About Computerworld’s Best Places to Work in IT – Netxtract Posted on June 13, 2017 by Netxtract What do IT workers want? Fair paychecks, challenging work and ample opportunities for growth, for starters. Our annual listing showcases the organizations that excel at keeping their employees engaged and loyal with compensation, training and access to hot technologies. The report is published every June. 2017: The 2017 Best Places to Work in IT will be announced in June 2017. 2018: Nominate an organization here for our 2018 Best Places to Work in IT list. from Computerworld http://www.computerworld.com/article/2539833/it-management/it-management-best-places-to-work-in-it.html#tk.rss_all Previous Post 4 hidden settings to make Chrome for Android even betterNext Post Rubrik Alta adds Hyper-V and Nutanix AHV to backup appliance
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Chock Full of Grace: 5/31/09 - 6/7/09 So I got online today to find that I had a new comment on one of my posts. hello, gracie- i just want you to know i am in love with you and have been for a very long time. i am so afraid to tell you to your face, not knowing how you would feel. just please, beautiful, give me a chance All of my friends denied it; of course, they would. I told them that I found it quite hilarious, but they still denied it. I told them that I wasn't the least bit mad or upset, but still they denied it. I told them that they should just own up to it because it was hysterical, but still they denied it. So for now, I shall go along with it. As long as my secret admirer is one of these guys: Goldie Locks decided to get a haircut today. Of course, Mother Grace had to go moral support. She needed a lot of moral support. Find your happy place, Goldie Locks, find your happy place!! Lookin' good, Goldie Locks! My mother and I were in what we call " A Throwing Away Mood" today. Therefore we decided to tackle the attic and all of the pure, unadulterated, unexplainable, useless junk that it holds/ held. This is what we pulled down from said attic: I had no idea that there was this much stuff in our attic. I expected to find that crazy lady that Rochester hid in the attic in Jane Erye or a Jumangi game board at any moment. As I looked over the piles and piles of stuff that Mother and I had to now sort through, I decided to not really contemplate the fact that I probably had no less than ten brown recluses crawling all over me, or the fact that it was going to take a few hours to properly go through everything. Instead, I decided to go to my "happy place" : My mother and I found this among the rubble. It is a doll house that someone made for me when I was younger. However, now it resembles something leftover after a hurricane. Hmmm... Hurricane Barbie maybe? One good thing did come from the hours I spent helping my mother go through the fifty years of crap she had shoved into our attic; I found plenty of dishes, glasses, and silverware for college. Aren't they pretty and speckled! :) Posted by Grace at 6:48 PM 2 comments It was a beautiful Friday afternoon (the day before prom actually... not that prom has ANYTHING to do with this post...). I was excited (being the little conservative extremist that I am) about going to a tea party with my parents. No this was not the kind of tea party where you lift you pinkie finger, cross your ankles and wear you best Sunday dress. No, my dear friends, this was not that kind of tea party at all. This was one of the first signs I saw upon arriving at the field where the party was to be held. I do not believe that this man's sign held an ounce of sarcasm. I would guess that 3/4's of the attendants of the event owned gun permits, multiple guns, and bullets. I will be joining the ranks very soon. Amen sister. AMEN! As a side note: I am sick of hearing the word change. So I grabbed a thesaurus and found the word revolutionize. It seems to be a more appropriate word to use now that the other one has been tainted. Amen Brother. AMEN! I love this guy's sign because it sums up a whole lot that has been going on in our country. I am an American and I fully stand behind the original beliefs and morals of the people that founded this great country. For that, I will not apologize. Now isn't this just the cutest thing you have EVER seen?!? Seriously, what is more adorable than an older couple who apparently still loves one another and our country after fifty some-odd years of marriage. I asked them if they would adopt me as their granddaughter. The older couple from above said they would not adopt me (it wasn't anything personal they added...they just already had many grandchildren to care for...I envy their grand kids). Looks like I am left with these people. All in all, the West TN. Tea Party was a great event. There were hundreds of people of different backgrounds, careers, and ages that were standing up for their beliefs and vocalizing that they did not agree with what was going on with our country. I was proud to be among them all. Posted by Grace at 8:38 PM 3 comments
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Shell's Shambles: Long periods of absence Ramblings by Shell at Tuesday, July 27, 2010 oh dear -- sounds like you're stressed Shell! hopefully some of those issues will be resolved soon -- and you'll start to feel good again. 2:16 am, July 29, 2010
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Creative Healings: April 2012 Chicken time outside! We got chicken chairs! Now we can all sit out and enjoy our time with the ladies! The boys love playing with them, the ladies kind of like playing with the boys lol. The girls got Almost 2 hours out in the yard yesterday playing in the lilac bushes. They have not yet ventured far from the coop but each day explore a little further. Posted by Aaron's Blog at 11:42 AM No comments: Labels: backyard hens, chickens, Chicks, humans, urban hens The Ladies Love Their Humans! Crystal on Aaron's shoulder Yoda and Crystal Yoda and Sweetie Sweetie often flies up to visit her humans. Lady and Sweetie love the tall perches. The even taller perches... These two will compete for top of the pecking order. Posted by Kathie at 7:52 PM No comments: Labels: backyard hens, chickens, Chicks, hens, humans, urban hens We cleaned and updated the brood box today. After being outside the chickens found rolling in the dirt to be enjoyable and so we added a mixture suitable for them to the box and a new perch that is larger! Along with an allotment of daily love! They let us know they want it by jumping out of the box to get it, too. Lady seems to be moving her way up the pecking order lately, so much fun to watch their little personalities develop :) Posted by Aaron's Blog at 6:21 PM 1 comment: We put the chicks outdoors today, well just for a little while! We have a pretty draft free area in the coop and we put up covers to secure it for them! It was a nice warm afternoon and the chicks loved it! Posted by Aaron's Blog at 8:38 AM 1 comment: We are getting the new coop ready before the ladies move in! Patrick is supervising and inspecting the work being done while Jakob is building the coop. Grandma is the fantastic camera person and actually helping me put the coop together! Jasper or cat made sure the coop was plenty roomy for the chicks after we finished! We linseed oiled the coop twice and is now ready and waiting for our ladies! Posted by Aaron's Blog at 5:42 PM 1 comment: Labels: chickens chicks, hens We have had to cover the brooder now that our lovely Yoda is teaching the others to fly out! Yoda is most assuredly living up to her name. She has shown to be at the top of the pecking order since day 1 :) All of the girls are doing wonderfully! Used to us and comfortable hopping into our hands when entered into the brooder most of the time. Posted by Aaron's Blog at 5:41 PM No comments: Our chickens were hatched on March 17, 2011. St. Patricks day this year and a fitting beginning as we are in the parade this year advocating urban hens! We chose 5 hens to start our little feathered family with. We have 2 black australorps Yoda and Sweety, 2 Rhode Island Reds Lady and Ruby, and also 1 Buff Orpington named Crystal. Posted by Aaron's Blog at 4:10 PM 1 comment: Labels: chickens, Chicks, urban hens
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Villa Fernandez Resort: UPDATED 2017 Reviews, Price Comparison and 19 Photos (Puerto Galera, Philippines) - TripAdvisor Villa Fernandez Resort, Puerto Galera Reviews TripAdvisorUS$20*View Deal 20 reviews #30 of 52 Hotels in Puerto Galera Palangan, Puerto Galera, Mindoro, Philippines Hotel amenities Book on 04/06/2017 05/06/20171 room 1 room 2 adults 2 adults 0 children 0 children Ages of Children: change Please provide ages Child 1 Age Age Update Search Update Rooms & rates for Villa Fernandez Resort We're finding you the best rooms at the lowest prices from our partner, AgodaBook on 4Standard Room Getting you more information on this room See More Free Cancellation Best Price /night taxes & fees Select Show available rooms for Villa Fernandez Resort We’re sorry, there are no available rooms for this property on TripAdvisor. Please change dates or see offers from our partners.We’re sorry, there are no available rooms for this property on TripAdvisor. Please change dates or view all Puerto Galera hotels with availability.4Standard Room Getting you more information on this room See More Free Cancellation Best Price /night taxes & fees Select 04/06/2017 05/06/20171 room 1 room 2 adults 2 adults 0 children 0 children Ages of Children: change Please provide ages Child 1 Age Age Update Search Show Room Prices {"BOOKING_FEATURES": 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Good,ExcellentStart your review of Villa Fernandez Resort Click to rate janeangelicamanteTaguig City, PhilippinesLevel Contributor2 reviews“Perfect stay!”Reviewed 4 days ago NEWThis was one of the best place we ever visited. The view was perfect, room was nice and our stay was so amazing! Shout-out to Sir Alan who was very patient, accommodating and friendly. He took care of us from the day we arrived until the day we left the resort. He always make sure that we are comfortable during...More ReportHelpful?Thank janeangelicamante vsah0taLondon, United Kingdom1 review“Great homely Place”Reviewed 6 days ago NEWLoved it there, run by the Boss who is a British Filipino, lots to see, white beach 15min. away, very cozy hotel, peaceful and quite, staff very helpful and right on the beach for snorkelling, for night life just a 15min. drive. I would love to stay there again ReportHelpful?Thank vsah0ta arzklhParis, FranceLevel Contributor116 reviews92 hotel reviews39 helpful votes “very nice staff”Reviewed 13 April 2016 very good value, in a small and quiet beach half way between puerto galera and Sebang so you have to take a motobike for anything you wanna do, but rooms are very cheap, with fridge and balcony, nice view on the bay, the staff is very young, helpful and relaxed. recommanded if you're looking for a secluded place near busy...More ReportHelpful?Thank arzklh Margeorie DLevel Contributor17 reviews12 hotel reviews10 helpful votes “Puerto Galera 2016”Reviewed 8 April 2016 via mobileI like this place because they allowed our urgent reservation even though we bought the voucher in metrodeal a day before our intended stay. But you really have to call them first before buying any voucher just to check room availability. Part of the deal we bought is free shuttle from muelle pier to their place. The location is far...More ReportHelpful?Thank Margeorie D jca693Paranaque, PhilippinesLevel Contributor3 reviews3 hotel reviews8 helpful votes “Unforgettable Getway..”Reviewed 10 July 2015 My girlfriend and I planned our weekend getaway ahead of time, so we didn't expect that the day of our reserved date happened to be a rainy day, to the extent that there was a typhoon Maring. The ocean is a bit wavy, the owner fetch us at the seaport. The Staff are accommodating and the owner too!.. We had...More ReportHelpful?1Thank jca693 TatianaRosePatersonAngeles City, PhilippinesLevel Contributor29 reviews4 hotel reviews10 helpful votes “Needs better upkeep though has great staff”Reviewed 30 June 2015 We loved the people here and they were very friendly and accommodating. The room service food we ordered was delicious and so fresh. The doors need checking though and there is no water sometimes. Couple of things in need of repair too. ReportHelpful?Thank TatianaRosePaterson j'carlos aManila, Philippines1 review“a rainbow after the rain..”Reviewed 20 May 2015 My friends and i together with my girlfriend planned to go puerto gallera for an overnight stay. So we checked on metrodeal if there is a hotel/resort that we can stay with. Then, we saw villa fernandez which happened to be most affordable among our options. When we arrived at the seaport, there is a van waiting for us to...More ReportHelpful?Thank j'carlos a imalynna mLevel Contributor3 reviews34 helpful votes “Employee theft!!!!!!!!!”Reviewed 27 April 2015 the view is OK but will not stay there again. DONT GO HERE! - EMPLOYEE THEFT( watch was stolen-see shared pic) , BROWN OUT , POOR WATER SUPPLY!Travel time from Villa to White beach takes about 30 mins. DIRTY AND POOR SERVICE !! ReportHelpful?30Thank imalynna m Ferdinand MLas Pinas, PhilippinesLevel Contributor3 reviews4 helpful votes “Great weekend escapade”Reviewed 26 April 2015 I was hesitant to proceed with our vacation when I read the reviews about Villa Fernandez. But when we got there, we were greet with a warm welcome by Lynn and other staff. It is true that the resort is away from White Beach but they have a free shuttle going there and to other famous tourist spots in Puerto...More ReportHelpful?4Thank Ferdinand M Xtia_LoveMetro Manila, Philippines1 review5 helpful votes “''BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO STAY''”Reviewed 18 April 2015 I saw the promo of Villa Fernandez in Metrodeal, At first I thought its not true because of the current reviews. I don't know why all this people saying that VILLA FERNANDEZ IS NOT GOOD,but for me its really the place Im looking for to stay..Its very nice place..Im enjoying the beautiful view outside the balcony..The Staff are very accomodating,specially...More ReportHelpful?5Thank Xtia_Love Previous #31 of 52 in Puerto Galera 43 reviews Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices Near Villa Fernandez Resort Top-rated Attractions Nearby 17 Reviews Muelle Cross Posting guidelines Get notified about new answers to your questions. Ask Typical questions asked: Can tickets for local attractions be purchased at the front desk? Do you have to pay extra for a mini-fridge? At what time does the pool open each day? See which rooms travellers prefer “Room 31,32 & 33, great view, balcony Rooms” vsah0ta, 19 May 2017
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
TRIPOLI The United Nations on Thursday evacuated more than 350 migrants from a detention center in southern Tripoli where a fierce battle raged as fighters from rival Libyan camps traded rockets and artillery shells. HIRA, Libya/TRIPOLI Forces supporting Libya's internationally recognized government pushed back troops loyal to eastern commander Khalifa Haftar to more than 60 km (37 miles) southwest of the capital, Tripoli, on Tuesday, Reuters reporters said. TRIPOLI Forces loyal to Libya's internationally recognized government have pushed their eastern opponents back on parts of the frontline south of Tripoli, despite the attackers flying overnight air strikes on the capital, witnesses said on Sunday. TRIPOLI Explosions shook the Libyan capital Tripoli late on Saturday after an air strike, residents said, in an escalation of a two-week offensive by eastern forces on the city held by the internationally recognized government. AL-SUANI, Libya/TRIPOLI Mortar bombs crashed down on a suburb of Tripoli on Thursday, almost hitting a clinic and adding to people's suffering after two weeks of an offensive by eastern troops on the Libyan capital, which is held by an internationally recognized government. GHARYAN, Libya Thousands of migrants displaced by fighting on Libya's northwestern coast are in urgent need of medical help, the head of a detention center in the town of Gharyan said on Thursday, describing their situation as "tragic". TRIPOLI France's Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian was in Libya on Monday to meet rival political leaders and offer support for a deal aimed at stabilizing the strifetorn North African country.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Reuters ( (listen)) is an international news organisation now owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide." } ]
The Harmony of the Bible Blog: August 2015 Posted by Sean Killackey at Monday, August 24, 2015 3 comments: Posted by Sean Killackey at Sunday, August 23, 2015 No comments: Are Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon Authentic? - First Thoughts 1) Ecclesiastes was written under the directions of Solomon, evidently, when he was about to die. It was written by Solomon and there is no reason to say it was when he was about to die (which seems to be a subtle attempt to discredit the book since Solomon was an apostate when he died). 2) Throughout the book, the expression “everything is vanity” can be found. 1 Corinthians 15:58 and 3:8 show that not everything is vanity. The point of Ecclesiastes is to show how, apart from God everything is vanity. Things are enjoyable, but only God’s will and obeying him have lasting value. 3) Luke 20:27 shows that Ecclesiastes 1:11 is false. How, Luke 20:27 has very little to do with Ecclesiastes 1:11. Furthermore Ecclesiastes 1:11 is not an absolute statement, but one which is true in a general way, for do you remember much about your great-grandparents? 4) Ecclesiastes 7:3 is also not scientifically correct. I suppose that you think heart is literal as opposed to the figurative heart (that is obviously meant). 5) Ecclesiastes 10:4 disagrees with 1 Samuel 9:17, 18; and 1 Samuel 23:26. What 1 Samuel 9:17,18 has to do with this, I know not. Also you again fail to note the general (as opposed to absolute) nature of such wisdom lit. (as well as proverbs in general). 6) Ecclesiastes 10:4 disagrees with 1 Samuel 9:17, 18; and 1 Samuel 23:26. What 1 Samuel 9:17,18 has to do with this, I know not. Also you again fail to note the general (as opposed to absolute) nature of such wisdom lit. (as well as proverbs in general). 7) Luke 19:44 shows that Ecclesiastes 10:8 is also false. No it doesn’t. Luke is a judgment on Jerusaelm. Ecclesiastes is a general warning about people working and the need to be alert to such dangers, see the context. 8) Song of Solomon is a book based on eroticism. Eroticism can be expressed healthfully. This book is a far cry from Greek plays and art. Posted by Sean Killackey at Saturday, August 22, 2015 No comments: 1) Section 1, (Proverbs 1-9), contains texts that do not agree with the truth. Proverbs 9:7, 8a say: “The one who corrects a ridiculer invites dishonor, and whoever reproves someone wicked will get hurt. Do not reprove a ridiculer, or he will hate you.” Should the wicked be reproved? This is what Psalm 50:16-21 written by Asaph says: “But God will say to the wicked: “What right do you have to relate my regulations or to speak about my covenant? For you hate discipline, and you keep turning your back on my words …. When you did these things, I remained silent, so you thought that I would be just like you. But now I will reprove you, and I will state my case against you.” Then, the wicked should be reproved. (1 Timothy 5:20) Proverbs 9:8 is a warning that the wicked will hate you for correction. Again, in the spirit of proverbs and the book of Proverb, they are general rules. For while you should reprove a wise person, to do so at every opportunity would be foolish, so too it isn’t always advisable to reprove a ridiculer, for they often resent the corrector. Yet an answer should be given so that they might not think that they are wise. 2) Proverbs 9 also contains two passages that make a mockery of the truth. Psalm 9:1-6 says: “True wisdom has built its house; it has carved out its seven pillars. It has fully prepared its meat; it has mixed its wine; it has also arranged its table. It has sent out its female servants. To call out from the heights above the city: “Whoever is inexperienced, let him come in here.” She says to the one lacking good sense: “Come, eat my bread and share in drinking the wine that I have mixed. Leave behind your inexperience and live; Walk forward in the way of understanding.” This is said to have been said by 'wisdom.' Then this is what 'the woman of stupidity' said: ““Whoever is inexperienced, let him come in here.” (Proverbs 9:16) The same expression was used by both wisdom and the harlot. Now look, does it not say that God is to be worshipped? And yet Satan says that Satan is to be worshipped? I guess that God by saying the same thing that Satan says is making a mockery of himself! No, but there are two paths, worship Jehovah or Satan, come to wisdom or come to the wicked. 3) Section two of Proverbs, (10-24), also contains texts that do not agree with the truth. Proverbs 10:3 does not agree with Luke 4:2; Proverbs 10:18b does not agree with Job 1:18, 19; Exodus 32:7-10; and 1 Kings 19:14. Proverbs 12:28 says: “The path of righteousness leads to life; along its pathway there is no death.” This is false, because Job, Samuel, Noah, Abraham and even Jesus died. Proverbs 16:7 says: “When Jehovah is pleased with a man’s ways, He causes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” If Jesus’ enemies were at peace with him, would he have died? NO! Proverbs 22:6 says: “Train a boy in the way he should go; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.” Solomon was trained by David. Jehoash was trained by Jehoiada when he was very young. (2 Chronicles 24:1, 2; 15-22) All these people departed from the training they were given. These are general proverbs, and are not absolute guarantees, and if you note the life meant in Proverbs 12:28 isn’t our duration of life, for we already have that, but it leads to life, the everlasting life that God promises, for those who stay on it there is no death and why? Because while we die we are promised a resurrection and are as good as still living. 4) Section 4 of Proverbs, (30), also contains texts that do not agree with the inspired Scriptures. Agur himself, the writer of Proverbs 30, says: “I am more ignorant than anyone else, and I lack the understanding a man should have. I have not learned wisdom, and I do not possess the knowledge of the Most Holy One.” (Proverbs 30:2, 3) Proverbs 30:17 is a false text. Proverbs 30:1 contains the phrase: “the weighty message.” The same phrase appears in the last chapter of Proverbs. It is also false. If having a phrase that appeared in “false scripture” means that the other scripture is false then having Jehovah (which appears in “false scripture”) anywhere renders them “false” as well! And Agur, in line with humility and Hebrew exaggeration, spoke, not to deny the wisdom of his message, but to reveal how he prior before learning his message wasn’t wise. Posted by Sean Killackey at Friday, August 21, 2015 No comments: Some of the Psalms were also written in the days of Solomon and not all the Psalms were inspired of God. 1) When Satan tried to tempt Jesus into jumping from the battlement of the temple, he quoted Psalm 91:11, 12 which says:” For he will give his angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you on their hands, so that you may not strike your foot against a stone.” Satan has no delight in the perfect law of Jehovah. Satan, like the author of this list, is simply twisting the scriptures. The Psalm is authentic, but the interpretation or use of the verse that Satan was pressing was false. 2) Some of the other Psalms such as Psalms 3, 51 and 60 are based on 2 Samuel, which is a false book. This is a faulty assumption leading to a faulty conclusion – also 2 Samuel is not actually a separate book from 1 Samuel (1 Samuel seems to be fine with this commentator so far), for it was only once they were translated into Greek (Which had vowels) was it needed to split the book into two. 3) Most of these Psalms plainly contain texts that do not agree with the truth. Psalm 34: 19, 20 says: “Many are the hardships of the righteous one, but Jehovah rescues him from them all. He is guarding all his bones; not one of them has been broken.” Jehovah does not always rescue righteous people from hardships. Also, the bones of a righteous person can be broken, as it happened when Stephen was stoned to death. If this man cannot perceive that Jehovah does not promise protection from everything in this life he will not have the blessing of Jehovah in the next duration of life. For it is seen that these are poetic passages, one dealing with Christ. There is no falsehood here, only a lack of understanding concerning the scriptures. 4) Psalm 44:22, written by the sons of Korah, was quoted by Paul in Romans 8:36 and it is followed by the words: “To the contrary ….” If someone speaks and follows his statement with ‘to the contrary’ it means whatever follows has an opposite meaning or implication. See this post post - http://bibleselfharmony.blogspot.com/2015/08/does-romans-835-37-contradict-psalm-4422.html 5) Psalm 45 was also written by the sons of Korah. This Psalm is about a king, who without doubt is Solomon, marrying foreign women. Deuteronomy 7:3, 4 says: “You must not form any marriage alliances with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then Jehovah’s anger will blaze against you, and he will swiftly annihilate you.”(Nehemiah 13:23-27; Joshua 23:12,13). Psalm 45 is likely (not without a doubt) about Solomon, although some speculate it could be about David (however in the grand scheme of things it is really about Christ). In any case we see that there is no mention of marrying a Pagan wife, no, but rather that daughter of kings would be ladies of honor, attendants to the queen, who is not said to be pagan. Perhaps the maker of this list should beware of the anger of Jehovah. 6) Some of the Psalms by the sons of Korah were written by Heman and Ethan and Solomon was wiser than them. Heman asked a series of questions which according to Paul are asked by unreasoning people. (Psalm 88:10-12; 1 Corinthians 15:35, 36) The context of Psalm 88 shows extreme distress on the part of the psalmist, for in his mind he was about to die and go to Sheol. In harmony with Psalm 6 and Hezekiah’s prayer he pointed out that in death no one rises up and praises God (by asking a rhetorical question). And therin we find the solution to the “contradiction,” which is to say “rising” in Psalm 88 has to do with the actual act of rising up and praising God, while “rising” in Paul’s word has to do with the act of raising the dead! 7) Some of the Psalms, including Psalm 72, were written in David’s name, but from their superscripts, it can be seen that they were not actually written by David but after David's time. One of these is Psalm 60, which is a partial imitation of Psalm 108. Why would it matter of David repeated himself? Is the not the scriptures full of continued reminders? There is nothing in 60 or 108 that shows them not to be Davids. Psalm 72’s superscript is not “by Solomon” but “Concerning Solomon,” it is a prayer of David about his Son! It was of course written by David.” 8) This is its superscript: "To the director; set to “The Lily of Reminder.” Mik′tam. Of David. For teaching. When he fought with A′ram-na•ha•ra′im and A′ram-Zo′bah, and Jo′ab returned and struck down 12,000 E′dom•ites in the Valley of Salt. However, 1 Chronicles 18:12 says: “Abishai the son of Zeruiah struck down 18,000 E′dom•ites in the Valley of Salt.”" If this commentator understood that David as the highest (human) military official got credit for all things, and yet Joab as chief of the arm could get credit, as could Abishai for his being a high official as well (he who acts through another does the act himself) then he would not be finding fault with these verses. As for the number, see #5. 9) The authentic Psalms written by David do not bear explanatory superscripts, with the exception of Psalm 18. There are some Psalms which bear the clause: “Praise Jah, you people.” Two of them were quoted by Paul. These are Psalm 116:10 in 2 Corinthians 4:13 and Psalm 117 in Romans 15:11. What proof is there that David didn’t add superscripts? Oh there isn’t? The latter statements seem out of place somehow. 10) Psalm 51 is based on 2 Samuel 11 which is a false imitation of 1 Chronicles. But when Paul under the guidance of the holy spirit quoted Psalm 51:4, he used words which indicate that the quote were the words of man and were false. This is what he wrote: "But let God be found true, even if every man be found a liar just as it is written: “That you might be proved righteous in your words and might win when you are being judged.” Paul was under inspiration – that much I agree with, but as you will note after a second reading, Paul was not using those words to indicate that the words he quotes from were false, but alluding to a well-accepted and authentic Psalm to prove the point! (Does the commentator think that God will not be vindicated? I have already vindicated him.) 11) Then, there are some Psalms which might appear to contain no errors but are actually false. One of these is Psalm 94. Psalm 94:11 was quoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:20. 1 Corinthians 3:19, 20 say: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written: “He catches the wise in their own cunning.” And again: “Jehovah knows that the reasonings of the wise men are futile.”” Verse 19 is from Job 5:13 and it was spoken by Eliphaz the Temanite, who was one of Job’s ‘bad’ friends. When Jehovah appeared to Job and his friends, this is what the Scriptures say: “.After Jehovah had spoken these words to Job, Jehovah said to El′i•phaz the Te′man•ite: “My anger burns against you and your two companions, for you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant Job has. Now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job, and offer up a burnt sacrifice for yourselves. And my servant Job will pray for you. I will surely accept his request not to deal with you according to your foolishness, for you have not spoken the truth about me as my servant Job has.”” Therefore both the words from Job 5:13 and Psalm 94:11 can be considered the wisdom of this world. Not everything Job’s companions said was wrong (they called him the almighty, so I suppose that they are wrong, or so I would if I were you). Further there is nothing in Psalm 94 that is wrong, human fleshly thought is worthless. But I perceive the logic here, Psalm 94 by itself appears fine, but since a “bad” companion of Job’s who didn’t say everything right about God said something similar than it must be wrong, yet as I said they didn’t teach everything wrong about Jehovah! Posted by Sean Killackey at Thursday, August 20, 2015 No comments: Posted by Sean Killackey at Wednesday, August 19, 2015 No comments: Does Paul Deny the Scriptures “Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword? Just as it is written [at Psalm 44:22]: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious through the one who loved us.” – Romans 8:35-37 To the uniformed (or malicious) it is said that Paul denies the authenticity of the 44th psalm by his words “on the contrary.” However the truth is in the context. Paul presents one option that tribulation or distress or persecution etc. would separate us from Christ. He then alludes to the scripture that describes the real world experiences that he and his companions have gone through. This latter statement is an important point, for if Paul wished to deny the 44th Psalm he would also be denying the irrefutable suffering of many Christians. This is something he never does, so what is it that he is doing? He was saying, “We know what we are going through, the scriptures tell about it. But are we separated from the love of Christ because of such of things? No, but we are in fact coming off victorious despite these things! For our victory is that “anyone who puts faith in Jesus, though he may die, will be raised again.” Therefore Paul affirms the authenticity of the psalm and expands on it to show that we are not separated from the love of Christ even though we are “sheep before the slaughter.” Does Stephen's Speech Contradict the Rest of the Bible? Skeptics allege that in his speech (Acts 7) Stephen misremembered the Hebrew Scriptures. Such as where God said he would deport Israel (Stephen says Babylon, the Hebrew Scriptures says "beyond Damascus"), or the issue of how many people went down to Egypt, or the issue concerning Abraham's tomb. What can be said in his defense. It wouldn't be fair to say that the ancient Semitic culture was lazy about details, but it would be fair to say that in some cases they weren't to picky. For example, to them and to Stephen, it didn't mater that Stephen said that "beyond Babylon" instead of "beyond Damascus," because the point being made was the same, they were punished for worshiping other gods. Now, to our minds what he said was inaccurate, but to them the approximate was good enough. Further there is another point to consider. This was Stephen's Speech! The Bible writer, Luke, was simply recording what was being said. If he had changed what Stephen said then it could be said that he was not accurately reporting what happened. Of course because Luke recorded Stephen's speech didn't mean he considered it literally accurate.And keep in mind that Stephen was going off memory, if he had access to the Bible as we do today (with easy to find verses) he likely wouldn't have made those mistakes. And to those who say that the holy spirit should have given him the correct details, they fail to take into consideration that there was no need to because of the culture that Stephen lived in, so it is perfectly fine that the holy spirit gave him what to say. Further Jesus didn't literally imply (in his saying "do not worry on what to say, for what to say will be given to you then by the spirit") that the holy spirit would tell us word for word what we'd say, no, but it would guide us in what to speak. There is no contradiction in Stephen's speech and the rest of the Bible. Posted by Sean Killackey at Wednesday, August 12, 2015 No comments: Bible Topics (6) Contradictions (102) Jehovah's Witnesses (1) Natural Theology (1) Pagan-Copycat-Allegations (6) Prophecy (7) Sexual Morality (3) Updates (1)
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Full text of "The diamond a pamphlet describing the most reliable indications and the principal minerals associated with the diamond in South Africa, with hints to prospectors in search of these gems ; illustrated with map and sections" KEUFFEL Si ESSER COMPANY 15G1 N. Danville St., Arlington, Va. 22201 t/^/Kev^r-fy ^f t*/ C*1s*h 4.W^*Vk J+J Iff* THE DIAMOND,^ A ramphlet describing the most reliable indications and the principal minerals associated with the DIAMOND IN SOUTH AFRICA, WITH HINTS TO PROSPECTORS IN SEARCH OF - THESE GEMS. [ILLUSTRATED WITH MAP AND SECTIONS. I V by DAVID DRAPER, F.G.S., and MINETT E. FRAMES. JoHANNESBURfl : MATTHEWS &amp; WALKER, PRINTERS .;•-■,.-:, ■/&gt;■■■ J. ■ Mr. W&amp;WEm DR4PBR, Member Fed. Inst.Mming Engineers" Forth of England. Member Geogr. Soc. of Holland. Hon. Secretary Geological Society of South Africa Curator Chamber of Mines Mineral Collection No. 448, MANSION HOUSE CHAMBERS, No. 11, QUEEN VICTORIA ST. South African Address : Box 460, JOHANNESBURG. Office: CHAMBER of MINES, Mr. 1€ . Who has been for many years connected with Diamond and Gold Mining m the Free State and Transvaal, will inspect and report upon Mineral Properties in any portion of South Africa. DIAMONDS A SPECIALITY. Extracts from Local Press Reports : " Mr. Draper identified the specimens fr m Riotf„nf^;„ i • ■■ iferous, in February, 1897."-* «»« IT^XZ^g, &amp;£ {&amp;?»*■ "The lessees of Rietfontein were invited to not fo« n i . to their a tonishn,, n , they wereins.rucMed by a S « ,™ tXt ""I search for the precious mineral, whose efforts tknnl . T i Kietfontem) to gratifying!, successful, ano haie placed bey !„,? do^bt !,* Wi,Th 6 ' "T ex^ence of a ,rue diamondiferous pipe in tL T^^l]^^ *%;*£ The owners have acknowledged that Mr. Minett R Frames found the first diamond at the Rietfontein Mine, in the washing' operations. , -U- . fV&gt;n ii,&lt;Kt reliable indications and the A Pamphlet describing the mo*t lenauu T8 TO PROSPECTORS IN SEARCH OF THESE OEMS. W8TMATJSD WITH MAP AND MOTION*. DAVID DRAPER, P.G.S., ani» MINETT K. FRAMES. &lt;• |,, , » MATTHKWft &amp; WALKER, PWNTCT* Vesication. To the great amy of prospectors whose efforts have d.-c s0 much towards the development of the unneral resources o South Africa, this little work is respectfully dedicated by the an SI in the hope that each one who purchases a copy .ill discover a diamond mine and make his pile. In placing this pamphlet before the public we do not pose M phnaStopist. Whave had a ^r amount of expem-cn diamond rnininc both on the River and at the L&gt;ry L&gt;ig n e &gt; , SSSe impression that those who do not know what a rough diamond is like, or are ignorant of the , ar ^r ot tfte mine&amp;l in which these gems are found, and the ™»£F£ which have hitherto led to the discovery ^J^PgSffi will gladly avail themselves of the hints contained in tl us nttte wok When we were prospecting in tje ea riydays ofjhe&amp;a- mnnfl industrv we would have paid a great deal more iCn the mce asked for a work containing the same amount of InSr We believe that old diamond miners may also pick up a few hints from a perusal of these pages. Very Jew men have visited all the diamond mines in South Africa as we have done and noted the peculiarities ol each one. . - TIipii ftffain evervbodv does nol know what a diamond is line, „or tow t ^/for it,' though old hands will »***£. Jj§ "uperior knowledge and tell us that '• no man can be m ^taken be has once handled a few diamonds. But this is r&gt;&gt; "°. uu .* the cSe as the history of the famous Monastery /.neon will tell. n Snlnce experienced diamond men were ^J«V»J some even offered large sums ol money for a comparativelj vaiue ^ W^have advised prospectors to proceed on the lines we the New Rush (now Kimberley Mine) on the day thej were given out, and worked for several years thereon Mr Frames mew up on the Diamond I ieltts, ana was con tunitv of making the fact public, were led to the wentmcOTion Kg diamond bearing mineral, by the occurrence of the various minerals which accompany the diamond in every mine in South Africa ; and so once more the " carbon," " garnet," and " neeu stone have done good service in the development of the mineral resources of this country. We were told when we first made this discovery pnblic that blue ground had never been found on the surface, and that Ivnnberley and the other diamond mines were covered with lime and Rietfontein, Pretoria, was not, consequently it could nut possibly be a diamond mine. But we pinned our faith on the diamond s inseparable companions, and they have not failed u.s 1 he now recognised importance of Rietfontein is therefore Sect* P WG WerC entitIe&lt;l t0 Sive an °P inion " 2K The fact that diamonds existed in the Transvaal has been public property for a number of years, but hitherto the home of these valuable gems was a mystery which we have succeeded in That the Rietfontein Mine, Pretoria, should have been nros- pected. for coal firstly, and later on for mercury, is aifothe proof of the ignorance of a great number of men who pose as author? ties upon the indications of the diamond. It will not be believed by old diggers that shafts were actually sunk to 35 fee? in blue ground," without the prospectors discovering he value of the spot they were working, yet such was the case. jr ^^r^svris^s^: =5: In TOidusion, we woold adTiae those who wish to beenino thoroughly aeyamted with the diamond bearing mleS, of oomph* ooileotion e, ^JT ft* ^eStbT'K David Draper. Minett R Framed. (Jolo,,bedPt ' atkNo - 'chapter I. What is \ DlAMOKD.— Colour and Composition, Form, Hardness, Lustre. Summary of its principal chare*- Boart, Carbon or Carbonado ... How to identify a Diamond ... • • • Minerals whicb may be mistaken for a Diamond ... Minerals which are found in company with the Diamond in South Africa ... The Garnet, Carbon ... Olivine, Mica, Vaalite, &amp;c. ... The Diamond Deposits and Rocks Section 1- -The River Gravels ... -• Section 2— The volcanic pipes or chimneys known as the dry diggings Yellow ground and Blue ground... Hard Bank ... ... ••• CHAPTER IV. ... - Geological position of the various I^mohd Mines Rietfontein, Kimberley and De -Beers I late, Jagorsfontein, Kaalvalley (Robinson's), Dnekoppies, Monastery, Carnvel ;; CHAPTER V. .- .» Bribe description of the different Diamond Mines IN THE ORDER OF THEIR DISCOVERY.— Bultfontein ... - . ••• Du Toit's Pan : Jagersfoutem ... Old De Beers— Kimberley Koffyfontein— The Monastery ... The Robin 8 on.Rietfontem p ^ ... How to prospect for Diamonds and the Plant required, by M. E. Frames ... ... y CHAPTER VII. A few hints to Prospe&lt; tors P^LLw forthe regulation of Diamond Mining in South Africa, Weights used for precious stones Hardness and specific gravity tables 1-6R&amp;N STONE Piece of Hard Blue Ground, with Diamond and Characteristic Minerals in Natural Colours. South African Diamond Octohedron,^ copied from " Dana's Mineralogy." &gt;*•**»■ WHAT IS A DIAMOND ?- There are three varieties of the Diamond- The Gem ok Precious Stone. BOAET. Carbon or Carbonado. THE GEM OR PRECIOUS DIAMOND. Colour and CoMPOsrriOK.-The diamond is a precious stone, generally white or colourless, though found of Sat tan s ranging between white and black, but of which pa le yeUow or straw colour 18 the most frequent (after white and colourS ! Red, orange, and blue diamonds' are rare, but *moky or g ?t ,nl Z freqUent,y fonnd &gt; b,ue » most uncommon' ihe colourless stones are almost, invisible in clear water If a diamond is colourless and free from flaws and spots it ia called a « first water stone " and is of the highest value in pro portion to its weight and shape. P The diamond is composed of pure carbon and can be com pletely burned to carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gasO between the poles of a battery, leaving no ashy residue behind »A a &gt;' S m l imhle &lt; but whe » exposed to great heat in an atmos- phere free from oxygen, it swells up into a black mass like graphite or coke. It is also unaffected by acids Its specific gravity is 3.5 (3* times heavier than water). U«A "**— Diamonda are found in a crystalline form • octa- hedrons or eight-sided stones are the most numerous A perfect octohedron has eight flat sides or « facets," each of wild Eld | somewhat! ^SLSEa^x ***** ^^ these fawts ™ I Stlyturtd 6 ,U Sl ' aPe ' a " d thG a " gleS and Sides ™ I Some diamonds have their facets marked with small tri- I angular indentations as shown in figure 1, plate 1, which repre- I sents the form and mode of crystalization of a perfect I octohedron. The drawing is copied from Dana's Mineralogy I 10 Til E DIAMOND. Other forms of crystalization occur, but they are all modifica- tions of the octohedron. Diamonds are never found of the same shape as quartz crystals, which have six sides and six triangles converging to a point, either at one or both ends. Hardness, -Though several of the harder minerals wil scratch glass, only the diamond will cut it. Glaziers diamonds are thosl having an acute angle, selected on this account because they cut glass more effectively than ordinary diamonds would do. In the scale of hardness the diamond ranks highest, corun- dum being the nearest to it, topaz and quartz following in succes- sion. Consequently a diamond will scratch all other substances, but cannot be scratched by any other mineral except a diamond It is possible to cleave a diamond along certain planes (with the grain), and it can be crushed by a blow with facility. Many good gems were lost in the early (lays of diamond mining is South Africa by what was called the "anvil test which consisted of placing the diamond upon an anvil and strik- ing it a smart blow with a hammer. Naturally, but a small cone of dust remained behind. If a stone stood this test it was sup- posed to be a diamond, but there is no instance recorded of any one surviving such rough treatment. . Lustre. Even in its rough or uncut state, a pure diamond is generally so lustrous that it can easily be distinguished from among a cluster of clear quartz or other glittering Btones. It has a lustre peculiar to itself, which once seen is not readily tor- § ° tte Occasionally diamonds are found which have a dull coating or covering. These are often of a good shape, but close examina- tion is necessary to detect the lustre beneath the skin. In addition to the peculiarities above mentioned, a diamond has a soft soapy feel, which is so noticeable that experienced men can distinguish these gems from any other by the sense of touch alone. Even the fragments of a diamond show this feature in a marked degree. , , .. ^. Quartz crystals are rough along the edge and even the topaz, which is often mistaken by the inexperienced for a diamond, is rough compared to the latter gem. , 8 Diamonds are frequently found in fragments (chips and •cleavvage) of all shapes, sizes and colours, but with the excep- tion of shape the above description is applicable to these equally as well as to perfect stones. SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS Colour.— Prom white or colourless passing through yellow, red, orange, green, blue, or brown to black. The three first- mentioned colours are common, the others rare. It is also trans- parent and translucent. Form. Octohedron (eight-sided), dodecahedral (twelve- sided), most frequent, but mackle or flat twin crystals are some- times found, and in all mines a proportion of the diamonds are found in a fragmentary form, known as chips and cleavage. Hardness. — Exceeding that of all other known substances. The nearest to the diamond in hardness is corundum or emery, the topaz and quartz following in succession. Consequently the diamond will scratch all other minerals, but cannot be scratched by any of them. See Hardness Table. Lustre. Most noticeable in clear stones of any colour, but occasionally obscured by a thin skin or covering. Note. — A piece of clear alum, filed to the shape of a diamond, and then sucked for a few moments, is a very good imitation, in colour and lustre, of a good white stone. Gravity. Exceeding that of most other gems, but less than that of the sapphire, topaz, zircon and garnet. See Gravity Table. Electrical Properties. — Negative, but becomes electrical by friction and will retain this property for about thirty minutes. Feel. -Soapy to the touch. This is most marked, and is a characteristic belonging solely to the diamond amongst gems. Boart is generally of a greyish or lead colour, has a rounded form, and often a number of small fragments are aggregated together, forming clusters, or enclosing crystals. Its hardness exceeds that of the diamond itself, slightly, but its specific gravity is less : 3.15. It has a greasy lustre, and is smooth to the touch like a diamond. Boart is occasionally found in lumps of considerable size. Kimberley Mine produced a piece over GOO carats in weight. Crystals or fragments of crystals useless as gems are alsQ ■called boart in the diamond trade. (Dana.) CARBON OR CARBONADO (BLACK DIAMOND). This mineral has not yet been identified in the South African Diamond Mines. What is called carbon here is in reality either ilmenite (titantic iron) or magnetite (magnetic iron). Brazilian carbon is massive with crystalline structure, some- times granular to compact, without cleavage. Hardness is greater than with the crystals (of diamond) and it is less brittle, its specific gravity is less, due in part to slight porosity. Lustre resinous to adamantine, colour black or greyish black. It is Found occasionally in large masses up to 731 carats. (Dana.) There are gradual transitions from the perfectly crystallized diamond through various forms imperfectly crystallized or made up of several individuals to [the true boart, and again between the boart and carbonado, HOW TO IDENTIFY A DIAMOND. The first test to be applied to any stone which may be con- sidered a diamond is to try its hardness. For this purpose a glazier's diamond is of great service. If the stone can only be scratched by exerting considerable pressure, the probability is that it is the gem sought for, but in order to decide this point definitely, it will be as well to apply a few more tests. The gravity may be approximately ascertained by dropping ^ the specimen into a small phial containing about loz. of " Gravity'' solution This most valuable solution, useful for determining the comparative gra\ity of a great number of m'nerals, can be obtained from Messrs. Taylor &amp; Co., chemists, Von Brandis Square, of any required density, prepared in ounce bottles. It is a strong poison and must be used with great caution. The method" of determining the comparative gravity is to drop the mineral into the solution ; if of greater specific gravity than the liquid it will sink to the bottom, if of less it will float. For testing the gravity of diamonds the solution should have a sp.g. of not less than 3.1. If the specimen floats on the surface of the lquid it may be discarded as worthless If it sinks to the bottom rapidly it is either a diamond, sapphire, topaz, or a zircon, but if in addition to its sinking in the fluid it will stand the hardness test, no further examination will be necessary — it will prove to be a diamond right enough. Both the topaz and zircon are soft compared to the diamond. The former is 8 in the scale of hardness, the zircon 7.5, the dia- Another test is its electrical properties. A diamond becomes strongly electrical when rubbed, and will then attract light ob- jects, such as a small piece of paper. Other uncut gems do not exhibit this property. The sense of touch plays a considerable part in the identifi- cation of a diamond, but experience is necessary before this can be relied upon. No other mineral crystal feels so smooth and soapy to the touch as the diamond, even if in a rough state or in 1 its most fragmentary form, as well as when in the shape of a most perfect ciystal MINERALS MISTAKEN FOR THE DIAMOND. 13 _ ?° gUi i e Ca ? v e give ? with re « ard t0 colour &gt; though the greater number of diamonds are white, colourless, or yellow. MINERALS WHICH MAY BE MISTAKEN FOR THE Quartz.— This mineral crystallises in a different form from the diamond. When perfect, a quartz crystal has six sides, and each end has six triangles (generally varying in size) which con- verge into a point. It is much softer and lighter in gravity It can be scratched easily with a glaziers diamond, and will float on the surface of the " Gravity solution " of a gravity of ?,A. See Gravity luble. It has not the lustre of the diamond, though exceptional crystals of quartz are lustrous to a considerable extent. Topaz.— Is equal to the diamond in gravity, but can be scratched with ease by a glazier's diamond, and though colourless is generally deficient in lustre and is Hat in shape. The Zircon. -Is much heavier than the diamond, is lustrous to a marked degree, but is rarely white, generally light yellow and can be easily scratched with a diamond. Note. -A stone found in the Monastery Mine was so like a diamond m shape and lustre, that it puzzled a number of ex- perienced men. On the tests of hardness and gravity ilTfailed utterly, and was found to be a zircon. 14 THE DIAMOND. THE MINERALS WHICH ARE FOUND IN COMPANY WITH THE DIAMONDS OF SOUTH AFRICA. Diamond!? are mined in two different classes of rock :— 1st The alluvial gravels found along the hanks of the Vaal River and some of its trihutanes. 2nd. The volcanic pipes containing the mineral known as " Kimberlite." , , . ... , i , l4 . These are so distinct from each other that, they wiU be dealt with separately later on, this chapter being devoted to a bnet dSripSon of the chief minerals which accompany the diamond, both in the river gravels and volcanic pipes. Foremost amongst these is the beautifully coloured garnet without which the diamond has not yet been discovered here Composed of allumina and silica, tinted by per-oxide of iron, these stones, which on account of then- beauty, ma) almost be classed as gems, are of a deep red colour generalh , though there are varieties such as Essonite, called cinnamon stone on account of its resembling that spice in colour ; Grossulante which is green, and several others of different colours. Those found in company with the diamond arc generally o a deep red colour, and belong principally to the variety caUed « Pyrope," and are frequently much rounded .n» though the) had been subjected to a considerable amount ol friction. Th»w • peculiarity of this variety of garnet. It is found in the Tvrol of the same form, and also accompanying serpentine rocks, as in the diamond pipes of South Africa. Garnets are abundant m the volcanic pipes, but less so in the alluvial deposits. CAEBON— This name was given to the small black fragments of ilmenite which are found accompanying the diamond. It iw a black mineral, glossy where fractured, occurring somet nuts in distinct cystalline form, though generally fragmentary It! hasa cferoncttdal (shell-like) fracture, and a specific gravity surpassing that of the diamond (4.5). „ . f j- Occasionally, as in the Monastery Mine, carbon is found in nieces of over one pound in weight. , P The mineral called " carbon " here must not be confounded with the true " carbon " or " carbonado which is found m the Brazilian Mines. , , • t f he latter is of sufficient hardness to be employed in rock drilling, whereas the former is a soft and brittle mineral, tor which no use has yet been discovered. Olivine (green stone of the miners) An emerald green stone generally found in small fragments only, but invariably accompanying the diamond in the volcanic pipes. It can be scratched with a knife, is brittle, and has a sp. gravity about equal to that of the diamond (3.5). MlCA.-— A variety of Mica called " vaalite " in mineralogy. This mineral was identified in the diamond pipes of South Africa by Messrs. Maskelyne and Plight, before whose discovery it was unknown ; the name " vaalite is after the Vaal River. It differs from other micas in several important respects which were considered sufficient to entitle it to a distinct name. It is of a brownish colour, not yellow or black like" phlogo- pite" or "biotite," and it also differs from the variety known as '• muscovite," from which the large sheets are obtained. It is generally intersected by a large number of fine lines running parallel with each other, and occurs in small plates only ; these, however, show a distinct lamination similar to that of the other Magnetite or magnetic iron is also found in the diamond deposits of both classes. It cannot readily be distinguished from the mineral called " carbon ' though it is duller in lustre and often cubical in form. In the alluvial gravels many " agates," " carnelians," " cats eyes," and stem-like " zeolites " are found in addition to the minerals already mentioned. Most of these appear to have been derived either from the decomposition of the diabase amygda- loids, through which the Vaal River travels for a great number of miles, or from the destruction of the pipe " amygdaloids of the Drakensberg, which would free the stem-like zeolites. The matrix which contains the diamond and associated minerals in the volcanic pipes, is a variety of serpentine derived from the decomposition of a rock rich in olivine and known in mineralogy as " Kimberlite.' 16 THE DIAMOND. THE DIAMOND BEARING DEPOSITS AND ROCKS. THE RIVER GRAVELS. Diamonds were first found associated with certain isolated patches of gravel along the banks of the Vaal and Orange The principal of these were situated below the town of Christiana on the Vaal, and near Hopetown on the Orange River though occasionally diamonds have been picked up as high up the former river as Boshoff. Many patches of diamond bearing gravel were found near Klipdrift (now Barkly), and on the Pneil Mission Grounds on the Free State side of the Vaal River. There are also isolated patches of gravel in which diamonds have been found on the Modder River below its junction with the Reit, and also in the bed of a small creek which enters the Sand River, near Rheuoster Kop, in the Kronstad district of the River gravels produce diamonds of great purity and good size, but the yield is comparatively low and the finds most erratic. Few fortunes have been made at the River Diggings, and there are not many miners at work on the river at present. There does not appear to be any true indication of the pre- sence of the diamond in the river gravels. Carbon and garnets occur, but in lesser quantity than in the " dry diggings." ^ River miners will explain the peculiarities of the diamond bearing gravels as distinguished from the barren deposits, but these indications are more imaginary than real, and are of little value to the prospector. As the river diamonds were probably derived from the des- truction of a diamondiferous pipe, situated somewhere in the river channel, it is natural to assume that the diamonds will be most unevenly distributed and be associated with any alluvial deposit which has lodged along the banks of the stream. The stones generally accompanying the diamond in th alluvial gravels are described in chap, ii., page 14. THE DRY DIGGINGS. 17 THE VOLCANIC PIPES OR CHIMNEYS, KNOWN AS THE DRY DIGGINGS. The bulk of the diamonds found in South Africa are derived from the volcanic pipes or chimneys which are found scattered These occur in different geological formations and are not confined to any particular stratum or period. They are generally irregularly circular in shape, of limited extent and surrounded by barren country rock. They are true volcanic pipes and chimneys, which have served as the vents for the passage of molten or muddy material from subterranean reservoirs. The theories of the formation of diamonds form a most interesting subject, but one which cannot be dealt with in so small a volume as this, nor are they of any practical interest What he has to deal with is the economic side of the ques- tion. For his purpose the following description of the mineral will be of more service. It is, however, somewhat difficult to describe the peculiarities of the diamond bearing mineral in such language as will be easily understood by those not accustomed to mi nero logical terms. Firstly it must be understood that the different diamond mines, though situated many miles apart, all contain the same class of mineral which is known as " Kimberlite ' by mineralogists. In all the know r n mines there is a distinct difference between what is known as " yellow ground ' and the " blue." The former is situated near the surface, and is in reality the decomposed or much weathered portion of the " blue," which again is the partially weathered form of the extremely hard mineral —of the same composition as the " blue,' but much harder -known by diggers as " hard bank." ' Hard bank ' is no doubt the original and true diamond bearing rock. All these varieties occur in the different mines in greater or less proportion. In the Kimberley Mine the blue was struck at about 100 feet, and the diggers thought they had reached bed rock when they found so great an alteration in the mineral they were operating on. In other mines the depth varied with the amount of decomposition to which the mineral had been subjected. In the most recent discovery, " Rietfonteift," the yellow ground is limited to a few feet in thickness. In their order of occurrence these different stages ol the ^diamond bearing mineral will be described. 18 THE DIAMOND. As its name denotes this mineral is of a light yellow colour, easily crushed to pieces in the hand (incoherent), made up prin- cipally of decomposed olivine and other serpentinuous matter, and it invariably contains garnets, carbon, a peculiar brown mica (Vaalite) in small flakes, an emerald green mineral known by the diggers as olivine or " green stone." All these minerals may be in small fragments scarcely discemable to the naked eye, or in large lumps the size of walnuts or larger, as in the Monastery Mine. If a piece of yellow ground is cruslied between the finger and thumb and rubbed for a few seconds a peculiar greasy feel is- Though several minerals give the same results, they are- generally laminated, like mica shales, or leafy like talc, whereas the " yellow " is earthy and massive and does not show any lines of stratification or bedding. If the prospector finds a deposit of mineral which is not stratified but massive, is of a light yellow colour, has a greasy feel when crushed in the hand, contains garnets, carbon, olivine, and thin small scales of brown-coloured mica, he may proceed to search for diamonds with a good prospect of finding them. Naturally it is by no means absolutely necessary that all of these minerals must be present, but there does not appear to be one- mine in the country in which they are not found accompanying the diamond, and consequently, as they are in all cases, far more abundant than the diamond itself, they will be more readily found, and therefore can be taken as a fair guide to the position of a diamond pipe. By the aid of these indicators the Rietfon- tein pipe and several other diamond mines were discovered. This i« in reality the same mineral as the " yellow ground," but it has been less affected by the action of the weather, perco- lating waters, and other agents of decomposition. It contains the same minerals, though in the blue the different fragments of mineral matter can be more plainly distinguished by the naked eye. It is, as its name denotes, of a bluish colour when fresh, but changes to grey upon exposure, and it also crumbles to pieces under the influence of the sun and rain, or when exposed to the atmosphere for a length of time, varying with the stage of decomposition it is in. It contains all the minerals which are found in the yellow ground, garnets, carbon, olivine, mica, and it has the same greasy feel when rubbed in the palm, HARD BANK, OIL " HARDI-BANK" It is rarely exposed on the surface of the ground, but occurs- at a depth which varies in every mine. The Rietfontein Mine is the only one in which the blue was found actually outcropping on, HARD BANK, OR " HARDI-BANK." See plate 1 , fig. 2. This is the parent rock in which diamonds are contained. Blue and yellow ground are hard bank in different degrees of de- composition. It contains the same minerals in a fresher or less decomposed condition than they are in the yellow or blue ground. There is also a peculiar zoning of all the minerals in the " hard bank " which is noticeable to a lesser extent in the blue, but is absent in the yellow ground. That is to say, each different fragment of mineral matter of any size is generally surrounded by a ring or zone of a different colour composed of the altered mineral itself. A fragment of olivine is surrounded by a zone of serpentine (altered olivine). A fragment of diabase is surrounded by decomposed diabase, and so oir : so that the mineral appears as if it were composed of a number of rounded or subangular fragments each with a ring surrounding it. The greasy feel is absent irr hard bank, because the mineral is not sufficiently decomposed. Every diamond bearing pipe contains numerous fragments, and in some instances large boulders of foreign material, hardened shales, sandstones, igneous rocks, and occasionally granite. Many of these have evidently been carried up during the ascen- sion of the original mass, but some, such as the shales, appear to have tumbled into the pipes from the strata surrounding them— while still their contents were in a semi-liquid state. All these foreign masses have undergone a certain amount of alteration, especially round their edges. The Kimberley Mine had a large mass, composed principally of shale, similar to that surrounding the mine, situated near its centre, and continuing downward until the blue ground was reached, when it disappeared, (See section of Kimberley Mine). Very few diamonds were found in the blue ground with which these masses of shale were mixed up. 20 THE DIAMOND. •GEOLOGICAL POSITION OF THE VARIOUS DIAMOND The gravels in which diamonds are found along the Vaal River belong to deposits which are slightly older than the gravels of the present river bed, and they probably represent the position which the stream occupied in past times, before it had excavated its present channel. No animal remains or other evidences have been found by which their age could be identified with any degree of certainty. The pipes or chimneys in which diamonds occur lie in strata of different geological ages. The last discovered — the — is situated in an older series of rocks than any of the Outcropping in a stratum of the Magaliesberg quartzites, by which rock it is almost surrounded, it is associated with what is generally supposed to be carboniferous rocks, though they do not contain any coal beds, but insignificant layers of graphite. These do not, however, come to daylight in the vicinity of the mine, and their nearest outcrop is apparently the Wonderboom Poort, near Pretoria. The Rietfontein diamond pipe is especially interesting as being the first diamond mine found in the Transvaal, the furthest in distance from the Kimberley group, and to its being situated in an older geological period than any of the other mines. In geological position the group of diamond pipes of which KIMBERLEY AND DE BEERS are the best known, are the next in upward succession. They are situated in the lower portion of the Ecca or Lower Karoo beds, which series is, however, of no great thickness there, dwyka conglomerate and Qtiartzite occurring, the former at a depth of about GOO feet and the latter at some dis- tance lower dovyn. Several of the pipes in the Kimberley group were covered with limestone tufa. This was especially the case with regard to Kimberley Mine itself, and Wesselton, near Du TohVs Pan. When, however, the fact is taken into consideration that the ^western portion of the Orange Free State and Griqualand West, is to a large extent similarly covered, this occurrence of lime on the surface, and overlying the diamond mines, is of no consequence so far as the mine itself is concerned, though it adds to the diffi- culty of prospecting and hides the diamond pipe from view. OEOL.QCICAL. POSITION OF "THE DIFFERENT D I A MONO MINES iPE Amygdaloid Cave: Sandstone an. Mol.te.no Beds B EA U FORT jr=J-zr-J-~-rr3 Ecoa Beds lwyka 1 lOmerate! Maca Ll ESBERC Quartz itcS DO LO MITE CONCL OMERATE5 Schist S Uncon fqrmity 1 RlETFONTEIN. 2. KlMBKRLEY. 3. Jagersfontein. 4. Robinson. 5. Monastery. J A GERSFON TEIN. Special mention is here made of this lime deposit because there appears to be a general opinion that a diamond mine must necessarily have such a covering, and the Rietfontein discovery was regarded with scepticism because the lime was wanting thereon. &amp; JAGERSFONTEIN. t Beaufort beds are the prevailing rocks near Jagersfontein which is consequently associated with a younger period than In the next series in upward succession there is the Kaal Valley group (Robinsons) and the Driekoppies Mine in the KronstaH district. Coal beds outcrop in the neighbourhood of both these mines and fossil evidence as well as characteristics of the rocks point to the Molteno or coal bearing strata as the system with which thev ™^T F , iim]ly ' the M0NA STERY and its neighbour the CARMEL MINE are both in the lower or red bed portion of the Cave Sand- stone period, and consequently appear in the .youngest sedimentary beds on the plateau of the Orange Free State. The Monas- tery is higher than any of the other mines. It is 5,700 feet above the sea, Rietfontein being 5,000 feet Robin- sons about 4,G15, Jagersfontein 4,750, and Kimberley about 4,012. J t It will be seen from the foregoing that diamond mines occur m Southern Africa in all geological periods ranging between the Devonian and the Cave Sandstone or Jurassic. That they are confined to no particular stratum or series, nor are they asso- ciated with any one sedimentary bed, geological horizon or alti- tude. They occur scattered about the country with nothing definite to guide the searcher as to their position, except certain peculiar mineral features or minute fragments of the minerals found in company with the diamond. When the earlier discoveries of diamond pipes were made there was a tendency on the part of the miners to limit the possi- ble area &lt; ver which diamond mines would be found to a small circle round Kimberley. The discovery of the Monastery Mine has placed beyond the region of doubt the fact that a diamond mine may occur in any one of the strata which is iound lower than the pipe ajnygdaloid of the Drakensberg, and this increases the prospecting area to a practically unlimited extent- Rumours of diamond mines being found in the Waterber&lt;* and Zoutpansberg, have undoubtedly a foundation of fact to sup* port the many stories which are brought down from those parts- by prospectors, and there is every probability that these gems will be discovered there in the near future. -22 THE DIA MONO. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT DIAMOND MINES ORDER OF THEIR DISCOVERY. BULTFONTEIN MINE. The existence of diamonds in the area lying between the Vaal and Modder Rivers was discovered through the farmers being induced to collect stones and submit them to the inspec- tion of Mr. Hond,who was under the impression that the diamonds in the Vaal River gravels were derived from some centre which would prove to be a mine. Amongst the collections was a couple of bottles full of pebbles which had been picked up near the homestead on the Farm Bultfontein. These were submitted to Mr E E Hurley, Jacobsdaal, and Mr. Hond discovered therein one small diamond. A week later Mr. Lilienfeld, together with Messrs. Hurley, Hond and Webb, purchased the farm, and the public were allowed to search for diamonds on the surface, where fragmentary and imperfect stones were discovered m great quantities. ... The Bultfontein Mine, from the surface downwards, is simi- lar in many respects to the other leading mines of the Ki mberley oroup, in having a few patches of lime tufa underlying the red surface soil. The vellow ground continued downwards for about 100 feet in portions of the mine. The notable characteristics of the Bultfontein Diamond Mine lies in the preponderance of garnet and greenstone rather than of carbon ; the latter is plenti- ful, however, as is also topaz (Dutch Boart), agate, carbon, and numerous crystals, are found. The yield ranges from 7 carats to 40 carats per 100 loads. In general appearance a large number of the stones found at Bultfontein are octohedron m shape, and frosted in appearance. To a novice a parcel of Bultfontein dia- monds would appear of very superior quality owing to their whiteness. Closer examination shows that the majority of these white stones are spotted, and their value much lessened in con- sequence. Owing mainly to this detrimental feature Bultfontein diamonds usually fetch a lower price all round than those from other mines of the Kimberley group. Large diamonds are also rare at Bultfontein, seldom occurring over 50 carats in weight, and then generally of a straw colour. As in all diamond mines the ground is very patchy, certain portions of the mine are rich in diamonds, whilst others in close proximity are poor. In the extreme north-east corner of the mine the yellow ground was extremely poor, and the quality of the diamonds bad, I)l r WITS PAN—JAGERSFONTEIN. whereas a hundred yards to the south or south-west, the yield was from 30 to 40 carats per 100 loads and the diamonds of good •quality. This serves to demonstrate the important fact that no particular spot can be accepted as a true indication of the average value of a diamond mine, and suggest to the prospector the ad visability of sinking holes or shafts in all quarters of the mine before giving up all hope of success. Patchiness is a characteris- tic of all the diamond mines of South Africa. DU TOIT'S PAN. This mine lies immediately eastward of Bultfontein, and it is probable that the separation of these two mines are more imaginary than real, and that they are connected underground. The diamonds found in this mine are generally good in shape, free from flaws, but of a bad colour. The deposit differs but little from that of Bultfontein, and the blue ground was reached .at about the same distance down. The extent of this mine ex- ceeds that of any other diamondiferous pipe, and it is question- able whether its limits are rearly known even yet. It is very The discovery of the Jagersfontein Mine was prior to that of Kimberley, but as the owner thought himself quite equal to working the mine, no one was allowed to acquire claims Soon, however, he recognised the advantages of allowing others to assist him, and to peg out claims. The mine is situated amidst dolerite hills with an open flat piece of country to the south. The drainage water from these hills, flowed in a channel cut through the western portion of the mine, and it was in this that diamonds were first, found. The mine was covered on the western side by a thick deposit of black .alluvial soil, whilst the eastern portion lay on the slope of a hill and in parts had a slight covering of lime tufa. On opening the mine it was found that the greater part of it was buried beneath what is known as " floating shale," in which but few diamonds were found, and these only in small pockets of yellow ground con- tained in the shale. The shale dipped towards the eastern side of the mine, but was not one solid mass, containing in places several claims of a deep yellow looking ground, in which diamonds were found. The mine was more open and quite free of float shale to the west and south, and it was this portion which was worked with varying success. A peculiar feature in the Jagersfontein Mine was the varying nature of the diamondiferous material, in some parts the yellow ground was extremely sandy with hard nodules 24 THE DIAMOND. of the mineral cemented together by lime. In other parts a golden yellow ground occurred, which was so soft that without ex- erting much force a pick could be driven in to it up to the eye. Besides the two kinds mentioned there were several others, and as their nature varied, so did the yield in diamonds. It was no unusual thing in the yellow ground, for a digger to find 8 or 10 carats in 40(Hoads one day, and on the next from the same amount uf stuff to recover from 50 to 80 carats. J he erratic yield of diamonds in the yellow ground was the cause ot many failures in the early development of this mine from 1867 to 1884.. Fresh capital was put into the mine and the blue ground worked. It was found that the yield from this was much more regular than from the yellow, and at the present day the rate is from 1 1 to 13 carats per 100 loads, valued at from 37s. 6d. to 40s per carat The diamonds from this mine are superior to those ot any other mine in South Africa, a perfect gem is quite equal to a first- class Brazilian stone. Besides these first-water stones, fancy coloured ones are found, chief amongst which are brilliant choco- late coloured gems. The associated minerals are often large, and what are known as &lt; burnt" garnets of a very large size are frequent whilst some of the largest diamonds from bouth Africa were obtained from this mine. It would almost appear as if one could anticipate finding large diamonds when the associated minerals are of abnormal size. The blue ground is easily pulverised, though like all other mines " hardbank " is encountered which will not decompose under'any condition. The diamond pipe is enclosed by columnar dolerite in a more or less decomposed state, but it stands well so that the digging operations are not often retarded by falls ot so-called " reef" into the mine. The associated minerals are similar to those of other mines, but the stone known as " Dutch Boart," which in reality is a topaz, is plentiful. Close to the Jagersfontein pipe, and north-west of it, a small pipe exists, known as " Rose's Mine," but it seems still doubtful if diamonds occur there in any quantity. One or two efforts were made to work it, but these were disastrous failures. Six or eight miles to the east of the Jagersfontein a pipe called the " Contatville " was opened in the early eighties, but it proved to be a complete " duffer," and contained no dia- monds. It was worked for a short time, and an ineffectual effort was made to create some enthusiasm over its discovery, but it was soon abandoned and is now almost forgotten. The mineral matter in the " Contatville " pipe is extremely micacious, and its general appearance indictes its poverty in the OLD DE BEERS—THE KIMBERLEY MINE. iS OLD DE BEER'S lies about two miles from Bultfontein on the farm Vooraitzicht; It is similar to the other mines in general characteristics, but differs in having an intrusive dyke known as the Snake Rock running through it in a serpentine course. The mine was originally worked in patches, such as Schwab's Gully and others, and for a time it was almost abandoned. De Beers has yielded a large number of good stones and many of It is named after the original owner of the farm Vooruitzicht (de Beer) upon which both it and the Kimberley Mine are situated. The yield per 100 loads is about 80 carats, and the value per carat 27/-. No mine is better known to the public than this valuable diamond pipe. It was discovered on the loth dav of July, 1871— -a red letter day in the history of the Cape Colony. The diamond mines previously discovered had, at this time, arrived at a critical stage of their existence, owing to the want of system in their develop- When Kimberley Mine was laid out into claims the Commis- sioner (Captain Finlayson) adopted -by the advice of the more intelligent and far seeing diggers- a S3 : stem of roadways which, ran from north to south through the mine, and which greatly facilitated its development. Each claimholder allowed 7 feet (J inches of his ground to. remain unworked, and by this means roadways 15 feet wide in- tersected the mining area and enabled the diggers to remeve the spoil from their claims to the sorting places. Gradually as the workings deepened these roadways were removed, and then the mineral was elevated to the sides of the great pit by means of windlasses, and later on by engine-power. Mounds and hillocks formed from the discarded material and sorted ground, grew in size and magnitude around the mine until the level landscape was transformed into one in which the white tents of the diggers were relieved by a number of grey coloured gravel hills. The surface of the ground which hid the Kimberley Mine from view presented no indication of the great wealth beneath. A slight rise on the sandy plain, a few kameel thorn trees, and some patches of limestone, were all that struck the eye in glanc- ing over the great expanse of barren territory in which it i&amp; situated. A more uninteresting or dreary spot can scarcely be 2« THE DIAMOND. The late Mr. Fleetwood Rawstorne, of Colesberg, was the discoverer of this mine. He found a diamond after about a week's work, and the place was rushed by the diggers from the neighbouring mines. In an incredibly short space of time a mining camp with a population of 20,000 souls spread over the plain, and work proceeded with such vigor, as had never been previously witnessed on the Diamond Fields. Diamonds were found in great quantities in some parts of the mine, though other portions were exceedingly poor. In the centre and at the west -end diamonds were scarce, so much so, that a huge pillar of value- ess ground remained standing in the centre of the mine, until it- endangered the lives of the workmen in its vicinity. The richest spots were along the southern and the eastern poition, though the north side had some valuable patches. The sectional drawing, plate 3, fig. 1 , is copied from a larger ■one found among the papers of the late Mr. G. W. Stow, F.G.S., who sketched it at the time when the miners had reached the It represents the principal features of the mine. The cover- ing ot red sand lying upon white tufaceous limestone and suc- ceeded by the yellow, and finally the blue ground and the great -central mass of shale are clearly illustrated in this graphic sec- The tilt of the strata surrounding the mine is also shown. is of great extent and is poor in yield of diamonds, the richest ground producing only 5 carats per 1 00 loads, while the average from the claims now being worked, is barely 4 carats. This mine •affords another illustration of the patchiness of diamond pipes. Fully one-half of it being extremely poor, not yielding more than .2 carats per 100 loads. There is a great similarity between the mineral of this mine ;and that contained in the Bultfontein pipe. Garnets and green- stone predominating, while carbon is less plentiful. A striking- peculiarity of both these mines is the apparent absence of all affinity between the carbon and garnets, where the former is plentiful the garnet is scarce and vice versa, but in no case does the number of diamonds appear to be affected by the abundance or scarcity of either the carbon and garnet. THE MONASTERY DIAMOND MINE. This takes its name from the Farm on which it is situated, and which lies at the north base of the Clocolan Mountain, in the District of Winburg and about 36 miles distant from that BBBBWiiili itn n i iiiiiiihi n nitfiiiniiiAiifiiii n iriumtrmii miij- aiiirrmi""r~r rnr ^Tr -~~ mimi ArfiiifmiTHtl — *" ■^Maowawaawaap Plate 3, Pia. 1. THE KJMBERLY DIAMOND MINE IN 1871, after G. W. Stow. F. G. S. Jf R£D EARTH VdNS. "ACMtNTj or SHALE. or DIABASE. - 1 -+■&lt; , «V* RED S *i|&lt;- $# LIME TUFA Horizontal ll n = 15QFt. V^rttc^i lin- Sort :±V r t- -i- 3 - r - -) - -x-[ •;• ' '.'i-r ■ ■▼ . •* a - \&gt;^_v| »•• v— , — L / £. .1 _ ( i. 1£ I jr.1~ — L ~ — 4 Jr*fa Plate 3, Pig. 2. THE RIETFONTEIN (PRETORIA) MINE. ED SOI U ELLOW GROUND THE NONA STER Y DIAMOND MINE. 27 The existence of diamonds were determined about 25 years .-ago, a farmer, who named the mine " Viljoen's Rush," by which title it is still known to the farmers locally. This mine has had a most unfortunate career, owing princi- pally to incompetent management and obsolete machinery The diamonds found there are generally of good quality, and some have realised high prices, but the yield has fluctuated between 6 carats and 20 carats per 100 loads. The most interesting features about this diamond mine are that it is situated in the highest sedimentary deposit on the great inland plateau, that it is 5,700 feet above sea level, and that there are evidences of its having been worked at some time previous to the discovery of diamonds in South Africa. Human remains and iron implements have been unearthed from a depth of about 25 feet, and the whole surface of the mine appears to have been turned over to an average depth of about 10 het Evidence collected from native sources points to the working of this mine by the Basutos to obtain the black glittering fragments •of carbon for the decoration of the Basuto ladies, but not to any mining for diamonds. At the present time a certain amount of carbon is sold annually to the Basutos, and they state that for about a century past they have been in the habit of obtaining their supplies of this article of female adornment from this spot The " carbons " and " garnets " obtained from the Monas- tery are phenomenally large, many of the former weighing ever one pound, and aggregations of the latter equal to about 6lbs. in The yellow and blue ground are not distinctly separated as in other mines, and there are large masses of "hard bank" in both the blue and yellow up to within a short distance of the In this instance again there was no outward sign of the existence of a diamond mine, the small shallow valley which runs parallel with the side of the Clocolan Mountain, was about the last place a prospector would look for a diamond mine : but the old workings visible as small mounds, but slightly elevated above the surface, yielded a few scattered carbons and garnets, and these gave the prospector (Viljoen) sufficient evidence to induce him to sink, with the result that diamond bearing soil was ex- There is no mine in the country that has greater possibilities than this one. Hitherto the workings have been confined to one small isolated portion of the property, notwithstanding the fact that the diamondiferous ground is known to cover an area which would indicate that this is the largest pipe &gt; yet discovered in South 28 THE DIAMOND. It is possible that the portion which has been operated upon is the most barren in the mine, and that there are rich spots as there are in all other mines. With vigorous and efficient management the Monastery Mine will some day take a leading part in the diamond output of the Orange Free State. Its yield has varied from 6 to 20 carats per 100 loads. Some of the diamonds found in this mine have been classed with the best Brazilian stones. THE ROBINSON DIAMOND MINE. This mine, from which so much was expected, but* which has not yet proved to be remunerative, is situated on the Farm Kaal Valley in the District of Ventersburg, and about 12 miles north-west from the Ventersburg Road Station of the Orange Free State line of railway. m The geological period in which this volcanic diamondiferous pipe appears on the surface is at the base of the Molteno beds, and consequently its orifiice is in a younger strata than that of Kimberley and Jagersfontein. Surrounding the mine there arc layers oi shale and sand- stone tilted on the north side to an angle of about 45 degrees as in the Kimberley mine. The mine is roughly oval in shape, and the longer axis of the oval lies in the direction north-east and south-west. . There was no indication of the existence ot a diamond mine on the surface of the ground, which was composed of chocolate- coloured soil. No limestone lay on the surface, neither was there an encircling ring of greenstone such as is generally sup- posed to indicate the presence of a pipe. The existence of the diamond was first suspected by the discovery of pieces of carbon, found in the earth that had been brought to the surface by an ant bear, and this was sufficient to encourage the prospectors to sink, with the result that a number of diamonds of good quality were discovered, and the mine was ultimately sold to the Robinson Diamond Mining Company. The yellow ground in this mine reached a depth of about 40 feet, when blue ground, identical with that of the Kimberley Mine, was struck. The Robinson mineis not yet in the outputstage, the yield per load is unknown, but trial washings gave about 8 carats per 100 loads. The diamonds were of superior quality. RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA. That diamondiferoiis pipes should exist so far distant from the centres which had been discovered in the^Bftrlf days of RIBTFONTEIN. PRETORIA . mining was generally disbelieved. The Robinson and Driekoppies Mines proved the extension of the area in which they might be sought for beyond its originally circumscribed limits, but the discovery of the Rietfontein Mine was a revelation t&lt;&gt; geologists as well as to miners. The discovery of this mine is another instance of the triumph of science over dogmatism. Blue ground could not possibly exist on the surface was an article of the diamond diggers creed, and therefore even experienced men overlooked the small patch of hard blue ground which cropped up through the Magaliesberg * quartzites, and ridiculed the idea that a diamond mine could be found therein. Kimberley and most of the better known mines were in the shales, and there was no shale at Rietfontein. The white lime was missing on the surface and the surround- ing ring was wanting, but the discoverers had recognised the true character of the mineral, and they remained unshaken in their • opinion, even when opposed by men of great experience. Finally, diamonds were found in quantity, and the results are most gratifying to Messrs. Draper and Frames, whose connection with this discovery was published in the local papers in September, 1897, to the owners, and to prospectors in general, to whose investigations a new field has been opened. Mr. Frames discovered the first diamond in washing the yellow ground, though the owner of the farm (Mr. van der Merwe) had picked up a small stone on the surface near the present mine Rietfontein Mine differs in many respects, as shown above, from the majority of diamond mines. The mineral in which the diamonds are found is not quite the same in appearance, though it is of similar composition to that of other mines. There is but a small quantity of yellow ground at Rietfon- tein, and " hard bank " is the form of the bulk of the mineral. There is little hope of softer mineral being reached, and greater probability that the density of the hard bank will increase. This will necessitate the employment of crushing machinery similar to that in use at some of the other mines. Rietfontein is probably the smallest diamondiferous pipe that has yet been discovered, but it also appears to be phenomenally rich, though the bulk of the diamonds found hitherto are not of very good quality, and a large proportion are fragmentary. Section 2, Plate 3 shows a section across the Rietfontein Aline from south to north at the time of its discovery. 3o THE DIAMOND. HOW TO PROSPECT FOR DIAMONDS AND THE PLANT" REQUIRED.— By M. E. Frambs. When the prospector decides upon investigating a certain area, he should be provided with the ( necessary appliances and implements to conduct his operations in a systematic and work- manlike manner. In addition to the ordinary prospecting gear of picks, shovels, etc., he should have three sieves of different meshes to be used as will be pointed out later on. The one sieve should be coarse enough to allow a stone of the size of a very large pea to pass through, the next in size to allow stones as big as large pins heads to pass, whilst the third one should be so fine as to allow of the free passage of mud and sand only. These three sizes the prospector will find sufficient for all practi- cal purposes. Having procured his outfit the next question is which is the most likely locality to search for diamonds. Natur- ally the choice falls on'those districts where diamond pipes are known to exist, as such localities are more likely to contain other mines which may possibly be hidden from view. As described in chapter VII, the diamond pipes appear to occur traversing the country in more or less straight lines. Wherever streams run through a farm, or dry dongas and valleys occur, the gravels contained in them should be systematically searched. The modus- operandi to be followed by the investigator will greatly depend upon the physical feature of the country, and also the distance of water from the ground under investigation and other circumstances. Should a stream occur on the property the gravel along its bed and banks should be first put through the coarse-sized sieve, and can either be ^S sieved direct into the next sized one, or on to a clear piece of ^X ground. After two or three hundred weight of gravel has been sifted, the intermediate sized sieve should be used, and then the finer to shake out the dust and sand. After this has been accomplished the intermediate sieve should be about half filled with gravel or ground, and vigorously shaken with a circular mo- tion inthe water. The matter in which this is done is to sink the sieve beneath the surface of the water, holding it in the hands and spinning it round from left to right, then from right to left, until the gravel contained in it is free of mud. The sieve should be moved backwards and forwards, as if it had an axle passed through its centre and it were being tinsted in a half circle, first to the right then the left. Either water in the stream can be used to pan in, or tubs provided for the pur- pose. When the gravel is free of mud the sieve should be shaken steadily up and down, and when it is evenly distributed over the HOW TO PROSPECT FOR DIAMONDS. 81 bottom, the up and down motion should gradually coase. On lifting the sieve from the water it should be held in a slanting posi- tion to allow the surplus water to run oft". An open space free of grass, should then be selected and the sieve turned completely over so as to expose the heavy gravel which has gravitated to the bottom of the sieve. This turning over of the sieve is not easily accom- plished and requires practice. The operator should let the sieve lightly rest in the palms of his hands and swing it away from his body, at the same time lifting it into such a position that it can readily be turned bottom upwards, after which it should be brought down smartly on the ground The prospector will find a kneeling position the most convenient to accomplish this feat. Whatever heavy material may exist will have gravitated to the bottom of the sieve by the process described above, and on its com- plete reversal will be found exposed to view on the surface. Each sieve thus dealt with must be carefully searched and its surface lightly scratched over. Pebbles which present any peculiarities should be taken and carefully inspected, crystals that appear to resemble the diamond should be submitted to the tests already mentioned in the earlier pages of this book. After the interme- diate ground has been treated the very fine sieve should be used, and this material should be more carefully dealt with than any of the coarser sizes. The prospector will do well to examine the proceeds of this seiving under a magnifying glass. Any carbons, garnets, or olivine crystals must be taken out and submitted to the mag- nifying glass so as to be certain of their genuineness. Should the prospector be fortnnate enough to find any of the minerals associated with the diamond in the stream, he should proceed further up along its course and try the gravels, sands, etc., and if these minerals are still en- countered, he should continue the operation until they cease to appear. He will now he certain that the mine is not far distant, and must be on one side or the other of the stream, or perhaps in its bed. He mnst now be careful and ascertain from which side of the stream these indica- tions of the diamond enter, after ascertaining which it is com- paratively easy to follow the trail until the mine is met with. Should the stream fail to show any indication of a diamond pipe in its vicinity, the dry courses cut by the rains, should be investi- gated, and some of the gravels carried to the nearest water and treated as has already been explained. After investigating all the hollows, valleys, streams, and dry dongas or water courses without encountering any encouraging results, the prospector should select certain areas and take these in rotation and examine them almost foot by foot. Some of the sand can be carried to the water and carefully panned in the finest sieve. The associ- 32 THE DIAMOND. &amp;ted minerals must be carefully sought for in these fine sands, ■as they are easily overlooked. The prospector need not be anxious to seek diamonds or the •associated mineials in the coarse gravel of the first sieve, as he is much more likely to be successful in the finer material. Diamonds •ot a large size are by no means so very plentiful, neither are large fragments of the associated minerals frequent, and much time is often lost in seeking these. The wash known to diamond miners as " fine sand," should receive the closest attention, and in our •experience has resulted in the greatest number of successes. In the event of failure in discovering the indications in the gravels and sands accumulated by the rush of water during the rainy season, the prospector must not be discouraged, as often the pipes are covered by superficial deposits such as sand, lime, etc., which tend to protect the mine from erasion in fiat countiy. It is always well for him to pay careful attention to soil thrown up by such burrowing animals as the ant bear, meercat, etc. These ■creatures have led to the discovery, in one or two instances, of diamond pipes which placed the fortunate finder in possession of great wealth. Every change in the prevailing colon 1 •of the soil should be noted, and the reason for such change care- fully investigated. The various colours given to the soil by the decomposition of different rocks cannot here be explained as it might confuse the prospector, and we shall therefore point out the most prominent features which might denote the existence of a mine. Perhaps the prospector on passing over the country notices one patch more or less circular in form, different in colour to the prevailing tint. The reason for this should be looked into and some of the sand panned at the nearest water to ascertain if any indications of the precious gems exist. Should nothing be found he can push his investigations further afield. On the other hand, if he finds the minerals he is in search of, he should at once sink a small shaft testing the gravel and sand every few feet as he sinks down. lie may, by this means, encounter the yellow ground, which has been des- cribed in a previous chapter Should such be the case, the pros- pector may now be certain of having hit upon a diamond pipe, and he is fully justified in spending a little capital in judiciously test- ing its richness in diamonds. This can be done by dry sifting three ot four loads of the stuff at the shaft, and then panning it in tubs provided for the purpose. By sifting out the sand by the dry process the water contained in the tubs will not be used up so soon, and grading the stuff to various sizes by the method already explained, will be found to be the quickest and mast convenient process of procedure. The tubs should be the two halvesof a hogshead, one being used to rough pan the ground in, whilst the other one should always be set aside with clean water fc*— HOW TO PROSPECT FOR DIAMONDS. to finish the panning, so as to thoroughly clean the wash, thereby minimising the chance of overlooking any diamonds. By this method it will be found that three or four tubs of water can be made to go a long way in case water is scarce or far distant. After manipulating the number of loads of ground mentioned, though perhaps no diamonds have been found, the prospector will be able to form some idea, by an inspection of the heavy deposit exposed on the overturned sieve full of ground, what prospect he has of rinding diamonds. Operations should not be confined to one locality, it is always an advantage to test the pipe in several places, for the sufficient reason that diamond mines are not of an even richness, some spots being much richer than others, whilst some are nearly barren. If diamonds are found those recovered from the surface soil should be kept separate from those actually taken from the vellow or blue ground. It should be noted that the first-mentioned souce is misleading, and in estimating the yield per 100 loads, the diamond matrix, or yellow ground, can alone supply the necessary data, as the surface soil probably contains many diamonds which have gravitated down, as the pipe has been slowly worn away under subrenal influences. If the results are encouraging, then a small rotary pan should be erected on a convenient spot near the mine, and systematic treatment ot the ground gone in for. It will not be necessary to give a des- cription of the machinery required, or how it is worked, for once having found a diamond mine, it is an easy task to obtain the services of a good practical man — and many of these are to be found — to direct and control the future operations. I trust the foregoing few hints to the seeker after wealth, together with the description of how to manipulate the sieves, will prove sufficiently clear and comprehensive to be of value to him I fully realise the difficulty of so exactly explaining the details of the modus operandi that it can be readily grasped by the unpractised person ; but I am convinced that any one, no matter how new to the process, will successfully handle the sieves if he will follow the instructions I have given. Our friend the "" new chum " need not be discouraged at failing to overturn the sieve without disturbing the gravitated contents, as success can only come with practice. If the prospector is only shown how gravitating the gravel and overturning the sieve is accomplished, he will be able to do it himself within a few hours, and within a week will he be an adept at it. All stones which resemble a diamond in any way should be put to one side for careful scrutiny later on, when some of the tests already given can be applied. It would be ^s well for the prospector who is unacquainted with the diamond to provide himself with a glazier's diamond. If the stone, suspected to be a diamond, is easily scratched then it is not the precious gem ; if scratched on great pressure being exerted it Ls probably one of the conundum family (sapphire) ; if marked without much difficulty, a topaz ; but if scratched with extreme difficulty or uot at all, it is a diamond. It would also be advis- able for the prospector to carry a few bits of garnets, carbon, olivine, etc., with him for the sake of comparison, and also to show to farmers and natives for the purpose of ascertaining if they know any locality where these minerals occur. It may happen that such a locality is known to the farmer or one of his cattle herdsmen and the prospector for a small remuneration may be led direct to the mine. A fragment of the yellow ground (oxidized mineral) and a piece of the " blue" will be found invaluable for the purpose of comparing with rocks in the field, and those not well up in the diamond matrix should provide themselves with tl^se and make themselves acquainted with their outward ap- The writer hopes that he has made himself sufficiently clear on points of vital importance to the prospector, and trusts lie has supplied the necessary data for practical use. An avoidance of technical terms has been observed, and the subjeGt dealt with in this chapter presented to the ordinary prospector in language which he will easily comprehend. WHERE IV SEARCH FOR DIAMONDS. 3&amp; WHERE TO SEARCH FOR DIAMONDS. Before the announcement that the Monastery Mine was situ- ated in the Cave Sandstone or uppermost sedimentary bed of the Karoo Series, was made by Mr. Draper about a year ago, the fact that diamonds were not confined to the IiOwer Karo© or Kimberley Shales was not recognised. The position of the Monastery Mine in the geological sequence of the South African rocks, has practically increased the area wherein diamond bearing volcanic pipes may be found, to an extent, limited only by the shores of this continent. There is now no doubt but that the period wherein some of the diamond pipes reached the surface, was not earlier than the Cave Sandstone (Jurassic), and that those which now appear on the surface, surrounded by rocks of the Molteno, Beaufort, Ecca, or Magaliesberg periods, have either been lowered to their present geological position by denudation or they came to the surface since the country had rece'nvi] a great portii/n of its present surface outlines. It will be reasonable to assume that the epoch of diamond pipes was confined to one period of time, and that all the mines are of one age chronologically. If this is not the case, then the alternative of a number of successive eruptions, similar in operation and containing identical mineral ogical features, but with great intervening lapses of time, must be accounted for. Then again, there appears to be a certain regularity of occurrence, along distinct lines which these eruptions favoured, and in the course of which diamonds are found to-day. One of these runs apparently in a north-easterly direction intersecting the Jagersfontein, Robinson, Driekoppes, and Rietfontein (Pre- toria) Mines, and it is interesting to note that if this line is extended south-westward into the Cape Colony, it intersects the pipe which was worked years ago on the farm Klein Andriesfon- tein, near Hanover, and that the diamond finds near the Inlandsche Zee, and on the Keller property, in the Orange Free State, lie along what was probably this line of fissure or fault. If this line is extended north-eastward \\t passes slightly to the eastward of the Springl&gt;ok Flats, where diamonds are reported to have been found, and terminates in the Klein Letaba &gt; from whence diamonds have been obtained. It is also interesting to note that the " pipe amygdaloid ' of the Drakensberg, which possibly indicates another line ot " fissure irruption " runs in the same direction as the line of diamond mines and parallel with it, and that the principal faults in the Wit- watersrand, Magaliesberg, and Gatsrand have a somewhat similar direction of strike. When one critically examines a diamond pipe it is difficult to believe that it represents a small hole, which has been punc- tured in the earth's crust by some force acting from within. It is more natural to assume that a fault, or fracture occurred, and that the diamond pipes are simply bulges or irregu- larities in the line of fault, and that these served as passages through which the molten or plastic mineral, carrying the dia- monds, found its way to the surface. Dr. Molengraaff some years ago published this theory in a little work on South African Geology, entitled "' Schets van de Bodemgesteldheid van de Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek, etc.," door G. A. F. Molengraatt, and published by E. J. Brill, Leiden, On page41 of theabove-mentioned pamphlet there is adiagram, illustrating the direction of several of these Hues of fracture, and though this is correct so far as the knowledge of diamond mines at the time the book was published is concerned, recent discoveries, coupled with the previously known facts, show that there is great probability that the principal line of fissure runs in the direction described in these pages, and that it is along this line that the most important discoveries of diamonds will be made. Prospec- tors are therefore advised to search in the direction of and along the line which is indicated in the map attached. Naturally a fissure or fault would not adhere to a perfectly straight line, there would be a certain amount of irregularity in its course which must be taken into consideration ; but the principal matter to be observed is general direction, and that can be best ascertained by examining a larger map of South Africa, and notic- ing the direction in which the line of diamond pipes, previously mentioned, takes and then either extending this at either end or searching in the country which lies between the already dis- We would, however, caution those who are new to the busi- ness that there are many blanks to a prize in diamond prospect- ing. Every volcanic pipe is not a payable diamond mine, and many are perfect " duffers." Nor are the garnets, carbons and greenstones infall ble in their indication of a diamond mine. Though the diamondljbas never been discovered except in their company, they haw Seen found in abundance without the diamond. I^Biww«mmmJ3IHI mt**tm**mt+m mm Hm* J il t *m i* ■ * MAP OF SOUTH AFRICA, SHOWING POSITION OF THE PRINCIPAL DIAMOND MINES THUS Plate *. ALLUVIAL DIAMOND BEARING GRAVELS SHOWN THUS « 3C &lt;^ I &amp; 7i/ cl r &amp;REA1 NAMA Q TJ-A. Hiif/lish MHcc CfapelVv DIAMOND PIPES : 1. Rietfontein (Pretoria). 2. Driekoppies. 3. Robinson. 4. Keller? 5. Jagersfontein. 6. Klein Andriesfontein 7. Kimberley Group. 8. Monastery. 9.\Carmel. Note. — The Arrow points in the direction of the Main Fracture described on page 35. . . 1 1 i ■ r : . -I.!..,- , ., -r. , A FEW HINTS TO PROSPECTORS. In searching for a diamond mine don't look for a circle of dolerite or igneous rock. No mine that has yet been discovered had such an enclosing circle. Kimberley was utterly devoid of There was in fact nothing on the surface to denote the presence of the richest diamond mine that has yet been dis- covered. No kopje or hillock nor circular enclosure of igneous rock, nothing but a rise of a few feet in the plain, a few chunks of white limestone peeping through the red sand, and several kameel thorn tree scattered about the surface. Limestone tufa is no indication of a diamond mine. This feature was certainly associated with the Kimberley and Wessel- ton Mines, but was absent from most of the others and utterly wanting at Rietfontein. Search diligently in the stuff brought to the surface by the burrowing animals. These are good prospectors, and their work costs nothing. They give a general idea of what is under the surface for a distance of several feet. % m If a patch of different coloured soil is noticeable, and if this is in a roughly circular shape, it will be well to examine it care- fully. . . ,. Though not giving this as a hard and fast rule, most^ dia- mond mines have^a red earthy covering due to the decomposition of the diamond bearing mineral itself probably. This was parti- cularly in evidence on the Rietfontein Mine, where a small pateh of bright red soil was surrounded by an encircling line of white or grey earth. The red patch indicated the extent of the mine to within a few feet. . . Don't be afraid to search for a diamond mine anywhere in South Africa (at any rate so far north as the Limpopo). There is no limit to the area in which it may be found, either in geological position or in the altitude above sea level. Notice whether a certain number of mines appear to follow a distinct direction, and if so proceed to examine the inter- vening country or extend the prospecting operations in either direction beyond the outside mines. A line of fissure may exist in that direction^ and possibly certain swellings or pipes exist which may contain diamonds. . The majority of diamond mines discovered up to date have been richer on the surface than in depth : Kimberley I&gt;u ioiti s Pan, and Bultfontein are notable examples of this feature which, in all probability, is due to a process of weathering, to which the mineral in the pipes has been subjected. 38 THE DIAMOND. The diamond, being practically indestructible, would survive for the most lengthy period, whereas the accessory minerals, and especially the matrix, would disintegrate, and crumble into pow- &lt;ler, which would be removed from its original home, by the sum- mer rains and winter winds. The upper portions of the diamond pipes really contain the ■concentrates produced by surface weathering, hence their richoes* in the diamond, and its more durable companions. THE FIRST LAW FOR THE REGULATION DIAMOND MINING IN SOUTH AFRICA. STAFFORD PARKER, Esq., FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE KLIP RIVER DIAMOND ELECTED JULY 30th, 1870. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE VAAL RIVER 1st,— Every man to be allowed 20 feet square. No party •claims to exceed six in number, whose sole claim must be taken 2nd.— The boundary of each claim to be distinctly marked, •and such marks at all times to be kept free from rubbish. 8rd. — All claims to have free access at all times for the removal of wash dirt over any other claims that may be at work. 4th. — No claims to be allowed to throw their rubbish upon their neighbour's claim without permission. oth. — Should any dispute arise between two or more parties respecting their claim, such dispute shall be settled by the arbi- tration of four assessors appointed by the partievS in dispute, and a referee to be called in by the assessors, if necessary, whose den- ion shall be final. 6 th.— Should any party or parties mark oft" more ground than allowed by these rules, any other person shall have the option of taking the surplus ground from any side of such claim he may L hink proper. 7th. — Each man to be allowed fifty feet frontage along 8th. — Any person discovering a new run or patch of dia- monds shall, upon reporting the same to a committee appointed be entitled to four ordinary claims, and such report to be posted up in a conspicuous place on the present diggings, stating the locality ; and should he fail in reporting, and another person finds payable ground in the same locality, the first person report- ing shall be entitled to the prospecting claim. 9th. — No party shall be allowed to remain absent from his claim more than three successive working days, unless in case of sickness, work in conjunction with his claim as washing, etc., or pressing business, when a notice must be posted up on his claim stating the time of his absence, after which time the claim shall be considered as abandoned. 10th. — No man shall be allowed more than one claim at the 11th.— Any person against whom it shall be proved as having picked up a diamond upon a claim belonging to another and not restoring it to the owner of such claim immediately, shall be con- sidered as a thief and expelled the diggings. 12th. — No heap of dirt upon any abandoned claim shall be considered as private property, unless it can be shown to a committee that some accident, such as rain, breakage of wagon, etc., has prevented the washing or sieving of such heap of dirt. 13th. — That no party or parties shall be allowed more than \\\e niggers to work their claim. WEIGHTS USED FOR PRECIOUS STONES. ... ... ... i v^aTctx ... 1 oz Troy A diamond grain is equal to 0.8 of a troy grain. HARDNESS AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF THE PRINCIPAL PRECIOUS STONES. Carbonado or Black Boart ... 9 3.9 to 4.1 8 3.4 to 3.6 7.5 4.0 to 4.7 6.5 to 7.5 3.15 to 4.3 Red. 8 3.5 Red. Grey, lead colour. Straw, white. These will sink in the gravity Solution of sp. gr. of 3.17. These will float on the gravity Solution as abore. Black, rose. White, transparent. 2.5 to 2 8 White on darker 5. to 0. 1.9 to 2 Telegraphic Address . " BOILERS." Mareing and Neav3's, 1395, and ABC Codes used. H. f. C. KEYMER, Box 2729, JOHANNESBURG. itOR MACHINERY of the latest and most complete character jj for treating Diamond if erous Soil, Rocks, etc., H. J. C. Kkymer represents the best Manufacturer^, and, with the largest experience in such manufactures, will be pleased to advise upon the Machinery suitable, prepare Plans, and carry out the erection of the same, if required. Also Agent for (til up-to-date Steam, Electrical, and Water-power Plants, And will be pleased to Quote for any of the above on TAYLOR and CO., chemists &amp; druggists, PRITCHARD ST., VON BRANSI3 SQUARE, LARGE STOCKS OF CHEMICALS $Ub $pp&lt;xrafu6 requisite for QsB&lt;x$in$ Ores. (UXtncrafB. etc. So'ution for taking the Specific Gravity Cases of Chemicals and Test Apparatus . . . . . Prepared to Order for Prospectors. NEW &amp; SECOND-HAND Engines (Driving and Winding), Boilers, Diamond Drills, Pumps, Rails, Piping, Trucks, Tents, Jumper Drills, Winches, Hose, * J ' Engine and Boiler Fittings, Windlasses, etc., etc. PROSPBCTOR DIAMOND FARMS REPORTED UPON. HAnOLD S. HAttGER. 4, GREEN'S BUILDINGS, j"oiH:-A_isr:isr:E sbtjrg-. P.O. Box 1945. P.O Box 1945. Mi':'
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "An archive is an accumulation of historical records – in any media – or the physical facility in which they are located. Archives contain primary source documents that have accumulated over the course of an individual or organization's lifetime, and are kept to show the function of that person or organization." } ]
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Overstock, excessive stock, excess2sell, B-stock, or excess inventory, is the result of poor management of stock demand or of material flow in process management. Excessive stock is also associated with loss of revenue owing to additional capital bound with the purchase or simply storage space taken." } ]
The Days and Nights of Tiny Montgomery: One of these mornings/You're going to rise up singing/Then you'll spread your wings/And you'll take to the sky One of these mornings/You're going to rise up singing/Then you'll spread your wings/And you'll take to the sky Laptop Assholery, Part 3 Another Thursday has dawned with both Steve and I sharing a day off so I suggested we have another day (or at least morning) of laptop assholery. Since Michael is unavailable and working, we are ensconced at Park Avenue Coffee in Lafayette Square. You see, we can't come here with Michael because he has slept with someone who works here. One supposes it didn't turn out well, or perhaps he neglected to offer the poor fellow the obligatory slice of get-lost pizza upon parting. Whatever the reason, we're here at the home of 700 different flavors of gooey butter cake. They also have a Help Wanted sign posted. More on that later... Walking up Park Avenue, we passed the house right next door to Arcelia's. I don't often have house or property envy (what's the point?) but we heard voices and laughter coming from the lush sideyard patio of the house and peeked in. Already absolutely envious of party sounds at 9:30 in the a.m., I seethed at the sight of a giant, gorgeous scarlet macaw perched on the elevated deck. At least it wasn't a hyacinth macaw -- I might have staged a coup...or at least invited ourselves in. A celebrity of sorts came in for an Americano while we've sat here. Although not as glamorous as the Cardinal who frequents our store, a local TV reporter has some cache. By the way, both of these guys look better in person. A week or so ago, my [very big corporate] employer announced the impending closing of 600 of its stores in the US. Steve shared the bad news that the newspaper reported 70% of the doomed stores were opened in the last year and were in close proximity to another location. So we held our breath, hoping for the best. On Tuesday, we got the bad news -- our beautiful, comfy, brand new, built to order store is closing. At this point we have only a vague idea when we're closing (sometime between August and March), and no idea whether or not we will have jobs. Of course, if we are offered another job it will be at a different location and will separate us. While I know that my paycheck and the cheap insurance are very important aspects of my job, all I could think of is that I won't have Michael by my side, getting me through my work days. We have a meeting with HR on Tuesday, so I suppose we'll know more after that. Or not. Having gone through this whole sort of thing too recently at May Company, I can only be pessimistic about the Man's dedication to the ground level workforce. Honestly, I can't believe I'm going through this again. I really don't want to think about it. But because I don't want to lose what little seniority I have, plus my insurance, I do need to wait and see what's offered before I look elsewhere. Oh, and to add to Bad News Tuesday, I have apparently overestimated my value (and/or my DJ skills) to the community radio station with which I've been involved for many years. I'm ready to resume my radio show (which I've had for more years than not since 1989 or so) and have been standing by for some changes to open up a slot. But rather than being offered the prime, high profile slot I thought (and I was not alone in this thinking) I was getting, it was just mentioned as a possibility, though not as strong a possibility as two other slots, one of which was just plain insulting to even consider. The other is too conflicting with my work schedule (assuming I have a work schedule), but that didn't seem to make an impression. Again, more wait and see. Doesn't anyone understand just how much I hate wait and see situations? *Sigh* Now I have to figure out how to spend the rest of my day. Steve's going to lunch with his mom and I'm heading to Trader Joe's for cheap wine and whatever else strikes my fancy. Maybe a detour to Target for something cute to wear. After that, who knows? I have work early early tomorrow (but with Michael, so, yay!) so it won't be a late night. Gotta figure out something good to cook... Posted by Cat Pick at 7/10/2008 09:10:00 AM WHY would they open a store then close it right away?!! Corporate America does not make sense to me. At all. Things will work out, I hope! Why, indeed. Corporate America seems to be smoking crack much of the time. I'm sure things will work out fine. I'm just hoping I have to put out a minimum of effort. :)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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I will give tax calculation (excel) formulas and A4 Size (word format... 25 Java, Mobile App Development, Excel, Android, C# Programmering Dec 16, 2017 I dag6d 10h €68 Real Estate Copywriter with experience writing sales emails to high income investors. We are seeking investors for our real estate projects. Sending emails to high income potential investors 23 Copywriting, Markedsføring, Ghostwriting, Article Writing, Skrivning Dec 14, 2017 Dec 14, 20174d 20h €282 Traffic to my Website. Facebook Business Profile.Reaching out to Self Employed looking for an Income Opportunity I need some help with internet marketing. 32 Internet Markedsføring, Google Adwords, Facebook Marketing, Digital Marketing, Brand Marketing Dec 10, 2017 Dec 10, 201711h 39m €131 App where I manage my budget, track my income exp, watch my networth, add my share & mutual fund in screen I need an Android app. I would like it designed and built. 6 Mobile App Development, Android Dec 10, 2017 Dec 10, 201710h 58m €21 Project for eRezeki Global High Income Participants -- 9 Hello, everyone! I need a catchy SLOGAN for eRezeki Global High Income Program. In your proposal please include the at least one slogan. May the best slogan win. 30 Grafisk Design, Logo Design, Slogan, Kreativ Skrivning, Catch Phrases Dec 9, 2017 Dec 9, 20173h 33m €5 I am looking for ways to earn passive income I need some help with finding some leads. Web traffic and SEO for clickbank 8 Leads Dec 9, 2017 Dec 9, 20171h 38m €67 Income Statement (Profit & Loss Statement) & Balance Sheet ou are being issued with a list of balances extracted from the books of Electrical Contracting Ltd (see page 9 and page 10 of that document). From that list of balances extracted from the books of Electrical Contracting Ltd you are to prepare a Profit and Loss Statement for the year ended 31st December 2014 and a Balance Sheet as at that date. You are required to: Prepare the Profit and Loss... 15 Databehandling, Dataindførsel, Regnskab, Excel, Finans Dec 9, 2017 Dec 9, 2017Udløbet €88 Income Statement (Profit & Loss Statement) & Balance Sheet You are being issued with a list of balances extracted from the books of Electrical Contracting Ltd (see page 9 and page 10 of that document). From that list of balances extracted from the books of Electrical Contracting Ltd you are to prepare a Profit and Loss Statement for the year ended 31st December 2014 and a Balance Sheet as at that date. You are required to: Prepare the Profit and Los... 28 Databehandling, Dataindførsel, Regnskab, Excel, Finans Dec 8, 2017 Dec 8, 2017Udløbet €26 Fixed income Answer questions related to finance and fixed income. skills needed in finance, and fixed income. Excel spreadsheet is done For further instructions please refer to the attached document. and contact me 29 Databehandling, Excel, Statistikker, Finans, Finansanalytiker Dec 6, 2017 Dec 6, 2017Udløbet €104 Average Min Entropy Analysis I am looking for help in conducting an analysis. This analysis will be based on average min-entropy. please contact me for further details. 10 Algoritme, Computer Sikkerhed, Kryptografi, Matlab and Mathematica, Statistisk analyse Dec 5, 2017 Dec 5, 2017Udløbet €105 Project for eRezeki Global High Income Participants Hello, everyone! I need a catchy slogan for eRezeki Global High Income Program. In your proposal please include the at least one slogan. May the best slogan win. 0 Grafisk Design, Logo Design, Slogan, Kreativ Skrivning, Catch Phrases Dec 2, 2017 Dec 2, 2017Udløbet - Project for eRezeki Global High Income Participants -- 8 Hello, everyone! I need a catchy slogan for eRezeki Global High Income Program. In your proposal please include the at least one slogan. May the best slogan win. 18 Grafisk Design, Logo Design, Slogan, Kreativ Skrivning, Catch Phrases Dec 2, 2017 Dec 2, 2017Udløbet €4 One Page Retriement Income Plan - Repost - open to bidding We are a financial services business with a focus on retirement income planning. We have a one page income plan that we would like to make into a more useful and easier to use tool. Data input and assumption page(s) and much better presentation for clients. 31 Dataindførsel, Excel, Annoncering, Websøgning, Ordre Håndtering Nov 30, 2017 Nov 30, 2017Udløbet €849 One Page Retriement Income Plan - Repost We are a financial services business with a focus on retirement income planning. We have a one page income plan that we would like to make into a more useful and easier to use tool. Data input and assumption page(s) and much better presentation for clients. 1 Dataindførsel, Excel, Annoncering, Websøgning, Ordre Håndtering, Nov 30, 2017 Nov 30, 2017Udløbet €723 federal income tax return project Tax return project due within 3 days 15 Regnskab Nov 29, 2017 Nov 29, 2017Udløbet €494 Adsense website with 2 digits daily income Adsense experts are looked for this work which need to have a webiste with $$ daily earnings. Only proven guys are encouraged to apply for this project. 9 PHP, Web Design, SEO, Google Adsense, HTML Nov 29, 2017 Nov 29, 2017Udløbet €100 Ansæt de Bedste Average income banner store Freelancere: freelance average income, average income for marketing jobs, banner store, average income adult website, average income adult websites, list city population average income, fashion banner store, cam girl average income percentage, freelance average price banner, average income cities excel, average income malaysia virtual assistant, average price banner 468x60 pixels, average income webcam girls, average income iphone app store developer, average flash banner size, movie trailer makers average income, average income adult tgp, average income comic book creator, average web banner cost, average income bbmmorpg owners, average income comic illustrators, average income cupcake business, average income marvel artist, average income freelance programmer, average income adult webcam business, average income comic book artist, Outsource Average income banner store
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
Peace In The Valley: Amazon.ca: Music See all 2 image(s) Peace In The Valley [Box set, Best of] Elvis Presley (Artist) | Format: Audio CD This item: Peace In The Valley ~ Elvis Presley Audio CD CDN$ 25.94 Ultimate Gospel (Revised Ed) ~ Elvis Presley Audio CD CDN$ 9.49 B000MV8D10,B0046BU03Q Label: Phantasm Imports (Music) Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #10,190 in Music (See Top 100 in Music) #1 in Music > Box Sets > Rock > Southern Rock #3 in Music > Box Sets > Christian & Gospel #6 in Music > Box Sets > Pop > Oldies Elvis Presley troque ici le blouson de cuir noir pour la canne de pèlerin et abandonne un temps la "musique du diable" qu'est le rock'n'roll pour prêcher la bonne parole du Seigneur. Plus qu'une renaissance, il s'agit en réalité d'un retour aux sources – et d'un hommage à cette culture sudiste qui a baigné son enfance. Et, là encore, dans le gospel, Presley montre qu'il est un chanteur exceptionnel, qu'il possède cette ferveur propre aux preachers des églises baptistes. Ce coffret de trois CD, dont le titre fait référence à l'hymne du gospel moderne du révérend Thomas Dorsey, réunit, pour les deux premiers CD, les trois albums de gospel enregistrés par Elvis durant les années 1960 et au début de la décennie suivante – His Hand In Mine, How Great Thou Art et He Touched Me –, auxquels il faut ajouter des prises alternatives et quelques nouveautés. Le troisième CD, pour sa part, est constitué de treize gospels que l'on retrouve sur le mythique Million Dollar Quartet(1956), ainsi que de "Gospel Medley" et de "Peace In The Valley" enregistrés à l'occasion respectivement du spectacle de la chaîne NBC de 1968 et d'un Ed Sullivan Show. --Philippe Margotin Product Description I Believe: Gospel Masters ~ Elvis Presley Audio CD Format:Audio CD This three-disk collection of Elvis' complete gospel recordings is priceless to me. I have played it through many times and experience new delights each time. I just finished another play-through and decided I must add my applause along with the other fine reviews. Each disk stands on its own merits as does each individual selection. Disk One probably is my favorite, because it showcases Elvis' extraordinary voice. I am so awed by his range and how he makes each selection his very own with such deep sincerity and intimacy. Also, the back-up musicians are just right - not too intrusive upon Elvis' voice. HIS HAND IN MINE, IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE, KNOWN ONLY TO HIM, HE KNOWS JUST WHAT I NEED, IF WE NEVER MEET AGAIN, WE CALL ON HIM, YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE, and WHO AM I are just a very few of the beautiful songs which leave me so blessed. He was known for his very special renditions of CRYING IN THE CHAPEL and HOW GREAT THOU ART, which was a favorite during stage performances and for which he was awarded a Grammy in 1974. LIFE, which I had never heard before, is unforgettable. Disk Two has many special selections like ONLY BELIEVE, HE TOUCHED ME, HE IS MY EVERYTHING, and an extra-special live version (1974) of HELP ME. I feel the back-up musicians became too predominate on some tracts which detracted from Elvis himself. His is the voice I prefer to hear unhindered. On the other hand there are some with Elvis improvising alone. There is also some quartet improvising - memorable is TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS/NEARER MY GOD TO THEE. The disk is a valuable part of the set and surely special.The beginning of Disk Three requires and is well-worth undivided attention. Elvis joined in with Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis in the Sun Studios for some impromptu gospel improvising. This was dubbed the "Million Dollar Quartet" session and took place December 4, 1956 in Nashville. Johnny Cash was also present. Obviously Elvis was already well-versed and accomplished in gospel music. It is wonderful to have these lighter moments preserved, when Elvis was still the charming boy-next-door and in the early stages of his phenomenal rise to stardom. There are more recordings of the beautiful inspirational music Elvis gave us throughout his career. Included also is the gospel medley from his '68 COMEBACK SPECIAL, a memorable live version of HOW GREAT THOU ART from June 1977 (he passed away in August 1977), which proves Elvis could still belt out a song in his last days, and finally PEACE IN THE VALLEY from his Ed Sullivan appearance in January 1957, which has special significance to us older fans. The booklet enclosed with the album gives background and a nice overview of why Elvis loved to sing gospel for personal inspiration and enjoyment as well as make recordings. I just wish Elvis had drawn on the power of God to help him overcome his personal weaknesses. He might still be singing live, but I am thankful for what he left us. If you are a gospel music fan and even if not, Elvis can touch your heart as few others can. This collection is priceless!! If it wasn't for gospel music, we wouldn't have the king! By "mahes" Format:Audio CD This is, in my opinion, the most beautiful Elvis box set I have ever purchessed in my life. This three CD set features every single gospel recording Elvis ever made and in my opinion his 1960 album His Hand In Mine is the greatest ever. It will bring you to tears when you hear him sing Known Only To Him, He Knows Just What I Need and I Believe In The Man In The Sky. Elvis sounded so good singing these songs and for some reason Crying In The Chappel didn't show up on the album. However it was released as a single in 1965 and it is truly one of the greatest. This is a great set for not only Elvis fans, but true gospel fans also. God bless BMG for this graet set. This is where Elvis shines There should have been much, much more Gospel from Elvis. Maybe there would have been with better management. He should have sang "Why Me, Lord? Read more Published on Oct 29 2003 by Pam Hsieh great music Although i'm not a christian, i can honestly say that this is the best cd i've ever bought. Almost al of the 82 tracks are great.Don't let the price scare you. Yust buy it. Published on Oct 17 2003 by kramer mc Beautiful This was the first Elvis recording I'd ever purchased. All songs are wonderful--several of them are breathtaking. Published on Sep 11 2003 by Golden Rocket Milky White Way Even though I live in Memphis I only recently got into Elvis gospel. I bought the Peace in the Valley 3 cd set and was blown away by it. Read more Published on Sep 8 2002 by Paul Miller The Best of Elvis This has to be the best Gospel Recordings of Elvis that I haveherd.You can really fell what he is singing about in each hymthis CD collection is so wonderful. Read more Published on Aug 7 2002 by Joey Conaway They Don't Call It "Complete" For Nothing! This is a great CD that should be heard by everyone. Any fan of good music, especially good gospel music, will enjoy it tremendously. Read more Published on May 6 2002 by Isaac Laughhunn Wonderful, but not complete What a wonderful gift to lovers of Elvis's Gospel music! Most of the titles have already been released on other collections, but it is great to have all of these together with... Read more Published on Feb 19 2001 by Elvis Gospel Holy Smokes! This'll get your blood pumping This collection of Elvis' gospel is a round trip of everything you love about Elvis, and everything you didn't know about Elvis that you're about to love. Read more Published on Dec 6 2000 by E. Lambeth The follower of Amazing Grace Only six years ago the Amazing Grace set came out, and now we got this one. I think this is really essential piece of music. Read more Published on Oct 19 2000 by Joni Huopana Despite No New Thrills, Gospel Box Set Appeals To Fans "Peace in the Valley: The Complete Gospel Recordings" is the latest offering from the revolutionary Elvis producers Ernst Jorgensen and Roger Semon. Read more Published on Oct 9 2000 by Kevin Morin
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Amazon.com, Inc. ( AM-ə-zon) is an American multinational conglomerate which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence." } ]
Share this:EmailDiggPrintFacebookRedditStumbleUponTwitterGoogle +1PinterestLike this:Like Loading... Filed under: poetry Tagged: | Poetry Friday, spring and all, william carlos williams « Sweet Valley High- A Necessary Re-release? Slice of Life #20 »
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Key Largo Apartments - Wohnungen zur Miete in Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australien 30 Meter bis zum Burleigh Beach. Ihre geräumige Klimaanlage hat einen Blick auf unsere tropischen Gärten. Unser Pool und Spa ist das ganze Jahr über für Ihren Genuss erwärmt. Je länger der Aufenthalt ist, desto günstiger wird die Rate zB 7 Nächte = $ 845 30 metres to Burleigh Beach. Your spacious Air Conditioned Apartment has a view of our Tropical Gardens. Our Pool and Spa is heated all the year around for your enjoyment. The longer the stay the cheaper the rate becomes e.g 7 nights = $845 Clean stylish reliable and easy check in and out Had a one night stay for 4 adults and a child. The apartment was comfortable and we had pretty much everything we needed, though providing some salt and pepper and olive oil would be a great addition. The beds were super comfy and the location stellar! So handy to the bars and re… Great location, easy check in and out, clean and tidy, very comfortable. The apartment is close to the beach, and just a short stroll up to Burleigh Heads shops and cafes. It must have been renovated recently because it is very fresh and tastefully done. The apartment is on the second floor, which means climbing stairs...other than that, no complaint… Apartment as described. Very welcoming and comfortable. Conveniently located in the centre of Burleigh Heads Clean, comfortable and easy to retrieve the keys.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities." } ]
January 27, 2008 JamesHip 2 Comments Hippolite Musing… Fiona and I are starting our planning for the year ahead. I keep having a recurring image (vision?) of myself teaching a series from the pulpit. I’ve done this sort of thing before when I was an intern at Elim. Specifically, I thought a series of six lessons around the topic of “contemporary and controversial issues confronting the church”. The initial topics would be: Evolution vs. Creation. Does it matter? What’s the evidence say? Global Warming. Is it real? What’s the church’s response? The Anti-Smacking Law. What does it mean? What’s the current situation? Does it matter? Relationships in the 21st century. Why stay celibate until married? Why get married? Another idea I had, but I’ve temporarily forgotten. This bullet point left intentionally blank. Please respond with your own suggestions. I’d be interested in your thoughts on the desirability and/or feasibility of this kind of thing. I keep hearing from various people that these types of things need to be said from the front. However, I also understand the need to balance that with keeping the Sunday morning sermon as Biblical exhortation and encouragement. I haven’t run this by the leadership yet; it’s still an idea in germination. “Many heads make better plans” (NKJV*) *NKJV – Not the King James Version, it’s my paraphrase. Author: BRIAN SIBLEY, a well-known British author and radio personality, is coauthor, with Peter Lord, of Abrams’ popular Creating 3-D Animation. An expert on animation, illustration, and fantasy literature, his many books include Shadowlands: The Story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman, The Land of Narnia, and The Map of Tolkien’s Middle Earth. He lives in London. ISBN: 0732279623 Price (RRP): NZ$49.00 Publication: 1 November 2006 Description: In this authorised biography, the boy from Wellington’s Pukerua Bay reveals how he beat Hollywood at its own game. It is a story of passion, single-minded determination, and, above all, an artistic vision and a sense of dramatic scale. Through Jackson’s eyes and own words, as well as re-tellings and memories of friends, family and associates, we are shown how the director’s early life — with its obsessively pursued hobbies and first childhood attempts at film-making — were effectively one big audition for The Lord of the Rings and King Kong. The book explores the Academy Award-winning success of Heavenly Creatures, the first abandoned King Kong re-make, then the triumphant filming of The Lord of the Rings — a project that was abandoned two years into pre-production, rejected by most studios and then picked up by New Line Cinema in the biggest gamble in film history. It takes us through the filming of Jackson’s boyhood dream, King Kong, and on to his new project, The Lovely Bones. The story of Peter Jackson will inspire everyone who admires creativity and courage, who loves movies or is proud that a clever film-maker from a small country can show the giants of the movie world that vision and passion can succeed. Review: Great story, told by a story-teller with credibility in his subject matter. Brian Sibley was formerly unknown to me, but now I will read his other works with interest. I found this book a real page-turner. Only problem was, I like to put down a book between chapters, and the chapters were so long! I discovered it took me 2 hours to finish one chapter. 8 out of 10. · METTLE is an acronym for Men’s Elim Team Together for Learning Experiences. We are primarily (but not exclusively) businessmen from Wellington Elim Church, who meet occasionally in the CBD to encourage each other in our daily walk with Jesus. This newsletter is our primary means of communication. If you know of anyone who may benefit from these newsletters, you are welcome to forward them along. Similarly, if your circumstances are such that membership in this distribution list is no longer relevant, then hit reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE to have it removed. · METTLE has no affiliation with Telecom New Zealand Limited Previous PostElim ServiceNext PostSunday Elim Service 2 thoughts on “METTLE Weekly” I\’ve remembered the other bullet point: PRO-LIFE. And thanks to some feedback, the sixth bullet point could be UFOs. Such subjects are OK provided the message concentrates on what the Bible says. Global warming would be difficult in this rspect I think. What about working up a message on a subject that is one of God\’s favorites – God\’s rescue of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. He refers to this seven times through OT history because, I am sure, it points to His son, Jesus rescuing all believers from slavery under Satan. There are many parallels in the two rescues – please see some of them in my booklet App 5 and notes on pp 48-50.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
stupid people 001 | Boudica2015 ← Are you a racist? BTW Islam is not a race! stupid people 001 Posted on February 11, 2017 by boudicabpi2015 Boudica Bpi ‏@Boudicabpi stupid people 001 This entry was posted in Boudica BPI, humor, Uncategorized and tagged Boudica BPI, common sense, humor, Retweets, stupid people 001, tweets, Twitter, Uncatergorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Are you a racist? BTW Islam is not a race! One Response to stupid people 001 boudicabpi2015 says: February 11, 2017 at 10:24 am Reblogged this on Boudica BPI Weblog.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
Video for Business and how to use it | Upstate D.S. on Wordpress business websites, small business, video production, web design, web design business, web services Last week Upstate Design Studio announced its partnership with SoMedia Networks to bring professional video production services to our clients. We also told you to check back this week to learn more about what video can do for you and your website. Shall we get started then? Video is a powerful tool for any business; why else would companies pay millions to get a commercial on T.V.? Because a good video can make people want your service or product without having to see or talk to anyone from your business. It’s like a super salesperson that never sleeps, never complains about working 24/7, and can talk to hundreds of potential clients at the same time! But why is video so important for your website? I mean if they are on your website, they already know who you are and what you offer. Why should you spend the money to add a salesperson when they just want to browse? Truth is, people don’t want to browse anymore. They want instant results, instant access, and instant gratification. People today don’t want to take the time to read all the details of a service, they usually only read the short description and forgo the rest. They don’t have time to waste looking at the finer points of your product. Time is money and the faster your potential customers can consume the information the better. So how can video help your SEO for your website? For starters you can get yourself on the front page of Google in not only the web searches, but also video searches. This may not be the best part, but getting found in more places is better than not. Where video really helps is being able to embed additional content information in the background as a description of the video that isn’t seen by the public, but crawled by the Google-Bots. This is a good way to boost keywords without making your web page look like you are just trying to increase rank. You can also embed links to your site within those descriptions too. Social Media LOVES video, posting videos on Youtube, Facebook, or any other Social Media can do wonders for your traffic. Just think about your tendencies when you go on Facebook; how often do you read a full article that someone posted? Now think about how often you watch a video someone posted and watch it all the way through… That’s exactly my point. More people look at video than text, so why not take advantage of this powerful tool for your business and website? And now for a little bit of sales pitch… If you are interested in looking at getting a Professional Video made for your business go to www.upstatedesignstudio.com/Video.html to see our services page for video. « Keeping up with Modern Languages Partnering with SoMedia Networks, Inc »
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
My Pixelated Oasis: Buffalo Buddies. . . Signs of Spring! Buffalo Buddies. . . Signs of Spring! Signs of Spring? Really! They are! (sort of). Or at least signs of MY experiencing spring because I'm willing to get out of the car, approach these cute little beastlies, and try to make odd noises at them to lure them closer. They're so strange and fascinating; they have very "herd-like" behavior, moving in unison, signaling some how to each other that one or the other should stand guard and check me out. And then when they decide I'm icky (how rude!) they all show their backsides to me at once, and move away. Posted by Angela2932 at 11:20 AM Where were these guys? They look very serious. When I was growing up there was a group of business men who decided to use the property (picture acres and acres in the country) directly behind our house to breed some buffalo. Oh the stories I could tell you about buffalo. Horses, cows, and buffalo, oh my! Ha! Willing to get out of the car is definitely a sign of spring! I'm glad they approved of you enough to turn their backs on you. I wouldn't want to mess with these guys if they didn't like me!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Cheap Flights to Rarotonga, Cook Islands (RAR) - TripAdvisor Cheap Flights to Rarotonga - Rarotonga, Cook Islands Flights Find the best flight to Rarotonga "Flight on time. Staff friendly greeted by pilot also which was nice. Smooth flight. Well informed about conditions arrival time etc . On time" "Great experience on the new plane to Singapore Service all round was good on the plane We always fly with them I should have joined there Krista club but that’s something my travel agents should have suggested to..." - LynnDaz "Unfortunately mine and my neighbours headphones did not work. Also the seat pocket was broken. Service was unremarkable; why oh why do they take so long to come round and clear away after a meal (this applies I..." - iainmac12018 "We took our first flight with our 10 pound dog on United and thanks to the great flight attendant, it was a success. She could not have been nicer and more helpful. The food choices in first class are still an..." Flight stats for Rarotonga - did you know? Rarotonga Airport is the closest major airport to Rarotonga. Cheap flights from Rarotonga to Auckland Central Cheap flights from Rarotonga to Sydney Cheap flights from Rarotonga to Apia Cheap flights from Auckland Central to Rarotonga Cheap flights from Palm Springs to Rarotonga Cheap flights from Orange to Rarotonga Cheap flights from Ontario to Rarotonga Cheap flights from Monterey to Rarotonga Cheap flights from Bakersfield to Rarotonga
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Bex 'n' Books: Review: Corruption of the Soul by J.L. Vallance Review: Corruption of the Soul by J.L. Vallance Corruption of the Soul by J.L. Vallance Aedan and Evangeline are such an amazing couple to follow. Both characters are extremely well formed and created; this meant that getting up close and personal with them in Corruption of the Soul was a treat. For a short, there was fabulous sense of completion and a solid narrative structure. This ensured that I was left feeling content with the length, especially considering the level of depth, power and passion evident in both of these characters and the narrative detail. Once again, J.L. Vallance has produced a read that I loved. Corruption of the Soul (The Guild Series 0.5) by J.L. Vallance (Goodreads Author) But they'll never come close to happily ever after, for pain and devastation is what is truly written as their destiny. All he wants is to feel power and all she wants is to feel complete.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Create Unity Avatar | 3D Animasyon | Animasyon | Unity 3D Create Unity Avatar We need someone that knows how to do animation using Unity3D [url removed, login to view] We need just the faces, with partial headwear. The animation of the two mascots will go onto our robots. Please see sample video that's in the same DropBox folder. We need the two animations to do what this avatar is doing. The head tilts left and right slightly, robot smiles, winks occasionally and then the lips move when the robot speaks. This will be a 2D model, with one standard dialogue sequence, and separate sets of emotions. Beceriler: 3D Animasyon, Animasyon, Unity 3D Daha fazlasını görün: unity avatar download, unity configure avatar, unity avatar creator, unity humanoid animations, unity activate dof on avatar, unity generic avatar, unity avatar tutorial, unity 2d avatar, Use our logo to create a moving logo. We need to animate our logo in a creative , Use our logo to create a moving logo. We need to animate our logo in a creative way some ideas are: Have the coffee cup lid of, we need to create a bill format in MS Excel for the patrol pump, We need to create a custom logo with a custom modern icon for a YouTube Chanel. Logo has to be in a modern stile. logo colors: , we need your help to create, As I inspact the site your site is in Wordpress so we can easily upgrade theme. We need to create or modify theme and we will ha, what we need to create a website ( 21 değerlendirme ) Stratford, United States Proje NO: #15823148 7 freelancers are bidding on average $1867 for this job Hello We have reviewed your avatar modeling and animate project brief and are interested in working with you We have over 15 years of experience in 3D and many testimonials from satisfied clients Relevant Skills and E Daha fazlası Hello, We are a team with more than 14 years of experience in animation and 3D realistic visualization. We can help with 3d character design and animation. Relevant Skills and Experience 3D Character Animation: http Daha fazlası Hi We are excited to work for you We are fully skilled in 3d animation Please have a look on our work Relevant Skills and Experience [url removed, login to view] [url removed, login to view] Daha fazlası Hello Paul McManus , We are Unity3D Experts, can definitely create AVATAR ANIMATION as per your needs with higher performance. Relevant Skills and Experience iOS Games [url removed, login to view] [url removed, login to view] htt Daha fazlası in 60 gün içinde2794$ USD Hello Client. How are you ? Here is Edward. I am a team leader and have 2 designers, 10 developers. Our main skill is Unity3D. Relevant Skills and Experience Unity3D, Game Development, Game Design, Mobile App Developm Daha fazlası Hi There, I have checked your given detailed description in detail and got the over all idea about the Game flow. If you like my proposal then I would like to come up with my plan. :-) Relevant Skills and Experience Daha fazlası wordpress help ($15-25 USD / saat)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
Faithful Families Ministries | Learning and Living the Bible Way (Deuteronomy 5:29) The church at Philadelphia was giving church bent toward ministry to others: 1. They had a little strength, but willingly offered themselves. 2. They were open to and relied on God’s wisdom to make the best use of what little they had to offer. 3. They put others first. 4. They ministered as God led them, even in the face of opposition and naysayers. These were probably the biblical principals they lived by: 1. Dying daily (1st Corinthians 15:31) 2. Living for the One who saved them (2nd Corinthians 5:15) Unlike the Church at Ephesus, the Church at Philadelphia had not left their first love…which was people… Philadelphia had it right: 1. They loved people enough to give of themselves 2. They ministered to people by putting them first 3. They sought God’s will in ministering most effectively 4. They didn’t quit The Church at Laodecia was a selfish church that manifested its selfishness in at least three specific ways that we’ll see in a moment. There was NO ministry. There was NO thought of others. There was NO consultation with God. There was NO sacrifice. There was NO love of others. There was NO concern for others. A. The Church at Laodecia was a “lukewarm” church, “neither hot nor cold.” (verse 15) 1. May have been hypocritical in their outward lives 2. May have been inconsistent in their daily walk 3. May not have been fully committed to God or the world 4. Unlike the Church at Philadelphia, they didn’t want to sacrifice, be put out, or face difficult situations. 5. They we very willing to turn from satisfying God one minute to focus on satisfying the world the next. 6. On fire for God one moment and cold and indifferent toward the things of God the next. 7. This characterizes the self-preserving, self-serving Christian…which characterized the entire church. They elevated themselves and their well being above God. B. They told the Lord, “We are rich…materially…we are all set.” (verse 17) 1. The church at Laodecia was indeed a very wealthy church. 2. In or around 60AD, an earthquake devastated the churches at Laodecia and Colassae. 3. Laodecia was able to rebuild itself on what they had amassed without any help from the governing Roman Empire at the time. 4. They probably had lots of nice things in their church being part of such a wealthy community. 5. Their members probably had the means to have lots of toys. 6. There was probably an emphasis on lifestyle and leisure among this wealthy church…they were. 7. Their focus was likely on the here and now. 8. This church was a self-sufficient, self-gratifying, self-supportive church. They did not need God. C. God said to the church, “Knowest not…?” (verse 17) 1. Wretched—people feel sorry for wretched people. One would NOT want to be wretched. 2. Miserable—people who are miserable are sad and pathetic in their appearance and attitude and the way they carry themselves. 3. Poor—these people lack essential needs. They don’t have the necessary means to provide for those essential needs. 4. Blind—anyone who is blind is either lacking vision, or has NO vision at all if they are completely blind. 5. Naked—in one sense, being naked means one is completely vulnerable. In another sense, being naked is a metaphor for the fact that one has no shame. 6. This indicates to us that the church at Laodecia was a church that did their own self-assessment. They did not see what God saw. As individuals, how do we measure up to the church at Laodecia? 1. Do we conduct our lives to serve God on a case by case basis ONLY when it’s convenient for us and won’t cause us any undue hardships? 2. Do we live our lives as though we are all set where we are with what we have and thereby live our lives needing nothing from God and having no need to rely on Him for anything? 3. Are we truly unaware of our present state? Do we dare look at the Bible and assess our lives against God’s standards or do we do our own self-assessment to make ourselves look better than we really are? The church at Philadelphia was a loving and giving and self-sacrificing church. The church at Laodecia was a selfish, self-serving, self-preserving, self-sufficient, self-satisfying, self-gratifying, self-supportive, self-assessing church. As a member, how are you helping to define your church?
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
SOLVED: The toilet keeps flushing on its own - every few - Fixya Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator Toilet with Round Bowl SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator Toilet with Round Bowl The toilet keeps... Question about Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator Toilet with Round Bowl The toilet keeps flushing on its own - every few minutes. What can I do? Posted by prichley on Jan 03, 2011 Re: The toilet keeps flushing on its own - every few... Water pressure makes the unit kick on and off, definitely somehow water is draining back into the pump casing creating enough water pressure that it makes the unit kick on and off by itself. You need to inspect the flapper on the flush valve inside the toilet tank (water closet) make sure is closing all the way down or it may need to be replaced. Also you may want to inspect the check valve inside the discharge elbow, the check valve has a flapper that opens towards the back of the elbow and allows the waste to be pumped out; when the unit stops pumping the flapper closes back down to prevent waste water from draining back into the pump. The check valve may be defective or may be obstructed and closing all the way down as it should. You may just have to clean it, it may be as simple as that. My toto toilet sounds like it keeps flushing itself every minute the toilet doesnt actually flush unless i press the lever but it makes a flushing sound on its own every minute Hello u need to adjust the water height or the flapper is slowly leaking by. Jun 29, 2011 | Toto Home Involuntary flushing operation occurs every 10 minutes i was having same problem with my sanicompact48,it was flushing continuously after few minutes.i opened and cleaned every thing still it was the same thing.and i noticed irreguliar flushing due to SOLONOID VALVE.just replaced and works fine.yo can order by phone # 1 800 571 8191 to "saniflow".tale them your problem and your toilet model. Sep 06, 2010 | Elite Saniflo SaniCompact- SaniCompact One... I bought a toilet from homedepot in toronto 6 months ago. from yesterday, it keeps to refill the tank like every 10 seconds. but i can not see where the water leaks There are a few likely causes for a toilet to leak and refill. The most common is the flapper not seating properly. Usualy on an American Standard it is a disc. Either way, they are fairly easy to replace. One test I use to see if the leak is comming from the flush assembly is to put a couple drops of food coloring in the tank and wait a few minutes to see if it appears in the bowl. If so, there is a leak in the flush assembly, usualy the flapper. Hope this heps. Please vote to let me know. May 12, 2010 | American Standard 2860.334 Enfield Two... My up flush toilet makes a humming sound every 5 The pump has either gone bad or it is siezed up...you can try to unplug the pum and let it sit for a few hours then plug it back in... sometimes if you jog it on and off a few times you can get tiit to break loose and work again...if not you will have to take it out and replace the pump. May 03, 2010 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... Toilet takes vey long to fill the tank. More then likely the power valve in your flush master ball valve is out.. Replace flush valve and should fix problem. Home depot sell fluid master for like 7.50 Mar 02, 2010 | Kohler - Toilet - Two-piece - Highline -... Pumps for a few seconds then stops & pumps again for another few seconds & so on The toilet will flush normally and shut down. Then imediately after it has shut down, as it should, it will start up again and keep going through the flush cycle until I unplug the power going to the pump. After about ten minutes, I can plug it back in and it then will not start up again until I press the flush button. Jul 01, 2009 | Saniflo Sanibest macerator with multiple... My saniflo toilet wont flush I think a small plastic item has dropped into my saniflo toilet it keeps maing a loud noise evey few minutes. hat should I do Nov 15, 2008 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... how do I get my saniplus toilet to pump Jul 06, 2014 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... how can i solve the problem of grating noise when flushing toilet Jun 29, 2014 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... why saniflo xr makes humming noise but wont pump out.it used to start up on its own Jun 10, 2014 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... where is saniflo override switch May 11, 2014 | Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator... See all Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator Toilet Questions how to open toilet tank saniflo flush How to clean saniplus Saniflo SaniPlus-Round... keeps watering flapper down flushed flapper inside back tank whats check valve water pressure back bidet macerating system clean pump check valve flushing itself Have a manual for Saniflo SaniPlus-Round SaniPlus Macerator Toilet with Round Bowl?
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Fixya is a question-and-answer website where community members ask and answer questions about consumer products. The company was launched in June 2005 and is headquartered in San Mateo, California." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
Adding to our crew: lesson's you learn mlgJanuary 20, 2011 at 1:37 PMYeah it is all about perspective these kids have learned so many life lessons at such a young age. I try to remember that too when I forget or get upset about something that really is not that big of a deal!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Saying Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel, and Decor > "Saying" 12,244 Saying Home Design Photos freebirdlivingAdded to 6,971 ideabooksLast comment "a door with glass?"This photo has 2 questions “GREAT saying!!!!!”“Nice saying...cute saying...The saying...Great saying!!...Cute saying!...like the saying...Liked the saying...love this saying...love saying...Great saying...Love the saying....Saying on wall” Related Ideabooks - Saying » 16 reviews Added to 1,618 ideabooksLast comment "Mots"This photo has 2 questionsHas product tags “buy the sayings on the wall?”“of the sayings--no wall decals. We used a base paint for the walls and the little pints of red and yellow for the words.”“very cute sayings on walls...great idea!”“example of a saying that can stay on your child's wall for many years, adding inspiration to his or her life while providing a pop of color to the ordinary paint on the walls.” Kim MethenyAdded to 3,986 ideabooksLast comment "Cottage signs"This photo has 2 questions “i like the saying on the wall tamika”“Just love the cute saying above the bed”“Love saying...saying on wall...Wall saying....plaque saying...Saying on the wall” 4 reviews Added to 3,697 ideabooksLast comment "wording"This photo has 8 questions “Love the saying on the wall”“Love, Love the saying”“Nice saying on the wall”“Wall saying....Wall saying...saying on wall...the wall says” 8 reviews Added to 7,267 ideabooksLast comment "Wall Writing"This photo has 8 questions “Love the saying! This brown and blue work well together.”“Love the saying above bed”“The saying on the wall”“Saying on wall...Saying on the wall...color and saying...Love the saying” 16 reviews Added to 1,060 ideabooksLast comment "inside"Has product tags “chance of saying a kind word”“Never lose the chance to say a kind word...”“Like the saying & use of branches for curtain rods.”“sweet saying, or adding a motivational saying”“inspirational sayings painted on the walls.”“saying and door...Love this saying...Like this saying...Love the saying...I love the a Saying” 13 reviews Added to 9,543 ideabooksLast comment "Love the quote"This photo has 5 questions “and wall saying at the stair landing”“mother teresa saying on wall”“favorite saying or stenciling a leaf pattern, be sure the connotations feel as apt as the decorative flourish.”“saying on wall...wall saying...love saying...saying top step” Dana NicholsAdded to 909 ideabooksLast comment "My anthem ..." “the saying and the chalkboard in the kitchen”“great saying about cautious don't live at all”“Sayings on blackboard”“great saying.... Chalkboard paint backsplash?”“saying on blackboard in kitchen”“did," says Tessa. "It's just fun."”“Child saying...love the saying...love this saying...a fun saying...good saying”
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Houzz is an American website and online community about architecture, interior design and decorating, landscape design and home improvement. It was founded in 2009 and is based in Palo Alto, California." } ]
Trump threatens government shutdown over border security, GOP disagrees - Chicago Tribune Jul 30, 2018 | 12:42 PM President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrive on Air Force One at Morristown Municipal Airport, in Morristown, N.J., Friday, July 27, 2018, en route to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (Carolyn Kaster / AP)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Chicago Tribune is a daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, United States, owned by Tribune Publishing. Founded in 1847, and formerly self-styled as the \"World's Greatest Newspaper\" (a slogan for which WGN radio and television are named), it remains the most-read daily newspaper of the Chicago metropolitan area and the Great Lakes region." } ]
White House chief of staff John Kelly to leave at... | Daily Mail Online Published: 13:30 EST, 8 December 2018 | Updated: 21:47 EST, 8 December 2018 White House chief of staff John Kelly to leave at...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market and online news source newspaper published in London in a tabloid format. Founded in 1896, it is the United Kingdom's highest-circulated daily newspaper." } ]
Galilei « The Skeptical Teacher 1,044,642 hits Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditPrintEmailLike this:Like Loading... Posted in astrology, creationism, physics denial/woo, religion, space | Tagged: astronomy, Bible, Catholic Church, church, conference, creationism, deferent, Earth, epicycle, Galilei, Galileo, Galileo Was Wrong, geocentrism, heliocentrism, inertia, literalism, model, parallax, phases, physics, pseudoscience, Ptolemy, religion, retrograde motion, science, Sun, universe, YEC, Young Earth Creationism | 9 Comments »
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Categories: Videos | Tags: christopher eccleston, david tennant, doctor who, eleventh doctor, entertainment, matt smith, ninth doctor, parting of the ways, tenth doctor, the end of time, the pandorica opens
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Tarina Patel spotted wearing Paige Denim | Enjeanuity enjeanuitydenim / February 5, 2014 International actress and model Tarina Patel was recently spotted in Cape Town wearing the Paige Denim Emily Ultra Skinny Needlepoint jeans. The Paige Denim Emily Skinny Needlepoint jeans are a mid-rise ultra-skinny jean that have been updated with a playful paisley embroidery on the front of the leg. These skinny jeans will add a touch of monochrome glamour to your wardrobe. 60% Cotton / 20% Viscose / 18% Polyester / 2% Elastane Retail price – R 3500.00 Share this:Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to email (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... February 5, 2014 in Women's Denim. Tags: Cape Town, DENIM, ENJEANUITY, Enjeanuity South Africa, High End Premium, JEANS, LUXURY, mid-rise ultra-skinny jean, Paige Denim, Paige Denim South Africa, paisley embroidery, Tarina Patel, Tarina Patel International actress and model, Tarina Patel spotted wearing Paige Denim, Women's Denim, Women's Style ← Edwin Jeans Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign Maison Scotch Amsterdams Blauw Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign →
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
keeping life simple | Healthy in Cville Category Archives: keeping life simple Goat Cuddling at Caromont Farms Posted on March 14, 2017 by healthyincville Last year, Gail Page-Hobbs, the owner of Caromont Farms in Esmont Virginia, put out a request for volunteers to help feed and cuddle goats during her farm’s very busy kidding season. She was shocked by the overwhelming response. Her request … Continue reading → Posted in keeping life simple, Local Events | Tagged caromont farm, caromont farm goat snuggling, goat cuddling, virginia goat cuddling | 30 Day Minimalist Challenge (Days 19, 20 & 28) Posted on January 20, 2017 by healthyincville 19 & 20. Virtual disconnect I did my three days in a row. It was eye opening to realize how often I reach for my phone throughout the day. I carried a book with me and did a lot more reading … Continue reading → Posted in keeping life simple, Uncategorized | Minimalist Challenge (Days 25 & 26) Posted on January 4, 2017 by healthyincville 25. Declutter the unusual spots. Today we’re going to tackle the “unusual” places where junk accumulates. This includes under your sink, and even behind the couch. I chose my closet. Cleaned things up a bit and added three pairs of shoes … Continue reading → Posted in keeping life simple | 30 Day Minimalist Challenge (Days 23 & 24) Posted on December 28, 2016 by healthyincville Hope everyone had a nice Christmas! I took a few days off from the challenge while I was out of town. 23. Take your time. This evening take your time – with everything. Once you relax for the evening it’s … Continue reading → Minimalist Challenge (Days 18, 19 and 20) Posted on December 19, 2016 by healthyincville Virtual disconnect I didn’t realize until about noon yesterday that I was supposed to be doing this and figured there was no point in starting halfway through the day. My virtual disconnect will start today. 30 Day Minimalist Challenge (Days 16 & 17) Posted on December 18, 2016 by healthyincville 16. Tackling sentimental items. This was a tough one for me. I finally parted with my “dit” blanket. Dit is a word that I made up for the ring of silky nylon along the edges, which I rubbed between my fingers … Continue reading → 30 Day Minimalist Challenge (Days 14 & 15) Posted on December 14, 2016 by healthyincville 14. Turn your bedroom into a place of relaxation. Remove the clutter from your bedroom (on top of your nightstand, the foot of your bed, etc). An hour before bed disconnect from electronics to allow yourself time to calm down … Continue reading →
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Join Now Advertise Here × can't get worse... by ~jimmymcwicked, apology for no new works... by ~jimmymcwicked, Nov 26, 2011, 1:18:53 PM Journals / Personal hello all! i realize i have not posted anything for many, many months. i am sorry for this. though i currently draw fulltime, i have not been doing anything which i would want to post, even if i were able to. my mind is coming up with fun ideas which i have not been able to realize on paper due to time/energy constraints, which i find very frustrating and numbing. anyways, i am not dead, just temporarily inveigled into a franz kafka story. 6 Comments Listening to: 'This & That' by Silver Sun Reading: Magik: Storm and Illyana Watching: Wonder Woman, season 1 Eating: Girl Guide Cookies Drinking: pepsi diète apology for no new works... Captain America's upcoming costume... by ~jimmymcwicked, Sep 10, 2011, 1:07:54 PM Journals / Personal Though it hasn't yet grown into a massive outcry, there is a slight bit of a negative murmerizing towards the Avengers movie Captain America costume... Well, I side with the opinion that it is nearly perfect. Superheroes are bogged down with some boring notion that they have to look all gritty, wicked and real-world. Whatev, I am all for superheroes appearing marginally towards dopey rather than badass-extreeem (i sneer in the direction of the otherwise beloved Spiderman and Superman)... 16 Comments Listening to: 'Gotta Work' by Amerie Reading: IAI: The Art of Drawing the Sword Watching: Black Death Eating: sourdough Drinking: pepsi diète Captain America's upcoming costume... expecting no replies with this one... by ~jimmymcwicked, Jul 31, 2011, 11:48:57 PM Journals / Personal Zazie dans le Métro - proof that the french have no business in filmmaking. the only redeeming factor is that most involved are now toward their ultimate demises, if not already there.in a less obscure rant, The Green Hornet nailed every aspect of being distressing crap. congratulations to all involved! 3 Comments Listening to: 'Whole of the Moon' by Mandy Moore Reading: The Samurai Film Watching: Shinobi no Mono II Eating: all the prawns Drinking: cola zero expecting no replies with this one... here is a journal entry... by ~jimmymcwicked, Listening to: 'Ramblin Man' by The Allman Brothers Reading: The Samurai Film Watching: Onibaba Eating: Spicy Mama Burger Drinking: diet cola here is a journal entry... another round of limited commissions... by ~jimmymcwicked, Jul 17, 2011, 9:36:15 PM Journals / Personal These days I am quite busy... However, I want to buy a set of samurai swords. As offered a few months ago, I am again offering to do some commissions should any suckers wish to partake in such a thing. The details are as follows...I'll draw & colour your requested single character in a full body pose with which you can enjoy in its digital format in whatever way you please, aside from commercial purposes. If the character is your own, please have reference and/or a detailed description of his or her appearance, as I am not offering to design. Your character will be clothed. I require paypalness up front in the amount of $60 USD. I intend to have any commissions completed for you by the end of this month.I'll only do two this time around. Let me know in a private message of your interest...(BTW, saw Green Lantern - POINTLESS, BORING, BRUTAL!!!)*****THE TWO SPOTS ARE GONE... I'LL DO A THIRD IF SOMEONE CONTACTS ME QUICK...***** 1 Comment Listening to: 'Stuck' by Stacie Orrico Reading: The Samurai Film Watching: The Kids of Degrassi Street Eating: breakfast burrito Drinking: sodas another round of limited commissions... Listening to: 'Sunny' by Shintaro Katsu Reading: Musashi Watching: The Kids of Degrassi Street Eating: Bran Drinking: water 'The Mighty Hercules'... is it wrong? by ~jimmymcwicked, Listening to: 'Defender' by Tahiti 80 Reading: Musashi Watching: The Kids of Degrassi Street Eating: pasta salad Drinking: kirin guarana cola is it wrong? DC by ~jimmymcwicked, Jun 27, 2011, 5:11:12 PM Journals / Personal ...so DC decides to revamp their comics by making them look like a 90's revisitation? i don't get it. and most likely no one will. 20 Comments Listening to: 'Aitakatta' by AKB48 Watching: The Blind Menace Eating: McRib Drinking: diet cola DC Dear Vancouver... by ~jimmymcwicked, Jun 16, 2011, 5:02:50 PM Journals / Personal you are an embarrassment. the world laughs at you. idiots. 22 Comments Listening to: 'The Shock of the Lightning' by Oasis Watching: On Stranger Shores Eating: Yakitori Drinking: Pepsi Nex Dear Vancouver... Listening to: 'The Shock of the Lightning' by Oasis Watching: The Town Eating: some hot dogs Drinking: Cola Thanks and all that.... the internet ( ? )Previous1234Next ©2013 deviantART. All rights reserved
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "DeviantArt (formerly stylized as deviantART) is an American online art community featuring artwork, videography and photography subsidiary of the Israeli company Wix.com. It was launched on August 7, 2000 by Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, Matthew Stephens, and others." } ]
dougnat diaries: It's all about the cotton This week we are celebrating Our Daily Bread's 2nd Anniversary! and to celebrate, in our challenges we will be focusing on gifts for Anniversaries. Cotton is the traditional gift for the second anniversary...so today’s challenge is to use cotton on your card. you can…. stamp on cotton, use cotton ribbon, make a cotton flower… what ever your creative mind comes up with! We want to see it! Here's a look at my card... I have had this beautiful cotton lace for quite sometime now and thought today was the day to use it! I went with one of my favorite sets...Noah's Ark and made a pink and white baby card, I loved creating something all pink and girly :) Now for some business :) Please be sure to visit all the blogs linked below, and leave a comment for each designer, because there is hidden candy on some of the blogs! You will not know where it is, but if your name is chosen and you have left a comment for the designers… you will win it!!! You won’t know how many have candy each day… so be sure to visit them all and leave some love and don't forget to check out the Our Daily Bread Designs Blog for more information on prizes and other things like that!! It's going to be a great week!! What a sweet card! I love it!! :) Having two daughters I really an enjoying this pink baby card. It is so very sweet and creative. Beautiful job. Natalie, girl, you have rocked this challenge and I absolutely LOVE your card...so sweet with all of the pink!!!! LOVE IT!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina This is so pretty Natalie!! So soft and elegant. Love the pink lace!! What an awesome take on today's challenge!! Have a great weekend! Such a SWEET project! Love the pinks and your "cotton" TFS! WOW! This is one breath taking card. I just love the soft look and all the love you put into this card. Oh my is this wonderful!!! I love the stamp used this way! This is gorgeous! Where do you find lace like that? If you say you made it, I'll have to cry, because I've tried crocheting, but just make a big mess! Oh MY Natalie...sigh that lace is amazing girl! You saved it for the perfect card. This is an absolutely precious baby card! oh Natalie! that lace is gorgeous! how precious your card is!! beautiful job So soft and adorable Natalie!!! I love it!!! Such a beautifully soft, little girl card. The cotton lace is a perfect addition. very pretty! such a beautiful soft baby card. Love the pale pinks! So very sweet! That pink trim is just amazing here! Beautiful! How pretty! Great card for a new baby. such a sweet card!! love the lace ribbon and your buttons. That image is so sweet! How gorgeous!!!!!! your card is just awesome Natalie, I love the pink card with the wonderful texture and detailing! Beautifully done! This is such a pretty baby card. Love how you stamped the image in pink, and your pink cotton lace is off-the-scale pretty! Great job! Such a sweet sweet card Your card is lovely - I just love lace! What a gorgeous card! That lace trim is just beautiful! very pretty card, love teh softness of it. Lovely baby card. So precious in pink. Very nice card! Love all of these cards I am looking at today. All of you rock! always trying to come with cards for babys boy or girl this one is just beautiful So cute!!! Love the PINK!!! So sweetly pretty Natalie!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Bread Crumb LinkHome > eBay Stores > Still-Luv-Nes > Xbox 360Save this seller|Sign up for Store newsletter Still-Luv-NesMaintained by:Member id still-luv-nes ( Feedback Score Of 22507) We sell a large amount of video games from past to present new and used. We Sell used Playstation Games (PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4), Retro Nintendo Games (NES, SNES, N64, GameCube), Xbox, Retro Sega Games, Video Game Consoles and much more. If rare games are your thing, sign up for our news letter today!This Store seller is currently away. Please add this Store to your Favorites and come again. Store searchEnter your search keywordin titles & descriptionStore categoriesStore homePlaystation, PS1 (1)Sega (1)Strategy Guide(s) (1)Other (1)DisplayHide gallery viewView time leftShipping & PaymentPaypal is our preferred payment method. | If you pay eCheck please allow 3 to 7 days for your payment to clear. | We DO NOT Combine shippingStore Newsletter!Add my Store to your Favorites and receive my email newsletters about new items and special promotions!General Interest An eBay Store maintained by:Member id still-luv-nes ( Feedback Score Of 22507) Seller, manage StoreTools:My eBay Learn more about feedsAdditional site navigationAbout eBayAnnouncementsCommunitySecurity CenterResolution CenterSeller Information CenterPoliciesAffiliatesHelp & ContactSite MapCopyright © 1995-2016 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
Erica Gragg | HuffPost Erica is known for teaching a very strong, yet playful "Vinyasa" flow practice. She is largely inspired by the journey of yoga, the subtle to the grand discoveries each individual makes through their practice, inviting students to have fun while experiencing their body in a whole new way through each unique practice. With classes always set to music, from tribal, to lounge to classic rock songs, students are able to find their own personal rhythm and expression through each asana. Inspired by dance, music and the breathe, along with complete awe for the human body, no two classes of Erica's are ever alike. Additionally, Erica is ACE certified, having created time efficient and results driven workouts and fitness tips for publications such as Health, Self, Shape, Fitness, The New York Post, Newsday, in the United States as well as Red, The London Times, Daily Star, The Sunday Express and Healthy in the United Kingdom. Erica is the co-creator of the acclaimed fitness and lifestyle program, Bikini Boot Camp and is the author of Bikini Boot Camp- Two Weeks To Your Ultimate Beach Body. Erica's is able to expand her passion for fitness and travel with Escape To Shape, attracted by the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures while pursuing her passion, teaching. Erica finds inspiration in each location, and rewards in not only the reshaping of bodies, but also the expansion of minds that happens on each trip. Erica has a lightness in her step and a passionate outlook towards life. She strongly believes that each and every person can make a difference, even in the seemingly smallest of ways, and that life is meant to be lived & enjoyed, each and every breathe to the fullest.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "HuffPost, formerly The Huffington Post until 2017 and sometimes abbreviated HuffPo, is an American news aggregator and blog, with localized and international editions. The site offers news, satire, blogs and original content, and covers politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, popular media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women's interests and local news featuring columnists." } ]
Specifications - 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT - Yahoo Autos Autos > Used Cars > Mercedes-Benz > Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 > 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 > High Roof 170-in. WB EXT > Technical Specs 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 ClearBook $26,426 EngineStandard Engine3.0L V6Standard Transmission5 Speed AutomaticCylinders6Horsepower @RPM188@3800Fuel Economy Cty/HwyNA/NACombined Fuel EconomyN/AEPA ClassCargo VanNumber of Valves24Torque @RPMN/AFuel Type SystemDiesel Engine / Electronic Fuel InjectedTurbo (Yes/No)YesOverdrive TransmissionYesBattery OutputN/ACompressionN/ADisplacement2987/182Bore X Stroke3.27x3.62Cruising RangeN/AFinal Drive Gear Ratio OptN/APower to Weight Ratio31.8Final Drive RatioYesValves ConfigurationDual Overhead Cam/Twin Overhead CamSuperchargedNoElectric HorsePower RPMN/AElectric Torque Feet Per PoundN/AElectric Torque RPMN/AElectric HorsePower BHPN/A Capacity and VolumeCargo Volume (EPA)N/ACargo Volume (MFR)N/AFuel Capacity26.4Passenger Volume (EPA)N/APassenger Volume (MFR)N/ABox/Cargo Height76.4Box/Cargo Length185.0Box/Cargo Width (Wheel)38.5Box/Cargo Width (Wall)70.1GVWR Standard9990GVWR Maximum11030Payload Standard3794Payload Maximum4845 Exterior Dimensions and WeightCurb Weight MTN/ACurb Weight AT6196Ground ClearanceN/AHeight110.8Length289.2Top Type (Standard)Hard FixedTop Type (Optional)N/ATrack (Front)67.2Track (Rear)60.9Weight Distribution AT (Front)51Weight Distribution AT (Rear)49Weight Distribution MT (Front)N/AWeight Distribution MT (Rear)N/AWheelbase170.3Width79.7Doors (Standard)3Doors (Maximum)4 2009 Dodge Sprinter 2500 EXT Van 170-in. WB Used 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT On Yahoo Autos Research the technical specs for the 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT on Yahoo Autos. Check out all specs for the 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT, including engine specs, capacity and volume specs, brakes, steering, suspension and tires specs, interior and exterior dimensions, and crash test ratings for the 2010 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Cargo Van 3500 High Roof 170-in. WB EXT.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
Great Desert Escape Yucca Valley/JT Adjacent — Дома в аренду в г. Юкка-Вэлли, Калифорния, США Great Desert Escape Yucca Valley/JT Adjacent Дом целиком · Юкка-Вэлли Fully air conditioned or heated!! Remodeled 2BD/1BA mid-century home with immaculate views of the San Jacinto mountains and Joshua trees. Enjoy breathtaking sunsets. Both rooms each have a queen size bed & views of our backyard. Completely new kitchen and appliances. Centrally located - 10 mins drive to Pioneertown & downtown Joshua Tree. Instagram: @greatdesertescape Fully air conditioned!! Newly renovated mid-century home in quiet neighborhood with paved roads. Features new kitchen with beautiful quartz countertops. All new stainless steel appliances. Start your morning with the use of our coffee grinder and the drip coffeemaker or French press. Kitchen is equipped with the basic essentials. Living room has comfortable seating for all guests. Flat screen with Apple TV. Turntable with selection of vinyl. Both bedrooms each have a new queen size bed and views of the San Jacinto mountains. One bedroom features a fenced patio. Bathroom has two sinks, a toilet, and bathtub. Long driveway with ample parking. During the day enjoy watching small desert wildlife. Depending on the season you will most likely see bunnies, quails, turtles, and roadrunners out and about. At night, star gaze in the private outdoor patio. Coffee is provided with your choice of a drip coffeemaker or French press. Complimentary shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. We will advise address and access information 3-5 days prior to your arrival. Please call or text with any questions or concerns. The house has four bedrooms but this listing is for access to two. The other two rooms are for our personal use and will be locked. We will NOT be present during your stay. Fireplace is not to be used but we do have heating. Unfortunately our home is not friendly for toddlers. Family with children ages 12+ are welcome. Плата за уборку 3833 р Цена на выходные 8197 р / ночь No additional guests. Only guests booked under the reservation (max 4 people) are allowed at the home. No parties. No commercial photo shoots or filming. Please be considerate of our neighbors - keep noise down after 10pm especially if you are enjoying the outdoor space. This is our personal home so please be respectful and leave it the way you found it. Do not use the towels to remove make up. Unfortunately we will have to charge a $15 per towel fee if they are stained. The home is very well done in Mid-Century Modern style, complete with records and a record player! The host was super responsive in communicating and very flexible. The house is newly remodeled and sparkling clean. The bed was so welcoming and comfortable. There is a private fenced in back yard and an open section with views out into the desert. We had a great stay and would definitely recommend staying here! Amy I’m so glad you had a great stay! Thank you for the amazing review. We would love to host you again! Sophia's house in Yucca Valley is a great place to base your Joshua Tree vacation around. The space is up to date and well maintained and will provide everything you need for a comfortable stay. That said, avoid if you have strong allergies - the house is heavily perfumed and I sneezed through much of my stay (even keeping the windows open as much as possible). Location: 5 miles to Black Rock Canyon Campground; 8 miles to Joshua Tree Visitor Center; 12 miles to Joshua Tree West Entrance; Close to restaurants and grocery stores in Yucca Valley. Very contingently located for exploring Joshua Tree. Property: The house is spacious (~1500 sq ft) and contains 4 bedroom/2 baths (part of the house was closed off and not included in the rental). While there is an enclosed garage, that was also not part of the rental (parking off stree on driveway). The property (0.4 acres) has neighhbors on both sides, but the back is open to a large undeveloped area - closest building is about 250m away in this direction. There are some trails to explore here and quite a few Joshua Trees and other flora. Kitchen: Well appointed and pristine with a full size fridge/freezer, 5-burner stove/oven, dishwasher, coffee maker, microwave, and toaster. All pots, pans, cutlery, and crockery sufficient to cook a complete meal for a family is included. Bring coffee (filters provided) and spices or get them at the local Vons. Salt/pepper, oil, and balsamic vinegar provided. Living room: 40 inch flat screen TV and Apple TV (with a subscription to Hulu) available. Some board games. Bedrooms: Somewhat small but the beds are comfortable. Both bedrooms include large closets (one walk-in). Patio: Covered patio with picnic bench off the kitchen and a semi-private open patio off one of the bedrooms. The open patio has privacy screens on two sides (short fence on the side facing the open space in the back). The privacy screens do not block direct line of sight from the neighbor's windows. Bathroom: Full bath with two side-by-side wash basins. Cleanliness: The property is scrupulously clean and all of the furniture/fittings look quite new. AC/Heating: Multiple units (one in the living room and one each in the bedrooms) provide AC/Heating. Was effective during my stay, but didn't really need them (temperature was in the 70s to low 80s). Cons: The house is strongly perfumed - using a number of reed infusers. Not recommended if you have strong allergies - I had to move the infusers outside and keep the windows open to try to get rid of the perfume - was not successful over three nights (needed to take allergy meds and slept with a bandana covering my nose - gangster style). Thanks for the extensive review. I’m so sorry to hear that the reed diffusers were an issue for you. We are going to remove them for the time being as we have noticed that the newer batch has been stronger than those purchased in the past but didn’t think it would be an issue. My husband and sister have strong allergies and never felt they had a reaction to the reed diffusers. We had a lovely time at Sophia's as a base for our friend's wedding in Joshua Tree. The outdoor views are really nice and the stylish space itself was larger than expected. Conveniently located to Yucca Valley shops and restaurants. Recommended. We are so glad you enjoyed your stay. Thanks for the great review. We would love to host you again. Amazing house! Dynamite view off the backyard Thanks for a great review. The view is what made us fall in love with the house. We would love to host you again. Sophia was such a great host. Her place was clean, hip, and comfortable. We loved the private outdoor patio to watch the stars at night. Perfect for our first time in Joshua Tree! Hi Alan! Happy to hear that you all had a great time! Thanks again for staying with us and we would love to host you again. Sophia's lovely home truly exceeded our expectations. Super comfy, clean, and relaxing. The kitchen was well stocked for making meals at the house, the backyard area was great, and the shaded porch was a huge plus to get out a break from the sun but still enjoy the outdoors and the heat. Also even though you aren't in the park the star gazing was still amazing from the backyard. Sophia was a wonderful host, she answered all our questions, was always incredibly quick to respond, and made sure we had everything we needed to make it a great trip. I highly recommend this house. You wont be disappointed! Hi Olivia, Thanks you so much for the lovely review. We are so happy to hear you fully enjoyed our amenities. We home to host you again soon! Sophia's place is lovely! The home is clean, well-designed, and extremely comfortable. All the amenities are quite modern and give it a day spa type feel. The bed is super comfy as well! The enclosed backyard is the perfect place to relax and watch the stars. There are comfortable lounge chairs, and it feels extremely well kept and clean. Best of all there are walls so you will probably not be eaten by coyotes. The Joshua trees right outside the place are gorgeous. Despite it being in desert, the outside is teaming with wildlife. We saw tons of squirrels, rabbits, families of birds walking in single file, bats, hawks, etc. Highly recommend staying here and hope we can come back one day! Thanks for such a lovely review! We intentionally built that patio so you could be enclosed but still enjoy the view so I'm glad you were able to make good use of it!! You are welcome back any time! My top priorities in life are family, friends, traveling, and food. I have an adventurous spirit and can appreciate remote settings as well as major cities. When looking for a place to stay I am most interested in those that lean towards unconventional. I prefer to stay amongst locals rather than tourists. I am passionate about food and very interested in its history. My hobbies include spending time with my family, cooking, baking, reading and working out (hiking, yoga, bike riding,etc.) Это дом пользователя Sophia. Dominique и Joseph помогают принимать гостей.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities." } ]
Whoa Mama: January 2010 I made a special trip to Wegman’s round about the middle of December. All of my cookie cutters, from the giant Christmas tree to the itty bitty candy cane are still in my father-in-law’s garage in CT. I had made homemade sugar cookie dough the night before and Aidan and I bought in excess of $40 worth of decorations. For some reason Wegmans carries bizarre non-holiday-related cookie cutter shapes like honey jar, cocker spaniel and ballpoint pen. I did manage to find festive cutters in some hidden clearance bin. I was in business. Except life kept marching on and before I knew it we’d been to see Santa, done some collective wrapping, covert shopping, light spotting, tree decorating, along with the regular demands on our schedule and then the boys were returning to school. I tossed the dough, figuring even if it hadn’t spoiled that it was only kept alive by some unholy means. Vowing to squeeze in some festive cookie, I made dough over the weekend and while Sam and Scott went tubing Aidan and Noah and I cut out 11 giant hearts. Then it was bed time. They each decorated one in the morning. I did one for Sam. They ate them one their afternoon with Gramma. That night I told the boys that if we had time, they could each do one before bed. I’ve never seen Noah eat so fast. He hardly spoke and was all (polite) business. We decorated three more before bed that night for lunch boxes. One fell on the floor and cracked. Finally they did three more the following night and I did sneak an innocuous pink one without a sprinkle, extra grain of sugar or sixlet for myself. They ate these mountains of sugary, rainbow goodness, brushed their teeth twice and somehow still managed to sleep. There you have it five days, 11 sugar cookies, only one fit for adult consumption. Stroke of genius! posted by Leah @ 7:28 PM 0 Comments I am one of 14 grandchildren on my mom's side. From about the time there were 5 of us my grandmother set out on a mission to "just get a picture of all my grandchildren". My mom made that plea last night. Here's how that went. posted by Leah @ 8:33 AM 1 Comments
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
q ideas | while waiting Posted in Uncategorized Tagged eugene peterson, Gabe Lyons, laura speiller, nyc, pete scazzero, prayer, q, q ideas, q practices, richard rohr, sabbath, simplicity, the next christians about drew Drew is a church planter and pastor in New York City of Hope Church Midtown, a church that is part of the Hope Church NYC family of churches (www.hopechurchnyc.org). He is married to his lovely wife Christina and they have a young son named David. The Hyuns reside in New York, NY. You can also connect with Drew on Twitter and Facebook.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Gun show nation : gun culture and American democracy (Book, 2006) [WorldCat.org] http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/64771116 Title: Gun show nation : gun culture and American democracy ISBN/ISSN: 1595580875 9781595580870 9781595582041 1595582045 OCLC:64771116 Online version:Burbick, Joan.Gun show nation.New York, N.Y. : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, 2006(OCoLC)654270260 1595580875 9781595580870 9781595582041 1595582045 64771116 xxii, 232 p. ; 22 cm. 1. Buffalo Bill at the gun show -- 2. Rebirth of a nation -- 3. The rifle fraternity -- 4. Start shooting -- 5. Reading American Rifleman -- 6. Uncivil rights -- 7. Riding the Reagan highway -- 8. Deterrents -- 9. Purchasing power -- 10. Gun-grabbing wives -- 11. Arming God's nation -- 12. Global gun grabbers -- Afterword : Lethal politics -- Add tags for "Gun show nation : gun culture and American democracy". Armes à feu -- Législation -- États-Unis. <http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/64771116>library:oclcnum"64771116"library:placeOfPublication<http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/countries/nyu>dcterms:identifier"nyu"rdf:typeschema:Placelibrary:placeOfPublication<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Place/new_york_n_y>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"New York, N.Y."rdf:typeschema:Bookrdf:typeschema:MediaObjectschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/armes_a_feu_legislation_etats_unis>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Armes à feu--Législation--États-Unis."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/armes_a_feu_controle_etats_unis>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Armes à feu--Contrôle--États-Unis."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/schusswaffengebrauch>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Schusswaffengebrauch."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/schusswaffe>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Schusswaffe."@enschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/925614>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Firearms--Social aspects."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/nationale_identiteit>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Nationale identiteit."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/gewaltkriminalitat>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Gewaltkriminalität."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Place/usa>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"USA."schema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/949382>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Gun control."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/firearms_social_aspects_united_states>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:hasPart<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85048533>schema:name"Firearms--Social aspects--United States."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/wapenbezit>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Wapenbezit."@enschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/925588>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Firearms--Law and legislation."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Place/verenigde_staten>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"Verenigde Staten."schema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/waffenbesitz>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Waffenbesitz."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/firearms_ownership_united_states_history>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:hasPart<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2009124355>schema:name"Firearms ownership--United States--History."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/gun_control_united_states_history>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:hasPart<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2008105453>schema:name"Gun control--United States--History."@enschema:about<http://dewey.info/class/363.330973/e22/>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/925642>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:name"Firearms ownership."@enschema:about<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Topic/firearms_law_and_legislation_united_states_history>rdf:typeschema:Intangibleschema:hasPart<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2008103816>schema:name"Firearms--Law and legislation--United States--History."@enschema:about<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1204155>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"United States."schema:creator<http://viaf.org/viaf/68953809>rdf:typeschema:Personschema:familyName"Burbick"schema:givenName"Joan"schema:name"Burbick, Joan."schema:datePublished"2006"schema:exampleOfWork<http://worldcat.org/entity/work/id/198241052>schema:genre"History"@enschema:inLanguage"en"schema:name"Gun show nation : gun culture and American democracy"@enschema:numberOfPages"232"schema:publication<http://www.worldcat.org/title/-/oclc/64771116#PublicationEvent/new_york_n_y_new_press_distributed_by_w_w_norton_2006>rdf:typeschema:PublicationEventschema:location<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Place/new_york_n_y>rdf:typeschema:Placeschema:name"New York, N.Y."schema:organizer<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Agent/distributed_by_w_w_norton>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"Distributed by W.W. Norton"schema:organizer<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Agent/new_press>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"New Press"schema:startDate"2006"schema:publisher<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Agent/distributed_by_w_w_norton>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"Distributed by W.W. Norton"schema:publisher<http://experiment.worldcat.org/entity/work/data/198241052#Agent/new_press>rdf:typebgn:Agentschema:name"New Press"schema:reviewsrdf:typeschema:Reviewschema:itemReviewed<http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/64771116>schema:reviewBody""Looking at America from the floor of a gun show, Gun Show Nation answers the question posed by Michael Moore's hit documentary film Bowling for Columbine: why are Americans so obsessed with guns? And what can be done about it? Gun Show Nation goes beyond the issues of handgun bans and child-safety locks to delve into what the author sees as the heart of the matter-that owning a gun has come to be seen as a fundamental right in our democracy."--BOOK JACKET."schema:workExample<http://worldcat.org/isbn/9781595580870>rdf:typeschema:ProductModelschema:isbn"1595580875"schema:isbn"9781595580870"schema:workExample<http://worldcat.org/isbn/9781595582041>rdf:typeschema:ProductModelschema:bookFormatschema:Paperbackschema:isbn"1595582045"schema:isbn"9781595582041"wdrs:describedby<http://www.worldcat.org/title/-/oclc/64771116>rdf:typegenont:InformationResourcerdf:typegenont:ContentTypeGenericResourceschema:about<http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/64771116>void:inDataset<http://purl.oclc.org/dataset/WorldCat>Content-negotiable representationsTurtle (text/turtle)JSON-LD (application/ld+json)RDF/XML (application/rdf+xml)N-TRIPLES (text/plain)HTML+RDFa (text/html) Gun show nation : gun culture and American democracy/Joan Burbick; New York, N.Y. : New Press : Distributed by W.W. Norton, 2006.
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Restaurants near Woodyard Bar-B-Que Things to do near Woodyard Bar-B-Que #4 of 238 Restaurants in Kansas City} 3001 Merriam Ln, Kansas City, KS 66106-4613 “cheesy corn” (27 reviews) All reviews chili cheesy corn burnt ends spare ribs pulled pork smoked wings baby backs beans fries baby back ribs sandwich turkey meat combo ham slab of ribs indoor seating triple d Depending on which meats you order, the quality at Woodyard can be hit or miss. We tried their ribs (delicious), pull pork (some of the worst I've ever eaten), brisket (dried out and flavorless), burnt ends (good), and sausage (OK). The quality should be more...More Good food, love the atmosphere! We have been here twice and loved it both times. Try the corn! The Burnt End buster, corn bread, hot wings, cole slaw, all delish! Love sitting outside by the smoker. Warning...you will smell like it when you leave. Not a BBQ expert but Dinner was Yummy Met friends at Woodyard BBQ and the setting was great , with an indoor rustic dining area which was very easy to converse. I ordered Spare Ribs which I enjoyed more than i can remember in the past. Fresh Cut fries also quite good. WE...More Patio is superb! I call Kansas City home. I love the many BBQ options the area offers, and on a recent visit from my current city in Iowa, I decided to give Woodyard a try. As we brought the family dog along, we ate on the patio, where...More Great BBQ but Not Fancy Not fancy but great BBQ. Got there late and they were out of a couple of items which told us they were good and need to get there earlier. Counter order and they deliver to your table. Had burnt ends and pulled pork. Some of...More Where was the zing? The initial smiley smell was overwhelming incredible!! The staff was very nice and really worked hard to get our order out in about three minutes. That was great!!! I had a rack of babyback ribs. They were very tender and fell off of the bone....More During a recent trip, I knew I "must" have BBQ while in Kansas City. Woodyard BBQ had great reviews, so I gave it a try and am SO happy I did!! It's a very small place, family run, but plenty of parking in the back....More Absolutely the BEST BBQ we have ever had. Wife got the burnt ends and pulled pork. I got the half rack. Both were fantastic!! Best ever. Service was nice. Nice charm to the place. We went after the lunch crowd but the place was still...More Stopped for lunch on a Sunday afternoon. Lots of outdoor seating. Large smoker out front so could relax, enjoy a couple of beers, and watch the barbecue get smoked. The ribs are the highlight for me, smoked perfectly and required no sauce. The bunt ends...More Very interesting BBQ Loved the this place the food and the story. Quite small we ate outside at lunch due to crowed. The food was all that we had expected. The ribs were melt in your mouth tender and mmmm good. This place sells wood to other smokers...More Sandwiches, Ribs, & Wings One Meat - $7.95, Two Meats - $9.95 Voted best ribs in the KC Pitch Dinner - 4 Ribs & 2 Sides12.95 Single Rib2.45 Dinner - 4 Pc & 2 Sides12.45 Single Wing2.45 One Meat10.45 Two Meats14.45 Three Meats17.45 Featured in 500 Things to Eat Before Its Too Late and Food and Wine's, Best Chilis in America Bowl9.45 Pulled pork topped with two slices of smoked ham, 2 slices of smoked bacon, topped with provolone cheese. Choice of two sides Topped with house smoked bacon, lettuce, tomato & onion. Choice of two sides Tender & Juicy smoked chicken topped with lettuce, onion and tomato. Choice of two sides Smoked ham, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, onion & mayo. Choice of two sides Friday: The KC Smoke Steak Sandwich! Med2.45 Brisket Sausage Get quick answers from Woodyard Bar-B-Que staff and past visitors. Gluten Free options? Is there a GF menu or at least a list of menu items that are gluten free? Response from DandLtravel | Reviewed this property | Hi - don't recall the menu exactly, but it's basic KC bbq: meat and the fixin's (cole slaw, beans, cheesy corn and potato salad). Seem to recall fries and onion rings, too. Staff is very helpful, sure they can direct you... More Hi - don't recall the menu exactly, but it's basic KC bbq: meat and the fixin's (cole slaw, beans, cheesy corn and potato salad). Seem to recall fries and onion rings, too. Staff is very helpful, sure they can direct you to GF options. Takeout, Outdoor Seating, Seating, Waitstaff, Parking Available, Free Off-Street Parking, Highchairs Available, Wheelchair Accessible, Serves Alcohol, Wine and Beer, Accepts American Express, Accepts Mastercard, Accepts Visa, Accepts Discover, Television, Accepts Credit Cards Address: 3001 Merriam Ln, Kansas City, KS 66106-4613 Phone Number: +1 913-362-8000 Woodyard BBQ is situated in an old house in an old working woodyard. There is an awesome outdoor brick patio with our brick smoker adjacent. This is combined with a cool wooden deck, an inside room with AC and heat and our BRAND new beer garden. This place is the real deal. Come say hi!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
The Tasty Spoonful: An Evening of Gentlemanly Pursuits, Part IIIa Chicago's population in 1939 was 3.4 million, almost 1 million more than today, despite the expansion of the city's territory over the past decades. The overcrowding was murderous. I found some maps from 1937 of public housing projects and the city's plans for new ones in the Newberry Library (above). Within two miles of the Blommer factory (which you can see on the map right where the "H" in "Hudson" is), there are four low-income housing projects. A neighborhood of factories and warehouses had grown up west of the River and growing local industries drew from the poor Hungarians, Poles, and Russian workforce in the immediate surround that had settled down on the West Side. The newly-arrived joined the offspring of 200,000 Chicagoans that had fled the 1871 fire across the sludgy River to the West Side. This first wave was responsible for the majority the neighborhood's population, and their children had grown up with the hard labor of rebuilding a city, their grandchildren the brutal humiliation of persistent unemployment. These obscure children spoke English with Chicago accents and dreamed of New York and no longer understood when their grandparents said that the low Midwestern sky reminded them of Minsk in November. The neighborhood became known as "Jew Town" and by 1939 the pockets of Eastern Europeans had hardened into blocs of delis, tailor-shops, and smokehouses. But they were still poor. There were only three movie theaters where West Siders could attend showings of some of the greatest movies ever made that year--all of which came out in '39: The Wizard of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Of Mice and Men, and Stagecoach. So that, even if families could have afforded to see the sudden introduction of color into American cinema, and experience the shock of the fantasy world on the screen seeming so much more like their own world so immediately, they probably couldn't have. Later, a growing number of blacks (there were roughly 26,000 in the Near West Side by 1939) began arriving, and the Near West Side would eventually become one of the chief landing places for Great Migrators, arriving from Alabama and Tennessee and Georgia in the hard winters of the 1940's, and moving further west and south into the Garfield and Austin sections of the city. Still later, the riots after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's assassination would explode along Madison Street, mostly West of the Blommer factory. Clips of footage can distract for hours. The violence was explosive. And despite the relative distance from the worst of the damage, industry largely abandoned the Near West Side. A 1988 Reader article written on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the riots mentions the thriving machine factories on Lake Street just west of the Loop: Many of the firms there closed their doors and fled to places like Elk Grove Village, where an opportunistic developer established a new machine-tool center in the safety of the suburbs. In the interim, the neighborhood itself had been split by the construction of the Kennedy Expressway, and residential communities moved away too, fleeing violent city streets in the Seventies and Eighties. Paul Kahan's father opened several small businesses, and closed all of them on the Near West Side during the same period. And right around the turn of the Millennium, his son teamed up with Donnie Madia, took a big risk, and opened two restaurants on Jefferson, right next to one another, launching what would eventually become a "renaissance" for the neighborhood. The Blommer Chocolate Company is still where it was in 1939. It never moved. Today it has a tasting room and a small gift shop. Tours are offered for a fee. And you can find it easily enough on Google Earth. There's no need anymore to learn about cities in archives or static maps. We navigate the world at our leisure, and go where we want in the virtual space. I love Streetview. It's the audacity of the project that gets me, and I imagine, a lot of people, more than anything else. It's the idea--or maybe just the illusion--that you could ever capture the entirety of a city in a single moment: stitching together images from around the entirety of Chicago or New York or Mumbai. But more than anything else, it's reassuring to know that Blommer is right where it's supposed to be. We get what seems to be guaranteed visual confirmation of the factory's existence, in the same position it's occupied for 80 years. The photos are updated--a general sense of history is established. We trust in the continuity created on the Internet. The starkness of the ordinary laid out in images of loading docks and parking lots, and we can scroll up and see the same blue Blommer lettering. With a flick of our fingers, I can look at Blommer from outer space, and everything is put into visual context. Alternative Perspective on History: Speculating on a Morning of Avram Jakobsen, May 1939 We don't experience ordinary life like this, do we? That is, we don't always feel the weight of history. It would be paralyzing if we did. History is a sleight of hand; but so too is fiction. And when we feel impacted by either we are being tricked into having faith in narrative as a means of connection. This is we do when we write. And when we write fiction, we color history with a deep desire for connectedness. We salve our absolute apartness with a narrative illusion. Can the history of the Near West Side be told around Blommer? Very usefully, yes. We can reduce it to a single day and say that the entirety of the neighborhood's history revolves around it. Specifically: the day when Henry Blommer and his two sons started up the machinery and set workers to their work at the Blommer Family Chocolate Factory, producing sweets and candies for Marshall Field's Department Store. And what if we thought about a singular moment on Roosevelt Street on that May 1939 morning, when eight-year-old Avram Jakobsen (Abe to his Chicago-born friends), while on his way to school near Jane Addams House, stops and sniffs the mysteriously warm air, which on a spring morning is--as usual--overhung with the soot and grime from machine tooling factories? Can we imagine, for a second, the strange alchemy of confusion and innocent arousal that builds within his tiny frame when, amid the crush of poverty and bodies yearning for Chicago spring, with the whistles of steam locomotives around him and the almost-stagnant river emptying inland from Lake Michigan, and everything slowly coming back to life, he turns his nose upward to catch the SW breeze? The noise and the din of the city, and the exigencies of history that Avram hasn't even begun to consider yet all fall away in that instant. Everything collapses into complete conscious sensation of the world: the upturned nose and a smile that builds on Avram's face as he puts down his small bag, his fingers unclenching, and--could it be imagination? Certainly not--Avram considers the possibility of his own body fooling him because in that moment something magnificent and other-worldly, and altogether unexpected happens. Things like this defy the logic of context and history and narratives, because, as it turns out, sometimes things are literally just in the air. And there's nothing for Avram to do but trust that what he suddenly senses must be something like what his parents talk about when they talk about love or hope or God, because some part of him thinks that if he ever loses what this so-sudden sensation feels like, he would die. Think about how much or little it matters that the fire forced his grandparents to the Near West Side; that his father has been losing sleep over an unexpected and persistent pain in his abdomen; that his mother yelled at him for spending three cents that he found in the street at the movies. Because right in this instant, the miraculous--think in terms of childhood expectations for miracles here--happens and Avram becomes the first person ever on the Near West Side of hundreds of thousands to follow him to feel a particular sensation course through his body, connecting him to every one of them: a single moment of almost impossible joy in the rich air that anyone who comes to the Near West Side knows. Because Avram smells chocolate. Posted by A-J Aronstein at 1:31 PM Labels: An Evening of Gentlemanly Pursuits, Creative Writing Patterns in Chaos May 18, 2011 at 9:46 PM "Because we may seem like our own most important moment, but even as we hurtle toward whatever we perceive as the future, the tentacles of our collective pasts tug at our tendons, our tissues and weave themselves into something that we might call, in our more contemplative or hopeful or fearful moments, a soul." -- LOVE LOVE LOVE this sentence!!especially the imagery of the tentacled past and the culmination of the possibility of a soul.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Section 39:6-78 - Identity Of Vehicle, Operator, Owner Unascertainable. :: 2016 New Jersey Revised Statutes :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia Justia US Law US Codes and Statutes New Jersey Revised Statutes 2016 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 39 - Motor Vehicles And Traffic Regulation Section 39:6-78 - Identity Of Vehicle, Operator, Owner Unascertainable. NJ Rev Stat § 39:6-78 (2016) What's This? 18. When the death of, or personal injury to, any person arises out of ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle in this State on or after April 1, 1955, but the identity of the motor vehicle and of the operator and owner thereof cannot be ascertained or it is established that the motor vehicle was, at the time said accident occurred, in the possession of some person other than the owner without the owner's consent and that the identity of such person cannot be ascertained, any qualified person who would have a cause of action against the operator or owner or both in respect to such death or personal injury may bring an action therefor against the association in any court of competent jurisdiction, but no judgment against the association shall be entered in such an action unless the court is satisfied, upon the hearing of the action, that-- (a)The claimant has complied with the requirements of section 5, (b)The claimant is not a person covered with respect to such injury or death by any workers' compensation law, or the personal representative of such a person, (c)The claimant was not at the time of the accident the owner or registrant of an uninsured motor vehicle, or was not operating a motor vehicle in violation of an order of suspension or revocation, (d)The claimant has a cause of action against the operator or owner of such motor vehicle or against the operator who was operating the motor vehicle without the consent of the owner of the motor vehicle, (e)All reasonable efforts have been made to ascertain the identity of the motor vehicle and of the owner and operator thereof and either that the identity of the motor vehicle and the owner and operator thereof cannot be established, or that the identity of the operator, who was operating the motor vehicle without the owner's consent, cannot be established, (f)The action is not brought by or on behalf of an insurer under circumstances set forth in paragraph (1) of section 10. L.1952,c.174,s.18; amended 1955, c.1, s.9; 1956, c.150; 1958, c.99, s.6; 1983, c.362, s.2.1; 1985, c.148, s.11; 2003, c.89, s.22.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Justia is an American website specializing in legal information retrieval. It was founded in 2003 by Tim Stanley, formerly of FindLaw, and is one of the largest online databases of legal cases." } ]
Comfortable Room in Modern Home. Quite Area - บ้าน ให้เช่า ใน Ness Ziona, เขตเซ็นเตอร์, อิสราเอล ห้องส่วนตัว ใน house · Ness Ziona Our place is located 5 min drive to The Wiezmann Institute of Science and HiTech Industrial Parks of Rehovot and Ness Ziona. 20 min drive to Tel Aviv (off peak). Comfortable bedroom in modern home on the boarder of Ness Ziona/Rehovot, quiet location at the end of a Cul-de-Sac with views to farm land. Dear Lesley and Gregory, Many thanks with a lot of appreciation for allowing me to stay with you two and having a wonderful time in Israel. I fall in love with Israel people, beautiful scenario and food. Lesley and Gregory are wonderful people to stay with and i am so lucky to … I was travelling solo on a business trip and a family visit. Accommodation was just perfect. It truly was a home away from home. Lesley and Greg are wonderful hosts and the house is real gem in Ness Tziona. They have a very friendly cat that I already miss. Mind though, that priv… Had to be in Ness-ziona early in the morning and decided to stay at Lesley's place. Very welcoming, very friendly, we had a nice conversation. The room was cozy and warm, the bed was very comfortable. There was a separate bathroom for my use (clean, with fresh towels and soap)… Novemb(PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN)mb(PHONE NUMBER HIDDEN) The very best accommodation in perfectly situated location, based on what we wanted to do - we visited Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ashdod and every day we knew we were returning "home". The room was comfortable, clean and quiet. We had… Ness Ziona, อิสราเอล · เข้าร่วมตั้งแต่ สิงหาคม 2011 สำรวจตัวเลือกอื่นๆ ในและรอบ Ness Ziona ที่พักมากขึ้นใน Ness Ziona:
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities." } ]
The OF Blog: 2013 Reading/Reviewing Resolutions and challenges for those reading this 2013 Reading/Reviewing Resolutions and challenges for those reading this Since people seem to like reading these exercises in dual self-restraint/promotion, I suppose I could write something that could serve not only as a personal challenge, but one that it would be nice if others would dare take up this challenge. I'll try to keep this short and simple: 1. Have a higher percentage of reads be by women writers. I read 144 books that were written, co-written, edited, or co-edited by women in 2012. That sounds good...until I note that I read/re-read 501 books in 2012. That's a paltry 28.7%. Even worse, after the first 200 books read, I had read 80 by women, 40%, so a combination of re-reading/reviewing two very long epic fantasy series (Erikson/Esslemont and Sapkowski) and not searching as much the final 6-7 months of the year greatly reduced the percentage. 2. Work on my reading comprehension in Italian, French, German, and Serbian. My Spanish reading comprehension is near-native levels and the Portuguese is only a small bit behind. But I want to improve in these four languages, especially since I hope to travel, either late this year or by mid-2014 at the latest, to Vienna-Budapest-the old Military Frontier district of the Habsburg Empire-Venice and knowledge of three of those languages (Hungarian would be much too difficult for me to learn effectively in a year's span with the available resources to me) would be very nice. Would be nice to read more easily (although this is somewhat the case already with French and Italian) the 500 or so volumes I have in those four languages. Those are me-specific ones (I don't include a reading goal of X books, since 500 books read in each of the past two years is not an accomplish I want to achieve each and every year). Now here are some that I'd like others, especially those who have their own review spaces, to consider: 3. Read and/or review at least 5 poetry collections/epic poems. Poetry is a challenging but rewarding area for a reviewer to hone his/her craft and I would love it to see if anyone will review Derek Walcott before I do later this year. 4. Review at least 20 works by women writers. For most, that should constitute reading at least 25% women authors, but for those who can read much more, try to make the percentage higher than 33% of reviews this year by women writers. 5. Read/review at least 3 works of non-fiction. Different skill set, yes, but again, it'll help. If inspired, maybe I'll re-read some of the grad school materials I've kept since 1997 for the first time since then and write relatively brief commentaries on them. 6. Review at least 2 books, possibly with different slants, on at least one "hot topic" social issue. I'm going to write at least one review/essay on capital punishment later this year, likely before spring begins. Might stir up some arguments, but hey, since when does that have to be a bad thing? 7. Watch/review at least 3 movies that aren't "standard blockbuster fare." Maybe something that's dubbed/subtitled from another country/language. Maybe just an "art" or "independent" film. It'd be nice to hear of interesting new movies that aren't Hollywood clone franchises. 8. Talk about at least two albums of music that you've purchased recently. That can be fun and challenging and might generate more conversation. 9. Read and/or review at least 10 books written by people of color. And if you do review them, please don't talk about how it "enlightens" you. 10. Read at least 5 collections/anthologies and talk about them in some form or fashion, as there are too few good reviews being written these days on short fiction works. 11. Take at least 5 minutes each day/night, if possible, to worship and/or fear the squirrels around you, as they are the key to your success at life. Or something. I'll try to adhere to as many of these latter ones myself as possible. Should make for a fun year, no? Labels: Blog Stuff, Resolutions I have instituted a policy of alternating male and female authors, which was surprisingly effective. I didn't do this until May, so my figures for the year are down overall, but since then have been adhered to. Although if KJ Parker turns out not to be female, that'll bring the figures down. I also didn't include graphic novels, which skews things a bit. 1/01/2013 4:53 AM I may have to do something similar, but first I'll have to focus on acquiring more books, as I try not to re-read a previous year's books as much as possible, so I can have more "fallow" time between reads (2-3 years is preferable, if not longer). I just don't have many (maybe a dozen or so?) unread books by women around here. But that's another issue for another time and place. 1/01/2013 4:56 AM I'm only taking you up on the women writers "challenge" because to be honest I had already decided to do it,but I want it to be at least 50% of my reading for 2013. I realized recently I have lots of books by women writers that I haven't read yet, over sixty in fact. I don't review though... I'm not always very articulate about my opinions and it takes a lot of time I'd rather spend reading. Another New Year resolution: not to read very thick books (like Erikson's or Peter Hamilton's) so I bump up my figures. 2012 I read 70 books of which about a dozen were around 1000 pages long. I just don't know how YOU do it Larry. I really don't. It's hard to explain, as it involves speed of processing words into thoughts, so I often just joke and say it's really that I have a team of Serbian reading squirrels doing most of the reading for me :P 1/01/2013 1:55 PM I'd like very much to read something about poetry collections! I used to read a lot of Spanish poetry. Here's a mystery : I don't really like Spanish but I like Spanish poetry and I do love English but English poetry leaves me cold... I'll try to reciprocate on your second point : I've got some Spanish books lugubriously (does this word exist?) waiting to be read. Unfortunately, last time I wanted to re-read Neruda, I had to pick up the dictionnary every two words it seemed. Thus, they are still waiting. Yes, it's a word and a dolorously-sounding one :P I prefer Spanish poetry to English as well, or at least I think the best Spanish-language poets appeal to me more. Yet Neruda is far from a favorite of mine, oddly enough. I like Rubén Darío much more, along with Roque Dalton. Those are two favorites of mine, although I like several others. 1/01/2013 2:34 PM
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
MaxedOutMama: Sometimes They Do .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;} // posted by MaxedOutMama @ 4/18/2007 09:19:00 PM I hesitated to write this because I feel so sorry for Cho's family and for the family and friends of those who were murdered and injured. It seems disrespectful to point out that the students should have acted differently, and a heaping of coals on Cho's family to photoshop him like this. Because somewhere out there, a Cho-like loser is thinking "If I top Cho's score, I'LL BE FAMOUS, TOO! I'LL BE ALL OVER THE NEWS! EVERYONE WILL STAND IN AWE AND FEAR MEEEEEEEE!" Anyone remember the main bad guy in Peter Jackson's movie The Frighteners? ("I topped Starkweather -- he only killed 11! I'm topping Ted Bundy! And that Russian cannibal guy -- he did over 100!") Yup, exactly. I don't think the media should have publicized his screed, but since they did, the only thing left is scorn and mockery. We need to write a giant "Pathetic Loser" over top those images. A comment thread on another blog (Shrinkwrapped, I think) claimed the AP just reported the first copycat -- another Korean, somewhere in Israel of all places. Morning drive-time radio was speculating on copycats, and that a lot of strange stuff seemed to happen in mid-April, from Adolf Hitler's birthday to Waco to Ruby Ridge to the Oklahoma City bombing to Earth Day. All within days of each other on the calendar. Oh, I expect copy cats, but I thought the Israel thing was a sick joke. It would be on the news, and it isn't.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Laisrathera (Her Instruments 3): Her Instruments, #3 Unlit: A Kingdoms of Earth & Air Novel, #1 Thicker Than Blood: The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #6 Hunting Season: The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #4 The Twenty-Sided Sorceress Series, Books 1-3: The Twenty-Sided Sorceress
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Scribd Inc. is an American e-book and audiobook subscription service that includes one million titles." } ]
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But the operator refused to credit Fristoe as an agent on the…Associated PressSaveMore like thisRemoveSusan Boyle says Asperger's diagnosis was a reliefLONDON (AP) — Singer Susan Boyle says she has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.Associated PressSaveMore like thisRemove PlayOfficer Who Fired on Runaway Family's Minivan FiredPolice officer dismissed after shooting at minivan with five children inside.ABC News VideosSaveMore like thisRemoveSenate Dems push Obama nominees, GOP bides timeWASHINGTON (AP) — Fresh from shackling the traditional blocking ability of the Senate's minority party, Democrats are ready to muscle through President Barack Obama's nominees for pivotal judgeships and other top jobs.Associated PressSaveMore like thisRemoveSouth Africans remember Mandela with praise and prayersBy Ed Cropley and Olivia Kumwenda-Mtambo JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - With hymns and eulogies, South Africans of all colours and creeds remembered Nelson Mandela in a day of prayers on Sunday, holding him up as a symbol of freedom, forgiveness and hope for the nation and the world. 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As ZDNet points out, Microsoft has told its manufacturing partners that they can keep selling new Windows 7-based PCs through October 30th, 2014, which means…BGR NewsSaveMore like thisRemoveLoad more stories Top Stories South Africans pray for Mandela Sleet, ice, deep-freeze hit large swath of U.S. Huge protests in tense Ukrainian capital Latest Videos Zuma: 'Beloved Madiba' to Be Buried Dec. 15 01:14 South African Nelson Mandela's Legacy 02:13 Nelson Mandela: first ever interview 03:34 Massive Ice Storm Moves East With Wintry Blast 07:10 Pearl Harbor survivors remember attack 00:47 Latest Slideshows Pearl Harbor ceremony marks bombing anniversary Photos of the day - December 7, 2013 Horses and covered black buggies a concern in Amish … Greece killing anniversary Best-of Flickr photos: Nelson Mandela tributes, breathtaking … Yahoo News Originals Pearl Harbor ceremony marks bombing anniversary (gallery) Is Afghanistan’s Karzai getting the Obama freeze-out? Photos of the day - December 7, 2013 (gallery) Horses and covered black buggies a concern in Amish country (gallery) Greece killing anniversary (gallery) 5,000 fans gather to create ‘Clouds' choir honoring late cancer-stricken teen Cold-snap stories: From frozen Vegas to the frigid Midwest, residents commiserate NASA says giant Saturn hexagon storm might be hundreds of years old 'Worst ice storm' in years wallops Texas, much of the Midwest Limited edition Starbucks gift card going for big bucks on eBay Follow Yahoo News
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
US5642501A - Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations - Google Patents Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations Download PDF US5642501A US5642501A US08280307 US28030794A US5642501A US 5642501 A US5642501 A US 5642501A US 08280307 US08280307 US 08280307 US 28030794 A US28030794 A US 28030794A US 5642501 A US5642501 A US 5642501A US08280307 Kshitij Arun Doshi Jonathan Haim Saks TABLE 2______________________________________ Synchronous Asynchronous Delayed______________________________________1. Writes to Disk Immediately Immediately Later When?2. Data Integrity High High Medium3. Ratio to Actual 1:1 Marginally > 1:1 Many: 1 Disk Writes4. Waits for Disk Yes No No Write to Complete?5. Can be used for Yes No No Ordering?6. Causes Context Yes No No Switches?7. Disk Through- Yes Somewhat Minimal put Limits Program?______________________________________ TABLE 3______________________________________Routines for Constructing an Ordering Graph______________________________________dow.sub.-- create Create, if it does not exist, a node in the ordering graph which corresponds to either a delayed write buffer or a deferred function execution, and return an integer identifier which may be used to reference that node.dow.sub.-- order Specify an ordering between two nodes in the ordering graph.dow.sub.-- startmod Indicate that data in a buffer is about to be modified.dow.sub.-- setmod Indicate either that modification of data in a buffer, or the setup for a deferred function execution, has completed.dow.sub.-- rele Release a hold on a node identifier.dow.sub.-- abort.sub.-- range Destroy all nodes in the graph corresponding to a range of buffers in a particular file.______________________________________ TABLE 4__________________________________________________________________________File Removal using Delayed Ordered WritesIteration1, 2, 3 Operation__________________________________________________________________________ 1 dowid.sub.-- t pgdow, ibdow, fdow; 2 /* 3 * make a node in the ordering graph corresponding 4 * to directory buffer which contains the directory 5 * entry of the file being removed, and then clear 6 * the file's directory entry. 7 */A, (A), (A) 8 pgdow = dow.sub.-- create(directory buffer containing entry); 9 dow.sub.-- startmod(pgdow); 10 11 . clear the portion of the directory buffer containing 12 . the directory entry of the file being removed. 13 . 14 dow.sub.-- setmod(pgdow); 15 16 /* 17 * make a graph node corresponding to the 18 * inode buffer, and set up ordering to write 19 * the inode buffer to disk after the directory 20 * buffer is written to disk. 21 */B, C, (C) 22 ibdow = dow.sub.-- create(inode buffer);A→B, A→C, (A→C) 23 dow.sub.-- order(ibdow, pgdow, 0); 24 dow.sub.-- startmod(ibdow); 25 . 26 . Decrement the inode link count and zero out 27 . the inode data block pointers 28 . 29 dow.sub.-- setmod(ibdow); 30 /* 31 * set up ordering: call function to free 32 * the blocks after writing the inode. 33 */D, E, F 34 fdow = dow.sub.-- create(function to free data blocks, 35 block list specification);B→D, C→E, C→F 36 dow.sub.-- order(fdow, ibdow, 0); 37 dow.sub.-- setmod(fdow); 38 . 39 . mark the inode as free and return the inode 40 . to the free inode list 41 42 /* 43 * release the node identifiers 44 */ 45 dow.sub.-- rele(pgdow); 46 dow.sub.-- rele(ibdow); 47 dow.sub.-- rele(fdow);__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________LISTING APPENDIX MODULES______________________________________Master Configuration file (in dow.cf directory)System Configuration file (in dow.cf directory)dow.h Header file describing all data structures and convenient macros.dow.sub.-- cancel.c File containing function for removing operation entries.dow.sub.-- check.c File containing functions for correctness checking.dow.sub.-- create.c File containing functions for creating dow nodes for buffers, pages, functions.dow.sub.-- flush.c File containing functions for dow.sub.-- flush.sub.-- daemon.dow.sub.-- handle.c File containing some of the functions for executing dow nodes and to wait for pending executions to complete.dow.sub.-- io.c File containing driver layer functions.dow.sub.-- leaf.c File containing functions explicitly for executing dow nodes that have no predecessors.dow.sub.-- order.c File containing dow.sub.-- order function.dow.sub.-- prune.c File containing code for pruning a dow graph.dow.sub.-- util.c File containing functions for allocating and releasing dow nodes.dowlink.sub.-- util.c File containing functions for allocating and freeing ordering entries.______________________________________ US08280307 1994-07-26 1994-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations Expired - Lifetime US5642501A (en) US08280307 US5642501A (en) 1994-07-26 1994-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations EP19950928682 EP0730766B1 (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations PCT/US1995/009469 WO1996003704A1 (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations DE1995607940 DE69507940T2 (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous operations orderly CA 2172075 CA2172075C (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations DE1995607940 DE69507940D1 (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous operations orderly JP50596996A JP2941947B2 (en) 1994-07-26 1995-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for ordered operate asynchronously US08648304 US5666532A (en) 1994-07-26 1996-05-02 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations US08648304 Continuation US5666532A (en) 1994-07-26 1996-05-02 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations US5642501A true US5642501A (en) 1997-06-24 ID=23072525 US08280307 Expired - Lifetime US5642501A (en) 1994-07-26 1994-07-26 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations US08648304 Expired - Lifetime US5666532A (en) 1994-07-26 1996-05-02 Computer method and apparatus for asynchronous ordered operations US (2) US5642501A (en) EP (1) EP0730766B1 (en) JP (1) JP2941947B2 (en) CA (1) CA2172075C (en) DE (2) DE69507940T2 (en) WO (1) WO1996003704A1 (en) US20140351375A1 (en) * 2010-03-26 2014-11-27 Carbonite, Inc. Transfer of user data between logical data sites JP3823468B2 (en) * 1997-08-29 2006-09-20 ソニー株式会社 Data processing method, recording medium and data processing apparatus "Alpha AxP migration:synchronization on Open VMS A×P System" Morse et al.; Digital Systems Journal, v15, n3, p28(7), May-Jun. 1993. Alpha AxP migration:synchronization on Open VMS A P System Morse et al.; Digital Systems Journal, v15, n3, p28(7), May Jun. 1993. * Over to Alpha: (DEC s Alpha RISC processor based architecture) , Henry Young, Dec User, p13(2), Dec., 1992. * US9575847B2 (en) * 2010-03-26 2017-02-21 Carbonite, Inc. Transfer of user data between logical data sites CA2172075A1 (en) 1996-02-08 application EP0730766B1 (en) 1999-02-24 grant DE69507940D1 (en) 1999-04-01 grant EP0730766A1 (en) 1996-09-11 application JP2941947B2 (en) 1999-08-30 grant JPH09503328A (en) 1997-03-31 application DE69507940T2 (en) 1999-10-21 grant US5666532A (en) 1997-09-09 grant EP0730766A4 (en) 1997-12-03 application CA2172075C (en) 1999-09-21 grant WO1996003704A1 (en) 1996-02-08 application Free format text: ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:DOSHI, KSHITIJ ARUN;SAKS, JONATHAN HAIM;REEL/FRAME:007316/0102
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications." } ]
Portal Da Praia $74 ($̶8̶8̶). Fortaleza Hotel Deals & Reviews - KAYAK Av. Hist. Raimundo Girao 412, Fortaleza, Brazil Portal Da Praia - Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil With a stay at Portal da Praia in Fortaleza (Praia de Iracema), you'll be steps from Iracema Beach and Beira Mar. Featured amenities include complimentary wired Internet access, a business center, and a 24-hour front desk. FAQs when booking at Portal Da Praia Where is Portal Da Praia located? Portal Da Praia is located at Av. Hist. Raimundo Girao 412, 0.8 km from the centre of Fortaleza. Ponte dos Ingleses is the closest landmark to Portal Da Praia. When is check-in time and check-out time at Portal Da Praia? Check-in time is 14:00 and check-out time is 12:00 at Portal Da Praia. Does Portal Da Praia offer free Wi-Fi? Yes, Portal Da Praia offers free Wi-Fi. Does Portal Da Praia offer free parking? No, Portal Da Praia does not offer free parking. Does Portal Da Praia offer free airport shuttle service? No, Portal Da Praia does not offer free airport shuttle service. How far is Portal Da Praia from the airport? Portal Da Praia is 6.6 km from Fortaleza Pinto Martins. Portal Da Praia is 122.6 km from Aracati Dragao do Mar. Can you bring pets to Portal Da Praia? No, pets are not allowed at Portal Da Praia. Does Portal Da Praia have a pool? Yes, Portal Da Praia has a pool on-site. Reviews about Portal Da Praia Praia de Iracema 0.7 km 8.4 Excellent (1,859 reviews) Hotels Brazil Ceará Fortaleza Portal Da Praia Search for Portal Da Praia discounts in Fortaleza with KAYAK. Search for the cheapest hotel deal for Portal Da Praia in Fortaleza. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find and book the hotel deal at Portal Da Praia that suits you best. $74 per night (Latest starting price for this hotel).
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "A kayak is a small, narrow watercraft which is typically propelled by means of a double-bladed paddle. The word kayak originates from the Greenlandic word qajaq (IPA: [qajɑq])." } ]
IOC makes wrong call on golf | Bunker Mentality - Yahoo Eurosport UK Rory McIlroy will win a gold in Rio and then head off to his next event. Yes, it will be cool. Yes, he'll say the right thing. Yes, he'll enjoy it – the way the professional tennis players enjoy it – but it isn't bigger than The Open or whatever Major is next. One of the problems with the IOC is that its history of rampant corruption makes any of its decisions suspect. Who knows why each voter voted as they did, but it doesn't take much of a sceptic to think this was a political – and thus graft-filled – process. Each sport was forced to campaign for itself and, thus, against the others. Now imagine the wrestling community offering a tour of, well, what? An Alburnett (Iowa) High School dual meet? Actually, that might be pretty cool. Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports US PaginationPreviousLook out Tiger and Rory, here comes Brandt SnedekerQuick-thinking golf star saves own life after potentially fatal spider biteNext
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
Superb family stay hotel - Review of Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe, New Delhi, India - TripAdvisor Hotels near Big Brother Hair and Beauty Salon Superb family stay hotel - Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Sightsee820020 Superb family stay hotel Review of Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe We stayed for 2 days and were a family of 8,took 4 rooms altogether.. was a lovely experience, new rooms and facility, excellent room service... Apart from the difficulty for parking, it's an awesome hotel for stay.. we really enjoyed there.. Special thanks to abhishek and crewMore Ask Sightsee820020 about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Thank Sightsee820020 CheckInRoom, Guest Relations Manager at Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe, responded to this reviewResponded 1 October 2018 Dear Shafrin, Greetings FRom hotel prince palace deluxe!! Thank you for choosing our HOTEL Prince Palace Deluxe for your recent stay in CITY. I was delighted to hear you had an enjoyable time at our hotel. It is very important for us that our guests' experiences are shared. It was a pleasure to have you as our guest. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your collaboration and we hope to see you again soon at the HOTEL. Team Prince Palace Deluxe Haveli Hauz Khas(New Delhi) All reviews manager mr hotel price rk ashram great accommodation main bazaar nice hotel food quality is very good hotel room is hotel manager good nights sleep enjoy your stay family hotel staying at this hotel room service is nice stay new delhi railway station hot shower Room excellent ,service great thanks to mng abhishek he organised so well and good ,will definetnly come again And expect same from this hotel Good experience look forward to sujjest friends and family Ask Rajendra P about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe CheckInRoom, Guest Relations Manager at Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe, responded to this reviewResponded 26 September 2018 Nice to stay in this hotel. Manager Mr. Khan is vry friendly. Rooms are well equipd nd well maintained. Foods are good. We had booked two 3 bed room there which was good for family. Location is in market area of paharganj. Ask anup b about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Thank anup b CheckInRoom, Guest Relations Manager at Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe, responded to this reviewResponded 4 October 2018 Footprints818052 Hotel prince place deluxe Hi, I had visited on 6th September 18, it's really very good and maintained property. Hospitality is also nice. Mr khan ( hotel manager) is also helpful for my trip planning. Overall it's nice experience. Ask Footprints818052 about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Thank Footprints818052 Greetings From Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe !! Excellent Manager Mr Khan On my recent visit to New Delhi I had booke Hotel Prince Palace thru net. I found the manager Mr Khan an excellent person who was very welcoming by nature. He relieved all by stress by assisting with planning my day with taxi assistance and railway ticketing urgent service. It's a very clean place. Room service is good. Ask Rajesh S about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Team Prince Palce Deluxe VeenaP139 Good Manager Mr Khan It was a great time recently when we had a comfortable stay at the Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe in Paharganj, Delhi. It's close by to RK Ashram metro. Once inside its a cozy place. The Manager Mr Khan goes every inch to extend a helping hand. His behaviour would be regarded as excellent. Such person is rare to find. Would prefer staying again at this place Ask VeenaP139 about Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe Thank VeenaP139 CheckInRoom, Guest Relations Manager at Hotel Prince Palace Deluxe, responded to this reviewResponded 17 September 2018 Thank you for such a wonderful feedback of your stay with us. Our Hotel is located in New Delhi. Located a mere 5-7 Minutes away from New Delhi Railway Station and R K Ashram Metro Station. We are delighted to read that each aspect of your time here was well looked after by our team and you enjoyed the multiple elements that make this a unique retreat. We are humbled by your recognition and praise of our efforts. Each day we count our blessings to work among such passionate and committed professionals who keep our guests at the very center of their purpose. We are constantly guided by our Directors philosophy that guest is our god and are pleased to have your recommendations and patronage. Thank you for choosing to stay with us and we look forward to another opportunity of welcoming you to our hotel again.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
ALTER TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) ALTER APPLICATION ROLE (Transact-SQL) ALTER ASSEMBLY (Transact-SQL) ALTER ASYMMETRIC KEY (Transact-SQL) ALTER AUTHORIZATION (Transact-SQL) ALTER BROKER PRIORITY (Transact-SQL) ALTER CERTIFICATE (Transact-SQL) ALTER CREDENTIAL (Transact-SQL) ALTER CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) ALTER DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY (Transact-SQL) ALTER ENDPOINT (Transact-SQL) ALTER EVENT SESSION (Transact-SQL) ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG (Transact-SQL) ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX (Transact-SQL) ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST (Transact-SQL) ALTER FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) ALTER INDEX (Transact-SQL) ALTER LOGIN (Transact-SQL) ALTER MASTER KEY (Transact-SQL) ALTER MESSAGE TYPE (Transact-SQL) ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) ALTER PARTITION SCHEME (Transact-SQL) ALTER PROCEDURE (Transact-SQL) ALTER QUEUE (Transact-SQL) ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING (Transact-SQL) ALTER RESOURCE GOVERNOR (Transact-SQL) ALTER RESOURCE POOL (Transact-SQL) ALTER ROLE (Transact-SQL) ALTER ROUTE (Transact-SQL) ALTER SCHEMA (Transact-SQL) ALTER SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) ALTER SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) ALTER SERVICE (Transact-SQL) ALTER SERVICE MASTER KEY (Transact-SQL) ALTER SYMMETRIC KEY (Transact-SQL) ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL) ALTER TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) ALTER USER (Transact-SQL) ALTER VIEW (Transact-SQL) ALTER WORKLOAD GROUP (Transact-SQL) ALTER XML SCHEMA COLLECTION (Transact-SQL) TOC assembly_name.class_name.method_nameTrigger on a CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, DENY, REVOKE, or UPDATE statement (DDL Trigger) assembly_name.class_name.method_nameTrigger on a LOGON event (Logon Trigger) &lt;method_specifier&gt; ::= assembly_name.class_name.method_name Argumentsschema_name Is the name of the schema to which a DML trigger belongs. DML triggers are scoped to the schema of the table or view on which they are created. schema_name is optional only if the DML trigger and its corresponding table or view belong to the default schema. schema_name cannot be specified for DDL or logon triggers.trigger_name Is the existing trigger to modify. table | viewIs the table or view on which the DML trigger is executed. Specifying the fully-qualified name of the table or view is optional.DATABASE Applies the scope of a DDL trigger to the current database. If specified, the trigger fires whenever event_type or event_group occurs in the current database.ALL SERVER Applies the scope of a DDL or logon trigger to the current server. If specified, the trigger fires whenever event_type or event_group occurs anywhere in the current server.WITH ENCRYPTION Encrypts the sys.syscommentssys.sql_modules entries that contain the text of the ALTER TRIGGER statement. Using WITH ENCRYPTION prevents the trigger from being published as part of SQL Server replication. WITH ENCRYPTION cannot be specified for CLR triggers.NoteIf a trigger is created by using WITH ENCRYPTION, it must be specified again in the ALTER TRIGGER statement for this option to remain enabled.EXECUTE ASSpecifies the security context under which the trigger is executed. Enables you to control the user account the instance of SQL Server uses to validate permissions on any database objects that are referenced by the trigger.For more information, see EXECUTE AS Clause (Transact-SQL). AFTER Specifies that the trigger is fired only after the triggering SQL statement is executed successfully. All referential cascade actions and constraint checks also must have been successful before this trigger fires.AFTER is the default, if only the FOR keyword is specified. DML AFTER triggers may be defined only on tables. INSTEAD OF Specifies that the DML trigger is executed instead of the triggering SQL statement, therefore, overriding the actions of the triggering statements. INSTEAD OF cannot be specified for DDL or logon triggers.At most, one INSTEAD OF trigger per INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement can be defined on a table or view. However, you can define views on views where each view has its own INSTEAD OF trigger. INSTEAD OF triggers are not allowed on views created by using WITH CHECK OPTION. SQL Server raises an error when an INSTEAD OF trigger is added to a view for which WITH CHECK OPTION was specified. The user must remove that option using ALTER VIEW before defining the INSTEAD OF trigger. { [ DELETE ] [ , ] [ INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] } | { [INSERT ] [ , ] [ UPDATE ] } Specifies the data modification statements, when tried against this table or view, activate the DML trigger. At least one option must be specified. Any combination of these in any order is allowed in the trigger definition. If more than one option is specified, separate the options with commas.For INSTEAD OF triggers, the DELETE option is not allowed on tables that have a referential relationship specifying a cascade action ON DELETE. Similarly, the UPDATE option is not allowed on tables that have a referential relationship specifying a cascade action ON UPDATE. For more information, see ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL). event_type Is the name of a Transact-SQL language event that, after execution, causes a DDL trigger to fire. Valid events for DDL triggers are listed in DDL Events.event_group Is the name of a predefined grouping of Transact-SQL language events. The DDL trigger fires after execution of any Transact-SQL language event that belongs to event_group. Valid event groups for DDL triggers are listed in DDL Event Groups. After ALTER TRIGGER has finished running, event_group also acts as a macro by adding the event types it covers to the sys.trigger_events catalog view.NOT FOR REPLICATION Indicates that the trigger should not be executed when a replication agent modifies the table involved in the trigger. For more information, see Controlling Constraints, Identities, and Triggers with NOT FOR REPLICATION.sql_statement Is the trigger conditions and actions.<method_specifier> Specifies the method of an assembly to bind with the trigger. The method must take no arguments and return void. class_name must be a valid SQL Server identifier and must exist as a class in the assembly with assembly visibility. The class cannot be a nested class. RemarksFor more information about ALTER TRIGGER, see Remarks in CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL).DML TriggersALTER TRIGGER supports manually updatable views through INSTEAD OF triggers on tables and views. SQL Server applies ALTER TRIGGER the same way for all kinds of triggers (AFTER, INSTEAD-OF).The first and last AFTER triggers to be executed on a table can be specified by using sp_settriggerorder. Only one first and one last AFTER trigger can be specified on a table. If there are other AFTER triggers on the same table, they are randomly executed.If an ALTER TRIGGER statement changes a first or last trigger, the first or last attribute set on the modified trigger is dropped, and the order value must be reset by using sp_settriggerorder.An AFTER trigger is executed only after the triggering SQL statement has executed successfully. This successful execution includes all referential cascade actions and constraint checks associated with the object updated or deleted. The AFTER trigger operation checks for the effects of the triggering statement and also all referential cascade UPDATE and DELETE actions that are caused by the triggering statement.When a DELETE action to a child or referencing table is the result of a CASCADE on a DELETE from the parent table, and an INSTEAD OF trigger on DELETE is defined on that child table, the trigger is ignored and the DELETE action is executed.DDL TriggersUnlike DML triggers, DDL triggers are not scoped to schemas. Therefore, the OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECTPROPERTY, and OBJECTPROPERTY(EX) cannot be used when querying metadata about DDL triggers. Use the catalog views instead. For more information, see Getting Information About DDL Triggers.PermissionsTo alter a DML trigger requires ALTER permission on the table or view on which the trigger is defined.To alter a DDL trigger defined with server scope (ON ALL SERVER) or a logon trigger requires CONTROL SERVER permission on the server. To alter a DDL trigger defined with database scope (ON DATABASE) requires ALTER ANY DATABASE DDL TRIGGER permission in the current database.ExamplesThe following example creates a DML trigger that prints a user-defined message to the client when a user tries to add or change data in the SalesPersonQuotaHistory table. The trigger is then modified by using ALTER TRIGGER to apply the trigger only on INSERT activities. This trigger is helpful because it reminds the user that updates or inserts rows into this table to also notify the Compensation department. SQL
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, and the Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers." } ]
Stevenson Family Blog: Arizona Trip Day 3 - a Thursday morning we reached the Grand Canyon National Park. We pulled into the parking lot and BAM, right there was this "Javelina/Collared Peccary". (We thought it was a warthog at first.) Brennan jumped out the car and careful took some photos. To my knowledge, no one else around even noticed it, they were so focused on looking at where to park. After looking for some additional warmth (like hats) in the store, we walked down the path to see the sights. Kieran was, in hindsight, probably not feeling well. But he was miserable unless I was holding him, which made me a little miserable because he's kind of heavy and me in a jacket trying to carry him in a jacket is not the easiest thing. He was never satisfied with the WAY I was holding him either. I will never take a three-year-old to the Grand Canyon again! Yeah, it was a little windy that day. I could put him down at the viewpoint, thankfully. But he wouldn't stay with me. He has his own mind, this one. It was a pretty cool place though. I would like to visit again with older kids and nicer weather and do some hiking or other activities. Posted by Heather Stevenson at 5:22 PM
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
3 bedroom town house for sale in Plots 3 & 4 Wharf Views Riverside Road, Gorleston, NR31 www.rightmove.co.uk/property/72637169 Plots 3 & 4 Wharf Views Riverside Road, Gorleston ENCLOSED REAR COURTYARD/GARDEN (NOW OFFERING HELP TO BUY (5% DEPOSIT 75% MORTGAGE REQUIRED) Delighted to offer three BRAND NEW three storey TWO/THREE BEDROOM mid-terrace TOWN HOUSES (currently under construction) part of a small bespoke development located on the river waterfront in the popular seaside town of Gorleston. The property enjoys ever changing river views from the first floor Juliette balcony. Velux window White suite, panel bath, vanity sink, w.c and towel radiator. First floor enclosed garden with access gate leading to the street at the rear of the properties. Ground floor one parking space, access at the rear of the property via covered passage which leads to rear access door into the property and individual store cupboards and bin stores. EPC RATING B Internal photographs are taken from both plot 1 and plot 5. MARKETING AS THREE BEDROOM AS THE GROUND FLOOR SITTING ROOM IS SUITABLE TO BE USED AS A BEDROOM WITH SHOWER ROOM ON THE SAME FLOOR. To view this media, please visit the on-line version of this page at www.rightmove.co.uk/new-homes-for-sale/property-72637169.html?premiumA=true Disclaimer - Property reference 8724057. The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. Rightmove.co.uk makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and Rightmove has no control over the content. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars. The information is provided and maintained by Homes & Land, Gorleston. Please contact the selling agent or developer directly to obtain any information which may be available under the terms of The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 or the Home Report if in relation to a residential property in Scotland.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Rightmove plc is a UK-based company that runs rightmove.co.uk, the UK's largest online real estate portal and property website. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index." } ]
Sandra's Loom Blog: One More... ...jacquard piece mounted on a stretcher frame. Soon it'll be time to start assembling floater frames. Posted by Sandra Rude at 8:03 PM
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Keeping Stock: Japan's triple whammy As if the devastation wrought by Friday's magnitude 9.0 earthquake and the resultant tsunami wasn't bad enough, Japan has a growing nuclear crisis to deal with.Now we are the first to admit that we don't know a heck of a lot about how nuclear powerplants work (although we have been educated quite a bit since Friday!), and that's why we haven't commented on this aspect of Japan's catastrophe to date. But the news ticker on Sky News got our attention a few moments ago when it reported that a US Navy ship 125km away from the damaged Fukushima Diiachi plant was recording low-level radiation.So we did some thinking; if we were to draw a circle with Wanganui in the centre, what's within 125km? To the west, there's Stratford and Hawera; to the north Raetihi, Ohakune and Taihape; heading east there's Palmerston North, Feilding, Marton, Dannevirke and Pahiatua, and to the south is Foxton, Levin and Otaki, with the Kapiti Coast right on the border. By our rough estimates, around 250,000 people live in that radius, even though much of the area is rural and/or isolated.Japan is roughly 30 times more populous than New Zealand, in roughly the same area. Multiply our estimate by 30, and the numbers get horrific. If there has indeed been widespread radiation contamination in this area, it is going to add exponentially to Japan's woes, and the effects are going to be felt for many years to come.The added problem for the recovery effort is that a large part of Japan's capacity to generate electricity has been lost with the damage of varying degrees to three nuclear power plants. Howver, when a radiation cloud is spreading over the countryside, that's the least of the country's problems. "Catastrophic" seems a pretty good description of this human tragedy. Nuclear power plants have always been the secret and not-so-secret desire of National Party MPs and supporters.Look back over some of the threads on the topic at your funny friend Farrar's blog and see them clamouring for nukes Inv2. At least, they were. Point taken Rob; whilst there might be an argument for nuclear power plants in geologically stable areas, events in the last few days have suggested that building them around the Ring of Fire is not a great idea. That then raises the question; where SHOULD our power come from? I'm a fan of wind generation; I travel over to Palmerston North a lot, and the sight of the wind turbines atop the Ruahine and Tararua ranges is impressive. And let's face it; wind is one of our most prolific natural resources! And yet self-appointed "environmental activists" such as Anton Oliver and Graeme Sydney don't want wind turbines in their back yard in Central Otago; how do we resolve that dilemma? 'triple whammy'?What about the now active volcano in the South?I would suggest that modern naval ships have extremely good monitoring equipment and can detect low level changes as part of their defence systems. Radiation was noted, but easily decontaminated.As for nuke powerplants on unstable platforms, hell, they successfully send nuke powerplants to sea. Even the USS Ronald Regan. What kind of environmental activists are there other than self appointed? They do it because they passionately believe in the cause, not because they are voted on.Surely you respect their right to freedom of expression and the protectiveness the feel for their own back yards :-) It's been noted ...that should there be a contamination cloud and should it drift across to North America, there will Hiroshimaians and Nagasakians who will see the fateful irony. "I'm a fan of wind generation"Hang on a minute, I'll have a look a your favoured turbines 30km from here. Yes, I can see them every day on a good day. Fat lot of good wind generation is on a calm still day, like today. Apart from slicing and dicing bird life, annoying the crap out of locals, wind generation is expensive per kWh, small load and the generators employ rare earth magnets that are manufactured using highly toxic and environmentally damaging processes. A greenie wankfest at best. rg,As for ironic downward drift, I suspect that did happen in WWII. After all the Jap firebomb balloons also got to their target. @ Rob - Absolutely I understand their NIMBYism, but you haven't answered my question; if we're not going to harness wind power, we will we meet our future electricty requirements from? Serious question ... I wish JK and BE would hurry up and get those Solid Energy shares floated. The only thing this Nuclear shemozzle in Japan means is that the demand for coal is going up, up, up. Inv2 - I didn't say I shared their view and certainly don't think we 'atren't going to harness windpower'. My household is gearing up to install a turbine of our own (Adam's own) making. There are turbines not too far away, adding their bit to the grid and I find them attractive enough to look at. As for feeding our energy hasbit - me use far too much - we need to power down (we're going to have to any way so let's get prepared - is your sewerage system reliant on electricity? :-) James is into it, though where he calls it a 'nuclear shemozzle', he should also call 'coal shemozzle'. Exactly JS. If it wasn't for the large amounts of coal in Northern England then the industrial revolution would have happened somewhere else and my ancestors George and Robert would never have been famous. Gearge and Robert might have made their name in some 'green' technologies James.We just can't know.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
ALS Spread the Word: Top 10 Worst Diseases? Posted by J.M.C. (Doc) at 5/16/2008 03:11:00 PM ALScounts said... Since Lou G was born in 1903, if you assume a very low-end 5000 G12.2 deaths per year, that would be over half a million cumulative deaths. If we knew the right number (which is undoubtedly greater than 5000), who knows? If we called it the Motor Neurone Plague, would that get people's attention? This Grump remains grumpy when reading these facts and figures. It is difficult to square this reality with the bizarre success Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma is having in holding 73 of his Senate colleagues in a state of impotency in blocking the ALS registry legislation. It is easy to place the blame squarely on the one Senator who cherishes his reputation of obstructionism and negativity, but it is becoming equally hard not to place the blame firmly on the Senate Leadership who have so far remained emasculated by this single curmudgeon. It gives one pause on how the entire legislative process which has become glacial in it progress in the past decade, can be brought it knees by the lack of leadership and collegiality. We seem quick to criticize the new Irag government for their failure to address and resolve divisiveness. It seems to this Grumpy one that if our elected officials truly represent us that we are not particularly effective in demanding reconciliation and productivity within our democracy. The Iraqi's have an excuse, what is our excuse in this country where democracy has been ours to squander for over two hundred years?
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
The Magdalene Sisters (DVD 비디오, 2004) [WorldCat.org] 제목: The Magdalene Sisters 저자: Peter Mullan; Frances Higson; Ed Guiney; Paul Trijbits; Nigel Willoughby; Geraldine McEwan; Anne-Marie Duff; Nora-Jane Noone; Dorothy Duffy, (Actress); Eileen Walsh; Mary Murray; Britta Smith; Craig Armstrong; Stephen Humphries; Miramax Films; Scottish Screen (Organization); Film Council (Great Britain); Bord Scannán na hÉireann; Momentum Pictures; PFP Films; Temple Films; Testimony Films; Channel Four (Great Britain); Miramax Home Entertainment (Firm); Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Firm) 출판사: [New York] : Burbank, Calif. : Miramax Home Entertainment ; Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2004] Peter Mullan; Frances Higson; Ed Guiney; Paul Trijbits; Nigel Willoughby; 모든 저자 태그 추가 ~를 위한 "The Magdalene Sisters". Women's History in Film(56 항목)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 15,637 libraries in 107 countries that participate in the OCLC global cooperative. It is operated by OCLC, Inc." } ]
The Pill Robot Is Coming - Bloomberg For more local news from India, visit Bloombergquint.com Bloomberg the Company & Its ProductsBloomberg Anywhere Remote LoginBloomberg Anywhere LoginBloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Bloomberg Anywhere Remote LoginDownload SoftwareService Center MENU Homepage Markets Stocks Currencies Commodities Rates + Bonds Economics Magazine Benchmark Watchlist Economic Calendar Tech Silicon Valley Global Tech Venture Capital Hacking Digital Media Bloomberg West Pursuits Cars & Bikes Style & Grooming Spend Watches & Gadgets Food & Drinks Travel Real Estate Art & Design Politics With All Due Respect Delegate Tracker Culture Caucus Podcast Masters In Politics Podcast What The Voters Are Streaming Editors' Picks Opinion View Gadfly Businessweek Subscribe Cover Stories Opening Remarks Etc Features 85th Anniversary Issue Behind The Cover More Science + Energy Graphics Game Plan Small Business Personal Finance Inspire GO Big Problems Big Thinkers Sponsored Content Bloomberg About The Company Sign In Sign In Subscribe The Pill Robot Is Coming “The idea that you could repair a human body by swallowing something, instead of making cuts, is amazing,” says innovator Daniela Rus. Olga Kharif olgakharif Subscribe Reprints August 4, 2016 — 4:44 PM EDT Share on FacebookShare on Twitter Share on LinkedInShare on RedditShare on Google+E-mailShare on TwitterShare on WhatsApp This robot unfolds like an origami after it’s swallowed. Courtesy Melanie Gonick/MIT Share on FacebookShare on Twitter Share on LinkedInShare on RedditShare on Google+E-mailShare on TwitterShare on WhatsApp Innovator Daniela RusAge 53Director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryForm and functionSqueezed into a pill, this robot unfolds like an origami after it’s swallowed. It can be guided with a tiny magnet to remove a foreign object from the stomach or treat a wound by administering medication.OriginLast summer, Rus and her colleagues began working to adapt an earlier foldable robot for medical use.InsertionRus’s team places the accordion-shaped robot into an inch-long, 0.09-ounce pill, which dissolves in the stomach in a minute or two. The robot then expands to 1.4 in. by 0.7 in. by 0.3 in. Illustration by 731 NavigationDoctors can generate magnetic fields near the patient to guide the robot through the stomach, where they can manipulate it to perform tasks.AftercareThe biodegradable robot breaks down in the stomach like food.Funding The project’s money (Rus wouldn’t say how much) comes from a National Science Foundation grant.CostThe equipment to manipulate the robot is pricey, but its own components cost less than $100, Rus says.Next StepsRus and her team have tested the robot in a silicon-molded prototype stomach and are seeking approval from MIT’s animal care committee to try it in pigs. She says they’re also looking to raise more money. “The experiments they’ve been doing are very promising,” says Ken Goldberg, a robotics professor at the University of California at Berkeley. Until now, he says, “nothing has been able to essentially walk inside the body.” Before it's here, it's on the Bloomberg Terminal. LEARN MORE Subscribe now to BloombergBusinessweek health
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Bloomberg News (originally Bloomberg Business News) is an international news agency headquartered in New York City and a division of Bloomberg L.P. Content produced by Bloomberg News is disseminated through Bloomberg Terminals, Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets, Bloomberg.com, and Bloomberg's mobile platforms. Since 2015, John Micklethwait has served as editor-in-chief." } ]
Blue Collar Lit.: swords into plowshares; spears into pruning hooks "Make media boxes, not bullets." I had to look up this word: gestalt. "an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts" -------------------------- A customer on the internet discussed an mp3 player that cost less than twelve dollars, finishing his review with these words: "Made in China, --------------------------- It's like -- spreading, or extending capitalism all around the globe, so that everyone may participate and benefit. World peace was tried, after World War I, with the League of Nations. -------------------- The Free Encyclopedia says, "The onset of the Second World War showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to prevent any future world war....Germany withdrew from the League, as did Japan, Italy, Spain, and others. ..." After World War II, we tried the United Nations. The United Nations lasted, and does good things, but there was still the Korean War and the Vietnam War under the umbrella of the Cold War, plus Gulf War... (Was thinking here a couple days ago -- the CIA wouldn't have to do things in secret -- "covert operations" -- if we, the public, were less critical of them...That's not right -- arming the Afghan freedom fighters during the 1980s had to be kept secret from the -- [hello] -- Soviets ... I got mired in one aspect -- the domestic p.r., and momentarily forgot big picture. -- "light dawns on Marblehead") Am going to see world peace in my lifetime, I think. Not a "perfect world" -- but world peace through free trade. "People always find something to go to war about -- if it isn't money, it's religion," someone said; it's true -- it's been true in the past. Things can get better, though. Life, and mankind, have improved. (President Kennedy said something like, The past does not define the future. Or -- does not predict the future...something like that...) The League of Nations improved things somewhat. Then the United Nations did its best and helped modern life, and furthered the goal of peace. And now we have globalization -- extending a modern lifestyle of peace and prosperity (relatively speaking) to all people. Of course the challenges will be myriad. But if we look at the big picture, it's a very exciting time we live in.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Men’s Genuine Leather Bracelets | Groupon Goods Fashion Bracelets (3,045) Men’s Genuine Leather Bracelets (Up to 95% Off). 13 Designs Available. Free Returns. Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Black with Pill Like Design in Stainless Steel (617-069-B) Men's Genuine Leather with Braided Design in Black with Stainless Steel Bullet Design (617-074-B) Men's Braided Genuine Leather Bracelet in Black with Stainless Steel 18 KT Gold Plated Inlay/Screws Design (702-068-B) Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Black Orange Inlay Design with Stainless Steel Closing (617-086-B) Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Brown with orange Braided Design (617-033-B) Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Spiral Design (617-065-B) Men's Braided Genuine Leather Bracelet in Brown with Stainless Steel Close (618-277-B) Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Grey with Stainless Steel Closing (618-278-B) Men's Double Braided Genuine Leather Bracelet in Brown with Stainless Steel Links Tag Design (653-017-B) Men's Double Braided Leather Bracelet in Black with Stainless Steel Links Tag Design (653-016-B) Men's Genuine Leather Bracelet in Black with Stainless Steel ID tag Design (700-034-B) Men's Double Braided Genuine Leather Bracelet in Black with Stainless Steel Design (709-001-B) Men's Double Braided Genuine Leather Bracelet in Brown with Stainless Steel Design (709-002-B) Men’s genuine leather bracelets, starting at $5.99 13 styles available. Click here to view an image and more details about each option. Made from strips of genuine leather, these bracelets add rugged flair to wrists. Stainless steel hardware secures the brown, black, or gray bracelets, which come in 13 styles, distinguished by different braiding and clasp designs. Genuine leather men’s bracelets Fits wrists or anything, really, up to 7.75 inches in diameter
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Groupon is an American global e-commerce marketplace connecting subscribers with local merchants by offering activities, travel, goods and services in 15 countries. Based in Chicago, Groupon was launched there in November 2008, launching soon after in Boston, New York City and Toronto." } ]
EDNurseasauras, Still in the Trenches: 05/01/2014 - 06/01/2014 I had some fun with the infection control nurse, a pompous and self righteous D-bag, who harangued us with the usual hand washing stuff. I asked about disinfection of things like stethoscopes, and she rather snidely told me that, of course, they should be routinely disinfected, before launching into a lecture on precautions, MRSA, and disposable stethoscopes. I was bored. So I started it. Me: "Mmm-hmm. What about ID badges? Do you have any policy on disinfecting those? I mean, they are at chest height, in the sneeze and cough zone, dangle onto patient's skin, onto sheets, they go to every patient room and are never washed or disinfected…it seems to me they would be just a germ farm". I pointedly glanced at her ID badge, on a nylon lanyard, which was covered with 27 pieces of flair. Blank stare. She was gob-smacked. "I've never thought of that". Yeah. ID badges are filthy things. Think about it. Along with watches, rings, bracelets (which I never wear to work) and neckties on the men. Name badges are mandatory. It goes everywhere the nurse goes. It gets touched 150 times per day because they always flip around so that my various passwords are showing instead of my name. It gets handled and scanned for glucometers and to enter/exit certain areas. It is used for the time clock. It goes into the bathroom, the poopy patient's room, and the cafeteria. Into. Every. Patient. Room. Yesterday I had a horrifying thought. BWOM hospital issues clip-on visitor badges, which are never, to my knowledge, washed or disinfected. Just so you know, I do bleach-wipe my name badge every day. Always have. Always will. Posted by EDNurseasauras at 7:37 PM 7 comments: Links to this post Posted by EDNurseasauras at 7:18 PM 6 comments: Links to this post
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Rajnath Singh news: Latest News & Videos, Photos about Rajnath Singh news | The Economic Times Former Prez is on ventilator support: Sources Updated: Aug 10, 2020, 10.26 PM IST Former President Pranab Mukherjee is on ventilator support at Army's R&R hospital. Prior to surgery, Pranab Mukherjee tested positive ... | 10 August, 2020, 10:35 PM IST | E-Paper Business News›Rajnath Singh news SEARCHED FOR:RAJNATH SINGH NEWS Sources said the fourth round of corps commander-level meeting to defuse the situation is taking place after disengagement at key flashpoints that had emerged, including the Galwan valley where a deadly clash broke out on June 15. 14 Jul, 2020, 09.29 AM IST Talks with China on border standoff progressing but cannot guarantee what extent it will be resolved: Rajnath Singh "Talks are underway to re... 17 Jul, 2020, 07.57 PM IST Rajnath Singh and Mark T Esper also deliberated on ways to f... 10 Jul, 2020, 09.50 PM IST Rajnath Singh leaves for 3-day visit to Russia to attend 75th victory day parade 22 Jun, 2020, 10.22 AM IST Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on a three-day visit to Russia to attend a grand military parade in Moscow to mark the 75th anniversary of th... Nepal-India ties shouldn't deteriorate; China no substitute to India: Senior Nepali economist 16 Jun, 2020, 01.09 PM IST Nepal voted in unison to incorporate Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura in their map. Myanmar Armed forces chief allege 'strong forces' behind terrorism in country 01 Jul, 2020, 10.36 PM IST The remarks from the Myanmar Armed forces head was made while he was in Russia to attend the 75th anniversary of the country’s Victory Day. Myanmar armed forces maintain close links with Russian armed forces and purchases equipment from Russia. 07 Apr, 2020, 02.39 PM IST Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday chaired a meeting of Group of Ministers on COVID-19.Home Minister Amit Shah, Minister of Informati... 03 Mar, 2020, 08.44 AM IST Rajnath Singh, whose distinguished career includes chief ministership of UP, stints as BJP president and home minister, has been a proactive and reformist defence minister. He has overseen the appointment of General Bipin Rawat as India’s first Chief of Defence Staff as well as a major upgrade in the country’s defence capabilities. 05 Jun, 2020, 10.01 AM IST The snapping of mobile network in most of the villages a few days ago has fuelled rumours of a possible armed conflict and made locals anxious about their survival. The communication blackout has only amplified the fears of locals, who are not even able to communicate with patients, students and relatives stuck in other places due to Covid-19 pandemic. Defence Minister assures Opposition nothing will be hidden on China dispute 14 Jun, 2020, 07.23 PM IST “There is an ongoing dispute between China and India and people are asking questions about what is happening at the China border in Ladakh. We keep getting information regularly. We understand the importance of opposition (which is asking these questions) in a democracy and we respect that. At the moment, talks are on at the military level,” Singh said. 'Like a rising sun': Here is how India Army's new headquarters will look like 22 Feb, 2020, 10.36 AM IST Christened 'Thal Sena Bhawan', the complex will be spread over nearly 39 acres. "We have laid the first stone of the new Sena Bhawan... It will represent the unsung heroes of the armed forces who have sacrificed their lives for the country," he said. The Army headquarters is currently housed in the iconic South Block at Raisina Hill in Lutyens' Delhi. 02 Apr, 2020, 01.15 PM IST MP crisis: A day after joining BJP, Scindia meets Shah, Rajnath 12 Mar, 2020, 12.13 PM IST A day after joining the BJP, Jyotiraditya Scindia on Thursday met Home Minister Amit Shah, who expressed confidence that his induction will ... Ahead of Rajnath Singh’s Russia visit, Defence Ministry moves to implement pact to make spares 30 Oct, 2019, 10.31 AM IST An agreement to jointly manufacture spares in India was signed in September and ministry has now drafted guidelines to implement it, with the first step being identifying spares that will be required for at least 5 years by the military.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Times Internet is an Indian internet technology company, based in Gurgaon, which owns, operates and invests in various internet-led products, services and technology. It is the digital arm of the Times Group, the largest media conglomerate in India." } ]
Random meanderings down a long, long windy road.: Last post of the evening... I need to go wrap more presents. But here's our tree. I won the artificial vs. real tree thing. I'm sure you can guess which I was all for getting! The only time we ever had a real tree growing up was when we got one in a big silver wash basin thing. It had all it's roots! And we planted it after Christmas. It was still there when my parents sold the house to move to Texas. Here's a closeup. It looks pretty real. And this was pre-decorating. It's huge. 7 1/2 feet! I can't wait til we have a house. It'll fit better. I hope. And here it is with lights and decorations. I don't have a lot of ornaments just yet... I always had a little tree up until now. But it doesn't look too bad. I'm glad Chris and agreed on colored lights. And we also agree that we like the more homemade mish mash of ornaments look. No uniform trees with ornaments of all one color for us!! Please note that Uni is under the tree... and the packages are not. Uni is a very naughty beast. I am attempting to put the gifts back under tonight. I've already had to chase her away from them a couple times. Grrr... The best part is that Apple chases her for me now that she knows Uni isn't supposed to be messing with things over in that corner! Two more photos and then I'm off to wrap some more... These are my porcupine bows. I learned how to make them when I was a kid and I still love doing it! Aren't they neat?? I love the bows! That looks like it takes a lot of time to do. I'm terrible at wrapping presents, so good for you for making them all pretty! The tree looks great too :) Yea for artificial! Monday, December 03, 2007 9:00:00 AM Thanks Katie! They are fun to make and they don't take me too long anymore... I've been making them a loooong time. I always start off making my presents really pretty and then I run out of "wrap juice" so they get less pretty as I go. Monday, December 03, 2007 11:06:00 AM i love the bow and your gorgeous new tree! Monday, December 03, 2007 11:27:00 PM Yay for Toni coming to visit my blog!! : ) If you ever want to learn to make the bows, just say the word. Maybe we can gather all the girls and have a "learn how to make porcupine bows" day. I think I might be teaching the people at work how to do it!! It's fun AND it uses those extra scraps of paper... rather than throwing them away! : ) Thursday, December 06, 2007 10:13:00 AM I tried making a bow like yours (without the picture there to remind me), and it came out a little different, but cool anyway. Thanks for inspiring me. "Green" tip for wrapping paper: On GMA this morning, they said to put used wrapping paper through a shredder (I guess not the kind that makes the paper into confetti, but the larger kind), and then use that in the future to fill giftbags. I wish I had heard that yesterday before we threw it all out! Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:15:00 AM That sounds like a good idea... but I don't know if they really make the shredders that just do single cuts anymore. They apparently weren't doing a good enough job... you could still put the pieces back together. So I think they are mostly all that cross cut type now... which I think makes confetti. So I just got out of my chair and looked in the shredder at work. It's not quite confetti size but almost... I did save all the bows from my packages. And a few pieces of wrapping paper that didn't get ripped to shreds! Did I mention that I wrapped several of Chris' gifts with sunday comics? They are colorful and I feel like I'm recycling. Plus they really can be recycled with the newspaper after the gifts are opened!! Wednesday, December 26, 2007 9:27:00 AM Our shredder cuts the paper into pieces about the size of macaroni--probably a little small also, but it seems like a good idea. I suppose if I had a lot of time on my hands, I could cut the paper by hand :( Wednesday, December 26, 2007 6:22:00 PM Let me know if you get that extra time on your hands and I'll send you my paper too! ; ) Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:53:00 AM
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
By MICHELINE MAYNARD FEB. 10, 2011 The sweet smell of daffodils was in the air at McCormick Place on Wednesday as hybrid-electric Chevrolet Volts glided silently along a test track. The scent was detectable 50 feet away, on a stage where Chevrolet was introducing the Camaro ZL1, a supercharged 550-horsepower convertible painted an eye-catching orange. The eco-friendly Volt and the muscular Camaro illustrate the conflicting messages sent by carmakers at the 2011 Chicago Auto Show, which opens to the public on Friday. Across the sprawling exhibition, the country’s largest in terms of space, automakers are doing their best to convince consumers that they offer both fuel-efficient cars and those that are exciting to drive. The companies believe both are necessary to continue the industry’s climb out of its worst slump in a quarter-century. The Chicago show is considered a prime testing ground for consumer sentiment, more so than its rivals in Detroit and New York. Detroit’s show tends to be dominated by its hometown auto companies, and New York’s is skewed toward imports and luxury models, especially those from Germany. “This is one of those rare markets where domestics and imports compete for equal share,” James D. Farley, a group vice president at Ford Motor, said at a breakfast Wednesday kicking off press previews for the event. Although automakers have turned to social-media campaigns on Twitter and Facebook, where Ford recently introduced the latest version of its Explorer sport utility vehicle, auto shows remain the best way to bring cars directly to potential buyers, Mr. Farley said. That may explain why the twin message of performance and economy was so prevalent across the show’s 1.2 million square feet of display space. Ford Motor displayed a pickup truck labeled Ecoboost — its name for a series of more efficient engines — sitting on top of a display for the Mustang muscle car. Hyundai executives talked up the four models in their lineup that achieve 40 miles per gallon, then showed a version of the Genesis, a luxury coupe, rated at 429 horsepower. Even Dodge, long a Chrysler division with rugged, powerful vehicles, tried to straddle the line. Much of its Wednesday news conference was spent touting a lineup peppered with high-powered cars, sport utilities and even a version of its Dodge Caravan minivan aimed at male buyers and labeled a “man van.” But those models have better fuel economy than in the past, said Ralph Gilles, the division’s president. He spoke in front of a screen displaying a series of company slogans, including “Cars can be fuel-efficient without being neutered.” Ford’s Mr. Farley, who was previously with Toyota, spoke bluntly about the threat posed by higher gasoline prices. “We don’t see $4- to $5-a-gallon gasoline as a question of if; it’s a question of when,” he told journalists at the breakfast. But the timing of higher gasoline prices may be good for Ford, the only company that produces vehicles in Chicago — the Explorer at a factory on the South Side. Next month, Ford will introduce the 2012 version of the small Focus, bringing American buyers the same high-gas-mileage car that it sells overseas. Ford spent $550 million to retool a Michigan factory, which once turned out big pickups and S.U.V.’s, to make the cars that the company expects to be in hot demand as gas prices rise. With a mural of Lake Shore Drive in the background, a preview visitor checked out the Hyundai Veloster at the Chicago Auto Show on Wednesday. The show opens to the public on Friday. Credit John Konstantaras for Chicago News Cooperative Bob Carter, a group vice president in charge of the Toyota division, said he, too, was bracing for more expensive gasoline. “We are planning for a $3.50 national average this summer,” said Mr. Carter, noting that many Chicago-area gas stations already charge that much per gallon. Toyota, which sells more hybrid-electric vehicles than any other car company, is placing more emphasis on its hybrid lineup. Its display at the auto show includes two new models bearing the Prius nameplate: the Prius V, a sport utility model, and the Prius C, a concept version of the small plug-in hybrid that Toyota plans to introduce in the United States next year. Within a decade, Mr. Carter said, Toyota expects the sales of the two new models plus the original Prius to equal those of the midsize Camry, the nation’s best-selling car since the late 1990s. At last year’s show, a pack of reporters pinned Mr. Carter against a Toyota Sienna minivan and questioned him about reports of sudden, unintended acceleration in its cars. This week the United States Department of Transportation said an investigation of those reports showed the problem was not related to electronic systems on the vehicles. Instead, it blamed sticky accelerators and ill-designed floor mats, the defects that have led Toyota to recall more than 11 million vehicles worldwide. “We’re feeling very good,” Mr. Carter said of the government’s findings. “We are moving on.” At Dodge, Mr. Gilles was also basking in his parent company’s newfound optimism. Chrysler received an overwhelmingly positive reaction to a two-minute commercial that was shown during the Super Bowl last Sunday. The ad, featuring the rapper Eminem, a Detroit native, showed the new Chrysler 200 driving through the city, with the tag line “Imported from Detroit.” Those words are on a sign at McCormick, and Mr. Gilles said that Chrysler had received requests for T-shirts. Even though he is a Montreal native, Mr. Gilles “choked up” upon viewing the ad, he said. “It touches your heart.” Mr. Gilles said dealers had ordered more Chrysler 200 cars, anticipating that sales would rise because of the ad. It was a boost for a company that went through a federally sponsored bankruptcy in 2009 and is now under the management control of Fiat, the Italian automaker. Until last Sunday’s commercial, the most attention-getting vehicle at Chrysler was the Fiat 500, which goes on sale this year and is imported from Mexico. Across the industry, automakers are placing a series of bets on 2011 sales. The National Automobile Dealers Association predicts the companies will sell about 13 million cars and trucks this year, a projection shared by J. D. Power and Associates, the industry analysis firm. Last year, domestic and foreign companies sold about 11.5 million cars and trucks in the United States, compared with 10.4 million in 2009. Forecasters say sales should rise by at least another one million vehicles in 2012. Others are not as optimistic. John Krafcik, the president of Hyundai Motor America, says his company expects sales of 12.8 million vehicles this year. “We think that’s more realistic,” he said. Over the years, industry economists have looked at three economic factors — home sales, employment numbers and consumer confidence — to gauge how well the car market will do. “Housing hasn’t come back yet,” Mr. Krafcik said, “and jobs haven’t come back.” Because of that, he said, car companies may not be able to resist incentive wars, in hopes of luring consumers back with attractive deals. “It’s going to be a really interesting year to watch,” he said. Micheline Maynard is the senior editor of Changing Gears, a public media project exploring the reinvention of the Midwest mmaynard@wbez.org
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The New York Times (N.Y.T. or N.Y. Times) is an American daily newspaper based in New York City with a worldwide readership. Founded in 1851, the Times has since won 132 Pulitzer Prizes (the most of any newspaper), and has long been regarded within the industry as a national \"newspaper of record\"." } ]
Posted by The Junior Junkie at 7:19 PM Stealing Home April 18, 2015 at 4:04 AM Fuji April 18, 2015 at 7:06 AM You're straight dominating this wallet card game! I'm glad that you are not resting on your Wallet Card laurels! Tony April 18, 2015 at 10:58 AM Brad's Blog April 18, 2015 at 3:15 PM Which bear are you?! (maybe its a gopher? What is it?) The Junior Junkie April 20, 2015 at 9:01 AM It's a nutria - a big orange-toothed rodent from South America. We have a ton of them down here to the point that's it's kind of a problem. These things are one of the reasons they ask you that florae/faunae question when you travel internationally. P-town Tom April 23, 2015 at 7:49 PM After seeing this post I might as well give up on the Wallet Card game.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
We walked on a beach right in town- beautiful... - Review of Off the Beaton Path - TripAdvisor We walked on a beach right in town- beautiful... - Review of Off the Beaton Path Canada Nova Scotia Cape Breton Island Judique Judique B&Bs / Inns Off the Beaton Path Review of Off the Beaton Path Our online travel partners don't provide prices for this accommodation, but we can search other options in Judique Check In mm/dd/yyyy Off the Beaton Path 314 Beaton Road, Judique, Nova Scotia B0E 1P0, Canada | Hotel amenities Ranked #1 of 2 Judique B&B and Inns See the most recent reviews cockatiel-dreamer We really enjoyed staying here. The owners have been in the business for a very long time, and just know how to take care of people. Little Judique is right next to Judique on the map, and about ten minutes from Port Hood, where there are more amenities. If you are looking for peace and quiet, the ten minutes is worth it. The room was very comfortable and clean, with everything we needed. They have two very sweet dogs. There is a front room downstairs where we could hang out and read. We had dinner in Port Hood at Manitous- a restaurant owned by a German couple and offering an oceanside deck to eat on. We walked on a beach right in town- beautiful sand and warm water. We stayed here on a Tuesday night and my only regret was not attending the Caileagh (barn dance) in nearby Mabou. Save some energy during the day so you can enjoy this regional celebration of song, dance and fiddling. Thank cockatiel-dreamer Report Ask cockatiel-dreamer about Off the Beaton Path Hotels you might also like... Also consider these accommodations in or near Judique #1 of 2 in Port Hood 32 reviews Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices Been to Off the Beaton Path? Share your experiences! Write a Review Add Photos & Videos Additional Information about Off the Beaton Path Address: 314 Beaton Road, Judique, Nova Scotia B0E 1P0, Canada Location: Canada > Nova Scotia > Cape Breton Island > Judique Hotel Style: Ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / Inns in Judique Off The Beaton Path Judique, Nova Scotia Explore similar hotels Maritime Inn Port Hawkesbury165 ReviewsShow Prices 24.2 miles The Fiddle and the Sea, B&B62 ReviewsShow Prices 4.9 miles Hebridean Motel31 ReviewsShow Prices 4.5 miles See all Judique hotels Browse nearby
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Frisbee: A Book Journal: David Lodge's A Man of Parts & Michael Dirda on Wells I've enjoyed several of David Lodge's novels over the years, but didn't much care for his previous, 'Deaf Sentence'. Sounds like 'A Man of Parts' might be a return to form. Tony, the only other one I know is Deaf Sentence. Lodge has been on the TBR list forever, and I'd like to read some of his satires.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Freelance (sometimes spelled free-lance or free lance), freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelance workers are sometimes represented by a company or a temporary agency that resells freelance labor to clients; others work independently or use professional associations or websites to get work." } ]
flowerpress: bonfire night Maxabella15 June 2012 16:35A bonfire party sounds bonza!! xReplyDeleteChristina Lowry15 June 2012 16:48There's something primal about gathering around a large fire isn't there? I have many happy such memories. Sounds like a great time away.Good luck with the garlic. I've planted some too, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I don't think it will get cold enough here in Brisbane? I'm looking forward to spending some time in the garden this weekend.Can't wait to see who is show and telling this month too. :)ReplyDeleteTania15 June 2012 22:24I reckon your lot and my lot must live in some sort of parallel universe. There is growing evidence (mostly involving the Great Outdoors and Fire).My tea towel arrived today! Did you notice I said 'my' and not 'my friend's'? I may have changed my mind. She might not get a card either. Ahem. (thank you!)ReplyDeleteLynne21 June 2012 11:40I think it gets horribly cold here in western Sydney! It was only 5°C this morning at 9 o'clock! I really dislike winter!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
growersguidetocannabis | How to grow weed well How to grow weed well Grow Histories Posted on November 24, 2011 by growersguidetocannabis Reply Just a quick note to say that The Growers Guide to Cannabis has now moved, and can be found here. We’ve already added several new pieces, got new writers etc so if you’ve found this blog by chance, please follow the link and follow the new blog! Posted on November 8, 2011 by growersguidetocannabis Reply LED grow lights? Are they really worth the hype? After doing some research for an article (see here), I became more and more convinced that they might be. And this is despite being a die-hard HID fan. You see I started growing cannabis more than 14 years ago, when indoor grow rooms were only just becoming possible in the UK. Now every city seems to have a grow shop, and every year there is a new innovation in equipment. Back then things were simpler – and a hell of a lot more complicated! For starters, there was none of this grow tent nonsense. To set up an indoor grow room you needed either to kit out your spare room with enough lights to fit the space (after redecorating with sufficient black & white plastic to consider buying shares in the company), or construct a “hidden room”, a space within a space, out of 4” by 2” and plywood. The closest thing I ever had to a “closet grow” was the cupboard – and this was only a temporary hiding place while I moved house (and built yet another construction). The fact is – or was – that indoor marijuana growing took up a lot of space. As well as the height necessary for distance from plants, you needed room for the ballast boxes, extractors, the extractor tubing, the fans, the plug sockets, etc etc. And the time I went for air-cooled lights (which then all came with individual tubing), the place began to look like NASA. Realistically the plywood room became a 2 shell space so that the extractors, carbon filters, wiring etc all went out of the grow space itself, whilst still being hidden from a casual observer. In the meantime my electricity bill went sky high and the place thrummed with electrical noise as if NASA truly was testing its new space rocket in there. Things change. I’m now in a country which provided different problems to the indoor grower. Firstly electrical supply isn’t as stable as before. Not only do we have power cuts, making it dangerous for a standard photoperiod plant, but many of the properties only run on a 3.5k power supply. Put in my old grow room and you’d have to forget about ever using the TV, let alone switching the kettle on. Secondly, we have hot summers. If its blazing 40ºC outside, imagine what its going to be like under those HIDs. The amount of extraction needed would be fearsome. Luckily up to now I’ve satisfied my cannabis growing needs by growing outside. After all why waste all that good sunshine? But in my heart of hearts I’m an indoor grower. I’ll admit I’m a bit of an MJ geek, and love nothing more than testing the CF in the NFT. I even worked out a formula to calculate the residual amounts of chemicals left in the reserve as the water levels dropped. But everything has moved on since I started growing cannabis. Autoflowering plants – while many of them still need stabilising – solve the issue of power outages. Smart pots and Air pots seem a good way to grow a move-able plant while getting some of the benefits of my beloved hydroponic growing. And LED grow lights? Well they seem to resolve everybody’s problems of electrical use, heat, security and space. Now I guess I’m getting to that age, where the best things were those I used in my youth and am used to. So I’m not convinced by the blurb about LED lights growing better bud …. at least not until I’ve tried them myself. So, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll do a test run first, using a Feroled 864. After all its not fair to pit years of experience with HID against first run with a new technology: reading about the subject, its obvious that LED marijuana growing is different to HID – there are new issues to come into play. Instead of heat extraction, I may need to focus on heat input, for example. And once I’ve done a dummy run, with some short life-span autoflowers (these ones only have a seed to crop estimated time of 7 weeks), I’ll be starting a full on competition grow of HID v LED grow lights. Stay tuned to read more! And if any of you have some useful tips on LED grows, please comment. Posted in Grow Histories, Uncategorized | Leave a reply Posted on November 7, 2011 by growersguidetocannabis Reply Whilst buying good marijuana seeds provides you with the genetic capabilities of your cannabis plant, growing marijuana seedlings well enables these traits to be realised. Limiting factors at this crucial time in development will have repercussions for the mature plant – or more likely, kill it off whilst it is at a delicate phase. The seedling stage lasts from 1-4 weeks, so you have only this amount of time to get it right! To read more, please click here Posted in Beginners Guide to Cannabis | Leave a reply Posted on November 6, 2011 by growersguidetocannabis Reply Tim Garon used to be a drug user. When he was a teenager, he shared needles with other speed freaks and consequently caught Hep C. Years later, in what he states was a sober middle-age (one free from substance abuse), the Hep C had progressed to the point where he was seriously ill. In a US state where MJ is used for medical reasons, his doctor prescribed him MJ to soften the pain, steady the sickness and stimulate a fading appetite. But marijuana for medical use treats the symptoms, not the cause. Garon’s illness progressed until he needed a liver transplant in order to survive. He was refused. Why? He was condemned (quite literally: Tom Garon died in July of this year) for taking a medicine prescribed by his doctor to help with the symptoms of his illness. Apparently he was informed by the transplant clinic that if he stayed “clean” for 6 months, he could be reconsidered. The implications of this are staggering. If the governments of US states acknowledge the benefits of cannabis as an alleviative of illness, how can any medical institution refuse treatment of that illness when cannabis has been authorised by another medical body? Or were the doctors involved in making this decision actually punishing the patient for a lifestyle choice he had made twenty years before? Many smokers beyond a certain age, or within a certain income group, will have among their toking friends, doctors or lawyers who indulge regularly or occasionally. And so its easy to forget that in the establishment there are many who have spent their lives believing that marijuana is the root cause of evil, the first step on a road to lawlessness, drug addiction and decline. How long will it take – and how many victims like Garon will suffer – before medical marijuana can really be approved of by the authorities? How to germinate marijuana seedlings Posted on October 29, 2011 by growersguidetocannabis Reply Let’s face it, marijuana seeds are not cheap. Therefore it’s important to get the best rate of germination that you can. Luckily plants want to reproduce and with a little understanding it is easy to get the technique of seed germination down to a fine art. Marijuana seed breeders cleverly play around with the characteristics of future plants, chemically inducing female plants to produce male flowers (producing feminised seeds) and most recently, through selective breeding developing autoflowering plants, but the basics of all seeds remain the same. They contain the genetic code of a future plant held safe in a dormant state until the correct environment enables the seed to spring to life. Unlike some plants, the marijuana seed does not require complex conditions in order to germinate. Like all annual weeds, its needs for reproduction are simple: temperature, moisture, oxygen and darkness. for more info on how to germinate marijuana seedlings, click here: Posted in Beginners Guide to Cannabis | Leave a reply
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
I Like to Eat: Orangette's Lemon Yogurt Cake In case you hadn't figured it out already, I really like cake. I was once reading an interview with Duff the guy who runs Charm City Cakes in Baltimore and he said he eats at least one piece of cake every day for "quality control purposes." At that moment, I seriously questioned my commitment to journalism. The only problem with cakes is that so often they involve a lot of butter, so I always like to find cakes that have different bases like oil or yogurt. I've been reading Orangette's new book, A Homemade Life, and the cake that found her a husband is such a cake: French-style Yogurt Cake with Lemon. I have to say, it's pretty damn good. Difficulty: Easy, does require a zester though Eat Rating: Awesome. The cake is really light and fluffy. Really great if you like lemons. I might try it with Meyer Lemons next time though, since they are a little sweeter. The recipe says you can also substitute orange or tangerine. 1/2 cup plain yogurt (LN: he says you have to use whole-milk, but mine turned out fine with nonfat) 1/4 cup, plus 3 tbsp lemon juice In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and lemon zest. In a separate large bowl, add yogurt, sugar and eggs, stirring until well combined. Add the flour mixture and stir to combine, then add the oil and mix until you have a pale yellow batter. Pour into pan and bake for 35 minutes. Cool the cake on a wire rack for 15 minutes, then remove from pan. Invert the cake onto the rack so it sits with the dome-side up. In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup powdered sugar and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Whisk until smooth and spoon the syrup over the top of the cake, allowing to soak in and dribble down the sides. Cool the cake completely. Once cooled, combine the remaining 1 cup of powdered sugar with the 3 tbsp of lemon juice to make an icing. Spoon icing over the cake and serve immediately. A slice of lemon-y deliciousness Posted by Leah at 7:24 PM Annie April 2, 2009 at 3:02 PM While I greatly appreciate your blog, I am hoping you consider an overhaul of your "rating" system. What is easy to you, an experienced cake baker extraordinaire, might actually be difficult for people like Joe the Plumber. Might I suggest the establishment of an "Office on Rating" to conduct research and development of a system that is more objective, easier to understand and based on scientific findings. Furthermore, it is in the opinion of the average citizen that the Rating Office include a board of non-compensated directors to oversee the creation of a new rating system. The board should be made up of 10 individuals from varying political backgrounds with substantial cake rating experience. They should author an annual report to you on their findings. There should be authorized two pieces of cake a day for each of fiscal 2009-2015 for the activities in paragraphs three (3) through five (5). Thank you for your attention to this manner. And for rocking.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Mom Swim Bike Run: The Post Where I Can't Remember the Name of Anything The Post Where I Can't Remember the Name of Anything Ok so I'm going to be honest. I'm OVERLY excited about CrossFit. I know I'm going to be talking about CrossFit a LOT and I don't want y'all to get sick of it, but it's something I'm feeling pretty passionate about. I hope y'all are up for the CrossFit ride. Anyway, for those of you that don't know anything about CrossFit and would like a glimpse into the cult world of CrossFit, here is a little about what I learned today. Class always starts with dynamic stretches. This is REALLY good for someone like me that isn't good at stretching. As in, I NEVER stretch. My muscles are really tight and these stretches usually feel really good. I'm glad stretching is incorporated into each and every workout. You then do a warm up which gets the blood moving. You go through this whole series two times. I don't know if I'll get it exactly right, but this is what I remember and pieced together from the pictures (all taken by Nicholas by the way). First you do burpees as the coach counts it off. I think it was a 6 count, but maybe 5. The point is, it keeps you moving. I don't know if this is really me doing a burpee, I might be doing a press up (back stretch) because my feet aren't in push up position. Either way you get this lovely picture of ME (and who doesn't want that?). Jumping Jacks (not pictured). I was just glad I didn't pee my pants. Jumping Jacks and my bladder don't get along. Next up high knees. I'm surprised my knees are that high actually. And finally, air squats. My legs are still VERY VERY sore and I had to try very hard to not cry like a baby just to get through just 10 of these. Wah! Next you would do the WOD (Workout Of the Day) and end with mobility movements (more stretching). Since I'm still new, we worked on learning the ins and outs of technique and didn't do the WOD. It might seem like it would be easy to learn all the different types of lifts, but by the time I got home I was so confused about everything that I had learned. Plus I really sucked at so many things. I found myself laughing at myself and my coach said I shouldn't be so dainty. He said, "You're not a ballerina". Wow, that hurt. The deadlift is about the only thing I did know how to do and did well. I was even able to do it WITH weight. Don't I look badass? Haha. Hey it is 95 lbs. I was impressed with myself. See now I don't even know what this move is called. Power clean? I made that up. The point of this move was to get your hips up and use it to power up the weight. Wait, maybe I do know the name. Maybe this is the Sumo one. Yes I do look like a Sumo wrestler, so I think that's right. The next thing was something called a dip something or other. I realize my description is a very technical, but I honestly just can't remember. I do remember the point, however, and that is to get a little dip in the knees to help get more power and be able to lift more weight. He made me do it up against the wall first, to practice good form I suppose. The next move was the same thing only you were to jump a little. This proved to be very difficult for me and that is when he said I was being dainty. I seriously could not get this move down. I felt so stupid, but he said it's difficult for everyone. I bet he says that to all the ladies. We also did some work with the medicine ball and I wish I could remember the name again, but I just can't. This was going all the way down to the deadlift and then up to the clean position. The point of all these different ways of lifting is to be able to lift more weight. I hope I'll look back at all of this someday and laugh that I couldn't remember the name of this or that. Right now everything is all jumbled up in my mind. I tried to show George everything I learned and he laughed at me. NOT GOOD! Oh well, coordination has never been my strong suit. I'm not going to let this intimidate me. This was my first day and I WILL get everything down. I have my last training session on Friday and he said we'd probably do a WOD that day too. I'm nervous, but more so I'm excited. I can't even begin to tell you how ready I am for CrossFit and I'm excited to challenge my body to do things I've never done before. Clearly I have A LOT of learning to do and I'm excited to share it with all of you. Do you like trying new things or do you like staying in the comfort zone? Posted by Susan Tirch at 8:08 PM I can't remember any names either. I did the sumo thing too- have no idea what it is called. I always have to ask a few times. I need to start writing it down. I've heard such awesome things about cross fit! I'm thinking about trying one of the free classes and seeing if I can't convince hubby to switch out our gym membership for it... we never use the classes and I hate running on the treadmill anyway. I'm just like you--I'm awful about stretching. And now I'm paying for it!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Surf, Yoga & Spa Resort - Contemporary - Living Room - other metro - by SB Design SB DesignInterior Designers & Decorators Email Save to Ideabook25Ask a Question1Print Surf, Yoga & Spa Resort Family resort mediterranean style living room URL http://htp://www.sbdesign.ma alexfraley3 wrote: Love the large landscape mural! Where is it from? Like Comment Sign Up to comment What Houzzers are commenting on: ammonfloraville added this to ammonfloraville's ideasDecember 8, 2014Contemporaryjanimbo added this to Crescent Royale LobbyJanuary 14, 2014Colors and casual lookevangorman added this to colorsSeptember 25, 2013curtainsdodonnell830 added this to Surf roomJuly 24, 2013Wall mural Browse over 5 million home design photos on houzz Related Products Tangier Pouf, Orange Peel & Rouge Red MOMA Pillow, 18x18 Photos in Surf, Yoga & Spa Resort 11 Contemporary Living Room photos Nejma Sidi Kaouki Beach House Beach resort · Mediterranean style · Moroccan · morocco People viewed this after searching for: mediterranean style rooms · family mediterranean · mediterranean living room · resort style living · mediterranean style · landscape United StatesUnited KingdomAustraliaDeutschlandFrance COMPANY
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Houzz is an American website and online community about architecture, interior design and decorating, landscape design and home improvement. It was founded in 2009 and is based in Palo Alto, California." } ]
Any chance I can talk you into posting the Smilin' Ed story in this one as well?I posted one a while ago...http://www.stwallskull.com/blog/?p=1000Thanks for posting all the fantastic stuff, Pappy! Since the Smilin' Ed story is a Christmas strip, I'll wait until the season is upon us.Loved the Buster Brown stuff you posted. I remember sticking my feet into that x-ray machine in my local Buster Brown store and seeing the bones. Holy X-Ray Specs! Probably the reason I dig skeletons today. Kids today just don't know what they're missing...(like a foot by amputation from too much radiation.) This reminds me of an ongoing story by Drew Weing called "Set To Sea"http://www.drewweing.com/settosea/?date=00010101
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Longshot Radio: Creativity and Failure Radio made in 48 hours. On May 3rd and 4th, we're teaming with Radiolab to make radio from the 99% Conference. • SoundCloud / LongShot Radio We’re talking about creativity, and risk in the story booth at the 99% conference. Here Geore Sheer talks about a crazy idea that he just can’t stop thinking about. Join The Story Chain Here | More on Tumblr edited by Chris Berube We’re at the 99% conference with Radiolab, talking about creativity and failure. Here Alexis Ohanion of Reddit, answering a question about “creating a mess” asked by Sean online. Join The Story Chain | More Audio on Tumblr edited by mooooooj Longshot Word Games, Part 1: A Good Idea Is Like A Family Pet Because … Here’s a bite sized version of what we can do with collaborative word games. Please help us make the next few rounds bigger and better. (For how to help, see below) We asked a bunch of random people — hailing from NYC, Spain, Sweden, and someplace in Canada Alex forgot to ask about, and more — to complete the sentence: “A good idea is like a family pet because …” Ask a random question, get a creative answer, that’s what we always say. 1) If you have a mic, go outside to a public place and ask a few friendly folks these questions: - Tell me about the most creative thing you’ve done this week? - Failure is like the ocean because … - If at first you don’t succeed … [ANYTHING BUT TRY TRY AGAIN] 2) Answer the questions yourself Record directly to our drop-box here. Say your name and where you are from and then say the sentences above with our beginning and your ending. Longshot Radio Twitter | More on Radiolab Blog | Longshot Radio Site | Previous Word Games Story Booth Question Chain A question from Texas, and answer from Hawaii: When did you have to start from scratch? Join In Longshot Radio and Radiolab are using the 99% Conference to start a conversation about creativity and failure. Happening on Thursday and Friday, May 4-5 in NYC and online everywhere. You can join in. Upload a question. Answer a question. We’ll mix them together! Join In Here | Email Longshot Radio
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tumblr (stylized as tumblr and pronounced \"tumbler\") is an American microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007 and currently owned by Automattic. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog." } ]
Straight Talk: VK Lingam Scandal & a Big Cover Up? "Now, who is lying? The MACC, Nazri or Jayanthi?"Dear KhooLet me attempt to answer the above, by posing this question:-Which of the three are in a stronger position to lie? If we were to measure each of their odds at lying, wouldn't Jayanthi be in much more riskier position, if she lied? Especially since the other two could easily cover up, compared to her? I rest my case. KKP,Wouldn't you cover up too if it involves "strings" of elite people that has "GIVEN" you a luxury income & lifestyle.....?????You wanna bite the "hands.." that has been feeding you..?????You wanna "risk" finding that person GUILTY & in retaliation all "evil deeds" will be expose...???????????????????????As for "lying"...,mmmm.......Some sucker is "trying" their best to make us suckers...!!!!!"Which we, the rakyat, are NOT...!!!!!" Maybe another 'Bala' disappearing case soon!Short cut to wealth and happiness I guess. Does Jayanthi have a reason to lie?Why would she take the risk of going against the powers that be unless it is true? With this revealation from Jayanthi it should have cornered Nazri and gang to open up the LIngam case again. More pressure should be added by everyone on them and see what idiotic comments or excuse he can come out with again.As for Jayanthi, I think Sivarasa and his people will know how to keep her safe. And my respect to you Jayanthi for your great sacrifice for justice. i must say that there should be more elegance in cover up, with good cover stories and hiding of tracks.in malaysia, it's the 'in your face' kind of arrogance which seems to say that, "i said it. u can f*** off if u don't want to believe it" kind of attitude. They no longer care about the kind of perception that the public is going to get. too long in power, i say. I hope Pakatan gives her the best protection and she does not end up missing like the private eye Bala. Wait for MACC to goto Putrajaya first before answer this question. They have to consult with their boss there before giving the right answer. Teoh Beng Hock died also, they need to consult Putrajaya before making police report.Nazri says no case because you don't have the evidence of the cake or show how cake can stuff with 300,0000 ringgit be given to judges or Judges don't celebrate birthdays, so how to have cake??? CASE CLOSE!!!! It is morally wrong for Judges to eat cake, but legally right to received them according to Nazri.I also want cake! She will be hauled up by the police or MACC and intimidated. Yes, she too might disappear since the police are in the kidnapping business as well. Thats what RPK said of Bala's family. Dear KKP, now these rogue flurs claim that she is not the key witness.What kind of human are these?The longer these gangs are around, the worst this country will fall. Now they say she is not the witness they are looking for! Amazing. Then who is the witness?! Reveal it! sop.the looking-for-man is looking for a man who has disappeared. cant locate him.ha2, mr taxi licnece. that trick is useless coz it has been used too foten by the cops when they want to lose a case. remember the young chinese boy who died in the hands of a gay sodomist? The Malaysian public is keen to find out how the BN government sweeps all the scandals under the carpet. Will it work and for how long? Another 52 years? Silly! See...!!!!!!!!Another cover-up...! Justice is "blind". But here..???You can all say whatever & till the cows come home or not......They "don't" care..! Decision made..!!That's it...! no way we going to rest our case Nazri you and macc should come out clean tell us who are you looking for if not Jayanti. so stop playing no play play hug we know you are lying and you day of reconing will be coming when you stand before your maker. Nazri talk like he is VKL's defence counsel. KEY WITNESS BETTER BE CAREFULL OTHERWISE UNDER INTERROGATION BY MACC WILL BE THROWN OUT OF BUILDING OR THIS TIME THEY ARE MUCH MORE SMARTER TO MAKE IT AS AN ACCIDENT CASE.GOD BLESS YOU FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. the key-witness sudah been promised5 juta like bala too !?
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
The Art Of Grue: Before and After Self improvement is a funny thing. This picture of these characters was done back in '03 before I started SVA. Unfortunately, I was not very computer savy and I didn't have those big-shot painting programs like photoshop or corel painter. I did this straight ahead without any thought of construction, or composition, with a ball point pen and colored it in the paint program. You know, the software that everyone and their mother has for PC. None of the art schools I went to before SVA gave me any real artistic lessons. It was just "Paint or draw something to get a grade. I'm gonna eat my banana and drink coffee". Needless to say, I was FAR inferior compared to my classmates, who seemed to have true artistic backgrounds. I was pretty much lost my freshman year. I had the passion, but no artistic talent. This picture was done recently. Although I still think I need more improvement on paint and color, this picture looks more animated and loose compared to the above pic. Basic construction and a proper use of your lines really makes a difference. Teachers like Matt Archambault, Steve Gaffeny, and Andy Gerndt had an impact on me. My parents had the above pic in their kitchen for the past 5 years, so they wanted me to make a new one. Also, the kids faces look different from each other, compared to the above pic, where their faces are structured exactly the same. I started working on the pilot episode for this. I can't think of any other independent films right now, so why not start something that's been sitting in my head since school started. Besides, I want to get this thing on TV, and it's not going to happen unless I make a move and start something. These are concept sketches. It's gonna be a long journey to get this done. But what the hell. I don't give up easily. I'm not going to waste four years of education and training. Artwork displayed is copyright of James Sugrue Posted by James Sugrue at 11:27 AM Labels: cartoons, funny drawings, independent animated film, james sugrue, pilot I wish you luck in this project alot! As I've said, I love this series alot, and its characters and mayhem. And hehe, poor Lauren, getting smashed in the head as usual %D Hi man, How are you? I´m new around here. I´m spanish and I arrived to your blog coz I was looking for Christina Ricci´s fan art of Penelope movie hehe. What a coincidence. As I ask you in the Ricci post, If you have any pictures of that Ricci speech, or any story, as If She liked your draw...hehe I draw too, not that good of course, and I´m curious. This is my email: israel571@hotmail.com, if you want to answer me, It would be nice. I Want Quackbusters On DVD! My Fav Meth Minute Hey, I say, Hey Boy!
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Stinger Total 7-day Detox 5X Extra Strength 8oz Lime The Permanent Cleanser 818136083145 | eBay See more Stinger 5x 7day Total Detox Ultra Strength - 8... Stinger Total 7-day Detox 5X Extra Strength 8oz Lime The Permanent Cleanser CHOP Stinger 1-Hour Detox Liquid Drink 5x Strength Grape 8oz The Buzz Cleanser Stinger Instant Detox 5X Extra Strength 8oz Watermelon Eliminate Toxins CHOP Stinger the Buzz Detox 1 Hour Cleanser 5x Strength Cleanse 8 oz for Heavy Toxins mens.land (8917 ) Details about Stinger Total 7-day Detox 5X Extra Strength 8oz Lime The Permanent Cleanser $55.08 (78% off) 2 STINGER THE BUZZ 5x Strength Detox cleanse Grape 8 oz FREE 2-3 day Shipping 5 Pack of Instant THC Marijuana 20ng/mL Drug Testing Kit: MOST SENSITIVE TEST Lily of the Desert Aloe Herbal Detox Formula 32 fl oz 960 ml Stinger Mouthwash 2 oz Detox Total Cleanse Uric Acid By Solaray - 60 Veg Capsules 182485911242 Last updated on Jul 20, 2019 07:39:22 PDT View all revisions Marque: Stinger Brand: Total 7-day Detox 5X Extra Strength 8oz Lime Created By: Mens.Land Expiry Date: 08/2020 818136083145 0818136083145 by jnorrod0819 Mar 14, 2017 I followed the directions exactly. Didn't miss any. And prepared myself before I recieved it. I am not sure why but I finished it last night and it did not do what it was intended for. Very upsetting and a waste of money. Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: royalbaseroyalb... by krisavoi_0 Nov 24, 2018 I got the product in I ordered the Stingers 5 to 7 with the test strips I got the 7 day with no test strips Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: new | Sold by: cyber_monday_su... by jerrylaguna52 Aug 02, 2017 Stinger 5X detox This is my second time. It really does detox your system. by georgianionut Jul 02, 2019 by carlffm2du0amgnu Jul 13, 2018 Doesn't perform as promised. Back to home page | See More Details about "Stinger 5x 7day Total Detox Ultra Strength - 8 FL Oz" Return to top Health Plus Weight Management Detox & Cleansers
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
Daniel Bryan | Writing A Silver Broomstick You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘Daniel Bryan’ tag.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Construction | Not the Status Quo Discussions on the status quo and the other options. It is summer time, and that means road construction is in full force. Most times, people know what to do… slow to a safe speed and pay attention to the construction workers. Why then do people ignore what the construction signs actually say? I guess it is like regular multi-lane driving, where they think they know the rules of the road, when they really do not. One of the worst things in a construction zone is merging and knowing when to do so. Many construction zones do not have blatant signs stating when and where to merge, the DOT just assumes one knows the proper way. Locally, there is an alternating electronic sign switching between “RT Lane Closed Ahead” and “Use Both Lanes to Merge Pt” before a very congested construction area. At the merge point, there is another large electronic sign switching between “Merge Point” and “Take Your Turn.” The distance between the signs is about one mile… with two traffic lights between them. Not only do the majority of cars not wait until the merge point to get into the open lane, many move over before the 1st traffic light, which is a good .8 of a mile ahead of the merge point. When someone follows exactly what the signs instruct, drivers that did not drive properly end up getting annoyed, attempt to block both lanes, tailgate to prevent proper merging, and other dangerous actions. This is a gentle reminder to truly follow what signs are telling you to do. Not only will it save lives, but it really will save all drivers time and aggravation. Coming up, left lane hogs.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
5★ Picturesque Lake and Forest Retreat - Near City - Gästsviter att hyra i Nacka, Stockholms län, Sverige 5★ Picturesque Lake and Forest Retreat - Near City Thomas & Diana är en Superhost. Högst rankade lägenheter vid sjön med utsikt över en sjö (bara några meter från fönstret), bara några minuter från centrum! Ny lägenhet i byggnad från 1820-talet, nära kollektivtrafik och köpcentrum. Fantastiska rekreationsområden med en skog bakom huset. Lämplig för alla som älskar naturen och vill stanna nära staden medan de upplever ett svenskt hem med en avkopplande landsbygdskänsla. Top rated lake house apartment overlooking a lake (only meters away from the window), minutes away from the city center! New apartment in building from the 1820s, near public transport and shopping mall. Fantastic recreational areas with a forest behind the house. Suitable for everyone who loves nature and wants to stay close to the city while experiencing a Swedish home with a relaxing countryside feeling. This is a magical place. The location next to Nacka natural reservoir invites for gorgeous walks. The quick 24/7 bus connection to Stockholm’s Slussen is reliable and uncomplicated. We stayed there in the middle of winter and you really can’t find a better situation to get snowed… We spent 4 days. 3 nights there, what an amazing place with such amazing hosts. Really lovely family. So helpful with everything and you could really see that they had put in an effort here. Top class everything! We stayed 4 days over the weekend, visiting the archipelago of Stockholm. This is a brilliant located bnb, only 20minutes away from the city and other islands, by bus and ferry. Hosts are really friendly and helpful. The place is super clean, all appliances available to make your… N'hésitez surtout pas si vous voulez être à la fois à deux pas de la forêt et de la nature tout en étant proche de la ville. Endroit plein de charme et beaucoup de très bons conseils ! Merci pour tout ! Nous reviendrons peut-être pour la neige ou.. pour le beau temps This lovely home is not overstated. It is in a fantastic location that is walkable into the city through the woods. As soon as I arrived I felt calm. Recommended! Such a beautiful place to stay! Thomas and Diana were very helpfull and there was big mall nearby to get anything you need. Beautiful walking areas starts right from the place too! The apartment is beautiful and only a 2 minute walk from the bus stop to the city center. You don't hear any traffic, it's nice and quiet. The kitchen is very well equipped and easy to use. Thomas is very flexible and helpful. There's also nature near the apartment where you can… Stockholm, Sverige · Medlem sedan oktober 2018 Hello, I am Sofia, born and raised in Stockholm. I am an experienced short-term rental property manager. I have great experience in all aspects of property management including marketing, communications, guest relations, property maintenance, finance, and administrative… Most of the time we will be available next door for questions and support. Här bor Thomas & Diana. Sofia hjälper värden. Utforska andra alternativ i och runt Nacka Fler ställen att bo i Nacka:
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Airbnb, Inc. (pronounced AIR-bee-ehn-bee and stylized as airbnb) is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities." } ]
Blu Bamboo (Islamorada, FL): Top Tips Before You Go (with Photos) - TripAdvisor Fabulous massage by Marissa! Great prices and service. Nice location right off of highway! They... read more “hair appointment” (2 reviews) All reviews mani pedi hair appointment spa services stylist alexa browse keys Jenny Miller F Thank Jenny Miller F
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Tripadvisor, Inc. is an American online travel company that operates a website and mobile app with user-generated content and a comparison shopping website." } ]
Yahoo Indonesia Launched OMG Awards - Yahoo News Philippines Yahoo Indonesia Launched OMG AwardsBy Gelar | Tech in Asia – Sat, Nov 3, 2012 On Thursday Yahoo Indonesia, one of the leading news portals in Indonesia, announced a new initiative. Yahoo OMG, well known as one of the leading gossip and celebrity sites in Indonesia, is organizing its first ever online award called the Yahoo OMG Awards. Dian Nur Farida (marketing manager for Yahoo Indonesia) shared the idea behind the awards. She said: It's to bring fans and celebrities closer by creating unique online and on-ground digital experiences. Ultimately our aim is to give back to the fans who have offered their support to Yahoo OMG and at the same time shine a spotlight on the diversity of entertainment industry in Indonesia. The Yahoo OMG Indonesia editors have picked 100 nominees for 20 different categories. The nominees were selected based on the search trends of Yahoo’s Indonesia users and the most read news on Yahoo OMG Indonesia from September 2011 to August 2012. Users will vote on the winners for each category, with voting open online from October 22nd to November 21st. Web and mobile users can just sign in to their Yahoo! account, and then go to the landing page to vote. Users can vote once per day for each category, so if you’re really into some celebrity, you can actually vote for him/her again tomorrow. As of now there have been more than 450,000 votes. The winners will be announced at an awards night on November 24th. Yahoo will give away the tickets through quizzes from online and local radio stations. For those who don't get tickets, they will live-stream the event via the internet and some radio stations. Dian said that the mechanism of how they selected the nominees, and the democracy of how they let readers choose the winners online are their main differences compared to any other existing awards. "We are the first to do this," she added. Loading... Latest Videos1 - 8 of 100prevnext From Aid to Trade: Africa Makes Historic Shift Battlefield Hardline: Drivable Couch Easter Egg Will the U.S. Beat the Iran Nuclear Talks Deadline? Raw: Olmert Found Guilty in Corruption Retrial Does Co-Pilot Secrecy Remove Lufthansa Liability? French Bulldog puppy shows off impressive tricks Consumer Spending Ticks Up in February Greece told to reform its reformsSponsoredMore videos » Today on Yahoo1 - 8 of 30prevnextPNoy asks for understanding after Mamasapano tragedyExplosion rocks New York City neighborhoodSaudi Arabia begins military campaign in YemenCo-pilot purposely crashed plane into AlpsSponsoredGerman aviation association 'seeks two-person cockpit rule'You may soon be able to drive from London to New YorkPrecedents of pilots downing their planesPhotos from New York City explosionMore from Yahoo Philippines
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Yahoo (, styled as yahoo!) is an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and operated by the namesake Yahoo!" } ]
Meals I Have Eaten: Salad and Pasta c/o Jackie's After the drive back to Silver Spring we quickly regathered ourselves and went to Jackie's for dinner. Their menu had quite a number of things on it that looked appealing, but I ultimately decided on a salad and an entree. Our waiter was not the warmest of servers and when I asked about how the tuna on the Nicoise salad was prepared, he told me that there wasn't any tuna at all. I found that to be quite confusing, as I have never before run into a Nicoise Salad lacking in tuna. In fact, I would go as far as to say that a defining characteristic of a Nicoise salad is tuna. So that was weird. I went with the salad with Le Bocage spicy greens, sugar snap peas, Chinese peppercorn and a mango infused vinaigrette. I loved the bit pile of greens and the look of the peas and ate the entire thing, though the peppercorn and vinaigrette's overall presence could have been better enforced. What? My father had the shrimp and squid ink gnocchi with mustard greens and spring garlic, as well as mussels and peas from the looks of it. I had the orecchiette primavera with pesto, broccolini, foraged mushrooms and Idiazabal manchego cheese. I liked it very much. A little oily at the bottom but good. I generally try to say no to dessert, but once I looked at the dessert menu and realized that my father was going to split a little sweet treat that I might as well jump on the wagon. This was a butterscotch panna cotta I think, with little cookies. It was a little soupy, but tasty. I think elements of this chocolate cake dessert were heralded as good, though my father was a little less positive about the cake itself. Alas. Or was that D? I forget. Labels: chocolate, Dessert, Maryland, Mushroom, Pasta, Pesto, Salad, Seafood
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Indeed is an American worldwide employment website for job listings launched in November 2004. It is a subsidiary of Japan's Recruit Co." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Walmart Inc. ( ; formerly Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets (also called supercenters), discount department stores, and grocery stores from the United States, headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas." } ]
Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. v. Tiger Industries, Inc. et al :: Justia Dockets & Filings Search > Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. v. Tiger Industries, Inc. et al Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. v. Tiger Industries, Inc. et al Tiger Industries, Inc. and Raymond B. Frizzell 1:2012cv00780 Search for this case: Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. v. Tiger Industries, Inc. et al Plaintiff: Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. Represented By: Craig M. Scott Defendant: Tiger Industries, Inc. Represented By: Avital R. Chatto Defendant: Raymond B. Frizzell Lawyersin Rhode IslandMatthew T. MarinCriminal Law, Domestic Violence, DUI & DWI, Personal Injury, Traffic Tickets, White Collar Crime, Communications & Internet Law, Divorce, Family Law, Immigration Law, Juvenile Law, Landlord Tenant, Medical Malpractice, Social Security Disability/SSI, Workers' CompensationNewport, RIRichard Palumbo Jr.Business Law, Real Estate Law, Insurance Claims, Landlord Tenant, ProbateCranston, RIJoseph LamyAnimal & Dog Law, Asbestos & Mesothelioma, Criminal Law, DUI & DWI, Entertainment & Sports, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect, Personal Injury, Products Liability, TrademarksCranston, RIMichael R. BottaroPersonal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Products LiabilityCranston, RIChristopher Adam D'OvidioEnvironmental Law, Municipal Law, Real Estate LawWarwick, RI Browse Lawyers
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Justia is an American website specializing in legal information retrieval. It was founded in 2003 by Tim Stanley, formerly of FindLaw, and is one of the largest online databases of legal cases." } ]
FMS Manifesto. Money is the root of inequality/problems. | Amun-RA is Elevating The Consciousness of Mankind. Tell EVERY LIVING SOUL YOU know about The Venus Project/A GLOBAL RESOURCE BASED ECONOMY to put an END the madness of UNNECESSARY suffering!!! Welcome to The Golden Age! FMS Manifesto. Money is the root of inequality/problems. ← FMS Manifesto. Music. FMS Manifesto. Ego is Never satisfied. →
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "WordPress (WP, WordPress.org) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as Themes." } ]
Lilly's Style: pastels Shirt: Old Navy (2010?) (similar) Pants: Target (May) (similar on sale) (chino style on sale)Bag: Target (recent) (buy here - love this bag and it comes in 8 colors)Shoes: Steve Madden (similar here and here)Necklace: The Limited (similar) Belt: Target Watch: MK, Bracelets: BaubleBar As much as I love Summer I'm sort of looking forward to Fall. My favorite season for so many reasons, and yes, one of them being fashion. Love me some layers and boots! I will be announcing the giveaway winner this week, so stay tuned. Alissa7/31/2012Fall is my absolute most favorite season, it's perfect for layering and overall it's just so much easier to look cute then!ReplyDeleteTinacious Me7/31/2012super cute skinny jeans!www.Tinacious.MeReplyDeletepretty little things7/31/2012you just gave me another way to style my pale pink jeans! xohttp://allthingsprettyandlittle.blogspot.com/ReplyDeleteEat Live Love7/31/2012I love your dress shirt! Such a pretty color!ReplyDeletejillian7/31/2012i totally agree with you on fall! i love the summer, dont get me wrong, the shore is my happy place, but i do love some fall fashion (and food!)xoxo, jillianhttp://just-jillian.blogspot.comReplyDeleteMAlba07117/31/2012need some shoes like that for work. did u buy them on the steve madden site?ReplyDeleteRepliesLilly7/31/2012I got them at Macy's couple of years ago.DeleteReplyStyle &amp;amp; Poise7/31/2012Prety in pastels! Roniwww.styleandpoise.blogspot.comReplyDeleteL J7/31/2012Love these colors! I've got mint on my blog today too!xo,lindsay jowww.acupoflindsayjo.comReplyDeleteSchnelle7/31/2012Oh how I love pastels. I think ON had the same shirt out this year too- such a great classic. As much as I love summer, I am also looking forward to fall clothes, specifically boots!ReplyDeleteEmily7/31/2012Love these jeans. The color combo is perfect.CreamyReplyDeletestill being [molly]7/31/2012you look gorgeous! i love that gingham top!ReplyDeleteLindsay Patrick7/31/2012I think we are all anxious for fall clothes and layers at this point. Love these colors together :)Lindsay @LindsayJEveryday.blogspot.comReplyDeleteemily7/31/2012Cant go wrong with pastels!http://polkadotsandpencilskirts.blogspot.com/ReplyDeleteRachel Lynne7/31/2012Gorgeous! That necklace is TO DIE FOR!xoxo,RachelRachel’s LookbookReplyDeleteMrs C ♥7/31/2012Another great look. Really like the pants & necklace.ReplyDeleteMacey7/31/2012I'm really looking forward to the fall too! I love those colours together, gorgeous!Maceylaidbackdays.blogspot.caReplyDeleteScarlett7/31/2012Love the skinny jeans!xo, ScarlettThe Trendy ChickReplyDeleteBeautygirl247/31/2012The skinny jeans are great on you! I love the color.ReplyDeleteSara Flynn7/31/2012I HEAR YA! I cant wait for fall either. Love these colors together! :)Sarahttp://seventwentysomethings.blogspot.comReplyDeleteHeidi7/31/2012I'm excited for Fall too! Love that bag. -Heidi http://fabricandfrosting.blogspot.no/ReplyDeleteCatherine Hathaway7/31/2012too cute! the necklace makes this outfit pop.ReplyDeleteElsha Bodily7/31/2012I love fall and hate Old Navy, mostly because I'm bitter that I never find gems like this there. WTHeck?ReplyDeleteKacie7/31/2012Fall is my favorite season too! But I love your pastel spring/summer look!www.daisyraeboutique.comwww.kacieskloset.blogspot.comReplyDeleteMaria DaintyandDecadent7/31/2012I love these two colors together :-) I was just saying this morning how ready I am for fall!ReplyDeleteMini Me Style7/31/2012Those colors are so soft and pretty - you look great!ReplyDeleteElla Pretty Blog7/31/2012Why does target have all the cutest things? I love that satchel so much!ReplyDeleteChioma7/31/2012your outfit is so cute and chic! love those pink pants :)ChiomaBeauty Giveaway!www.CsEvolutionofStyle.comReplyDeletehowtoruninheels7/31/2012Love, love, love your style!!crystaltoday.blogspot.comReplyDeleteJenny7/31/2012Such a pretty look! I LOVE the pastel colours! That bag is great too, and I think I'll have to pick one up. Great price for a colourful bag!xo Jennywww.crazystylelove.comReplyDeleteClassyPam7/31/2012I really really really love this look. You are so awesome; it seems like you never run out of outfit ideas. Bravo!Smile On:)...Classy Pamhttp://classypam.blogspot.comReplyDeleteFranziska7/31/2012OMG Lilly. That purse. I've been looking for one just like it! Thank you :)ReplyDeleteKathy | Elevated Style7/31/2012I'm so excited for Fall too! I love Fall fashion.ReplyDeletedreamingincashmere8/01/2012I love this pastel look! I can't believe that bag is Target...it's so cute!! -amywww.dreamingincashmere.comReplyDeleteKristen8/01/2012I love the pastels! I'm ready for fall too! Can't wait to see you outfits with boots! www.everydaywitharedhead.blogspot.comReplyDeleterosalyn8/03/2012I love the pastel look..very pretty for summer...I have some yellow pastel pants I bought from Anthro but I just cant bring myself to wear them...I feel like the Elf..well see..Rosalynwww.just2fancy.comReplyDeleteRepliesLilly8/16/2012haha, I'm sure you look great in them. You can always tone them down with some neutral colors :)DeleteReplycheap prom dresses10/20/2012I love the long days and soft light in the evenings of summer, I also love summer rain!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
Embassy Suites Greensboro - Airport, Greensboro Hotels from £90 - KAYAK Overview Everything was top notch from check-in to the evening reception and especially the made to order breakfast. My entire family enjoyed the stay. Reviewed Apr 2016 review from KAYAK Search for Embassy Suites Greensboro - Airport deals with KAYAK. Find the cheapest hotel deal for Embassy Suites Greensboro - Airport. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find and book the hotel offer at Embassy Suites Greensboro - Airport that suits you best.
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "A kayak is a small, narrow watercraft which is typically propelled by means of a double-bladed paddle. The word kayak originates from the Greenlandic word qajaq (IPA: [qajɑq])." } ]
Rustic Wood Entertaining Shelves | Rustic Wood, Entertaining and Shelves Trying to decide between a cool piece of art in the kitchen, or something more practical that might make it more user-friendly. As it is, it's too small for us to want to spend any time there. Perhaps this would help? Rustic Wood Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn Dining Room, Idea, Entertaining Shelves, Wood Entertaining, Wine Glass, Kitchen, Pottery Barn, Rustic Wood Rustic Wood Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn Min*Designs Jewelry + Melinda Redd Photography Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn $159 for both. 1 for wine bottles, 1 for glasses and items on top Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn Potterybarn, Dining Room, Entertaining Shelves, Holman Entertaining, Children, Wine Bottle, Kitchen, Pottery Barn Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn For the kitchen wall, above the leaning shelf, by the window Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn like the concept, but colors do not match with that of kitchen cabinets. would want to place them on the wall next to the laundry facing into the kitchen. Also, would need two pairs. Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn $159 for both. 1 for wine bottles, 1 for glasses and items on top...I bet Brandon could build this for way less. For empty wall? Holman Entertaining Shelves - contemporary - wall shelves - by Pottery Barn I want this for my kitchen! Pottery Barn: Holman Entertaining Shelves Holman Entertaining Shelves | Pottery Barn... dining room You can get it in different finishes. Idea for dad's wet bar. Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn Dining Room, Ideas, Entertaining Shelves, Holman Entertaining, Wine Glass, Kitchen, Pottery Barn A little pricey at $149 at Pottery Barn, but a similar wall display would be perfect for in my dining room! Would free up some shelf space in my kitchen cabinets from my wine glasses... Wine glass shelves. You can get it in different finishes. Idea for dad's wet bar. Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn not sure there's anywhere to put these that makes sense - dining room? Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn $159 Holman Entertaining Shelves #potterybarn I have these shelves but no way to hang them because the studs are not close enough together. Anyone have any ideas ??? Holman Entertaining Shelves Bottle Shelf: 24" wide x 10" deep x 5" high Bottle shelf holds 6 wine bottles. Glass Shelf: 24" wide x 10" deep x 5" high Glass shelf holds up to 15 wine glasses; 3.5" diameter base. Shelf for glasses has wood glides that allow glasses to slip in and out smoothly, and to hang upside down. Simple Mount hardware (included) makes installation easy and secure. Pottery Barn $160 I like this idea for storing wine and glasses. Holman Entertaining Shelves from Pottery Barn Bar shelf options Holman Entertaining Shelves | Pottery Barn In white for wine glasses Small space? Save space in the kitchen! from Pottery Barn Rustic Wood Ledge Decor, Idea, Wood Ledge, Living Room, Wall Shelves, Photo, Rustic Wood, Woods, Pottery Barn For dining room on the wall going up the stairs - Rustic Wood Ledge | Pottery Barn wall shelves some shelves for that ugly wall near the fridge hall way-wall ledges decorating | Rustic Wood Ledge | Pottery Barn - wall shelves - by Pottery Barn Pottery arm.com wall shelves | Rustic Wood Ledge | Pottery Barn - wall shelves - by Pottery Barn Rustic Wood Ledge, 2', Espresso stain - traditional - wall shelves - by Pottery Barn Rustic Wood Ledge | Pottery Barn - - wall shelves - - by Pottery Barn Kitchen idea - Rustic Wood Ledge | Pottery Barn wall shelves Rustic Wood Ledge #photos #gallerywall More storage for the small space Amy Hanenberg Nercesssian Barn style wood and metal shelf $299 ~ Above the Mantel: Benchwright Shelf at Potterybarn. LOVE the rawness of this, and cheaper than custom made! from Pottery Barn Benchwright Shelf Benchwright Shelf #potterybarn Potterybarn, Decor Ideas, Decorating Ideas, Living Room, Shelves, Children, Pottery Barn, Benchwright Shelf Benchwright Shelf from Pottery Barn. Available in 60" length... very chunky and rustic. I think the rough finish is interesting... Benchwright Shelf | Pottery Barn. Would love two of the 3' shelves for living room. for the giant empty wall in my living room. Benchwright Shelf #potterybarn Benchwright Shelf #potterybarn My dream shelves for the living room. Benchwright Shelf #Pottery Barn I LOVE the Benchwright collection!! Pottery Barn Possible Mantel? Benchwright Shelf #potterybarn Benchwright Shelf | Pottery Barn- master fireplace mantel? Display Shelves, Ledges & Display Shelving | Pottery Barn Pretty sure I need this...great for the kitchen. Markson Rolling Modular Storage #potterybarn Kitchens, Idea, Modular Storage, Markson Rolling, Wall Shelves, Photo, Pottery Barn LOVE this idea for in front of the kitchen windows Markson Rolling Modular Storage contemporary wall shelves Wall units by Pottery Barn. Markson Rolling Modular Storage - $59.00 » Reminiscent of a rolling door, this space-saving beauty has tons of potential for any room in the house. Use it in the kitchen, the pantry, a playroom or even the dining room. Markson Rolling Modular Storage $437.00 #kitchen #PotteryBarn http://www.potterybarn.com/products/marksom-rolling-modular-storage/ MARKSON ROLLING MODULAR STORAGE, Pottery Barn (inspiration is country barn rolling doors) Markson Rolling Modular Storage contemporary wall shelves Cant find this anywhere to buy. Markson Rolling Modular Storage - contemporary - wall shelves - Pottery Barn Pottery Barn -- Markson Rolling Modular Storage contemporary wall shelves Contemporary Kitchen Wall Shelving Ideas Buffet Table Idea !! Lynsey Marfilius by maxime clair Celena Salmons Europe2You Riddling Wine Rack for #winowednesdays ;) #almost21 available at #Nordstrom Riddling Wine, Chalkboards, Ideas Para, Rustic Wine Racks, Ideas Store, Europe2You Riddling, Vintage Wine Rack, Kitchen, Diy Wine Racks Europe2You Riddling Wine Rack. Love this so much. Would look so great in a kitchen or dining room! #rustic #wine Free shipping and returns on Europe2You Riddling Wine Rack at Nordstrom.com. A freestanding wooden rack takes inspiration from earlier French versions used by trained riddlers during the process of making champagne. The rack's design facilitated the hand-rotation of each bottle to collect and remove sediment for a clear and bubbly brew. This modern-day version holds up to 24 bottles of your finest vintages, with a chalkboard on the top to display entertaining messages for your guests. rustic wine rack {love the chalkboard} add airplantd and succulents for bar Europe2You Riddling Wine Rack | Nordstrom I think I can figure this out... Que bonita idea para exhibir los vinos y no ocupa mucho espacio. rustic wine rack {love the chalkboard} DIY Wine Racks - Poggio al Bosco Suzie: Woodlands Lifestyles &amp; Homes - Wine room with glass cage pendant chandelier, wine ... vino FOUND THE STORE SELLS WINE BARREL PARTS! NEED TO DO THIS★ Wine Racks, Large Wine, Glasses, Wine Barrels, Glass Holders, Barrel Rack, Napa Barrels, Winebarrel Love this!! Large Wine Barrel Rack with glass holders- 100% recycled Napa barrels. $350.00, via Etsy. Large Wine Barrel Rack with glass holders- 100% recycled Napa barrels - Shipping included etsy.com WINE RACK -- "Chablis" -- Large Wine Barrel Rack with glass holders- 100% recycled Large Wine Barrel Wine Rack with glass holders by winecountrycraftsman, $500 winebarrel wine wrack ;) wine! please! Bookshelf Room Divider, Living Room, Separation, Roomdividers, Half Wall, Reading Room shelves in half wall pictured here with large beams either side- i think you either have one or the other shelves built into columns accentmagazine.com. Could we do this in the living room half wall? Love this -- would love to do this between our dining and living rooms. Between the dining and living rooms - using the black pole Love this, for separation between office and living room. Stained shelves built into columns & separating rooms. Idea for wall separating the kitchen and dinning room For kitchen island? Floating Shelves, Diy Floating, Half Bath, Masterbath, Bathtub, Bathroom Ideas, Bathroom Shelves, Master Bathroom, Floating Shelf
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Pinterest is an American image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information (specifically \"ideas\") on the internet using images and, on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards. The site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp and had over 478 million global monthly active users as of March 2021." } ]
Paving Contractors in Cushing, Oklahoma with Reviews & Ratings - YP.comFind People•Advertise With UsBrowseFind PeopleFeatured CollectionsRestaurantsAutomotiveHome ImprovementHealth & WellnessAttorneysPeople Searched For...PlumbersAttorneysBanksRv ParksStorm SheltersInsuranceRoofing ContractorsMotelsBail BondsWindshield RepairMassage TherapistsTire DealersTowingCounseling ServicesOptometristsFloristsLand SurveyorsBeauty SalonsLiquor StoresPharmaciesBarsMental Health ServicesRestaurantsAre you alocal business owner?Advertise with YPor call 888-367-2194What do you want to find?Search by business name, or keywordnearWhere? Address, ZIP Code, or NeighborhoodMy current locationSearchSign In•JoinHomeCushing, OKPaving ContractorsCushing Paving ContractorsSort:DefaultDefaultDistanceRatingName (A - Z)FiltersFiltersMore NeighborhoodsCentral Oklahoma CityGracemontHooverWestlawn GardensDoneClear AllMore CategoriesAsphaltAsphalt Paving & SealcoatingBuilding Construction ConsultantsBuilding ContractorsBuilding Contractors-Commercial & IndustrialBuilding MaterialsBuilding SpecialtiesCleaning ContractorsConcrete ContractorsConcrete Equipment & SuppliesConstruction ConsultantsDemolition ContractorsDriveway ContractorsExcavation ContractorsGeneral ContractorsHome BuildersLandscaping Equipment & SuppliesLawn & Garden Equipment & SuppliesMasonry Contractors-Commercial & IndustrialParking Facilities-Equipment & SuppliesParking Lot Maintenance & MarkingParking Lots & GaragesParking Stations & Garages-ConstructionPavement & Floor Marking ServicesPaving ContractorsPaving MaterialsRoad Building ContractorsSnow Removal ServiceSweeping Service-PowerDoneClear AllCategoryPaving ContractorsBuilding ContractorsAsphalt Paving & SealcoatingMore »FeaturesCouponsBook a TableMake an AppointmentBBB Rated A+/ANeighborhoodsCentral Oklahoma CityGracemontHooverMore »Local Paving ExpertsServing the Cushing area.(877) 959-5671Show BannerHide BannerPaving ContractorsWebsiteMore InfoEllsworth Construction5141 E 24th St, Tulsa, OK 74114(918) 779-1476Show BannerHide BannerPaving ContractorsGeneral ContractorsWebsiteDirectionsMore InfoAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection1. Local Paving ExpertsServing the Cushing Area.(877) 959-5671Paving ContractorsWebsiteMore InfoFrom Business: Local Paving Experts will provide you with fast, easy, and affordable quotes on your paving project. You can request quotes and set up scheduling either online or o…Add to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection2. Ellsworth ConstructionServing the Cushing Area.(918) 779-1476Paving ContractorsGeneral ContractorsWebsiteMore InfoAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection3. Bill's Pavement(6)Serving the Cushing Area.(405) 212-3607Paving ContractorsCleaning ContractorsWebsiteVideoMore InfoThe Company did a great job on our parking lots. I would use them again and recommend them to others. The Owner is very caring. I didn't like the…Add to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection4. McCullough R L & Associates IncServing the Cushing Area.(918) 663-9995Paving ContractorsBuilding ContractorsMore InfoFrom Business: 20 + Years Experience, Insured and Free EstimatesAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection5. Merritt Tennis Court & Track SystemsServing the Cushing Area.(405) 947-7918Paving ContractorsBuilding ContractorsWebsiteYP AdMore InfoFrom Business: *Free Estimates *FAA Approved *Call For More Information About Our ServicesAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection6. Fuller Paving & SealingServing the Cushing Area.(860) 295-9566Paving ContractorsBuilding ContractorsMore InfoAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection7. Asphalt Service & Maintenance(14)Serving the Cushing Area.(918) 921-6536Asphalt Paving & SealcoatingWebsiteMore InfoOne of the best asphalt parking lot and driveway construction or repair pavers in the metropolitan Tulsa area including Broken Arrow, Bixby, Glenpoo…Add to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your other collection!Error when adding to other collectionThis business was removed from the other collection8. S&S Striping & Seal Coating Co. LLCServing the Cushing Area.(405) 273-8982Paving ContractorsWebsiteMore InfoFrom Business: *Commercial & Residential *Free Estimates *Statewide Service *30 Years Experience in 3 StatesAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection9. Four S PavingServing the Cushing Area.(405) 839-7833Asphalt Paving & SealcoatingMore InfoAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your other collection!Error when adding to other collectionThis business was removed from the other collection10. Sooner Site ServicesGlenpool, OK 74033(918) 284-1197Pavement & Floor Marking ServicesWebsiteMore InfoFrom Business: We provide parking lot and exterior services for commercial building owners, managers and general contractors.Add to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection11. Kerns1805 S Perkins RdStillwater, OK 74074(405) 372-2750Paving ContractorsBuilding ContractorsWebsiteDirectionsMore InfoAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection12. Ellsworth Construction(1)BBB Rating: A+Serving the Cushing Area.(918) 550-5694AsphaltPaving MaterialsWebsiteYP AdMore InfoGood company did real good job paving our parking lot.did it on time and on budgetAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection13. Paul Houston Asphalt Paving Contractor1010 W Walnut StCushing, OK 74023(918) 225-0621Paving ContractorsAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection14. Jlt Construction106 N Harrison AveCushing, OK 74023(918) 225-2242General ContractorsWebsiteAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection15. Sorco Products Inc106 1/2 N Harrison AveCushing, OK 74023(918) 225-5202AsphaltPaving ContractorsAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection16. Houston's Septic Tank Cleaning1010 W Walnut StCushing, OK 74023(918) 225-0621Septic Tanks & SystemsAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection17. Jlt Corp1501 S Wilson AveCushing, OK 74023(918) 225-3916General ContractorsPaving ContractorsWebsiteAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection18. RCP Richard's Construction(2)S Perkins RdStillwater, OK 74074(405) 743-0028Paving ContractorsAsphaltVery professional work, done in timely manner, quality of work is great. - Kevin StillwaterAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection19. Kerns Asphalt PlantW Of CityPerkins, OK 74059(405) 547-2111Asphalt Paving & SealcoatingAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection20. Cowboy Concrete4704 E 6th AveStillwater, OK 74074(405) 624-0313Concrete ContractorsWebsiteAdd to mybookRemove from mybookAdded to your home collection!Error when adding to home collectionThis business was removed from the home collection21. Richard's Construction-Paving7800 S Perkins RdStillwater, OK 74074(405) 743-0028Asphalt Paving & SealcoatingSponsored LinksShowing1-21 of 21resultsAdd a New CollectionOops! There was a problem saving the new custom collection.Please try again.Collection Name cannot be emptyUpload a Photo(optional)Remaining Characters: 100Remaining Characters: 500CancelSaveMap ViewFeatured Paving Contractorsin Cushing, OklahomaBill's Pavement(6)2121 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73107(405) 212-3607WebsiteDirectionsVideoMore InfoMcCullough R L & Associates Inc8190 E 46th St, Tulsa, OK 74145(918) 663-9995Contact Us for InformationDirectionsMore InfoDidn't find what you were looking for?magnifying glassPlease help others by helping us do better.Suggest a BusinessAboutAbout UsSite FeedbackContact UsAdvertise with UsCareers - We're HiringCorporate BlogEngineering BlogLegal
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "The yellow pages are telephone directories of businesses, organized by category rather than alphabetically by business name, in which advertising is sold. The directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings." } ]
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Unfollow combo air con to stop getting updates on your eBay feed. Great. You're now following combo air con in your eBay feed.You'll receive email alerts for new listings. Don't send me email alerts. combo air con: Items in search results vauxhall corsa Combo Tigra cdti air con pipe, air Condition pipes 00-06 part Ac + £20.00 postage 2007 VAUXHALL COMBO Diesel Air Con Pump SD6V101512, 13106850, 4706817 VAUXHALL COMBO CORSA 1.3 CDTI AIR CON COMPRESSOR SANDEN 13106850 Air Con Compressor for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.2 C12NZ B Petrol Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £47.00 postage 2015 VAUXHALL COMBO Diesel Air Con Pump 6453FR 6453JJ SD6V121433 908 Air Con Compressor for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.3 CDTI Z13DTJ C Diesel Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £35.00 postage VAUXHALL ASTRA COMBO CORSA MERIVA 1.4 PETROL 2004 AIR CON COMPRESSOR 24 461 719 2014 VAUXHALL COMBO Diesel Air Con Pump 51868880 95511432 848 Air Con Compressor Electric Clutch for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.2 1.4 1.7 D B Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £31.00 postage AIR CON CONDITIONING AC COMPRESSOR OPEL VAUXHALL COMBO 1.7 CDTI DI DTI 01-11 (Fits: Combo) Air Con Compressor for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.4 CHOICE2/2 A14FC A14FP D Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £39.00 postage Air Con Compressor Meriva Corsa Combo Agila Corsavan Punto Grande Punto (Fits: More than one vehicle) Air Con Compressor Astra Astravan Meriva Corsa Corsavan Combo (Fits: More than one vehicle) Air Con Compressor Punto Grande Punto Linea Doblo Punto Mito Combo TSP0155466 (Fits: Combo) Receiver Dryer Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.7 CHOICE1/2 CDTI Z17DTH C Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £19.00 postage Condensor Air Con Heating evaporator Chevrolet Vauxhall Opel Corsa Combo MK II (Fits: More than one vehicle) AIR CON RECEIVER DRYER VAUXHALL COMBO MK I 1 CORSA + MK 2 II TIGRA MK 1 I (Fits: Combo) A/C AC AIR CON CONDENSER RADIATOR VAUXHALL OPEL COMBO FROM 1994- CORSA B (Fits: Combo) Condenser Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.4 Z14XEP C Petrol Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £27.00 postage VAUXHALL COMBO/CORSA/TIGRA 4 CARS WITH NO AIR CON RADIATOR NEW with temp sensor + £29.85 postage BRAND NEW RADIATOR VAUXHALL COMBO B/CORSA B/TIGRA A PETROL MANUAL NO AIR CON Air Con Pressure Switch for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.4 CHOICE2/2 Z14XEP C Petrol Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £19.00 postage A/C Air Con/ Condensor - Vauxhall Combo, Corsa Mk3,Corsavan Mk3 & Tigra (Fits: Combo) RRP £174.22 + £65.00 postage Receiver Dryer Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.7 CHOICE2/2 DI DTI C Diesel Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £19.00 postage Receiver Dryer Air Con Corsa Combo Corsavan Tigra F4-83650 (Fits: More than one vehicle) + £31.00 postage Opel COMBO Tour 1.6 2001.10- Z 16 SE 64kW A/C AIR CON COMPRESSOR (Fits: Combo Tour) + £27.00 postage BRAND NEW CLIO / MODUS RADIATOR AND AIR CON CONDENSER COMBINED 2 YEAR WARRANTY Condenser Air Con Conditioning Corsa Corsavan Combo Delphi TSP0225495 (Fits: Combo) VALEO 817844 Air Con Compressor for VAUXHALL OPEL COMBO CORSA CORSAVAN TIGRA (Fits: More than one vehicle) Condenser Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.7 CHOICE2/2 CDTI Z17DTH C Diesel Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £27.00 postage 89053 NISSENS OE QUALITY A/C AIR CON COMPRESSOR (Fits: Combo) Condenser Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.6 Z16SE C Petrol Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £27.00 postage Pressure Release Valve Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.4 CHOICE2/2 B Petrol Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £19.00 postage Condenser Air Con Conditioning Corsa Corsavan Combo Tigra F4-43132 (Fits: More than one vehicle) + £31.00 postage OPEL COMBO, 12 - AIR CON A/C CONDENSER RADIATOR RC940095 (Fits: More than one vehicle) + £24.00 postage Opel COMBO Tour 1.4 2004.10- Z 14 XEP 66kW A/C AIR CON RECEIVER DRIER (Fits: Combo Tour) + £8.00 postage VAUXHALL CORSA ASTRA MERIVA 1.4 16V COMPLETE AIR CON PUMP UNIT (Z14XEP) 6561047 (Fits: More than one vehicle) Air Con Pressure Switch for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.6 Z16SE C Petrol Four Seasons (Fits: Combo) ACP165 LUCAS ELECTRICAL OE QUALITY A/C AIR CON COMPRESSOR (Fits: More than one vehicle) + £49.90 postage AIR CON CONDITIONING AC COMPRESSOR OPEL MERIVA A MK 1 1.7 CDTI DTI (Fits: Combo) Opel COMBO Tour 1.6 2001.10- Z 16 SE 64kW A/C AIR CON RECEIVER DRIER (Fits: Combo Tour) + £8.00 postage Opel COMBO Tour 1.6 CDTI 2012.02- A 16 FDH 74kW AIR CON A/C CONDENSER RADIATOR (Fits: Combo Tour) + £28.00 postage Air Con Pressure Switch for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.4 CHOICE2/2 Z14XEP C Four Seasons (Fits: Combo) Opel COMBO 1.7 DI 16V 2001.10- Y 17 DTL 48kW AIR CON A/C CONDENSER RADIATOR (Fits: Combo Tour) + £28.00 postage Condenser Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.7 CHOICE1/2 DI DTI Y17DT Y17DTL C Delphi (Fits: Combo) + £31.00 postage Opel COMBO Tour 1.6 CNG 2006.06- Z 16 YNG 69kW A/C AIR CON RECEIVER DRIER + £8.00 postage Opel COMBO 1.4 1994.07- 2001.10 X 14 SZ C 14 NZ 44kW A/C AIR CON RECEIVER DRIER (Fits: Combo) + £8.00 postage Condenser Air Con for VAUXHALL COMBO 1.6 CHOICE2/2 Z16SE C Petrol Four Seasons (Fits: Combo)
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]
A Day in the Life.: First couple weeks of July... First couple weeks of July... P.S. A bit of a picture overload, I'm a little behind!:) First was my birthday! Ryan and the kids took me to Buffalo Wild Wings, one of my favs! They gave me money to get some much needed running shoes for my up coming race. Me and Sweet Brookie! Ryan and Bran Caden and Ryan Kylee and me! Fourth of July was a blast! We had a picnic with a bunch of families in the ward, then headed to the hill to watch the fireworks! We've been doing alot of swimming this summer. We got a membership at this gym that has an outdoor pool! The kids have loved it, and so have I, it's been great entertainment! Some of our great friends from Indiana were in Rochester for the summer and they came up for a visit and a BBQ. We had a blast with them and their cute little girls. Kylee is still talking about Ruby! Brooke turned 6 months on the 9th! Where has the time gone?! Some milestones... She has found her feet and LOVES them! She finally decided to roll over, she's in no hurry to grow up, which is fine by me!:) Her Stats: 16 lbs 6 oz (60th) 25 inches (50th) And of course tons of fun with the new addition to the family, Kenadie! Posted by Ellis family at 4:28 PM Your family is so cute! And so is your blog! I miss you guys so much, I can't believe how big your kids are getting sooo stinking cute!!! You have the cutest kids ever! Wish you were here and can't wait to see you! LOVE YOU!!!! Cute pictures!! Except of the one where it looks like your child is drowning in the pool!!!! What is up with that one??
[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "Blogger is an American online content management system (CMS) which enables multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003." } ]
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[ { "key": "website_description", "type": "global", "value": "eBay Inc. ( EE-bay) is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its website." } ]