why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass table?
Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly capture images of the surface beneath the mouse. The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect imperfections in the underlying surface and determine motion. Some materials, such as glass, mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces interfere with the ability of the DSP to accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse. \nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they constantly reflect back the same image, causing the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the system is unable to see surface changes associated with movement, the mouse will not work properly.
Taday is 31 December,is the last day of 2005!?
Same to you hi! hi!
Why doesn't Hello Kitty have a mouth?
I cannot believe I actually researched this. Anyway, the 'Hello Kitty' character is owned by Sanrio Company, Ltd. According to their web site, 'Hello Kitty' does not have a mouth because 'Hello Kitty' speaks from her heart. She is Sanrio's ambassador to the world who isn't bound to one certain language.
how can i work with the cleanup in new orleans from hurricaine katrina?
Donate canned food and your time and services to those in need.
what is your worst nightmare?
I'm afraid of someone I love falling from something tall & I'm not able to save them. Can you imagine me at the grand canyon? I'd ruin the trip for everyone :)
what is the best free web based Email (other than Yahoo!)?
gmail (google mail)
i want to make my pc email server how??
Just install Windows XP PRO , then load iis from the cd and click smtp server.
how do i get into a chatroom on yahoo?
I don't know.
How can I let this guy know that I like him and want to spend time with him w/o getting to close to fast?
Verbally say "I like you" or "Maybe we could have lunch sometime". Drop a straight forward comment and get a feel if hes feeling you or not. then go from there.
hello dos eaney bodey know fo a alternative releaf for LUPUS sufferes thanks genuing question?
Massage therapy has been proven to be an efffective alternative relief for Lupus people suffering from Lupus.\n\nMassage is believed to be beneficial effects in several ways. Besides being physically and emotionally relaxing, massage improves blood and lymph circulation, reduces nerve irritation and brings fresh oxygen and other nutrients to the affected tissues. Massage may also cause the body to produce fewer stress hormones like cortisol and norepinephrine (formerly adrenalin), and may also increase the body's production of pain-killing endorphins and the mood-altering hormone serotonin.\n\n While seeing a professional massage therapist is relatively expensive, a friend or family member may be able to learn enough technique from a book or video to provide some relief for you.
Am I the only person who really, really hate clowns?
No. Check the source link.
What is that,that 62% of canadian women have done.Please reply as soon as possible.?
Check this out. Good Luck.\n\nhttp://www.askipedia.com/index.php?action=article&cat_id=005002&id=134
I'm tired. It's 9:02pm. Should I go to bed or stay up awhile?
Go to bed. Wake up extra early and get a refreshing start on the new day.
I am very bored. What should I do?
Hmmmmmmm...Good question....Have you flossed your teeth lately? Trimmed your toenails or cleaned out your belly button? Now organize your sock drawer and take out the trash.....How about under your bed .??? is it clean....Call your mom....feed the dog.....cleanout the cats liter pan.....make dinner....volunteer to make dinner for a local shut in....donate blood....do something for someelse.....get it????
Is there an allergy medication specifically for dog dander that's better than others?
I take Zyrtec for my allergies and it's the best ... in my opinion. Before trying just go to your physician and ask him/her if it is ok for you.\n\n"It is the #1 allergy medicine of its kind prescribed by allergists and pediatricians.\n\nJust 1 dose of ZYRTEC® (cetirizine HCl) a day can keep allergy symptoms under control, year-round. Symptoms from both indoor allergies, like pet dander and dust. And outdoor allergies, like trees and ragweed. Plus, ZYRTEC is approved to treat indoor allergies in infants 6 months and up."
Who do you think is the hottest celeb ever?
Johnny Depp!
Why did the U.S. stop sending people to the moon?
Yes. I believe the original idea was to build a rocket base from which to explore the solar system. But somebody realised the same thing could be done from Earth via an orbiting space station for a fraction of the cost.\nThe only other reasons for going to the moon were - \n1. To stop the Russians setting up a military base there.\n2. To collect moon rocks.\nWhen the US realised that a Russian moon base wasn't practical, and they had souvenired as many moon rocks as they were ever likely to need, they never bothered to go back.
i am looking for people in guatemala city?
Try to call the guatemalan consulate.
Who is Jeff Palmer?
Nude male model
I tried to update java and it would not go thur , do i need to reinstall it and how do i?
go to home page LOL
how do beta blocking hypertension meds work and explain the meaning of beta in this situation.?
There are at least 3 types of beta receptors in the body - beta 1, 2, and 3 - and they are sensitive to epinephrine and norepinephrine. beta 1 controls heart rate and force of contraction in the heart (an increase in these will increase blood pressure, thus blocking them will lower blood pressure). beta 2 controls smooth muscle many places in the body. beta 3 receptors have less well defined role in fat metabolism.\n\nThe late American scientist Raymond Ahlqvist suggested already in 1948 that opposite effects of catecholamines were mediated by different receptors in the target organs, which he called alpha- and beta-receptors. http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1988/press.html
what's your opinion about sexual relation between girls and boys?
Always approach with caution, and try to keep brain in charge of hormones, rather than the reverse.\n\nOh, and keep the hell away from my daughter.
What do you think of the U.S.'s economy?
US is recognized for its economic might all over the world. However, after the recent 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' propoganda and invasion on Iraq, it has lost its images in the eyes of the intenational community, making its economy facing serious challenges. This down-trowding started after 911 and seems to have continued after wards. \n\nAnother point is that if US economy gets disturbed, the global economy does recieve the after shocks soon. I hope the situation improves soon.
what does fundamentalism mean?
Oftentimes, we mean "An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century in opposition to Protestant Liberalism and secularism, insisting on the inerrancy of Scripture." \n\nBut the concept of fundamentalism can be extended to any ideology or theology whose tenents include a strict adherance to a code, especially one which demands the observance by persons who do not subscribe to that code.\n\nNaturally, this makes for a source of conflict. And an understandable one at that. For example, say you believe some act is wrong. Furthermore, you believe you have a duty to prevent wrongdoing altogether. Consequently, you have a moral obligation to prevent any person from doing that act - including people who do not think that act is wrong.\n\nAny critical examination of a dogmatic theology or ideology will reveal how necessary this is, yet any objective look at disparate cultures will reveal how subjective - and frightening - this can be.\n\nThe hope of the future is that fundamentalist evangelism will be enacted by appeal to reason rather than dictates of law. Ideally, people would choose to perform 'right' acts for their own sake, rather than out of fear of punishment.
Will the Texas Rangers ever entice good pitchers, given that their ballpark is hitter friendly?
Since the move to the Ballpark at Arlington, the Rangers have had pitchers selected to attend the All-Star game, which suggests it's not a question of pitchers' willingness to play there, but greater concerns about contracts or the future of the franchise. Kenny Rogers, Jeff Zimmerman, Aaron Sele, Roger Pavlik, and John Wetteland were all excellent All-Star selections in spite of the "hitter friendly" park. It's more about the team and management that keeps pitchers away, and less about the stadium.
Whats the difference between gas operated and blowback operated Guns??
A gas-operated firearm operates on a similar principle of a car engine. When a round is fired, expanding gases propel the bullet out of the barrel, along with most of the gas. But a small portion of the gas is siphoned off into a seperate gas tube either above or below the barrel and forces a piston backwards, which in turn pushes back the bolt carrier, ejects the spent brass, and is pushed forward again by a recoil spring, stripping a fresh round out of the magazine and pushes it into the chamber to be fired. A blowback- operated firearm is comparatively simple. When a round is fired in a blowback-operated firearm, the bolt is forced back by the recoil energy of the spent brass itself, eliminating the need for a piston. The downiside to the simpler design is increased recoil, since not all of the expanding gases in a gas-operated firearm actually exit the barrel, there is less gas pushing the muzzle up and back. the blowback system is often found on smaller weapons, such as pistols and sub-machine guns, because it is simpler and requires fewer parts, which allows a weapon to be small and lightweight.
What are ways to relieve stress?
Exercise and dieting
what is speed windsurfing?
In High sped you should use your body balance together wih your legs. While planning, if you wan o go upwind, back leg sraigh, front knee bent and body weight forwar; whereas for downwind, body wheight back, bent rear knee and straight front leg
What is the best hard disk defragmenter?
I bet, Norton,s Defragmenter facility is the best..... Its the part of Norton Utlities.
Using CSS, how would I make an image glued to the bottom of the browser and centered?
There is no way to do this in CSS, however, you can write a javascript that does something like\n<script>\nx.style.position = "Absolute"; //Sets x's positioning to Absolute\nx.style.top = document.innerHeight - 100; //Sets x's Y position to the exact height of the browser, replace 100 with the actual height of the image\n</script>\nThe said <img> tag would have to have Name="x" and ID="x" specified. I have not attempted to execute the above script, it's just an example of what you could try, but you're going to have to do some research to make it compatible with multiple browsers, and have it automatically execute the script if the user resizes their window.\nAlternatively, put the whole site inside a table, and have an extra table row hold the image below the rest of the document.
I need a cv. in english?
You mean you want to write one?\n\nTry looking for examples from people who are in a field similar to yours, and imitate the format and style. You can ask your professors, for example.
Which Cross Country Skis are better? Rossis, Fischer RCS, or Atomic beta?
Atomic beta, for waxed skis, i dont care about unwaxed skis, atomic has good engineering behind their products\n\nand they also make downhills
Is there an English equivalentto the German "doch"?
If taken as a complete sentence (like 'OK' could be a complete sentence or answer), then it's 'sure'.\nIn the middle of a sentence it would be 'but' or 'however'.\nhttp://dict.leo.org/?search=doch
need to find reserch about work ethics?
This is an interestng question. I would begin with studying the Protestant Work Ethic. Here is a site to get you started.\n\nen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_work_ethic\n\nHere are someother sites:\nThe Work Ethic Site - www.coe.uga.edu/~rhill/workethic/\n\nThe Work Ethic Wizard\nwww.workethicwizard.com/\n\nWhy Work\nwww.whywork.org/\n\nAlan
is there any web site where i can get free computer software books for download?
Exactly what kind of books? Here are some sites I know of, but they are mostly for programming:\nhttp://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-Audio-Video\nhttp://programmingebooks.tk/\nhttp://www.linux.org/docs/online_books.html\nhttp://www.textbookrevolution.org/
the price range for tickets for buffalo bills tickets at ralf wilson stadium?
Tickets for PM Ralph Wilson Stadium\nBuffalo, NY for Buffalo Bills on 12/17/2005 are not available via TicketMaster. Seems like a complete sold out. They are only available via the secondary market, look at http://www.preferredticket.com/events/tickets.asp?e=128
Who shot Mr. Burns?
Technically both Mr. Burns and Maggie Simpson shot Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns dropped his revolver into Maggie's hands and the gun fired.
bankrates on money market funds?
You can find interest rates on CDs and money market funds at the link below (Bankrate.com). This is by far the best site for finding the highest-paying banks in the country.\n\nWilliam Perez\ntaxes.about.com
What is the answer to live, the universe and everything?
A party wins 30 million on a powerball jackpot. How much cash could he really get?
Well as a rule of thumb the up-front cash payout is typically around 30 to 33% of the total winnings due to interest and taxes. [use 1/3 as a quickie rule]. Each state will be different.\n\nFigure if 10 people are sharing 10 million in cash, each person should get somewhere around a million, give or take a couple hundred thousand. Oh and dont forget a little money paid to a lawyer for the innevitable problem when non-family members have to fight about splitting up money.
how long do u to wait in between popping knuckles?
normally its just random, but i'd say every 2 hours you can get quite a few pops out of them. Once a day is enough for me.
What will Santa bring this year?
hopefully less war and more happiness in the world. We can all do with that.
who is highest paid basketball player?
Shaq is the highest paid
who was the longest driver on the PGA tour in the 1950's?
According to Miller Barber, who should know a thing or two about this topic, George Bayer was the longest hitter on tour in the 1950s. He was known as Mr. X because he hit the ball so far. In the late 50s, Miller himself took over the name of Mr. X because of his lenght.
in messenger, how would you know if a buddy's screen name is still active on your buddy list?
I don't know.
why do clouds turn dark when its about to rain?
A cloud compsition is primarlly just billions of drops of water or ice. When such a cloud formation has an influx of water/ice, ie it's mass increases to include more water/ice, light finds it hard to pass through the mass, thus making it darker for us to see.\n\nIn a normal cloud, light can pass through the water/ice within the cloud and we see it as a distorted white/bluish/greyish/greenish hue. But when the cloud is too thick with water/ice, the light doesn't pass through so easily and we see a darker spectrum.
Why old people always are complaining ?
Well, if you think about having illnesses and always being worried about health, older people might always want to pester people to let go of all the emotions bottled up inside of them. They have different points of views, like your example about the ice cream. So if you feel like you have a major problem with them, then try to put yourself in their shoes.
what is inferred reality and class inclusion?
Inferred reality is defined as the meaning of stimuli in the context of relevant information.\n\n"Inclusion" is a term used by educators to describe a philosophical approach to the education of children with disabilities. This philosophical paradigm maintains that a child with disabilities -- even severe disabilities such as profound mental retardation -- should be placed in a regular classroom for most or all of the school day (Ayres & Meyer, 1992; Cloud, 1992; Conn, 1992; Shanker, 1993; Wolak, York, & Corbin, 1992). Drawing from the legacy of the Civil Rights movement, advocates of full inclusion for children with disabilities state that "Inclusion is the ultimate goal for all children with disabilities regardless of their disabilities or current placement" (New York State Education Department, cited in Shanker, 1993). This is not without controversy. Among the most vocal opponents are those in the deaf community, who feel that their culture and language are at stake (Cohen, 1994) and the Learning Disabilities Association of America, which believes that mandatory full inclusion policies violate federal law ("Full inclusion," undated).
what is the answer to: P=2L + 2w for w ?
That depends on what L and P are. If you plug the permitter and length in, you can get width W.\n\nIf you want a formula that will yield W, it's: (P-2L)/2 = W
I want to become christian?
Over the past couple of years, I made many friends from China - most of whom are raised with no religion. And they're all great and wonderful individuals who don't seem to lack anything. I have had at times to explain certain things about the Christian religion to them, which is the dominant religion in the western world, and its practice can raise questions to the uninitiated.\n\nIf you seek spirituality, you should not limit your self to exploring one religion. Why do you dismiss Buddhism, Taoism etc? You should read about everything, speak to ministers and allow your self to form an opinion.\n\nMy advice is, to not let anyone convert you into something by sweet talking you, or promising the kingdom of God. Learn, and let it be your choice. If I were in your shoes, I would try to get all the facts and then decide on my own.\n\nMeet religious people and ask them how they practice religion and what it means to them. Your safest choice not to be tricked into a cult etc would be to go for a well established and long standing dogma or denomination.\n\nIn Christianity, since that is your question, the major two denominations are Catholic and Orthodox, which both came after a separation of the church between west (Catholic) and east (Orthodox). You can learn more on different religions by following the links below.\n\nI know in China most Christians are unitarian, since in 1949 the Government forced denominations to form one single church or leave China.\n\nRemember learn before you act, and don't let anyone influence you. My opinion is that once you decide on something you should stick by it. Should you make the conscious choice to have Faith in a religion. So being absolutely certain is essential. Changing religions in the manner you'd change shirts is not ideal. Because then Faith - which is the most important element in every religion - never gets too strong to mean anything in your life.\n\nWhatever choice you make - good luck to you!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
i guess that would depend on the woodchuck...is he lazy or energetic,healthy or sick, etc....??
What a son give best gift to his mother?
a hand made card for her with lots of love
how would u drop a raw egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?
Put the egg in the middle of a 1 foot square styrene block. \nFit the egg with a parachute. \nput it in strong bottle filled with water before dropping it.
does a baby breath water inside the mothers womb?
those other two are, in that the babies lungs are filled with embryonic fluid, but he isnt 'breathing' as we would thing of it. everything that the baby needs to live while in the mothers womb, is receieved through the umbilical cord, including oxygen.
Is Yahoo or Google a better resource for research? What is another good resource for academic research?
My answer is google for the following reasons:\n\nPros of Google:\n\nAs a seach engine, google has the best relevance and presents the results in a way that I find easy to decide what pages are best for me. Its the best in terms of researching information.\n\nFor makin money, a #1 on google is worth many times more than a #1 on yahoo. Yahoo! blocks the top of the SERPs with sponsored ads.\n\nGoogle also has a neat interface. Yahoo is not bad too, but its interface is not that neat. The reason for that being it to be a portal. I think a nice interface is very important since people will come back more often if so.\n\nThe relevance of search results make its 'Feeling Lucky' feature pretty useful. Firefox address bar by defaults goes to 1 site listed on your search results.\n\nGoogle has tried to stay away from Spam/ misleading sites better than other search engines.\n\nCons of Google:\n\nHowever, few problems with google, its web crawler dosen't capture hyperlinks from PDF files stored on net, a feature which Yahoo provides.\n\nAlso, Google at present does not provide an index for video aggregation through the web crawler, a feature which Altavista provided since 1999. The problems include accuracy of the media file. That is the reason for providing Google Videos where users have to submit videos.\n\nDue to a larger share of 'searching' community, Google has been targeted by bloggers by planting Google Bombs. Because most bloggers mention the word failure with President Bush's name, the #1 site on searching Failure is the website of President Bush.\n\nYahoo is doing pretty good research in Search Technologies, for example Grokker.\nhttp://www.grokker.com/grokker.html?query=Anirudh%20Koul&Yahoo=true&Daypop=true&numResults=250
does the va pay for dental work?
Only if the dental condition is related to, or as a direct result of active duty service. POW's are eligible under this ruling, as are former service members who are 100% disabled or can prove 100% individual unemployability.
Traffic Question: Can you change lanes across a double yellow line?
Yes, you can cross a double yellow, but only to make a turn into an actual street.
What is M&E services in a building?
M&E refers to Mechanical and Electrical services in a building.\nIn that a building is often heated or cooled, a Mechanical Service could include the Air Ducts, and our Water Piping for the chiller's or heaters. The Electrical Service would include the power and control wiring for these different pieces of equipment.
If I go 10 miles north, 4 miles east, 6 miles south, and then 7 miles west...?
That's the trouble with answers that give no explanation. Who can you believe?\n\nSince we go in each direction once, the ORDER of the moves doesn't matter. \n\nDraw a grid. Start at 0,0\n10 North means 0,10 You are due north 10 miles. Then we come back south 6 miles, so we're 4 miles north of where we started. \n4 miles east and then 7 west means we're 3 miles west of the starting point. \n\nDraw a right triangle 4 miles up and then 3 miles to the left of the starting point. We want the hypotenuse of the triangle whose sides are 3 and 4. \nTime for Pythagoras: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \n3^2 + 4^2 = c^2 \n9 + 16 = 25 Take the square root of that for your final distance. Direction: NW
how to become a perfect hardware engineer as i am undergoing btech in CSE in second year?
Learn well the fundamentals of Computer Science. Hardware may constantly change (Moore's Law) but the underlying theories will last forever. Good luck.
How can I get to watch TV programs around the world through internet? (For Free or not!)?
you cannot
how can i win the megga millions lotto?
when you find out pls let me kn ow,lol its just luck
What is the main strip in Cancun?
Boulevard Kukulkan
where did name of day thursday come from?
Tor's Day" or "Thor's Day" became Thursday in English, Donnerstag in German (meaning "Thunder's Day"), Donderdag in Dutch (meaning Thunder day), and Torsdag in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.
How do I get rid of the "It's now safe to turn off your computer" in WINDOWS XP?
Right Click on "My Computer" and click "Manage" and go to the "Device Manager"\nthen from the menus choose "View--->Show Hidden Devices"\n\nu should notice a disable device called API something or something like that\n\nRight Click and "Enable" it\n\nClose the window and u should be ok
How do you vote in Iraq?
citizens are went to election centers and select the prefered list of candidate . electronic election is not used
How can we manufacture soap/detergent powder economically without electric power in a village?
yes, there are a few recipes online. i also made a few 4 and 8 bar soap boxes for a friend. kinda cool\nHere are a few.\nhttp://members.aol.com/oelaineo/srf.gif\nhttp://waltonfeed.com/old/soaphome.html\nhttp://soapandmore.com/homemade_soap_soap_supplies.html
what is shared video card memory?
it means just what you may think it means, that your video card uses up to 128 MB of that 512 MB. What you want is a video card that has its own memory, otherwise your going to be lacking the full brunt of that 512 MB of memory.
at what age did you lose your virginty?
age 17 Ft Lauderdale, Florida during Spring Break
What rhymes with orange?
No single word rhymes with orange. Some combinations, such as "door hinge", have been proposed. Some other words that have no rhyming word are month, silver, and purple.
republicans say we should "stay the course". isnt the translation of that phrase into japanese " kamakaze"?
"kami kaze" means "divine wind" in Japanese.
Why do users in Yahoo! 360 have almost no friends?
Maybe the ones who have many friends dont want you to see them =P Just a thought
how can you tell if a frog is male or female?
Hehe, nice. But anyways, here is a website I found just now about it. http://www.xlaevis.com/sexing.html
What is the best search engine other than Google.com?
I'm a fan of search.msn.com (actually, the funky interface for it at live.com)
Any pittsburgh Pens fans out there?
I'm a Pittsburgh Penguins fan! I think they should've done much better with Sidney Crosby, Lemieux healthy, Gonchar, Leclair, and Zigmund Palffy. They should be one of the elites now.
what is 'answers.yahoo.com'?
The product tour link below should help you with this question.
tell me more about hannuka?
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is one of the most joyous times of the Jewish year. \n\nThe reason for the celebration is twofold (both dating back to c. 165 BCE): \n\nthe miraculous military victory of the small, ill-equipped Jewish army over the ruling Greek Syrians, who had banned the Jewish religion and desecrated the Temple; \n\nand the miracle of the small cruse of consecrated oil, which burned for eight days in the Temple's menorah instead of just one. \n\n\nHanukkah is celebrated by: \n\na. lighting a menorah for eight nights with olive oil or wax candles; one on the first night and an additional one each succeeding night \n\nb. eating food fried in oil, especially potato pancakes (latkes) and jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot) \n\nc. playing with a dreidel, a four-sided top; the player wins or loses money depending on which side it lands on (each is marked with a different Hebrew letter)\n\nIn 1997, a 60-foot, 18-ton menorah was built in Latrun, Israel; a rabbi was lifted by crane each night to kindle the lights. The same year, a 12-foot pyramid of 2,400 jelly doughnuts was built near Afula, Israel; the pastries were later distributed to soldiers serving near the northern border. \n\nHanukkah began this year (2005) on the evening of December 25.\n\nSee poster:\nhttp://www.allposters.com/-sp/Menorah-w-toys-candy-and-gifts-in-background-Posters_i1459268_.htm
If your boyfriend has a confederate flag in his bedroom, how do you ask him to take it down?
Tell him that you're not comfortable with it, and ask him nicely to take it down. If he can't do something simple like remove a flag from his wall, what's going to happen when more important issues arise?
what is cabotage?
I think it is when cabbage patch kids take their own life
Do you believe in reincarnation?And why?
Yes.\nIt is not a thing I believe, it is a thing I experienced, it is about seeing.
what does Imao stand for?
It means Laughing my ass off
Which sign is the best mate for a Libra?
Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius
What ASAP mean?
ASAP stand for As Soon As Possible \n\nYou can found more acronym at http://www.acronymfinder.com/
what is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is to live it.
What does it really mean to love somebody? How do you know if it's truly love what you feel for them?
You will know.
non POSIX-compatible C functions?
You can think of POSIX as a runtime standard for C, but for many reasons, some language/operating system providers decide to either not provide a determined function, change its parameters, its name or some criterion on how to handle the request.\nIf a certain operating system does support the full set of POSIX operations with the standard names, parameters and criteria, then they may certify that with IEEE.\nThat allows you to create a C program and, as long as you use only POSIX functions, it's bound to work correctly on any POSIX-conformant system.\n\nHope it helped! Ignacio.--
i dreamed that i am undressed in public , any one know what its mean?
Having a dream about being naked means that youre hiding a part of your personality and are afraid to be exposed (made naked) to other people.
What is the role of women in Educational Technology?
I think you should try to talk with some women I.T. techs that work for any school district in any county
i have a problem wity program not responding?
is the program a software or is it a page in the internet or is it that you are opeinning many screens ? press Ctrl then Alt then Delete (all pressed together now) to get task manager and under applications see whats not working and click on it and the bottom click end task...you dont need to restart.
can anybody tell a bit about mona lisa?
"The Mona Lisa (Italian, Spanish: La Gioconda; French: La Joconde), is an oil painting on poplar wood by the famous Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci and is perhaps the most famous painting in art history; few other works of art are as romanticized, celebrated, or reproduced. It is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musée du Louvre in Paris.\n\nThe painting shows a woman looking out at the viewer with what is often described as an "enigmatic smile"."\n\nCheck the source for more information.
what is the best way to sell lyrics?
I'm a pro writer. Nobody "buys" lyrics. Your best bet is to find a collaborator who will write music to your lyrics.
if a guy who is engaged keeping a platonic friend with a lady bt does nt tell her of hs being engaged is itBAD
YES that is a bad thing, if they are only friends why not tell her of his life commitment to you? JUST FRIENDS would be happy for one another and want to share the good news, he didn't.
Can the electorial college override the majority of the vote? if so, why?
Yes. It is possible for the winner of an election to get as little as 39% of the vote, and carry the electoral college. This happens when the winner wins by only a handful of votes in states he or she wins, and losing completely in all other states.\nThis is caused by the lack of proportional voting in states. A states electoral votes, with exceptions of Maine and Nebraska, either go all to one candidate or the other. If half the state votes one way, and half the other, the smaller half is effectively not counted. With proportional voting, or district-level voting, this remains true, but it can only affect one vote per state, and is as likely to fall one way as the other.\nI hope this answered your question.
If super nova could be explained as a temperature what would it be?
The temperature in a supernova can reach 1,000,000,000 °C.
what is the best fluid mechanics book in chemical engineering for a bachelor student?
I'm a big fan of Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot. It wasn't required by my professor, but I bought it and used it extensively to help me understand the material.
Adding a Tivo to a wireless network?
I successfully used a Belkin F5D6050 2.4 GHz 802.11b wireless USB adapter with TiVo. Make sure your SSID and WEP encryption key match your wireless router. If that still doesn't work, try connecting the wireless adapter to a laptop in the same location as your TiVo to make sure you actually have a signal. If that doesn't work, or if you get fed up with cordless phones knocking you off (like me), consider a pair of PowerLine Ethernet bridges and a USB-to-Ethernet adapter for the TiVo (see www.tivo.com/adapters for compatibility).
Do you think Martin Brodeur best dys are behind him.?
He's still good -- but not as good as he used to be; and he looked HORRIBLE tonight against Toronto!
how many ways can you spell tonight?
About the same number of ways I could spell last night. Seems I never learn anymore.
how is the RIAA catching individuals downloading pirated music?
The short answer is, yes, of course they are tracking IPs. The long answer to your other question follows.\n\nIt is a straight-forward, multistep process.\n\n1. Encourage laws that require internet service and server providers to log IP addresses (9/11 pretty much nailed that one for them).\n2. Collect proof of misdeeds for each particular P2P service that is allowing illegal file copying.\n3. Sue the P2P service and demand they hand over IP addresses of offending users.\n4. Trace IP addresses back to users. Remember, the businesses involved all have to keep records.\n\nAlso, some programs embed identifying information in them.\n\nPretty much any Microsoft program, at least one that uses OLE Structured Storage, creates these huge ID numbers in them called a GUID for each item in the file. Part of that ID number is their IP address or the unique hardware ID of their interface card, I forget which.\n\nAlso, the encoding process which generates an MP3 file from a CD can store some information in the file which can be used to piece together who created it. It may not be enough to find who did it but it is probably helpful in proving a given computer did it once they have that computer.\n\nThere is probably more going on but you get the idea. At each point along the way, from creating the song file, to transfering it to a service, and downloading it from a service, bits of information are accumulating.\n\nThe more times a person does each of these things, the easier it is to find them, prove it is them, and notice that they are doing a lot. And, just as important, more evidence is accumulating which is used in court as proof of a crime being committed and intent to commit a crime on the part of the peope being sued by the RIAA - or whoever.\n\nSo, either listen to: music you buy, public domain music, music from the radio - or compose/play your own.\n\nYou probably don't like it when you found out someone copied off your test at school. It makes them get a higher grade than they deserve and if the test is graded on a curve, your A- work can wind up being counted as a B+. \n\nWell, songwriters composed that music and/or lyrics, musicians practiced and learned to play that song and paid to use a recording studio to perform it in. When people don't pay to hear that play, the musicians still have their expenses to pay but no royalty check to pay for it. They lose money doing what they love.\n\nEven if someone cannot afford a whole album they can still afford to buy their favorite song for 99 cents.
Does a root canal treatment pose a potential health threat?
I had a root canal two years ago, and practically drove myself insane worrying about the potential health impact of it down the road. Other than the first few days, I've never had any significant pain or discomfort. I've come to the realization that since I'm only in my early 30's, I'd rather take the risk with a root canal and keep my tooth, rather than have it yanked and either be toothless or pay a lot of money for other options that would still involve putting foreign substances in my mouth. So, I guess my recommendation regarding root canals would be that if you are a healthy person, with a good immune system, a root canal would probably be a good option, rather than losing your tooth. But, I do believe they could impact your health, and the decision should be an informed one.
how do i plan a wedding?
The first place you should start is to visit:\nwww.theknot.com\nThey have more information than you could ever find anywhere else. From engagement to honeymoon, and everything inbetween. I'm planning my wedding right now, and it has helped me a lot!!! Good luck!