why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass table?
Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly capture images of the surface beneath the mouse. The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect imperfections in the underlying surface and determine motion. Some materials, such as glass, mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces interfere with the ability of the DSP to accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse. \nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they constantly reflect back the same image, causing the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the system is unable to see surface changes associated with movement, the mouse will not work properly.
Why can't women just see things our way and like it??????
Cause if we did, then we'd never get you to design and build the beautiful dog houses that you so artfully construct. Now be a dear and go design another. *wink*\n\nBut seriously, could that be a generalization? I guess I just wonder that cause often times I find myself siding with my male friends and thinking my women friends are just messed up in their thinking. Maybe its not a male/female thing. Maybe it really is just how each of us programmed. I venture to say that I'm sure there are women out there that might quite possibly see things your way......and love it! Don't give up hope on that. We're a pretty cool species if I do say so myself. *wink*
how do companies make money by giving software for free?
Depends on the company.\n\nThe AVG and AntiVir free anti-virus software is given away free to individuals to advertise the business versions of those products.\n\nA lot of open source software (gcc, xemacs, etc.) is given away free and the programmers charge for a manual teling you all the cool tricks under the surface. Red Hat, SUSE and IBM all support Linux, so can invest in the software on the back of massive support contracts with people running Linux.\n\nSoftware such as Firefox is supported by selling merchandise and by getting a cut from Google for having the Google bar installed by default and Google as the default home page.\n\nOpera's free edition used to be supported by adverts in the browser, for which they were payed. Many small companies go down this route.\n\nThere are also some dodgy pieces of software which you can download for free that install rubbish onto your computer, that either dials premium rate numbers using your modem, or steals your information to sell to criminals. These tend to be either games or pornography based downlaods, but can be anything. So long as you know where you're downloading from, you can avoid these.
I want to start piercing in kansas and I was wanting to know how to go about getting my licence for piercing?
Excellent! The more the merrier! I live in KS, and we can never have too many. State law requires that you be certified through the State Board of Cosmetology. Have a look at the link, and you'll be on your way :)
has any work done on isolation and identification of microorganisms from tinned foods.?
Plenty of information in journals of Food Microbiology or Bacteriology. \nSome common pathogenic microorganisms in canned foods:\n-Clostridium botulinum\n- many species of genus Bacillus that produce heat-resistant spores. \n- Clostridium perfringens in semi-conserves.\n\nMy mom is a bacteriologist and she tells me that if the canning process goes bad, you can find almost anything in there. \nThe point is that there are lab protocols for the detection of each microorganism (well, some are broader and some are more specific), so you'll probably only find what you have searched for.
Can I sue a company for not unsubscribing me when I request to be unsubscribed from a mailing list?
It's not worth it, they have not done anything to put you or your loved ones at a health risk, they are just simply overstuffing your email account with unwanted ads.... it would be like trying to sue the post office because of unwanted junkmail... the case would never fly.
does the Dell insirion 2200 have built in wireless?
well yes it does and I also have some information to help back this up for you.\n\nbtw it is a TRUEMOBILE 2200 WLAN 802.11B/G MINI PCI WIRELESS NETWORK CARD :)
will the mets win the world series this year?
Right now they have a 1/30 chance, which is roughly three percent. \n\nThere are other variables such as luck, injuries, and performance that can raise this number. \n\nIf the Mets go to the playoffs at the end of the regular season they will have theoretically a 1/8 chance which is roughly 12 percent. \n\nIf they go to the World Series, they will have roughly a 1/2 chance depending on such things as whether they have homefield advantage, a healthy pitching staff, and guys that step it up big in the playoffs. \n\nThere is a high probablity your Mets will not win the World Series this year. But you never know and this is Baseball so anytihng can happen.
What are some good resources for subletting houses or condos in the San Diego, CA?
Hey, just bringing this old question up for a vote. \n\nIf you have not found the answer you are looking for, please, feel free to use one of the following links from my personal collection:\n\nhttp://www.dogpile.com\nhttp://www.itools.com/\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page\nhttp://www.dictionary.com\nhttp://www.thefreedictionary.com/\nhttp://www.medterms.com/script/main/hp.asp\nhttp://www.alexa.com\nhttp://www.searchtools.com/tools/tools.html\nhttp://www.infopeople.org/search/chart.html\nhttp://www.brbpub.com/pubrecsites.asp\nhttp://www.searchsystems.net/\nhttp://library.albany.edu/internet/choose.html\nhttp://www.archive.org/\nhttp://www.publicnoticeads.com/\nhttp://www.samspade.org\nhttp://www.free-ed.net/free-ed/ \nhttp://www.hplearningcenter.com \nhttp://www.petfinder.com/\nhttp://www.findlaw.com\nhttp://www.rxlist.com\nhttp://www.webmd.com\nhttp://www.truthorfiction.com\nhttp://www.salary.com\nhttp://www.songlyrics.com/\n\nMy post is simply to encourage you to pick a "Best Answer" or to assist you in finding the answer. \n\nThank you!
Amazing Race or Survivor?
Definitely the Amazing Race. \n\nThe Amazing Race rewards hustle, luck and teamwork while taking you all over the world as people try to find their way from point A to point B. The best people usually are in the finale and win.\n\nSurvivor rewards backstabbing, alliances and pointless games while trying to make you feel bad about a bunch of people living in a hut for 3 weeks. The winner in survivor is never the strongest or brightest (those get eliminated way before because they are "too strong") but the most backstabbing ones.
how is this possible?
The man wrote "Your exact weight" on the paper.
How do planes fly upside down?
More than Bernoulli's principle and wing shape (airfoil) are at work in keeping a plane in the air. The main criteria is the "angle of attack" of the wing. That is, the angle at which the wing meets the air passing by it. When a plane is flying, its wing is always at a positive angle of attack; the leading edge of the wing is higher relative to the air going over it than the trailing edge. So the air pushes the wing up. When the plane is inverted, the angle of attack must be great enough to overcome the "negative lift" created by the airfoil. This is accomplished by adjusting the elevator. Inverted flight will always require the input of down elevator.
a game to my cell phone for free. possible or not ?
If i were a geek...my life would be a lot easyer....but i think i do know how. (Everything you do is at your own risk) Im assuming because you have the USB cord you have Mobile phone tools? My mobile phone tools doesn't let me put games on. Here is a site with some links that will help you download the games:\nhttp://motoaide.com:8081/download.htm\n\nGoodluck
Is Ganguly unfit to play cricket?
No, its because of what happened bewteen him and the Indian coach Greg Chappell
What are the dates of the georgian period?
I believe that you mean what are the dates of the Georgian Periods which are 1714 - 1810 and 1714 - 1830. See reference for details.
What kind of acids do not completely ionize in solution?
Weak acids and organic acids in water.\n\nBut remember the solution depends on what the solvent is. In water, the seven strong acids essentially completely ionize...i.e. can be considered completely ionized.
was oj guilty?
Yes, he was.
Is there a recursive algorithm that generates all the permutations of a given string ?
Here's a java solution that uses recursion. The permute function takes two arguments: a done portion and a todo portion. The basic idea is that each of the characters in the todo portion could be the next character. So, at each step, n recursive calls are made, where n is the length of todo. Each call chooses a different character as the next character to go into the done portion. So, the first time the number of recursive calls will equal the number of characters in the initial string. Each of these calls will make further recursive calls equal to the number of characters in the initial string minus one. And so on. Thus, the number of solutions will be n! = n*n-1*n-2*...*1, where n is the number of characters in the initial string.\n\nThe program below was tested with java's sun compiler 1.4.2.\npublic class perm\n{\n public perm(String S)\n { \n permute("", S);\n } \n public void permute(String done, String todo) \n { \n if ((todo.length()==0)||\n (todo.equals("")))\n System.out.println(done);\n else \n { \n for (int i=0; i<todo.length(); i++)\n { \n String c = todo.substring(0,1);\n todo = todo.substring(1);\n permute(done+c, todo); \n todo = todo + c; \n } \n } \n } \n public static void main(String args[])\n { \n if ((args.length==0)||\n (args[0].length()==0)||\n (args[0].equals("")))\n return; \n perm p = new perm(args[0]);\n } \n}
why is there no sex in the champagne room???
A champagne room is a specialized service at strip clubs where customers can purchase time with exotic dancers. The room is private, well decorated, and some even have a bar, food, and cigars. Champagne is sold by the glass or bottle. Many clubs have bouncers or cameras to make sure there is "no sex in the champagne room" while other clubs are notorious for allowing prostitution.
Want to know what happened to my old login.?
If it has been a while since you have logged into that account the Yahoo has probably deleted the account. You may want to try logging in, and then send the old password to your e-mail and see what happens.. If not then I guess that they ID has been deleted and that you will have to get another one.
When did people start calling each other "dude"?
The original meaning of this American-born word is still its first definition today, 'a man excessively concerned with his clothes, grooming and manners'. I thought that dude was an old word, but I thought wrong. I guess it's because the word sounds vaguely like duke, and all those titles of royalty are fairly ancient. But dude first appeared in print in 1878. The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang cites an 1877 reference in a letter--not published, however, until 1988--from the painter and sculptor Frederick Remington: "Don't send me any more [drawings of] women or any more dudes." By 1883, dude was in wider circulation. In June of that year, its popularity was noted by Massachusetts’ North Adams Transcript: "The new coined word 'dude'...has travelled over the country with a great deal of rapidity since but two months ago it grew into general use in New York." By 1885, it had established a strong enough foothold to appear in Ulysses S. Grant's Personal Memoirs: "Before the car I was in had started, a dapper little fellow--he would be called a dude at this day--stepped in."\n\nFairly soon, a dude came to mean an Easterner or a city slicker, and especially someone who vacations on a ranch--thus dude ranch.\n\nDude also spawned quite a few odd derivatives, such as dudedom, dudeness, dudery, dudism, dudish, dudess and dudine--the last two meaning 'female dudes'. None of these is in general use today. I thought dudess might have had a revival as part of the surfer culture; however, Malia Alani of Surfer Magazine said no. She e-mailed me that "I don't think there is a feminine word for dude. A traditional Hawaiian word used commonly for women surfers is wahine." (Note: following the appearance of the column, several readers have informed me that dudette is the feminine form of dude. A quick search of Nexis confirms the word is, in fact, current. Thanks, everyone.)\n\nThe meaning of the word as 'a male person' has been in wide use since the 1960's. This is from a 1968 book called College Drug Scene: "And I got into symbolic logic and semantics with a cat who had studied with Korzybski and electronics from a dude who had an Associate of Arts degree in anthropology from 1941." The use of dude in direct address to a male began much earlier. This is from a 1945 book called Silversides: "Hey, dude, there's a ship out here!"\n\nThe origin of dude is uncertain. There are a few speculations, the most interesting of which, to my mind, is from A Dictionary of Slang by Eric Partridge. He says that it may have come from the word dud--which, at the time, meant 'a delicate weakling'--"influenced by attitude."
what is the difference between domestic and foriegn policy?
domestic means issues in a itself country ex.(such as the patriot act)and forgein means dealing with other countires ex.( oil agreements).
Baseball trivia.Who won the first World Series?What year,how many games it took,and the winner the next year.?
Before the birth of the World Series in 1903, there were other postseason championships that took place as early as 1884. Although they are not officially recognized as part of World Series history, they provide a basis for the establishment of what has become recognized as "The Fall Classic." \n\nFirst World Series Winner: Boston Red Sox 1903:\n1903 Boston Red Sox 5, Pittsburgh 3\n\n8 games\n\nIn 1904 there wasn't a winner, trick question
How can u make ur hair grow faster than ever!!!!!!!?
Actually vitamins! When I was on vitamins my hair and nails grew like crazy! You'll find your hair and nails are stronger and more lustrous than ever. A daily vitamin with 100% of the minerals and vitamins recommended ought to do it! Good luck......let me know how it goes!
how do u find ur destiny or soulmate?
If it is destiny and assuming destiny exists, it will find you.
How can I pass The Piroxy ?
The easiest way is to use a web based proxy, one where you go to a website and tell it the site you want to go to and it takes you there. The people who are blocking the content only can tell that you went the the proxy site but will not know where you went using that. I have listed some below. You can also configure your computer to automatically use a proxy server. The directions to do this are below.\n\n1.On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.\n\n2.Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.\n\n3.In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server.\n\n4.In the Port box, type the port number that is used by the proxy server for client connections (by default, 8080).\n\n5.You can click to select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box if you do not want the proxy server computer to be used when you connect to a computer on the local network (this may speed up performance).\n\n6.Click OK to close the LAN Settings dialog box.\n7.Click OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.\n\n\nThere are both anonymous proxies and ones that are not anonymous. Both will get you buy the "firewall" that you seem to have. Using an anonymous proxy prevents the website that you are browsing from knowing who you are, they think that you are the proxy server.\n\nFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. \nA proxy server is a computer network service that allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services. A client connects to the proxy server, then requests a connection, file, or other resource available on a different server. The proxy provides the resource either by connecting to the specified server or by serving it from a cache. In some cases, the proxy may alter the client's request or the server's response for various purposes.
how can i copy full web site to my hard disk?
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. \n\nIt allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.
What do I buy my boyfriend?
This dog feeder fits well into a modern art decor. It should appeal to all his senses - the dog, the modern art, it's somewhat gourmet (for his dog at least) and the engineering involved in bent plywood design is somewhat geeky :)\n\nhttp://www.postmodernpets.com/dogp_bentplyfeeder.htm
Two numbers with a sum of -4 and a difference of 10.?
B\n-7-3=10\n-7+3=-4\n\ni dont know why everyone's giving you such complicated answers, ive taken plenty of algebra and calculus and you certainly don't need any of that for this... you just subtract and then add the two numbers from each choice in your head and see which ones give you what they're looking for... start with adding up all the numbers, its easier, plus, choice b is the only one where the numbers even add to -4
Religious quotes?
I always like the one below:
what is the energy released in an earthquake?
You need to know the magnitude, the link below will give you the formula.
What u think about the war?
bush make sence?? ben laden hides at afganistan, Bush attacks Iraq?!!! \nplease.. don't be that stubid.\ni guess since you never had war at your land you'll never understand what war is..\n\nliving in war my friend mean no fredom at all, you can't do anything other than living in constant fear if whta you or your loved ones might die in such terrible way and for no good reason.\n\nwar can serves the inrests of big rich people such as BUsh and his bodys (sharon and ect.)\n\ndon't tell me war is good or make sence.\n\nanimals of the same spices don't call war agains each other!! (unless ofcourese they were trained too by people)\n\nat last, i hate war, it easly destroy everything a soicity billt in too much years.
What is the hippest and bestest website ever conceived on the planet? I may die if I never know this.?
straightdope.com is the best website of all; however, etsy.com has the coolest possible interface for browsing their items by color!
Which are good webpages to read news around the world?
Hi,\n\nI highly recommend the below websites :\n\n1. http://www.cnn.com\n2. http://news.google.com\n3. You can also have the feature of syndication at http://my.yahoo.com\n\n\nRegards,\nJimmy T.
what is the capital of philippines?
Manila, official named the City of Manila (Filipino: Lungsod ng Maynila) is the capital city of the Philippines. The city stands on the eastern shore of Manila Bay on the largest Philippine island, Luzon. Despite pockets of grinding poverty, it is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and its metropolitan area is the country's economic, cultural, educational, and industrial center.
How many gallons of gasoline are produced from 1 barrel of crude?
According to the Department of Energy, a 42 gallon barrel of crude oil produces actually 44 gallons worth of petroleum products, since refined petroleum reduces density and fills greater volume. For every barrel that enters the United States, about 19.7 gallons of gasoline are produced. The rest of the barrel is used, just for other petroleum-based products.
How often should two people in a relationship have sex?
as often as they can and want to\n2 - 5 times a day is a good number
If you could change into any animal, what animal would it be?
an eagle.
Do you believe on judgement day?
I belive judgement day will be caused by man with nuclear weapons. Acutaly, call me crazy, but its a repeating dream i have of watching a horizon of missles taking off and mushroom clouds and gunfire over suburbia america at night, hearing the sierns overhead and waiting or running, bracing in my mind for the blast to hit and vaporize me, Sometimes i know whats going on and have time to say goodbye, somtimes i dont.
who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Role Models?
You may want to look at his book "Profiles in Courage".
what is structured blogging?
Structured Blogging is a way to get more information on the web in a way that's more usable. You can enter information in this form and it'll get published on your blog like a normal entry, but it will also be published in a machine-readable format so that other services can read and understand it.\n\nThink of structured blogging as RSS for your information. Now any kind of data - events, reviews, classified ads - can be represented in your blog.\n\nStructured Blogging makes it easy to create, edit, and maintain different kinds of posts and is very similar to an edit form on a blog. The difference is that the structure will let users add specific styles to each type, and add links and pictures for reviews.\n\nThese styles and tags ensure that movie and book reviews don't look like calendar or journal entries, and that each content type can be quickly recognized and processed by automated search services and other applications. Woven into the HTML of a blog post, this information travels with it through syndication feeds, readers, and aggregators. Ultimately, it can even be converted out to other formats our Structured Blogging tools support such as RDF in XML.
The Fictional mans namefor the colors of the rainbow?
ROY G. BIV = red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet
do you prefer DLS or CABLE internet?
Cable and DSL are two different types of internet services. Cable runs on the same line that brings you cable tv, while DSL runs on a phone line. Cable is significantly faster than DSL, and in some cases can be more than 5X the speed of DSL in residential areas. Although DSL is a lot cheaper than cable internet, speed is mainly what people need.
what do tomatoes do?
The get ate!! They get put in chilli, ate by themselves, good with tacos mmm their ate.
Hello. My home address shows up in Yahoo searches. How may I block that information from public view?
You can remove your listing using the link below.
What is a good software to build a Management System for an IT Services organization ?
try one of the big companies
What is your favorite holiday tradition (any holiday)? Where does it come from?
Every Christmas we all load up and drive around looking at the lights and singing Christmas carols. It's so much fun.
what do u think about Islam and its book named "Quraan" ?
for every Messenger got his miracles that happened for a period of time and then it was finished ... except for Islam, the miracle continues forever with Quran, the purley holy book from God the almighty.\n\nup to this day they are discovering many things out of it, it works on all the time and place, either in science or everyday life, it teaches us about everything.
which most famous person is/was from your country?
I guess the most famous Indian was Mahatma Gandhi. \n\nHe was a great leader, who advocated non-violence and truth as the means to independence from British rule. He is known as the Father of the Nation. \n\nRead more at \nhttp://www.answers.com/main/ntquery?sm1=WW91ciBBbnN3ZXIgSSBndWVzcyB0aGUgbW9zdCBmYW1vdXMgSW5kaWFuIHdhcyBNYWhhdG1hIEdhbmRoaS4g&fw=9&fc=3&ss=-1&es=-1&gwp=11&ver=\n\nAmong all the great Indians of modern times, he stands the tallest. Hats off to him!
Where can i download free music for my ipod?
it's hard to download free music for ipod, but you can try out the share programs...\ngo to http://www.download.com and file sharing in the search, and you will find many that could help.
Wher can I purchase a yellow gold 'Harm None' or 'Blessed Be' ring?
when you are arrested indicted and arrainged isn,t it proceedure to make it known to the public in news paper?
its up to the newspapers to print wahtever they want, free speech.
Why do we need to carry and show social security cards as they are not photo IDs and invite identity theft?
in my opinion social security cards have gotten out of hand you need one for everything. when it first started out it was an optional retirement program funded by your tax dollars.. and look at it now you need it to get married its messed up
Please describe a pollution situtaion you have experienced...?
Working in environmental analytics, pollution situations are a common experience. One of the most common occurrances of pollution is sullage or liquid manure in surface waters, absolutely deadly for all life forms requiring oxygen from the water, and poisonous for plants in high concentrations, too.\n\nPollution can be quite natural...
i want to take classes to become an auto insurance agent, where do i look?
You'll want to get 3 licenses:\nP&C license (Property & Casualty)\nLife & Health license\nSecurities License (Depending on the state that you live in, this could mean a Series 6 & 63 OR Series 7)\nThe reason is that most auto insurance agencies now sell auto, home, life and investments. Even if you put a specialist in your office to sell the other stuff you will still need to have the licenses to get commissions on them.\nI would talk to Erie Insurance. They sell as independent agents and offer more than one company. This can be very important. Lets say you own a State Farm agency and then six months from now they have a huge rate increase. You lose half your customers and can't do anything about it. Go independent and those same customers can call you up and you can rewrite them with a different company. You can order your study materials here:\nhttp://www.dearborn.com
what DLLs really do?
A library of common code that can be used by mutiple applications at the same time. \nSo, if you are a major software vender, like e.g. Microsoft, you will not need to ship all of your application with multiple copies of the same, underlying, code. That code is put into DLLs. The opposite of DLLs is staticly linked libraries, which are bundled directly into the applications, hence making them bigger.
is ian thorpe gay?..i'm really sorry,i'm just curious..?
He doesn't look it
who will be the new Maradona? Is it Tevez, Messi, Riquerme, Saviola, Gallardo, Ortega, Aimar or Veron?
none of the above. they had not scores with their hands
where do you purchase a american express gift card?
Order them online here:\n\nhttp://www10.americanexpress.com/sif/cda/page/0,1641,16130,00.asp\n\nOr at the following locations:\n\nhttp://www143.americanexpress.com/tcintl/feefreelocator/request?request_type=SellerLocation&product=G
For the new beta yahoo. How can reduce the advertisement space at the right side when you are reading message
there will be a sighn that looks like this >> press it and i think it will go in
where can i get a list of doctors that take tenncare?
Given all the changes in Tenncare, that's an interesting and vexing question. I've been looking at the TennCare site (1st URL below) for a while, and it's not particularly useful. You might try their Family Assistance telephone number (866-311-4287), which is from their Important numbers page (2nd URL). Over on the State of TN xite, I found a list of HMOs whose doctors accept TennCare (3rd URL). A fairly generic county-by-county database of health resources (bigger things like health departments & community clinics) can be found at the 4th URL. Finally, the TennHelp site (5th URL) offers a fairly involved search for providers. The 6th URL points to the last step in the search process, where you just choose what county you're in and hit the Search Now button. The cadeuceus icon beside search results indicates providers who offer "reduced-cost or free health services to low-income or uninsured Tennesseans."
“A runner can never reach the end of a racecourse”, is it true?
****Edit to clarify******\nWhile the professor below is correct, and the poster below him is partially correct, you can only assume that the course is complete if you include the finite answer as an infinate series.\n\nThe prime example of this is that 1.999 repeating is NOT equal to 2.0 unless 2.0 is infinite, ie 2.000000 repeating. You can not deal with unlike in infinate numbers. Ie, you can not translate an infinite number to a finite number and still have the same premise. \n\nSo unless the data deals with an infinate equality, the runner never will reach his destination.\n*********end edit***********\n\nWhile it is true that the runner will finish the course, as we know that every course has a start and ending point; in regards to math, unless the start and end are constants and predefined, the answer is simple: THe runner will never reach the end. The reason for this is that without a predefined set of start and end, the course is continous.
Is Mattew McCaughny single [an actor]?
who the hell cares hes f***ing stupid
I am now single after seven years of marriage. Very happy to be out of my cage.Can anyone relate?
Relationship in marriage is not like a cage. It is sharing of various issues - feelings, emotions, togetherness, oneness, sex and many more. Afterall both are life partner. Pls don't make it a cage. Feeling free after being single is not the right solution. Happiness & freeness can be felt/ realised even being together also.
"Getting a common nation to whole world" how much u believe it to be worthy?
If you are suggesting that the world simply be one giant nation, I think it's a nice idea--but one that would never work.\n\nThe world is an unbelievably complex place--and that's when no one on it is trying to destroy anyone. Since that seems never to happen, it only complicates it further. I think the best that we can hope for is that those nations who can have enough good sense to elect leaders who can truly think globally and fully appreciate the problems and needs of people far away.
Is it a coincidence that you put "the" and "IRS" you get "theirs"?
no but i found it rather entertaining
I hate the email beta...I want the old email?
Cool...did you have a question?
elevation in marion nc?
I don't know.
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me how can I find out if he is or isn't?
Dump him, and see what his reaction is. If he crys and begs to stay then no, if he is cool and leaves then he was a cheating on you. Let me know how it goes.
What states have no law requiring breaks for workers?
Few states require lunch or rest breaks, if any. I know that for most employees over the age of 18 in even more politically liberal states like New Jersey do not require rest breaks. Of course, many states regulate such for minors, but few for workers over the age of 18.\n\nI've included a link to a Department of Labor chart that gives requirements for each state on meal breaks. It's a pretty short list: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Washington, and West Virginia.\n\nFor rest breaks, the list shrinks to California, Colorad, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.\n\nPerhaps few regulate is because most employers voluntarily give rest breaks to employees to make work more bearable. Perhaps few regulate because unions, often providing the strongest labor law components in states, don't really care if non-unionized labor is forced to receive breaks, but really works hard to ensure that its own members are protected through contract agreements and bargaining. Regardless, I hope this information helps.
what's Mon, Nov 17, 12:34:01 A.M minus Sun, Nov 16, 11:30:50 P.M ?
You're really close! The answer is actually 1:03:11. You were off one minute because you forgot to borrow a minute from the 34 so you could subtract the seconds.
it's Bush a liar?
The answer is YES. Lying is his main function.
Who is the best running back in the NFL?
Jim Brown\nHe was a unaminous first-team all-NFL pick eight times, 1957 through 1961, 1963 through 1965. He played in 9 pro-bowls in nine years and had 12,312 rush yards in nine seasons. and 15,459 total net yards. He is also in the hall of fame
What is the most difficult topic in upper-division college mathematics?
It largely depends on the individual. Courses that emphasize theory (proving theorems) are generally harder than courses that merely involve performing calculations. There are basically four branches of mathematics: Analysis (calculus), Algebra, Geometry/Topology, and Foundational (Set theory and some metamathematical stuff). These are all quite abstract on the upper division level but often times an individual will have a higher aptitude in one or two over the others. I, for instance, found a fairly advanced abstract algebra course much easier than an introduction to analysis class. Also keep in mind that people that are drawn to math pure mathematics can usually get through the undergraduate material without too much difficulty. Individuals who are taking advanced mathematics courses to satisfy the requirements of some related program (education, engineering, business, etc) may find some of the more abstract material quite challenging. If your question pertains mostly to the latter case, then I'd just say that a good rule of thumb is that the difficulty of the course is probably directly proportional to the number prerequites. Differential Equations would probably be a good example since it should require about 3 semesters of calculus and linerar algrebra at least.
Is "one of plural nouns that has" correct?
Options 1 and 3 are grammatically correct. One does not need to use the perfect tense in this case, but if one does, they should use the third person plural for that particular example, as the subject of "to happen" is "events", not "one".
which are the uses of fourier transform in enginnering applications?
In industry, Fourier transforms are often used to determine the predominate frequencies in an analysis of noise on an electrical signal and also to find the predominate frequencies of vibration in a mechanical structure.
I am telephone sex operator i am looking for another sex operator job in philadelphia can any onr help me?
Yeah, technology should be on our side with this one. Better yet, start your own service, make your own money.
How to combat competition which underprices well below margins and has no business ethics?
In my experience, companies like this eventually get their's in the long run...generally if they lack ethics in their dealings with clients they also lack it internally...in their Accounting and Finance and HR functions too. You have seen a lot of companies who acted this way make headlines within the past few years (Enron, Worldcom, Lucent, etc), so we know that it does eventually does catch up with them...\n\nHowever, none of that solves your short-term dilemma so what I would recommend is a multi-part strategy that includes a lot of emphasis on what you do well. Differentiate your products, differentiate your services, stand head-and-shoulders over your competition in providing a great experience. Sure you could try to compete on margins, but in the end that only makes you have to sell harder and faster and could eventually bankrupt the company. \n\nI believe that just as there is room for cheaper and faster there is also room for creating a great buying / purchasing experience. Why else would companies like Mercedes Benz, Audi and BMW be around? They don't try to compete with Honda, Hyundai and Nissan. They cater to a specific clientele and show the value of their products...from the sales process to the service cycle, I think a similar approach, while a lot of work may be the only way to compete effectively.\n\nIf you spend your time fighting competitors like you have described above you waste valuable time that you could be better servicing your existing clients. Focus on them and they will in turn become your best source of leads and word of mouth advertising.
Seeking for Doctor Azisac's phone number office in Northdrige area.?
i am 18 years old and i am 5 foot 9 inches and i would like to know when we stop growing in height?
I was told by trainers & coaches around 23 to 25 yrs old
How come the CONCACAF got four spots in the World Cup if that region has the worst soccer in the planet?
Brazil and Argentina aren't a part of CONCACAF and are in CONOMBEL I think it's because they have a large population, and the United States has money!
how can i use microsoft outlook to browse my different mail accounts?
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/using/howto/oe/setup.mspx\n\nhope this could help u
How do you know if you truely love someone?
if u have to ask then i dont think your ready to marry this guy. dont give up on him though. everyone says you just know, thats true but its easier if the feelings are explained.when you can look at him and know that you would give up your life for him and if a bullet was going towards him you would be the one to jump in front of it then you know.when you know that his face is the face you want to wake up to for the rest of your life then you know. when you can look into his eyes and know that you can trust his word no matter what then you just know.
From where can I download ELIZA chatting program?
ELIZA ran on a mainframe computer in the sixties.\nSomeone duplicated it as a Java applet.....\nThis page contains a link to a zipped file and other information.....http://chayden.net/eliza/Eliza.html
what is the best game activity for a one year old boy?
Playing with blocks, balls, cars, stuffed animals, singing and any physical activity he can do are all great. Peak-a-boo, naming the objects, people and animals arond him are also great. Carrying him and dancing (gently) are also fun and good for you too. Read, for a short time, every day. Your library surely has sturdy board books with colorful pictures to look at. \nTake him outside and help him explore around the yard, park, wherever. \nAt that age it takes time to absorb new information, so don't rush, take your time and repeat things that hold his attention.\nSee what your son responds to best.\nThe games you play now will not be much fun for you but the relationship and mental foundation you are builidng now will pay off later. Good relations with parents are important for all kids.\nThe "What to Expect" Books have many ideas and good information.
why ask why?
Because the destiny of the human been is to ask until death !
how i can buy a home in usa without money?
FHA loans for first time home buyers do offer some no money down loans. Talk to your loan officer of choice. These loans may have higher interest rates, and certainly include PMI (premium mortgage insurance) that will increase your payments.
What is the best midrange laptop?
This is a very subjective question and I believe it directly depends on what you value in a midrange laptop. The best and cheapest midrange laptop for you depends on if you want to play games or just use basic email/internet/office programs.\n\nIf you want to play games, then look for a laptop that comes with an ATI 9700 mobility video card or 9800 video card. Also get at least 512MB of RAM memory if you can.\n\nYou can look through different laptops that are available at http://www.pricewatch.com They search through lots of different companies.
What's the Commonwealth?
The Commonwealth refers to countries that were once under British rule, but are independent today. One interesting fact is that the sport of Cricket is very popular in most Commonwealth countries. More information in the source below.
Are law students exempt from a national guard deployment overseas?
If you join, and get called, you have to go. The others have to, so why should the law student get special treatment?
where is caraguatatuba?
"The City of Caraguatatuba, widely known by its abbreviation Caraguá, is a city in in the northeastern state of São Paulo in Brazil."
Does Club La Vela Still Exist in Panama City, FL?
Yes it does, but they are remodelling until New Year's Eve.
I will like to recieve financial aid can I still apply for it while about to be going toCommunity college?
Higher education financial is available for you. You financial assistance is based on the income that your parents make. If they a lot then you get less. Check out the site for more information.
Do we dream in black and white or in colour ?
I dream in color 99% of the time. I really can't recall dreaming in black and white. I'm sure everyone is different, however, to some extent.
how does a mail qualify to be a spam?
when there is an abuse of any electronic communications medium to send unsolicited messages to someone in bulk. In the popular eye, the most common form of spam is that delivered in e-mail as a form of commercial advertising.
who stands to profit from the war in iraq?
Several stand to profit from this war. Large war corporations are first. They are currently making large amounts of government money with war neccesities such as ammunition and more. Second, in the rebuilding process other large corporations stand to profit by assimilating their products into the Iraqi society. \nPerhaps, if things go right the Iraqis could profit from the war... but it will be a long and arduous journey.
Where do babies come from?
when the egg and sperm unites theres fertilization. after that unity, the egg and sperm will become multiples cells which would eventually become a fetus and growing and growing to become a baby. that baby will then come out either from your mother's abdomen (c-section) or vagina (normal delivery)
Is the Catholic Church is the true Christian & Historical church that Jesus established? If not, then why?
The Catholic Church is NOT the first Christian church and is certainly not the one that Christ established or would have approved of. Their teachings, practices, and doctrines are not in harmony with the scriptures that Christ cherished so dearly. In the first century Christian congregation there was no allowance for a pope, there was no blasphemous teaching of a trinity, and Mary certainly wasn't venerated as she is today.\n\nPeter is not the "rock" that Christ was referring to. Catholics always tend to get this scripture incorrect. The context (the surrounding verses) are speaking about Jesus Christ, not Peter. Christ was simply talking to Peter about it, not making Peter the cornerstone of the congregation because Jesus himself is the head of the congregation.
How to use Yahoo! e-mail with Outlook Express?
You used to be able to do that for free. Now you have to have a paid account. Then they give you the proper server addresses and login privilages to do so. Sorry.
I am so sick!!?
Flu shots don't always protect against flus, they just give you a better chance of avoiding them. Or it could be a cold, or it could be food poisoning with allergies.\n\nYou could get an anti-emetic from a doctor, but I suggest ginger tea, candied ginger or gingersnaps to help with the nausea. Other than that, it's bed rest, fluids and vitamins.
how to increase the LAN available reception range for my laptop?
Free: Put your access point in a higher, clearer location. Away from walls. Move it to the very center of where you will be accessing it from.\n\nCost: go buy an antenna, or get a more powerful router/access point. Upgrade to N technology. This is a bit newer than G and goes farther.