afraid I’m slipping back.
Is anyone else scared that they are going to ban tiktok? It scares me that they're thinking of banning tiktok. Tiktok has been one of the only things that can calm down my anxiety and make me not stressed.
Scared to start Lexapro I have a crippling anxiety disorder and I’ve been prescribed Lexapro. I have GAD but I’ve noticed my anxiety has always been around my health, especially my heart. It’s gotten so bad that I barely leave the house and I’m afraid to exert myself which is depressing because I used to be a gym rat and exercising was what I used to do help cope with my anxiety but that’s not something I can do anymore, Atleast In my mind I can’t. This has really intensified over this past year after dealing with multiple panic attacks that have landed me in the ER and I’ve been getting a bunch of physical symptoms constantly that does not help with my worrying. I’ve had many tests done and the doctors are very reassured that I’m healthy. My Doc believes the Lexapro will help me but I can’t seem to find the courage to take it. I’m just so terrified of it, I’d really appreciate some encouragement to start my meds because I high key hate living like this .😭
A reminder that progress isn't linear and that's okay! I felt like my anxiety had gotten worse lately and that I had gone backwards. This made me feel extremely discouraged and a sense of doom, until I saw this quote. I wanted to share in hopes that it will help others too. Don't be so harsh on yourself, anxiety is a curse that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (if I had any lol) Take care x
Tips on how to accept my symptoms are just anxiety and start living again?? The last month has been such a struggle for me. I started having panic attacks where my heart rate would spike to 150-180. I went to my doctor in case it wasn’t anxiety and just had my Holter Monitor results come back. I had one of these attacks while on it and thankfully no dangerous rhythms were found. Just some high rates but not sustained so my doctor is unconcerned. So once again, this is all anxiety. My therapist thinks it’s because I started a new job last month and I’m falling back into my old health anxiety habits because “Stress compounds symptoms”. This has gotten so bad that the past week I haven’t even been able to leave my bed out of fear of my heart getting too high. Due to probably the fear when I cooked or did dishes my heart rate could get up to 130 then if I noticed and began to worry it went up to 160. Now that I know I’m fine I thought I’d be okay but I’m still constantly watching my smart watch to see how high my heart rate gets then panicking when I see it go above 120 from just walking around the house but when I’m calm it doesn’t go over like 110. This happened on the Holter and it was normal. I know this is just anxiety but I can’t stop obsessing that I have a heart issue that’ll kill me. I just need help to take the smart watch off and stop taking my blood pressure. It’s just making everything worse. Yesterday alone, according to my logs, I took my blood pressure 50 times. I was worried because my bp was low when standing yet my heart rate was high so I thought it was dangerous. It happened again this morning and my heart rate got to 165. This constant checking is driving me crazy and ruining my life. How do I stop this??
Any tips for dealing with white coat hypertension? Any time I get my bp taken it’s always high as I’m basically on the verge of a panic attack. I know it’s going to be high bc I get nervous that’ll be high and quite honestly I’m a fit guy with big arms so the cuff always gets uncomfortably tight, which makes me more nervous and turn I know that means we’ll have a convo about my high bp again …which is what I was dreading in the first place. So fellow anxiety suffers, do you have any tips to combat white coat BP?
Panic attacks have returned - what to do? I’ve had anxiety for years but no panic attacks in yeaaaaaars. However panic attacks have returned in the last 8 weeks and they’re awful. I forgot how bad they are. I’ve been reading deep breathing and breath work doesn’t super help and I know that to be true - but what else do you do during one? Do you just focus on your breathing however it is? How do you calm down the panic attack? The physical symptoms are awful!
Health anxiety i've noticed that over the last year i've become super anxious when it comes mine and my loved ones health, i think it's because my husband had bells palsy early last year. Since then anything will trigger me!! literally anything. I was picking at a mole (didnt realize) and it started bleeding and got itchy and now I have this anxious feeling in my stomach even tho i know IM the one who picked at it. I feel like even though my brain is like yes u picked at, u probably dont have anything to worry about - that anxious feeling in my stomach is still there. Other times if i have a headache it goes to the worst outcome. I make doc appts every so often but I also don't want to be that person who shows up so frequently for nothing and waste my docs time. Im really starting to feel hopeless and like Im going to live with this anxious feeling forever. I guess.. any advice?
is it normal for an SSRI to make you feel like you're literally dying I was prescribed 50 mg Zoloft for anxiety and depression which I took for the first time last night. What followed was the most excruciatingly painful and unbearable 12 hours of my life. I threw up anything I ate, heart was pounding nonstop, my entire body was numb, and I couldn't sleep without being constantly woken up by stomach pain or nausea. Pretty much all the anxiety symptoms I normally get except all at once and multiplied 100x. At certain points I honestly felt like I was about to die or pass out. I know people say that it gets worse before it gets better but nothing could have prepared me for this. I don't think I'm gonna take another dose until I can talk with my psychiatrist and be absolutely certain this won't happen again. Anyone else have a similar experience or am I just really fucking unlucky
I am feeling anxious about a new coworker. (TW: Past experience with a stalker briefly mentioned) I'm sorry, but this is a long one. It's a bit of a weird story but I'm hoping that someone might be able to give me advice on what to do. Just over a month ago, I (female, cashier) got a new coworker (male, bagger) at the grocery store I work at. It took a while before we had a conversation together; he was helping me and asked me what kind of music I like. I was honest, and said that I like most genres and that I sometimes enjoyed listening to 20s and 30s jazz music. Then he just kept talking about old music at me for the next few days and seemed to always be distracted when it came to work. I don't like to talk much while I'm working because I feel like I mess up more when I do. So I began to feel anxious about being around him since I didn't know how to tell him I didn't want the conversation to continue every time we saw each other. Then, a few days ago, he randomly asked me for my number in front of a bunch of customers while we were supposed to be working. I had a bad experience the last time I gave my number out to someone (the guy turned out to be a stalker who harassed me for weeks and told everyone that we were in a relationship when we weren't, wouldn't stop calling me, tried to turn me against my family, etc.) and I immediately felt freaked out about why this guy would want my number when we don't know each other at all. It felt really inappropriate and unprofessional to me. I told him that we were busy and shouldn't be having that conversation right then (mainly because I didn't know how to say no in the moment) and that we could talk when we were done helping customers. But he continued to ask me repeatedly for throughout the next hour or so. He ended up writing his number down at some point and gave it to me, telling me when he was off that day and to immediately text him my number when he was off (this is while I was talking to a customer). Once we were done with all of the customers, I told him the truth: that I didn't want to give him my number and how I had had bad experiences in the past that started with giving my number to a guy I barely knew. He seemed to understand and then avoided me the rest of the day. So I thought everything was going to be fine. However, the next day, I started noticing that he seemed to be getting more clingy with me. He wouldn't be focused on doing his job and would stick around me as much as possible. He has a habit of sticking to my register instead of helping other cashiers like he's supposed to; he also seems to get bothered if another bagger is helping me and he tries to take over bagging for me immediately. I often notice him watching me from across the room. Every conversation we have is awkward. I don't initiate them because I want him to leave me alone so I can work. When he's not talking to me, it seems like he isn't really talking to our other coworkers that much. But then, the other day, I had a bit of a scary experience. I was going on break and went to our break room. He was in there and had headphones in, so I didn't think he saw me. After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom across the hall. When I came out a few minutes later, the room was empty. I suddenly hear loud footsteps running down the hall and he barges into the room, half-yelling my name just to show me a song from the 1800s for some reason. I'm worried that he might have been waiting outside the bathroom for me, which makes me kind of scared to be at work right now. I don't like being alone with him. Today, I spent the majority of my breaks hiding in the bathroom, worried he might bother me if I went anywhere else. I know that the anxiety I feel isn't healthy, and I can't tell if I'm just paranoid from past experience or if there really could be a real issue here. I don't know if I should talk to him, a manager, or HR about this. I thought that maybe I should just say nothing and act less nice to him and see if he leaves me alone, but I'm worried that it could just make things worse. I could really use some advice if anyone has some. Because I really can't tell if he's just trying to be friendly and doesn't realize he's making me uncomfortable or if there is something potentially more creepy going on.
I am having a extremely large amounts of anxiety for a person. I (17F) am in my senior year of high school. I’ve sort of always been anxious, especially about people. Any time ANYTHING happens to someone I care about, even a little bit, I get such bad anxiety that I am often unable to focus on other things. So, as I said, in high school. When I first started high school, life was a mess. What’s important to know is that I had just made a massive transition and had come out of the closet. Not a lot of support from family, but that’s okay. In my particular HS, we have a home room class, and you have that teacher for home room for all 4 years. When I met my home room teacher, she was incredibly kind. For all 4 years, she continued to be this way. She made cards for everyone birthday, talked to me when I was rejected romantically for the first time, and always listened. We talked to each other while getting ready for the day nearly every day for the last two years. This week, she’s been absent. Very strange. Then, on Wednesday, she says in a slide prepared for the sub that she’s out on medical leave for the next few weeks. It wasn’t planned, you could tell from the way she talked in the slides of the previous days. I find out that she’s in the hospital, but fine. INSTANTLY, I’m full of anxiety, feeling like my soul was removed from my body. I’m just worried, like, a lot. I KNOW she’s fine, as far as everyone knows. I also led an effort for a “Get Well Soon” card, being given to her by another teacher she’s friends with. I don’t really know how to just patiently wait for the 3-4 weeks until she gets back. I’d also like to say that I KNOW she’s fine. My brain does not seem to feel the same way, especially when I’m not actively doing something distracting. TL;DR my teacher is sick and in the hospital and I have a strangely large amount of anxiety, even though everyone says she’s fine.
Anxiety Causing Excessive Urination Hello everyone, i was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder at age 7. Im able to manage most of the symptoms with natural remedies except one which is excessive urination. SSRIs & Anxiety Meds do not help if anything they make it worse. Im now 27 and still suffering from the symptom. I have no physical illnesses and have seem numerous doctors and specalist and theyve said that everything is normal. It has recently started interferring with work and im now at risk of being fired from my job because they can not accommodate, even though i have a doctors note, they said the excessive restroom trips are causing business interruptions. I cant go to amusement parks, concerts, long road trips or hiking/walking trails because ill have the sensation of needing to go pee. Most of the time when i do go nothing really comes out...Does anyone else suffer from this or has suffered from it or have any solutions??
I am sad that a teenager blocked me from viewing his story. I (23F) have a pretty okay relationship with my boyfriend's (24M) family. His mom is a devote Christian and her and I are pretty close and his brother (let's call him Jake) and I are okay as well. ​ I follow the little brother who is 16 on Instagram and we occasionally interact (liking stories, pics,etc). Yesterday I remembered that my friends and I created a 'burner' account 3 years ago that we used to look and follow people we didn't know (crazy I know). ​ Anyways, I noticed that Jake was following this burner. I looked at his profile as saw a bunch of stuff posted that I have never seen before. It was typical teenage boy stuff like rap music, middle fingers in pictures, etc. but nothing that I haven't seen before. I realized that I was blocked from viewing these stories and unblocked whenever he posted other stuff. I instantly started to feel sick and uneasy at the thought him blocking and unblocking me each time. I even felt a little teary. I thought, does he think I am uncool? Old? Did he think I was going to tell his mom? I also post things with cursing etc. so I really felt confused. I know in reality it is really not that deep because I too have older adults in my life 'blocked' from viewing my story but the feeling I felt was uncontrollable. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I have felt similar to this in other occasions and another user asked if I had rejection sensitive dysphoria. I am not sure if I do. ​ TLDR: Boyfriend's little brother blocked me from viewing his story and I instantly started to feel uneasy.
having a really bad anxiety night too anxious to sleep, but i’m exhausted from not getting enough sleep last night. just feeling really helpless right now. if anyone is reading this and going through a similar thing, i hear you. you’re not alone. just gotta tough out the rough patches, this too shall pass.
College Student w/ Anxiety: Dating Life I first developed severe anxiety and panic disorder in my senior year of high school. I can proudly say that with perseverance, proper medication, and the help of my lovely therapist, family, and friends, I was able to complete my senior year and begin college in the fall. I’ve taken a liking to this guy in my class, and we will hang out this weekend. I am very inexperienced in the dating world as I’ve only really gone out with three guys ever… none of which lasted more than a few months. Though I had not been diagnosed with anxiety in my sophomore year of high school, I began dating this guy whom I was pretty infatuated with. However, the first time he put his arm around me, I shook uncontrollably. I misread that as a sign that he wasn’t suitable for me when it was just anxiety. Fast forward to now, I am anxious about seeing this guy this weekend, and I am scared that these feelings of fear won’t go away even if we continue to see each other. Has anyone else been through this? What should I do? I don’t want to be limited from dating but l my body is giving me unclear signals of what to do.
dae get chills? like just randomly? all over their body or on one part/side
Oh anxiety, you are weird sometimes. 6 to 7 years ago I was diagnosed with GAD/PTSD. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with adhd. I have managed it all this time with no medicine, and I have been fine with for the most part. The only time my anxiety would rise a little bit is when it was triggered by stress. Which then I knew I just had to balance it out again. Well, this month ended up with heighten anxiety due to an allergic reaction being around seafood, one week later got a tooth pulled, 2 days later I was fussed at by an ER doctor, and then one week later after that I had anxiety reflux kick back so hard that it cause two days of back to back panic attacks. My anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t eat anything but rice and chicken, no meds, and being around doctors frighten me. I couldn’t manage to get myself out of that anxiety loop. Well I was finally about to get some hydroxyzine for “as needed dosage” 3 weeks later. My anxiety was down back to a manageable level but my fears were still there. I took one 25 mg pill in the evening. I got an euphoria feeling and drowsiness the whole next day along with diarrhea. Then all my anxiety was gone. I can eat food again without fear. I’m not scared to take meds again. This is the weirdest Anxiety is the moment I have ever dealt with. However, I’m now pondering if with my anxiety reflux being kicked up it had my stomach and brain a relay lap so when I took the hydroxyzine it suppressed that nerve in my stomach and it help my stomach feel better and then which stop the relay cycle. I guess that is something I will have to remember to ask my doctor.
Health anxiety / Zoloft side effects? I went off anxiety medication 8 months ago. Cut it cold turkey by accident (I was never told otherwise). Thankfully had no withdrawals or anything. I have severe, severe, severe health anxiety and I was doing really good up until a few months ago it started to get bad again- but I was managing. However, the past 2 weeks have been really really hard with my health anxiety and I knew I needed to finally get back on and I’m so happy to be back on. I had some stomach issues and I’m freaking out. I had blood in my stools and bad pains in my pelvis. I also for the past 2 months have had a dull ache in my upper left abdomen. Had some blood and stool tests and all was good. Today is day 2 is taking my medication (Zoloft) and I have a weird, nauseating feeling in my throat/chest. It feels exactly like when you get super giddy and your chest/throat squeals with excitement. But I don’t feel excited- I feel so anxious. It’s almost like I have to gag or dry heave. Can the Zoloft be causing this? I had no side effects last time I was on it so it’s weird. My anxiety is going crazy because I’m afraid it has to do with my other symptoms.
Anxiety sucks help I was eating a honey bun and while chewing felt something of a different consistency, like wadded paper. Well it was a sorta brownish color square less than an inch tall. it was wadded up and now my anxiety is having a field day. it has been about 30 minutes or so...I am just scared
Mood tracking apps I've got therapy starting up soon and I have bad mood swings but I forget them a lot too and I need to track them. Does anybody know good app that lets you put more then one mood in a day?
Actually you're a total badass Most people are mentally and emotionally sane, relatively at least. They might claim that the worry is all in your head, not understanding that your corporeal experience strongly suggests otherwise. They might tell you to think positive, because they don't have an inner voice that constantly gets drowned out by a huge stadium packed with negative objectors. They might take it rather personally when socializing is the very least thing you want to do, they could never imagine that them yapping on about their normal life drains your already depleted life-energy. Some of them might start all kinds of shit with you because they see you as a weak and opportune victim to unload their own shit towards, never realizing they're the real cowards. Some of them might truly want to help you out and tell you get therapy asap, then you might see some random bureaucrat person completely devoid of empathy struggling to stay awake while you pour you heart of desperately looking for some kind of assistance. Assistance that usually comes in form of dubious drugs that only work at a hefty price by the way So they advice you to go see some private expensive experts, unaware of the fact that your wallets suffers with you. They like to imply that you just chill the f out and relax. Because they don't have that intrusive, horrible, horrible, horrible, encompassing, joy-devouring, soul-obliterating, sucking, painful, torturous, uneasy pit of dread stuck right in their stomach with racing thoughts to boot. Perhaps they'll make sly remarks on how you need to just grow up, after all, they don't know how's it's like to think like an adult while emotionally reacting like a little fragile child scared to death. They might say go the gym or be physically active and get some endorphins running. To be fair, is actually solid advice if you can muster the strength to go there. Off course they have their problems too, the difference however is that your problem is you and how that you contaminate every aspect of your life. The point is, according to some of 'them' you're just a loser, useless, lazy, afraid, a waste of space, a failure with nothing to show for in life. They are so much better than you and intentionally or not they make you buy their version of you. However. It's just opinions from judgemental people at the end of the day. I don't want to you to waste any energy on harboring any resentment, envy or anger towards anybody, they just don't understand. How could they know the truth. Perhaps even you don't the truth about yourself, so I'm going to say it, just in case. You simply being here and keeping on makes you a tough as nails. A warrior that fights hordes of demons every day. Bravery is defined by the will to face fear, you have fear stuffed in your face all the time. You may suffer endless anxiety, but you as a matter of fact are courageous by the definition of the word. Doing your best to just keep going, that's it. It's not some lofty motivational speech, just a cold fact. It may not help you any bit to read this, but I for one will not let it be unsaid. Anxiety is bad enough in itself, so rather than feeling shame in addition you have earned the right to have pride in yourself. My intention is for you to keep that in mind on your darkest days, because I know very well what it's like to suffer anxiety while having your character measured by factors out of your control.
I think I‘m gonna pass out from anxiety I am absolutely spiraling about some things that happened today and I am very anxious about some things that‘ll happen in the next months. Today my anxiety has reached its new peak. I am extremely nauseous, lightheaded and it feels like there‘s a thousand butterflies in my chest. It feels like I‘m about to pass out from anxiety and I don‘t know how to calm myself down. I‘ve tried to distract myself, but it doesn‘t work. What can I do??
Is it anxiety and over thinking? Or is it intuition? How to know the difference? My partner has lied to me in the past and now anything that is remotely close to that topic makes me think he’s lying. And then I spiral and think I have to check his phone, then I think he deleted messages, then I need to check his Apple Watch, and then I think he may have used another form of contact and I start to feel like maybe I’m being illogical and crossing the line. In the moment, I feel like nothing can give me relief except for finding solid “proof.” I’m not proud of this behavior. I recently started therapy for my overall anxiety. Unfortunately it is hard to afford to have sessions often enough. Context: He lied 1.5 years ago about something relating to a female coworker it was not infidelity. After lying, he was able to “prove” he was telling the truth. I feel 99% confident about it. Since then, he lied about about small things like not playing video games while on the phone. Idk I don’t want to damage my relationship with this but I also don’t want to be lied to again and turn a blind eye. So how can I know if I am acting because of anxiety and overthinking opposed to following intuition and following my gut. My intuition is how I caught his initial lie.
Blood pressure/Heartrate First time posting here. For context, I suffer with anxiety (obviously), and also have bipolar and OCD parents. I find myself constantly obsessing over high blood pressure and high BPM. I'm a heavy set guy. I'm trying to be healthier, but I have a long way to go on that. Sometimes, hours of my day are spent stressing over whether my heart rate is too high, and when I do so, I find it usually makes it go higher. I hate going to the doctor because of it because I know my BP will be high, and I don't want to know how high. Today, I had to go to the doctor and ofc it was high, but I was also having a panic attack while they were checking it because of the nerves I have around the whole thing and already had to walk 3 miles just to get there. I wasn't even there over my blood pressure. Anyway, after the visit I was sobbing and hyperventilating the whole way home. I just don't know what to do. Obviously, I have to get it under control, but in the meantime I need to find some way not to obsess over it because it keeps triggering panic attacks.
Life I just wanna rant ab this cuz im embarrassed saying it irl because we all struggle and its not something special. i just hate how lifes going and might go. im find im just in college, i have a fine family situation and everything but man im just tired working, doing homework and whatnot. the fact that i have to keep working hard in both of these categories to succeed in the future makes me very anxious and i hate it. imma keep going tho i just hate it.
Derealization during good times? Does anyone else experience derealization during the good times? For example, Christmas, birthday parties, concerts. Like I tell myself “you need to soak this in” and then it feels like it barely even happened. Is this normal?