1 value
Create a schematic for USB charging circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:USB_A - Connector:USB_B - Device:C - Device:C_Polarized - Device:Crystal - Device:R - Ore:MA8601 - Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 34.29 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 35.56 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 38.1 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DPDT_x2 position: x: 55.88 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 55.88 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ' M-2022NB ' position: x: 55.88 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 114.3 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 113.03 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k ohm position: x: 116.84 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal position: x: 50.8 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 49.53 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: crystal 12MHz position: x: 54.61 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 52.07 y: 101.6 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 52.07 y: 101.6 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 300 ohm position: x: 52.07 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 34.29 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 114.3 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_A position: x: 55.88 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 55.88 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_A femele connector position: x: 55.88 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 29.21 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 29.21 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 29.21 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DPDT_x2 position: x: 55.88 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 55.88 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ' M-2022NB ' position: x: 55.88 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 73.66 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 74.93 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470uF position: x: 77.47 y: 41.021 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 104.14 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 34.29 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 38.1 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 30.48 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 30.48 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 30.48 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 116.84 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_A position: x: 30.48 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 30.48 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_A femele connector position: x: 30.48 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 41.91 y: 73.66 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 41.91 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15pF position: x: 41.91 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 81.28 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 81.28 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 81.28 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: MA8601 position: x: 78.74 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 78.74 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MA8601 position: x: 78.74 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 50.8 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 50.8 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 50.8 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 41.91 y: 66.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 41.91 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15pF position: x: 41.91 y: 60.96 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.26 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 48.26 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 48.26 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 29.21 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 29.21 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 29.21 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_A position: x: 104.14 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 104.14 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_A femele connector position: x: 104.14 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 55.88 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 81.28 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 82.55 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 85.09 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_B position: x: 116.84 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 116.84 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_B Female connector position: x: 116.84 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 73.66 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 114.3 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 115.57 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 118.11 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 80.01 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 34.29 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 35.56 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 38.1 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 63.5 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 63.5 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 63.5 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_A position: x: 80.01 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 80.01 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_A femele connector position: x: 80.01 y: 121.92 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 34.29 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 33.02 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 90.17 y: 76.2 angle: null - position: x: 90.17 y: 78.74 angle: null - position: x: 90.17 y: 83.82 angle: null - position: x: 90.17 y: 71.12 angle: null - position: x: 90.17 y: 81.28 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 73.66 - x: 50.8 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 71.12 - x: 59.69 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 66.04 - x: 38.1 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 64.77 - x: 67.31 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 36.83 - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 20.32 - x: 114.3 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 99.06 - x: 34.29 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 85.09 - x: 49.53 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 88.9 - x: 101.6 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 33.02 - x: 114.3 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 64.77 - x: 67.31 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 142.24 - x: 55.88 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 93.98 - x: 109.22 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - x: 86.36 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 85.09 - x: 34.29 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 99.06 - x: 67.31 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 71.12 - x: 59.69 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 96.52 - x: 67.31 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - x: 50.8 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 73.66 - x: 67.31 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 142.24 - x: 104.14 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 142.24 - x: 80.01 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 93.98 - x: 101.6 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 85.09 - x: 49.53 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 73.66 - x: 38.1 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 101.6 - x: 67.31 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 109.22 - x: 119.38 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 34.29 - x: 50.8 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 66.04 - x: 59.69 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 36.83 - x: 73.66 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 99.06 - x: 109.22 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 142.24 - x: 30.48 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 101.6 - x: 109.22 y: 101.6 globalLabels: - text: SRST shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - text: DM3 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 81.28 angle: 180 - text: DM4 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 76.2 angle: 180 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 86.36 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - text: DP3 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 83.82 angle: 180 - text: DM2 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 86.36 angle: 180 - text: VCC3V3 shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - text: VCC3V3 shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - text: VCC3V3 shape: input position: x: 50.8 y: 41.91 angle: 180 - text: DP1 shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - text: SRST shape: input position: x: 105.41 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: DP2 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: DP1 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: DM2 shape: input position: x: 63.5 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 111.76 y: 127 angle: 0 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 63.5 y: 127 angle: 0 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 127 angle: 0 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - text: DP4 shape: input position: x: 111.76 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - text: VCC1V2 shape: input position: x: 30.48 y: 85.09 angle: 180 - text: DP3 shape: input position: x: 87.63 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - text: DM1 shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: VCC3V3 shape: input position: x: 30.48 y: 99.06 angle: 180 - text: VCC1V2 shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - text: PSELF shape: input position: x: 60.96 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - text: PSELF shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - text: DP4 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 78.74 angle: 180 - text: DM3 shape: input position: x: 87.63 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: VBUS shape: input position: x: 101.6 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - text: VCC3V3 shape: input position: x: 114.3 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - text: DM1 shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 91.44 angle: 180 - text: VBUS shape: input position: x: 50.8 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: VCC5V shape: input position: x: 87.63 y: 127 angle: 0 - text: DP2 shape: input position: x: 63.5 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - text: DM4 shape: input position: x: 111.76 y: 134.62 angle: 0 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Temperature-controlled fan circuit
libSymbols: - Device:C - MCU_Module:Arduino_UNO_R3 - Motor:Fan_4pin - Ore:UT7500L-18-T92-B-K - Sensor_Temperature:MCP9700Ax-ETT - power:+12V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 166.37 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 166.37 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 166.37 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 81.28 y: 44.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 77.47 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 85.09 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: MCU_Module entryName: Arduino_UNO_R3 position: x: 114.3 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: A1 position: x: 121.5741 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Arduino_UNO_R4 position: x: 121.5741 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 49.53 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 77.47 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Sensor_Temperature entryName: MCP9700Ax-ETT position: x: 166.37 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 157.48 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP9700Ax-ETT position: x: 157.48 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 166.37 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Motor entryName: Fan_4pin position: x: 67.31 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: M1 position: x: 72.39 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fan_4pin position: x: 72.39 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: UT7500L-18-T92-B-K position: x: 107.95 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 116.84 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: UT7500L-18-T92-B-K position: x: 116.84 y: 133.35 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 149.86 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 110.49 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 140.97 - x: 199.39 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - x: 162.56 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 45.72 - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 110.49 - x: 181.61 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 124.46 - x: 138.43 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 119.38 - x: 116.84 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 87.63 - x: 91.44 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 119.38 - x: 92.71 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 135.89 - x: 107.95 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 128.27 - x: 107.95 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 45.72 - x: 119.38 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 44.45 - x: 111.76 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 85.09 - x: 59.69 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 119.38 - x: 92.71 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 119.38 - x: 116.84 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 49.53 - x: 91.44 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 82.55 - x: 176.53 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 90.17 - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 36.83 - x: 100.33 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - x: 181.61 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 91.44 - x: 176.53 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 49.53 - x: 91.44 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 78.74 - x: 127 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 74.93 - x: 149.86 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 45.72 - x: 149.86 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 45.72 - x: 119.38 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 74.93 - x: 67.31 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 124.46 - x: 138.43 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 36.83 - x: 100.33 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 140.97 - x: 199.39 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - x: 59.69 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 87.63 - x: 91.44 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 64.77 - x: 170.18 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - x: 149.86 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 44.45 - x: 100.33 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - x: 166.37 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 132.08 - x: 92.71 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 44.45 - x: 111.76 y: 44.45 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Fan speed control circuit
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:Crystal - Device:R - Motor:Fan_4pin - Ore:ATmega328P_Arduino - Ore:NJU7223F50 - Ore:UT7500L-18-T92-B-K - Sensor_Temperature:MCP9700Ax-ETT - Switch:SW_SPST - power:+12V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 68.58 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 72.39 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 73.66 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 102.87 y: 43.18 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R_10k position: x: 102.87 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 102.87 y: 39.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 59.69 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 170.18 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Sensor_Temperature entryName: MCP9700Ax-ETT position: x: 170.18 y: 67.31 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 179.07 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP9700Ax-ETT position: x: 172.72 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 78.74 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 135.89 y: 111.76 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 135.89 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 135.89 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 115.57 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 116.84 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 115.57 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 78.74 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C_22uF position: x: 68.58 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 82.55 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: UT7500L-18-T92-B-K position: x: 168.91 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: UT7500L-18-T92-B-K1 position: x: 163.195 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 161.29 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 135.89 y: 124.46 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 135.89 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 135.89 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 120.65 y: 43.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 127 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 87.63 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 91.44 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 92.71 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal position: x: 78.74 y: 86.36 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: HUSG-16.000-20 position: x: 57.15 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Crystal position: x: 73.66 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ATmega328P_Arduino position: x: 107.95 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 123.825 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ATmega328P_Arduino position: x: 123.825 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 91.44 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 163.83 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 64.77 y: 72.39 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 58.42 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 78.74 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C_22uF position: x: 68.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 82.55 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Motor entryName: Fan_4pin position: x: 135.89 y: 116.84 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: M2 position: x: 130.81 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fan_4pin position: x: 130.81 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 64.77 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 68.58 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 60.96 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: NJU7223F50 position: x: 74.93 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: NJU7223F50 position: x: 78.74 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 74.93 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 77.47 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 154.94 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 74.93 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 170.18 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 43.18 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 90.17 - x: 139.7 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 66.04 - x: 78.74 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 72.39 - x: 78.74 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 80.01 - x: 88.9 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 62.23 - x: 107.95 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 58.42 - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - x: 78.74 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 82.55 - x: 170.18 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 82.55 - x: 170.18 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 80.01 - x: 153.67 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 43.18 - x: 110.49 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 43.18 - x: 106.68 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 85.09 - x: 107.95 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 69.85 - x: 87.63 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - x: 99.06 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 90.17 - x: 101.6 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 77.47 - x: 139.7 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 82.55 - x: 107.95 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 80.01 - x: 139.7 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - x: 87.63 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 72.39 - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - x: 153.67 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 43.18 - x: 99.06 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - x: 87.63 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 58.42 - x: 68.58 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 58.42 - x: 68.58 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 58.42 - x: 99.06 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 72.39 - x: 78.74 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 114.3 - x: 143.51 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 67.31 - x: 160.02 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 58.42 - x: 71.12 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 49.53 - x: 157.48 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 77.47 - x: 107.95 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 90.17 - x: 101.6 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 49.53 - x: 99.06 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 80.01 - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 68.58 - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 49.53 - x: 157.48 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 74.93 - x: 170.18 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 82.55 - x: 157.48 y: 82.55 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Temperature-controlled fan circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:R - Motor:Fan_4pin - NJU7223F50_1 - Ore:MCP9700-E/TO - Ore:PIC12F1840 - Switch:SW_DPDT_x2 - power:+12V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PIC12F1840 position: x: 91.44 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PIC12F1 position: x: 92.71 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 91.44 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 124.46 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 107.95 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 107.95 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 107.95 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 64.77 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 68.58 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 69.85 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 16.51 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 16.51 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 16.51 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: NJU7223F50 position: x: 55.88 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: NJU7223F50 position: x: 49.53 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 55.88 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 66.04 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: "R_10k\u03A9" position: x: 67.31 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 68.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 45.72 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 49.53 y: 76.2 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 50.8 y: 76.2 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DPDT_x2 position: x: 29.21 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 29.21 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2MS1-T1-B4-M2-Q-E position: x: 29.21 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: MCP9700-E/TO position: x: 121.92 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MCP9700-E/TO1 position: x: 106.68 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 121.92 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 58.42 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 58.42 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 58.42 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 66.04 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.26 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 48.26 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 48.26 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 69.85 y: 101.6 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R_10k position: x: 69.85 y: 99.06 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 69.85 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 43.18 y: 66.04 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 36.83 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 39.37 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 66.04 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C_10nF position: x: 69.85 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 69.85 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Motor entryName: Fan_4pin position: x: 48.26 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: M2 position: x: 43.18 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fan_4pin position: x: 43.18 y: 119.38 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 66.04 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 64.77 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 66.04 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 55.88 y: 118.11 angle: null - position: x: 34.29 y: 78.74 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - x: 66.04 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 100.33 - x: 45.72 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 92.71 - x: 107.95 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 83.82 - x: 45.72 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 90.17 - x: 73.66 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 80.01 - x: 66.04 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 80.01 - x: 111.76 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 113.03 - x: 48.26 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 80.01 - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 90.17 - x: 81.28 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - x: 121.92 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 58.42 - x: 64.77 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 58.42 - x: 64.77 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 109.22 - x: 81.28 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - x: 45.72 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 123.19 - x: 104.14 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 95.25 - x: 111.76 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 96.52 - x: 66.04 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 111.76 - x: 104.14 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 66.04 - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 83.82 - x: 45.72 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 81.28 - x: 16.51 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 76.2 - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 95.25 - x: 121.92 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 74.93 - x: 53.34 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 74.93 - x: 55.88 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 16.51 y: 81.28 - x: 16.51 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 100.33 - x: 45.72 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 58.42 - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 101.6 - x: 77.47 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 101.6 - x: 66.04 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - x: 111.76 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 83.82 - x: 55.88 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 101.6 - x: 77.47 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 88.9 - x: 66.04 y: 80.01 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Arduino microcontroller circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R - Ore:ATmega328U_Duino schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ATmega328U_Duino position: x: 67.31 y: 74.93 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 55.88 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ATmega328P position: x: 67.31 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 71.12 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 69.85 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1M position: x: 67.31 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 73.66 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 72.39 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22k position: x: 72.39 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 93.98 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 93.98 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 96.52 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 76.2 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 74.93 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '300' position: x: 77.47 y: 71.12 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 73.66 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 66.04 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 102.87 - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 73.66 - x: 76.2 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 110.49 - x: 68.58 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 100.33 - x: 83.82 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - x: 73.66 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 66.04 - x: 76.2 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 73.66 - x: 73.66 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 73.66 - x: 71.12 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 100.33 - x: 68.58 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - x: 93.98 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 66.04 - x: 76.2 y: 66.04 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Arduino microcontroller circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R - Ore:ATmega328U_Duino schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ATmega328U_Duino position: x: 67.31 y: 74.93 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 55.88 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ATmega328P position: x: 67.31 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 71.12 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 69.85 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1M position: x: 67.31 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 73.66 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 72.39 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22k position: x: 72.39 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 93.98 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 93.98 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 96.52 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 76.2 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 74.93 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '300' position: x: 77.47 y: 62.23 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 73.66 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 57.15 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 100.33 - x: 76.2 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 100.33 - x: 78.74 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 73.66 - x: 76.2 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 102.87 - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 64.77 - x: 76.2 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 120.65 - x: 68.58 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 100.33 - x: 83.82 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 116.84 - x: 35.56 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 69.85 - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 57.15 - x: 73.66 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 116.84 - x: 35.56 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - x: 76.2 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - x: 71.12 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 64.77 - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 64.77 - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 100.33 - x: 68.58 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 109.22 - x: 43.18 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 113.03 - x: 39.37 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 113.03 - x: 39.37 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 109.22 - x: 43.18 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - x: 73.66 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 66.04 - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 100.33 - x: 81.28 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 73.66 - x: 76.2 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 57.15 - x: 76.2 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Microcontroller circuit.
libSymbols: - MCU_Module:Arduino_UNO_R3 - Ore:PIC12F1840 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: MCU_Module entryName: Arduino_UNO_R3 position: x: 125.73 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: A1 position: x: 133.0041 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Arduino_UNO_R3 position: x: 133.0041 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PIC12F1840 position: x: 82.55 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PIC12F1 position: x: 83.82 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 82.55 y: 88.9 angle: 0 junctions: [] noConnects: - position: x: 72.39 y: 69.85 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 95.25 - x: 101.6 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 52.07 - x: 72.39 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - x: 130.81 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 95.25 - x: 101.6 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 111.76 - x: 123.19 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 76.2 - x: 69.85 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 52.07 - x: 72.39 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 68.58 - x: 113.03 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 76.2 - x: 69.85 y: 76.2 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Arduino Uno circuit
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:Crystal - Device:R - Ore:ATmega328U_Duino - Ore:ArduinoUnoR3 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ATmega328U_Duino position: x: 120.65 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: ATmega328P_arduino position: x: 161.29 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 120.65 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal position: x: 128.27 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 128.27 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 16MHz position: x: 129.54 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 132.08 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22pF position: x: 132.08 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 135.89 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ArduinoUnoR3 position: x: 121.92 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: ArduinoUnoR3 position: x: 125.73 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 121.92 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 124.46 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22pF position: x: 125.73 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 128.27 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 104.14 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R10K position: x: 106.68 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 106.68 y: 110.49 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 104.14 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 106.68 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 63.5 - x: 160.02 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 76.2 - x: 127 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 45.72 - x: 109.22 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 101.6 - x: 127 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 45.72 - x: 101.6 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - x: 132.08 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 44.45 - x: 88.9 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 104.14 - x: 104.14 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 68.58 - x: 111.76 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 76.2 - x: 127 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 77.47 - x: 132.08 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - x: 119.38 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 114.3 - x: 104.14 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 39.37 - x: 143.51 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - x: 127 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 39.37 - x: 143.51 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 36.83 - x: 146.05 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 44.45 - x: 88.9 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 106.68 - x: 132.08 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 77.47 - x: 132.08 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 73.66 - x: 129.54 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 41.91 - x: 85.09 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 73.66 - x: 114.3 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 73.66 - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 73.66 - x: 129.54 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 45.72 - x: 104.14 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - x: 114.3 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 119.38 - x: 160.02 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 41.91 - x: 85.09 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 45.72 - x: 106.68 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 96.52 - x: 124.46 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 116.84 - x: 124.46 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 113.03 - x: 104.14 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 36.83 - x: 146.05 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 104.14 - x: 104.14 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 68.58 - x: 81.28 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 114.3 - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 81.28 - x: 124.46 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 - x: 104.14 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 68.58 - x: 124.46 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - x: 160.02 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 119.38 - x: 132.08 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 81.28 - x: 119.38 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 106.68 - x: 124.46 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 60.96 - x: 111.76 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 96.52 - x: 121.92 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 119.38 - x: 124.46 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 116.84 - x: 132.08 y: 119.38 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Audio amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R - Device:Speaker - Ore:PIC12F1840 - Switch:SW_Push - Switch:SW_SPST schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 129.54 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 128.27 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 132.08 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 139.7 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 139.7 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push position: x: 139.7 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 114.3 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Speaker position: x: 172.72 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LS1 position: x: 177.8 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Speaker position: x: 177.8 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 114.3 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 160.02 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 158.75 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 161.29 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 114.3 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 121.92 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 120.65 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 124.46 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PIC12F1840 position: x: 143.51 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MU1 position: x: 142.24 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 143.51 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 127 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 125.73 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 129.54 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 124.46 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 123.19 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 127 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 114.3 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 114.3 y: 60.96 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 109.22 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 129.54 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 129.54 y: 87.63 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 69.85 - x: 149.86 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 87.63 - x: 129.54 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 72.39 - x: 149.86 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 87.63 - x: 153.67 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 53.34 - x: 153.67 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 87.63 - x: 127 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 72.39 - x: 127 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 62.23 - x: 167.64 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 53.34 - x: 153.67 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 64.77 - x: 121.92 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 74.93 - x: 129.54 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 62.23 - x: 109.22 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 74.93 - x: 129.54 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - x: 156.21 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 67.31 - x: 124.46 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 69.85 - x: 132.08 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 87.63 - x: 124.46 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 64.77 - x: 109.22 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 62.23 - x: 153.67 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 67.31 - x: 134.62 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 67.31 - x: 109.22 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 69.85 - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 72.39 - x: 119.38 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 69.85 - x: 109.22 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 74.93 - x: 152.4 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 64.77 - x: 167.64 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 64.77 - x: 121.92 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 69.85 - x: 127 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 62.23 - x: 153.67 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - x: 124.46 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 67.31 - x: 152.4 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - x: 134.62 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 64.77 - x: 134.62 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 69.85 - x: 127 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 62.23 - x: 109.22 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 67.31 - x: 152.4 y: 74.93 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Embedded microcontroller system
libSymbols: - Device:C - Ore:MCP9700-E/TO - Ore:NJM7805FA - Ore:PIC12F1840 - Ore:PWM_FAN - Switch:SW_DIP_x01 - power:+12V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 97.79 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 99.06 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 101.6 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: NJM7805FA position: x: 87.63 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 92.71 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NJM7805FA position: x: 77.47 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 109.22 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 110.49 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 113.03 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 115.57 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 104.14 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PWM_FAN position: x: 124.46 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PWM_FAN1 position: x: 120.65 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 124.46 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 116.84 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 81.28 y: 156.21 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 78.74 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C100uF position: x: 80.01 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 97.79 y: 154.94 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 97.79 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C100uF position: x: 96.52 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: MCP9700-E/TO position: x: 85.09 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: MCP9700-E/TO1 position: x: 92.71 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 85.09 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 87.63 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DIP_x01 position: x: 143.51 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 143.51 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2MS1-T1-B4-M2-Q-E position: x: 143.51 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PIC12F1840 position: x: 142.24 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: P position: x: 113.03 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PIC12F1840 position: x: 139.7 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 77.47 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 77.47 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 101.6 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 156.21 y: 158.75 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 152.4 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 160.02 y: 158.75 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 104.14 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 137.16 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 165.1 - x: 113.03 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 118.11 - x: 82.55 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - x: 119.38 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 156.21 - x: 116.84 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 137.16 - x: 109.22 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 118.11 - x: 85.09 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 106.68 - x: 125.73 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 154.94 - x: 87.63 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 137.16 - x: 116.84 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 106.68 - x: 125.73 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 129.54 - x: 104.14 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 165.1 - x: 113.03 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 137.16 - x: 93.98 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 154.94 - x: 90.17 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 156.21 - x: 116.84 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 140.97 - x: 156.21 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 158.75 - x: 85.09 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 158.75 - x: 119.38 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 114.3 - x: 138.43 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 109.22 - x: 115.57 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 158.75 - x: 135.89 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - x: 87.63 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 137.16 - x: 97.79 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 158.75 - x: 113.03 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 137.16 - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - x: 119.38 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 158.75 - x: 156.21 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 129.54 - x: 109.22 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 140.97 - x: 156.21 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 156.21 - x: 85.09 y: 154.94 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Temperature controlled fan circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Ore:MCP9700-E/TO - Ore:PIC12F1840 - Ore:PWM_FAN - power:+12V - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 147.32 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 151.13 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 143.51 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PWM_FAN position: x: 161.29 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PWM_FAN1 position: x: 157.48 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 161.29 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 72.39 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 72.39 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 72.39 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 140.97 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 134.62 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 135.89 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 138.43 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 146.05 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 147.32 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 149.86 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: PIC12F1840 position: x: 93.98 y: 81.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: P position: x: 123.19 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PIC12F1840 position: x: 124.46 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 151.13 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: MCP9700-E/TO position: x: 63.5 y: 78.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: MCP9700-E/TO1 position: x: 86.36 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 63.5 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 151.13 y: 86.36 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 147.32 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 154.94 y: 86.36 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 119.38 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 93.98 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 63.5 - x: 156.21 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 99.06 - x: 110.49 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 93.98 - x: 140.97 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 99.06 - x: 67.31 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - x: 72.39 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 93.98 - x: 110.49 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 73.66 - x: 151.13 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 93.98 - x: 134.62 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 81.28 - x: 72.39 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 96.52 - x: 92.71 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - x: 119.38 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 93.98 - x: 97.79 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 71.12 - x: 147.32 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 78.74 - x: 72.39 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 67.31 - x: 72.39 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 86.36 - x: 134.62 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 86.36 - x: 134.62 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 86.36 - x: 151.13 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 93.98 - x: 146.05 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 63.5 - x: 156.21 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - x: 134.62 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 96.52 - x: 92.71 y: 63.5 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Arduino speaker control circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R - Device:Speaker - Ore:ArduinoUnoR3 - Switch:SW_DIP_x04 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Ore entryName: ArduinoUnoR3 position: x: 138.43 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: ArduinoUnoR1 position: x: 109.22 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 138.43 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 102.87 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 105.41 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 105.41 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Speaker position: x: 172.72 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LS1 position: x: 177.8 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Speaker position: x: 177.8 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DIP_x04 position: x: 113.03 y: 104.14 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 119.38 y: 102.87 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SW_DIP_x04 position: x: 119.38 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 115.57 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 118.11 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 118.11 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 109.22 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 111.76 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 111.76 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 121.92 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 124.46 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 124.46 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 167.64 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 170.18 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 170.18 y: 69.85 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 121.92 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 96.52 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 92.71 - x: 110.49 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 77.47 - x: 121.92 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 88.9 - x: 133.35 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 50.8 - x: 93.98 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 111.76 - x: 107.95 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 111.76 - x: 110.49 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - x: 102.87 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 43.18 - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 72.39 - x: 130.81 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 115.57 - x: 113.03 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 57.15 - x: 135.89 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 45.72 - x: 140.97 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 77.47 - x: 109.22 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 43.18 - x: 86.36 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 72.39 - x: 167.64 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 92.71 - x: 110.49 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - x: 115.57 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 96.52 - x: 121.92 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 87.63 - x: 115.57 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 96.52 - x: 102.87 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 45.72 - x: 88.9 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 115.57 - x: 110.49 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 85.09 - x: 115.57 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 57.15 - x: 148.59 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 74.93 - x: 97.79 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 48.26 - x: 91.44 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 53.34 - x: 167.64 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 50.8 - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 96.52 - x: 110.49 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 53.34 - x: 167.64 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 96.52 - x: 121.92 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 48.26 - x: 91.44 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 77.47 - x: 102.87 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 74.93 - x: 97.79 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 115.57 - x: 115.57 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 43.18 - x: 143.51 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 48.26 - x: 138.43 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 45.72 - x: 88.9 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 72.39 - x: 133.35 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 85.09 - x: 109.22 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 90.17 - x: 113.03 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 72.39 - x: 128.27 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 96.52 - x: 113.03 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 77.47 - x: 115.57 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 115.57 - x: 115.57 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 96.52 - x: 102.87 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 111.76 - x: 113.03 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 115.57 - x: 107.95 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 90.17 - x: 113.03 y: 90.17 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for USB powered amplifier circuit
libSymbols: - Amplifier_Operational:NJM2043 - Connector:USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_14P - Device:C - Device:R - Isolator:TLP785 - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 171.45 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R200 position: x: 172.72 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 173.99 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 87.63 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C0.1 position: x: 86.36 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 91.44 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: TLP785 position: x: 127 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 127 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TLP785 position: x: 127 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R300 position: x: 114.3 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 119.38 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 157.48 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R_Black position: x: 160.02 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 160.02 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 60.96 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 60.96 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 60.96 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 130.81 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R300 position: x: 128.27 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 133.35 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 82.55 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R_Black position: x: 81.28 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 85.09 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: NJM2043 position: x: 102.87 y: 93.98 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 102.87 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: HA17339A position: x: 102.87 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 63.5 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 63.5 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 63.5 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 71.12 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2k position: x: 69.85 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 73.66 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_14P position: x: 195.58 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 195.58 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0_14P position: x: 195.58 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: NJM2043 position: x: 102.87 y: 80.01 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 102.87 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: HA17339A position: x: 102.87 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 76.2 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C0.1 position: x: 74.93 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 80.01 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 138.43 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R_Black position: x: 140.97 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 140.97 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 71.12 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R_Black position: x: 69.85 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 73.66 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: TLP785 position: x: 148.59 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 148.59 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TLP785 position: x: 148.59 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 82.55 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2k position: x: 81.28 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 85.09 y: 105.41 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 71.12 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 58.42 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - x: 195.58 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 87.63 - x: 119.38 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 58.42 - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - x: 71.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 100.33 - x: 87.63 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 72.39 - x: 180.34 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 74.93 - x: 166.37 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 107.95 - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 100.33 - x: 116.84 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 58.42 - x: 138.43 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 72.39 - x: 157.48 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 87.63 - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 58.42 - x: 116.84 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - x: 203.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 66.04 - x: 116.84 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 101.6 - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 72.39 - x: 157.48 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 93.98 - x: 92.71 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - x: 82.55 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 58.42 - x: 134.62 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 107.95 - x: 71.12 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 83.82 - x: 157.48 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 58.42 - x: 180.34 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 97.79 - x: 71.12 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 83.82 - x: 157.48 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 83.82 - x: 130.81 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 72.39 - x: 161.29 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 69.85 - x: 140.97 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - x: 82.55 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 97.79 - x: 82.55 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 107.95 - x: 63.5 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 100.33 - x: 138.43 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - x: 82.55 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 87.63 - x: 180.34 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 67.31 - x: 130.81 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 97.79 - x: 71.12 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 86.36 - x: 71.12 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - x: 130.81 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 107.95 - x: 203.2 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 85.09 - x: 180.34 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 86.36 - x: 71.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 95.25 - x: 166.37 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 69.85 - x: 140.97 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 97.79 - x: 82.55 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 58.42 - x: 180.34 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 58.42 - x: 154.94 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 66.04 - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 - x: 95.25 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 74.93 - x: 166.37 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 91.44 - x: 138.43 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 78.74 - x: 156.21 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 77.47 - x: 110.49 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 82.55 - x: 110.49 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 100.33 - x: 76.2 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 58.42 - x: 71.12 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 58.42 - x: 82.55 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 58.42 - x: 157.48 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 58.42 - x: 157.48 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - x: 138.43 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 93.98 - x: 92.71 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 68.58 - x: 138.43 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 96.52 - x: 110.49 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 100.33 - x: 138.43 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for MOSFET switching circuit
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 - Device:Q_NMOS_GSD - Device:R_Small - Power_Protection:USBLC6-4SC6 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 63.5 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1205 position: x: 63.5 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH4 position: x: 63.5 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1204 position: x: 33.02 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 33.02 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 139.7 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1209 position: x: 139.7 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 139.7 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 45.72 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1206 position: x: 48.26 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 48.26 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 144.78 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1213 position: x: 144.78 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH12 position: x: 144.78 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1230 position: x: 200.66 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 200.66 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 254 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1201 position: x: 255.6511 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 255.6511 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 254 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1202 position: x: 255.6511 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 255.6511 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 104.14 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1209 position: x: 104.14 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH8 position: x: 104.14 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 88.9 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1208 position: x: 88.9 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 88.9 y: 123.19 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 88.9 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1207 position: x: 88.9 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 88.9 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1216 position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 99.06 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1219 position: x: 134.62 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 134.62 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 38.1 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1201 position: x: 38.1 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 38.1 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 190.5 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1216 position: x: 190.5 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 190.5 y: 123.19 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1209 position: x: 83.82 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 83.82 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1214 position: x: 99.06 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 99.06 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1227 position: x: 185.42 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 185.42 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1222 position: x: 149.86 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 149.86 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 190.5 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1214 position: x: 190.5 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 190.5 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 190.5 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1213 position: x: 190.5 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 190.5 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 254 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01204' position: x: 254 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 254 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1217 position: x: 134.62 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 134.62 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1210 position: x: 83.82 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 83.82 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1218 position: x: 134.62 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 134.62 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 43.18 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1203 position: x: 43.18 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH2 position: x: 43.18 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1202 position: x: 33.02 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 33.02 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1215 position: x: 99.06 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 99.06 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1221 position: x: 149.86 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 149.86 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 88.9 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1206 position: x: 88.9 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 88.9 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 254 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01205' position: x: 254 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 254 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 139.7 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1211 position: x: 139.7 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 139.7 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 88.9 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1205 position: x: 88.9 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 88.9 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1224 position: x: 149.86 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 149.86 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 73.66 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1206 position: x: 73.66 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH5 position: x: 73.66 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1223 position: x: 149.86 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 149.86 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 124.46 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1211 position: x: 124.46 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH10 position: x: 124.46 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1232 position: x: 200.66 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 200.66 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 175.26 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1216 position: x: 175.26 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH15 position: x: 175.26 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 38.1 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1203 position: x: 38.1 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 38.1 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 190.5 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1215 position: x: 190.5 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 190.5 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 93.98 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1208 position: x: 93.98 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH7 position: x: 93.98 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 134.62 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1212 position: x: 134.62 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH11 position: x: 134.62 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 139.7 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1212 position: x: 139.7 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 139.7 y: 123.19 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 45.72 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1208 position: x: 48.26 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 48.26 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 83.82 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1207 position: x: 83.82 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH6 position: x: 83.82 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 45.72 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1205 position: x: 48.26 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 48.26 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1211 position: x: 83.82 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 83.82 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1231 position: x: 200.66 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 200.66 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 114.3 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1210 position: x: 114.3 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH9 position: x: 114.3 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 45.72 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1207 position: x: 48.26 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 48.26 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 22.86 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1201 position: x: 22.86 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH0 position: x: 22.86 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 53.34 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1204 position: x: 53.34 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH3 position: x: 53.34 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1225 position: x: 185.42 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 185.42 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1212 position: x: 83.82 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 83.82 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 58.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1226 position: x: 185.42 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 185.42 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1228 position: x: 185.42 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 185.42 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1213 position: x: 99.06 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 99.06 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 139.7 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1210 position: x: 139.7 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 139.7 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 254 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1203 position: x: 255.6511 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 255.6511 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 109.22 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1220 position: x: 134.62 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 134.62 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1201 position: x: 33.02 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 33.02 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 154.94 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1214 position: x: 154.94 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH13 position: x: 154.94 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 254 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01203' position: x: 254 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 254 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 38.1 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1204 position: x: 38.1 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 38.1 y: 123.19 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 254 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01202' position: x: 254 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 254 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 33.02 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1202 position: x: 33.02 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH1 position: x: 33.02 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1203 position: x: 33.02 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 33.02 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 33.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1229 position: x: 200.66 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 200.66 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 254 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1204 position: x: 255.6511 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USBLC6-4SC6 position: x: 255.6511 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 38.1 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1202 position: x: 38.1 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 38.1 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 165.1 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1215 position: x: 165.1 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CH14 position: x: 165.1 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 182.88 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01201' position: x: 182.88 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 182.88 y: 154.94 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 96.52 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.18 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 40.64 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 144.78 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 30.48 - x: 81.28 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 55.88 - x: 182.88 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 35.56 - x: 30.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 27.94 - x: 198.12 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 40.64 - x: 106.68 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 109.22 - x: 243.84 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 91.44 - x: 55.88 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 55.88 - x: 132.08 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 147.32 - x: 71.12 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 35.56 - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 147.32 - x: 162.56 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 53.34 - x: 147.32 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 144.78 - x: 93.98 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 91.44 - x: 195.58 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 81.28 - x: 132.08 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - x: 114.3 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 147.32 - x: 132.08 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 55.88 - x: 132.08 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 116.84 - x: 106.68 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 147.32 - x: 30.48 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 43.18 - x: 274.32 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 58.42 - x: 139.7 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 144.78 - x: 175.26 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 58.42 - x: 88.9 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 106.68 - x: 132.08 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 86.36 - x: 45.72 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 144.78 - x: 22.86 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 91.44 - x: 182.88 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 86.36 - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 40.64 - x: 182.88 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 162.56 - x: 55.88 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 66.04 - x: 195.58 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 33.02 - x: 190.5 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 81.28 - x: 243.84 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 147.32 - x: 172.72 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - x: 139.7 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 81.28 - x: 30.48 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 48.26 - x: 274.32 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 104.14 - x: 45.72 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - x: 53.34 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 60.96 - x: 182.88 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 144.78 - x: 33.02 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 30.48 - x: 182.88 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 78.74 - x: 147.32 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 144.78 - x: 93.98 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 147.32 - x: 142.24 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 66.04 - x: 254 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 147.32 - x: 30.48 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 114.3 - x: 243.84 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 40.64 - x: 81.28 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 147.32 - x: 91.44 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 40.64 - x: 83.82 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 66.04 - x: 30.48 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 86.36 - x: 96.52 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 147.32 - x: 162.56 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 53.34 - x: 45.72 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 40.64 - x: 55.88 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 147.32 - x: 274.32 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 91.44 - x: 185.42 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 53.34 - x: 147.32 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 104.14 - x: 147.32 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 55.88 - x: 30.48 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 33.02 - x: 139.7 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 27.94 - x: 96.52 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 99.06 - x: 254 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 132.08 - x: 254 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - x: 134.62 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 147.32 - x: 60.96 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - x: 104.14 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 30.48 - x: 182.88 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 162.56 - x: 147.32 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 40.64 - x: 144.78 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 142.24 - x: 43.18 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 111.76 - x: 147.32 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 66.04 - x: 182.88 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 27.94 - x: 45.72 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - x: 81.28 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 27.94 - x: 45.72 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 83.82 - x: 88.9 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 30.48 - x: 30.48 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 81.28 - x: 30.48 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 109.22 - x: 88.9 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 147.32 - x: 101.6 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 142.24 - x: 182.88 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 162.56 - x: 116.84 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 144.78 - x: 144.78 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 162.56 - x: 167.64 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 33.02 - x: 254 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 104.14 - x: 96.52 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 111.76 - x: 182.88 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 35.56 - x: 147.32 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 91.44 - x: 30.48 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 40.64 - x: 33.02 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 40.64 - x: 30.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 78.74 - x: 45.72 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 35.56 - x: 45.72 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - x: 157.48 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 147.32 - x: 121.92 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 15.24 y: 144.78 - x: 22.86 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 116.84 - x: 132.08 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 111.76 - x: 96.52 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 60.96 - x: 198.12 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 15.24 y: 142.24 - x: 15.24 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - x: 134.62 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 147.32 - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 147.32 - x: 243.84 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 109.22 - x: 274.32 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 147.32 - x: 40.64 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 78.74 - x: 96.52 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 132.08 - x: 254 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 114.3 - x: 274.32 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 104.14 - x: 96.52 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 30.48 - x: 81.28 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 144.78 - x: 144.78 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 147.32 - x: 111.76 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 66.04 - x: 81.28 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 147.32 - x: 91.44 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 83.82 - x: 139.7 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 78.74 - x: 96.52 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 162.56 - x: 76.2 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 81.28 - x: 132.08 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 162.56 - x: 66.04 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 144.78 - x: 114.3 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 106.68 - x: 81.28 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 66.04 - x: 83.82 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 48.26 - x: 243.84 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 55.88 - x: 30.48 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 55.88 - x: 81.28 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 83.82 - x: 190.5 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 25.4 - x: 266.7 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 116.84 - x: 55.88 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 27.94 - x: 96.52 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 116.84 - x: 33.02 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 116.84 - x: 134.62 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 91.44 - x: 93.98 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 144.78 - x: 73.66 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 78.74 - x: 198.12 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 162.56 - x: 106.68 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 30.48 - x: 132.08 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 147.32 - x: 60.96 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 91.44 - x: 106.68 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 35.56 - x: 96.52 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 144.78 - x: 134.62 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 147.32 - x: 20.32 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 86.36 - x: 132.08 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 53.34 - x: 198.12 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 116.84 - x: 43.18 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 104.14 - x: 198.12 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 111.76 - x: 45.72 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 116.84 - x: 157.48 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 162.56 - x: 177.8 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 147.32 - x: 111.76 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - x: 144.78 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 40.64 - x: 43.18 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 147.32 - x: 40.64 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 53.34 - x: 198.12 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 35.56 - x: 182.88 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 66.04 - x: 254 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 109.22 - x: 38.1 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 147.32 - x: 81.28 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 27.94 - x: 198.12 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 35.56 - x: 198.12 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 116.84 - x: 144.78 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 142.24 - x: 243.84 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 111.76 - x: 30.48 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 60.96 - x: 30.48 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 116.84 - x: 182.88 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 116.84 - x: 30.48 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 144.78 - x: 73.66 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - x: 43.18 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 78.74 - x: 45.72 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 149.86 - x: 182.88 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 147.32 - x: 172.72 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 162.56 - x: 86.36 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 43.18 - x: 243.84 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 40.64 - x: 157.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 27.94 - x: 147.32 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 40.64 - x: 185.42 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 58.42 - x: 38.1 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 60.96 - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 66.04 - x: 134.62 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 109.22 - x: 190.5 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 60.96 - x: 96.52 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 106.68 - x: 132.08 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 162.56 - x: 137.16 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 162.56 - x: 96.52 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 60.96 - x: 147.32 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 147.32 - x: 71.12 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 66.04 - x: 144.78 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 142.24 - x: 274.32 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 78.74 - x: 147.32 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 144.78 - x: 83.82 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 66.04 - x: 132.08 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 86.36 - x: 198.12 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 147.32 - x: 101.6 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 66.04 - x: 157.48 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 144.78 - x: 63.5 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 144.78 - x: 175.26 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 144.78 - x: 165.1 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 116.84 - x: 195.58 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 30.48 - x: 132.08 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 81.28 - x: 182.88 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 33.02 - x: 38.1 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 111.76 - x: 132.08 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 162.56 - x: 127 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 81.28 - x: 81.28 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 144.78 - x: 165.1 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 60.96 - x: 81.28 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 40.64 - x: 208.28 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 144.78 - x: 33.02 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 91.44 - x: 83.82 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 76.2 - x: 243.84 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 40.64 - x: 93.98 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 104.14 - x: 147.32 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 86.36 - x: 81.28 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - x: 124.46 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 111.76 - x: 198.12 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 147.32 - x: 50.8 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 55.88 - x: 182.88 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 86.36 - x: 30.48 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 66.04 - x: 55.88 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 162.56 - x: 157.48 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 91.44 - x: 43.18 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 81.28 - x: 182.88 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 106.68 - x: 182.88 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 81.28 - x: 274.32 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 33.02 - x: 254 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 144.78 - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 144.78 - x: 154.94 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 162.56 - x: 25.4 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 40.64 - x: 195.58 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 147.32 - x: 172.72 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 144.78 - x: 182.88 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 147.32 - x: 81.28 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 33.02 - x: 88.9 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 147.32 - x: 152.4 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 147.32 - x: 50.8 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 106.68 - x: 30.48 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 66.04 - x: 185.42 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 27.94 - x: 147.32 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 91.44 - x: 208.28 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 86.36 - x: 182.88 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 40.64 - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 116.84 - x: 185.42 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 66.04 - x: 93.98 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 83.82 - x: 38.1 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 106.68 - x: 182.88 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 53.34 - x: 96.52 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 144.78 - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 144.78 - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 76.2 - x: 274.32 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 147.32 - x: 142.24 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 116.84 - x: 81.28 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 58.42 - x: 190.5 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 66.04 - x: 33.02 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 35.56 - x: 81.28 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 91.44 - x: 33.02 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 53.34 - x: 45.72 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 78.74 - x: 198.12 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - x: 63.5 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 106.68 - x: 30.48 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 106.68 - x: 81.28 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - x: 198.12 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 53.34 - x: 96.52 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 147.32 - x: 20.32 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 30.48 - x: 30.48 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 144.78 - x: 83.82 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 116.84 - x: 83.82 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 99.06 - x: 254 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 162.56 - x: 35.56 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 91.44 - x: 134.62 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 91.44 - x: 132.08 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 116.84 - x: 93.98 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 55.88 - x: 81.28 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 116.84 - x: 208.28 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 60.96 - x: 132.08 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 144.78 - x: 154.94 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 81.28 - x: 81.28 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 162.56 - x: 45.72 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 104.14 - x: 45.72 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 111.76 - x: 81.28 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 147.32 - x: 152.4 y: 147.32 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Buzzer and LED circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:Buzzer - Device:LED_Small - Device:Q_NMOS_GSD - Device:R_Small - Switch:SW_Push - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 119.38 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 149.86 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 149.86 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01302' position: x: 139.7 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Buzzer position: x: 132.08 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BZ1301 position: x: 135.89 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Buzzer position: x: 135.89 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D? position: x: 144.8435 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 143.5735 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 116.84 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 119.38 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 150R position: x: 119.38 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 99.06 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 149.86 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 149.86 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 106.68 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D? position: x: 144.8435 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 143.5735 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 185.42 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 185.42 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 185.42 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NMOS_GSD position: x: 116.84 y: 68.58 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q? position: x: 116.84 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RE1C002UN position: x: 116.84 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D? position: x: 144.8435 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 143.5735 y: 101.6 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 167.64 y: 71.12 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01303' position: x: 161.29 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 109.22 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 149.86 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 149.86 y: 106.68 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 149.86 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 149.86 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D? position: x: 144.8435 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 143.5735 y: 111.76 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 175.26 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW? position: x: 175.26 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_USER position: x: 175.26 y: 66.04 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 139.7 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 99.06 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 121.92 - x: 139.7 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - x: 142.24 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 182.88 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 119.38 - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 60.96 - x: 116.84 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 73.66 - x: 106.68 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - x: 142.24 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 71.12 - x: 170.18 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 60.96 - x: 127 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 109.22 - x: 154.94 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 71.12 - x: 111.76 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 55.88 - x: 116.84 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 66.04 - x: 129.54 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 99.06 - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 99.06 - x: 142.24 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 60.96 - x: 129.54 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 71.12 - x: 190.5 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - x: 139.7 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 88.9 - x: 154.94 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 53.34 - x: 116.84 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 71.12 - x: 129.54 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 119.38 - x: 154.94 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 99.06 - x: 154.94 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 119.38 - x: 142.24 y: 119.38 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for USB power supply circuit
libSymbols: - Connector:TestPoint - Connector:USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 - Device:R_Small - GND_1 - Power_Protection:USBLC6-2SC6 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R802 position: x: 160.02 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1K position: x: 160.02 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 167.64 y: 83.82 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0802' position: x: 173.99 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 129.54 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0801' position: x: 129.54 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 129.54 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 81.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R801 position: x: 160.02 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1K position: x: 160.02 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: USBLC6-2SC6 position: x: 208.28 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U801 position: x: 209.9311 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USBLC6-2SC6 position: x: 209.9311 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 266.7 y: 20.32 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TP801 position: x: 263.398 y: 17.78 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 263.398 y: 17.78 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 129.54 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J? position: x: 132.2578 y: 69.4182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 132.2578 y: 71.7296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 208.28 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0803' position: x: 208.28 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 208.28 y: 109.22 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 147.32 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 91.44 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 144.78 y: 104.14 angle: null - position: x: 121.92 y: 114.3 angle: null - position: x: 144.78 y: 106.68 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 101.6 - x: 208.28 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 81.28 - x: 165.1 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - x: 144.78 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 96.52 - x: 147.32 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 83.82 - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - x: 157.48 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 83.82 - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 91.44 - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 88.9 - x: 187.96 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 83.82 - x: 144.78 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - x: 147.32 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 93.98 - x: 198.12 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 96.52 - x: 147.32 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 96.52 - x: 157.48 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 93.98 - x: 218.44 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 88.9 - x: 228.6 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 93.98 - x: 147.32 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 88.9 - x: 147.32 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - x: 165.1 y: 81.28 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Flash memory circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - GND_1 - Memory_Flash:W25Q128JVS - W25Q32JVZP_1 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 213.36 y: 109.22 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 213.36 y: 102.87 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 213.36 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 213.36 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C? position: x: 215.9 y: 62.2362 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 215.9 y: 64.7762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_Flash entryName: W25Q128JVS position: x: 116.84 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U501 position: x: 125.73 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W25Q128JVS position: x: 125.73 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0501' position: x: 116.84 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 213.36 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 213.36 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 213.36 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 213.36 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0503' position: x: 213.36 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 213.36 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_Flash entryName: W25Q32JVZP position: x: 167.64 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U502 position: x: 176.53 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W25Q128JVPM position: x: 176.53 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 167.64 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0502' position: x: 167.64 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 167.64 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 213.36 y: 99.06 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 213.36 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 213.36 y: 95.25 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 167.64 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 99.06 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 86.36 - x: 193.04 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 109.22 - x: 210.82 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 63.5 - x: 157.48 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 76.2 - x: 167.64 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 40.64 - x: 86.36 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 73.66 - x: 116.84 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 88.9 - x: 210.82 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 86.36 - x: 193.04 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 99.06 - x: 220.98 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 25.4 - x: 266.7 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 40.64 - x: 193.04 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 99.06 - x: 208.28 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 73.66 - x: 170.18 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 99.06 - x: 208.28 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 73.66 - x: 167.64 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 99.06 - x: 208.28 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 60.96 - x: 157.48 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 60.96 - x: 106.68 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 109.22 - x: 220.98 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 76.2 - x: 167.64 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 58.42 - x: 157.48 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 63.5 - x: 106.68 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 66.04 - x: 157.48 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 58.42 - x: 106.68 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 99.06 - x: 210.82 y: 99.06 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Battery charger circuit
libSymbols: - Device:C_Small - Device:Fuse - Device:L - Device:LED_Small - Device:NetTie_2 - Device:Q_PMOS_GSD - Device:Q_PNP_BEC - Device:R_Small - Device:Thermistor - Device:Thermistor_NTC - Jumper:Jumper_2_Open - Jumper:SolderJumper_3_Bridged12 - LION2CELL01D-rescue:BQ34Z100 - LION2CELL01D-rescue:GND - MLAB_BATERY:2xBATT - MLAB_BATERY:3xBATT - MLAB_IO:BQ25628E - MLAB_IO:SN74HC164D - power:+3.3V - power:+BATT - power:+VSW - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG - power:VBUS schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 130.81 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 245.11 y: 129.54 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 68R position: x: 245.1354 y: 130.9878 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 50.8 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 50.8 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 50.8 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 168.91 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 171.45 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3n3 position: x: 171.45 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 121.92 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 151.13 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 148.59 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 148.59 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 46.99 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R51 position: x: 45.085 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 68R position: x: 46.99 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 134.62 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 245.11 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 68R position: x: 245.1354 y: 134.7978 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_PNP_BEC position: x: 44.45 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q5 position: x: 49.53 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC807-25 position: x: 49.53 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 139.7 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 142.24 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 142.24 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 142.24 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 245.11 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 68R position: x: 245.1354 y: 142.4178 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 128.27 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 128.27 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 115.57 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 46.99 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 46.99 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 50.8 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 97.79 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP11 position: x: 97.79 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 97.79 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 162.56 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: NetTie_2 position: x: 215.9 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: NT1 position: x: 215.9 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NetTie_2 position: x: 215.9 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 250.19 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ORANGE position: x: 266.7 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_BATERY entryName: 3xBATT position: x: 256.54 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BT2 position: x: 260.35 y: 36.068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BATT position: x: 260.35 y: 38.608 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 67.31 y: 173.99 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R55 position: x: 69.85 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 72.39 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 35.56 y: 77.47 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R49 position: x: 35.56 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 35.56 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 46.99 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 46.99 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 44.45 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 147.32 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47n position: x: 147.32 y: 38.0937 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 269.24 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F5 position: x: 271.78 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 271.78 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 151.13 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 214.63 y: 22.86 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG03' position: x: 212.725 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 211.4551 y: 22.86 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 115.57 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 115.57 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBUS position: x: 111.76 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 140.97 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 143.51 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 143.51 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R57 position: x: 147.32 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5k1 position: x: 147.32 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 46.99 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 46.99 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 44.45 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 46.99 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 46.99 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 46.99 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_BATERY entryName: 3xBATT position: x: 243.84 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BT2 position: x: 247.65 y: 36.0679 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BATT position: x: 247.65 y: 38.6079 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_BATERY entryName: 2xBATT position: x: 218.44 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BT1 position: x: 222.25 y: 36.0679 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BATT position: x: 222.25 y: 38.6079 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 250.19 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 266.7 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 151.13 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 153.67 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 153.67 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 35.56 y: 35.56 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R48 position: x: 35.56 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 35.56 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 46.99 y: 92.71 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D8 position: x: 49.53 y: 91.3765 angle: 90 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 49.53 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 243.84 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F3 position: x: 246.38 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 246.38 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: BQ34Z100 position: x: 121.92 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 123.19 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BQ34Z100 position: x: 123.19 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_PMOS_GSD position: x: 64.77 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q7 position: x: 71.12 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BSS83P position: x: 71.12 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 250.19 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 266.7 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 139.7 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: SolderJumper_3_Bridged12 position: x: 152.4 y: 175.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: JP5 position: x: 154.94 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_3_Bridged12 position: x: 156.21 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 111.76 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 160.02 y: 109.855 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100R position: x: 160.02 y: 113.665 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 55.88 y: 157.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R53 position: x: 55.88 y: 160.02 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 510R position: x: 55.88 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 218.44 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 220.472 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0R01 75PPM position: x: 222.25 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 152.4 y: 170.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 152.4 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 152.4 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 157.48 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 115.57 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 245.11 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 245.1354 y: 115.7478 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Thermistor position: x: 139.7 y: 137.16 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 144.78 y: 137.16 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k NTC position: x: 143.51 y: 137.16 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 162.56 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 162.56 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 166.37 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 50.8 y: 152.4 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R52 position: x: 53.34 y: 152.4 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 55.88 y: 152.4 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 222.25 y: 54.61 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG04' position: x: 224.155 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 225.425 y: 54.61 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 168.91 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 168.91 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 168.91 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_IO entryName: BQ25628E position: x: 129.54 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 129.54 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BQ25628E position: x: 129.54 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 127 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 245.11 y: 125.73 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 245.1354 y: 127.1778 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 250.19 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 266.7 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 137.16 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R56 position: x: 139.7 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2k4 position: x: 137.16 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 250.19 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 266.7 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0123' position: x: 146.05 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Thermistor_NTC position: x: 153.67 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TH2 position: x: 160.02 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k NTC position: x: 153.67 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 101.6 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 104.14 y: 71.1263 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 104.14 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 119.38 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 245.11 y: 118.11 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 245.1354 y: 119.5578 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 168.91 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 250.19 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 266.7 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 67.31 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 71.12 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 218.44 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F1 position: x: 220.98 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 220.98 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 218.44 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 101.6 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 228.6 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 228.6 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 228.6 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_BATERY entryName: 2xBATT position: x: 231.14 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BT1 position: x: 234.95 y: 36.0679 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BATT position: x: 234.95 y: 38.6079 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 127 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 127 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 123.19 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 245.11 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 245.1354 y: 123.3678 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: NetTie_2 position: x: 215.9 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: NT2 position: x: 215.9 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NetTie_2 position: x: 215.9 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 46.99 y: 50.8 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D7 position: x: 49.53 y: 49.4665 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ORANGE position: x: 49.53 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 205.74 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 205.74 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 205.8924 y: 144.399 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 151.13 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 218.44 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 218.44 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 218.44 y: 17.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_BATERY entryName: 3xBATT position: x: 269.24 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BT2 position: x: 273.05 y: 36.068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BATT position: x: 273.05 y: 38.608 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 231.14 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F2 position: x: 233.68 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 233.68 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 148.59 y: 34.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 149.86 y: 31.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uH - DFE252012P-1R0M=P2 position: x: 157.48 y: 30.48 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 151.13 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 142.24 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0122' position: x: 142.24 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 143.51 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 162.56 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 165.1 y: 60.9663 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 4u7 position: x: 165.1 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 157.48 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 160.02 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22u position: x: 160.02 y: 39.3637 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 97.79 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP12 position: x: 97.79 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 97.79 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LION2CELL01D-rescue entryName: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 205.74 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 151.13 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 153.67 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 153.67 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 160.02 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100R position: x: 160.02 y: 123.825 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 250.19 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ORANGE position: x: 266.7 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 146.05 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 148.59 y: 52.0763 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 148.59 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 250.19 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 266.7 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 257.81 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 257.81 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 257.81 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MLAB_IO entryName: SN74HC164D position: x: 223.52 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 224.79 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SN74HC164P position: x: 224.79 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 256.54 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F4 position: x: 259.08 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 259.08 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 153.67 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R58 position: x: 153.67 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 33k position: x: 153.67 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 67.31 y: 166.37 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R54 position: x: 69.85 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 72.39 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_PNP_BEC position: x: 44.45 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q6 position: x: 49.53 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC807-25 position: x: 49.53 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 110.49 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 113.03 y: 71.1263 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 113.03 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 67.31 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 67.31 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 67.31 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 46.99 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R50 position: x: 45.085 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 270R position: x: 46.99 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 205.74 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 205.74 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 205.74 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 134.62 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 138.43 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 160.02 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 160.02 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 160.02 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 138.43 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 245.11 y: 137.16 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 68R position: x: 245.1354 y: 138.6078 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 205.74 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 243.84 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 256.54 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 243.84 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 256.54 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.14 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.14 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 50.8 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 107.95 y: 140.97 angle: null - position: x: 116.84 y: 46.99 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 45.72 - x: 218.44 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 64.77 - x: 142.24 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 125.73 - x: 139.7 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 185.42 - x: 139.7 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 62.23 - x: 116.84 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 115.57 - x: 251.46 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 43.18 - x: 269.24 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 41.91 - x: 218.44 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - x: 207.01 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 50.8 - x: 213.36 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 111.76 - x: 162.56 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 162.56 - x: 168.91 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 22.86 - x: 269.24 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 45.72 - x: 213.36 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 35.56 - x: 33.02 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 35.56 - x: 39.37 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 67.31 - x: 151.13 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 119.38 - x: 257.81 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 83.82 - x: 137.16 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 22.86 - x: 256.54 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 54.61 - x: 222.25 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 143.51 - x: 139.7 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 34.29 - x: 243.84 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 43.18 - x: 243.84 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 34.29 - x: 116.84 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 119.38 - x: 257.81 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 34.29 - x: 269.24 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 111.76 - x: 151.13 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 170.18 - x: 67.31 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 110.49 - x: 205.74 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 111.76 - x: 157.48 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 24.13 - x: 218.44 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 50.8 - x: 115.57 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 157.48 - x: 59.69 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 157.48 - x: 53.34 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 143.51 - x: 151.13 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 154.94 - x: 228.6 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 179.07 - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 123.19 - x: 257.81 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 66.04 - x: 162.56 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 69.85 - x: 110.49 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 55.88 - x: 218.44 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 83.82 - x: 134.62 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 33.02 - x: 115.57 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 143.51 - x: 139.7 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 162.56 - x: 168.91 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 177.8 - x: 121.92 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 121.92 - x: 162.56 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 43.18 - x: 256.54 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 50.8 - x: 146.05 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 130.81 - x: 139.7 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 138.43 - x: 107.95 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 59.69 - x: 162.56 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 41.91 - x: 231.14 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 34.29 - x: 218.44 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 148.59 - x: 50.8 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 22.86 - x: 218.44 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 134.62 - x: 257.81 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - x: 139.7 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 96.52 - x: 46.99 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 57.15 - x: 116.84 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 162.56 - x: 67.31 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 168.91 - x: 168.91 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 83.82 - x: 137.16 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 138.43 - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 123.19 - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 127 - x: 257.81 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 41.91 - x: 243.84 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 67.31 - x: 157.48 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 77.47 - x: 33.02 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 24.13 - x: 256.54 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 83.82 - x: 132.08 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 134.62 - x: 242.57 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 67.31 - x: 157.48 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 34.29 - x: 157.48 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 41.91 - x: 46.99 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 146.05 - x: 205.74 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 77.47 - x: 39.37 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - x: 209.55 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 134.62 - x: 251.46 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 119.38 - x: 251.46 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 115.57 - x: 242.57 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 129.54 - x: 151.13 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 148.59 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 35.56 - x: 157.48 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 142.24 - x: 242.57 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 171.45 - x: 67.31 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 88.9 - x: 46.99 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 138.43 - x: 92.71 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 123.19 - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - x: 149.86 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 157.48 - x: 50.8 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 151.13 - x: 67.31 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 76.2 - x: 101.6 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 127 - x: 242.57 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 54.61 - x: 46.99 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 67.31 - x: 149.86 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 154.94 - x: 50.8 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 59.69 - x: 116.84 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 138.43 - x: 257.81 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 147.32 - x: 148.59 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 77.47 - x: 137.16 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 133.35 - x: 207.01 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 135.89 - x: 107.95 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 115.57 - x: 257.81 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 130.81 - x: 242.57 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 83.82 - x: 46.99 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 34.29 - x: 152.4 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 43.18 - x: 269.24 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 54.61 - x: 218.44 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 138.43 - x: 257.81 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 167.64 - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 49.53 - x: 142.24 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - x: 157.48 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 76.2 - x: 127 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 77.47 - x: 132.08 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 115.57 - x: 257.81 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 67.31 - x: 149.86 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 22.86 - x: 243.84 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 114.3 - x: 259.08 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 130.81 - x: 257.81 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - x: 205.74 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 34.29 - x: 144.78 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 177.8 - x: 67.31 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 130.81 - x: 251.46 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 22.86 - x: 243.84 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 121.92 - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 129.54 - x: 259.08 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 116.84 - x: 140.97 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 85.09 - x: 134.62 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 43.18 - x: 231.14 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 130.81 - x: 139.7 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 121.92 - x: 140.97 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 142.24 - x: 257.81 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 46.99 - x: 46.99 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 170.18 - x: 139.7 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 74.93 - x: 110.49 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 34.29 - x: 162.56 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 119.38 - x: 242.57 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 127 - x: 257.81 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 142.24 - x: 139.7 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 123.19 - x: 251.46 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 115.57 - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 111.76 - x: 140.97 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 69.85 - x: 116.84 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 76.2 - x: 132.08 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 135.89 - x: 92.71 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 113.03 - x: 257.81 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 123.19 - x: 242.57 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 41.91 - x: 157.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 121.92 - x: 259.08 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 139.7 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 127 - x: 251.46 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 29.21 - x: 46.99 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 170.18 - x: 67.31 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 115.57 - x: 205.74 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 138.43 - x: 251.46 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 76.2 - x: 132.08 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 123.19 - x: 257.81 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 22.86 - x: 218.44 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 39.37 - x: 144.78 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 130.81 - x: 257.81 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 138.43 - x: 242.57 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 49.53 - x: 142.24 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 49.53 - x: 116.84 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 128.27 - x: 139.7 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 22.86 - x: 231.14 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 142.24 - x: 251.46 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 134.62 - x: 257.81 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 22.86 - x: 243.84 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 180.34 - x: 160.02 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 34.29 - x: 231.14 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 41.91 - x: 256.54 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 41.91 - x: 152.4 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 34.29 - x: 256.54 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 69.85 - x: 46.99 y: 72.39 globalLabels: - text: SDA_I2C shape: bidirectional position: x: 90.17 y: 135.89 angle: 180 - text: EXT_DETECTION_CHARGER shape: input position: x: 106.68 y: 62.23 angle: 180 - text: SDA_I2C shape: bidirectional position: x: 116.84 y: 41.91 angle: 180 - text: SCL_I2C shape: input position: x: 116.84 y: 44.45 angle: 180 - text: SCL_I2C shape: input position: x: 90.17 y: 138.43 angle: 180 - text: EXT_DETECTION_CHARGER shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 157.48 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply circuit.
libSymbols: - DATALOGGER01A-rescue:TPS22965-Q1-MLAB_IO - Device:C_Small - Device:L - Device:R_Small - Jumper:Jumper_2_Open - TPS631000DRLR:TPS631000DRLR - power:+3.3V - power:+VSW - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 55.88 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 146.05 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 186.69 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C? position: x: 180.34 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 180.34 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 156.21 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 158.75 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 158.75 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 100.33 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 228.6 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 228.6 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 228.727 y: 43.7642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 119.38 y: 26.67 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 120.65 y: 24.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uH - DFE252012P-1R0M=P2 position: x: 134.62 y: 22.098 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 82.55 y: 85.09 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 82.55 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 82.55 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 146.05 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG05' position: x: 146.05 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 146.05 y: 27.6169 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 38.1 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: TPS631000DRLR entryName: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 123.19 y: 34.29 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 124.46 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 113.03 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 134.62 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 146.05 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 88.9 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 88.9 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 88.9 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 85.09 y: 132.08 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 85.09 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 85.09 y: 129.54 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 100.33 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 102.87 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22u position: x: 102.87 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 100.33 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 186.69 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 45.0342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 100.33 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 137.16 y: 36.8299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 511k position: x: 137.16 y: 39.3699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 68.58 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 68.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 68.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 100.33 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 125.73 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0158' position: x: 125.73 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 125.73 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 137.16 y: 102.8699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 91k position: x: 137.16 y: 105.4099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 156.21 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 158.75 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 158.75 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 156.21 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 158.75 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 158.75 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 85.09 y: 123.19 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 85.09 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 85.09 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 62.23 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 88.9 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 88.9 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 88.9 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 186.69 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 186.69 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 186.69 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 33.02 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 33.02 y: 127 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 33.02 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 88.9 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 100.33 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 102.87 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22u position: x: 102.87 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 118.11 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 118.11 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 238.76 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 238.76 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 238.887 y: 43.7642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 118.11 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 118.11 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: TPS631000DRLR entryName: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 123.19 y: 147.32 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 124.46 y: 172.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 113.03 y: 161.29 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 156.21 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 220.98 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L2 position: x: 220.98 y: 26.67 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100uH position: x: 220.98 y: 28.7805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 100.33 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 146.05 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 148.59 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47u position: x: 148.59 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 100.33 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 102.87 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22u position: x: 102.87 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 146.05 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 148.59 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47u position: x: 148.59 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 137.16 y: 44.4499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 91k position: x: 137.16 y: 46.9899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 119.38 y: 83.82 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 120.65 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uH - DFE252012P-1R0M=P2 position: x: 134.62 y: 79.248 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 156.21 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 146.05 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 148.59 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47u position: x: 148.59 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 134.62 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 156.21 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 156.21 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 156.21 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 77.47 y: 149.86 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 77.47 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 77.47 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: DATALOGGER01A-rescue entryName: TPS22965-Q1-MLAB_IO position: x: 207.01 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 207.645 y: 24.2062 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TPS22965-Q1 position: x: 207.645 y: 26.8986 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 88.9 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 119.38 y: 139.7 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 120.65 y: 137.16 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uH - DFE252012P-1R0M=P2 position: x: 134.62 y: 135.128 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 100.33 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 137.16 y: 151.1299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 806k position: x: 137.16 y: 153.6699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 62.23 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 62.23 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 62.23 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 62.23 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 218.44 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C? position: x: 220.98 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1n position: x: 220.98 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 83.82 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 83.82 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 83.82 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 137.16 y: 95.2499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 511k position: x: 137.16 y: 97.7899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 68.58 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 68.58 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 68.58 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 118.11 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 118.11 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 228.6 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 231.14 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 231.14 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 146.05 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 137.16 y: 158.7499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 91k position: x: 137.16 y: 161.2899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 218.44 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 83.82 y: 97.79 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 83.82 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 83.82 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 134.62 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 156.21 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 38.1 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 238.76 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 241.3 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 241.3 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: TPS631000DRLR entryName: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 123.19 y: 91.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 124.46 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TPS631000DRLR position: x: 113.03 y: 105.41 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 156.21 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 100.33 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 41.91 - x: 134.62 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 62.23 - x: 123.19 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 97.79 - x: 63.5 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 83.82 - x: 114.3 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 156.21 - x: 100.33 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 147.32 - x: 100.33 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 149.86 - x: 57.15 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 30.48 - x: 238.76 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 30.48 - x: 199.39 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 34.29 - x: 156.21 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 119.38 - x: 118.11 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 100.33 - x: 146.05 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 132.08 - x: 43.18 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 30.48 - x: 238.76 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 91.44 - x: 156.21 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 124.46 - x: 33.02 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 30.48 - x: 186.69 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 30.48 - x: 124.46 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 91.44 - x: 146.05 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 147.32 - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 147.32 - x: 146.05 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 139.7 - x: 114.3 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 43.18 - x: 156.21 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 123.19 - x: 87.63 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 123.19 - x: 33.02 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 91.44 - x: 100.33 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 143.51 - x: 124.46 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 30.48 - x: 118.11 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 180.34 - x: 123.19 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - x: 156.21 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 90.17 - x: 100.33 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 87.63 - x: 124.46 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 26.67 - x: 114.3 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 124.46 - x: 43.18 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 147.32 - x: 156.21 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 123.19 - x: 74.93 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 163.83 - x: 134.62 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 67.31 - x: 120.65 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 147.32 - x: 134.62 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 30.48 - x: 124.46 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 67.31 - x: 125.73 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 107.95 - x: 134.62 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 38.1 - x: 218.44 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 83.82 - x: 123.19 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 175.26 - x: 118.11 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 132.08 - x: 87.63 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 156.21 - x: 134.62 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 143.51 - x: 124.46 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 100.33 - x: 134.62 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 41.91 - x: 134.62 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 91.44 - x: 120.65 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 91.44 - x: 146.05 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 26.67 - x: 123.19 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 139.7 - x: 114.3 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 34.29 - x: 115.57 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 147.32 - x: 134.62 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - x: 115.57 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 34.29 - x: 134.62 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 35.56 - x: 134.62 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 35.56 - x: 100.33 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 34.29 - x: 146.05 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 91.44 - x: 115.57 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 62.23 - x: 118.11 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 40.64 - x: 134.62 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 34.29 - x: 156.21 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 39.37 - x: 228.6 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 147.32 - x: 156.21 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 39.37 - x: 238.76 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 30.48 - x: 228.6 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 180.34 - x: 120.65 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 124.46 - x: 123.19 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 143.51 - x: 118.11 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 26.67 - x: 114.3 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 143.51 - x: 118.11 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 85.09 - x: 88.9 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 33.02 - x: 199.39 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 33.02 - x: 218.44 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 147.32 - x: 115.57 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 31.75 - x: 146.05 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 83.82 - x: 114.3 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 30.48 - x: 238.76 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 87.63 - x: 118.11 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 43.18 - x: 146.05 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 124.46 - x: 115.57 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 40.64 - x: 186.69 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 156.21 - x: 156.21 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 180.34 - x: 115.57 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 149.86 - x: 74.93 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 156.21 - x: 134.62 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 91.44 - x: 156.21 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 147.32 - x: 156.21 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 124.46 - x: 120.65 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 100.33 - x: 100.33 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 91.44 - x: 156.21 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 34.29 - x: 120.65 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 87.63 - x: 118.11 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 30.48 - x: 118.11 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 91.44 - x: 134.62 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 97.79 - x: 88.9 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 85.09 - x: 73.66 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 149.86 - x: 83.82 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 132.08 - x: 74.93 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 87.63 - x: 124.46 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 100.33 - x: 134.62 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 49.53 - x: 134.62 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 85.09 - x: 63.5 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 41.91 - x: 100.33 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 91.44 - x: 134.62 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 139.7 - x: 123.19 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 30.48 - x: 217.17 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 156.21 - x: 134.62 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 39.37 - x: 218.44 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 143.51 - x: 120.65 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 97.79 - x: 81.28 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 34.29 - x: 186.69 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 33.02 - x: 228.6 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 156.21 - x: 146.05 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 34.29 - x: 146.05 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 99.06 - x: 134.62 y: 100.33 globalLabels: - text: 3v3_SD shape: output position: x: 245.11 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - text: 5v_EXT shape: output position: x: 157.48 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - text: 3v3_SD_CTRL shape: input position: x: 199.39 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: 3v3_EXT shape: output position: x: 157.48 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - text: EXT_PWR_5v_EN shape: input position: x: 74.93 y: 132.08 angle: 180 - text: EXT_PWR_3v3_EN shape: input position: x: 74.93 y: 123.19 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Digital control system
libSymbols: - 74xx:74HC00 - 74xx:74LS02 - 74xx:74LS10 - 74xx:74LS112 - 74xx:74LS125 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS573 - 74xx:74LS74 - BB816:74AC245 - BB816:DS1035-10 - BB816:DS1813 - BB816:W65C816SxP - Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch - Connector:TestPoint - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x18_Odd_Even - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x40_Odd_Even - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:LED_Small - Device:R_Network08 - Device:R_Small - Diode:1N5817 - Mechanical:MountingHole_Pad - Oscillator:CXO_DIP8 - R_Network08_2 - R_Network08_3 - Switch:SW_Push - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 208.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP2 position: x: 388.62 y: 208.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "RDY\u2392" position: x: 394.97 y: 208.2801 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 250.19 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 250.19 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC02 position: x: 250.19 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 215.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP5 position: x: 388.62 y: 215.9 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MX position: x: 394.97 y: 215.9001 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 101.6 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 101.6 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 101.981 y: 56.5658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 95.25 y: 91.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN3 position: x: 92.71 y: 101.6 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 97.79 y: 101.6 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 55.88 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 20.32 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 25.4 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS112 position: x: 40.64 y: 266.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 34.29 y: 260.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC112 position: x: 46.99 y: 260.35 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 245.11 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 245.11 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC02 position: x: 245.11 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 229.87 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 232.41 y: 77.4699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0R position: x: 232.41 y: 80.0099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 334.01 y: 213.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR045' position: x: 334.01 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 331.47 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 36.83 y: 210.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 31.75 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 41.91 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC00 position: x: 39.37 y: 248.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 39.37 y: 240.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC00 position: x: 39.37 y: 242.9764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 325.12 y: 160.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 326.39 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 326.39 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 38.1 y: 162.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG02' position: x: 38.1 y: 160.655 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 44.45 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 236.22 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP13 position: x: 388.62 y: 236.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ~{RDY_REG} position: x: 394.97 y: 236.2201 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 101.6 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.727 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 95.631 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 95.631 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 214.63 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 217.551 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 217.551 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 36.83 y: 203.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 36.83 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 37.211 y: 198.8058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 66.04 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.167 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 204.47 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 207.391 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 207.391 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 283.21 y: 248.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR039' position: x: 283.21 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 283.337 y: 253.3142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 247.65 y: 77.4699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0R position: x: 247.65 y: 80.0099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 162.56 y: 95.25 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN5 position: x: 162.56 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 162.56 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 102.87 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 105.791 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 105.791 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 213.36 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP4 position: x: 388.62 y: 213.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: VPA position: x: 394.97 y: 213.3601 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 66.04 y: 166.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 68.58 y: 165.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: POWER position: x: 68.58 y: 167.64 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 325.12 y: 198.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 326.39 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 326.39 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 95.25 y: 48.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN1 position: x: 95.25 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 95.25 y: 35.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 29.21 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 29.21 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 29.591 y: 47.6758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 33.02 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 33.02 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 30.48 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Barrel_Jack_Switch position: x: 25.4 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 25.4 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Barrel_Jack_Switch position: x: 25.4 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 114.3 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.427 y: 169.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 245.11 y: 204.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 245.11 y: 196.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 245.11 y: 198.5264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 287.02 y: 204.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 287.02 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC125 position: x: 287.02 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 231.14 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP11 position: x: 388.62 y: 231.14 angle: 90 - key: Value value: WRITE_CLK position: x: 394.97 y: 231.1401 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 72.39 y: 237.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 72.39 y: 241.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 72.39 y: 233.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 308.61 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 308.61 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 308.61 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 168.91 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR030' position: x: 168.91 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 169.291 y: 80.6958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 224.79 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 219.71 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 229.87 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 287.02 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 287.02 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC125 position: x: 287.02 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 123.19 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 126.111 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 126.111 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 59.69 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 59.69 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 60.071 y: 24.8158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 38.1 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.227 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 90.17 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 90.17 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 87.63 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 166.37 y: 196.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 166.37 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 172.72 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 38.1 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG01' position: x: 38.1 y: 155.575 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 44.45 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 20.32 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 25.4 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 228.6 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP10 position: x: 388.62 y: 228.6 angle: 90 - key: Value value: READ_CLK position: x: 394.97 y: 228.6001 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 115.951 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 115.951 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 295.91 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 297.18 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 297.18 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 223.52 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP8 position: x: 388.62 y: 223.52 angle: 90 - key: Value value: BUFFER_CLK position: x: 394.97 y: 223.5201 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 78.74 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 81.7372 y: 162.6616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 81.7372 y: 164.973 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 374.65 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR048' position: x: 374.65 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 372.237 y: 38.6842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 224.79 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR036' position: x: 224.79 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 225.171 y: 28.6258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 142.24 y: 250.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 142.24 y: 254 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 142.24 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 209.55 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 209.55 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC10 position: x: 209.55 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 374.65 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR047' position: x: 374.65 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 375.031 y: 27.3558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 238.76 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP14 position: x: 388.62 y: 238.76 angle: 90 - key: Value value: B_~{OE} position: x: 394.97 y: 238.7601 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 233.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP12 position: x: 388.62 y: 233.68 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RDY_REG position: x: 394.97 y: 233.6801 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 184.15 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 187.071 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 187.071 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 266.7 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 266.7 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC10 position: x: 266.7 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: W65C816SxP position: x: 59.69 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 50.8 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W65C816SxP position: x: 67.31 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 93.98 y: 203.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 93.98 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 94.361 y: 198.8058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 20.32 y: 60.96 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 25.4 y: 60.96 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 133.35 y: 168.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 134.5692 y: 167.7416 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RESET position: x: 134.5692 y: 170.053 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 30.48 y: 242.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 30.48 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 30.861 y: 238.1758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 219.71 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR035' position: x: 219.71 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 217.17 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 78.74 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 78.74 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 79.121 y: 151.8158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS112 position: x: 228.6 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 223.52 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC112 position: x: 234.95 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 207.01 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR034' position: x: 207.01 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 207.391 y: 148.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 132.08 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 132.08 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 132.207 y: 122.5042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 153.67 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 156.591 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 156.591 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 224.79 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 227.711 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 227.711 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 59.69 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 59.69 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 59.817 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 184.15 y: 200.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 184.15 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 184.15 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 166.37 y: 205.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 166.37 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 172.72 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 66.04 y: 161.29 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 68.58 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 68.58 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 132.08 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 132.08 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 132.207 y: 69.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x40_Odd_Even position: x: 392.43 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 393.7 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_02x40_Odd_Even position: x: 396.24 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 218.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP6 position: x: 388.62 y: 218.44 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CLK- position: x: 394.97 y: 218.4401 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 295.91 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 297.18 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 297.18 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 136.271 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 136.271 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 238.76 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 238.76 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC02 position: x: 238.76 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 325.12 y: 194.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR044' position: x: 325.12 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 325.501 y: 189.9158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 184.15 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 184.15 y: 209.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 184.15 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 287.02 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 287.02 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC125 position: x: 287.02 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 72.39 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 75.311 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 75.311 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 78.74 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.867 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 278.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 142.24 y: 284.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 281.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 157.48 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 157.48 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 157.861 y: 148.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 295.91 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR040' position: x: 295.91 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 296.291 y: 153.0858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 72.39 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 67.31 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 77.47 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 331.47 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 331.47 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC02 position: x: 331.47 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 196.85 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR032' position: x: 196.85 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 197.231 y: 28.6258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 295.91 y: 213.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR042' position: x: 295.91 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 296.037 y: 217.7542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 163.83 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 166.751 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 166.751 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 90.17 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 85.09 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 96.52 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 210.82 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 207.01 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 215.9 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 205.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP1 position: x: 388.62 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 8MHz position: x: 394.97 y: 205.7401 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 132.08 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 132.08 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 132.461 y: 19.7358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 207.01 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 201.93 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 212.09 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 194.31 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 197.231 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 197.231 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 182.88 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 177.8 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 187.96 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 247.65 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 247.65 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC125 position: x: 247.65 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 308.61 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 308.61 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 308.61 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 176.53 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 168.91 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC02 position: x: 177.8 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 265.43 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 265.43 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC10 position: x: 265.43 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x18_Odd_Even position: x: 392.43 y: 153.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 393.7 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_02x18_Odd_Even position: x: 391.16 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: DS1035-10 position: x: 222.25 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 222.25 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DS1035-10 position: x: 222.25 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 123.19 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 125.5268 y: 167.7416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 125.5268 y: 170.053 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 337.82 y: 196.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR046' position: x: 337.82 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 338.201 y: 192.4558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: DS1035-10 position: x: 237.49 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 237.49 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DS1035-10 position: x: 237.49 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 260.35 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 257.81 y: 41.9099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 257.81 y: 44.4499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 132.08 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 132.08 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 132.461 y: 73.0758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 166.37 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 166.37 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 172.72 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 158.75 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 152.4 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 160.02 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 247.65 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 250.19 y: 49.5299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 250.19 y: 52.0699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 82.55 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 85.471 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 85.471 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC00 position: x: 344.17 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 344.17 y: 233.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC00 position: x: 344.17 y: 235.3564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 295.91 y: 209.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 297.18 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 297.18 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 68.58 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 20.32 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 24.765 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 247.65 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 242.57 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 252.73 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 214.63 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 217.17 y: 77.4699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0R position: x: 217.17 y: 80.0099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 95.25 y: 71.12 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN2 position: x: 92.71 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 97.79 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS112 position: x: 93.98 y: 210.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 87.63 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC112 position: x: 100.33 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 295.91 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR041' position: x: 295.91 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 296.291 y: 173.4058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 166.37 y: 214.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 166.37 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 172.72 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 402.59 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 402.59 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 402.717 y: 188.5442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 337.82 y: 204.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 332.74 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 342.9 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 162.56 y: 41.91 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN4 position: x: 162.56 y: 54.61 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 162.56 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 52.07 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 54.61 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220u position: x: 54.61 y: 164.8714 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 331.47 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 331.47 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 331.47 y: 100.7364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 285.75 y: 245.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: H2 position: x: 290.83 y: 246.38 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 298.45 y: 243.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 143.51 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 146.431 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 146.431 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 194.31 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 186.69 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AC10 position: x: 195.58 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: 74AC245 position: x: 132.08 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 125.73 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHCT245 position: x: 138.43 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 157.48 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 152.4 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 162.56 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: DS1813 position: x: 115.57 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 109.22 y: 156.2099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DS1813-5 position: x: 109.22 y: 158.7499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N5817 position: x: 325.12 y: 168.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 327.152 y: 167.7416 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N5817 position: x: 327.152 y: 170.053 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 325.12 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR043' position: x: 325.12 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 325.501 y: 153.0858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 220.98 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP7 position: x: 388.62 y: 220.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CLK+ position: x: 394.97 y: 220.9801 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 285.75 y: 238.76 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: H1 position: x: 290.83 y: 240.03 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 298.45 y: 237.49 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC00 position: x: 328.93 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 328.93 y: 233.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC00 position: x: 328.93 y: 235.3564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 208.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 109.22 y: 203.2 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0R position: x: 109.22 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 72.39 y: 245.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 72.39 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 72.39 y: 248.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 260.35 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR038' position: x: 260.35 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 260.223 y: 51.3842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC00 position: x: 142.24 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 134.62 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC00 position: x: 143.51 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: DS1035-10 position: x: 207.01 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 207.01 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DS1035-10 position: x: 207.01 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 78.74 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 20.32 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 25.4 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC00 position: x: 72.39 y: 213.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 72.39 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC00 position: x: 72.39 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 176.911 y: 240.1316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 176.911 y: 242.443 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 114.3 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 114.3 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 114.681 y: 145.4658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 182.88 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR031' position: x: 182.88 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 183.261 y: 148.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 342.9 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 342.9 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 342.9 y: 161.6964 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 201.93 y: 209.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 201.93 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC32 position: x: 201.93 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 247.65 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR037' position: x: 247.65 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 247.777 y: 59.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 52.07 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 52.07 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.197 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR029' position: x: 168.91 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 169.037 y: 36.1442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Oscillator entryName: CXO_DIP8 position: x: 196.85 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: X1 position: x: 190.5 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 8MHz position: x: 199.39 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 125.73 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 121.92 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 130.81 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 210.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP3 position: x: 388.62 y: 210.82 angle: 90 - key: Value value: VDA position: x: 394.97 y: 210.8201 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 133.35 y: 176.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 133.35 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 133.477 y: 180.9242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 196.85 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR033' position: x: 196.85 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 196.977 y: 52.6542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 101.6 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 101.6 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 101.981 y: 76.8858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS573 position: x: 132.08 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 124.46 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC573 position: x: 133.35 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 226.06 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP9 position: x: 388.62 y: 226.06 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ~{READ_CLK} position: x: 394.97 y: 226.0601 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 107.95 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 101.6 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC125 position: x: 109.22 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 383.54 y: 241.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP15 position: x: 388.62 y: 241.3 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ~{BE} position: x: 394.97 y: 241.3001 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: DS1035-10 position: x: 265.43 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 259.08 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DS1035-10 position: x: 266.7 y: 255.27 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 402.59 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 283.21 y: 245.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 242.57 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.17 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 321.31 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.82 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 236.22 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 241.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 266.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 321.31 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 52.07 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 260.35 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 199.39 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 236.22 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.17 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 269.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.21 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.21 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.82 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 317.5 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.21 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 402.59 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.21 y: 58.42 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 190.5 y: 162.56 angle: null - position: x: 44.45 y: 213.36 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 269.24 angle: null - position: x: 33.02 y: 160.02 angle: null - position: x: 189.23 y: 40.64 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 264.16 angle: null - position: x: 46.99 y: 248.92 angle: null - position: x: 165.1 y: 162.56 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 213.36 angle: null busEntries: - position: x: 374.65 y: 151.13 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 55.88 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 68.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 86.36 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 68.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 66.04 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 168.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 29.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 135.89 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 71.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 86.36 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 166.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 138.43 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 158.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 130.81 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 83.82 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 50.8 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 73.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 83.82 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 48.26 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 76.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 35.56 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 163.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 143.51 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 76.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 123.19 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 81.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 153.67 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 133.35 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 38.1 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 40.64 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 148.59 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 161.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 31.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 128.27 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 53.34 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 66.04 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 38.1 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 50.8 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 115.57 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 173.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 120.65 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 85.09 y: 53.34 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 60.96 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 156.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 78.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 73.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 71.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 78.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 148.59 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 146.05 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 153.67 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 63.5 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 140.97 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 81.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 118.11 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 113.03 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 48.26 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 151.13 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 109.22 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 63.5 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 125.73 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 82.55 y: 40.64 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 374.65 y: 171.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 158.75 - x: 402.59 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 123.19 - x: 400.05 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 60.96 - x: 74.93 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 60.96 - x: 31.75 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 39.37 - x: 345.44 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 243.84 - x: 123.19 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - x: 33.02 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 118.11 - x: 300.99 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 62.23 - x: 400.05 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 100.33 - x: 400.05 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 33.02 - x: 355.6 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 39.37 - x: 148.59 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 78.74 - x: 80.01 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 102.87 - x: 402.59 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 312.42 y: 60.96 - x: 312.42 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 215.9 - x: 383.54 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 90.17 - x: 111.76 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 49.53 - x: 148.59 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 156.21 - x: 402.59 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 110.49 - x: 119.38 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 60.96 - x: 85.09 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 161.29 - x: 52.07 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 107.95 - x: 374.65 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 86.36 - x: 82.55 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 251.46 - x: 210.82 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 125.73 - x: 201.93 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 243.84 - x: 82.55 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 39.37 - x: 109.22 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 96.52 - x: 44.45 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 135.89 - x: 387.35 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 231.14 - x: 383.54 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 52.07 - x: 402.59 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 238.76 - x: 102.87 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 157.48 - x: 139.7 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 153.67 - x: 374.65 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 208.28 - x: 116.84 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 251.46 - x: 125.73 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 238.76 - x: 224.79 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 43.18 - x: 234.95 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 100.33 - x: 151.13 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 90.17 - x: 109.22 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 210.82 - x: 64.77 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 243.84 - x: 321.31 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 194.31 - x: 325.12 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 100.33 - x: 144.78 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 214.63 - x: 175.26 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 97.79 - x: 109.22 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 218.44 - x: 193.04 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 81.28 - x: 229.87 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 46.99 - x: 387.35 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 67.31 - x: 342.9 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 243.84 - x: 173.99 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 123.19 - x: 262.89 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 173.99 - x: 402.59 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 43.18 - x: 74.93 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 33.02 - x: 314.96 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 185.42 - x: 255.27 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 92.71 - x: 151.13 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 82.55 - x: 387.35 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 85.09 - x: 251.46 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 66.04 - x: 74.93 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 241.3 - x: 336.55 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 214.63 - x: 175.26 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 38.1 - x: 260.35 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 83.82 - x: 82.55 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 34.29 - x: 402.59 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 81.28 - x: 85.09 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 67.31 - x: 355.6 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 12.7 - x: 275.59 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 68.58 - x: 29.21 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 27.94 - x: 109.22 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 200.66 - x: 193.04 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 203.2 - x: 176.53 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 138.43 - x: 400.05 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 269.24 - x: 30.48 y: 275.59 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 52.07 - x: 387.35 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 219.71 - x: 33.02 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 100.33 - x: 402.59 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 50.8 - x: 80.01 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 120.65 - x: 242.57 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 238.76 - x: 163.83 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 168.91 - x: 387.35 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 151.13 - x: 374.65 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 165.1 - x: 295.91 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 52.07 - x: 29.21 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 52.07 - x: 336.55 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 128.27 - x: 400.05 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 71.12 - x: 85.09 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 251.46 - x: 31.75 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 68.58 - x: 82.55 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 78.74 - x: 31.75 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 359.41 y: 251.46 - x: 360.68 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 110.49 - x: 387.35 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 118.11 - x: 402.59 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 87.63 - x: 400.05 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 274.32 y: 165.1 - x: 279.4 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 55.88 - x: 31.75 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 168.91 - x: 400.05 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 38.1 - x: 217.17 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 120.65 - x: 349.25 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 251.46 - x: 142.24 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 246.38 - x: 31.75 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 90.17 - x: 151.13 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 54.61 - x: 402.59 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 81.28 - x: 44.45 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 162.56 - x: 133.35 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 33.02 - x: 314.96 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 97.79 - x: 402.59 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 86.36 - x: 85.09 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 69.85 - x: 402.59 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 72.39 - x: 387.35 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 185.42 - x: 257.81 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 200.66 - x: 325.12 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 67.31 - x: 387.35 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 66.04 - x: 85.09 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 58.42 - x: 29.21 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 46.99 - x: 153.67 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 148.59 - x: 374.65 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 220.98 - x: 158.75 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 162.56 - x: 259.08 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 218.44 - x: 360.68 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 210.82 - x: 287.02 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 113.03 - x: 402.59 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - x: 157.48 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 38.1 - x: 74.93 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 82.55 - x: 109.22 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 31.75 - x: 144.78 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 251.46 - x: 228.6 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 31.75 - x: 109.22 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 49.53 - x: 224.79 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 219.71 - x: 90.17 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 238.76 - x: 321.31 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 72.39 - x: 214.63 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 69.85 - x: 387.35 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 95.25 - x: 229.87 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 140.97 - x: 402.59 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 105.41 - x: 151.13 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 59.69 - x: 400.05 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 54.61 - x: 387.35 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 30.48 - x: 314.96 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 48.26 - x: 326.39 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 100.33 - x: 231.14 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 110.49 - x: 402.59 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 11.43 - x: 180.34 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 182.88 - x: 226.06 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 138.43 - x: 91.44 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 15.24 y: 137.16 - x: 15.24 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 44.45 - x: 402.59 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 92.71 - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 46.99 - x: 144.78 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 210.82 - x: 63.5 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 238.76 - x: 204.47 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 90.17 - x: 144.78 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 364.49 y: 156.21 - x: 374.65 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 130.81 - x: 374.65 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 46.99 - x: 109.22 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 168.91 - x: 402.59 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 207.01 - x: 355.6 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 85.09 - x: 400.05 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 346.71 y: 41.91 - x: 355.6 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 31.75 - x: 387.35 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 157.48 - x: 295.91 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 58.42 - x: 325.12 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 231.14 - x: 128.27 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 91.44 - x: 74.93 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 157.48 - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 72.39 - x: 229.87 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 204.47 - x: 279.4 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 31.75 - x: 168.91 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 87.63 - x: 109.22 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 251.46 - x: 210.82 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 88.9 - x: 90.17 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 278.13 - x: 142.24 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 160.02 - x: 199.39 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 163.83 - x: 402.59 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 124.46 - x: 151.13 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 223.52 - x: 175.26 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 43.18 - x: 90.17 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 138.43 - x: 360.68 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 200.66 - x: 193.04 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 46.99 - x: 247.65 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 138.43 - x: 374.65 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 87.63 - x: 300.99 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 175.26 - x: 133.35 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 238.76 - x: 143.51 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 41.91 - x: 316.23 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 52.07 - x: 316.23 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 81.28 - x: 74.93 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 67.31 - x: 402.59 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 44.45 - x: 151.13 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 167.64 - x: 207.01 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 68.58 - x: 90.17 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 60.96 - x: 332.74 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 85.09 - x: 387.35 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 63.5 - x: 82.55 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 146.05 - x: 374.65 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 135.89 - x: 374.65 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 215.9 - x: 64.77 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 87.63 - x: 402.59 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 157.48 - x: 78.74 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 44.45 - x: 157.48 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 243.84 - x: 214.63 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 49.53 - x: 387.35 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 35.56 - x: 82.55 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 306.07 y: 48.26 - x: 306.07 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 113.03 - x: 387.35 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 93.98 - x: 90.17 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 243.84 - x: 184.15 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 46.99 - x: 400.05 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 148.59 - x: 387.35 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 176.53 - x: 400.05 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 128.27 - x: 387.35 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 162.56 - x: 123.19 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 85.09 - x: 229.87 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 243.84 - x: 204.47 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 39.37 - x: 151.13 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 95.25 - x: 153.67 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 78.74 - x: 44.45 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 73.66 - x: 90.17 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 257.81 - x: 30.48 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 238.76 - x: 184.15 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 50.8 - x: 90.17 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 125.73 - x: 199.39 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 36.83 - x: 387.35 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 102.87 - x: 387.35 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 163.83 - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 118.11 - x: 374.65 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 165.1 - x: 325.12 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 41.91 - x: 387.35 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 38.1 - x: 40.64 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 46.99 - x: 151.13 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 274.32 - x: 210.82 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 46.99 - x: 402.59 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 209.55 - x: 217.17 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 57.15 - x: 400.05 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 274.32 - x: 228.6 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 115.57 - x: 387.35 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 157.48 - x: 175.26 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 342.9 y: 67.31 - x: 342.9 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 194.31 - x: 158.75 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 264.16 - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 156.21 - x: 387.35 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 109.22 - x: 323.85 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 251.46 - x: 90.17 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 146.05 - x: 402.59 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 87.63 - x: 387.35 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 41.91 - x: 400.05 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 95.25 - x: 109.22 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 90.17 - x: 387.35 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 48.26 - x: 306.07 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 231.14 - x: 128.27 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 34.29 - x: 400.05 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 201.93 - x: 325.12 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 212.09 - x: 295.91 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 91.44 - x: 44.45 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 102.87 - x: 400.05 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 246.38 - x: 30.48 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 100.33 - x: 153.67 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 62.23 - x: 387.35 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 90.17 - x: 153.67 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 205.74 - x: 175.26 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 157.48 - x: 199.39 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 161.29 - x: 402.59 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 59.69 - x: 387.35 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 58.42 - x: 44.45 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 52.07 - x: 151.13 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 165.1 - x: 255.27 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 85.09 - x: 402.59 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 92.71 - x: 387.35 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 162.56 - x: 38.1 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 335.28 y: 33.02 - x: 335.28 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 41.91 - x: 109.22 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 264.16 - x: 33.02 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 182.88 - x: 226.06 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 63.5 - x: 80.01 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 115.57 - x: 400.05 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 72.39 - x: 199.39 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 58.42 - x: 345.44 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 110.49 - x: 400.05 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 41.91 - x: 111.76 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 107.95 - x: 402.59 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - x: 317.5 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 151.13 - x: 400.05 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 208.28 - x: 49.53 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 93.98 - x: 80.01 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 130.81 - x: 400.05 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 176.53 - x: 402.59 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 236.22 - x: 383.54 y: 236.22 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 57.15 - x: 119.38 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 171.45 - x: 374.65 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 73.66 - x: 82.55 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 64.77 - x: 402.59 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 36.83 - x: 144.78 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 243.84 - x: 102.87 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 231.14 - x: 15.24 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 45.72 - x: 90.17 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 81.28 - x: 82.55 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 87.63 - x: 119.38 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 36.83 - x: 109.22 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 196.85 - x: 175.26 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 95.25 - x: 231.14 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 92.71 - x: 300.99 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 204.47 - x: 295.91 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 38.1 - x: 82.55 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 74.93 - x: 387.35 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 167.64 - x: 259.08 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 82.55 - x: 402.59 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 276.86 - x: 228.6 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 102.87 - x: 148.59 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 107.95 - x: 400.05 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 339.09 y: 92.71 - x: 349.25 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 60.96 - x: 44.45 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 95.25 - x: 144.78 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 88.9 - x: 82.55 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 80.01 - x: 402.59 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 165.1 - x: 259.08 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 158.75 - x: 374.65 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 204.47 - x: 255.27 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 257.81 - x: 40.64 y: 257.81 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 99.06 - x: 80.01 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 201.93 - x: 355.6 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 49.53 - x: 151.13 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 125.73 - x: 387.35 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 177.8 - x: 252.73 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 166.37 - x: 402.59 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 110.49 - x: 374.65 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 213.36 - x: 334.01 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 161.29 - x: 387.35 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 92.71 - x: 109.22 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 87.63 - x: 157.48 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 15.24 y: 182.88 - x: 91.44 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 53.34 - x: 247.65 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - x: 111.76 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 201.93 - x: 237.49 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 160.02 - x: 175.26 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 58.42 - x: 345.44 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 55.88 - x: 90.17 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 69.85 - x: 400.05 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 135.89 - x: 400.05 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 274.32 - x: 247.65 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 105.41 - x: 400.05 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 40.64 - x: 80.01 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 166.37 - x: 374.65 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 97.79 - x: 387.35 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 39.37 - x: 151.13 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 97.79 - x: 148.59 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 80.01 - x: 400.05 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 48.26 - x: 74.93 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 39.37 - x: 400.05 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 130.81 - x: 387.35 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 55.88 - x: 44.45 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 68.58 - x: 80.01 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 276.86 - x: 247.65 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 29.21 - x: 109.22 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 30.48 - x: 325.12 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 90.17 - x: 402.59 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 165.1 - x: 306.07 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 208.28 - x: 63.5 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 85.09 - x: 144.78 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 238.76 - x: 133.35 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 30.48 - x: 304.8 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 44.45 - x: 247.65 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 312.42 y: 67.31 - x: 322.58 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 60.96 - x: 312.42 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 81.28 - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 128.27 - x: 374.65 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 99.06 - x: 90.17 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 123.19 - x: 223.52 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 105.41 - x: 402.59 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 90.17 - x: 317.5 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 274.32 - x: 125.73 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 86.36 - x: 74.93 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 251.46 - x: 107.95 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 76.2 - x: 85.09 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 198.12 - x: 176.53 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 72.39 - x: 402.59 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 276.86 - x: 125.73 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 220.98 - x: 176.53 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 118.11 - x: 400.05 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 39.37 - x: 402.59 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 251.46 - x: 30.48 y: 257.81 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 41.91 - x: 144.78 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 168.91 - x: 374.65 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 125.73 - x: 402.59 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 201.93 - x: 330.2 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 12.7 - x: 360.68 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 335.28 y: 182.88 - x: 335.28 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 138.43 - x: 311.15 y: 252.73 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 146.05 - x: 387.35 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 96.52 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 238.76 - x: 194.31 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 276.86 - x: 107.95 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 218.44 - x: 383.54 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 153.67 - x: 400.05 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 238.76 - x: 123.19 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 83.82 - x: 80.01 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 49.53 - x: 224.79 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 77.47 - x: 387.35 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 233.68 - x: 383.54 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 39.37 - x: 325.12 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 38.1 - x: 270.51 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 120.65 - x: 201.93 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 55.88 - x: 29.21 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 100.33 - x: 387.35 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 162.56 - x: 133.35 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 46.99 - x: 111.76 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 158.75 - x: 400.05 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 238.76 - x: 113.03 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 54.61 - x: 114.3 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 43.18 - x: 234.95 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 45.72 - x: 82.55 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 125.73 - x: 374.65 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 71.12 - x: 82.55 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 199.39 - x: 158.75 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 125.73 - x: 400.05 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 120.65 - x: 400.05 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 81.28 - x: 245.11 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 44.45 - x: 387.35 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 276.86 - x: 90.17 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 243.84 - x: 224.79 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 36.83 - x: 153.67 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 218.44 - x: 93.98 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 99.06 - x: 44.45 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 44.45 - x: 148.59 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 26.67 - x: 214.63 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 34.29 - x: 387.35 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 67.31 - x: 322.58 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 238.76 - x: 82.55 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 275.59 - x: 40.64 y: 274.32 - type: wire points: - x: 346.71 y: 48.26 - x: 346.71 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 273.05 y: 185.42 - x: 279.4 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 220.98 - x: 383.54 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 166.37 - x: 387.35 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 153.67 - x: 387.35 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 58.42 - x: 325.12 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 85.09 - x: 153.67 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 62.23 - x: 170.18 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 160.02 - x: 149.86 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 123.19 - x: 402.59 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 335.28 y: 30.48 - x: 335.28 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 135.89 - x: 402.59 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 38.1 - x: 240.03 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 166.37 - x: 400.05 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 146.05 - x: 400.05 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 185.42 - x: 295.91 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 184.15 - x: 295.91 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 76.2 - x: 74.93 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 133.35 - x: 402.59 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 76.2 - x: 44.45 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 238.76 - x: 173.99 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 44.45 - x: 109.22 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 212.09 - x: 193.04 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 208.28 - x: 383.54 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 215.9 - x: 176.53 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 31.75 - x: 400.05 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 156.21 - x: 374.65 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 97.79 - x: 157.48 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 59.69 - x: 402.59 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 107.95 - x: 119.38 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 339.09 y: 106.68 - x: 349.25 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 243.84 - x: 153.67 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 243.84 - x: 133.35 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 228.6 - x: 383.54 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 49.53 - x: 119.38 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 218.44 - x: 36.83 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 182.88 - x: 335.28 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 243.84 - x: 92.71 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 204.47 - x: 306.07 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 165.1 - x: 335.28 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 120.65 - x: 402.59 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 176.53 - x: 387.35 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 251.46 - x: 158.75 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 41.91 - x: 153.67 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 276.86 - x: 142.24 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 49.53 - x: 157.48 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 120.65 - x: 374.65 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 185.42 - x: 306.07 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 49.53 - x: 402.59 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 40.64 - x: 82.55 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 92.71 - x: 148.59 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 140.97 - x: 400.05 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 39.37 - x: 157.48 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 95.25 - x: 151.13 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 54.61 - x: 400.05 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 115.57 - x: 374.65 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 133.35 - x: 387.35 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 38.1 - x: 101.6 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 143.51 - x: 387.35 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 207.01 - x: 194.31 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 101.6 - x: 82.55 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 140.97 - x: 387.35 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 120.65 - x: 242.57 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 251.46 - x: 142.24 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 207.01 - x: 237.49 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 104.14 - x: 275.59 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 72.39 - x: 400.05 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 39.37 - x: 119.38 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 157.48 - x: 222.25 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 91.44 - x: 82.55 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 50.8 - x: 82.55 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 48.26 - x: 326.39 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 317.5 y: 90.17 - x: 317.5 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 62.23 - x: 151.13 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 243.84 - x: 133.35 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 97.79 - x: 119.38 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 182.88 - x: 226.06 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 243.84 - x: 72.39 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 167.64 - x: 182.88 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 212.09 - x: 193.04 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 251.46 - x: 194.31 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 67.31 - x: 400.05 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 34.29 - x: 148.59 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 40.64 - x: 217.17 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 153.67 - x: 402.59 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 123.19 - x: 387.35 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 85.09 - x: 109.22 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 97.79 - x: 400.05 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 60.96 - x: 29.21 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 210.82 - x: 29.21 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 157.48 - x: 66.04 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 83.82 - x: 90.17 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 97.79 - x: 374.65 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 223.52 - x: 383.54 y: 223.52 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 269.24 - x: 33.02 y: 269.24 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 34.29 - x: 109.22 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 148.59 - x: 402.59 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 140.97 - x: 374.65 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 38.1 - x: 260.35 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 48.26 - x: 82.55 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 251.46 - x: 210.82 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 243.84 - x: 336.55 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 66.04 - x: 82.55 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 163.83 - x: 374.65 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 138.43 - x: 402.59 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 76.2 - x: 82.55 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 251.46 - x: 247.65 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 213.36 - x: 383.54 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 68.58 - x: 29.21 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 48.26 - x: 346.71 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 93.98 - x: 82.55 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 85.09 - x: 234.95 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 156.21 - x: 400.05 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 241.3 - x: 358.14 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 34.29 - x: 157.48 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 180.34 - x: 237.49 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - x: 78.74 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 33.02 - x: 335.28 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 27.94 - x: 82.55 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 95.25 - x: 402.59 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 223.52 - x: 175.26 y: 223.52 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 151.13 - x: 387.35 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 171.45 - x: 123.19 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 208.28 - x: 158.75 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 168.91 - x: 52.07 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - x: 275.59 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 205.74 - x: 175.26 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 95.25 - x: 387.35 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 157.48 - x: 133.35 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 276.86 - x: 210.82 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 251.46 - x: 176.53 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 306.07 y: 41.91 - x: 316.23 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 55.88 - x: 80.01 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 161.29 - x: 400.05 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 39.37 - x: 387.35 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 77.47 - x: 400.05 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - x: 321.31 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 171.45 - x: 402.59 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 92.71 - x: 402.59 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 241.3 - x: 383.54 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 182.88 - x: 257.81 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 123.19 - x: 300.99 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 128.27 - x: 402.59 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 87.63 - x: 148.59 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 78.74 - x: 90.17 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 276.86 - x: 194.31 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 125.73 - x: 199.39 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 53.34 - x: 74.93 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 226.06 - x: 158.75 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 208.28 - x: 86.36 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 81.28 - x: 100.33 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 36.83 - x: 400.05 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 74.93 - x: 402.59 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 210.82 - x: 86.36 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 210.82 - x: 383.54 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 74.93 - x: 400.05 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 68.58 - x: 44.45 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 148.59 - x: 400.05 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 44.45 - x: 119.38 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 90.17 - x: 400.05 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 63.5 - x: 90.17 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 46.99 - x: 247.65 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 138.43 - x: 275.59 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 243.84 - x: 113.03 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 196.85 - x: 175.26 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 177.8 - x: 295.91 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 100.33 - x: 374.65 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 83.82 - x: 44.45 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 342.9 y: 60.96 - x: 353.06 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 52.07 - x: 316.23 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 60.96 - x: 353.06 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 171.45 - x: 287.02 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 238.76 - x: 153.67 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 158.75 - x: 387.35 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 109.22 - x: 321.31 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 113.03 - x: 400.05 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 143.51 - x: 400.05 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 238.76 - x: 383.54 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 26.67 - x: 214.63 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 157.48 - x: 133.35 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 45.72 - x: 80.01 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 133.35 - x: 400.05 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 243.84 - x: 194.31 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 243.84 - x: 163.83 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 105.41 - x: 387.35 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 175.26 - x: 133.35 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 171.45 - x: 400.05 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 39.37 - x: 325.12 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 130.81 - x: 402.59 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 123.19 - x: 374.65 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 71.12 - x: 74.93 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 238.76 - x: 82.55 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 88.9 - x: 80.01 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 53.34 - x: 90.17 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 92.71 - x: 400.05 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 102.87 - x: 151.13 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 80.01 - x: 387.35 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 40.64 - x: 90.17 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 36.83 - x: 402.59 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 175.26 - x: 236.22 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 180.34 - x: 236.22 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 58.42 - x: 31.75 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 36.83 - x: 111.76 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 92.71 - x: 157.48 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 31.75 - x: 111.76 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 82.55 - x: 400.05 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 124.46 - x: 168.91 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 138.43 - x: 15.24 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 105.41 - x: 374.65 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 45.72 - x: 44.45 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 52.07 - x: 355.6 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 157.48 - x: 78.74 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 143.51 - x: 402.59 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 38.1 - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 237.49 - x: 72.39 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 251.46 - x: 265.43 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 97.79 - x: 252.73 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 276.86 - x: 176.53 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 335.28 y: 39.37 - x: 345.44 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 191.77 - x: 287.02 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 95.25 - x: 321.31 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 43.18 - x: 82.55 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 245.11 - x: 283.21 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 138.43 - x: 360.68 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 157.48 - x: 38.1 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 31.75 - x: 402.59 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 163.83 - x: 400.05 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 157.48 - x: 52.07 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 162.56 - x: 222.25 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 85.09 - x: 222.25 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 87.63 - x: 151.13 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 314.96 y: 175.26 - x: 325.12 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 30.7443 - x: 355.6 y: 70.1143 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 88.9 - x: 44.45 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 350.52 y: 167.64 - x: 355.6 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 208.28 - x: 63.5 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 175.26 - x: 237.49 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 167.64 - x: 236.22 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 161.29 - x: 374.65 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 238.76 - x: 214.63 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 123.19 - x: 201.93 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 162.56 - x: 33.02 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 115.57 - x: 402.59 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 138.43 - x: 387.35 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 176.53 - x: 133.35 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 251.46 - x: 247.65 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 187.96 - x: 257.81 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 96.52 - x: 82.55 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 41.91 - x: 336.55 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 276.86 - x: 158.75 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 238.76 - x: 283.21 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 165.1 - x: 325.12 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 203.2 - x: 158.75 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 22.86 y: 208.28 - x: 29.21 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 85.09 - x: 111.76 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 156.21 - x: 78.74 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 77.47 - x: 402.59 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 364.49 y: 95.25 - x: 374.65 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 242.57 - x: 30.48 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 73.66 - x: 80.01 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 30.48 - x: 345.44 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 102.87 - x: 374.65 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 157.48 - x: 149.86 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 41.91 - x: 336.55 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 97.79 - x: 151.13 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 57.15 - x: 402.59 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 204.47 - x: 330.2 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 100.33 - x: 111.76 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 172.72 - x: 325.12 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 317.5 y: 104.14 - x: 323.85 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 118.11 - x: 387.35 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 95.25 - x: 323.85 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 78.74 - x: 82.55 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 204.47 - x: 295.91 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 85.09 - x: 168.91 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 49.53 - x: 400.05 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 157.48 - x: 66.04 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 44.45 - x: 400.05 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 212.09 - x: 337.82 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 205.74 - x: 383.54 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 275.59 - x: 30.48 y: 275.59 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 133.35 - x: 374.65 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 113.03 - x: 374.65 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 163.83 - x: 295.91 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 208.28 - x: 106.68 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 57.15 - x: 387.35 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 212.09 - x: 158.75 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 143.51 - x: 374.65 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 48.26 - x: 90.17 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 64.77 - x: 387.35 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 34.29 - x: 151.13 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 52.07 - x: 400.05 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 64.77 - x: 400.05 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 171.45 - x: 387.35 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 99.06 - x: 82.55 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 60.96 - x: 100.33 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - x: 323.85 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - x: 30.48 y: 269.24 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 276.86 - x: 265.43 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 217.17 - x: 158.75 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 45.72 - x: 260.35 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 120.65 - x: 387.35 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 251.46 - x: 125.73 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 173.99 - x: 400.05 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 102.87 - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 213.36 - x: 86.36 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 102.87 - x: 157.48 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 91.44 - x: 85.09 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 95.25 - x: 400.05 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 72.39 - x: 245.11 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 257.81 - x: 40.64 y: 259.08 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 41.91 - x: 402.59 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 34.29 - x: 119.38 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 60.96 - x: 332.74 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 27.94 - x: 109.22 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 151.13 - x: 402.59 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 173.99 - x: 387.35 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 226.06 - x: 383.54 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 191.77 - x: 410.21 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 107.95 - x: 387.35 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 31.75 - x: 153.67 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 52.07 - x: 336.55 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 402.59 y: 62.23 - x: 402.59 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 81.28 - x: 214.63 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 96.52 - x: 85.09 y: 96.52 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for **LED display driver**
libSymbols: - 74xx:74HC04 - 74xx:74LS540 - 74xx:74LS541 - BB816:LED-Array-10-BGYR - BB816:LED-Array-8 - BB816:LED-Array-8-GYR - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Network08 - Device:R_Small - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 264.16 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 266.4968 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 266.4968 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 204.47 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 206.7052 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 206.7052 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 165.1 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR2 position: x: 165.1 y: 24.511 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow position: x: 165.1 y: 26.8224 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 180.34 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN1 position: x: 180.34 y: 24.765 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 180.34 y: 27.0764 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR080' position: x: 186.69 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 53.9242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR075' position: x: 144.78 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.907 y: 67.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 144.78 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR074' position: x: 144.78 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 145.161 y: 18.4658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR071' position: x: 130.81 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.937 y: 62.8142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 165.1 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR3 position: x: 165.1 y: 77.851 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow position: x: 165.1 y: 80.1624 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 180.34 y: 91.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN2 position: x: 180.34 y: 78.105 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 180.34 y: 80.4164 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR081' position: x: 186.69 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 107.2642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR077' position: x: 144.78 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.907 y: 121.2342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 144.78 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR076' position: x: 144.78 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 145.161 y: 71.8058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR072' position: x: 130.81 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.937 y: 116.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 165.1 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR4 position: x: 165.1 y: 129.921 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow position: x: 165.1 y: 132.2324 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 180.34 y: 143.51 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN3 position: x: 180.34 y: 130.175 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 180.34 y: 132.4864 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR082' position: x: 186.69 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 159.3342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR079' position: x: 144.78 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.907 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 144.78 y: 128.27 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR078' position: x: 144.78 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 145.161 y: 123.8758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR073' position: x: 130.81 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.937 y: 168.2242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 215.9 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR085' position: x: 215.9 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 216.027 y: 64.0842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 229.87 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR087' position: x: 229.87 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 230.251 y: 19.7358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 229.87 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR088' position: x: 229.87 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 229.997 y: 69.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 271.78 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR091' position: x: 271.78 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 271.907 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 265.43 y: 39.37 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN4 position: x: 265.43 y: 26.035 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 265.43 y: 28.3464 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 250.19 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR5 position: x: 250.19 y: 25.781 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Green position: x: 250.19 y: 28.0924 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 44.45 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR069' position: x: 44.45 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 44.577 y: 144.0942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 44.45 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR068' position: x: 44.45 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 44.831 y: 94.6658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 30.48 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR067' position: x: 30.48 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 30.607 y: 139.0142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 73.66 y: 51.6382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 53.9496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 260.35 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 266.192 y: 142.3416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 266.192 y: 144.653 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 260.35 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR089' position: x: 260.35 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 260.731 y: 125.1458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 260.35 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR090' position: x: 260.35 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 260.477 y: 161.8742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 214.63 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 216.9668 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 216.9668 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 224.79 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 227.1268 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 227.1268 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 234.95 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 237.2868 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 237.2868 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 245.11 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 247.4468 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 247.4468 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 255.27 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 257.6068 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 257.6068 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 204.47 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR083' position: x: 204.47 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 204.851 y: 87.0458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 204.47 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR084' position: x: 204.47 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 204.597 y: 100.9142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 124.46 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R28 position: x: 109.22 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 104.14 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS540 position: x: 44.45 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U20 position: x: 46.4694 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC540 position: x: 46.4694 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 85.09 y: 170.18 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR9 position: x: 84.455 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 84.455 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 73.66 y: 79.5782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 81.8896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 121.92 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R27 position: x: 109.22 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 104.14 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 161.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R41 position: x: 109.22 y: 161.29 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 104.14 y: 161.29 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 30.48 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 30.48 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 30.607 y: 191.0842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R29 position: x: 109.22 y: 127 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 104.14 y: 127 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 73.66 y: 65.6082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 73.66 y: 67.9196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 163.83 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R42 position: x: 109.22 y: 163.83 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 104.14 y: 163.83 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 273.05 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 275.3868 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 275.3868 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 173.99 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R46 position: x: 109.22 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 104.14 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 109.22 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 104.14 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 166.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R43 position: x: 109.22 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 109.22 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R22 position: x: 109.22 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 116.84 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R25 position: x: 109.22 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 104.14 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 158.75 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R40 position: x: 109.22 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 104.14 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 100.33 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0139' position: x: 100.33 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 100.711 y: 151.8158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 168.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R44 position: x: 109.22 y: 168.91 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 168.91 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 144.78 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 137.16 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 147.32 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR070' position: x: 100.33 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 100.457 y: 133.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R21 position: x: 109.22 y: 106.68 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 106.68 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 171.45 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R45 position: x: 109.22 y: 171.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 171.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-10-BGYR position: x: 85.09 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR1 position: x: 85.725 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED-Array-10-BGYR position: x: 85.725 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 144.78 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 146.7994 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 146.7994 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 229.87 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 231.8894 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 231.8894 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 114.3 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R24 position: x: 109.22 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 144.78 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U22 position: x: 146.7994 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 146.7994 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 44.45 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U32 position: x: 46.4694 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 46.4694 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 44.45 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 44.45 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 44.577 y: 196.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 176.53 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R47 position: x: 109.22 y: 176.53 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 176.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 44.45 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0137' position: x: 44.45 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 44.831 y: 146.7358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 119.38 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R26 position: x: 109.22 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 104.14 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R23 position: x: 109.22 y: 111.76 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 104.14 y: 111.76 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 255.27 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 215.9 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 264.16 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 264.16 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 173.99 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: - position: x: 121.92 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 135.89 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 143.51 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 29.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 138.43 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 35.56 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 27.94 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 140.97 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 83.82 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 31.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 38.1 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 151.13 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 146.05 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 81.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 207.01 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 133.35 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 148.59 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 30.48 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 33.02 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 40.64 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 86.36 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 29.21 - x: 50.8 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 91.44 - x: 245.11 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 33.02 - x: 121.92 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 48.26 - x: 160.02 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 17.78 - x: 62.23 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 87.63 - x: 66.04 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 163.83 - x: 78.74 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 48.26 - x: 175.26 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 161.29 - x: 64.77 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 25.4 - x: 39.37 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 36.83 - x: 255.27 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 146.05 - x: 170.18 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 148.59 - x: 121.92 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 86.36 - x: 124.46 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 35.56 - x: 121.92 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 114.3 - x: 100.33 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 143.51 - x: 160.02 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 52.07 - x: 39.37 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 49.53 - x: 245.11 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 173.99 - x: 100.33 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 104.14 - x: 93.98 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 109.22 - x: 62.23 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 45.72 - x: 132.08 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 44.45 - x: 209.55 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 48.26 - x: 186.69 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 158.75 - x: 31.75 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 96.52 - x: 160.02 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 38.1 - x: 175.26 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 114.3 - x: 80.01 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 31.75 - x: 242.57 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 36.83 - x: 27.94 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 25.4 - x: 62.23 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 99.06 - x: 132.08 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 40.64 - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 34.29 - x: 260.35 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 39.37 - x: 245.11 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 111.76 - x: 80.01 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 88.9 - x: 170.18 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 73.66 - x: 60.96 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 48.26 - x: 186.69 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 17.78 - x: 39.37 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 161.29 - x: 31.75 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 151.13 - x: 69.85 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 35.56 - x: 157.48 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 168.91 - x: 100.33 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 91.44 - x: 214.63 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 109.22 - x: 80.01 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 163.83 - x: 100.33 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 138.43 - x: 160.02 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 124.46 - x: 100.33 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 106.68 - x: 93.98 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 171.45 - x: 31.75 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 33.02 - x: 39.37 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 140.97 - x: 170.18 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 104.14 - x: 100.33 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 31.75 - x: 207.01 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 30.48 - x: 175.26 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 24.13 - x: 195.58 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 158.75 - x: 78.74 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 151.13 - x: 132.08 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 158.75 - x: 93.98 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 44.45 - x: 245.11 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 138.43 - x: 175.26 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 49.53 - x: 209.55 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 33.02 - x: 160.02 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 59.69 - x: 39.37 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 40.64 - x: 170.18 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 116.84 - x: 31.75 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 111.76 - x: 31.75 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - x: 100.33 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 127 - x: 80.01 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 86.36 - x: 121.92 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 146.05 - x: 132.08 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 119.38 - x: 100.33 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 109.22 - x: 31.75 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 181.61 - x: 31.75 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 40.64 - x: 157.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 156.21 - x: 100.33 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 140.97 - x: 157.48 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 91.44 - x: 224.79 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 104.14 - x: 80.01 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 134.62 - x: 30.48 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 116.84 - x: 93.98 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 143.51 - x: 121.92 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 111.76 - x: 93.98 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 31.75 - x: 260.35 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 21.59 - x: 50.8 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 40.64 - x: 62.23 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 138.43 - x: 124.46 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 173.99 - x: 93.98 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 151.13 - x: 170.18 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 33.02 - x: 175.26 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 135.89 - x: 157.48 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 29.21 - x: 27.94 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 93.98 - x: 121.92 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 83.82 - x: 175.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 129.54 - x: 260.35 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 148.59 - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 135.89 - x: 121.92 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 133.35 - x: 76.2 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 96.52 - x: 214.63 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 161.29 - x: 78.74 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 121.92 - x: 100.33 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 168.91 - x: 31.75 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 101.6 - x: 186.69 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 96.52 - x: 255.27 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 54.61 - x: 215.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 176.53 - x: 93.98 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 101.6 - x: 160.02 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 166.37 - x: 31.75 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 53.34 - x: 130.81 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 40.64 - x: 121.92 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 91.44 - x: 273.05 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - x: 130.81 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 34.29 - x: 207.01 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 148.59 - x: 175.26 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 121.92 - x: 100.33 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 151.13 - x: 157.48 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 91.44 - x: 160.02 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 106.68 - x: 100.33 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 44.45 - x: 50.8 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 59.69 - x: 66.04 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 127 - x: 93.98 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 116.84 - x: 80.01 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 133.35 - x: 121.92 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 111.76 - x: 100.33 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 181.61 - x: 30.48 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 91.44 - x: 234.95 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 96.52 - x: 224.79 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 59.69 - x: 93.98 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 176.53 - x: 78.74 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 93.98 - x: 157.48 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 39.37 - x: 260.35 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 48.26 - x: 132.08 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 83.82 - x: 121.92 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 163.83 - x: 31.75 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 146.05 - x: 157.48 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 43.18 - x: 175.26 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 101.6 - x: 186.69 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 153.67 - x: 175.26 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 36.83 - x: 242.57 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 59.69 - x: 215.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 36.83 - x: 50.8 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 173.99 - x: 100.33 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 168.91 - x: 93.98 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 127 - x: 100.33 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 88.9 - x: 157.48 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 55.88 - x: 132.08 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 93.98 - x: 132.08 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 143.51 - x: 124.46 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 116.84 - x: 100.33 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 171.45 - x: 93.98 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 36.83 - x: 207.01 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 45.72 - x: 157.48 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 166.37 - x: 100.33 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 101.6 - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 119.38 - x: 100.33 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 163.83 - x: 93.98 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 171.45 - x: 78.74 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 30.48 - x: 121.92 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 41.91 - x: 255.27 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 96.52 - x: 273.05 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 41.91 - x: 242.57 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 114.3 - x: 100.33 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 168.91 - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 49.53 - x: 260.35 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 158.75 - x: 130.81 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 109.22 - x: 62.23 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 121.92 - x: 31.75 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 91.44 - x: 175.26 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 91.44 - x: 121.92 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 54.61 - x: 217.17 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 109.22 - x: 100.33 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 99.06 - x: 170.18 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 163.83 - x: 100.33 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 29.21 - x: 207.01 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 106.68 - x: 100.33 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 48.26 - x: 39.37 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 143.51 - x: 175.26 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 46.99 - x: 217.17 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 91.44 - x: 124.46 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 33.02 - x: 124.46 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 24.13 - x: 121.92 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 116.84 - x: 100.33 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 43.18 - x: 121.92 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 148.59 - x: 160.02 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 27.94 - x: 121.92 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 140.97 - x: 121.92 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 151.13 - x: 69.85 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 173.99 - x: 78.74 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 186.69 - x: 30.48 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 46.99 - x: 255.27 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 93.98 - x: 170.18 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 106.68 - x: 31.75 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 161.29 - x: 93.98 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 124.46 - x: 100.33 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 83.82 - x: 157.48 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 106.68 - x: 130.81 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 271.78 y: 49.53 - x: 271.78 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 129.54 - x: 31.75 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 127 - x: 100.33 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 38.1 - x: 160.02 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 135.89 - x: 175.26 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 88.9 - x: 121.92 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 87.63 - x: 90.17 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 158.75 - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 34.29 - x: 245.11 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 45.72 - x: 170.18 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 168.91 - x: 100.33 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 161.29 - x: 132.08 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 161.29 - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 173.99 - x: 31.75 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 153.67 - x: 160.02 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 30.48 - x: 157.48 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 153.67 - x: 132.08 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 21.59 - x: 27.94 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 124.46 - x: 31.75 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 44.45 - x: 207.01 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 99.06 - x: 121.92 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 119.38 - x: 80.01 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 96.52 - x: 234.95 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 49.53 - x: 271.78 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 96.52 - x: 175.26 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 39.37 - x: 209.55 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 38.1 - x: 124.46 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 31.75 - x: 209.55 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 36.83 - x: 209.55 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 111.76 - x: 100.33 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 106.68 - x: 132.08 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 46.99 - x: 242.57 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 146.05 - x: 121.92 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 153.67 - x: 186.69 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 91.44 - x: 255.27 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 135.89 - x: 132.08 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 73.66 - x: 81.28 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 24.13 - x: 106.68 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 124.46 - x: 93.98 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 184.15 - x: 31.75 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 166.37 - x: 78.74 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 114.3 - x: 93.98 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 33.02 - x: 62.23 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 44.45 - x: 27.94 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 86.36 - x: 160.02 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 104.14 - x: 100.33 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 24.13 - x: 207.01 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 140.97 - x: 132.08 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 138.43 - x: 121.92 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 35.56 - x: 132.08 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 176.53 - x: 99.06 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 114.3 - x: 31.75 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 171.45 - x: 100.33 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 96.52 - x: 121.92 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 55.88 - x: 27.94 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 44.45 - x: 260.35 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 81.28 - x: 121.92 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 161.29 - x: 64.77 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 121.92 - x: 80.01 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 35.56 - x: 170.18 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 99.06 - x: 157.48 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 109.22 - x: 100.33 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 166.37 - x: 67.31 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 176.53 - x: 31.75 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 30.48 - x: 132.08 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 43.18 - x: 160.02 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 171.45 - x: 100.33 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 38.1 - x: 121.92 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 41.91 - x: 207.01 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 106.68 - x: 80.01 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 39.37 - x: 207.01 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 157.48 - x: 260.35 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 121.92 - x: 93.98 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 158.75 - x: 100.33 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 96.52 - x: 264.16 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 96.52 - x: 132.08 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 158.75 - x: 132.08 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 166.37 - x: 67.31 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 109.22 - x: 93.98 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 119.38 - x: 93.98 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 129.54 - x: 30.48 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 101.6 - x: 175.26 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 88.9 - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 53.34 - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 96.52 - x: 204.47 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 40.64 - x: 39.37 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 111.76 - x: 130.81 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 124.46 - x: 80.01 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 153.67 - x: 186.69 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 43.18 - x: 132.08 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 57.15 - x: 217.17 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 34.29 - x: 209.55 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 166.37 - x: 100.33 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 163.83 - x: 130.81 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 109.22 - x: 132.08 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 86.36 - x: 175.26 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 41.91 - x: 217.17 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 91.44 - x: 264.16 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 166.37 - x: 93.98 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 119.38 - x: 31.75 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 45.72 - x: 121.92 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 133.35 - x: 76.2 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 83.82 - x: 132.08 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 132.08 - x: 31.75 y: 132.08 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Counter and timer circuit.
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS14 - 74xx:74LS153 - 74xx:74LS193 - 74xx:74LS251 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS74 - BB816:LMC555xN - BB816:SW_DIP_SPDT_x02 - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:LED_Small - Device:R_Potentiometer - Device:R_Small - Oscillator:CXO_DIP14 - Switch:SW_DIP_x03 - Switch:SW_Push - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 21.59 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 21.59 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 21.717 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR031' position: x: 34.29 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 34.417 y: 116.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 21.59 y: 102.87 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 22.8092 y: 101.7016 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Mode position: x: 22.8092 y: 104.013 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 34.29 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR030' position: x: 34.29 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 34.671 y: 80.6958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 44.45 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 44.45 y: 94.8182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 44.45 y: 97.1296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 36.6268 y: 108.0516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u position: x: 36.6268 y: 110.363 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 35.7886 y: 95.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 35.7886 y: 97.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 35.7886 y: 86.4616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 35.7886 y: 88.773 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 21.59 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 21.59 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 21.717 y: 151.7142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR033' position: x: 34.29 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 34.417 y: 155.5242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 21.59 y: 142.24 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 22.8092 y: 141.0716 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Speed position: x: 22.8092 y: 143.383 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 34.29 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR032' position: x: 34.29 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 34.671 y: 120.0658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 46.99 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 46.99 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 46.99 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 36.6268 y: 147.4216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u position: x: 36.6268 y: 149.733 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 35.7886 y: 134.7216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 35.7886 y: 137.033 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 34.29 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 35.7886 y: 125.8316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 35.7886 y: 128.143 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 92.71 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 87.63 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 97.79 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 215.9 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 210.82 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 220.98 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS193 position: x: 135.89 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 129.54 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HCT193 position: x: 142.24 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 71.12 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 73.4568 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 73.4568 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 83.6168 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 83.6168 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 165.1 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 160.02 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 170.18 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 135.89 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR045' position: x: 135.89 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 136.271 y: 22.2758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 135.89 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR046' position: x: 135.89 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 136.017 y: 69.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 121.92 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR043' position: x: 121.92 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 124.46 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR044' position: x: 121.92 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.047 y: 62.8142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Oscillator entryName: CXO_DIP14 position: x: 87.63 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: X1 position: x: 81.28 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 8MHz position: x: 90.17 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 87.63 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR035' position: x: 87.63 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 88.011 y: 55.2958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR036' position: x: 87.63 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.757 y: 79.3242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LMC555xN position: x: 224.79 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 218.44 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LMC555xN position: x: 231.14 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 224.79 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR055' position: x: 224.79 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 225.171 y: 37.5158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 224.79 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR056' position: x: 224.79 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 224.917 y: 66.6242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 238.76 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR058' position: x: 238.76 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 239.141 y: 37.5158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 209.55 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 211.0486 y: 40.7416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 211.0486 y: 43.053 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 209.55 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR051' position: x: 209.55 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 209.931 y: 34.9758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 208.28 y: 57.15 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 208.28 y: 52.1716 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 208.28 y: 54.483 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 200.66 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV1 position: x: 198.9074 y: 55.9816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 500k position: x: 198.9074 y: 58.293 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 237.49 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 239.8268 y: 59.7916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10n position: x: 239.8268 y: 62.103 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 237.49 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR057' position: x: 237.49 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 237.617 y: 67.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 212.09 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 214.4268 y: 61.0616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 214.4268 y: 63.373 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 212.09 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR052' position: x: 212.09 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.217 y: 69.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 81.28 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR034' position: x: 81.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 81.661 y: 28.6258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 252.73 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 247.65 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 257.81 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 40.64 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 40.64 y: 54.1782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 40.64 y: 56.4896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 32.8168 y: 67.4116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u position: x: 32.8168 y: 69.723 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 31.9786 y: 54.7116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 31.9786 y: 57.023 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 31.9786 y: 45.8216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 31.9786 y: 48.133 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 17.78 y: 62.23 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 18.9992 y: 61.0616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Pulse position: x: 18.9992 y: 63.373 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 17.78 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 17.78 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 17.907 y: 71.7042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 30.48 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR029' position: x: 30.48 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 30.607 y: 75.5142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 30.48 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 30.48 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 30.861 y: 40.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 44.45 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 44.45 y: 134.1882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 44.45 y: 136.4996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 49.53 y: 187.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 49.53 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 49.53 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 34.29 y: 187.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 34.29 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 34.29 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 217.17 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 212.09 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC14 position: x: 222.25 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 254 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 248.92 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 259.08 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 217.17 y: 170.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR053' position: x: 217.17 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 217.551 y: 165.7858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 217.17 y: 195.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR054' position: x: 217.17 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 217.297 y: 199.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 30.48 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 32.8168 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 32.8168 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 234.95 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 229.87 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 240.03 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 40.64 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 42.9768 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 42.9768 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 50.8 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 53.1368 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 53.1368 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 60.96 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 63.2968 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 63.2968 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 20.32 y: 220.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 20.32 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 20.701 y: 216.5858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 20.32 y: 226.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 20.32 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 20.447 y: 230.4542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 20.32 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 23.3172 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 23.3172 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 105.41 y: 48.895 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR038' position: x: 105.41 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 105.537 y: 53.2892 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 312.42 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR063' position: x: 312.42 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 312.801 y: 22.2758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 312.42 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR064' position: x: 312.42 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 312.547 y: 79.3242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 161.29 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR048' position: x: 161.29 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 158.75 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 250.19 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR059' position: x: 250.19 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 247.65 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 165.1 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR049' position: x: 165.1 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 165.481 y: 40.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 254 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR060' position: x: 254 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 254.381 y: 40.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 91.44 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 93.7768 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 93.7768 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 254 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 254 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Clock position: x: 254 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 259.08 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 260.5786 y: 148.4884 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 260.5786 y: 146.177 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 101.6 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 103.9368 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 103.9368 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 76.2 y: 181.61 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 76.2 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 76.2 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 78.74 y: 181.61 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 78.74 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 78.74 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 181.61 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 81.28 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 81.28 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 83.82 y: 181.61 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 83.82 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 83.82 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 100.33 y: 44.45 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 100.33 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 100.33 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 102.87 y: 44.45 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 102.87 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 102.87 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 105.41 y: 44.45 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 105.41 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 105.41 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 316.23 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR065' position: x: 316.23 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 316.611 y: 94.6658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 316.23 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR066' position: x: 316.23 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 316.357 y: 156.7942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: SW_DIP_SPDT_x02 position: x: 67.31 y: 193.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 67.31 y: 181.1782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_DIP_SPDT_x02 position: x: 67.31 y: 183.4896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 76.2 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR037' position: x: 76.2 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 76.581 y: 173.4058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 111.76 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 114.0968 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 114.0968 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 121.92 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 124.2568 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 124.2568 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 327.66 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 322.58 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 332.74 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 21.59 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 21.59 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 21.971 y: 175.9458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R37 position: x: 112.8014 y: 148.4884 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 112.8014 y: 146.177 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 114.3 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR039' position: x: 114.3 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 114.681 y: 139.1158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS251 position: x: 312.42 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 306.07 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC251 position: x: 313.69 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 298.45 y: 71.12 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 299.9486 y: 69.9516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 299.9486 y: 72.263 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 200.66 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D10 position: x: 200.66 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Pulse position: x: 200.66 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 171.45 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR042' position: x: 171.45 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 171.831 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 171.45 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R38 position: x: 169.9514 y: 147.2184 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 169.9514 y: 144.907 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 287.02 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0135' position: x: 287.02 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 287.147 y: 152.9842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D8 position: x: 109.22 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Slow position: x: 109.22 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 143.51 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 138.43 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 148.59 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 259.08 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 254 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 264.16 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DIP_x03 position: x: 91.44 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 91.44 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_DIP_x03 position: x: 91.44 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 21.59 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 24.5872 y: 190.6016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22u position: x: 24.5872 y: 192.913 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 240.03 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 234.95 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 245.11 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 119.38 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 114.3 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 124.46 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR040' position: x: 115.57 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.697 y: 47.5742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 287.02 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0134' position: x: 287.02 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 287.147 y: 75.5142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 21.59 y: 184.15 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 24.13 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 24.13 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS153 position: x: 316.23 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 308.61 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC153 position: x: 317.5 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 289.56 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 284.48 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 294.64 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 209.55 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R39 position: x: 208.0514 y: 148.4884 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 208.0514 y: 146.177 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 99.06 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 99.06 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC32 position: x: 99.06 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 132.08 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 134.4168 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 134.4168 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 142.24 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 144.5768 y: 222.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 144.5768 y: 224.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 129.54 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 129.54 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC32 position: x: 129.54 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 259.08 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR047' position: x: 259.08 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 259.461 y: 139.1158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 166.37 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D9 position: x: 166.37 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Fast position: x: 166.37 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 270.51 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 265.43 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 275.59 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 21.59 y: 195.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 21.59 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 21.717 y: 199.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 308.61 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 300.99 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC32 position: x: 309.88 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 172.72 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 172.72 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 173.101 y: 167.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 121.92 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR041' position: x: 121.92 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 122.301 y: 168.3258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 241.3 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 241.3 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC32 position: x: 241.3 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 209.55 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR062' position: x: 209.55 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 209.931 y: 139.1158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 156.21 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 156.21 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC32 position: x: 156.21 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 163.83 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 158.75 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74AHC74 position: x: 168.91 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 298.45 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR061' position: x: 298.45 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 298.577 y: 78.0542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 181.61 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 176.53 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC74 position: x: 186.69 y: 172.72 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 92.71 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 270.51 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 308.61 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 215.9 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.72 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 40.64 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 21.59 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.14 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 289.56 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 40.64 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.32 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 289.56 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 308.61 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.32 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 270.51 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 215.9 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 287.02 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 302.26 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 187.96 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 137.16 y: 180.34 angle: null - position: x: 148.59 y: 36.83 angle: null - position: x: 80.01 y: 67.31 angle: null - position: x: 148.59 y: 46.99 angle: null - position: x: 189.23 y: 181.61 angle: null - position: x: 148.59 y: 39.37 angle: null - position: x: 148.59 y: 41.91 angle: null - position: x: 247.65 y: 116.84 angle: null - position: x: 127 y: 116.84 angle: null - position: x: 200.66 y: 60.96 angle: null - position: x: 189.23 y: 176.53 angle: null - position: x: 148.59 y: 34.29 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 116.84 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 328.93 y: 124.46 - x: 335.28 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 60.96 - x: 161.29 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 54.61 - x: 262.89 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 111.76 - x: 302.26 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 195.58 - x: 99.06 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 184.15 - x: 78.74 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 179.07 - x: 173.99 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 148.59 - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 52.07 - x: 121.92 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 111.76 - x: 184.15 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 148.59 - x: 233.68 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 67.31 - x: 299.72 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 114.3 - x: 156.21 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 220.98 - x: 60.96 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 105.41 - x: 163.83 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 48.26 - x: 105.41 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 187.96 - x: 58.42 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 111.76 - x: 208.28 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 116.84 - x: 278.13 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 106.68 - x: 92.71 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 142.24 - x: 52.07 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 62.23 - x: 30.48 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 59.69 - x: 212.09 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 190.5 - x: 78.74 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 132.08 - x: 299.72 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 170.18 - x: 252.73 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 57.15 - x: 299.72 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 111.76 - x: 111.76 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 33.02 - x: 81.28 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 97.79 - x: 21.59 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 195.58 - x: 234.95 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 111.76 - x: 303.53 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 193.04 - x: 270.51 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 170.18 - x: 234.95 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 132.08 - x: 279.4 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 73.66 - x: 54.61 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 130.81 - x: 34.29 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 46.99 - x: 238.76 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 49.53 - x: 299.72 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 129.54 - x: 300.99 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 172.72 - x: 121.92 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 52.07 - x: 121.92 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 226.06 - x: 142.24 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 41.91 - x: 100.33 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 170.18 - x: 270.51 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 220.98 - x: 30.48 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 50.8 - x: 30.48 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 71.12 - x: 118.11 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - x: 208.28 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 170.18 - x: 270.51 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 187.96 - x: 76.2 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 105.41 - x: 92.71 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 54.61 - x: 173.99 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 48.26 - x: 102.87 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 52.07 - x: 212.09 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 138.43 - x: 34.29 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 39.37 - x: 298.45 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 226.06 - x: 81.28 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 50.8 - x: 30.48 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 26.67 - x: 48.26 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 12.7 y: 36.83 - x: 62.23 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 195.58 - x: 234.95 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 106.68 - x: 303.53 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 119.38 - x: 287.02 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 143.51 - x: 114.3 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 152.4 - x: 148.59 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 172.72 - x: 327.66 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 12.7 y: 161.29 - x: 341.63 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 170.18 - x: 289.56 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 137.16 - x: 303.53 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 58.42 - x: 30.48 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 57.15 - x: 237.49 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 186.69 - x: 21.59 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 52.07 - x: 157.48 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 123.19 - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 44.45 - x: 299.72 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 39.37 - x: 123.19 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 129.54 - x: 300.99 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 100.33 - x: 207.01 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 220.98 - x: 132.08 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 226.06 - x: 132.08 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 124.46 - x: 303.53 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 123.19 - x: 259.08 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 123.19 - x: 240.03 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 86.36 - x: 341.63 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 49.53 - x: 298.45 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 21.59 - x: 36.83 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 73.66 - x: 39.37 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 52.07 - x: 212.09 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 151.13 - x: 198.12 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 123.19 - x: 215.9 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 49.53 - x: 157.48 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 38.1 - x: 245.11 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 123.19 - x: 259.08 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 195.58 - x: 308.61 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 54.61 - x: 173.99 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 46.99 - x: 213.36 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 91.44 - x: 34.29 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 48.26 - x: 102.87 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 184.15 - x: 81.28 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 62.23 - x: 299.72 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 209.55 - x: 109.22 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 41.91 - x: 115.57 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 100.33 - x: 83.82 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 195.58 - x: 327.66 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 195.58 - x: 83.82 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - x: 163.83 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 123.19 - x: 163.83 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 184.15 - x: 76.2 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 39.37 - x: 100.33 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 12.7 - x: 187.96 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 44.45 - x: 298.45 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 39.37 - x: 81.28 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 102.87 - x: 34.29 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 123.19 - x: 119.38 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 190.5 - x: 58.42 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - x: 143.51 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 36.83 - x: 299.72 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 106.68 - x: 328.93 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 195.58 - x: 327.66 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - x: 83.82 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 226.06 - x: 71.12 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 124.46 - x: 300.99 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 62.23 - x: 48.26 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 57.15 - x: 210.82 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 149.86 - x: 209.55 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 58.42 - x: 121.92 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 36.83 - x: 102.87 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 49.53 - x: 276.86 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 194.31 - x: 21.59 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 109.22 - x: 303.53 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 153.67 - x: 91.44 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 59.69 - x: 299.72 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 220.98 - x: 111.76 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 172.72 - x: 289.56 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 41.91 - x: 299.72 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 127 - x: 299.72 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 38.1 - x: 245.11 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 177.8 - x: 83.82 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 226.06 - x: 50.8 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 195.58 - x: 252.73 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 57.15 - x: 17.78 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 67.31 - x: 298.45 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 46.99 - x: 298.45 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 62.23 - x: 30.48 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 116.84 - x: 226.06 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 52.07 - x: 236.22 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 36.83 - x: 332.74 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 195.58 - x: 59.69 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 226.06 - x: 91.44 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 105.41 - x: 240.03 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 226.06 - x: 60.96 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 177.8 - x: 121.92 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 220.98 - x: 71.12 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 119.38 - x: 287.02 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 151.13 - x: 231.14 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 151.13 - x: 224.79 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 132.08 - x: 299.72 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 100.33 - x: 207.01 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 220.98 - x: 81.28 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 48.26 - x: 105.41 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 123.19 - x: 92.71 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 220.98 - x: 121.92 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 105.41 - x: 259.08 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 116.84 - x: 102.87 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 171.45 - x: 172.72 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 114.3 - x: 135.89 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 187.96 - x: 59.69 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 102.87 - x: 34.29 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 151.13 - x: 259.08 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 123.19 - x: 143.51 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 52.07 - x: 298.45 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 151.13 - x: 231.14 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 144.78 - x: 303.53 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 46.99 - x: 238.76 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 123.19 - x: 163.83 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 143.51 - x: 259.08 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 147.32 - x: 148.59 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 193.04 - x: 59.69 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 34.29 - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 67.31 - x: 298.45 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 179.07 - x: 172.72 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 187.96 - x: 21.59 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 60.96 - x: 254 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 179.07 - x: 78.74 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 114.3 - x: 85.09 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 177.8 - x: 78.74 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 190.5 - x: 58.42 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 50.8 - x: 30.48 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 190.5 - x: 99.06 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 111.76 - x: 251.46 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 41.91 - x: 123.19 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 105.41 - x: 259.08 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 59.69 - x: 298.45 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 53.34 - x: 200.66 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 71.12 - x: 118.11 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 149.86 - x: 171.45 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 12.7 - x: 279.4 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 91.44 - x: 34.29 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 151.13 - x: 114.3 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 99.06 - x: 34.29 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 127 - x: 303.53 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 170.18 - x: 308.61 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 151.13 - x: 259.08 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 114.3 - x: 303.53 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 111.76 - x: 278.13 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 48.26 - x: 100.33 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 190.5 - x: 59.69 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 114.3 - x: 111.76 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 226.06 - x: 111.76 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 34.29 - x: 299.72 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 52.07 - x: 299.72 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 193.04 - x: 81.28 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 105.41 - x: 215.9 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 143.51 - x: 209.55 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 57.15 - x: 212.09 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 38.1 - x: 156.21 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 36.83 - x: 298.45 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 187.96 - x: 26.67 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 111.76 - x: 232.41 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 220.98 - x: 20.32 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 105.41 - x: 119.38 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 100.33 - x: 83.82 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 226.06 - x: 121.92 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 57.15 - x: 204.47 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 153.67 - x: 233.68 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 151.13 - x: 209.55 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 177.8 - x: 81.28 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 193.04 - x: 252.73 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 193.04 - x: 99.06 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 195.58 - x: 234.95 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 176.53 - x: 172.72 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 170.18 - x: 234.95 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 67.31 - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 46.99 - x: 123.19 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 54.61 - x: 262.89 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 57.15 - x: 123.19 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 12.7 - x: 62.23 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 44.45 - x: 209.55 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 39.37 - x: 299.72 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 220.98 - x: 91.44 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 54.61 - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 62.23 - x: 287.02 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 142.24 - x: 34.29 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 220.98 - x: 40.64 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 111.76 - x: 85.09 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 151.13 - x: 248.92 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 54.61 - x: 123.19 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 226.06 - x: 101.6 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 105.41 - x: 119.38 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 12.7 y: 209.55 - x: 109.22 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 176.53 - x: 172.72 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 177.8 - x: 81.28 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 220.98 - x: 101.6 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 116.84 - x: 226.06 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 130.81 - x: 34.29 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 105.41 - x: 240.03 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 116.84 - x: 184.15 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 130.81 - x: 34.29 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 193.04 - x: 58.42 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 49.53 - x: 246.38 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 114.3 - x: 251.46 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 123.19 - x: 119.38 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 46.99 - x: 299.72 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 105.41 - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 34.29 - x: 81.28 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 111.76 - x: 156.21 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 226.06 - x: 40.64 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 57.15 - x: 298.45 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 142.24 - x: 34.29 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - x: 49.53 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 114.3 - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 123.19 - x: 240.03 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 186.69 - x: 181.61 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 170.18 - x: 308.61 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 49.53 - x: 180.34 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 195.58 - x: 289.56 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 123.19 - x: 143.51 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 220.98 - x: 50.8 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 52.07 - x: 151.13 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 41.91 - x: 102.87 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 36.83 - x: 123.19 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 52.07 - x: 151.13 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 60.96 - x: 250.19 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 180.34 - x: 21.59 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 123.19 - x: 215.9 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 111.76 - x: 135.89 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 34.29 - x: 332.74 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 21.59 - x: 48.26 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 116.84 - x: 102.87 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 67.31 - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 149.86 - x: 114.3 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 148.59 - x: 171.45 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 170.18 - x: 252.73 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 142.24 - x: 289.56 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 184.15 - x: 83.82 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 48.895 - x: 105.41 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 91.44 - x: 34.29 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 105.41 - x: 215.9 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 111.76 - x: 302.26 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 179.07 - x: 76.2 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - x: 123.19 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - x: 81.28 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 187.96 - x: 99.06 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 41.91 - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 137.16 - x: 21.59 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 177.8 - x: 83.82 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 62.23 - x: 287.02 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 41.91 - x: 298.45 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 38.1 - x: 156.21 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 57.15 - x: 237.49 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 226.06 - x: 30.48 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 142.24 - x: 171.45 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 102.87 - x: 52.07 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 195.58 - x: 289.56 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 60.96 - x: 165.1 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 137.16 - x: 287.02 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 34.29 - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 171.45 - x: 172.72 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 46.99 - x: 209.55 y: 46.99 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for **LED driver circuit**
libSymbols: - 74HC04-single_1 - 74HC04-single_2 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x20 - Device:C - Device:R_Small - debugs_led:74HC04-single - debugs_led:LED-Array-10-BGYR - debugs_led:LED-Array-8-GYR - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 218.44 y: 127 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 216.027 y: 125.0442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 138.43 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 153.67 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 232.41 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 232.41 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 229.997 y: 79.3242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 59.69 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 153.67 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 133.35 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 153.67 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 148.59 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 212.09 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 215.9 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 215.9 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 74.93 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 153.67 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 148.59 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 153.67 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 83.82 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 83.82 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 84.201 y: 21.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 83.82 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 83.82 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 84.201 y: 154.3558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 17.78 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 17.78 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 17.78 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: debugs_led entryName: 74HC04-single position: x: 83.82 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 85.8394 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 85.8394 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 153.67 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 148.59 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 223.52 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 227.33 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 227.33 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: debugs_led entryName: 74HC04-single position: x: 83.82 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 85.8394 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 85.8394 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 17.78 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 17.78 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 17.78 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: debugs_led entryName: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 123.19 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR2 position: x: 123.19 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 123.825 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 218.44 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 218.44 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 218.821 y: 106.0958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 140.97 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 153.67 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 200.66 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 200.66 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 201.041 y: 22.2758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 19.05 y: 21.59 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG01' position: x: 20.955 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 22.86 y: 21.5899 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 146.05 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 153.67 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 130.81 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 153.67 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 148.59 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 232.41 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 232.41 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 232.791 y: 22.2758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 128.27 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 153.67 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 148.59 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 80.01 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 153.67 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 148.59 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 19.05 y: 24.13 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG02' position: x: 20.955 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 22.86 y: 24.1299 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 83.82 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 83.82 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 84.201 y: 85.7758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x20 position: x: 218.44 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 220.98 y: 49.5299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x20 position: x: 220.98 y: 52.0699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 62.23 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 153.67 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: debugs_led entryName: LED-Array-10-BGYR position: x: 123.19 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR1 position: x: 123.19 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED-Array-10-BGYR position: x: 123.825 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 200.66 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 200.66 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 198.247 y: 79.3242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: debugs_led entryName: 74HC04-single position: x: 83.82 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 85.8394 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 85.8394 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 110.49 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 110.49 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 110.871 y: 50.2158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 57.15 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 153.67 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 148.59 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 72.39 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 153.67 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 148.59 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 137.16 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 137.16 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 137.287 y: 85.6742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 114.3 y: 135.89 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 153.67 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 83.82 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 83.947 y: 119.9642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 110.49 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 110.49 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 110.871 y: 121.3358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x20 position: x: 250.19 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 252.73 y: 49.5299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x20 position: x: 252.73 y: 52.0699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 153.67 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 143.51 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 153.67 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 148.59 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 137.16 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 137.16 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 137.287 y: 151.7142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 77.47 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 153.67 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 148.59 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 83.82 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 83.947 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 83.82 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 83.947 y: 188.5442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 218.44 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 140.97 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 96.52 - x: 97.79 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 106.68 - x: 92.71 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 170.18 - x: 74.93 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 128.27 - x: 118.11 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 128.27 - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 67.31 - x: 118.11 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 64.77 - x: 139.7 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 99.06 - x: 100.33 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 57.15 - x: 213.36 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 44.45 - x: 97.79 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 146.05 - x: 137.16 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 140.97 - x: 118.11 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 67.31 - x: 245.11 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 143.51 - x: 118.11 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 110.49 - x: 212.09 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 44.45 - x: 245.11 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 167.64 - x: 74.93 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 36.83 - x: 74.93 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 74.93 - x: 213.36 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 74.93 - x: 137.16 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - x: 137.16 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 31.75 - x: 144.78 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 62.23 - x: 111.76 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 167.64 - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 69.85 - x: 213.36 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 39.37 - x: 139.7 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 96.52 - x: 97.79 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 69.85 - x: 245.11 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 39.37 - x: 213.36 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - x: 213.36 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 67.31 - x: 213.36 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 165.1 - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 59.69 - x: 137.16 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 41.91 - x: 100.33 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 64.77 - x: 118.11 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 110.49 - x: 223.52 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 138.43 - x: 137.16 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 138.43 - x: 130.81 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 59.69 - x: 118.11 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 77.47 - x: 118.11 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 120.65 - x: 223.52 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 34.29 - x: 74.93 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 175.26 - x: 74.93 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 140.97 - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 143.51 - x: 130.81 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 36.83 - x: 213.36 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 57.15 - x: 245.11 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 62.23 - x: 142.24 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 52.07 - x: 213.36 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 44.45 - x: 97.79 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 57.15 - x: 118.11 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 67.31 - x: 129.54 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 120.65 - x: 212.09 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 96.52 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 39.37 - x: 74.93 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 130.81 - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 69.85 - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 31.75 - x: 144.78 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 72.39 - x: 129.54 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 172.72 - x: 102.87 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 49.53 - x: 245.11 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - x: 118.11 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 72.39 - x: 213.36 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 77.47 - x: 129.54 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 74.93 - x: 137.16 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 120.65 - x: 218.44 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 36.83 - x: 142.24 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 177.8 - x: 107.95 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 128.27 - x: 130.81 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 34.29 - x: 102.87 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 62.23 - x: 213.36 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 46.99 - x: 213.36 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 135.89 - x: 139.7 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 106.68 - x: 74.93 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 146.05 - x: 137.16 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 36.83 - x: 245.11 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 128.27 - x: 100.33 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 109.22 - x: 74.93 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 143.51 - x: 137.16 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 62.23 - x: 245.11 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 31.75 - x: 74.93 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 62.23 - x: 118.11 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 69.85 - x: 129.54 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 125.73 - x: 110.49 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 59.69 - x: 245.11 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 130.81 - x: 111.76 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 165.1 - x: 74.93 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 99.06 - x: 100.33 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 69.85 - x: 118.11 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 109.22 - x: 92.71 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 31.75 - x: 213.36 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 175.26 - x: 105.41 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 177.8 - x: 107.95 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 143.51 - x: 137.16 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 39.37 - x: 139.7 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 54.61 - x: 245.11 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 110.49 - x: 212.09 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 80.01 - x: 137.16 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 41.91 - x: 213.36 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 101.6 - x: 102.87 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 110.49 - x: 218.44 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 130.81 - x: 118.11 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 177.8 - x: 74.93 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 104.14 - x: 105.41 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 57.15 - x: 110.49 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 138.43 - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 29.21 - x: 213.36 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 41.91 - x: 100.33 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 54.61 - x: 110.49 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 57.15 - x: 111.76 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 104.14 - x: 105.41 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 80.01 - x: 118.11 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 34.29 - x: 213.36 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 67.31 - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 67.31 - x: 137.16 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 172.72 - x: 102.87 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 165.1 - x: 97.79 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 49.53 - x: 213.36 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 41.91 - x: 245.11 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 29.21 - x: 245.11 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - x: 137.16 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 101.6 - x: 102.87 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 135.89 - x: 111.76 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 26.67 - x: 245.11 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 77.47 - x: 137.16 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 62.23 - x: 110.49 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 135.89 - x: 118.11 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 72.39 - x: 137.16 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 21.59 - x: 19.05 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 101.6 - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 39.37 - x: 245.11 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 74.93 - x: 118.11 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 64.77 - x: 245.11 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 170.18 - x: 100.33 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 133.35 - x: 130.81 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 59.69 - x: 137.16 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 170.18 - x: 100.33 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 64.77 - x: 110.49 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 80.01 - x: 129.54 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 52.07 - x: 245.11 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 57.15 - x: 144.78 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 128.27 - x: 137.16 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 80.01 - x: 137.16 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 74.93 - x: 245.11 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 135.89 - x: 139.7 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 31.75 - x: 245.11 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 64.77 - x: 213.36 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 41.91 - x: 74.93 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 59.69 - x: 129.54 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 72.39 - x: 118.11 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 54.61 - x: 213.36 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 172.72 - x: 74.93 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 74.93 - x: 129.54 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 34.29 - x: 245.11 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 133.35 - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 34.29 - x: 102.87 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 140.97 - x: 130.81 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 175.26 - x: 105.41 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 77.47 - x: 137.16 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 104.14 - x: 74.93 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 130.81 - x: 110.49 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 72.39 - x: 245.11 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 99.06 - x: 74.93 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 146.05 - x: 130.81 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 138.43 - x: 118.11 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 130.81 - x: 139.7 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 26.67 - x: 213.36 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 146.05 - x: 118.11 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 44.45 - x: 74.93 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 44.45 - x: 213.36 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 24.13 - x: 19.05 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 46.99 - x: 245.11 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 36.83 - x: 142.24 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 72.39 - x: 137.16 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - x: 137.16 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 119.38 - x: 223.52 y: 120.65 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for LED Driver Circuit
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS541 - BB816:LED-Array-8 - BB816:LED-Array-8-GYR - BB816:W65C22SxP - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Network08 - Device:R_Small - Diode:1N5819 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 205.74 y: 90.17 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN6 position: x: 205.74 y: 76.835 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 205.74 y: 79.1464 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 190.5 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR10 position: x: 191.135 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED-Array-8-GYR position: x: 191.135 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 242.57 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C34 position: x: 245.11 y: 20.3262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 245.11 y: 22.8662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR096' position: x: 156.21 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.337 y: 61.5442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 170.18 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U27 position: x: 172.1994 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 172.1994 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR097' position: x: 156.21 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.337 y: 114.8842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: W65C22SxP position: x: 68.58 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 58.42 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W65C22SxP position: x: 71.12 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 148.59 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R49 position: x: 214.63 y: 148.59 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 209.55 y: 148.59 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 170.18 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 172.1994 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 172.1994 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 212.09 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 212.09 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.217 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 138.43 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R31 position: x: 214.63 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 209.55 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 143.51 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R33 position: x: 214.63 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 209.55 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 242.57 y: 19.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 242.57 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 242.951 y: 14.6558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 170.18 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR098' position: x: 170.18 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 170.561 y: 17.1958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 170.18 y: 128.27 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0141' position: x: 170.18 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 170.561 y: 123.8758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 265.43 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C36 position: x: 267.97 y: 20.3262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 267.97 y: 22.8662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 146.05 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R48 position: x: 214.63 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 209.55 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 135.89 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R30 position: x: 214.63 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 209.55 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 140.97 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R32 position: x: 214.63 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 209.55 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 276.86 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C44 position: x: 279.4 y: 20.3262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 279.4 y: 22.8662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 242.57 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 242.57 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 242.697 y: 28.5242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 151.13 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R50 position: x: 214.63 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 209.55 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 170.18 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0100' position: x: 170.18 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 170.561 y: 70.5358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 212.09 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 212.09 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.217 y: 52.6542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0143' position: x: 205.74 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 205.867 y: 159.3342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N5819 position: x: 40.64 y: 74.93 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D7 position: x: 40.9575 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 40.9575 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR095' position: x: 68.58 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 190.5 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR6 position: x: 190.5 y: 23.241 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red position: x: 190.5 y: 25.5524 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR099' position: x: 170.18 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.307 y: 66.6242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 170.18 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.307 y: 119.9642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0140' position: x: 156.21 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.337 y: 168.2242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 254 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C35 position: x: 256.54 y: 20.3262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 256.54 y: 22.8662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 68.58 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR094' position: x: 68.58 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 68.58 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 190.5 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR7 position: x: 190.5 y: 76.581 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red position: x: 190.5 y: 78.8924 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 201.93 y: 153.67 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R51 position: x: 214.63 y: 153.67 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 6.8k position: x: 209.55 y: 153.67 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0142' position: x: 170.18 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.307 y: 173.3042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 205.74 y: 36.83 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN5 position: x: 205.74 y: 23.495 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 205.74 y: 25.8064 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS541 position: x: 170.18 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U33 position: x: 172.1994 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC541 position: x: 172.1994 y: 130.81 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 205.74 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 242.57 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 254 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 242.57 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 265.43 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 254 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 265.43 y: 24.13 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: - position: x: 93.98 y: 118.11 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 31.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 115.57 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 115.57 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 149.86 y: 146.05 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 123.19 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 67.31 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 118.11 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 125.73 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 113.03 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 64.77 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 26.67 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 149.86 y: 153.67 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 29.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 113.03 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 93.98 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 120.65 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 149.86 y: 151.13 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 149.86 y: 148.59 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 43.18 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 147.32 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 72.39 - x: 91.44 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 123.19 - x: 53.34 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 148.59 - x: 205.74 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 90.17 - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 82.55 - x: 93.98 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 146.05 - x: 205.74 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 135.89 - x: 182.88 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 80.01 - x: 93.98 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 21.59 - x: 135.89 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 123.19 - x: 93.98 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 105.41 - x: 156.21 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 31.75 - x: 147.32 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 39.37 - x: 182.88 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 41.91 - x: 185.42 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 148.59 - x: 185.42 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 143.51 - x: 185.42 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 120.65 - x: 53.34 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 90.17 - x: 147.32 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 54.61 - x: 157.48 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 138.43 - x: 199.39 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 138.43 - x: 157.48 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 92.71 - x: 195.58 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 100.33 - x: 185.42 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 74.93 - x: 135.89 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 138.43 - x: 185.42 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 33.02 - x: 64.77 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 46.99 - x: 212.09 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 115.57 - x: 43.18 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 29.21 - x: 147.32 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 82.55 - x: 91.44 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 87.63 - x: 195.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 146.05 - x: 199.39 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 46.99 - x: 200.66 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 35.56 - x: 64.77 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 74.93 - x: 36.83 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 67.31 - x: 91.44 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 34.29 - x: 147.32 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 113.03 - x: 43.18 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 140.97 - x: 157.48 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 46.99 - x: 149.86 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 31.75 - x: 185.42 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 107.95 - x: 91.44 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 100.33 - x: 43.18 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 153.67 - x: 205.74 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 151.13 - x: 182.88 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 102.87 - x: 43.18 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 143.51 - x: 205.74 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 100.33 - x: 212.09 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 146.05 - x: 157.48 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 95.25 - x: 200.66 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 92.71 - x: 53.34 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 19.05 - x: 254 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 33.02 - x: 27.94 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 158.75 - x: 157.48 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 148.59 - x: 205.74 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 125.73 - x: 93.98 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 140.97 - x: 199.39 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 41.91 - x: 147.32 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 92.71 - x: 43.18 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 90.17 - x: 185.42 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 143.51 - x: 199.39 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 22.86 - x: 27.94 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 161.29 - x: 157.48 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 107.95 - x: 53.34 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 69.85 - x: 93.98 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 105.41 - x: 43.18 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 115.57 - x: 53.34 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 46.99 - x: 185.42 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 69.85 - x: 91.44 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 105.41 - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 151.13 - x: 205.74 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 92.71 - x: 157.48 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 163.83 - x: 156.21 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 107.95 - x: 93.98 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 140.97 - x: 182.88 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 46.99 - x: 212.09 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 97.79 - x: 157.48 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 25.4 - x: 55.88 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 82.55 - x: 53.34 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 82.55 - x: 182.88 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 87.63 - x: 182.88 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 146.05 - x: 182.88 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 82.55 - x: 43.18 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 135.89 - x: 199.39 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 151.13 - x: 205.74 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 135.89 - x: 157.48 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - x: 105.41 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 118.11 - x: 43.18 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 36.83 - x: 149.86 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 135.89 - x: 205.74 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 102.87 - x: 93.98 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 52.07 - x: 156.21 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 26.67 - x: 147.32 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 90.17 - x: 200.66 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 100.33 - x: 212.09 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 100.33 - x: 43.18 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - x: 93.98 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 107.95 - x: 43.18 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 24.13 - x: 254 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 77.47 - x: 93.98 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 30.48 - x: 27.94 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 85.09 - x: 200.66 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 113.03 - x: 91.44 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 74.93 - x: 53.34 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 29.21 - x: 149.86 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 85.09 - x: 147.32 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 39.37 - x: 157.48 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 24.13 - x: 265.43 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - x: 93.98 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 120.65 - x: 91.44 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 153.67 - x: 149.86 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 24.13 - x: 276.86 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 105.41 - x: 53.34 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 140.97 - x: 205.74 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - x: 91.44 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 67.31 - x: 93.98 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 80.01 - x: 45.72 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 27.94 - x: 27.94 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 100.33 - x: 53.34 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 34.29 - x: 182.88 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 90.17 - x: 43.18 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 80.01 - x: 91.44 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 153.67 - x: 147.32 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - x: 205.74 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 140.97 - x: 205.74 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 87.63 - x: 43.18 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 72.39 - x: 93.98 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 143.51 - x: 157.48 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 87.63 - x: 149.86 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 148.59 - x: 149.86 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 146.05 - x: 205.74 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 97.79 - x: 91.44 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 39.37 - x: 39.37 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 82.55 - x: 43.18 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - x: 93.98 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 85.09 - x: 91.44 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 52.07 - x: 157.48 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 90.17 - x: 149.86 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 153.67 - x: 199.39 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 74.93 - x: 147.32 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 123.19 - x: 91.44 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 77.47 - x: 91.44 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 87.63 - x: 53.34 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 29.21 - x: 182.88 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 100.33 - x: 200.66 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 92.71 - x: 147.32 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 87.63 - x: 147.32 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 135.89 - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 110.49 - x: 93.98 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 38.1 - x: 64.77 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 85.09 - x: 149.86 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 151.13 - x: 147.32 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 25.4 - x: 27.94 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 19.05 - x: 265.43 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 153.67 - x: 185.42 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 113.03 - x: 53.34 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 95.25 - x: 149.86 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 34.29 - x: 149.86 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 39.37 - x: 195.58 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 31.75 - x: 149.86 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 35.56 - x: 27.94 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 110.49 - x: 91.44 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 115.57 - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 138.43 - x: 205.74 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 156.21 - x: 135.89 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 153.67 - x: 204.47 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 29.21 - x: 200.66 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 151.13 - x: 157.48 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 100.33 - x: 83.82 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 110.49 - x: 156.21 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 39.37 - x: 147.32 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 97.79 - x: 182.88 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 36.83 - x: 147.32 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 107.95 - x: 157.48 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 74.93 - x: 93.98 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 41.91 - x: 200.66 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 143.51 - x: 205.74 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 36.83 - x: 200.66 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 90.17 - x: 91.44 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 102.87 - x: 91.44 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 110.49 - x: 43.18 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 80.01 - x: 147.32 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 82.55 - x: 200.66 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 95.25 - x: 147.32 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 85.09 - x: 185.42 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 97.79 - x: 195.58 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 123.19 - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 105.41 - x: 83.82 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 92.71 - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 40.64 - x: 64.77 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 95.25 - x: 53.34 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 31.75 - x: 200.66 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 41.91 - x: 149.86 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 110.49 - x: 53.34 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 44.45 - x: 157.48 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 21.59 - x: 147.32 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 36.83 - x: 185.42 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 151.13 - x: 199.39 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 67.31 - x: 53.34 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 82.55 - x: 147.32 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 34.29 - x: 195.58 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 105.41 - x: 157.48 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 148.59 - x: 147.32 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 90.17 - x: 53.34 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 100.33 - x: 149.86 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 128.27 - x: 105.41 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 44.45 - x: 195.58 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 69.85 - x: 53.34 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 22.86 - x: 55.88 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 92.71 - x: 182.88 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 41.91 - x: 39.37 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 44.45 - x: 182.88 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 57.15 - x: 156.21 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 82.55 - x: 149.86 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 148.59 - x: 199.39 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - x: 93.98 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 19.05 - x: 276.86 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 95.25 - x: 185.42 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 115.57 - x: 91.44 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 158.75 - x: 156.21 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 118.11 - x: 53.34 y: 118.11 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Embedded system circuit
libSymbols: - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - Memory_EEPROM:28C256 - Memory_RAM:AS6C4008-55PCN - Memory_RAM:KM62256CLP - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 218.44 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 270.51 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 273.05 y: 25.4062 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 273.05 y: 27.9462 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 40.64 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 41.91 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 41.91 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_RAM entryName: AS6C4008-55PCN position: x: 218.44 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 208.28 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AS6C4008-55PCN position: x: 220.98 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 62.23 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 62.23 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 62.23 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_RAM entryName: KM62256CLP position: x: 139.7 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 129.54 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LY62256PL-55LL position: x: 140.97 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 252.73 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 255.27 y: 25.4062 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 255.27 y: 27.9462 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_EEPROM entryName: 28C256 position: x: 62.23 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 54.61 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AT28C256-15PC position: x: 63.5 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 40.64 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 40.64 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 40.64 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 139.7 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 243.84 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 243.84 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 243.84 y: 17.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 264.16 y: 25.4062 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 264.16 y: 27.9462 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 218.44 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 218.44 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 218.44 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 139.7 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 139.7 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 139.7 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 243.84 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 243.84 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 243.84 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 62.23 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 243.84 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 246.38 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10u position: x: 246.38 y: 27.94 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 40.64 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 243.84 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 243.84 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 29.21 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: - position: x: 160.02 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 115.57 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 113.03 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 160.02 y: 82.55 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 80.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 80.01 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 198.12 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 240.03 y: 69.85 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 44.45 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 100.33 - x: 162.56 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 77.47 - x: 77.47 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 92.71 - x: 52.07 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 72.39 - x: 240.03 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 87.63 - x: 205.74 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - x: 127 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 97.79 - x: 245.11 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 74.93 - x: 160.02 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 107.95 - x: 198.12 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 102.87 - x: 52.07 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 74.93 - x: 240.03 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 92.71 - x: 127 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 30.48 - x: 44.45 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - x: 119.38 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 67.31 - x: 44.45 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 85.09 - x: 240.03 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 102.87 - x: 198.12 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 80.01 - x: 157.48 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 90.17 - x: 205.74 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - x: 119.38 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 72.39 - x: 205.74 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 69.85 - x: 240.03 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 87.63 - x: 237.49 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 115.57 - x: 205.74 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 80.01 - x: 80.01 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 72.39 - x: 119.38 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 67.31 - x: 80.01 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 80.01 - x: 237.49 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 118.11 - x: 52.07 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 74.93 - x: 119.38 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 92.71 - x: 44.45 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 77.47 - x: 80.01 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 67.31 - x: 198.12 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - x: 160.02 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 80.01 - x: 160.02 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 97.79 - x: 119.38 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 107.95 - x: 205.74 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - x: 119.38 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 77.47 - x: 157.48 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 82.55 - x: 119.38 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 90.17 - x: 77.47 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 107.95 - x: 52.07 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 95.25 - x: 52.07 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 82.55 - x: 52.07 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 90.17 - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 97.79 - x: 198.12 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 29.21 - x: 252.73 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 113.03 - x: 40.64 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 85.09 - x: 237.49 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 100.33 - x: 245.11 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 105.41 - x: 52.07 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 87.63 - x: 119.38 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 80.01 - x: 44.45 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 85.09 - x: 157.48 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 95.25 - x: 162.56 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 69.85 - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 29.21 - x: 261.62 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 74.93 - x: 80.01 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 85.09 - x: 52.07 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 92.71 - x: 198.12 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 21.59 - x: 44.45 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 85.09 - x: 127 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 82.55 - x: 240.03 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 85.09 - x: 119.38 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 39.37 - x: 44.45 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 97.79 - x: 205.74 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 105.41 - x: 198.12 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 110.49 - x: 205.74 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 48.26 - x: 44.45 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 24.13 - x: 261.62 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 87.63 - x: 44.45 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 74.93 - x: 157.48 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 87.63 - x: 127 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 29.21 - x: 270.51 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 77.47 - x: 119.38 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 82.55 - x: 237.49 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 90.17 - x: 127 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 87.63 - x: 157.48 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 77.47 - x: 237.49 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 97.79 - x: 52.07 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 97.79 - x: 44.45 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 24.13 - x: 252.73 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 72.39 - x: 77.47 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 110.49 - x: 198.12 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 22.86 - x: 243.84 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 90.17 - x: 237.49 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 77.47 - x: 198.12 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 67.31 - x: 119.38 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 80.01 - x: 240.03 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 29.21 - x: 243.84 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 74.93 - x: 127 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 87.63 - x: 198.12 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 95.25 - x: 127 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 82.55 - x: 44.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 82.55 - x: 205.74 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 77.47 - x: 160.02 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 80.01 - x: 205.74 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 85.09 - x: 205.74 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 100.33 - x: 52.07 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 77.47 - x: 127 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 82.55 - x: 198.12 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 67.31 - x: 240.03 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 100.33 - x: 205.74 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 82.55 - x: 80.01 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 100.33 - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 80.01 - x: 52.07 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 72.39 - x: 198.12 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 113.03 - x: 198.12 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 100.33 - x: 198.12 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 95.25 - x: 44.45 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 72.39 - x: 157.48 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 80.01 - x: 119.38 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 102.87 - x: 127 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 44.45 - x: 44.45 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 87.63 - x: 52.07 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 74.93 - x: 237.49 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 69.85 - x: 44.45 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 82.55 - x: 127 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 33.02 - x: 44.45 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 95.25 - x: 198.12 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 92.71 - x: 205.74 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 67.31 - x: 80.01 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 85.09 - x: 198.12 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 69.85 - x: 80.01 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 77.47 - x: 205.74 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 111.76 - x: 40.64 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 100.33 - x: 127 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 77.47 - x: 52.07 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 72.39 - x: 52.07 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 118.11 - x: 205.74 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 24.13 - x: 44.45 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 95.25 - x: 205.74 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 80.01 - x: 127 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 69.85 - x: 198.12 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 67.31 - x: 198.12 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 90.17 - x: 44.45 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 85.09 - x: 160.02 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 67.31 - x: 160.02 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 72.39 - x: 44.45 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 113.03 - x: 52.07 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 80.01 - x: 198.12 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 69.85 - x: 119.38 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 77.47 - x: 44.45 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 97.79 - x: 127 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 82.55 - x: 77.47 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 74.93 - x: 198.12 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 77.47 - x: 240.03 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 74.93 - x: 77.47 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 67.31 - x: 240.03 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 105.41 - x: 205.74 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 85.09 - x: 77.47 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 82.55 - x: 160.02 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 113.03 - x: 205.74 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 107.95 - x: 127 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 67.31 - x: 44.45 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 74.93 - x: 205.74 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 102.87 - x: 245.11 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 72.39 - x: 80.01 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 90.17 - x: 157.48 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 85.09 - x: 80.01 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 72.39 - x: 237.49 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 74.93 - x: 44.45 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 80.01 - x: 77.47 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 100.33 - x: 44.45 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 105.41 - x: 127 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 102.87 - x: 205.74 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 102.87 - x: 162.56 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 82.55 - x: 157.48 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 67.31 - x: 160.02 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 87.63 - x: 77.47 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 90.17 - x: 198.12 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 27.94 - x: 44.45 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 24.13 - x: 270.51 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 115.57 - x: 52.07 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 105.41 - x: 40.64 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 90.17 - x: 52.07 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 74.93 - x: 52.07 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 102.87 - x: 44.45 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 85.09 - x: 44.45 y: 87.63 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Reverse voltage protection
libSymbols: - BB816:Teensy++2.0 - Diode:1N5819 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N5819 position: x: 113.03 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 113.3475 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 113.3475 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR093' position: x: 184.15 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: Teensy++2.0 position: x: 146.05 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U25 position: x: 133.35 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Teensy++2.0 position: x: 144.78 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR092' position: x: 115.57 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 68.58 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 119.38 y: 46.99 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 128.27 y: 68.58 angle: null - position: x: 128.27 y: 71.12 angle: null - position: x: 128.27 y: 73.66 angle: null - position: x: 167.64 y: 91.44 angle: null - position: x: 167.64 y: 63.5 angle: null busEntries: - position: x: 180.34 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 71.12 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 106.68 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 111.76 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 78.74 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 114.3 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 119.38 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 109.22 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 104.14 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 129.54 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 106.68 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 132.08 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 121.92 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 114.3 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 116.84 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 73.66 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 109.22 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 127 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 76.2 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 66.04 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 68.58 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 124.46 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 63.5 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 116.84 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 180.34 y: 104.14 angle: null size: x: -2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 119.38 y: 63.5 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 29.21 - x: 48.26 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 43.18 - x: 48.26 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 62.23 - x: 115.57 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 66.04 - x: 128.27 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 91.44 - x: 128.27 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 63.5 - x: 180.34 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 93.98 - x: 180.34 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 81.28 - x: 109.22 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 127 - x: 177.8 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 114.3 - x: 116.84 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 36.83 - x: 52.07 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 33.02 - x: 52.07 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 104.14 - x: 128.27 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 111.76 - x: 128.27 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 96.52 - x: 180.34 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 78.74 - x: 128.27 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 104.14 - x: 177.8 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 101.6 - x: 177.8 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 99.06 - x: 177.8 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 109.22 - x: 128.27 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 101.6 - x: 116.84 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 78.74 - x: 180.34 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 109.22 - x: 116.84 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 46.99 - x: 119.38 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 101.6 - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 101.6 - x: 128.27 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 81.28 - x: 177.8 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 25.4 - x: 52.07 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 66.04 - x: 177.8 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 99.06 - x: 116.84 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 81.28 - x: 128.27 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 71.12 - x: 177.8 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 111.76 - x: 116.84 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 124.46 - x: 180.34 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 116.84 - x: 180.34 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 86.36 - x: 177.8 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 46.99 - x: 119.38 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 114.3 - x: 180.34 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 73.66 - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 121.92 - x: 180.34 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 106.68 - x: 180.34 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 134.62 - x: 177.8 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 76.2 - x: 128.27 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 96.52 - x: 128.27 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 109.22 - x: 180.34 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 109.22 - x: 177.8 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 106.68 - x: 116.84 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 106.68 - x: 128.27 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 119.38 - x: 180.34 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 46.99 - x: 180.34 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 91.44 - x: 180.34 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 104.14 - x: 116.84 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 78.74 - x: 177.8 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 40.64 - x: 52.07 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 99.06 - x: 180.34 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 127 - x: 180.34 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 129.54 - x: 180.34 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 88.9 - x: 128.27 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 83.82 - x: 128.27 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 132.08 - x: 177.8 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 119.38 - x: 177.8 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 93.98 - x: 128.27 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - x: 177.8 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 129.54 - x: 177.8 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 29.21 - x: 52.07 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 46.99 - x: 180.34 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 44.45 - x: 52.07 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 73.66 - x: 177.8 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 45.72 - x: 48.26 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 76.2 - x: 177.8 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 83.82 - x: 177.8 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 96.52 - x: 177.8 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 121.92 - x: 177.8 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 33.02 - x: 48.26 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - x: 180.34 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 86.36 - x: 128.27 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 63.5 - x: 128.27 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 116.84 - x: 177.8 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 96.52 - x: 116.84 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 25.4 - x: 48.26 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 66.04 - x: 180.34 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 124.46 - x: 177.8 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 133.35 - x: 116.84 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 180.34 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 106.68 - x: 177.8 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - x: 180.34 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 88.9 - x: 184.15 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 68.58 - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 62.23 - x: 115.57 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 111.76 - x: 177.8 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 68.58 - x: 177.8 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 99.06 - x: 128.27 y: 99.06 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Character LCD display circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R_Potentiometer - Display_Character:WC1602A - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 162.56 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV2 position: x: 165.1 y: 73.6599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 165.1 y: 76.1999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Display_Character entryName: WC1602A position: x: 142.24 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: DS1 position: x: 144.2594 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: HD44780 position: x: 144.2594 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 154.94 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 162.56 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 162.56 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 162.56 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 142.24 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 162.56 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 142.24 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 142.24 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 142.24 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 154.94 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 154.94 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 154.94 y: 77.47 angle: 0 junctions: [] noConnects: [] busEntries: - position: x: 121.92 y: 87.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 74.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 72.39 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 77.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 92.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 85.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 90.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 121.92 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 82.55 - x: 121.92 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 74.93 - x: 121.92 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 97.79 - x: 121.92 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 95.25 - x: 121.92 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 92.71 - x: 121.92 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 69.85 - x: 121.92 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 77.47 - x: 132.08 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 85.09 - x: 154.94 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 87.63 - x: 132.08 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 74.93 - x: 132.08 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - x: 132.08 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 85.09 - x: 121.92 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 69.85 - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - x: 121.92 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 74.93 - x: 158.75 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 82.55 - x: 154.94 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 100.33 - x: 132.08 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 26.67 - x: 44.45 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 87.63 - x: 121.92 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 24.13 - x: 44.45 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 95.25 - x: 132.08 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 80.01 - x: 132.08 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 105.41 - x: 132.08 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 90.17 - x: 132.08 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 90.17 - x: 121.92 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 97.79 - x: 132.08 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 92.71 - x: 132.08 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 100.33 - x: 121.92 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 82.55 - x: 121.92 y: 82.55 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Microcontroller development board
libSymbols: - 74xx:74HC04 - BB816:W65C51NxP - Connector:USB_B - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - Interface_USB:MCP2221AxP - Oscillator:CXO_DIP8 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 176.53 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 176.53 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 176.53 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 240.03 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 240.03 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 240.03 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 198.12 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 198.12 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 198.12 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 162.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 137.16 y: 154.5082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 156.8196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0125' position: x: 160.02 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 222.25 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0126' position: x: 222.25 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 222.25 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 93.98 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 93.98 y: 127 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 93.98 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 176.53 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R34 position: x: 179.07 y: 80.0099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 179.07 y: 82.5499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 231.14 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R36 position: x: 233.68 y: 86.3599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 233.68 y: 88.8999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 187.96 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 190.5 y: 85.0899 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB Reset position: x: 190.5 y: 87.6299 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 139.7 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C40 position: x: 142.24 y: 106.6862 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470n position: x: 142.24 y: 109.2262 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 222.25 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R35 position: x: 224.79 y: 86.3599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 224.79 y: 88.8999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 20.32 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 20.32 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 20.701 y: 178.4858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 76.2 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 76.2 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 76.2 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 93.98 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 93.98 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 93.98 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 20.32 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 22.86 y: 184.1562 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 22.86 y: 186.6962 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 160.02 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0124' position: x: 160.02 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 160.02 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 246.38 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 248.92 y: 92.7099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_I2C position: x: 248.92 y: 95.2499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.75 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C38 position: x: 34.29 y: 184.1562 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 34.29 y: 186.6962 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 76.2 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: W65C51NxP position: x: 76.2 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 78.2194 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W65C51NxP position: x: 78.2194 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 137.16 y: 140.5382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 142.8496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Oscillator entryName: CXO_DIP8 position: x: 93.98 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: X2 position: x: 88.9 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1.8432MHz position: x: 101.6 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0127' position: x: 139.7 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 93.98 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 93.98 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 93.98 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 231.14 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 231.14 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 231.14 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 20.32 y: 187.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 20.32 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 20.447 y: 192.3542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 137.16 y: 167.2082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74HC04 position: x: 137.16 y: 169.5196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 181.61 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 181.61 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 185.42 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Interface_USB entryName: MCP2221AxP position: x: 160.02 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 154.94 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP2221AxP position: x: 173.99 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_B position: x: 198.12 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 204.47 y: 102.8699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_B position: x: 204.47 y: 105.4099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 43.18 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C39 position: x: 45.72 y: 184.1562 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 45.72 y: 186.6962 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 240.03 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 240.03 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 240.03 y: 82.55 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 231.14 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.75 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.25 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.32 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.32 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.75 y: 187.96 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 200.66 y: 114.3 angle: null - position: x: 86.36 y: 50.8 angle: null - position: x: 91.44 y: 78.74 angle: null - position: x: 91.44 y: 111.76 angle: null - position: x: 91.44 y: 104.14 angle: null - position: x: 91.44 y: 83.82 angle: null - position: x: 190.5 y: 99.06 angle: null busEntries: - position: x: 50.8 y: 124.46 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 121.92 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 127 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 116.84 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 129.54 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 111.76 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 114.3 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 50.8 y: 119.38 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 109.22 - x: 50.8 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 109.22 - x: 60.96 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 87.63 - x: 137.16 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 114.3 - x: 198.12 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 96.52 - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 22.86 - x: 29.21 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 121.92 - x: 50.8 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 35.56 - x: 29.21 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 162.56 - x: 129.54 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 50.8 - x: 104.14 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 73.66 - x: 217.17 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 109.22 - x: 264.16 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 76.2 - x: 91.44 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 109.22 - x: 50.8 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 175.26 - x: 129.54 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 92.71 - x: 222.25 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 182.88 - x: 31.75 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 91.44 - x: 50.8 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 92.71 - x: 241.3 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 116.84 - x: 60.96 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 114.3 - x: 93.98 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 92.71 - x: 137.16 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 99.06 - x: 240.03 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 25.4 - x: 29.21 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 116.84 - x: 50.8 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 85.09 - x: 231.14 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 106.68 - x: 190.5 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 30.48 - x: 29.21 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 106.68 - x: 93.98 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 95.25 - x: 241.3 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 132.08 - x: 60.96 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 85.09 - x: 182.88 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 114.3 - x: 50.8 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 104.14 - x: 139.7 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 90.17 - x: 137.16 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 85.09 - x: 222.25 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 73.66 - x: 264.16 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 22.86 - x: 64.77 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 92.71 - x: 222.25 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 148.59 - x: 152.4 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 27.94 - x: 29.21 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 187.96 - x: 31.75 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 96.52 - x: 148.59 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 127 - x: 50.8 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 78.74 - x: 60.96 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 97.79 - x: 241.3 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 96.52 - x: 50.8 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 90.17 - x: 241.3 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 121.92 - x: 60.96 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 76.2 - x: 60.96 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 124.46 - x: 60.96 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 119.38 - x: 60.96 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 99.06 - x: 148.59 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 109.22 - x: 264.16 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 27.94 - x: 64.77 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 99.06 - x: 60.96 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 104.14 - x: 190.5 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 104.14 - x: 148.59 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 148.59 - x: 129.54 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 41.91 - x: 40.64 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 91.44 - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 95.25 - x: 231.14 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 88.9 - x: 53.34 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 25.4 - x: 64.77 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 30.48 - x: 64.77 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 119.38 - x: 93.98 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 175.26 - x: 152.4 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 129.54 - x: 60.96 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 187.96 - x: 43.18 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 87.63 - x: 240.03 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 111.76 - x: 50.8 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 114.3 - x: 60.96 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 39.37 - x: 40.64 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 50.8 - x: 104.14 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 162.56 - x: 152.4 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 114.3 - x: 93.98 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 124.46 - x: 50.8 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 85.09 - x: 148.59 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 87.63 - x: 182.88 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 85.09 - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 119.38 - x: 50.8 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 106.68 - x: 93.98 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 127 - x: 60.96 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 119.38 - x: 93.98 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 182.88 - x: 43.18 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 83.82 - x: 176.53 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 83.82 - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 33.02 - x: 29.21 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 91.44 - x: 50.8 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 95.25 - x: 231.14 y: 95.25 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for 8-bit DIP switch circuit
libSymbols: - BB816:LED-Array-8 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x08 - Device:R_Network08 - Switch:SW_DIP_x08 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: BB816 entryName: LED-Array-8 position: x: 130.81 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: BAR8 position: x: 130.81 y: 44.831 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red position: x: 130.81 y: 47.1424 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 143.51 y: 58.42 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: RN8 position: x: 143.51 y: 45.085 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 143.51 y: 47.3964 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DIP_x08 position: x: 68.58 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW6 position: x: 68.58 y: 44.0182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_DIP_x08 position: x: 68.58 y: 46.3296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 149.86 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 149.86 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 149.987 y: 74.2442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 58.42 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 58.42 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 58.801 y: 45.1358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Network08 position: x: 85.09 y: 77.47 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: RN7 position: x: 97.282 y: 76.3016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 97.282 y: 78.613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 95.25 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 95.25 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 95.377 y: 88.2142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x08 position: x: 109.22 y: 41.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 110.49 y: 35.56 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Tester position: x: 110.49 y: 38.1 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 82.55 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.17 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 60.96 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 66.04 - x: 76.2 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 68.58 - x: 60.96 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 72.39 - x: 77.47 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 66.04 - x: 80.01 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 83.82 - x: 95.25 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 68.58 - x: 138.43 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 50.8 - x: 101.6 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 53.34 - x: 138.43 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 60.96 - x: 85.09 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 53.34 - x: 60.96 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 50.8 - x: 58.42 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 53.34 - x: 58.42 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 46.99 - x: 101.6 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 63.5 - x: 58.42 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 72.39 - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 60.96 - x: 111.76 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 46.99 - x: 119.38 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 63.5 - x: 60.96 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 63.5 - x: 82.55 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 66.04 - x: 135.89 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 63.5 - x: 82.55 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 60.96 - x: 58.42 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 68.58 - x: 77.47 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - x: 87.63 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 63.5 - x: 138.43 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 66.04 - x: 58.42 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 46.99 - x: 116.84 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 46.99 - x: 111.76 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 66.04 - x: 80.01 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 60.96 - x: 76.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 58.42 - x: 125.73 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - x: 76.2 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 46.99 - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 60.96 - x: 135.89 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 60.96 - x: 85.09 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 58.42 - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 55.88 - x: 58.42 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 58.42 - x: 58.42 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 53.34 - x: 92.71 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 55.88 - x: 76.2 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 46.99 - x: 109.22 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - x: 125.73 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 50.8 - x: 58.42 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - x: 109.22 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 55.88 - x: 106.68 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 55.88 - x: 135.89 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 60.96 - x: 58.42 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 66.04 - x: 116.84 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 50.8 - x: 135.89 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 68.58 - x: 148.59 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 46.99 - x: 104.14 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 66.04 - x: 58.42 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 55.88 - x: 90.17 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 49.53 - x: 58.42 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 68.58 - x: 119.38 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 69.85 - x: 149.86 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 55.88 - x: 90.17 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 68.58 - x: 125.73 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 55.88 - x: 58.42 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 72.39 - x: 92.71 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 46.99 - x: 106.68 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 53.34 - x: 104.14 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 58.42 - x: 60.96 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 58.42 - x: 138.43 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 53.34 - x: 125.73 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 50.8 - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 63.5 - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A power circuit.
libSymbols: - Bast_WAN-rescue:AP2112K-3.3TRG1-electroniccats - Bast_WAN-rescue:ATECC608A-SSHDA-Security - Bast_WAN-rescue:DMG2301L-Transistor_FET - Bast_WAN-rescue:RAK4260-electroniccats - Battery_Management:MCP73831-3-OT - Connector:Conn_01x04_Male - Connector:USB_B_Micro - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x12 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x16 - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x01 - Device:Antenna_Shield - Device:C_Small - Device:LED - Device:R_Small - Diode:MBR340 - Switch:SW_Push - power:+3.3V - power:+3V3 - power:+BATT - power:GND - power:VBUS schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_B_Micro position: x: 28.956 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 28.956 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 22.606 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 103.505 y: 121.666 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 103.505 y: 128.016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 103.505 y: 125.476 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 103.505 y: 106.426 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 103.505 y: 110.236 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 103.505 y: 102.616 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x01 position: x: 103.505 y: 112.776 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 106.045 y: 116.586 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 100.965 y: 114.046 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x12 position: x: 99.949 y: 45.593 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 99.949 y: 30.353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 97.409 y: 50.673 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x16 position: x: 83.439 y: 50.673 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 83.439 y: 30.353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 85.979 y: 50.673 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 106.299 y: 31.623 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 106.299 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 106.299 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 112.649 y: 31.623 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 112.649 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 112.649 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 37.846 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 37.846 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 37.846 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 27.686 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 27.686 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 27.686 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 77.089 y: 30.353 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 77.089 y: 34.163 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 77.089 y: 26.543 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 69.723 y: 40.767 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 69.723 y: 47.117 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 69.723 y: 44.577 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bast_WAN-rescue entryName: RAK4260-electroniccats position: x: 226.187 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 226.822 y: 19.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 226.822 y: 21.9964 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 204.724 y: 90.297 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 204.724 y: 96.647 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 204.851 y: 94.6912 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 204.978 y: 24.257 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 204.978 y: 28.067 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 205.359 y: 19.8628 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bast_WAN-rescue entryName: AP2112K-3.3TRG1-electroniccats position: x: 61.595 y: 111.887 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 55.118 y: 103.251 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 61.595 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Battery_Management entryName: MCP73831-3-OT position: x: 36.576 y: 169.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 43.307 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 26.162 y: 162.814 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Antenna_Shield position: x: 152.654 y: 31.623 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: AE1 position: x: 156.3116 y: 30.6324 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 156.3116 y: 32.9438 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 159.893 y: 41.783 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 162.052 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 162.941 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 155.194 y: 37.846 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 155.194 y: 44.196 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 158.115 y: 38.481 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 75.311 y: 119.634 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 75.311 y: 125.984 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 75.438 y: 124.0282 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 85.725 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 85.725 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 86.106 y: 101.0158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 37.338 y: 93.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 37.338 y: 97.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 37.465 y: 89.662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 43.18 y: 110.363 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 39.624 y: 108.839 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 37.719 y: 112.268 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: MBR340 position: x: 32.258 y: 106.807 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 35.56 y: 109.474 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 32.766 y: 115.57 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 43.18 y: 114.046 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 43.18 y: 120.396 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.307 y: 118.4402 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 76.708 y: 110.744 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 79.0448 y: 109.5756 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 79.0448 y: 111.887 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 53.721 y: 169.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 56.0578 y: 168.3766 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 56.0578 y: 170.688 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.708 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 76.708 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 79.629 y: 116.713 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 28.448 y: 97.917 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 28.448 y: 101.727 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 28.829 y: 93.5228 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 28.448 y: 110.871 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 21.844 y: 108.712 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 26.543 y: 112.776 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 28.448 y: 114.554 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 28.448 y: 120.904 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 28.575 y: 118.9482 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bast_WAN-rescue entryName: DMG2301L-Transistor_FET position: x: 34.798 y: 100.203 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 30.988 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 40.132 y: 105.283 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 36.576 y: 179.197 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR041' position: x: 36.576 y: 185.547 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 36.703 y: 183.5912 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 36.576 y: 158.369 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR032' position: x: 36.576 y: 162.179 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 36.957 y: 153.9748 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 58.039 y: 166.751 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR035' position: x: 58.039 y: 170.561 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 58.42 y: 162.3568 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.721 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR036' position: x: 53.721 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 56.261 y: 176.022 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 48.006 y: 177.546 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 49.5046 y: 176.3776 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 49.5046 y: 178.689 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 48.006 y: 184.912 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 49.9872 y: 183.5658 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 49.9872 y: 185.8772 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 43.18 y: 189.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR042' position: x: 43.18 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.561 y: 184.8358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 21.463 y: 172.085 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 21.463 y: 167.1066 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 21.463 y: 169.418 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 17.145 y: 175.514 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR038' position: x: 17.145 y: 181.864 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 17.272 y: 179.9082 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 153.289 y: 121.031 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 154.7876 y: 119.8626 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 154.7876 y: 122.174 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 153.289 y: 130.302 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 154.7876 y: 129.1336 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 154.7876 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 153.289 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 153.289 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 153.67 y: 111.1758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 153.289 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 153.289 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 153.416 y: 139.0142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 264.541 y: 132.588 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 264.541 y: 138.938 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 264.668 y: 136.9822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 264.541 y: 119.507 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 264.541 y: 123.317 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 264.922 y: 115.1128 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 196.596 y: 123.825 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 197.358 y: 123.063 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 197.485 y: 124.587 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 202.184 y: 123.698 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 203.2 y: 123.063 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 203.2 y: 124.587 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 194.564 y: 31.115 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 191.643 y: 29.464 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 187.833 y: 32.766 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 194.564 y: 34.798 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 194.564 y: 41.148 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 194.691 y: 39.1922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 153.162 y: 162.052 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 153.162 y: 154.813 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 153.162 y: 157.1244 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 145.796 y: 163.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR033' position: x: 145.796 y: 169.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 145.923 y: 167.5892 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 199.517 y: 118.745 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 199.517 y: 122.555 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 199.898 y: 114.3508 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 99.568 y: 166.243 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 99.3902 y: 160.7566 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 99.3902 y: 163.068 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 90.805 y: 166.243 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 90.805 y: 161.2646 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 90.805 y: 163.576 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 86.487 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR043' position: x: 86.487 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 86.614 y: 172.0342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 46.863 y: 109.347 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 48.3616 y: 108.1786 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 48.3616 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bast_WAN-rescue entryName: ATECC608A-SSHDA-Security position: x: 186.817 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 180.975 y: 129.6416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 208.153 y: 137.414 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 186.817 y: 121.031 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 186.817 y: 124.841 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 187.198 y: 116.6368 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 140.335 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 186.817 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 186.944 y: 144.7292 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 75.819 y: 70.993 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 75.819 y: 77.343 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 75.946 y: 75.3872 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bast_WAN-rescue entryName: D_TVS_ALT-Device position: x: 168.021 y: 47.752 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 170.0276 y: 46.5836 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 170.0276 y: 48.895 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.021 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 168.021 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 170.942 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 251.079 y: 124.587 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 253.8222 y: 117.4496 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 253.8222 y: 119.761 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 153.289 y: 125.857 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.021 y: 41.783 angle: 0 - position: x: 75.819 y: 40.513 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.721 y: 167.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.338 y: 106.807 angle: 0 - position: x: 199.517 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - position: x: 27.686 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.596 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 28.448 y: 106.807 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.18 y: 106.807 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.708 y: 106.807 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.978 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 28.448 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.978 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.863 y: 106.807 angle: 0 - position: x: 202.184 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.724 y: 67.31 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 36.576 y: 38.1 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 58.293 - x: 106.299 y: 58.293 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 45.72 - x: 205.232 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 69.85 - x: 204.724 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 131.318 y: 135.509 - x: 12.319 y: 135.509 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 63.5 - x: 247.523 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 106.299 y: 32.893 - x: 106.299 y: 31.623 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 50.8 - x: 205.232 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 72.39 - x: 204.724 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 75.819 y: 37.973 - x: 75.819 y: 40.513 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 63.373 - x: 75.819 y: 63.373 - type: wire points: - x: 148.082 y: 162.052 - x: 145.796 y: 162.052 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 58.293 - x: 75.819 y: 58.293 - type: wire points: - x: 204.978 y: 25.4 - x: 204.978 y: 24.257 - type: wire points: - x: 177.165 y: 144.018 - x: 131.318 y: 144.018 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 38.1 - x: 205.232 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 25.4 - x: 204.978 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 29.718 y: 100.203 - x: 28.448 y: 100.203 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 49.53 - x: 248.666 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 77.47 - x: 204.724 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 62.23 - x: 204.724 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 76.708 y: 113.284 - x: 76.708 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 35.56 - x: 248.285 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 36.576 y: 177.165 - x: 36.576 y: 179.197 - type: wire points: - x: 196.596 y: 133.35 - x: 204.216 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 82.55 - x: 204.724 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 26.416 y: 44.45 - x: 26.416 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 28.448 y: 106.807 - x: 28.448 y: 108.331 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 106.807 - x: 85.725 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 78.74 - x: 248.031 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 35.433 - x: 77.089 y: 35.433 - type: wire points: - x: 112.649 y: 31.623 - x: 112.649 y: 37.973 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 33.02 - x: 248.158 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 65.913 - x: 75.819 y: 65.913 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 48.133 - x: 75.819 y: 48.133 - type: wire points: - x: 153.289 y: 132.842 - x: 153.289 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 53.213 - x: 106.299 y: 53.213 - type: wire points: - x: 202.184 y: 128.27 - x: 203.835 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 37.338 y: 95.123 - x: 37.338 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 103.378 y: 166.243 - x: 106.934 y: 166.243 - type: wire points: - x: 264.541 y: 122.047 - x: 256.159 y: 122.047 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 55.753 - x: 75.819 y: 55.753 - type: wire points: - x: 75.819 y: 40.513 - x: 78.359 y: 40.513 - type: wire points: - x: 158.242 y: 162.052 - x: 161.417 y: 162.052 - type: wire points: - x: 86.487 y: 166.243 - x: 86.487 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 194.437 y: 128.27 - x: 202.184 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 194.437 y: 133.35 - x: 196.596 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 264.541 y: 132.588 - x: 264.541 y: 129.667 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 45.593 - x: 75.819 y: 45.593 - type: wire points: - x: 27.686 y: 44.45 - x: 26.416 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 72.39 - x: 204.724 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 66.04 - x: 247.65 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 168.021 y: 51.562 - x: 168.021 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 168.021 y: 41.783 - x: 176.911 y: 41.783 - type: wire points: - x: 58.039 y: 167.005 - x: 58.039 y: 166.751 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 116.967 - x: 75.311 y: 116.967 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 62.23 - x: 204.724 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 80.01 - x: 204.724 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 107.823 - x: 43.18 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 152.654 y: 36.703 - x: 152.654 y: 41.783 - type: wire points: - x: 77.089 y: 30.353 - x: 77.089 y: 35.433 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 38.1 - x: 248.285 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 37.973 - x: 112.649 y: 37.973 - type: wire points: - x: 47.498 y: 111.887 - x: 48.895 y: 111.887 - type: wire points: - x: 46.736 y: 167.005 - x: 53.721 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 37.338 y: 106.807 - x: 36.068 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 50.673 - x: 75.819 y: 50.673 - type: wire points: - x: 53.721 y: 172.085 - x: 53.721 y: 173.355 - type: wire points: - x: 36.576 y: 27.94 - x: 37.846 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 152.654 y: 41.783 - x: 157.353 y: 41.783 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 43.053 - x: 106.299 y: 43.053 - type: wire points: - x: 48.006 y: 181.102 - x: 48.006 y: 180.086 - type: wire points: - x: 48.006 y: 189.992 - x: 43.18 y: 189.992 - type: wire points: - x: 88.265 y: 166.243 - x: 86.487 y: 166.243 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 106.807 - x: 46.863 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 46.736 y: 172.085 - x: 48.006 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 153.289 y: 127.762 - x: 153.289 y: 125.857 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 59.69 - x: 204.724 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 199.517 y: 120.015 - x: 196.596 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 196.596 y: 120.015 - x: 196.596 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 27.686 y: 44.45 - x: 27.686 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 83.82 - x: 248.285 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 43.053 - x: 75.819 y: 43.053 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 64.77 - x: 204.724 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 264.541 y: 129.667 - x: 256.159 y: 129.667 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 48.133 - x: 106.299 y: 48.133 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 27.94 - x: 248.031 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 82.55 - x: 204.724 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 69.723 y: 40.513 - x: 75.819 y: 40.513 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 64.77 - x: 204.724 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 45.593 - x: 106.299 y: 45.593 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 33.02 - x: 206.502 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 66.929 y: 197.993 - x: 66.802 y: 197.993 - type: wire points: - x: 47.498 y: 111.887 - x: 47.498 y: 112.776 - type: wire points: - x: 28.448 y: 100.203 - x: 28.448 y: 97.917 - type: wire points: - x: 202.184 y: 120.015 - x: 199.517 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 186.817 y: 138.43 - x: 186.817 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 28.956 y: 43.18 - x: 28.956 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 202.184 y: 126.238 - x: 202.184 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 85.09 - x: 204.724 y: 90.297 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 70.993 - x: 75.819 y: 70.993 - type: wire points: - x: 69.723 y: 40.513 - x: 69.723 y: 40.767 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 57.15 - x: 204.724 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 37.973 - x: 75.819 y: 37.973 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 106.807 - x: 37.338 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 47.498 y: 112.776 - x: 46.863 y: 112.776 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 57.15 - x: 248.412 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 53.34 - x: 205.486 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 52.07 - x: 248.412 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 32.893 - x: 75.819 y: 32.893 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 60.833 - x: 106.299 y: 60.833 - type: wire points: - x: 131.826 y: 79.248 - x: 131.826 y: 11.938 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 112.903 - x: 43.18 y: 114.046 - type: wire points: - x: 18.923 y: 172.085 - x: 17.145 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 27.94 - x: 204.978 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 120.396 - x: 103.505 y: 121.666 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 54.61 - x: 248.285 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 172.085 - x: 17.145 y: 175.514 - type: wire points: - x: 28.956 y: 44.45 - x: 27.686 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 202.184 y: 121.158 - x: 202.184 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 153.289 y: 118.491 - x: 153.289 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 153.289 y: 125.857 - x: 153.289 y: 123.571 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 76.2 - x: 248.031 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 106.807 - x: 76.708 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 60.833 - x: 75.819 y: 60.833 - type: wire points: - x: 26.416 y: 172.085 - x: 24.003 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 35.433 - x: 106.299 y: 35.433 - type: wire points: - x: 177.165 y: 166.497 - x: 177.165 y: 96.647 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 189.992 - x: 43.18 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 67.31 - x: 204.724 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 69.85 - x: 204.724 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 36.576 y: 161.925 - x: 36.576 y: 158.369 - type: wire points: - x: 196.596 y: 126.365 - x: 196.596 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 36.576 y: 35.56 - x: 40.64 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 168.021 y: 43.942 - x: 168.021 y: 41.783 - type: wire points: - x: 48.006 y: 172.085 - x: 48.006 y: 175.006 - type: wire points: - x: 28.448 y: 106.807 - x: 28.448 y: 100.203 - type: wire points: - x: 37.338 y: 106.807 - x: 37.338 y: 105.283 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 68.58 - x: 247.904 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 75.311 y: 116.967 - x: 75.311 y: 119.634 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 67.31 - x: 204.724 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 71.12 - x: 247.904 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 48.006 y: 188.722 - x: 48.006 y: 189.992 - type: wire points: - x: 59.817 y: 79.248 - x: 131.826 y: 79.248 - type: wire points: - x: 36.576 y: 33.02 - x: 40.64 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 80.01 - x: 204.724 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 264.541 y: 119.507 - x: 264.541 y: 122.047 - type: wire points: - x: 46.863 y: 106.807 - x: 48.895 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 55.753 - x: 106.299 y: 55.753 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 32.893 - x: 106.299 y: 32.893 - type: wire points: - x: 60.071 y: 78.74 - x: 11.938 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 68.453 - x: 75.819 y: 68.453 - type: wire points: - x: 66.929 y: 135.763 - x: 66.929 y: 197.993 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 77.47 - x: 204.724 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 194.564 y: 27.94 - x: 194.564 y: 28.575 - type: wire points: - x: 53.721 y: 167.005 - x: 58.039 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 162.433 y: 41.783 - x: 168.021 y: 41.783 - type: wire points: - x: 199.517 y: 120.015 - x: 199.517 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 74.93 - x: 204.724 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 46.863 y: 112.776 - x: 46.863 y: 111.887 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 107.696 - x: 103.505 y: 106.426 - type: wire points: - x: 284.353 y: 96.647 - x: 131.572 y: 96.647 - type: wire points: - x: 204.978 y: 27.94 - x: 204.978 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 40.513 - x: 106.299 y: 40.513 - type: wire points: - x: 76.708 y: 106.807 - x: 85.725 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 46.99 - x: 248.666 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 74.93 - x: 204.724 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 145.796 y: 162.052 - x: 145.796 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 40.64 - x: 205.359 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 155.194 y: 36.703 - x: 155.194 y: 37.846 - type: wire points: - x: 105.029 y: 50.673 - x: 106.299 y: 50.673 - type: wire points: - x: 37.846 y: 27.94 - x: 37.846 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 28.448 y: 113.411 - x: 28.448 y: 114.554 - type: wire points: - x: 194.564 y: 33.655 - x: 194.564 y: 34.798 - type: wire points: - x: 204.724 y: 57.15 - x: 204.724 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 186.817 y: 123.19 - x: 186.817 y: 121.031 - type: wire points: - x: 153.289 y: 125.857 - x: 148.971 y: 125.857 - type: wire points: - x: 229.997 y: 96.647 - x: 229.997 y: 165.989 - type: wire points: - x: 95.758 y: 166.243 - x: 93.345 y: 166.243 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 48.26 - x: 205.232 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 59.69 - x: 204.724 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 81.28 - x: 248.158 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 204.978 y: 27.94 - x: 194.564 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 131.572 y: 79.756 - x: 131.572 y: 197.739 - type: wire points: - x: 76.708 y: 108.204 - x: 76.708 y: 106.807 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 43.18 - x: 205.359 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 245.237 y: 30.48 - x: 248.031 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 60.071 y: 12.446 - x: 60.071 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 78.359 y: 53.213 - x: 75.819 y: 53.213 - type: wire points: - x: 208.407 y: 85.09 - x: 204.724 y: 85.09 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for CAN/LIN interface circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Interface_CAN_LIN:TJA1051T-3 - power:+3.3V - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 125.73 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 128.651 y: 106.7816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 128.651 y: 109.093 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Interface_CAN_LIN entryName: TJA1051T-3 position: x: 149.86 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 143.51 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TJA1051T-3 position: x: 143.51 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 125.73 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 125.857 y: 117.4242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 160.02 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.21 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 125.73 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 125.73 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 121.92 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 153.67 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 153.67 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 154.051 y: 73.0758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 160.02 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 162.941 y: 82.6516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 162.941 y: 84.963 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 149.86 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 149.86 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 149.987 y: 118.6942 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 149.86 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 102.87 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 110.49 - x: 149.86 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 95.25 - x: 133.35 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - x: 137.16 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 77.47 - x: 153.67 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 78.74 - x: 153.67 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 105.41 - x: 134.62 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 102.87 - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 113.03 - x: 149.86 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 111.76 - x: 125.73 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 97.79 - x: 166.37 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 104.14 - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 113.03 - x: 149.86 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 85.09 - x: 149.86 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 85.09 - x: 149.86 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 80.01 - x: 160.02 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 78.74 - x: 153.67 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 87.63 - x: 160.02 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 97.79 - x: 133.35 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 105.41 - x: 134.62 y: 113.03 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Dual op-amp circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:D - Device:Opamp_Dual - Device:R - power:+3.3V - power:-BATT - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 157.48 y: 124.46 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R41 position: x: 157.48 y: 119.2022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 157.48 y: 121.5136 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 120.65 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R35 position: x: 122.428 y: 114.4016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220k position: x: 122.428 y: 116.713 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 120.65 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR053' position: x: 120.65 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 121.031 y: 104.8258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 163.83 y: 128.27 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 166.751 y: 127.1016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 166.751 y: 129.413 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR055' position: x: 163.83 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 163.957 y: 136.4742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 185.42 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 185.42 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 185.42 y: 119.9896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 127 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R33 position: x: 102.87 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 107.95 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 226.06 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR058' position: x: 226.06 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 226.441 y: 113.7158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 226.06 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR059' position: x: 226.06 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 226.187 y: 137.7442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 130.81 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 130.81 y: 117.475 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 130.81 y: 117.4496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 228.6 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 227.5332 y: 124.5616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 227.5332 y: 126.873 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 120.65 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R34 position: x: 122.428 y: 63.6016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220k position: x: 122.428 y: 65.913 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 114.2474 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D16 position: x: 111.76 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 111.76 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 157.48 y: 73.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R40 position: x: 157.48 y: 68.4022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 157.48 y: 70.7136 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 163.83 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 166.751 y: 76.3016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 166.751 y: 78.613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: -BATT position: x: 93.98 y: 127 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0169' position: x: 93.98 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: -BATT position: x: 93.599 y: 131.3942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR051' position: x: 114.3 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.427 y: 139.0142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 228.6 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 227.5332 y: 73.7616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 227.5332 y: 76.073 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 124.46 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R39 position: x: 146.05 y: 119.2022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 146.05 y: 121.5136 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 114.3 y: 80.01 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D17 position: x: 112.2934 y: 81.1784 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 111.76 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR054' position: x: 163.83 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 163.957 y: 85.6742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 114.2474 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR048' position: x: 114.2474 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 114.6284 y: 59.1058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 130.81 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 130.81 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 130.81 y: 66.6496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: -BATT position: x: 93.98 y: 76.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0168' position: x: 93.98 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: -BATT position: x: 93.599 y: 80.5942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 185.42 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 185.42 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 185.42 y: 69.1896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 222.25 y: 125.73 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 219.329 y: 126.8984 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 219.329 y: 124.587 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 181.61 y: 63.5 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C34 position: x: 180.4416 y: 60.579 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 182.753 y: 60.579 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 114.2474 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D15 position: x: 111.76 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 111.76 y: 63.5 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 127 y: 137.16 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R37 position: x: 125.8316 y: 135.382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 128.143 y: 135.382 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 181.61 y: 114.3 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C35 position: x: 180.4416 y: 111.379 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 182.753 y: 111.379 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 114.3 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.427 y: 88.2142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 71.12 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R30 position: x: 104.14 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 109.22 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 127 y: 86.36 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R36 position: x: 125.8316 y: 84.582 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 128.143 y: 84.582 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 120.65 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR052' position: x: 120.65 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 121.031 y: 54.0258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 76.2 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R31 position: x: 102.87 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 107.95 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 226.06 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR056' position: x: 226.06 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 226.441 y: 62.9158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R32 position: x: 104.14 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 109.22 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 114.3 y: 130.81 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D18 position: x: 112.2934 y: 131.9784 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 111.76 y: 134.62 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 114.2474 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR049' position: x: 114.2474 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 114.6284 y: 109.9058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 222.25 y: 74.93 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C36 position: x: 219.329 y: 76.0984 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 219.329 y: 73.787 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 73.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R38 position: x: 146.05 y: 68.4022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 146.05 y: 70.7136 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 226.06 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR057' position: x: 226.06 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 226.187 y: 86.9442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 163.83 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.2474 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.2474 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 76.2 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 129.54 - x: 177.8 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 78.74 - x: 177.8 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 71.12 - x: 123.19 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 114.3 - x: 177.8 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 124.46 - x: 140.97 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 124.46 - x: 163.83 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 114.2474 y: 71.12 - x: 120.65 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 76.2 - x: 120.65 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 137.16 - x: 123.19 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 127 - x: 114.3 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 73.66 - x: 152.4 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 71.12 - x: 222.25 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 114.3 - x: 195.58 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 78.74 - x: 222.25 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 121.92 - x: 222.25 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 73.66 - x: 153.67 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 118.11 - x: 226.06 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 124.46 - x: 152.4 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 137.16 - x: 140.97 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 127 - x: 120.65 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 121.92 - x: 114.2474 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 73.66 - x: 142.24 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 76.2 - x: 120.65 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 86.36 - x: 140.97 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 129.54 - x: 173.99 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 82.55 - x: 226.06 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 135.89 - x: 195.58 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 67.31 - x: 226.06 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 121.92 - x: 123.19 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 76.2 - x: 199.39 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 124.46 - x: 142.24 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 71.12 - x: 114.2474 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 63.5 - x: 195.58 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 76.2 - x: 114.3 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 63.5 - x: 177.8 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 71.12 - x: 101.6 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 124.46 - x: 163.83 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 86.36 - x: 140.97 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 121.92 - x: 101.6 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 127 - x: 101.6 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 127 - x: 120.65 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 58.42 - x: 120.65 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 86.36 - x: 123.19 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 73.66 - x: 140.97 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 137.16 - x: 140.97 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 85.09 - x: 195.58 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 114.2474 y: 121.92 - x: 120.65 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 73.66 - x: 163.83 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 63.5 - x: 195.58 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 73.66 - x: 152.4 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 76.2 - x: 195.58 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 119.38 - x: 120.65 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 124.46 - x: 153.67 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 127 - x: 120.65 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 76.2 - x: 120.65 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 127 - x: 195.58 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 109.22 - x: 120.65 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 76.2 - x: 101.6 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 133.35 - x: 226.06 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 78.74 - x: 173.99 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 127 - x: 199.39 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 129.54 - x: 222.25 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 124.46 - x: 152.4 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 135.89 - x: 195.58 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 68.58 - x: 120.65 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 73.66 - x: 163.83 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 114.3 - x: 195.58 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 85.09 - x: 195.58 y: 76.2 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Simple open circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:R - Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Open - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 140.97 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 142.748 y: 104.2416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '56' position: x: 142.748 y: 106.553 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 152.4 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 155.321 y: 104.2416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 155.321 y: 106.553 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 152.4 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 152.4 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 152.527 y: 114.8842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: SolderJumper_2_Open position: x: 140.97 y: 86.36 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 142.6972 y: 85.1916 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SolderJumper_2_Open position: x: 142.6972 y: 87.503 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: SolderJumper_2_Open position: x: 140.97 y: 116.84 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: JP2 position: x: 142.6972 y: 115.6716 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SolderJumper_2_Open position: x: 142.6972 y: 117.983 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 140.97 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 142.748 y: 94.0816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '56' position: x: 142.748 y: 96.393 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 140.97 y: 100.33 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 109.22 - x: 140.97 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 82.55 - x: 140.97 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 99.06 - x: 140.97 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 101.6 - x: 152.4 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 81.28 - x: 140.97 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 120.65 - x: 140.97 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 100.33 - x: 140.97 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 110.49 - x: 152.4 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 90.17 - x: 140.97 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 100.33 - x: 140.97 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 121.92 - x: 140.97 y: 121.92 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for LED driver circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:D - Device:LED - Device:R - power:+3.3V - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 74.93 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0198' position: x: 130.81 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 128.8542 y: 74.803 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0200' position: x: 151.13 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 151.257 y: 107.2642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 139.7 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 142.24 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 142.24 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 162.56 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 165.1 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 165.1 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 130.81 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 133.35 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 133.35 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 184.15 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D10 position: x: 190.627 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 188.3156 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 171.45 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D8 position: x: 177.927 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 175.6156 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0201' position: x: 130.81 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.937 y: 142.8242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 199.39 y: 86.36 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R27 position: x: 199.39 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 199.39 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 167.64 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0203' position: x: 167.64 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 168.021 y: 54.0258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 180.34 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 177.8 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 180.34 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 205.74 y: 91.44 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R29 position: x: 205.74 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 205.74 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 167.64 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 165.1 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 167.64 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 193.04 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R24 position: x: 193.04 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 193.04 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 171.45 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 173.99 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 171.45 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 151.13 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 153.67 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 153.67 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 158.75 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 165.227 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 162.9156 y: 64.9478 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 130.81 y: 121.92 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 132.8166 y: 120.7516 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 132.8166 y: 123.063 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 184.15 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R22 position: x: 186.69 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 184.15 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 154.94 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 152.4 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 154.94 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 158.75 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 161.29 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 158.75 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 130.81 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0199' position: x: 130.81 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 131.191 y: 112.4458 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 167.64 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 86.36 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 102.87 - x: 151.13 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 68.58 - x: 154.94 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 76.2 - x: 171.45 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 91.44 - x: 184.15 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 68.58 - x: 180.34 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 81.28 - x: 196.85 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 68.58 - x: 167.64 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 76.2 - x: 184.15 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 128.27 - x: 130.81 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 128.27 - x: 130.81 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 101.6 - x: 139.7 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 125.73 - x: 130.81 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 101.6 - x: 162.56 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 60.96 - x: 171.45 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 60.96 - x: 158.75 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 138.43 - x: 130.81 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 74.93 - x: 124.46 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 60.96 - x: 167.64 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 81.28 - x: 139.7 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 86.36 - x: 203.2 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 101.6 - x: 151.13 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 91.44 - x: 201.93 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 101.6 - x: 162.56 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 81.28 - x: 189.23 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 81.28 - x: 154.94 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 101.6 - x: 151.13 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 86.36 - x: 167.64 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 60.96 - x: 184.15 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 91.44 - x: 162.56 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - x: 180.34 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 116.84 - x: 130.81 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 76.2 - x: 158.75 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 81.28 - x: 158.75 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 91.44 - x: 180.34 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 81.28 - x: 139.7 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 58.42 - x: 167.64 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 76.2 - x: 167.64 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 86.36 - x: 151.13 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 86.36 - x: 171.45 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 76.2 - x: 154.94 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 60.96 - x: 180.34 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 91.44 - x: 209.55 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 86.36 - x: 151.13 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 86.36 - x: 195.58 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 91.44 - x: 162.56 y: 92.71 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Buck converter circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:C_Polarized - Device:D - Device:R - Device:Varistor - Driver_FET:IRS2304 - Transistor_FET:BSP89 - power:+BATT - power:+VSW - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 114.3 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C71 position: x: 117.2972 y: 82.6516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47u LKMD0901K470MF position: x: 99.06 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 109.22 y: 63.5 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D34 position: x: 109.22 y: 57.9882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 109.22 y: 60.2996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: BSP89 position: x: 140.97 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: V12 position: x: 146.1516 y: 77.5716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CRSS042N10N position: x: 146.1516 y: 79.883 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 132.08 y: 91.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R98 position: x: 132.08 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 130.81 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: BSP89 position: x: 140.97 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: V13 position: x: 146.1516 y: 90.2716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CRSS042N10N position: x: 146.1516 y: 92.583 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 125.73 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R96 position: x: 123.9774 y: 94.0816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 123.9774 y: 96.393 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 123.19 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R95 position: x: 124.968 y: 82.6516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 124.46 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Driver_FET entryName: IRS2304 position: x: 100.33 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 100.33 y: 66.5226 angle: 0 - key: Value value: UCC27712 position: x: 100.33 y: 68.834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 100.33 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0134' position: x: 100.33 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 100.711 y: 56.5658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 88.9 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C70 position: x: 85.9028 y: 99.1616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220u25V LKMD0901E221MF position: x: 85.9028 y: 101.473 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 88.9 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 88.9 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 89.281 y: 90.8558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 97.79 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 97.917 y: 109.8042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 132.08 y: 78.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R97 position: x: 132.08 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 132.08 y: 75.7936 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 171.45 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C72 position: x: 168.529 y: 75.0316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u 100V position: x: 168.529 y: 77.343 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 143.51 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0135' position: x: 143.51 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 143.891 y: 66.7258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 88.9 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R93 position: x: 88.9 y: 76.2762 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 88.9 y: 78.5876 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 88.9 y: 86.36 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R94 position: x: 88.9 y: 81.1022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 88.9 y: 83.4136 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 180.34 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C73 position: x: 183.3372 y: 75.0316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47u LKMD0901K470MF position: x: 183.3372 y: 77.343 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 180.34 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 180.34 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 180.721 y: 66.7258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Varistor position: x: 208.28 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV6 position: x: 210.8962 y: 75.0316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Varistor position: x: 210.8962 y: 77.343 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 100.33 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 97.79 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 78.74 - x: 128.27 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 105.41 - x: 100.33 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 88.9 - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 97.79 - x: 143.51 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - x: 125.73 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 71.12 - x: 171.45 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 85.09 - x: 143.51 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 91.44 - x: 125.73 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 85.09 - x: 143.51 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 87.63 - x: 114.3 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - x: 100.33 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 71.12 - x: 143.51 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 85.09 - x: 180.34 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 91.44 - x: 128.27 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 180.34 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - x: 123.19 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 83.82 - x: 143.51 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 63.5 - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 76.2 - x: 114.3 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 105.41 - x: 97.79 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - x: 88.9 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 97.79 - x: 160.02 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 80.01 - x: 123.19 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 71.12 - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 88.9 - x: 114.3 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 87.63 - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 71.12 - x: 208.28 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 102.87 - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - x: 139.7 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 63.5 - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 96.52 - x: 100.33 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - x: 143.51 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 102.87 - x: 143.51 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 60.96 - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 85.09 - x: 160.02 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 76.2 - x: 114.3 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 80.01 - x: 208.28 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 208.28 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 85.09 - x: 180.34 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 104.14 - x: 88.9 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 76.2 - x: 114.3 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A speaker amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - Bobbycontroller:UCC27517 - Connector:Conn_01x01_Male - Device:C - Device:D - Device:LED - Device:Q_NPN_BCE - Device:R - Device:Speaker - MCU_ST_STM32F1:STM32F103RCTx - Oscillator:ASDMB-xxxMHz - Transistor_FET:BSP89 - power:+3.3V - power:+5V - power:+VSW - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 132.08 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR087' position: x: 132.08 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 132.461 y: 45.1358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 205.74 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 205.74 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 206.121 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 182.88 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR099' position: x: 182.88 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 183.261 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 170.18 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR097' position: x: 170.18 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 170.561 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 157.48 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR095' position: x: 157.48 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 157.861 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 144.78 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR091' position: x: 144.78 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 145.161 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 205.74 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 205.867 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 182.88 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0100' position: x: 182.88 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 183.007 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR098' position: x: 170.18 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.307 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR096' position: x: 157.48 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 157.607 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR092' position: x: 144.78 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.907 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 138.43 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR088' position: x: 138.43 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 138.557 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR089' position: x: 140.97 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 141.097 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 143.51 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR090' position: x: 143.51 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 143.637 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR093' position: x: 146.05 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.177 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR094' position: x: 148.59 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 148.717 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 111.76 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R70 position: x: 113.538 y: 34.3916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 113.538 y: 36.703 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 111.76 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR084' position: x: 111.76 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 112.141 y: 27.3558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 111.76 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C52 position: x: 114.681 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.681 y: 46.863 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 111.76 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR085' position: x: 111.76 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 111.887 y: 53.9242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MCU_ST_STM32F1 entryName: STM32F103RCTx position: x: 143.51 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 143.51 y: 147.0406 angle: 0 - key: Value value: STM32F103RCT position: x: 143.51 y: 149.352 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 185.42 y: 68.58 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R73 position: x: 185.42 y: 63.3222 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 185.42 y: 65.6336 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_NPN_BCE position: x: 194.31 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 199.1614 y: 67.4116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT5551 position: x: 199.1614 y: 69.723 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Speaker position: x: 201.93 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LS1 position: x: 206.248 y: 55.9816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "FS1212 #Rasterma\xDF 6.5" position: x: 206.248 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 196.85 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 196.85 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 197.231 y: 51.4858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 187.96 y: 59.69 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D26 position: x: 189.9666 y: 58.5216 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148W position: x: 189.9666 y: 60.833 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 196.85 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 196.85 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 196.977 y: 78.0542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 184.15 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R72 position: x: 184.15 y: 101.4222 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 184.15 y: 103.7336 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 191.77 y: 106.68 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D27 position: x: 191.9478 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 191.9478 y: 102.5144 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 195.58 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 201.93 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.9742 y: 106.553 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 144.78 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C53 position: x: 147.701 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 147.701 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 157.48 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C54 position: x: 160.401 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 160.401 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 170.18 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C55 position: x: 173.101 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 173.101 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 182.88 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C56 position: x: 185.801 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 185.801 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 193.04 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C57 position: x: 195.961 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 4.7u position: x: 195.961 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 193.04 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 193.04 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 193.167 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 205.74 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C58 position: x: 208.661 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10nF position: x: 208.661 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 215.9 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C59 position: x: 218.821 y: 33.1216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 218.821 y: 35.433 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 215.9 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 215.9 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 216.027 y: 42.4942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 265.43 y: 50.8 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D28 position: x: 265.6078 y: 44.323 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 265.6078 y: 46.6344 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 265.43 y: 62.23 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D29 position: x: 265.6078 y: 55.753 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 265.6078 y: 58.0644 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 265.43 y: 72.39 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D30 position: x: 265.6078 y: 65.913 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 265.6078 y: 68.2244 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 265.43 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D31 position: x: 265.6078 y: 77.343 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 265.6078 y: 79.6544 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 269.24 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 269.24 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 269.367 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 269.24 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 269.24 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 269.367 y: 66.6242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 269.24 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 269.24 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 269.367 y: 76.7842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 269.24 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0121' position: x: 269.24 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 269.367 y: 88.2142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 257.81 y: 62.23 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R78 position: x: 257.81 y: 56.9722 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 20k position: x: 257.81 y: 59.2836 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 257.81 y: 72.39 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R79 position: x: 257.81 y: 67.1322 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3.3k position: x: 257.81 y: 69.4436 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 257.81 y: 83.82 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R80 position: x: 257.81 y: 78.5622 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 257.81 y: 80.8736 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 257.81 y: 50.8 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R77 position: x: 257.81 y: 45.5422 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 257.81 y: 47.8536 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 250.19 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 250.19 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 250.571 y: 57.8358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 250.19 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 250.19 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 250.571 y: 67.9958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 250.19 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 250.19 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 250.571 y: 79.4258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Oscillator entryName: ASDMB-xxxMHz position: x: 88.9 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: X1 position: x: 92.71 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 8MHz 2520 position: x: 92.71 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 91.44 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR082' position: x: 91.44 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 91.821 y: 76.8858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR083' position: x: 91.44 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 91.567 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 68.58 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C51 position: x: 71.501 y: 90.2716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 71.501 y: 92.583 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bobbycontroller entryName: UCC27517 position: x: 220.98 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 223.52 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: UCC27517 position: x: 223.52 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 229.87 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 229.87 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 230.251 y: 93.3958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 220.98 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 220.98 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 221.107 y: 133.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: BSP89 position: x: 245.11 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: V7 position: x: 250.2916 y: 120.7516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCE0115K position: x: 250.2916 y: 123.063 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 234.95 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R76 position: x: 234.95 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 233.68 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 247.65 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 247.65 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 247.777 y: 131.3942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 229.87 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 229.87 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 229.997 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 229.87 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C60 position: x: 232.791 y: 102.9716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 232.791 y: 105.283 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x01_Male position: x: 252.73 y: 114.3 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J18 position: x: 253.4412 y: 113.7412 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x01_Male position: x: 253.4412 y: 114.8842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 185.42 y: 134.62 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R75 position: x: 185.42 y: 137.16 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 185.42 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 185.42 y: 132.08 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R74 position: x: 185.42 y: 126.8222 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 185.42 y: 129.1336 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 189.23 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 189.23 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 189.611 y: 127.6858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 189.23 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 189.23 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 189.357 y: 139.0142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 240.03 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C61 position: x: 242.951 y: 102.9716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 242.951 y: 105.283 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 118.11 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR086' position: x: 118.11 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 118.237 y: 67.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 121.92 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R71 position: x: 121.92 y: 58.2422 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0R position: x: 121.92 y: 60.5536 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 91.44 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 220.98 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 29.21 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 161.29 y: 88.9 angle: null - position: x: 161.29 y: 96.52 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 96.52 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 93.98 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 134.62 angle: null - position: x: 161.29 y: 111.76 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 124.46 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 139.7 angle: null - position: x: 125.73 y: 137.16 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 29.21 - x: 144.78 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 63.5 - x: 196.85 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 95.25 - x: 68.58 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 29.21 - x: 205.74 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 27.94 - x: 144.78 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 91.44 - x: 77.47 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 40.64 - x: 121.92 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 49.53 - x: 151.13 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 121.92 - x: 238.76 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 121.92 - x: 229.87 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 97.79 - x: 240.03 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 116.84 - x: 247.65 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 97.79 - x: 220.98 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 91.44 - x: 125.73 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 62.23 - x: 254 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 83.82 - x: 254 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 82.55 - x: 68.58 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 49.53 - x: 201.93 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 49.53 - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 107.95 - x: 229.87 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 29.21 - x: 193.04 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 29.21 - x: 170.18 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 46.99 - x: 146.05 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 29.21 - x: 193.04 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 29.21 - x: 157.48 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 82.55 - x: 91.44 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 82.55 - x: 91.44 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 129.54 - x: 212.09 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 29.21 - x: 205.74 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 119.38 - x: 212.09 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 72.39 - x: 254 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 29.21 - x: 166.37 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 30.48 - x: 170.18 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 45.72 - x: 143.51 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 30.48 - x: 205.74 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 48.26 - x: 148.59 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 40.64 - x: 111.76 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 29.21 - x: 179.07 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 109.22 - x: 209.55 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 68.58 - x: 161.29 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 30.48 - x: 157.48 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 29.21 - x: 201.93 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 29.21 - x: 140.97 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 40.64 - x: 121.92 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 50.8 - x: 254 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 97.79 - x: 240.03 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 100.33 - x: 91.44 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 97.79 - x: 229.87 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 106.68 - x: 161.29 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 58.42 - x: 196.85 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 30.48 - x: 215.9 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 29.21 - x: 179.07 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 91.44 - x: 77.47 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 46.99 - x: 146.05 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 29.21 - x: 182.88 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 109.22 - x: 209.55 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 97.79 - x: 220.98 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 55.88 - x: 196.85 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 29.21 - x: 157.48 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 30.48 - x: 182.88 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 48.26 - x: 148.59 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 29.21 - x: 140.97 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - x: 138.43 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 29.21 - x: 153.67 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 29.21 - x: 166.37 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 132.08 - x: 181.61 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 29.21 - x: 201.93 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 45.72 - x: 143.51 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 58.42 - x: 125.73 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 129.54 - x: 212.09 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 39.37 - x: 111.76 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 132.08 - x: 181.61 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 99.06 - x: 91.44 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 82.55 - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 100.33 - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 81.28 - x: 91.44 y: 82.55 globalLabels: - text: KEY_IN shape: input position: x: 250.19 y: 50.8 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Schmitt trigger oscillator.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:Opamp_Dual - Device:R - Diode:SM4007 - power:+3.3V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 227.33 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0142' position: x: 227.33 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 227.711 y: 40.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 227.33 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C74 position: x: 230.251 y: 47.0916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 230.251 y: 49.403 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 227.33 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0143' position: x: 227.33 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 227.457 y: 56.4642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 41.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R99 position: x: 116.84 y: 36.6522 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 20k position: x: 116.84 y: 38.9636 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 124.46 y: 41.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R103 position: x: 124.46 y: 36.6522 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 20k position: x: 124.46 y: 38.9636 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 50.8 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R100 position: x: 116.84 y: 45.5422 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 116.84 y: 47.8536 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 153.67 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0139' position: x: 153.67 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 154.051 y: 28.6258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R105 position: x: 146.05 y: 27.7622 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 220k position: x: 146.05 y: 30.0736 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 156.21 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 156.21 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 156.21 y: 37.4396 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 160.02 y: 50.8 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R107 position: x: 160.02 y: 45.5422 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 160.02 y: 47.8536 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 85.09 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R101 position: x: 116.84 y: 79.8322 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 20k position: x: 116.84 y: 82.1436 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 124.46 y: 85.09 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R104 position: x: 124.46 y: 79.8322 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 20k position: x: 124.46 y: 82.1436 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 93.98 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R102 position: x: 116.84 y: 88.7222 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 116.84 y: 91.0336 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 153.67 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0140' position: x: 153.67 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 154.051 y: 71.8058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 76.2 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R106 position: x: 146.05 y: 70.9422 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 220k position: x: 146.05 y: 73.2536 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 193.04 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 191.9732 y: 86.4616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 191.9732 y: 88.773 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 190.5 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0141' position: x: 190.5 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 190.627 y: 99.6442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 160.02 y: 93.98 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R108 position: x: 160.02 y: 88.7222 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2k position: x: 160.02 y: 91.0336 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Opamp_Dual position: x: 156.21 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 156.21 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3PEAK TP09-SR position: x: 156.21 y: 80.6196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 138.43 y: 45.72 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D35 position: x: 140.97 y: 44.4499 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 140.97 y: 46.9899 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 128.27 y: 57.15 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D49 position: x: 130.81 y: 55.8799 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 130.81 y: 58.4199 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 138.43 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D37 position: x: 140.97 y: 87.6299 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 140.97 y: 90.1699 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0172' position: x: 128.27 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 128.397 y: 65.3542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 138.43 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 138.43 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 138.557 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 138.43 y: 97.79 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D38 position: x: 140.97 y: 96.5199 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 140.97 y: 99.0599 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 138.43 y: 54.61 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D36 position: x: 140.97 y: 53.3399 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 140.97 y: 55.8799 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: SM4007 position: x: 128.27 y: 99.06 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D50 position: x: 130.81 y: 97.7899 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SM4007 position: x: 130.81 y: 100.3299 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0173' position: x: 128.27 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 128.397 y: 107.2642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 138.43 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0137' position: x: 138.43 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 138.557 y: 62.8142 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 153.67 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.27 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.27 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 190.5 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 41.91 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 76.2 - x: 128.27 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 93.98 - x: 163.83 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 41.91 - x: 128.27 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 41.91 - x: 128.27 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 76.2 - x: 149.86 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 50.8 - x: 148.59 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 33.02 - x: 190.5 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 50.8 - x: 120.65 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 92.71 - x: 138.43 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 80.01 - x: 190.5 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 87.63 - x: 163.83 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 33.02 - x: 128.27 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 85.09 - x: 138.43 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 33.02 - x: 190.5 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 76.2 - x: 128.27 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 93.98 - x: 138.43 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 93.98 - x: 148.59 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 46.99 - x: 148.59 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 49.53 - x: 138.43 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 90.17 - x: 148.59 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 33.02 - x: 128.27 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 93.98 - x: 148.59 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 50.8 - x: 148.59 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 85.09 - x: 128.27 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 41.91 - x: 148.59 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 50.8 - x: 163.83 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 44.45 - x: 163.83 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 85.09 - x: 148.59 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 76.2 - x: 153.67 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 33.02 - x: 149.86 y: 33.02 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for DC-DC converter circuit
libSymbols: - Bobbycontroller:120V_DCDC - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Device:C - Device:C_Polarized - Device:D_Schottky - Device:D_Zener - Device:Fuse - Device:R - Jumper:Jumper_2_Open - Regulator_Linear:AMS1117-3.3 - Regulator_Linear:L7805 - power:+3.3V - power:+5V - power:+BATT - power:+VSW - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 93.98 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 93.98 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 94.361 y: 33.7058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 175.26 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 175.26 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 175.641 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 175.26 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C77 position: x: 172.72 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 172.72 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: L7805 position: x: 186.69 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 186.69 y: 30.6832 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L7805 position: x: 186.69 y: 32.9946 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: AMS1117-3.3 position: x: 232.41 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 232.41 y: 30.6832 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AMS1117-3.3 position: x: 232.41 y: 32.9946 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 80.01 y: 92.71 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D39 position: x: 82.55 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 51V TVS C310059 position: x: 82.55 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 194.31 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0155' position: x: 194.31 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 194.691 y: 28.6258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 80.01 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.137 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 194.31 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C78 position: x: 197.3072 y: 45.8216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470u 25V LKME0901E471MF position: x: 179.07 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 252.73 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C85 position: x: 255.7272 y: 43.2816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470u 25V LKME0901E471MF position: x: 255.7272 y: 45.593 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 252.73 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0166' position: x: 252.73 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 252.857 y: 57.7342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 232.41 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0164' position: x: 232.41 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 232.537 y: 48.8442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 67.31 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: F1 position: x: 67.31 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2A permanent fuse position: x: 69.85 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0156' position: x: 194.31 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 194.437 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0154' position: x: 186.69 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 48.8442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 252.73 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0165' position: x: 252.73 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 253.111 y: 24.8158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 93.98 y: 43.18 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R110 position: x: 99.2378 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15k position: x: 96.9264 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 93.98 y: 52.07 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R111 position: x: 99.2378 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15k position: x: 96.9264 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 93.98 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R112 position: x: 95.758 y: 61.0616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 95.758 y: 63.373 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 175.26 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0152' position: x: 175.26 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 175.387 y: 51.3842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 204.47 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C79 position: x: 207.391 y: 40.7416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 207.391 y: 43.053 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 180.34 y: 100.33 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D41 position: x: 182.372 y: 99.1616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 175.26 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 204.47 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0157' position: x: 204.47 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 204.597 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 109.22 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C76 position: x: 112.141 y: 96.6216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF 100V position: x: 112.141 y: 98.933 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 109.22 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.347 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 172.72 y: 93.98 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C81 position: x: 179.1208 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 176.8094 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0159' position: x: 172.72 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.847 y: 111.0742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0161' position: x: 180.34 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.467 y: 111.0742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 220.98 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C82 position: x: 223.901 y: 39.4716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 223.901 y: 41.783 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 220.98 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0160' position: x: 220.98 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 221.107 y: 48.8442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 58.42 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 58.42 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 58.801 y: 61.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +VSW position: x: 186.69 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0162' position: x: 186.69 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +VSW position: x: 187.071 y: 78.1558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 186.69 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C83 position: x: 189.6872 y: 94.0816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470u 25V LKME0901E471MF position: x: 189.6872 y: 96.393 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0163' position: x: 186.69 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.817 y: 111.0742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 93.98 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0147' position: x: 93.98 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 94.107 y: 71.7042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky position: x: 214.63 y: 36.83 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D40 position: x: 214.63 y: 31.3182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: B5819W position: x: 214.63 y: 33.6296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 242.57 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C84 position: x: 245.491 y: 43.2816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 245.491 y: 45.593 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 193.04 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D42 position: x: 195.072 y: 86.4616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 195.072 y: 88.773 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 198.12 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D43 position: x: 200.152 y: 86.4616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 193.04 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 203.2 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D44 position: x: 205.232 y: 86.4616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 205.232 y: 88.773 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 208.28 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D45 position: x: 210.312 y: 86.4616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 210.312 y: 88.773 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Zener position: x: 213.36 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D46 position: x: 215.392 y: 86.4616 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15V C78409 position: x: 215.392 y: 88.773 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 213.36 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0167' position: x: 213.36 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 213.487 y: 95.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 74.93 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R109 position: x: 74.93 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 74.93 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 220.98 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG05' position: x: 220.98 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 220.98 y: 26.0858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 101.6 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C75 position: x: 98.679 y: 96.6216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u 100V position: x: 98.679 y: 98.933 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 165.1 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C80 position: x: 162.179 y: 92.8116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2u 100V position: x: 162.179 y: 95.123 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0158' position: x: 165.1 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 165.227 y: 111.0742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0148' position: x: 101.6 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.727 y: 105.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 80.01 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG0101' position: x: 80.01 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 80.01 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Bobbycontroller entryName: 120V_DCDC position: x: 132.08 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PS1 position: x: 132.08 y: 77.3135 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 120V DC DC converter position: x: 132.08 y: 80.0886 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 142.24 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.367 y: 93.2942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 63.5 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J19 position: x: 65.532 y: 70.2115 angle: 0 - key: Value value: KEY_SWITCH position: x: 65.532 y: 72.9866 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0150' position: x: 121.92 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.047 y: 93.2942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 52.07 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: JP3 position: x: 43.18 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 48.26 y: 63.5 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 213.36 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 193.04 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 220.98 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 242.57 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 83.82 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 36.83 - x: 252.73 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 96.52 - x: 80.01 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 91.44 - x: 213.36 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 91.44 - x: 203.2 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 83.82 - x: 63.5 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 83.82 - x: 101.6 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 83.82 - x: 186.69 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 58.42 - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 66.04 - x: 58.42 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 99.06 - x: 186.69 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 36.83 - x: 194.31 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 83.82 - x: 203.2 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 39.37 - x: 93.98 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 80.01 - x: 80.01 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 66.04 - x: 58.42 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 36.83 - x: 242.57 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 76.2 - x: 58.42 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 96.52 - x: 180.34 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 83.82 - x: 193.04 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 82.55 - x: 186.69 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 36.83 - x: 242.57 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 83.82 - x: 80.01 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 106.68 - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 30.48 - x: 220.98 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 97.79 - x: 165.1 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 36.83 - x: 224.79 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 91.44 - x: 186.69 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 36.83 - x: 179.07 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 46.99 - x: 93.98 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 91.44 - x: 208.28 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 33.02 - x: 194.31 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 36.83 - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 52.07 - x: 252.73 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 72.39 - x: 58.42 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 52.07 - x: 252.73 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 83.82 - x: 198.12 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 97.79 - x: 172.72 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - x: 88.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 83.82 - x: 109.22 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - x: 172.72 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 91.44 - x: 198.12 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 45.72 - x: 175.26 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 90.17 - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 36.83 - x: 252.73 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 27.94 - x: 175.26 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 83.82 - x: 213.36 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 48.26 - x: 242.57 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 36.83 - x: 220.98 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 38.1 - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 52.07 - x: 252.73 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 83.82 - x: 78.74 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 90.17 - x: 172.72 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 93.98 - x: 101.6 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 55.88 - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 83.82 - x: 109.22 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 83.82 - x: 121.92 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 29.21 - x: 252.73 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 83.82 - x: 180.34 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 50.8 - x: 204.47 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - x: 210.82 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 83.82 - x: 165.1 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 66.04 - x: 93.98 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 36.83 - x: 175.26 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 76.2 - x: 58.42 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 83.82 - x: 208.28 y: 83.82 globalLabels: - text: KEY_IN shape: input position: x: 58.42 y: 80.01 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for LED driver circuit
libSymbols: - Boondock-r1:3314J-1-103E - Boondock-r1:SJ1-3515-SMT - Boondock-r1:SP-3541 - Boondock-r1:SW_SLIDE_SPDT - Connector:Conn_01x04_Male - Connector:TestPoint - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x07_Odd_Even - Device:C_Small - Device:D_TVS - Device:LED - Device:R_Small_US - Isolator:LTV-355T - Jumper:Jumper_2_Bridged - Jumper:Jumper_2_Open - Mechanical:MountingHole_Pad - TMPCB_R2:WS2812B - power:+3.3V - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.005 y: 101.6 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 40.005 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.735 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 169.545 y: 48.895 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 167.64 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 171.45 y: 41.275 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 74.295 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 110.49 y: 75.565 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1u position: x: 116.84 y: 75.565 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 113.03 y: 69.85 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 109.855 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 116.205 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: SP-3541 position: x: 50.165 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 43.815 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SP-3541 position: x: 50.165 y: 57.2571 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.685 y: 33.655 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 146.685 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 28.575 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 132.715 y: 90.805 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 126.365 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 126.365 y: 92.075 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 67.31 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 64.135 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1u position: x: 68.58 y: 102.87 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 153.035 y: 48.895 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TP3 position: x: 151.13 y: 50.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 154.305 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 33.02 y: 107.315 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 33.02 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 33.02 y: 103.7392 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 24.765 y: 34.925 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG02' position: x: 24.765 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 24.765 y: 39.3684 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 136.525 y: 44.45 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 136.525 y: 46.355 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 136.525 y: 42.545 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 123.825 y: 62.865 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 120.65 y: 61.595 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 127 y: 61.595 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 29.845 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 29.845 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 31.115 y: 29.21 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 38.1 y: 16.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H1 position: x: 40.64 y: 14.4053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MTG position: x: 40.64 y: 16.9422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 149.86 y: 53.975 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 146.685 y: 52.705 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 152.4 y: 52.705 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 150.495 y: 86.995 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 147.955 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 153.67 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 53.975 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 50.8 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1u position: x: 55.245 y: 102.87 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 33.02 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 33.02 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 154.94 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 158.115 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 156.21 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 133.35 y: 69.85 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 130.175 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GREEN position: x: 134.9375 y: 66.5281 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 73.66 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 74.93 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 67.31 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 67.31 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 67.31 y: 67.0361 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 151.13 y: 44.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 147.955 y: 45.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2k position: x: 151.13 y: 41.91 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 132.715 y: 81.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 128.905 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2k position: x: 135.89 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 29.845 y: 16.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H2 position: x: 32.385 y: 14.4053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MTG position: x: 32.385 y: 16.9422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 112.395 y: 44.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 109.22 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 115.57 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 66.675 y: 63.5 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP3 position: x: 66.675 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 66.675 y: 61.9561 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 139.7 y: 86.995 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 137.16 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 142.24 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 73.66 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 75.565 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.975 y: 100.965 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 53.975 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.705 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 139.065 y: 90.805 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 134.62 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TVS_3.3V position: x: 139.065 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 139.065 y: 50.8 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 142.875 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 138.43 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 74.93 y: 66.04 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP2 position: x: 74.93 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 74.93 y: 64.4961 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 123.825 y: 69.85 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 120.65 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '680' position: x: 127 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 80.645 y: 37.465 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 76.835 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 83.82 y: 37.8988 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 67.31 y: 84.455 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP7 position: x: 67.31 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 67.31 y: 82.9111 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 107.315 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 107.315 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 50.8 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: 3314J-1-103E position: x: 144.78 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: RV2 position: x: 144.78 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 144.78 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: TMPCB_R2 entryName: WS2812B position: x: 67.31 y: 120.015 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 62.865 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: WS2812B position: x: 72.39 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 121.92 y: 32.385 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: TP5 position: x: 120.65 y: 34.925 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 120.65 y: 33.655 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: SW_SLIDE_SPDT position: x: 152.4 y: 67.31 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 156.083 y: 69.3948 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SLIDE_SPDT position: x: 152.4 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 146.685 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 144.145 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2n position: x: 147.955 y: 34.925 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 30.48 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 140.97 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 24.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 147.32 y: 91.44 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 146.05 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 146.05 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.065 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 145.415 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.145 y: 67.945 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: TMPCB_R2 entryName: WS2812B position: x: 50.165 y: 120.015 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 45.72 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: WS2812B position: x: 55.245 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 156.845 y: 90.17 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP8 position: x: 155.575 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 155.575 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 150.495 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 156.845 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 155.575 y: 79.375 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 140.97 y: 35.56 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 136.525 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TVS_3.3V position: x: 138.43 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 40.005 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 36.83 y: 106.045 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1u position: x: 41.275 y: 103.505 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 97.155 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 154.94 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 156.845 y: 102.235 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: TMPCB_R2 entryName: WS2812B position: x: 33.02 y: 120.015 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 28.575 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - key: Value value: WS2812B position: x: 38.1 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 14.605 y: 17.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: TP4 position: x: 13.335 y: 20.32 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 13.335 y: 19.05 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 74.93 y: 81.915 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP8 position: x: 74.93 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 74.93 y: 80.3711 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 86.995 y: 48.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: TP2 position: x: 85.725 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 85.725 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 22.225 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 82.55 y: 22.225 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 81.28 y: 20.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 150.495 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TP9 position: x: 153.035 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 151.765 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 75.565 y: 86.995 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP6 position: x: 75.565 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 75.565 y: 85.4511 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 18.415 y: 39.37 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG01' position: x: 18.415 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 18.415 y: 43.8134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: 3314J-1-103E position: x: 121.92 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV1 position: x: 121.92 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 121.92 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: LTV-355T position: x: 138.43 y: 60.325 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 138.43 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LTV-355T position: x: 138.43 y: 55.3521 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 152.4 y: 24.765 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 146.05 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 147.32 y: 26.67 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 18.415 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 18.415 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 18.415 y: 33.2542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 114.3 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 111.76 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 116.84 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: SJ1-3515-SMT position: x: 172.72 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 159.385 y: 20.955 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SJ1-3515-SMT position: x: 165.735 y: 20.955 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 128.27 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 125.73 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: NP position: x: 130.81 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x07_Odd_Even position: x: 58.42 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 59.69 y: 17.2552 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_02x07_Odd_Even position: x: 59.69 y: 19.7921 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 18.415 y: 120.015 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 15.24 y: 118.745 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '51' position: x: 21.59 y: 118.745 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 147.955 y: 57.785 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 154.305 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 56.515 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 108.585 y: 62.865 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TP10 position: x: 109.855 y: 64.135 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 109.855 y: 64.135 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Boondock-r1 entryName: SP-3541 position: x: 50.165 y: 84.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 50.165 y: 75.6752 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SP-3541 position: x: 50.165 y: 78.2121 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 74.295 y: 60.96 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP4 position: x: 74.295 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 74.295 y: 59.4161 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 107.315 y: 69.85 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 100.965 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 102.235 y: 71.755 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 80.01 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: TP1 position: x: 78.74 y: 36.195 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 78.74 y: 36.195 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 57.785 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 121.92 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 123.19 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 112.395 y: 84.455 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: TP6 position: x: 113.665 y: 83.185 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 113.665 y: 83.185 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 100.965 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 67.31 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 65.405 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_2_Bridged position: x: 67.945 y: 89.535 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP5 position: x: 67.945 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: JMP position: x: 67.945 y: 87.9911 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 24.765 y: 32.385 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 24.765 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 26.67 y: 31.5488 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 46.355 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 156.21 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: TestPoint position: x: 17.145 y: 17.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: TP7 position: x: 15.875 y: 20.32 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TP position: x: 15.875 y: 19.05 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 147.32 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 147.32 y: 102.235 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 149.225 y: 100.965 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small_US position: x: 125.095 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 125.73 y: 83.185 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 123.19 y: 80.645 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 132.08 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.975 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.745 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.165 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 40.005 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.845 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.745 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - position: x: 17.145 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.165 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 112.395 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 117.475 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.315 y: 44.45 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 53.34 y: 22.225 angle: null - position: x: 53.34 y: 27.305 angle: null - position: x: 53.34 y: 29.845 angle: null - position: x: 53.34 y: 34.925 angle: null - position: x: 53.34 y: 37.465 angle: null - position: x: 66.04 y: 34.925 angle: null - position: x: 66.04 y: 32.385 angle: null - position: x: 66.04 y: 29.845 angle: null - position: x: 66.04 y: 27.305 angle: null - position: x: 66.04 y: 24.765 angle: null - position: x: 154.94 y: 27.305 angle: null - position: x: 154.94 y: 29.845 angle: null - position: x: 154.94 y: 32.385 angle: null - position: x: 149.86 y: 64.77 angle: null - position: x: 74.93 y: 120.015 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 39.37 - x: 132.08 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 89.535 - x: 62.865 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 53.975 - x: 164.465 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 14.605 y: 21.59 - x: 14.605 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 86.995 - x: 147.955 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 57.785 y: 120.015 - x: 59.69 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 89.535 - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 86.995 - x: 144.78 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 69.85 - x: 129.54 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 120.015 - x: 42.545 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 68.58 - x: 73.66 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 81.28 - x: 135.89 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 37.465 - x: 80.01 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 164.465 y: 48.895 - x: 156.21 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 74.295 - x: 117.475 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 86.995 - x: 147.32 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 86.995 - x: 143.51 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 109.855 - x: 40.005 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 63.5 - x: 61.595 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 44.45 - x: 148.59 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 135.255 y: 81.28 - x: 135.89 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 86.995 - x: 81.915 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 90.805 - x: 143.51 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 96.52 - x: 154.94 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 44.45 - x: 146.685 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 69.85 - x: 117.475 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 24.765 - x: 154.94 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 19.05 - x: 29.845 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 86.995 - x: 137.16 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 22.225 - x: 76.2 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 44.45 - x: 132.08 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 68.58 - x: 73.66 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 60.96 - x: 80.01 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - x: 139.065 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 44.45 - x: 140.97 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 60.96 - x: 154.94 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 44.45 - x: 133.985 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 109.855 - x: 50.165 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 34.925 - x: 154.94 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 60.96 - x: 154.94 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 53.975 y: 100.965 - x: 53.975 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 81.28 - x: 130.175 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 32.385 - x: 121.92 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 128.905 - x: 67.31 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 68.58 - x: 62.23 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 66.04 - x: 81.915 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 114.3 - x: 22.225 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 109.855 - x: 50.165 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 44.45 - x: 156.21 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 32.385 - x: 53.34 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 51.435 - x: 164.465 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 39.37 - x: 125.73 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 60.96 - x: 89.535 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 48.26 - x: 86.995 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 81.28 - x: 112.395 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 46.355 - x: 164.465 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 128.905 - x: 33.02 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 17.78 - x: 17.145 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 84.455 - x: 81.28 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 33.655 - x: 146.685 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 120.015 - x: 25.4 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 100.965 - x: 67.31 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 127.635 - x: 33.02 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 109.22 - x: 40.005 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 90.17 - x: 154.94 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 69.85 - x: 118.745 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 90.805 - x: 143.51 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 112.395 y: 81.28 - x: 122.555 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 35.56 - x: 121.92 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 120.015 - x: 15.875 y: 120.015 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 62.865 - x: 118.745 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 101.6 - x: 40.005 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 63.5 - x: 80.01 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 86.995 - x: 81.915 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 39.37 - x: 140.97 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 89.535 - x: 73.66 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 21.59 - x: 29.845 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 93.98 - x: 147.32 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 68.58 - x: 73.66 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 21.59 - x: 38.1 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 128.905 - x: 50.165 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 57.785 - x: 147.955 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 39.37 - x: 107.315 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 74.295 - x: 108.585 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 39.37 - x: 132.08 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 48.895 - x: 156.21 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 128.905 - x: 67.31 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 107.315 - x: 33.02 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 40.64 - x: 146.685 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 44.45 - x: 156.21 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 86.995 - x: 147.32 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 53.975 - x: 154.94 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 57.785 - x: 130.81 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 81.915 - x: 81.28 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 24.765 - x: 53.34 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 64.77 - x: 152.4 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 53.975 - x: 154.94 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 86.995 - x: 160.655 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 19.05 - x: 38.1 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 35.56 - x: 121.92 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 69.85 - x: 118.745 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 109.855 - x: 33.02 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 114.935 y: 44.45 - x: 118.11 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 62.865 - x: 146.05 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 109.855 y: 44.45 - x: 107.315 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 21.59 - x: 29.845 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 50.8 - x: 139.065 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 53.975 - x: 141.605 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 128.905 - x: 50.165 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 60.96 - x: 69.215 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 108.585 - x: 67.31 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 48.26 - x: 48.895 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 86.995 - x: 154.94 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 120.015 - x: 13.97 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 135.255 y: 90.805 - x: 132.715 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 24.765 y: 32.385 - x: 24.765 y: 34.925 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 85.09 - x: 144.78 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 109.855 - x: 53.975 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 86.995 - x: 160.655 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 156.845 y: 90.17 - x: 154.94 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 34.925 - x: 80.01 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 18.415 y: 36.83 - x: 18.415 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 112.395 y: 81.28 - x: 112.395 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 62.865 - x: 121.285 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 84.455 - x: 62.23 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 37.465 - x: 80.645 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 53.975 - x: 141.605 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 84.455 - x: 81.28 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 86.995 - x: 70.485 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 69.85 - x: 108.585 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 44.45 - x: 85.09 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 81.28 - x: 140.97 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 44.45 - x: 154.94 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 69.85 - x: 118.745 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 90.17 - x: 154.94 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 109.855 - x: 67.31 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 44.45 - x: 51.435 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 74.295 - x: 108.585 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 73.025 y: 89.535 - x: 73.66 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 81.915 - x: 69.85 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 62.865 - x: 130.81 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 66.04 - x: 81.915 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 69.85 - x: 110.49 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 31.75 - x: 140.97 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 60.96 - x: 154.94 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 53.975 y: 109.855 - x: 67.31 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 53.975 y: 108.585 - x: 53.975 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 81.28 - x: 150.495 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 35.56 - x: 119.38 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 74.295 - x: 117.475 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 71.755 y: 63.5 - x: 80.01 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 44.45 - x: 107.315 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 39.37 - x: 119.38 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 66.04 - x: 69.85 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 39.37 - x: 121.92 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 39.37 - x: 119.38 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 21.59 - x: 14.605 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 39.37 - x: 107.315 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 81.915 - x: 89.535 y: 81.915 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for ESP32 RC Car Control
libSymbols: - JST 5 pin:B5B-PH-K-SLFSN - MCU_Module:Adafruit_Feather_HUZZAH32_ESP32 - RCJ:RCJ-021 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 56.8071 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MCU_Module entryName: Adafruit_Feather_HUZZAH32_ESP32 position: x: 139.7 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: A? position: x: 141.7194 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Adafruit_Feather_HUZZAH32_ESP32 position: x: 141.7194 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 56.8071 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y2 position: x: 56.8071 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y3 position: x: 56.8071 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 56.8071 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RCJ entryName: RCJ-021 position: x: 55.88 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 56.8071 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RCJ-021 position: x: 56.8071 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: JST 5 pin entryName: B5B-PH-K-SLFSN position: x: 226.06 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J? position: x: 240.03 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: B5B-PH-K-SLFSN position: x: 240.03 y: 86.36 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 83.82 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 113.03 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 120.65 - x: 63.5 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 63.5 - x: 83.82 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 113.03 - x: 63.5 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 64.77 - x: 91.44 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 102.87 - x: 213.36 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 78.74 - x: 226.06 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 88.9 - x: 226.06 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - x: 157.48 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 113.03 - x: 83.82 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 113.03 - x: 63.5 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 59.69 - x: 93.98 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 43.18 - x: 142.24 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 95.25 - x: 97.79 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 106.68 - x: 63.5 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 88.9 - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 59.69 - x: 93.98 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 86.36 - x: 226.06 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 69.85 - x: 88.9 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 82.55 - x: 133.35 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 69.85 - x: 88.9 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 95.25 - x: 97.79 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 90.17 - x: 127 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 76.2 - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 113.03 - x: 139.7 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 - x: 95.25 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 87.63 - x: 152.4 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 54.61 - x: 63.5 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 82.55 - x: 152.4 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - x: 73.66 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 100.33 - x: 210.82 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 68.58 - x: 63.5 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 83.82 - x: 226.06 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - x: 83.82 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 91.44 - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 102.87 - x: 213.36 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 49.53 - x: 83.82 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 49.53 - x: 83.82 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 63.5 - x: 83.82 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 64.77 - x: 91.44 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 81.28 - x: 63.5 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 76.2 - x: 83.82 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 93.98 - x: 63.5 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 90.17 - x: 127 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 100.33 - x: 210.82 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 81.28 - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 101.6 - x: 83.82 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 101.6 - x: 83.82 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 43.18 - x: 142.24 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 80.01 - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for LED driver circuit
libSymbols: - 2023-02-16_01-39-57:TCA6408APWR - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Device:LED - Device:R - Mechanical:MountingHole - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 246.38 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 246.38 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 116.84 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H1 position: x: 119.38 y: 176.5299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 119.38 y: 179.0699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 2023-02-16_01-39-57 entryName: TCA6408APWR position: x: 76.2 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 109.22 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TCA6408APWR position: x: 109.22 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 116.84 y: 185.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H2 position: x: 119.38 y: 184.1499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 119.38 y: 186.6899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LY1 position: x: 232.0925 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: YEL position: x: 232.0925 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 233.68 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 107.95 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 91.44 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 233.68 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 87.63 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 34.29 y: 157.48 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 34.29 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Neopixel position: x: 34.29 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 233.68 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 40.64 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 246.38 y: 34.29 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 246.38 y: 36.83 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 246.38 y: 54.61 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 246.38 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LR2 position: x: 232.0925 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 232.0925 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LY2 position: x: 232.0925 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: YEL position: x: 232.0925 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 142.24 y: 133.35 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 135.89 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '300' position: x: 138.43 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LY3 position: x: 232.0925 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: YEL position: x: 232.0925 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 50.8 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 233.68 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 33.02 y: 102.87 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 33.02 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: I2C Connection position: x: 33.02 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LR1 position: x: 232.0925 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 232.0925 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 233.68 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LR3 position: x: 232.0925 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 232.0925 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 57.15 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 233.68 y: 24.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 26.67 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 101.6 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 246.38 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 246.38 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 123.19 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 246.38 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 246.38 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 233.68 y: 133.35 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 233.68 y: 127 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 233.68 y: 129.54 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 246.38 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 246.38 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 246.38 y: 140.97 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 229.87 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 275.59 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 270.51 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 57.15 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 283.21 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 278.13 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 273.05 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 280.67 y: 20.32 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 91.44 - x: 229.87 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 133.35 - x: 74.93 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 101.6 - x: 278.13 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 137.16 - x: 142.24 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 50.8 - x: 229.87 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 110.49 - x: 156.21 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 105.41 - x: 160.02 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 95.25 - x: 142.24 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 20.32 - x: 283.21 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 113.03 - x: 142.24 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 111.76 - x: 237.49 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 160.02 - x: 39.37 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 81.28 - x: 250.19 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 107.95 - x: 63.5 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 40.64 - x: 229.87 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 102.87 - x: 54.61 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 144.78 - x: 283.21 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 40.64 - x: 250.19 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 40.64 - x: 270.51 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 123.19 - x: 229.87 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 102.87 - x: 58.42 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 144.78 - x: 250.19 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 107.95 - x: 160.02 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 97.79 - x: 38.1 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 81.28 - x: 275.59 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 97.79 - x: 57.15 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 113.03 - x: 76.2 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 95.25 - x: 76.2 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 81.28 - x: 229.87 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 20.32 - x: 270.51 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 60.96 - x: 250.19 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 144.78 - x: 250.19 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 123.19 - x: 242.57 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 102.87 - x: 58.42 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 91.44 - x: 237.49 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 102.87 - x: 54.61 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 20.32 - x: 278.13 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - x: 156.21 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - x: 63.5 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 80.01 - x: 52.07 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 111.76 - x: 229.87 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 100.33 - x: 38.1 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 101.6 - x: 278.13 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 50.8 - x: 237.49 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 81.28 - x: 275.59 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 123.19 - x: 280.67 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 76.2 - x: 48.26 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 273.05 y: 60.96 - x: 273.05 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 133.35 - x: 229.87 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 157.48 - x: 39.37 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 101.6 - x: 242.57 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 105.41 - x: 38.1 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 105.41 - x: 160.02 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 101.6 - x: 229.87 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 20.32 - x: 280.67 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 60.96 - x: 273.05 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 71.12 - x: 229.87 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 40.64 - x: 270.51 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 133.35 - x: 57.15 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 30.48 - x: 229.87 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 30.48 - x: 237.49 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 20.32 - x: 273.05 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 81.28 - x: 242.57 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 80.01 - x: 52.07 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 273.05 y: 20.32 - x: 275.59 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 105.41 - x: 60.96 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 100.33 - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 97.79 - x: 151.13 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 144.78 - x: 242.57 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 40.64 - x: 242.57 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 97.79 - x: 151.13 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 20.32 - x: 283.21 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 133.35 - x: 74.93 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 76.2 - x: 48.26 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 123.19 - x: 280.67 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 60.96 - x: 229.87 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 60.96 - x: 242.57 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 71.12 - x: 237.49 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 110.49 - x: 156.21 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 133.35 - x: 57.15 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 105.41 - x: 60.96 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 101.6 - x: 250.19 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 107.95 - x: 160.02 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 154.94 - x: 39.37 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 133.35 - x: 237.49 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 97.79 - x: 57.15 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 123.19 - x: 250.19 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 144.78 - x: 229.87 y: 144.78 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for LED circuit with resistor.
libSymbols: - 2023-02-16_01-39-57:TCA6408APWR - Connector:Conn_01x03_Pin - Connector:Conn_01x05_Pin - Device:LED - Device:R_US - Mechanical:MountingHole - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 257.81 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 257.81 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 257.81 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 203.2 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 205.74 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2 k\u03A9" position: x: 205.74 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 132.08 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 246.38 y: 125.73 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 203.2 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 203.2 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 203.2 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 41.91 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H1 position: x: 44.45 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 44.45 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 184.15 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 184.15 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 184.15 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 244.7925 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 52.07 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 246.38 y: 45.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 193.04 y: 53.34 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 195.58 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2 k\u03A9" position: x: 195.58 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 50.8 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 50.8 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 50.8 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 246.38 y: 24.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 26.67 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 142.24 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 254 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "220 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 110.49 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 110.49 y: 54.61 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "10 k\u03A9" position: x: 110.49 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 121.92 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 254 y: 115.57 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "220 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 118.11 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 41.91 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H2 position: x: 44.45 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 44.45 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 2023-02-16_01-39-57 entryName: TCA6408APWR position: x: 118.11 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 151.13 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TCA6408APWR position: x: 151.13 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x05_Pin position: x: 39.37 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 40.005 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INPUT position: x: 40.005 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 244.7925 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 72.39 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 246.38 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 50.8 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 50.8 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 50.8 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 54.61 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 54.61 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 54.61 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 115.57 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 244.7925 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 244.7925 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 244.7925 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Yellow LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 246.38 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 107.95 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 40.64 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 254 y: 34.29 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 36.83 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 82.55 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 254 y: 76.2 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 54.61 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 54.61 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 54.61 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 62.23 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 254 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 193.04 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 193.04 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 193.04 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 246.38 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 244.7925 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Red LED position: x: 244.7925 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 118.11 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 118.11 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 118.11 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 102.87 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 102.87 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 102.87 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 254 y: 102.87 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 254 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "220 \u03A9" position: x: 254 y: 99.06 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 246.38 y: 92.71 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 246.38 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "100 k\u03A9" position: x: 246.38 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x03_Pin position: x: 39.37 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 40.005 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NEOPIXEL position: x: 40.005 y: 91.44 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 238.76 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.11 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 102.87 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 82.55 - x: 257.81 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 132.08 - x: 257.81 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 30.48 - x: 242.57 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 30.48 - x: 257.81 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 66.04 - x: 118.11 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 92.71 - x: 257.81 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 71.12 - x: 118.11 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 102.87 - x: 242.57 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 132.08 - x: 242.57 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 92.71 - x: 257.81 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 30.48 - x: 257.81 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 92.71 - x: 238.76 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 121.92 - x: 238.76 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 73.66 - x: 118.11 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 68.58 - x: 186.69 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 60.96 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 142.24 - x: 238.76 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 52.07 - x: 242.57 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 71.12 - x: 186.69 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 60.96 - x: 118.11 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 48.26 - x: 54.61 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 40.64 - x: 242.57 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 102.87 - x: 257.81 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 68.58 - x: 118.11 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 88.9 - x: 50.8 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 57.15 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 60.96 - x: 102.87 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 58.42 - x: 193.04 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 30.48 - x: 238.76 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 62.23 - x: 257.81 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 52.07 - x: 238.76 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 82.55 - x: 238.76 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 24.13 - x: 257.81 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 132.08 - x: 257.81 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 92.71 - x: 242.57 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 83.82 - x: 50.8 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 111.76 - x: 238.76 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 111.76 - x: 242.57 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 52.07 - x: 257.81 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 132.08 - x: 238.76 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 72.39 - x: 257.81 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 60.96 - x: 102.87 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 72.39 - x: 238.76 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 57.15 - x: 193.04 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 55.88 - x: 118.11 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 40.64 - x: 238.76 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 62.23 - x: 242.57 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 111.76 - x: 257.81 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 53.34 - x: 54.61 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 86.36 - x: 50.8 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 52.07 - x: 257.81 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 82.55 - x: 242.57 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 102.87 - x: 238.76 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 142.24 - x: 242.57 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 62.23 - x: 238.76 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 121.92 - x: 257.81 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 73.66 - x: 186.69 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 121.92 - x: 242.57 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 45.72 - x: 54.61 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 50.8 - x: 54.61 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 72.39 - x: 242.57 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 72.39 - x: 257.81 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 43.18 - x: 54.61 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 40.64 - x: 257.81 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 111.76 - x: 257.81 y: 111.76 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for 8-pin connector circuit
libSymbols: - 2023-02-16_01-39-57:TCA6408APWR - Connector_Generic_MountingPin:Conn_01x08_MountingPin schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: 2023-02-16_01-39-57 entryName: TCA6408APWR position: x: 110.49 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 143.51 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TCA6408APWR position: x: 143.51 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic_MountingPin entryName: Conn_01x08_MountingPin position: x: 215.9 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 218.44 y: 99.4155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x08_MountingPin position: x: 218.44 y: 101.9555 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic_MountingPin entryName: Conn_01x08_MountingPin position: x: 74.93 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 74.93 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x08_MountingPin position: x: 74.93 y: 87.63 angle: 0 junctions: [] noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 99.06 - x: 110.49 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 106.68 - x: 210.82 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 109.22 - x: 110.49 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 93.98 - x: 210.82 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 101.6 - x: 110.49 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 101.6 - x: 210.82 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 91.44 - x: 210.82 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 104.14 - x: 110.49 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 91.44 - x: 110.49 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 99.06 - x: 210.82 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 93.98 - x: 110.49 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 104.14 - x: 210.82 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 96.52 - x: 210.82 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 96.52 - x: 110.49 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 109.22 - x: 210.82 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 106.68 - x: 110.49 y: 106.68 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for PiicoDev QMC6310 Sensor Board
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_01x04_Male - CoreElectronics_Artwork:LOGO_CoreElectronics_no-text - CoreElectronics_Artwork:LOGO_PiicoDev - CoreElectronics_Artwork:LOGO_made-with-love - CoreElectronics_Artwork:Label_PCB_Art - CoreElectronics_Components:Conn_PiicoDev_header_01x04_Male - CoreElectronics_Components:QMC6310 - Device:C - Device:LED - Device:R - Graphic:Logo_Open_Hardware_Small - Jumper:SolderJumper_2_Bridged - Mechanical:Fiducial - Mechanical:MountingHole - PiicoDev-Magnetic-Sensor-QMC6310-rescue:SolderJumper_3_Bridged123-Jumper - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: LOGO_PiicoDev position: x: 203.2 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G1 position: x: 203.2 y: 165.7096 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 203.2 y: 152.654 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: LOGO_made-with-love position: x: 269.24 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G3 position: x: 269.24 y: 163.9824 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 269.24 y: 153.5176 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: LOGO_CoreElectronics_no-text position: x: 251.46 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G2 position: x: 251.46 y: 163.9824 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 251.46 y: 153.5176 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Graphic entryName: Logo_Open_Hardware_Small position: x: 276.86 y: 173.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LOGO1 position: x: 276.86 y: 167.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 276.86 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 139.7 y: 189.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG?' position: x: 139.7 y: 187.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 139.7 y: 184.8358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 149.86 y: 190.5 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG?' position: x: 149.86 y: 192.405 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 149.86 y: 194.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 190.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 139.7 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 139.827 y: 194.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 149.86 y: 189.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 149.86 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 150.241 y: 184.8358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 160.02 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H? position: x: 162.56 y: 190.6016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 162.56 y: 192.913 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 160.02 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H? position: x: 162.56 y: 185.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 162.56 y: 187.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: Fiducial position: x: 170.18 y: 190.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: FID? position: x: 172.339 y: 189.3316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 172.339 y: 191.643 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: Fiducial position: x: 170.18 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: FID? position: x: 172.339 y: 185.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 172.339 y: 187.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 26.67 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J? position: x: 29.4132 y: 28.4226 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 29.4132 y: 30.734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 40.64 y: 35.56 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 36.83 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.8912 y: 35.941 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.64 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 46.99 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.8912 y: 32.893 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 26.67 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J? position: x: 29.4132 y: 48.7426 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 29.4132 y: 51.054 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 40.64 y: 55.88 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 36.83 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.8912 y: 56.261 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.64 y: 53.34 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 46.99 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 43.8912 y: 53.213 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 83.82 y: 35.56 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 80.01 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 87.0712 y: 35.941 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 90.17 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 87.0712 y: 32.893 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Components entryName: Conn_PiicoDev_header_01x04_Male position: x: 69.85 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J? position: x: 69.85 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 70.3834 y: 30.3022 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 82.55 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 84.328 y: 102.9716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 84.328 y: 105.283 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: PiicoDev-Magnetic-Sensor-QMC6310-rescue entryName: SolderJumper_3_Bridged123-Jumper position: x: 74.93 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: JP? position: x: 74.93 y: 95.5802 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 74.93 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 67.31 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 69.088 y: 102.9716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 69.088 y: 105.283 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 74.93 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 74.93 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 75.311 y: 80.6958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 36.83 y: 109.22 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 39.8272 y: 108.2294 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 39.8272 y: 110.5408 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 36.83 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 36.83 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 36.957 y: 118.6942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 36.83 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 36.83 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 37.211 y: 81.9658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: SolderJumper_2_Bridged position: x: 36.83 y: 91.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 38.5572 y: 90.2716 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 38.5572 y: 92.583 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 36.83 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 38.608 y: 99.1616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 38.608 y: 101.473 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 177.8 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 177.8 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 178.181 y: 55.2958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Components entryName: QMC6310 position: x: 177.8 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 177.8 y: 57.6326 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 177.8 y: 59.944 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 177.8 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 177.927 y: 95.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 163.83 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 166.751 y: 83.9216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 166.751 y: 86.233 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 203.2 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 206.121 y: 100.4316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 206.121 y: 102.743 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 203.2 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 203.2 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 203.327 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 203.2 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR?' position: x: 203.2 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 203.581 y: 90.8558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 153.67 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 156.591 y: 83.9216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 156.591 y: 86.233 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: Label_PCB_Art position: x: 114.3 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G4 position: x: 117.5512 y: 179.1716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 117.5512 y: 181.483 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: Label_PCB_Art position: x: 114.3 y: 193.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G6 position: x: 117.5512 y: 191.8716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 117.5512 y: 194.183 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: CoreElectronics_Artwork entryName: Label_PCB_Art position: x: 114.3 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G5 position: x: 117.5512 y: 185.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 117.5512 y: 187.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 160.02 y: 73.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 160.02 y: 68.4022 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 160.02 y: 70.7136 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 163.83 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 177.8 y: 90.17 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 40.64 - x: 31.75 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 63.5 - x: 62.23 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 76.2 - x: 62.23 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 92.71 - x: 69.85 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 81.28 - x: 153.67 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 76.2 - x: 25.4 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 80.01 - x: 168.91 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 33.02 - x: 31.75 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 68.58 - x: 148.59 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 76.2 - x: 100.33 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 114.3 - x: 36.83 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 85.09 - x: 74.93 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 196.85 - x: 154.94 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 189.23 - x: 139.7 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 55.88 - x: 40.64 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 25.4 - x: 62.23 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 182.88 - x: 165.1 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 53.34 - x: 31.75 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 189.23 - x: 149.86 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 100.33 - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 196.85 - x: 156.21 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 196.85 - x: 166.37 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 105.41 - x: 203.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 68.58 - x: 148.59 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 25.4 - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 90.17 - x: 163.83 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 87.63 - x: 36.83 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 33.02 - x: 74.93 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 81.28 - x: 163.83 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 76.2 - x: 62.23 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 100.33 - x: 67.31 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 88.9 - x: 177.8 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 38.1 - x: 31.75 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 182.88 - x: 154.94 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 73.66 - x: 168.91 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 25.4 - x: 100.33 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 182.88 - x: 165.1 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 90.17 - x: 177.8 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 71.12 - x: 168.91 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 95.25 - x: 203.2 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 76.2 - x: 100.33 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 118.11 - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 58.42 - x: 31.75 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 88.9 - x: 153.67 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 182.88 - x: 175.26 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 127 - x: 100.33 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 40.64 - x: 199.39 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 196.85 - x: 156.21 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 196.85 - x: 134.62 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 182.88 - x: 175.26 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 182.88 - x: 154.94 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 107.95 - x: 67.31 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 35.56 - x: 40.64 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 196.85 - x: 166.37 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 73.66 - x: 152.4 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 63.5 - x: 25.4 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 63.5 - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 35.56 - x: 83.82 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 90.17 - x: 163.83 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 127 - x: 62.23 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 63.5 - x: 63.5 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - x: 80.01 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 107.95 - x: 82.55 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 80.01 - x: 163.83 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 105.41 - x: 36.83 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 38.1 - x: 74.93 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 127 - x: 63.5 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 63.5 - x: 62.23 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 96.52 - x: 36.83 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 40.64 - x: 74.93 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 62.23 - x: 177.8 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 90.17 - x: 163.83 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 60.96 - x: 31.75 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 120.65 - x: 93.98 y: 120.65 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for A CGA graphics card.
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS02 - 74xx:74LS08 - 74xx:74LS10 - 74xx:74LS125 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS374 - 74xx:74LS51 - GPU:MC6845 - ISA_CGA:2118 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 313.69 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U57 position: x: 302.26 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 312.42 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 309.88 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 309.88 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 310.007 y: 81.8642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 309.88 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 309.88 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 310.261 y: 33.7058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 309.88 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 309.88 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 310.007 y: 133.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 309.88 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 309.88 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 310.261 y: 85.7758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 313.69 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U56 position: x: 302.26 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 312.42 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 309.88 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 309.88 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 310.007 y: 186.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 309.88 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 309.88 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 310.261 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 313.69 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U55 position: x: 302.26 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 312.42 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 309.88 y: 236.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 309.88 y: 242.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 310.007 y: 240.6142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 309.88 y: 196.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 309.88 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 310.261 y: 192.4558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 313.69 y: 227.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U54 position: x: 302.26 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 312.42 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 373.38 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 373.38 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 373.507 y: 81.8642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 373.38 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 373.38 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 373.761 y: 33.7058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 377.19 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U53 position: x: 365.76 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 375.92 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 373.38 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 373.38 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 373.507 y: 133.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 373.38 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 373.38 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 373.761 y: 85.7758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 377.19 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U52 position: x: 365.76 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 375.92 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 373.38 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 373.38 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 373.507 y: 186.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 373.38 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 373.38 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 373.761 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 377.19 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 365.76 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 375.92 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 373.38 y: 236.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 373.38 y: 242.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 373.507 y: 240.6142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 373.38 y: 196.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 373.38 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 373.761 y: 192.4558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: ISA_CGA entryName: '2118' position: x: 377.19 y: 227.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 365.76 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2118' position: x: 375.92 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 110.49 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 110.49 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 110.49 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 133.35 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 133.35 y: 26.2382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S32 position: x: 133.35 y: 28.5496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 110.49 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 110.49 y: 33.8582 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 110.49 y: 36.1696 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 90.17 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 90.17 y: 36.3982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S32 position: x: 90.17 y: 38.7096 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 71.12 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 71.12 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S10 position: x: 71.12 y: 47.3964 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS374 position: x: 219.71 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U60 position: x: 213.36 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS374 position: x: 224.79 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 219.71 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0121' position: x: 219.71 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 219.837 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 219.71 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0122' position: x: 219.71 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 220.091 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS374 position: x: 219.71 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U61 position: x: 213.36 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS374 position: x: 224.79 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 219.71 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0123' position: x: 219.71 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 219.837 y: 126.3142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 219.71 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0124' position: x: 219.71 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 220.091 y: 76.8858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0241' position: x: 326.39 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 326.517 y: 67.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 389.89 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0242' position: x: 389.89 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 390.017 y: 67.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0243' position: x: 326.39 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 326.517 y: 119.9642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 389.89 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0244' position: x: 389.89 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 390.017 y: 119.9642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0245' position: x: 326.39 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 326.517 y: 172.0342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 389.89 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0246' position: x: 389.89 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 390.017 y: 172.0342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS374 position: x: 219.71 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U59 position: x: 213.36 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS374 position: x: 224.79 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 219.71 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0125' position: x: 219.71 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 219.837 y: 179.6542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 219.71 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0126' position: x: 219.71 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 220.091 y: 130.2258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS374 position: x: 219.71 y: 208.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U58 position: x: 213.36 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS374 position: x: 224.79 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 219.71 y: 228.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0127' position: x: 219.71 y: 234.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 219.837 y: 232.9942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 219.71 y: 187.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 219.71 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 220.091 y: 183.5658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0247' position: x: 326.39 y: 228.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 326.517 y: 226.6442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 389.89 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0248' position: x: 389.89 y: 228.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 390.017 y: 226.6442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 203.2 y: 243.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U62 position: x: 203.2 y: 235.7882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS125 position: x: 203.2 y: 238.0996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 175.26 y: 267.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 175.26 y: 259.715 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 175.26 y: 262.0264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 151.13 y: 267.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U48 position: x: 151.13 y: 254.635 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 151.13 y: 256.9464 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 110.49 y: 270.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 110.49 y: 274.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 110.871 y: 266.1158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: GPU entryName: MC6845 position: x: 83.82 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U38 position: x: 72.39 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MC6845 position: x: 92.71 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.82 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 83.82 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 83.947 y: 222.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 83.82 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 83.82 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 84.201 y: 142.9258 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 323.85 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 288.29 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 271.78 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 271.78 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 271.78 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 271.78 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 129.54 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 273.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 387.35 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 165.1 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 207.01 y: 213.36 angle: null - position: x: 207.01 y: 210.82 angle: null - position: x: 232.41 y: 213.36 angle: null - position: x: 99.06 y: 200.66 angle: null - position: x: 207.01 y: 53.34 angle: null - position: x: 232.41 y: 210.82 angle: null - position: x: 99.06 y: 198.12 angle: null - position: x: 99.06 y: 185.42 angle: null - position: x: 207.01 y: 106.68 angle: null - position: x: 232.41 y: 160.02 angle: null - position: x: 207.01 y: 160.02 angle: null - position: x: 232.41 y: 53.34 angle: null - position: x: 232.41 y: 106.68 angle: null busEntries: - position: x: 242.57 y: 35.56 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 40.64 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 55.88 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 209.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 149.86 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 48.26 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 152.4 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 149.86 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 48.26 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 212.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 147.32 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 152.4 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 207.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 160.02 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 38.1 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 58.42 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 48.26 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 55.88 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 144.78 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 149.86 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 214.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 154.94 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 214.63 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 152.4 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 217.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 53.34 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 219.71 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 53.34 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 160.02 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 147.32 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 157.48 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 157.48 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 142.24 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 207.01 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 50.8 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 212.09 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 58.42 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 200.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 205.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 204.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 203.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 162.56 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 157.48 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 195.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 201.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 208.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 43.18 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 162.56 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 147.32 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 204.47 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 45.72 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 154.94 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 201.93 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 217.17 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 198.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 242.57 y: 104.14 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 50.8 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 50.8 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 351.79 y: 154.94 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 - position: x: 288.29 y: 209.55 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: 2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 170.18 - x: 271.78 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 48.26 - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 162.56 - x: 387.35 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 204.47 - x: 351.79 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 46.99 - x: 393.7 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 26.67 - x: 121.92 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 243.84 - x: 242.57 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 165.1 - x: 195.58 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 154.94 - x: 245.11 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 34.29 - x: 55.88 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 105.41 - x: 361.95 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 214.63 - x: 298.45 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 212.09 - x: 361.95 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 97.79 - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 53.34 - x: 298.45 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 45.72 - x: 387.35 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 91.44 - x: 242.57 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 68.58 - x: 287.02 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 219.71 - x: 298.45 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 271.78 y: 118.11 - x: 271.78 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 175.26 - x: 287.02 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 105.41 - x: 298.45 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 149.86 - x: 245.11 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 110.49 - x: 387.35 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 217.17 - x: 387.35 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 170.18 - x: 48.26 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 129.54 - x: 166.37 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 147.32 - x: 146.05 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 100.33 - x: 384.81 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 210.82 - x: 245.11 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 207.01 - x: 321.31 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 24.13 - x: 55.88 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 224.79 - x: 271.78 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 30.48 - x: 245.11 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 162.56 - x: 99.06 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 39.37 - x: 97.79 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 190.5 - x: 129.54 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 260.35 - x: 138.43 y: 260.35 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 43.18 - x: 288.29 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 203.2 - x: 242.57 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 104.14 - x: 245.11 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 149.86 - x: 323.85 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 165.1 - x: 48.26 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 50.8 - x: 298.45 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 219.71 - x: 321.31 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 167.64 - x: 193.04 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 203.2 - x: 207.01 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 149.86 - x: 298.45 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 229.87 - x: 350.52 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 93.98 - x: 245.11 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 102.87 - x: 288.29 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 198.12 - x: 207.01 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 104.14 - x: 186.69 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 48.26 - x: 321.31 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 275.59 - x: 115.57 y: 275.59 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 31.75 - x: 125.73 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 45.72 - x: 387.35 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 96.52 - x: 245.11 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 53.34 - x: 63.5 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 55.88 - x: 58.42 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 195.58 - x: 242.57 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 144.78 - x: 242.57 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 110.49 - x: 387.35 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 149.86 - x: 207.01 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 170.18 - x: 337.82 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 262.89 - x: 138.43 y: 262.89 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 101.6 - x: 242.57 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 53.34 - x: 361.95 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 265.43 - x: 138.43 y: 265.43 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 160.02 - x: 361.95 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 160.02 - x: 298.45 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 218.44 - x: 195.58 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 95.25 - x: 288.29 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 110.49 - x: 323.85 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 107.95 - x: 351.79 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 229.87 - x: 180.34 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 113.03 - x: 298.45 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 251.46 - x: 203.2 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 154.94 - x: 144.78 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 160.02 - x: 288.29 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 97.79 - x: 387.35 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 58.42 - x: 387.35 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 217.17 - x: 387.35 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 209.55 - x: 288.29 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 38.1 - x: 242.57 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 165.1 - x: 195.58 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 208.28 - x: 245.11 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 204.47 - x: 288.29 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 201.93 - x: 288.29 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 271.78 y: 170.18 - x: 271.78 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 58.42 - x: 298.45 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 53.34 - x: 351.79 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 273.05 - x: 130.81 y: 265.43 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 120.65 - x: 350.52 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 110.49 - x: 288.29 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 218.44 - x: 326.39 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 50.8 - x: 186.69 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 110.49 - x: 323.85 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 45.72 - x: 361.95 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 123.19 - x: 287.02 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 60.96 - x: 298.45 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 152.4 - x: 148.59 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 218.44 - x: 389.89 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 205.74 - x: 135.89 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 111.76 - x: 195.58 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 273.05 - x: 130.81 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 205.74 - x: 393.7 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 36.83 - x: 125.73 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 180.34 - x: 146.05 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 30.48 - x: 288.29 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 59.69 - x: 389.89 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 198.12 - x: 242.57 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 59.69 - x: 323.85 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 195.58 - x: 207.01 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 35.56 - x: 186.69 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 105.41 - x: 288.29 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 200.66 - x: 242.57 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 149.86 - x: 387.35 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 55.88 - x: 351.79 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 212.09 - x: 288.29 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 177.8 - x: 147.32 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 163.83 - x: 323.85 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 157.48 - x: 288.29 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 66.04 - x: 337.82 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 160.02 - x: 245.11 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 106.68 - x: 245.11 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 154.94 - x: 48.26 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 97.79 - x: 298.45 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 152.4 - x: 298.45 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 204.47 - x: 323.85 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 113.03 - x: 361.95 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 99.06 - x: 245.11 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 71.12 - x: 287.02 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - x: 387.35 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 229.87 - x: 180.34 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 149.86 - x: 323.85 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 144.78 - x: 207.01 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 246.38 - x: 271.78 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 41.91 - x: 63.5 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 149.86 - x: 288.29 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 180.34 - x: 146.05 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 165.1 - x: 298.45 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 60.96 - x: 166.37 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 48.26 - x: 361.95 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 111.76 - x: 326.39 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 60.96 - x: 361.95 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 229.87 - x: 287.02 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 208.28 - x: 242.57 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 101.6 - x: 245.11 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 219.71 - x: 384.81 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 50.8 - x: 361.95 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 165.1 - x: 149.86 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 133.35 - x: 195.58 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 95.25 - x: 351.79 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 157.48 - x: 298.45 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 99.06 - x: 242.57 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 220.98 - x: 195.58 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 102.87 - x: 298.45 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 162.56 - x: 361.95 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 200.66 - x: 245.11 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 154.94 - x: 144.78 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 111.76 - x: 195.58 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 34.29 - x: 153.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 162.56 - x: 323.85 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 151.13 - x: 323.85 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 152.4 - x: 384.81 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 44.45 - x: 102.87 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 218.44 - x: 387.35 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 163.83 - x: 326.39 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 46.99 - x: 81.28 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 60.96 - x: 384.81 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 97.79 - x: 361.95 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 58.42 - x: 361.95 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 41.91 - x: 121.92 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 29.21 - x: 55.88 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 389.89 y: 111.76 - x: 389.89 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 177.8 - x: 48.26 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 163.83 - x: 326.39 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 46.99 - x: 81.28 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 45.72 - x: 323.85 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 99.06 - x: 387.35 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 389.89 y: 163.83 - x: 389.89 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 59.69 - x: 387.35 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 50.8 - x: 60.96 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 118.11 - x: 337.82 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 185.42 - x: 48.26 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 162.56 - x: 48.26 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 180.34 - x: 48.26 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 157.48 - x: 245.11 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 68.58 - x: 350.52 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 88.9 - x: 242.57 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 209.55 - x: 298.45 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 152.4 - x: 143.51 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 271.78 y: 66.04 - x: 271.78 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 175.26 - x: 148.59 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 214.63 - x: 361.95 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 170.18 - x: 151.13 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 265.43 - x: 163.83 y: 265.43 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 267.97 - x: 189.23 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 267.97 - x: 163.83 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 105.41 - x: 351.79 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 113.03 - x: 384.81 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 175.26 - x: 350.52 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 147.32 - x: 245.11 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 66.04 - x: 337.82 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 208.28 - x: 135.89 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 157.48 - x: 99.06 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 102.87 - x: 361.95 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 214.63 - x: 288.29 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 45.72 - x: 245.11 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 270.51 - x: 167.64 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 123.19 - x: 350.52 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 200.66 - x: 207.01 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 217.17 - x: 323.85 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 160.02 - x: 48.26 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 152.4 - x: 148.59 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 50.8 - x: 288.29 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 55.88 - x: 288.29 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 152.4 - x: 48.26 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 162.56 - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 99.06 - x: 330.2 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 114.3 - x: 166.37 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 154.94 - x: 361.95 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 111.76 - x: 326.39 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 100.33 - x: 298.45 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 60.96 - x: 321.31 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 149.86 - x: 361.95 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 154.94 - x: 242.57 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 172.72 - x: 149.86 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 71.12 - x: 350.52 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 273.05 - x: 110.49 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 204.47 - x: 323.85 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 100.33 - x: 361.95 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 99.06 - x: 323.85 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - x: 389.89 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 152.4 - x: 361.95 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 142.24 - x: 242.57 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 213.36 - x: 135.89 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 167.64 - x: 151.13 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 58.42 - x: 323.85 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 204.47 - x: 387.35 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 167.64 - x: 151.13 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 107.95 - x: 361.95 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 157.48 - x: 242.57 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 40.64 - x: 186.69 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 107.95 - x: 288.29 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 165.1 - x: 384.81 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 152.4 - x: 288.29 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 48.26 - x: 288.29 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 58.42 - x: 207.01 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 154.94 - x: 288.29 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 229.87 - x: 165.1 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 50.8 - x: 242.57 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 107.95 - x: 298.45 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 35.56 - x: 242.57 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 151.13 - x: 393.7 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 209.55 - x: 361.95 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 224.79 - x: 337.82 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 58.42 - x: 166.37 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 110.49 - x: 361.95 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 270.51 - x: 128.27 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 43.18 - x: 245.11 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 190.5 - x: 129.54 y: 260.35 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 243.84 - x: 165.1 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 100.33 - x: 288.29 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 167.64 - x: 48.26 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 102.87 - x: 351.79 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 175.26 - x: 148.59 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 46.99 - x: 323.85 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 209.55 - x: 351.79 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 152.4 - x: 321.31 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 273.05 - x: 110.49 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 118.11 - x: 337.82 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 58.42 - x: 323.85 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 58.42 - x: 387.35 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 45.72 - x: 298.45 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 195.58 - x: 135.89 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 58.42 - x: 55.88 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 389.89 y: 218.44 - x: 389.89 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 53.34 - x: 288.29 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 205.74 - x: 323.85 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 53.34 - x: 245.11 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 45.72 - x: 242.57 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - x: 351.79 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 110.49 - x: 351.79 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 96.52 - x: 186.69 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 46.99 - x: 387.35 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 207.01 - x: 298.45 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 91.44 - x: 186.69 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 30.48 - x: 351.79 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 97.79 - x: 323.85 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 59.69 - x: 326.39 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 219.71 - x: 361.95 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 165.1 - x: 361.95 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 157.48 - x: 207.01 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 48.26 - x: 384.81 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 208.28 - x: 207.01 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 193.04 - x: 135.89 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 220.98 - x: 195.58 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 205.74 - x: 387.35 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 39.37 - x: 55.88 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 40.64 - x: 242.57 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 227.33 - x: 287.02 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 157.48 - x: 48.26 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 118.11 - x: 271.78 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 26.67 - x: 121.92 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 172.72 - x: 149.86 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 195.58 - x: 48.26 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 48.26 - x: 245.11 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 147.32 - x: 288.29 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 267.97 - x: 189.23 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 154.94 - x: 298.45 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 48.26 - x: 186.69 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 111.76 - x: 389.89 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 55.88 - x: 298.45 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 97.79 - x: 323.85 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 152.4 - x: 242.57 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 224.79 - x: 337.82 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 110.49 - x: 298.45 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 167.64 - x: 193.04 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 172.72 - x: 287.02 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 219.71 - x: 242.57 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 210.82 - x: 135.89 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 147.32 - x: 351.79 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 218.44 - x: 195.58 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 30.48 - x: 245.11 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 162.56 - x: 323.85 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 99.06 - x: 393.7 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 99.06 - x: 186.69 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 177.8 - x: 147.32 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 46.99 - x: 330.2 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 198.12 - x: 245.11 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 48.26 - x: 242.57 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 162.56 - x: 351.79 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 43.18 - x: 351.79 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 40.64 - x: 245.11 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 182.88 - x: 48.26 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 59.69 - x: 326.39 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 154.94 - x: 351.79 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 190.5 - x: 135.89 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 111.76 - x: 387.35 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 113.03 - x: 321.31 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 165.1 - x: 321.31 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 41.91 - x: 121.92 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 48.26 - x: 298.45 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 203.2 - x: 245.11 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 162.56 - x: 288.29 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 152.4 - x: 245.11 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 270.51 - x: 128.27 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 43.18 - x: 186.69 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 45.72 - x: 288.29 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 160.02 - x: 147.32 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 160.02 - x: 147.32 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 165.1 - x: 149.86 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 142.24 - x: 207.01 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 45.72 - x: 323.85 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 204.47 - x: 298.45 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 55.88 - x: 58.42 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 207.01 - x: 288.29 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 101.6 - x: 186.69 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 91.44 - x: 245.11 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 93.98 - x: 242.57 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 251.46 - x: 203.2 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 217.17 - x: 298.45 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 53.34 - x: 78.74 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 58.42 - x: 351.79 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 38.1 - x: 245.11 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 39.37 - x: 97.79 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 190.5 - x: 48.26 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 205.74 - x: 207.01 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 265.43 - x: 163.83 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 147.32 - x: 242.57 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 389.89 y: 59.69 - x: 389.89 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 172.72 - x: 350.52 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 361.95 y: 227.33 - x: 350.52 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 88.9 - x: 186.69 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 152.4 - x: 143.51 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 204.47 - x: 361.95 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 157.48 - x: 351.79 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 207.01 - x: 384.81 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 207.01 - x: 351.79 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 204.47 - x: 387.35 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 201.93 - x: 351.79 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 217.17 - x: 323.85 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 144.78 - x: 245.11 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 246.38 - x: 271.78 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 207.01 - x: 361.95 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 271.78 y: 224.79 - x: 271.78 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 66.04 - x: 271.78 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 218.44 - x: 323.85 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 30.48 - x: 351.79 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 151.13 - x: 387.35 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 55.88 - x: 361.95 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 50.8 - x: 245.11 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 29.21 - x: 60.96 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 205.74 - x: 330.2 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 97.79 - x: 387.35 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 111.76 - x: 323.85 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 58.42 - x: 288.29 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 45.72 - x: 351.79 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 157.48 - x: 361.95 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 212.09 - x: 298.45 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 50.8 - x: 60.96 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 100.33 - x: 321.31 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 205.74 - x: 242.57 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 41.91 - x: 63.5 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 97.79 - x: 288.29 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 120.65 - x: 287.02 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 93.98 - x: 186.69 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 175.26 - x: 48.26 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 212.09 - x: 351.79 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 149.86 - x: 351.79 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 214.63 - x: 351.79 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 170.18 - x: 151.13 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 149.86 - x: 242.57 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 205.74 - x: 245.11 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 38.1 - x: 186.69 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 149.86 - x: 387.35 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 104.14 - x: 242.57 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 162.56 - x: 298.45 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 218.44 - x: 326.39 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 217.17 - x: 361.95 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 160.02 - x: 351.79 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 151.13 - x: 330.2 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - x: 351.79 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 154.94 - x: 207.01 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 182.88 - x: 99.06 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 147.32 - x: 146.05 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 96.52 - x: 242.57 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 43.18 - x: 242.57 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 152.4 - x: 351.79 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 170.18 - x: 337.82 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 45.72 - x: 186.69 y: 45.72 globalLabels: - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: VSYNC shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 68.58 angle: 180 - text: HSYNC shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 165.1 angle: 180 - text: Q1 shape: input position: x: 166.37 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 99.06 angle: 180 - text: ~{6845_CS} shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 177.8 angle: 180 - text: ALPHA_DOTS shape: output position: x: 153.67 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - text: ~{EN_CRT_CAS_ADDR} shape: input position: x: 165.1 y: 229.87 angle: 180 - text: ~{CCLK} shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 190.5 angle: 180 - text: MD4 shape: bidirectional position: x: 393.7 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: MD6 shape: bidirectional position: x: 393.7 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 104.14 angle: 180 - text: ~{WE} shape: input position: x: 265.43 y: 246.38 angle: 180 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 160.02 angle: 180 - text: ~{EN_CRT_RAS_ADDR} shape: input position: x: 166.37 y: 129.54 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 166.37 y: 133.35 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 167.64 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 170.18 angle: 180 - text: MD2 shape: bidirectional position: x: 330.2 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 154.94 angle: 180 - text: ~{IOW} shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 175.26 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 120.65 angle: 180 - text: ~{HCLK} shape: input position: x: 165.1 y: 243.84 angle: 180 - text: MD1 shape: bidirectional position: x: 330.2 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - text: ~{CURSOR_DLY} shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 29.21 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 71.12 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: MD7 shape: bidirectional position: x: 393.7 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - text: MD5 shape: bidirectional position: x: 393.7 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - text: ENABLE_BLINK shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 68.58 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 91.44 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 50.8 angle: 180 - text: ~{CURSOR_BLINK} shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 24.13 angle: 180 - text: MD0 shape: bidirectional position: x: 330.2 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 229.87 angle: 180 - text: DISPEN shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 227.33 angle: 180 - text: CURSOR shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 175.26 angle: 180 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 123.19 angle: 180 - text: ~{EN_CPU_CAS_ADDR} shape: input position: x: 166.37 y: 114.3 angle: 180 - text: ~{EN_CPU_RAS_ADDR} shape: input position: x: 166.37 y: 60.96 angle: 180 - text: GRPH shape: input position: x: 115.57 y: 262.89 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 96.52 angle: 180 - text: E shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 182.88 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 175.26 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 120.65 angle: 180 - text: ~{BLINK} shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 162.56 angle: 180 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 152.4 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 229.87 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 227.33 angle: 180 - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: ~{GRPH} shape: input position: x: 115.57 y: 275.59 angle: 180 - text: LPEN_STR shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 195.58 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 180.34 angle: 180 - text: AT7 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 172.72 angle: 180 - text: CHG_DOTS shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 34.29 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 157.48 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 123.19 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: input position: x: 350.52 y: 71.12 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET} shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 185.42 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 287.02 y: 172.72 angle: 180 - text: MD3 shape: bidirectional position: x: 330.2 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - text: RA1 shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - text: RA0 shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 186.69 y: 101.6 angle: 180 - text: RA2 shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 195.58 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A memory system.
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS08 - 74xx:74LS153 - 74xx:74LS166 - 74xx:74LS174 - 74xx:74LS244 - 74xx:74LS244_Split - 74xx:74LS273 - 74xx:74LS374 - 74xx:74LS86 - Memory_EPROM:27C256 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 120.65 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 113.03 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 127 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_EPROM entryName: 27C256 position: x: 121.92 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U33 position: x: 127 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27C256 position: x: 115.57 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 120.65 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 113.03 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 127 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 120.65 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 113.03 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 127 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 120.65 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 113.03 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 127 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0135' position: x: 100.33 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244 position: x: 52.07 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U36 position: x: 58.42 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 46.99 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 52.07 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0164' position: x: 52.07 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.197 y: 71.7042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 52.07 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0163' position: x: 52.07 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 52.451 y: 22.2758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS374 position: x: 52.07 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U37 position: x: 45.72 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS374 position: x: 57.15 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 52.07 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0162' position: x: 52.07 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.197 y: 123.7742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 52.07 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0161' position: x: 52.07 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 52.451 y: 74.3458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS273 position: x: 52.07 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U35 position: x: 45.72 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS273 position: x: 57.15 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 52.07 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0160' position: x: 52.07 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.197 y: 175.8442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 52.07 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0159' position: x: 52.07 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 52.451 y: 126.4158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS273 position: x: 52.07 y: 203.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U34 position: x: 45.72 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS273 position: x: 57.15 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 52.07 y: 223.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0158' position: x: 52.07 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.197 y: 227.9142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 52.07 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0157' position: x: 52.07 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 52.451 y: 178.4858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 25.4 y: 215.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0156' position: x: 29.21 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 22.1742 y: 215.519 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 95.25 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0155' position: x: 95.25 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 95.631 y: 182.2958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 176.53 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 170.18 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS174 position: x: 181.61 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 176.53 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 176.53 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 176.657 y: 80.5942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 176.53 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0152' position: x: 176.53 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 176.911 y: 32.4358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 95.25 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0249' position: x: 95.25 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 95.631 y: 170.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 121.92 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 121.92 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 122.301 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 43.18 y: 245.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U68 position: x: 43.18 y: 236.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 43.18 y: 239.1664 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 66.04 y: 247.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U68 position: x: 66.04 y: 239.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 66.04 y: 241.7064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS166 position: x: 181.61 y: 166.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U32 position: x: 173.99 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS166 position: x: 182.88 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 181.61 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0150' position: x: 181.61 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 181.737 y: 196.1642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 181.61 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 181.61 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 181.991 y: 135.3058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 190.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0148' position: x: 151.13 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 151.257 y: 194.8942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS166 position: x: 290.83 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 283.21 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS166 position: x: 292.1 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 290.83 y: 19.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0147' position: x: 290.83 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 291.211 y: 14.6558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 290.83 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 290.83 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 290.957 y: 74.2442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 266.7 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 266.7 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 266.827 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS166 position: x: 290.83 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 283.21 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS166 position: x: 292.1 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 290.83 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 290.83 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 287.02 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 290.83 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0143' position: x: 290.83 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 290.957 y: 137.7442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 266.7 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0142' position: x: 266.7 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 266.827 y: 136.4742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS153 position: x: 290.83 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 284.48 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '74153' position: x: 295.91 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 290.83 y: 199.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0141' position: x: 290.83 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 290.957 y: 203.7842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 290.83 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0140' position: x: 290.83 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 291.211 y: 141.6558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS153 position: x: 290.83 y: 237.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 284.48 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '74153' position: x: 295.91 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 290.83 y: 265.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0139' position: x: 290.83 y: 271.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 290.957 y: 269.8242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 290.83 y: 210.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 290.83 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 287.02 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 201.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0137' position: x: 121.92 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.047 y: 206.3242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 121.92 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 121.92 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 122.301 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 218.44 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 218.44 y: 210.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S08 position: x: 218.44 y: 212.4964 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 368.3 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U101 position: x: 361.95 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S174 position: x: 373.38 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 368.3 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0134' position: x: 368.3 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 368.427 y: 188.5442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 368.3 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 368.3 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 368.681 y: 141.6558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 350.52 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 350.52 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 350.901 y: 177.2158 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 66.04 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 250.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 307.34 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 264.16 y: 255.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 307.34 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 251.46 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 120.65 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: - position: x: 71.12 y: 195.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 224.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 54.61 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 59.69 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 171.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 153.67 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 97.79 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 78.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 173.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 113.03 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 158.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 151.13 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 71.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 54.61 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 133.35 y: 64.77 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 73.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 205.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 140.97 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 151.13 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 153.67 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 146.05 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 210.82 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 76.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 156.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 176.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 57.15 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 200.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 31.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 107.95 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 59.69 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 54.61 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 68.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 57.15 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 81.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 104.14 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 104.14 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 148.59 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 148.59 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 193.04 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 158.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 100.33 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 173.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 41.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 208.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 154.94 y: 52.07 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 133.35 y: 73.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 208.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 168.91 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 161.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 83.82 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 163.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 29.21 y: 86.36 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 133.35 y: 55.88 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 34.29 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 224.79 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 105.41 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 156.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 248.92 y: 195.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 240.03 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 138.43 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 200.66 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 193.04 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 203.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 222.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 133.35 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 176.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 101.6 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 143.51 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 166.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 86.36 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 99.06 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 100.33 y: 158.75 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 146.05 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 205.74 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 143.51 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 203.2 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 102.87 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 93.98 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 106.68 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 110.49 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 88.9 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 208.28 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 36.83 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 91.44 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 198.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 156.21 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 195.58 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 96.52 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 46.99 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 39.37 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 49.53 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 44.45 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 71.12 y: 190.5 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 198.12 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 251.46 y: 95.25 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 - position: x: 31.75 y: 140.97 angle: null size: x: 2.54 y: -2.54 graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 179.07 - x: 168.91 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 151.13 - x: 148.59 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 96.52 - x: 73.66 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 193.04 - x: 34.29 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 41.91 - x: 34.29 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 215.9 - x: 204.47 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 189.23 - x: 264.16 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 46.99 - x: 254 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 156.21 - x: 71.12 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 191.77 - x: 111.76 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 41.91 - x: 71.12 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 52.07 - x: 224.79 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 44.45 - x: 71.12 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 176.53 - x: 256.54 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 39.37 - x: 232.41 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 97.79 - x: 251.46 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - x: 73.66 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 31.75 - x: 251.46 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 148.59 - x: 71.12 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 62.23 - x: 158.75 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 52.07 - x: 194.31 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 143.51 - x: 34.29 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 91.44 - x: 71.12 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 158.75 - x: 31.75 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 194.31 - x: 106.68 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 73.66 - x: 133.35 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 252.73 - x: 26.67 y: 252.73 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 168.91 - x: 102.87 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 227.33 - x: 256.54 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 200.66 - x: 71.12 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 151.13 - x: 149.86 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 250.19 - x: 261.62 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 156.21 - x: 251.46 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 153.67 - x: 147.32 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 113.03 - x: 251.46 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 306.07 y: 219.71 - x: 303.53 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 30.48 - x: 135.89 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 83.82 - x: 29.21 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 250.19 - x: 48.26 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 26.67 - x: 307.34 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 161.29 - x: 102.87 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 135.89 - x: 73.66 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 44.45 - x: 34.29 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 171.45 - x: 349.25 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 146.05 - x: 73.66 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 156.21 - x: 355.6 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 67.31 - x: 158.75 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 245.11 - x: 226.06 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 151.13 - x: 71.12 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 71.12 - x: 31.75 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 158.75 - x: 398.78 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 104.14 - x: 34.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 66.04 - x: 31.75 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 59.69 - x: 64.77 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 133.35 - x: 73.66 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 49.53 - x: 31.75 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 102.87 - x: 251.46 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 93.98 - x: 31.75 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 99.06 - x: 34.29 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 158.75 - x: 144.78 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 140.97 - x: 73.66 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 158.75 - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 44.45 - x: 135.89 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - x: 387.35 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 143.51 - x: 71.12 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 194.31 - x: 106.68 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 31.75 - x: 254 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 54.61 - x: 154.94 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 36.83 - x: 251.46 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 189.23 - x: 95.25 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 57.15 - x: 157.48 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 176.53 - x: 251.46 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 222.25 - x: 251.46 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 146.05 - x: 34.29 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 53.34 - x: 135.89 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 104.14 - x: 73.66 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 205.74 - x: 31.75 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 195.58 - x: 34.29 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 46.99 - x: 232.41 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 205.74 - x: 254 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 143.51 - x: 31.75 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 161.29 - x: 308.61 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 242.57 - x: 256.54 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 166.37 - x: 398.78 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - x: 100.33 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 151.13 - x: 149.86 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 95.25 - x: 251.46 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 189.23 - x: 264.16 y: 255.27 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 107.95 - x: 251.46 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 138.43 - x: 73.66 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 176.53 - x: 354.33 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 219.71 - x: 254 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 36.83 - x: 34.29 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 31.75 - x: 73.66 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 111.76 - x: 25.4 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 57.15 - x: 66.04 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 203.2 - x: 73.66 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 41.91 - x: 73.66 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 36.83 - x: 31.75 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 193.04 - x: 31.75 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 153.67 - x: 398.78 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 151.13 - x: 31.75 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 257.81 - x: 278.13 y: 257.81 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 247.65 - x: 26.67 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 222.25 - x: 254 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 30.48 - x: 154.94 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 49.53 - x: 71.12 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 168.91 - x: 168.91 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 46.99 - x: 34.29 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 173.99 - x: 251.46 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 198.12 - x: 73.66 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 153.67 - x: 107.95 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 177.8 - x: 95.25 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 306.07 y: 158.75 - x: 306.07 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 49.53 - x: 232.41 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 99.06 - x: 71.12 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 203.2 - x: 71.12 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 76.2 - x: 241.3 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 190.5 - x: 71.12 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 71.12 - x: 135.89 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 257.81 - x: 256.54 y: 257.81 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 92.71 - x: 254 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 203.2 - x: 34.29 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 224.79 - x: 251.46 y: 240.03 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 205.74 - x: 71.12 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 99.06 - x: 73.66 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 250.19 - x: 261.62 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 156.21 - x: 398.78 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 88.9 - x: 71.12 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 198.12 - x: 34.29 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 181.61 - x: 107.95 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 255.27 - x: 278.13 y: 255.27 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 41.91 - x: 254 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 46.99 - x: 133.35 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 139.7 - x: 245.11 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 193.04 - x: 73.66 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 166.37 - x: 261.62 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 105.41 - x: 251.46 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - x: 251.46 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 182.88 - x: 100.33 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 115.57 - x: 278.13 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 250.19 - x: 261.62 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 73.66 - x: 31.75 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 140.97 - x: 31.75 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 153.67 - x: 355.6 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 96.52 - x: 71.12 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 176.53 - x: 256.54 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 245.11 - x: 259.08 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 200.66 - x: 121.92 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 179.07 - x: 151.13 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 83.82 - x: 120.65 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 208.28 - x: 71.12 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 156.21 - x: 146.05 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 68.58 - x: 31.75 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 171.45 - x: 303.53 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 93.98 - x: 34.29 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 208.28 - x: 31.75 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 78.74 - x: 31.75 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 76.2 - x: 31.75 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 54.61 - x: 278.13 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 86.36 - x: 34.29 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 83.82 - x: 73.66 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 138.43 - x: 34.29 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 158.75 - x: 251.46 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 151.13 - x: 34.29 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 148.59 - x: 31.75 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 218.44 - x: 228.6 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 86.36 - x: 29.21 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 195.58 - x: 248.92 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 220.98 - x: 190.5 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 49.53 - x: 251.46 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 168.91 - x: 100.33 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 148.59 - x: 107.95 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 52.07 - x: 157.48 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 153.67 - x: 147.32 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 39.37 - x: 73.66 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 156.21 - x: 31.75 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 49.53 - x: 34.29 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 52.07 - x: 34.29 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - x: 149.86 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 163.83 - x: 100.33 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 83.82 - x: 31.75 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 55.88 - x: 107.95 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 73.66 - x: 29.21 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 179.07 - x: 278.13 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 158.75 - x: 256.54 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 245.11 - x: 58.42 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 54.61 - x: 157.48 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 195.58 - x: 71.12 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 148.59 - x: 73.66 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 71.12 - x: 29.21 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 193.04 - x: 251.46 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 161.29 - x: 278.13 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 81.28 - x: 31.75 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 64.77 - x: 133.35 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 133.35 - x: 251.46 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 104.14 - x: 31.75 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 106.68 - x: 31.75 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 195.58 - x: 31.75 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 143.51 - x: 73.66 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 90.17 - x: 307.34 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 143.51 - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 57.15 - x: 266.7 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 57.15 - x: 194.31 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 184.15 - x: 111.76 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 161.29 - x: 143.51 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 36.83 - x: 254 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 166.37 - x: 261.62 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 200.66 - x: 121.92 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 153.67 - x: 168.91 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 191.77 - x: 266.7 y: 257.81 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 44.45 - x: 254 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 208.28 - x: 251.46 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 163.83 - x: 102.87 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 193.04 - x: 71.12 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 237.49 - x: 278.13 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 177.8 - x: 95.25 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 166.37 - x: 100.33 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 109.22 - x: 25.4 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 90.17 - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 49.53 - x: 194.31 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 68.58 - x: 29.21 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 181.61 - x: 107.95 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 166.37 - x: 245.11 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 156.21 - x: 254 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 30.48 - x: 224.79 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 46.99 - x: 157.48 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 100.33 - x: 251.46 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 156.21 - x: 102.87 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 101.6 - x: 71.12 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 215.9 - x: 204.47 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 102.87 - x: 254 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 176.53 - x: 111.76 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 36.83 - x: 73.66 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 44.45 - x: 73.66 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 240.03 - x: 278.13 y: 240.03 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 64.77 - x: 107.95 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 41.91 - x: 224.79 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 62.23 - x: 135.89 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 158.75 - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 83.82 - x: 120.65 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 39.37 - x: 34.29 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 163.83 - x: 168.91 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 140.97 - x: 71.12 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 46.99 - x: 107.95 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 148.59 - x: 198.12 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 158.75 - x: 102.87 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 59.69 - x: 66.04 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 57.15 - x: 266.7 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 229.87 - x: 246.38 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 34.29 - x: 34.29 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 49.53 - x: 157.48 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 250.19 - x: 48.26 y: 252.73 - type: wire points: - x: 306.07 y: 158.75 - x: 355.6 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 30.48 - x: 224.79 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 350.52 y: 184.15 - x: 350.52 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 171.45 - x: 102.87 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 46.99 - x: 251.46 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 120.65 - x: 266.7 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 163.83 - x: 25.4 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 46.99 - x: 31.75 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 182.88 - x: 107.95 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 76.2 - x: 29.21 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 46.99 - x: 194.31 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 191.77 - x: 334.01 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 41.91 - x: 232.41 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 125.73 - x: 278.13 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 158.75 - x: 168.91 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 161.29 - x: 25.4 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 26.67 - x: 307.34 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 200.66 - x: 34.29 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 34.29 - x: 73.66 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 161.29 - x: 308.61 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 101.6 - x: 31.75 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 184.15 - x: 163.83 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 242.57 - x: 26.67 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 140.97 - x: 34.29 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 118.11 - x: 278.13 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 187.96 - x: 73.66 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 46.99 - x: 154.94 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 99.06 - x: 31.75 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 173.99 - x: 168.91 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 138.43 - x: 71.12 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 49.53 - x: 73.66 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 213.36 - x: 25.4 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 151.13 - x: 107.95 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 198.12 - x: 71.12 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 156.21 - x: 146.05 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 227.33 - x: 256.54 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 163.83 - x: 142.24 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 46.99 - x: 224.79 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 95.25 - x: 254 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 247.65 - x: 83.82 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 201.93 - x: 121.92 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 120.65 - x: 266.7 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 76.2 - x: 241.3 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 156.21 - x: 168.91 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 101.6 - x: 73.66 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 153.67 - x: 73.66 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 101.6 - x: 34.29 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 66.04 - x: 66.04 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 140.97 - x: 181.61 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 200.66 - x: 73.66 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 156.21 - x: 34.29 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 93.98 - x: 71.12 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 200.66 - x: 31.75 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 62.23 - x: 278.13 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 90.17 - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 153.67 - x: 31.75 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 166.37 - x: 355.6 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 158.75 - x: 256.54 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 242.57 - x: 256.54 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 166.37 - x: 140.97 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 133.35 - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 105.41 - x: 254 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 189.23 - x: 95.25 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 173.99 - x: 100.33 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 54.61 - x: 31.75 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 153.67 - x: 254 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 90.17 - x: 307.34 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 54.61 - x: 194.31 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 148.59 - x: 34.29 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 52.07 - x: 232.41 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 46.99 - x: 71.12 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 148.59 - x: 151.13 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 179.07 - x: 109.22 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 153.67 - x: 34.29 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - x: 168.91 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 247.65 - x: 73.66 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 104.14 - x: 71.12 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 203.2 - x: 31.75 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 184.15 - x: 261.62 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 151.13 - x: 148.59 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 171.45 - x: 254 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 91.44 - x: 34.29 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 44.45 - x: 224.79 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 161.29 - x: 398.78 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 81.28 - x: 29.21 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 57.15 - x: 232.41 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 100.33 - x: 254 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 215.9 - x: 25.4 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 163.83 - x: 142.24 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 161.29 - x: 143.51 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 73.66 - x: 107.95 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 91.44 - x: 31.75 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 218.44 - x: 228.6 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 41.91 - x: 31.75 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 26.67 - x: 266.7 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 107.95 - x: 254 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 195.58 - x: 73.66 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 190.5 - x: 34.29 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 184.15 - x: 350.52 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 55.88 - x: 133.35 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 97.79 - x: 254 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 245.11 - x: 259.08 y: 245.11 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 57.15 - x: 154.94 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 78.74 - x: 29.21 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 247.65 - x: 226.06 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 44.45 - x: 194.31 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 163.83 - x: 387.35 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 41.91 - x: 251.46 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 86.36 - x: 71.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 148.59 - x: 168.91 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 88.9 - x: 31.75 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 30.48 - x: 154.94 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 46.99 - x: 73.66 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 205.74 - x: 34.29 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 26.67 - x: 266.7 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 166.37 - x: 168.91 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 387.35 y: 191.77 - x: 334.01 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 151.13 - x: 73.66 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - x: 100.33 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 224.79 - x: 255.27 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 54.61 - x: 224.79 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 52.07 - x: 278.13 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 39.37 - x: 71.12 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 52.07 - x: 31.75 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 39.37 - x: 31.75 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 52.07 - x: 71.12 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 176.53 - x: 168.91 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 82.55 - x: 290.83 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 304.8 y: 156.21 - x: 304.8 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 182.88 - x: 100.33 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 39.37 - x: 251.46 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - x: 266.7 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 57.15 - x: 224.79 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 39.37 - x: 254 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 34.29 - x: 71.12 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 44.45 - x: 232.41 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 242.57 - x: 255.27 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 163.83 - x: 331.47 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 255.27 - x: 264.16 y: 255.27 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 176.53 - x: 354.33 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 153.67 - x: 71.12 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 146.05 - x: 31.75 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 166.37 - x: 102.87 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 52.07 - x: 154.94 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 36.83 - x: 71.12 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 44.45 - x: 157.48 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 146.05 - x: 71.12 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 110.49 - x: 254 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 93.98 - x: 73.66 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 110.49 - x: 251.46 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 173.99 - x: 254 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 88.9 - x: 73.66 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 180.34 - x: 241.3 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 44.45 - x: 31.75 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 227.33 - x: 246.38 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 34.29 - x: 251.46 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 307.34 y: 26.67 - x: 321.31 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 166.37 - x: 245.11 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 88.9 - x: 34.29 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 44.45 - x: 251.46 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 54.61 - x: 232.41 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 179.07 - x: 109.22 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 76.2 - x: 176.53 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 224.79 - x: 255.27 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 173.99 - x: 102.87 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 242.57 - x: 255.27 y: 240.03 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 198.12 - x: 31.75 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 210.82 - x: 290.83 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 34.29 - x: 254 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 96.52 - x: 34.29 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 208.28 - x: 34.29 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 57.15 - x: 66.04 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 237.49 - x: 303.53 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 232.41 - x: 278.13 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 96.52 - x: 31.75 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 29.21 - x: 254 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 49.53 - x: 154.94 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 166.37 - x: 140.97 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 86.36 - x: 73.66 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 171.45 - x: 100.33 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 190.5 - x: 73.66 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 184.15 - x: 278.13 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 49.53 - x: 224.79 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 177.8 - x: 109.22 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 191.77 - x: 266.7 y: 191.77 globalLabels: - text: VSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 73.66 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - text: D5 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - text: ~{CLR_SR} shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 62.23 angle: 180 - text: RA0 shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 148.59 angle: 180 - text: SL shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 173.99 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_I shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - text: AT_LATCH shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 161.29 angle: 180 - text: MD0 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 68.58 angle: 180 - text: DOT_CLOCK shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 118.11 angle: 180 - text: MD6 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 83.82 angle: 180 - text: DOT_CLOCK shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 54.61 angle: 180 - text: G shape: output position: x: 398.78 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - text: ~{DISPEN} shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 46.99 angle: 180 - text: MUX_A shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 255.27 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_G shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: XACK shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 109.22 angle: 180 - text: SL shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 52.07 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_B shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - text: ~{SEL_2} shape: input position: x: 158.75 y: 62.23 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_R shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 161.29 angle: 180 - text: ~{STATUS_SEL} shape: input position: x: 114.3 y: 83.82 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - text: OVERSCAN_I shape: input position: x: 226.06 y: 247.65 angle: 180 - text: C0 shape: output position: x: 321.31 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - text: ~{CLR_SR} shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 163.83 angle: 180 - text: RA1 shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 151.13 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: RESET shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 252.73 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET} shape: input position: x: 158.75 y: 67.31 angle: 180 - text: MD7 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 86.36 angle: 180 - text: CC_LATCH shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 213.36 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: MD5 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 81.28 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_G shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 179.07 angle: 180 - text: SL shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 115.57 angle: 180 - text: AT7 shape: output position: x: 321.31 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - text: R shape: output position: x: 398.78 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - text: BACKGROUND_I shape: input position: x: 226.06 y: 245.11 angle: 180 - text: MD4 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 78.74 angle: 180 - text: MD3 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 76.2 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET'} shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 163.83 angle: 180 - text: STR shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 250.19 angle: 180 - text: OVERSCAN_B shape: input position: x: 246.38 y: 229.87 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: MD1 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 71.12 angle: 180 - text: ~{LCLK} shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 242.57 angle: 180 - text: ~{ENABLE_BLINK} shape: input position: x: 190.5 y: 220.98 angle: 180 - text: MUX_B shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 257.81 angle: 180 - text: CHG_DOTS shape: output position: x: 198.12 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - text: RA2 shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 153.67 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET} shape: output position: x: 398.78 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - text: SEL_BLUE shape: input position: x: 246.38 y: 227.33 angle: 180 - text: ~{CLR_SR} shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 184.15 angle: 180 - text: ~{WE} shape: input position: x: 59.69 y: 66.04 angle: 180 - text: ~{CLR_SR} shape: input position: x: 264.16 y: 125.73 angle: 180 - text: BACKGROUND_I shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: C1 shape: output position: x: 321.31 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - text: ~{RD_GATE} shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 111.76 angle: 180 - text: COLOR_SEL shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: ~{14_MHZ} shape: input position: x: 349.25 y: 171.45 angle: 180 - text: B shape: output position: x: 398.78 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - text: D0 shape: output position: x: 232.41 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - text: OVERSCAN_R shape: output position: x: 194.31 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - text: DOT_CLOCK shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 176.53 angle: 180 - text: MD2 shape: bidirectional position: x: 25.4 y: 73.66 angle: 180 - text: ~{LPEN_SW} shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 64.77 angle: 180 - text: LPEN_STR shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 55.88 angle: 180 - text: Q4 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 247.65 angle: 180 - text: I shape: output position: x: 398.78 y: 161.29 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Digital logic circuit
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS00 - 74xx:74LS02 - 74xx:74LS04 - 74xx:74LS08 - 74xx:74LS112 - 74xx:74LS138 - 74xx:74LS174 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS393 - 74xx:74LS74 - 74xx:74LS86 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 57.15 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0165' position: x: 57.15 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 57.531 y: 23.5458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0166' position: x: 57.15 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 57.277 y: 70.4342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 57.15 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 50.8 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S174 position: x: 62.23 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 115.57 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 115.57 y: 21.1582 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 115.57 y: 23.4696 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 115.57 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 107.95 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 120.65 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 115.57 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 111.76 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 114.3 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 57.15 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0167' position: x: 57.15 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 57.531 y: 79.4258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0168' position: x: 57.15 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 57.277 y: 126.3142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 57.15 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 50.8 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S174 position: x: 62.23 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 146.05 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U42 position: x: 146.05 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 146.05 y: 58.0136 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 129.54 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 125.73 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 128.27 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 87.63 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 83.82 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 86.36 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 96.52 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 90.17 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 102.87 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 123.19 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 121.92 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 121.92 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS112 position: x: 154.94 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 149.86 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S112 position: x: 160.02 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 143.51 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0169' position: x: 143.51 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 143.891 y: 99.7458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 181.61 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 181.61 y: 31.115 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S86 position: x: 181.61 y: 33.4264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 203.2 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 201.93 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 201.93 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 181.61 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 181.61 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S86 position: x: 181.61 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 222.25 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 222.25 y: 42.7482 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S08 position: x: 222.25 y: 45.0596 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 181.61 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 181.61 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S86 position: x: 181.61 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 187.96 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 187.96 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S86 position: x: 187.96 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 187.96 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 187.96 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 187.96 y: 96.9264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 209.55 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 209.55 y: 87.1982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 209.55 y: 89.5096 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 97.79 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U65 position: x: 97.79 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 97.79 y: 141.3764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS393 position: x: 138.43 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 138.43 y: 132.9182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS393 position: x: 138.43 y: 135.2296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS393 position: x: 138.43 y: 162.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 138.43 y: 153.2382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS393 position: x: 138.43 y: 155.5496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 44.45 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U41 position: x: 50.8 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 52.07 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS138 position: x: 88.9 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 82.55 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS138 position: x: 93.98 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 88.9 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0170' position: x: 88.9 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 89.281 y: 160.7058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 199.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0171' position: x: 88.9 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 89.027 y: 203.7842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS138 position: x: 88.9 y: 227.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 82.55 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS138 position: x: 93.98 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 88.9 y: 210.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0172' position: x: 88.9 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 89.281 y: 206.4258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 245.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0173' position: x: 88.9 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 89.027 y: 249.5042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 44.45 y: 234.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U41 position: x: 52.07 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 53.34 y: 236.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 127 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 127 y: 213.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 127 y: 216.3064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 133.35 y: 189.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 133.35 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 133.35 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 133.35 y: 204.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U65 position: x: 133.35 y: 196.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 133.35 y: 198.5264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 147.32 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 146.05 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 146.05 y: 227.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 156.21 y: 204.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 154.94 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 154.94 y: 209.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 177.8 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 185.42 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 186.69 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 196.85 y: 226.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 191.77 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS74 position: x: 200.66 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 196.85 y: 215.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0174' position: x: 196.85 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 197.231 y: 211.5058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS138 position: x: 175.26 y: 259.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 168.91 y: 247.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS138 position: x: 180.34 y: 247.65 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 175.26 y: 243.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0175' position: x: 175.26 y: 247.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 175.641 y: 239.4458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 175.26 y: 276.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0176' position: x: 175.26 y: 283.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 175.387 y: 281.2542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 207.01 y: 274.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 205.74 y: 269.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 205.74 y: 279.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 240.03 y: 270.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 234.95 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS74 position: x: 243.84 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 227.33 y: 266.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0177' position: x: 227.33 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 227.711 y: 262.3058 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 77.47 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 185.42 y: 237.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 237.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 191.77 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 35.56 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 67.31 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 101.6 y: 224.79 angle: null - position: x: 187.96 y: 266.7 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 176.53 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 222.25 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 232.41 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 173.99 angle: null - position: x: 187.96 y: 269.24 angle: null - position: x: 162.56 y: 118.11 angle: null - position: x: 204.47 y: 228.6 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 184.15 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 142.24 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 186.69 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 144.78 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 139.7 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 179.07 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 165.1 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 234.95 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 181.61 angle: null - position: x: 187.96 y: 264.16 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 167.64 angle: null - position: x: 151.13 y: 162.56 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 227.33 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 229.87 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 189.23 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 219.71 angle: null - position: x: 247.65 y: 273.05 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 20.32 - x: 93.98 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 78.74 - x: 39.37 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 118.11 - x: 147.32 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 43.18 - x: 78.74 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 223.52 - x: 185.42 y: 223.52 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 29.21 - x: 133.35 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 210.82 - x: 123.19 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 21.59 - x: 95.25 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 45.72 - x: 44.45 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - x: 143.51 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 274.32 - x: 223.52 y: 274.32 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 222.25 - x: 139.7 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 16.51 - x: 29.21 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 38.1 - x: 81.28 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 176.53 - x: 29.21 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 186.69 - x: 76.2 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 232.41 - x: 27.94 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 45.72 - x: 130.81 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 52.07 - x: 154.94 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 166.37 - x: 88.9 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 125.73 - x: 154.94 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 149.86 - x: 86.36 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 189.23 - x: 71.12 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 266.7 - x: 162.56 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 19.05 - x: 95.25 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 45.72 - x: 77.47 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 40.64 - x: 80.01 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 151.13 - x: 121.92 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 274.32 - x: 199.39 y: 274.32 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 189.23 - x: 161.29 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 20.32 - x: 33.02 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 274.32 - x: 223.52 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 223.52 - x: 185.42 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 35.56 - x: 44.45 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 160.02 - x: 179.07 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 43.18 - x: 78.74 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 48.26 - x: 74.93 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 219.71 - x: 110.49 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 186.69 - x: 118.11 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 58.42 - x: 35.56 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 113.03 - x: 111.76 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 167.64 - x: 125.73 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 57.15 - x: 167.64 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 104.14 - x: 80.01 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 95.25 - x: 238.76 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 57.15 - x: 170.18 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 151.13 - x: 121.92 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 96.52 - x: 106.68 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 218.44 - x: 196.85 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 237.49 - x: 109.22 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 88.9 - x: 147.32 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 184.15 - x: 36.83 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 76.2 - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 269.24 - x: 154.94 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 52.07 - x: 154.94 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 16.51 - x: 176.53 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 267.97 - x: 232.41 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 147.32 - x: 179.07 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 48.26 - x: 44.45 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 209.55 - x: 170.18 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 21.59 - x: 34.29 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 226.06 - x: 189.23 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 110.49 - x: 135.89 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 91.44 - x: 44.45 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 102.87 - x: 198.12 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 264.16 - x: 162.56 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 54.61 - x: 130.81 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - x: 160.02 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 62.23 - x: 167.64 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 259.08 - x: 240.03 y: 259.08 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 224.79 - x: 27.94 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 210.82 - x: 123.19 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 204.47 - x: 148.59 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 67.31 - x: 130.81 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 77.47 - x: 36.83 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 49.53 - x: 130.81 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 100.33 - x: 180.34 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 207.01 - x: 125.73 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 149.86 - x: 86.36 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 87.63 - x: 198.12 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 210.82 - x: 88.9 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 20.32 - x: 93.98 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 73.66 - x: 41.91 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - x: 74.93 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - x: 69.85 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 40.64 - x: 44.45 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 54.61 - x: 130.81 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 38.1 - x: 44.45 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 107.95 - x: 154.94 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 204.47 - x: 170.18 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 242.57 - x: 27.94 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 237.49 - x: 60.96 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 81.28 - x: 162.56 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 261.62 - x: 223.52 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 73.66 - x: 238.76 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 40.64 - x: 80.01 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 125.73 - x: 154.94 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 19.05 - x: 31.75 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 231.14 - x: 165.1 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 43.18 - x: 44.45 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 78.74 - x: 77.47 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 237.49 - x: 109.22 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 78.74 - x: 39.37 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 237.49 - x: 111.76 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 76.2 - x: 38.1 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 222.25 - x: 154.94 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 104.14 - x: 38.1 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 234.95 - x: 76.2 y: 234.95 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 48.26 - x: 214.63 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 54.61 - x: 77.47 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 147.32 - x: 116.84 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 147.32 - x: 157.48 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 105.41 - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 85.09 - x: 180.34 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 267.97 - x: 256.54 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 43.18 - x: 78.74 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 233.68 - x: 116.84 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 99.06 - x: 118.11 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 110.49 - x: 135.89 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 189.23 - x: 36.83 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 17.78 - x: 30.48 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 144.78 - x: 90.17 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 139.7 - x: 125.73 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - x: 81.28 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 269.24 - x: 154.94 y: 269.24 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 81.28 - x: 74.93 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 59.69 - x: 209.55 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 191.77 - x: 73.66 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 36.83 - x: 173.99 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 45.72 - x: 130.81 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 261.62 - x: 223.52 y: 259.08 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 35.56 - x: 82.55 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 179.07 - x: 29.21 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 41.91 - x: 107.95 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 144.78 - x: 33.02 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 45.72 - x: 77.47 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 97.79 - x: 201.93 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 100.33 - x: 160.02 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 53.34 - x: 214.63 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 251.46 - x: 255.27 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 39.37 - x: 218.44 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 231.14 - x: 165.1 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 62.23 - x: 167.64 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 99.06 - x: 118.11 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 254 - x: 255.27 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 173.99 - x: 29.21 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 90.17 - x: 168.91 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 19.05 - x: 31.75 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 259.08 - x: 240.03 y: 262.89 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 104.14 - x: 38.1 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 104.14 - x: 80.01 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 53.34 - x: 30.48 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - x: 81.28 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 109.22 - x: 99.06 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 196.85 - x: 29.21 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 101.6 - x: 44.45 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 49.53 - x: 138.43 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 113.03 - x: 162.56 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 93.98 - x: 69.85 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 147.32 - x: 116.84 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 259.08 - x: 217.17 y: 259.08 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 29.21 - x: 82.55 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 237.49 - x: 185.42 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 35.56 - x: 82.55 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 191.77 - x: 125.73 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 16.51 - x: 29.21 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 256.54 - x: 255.27 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 233.68 - x: 132.08 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 237.49 - x: 196.85 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 130.81 - x: 31.75 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 222.25 - x: 137.16 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 54.61 - x: 77.47 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 91.44 - x: 74.93 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 58.42 - x: 30.48 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 71.12 - x: 170.18 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 41.91 - x: 146.05 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 50.8 - x: 238.76 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 38.1 - x: 81.28 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 251.46 - x: 144.78 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 130.81 - x: 31.75 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 48.26 - x: 74.93 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 232.41 - x: 60.96 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - x: 87.63 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 223.52 - x: 215.9 y: 223.52 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 93.98 - x: 44.45 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 189.23 - x: 71.12 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 228.6 - x: 27.94 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 114.3 - x: 35.56 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 256.54 - x: 144.78 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 222.25 - x: 137.16 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 266.7 - x: 227.33 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 193.04 - x: 29.21 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 160.02 - x: 125.73 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 222.25 - x: 27.94 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 147.32 - x: 116.84 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 41.91 - x: 173.99 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 29.21 - x: 82.55 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 53.34 - x: 33.02 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 90.17 - x: 180.34 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 270.51 - x: 232.41 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 259.08 - x: 217.17 y: 280.67 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 191.77 - x: 116.84 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 237.49 - x: 196.85 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 57.15 - x: 167.64 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 88.9 - x: 121.92 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 237.49 - x: 60.96 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 113.03 - x: 147.32 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 73.66 - x: 41.91 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 76.2 - x: 157.48 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 16.51 - x: 167.64 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 109.22 - x: 44.45 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 233.68 - x: 132.08 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 86.36 - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 96.52 - x: 44.45 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 86.36 - x: 81.28 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 254 - x: 144.78 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 210.82 - x: 161.29 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 280.67 - x: 240.03 y: 278.13 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 39.37 - x: 191.77 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 99.06 - x: 30.48 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 39.37 - x: 191.77 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 53.34 - x: 33.02 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 114.3 - x: 35.56 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 87.63 - x: 198.12 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 224.79 - x: 110.49 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 201.93 - x: 116.84 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 118.11 - x: 115.57 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 67.31 - x: 130.81 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 91.44 - x: 74.93 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 92.71 - x: 201.93 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 96.52 - x: 81.28 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 20.32 - x: 33.02 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 48.26 - x: 195.58 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 41.91 - x: 133.35 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 54.61 - x: 130.81 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 191.77 - x: 73.66 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 104.14 - x: 143.51 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 237.49 - x: 27.94 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 21.59 - x: 34.29 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 77.47 - x: 36.83 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 57.15 - x: 170.18 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 71.12 - x: 173.99 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 17.78 - x: 30.48 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 201.93 - x: 125.73 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 109.22 - x: 99.06 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 207.01 - x: 195.58 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 232.41 - x: 60.96 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 76.2 - x: 38.1 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 219.71 - x: 27.94 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 102.87 - x: 198.12 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 118.11 - x: 111.76 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 147.32 - x: 157.48 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 280.67 - x: 240.03 y: 280.67 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 59.69 - x: 209.55 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 105.41 - x: 180.34 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 115.57 - x: 147.32 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 78.74 - x: 77.47 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 129.54 - x: 74.93 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 129.54 - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 globalLabels: - text: ~{7_MHZ} shape: input position: x: 30.48 y: 99.06 angle: 180 - text: ~{SEL_2} shape: output position: x: 255.27 y: 254 angle: 0 - text: ~{MEMW} shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 237.49 angle: 180 - text: VSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 139.7 angle: 180 - text: E shape: output position: x: 215.9 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - text: 14_MHZ shape: input position: x: 30.48 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 184.15 angle: 180 - text: ~{LPEN_INPUT} shape: input position: x: 191.77 y: 274.32 angle: 180 - text: LCLK shape: output position: x: 133.35 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - text: ~{IOR} shape: input position: x: 110.49 y: 219.71 angle: 180 - text: HCLK shape: output position: x: 106.68 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - text: 3.58_MHZ shape: output position: x: 87.63 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - text: ~{SEL_1} shape: output position: x: 255.27 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 144.78 y: 254 angle: 180 - text: A17 shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 224.79 angle: 180 - text: ~{6845_CS} shape: output position: x: 161.29 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 179.07 angle: 180 - text: Q5 shape: output position: x: 95.25 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - text: ~{Q2'} shape: output position: x: 139.7 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - text: ~{7_MHZ} shape: output position: x: 147.32 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 189.23 angle: 180 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 176.53 angle: 180 - text: LPEN_STR shape: output position: x: 256.54 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - text: ~{BLINK} shape: output position: x: 179.07 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - text: ~{RESET} shape: input position: x: 30.48 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: ~{CAS} shape: output position: x: 238.76 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - text: ~{STATUS_SEL} shape: output position: x: 255.27 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - text: A19 shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 228.6 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 186.69 angle: 180 - text: 14_MHZ shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 110.49 angle: 180 - text: ~{CPU_MEM_SEL} shape: output position: x: 111.76 y: 237.49 angle: 0 - text: A18 shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 242.57 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET'} shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 144.78 angle: 180 - text: HRES shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 105.41 angle: 180 - text: Q1 shape: output position: x: 162.56 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - text: ~{HCLK} shape: output position: x: 106.68 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - text: CAS_CC shape: output position: x: 218.44 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - text: AEN shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 196.85 angle: 180 - text: A16 shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 222.25 angle: 180 - text: 14_MHZ shape: input position: x: 100.33 y: 41.91 angle: 180 - text: ~{MEMR} shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 232.41 angle: 180 - text: IO_CLOCK shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 226.06 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 173.99 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 144.78 y: 264.16 angle: 180 - text: ~{CURSOR_BLINK} shape: output position: x: 179.07 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - text: ~{IOW} shape: input position: x: 110.49 y: 224.79 angle: 180 - text: SL' shape: output position: x: 238.76 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - text: ~{LCLK} shape: output position: x: 176.53 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - text: Q4 shape: output position: x: 95.25 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - text: Q5 shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 118.11 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 144.78 y: 251.46 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 219.71 angle: 180 - text: RAS shape: output position: x: 238.76 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 144.78 y: 256.54 angle: 180 - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 29.21 y: 193.04 angle: 180 - text: DATA_GATE shape: output position: x: 195.58 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - text: ~{14_MHZ} shape: output position: x: 133.35 y: 41.91 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Digital logic circuit
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS00 - 74xx:74LS02 - 74xx:74LS04 - 74xx:74LS10 - 74xx:74LS112 - 74xx:74LS125 - 74xx:74LS174 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS51 - 74xx:74LS74 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 46.99 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U47 position: x: 46.99 y: 17.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 46.99 y: 19.4564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 45.72 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 44.45 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 44.45 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS112 position: x: 73.66 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 69.85 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S112 position: x: 77.47 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 73.66 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0178' position: x: 73.66 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 74.041 y: 42.5958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 73.66 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 66.04 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 78.74 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U46 position: x: 101.6 y: 17.3482 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 19.6596 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U46 position: x: 101.6 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U46 position: x: 101.6 y: 51.6382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 53.9496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U46 position: x: 101.6 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 101.6 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 58.42 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 54.61 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS74 position: x: 62.23 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 53.34 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0179' position: x: 57.15 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 50.1142 y: 106.299 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 111.76 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 111.76 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 111.76 y: 90.5764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 139.7 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 139.7 y: 91.0082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S10 position: x: 139.7 y: 93.3196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 109.22 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 107.95 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 107.95 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 85.09 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 81.28 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS74 position: x: 88.9 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 54.61 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 53.34 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 53.34 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 121.92 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U62 position: x: 121.92 y: 125.2982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS125 position: x: 121.92 y: 127.6096 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 147.32 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 147.32 y: 68.1482 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 147.32 y: 70.4596 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 168.91 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U25 position: x: 168.91 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 168.91 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 160.02 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U47 position: x: 160.02 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 160.02 y: 42.3164 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 143.51 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0180' position: x: 143.51 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 146.05 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 53.34 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U27 position: x: 53.34 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 53.34 y: 146.4564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 53.34 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U27 position: x: 53.34 y: 171.704 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 53.34 y: 174.0154 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 27.94 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0181' position: x: 27.94 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 24.13 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 83.82 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 82.55 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 82.55 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 110.49 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U25 position: x: 110.49 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 110.49 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 110.49 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U25 position: x: 110.49 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 110.49 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 152.4 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U48 position: x: 152.4 y: 168.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 152.4 y: 170.5864 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 177.8 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 176.53 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 176.53 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 205.74 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 205.74 y: 175.895 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 205.74 y: 178.2064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 205.74 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 205.74 y: 159.5882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 205.74 y: 161.8996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 205.74 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U65 position: x: 205.74 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 205.74 y: 146.4564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 229.87 y: 170.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 229.87 y: 161.925 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S10 position: x: 229.87 y: 164.2364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 58.42 y: 224.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 58.42 y: 216.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 58.42 y: 218.8464 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 90.17 y: 217.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U22 position: x: 90.17 y: 204.724 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 90.17 y: 207.0354 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 71.12 y: 205.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0182' position: x: 71.12 y: 209.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 71.501 y: 201.3458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 57.15 y: 254 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 50.8 y: 240.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS174 position: x: 63.5 y: 240.03 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 57.15 y: 236.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0183' position: x: 57.15 y: 240.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 57.531 y: 231.8258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 274.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0184' position: x: 57.15 y: 280.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 57.277 y: 278.7142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 176.53 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 176.53 y: 127.8382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 176.53 y: 130.1496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS51 position: x: 147.32 y: 270.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U22 position: x: 147.32 y: 258.064 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS51 position: x: 147.32 y: 260.3754 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 175.26 y: 270.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U20 position: x: 173.99 y: 278.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 173.99 y: 275.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 87.63 y: 233.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 86.36 y: 228.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 86.36 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 86.36 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 85.09 y: 259.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 85.09 y: 269.24 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 134.62 y: 233.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 133.35 y: 228.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 133.35 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 137.16 y: 201.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 137.16 y: 193.8782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 137.16 y: 196.1896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 137.16 y: 215.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 137.16 y: 207.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS32 position: x: 137.16 y: 209.9564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 220.98 y: 248.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 219.71 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 219.71 y: 254 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 220.98 y: 231.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 219.71 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 219.71 y: 236.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 157.48 y: 224.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 156.21 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 156.21 y: 229.87 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 63.5 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 69.85 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 248.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 254 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 233.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.18 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.17 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 34.29 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 248.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 36.83 y: 160.02 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 254 - x: 69.85 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 123.19 - x: 138.43 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 251.46 - x: 99.06 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 246.38 - x: 115.57 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 184.15 - x: 68.58 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 181.61 - x: 170.18 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 142.24 - x: 154.94 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 184.15 - x: 218.44 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 184.15 - x: 218.44 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 213.36 - x: 121.92 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 180.34 - x: 99.06 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 139.7 - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 254 - x: 26.67 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 29.21 - x: 113.03 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 100.33 - x: 69.85 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 215.9 - x: 151.13 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 189.23 - x: 102.87 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 83.82 - x: 81.28 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 262.89 - x: 134.62 y: 262.89 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 36.83 - x: 63.5 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 264.16 - x: 96.52 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 27.94 - x: 91.44 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 233.68 - x: 120.65 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 248.92 - x: 213.36 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 182.88 - x: 27.94 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 149.86 - x: 30.48 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 124.46 - x: 85.09 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 261.62 - x: 44.45 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 233.68 - x: 194.31 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 133.35 - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 78.74 - x: 137.16 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 222.25 - x: 50.8 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 36.83 - x: 118.11 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 160.02 - x: 36.83 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - x: 107.95 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 133.35 - x: 99.06 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 231.14 - x: 208.28 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 83.82 - x: 81.28 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 95.25 - x: 73.66 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 67.31 - x: 82.55 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 175.26 - x: 127 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 133.35 - x: 129.54 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 57.15 - x: 86.36 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 184.15 - x: 139.7 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - x: 119.38 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 49.53 - x: 73.66 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 81.28 - x: 154.94 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 78.74 - x: 186.69 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 33.02 - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 224.79 - x: 170.18 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 111.76 - x: 13.97 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - x: 154.94 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 157.48 - x: 66.04 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 57.15 - x: 66.04 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 266.7 - x: 44.45 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 67.31 - x: 91.44 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 226.06 - x: 74.93 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 246.38 - x: 69.85 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 189.23 - x: 36.83 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 30.48 - x: 91.44 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 81.28 - x: 154.94 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 176.53 - x: 40.64 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 138.43 - x: 168.91 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 213.36 - x: 121.92 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 170.18 - x: 190.5 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 154.94 - x: 198.12 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 233.68 - x: 77.47 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 135.89 - x: 77.47 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 22.86 - x: 34.29 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 58.42 - x: 143.51 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 170.18 - x: 245.11 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 256.54 - x: 26.67 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - x: 101.6 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 71.12 - x: 109.22 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 62.23 - x: 90.17 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - x: 91.44 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 167.64 - x: 222.25 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 248.92 - x: 26.67 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 256.54 - x: 77.47 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 62.23 - x: 90.17 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - x: 93.98 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 152.4 - x: 218.44 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 49.53 - x: 73.66 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 138.43 - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 120.65 - x: 81.28 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 243.84 - x: 26.67 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 172.72 - x: 222.25 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 233.68 - x: 120.65 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 233.68 - x: 99.06 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 199.39 - x: 129.54 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 217.17 - x: 110.49 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 45.72 - x: 147.32 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 62.23 - x: 34.29 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 101.6 - x: 121.92 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 248.92 - x: 74.93 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 133.35 - x: 168.91 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 170.18 - x: 222.25 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 218.44 - x: 129.54 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 233.68 - x: 77.47 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 149.86 - x: 198.12 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 33.02 - x: 21.59 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 179.07 - x: 129.54 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 106.68 - x: 58.42 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 256.54 - x: 99.06 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 53.34 - x: 55.88 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 231.14 - x: 243.84 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 60.96 - x: 137.16 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 278.13 - x: 134.62 y: 278.13 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 222.25 - x: 77.47 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - x: 62.23 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 223.52 - x: 121.92 y: 223.52 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 173.99 - x: 139.7 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 111.76 - x: 13.97 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - x: 109.22 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 251.46 - x: 26.67 y: 251.46 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 267.97 - x: 134.62 y: 267.97 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 57.15 - x: 86.36 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 182.88 - x: 99.06 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 57.15 - x: 86.36 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 199.39 - x: 80.01 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 185.42 - x: 124.46 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 184.15 - x: 96.52 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 254 - x: 120.65 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 102.87 - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 231.14 - x: 208.28 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 100.33 - x: 78.74 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 72.39 - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 96.52 - x: 132.08 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 264.16 - x: 77.47 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 179.07 - x: 129.54 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 138.43 - x: 101.6 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 243.84 - x: 77.47 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 270.51 - x: 191.77 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 48.26 - x: 147.32 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 228.6 - x: 127 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 99.06 - x: 154.94 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 146.05 - x: 85.09 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 273.05 - x: 134.62 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 246.38 - x: 170.18 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 38.1 - x: 21.59 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 22.86 - x: 93.98 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 59.69 - x: 66.04 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 181.61 - x: 30.48 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 179.07 - x: 139.7 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 62.23 - x: 34.29 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 152.4 - x: 218.44 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 179.07 - x: 127 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 191.77 - x: 124.46 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 55.88 - x: 147.32 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 201.93 - x: 151.13 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 264.16 - x: 77.47 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 99.06 - x: 132.08 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 224.79 - x: 127 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 30.48 - x: 81.28 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 62.23 - x: 55.88 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 106.68 - x: 58.42 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 165.1 - x: 27.94 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 53.34 - x: 182.88 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 228.6 - x: 127 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 186.69 - x: 198.12 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 62.23 - x: 66.04 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 36.83 - x: 118.11 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 73.66 - x: 93.98 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 214.63 - x: 71.12 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 185.42 - x: 132.08 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - x: 121.92 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 185.42 - x: 34.29 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 227.33 - x: 50.8 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 27.94 - x: 91.44 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 181.61 - x: 198.12 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 181.61 - x: 30.48 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 68.58 - x: 93.98 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 97.79 - x: 38.1 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 49.53 - x: 73.66 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 149.86 - x: 27.94 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 246.38 - x: 115.57 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 25.4 - x: 135.89 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 160.02 - x: 27.94 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 60.96 - x: 137.16 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 154.94 - x: 27.94 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 170.18 - x: 190.5 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 30.48 - x: 63.5 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 135.89 - x: 191.77 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 179.07 - x: 34.29 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 83.82 - x: 132.08 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 99.06 - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 93.98 - x: 104.14 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 30.48 - x: 66.04 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 124.46 - x: 85.09 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 95.25 - x: 43.18 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 191.77 - x: 27.94 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 179.07 - x: 34.29 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - x: 99.06 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 248.92 - x: 74.93 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 67.31 - x: 82.55 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 95.25 - x: 73.66 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 100.33 - x: 69.85 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 36.83 - x: 63.5 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 224.79 - x: 127 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 219.71 - x: 73.66 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 191.77 - x: 124.46 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 223.52 - x: 121.92 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 182.88 - x: 99.06 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 172.72 - x: 102.87 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 248.92 - x: 243.84 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 194.31 - x: 68.58 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 113.03 - x: 101.6 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 233.68 - x: 147.32 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 194.31 - x: 68.58 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 90.17 - x: 58.42 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 224.79 - x: 77.47 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 100.33 - x: 78.74 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 189.23 - x: 36.83 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 246.38 - x: 26.67 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 113.03 - x: 116.84 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 73.66 - x: 139.7 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 184.15 - x: 96.52 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 214.63 - x: 71.12 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 248.92 - x: 208.28 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 120.65 - x: 69.85 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 95.25 - x: 43.18 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 175.26 - x: 127 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 219.71 - x: 73.66 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 233.68 - x: 142.24 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 62.23 - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 185.42 - x: 132.08 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 33.02 - x: 115.57 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 146.05 - x: 85.09 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 212.09 - x: 40.64 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 177.8 - x: 102.87 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 152.4 - x: 218.44 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 58.42 - x: 143.51 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 124.46 - x: 46.99 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 165.1 - x: 198.12 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 270.51 - x: 167.64 y: 270.51 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 233.68 - x: 147.32 y: 233.68 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 204.47 - x: 129.54 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 33.02 - x: 93.98 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 226.06 - x: 74.93 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 76.2 - x: 154.94 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 189.23 - x: 139.7 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 243.84 - x: 99.06 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 62.23 - x: 91.44 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 53.34 - x: 55.88 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 133.35 - x: 77.47 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 29.21 - x: 113.03 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 120.65 - x: 69.85 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 27.94 - x: 21.59 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 184.15 - x: 68.58 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 95.25 - x: 50.8 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 69.85 - x: 62.23 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 184.15 - x: 76.2 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 35.56 - x: 109.22 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 62.23 - x: 21.59 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 78.74 - x: 132.08 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 67.31 - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 50.8 - x: 143.51 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 186.69 - x: 40.64 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 209.55 - x: 40.64 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 62.23 - x: 55.88 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 180.34 - x: 99.06 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 50.8 - x: 147.32 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 217.17 - x: 110.49 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 185.42 - x: 34.29 y: 186.69 globalLabels: - text: ~{ENABLE_BLINK} shape: output position: x: 96.52 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - text: VSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 185.42 y: 149.86 angle: 180 - text: ~{RAS} shape: output position: x: 68.58 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: C0 shape: input position: x: 40.64 y: 227.33 angle: 180 - text: 14_MHZ shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: ENABLE_BLINK shape: output position: x: 99.06 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - text: ALPHA_DOTS shape: input position: x: 40.64 y: 209.55 angle: 180 - text: GRPH shape: output position: x: 170.18 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - text: COLOR_SEL shape: input position: x: 116.84 y: 267.97 angle: 180 - text: ~{EN_CRT_CAS_ADDR} shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - text: ~{WE} shape: output position: x: 154.94 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - text: VIDEO_ENABLE shape: output position: x: 99.06 y: 251.46 angle: 0 - text: XACK shape: output position: x: 138.43 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - text: ~{DISPEN_DLY} shape: input position: x: 114.3 y: 223.52 angle: 180 - text: ~{CPU_MEM_SEL} shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 95.25 angle: 180 - text: C1 shape: input position: x: 40.64 y: 222.25 angle: 180 - text: Q1 shape: input position: x: 21.59 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: LCLK shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 165.1 angle: 180 - text: ~{HRES} shape: output position: x: 99.06 y: 233.68 angle: 0 - text: C0 shape: input position: x: 116.84 y: 278.13 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_2} shape: output position: x: 243.84 y: 248.92 angle: 0 - text: HRES shape: input position: x: 132.08 y: 73.66 angle: 180 - text: ~{GRPH} shape: output position: x: 170.18 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - text: ~{RAS} shape: input position: x: 66.04 y: 135.89 angle: 180 - text: ~{7_MHZ} shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 191.77 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_2} shape: input position: x: 120.65 y: 262.89 angle: 180 - text: RAS shape: input position: x: 21.59 y: 62.23 angle: 180 - text: GRPH shape: input position: x: 139.7 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: ~{MEMR} shape: input position: x: 158.75 y: 133.35 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 256.54 angle: 180 - text: HRES shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 149.86 angle: 180 - text: ~{EN_CRT_RAS_ADDR} shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - text: IO_READY shape: output position: x: 138.43 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - text: ~{BLANK} shape: output position: x: 245.11 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - text: ~{RD_GATE} shape: output position: x: 191.77 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - text: ~{CPU_MEM_SEL} shape: input position: x: 107.95 y: 142.24 angle: 180 - text: DOT_CLOCK shape: output position: x: 80.01 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - text: AT_LATCH shape: output position: x: 182.88 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - text: ~{GRPH} shape: input position: x: 40.64 y: 212.09 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET} shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 266.7 angle: 180 - text: ~{MEMW} shape: input position: x: 96.52 y: 113.03 angle: 180 - text: ~{CCLK} shape: output position: x: 71.12 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - text: ~{EN_CPU_RAS_ADDR} shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - text: ~{EN_CPU_CAS_ADDR} shape: output position: x: 135.89 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - text: Q5 shape: input position: x: 96.52 y: 99.06 angle: 180 - text: STR shape: output position: x: 245.11 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - text: ~{Q2'} shape: input position: x: 96.52 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: ~{DISPEN_DLY} shape: input position: x: 185.42 y: 165.1 angle: 180 - text: C0 shape: input position: x: 137.16 y: 173.99 angle: 180 - text: CC_LATCH shape: output position: x: 186.69 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - text: Q1 shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 97.79 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 243.84 angle: 180 - text: MUX_B shape: output position: x: 151.13 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - text: ~{CCLK} shape: input position: x: 132.08 y: 78.74 angle: 180 - text: ~{SEL_1} shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 261.62 angle: 180 - text: ~{HRES} shape: input position: x: 21.59 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 248.92 angle: 180 - text: HSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 185.42 y: 154.94 angle: 180 - text: ~{GRPH} shape: input position: x: 139.7 y: 55.88 angle: 180 - text: ~{HRES} shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 160.02 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_1} shape: output position: x: 243.84 y: 231.14 angle: 0 - text: HRES shape: output position: x: 99.06 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 254 angle: 180 - text: HCLK shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 154.94 angle: 180 - text: C1 shape: input position: x: 137.16 y: 184.15 angle: 180 - text: ~{14_MHZ} shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 176.53 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 251.46 angle: 180 - text: HRES shape: input position: x: 21.59 y: 27.94 angle: 180 - text: MUX_A shape: output position: x: 151.13 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - text: SEL_BLUE shape: output position: x: 191.77 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - text: ~{Q2'} shape: input position: x: 139.7 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: CAS_CC shape: input position: x: 132.08 y: 83.82 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 246.38 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A logic circuit.
libSymbols: - 74xx:74HC164 - 74xx:74LS00 - 74xx:74LS02 - 74xx:74LS04 - 74xx:74LS08 - 74xx:74LS125 - 74xx:74LS151 - 74xx:74LS174 - 74xx:74LS175 - 74xx:74LS244 - 74xx:74LS244_Split - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS74 - 74xx:74LS86 - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - Jumper:Jumper_3_Bridged12 - Transistor_BJT:2N3904 - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 247.65 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 240.03 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 254 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 247.65 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0154' position: x: 247.65 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 247.777 y: 161.8742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 247.65 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 240.03 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 254 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 247.65 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 240.03 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 254 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244_Split position: x: 247.65 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 240.03 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 254 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Jumper entryName: Jumper_3_Bridged12 position: x: 226.06 y: 140.97 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 224.3582 y: 139.8016 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Comp Mod position: x: 224.3582 y: 142.113 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 284.48 y: 148.59 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R90 position: x: 288.29 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 287.02 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 40.64 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 39.37 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 39.37 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 157.48 y: 24.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 157.48 y: 16.0782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 157.48 y: 18.3896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 41.91 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 40.64 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 40.64 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS174 position: x: 77.47 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 71.12 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS174 position: x: 82.55 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 77.47 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0185' position: x: 77.47 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 77.851 y: 26.0858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0186' position: x: 77.47 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 77.597 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 54.61 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0187' position: x: 54.61 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 54.991 y: 55.2958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 134.62 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 128.27 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 137.16 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74HC164 position: x: 66.04 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U64 position: x: 59.69 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS164 position: x: 71.12 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 66.04 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0188' position: x: 66.04 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 66.421 y: 85.7758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0189' position: x: 66.04 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.167 y: 122.5042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 48.26 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0190' position: x: 48.26 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 50.8 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 132.08 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U43 position: x: 128.27 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S74 position: x: 137.16 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 133.35 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 133.35 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS00 position: x: 133.35 y: 96.9264 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 153.67 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 153.67 y: 97.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 153.67 y: 99.4664 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 182.88 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 182.88 y: 74.4982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S32 position: x: 182.88 y: 76.8096 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 163.83 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 162.56 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 162.56 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS175 position: x: 66.04 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U63 position: x: 59.69 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS175 position: x: 71.12 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 66.04 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0191' position: x: 66.04 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 66.421 y: 139.1158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0192' position: x: 66.04 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.167 y: 186.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 53.34 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0193' position: x: 53.34 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 53.721 y: 144.1958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 109.22 y: 153.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U41 position: x: 115.57 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 116.84 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 137.16 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 137.16 y: 151.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 137.16 y: 149.4536 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 162.56 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 161.29 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 161.29 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 149.86 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 257.81 y: 148.59 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '680' position: x: 265.43 y: 148.59 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 140.97 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 257.81 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 265.43 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 132.08 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 257.81 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '680' position: x: 265.43 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 123.19 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 257.81 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '750' position: x: 265.43 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 275.59 y: 123.19 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 271.78 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '360' position: x: 279.4 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 284.48 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0197' position: x: 284.48 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 284.861 y: 117.5258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: 2N3904 position: x: 281.94 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 286.766 y: 138.5316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N3904 position: x: 286.766 y: 140.843 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 284.48 y: 157.48 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 287.02 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '75' position: x: 287.02 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 284.48 y: 162.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0198' position: x: 284.48 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 284.607 y: 166.9542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 292.1 y: 152.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 292.1 y: 149.86 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '20' position: x: 292.1 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 231.14 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U62 position: x: 231.14 y: 17.3482 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS125 position: x: 231.14 y: 19.6596 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS125 position: x: 251.46 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U62 position: x: 251.46 y: 17.3482 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS125 position: x: 251.46 y: 19.6596 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 231.14 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0199' position: x: 231.14 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 231.267 y: 36.1442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 251.46 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0200' position: x: 251.46 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 251.587 y: 36.1442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS244 position: x: 242.57 y: 198.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U67 position: x: 237.49 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS244 position: x: 247.65 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 242.57 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0201' position: x: 242.57 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 242.951 y: 173.4058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 242.57 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0202' position: x: 242.57 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 242.697 y: 222.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 226.06 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0203' position: x: 226.06 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 226.187 y: 216.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 203.2 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 257.81 y: 201.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2k position: x: 265.43 y: 201.93 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 200.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 257.81 y: 199.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3k position: x: 265.43 y: 199.39 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 261.62 y: 207.01 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 257.81 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '130' position: x: 265.43 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 255.27 y: 209.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0204' position: x: 255.27 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 255.397 y: 213.9442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 284.48 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 283.21 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 283.21 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 284.48 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0205' position: x: 284.48 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 284.607 y: 216.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 287.02 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 285.75 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 285.75 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 287.02 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0208' position: x: 287.02 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 287.02 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 289.56 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 288.29 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 288.29 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 289.56 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0207' position: x: 289.56 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 289.687 y: 216.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 292.1 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 290.83 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 290.83 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 292.1 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0206' position: x: 292.1 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 292.1 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 297.18 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0209' position: x: 297.18 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 297.18 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 297.18 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 295.91 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 295.91 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 294.64 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0210' position: x: 294.64 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 294.767 y: 216.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 294.64 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 293.37 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47p position: x: 293.37 y: 212.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 35.56 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U65 position: x: 35.56 y: 230.505 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS02 position: x: 35.56 y: 228.1936 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 62.23 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U68 position: x: 62.23 y: 211.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 62.23 y: 213.7664 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 59.69 y: 232.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U68 position: x: 58.42 y: 237.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 59.69 y: 227.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS151 position: x: 148.59 y: 229.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U45 position: x: 142.24 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS151 position: x: 153.67 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 256.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0211' position: x: 148.59 y: 262.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 148.717 y: 260.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 148.59 y: 207.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0212' position: x: 148.59 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 148.971 y: 202.6158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 129.54 y: 255.27 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0213' position: x: 129.54 y: 261.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 129.667 y: 259.6642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 39.37 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U43 position: x: 35.56 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S74 position: x: 43.18 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 64.77 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U44 position: x: 60.96 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S74 position: x: 68.58 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 88.9 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U44 position: x: 85.09 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S74 position: x: 92.71 y: 257.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 121.92 y: 232.41 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0214' position: x: 125.73 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 118.6942 y: 232.029 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 39.37 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 52.07 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 48.26 y: 261.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 27.94 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 289.56 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 129.54 y: 247.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 30.48 y: 266.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 203.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 273.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 276.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.11 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 287.02 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 292.1 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.18 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 284.48 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 261.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 284.48 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 294.64 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 284.48 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 273.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 198.12 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 161.29 y: 217.17 angle: null - position: x: 78.74 y: 153.67 angle: null - position: x: 76.2 y: 105.41 angle: null - position: x: 76.2 y: 100.33 angle: null - position: x: 78.74 y: 166.37 angle: null - position: x: 78.74 y: 163.83 angle: null - position: x: 139.7 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 76.2 y: 95.25 angle: null - position: x: 78.74 y: 158.75 angle: null - position: x: 76.2 y: 107.95 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 280.67 - x: 77.47 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 146.05 - x: 129.54 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 203.2 - x: 259.08 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 134.62 - x: 218.44 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 74.93 - x: 59.69 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 200.66 - x: 229.87 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 254 - x: 39.37 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 53.34 - x: 25.4 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 107.95 - x: 168.91 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 264.16 - x: 25.4 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 185.42 - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 246.38 - x: 76.2 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 173.99 - x: 53.34 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 190.5 - x: 289.56 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 229.87 - x: 52.07 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 95.25 - x: 166.37 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 274.32 - x: 53.34 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 45.72 - x: 49.53 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 80.01 - x: 175.26 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 134.62 - x: 44.45 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 132.08 - x: 269.24 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 97.79 - x: 87.63 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 21.59 - x: 63.5 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 247.65 - x: 74.93 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 247.65 - x: 129.54 y: 255.27 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 43.18 - x: 124.46 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 195.58 - x: 300.99 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 273.05 - x: 80.01 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 185.42 - x: 284.48 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 123.19 - x: 284.48 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 273.05 - x: 55.88 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 200.66 - x: 269.24 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 25.4 - x: 223.52 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 198.12 - x: 297.18 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 232.41 - x: 69.85 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 156.21 - x: 81.28 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 266.7 - x: 49.53 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 143.51 - x: 181.61 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 110.49 - x: 76.2 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 123.19 - x: 284.48 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 149.86 - x: 259.08 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 123.19 - x: 259.08 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 261.62 - x: 81.28 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 246.38 - x: 76.2 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 133.35 - x: 87.63 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 31.75 - x: 144.78 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 152.4 - x: 298.45 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 143.51 - x: 269.24 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 195.58 - x: 43.18 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 212.09 - x: 287.02 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 135.89 - x: 45.72 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 102.87 - x: 99.06 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 190.5 - x: 224.79 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 161.29 - x: 82.55 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 204.47 - x: 269.24 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 40.64 - x: 120.65 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 143.51 - x: 181.61 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 82.55 - x: 124.46 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 76.2 - x: 58.42 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 82.55 - x: 101.6 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 125.73 - x: 44.45 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 29.21 - x: 114.3 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 59.69 - x: 54.61 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 133.35 - x: 43.18 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 153.67 - x: 118.11 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 76.2 - x: 58.42 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 217.17 - x: 54.61 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 185.42 - x: 284.48 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 198.12 - x: 300.99 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 123.19 - x: 273.05 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - x: 30.48 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 214.63 - x: 129.54 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 48.26 - x: 64.77 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 149.86 - x: 269.24 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 198.12 - x: 118.11 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 128.27 - x: 82.55 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 109.22 - x: 48.26 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 247.65 - x: 74.93 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 254 - x: 64.77 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 156.21 - x: 53.34 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 261.62 - x: 48.26 y: 246.38 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 105.41 - x: 53.34 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 40.64 - x: 105.41 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 182.88 - x: 39.37 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 80.01 - x: 111.76 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 190.5 - x: 224.79 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 214.63 - x: 194.31 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 222.25 - x: 54.61 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 271.78 - x: 88.9 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 100.33 - x: 123.19 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 261.62 - x: 74.93 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 193.04 - x: 203.2 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 110.49 - x: 33.02 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 100.33 - x: 123.19 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 229.87 - x: 49.53 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 224.79 - x: 17.78 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 276.86 - x: 80.01 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 72.39 - x: 132.08 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 254 - x: 88.9 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 110.49 - x: 41.91 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 261.62 - x: 31.75 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 92.71 - x: 132.08 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 50.8 - x: 114.3 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 102.87 - x: 115.57 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 195.58 - x: 294.64 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 203.2 - x: 269.24 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 195.58 - x: 43.18 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 278.13 y: 123.19 - x: 284.48 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 40.64 - x: 105.41 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 60.96 - x: 64.77 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 160.02 - x: 284.48 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 152.4 - x: 284.48 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 232.41 - x: 121.92 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 130.81 - x: 168.91 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 212.09 - x: 289.56 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 187.96 - x: 287.02 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 193.04 - x: 203.2 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - x: 229.87 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 95.25 - x: 166.37 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 237.49 - x: 135.89 y: 237.49 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 248.92 - x: 77.47 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 273.05 - x: 39.37 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 82.55 - x: 101.6 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 102.87 - x: 123.19 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 190.5 - x: 289.56 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 207.01 - x: 259.08 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 80.01 - x: 111.76 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 151.13 - x: 80.01 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 139.7 - x: 276.86 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 222.25 - x: 135.89 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 187.96 - x: 205.74 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 224.79 - x: 77.47 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 219.71 - x: 71.12 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 107.95 - x: 146.05 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 254 - x: 64.77 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 250.19 - x: 78.74 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 193.04 - x: 292.1 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 105.41 - x: 125.73 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 115.57 - x: 139.7 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 280.67 - x: 77.47 y: 280.67 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 38.1 - x: 106.68 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 125.73 - x: 44.45 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 97.79 - x: 33.02 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 74.93 - x: 59.69 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 185.42 - x: 223.52 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 209.55 - x: 255.27 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 140.97 - x: 259.08 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 55.88 - x: 62.23 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 85.09 - x: 152.4 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 24.13 - x: 173.99 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 190.5 - x: 201.93 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 219.71 - x: 26.67 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 266.7 - x: 49.53 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 156.21 - x: 101.6 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 146.05 - x: 284.48 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 232.41 - x: 69.85 y: 240.03 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 113.03 - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 219.71 - x: 71.12 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 168.91 - x: 85.09 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 274.32 - x: 53.34 y: 274.32 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 38.1 - x: 64.77 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 31.75 - x: 144.78 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - x: 175.26 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 105.41 - x: 53.34 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 227.33 - x: 135.89 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 110.49 - x: 41.91 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 128.27 - x: 82.55 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 97.79 - x: 50.8 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 198.12 - x: 297.18 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 115.57 - x: 139.7 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 25.4 - x: 261.62 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 123.19 - x: 269.24 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 185.42 - x: 223.52 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 45.72 - x: 49.53 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 140.97 - x: 269.24 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 152.4 - x: 284.48 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 229.87 - x: 135.89 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 266.7 - x: 76.2 y: 250.19 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 208.28 - x: 226.06 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 254 - x: 88.9 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 102.87 - x: 146.05 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 264.16 - x: 81.28 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 273.05 - x: 39.37 y: 271.78 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 137.16 - x: 46.99 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 214.63 - x: 194.31 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 264.16 - x: 27.94 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 254 - x: 39.37 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 242.57 - x: 135.89 y: 242.57 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 193.04 - x: 292.1 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 212.09 - x: 294.64 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 102.87 - x: 115.57 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 212.09 - x: 292.1 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 140.97 - x: 269.24 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 234.95 - x: 52.07 y: 234.95 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 105.41 - x: 162.56 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 210.82 - x: 226.06 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 187.96 - x: 287.02 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 212.09 - x: 284.48 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 264.16 - x: 27.94 y: 274.32 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 143.51 - x: 154.94 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 123.19 - x: 269.24 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 153.67 - x: 127 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 151.13 - x: 80.01 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 261.62 - x: 48.26 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 135.89 - x: 45.72 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 140.97 - x: 129.54 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 255.27 - x: 148.59 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 48.26 - x: 124.46 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 21.59 - x: 149.86 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 40.64 - x: 64.77 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 132.08 - x: 240.03 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 143.51 - x: 269.24 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 134.62 - x: 44.45 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 200.66 - x: 259.08 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 171.45 - x: 53.34 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 161.29 - x: 82.55 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 43.18 - x: 46.99 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 45.72 - x: 124.46 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 149.86 - x: 240.03 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 38.1 - x: 34.29 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 92.71 - x: 132.08 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 102.87 - x: 99.06 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 21.59 - x: 52.07 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 85.09 - x: 152.4 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 217.17 - x: 135.89 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 147.32 - x: 205.74 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 276.86 - x: 55.88 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - x: 106.68 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 123.19 - x: 240.03 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 151.13 - x: 284.48 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 26.67 - x: 149.86 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 107.95 - x: 168.91 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 140.97 - x: 240.03 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 273.05 - x: 80.01 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 156.21 - x: 81.28 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 208.28 - x: 226.06 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 102.87 - x: 55.88 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 261.62 - x: 100.33 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 187.96 - x: 300.99 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 219.71 - x: 26.67 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 105.41 - x: 162.56 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 240.03 - x: 135.89 y: 240.03 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 204.47 - x: 279.4 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 224.79 - x: 17.78 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 187.96 - x: 229.87 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 50.8 - x: 64.77 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 273.05 - x: 55.88 y: 254 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 219.71 - x: 135.89 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 149.86 - x: 269.24 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 129.54 y: 214.63 - x: 129.54 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 109.22 - x: 48.26 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 276.86 - x: 80.01 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 193.04 - x: 229.87 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 212.09 - x: 297.18 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 72.39 - x: 132.08 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 50.8 - x: 124.46 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 182.88 - x: 39.37 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 266.7 - x: 113.03 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 264.16 - x: 57.15 y: 264.16 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 222.25 - x: 49.53 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 261.62 - x: 57.15 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 80.01 - x: 124.46 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 132.08 - x: 259.08 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 82.55 - x: 194.31 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 266.7 - x: 113.03 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 203.2 - x: 269.24 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 40.64 - x: 120.65 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 271.78 - x: 64.77 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 43.18 - x: 46.99 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 207.01 - x: 269.24 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 250.19 - x: 78.74 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 21.59 - x: 33.02 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 97.79 - x: 50.8 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - x: 115.57 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 48.26 - x: 25.4 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 55.88 - x: 62.23 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 261.62 - x: 74.93 y: 261.62 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 50.8 - x: 25.4 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 25.4 - x: 243.84 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 276.86 - x: 55.88 y: 276.86 - type: wire points: - x: 279.4 y: 204.47 - x: 279.4 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 151.13 - x: 101.6 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 161.29 - x: 53.34 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 198.12 - x: 118.11 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 21.59 - x: 52.07 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 190.5 - x: 300.99 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 82.55 - x: 194.31 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 261.62 - x: 100.33 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 200.66 - x: 269.24 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - x: 30.48 y: 273.05 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 187.96 - x: 205.74 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - x: 85.09 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 210.82 - x: 226.06 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 185.42 - x: 300.99 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 224.79 - x: 77.47 y: 248.92 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 34.29 - x: 127 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 157.48 - x: 247.65 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 195.58 - x: 294.64 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 97.79 - x: 87.63 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 247.65 - x: 129.54 y: 247.65 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 166.37 - x: 53.34 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 266.7 - x: 76.2 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 153.67 - x: 127 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 29.21 - x: 114.3 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 137.16 - x: 46.99 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 133.35 - x: 43.18 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 193.04 - x: 300.99 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 25.4 y: 266.7 - x: 30.48 y: 266.7 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 151.13 - x: 53.34 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 132.08 - x: 269.24 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 173.99 - x: 39.37 y: 173.99 globalLabels: - text: VSYNC_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - text: B shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 190.5 angle: 180 - text: ~{DISPEN_DLY} shape: output position: x: 124.46 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - text: HSYNC_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - text: LCLK shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 110.49 angle: 180 - text: COMP_VID shape: output position: x: 298.45 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - text: VSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 31.75 y: 173.99 angle: 180 - text: 14_MHZ shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 264.16 angle: 180 - text: ~{14_MHZ} shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 280.67 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_1} shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 276.86 angle: 180 - text: I shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 193.04 angle: 180 - text: ~{BLANK} shape: input position: x: 218.44 y: 134.62 angle: 180 - text: CURSOR shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: ~{CLR_SR} shape: output position: x: 173.99 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - text: G shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 187.96 angle: 180 - text: HCLK shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_2} shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 266.7 angle: 180 - text: R shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 185.42 angle: 180 - text: B shape: input position: x: 125.73 y: 237.49 angle: 180 - text: ~{CURSOR_DLY} shape: output position: x: 124.46 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: R_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - text: VSYNC_DLY shape: output position: x: 124.46 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - text: I_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - text: G_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - text: HSYNC shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: ~{BW_2} shape: input position: x: 115.57 y: 72.39 angle: 180 - text: VSYNC shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 50.8 angle: 180 - text: B_OUT shape: output position: x: 300.99 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - text: 3.58_MHZ shape: input position: x: 25.4 y: 261.62 angle: 180 - text: ~{DISPEN} shape: output position: x: 63.5 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - text: SL shape: output position: x: 261.62 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - text: HSYNC_DLY shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 97.79 angle: 180 - text: R shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 217.17 angle: 180 - text: G shape: input position: x: 44.45 y: 234.95 angle: 180 - text: DISPEN shape: input position: x: 24.13 y: 21.59 angle: 180 - text: VIDEO_ENABLE shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 21.59 angle: 180 - text: SL' shape: input position: x: 219.71 y: 25.4 angle: 180 - text: HSYNC_DLY shape: output position: x: 124.46 y: 43.18 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Digital logic circuit
libSymbols: - 74xx:74LS04 - 74xx:74LS08 - 74xx:74LS245 - 74xx:74LS32 - 74xx:74LS86 - Connector:Bus_ISA_8bit - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Connector:DE9_Receptacle_MountingHoles - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x06 - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - power:+12V - power:GND - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0194' position: x: 173.99 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 174.117 y: 127.5842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 110.49 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 90.17 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 90.17 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 90.17 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 90.17 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 90.17 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 129.54 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 90.17 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 133.35 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 90.17 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 137.16 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 90.17 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 140.97 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 90.17 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 144.78 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 90.17 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 148.59 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 90.17 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 152.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 90.17 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 156.21 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 90.17 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 160.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 90.17 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 163.83 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 90.17 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 167.64 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 90.17 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 171.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 90.17 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 175.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 90.17 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 179.07 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 90.17 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 107.95 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0195' position: x: 119.38 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 119.507 y: 183.4642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 106.68 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0196' position: x: 106.68 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 107.061 y: 102.2858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 110.49 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 107.95 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 107.95 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C34 position: x: 107.95 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C35 position: x: 107.95 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C36 position: x: 107.95 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 129.54 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 107.95 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 133.35 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C38 position: x: 107.95 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 137.16 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C39 position: x: 107.95 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 140.97 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C40 position: x: 107.95 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 144.78 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 107.95 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 148.59 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 107.95 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 152.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 107.95 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 156.21 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C44 position: x: 107.95 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 160.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C45 position: x: 107.95 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 163.83 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C46 position: x: 107.95 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 167.64 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C47 position: x: 107.95 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 171.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C48 position: x: 107.95 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 175.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C49 position: x: 107.95 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 113.03 y: 179.07 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C51 position: x: 107.95 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C52 position: x: 125.73 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 137.16 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0234' position: x: 137.16 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 137.287 y: 183.4642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 124.46 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0238' position: x: 124.46 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 124.841 y: 102.2858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 110.49 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C53 position: x: 125.73 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C54 position: x: 125.73 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C55 position: x: 125.73 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C56 position: x: 125.73 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C57 position: x: 125.73 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 129.54 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C58 position: x: 125.73 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 133.35 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C59 position: x: 125.73 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 137.16 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C60 position: x: 125.73 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 140.97 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C61 position: x: 125.73 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 139.7 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 144.78 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C62 position: x: 125.73 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 148.59 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C63 position: x: 125.73 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 152.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C64 position: x: 125.73 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 151.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 156.21 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C65 position: x: 125.73 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 160.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C66 position: x: 125.73 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 163.83 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C67 position: x: 125.73 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 162.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 167.64 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C68 position: x: 125.73 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 171.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C69 position: x: 125.73 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 175.26 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C70 position: x: 125.73 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 179.07 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C71 position: x: 125.73 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 132.08 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C72 position: x: 143.51 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 142.24 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0239' position: x: 142.24 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 142.621 y: 102.2858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 110.49 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C73 position: x: 143.51 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 114.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C74 position: x: 143.51 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C75 position: x: 143.51 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C76 position: x: 143.51 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C77 position: x: 143.51 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 129.54 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C78 position: x: 143.51 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 133.35 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C79 position: x: 143.51 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 148.59 y: 137.16 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C80 position: x: 143.51 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 149.86 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0240' position: x: 154.94 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 155.067 y: 141.5542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Bus_ISA_8bit position: x: 210.82 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: P5 position: x: 210.82 y: 19.8882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Bus_ISA_8bit position: x: 210.82 y: 22.1996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS245 position: x: 66.04 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U66 position: x: 72.39 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS245 position: x: 59.69 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 66.04 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0215' position: x: 66.04 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 66.421 y: 21.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0216' position: x: 66.04 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.167 y: 70.4342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 72.39 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U41 position: x: 78.74 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 80.01 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 50.8 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 50.8 y: 83.3882 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S32 position: x: 50.8 y: 85.6996 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 251.46 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 251.46 y: 102.4382 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS08 position: x: 251.46 y: 104.7496 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 49.53 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 48.26 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS04 position: x: 48.26 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 49.53 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 48.26 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74S04 position: x: 48.26 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 74xx entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 49.53 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U? position: x: 49.53 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 74LS86 position: x: 49.53 y: 100.7364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 36.83 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0217' position: x: 36.83 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 36.703 y: 116.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 180.34 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0218' position: x: 180.34 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 180.721 y: 41.3258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0219' position: x: 180.34 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.467 y: 108.5342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 176.53 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0220' position: x: 176.53 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 176.657 y: 32.3342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 170.18 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0221' position: x: 170.18 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.307 y: 55.1942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 172.72 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0222' position: x: 172.72 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 173.101 y: 27.3558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 176.53 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0223' position: x: 176.53 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 176.911 y: 92.1258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 125.73 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 128.27 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: COMPOSITE OUT position: x: 127 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0224' position: x: 125.73 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 125.857 y: 38.6842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 154.94 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: P1 position: x: 152.8572 y: 15.875 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1X4 BERG position: x: 152.8572 y: 18.1864 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 17.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0225' position: x: 139.7 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.827 y: 22.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 143.51 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0226' position: x: 143.51 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 143.891 y: 26.0858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 129.54 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '30' position: x: 137.16 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: DE9_Receptacle_MountingHoles position: x: 149.86 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 154.432 y: 53.2892 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RGBI Output position: x: 154.432 y: 55.6006 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 149.86 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0227' position: x: 149.86 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 149.987 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0228' position: x: 134.62 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 137.16 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 53.34 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 129.54 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '30' position: x: 137.16 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 58.42 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 129.54 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '30' position: x: 137.16 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R? position: x: 129.54 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '30' position: x: 137.16 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x06 position: x: 148.59 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: P2 position: x: 152.4 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1X6 BERG position: x: 154.94 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 124.46 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0229' position: x: 124.46 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 124.841 y: 74.3458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 119.38 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0230' position: x: 119.38 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 119.761 y: 74.3458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0231' position: x: 116.84 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 116.967 y: 90.7542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 90.17 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 96.52 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0232' position: x: 101.6 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.727 y: 183.4642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 88.9 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0233' position: x: 88.9 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 89.281 y: 102.2858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 167.64 y: 119.38 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 165.1 y: 118.11 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 171.45 y: 118.11 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 167.64 y: 123.19 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 165.1 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 171.45 y: 121.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 161.29 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0235' position: x: 161.29 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 161.671 y: 114.9858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 166.37 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 163.83 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 170.18 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 166.37 y: 110.49 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 161.29 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 167.64 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +12V position: x: 160.02 y: 106.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0236' position: x: 160.02 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +12V position: x: 160.401 y: 102.2858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0237' position: x: 173.99 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 174.117 y: 114.8842 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 88.9 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 110.49 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 193.04 y: 92.71 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 82.55 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 62.23 angle: null - position: x: 149.86 y: 26.67 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 80.01 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 64.77 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 69.85 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 34.29 angle: null - position: x: 142.24 y: 50.8 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 36.83 angle: null - position: x: 228.6 y: 26.67 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 72.39 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 87.63 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 95.25 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 41.91 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 242.57 y: 67.31 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 67.31 angle: null - position: x: 143.51 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 39.37 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 77.47 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: 44.45 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 95.25 - x: 242.57 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 57.15 - x: 242.57 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 125.73 - x: 151.13 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 110.49 - x: 97.79 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 54.61 - x: 242.57 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 110.49 - x: 142.24 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 114.3 - x: 101.6 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 40.64 - x: 35.56 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 50.8 - x: 90.17 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 152.4 - x: 106.68 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 110.49 - x: 124.46 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 45.72 - x: 90.17 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 137.16 - x: 133.35 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 129.54 - x: 151.13 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 137.16 - x: 97.79 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 100.33 - x: 180.34 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 167.64 - x: 88.9 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 125.73 - x: 124.46 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 74.93 - x: 181.61 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 109.22 - x: 36.83 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - x: 88.9 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 29.21 - x: 180.34 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 106.68 - x: 160.02 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 41.91 - x: 242.57 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 125.73 - x: 124.46 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 82.55 - x: 119.38 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 45.72 - x: 130.81 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 171.45 - x: 101.6 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 175.26 - x: 106.68 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 106.68 - x: 66.04 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 148.59 - x: 88.9 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 163.83 - x: 124.46 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 110.49 - x: 154.94 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 54.61 - x: 180.34 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 38.1 - x: 35.56 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 179.07 - x: 97.79 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 58.42 - x: 80.01 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 106.68 - x: 101.6 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 125.73 - x: 101.6 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 129.54 - x: 119.38 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 125.73 - x: 119.38 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 135.89 - x: 66.04 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 133.35 - x: 142.24 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 121.92 - x: 88.9 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - x: 58.42 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 140.97 - x: 119.38 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 175.26 - x: 124.46 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 160.02 - x: 124.46 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 121.92 - x: 115.57 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 129.54 - x: 154.94 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 133.35 - x: 106.68 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 137.16 - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 121.92 - x: 133.35 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 129.54 - x: 142.24 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 171.45 - x: 88.9 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 46.99 - x: 193.04 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 29.21 - x: 147.32 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 156.21 - x: 106.68 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 107.95 - x: 238.76 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 156.21 - x: 88.9 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 114.3 - x: 106.68 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 50.8 - x: 35.56 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 125.73 - x: 142.24 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - x: 115.57 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 24.13 - x: 116.84 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 80.01 - x: 242.57 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 160.02 - x: 97.79 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 167.64 - x: 106.68 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 114.3 - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 110.49 - x: 106.68 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 140.97 - x: 88.9 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 110.49 - x: 101.6 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 163.83 - x: 88.9 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 119.38 - x: 173.99 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 24.13 - x: 116.84 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 156.21 - x: 119.38 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 171.45 - x: 133.35 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 102.87 - x: 238.76 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 140.97 - x: 115.57 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 160.02 - x: 124.46 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 121.92 - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 148.59 - x: 101.6 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 26.67 - x: 176.53 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 34.29 - x: 125.73 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 163.83 - x: 101.6 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 59.69 - x: 242.57 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 167.64 - x: 119.38 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 156.21 - x: 137.16 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 160.02 - x: 115.57 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 102.87 - x: 180.34 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 35.56 - x: 35.56 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 49.53 - x: 170.18 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 118.11 - x: 137.16 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 110.49 - x: 106.68 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - x: 88.9 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 114.3 - x: 154.94 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 118.11 - x: 115.57 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 87.63 - x: 143.51 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 29.21 - x: 242.57 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 106.68 - x: 124.46 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 156.21 - x: 115.57 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 175.26 - x: 133.35 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 133.35 - x: 151.13 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 92.71 - x: 133.35 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 148.59 - x: 106.68 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 110.49 - x: 124.46 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 114.3 - x: 151.13 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 104.14 - x: 41.91 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 144.78 - x: 88.9 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 88.9 - x: 35.56 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 121.92 - x: 119.38 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 34.29 - x: 242.57 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 36.83 - x: 172.72 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 163.83 - x: 133.35 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 129.54 - x: 97.79 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 152.4 - x: 124.46 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 36.83 - x: 134.62 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 48.26 - x: 90.17 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 179.07 - x: 88.9 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 171.45 - x: 106.68 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 125.73 - x: 115.57 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 118.11 - x: 124.46 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 137.16 - x: 88.9 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 152.4 - x: 88.9 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 175.26 - x: 88.9 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 129.54 - x: 106.68 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 16.51 - x: 139.7 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 106.68 - x: 173.99 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 106.68 - x: 154.94 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 121.92 - x: 142.24 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 137.16 - x: 151.13 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 36.83 - x: 172.72 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 125.73 - x: 38.1 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 140.97 - x: 101.6 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 133.35 - x: 142.24 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 144.78 - x: 97.79 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 129.54 - x: 106.68 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 48.26 - x: 35.56 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 156.21 - x: 106.68 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - x: 35.56 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 110.49 - x: 88.9 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 144.78 - x: 106.68 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 148.59 - x: 97.79 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 106.68 - x: 151.13 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 175.26 - x: 97.79 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 43.18 - x: 35.56 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 171.45 - x: 88.9 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 63.5 - x: 142.24 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 118.11 - x: 133.35 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 171.45 - x: 97.79 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 43.18 - x: 142.24 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 144.78 - x: 115.57 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 125.73 - x: 154.94 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 106.68 - x: 173.99 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 148.59 - x: 119.38 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 167.64 - x: 101.6 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 55.88 - x: 35.56 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 110.49 - x: 137.16 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 163.83 - x: 106.68 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 36.83 - x: 134.62 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 140.97 - x: 124.46 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 133.35 - x: 88.9 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 45.72 - x: 142.24 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 148.59 - x: 133.35 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 129.54 - x: 88.9 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 110.49 - x: 151.13 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 102.87 - x: 238.76 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 33.02 - x: 35.56 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 121.92 - x: 154.94 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 144.78 - x: 133.35 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 144.78 - x: 29.21 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 114.3 - x: 133.35 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 144.78 - x: 119.38 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 129.54 - x: 124.46 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 125.73 - x: 137.16 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 106.68 - x: 88.9 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 121.92 - x: 101.6 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 121.92 - x: 142.24 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 137.16 - x: 119.38 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 45.72 - x: 35.56 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 49.53 - x: 242.57 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 163.83 - x: 119.38 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 171.45 - x: 124.46 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 38.1 - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 121.92 - x: 137.16 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 74.93 - x: 242.57 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 152.4 - x: 119.38 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 33.02 - x: 143.51 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 85.09 - x: 242.57 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 129.54 - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 125.73 - x: 106.68 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 106.68 - x: 119.38 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 167.64 - x: 124.46 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 125.73 - x: 142.24 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 118.11 - x: 142.24 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 97.79 - x: 176.53 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 58.42 - x: 142.24 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 55.88 - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 100.33 - x: 242.57 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 167.64 - x: 124.46 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 160.02 - x: 137.16 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 156.21 - x: 124.46 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 156.21 - x: 101.6 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 123.19 - x: 161.29 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 129.54 - x: 88.9 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 121.92 - x: 97.79 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 57.15 - x: 180.34 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 114.3 - x: 88.9 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 156.21 - x: 133.35 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 73.66 - x: 54.61 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 144.78 - x: 101.6 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 171.45 - x: 119.38 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 133.35 - x: 124.46 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 16.51 - x: 139.7 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 72.39 - x: 242.57 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 110.49 - x: 168.91 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 179.07 - x: 115.57 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 137.16 - x: 101.6 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 148.59 - x: 124.46 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 156.21 - x: 97.79 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 110.49 - x: 115.57 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 137.16 - x: 106.68 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 106.68 - x: 115.57 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 97.79 - x: 242.57 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 175.26 - x: 88.9 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 152.4 - x: 137.16 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 48.26 - x: 140.97 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 90.17 - x: 242.57 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 123.19 - x: 170.18 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 110.49 - x: 160.02 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 163.83 - x: 124.46 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 133.35 - x: 124.46 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 121.92 - x: 106.68 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 175.26 - x: 137.16 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 133.35 - x: 119.38 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 31.75 - x: 182.88 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - x: 133.35 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 110.49 - x: 133.35 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - x: 137.16 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 52.07 - x: 242.57 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 133.35 - x: 101.6 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 125.73 - x: 88.9 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 53.34 - x: 130.81 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 77.47 - x: 242.57 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 175.26 - x: 115.57 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 144.78 - x: 137.16 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 118.11 - x: 151.13 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 33.02 - x: 143.51 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 114.3 - x: 142.24 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 118.11 - x: 101.6 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 160.02 - x: 88.9 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 36.83 - x: 242.57 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 160.02 - x: 119.38 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 39.37 - x: 242.57 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 118.11 - x: 124.46 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 163.83 - x: 88.9 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 53.34 - x: 142.24 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 33.02 - x: 90.17 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 26.67 - x: 120.65 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 114.3 - x: 137.16 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 106.68 - x: 106.68 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 58.42 - x: 80.01 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - x: 80.01 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 119.38 - x: 161.29 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 167.64 - x: 106.68 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 58.42 - x: 130.81 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 125.73 - x: 66.04 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 148.59 - x: 124.46 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 160.02 - x: 101.6 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 175.26 - x: 124.46 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 109.22 - x: 36.83 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 67.31 - x: 242.57 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 26.67 - x: 116.84 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - x: 119.38 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 106.68 - x: 142.24 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 137.16 - x: 124.46 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 125.73 - x: 31.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 46.99 - x: 242.57 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 87.63 - x: 242.57 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 92.71 - x: 242.57 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 129.54 - x: 124.46 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 29.21 - x: 147.32 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 160.02 - x: 106.68 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 106.68 - x: 137.16 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 167.64 - x: 133.35 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 148.59 - x: 137.16 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 59.69 - x: 180.34 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 121.92 - x: 124.46 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 137.16 - x: 142.24 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 163.83 - x: 115.57 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 118.11 - x: 97.79 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 179.07 - x: 133.35 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 85.09 - x: 116.84 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 137.16 - x: 106.68 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 160.02 - x: 133.35 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 69.85 - x: 242.57 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 45.72 - x: 180.34 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 163.83 - x: 106.68 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 49.53 - x: 193.04 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 114.3 - x: 97.79 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 106.68 - x: 124.46 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - x: 88.9 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 167.64 - x: 88.9 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 21.59 - x: 144.78 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 140.97 - x: 97.79 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 160.02 - x: 88.9 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 82.55 - x: 242.57 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 44.45 - x: 242.57 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 144.78 - x: 66.04 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 144.78 - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 97.79 - x: 176.53 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 152.4 - x: 101.6 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 140.97 - x: 106.68 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 152.4 - x: 124.46 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 43.18 - x: 90.17 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 152.4 - x: 115.57 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 118.11 - x: 106.68 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 144.78 - x: 106.68 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 114.3 - x: 124.46 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 160.02 - x: 106.68 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 125.73 - x: 97.79 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 137.16 - x: 88.9 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 137.16 - x: 115.57 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 175.26 - x: 101.6 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 140.97 - x: 106.68 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 140.97 - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 73.66 - x: 54.61 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 106.68 - x: 106.68 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 118.11 - x: 142.24 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 167.64 - x: 137.16 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 113.03 - x: 243.84 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 163.83 - x: 97.79 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 129.54 - x: 115.57 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 82.55 - x: 119.38 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 85.09 - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 125.73 - x: 106.68 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 133.35 - x: 115.57 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 31.75 - x: 182.88 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 118.11 - x: 106.68 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 80.01 - x: 124.46 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 144.78 - x: 124.46 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 118.11 - x: 154.94 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 175.26 - x: 119.38 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 62.23 - x: 242.57 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 179.07 - x: 106.68 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 85.09 - x: 116.84 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 114.3 - x: 124.46 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 102.87 - x: 180.34 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 152.4 - x: 133.35 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 21.59 - x: 144.78 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 152.4 - x: 97.79 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 55.88 - x: 86.36 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 114.3 - x: 142.24 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 171.45 - x: 137.16 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - x: 133.35 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 119.38 - x: 170.18 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 123.19 - x: 161.29 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 125.73 - x: 88.9 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 52.07 - x: 179.07 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 140.97 - x: 137.16 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 106.68 - x: 133.35 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 110.49 - x: 88.9 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 55.88 - x: 113.03 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 106.68 - x: 97.79 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 43.18 - x: 140.97 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 171.45 - x: 124.46 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 133.35 - x: 154.94 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 171.45 - x: 106.68 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 125.73 - x: 38.1 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 93.98 - x: 35.56 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 125.73 - x: 133.35 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 80.01 - x: 124.46 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 114.3 - x: 106.68 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 35.56 - x: 90.17 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 137.16 - x: 124.46 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 64.77 - x: 242.57 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 148.59 - x: 88.9 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 26.67 - x: 176.53 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 129.54 - x: 142.24 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 31.75 - x: 242.57 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 85.09 - x: 60.96 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 152.4 - x: 106.68 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 110.49 - x: 264.16 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 167.64 - x: 97.79 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 60.96 - x: 113.03 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 63.5 - x: 130.81 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 106.68 - x: 88.9 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 133.35 - x: 106.68 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 118.11 - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 163.83 - x: 137.16 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 148.59 - x: 106.68 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 129.54 - x: 133.35 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 110.49 - x: 160.02 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 121.92 - x: 106.68 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 110.49 - x: 142.24 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 148.59 - x: 115.57 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 129.54 - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 107.95 - x: 238.76 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 156.21 - x: 124.46 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 152.4 - x: 88.9 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 40.64 - x: 90.17 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 106.68 - x: 142.24 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - x: 140.97 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 144.78 - x: 88.9 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 118.11 - x: 119.38 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 110.49 - x: 119.38 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 156.21 - x: 88.9 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 179.07 - x: 124.46 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 171.45 - x: 115.57 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 175.26 - x: 106.68 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 140.97 - x: 88.9 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 121.92 - x: 124.46 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 167.64 - x: 115.57 y: 167.64 globalLabels: - text: ~{MEMR} shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 80.01 angle: 180 - text: ~{IOR} shape: output position: x: 180.34 y: 59.69 angle: 180 - text: I_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: COMP_VID shape: input position: x: 111.76 y: 26.67 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: output position: x: 264.16 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - text: A17 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - text: A6 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - text: AEN shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: A18 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 50.8 angle: 180 - text: ~{RESET'} shape: output position: x: 66.04 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - text: A11 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - text: DATA_GATE shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 55.88 angle: 180 - text: R_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - text: A16 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - text: HSYNC_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 55.88 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - text: A3 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - text: A19 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: IO_CLOCK shape: output position: x: 181.61 y: 74.93 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - text: A12 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: ~{IOR} shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: RESET shape: output position: x: 66.04 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - text: VSYNC_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 60.96 angle: 180 - text: IO_READY shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - text: A2 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - text: A4 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - text: AEN shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - text: ~{MEMW} shape: output position: x: 179.07 y: 52.07 angle: 180 - text: G_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: ~{LPEN_INPUT} shape: output position: x: 133.35 y: 92.71 angle: 180 - text: 14_MHZ shape: output position: x: 66.04 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - text: B_OUT shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 63.5 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - text: ~{LPEN_SW} shape: output position: x: 133.35 y: 87.63 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - text: A5 shape: output position: x: 242.57 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: ~{IOW} shape: output position: x: 180.34 y: 57.15 angle: 180 - text: ~{MEMR} shape: output position: x: 66.04 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 40.64 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Microcontroller-based power bank
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_01x04_Socket - Connector:USB_B_Micro - Device:Battery_Cell - Device:C - Device:D - Device:LED - Device:R - GND_5 - Larry_Library:CH32X033F8P6 - Larry_Library:SCD41-D-R2 - Larry_Library:ST7735_13pin - Larry_Library:TP4057 - Mechanical:MountingHole - Regulator_Linear:AP2127K-3.3 - Switch:SW_Push - Transistor_FET:AO3400A - power:+3.3V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 116.84 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 116.84 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 116.84 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 190.5 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 188.9125 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 188.9125 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 229.235 y: 68.58 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 229.235 y: 63.5 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 229.235 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 99.695 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 73.66 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 95.25 y: 129.54 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 97.79 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22K position: x: 97.79 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 57.15 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 57.15 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 114.3 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 118.11 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 118.11 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 31.75 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H4 position: x: 34.29 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 34.29 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 97.155 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 96.52 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 102.235 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 68.58 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 66.9925 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 66.9925 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: AP2127K-3.3 position: x: 96.52 y: 86.995 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 96.52 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AP2127K-3.3 position: x: 96.52 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 195.58 y: 89.535 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 195.58 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 195.58 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 79.375 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 128.27 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 27.94 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 27.94 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 27.94 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 154.305 y: 109.855 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 154.305 y: 104.775 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 154.305 y: 107.315 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x04_Socket position: x: 194.31 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 195.58 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x04_Socket position: x: 195.58 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 80.01 y: 161.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 80.01 y: 156.21 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 80.01 y: 158.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 86.36 y: 97.155 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 88.9 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - key: Value value: D position: x: 88.9 y: 99.06 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.685 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 146.685 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.685 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 144.145 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 144.145 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 144.145 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 146.05 y: 46.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 149.86 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 149.86 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: AO3400A position: x: 241.935 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 248.285 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AO3400A position: x: 248.285 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 59.055 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 109.22 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 64.135 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 135.89 y: 84.455 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 139.7 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 132.715 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 31.75 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H2 position: x: 34.29 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 34.29 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 182.88 y: 100.33 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 182.88 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3K position: x: 182.88 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 112.395 y: 53.975 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 112.395 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 112.395 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 94.615 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 114.3 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 99.695 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 95.25 y: 142.24 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 97.79 y: 141.605 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 75K position: x: 97.79 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 95.25 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR031' position: x: 95.25 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 95.25 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 228.6 y: 137.795 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 228.6 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 228.6 y: 142.875 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 68.58 y: 166.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 66.9925 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 66.9925 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 176.53 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 176.53 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 176.53 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 195.58 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 195.58 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 195.58 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 154.305 y: 102.87 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 154.305 y: 97.79 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 154.305 y: 100.33 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 146.05 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 146.05 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 146.05 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Larry_Library entryName: TP4057 position: x: 46.99 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 46.99 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TP4057 position: x: 46.99 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Larry_Library entryName: ST7735_13pin position: x: 205.105 y: 55.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 208.915 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 205.105 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 185.42 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 185.42 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 185.42 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 185.42 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 185.42 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 185.42 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 244.475 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 244.475 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 244.475 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 186.055 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 186.055 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 186.055 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D position: x: 81.28 y: 86.995 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 81.28 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D position: x: 81.28 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 112.395 y: 43.815 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 112.395 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 112.395 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Battery_Cell position: x: 146.685 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LIPO1 position: x: 150.495 y: 133.223 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Battery_Cell position: x: 150.495 y: 135.763 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 31.75 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H3 position: x: 34.29 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 34.29 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 228.6 y: 119.38 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 231.14 y: 118.745 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27K position: x: 231.14 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 228.6 y: 132.08 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 231.14 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47K position: x: 231.14 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 75.565 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 186.69 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 31.75 y: 28.575 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: H1 position: x: 34.29 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MountingHole position: x: 34.29 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 73.66 y: 95.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 76.2 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100K position: x: 76.2 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 68.58 y: 86.995 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PUSH1 position: x: 68.58 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push position: x: 68.58 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 146.05 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 112.395 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 115.57 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 115.57 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_B_Micro position: x: 195.58 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 195.58 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_B_Micro position: x: 195.58 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 57.15 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 59.69 y: 170.815 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 59.69 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 177.8 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Larry_Library entryName: CH32X033F8P6 position: x: 151.13 y: 67.945 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 154.305 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 151.13 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Larry_Library entryName: SCD41-D-R2 position: x: 93.98 y: 51.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SCD40 position: x: 93.98 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SCD41-D-R2 position: x: 93.98 y: 40.005 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 195.58 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.145 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 112.395 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 112.395 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.82 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 86.995 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 197.485 y: 60.325 angle: null - position: x: 170.18 y: 81.915 angle: null - position: x: 197.485 y: 57.785 angle: null - position: x: 203.2 y: 130.81 angle: null - position: x: 170.18 y: 79.375 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 135.89 - x: 95.25 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 158.75 - x: 31.75 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 94.615 - x: 96.52 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 158.75 - x: 35.56 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 197.485 y: 88.265 - x: 195.58 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 35.56 - x: 189.23 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 172.72 - x: 41.91 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 84.455 - x: 114.3 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 38.1 - x: 185.42 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 86.995 - x: 86.36 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 135.89 - x: 228.6 y: 137.795 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 161.29 - x: 86.36 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 75.565 - x: 197.485 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 100.33 - x: 179.07 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 148.59 - x: 62.23 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 161.29 - x: 31.75 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 161.29 - x: 72.39 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 191.135 y: 80.645 - x: 197.485 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 84.455 - x: 138.43 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 109.855 - x: 144.145 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 135.89 - x: 95.25 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 163.83 - x: 57.15 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 92.075 - x: 88.9 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 43.815 - x: 112.395 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 115.57 - x: 210.82 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 84.455 - x: 88.9 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 127 - x: 146.685 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 158.75 - x: 58.42 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 38.1 - x: 185.42 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 125.73 - x: 233.68 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 186.055 y: 73.025 - x: 191.135 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 110.49 - x: 210.82 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 80.01 - x: 116.84 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 115.57 - x: 210.82 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 125.73 - x: 228.6 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 133.35 - x: 95.25 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 92.075 - x: 88.9 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 161.29 - x: 62.23 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 146.05 - x: 95.25 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 191.135 y: 73.025 - x: 191.135 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 68.58 - x: 236.855 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 88.265 - x: 195.58 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 161.29 - x: 72.39 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 158.75 - x: 58.42 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 158.75 - x: 27.94 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 109.855 - x: 144.145 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.995 - x: 86.36 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 163.83 - x: 36.83 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 161.29 - x: 31.75 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 86.995 - x: 74.93 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 86.995 - x: 77.47 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 84.455 - x: 114.3 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 244.475 y: 74.93 - x: 244.475 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 151.13 - x: 58.42 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 87.63 - x: 193.675 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 158.75 - x: 35.56 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 120.65 - x: 210.82 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 244.475 y: 85.09 - x: 244.475 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 112.395 y: 46.355 - x: 112.395 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 79.375 - x: 138.43 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 68.58 - x: 236.855 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 102.87 - x: 150.495 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 161.29 - x: 62.23 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 166.37 - x: 64.77 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 84.455 - x: 116.84 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 87.63 - x: 193.675 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 154.94 - x: 64.77 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 161.29 - x: 72.39 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 138.43 - x: 146.685 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 148.59 - x: 62.23 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 135.89 - x: 195.58 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 41.91 - x: 146.05 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 86.995 - x: 85.09 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 79.375 - x: 74.93 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 147.32 - x: 26.67 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 123.19 - x: 228.6 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 46.355 - x: 112.395 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 85.725 - x: 197.485 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 135.89 - x: 195.58 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 244.475 y: 72.39 - x: 249.555 y: 72.39 globalLabels: - text: SCK shape: output position: x: 170.18 y: 64.135 angle: 0 - text: SWDIO shape: input position: x: 189.23 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: LED_K shape: input position: x: 197.485 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: RESET shape: input position: x: 197.485 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: VBAT shape: input position: x: 146.685 y: 127 angle: 90 - text: POWER_PIN shape: input position: x: 86.36 y: 100.965 angle: 270 - text: VBAT shape: input position: x: 41.91 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - text: BATT_DIV shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - text: DP shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 170.18 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 158.115 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - text: CS shape: input position: x: 197.485 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: LCD_BL shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 64.135 angle: 180 - text: SCK shape: output position: x: 197.485 y: 65.405 angle: 180 - text: VBUS shape: input position: x: 210.82 y: 110.49 angle: 90 - text: VIN shape: output position: x: 95.25 y: 125.73 angle: 90 - text: VBAT shape: input position: x: 85.09 y: 84.455 angle: 180 - text: MOSI shape: output position: x: 197.485 y: 62.865 angle: 180 - text: POWER_PIN shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 69.215 angle: 180 - text: SWDIO shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 81.915 angle: 180 - text: LED1 shape: input position: x: 194.31 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - text: VBUS shape: input position: x: 26.67 y: 147.32 angle: 90 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - text: SWCLK shape: input position: x: 189.23 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: DM shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 74.295 angle: 180 - text: VBUS_SENSE shape: input position: x: 233.68 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - text: MOSI shape: output position: x: 138.43 y: 66.675 angle: 180 - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 78.74 y: 51.435 angle: 180 - text: LCD_BL shape: input position: x: 225.425 y: 68.58 angle: 180 - text: SWCLK shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - text: VBUS shape: input position: x: 86.36 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - text: CS shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - text: VIN shape: output position: x: 74.93 y: 79.375 angle: 90 - text: D{slash}C shape: input position: x: 197.485 y: 67.945 angle: 180 - text: LED_K shape: input position: x: 249.555 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: BATT_DIV shape: input position: x: 91.44 y: 135.89 angle: 180 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 158.115 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - text: LED1 shape: output position: x: 138.43 y: 71.755 angle: 180 - text: DP shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 76.835 angle: 180 - text: DM shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - text: VBUS_SENSE shape: input position: x: 138.43 y: 86.995 angle: 180 - text: D{slash}C shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - text: RESET shape: input position: x: 170.18 y: 71.755 angle: 0 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 78.74 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: VBAT shape: input position: x: 63.5 y: 86.995 angle: 180 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Eurorack audio amplifier.
libSymbols: - Device:C_Small - Device:D_TVS_Filled - Device:R_US - power:+3.3VA - power:GND - winterbloom:Eurorack_Mono_Jack - winterbloom:MCP6004 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 36.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 109.22 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 38.735 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 86.36 y: 31.115 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 86.36 y: 33.655 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 46.355 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 86.36 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 162k position: x: 86.36 y: 52.705 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 109.22 y: 48.895 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 109.22 y: 41.275 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 48k7 position: x: 109.22 y: 43.815 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 59.69 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 109.2263 y: 52.07 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 109.2263 y: 54.61 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 33.655 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR048' position: x: 95.25 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 98.3488 y: 33.782 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 109.22 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 80.01 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 86.36 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 86.36 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 86.36 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 162k position: x: 86.36 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 109.22 y: 90.17 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 109.22 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 48k7 position: x: 109.22 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 100.33 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 109.2263 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 109.2263 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 74.93 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR049' position: x: 95.25 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 98.3488 y: 75.057 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 127.635 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 109.22 y: 117.475 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 130.175 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 86.36 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 86.36 y: 125.095 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 137.795 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 86.36 y: 141.605 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 196k position: x: 86.36 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 109.22 y: 140.335 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 109.22 y: 132.715 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 61k9 position: x: 109.22 y: 135.255 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 151.13 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 109.2263 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 109.2263 y: 146.05 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 125.095 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 95.25 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 98.3488 y: 125.222 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 109.22 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP6004 position: x: 109.22 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 171.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 86.36 y: 163.83 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 86.36 y: 166.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 86.36 y: 179.07 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 86.36 y: 182.88 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 196k position: x: 86.36 y: 185.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_US position: x: 109.22 y: 181.61 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 109.22 y: 173.99 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 61k9 position: x: 109.22 y: 176.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 192.405 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 109.2263 y: 184.15 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 109.2263 y: 186.69 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 166.37 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR051' position: x: 95.25 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 98.3488 y: 166.497 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: MCP6004 position: x: 231.14 y: 135.255 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 237.49 y: 133.9849 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MCP6004 position: x: 237.49 y: 136.5249 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 134.62 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 200.66 y: 132.7085 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100n position: x: 200.66 y: 135.2485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 212.725 y: 134.62 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 215.9 y: 132.7085 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 215.9 y: 135.2485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 212.725 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR053' position: x: 212.725 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.852 y: 151.7142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3VA position: x: 212.725 y: 122.555 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR052' position: x: 212.725 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3VA position: x: 212.725 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 187.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR047' position: x: 60.96 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 61.087 y: 191.2112 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: Eurorack_Mono_Jack position: x: 43.815 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 43.18 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: POLLUX PITCH position: x: 43.18 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 36.195 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR037' position: x: 55.245 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.1462 y: 36.068 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 127.635 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR040' position: x: 55.245 y: 127.635 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.1462 y: 127.508 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 132.715 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR041' position: x: 48.895 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.022 y: 135.9662 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: Eurorack_Mono_Jack position: x: 43.815 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 38.1 y: 36.8299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CASTOR PITCH position: x: 38.1 y: 39.3699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: Eurorack_Mono_Jack position: x: 43.815 y: 128.905 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 38.1 y: 128.2699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CASTOR DUTY position: x: 38.1 y: 130.8099 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 41.275 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR038' position: x: 48.895 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.022 y: 44.5262 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 168.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR042' position: x: 55.245 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 52.1462 y: 168.783 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS_Filled position: x: 60.96 y: 180.34 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 63.5 y: 179.0699 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ESD position: x: 63.5 y: 181.6099 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR039' position: x: 48.895 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.022 y: 85.8012 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 55.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR044' position: x: 60.96 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 61.087 y: 58.4962 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR045' position: x: 60.96 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 61.087 y: 99.7712 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS_Filled position: x: 60.96 y: 47.625 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 63.5 y: 46.3549 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ESD position: x: 63.5 y: 48.8949 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: winterbloom entryName: Eurorack_Mono_Jack position: x: 43.815 y: 170.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 43.18 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: POLLUX DUTY position: x: 43.18 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.895 y: 173.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR043' position: x: 48.895 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.022 y: 177.2412 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS_Filled position: x: 60.96 y: 139.065 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 63.5 y: 137.7949 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ESD position: x: 63.5 y: 140.3349 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS_Filled position: x: 60.96 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 63.5 y: 87.6299 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ESD position: x: 63.5 y: 90.1699 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 146.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR046' position: x: 60.96 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 61.087 y: 149.9362 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 116.84 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.725 y: 122.555 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 127.635 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.245 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.725 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 171.45 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 192.405 - x: 101.6 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 100.33 - x: 116.84 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 179.07 - x: 95.25 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 147.32 - x: 212.725 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 48.895 - x: 116.84 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 17.78 - x: 152.4 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 48.895 - x: 116.84 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 99.06 - x: 264.16 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 100.33 - x: 116.84 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 77.47 - x: 55.245 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 77.47 - x: 121.92 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 109.22 - x: 152.4 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 142.875 - x: 228.6 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 130.175 - x: 101.6 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 140.335 - x: 116.84 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 48.895 - x: 105.41 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 127.635 - x: 121.92 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 151.13 - x: 101.6 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 184.15 - x: 60.96 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 59.69 - x: 101.6 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 192.405 - x: 116.84 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 82.55 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 99.06 - x: 264.16 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 87.63 - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 137.795 - x: 95.25 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 130.175 - x: 82.55 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 90.17 - x: 105.41 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 151.13 - x: 116.84 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 109.22 - x: 152.4 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 122.555 - x: 212.725 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 17.78 - x: 17.78 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 130.175 - x: 95.25 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 171.45 - x: 101.6 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 38.735 - x: 55.245 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 122.555 - x: 212.725 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 100.33 - x: 101.6 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 100.33 - x: 101.6 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 147.32 - x: 228.6 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 181.61 - x: 116.84 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 104.14 - x: 17.78 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 59.69 - x: 116.84 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 51.435 - x: 60.96 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 109.22 - x: 17.78 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 36.195 - x: 121.92 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 140.335 - x: 116.84 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 77.47 - x: 55.245 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 151.13 - x: 101.6 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 59.69 - x: 101.6 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 38.735 - x: 60.96 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 171.45 - x: 95.25 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 46.355 - x: 95.25 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 171.45 - x: 101.6 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 90.17 - x: 116.84 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 132.08 - x: 198.12 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 137.16 - x: 198.12 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 137.795 - x: 95.25 y: 137.795 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 130.175 - x: 101.6 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 38.735 - x: 101.6 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 38.735 - x: 60.96 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 38.735 - x: 101.6 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 142.875 - x: 60.96 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 122.555 - x: 212.725 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 151.13 - x: 116.84 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 59.69 - x: 116.84 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 46.355 - x: 95.25 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 168.91 - x: 121.92 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 17.78 - x: 152.4 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 181.61 - x: 105.41 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 167.64 - x: 160.02 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 179.07 - x: 95.25 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 80.01 - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 198.12 - x: 17.78 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 140.335 - x: 105.41 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 80.01 - x: 101.6 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 192.405 - x: 116.84 y: 192.405 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 90.17 - x: 116.84 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 192.405 - x: 101.6 y: 192.405 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 127.635 - x: 228.6 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 171.45 - x: 82.55 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 130.175 - x: 60.96 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 171.45 - x: 60.96 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 137.16 - x: 212.725 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 38.735 - x: 95.25 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 99.06 - x: 160.02 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 80.01 - x: 101.6 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 181.61 - x: 116.84 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 87.63 - x: 95.25 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 92.71 - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 130.175 - x: 60.96 y: 135.255 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 38.735 - x: 82.55 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 171.45 - x: 60.96 y: 176.53 globalLabels: - text: VREF-10 shape: input position: x: 82.55 y: 179.07 angle: 180 - text: VREF-10 shape: input position: x: 82.55 y: 87.63 angle: 180 - text: VREF-10 shape: input position: x: 82.55 y: 137.795 angle: 180 - text: VREF-10 shape: input position: x: 82.55 y: 46.355 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for LED driver circuit
libSymbols: - Collins-FMS-3000:SW_Push_LED - Custom_Symbols:TCA8418 - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW69 position: x: 90.17 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW68 position: x: 102.87 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW70 position: x: 77.47 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW60 position: x: 77.47 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW59 position: x: 90.17 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW67 position: x: 115.57 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW66 position: x: 128.27 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW57 position: x: 115.57 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW56 position: x: 128.27 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW58 position: x: 102.87 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW20 position: x: 77.47 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW30 position: x: 77.47 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW50 position: x: 77.47 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW40 position: x: 77.47 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 77.47 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW9 position: x: 90.17 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW19 position: x: 90.17 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW39 position: x: 90.17 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW49 position: x: 90.17 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW29 position: x: 90.17 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 90.17 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW8 position: x: 102.87 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW18 position: x: 102.87 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW38 position: x: 102.87 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW48 position: x: 102.87 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW28 position: x: 102.87 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 102.87 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW7 position: x: 115.57 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW17 position: x: 115.57 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW37 position: x: 115.57 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW47 position: x: 115.57 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW27 position: x: 115.57 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 115.57 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW6 position: x: 128.27 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW16 position: x: 128.27 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW36 position: x: 128.27 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW46 position: x: 128.27 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW26 position: x: 128.27 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 128.27 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 140.97 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW15 position: x: 140.97 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW35 position: x: 140.97 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW45 position: x: 140.97 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW25 position: x: 140.97 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 153.67 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW14 position: x: 153.67 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW34 position: x: 153.67 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW44 position: x: 153.67 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW24 position: x: 153.67 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 166.37 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW13 position: x: 166.37 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW33 position: x: 166.37 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW43 position: x: 166.37 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW23 position: x: 166.37 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 179.07 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW12 position: x: 179.07 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW32 position: x: 179.07 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW42 position: x: 179.07 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW22 position: x: 179.07 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW11 position: x: 191.77 y: 60.5028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW21 position: x: 191.77 y: 69.3928 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW41 position: x: 191.77 y: 87.1728 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW31 position: x: 191.77 y: 78.2828 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW63 position: x: 166.37 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW64 position: x: 153.67 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW61 position: x: 191.77 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW62 position: x: 179.07 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW52 position: x: 179.07 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 179.07 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW53 position: x: 166.37 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 166.37 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW65 position: x: 140.97 y: 33.8328 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW51 position: x: 191.77 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW55 position: x: 140.97 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 140.97 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 191.77 y: 51.6128 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 191.77 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW54 position: x: 153.67 y: 42.7228 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 153.67 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 19.05 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 19.05 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 19.177 y: 47.5742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 36.195 y: 24.765 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 36.195 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 36.195 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 18.415 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 20.32 y: 86.9949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 20.32 y: 89.5349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 46.355 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 48.26 y: 26.0349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 48.26 y: 28.5749 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 19.05 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 19.05 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 19.05 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 19.05 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 21.3868 y: 39.4716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 21.3868 y: 41.783 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 36.195 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 38.1 y: 26.0349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 38.1 y: 28.5749 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Custom_Symbols entryName: TCA8418 position: x: 38.735 y: 69.215 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 40.7544 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TCA8418 position: x: 40.7544 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 18.415 y: 85.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 18.415 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 18.415 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 38.735 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 38.735 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.735 y: 93.345 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 120.65 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.815 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 19.05 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 36.195 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 40.005 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 73.66 - x: 59.69 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 47.625 - x: 158.75 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 47.625 - x: 120.65 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 48.895 - x: 123.19 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 16.51 - x: 63.5 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 66.675 - x: 173.99 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 66.675 - x: 123.19 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 47.625 - x: 95.25 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 40.005 - x: 186.69 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 75.565 - x: 173.99 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 83.185 - x: 85.09 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 65.405 - x: 123.19 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 75.565 - x: 110.49 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 56.515 - x: 123.19 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 56.515 - x: 135.89 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 56.515 - x: 196.85 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 101.6 - x: 200.025 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 75.565 - x: 123.19 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 43.815 y: 48.26 - x: 43.815 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 92.075 - x: 161.29 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 83.185 - x: 146.05 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 48.895 - x: 186.69 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 29.845 - x: 46.355 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 57.785 - x: 110.49 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 47.625 - x: 171.45 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 83.185 - x: 161.29 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 38.735 - x: 123.19 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 40.005 - x: 97.79 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 40.005 - x: 161.29 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 83.185 - x: 158.75 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 92.075 - x: 72.39 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 71.12 - x: 24.13 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 65.405 - x: 110.49 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 29.21 - x: 107.95 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 47.625 - x: 173.99 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 38.735 - x: 148.59 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 38.735 y: 40.005 - x: 38.735 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 65.405 - x: 82.55 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 40.005 - x: 123.19 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 29.21 - x: 158.75 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 95.885 - x: 62.23 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 29.21 - x: 120.65 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 48.895 - x: 85.09 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 38.735 - x: 97.79 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 75.565 - x: 97.79 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 74.295 - x: 171.45 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 18.415 y: 90.805 - x: 24.13 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 92.075 - x: 148.59 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 48.895 - x: 161.29 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 92.075 - x: 173.99 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 57.785 - x: 123.19 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 38.735 - x: 186.69 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 47.625 - x: 110.49 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 56.515 - x: 148.59 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 84.455 - x: 72.39 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 38.735 - x: 146.05 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 68.58 - x: 24.13 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 74.295 - x: 133.35 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 75.565 - x: 85.09 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 56.515 - x: 173.99 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 57.785 - x: 173.99 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 47.625 - x: 107.95 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 93.345 - x: 161.29 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 56.515 - x: 107.95 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 40.005 - x: 173.99 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 38.735 - x: 133.35 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 74.295 - x: 107.95 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 66.675 - x: 135.89 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 36.195 y: 29.845 - x: 36.195 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 29.21 - x: 95.25 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 65.405 - x: 196.85 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 65.405 - x: 171.45 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 38.735 - x: 82.55 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 93.345 - x: 85.09 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 65.405 - x: 146.05 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 95.885 - x: 62.23 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 38.735 - x: 110.49 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 47.625 - x: 146.05 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 83.185 - x: 120.65 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 56.515 - x: 110.49 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 83.185 - x: 72.39 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 40.005 - x: 72.39 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 75.565 - x: 72.39 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 66.675 - x: 110.49 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 92.075 - x: 110.49 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 38.735 - x: 120.65 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 47.625 - x: 184.15 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 93.345 - x: 135.89 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 83.185 - x: 184.15 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 48.895 - x: 97.79 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 74.295 - x: 110.49 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 84.455 - x: 186.69 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 84.455 - x: 173.99 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 47.625 - x: 123.19 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 84.455 - x: 110.49 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 65.405 - x: 158.75 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 65.405 - x: 85.09 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 47.625 - x: 85.09 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 93.345 - x: 97.79 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 74.295 - x: 158.75 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 92.075 - x: 97.79 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 40.005 - x: 148.59 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 66.675 - x: 161.29 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 40.005 - x: 85.09 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 76.2 - x: 24.13 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 63.5 - x: 59.69 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 71.12 - x: 59.69 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 65.405 - x: 95.25 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 38.735 - x: 158.75 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 65.405 - x: 120.65 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 93.345 - x: 72.39 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 47.625 - x: 148.59 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 92.075 - x: 85.09 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 93.345 - x: 123.19 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 83.185 - x: 135.89 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 93.345 - x: 186.69 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 75.565 - x: 186.69 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 83.185 - x: 97.79 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 56.515 - x: 171.45 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 84.455 - x: 148.59 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 56.515 - x: 97.79 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 75.565 - x: 135.89 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 43.815 y: 40.005 - x: 43.815 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 92.075 - x: 186.69 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 83.185 - x: 95.25 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 66.675 - x: 186.69 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 16.51 - x: 13.97 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 83.185 - x: 171.45 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 58.42 - x: 59.69 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 56.515 - x: 146.05 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 81.28 - x: 59.69 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 65.405 - x: 133.35 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 83.185 - x: 82.55 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 29.21 - x: 133.35 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 48.895 - x: 186.69 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 74.295 - x: 135.89 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 66.04 - x: 59.69 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 178.435 y: 16.51 - x: 63.5 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 24.13 y: 78.74 - x: 24.13 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 74.295 - x: 173.99 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 65.405 - x: 97.79 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 65.405 - x: 107.95 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 84.455 - x: 85.09 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 56.515 - x: 161.29 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 29.21 - x: 171.45 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 47.625 - x: 161.29 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 74.295 - x: 196.85 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 63.5 - x: 24.13 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 60.96 - x: 59.69 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 66.675 - x: 72.39 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 74.295 - x: 85.09 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 47.625 - x: 196.85 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 74.295 - x: 146.05 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 57.785 - x: 148.59 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 47.625 - x: 72.39 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 65.405 - x: 135.89 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 83.185 - x: 186.69 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 56.515 - x: 133.35 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 38.735 - x: 72.39 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 92.075 - x: 123.19 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 74.295 - x: 161.29 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 48.895 - x: 148.59 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 65.405 - x: 148.59 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 38.735 - x: 85.09 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 57.785 - x: 85.09 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 47.625 - x: 133.35 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 83.185 - x: 133.35 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 33.655 y: 38.1 - x: 33.655 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 43.815 y: 48.26 - x: 46.355 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 16.51 - x: 200.025 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 74.295 - x: 72.39 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 66.675 - x: 85.09 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 57.785 - x: 161.29 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 47.625 - x: 135.89 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 66.675 - x: 148.59 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 38.735 - x: 135.89 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 48.895 - x: 135.89 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 84.455 - x: 123.19 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 57.785 - x: 186.69 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 56.515 - x: 120.65 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 65.405 - x: 184.15 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 40.005 - x: 135.89 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 40.005 - x: 97.79 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 38.735 - x: 196.85 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 56.515 - x: 85.09 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 47.625 - x: 72.39 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 66.675 - x: 186.69 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 75.565 - x: 161.29 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 56.515 - x: 95.25 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 74.295 - x: 148.59 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 38.735 - x: 161.29 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 60.96 - x: 24.13 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 48.895 - x: 110.49 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 29.21 - x: 82.55 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 38.735 - x: 184.15 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 83.185 - x: 107.95 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 65.405 - x: 173.99 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 66.04 - x: 24.13 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 57.785 - x: 97.79 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 200.025 y: 101.6 - x: 200.025 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 93.345 - x: 173.99 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 75.565 - x: 148.59 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 83.185 - x: 148.59 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 74.295 - x: 97.79 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 47.625 - x: 97.79 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 78.74 - x: 59.69 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 65.405 - x: 72.39 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 74.295 - x: 95.25 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 74.295 - x: 120.65 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 83.185 - x: 123.19 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 68.58 - x: 59.69 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 74.295 - x: 123.19 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 93.345 - x: 110.49 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 16.51 - x: 13.97 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 38.735 - x: 173.99 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 29.21 - x: 196.85 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 74.295 - x: 186.69 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 83.185 - x: 173.99 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 56.515 - x: 184.15 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 41.275 y: 40.005 - x: 41.275 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 29.21 - x: 184.15 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 57.785 - x: 186.69 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 74.295 - x: 184.15 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 92.075 - x: 135.89 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 47.625 - x: 82.55 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 93.345 - x: 148.59 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 16.51 - x: 62.23 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 65.405 - x: 161.29 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 36.195 y: 24.765 - x: 46.355 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 38.735 - x: 171.45 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 19.05 y: 38.1 - x: 33.655 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 84.455 - x: 97.79 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 29.21 - x: 146.05 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 38.735 - x: 95.25 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 84.455 - x: 135.89 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 83.185 - x: 196.85 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 84.455 - x: 161.29 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 66.675 - x: 97.79 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 38.735 - x: 107.95 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 74.295 - x: 82.55 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 56.515 - x: 158.75 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 83.185 - x: 110.49 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 52.705 y: 76.2 - x: 59.69 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 48.895 - x: 173.99 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 15.875 y: 73.66 - x: 24.13 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 57.785 - x: 135.89 y: 57.785 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for LED push button circuit
libSymbols: - Collins-FMS-3000:IS31FL3733B - Collins-FMS-3000:SW_Push_LED - Device:C_Small - Device:R_Small - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 12.065 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW70 position: x: 88.265 y: 18.8468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 14.605 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 19.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW69 position: x: 88.265 y: 26.4668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 22.225 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW68 position: x: 88.265 y: 34.0868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW67 position: x: 88.265 y: 41.7068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW66 position: x: 88.265 y: 49.3268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW58 position: x: 88.265 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW57 position: x: 88.265 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW56 position: x: 88.265 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW20 position: x: 95.885 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW30 position: x: 95.885 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW40 position: x: 95.885 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW50 position: x: 95.885 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 95.885 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW9 position: x: 103.505 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW19 position: x: 103.505 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW29 position: x: 103.505 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW39 position: x: 103.505 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW49 position: x: 103.505 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 103.505 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW8 position: x: 111.125 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW18 position: x: 111.125 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW28 position: x: 111.125 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW38 position: x: 111.125 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW48 position: x: 111.125 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 111.125 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW7 position: x: 118.745 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW17 position: x: 118.745 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW27 position: x: 118.745 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW37 position: x: 118.745 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW47 position: x: 118.745 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 118.745 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW6 position: x: 126.365 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW16 position: x: 126.365 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW26 position: x: 126.365 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW36 position: x: 126.365 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW46 position: x: 126.365 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 126.365 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 133.985 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW15 position: x: 133.985 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW25 position: x: 133.985 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW35 position: x: 133.985 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW45 position: x: 133.985 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 133.985 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 141.605 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW14 position: x: 141.605 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW24 position: x: 141.605 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW34 position: x: 141.605 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW44 position: x: 141.605 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 141.605 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 149.225 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW13 position: x: 149.225 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW23 position: x: 149.225 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW33 position: x: 149.225 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW43 position: x: 149.225 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 149.225 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 156.845 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW12 position: x: 156.845 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW22 position: x: 156.845 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW32 position: x: 156.845 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW42 position: x: 156.845 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 156.845 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW11 position: x: 164.465 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW21 position: x: 164.465 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW31 position: x: 164.465 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW41 position: x: 164.465 y: 102.6668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 164.465 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 65.405 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 172.085 y: 72.1868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW54 position: x: 172.085 y: 79.8068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 80.645 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW55 position: x: 172.085 y: 87.4268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW53 position: x: 172.085 y: 95.0468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 12.065 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW61 position: x: 172.085 y: 18.8468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 14.605 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 19.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW62 position: x: 172.085 y: 26.4668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 22.225 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW63 position: x: 172.085 y: 34.0868 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW64 position: x: 172.085 y: 41.7068 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW65 position: x: 172.085 y: 49.3268 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW60 position: x: 88.265 y: 56.9468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW51 position: x: 172.085 y: 56.9468 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 57.785 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW59 position: x: 88.265 y: 64.5668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 88.265 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 57.785 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW52 position: x: 172.085 y: 64.5668 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_Push_LED position: x: 172.085 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 20.955 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 23.2918 y: 34.3916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470nf position: x: 23.2918 y: 36.703 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 18.415 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 19.9136 y: 90.2716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47k position: x: 19.9136 y: 92.583 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.115 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 33.4518 y: 26.7716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nf position: x: 33.4518 y: 29.083 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.115 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 33.4518 y: 34.3916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nf position: x: 33.4518 y: 36.703 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.115 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 33.4518 y: 76.3016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470nf position: x: 33.4518 y: 78.613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 31.115 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 31.115 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 31.242 y: 84.4042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 18.415 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 18.415 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 18.542 y: 98.3742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 20.955 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 23.2918 y: 43.2816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470nf position: x: 23.2918 y: 45.593 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 37.465 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 37.465 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 37.592 y: 98.3742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Collins-FMS-3000 entryName: IS31FL3733B position: x: 50.165 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 50.165 y: 18.669 angle: 0 - key: Value value: IS31FL3733B position: x: 50.165 y: 20.9804 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 20.955 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 23.2918 y: 26.7716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 470nf position: x: 23.2918 y: 29.083 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 22.225 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 23.7236 y: 68.6816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 23.7236 y: 70.993 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.115 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 33.4518 y: 43.2816 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nf position: x: 33.4518 y: 45.593 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 18.415 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 18.415 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 18.415 y: 21.844 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 22.225 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 22.225 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 22.352 y: 76.7842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 31.115 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 31.115 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 31.115 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 17.145 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 17.145 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 17.272 y: 53.9242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 51.435 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 51.435 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 51.562 y: 108.5342 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 93.345 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.115 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 98.425 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.145 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.005 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 159.385 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.925 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.065 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 98.425 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.925 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 159.385 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.005 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.765 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.975 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.205 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.465 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.005 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.145 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.115 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.205 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - position: x: 17.145 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.115 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.665 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.765 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.205 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.465 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 98.425 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.065 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.665 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.305 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 17.145 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.115 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 159.385 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.285 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.305 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.305 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.285 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 18.415 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 18.415 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.285 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.145 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - position: x: 159.385 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.145 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.765 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.065 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.685 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.305 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.065 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.665 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.345 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.205 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.345 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 20.955 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.765 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.305 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.285 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.205 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 48.895 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.345 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.065 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.665 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.925 y: 93.345 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 62.865 y: 95.25 angle: null - position: x: 62.865 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 62.865 y: 92.71 angle: null - position: x: 37.465 y: 86.36 angle: null - position: x: 62.865 y: 87.63 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 45.085 - x: 85.725 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 45.085 - x: 90.805 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 85.725 - x: 139.065 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 37.465 - x: 169.545 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 30.48 - x: 17.145 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 93.345 - x: 161.925 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 43.18 - x: 73.66 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 90.805 - x: 90.805 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 52.705 - x: 174.625 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 104.14 - x: 48.895 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 83.185 - x: 136.525 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 108.585 - x: 154.305 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 37.465 - x: 85.725 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 93.345 - x: 139.065 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 98.425 - x: 113.665 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 72.39 - x: 73.66 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 100.965 - x: 131.445 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 41.91 - x: 31.115 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 75.565 - x: 169.545 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 83.185 - x: 144.145 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 100.965 - x: 93.345 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 85.725 - x: 85.725 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 93.345 - x: 108.585 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 151.765 y: 83.185 - x: 151.765 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 90.805 - x: 116.205 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 85.725 - x: 131.445 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 75.565 - x: 128.905 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 108.585 - x: 100.965 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 85.725 - x: 116.205 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 93.345 - x: 146.685 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 90.805 - x: 167.005 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 100.965 - x: 100.965 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 37.465 - x: 174.625 y: 45.085 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 83.185 - x: 98.425 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 30.48 - x: 73.66 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 85.725 - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 50.8 - x: 73.66 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 83.185 - x: 128.905 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 106.045 - x: 121.285 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 83.185 - x: 106.045 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 100.965 - x: 116.205 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 85.725 - x: 85.725 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 90.805 - x: 100.965 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 100.965 - x: 108.585 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 110.49 - x: 74.93 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 108.585 - x: 146.685 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 98.425 - x: 167.005 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 83.185 - x: 121.285 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 83.185 - x: 85.725 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 27.305 y: 57.15 - x: 37.465 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 83.185 - x: 154.305 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 106.045 - x: 144.145 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 46.99 - x: 20.955 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 80.01 - x: 73.66 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 93.345 - x: 93.345 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 90.805 - x: 123.825 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 41.91 - x: 18.415 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 32.385 - x: 169.545 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 106.045 - x: 123.825 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 35.56 - x: 73.66 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 75.565 - x: 159.385 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 90.805 - x: 131.445 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 98.425 - x: 159.385 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 116.205 - x: 176.53 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 98.425 - x: 169.545 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 98.425 - x: 116.205 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 30.48 - x: 17.145 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 78.105 - x: 100.965 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 47.625 - x: 169.545 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 69.85 - x: 73.66 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 91.44 - x: 37.465 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 90.805 - x: 113.665 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 108.585 - x: 123.825 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 106.045 - x: 93.345 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 85.725 - x: 154.305 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 93.345 - x: 116.205 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 45.085 - x: 174.625 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 14.605 y: 110.49 - x: 74.93 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 90.805 - x: 106.045 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 98.425 - x: 121.285 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 16.51 - x: 76.2 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 151.765 y: 75.565 - x: 151.765 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 78.105 - x: 123.825 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 83.185 - x: 169.545 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 33.02 - x: 31.115 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 106.045 - x: 161.925 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 27.305 y: 64.77 - x: 37.465 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 24.765 - x: 169.545 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 108.585 - x: 131.445 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 93.345 - x: 131.445 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 98.425 - x: 161.925 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 52.705 - x: 85.725 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 90.805 - x: 98.425 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 40.005 - x: 85.725 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 98.425 - x: 108.585 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 108.585 - x: 93.345 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 106.045 - x: 128.905 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 29.845 - x: 85.725 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 98.425 - x: 139.065 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 25.4 - x: 18.415 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 75.565 - x: 136.525 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 62.23 - x: 73.66 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 75.565 - x: 131.445 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 22.225 - x: 90.805 y: 29.845 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 62.865 - x: 85.725 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 22.225 - x: 85.725 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 85.725 - x: 123.825 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 38.1 - x: 73.66 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 24.765 - x: 169.545 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 45.72 - x: 73.66 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 75.565 - x: 174.625 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 75.565 - x: 108.585 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 75.565 - x: 144.145 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 98.425 - x: 93.345 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 74.93 - x: 73.66 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 60.325 - x: 169.545 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 40.64 - x: 73.66 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 83.185 - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 67.945 - x: 169.545 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 52.705 - x: 169.545 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 70.485 - x: 85.725 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 78.105 - x: 146.685 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 75.565 - x: 139.065 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 78.105 - x: 85.725 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 90.805 - x: 174.625 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 24.765 - x: 85.725 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 83.185 - x: 123.825 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 18.415 y: 33.02 - x: 18.415 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 85.725 - x: 161.925 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 14.605 y: 16.51 - x: 50.165 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 78.105 - x: 100.965 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 106.045 - x: 136.525 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 108.585 - x: 139.065 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 25.4 - x: 31.115 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 75.565 - x: 116.205 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - x: 93.345 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 106.045 - x: 100.965 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 30.48 - x: 20.955 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 108.585 - x: 100.965 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 29.845 - x: 174.625 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 60.325 - x: 85.725 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 98.425 - x: 154.305 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 48.26 - x: 73.66 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 64.77 - x: 73.66 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 93.345 - x: 154.305 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 78.105 - x: 116.205 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 75.565 - x: 146.685 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 60.325 - x: 90.805 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 47.625 - x: 85.725 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 46.99 - x: 17.145 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 100.965 - x: 146.685 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 106.045 - x: 167.005 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 106.045 - x: 139.065 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 93.345 - x: 123.825 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 48.895 y: 104.14 - x: 51.435 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 90.805 - x: 108.585 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 16.51 - x: 76.2 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 18.415 y: 88.9 - x: 37.465 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 106.045 - x: 159.385 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 106.045 - x: 146.685 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 90.805 - x: 136.525 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 83.185 - x: 90.805 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 83.185 - x: 174.625 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 98.425 - x: 174.625 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 75.565 - x: 90.805 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 38.1 - x: 20.955 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 93.345 - x: 85.725 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 46.99 - x: 17.145 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 67.31 - x: 22.225 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 90.805 - x: 121.285 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 78.105 - x: 139.065 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 98.425 - x: 100.965 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 151.765 y: 98.425 - x: 151.765 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 82.55 - x: 73.66 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 83.185 - x: 139.065 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 83.185 - x: 161.925 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 106.045 - x: 131.445 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 78.105 - x: 131.445 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 106.045 - x: 116.205 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 32.385 - x: 85.725 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 47.625 - x: 169.545 y: 45.085 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 98.425 - x: 131.445 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 98.425 - x: 98.425 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 108.585 - x: 116.205 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 78.105 - x: 169.545 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 57.15 - x: 73.66 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 100.965 - x: 139.065 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 29.845 - x: 90.805 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 116.205 - x: 176.53 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 121.285 y: 75.565 - x: 121.285 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 106.045 - x: 113.665 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 75.565 - x: 85.725 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 67.945 - x: 174.625 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 93.345 - x: 85.725 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 18.415 y: 41.91 - x: 18.415 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 77.47 - x: 73.66 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 151.765 y: 90.805 - x: 151.765 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 100.965 - x: 161.925 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 33.02 - x: 73.66 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 151.765 y: 106.045 - x: 151.765 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 98.425 - x: 146.685 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 38.1 - x: 17.145 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 90.805 - x: 139.065 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 67.945 - x: 90.805 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 85.725 - x: 146.685 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 75.565 - x: 106.045 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 98.425 - x: 123.825 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 106.045 - x: 154.305 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 100.965 - x: 93.345 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 75.565 - x: 154.305 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 106.045 - x: 98.425 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 90.805 - x: 161.925 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 16.51 - x: 176.53 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 100.965 - x: 123.825 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 108.585 - x: 108.585 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 22.225 - x: 174.625 y: 29.845 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 67.945 - x: 174.625 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 33.02 - x: 20.955 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 90.805 - x: 85.725 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 17.145 y: 38.1 - x: 17.145 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 62.865 - x: 85.725 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 25.4 - x: 73.66 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 100.965 - x: 154.305 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 90.805 - x: 93.345 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 98.425 - x: 106.045 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 98.425 - x: 128.905 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 83.185 - x: 116.205 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 37.465 - x: 90.805 y: 45.085 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 75.565 - x: 113.665 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 32.385 - x: 169.545 y: 29.845 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 90.805 - x: 128.905 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 27.94 - x: 73.66 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 67.31 - x: 73.66 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 56.515 y: 104.14 - x: 53.975 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 83.185 - x: 131.445 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 83.185 - x: 113.665 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 83.185 - x: 159.385 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 90.805 - x: 154.305 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 75.565 - x: 100.965 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 39.37 - x: 37.465 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 85.725 - x: 108.585 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 41.91 - x: 20.955 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 74.93 - x: 31.115 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 27.305 y: 59.69 - x: 37.465 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 16.51 - x: 74.93 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 70.485 - x: 85.725 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 93.345 - x: 100.965 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 55.245 - x: 85.725 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 75.565 - x: 123.825 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 83.185 - x: 108.585 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 90.805 - x: 146.685 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 106.045 - x: 108.585 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 14.605 y: 16.51 - x: 14.605 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 106.045 - x: 106.045 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 83.185 - x: 93.345 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 40.005 - x: 85.725 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 67.945 - x: 85.725 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 55.245 - x: 85.725 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 85.09 - x: 73.66 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 25.4 - x: 20.955 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 83.185 - x: 146.685 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 98.425 - x: 144.145 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 53.34 - x: 73.66 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 144.145 y: 90.805 - x: 144.145 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 67.945 - x: 90.805 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 98.425 - x: 136.525 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 104.14 - x: 53.975 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 78.105 - x: 108.585 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 90.805 - x: 159.385 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: 59.69 - x: 73.66 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 90.805 - x: 169.545 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 20.955 y: 33.02 - x: 18.415 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 27.305 y: 62.23 - x: 37.465 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 83.185 - x: 167.005 y: 90.805 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Raspberry Pi Pico development board.
libSymbols: - Connector:USB_B_Micro - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Custom_Symbols:TC2030-IDC-NL - Device:C - Device:Crystal_GND24 - Device:R - Device:R_Small - MCU_RaspberryPi_RP2040:RP2040 - Memory_Flash:W25Q128JVS - Regulator_Linear:NCP1117-3.3_SOT223 - power:+1V1 - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:VBUS schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 46.99 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 49.911 y: 28.6766 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 49.911 y: 30.988 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 64.77 y: 33.655 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 64.77 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 17.78 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 17.78 y: 132.715 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 17.907 y: 130.7592 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 274.32 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 277.241 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 277.241 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 82.55 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 82.55 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 82.55 y: 23.495 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 82.55 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 82.931 y: 19.1008 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 217.17 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 220.091 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 220.091 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 274.32 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR035' position: x: 274.32 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 274.447 y: 38.6842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 139.7 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 142.621 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 142.621 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 46.99 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 46.99 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 43.18 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: NCP1117-3.3_SOT223 position: x: 64.77 y: 24.765 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 64.77 y: 18.6182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: AMS1117-3.3 position: x: 64.77 y: 20.9296 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 74.295 y: 60.325 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 74.295 y: 64.135 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 74.676 y: 55.9308 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.645 y: 71.755 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 80.645 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 84.455 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MCU_RaspberryPi_RP2040 entryName: RP2040 position: x: 180.34 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 152.4 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RP2040 position: x: 204.47 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 250.19 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 252.095 y: 71.7549 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 252.095 y: 74.2949 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR032' position: x: 180.34 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.467 y: 163.1442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 128.27 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 131.191 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 131.191 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 134.62 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 134.62 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 134.62 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 80.645 y: 66.675 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 83.566 y: 65.5066 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 83.566 y: 67.818 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 28.575 y: 89.535 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 28.575 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 28.702 y: 93.9292 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 227.33 y: 64.77 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 227.33 y: 59.5122 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '27' position: x: 227.33 y: 61.8236 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Custom_Symbols entryName: TC2030-IDC-NL position: x: 90.17 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 90.17 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TC2030-IDC-NL position: x: 90.17 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 43.815 y: 85.725 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 43.815 y: 80.4672 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 43.815 y: 82.7786 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 167.64 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR031' position: x: 167.64 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 167.767 y: 163.1442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 227.33 y: 57.15 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 227.33 y: 51.8922 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '27' position: x: 227.33 y: 54.2036 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 137.16 y: 121.9199 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 137.16 y: 124.4599 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +1V1 position: x: 160.02 y: 20.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR030' position: x: 160.02 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +1V1 position: x: 160.401 y: 15.9258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 241.935 y: 73.025 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 243.84 y: 71.7549 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 243.84 y: 74.2949 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 36.83 y: 23.495 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 36.83 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBUS position: x: 37.211 y: 19.1008 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 74.295 y: 99.695 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 74.295 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 70.485 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 251.46 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 254.381 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 254.381 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 19.05 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 19.05 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 19.177 y: 46.9392 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 24.13 y: 123.825 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 25.2984 y: 126.746 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10pF position: x: 22.987 y: 126.746 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 96.52 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 250.19 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 250.19 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 250.19 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 39.37 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 39.37 y: 132.715 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 39.37 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 128.27 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 128.397 y: 37.4142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 59.055 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 60.833 y: 69.3166 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DNF position: x: 60.833 y: 71.628 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 228.6 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 231.521 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 231.521 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal_GND24 position: x: 39.37 y: 118.745 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 52.705 y: 114.046 angle: 90 - key: Value value: X322512MSB4SI position: x: 52.705 y: 116.586 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 240.03 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 242.951 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 242.951 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 57.15 y: 123.825 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 57.15 y: 118.5672 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 57.15 y: 120.8786 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 82.55 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 85.471 y: 28.6766 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 85.471 y: 30.988 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 196.85 y: 20.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR033' position: x: 196.85 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 197.231 y: 15.9258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_Flash entryName: W25Q128JVS position: x: 74.295 y: 88.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 65.405 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - key: Value value: W25Q128JVS position: x: 81.915 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_B_Micro position: x: 21.59 y: 29.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 17.78 y: 19.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_B_Micro position: x: 35.56 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 24.13 y: 113.665 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 25.2984 y: 116.586 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10pF position: x: 22.987 y: 116.586 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 205.74 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 208.661 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 208.661 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 150.495 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 153.416 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 153.416 y: 27.813 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 22.225 y: 85.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 20.955 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x02 position: x: 20.955 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 262.89 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 265.811 y: 25.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 265.811 y: 27.813 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 179.07 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 17.78 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - position: x: 39.37 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - position: x: 150.495 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 241.935 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 19.05 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.27 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 36.83 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 39.37 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 39.37 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 193.04 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 262.89 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 59.055 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 189.23 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - position: x: 274.32 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 262.89 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 251.46 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 251.46 y: 33.02 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 227.33 y: 107.95 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 95.25 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 135.89 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 128.27 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 118.11 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 140.97 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 113.03 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 130.81 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 143.51 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 110.49 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 120.65 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 115.57 angle: null - position: x: 29.21 y: 34.925 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 133.35 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 148.59 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 123.19 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 105.41 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 80.01 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 92.71 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 82.55 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 102.87 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 125.73 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 146.05 angle: null - position: x: 227.33 y: 87.63 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 57.15 - x: 245.11 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 82.55 - x: 148.59 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 65.405 - x: 74.295 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 22.86 - x: 262.89 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 30.48 - x: 251.46 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 54.61 - x: 179.07 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 26.035 - x: 46.99 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 139.7 - x: 134.62 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 62.23 - x: 218.44 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 22.86 - x: 205.74 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 54.61 - x: 162.56 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 49.53 - x: 90.805 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 123.825 - x: 53.34 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 24.765 - x: 82.55 y: 23.495 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 53.34 - x: 13.97 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 126.365 - x: 39.37 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 120.65 - x: 227.33 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 73.66 - x: 134.62 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 24.765 - x: 82.55 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 61.595 - x: 74.295 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 57.15 - x: 218.44 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 17.145 - x: 13.97 y: 17.145 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 132.715 - x: 100.33 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 20.32 - x: 196.85 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 33.02 - x: 240.03 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 86.995 y: 83.185 - x: 103.505 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 123.825 - x: 39.37 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 113.665 - x: 39.37 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 33.655 - x: 46.99 y: 34.925 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 123.825 - x: 17.78 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 21.59 - x: 217.17 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 22.86 - x: 128.27 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 156.21 - x: 167.64 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 107.95 - x: 148.59 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 59.055 y: 85.725 - x: 61.595 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 137.16 - x: 134.62 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 22.86 - x: 240.03 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 21.59 - x: 160.02 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 132.715 - x: 73.66 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 17.145 - x: 90.805 y: 17.145 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 30.48 - x: 262.89 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 130.81 - x: 227.33 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 132.715 - x: 100.33 y: 132.715 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 21.59 - x: 251.46 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 98.425 - x: 74.295 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 102.87 - x: 227.33 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 75.565 y: 53.34 - x: 13.97 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 57.15 - x: 223.52 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 85.725 - x: 59.055 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 123.825 - x: 71.12 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 41.275 - x: 19.05 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 97.79 - x: 227.33 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 21.59 - x: 196.85 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 41.91 - x: 184.15 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 54.61 - x: 167.64 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 19.05 y: 40.005 - x: 19.05 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 31.75 - x: 150.495 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 54.61 - x: 181.61 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 31.75 - x: 128.27 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 41.91 - x: 189.23 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 108.585 - x: 74.93 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 49.53 - x: 90.805 y: 17.145 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 33.655 - x: 82.55 y: 34.925 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 79.375 - x: 235.585 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 41.91 - x: 162.56 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 41.91 - x: 189.23 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 123.19 - x: 227.33 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 146.05 - x: 227.33 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 21.59 - x: 150.495 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 70.485 - x: 250.19 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 85.09 - x: 227.33 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 135.89 - x: 227.33 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 31.75 - x: 139.7 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 85.725 - x: 27.305 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 33.02 - x: 228.6 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 30.48 - x: 217.17 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 41.91 - x: 193.04 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 59.055 y: 65.405 - x: 74.295 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 21.59 - x: 160.02 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 24.765 - x: 36.83 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 108.585 - x: 74.93 y: 132.715 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 17.145 - x: 13.97 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 125.73 - x: 83.82 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 33.02 - x: 274.32 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 274.32 y: 33.02 - x: 274.32 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 113.665 - x: 17.78 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 60.325 - x: 74.295 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 118.745 - x: 44.45 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 40.005 - x: 21.59 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 70.485 - x: 80.645 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 41.91 - x: 160.02 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 21.59 - x: 205.74 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 85.09 - x: 148.59 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - x: 227.33 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 24.765 - x: 46.99 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 41.91 - x: 181.61 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 148.59 - x: 227.33 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 31.75 - x: 139.7 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 115.57 - x: 227.33 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 77.47 - x: 227.33 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 20.32 y: 123.825 - x: 17.78 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 27.305 y: 88.265 - x: 28.575 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 74.93 - x: 235.585 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 118.11 - x: 227.33 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 108.585 - x: 13.97 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 62.865 - x: 80.645 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 24.765 - x: 46.99 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 22.86 - x: 217.17 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 41.91 - x: 160.02 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 22.86 - x: 139.7 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 108.585 - x: 100.33 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 114.935 - x: 39.37 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 128.27 - x: 227.33 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 30.48 - x: 128.27 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 103.505 - x: 105.41 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 33.02 - x: 205.74 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 28.575 y: 88.265 - x: 28.575 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 54.61 - x: 193.04 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 64.77 - x: 245.11 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 110.49 - x: 227.33 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 54.61 - x: 186.69 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 133.35 - x: 227.33 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 105.41 - x: 227.33 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 123.19 - x: 83.82 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 108.585 - x: 13.97 y: 132.715 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 21.59 - x: 274.32 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 156.21 - x: 180.34 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 113.03 - x: 134.62 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 75.565 - x: 250.19 y: 76.835 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 88.9 - x: 134.62 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 22.86 - x: 228.6 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 20.32 - x: 160.02 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 32.385 - x: 64.77 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 103.505 - x: 105.41 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 122.555 - x: 39.37 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 108.585 - x: 73.66 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 76.835 - x: 250.19 y: 76.835 - type: wire points: - x: 274.32 y: 22.86 - x: 274.32 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 256.54 y: 79.375 - x: 241.935 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 53.34 - x: 105.41 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 113.03 - x: 227.33 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 50.165 y: 90.805 - x: 61.595 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 113.665 - x: 71.12 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 22.86 - x: 251.46 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 30.48 - x: 228.6 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 19.05 y: 41.275 - x: 19.05 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 86.995 y: 85.725 - x: 103.505 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 54.61 - x: 171.45 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 64.77 - x: 223.52 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 54.61 - x: 176.53 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 32.385 - x: 38.1 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 21.59 - x: 228.6 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 86.995 y: 93.345 - x: 103.505 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 92.71 - x: 227.33 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 82.55 - x: 227.33 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 77.47 - x: 148.59 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 26.035 - x: 82.55 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 59.055 y: 66.675 - x: 59.055 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 30.48 - x: 240.03 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 33.02 - x: 217.17 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 274.32 y: 30.48 - x: 274.32 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 21.59 - x: 262.89 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 113.665 - x: 17.78 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 235.585 y: 74.93 - x: 235.585 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 61.595 - x: 74.295 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 21.59 - x: 150.495 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 80.01 - x: 227.33 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 75.565 - x: 241.935 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 13.97 y: 132.715 - x: 73.66 y: 132.715 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 72.39 - x: 238.125 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 87.63 - x: 227.33 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 118.745 - x: 34.29 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 125.73 - x: 227.33 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 23.495 - x: 36.83 y: 24.765 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 80.01 - x: 148.59 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 95.25 - x: 227.33 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 72.39 - x: 238.125 y: 76.835 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 21.59 - x: 240.03 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 126.365 - x: 39.37 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 54.61 - x: 184.15 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 41.91 - x: 196.85 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 41.91 - x: 186.69 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 120.65 - x: 83.82 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 90.17 - x: 227.33 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 140.97 - x: 227.33 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 59.055 y: 74.295 - x: 59.055 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 143.51 - x: 227.33 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 30.48 - x: 205.74 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 100.33 - x: 227.33 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 21.59 - x: 139.7 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 33.02 - x: 251.46 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 29.845 - x: 38.1 y: 29.845 - type: wire points: - x: 86.995 y: 90.805 - x: 103.505 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 76.835 - x: 256.54 y: 76.835 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 41.91 - x: 176.53 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 41.91 - x: 196.85 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 31.75 - x: 150.495 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 41.91 - x: 179.07 y: 41.91 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply circuit
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x01 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Device:D_TVS - Device:L_Core_Ferrite - Device:Polyfuse - Device:R_Small - Mechanical:MountingHole - acheronSymbols:TPD4E05U06DQAR - acheronSymbols:TYPE-C-31-M12_13 - power:GND - power:GNDPWR - power:VBUS - power:VCC schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 241.3 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 243.84 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SM04B-SRSS-TB(LF)(SN) position: x: 243.84 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 59.055 y: 42.545 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 59.055 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 59.055 y: 42.545 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 59.055 y: 47.625 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 59.055 y: 45.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 59.055 y: 47.625 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 234.315 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 234.315 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 234.442 y: 86.9442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 176.53 y: 41.275 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MH1 position: x: 178.5366 y: 40.2082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Mount-M2 position: x: 178.5366 y: 42.5196 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 176.53 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MH2 position: x: 178.5366 y: 44.6532 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Mount-M2 position: x: 178.5366 y: 46.9646 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 176.53 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MH3 position: x: 178.5366 y: 49.0982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Mount-M2 position: x: 178.5366 y: 51.4096 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 176.53 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MH4 position: x: 178.5366 y: 53.5432 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Mount-M2 position: x: 178.5366 y: 55.8546 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 113.665 y: 90.17 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 109.855 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SMF9.0CA position: x: 111.125 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: acheronSymbols entryName: TYPE-C-31-M12_13 position: x: 40.005 y: 59.055 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 40.005 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TYPE-C-31-M12_13 position: x: 40.005 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 32.385 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 32.385 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 32.385 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 37.465 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 37.465 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 37.465 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 55.245 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 55.245 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBUS position: x: 55.245 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 40.005 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 40.005 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 40.005 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 234.315 y: 59.055 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G2 position: x: 236.855 y: 57.912 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Unified-Daughterboard-Name position: x: 236.855 y: 60.198 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 62.865 y: 42.545 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 67.945 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 65.405 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 62.865 y: 47.625 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 67.945 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 65.405 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 171.45 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 166.37 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 168.91 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: acheronSymbols entryName: TPD4E05U06DQAR position: x: 111.125 y: 43.815 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 111.125 y: 31.9786 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TPD4E05U06DQAR position: x: 111.125 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 113.665 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 113.665 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 113.665 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 100.965 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 100.965 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBUS position: x: 100.965 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Polyfuse position: x: 107.315 y: 85.09 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: F1 position: x: 107.315 y: 80.645 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ASMD1206-150 position: x: 107.315 y: 82.3214 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 109.855 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 109.855 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 109.855 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 116.84 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 116.84 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 116.84 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 112.395 y: 56.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 112.395 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 112.395 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VCC position: x: 234.315 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 234.315 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VCC position: x: 234.315 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L_Core_Ferrite position: x: 32.385 y: 114.935 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 34.6202 y: 113.792 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 60R@100MHz position: x: 34.6202 y: 116.078 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole position: x: 234.315 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: G1 position: x: 236.855 y: 52.197 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Unified-Daughterboard-Logo position: x: 236.855 y: 54.483 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 32.385 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 32.385 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 32.385 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 32.385 y: 110.49 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 32.385 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 32.385 y: 107.315 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 55.245 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 98.425 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.665 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.825 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 98.425 y: 38.735 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 55.245 y: 85.725 angle: null - position: x: 55.245 y: 88.265 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 48.895 - x: 125.095 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 47.625 - x: 56.515 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 41.275 - x: 98.425 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 16.51 - x: 70.485 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 32.385 y: 110.49 - x: 32.385 y: 111.125 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 29.845 - x: 55.245 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 95.885 - x: 37.465 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 38.735 - x: 125.095 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 41.275 - x: 125.095 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 46.355 - x: 125.095 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 32.385 y: 118.745 - x: 32.385 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 74.93 - x: 236.22 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 77.47 - x: 234.315 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 127.635 - x: 17.78 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 36.195 - x: 98.425 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 46.355 - x: 98.425 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 51.435 - x: 125.095 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 15.875 - x: 83.82 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 83.82 - x: 100.965 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 32.385 y: 95.885 - x: 32.385 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 15.875 - x: 136.525 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 80.01 - x: 236.22 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 15.24 - x: 154.305 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 42.545 - x: 56.515 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 82.55 - x: 236.22 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 15.24 - x: 222.25 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 85.09 - x: 113.665 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 16.51 - x: 70.485 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 15.875 - x: 136.525 y: 15.875 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 15.24 - x: 274.955 y: 15.24 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 85.09 - x: 103.505 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 36.195 - x: 123.825 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 95.885 - x: 40.005 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 111.125 y: 85.09 - x: 113.665 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 15.24 - x: 207.01 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 127 - x: 83.82 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 61.595 y: 47.625 - x: 62.865 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 73.66 - x: 234.315 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 27.94 - x: 55.245 y: 29.845 - type: wire points: - x: 17.78 y: 16.51 - x: 17.78 y: 127.635 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 48.895 - x: 98.425 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 126.365 - x: 154.305 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 93.98 - x: 113.665 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 36.195 - x: 98.425 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 15.24 - x: 207.01 y: 15.24 - type: wire points: - x: 274.955 y: 126.365 - x: 222.25 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 51.435 - x: 98.425 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 274.955 y: 15.24 - x: 274.955 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 113.665 y: 85.09 - x: 116.84 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 97.155 y: 38.735 - x: 98.425 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 125.095 y: 36.195 - x: 123.825 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 61.595 y: 42.545 - x: 62.865 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 51.435 - x: 98.425 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 48.895 - x: 123.825 y: 51.435 globalLabels: - text: DA- shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: DB- shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - text: DB+ shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 38.735 angle: 180 - text: DB- shape: output position: x: 55.245 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - text: DA+ shape: output position: x: 55.245 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - text: DB+ shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 41.275 angle: 180 - text: DB- shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - text: DP shape: input position: x: 234.315 y: 80.01 angle: 180 - text: DA+ shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - text: DN shape: input position: x: 234.315 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: DA- shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 46.355 angle: 180 - text: DN shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 51.435 angle: 180 - text: DA+ shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - text: DB+ shape: output position: x: 55.245 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - text: DP shape: output position: x: 97.155 y: 36.195 angle: 180 - text: DA- shape: output position: x: 55.245 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - text: DP shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - text: DN shape: output position: x: 125.095 y: 51.435 angle: 0 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Ground connection.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:L - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 146.05 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 147.3962 y: 91.5416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L position: x: 147.3962 y: 93.853 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 136.525 y: 98.425 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 136.525 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 136.652 y: 102.8192 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 127 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 5V1 position: x: 123.19 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 127 y: 85.09 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 136.525 y: 96.52 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 98.425 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - x: 146.05 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 96.52 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - x: 146.05 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 93.98 - x: 127 y: 96.52 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Coaxial cable connection.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:L - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 127 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 128.8288 y: 82.8548 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 128.8288 y: 85.1662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 146.05 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 147.3962 y: 91.5416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L position: x: 147.3962 y: 93.853 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 136.525 y: 98.425 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 136.525 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 136.652 y: 102.8192 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 136.525 y: 96.52 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 98.425 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - x: 146.05 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 96.52 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - x: 146.05 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 93.98 - x: 127 y: 96.52 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Ground connection.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:L - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 146.05 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 147.3962 y: 91.5416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L position: x: 147.3962 y: 93.853 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 136.525 y: 98.425 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 136.525 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 136.652 y: 102.8192 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 127 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 5V1 position: x: 123.19 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 127 y: 85.09 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 136.525 y: 96.52 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 98.425 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - x: 146.05 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 96.52 - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 96.52 - x: 146.05 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 93.98 - x: 127 y: 96.52 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for RF amplifier circuit
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC - Device:R - Diode:1N4148 - MAX4462 Amplifier:MAX4462 (8-SOIC) - NCP715:NCP715-1.8V - RF:ADP-2-1W - RF_Mixer:ADE-6 - RF_Switch:ADG901BRMZ - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - Regulator_Linear:NCP1117-5.0_TO252 - power:GND - pspice:C - pspice:INDUCTOR schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: RF entryName: ADP-2-1W position: x: 53.34 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 53.34 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADP-2-1W position: x: 53.34 y: 56.2864 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Switch entryName: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 76.2 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 90.0176 y: 90.2716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 90.0176 y: 92.583 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: INDUCTOR position: x: 190.5 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 190.5 y: 103.759 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INDUCTOR position: x: 190.5 y: 106.0704 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 184.15 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 188.6712 y: 114.4016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 188.6712 y: 116.713 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 29.21 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 31.0388 y: 58.7248 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 31.0388 y: 61.0362 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 76.2 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.327 y: 116.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 48.26 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 48.26 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 48.387 y: 83.1342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 52.07 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 53.8988 y: 90.4748 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 53.8988 y: 92.7862 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 80.01 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.137 y: 59.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 66.04 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 67.8688 y: 35.8648 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 67.8688 y: 38.1762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 106.68 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 109.22 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 109.22 y: 89.3064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 191.77 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 191.77 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 191.897 y: 128.8542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 259.08 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J8 position: x: 261.62 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 261.62 y: 112.1664 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 134.62 y: 85.09 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 130.0988 y: 86.2584 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.1 uF position: x: 130.0988 y: 83.947 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 165.1 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J9 position: x: 165.1 y: 82.55 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 165.1 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 196.85 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 201.3712 y: 114.4016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 201.3712 y: 116.713 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 162.56 y: 100.33 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 160.02 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 157.48 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 167.64 y: 100.33 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 173.1518 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 170.8404 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 175.26 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 175.26 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 175.387 y: 94.5642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 153.67 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J7 position: x: 144.78 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 144.78 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 123.19 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 125.0188 y: 47.2948 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 125.0188 y: 49.6062 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 158.75 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 163.2712 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 163.2712 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 133.35 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 137.8712 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 137.8712 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 144.78 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.907 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 134.62 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 134.747 y: 95.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 134.62 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 136.398 y: 31.8516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 136.398 y: 34.163 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 208.28 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 212.8012 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 212.8012 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Mixer entryName: ADE-6 position: x: 85.09 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 85.09 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADE-6 position: x: 85.09 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 240.03 y: 115.57 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 238.1885 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 240.03 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 176.53 y: 22.86 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 175.3616 y: 21.082 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 177.673 y: 21.082 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 134.62 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 134.62 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 134.747 y: 43.7642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 219.71 y: 115.57 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 224.79 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 222.25 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 255.27 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 259.7912 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 259.7912 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 170.18 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 173.99 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 170.18 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 184.15 y: 29.21 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 179.6288 y: 30.3784 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 179.6288 y: 28.067 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 209.55 y: 115.57 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 215.0618 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 212.7504 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 195.58 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 195.58 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 195.58 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 184.15 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 184.277 y: 41.2242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 144.78 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 144.78 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 144.78 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 30.48 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 142.24 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.1958 y: 30.607 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 223.52 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 228.0412 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 228.0412 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 128.27 y: 27.94 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 127.1016 y: 23.4188 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 129.413 y: 23.4188 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MAX4462 Amplifier entryName: MAX4462 (8-SOIC) position: x: 157.48 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 158.75 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MAX4462 (8-SOIC) position: x: 160.02 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 195.58 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J10 position: x: 199.39 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 195.58 y: 19.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: NCP715 entryName: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 240.03 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 240.03 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 240.03 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 172.72 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.7642 y: 32.893 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 182.88 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 187.4012 y: 58.5216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 187.4012 y: 60.833 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 27.94 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 172.72 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 170.7642 y: 27.813 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 170.18 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 232.41 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 219.71 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 191.77 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 215.9 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 196.85 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.03 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 219.71 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 48.26 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 109.22 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 43.18 - x: 215.9 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 121.92 - x: 184.15 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 30.48 - x: 175.26 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 101.6 - x: 52.07 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 53.34 - x: 80.01 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 41.91 - x: 121.92 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 48.26 - x: 182.88 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 36.83 - x: 134.62 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 69.85 - x: 29.21 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 104.14 - x: 167.64 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 66.04 - x: 133.35 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 53.34 - x: 187.96 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 68.58 - x: 195.58 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 77.47 - x: 48.26 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 36.83 - x: 184.15 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 22.86 - x: 149.86 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 27.94 - x: 134.62 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 53.34 - x: 80.01 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 109.22 - x: 240.03 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 27.94 - x: 134.62 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 53.34 - x: 231.14 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 68.58 - x: 144.78 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 96.52 - x: 165.1 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 53.34 - x: 208.28 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 33.02 - x: 166.37 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 64.77 - x: 43.18 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 53.34 - x: 165.1 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 78.74 - x: 266.7 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 109.22 - x: 184.15 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 104.14 - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 27.94 - x: 166.37 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 104.14 - x: 165.1 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 96.52 - x: 165.1 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 62.23 - x: 240.03 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 53.34 - x: 215.9 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 77.47 - x: 48.26 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 22.86 - x: 190.5 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 68.58 - x: 223.52 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 41.91 - x: 121.92 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 124.46 - x: 191.77 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 119.38 - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 109.22 - x: 240.03 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 96.52 - x: 165.1 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 78.74 - x: 266.7 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 22.86 - x: 149.86 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 59.69 - x: 85.09 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 59.69 - x: 85.09 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 58.42 - x: 123.19 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 121.92 - x: 247.65 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 96.52 - x: 63.5 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 78.74 - x: 76.2 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 109.22 - x: 219.71 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 68.58 - x: 182.88 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 114.3 - x: 259.08 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 109.22 - x: 165.1 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 53.34 - x: 162.56 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 121.92 - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 121.92 - x: 196.85 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 53.34 - x: 133.35 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 53.34 - x: 137.16 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 109.22 - x: 209.55 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 107.95 - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 115.57 - x: 247.65 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 53.34 - x: 158.75 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 109.22 - x: 219.71 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 74.93 - x: 48.26 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 41.91 - x: 74.93 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 66.04 - x: 223.52 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 109.22 - x: 209.55 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 68.58 - x: 208.28 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 66.04 - x: 158.75 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 58.42 - x: 170.18 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 22.86 - x: 184.15 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 107.95 - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 121.92 - x: 219.71 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 60.96 - x: 144.78 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 68.58 - x: 182.88 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 53.34 - x: 255.27 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 46.99 - x: 66.04 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 119.38 - x: 219.71 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 121.92 - x: 232.41 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 48.26 - x: 182.88 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 68.58 - x: 158.75 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 33.02 - x: 139.7 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 30.48 - x: 149.86 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 68.58 - x: 255.27 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 53.34 - x: 162.56 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 90.17 - x: 175.26 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 60.96 - x: 195.58 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 27.94 - x: 195.58 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 115.57 - x: 232.41 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 68.58 - x: 123.19 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 121.92 - x: 184.15 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 68.58 - x: 255.27 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 69.85 - x: 63.5 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - x: 76.2 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 114.3 - x: 153.67 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 53.34 - x: 223.52 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 68.58 - x: 133.35 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 35.56 - x: 184.15 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 88.9 - x: 170.18 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 109.22 - x: 240.03 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 248.92 y: 53.34 - x: 255.27 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 52.07 - x: 80.01 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 43.18 - x: 215.9 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 30.48 - x: 175.26 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 91.44 - x: 106.68 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 121.92 - x: 232.41 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 68.58 - x: 240.03 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 104.14 - x: 162.56 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 33.02 - x: 139.7 y: 33.02 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for RF amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - 2023-06-16_17-27-32:LM828M5 - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:C - Device:D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC - Device:L - Device:R - Diode:1N4148 - GND_1 - LM4565 Operational Amplifier:LM4565 - NCP715:NCP715-1.8V - RF:ADP-2-1W - RF_Mixer:ADE-6 - RF_Switch:ADG901BRMZ - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - Regulator_Linear:NCP1117-5.0_TO252 - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 222.25 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 227.33 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 227.33 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 120.65 y: 165.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 122.682 y: 163.9316 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 122.682 y: 166.243 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 64.77 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: "100k\u03A91" position: x: 64.135 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 66.04 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 190.5 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 192.3415 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 190.5 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 234.95 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Output1 position: x: 238.76 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 234.95 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 63.5 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 63.5 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 63.627 y: 126.3142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 218.44 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D7 position: x: 220.2815 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 218.44 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 41.91 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 46.4312 y: 134.7216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 46.4312 y: 137.033 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 53.34 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 53.34 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 53.34 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 134.62 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SPL_IN1 position: x: 136.4488 y: 51.1048 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 136.4488 y: 53.4162 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 110.49 y: 55.88 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: 1nF2 position: x: 116.8908 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 114.5794 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 200.66 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 200.66 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 200.787 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 44.45 y: 30.48 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 38.1 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 40.0558 y: 30.607 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Mixer entryName: ADE-6 position: x: 147.32 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Mixer1 position: x: 147.32 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADE-6 position: x: 147.32 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 51.435 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: "1k\u03A91" position: x: 50.2666 y: 28.702 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 52.578 y: 28.702 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LM4565 Operational Amplifier entryName: LM4565 position: x: 82.55 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LNA1 position: x: 81.915 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM4565 position: x: 81.915 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 212.09 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW_OUT1 position: x: 214.63 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 214.63 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 113.03 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 115.951 y: 163.9316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 115.951 y: 166.243 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Switch entryName: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 181.61 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Switch1 position: x: 195.4276 y: 82.6516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 195.4276 y: 84.963 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 53.34 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 53.467 y: 149.1742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 181.61 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 181.61 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 181.737 y: 108.5342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 142.24 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SIN_SIGNAL_IN1 position: x: 144.0688 y: 77.7748 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 144.0688 y: 80.0862 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 66.04 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 66.04 y: 150.7236 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 66.04 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 133.35 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MIX_RF1 position: x: 135.1788 y: 30.7848 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 135.1788 y: 33.0962 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF entryName: ADP-2-1W position: x: 158.75 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Power_Splitter1 position: x: 158.75 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADP-2-1W position: x: 158.75 y: 48.6664 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 60.96 y: 46.99 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: 1nF1 position: x: 58.42 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 60.96 y: 42.9006 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 77.47 y: 55.88 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: 0.1uF2 position: x: 83.8708 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 81.5594 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 97.79 y: 41.91 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: 0.1.uF1 position: x: 104.1908 y: 41.91 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 101.8794 y: 41.91 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 120.65 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F_OUT1 position: x: 123.19 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 123.19 y: 52.4764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 78.74 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 82.55 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Pin Hole position: x: 78.74 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 149.86 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PULSE_GEN_IN1 position: x: 151.6888 y: 82.8548 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 151.6888 y: 85.1662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: NCP715 entryName: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 88.9 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 1.8V_Reg.1 position: x: 88.9 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 88.9 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 116.84 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 121.3612 y: 134.7216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 121.3612 y: 137.033 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 95.25 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 98.171 y: 163.9316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 98.171 y: 166.243 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 170.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 109.22 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 153.67 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 153.797 y: 75.5142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 49.53 y: 166.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Input1 position: x: 51.3588 y: 160.3248 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 51.3588 y: 162.6362 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 90.805 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 90.805 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 90.932 y: 65.3542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 91.44 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 95.9612 y: 134.7216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 95.9612 y: 137.033 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 78.74 y: 162.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Impd_Match1 position: x: 80.01 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 81.28 y: 165.5064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 200.66 y: 62.23 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: 0.1uF1 position: x: 196.1388 y: 63.3984 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.1 uF position: x: 196.1388 y: 61.087 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 237.49 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 242.0112 y: 137.2616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 242.0112 y: 139.573 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 69.85 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: "20k\u03A91" position: x: 71.628 y: 52.1716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 71.628 y: 54.483 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 104.14 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 1uF3 position: x: 108.6612 y: 108.0516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 108.6612 y: 110.363 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 67.31 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 71.8312 y: 134.7216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 71.8312 y: 137.033 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 21.59 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 23.4188 y: 123.4948 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 23.4188 y: 125.8062 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 142.24 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.367 y: 53.9242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 85.09 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 88.9 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Pin Hole position: x: 85.09 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 66.04 y: 162.56 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 66.04 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 66.04 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 104.14 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 104.14 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 104.14 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 162.56 y: 165.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 164.4015 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 162.56 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 72.39 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 1uF2 position: x: 76.9112 y: 108.0516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 76.9112 y: 110.363 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L position: x: 104.14 y: 161.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: 0.56uH position: x: 104.14 y: 156.464 angle: 90 - key: Value value: L position: x: 104.14 y: 158.7754 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 127 y: 165.1 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 129.032 y: 163.9316 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 129.032 y: 166.243 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 31.75 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 33.5788 y: 123.4948 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 33.5788 y: 125.8062 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 110.49 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: "12k\u03A91" position: x: 112.268 y: 39.4716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 112.268 y: 41.783 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 139.7 y: 100.33 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TRIG_OUT1 position: x: 133.6548 y: 98.5012 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 135.9662 y: 98.5012 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 2023-06-16_17-27-32 entryName: LM828M5 position: x: 157.48 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 185.42 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM828M5 position: x: 185.42 y: 123.19 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 190.5 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 237.49 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.11 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.06 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 77.47 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 200.66 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.82 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 69.85 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 62.23 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 36.83 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.75 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 69.85 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 129.54 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 69.85 - x: 153.67 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - x: 142.24 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 95.25 - x: 139.7 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 121.92 - x: 82.55 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 144.78 - x: 85.09 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - x: 104.14 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 49.53 - x: 110.49 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 165.1 - x: 170.18 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 129.54 - x: 71.12 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 66.04 - x: 78.74 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 162.56 - x: 62.23 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 135.89 - x: 217.17 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 30.48 - x: 55.245 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 83.82 - x: 212.09 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 102.87 - x: 72.39 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 88.9 - x: 158.75 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 38.1 - x: 104.14 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 156.21 - x: 69.85 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 168.91 - x: 147.32 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 158.75 - x: 162.56 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 162.56 - x: 72.39 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 129.54 - x: 118.11 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 163.83 - x: 234.95 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 171.45 - x: 198.12 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 102.87 - x: 80.01 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 171.45 - x: 198.12 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - x: 41.91 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 96.52 - x: 181.61 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 30.48 - x: 58.42 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 40.64 - x: 58.42 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 50.8 - x: 73.66 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 129.54 - x: 213.36 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 115.57 - x: 72.39 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 144.78 - x: 91.44 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 46.99 - x: 57.15 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - x: 57.15 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 78.74 - x: 158.75 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 45.72 - x: 95.25 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 88.9 - x: 142.24 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 55.88 - x: 223.52 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 158.75 - x: 218.44 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 118.11 - x: 63.5 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 59.69 - x: 95.25 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 167.64 - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 48.26 - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 129.54 - x: 96.52 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 144.78 - x: 82.55 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 38.1 - x: 73.66 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - x: 181.61 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 78.74 - x: 158.75 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 130.81 - x: 157.48 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 59.69 - x: 110.49 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 158.75 - x: 127 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 83.82 - x: 147.32 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 40.64 - x: 58.42 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 129.54 - x: 41.91 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 46.99 - x: 69.85 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 88.9 - x: 60.96 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 160.02 - x: 95.25 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 137.16 - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 124.46 - x: 237.49 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 46.99 - x: 147.32 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 124.46 - x: 237.49 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 144.78 - x: 67.31 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 59.69 - x: 110.49 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 59.69 - x: 90.805 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 43.18 - x: 69.85 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 158.75 - x: 127 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 226.06 y: 165.1 - x: 226.06 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 171.45 - x: 78.74 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 93.98 - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 123.19 - x: 237.49 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 158.75 - x: 190.5 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 38.1 - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 121.92 - x: 82.55 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - x: 78.74 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 121.92 - x: 123.19 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 160.02 - x: 95.25 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 102.87 - x: 104.14 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 162.56 - x: 234.95 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 30.48 - x: 44.45 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 133.35 - x: 149.86 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 66.04 - x: 78.74 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 88.9 - x: 60.96 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 162.56 - x: 73.66 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 46.99 - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 166.37 - x: 59.69 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 144.78 - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 50.8 - x: 77.47 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 171.45 - x: 170.18 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 129.54 - x: 123.19 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 20.32 - x: 38.1 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 165.1 - x: 210.82 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - x: 116.84 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 36.83 - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 165.1 - x: 154.94 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 129.54 - x: 73.66 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 99.06 - x: 57.15 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 144.78 - x: 91.44 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 123.19 - x: 237.49 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 62.23 - x: 168.91 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 124.46 - x: 91.44 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 118.11 - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 129.54 - x: 71.12 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 129.54 - x: 67.31 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 161.29 - x: 120.65 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 142.24 - x: 116.84 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 127 - x: 85.09 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 168.91 - x: 120.65 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 57.15 - x: 148.59 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 144.78 - x: 31.75 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 71.12 - x: 181.61 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 69.85 - x: 153.67 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 168.91 - x: 113.03 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 46.99 - x: 38.1 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 93.98 - x: 156.21 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 171.45 - x: 226.06 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 121.92 - x: 123.19 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 165.1 - x: 198.12 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 55.88 - x: 223.52 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 144.78 - x: 237.49 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 165.1 - x: 182.88 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 133.35 - x: 214.63 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 88.9 - x: 158.75 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 129.54 - x: 116.84 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 43.18 - x: 69.85 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 21.59 y: 134.62 - x: 21.59 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 134.62 - x: 78.74 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 158.75 - x: 218.44 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 142.24 - x: 67.31 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 30.48 - x: 73.66 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 171.45 - x: 226.06 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 142.24 - x: 217.17 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 144.78 - x: 214.63 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 45.72 - x: 97.79 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 161.29 - x: 127 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 59.69 - x: 97.79 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 46.99 - x: 69.85 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 100.33 - x: 181.61 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 67.31 - x: 153.67 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 168.91 - x: 147.32 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 102.87 - x: 104.14 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 144.78 - x: 53.34 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 93.98 - x: 149.86 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 158.75 - x: 162.56 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 158.75 - x: 190.5 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 88.9 - x: 158.75 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 129.54 - x: 36.83 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 102.87 - x: 60.96 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 49.53 - x: 115.57 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 36.83 - x: 137.16 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 124.46 - x: 91.44 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 54.61 - x: 120.65 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 50.8 - x: 73.66 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 100.33 - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 45.72 - x: 95.25 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 171.45 - x: 147.32 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 168.91 - x: 109.22 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 78.74 - x: 207.01 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 161.29 - x: 113.03 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 168.91 - x: 127 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 161.29 - x: 95.25 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - x: 97.79 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 40.64 - x: 90.17 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - x: 204.47 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 171.45 - x: 154.94 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 118.11 - x: 72.39 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 166.37 - x: 59.69 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 135.89 - x: 217.17 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 161.29 - x: 78.74 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 57.15 - x: 69.85 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 62.23 - x: 134.62 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 129.54 - x: 213.36 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 36.83 - x: 110.49 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 162.56 - x: 72.39 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 44.45 - x: 110.49 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 133.35 - x: 214.63 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 50.8 - x: 77.47 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 118.11 - x: 104.14 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 59.69 - x: 77.47 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 128.27 - x: 149.86 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 129.54 - x: 45.72 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 123.19 - x: 111.76 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 156.21 - x: 62.23 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 134.62 - x: 31.75 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 142.24 - x: 41.91 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 129.54 - x: 118.11 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 168.91 - x: 78.74 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 55.88 - x: 200.66 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 168.91 - x: 109.22 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 111.76 - x: 88.9 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 52.07 - x: 168.91 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 137.16 - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 60.96 - x: 90.805 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 41.91 - x: 133.35 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 30.48 - x: 73.66 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 144.78 - x: 41.91 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 100.33 - x: 181.61 y: 100.33 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for RF amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:C - Device:R - LM4565 Operational Amplifier:LM4565 - NCP715:NCP715-1.8V - RF:ADP-2-1W - RF_Mixer:ADE-6 - RF_Switch:ADG901BRMZ - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 55.88 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 55.245 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 57.15 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 91.44 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 91.567 y: 156.7942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 74.93 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: -5V1 position: x: 77.47 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 77.47 y: 90.5764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 152.4 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SPL_IN1 position: x: 154.2288 y: 65.0748 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 154.2288 y: 67.3862 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 101.6 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 108.0008 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 105.6894 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 218.44 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 218.567 y: 86.9442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 29.21 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 31.1658 y: 67.437 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Mixer entryName: ADE-6 position: x: 208.28 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 208.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADE-6 position: x: 208.28 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 42.545 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 41.3766 y: 65.532 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 43.688 y: 65.532 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LM4565 Operational Amplifier entryName: LM4565 position: x: 73.66 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 73.025 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM4565 position: x: 73.025 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 229.87 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW_OUT1 position: x: 232.41 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 232.41 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Switch entryName: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 199.39 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 213.2076 y: 96.6216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 213.2076 y: 98.933 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 199.39 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.517 y: 122.5042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 83.82 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 5V1 position: x: 80.01 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 83.82 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 189.23 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MIX_RF1 position: x: 191.0588 y: 42.2148 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 191.0588 y: 44.5262 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF entryName: ADP-2-1W position: x: 176.53 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 176.53 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADP-2-1W position: x: 176.53 y: 62.6364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 52.07 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 49.53 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 52.07 y: 79.7306 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 68.58 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 74.9808 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 72.6694 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 88.9 y: 78.74 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 95.3008 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 92.9894 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 111.76 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F_OUT1 position: x: 114.3 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 114.3 y: 89.3064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: NCP715 entryName: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 116.84 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 116.84 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 116.84 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 171.45 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 171.577 y: 89.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 81.915 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 81.915 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 82.042 y: 102.1842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 218.44 y: 76.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 213.9188 y: 77.3684 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.1 uF position: x: 213.9188 y: 75.057 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 60.96 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 62.738 y: 89.0016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 62.738 y: 91.313 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 132.08 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 136.6012 y: 138.5316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 136.6012 y: 140.843 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 203.2 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 203.2 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 203.327 y: 65.3542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 100.33 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 104.8512 y: 138.5316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 104.8512 y: 140.843 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 101.6 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 103.378 y: 76.3016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 103.378 y: 78.613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 175.26 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW_CTRL1 position: x: 177.0888 y: 96.8248 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 177.0888 y: 99.1362 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 100.33 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 64.77 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 199.39 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 148.59 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - x: 101.6 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - x: 46.355 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 97.79 - x: 229.87 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - x: 107.95 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 110.49 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 67.31 - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 77.47 - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 64.77 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 146.05 - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 83.82 - x: 48.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 82.55 - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - x: 91.44 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 59.69 - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 74.93 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 77.47 - x: 49.53 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 83.82 - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 96.52 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 133.35 - x: 241.3 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 138.43 - x: 83.82 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 38.735 y: 67.31 - x: 35.56 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 58.42 - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 34.29 - x: 26.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 48.26 - x: 222.25 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 76.2 - x: 186.69 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 71.12 - x: 166.37 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 133.35 - x: 241.3 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 85.09 - x: 199.39 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 83.82 - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 83.82 - x: 26.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 69.85 - x: 241.3 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 74.93 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 67.31 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 82.55 - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - x: 60.96 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 81.28 - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 133.35 - x: 132.08 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 74.93 - x: 92.71 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 48.26 - x: 198.12 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 91.44 - x: 111.76 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 87.63 - x: 64.77 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 92.71 - x: 224.79 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 133.35 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 74.93 - x: 88.9 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 77.47 - x: 81.28 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 48.26 - x: 222.25 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 93.98 - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 76.2 - x: 152.4 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 73.66 - x: 101.6 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 102.87 - x: 186.69 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 81.28 - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 148.59 - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - x: 132.08 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - x: 68.58 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 92.71 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 69.85 - x: 218.44 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 142.24 - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 107.95 - x: 175.26 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 97.79 - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 53.34 - x: 189.23 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 67.31 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for RF mixer circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:C - Device:R - LM4565 Operational Amplifier:LM4565 - NCP715:NCP715-1.8V - RF:ADP-2-1W - RF_Mixer:ADE-6 - RF_Switch:ADG901BRMZ - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 55.88 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 55.245 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: R position: x: 57.15 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 91.44 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 91.567 y: 156.7942 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 74.93 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: -5V1 position: x: 77.47 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 77.47 y: 90.5764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 152.4 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SPL_IN1 position: x: 154.2288 y: 65.0748 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 154.2288 y: 67.3862 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 101.6 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 108.0008 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 105.6894 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 218.44 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 218.567 y: 86.9442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 29.21 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 31.1658 y: 67.437 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Mixer entryName: ADE-6 position: x: 208.28 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 208.28 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADE-6 position: x: 208.28 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 42.545 y: 67.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 41.3766 y: 65.532 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 43.688 y: 65.532 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: LM4565 Operational Amplifier entryName: LM4565 position: x: 73.66 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 73.025 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM4565 position: x: 73.025 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 229.87 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW_OUT1 position: x: 232.41 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 232.41 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Switch entryName: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 199.39 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 213.2076 y: 96.6216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 213.2076 y: 98.933 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 199.39 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.517 y: 122.5042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 160.02 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SIN_SIGNAL_IN position: x: 161.8488 y: 91.7448 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 161.8488 y: 94.0562 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 83.82 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 5V1 position: x: 80.01 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 83.82 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 189.23 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: MIX_RF1 position: x: 191.0588 y: 42.2148 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 191.0588 y: 44.5262 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF entryName: ADP-2-1W position: x: 176.53 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 176.53 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADP-2-1W position: x: 176.53 y: 62.6364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 52.07 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 49.53 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C position: x: 52.07 y: 79.7306 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 68.58 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 74.9808 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 72.6694 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 88.9 y: 78.74 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 95.3008 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 0.1uF position: x: 92.9894 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 111.76 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F_OUT1 position: x: 114.3 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 114.3 y: 89.3064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 167.64 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: PULSE_GEN_IN position: x: 169.4688 y: 96.8248 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 169.4688 y: 99.1362 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: NCP715 entryName: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 116.84 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 116.84 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 116.84 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 171.45 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 171.577 y: 89.4842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 81.915 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 81.915 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 82.042 y: 102.1842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 218.44 y: 76.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 213.9188 y: 77.3684 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.1 uF position: x: 213.9188 y: 75.057 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 60.96 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 62.738 y: 89.0016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 62.738 y: 91.313 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 132.08 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 136.6012 y: 138.5316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 136.6012 y: 140.843 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 203.2 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 203.2 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 203.327 y: 65.3542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 100.33 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 104.8512 y: 138.5316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 104.8512 y: 140.843 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 101.6 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 103.378 y: 76.3016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: R position: x: 103.378 y: 78.613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 157.48 y: 114.3 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TRIG_OUT position: x: 151.4348 y: 112.4712 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 153.7462 y: 112.4712 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 100.33 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 64.77 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 199.39 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.33 y: 148.59 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 109.22 - x: 157.48 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - x: 101.6 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - x: 46.355 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 97.79 - x: 229.87 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - x: 107.95 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 110.49 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 67.31 - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 77.47 - x: 49.53 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 64.77 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 146.05 - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 83.82 - x: 48.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - x: 100.33 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 92.71 - x: 176.53 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 82.55 - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 102.87 - x: 160.02 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - x: 91.44 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 59.69 - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 74.93 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 92.71 - x: 176.53 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 97.79 - x: 165.1 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 77.47 - x: 49.53 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 83.82 - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 96.52 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 107.95 - x: 173.99 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 133.35 - x: 241.3 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 138.43 - x: 83.82 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 38.735 y: 67.31 - x: 35.56 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 58.42 - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 34.29 - x: 26.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 48.26 - x: 222.25 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 59.69 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 76.2 - x: 186.69 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 71.12 - x: 166.37 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 133.35 - x: 241.3 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 85.09 - x: 199.39 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 83.82 - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 83.82 - x: 26.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 107.95 - x: 173.99 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 69.85 - x: 241.3 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 74.93 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 67.31 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 82.55 - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - x: 88.9 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - x: 100.33 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 83.82 - x: 60.96 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 81.28 - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 133.35 - x: 132.08 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 107.95 - x: 167.64 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 74.93 - x: 92.71 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 48.26 - x: 198.12 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 91.44 - x: 111.76 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 87.63 - x: 64.77 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 114.3 - x: 173.99 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 82.55 - x: 86.36 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 92.71 - x: 224.79 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 133.35 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 74.93 - x: 88.9 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 77.47 - x: 81.28 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 48.26 - x: 222.25 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 93.98 - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 76.2 - x: 152.4 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 73.66 - x: 101.6 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 81.28 - x: 101.6 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 148.59 - x: 91.44 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 148.59 - x: 132.08 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - x: 68.58 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 92.71 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 69.85 - x: 218.44 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 142.24 - x: 116.84 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 66.04 - x: 208.28 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 97.79 - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 53.34 - x: 189.23 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 67.31 - x: 64.77 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - x: 81.915 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 114.3 - x: 199.39 y: 114.3 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for RF front-end receiver
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC - Diode:1N4148 - RF:ADP-2-1W - RF_Mixer:ADE-6 - RF_Switch:ADG901BRMZ - power:GND - pspice:C - pspice:INDUCTOR schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 81.28 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 81.28 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 81.407 y: 135.2042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 181.61 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 186.1312 y: 69.9516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 186.1312 y: 72.263 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 57.15 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 58.9788 y: 109.5248 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 58.9788 y: 111.8362 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 204.47 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 209.55 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 207.01 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 224.79 y: 71.12 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 222.9485 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 224.79 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 138.43 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 129.54 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 129.54 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 147.32 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J7 position: x: 149.86 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 149.86 y: 100.7364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 34.29 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 36.1188 y: 77.7748 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 36.1188 y: 80.0862 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 111.76 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 114.3 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 114.3 y: 108.3564 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 243.84 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J9 position: x: 246.38 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 246.38 y: 67.7164 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 147.32 y: 55.88 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 144.78 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 142.24 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 160.02 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 160.147 y: 50.1142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF entryName: ADP-2-1W position: x: 58.42 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 58.42 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADP-2-1W position: x: 58.42 y: 75.3364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 147.32 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 147.32 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 147.447 y: 109.8042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 176.53 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 176.53 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 176.657 y: 84.4042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 149.86 y: 44.45 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J8 position: x: 149.86 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 149.86 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 85.09 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 85.09 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 85.217 y: 78.0542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 109.22 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 111.76 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 111.76 y: 63.9064 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 109.22 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.347 y: 72.9742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 168.91 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 173.4312 y: 69.9516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C position: x: 173.4312 y: 72.263 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 71.12 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 72.9488 y: 54.9148 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 72.9488 y: 57.2262 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 194.31 y: 71.12 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 199.8218 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 197.5104 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 132.08 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 132.08 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 132.207 y: 114.8842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 152.4 y: 55.88 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 157.9118 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 155.6004 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 53.34 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 53.467 y: 102.1842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Mixer entryName: ADE-6 position: x: 90.17 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 90.17 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADE-6 position: x: 90.17 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: INDUCTOR position: x: 175.26 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 175.26 y: 59.309 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INDUCTOR position: x: 175.26 y: 61.6204 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RF_Switch entryName: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 81.28 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 95.0976 y: 109.3216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADG901BRMZ position: x: 95.0976 y: 111.633 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 132.08 y: 104.14 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 127.5588 y: 105.3084 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.1 uF position: x: 127.5588 y: 102.997 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 181.61 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 176.53 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.09 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 232.41 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 77.47 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 88.9 - x: 34.29 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 45.72 - x: 160.02 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 105.41 - x: 106.68 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - x: 168.91 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 78.74 - x: 90.17 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 96.52 - x: 53.34 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 64.77 - x: 194.31 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 71.12 - x: 217.17 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 64.77 - x: 204.47 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 83.82 - x: 48.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 77.47 - x: 204.47 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 74.93 - x: 204.47 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 64.77 - x: 224.79 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 74.93 - x: 194.31 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 93.98 - x: 53.34 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 110.49 - x: 111.76 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 64.77 - x: 204.47 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 60.96 - x: 104.14 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 59.69 - x: 152.4 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 59.69 - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 66.04 - x: 71.12 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 69.85 - x: 243.84 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 52.07 - x: 149.86 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 64.77 - x: 224.79 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 44.45 - x: 154.94 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 71.12 - x: 232.41 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 97.79 - x: 142.24 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 78.74 - x: 90.17 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 120.65 - x: 57.15 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 77.47 - x: 217.17 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 64.77 - x: 149.86 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 127 - x: 81.28 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 64.77 - x: 224.79 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 59.69 - x: 147.32 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 52.07 - x: 149.86 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 77.47 - x: 232.41 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 97.79 - x: 132.08 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 52.07 - x: 149.86 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 96.52 - x: 53.34 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 71.12 - x: 85.09 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 72.39 - x: 85.09 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 77.47 - x: 217.17 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 85.09 y: 72.39 - x: 85.09 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 77.47 - x: 181.61 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 77.47 - x: 194.31 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 77.47 - x: 168.91 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - x: 68.58 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 77.47 - x: 168.91 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 127 - x: 81.28 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 127 - x: 81.28 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 66.04 - x: 109.22 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 102.87 - x: 147.32 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 69.85 - x: 138.43 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 60.96 - x: 80.01 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 115.57 - x: 68.58 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 64.77 - x: 194.31 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 80.01 - x: 176.53 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 123.19 - x: 81.28 y: 127 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Variable capacitor circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:C_Variable - c_trim_3_leg:C_Trim_3_Leg - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Variable position: x: 120.65 y: 85.09 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 120.65 y: 78.6892 angle: 90 - key: Value value: C_Variable position: x: 120.65 y: 81.0006 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 110.49 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 110.49 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 110.617 y: 97.1042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 110.49 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 112.3188 y: 79.0448 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 112.3188 y: 81.3562 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 160.02 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 162.56 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 162.56 y: 88.0364 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: c_trim_3_leg entryName: C_Trim_3_Leg position: x: 142.24 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 145.5928 y: 87.0966 angle: 0 - key: Value value: C_Trim_3_Leg position: x: 145.5928 y: 89.408 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 140.97 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 110.49 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 85.09 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 92.71 - x: 160.02 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 85.09 - x: 116.84 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 92.71 - x: 110.49 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 92.71 - x: 140.97 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 92.71 - x: 143.51 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 92.71 - x: 160.02 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 85.09 - x: 154.94 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 91.44 - x: 140.97 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 85.09 - x: 142.24 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 91.44 - x: 143.51 y: 92.71 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Dual Schottky diode circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Device:D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 67.31 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: P1 position: x: 63.5 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 67.31 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 161.29 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 161.417 y: 108.5342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 111.76 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 109.9185 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 111.76 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 139.7 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 137.8585 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 139.7 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 83.82 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 81.9785 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: D_Schottky_Dual_Series_AKC position: x: 83.82 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 161.29 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: P2 position: x: 163.83 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 163.83 y: 91.8464 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 104.14 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 119.38 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 101.6 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 93.98 - x: 67.31 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - x: 76.2 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - x: 156.21 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 101.6 - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 95.25 - x: 76.2 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 101.6 - x: 104.14 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 101.6 - x: 147.32 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - x: 111.76 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 88.9 - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 101.6 - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 95.25 - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 95.25 - x: 147.32 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 101.6 - x: 76.2 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 88.9 - x: 111.76 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 95.25 - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 88.9 - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 101.6 - x: 104.14 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 95.25 - x: 104.14 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 93.98 - x: 161.29 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 88.9 - x: 139.7 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 95.25 - x: 119.38 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 88.9 - x: 83.82 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 101.6 - x: 132.08 y: 101.6 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Voltage regulator circuit
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 77.47 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 79.2988 y: 86.6648 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 79.2988 y: 88.9762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 128.27 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 87.63 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 92.1512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 92.1512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 99.06 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 113.03 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 117.5512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 117.5512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 99.06 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 99.187 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 87.63 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 107.95 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 105.41 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 97.79 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 105.41 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 97.79 - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 100.33 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Voltage regulation circuit.
libSymbols: - 2023-06-16_17-27-32:LM828M5 - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - Regulator_Linear:NCP1117-5.0_TO252 - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 29.21 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 31.0388 y: 86.6648 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 31.0388 y: 88.9762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: 2023-06-16_17-27-32 entryName: LM828M5 position: x: 154.94 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 182.88 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM828M5 position: x: 182.88 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 252.73 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 256.54 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 252.73 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 130.81 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 134.62 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 130.81 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 76.2 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 80.01 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 76.2 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 39.37 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 43.8912 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 43.8912 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 50.8 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 50.8 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 50.8 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 219.71 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 224.79 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 224.79 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 64.77 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 69.2912 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 69.2912 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 114.3 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 118.8212 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 118.8212 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 234.95 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 239.4712 y: 100.4316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 239.4712 y: 102.743 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 88.9 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 93.4212 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 93.4212 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 101.6 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 101.6 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 101.6 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 50.8 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 50.8 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 50.927 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 39.37 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 64.77 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 64.77 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 39.37 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.3 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 87.63 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 107.95 - x: 252.73 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 92.71 - x: 39.37 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - x: 147.32 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 87.63 - x: 120.65 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 92.71 - x: 210.82 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 107.95 - x: 88.9 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - x: 71.12 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 92.71 - x: 43.18 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 96.52 - x: 147.32 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 105.41 - x: 114.3 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 107.95 - x: 50.8 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 100.33 - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 105.41 - x: 39.37 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 88.9 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 107.95 - x: 29.21 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 87.63 - x: 88.9 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 92.71 - x: 93.98 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 107.95 - x: 130.81 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 92.71 - x: 64.77 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - x: 234.95 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 29.21 y: 97.79 - x: 29.21 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 87.63 - x: 234.95 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 92.71 - x: 120.65 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 87.63 - x: 234.95 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 107.95 - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 92.71 - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 92.71 - x: 114.3 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 78.74 - x: 234.95 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 107.95 - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 107.95 - x: 39.37 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 78.74 - x: 247.65 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 87.63 - x: 120.65 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 96.52 - x: 212.09 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 105.41 - x: 64.77 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 96.52 - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 99.06 - x: 214.63 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 97.79 - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 107.95 - x: 130.81 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 100.33 - x: 50.8 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - x: 88.9 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 93.98 - x: 154.94 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 92.71 - x: 210.82 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 105.41 - x: 214.63 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 107.95 - x: 64.77 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 92.71 - x: 125.73 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 107.95 - x: 252.73 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 99.06 - x: 214.63 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 78.74 - x: 234.95 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - x: 114.3 y: 107.95 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Power supply circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - NCP715:NCP715-1.8V - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - Regulator_Linear:NCP1117-5.0_TO252 - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 77.47 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 79.2988 y: 86.6648 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 79.2988 y: 88.9762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 195.58 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 200.1012 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 200.1012 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 241.3 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 245.11 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 241.3 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 179.07 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 182.88 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 179.07 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 128.27 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 87.63 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 92.1512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 92.1512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 99.06 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 227.33 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 231.8512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 231.8512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 113.03 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 117.5512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 117.5512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 162.56 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 167.0812 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 167.0812 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: NCP715 entryName: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 212.09 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 212.09 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP715-1.8V position: x: 212.09 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 137.16 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 141.6812 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10 uF position: x: 141.6812 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 149.86 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 149.86 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NCP1117-5.0_TO252 position: x: 149.86 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 99.06 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 99.187 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 87.63 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 227.33 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 179.07 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 227.33 y: 107.95 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 87.63 - x: 168.91 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 92.71 - x: 236.22 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 107.95 - x: 137.16 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 92.71 - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 105.41 - x: 162.56 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 100.33 - x: 149.86 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 105.41 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 87.63 - x: 137.16 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - x: 227.33 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 92.71 - x: 116.84 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 87.63 - x: 137.16 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 92.71 - x: 142.24 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 92.71 - x: 203.2 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 107.95 - x: 179.07 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 97.79 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 92.71 - x: 168.91 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 107.95 - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 92.71 - x: 195.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 107.95 - x: 227.33 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - x: 116.84 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 92.71 - x: 162.56 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 107.95 - x: 149.86 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 87.63 - x: 168.91 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 105.41 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 97.79 - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 101.6 - x: 212.09 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 107.95 - x: 179.07 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 100.33 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 107.95 - x: 241.3 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 137.16 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 105.41 - x: 195.58 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 92.71 - x: 173.99 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 107.95 - x: 241.3 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 92.71 - x: 227.33 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 107.95 - x: 162.56 y: 107.95 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Voltage regulator circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Conn_Coaxial - Regulator_Linear:LM7812_TO220 - power:GND - pspice:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 77.47 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 79.2988 y: 86.6648 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 79.2988 y: 88.9762 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 128.27 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_Coaxial position: x: 124.46 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 87.63 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 92.1512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 0.33 uF position: x: 92.1512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 99.06 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM7812_TO220 position: x: 99.06 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: pspice entryName: C position: x: 113.03 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 117.5512 y: 97.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1 uF position: x: 117.5512 y: 100.203 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 99.06 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 99.187 y: 112.3442 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 87.63 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 107.95 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 92.71 - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 92.71 - x: 91.44 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 105.41 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 97.79 - x: 77.47 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 92.71 - x: 119.38 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - x: 87.63 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 105.41 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 97.79 - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 100.33 - x: 99.06 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Audio amplifier circuit
libSymbols: - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3.3V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3V3-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+5V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:ADAU1467-Analog1467-ADAU - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:C_micro-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:Ferrite_Bead-Device - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:GND-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:L_Small-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:Led_Small-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:PVDD-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:R_micro-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:Screw_Terminal_01x08-Connector - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:TAS6424-Q1-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:VBAT-my - Connector:Conn_01x03_Pin - Connector:Conn_01x05_Pin - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x06_Odd_Even - Device:C - Device:LED - Device:Q_PNP_BCE - Device:R - Oscillator:SG-8002CA - RDC4-0027v1-rescue:CON_JUMPER-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue - RDC4-0027v1-rescue:IC_25AA1024-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:VPP schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: TAS6424-Q1-my position: x: 312.42 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 312.42 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TAS6424QDKQRQ1 position: x: 312.42 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 299.72 y: 55.88 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 303.53 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 295.148 y: 55.626 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 299.72 y: 53.34 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 299.72 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 299.593 y: 48.9458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 326.39 y: 53.34 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 322.58 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 330.7842 y: 53.7718 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: VBAT-my position: x: 299.72 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 303.53 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBAT position: x: 295.148 y: 58.674 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 299.72 y: 93.98 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 293.37 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 296.4688 y: 94.107 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Screw_Terminal_01x08-Connector position: x: 377.19 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 379.222 y: 91.694 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DEGSON 2604 8x5 position: x: 379.222 y: 88.8746 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 331.47 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 328.3712 y: 70.993 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 104.14 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 331.47 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 328.3712 y: 104.013 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 365.76 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 111.633 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 49.53 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 325.12 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 324.993 y: 45.1358 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 328.93 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 335.28 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 333.3242 y: 88.773 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 331.47 y: 86.36 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 327.66 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 335.8642 y: 86.7918 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 300.99 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 301.2948 y: 51.054 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 302.514 y: 52.0192 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 322.58 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 320.294 y: 50.038 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 320.929 y: 50.546 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 326.39 y: 50.038 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 327.533 y: 51.816 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 323.977 y: 85.217 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 324.612 y: 89.789 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 327.66 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 329.057 y: 85.217 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 329.946 y: 87.122 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 299.72 y: 109.22 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0126' position: x: 293.37 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 294.132 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 325.12 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 325.247 y: 130.1242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 328.93 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 325.12 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 333.3242 y: 122.3518 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 326.39 y: 123.19 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 329.438 y: 122.936 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 328.803 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 123.19 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 323.977 y: 122.936 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 323.215 y: 123.952 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 297.18 y: 62.738 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 301.117 y: 62.103 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 66.04 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 297.1292 y: 65.2272 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 301.117 y: 64.897 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 71.12 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 296.9768 y: 70.1548 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.863 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 73.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 296.8752 y: 72.5932 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.99 y: 72.771 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 76.2 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 297.0784 y: 75.0824 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 301.117 y: 75.438 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 114.3 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L8 position: x: 342.9 y: 112.776 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 115.062 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 297.18 y: 78.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0121' position: x: 290.83 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 293.9288 y: 78.867 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 115.57 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 336.55 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.534 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 109.22 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L7 position: x: 342.9 y: 108.077 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 110.109 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 336.423 y: 107.315 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.661 y: 108.331 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 113.03 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C38 position: x: 347.98 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.091 y: 113.538 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 110.49 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 347.853 y: 109.982 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.091 y: 110.998 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 294.64 y: 99.314 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 293.624 y: 100.076 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 295.656 y: 99.441 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 290.83 y: 99.314 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 289.941 y: 99.949 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 291.846 y: 99.441 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 113.03 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C46 position: x: 356.87 y: 112.522 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.108 y: 113.538 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 110.49 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C45 position: x: 356.743 y: 110.109 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 355.854 y: 110.998 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 99.06 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L6 position: x: 343.027 y: 97.917 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 99.822 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 100.33 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 336.423 y: 99.695 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.661 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 93.98 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L5 position: x: 342.9 y: 92.456 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 94.742 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 92.71 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 336.296 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.534 y: 93.091 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 97.79 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C36 position: x: 348.234 y: 97.282 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.472 y: 98.171 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C35 position: x: 348.234 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.472 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 96.52 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 365.76 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 96.393 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 97.79 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C44 position: x: 356.997 y: 97.282 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 98.298 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 356.743 y: 94.869 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 355.854 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L4 position: x: 342.9 y: 79.756 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 82.296 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 82.55 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 336.296 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.534 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 76.2 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L3 position: x: 343.154 y: 74.803 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 76.962 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 74.93 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 336.296 y: 74.422 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.661 y: 75.438 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 80.01 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C34 position: x: 348.107 y: 79.502 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.726 y: 80.137 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 77.47 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 348.107 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.218 y: 77.978 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 78.74 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 365.76 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 78.613 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 80.01 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 356.87 y: 79.502 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 80.518 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 77.47 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 356.87 y: 77.089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 66.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L2 position: x: 342.9 y: 64.516 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 66.802 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 67.31 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 336.55 y: 66.802 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.661 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 342.9 y: 59.817 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 61.722 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 337.82 y: 59.69 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 336.55 y: 59.182 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 335.407 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 64.77 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 347.726 y: 64.262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.218 y: 65.278 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 349.25 y: 62.23 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 348.742 y: 60.198 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 347.091 y: 62.992 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 63.5 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 365.76 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 63.373 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 64.77 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C40 position: x: 356.997 y: 64.262 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.362 y: 65.278 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 62.23 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C39 position: x: 357.124 y: 61.722 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 294.386 y: 129.54 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 295.783 y: 128.651 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 294.386 y: 129.54 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 293.624 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 292.989 y: 124.206 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 293.624 y: 125.73 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 300.99 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 300.99 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 301.117 y: 125.1712 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Led_Small-my position: x: 287.02 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL2 position: x: 284.861 y: 123.571 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_RED position: x: 284.861 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Led_Small-my position: x: 287.02 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL1 position: x: 284.734 y: 130.937 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_YELLOW position: x: 284.607 y: 131.699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C47 position: x: 296.164 y: 52.832 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 297.434 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 299.72 y: 148.59 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0157' position: x: 303.53 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 294.8432 y: 148.4884 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 299.72 y: 146.05 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0156' position: x: 299.72 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 299.593 y: 141.6558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: VBAT-my position: x: 299.72 y: 151.13 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0155' position: x: 303.53 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBAT position: x: 294.9448 y: 150.9776 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 299.72 y: 186.69 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0154' position: x: 293.37 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 296.4688 y: 186.817 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 163.83 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 331.47 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 328.168 y: 163.957 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 196.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0152' position: x: 331.47 y: 196.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 328.3712 y: 196.723 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 142.24 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 325.12 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 324.993 y: 137.8458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 328.93 y: 181.61 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0150' position: x: 335.28 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 333.3242 y: 181.483 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 331.47 y: 179.07 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 327.66 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 335.8642 y: 179.5018 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 300.99 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C70 position: x: 301.3964 y: 143.9672 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 302.6664 y: 145.034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 326.39 y: 146.05 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0148' position: x: 322.58 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 330.7842 y: 146.4818 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 322.58 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C71 position: x: 320.167 y: 142.494 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 320.548 y: 143.764 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C73 position: x: 326.39 y: 143.637 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 327.279 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C74 position: x: 323.85 y: 177.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 324.485 y: 182.499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 327.66 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C76 position: x: 328.676 y: 178.054 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 329.692 y: 179.832 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 326.39 y: 215.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C75 position: x: 329.565 y: 215.773 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 328.422 y: 217.043 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 325.12 y: 215.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C72 position: x: 324.485 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 323.088 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 156.21 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C65 position: x: 295.0972 y: 155.0924 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.863 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 158.75 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C66 position: x: 295.402 y: 157.7848 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.99 y: 157.607 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 163.83 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C67 position: x: 295.3512 y: 162.9664 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.863 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 166.37 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C68 position: x: 295.5036 y: 165.7096 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.99 y: 165.227 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 297.18 y: 171.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0147' position: x: 290.83 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 293.9288 y: 171.577 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 297.18 y: 199.39 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 290.83 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 293.9288 y: 199.517 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 298.069 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R22 position: x: 297.18 y: 105.537 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 298.069 y: 107.696 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 207.01 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L16 position: x: 342.773 y: 205.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 207.645 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 208.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C84 position: x: 335.28 y: 207.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.518 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 201.93 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L15 position: x: 342.9 y: 200.406 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 203.073 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 200.66 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C83 position: x: 335.28 y: 200.025 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.518 y: 201.168 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 205.74 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C92 position: x: 346.964 y: 205.359 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 206.502 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 203.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C91 position: x: 346.964 y: 202.565 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 203.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 204.47 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 365.76 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 204.343 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 205.74 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C100 position: x: 357.124 y: 205.105 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 206.248 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 203.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C99 position: x: 356.997 y: 202.565 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 203.581 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 191.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L14 position: x: 342.773 y: 190.5 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 192.659 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 193.04 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C82 position: x: 335.153 y: 192.405 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.518 y: 193.548 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 186.69 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L13 position: x: 342.9 y: 185.293 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 187.579 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 185.42 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C81 position: x: 335.153 y: 184.912 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.264 y: 185.801 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 190.5 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C90 position: x: 347.091 y: 189.865 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 191.008 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 187.96 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C89 position: x: 346.71 y: 187.452 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 189.23 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 365.76 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 189.103 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 190.5 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C98 position: x: 356.87 y: 189.992 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.362 y: 190.881 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 173.99 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L12 position: x: 342.9 y: 172.847 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.027 y: 174.752 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 175.26 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C80 position: x: 335.153 y: 174.879 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.518 y: 175.895 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 168.91 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L11 position: x: 342.9 y: 167.513 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 169.799 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 167.64 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C79 position: x: 334.899 y: 167.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.391 y: 168.148 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 172.72 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C88 position: x: 347.091 y: 172.212 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 173.228 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 170.18 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C87 position: x: 346.964 y: 169.672 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 170.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 171.45 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 365.76 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 171.323 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 172.72 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C96 position: x: 356.87 y: 172.212 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 173.228 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 170.18 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C95 position: x: 356.997 y: 169.672 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 170.688 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 158.75 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L10 position: x: 342.9 y: 157.226 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 342.9 y: 159.512 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 160.02 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C78 position: x: 334.899 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.391 y: 160.528 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 342.9 y: 153.67 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L9 position: x: 343.027 y: 152.273 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3u3 position: x: 343.154 y: 154.305 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 336.55 y: 152.4 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C77 position: x: 334.772 y: 151.892 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 334.391 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 157.48 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C86 position: x: 346.964 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 158.115 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 347.98 y: 154.94 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C85 position: x: 346.837 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 345.948 y: 155.702 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 359.41 y: 156.21 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 365.76 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 362.6612 y: 156.083 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 157.48 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C94 position: x: 357.124 y: 156.972 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.108 y: 157.988 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 154.94 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C93 position: x: 357.124 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 155.321 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 294.386 y: 222.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R21 position: x: 295.275 y: 220.853 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 294.386 y: 222.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_micro-my position: x: 293.624 y: 218.44 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 292.608 y: 216.789 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 293.624 y: 218.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 300.99 y: 214.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0127' position: x: 300.99 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 301.117 y: 217.8812 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Led_Small-my position: x: 287.02 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL3 position: x: 284.48 y: 217.932 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_RED position: x: 280.924 y: 216.789 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Led_Small-my position: x: 287.02 y: 222.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL4 position: x: 284.226 y: 221.488 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_YELLOW position: x: 279.908 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Screw_Terminal_01x08-Connector position: x: 375.92 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J18 position: x: 377.952 y: 184.404 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DEGSON 2604 8x5 position: x: 377.952 y: 181.5846 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: TAS6424-Q1-my position: x: 312.42 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 312.42 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TAS6424QDKQRQ1 position: x: 312.42 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 328.93 y: 214.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0124' position: x: 325.12 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 333.3242 y: 215.0618 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 325.12 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0123' position: x: 325.12 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 325.247 y: 222.8342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 168.91 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C69 position: x: 295.5544 y: 167.9956 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1u_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 300.863 y: 167.767 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 299.72 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C64 position: x: 297.053 y: 146.177 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 297.434 y: 147.447 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C_micro-my position: x: 358.14 y: 187.96 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C97 position: x: 356.87 y: 187.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 356.235 y: 188.341 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 55.245 y: 182.245 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0180' position: x: 55.245 y: 175.895 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.118 y: 177.8508 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 51.435 y: 187.325 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0181' position: x: 55.245 y: 187.325 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 45.085 y: 187.325 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 64.135 y: 184.785 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J15 position: x: 69.342 y: 185.166 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Volume position: x: 67.31 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 54.61 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 54.61 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 54.61 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 289.56 y: 97.028 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0182' position: x: 293.37 y: 97.028 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 288.29 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 284.48 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0183' position: x: 288.29 y: 127 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 281.178 y: 125.476 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 299.72 y: 191.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0184' position: x: 303.53 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 296.418 y: 190.246 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 284.48 y: 219.71 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0185' position: x: 288.29 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 278.003 y: 219.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 294.64 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0186' position: x: 298.45 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 288.544 y: 107.442 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x06_Odd_Even position: x: 63.5 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J12 position: x: 66.675 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_edge_2x6_2.54_Male position: x: 62.7888 y: 218.2368 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 55.245 y: 203.835 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0193' position: x: 55.245 y: 197.485 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.118 y: 199.4408 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 47.625 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 47.625 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 47.625 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 45.72 y: 131.445 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 45.72 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 45.72 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 60.96 y: 125.095 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C51 position: x: 62.357 y: 123.317 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_5n6_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 60.96 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 38.1 y: 112.395 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 38.1 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 38.481 y: 108.0008 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 182.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR056' position: x: 140.97 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 186.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 182.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR058' position: x: 162.56 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 186.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 106.68 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR065' position: x: 106.68 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 106.68 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 180.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR025' position: x: 109.22 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.347 y: 184.7342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 238.76 y: 156.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 236.855 y: 156.718 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 240.665 y: 156.845 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR074' position: x: 106.68 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 164.465 y: 203.835 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR069' position: x: 164.465 y: 197.485 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 164.338 y: 199.4408 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 218.44 y: 145.415 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR061' position: x: 218.44 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 218.44 y: 139.065 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 222.25 y: 151.765 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 220.218 y: 151.638 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 224.155 y: 151.765 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 184.15 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR070' position: x: 184.15 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 184.15 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Oscillator entryName: SG-8002CA position: x: 109.22 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: X1 position: x: 111.379 y: 165.354 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SG-8002CA 24.5760M-PCBL3 position: x: 99.568 y: 187.579 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 38.1 y: 127.635 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 34.036 y: 125.222 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 38.1 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 107.315 y: 203.835 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR066' position: x: 107.315 y: 197.485 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 107.188 y: 199.4408 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Ferrite_Bead-Device position: x: 42.545 y: 95.885 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: FER2 position: x: 39.497 y: 93.853 angle: 90 - key: Value value: BLM21AG102SN1D position: x: 43.688 y: 91.821 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 94.615 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR018' position: x: 94.615 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 94.996 y: 62.9158 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 47.625 y: 100.965 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 42.545 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 47.625 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 201.295 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR060' position: x: 201.295 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 201.295 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x06_Odd_Even position: x: 172.72 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J20 position: x: 175.895 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_edge_2x6_2.54_Male position: x: 172.0088 y: 218.2368 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 109.22 y: 163.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR021' position: x: 109.22 y: 167.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 109.22 y: 156.845 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 60.96 y: 132.715 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 58.801 y: 133.223 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.3K position: x: 60.96 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 162.56 y: 178.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C53 position: x: 163.83 y: 176.276 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 162.56 y: 182.245 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 128.27 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR055' position: x: 128.27 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 128.27 y: 167.005 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VPP position: x: 86.36 y: 254.635 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR075' position: x: 86.36 y: 258.445 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VPP position: x: 86.36 y: 250.825 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 234.95 y: 150.495 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR062' position: x: 234.95 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 234.95 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 45.72 y: 127.635 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 43.18 y: 125.349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 45.72 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 156.21 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR057' position: x: 156.21 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 156.21 y: 167.005 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 85.725 y: 76.835 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 87.884 y: 78.613 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 85.725 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 99.06 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 99.187 y: 154.2542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 218.44 y: 151.765 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 216.281 y: 151.638 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 220.345 y: 151.765 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x03_Pin position: x: 76.2 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J7 position: x: 78.105 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x02_Male position: x: 78.9432 y: 88.519 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x03_Pin position: x: 205.105 y: 80.645 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J21 position: x: 207.645 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x02_Male position: x: 202.3618 y: 82.931 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 163.83 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR068' position: x: 163.83 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 163.83 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Ferrite_Bead-Device position: x: 38.1 y: 116.205 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: FER1 position: x: 41.275 y: 114.554 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BLM21AG102SN1D position: x: 47.498 y: 117.983 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x06_Odd_Even position: x: 115.57 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J19 position: x: 118.745 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_edge_2x6_2.54_Male position: x: 114.8588 y: 218.2368 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Conn_01x05_Pin position: x: 161.29 y: 42.545 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: J13 position: x: 162.56 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Conn_01x04_Male position: x: 161.9758 y: 41.8338 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 127 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR067' position: x: 127 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 127 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR071' position: x: 91.44 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 220.98 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL5 position: x: 221.107 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_BLUE position: x: 220.8022 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 234.95 y: 156.845 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 233.045 y: 156.591 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 236.855 y: 156.845 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 133.35 y: 179.705 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 133.223 y: 177.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 137.795 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 91.44 y: 260.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C54 position: x: 92.71 y: 258.191 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 91.44 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 53.34 y: 127.635 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C48 position: x: 54.356 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_150p_50V_C0G_0603 position: x: 53.34 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 86.36 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 86.36 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 86.36 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 96.52 y: 260.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C55 position: x: 97.79 y: 258.191 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 96.52 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 106.68 y: 260.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C57 position: x: 107.95 y: 258.191 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 106.68 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 168.275 y: 47.625 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR035' position: x: 174.625 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.6692 y: 47.498 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RDC4-0027v1-rescue entryName: CON_JUMPER-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue position: x: 201.295 y: 146.05 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 203.327 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CON_JUMPER position: x: 198.755 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 200.025 y: 76.835 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR034' position: x: 200.025 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.898 y: 72.4408 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 106.045 y: 62.865 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR052' position: x: 99.695 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.6508 y: 62.992 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR073' position: x: 101.6 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 101.6 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 131.445 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 38.1 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 241.3 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR063' position: x: 241.3 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 241.3 y: 99.695 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 232.41 y: 106.045 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 232.41 y: 103.759 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '510' position: x: 227.965 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 86.36 y: 260.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C49 position: x: 87.63 y: 258.191 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 86.36 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VPP position: x: 74.295 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 74.295 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VPP position: x: 74.295 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 201.295 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 203.454 y: 136.652 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 201.295 y: 141.605 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 235.585 y: 108.585 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 236.093 y: 110.744 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '510' position: x: 231.14 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RDC4-0027v1-rescue entryName: IC_25AA1024-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue position: x: 148.59 y: 178.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 147.32 y: 186.055 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 25AA1024-I/SM position: x: 148.59 y: 189.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 201.295 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR059' position: x: 201.295 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 201.295 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 98.425 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C52 position: x: 95.123 y: 169.291 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 97.028 y: 173.228 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 83.185 y: 93.345 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 89.535 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 86.995 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 74.93 y: 222.885 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR064' position: x: 74.93 y: 219.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 74.93 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 133.35 y: 174.625 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 133.223 y: 172.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 137.795 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR072' position: x: 96.52 y: 270.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 267.97 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 101.6 y: 260.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C56 position: x: 102.87 y: 258.191 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 101.6 y: 264.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: ADAU1467-Analog1467-ADAU position: x: 140.97 y: 100.965 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 141.605 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: ADAU1467WBCPZ300RL position: x: 137.795 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.245 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 55.245 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.245 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Q_PNP_BCE position: x: 79.375 y: 75.565 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 76.835 y: 69.215 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2STF2360 position: x: 86.995 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 37.465 y: 95.885 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 41.275 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 34.2138 y: 95.504 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 55.245 y: 100.965 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C50 position: x: 50.165 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 55.245 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 227.33 y: 108.585 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: HL6 position: x: 227.584 y: 111.506 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LED_SMD_0603_BLUE position: x: 227.33 y: 111.76 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 337.82 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.27 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 164.465 y: 206.375 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 284.48 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.72 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 322.58 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 322.58 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.245 y: 206.375 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 322.58 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 294.64 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.245 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.72 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 290.83 y: 97.028 angle: 0 - position: x: 327.66 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 327.66 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.25 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 138.43 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 188.595 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.76 y: 161.925 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 210.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 241.3 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 45.72 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.055 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 290.83 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 302.26 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 327.66 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 94.615 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.295 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.315 y: 206.375 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 302.26 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - position: x: 191.135 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 94.615 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 85.725 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.72 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 47.625 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 94.615 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.85 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 294.64 y: 97.028 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 298.45 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 118.745 angle: 0 - position: x: 181.61 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.72 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 322.58 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.11 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 327.66 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 256.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 326.39 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.95 y: 151.765 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 300.99 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - position: x: 337.82 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 336.55 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 325.12 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 347.98 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 188.595 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 358.14 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 349.25 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 284.48 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 326.39 y: 121.92 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 102.87 y: 113.665 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 111.125 angle: null - position: x: 133.35 y: 141.605 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 106.045 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 108.585 angle: null - position: x: 138.43 y: 62.865 angle: null - position: x: 123.19 y: 141.605 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 116.205 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 100.965 angle: null - position: x: 135.89 y: 141.605 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 103.505 angle: null - position: x: 135.89 y: 62.865 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 171.45 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 146.05 - x: 325.12 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 168.91 - x: 297.18 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 204.47 - x: 358.14 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 128.905 - x: 94.615 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 76.2 - x: 300.99 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 161.925 - x: 241.3 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 78.74 - x: 358.14 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 212.09 - x: 297.18 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 168.91 - x: 347.98 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 170.815 - x: 146.05 y: 170.815 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 146.685 - x: 188.595 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 88.9 - x: 328.93 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 97.028 - x: 290.83 y: 97.028 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 50.8 - x: 325.12 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 80.645 - x: 85.725 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 146.685 - x: 222.25 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 203.835 - x: 107.315 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 212.725 - x: 102.87 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 186.69 - x: 336.55 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 164.465 y: 203.835 - x: 164.465 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 186.69 - x: 347.98 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 101.6 - x: 302.26 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 204.47 - x: 359.41 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 222.25 - x: 292.1 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 62.865 - x: 108.585 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 146.685 - x: 148.59 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 125.73 - x: 291.338 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 173.99 - x: 367.03 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 300.355 y: 106.68 - x: 302.26 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 73.025 - x: 85.725 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 173.355 - x: 128.27 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 191.77 - x: 347.98 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 96.52 - x: 302.26 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 141.605 - x: 163.83 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 56.515 - x: 115.57 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 194.31 - x: 336.55 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 78.74 - x: 302.26 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 212.725 - x: 130.175 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 191.135 y: 149.225 - x: 191.135 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 88.9 - x: 323.85 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 62.865 - x: 120.65 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 128.905 - x: 94.615 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 184.15 - x: 336.55 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 170.815 - x: 146.05 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 214.63 - x: 326.39 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 145.415 - x: 218.44 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 104.14 - x: 302.26 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 63.5 - x: 359.41 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 58.42 - x: 74.295 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 158.75 - x: 347.98 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 186.69 - x: 367.03 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 199.39 - x: 300.99 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 184.15 - x: 302.26 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 121.285 - x: 102.87 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 90.805 - x: 102.87 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 156.21 - x: 297.18 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 101.6 - x: 290.83 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 68.58 - x: 298.45 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 204.47 - x: 302.26 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 62.865 - x: 123.19 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 121.92 - x: 326.39 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 81.28 - x: 337.82 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 168.91 - x: 368.3 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 179.705 - x: 158.75 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 119.38 - x: 325.12 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 103.505 - x: 205.74 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 370.84 y: 153.67 - x: 370.84 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 121.92 - x: 322.58 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 66.04 - x: 369.57 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 156.21 - x: 358.14 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 222.885 - x: 127 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 118.745 - x: 99.06 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 121.92 - x: 328.93 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 207.01 - x: 336.55 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 176.53 - x: 281.94 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 62.865 - x: 148.59 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 179.705 - x: 140.97 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 71.12 - x: 300.99 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 153.67 - x: 358.14 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 191.77 - x: 340.36 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 75.565 - x: 99.06 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 75.565 - x: 99.06 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 191.135 y: 126.365 - x: 191.135 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 182.245 - x: 160.02 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 81.28 - x: 302.26 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 108.585 - x: 223.52 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 181.61 - x: 302.26 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 217.805 - x: 130.175 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 80.645 - x: 200.025 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 81.28 - x: 367.03 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 99.06 - x: 337.82 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 186.69 - x: 302.26 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 80.645 - x: 102.87 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 210.185 - x: 181.61 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 141.605 - x: 153.67 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 141.605 - x: 148.59 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 85.725 - x: 205.74 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 256.54 - x: 96.52 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 96.52 - x: 359.41 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 191.135 y: 51.435 - x: 166.37 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 95.885 - x: 102.87 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 156.845 - x: 222.25 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 218.44 - x: 325.12 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 163.195 - x: 98.425 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 177.165 - x: 139.7 y: 170.815 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 179.07 - x: 323.85 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 164.465 y: 206.375 - x: 164.465 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 222.885 - x: 163.83 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 206.375 - x: 107.315 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 200.025 y: 76.835 - x: 200.025 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 210.185 - x: 58.42 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 218.44 - x: 291.338 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 85.725 - x: 102.87 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 179.07 - x: 325.12 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 126.365 - x: 99.06 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 168.91 - x: 368.3 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 66.04 - x: 349.25 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 186.055 y: 78.105 - x: 181.61 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 163.83 - x: 325.12 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 95.885 - x: 47.625 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 97.028 - x: 294.64 y: 97.028 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 86.36 - x: 327.66 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 50.165 - x: 146.05 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 220.345 - x: 78.105 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 113.665 - x: 205.74 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 168.275 - x: 143.51 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 109.22 - x: 369.57 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 53.34 - x: 325.12 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 158.75 - x: 300.99 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 109.22 - x: 349.25 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 201.295 y: 142.24 - x: 201.295 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 207.01 - x: 302.26 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 86.36 - x: 323.85 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 220.345 - x: 180.34 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 68.58 - x: 298.45 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 181.61 - x: 370.84 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 55.88 - x: 300.99 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - x: 302.26 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 215.265 - x: 78.105 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 116.84 - x: 302.26 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 191.77 - x: 358.14 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 179.705 - x: 109.22 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 78.74 - x: 359.41 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 76.2 - x: 298.45 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 173.355 - x: 156.21 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 161.29 - x: 297.18 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 186.69 - x: 340.36 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 60.96 - x: 372.11 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 174.625 - x: 156.21 y: 177.165 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 99.06 - x: 368.3 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 86.36 - x: 372.11 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 76.2 - x: 340.36 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 179.07 - x: 331.47 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 121.285 - x: 53.34 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 141.605 - x: 138.43 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 83.82 - x: 372.11 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 128.905 - x: 188.595 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 210.185 - x: 123.19 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 88.9 - x: 302.26 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 56.515 - x: 115.57 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 141.605 - x: 115.57 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 111.125 - x: 205.74 y: 111.125 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 220.345 - x: 110.49 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 108.585 - x: 239.395 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 179.07 - x: 370.84 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 214.63 - x: 328.93 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 148.59 - x: 300.99 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 123.825 - x: 102.87 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 93.98 - x: 372.11 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 63.5 - x: 298.45 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 78.74 - x: 298.45 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 95.885 - x: 205.74 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 153.67 - x: 297.18 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 125.73 - x: 284.48 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 83.82 - x: 302.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 181.61 - x: 327.66 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 171.45 - x: 359.41 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 196.85 - x: 325.12 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 210.185 - x: 181.61 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 86.36 - x: 281.94 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 171.45 - x: 116.84 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 189.23 - x: 359.41 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 181.61 - x: 323.85 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 219.71 - x: 284.48 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 88.265 - x: 205.74 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 201.93 - x: 300.99 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 155.575 - x: 218.44 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 81.28 - x: 367.03 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 144.145 - x: 166.37 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 62.865 - x: 158.75 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 99.06 - x: 300.99 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 212.725 - x: 160.02 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 76.2 - x: 349.25 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 166.37 - x: 300.99 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 114.3 - x: 372.11 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 53.34 - x: 300.99 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 173.99 - x: 340.36 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 62.865 - x: 156.21 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 73.66 - x: 337.82 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 63.5 - x: 358.14 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 50.165 - x: 140.97 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 160.655 - x: 234.95 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 156.845 - x: 222.25 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 73.025 - x: 94.615 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 127 - x: 284.48 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 207.01 - x: 340.36 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 78.74 - x: 298.45 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 121.285 - x: 38.1 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 93.98 - x: 367.03 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 184.15 - x: 370.84 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 121.285 - x: 53.34 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 62.865 - x: 163.83 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 163.195 - x: 98.425 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 60.96 - x: 349.25 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 99.06 - x: 368.3 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 215.265 - x: 180.34 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 59.69 - x: 74.295 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 95.885 - x: 38.735 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 96.52 - x: 349.25 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 71.12 - x: 325.12 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 256.54 - x: 91.44 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 156.21 - x: 300.99 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 78.105 - x: 94.615 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 146.685 - x: 188.595 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 222.885 - x: 74.93 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 215.265 - x: 110.49 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 141.605 - x: 118.11 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 189.23 - x: 347.98 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 114.3 - x: 337.82 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 186.69 - x: 358.14 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 256.54 - x: 106.68 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 156.845 - x: 161.29 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 181.61 - x: 323.85 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 212.09 - x: 325.12 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 220.345 - x: 167.64 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 75.565 - x: 188.595 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 158.75 - x: 336.55 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 153.67 - x: 370.84 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 114.3 - x: 372.11 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 194.31 - x: 302.26 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 201.93 - x: 340.36 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 214.63 - x: 302.26 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 99.06 - x: 340.36 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 93.345 - x: 205.74 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 81.28 - x: 372.11 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 76.2 - x: 337.82 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 83.82 - x: 337.82 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 158.75 - x: 369.57 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 146.685 - x: 218.44 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 206.375 - x: 55.245 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 215.265 - x: 167.64 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 163.83 - x: 298.45 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 176.53 - x: 336.55 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 201.93 - x: 347.98 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 98.425 - x: 102.87 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 164.465 y: 210.185 - x: 167.64 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 56.515 - x: 168.91 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 168.91 - x: 297.18 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 212.725 - x: 78.105 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 191.77 - x: 336.55 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 73.66 - x: 300.99 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 136.525 - x: 66.04 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 173.99 - x: 367.03 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 104.14 - x: 325.12 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 101.6 - x: 337.82 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 158.75 - x: 369.57 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 189.23 - x: 302.26 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 186.055 y: 78.105 - x: 186.055 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 62.865 - x: 161.29 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 50.165 - x: 133.35 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 203.835 - x: 55.245 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 217.805 - x: 78.105 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 114.3 - x: 340.36 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 179.705 - x: 129.54 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 222.25 - x: 297.18 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 88.265 - x: 102.87 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 217.17 - x: 325.12 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 62.865 - x: 168.91 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 199.39 - x: 336.55 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 168.91 - x: 358.14 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 60.96 - x: 337.82 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 201.93 - x: 300.99 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 142.24 - x: 201.295 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 101.6 - x: 294.64 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 296.672 y: 222.25 - x: 297.18 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 186.69 - x: 367.03 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 191.77 - x: 302.26 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 213.36 - x: 295.91 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 106.045 - x: 228.6 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 81.28 - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 106.68 - x: 295.783 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 76.2 - x: 358.14 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 166.37 - x: 336.55 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 156.21 - x: 298.45 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 95.885 - x: 55.245 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 159.385 - x: 218.44 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 143.51 - x: 325.12 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 151.13 - x: 336.55 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 143.51 - x: 325.12 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 144.145 - x: 166.37 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 171.45 - x: 358.14 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 199.39 - x: 302.26 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 90.805 - x: 205.74 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 153.67 - x: 340.36 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 149.225 - x: 151.13 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 213.36 - x: 295.91 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 177.165 - x: 139.7 y: 177.165 - type: wire points: - x: 296.672 y: 129.54 - x: 297.18 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 109.22 - x: 299.72 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 372.11 y: 60.96 - x: 372.11 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 109.22 - x: 358.14 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 60.96 - x: 340.36 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 151.765 - x: 234.95 y: 151.765 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 114.3 - x: 358.14 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 50.165 - x: 128.27 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 146.05 - x: 300.99 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 118.745 - x: 205.74 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 141.605 - x: 125.73 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 121.285 - x: 205.74 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 141.605 - x: 168.91 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 111.76 - x: 349.25 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 51.435 - x: 166.37 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 156.21 - x: 359.41 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 106.045 - x: 241.3 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 149.225 - x: 191.135 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 367.03 y: 88.9 - x: 372.11 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 58.42 - x: 302.26 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 93.98 - x: 358.14 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 156.21 - x: 347.98 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 66.04 - x: 340.36 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 217.805 - x: 58.42 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 163.195 - x: 109.22 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 148.59 - x: 322.58 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 128.905 - x: 188.595 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 210.185 - x: 71.12 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 86.36 - x: 331.47 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 182.245 - x: 160.02 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 158.75 - x: 298.45 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 171.45 - x: 347.98 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 204.47 - x: 347.98 y: 204.47 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 173.99 - x: 358.14 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 161.29 - x: 336.55 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 106.68 - x: 337.82 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 179.705 - x: 158.75 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 171.45 - x: 302.26 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 217.805 - x: 167.64 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 136.525 - x: 60.96 y: 136.525 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 47.625 - x: 168.275 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 151.765 - x: 234.95 y: 153.035 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 88.9 - x: 323.85 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 218.44 - x: 295.91 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 60.96 - x: 298.45 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 207.01 - x: 347.98 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 73.025 - x: 94.615 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 163.83 - x: 300.99 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 136.525 - x: 53.34 y: 131.445 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 129.54 - x: 297.18 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 167.005 - x: 140.97 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 256.54 - x: 101.6 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 212.09 - x: 302.26 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 218.44 - x: 284.48 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 323.85 y: 86.36 - x: 325.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 93.98 - x: 302.26 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 148.59 - x: 302.26 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 126.365 - x: 99.06 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 146.685 - x: 99.06 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 153.67 - x: 297.18 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 201.93 - x: 369.57 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 212.09 - x: 325.12 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 121.285 - x: 45.72 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 215.265 - x: 130.175 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 153.67 - x: 336.55 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 161.925 - x: 238.76 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 179.07 - x: 281.94 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 136.525 - x: 66.04 y: 136.525 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 66.04 - x: 369.57 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 123.825 - x: 205.74 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 109.22 - x: 340.36 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 53.34 - x: 326.39 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 196.85 - x: 302.26 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 159.385 - x: 158.75 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 158.75 - x: 340.36 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 159.385 - x: 218.44 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 93.98 - x: 340.36 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 284.48 y: 104.14 - x: 294.64 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 53.34 - x: 302.26 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 119.38 - x: 297.18 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 206.375 - x: 55.245 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 150.495 - x: 234.95 y: 151.765 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 173.99 - x: 336.55 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 217.805 - x: 110.49 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 99.06 - x: 358.14 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 66.04 - x: 337.82 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 93.345 - x: 99.06 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 214.63 - x: 322.58 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 98.425 y: 179.705 - x: 98.425 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 111.76 - x: 302.26 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 98.425 - x: 205.74 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 116.84 - x: 295.91 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 173.99 - x: 347.98 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 206.375 - x: 107.315 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 176.53 - x: 370.84 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 59.69 - x: 186.055 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 66.04 - x: 358.14 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 62.865 - x: 125.73 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 155.575 - x: 222.25 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 116.84 - x: 337.82 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 151.13 - x: 302.26 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 298.45 y: 60.96 - x: 298.45 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 59.055 y: 182.245 - x: 55.245 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 93.98 - x: 337.82 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 220.345 - x: 130.175 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 212.725 - x: 50.8 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 220.345 - x: 58.42 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 93.345 - x: 99.06 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 58.42 - x: 337.82 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 254.635 - x: 86.36 y: 256.54 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 62.865 - x: 118.11 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 222.885 - x: 106.68 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 146.685 - x: 218.44 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 168.91 - x: 336.55 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 173.99 - x: 302.26 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 201.93 - x: 336.55 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 129.54 - x: 292.1 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 66.04 - x: 300.99 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 93.98 - x: 349.25 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 210.185 - x: 180.34 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 179.07 - x: 109.22 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 141.605 - x: 151.13 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 209.55 - x: 336.55 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 120.015 - x: 38.1 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 63.5 - x: 349.25 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 171.45 - x: 297.18 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 212.725 - x: 187.325 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 209.55 - x: 302.26 y: 209.55 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 206.375 - x: 164.465 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 93.345 - x: 83.185 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 114.3 - x: 349.25 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 207.01 - x: 370.84 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 217.805 - x: 187.325 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 158.75 - x: 358.14 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 97.155 - x: 47.625 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 97.028 - x: 300.99 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 85.725 y: 83.185 - x: 102.87 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 76.2 - x: 368.3 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 50.8 - x: 325.12 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 186.69 - x: 370.84 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 81.28 - x: 340.36 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 99.06 - x: 349.25 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 121.285 - x: 60.96 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 151.765 - x: 238.76 y: 153.035 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 174.625 - x: 162.56 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 179.07 - x: 327.66 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 215.265 - x: 181.61 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 187.325 - x: 59.055 y: 187.325 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 109.22 - x: 337.82 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 78.105 - x: 94.615 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 168.275 - x: 143.51 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 121.285 - x: 45.72 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 184.785 - x: 59.055 y: 184.785 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 207.01 - x: 358.14 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 75.565 - x: 188.595 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 174.625 - x: 140.97 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 146.685 - x: 168.91 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 126.365 - x: 191.135 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 68.58 - x: 337.82 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 124.46 - x: 325.12 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 141.605 - x: 130.81 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 63.5 - x: 300.99 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 121.92 - x: 302.26 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 108.585 - x: 231.775 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 166.37 - x: 298.45 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 141.605 - x: 120.65 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 60.96 - x: 358.14 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 161.29 - x: 297.18 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 160.655 - x: 238.76 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 168.91 - x: 300.99 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 119.38 - x: 302.26 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 210.185 - x: 110.49 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 97.028 - x: 294.64 y: 97.028 - type: wire points: - x: 186.055 y: 59.69 - x: 186.055 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 174.625 - x: 128.27 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 78.74 - x: 349.25 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 50.165 - x: 130.81 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 109.22 - x: 369.57 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 174.625 - x: 129.54 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 201.93 - x: 369.57 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 95.885 - x: 55.245 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 116.205 - x: 205.74 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 201.295 y: 140.97 - x: 201.295 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 281.94 y: 91.44 - x: 302.26 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 93.98 - x: 367.03 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 111.76 - x: 359.41 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 100.965 - x: 205.74 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 106.045 - x: 217.17 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 50.165 - x: 143.51 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 201.93 - x: 358.14 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 191.77 - x: 368.3 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 78.105 - x: 94.615 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 174.625 - x: 138.43 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 336.55 y: 168.91 - x: 340.36 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 146.685 - x: 115.57 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 189.23 - x: 358.14 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 141.605 - x: 156.21 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 76.2 - x: 368.3 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 215.265 - x: 58.42 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - x: 358.14 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 327.66 y: 181.61 - x: 328.93 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 179.705 - x: 98.425 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 119.38 - x: 325.12 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 91.44 - x: 372.11 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 370.84 y: 207.01 - x: 370.84 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 181.61 y: 83.185 - x: 200.025 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 106.045 - x: 241.3 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 167.005 - x: 140.97 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 173.99 - x: 370.84 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 222.885 - x: 54.61 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 125.73 - x: 325.12 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 191.77 - x: 368.3 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 59.69 - x: 74.295 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 186.055 y: 144.145 - x: 166.37 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 62.865 - x: 153.67 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 55.88 - x: 322.58 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 146.05 - x: 326.39 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 141.605 - x: 128.27 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 146.05 - x: 302.26 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 146.685 - x: 130.81 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 222.885 - x: 184.15 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 153.67 - x: 347.98 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 111.76 - x: 358.14 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 325.12 y: 88.9 - x: 327.66 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 234.95 y: 164.465 - x: 241.3 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 164.465 - x: 234.95 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 96.52 - x: 358.14 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 300.99 y: 55.88 - x: 302.26 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 91.44 - x: 337.82 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 118.745 - x: 99.06 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 62.865 - x: 151.13 y: 50.165 globalLabels: - text: MCLK shape: input position: x: 125.73 y: 154.94 angle: 270 - text: FAULT0 shape: input position: x: 297.18 y: 224.79 angle: 180 - text: SDATAIN0 shape: input position: x: 148.59 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - text: SS shape: input position: x: 224.79 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - text: RST shape: input position: x: 128.27 y: 151.13 angle: 270 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 284.48 y: 101.6 angle: 180 - text: Mute shape: input position: x: 294.64 y: 204.47 angle: 180 - text: MOSI shape: input position: x: 224.79 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - text: Standby shape: input position: x: 294.64 y: 207.01 angle: 180 - text: LRCKIN0 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - text: MISO shape: input position: x: 241.3 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - text: SDA shape: input position: x: 284.48 y: 196.85 angle: 180 - text: FAULT1 shape: input position: x: 297.18 y: 132.08 angle: 180 - text: 'SCL ' shape: input position: x: 241.3 y: 161.925 angle: 0 - text: BCLKIN0 shape: input position: x: 153.67 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 283.21 y: 194.31 angle: 180 - text: WARN0 shape: input position: x: 294.64 y: 213.36 angle: 180 - text: Mute shape: input position: x: 297.18 y: 111.76 angle: 180 - text: WARN1 shape: input position: x: 295.91 y: 120.65 angle: 180 - text: Standby shape: input position: x: 297.18 y: 114.3 angle: 180 - text: SDA shape: input position: x: 284.48 y: 104.14 angle: 180 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Audio ADC circuit
libSymbols: - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3V3-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+5V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:C-Device - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:Conn_01x03-Connector_Generic - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:GND-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:R-Device - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x06_Odd_Even - Device:R_Potentiometer - PCM1808--audio-ADC-rescue:PCM1808-PCM1808-rescue-PCM1808--audio-ADC-rescue schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 49.53 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 52.07 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 46.101 y: 36.449 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: PCM1808--audio-ADC-rescue entryName: PCM1808-PCM1808-rescue-PCM1808--audio-ADC-rescue position: x: 85.09 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 85.09 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PCM1808 position: x: 85.09 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 58.42 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 58.42 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 58.42 y: 21.844 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 66.04 y: 43.18 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 59.69 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: Conn_01x03-Connector_Generic position: x: 177.8 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 181.864 y: 38.481 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x03_Male position: x: 177.1142 y: 32.4104 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 33.02 y: 40.64 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 26.67 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 29.21 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R-Device position: x: 123.19 y: 35.56 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 123.19 y: 37.592 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 123.19 y: 35.56 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 142.875 y: 27.94 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: RV1 position: x: 137.16 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 141.605 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 49.53 y: 33.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 52.07 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 46.99 y: 29.972 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 142.875 y: 40.005 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV2 position: x: 137.795 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 142.875 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 100.33 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR016' position: x: 100.33 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 100.33 y: 98.806 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 113.03 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 109.22 y: 52.451 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 110.744 y: 56.896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 172.72 y: 27.94 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 172.72 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R-Device position: x: 123.19 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 123.19 y: 30.988 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 123.19 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 45.72 y: 38.1 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 39.37 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 118.11 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 118.11 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 118.11 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 66.04 y: 35.56 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 59.69 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 163.195 y: 35.56 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 160.909 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 165.735 y: 38.608 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 104.14 y: 43.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 110.49 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 36.83 y: 40.64 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 39.37 y: 40.005 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 34.036 y: 37.338 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 45.72 y: 33.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 39.37 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 80.01 y: 95.25 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 80.01 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 80.01 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 113.03 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 113.03 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 104.14 y: 38.1 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 110.49 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 38.1 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 80.645 y: 76.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 80.645 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.518 y: 71.8058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 118.11 y: 54.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 118.872 y: 52.451 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2n2 position: x: 120.65 y: 56.769 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 142.875 y: 34.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR017' position: x: 149.225 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.685 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 104.14 y: 40.64 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 110.49 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.22 y: 40.64 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 55.88 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 55.88 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 55.88 y: 20.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x06_Odd_Even position: x: 88.9 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 92.964 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x06_Male position: x: 88.1888 y: 90.6018 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 159.385 y: 33.02 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 157.988 y: 32.004 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 161.671 y: 29.972 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 113.03 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 118.11 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.875 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.645 y: 78.74 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 96.52 y: 92.71 angle: null - position: x: 96.52 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 96.52 y: 87.63 angle: null - position: x: 96.52 y: 90.17 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 38.1 - x: 66.04 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 163.195 y: 33.02 - x: 172.72 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 95.25 - x: 80.01 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 95.25 - x: 100.33 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 82.55 - x: 83.82 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 38.1 - x: 58.42 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 40.64 - x: 55.88 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 50.8 - x: 118.11 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 35.56 - x: 155.575 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 76.2 - x: 80.645 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 82.55 - x: 96.52 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 24.13 - x: 142.875 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 33.02 - x: 113.03 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 33.02 - x: 130.81 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 85.09 - x: 76.2 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 78.74 - x: 80.645 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 35.56 - x: 172.72 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 33.02 - x: 130.81 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 90.17 - x: 83.82 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 33.02 - x: 119.38 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 35.56 - x: 130.81 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 35.56 - x: 159.385 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 43.815 - x: 142.875 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 35.56 - x: 127 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 92.71 - x: 83.82 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 33.02 - x: 155.575 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 87.63 - x: 83.82 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 40.64 - x: 66.04 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 31.75 - x: 142.875 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 25.4 - x: 55.88 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 33.02 - x: 66.04 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 35.56 - x: 118.11 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 30.48 - x: 172.72 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 35.56 - x: 119.38 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 25.4 - x: 58.42 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 34.29 - x: 142.875 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 78.74 - x: 80.645 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 40.005 - x: 139.065 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 27.94 - x: 139.065 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 33.02 - x: 113.03 y: 33.02 globalLabels: - text: MCLK shape: input position: x: 66.04 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: SDATAIN0 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - text: LRCKIN0 shape: input position: x: 66.04 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: BCLKIN0 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 48.26 angle: 0 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Embedded system circuit.
libSymbols: - 00-MyLib:Nanopi_NEO - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3.3V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+5V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:C-Device - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:GND-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:R_Small-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:STM32F030F4Px-MCU_ST_STM32F0 - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:TPS3828-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:TestPoint-Connector - Connector:USB_A_Stacked - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 - RDC4-0027v1-rescue:CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0805-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 117.475 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 120.65 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: UART position: x: 120.65 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 53.34 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR022' position: x: 53.34 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 218.44 y: 41.91 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR032' position: x: 218.44 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 219.964 y: 39.624 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: STM32F030F4Px-MCU_ST_STM32F0 position: x: 215.9 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 210.058 y: 47.244 angle: 0 - key: Value value: STM32F030F4Px position: x: 216.408 y: 93.599 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: TestPoint-Connector position: x: 157.48 y: 55.88 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: TP1 position: x: 155.6512 y: 50.927 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Reset position: x: 155.6512 y: 53.2384 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 203.2 y: 59.69 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR029' position: x: 196.85 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.009 y: 61.595 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 194.31 y: 85.09 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR028' position: x: 194.31 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 198.247 y: 87.376 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 74.295 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 74.295 y: 38.735 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 74.295 y: 28.575 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 166.37 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR026' position: x: 166.37 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 162.433 y: 44.704 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 154.94 y: 40.64 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR024' position: x: 154.94 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 154.813 y: 36.2458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 193.04 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 194.437 y: 80.518 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 193.04 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_A_Stacked position: x: 50.8 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 50.8 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_A_Stacked position: x: 50.8 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 260.35 y: 85.09 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR033' position: x: 254 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 258.318 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 215.9 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR031' position: x: 215.9 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 214.376 y: 89.916 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 215.9 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR030' position: x: 215.9 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 215.265 y: 37.465 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 218.44 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 219.583 y: 43.688 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 221.615 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 166.37 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR027' position: x: 166.37 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 164.846 y: 67.056 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: TPS3828-my position: x: 166.37 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 170.561 y: 49.149 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TPS3828-33DBVT position: x: 167.005 y: 69.088 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: RDC4-0027v1-rescue entryName: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0805-rk-infinitas-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue-SigmaDSP-ADAU1452-rescue position: x: 154.94 y: 44.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 153.543 y: 40.259 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 151.13 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 195.58 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R23 position: x: 197.104 y: 80.391 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 195.58 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: 00-MyLib entryName: Nanopi_NEO position: x: 89.535 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 89.535 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Nanopi NEO Air position: x: 89.535 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 60.96 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR023' position: x: 60.96 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 60.96 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 106.68 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 106.68 y: 102.235 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 99.695 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 179.07 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 177.038 y: 51.435 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 179.07 y: 50.8 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 273.05 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 276.098 y: 81.026 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SWD position: x: 276.86 y: 83.312 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 106.68 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 218.44 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 179.07 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 215.9 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 189.23 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 193.04 y: 74.93 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 101.6 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 45.72 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 55.88 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 43.18 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 55.88 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 40.64 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 80.01 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 69.85 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 40.64 angle: null - position: x: 176.53 y: 58.42 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 48.26 angle: null - position: x: 228.6 y: 69.85 angle: null - position: x: 203.2 y: 82.55 angle: null - position: x: 228.6 y: 64.77 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 82.55 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 69.85 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 63.5 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 92.71 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 48.26 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 87.63 angle: null - position: x: 228.6 y: 72.39 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 58.42 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 50.8 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 53.34 angle: null - position: x: 101.6 y: 38.1 angle: null - position: x: 77.47 y: 90.17 angle: null - position: x: 228.6 y: 67.31 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 50.8 - x: 109.22 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 77.47 - x: 195.58 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 38.1 - x: 74.295 y: 34.925 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 54.61 - x: 232.41 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 59.69 - x: 232.41 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 92.71 - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 82.55 - x: 267.97 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 90.17 - x: 53.34 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 77.47 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 85.09 - x: 267.97 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - x: 106.68 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 43.18 - x: 106.68 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 60.96 - x: 106.68 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 87.63 - x: 112.395 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 80.01 - x: 267.97 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 45.72 - x: 77.47 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 63.5 - x: 77.47 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 48.26 - x: 166.37 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 78.74 - x: 195.58 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 55.88 - x: 158.75 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 85.09 - x: 112.395 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 74.93 - x: 193.04 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 66.04 - x: 77.47 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 53.34 - x: 106.68 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 60.96 - x: 77.47 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 38.1 - x: 77.47 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 72.39 - x: 77.47 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 46.99 - x: 166.37 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 82.55 - x: 106.68 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 57.15 - x: 60.96 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 66.04 - x: 109.855 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 53.34 - x: 106.68 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 54.61 - x: 203.2 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 77.47 - x: 77.47 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 74.93 - x: 109.855 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 74.93 - x: 77.47 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 90.17 - x: 106.68 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 90.17 - x: 112.395 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 77.47 - x: 189.23 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 48.26 - x: 154.94 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 64.77 - x: 60.96 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 43.18 - x: 106.68 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 90.17 - x: 53.34 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 49.53 - x: 215.9 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 54.61 - x: 179.07 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 74.93 - x: 232.41 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 83.82 - x: 194.31 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 58.42 - x: 74.295 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 62.23 - x: 232.41 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 77.47 - x: 232.41 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 82.55 - x: 106.68 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 83.82 - x: 193.04 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 78.74 - x: 193.04 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 77.47 - x: 109.855 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 49.53 - x: 215.9 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 85.09 - x: 194.31 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 54.61 - x: 189.23 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 189.23 y: 50.8 - x: 189.23 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 58.42 - x: 74.295 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 74.93 - x: 189.23 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 72.39 - x: 109.855 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 53.34 - x: 179.07 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 60.96 - x: 106.68 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 63.5 - x: 166.37 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 57.15 - x: 232.41 y: 57.15 globalLabels: - text: Mute shape: input position: x: 189.23 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: LRCKIN0 shape: input position: x: 109.855 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: MOSI shape: input position: x: 74.93 y: 60.96 angle: 180 - text: FAULT0 shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - text: 'SCL ' shape: input position: x: 74.93 y: 66.04 angle: 180 - text: RST shape: input position: x: 189.23 y: 50.8 angle: 90 - text: WARN1 shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: FAULT1 shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: SS shape: input position: x: 109.855 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - text: Standby shape: input position: x: 189.23 y: 74.93 angle: 180 - text: SDA shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - text: WARN0 shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - text: SDATAIN0 shape: input position: x: 109.855 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - text: MISO shape: input position: x: 74.93 y: 63.5 angle: 180 - text: BCLKIN0 shape: input position: x: 109.855 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - text: REMOTE shape: input position: x: 72.39 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: ACC_IN shape: input position: x: 109.22 y: 50.8 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply circuit
libSymbols: - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3.3V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+5V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+6V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:C-Device - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:C-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:D-Device - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:GND-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:L78L18_SOT89-Regulator_Linear - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:LD1086D2T33TR-Regulator_Linear - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:LP2985-3.3-Regulator_Linear - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:PVDD-my - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:VBAT-my - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x01 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Device:Fuse - Isolator:TLP627 - Transistor_BJT:BC846 - Transistor_FET:IRF3205 - power:+BATT - power:GND - power:GNDPWR - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:CP_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:C_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:D_Double_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:D_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:L_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:R_Small-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:SG3525-my" - "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\u0430-SG3525-rescue:TRANSF10-my" schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 124.46 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR037' position: x: 124.46 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 124.46 y: 165.1 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: CP_Small-my position: x: 140.97 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C108 position: x: 139.065 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2200\u03BC" position: x: 139.7 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: LD1086D2T33TR-Regulator_Linear position: x: 109.22 y: 173.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 109.22 y: 164.6682 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LD1086D2T33TR position: x: 109.22 y: 166.9796 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: IRF3205 position: x: 121.92 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VT3 position: x: 127.127 y: 111.8616 angle: 0 - key: Value value: IRF3205 position: x: 127.127 y: 114.173 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 52.07 y: 29.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR081' position: x: 52.07 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 54.61 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 171.45 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C61 position: x: 172.212 y: 176.911 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 173.609 y: 181.483 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +BATT position: x: 177.8 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR051' position: x: 177.8 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +BATT position: x: 177.8 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 33.02 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 33.02 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 33.4518 y: 168.3258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 109.22 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR036' position: x: 109.22 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 109.347 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: BC846 position: x: 55.88 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VT1 position: x: 52.07 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC846 position: x: 62.23 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: TLP627 position: x: 110.49 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 108.458 y: 43.942 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TLP627 position: x: 108.458 y: 42.672 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 115.57 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD7 position: x: 115.57 y: 106.172 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N414E position: x: 115.824 y: 109.982 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-my position: x: 41.91 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 43.18 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_330n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 45.339 y: 180.848 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 175.26 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J11 position: x: 177.292 y: 117.5512 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 177.165 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 156.21 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R38 position: x: 159.385 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 159.385 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 99.06 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R32 position: x: 100.33 y: 97.536 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 100.33 y: 100.584 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-my position: x: 73.66 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 74.168 y: 175.514 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 76.454 y: 180.213 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 96.52 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 96.52 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 96.647 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-my position: x: 96.52 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 97.536 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_330n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 99.949 y: 180.594 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 74.93 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR077' position: x: 74.93 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 74.295 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 154.94 y: 64.77 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: L18 position: x: 155.448 y: 63.246 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "5\u03BC" position: x: 155.194 y: 65.786 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: TLP627 position: x: 63.5 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 61.595 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TLP627 position: x: 61.595 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Double_Small-my position: x: 161.29 y: 86.36 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD8 position: x: 161.544 y: 82.804 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MBR20100CT position: x: 162.814 y: 89.662 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3.3V-power position: x: 80.01 y: 24.13 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR079' position: x: 76.2 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 86.36 y: 24.13 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 190.5 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR045' position: x: 190.5 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 190.5 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 120.65 y: 118.11 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R35 position: x: 120.65 y: 116.586 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 120.65 y: 119.634 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 74.93 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 70.612 y: 56.388 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 72.898 y: 56.642 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-my position: x: 124.46 y: 177.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 125.603 y: 175.133 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 127.127 y: 180.086 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +6V-power position: x: 140.97 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR039' position: x: 140.97 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +6V position: x: 140.97 y: 164.084 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 73.66 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 73.66 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.787 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: VBAT-my position: x: 73.66 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 73.66 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBAT position: x: 74.0918 y: 168.3258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 175.26 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J10 position: x: 177.292 y: 109.9312 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +6V position: x: 177.165 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 121.92 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR054' position: x: 121.92 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.047 y: 55.9816 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: CP_Small-my position: x: 180.34 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C114 position: x: 181.61 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CAP_330\u03BC_35V" position: x: 180.975 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 160.02 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR048' position: x: 160.02 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 159.893 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 59.69 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR053' position: x: 59.69 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 62.23 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 165.1 y: 132.08 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C112 position: x: 160.655 y: 134.62 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 168.275 y: 135.255 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 161.29 y: 115.57 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD12 position: x: 156.21 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SS56 position: x: 156.21 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 62.23 y: 128.27 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R27 position: x: 59.055 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3k position: x: 65.405 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 53.34 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR049' position: x: 53.34 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 52.705 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: L78L18_SOT89-Regulator_Linear position: x: 58.42 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 58.42 y: 166.5732 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L78L18_SOT89 position: x: 58.42 y: 168.8846 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: TRANSF10-my position: x: 148.59 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: TR1 position: x: 147.955 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TRANSF10 position: x: 148.59 y: 85.852 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 44.45 y: 99.06 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R25 position: x: 44.45 y: 97.536 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 15k position: x: 44.45 y: 100.584 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 123.19 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R45 position: x: 123.19 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 125.73 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 161.29 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VD13 position: x: 156.21 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SS56 position: x: 156.21 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 50.8 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C125 position: x: 45.974 y: 47.498 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 46.228 y: 49.784 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 172.72 y: 167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR043' position: x: 172.72 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 172.72 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 171.45 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR042' position: x: 171.45 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 87.63 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R31 position: x: 97.155 y: 89.535 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 100.965 y: 89.535 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 156.21 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C111 position: x: 157.226 y: 96.266 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_1n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 157.226 y: 99.314 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 111.76 y: 128.27 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C106 position: x: 115.57 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 115.57 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: L_Small-my position: x: 172.72 y: 86.36 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L19 position: x: 172.212 y: 84.836 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "25\u03BC" position: x: 172.466 y: 87.376 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 109.22 y: 93.98 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD5 position: x: 108.966 y: 92.202 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 109.22 y: 96.012 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 190.5 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C63 position: x: 192.278 y: 176.657 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 194.564 y: 181.356 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Isolator entryName: TLP627 position: x: 69.85 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 67.945 y: 20.955 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TLP627 position: x: 67.945 y: 22.225 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 165.1 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R39 position: x: 165.1 y: 125.476 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 165.1 y: 128.524 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 44.45 y: 125.73 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C103 position: x: 41.275 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 40.64 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 80.01 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 76.2 y: 35.56 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 78.105 y: 34.925 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 180.34 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR044' position: x: 180.34 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 58.42 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 58.42 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 58.547 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 124.46 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR038' position: x: 124.46 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.587 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 161.29 y: 110.49 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD10 position: x: 156.21 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SS56 position: x: 156.21 y: 119.126 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 180.34 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C62 position: x: 181.229 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 183.515 y: 181.737 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse position: x: 170.18 y: 64.77 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: F1 position: x: 170.18 y: 59.055 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Fuse position: x: 170.18 y: 61.595 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 182.88 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J22 position: x: 185.42 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: KF206-7.5-2P position: x: 185.42 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 36.83 y: 101.6 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C102 position: x: 36.83 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - key: Value value: CAP_1n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 36.83 y: 107.315 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 87.63 y: 29.21 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R24 position: x: 88.9 y: 33.02 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 88.265 y: 31.115 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 95.25 y: 59.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR080' position: x: 95.25 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 94.615 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: CP_Small-my position: x: 170.18 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C113 position: x: 167.64 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CAP_330\u03BC_35V" position: x: 168.275 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 203.2 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J14 position: x: 205.232 y: 85.8012 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +24V position: x: 205.105 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 88.9 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VD15 position: x: 91.694 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 87.63 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 113.03 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R33 position: x: 97.79 y: 111.125 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '10' position: x: 102.235 y: 111.125 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VD4 position: x: 97.155 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 103.505 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 78.74 y: 50.8 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD14 position: x: 78.74 y: 53.594 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 81.788 y: 53.594 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 44.45 y: 24.13 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R42 position: x: 44.45 y: 25.908 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.2k position: x: 44.958 y: 22.606 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: CP_Small-my position: x: 148.59 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C107 position: x: 147.955 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2200\u03BC" position: x: 147.955 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: LP2985-3.3-Regulator_Linear position: x: 157.48 y: 172.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 157.48 y: 163.957 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LP2985-5.0 position: x: 157.48 y: 166.3192 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Double_Small-my position: x: 162.56 y: 102.87 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD9 position: x: 163.068 y: 99.314 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MBR20100CT position: x: 162.306 y: 106.426 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.01 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR078' position: x: 80.01 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 80.137 y: 40.7416 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 115.57 y: 78.74 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: VD6 position: x: 115.57 y: 76.962 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N414E position: x: 115.824 y: 80.772 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 83.82 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C105 position: x: 86.995 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 86.36 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 50.8 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR076' position: x: 50.8 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 50.165 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 52.07 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 47.244 y: 25.908 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_10u0_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 47.498 y: 28.194 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: IRF3205 position: x: 121.92 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VT2 position: x: 127.127 y: 82.6516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: IRF3205 position: x: 127.127 y: 84.963 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 139.7 y: 105.41 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R37 position: x: 142.24 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 142.24 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: C-Device position: x: 140.97 y: 179.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C60 position: x: 142.113 y: 176.911 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 143.764 y: 181.61 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: SG3525-my position: x: 60.96 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 66.802 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SG3525 position: x: 67.945 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 44.45 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R41 position: x: 45.212 y: 41.402 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.2k position: x: 44.958 y: 43.688 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 194.31 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R40 position: x: 197.485 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 197.485 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 95.25 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R43 position: x: 93.472 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 96.774 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 139.7 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R36 position: x: 142.24 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '4.7' position: x: 142.24 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 182.88 y: 44.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J8 position: x: 185.42 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DEGSON 2604 1x5 position: x: 185.42 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +6V-power position: x: 96.52 y: 171.45 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 96.52 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +6V position: x: 96.9518 y: 167.0558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 140.97 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR040' position: x: 140.97 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: CP_Small-my position: x: 187.96 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C115 position: x: 188.595 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CAP_330\u03BC_35V" position: x: 188.595 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 139.7 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C110 position: x: 141.605 y: 97.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_22n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 140.716 y: 100.584 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 139.7 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C109 position: x: 141.605 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_22n_50V_X7R_0603 position: x: 140.716 y: 89.154 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR046' position: x: 184.15 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 184.277 y: 135.9916 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 120.65 y: 88.9 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R34 position: x: 120.65 y: 87.376 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 120.65 y: 90.424 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 67.31 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R28 position: x: 67.31 y: 123.952 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3,6k position: x: 67.31 y: 127.508 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R30 position: x: 98.425 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '10' position: x: 101.6 y: 85.725 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 44.45 y: 104.14 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R26 position: x: 44.45 y: 102.362 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '150' position: x: 44.45 y: 105.918 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: D-Device position: x: 33.02 y: 177.8 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: VD2 position: x: 35.0266 y: 176.6316 angle: 90 - key: Value value: ES1D position: x: 35.0266 y: 178.943 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +6V-power position: x: 170.18 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 170.18 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +6V position: x: 170.18 y: 104.394 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 163.83 y: 68.58 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: VD1 position: x: 160.655 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SS56 position: x: 154.94 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: R_Small-my position: x: 80.01 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R29 position: x: 80.01 y: 65.405 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '10' position: x: 80.01 y: 69.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 203.2 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J16 position: x: 205.232 y: 93.4212 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 205.105 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 100.33 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VD3 position: x: 95.885 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N5819 position: x: 102.87 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: D_Small-my position: x: 161.29 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: VD11 position: x: 156.21 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SS56 position: x: 156.21 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: PVDD-my position: x: 194.31 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR047' position: x: 194.31 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PVDD position: x: 194.7418 y: 81.9658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: "\u0418\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0438\u043A-24\u0432-\u043D\ \u0430-SG3525-rescue" entryName: C_Small-my position: x: 74.93 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C104 position: x: 70.485 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_2u2_50V_X7R_1206 position: x: 71.12 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 157.48 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR041' position: x: 157.48 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 41.91 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 41.91 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 42.037 y: 187.2742 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 33.02 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 187.96 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 177.8 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 62.23 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 33.02 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 44.45 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 62.23 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 44.45 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 52.07 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 111.76 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - position: x: 50.8 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 187.96 y: 93.98 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 48.26 y: 93.98 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 86.36 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 91.44 angle: null - position: x: 48.26 y: 96.52 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 130.81 - x: 53.34 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 72.39 - x: 133.35 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 139.7 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 118.11 - x: 165.1 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 172.72 - x: 171.45 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 24.13 - x: 59.69 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 92.71 - x: 73.66 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 86.36 - x: 158.75 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 125.73 - x: 64.77 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 110.49 - x: 158.75 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 132.08 - x: 111.76 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 93.98 - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 87.63 - x: 194.31 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 173.99 - x: 99.06 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 83.82 - x: 115.57 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 50.8 - x: 83.82 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 113.03 - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 78.74 - x: 105.41 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 181.61 - x: 109.22 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 182.88 - x: 73.66 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 50.8 - x: 76.2 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 50.8 - x: 53.34 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 90.17 - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 102.87 - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 64.77 - x: 163.83 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 118.11 - x: 133.35 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 118.11 - x: 170.18 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 83.82 - x: 93.98 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 125.73 - x: 62.23 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 132.08 - x: 111.76 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 132.08 - x: 184.15 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 170.18 - x: 180.34 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 50.8 - x: 83.82 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 115.57 - x: 158.75 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 34.29 - x: 38.1 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - x: 83.82 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 173.99 - x: 41.91 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - x: 160.02 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 86.36 - x: 180.34 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 170.18 - x: 180.34 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 93.98 - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 173.99 - x: 124.46 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 172.72 - x: 33.02 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 107.95 - x: 111.76 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 87.63 - x: 187.96 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 96.52 - x: 93.98 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - x: 170.18 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 170.18 - x: 147.32 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 64.77 - x: 166.37 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 92.71 - x: 194.31 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 66.04 - x: 148.59 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 101.6 - x: 33.02 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 172.72 - x: 140.97 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 64.77 - x: 140.97 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 87.63 - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 88.9 - x: 133.35 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 113.03 - x: 105.41 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 88.9 - x: 133.35 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 132.08 - x: 62.23 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 118.11 - x: 105.41 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - x: 95.25 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 118.11 - x: 118.11 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 50.8 - x: 74.93 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 182.88 - x: 124.46 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 29.21 - x: 80.01 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 62.23 - x: 177.8 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 73.66 - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 132.08 - x: 62.23 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 85.09 - x: 158.75 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 24.13 - x: 38.1 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 106.68 - x: 44.45 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 76.2 - x: 60.96 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - x: 93.98 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - x: 180.34 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 115.57 - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 99.06 - x: 33.02 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 182.88 - x: 41.91 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 172.72 - x: 50.8 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 67.31 - x: 74.93 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 45.72 - x: 50.8 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 45.72 - x: 87.63 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - x: 167.64 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 182.88 - x: 41.91 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 88.9 - x: 118.11 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 86.36 - x: 187.96 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 99.06 - x: 102.87 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 132.08 - x: 78.74 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 64.77 - x: 177.8 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 72.39 - x: 140.97 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 113.03 - x: 165.1 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 83.82 - x: 33.02 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 87.63 - x: 104.14 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 78.74 - x: 93.98 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 113.03 - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 106.68 - x: 44.45 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 71.12 - x: 148.59 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 67.31 - x: 77.47 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 118.11 - x: 167.64 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 100.33 - x: 153.67 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 29.21 - x: 59.69 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 93.98 - x: 187.96 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 86.36 - x: 198.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 83.82 - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 101.6 - x: 48.26 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 81.28 - x: 45.72 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 125.73 - x: 69.85 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 114.3 - x: 78.74 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 93.98 - x: 104.14 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 99.06 - x: 41.91 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 113.03 - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 44.45 - x: 177.8 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 107.95 - x: 111.76 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 68.58 - x: 83.82 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 83.82 - x: 139.7 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - x: 163.83 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 50.8 - x: 121.92 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 88.9 - x: 48.26 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 109.22 - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 118.11 - x: 133.35 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 173.99 - x: 73.66 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 172.72 - x: 140.97 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 113.03 - x: 165.1 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 181.61 - x: 33.02 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - x: 163.83 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 118.11 - x: 97.79 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 172.72 - x: 73.66 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 102.87 - x: 160.02 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 69.85 - x: 177.8 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 111.76 - x: 60.96 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 172.72 - x: 171.45 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 100.33 - x: 156.21 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 104.14 - x: 158.75 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 45.72 - x: 100.33 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - x: 124.46 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 87.63 - x: 156.21 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - x: 168.91 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 86.36 - x: 194.31 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 110.49 - x: 170.18 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 24.13 - x: 52.07 y: 24.13 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 92.71 - x: 187.96 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 101.6 - x: 160.02 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 83.82 - x: 115.57 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 107.95 - x: 170.18 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 64.77 - x: 177.8 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 116.84 - x: 44.45 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 93.98 - x: 184.15 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 50.8 - x: 120.65 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 92.71 - x: 156.21 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 67.31 - x: 74.93 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 93.98 - x: 198.12 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 83.82 - x: 33.02 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 76.2 - x: 63.5 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 29.21 - x: 85.09 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 167.64 - x: 140.97 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 87.63 - x: 153.67 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 107.95 - x: 143.51 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 182.88 - x: 58.42 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 78.74 - x: 143.51 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 132.08 - x: 167.64 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 107.95 - x: 111.76 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 114.3 - x: 78.74 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 87.63 - x: 104.14 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 92.71 - x: 180.34 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 83.82 - x: 105.41 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 93.98 - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 115.57 - x: 166.37 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 104.14 - x: 41.91 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 86.36 - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 34.29 - x: 38.1 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 78.74 - x: 105.41 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 107.95 - x: 143.51 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 102.87 - x: 156.21 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 116.84 - x: 44.45 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 71.12 - x: 140.97 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 110.49 - x: 170.18 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 39.37 - x: 137.16 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 93.98 - x: 143.51 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 128.27 - x: 44.45 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 102.87 - x: 139.7 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 104.14 - x: 158.75 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 72.39 - x: 177.8 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 118.11 - x: 124.46 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 180.34 - x: 157.48 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 50.8 y: 45.72 - x: 53.34 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 50.8 - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 118.11 - x: 105.41 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 78.74 - x: 139.7 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 170.18 - x: 172.72 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 171.45 - x: 96.52 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 24.13 - x: 38.1 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 86.36 - x: 158.75 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 78.74 - x: 93.98 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 39.37 - x: 137.16 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 93.98 - x: 194.31 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 78.74 - x: 111.76 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 74.93 - x: 63.5 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 67.31 - x: 60.96 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 64.77 - x: 163.83 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 45.72 - x: 128.27 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 132.08 - x: 184.15 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 96.52 - x: 93.98 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 116.84 - x: 170.18 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 171.45 - x: 124.46 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 132.08 - x: 133.35 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - x: 115.57 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 190.5 y: 170.18 - x: 190.5 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 99.06 - x: 93.98 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 64.77 - x: 140.97 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 50.8 - x: 74.93 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 87.63 - x: 93.98 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 182.88 - x: 96.52 y: 181.61 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 93.98 - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 45.72 - x: 41.91 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 29.21 - x: 93.98 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - x: 116.84 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 170.18 - x: 172.72 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 132.08 - x: 133.35 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 99.06 - x: 48.26 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 172.72 - x: 140.97 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 73.66 - x: 74.93 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 74.93 - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 81.28 - x: 45.72 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 50.8 - x: 100.33 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 102.87 - x: 160.02 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 64.77 - x: 148.59 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 78.74 - x: 118.11 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 101.6 - x: 41.91 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 86.36 - x: 156.21 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 83.82 - x: 116.84 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 120.65 - x: 53.34 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 78.74 - x: 143.51 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 72.39 - x: 140.97 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 132.08 - x: 44.45 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - x: 118.11 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 45.72 - x: 87.63 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 64.77 - x: 137.16 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 87.63 - x: 180.34 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 93.98 - x: 153.67 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 172.72 - x: 41.91 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 50.8 - x: 86.36 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - x: 158.75 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - x: 148.59 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 67.31 - x: 83.82 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 132.08 - x: 53.34 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 104.14 - x: 48.26 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 101.6 - x: 34.29 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 78.74 - x: 111.76 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 127 - x: 162.56 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 114.3 - x: 78.74 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - x: 139.7 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 92.71 - x: 153.67 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 92.71 - x: 143.51 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 66.04 - x: 140.97 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 71.12 - x: 163.83 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 170.18 - x: 190.5 y: 170.18 globalLabels: - text: ACC shape: input position: x: 176.53 y: 44.45 angle: 180 - text: ACC_IN shape: input position: x: 93.98 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - text: ACC shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 34.29 angle: 180 - text: REMOTE shape: input position: x: 128.27 y: 45.72 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Optical audio transmitter
libSymbols: - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+3V3-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:+5V-power - AMPP_1466_V0-rescue:GND-power - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x06_Odd_Even - Device:C - my:L_Small - my:toslink-FC684208R - my:toslink-PLT133-T10W - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: my entryName: L_Small position: x: 50.165 y: 45.72 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 52.197 y: 44.196 angle: 90 - key: Value value: LQH2MCN470K02 position: x: 50.292 y: 50.038 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 38.1 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 97.79 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 95.25 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +5V-power position: x: 46.355 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 46.355 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 46.355 y: 87.376 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: GND-power position: x: 26.67 y: 64.77 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 26.67 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 26.543 y: 60.3758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: my entryName: toslink-FC684208R position: x: 36.195 y: 38.1 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 36.195 y: 25.781 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DLR1160 position: x: 36.195 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x06_Odd_Even position: x: 34.925 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 38.989 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x06_Male position: x: 34.2138 y: 79.1718 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 47.625 y: 38.1 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 53.975 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 51.435 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 90.805 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 90.932 y: 39.751 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_25V_X7R_0603 position: x: 90.805 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 46.99 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 47.117 y: 39.751 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CAP_100n_25V_X7R_0603 position: x: 46.99 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: my entryName: L_Small position: x: 93.98 y: 45.72 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L2 position: x: 96.012 y: 44.196 angle: 90 - key: Value value: LQH2MCN470K02 position: x: 94.107 y: 50.038 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: AMPP_1466_V0-rescue entryName: +3V3-power position: x: 26.035 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 26.035 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 26.035 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 96.52 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 92.71 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 100.9142 y: 46.101 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: my entryName: toslink-PLT133-T10W position: x: 80.01 y: 38.1 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 80.01 y: 25.781 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DLR1160 position: x: 80.01 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 52.705 y: 45.72 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 48.895 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 57.0992 y: 46.101 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 42.545 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 26.67 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 42.545 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 45.72 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 30.48 - x: 55.88 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 83.82 - x: 46.355 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 22.225 y: 78.74 - x: 29.845 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 30.48 - x: 99.695 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 38.1 - x: 90.805 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 71.12 - x: 29.845 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 64.77 - x: 26.67 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 73.66 - x: 53.975 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 38.1 - x: 91.44 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 67.31 - x: 26.67 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 67.31 - x: 26.67 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 38.1 - x: 47.625 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 83.82 - x: 26.035 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 45.72 - x: 90.805 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 71.12 - x: 42.545 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 45.72 - x: 47.625 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 22.225 y: 81.28 - x: 29.845 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 71.12 - x: 42.545 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 45.72 - x: 46.99 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 73.66 - x: 22.225 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 78.74 - x: 53.975 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 45.72 - x: 91.44 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 22.225 y: 76.2 - x: 29.845 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 46.355 y: 38.1 - x: 46.99 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 42.545 y: 76.2 - x: 42.545 y: 81.28 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Transistor amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:R - Simulation_SPICE:0 - Simulation_SPICE:VDC - Simulation_SPICE:VSIN - Transistor_BJT:BC546 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 46.99 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 119.38 y: 45.7199 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 62k position: x: 119.38 y: 48.2599 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Simulation_SPICE entryName: VDC position: x: 27.94 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: V1 position: x: 31.75 y: 57.0201 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '5' position: x: 31.75 y: 59.5601 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Simulation_SPICE entryName: '0' position: x: 36.83 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#GND02' position: x: 36.83 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 36.83 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 113.03 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 113.03 y: 50.8 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 113.03 y: 53.34 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 148.59 y: 67.3099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100k position: x: 148.59 y: 69.8499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Simulation_SPICE entryName: VSIN position: x: 46.99 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: V2 position: x: 50.8 y: 55.7501 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VSIN position: x: 50.8 y: 58.2901 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: BC546 position: x: 129.54 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 134.62 y: 57.1499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: NPN position: x: 134.62 y: 59.6899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 116.84 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 119.38 y: 67.3099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 11k position: x: 119.38 y: 69.8499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 142.24 y: 53.34 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 142.24 y: 45.72 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1u position: x: 142.24 y: 48.26 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Simulation_SPICE entryName: '0' position: x: 116.84 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#GND01' position: x: 116.84 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 116.84 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 132.08 y: 46.99 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 134.62 y: 45.7199 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 15k position: x: 134.62 y: 48.2599 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 132.08 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 134.62 y: 67.3099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '330' position: x: 134.62 y: 69.8499 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 116.84 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 36.83 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 53.34 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 50.8 - x: 116.84 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 72.39 - x: 46.99 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 63.5 - x: 46.99 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - x: 138.43 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 53.34 - x: 146.05 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 63.5 - x: 27.94 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 72.39 - x: 146.05 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 58.42 - x: 116.84 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 72.39 - x: 132.08 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 39.37 - x: 116.84 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 72.39 - x: 36.83 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 39.37 - x: 116.84 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 63.5 - x: 132.08 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 53.34 - x: 151.13 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 72.39 - x: 36.83 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 39.37 - x: 116.84 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 58.42 - x: 124.46 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 49.53 - x: 27.94 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 43.18 - x: 132.08 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 50.8 - x: 132.08 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 72.39 - x: 116.84 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 49.53 - x: 46.99 y: 53.34 globalLabels: - text: vcc shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: in shape: input position: x: 109.22 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: vcc shape: input position: x: 27.94 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - text: in shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - text: out shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 53.34 angle: 0 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Power management and charging circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C_Small - Device:D_Small - Device:LED_Small - Device:L_Small - Device:R_Small - Sensor_Temperature:LM75B - Transistor_FET:2N7002 - Transistor_FET:FDS9435A - Transistor_FET_DFN:AON7544 - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:GNDPWR - ti-chargers:BQ24715 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 152.4 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 149.86 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 47nF HV position: x: 154.94 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 97.79 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R22 position: x: 96.9553 y: 64.9985 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 99.4922 y: 64.9985 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET_DFN entryName: AON7544 position: x: 161.29 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q6 position: x: 163.957 y: 90.6053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CSD17308Q3 position: x: 163.957 y: 93.1422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 201.93 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 120.0134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0127' position: x: 180.34 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 120.0134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 190.5 y: 80.01 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R121 position: x: 190.5 y: 75.5736 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 190.5 y: 78.1105 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET_DFN entryName: AON7544 position: x: 161.29 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q7 position: x: 151.13 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CSD17308Q3 position: x: 147.32 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 170.18 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0126' position: x: 170.18 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 170.053 y: 109.447 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 95.25 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 95.25 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 95.25 y: 96.7542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 190.5 y: 97.79 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R25 position: x: 190.5 y: 93.3536 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 190.5 y: 95.8905 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 190.5 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 191.77 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 194.31 y: 115.57 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 173.99 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0124' position: x: 173.99 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 173.863 y: 81.507 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 200.66 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0304' position: x: 200.66 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 200.66 y: 85.7234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 113.03 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 173.3534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 113.03 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 98.8441 y: 112.1889 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100pF position: x: 98.8441 y: 114.7258 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 55.88 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 57.3786 y: 84.2553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 57.3786 y: 86.7922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 165.1 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0123' position: x: 165.1 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 164.973 y: 81.507 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 67.31 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 65.8114 y: 84.6547 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 18kR position: x: 65.8114 y: 82.1178 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 93.7515 y: 102.0353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 93.7515 y: 104.5722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 120.65 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R23 position: x: 119.1514 y: 65.2053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10R position: x: 119.1514 y: 67.7422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 55.88 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 57.3786 y: 95.6853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 39kR position: x: 57.3786 y: 98.2222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 87.63 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 87.63 y: 65.4136 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 87.63 y: 67.9505 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Sensor_Temperature entryName: LM75B position: x: 113.03 y: 154.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 115.0494 y: 141.0802 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM75B position: x: 115.0494 y: 143.6171 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET_DFN entryName: AON7544 position: x: 62.23 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Q4 position: x: 62.23 y: 64.2452 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AON7544 position: x: 62.23 y: 66.7821 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 140.97 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 110.49 y: 135.89 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 113.03 y: 138.43 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 52.07 y: 55.88 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R119 position: x: 52.07 y: 51.4436 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 52.07 y: 53.9805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 87.63 y: 74.93 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 88.9 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 91.44 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 138.43 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R24 position: x: 137.16 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10R position: x: 142.24 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 128.27 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 128.27 y: 79.3734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 176.3141 y: 72.8316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 176.3141 y: 75.3685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 204.47 y: 101.6 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 206.7941 y: 100.7589 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 206.7941 y: 103.2958 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 73.66 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q26 position: x: 78.867 y: 132.5153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 78.867 y: 135.0522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 142.24 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 142.24 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 142.113 y: 119.607 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 113.03 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 113.03 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 113.03 y: 133.5842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 97.79 y: 60.96 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R21 position: x: 96.9553 y: 59.4614 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 18kR position: x: 99.4922 y: 59.4614 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 45.72 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D17 position: x: 45.7835 y: 50.5292 angle: 0 - key: Value value: YEL position: x: 45.7835 y: 53.0661 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 77.47 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 83.1834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 66.04 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C104 position: x: 63.5 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 22nF position: x: 69.85 y: 92.71 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 68.58 y: 73.66 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 71.12 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 66.04 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: ti-chargers entryName: BQ24715 position: x: 120.65 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 110.49 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BQ24715 position: x: 116.84 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 170.18 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 172.5041 y: 100.7716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 172.5041 y: 103.3085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 120.65 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 120.65 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 120.523 y: 124.687 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET_DFN entryName: AON7544 position: x: 74.93 y: 69.85 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q5 position: x: 74.93 y: 64.2452 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AON7544 position: x: 74.93 y: 66.7821 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 184.15 y: 107.95 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 186.69 y: 115.57 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0302' position: x: 76.2 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 144.1434 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 214.63 y: 100.33 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q8 position: x: 214.63 y: 92.1852 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 214.63 y: 94.7221 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0300' position: x: 66.04 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 104.7734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 135.89 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 135.89 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 135.89 y: 120.0134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0303' position: x: 41.91 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 61.5934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 95.25 y: 74.93 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 96.52 y: 72.39 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 101.6 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Small position: x: 139.7 y: 76.2 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 139.7 y: 71.4842 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148WS position: x: 139.7 y: 74.0211 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 69.85 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 71.3485 y: 84.6547 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 71.3485 y: 82.1178 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 161.29 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 161.29 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 161.163 y: 114.527 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 179.07 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 181.3941 y: 100.7716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 181.3941 y: 103.3085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 204.47 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0125' position: x: 204.47 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 204.343 y: 109.447 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 76.2 y: 124.46 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D18 position: x: 78.613 y: 123.5618 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 78.613 y: 126.0987 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 76.2 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0301' position: x: 76.2 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 76.2 y: 110.7242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L_Small position: x: 166.37 y: 97.79 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L1 position: x: 166.37 y: 95.25 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2uH position: x: 166.37 y: 99.06 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 179.07 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 179.07 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 178.943 y: 109.447 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 139.7 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 139.6936 y: 78.5581 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 139.6936 y: 81.095 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 80.01 y: 74.93 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 80.01 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 80.01 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 96.52 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 96.52 y: 121.2834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 111.76 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 199.39 y: 109.22 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 201.93 y: 115.57 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Small position: x: 120.65 y: 59.69 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 122.428 y: 58.8553 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1N4148WS position: x: 122.428 y: 61.3922 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 124.46 y: 73.66 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 124.4663 y: 68.3981 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 124.4663 y: 70.935 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 196.85 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D19 position: x: 196.7865 y: 74.6592 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GRN position: x: 196.7865 y: 77.1961 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0113' position: x: 55.88 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 104.7734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0112' position: x: 99.06 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 99.06 y: 83.1834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 102.87 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 102.87 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 102.87 y: 146.6834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GNDPWR position: x: 146.05 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0122' position: x: 146.05 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GNDPWR position: x: 145.923 y: 87.857 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 76.2 y: 118.11 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R120 position: x: 77.6986 y: 117.2753 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 77.6986 y: 119.8122 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 165.1 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 167.4241 y: 72.8316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 167.4241 y: 75.3685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0121' position: x: 124.46 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 164.4634 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 186.69 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 69.85 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.82 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 179.07 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.98 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.88 y: 91.44 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 106.68 y: 114.3 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 157.48 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 73.66 - x: 127 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 74.93 - x: 128.27 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 63.5 - x: 101.6 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 87.63 - x: 55.88 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 111.76 - x: 195.58 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 97.79 - x: 194.31 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 152.4 - x: 102.87 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 69.85 - x: 68.58 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 60.96 - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 80.01 - x: 68.58 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 77.47 - x: 62.23 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 111.76 - x: 187.96 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 - x: 55.88 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 115.57 - x: 96.52 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 69.85 - x: 161.29 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 80.01 - x: 74.93 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 69.85 - x: 85.09 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 140.97 - x: 102.87 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 104.14 - x: 139.7 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 154.94 - x: 124.46 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 88.9 - x: 186.69 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 - x: 66.04 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 104.14 - x: 170.18 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 114.3 - x: 142.24 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 80.01 - x: 193.04 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 93.98 - x: 102.87 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 76.2 - x: 135.89 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 111.76 - x: 186.69 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 97.79 - x: 204.47 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 60.96 - x: 101.6 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - x: 93.98 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 55.88 - x: 49.53 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 69.85 - x: 161.29 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 69.85 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 62.23 - x: 101.6 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 160.02 - x: 124.46 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 76.2 - x: 68.58 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 69.85 - x: 91.44 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 97.79 - x: 179.07 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 138.43 - x: 76.2 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 80.01 - x: 187.96 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 69.85 - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 109.22 - x: 161.29 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 55.88 - x: 120.65 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 114.3 - x: 76.2 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 137.16 - x: 113.03 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 69.85 - x: 161.29 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 62.23 - x: 68.58 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 81.28 - x: 69.85 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 154.94 - x: 102.87 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 69.85 - x: 55.88 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 76.2 - x: 165.1 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 97.79 - x: 179.07 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 97.79 - x: 186.69 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 140.97 - x: 113.03 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 127 - x: 76.2 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 83.82 - x: 146.05 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 97.79 - x: 170.18 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 109.22 - x: 96.52 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 104.14 - x: 204.47 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 62.23 - x: 101.6 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 115.57 - x: 135.89 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - x: 214.63 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 97.79 - x: 161.29 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 97.79 - x: 179.07 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 93.98 - x: 152.4 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 91.44 - x: 153.67 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 74.93 - x: 91.44 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 119.38 - x: 120.65 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - x: 83.82 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 97.79 - x: 170.18 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 76.2 - x: 148.59 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 57.15 - x: 41.91 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 85.09 - x: 152.4 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 97.79 - x: 186.69 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 152.4 - x: 123.19 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 140.97 - x: 113.03 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 91.44 - x: 106.68 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 96.52 - x: 149.86 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 81.28 - x: 200.66 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 111.76 - x: 194.31 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 96.52 - x: 149.86 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 97.79 - x: 193.04 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 99.06 - x: 66.04 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 111.76 - x: 180.34 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 55.88 - x: 43.18 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 121.92 - x: 214.63 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 69.85 - x: 91.44 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 91.44 - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 80.01 - x: 67.31 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 55.88 - x: 120.65 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 154.94 - x: 124.46 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - x: 85.09 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 68.58 - x: 120.65 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 88.9 - x: 186.69 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 96.52 - x: 100.33 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 96.52 - x: 161.29 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 106.68 - x: 106.68 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 76.2 - x: 152.4 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 97.79 - x: 204.47 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 69.85 - x: 173.99 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 76.2 - x: 135.89 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 62.23 - x: 104.14 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 74.93 - x: 97.79 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 73.66 - x: 121.92 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 81.28 - x: 67.31 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 91.44 - x: 55.88 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 69.85 - x: 173.99 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 120.65 - x: 76.2 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 88.9 - x: 186.69 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 99.06 - x: 55.88 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 97.79 - x: 152.4 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 69.85 - x: 55.88 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 60.96 - x: 101.6 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 114.3 - x: 142.24 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 101.6 - x: 106.68 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 74.93 - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 157.48 - x: 124.46 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 96.52 - x: 100.33 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 69.85 - x: 69.85 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 157.48 - x: 124.46 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 83.82 - x: 137.16 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 69.85 - x: 55.88 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 140.97 - x: 102.87 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 101.6 - x: 139.7 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 71.12 - x: 165.1 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 69.85 - x: 55.88 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 62.23 - x: 120.65 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 104.14 - x: 106.68 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 83.82 - x: 135.89 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 93.98 - x: 102.87 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 86.36 - x: 69.85 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 78.74 - x: 120.65 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 88.9 - x: 140.97 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 104.14 - x: 179.07 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 62.23 - x: 93.98 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 87.63 - x: 67.31 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 97.79 - x: 152.4 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 74.93 - x: 77.47 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 133.35 - x: 68.58 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 115.57 - x: 201.93 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 109.22 - x: 151.13 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - x: 102.87 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 69.85 - x: 83.82 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 74.93 - x: 91.44 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 76.2 - x: 173.99 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 55.88 - x: 55.88 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 106.68 - x: 95.25 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 83.82 - x: 91.44 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 83.82 - x: 91.44 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 86.36 - x: 83.82 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 60.96 - x: 95.25 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 80.01 - x: 74.93 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 87.63 - x: 68.58 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 114.3 - x: 134.62 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 109.22 - x: 96.52 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 109.22 - x: 151.13 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 88.9 - x: 135.89 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 97.79 - x: 209.55 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 106.68 - x: 95.25 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 69.85 - x: 68.58 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 111.76 - x: 200.66 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 63.5 - x: 93.98 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 104.14 - x: 153.67 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 78.74 - x: 99.06 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 80.01 - x: 68.58 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 76.2 - x: 152.4 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 97.79 - x: 161.29 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 167.64 - x: 113.03 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 80.01 - x: 199.39 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 76.2 - x: 148.59 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 97.79 - x: 220.98 y: 97.79 globalLabels: - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 101.6 y: 152.4 angle: 180 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 101.6 y: 154.94 angle: 180 - text: SMBD shape: bidirectional position: x: 105.41 y: 101.6 angle: 180 - text: SMBC shape: input position: x: 105.41 y: 104.14 angle: 180 - text: DCOK shape: output position: x: 83.82 y: 106.68 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply circuit
libSymbols: - Analog_ADC:INA219AxD - Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch_MountingPin - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:D_Schottky - Device:D_TVS - Device:Fuse_Small - Device:LED_Small - Device:R_Small - Transistor_FET:FDS9435A - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0250' position: x: 67.31 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 133.9834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 116.84 y: 104.14 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D8 position: x: 118.618 y: 103.2418 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 118.618 y: 105.7787 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0249' position: x: 76.2 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 104.7734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 189.23 y: 62.23 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C88 position: x: 187.96 y: 59.69 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 186.69 y: 57.15 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Analog_ADC entryName: INA219AxD position: x: 194.31 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 196.3294 y: 62.3402 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INA219AxD position: x: 196.3294 y: 64.8771 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0251' position: x: 76.2 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 128.9034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Barrel_Jack_Switch_MountingPin position: x: 67.31 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J7 position: x: 67.31 y: 89.0102 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Input 2.0mm position: x: 67.31 y: 91.5471 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Barrel_Jack_Switch_MountingPin position: x: 67.31 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J8 position: x: 67.31 y: 113.1402 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Input 2.5mm position: x: 67.31 y: 115.6771 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0246' position: x: 154.94 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 154.94 y: 112.3934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 140.97 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R87 position: x: 142.4686 y: 104.5753 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 142.4686 y: 107.1122 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0253' position: x: 180.34 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 88.2634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 147.32 y: 96.52 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q23 position: x: 147.32 y: 88.3752 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 147.32 y: 90.9121 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 97.79 y: 99.06 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 99.822 y: 98.2253 angle: 90 - key: Value value: P6SMB18CA position: x: 99.822 y: 100.7622 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 125.73 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R86 position: x: 127.2286 y: 98.2253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 127.2286 y: 100.7622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 180.34 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C85 position: x: 178.016 y: 66.4689 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 178.016 y: 69.0058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 167.64 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R89 position: x: 163.83 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 165.7405 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 180.34 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C87 position: x: 178.016 y: 79.1689 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 178.016 y: 81.7058 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0257' position: x: 172.72 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 66.6734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0258' position: x: 184.15 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 184.15 y: 67.9434 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 180.34 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C86 position: x: 178.0159 y: 72.8316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 178.0159 y: 75.3685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 140.97 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C83 position: x: 138.646 y: 96.9489 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1uF position: x: 138.646 y: 99.4858 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0247' position: x: 140.97 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 113.6634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 154.94 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C84 position: x: 157.099 y: 102.7592 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220uF position: x: 157.099 y: 105.2961 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 116.84 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R103 position: x: 118.3386 y: 96.9553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 118.3386 y: 99.4922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0254' position: x: 194.31 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 89.5334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0252' position: x: 67.31 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 67.31 y: 109.8534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0256' position: x: 205.74 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 205.74 y: 84.4534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 194.31 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0255' position: x: 194.31 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 194.31 y: 54.8442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 175.26 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R91 position: x: 171.45 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 173.3605 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 154.94 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R88 position: x: 156.4386 y: 96.9553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10R position: x: 156.4386 y: 99.4922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0248' position: x: 88.9 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 88.9 y: 108.5834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0244' position: x: 125.73 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 108.5834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0245' position: x: 97.79 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 108.5834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse_Small position: x: 85.09 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F4 position: x: 85.09 y: 89.8992 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5A position: x: 85.09 y: 92.4361 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_Schottky position: x: 88.9 y: 99.06 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 90.932 y: 97.9078 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SS36 position: x: 90.932 y: 100.4447 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 116.84 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 116.84 y: 112.3934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 171.45 y: 93.98 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R90 position: x: 171.45 y: 89.5436 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 171.45 y: 92.0805 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 154.94 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 76.2 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 205.74 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.01 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 93.98 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 78.74 - x: 205.74 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 76.2 - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 88.9 - x: 175.26 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 93.98 - x: 154.94 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 68.58 - x: 207.01 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 82.55 - x: 180.34 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 71.12 - x: 167.64 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 71.12 - x: 207.01 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 101.6 - x: 140.97 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 93.98 - x: 82.55 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 100.33 - x: 140.97 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 93.98 - x: 140.97 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 93.98 - x: 116.84 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 76.2 - x: 204.47 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 93.98 - x: 97.79 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 93.98 - x: 80.01 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 106.68 - x: 154.94 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 62.23 - x: 180.34 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 106.68 - x: 116.84 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 93.98 - x: 88.9 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 104.14 - x: 67.31 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 100.33 - x: 76.2 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 96.52 - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 93.98 - x: 97.79 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 93.98 - x: 154.94 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 93.98 - x: 80.01 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 88.9 - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 120.65 - x: 74.93 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 93.98 - x: 88.9 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 93.98 - x: 140.97 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 99.06 - x: 76.2 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - x: 180.34 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 76.2 - x: 175.26 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 102.87 - x: 97.79 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 71.12 - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 63.5 - x: 184.15 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 123.19 - x: 76.2 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 101.6 - x: 140.97 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 93.98 - x: 173.99 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 58.42 - x: 194.31 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 123.19 - x: 76.2 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 62.23 - x: 194.31 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 107.95 - x: 140.97 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 128.27 - x: 67.31 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 102.87 - x: 88.9 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 100.33 - x: 116.84 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 93.98 - x: 116.84 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 62.23 - x: 180.34 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 76.2 - x: 175.26 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 101.6 - x: 125.73 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 78.74 - x: 205.74 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 100.33 - x: 154.94 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 93.98 - x: 125.73 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 93.98 - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 124.46 - x: 76.2 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 99.06 - x: 76.2 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 93.98 - x: 184.15 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 93.98 - x: 168.91 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 96.52 - x: 125.73 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 69.85 - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 83.82 - x: 194.31 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 62.23 - x: 194.31 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 167.64 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 62.23 - x: 186.69 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 118.11 - x: 80.01 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 93.98 - x: 140.97 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 80.01 - x: 205.74 y: 78.74 globalLabels: - text: SMBD shape: bidirectional position: x: 207.01 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - text: SMBC shape: input position: x: 207.01 y: 71.12 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for TVS protection circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch_MountingPin - Device:D_TVS - Device:LED_Small - Device:R_Small - Transistor_BJT:MMBT3904 - Transistor_FET:2N7002 - Transistor_FET:FDS9435A - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 58.42 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q31 position: x: 63.627 y: 80.4453 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 63.627 y: 82.9822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 69.85 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R113 position: x: 71.3486 y: 63.9353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 71.3486 y: 66.4722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 87.63 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D9 position: x: 80.01 y: 63.5 angle: 90 - key: Value value: P6SMB18CA position: x: 74.93 y: 66.04 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3904 position: x: 44.45 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q30 position: x: 49.3014 y: 86.7953 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT3904 position: x: 49.3014 y: 89.3322 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0161' position: x: 91.44 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 91.44 y: 71.7534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 46.99 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0152' position: x: 46.99 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 46.99 y: 70.0842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 46.99 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0158' position: x: 46.99 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 46.99 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0162' position: x: 87.63 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 74.2934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 46.99 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R105 position: x: 45.4915 y: 76.6353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 45.4915 y: 79.1722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 35.56 y: 87.63 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R104 position: x: 35.56 y: 83.1936 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 35.56 y: 85.7305 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 54.61 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R106 position: x: 53.1115 y: 63.9353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 53.1115 y: 66.4722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 69.85 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D12 position: x: 71.628 y: 70.2218 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 71.628 y: 72.7587 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 60.96 y: 63.5 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q32 position: x: 60.96 y: 55.3552 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 60.96 y: 57.8921 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0160' position: x: 100.33 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 100.33 y: 76.8334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: Barrel_Jack_Switch_MountingPin position: x: 100.33 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 106.172 y: 63.0209 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Output 2.0mm position: x: 106.172 y: 65.5578 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 69.85 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0281' position: x: 69.85 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 69.85 y: 79.3734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0159' position: x: 60.96 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 92.0734 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 60.96 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 54.61 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 69.85 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 60.96 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 60.96 - x: 54.61 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 60.96 - x: 54.61 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 81.28 - x: 53.34 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 67.31 - x: 69.85 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 60.96 - x: 54.61 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 81.28 - x: 46.99 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 69.85 - x: 54.61 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 100.33 y: 71.12 - x: 100.33 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 80.01 - x: 46.99 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 67.31 - x: 91.44 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 60.96 - x: 92.71 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 68.58 - x: 87.63 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 60.96 - x: 69.85 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 92.71 - x: 46.99 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 69.85 - x: 60.96 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 60.96 - x: 69.85 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 69.85 - x: 54.61 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 66.04 - x: 92.71 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 66.04 - x: 91.44 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 87.63 - x: 39.37 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 73.66 - x: 69.85 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 68.58 - x: 60.96 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 86.36 - x: 60.96 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 60.96 - x: 87.63 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 63.5 - x: 92.71 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 87.63 - x: 33.02 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 73.66 - x: 46.99 y: 74.93 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for USB to serial converter
libSymbols: - Connector:USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 - Device:C_Small - Device:Crystal_GND24_Small - Device:D_TVS - Device:R_Small - Interface_USB:CH340G - Power_Protection:SRV05-4 - Transistor_BJT:MMBT3904 - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:VBUS schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.75 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C89 position: x: 29.4259 y: 116.0116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1nF 500V position: x: 29.4259 y: 118.5485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 49.53 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J9 position: x: 52.2478 y: 66.8782 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 52.2478 y: 69.1896 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3904 position: x: 158.75 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q28 position: x: 163.6014 y: 94.4153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT3904 position: x: 163.6014 y: 96.9522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 110.49 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R102 position: x: 149.86 y: 106.0536 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 149.86 y: 108.5905 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 105.41 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0268' position: x: 105.41 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 105.41 y: 121.2834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 138.43 y: 81.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R99 position: x: 138.43 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100R position: x: 138.43 y: 79.3805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0265' position: x: 41.91 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 41.91 y: 126.3634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 128.27 y: 72.39 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C93 position: x: 127 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 124.46 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Power_Protection entryName: SRV05-4 position: x: 77.47 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 80.2387 y: 97.9002 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SRV05-4 position: x: 80.2387 y: 100.4371 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 101.6 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C90 position: x: 99.276 y: 110.9189 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 20pF position: x: 99.276 y: 113.4558 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Interface_USB entryName: CH340G position: x: 124.46 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 126.4794 y: 106.1704 angle: 0 - key: Value value: CH340C position: x: 126.4794 y: 108.7073 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0267' position: x: 124.46 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 112.3934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 82.55 y: 78.74 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D7 position: x: 84.582 y: 77.9053 angle: 90 - key: Value value: P6SMB6.8CA position: x: 84.582 y: 80.4422 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 68.58 y: 78.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R97 position: x: 68.58 y: 74.3036 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 68.58 y: 76.8405 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 109.22 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C91 position: x: 111.5441 y: 110.9316 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 20pF position: x: 111.5441 y: 113.4685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: VBUS position: x: 77.47 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0305' position: x: 77.47 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: VBUS position: x: 77.47 y: 92.9442 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 118.11 y: 72.39 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C92 position: x: 116.84 y: 74.93 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 114.3 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 82.55 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0264' position: x: 78.74 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 86.9934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0306' position: x: 77.47 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 77.47 y: 130.1734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 82.55 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0269' position: x: 82.55 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 82.55 y: 88.2634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 123.19 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0263' position: x: 123.19 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 123.19 y: 65.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 41.91 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R96 position: x: 40.4114 y: 116.0053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 40.4114 y: 118.5422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 133.35 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0261' position: x: 133.35 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 133.35 y: 78.1034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal_GND24_Small position: x: 105.41 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 113.03 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 12MHz (DNP) position: x: 113.03 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 138.43 y: 83.82 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R100 position: x: 138.43 y: 87.63 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100R position: x: 138.43 y: 85.7195 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 74.93 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R98 position: x: 74.93 y: 76.8436 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.1k position: x: 74.93 y: 79.3805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3904 position: x: 158.75 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q29 position: x: 163.6014 y: 109.6553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT3904 position: x: 163.6014 y: 112.1922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0262' position: x: 114.3 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.3 y: 78.1034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R101 position: x: 149.86 y: 90.8136 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 149.86 y: 93.3505 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0266' position: x: 49.53 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 78.74 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 41.91 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 101.6 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 88.9 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 64.77 y: 104.14 angle: null - position: x: 134.62 y: 88.9 angle: null - position: x: 114.3 y: 83.82 angle: null - position: x: 64.77 y: 101.6 angle: null - position: x: 134.62 y: 96.52 angle: null - position: x: 134.62 y: 91.44 angle: null - position: x: 134.62 y: 93.98 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 119.38 - x: 41.91 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 83.82 - x: 146.05 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 116.84 - x: 109.22 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 88.9 - x: 161.29 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 120.65 - x: 41.91 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 91.44 - x: 92.71 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 68.58 - x: 123.19 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 99.06 - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 72.39 - x: 133.35 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 73.66 - x: 82.55 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 88.9 - x: 66.04 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 88.9 - x: 161.29 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 72.39 - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 109.22 - x: 91.44 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 113.03 - x: 41.91 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 - x: 66.04 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 106.68 - x: 124.46 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 95.25 - x: 153.67 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 81.28 - x: 78.74 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 76.2 - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 86.36 - x: 66.04 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 101.6 - x: 146.05 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 111.76 - x: 41.91 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 83.82 - x: 135.89 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 88.9 - x: 91.44 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 96.52 - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 116.84 - x: 161.29 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 105.41 - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - x: 102.87 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 120.65 - x: 31.75 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 81.28 - x: 72.39 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 88.9 - x: 91.44 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 72.39 - x: 133.35 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 91.44 - x: 88.9 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 104.14 - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 120.65 - x: 31.75 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 86.36 - x: 66.04 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 72.39 - x: 124.46 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 100.33 - x: 161.29 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - x: 66.04 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 91.44 - x: 114.3 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 78.74 - x: 66.04 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 93.98 - x: 66.04 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 82.55 - x: 82.55 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 114.3 - x: 92.71 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 101.6 - x: 146.05 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 95.25 - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 72.39 - x: 82.55 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 107.95 - x: 109.22 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 91.44 - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 73.66 - x: 82.55 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 95.25 - x: 147.32 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 91.44 - x: 92.71 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 104.14 - x: 93.98 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 96.52 - x: 77.47 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 88.9 - x: 87.63 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 116.84 - x: 109.22 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 101.6 - x: 114.3 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 105.41 - x: 105.41 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 72.39 - x: 123.19 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 116.84 - x: 101.6 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 90.17 - x: 68.58 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 116.84 - x: 101.6 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 114.3 - x: 31.75 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 116.84 - x: 161.29 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 73.66 - x: 114.3 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 90.17 - x: 68.58 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 81.28 - x: 146.05 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 82.55 - x: 78.74 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 113.03 - x: 41.91 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 110.49 - x: 147.32 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 104.14 - x: 93.98 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 111.76 - x: 49.53 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 72.39 - x: 124.46 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 107.95 - x: 109.22 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 101.6 y: 109.22 - x: 101.6 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 116.84 - x: 101.6 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 124.46 - x: 77.47 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 99.06 - x: 143.51 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 101.6 - x: 146.05 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 81.28 - x: 78.74 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 110.49 - x: 153.67 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 78.74 - x: 71.12 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 88.9 - x: 114.3 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 81.28 - x: 135.89 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 110.49 - x: 105.41 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 72.39 - x: 124.46 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 107.95 - x: 109.22 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 72.39 - x: 115.57 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 91.44 - x: 66.04 y: 91.44 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply and sensor circuit
libSymbols: - Analog_ADC:INA219AxD - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:Fuse_Small - Device:L_Small - Device:R_Small - Diode:BAV70 - GND_1 - Power_Management_TI:TPS61178x - Sensor_Temperature:LM75B - Switch:SW_DIP_x02 - Transistor_BJT:MMBT3904 - Transistor_BJT:MMBT3906 - Transistor_FET:2N7002 - Transistor_FET:FDS9435A - power:+3V3 - power:GND - power:GND2 schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R46 position: x: 182.88 y: 140.3436 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 182.88 y: 142.8805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 25.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C47 position: x: 181.61 y: 22.86 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 180.34 y: 20.32 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 130.81 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R34 position: x: 129.3115 y: 122.3553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 180kR position: x: 129.3115 y: 124.8922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 198.12 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R50 position: x: 199.6186 y: 107.1153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 199.6186 y: 109.6522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 152.4 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0188' position: x: 152.4 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 152.4 y: 146.6834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 184.15 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q17 position: x: 189.357 y: 122.3553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 189.357 y: 124.8922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 168.91 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R44 position: x: 165.1 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 167.0105 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 85.09 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q14 position: x: 90.297 y: 150.2953 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 90.297 y: 152.8322 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 261.62 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0157' position: x: 261.62 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 261.62 y: 153.0334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 125.73 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 128.0541 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 128.0541 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 152.4 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R36 position: x: 150.9015 y: 122.3553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220kR position: x: 150.9015 y: 124.8922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 81.28 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C95 position: x: 78.9559 y: 75.3716 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22nF position: x: 78.9559 y: 77.9085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 105.41 y: 142.24 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0176' position: x: 105.41 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 105.41 y: 138.6642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3906 position: x: 139.7 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q24 position: x: 144.5514 y: 69.604 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT5401 position: x: 144.5514 y: 67.556 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse_Small position: x: 218.44 y: 57.15 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: F2 position: x: 218.44 y: 53.0692 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5A position: x: 218.44 y: 55.6061 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 86.36 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0167' position: x: 86.36 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 86.36 y: 126.3634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 186.69 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R47 position: x: 185.1914 y: 107.1153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 300R position: x: 185.1914 y: 109.6522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 173.99 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 51.4334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 186.69 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R131 position: x: 188.1886 y: 147.7553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 188.1886 y: 150.2922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0164' position: x: 233.68 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 69.2134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 199.39 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 47.6234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 171.666 y: 29.6389 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 171.666 y: 32.1758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0187' position: x: 130.81 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 130.81 y: 154.3034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 91.44 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0168' position: x: 91.44 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 91.44 y: 126.3634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 85.09 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q13 position: x: 90.297 y: 136.3253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 90.297 y: 138.8622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 151.13 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0186' position: x: 151.13 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 151.13 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C46 position: x: 171.666 y: 89.3289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 171.666 y: 91.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 187.96 y: 21.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0135' position: x: 187.96 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 187.96 y: 18.0142 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 40.64 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 42.9641 y: 89.3289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 42.9641 y: 91.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Analog_ADC entryName: INA219AxD position: x: 187.96 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 189.9794 y: 25.5102 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INA219AxD position: x: 189.9794 y: 28.0471 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_DIP_x02 position: x: 104.14 y: 152.4 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 109.982 y: 151.5653 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SW_DIP_x02 position: x: 109.982 y: 154.1022 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0150' position: x: 199.39 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 199.39 y: 94.6134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3906 position: x: 125.73 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: Q9 position: x: 120.8786 y: 69.604 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT5401 position: x: 120.8786 y: 67.556 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 121.92 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R33 position: x: 120.4215 y: 143.9453 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 120.4215 y: 146.4822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 171.6659 y: 36.0016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 171.6659 y: 38.5385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 223.52 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C49 position: x: 225.679 y: 59.5792 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220uF position: x: 225.679 y: 62.1161 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 107.95 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C35 position: x: 110.2741 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 110.2741 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 102.87 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0169' position: x: 102.87 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 102.87 y: 135.2534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 143.51 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R35 position: x: 142.0115 y: 136.3253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 142.0115 y: 138.8622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 123.19 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R62 position: x: 121.6914 y: 84.2553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 121.6914 y: 86.7922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 81.28 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0285' position: x: 81.28 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 81.28 y: 84.4534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 250.19 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0155' position: x: 250.19 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 250.19 y: 122.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 72.39 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C48 position: x: 181.61 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 180.34 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 123.19 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R92 position: x: 121.6915 y: 77.9053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 56kR position: x: 121.6915 y: 80.4422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 177.8 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 78.1034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 116.84 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C36 position: x: 119.1641 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 119.1641 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 64.77 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R28 position: x: 63.2715 y: 110.9253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 150k position: x: 63.2715 y: 113.4622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 31.75 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C94 position: x: 34.0741 y: 89.3289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 34.0741 y: 91.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3904 position: x: 191.77 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q18 position: x: 196.6214 y: 143.9453 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT3904 position: x: 196.6214 y: 146.4822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 142.24 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R26 position: x: 143.7386 y: 77.9053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 143.7386 y: 80.4422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 165.1 y: 104.14 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R43 position: x: 165.1 y: 99.7036 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 165.1 y: 102.2405 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 171.666 y: 42.3389 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 171.666 y: 44.8758 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L_Small position: x: 96.52 y: 86.36 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L2 position: x: 96.52 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1uH position: x: 96.52 y: 87.63 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 73.66 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R29 position: x: 72.1615 y: 90.6053 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 72.1615 y: 93.1422 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Sensor_Temperature entryName: LM75B position: x: 250.19 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 252.2094 y: 129.6502 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM75B position: x: 252.2094 y: 132.1871 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 123.19 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R41 position: x: 159.7915 y: 122.3553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 159.7915 y: 124.8922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Analog_ADC entryName: INA219AxD position: x: 187.96 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 189.9794 y: 72.5002 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INA219AxD position: x: 189.9794 y: 75.0371 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 133.35 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C38 position: x: 135.6741 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 135.6741 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 201.93 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0134' position: x: 201.93 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 201.93 y: 37.0642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 49.53 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0182' position: x: 49.53 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 49.53 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0140' position: x: 194.31 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 155.5734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 49.53 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 51.8541 y: 89.3289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 51.8541 y: 91.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 73.66 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R31 position: x: 72.1615 y: 146.4853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 72.1615 y: 149.0222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 73.66 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0171' position: x: 73.66 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 73.66 y: 139.9342 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0173' position: x: 87.63 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 161.9234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 104.14 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C34 position: x: 106.4641 y: 90.6116 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 106.4641 y: 93.1485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0137' position: x: 177.8 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 177.8 y: 31.1134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 194.31 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R49 position: x: 192.8115 y: 133.7853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 192.8115 y: 136.3222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 166.37 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 29.8434 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 64.77 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0177' position: x: 64.77 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 64.77 y: 120.0134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 233.68 y: 60.96 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C50 position: x: 235.839 y: 59.5792 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220uF position: x: 235.839 y: 62.1161 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 208.28 y: 144.78 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0141' position: x: 208.28 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 208.28 y: 149.2234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0142' position: x: 173.99 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 173.99 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 55.88 y: 137.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q11 position: x: 61.087 y: 136.3253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 61.087 y: 138.8622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 168.91 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R45 position: x: 165.1 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 167.0105 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 205.74 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q20 position: x: 210.947 y: 137.5953 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 210.947 y: 140.1322 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R37 position: x: 157.48 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 159.3905 y: 49.53 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 261.62 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0156' position: x: 261.62 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 261.62 y: 136.1242 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R38 position: x: 157.48 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 159.3905 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Power_Management_TI entryName: TPS61178x position: x: 88.9 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 90.9194 y: 90.4072 angle: 0 - key: Value value: TPS61178x position: x: 90.9194 y: 92.9441 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R39 position: x: 162.7886 y: 107.1153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 750kR position: x: 162.7886 y: 109.6522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0179' position: x: 62.23 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: 108.5834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 166.37 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 166.37 y: 76.8334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 165.1 y: 57.15 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R42 position: x: 165.1 y: 52.7136 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 165.1 y: 55.2505 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 208.28 y: 106.68 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: Q21 position: x: 208.28 y: 98.5352 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 208.28 y: 101.0721 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 250.19 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0154' position: x: 250.19 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 250.19 y: 161.9234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 31.75 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0284' position: x: 31.75 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 31.75 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0147' position: x: 187.96 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 52.7034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 132.08 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 132.08 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 132.08 y: 94.115 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C45 position: x: 171.6659 y: 82.9916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 171.6659 y: 85.5285 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 223.52 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0163' position: x: 223.52 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 223.52 y: 69.2134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 58.42 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0181' position: x: 58.42 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 58.42 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 40.64 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0183' position: x: 40.64 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 40.64 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 187.96 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0148' position: x: 187.96 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 187.96 y: 65.0042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 240.03 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 240.03 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 240.03 y: 135.2534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0172' position: x: 73.66 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 168.2734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 133.35 y: 59.69 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Q10 position: x: 133.35 y: 51.5452 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 133.35 y: 54.0821 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 173.99 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C44 position: x: 171.666 y: 76.6289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 171.666 y: 79.1658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 107.95 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0166' position: x: 107.95 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 107.95 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 142.24 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0185' position: x: 142.24 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 142.24 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 62.23 y: 157.48 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R27 position: x: 62.23 y: 153.0436 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 62.23 y: 155.5805 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 125.73 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0175' position: x: 125.73 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 125.73 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 128.27 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q15 position: x: 133.477 y: 140.1353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 133.477 y: 142.6722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0143' position: x: 161.29 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 131.4434 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 49.53 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 54.61 y: 142.24 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 52.07 y: 144.78 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 246.38 y: 129.54 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C51 position: x: 247.65 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 250.19 y: 127 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 102.87 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R32 position: x: 101.3715 y: 118.5453 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47kR position: x: 101.3715 y: 121.0822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: FDS9435A position: x: 193.04 y: 106.68 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: Q19 position: x: 193.04 y: 98.5352 angle: 90 - key: Value value: AO4407A position: x: 193.04 y: 101.0721 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0178' position: x: 73.66 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.66 y: 120.0134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 149.86 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q16 position: x: 155.067 y: 132.5153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 155.067 y: 135.0522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R40 position: x: 162.7886 y: 114.7353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 15kR position: x: 162.7886 y: 117.2722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 116.84 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0174' position: x: 116.84 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 116.84 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND2 position: x: 133.35 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0184' position: x: 133.35 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND2 position: x: 133.35 y: 117.4734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 95.25 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 187.96 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 200.66 y: 99.6934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Transistor_BJT entryName: MMBT3904 position: x: 71.12 y: 157.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q12 position: x: 75.9714 y: 156.6453 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MMBT3904 position: x: 75.9714 y: 159.1822 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 151.13 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C40 position: x: 153.4541 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 153.4541 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: BAV70 position: x: 173.99 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 171.958 y: 143.9453 angle: 90 - key: Value value: BAV70 position: x: 171.958 y: 146.4822 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 186.69 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R48 position: x: 185.1914 y: 113.4653 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 300R position: x: 185.1914 y: 116.0022 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 62.23 y: 100.33 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 64.5541 y: 99.5016 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 4.7uF position: x: 64.5541 y: 102.0385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 73.66 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R30 position: x: 72.1615 y: 110.9253 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 56kR position: x: 72.1615 y: 113.4622 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 142.24 y: 107.95 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C39 position: x: 144.5641 y: 107.1089 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 144.5641 y: 109.6458 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 58.42 y: 90.17 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 60.7441 y: 89.3289 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 60.7441 y: 91.8658 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 102.87 y: 127 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C33 position: x: 100.5459 y: 127.8284 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 680pF position: x: 100.5459 y: 125.2915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 58.42 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0170' position: x: 58.42 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 58.42 y: 150.4934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 186.69 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 186.69 y: 133.9834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 194.31 y: 130.81 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0139' position: x: 194.31 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 194.31 y: 127.2342 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 194.31 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 261.62 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 199.39 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 130.81 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 133.35 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 91.44 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 233.68 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 121.92 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 187.96 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 151.13 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 187.96 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.75 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 58.42 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 40.64 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 73.66 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - position: x: 143.51 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 39.37 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 240.03 y: 146.05 angle: null - position: x: 102.87 y: 107.95 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 52.07 - x: 168.91 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 149.86 - x: 194.31 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 73.66 - x: 142.24 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 110.49 - x: 107.95 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 92.71 - x: 173.99 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 119.38 - x: 152.4 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 68.58 - x: 134.62 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 133.35 - x: 143.51 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 104.14 - x: 133.35 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 140.97 - x: 260.35 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 73.66 - x: 177.8 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 133.35 - x: 144.78 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 160.02 - x: 106.68 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 129.54 - x: 87.63 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 31.75 - x: 200.66 y: 31.75 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 86.36 - x: 40.64 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 57.15 - x: 214.63 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 114.3 - x: 102.87 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 144.78 - x: 186.69 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 86.36 - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 72.39 - x: 187.96 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 86.36 - x: 199.39 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 110.49 - x: 186.69 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 113.03 - x: 208.28 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 143.51 - x: 106.68 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 129.54 - x: 87.63 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 72.39 - x: 81.28 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 39.37 - x: 173.99 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 105.41 - x: 64.77 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 86.36 - x: 104.14 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 57.15 - x: 162.56 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 72.39 - x: 187.96 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 25.4 - x: 180.34 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 156.21 - x: 250.19 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 86.36 - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 41.91 - x: 198.12 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 57.15 - x: 142.24 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 78.74 - x: 200.66 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 74.93 - x: 123.19 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 88.9 - x: 198.12 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 25.4 - x: 173.99 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 86.36 - x: 73.66 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 86.36 - x: 40.64 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 39.37 - x: 168.91 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 128.27 - x: 152.4 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 114.3 - x: 64.77 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 93.98 - x: 49.53 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 86.36 - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 86.36 - x: 173.99 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 104.14 - x: 214.63 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 143.51 - x: 106.68 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 104.14 - x: 142.24 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 88.9 - x: 123.19 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 86.36 - x: 31.75 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 25.4 - x: 187.96 y: 26.67 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 102.87 - x: 62.23 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 134.62 - x: 143.51 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 129.54 - x: 102.87 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 144.78 - x: 49.53 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 151.13 - x: 194.31 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 92.71 - x: 31.75 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - x: 81.28 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 57.15 - x: 161.29 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 100.33 - x: 106.68 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 104.14 - x: 198.12 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 34.29 - x: 200.66 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 72.39 - x: 173.99 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 104.14 - x: 187.96 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 57.15 - x: 215.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 143.51 - x: 208.28 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 110.49 - x: 133.35 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 93.98 - x: 40.64 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 104.14 - x: 214.63 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 107.95 - x: 73.66 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 146.05 - x: 261.62 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 137.16 - x: 50.8 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 121.92 - x: 102.87 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 111.76 - x: 193.04 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 104.14 - x: 116.84 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 104.14 - x: 107.95 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 143.51 - x: 104.14 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 74.93 - x: 142.24 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 123.19 - x: 179.07 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 125.73 - x: 161.29 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 57.15 - x: 123.19 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 107.95 - x: 73.66 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 118.11 - x: 161.29 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 125.73 - x: 250.19 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 68.58 - x: 132.08 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 248.92 y: 129.54 - x: 250.19 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 68.58 - x: 132.08 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - x: 142.24 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 39.37 - x: 199.39 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 64.77 - x: 133.35 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 119.38 - x: 161.29 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 88.9 - x: 142.24 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 74.93 - x: 123.19 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 26.67 - x: 177.8 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 86.36 - x: 49.53 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 78.74 - x: 199.39 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 104.14 - x: 186.69 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 104.14 - x: 116.84 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 46.99 - x: 187.96 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 138.43 - x: 200.66 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 111.76 - x: 161.29 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 125.73 - x: 130.81 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 64.77 y: 157.48 - x: 66.04 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 110.49 - x: 151.13 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 99.06 - x: 168.91 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 111.76 - x: 161.29 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 81.28 - x: 161.29 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 80.01 - x: 173.99 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 157.48 - x: 59.69 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 110.49 - x: 142.24 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 120.65 - x: 86.36 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - x: 161.29 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 100.33 - x: 106.68 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 142.24 - x: 58.42 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 140.97 - x: 240.03 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 137.16 - x: 80.01 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 148.59 - x: 130.81 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 240.03 y: 129.54 - x: 240.03 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 130.81 - x: 194.31 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 119.38 - x: 130.81 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 100.33 - x: 74.93 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 86.36 - x: 198.12 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 78.74 - x: 199.39 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 152.4 - x: 173.99 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 140.97 - x: 121.92 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 144.78 - x: 58.42 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 33.02 - x: 173.99 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 162.56 - x: 73.66 y: 163.83 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 143.51 - x: 261.62 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 74.93 - x: 123.19 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 72.39 - x: 173.99 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 104.14 - x: 142.24 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 143.51 - x: 104.14 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 140.97 - x: 152.4 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 86.36 - x: 31.75 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 96.52 - x: 62.23 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 57.15 - x: 223.52 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 137.16 - x: 173.99 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 83.82 - x: 201.93 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 104.14 - x: 133.35 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 119.38 - x: 161.29 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 160.02 - x: 104.14 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 104.14 - x: 125.73 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 140.97 - x: 152.4 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 21.59 - x: 187.96 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 110.49 - x: 125.73 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 86.36 - x: 104.14 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 57.15 - x: 233.68 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 52.07 - x: 161.29 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 96.52 - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 143.51 - x: 73.66 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 68.58 - x: 187.96 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 25.4 - x: 173.99 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 238.76 y: 143.51 - x: 240.03 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 144.78 - x: 49.53 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 144.78 - x: 180.34 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 148.59 - x: 261.62 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 116.84 - x: 186.69 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 104.14 - x: 151.13 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 57.15 - x: 236.22 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 129.54 - x: 250.19 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 104.14 - x: 107.95 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 137.16 - x: 194.31 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 72.39 - x: 180.34 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 93.98 - x: 73.66 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 93.98 - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - x: 93.98 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 86.36 - x: 73.66 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 30.48 y: 57.15 - x: 123.19 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 63.5 - x: 223.52 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 104.14 - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 100.33 - x: 73.66 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 93.98 - x: 58.42 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 86.36 - x: 177.8 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 104.14 - x: 167.64 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 146.05 - x: 261.62 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 114.3 - x: 73.66 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 57.15 - x: 223.52 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 90.17 - x: 132.08 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 151.13 - x: 80.01 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 34.29 - x: 161.29 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 110.49 - x: 116.84 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 128.27 - x: 186.69 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 111.76 - x: 161.29 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 137.16 - x: 49.53 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 34.29 - x: 177.8 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 148.59 - x: 130.81 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 140.97 - x: 121.92 y: 142.24 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 132.08 - x: 58.42 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 86.36 - x: 49.53 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 39.37 - x: 198.12 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 74.93 - x: 142.24 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 120.65 - x: 91.44 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 63.5 - x: 233.68 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 147.32 - x: 121.92 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 113.03 - x: 208.28 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 57.15 - x: 233.68 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 148.59 - x: 130.81 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 39.37 - x: 177.8 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 93.98 - x: 187.96 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 58.42 y: 86.36 - x: 58.42 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 113.03 - x: 208.28 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 86.36 - x: 88.9 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 104.14 - x: 151.13 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 140.97 - x: 152.4 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 110.49 - x: 198.12 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 81.28 - x: 123.19 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 86.36 - x: 58.42 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 144.78 - x: 186.69 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 104.14 - x: 186.69 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 119.38 - x: 152.4 y: 119.38 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 142.24 - x: 87.63 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 48.26 y: 137.16 - x: 49.53 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 25.4 - x: 187.96 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 96.52 - x: 62.23 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 138.43 - x: 194.31 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 78.74 - x: 81.28 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 129.54 - x: 240.03 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 140.97 - x: 121.92 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 113.03 - x: 198.12 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 142.24 - x: 105.41 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 45.72 - x: 173.99 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 104.14 - x: 125.73 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 139.7 - x: 143.51 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 57.15 - x: 167.64 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 39.37 - x: 168.91 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 261.62 y: 139.7 - x: 261.62 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 40.64 - x: 201.93 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 151.13 - x: 73.66 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 81.28 - x: 161.29 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 99.06 - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 149.86 - x: 73.66 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 156.21 - x: 87.63 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 34.29 - x: 161.29 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: 57.15 - x: 123.19 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 105.41 - x: 64.77 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 81.28 - x: 200.66 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 57.15 - x: 142.24 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 83.82 - x: 201.93 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 81.28 - x: 177.8 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - x: 168.91 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 104.14 - x: 162.56 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 119.38 - x: 91.44 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 120.65 - x: 91.44 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 119.38 - x: 86.36 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 104.14 - x: 203.2 y: 104.14 globalLabels: - text: DC_OUT_OFF shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 152.4 angle: 180 - text: VSEL0 shape: input position: x: 106.68 y: 161.29 angle: 270 - text: SMBC shape: input position: x: 200.66 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - text: DC_OUT_TEST shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 123.19 angle: 180 - text: DCOK shape: input position: x: 77.47 y: 137.16 angle: 180 - text: SMBC shape: input position: x: 200.66 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - text: VSEL0 shape: input position: x: 142.24 y: 133.35 angle: 180 - text: DC_OUT_OFF shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 137.16 angle: 180 - text: VSEL1 shape: input position: x: 120.65 y: 140.97 angle: 180 - text: VSEL1 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 161.29 angle: 270 - text: SMBD shape: bidirectional position: x: 200.66 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - text: SMBD shape: bidirectional position: x: 200.66 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - text: DC_OUT_TEST shape: input position: x: 48.26 y: 157.48 angle: 180 - text: DCOK shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 137.16 angle: 180 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 238.76 y: 143.51 angle: 180 - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 238.76 y: 140.97 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Power supply and sensor circuit
libSymbols: - Analog_ADC:INA219AxD - Connector:USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 - Device:C_Polarized_Small - Device:C_Small - Device:D_TVS - Device:Fuse_Small - Device:LED_Small - Device:L_Small - Device:R_Small - Regulator_Switching_Silergy:SY8105 - Sensor_Temperature:LM75B - Transistor_FET:2N7002 - power:+3V3 - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 66.04 y: 72.39 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R76 position: x: 66.04 y: 67.9536 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 66.04 y: 70.4905 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0235' position: x: 78.74 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 83.1834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Fuse_Small position: x: 149.86 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: F3 position: x: 149.86 y: 61.9592 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5A position: x: 149.86 y: 64.4961 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0237' position: x: 53.34 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 78.1034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 124.46 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C76 position: x: 126.7841 y: 69.0216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 18pF position: x: 126.7841 y: 71.5585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R77 position: x: 117.0686 y: 69.0153 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 117.0686 y: 71.5522 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0226' position: x: 104.14 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 139.0634 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 105.41 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0225' position: x: 105.41 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 105.41 y: 122.1542 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Switching_Silergy entryName: SY8105 position: x: 78.74 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 80.7594 y: 59.9272 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SY8105 position: x: 80.7594 y: 62.4641 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0238' position: x: 161.29 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 61.5934 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 59.69 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C71 position: x: 54.61 y: 87.63 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 57.15 y: 85.09 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 53.34 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C70 position: x: 55.6641 y: 69.0216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 55.6641 y: 71.5585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 82.55 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0228' position: x: 82.55 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 82.55 y: 121.2834 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 92.71 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0224' position: x: 92.71 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 92.71 y: 108.1842 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0234' position: x: 144.78 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 79.3734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: D_TVS position: x: 165.1 y: 74.93 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: D16 position: x: 167.132 y: 74.0953 angle: 90 - key: Value value: P6SMB6.8CA position: x: 167.132 y: 76.6322 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 92.71 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0227' position: x: 92.71 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 92.71 y: 147.9534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 134.62 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R80 position: x: 130.81 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 132.7205 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 83.82 y: 57.15 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C72 position: x: 83.8136 y: 51.8881 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF HV position: x: 83.8136 y: 54.425 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 209.55 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R85 position: x: 211.0486 y: 108.3853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100kR position: x: 211.0486 y: 110.9222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0232' position: x: 115.57 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 115.57 y: 92.0734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: L_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 66.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: L4 position: x: 92.71 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 4.7uH position: x: 92.71 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0242' position: x: 201.93 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 109.8534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0236' position: x: 68.58 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 98.4234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 88.9 y: 115.57 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C73 position: x: 90.17 y: 110.49 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 92.71 y: 113.03 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 77.47 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R78 position: x: 117.0686 y: 76.6353 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 12kR position: x: 117.0686 y: 79.1722 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0233' position: x: 97.79 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 79.3734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0241' position: x: 172.72 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 56.5134 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 158.75 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R126 position: x: 157.2515 y: 70.2853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 157.2515 y: 72.8222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0230' position: x: 139.7 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 139.7 y: 38.7334 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 147.32 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0229' position: x: 147.32 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 147.32 y: 60.3234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 142.24 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R82 position: x: 138.43 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1R position: x: 140.3405 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 176.53 y: 73.66 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R83 position: x: 176.53 y: 69.85 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 176.53 y: 71.7605 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED_Small position: x: 158.75 y: 77.47 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D22 position: x: 160.528 y: 76.5718 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RED position: x: 160.528 y: 79.1087 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 156.21 y: 34.29 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C81 position: x: 154.94 y: 31.75 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 153.67 y: 29.21 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Transistor_FET entryName: 2N7002 position: x: 66.04 y: 85.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q22 position: x: 71.247 y: 84.2553 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2N7002 position: x: 71.247 y: 86.7922 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 219.71 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C82 position: x: 222.0341 y: 108.3916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1nF 500V position: x: 222.0341 y: 110.9285 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R84 position: x: 182.88 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 182.88 y: 69.2205 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 158.75 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0314' position: x: 158.75 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 158.75 y: 85.7234 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small position: x: 144.78 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C80 position: x: 146.939 y: 69.7392 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220uF position: x: 146.939 y: 72.2761 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Analog_ADC entryName: INA219AxD position: x: 161.29 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 163.3094 y: 34.4002 angle: 0 - key: Value value: INA219AxD position: x: 163.3094 y: 36.9371 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C77 position: x: 144.9959 y: 38.5416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 144.9959 y: 41.0785 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 106.68 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C75 position: x: 109.0041 y: 69.0216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 109.0041 y: 71.5585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C78 position: x: 144.9959 y: 44.8916 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 144.9959 y: 47.4285 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 138.43 y: 66.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R81 position: x: 138.43 y: 61.6036 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10mR position: x: 138.43 y: 64.1405 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 147.32 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C79 position: x: 144.9959 y: 51.2416 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 144.9959 y: 53.7785 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R79 position: x: 117.0686 y: 82.9853 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1.5kR position: x: 117.0686 y: 85.5222 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector entryName: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 201.93 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 199.2122 y: 59.2582 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_C_Receptacle_USB2.0 position: x: 199.2122 y: 61.5696 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 209.55 y: 114.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0243' position: x: 209.55 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 209.55 y: 118.7434 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 35.56 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0239' position: x: 151.13 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 40.0034 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0231' position: x: 106.68 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 106.68 y: 79.3734 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 97.79 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C74 position: x: 100.1141 y: 69.0216 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF position: x: 100.1141 y: 71.5585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0260' position: x: 165.1 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 84.4534 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3V3 position: x: 161.29 y: 30.48 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0240' position: x: 161.29 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3V3 position: x: 161.29 y: 26.9042 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Sensor_Temperature entryName: LM75B position: x: 92.71 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 94.7294 y: 115.6802 angle: 0 - key: Value value: LM75B position: x: 94.7294 y: 118.2171 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 59.69 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 68.58 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.68 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.24 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 179.07 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 158.75 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 53.34 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 88.9 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 62.23 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.32 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 172.72 y: 43.18 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 186.69 y: 78.74 angle: null - position: x: 186.69 y: 81.28 angle: null - position: x: 186.69 y: 83.82 angle: null - position: x: 186.69 y: 93.98 angle: null - position: x: 82.55 y: 132.08 angle: null - position: x: 186.69 y: 86.36 angle: null - position: x: 186.69 y: 96.52 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 57.15 - x: 88.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 73.66 - x: 144.78 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 43.18 - x: 173.99 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 45.72 - x: 175.26 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 66.04 - x: 172.72 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 113.03 - x: 209.55 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 127 - x: 104.14 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 66.04 - x: 62.23 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 72.39 - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 73.66 - x: 115.57 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 60.96 - x: 134.62 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 55.88 - x: 161.29 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 71.12 - x: 179.07 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 129.54 - x: 102.87 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 60.96 - x: 78.74 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 127 - x: 82.55 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 73.66 - x: 172.72 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 66.04 - x: 186.69 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - x: 115.57 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 134.62 - x: 104.14 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 66.04 - x: 165.1 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 129.54 - x: 82.55 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 115.57 - x: 92.71 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 66.04 - x: 53.34 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 91.44 - x: 59.69 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 73.66 - x: 124.46 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 48.26 - x: 172.72 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 111.76 - x: 209.55 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 113.03 - x: 219.71 y: 111.76 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 43.18 - x: 134.62 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 66.04 - x: 53.34 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - x: 68.58 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 72.39 - x: 115.57 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 54.61 - x: 147.32 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 34.29 - x: 147.32 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 104.14 - x: 209.55 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 72.39 - x: 106.68 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 66.04 - x: 165.1 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 45.72 - x: 172.72 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 72.39 - x: 97.79 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 111.76 - x: 92.71 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 66.04 - x: 144.78 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 73.66 - x: 124.46 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - x: 68.58 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 90.17 - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 66.04 - x: 179.07 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 66.04 - x: 140.97 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 132.08 - x: 104.14 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 50.8 - x: 171.45 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 115.57 - x: 82.55 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 105.41 - x: 209.55 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 66.04 - x: 88.9 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 57.15 - x: 81.28 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 66.04 - x: 158.75 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 43.18 - x: 151.13 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 66.04 - x: 179.07 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 115.57 - x: 92.71 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 127 - x: 102.87 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 92.71 - x: 68.58 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 85.09 - x: 60.96 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 73.66 - x: 158.75 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 34.29 - x: 161.29 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 34.29 - x: 161.29 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 35.56 - x: 151.13 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 66.04 - x: 88.9 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 43.18 - x: 134.62 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - x: 142.24 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 85.09 - x: 59.69 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 66.04 - x: 135.89 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 48.26 - x: 147.32 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 104.14 - x: 201.93 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 71.12 - x: 186.69 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 77.47 - x: 78.74 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 30.48 - x: 161.29 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 106.68 - x: 219.71 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 86.36 - x: 115.57 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 73.66 - x: 186.69 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 60.96 - x: 142.24 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 66.04 - x: 62.23 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 72.39 - x: 88.9 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 106.68 y: 66.04 - x: 106.68 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 113.03 - x: 219.71 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 72.39 - x: 63.5 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 105.41 - x: 209.55 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 48.26 - x: 151.13 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 73.66 - x: 115.57 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 66.04 - x: 144.78 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 72.39 - x: 53.34 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 66.04 - x: 134.62 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 66.04 - x: 124.46 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 66.04 - x: 97.79 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 45.72 - x: 172.72 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 34.29 - x: 153.67 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 48.26 - x: 142.24 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 142.24 - x: 92.71 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 78.74 - x: 165.1 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 115.57 - x: 82.55 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 80.01 - x: 158.75 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 41.91 - x: 147.32 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 125.73 - x: 105.41 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 66.04 - x: 172.72 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 40.64 - x: 173.99 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 66.04 - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 80.01 - x: 115.57 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 43.18 - x: 172.72 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 66.04 - x: 97.79 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 59.69 y: 85.09 - x: 59.69 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 68.58 - x: 158.75 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 66.04 - x: 124.46 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 72.39 - x: 69.85 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 66.04 - x: 53.34 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 48.26 - x: 171.45 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 66.04 - x: 147.32 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 66.04 - x: 90.17 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 147.32 y: 34.29 - x: 147.32 y: 36.83 globalLabels: - text: USB_OUT_OFF shape: input position: x: 53.34 y: 85.09 angle: 180 - text: SDA shape: bidirectional position: x: 81.28 y: 127 angle: 180 - text: SMBD shape: bidirectional position: x: 173.99 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - text: SCL shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 129.54 angle: 180 - text: SMBC shape: input position: x: 173.99 y: 43.18 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for It's impossible to know without more context. Please provide the components!
libSymbols: - Device:C schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 160.02 y: 81.28 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C? position: x: 160.02 y: 74.8792 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 160.02 y: 77.1906 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 160.02 y: 93.98 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C? position: x: 160.02 y: 87.5792 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 160.02 y: 89.8906 angle: 90 junctions: [] noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 93.98 - x: 166.37 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 81.28 - x: 153.67 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 93.98 - x: 153.67 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 81.28 - x: 166.37 y: 81.28 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Simple resistor circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:R - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 120.65 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 122.428 y: 95.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 122.428 y: 97.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 146.05 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 147.828 y: 95.3516 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 147.828 y: 97.663 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 120.65 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 120.65 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 120.777 y: 107.2642 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 146.05 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '' position: x: 146.177 y: 107.2642 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 146.05 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.65 y: 90.17 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 90.17 - x: 148.59 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 92.71 - x: 120.65 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 100.33 - x: 120.65 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 90.17 - x: 146.05 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 92.71 - x: 146.05 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 90.17 - x: 120.65 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 100.33 - x: 146.05 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 90.17 - x: 123.19 y: 90.17 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for EPROM memory circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Delta_s_m_Lib:27C128 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS04 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:Jumper_3_Open - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Memory_EPROM:27C256 - Switch:SW_SPST - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 189.865 y: 55.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0115' position: x: 189.865 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 185.42 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.24 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0106' position: x: 142.24 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.78 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 118.745 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR015' position: x: 119.38 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 125.73 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR013' position: x: 125.73 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 121.285 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 149.86 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 149.225 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 149.86 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 103.505 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR014' position: x: 125.73 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 125.73 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 189.865 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0114' position: x: 189.865 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 189.865 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 90.805 y: 64.135 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R3 position: x: 93.345 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 4.7K position: x: 93.345 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 168.91 y: 142.875 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U75 position: x: 168.91 y: 142.875 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 168.91 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 96.52 y: 133.985 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: J14 position: x: 99.06 y: 132.715 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Conn_01x02 position: x: 99.06 y: 135.255 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 27C128 position: x: 189.865 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U71 position: x: 191.8844 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27C64 position: x: 191.8844 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 177.8 y: 158.115 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U75 position: x: 177.8 y: 158.115 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 177.8 y: 151.765 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 111.125 y: 118.745 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 111.125 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 111.125 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Jumper_3_Open position: x: 135.89 y: 149.225 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP2 position: x: 135.89 y: 142.875 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_3_Open position: x: 135.89 y: 145.415 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_EPROM entryName: 27C256 position: x: 125.73 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U70 position: x: 127.6859 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27C256 position: x: 127.6859 y: 45.085 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 90.805 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - position: x: 125.73 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 159.385 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - position: x: 103.505 y: 118.745 angle: 0 - position: x: 117.475 y: 118.745 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 179.705 y: 101.6 angle: null - position: x: 179.705 y: 99.06 angle: null - position: x: 115.57 y: 90.17 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 92.71 - x: 115.57 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 72.39 - x: 115.57 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 77.47 - x: 115.57 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 155.575 - x: 159.385 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 154.94 - x: 135.89 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 74.93 - x: 115.57 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 85.09 - x: 115.57 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 64.77 - x: 135.89 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 76.2 - x: 200.025 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 88.9 - x: 179.705 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 118.745 - x: 116.205 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 122.555 - x: 93.98 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 123.825 - x: 96.52 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 118.745 - x: 103.505 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 155.575 - x: 159.385 y: 155.575 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 118.745 - x: 117.475 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 68.58 - x: 179.705 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 67.31 - x: 135.89 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 160.655 - x: 170.18 y: 160.655 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 132.08 - x: 203.835 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 140.335 - x: 159.385 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 57.15 - x: 135.89 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 52.07 - x: 115.57 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 43.18 - x: 125.73 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 60.96 - x: 179.705 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 122.555 - x: 93.98 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 59.69 - x: 135.89 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 179.07 y: 142.875 - x: 176.53 y: 142.875 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 57.15 - x: 115.57 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 123.825 - x: 96.52 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 64.77 - x: 115.57 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 145.415 - x: 161.29 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 67.945 - x: 90.805 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 71.12 - x: 200.025 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 49.53 - x: 135.89 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 145.415 - x: 153.035 y: 154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 60.325 - x: 90.805 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 158.115 - x: 185.42 y: 158.115 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 95.25 - x: 115.57 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 118.745 - x: 117.475 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 103.505 - x: 125.73 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 85.09 - x: 90.805 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 69.85 - x: 115.57 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 59.69 - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 151.13 - x: 142.24 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 62.23 - x: 135.89 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 159.385 y: 140.335 - x: 161.29 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 67.31 - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 54.61 - x: 115.57 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 71.12 - x: 179.705 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 175.895 y: 104.14 - x: 179.705 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 73.66 - x: 200.025 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 154.94 - x: 135.89 y: 153.035 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 63.5 - x: 179.705 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 49.53 - x: 115.57 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 91.44 - x: 179.705 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 118.745 - x: 103.505 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 76.2 - x: 179.705 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 83.82 - x: 179.705 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 132.08 - x: 113.03 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 82.55 - x: 115.57 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 93.98 - x: 179.705 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 163.83 - x: 157.48 y: 160.655 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 54.61 - x: 135.89 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 149.225 - x: 129.54 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 78.74 - x: 179.705 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 132.08 - x: 203.835 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 66.04 - x: 200.025 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 118.745 - x: 100.33 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 43.18 - x: 125.73 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 66.04 - x: 179.705 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 80.01 - x: 115.57 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 78.74 - x: 200.025 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 172.085 - x: 113.03 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 62.23 - x: 115.57 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 68.58 - x: 200.025 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 37.465 - x: 125.73 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 86.36 - x: 179.705 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 81.28 - x: 179.705 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 52.07 - x: 135.89 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 63.5 - x: 200.025 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 73.66 - x: 179.705 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 60.96 - x: 200.025 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 106.68 - x: 179.705 y: 106.68 globalLabels: - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 80.01 angle: 180 - text: "\u0427\u0422\u041F\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 105.41 y: 92.71 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 142.24 y: 163.83 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - text: OE1L shape: input position: x: 173.99 y: 106.68 angle: 180 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 64.77 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 59.69 angle: 180 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 172.72 y: 91.44 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 69.85 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 172.72 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - text: Extra_A14 shape: input position: x: 88.9 y: 85.09 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 62.23 angle: 180 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 66.04 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 172.72 y: 86.36 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 63.5 angle: 180 - text: OE0L shape: input position: x: 105.41 y: 95.25 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 78.74 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 127.635 y: 149.225 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 172.72 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 57.15 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 71.12 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 52.07 angle: 180 - text: OE1L shape: input position: x: 193.04 y: 158.115 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 83.82 angle: 180 - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 136.525 y: 140.335 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 209.55 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - text: Extra_A14 shape: input position: x: 100.33 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 76.2 angle: 180 - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 73.66 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 67.31 angle: 180 - text: "\u0427\u0422\u041F\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 175.895 y: 104.14 angle: 180 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 54.61 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 81.28 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 49.53 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 82.55 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 74.93 angle: 180 - text: OE0L shape: input position: x: 179.07 y: 142.875 angle: 0 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 104.14 y: 72.39 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 60.96 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 171.45 y: 68.58 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for **OR gate circuit**
libSymbols: - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Delta_s_m_Lib:R_Network09 - Delta_s_m_Lib:SNP - Delta_s_m_Lib:SW_Push - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 161.29 y: 134.62 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R53 position: x: 162.56 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '510' position: x: 163.195 y: 134.62 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 40.005 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0108' position: x: 43.815 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 41.275 y: 41.275 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 212.09 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0116' position: x: 212.09 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.09 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.005 y: 46.99 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0182' position: x: 33.655 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 33.02 y: 46.99 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 167.005 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C26 position: x: 170.18 y: 41.2749 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 170.18 y: 43.8149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 195.58 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R47 position: x: 196.85 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 196.85 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 155.575 y: 46.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0110' position: x: 155.575 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 155.575 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 203.835 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R48 position: x: 205.105 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 205.105 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 149.86 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U75 position: x: 150.495 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 149.86 y: 127.635 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 178.435 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 181.61 y: 41.2749 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 181.61 y: 43.8149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 212.09 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C25 position: x: 215.265 y: 66.0399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 215.265 y: 68.5799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SNP position: x: 53.34 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 53.34 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: SNP position: x: 53.34 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.005 y: 44.45 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0109' position: x: 33.655 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 33.02 y: 44.45 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 155.575 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 158.75 y: 41.2749 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 158.75 y: 43.8149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 40.005 y: 64.77 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0243' position: x: 33.655 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 33.02 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 212.09 y: 42.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R49 position: x: 213.36 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100K position: x: 213.36 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 130.175 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U75 position: x: 130.175 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 130.175 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SW_Push position: x: 224.79 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 228.6 y: 66.0399 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Reset button position: x: 228.6 y: 68.5799 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 139.7 y: 34.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0107' position: x: 139.7 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 135.255 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 178.435 y: 46.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0275' position: x: 178.435 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 178.435 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R_Network09 position: x: 138.43 y: 41.275 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: DA2 position: x: 125.73 y: 40.2589 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 125.73 y: 42.7989 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 167.005 y: 46.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0274' position: x: 167.005 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 167.005 y: 51.435 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 155.575 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 178.435 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.835 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 195.58 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.005 y: 36.195 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 46.355 - x: 135.89 y: 67.945 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 36.195 - x: 139.7 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 44.45 - x: 44.45 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 113.03 - x: 44.45 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 82.55 - x: 44.45 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 110.49 - x: 62.23 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 36.83 - x: 62.23 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 50.165 - x: 215.9 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 55.245 - x: 215.9 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 36.195 - x: 212.09 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 64.77 - x: 44.45 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 34.29 - x: 44.45 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 46.355 - x: 195.58 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 134.62 - x: 122.555 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 46.355 - x: 138.43 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 46.355 - x: 212.09 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 54.61 - x: 44.45 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 105.41 - x: 44.45 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 46.355 - x: 128.27 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 74.93 - x: 44.45 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 44.45 - x: 62.23 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 34.29 - x: 139.7 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 82.55 - x: 62.23 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 100.33 - x: 62.23 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 52.07 - x: 62.23 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 70.485 - x: 151.13 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 36.195 - x: 155.575 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 80.01 - x: 44.45 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 36.195 - x: 212.09 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 46.355 - x: 203.835 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 87.63 - x: 69.215 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 95.25 - x: 44.45 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 178.435 y: 36.195 - x: 195.58 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 59.69 - x: 212.09 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 46.355 - x: 130.81 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 67.945 - x: 151.13 y: 67.945 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 46.355 - x: 143.51 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 74.93 - x: 62.23 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 97.79 - x: 62.23 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 69.85 - x: 62.23 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 102.87 - x: 44.45 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 46.355 - x: 133.35 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 73.025 - x: 151.13 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 75.565 - x: 151.13 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 36.195 - x: 167.005 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 92.71 - x: 62.23 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 128.27 y: 60.325 - x: 151.13 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 52.705 - x: 215.9 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 36.195 - x: 195.58 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 46.99 - x: 44.45 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 129.54 - x: 122.555 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 36.195 - x: 178.435 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 36.195 - x: 203.835 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 133.35 y: 65.405 - x: 151.13 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 85.09 - x: 44.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 95.25 - x: 62.23 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 77.47 - x: 44.45 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 78.105 - x: 151.13 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 102.87 - x: 69.215 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 71.12 - x: 212.09 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 59.69 - x: 62.23 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 54.61 - x: 62.23 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 80.01 - x: 62.23 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 36.195 - x: 203.835 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 120.015 y: 137.16 - x: 142.24 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 46.355 - x: 140.97 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 46.355 - x: 148.59 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 59.69 - x: 224.79 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 64.77 - x: 62.23 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 75.565 - x: 212.09 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 75.565 - x: 212.09 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 80.645 - x: 151.13 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 39.37 - x: 62.23 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 46.99 - x: 62.23 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 67.31 - x: 62.23 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 36.195 - x: 155.575 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 92.71 - x: 44.45 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 36.83 - x: 44.45 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 46.355 - x: 146.05 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 49.53 - x: 62.23 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 57.15 - x: 44.45 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 34.29 - x: 62.23 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 110.49 - x: 44.45 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 132.08 - x: 137.795 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 85.09 - x: 69.215 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 52.07 - x: 44.45 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 72.39 - x: 224.79 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 134.62 - x: 165.1 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 97.79 - x: 44.45 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 63.5 - x: 212.09 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 72.39 - x: 62.23 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 87.63 - x: 44.45 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 100.33 - x: 44.45 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: 105.41 - x: 69.215 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 107.95 - x: 62.23 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 57.15 - x: 62.23 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 90.17 - x: 62.23 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 130.81 y: 62.865 - x: 151.13 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 113.03 - x: 62.23 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 107.95 - x: 44.45 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 62.23 - x: 62.23 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 90.17 - x: 44.45 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 36.195 - x: 167.005 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 59.69 - x: 44.45 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 178.435 y: 36.195 - x: 178.435 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 39.37 - x: 44.45 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 59.69 - x: 224.79 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 77.47 - x: 62.23 y: 77.47 globalLabels: - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 87.63 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 90.17 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 118.745 y: 129.54 angle: 180 - text: B28_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 100.33 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 34.29 angle: 180 - text: B31_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - text: "\u041D\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - text: "\u0421\u0422\u041E\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - text: B30_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 36.83 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: "\u041E\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 120.015 y: 137.16 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - text: "\u0427\u0422\u041F\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: "\u041D\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - text: "\u0417\u0410\u041F\u0420\u0428L" shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: "\u0417\u0410\u041F\u0420\u0428L" shape: input position: x: 215.9 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - text: "\u041F\u0417\u0428L" shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 95.25 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - text: B22_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - text: B29_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - text: A28_SNP shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 102.87 angle: 180 - text: BUSY shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 113.03 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - text: "\u041E\u0416\u0418\u0414L" shape: input position: x: 215.9 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 57.15 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: STROBL shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 74.93 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 82.55 angle: 180 - text: B32_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - text: "\u0427\u0422\u041F\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 92.71 angle: 180 - text: "\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - text: "\u0420\u0413\u041DL" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - text: "\u0421\u0411\u0420\u041E\u0421L" shape: input position: x: 215.9 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - text: "\u0412\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 85.09 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 151.13 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 118.745 y: 134.62 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 97.79 angle: 180 - text: "\u041E\u0416\u0418\u0414L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - text: A29_SNP shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 105.41 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 52.07 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - text: A19_SNP shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 80.01 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - text: M1L shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - text: "\u041E\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - text: A30_SNP shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 107.95 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 59.69 angle: 180 - text: B19_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - text: "\u0417\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - text: "\u0421\u0411\u0420\u041E\u0421L" shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - text: B21_SNP shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 54.61 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 69.215 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - text: A31_SNP shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 110.49 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Z80 CPU circuit.
libSymbols: - Delta_s_m_Lib:Z80CPU - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 144.145 y: 47.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0105' position: x: 144.145 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 144.145 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Z80CPU position: x: 144.145 y: 85.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U69 position: x: 146.1644 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Z80CPU position: x: 146.1644 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 144.145 y: 123.825 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0111' position: x: 144.145 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 144.145 y: 128.905 angle: 0 junctions: [] noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 78.105 - x: 168.275 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 111.125 - x: 161.925 y: 111.125 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 65.405 - x: 168.275 y: 65.405 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 85.725 - x: 126.365 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 113.665 - x: 161.925 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 103.505 - x: 126.365 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 62.865 - x: 168.275 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 106.045 - x: 161.925 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 60.325 - x: 168.275 y: 60.325 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 98.425 - x: 161.925 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 98.425 - x: 126.365 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 80.645 - x: 126.365 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 70.485 - x: 168.275 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 116.205 - x: 126.365 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 100.965 - x: 126.365 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 106.045 - x: 126.365 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 116.205 - x: 161.925 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 83.185 - x: 126.365 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 118.745 y: 70.485 - x: 126.365 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 88.265 - x: 161.925 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 55.245 - x: 126.365 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 113.665 - x: 126.365 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 75.565 - x: 168.275 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 88.265 - x: 126.365 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 117.475 y: 73.025 - x: 126.365 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 83.185 - x: 161.925 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 67.945 - x: 168.275 y: 67.945 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 103.505 - x: 161.925 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 73.025 - x: 168.275 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 100.965 - x: 161.925 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 85.725 - x: 161.925 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 55.245 - x: 168.275 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 93.345 - x: 161.925 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 90.805 - x: 161.925 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 62.865 - x: 126.365 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 161.925 y: 57.785 - x: 168.275 y: 57.785 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 80.645 - x: 161.925 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 168.275 y: 108.585 - x: 161.925 y: 108.585 globalLabels: - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - text: "\u041F\u0417\u0428L" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 116.205 angle: 180 - text: M1L shape: input position: x: 117.475 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - text: "\u041D\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 118.745 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: "\u0421\u0411\u0420\u041E\u0421L" shape: input position: x: 117.475 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 60.325 angle: 0 - text: "\u0412\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - text: "\u0417\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 167.005 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - text: "\u0420\u0413\u041DL" shape: input position: x: 118.745 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - text: "\u041E\u0416\u0418\u0414L" shape: input position: x: 120.65 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: "\u0421\u0422\u041E\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 119.38 y: 88.265 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - text: "\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 117.475 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - text: "\u0422\u0410\u041A\u0422" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 62.865 angle: 180 - text: "\u0417\u0410\u041F\u0420\u0428L" shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 113.665 angle: 180 - text: "\u041E\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 119.38 y: 103.505 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for 8-bit microcontroller system
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x06 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS08 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS175 - "Delta_s_m_Lib:8282 (\u041A\u0420580\u0418\u042082)" - Delta_s_m_Lib:BC547 - Delta_s_m_Lib:Conn_02x12_Odd_Even - Delta_s_m_Lib:D - Delta_s_m_Lib:DIN-7 - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Delta_s_m_Lib:R_Network09 - Memory_EPROM:27C512 - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 191.77 y: 38.735 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 191.77 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 187.325 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 33.655 y: 34.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0253' position: x: 37.465 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 29.845 y: 34.2899 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x06 position: x: 374.015 y: 224.155 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J10 position: x: 377.19 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x06 position: x: 377.19 y: 227.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 147.955 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R59 position: x: 144.78 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 147.955 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 71.12 y: 227.965 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0254' position: x: 71.12 y: 234.315 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 73.025 y: 229.2349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 217.805 y: 215.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0266' position: x: 217.805 y: 219.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 213.36 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U73 position: x: 70.485 y: 213.9949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 70.485 y: 216.5349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 43.18 y: 34.29 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R57 position: x: 43.18 y: 31.115 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 43.18 y: 34.29 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 63.5 y: 199.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0252' position: x: 63.5 y: 203.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 66.675 y: 198.1199 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 241.935 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0273' position: x: 241.935 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 244.475 y: 107.3149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 164.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U74 position: x: 63.5 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 85.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U74 position: x: 63.5 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 85.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D19 position: x: 97.79 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: DIN-7 position: x: 338.455 y: 193.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 338.4551 y: 201.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Joystick 1 position: x: 338.4551 y: 203.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 255.905 y: 226.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R54 position: x: 259.08 y: 226.06 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '510' position: x: 255.905 y: 226.06 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 252.73 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R52 position: x: 255.905 y: 41.91 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 252.73 y: 41.91 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 250.825 y: 75.565 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0272' position: x: 250.825 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 246.38 y: 71.755 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 161.29 y: 19.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0259' position: x: 161.29 y: 23.495 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 156.845 y: 15.875 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D14 position: x: 97.79 y: 170.815 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 116.84 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D5 position: x: 337.185 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 80.645 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D2 position: x: 337.185 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 143.51 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D8 position: x: 337.185 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R_Network09 position: x: 160.02 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: DA1 position: x: 147.32 y: 25.6539 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 147.32 y: 28.1939 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 205.105 y: 246.38 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0264' position: x: 208.915 y: 246.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 204.47 y: 248.92 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 181.61 y: 89.535 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR04' position: x: 175.26 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 178.435 y: 89.5349 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 221.615 y: 189.865 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR06' position: x: 221.615 y: 196.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 224.155 y: 191.1349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS175 position: x: 217.805 y: 233.68 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U66 position: x: 219.8244 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS175N (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C8)" position: x: 219.8244 y: 217.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 255.905 y: 220.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0263' position: x: 255.905 y: 224.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 251.46 y: 216.535 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: DIN-7 position: x: 338.455 y: 226.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J7 position: x: 338.4551 y: 234.315 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Joystick 2 position: x: 338.4551 y: 236.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_EPROM entryName: 27C512 position: x: 221.615 y: 161.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U72 position: x: 223.5709 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27C512 position: x: 223.5709 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D17 position: x: 97.79 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "8282 (\u041A\u0420580\u0418\u042082)" position: x: 250.825 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U67 position: x: 252.8444 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "8282 (\u041A\u0420580\u0418\u042082)" position: x: 252.8444 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 106.68 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D4 position: x: 337.185 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 134.62 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D6 position: x: 337.185 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 245.11 y: 250.825 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R56 position: x: 241.935 y: 250.825 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 245.11 y: 250.825 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 217.805 y: 254 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0267' position: x: 217.805 y: 260.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 220.345 y: 255.2699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 253.365 y: 241.3 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q7 position: x: 258.445 y: 240.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 257.81 y: 243.205 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 88.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 337.185 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 152.4 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D9 position: x: 337.185 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Conn_02x12_Odd_Even position: x: 336.55 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J5 position: x: 337.82 y: 20.955 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Keyboard Connector position: x: 337.82 y: 23.495 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D18 position: x: 97.79 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D21 position: x: 97.79 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 257.81 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0271' position: x: 257.81 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 260.35 y: 139.6999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 191.77 y: 94.615 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR07' position: x: 191.77 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 194.31 y: 95.8849 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U73 position: x: 63.5 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 144.145 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D24 position: x: 97.79 y: 141.605 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 153.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D22 position: x: 97.79 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 33.655 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D23 position: x: 97.79 y: 31.115 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 126.365 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D7 position: x: 337.185 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 59.055 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D29 position: x: 97.79 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U74 position: x: 63.5 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U73 position: x: 63.5 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 250.19 y: 258.445 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0265' position: x: 250.19 y: 264.795 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 252.73 y: 259.7149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 59.055 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U73 position: x: 63.5 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 64.77 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 164.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D15 position: x: 97.79 y: 161.925 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 141.605 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R58 position: x: 138.43 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 141.605 y: 83.82 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 250.825 y: 106.045 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0270' position: x: 250.825 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 253.365 y: 107.3149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 144.145 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U73 position: x: 63.5 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 65.405 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 211.455 y: 184.785 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR05' position: x: 205.105 y: 184.785 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 208.28 y: 184.7849 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 243.205 y: 121.285 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R51 position: x: 243.205 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 243.205 y: 121.285 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 78.74 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U74 position: x: 85.725 y: 213.9949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 85.725 y: 216.5349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 124.46 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D25 position: x: 97.79 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 127.635 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x06 position: x: 374.015 y: 191.135 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J9 position: x: 377.19 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x06 position: x: 377.19 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 156.845 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0257' position: x: 156.845 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 152.4 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 252.73 y: 130.81 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R50 position: x: 249.555 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 252.73 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 72.39 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D20 position: x: 97.79 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D16 position: x: 97.79 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 162.56 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D10 position: x: 337.185 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 63.5 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U74 position: x: 63.5 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 64.77 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 221.615 y: 133.985 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 221.615 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 217.17 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 240.03 y: 241.3 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R55 position: x: 240.03 y: 244.475 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.2K position: x: 240.03 y: 241.3 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 252.73 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0261' position: x: 252.73 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 248.285 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D26 position: x: 97.79 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 118.745 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D28 position: x: 97.79 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 95.25 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D27 position: x: 97.79 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 95.25 y: 108.585 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 260.985 y: 121.285 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q8 position: x: 266.065 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 265.43 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 339.725 y: 97.79 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D3 position: x: 337.185 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 339.725 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Memory_EPROM entryName: 27C512 position: x: 191.77 y: 66.675 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U68 position: x: 193.7259 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 27C512 position: x: 193.7259 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 321.31 y: 27.94 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0260' position: x: 314.96 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 318.135 y: 27.9399 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 334.645 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 333.375 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 167.64 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 258.445 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 202.565 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.955 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.955 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - position: x: 329.565 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 84.455 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - position: x: 141.605 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 332.105 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.28 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.86 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - position: x: 100.965 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 330.835 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.905 y: 233.045 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.955 y: 64.135 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.12 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 84.455 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 81.915 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - position: x: 157.48 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 241.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.315 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - position: x: 152.4 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.73 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - position: x: 84.455 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - position: x: 51.435 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - position: x: 82.55 y: 164.465 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 230.505 y: 238.76 angle: null - position: x: 211.455 y: 182.245 angle: null - position: x: 201.93 y: 59.055 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 236.22 angle: null - position: x: 346.075 y: 195.58 angle: null - position: x: 181.61 y: 86.995 angle: null - position: x: 181.61 y: 81.915 angle: null - position: x: 211.455 y: 177.165 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 223.52 angle: null - position: x: 211.455 y: 174.625 angle: null - position: x: 346.075 y: 228.6 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 233.68 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 226.06 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 241.3 angle: null - position: x: 230.505 y: 231.14 angle: null - position: x: 211.455 y: 172.085 angle: null - position: x: 181.61 y: 79.375 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 141.605 - x: 211.455 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 51.435 - x: 181.61 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 21.59 - x: 161.29 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 41.91 - x: 91.44 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 115.57 - x: 82.55 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 95.885 - x: 99.06 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 59.055 - x: 154.94 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 53.975 - x: 160.02 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 329.565 y: 162.56 - x: 329.565 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 333.375 y: 134.62 - x: 333.375 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 153.67 - x: 99.06 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 33.655 y: 34.29 - x: 39.37 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 46.355 - x: 181.61 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 31.75 - x: 154.94 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 105.41 - x: 82.55 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 43.815 - x: 170.18 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 31.75 - x: 157.48 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 85.725 - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 72.39 - x: 81.915 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 147.955 - x: 81.28 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 87.63 - x: 147.955 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 97.155 - x: 241.935 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 34.29 - x: 46.99 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 121.92 - x: 55.88 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 137.795 y: 73.66 - x: 147.955 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 89.535 - x: 259.715 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 100.965 y: 50.165 - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 124.46 - x: 91.44 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 40.64 - x: 149.86 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 324.485 y: 116.84 - x: 329.565 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 31.75 - x: 167.64 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 124.46 - x: 81.915 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 146.685 - x: 51.435 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 85.725 - x: 91.44 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 81.915 - x: 241.935 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 25.4 - x: 84.455 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 227.965 - x: 71.12 y: 227.965 - type: wire points: - x: 329.565 y: 116.84 - x: 335.915 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 127 - x: 51.435 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 105.41 - x: 91.44 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 72.39 - x: 99.06 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 33.02 - x: 157.48 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 344.805 y: 174.625 - x: 331.47 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 27.94 - x: 331.47 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 66.675 - x: 181.61 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 246.38 - x: 255.905 y: 258.445 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 72.39 - x: 81.915 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 258.445 - x: 245.11 y: 254.635 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 164.465 - x: 91.44 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 146.685 - x: 231.775 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 46.355 - x: 167.64 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 241.3 - x: 245.11 y: 247.015 - type: wire points: - x: 239.395 y: 139.065 - x: 239.395 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 149.225 - x: 241.935 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 64.135 - x: 147.955 y: 64.135 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 56.515 - x: 157.48 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 51.435 - x: 162.56 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 91.44 - x: 156.845 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 95.885 - x: 91.44 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 332.105 y: 143.51 - x: 332.105 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 31.75 - x: 152.4 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 156.845 - x: 211.455 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 92.075 - x: 259.715 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 72.39 - x: 91.44 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 121.285 - x: 255.905 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 107.95 - x: 55.88 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 151.765 - x: 231.775 y: 151.765 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 92.075 - x: 241.935 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 76.835 - x: 181.61 y: 76.835 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 144.145 - x: 99.06 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 61.595 - x: 181.61 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 243.84 - x: 193.675 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 332.105 y: 97.79 - x: 335.915 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 141.605 - x: 235.585 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 33.655 - x: 84.455 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 59.055 - x: 81.915 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 41.91 - x: 84.455 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 202.565 - x: 78.74 y: 202.565 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 74.93 - x: 51.435 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 324.485 y: 97.79 - x: 332.105 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 95.885 - x: 81.915 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 33.655 - x: 107.315 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 44.45 - x: 55.88 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 69.85 - x: 55.88 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 107.95 - x: 51.435 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 40.64 - x: 149.86 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 115.57 - x: 82.55 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 149.225 - x: 211.455 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 74.93 - x: 55.88 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 164.465 - x: 104.14 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 173.355 - x: 82.55 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 59.055 - x: 181.61 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 94.615 - x: 259.715 y: 94.615 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 138.43 - x: 252.73 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 31.75 - x: 162.56 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 138.43 - x: 257.81 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 31.75 - x: 165.1 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 56.515 - x: 181.61 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 48.895 - x: 252.73 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 84.455 - x: 241.935 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 139.065 - x: 211.455 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 153.67 - x: 91.44 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 144.145 - x: 91.44 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 89.535 - x: 241.935 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 84.455 - x: 259.715 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 161.925 - x: 55.88 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 102.87 - x: 55.88 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 79.375 - x: 259.715 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 59.055 - x: 81.915 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 199.39 - x: 63.5 y: 202.565 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 173.355 - x: 82.55 y: 173.355 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 144.145 - x: 81.28 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 48.895 - x: 165.1 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 227.965 - x: 78.74 y: 227.965 - type: wire points: - x: 55.88 y: 167.005 - x: 51.435 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 39.37 - x: 55.88 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 50.165 - x: 100.965 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 241.935 y: 106.045 - x: 241.935 y: 102.235 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 153.67 - x: 107.315 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 235.585 y: 99.695 - x: 241.935 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 61.595 - x: 152.4 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 154.305 - x: 241.935 y: 154.305 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 85.725 - x: 100.965 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 235.585 y: 144.145 - x: 231.775 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 31.75 - x: 160.02 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 53.975 - x: 181.61 y: 53.975 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 41.91 - x: 104.14 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 44.45 - x: 51.435 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 64.135 - x: 181.61 y: 64.135 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 164.465 - x: 104.14 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 114.3 - x: 263.525 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 333.375 y: 88.9 - x: 335.915 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 105.41 - x: 82.55 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 230.505 y: 228.6 - x: 236.22 y: 228.6 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 154.305 - x: 211.455 y: 154.305 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 121.285 - x: 252.73 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 62.865 - x: 81.915 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 146.685 - x: 211.455 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 134.62 - x: 81.915 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 114.3 - x: 271.78 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 50.165 - x: 84.455 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 233.045 - x: 269.24 y: 233.045 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 241.3 - x: 248.285 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 43.815 - x: 181.61 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 167.005 - x: 51.435 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 81.915 - x: 259.715 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 138.43 - x: 252.73 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 330.835 y: 152.4 - x: 330.835 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 50.165 - x: 84.455 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 139.065 - x: 239.395 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 141.605 - x: 55.88 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 61.595 - x: 55.88 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 86.995 - x: 259.715 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 105.41 - x: 99.06 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 144.145 - x: 211.455 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 156.845 - x: 241.935 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 69.215 - x: 141.605 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 88.265 - x: 51.435 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 124.46 - x: 99.06 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 258.445 - x: 250.19 y: 258.445 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 228.6 - x: 236.22 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 35.56 - x: 154.94 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 25.4 - x: 91.44 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 88.265 - x: 55.88 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 144.145 - x: 81.28 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 143.51 - x: 332.105 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 69.215 - x: 141.605 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 343.535 y: 69.215 - x: 330.2 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 91.44 - x: 147.955 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 33.02 - x: 157.48 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 45.72 - x: 252.73 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 19.685 - x: 161.29 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 33.655 - x: 84.455 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 151.765 - x: 211.455 y: 151.765 - type: wire points: - x: 324.485 y: 80.645 - x: 334.645 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 69.215 - x: 181.61 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 127 - x: 55.88 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 41.91 - x: 104.14 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 324.485 y: 106.68 - x: 330.835 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 85.725 - x: 81.915 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 205.105 y: 243.84 - x: 193.675 y: 243.84 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 134.62 - x: 333.375 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 235.585 y: 206.375 - x: 235.585 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 146.685 - x: 55.88 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 79.375 - x: 241.935 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 48.895 - x: 181.61 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 25.4 - x: 99.06 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 83.185 - x: 55.88 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 134.62 - x: 91.44 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 38.1 - x: 152.4 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 64.135 - x: 147.955 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 71.755 - x: 181.61 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 258.445 - x: 245.11 y: 258.445 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 86.995 - x: 241.935 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 233.045 - x: 255.905 y: 236.22 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 94.615 - x: 241.935 y: 94.615 - type: wire points: - x: 334.645 y: 80.645 - x: 335.915 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 334.645 y: 126.365 - x: 334.645 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 164.465 - x: 82.55 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 48.895 - x: 267.97 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 85.725 - x: 81.915 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 126.365 - x: 334.645 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 91.44 y: 33.655 - x: 84.455 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 149.86 y: 31.75 - x: 149.86 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 97.155 - x: 259.715 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 121.285 - x: 252.73 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 126.365 - x: 263.525 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 324.485 y: 88.9 - x: 333.375 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 206.375 - x: 235.585 y: 206.375 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 73.66 - x: 147.955 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 152.4 - x: 330.835 y: 152.4 - type: wire points: - x: 330.835 y: 106.68 - x: 335.915 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 38.1 - x: 152.4 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 124.46 - x: 81.915 y: 124.46 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 59.055 - x: 99.06 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 76.2 - x: 81.915 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 35.56 - x: 154.94 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 87.63 - x: 141.605 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 76.835 y: 153.67 - x: 82.55 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 164.465 - x: 82.55 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 74.295 - x: 181.61 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 134.62 - x: 104.14 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 220.345 - x: 255.905 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 31.75 - x: 170.18 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 115.57 - x: 104.14 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 173.355 - x: 99.06 y: 173.355 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 115.57 - x: 99.06 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 66.675 - x: 149.86 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 56.515 - x: 55.88 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 162.56 - x: 329.565 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 33.655 - x: 107.315 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 51.435 y: 61.595 - x: 51.435 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 229.87 - x: 255.905 y: 233.045 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 134.62 - x: 99.06 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 243.84 y: 241.3 - x: 245.11 y: 241.3 - type: wire points: - x: 235.585 y: 141.605 - x: 235.585 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 59.055 - x: 91.44 y: 59.055 globalLabels: - text: Up2 shape: input position: x: 346.075 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - text: Left1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - text: A30_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - text: JOY6 shape: input position: x: 324.485 y: 106.68 angle: 180 - text: Down1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 193.675 angle: 180 - text: B29_SNP shape: input position: x: 241.935 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - text: KBD6 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 59.055 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 92.075 angle: 180 - text: KBD2 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - text: KBD11 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: Down2 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 223.52 angle: 180 - text: RA8 shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 71.755 angle: 180 - text: JOY4 shape: input position: x: 324.485 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: KBD8 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 53.975 angle: 180 - text: KBD7 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 56.515 angle: 180 - text: Fire2 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 228.6 angle: 180 - text: KBD23 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - text: B21_SNP shape: input position: x: 241.935 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - text: KBD13 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 141.605 angle: 180 - text: A19_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - text: KB4 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - text: KB1 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 154.305 angle: 180 - text: Right1 shape: input position: x: 346.075 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - text: KBD15 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: Right1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - text: KBD19 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - text: RA11 shape: input position: x: 330.2 y: 69.215 angle: 180 - text: KBD12 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 43.815 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 141.605 angle: 180 - text: KBD6 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - text: KBD4 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 64.135 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 89.535 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 161.925 angle: 180 - text: KBD21 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 53.34 angle: 180 - text: "\u0417\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 211.455 y: 164.465 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 238.76 angle: 180 - text: Fire2 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - text: B32_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 97.155 angle: 0 - text: KBD11 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 46.355 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 94.615 angle: 180 - text: KBD14 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - text: KBD10 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: KBD22 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - text: RA12 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 174.625 angle: 180 - text: Contact1 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 193.04 angle: 180 - text: KBD22 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: KBD20 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 50.8 angle: 0 - text: RA13 shape: input position: x: 78.105 y: 134.62 angle: 180 - text: KBD19 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 50.8 angle: 180 - text: KB3 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - text: KBD8 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - text: RA14 shape: input position: x: 77.47 y: 147.955 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 69.85 angle: 180 - text: RA15 shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 76.835 angle: 180 - text: BUSY shape: input position: x: 238.125 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: KBD20 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - text: Up1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - text: Fire1 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 195.58 angle: 180 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 211.455 y: 167.005 angle: 180 - text: Down2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 226.695 angle: 180 - text: KBD16 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: Contact1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 186.055 angle: 180 - text: Up2 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 79.375 angle: 180 - text: Right2 shape: input position: x: 346.075 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - text: RA8 shape: input position: x: 80.645 y: 25.4 angle: 180 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 149.225 angle: 180 - text: A29_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - text: "\u0412\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 211.455 y: 159.385 angle: 180 - text: A31_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - text: Up1 shape: input position: x: 346.075 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - text: B30_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - text: Contact2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 219.075 angle: 180 - text: KBD12 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - text: KBD18 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - text: KB0 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - text: Left1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 188.595 angle: 180 - text: KBD10 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - text: RA15 shape: input position: x: 76.835 y: 153.67 angle: 180 - text: RA12 shape: input position: x: 78.105 y: 115.57 angle: 180 - text: RA10 shape: input position: x: 78.105 y: 76.2 angle: 180 - text: KBD3 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 66.675 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 121.92 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 156.845 angle: 180 - text: KBD23 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 55.88 angle: 180 - text: JOY4 shape: input position: x: 137.795 y: 73.66 angle: 180 - text: KBD13 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - text: Contact2 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 226.06 angle: 180 - text: Left1 shape: input position: x: 338.455 y: 185.42 angle: 90 - text: KBD24 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 86.995 angle: 180 - text: B19_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 56.515 angle: 180 - text: KBD17 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - text: BUSY shape: input position: x: 211.455 y: 169.545 angle: 180 - text: KBD16 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - text: Right2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 224.155 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 97.155 angle: 180 - text: RA11 shape: input position: x: 78.105 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: JOY3 shape: input position: x: 324.485 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: Up1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 196.215 angle: 180 - text: JOY7 shape: input position: x: 324.485 y: 116.84 angle: 180 - text: Down1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: Fire2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 231.775 angle: 180 - text: KBD15 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - text: KBD9 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 51.435 angle: 180 - text: KBD5 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 146.685 angle: 180 - text: KBD5 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 61.595 angle: 180 - text: RA9 shape: input position: x: 78.105 y: 62.865 angle: 180 - text: Down2 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - text: KBD2 shape: input position: x: 139.065 y: 69.215 angle: 180 - text: KBD24 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - text: STROBL shape: input position: x: 269.24 y: 233.045 angle: 0 - text: Fire1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 198.755 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 233.68 angle: 180 - text: Right2 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: JOY5 shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 84.455 angle: 180 - text: KBD18 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 102.87 angle: 180 - text: B31_SNP shape: input position: x: 263.525 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - text: KBD4 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - text: KBD7 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: Left2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 221.615 angle: 180 - text: Fire1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 144.145 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 271.78 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - text: Contact2 shape: input position: x: 344.805 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - text: KBD21 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - text: KBD17 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: BUSY shape: input position: x: 267.97 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - text: Up2 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 229.235 angle: 180 - text: KB2 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 151.765 angle: 180 - text: KBD9 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: A28_SNP shape: input position: x: 241.935 y: 151.765 angle: 0 - text: KB5 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - text: JOY3 shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 81.915 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 139.065 angle: 180 - text: JOY5 shape: input position: x: 324.485 y: 97.79 angle: 180 - text: Right1 shape: input position: x: 368.935 y: 191.135 angle: 180 - text: KBD3 shape: input position: x: 331.47 y: 30.48 angle: 180 - text: B28_SNP shape: input position: x: 241.935 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - text: Left2 shape: input position: x: 338.455 y: 218.44 angle: 90 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 228.6 angle: 180 - text: JOY6 shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: KBD14 shape: input position: x: 344.17 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - text: RA13 shape: input position: x: 163.83 y: 74.295 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 223.52 angle: 180 - text: Left2 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 211.455 y: 161.925 angle: 180 - text: B22_SNP shape: input position: x: 241.935 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - text: Contact1 shape: input position: x: 343.535 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - text: KB7 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - text: JOY7 shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 40.005 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: Down1 shape: input position: x: 330.835 y: 190.5 angle: 180 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Simple push-button circuit
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x12_Odd_Even - Switch:SW_Push schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 194.31 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW31 position: x: 196.215 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: f position: x: 196.215 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 134.62 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW28 position: x: 136.525 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: a position: x: 136.525 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 247.65 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW57 position: x: 249.555 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: down position: x: 249.555 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW47 position: x: 278.765 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: dot position: x: 278.765 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 267.97 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW58 position: x: 269.875 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: comma position: x: 269.875 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW15 position: x: 118.11 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: q position: x: 118.11 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 173.99 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW18 position: x: 175.895 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: r position: x: 175.895 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 305.435 y: 193.675 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW60 position: x: 306.705 y: 193.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: rus-lat position: x: 306.705 y: 195.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW35 position: x: 278.765 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: k position: x: 278.765 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 135.89 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW40 position: x: 137.795 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: z position: x: 137.795 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW32 position: x: 215.265 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: g position: x: 215.265 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 87.63 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 88.9 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: true video position: x: 88.9 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW38 position: x: 99.06 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps shift left position: x: 99.06 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 204.47 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW55 position: x: 206.375 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: right space position: x: 206.375 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW14 position: x: 99.695 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: delete position: x: 99.695 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 255.27 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW46 position: x: 257.175 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: m position: x: 257.175 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 193.04 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW19 position: x: 194.31 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: t position: x: 194.31 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 144.78 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW52 position: x: 146.05 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: left position: x: 146.05 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 185.42 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW54 position: x: 187.325 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: left space position: x: 187.325 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW20 position: x: 214.63 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: y position: x: 214.63 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 254 y: 119.38 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW22 position: x: 255.27 y: 118.745 angle: 90 - key: Value value: i position: x: 255.27 y: 121.285 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 223.52 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW56 position: x: 224.79 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: up position: x: 224.79 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 231.14 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW33 position: x: 232.41 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: h position: x: 232.41 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW27 position: x: 118.745 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: edit position: x: 118.745 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 154.94 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW29 position: x: 156.21 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: s position: x: 156.21 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 313.69 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW37 position: x: 314.96 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: enter position: x: 314.96 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 317.5 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW25 position: x: 319.405 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: graph position: x: 319.405 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 222.25 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW8 position: x: 223.52 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '6' position: x: 223.52 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 107.95 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW50 position: x: 109.855 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: semicolon position: x: 109.855 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 166.37 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 167.64 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '3' position: x: 167.64 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 175.26 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW42 position: x: 176.53 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: c position: x: 176.53 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 285.75 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW11 position: x: 287.02 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '9' position: x: 287.02 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW23 position: x: 278.13 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: o position: x: 278.13 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 287.02 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW59 position: x: 288.29 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: symbol shift right position: x: 288.29 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW26 position: x: 99.06 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: extended mode position: x: 99.06 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 107.95 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 109.855 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: inverted video position: x: 109.855 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 134.62 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW16 position: x: 135.89 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: w position: x: 135.89 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 232.41 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW21 position: x: 234.315 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: u position: x: 234.315 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 153.67 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW17 position: x: 155.575 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: e position: x: 155.575 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 194.31 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW43 position: x: 196.215 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: v position: x: 196.215 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 297.18 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW24 position: x: 299.085 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: p position: x: 299.085 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 203.2 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW7 position: x: 205.105 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '5' position: x: 205.105 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 125.73 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 127.635 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '1' position: x: 127.635 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x12_Odd_Even position: x: 313.69 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 314.96 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_02x12_Odd_Even position: x: 314.96 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW39 position: x: 118.745 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps lock position: x: 118.745 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 154.94 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW41 position: x: 156.21 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: x position: x: 156.21 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 175.26 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW30 position: x: 176.53 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: d position: x: 176.53 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 184.15 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW6 position: x: 186.055 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4' position: x: 186.055 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 166.37 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW53 position: x: 167.64 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: right position: x: 167.64 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 231.775 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW45 position: x: 233.045 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: n position: x: 233.045 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 295.91 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW48 position: x: 297.18 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps shift right position: x: 297.18 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 245.11 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW9 position: x: 247.015 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '7' position: x: 247.015 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW44 position: x: 215.265 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: b position: x: 215.265 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 255.27 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW34 position: x: 257.175 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: j position: x: 257.175 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 88.9 y: 193.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW49 position: x: 90.17 y: 192.405 angle: 90 - key: Value value: symbol shift left position: x: 90.17 y: 194.945 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 303.53 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW12 position: x: 304.8 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 304.8 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 144.78 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 146.05 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '2' position: x: 146.05 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 127 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW51 position: x: 128.905 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: quotes position: x: 128.905 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 266.7 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW10 position: x: 268.605 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '8' position: x: 268.605 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 321.31 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW13 position: x: 323.215 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Break position: x: 323.215 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 294.64 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW36 position: x: 295.91 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: l position: x: 295.91 y: 146.685 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 175.26 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 285.75 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 260.35 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 267.97 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 288.29 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 306.705 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 304.165 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 360.68 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.885 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 321.31 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 317.5 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 233.045 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.915 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 303.53 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.775 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 313.69 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 304.165 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.125 y: 180.975 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 182.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 267.97 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - position: x: 287.02 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 265.43 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 232.41 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 254 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 203.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 193.04 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 326.39 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 294.64 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 285.75 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 356.87 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 185.42 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 156.845 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 139.7 - x: 109.22 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 40.64 - x: 374.65 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 218.44 - x: 247.65 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 83.82 - x: 113.03 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 139.7 - x: 175.26 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 139.7 - x: 154.94 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 128.905 - x: 127.635 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - x: 317.5 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 162.56 - x: 194.31 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 185.42 - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 149.86 - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 205.105 - x: 213.36 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 146.05 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 63.5 - x: 334.01 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 379.095 y: 38.1 - x: 379.095 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 55.88 - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 382.905 y: 196.85 - x: 382.905 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - x: 135.89 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 115.57 - x: 193.04 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 198.12 - x: 88.9 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 133.35 - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 203.2 - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 175.26 - x: 295.91 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 175.26 - x: 295.91 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - x: 107.95 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - x: 97.79 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 18.415 - x: 384.81 y: 198.755 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 185.42 - x: 287.02 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 219.71 - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 139.7 - x: 276.86 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 100.33 - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - x: 247.65 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 165.1 - x: 194.31 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 128.905 - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 35.56 - x: 302.26 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 76.2 - x: 193.04 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 48.26 - x: 292.1 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 45.72 - x: 294.64 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 316.865 y: 196.85 - x: 382.905 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 315.595 y: 90.17 - x: 315.595 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 48.26 - x: 358.14 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 90.17 - x: 245.11 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 90.17 - x: 166.37 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 60.96 - x: 321.31 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 55.88 - x: 356.87 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 139.7 - x: 255.27 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 149.86 - x: 116.84 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 50.8 - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - x: 254 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - x: 127.635 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 100.33 - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 162.56 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 317.5 y: 165.1 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 149.86 - x: 294.64 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 175.26 - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - x: 269.24 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - x: 222.885 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - x: 231.775 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - x: 315.595 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 214.63 - x: 135.89 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - x: 102.87 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - x: 231.14 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 156.845 - x: 231.14 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 63.5 - x: 218.44 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 16.51 - x: 377.19 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 53.34 - x: 293.37 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 27.94 - x: 360.68 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 85.725 - x: 119.38 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 199.39 - x: 93.98 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - x: 356.87 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 90.17 - x: 203.2 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 139.7 - x: 213.36 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - x: 175.26 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 180.975 - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - x: 213.36 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 73.66 - x: 259.08 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - x: 255.27 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 27.94 - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - x: 153.67 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 149.86 - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 22.225 - x: 371.475 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 114.3 - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 199.39 - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 379.095 y: 207.01 - x: 238.125 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 90.17 - x: 303.53 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 90.17 - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - x: 326.39 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 363.22 y: 183.515 - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 53.34 - x: 353.06 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - x: 194.31 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 222.25 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 315.595 y: 108.585 - x: 97.79 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 40.64 - x: 374.65 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 382.905 y: 35.56 - x: 321.31 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 149.86 - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 200.66 - x: 280.67 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 103.505 - x: 203.2 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - x: 87.63 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 175.26 - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - x: 113.03 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 100.33 - x: 144.78 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 165.1 - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 20.32 - x: 381 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 125.73 - x: 83.82 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 90.17 - x: 184.15 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 186.69 - x: 233.045 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 78.74 - x: 87.63 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 115.57 - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - x: 204.47 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 90.17 - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 208.915 - x: 144.78 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 371.475 y: 22.225 - x: 371.475 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 114.935 - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 316.865 y: 188.595 - x: 316.865 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 156.21 - x: 276.86 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 125.73 - x: 276.86 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - x: 87.63 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 115.57 - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 100.33 - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 115.57 - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 60.96 - x: 345.44 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 177.8 - x: 88.9 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - x: 276.86 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - x: 285.75 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 200.66 - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 365.76 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 175.26 - x: 166.37 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - x: 125.73 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 100.33 - x: 311.15 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 38.1 - x: 304.165 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - x: 267.97 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 205.105 - x: 185.42 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 180.34 - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 55.88 - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 159.385 - x: 131.445 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - x: 276.86 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 100.33 - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 165.1 - x: 97.79 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - x: 317.5 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 58.42 - x: 347.98 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - x: 194.31 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - x: 208.915 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 63.5 - x: 334.01 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - x: 317.5 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 125.73 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - x: 144.78 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - x: 193.04 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 38.1 - x: 379.095 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - x: 311.15 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - x: 232.41 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 115.57 - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - x: 204.47 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - x: 360.68 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 50.8 - x: 290.83 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 371.475 y: 149.86 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - x: 166.37 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 16.51 - x: 377.19 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 25.4 - x: 365.76 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 132.08 - x: 193.04 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 83.185 - x: 354.33 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 180.34 - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 207.01 - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - x: 116.84 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 43.18 - x: 297.18 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 108.585 - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - x: 242.57 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 100.33 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 35.56 - x: 302.26 y: 18.415 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 156.21 - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 58.42 - x: 303.53 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 83.185 - x: 354.33 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 149.86 - x: 97.79 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - x: 245.11 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 114.3 - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 212.09 - x: 80.01 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 214.63 - x: 135.89 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - x: 285.75 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - x: 173.99 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 43.18 - x: 297.18 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 40.64 - x: 299.72 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 203.2 - x: 260.35 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - x: 134.62 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 162.56 - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 149.86 - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 100.33 - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 40.64 - x: 299.72 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 175.26 - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 175.26 - x: 107.315 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 175.26 - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 102.87 - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 207.01 - x: 208.915 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - x: 276.86 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 156.845 - x: 255.27 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 139.7 - x: 194.31 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - x: 134.62 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 177.8 - x: 88.9 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 18.415 - x: 384.81 y: 18.415 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - x: 154.94 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 45.72 - x: 294.64 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 219.71 - x: 166.37 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 156.21 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 139.7 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - x: 297.18 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 103.505 - x: 222.25 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 180.34 - x: 255.27 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 363.22 y: 45.72 - x: 363.22 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 53.34 - x: 353.06 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 78.74 - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 85.725 - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 293.37 y: 53.34 - x: 293.37 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 199.39 - x: 144.78 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 189.23 - x: 127 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 50.8 - x: 290.83 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - x: 97.79 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 139.7 - x: 294.64 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 115.57 - x: 213.36 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 203.2 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 162.56 - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 180.975 - x: 231.775 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 165.1 - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 125.73 - x: 83.82 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 139.7 - x: 313.69 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 73.66 - x: 259.08 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 132.08 - x: 232.41 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 205.105 - x: 185.42 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 139.7 - x: 213.36 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 124.46 - x: 254 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 156.845 - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 199.39 - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - x: 294.64 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 58.42 - x: 347.98 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 199.39 - x: 144.78 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 313.69 y: 149.86 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 139.7 - x: 109.22 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 158.75 - x: 194.31 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - x: 203.2 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 365.76 y: 25.4 - x: 365.76 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 106.045 - x: 107.95 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 45.72 - x: 363.22 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 63.5 - x: 218.44 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 20.32 - x: 381 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 100.33 - x: 107.95 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 175.26 - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 293.37 y: 81.28 - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 175.26 - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 183.515 - x: 87.63 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - x: 144.78 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 132.08 - x: 213.36 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 55.88 - x: 297.18 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 207.01 - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 125.73 - x: 116.84 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 58.42 - x: 303.53 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - x: 233.045 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 186.69 - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 76.2 - x: 193.04 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 186.69 - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 199.39 - x: 116.84 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 149.86 - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 199.39 - x: 93.98 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 175.26 - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 60.96 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 48.26 - x: 292.1 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 48.26 - x: 358.14 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - x: 255.27 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 189.23 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - x: 223.52 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 313.69 y: 139.7 - x: 294.64 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - x: 321.31 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - x: 213.36 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - x: 349.25 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 199.39 - x: 247.65 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 177.8 - x: 201.93 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - x: 287.02 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - x: 107.315 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 305.435 y: 188.595 - x: 316.865 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 159.385 - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 177.8 - x: 201.93 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 175.26 - x: 184.15 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 218.44 - x: 247.65 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - x: 266.7 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - x: 280.67 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 115.57 - x: 134.62 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 38.1 - x: 304.165 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 43.18 - x: 368.3 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 180.34 - x: 288.29 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 43.18 - x: 368.3 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 - x: 194.31 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 305.435 y: 198.755 - x: 384.81 y: 198.755 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 189.23 - x: 223.52 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - x: 306.705 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 128.27 - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 149.86 - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 186.69 - x: 242.57 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 212.09 - x: 80.01 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 90.17 - x: 144.78 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 165.1 - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 189.23 - x: 127 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 199.39 - x: 204.47 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Simple push-button circuit.
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_02x12_Odd_Even - Switch:SW_Push schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 194.31 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW31 position: x: 196.215 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: f position: x: 196.215 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 134.62 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW28 position: x: 136.525 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: a position: x: 136.525 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 247.65 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW57 position: x: 249.555 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: down position: x: 249.555 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW47 position: x: 278.765 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: dot position: x: 278.765 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 267.97 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW58 position: x: 269.875 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: comma position: x: 269.875 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW15 position: x: 118.11 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: q position: x: 118.11 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 173.99 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW18 position: x: 175.895 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: r position: x: 175.895 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 305.435 y: 193.675 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW60 position: x: 306.705 y: 193.04 angle: 90 - key: Value value: rus-lat position: x: 306.705 y: 195.58 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW35 position: x: 278.765 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: k position: x: 278.765 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 135.89 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW40 position: x: 137.795 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: z position: x: 137.795 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW32 position: x: 215.265 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: g position: x: 215.265 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 87.63 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 88.9 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: true video position: x: 88.9 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW38 position: x: 99.06 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps shift left position: x: 99.06 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 204.47 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW55 position: x: 206.375 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: right space position: x: 206.375 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW14 position: x: 99.695 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: delete position: x: 99.695 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 255.27 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW46 position: x: 257.175 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: m position: x: 257.175 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 193.04 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW19 position: x: 194.31 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: t position: x: 194.31 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 144.78 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW52 position: x: 146.05 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: left position: x: 146.05 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 185.42 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW54 position: x: 187.325 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: left space position: x: 187.325 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW20 position: x: 214.63 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: y position: x: 214.63 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 254 y: 119.38 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW22 position: x: 255.27 y: 118.745 angle: 90 - key: Value value: i position: x: 255.27 y: 121.285 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 223.52 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW56 position: x: 224.79 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: up position: x: 224.79 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 231.14 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW33 position: x: 232.41 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: h position: x: 232.41 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW27 position: x: 118.745 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: edit position: x: 118.745 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 154.94 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW29 position: x: 156.21 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: s position: x: 156.21 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 313.69 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW37 position: x: 314.96 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: enter position: x: 314.96 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 317.5 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW25 position: x: 319.405 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: graph position: x: 319.405 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 222.25 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW8 position: x: 223.52 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '6' position: x: 223.52 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 107.95 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW50 position: x: 109.855 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: semicolon position: x: 109.855 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 166.37 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW5 position: x: 167.64 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '3' position: x: 167.64 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 175.26 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW42 position: x: 176.53 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: c position: x: 176.53 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 285.75 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW11 position: x: 287.02 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '9' position: x: 287.02 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 276.86 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW23 position: x: 278.13 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: o position: x: 278.13 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 287.02 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW59 position: x: 288.29 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: symbol shift right position: x: 288.29 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 97.79 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW26 position: x: 99.06 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: extended mode position: x: 99.06 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 107.95 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW2 position: x: 109.855 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: inverted video position: x: 109.855 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 134.62 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW16 position: x: 135.89 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: w position: x: 135.89 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 232.41 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW21 position: x: 234.315 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: u position: x: 234.315 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 153.67 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW17 position: x: 155.575 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: e position: x: 155.575 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 194.31 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW43 position: x: 196.215 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: v position: x: 196.215 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 297.18 y: 120.65 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW24 position: x: 299.085 y: 120.015 angle: 90 - key: Value value: p position: x: 299.085 y: 122.555 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 203.2 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW7 position: x: 205.105 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '5' position: x: 205.105 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 125.73 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW3 position: x: 127.635 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '1' position: x: 127.635 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_02x12_Odd_Even position: x: 313.69 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 314.96 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_02x12_Odd_Even position: x: 314.96 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 116.84 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW39 position: x: 118.745 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps lock position: x: 118.745 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 154.94 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW41 position: x: 156.21 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: x position: x: 156.21 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 175.26 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW30 position: x: 176.53 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: d position: x: 176.53 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 184.15 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW6 position: x: 186.055 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '4' position: x: 186.055 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 166.37 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW53 position: x: 167.64 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: right position: x: 167.64 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 231.775 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW45 position: x: 233.045 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: n position: x: 233.045 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 295.91 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW48 position: x: 297.18 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: caps shift right position: x: 297.18 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 245.11 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW9 position: x: 247.015 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '7' position: x: 247.015 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 213.36 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW44 position: x: 215.265 y: 169.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: b position: x: 215.265 y: 172.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 255.27 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW34 position: x: 257.175 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: j position: x: 257.175 y: 146.685 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 88.9 y: 193.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW49 position: x: 90.17 y: 192.405 angle: 90 - key: Value value: symbol shift left position: x: 90.17 y: 194.945 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 303.53 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW12 position: x: 304.8 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '0' position: x: 304.8 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 144.78 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW4 position: x: 146.05 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '2' position: x: 146.05 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 127 y: 194.31 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW51 position: x: 128.905 y: 193.675 angle: 90 - key: Value value: quotes position: x: 128.905 y: 196.215 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 266.7 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW10 position: x: 268.605 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '8' position: x: 268.605 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 321.31 y: 95.25 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW13 position: x: 323.215 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Break position: x: 323.215 y: 97.155 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_Push position: x: 294.64 y: 144.78 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: SW36 position: x: 295.91 y: 144.145 angle: 90 - key: Value value: l position: x: 295.91 y: 146.685 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 175.26 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 285.75 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 260.35 y: 180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 267.97 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 146.05 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 173.99 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 288.29 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 306.705 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 269.24 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 304.165 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 127 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 360.68 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.885 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 321.31 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 317.5 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 233.045 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.915 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 295.91 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 303.53 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.775 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 102.87 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 131.445 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 313.69 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - position: x: 304.165 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 297.18 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 238.125 y: 180.975 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 182.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 267.97 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - position: x: 287.02 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 265.43 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 232.41 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 254 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - position: x: 276.86 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 203.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.31 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 193.04 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 223.52 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.11 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 326.39 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - position: x: 124.46 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 144.78 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 294.64 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 184.15 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 285.75 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 154.94 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.65 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 134.62 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - position: x: 139.7 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 116.84 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 266.7 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - position: x: 356.87 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - position: x: 185.42 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - position: x: 213.36 y: 156.845 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 139.7 - x: 109.22 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 40.64 - x: 374.65 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 218.44 - x: 247.65 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 83.82 - x: 113.03 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 139.7 - x: 175.26 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 139.7 - x: 154.94 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 128.905 - x: 127.635 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - x: 317.5 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 162.56 - x: 194.31 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 185.42 - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 149.86 - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 205.105 - x: 213.36 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 146.05 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 63.5 - x: 334.01 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 379.095 y: 38.1 - x: 379.095 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 55.88 - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 382.905 y: 196.85 - x: 382.905 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - x: 135.89 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 115.57 - x: 193.04 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 198.12 - x: 88.9 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 133.35 - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 203.2 - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 175.26 - x: 295.91 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 175.26 - x: 295.91 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - x: 107.95 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - x: 97.79 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 384.81 y: 18.415 - x: 384.81 y: 198.755 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 185.42 - x: 287.02 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 219.71 - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 139.7 - x: 276.86 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 100.33 - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - x: 247.65 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 165.1 - x: 194.31 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 128.905 - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 35.56 - x: 302.26 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 76.2 - x: 193.04 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 48.26 - x: 292.1 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 45.72 - x: 294.64 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 316.865 y: 196.85 - x: 382.905 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 315.595 y: 90.17 - x: 315.595 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 48.26 - x: 358.14 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 90.17 - x: 245.11 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 90.17 - x: 166.37 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 60.96 - x: 321.31 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 55.88 - x: 356.87 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 139.7 - x: 255.27 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 149.86 - x: 116.84 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 50.8 - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - x: 254 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - x: 127.635 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 100.33 - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 162.56 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 317.5 y: 165.1 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 149.86 - x: 294.64 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 175.26 - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - x: 269.24 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - x: 222.885 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - x: 231.775 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - x: 315.595 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 214.63 - x: 135.89 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - x: 102.87 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - x: 231.14 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 156.845 - x: 231.14 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 63.5 - x: 218.44 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 16.51 - x: 377.19 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 53.34 - x: 293.37 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 27.94 - x: 360.68 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 85.725 - x: 119.38 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 199.39 - x: 93.98 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - x: 356.87 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 90.17 - x: 203.2 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 139.7 - x: 213.36 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - x: 175.26 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - x: 124.46 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 50.8 - x: 351.79 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 180.975 - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - x: 213.36 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 73.66 - x: 259.08 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - x: 255.27 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 27.94 - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - x: 153.67 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 149.86 - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 22.225 - x: 371.475 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 114.3 - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 199.39 - x: 166.37 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 379.095 y: 207.01 - x: 238.125 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 90.17 - x: 303.53 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 90.17 - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - x: 326.39 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 363.22 y: 183.515 - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 53.34 - x: 353.06 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - x: 194.31 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 222.25 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 315.595 y: 108.585 - x: 97.79 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 40.64 - x: 374.65 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 382.905 y: 35.56 - x: 321.31 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 149.86 - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 124.46 y: 102.87 - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 200.66 - x: 280.67 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 103.505 - x: 203.2 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - x: 87.63 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 175.26 - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - x: 113.03 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 100.33 - x: 144.78 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 165.1 - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 20.32 - x: 381 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 125.73 - x: 83.82 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 90.17 - x: 184.15 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 186.69 - x: 233.045 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 78.74 - x: 87.63 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 115.57 - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - x: 204.47 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 358.14 y: 90.17 - x: 321.31 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 208.915 - x: 144.78 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 371.475 y: 22.225 - x: 371.475 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 114.935 - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 316.865 y: 188.595 - x: 316.865 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 156.21 - x: 276.86 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 125.73 - x: 276.86 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - x: 87.63 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 115.57 - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 100.33 - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 173.99 y: 115.57 - x: 153.67 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 60.96 - x: 345.44 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 177.8 - x: 88.9 y: 187.96 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - x: 276.86 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 90.17 - x: 285.75 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 374.65 y: 200.66 - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 365.76 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 175.26 - x: 166.37 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 102.87 - x: 125.73 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 100.33 - x: 311.15 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 38.1 - x: 304.165 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - x: 267.97 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 205.105 - x: 185.42 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 180.34 - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 55.88 - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 159.385 - x: 131.445 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - x: 276.86 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 100.33 - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 165.1 - x: 97.79 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 356.87 y: 115.57 - x: 317.5 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 58.42 - x: 347.98 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 162.56 - x: 194.31 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - x: 208.915 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 63.5 - x: 334.01 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - x: 317.5 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 125.73 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 161.29 - x: 144.78 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - x: 193.04 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 38.1 - x: 379.095 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - x: 311.15 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - x: 267.97 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - x: 232.41 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 115.57 - x: 276.86 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - x: 204.47 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 125.73 - x: 360.68 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 50.8 - x: 290.83 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 371.475 y: 149.86 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - x: 166.37 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 16.51 - x: 377.19 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 294.64 y: 25.4 - x: 365.76 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 102.87 - x: 176.53 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 132.08 - x: 193.04 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 290.83 y: 83.185 - x: 354.33 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 180.34 - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 207.01 - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 161.29 - x: 116.84 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 43.18 - x: 297.18 y: 22.225 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 108.585 - x: 97.79 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - x: 242.57 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 100.33 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 35.56 - x: 302.26 y: 18.415 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 156.21 - x: 269.24 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 303.53 y: 58.42 - x: 303.53 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 83.185 - x: 354.33 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 149.86 - x: 97.79 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 180.975 - x: 245.11 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 114.3 - x: 232.41 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 212.09 - x: 80.01 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 214.63 - x: 135.89 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - x: 285.75 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - x: 173.99 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 43.18 - x: 297.18 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 299.72 y: 40.64 - x: 299.72 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 377.19 y: 203.2 - x: 260.35 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - x: 134.62 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 354.33 y: 162.56 - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 149.86 - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 100.33 - x: 245.11 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 40.64 - x: 299.72 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - x: 166.37 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 175.26 - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 175.26 - x: 107.315 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 175.26 - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 102.87 - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 245.11 y: 158.75 - x: 245.11 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 207.01 - x: 208.915 y: 207.01 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 183.515 - x: 276.86 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 156.845 - x: 255.27 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 139.7 - x: 194.31 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - x: 134.62 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 177.8 - x: 88.9 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 302.26 y: 18.415 - x: 384.81 y: 18.415 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - x: 154.94 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 45.72 - x: 294.64 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 219.71 - x: 166.37 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 156.21 - x: 285.75 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 175.26 - x: 139.7 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 114.3 - x: 297.18 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - x: 154.94 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 103.505 - x: 222.25 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 180.34 - x: 255.27 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 363.22 y: 45.72 - x: 363.22 y: 183.515 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 53.34 - x: 353.06 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 78.74 - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 85.725 - x: 119.38 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 293.37 y: 53.34 - x: 293.37 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 199.39 - x: 144.78 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 189.23 - x: 127 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 182.245 - x: 116.84 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 50.8 - x: 290.83 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 133.35 - x: 97.79 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 139.7 - x: 294.64 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 115.57 - x: 213.36 y: 114.3 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 103.505 - x: 203.2 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 162.56 - x: 135.89 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 180.975 - x: 231.775 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 165.1 - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 125.73 - x: 83.82 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 139.7 - x: 313.69 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 176.53 y: 73.66 - x: 259.08 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 132.08 - x: 232.41 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 205.105 - x: 185.42 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 139.7 - x: 213.36 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 124.46 - x: 254 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 156.845 - x: 204.47 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 199.39 - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 156.21 - x: 294.64 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 347.98 y: 58.42 - x: 347.98 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 199.39 - x: 144.78 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 78.74 - x: 107.95 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 313.69 y: 149.86 - x: 317.5 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 139.7 - x: 109.22 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 194.31 y: 158.75 - x: 194.31 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - x: 203.2 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 365.76 y: 25.4 - x: 365.76 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 106.045 - x: 107.95 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 45.72 - x: 363.22 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 144.78 y: 125.73 - x: 134.62 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 125.73 - x: 304.165 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 63.5 - x: 218.44 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 381 y: 20.32 - x: 381 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 100.33 - x: 107.95 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 175.26 - x: 222.885 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 293.37 y: 81.28 - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 175.26 - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 183.515 - x: 87.63 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 132.08 - x: 265.43 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - x: 144.78 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 132.08 - x: 213.36 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 55.88 - x: 297.18 y: 55.88 - type: wire points: - x: 208.915 y: 207.01 - x: 208.915 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 125.73 - x: 116.84 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 58.42 - x: 303.53 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - x: 233.045 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 186.69 - x: 247.65 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 345.44 y: 76.2 - x: 193.04 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 186.69 - x: 233.045 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 199.39 - x: 116.84 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 149.86 - x: 166.37 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 199.39 - x: 93.98 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 175.26 - x: 146.05 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 308.61 y: 60.96 - x: 203.2 y: 60.96 - type: wire points: - x: 292.1 y: 48.26 - x: 292.1 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 48.26 - x: 358.14 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 260.35 y: 180.34 - x: 255.27 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 189.23 - x: 204.47 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 203.2 - x: 223.52 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 313.69 y: 139.7 - x: 294.64 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 100.33 - x: 321.31 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 175.26 - x: 213.36 y: 205.105 - type: wire points: - x: 349.25 y: 81.28 - x: 349.25 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 199.39 - x: 247.65 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 177.8 - x: 201.93 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 185.42 - x: 287.02 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 175.26 - x: 107.315 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 305.435 y: 188.595 - x: 316.865 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 131.445 y: 159.385 - x: 131.445 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 295.91 y: 177.8 - x: 201.93 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 175.26 - x: 184.15 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 218.44 - x: 247.65 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 162.56 - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 102.87 - x: 266.7 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 287.02 y: 200.66 - x: 280.67 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 116.84 y: 115.57 - x: 134.62 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 38.1 - x: 304.165 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 102.87 - x: 166.37 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 162.56 - x: 255.27 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 368.3 y: 43.18 - x: 368.3 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 180.34 - x: 288.29 y: 180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 321.31 y: 43.18 - x: 368.3 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 - x: 194.31 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 305.435 y: 198.755 - x: 384.81 y: 198.755 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 189.23 - x: 223.52 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 306.705 y: 100.33 - x: 306.705 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 128.27 - x: 144.78 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 149.86 - x: 213.36 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 186.69 - x: 242.57 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 233.045 y: 212.09 - x: 80.01 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 90.17 - x: 144.78 y: 90.17 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 165.1 - x: 231.775 y: 162.56 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 189.23 - x: 127 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 199.39 - x: 204.47 y: 199.39 - type: wire points: - x: 184.15 y: 125.73 - x: 184.15 y: 149.86 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for Digital counter circuit.
libSymbols: - '4015_1' - 74LS10_1 - 74LS10_2 - 74LS74_1 - Delta_s_m_Lib:4001 - Delta_s_m_Lib:4011 - Delta_s_m_Lib:4015 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS00 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS02 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS04 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS08 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS10 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS74 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS86 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C - "Delta_s_m_Lib:CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" - Delta_s_m_Lib:Crystal - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS193N_(\u041A\u04201533\u0418\u04157)" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS257N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:\u0421D4013\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0422\u041C2)" - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 78.74 y: 162.56 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 82.55 y: 161.2899 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 220pF position: x: 82.55 y: 163.8299 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 208.915 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0230' position: x: 113.03 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 117.475 y: 206.375 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 234.95 y: 128.905 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 234.95 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 234.4166 y: 122.3551 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 116.84 y: -214.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 116.84 y: -222.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 116.84 y: -219.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 167.005 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0228' position: x: 78.74 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 170.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 80.645 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 87.63 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 87.63 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 292.735 y: 231.14 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C5 position: x: 293.37 y: 229.235 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1000pF position: x: 285.75 y: 233.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 177.165 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 177.165 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 177.165 y: 43.815 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 118.11 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 116.205 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 107.95 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 237.49 y: 46.99 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R10 position: x: 237.49 y: 42.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '330' position: x: 237.49 y: 45.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 324.485 y: 231.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 323.85 y: 231.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 324.485 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 150.495 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 157.48 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 157.48 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 136.525 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 143.51 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 143.51 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 116.205 y: -264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 116.205 y: -271.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 116.205 y: -269.24 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 284.48 y: 190.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 283.21 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 278.765 y: 185.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 151.13 y: -214.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 151.13 y: -214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 151.13 y: -219.71 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 86.995 y: 33.655 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R1 position: x: 86.995 y: 29.21 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 86.995 y: 31.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 80.645 y: 188.595 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0229' position: x: 74.295 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 78.74 y: 186.055 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4011' position: x: 119.38 y: 133.985 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 119.38 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4011 (\u041A561\u041B\u04107)" position: x: 119.38 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 204.47 y: 229.235 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 203.835 y: 229.235 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 204.47 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 264.16 y: 154.94 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 261.62 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '160' position: x: 264.16 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Crystal position: x: 67.31 y: 55.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y1 position: x: 67.31 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 14 MHz position: x: 67.31 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 290.195 y: 118.745 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 289.56 y: 118.745 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 290.195 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 259.08 y: 226.695 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 259.08 y: 226.695 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 259.08 y: 221.615 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 281.305 y: 146.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0234' position: x: 281.305 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 281.305 y: 152.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74_1 position: x: 250.19 y: 146.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U20 position: x: 248.285 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 246.38 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 208.28 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 214.63 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 214.63 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 148.59 y: 26.035 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0217' position: x: 148.59 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 148.59 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 180.34 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 186.69 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 186.69 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 247.015 y: 81.28 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0220' position: x: 247.015 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 249.555 y: 82.5499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 267.335 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U20 position: x: 265.43 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 261.62 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 150.495 y: 153.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 150.495 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 150.495 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 241.3 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 240.665 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 247.65 y: 31.115 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 177.165 y: 149.225 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 177.8 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 175.895 y: 141.605 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 266.065 y: 177.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 266.065 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 266.065 y: 172.085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 87.63 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 86.995 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 87.63 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 184.15 y: -215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 183.515 y: -215.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 184.15 y: -210.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 222.25 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 222.25 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 219.71 y: 45.085 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 163.195 y: 127.635 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C8 position: x: 163.83 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 120pF position: x: 156.21 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 135.255 y: 211.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 135.255 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 135.255 y: 204.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 267.335 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0232' position: x: 267.335 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 269.875 y: 85.0899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 74.295 y: 156.21 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R4 position: x: 74.295 y: 153.67 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '160' position: x: 74.295 y: 156.21 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 122.555 y: 156.21 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 121.92 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 122.555 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 75.565 y: 96.52 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R5 position: x: 73.66 y: 93.98 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 75.565 y: 96.52 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 197.485 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 197.485 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 197.485 y: 62.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0218' position: x: 148.59 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 148.59 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 323.215 y: 86.995 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R15 position: x: 325.12 y: 85.7249 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '510' position: x: 325.12 y: 88.2649 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 323.215 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0233' position: x: 323.215 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 325.755 y: 81.9149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 312.42 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 311.785 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 312.42 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 290.195 y: 95.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 290.195 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 290.195 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 116.205 y: -248.285 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 116.205 y: -256.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 116.205 y: -254 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 156.21 y: 123.825 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 156.21 y: 121.285 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '180' position: x: 156.21 y: 123.825 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 247.015 y: 71.755 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 245.11 y: 71.755 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 249.0344 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 105.41 y: 22.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0216' position: x: 105.41 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 105.41 y: 18.415 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 310.515 y: 144.145 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 310.515 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 310.2102 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 196.85 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 195.58 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 196.85 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 311.785 y: 215.265 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 311.785 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 311.785 y: 210.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 203.2 y: 116.205 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R8 position: x: 203.2 y: 113.665 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '160' position: x: 203.2 y: 116.205 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 86.995 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 86.36 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 86.995 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 266.065 y: 190.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 265.43 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 259.715 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 202.565 y: 94.615 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 202.565 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 202.565 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 62.23 y: -148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0240' position: x: 62.23 y: -142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.23 y: -144.78 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 234.315 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0241' position: x: 234.315 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 236.855 y: 172.72 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 118.11 y: 120.65 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 118.11 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 118.11 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "\u0421D4013\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 90.805 y: 92.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 89.535 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4013\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 92.8244 y: 75.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 249.555 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 247.015 y: -167.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 255.905 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 150.495 y: -264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 150.495 y: -273.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 150.495 y: -271.145 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 183.515 y: 160.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0237' position: x: 183.515 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 183.515 y: 155.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 210.185 y: 121.285 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C32 position: x: 210.82 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 82pF position: x: 203.2 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 146.685 y: 132.08 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0225' position: x: 150.495 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 146.05 y: 130.175 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 145.415 y: 135.89 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0226' position: x: 145.415 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 145.415 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 177.165 y: 81.915 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 177.8 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 176.8602 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 90.805 y: 107.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0223' position: x: 90.805 y: 114.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 90.805 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 177.165 y: 94.615 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 177.165 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 177.165 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 50.8 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 50.165 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 50.8 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 90.17 y: 140.335 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0227' position: x: 90.17 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 90.17 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 281.305 y: 139.065 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 281.305 y: 136.525 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '160' position: x: 281.305 y: 139.065 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 165.735 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 172.72 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 172.72 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 52.705 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 52.705 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 52.705 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 280.035 y: 163.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 279.4 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 280.035 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 123.19 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 130.175 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 130.175 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 292.735 y: 194.31 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R6 position: x: 290.195 y: 194.31 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 292.735 y: 194.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 313.055 y: 121.285 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 313.055 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 313.055 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 234.315 y: 194.945 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0242' position: x: 234.315 y: 201.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 234.315 y: 198.755 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 184.785 y: -236.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 184.785 y: -245.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 184.785 y: -242.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 257.175 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 256.54 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 257.175 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 258.445 y: 163.195 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C12 position: x: 259.715 y: 160.02 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 120pF position: x: 255.905 y: 165.735 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 259.08 y: 212.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U8 position: x: 259.08 y: 212.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 259.08 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS10_1 position: x: 177.165 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 177.165 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS10 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04104)" position: x: 177.8 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 90.805 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0224' position: x: 90.805 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 90.805 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 93.345 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U28 position: x: 100.33 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 100.33 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 245.745 y: 50.8 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C6 position: x: 248.92 y: 49.5299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 120pF position: x: 248.92 y: 52.0699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 208.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0238' position: x: 183.515 y: 214.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 177.165 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 177.8 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 177.165 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4011' position: x: 234.315 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 232.41 y: -168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4011 (\u041A561\u041B\u04107)" position: x: 241.3 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS193N_(\u041A\u04201533\u0418\u04157)" position: x: 148.59 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 147.32 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS193N_(\u041A\u04201533\u0418\u04157)" position: x: 149.225 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS257N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 183.515 y: 182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U16 position: x: 185.5344 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS257N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 185.5344 y: 162.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 281.94 y: 212.725 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 281.305 y: 212.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 281.94 y: 207.645 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 311.785 y: 200.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 311.785 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 311.785 y: 194.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 185.42 y: -264.16 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U10 position: x: 185.42 y: -272.415 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 185.42 y: -269.875 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 222.25 y: 36.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 222.25 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS10 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04104)" position: x: 222.25 y: 31.115 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 245.745 y: 55.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0219' position: x: 245.745 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 245.745 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 90.17 y: 118.745 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0231' position: x: 90.17 y: 122.555 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 92.71 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 62.865 y: -182.88 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0239' position: x: 62.865 y: -179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 62.865 y: -187.325 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4011' position: x: 311.785 y: 175.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 311.785 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4011 (\u041A561\u041B\u04107)" position: x: 311.785 y: 169.545 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 234.95 y: 97.155 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 234.95 y: 97.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 234.95 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4015' position: x: 234.315 y: 184.785 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 234.315 y: 184.785 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4015A (\u041A561\u0418\u04202)" position: x: 234.315 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 102.87 y: 188.595 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U17 position: x: 102.87 y: 186.055 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 102.87 y: 180.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 68.58 y: 43.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 68.58 y: 36.83 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 120pF position: x: 68.58 y: 39.37 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 136.525 y: 163.195 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 137.16 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1000pF position: x: 129.54 y: 165.735 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 177.8 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 178.435 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 177.4952 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS74 position: x: 194.945 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U20 position: x: 201.93 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS74AN (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C2)" position: x: 201.93 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4011' position: x: 118.11 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 118.11 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4011 (\u041A561\u041B\u04107)" position: x: 118.11 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS08 position: x: 108.585 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U1 position: x: 114.935 y: -168.9101 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS08 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04181)" position: x: 114.935 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 69.215 y: 78.74 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0221' position: x: 62.865 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 70.485 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS10 position: x: 220.98 y: -167.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 218.44 y: -168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS10 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04104)" position: x: 227.33 y: -166.3701 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 40.005 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0222' position: x: 43.815 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 33.02 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 196.85 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 196.215 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 196.85 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4001' position: x: 311.785 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 311.785 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "\u0421D4001\u0410N (\u041A561\u041B\u04155)" position: x: 311.785 y: 180.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS10_2 position: x: 223.52 y: 69.215 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U13 position: x: 223.52 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS10 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04104)" position: x: 223.52 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 177.165 y: 109.855 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 176.53 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 177.165 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4015_1' position: x: 90.17 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 90.17 y: 132.715 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4015A (\u041A561\u0418\u04202)" position: x: 90.805 y: 122.555 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: '4011' position: x: 162.56 y: 229.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U18 position: x: 162.56 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4011 (\u041A561\u041B\u04107)" position: x: 162.56 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 51.435 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 51.435 y: 28.575 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 51.435 y: 31.115 angle: 90 junctions: - position: x: 108.585 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 277.495 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.775 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.945 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 194.945 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.315 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 233.68 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 193.675 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.185 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - position: x: 220.98 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 47.625 angle: 0 - position: x: 150.495 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 67.31 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - position: x: 70.485 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.645 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 188.595 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - position: x: 208.28 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 323.215 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - position: x: 275.59 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - position: x: 264.16 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 65.405 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - position: x: 136.525 y: 168.275 angle: 0 - position: x: 114.935 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - position: x: 80.645 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.93 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - position: x: 38.1 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 299.085 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.955 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 150.495 y: 213.995 angle: 0 - position: x: 234.315 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.015 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 220.98 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 70.485 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 78.74 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 188.595 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 220.345 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 292.735 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 147.955 y: 216.535 angle: 0 - position: x: 75.565 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 150.495 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.345 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 93.345 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.695 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 66.04 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 186.69 y: 220.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 275.59 y: 203.2 angle: 0 - position: x: 142.875 y: 191.135 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 49.53 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.195 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.195 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 53.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 75.565 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 210.82 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 43.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - position: x: 247.015 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - position: x: 123.19 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.735 y: -180.34 angle: 0 - position: x: 259.08 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.735 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 135.89 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 105.41 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.805 y: 238.76 angle: 0 - position: x: 166.37 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.27 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: -154.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 132.08 y: 168.275 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - position: x: 191.77 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - position: x: 245.745 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - position: x: 162.56 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 191.135 angle: 0 - position: x: 163.83 y: 66.04 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 108.585 y: -245.745 angle: null - position: x: 161.29 y: 52.07 angle: null - position: x: 176.53 y: -215.265 angle: null - position: x: 248.285 y: 183.515 angle: null - position: x: 158.75 y: -214.63 angle: null - position: x: 143.51 y: -217.17 angle: null - position: x: 104.14 y: 126.365 angle: null - position: x: 142.875 y: -266.7 angle: null - position: x: 191.77 y: -215.265 angle: null - position: x: 161.29 y: 49.53 angle: null - position: x: 104.14 y: 128.905 angle: null - position: x: 143.51 y: -212.09 angle: null - position: x: 123.825 y: -248.285 angle: null - position: x: 109.22 y: -212.09 angle: null - position: x: 109.22 y: -217.17 angle: null - position: x: 108.585 y: -250.825 angle: null - position: x: 254.635 y: 69.215 angle: null - position: x: 257.81 y: 144.145 angle: null - position: x: 158.115 y: -264.16 angle: null - position: x: 102.235 y: 96.52 angle: null - position: x: 108.585 y: -261.62 angle: null - position: x: 193.04 y: -264.16 angle: null - position: x: 177.8 y: -266.7 angle: null - position: x: 123.825 y: -264.16 angle: null - position: x: 177.165 y: -236.22 angle: null - position: x: 274.955 y: 91.44 angle: null - position: x: 102.235 y: 85.09 angle: null - position: x: 142.875 y: -261.62 angle: null - position: x: 124.46 y: -214.63 angle: null - position: x: 177.8 y: -261.62 angle: null - position: x: 108.585 y: -266.7 angle: null - position: x: 170.815 y: 200.66 angle: null - position: x: 192.405 y: -236.22 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 172.085 - x: 67.31 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 113.665 - x: 107.95 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 97.155 - x: 128.905 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 221.615 y: 85.09 - x: 259.08 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 27.94 - x: 135.89 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 217.805 y: 238.76 - x: 220.345 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 118.11 - x: 110.49 y: 118.11 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 40.64 - x: 107.95 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 239.395 y: 69.215 - x: 233.68 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 97.155 - x: 245.745 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 156.21 - x: 78.74 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: -180.34 - x: 93.345 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 62.23 - x: 135.89 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 81.28 - x: 66.04 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 83.82 - x: 38.1 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 86.36 - x: 67.945 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 149.225 - x: 264.16 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 33.02 - x: 38.1 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 201.93 - x: 110.49 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 130.175 y: 156.21 - x: 136.525 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 213.995 - x: 150.495 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 61.595 y: 70.485 - x: 66.04 y: 70.485 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 155.575 - x: 250.19 y: 155.575 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 83.82 - x: 70.485 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 249.555 y: -180.34 - x: 234.315 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 62.23 - x: 135.89 y: 62.23 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 99.06 - x: 77.47 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 38.1 - x: 167.64 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 66.04 - x: 189.865 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 123.825 - x: 305.435 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 35.56 - x: 167.64 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 84.455 - x: 162.56 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 210.185 - x: 251.46 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 97.155 - x: 128.905 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 229.235 - x: 186.69 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 34.29 - x: 169.545 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 225.425 y: 77.47 - x: 233.68 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 86.36 - x: 40.005 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 188.595 - x: 90.17 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 85.09 - x: 259.08 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 46.99 - x: 135.89 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 182.88 - x: 163.83 y: 216.535 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 62.23 - x: 148.59 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 163.195 y: 131.445 - x: 163.195 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 43.18 - x: 135.89 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 116.205 - x: 210.185 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 232.41 - x: 147.955 y: 216.535 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 43.18 - x: 94.615 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 66.04 - x: 163.83 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 191.135 - x: 115.57 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 126.365 - x: 191.77 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: -180.34 - x: 80.645 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 63.5 - x: 169.545 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 241.3 y: 46.99 - x: 245.745 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 68.58 - x: 66.04 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: -148.59 - x: 80.645 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 245.745 y: 55.245 - x: 245.745 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 96.52 - x: 71.755 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 52.705 - x: 214.63 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 236.855 y: 71.755 - x: 239.395 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 258.445 y: 101.6 - x: 267.335 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 156.21 - x: 99.06 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 36.83 - x: 189.23 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 45.72 - x: 125.73 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 99.06 - x: 65.405 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 208.915 - x: 122.555 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 114.935 y: 148.59 - x: 114.935 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 325.755 y: 193.04 - x: 299.085 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: -180.34 - x: 62.865 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: -180.34 - x: 220.98 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 99.695 - x: 227.33 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 210.185 y: 125.095 - x: 210.185 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: -157.48 - x: 165.735 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 212.725 - x: 274.32 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 47.625 - x: 169.545 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 57.15 - x: 107.95 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 285.115 y: 139.065 - x: 302.895 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 69.85 - x: 105.41 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 274.955 y: 96.52 - x: 277.495 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 325.755 y: 163.195 - x: 287.655 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 145.415 - x: 99.06 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 156.21 - x: 78.74 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 122.555 y: 212.725 - x: 115.57 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 205.105 y: 83.82 - x: 242.57 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - x: 132.08 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 193.675 - x: 90.17 y: 193.675 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 70.485 - x: 66.04 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - x: 74.93 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 50.165 - x: 186.69 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 262.255 y: 163.195 - x: 264.16 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 77.47 - x: 233.68 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 35.56 - x: 166.37 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 40.64 - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 145.415 - x: 99.06 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 149.225 - x: 188.595 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 62.865 - x: 237.49 y: 62.865 - type: wire points: - x: 217.805 y: 163.195 - x: 217.805 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 92.075 - x: 194.945 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 229.87 - x: 175.26 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: -180.34 - x: 123.19 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 80.01 - x: 247.015 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 109.855 - x: 253.365 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 198.12 - x: 161.29 y: 213.995 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 33.655 - x: 74.295 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 81.28 - x: 247.015 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 225.425 y: 131.445 - x: 225.425 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: -154.94 - x: 93.345 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: -154.94 - x: 194.945 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 34.29 - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 177.8 - x: 299.085 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 88.9 - x: 65.405 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 109.855 - x: 166.37 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 75.565 y: 81.28 - x: 75.565 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 232.41 - x: 141.605 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 42.545 - x: 206.375 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 83.82 - x: 242.57 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 147.955 y: 213.995 - x: 150.495 y: 213.995 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 92.075 - x: 166.37 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 35.56 - x: 167.64 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 175.26 - x: 319.405 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 177.8 - x: 162.56 y: 186.055 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 33.655 - x: 99.695 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 302.895 y: 141.605 - x: 302.895 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: -175.26 - x: 339.725 y: -175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 22.86 - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 157.48 - x: 169.545 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 40.64 - x: 163.83 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 94.615 - x: 184.785 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 128.905 - x: 168.91 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: 193.04 - x: 165.735 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 229.87 - x: 175.26 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 86.36 - x: 110.49 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 99.06 - x: 130.175 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 189.865 - x: 139.065 y: 189.865 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 33.02 - x: 63.5 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 34.29 - x: 209.55 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 77.47 - x: 188.595 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 118.11 - x: 107.95 y: 131.445 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: -154.94 - x: 108.585 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 131.445 - x: 104.14 y: 131.445 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 42.545 - x: 206.375 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 69.215 y: 78.74 - x: 75.565 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: -154.94 - x: 150.495 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 55.245 - x: 186.69 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 238.125 y: 137.795 - x: 238.125 y: 155.575 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: -180.34 - x: 194.945 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 73.025 - x: 66.04 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 55.245 - x: 99.695 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 191.135 - x: 142.875 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 62.865 - x: 247.015 y: 64.135 - type: wire points: - x: 158.115 y: 153.67 - x: 160.655 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 71.12 y: 55.245 - x: 99.695 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 259.08 y: 74.295 - x: 254.635 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 131.445 - x: 225.425 y: 131.445 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 97.155 - x: 192.405 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 133.985 - x: 107.95 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 245.745 y: 46.99 - x: 249.555 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 69.215 - x: 231.14 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 177.8 - x: 299.085 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 220.98 - x: 215.265 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 52.07 - x: 135.89 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 62.865 y: -180.34 - x: 62.865 y: -182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 40.64 - x: 135.89 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 220.98 - x: 186.69 y: 220.98 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 93.98 - x: 75.565 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: -154.94 - x: 165.735 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 33.655 - x: 99.695 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 69.85 - x: 105.41 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 292.735 y: 198.12 - x: 304.165 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 193.04 - x: 165.735 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 203.2 - x: 275.59 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 323.215 y: 90.805 - x: 323.215 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 203.2 - x: 247.015 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 123.825 - x: 152.4 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 258.445 y: 190.5 - x: 255.27 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 215.265 - x: 86.36 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 96.52 - x: 70.485 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 128.905 - x: 277.495 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 242.57 y: 88.9 - x: 258.445 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 146.685 - x: 242.57 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 194.945 y: -180.34 - x: 194.945 y: -177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 177.165 y: 236.855 - x: 177.165 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 43.18 - x: 110.49 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 190.5 - x: 273.685 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 126.365 - x: 227.33 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 191.77 y: 116.205 - x: 191.77 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 205.105 y: 68.58 - x: 205.105 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 75.565 y: 93.98 - x: 75.565 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 250.825 y: 180.975 - x: 250.825 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 57.15 - x: 113.03 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 277.495 y: 96.52 - x: 277.495 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 81.915 - x: 210.82 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 38.1 - x: 165.1 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 172.085 - x: 67.31 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 86.36 - x: 31.115 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 264.16 y: 163.195 - x: 264.16 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 201.93 - x: 110.49 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: -154.94 - x: 249.555 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 62.23 y: -148.59 - x: 80.645 y: -148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 99.06 - x: 77.47 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 220.345 y: 238.76 - x: 292.735 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 245.745 y: 97.155 - x: 245.745 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 182.88 - x: 163.83 y: 182.88 - type: wire points: - x: 319.405 y: 186.69 - x: 327.66 y: 186.69 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: -154.94 - x: 234.315 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 93.98 - x: 70.485 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 193.675 - x: 120.65 y: 193.675 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 128.905 - x: 168.91 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 84.455 - x: 162.56 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 276.86 y: 190.5 - x: 275.59 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 138.43 - x: 114.935 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 83.82 - x: 70.485 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 195.58 - x: 149.86 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 86.995 - x: 259.715 y: 86.995 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 68.58 - x: 162.56 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 98.425 - x: 282.575 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 47.625 - x: 214.63 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 35.56 - x: 118.11 y: 34.29 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 179.705 - x: 255.27 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 34.29 - x: 105.41 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 184.785 y: 81.915 - x: 210.82 y: 81.915 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 130.175 - x: 73.66 y: 130.175 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 69.215 - x: 210.82 y: 69.215 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 177.165 - x: 288.29 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 305.435 y: 118.745 - x: 297.815 y: 118.745 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 168.275 - x: 136.525 y: 201.93 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: -180.34 - x: 165.735 y: -177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 125.73 y: 120.65 - x: 137.16 y: 120.65 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 217.805 - x: 296.545 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 339.725 y: -175.26 - x: 339.725 y: -172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 40.64 - x: 163.83 y: 42.545 - type: wire points: - x: 253.365 y: 103.505 - x: 280.67 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 196.85 y: 229.235 - x: 186.69 y: 229.235 - type: wire points: - x: 220.345 y: 188.595 - x: 220.345 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 71.12 - x: 188.595 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 96.52 - x: 107.315 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 277.495 y: 128.905 - x: 277.495 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 296.545 y: 217.805 - x: 296.545 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - x: 161.29 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 36.83 - x: 209.55 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 325.755 y: 215.265 - x: 325.755 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 296.545 y: 222.25 - x: 290.195 y: 222.25 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: -180.34 - x: 136.525 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 123.825 - x: 163.195 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 43.18 - x: 74.295 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 133.985 - x: 107.95 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 170.18 - x: 132.08 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 327.025 y: 144.145 - x: 318.135 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 133.985 - x: 76.2 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 194.945 y: -157.48 - x: 194.945 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 175.26 - x: 168.91 y: 175.26 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 55.245 - x: 165.1 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 210.185 y: 117.475 - x: 210.185 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 77.47 - x: 215.9 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 43.18 - x: 79.375 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 81.28 - x: 75.565 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - x: 170.815 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 191.135 - x: 90.17 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 78.105 y: 86.36 - x: 78.105 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 280.67 y: 103.505 - x: 280.67 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 109.855 - x: 166.37 y: 92.075 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 151.13 - x: 135.89 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 212.725 - x: 115.57 y: 193.675 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 34.29 - x: 209.55 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 188.595 - x: 115.57 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 266.065 y: 36.83 - x: 248.92 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 319.405 y: 215.265 - x: 325.755 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 191.135 - x: 234.315 y: 194.945 - type: wire points: - x: 210.185 y: 135.89 - x: 163.195 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 194.945 y: 97.155 - x: 192.405 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 327.025 y: 200.66 - x: 319.405 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 175.26 - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: 191.135 - x: 142.875 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 185.42 - x: 166.37 y: 185.42 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 66.675 - x: 215.9 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 215.265 y: 184.785 - x: 220.345 y: 184.785 - type: wire points: - x: 250.825 y: 174.625 - x: 258.445 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 216.535 - x: 147.955 y: 216.535 - type: wire points: - x: 194.945 y: -154.94 - x: 208.28 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: -154.94 - x: 136.525 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 157.48 - x: 169.545 y: 151.765 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 62.865 - x: 237.49 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 40.64 - x: 107.95 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 26.035 - x: 148.59 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 43.18 - x: 58.42 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 281.305 y: 146.685 - x: 302.895 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 120.65 - x: 137.16 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 93.98 - x: 70.485 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 151.13 - x: 135.89 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 155.575 - x: 250.19 y: 154.305 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 50.8 - x: 105.41 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 49.53 - x: 135.89 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 145.415 y: 167.64 - x: 145.415 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 186.055 - x: 115.57 y: 186.055 - type: wire points: - x: 163.195 y: 135.89 - x: 145.415 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 46.99 - x: 231.775 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 177.8 - x: 162.56 y: 177.8 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 92.075 - x: 166.37 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 136.525 - x: 111.76 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 257.175 y: 96.52 - x: 259.715 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 248.285 y: 186.055 - x: 250.19 y: 186.055 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: -180.34 - x: 150.495 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 81.28 - x: 73.025 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 126.365 - x: 76.2 y: 126.365 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: -180.34 - x: 165.735 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 86.36 - x: 78.105 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 320.04 y: 95.885 - x: 323.215 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 245.745 y: 106.68 - x: 325.12 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 33.655 - x: 74.295 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 292.735 y: 234.95 - x: 292.735 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - x: 65.405 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 167.005 - x: 136.525 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 238.76 - x: 217.805 y: 238.76 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 55.245 - x: 165.1 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 292.735 y: 190.5 - x: 292.1 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 50.165 - x: 186.69 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 146.685 - x: 169.545 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 156.21 - x: 136.525 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 50.165 - x: 204.47 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 39.37 - x: 169.545 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 215.265 y: 180.975 - x: 220.345 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 127 - x: 111.76 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 289.56 y: 212.725 - x: 304.165 y: 212.725 - type: wire points: - x: 248.285 y: 180.975 - x: 250.825 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 121.285 - x: 320.675 y: 121.285 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 163.195 - x: 264.16 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 168.275 - x: 132.08 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 73.025 y: 83.82 - x: 79.375 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 39.37 - x: 214.63 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 231.775 y: 36.83 - x: 233.68 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 81.28 - x: 105.41 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 43.18 - x: 162.56 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 221.615 y: 100.965 - x: 221.615 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 189.865 - x: 139.065 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 288.29 y: 184.15 - x: 304.165 y: 184.15 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 33.02 - x: 38.1 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 177.165 y: 208.915 - x: 158.75 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 53.34 - x: 128.905 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 191.135 - x: 86.36 y: 191.135 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 79.375 - x: 163.83 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 150.495 y: 227.33 - x: 154.94 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 253.365 y: 103.505 - x: 253.365 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 133.985 - x: 107.95 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 186.055 - x: 250.19 y: 210.185 - type: wire points: - x: 292.735 y: 198.12 - x: 292.735 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 149.225 - x: 264.16 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 38.1 - x: 165.1 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 163.195 y: 123.825 - x: 170.18 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 237.49 y: 80.01 - x: 247.015 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 133.985 - x: 127 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 188.595 - x: 255.27 y: 190.5 - type: wire points: - x: 215.265 y: 220.98 - x: 215.265 y: 184.785 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 229.235 - x: 251.46 y: 229.235 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 226.695 - x: 266.7 y: 236.855 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 166.37 - x: 78.74 y: 167.005 - type: wire points: - x: 31.115 y: 133.985 - x: 67.31 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 107.315 y: 96.52 - x: 107.315 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 75.565 y: 88.9 - x: 75.565 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 139.065 y: 168.275 - x: 136.525 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 95.885 - x: 304.8 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 73.66 y: 130.175 - x: 73.66 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 146.685 y: 132.08 - x: 168.91 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 186.69 y: 50.165 - x: 189.23 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 258.445 y: 88.9 - x: 258.445 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 275.59 y: 203.2 - x: 247.015 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 27.94 - x: 135.89 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 234.315 y: 173.355 - x: 234.315 y: 178.435 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 215.265 - x: 251.46 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 277.495 y: 93.345 - x: 282.575 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 36.83 - x: 214.63 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 165.735 y: -154.94 - x: 180.34 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 68.58 - x: 162.56 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 77.47 - x: 215.9 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 74.93 y: 101.6 - x: 79.375 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 273.685 y: 177.165 - x: 288.29 y: 177.165 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 232.41 - x: 147.955 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 153.67 - x: 160.655 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 248.285 y: 188.595 - x: 255.27 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 189.865 y: 71.12 - x: 188.595 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 156.21 - x: 111.76 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 99.06 - x: 65.405 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 188.595 y: 149.225 - x: 242.57 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 156.21 - x: 80.01 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 163.195 - x: 217.805 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 259.715 y: 86.995 - x: 259.715 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 114.935 y: 138.43 - x: 114.935 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 304.165 y: 203.2 - x: 275.59 y: 203.2 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 35.56 - x: 166.37 y: 47.625 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 33.02 - x: 63.5 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 137.795 - x: 250.19 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 65.405 y: 86.36 - x: 67.945 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 194.945 y: -180.34 - x: 180.34 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 53.34 - x: 128.905 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 116.205 - x: 191.77 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 38.1 - x: 167.64 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 277.495 y: 128.905 - x: 325.12 y: 128.905 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 137.795 - x: 238.125 y: 137.795 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 79.375 - x: 163.83 y: 79.375 - type: wire points: - x: 145.415 y: 170.18 - x: 132.08 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 66.04 y: 68.58 - x: 162.56 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 166.37 - x: 78.74 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 122.555 y: 215.265 - x: 86.36 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 179.705 - x: 258.445 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 102.235 y: 101.6 - x: 110.49 y: 101.6 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 148.59 - x: 114.935 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 110.49 y: 123.19 - x: 110.49 y: 133.985 - type: wire points: - x: 158.75 y: 208.915 - x: 158.75 y: 157.48 - type: wire points: - x: 247.015 y: 224.155 - x: 247.015 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: -180.34 - x: 208.28 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 73.025 y: 81.28 - x: 73.025 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 35.56 - x: 135.89 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 236.855 - x: 177.165 y: 236.855 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 36.83 - x: 231.775 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 113.665 - x: 107.95 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 43.18 - x: 64.77 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 116.205 - x: 210.185 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 136.525 y: 156.21 - x: 142.875 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 69.215 - x: 210.82 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 123.19 y: -180.34 - x: 108.585 y: -180.34 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: -154.94 - x: 123.19 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 100.965 - x: 221.615 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 166.37 y: 185.42 - x: 166.37 y: 188.595 - type: wire points: - x: 60.325 y: 96.52 - x: 67.945 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 312.42 y: 231.14 - x: 316.865 y: 231.14 - type: wire points: - x: 40.005 y: 83.82 - x: 38.1 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 167.64 - x: 145.415 y: 167.64 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 189.23 - x: 304.165 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 300.355 y: 172.72 - x: 304.165 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 193.04 - x: 299.085 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 170.815 y: 190.5 - x: 170.815 y: 189.865 - type: wire points: - x: 251.46 y: 224.155 - x: 247.015 y: 224.155 - type: wire points: - x: 75.565 y: 88.9 - x: 79.375 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 132.08 y: 168.275 - x: 95.25 y: 168.275 - type: wire points: - x: 323.215 y: 95.885 - x: 326.39 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 266.065 y: 74.295 - x: 259.08 y: 74.295 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 213.995 - x: 150.495 y: 213.995 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 43.18 - x: 43.18 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 52.705 - x: 169.545 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 55.245 - x: 38.1 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 111.76 y: 127 - x: 111.76 y: 131.445 - type: wire points: - x: 169.545 y: 66.04 - x: 163.83 y: 66.04 - type: wire points: - x: 61.595 y: 73.025 - x: 66.04 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 81.28 - x: 102.235 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 233.68 y: 46.99 - x: 231.775 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 210.185 y: 94.615 - x: 227.33 y: 94.615 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 168.275 - x: 95.25 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: -154.94 - x: 220.98 y: -154.94 - type: wire points: - x: 264.795 y: 46.99 - x: 266.065 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 55.245 - x: 38.1 y: 55.245 globalLabels: - text: KKADRAN shape: input position: x: 81.915 y: 191.135 angle: 180 - text: BMX shape: input position: x: 327.025 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - text: CT9 shape: input position: x: 299.085 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: KSGIN shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 99.06 angle: 0 - text: BA12 shape: input position: x: 326.39 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - text: BA0 shape: input position: x: 61.595 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: BA2 shape: input position: x: 60.325 y: 93.98 angle: 180 - text: CT4 shape: input position: x: 149.86 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - text: BA3 shape: input position: x: 60.325 y: 96.52 angle: 180 - text: BA7 shape: input position: x: 147.955 y: 211.455 angle: 0 - text: UPRMX shape: input position: x: 266.065 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 325.12 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - text: BA11 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - text: CT9 shape: input position: x: 141.605 y: 232.41 angle: 180 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 113.03 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: BA5 shape: input position: x: 215.265 y: 180.975 angle: 180 - text: KKADRAN shape: input position: x: 327.025 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - text: TAIMS shape: input position: x: 326.39 y: 175.26 angle: 0 - text: KKADRAN shape: input position: x: 312.42 y: 231.14 angle: 180 - text: BA1 shape: input position: x: 61.595 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: VOZUL shape: input position: x: 257.175 y: 96.52 angle: 180 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 236.855 y: 71.755 angle: 180 - text: ZPVDN shape: input position: x: 229.87 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 325.12 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - text: BA10 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - text: ZPRGBD shape: input position: x: 266.065 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - text: ZPRGAT+ shape: input position: x: 266.065 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - text: BA4 shape: input position: x: 60.325 y: 99.06 angle: 180 - text: BA0 shape: input position: x: 228.6 y: 146.685 angle: 180 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 149.225 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: BA9 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 173.99 angle: 0 - text: "\u041F\u0420L" shape: input position: x: 332.105 y: 231.14 angle: 0 - text: UPRMX shape: input position: x: 282.575 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: UPRMX shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 170.18 angle: 180 - text: BA8 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - text: KGIL shape: input position: x: 110.49 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - text: KRAIN shape: input position: x: 325.755 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - text: BA5 shape: input position: x: 290.195 y: 222.25 angle: 180 - text: BA6 shape: input position: x: 147.955 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - text: CCML shape: input position: x: 128.905 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - text: CCML shape: input position: x: 78.74 y: 193.675 angle: 180 - text: BA5 shape: input position: x: 120.65 y: 193.675 angle: 0 - text: KGIL shape: input position: x: 327.66 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - text: "\u0422\u0410\u041A\u0422" shape: input position: x: 326.39 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - text: CT4 shape: input position: x: 300.355 y: 172.72 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Binary counter circuit.
libSymbols: - 74LS257_1 - 74LS298_1 - 74LS298_2 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS00 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS02 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS04 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS14 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS86 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C - "Delta_s_m_Lib:CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" - Delta_s_m_Lib:C_Polarized - Delta_s_m_Lib:D - Delta_s_m_Lib:Jumper_2_Open - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS153N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F2)" - Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS175N - Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS175N_U56 - Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS175N_U63 - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" - SN74ALS175N_3 - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.975 y: 120.015 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0185' position: x: 180.975 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.975 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 101.6 y: 147.955 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C11 position: x: 101.6 y: 140.335 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "0.1\xB5F" position: x: 101.6 y: 142.875 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 71.12 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R32 position: x: 347.345 y: 68.58 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 347.345 y: 71.12 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 355.6 y: 143.51 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0210' position: x: 351.79 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 359.41 y: 145.415 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 237.49 y: 68.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0193' position: x: 237.49 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 237.49 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 837.565 y: 240.665 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 837.565 y: 231.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 837.565 y: 234.315 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 366.395 y: 268.605 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0212' position: x: 366.395 y: 274.955 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 366.395 y: 273.685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 86.36 y: 258.445 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 85.725 y: 258.445 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 86.36 y: 252.095 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 354.965 y: 94.615 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D13 position: x: 357.505 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 365.76 y: 94.615 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 238.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0201' position: x: 233.68 y: 245.11 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 243.205 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 322.58 y: 159.385 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 322.58 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 322.2752 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 800.1 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 807.085 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 807.085 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.975 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0180' position: x: 180.975 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.975 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 149.225 y: 133.35 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R12 position: x: 149.225 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100K position: x: 149.225 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 59.055 y: 220.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 59.69 y: 220.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 59.055 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 233.68 y: 180.975 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U65 position: x: 231.775 y: 176.53 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 235.6994 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 285.115 y: 71.755 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0188' position: x: 285.115 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 285.115 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 237.49 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0186' position: x: 237.49 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 239.395 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 383.54 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 383.54 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 383.54 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 85.725 y: 147.955 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 85.725 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 85.09 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 795.655 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 796.29 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 795.655 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 180.975 y: 81.915 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0181' position: x: 180.975 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 182.88 y: 78.105 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 187.96 y: 206.375 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0204' position: x: 187.96 y: 210.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 189.865 y: 202.565 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS298_2 position: x: 237.49 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U54 position: x: 239.5094 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS298N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F13)" position: x: 239.5094 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 134.62 y: 83.185 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R21 position: x: 134.62 y: 80.645 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 134.62 y: 83.185 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 366.395 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0215' position: x: 366.395 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 368.935 y: 161.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.935 y: 113.665 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0183' position: x: 114.935 y: 120.015 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.935 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 60.96 y: 260.985 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 61.595 y: 260.985 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 60.96 y: 254.635 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 168.275 y: 89.535 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0184' position: x: 172.085 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 164.465 y: 87.63 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 344.17 y: 143.51 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R46 position: x: 344.17 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 344.17 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 149.86 y: 147.955 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 149.86 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 149.225 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 118.11 y: 133.35 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R11 position: x: 118.11 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 39K position: x: 118.11 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 86.36 y: 132.08 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: D30 position: x: 82.55 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 85.09 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 53.34 y: 147.955 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R20 position: x: 53.34 y: 145.415 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '560' position: x: 53.34 y: 147.955 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 78.74 y: 195.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 79.375 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 81.915 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 187.96 y: 181.61 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U64 position: x: 186.055 y: 177.165 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 190.5 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 268.605 y: 125.73 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0196' position: x: 268.605 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 268.605 y: 130.175 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 271.78 y: 193.04 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0199' position: x: 275.59 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 264.795 y: 193.04 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 64.77 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R38 position: x: 347.345 y: 62.23 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.7K position: x: 347.345 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 366.395 y: 220.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0214' position: x: 366.395 y: 224.155 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 368.935 y: 217.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 88.9 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R39 position: x: 347.345 y: 86.36 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 347.345 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 180.975 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0179' position: x: 180.975 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 182.88 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 899.795 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 906.78 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 906.78 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 344.17 y: 134.62 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R35 position: x: 344.17 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 344.17 y: 134.62 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 916.305 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U14 position: x: 922.655 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 922.655 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SN74ALS175N_U63 position: x: 180.975 y: 49.53 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U63 position: x: 182.9944 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS175N (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C8)" position: x: 182.9944 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS298_1 position: x: 237.49 y: 48.26 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U61 position: x: 239.5094 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS298N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F13)" position: x: 239.5094 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 194.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0209' position: x: 187.96 y: 200.66 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 198.755 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 285.115 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0195' position: x: 285.115 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 285.115 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 374.65 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP4 position: x: 374.65 y: 121.285 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 374.65 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 328.295 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 328.295 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN7486N (\u041A155\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 327.66 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 349.25 y: 112.395 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0211' position: x: 345.44 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 353.06 y: 114.3 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 237.49 y: 81.28 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0192' position: x: 237.49 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 239.395 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 328.295 y: 52.705 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 328.295 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN7486N (\u041A155\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 327.9902 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 52.705 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R36 position: x: 347.345 y: 50.165 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '470' position: x: 347.345 y: 52.705 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 163.83 y: 215.265 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0198' position: x: 167.64 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 160.02 y: 213.36 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 66.675 y: 147.955 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C14 position: x: 67.564 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "4.7\xB5F 16V" position: x: 67.564 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 775.97 y: 173.355 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 776.605 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 775.97 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 108.585 y: 198.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 109.22 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 108.585 y: 189.865 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 354.965 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D12 position: x: 357.505 y: 55.245 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 365.76 y: 58.42 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 163.83 y: 170.18 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0197' position: x: 167.64 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 160.02 y: 168.275 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SN74ALS175N_U56 position: x: 180.975 y: 99.695 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U56 position: x: 182.9944 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS175N (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C8)" position: x: 182.9944 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 260.35 y: 151.13 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 260.35 y: 151.13 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 260.35 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 848.36 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 855.345 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 855.345 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 995.68 y: 229.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 995.68 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 995.3752 y: 224.155 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 102.235 y: 33.02 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0173' position: x: 106.045 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 98.425 y: 31.115 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS153N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F2)" position: x: 285.115 y: 50.165 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U60 position: x: 287.1344 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS153N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F2)" position: x: 287.1344 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 85.09 y: 222.885 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 85.725 y: 222.885 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 85.725 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 239.395 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0205' position: x: 187.96 y: 245.745 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 243.84 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 168.275 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0177' position: x: 172.085 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 164.465 y: 37.465 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 285.115 y: 24.765 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0189' position: x: 285.115 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 287.02 y: 20.955 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 135.255 y: 195.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 135.89 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 135.255 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 374.65 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP5 position: x: 374.65 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 374.65 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 210.82 y: 172.085 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0208' position: x: 214.63 y: 172.085 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 207.01 y: 170.18 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 831.215 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U12 position: x: 838.2 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 838.2 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 328.295 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 328.295 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN7486N (\u041A155\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 328.295 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 328.295 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 328.295 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN7486N (\u041A155\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 328.295 y: 65.405 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "CD4520\u0410N_(\u041A561\u0418\u041510)" position: x: 284.48 y: 191.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U15 position: x: 284.48 y: 182.245 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "CD4520\u0410N (\u041A561\u0418\u041510A)" position: x: 284.48 y: 184.785 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 791.21 y: 206.375 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 790.575 y: 206.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 791.21 y: 199.39 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 193.675 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0202' position: x: 233.68 y: 200.025 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 233.68 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 114.935 y: 63.5 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0175' position: x: 114.935 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 114.935 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 995.68 y: 201.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 995.68 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 995.3752 y: 196.215 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 134.62 y: 147.955 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C10 position: x: 134.62 y: 140.335 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "0.1\xB5F" position: x: 134.62 y: 142.875 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 102.235 y: 83.185 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0176' position: x: 106.045 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 98.425 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 118.745 y: 147.955 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 117.475 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 117.475 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 731.52 y: 241.935 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 732.155 y: 241.935 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 731.52 y: 234.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 800.1 y: 111.76 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0236' position: x: 800.1 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 802.64 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 815.975 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 822.325 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 822.325 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 56.515 y: 193.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 55.88 y: 193.04 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 56.515 y: 186.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 83.185 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R34 position: x: 347.345 y: 80.645 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.7K position: x: 347.345 y: 83.185 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 271.78 y: 195.58 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0200' position: x: 271.78 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 271.78 y: 200.025 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS257_1 position: x: 366.395 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U62 position: x: 364.49 y: 186.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "74LS257 (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 368.4144 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS02 position: x: 111.125 y: 244.475 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U30 position: x: 111.76 y: 244.475 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS02N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04151)" position: x: 111.125 y: 237.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 187.96 y: 226.695 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U57 position: x: 186.055 y: 221.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 188.595 y: 207.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 187.96 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0190' position: x: 187.96 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 189.865 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 354.965 y: 76.835 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D11 position: x: 357.505 y: 73.66 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 365.76 y: 76.835 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SN74ALS175N position: x: 114.935 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U52 position: x: 116.9544 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS175N (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C8)" position: x: 116.9544 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 237.49 y: 121.92 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0194' position: x: 237.49 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 237.49 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 789.94 y: 240.665 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 789.94 y: 231.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 789.94 y: 234.315 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 800.1 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0235' position: x: 800.1 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 800.1 y: 145.415 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 233.68 y: 160.655 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0191' position: x: 233.68 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 235.585 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS153N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F2)" position: x: 285.115 y: 108.585 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U53 position: x: 287.1344 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS153N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F2)" position: x: 287.1344 y: 85.725 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: SN74ALS175N_3 position: x: 114.935 y: 93.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U59 position: x: 116.9544 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS175N (\u041A\u04201533\u0422\u041C8)" position: x: 116.9544 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 276.225 y: 153.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 276.225 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 275.9202 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 285.115 y: 83.185 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0187' position: x: 285.115 y: 86.995 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 287.02 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 220.98 y: 174.625 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0207' position: x: 214.63 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 213.995 y: 174.625 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: D position: x: 85.09 y: 161.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D31 position: x: 87.63 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "1N4148 (\u041A\u0414522\u0411)" position: x: 85.09 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 814.07 y: 240.665 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 814.07 y: 231.775 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 814.07 y: 234.315 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 340.995 y: 159.385 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 340.36 y: 159.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 340.995 y: 167.005 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 995.68 y: 188.595 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 995.68 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 995.3752 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 339.09 y: 112.395 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R45 position: x: 339.09 y: 109.855 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1K position: x: 339.09 y: 112.395 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 85.09 y: 241.935 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U49 position: x: 84.455 y: 241.935 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 85.09 y: 234.95 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 366.395 y: 212.09 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0213' position: x: 366.395 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 369.57 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 210.82 y: 217.17 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0206' position: x: 214.63 y: 217.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 207.01 y: 215.265 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 864.87 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U51 position: x: 871.22 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN7486N (\u041A155\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 871.22 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 383.54 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR01' position: x: 383.54 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 383.54 y: 131.445 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 233.68 y: 226.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U58 position: x: 231.775 y: 222.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74LS295N_(\u041A555\u0418\u042016)" position: x: 235.6994 y: 209.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 347.345 y: 100.965 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R41 position: x: 347.345 y: 98.425 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2.7K position: x: 347.345 y: 100.965 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS86 position: x: 881.38 y: 126.365 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U50 position: x: 888.365 y: 125.0949 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS86N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041F5)" position: x: 888.365 y: 127.6349 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 233.68 y: 205.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0203' position: x: 233.68 y: 209.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 235.585 y: 201.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 114.935 y: 75.565 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0174' position: x: 114.935 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 116.84 y: 71.755 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 38.735 y: 263.525 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0172' position: x: 32.385 y: 263.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 31.75 y: 263.525 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 111.125 y: 225.425 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U29 position: x: 111.76 y: 225.425 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 111.125 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 114.935 y: 25.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0178' position: x: 114.935 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 116.84 y: 21.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS257_1 position: x: 366.395 y: 243.205 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U55 position: x: 364.49 y: 243.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "74LS257 (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 368.4144 y: 222.885 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 255.27 y: 104.775 angle: 0 - position: x: 316.23 y: 112.395 angle: 0 - position: x: 831.215 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 831.215 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 815.975 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 316.23 y: 137.16 angle: 0 - position: x: 263.525 y: 98.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 354.965 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - position: x: 899.795 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 71.755 y: 225.425 angle: 0 - position: x: 899.795 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 815.975 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 316.23 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 316.23 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 864.87 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.335 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - position: x: 254.635 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.885 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 122.555 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 800.1 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.095 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 252.095 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - position: x: 43.18 y: 249.555 angle: 0 - position: x: 255.905 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - position: x: 95.25 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 257.81 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 864.87 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 215.265 angle: 0 - position: x: 354.965 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - position: x: 74.295 y: 220.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.015 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 848.36 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 120.015 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - position: x: 340.36 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 881.38 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 354.965 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 340.36 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 128.905 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - position: x: 272.415 y: 107.315 angle: 0 - position: x: 881.38 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - position: x: 848.36 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - position: x: 253.365 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 800.1 y: 139.065 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 768.35 y: 175.895 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 102.235 angle: null - position: x: 783.59 y: 206.375 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 100.965 angle: null - position: x: 102.235 y: 95.885 angle: null - position: x: 829.945 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 1003.3 y: 201.93 angle: null - position: x: 102.235 y: 100.965 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 85.725 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 90.805 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 232.41 angle: null - position: x: 806.45 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 739.14 y: 241.935 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 199.39 angle: null - position: x: 797.56 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 93.345 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 186.055 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 178.435 angle: null - position: x: 297.18 y: 194.31 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 41.91 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 97.155 angle: null - position: x: 788.035 y: 175.895 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 173.355 angle: null - position: x: 723.9 y: 244.475 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 88.265 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 223.52 angle: null - position: x: 821.69 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 218.44 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 175.895 angle: null - position: x: 783.59 y: 173.355 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 107.315 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 95.885 angle: null - position: x: 297.18 y: 189.23 angle: null - position: x: 297.18 y: 191.77 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 98.425 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 40.64 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 35.56 angle: null - position: x: 723.9 y: 239.395 angle: null - position: x: 175.26 y: 220.345 angle: null - position: x: 1003.3 y: 229.87 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 220.98 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 191.135 angle: null - position: x: 845.185 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 782.32 y: 240.665 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 45.72 angle: null - position: x: 798.83 y: 206.375 angle: null - position: x: 803.275 y: 173.355 angle: null - position: x: 175.26 y: 175.26 angle: null - position: x: 102.235 y: 98.425 angle: null - position: x: 1003.3 y: 188.595 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 92.075 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 204.47 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 52.07 angle: null - position: x: 788.035 y: 170.815 angle: null - position: x: 768.35 y: 170.815 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 57.15 angle: null - position: x: 988.06 y: 227.33 angle: null - position: x: 193.675 y: 46.99 angle: null - position: x: 127.635 y: 50.8 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 46.99 - x: 220.98 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 135.89 - x: 215.9 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 45.72 - x: 250.19 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 172.085 - x: 220.98 y: 172.085 - type: wire points: - x: 253.365 y: 56.515 - x: 253.365 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 59.055 - x: 272.415 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 16.51 - x: 156.21 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 95.885 - x: 272.415 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 330.2 y: 159.385 - x: 333.375 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 102.235 - x: 272.415 y: 102.235 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 41.91 - x: 222.885 y: 41.91 - type: wire points: - x: 82.55 y: 132.08 - x: 74.295 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 195.58 - x: 95.885 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 340.36 y: 83.185 - x: 343.535 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 881.38 y: 139.065 - x: 899.795 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 137.16 - x: 316.23 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 260.985 y: 114.935 - x: 260.985 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 132.08 - x: 320.675 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 61.595 - x: 265.43 y: 61.595 - type: wire points: - x: 383.54 y: 127 - x: 379.73 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 224.155 - x: 202.565 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 73.66 - x: 320.675 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 258.445 - x: 43.18 y: 249.555 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 193.04 - x: 95.885 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 260.985 - x: 78.74 y: 260.985 - type: wire points: - x: 800.1 y: 113.665 - x: 815.975 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 140.335 - x: 285.75 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 88.9 - x: 257.81 y: 59.055 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 50.165 - x: 297.815 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 52.705 - x: 343.535 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 161.925 - x: 95.25 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 47.625 y: 147.955 - x: 49.53 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 815.975 y: 113.665 - x: 831.215 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 147.955 - x: 164.465 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 110.49 - x: 223.52 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 90.805 - x: 272.415 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 45.72 - x: 254.635 y: 102.235 - type: wire points: - x: 848.36 y: 113.665 - x: 864.87 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 140.335 y: 133.35 - x: 140.335 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 56.515 - x: 253.365 y: 56.515 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 179.07 - x: 202.565 y: 184.785 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 104.775 - x: 255.27 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 268.605 y: 151.13 - x: 267.97 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 210.82 y: 217.17 - x: 220.98 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 200.025 - x: 211.455 y: 200.025 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 184.785 - x: 220.98 y: 184.785 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 90.805 - x: 297.815 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 116.205 y: 198.12 - x: 120.015 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 44.45 - x: 224.79 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 227.33 - x: 220.98 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 881.38 y: 113.665 - x: 899.795 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 340.36 y: 100.965 - x: 340.36 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 258.445 - x: 119.38 y: 258.445 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 43.815 - x: 257.81 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 297.18 y: 196.85 - x: 299.085 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 80.645 - x: 354.965 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 107.315 - x: 272.415 y: 109.855 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 226.06 - x: 262.89 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 133.35 - x: 107.95 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 221.615 - x: 204.47 y: 227.33 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 52.705 - x: 354.965 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 15.24 - x: 266.7 y: 15.24 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 212.09 - x: 74.295 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 20.32 - x: 253.365 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 153.035 y: 133.35 - x: 160.02 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 88.9 y: 161.925 - x: 95.25 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 848.36 y: 139.065 - x: 864.87 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 128.27 - x: 250.19 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 147.955 - x: 78.105 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 348.615 y: 159.385 - x: 348.615 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 107.95 - x: 198.755 y: 107.95 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 88.9 - x: 257.81 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 198.755 y: 104.775 - x: 193.675 y: 104.775 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 222.885 - x: 51.435 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 249.555 - x: 43.18 y: 249.555 - type: wire points: - x: 215.265 y: 38.1 - x: 224.79 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 52.705 - x: 370.205 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 320.675 y: 137.16 - x: 316.23 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 108.585 - x: 340.36 y: 108.585 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 40.005 - x: 263.525 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 99.06 - x: 252.095 y: 99.06 - type: wire points: - x: 120.015 y: 225.425 - x: 118.745 y: 225.425 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 232.41 - x: 220.98 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 95.25 - x: 224.79 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 85.725 - x: 102.235 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 815.975 y: 139.065 - x: 831.215 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 302.895 y: 32.385 - x: 302.895 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 50.8 - x: 250.19 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 140.335 y: 147.955 - x: 142.24 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 119.38 y: 244.475 - x: 118.745 y: 244.475 - type: wire points: - x: 355.6 y: 143.51 - x: 347.98 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 88.9 - x: 257.81 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 98.425 - x: 263.525 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 94.615 - x: 201.93 y: 94.615 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 107.315 - x: 272.415 y: 107.315 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 49.53 - x: 200.66 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 48.895 - x: 272.415 y: 51.435 - type: wire points: - x: 247.65 y: 180.975 - x: 247.65 y: 200.025 - type: wire points: - x: 262.89 y: 156.21 - x: 268.605 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 112.395 - x: 335.28 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 179.705 - x: 220.98 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 83.185 - x: 351.155 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 132.08 - x: 74.295 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 302.895 y: 50.165 - x: 320.675 y: 50.165 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 61.595 - x: 272.415 y: 64.135 - type: wire points: - x: 95.885 y: 193.04 - x: 95.885 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 197.485 y: 54.61 - x: 197.485 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 348.615 y: 146.685 - x: 311.15 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 93.345 y: 147.955 - x: 95.25 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 13.97 - x: 267.97 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 39.37 - x: 205.74 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 266.065 y: 37.465 - x: 272.415 y: 37.465 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 114.935 - x: 260.985 y: 114.935 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 170.18 - x: 175.26 y: 172.72 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 49.53 - x: 224.79 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 46.355 - x: 255.905 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 320.675 y: 55.245 - x: 316.23 y: 55.245 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 147.955 - x: 62.865 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 241.935 - x: 74.295 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 266.7 y: 15.24 - x: 266.7 y: 107.315 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 176.53 - x: 204.47 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 864.87 y: 139.065 - x: 881.38 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 351.155 y: 88.9 - x: 354.965 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 340.36 y: 108.585 - x: 340.36 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 115.57 - x: 316.23 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 198.12 - x: 71.12 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 46.355 - x: 272.415 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 800.1 y: 139.065 - x: 800.1 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 77.47 y: 241.935 - x: 74.295 y: 241.935 - type: wire points: - x: 114.3 y: 133.35 - x: 107.95 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 180.975 - x: 247.65 y: 180.975 - type: wire points: - x: 340.36 y: 64.77 - x: 340.36 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 864.87 y: 113.665 - x: 881.38 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 122.555 - x: 268.605 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 264.795 y: 32.385 - x: 272.415 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 215.265 y: 35.56 - x: 224.79 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 147.955 - x: 128.905 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 99.06 - x: 252.095 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 21.59 - x: 252.095 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 211.455 y: 200.025 - x: 211.455 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 219.075 - x: 206.375 y: 219.075 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 147.955 - x: 107.95 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 133.35 - x: 255.27 y: 104.775 - type: wire points: - x: 130.175 y: 48.26 - x: 127.635 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 98.425 - x: 354.965 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 343.535 y: 100.965 - x: 340.36 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 104.775 - x: 272.415 y: 104.775 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 220.345 - x: 77.47 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 145.415 y: 133.35 - x: 140.335 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 93.345 - x: 102.235 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 39.37 - x: 205.74 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 226.695 - x: 200.66 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 222.885 - x: 103.505 y: 222.885 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 33.02 - x: 153.67 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 89.535 - x: 205.74 y: 89.535 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 100.965 - x: 351.155 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 52.07 - x: 219.075 y: 52.07 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 147.955 - x: 130.81 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 66.675 y: 220.345 - x: 74.295 y: 220.345 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 221.615 - x: 204.47 y: 221.615 - type: wire points: - x: 267.97 y: 48.895 - x: 272.415 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 61.595 - x: 265.43 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 285.75 y: 153.67 - x: 283.845 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 127 - x: 369.57 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 800.1 y: 111.76 - x: 800.1 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 120.015 y: 198.12 - x: 120.015 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 71.12 - x: 343.535 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 138.43 y: 147.955 - x: 140.335 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 187.325 - x: 220.98 y: 187.325 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 143.51 - x: 340.36 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 227.965 - x: 103.505 y: 227.965 - type: wire points: - x: 351.155 y: 71.12 - x: 354.965 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 159.385 - x: 252.73 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 255.905 - x: 71.755 y: 255.905 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 173.99 - x: 206.375 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 198.755 y: 107.95 - x: 198.755 y: 104.775 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 94.615 - x: 201.93 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 120.015 y: 208.915 - x: 127 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 40.005 - x: 263.525 y: 40.005 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 49.53 - x: 200.66 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 44.45 - x: 203.2 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 83.185 - x: 130.81 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 831.215 y: 139.065 - x: 848.36 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 222.885 y: 41.91 - x: 222.885 y: 21.59 - type: wire points: - x: 815.975 y: 139.065 - x: 800.1 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 253.365 y: 20.32 - x: 253.365 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 215.265 - x: 175.26 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 55.245 - x: 316.23 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 127 y: 212.09 - x: 74.295 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 899.795 y: 113.665 - x: 916.305 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 86.36 - x: 320.675 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 64.135 y: 193.04 - x: 71.12 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 19.05 - x: 254.635 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 257.81 y: 35.56 - x: 252.095 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 127.635 y: 38.1 - x: 154.94 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 57.15 - x: 217.17 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 100.33 - x: 218.44 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 88.9 - x: 370.205 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 134.62 - x: 340.36 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 74.295 y: 161.925 - x: 74.295 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 353.06 y: 134.62 - x: 347.98 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 38.1 y: 217.805 - x: 51.435 y: 217.805 - type: wire points: - x: 103.505 y: 247.015 - x: 103.505 y: 249.555 - type: wire points: - x: 219.075 y: 19.05 - x: 254.635 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 121.92 y: 133.35 - x: 128.905 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 223.52 y: 128.27 - x: 250.19 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 40.64 - x: 253.365 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 62.23 - x: 354.965 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 38.1 - x: 154.94 y: 15.24 - type: wire points: - x: 81.28 y: 161.925 - x: 74.295 y: 161.925 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 54.61 - x: 224.79 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 147.955 - x: 97.79 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 88.9 - x: 354.965 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 133.35 - x: 160.02 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 147.955 - x: 111.125 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 219.075 y: 52.07 - x: 219.075 y: 19.05 - type: wire points: - x: 342.9 y: 112.395 - x: 349.25 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 831.215 y: 113.665 - x: 848.36 y: 113.665 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 35.56 - x: 250.19 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 219.075 - x: 206.375 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 229.87 - x: 220.98 y: 229.87 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 241.935 - x: 103.505 y: 241.935 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 114.935 - x: 272.415 y: 117.475 - type: wire points: - x: 311.15 y: 146.685 - x: 311.15 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 343.535 y: 64.77 - x: 340.36 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 53.34 y: 258.445 - x: 43.18 y: 258.445 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 179.07 - x: 202.565 y: 179.07 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 98.425 - x: 263.525 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 224.155 - x: 202.565 y: 224.155 - type: wire points: - x: 99.695 y: 35.56 - x: 102.235 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 130.81 - x: 220.98 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 97.79 - x: 224.79 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 193.04 - x: 48.895 y: 193.04 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 71.12 - x: 370.205 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 137.16 - x: 316.23 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 40.64 y: 200.66 - x: 100.965 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 255.905 y: 17.78 - x: 255.905 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 226.06 - x: 262.89 y: 226.06 - type: wire points: - x: 206.375 y: 224.79 - x: 220.98 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 33.02 - x: 153.67 y: 13.97 - type: wire points: - x: 70.485 y: 147.955 - x: 74.295 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 170.18 - x: 175.26 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 54.61 - x: 197.485 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 299.085 y: 196.85 - x: 299.085 y: 159.385 - type: wire points: - x: 141.605 y: 83.185 - x: 138.43 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 91.44 - x: 316.23 y: 112.395 - type: wire points: - x: 383.54 y: 115.57 - x: 379.73 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 215.265 - x: 175.26 y: 215.265 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 132.08 - x: 95.25 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 249.555 - x: 37.465 y: 249.555 - type: wire points: - x: 95.885 y: 195.58 - x: 100.965 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 173.99 - x: 206.375 y: 173.99 - type: wire points: - x: 95.25 y: 132.08 - x: 95.25 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 16.51 - x: 156.21 y: 16.51 - type: wire points: - x: 335.915 y: 88.9 - x: 343.535 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 105.41 - x: 224.79 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 71.755 y: 208.915 - x: 120.015 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 263.525 y: 140.335 - x: 285.75 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 71.755 y: 225.425 - x: 77.47 y: 225.425 - type: wire points: - x: 260.985 y: 104.14 - x: 250.19 y: 104.14 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 130.81 - x: 252.095 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 215.9 y: 135.89 - x: 215.9 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 252.73 y: 159.385 - x: 252.73 y: 153.67 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 182.245 - x: 220.98 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 102.87 - x: 224.79 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 17.78 - x: 255.905 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 32.385 - x: 302.895 y: 32.385 - type: wire points: - x: 71.755 y: 225.425 - x: 71.755 y: 208.915 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 32.385 - x: 272.415 y: 34.925 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 147.955 - x: 160.02 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 113.03 - x: 200.025 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 128.905 y: 133.35 - x: 128.905 y: 147.955 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 57.15 - x: 217.17 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 93.98 - x: 250.19 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 369.57 y: 115.57 - x: 316.23 y: 115.57 - type: wire points: - x: 899.795 y: 139.065 - x: 916.305 y: 139.065 - type: wire points: - x: 71.755 y: 255.905 - x: 71.755 y: 225.425 - type: wire points: - x: 200.025 y: 113.03 - x: 200.025 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 205.74 y: 89.535 - x: 205.74 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 297.815 y: 68.58 - x: 320.675 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 91.44 - x: 320.675 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 351.155 y: 52.705 - x: 354.965 y: 52.705 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 100.33 - x: 218.44 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 197.485 y: 59.69 - x: 224.79 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 21.59 - x: 252.095 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 46.99 - x: 220.98 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 211.455 y: 219.71 - x: 220.98 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 71.12 - x: 354.965 y: 73.025 - type: wire points: - x: 193.675 y: 44.45 - x: 203.2 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 38.735 y: 263.525 - x: 53.34 y: 263.525 - type: wire points: - x: 218.44 y: 133.35 - x: 255.27 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 13.97 - x: 267.97 y: 13.97 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 148.59 - x: 252.73 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 43.18 - x: 127.635 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 110.49 - x: 223.52 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 316.23 y: 73.66 - x: 316.23 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 43.815 - x: 257.81 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 272.415 y: 120.015 - x: 272.415 y: 122.555 - type: wire points: - x: 200.025 y: 99.695 - x: 193.675 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 268.605 y: 122.555 - x: 268.605 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 130.81 - x: 220.98 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 270.51 y: 90.805 - x: 272.415 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 181.61 - x: 200.66 y: 187.325 - type: wire points: - x: 120.015 y: 198.12 - x: 127.635 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 200.66 y: 176.53 - x: 204.47 y: 176.53 - type: wire points: - x: 354.965 y: 64.77 - x: 351.155 y: 64.77 globalLabels: - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 39.37 y: 227.965 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 102.235 y: 50.8 angle: 180 - text: BD6 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 104.775 angle: 180 - text: KSGIN shape: input position: x: 264.795 y: 32.385 angle: 180 - text: BD3 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 187.96 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 39.37 y: 198.12 angle: 180 - text: VOZUL shape: input position: x: 142.875 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 220.98 y: 212.09 angle: 180 - text: ZPVDN shape: input position: x: 220.98 y: 169.545 angle: 180 - text: ZPRG+ shape: input position: x: 99.695 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: UZVUK shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: BD0 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 180.34 angle: 180 - text: BD5 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 102.235 angle: 180 - text: VIBOZUL shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 258.445 angle: 180 - text: BD4 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 225.425 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 38.1 y: 217.805 angle: 180 - text: ZPRGBD shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 212.725 angle: 180 - text: ZPVDN shape: input position: x: 220.98 y: 214.63 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 244.475 angle: 0 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 224.79 y: 88.9 angle: 180 - text: BD5 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 227.965 angle: 180 - text: KSGIN shape: input position: x: 270.51 y: 90.805 angle: 180 - text: YR shape: input position: x: 370.205 y: 71.12 angle: 0 - text: KB1 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 173.99 angle: 180 - text: ZPVDN shape: input position: x: 215.265 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 187.96 angle: 0 - text: BD4 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 99.695 angle: 180 - text: KRAIN shape: input position: x: 266.065 y: 37.465 angle: 180 - text: BD1 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 52.07 angle: 180 - text: "\u0412\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 39.37 y: 222.885 angle: 180 - text: CHTRGL shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 204.47 angle: 180 - text: BD5 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 235.585 angle: 180 - text: VIBOZUL shape: input position: x: 127 y: 212.09 angle: 0 - text: BD1 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 171.45 angle: 180 - text: YB shape: input position: x: 370.205 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - text: BD2 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 179.07 angle: 180 - text: TAIMS shape: input position: x: 314.96 y: 156.845 angle: 180 - text: CHTRGL shape: input position: x: 120.015 y: 225.425 angle: 0 - text: KRAIN shape: input position: x: 270.51 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 252.095 angle: 0 - text: BD6 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 230.505 angle: 180 - text: BD2 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 185.42 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - text: BD6 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 243.205 angle: 180 - text: BD3 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 227.965 angle: 180 - text: BD2 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 54.61 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 102.235 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: CCML shape: input position: x: 314.96 y: 161.925 angle: 180 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 215.265 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: KB3 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 230.505 angle: 180 - text: ZPRG+ shape: input position: x: 99.695 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: VIBOZUL shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 201.93 angle: 180 - text: ZPRGAT+ shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 41.91 angle: 180 - text: KB0 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 196.85 angle: 180 - text: BD7 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 250.825 angle: 180 - text: KB7 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 253.365 angle: 180 - text: KB4 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 189.23 angle: 180 - text: ZPRGAT+ shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 92.075 angle: 180 - text: BD7 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 107.315 angle: 180 - text: BD4 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 186.69 angle: 180 - text: ZPRGBD shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 167.64 angle: 180 - text: SYNCRO shape: input position: x: 353.06 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - text: BD0 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 194.31 angle: 180 - text: MAG_OUT shape: input position: x: 141.605 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 195.58 angle: 0 - text: MAG shape: input position: x: 164.465 y: 147.955 angle: 0 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 235.585 angle: 0 - text: CHTRGL shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 260.985 angle: 180 - text: "\u0417\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 37.465 y: 249.555 angle: 180 - text: ZPVDN shape: input position: x: 224.79 y: 91.44 angle: 180 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 39.37 y: 193.04 angle: 180 - text: BD3 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 57.15 angle: 180 - text: "\u041E\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 40.64 y: 200.66 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 227.965 angle: 0 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 102.235 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: ZPRG+ shape: input position: x: 119.38 y: 244.475 angle: 0 - text: BD7 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 233.045 angle: 180 - text: MAG shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 245.745 angle: 180 - text: KB2 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 181.61 angle: 180 - text: YG shape: input position: x: 370.205 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - text: BD1 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 182.88 angle: 180 - text: TAIMS shape: input position: x: 271.78 y: 189.23 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 102.235 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 99.06 y: 93.345 angle: 180 - text: 7MHZ shape: input position: x: 220.98 y: 167.005 angle: 180 - text: BD0 shape: input position: x: 168.275 y: 49.53 angle: 180 - text: MAG_IN shape: input position: x: 47.625 y: 147.955 angle: 180 - text: KB5 shape: input position: x: 353.695 y: 238.125 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 119.38 y: 258.445 angle: 0 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 127 y: 208.915 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 379.095 y: 171.45 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A logic circuit.
libSymbols: - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS00 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS04 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS14 - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C - Delta_s_m_Lib:C_Polarized - power:+5V - power:GND - power:PWR_FLAG schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 240.665 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C24 position: x: 243.84 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 243.84 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 54.61 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 61.595 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 61.595 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 231.14 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C20 position: x: 234.315 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 234.315 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 31.75 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG0101' position: x: 31.75 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 31.75 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 171.45 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 174.625 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 174.625 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS14 position: x: 107.95 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U21 position: x: 114.3 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 114.3 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 160.655 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C9 position: x: 163.83 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 163.83 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 222.25 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C23 position: x: 225.425 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 225.425 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS04 position: x: 37.465 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U19 position: x: 43.815 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS04 (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041D1)" position: x: 43.815 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 89.535 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U75 position: x: 96.52 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 96.52 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 269.24 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 272.415 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 272.415 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 250.19 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 253.365 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 253.365 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: PWR_FLAG position: x: 29.845 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#FLG0102' position: x: 29.845 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - key: Value value: PWR_FLAG position: x: 29.845 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 72.39 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 79.375 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 79.375 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 259.715 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C17 position: x: 262.89 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 262.89 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 26.67 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0171' position: x: 26.67 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 26.67 y: 62.23 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 26.67 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0170' position: x: 26.67 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 22.225 y: 24.13 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 202.565 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C18 position: x: 205.74 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 205.74 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 26.67 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 30.48 y: 38.4809 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "470\xB5F 16V" position: x: 30.48 y: 41.0209 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 192.405 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C13 position: x: 195.58 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 195.58 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 182.245 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 185.42 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 185.42 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 212.725 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C19 position: x: 215.9 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 215.9 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 148.59 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 151.765 y: 40.6399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "0.1\u03BCF" position: x: 151.765 y: 43.1799 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 222.25 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.245 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 26.67 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.655 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.465 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.725 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 29.845 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.725 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 107.95 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 89.535 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.14 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.245 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.665 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 54.61 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 54.61 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.25 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.655 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 148.59 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 31.75 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - position: x: 240.665 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 192.405 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 259.715 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 202.565 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 259.715 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 250.19 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 231.14 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 202.565 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 72.39 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 26.67 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - position: x: 89.535 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - position: x: 192.405 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.465 y: 54.61 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 29.21 - x: 182.245 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 182.245 y: 54.61 - x: 182.245 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 54.61 - x: 212.725 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 259.715 y: 54.61 - x: 269.24 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 89.535 y: 29.21 - x: 107.95 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 29.21 - x: 171.45 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 29.21 - x: 148.59 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 29.21 - x: 202.565 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 54.61 - x: 148.59 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 29.21 - x: 250.19 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 29.21 - x: 240.665 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 29.21 - x: 259.715 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 44.45 - x: 26.67 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 29.21 - x: 269.24 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 107.95 y: 29.21 - x: 148.59 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 240.665 y: 54.61 - x: 240.665 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 89.535 y: 54.61 - x: 107.95 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 240.665 y: 29.21 - x: 240.665 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 29.21 - x: 54.61 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 54.61 - x: 250.19 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 240.665 y: 54.61 - x: 250.19 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 54.61 - x: 171.45 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 182.245 y: 54.61 - x: 192.405 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 29.21 - x: 160.655 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 29.21 - x: 192.405 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 29.21 - x: 231.14 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 57.15 - x: 29.845 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 259.715 y: 54.61 - x: 259.715 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 54.61 - x: 171.45 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 27.94 - x: 31.75 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 31.75 y: 27.94 - x: 37.465 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 54.61 - x: 54.61 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 57.15 - x: 37.465 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 26.67 y: 27.94 - x: 26.67 y: 36.83 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 54.61 - x: 72.39 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 259.715 y: 29.21 - x: 269.24 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 54.61 - x: 148.59 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 29.21 - x: 212.725 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 29.21 - x: 160.655 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 240.665 y: 29.21 - x: 250.19 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 54.61 - x: 202.565 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 54.61 - x: 202.565 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 54.61 - x: 231.14 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 54.61 - x: 222.25 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 54.61 - x: 182.245 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 259.715 y: 29.21 - x: 259.715 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 182.245 y: 29.21 - x: 182.245 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 54.61 - x: 192.405 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 29.21 - x: 231.14 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 57.15 - x: 37.465 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 54.61 y: 29.21 - x: 72.39 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 182.245 y: 29.21 - x: 192.405 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 192.405 y: 29.21 - x: 202.565 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 29.21 - x: 222.25 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 29.21 - x: 212.725 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 29.21 - x: 171.45 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 202.565 y: 54.61 - x: 212.725 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 54.61 - x: 89.535 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 54.61 - x: 231.14 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 54.61 - x: 259.715 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 27.94 - x: 37.465 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 269.24 y: 54.61 - x: 269.24 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 231.14 y: 54.61 - x: 240.665 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 212.725 y: 29.21 - x: 222.25 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 160.655 y: 54.61 - x: 160.655 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 29.21 - x: 89.535 y: 29.21 - type: wire points: - x: 148.59 y: 54.61 - x: 160.655 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 54.61 - x: 222.25 y: 45.72 globalLabels: [] sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for A counter circuit.
libSymbols: - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS00 - "Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS257_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)_U22" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS257_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)_U25" - Delta_s_m_Lib:74LS32 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C - Delta_s_m_Lib:Jumper_3_Bridged12 - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Delta_s_m_Lib:RU5D1 - RU5D1_5 - RU5D1_6 - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 225.425 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0138' position: x: 225.425 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 227.965 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0125' position: x: 183.515 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 266.065 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0137' position: x: 266.065 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 268.605 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 101.6 y: 158.75 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R23 position: x: 101.6 y: 152.4 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '240' position: x: 101.6 y: 154.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Jumper_3_Bridged12 position: x: 35.56 y: 113.03 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: JP1 position: x: 33.02 y: 111.7599 angle: 90 - key: Value value: Jumper_3_Bridged12 position: x: 45.72 y: 127 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 142.875 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0119' position: x: 142.875 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 145.415 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 83.185 y: 178.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C21 position: x: 86.36 y: 177.1649 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47pF position: x: 86.36 y: 179.7049 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 120.65 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0129' position: x: 49.53 y: 120.65 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.875 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0118' position: x: 142.875 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.875 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 225.425 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0142' position: x: 225.425 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 225.425 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 28.575 y: 169.545 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0121' position: x: 28.575 y: 175.895 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 28.575 y: 174.625 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 262.255 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U38 position: x: 266.065 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 266.065 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 262.255 y: 51.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U34 position: x: 266.065 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 266.065 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 119.38 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0130' position: x: 35.56 y: 125.73 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 139.065 y: 51.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U31 position: x: 142.875 y: 55.245 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 142.875 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 49.53 y: 146.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 49.53 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 49.53 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "74LS257_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)_U22" position: x: 68.58 y: 48.895 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U22 position: x: 70.5994 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "74LS257 (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 70.5994 y: 28.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS00 position: x: 77.47 y: 144.145 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U40 position: x: 77.47 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS00N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u04103)" position: x: 77.47 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 179.705 y: 51.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U32 position: x: 183.515 y: 56.515 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 183.515 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 266.065 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0141' position: x: 266.065 y: 136.525 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 266.065 y: 135.255 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 266.065 y: 76.835 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0144' position: x: 266.065 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 266.065 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 35.56 y: 96.52 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0131' position: x: 35.56 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 38.1 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 225.425 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0135' position: x: 225.425 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 227.965 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 49.53 y: 163.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 49.53 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 50.8 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 101.6 y: 146.685 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 102.235 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 101.6 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 68.58 y: 26.035 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0128' position: x: 68.58 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 71.12 y: 23.495 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 49.53 y: 179.705 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 49.53 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 49.53 y: 173.355 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 68.58 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0127' position: x: 68.58 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 71.12 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 74.295 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0126' position: x: 68.58 y: 80.645 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 71.755 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 221.615 y: 51.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U33 position: x: 226.06 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 226.06 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 225.425 y: 76.835 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0136' position: x: 225.425 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 225.425 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C position: x: 96.52 y: 178.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C22 position: x: 99.695 y: 177.1649 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 82pF position: x: 99.695 y: 179.7049 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "74LS257_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)_U25" position: x: 68.58 y: 102.87 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U25 position: x: 70.5994 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "74LS257 (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F11\u0410)" position: x: 70.5994 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 142.875 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0117' position: x: 142.875 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 145.415 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 183.515 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0134' position: x: 183.515 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 186.055 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1_6 position: x: 179.705 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U36 position: x: 183.515 y: 107.315 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 183.515 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 183.515 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0124' position: x: 183.515 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 186.055 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 128.27 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0123' position: x: 68.58 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 68.58 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 76.835 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0133' position: x: 183.515 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 183.515 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1 position: x: 221.615 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U37 position: x: 225.425 y: 107.315 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 225.425 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 86.36 y: 163.83 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R22 position: x: 88.265 y: 162.5599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '240' position: x: 88.265 y: 165.0999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 266.065 y: 37.465 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0143' position: x: 266.065 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 268.605 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU5D1_5 position: x: 139.065 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U35 position: x: 142.875 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: RU5D1 position: x: 142.875 y: 110.49 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 66.675 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0132' position: x: 49.53 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 55.88 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 142.875 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0120' position: x: 142.875 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 142.875 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 79.375 y: 182.245 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0122' position: x: 79.375 y: 188.595 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 79.375 y: 187.325 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 35.56 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R16 position: x: 37.465 y: 100.3299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 37.465 y: 102.8699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: 74LS32 position: x: 112.395 y: 168.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U39 position: x: 113.03 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "IN74ALS32N (\u041A\u04201533\u041B\u041B1)" position: x: 112.395 y: 161.925 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 86.36 y: 171.45 angle: 0 - position: x: 83.185 y: 182.245 angle: 0 - position: x: 86.36 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 63.5 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - position: x: 37.465 y: 149.225 angle: 0 - position: x: 35.56 y: 165.735 angle: 0 - position: x: 109.22 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - position: x: 96.52 y: 166.37 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 165.735 - x: 41.91 y: 165.735 - type: wire points: - x: 68.58 y: 141.605 - x: 69.85 y: 141.605 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 179.705 - x: 63.5 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 156.845 - x: 86.36 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 171.45 - x: 104.775 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 144.145 - x: 41.91 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 149.225 - x: 37.465 y: 160.655 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 158.75 - x: 109.22 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 171.45 - x: 63.5 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 165.735 - x: 35.56 y: 177.165 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 113.03 - x: 55.88 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 96.52 - x: 35.56 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 182.245 - x: 41.91 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 28.575 y: 169.545 - x: 28.575 y: 165.735 - type: wire points: - x: 67.31 y: 163.195 - x: 57.15 y: 163.195 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 149.225 - x: 86.36 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 79.375 y: 182.245 - x: 83.185 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 142.875 y: 76.835 - x: 142.875 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 167.64 - x: 86.36 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 146.685 - x: 114.935 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 105.41 - x: 35.56 y: 106.68 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 158.75 - x: 96.52 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 166.37 - x: 96.52 y: 174.625 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 166.37 - x: 96.52 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 146.685 - x: 69.85 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 174.625 - x: 83.185 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 96.52 y: 158.75 - x: 97.79 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 182.245 - x: 96.52 y: 182.245 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 160.655 - x: 41.91 y: 160.655 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 171.45 - x: 63.5 y: 171.45 - type: wire points: - x: 93.98 y: 144.145 - x: 85.09 y: 144.145 - type: wire points: - x: 37.465 y: 149.225 - x: 41.91 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 63.5 y: 179.705 - x: 57.15 y: 179.705 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 149.225 - x: 37.465 y: 149.225 - type: wire points: - x: 83.185 y: 156.845 - x: 86.36 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 35.56 y: 177.165 - x: 41.91 y: 177.165 - type: wire points: - x: 28.575 y: 165.735 - x: 35.56 y: 165.735 - type: wire points: - x: 123.825 y: 168.91 - x: 120.015 y: 168.91 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 158.75 - x: 109.22 y: 146.685 - type: wire points: - x: 86.36 y: 149.225 - x: 86.36 y: 156.845 globalLabels: - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 97.79 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 121.285 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 57.785 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 108.585 angle: 180 - text: A15 shape: input position: x: 68.58 y: 141.605 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 113.665 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 65.405 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 42.545 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 33.655 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 67.945 angle: 180 - text: MUX_S shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 118.11 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 60.325 angle: 180 - text: "\u0427\u0422L" shape: input position: x: 34.29 y: 144.145 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 65.405 angle: 180 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 43.815 angle: 180 - text: A14 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 110.49 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 60.325 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 90.17 angle: 180 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 36.195 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 57.785 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 67.945 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 163.195 angle: 0 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 126.365 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 45.085 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 111.76 angle: 0 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 123.825 y: 168.91 angle: 0 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 95.885 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 57.785 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 111.125 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 126.365 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 56.515 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 57.785 angle: 0 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: MUX_S shape: input position: x: 114.935 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 42.545 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 67.945 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 50.165 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 41.275 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 50.165 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 111.125 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 111.125 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 121.285 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 42.545 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 278.765 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 60.325 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 47.625 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 87.63 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 108.585 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 45.085 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 113.665 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 126.365 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 238.125 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 113.665 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - text: MUX_S shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 64.135 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 102.87 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 238.125 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 278.765 y: 73.025 angle: 0 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 52.705 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 52.705 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 47.625 angle: 180 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 95.25 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 121.285 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 45.085 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 73.025 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 47.625 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 196.215 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 59.055 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 126.365 angle: 0 - text: "\u041E\u0417\u0423L" shape: input position: x: 35.56 y: 182.245 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y1 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 42.545 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 65.405 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 65.405 angle: 180 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 105.41 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 118.745 angle: 180 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 67.945 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 50.165 angle: 0 - text: CASL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 121.285 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 45.085 angle: 180 - text: RASL shape: input position: x: 67.31 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 50.165 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 70.485 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 52.705 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 57.785 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 60.325 angle: 180 - text: WEL shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 123.825 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y3 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 47.625 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y3 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 111.125 angle: 180 - text: "\u0417\u041FL" shape: input position: x: 34.29 y: 149.225 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y2 shape: input position: x: 81.28 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - text: MUX2_Y4 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 113.665 angle: 180 - text: MUX1_Y4 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 50.165 angle: 180 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 55.88 y: 51.435 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y1 shape: input position: x: 130.175 y: 52.705 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 212.725 y: 108.585 angle: 180 - text: MUX2_Y2 shape: input position: x: 170.815 y: 108.585 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 253.365 y: 126.365 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Parallel data transfer circuit
libSymbols: - Delta_s_m_Lib:Jumper_2_Open - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Delta_s_m_Lib:RU6 - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U23" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U24" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U26" - "Delta_s_m_Lib:SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U27" - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 264.795 y: 84.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U48 position: x: 268.605 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 269.24 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 27.94 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0153' position: x: 27.94 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 29.21 y: 132.715 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 109.855 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0168' position: x: 119.38 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.555 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 268.605 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0145' position: x: 268.605 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 271.78 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 165.1 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U42 position: x: 168.91 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 169.545 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 187.96 y: 130.175 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0164' position: x: 187.96 y: 133.985 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 190.5 y: 127.635 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 264.795 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U44 position: x: 268.605 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 269.24 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 59.69 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0159' position: x: 59.69 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.865 y: 143.51 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U24" position: x: 187.96 y: 155.575 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U24 position: x: 189.9794 y: 129.54 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS253N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)" position: x: 189.9794 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 115.57 y: 84.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U45 position: x: 119.38 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 120.015 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 214.63 y: 84.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U47 position: x: 218.44 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 219.075 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 109.855 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0104' position: x: 168.91 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.085 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 218.44 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0150' position: x: 218.44 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 220.98 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 218.44 y: 109.855 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0149' position: x: 218.44 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 221.615 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 36.83 y: 113.03 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0151' position: x: 36.83 y: 119.38 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 38.1 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 217.805 y: 12.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0102' position: x: 217.805 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 220.345 y: 10.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 268.605 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0148' position: x: 268.605 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 271.145 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 59.69 y: 81.915 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0156' position: x: 59.69 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 62.865 y: 81.915 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 168.91 y: 12.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0140' position: x: 168.91 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 171.45 y: 10.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 59.69 y: 28.575 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0158' position: x: 59.69 y: 32.385 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 62.23 y: 26.035 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 29.845 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0154' position: x: 33.655 y: 127 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 27.305 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U26" position: x: 59.69 y: 53.975 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U26 position: x: 61.7094 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS253N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)" position: x: 61.7094 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 268.605 y: 109.855 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0146' position: x: 268.605 y: 116.205 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 271.78 y: 109.855 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 121.285 y: 178.435 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0165' position: x: 121.285 y: 184.785 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 124.46 y: 178.435 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 137.795 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0162' position: x: 162.56 y: 144.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 163.83 y: 135.89 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 119.38 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0169' position: x: 119.38 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 121.92 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0152' position: x: 34.29 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 95.885 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U23" position: x: 121.285 y: 150.495 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U23 position: x: 123.3044 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS253N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)" position: x: 123.3044 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 115.57 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U41 position: x: 119.38 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 120.015 y: 33.655 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0139' position: x: 168.91 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.085 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 168.91 y: 70.485 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0103' position: x: 168.91 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 171.45 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: JP3 position: x: 38.1 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Jumper_2_Open position: x: 38.1 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 268.605 y: 12.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0101' position: x: 268.605 y: 16.51 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 271.145 y: 10.16 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 119.38 y: 13.335 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0166' position: x: 119.38 y: 17.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 121.92 y: 10.795 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 95.885 y: 132.715 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0160' position: x: 95.885 y: 139.065 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 97.155 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 187.96 y: 183.515 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0163' position: x: 187.96 y: 189.865 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 191.135 y: 183.515 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 119.38 y: 52.705 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0167' position: x: 119.38 y: 59.055 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 122.555 y: 52.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 38.1 y: 127 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R14 position: x: 38.1 y: 124.46 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 10K position: x: 38.1 y: 127 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 34.29 y: 36.195 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0155' position: x: 34.29 y: 42.545 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 35.56 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 165.1 y: 84.455 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U46 position: x: 168.91 y: 84.455 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 169.545 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: "SN74ALS253N_(\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)_U27" position: x: 59.69 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U27 position: x: 61.7094 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "SN74ALS253N (\u041A\u04201533\u041A\u041F12)" position: x: 61.7094 y: 92.075 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 59.69 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0157' position: x: 59.69 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 62.23 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: RU6 position: x: 213.995 y: 26.67 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U43 position: x: 217.805 y: 26.67 angle: 0 - key: Value value: "2118 (\u041A\u0420565\u0420\u04236)" position: x: 218.44 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 217.805 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0147' position: x: 217.805 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 220.98 y: 52.07 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 121.285 y: 125.095 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0161' position: x: 121.285 y: 128.905 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 123.825 y: 122.555 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 46.99 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 127 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 97.79 angle: 0 - position: x: 108.585 y: 132.715 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 36.195 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 129.54 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 75.565 - x: 255.905 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 100.965 - x: 255.905 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 78.105 - x: 106.68 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 75.565 - x: 156.21 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 20.32 - x: 205.105 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 40.64 - x: 205.105 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 35.56 - x: 156.21 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 20.32 - x: 255.905 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 46.355 - x: 106.68 y: 46.355 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 90.805 - x: 106.68 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 97.79 - x: 46.99 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 83.185 - x: 156.21 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 35.56 - x: 255.905 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 88.265 - x: 255.905 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 36.195 - x: 106.68 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 33.02 - x: 205.105 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 20.955 - x: 106.68 y: 20.955 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 36.195 - x: 46.99 y: 36.195 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 103.505 - x: 106.68 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 40.64 - x: 255.905 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 106.045 - x: 255.905 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 22.86 - x: 205.105 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 25.4 - x: 255.905 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 17.78 - x: 255.905 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 80.645 - x: 205.74 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 127 - x: 46.99 y: 129.54 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 98.425 - x: 255.905 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 93.345 - x: 156.21 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 98.425 - x: 156.21 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 30.48 - x: 255.905 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 36.195 - x: 46.99 y: 38.735 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 98.425 - x: 106.68 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 106.045 - x: 205.74 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 132.08 - x: 46.99 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 100.965 - x: 106.68 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 48.26 - x: 156.21 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 85.725 - x: 156.21 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 31.115 - x: 106.68 y: 31.115 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 100.965 - x: 156.21 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 48.895 - x: 106.68 y: 48.895 - type: wire points: - x: 252.095 y: 48.26 - x: 255.905 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 29.845 y: 127 - x: 34.29 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 103.505 - x: 156.21 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 43.815 - x: 106.68 y: 43.815 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 17.78 - x: 156.21 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 129.54 - x: 46.99 y: 132.08 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 43.18 - x: 205.105 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 75.565 - x: 205.74 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 18.415 - x: 106.68 y: 18.415 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 78.105 - x: 156.21 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 88.265 - x: 106.68 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 80.645 - x: 106.68 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 45.72 - x: 205.105 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 45.72 - x: 156.21 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 75.565 - x: 106.68 y: 75.565 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 93.345 - x: 205.74 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 28.575 - x: 106.68 y: 28.575 - type: wire points: - x: 201.295 y: 48.26 - x: 205.105 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 22.86 - x: 255.905 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 43.18 - x: 255.905 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 83.185 - x: 255.905 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 43.18 y: 134.62 - x: 46.99 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 102.87 y: 106.045 - x: 106.68 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 80.645 - x: 156.21 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 41.91 y: 127 - x: 46.99 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 93.345 - x: 106.68 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 85.725 - x: 255.905 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 17.78 - x: 205.105 y: 17.78 - type: wire points: - x: 205.105 y: 98.425 - x: 205.74 y: 98.425 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 137.795 - x: 175.26 y: 140.335 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 25.4 - x: 205.105 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 20.32 - x: 156.21 y: 20.32 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 40.64 - x: 156.21 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 23.495 - x: 106.68 y: 23.495 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 33.02 - x: 255.905 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 88.265 - x: 205.74 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 45.72 - x: 255.905 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 155.575 y: 43.18 - x: 156.21 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 27.94 - x: 205.105 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 35.56 - x: 205.105 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 90.805 - x: 255.905 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 137.795 - x: 175.26 y: 137.795 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 85.725 - x: 106.68 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 27.94 y: 134.62 - x: 33.02 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 88.265 - x: 156.21 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 27.94 - x: 255.905 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 95.885 y: 132.715 - x: 108.585 y: 132.715 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 26.035 - x: 106.68 y: 26.035 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 30.48 - x: 205.105 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 103.505 - x: 255.905 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 33.02 - x: 156.21 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 90.805 - x: 156.21 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 36.83 y: 113.03 - x: 46.99 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 83.185 - x: 106.68 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 27.94 - x: 156.21 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 30.48 - x: 156.21 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 93.345 - x: 255.905 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 83.185 - x: 205.74 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 80.645 - x: 255.905 y: 80.645 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 90.805 - x: 205.74 y: 90.805 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 85.725 - x: 205.74 y: 85.725 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 97.79 - x: 46.99 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 103.505 - x: 205.74 y: 103.505 - type: wire points: - x: 205.105 y: 100.965 - x: 205.74 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 104.775 y: 33.655 - x: 106.68 y: 33.655 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 25.4 - x: 156.21 y: 25.4 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 41.275 - x: 106.68 y: 41.275 - type: wire points: - x: 154.305 y: 22.86 - x: 156.21 y: 22.86 - type: wire points: - x: 152.4 y: 106.045 - x: 156.21 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 203.835 y: 78.105 - x: 205.74 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 78.105 - x: 255.905 y: 78.105 - type: wire points: - x: 108.585 y: 132.715 - x: 108.585 y: 135.255 globalLabels: - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 25.4 angle: 180 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 105.41 angle: 180 - text: BA10 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 167.005 angle: 180 - text: D4 shape: input position: x: 102.87 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 25.4 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 30.48 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 75.565 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 88.265 angle: 180 - text: A11 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 55.245 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 46.355 angle: 180 - text: D0 shape: input position: x: 102.87 y: 48.895 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 72.39 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 254 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: BA3 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 169.545 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: D2 shape: input position: x: 201.295 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 20.32 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: BD6 shape: input position: x: 231.14 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - text: BMX shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 142.875 angle: 180 - text: BA1 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 160.655 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: A7 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 151.765 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 28.575 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: BA11 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 50.165 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 90.805 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 106.045 y: 41.275 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 23.495 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 106.045 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: BA8 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 158.115 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 72.39 y: 46.355 angle: 0 - text: BMX shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 107.95 angle: 180 - text: D6 shape: input position: x: 201.93 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: BMX shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 147.955 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: BD5 shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 204.47 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: A4 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 57.785 angle: 180 - text: BMX shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 46.355 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 78.105 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 27.94 angle: 180 - text: BD7 shape: input position: x: 281.305 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - text: BD1 shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 36.195 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 200.66 y: 146.685 angle: 0 - text: A6 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 120.65 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 72.39 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: D5 shape: input position: x: 152.4 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 78.105 angle: 180 - text: BA6 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 115.57 angle: 180 - text: D3 shape: input position: x: 252.095 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: BD3 shape: input position: x: 281.305 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 17.78 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 78.105 angle: 180 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 140.335 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 93.345 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 106.045 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 18.415 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 254 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 80.645 angle: 180 - text: D7 shape: input position: x: 252.095 y: 106.045 angle: 180 - text: A12 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 66.675 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 106.045 y: 43.815 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 204.47 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 17.78 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 88.265 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 93.345 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 93.345 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 90.805 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 75.565 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: A8 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 163.195 angle: 180 - text: BA5 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 64.135 angle: 180 - text: BA2 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 155.575 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 33.02 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 26.035 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 88.265 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 103.505 angle: 180 - text: BD2 shape: input position: x: 230.505 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - text: A0 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 154.305 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 20.32 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 20.32 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 133.985 y: 158.115 angle: 0 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 72.39 y: 61.595 angle: 0 - text: BA7 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 146.685 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 17.78 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 25.4 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 255.27 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: BA4 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 52.705 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 20.955 angle: 180 - text: ADR1 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 78.105 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 27.94 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 75.565 angle: 180 - text: ADR3 shape: input position: x: 200.66 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 30.48 angle: 180 - text: A5 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 69.215 angle: 180 - text: A10 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 172.085 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: A9 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 158.115 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 255.27 y: 100.965 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 22.86 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 75.565 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 88.265 angle: 180 - text: BCASL shape: input position: x: 255.27 y: 43.18 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 35.56 angle: 180 - text: BD0 shape: input position: x: 132.08 y: 48.895 angle: 0 - text: A1 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 165.735 angle: 180 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 145.415 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 90.805 angle: 180 - text: ADR7 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 93.345 angle: 180 - text: ADR0 shape: input position: x: 133.985 y: 142.875 angle: 0 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 255.27 y: 40.64 angle: 180 - text: A2 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 160.655 angle: 180 - text: A3 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 174.625 angle: 180 - text: BWEL shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 45.72 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 155.575 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: BD4 shape: input position: x: 132.08 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 22.86 angle: 180 - text: OZUMPN shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 43.815 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 30.48 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 33.655 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: BA0 shape: input position: x: 108.585 y: 149.225 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: ADR2 shape: input position: x: 203.2 y: 22.86 angle: 180 - text: ADR5 shape: input position: x: 104.775 y: 31.115 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 254 y: 27.94 angle: 180 - text: ADR4 shape: input position: x: 154.305 y: 85.725 angle: 180 - text: D1 shape: input position: x: 152.4 y: 48.26 angle: 180 - text: BA12 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 61.595 angle: 180 - text: BRASL shape: input position: x: 205.105 y: 98.425 angle: 180 - text: A13 shape: input position: x: 46.99 y: 118.11 angle: 180 - text: ADR6 shape: input position: x: 203.835 y: 90.805 angle: 180 - text: BA9 shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 153.035 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Audio amplifier circuit
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x06 - Delta_s_m_Lib:BC547 - Delta_s_m_Lib:C_Polarized - Delta_s_m_Lib:Conn_02x03_Odd_Even - Delta_s_m_Lib:DIN-5 - Delta_s_m_Lib:DIN-7 - Delta_s_m_Lib:R - Delta_s_m_Lib:R_Potentiometer - Delta_s_m_Lib:Speaker - power:+5V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 214.63 y: 100.965 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0247' position: x: 208.28 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 210.185 y: 98.425 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 106.045 y: 93.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV42 position: x: 103.505 y: 92.0749 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22K position: x: 103.505 y: 94.6149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 264.795 y: 24.765 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 258.445 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 257.81 y: 24.765 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 67.945 y: 158.115 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R24 position: x: 69.85 y: 156.8449 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 69.85 y: 159.3849 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 146.685 y: 93.98 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q1 position: x: 152.4 y: 92.7099 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 152.4 y: 95.2499 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 149.225 y: 174.625 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0246' position: x: 149.225 y: 180.975 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 149.225 y: 179.705 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 224.79 y: 34.925 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 224.79 y: 41.275 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 227.965 y: 38.735 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 90.805 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV43 position: x: 88.265 y: 104.1399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22K position: x: 88.265 y: 106.6799 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 55.245 y: 104.14 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R40 position: x: 58.42 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.6K position: x: 55.245 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 183.515 y: 59.69 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0244' position: x: 179.705 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 187.325 y: 59.6899 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 39.37 y: 104.14 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R37 position: x: 42.545 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1.5K position: x: 39.37 y: 104.14 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 65.405 y: 109.22 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q3 position: x: 71.12 y: 107.9499 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 71.12 y: 110.4899 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 99.06 y: 154.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R28 position: x: 100.965 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 100.965 y: 155.575 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Speaker position: x: 179.705 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LS1 position: x: 184.15 y: 149.8599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '2207' position: x: 184.15 y: 152.3999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 261.62 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J12 position: x: 264.16 y: 67.945 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x04 position: x: 264.16 y: 70.485 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 67.945 y: 121.285 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R25 position: x: 69.85 y: 120.0149 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '100' position: x: 69.85 y: 122.5549 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 115.57 y: 116.84 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 117.475 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 117.475 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: C_Polarized position: x: 170.815 y: 102.87 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: C7 position: x: 171.704 y: 95.885 angle: 90 - key: Value value: "4.7\xB5F 16V" position: x: 171.704 y: 98.425 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: DIN-7 position: x: 224.79 y: 27.305 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 224.7899 y: 17.145 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DIN-7 Video position: x: 224.7899 y: 19.685 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 264.795 y: 34.925 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR012' position: x: 268.605 y: 34.925 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 257.175 y: 34.925 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x06 position: x: 269.875 y: 27.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J11 position: x: 272.415 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x06 position: x: 272.415 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 219.075 y: 66.675 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0245' position: x: 212.725 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 212.725 y: 65.405 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 251.46 y: 102.235 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J8 position: x: 254.635 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: USB_PORT position: x: 254.635 y: 105.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 226.695 y: 90.805 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0249' position: x: 226.695 y: 94.615 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 221.615 y: 89.535 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 200.66 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J13 position: x: 203.835 y: 150.495 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x02 position: x: 203.835 y: 153.035 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 115.57 y: 154.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R26 position: x: 117.475 y: 153.0349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 117.475 y: 155.5749 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 126.365 y: 104.775 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R27 position: x: 128.27 y: 103.505 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 128.27 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 99.06 y: 132.08 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 100.965 y: 130.81 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 100.965 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: DIN-5 position: x: 226.695 y: 69.215 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 226.6951 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DIN-5 Audio position: x: 226.6951 y: 79.375 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 217.17 y: 24.765 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0251' position: x: 220.98 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 213.995 y: 22.86 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: DIN-5 position: x: 226.695 y: 103.505 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 226.6951 y: 111.125 angle: 0 - key: Value value: DIN-5 Power position: x: 226.6951 y: 113.665 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Speaker position: x: 161.29 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: LS2 position: x: 165.735 y: 149.8599 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '1407' position: x: 165.735 y: 152.3999 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: Conn_02x03_Odd_Even position: x: 46.99 y: 92.075 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: JP6 position: x: 52.07 y: 89.5349 angle: 90 - key: Value value: RGB/Composite position: x: 52.07 y: 92.0749 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 254.635 y: 67.31 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 248.285 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 247.65 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 46.99 y: 104.14 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R33 position: x: 48.895 y: 102.8699 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 3K position: x: 46.99 y: 105.41 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 126.365 y: 154.305 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R30 position: x: 128.27 y: 153.0349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 128.27 y: 155.5749 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 96.52 y: 116.205 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q5 position: x: 101.6 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 100.965 y: 118.11 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 123.825 y: 93.345 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q6 position: x: 129.54 y: 92.0749 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 129.54 y: 94.6149 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R position: x: 149.225 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R7 position: x: 151.13 y: 151.1299 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '220' position: x: 151.13 y: 153.6699 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: R_Potentiometer position: x: 80.645 y: 116.205 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: RV44 position: x: 78.105 y: 114.9349 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22K position: x: 78.105 y: 117.4749 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +5V position: x: 214.63 y: 106.045 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR0248' position: x: 218.44 y: 106.045 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +5V position: x: 207.645 y: 106.045 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Delta_s_m_Lib entryName: BC547 position: x: 113.03 y: 105.41 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Q4 position: x: 118.745 y: 104.1399 angle: 0 - key: Value value: BC547B position: x: 118.745 y: 106.6799 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 67.945 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 126.365 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.225 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 106.045 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 145.415 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.225 y: 145.415 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.805 y: 123.825 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 44.45 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - position: x: 226.695 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 174.625 y: 145.415 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 71.755 angle: 0 - position: x: 126.365 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.225 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - position: x: 46.99 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - position: x: 55.245 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 170.18 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.225 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 156.21 y: 156.845 angle: 0 - position: x: 99.06 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 100.965 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 39.37 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 126.365 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - position: x: 149.225 y: 102.87 angle: 0 noConnects: - position: x: 234.315 y: 106.045 angle: null - position: x: 234.315 y: 71.755 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 104.775 angle: null - position: x: 246.38 y: 102.235 angle: null - position: x: 234.315 y: 100.965 angle: null busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 147.32 - x: 67.945 y: 154.305 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 112.395 - x: 80.645 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 100.965 - x: 217.17 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 147.32 - x: 81.915 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 239.395 y: 107.315 - x: 246.38 y: 107.315 - type: wire points: - x: 239.395 y: 95.25 - x: 239.395 y: 107.315 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 123.825 - x: 106.045 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 158.115 - x: 99.06 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 88.9 - x: 149.225 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 109.855 y: 93.345 - x: 118.745 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 100.33 - x: 39.37 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 109.22 - x: 90.805 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 77.47 - x: 46.99 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 145.415 - x: 156.21 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 95.25 - x: 239.395 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 113.03 - x: 126.365 y: 150.495 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - x: 141.605 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 94.615 y: 105.41 - x: 107.95 y: 105.41 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 109.22 - x: 55.245 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 100.33 - x: 55.245 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 100.965 - x: 217.17 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 170.18 - x: 99.06 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 102.87 - x: 181.61 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 170.18 - x: 115.57 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 123.825 - x: 106.045 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 152.4 - x: 195.58 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 83.185 - x: 44.45 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 77.47 - x: 46.99 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 109.22 - x: 46.99 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 161.925 - x: 67.945 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 156.845 - x: 174.625 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 145.415 - x: 174.625 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 97.155 - x: 106.045 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 59.69 - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 77.47 - x: 90.805 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 152.4 - x: 156.21 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 226.695 y: 90.805 - x: 226.695 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 147.32 - x: 81.915 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 33.02 y: 71.755 - x: 49.53 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 59.69 - x: 126.365 y: 88.265 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 107.95 - x: 39.37 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 83.185 - x: 44.45 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 167.005 y: 102.87 - x: 149.225 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 145.415 - x: 174.625 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 71.755 - x: 106.045 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 110.49 - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 84.455 y: 116.205 - x: 91.44 y: 116.205 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 125.095 - x: 182.245 y: 125.095 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 89.535 - x: 106.045 y: 71.755 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 158.115 - x: 126.365 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 145.415 - x: 149.225 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 99.06 - x: 149.225 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 34.925 y: 66.675 - x: 139.7 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 170.18 - x: 106.045 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 139.7 - x: 181.61 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 39.37 y: 97.155 - x: 44.45 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - x: 126.365 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 139.7 - x: 99.06 y: 150.495 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 97.155 - x: 46.99 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 145.415 - x: 174.625 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 46.99 y: 107.95 - x: 46.99 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 120.65 - x: 115.57 y: 125.095 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 174.625 - x: 149.225 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 246.38 y: 93.345 - x: 246.38 y: 99.695 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 98.425 - x: 126.365 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 226.695 y: 93.345 - x: 226.695 y: 95.885 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 71.755 - x: 49.53 y: 84.455 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 121.285 - x: 99.06 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 156.845 - x: 149.225 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 59.69 - x: 99.06 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 226.695 y: 93.345 - x: 246.38 y: 93.345 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 107.95 - x: 55.245 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 97.155 - x: 49.53 y: 97.155 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 170.18 - x: 126.365 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 106.045 - x: 219.075 y: 106.045 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 59.69 - x: 183.515 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 125.095 - x: 115.57 y: 150.495 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 59.69 - x: 99.06 y: 111.125 - type: wire points: - x: 90.805 y: 101.6 - x: 90.805 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 102.87 - x: 149.225 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 34.29 y: 109.22 - x: 39.37 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 59.69 - x: 149.225 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 106.045 y: 170.18 - x: 115.57 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 145.415 - x: 156.21 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 81.915 y: 164.465 - x: 181.61 y: 164.465 - type: wire points: - x: 174.625 y: 152.4 - x: 174.625 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 158.115 - x: 115.57 y: 170.18 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 83.185 - x: 80.645 y: 83.185 - type: wire points: - x: 139.7 y: 93.98 - x: 139.7 y: 66.675 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 125.095 - x: 67.945 y: 147.32 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 120.015 - x: 80.645 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 113.03 - x: 181.61 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 254.635 y: 67.31 - x: 256.54 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 99.06 y: 135.89 - x: 99.06 y: 139.7 - type: wire points: - x: 195.58 y: 149.86 - x: 195.58 y: 145.415 - type: wire points: - x: 55.245 y: 109.22 - x: 60.325 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 59.69 - x: 115.57 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 156.845 - x: 174.625 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 80.645 y: 123.825 - x: 90.805 y: 123.825 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 100.965 - x: 219.075 y: 100.965 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 104.14 - x: 67.945 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 67.945 y: 114.3 - x: 67.945 y: 117.475 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 156.845 - x: 149.225 y: 156.21 - type: wire points: - x: 149.225 y: 156.845 - x: 156.21 y: 156.845 - type: wire points: - x: 126.365 y: 108.585 - x: 126.365 y: 113.03 globalLabels: - text: AUDIO shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 24.765 angle: 0 - text: AUDIO shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - text: GREEN shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - text: GREEN shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 29.845 angle: 0 - text: SYNCRO shape: input position: x: 34.29 y: 109.22 angle: 180 - text: BLUE shape: input position: x: 217.17 y: 29.845 angle: 180 - text: MAG_OUT shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 64.77 angle: 180 - text: AUDIO shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 72.39 angle: 180 - text: MAG_IN shape: input position: x: 256.54 y: 69.85 angle: 180 - text: MAG_IN shape: input position: x: 226.695 y: 61.595 angle: 90 - text: SYNC{slash}VID shape: input position: x: 232.41 y: 27.305 angle: 0 - text: GREEN shape: input position: x: 264.795 y: 29.845 angle: 180 - text: RED shape: input position: x: 182.245 y: 125.095 angle: 0 - text: AUDIO shape: input position: x: 234.315 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - text: MAG_OUT shape: input position: x: 219.075 y: 71.755 angle: 180 - text: RED shape: input position: x: 217.17 y: 27.305 angle: 180 - text: RED shape: input position: x: 264.795 y: 27.305 angle: 180 - text: YR shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: BLUE shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 113.03 angle: 0 - text: YB shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 71.755 angle: 180 - text: SYNC{slash}VID shape: input position: x: 181.61 y: 164.465 angle: 0 - text: UZVUK shape: input position: x: 34.925 y: 66.675 angle: 180 - text: SYNC{slash}VID shape: input position: x: 264.795 y: 22.225 angle: 180 - text: YG shape: input position: x: 33.02 y: 83.185 angle: 180 - text: BLUE shape: input position: x: 264.795 y: 32.385 angle: 180 sheetInstances: - instancePath: / page: '1'
Create a schematic for A simple power supply.
libSymbols: - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x01 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x02 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x03 - Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 - Mechanical:MountingHole_Pad - power:+3.3V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x04 position: x: 137.16 y: 38.1 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J2 position: x: 137.16 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: STlink position: x: 137.16 y: 30.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 52.07 y: 146.05 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J6 position: x: 48.26 y: 144.78 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x03_pot_ext position: x: 40.64 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 148.59 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 66.04 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 66.04 y: 153.67 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 102.87 y: 48.26 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: H3 position: x: 101.6 y: 43.18 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 101.6 y: 45.72 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 66.04 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR051' position: x: 66.04 y: 147.32 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 66.04 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 41.91 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR011' position: x: 146.05 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 146.05 y: 46.99 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 102.87 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: H3 position: x: 101.6 y: 34.29 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 101.6 y: 36.83 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x03 position: x: 44.45 y: 57.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: J3 position: x: 41.91 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Audio_sig position: x: 38.1 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x02 position: x: 44.45 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J1 position: x: 44.45 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Power conn position: x: 44.45 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 102.87 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: H3 position: x: 101.6 y: 53.34 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 101.6 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR050' position: x: 53.34 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 53.34 y: 88.9 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 146.05 y: 31.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR034' position: x: 146.05 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 146.05 y: 27.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Connector_Generic entryName: Conn_01x01 position: x: 149.86 y: 68.58 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: J4 position: x: 149.86 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: Conn_01x01_taptempo position: x: 149.86 y: 66.04 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Mechanical entryName: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 102.87 y: 30.48 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: H3 position: x: 101.6 y: 25.4 angle: 90 - key: Value value: MountingHole_Pad position: x: 101.6 y: 27.94 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 62.23 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 113.03 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 113.03 y: 67.31 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 113.03 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 113.03 y: 39.37 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 62.23 - x: 113.03 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 30.48 - x: 113.03 y: 30.48 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 146.05 - x: 60.96 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 48.26 - x: 113.03 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 143.51 - x: 66.04 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 57.15 y: 148.59 - x: 66.04 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 48.26 - x: 113.03 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 41.91 - x: 146.05 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 83.82 - x: 53.34 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 52.07 y: 54.61 - x: 49.53 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 33.02 - x: 146.05 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 39.37 - x: 113.03 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 40.64 - x: 142.24 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 57.15 - x: 52.07 y: 57.15 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 38.1 - x: 146.05 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 39.37 - x: 113.03 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 142.24 y: 35.56 - x: 146.05 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 81.28 - x: 53.34 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 59.69 - x: 52.07 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 31.75 - x: 146.05 y: 33.02 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 30.48 - x: 113.03 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 154.94 y: 68.58 - x: 158.75 y: 68.58 - type: wire points: - x: 105.41 y: 58.42 - x: 113.03 y: 58.42 globalLabels: - text: TAP_TEMPO_INPUT shape: input position: x: 158.75 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - text: SWCLK shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - text: GUITAR_OUT_L{slash}MONO shape: input position: x: 52.07 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - text: POT_EXT shape: input position: x: 60.96 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - text: GUITAR_OUT_R shape: input position: x: 52.07 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - text: PWR_INPUT_12V-18V shape: input position: x: 53.34 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - text: GUITAR_IN shape: input position: x: 52.07 y: 54.61 angle: 0 - text: SWDIO shape: input position: x: 146.05 y: 38.1 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Simple LED circuit.
libSymbols: - Device:C - Device:C_Polarized_Small_US - Device:C_Small - Device:Crystal_GND24_Small - Device:LED - Device:R - MCU_ST_STM32H7:STM32H723ZGTx - Switch:SW_SPST - power:+3.3V - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 322.58 y: 88.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C31 position: x: 317.5 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 9pF position: x: 317.5 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 177.8 y: 64.77 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR081' position: x: 177.8 y: 68.58 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 177.8 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 351.79 y: 129.54 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D10 position: x: 355.6 y: 130.4925 angle: 90 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 355.6 y: 133.0325 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 232.41 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR081' position: x: 232.41 y: 41.91 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 232.41 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 322.58 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 322.58 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 322.58 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 214.63 y: 234.95 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 214.63 y: 241.3 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 214.63 y: 240.03 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 342.9 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 342.9 y: 149.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 342.9 y: 148.59 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: Crystal_GND24_Small position: x: 331.47 y: 83.82 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: Y2 position: x: 336.4483 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - key: Value value: X1E0000210132 position: x: 342.7983 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 162.56 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 165.1 y: 218.6432 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 165.1 y: 221.1832 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: LED position: x: 342.9 y: 138.43 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: D11 position: x: 346.71 y: 139.3825 angle: 90 - key: Value value: LED position: x: 346.71 y: 141.9225 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 332.74 y: 40.64 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C16 position: x: 335.28 y: 40.0113 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '100nF ' position: x: 335.28 y: 42.5513 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 334.01 y: 134.62 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 334.01 y: 129.54 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k position: x: 334.01 y: 132.08 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 331.47 y: 87.63 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR036' position: x: 331.47 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 331.47 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 172.72 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 224.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 172.72 y: 231.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 172.72 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR010' position: x: 151.13 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 151.13 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C position: x: 339.09 y: 88.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C37 position: x: 344.17 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 9pF position: x: 344.17 y: 90.17 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Switch entryName: SW_SPST position: x: 346.71 y: 43.18 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: SW1 position: x: 349.25 y: 42.545 angle: 90 - key: Value value: SW_SPST position: x: 349.25 y: 45.085 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 351.79 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR019' position: x: 351.79 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 351.79 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: MCU_ST_STM32H7 entryName: STM32H723ZGTx position: x: 214.63 y: 140.97 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U7 position: x: 219.1259 y: 229.87 angle: 0 - key: Value value: STM32H723ZGTx position: x: 219.1259 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 356.87 y: 83.82 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 356.87 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 100R NC position: x: 356.87 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 151.13 y: 67.31 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R2 position: x: 147.32 y: 66.675 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 146.05 y: 69.215 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 77.47 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR055' position: x: 326.39 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 326.39 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 172.72 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C15 position: x: 175.26 y: 218.6432 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2uF position: x: 175.26 y: 221.1832 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 334.01 y: 125.73 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R9 position: x: 334.01 y: 120.65 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1k NC position: x: 334.01 y: 123.19 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 332.74 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR09' position: x: 332.74 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 332.74 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 224.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR08' position: x: 162.56 y: 231.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 162.56 y: 229.87 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 322.58 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 219.71 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 217.17 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 207.01 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 222.25 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 214.63 y: 232.41 angle: 0 - position: x: 229.87 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 212.09 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 204.47 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 232.41 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.93 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 322.58 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 339.09 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 40.64 angle: 0 - position: x: 332.74 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - position: x: 332.74 y: 48.26 angle: 0 - position: x: 227.33 y: 40.64 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 93.98 - x: 339.09 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 54.61 - x: 181.61 y: 54.61 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 40.64 - x: 219.71 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 64.77 - x: 257.81 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 40.64 - x: 222.25 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 146.05 - x: 181.61 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 69.85 - x: 181.61 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 78.74 - x: 275.59 y: 78.74 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 71.12 - x: 151.13 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 40.64 - x: 219.71 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 40.64 - x: 201.93 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 125.73 - x: 330.2 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 59.69 - x: 181.61 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 74.93 - x: 322.58 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 40.64 - x: 209.55 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 40.64 - x: 224.79 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 40.64 - x: 212.09 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 40.64 - x: 232.41 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 76.2 - x: 331.47 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 40.64 - x: 207.01 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 351.79 y: 133.35 - x: 351.79 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 40.64 - x: 232.41 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 43.18 - x: 332.74 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 72.39 - x: 260.35 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 77.47 - x: 326.39 y: 76.2 - type: wire points: - x: 342.9 y: 142.24 - x: 342.9 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 138.43 - x: 181.61 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 254 y: 146.05 - x: 250.19 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 214.63 - x: 181.61 y: 214.63 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 40.64 - x: 209.55 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 67.31 - x: 261.62 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 217.17 - x: 162.56 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 86.36 - x: 275.59 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 40.64 - x: 207.01 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 35.56 - x: 332.74 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 222.25 - x: 162.56 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 64.77 - x: 181.61 y: 64.77 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 74.93 - x: 181.61 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 143.51 - x: 181.61 y: 143.51 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 165.1 - x: 171.45 y: 165.1 - type: wire points: - x: 360.68 y: 83.82 - x: 364.49 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 40.64 - x: 212.09 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 128.27 - x: 260.35 y: 128.27 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 125.73 - x: 351.79 y: 125.73 - type: wire points: - x: 204.47 y: 40.64 - x: 204.47 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 35.56 - x: 346.71 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 81.28 - x: 275.59 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 63.5 - x: 151.13 y: 59.69 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 74.93 - x: 364.49 y: 74.93 - type: wire points: - x: 232.41 y: 38.1 - x: 232.41 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 222.25 - x: 172.72 y: 224.79 - type: wire points: - x: 328.93 y: 35.56 - x: 332.74 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 162.56 y: 212.09 - x: 181.61 y: 212.09 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 83.82 - x: 328.93 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 77.47 - x: 181.61 y: 77.47 - type: wire points: - x: 172.72 y: 214.63 - x: 172.72 y: 217.17 - type: wire points: - x: 265.43 y: 83.82 - x: 275.59 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 339.09 y: 92.71 - x: 339.09 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 232.41 - x: 217.17 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 283.21 y: 100.33 - x: 290.83 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 229.87 y: 46.99 - x: 229.87 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 40.64 - x: 201.93 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 116.84 - x: 171.45 y: 116.84 - type: wire points: - x: 339.09 y: 85.09 - x: 339.09 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 331.47 y: 76.2 - x: 331.47 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 234.95 - x: 214.63 y: 232.41 - type: wire points: - x: 219.71 y: 40.64 - x: 222.25 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 123.19 - x: 257.81 y: 123.19 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 69.85 - x: 259.08 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 40.64 - x: 217.17 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 40.64 - x: 217.17 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 334.01 y: 83.82 - x: 339.09 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 102.87 - x: 257.81 y: 102.87 - type: wire points: - x: 331.47 y: 86.36 - x: 331.47 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 83.82 - x: 322.58 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 48.26 - x: 332.74 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 92.71 - x: 322.58 y: 93.98 - type: wire points: - x: 326.39 y: 134.62 - x: 330.2 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 40.64 - x: 199.39 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 151.13 - x: 181.61 y: 151.13 - type: wire points: - x: 339.09 y: 83.82 - x: 353.06 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 212.09 y: 40.64 - x: 214.63 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 133.35 - x: 181.61 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 346.71 y: 38.1 - x: 346.71 y: 35.56 - type: wire points: - x: 177.8 y: 148.59 - x: 181.61 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 222.25 y: 40.64 - x: 224.79 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 250.19 y: 166.37 - x: 257.81 y: 166.37 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 40.64 - x: 204.47 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 40.64 - x: 229.87 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 322.58 y: 93.98 - x: 322.58 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 40.64 - x: 227.33 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 227.33 y: 40.64 - x: 227.33 y: 46.99 - type: wire points: - x: 332.74 y: 48.26 - x: 346.71 y: 48.26 - type: wire points: - x: 337.82 y: 134.62 - x: 342.9 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 214.63 y: 40.64 - x: 214.63 y: 46.99 globalLabels: - text: OSC0 shape: input position: x: 364.49 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - text: POT5 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 148.59 angle: 180 - text: OSC1 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 77.47 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_I2S1_CK shape: input position: x: 257.81 y: 123.19 angle: 0 - text: LED2 shape: input position: x: 326.39 y: 134.62 angle: 180 - text: POT1 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 133.35 angle: 180 - text: LED1 shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 78.74 angle: 0 - text: AD1939_I2S2_CK shape: input position: x: 257.81 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - text: AD1939_SPI3_CLK shape: input position: x: 261.62 y: 67.31 angle: 0 - text: POT4 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 146.05 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_I2S2_SDO shape: input position: x: 257.81 y: 102.87 angle: 0 - text: LED1 shape: input position: x: 326.39 y: 125.73 angle: 180 - text: EXT_INT_BUTTON shape: input position: x: 167.64 y: 116.84 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_I2S1_SDI shape: input position: x: 254 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - text: TOUCH_IRQ shape: input position: x: 290.83 y: 100.33 angle: 0 - text: LED2 shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 81.28 angle: 0 - text: AD1939_SPI3_MISO shape: input position: x: 259.08 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - text: POT_EXT shape: input position: x: 167.64 y: 165.1 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_SPI_CS shape: input position: x: 262.89 y: 44.45 angle: 0 - text: AD1939_I2S2_WS shape: input position: x: 257.81 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - text: POT3 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 143.51 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_I2S1_WS shape: input position: x: 260.35 y: 128.27 angle: 0 - text: POT6 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 151.13 angle: 180 - text: AD1939_SPI3_MOSI shape: input position: x: 260.35 y: 72.39 angle: 0 - text: SWCLK shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 86.36 angle: 0 - text: SWDIO shape: input position: x: 275.59 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - text: POT2 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 138.43 angle: 180 - text: OSC0 shape: input position: x: 177.8 y: 74.93 angle: 180 - text: OSC1 shape: input position: x: 364.49 y: 83.82 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Active low-pass filter
libSymbols: - Amplifier_Operational:OP275 - Device:C_Polarized_Small_US - Device:C_Small - Device:R - power:GND schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 157.48 y: 74.2886 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2nF position: x: 157.48 y: 76.8286 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 160.02 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 142.24 y: 69.85 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 142.24 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '604' position: x: 142.24 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 139.7 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 99.06 y: 139.0586 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 560p position: x: 100.33 y: 141.5986 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 153.67 y: 69.85 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 153.2382 y: 64.77 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2u2 position: x: 153.2382 y: 67.31 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 105.41 y: 53.34 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3k position: x: 105.41 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 168.91 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 171.45 y: 137.795 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 171.45 y: 140.335 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 92.71 y: 52.07 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 95.25 y: 51.435 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 11k position: x: 95.25 y: 53.975 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 121.92 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 105.41 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 3k position: x: 105.41 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: OP275 position: x: 128.27 y: 133.35 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 128.27 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - key: Value value: OP275 position: x: 128.27 y: 127 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 121.92 y: 88.2586 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 68p position: x: 123.19 y: 90.7986 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 92.71 y: 152.4 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 95.25 y: 151.765 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.6k position: x: 95.25 y: 154.305 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 168.91 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 92.71 y: 115.57 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 95.25 y: 114.935 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 11k position: x: 95.25 y: 117.475 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: OP275 position: x: 128.27 y: 69.85 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 128.27 y: 60.96 angle: 0 - key: Value value: OP275 position: x: 128.27 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 83.82 y: 82.55 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 83.82 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.6k position: x: 83.82 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 86.36 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 168.91 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 76.2 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 99.06 y: 75.5586 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 560p position: x: 100.33 y: 78.0986 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 82.55 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 105.41 y: 77.47 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 105.41 y: 80.01 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 71.12 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 87.63 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 83.82 y: 146.05 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R19 position: x: 83.82 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 5.6k position: x: 83.82 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 92.71 y: 88.9 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 95.25 y: 88.265 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 5.6k position: x: 95.25 y: 90.805 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 160.02 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C43 position: x: 157.48 y: 137.7886 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2.2nF position: x: 157.48 y: 140.3286 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 161.29 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 104.14 y: 167.64 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 166.37 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 153.67 y: 133.35 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: C42 position: x: 153.2382 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 2u2 position: x: 153.2382 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 134.62 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 87.63 y: 140.97 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 139.7 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 168.91 y: 74.93 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: R18 position: x: 166.37 y: 74.295 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10k position: x: 166.37 y: 76.835 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 83.82 y: 121.92 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 83.82 y: 116.84 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 11k position: x: 83.82 y: 119.38 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 121.92 y: 151.7586 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 68p position: x: 123.19 y: 154.2986 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 83.82 y: 58.42 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 83.82 y: 53.34 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 11k position: x: 83.82 y: 55.88 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 115.57 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 121.92 y: 114.9286 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 68p position: x: 123.19 y: 117.4686 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 105.41 y: 146.05 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R13 position: x: 105.41 y: 140.97 angle: 90 - key: Value value: 1.5k position: x: 105.41 y: 143.51 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 115.57 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 121.92 y: 51.4286 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 68p position: x: 123.19 y: 53.9686 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: R position: x: 142.24 y: 133.35 angle: 270 properties: - key: Reference value: R17 position: x: 142.24 y: 128.27 angle: 90 - key: Value value: '604' position: x: 142.24 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 149.86 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 160.02 y: 156.21 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 160.02 y: 154.94 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 66.04 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 99.06 y: 65.3986 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 270p position: x: 100.33 y: 67.9386 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 92.71 y: 129.54 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C41 position: x: 99.06 y: 128.8986 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 270p position: x: 100.33 y: 131.4386 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 97.79 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 104.14 y: 104.14 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 104.14 y: 102.87 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 92.71 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 45.72 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 96.52 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - position: x: 160.02 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 146.05 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 115.57 y: 109.22 angle: 0 - position: x: 104.14 y: 160.02 angle: 0 - position: x: 137.16 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - position: x: 92.71 y: 58.42 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 133.35 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 69.85 - x: 115.57 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 133.35 - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 160.02 - x: 104.14 y: 161.29 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 135.89 - x: 118.11 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 133.35 - x: 151.13 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 78.74 - x: 168.91 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 132.08 - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 135.89 - x: 115.57 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 82.55 - x: 92.71 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 68.58 - x: 92.71 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 58.42 - x: 109.22 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 45.72 - x: 115.57 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 82.55 - x: 115.57 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 142.24 - x: 168.91 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 67.31 - x: 120.65 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 133.35 - x: 120.65 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 118.11 - x: 115.57 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 69.85 - x: 92.71 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 133.35 - x: 160.02 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 71.12 - x: 87.63 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 146.05 y: 69.85 - x: 151.13 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - x: 92.71 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 111.76 - x: 92.71 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 77.47 - x: 160.02 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 58.42 - x: 92.71 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 121.92 - x: 80.01 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 69.85 - x: 92.71 y: 73.66 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 - x: 115.57 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 69.85 - x: 168.91 y: 71.12 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 134.62 - x: 87.63 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 135.89 y: 69.85 - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 146.05 - x: 115.57 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 109.22 - x: 115.57 y: 113.03 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 109.22 - x: 115.57 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 58.42 - x: 101.6 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 142.24 - x: 92.71 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 133.35 - x: 175.26 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - x: 118.11 y: 67.31 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 121.92 - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 133.35 - x: 168.91 y: 134.62 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 92.71 - x: 92.71 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 48.26 - x: 92.71 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 146.05 - x: 92.71 y: 148.59 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 91.44 - x: 115.57 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 109.22 - x: 137.16 y: 109.22 - type: wire points: - x: 78.74 y: 146.05 - x: 80.01 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 160.02 - x: 115.57 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - x: 138.43 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 55.88 - x: 92.71 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - x: 138.43 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 130.81 - x: 120.65 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 58.42 - x: 80.01 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 109.22 - x: 137.16 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 45.72 - x: 115.57 y: 49.53 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - x: 101.6 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 69.85 - x: 115.57 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 146.05 - x: 92.71 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 133.35 - x: 92.71 y: 137.16 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 121.92 - x: 109.22 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 82.55 - x: 92.71 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 67.31 - x: 115.57 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 133.35 - x: 168.91 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 69.85 y: 82.55 - x: 80.01 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 54.61 - x: 115.57 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 69.85 - x: 175.26 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 45.72 - x: 137.16 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 121.92 - x: 115.57 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 - x: 104.14 y: 97.79 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 72.39 - x: 120.65 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 156.21 - x: 92.71 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 140.97 - x: 160.02 y: 149.86 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 82.55 - x: 115.57 y: 86.36 - type: wire points: - x: 109.22 y: 146.05 - x: 115.57 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 135.89 - x: 118.11 y: 130.81 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 69.85 - x: 168.91 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 69.85 - x: 160.02 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 120.65 y: 133.35 - x: 120.65 y: 135.89 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 119.38 - x: 92.71 y: 121.92 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 78.74 - x: 92.71 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 58.42 - x: 92.71 y: 63.5 - type: wire points: - x: 115.57 y: 154.94 - x: 115.57 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 156.21 y: 133.35 - x: 160.02 y: 133.35 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 160.02 - x: 104.14 y: 160.02 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 82.55 - x: 101.6 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 146.05 - x: 101.6 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 137.16 y: 45.72 - x: 137.16 y: 69.85 - type: wire points: - x: 160.02 y: 69.85 - x: 160.02 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 118.11 y: 67.31 - x: 118.11 y: 72.39 - type: wire points: - x: 92.71 y: 96.52 - x: 104.14 y: 96.52 globalLabels: - text: GUITAR_OUT_L{slash}MONO shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 69.85 angle: 0 - text: DAC2P shape: input position: x: 78.74 y: 146.05 angle: 180 - text: GUITAR_OUT_R shape: input position: x: 175.26 y: 133.35 angle: 0 - text: DAC2N shape: input position: x: 78.74 y: 121.92 angle: 180 - text: DAC1P shape: input position: x: 69.85 y: 58.42 angle: 180 - text: DAC1N shape: input position: x: 69.85 y: 82.55 angle: 180 sheetInstances: []
Create a schematic for Audio amplifier circuit.
libSymbols: - Amplifier_Operational:OP275 - Device:C_Polarized_Small_US - Device:C_Small - Device:FerriteBead - Diode:1N4148 - Regulator_Linear:L7805 - Regulator_Linear:L7809 - Regulator_Linear:LF33_TO252 - codec:AD1939 - power:+3.3V - power:+3.3VA - power:+9V - power:-9V - power:GND - stm_audio:7660S schematicSymbols: - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 49.53 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 52.07 y: 98.4313 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 52.07 y: 100.9713 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 175.26 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 175.26 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 175.26 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: L7805 position: x: 76.2 y: 38.1 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U3 position: x: 76.2 y: 31.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MP-K7805-500R3 position: x: 76.2 y: 34.29 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LF33_TO252 position: x: 76.2 y: 91.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U9 position: x: 76.2 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MIC2920A-3.3WS-TR position: x: 76.2 y: 87.63 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 184.15 y: 127 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 184.15 y: 121.92 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 184.15 y: 124.46 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: -9V position: x: 228.6 y: 96.52 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR020' position: x: 228.6 y: 93.345 angle: 0 - key: Value value: -9V position: x: 228.6 y: 101.6 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 161.29 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 161.29 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +9V position: x: 140.97 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR077' position: x: 140.97 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +9V position: x: 140.97 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 49.53 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 182.88 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C1 position: x: 185.42 y: 46.3613 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '100nF ' position: x: 185.42 y: 48.9013 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: OP275 position: x: 219.71 y: 81.28 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: U4 position: x: 219.71 y: 78.74 angle: 90 - key: Value value: OP275 position: x: 222.25 y: 81.28 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 76.2 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 161.29 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 163.83 y: 45.0913 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2u2F position: x: 163.83 y: 47.6313 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 207.01 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C30 position: x: 209.55 y: 145.4213 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 209.55 y: 147.9613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 236.22 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 236.22 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 236.22 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 76.2 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 76.2 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 76.2 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 76.2 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 76.2 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 49.53 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 49.53 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: -9V position: x: 187.96 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR080' position: x: 187.96 y: 83.185 angle: 0 - key: Value value: -9V position: x: 187.96 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 140.97 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 143.51 y: 142.8813 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2u2F position: x: 143.51 y: 145.4213 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 175.26 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C28 position: x: 177.8 y: 146.2532 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100uF position: x: 177.8 y: 148.7932 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 165.1 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 165.1 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: LF33_TO252 position: x: 185.42 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U5 position: x: 185.42 y: 132.08 angle: 0 - key: Value value: MIC2920A-3.3WS-TR position: x: 185.42 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 60.96 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 63.5 y: 97.9932 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100uF position: x: 63.5 y: 100.5332 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +9V position: x: 208.28 y: 78.74 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR076' position: x: 208.28 y: 82.55 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +9V position: x: 208.28 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 90.17 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 90.17 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 90.17 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3VA position: x: 220.98 y: 138.43 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR044' position: x: 220.98 y: 142.24 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3VA position: x: 220.98 y: 134.62 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 168.91 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR087' position: x: 168.91 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 168.91 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: FerriteBead position: x: 167.64 y: 39.37 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: FB3 position: x: 167.5892 y: 34.29 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TDK MMZ1608R601ATD25 DB position: x: 167.5892 y: 31.75 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 213.36 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 213.36 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 213.36 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: codec entryName: AD1939 position: x: 185.42 y: 184.15 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U11 position: x: 185.42 y: 179.07 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 185.42 y: 184.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 180.34 y: 83.82 angle: 180 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 182.88 y: 83.6168 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 182.88 y: 86.1568 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 213.36 y: 27.94 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 213.36 y: 22.86 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 213.36 y: 25.4 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 87.63 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 82.55 y: 42.5513 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF tantal position: x: 82.55 y: 46.3613 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 207.01 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 207.01 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 207.01 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 153.67 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 153.67 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +9V position: x: 255.27 y: 33.02 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR074' position: x: 255.27 y: 36.83 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +9V position: x: 255.27 y: 29.21 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 198.12 y: 146.05 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C29 position: x: 200.66 y: 144.9832 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47uF position: x: 200.66 y: 147.5232 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: FerriteBead position: x: 147.32 y: 138.43 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: FB4 position: x: 147.2692 y: 133.35 angle: 90 - key: Value value: TDK MMZ1608R601ATD25 DB position: x: 147.2692 y: 130.81 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 52.07 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 97.79 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 97.79 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 110.49 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 60.96 y: 116.84 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 60.96 y: 115.57 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 236.22 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 238.76 y: 46.3613 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 100nF position: x: 238.76 y: 48.9013 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 152.4 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 140.97 y: 158.75 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 140.97 y: 157.48 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Regulator_Linear entryName: L7809 position: x: 213.36 y: 39.37 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: U6 position: x: 213.36 y: 33.02 angle: 0 - key: Value value: L7809 position: x: 213.36 y: 35.56 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: stm_audio entryName: 7660S position: x: 157.48 y: 73.66 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: 7660S1 position: x: 157.48 y: 76.2 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '~' position: x: 157.48 y: 73.66 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 198.12 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 198.12 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 198.12 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 53.34 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 171.45 y: 59.69 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 171.45 y: 58.42 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 153.67 y: 143.51 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 156.21 y: 142.8813 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2u2F position: x: 156.21 y: 145.4213 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 97.79 y: 43.18 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 100.33 y: 42.5513 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2u2F position: x: 100.33 y: 45.0913 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 185.42 y: 158.75 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 185.42 y: 165.1 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 185.42 y: 163.83 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Diode entryName: 1N4148 position: x: 76.2 y: 80.01 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: D1 position: x: 76.2 y: 74.93 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 1N4148 position: x: 76.2 y: 77.47 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 50.8 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 87.63 y: 57.15 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 87.63 y: 55.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Amplifier_Operational entryName: OP275 position: x: 219.71 y: 90.17 angle: 90 properties: - key: Reference value: U2 position: x: 219.71 y: 88.9 angle: 90 - key: Value value: OP275 position: x: 219.71 y: 91.44 angle: 90 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 101.6 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 157.48 y: 107.95 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 157.48 y: 106.68 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 180.34 y: 95.25 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 180.34 y: 93.98 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 171.45 y: 90.17 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 173.99 y: 89.1032 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 10uF position: x: 173.99 y: 91.6432 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 90.17 y: 99.06 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C2 position: x: 92.71 y: 97.9932 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 47uf position: x: 92.71 y: 100.5332 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Polarized_Small_US position: x: 49.53 y: 46.99 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C4 position: x: 52.07 y: 45.9232 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 22uF 50V poly position: x: 52.07 y: 48.4632 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 219.71 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 168.91 y: 226.06 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 168.91 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3VA position: x: 203.2 y: 186.69 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR082' position: x: 203.2 y: 190.5 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3VA position: x: 203.2 y: 182.88 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 218.44 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR02' position: x: 201.93 y: 224.79 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 201.93 y: 223.52 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 171.45 y: 45.72 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C3 position: x: 173.99 y: 45.0913 angle: 0 - key: Value value: 2u2F position: x: 173.99 y: 47.6313 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: +3.3V position: x: 113.03 y: 88.9 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR075' position: x: 113.03 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - key: Value value: +3.3V position: x: 113.03 y: 85.09 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: power entryName: GND position: x: 182.88 y: 58.42 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: '#PWR03' position: x: 182.88 y: 64.77 angle: 0 - key: Value value: GND position: x: 182.88 y: 63.5 angle: 0 - libraryNickname: Device entryName: C_Small position: x: 165.1 y: 147.32 angle: 0 properties: - key: Reference value: C27 position: x: 167.64 y: 146.6913 angle: 0 - key: Value value: '100nF ' position: x: 167.64 y: 149.2313 angle: 0 junctions: - position: x: 143.51 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 90.17 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.93 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.93 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 194.31 angle: 0 - position: x: 140.97 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 161.29 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 153.67 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.93 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 180.34 y: 80.01 angle: 0 - position: x: 207.01 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 209.55 y: 83.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 198.12 angle: 0 - position: x: 49.53 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 165.1 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 203.2 y: 191.77 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 213.36 angle: 0 - position: x: 224.79 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 218.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 175.26 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 189.23 angle: 0 - position: x: 201.93 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 182.88 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 171.45 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 97.79 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 215.9 angle: 0 - position: x: 236.22 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 170.18 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 38.1 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 39.37 angle: 0 - position: x: 60.96 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 198.12 y: 138.43 angle: 0 - position: x: 87.63 y: 91.44 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 205.74 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 208.28 angle: 0 - position: x: 228.6 y: 92.71 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 210.82 angle: 0 - position: x: 168.91 y: 200.66 angle: 0 noConnects: [] busEntries: [] graphicalItems: - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 52.07 - x: 97.79 y: 45.72 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - x: 168.91 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 45.72 - x: 76.2 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 101.6 - x: 60.96 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 209.55 y: 83.82 - x: 212.09 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 138.43 - x: 177.8 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 215.9 - x: 168.91 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 78.74 - x: 208.28 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 80.01 - x: 87.63 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 49.53 - x: 49.53 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 208.28 - x: 201.93 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 138.43 - x: 165.1 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 49.53 - x: 182.88 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 86.36 - x: 180.34 y: 88.9 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 39.37 - x: 171.45 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 138.43 - x: 153.67 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 213.36 - x: 168.91 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - x: 60.96 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 45.72 - x: 87.63 y: 50.8 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 218.44 - x: 168.91 y: 218.44 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 92.71 - x: 208.28 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 27.94 - x: 198.12 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 143.51 - x: 198.12 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 96.52 - x: 90.17 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 148.59 - x: 198.12 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 39.37 - x: 171.45 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 127 - x: 170.18 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 143.51 - x: 207.01 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 138.43 - x: 220.98 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - x: 68.58 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 208.28 - x: 168.91 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 81.28 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 210.82 - x: 201.93 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 163.83 y: 39.37 - x: 161.29 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 83.82 - x: 209.55 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 134.62 y: 138.43 - x: 140.97 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 92.71 - x: 228.6 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 149.86 - x: 175.26 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 27.94 - x: 209.55 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 44.45 y: 38.1 - x: 49.53 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 194.31 - x: 203.2 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 208.28 - x: 168.91 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 39.37 - x: 161.29 y: 43.18 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 85.09 - x: 209.55 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 76.2 y: 99.06 - x: 76.2 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 27.94 - x: 87.63 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 91.44 - x: 113.03 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 80.01 - x: 143.51 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 38.1 - x: 97.79 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 138.43 - x: 170.18 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 138.43 - x: 140.97 y: 140.97 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 39.37 - x: 205.74 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 39.37 - x: 182.88 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 48.26 - x: 171.45 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 72.39 y: 27.94 - x: 60.96 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 39.37 - x: 236.22 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 213.36 - x: 201.93 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 138.43 - x: 175.26 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 185.42 y: 146.05 - x: 185.42 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 27.94 - x: 87.63 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 196.85 - x: 203.2 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 194.31 - x: 203.2 y: 196.85 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - x: 171.45 y: 87.63 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 38.1 - x: 49.53 y: 44.45 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 191.77 - x: 168.91 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 208.28 y: 92.71 - x: 212.09 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 38.1 - x: 83.82 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 152.4 - x: 153.67 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 38.1 - x: 118.11 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 153.67 y: 138.43 - x: 165.1 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 189.23 - x: 203.2 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 82.55 - x: 147.32 y: 82.55 - type: wire points: - x: 187.96 y: 127 - x: 198.12 y: 127 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 138.43 - x: 207.01 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 91.44 - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 193.04 y: 138.43 - x: 198.12 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 255.27 y: 33.02 - x: 255.27 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 170.18 y: 127 - x: 170.18 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 217.17 y: 27.94 - x: 224.79 y: 27.94 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 38.1 - x: 68.58 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 91.44 - x: 90.17 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 195.58 - x: 168.91 y: 195.58 - type: wire points: - x: 198.12 y: 127 - x: 198.12 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 213.36 - x: 168.91 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 90.17 y: 101.6 - x: 90.17 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 189.23 - x: 168.91 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 80.01 - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 92.71 - x: 227.33 y: 92.71 - type: wire points: - x: 113.03 y: 88.9 - x: 113.03 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 143.51 y: 80.01 - x: 147.32 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 189.23 - x: 203.2 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 45.72 y: 91.44 - x: 49.53 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 205.74 - x: 168.91 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 48.26 - x: 161.29 y: 53.34 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 44.45 - x: 236.22 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 92.71 - x: 228.6 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 161.29 y: 39.37 - x: 153.67 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 208.28 - x: 201.93 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 80.01 y: 80.01 - x: 87.63 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 72.39 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 195.58 - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 152.4 - x: 140.97 y: 146.05 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 198.12 - x: 168.91 y: 198.12 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 210.82 - x: 168.91 y: 213.36 - type: wire points: - x: 87.63 y: 40.64 - x: 87.63 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 215.9 - x: 201.93 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 191.77 - x: 203.2 y: 194.31 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 95.25 - x: 171.45 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 189.23 - x: 171.45 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 186.69 - x: 168.91 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 200.66 - x: 168.91 y: 200.66 - type: wire points: - x: 175.26 y: 138.43 - x: 175.26 y: 144.78 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 210.82 - x: 168.91 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 49.53 - x: 236.22 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 200.66 - x: 168.91 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 213.36 y: 46.99 - x: 213.36 y: 58.42 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 205.74 - x: 201.93 y: 208.28 - type: wire points: - x: 220.98 y: 39.37 - x: 224.79 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 167.64 y: 85.09 - x: 171.45 y: 85.09 - type: wire points: - x: 168.91 y: 218.44 - x: 168.91 y: 219.71 - type: wire points: - x: 182.88 y: 39.37 - x: 198.12 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 80.01 - x: 143.51 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 165.1 y: 149.86 - x: 165.1 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 97.79 y: 38.1 - x: 97.79 y: 40.64 - type: wire points: - x: 228.6 y: 83.82 - x: 227.33 y: 83.82 - type: wire points: - x: 140.97 y: 138.43 - x: 143.51 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 191.77 - x: 203.2 y: 191.77 - type: wire points: - x: 151.13 y: 138.43 - x: 153.67 y: 138.43 - type: wire points: - x: 224.79 y: 27.94 - x: 224.79 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 101.6 - x: 49.53 y: 110.49 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 38.1 - x: 60.96 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 27.94 - x: 60.96 y: 38.1 - type: wire points: - x: 49.53 y: 91.44 - x: 49.53 y: 96.52 - type: wire points: - x: 157.48 y: 101.6 - x: 157.48 y: 100.33 - type: wire points: - x: 180.34 y: 80.01 - x: 187.96 y: 80.01 - type: wire points: - x: 203.2 y: 186.69 - x: 203.2 y: 189.23 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 205.74 - x: 201.93 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 215.9 - x: 168.91 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 236.22 y: 39.37 - x: 255.27 y: 39.37 - type: wire points: - x: 207.01 y: 148.59 - x: 207.01 y: 158.75 - type: wire points: - x: 199.39 y: 210.82 - x: 201.93 y: 210.82 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 205.74 - x: 168.91 y: 205.74 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 213.36 - x: 201.93 y: 215.9 - type: wire points: - x: 83.82 y: 91.44 - x: 87.63 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 60.96 y: 80.01 - x: 60.96 y: 91.44 - type: wire points: - x: 171.45 y: 92.71 - x: 171.45 y: 95.25 - type: wire points: - x: 201.93 y: 215.9 - x: 201.93 y: 218.44 globalLabels: - text: 5V shape: input position: x: 45.72 y: 91.44 angle: 180 - text: PWR_INPUT_12V-18V shape: input position: x: 44.45 y: 38.1 angle: 180 - text: PWR_INPUT_12V-18V shape: input position: x: 153.67 y: 39.37 angle: 180 - text: 5V shape: input position: x: 134.62 y: 138.43 angle: 180 - text: 5V shape: input position: x: 118.11 y: 38.1 angle: 0 sheetInstances: []