Unnamed: 0
1 class
it s four in the morning the end of december i m writing you now just to see if you re better new york is cold but i like where i m living there s music on clinton street all through the evening i hear that you re building your little house deep in the desert you re living for nothing now i hope you re keeping some kind of record yes and jane came by with a lock of your hair she said that you gave it to her that night when you planned to go clear did you ever go clear the last time i saw you you looked so much older your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder you d been to the station to meet every train you came home without lili marlene and you treated my woman to a flake of your life when she came back she was nobody s wife and i see you there with a rose in your teeth one more thin gypsy thief well i see jane s awake she sends her regards what can i tell you my brother my killer what can i possibly say i guess that i miss you i guess i forgive you i m glad that you stood in my way if you ever come by here for jane or for me well your enemy is sleeping and his woman is free yes and thanks for the trouble you took from her eyes i thought it was there for good so i never tried and jane came by with a lock of your hair she said that you gave it to her that night that you planned to go clear sincerely l cohen
ive seen flying saucers but to you they were ufos amelia earhart and jimmy hoffa could drop in for tea with a photo id and still you wouldnt believe i took a picture of the loch ness monster you developed a photograph of a submarine she says she cant stay with a man who wants her to open her eyes and see all the lies i can see cause i want to believe you say were too different but the truth is youre just like me you say im just too intense but the truth is i just want to believe why try i cant deny my surprise in seeing you i thought i would nearly die when i spied you with that new guy he sighed when you implied you gave a ride to the wandering jew my eyes fly wide as i hear you reply i just want to believe
radio waves are pouring from their hideaways so deep so loud i think i hear them coming out they pierced our hull with caustic cosmic barnacles two days to go still waiting for the hatch to blow we re so alone frogstar s the closest thing to home and if we fail i ll be the one to drive the nail we re so alone frogstar s the closest thing to home and if we fail i ll be the one to drive the nail we gave our souls for a million writhing tadpoles so fair so proud tucked in their magellanic cloud we re so alone frogstar s the closest thing to home and if we fail i ll be the one to drive the nail we re so alone frogstar s the closest thing to home and if we fail i ll be the one to drive the nail the last nail the last nail the last nail
captain s on a holiday first mate has gone away and data s down in engineering for repairs dr crusher s got a cold wesley s only twelve years old and all the other children are mind controlled who will lead the crew what are we to do when the enemy ship comes into view when the pressure s on who will take the con geordi s visor s on the blink deanna troi is on the brink o brien s been reassigned to deep space nine barclay s on the holodeck tasha s dead and ro s a wreck garibaldi s not on star trek who will lead the crew what are we to do when the enemy ship comes into view who s to be obeyed when the borg invade this is just what i was afraid of mr worf comes through mr worf will lead the crew mr worf s our man mr worf will take command i was hoping for someone else and i m not just thinking about myself i m afraid for all our lives if worf s in charge of the enterprise we wouldn t care if data s cat was in power we d follow her if we received our orders from nurse ogawa we d say yes sir weren t you the one who pointed your gun at the viewscreen and you tried to stun the grinning image of q what were you trying to do i seem to remember that was you mr worf don t get mad you re the best klingon we ve ever had but mr worf you must see we need a different kind of security we re glad you re strong and brave but we d prefer a captain who fears the grave our standards aren t that high we only ask that we not die i am a klingon and in my point of view it would be dishonorable to cower like the rest of you i have the ridges of a warrior i do not fear death i deposed the house of duras with a flourish of my batleth star fleet s only klingon i m a full lieutenant commander i ve got two dead wives and a son named alexander no matter what i am equal to the test i ll kill them all before i maim the rest so be it romulan warbird or a cargo freighter i ll fire phasers first and ask questions later
oh oh oh oh oh no no no here we go so everybody hands up high and just wave them from side to side fuck that punch them up into fists and pump them up and down like this yes when nothing ever goes your way when oh no is not enough you say goddamnit when you wanna crawl up and die when you re clawing at the walls you cry goddamnit when your hands wanna ball up in fists when you re getting unbelievably pissed goddamnit when the color red is all that you see when all you wanna do it break free and scream g to the o to the d to the d to the a to the m to the n to the i to the t from the n to the y to the c is the s to the t to the d that s me now let s see what do we got ah suffering running around a cage enraged and another thing everything is amplified by the overstated understatement of sayin that you re just frustrated but you re worse off first off stricken by a feeling inside and you re pressurized tensions building and building up building hitting critical mass you re gonna crack man better start kicking some ass now momma did say there would be days of this kind the weight of the world weighs heavy on your mind and you find that you re kinda like a water balloon just one more prick will mean doom you gotta let it go and just let it out you re a little teapot this is your spout and you re about to start spewing steam outta your top you gotta drop a g bomb like it s hot or you ll pop and nooooo okay hey lemme hear you heretics say goddamnit when nothing ever goes your way when oh no is not enough to say goddamnit when you wanna crawl up and die when you re clawing at the walls you cry goddamnit when your hands wanna ball up in fists when you re getting unbelievably pissed goddamnit when the color red is all that you see when all you wanna do it break free and scream a to the b to the c to the d to the e to the f to the g to the h to the i to the j to the k to the l ah hell that s the alphabet oh well now don t you feel a little bit better than just before you came unraveled like a sweater believe me this is temporary relief one crisis down another one is lurking beneath so just breathe and take a break from being negative lots of opportunities to use my favorite expletive re coming up tumblin in rumblin herds lock and load and invoke the cousin of the curse word are you gonna pout about it are you gonna sit and sulk fuck that let your tongue turn into the hulk and cuss this son of a bitch out backwards and sideways coming up with obscenities unleash a tirade you get cut off in traffic you re phone drops a call you get sued or if you re a dude kicked in the balls if you get a paper cut or covet your neighbor s stuff i ve got a couple syllables that i cannot say enough but before you make a scene break it down think about what the word means god is an imaginary supreme being damn is a verb to condemn is its meaning it in this case is a direct object so you re commanding god to condemn things got it more than just an outburst of malicious intent it is a compound word and a complete sentence divine intervention is what you re ordering when you command god to condemn the things that are annoying you who do you think you are mr big stuff you think god give a shit about your business think he she or it is yours to compel do you think your stubbed toe is deserving of hell do you believe a tiny slight deserves a fiery path you really feel an inconvenience warrants god s wrath in truth you probably don t but believe me i do so goddamnit all to hell and goddamn you too and goooo to hell well one more time let me hear you yell goddamnit when nothing ever goes your way when oh no is not enough to say goddamnit when you wanna crawl up and die when you re clawing at the walls you cry goddamnit when your hands wanna ball up in fists when you re getting unbelievably pissed goddamnit when the color red is all that you see when all you wanna do it break free goddamnit when you wanna keep it safe to the fam then you shout like yosemite sam dagnabit when you re lost like alice man who you chasing down to wonderland a white rabbit what ya got when you re smoking and chewing your finger nails off of your hand a bad habit embrace it like a new best friend when your favorite tune comes to and end g to the o to the d to the d to the a to the m to the n to the i to the t to the h to the e to the double hockey sticks shit this is the e n to the d goddamnit
Schaffer The Darklord
[{'height': 640, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5eb7c6d227996ed595070bb0e85', 'width': 640}, {'height': 320, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab676161000051747c6d227996ed595070bb0e85', 'width': 320}, {'height': 160, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000f1787c6d227996ed595070bb0e85', 'width': 160}]
the dunwich horror sample no i have to go back to dunwich tonight as a matter of fact i should get moving or i ll miss my bus sung noise from the barn today what s in the attic what did the arab say senses erratic don t open that door it s an encasement slime on the kitchen floor fog from the basement i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting into the box you go invisible mass feed it and watch it grow fissuring gas killed any cows today yog sothoth leaving a trail of grey festering broth spoken i m going down to dunwich where the town is sleepy and the people are creepy i m going down to dunwich i m going down and i m not coming back sung i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up i m going down to dunwich please don t bother waiting up
well my girlfriend and i went to the zoo on a sunday afternoon we hadn t been there since we were seven or eight she had her notebook and pen she was all set to work on her masters project on the dating routines of the higher primates she was studying how the monkeys lived from an arch feminist perspective i was the king of the jungle in my mind one theory was that anything with muscles that big had to be a sexist pig you know gorillas aren t pigs they still can be swine gorilla gorilla my girlfriend explained condescendingly gorilla gorilla this was their genus and their species gorilla gorilla yes that is their name but i was thinking gorilla gorilla me tarzan you jane she was writing this neat information down i was beating my chest making oo oo sounds hanging upside down off the gibbon exhibit she dropped her notebook and put her pen behind her ear and said in a voice all the monkeys could hear young man you get down from that cage this minute i was feeding my shoe to a marmoset and my girlfriend got real upset she said i ve only one thing to say to you paraphrasing two of her books which still sit on my shelves origin of species and our bodies ourselves she said i guess that it s true monkey see monkey do gorilla gorilla she said as she walked out the room gorilla gorilla you re not a mandrill or a big baboon you re a gorilla gorilla that s not my name but she called me gorilla gorilla just the same she called me gorilla gorilla but then she changed her mind cause i ve never seen a gorilla who smoked or drank or lied i thought you were a gorilla but that isn t true cause i ve never seen a gorilla as ugly as you
a broken prayer for inspiration god be with me on this day so much fear i try to hide it but now i m not afraid when all is lost and hope a ghost there s nowhere left to turn release the light a nova bright below the halo burns we wont sit down we won t shut up we won t go quietly away we won t accept we won t pretend that we are less than fearless the truth will find the deepest mark no matter who you think you are as the dark against my halo no uncertainty a ring of light still burning in me i face the crowd the curtains down i see the jackals all around i know they came here to watch me fall the end will come when all is lost and hope a ghost there s nowhere left to turn release the light a nova bright below the halo burns we won t give up we won t give in we won t be taken down this way we won t accept we won t pretend that we are less than fearless the truth will find the deepest mark no matter who you think you are as the dark against my halo no uncertainty a ring of lights dividing in me we wont sit down we won t shut up we won t go quietly away we won t accept we won t pretend that we are less than fearless the truth will find the deepest mark no matter who you think you are as the dark against my halo no uncertainty a ring of light still burning in me we won t give up we won t give in we won t be taken down this way we won t accept we won t pretend that we are less than fearless the truth will find the deepest mark no matter who you think you are as the dark against my halo no uncertainty a ring of lights dividing in me i see my halo
nothing you have to say could possibly change my mind i m calling your bluff i m drawing the line but if you ask me nice you know i ll probably stay and listen to you tell me why i should sit here while you say blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah for half an hour i ve heard this all before so i won t listen anymore i m getting tired of all these games you care much less for me than you care about this gallery at least you don t forget their names damn it all marc chagall we must rely on protocol i don t know what i was thinking of oh man paul gaugin i try by i can t understand what made me fall in guggenheim love you can t go to the guggenheim without me by your side you re looking at art i m along for the ride you point at every wall and whisper in my ear god that guy is so overrated but all i ever hear is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah for half an hour stop talking about composition or i swear you re gonna need a physician you and i are never gonna last i want to smash your face every time you mention negative space talk about contrast hey hey claude monet i just don t know quite what to say heaven knows what i was thinking of good grief georgia o keefe i come to you beyond belief what made me fall in guggenheim love you hailed a cab and left and i took the subway home i got some peace and quiet now i m finally alone but it s like some strange disease that takes away my choice i gotta call you on the telephone so i can hear your voice while you say blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah for half an hour damn it all marc chagall we must rely on protocol oh man paul gaugin i try but i can t understand hey hey claude monet i just don t know what to say good grief georgia o keefe i come to you beyond belief oh no vincent van gogh where did all those q tips go good golly salvador dali ding went the bell and clang went the trolley
['geek folk', 'geek rock']
Ookla The Mok
[{'height': 640, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b2733986975db8a880b3ea02aa49', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e023986975db8a880b3ea02aa49', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d000048513986975db8a880b3ea02aa49', 'width': 64}]
you have heard me tell this story many times before you sleep this time listen carefully and i will tell you once again but this time understand that what i m telling you every single word is true you need to know there was another who came before you he was a hero and your brother and my son he fought the darkness the darkness won and he fought bravely and he died briefly but he was forsaken by the ones he wished to save and when he died he died in vain you need to know you are not him a time is coming and i must warn you though it s something that you may not understand they can t be saved by just one man and i am sorry because i was wrong and i d take away the weight his shoulders had to bear because when he fell i was the only one that cared you need to know you are not him his fight s not yours megaman broke away from his father s hold ran to the window and looked out over the city his eyes filled with tears his heart hurt under the weight of what he d just been told how could his father do nothing how could dr light not avenge the death of protoman that story s finished that story s ended understand there s nothing more that we can do and i will not risk losing you for if you leave now you will be fighting for a people that refuse to comprehend they have chosen their own end so you will stay here you will obey me and i will keep grieving for the son i sent to death you are all that i have left you need to know you are not him this fight s not yours megaman tore past dr light he threw the doors open at the end of the hallway and disappeared into the stairway light called after him you cannot win
don t talk to strangers don t swim alone don t take the dicey shortcut don t turn the stone don t tell a secret don t fall behind don t let the great race of yith supplant your mind don t wrack your memory don t blaze the trail don t pine for primeval jungles don t pierce the veil don t look for answers years down the road don t copy down the glyphs that your visions showed are these dreams a clutch of stifled memories was there something in my mind don t clean the mirror don t be surprised when your reflection seems like a pack of lies don t ask the inmates what it s about don t cry in the library when you find out are these dreams a clutch of stifled memories was there something in my mind there are things they say man was not meant to know is this shadow out of time
i met her at the e o d she sank her dewclaws into me we stepped out to watch the tide come in she said a little swim would do some wonders for your skin i shed my old self slipped into the sea one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look i dig her batrachian lips her bulbous eyes and scaly hips she s got secrets but they ll soon be mine oh father dagon smiles upon me from the bas relief and something s fishy down at devil reef one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look obed was a sailor he sailed the seven seas he made love to the fish he made love to the fish he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love to the fishies he made love one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look one glance was all it took she gave me the innsmouth look
maybe if i don t move an inch the pinchers will go easy can t circulate or regulate the random bits and pieces is it over rafters and sheets are all downstairs the people turn off turned up the heat and sweat beads it s dripping and maybe i m sleeping with a maybe i m dreaming of maybe if i stay calm tonight and try to light a the glow inside would find it s way back out and try to rafters and sheets are all downstairs the people turn off turned up the heat and sweat beads it s dripping and maybe i m sleeping with a maybe i m dreaming of rafters and sheets are all downstairs the people turn off turned up the heat and sweat beads it s dripping and maybe i m sleeping with maybe i m dreaming of sucking on the last few bits of hope i m still here is all you need to know
there was a boy who knew he could be anything that he wanted to everybody told him he had a singular destiny everybody said he d go far everybody said he d be a star they said he could be anything he wanted to be then he turned into me now it seems increasingly unlikely that i m gonna grow up to be luke skywalker not gonna be indiana jones and after all this time it s probably not gonna turn out that i m the super powered heir to a world that isn t there anymore but somebody told me i was special somebody told me that i could be anything i wanted to be how could they have known the dreams i had were not the dreams they had for me they said i could be what i wanted they had no idea what i wanted and i don t mean to seem ungrateful for all their encouragement and praise i just meant to say that i don t intend to stay and spend another wasted year cause at the end i bet i d still be sitting here wasting time and waiting i m waiting for my lady of the lake to come and crown me king i m waiting for my rocket to land so i can get my power ring i m waiting for my radioactive meteorite to fall i m waiting but i ain t got no meteorite at all i m waiting for my story to begin i m waiting for my i m not done don t count me out of it my story isn t over yet i m not the son of some roman god but anyway i think i m gonna be okay and looking back i find it seems i ve always had unlikely dreams but i can t let that stop me now it s time to grow up anyhow and i may not be hercules but here s my new philosophy
doctor captain t o vess r v steadfast bearing west hes got a bathyscaphe hes a marine biologist slid with the squid underneath the waves architeuthis lean and fast show us your sublime buccal mass hes got a bathyscaphe hes a marine biologist slid with the squid underneath the waves come along to the mesopelagic we can frolic where the corals abound if the cads with the benthic trawlers haven t passed by the time we get down collect the specimens and illustrate em oh well as best as you can bring em up lay em out look em up write em down and you can publish your findings in a peer reviewed journal hes got a bathyscaphe a keen marine biologist slid with the squid underneath the waves hes got a bathyscaphe a mean marine biologist slid with the squid underneath the waves
['horror punk', 'vancouver punk']
The Darkest of The Hillside Thickets
[{'height': 640, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b273d6dda8810b782007adc88cd6', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e02d6dda8810b782007adc88cd6', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00004851d6dda8810b782007adc88cd6', 'width': 64}]
they said it wasn t safe at night we knew what we had to do we ironed out our tights each one of us watched our folks gunned down we took our vitamins three glasses of milk a day fight to protect we made the headlines the government supplied an x shaped laboratory we re copyright our name sold soft drinks we saw the pentagon and had our picture taken we re out there fighting crime and we re gonna make the time and we ll get it right we ll power up we re out there fighting crime and we re gonna make the time and we ll get it right we ll power up no pension plan think tank is bankrupt sixty eight ninety five just for one magno gun charge otto destruct s engaged dark crab s in a a our stock is plummeting they pulled the plug on deep freeze we re out there fighting crime and we re gonna make the time and we ll get it right we ll power up we re out there fighting crime and we re gonna make the time and we ll get it right we ll power up we re out there fighting crime and we re gonna make the time and we ll get it right we ll power up
congregation settle in your seats the reverend front aloud is on the mic and about to speak im about to freak you out make you shiver in the pew while im delivering to you my sermon and divinity ensues brought by the one true god its a fact anybody else who ever had a god their gods wack we aint got to worry about em we picked the right horse youre in the right house of worship and forces are gathering out in the world to diminish our faith in ways radical and thorough to discourage us from loving anything thats immaterial to tempt our children with ever fruitier cereal and worst of all to call us idiots while they do it my congregation listen im about to walk you through it were going to take the nation back from the heathens thats within it were gonna get the most egregious of the atheists imprisoned cause a schism while were at it but emerge on top and once weve purified our ranks we wont stop well purify your minds of whats illegitimately thought its not to be a battle indiscriminately fought but an orchestrated effort and im gonna need you to commit might take a couple generations for this deviltry to quit start with the kids in fact they get distracted from the lord so id like you to write a couple letters to your school board do you do you really believe that we were nothing but them monkeys swinging up in the trees dont it seem a little likelier that adam and eve did a lot of humping and that was the origin of the species and what has this so called science ever done for us but trumpeted that when ashes go to ashes dust to dust despite the fuss of living energy gets conserved denying the weight of the soul of a man this is ill deserved this is still the curse of copernicus that we suffer secular thought ought not to overflow its buffer and run roughshod through the minds of you the population heretics such as dawkins and sagan overstep their station to say that what we see and what we believe should be confluent look to your reverend to end apostasy thats what im doing look to your holy book to light the way that is its purpose open it up and youll find eden fore you even scratch the surface and sure this should be mirrored in the textbooks verbatim but im not in a position yet to issue ultimatum so i lay down my scheme well make it seem as though creation isnt anything wed like to interject to education well wrangle up the language science data theorem the irreducible complexity of the ears we use to hear em gnashing teeth and wailing from kansas to pa yes my flock i talk of futures not imminent but underway already established an institute for discovery discovered that darwin is dead with outlook grim for recovery schoolmarms will soon say that he burns in a fiery sea think how much like paradise thats gonna be do you do you really believe that we were nothing but them monkeys swinging up in the trees don t it seem a little likelier that adam and eve did a lot of humping and that was the origin of the species
['comic', 'nerdcore']
MC Frontalot
[{'height': 640, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5eb57e86bd053190368060b5e38', 'width': 640}, {'height': 320, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000517457e86bd053190368060b5e38', 'width': 320}, {'height': 160, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000f17857e86bd053190368060b5e38', 'width': 160}]
you take your shoes off but your feet don t smell you called this meeting but you wouldn t tell now i can see you re gonna give me hell i am the cheese and you re the farmer in the dell i don t know i don t know i sit and listen while you take your turn and then i try to tell you my concern that s when i see your face begin to burn i guess it s my fault cause i never ever learn here we go here we go rats live on no evil star everything i say you hear the other way it s 1917 and i m the czar a man a plan a canal panama the way i speak a word is not the way i m heard cause i m the us you re the ussr now you re done and it s my turn to speak my words come slowly and my voice is weak your body language tells me i m a geek you kick my ass and i just turn the other cheek i don t know i don t know you really got me up against the wall i m humpty dumpty and you re my great fall if you re pele i m a soccer ball if you re an ax i m the apostle paul here we go here we go rats live on no evil star it seems you re not at home outside of palindrome you re an eagle and i m three over par a man a plan a canal panama looks like you ve met your goal you re in complete control you re an entomologist and i m in a jar so now you re looking at me like you re bored my mouth is writing checks i can t afford if i m a village you re a mongol horde if i was kurgan you would be macleod s sword i don t know i don t know i can t believe we even made it this far i say rats live on you hear no evil star when it s all over you ask where we are my lips say no but my body says auuugghhhhh here we go here we go rats live on no evil star everything i say you hear the other way cause you re pete townshend and i m a guitar a man a plan a canal panama the way i speak a word is not the way it s heard cause i m br er rabbit and you re made out of tar
all right ahahahaaaaaaa she s got her ear to the walls and she tapping the calls if you got a secret boy cause she s a my little yeah she s a why don t cha well the bellhop was funky the dumbwaiter s a monkey there s a knock at the door boy cause she s a my little yeah c mon and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh forget about it cause she s a my little c mon hurr why don t cha oohhh ah c mon and swing with me from um the top of a tree and make me feel like a bee that s where i want you to know you ahahahahahahahahahaha
while on a flight one day i passed over the polar city and curious zipped down to see what i could glean behold the nightmare pit that splashed with piping shapeless monsters i packed them in the bay of my b 17 shoggoths away that s what i say shoggoths away hey hey nobody wants my mindless iridescent protoplasms they said to fly them out and drop them in the sea i tried to sell them on their mimicking adaptive powers why don t you get your oily tendrils offa me shoggoths away today s the day shoggoths away hey hey yes they can form and unform countless limbs and sensing organs like a stomach turned inside out and salient i picture countless plastic beasties falling from the sky and dropping like sacks of wet cement
i got bitten by a radioactive bug i tried an experimental drug i went out for a stroll on a gamma testing range i found an enchanted uru cane i made a serum that made me small i modified the serum so it would make me tall i got radioactive isotope in my eye a dying alien helped me accessorize i gained the proportionate strength of a spider now i m invincible now i can fly i lost my sight and my other senses were heightened i m gonna put on my pajamas and go fight crime now i m a super hero i m a super hero now now i m a super hero i got my super powers my best friend and my girlfriend went into space who d of thought we d get bombarded by cosmic rays it turns out i m the last of a powerful alien race my mother formed me from a lump of magic clay i m given super powers by a yellow sun i studied under the ancient one i got an adamantium skeleton some grizzled old wizard taught me a magic acronym now i got the wisdom of solomon and the strength of hercules i haven t memorized what a z a m was but i still fight evil in my red pajamas i gotta get me a helicopter and you can get a jet plane we ll take out their surveillance tower we can make up code names and when you get home at the end of your day i ll pack your parachute and put away your utility belt and gas grenades you were never meant to see i showed you my secret identity i suppose i could always hypnotize you if i wanted to but i propose another thing you can wear my decoder ring we ll have matching hovercraft we ll go undercover after all we might just fall like stars from the sky you know too but i know you you won t be happy til you try superhero team up cowboy secret space detective true love super villain two in one the bad guys have taken over washington don t be scared cause i m prepared there s an emergency but i m ready cause fortunately i m a super hero too i got super powers just like you now i m a super hero now i m a super hero now i m a super hero i got my
['geek folk', 'geek rock']
Ookla The Mok
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felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature your visual olfactory and auditory senses contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses a tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance and when not being utilized to aid in locomotion it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion i find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations a singular development of cat communications that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection for a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature your visual olfactory and auditory senses contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses a tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance and when not being utilized to aid in locomotion it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion i find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations a singular development of cat communications that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection for a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection o spot the complex levels of behavior you display connote a fairly well developed cognitive array and though you are not sentient spot and do not comprehend i nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend
i see you got my message thanks for dropping by i just thought of something i wanted to remind you of and then ill let you fly you know being in here gets you thinking when youre looking out through the bars it makes you think about relationships and ive been thinking about ours and i keep coming back to the one thing i wanted to say im gonna kill you someday im gonna kill you someday someday ill find a way and i will kill you now i admit ive done debatable things for the benefit of humankind my crimes led to convictions but my convictions led to crimes and when you came along to save the world with your garish cape and stupid name you took all of the credit so i took all of the blame cant change that and i guess these things happen but still all the same im gonna kill you anyway im gonna kill you someday someday ill find a way when its your time to go i just hope you know its gonna be my hands around your throat i get a little tiny bit closer each time i try youre gonna die i fly soaring through the sky on a rocket pack i designed you flew when you were two you fly now too big whoop de do we see the same world in need of rescue but from who i say from you im not mad because you caught me im not mad because you always win im not mad about that fact you got the perfect girl im not mad about your perfect chin im not mad because youre stronger im not mad that all my plans fall flat im not mad because you made me lose all of my hair okay i might be a little bit mad about that im not mad in any sense of the word im not angry im not insane but it makes me rage and babble to see this mindless rabble choose alien brawn over human brain they say youre so great and im a megalomaniac screw you you dont have a clue and im smarter than brainiac my only crime was wasting my precious mind i mean time trying to help these gullible apes to reach the sky but why try they fall all over themselves when you fly by and thats why ive gotta kill you someday im gonna kill you someday someday ill find a way and it dont matter where it dont matter when and though i may lose again and again remember theres just one thing youve got to keep in mind i only need to win one time
i a a am looking for my home somewhere i can take a break somewhere in the sky yy i a a somewhere on the road this is gonna take a while looking for my own home one mistake hour and a moment of weakness my life it was over one cloud in a very blue sky on the very last day the storm wasn t over breathe in now breathe out now i promised i would keep it all together i fought this but i lost it a long way from everything i used to be i a a am looking for my home somewhere i can take a break somewhere in the sky i a a somewhere on the road this is gonna take a while looking for my own home all this time when the weather was fine i promised myself i could keep it all a secret one try for the very last time then i ll put it all away and starting on a new day breathe in now breath out now i promised i would keep it all together i fought this but i lost it a long way from everything i used to be i a a am looking for my home somewhere i can take a break somewhere in the sky i a a somewhere on the road this is gonna take a while looking for my own home i a a am looking for my home somewhere i can take a break somewhere in the sky i a a somewhere on the road this is gonna take a while looking for my own home x 2 i a a somewhere on the road this is gonna take a while looking for my own home
i wouldn t mind if you died i couldn t care less if you weren t alive even if i tried i never think about you all the time you never cross my mind and i don t talk about you till my friends say why don t you shut up shut up i wish you would shut up i wish you would die i wouldn t mind and i wouldn t care if you weren t there if you looked at me i wouldn t meet your stare even if you dared even if you wanted me i wouldn t be around for you to find i wouldn t look for you or wait for you until the end of time i would not care if you died i oh i despise you words cannot describe how i despise you at least i wish i could despise you it really shouldn t surprise you sticks and stones can break your bones i wish i had some for you just for you la la la la i can t hear you i can t hear you i close my eyes so i can t see but i still see you can t open my mouth without lying to myself i don t miss you every day and i don t want you anyway and i la la la la la la la la i can t hear you i can t hear you i close my eyes so i can t see but i still see you can t open my mouth with three monkeys on my back i don t miss you every day and i don t want you anyway i
run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches come out from your huts and houses come out from your terrible town we ll search for the witches on the outskirts if they re different those witches will drown come out from your huts and houses come out from your terrible town we ll search for the witches on the outskirts if they re different those witches will drown hide all your thoughts or your wonderful dreams your way of life shouldn t wander too far our little town comes apart at the seams so you witches will burn run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches come out from your huts and houses come out from your terrible town we ll search for the witches on the outskirts if they re different those witches will drown come out from your huts and houses come out from your terrible town we ll search for the witches on the outskirts if they re different those witches will drown hide all your thoughts or your wonderful dreams your way of life shouldn t wander too far our little town comes apart at the seams so you witches will burn run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches run to the woods and run for the witches
schaffer hello schaffer erin hi i m erin schaffer erin it s a pleasure to meet you erin erin oh likewise i m a big big fan and let me just say you we re amazing tonight schaffer aww thank you so much you re far too kind erin oh i mean it i think you re incredible schaffer i truly appreciate that it s been a pleasure meeting you now could you excuse me for just a moment erin of course mr schaffer schaffer thank you now when i came and shook your hand did you get the feeling that you d been introduced to a nice man and did my eye contact and winning smile leave you disarmed were you taken by my charm well it was all bull shit oooh snap my nice guy act is just that an act you sap you re a savvy as a child god i wear a sheep suit tailored for a wild dog as i hawk an aww shucks routine which you ve been buyin the trojan horse bait n switch which behind i hide a vile id driven demon with no remorse or feelins only give a shit about one guy and he is me and i can t stand my friends don t respect my fans i m a devil on another level you can t understand such a cad i oughta rock a fanny pack and a doo rag ooh man i m a total douche bag yeah and all the people go please just say it isn t so you re really so nice right bro no i m a bad man i m a very bad man i m a very very bad bad man and all my people see only what they wanna see trust me you don t wanna trust me cause see i m a bad man i m a very bad man i m a very very bad bad man look you in the eye and i will chuckle while you weep spend the night and i ll slip dollars out your wallet while you sleep i ll take a sex tape maybe one that me and an ex made digitize it get it on the internet the next day call her up and ask her if she wants to get back together whatever she says i ll giggle that her sister was better never keep a secret nor an allegiance and yeah i ll gladly do a dance around a paraplegic children scream in fear when i m near i m guessin maybe it s cause i explain the santa myth to little kids i baby sit i don t believe in god i won t ever go to heaven and i think i might ve even had a hand in 9 11 and i got a lot of hey wait whoa what too soon quit your crying boo hoo you don t like it screw you and you too all of you you fell for a trick you re even worse than me cause you admire me and i m a prick and everybody i ve ever met begins to cry they realize i m not a nice guy and that i m a bad man i m a very bad man i m a very very bad bad man and every friend and fan i ve ever had is very sad they ve all been had by a bad scam damn i m a bad man i m a very bad man duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh badman i ve never paid a compliment i actually meant you know i ve never done a thing without malicious intent cause i m detestable despicable my ways ll make you sick until you can t believe you ever spoke to me i m a miserable back stabber and all of my colleagues are bad rappers diss em to their fans heckle them mad and ask em what s the matter crack an aids joke all of y all ll call appalling i punched an eight year old in the mouth for talking during wall e while i m making great joy i toy with other people s lives cheatin on my marriage with my best friend s wife i relish breaking bad news to rooms of cancer patients explain to babies where they come from with some illustrations one day you ll heed these words and stay away from me but for now your all just fawning fans who buy my cds i m a cheat a thief a user you know this is true or is it cause i m kind of a compulsive liar too and all the people go please just say it isn t so you re really so nice right bro no i m a bad man i m a very bad man i m a very very bad bad man and all my people see only what they wanna see trust me you don t wanna trust me cause see i m a bad man i m a very bad man i m a very very bad bad man erin ah oh kay
everybodys got a story and theyre gonna stick to it and you cant tell somebody what they dont wanna hear you could try but youll really just be wasting your breath lets just hope things are better this time next year you couldnt do what i doits not your calling in life i couldnt do what you doit just wouldnt be right sometimes i sit with the roof towards the end of the night with my eyes on the moon like i was flying a kite i have very few friends ill roll with a tight crowd talk about our problems like we could solve em right now with our minds so polluted still solutions we find with our feet on the moon a big step for mankind you couldnt walk how i walki got no arch in my feet i couldnt walk how you walk cause you never marched to the beat although it seems like such a mission from our spot on this earth we plant our flag on the moon and now were walking on turf you got your head in the stars best get to getting a grip you got a seat at the barlets get to taking a sip therell be a stool with your name no matter how far you roam like the man on the moon you got a place to call home you couldnt say what i sayit just isnt your style i couldnt say what you say without cracking a smile i try to keep my nose clean as i grind in the grime with my mind on the moon wishing for better times everybodys got a story and theyre gonna stick to it and you cant tell somebody what they dont wanna hear you could try but youll really just be wasting your breath lets just hope things are better this time next year so stick to your fate got destinies mad clear you on your way sitting on your couch haze with a beer entrepreneur yeah you got mad ideas but they dont material just stay in the air and you and many plenty want this year to be theirs but a years gone by and you aint left the stairs me different story motivated thats right cause if i dont move im sinking in the quicksands of life dont like the hand that you dealt nah you didnt look right you still got a spade lost your queen but youll be alright seek and you shall find that effort percentage should be a hundred times reap what you sowive cross stitched the patterns in my mind it takes time plus heart is what they told me added hard work sprinkled it with ingenuity soon to see the crops on my plot soon to hand em 0ut on the block i gave it all cause thats all i got they said the attitude is what needs to change at least i know now you know so ima leave it up to you make change everybodys got a story and theyre gonna stick to it and you cant tell somebody what they dont wanna hear you could try but youll really just be wasting your breath lets just hope things are better this time next year jaysonic so whats your story cause i heard it all i heard it all tell me your story yeah i heard it all comel 15 tell me your story yeah i heard it all so whats your story cause i heard it all i heard it all
the ship sailed into harbor after fifteen months at sea the captain hit the tavern with his crew of fifty three after drinking up their pay they staggered through the town but all the inns and public houses turned the sailors down the captain said fear not me lads you all can come with me i live just round the corner and you all can stay for free but when the captain s wife awoke upon the break of day they say that you could hear her wailin clear to bot ny bay she said there s seamen all around the bed and seamen on the floor seamen in the bathroom and behind the closet door there s seamen in the fireplace and seamen in the hall the living room is carpeted with seamen wall to wall there s seamen in the entryway and seamen on the stair and worst of all there s even seamen in me underwear there s some behind the larder and beneath the table too i do believe your seamen got into me irish stew there s seamen here in front of me and seamen in the rear my godthere s even seamen hanging from the chandelier there s seamen on the windowsill and seamen in the yard the seamen even left a stain upon the saint bernard although i am a patient wife tis more than i can bear to wake up in the morning with your seamen in my hair i ne er again do wish to see thee darken up my door so clean up all your seamen and come round my way no more so clean up all your seamen and come round my way no more
yep shes a hero from an anime or something clockwork parasol laser pistol rump swing bumping a light blue tint to the lips and most the fanboys ought to put on their bibs or else cease desist all of this dumbstruckery she isnt interested in a conversation with you just posing for picture plates and um just adjusting the corset lace now get ready for her shell stroll by blew a kiss at you once and youre still so high so try to keep it steady with the picture phone and if she drops her handkerchief you leave it alone x 2 i just need you to watch i just need you to watch i just need you to watch me do something so in the shadow is a shadowy figure katana and an m16 plus a big pure grin underneath camo ninja mask if he interrogates you might begin to ask who had the bomb last mission time limited hes not the only super agent just the only one who gives a shit and this is a stealth level clearly thats why maneuvers all sides security cams and guards laser tripwires pressure plates man thats hard but he wont capitulate dont gesticulate hes concealed for the benefit of onlookers keep eyes peeled x 2 i just need you to watch i just need you to watch i just need you to watch me do something in your heart youd urge them pursue no less than life liberty and the fursuit of happiness but when you see them in the seating at the panel you wonder why half elephant half cocker spaniel why the feather boa on a cat macabre wheres it at theres got to be a catalog but they craft their hides in the home then wear them out and theyll tell you what the lifestyles about with the purrs and growls and the scent of upholstery even though theyre all on display i think mostly these ones found invisibility spell cant see who they really are at all oh well x 2 i just need you to watch i just need you to watch i just need you to watch me do something nope that big arm cannon isnt in good taste neither is the steampunk nudist in a cape and that ones a badger disguised as robin hood think your fashion criticism is in service of the common good check the short sleeve button up tie at your booth all surrounded with some things to buy youre a headlamp wearer and an underlip beardo is that costume rapper kind of look like a weirdo x 2 i just need you to watch i just need you to watch i just need you to watch me do something
your girl is lashed to the railroad tracks i twirl my mustache and laugh my evil laugh i stroke my cat and then i steeple my hands you hang above my smoking vat as i reveal my plans now just lie still and die while i try to decide what bad guy line applies to my diatribe how bout no mr bond i expect you to die or maybe kneel before zod or give yourself to the dark side from hell s heart i stab at thee or wait until they get a load of me how bout mirror mirror on the wall who s the fairest of them all fools none may challenge the will of doom i ll get you my pretty and your little dog too revenge is a dish best served cold i did it twenty minutes ago take whatever booty you can find but remember the beast is mine i m moving up to kidnapping you should be more polite ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight just when i thought i was out they pull me back in and call off christmas curses foiled again he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day should i say riddle me this or off with their heads resistance is futile you will be assimilated now while you hang there and consider your fate should i say release the hounds or just say ex ter min ate i have something to say it s better to burn out than to fade away by the way did i ever tell you how i got these scars i think the word you re looking for is aaaah i m sorry dave i m afraid i can t do that impressive but you are not a jedi yet it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
george r r martin please write and write faster youre not going to get any younger you know winter is coming im growing impatient and youve still got two more damn books left to go so write george write like the wind i curse the day that my friend ever loaned me an old dog eared paperback called game of thrones how could i know that this seed would grow into an addiction that held me right down to my bones now five books later i lurk with the masses indignant entitled and waiting for word that the great bearded glacier has finally published nine hundred more pages of crack for the nerds why does every new verse of your song keep taking you so goddamn long george r r martin please write and write faster please give us boiled leather and sigils and steel we need our allotment of incest and intrigue and six page descriptions of every last meal so write george write like the wind lewis took five years to chronicle narnia tolkien had twelve years and rowling took ten lucas spent nearly three decades on star wars and we all know how that one turned out in the end youre not our bitch and youre not a machine and we dont mean to dictate how you spend your days but please bear in mind in the time that youve had william shakespeare churned out thirty five friggin plays and if you keep writing so slow youll hold up the hbo show george r r martin please write and write faster cause we wont stop whining until were appeased crap out the chaptersand george while youre at it stop killing our favorite characters please and write george writelike the wind
something rolled sweet at tirol we ll meet we ll then kick it and fool you say i don t know what to think i think that that s cool i think that that s cool blushing you re sweet give it a chance and we ll meet but today you re cruel i don t know what to think you ll be missing out my life s not for you
wake up in the morning a suicidal warning pull the shades back up to expose the sun walk outside or get a ride just get your ass there on time cuz we ll leave without everyone we never did everyone knows where to meet just behind pier 23 don t forget your 12 pack of beer the weathers great i have to say it s gonna be a perfect day and we haven t lost a single life yet we never did never did never did never did oh drink it on up tilt it on back and pass the rest on oh don t let these days pass you by cuz they won t last that long rich is making drinks down stairs pass him down the empty beers could someone pass another one up kinda sacked the boat is packed christeen s puking off the back if the coast guard see s us man we re fucked but they never did brady s got the music wired the bob marley s still required to get this vessel all in the mood get to sam s is all we ve plannned docking we could sure use a hand before the waitress brings us our food she never did never did never did never did oh drink it on up tilt it on back and pass the rest on oh don t let these days pass you by cuz they won t last that long i d like to see be it feel it need it don t repeat the shit your seeing dealing with the feeling that your needing long ride high tide brain s fried i think it s done i think it s leaking out the other side go low so lo ain t got no posse cuz their getting loaded on the boat i d like to see be it feel it need it oh drink it on up tilt it on back and pass the rest on oh don t let these days pass you by cuz they won t last that long
['reggae rock']
Bag of Toys
[{'height': 640, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5eb3139d87050006ffd9d46edc5', 'width': 640}, {'height': 320, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab676161000051743139d87050006ffd9d46edc5', 'width': 320}, {'height': 160, 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000f1783139d87050006ffd9d46edc5', 'width': 160}]
yeah baby i don t know it s like the way you be lookin at me fore you climb on top it s like your ex man s chick scrollin down your timeline he ain t had the proper guidelines i been in it this my sixth time fourth quarter jordan make that body go skrrt skrrt lil mama know i make that body do work work your body language says it all climb on top and feel it all i know this sounds kinda crazy but i ain t never hesitated once that kitty purrin while i taste it tongue speakin different languages bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby yeah been curvin all these women you the one you the one baby girl i hope you feel it ain t no flexin i m finessin when you grind on me lil mama lil mama when you grind on me your body language says it all climb on top and feel it all there s somethin bout the way your skin touch mine there s somethin bout the way you talk with your eyes there s somethin special that s happenin tonight i promise this gon be your last first time with me so bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby bring that love on top bring that love on top baby
if i had it my way we d be living all night if i had it my way we d be holding our jobs if i had it my way wouldn t worry bout the little things only keep this money love you honey here s a wedding ring never seems what it is til they prove you wrong and i turn around there you were open arms made it through hell and back the past is gone and the meaning was a cover baby it was safe to get lost late night drives we was tearin up the pistons once liquor hit us and some shit was out the window focus in the name before when we couldn t pin it we caught every vibe from the floor up to the ceilin if i had it my way we d be living all night if i had it my way we d be holding our jobs if i had it my way wouldn t worry bout the little things only keep this money love you honey here s a wedding ring if i had it my way we d be living all night if i had it my way we d be holding our jobs if i had it my way wouldn t worry bout the little things only keep this money love you honey here s a wedding ring if i had it my way house up on the hill no pics no chill kids playin out got burgers on the grill i want it all yeah i need it all yeah and despite all the odds we crushed their dreams crushed their fears and everythin we got it all we want it all late night drives we was tearin up the pistons once liquor hit us and some shit was out the window focus in the name before when we couldn t pin it we caught every vibe from the floor up to the ceilin if i had it my way we d be living all night if i had it my way we d be holding our jobs if i had it my way wouldn t worry bout the little things only keep this money love you honey here s a wedding ring if i had it my way we d be living all night if i had it my way we d be holding our jobs if i had it my way wouldn t worry bout the little things only keep this money love you honey here s a wedding ring if i had it my way
['pop r&b', 'talent show']
David Correy
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keeping up with you is like trying to outrun a sunset like two old friends who have never ever met like we re on the same page but just not the same book like a shooting star but we never ever looked we always run our feet undone on past that scene to never meet keeping up with you is like running circles in the dark like i m feeling something but nothing in my heart and it s killing me inside oh but who knows maybe it s right who knows maybe it s right we always run our feet undone on past that scene to never meet
and on tides we cant be untouched by of troubles stay when lids lay over eyes frames and faces ive mistaken for kids whose lives i may have taken and if so do i haunt their parents dreams and in so am i summarized by sounds of young lung screams their young one s screams and of war bonds and blood stained hands combat neurosis shys from indica strands and it breaks my mothers heart to know i came back broken with the thought of my arms spilt open and if so would i bring their parents peace and if so could i give back the sounds of their childrens screams let go of what ive seen and if so do i haunt their parents dreams and in so am i summarized by sounds of young lung screams their young one s screams
every morning i m broken every day i die every night i weaken and every night i cry standing in the rain in the street outside running down my face tears in my eyes demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn don t know why i wake up don t know why i try was that me the cool one or some other girl standing in the shadows of the sky above no one knows i m crying beatened by my love demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn demasiado corazn
papers rolled up you know i m movin slow your girl showed up i made that bitch my hoe straight up i hop on this shit and i hit it good just like your bitch now she want to rock to my shit now she all up on my dick now she all doing the splits now she all looking all bad love how she smoking a spliff love how her man getting mad but you know he won t say shit cause you can t fuck with my clique aye might put your punkass in a ditch aye this what it s like to be rich told you i m ballin like knicks ballin like smith ballin like flame on i touch it it s lit ballin my j s on like j 96 got pot in the custom so we takin rips papers rolled up you know i m movin slow your girl showed up i made that bitch my hoe straight up i hop on this shit and i hit it good just like your bitch now she want to rock to my shit now she all up on my dick now she all doing the splits yeah
friend old friend it s 4 00am what are we doing in the street i don t want to buy fried chicken i wish that i was going to sleep and i don t want to kiss you underneath that flashing sign what s the hurry we re not ready we ve got plenty of time maybe you will get married maybe fall in love could you make me fall asleep when you re holding me try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on there s someone else but i twist all of his words and he twists mine so i ll have to let him go we sometimes fit but we always lie and he thinks we could make it work but only when he s drunk you think you could help me swim but i ve already sunk so maybe you ll get married maybe fall in love could you go on and fall asleep when you re not holding me go get set on fire go get set on fire go get set on friend i am a slow slow mover friend i am a slow slow girl trying to be kind kind kinder crawling in another world and maybe one day we ll get married maybe fall in love could you make me fall asleep when you re holding me try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on fire try set me on 3
in time finna make you mine summer time woah drifting slow disrespect me that s a recipe for emergency can t you see im in my own fantasy
man these broke ass niggas keep talking bout money pussy nigga tell them niggas whats the situation got my feet up eating good every night home boy im situated get left i aint tripping nigga make something out the situation is them niggas that you running with gon bust back when its the situation boy im cold with the flow every line that i say like a sick you work all night on the street out there aint you sick of patient man i got 100 flows man i did 100 shows you could pick your favorite told me she dont fuck with you niggas cause you motherfucking niggas basic money counter and a couple trash bags nigga thats the situation i aint never fuck with them niggas man been heard that them niggas hating sipping on the brown right now sitting in the bottom of my cup boy thats a motherfucking situation when them niggas get to running straight out the cut boy you aint talking bout money you aint talking bout shit pussy nigga whats your situation you aint talking bout money you aint talking bout shit pussy nigga whats your situation big money thats the situation with your bitch thats the situation with my niggas in the club popping bottles hell yeah thats the motherfucking situation big money big crib big car thats the situation thats the situation i like my car was stopped at the light she leaving me then she fucking tonight fuck me once love me the rest of your life made her feel comfortable let her cum twice roll up my weed like my drink with no ice niggas just want to be me no surprise i could do more in my sleep than you guys could do all in a week roll up a plane call it frequently flying i take my bitch shopping she freak then im buying talk when i want aint no speaking to mine been had the money the secret is time come to the party just reeking the pine want the whole thing not a piece of the pie got me an o the bitch think that she fine im smoking the drink while she drinking some wine give her that dick felt it deep in her spine i talk a good game get deep in her mind was gay now she thinking she straight my money is straight my flight come in private and shorty its seats dont recline aint dropping a dime im getting this cake so close you could talk to the pilot my new bitch in college the fuck boy you tryna kick knowledge you aint talking bout money you aint talking bout shit pussy nigga whats your situation you aint talking bout money you aint talking bout shit pussy nigga whats your situation big money thats the situation with your bitch thats the situation with my niggas in the club popping bottles hell yeah thats the motherfucking situation big money big crib big car thats the situation thats the situation
chance please tell me where life is i m feelin scared like this destiny why do you ask chance sadness destiny why should you care chance this madness kills destiny you re lookin like one of those reasons you re lookin like one of those dreams you re lookin like one of those moments you can t fool me chance i d like to see spring when will you be with me destiny why should you care chance madness destiny why do you ask chance this sadness kills destiny you re lyin you re lyin you re lyin you re lyin narrator moments dreams and reasons moments dreams make love come in season yeah seasons chance where do we go from here these lonely roads i fear destiny wipe your tears don t you worry i ll always be here for you chance you re lyin you re lyin you re lyin you re lyin look at your face destiny you re lookin like one of those reasons chance you re cryin destiny you re lookin like one of those dreams chance look at your face destiny you re lookin like one of those moments you can t fool me
caught up in this crazy crazy dream tryin to fit in to this music scene cause i don t wanna be no 9 to 5 just sleepin and workin all the time and what good is work without play and all they ever do is try to say turn around don t make a sound get back in line you re not my kind all long long way to get back home let s hitch a ride and take our time and when we get there will we know will we get by and it s all the same to me writin these songs yeah you try to be the next big thing keep playin the shows yeah sometimes it feels for nothing the strugglin is wearin down my mind just sleepin and workin all the time got dues to pay so i can play so i can get away when they all say
adrenalina adrenaline is all you need baby ooeo ooeo ooeo ooeo ooeo adrenaline is all you need baby cuando lleg el salvador no hablo del pais sino de mi emperador creador del ritmo latino de lo a o dos mil calentando estocolmo con fiesta en fin dime quien la lleva can you feel it mami dime quien la entrega vacila que ahora llega tie me up a m strike me down seguro knock me up aqu keep me bound did you really think that you could keep mendez down baby ooeo i will provide it ooeo to make you feel good ooeo don t try to hide it adrenaline is all you need baby ooeo i m starred up your body ooeo i and you hold me behood ooeo no need to hide it adenaline is all you need baby el efecto empieza en los pies sube a la cabeza o tambi n al rev s ves rapidez se necesita a lo mejor un poco excita el mundo esta muy crazy y el efecto no termina pero aqui esta mendez con la inyecci n de la adrenalina tie me up a m strike me down seguro knock me up aqu keep me bound did you really think that you could keep mendez down baby ooeo i will provide it ooeo to make you feel good ooeo don t try to hide it adrenaline is all you need baby ooeo i m starred up your body ooeo i and you hold me behood ooeo no need to hide it adenaline is all you need baby si ya tu sabes baby quien la lleva i give you adrenaline no hay problema in fact i wanna tell you al momento tu cuerpo en seguida sentira caiga ooeo i will provide it ooeo to make you feel good ooeo don t try to hide it adrenaline is all you need baby ooeo i m struck up your body ooeo i and you hold me behood ooeo no need to hide it adenaline is all you need baby adrenaline is all you need baby
we got sunshine in the music saw the power in the song we got sunshine in the music music keeps me full of love so rock on and jam on we re rockin we re jammin for all the lonely lonely people for all the lonely lonely hearts for all the people who needs people there is a chance to make a new start we got sunshine in the music saw the power in the song we got sunshine in the music music keeps me full of love we got sunshine in the music there is light in every month of may we got sunshine in the music music brightens up a cloudy day so rock on huh and jam on we re rockin we re jammin huh we ain t got no cold ambition we are not a politician we ain t got no nuclear weapon just the soul and power in the song we got sunshine in the music there is light in every month of may we got sunshine in the music music keeps me full of love so rock on huh and jam on huh we re rockin huh we re jammin huh we got sunshine in the music we got sunshine in the song we got sunshine in the music we got sunshine in the song we got sunshine in the music we got sunshine in the song we got sunshine in jamaica we got sunshine in the song
i ain t have shit in my pockets thinkin how the fuck im gone stop it i ain t really got no options sell that work or go start robbin 9th grade bitch i dropped out now everybody in college now i pull up when they see me bitch everybody pay homage cuz i came up like i promised yeah i told that shit to my mama she told me the more that you got in your pockets the more you start seeing that drama so now i don t fuck with nobody bitch i m out here just chasing these commas and i swear to god imma get it ill get it be countin these bands rollin up marijuana and thats real homie you know it havin doubts but i stay focused they say your bout to blow but they don t understand all the time that i devoted and we can go head to head but im telling you that ill kill any opponent im so ahead of the game i have to reminisce just so that i can live in the moment smoke an oz of that og while i count the money we blowin see me hit the gas in that challenger bitch i drive that shit like its stolen high as fuck bitch im bending corners i don t even know where im going where i lay my head thats where i call my home bitch i m a stone that just keeps rollin ain t got no time for a hater 24 7 on the grind for the paper keep that money on my mind im on the rise like elevators used to never had a dime so every night im celebrating oh they just wanna see me fall they don t wanna see me ball oh no no no so everyday im goin hard cuz you only get one shot and i can t let that go yeah thinkin how the fuck im gone get rich when i was 16 bitch i hit the stage went and grabbed the mic and then i start to spit people lookin like what the fuck god damn would you look at this wasn t old enough to get in the club but these people watchin me killin it and thats when i knew that this is exactly what i wanna do get my piece of the pie thats what im gonna do then ill go cash a check fuck around by a coupe came out the blue but i ain t gang bangin hoppin out big chain hangin real ones with me no lames hangin yeah im just tryna get mine while im riding round screamin fuck the world put my middle finger to the sky so i kick back and i roll one up put my music on and just vibe and i think about all that money thats runin through my mind ain t got no time for a hater 24 7 on the grind for the paper keep that money on my mind im on the rise like elevators used to never had a dime so every night im celebrating oh they just wanna see me fall they don t wanna see me ball oh no no no so everyday im goin hard cuz you only get one shot and i can t let that go kill shit when i hop on the beat my flow hard make you lose your teeth bitch every time i speak yeah you know i preach so you know i keep comin with that heat and if you come at me thats when you fucked up these people always be talkin that shit but then when they see me they never come run up talking like they gonna go pull that gun off uh i just brush em off i don t pay no mind i was told that its pointless to argue with someone that never made you a dime if you think that im going to fail well that is okay because there is no doubt in my mind no doubt in my mind bitch i m working like im bouta run outa time its the beat in my heart that just keeps me alive and without it i don t think that i could survive yeah i just rap to the beat of my chest and i will not stop till i run outa breath this is all that i got bitch there ain t nothin left
gee it s great after being out late walkin my baby back home arm in arm over meadow and farm walkin my baby back home we go along harmonizing a song or i m reciting a poem owls go by and they give me the eye walkin my baby back home we stop for a while she gives me a smile and snuggles her head on my chest we started to pet and that s when i get her talcum all over my vest after i kind of straighten my tie she has to borrow my comb one kiss then i continue again walkin my baby back home she fraid of the dark so i had to park outside of her door til its light she s says if i try to kiss her she ll cry i dry her tears all through the night hand in hand to a barbeque stand right from her doorway we roam eats and then it s a pleasure again walkin my baby talking my baby lovin my baby i don t mean maybe walkin my baby back home
every time i see the stars shine down i think of her the life she lives today made a deal to trade her life for fame a super star inside her when she plays did you see her flow did you see a spark did you see her go did she break your heart did you see her flow did you see a spark did you see her go did she break your heart on a plane they say to take the world to heal our souls despite her own heart break destination unknown every day the lights on her tonight her home s the stage did you see her flow did you see a spark did you see her go did she break your heart did you see her flow did you see a spark did you see her go did she break your heart can you see her flow can you see a spark did you see her go shines like a star like a star shining like a star
i hate having problems please find me madeline i m down at the tv station please find me madeline space and rock and roll and a broken nose please find me madeline please find me madeline please find me madeline i ve been talking to the man again please find me madeline i m down at the police station please find me madeline standing on burning coals with a broken nose please find me madeline please find me madeline please find me madeline
every breath i take i pray this life don t get the best of me look out for my peers and friends and hope one day that we ll be free gotta make a million dollars give it back will i be good patience is a virtue but i promise that we d all be good living out my destiny like one day they ll remember me crawling out the darkness like i m buried deep from seven feet pray to god that i can be anything that i wanna be while i m tryna fight of all these wannabes who wanna be something they were never born with yeah i got the shits i know that i m next up you don t even gotta say it too damn stressed bout the world but instead yeah i had to make a killing had to make a difference now them niggas looking at me crazy damn i m not the same anymore so outta this world i don t think i can stay anymore man i killed em with the shit told wondagurl never panic i ma heading to the rapture young nigga i been riding prolly since 03 now i finally getting offers oh lord praise me i m just too damn focused matter of fact i m committed if i made a difference if i really there s a clinic if i m catching bodies these niggas diminish i finished i dropped it all for the product of my soul this is i can t die yeah i finally lost control notice all the shit that they say for me tell em all the way keep away from me yeah i m searching for what they pray to see yeah i m moving forward away from me tell them all the way keep away from me i been doing everything pray for me yeah i tell you all keep away from me yeah i m yearning for they ain t stay with me yeah i tell you all yeah i tell you all keep away from me yeah i tell you all keep away from me yeah i tell you all keep away from me keep away from me keep away from me from me from me keep away from me
as the sun goes down on the arizona plain and the wind whistles by like a runaway train hey hey hey it s a beautiful thing well it s me and you and a flatbed truck my heart kicking over like a whitetail buck hey hey hey in the middle of spring you can cut me deep you can cut me down you can cut me loose don t you know it s okay you can kick and scream you can slap my face you can set my wheels on a high speed chase hey no matter what you do wild horses could not drag me away from you wild horses could not drag me away from you as the sky falls down from the midnight blue spittin like bullets on a hot tin roof hey hey hey it s a beautiful sound well it s me and you in a flatbed truck in a foot of mud just my luck hey hey hey a hundred miles out of town you can call me a fool you can call me blind you can call it quits can t hear a word you say cause if i had you once i m gonna have you twice i m gonna follow my heart instead of good advice hey no matter what you do wild horses could not drag me away from you wild horses could not drag me away from you
deep in my darkest hour that s when i feel the power that s when i know nobody can hurt me why don t you hand it over take a load off of your shoulder i think i can handle the weight of your worry cause you re all right joni all right by me i can tell your lonely you could use the company i m not gonna fight you girl no i m not like that girl i m not like other guys so joni don t act surprised if i say something like i wanna get to know you it s cause i wanna know you i m willing to shave and shower willing to buy you flowers willing to do anything that i have to not just cause i have to cause you re all right joni all right by me i can tell your lonely you could use the company i m not gonna fight you girl no i m not like that girl you can go all night joni all night with me you don t have to know me what you get is what you see not gonna bite you girl no i m not like that girl joni i understand i m a full grown man i am able joni i don t live far we can leave this bar i got cable everything works itself out that s what this life is about you re dead in the end and you can t take it with you don t try to take this with you so until then if you need a place to crash joni if you need to borrow some cash go ahead take my keys it s not an issue i ain t got no problems with you baby cause you re all right joni all right by me i can tell your lonely you could use the company i m not gonna fight you girl no i m not like that girl you can go all night joni all night with me can t you tell i m lonely can t you tell you re just like me no i m not gonna do that number to you girl
i need a heartbeat keep it pounding its where my feet go when im high and free from sorrow free from pain its where my heart goes watch me sway i wont run away watch me sway i wont run away i need a heartbeat keep it grounded in the skies and all around me feel no sorrow feel no pain keep on breathing watch me sway i wont run away watch me sway i wont run away watch me sway i wont run away watch me sway i wont run away